VOL VU. Na 1,
PRIOK 919 per trunki
TERMA OF SUBSCRIPTION www FRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GATE?TE. W danas, te Ding, Jr Abby ↑ Did Theme Branta, & Delians; all peliin siiripos. Fert Primm, La Dolfen, pj. Dobers, sed ? Dollern, fejle parkii of Tools, Ma, sol Three Hough? suportruly: Bingle Numhaftes?. B?taribus 26 ani nick ;-ta. Nya-Sulgathers, 1 Kupos. Particu oslibag sending to th? Chu..for news and reguisend te pag anak.. TERMS OF ADVERristian Tan dies pad share | Dolar; addicional, 19 vous ? lain. Ripetitors macthird of the Best inertia. Ships,—First Inmersion, & Deflora's Bobsequent inserziona 45 eng Advertisments to hang writion on the fios of diem, the number of times shy are eagaleach in oppone, mbaruan shey will he published with completed. In all instance, than wie hra noi Bublarskers, zup? I pay in alumin
AND INtungRojave Poses,
THE EQUITABLE INSURANES SOCIETY OF CALOUTTA. THE PerentUser at OxT THE Undersigned are anthosised to grum Po- Loorer in ?h?tan and Shangh?l, payable here, TAL COSPLAT's Ban"
Shig PBX101, w?i intra thin | in Lonnie Calomnia, Mestres, and Bombay.
The u-ulemmes of Tan por Cost dale n? alt | Pressions contribue
for the above place on Thurs chuhe day she soch. Einimber?stru. ? Caned will be recefred on mardun Noon, and Bracze mali? 4 r. 18, on the 10th,
For partfonlar fagarding FugrenY OR? P’A00AUD, apply at the P. & O; D. N. Company's Odes Hongkong.
J. A. OLDING, Agmt. Flonging. 30th Koremb?r, 1547.
NOTICE. THE P. & 0.6. 29. Chemmers from Flowe 1 rose will in future proceed throughout to BANAT, touching un burstotheo at Brnoar?wn Parako, and Galle, sho·TE COLORED, COVETI, CALLOUT. Goa, and” Yisposta: "For mucijonlar? of Freight and Pass, apply at the F. & Off)
N. Co. Os
Hongkong, 19th Ostober, 1941.
TUE P. & 0. 4.K. Comrax's, will from this dale undertake the conveyance of Spacia from Chine, and the Straits, to Southampton, under the conditions specified in their customary Bill af Lading, at 2) per oval.
"JA. OLDING,~ &gent. P.&O. 8. N. Company's Otton Victoria, Slot Dvoetelur, 1867.
gieter, in quo oni, fi feram. Per particulars, apply on Board to
Victoria, 10th November. 1867.
LINDSAY & Cn. Agoma Mpakabin Mouranen, Beristy. Hongkong 171, B6, 20, 1947.
PHIE Undesigned here bon greskatel Aramm of
OLYPHANT & Co, Canton,
Jih August, 1867.
FOR SALE PLEASUS V1.BOAT, nearly now, wish Stings, ANEM,
two corajate selts of faili, und inndry other :
'DRINKER, HEYL & Co. Sch November, 1947.
JUST RECEIVED and Ger Balu, se involue of
theshare named Company, maduro prepared to grane Polim Vargasa di shanghai, pagasta ?n | Then pl′3, 4, and 6 Lights wash. London, Liverpool, Cuicuta, Bo?ay, and Quaion.
asporine Bolur Patental Lainfa and Chande-
Cemon, 16th Jane, 1847.
IER JOHN G. WARD ie admitted ? Partner in dk our Homes, An Intiemet nai Raspisivality "commanding me the jet of June ?lest.
AUGOTINE HEARD &C.. Chaton, B?ck, July 1847.
NOTICE. holy given the Mr JOHN THISTLETH WAIT: enood to be in our amping from the, 17th day of April hat post, by lapre of the term of agreement, by which be wat empowered to set for us in the moungement of war establishment aziating. up to that time aj Bhenghai, and to sign for an there by Promiion.
B. WATERHODAM & Co. Niwepo, fich Auzon, ?SAT.
"NOTICE. Basicas in Hongkong will be evadested DURING the abonnes of the Undertignal,
Mostro Purtsar Moons & Co.
Vivoris, 18th August, 1947.
ER DUDDiSEL in amberim? by J. QELE Interest a??MUKTION
? Publi? Avorion, on Thursday, the ach i while ont un ferry blade de mar
ordul January, M4?, at moon, on heard, ? Human Lamant si a'
the well knows Get Palling Bee LINNET,
We also senpenon that we have oombliched it' Shanghel,a Branch of our Humih, under ngr own nate and style, and Mis ?ment Poutis Baul will sign the same there, by Preegraalum.
119 Tons Register, wik' all her Tuelle, and Ap. | Jon, Wisatay"" "Money, and Chonan: V??ny purtansson, ja ch?t ?ar u? the Harbor Master's Lamade Whork, malom previously dispend of by private Central. The T?rk kid further particulars.
Vistoria, Hongkong: 50l
phor, (847.
USES in Well- *Poker Bus.
Vi?teris, 8th November, 1947.
TO BE LET. HOME Houro sind Shop, lately secopied by
? 3138 Baljage in indien Me Camenaly / Cha from Honghent to?this plani, wha?e bo troeta do
-CLARK LIN ?RN, 1847.
(?t prinost No. 1, Now China Drest.) *NOTICE.
quity of Extra Globalhaden and Chimaire.
DRINKER, HEYL & Co. Ploteris, 10th Demerber, 1847.
? 37 Doa Panto Aduling 406-font, with 4 doekla All Imunity does gases; two Bogisimman pemae; Presspil Camion pompaa ali kimetati krimi's
nariadilla, 15th Septembar, E947.
El Whitsand Wha about to Jaaro Oura,
In Bedroom det at h?t kh?nan altun in an ?he
· Praga Gleadey Mucan,
3 Elerom 2 Gigs and a handsome four wheeled Catylage
Wee particulars apply in Hongkong to ale E. Paumcuada, Bolibelter, and in b?noso io,”
?inen, tot Dindarber, 1847***
ams CABIN SHORES of all kinda s ana+
– Spirits, and Liquites, a
?, and all kind? of Dilmen's BibTVA.
T?m, Shot, Mukos, Ganseinden_Hats, don. Build quide, allosal ve spolok gowy: 206, eripsion of Whipping kantiles
CHARLES BUCKTON. Qu'e Road, Hongkong, 14 March, 1827. JUST RECEIVED "Mary Bannaberg" CORCHI?n, Dark:ani. Palo Brandy in Wood, 1) afllendivet Whisky, and Copenhagen Chirr? Brandy.
Prosh Jordan Almonds, Bison Bainima, Kromah Plamay Yarmouth Bloul?e Pasta, Olvided Land,
and am of molee for the
Linkdumt, a few Cusan of 300MM BAN
palgado, Hand, Bang
Mais MAGRAY AND THE Internet and responsibility of the Cleans
EXERT in our Firm, cessed on the Best day of October let.
PHILLIPS, MOORE & ∞. Victoria, 24th December, 1967.
TO LET. OPACIOUS Godowns and dwelling konse, built of Cimaito and holy openpied by Mentis Taos. Raruer & De." The solparty is situated sar the contig ofthe Town, (Victoria, Hongkong) and has a muir liquinga... Apply on the Precious,
"THOMAS RIPLEY & Ohy-4Bhangbaj. Hongkong, Dim July, 1886.
ALODOWNS TO:LET. and Goede Biered on,
moderate serie hy,
BERD, LANGE & CI Hongkor, 28th October, 1847.
TO LET AT A MODERATE KENT THE larez-and somnendirme HtUak in the Goes Band, lately varapini by the Officers
of the 90th Begiment, for guessaulers, apply tay DOUGLAS LAPRAIK, 'D'Aguilar S?rval. Victoria, 7th Deermlier, 1847.
TAVERN TO LET. THE HOUSE bidy occupied by Me AzzKAN-
ban Houkarox on the Queen's Hind. Pas ensibu "can be given on :he 16th inatumi: _Apply to,
BE Undersigned having boon appoint. & Agrota for the shore Company, are prepared to great Potkan, perable in London, Liverpool, “Baday, Calonia, Madras, vagapore, Maurios, soli Col tombe.
GIRB, LIYINGSTON & Co. “Ornton, Jat Nugember, 1847,
FUIR Undersigned ban been appointed Agmal as Ronghong and the adjacent Parte in China,
for the Unpanwarvest of Prisavelphia, Now You and BourER.
Hongkong, 17th May? 1847.
In future the Boslasse will be conducted by Ozo. FraraR.
EMERT & FRAZAR. Victoria, 7th December, 1847.
0185, LAVING F?N & Ca
Hanghong, 25 mu', 1867.39
WINES FOR BALE. ↑ the Geduwar of the Uevresigned t
A Pr
blurry, Sladen,
4. But,
Mames's Chompegue pisd ? l?ngyfa Pule 'Ali”.
BLENKIN, KAWSON & Co. Victoria, 27th July 1847,
SMITH & BRIMELOW. Nos. 1 & 2 Wassaamie Bolk?taju.
rangived a few-Beans of Double Dalas Regerrako, a quantity of emporior Floatin
Woonenmis Balideas: Terb
Flapuria, zich Gember, 186)
13. 14. Fortier indghted to ne barise pildas, spalis enazine requeried to grad is no account of the
me to The Unive
-No clujaci?usiast qle
?OR SALE = few Lines of superior Hockets will be aeffitled to fulem syni la og or Fampage, made her and Fact fore the 3 day of Sergh, 4848
with a buah of very fun ?thi?m..sala for Comes of Booths Cardia! Oun. Apply at the Lindertria of
W. & T. GEMMELL & C?. Victoria. 5th October, 1947.
THE following Wate—
Sparkling Champaign, Hermings,
PEDA Brandy, in do.
De Gouet, la di, of 1 depth,
Superfan kultas Salad Oil Apply sa
Vicaria, 15th July, 1840.
FOR JALK Grand Borms, with Finies
Vistoria, 18th September, 1867.
FOR SALE. NOHORS, Chati Cabira, and Hawee 1%azz zz A all sizes. An involes of Mazila, “Europri Print Rape
Cofer, and Governchen: Clgudi”,
4ch November 1946.
4th November 1848.
FOR SALE QALT Provision, Mimur, Kundi A rack,
Brandy in Wund Whisky, Odjude,
FOR SALE. DOMAN Osment, and Windyn Gilson of all si
Apply to
RAWLE, DUUS & C? Violaria, 3rd August, 1847:/
FEW Tms of gead Sydney, ODA LS for d. Pan Bourd the Judo Playing, at Boron Da pur Ton and in quantity hot lava th?n Five my iska from alangiste of the Ship. Apply to Capli HAMLIN on Belad, wc,
"RAWLE, DUUS & OF Victoria, Blk Decembar, 1847.
FOR BALK FEW sels of Carclays Harne, Platel,
Jaya Coffee. Apply 10,
Victoria, 19th November, 1947.
FOR SALE. ABOW PALE ALll in 'Hogshanda
BP Conan Brandy in Dank wad Borda,
Best Dark French Brandy.
Shaw and Mazurila fine full favored Pork
One Sherry.
Brows Sherry.
-Bandphone and Clyzat me many Iam pericar
diag and Bull Bonella – Liqvestre, dia powder in Barrele
Fresh Saliner Water in Balita Pia Canton Not O
Chain Cables; Aobats of all sinos; fargo Kuroj Hans Plowe: Bal Provisioonde Bagels; Cher dipakeunes for biasin, Trom 80 to 70 Sues long
FRANKLIN & MILNE ? Visiod?a, 13th Normalide, 1847S
Victory, 2015
Visterid, 11th Janej 1847.
HONGKONG DISPROBABY, Qrison's Rapi, Vitoria.
AGENT AT CARTON, ACHOOK-Omarador, No. 2, Imparial Blong!
Hongkong, d? November, 1847.
Onamm, 2?k Oktoberp?47. VICTORIA HOTEL, SILANGHAI, OGLINA. D V. RICHARDS de On-leg da amedhm to
the Publin, th?u Unser HOTEL, is'now-num plough, and abus for Chaumes or Parma who | rpo
ima? bo-visiting the Noncheen. Port-Ali'y bars A
mmodatione allah they shlok will be found the
'zo way siber Horns in China.
dutching Water Conduent fits most benliky of--
in and
Queen Hond, 9pik March 1847.
Lala Pozzone having Claime againn 10 W. D
artepe hetke shouting and other A Houses, are hereby requested to add them SANGTATAL BEARIN?, P. F. B. & Co would respect-) so the Bebsortler ?fur setilemusi on or before th?
Zwaan te prosiegeuf mich MineranY, NAVAL. | 101 day of January next.
INELE GETSimran se may hero equ spek Na Mahout kima in a cooler or note heakhy
Victoria, Sal Deemsker, 1847. Left for the costavasive of their book. AMUS 20ANG thanht for the support they
NOTICE. LM, DEAR. & Co. beg 18y to the ALL Persona Induited to, or baring alajma agzina giperally, that sa qzertions will be apum?][A. the Estate of the jets ??r Natra?as Kupn zalette take the klounl worthy of Eublie | man, are requested to forward their soccents to
Ouston, Bed May, 1847,
1st Novembog, 1847.
(To the flow of the Facu?u or Uyina )
manda. Whores the Imperial Command has borga received that the grain setee of the districts of Bog Calen, D., Jr.
chow foo, Bung-kung-foo, and Tai chow for the pre- 300, the you indhen your readers what will be the state
Camomis bewer↑ Will the thirement year be transpored by reg (to Tim-tal) the videoind "vilings be denterne, ye Counslow ha pasko ak peraros in port are all to be detained until drawn so por block and a wdzie Jake and Kaybed be the embol bere of the officers dested by the High erala bundying complimetande former ampereslacig The Imperial Common Sonne, upon the Inspe?er wing Authorkie w select and deepaich theen with bon. which hay que ja enon the forum, he had taught the Besides now giving anders accordingly
Trosorers of Come, and informing the silver larencia the port, Lales in this pencasion, al drawing my commands to the jon? owners do., ds. | The junks that are now in pot as well as thone that may bermer airing, whether they have already br?n examined (by the carsons bones oficere) or
aman am Bakkelganmary to hire the mesmer of the
mes, nod the Betelah subjects might new " rosa s allbona sur danse cut). Then, de lessening queries in, Tommy
P. →→Jalk of the “glorious incertainty (? the law a so se ha compared to the wdwrththity of Man in Canton
26 |
TUR FRIEND OF CHINA AND 11ONGKONG GAZETTE. VICTORIA SATURDAY, JANUARY IN, 1988. KOTICR-The hours of Dictor Rewire in the Ca MAL PRATAP?A?in Mandag si El A., M., & P, M, and ↑ 4 P. 3. and or Theratoga se 5. PM
VINCENT STARTON, Vinaria, Shad Bar, 100. Colonial Chaplain.
F. Bon. Lam, of die Viliam back Natalia, which an ri?n un t?n b? l?ng, the talented
T? Auguti hann, Gomera sve, with the Americas, army. ambering about 10, not many advanced from Parbla upon the expeta. A few beers from Mexion, he was oppose pha bona hima y de hand of 300 g. 7119 armies not up pasidota, about top leaguem diet-31 ?
and 7, Kangyun da hii wand
anded Gral Valencia not-06. riak. 2241) back upon the male boty. This Gut. Valencia | valued j? de and ouottary #onfert, mngagul General Kent, who balun kim wide eng lain. The American army repliky Mlowing up their advaningu, came upon the mels body of the plezioen some and diapered tigen. not. are all alike to be doinimal, and are not parole de c?y of Mizhim, but did not sate la Cien, Santa An Gen. Bec precaudal on und scalk up a positi?n alone to tad te bere the port and their papers are to be done a day of trace proposing in a ilvered to the Teraturers of Customs for pressin sien. Th?i tur ma fatta negerianon, was ngened ting in the District, segistrate, that he may examing. The timer was to be for forty days, daring them either thews, and they will wait until the officers depeal angy wae te chaman its pretilos, mar pelatori, and bendition, forty hours previous so | by the High authorities have a beard and deeplate recoven on b?ch sidni.
It is not too much to my that the efform of th Netherlands Government for the last thirty year from defence to the shipping and mestarin in'arents of Halland, have book diraled to an ev sien of the tipulations of the treaty. Bo early 21 the year 1817, is consequence of Intelligence r esived from Jaya, shipmenia to that land we delayed; and in 1819 des came has big w 2 bedrag ban | Linnal dustyo had in point of fact boon imposed.
became etf?rt that the Netherlands Government really wish, d?u re latroduos into the ladian A.- chipelago their petem of monopoly, and to gai absoluta passesich of the Sunde und Malacca Straite. True it is, that in reply to the ramminis they disclined both shinge. Our Ambasador. De of Lord Chancarly, the Minister at the Hague
however, stated his conviction that, despite their fair professions, the mancaveng of the Neverlande Government actually did get to Bochond then ab endeavour to aequien political and com maria supigmety throughout the limits of the Archipelago. Some of the dipulations of the treaty lily evaded, others they denied. The example, tion sosired them hostely, Anna and in same with regard to that provision which forbade anber croopa to quit the row, vil dhe a meciens carts returned
Power to enter invo’tranties with the native chiefs, "Tappears that be a fer dega afterwards them van they persisted in regarding thom Princes with some surtecsundance between the twu paperale in chief, in regard to the trane they had ngrun upon. On the whom they had treaties prior to the war as fa falch of that trace, Giva, Sucnt allowed bin'ormy to rest, tarios, nai ne bands af indeprudset tribes. Bo, clan their gana and other accost While the again, they objected to the residence of commercial Amerique come, whh the whisken. Tamericana Prises, thereby rendering foreign sumbarce ce
sslock upon the
agaan of other Powere at the ports of the unive were driven lock are or iz league woman from tirely dependent on their own resident Were it
also of 2000 Meziona prisoners what they had heber |
v. Valerie, of jami 1900 man killed mad wounded, Dot beside our present purpose, it would be susy by and of some arutlery. Het sa the distenes of about @ of a minute recapitulation to show that the nonduct of 10 leagues from Mexion. Gen. Beott rallied his troope
How was to b
(af toch as they require. tfthe maid marcheseand; The ouer kering been made, Gateral Boost went to
people wilfully disobey this, and clandestinals lenne Mexico 30 or so care for vegetables and other provision the port, they will suredly be forthwith suited and rich be the mastity, Pacte prosecuted, without Borgirents... Let noth obey, A special Proclamation.
Toulous. 371 10, 11th minh, Sid lac (Demember 10th, 1stfa
Kone-now xew, by imperial appointment Tulge of the Province of Kinng 400, sad Censeal Buperin, tradrat of the Pear House ?Faire of the provi?ca
Hunt. Intendent of Cireust of the district of Reo chow-for. Fyng-bing fan and Talchow .. de, dc, hereby give char commande Wheres NOTKE-PayTekian Gunen This emerge
the imperial command bea bon received that the, time, vendosurd_fe the permet by the Kev. W. C. Bon grain term of the district of Bao-chow foo, Song- engagener Bannach, in the Bongslow komedianly be klang foo, sod Tai chow-be transported by sew to
Tiew for delivery there; upwards of one than sand junka will be required, and the various matern relating to their being employed witt alt ba managed with justice and discrimination vecording to thepra- cedant in the sir's yver of the present reign. We therefore select the most important po?to kod po- |blish them by proclamation giring diatina sam-
The hours of Dofile zerole will be 18 a. 1, and | past 1.2.
Vila, 17 December, lar
Cape Juice Rums and Mrs Halma em- barked about 1 o'clock on Thursday. A Hirge, mumber of the inhabitsote were in ett?ndance at Polder's wharf to pay a last mark ore spect to the worthy Judge. On his arrival all heade were uncovered until he entered the man of war's boat that was to carry him to the Palle. The Honourable Gentleman appeared so the the onmpliment, and Mr Hulme was much affected. There was no arrangement for anch a thing, but when the boat left the wherd, there was a round of cheere mich Houghong never heard before, or is likely to hear agale, unless on some similar occasion. He is now on his way to England, the evidence taken before the Council le with him, and until wo bear the result further comment may be improper. We are not much in the habit of? paying compliments, but in expressing our ad- miration of the noble conduct of Generali D'Aguiler on this trying occasion, we only coho the timesta the community. We there
fog?, panduan a shotye mban nem megy that it to im
subdian that men are tosted, and the General has proved that his heart is in the right place
bestond forward as the champions of the op- pressed and all men honour hian for it.
Let each one tremblingly obry, and net oppailema Apecial Proclamation. Fire, the freight of each rewel scosodiag m.the quently of rice carried, and th8 miserllagross charge will ingaber be reckoned at the account fized in the Regulations for transporting by 202, and will be paid, by the government weight with equity, so deduction & ing allowed to be made by custom house officers or benkers.
Becond. The vasele wil te drcharged scoorting to the order of data la which they anies, and no such gbuses will be allowed as preferring a barr arrival to a former, causing detention and difficul
Third The rice truurported will be examined by the Girls Juspretor and his officers who on Bad- ing it dry and elma wilf mka sot two perpah, one of which he will deliver to the junk, and the other to the offence at Tiewwin that they may emming and verify it, and shae prosma wilful Fourth. The rice varie ou leaving the part will
?Fraud in making me girlgallery
pes to see in a body, and a naval commandie will
and his pressed streng front, Gaming Gen. Che Netherlands Government has been distinguish Anna to dedi hrom any further attack.
od for the last thirty yeur by a spitit of evasion, and
The Americans were very huligans at the tied treshery of Santa Anna, which in mid to late ofhedel eres some of his bus gecerals..
"It appears that on data and of the Continent the Ameri- ces lead and saval forces are about as capture Gayamas, Matution, San Blas and Acapaleo.
The Natalia left Mazzilen * the 27th September, hul walker Man and
8.1 Wigan Cosipun, the export took v? ta fraziona newspapers containing the debtle of that soirs.
*The Blockade of the ports of Manstian and Cranyman, on the West Coast of Mexico, declared by Camisolere James Biddle, Law a man arm orth Uziwi Staten in the Paclicy
actic, buying but, by unavoidable circumstances diecossinumi, nosien te shruby given, dat in v?rvus of authority from the Presidues of the United | vasan, I do hereby deciam the porn at Osayman, Ma?a: slau and Jan Blas, in the West Const of M?xico so he in a state of Blockade, and a l? the vige in strict safene art thereof, a competent force will be starimmed balore theme poeta ni az early a perder kan penemuan
Remini venda lying thatcher of the woe Ended part, wat te permitted to retire within n? diyendurthi nih? massment of the Mockede.
Given on board the Ufied States Th?p fadeprudence, in the Bay v? ??m Franchen, this Oth"day if Angust" A. D. MNT.
W. BRANFORD SHUBRICK. Commssing Fields Femina.
DUN H COLONIES IN INDIA, (From the Timon:)
be curricut to sing of what vest important it is to A single glahon at the map of the eastern seal witi
this country that a liberal and equitable opirk should take troops in detachments to convey them. Bach, pradde over the adminmination of the Dutch pos- jusk will also be allowed in provide itself with de salona in the Indian Archipelago. Java, the onene Fish. Offers will be set by the Viceroy and the immune extent of Sumaire, over which the
?guns and other wes poss of d- fi non against pirates, ? of Bir Sumioni Maties's gloriosa bat futile labours, Liegt. Governor of this provings for Timden, mama baveralent gaminshot too short a tiate poved, taking with them temples of the rice and guvernal, and from the Roudnace at Betcoolen imbend the then mmeures for comparison with the menourne native powers with respuol for Europena arta
Tien in, who on lnding the quality to Ramos, Billion, Lingis, and Blamaga command rangond will take delivery. It will be malicer absolato uver Use Swada Burslin, and a divided au. my for the Bupercargo to deliver to the allows thority over there of Malones, the highgroed to the of Tin-on-thus willabo delivery be fabled. Chitten Bone-advantageom pointa ?n Borneo Bizik. Buch rewal at Phonehan, Toung wing the sorthern and southern smurecaity of Calis?s, Hai mua, Tvng-chow, de, as are capable of Timor, Bearse, Rod Caram, with the whole island' transporting ties will repar to Shanghai for of Gliddo, which stretonen dat itu arma kits a huge gegant, that labor and repose may be equally spider batworm Celotos and New Galasa-arch is participated in by all, and armes of pabia so- an emmeration of the most partant poesione Thonkwag. 97th your, 11th month, fud day.
of the Dutch in the Indian Archipelaga.” It is ver too late ta za-open the question of the impolley of (December 9th, 1947.)
a want of straightforward dealing, in all matters connected with the relations to Great Britain in
the Beat, but more ampenially on all subjeom relat fog la commerce and trade."
We now cutia le she code which has brown secondly namakan be the Dutch East Indies. A bure farmeation of some of its loading articles will be audinions to show that the Natherbale Government aru botuated by the same spiriˇ of exclusivenous and monopoly so ever. Their why would appong ta be that the enadition of the natiw & should remain one of permanent degradation, an that the line which separates thees from the European siyah be deep, brong, and inefhorable. The new cada divides the population of the Dutch Indies into two classe, via (1), ints Expesos and persons who ar plused in the same mapeity, and (8), into antives and ibong who are placed in the sume capacity. The civil and commercial condition uely concerne | the first of these two clames Erin almost a muniter of doubt, under the now system, whether the com- dition of the Puropean or the nation be the co | unenviable. They are parted all-into orporate pena, and then uwch olas, in cond-soned in inaction and absolute dependance on the mitt ala Governor, whose power is constituteil a parardiipusta. The azsovtive and Ingialative powers aro' sowohlard in his single person. Every person—ers a Dutch- man - will require the Governor'n permission to The rights of foreigners are generally the satile, or even realde, in the Dutch East Indire,
those of the Inhabitants; but then the inhabitants saly enjoy rivie rights at the will of the Governor, Precaminn thus being taken that avery portion of Glasemor, it will be manpetent to him to carry out the sdmunistaationa shall hein the discretina of tha with rigour the views of his Government at hows. What these views are likely to be in eavily inforatida from another portion of the ande, which examen al es die or two grand features of administration with which even the Governor to furkidden to maidle. he most important of thora la, that he is diredal so make any alteration in the these great move. polisa sa mal?, opium, and the trade to Joren ; me with the cultivation of sodes in the Yeganey of Prolonger sad of spinse in the luteoca islands. Despotism
a the enginn, and monopoly the end.
iberal pulicy in the Government of a country
It is with deep regret wa parceive auch marks of which is, in so many respreta, satitled to admira-
inteligence. If Bir John Davis intwide blocked The Bandwich Island papers have some news land and on forces, and their various casquesis, | historicul wonders of the world that Hollandshold
of the 6th November. "It will be ob
H. M. B. Bant, Chenmander Loring, arrived from Amoy on Thursday, and H. M. Brig Ea piegls. Commander Thompson, from the coast o Friday the Childers, will probably soon follow The squadron will then consist of the Dedolus," Vulture (steam), Cahandina Scout, Espingh, Chillers, and Pluto; a tolerably strong fores, and by the end of the month wo may have the frigate Malamus, the sloope Ringale and the steamer Mode on from gapore, making in ?li ten fan sorviceable ve anla--It is just possible that the Charles Frame would reach Singaporn with negu of the fate mardura bebee the Adasiral sailed for Madras in the Vernas, and in that event he would pro- bably war at Singapore ah. Peong for further ing the river or destroying the Bogue forts, be will have an ample fored by the end of the mooth. Our own impression in, that until he has enough of troops to take ermed possion of Canton, it would be better in allow matters to rest: taking the precaution of sending strong guard to protect the factories, sea attack is not improbable about the new year ception of the defeat of Caneral Boat in a
the October mail, with the very material ei when Canton in fall of country people. We give this opinion with due deltrance to that oright streck made by the Mexicans during a trace. On referring to our image of the 25 h ***others whu may differ from us, and probably akimo, the reader will find the latest intellige
be in a position to judge more correctly..
from America taken from the second edition of the Times of 28th October. There, on the W■ have received from a correspondent at Shanghai translations of a couple of chops lay at Vare Crus, it je ssid that Genera: Benit the announcement of an intended code for the Datak faith of a jetter addressed to a Me Diastu;l Our attention has been ankled to th?e onhjeet by ing an embargo on the Junks in port that they entered the city on the 14th September. Of Indies, with of shatract of which we recently pre- may be available for carrying rice to Tea-tain this, however, there is no oficial report: rented out traders Before marking suckily been tempted to make us the interesting fragments 1 beg to send you a few notes which I bare This appears rather an arbitrary mossare, but
but supposing such to have been the fac?, i is upon it we would say a few word on the spint | of sculptize lately seongha to ikis enostry from our correspondeat is is an excelent thing not probable that is who'd be driven out again which, the side of folland, appears to have pee Nimrod, and now placed is the British Mar for the Junky; thow detained being all northern
in a night attack, as the different approaches sided over her negotiations with Grost Brisis in - My remarks are founded chiefly on cartain teakai- vessels would have returned with light cargoes would be well guarded even if a truce bad reference to their relations in the Best By the cal peculiarities, which were likely to strike me as 1am spring upwards of 250 were then up for been agreed upon. The authentic intellige see
treaty which regulates our promnt interevarme, Hui- | a scolptur; and though the inferences which 1 this service, receiving freights of from 70 to 75 from lexico by way of the United States is caly die with the laws and fort of Malaces and its defertory nor conclaire. I Hill venture think land vedd mit estetillahmesta on the continent of la. have drawn from them may not be entirely smile- cents a picul. This rate would pay European to the 9th of Reptember, when there had been adveci, hdrew her abjections le the doanpa- they may serve as hints for the consideration of vessels wolk but even if the 'bines wore will some hard fighting within a few miles of the tion of Singapore by the British, and agreed not to ing to employ them, our own foolish ordinazos city, and the report that General Scott form any settlements on the Straits of Bison, nor describing these marbles, and who, from scholar- othere who may be engaged in deciphering and restricting trade to the thirty second degree of ethered it on the 14th is extremely probable to copclude treaties with native chile therein. On ship and archeological attainments, must be more worth letade would be an obstacle. Our cor though not certain. By the Randwich letarg the sale of Greg Britain, not to speak of Jasa, were competent than I aus to elucidate their blutory. respost_writes,--
Supposing the communication between Mexico she withdrew her objection to the vecspation of aniwed the scalpture, was that it was ast of the the dates are from Mazatlan September 7. ceded all retablishments on the island of Bumaten; My first imprevine, vfter i kud onrefully ex and Mazatlan to occupy a weak, the later date Billitus and its dependencies by the Dank; she vary remote period that some bad assigned to it. days in advance of the reports America Carige land, in Battam, Hington, Lingin, or any Falue and I now propose to state some of the from the city would be in the 2016, dold | agreed not to form antiements in Sumatra, de the
Further inspection kat coul?nard me in this opt-
· of jhe islands on the straits of Bingapore, and not reasons which have led me to this conclusion. In
↑ our omnemistong in that quarter of the globe at the tion. The praise, bawarer, mangt he purely confined conclusion of the war. The amant and Shed of our | 10 their home administratzen. It is one of the
hava sirvived the last war. Dering the occupation obtained little more for them than a permission to depart with the honour of war. The seruich of a of the country by the French, feet son depondent diplomedes's pan with a perilous facility gladded sale, and suberusedly an angel part of the
from Mexico which appear to be of later date th?n th?t rechived ei the United Bistas and England; and, if correct, it is important, We sones the particulars copied from the Foal that the soldier amidst inumerable hardships|| Fruch empire, far forsiga with wie zubon
had gained at the bayanet's point. While the ne- terly destroyed. Great Britain took bar anlonins, served that it agus with the accounts by that armed wine genitum whose swarms are citizens at home, still she came out of the struge the gotiation were going on, an island larger many simor ↑ and the most grievous taxes ware imprend on ber now spreading over thron contimane was thrown in one of the most important as well as one of the as a take-weight—a participation in the romandrieffent countries in Europe. There is, however,
a revur-e in this Sattering side of the smudel. over the parage on which our trade with Chiom
Old Kang has come back on this business being a sober sort of man and rather well liked by the natives. His successor is, according to the Chioses, very carelem of business and disorderly rather in his morals, having a harem
of mine fair Manchouriana.
?The war in Turkoman is not running very mooth. Variote reports of success have op: peared in the Patin Gewed to be succeeded only by accutis of reversos.“
Law, Chand Disarvet dagistrate of Shanghai de,, hersby insum a proclamation giving clar com-
pa Wo so fun the Harbour Master's for this the Brig la
Cilo alias Ben Whamper,
sure court might be kept up and preverd de penis was good-humouredly sdded, that the wee golitieto the Dutch have logon the set uppressive duwo. Late all this question, however, it is now to hate tu bater
the world has yet seen, and ska-old kevin of ill- | berality would sen? ja by som as strong in tient
as over.
and Europo. It will be observed, howes Brindade treative with the sales chiefe Buhjorts the fit place, the various rilievi upper some tu
bear mistakeable evidence of being works 2 a
that the editor of the Sandwich Island paper of her wet to be admitted to trade with received his information from the Captain of bees Ch the most favoured . Dies to comparatively advanced condition of sculptur Chilian vessel and not from any Mexicanja on embje sud role of either party ware per; and it is quite possible that it may be i. always to be in specific proportions. No treat correct, or mere rumours current at Mazatlan when the romal sailed, however the reader can judge for himself.
We also annex Commodore Shubrick's noti- fication of a blockade of the Mexican ports an the Pacific.
is a preulier stylu. There is, throughout the com pations, bus, complicated, and expressive action was to be made un either side with any native power and, in the individual figures, whether of men or on the Easter Suas, tending expressly, oy by the ? of animale—but especially in the latter—a very either party from the ports of the native powers; of the muscles and the articulations of the bones. operation of unequal dution, to saglade the trade of ? decided attempt at de?ning the fora and action sad, lastly, free communication of naire was manc- tinned throughout the Eastern Archipelago.
That they are incorrectly rendered is no argument
· against this fact—that with this studied attention
to minor details, they cannot be, by many degross, the land ffon becoming desolate, we are told, he the earliest attempts at sculpture among the pea- brought others" from Babylon, from Cathak, and ple or artists who grouted them. It is fair to judge. from Ava, and Hamal, and Sypherveim, and by snalegy, of the probable condition, or rather placed them in the cities of Sanr?n, instand of the mages of Art in one nation from our knowledge of || children of B?rsel." (1 Kings, xvi. 24,) Esarhad- history and program in another; and the Nimm dan sett despatched as aresy, en omandad by his round sculptures may, I think be treted by this generale, into Juden. Man was conquered, rule. In the most archaic sculpture, there is no and was sent prisoner to Barbadion; and thas sitempt at minute anatomical distinctions wAR
was Jaden also brought under subjection. at in the nature of things that there should be, Early Art was typical. The frat efforts would be gan?ned to the production by the simplest manna, of sumathing like the general form or appearance of the object to be represented; and this is found, jorarimbly to be the character of whatever very early Art has reached us By degrees-and very slow degrees -n more cornet, represen?stion was affected Action was begun to be given to figures, and in the next steps Something like anatoimiral decalupement wet attempted,—and then, at that, In the case of thebat Greek schn sla, Basuty, or perfection of fa
The Nieround sculpture in. doubtless far removed from the latter condition; bet though it abounds in barbarisme, it is consider rally advanced beyond the most primitive m'tampro at imitative Art. It is in a state of progress; and la exhibija, in a degree, both knowledge and prae- dee - I have particularly alluded to the xuntamies) Marking of certain of the hunan Bgores and ani. cute; but I cannot help fiueine, who that to an experienced eye the agreation of the exrving, and production of mucfare in those parts where it can he judged of, are strongly eneroborative of the ad
vanced enadition of the practical or technical part of the art The round, full Beshy treatment of the frers in the farger figuras—the forms of the fart, occasionally of the hunda –the truthfidlares of character—and even a certain grundour of styla in the lions and bulls (in the hunting groups) indicate mansiderable ?progress in advance of primkite ignorance
"Of course, in this very early stage of our ac- quaintance with these remarkable fragments, it is Impouble to conclude, and it would be arrogant to sprak deci-ladly alther ne to their precise date or subject. It may confidently he hoped that are Jung the luscriptions with which they new in pacta cly corrred may be deciphered and may throw light upon these points. In the mean time these few remarks may possibly lead to inquiry in other direction; and than the artist may lead kunt altogether unimportant aid to the anti-joery — Dloving offered some of those reasons which would more imne listely occur to a practical eritic for questioning Une extremely remote date of the sculp Katrs. I will now vantura”-hat with great deferance, me lam entering apon less familiar ground-to state in what period I think, if the almance of other evidence, it might not be unreasonable to attribute them.
In the careful description of these machses which appeared in the Athen?am of the 11th of June, the ingenious writer has stated, in spraulating na their data, that they must have bein expo-ted prior to Sennacherib and Hezekiah; hocumen the cala anicira which Pell upon the empiry milko iment in that period, and the dismemberment of the Assyrian empire a few poses wfter, could not have allowed ficient time to recomplish such extensive and magnificent works na thean on les consider stinn, This need not, nvorssarily, he the case. There was a interval of nearly a bundled years between the arcession of Sennacherib and the dratruction of Ningth. If Nimeand seempias, ne in supposed The site of mucient Ninevah, and if these somiptures derned that city, it of casese fllows than them marblea nenat date price ta its destevation, $12 u c, Bat a dues not follow, therefore, that they must be lier than Sennacherib. who lived so many years before this event. And when the style of work in ake sculptures militutas against the probability of its being of on remote a date there in strong addi- timal inducement to question the correctness of the speculation They may, indeed, represent subjoots or the history of kings of a former age or age but even if this should prove to be the cave, the sculpture need not be of that period. Among the ancients it was usual to represent, in the decore tion and enrichment of their temples and public balldings, the herole achievements of remote ages. There is sufficient proof of this in almost all the ancient sexlpture that had reached our time. Dispeling, then, the claim of these marbles to so remote an antiquity,—I will now endeavour to re- concile my speculations of their being of a more recent date with certain contemporary historical cired stances, and with events which they may suppose to illustrate
This short notice of the exploits of this princo in sufficient to show the important character of ble reign in the history of the Assyr?ma kinge: mal, azu ning that the sculpture under considurstion was not farlier than his time, is it improbable th these rilievi have rolerance to the wes in which – Rusthaddon was sa triomphantly anyagad ↑ The Inng duration of his reign would afford ample on portunity to execute mich illustrations of his nchi. reunangs 1 and those were works upon which it la likely he would employ the numerous strangers henight captive into the country. Would it be huxarding too wild a speculation. If we admit the premises, to soppose that some of these sculptures y reprsant specially the expedition Babylo There is one peculiar direnmstance connected with their treatment which might even lou outsidered to afford some additional support to the opinion. It is remarkable that tha character of the people against whom the King, in these compositions, all his fighting men are mugagal, copsely resembles that of their advareuries. There sai some slight variations in the cast-ime,--ja- cially
? helmate or han?l pieces: the attacking party generally being provided with thy? defence, while the besinged are without it. But in the faces, and in other respects, the resemblance in so striking that it is impossible not, tu boliere at first site that the battle is being fought by cogasta nu. tione. This liturally would be the case if the cilieri refer to the conquest of Babels and it is
of "common up to black des? kondyle sinck from 70 to HD chops.
Souchong The hollers of this clan of two hay reduced the ferr?er rates, nol about 11 chops hite begn purchased at from 21 to 27 tuels, Stock 7. chops.
Kimetry Pekw. —No tenniscii suis reportal. Plain ?range Pek-Few is the 'macket and no transactions.
P. 8. -I am aware there has been a qushion ang Biblical antiquarias respecting the order of
●Fouts in the reigna of Sannacherib, Baarhodilon, and Begaduchinus (or Nabucho?ilausor) his auoces por. On this account 1 offer my suggesti?n respest. - ing the subject represented in some of the rili?si || (rit, the siege of Babrlon) with great healfitien
COMMERCIAL, INTELLION MOR BHANGHAI MARKET REPORT. (13th December, 1847.) Since last monthly report a large amount of bu niness has been transacted in,conarquence of the low cat at which taas have been brought forward. Anken opicion genrally prewils that the presence of na Le Capitalist in alone required to draw the bulk of the son export crop to Shanghai as a can be laid down cheaper than at Can on. The disturbances at the biar port will naturally have some effect in guiling exports to Shanghai; nad in the origt of any warlike operations in the souch next summer the shipments may not be materially affected.
COTTON CLOTH. — About 80,000 pieces have changed hinds at an advades of 10 cenis upon last month's quotations. The demand has slackened, however, and sales Bould not be mide on such fai | vourable term. The great market of Beuchow is mocked, and until the dealers are relieved by goods going into consumption, any deciled improvement cannot be looked for. The stock at Shagghai in firet handle is moderate-not more then 36.00 pcs. Woollaks remain unaltered at last quotations with a very modorate demand; nor if there any chance of a favourable change at present.
Ortes.—Quotations et Woosung.—Paine 9685 and Malwa $100 for good,
REPORTS, Tran--The artisements have been large. Of Congous about 50 chops chiefly of good urdinary quality at from 10 to 14 tele un board, cash. said that 40 chops have yet to come forward, making the supply of Black im for the moon 250 chops
of "uitable descriptions
Of Green toss the supply of
likely that it would be en the illustration were intended to represant a wee with a people differing in origin, appearance, comme, and arme from the Assyriana. We see avan in Egyptian art--especially in that at Epsambool-how curious- ly and carefully distinctions of nation were marked
is small. The purchases aggregato 10,000 pack- in illustrations of the kind; and the same disorlogm ?t b?gh 'twm, chiefly for the United St mination is shown in some of the Lycian sculpters. Jour cargo baye already gone to the United States, The Americans are buying largely this season; and about 0.00016, been out to Canton for trad Shipment to that quarter.
Bit-Still purchased with great caution; the transaction reported are in Taysanm us former prices and Tastes a shade lower.
Fasions.—To England ?4,and tonnage wanted.
(97th December 1847.) Various circa tenore kavo combine to render
this nowth a most unprofitable ons. Between the departure of last mail and the tub instant the insekt was quiet bats for imports and exports Bomo goods were forced off at a low figure; but there was no residem ind The melancholy fate of our countryman who fell into the hands of the Chinese on the fich, nil the eenenqu-ch expitement among paralysed trade for a time. Following this, was the the foreign as well as native merchant completely disastrous elligence of the state of commercial. affairs brought by the October mail on the 19th; and we may also refer to the uncertain position we now occupy in Canton from the entire dernogement of our political relations with the goromment. From these sirensances the market is quite unhinged, and any market report mua be unsatisfactory and in some degree conjectural
The Nimmoud Marbles are not to be considered no object of beautiful Art: --nor is it attempted In connect them with other (foreign) productions of sculpture, supo sing them in forus a link in the program or ganagal history of the net. Heulpture wasnt first practised simply as a mode of illustra- tion; and at the early period of time works waa met stalled, even in Greene, with any view to please the senses by excellence of Art. But l though i have intention to identify these sculp tares with other sells (in the way of connection still, having shown that they are not of primitive structure, of their school but are of an advanced ondition of Art, though of an unknown period. I would now examine whether they may not be placed at a date, corresponding with that of other aralpture, though of a distinct school, which can belestified as of a kaswn period. We know that in early timen the stream of civilization in stantly owed from the East to the Wort. We alas know from history that in the wars, that were carried on by the Amyriina agniust Juden, I-tel, Syria, and Palestine, it gras the cusine tu ourry away captive the inhab?tnuts of the onquer red quuntries, and to tre splint others to onlonise and people the acquired taritury ; thus effecting .con-tant interchange I am, of course, nwa?e that the practice of soulpture is muskulder than the Coro 007-Early in the month some large numrats remaining which are considered to be of the market, stablishing qutations about 15 cents time I am now speaking of, and that we hare mos
parcels of unbleched firtings were forced upon the ?s de-Elomeric ags. It is, therefore, possible under the low rates of last month. The sesaation of any, probable that Asayrin may long have had shipments from England, and the low Sgure at
■ style of original sculpture of its own; but it in which they are held. is attracting attention and off quite inconceivable that a long contawed prnotice are made for parcela on speculation-particularly of the art could bare existed among such as active: Dobleached chah of 60 to 66 rood. The better des and important people, and not be known to neigh cription of grey goods are not in request, but blanch- bouring nations with which we have trapon to brisive they were in constant communication. being confidently anticipated,
ed calico e also bought on speculation, as advance Where did not the marchants of Tyre and Sidon
,"the Siduniaus the skil- ful workers," Homer calls them-penetrate They were probably spread all over the East in the sercise of their calling; and it is well known that they visited remote parts of the western world. If Art was in the advanced state of these marbles! at the extremely remote date that has been claimed for them, how can it be accounted for that the sculpture of Asia Minor was at the comparative late period of 000 years a. c. en ruilu nad primitive, and whether fiel been probably some hundred of years' communication between this countries? Icaunut help fanering that the improvensate -or, what may with greater nowra sy ba enllad indien- tons of advancement-Immable in there marblei
WOOLLEN-Long Elle in quantity has been curremund is no slight degren with the charanter
sold at stiff prices, which gru likely to be maintained. of sculpture of al-qui the date sbore inrationed
Other chass of woollens are yalio neglected?
Morite. —Nail and Rod Iron in request and swung inme of the antions referred tog—that is | quoted as high a $1.80 with a spill stock in frat enme of the countrive of A Minor, In certain | Gands. Other deferiptions n xe much in demand, but partions of the Nimrad Marbles—for juntaner, in hulders are firm. Lowd continuos very dull. the making of the knees, the calves of the lego, ;
COTTON YARK.-This article has been fumbar reduced in price. We hear of males of good water twist Now 16 to 24 at 823, 50 cia. The sale of the month aggregate 800 balas; with about 6,000 bales in stock.
COTTON-The sulga of the month do not exceed 6,000 bales st a low figure, and at present there ap pears no desire to speculate in the staple. Boca are accumulating to about 90,000 balet, and should circumstances compel Mofchants to live the part, the whole of this balky article will requiro to be abandoned to the hiqese government is removal would be impeible, not in gnore et stage fut it in Hongkong.
Sennacherib hd reigned seven years when he was mandated by two of his sons, as we revil in the Second Book of Kings; and Erbashkin erigned in is stend." This Earhaddon was his younger son; and uscented the throne of Nineveh in the year 706 a. u. He is represented an nor of the greatest princes that had reigned in Amyris, Eur. who calls bl?n Asnopper, distingui-hes him by the titles of the "gond and "oble" (chap. 10.) He ruled over the empire for the long period of thirty-nine years; and during that time we engaged in most important political enter the fost, and the round treatment and voiling ez- TRA-The transactions during the past month priars, and in carrying on extensive wars-in all pression of the faces-it is impossible ant la he have been trifling, the melancholy occurrences re- of which he appears to have been ensinently suc- struck with a certain teamblance to some of the late in our firal page boring enuend a tompoenty orful. Among the remarkable events which il earlive Groek and Micilian forme I would parti- buspension of trade the mail arrived on the 19th, red his reign doshile the most considerable cularly direct attention to the large ?zures in relief, ? and since then we have not heard of any purchases on was his every of Babylon,hich had formed and the lions and bulle in the Nimrod Marbles English account, with the exception of one or twe an independent kingdom ever since the death of Fardanpalus. Taking advantage of the anarchy
and would suggest a comparison with anime of the || chops of Cowgon to fill up ships wearly loaded; they earliest coins of Macedonia and Posidonis, the | were taken at a reduction of 1 or 2 tacks on last and confusion that prevailed there after the death nitriles from the older Heliantine temple, and mouth pic. In Green tea there has been somma of Messidy hus, we are told that Exarhad some parts of that frup Xanthies, and also a very don Inid siege to the city. His atins were clown-
transactions, though not extensive, chiefly on Am rurlows and ancient rilievi reprvomoting a man rican sccount The distrous intelligence sercived Ed with victory; and in the your c, mud wrestling with and strangling lion (probably by the October mail, and the uncertain position of The twenty-sixth of his reign, the rich pewwerful myth of hercules) preserved in Rome. This ang the foreign residents in Lauton render su opinion, Ra Baylon again because a portion of the great An- grote carious matter for speculation, But here 1 yrian Empire.
in futuse fatea quite inpossible. There will be no must pouse. I will got venture to extrad this ill. - blockada before the middle of February—if then- Another of the important enterprises of Esar quiry further at present. My object has been to illud by that time the crop of the season will "bare don was his marching an army into Syria and outsider the question of date as deflord or rather been nearly all shipped; therefore we do not think alostime, and recovaring by his victories what suggested by a style of Art; and to offer my reasons that the market at home will be materially affected 2nd been lost to the Assyrian Empire after the nut arrogantly, but with great deference for by the news from this quarter. In the event of ac struction of the mmg of Suunacherib in Juden, believing the Nimreld Marbles to be not more tal bostilities against the Canton province, and iss when the angel of the Lord want ant, and smoote ancient than from about 650 to 620 years, 0. occufation by British army, the crop of next sum
the camp of the Amyrinn an hundred far score nd are thousand (9 Kings, xix. 35.) le next
and I respectfully leave it to obere to decide upon met will find egress at Shanghai, and possibly al the more complicated points of subject, and of the Amoy or Fgo-chow-foo. Prices aj present may be nader with his firess into the land of faraal, different stages, if they can be traced, of Assyrian considered Berlynomial 26 chops have been and carried away almost all the inhabitants oup- | sculpture.
Congo-During the month Yes into Babylon and Amyria; and to prevent
souled for at from 13 to 2 maale, Those chops are
Rica. WTXACOTT, Jud.
Plain Caper.-None in the market, * Scented ?ranen. Pe?on —Purchases have been made of" from fair to fine**xt 20 in 3 Fusela
Rcented Capers - Common to fiue" have bere,
at from 13 to 2 la Tumk?y+ — ? da not byar of any settlemapta,- and prices ate at prosent nominal
Hys me.The purchaus are chiefly by Ameri can merchants for ship:pont to the United States at from 25 to 55 1?nir. ?
Imperial and fiunong Jar, — Quotations,—fair 28. to 31 and good to fine S? t? 10 tarka,
Young Hyson.--Zone purchases have been mole for the American uniktet it from 23 to 85 tarl?.
Fluonto-To England the rater are ?1 10%. to ?5, and cargo very difficu't sa obuin.
EXCHANOR-Billa on England at six muntha' sight 40, 4kd. To 68. Bd. On Indie; E 1 Company's accepted piper 13 to 213 Rupori per 100 dollars.
R. JOHN N. ALSOP.CHESWOLD day admitted Partner in our house,
Caulon, 11 January, 1818.
Tumday, let Frogant, 1848.
The Wong-nei chung S'akes, for all Ponice under 18 handa. On inile Entrance $1 rach with $30 added from the Fund. Weight for inches na per scale. Foriner Winner of this Race excluded. The Plenipotentiary's Cup, prevented by Elis Ex- cellency Sir John Francis Davis, Baronet, value $200, for all Hotart. One in.le and three quat- tors, Weight 10 st ne 7 lbs. Bydney no l'age bred Horses to carry storm 7 Iba, extra En trance 10 each. Secoud Horse to save his Buke.
The Valley Stakut, for wil Poni.s 13 handa 2 inches and under. One milo. Entrance ? each with 40 added from the Fund Weight for inches as per scale. The Winner of the Valley Blakeslam year to carry 7 lm, extra.
The Arab Welier Stakes. One mile and a half Entrance each with $10 addal from the Fund, Weight limone.
The Hack Stakes, for all Ponies. Catch weights. One mile. The Winner to be sold for 850 if claimed within a quarter of an hour from coming ia. Entrance frue, with § 30 ad-led from the Fund. The Sydney Stins, for all Horses. Arahe except od. Two miles. Entrance $10 each with $109 added from the Fund Weight 10 moup 7 lbs. The Winner of the Plenipotentiary's Cuptocaryr 7 lbs, extra. Bucond Horse ? save his Htnite.
Wednesday, 2nd Fenruary, 1848. ?
The Pony Welter Stakes, for all Ponire. Doe mile and a half Weight In some 7 lbs. for Ponie 18 hands and under, stone lor l'unies above 13 bands, Entrance $1 each with $10 added from the Fund.
'the Canton Cup, valus #150 for all Horse. One mile and a half houts, Weight 10 stone 7 b. for Arabe, Fatono 7 lbs. for Bydory Homes. The Winner of the Plenipotentiary's Cup to carry 7lhe, extra. Entrance each.
The Victoria Plate, value10, for all Ponies. One mile and a half Weight 9 stone 7 lbs. The Winner of the Valley takes to carry 7 lbs exira, and if the Winner of the Victoria l'into last year to carry 10 lbs, extra. Entrance $3 sach. The Scurry Stakes, for allePonies. Catch weights, Helf mile. Entrance ) each with $30 adfed from the Fund, Becood to receive 83 from the Fund, and third Hores to save his Stake.
The Galloway Nokes, for all Horses under 14 hands 2 inches. Araba excepta). One mile and a half. Entrance 3oach with 950 added from the Fund. Weight 10 stone
THURSDAY, BAD Feauvant, 1849.
The Hunters Plate value $80, forall Hommes. One mile and a half Four Hurdles 4 feet high, and Two Hurdles 4 fem 0 inches high Weights for inches us per sole Eoinance 63 each.
The Pony Hurdle Race, for all Ponies. One mile and ha. Four Hurdles 3 feet high, and 'Two Hurdles 3 feet iuchos high. Weight for inches
a per scale. Entrance $1 each wah 810 added from the Fund. Second Puny to receive $10 from the Fund,
The Arub Stakes, for all Arabs. Two miles. Weight 9 atone 7 lbs. Entrance $10 each with ?100 added from the Fund. The Winner of the Cop to carry 7 lbs. egire. Becond Horse to save his Suaife.
The Ladies' Paar, value $50, for all Ponies. Winners at this meeting arcepted. Entrance free. Catch weights.
The Natice's Purse, valu? $20, for all Ponies. In dian and Chinese Riders. One mile. Catch weight.
The Hongkong Storple Chase, for all Ponim. Catch weights. Ground to be named by the Brewards one hour before the time of starting.
Entrance #2 each with $80 added from the Food.
Extraces lo be declared on or before 15th Ja sty, 1865.
A Moor Man.-The disor of the Foundirmek (Tmmon) Whig an. nounces his intration of publishing a valigione parijdbe! He thus modestly was his qualifications for the task:- We dal setipatect to the task of editing sad publishing park on polties, ons as religion, s?o an avioane, and another u.nything you ass, el si the same time. Our grains is bounded on the Eg by the thing sun, as the West by the horlos, as the South by the shoem | of time, and on the Narth by the farthest liquid of astronomical Imagination, while the aurora borentia of truth light up our pathway by day und by night.”
Rears to commence punctually al s'abok r. The first Baddling Ball to be rung at ? post i z.M. A quarter of an hour allowed between each roos.
Upon megh saddling ball being rung all Homesto run ka the next Race'inmediately to rundertone on the course opposite the Grand Stand to draw for their roopretive places, and not to ge down to the Bierting Paint unit led by the Steward appointed to start thera.
? A?er meh race, the plaises passing the Winning Post to retera in the Judge's & xa? ned the Rider drelated to be ret to be weighed. Any Jackoy donating before bir tum, or left, being called upon in be weighed knee his claim to be placed as
Ile Winner.
All disputas ao la Entinosen and Qualificatia of Homes to be dechied in writing before the next. Race commences, or ng right of appest allowed.
No Horse allowed to run whose Entrance fore are not paid up to the Beerenity, ?
All Digate to be referral to the Rewards whose dealion in Goal.
Quietion of Riders so at formar meetings.
1, Denia, King, from Curasingstand
gn, AM, Hides from Galcnd Th Out, and Singapore 17th Nov^-
30, Hebrides, Melville, fron Wharapon,
30, Norman Merriam, Laynolds, from Calenin 15th Out, and Singapore
15th Drormbar.
H. M. Shop out, l'ommander Laring, from Amoy 27th December.
30, Mistrel (Am J, Dunn, from Oaha 27th November.
31 I, AL Brig Chlandise, · ovmander Clery, Whampon.
30, Anatias (Am ), Biesle, from Boston,
Pe Island Quora.-13. Fongpon, Eng, and 1. Mimboll, Esq Per Alibi,--Mrs Rhodes.
Per Norm Meriam,--Mrs Aiken.
|Hongkong | 500)daledo
?Basta med us.
Ghent and e
11. V. Jan.
1. L. di Almeida.
12. J. di B. Loureiro.
1. 17. dr broke.
de Las, brig
| 5. F. Jefrier, ashaoner
Jers, ship
4drton on Jensen,
?ssenal Tender Bosch,
Hanghome, harm
1 Mucin, bae par Jane Bocino, banque Le barg Thaguen, barque Priaden, barque
? Yoo frossen, brig
Emily, leche
Mary, Wechs
Ass, krebs
|Taurons Margom
[Men, Parhlo and
Van Kamariki Regemen and on.
V. Budi Konserwinkel and ev,
Per Minded, Meera J. Hobron; F. Johnson; Mazhall Johnson, Jontor; why traging Che
Juha; Hlautan, and Aying,
20, H. M. Brig Columbia, Commander Grey, Whampan.
PRUE ????????.
18 hands 3 in., 10 7
18 hands in, 7
30, Nymph, L?ndern, Houbry.
30 Tafulger, Richardson, Bombay.
sud upwards
Bydney and Caps Horses Extn.
TN concime of my departure from Cuzwa,the Agency of the tLOBE INSURANCE OF.
FICK at Macao under my sharge since April 1844 entand to be from the 30th Ultimo. Partion
Maving claims against the Office payable as Mamno ara requeried to present them to fletora Duas?n, CALVERT & Co. the Agents for the mid. ?fles at ORMEN.
Muaro, 29th December, 1847,
TOK BALE ? Case of Burgical Instruncate
(maker Dakan). Apply to,
Victoria, el November, 1847.
TJOLMES & BIGHAM have for unlo at pagoon.
30, P. & ? Cas blaumert Pakia, Fronton, Ceylon.
30, Andronache, Puseniors, London.
27, So Witch (Am ), Waterman, New York.
27, Hober (Am.). Pitersan, New York. - l'unchi (Am), Candlek?, New York,
14, Albert Edward, Downward, Liverpoo
14, Cine (8paniak). Lopez, Alakik. ??? ? 17, Queen, Gordon, L.
Per P. & Q. Co.'s meamer Prkia,—Por Southampton, Chief Justice and Mrs Hulme, Mr Burns, and ** Empson." For Gibraltar, Sanor Manual de Urines, Spaaith Gerotumani Agral. Vor Malta, Mosoru 1. (3 Van Ascher, and D.
R Maser, For Nace. Uishop la de Canopo, ?lomze G. P. Wimore, and a. Wetmore For Calcutta, Mia 'Pipper. For Singapore, Matara Al?biltou,
and Jamandia (Sukliar of the Gegion Hiday
UL. M. Slap Dublya
Brig Columbine
EL. C. Newkaper Vinta
Brig Egregio
Cuma Amy
able pricam an uzcall?nt assortment of Winter Chathing, joncities of Gratimer's. Drums Cando a Chesterfeld and D'Orosy Wrapporo; unperinn Black and Coloured Trousers, cholos Vests und Vomings; Droware: Singleta ; Brotch Plaids and Twende ; sapes los Black Cloth; London made Beose and thom, dzo, da.
Also, f?r late IMPORTATIONS,
Every deseription of Oilman's Blores, vis, Cam- barland Hams; Dutch Better in kags and jarn;
Captain P. Meljuhat
Commander W. Loring UniChanding GTAin Jan 1, G. Paman.
Chicone: Mankle.
arted Jau and Jellies; Pickles ; Sauces; White | Act, burgo Wine Vinegar; Mustard ? Ciroata ; ?ante Currants; Comer, leaner Blom Rad; Preserved Slesias Green de, &c.
Victoria, 18th Dazember, 1847.
At the Sibass of rus Unsanciones.
ARTELL'S Dark Brandy { ut $2.50 por (7ail.
in Wood
in Dotik Da
do. Superior French Bouled Pale?.
Good Pals and Dark Sherry
Old Port
Blackburn's Madsta
Allsopp's and Bras1 Boar
Licbrides, ship
Jan? Queen submone:
Maassen, kecaryhendite Nartha Mestizon, ship Kandillin Berga
Pa? koven, harqe
The Wilan, ship
Jako Barry, ship
Hygais, bacque
India Exbertes, Barque Lady Elayos, barq
Royal Vachang?, beg
Se on, brig
Warluck, big
Asong, ng Ascort, aben?NT
Lord Ambon, ship
Muktamadas, bergan Reyahat, how Harlequ?a, brig Lovini, Megas
Asia, Mig
Amazon, ship Black Dog,
Sonne (495), sekanner
Comal?, bela
Komoly Jane, ship
Ewer, brig
120 Dans
||moody, Mangregor and us.
[Rapla, Daw and de
Mamie, Dans and co
[Rawie, Dugs and on.
Vardian, Machonen and co. J.A.ONE, P.4 0.0%, Agent, Dear and on.
Jardine, Mashoona aid es.
Macrow and on.
10. Beneuen Hem nad on.
Augustas Messi sud en
11. ?s dl. Kustaaujas and co, |tiedag sad on
{f."). Cuma and an.
| Prenajoo Praujas Cam and co
bobile and on
cilman uni so
? Pandian, Machoten tad co
Magrione and on,
10. Somson Benz and on.
10eo, F. Hebertva.
P. & D. N. Cain and on,
Fardian, Machenen sad an Canngin Topancen Langrak,
turize und
Mandra, Carque
W dim Elugtena, Ariz
16 ikam 17, banque
Hellas, echoenar
Looking gali
Lamenes and jlandas. Maibetan not an·
Tornare, barqar
16 bright,
FOR Londax,—A Hangkang, —|Jebrides,
Jane Sorian
U. V. Boach,
Buanomat, Hongkong, – Cupuma,
Yibh, Liringmon and en
Homedy, Mofregor and on.
Macvist & Co. Chiman de ta
Maricar de l'a
Jardino, Machiina D
Jamieson, Huw & Us Dearie, Calron de Co.
Reysatuan & Co Lisany & Co. Ullman & Co. Bush Ca
Jardian, Mitkowa & Ca
16, Daske of Cornwall, 890, Whitehand, Hongkong 20, Anna Robertson, 141, Maps, Finding July September 91, Buests.
Emoding on the 14th October ---Ollon, Paroncho, and Joha Cosper.
1. B?rub Louisa, 207, Oldham, Shanghai, ΣContest, 500, Homery, Hongkong.
Royal Albany
ai 96.50 per Dor.
Yeong koh?, notin
Zephyr, tokione
|Dona and on.
Alligsier, beig
kawin. Dum and t
8, Christabel, 335, Larding, Hongkong.
K?kki, Livingsur sides,
15, Adon, 365, Michael, Hongkong.
vuides, Sarqan
and o
17, Cordelin, Flugbes, Hongkong,
kimkin, Ramous vai va
Massa, baryes
1, Jan.
CHARila, barqa
Raphratan, ship
Fling, whip
Kingshan, baryo
Mendian, ship
Mere Vess, ship
Best done
Deura, Calvert and an Jomiston, Hem and ev. Jacline, Madovan asal co. Ghake and n
|Wemase and o?.
Jana Prowe, 208, Nichols, Bhanghai
18, Esparaten, Lucas, Shanghai
19. Horatio. ——, Camon.
Loading on the 94th (Autoler,-Aqua Marina; Berbamgore; Dandim; Elis; Eerolie; John Horton; John O'Gaunt, (Hongkong); Largowi, pihang" kai); and Martha.
August t?, Puchleder, 205, Miller, Beptember 21, William Jendine, 603, Daag. Odular
13, Luly Amho si, 44.5, Myhill, Hongkong.
21, Sharon, Iness; Chine.
Dent and m.,
No, Parkins and on
Uuedine, Mathema and ou
Car and
Kennedy, McGrog-4 and as,
Kural and on,
Maricar and ca
P. Pomniro Cama and as
4, Forror.
135 C
-hanghai | Gazima+ G?NDE
Jardins, Maran and on
Plumber and
13) Andrea
Jamieson & Co.'s Irish Whiskey m8600",
Wh very description of abeaper Wines and Spiritu
at very low prices.
Vietaris, 94th Dvoumber, 1847.
Bituation in a Mervanilla Hdamn by a Pernon
#all soqueiated with busi?nd, and who can
[tvo good rolerences. For particulara, apply to
the Editor of this Paper.
Vietorm, 10th July, 1847.
CHIPPING ARTICLES, according to the re
Mary aunty, basque
Mlavera, ship
Marth dour, ship
dron, acqu
Zer, sober
sout set (Victoria 2 de B) for sale at this office Sir Herbert Olles "Fried of Chian,”
Victoria, 19th October, 1845, }
TOR me this office, four forms of bills of led. **ing for gudda at specro skipped by the P. & () Company's Stenen pucketa. Hi for goods deliver- Table at Landos; 2nd for gooda qu?iverable a
Gathegion; 3rd for goods deliverable Suez i
Asia, berger
Thermt, schonm Velocipado, throner
Francis Laveler, ?
Chega, achener Old England, skip Therington, sokoumer Walton, b?rque
4th for goods deliverable at intermediate poris, Audas, cheer They are printed atir the Company's forma va Bank post.
Office "Friend of China"
95th ember, 1845.
INGLISTS Reports add Navy Bilih f?r vale
at inis Office
Offen Eriond of Chian, 90th Dvo, 1944.
FOR SALE.-A1 the office of this paper.
Compradores chegag books.
Shige Articles, with an abstract of the merchant
nonman's not endorsed on the inch.
Powers of Arney, after forms by Chitty.
Chaiserpartien, after forms by Ch?ty.
Bill of Lading.
China Tariff of imports, and exports, for
counting bones.
Usarili, abonn
Priessert, s?htum?
?beral, schommer
Felida, barqar
Cognette, Sergence
nouoi, ship
Dart, shower
Doni and the
Pla?. Lingprva tai sad an Verdian, Maskenen and ou
Thomas T?play and on Raris, Dom and ou Manicar and
Jardin, Hallbeam and
5. Langran
Amoy Packal, schooner Catalan,
| Stak, Dem tudo.
4. May Flowns, 217, Tho apron, Hongkong.
Report ---Sembol Russell, to sail for China on 1st Septeinbar.
Londing - Dorms, (Dugh) vie Batavia; Mechtilda Cornelia, (Truck) via Batavia; Clare Anua Maria, (Duch) v?a Batari.
November 18, Mayaram Dayaram, Padilicombe, Hanghong. Loading.—Atraiova Apcar, Cowanjes Family, Mischief, and Bidney.
October 22, William Gillion, 511, Brown,
95, Will Oths Witp. 104, MeNight, Shanghai. 21, Thomas Fleary, Jury. Loading.—Isabella Watson, and Bukana.
sad on.
Papune, din?v zal on.
- Moiz and on
Augustine Henal and so
|8. W. Comainsk.
Vancouve, ship
Argyle, brig
? Thanghai√ mi??vekosy
183 Hawound
Manel and na
Loading on the 21st October.—Themes. Fielden.
Loading, -Rogio.
November 9, Car, 224, Hestra, Shanghai,
Loading,-Eleanor Hissell, 206, Jallein.
which they were mediately shut by din forudemars (hy he has or other places, in which is is supposed that ot the anes and attempted to bar thely gamage, span
was demanded by the Namn-chasre is the first names, Majesty's Conent encirely dimppenres of such a promoting, nod chai ang Bhigh mh?nnt an?ng in contravention of the Be then proceeded to Elwang-ghu keo, where about 2009), infusesion, will do as on his own retpornelllity. pag?ns were anomalla? round some?king witch he did
bringing sati modul? ?farded by the face cu strophe al
1 other points of importumes which hate
born leng pending between the two Governnoni 1.
To be in our present posion after the serpentadne of the horrible astrago jest summisted, avon pending sellore
labaner, was coming from Ta 10-pon a pinos some 8 or 19 ?From the Overland Friend of ?k?na, Des. 29 ) miles from the scene of the ethon, upon the 8th Lants to Her Majesty's Subjects:-
ed his official authority in a circular addressed | coinclamando have simady been made of the Paperin Cor that for four foreigners enmulag in or near the Taman
missioner in the event of thane demen a bat ring seanc te, we provuaja ochat mononese must be adepi 1, of Lo?am porised by a nombor of people; that two C- On Sunday the 5th instant, Mears McCartanese, caring green, and them and threw names s? mang
We are of opinion that whatever aggremien in semata Balkwill, Brown, Rutter, Small, and Bollamy without affect, and then, as the way was markey, Synthe intension of ewtain subjests of Mor Majesty in prosed
now be taken, they should not be of a matur tu dev Her Britanie Majory', Copeni having heard that it is embarked in's Hong boat about two o'clock
Bimal Gownsent from assing that grave retter kapro. belgrow morning so che ciggy to the Video of Hwang, tung by the ne
efler, which the sisetunnonces Lamound and potens se in the afternoon with the intention of smiling a coutlawed their fighs These are doubtless the ??p l'hi- their sountyone sea monized : dirta le te gieo motion that Hor few miles up the river, landing for a walk, and Desernamed Chin and Le, the surrendte of whose bodles returning in dinner. With the exception of the gentleman Brst named they bars attended divino service in the forenoon; and the afternoon's excursion was simply uno of recreation and exercise. They had no guns with thein, and unfortunately only two took the precaution of carrying pistola. They proceeded as far as Hwang-cu-kee, a willage about four milka above the lactories and there landed directing th? hoalenoa c? wet their return the tir- cumstances connected with their after fate are gathered from various Chinese witness, and Though the statements are in soose points con- tradictory, in the main they agree. The depo- sition of the master of the bont was taken before five British merchants and Mr John A. T. Meadows, Public Trapalator of Chinese, copy is in full-
| but he was told that they had born bending the Har Mojty's Consul danssa la uzpedient to make known in (fer Majesty's Glomroment, moms imponible, and mak Fankwol and knew that the la: bodies were there. 216 to all concerned that he la is communicados with the leoni
che fedting that it lens, we must leave it so you fix aliony Went ou se Canton, where he served at skont & P. Mauthorities so to the restoration of his sountryman now un-
in determine whether it be quotesble to pratich doch force and resulned til Tuesday morning, when, he was an awfully confined, and at the soma time most diminctly prains,
here, so wid permit Bridah Bubject to rasida hem mad-nery his way home at an early hout, be atertank a molt made that any mach sent to overplated by the Meities
on their trade, without their lives being placed in inana carrying the sis iedere ?~an-ngo how, when they m??n ovumanity will afford ground fo: the Chinese to withheld the
jeopardy, or whether it be necemery, vonn a' the sacrifig. ? be thrown into the water. Tide was done, s? vi des delivery of the pervos new k?det mergins.
of their temporary commercial interente by ren me th?m ferm wards heard, with stones tied to tham to prevent lande
the Port by the mat stringent memoria, the chin. fasting: be returned to anion on the 17th, when he that the question now in hand has been crusmaniested t
The Consul father intimaton in Her"Mujancy's oskjonsvernment in the latter osan being of averse bat) casputeikda communicated this intelligence to the faforma.
for all loneno neining from ovob romful.
Her Majesty's Mower Plenipotentiary, whose instructions
He further said, that on capturing the dur Englishmen may be looked for to-mierea aveaing.” He therefore desam at Hant-komm. they were n? brenght back to Hatang ghas it his imperative duty to call upon Bar Majesty's marijanta by kao che some night; that in the two who had faith dres. | |their allegianos to their sovareiga to obey his consulem and tie was found to ha set yet extimate)T
surses infunctions.
rale were at lver and that than they of Geen onder my hand at Cape, this slath day of the the vile viled that they should be sent held togan: comber, Lp17, at nine of the clock in the evening. ton; bottle was appo ad by the re-l, on account of the
? which they feared would be taken. It was
FRANCIS C. MACGREGOR, Wooly cided that they should die, het n? situat
B. B. Consul back from the task of potting chem to death, until one pans, not above 26 or 24 years of age o?d that if they were all afraid he would do thimaal, Cherupa with a brovy knife or metal wespan, much as is used to | ship wood."
About one o'clock on the 6th December 1847, one
belonging to the Bom of Bleskin, Rawson & Co, como and hired the Heng best of which J. Chew-e-paw, s? chief b- o. mas. Bit feilgners about that time get into my boat, and we prosseded westward About ihren o'clock, we arrived at the landing place of the ferry at the village of Wung-chal ja samaria Elusng-chu.kop) where defigners Immediately went on shore. We asked them if we should Allow them at BOL. They said that is was not necesty and we do regalo and arsit 'or them. The place where rechend is about one hundred peces from the village. We mw the fenigners pass through a mons archway and puter into the village, when they were conaneled from us ber
ing in the boat during the sonon of van hour when we board The sand of genge in the village. There was a small bone anchored near us in which; there were an id man and a
ne into the village to boy vegetables, On bie "return be sformed the old man shot the peggo sama suunded became
the dwellings are long aght ofthem we raised malt.
young man. The youngout of threebad short time previously
willgun mare paging and beasing the foreigners. The aldwin what kind of people we had brought there
Do our indurming him, be advised no to make p? with all speed, otherwise the villagers would impaadlovely come and a with the intonalon of killing on. Wici?n a quarter p?an hour after he bei mend thin the villagers advanced to werde no and commenced throwing es then at me. We them. fore immediately went to the opposite side of the river. Our Intendon ww to wait thare till the foreigners come so tha
mcs?re them." We waited till about 7 or 8 s'pluck at which same we again heard the sounding of gongs in the village. Thay sounded as if there fans something extenordinary going ?n, not in the comum a passar. All at once ya percalvad two a copard boats with shosi muren us might people in pach adranong kastily towards me, when they game up to us they faniened their best books on our boat mying 'at the
D. JARDINE,and various others,
Barrow SITE, Centut,
18th Dec. 1847.
Mor Dan Jaques,
and the Brisi derekana, Canton,
Gentleman-lam, denoted by His Eccallumer, Her Mujany's Planinsaciary to ostaneledge the mohips of your leiter, deted the 18th instantio v?
base hace persoporily made, and a limited Wate You are right in permining that doncanda f?r immediate remencium (as far no Imoc no cho punistusent of the guilty thi Kund, bepund which His Remilancy cannot remain horu, once these negotiations,
To Her Majesty's Bubjects. better that it was not carried into effect. The ?lowever commendable the intention, it is
brave nien who volunteer their service would It will be observed that these statements have been too late to save their countrymon, agree in one essential point-the victims were sod a collision with the villagers would have kept for two days and two nights; and by the been too probable, and more valuable lives lost it from factors sensor of its own, grandes, Your implied apprehension, last say masivong of ondraanR, ion on His Excellenly V part, might dokaj dhe Kritzah medical report at the inquest it is proved that possibly the entire party would have been an inamach as it is an univerma) tale that no Chulanmaya they were bound and severged repeatedly. The rounded and cut off. Had there been an ade-bound im-lielty by the acts of its representation and the ho woman saw the commencement of the affray; quate force at the factorion (even a company of acts are conclure, nolem zuid?ed by the lansirigs. the party was then aix; the people shouted the 95th Regt., with the aid of the volunteers)
Whenever it might become necamry to withdenge the Con. Fonkwei (Foreign Devil) and threw mud at the victims could have been saved on Monday, backed the Port, fall prey them, which they did not rosent from mud
the Mercandle Corsinanity, fo weder chai In the meantime H. M steam-ship Fulture they might have times ang conclude their cumarind spars. they preceded to throw stones, their numbers arrived at Whampoa from Hongkong, and edes the spot, Bet the Exorisney apre din estima tions, and in the moon shule all dye protection we beaut increasing foes and farming implements were Captain Macdougall with about 100 samony unclave the bar in be, next used: a shot as fire and one Chides and marines landed at the factories on Werle, your must obedient, hazuude ostrant, fell a multitude bad congregated at the sound pesty orning. Koying was informed that of a song and two of the foreigners fell, the unless the bodies were given up by IP. M. the
(Signed) A· R. JOHNSTON. people continuing unwrike them; the other Vulture's boats would destroy the villager; but negotiation. On the evening of the with, it was From the 12th to the 20th was passed in four, after endeavouring to appease the people, this threat fleil severely wounded by pikes, poles, knives, returning that night to Hongkong for orders and marders would be executed the following no citried out, the Vulture intimated to the community that fate of the and stones. The woman saw nothing further.oldiers to protect the residents. Captain Mac-morning at the village of Hwang-cla-kos. On The male witnom first observed the four who dougall took the precaution of leaving his as the morning of the 2e the IT. C, Stenver Pluto carried up the Hos: Mr Johnston, Mir Vice Consul Elmslic, and Mr Meadows, lat torpreter to the Coulate, to witnew thees. ecoton, gueril of three officers and thirty mon of 11.44.
They were acompania with 95th Rogt. Four men were decapitated; bin from the fact of their bring gagged, and the undies buried in the strangersburying, ground, it in surmised that they were not villagers at all. Upon this particular there a Pariona beliefs. It is very onni tently asserted that on the demand being made by Keving he for lives, the man who were exrented off?reil in suffer provided certain hours were panterro on their families. In Europosthis may appear incredible, but in China where 'ife is held cheap add the laws are loose, substitutes are It was but intely that in sentence of death be ing paned on a murderer in Hongkong, he on- quired whether he would be allu § to pro. vido a substitute.
landing place, whra we would pal om the be at Bed in or near the village of Letsum; they rinos as a temporary guard. In the afternoon were pursued by a number of people; two men of Wodncalay it was intinoted that noe body carrying gram endeavoured to intercept thous bad boon recovered by dragging and that it and were shot. He afterwards preceded would be sent down in the evening. The Chi Ewang-chu-kee where about 1,000 people were nese authoritics by a chop dated the 7th (Fune- senibled, and he was told they had been day) offered two thousand four hundred dollars brating the foroiguen, He also stated that the for the party if alive, and two hundred allan six foreigners were alive until Tuesday morning for each body This is opposed to the find report of the Chi-
died. On Wednesday they were award of the murders; an oilct of the pase that two had won killed in the melee, Chief Criminal Julge called upon the wall disposed to give up the guilty and print out where the bodies were lid.
e time this is the boat which brought da kagera We knocked their boat hooks off and fed with the tide, The villagers parmed or to the animes of the Lakay when they sproed back. After this we rent w - place of The name of Low- skong whe?u ww anchored, sad e? v?i the
me necessary to and a meal, day broke. There we although it is probably correr, the ten who full jaking ham ei auchuk sa the same plan -deli wao ww - having lwen wounded mod oot killed. jaylight we daret nos pergen to Canton, w?h our butt, but ? pi?do a small been in order le meurn to the Hongs (Peciarias) The bodies of the dead were examined to report the news I arrived at Canton about 12 of cluck on by Dr Marjoribmuks, when was decidedly of sha gih, went to the comprador of Blankie, Rassen & G and gare his information of the adair. He said this opinion that they were all alive at a falter and took me to the houses of period than day evening. Marks of the poster was unt as Lane, at both of which place y
cane were visible usion Iar of them, as well as of the cords by which they had been tief up; and from inflammation having supervened, they could not have been put to death for twelve hours at least after ling Blogged. From the marks of cords on the anus one had been tied up on three rural unoteons, and the ratten had been applied to the sides of the face as well
Turner & Co. and B mid to be cut... The compendur then took me to the Commul Among the six foreigners there was one named Saull, who carried with him one pair of double barreled pocket pistole and one seulemen, as inspector of Birley, carried one pair single barrelled poskes pistols. Woose them had them. We did not see that the other gendomen had any fee-geme According to our observating none of the six foreigners wern by any meado jujogicated.
as the back.
From this evidence it appears that about an hour after landing gangs were boat in the vil Jager and a person who had gone there to This pesof is not so clear as could be wished purchase provisions informed the boatinen that for, though it establishes the demning fact that the villagers were pursuing and beating the six Englishmen were muntered in cold blond, foreigners, advising them to be off or the after being tortured to gratify the ammelty of villagers would seize and probably kill them. hard hearted race. I've priceedings were at It further appears that between 7 and 8 o'clock least tolerated by the Magistrates, and it is al- gongs were again beat in an unusual manner, most portain that they approved of and sanc if something extraordinary was going on. toned then. With than the responsibility This was from four to five hours after the Parrots, and no redress can be satisfactory which peans landed, and from three to four after the does not include the forfeiture of their lives boatmen were informed that the villagers were chasing and beating them. From this wo con- As may be bolioved, when it was ascertained clude that our countrymen were not killed on that the unfortunate guatleinere were missing landing; but that on the second beating of there was an intense degree of excitement at
the factories. Early on Monday Mr Consil gong they were made to undergo the inhuman forture which it will be shown was inflicted Macgregor applied to the district Magidratos for the release of the party pposed to be held upon them repeatedly before murder becaine
captive in the villages, [le also gaildressed An act of mercy.
The next link in the chain of evidence we Keying, anolusing a copy of his application to the Magistrates. An answer was received take from notes furnished a contemporary by a from Koying in the one of the afterma gentleman who has had favourable opportunistating that before receiving the Consul's letter ties of coming at the fauts :—
be had heard of the ciraumasace, and had wat orders to the Magistrates to early for the foreigners and set them at liberty. This one respondence should not be lost sight of; lay four hours prior to the murdert, the Govermars. General of the province knew that six foreigners were captive at a village within three or four miles of his house, and he either haul at the
The writer was Infomed by a Chicese of respectab Fig, that a female slave belonging to a relation of his own, reident at Kaed-pesen, was at work the Bride on be afternoon in question: the sew the six foreigners first at some distamos Inshore of Hwang-che-kos, where a few of the work people shouted Fankwl, and threw mad at them, of which they took no notice Shortly afterwards, Those were jolood by others, was all events a larger party,
perhaps twenty in amber,cume on in part of them
? and angling them with monet, buting befeeds and the like: the forenera bat poper or the will ta save them from death.
(arming Implements,
up their hands, and appeared to deprecame the violence of their partners, who had now resobei them, and were striking at them, while their sumber increased avery me- pent the people in the adjoining Reida Bogked to take part in the attack. One of this foreigners then fired and hit a 1 Miness, who fall. The gong was struck, and a mal- finds assembled who fought furlessly with the Bagliah, and overpowered ime of them, whom they condoned to strike after they were down.
The other fear, who seamed unch frightened, and ware covered with wounds, indicted by pikes, peles, kalves and stones, after having la wain Sed, a rest to appean the people by the offered are And, and the women say to i
report which the Informant had beard of what amused upon dila, was the spon reaching the village of Hang-keson, they were seled confined for two days and two night during which time They were without food, beaten repeatedly, and then put to death"
*Information was giron by the lines abere quoted thewrite as the 18th December, that a young man, a * The sepi popian, sta spolun ?n Ounpm. Ch?ren,
The body of Me McCarte was sent in on Thursday morning. Decomposition had not cominanood. The wounds were in all forty four-thirty six incisod, and oight contusios many of them would have caused death the skull bring bruken in wveral pleocs, In the forenoon the bodies of Mortes Balkwill, Beall, and Brown were also brought in. There were numerous wounds on each of them, the two first having soarks of the rattan on the back Mr Brown appeared to have a gun shot wound, are fu full of the demands which would la It cannot be supposed that those opacations and from there being only one wound in his satisfactory for the present, and we therefore back and a spear thrust in the abdomen, it is conclude that Keying, has not enimplied with thought he was noe of the two who fell at the beginning of the affray.
On Friday the bodies of Mosure Bellamy and Rutor were brought down. Like the others there were deep wounds on the head and chest, and the marks of ropes on the arma. Decom position had ootenanced, though blood con- tinued in Bow from one corpen.
Bir John Davla landed at Canton about noon
on the 12th, having proviously put himself communigation with Keying. The following circsfer announcing be arrived was sent round:
The undarle omal has been sharged by His Ex- llency for Majesty's Plenipotentiary, does to le and at the beician ("andalata, and that His Excelleary form Har Majesty's Habjecta resident of this ity of his will be happy to recrive from them any communication they may have to make to be in any way they ple
1. B. 1. Col.
Canton, 1114 December, 181f.
up is really to offer fluir c
A deputation of the British residents, waited operation in my means to be taken als their willing to give their opinion or advice They were informed generally, that His Ex- an any matters that might be laid before then, cellency had made derant, which, if complied with, would satisfy every one for the present, though they would not literfere with any ulte-
them. Sir John Darin left the Factors na the 22nd without communicating to any one his future intentions. He informed a gondamen who waited on him that Keying had got to the 20th of next month to satisfy him (Dave) that he (Reving) could control the villagers. The fact of Keying's being unable-possibly un- willing- relieve the ex victims of Canines aruelty is conclusive prof upon this head — however Bir John Davis may have an object in view by the end of next month our naval force will be increased.
The atrocities recently committed have been in mune degree foreseen and foretold; though the finish cruelty with which they were s conpated could not have been imagined. The inhabitants of the Canton district ad of the southern provinces generally have always been a turbolent, fosolent, argi roditious people. They were the insi, to yield to the Tartar dynasty1 and the imbecile government leaves them in a gerat degree to govern themselves; the rule being, as recently expressed by Koying in a despatale to the Empervir, for the incal settori. tion, thinking it inespedient to thwart their ins ties to hold the people farowest in engilera-
clinations aridy, or to show a lovias saro. pliance with the requests of foreignora." Their of the city in 1941, when a British forge nl 3,040 volent desposition was inflamed by the ran
men occupied the heights. Camion was the seat At noon two boats with about thirty English-rise steps taken by Her Majesty's government. of our degradation | there the war commenced men lof the factories in sarah of their friends, | A public menting was afterwards bold; the and here it would have terminated bad Cap- They explored several creeks in the neighbour conduct of the deputation was approved of and hond of Hwang-chu-keo but without gaining letter drawn up the following day and ad-
tain Elbion refused to make any separate trendy with it. The British troops were withinaww any information. In the afternoon Dr Major dressed in Sir John Davis. Wo subjoin the banks found the Nashae Magistrate on board letter and the reply--they will show the caution gathered in large force in give them batile, on that occasion, and the villagers who hel a boat at anchor about quarter of a mile below which is now deemed necessary in any oin-behere to this day that the English were afraid Hwang ohu-kes, evidently afraid to go farther, munication with the plenipotentiary -
of them. Our arins were turned again the Dr Marjoribanks remonstrated with him on hi apathy, and offered to accompany to the
inoffensive people of the nurth, and the ghality village, lest any of the isoners should require
brood in the south who ought to have been scourged were spared. Diffoulties did not rer surgical aid. This offer was declined.
minate with the treaty of Nankin; under the influence of fear the Imperial goveruptont granted all Sir Henry Pottinger's dolin?nds, but unfortunately it has not the power, or the inclination, to coerce the people of Cantors into compliance with these concessions. The fight
TELE. Jons P. Data, bag,
Bra,-We beg to thank your Excellency for the co nisation made through Her Majesty's Ovmal under yeter. cars to be permed, in the present
CANTOR, 18% Dvormber, 1849.
In the evening I was arranged that a party | dari dam, and as your Excellency has jurised us to other well armed should proceed to the villages, it gridd, we arsil ummeting of the opportunity to make the search of their friends, but the Cousal interposing rem
it would appear freen what your Bacollower stated to the
↑ ?n chi opards of the informant they were * het geen kun and Depagon who had the hohow af waiting on you the t
of coldfing the city, the privilege reptung bukling ground, and the further privilege of taking exessise in the country, have beat ob sinately opposed. Our diplomacy was placed in weak bands at a critical period and after three years negotiation Sir John Dave found
On the Oil of November Mr Vice Consul
The decepim of Keying is a pour apology latend April, 1917.—Mr T. A. Glina.—S?r & Simu
prost which you think the British Government caulil Elmatie in passing one of the small farts below 8. fehn larm, but is not bere that bis quik is to be-Are there any impediments to trade at Caute
-remote?—No if an afraid it in hi the inherent ill. the factories in his boat was saluted with a shades la a small community people are more which passed so close that it was heard by or equabead, and in Canton iber is no of than who did not know some of the victims of those on board.
Again, an the lad, November, Mr Consultery; even in ilongkong, there are fuw who
he had been foiled and insulted by Keying. | Margregur, Capt. Macdougall, and somewhere they have lost my acquaintance not a
Then followed the ill advised expedition of April. Again British force was withdrawn on Canton, without a conflict with the vain glarinos braves of the villages who were cons ghgating for fight; and again was it said that The English feared them. To this improdent expeditionenud subsequent offiejal acts may be f tryond the present dalagnity, the spirit of h?a- thity towards foreigners having been greatly in ed by the degradation inflicted upon the We will
defenceles pational fortification. glance at what has necurred since April Inst.
A plesa of land for building papiossa_w^? grated on the Honan side of the riverment les missys f?r John Davis-but the people of Homan would not agree to the arrangement sonde with their government. The British officer who want to make a maresy with drwn away; abd fuce goers could ant. feul to lonk at the gent without the risk of personal injury. Negadis tine with the Elder fullwod and the irish Envoy squaly Shahdoned the grant obtained at
■ fartal To the propio this was another victory, The Pienpotentiary was then offered 15 serm of land at Bhik-wa-tang, contiguous
atrocities lave boon coinmittaed. The site was ible for the purpose required, but that wetters not now. Upon the 15 acres the villa. www.encanpol themselves, destroying the home of a man whore sole fault was showing Firility to Voreigners. They issund proclama- Tow copies of which appeared in all the Hongtact papers, declaring their intention of opposing the seulentent of foreigners, Farts eight villages confeferated, and a militia was formed, yng nine luing to these
gentlemen, started for a walk m?nd the citye they went pelted with stones from the walk, the Tartar wildiers looking on with indifferance, in both of these cases, au alin in the Chak-tow affair, the guiky (1) were punished.but it skews the disposition of the people.
Extracts from “Moreres or Kviance" taken for the alres Lameire of the Hanes of Con
ed in March 1847, to take ja?a
feeling of the inhalants generally so foreigners.
Therefore you do not concur in the complaint that the trade at Canton is labouring under serious diand - vantages, orlo'ng from the regulations of the Arithala Government?—I am not aware of any regulations that the British Government muld make,?farther than
allowed to have intercourse in the elty of l’anton amil
trade than ever.
Do you attribute that in the nintharl?len ?r to be pro- ple?—Ta the people.
And to the weaknew of the auth?rlikes lg controlling theple?-Ye
Die Bowring-llave you visited. Canton at different perjode-Y.
Chins iber bes boss bat ons opinion an to city for a camer bulag near the factories present a firm front to any cats made by the Cli at all bases, were it only to afford protection in the, or by decasading any grievance es be remediest ercat si dire, not to speak of the far greater danger when it apposts. For instance, by our treaty we are from the violace of a lawless progie under lle all round the suburbs, but we are more couleed now ar ao curtrel. We append some extracts from than ever; we have low spues for recration or for On reading these detail the enquiry will na evidenes recetely taken before a parliamentary com turally be, what protection has Sir John Davie mitha, which entirely bears out the Impression in afforded his countrymen in the dangernes po this quarter. It is parafol to think that the declara ting they hold at Canton? We answer nono, tious of the skim community have been set aside to It has been His Excelleney's polsey to onnindelge the enches of a man whose sphere of ac ould now have been raised above a village kiagos erammend that the people of Canton were quite under control at the authorities; and that chaol foom. no danger was to be apprehended unless it was incurred by the misconduct of foreigners A more fatal delusion never was entertained by any anin upposition to the repented warnings and remonstrances of these who were in the best position to julge. The Bresence of small rewel of war has been again and again begged for; and bad one been at Canton on the th December the horrid murders would not have been perpetrated. The village "braves" are cowardly as well as stuck, and had the Ph?m Englishmen might have walked through Hwang, cho-kee or say of the neighbouring villages in perfect safety. As far back as July 1816, the British inhabitants of Canton addrewell Visen be sent out to have a steamer permanently sta ant Palmerston earnestly entreating that orders thened near the factories. His Lordship took a correct view of the matter, and in his inemora- bls despatch to Br John Darm of 10th Dec.. be say "whenever British Subject are placed in danger, in a situation which is soosssible in British ship of war, a british skip of war ought to such will be ordered, not only to go beat to remain, as long as its prenos may bereen
and you have been struck with th?dzalandom of?he facilities of late?-We are more sanilind my than ever.
Mr Rome Contrary to the treaty ?—Tas *Have any remonstrances heas mala-by the jetish, Government upon the nobject ?—-3 Andariinabcipe Sir who can give better informatino upon that subjr?t than
Intions with China. Ordered by the Hour of Jobs Davie les done so, but there are ochen parties Cummers to be printed, 19th July, 1847.
10 May, 1943. Rev. Geonan Siva, y 4.—When you were at Canton did you ?nd a very different matt
it on the part of the population there? [Dilevant dust e from the conduct of the population at the other porta. E P. 4 C]. There was a very different spirit pro-
?ilo poople at Canton. What was the -Vary hostile to foreigners, very tarbalent.
monas Joselyn...--Do you think that in may in. stanos a leanderst-nding hou arlem owing in the im proper conduct of the mercantile agnarbeity ?—I can. not say that; 1 haya semn perilous walking quietly round the city or being stjnad
Acording to your jmowicips, koomy mlagnaluostatul-
to the village of 3) wang-chu-ken where the late been at her anchonge of the Macao passage, railing armoniossitiati of the people at Camoon ? | ing always eelnen as the side of the Chinese? mi?o the
Do you avcribe that to any particular cause?....To a def charecter,ad the state of feeling which has been missing there for a couple of centurion; alm in the fact that the government have very little power are the people at Canton.
Chairman-You witribute the difficulties which for elgere meat with in their Intercourse with the people 41 Canton more to the fealings of the pample and the of the government than to any indiaprylciens an the part of the government to protect the British? More to the turbulence of the people than to the in- dausaltion of the government.
best of my knowln?gi it kan,
Met-Doos the dillereure in the treatmm) of · foreigners at Canton and at talamh MUNGON UND ferent aharacter of the powaleskih suka two p?uema?— Entirely they are a diferent enna at MENDA We find og obstacles whatever ve Same mea civil sed kind in every way.
Was My gamery (Mambalpubblikatsional im going round, Cantan lost yil) – You with the vi?n. comel Mir Desksen, who le ? mans quiet and inclusive
13th May, 347.-—Mr B. Rawas:%--Me Haum. Do you do cur' in the evidence of those wit?abere who consider thai there has not been sella?n? pro- taction to the British'eroident at Cuartan L--- Davidad- and Fam glad?o, find now, that upon a remon atrace having been made, orders haya kaso sent ON for a steamer to be acarimused constapily a faniem. Certainly the treason between Cangan sori Hong Long is the most terrible state. My own partner was bere about two months ago by plates, in going from Canton Le Hongkong, and they were within 60 yard of thren, batibay tanaged to reach a junk. Almost every weak wo hour ?f bonie bring ma?ked.
* Be G. Einunten. -- Would you my (but the govern- were withing or carelem to give protect on, ne that they were unable to do it?-b should say unable at Conson; at other parts they show & greet willingly;
? promet foreigners. Would that Sir John Davis had acted upon
Gal4your oplan that the paraller character and com the instructions; but alast un obstinate ad- herence to his own opinioa, er a gradukondition of the Uhlerse at Uniton mesribe a great de. helief in the repremostinas af Kaying, fed gree of forrance and accumspection as the part of foreigner, to zuloavour to avodil gieleg offence?—Un- doubly; ut he never diet that hours on tive part of foreigners will always be mucosal believe the turns of the people is a great that it will was always bmicromful. Vid ? fr?ani), an Amertean, who specks the language, sind in a very quietly diaposel en. He way a slaninoniy, and be m?x lainly ming out be the spysite side of the erver; and thigh he
villages v?ru recalleil from Canton and other places, sad avery preparation made for war. Drill wang regularly, and the place had all the appearance of a camp, the local governmequired for the protection of British intereak
daring 10 Storler. On the 8th of Auga ture booth with Boropeana on board were pas ing the batsinpment when ihren shots from guns of a heavy enlilies wore fire at the n this was duly represented to the Hetish Col the wildrawal of the Photo n the 17th who was perfectly acquainted with all that October. No sooner was this down than the
villagers commenced their prenosibertad opast was going in ?t ish-wai-tang, even to a cam diated altark during the night on the U. t. ratings for the destruction of foreigners, In Kiener Plan, whome perarare probaly saved extenuation of this neglect, it may be said tha the factories at that fine. We mbjais two Sir John Davis was denived by Koving, and proclamations (maked A & 11) imod lay the this is partly true, though it says little for the confederation. The claim in Shil-wei-Plenipotentiary's discernment. Keying writes: was also almucinol, and inre was another riomph. Minen thai persad the insult collarett to Focsigners hav? boon many, and the murder ons, intentions of the culicerated villages may be learned he the following pro laination pot forta in Ocyber.
Rinor mar (rive of). (hami, he had emmeretul lum. caste with hersieners, all and ruch of no kam anj yed peace. Thongh from the number of da krogaars dhe akan la their fanm Get Crush water, it happened that if any of them railed into the laser fiber, 11 was merely to gut waterpa they red legendiately, we mean that
muddato But lovely there have bron sme trasgana Chinese, who were me held to to prevenc te land de denti and low-dose ran into the various village and lum'rie, in u dinederig manner, l?having wichst four. They began with Lh?ng zod ki?ne, kur sharosede, osime se lako by feyn, and simul vegetables and fen?n, si est trans and mmad, with their un-keta, b ya and girl, as sham and Injure shi
brates, to get chemoire drank, and net domains in this way ki al lengtha af wicked-wake when her bikers diere drumkin. (To premat hij now at the merous devricas and vingus, betra sat seung m?its have bten callested sad unosed – Bhumid any traktamar Castane -duru, ng?it to bring the druida ?nt? che villages to conne mint and anawer made in the time way by the people n? t? n?i jaluing pinowe, and my devin slut shares so the farthen, he mtida shalt de men te bemale teetet, and divided a two partie: ose ta inten?at the rood by which
the 94th Augun,---
**The traitu dl bonds and vill?gebrave were relees") with the view of protesting their villages and fatuse against robbers sal vagabondo was how remily' brome very numerous
collect of sanes frecu
lepe mough to hava kinematode de vorm 1320 sny provodjon.
jeans that no for-
was quen no the part of thing will at all times les umezinful.
4th May, 1947-——Mr dzax. Mor? 2009.--| gan sa
Chairman – you think iker-a niall war Kanther would be enough 7-Yegs I do not think the Chinuman 'would some near her.
Viscostat Suoriya. --- Wu havn ?nd beidenes that it inalongit advise it for the security af English mer- |·entral Cantein vs kanp a man of war in Une river ; do you believe in Las le necromury 1 - I think i is absolutely necessary; but i think tha viser handjy defines the limit to which it should amend
more palpable untruth | chcel that no varling messings before I left China. | pot think that a man of war, stationed at Whampos, was sever uttered even by a Chionos. Diplaas (that British merchants at L'iston ware metsalickatly pw-|| 2 of the alizbbat man. Any disturbance in Canton
At that time the proctomations A and 13 were in eiretail for want of a place of refuge in the river to which
ban generally arisen voldenly without say ajpsar- culation, sudura European bunts had bean feud into | they could go in man of ange?iney, or to which they
An of preparation on the part of the Chinese; it mult contry their books and paconita. at the identical village of itwang chuk ken.
Chairman. You believe that there la muck a diapo-isa m?b, in fact.
Bie John Davie la ni tengah aware of the deceit which bus on practised in his official dealings with Koying. The following note is plain, but in truor
*BRITI Comulath, Canton,
*18th Dec, 1847.
?t hava trosivad your Excellency's note detud yesterday, 1 in therein erroarously stated that the; six murdered Englishmen Bred pistol and killed Chinese la meum merely to the shouts of the villagers, and verre pas to danch on the spur of the amorosot.? The trash on the contrary in that being attacked a conding to the previous repeated declaration of the villager, they defended themselves with pistola, and some of them being captured, were subsequently put to death in cold blood. This kit boss declared by several Chhown wine, and their stament will be forwarded to my government, who will malore
cal facta.
(the devils) might mourn, and santher je ciner and bout them in death, in pocomary to kill all Cu noiva urainotu and (faralgo) devils ory we sing. Therefore this native inly consider it Itle therefore useless to alur over the. same specially postfill in senarai placu fie gusarai info: motion and all defence
Amarely winan be the scholar. ?
Posted up si Tin-po village.
The first attempt to carry out this diabolical scheme was on the 24th October at the village of Chak-tow, some short distance above the new infagious 11wang chu-kee. A gentleman who formed one of the party akin sa letter fit appeared in the the bi-weekly paper of the 3rd November) from which we give Join exifacts-
"Your Excellency in addrewing your Emparer apponto is have stated as follows:-shoold the for m?gners chance to have any object in view; such an the renting of lands, the action of buildings or the like trim, the fanion people collect a mob and is terkere with them by making a discretance. The ochbrities holding the people to be foremost in coesidention, think it inexpedient to thwart their la clinations tiny, or in shows deels compliance with the 1 quests of foreigners. This indeed in the real truth and being costraty in the Treaty, it is the
* About Boun ang hired a sampen intendag to take a rail | whole cause of the constant voeblasst, Canion, while
up the cover and law a walk, bring under the impermit at the her posts there is a perjeten? quiet.
that chough we might mens with coach, we mal? b? in no
moral danger. From the toe af vor leaving the Faeveica
Since the landen poopla kasa keen i?us encourag
then on the part of the ?bineer population in Ognion, In fact, it is your belief that a man-of-mir stationed and an little pawar over the pop?lion, as the part of there, would not here the desired effet It ougin
the sushorides, this the Kuglink, if protected at all, to be atationed at Canton, not at Whamp?s; general- mini prometel themasings?—You; to convinen lely the reen-of war base barn Jying at Wharnpos; grey Engeland Amscisan merobant of that, that the
Do you imagine thst a single vomsel of wer lying
opposite the factories would be suffolent to project
last thing they do before guling to bed, is to pack up their banka and valuable papers, in that they can re- more them at a moments deltari they do not sunsider - the thesories 7 and think that the Chimes here a very themselves in a safe position.
great dread of our ammers. I hang that all my
?e Bouring —Do you think that they would be pyar | own friends expected a distarhangay la Canton in mond if there was a dlapselton so the part of the | Pabutary, and nli my letters manchik time they at- Chinese authorities to protect them ?m-1 de 11 think the ? tribute these perfeci malay to the presynse of skin!! domme Government would have the power of project-
ing foreigners in Canson, if they wore lom spochocie stomer that le lying there,
then they ne
Chairman -- A wrumer could lie ao se to comasend
?0% BEKP, IBAT---Me J. Nisv?ntoen.---What kind | the longs?—Yes; another circumstance of safety of prosection de you think la danzable ? ---That we | would be, that if the mob war so linjath to be able hold have some protection against the violones of the to over power as, and the stammer hould not render Chinese prople in ingin of riot, by means of a show or a ship of war i whichever would oppoor bus to the
us sufficient servien, it ironki almaya bu a place of
rafage and a plnos f?r maving boobs sel ?apers. authorities in Hongkong.
90th May, 1847 —Mr Onawason'Kaan -Chair- Bepping that summer, or ship of war la stationed
look to any other manso of pro- | men.--Do you wish to make a foriber galawant to la the river, you do i zestion? I would rather lost to a deiti?n vanad ta tha | The Committefank with so ranka a matement with river than to any protection that the Chinese non glen. | with reference to our present position at Canton, -If that be bom dane, you shink illas de much hor | which is quite un boil, if not worde, then previene to been done so zan be done by the British anibertsins | Theme. you are not aware of anything el?n that they can de ?---- that they can do by British forse. I think die Chinese authorities ought to be compelled to prosect British reddens living in thele elty,
In what manner arm the Bettiah authorities to sbain that prouction?-That is a question for the British Govern.c.cumat pramide to akawer that gum. Does it the inability of the Chinese vent to gito protection to foreign roulanta, make it more Vu+ qublie that an English Saree should be there to de- oper with an attempt? made by the Caston authe
albakil be lo Canyon for the peasketion of Britlah mer- chants at the prepons moment.
What are the complainu you have la maka sa to the position of the British at Chang F-1 coneidar the present perion of British objecte at Canton highly unmulatiowo?y, both se regarde their personal sulity and liberty, as also the manner in which the trade is conducted; and lacuribate tile state of affairs to the non-enfant of the serous of the treaty,
Lat the Jung, ?8 17. —Capt. G Baludan. – Ju there
a grast difference between iha trattment of foreigners at Canson and at Bhanghai?-1 war only matlonad
we kept the right bank of the river kan met with an earth we | rd against foreign ri, they are ready to netek r?k?m meditaban of may kind wadi wa n paar in a small slinge when they merely take roci volim in the country sad tun?—I thine de la summary that an English force at Gaston six months, but there is a very marked
called Chi-tow in the Pushen disark Latinruna ali vit ? meleg the Treaty Unless an ex?mple in meds by axnews- Gerta Camion by land and 19 kr water; there we nethuniy
- kuin no me came in sight of the || ing the criminals at 11wang chu-ken, forcigarra will
www bully marived,
v?laga kuniber of semad turn, virus de, with king wears | continue to be murdered by the villagers.
sad by many more with secede and shields rame ramai
the bank of the rive telling and threatening the, if so
"Since Your Excellency Jistinaly stipulated
an fund they world kill us. As the apesar um vety amor three far cations are not the whole of the pan- und on crumblies vore, als stand, wem prasing out of the | ishnient to be inflicted, but that "the remainder of the vilege, we put about the g moleftation ? four les macrimile will rither be sentenced to decupation mhh were tiry much shumed” In returning so wire obliged -de van a pocas of land setter so che viage than the lastrangulation military slavery, or transportatio for
pla?o wa obte sa fieri; an appevasking the pains an arm life, in every case awaiting the confirmation
chat the meh had erard (tw finds apparently with the in. Criminal Brand," it may be sufficient for the present seption of interregeing un, their number incruited to about and in part of my demands, if those four criamala 40%, besides a great many unormed.
be decapitated where the crime war commini, in ? presenes of my officers. The only object of punish- meni ja example for the fature, and I have abovidy informed my Government that if the example emot
- do the egorka vay narrow at thin poid, we were in com. siderable anger, the compact at the mah bang violent ?n
the extreme, however, an de bosmann weed avery affort so Our
get mariest wo ancoraded in making pand our recima
conduct before and during the whole fair was not sech ne made at Hwang cha-Roe is it will be a mere mockery to give the nightc-t afirmon to the Chinese, we did even and wholly and entirely unavailing. lonvo nor best nor make any refranc
Following, upon this, there were various al- Lacks made upon foreigners; but we refer to two as showing that the spirit of hostility is not coufined to the villagers, but that it is shared by the inhabitants of the city and the Sokhery.
↑ Thus procinations apparat in one lo vably, pause of the 13th
Sir (7. Neunden, -You do not mean a fires an share ?
-No: 1 illiken ?gt of war in the river would be ont- cient; that werk operate a check upon the Chi- wan; the chanurare, chat with such a force, we should have no diamethunee.
De Bouring. Do you attribute the want of praten- glos of the firidih nessolants to the inability of the Chinese uirthorities to protect shume, or to their un will legion?m to nes kame that I can answer that ques. thay t have hei haguen landing apos ic noemimally.
with April, 1841 amendeme of which British
* A. Wilkinson—la Cenon Itaalf are there any chants have?olumn to cataglalis ?----Pasowally there are. | 1 think a?ara lp, vary great danger at Canton. Fewen
the pay
for the protection of the
To what do you euribate that di?hemncs -- The inhabitants of Casson lava always been considered by the Chinese themselves as a turbulent rate, and their foolingo ngulit i forelguses were formerly no doubt rather encouraged that otherwise by the authorities in all of their in strictive system I con- s?dar alan, that the forbasyomon shown during tha slegs of Clinton to the rabbl? muhitude secumbled on the heights against aur forent, was falsely construed on their put into sme of their array, And Consequent- ly gave then increased pride. The peop's bare always imagoad thanosives espable of commoding with foreiga soldi.
one o?m long in their predisposed towards receiving Bridal commerce... 90th May, 1847.-Mr R. Foerews-Did you find the native, your intercourse with them, wall
'the natives in the worth were particularly kind and
nega state, I think the city letti?rotaction would be
It is in vain to write more words on this subject | a forno oppositi obis fetariat z na situad'stemmer, to be · ?ivil, vo far so I had anything to do with them. I
and if Your Excellency will not nisko iba example,
at the place where the crime was committed, our
rose negotiations ought to mop
"Accept the assurances, dea, &c.
"J. F. DAT
To His Excellency Keying, &c., &c., &c."
you imaglan that at the present moment British mchints at Canton are raposed to personal debut ? ---- 1mnching that we re always in Banger at Canton, Siam January 1846, when the last portion of the treaty mancy was j?ld, we have always had our books and | 3-pori poskod, ready for removal, in the event of soy
therooth, in Canton, they were just the very reverse.
Prised and Published by Jonu Cann, AL TH Friend of China and Hongkong Gamits, Pristing Office, Goods Street,
Vicroma, Homsxoxo, 1848.
VOL. VIL No. 2.
PRICE av? per mums,
TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the PRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, per damunt, 19 Bullar, Ste Monike, ↑ Dollars. Tures Sfantka, & Dollars; all paid in advance. Proku Prices, 14 Dollars. #j Dollars, sud & Dollars, for the periods of Twelve, Six, and Three Months respectively; Single Numbers, to Subscribers 25 ocuta cach; to Not-Bubseqjleri, 1 lger. Partier calling or sending to the Ufer for papers are requested to pay cash. TERMS OF ADVERTISING.—Ten liges and under, 1 Dollar; oddielonal, 10 cents → line. Repetitious one-third of the first lowerilon, Shilpa,-Pirat insertion, & Dollars i subsequent Inserting 1? evnts. Advertisements to bare written on the flee of them, the number of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will be publisnod until countermanied. In all instances, those who are not Subscribers, require to pay in adduce.
Canton and Bhanghai, payable here,
THE PEKINGULAR AND ON-EUigned are authorisel to grant Po
ENTAL COMPANY's Stemm Ship TEKIN, will love this
for the shore places on Thurs day the 30th December 12r.".. Canoo will be received on board until Noon, and Srxcix until 4 r. m., on the 29th,
For particulars regarding Vezigar and Paspaor, apply at the P. & O. 8. N. Company's Office, Hongkong.
J. A. OLDING, Agent. Hongkong, 30th November, 1847.
THE P. & 0.8. N Ca's Steamers from Hoxo- KONO will lu future proceed throughout to Bonner, touching as horetofore at BINGAPORE PRANO, and GALLE, also at Colomno, Cochin, CALICOT, Goa, and VINGONLA. For particulars, of Freight and Passage, apply at the P. & U. & N. Co. Ofco.
Ilongkong, 19th October, 1847.
THE P. & O. 8. N. Company's, will from this
dato undertake the conveyance of Specie from China, and the Straks, to Southampton, under the conditions specified in their customary Bill of Lading, at 21 per cent.
J. A. OLDING,–Agent.
P. & O. 8. N. Company's Ollico Victoris, 21st December. 1647.
THE Brig LINNET, 180 Tons Re- gister, in good order, fit for sen. For particulars, apply on Board to, J. YOUNGHUSBAND.
Victoria, 10th November, 1847.
PUBLIC AUCTION. 18 DUDDELL is authorised by
YorcanuSBAND Faq, to sell by! PUBLIC AUCTION, on Thursday, the
of January, 1949, at noon, an hoard, the well known East Builing Brig LINNET, 113 Toas Register, with all her Theklo and Ap purtenances, ka dlm ken off the Harbor Master's Wharf, unless previously disposed of by private Contract. For Forma and further particulare, apply to the Auctioneer.
Victoria, Hongkong, Akh December. 1817.
in Loniku, Calcu?ia, Madras, and Bombay.
"I's usual return of Ten pez Cani m?la on all Premiums contributed.
LINDSAY & Co, Agents Equitable Fussurance Society. Hongkong, 17th November, 1847.
THE following Wonta→→
> in Castrof 3 dos each.
Bherry, Bauterne,
. Ularet,
Sparkling Champaign, Hermitego,
Pale Cugna Brady, in do. Scheidam Geneva, in du. of I dozum.
Superfue Italian Balad Oil. Apply to,
HOLLIDAY, WISE & Co. Victoria, 15th July, 1818.
BANCA TIN. Apply to
OLYPHANT & Co, Canton.
TE Undersigned teva been apponent Agents of the above saurod Company, and are prepared to grant Policies here and at Shanghai, payable in London, Liverpool, Calenta, Bombay, and Canton.
AUGUSTINE HEARD & Co. Canton, 16th Juno, 1847.
NOTICE. TN consequence of my departure from China, the Agaboy of the GLOBE INSURANCE OF. FICE at Macao under my charge since Aptil 1844 ceased to be from the 30th Ultimu. Partico N Iron Fence Railing 400 feel, with 4 double A leared 8 for gates; two Engior Porco pumpe laving clans against tho Office payable at Macao are requested to present them to Mars Dean, Force and Commas pompa; also Maroball & Son's CALVERT & Co. sko Agents for the mid Offico ai | patent Cluveta.
A. A. DO MELLO. Marno, 28th December, 1847.
JR JOHN G. WARD is admitted a Partner in M". our House, his Interest and Responsibility commoncing on the lat of June last.
AUGUSTINE HEARD & Ca Chalon, 20th, July 11947.
T8 hereby given that Air JOHN THISTLETH
WAITE consed to be in our employ from the 18h day of April last past, by tapes of the term of
agreement, by which lie was empowered to act for us in the matingement of our establishment existing up to that time at Shanghai, and to sign for u? tiere by Procuration.
B. WATERHOUSE & Co. Ningpo, Ath Augom, 1947.
NOTICE VEILING_the_absence of the Unilersigned, our Bostonne in Jongman grupiji in pupulussal, by
14th August, 1847.
Victoria, 15th September, 1847.
NCHORS, Chain Callia, nud Hasse Pipes at A all sizes. An luvoice of Manila. Europo, and Patent Stopa
Coffee, and Coverineni Cigars,
RAWLE, DUUis & Co.
4th November 1916
SALT Provisions, Par,
Brandy in Wood; Whisky, Cogne, and all
kinds of Wines in Bottle,
4th November 1846.
FOR SALE. DOMAN Cement, and Windo? Class ofali vizan,
Apply to,
Victoria, 3rd August, 1847.
A FEW Tons of good Sydney COALS for Ste on Board the Jahn Fleming, ?tivo are
per Ton and in quantity not less than Five Tin taken from alongside of live Slap. Apply to Uptain HANLIN OD Board, ut,
RAWLE, DUUS & Co.. Victoria, Bil December, 1847.
THE undersignal being about to save CHEMA, ing of the whole of his Houselok Formiture and
hereby intimates that he is desirous of chapos FW sets of Carrings Carnow, Pates, apd
Effects they now uro at his Horal silento on the
Java Coffer. Apply to Praya Gruck, Macao.
FRANKLYN & MILNE. Victoria, 10th November, 1917.
7 Horses, 2 Gigs and a handsome four wheelod Carriage
For particulars apply in longkong to Mr E. FARHOUN, Solicitor, and in Macau so,
Macao, ist December, 1847-
QUIP AND CABIN STORES of all kindle: coo- ?sisting of Cordage, Cagvas, Paint, Oils, Twine,
Zunting, Blocks, Varnish Nail
&?, ???ng ???c Salt Provisions, Flour, Brend, Pesa, Coffee, de Wines, Boer, Spirits, and Liqueurs. Pickles, Sauces, and all kinds of Dilmen's Stores. Clothing, Kinneymany Bernal Gloria Mainzontal
-Papa, Shot, Muskets, Gunpowder, Flinte, da made, altered or repaired and wroty do
1 piion of Shipping business and supplies, 'paneta-
RA88'S PALE ALE in Hogabeads.
Pale Cognac Brandy in Ciak aud Bottle, Best Dark French Brandy.
Shaw and Maxwelle fino full davored Port.
Gina Sherry.
Brown Sherry. Champeana maen
Sparking and Still Muzello. Liqueurs, &c. Gunpowder in Barrels.
Fresh Seltzer Water in Baskets Fine Concon Nut Oil.
Chain Cables, Auchors of all sizes; largo Euros Ropes our Bak Provisions in Barrala; Quan Place for Mask, Troso 60 to 70 feet long 19 Alban. Apply to
PRANKLIN MILNE Vi?tori, 10th Nurambar, 1847.
· Victoria, '6th August, 1017.
NOTICE M018 Interest and Responsibility of air Wigman. ↑ "stlanded to
Warmors in our Firm, emood og the gosh | 1) I TO LET.
Honda Road, Hongkong, 1st March, 1847, TWO good two Story HOUSES in Wells, and we have this day.comind b?t Games
ingin Streat opposito toe l'ulice Station, | Piper Lannon as a Partner thanala.
JUST RECEIVED "MART Bankattni" Ou Firm now consists of Banugs W?rmons, at a moderate rental. Apply to,
WILLIAM Moons, and Gaonas Bay] (OPERIOR Dark and Pale Brandy in Woo Baile qude new, with Anchor, Chain, and fietigi Glaadivat Whisky, and Copenhagen Cherry Egundy._ .
PHILLIPS, MOORE & Co. Victoria, 5th November, 1847 TO BE LET. que touse and Shop, lately occupied by MACRA and Co. Apply to. PHILLIPS, MOORE & Co.
Victoria, 24th December, 1887.
We also announce that we have sembliebed m]. Shanghai a Branch of our House, tadie our own mange and style, and Mir Rouger Lowasa SAVE will sign the same there, by Procuration.
[WETMORE & Co Camber,
SPACIOUS Godowns and dwelling house, built My edmitted a L'acteer in our hou
of Granite and lately occupied by Meses Thos. RIPLAY & Co. The property is situated near the centre of the Town, (Victoria, Hongkong) and has a water frontage. Apply on the Premises,
or 10,
THOMAS RIPLEY & Co.,-Shanghai, Hongkong, Jim July, 1846.
ODOWNS TO LET, and Goods Stored on
moderate tormis by,
BURD, LANGE & Co. Hongkong, 28th October, 1847.
TO LET AT a moderate RENT. The large wd commedions HOUSE, in the Queen's Road, Intely occupied by the Officers of the 95th Regiment, for particulars, apply to,
D'Agullar Stree.
Victoria, 7th December, 1847.
TAVERN TO LET. THE HOUSE kiely occupied by M: ALEXAN
DER ROBERTO on the Queen's Road. l'oss- ession can be given on the 15th instant. Apply to,
6th November, 1847.
UE Undersigned having been appointed Agents 1for the above Company, are prepared to grant POLICIES, payable in London, Liverpool, Bombay, Calcu, Mads, Singapore, Mauritius, and Cai lombo.
GIBB, LIVINGSTON & Co. Canton, 1st November, 1847.
THE Undersigned has been appointed Agent st Llongkong and the adjacent Ports in Chine, for the UNDERWriters of P'niladelphia, New Yous sad BoerOK,
Hongkong, 7th May, 1847.
Canton, Isi January, 1818.
NOTICE. JUST beg to inform the Community of Can Liton, that ho han removed bio Establishment from Hongkong to this place, where be trusle to merit their patronage.
Canton, et oluket. [17.
(AC persent No. 1, New Chirn Street) NOTICE THE Interest and responsdality of Mr Chancer Exer in our Firm, centesi on the first day of October last.
1 future the Business will be conduced by Gro. Frazak.
EMERY & FRAZAR. Victoria, 7th December, 1847.
Honghong, 7th May, 1847.
Superior Port
T the Godowns of the Undersigned-
in 4 dozen Casa,
4 du Sherty,
du. Madeira, 9 de, do
" Wond $150, Mumm's Champagne and Allsopp's Pale Al
BLENKIN, RAWSON & Co. Victoria, 27th July, 1847. FOR SALE ? few Cases of superior Hock, Charpago, Brown and Pale Sherry, and foll with a batch of very fine St Julien, and a few uses of Booths Cordial Gin. Apply at the Godowns of
W. & T. GEMMELL & Co. Victoria. 6th October, 1847.
FIRE Grates and Store, with Piping
Victoria, 13th September, 1847.
Fresh Jordan Almonds, Bloom Raitis, French Plus, Yarmouth Bloater Pasta, prided Ladi, |~ The tougar, a few Quem of the Royy! Zost Bacon, and the Essence of Bable for the Outing of Boef, Bagues, Hama, &0.
*SMITH & DRIMELOW. Nos. 1 & 2 Woonam's Buiklings.
JESSRS. SMITH & BRIMELOW hare just ? received a few Boxer of Double Refined Lauf Sugar; also, quantity of superior Bperm Candles, No. 4, B, and be, which day offer for sale.
Woorum's Buildings, 15th Coetuber, 1817. ?ESSAS. SMITII*& BRIMELOW have just received a quantity of Jaru Cosses of a’su- perior quality which they offer for sale. No. 1 & 2 Woman's Buildings, Victoria, 29th Oevner, 1847.
FINE docked easter nggod Pleasure Bo Goppered and Copper fasoned. Mart all completo Apply w
FRANKLIN & MILNE” Victoria, 30th Novembar, 1947.
FOR SALE. teman's guide; through. Banka und Glasp Straita, by La 11. D. A, But, of the Det Hydrographer & Litvin, doc. dr., doc. Tranelated by permiasida of the Author, Apply]
"FRANKLYN & MILN?, Communion Agents & Auction
Abisa's Koud.
Victoria, 28th December, 1847
Quality. MACAU, HINNAMS, China Shopkeeper,
Victoria, June, 1847.
Queen's Road, Vistoria,
ACHOOR,-Comrador, No. 3, Imperial Hong,
Hongkong, 4th November, 1847.
the Estate of the late a Walawns Hen ALI. Parties indebted to or having claims agains TUN, are requested to wed in so account of the same to the Undersigned. No elain, against the Estate will be attended to unless sent in ou ur be. fore the 25th day of March, 1848,
Can4th Octuber, 1847.
VICTORIA HOTEL, SHANGHAI, CHINA D F. RICHARDS & Co. brg to anavunes to the Public, that their HOTEL is no com pleted, and that for Gentlenes or Farities who
TO may be visiting the Northern Porta, diey havo Ag. duthodation which they think will be found su- perior to any other Hotel in China.
Baronial being considered the inont hoakhy si- tuation in Ching, if not in the East, and also favour. ably situated, as to the facilities of Bliouting and other healthful exercises, P. F. It. & Co. would respoc L
Do sad from ths Matulactory of
SMITH & ?RIMELOW. Queen Road, 30th March 1847.
fully salica the patronagent such MILITARY, NAVAL, 10th day of January must.
and Mercantile Gentlem&N as may have occa ion to spend a short time in a cooler or toore cably Climate, for the restoration of their health.
And in returning thanks for the support they have received, P. F. R. & Co. beg to way to the Publio generally, that no exertions will be epared on their part to take the Ileus) worthy of Public patronage
Sighi, 1st November; 1847.
LL Persons baring Claims against Mr W, D. Hickson, are hereby requested tu sen-l them to the Subscriber Tor selllement on or before the
W. J. HEYL. Victorin, 21st December, 1947,
LL Persons indebted to, or having claims against A the Estate of the late Mr Nathaning Kin MAN, are requested to forward their accounts to us.
WETMORE & Cu Camon, 3rd May, 1847.
Nano Adverterente will be everived until 4 Clark, on the meningo pregious to probli- sadiem, vis: Throvlays and Fridays.
23 | Roder 嗅
Gel Nov.
ENTICE=The hours of Diriau "Service in the Calo. 10) dyres, am, on Sunday (11) A., M; 4 PM, BIJ
VINCENT STANTON, Viilea, Sad Kov, 1847. Colonial Chaplain.
NOTICE --PERATURise Cheren. This omawrs: Why induced_ he the present be the Rev. W. C. Byrus. vem mut ever Hannaru, in the Bungalow igovodskety ko'
CL Bosss ?The hates of Dietas nervios will be 11 4, 1, and
Vilela, M? December, 1917
The Billowing translation of an address from the Chinese Inhabitants to Chief Justice Hulme appears in the longing Register. It is not exactly what might have been expected, though the translation, posibily, may give but a faint impression the original.
We also borrow from our contempory pleas of bombast addressed to the inhabitants of Maran by their governor. We presume it le genuine if not,”Mr Amaral has much to complain of, for a more Furkan production in seldom to be ciot with, and, (if not offelal), it ast be 'libel.
Translation of an Aldrem from the Chincot inhabitants of Hongkong. Passeras to the Honourable Juliga Hutan, Chief Justion of the Supreme Court of Hongkong, at Ma return home.
We hire heard of Kar qui (a high mandarin of the Han Dynasty showt 1,600 years ago) whom they andled the father of all, and Koon-arot-koow (a high mandarin of the Chew Dynasty about 9 400 years ago) whom they called the mother of alt because ba always did good and was upright towards all the -people-Boon pea sowed grain (about 2,400 years ago) Chow pak planted tree (in the mine gear) which they left behind. The prople took them of terwards as a math and tiga to tresllect all the good web they both had down. The high and grass adient upright and virtuos is like the rase which falls www hand, and every sus recaive it eqtally while all the people look up le bien es the sun-dower kula struck on in thinking
and pare; both of his hands are also ciren-hie de cisions are like a broking-glam hung up on high, which shows every place when you look in it, and even when it is covered like the glass of t'ban.* Eren in the deep might be is upright and mera, the in a benefit in all people in a place like this.
We always had good ideas of Judge Hulme since the opening of his Honourable Court until this day, Go, we ought to make a large and valuable present the his honor on his return home, so a mack of our respect, for virtus has always a good reward, We know well that your honor will not accept it, or you have never take a gift which practice is opposed to your wind We thought to bare stopped the read of your way home, but this would be contrary to you, when your honor has made up your mind 18 urt home. Bo, we can only send this valual paper and its consent to your bonor for your uprighinest clever and purers, which will be established through all the world and go to the anguf every see, lind also before prag Queen in ber Palace, that The only know your wohot & opright clear and are heart; which like one of our books will stand for many thousand year A fair and fase wind will blow for your page, and a fortunate star will take an way up higher and higher, until it shows its brighness everywhere over your tund. (Signed by upwards of Ons Ilundred Shopkeepers) The Hon'ble the Chief Justice's reply to the Chinese,
Chine Inhabitants of HoxOKONG, This mark of respect to my public character of Sarda me peculiar grifestion. As Judge of the Supreme Court of Honghong, it has ever been my study to administer the Laws of England fairly and partially totally regardless of the parties by whom redress from those laws may have been sough, whether Chinese or English.
As labmbiants of a Brikh Colony, no ofibe great privileges you enjoy is the right to a due and even handed administration of the Euglish laws, and I am mifid that the more you become ac quainted with these Lawr, the more you will leara solve and spect them.
Be assured that no present you could have made ms would have given me half the pleasure that your expreson of gratitude and respect has afford. id ma-Farewell,
THE FRIEND OF CHInk and hongkong gazette.
nere dash in the pan. say it, all the measures I have adopted to render aid of it, then that the umges of civilized warfare, { might have proved Portugues de forte, that which was so by "right) apering those who have thrown down their arms, les unesium, than upon that settled delibera there conturier agrare been considered by Sert were not respected, and the cruel revenge was taken of purpoes, and deep seated feeling abou, the Majesty worthy of a rewardh Which I have received, for the death of a chietainees who had fallen in the jact that is now manifested by the native - praised by all who winsard dhe vazutions fray. The murders of the Gillorgies, in the Hutt, side. There is yet much to be seen hate, which the d'ortugmenn authorition formuly_undie- and of the Gildans, at Wanganui, took place at a | perkapa, a imon to be learned besides, went in Macro and what is more, the Chliligi ?poriod of high excitement, and in a time of war; a authorities themoal in reply to potitions aldrend iguthern by some Chinens (perhaps advised by those who have shown how Huile they poussel a Purku- guess heart) against the ferying of the imposto, ze plied to them that, thong who would not obey the Paringners authorities in" Macao might go and lice dochure, for that the Empire in vary ratonelos, bu that than who wish to reustin, aua? remain gult
and obedier ?"
The Documents referred in will soon be printed, from which you paregive that the Chamber was with specious periezt merely advocating a foreign cause. Very shortly there will be an election of the De poty to the Carter for chin mablishment; maire a
war at thatcul justice on our part, and in which, if
prima? canser he also considered, we ourselven uru confweedty to blama,
Superstition. toe, which has carried more enlight
OVERLAND MAIL-INDIA. (From the Bristol Mercury, Oct. 2 j By the Indian mall we have foielligence following dai-From Calcutta to the 7th,
med nations greater lengths before now, in suy,posed bay to the sad of August, and Hongkong loca to have caused the letter crime; the wish for a favour. | V?th of June.
able omen, the belief that a first blow fully Is Cabal, Dost Mahamad perseveran in his di struck, even upon defeaccions peaple, would baife of keeping up amicable relations with the B
but the jealousy of the Afghans, and not less i-st good lock for the rest of the campaign.
Inhabitants of Macao, those who think thos have The murder of the Robertsons, at Las Bay, by Ma- | of hi? sons, compels him to wear two faces u......? ket entrary to the national dignity, those whekete, would enctainly appear to have been prompted one bood. The stong arm of administration write thus, are trainers to the Gorerol, whoes by were appetite of blood in the savage who comminit evidently passed away with Mahomed Ukliz protection they enjoy. Such a t'hamber could out and a; even that, however, was unaccompanied by and what authority the Amour 4pes provet val represent the wishes of the musiclymity; the Chile such circumeanors of additional atrocity, sa, in this ][ hooping the pence, ?n gjearly derived from i tiana of Macse do not wish to be thimeon, they with cass, we have too much reason to fear.
tionary respect and the jealousies of opposins, to be Portagoras, as they clearly showaf on the 8th We felt some hositation in giving demils of this - tions, not from coal power. The Punjent October (1846), 1 hot Kk it to be my duty to catastrophe, as they are at present imown, fur two | freily newslens,, dimalve the Loyal Senam
Is the Brit plass, we are unwilling sa pam- par that craving for excimment which is growing last upon wa, that whiated modern tune which fada Si?st congenialafood in records of crime and mi sery; and in the second plecu, we are not dataindfel of the revarse required in spanking of a matter, which, there is every reason in hops, will yet come before a after thought, however, we have considered it more advisable at once to prevent chess garbled and exaggerated statements to which mere and relation must always giva rino, iry pensenting, without note, or comment, an account of so much sa hes been al- rady accunhaly sacarmined; as well as to scape the aceosution, which would certainly be thrown in our teeth sleewhere, of having devoured to buah up un occurrence which hun dono away with one, at trast, of our claims of advantage over the other New Zealand settlement,
good choics of your electors do not let yourselves be deceived with vain promiers that the toe wij
be taken off ?that there will be na Pravitlanary - Batalion, des, believe your Governor who spuckt to you with the language of truth, of which you hare obandant proof in what I have done for the establishment; you must pay taxes, but they shaft | de nat de veriline mug, you herusirandy lid iset your's experienen The Provisionary Batalion must be kept up on in prosent fating, because the regularly disciplined artillery is only solicies for ordinary service, and those citimena who, from lazi mem, de out of contempt to the love fail sa n?end parade, shall be punished,
Enhabkants of Macao the establishment shall con- thun Pornguono in spite of the merkinntionam? u headful of men who live by disorder, and find fast with every thing they do not the garlves recommand. Your Governor knows then " Komunately they ste but few, vod are well watched, the public tran quility, shall not be dissabed,
(Signed) Josh Harts Freitas as ?MAHAL.
Macso, 2nd December, 1847,
On Monday two of the thire gen under sen- tenge of death were exocated at the peal place in presence of a large number of China. The third criminal has hail his sentence camaatsed to transportation for life. The reidenen upon which he was convicted was that of the muc- dered man, who identified hins immediately before death. The other witnemes, however, denied that he was ut she party, and finds the contradictory nature of the print (we presume) prerogative of mercy. the Governor has been inflaced an exercise the
One of the men executed-a enolie by the way-held save High Cifre as a member of the Tried Societyan institution of which we hear a gobel deal and know little. On the re- port of a Chinese couviet, there was to be an attempt to rescue the Tried Official, but if this
It appears that on Saturday morning, between inelva and one nelock, the attention of ? quarter- master of 4. M. Ship Dino, war attracted by a light in Lieut. Know's home. The circumstance being urinaval at that time of sight, he was induced to keep his eye upon it, until he suddenly mw fa- m
In Hyderabad the raident is onid to have · directed in call upon the Niasm to arrange for payment of his debts to the company. The ang is not known ; but very few things promise fil for a radical changs of our shantinaciary relatos s with this sovereign. La Rajpoo?ana our small was with Doongur Bingh is likely to be brought to au all war is going on, so varied are the reports of early conclusion.In Gloome, where anec
ita_progress, the clashing stories sanally giving ruch other the broadest contradiction--that it is almost impossible to glean the result,
The steamer Newalls, with Mr Brooke on hac vi had snevers action on the 90th of May with a of piratical proles of Labuse. The pirates were completely routed, several of their geahne having been driven on abire and burned. Mr Booki on his way to England, bringing with bim 1:.S treaty which he had concluded with the Baltan ol Borne
The-Bersenap General and the Oorvillander-in- Chief of Tadierumalned at Sinka daring the rai pranen, which la said to be longer this year than | during the other yearst as the Biedoce count 14. months (* 1847.
The Import market at Calcutta has been moved by a mers activa demand, and business has been generally more extranire, but with fuctusling prices; in metale rapper alan shows improvement in priors, boi importers of colton piene goods havo bran forced into excessione under luren supplies ;| on the whole the market is in a favourable parition than at the gate of our last adviers
by exports in the only part of the month (Ao..
impersilvely call on the Emperor of China to
present state of ignorance, may desire I will not perhaps soms ground for this complaint. In niber abrogate that fiscal machinery by which a com.
undertake to any. It in one rewilt of their civilim- mercial cardon in drawn along the cost of his do
They respects the complaints are grounless. tion to keep them in a state of the most tineocount. minions, to the absolute exclusion of British goods alle ignorance of the miners and character of 'really could give assistance. That power on the arise from the habited past times, when the Bank from the interior. It is in fact a mere mockery to
other nations." Possibly, therefore, they dread us, permit our marchandise to be landed on the coast,
part of the Bank it became the policy of the Cla as the Musulman persants of Asia or Afrim dread vorment-sccording to Sir R. Peel's views of if a set of duties practically prohibitive arrests it at
the frets and the ghouls of their mythology. But policy-to take away. It is not now the fault of the very first step iptal to be made awards wherever experience has revealed to John China the Bank that it cannot give the required assistaga distributing it among the population. Again, at
man the genuine feelings and propensities of John to the public; it is the faull of the Government and Canton and throughout the southern province, Bull, the worthy Gourisher of chop arickt and do the faws. The Bauk would, no doubt, for its own sither the authority of the imperial government is
Tourer of opium has been found to prefer gy, bare | mke, give the requf?od sasistence, if i were not paramount, or it is not,
If it he paramount, the Inrians as we are, so the coaras an-1 cruel Tartare debstred from doing in Hy Pont's policy, embodied emperor is guilty of a bench of treaty in permit he whom fils enuntry his been appressed for the Ling the populace to obstract our movements, to
in the restrictive law of 1814 Persons who criti last two centuries.
eise the conduct of the Bank should take the returns confine our merchants almost as prisoners within.
For this reson, if for no other, differ from the their own factories, and to render it an affair of
in their hands, and abserve what the eiren natanero apologist of the Mandarins, and desire most me extrame danger er to take a simple walk into the nestly to behold the British flag waving in token at return, published on Surday, they owed to the of that eofshlishment really are. According to the Country. If on the other hand, the emperor have of premacy over the whole extent of the empire, Clovernment for deposits ?1,447,851. They owed De Authoritily in the auth, we must, in self-defence, from the Crest Wall to the Canion waters. The to the public generally, ne deponines, ?7,441,017. adopt the policy of Sir Joho Davis, and enter into
enquest would neither ko gostly nor difficult, and. In order to meet the demands which may at any arrangement with the Landers of the abllo Sach, when achieved, its fruits would be much easier of hour band upon them for restoration of the state of things, however, cannot go an indefinitely preservation than those wo have gathered in Finneys thus deposited, they hell of hank notes We must very anon canie in an understanding with stan. With respect to the inhabitants themselves, ?4,112,290, and of gold and silver coin, 2501,825.
the advantages they must derive from wich an erint are begand all enlculation. They are not a pensie inclined, hy habit and education, to set a high volan on military glory; neither are they possessed of a spiritual creed which might induce them to lack for rewards of patriotism beyond the precincts of this prosent life. On the contrary, they are an in·lustrious, shrewd, calculating pro
It is perfectly clear that they canol with prudence reduce their fuo le below this sum, when their la bilities to deposiors are sponsorado. Many par?ne are ton apt to forget that the eight millions of bullion which are still in the jewo department, are millions over which the Bank hus no control. The directors canne touch a sovereign of thosa sight millions, except they give bank notes in ex-
terly disgraceful to the Governannt that at pHOW
shrinks from its post responsibility--that it prolides | no assistanc? ?n lies of that which the Bank could give, and did give, till the law was changil; for, with miserable en vanlice, lonksun with semis lub oil, while rain aleinens with gigintie strides
JUST received ex Jarone, Inesies of Manila Conlage, from 2 inches to 4 inches; Mands Coffee spd in in Guah. For asle by
DRINKRI. HEYG & Co. Victoria, 4th January 1944
JUAT PANDED. QUPERIOR Ffoily Boef if Kege; and tie.
naine Campbelton Wmker. Victoria, 4th January, 1914,
FRANKLYN & MILNE. ?VOTIONEERS, Connisian An?TS, WINK AND SPiret Mercitands, Qoury's Road.
Bared in dry and secure godowns. Indel, or LOODS Bold by private sale, or Public Auction. transhipped, and general business transactul for Partion absent.
ON SALE Shaw and Maxwell's and other Sherry.
Fine Dark an- l'alo Cognac.
Palo East India Vos
Champagne, Hock and Mudaira,
Seltzer Water.
Jara Coffue; Salt Provisiong in barrels ; large
TWICS day at Men?r? FRANKLYN & MILNES godowns, at 11 a. st., for the benefit at the Concorned. 101 Bags of Silpere and other Arti- clos mare or less dimized by Sai wise,
Victoria, 5th January, 1343.
Friday, Mart,
territory. Ane romantic blenders of school gear of treaty braking, I am quite ready to admit be foollsh, and evan mischievous to inguteste indif- 0 Foday. 7th in that the Ari Har
cerned, at 11 4. M. 26 Balna white Shirtings, more or lese damaged by Sen walor.
TERMS OF SALN as per billa,
FRANKLYN & MILNE, Auctioneers.
Victoria, 4th January, 1819.
N Tucoday mxt 11th instant, at li a. a.
tranrdinary degree of serial fet.nity. In fact what a mark ni gand sense, but there is no dunying that ? of the Bink might have been drawn out in fire At the ACTIOr Meer, Queen's Road, furthe
bronk nat. He immedingly went aft, and mentioned it to Lient. Gough, the near of the watch, who reported it in Captala Maxwell. Or- dera were inesindly given to lower the entier, and to render of assistance possible; in lead than twenty minutes, the host's eiew dee on the spol, bat swing to the house belag constructed of mapa, the root had already tales in. It should be here men aned, that the made were observed to meet out from uniuraruh the shore, men, though hardly no- | gort) hasierar had here annimeind under extremely tical by the crow of the cutter, who hail an?vori-high rates of freighinge; but enkerquemily, in con- sian at the time of foul play, but which were watch- arquance of a fit in the rates affrighings, and ad from the ship They paned company, we of practicability in monamry transactions, then them crossing the water, as if for the Onli, the market sparna? d?tivity. other being in a short time lost sight of behind the norsk head. Lieut. Gough, supposing at Brot that the homily had coruped, proceedrill to the hopes of a person of the same al Oliver, who was in charge of the tile that were upon the rum, and to that of Duder, the signal man, but hearing no ?klings of them, ennetu?et that they ment ho horied under neath the ruins, where his men were already on- Enqud in extinguishing the Bemes
He has
The alnom and distruar em hoch allen, nerastumi by the precipicaner offir John D?rr's descent on Canema, continues in that city to the detriment of all trade. The relief troops bare arrived at Hong Long, but the governor thinks it expedient to retain the regiments which were to have been sent hack, lep not only prudent in itself, but Jik-ly to be benedcial on the troops, where comfort wald be ferees, if in bed, having seen pointed out to him, sports, which woull have to beat against the po
The spot where he might expret to find the safe anewly abridged at the present season in the tegn was ever serialy enutemplated—which we du not believe the infusion was abandoned. theosa, with great cars, and after a little while, the John's prudance seme to have vanished.
ho ordered the bes to be invalid away from wat moonoom With this step, however, Bir Tax Register has tru inferred to his werly (the other daughter had fortunately been left being that he will not intermeddle with their fan-is frat of the man appeared. Napr him lay the ebild, recaled the petition of the praple of Ionan, prag- paper some remarks which appeared i? ha kind ?n Auckload under the care of Mt Cooper), ended to the British by the Chinese authorities. overland edition upon the addreve persemel to and the body of Mrs Snow bermif, but all three This unusual step of encimanicating officially with Sir John Davis by the Gentry and Literati appareatly across the bed. They were much the biests of a foreign power no matiere uniler of Canton and the surrounding ensorry." We burned, particularly shout the lower extrealties," "atemala Cyber masterities, in rendered still more think, (differentially) the: nur enoteraporty is bet still really in be ideatised On amination singular by Bit Jehe in his answer gearsalaning humble comprehension, it appears that is he was not right. The wounde observed were ask force on any sccount: and asking them to point not quite correct in his observations, Tour of the eropous, it benamo only too clear that all ip the people that their lanil sam'ont fe taken by as could not hav? bem infofert by the fall of the out places where it will be more dunvenient that the has not arm the lives of four. Chinames as compensatiner for those of nur friend bad been commened, it was evident that the man of course, the Chinese are far too state to commis
rafters, und although a great portion of the clothe British should build their warehouses, &c. brmally murdered. Fou Chinninew have gen executed it in true, "fut that these executions mediately, bent from the Dide, to secure some on
who partially dreared. An armed party was im themselves to; they refer his axellency to Kering have been taken as a compensation for the lives, which were lying in a small adjacent hay, have shigined, al saling mignidestly there are forauch details, being on tisfied with the pledge they of our entry men" is at least doubtful. Bir with the Naures, twenty-two le number, to whom proprietors who sell their lead to the British John Davis keeps his intentions to himself, but they belonged. They were found asleep, but were course the latter may bay it This advised pro. stroke, probably destruction af the bear thale extraordinary subergarat liberation-which the game administration of stairs is continued, the we are convinced that he glitates some bol tak primers, and brought on board. Upen coding has compilasted matters still more, and it villages and the demolition of the Rogue iarta, we believe that even the Governor himself would gordien knot will receive solution only from the We are not prepared to adynente mach measgres, not have bad pawer to order—and that in presence sword,
without a strong hud f?rre theyi anaot land of a magloirate, we offer no comment. Ei valoss to any marisfactory result, but at the same time to say that a clergyman who knew them, pledged there bon brou agsis a slight diemchance at Can we would be loaibe to contra them A low his words for their coapy entance on the day of Theo, attended with another attempt to burn the boat weeks will show wh?t Hu Excellency's ir lan. inqural, and that he was afterwarde na good na liu | homi adjoining the fastories. A party of marine tions are, and in the meantime, in face of his Murd, having prodared them all. Still such inter- and somen from the Phe dispersed the mob, la note to Keying of the 19th ultion, we capt
ference was was the less unwarrant The can be no domis, but that natives worn por- | or bayoneta,
Mieting several severe pronoda with their sle as compensation for the murders creed prstom of the fiul deed. Our native pillas pen- there, nor do we believe that these exeuses. Bat the maulation of the bodies, from all all three wedge proceedings one thing seem to The Morning Chicle has the following re are so viewed by the British fleap dentins f
Round the wriende id be Manrie handiwark et | maika on the gate of affairs in China :---Thrung!-
Tue good Ship Sir Robert Sole hagarrived f?m cutivebalveevidence. What was done with that
three of which bego pleen of flash had been est terably evident, maly, that hostilities with Chins with knives, and the part from whence they were will have nt he distal day to be renewal, nales New Zealand in thirty two soll dies: Book, we lakte nor readers to suppone We hope
the governor next appointed at Hongkong he a man her pagage Imm England to ant en omy
of me and sasscity, who will not suffer him Was hidely size days, thus making the extra been mistaken; but, for the present, our criction of the mandates, or driven from his purpose by met earnestly that we may be still shown to have self to be over-coached by the diplomatic hypocrisy round, exclusive of her stay at New Zen'sdir. in one handied and twenty eight and a bell
the tenaces de rabile. For some time the iden days. We question with this har wer
exhibiting the utmow good faith in the dealings obtained promience that the Chinese government been much excelled by anything under canvas, From the New Zealander of 27th October,
live, the won in which it was moted for havin with the country. It paid predly sinsenly, we be we extract particulars of a friglufal tragedy
wantonly promked the late war. It allowed m which almost equals that of Elwang-be- ?
moreover, lo have British conmile at certain port | ken. The Cannibals did not torture their
of the empire. But with the one policy for victims however; and it is probable they wareed upon lightlug a fies near the powder magazine. which the galestiale have long been celebrate, it induced to commit the crime by some permal from which he Gually drove them away, and en-rendered a these concessions mulous by sertain insult our civilised murderers had no such pune, with one who attempted to take a beef or internal argulations expressly designed to mimet
Brand by force from his home? Th?a man, wh?n that perpove. Our objects la China have -ejected, shook bin Set 01 Idnet, Banw, and threaten. | hitherto exclusively commercial. We hate nime
ed, ?n the jargon that pores entrent between the at no requisition of territory ; and, Instead of exer- But, if the matter be political, this set, recording power would have enabled us to do, hare really two races, in make a "pakaru” af hias "thhon," ciding that extensive influensa which our superior
cal grievances, or motives of private revenge, fare
It now remains to be ascertained whether politi- |
yet; we are ourselves inclined, perhaps because given cause to this frightful art. No one can tell, we wish it, te lay it upon the lattes #gency. The decmerd geotecan, waz kaawa to have had two codes with natives; one, with a party that lasis
The Bongbang Ragister, of June 24, staten that
I hate to my powersion official documents, which evidently prove hat the Loyal Benate Loade cresy sucrap in power against the independence of the amblishment, stigmatizing, and doubting the right enjoyed by the Portuguese authorities of lerging texes on the Chinese inhabitants of Macao, a de trige which, besides being greatly opposed to the dignity of the Portuguese government, is extremely dangerous under the present ciremstances; a doc. trine which, if allowed to prevail to the minds of the Chinese rendents would in a moment sonibilate the indepriudrace of the establishment; which it has cost mo much to uphold with the stance of the boort and sensibla "renadents of Macao, and ? Pro- visionary Bauation," U creation of which caused much discontent in the Ernate;—But with pride mamera, horribia?s it was, and widely delt, from our knowledge, thne prison has been working and can doubt our right to inelat on the follment the number of the adrefs, was, ut lane, unpreispreading in the country, from the bour that one of the treaty of Nankin, not in a delusive literal
The tables are turned upon un at last. Auckland, which had been so long prowl of its own compara. tive security, has now become the sorne of a tragedy more frig baful, if possible, than any of those which have stained the other soul. The Wairos
| ditased, and more in the nature of a conflich, open and
to Blacri custom, is a declaration of war,
of it should se prove to be, is is Lord Grey, with humble position. Our lone must be altered if we
A coulented ourselves with occupying comparadsly
ad inftructions that we have to thank. To would not altogether loss grand in China. No
* Ch?n cui lived abrier 2,600 years ago) had a glars which could 150w th??ngh ? man's breast and exhib hand to hand, then of a murder. Line more can be | bare toed spon say sudden oatbreak, which tiny, in ouses conformity with the law of cations.
evety part of bus benet,
Brut poured out; and we conlaw, that we should sense, but virtually and in good faith; that is, wo
polisicians, like Sir R. Peel and Sir ? Wood, have
benefit of the Concerned,
25 Bales White Shirtings More or less damaged by sen water.
TURKI OF SALE an per billa.
FRANKLYN & MILNE, Auctioneers.
Victoris, 4th January, 1818. BONGKONG RACE MEBTINO; 1848.
Tomdat. Ist Fanart, 1848.
the Chinees government, either through Uso ineina of more effectual diplodiary, or through others which are more inti Nigible in the east.” OUR RELATIONS WITH THE CHINESE EMPIRE. (From the Sunday Times, October (3)
Feller Coostrymen.—Et in, no doubt, the duty of all p blic writers to withdraw theuwelens as far as posibila from th? domains of prejulion, and in-ple, when, for convenience and pleasure, have adapt? | shanga for what they inka But bank notes they beware they do bat advocate and give currency to s the doctrines of the Epicuriane, which teach the have done in span." The power of the Bank to erroneous opinions. But there are various claras propriety of every man looking after himself, and | accommodate the public deponds at present upon of prejudice, and error begets un ois mil sides. The living as well, and making as good a figure in the - the daily receipts. Their roservs of money is 100 common tendency of mankind is to over rate the world as circumstances will permit. Clearly, low to he further invaded upon. As billa sea puid, | and small Gung; Moskatt;, Musket and Canwon selves, and to undervalue in the same proportion therefore, Juhn Chinaman is not so fhrmidable an they may discount fresh bills in their place, but Gunpowders; Chain Cables and Anchors: Canvas the test of the world. Parsons, therefore, who individual to deal with as many persone would have they have no store of nonry with which to necom
and Hope; Pina Spire, and other articles. desire to be considered exceedingly prudent and unheliers, Whatever good senon he has will be modate the public. They are restrictal from In- Hongkong, January 4th, 1819. philosophical are often betrayed into the opposito mara sa incline him, in caso of a national struggle, oreasing their issues to meet the sxigency of the extreme, of doprecinting our own merits, while they to keep as for as possible not of harm's way, lost
times. In this torpect the present monetary dish- abaurally exaggerin those of our enemics,
hn ahnell gel more haril kancha than Sycoa ?silver culty is the pavarost, and the most hopeless, that This failing has been observable in certain jour, out of the barbarians from the men,
the English marcantile world has suffered since nala ever since the current of political events led The hostilities with Chinm, thorsfora, ta which the Bank became a great establishment. When un in bestow any consideration on China. Think. | wa may confi·lendly look forward, weed not over. disposing the question of the now condition of the Ling it vulgar, l ?premnine, to dwell on the extent of whet-n'us with alarm. Our civilisation is sure to Bank under the law of 1844, ne compared with the our own power, or to vaunt the character of our, triumph over theirs without much difficulty, as the the old condition?Izint Ashburton 'okserves that civilisation, they hava habitually amused themselves Warrines of the Flowery Land understand much “thie insequilation between limitation by rule or by with drawing extramgant pictures of China. better her to negociats than fight. That they discretion, and a limitation by rule suite only a stain wealth and greatnem, population, and extent of surpass us in the art of treaty miking, or rather of things an invariable as the rule doelf. la wonkl
graphers have been faithfully repeated, in order to They promise everything and waything under the ference, or to speak lightly of any suspension, even bumiliate mer pride We have been very gevroly influence of fear; but when the foros which they for an hour, of the cash payments of a great hank; assured that the Chinese empire is infinitely larger rezard with apprehension has been removed to ? it would be, to any the list of it, a great publio | than Europe—that it comainn four hundred mil. mufficient distinen they begin to eslenkta on the sandil, to be warded against by every prudential flons of inhabitants, ne about one-third of the ban on numerous chinees thnen ar? against iu being sonn "mananen: abaniute security ag?int such a cath |men-and that then, te ugr?wen and ritu enters brought back again, and im nediwdly beging te disre-tropka is hardly auximablo in the ease of a bad at were, until we thought proper to meddle with diein, gyed thair neomises, and to treat their former can- ious. The Act of 1814 certainly does not give it, blessed with a paternal governindus, sud an ex. qumors with incdmen. Thiemty or may not be for the whols tessuure left by that Act at the diapomi
to the gentlemen, he farlessly strmed of does the same that in in say, is eringing to power, of remark that with us, under the former strollad the parts have fabled of the golden age may, accord, it is a work of baseness. Every warhlaa vagahol minutes by the private depositone; and it is worthy
Ch new suriety in the present day, Jokes Chinaman, and to the last degene solecione in its ahemos. inanagement of twenty-four directors, woah a dis- and his chapsticks bing the best existing repre- ? Atthe min-time, I am far from counselling vo?l ?grace line nwar happened, excepting in 1797, when sentative of the patrincess of the Saturnian period. to regard the Chino with contempt, ---Tho okiblat | Vlieguspension was foroot upon the Bank by the It is almont needless to remark that the mere minifietarees of a working and baken are not a-be | lenti forelim praymanta of the Minister; and these art of douwing mich a piomnes aegses the most pro- despised. They fulfil thele mission in this world, operatinal were reluctantly annsosted to by the fund igncentre of Chins and the Chinese propla, which in to gr?w uw, ma?ka apimwo, and write, direktora from a belief that the musety of the country and not only of these, but of almost everything else like Tel Rllenborough, bo?shastic proclamations, from a foreign enamy-depende I on them.”: Dur in the history of human civilisation. In the list, which would be r?llaulml on our slago, if our wits place, Chien, with all its depandonesia, in consider. could look so far ne the other extremity, of Asia. | whey overlooked the fact that limitation by rule aldy somallar ?n dimensions than the British empire. Instead of holding up their. Bigtails es objets of only buiten state of things as Inverlable up the enis --?f course including its depondencion; and if re- saam, 1 look upon them with a met of sfintionste | itan). The limitation, which was handles, be- and he bowl to the nice if the rany, to the admiration, se ibiege which we day able cashperative, while the balance of commerce of government, and to the state of industry and us to get a sem hold of them, when they burn their | loki? the Rank with gold, and left it wine milliona commerce, it can scarcely be doubled that it like bucks on the appearance of John Bull on their | of optes in its till to accommodate all who wanted wis contains a much smaller population Venius, shares, Netizwal contempt la qui?a unabilar-phical, ? mno?y, is perfectly ruinone when applied to an with the true Tentonic cialulliy, halioved Grand bat neither philnasphy not pulley weeld condemn oppiaita state of things, when the Bank has only Cairo to contain population of seran millions the subjugation and kind trosiment of the Epi-fous lions, and therefore monet accammodate that is to say, twice as many persons na all Egypt, enreans of the Flowsty Land, whose alriliantion thom who want money. To remedy the azisling inebating mad Cairn ite-f. In the same vein our teaches them to comprehend very clearly the moral ovil of the mosary condition of the kingdom, and | political philosophies tile when thing attribute in distance hetwon them and so. They consider
to hing mil right again, one bold method will alone The Chinese dominions a population of four hundred happiness to consist in making money, drinking besions. It is perfectly feasible, and requires | millions, which_pro1mbly excools the number of les, and plaiting and oiling their pigigile; while wa onlyha nzercion of a predem courage. Either let
Inhabitan's in all'Africa."
have made up or min la to snarch f?r it in the im- the verament issue romney to the extent of five I invite those who here, leisure for the inquiry perial arts of aonquem and gov?rnment, in swaying millions, ne hy an neder la council give authority to examine, through the assistance of the most the disinies of the world, in convecting empires into to the Bank to add fien millions to its casues against trustworthy writers, the internal condition of Chi- provinces, and impressing on the civilisation of ecurities. "This would again give the Bank sine na; when they will have good reason to treat with mankind a lofty and wiritual character. Those millions in its till, as it bad before the drain of gold profound contempt the extravagnet pictures which are the things which make us happy, not the weir- to pay for foreign corn began, and with that sum are every day drawn of its power and resources. Ing of a pigtail or a mandarin's button, or teaching | 11 could give all the nec?mmolation which is re- Taken as a whole Give-eights of the Chinoso Em one chibiren, by way of obration, le pronounos quired, without issuing a single poin?, except pira may be reckoned as desert. Let any one who Ching-Choo, nad won'kip the Emperor.
against as good swarily fir the ad litonal five may be inclined to doubt this, nsider the charac I repeat, nevertholes, that Jahn Ohlasmin is a milions, ne it now holds agains the fourteen mil- ter of the vast stoppen of Montgolia, in which the very respectable individual. En general it may be lions which the law allows to be issued, indepen. small patches of fertile and habitable land boar aid for him that he knews on which aide his broad dently of the stock of bullion. Writing at the time nearly the same proportion to the desert as the area is battered. In his own theary of national greut when the bullion in the bano department of tho of the Polynesian groupe to the waters of the Pacific. nem, however, ka sloes not lav inuch stress on the Bank had come dowe to ton millions, Goed Ash- Even within the Great Wall one may often travel fact that his junke la not visit. Liverpool, while we bartan esik, “ Let un allly examine the unfortu whole fortnight without meeting with a single every day make the prinful p?grimage to Cinton, nate symptom whielt we a?a witnuri, when, with house or inhabitant. In all clirection through the in search of greau ter and Syene silver. In the first sounil s ate of trade, and ten millions of specio in bulk and centre of China you meet with menanas place bis civilisation might allow him to mistake the Bank, our monetary distruss is greater than sterile tracts, chiefly mountains or terasses, com, his way and find him?lf gassing and calculating when in 1825 the oafloss of the Bank warg emply, pared with which the slopes of Bon-tomond, of New-York while ho fancied himself at Wapping and a largo portion of merchants rained by mad the bogs of Connaught are rich and plenannt. It He every day gives abundant proof that he would speculation. Tho treasure of the Bank had stood is only in the valleys of the grost rivers that the come if he could, by frequenting out guod part of for a long time at about ?15,933,000 in round population is at all dense, and even ibero, if des- |Singpore, and locating himself whern-over else bo number: the amount of this treasure was considor. potism be not presemble to free institutions, wo ein under the protection of our flag. John China-ed a burlon to thein, imposing a useless waste of canant, reasoning merely a priori, believe in the man, in fact, is a zmat mutar of the science of interest". It was a subject of complaint, and for a existence of that pensperous and happy population | wlin's what, and would laugh heartily at his culo. Ing time the directors would have been much of which some writers talk.
gists an this side of the glhe if he kwed th obliged to any body who would have taken four or When, in fact, we can to interrogate Chinese giving him credit for ant coming to Liverpool. Ne five millions off their hands Thit was the case history, and consult the experience of imavellers, one can have mencinted with the Chines without
when the monthly piymete on socount of railway whose testimony is worthy of etadit, we find that convincing kimaslf that they are an enterprising calle were as great on theyre now. At that time there is scarcely a country upon earth which has people, but not by any ineans adficted to war; been so frequently convulsed by revolutions de their government, however, is an approasive and vastated by civil wars, and kerased by everlasting Tyrannical ome, and the rabble collected in their change of dynasties as China. Probably the native several ports are as insolent and ill-behaved as any historians, who in all things elsa are au prone to other rabble within the four winds. War, there exaggeration, my bikewise bave exaggerated the fore, is highly probable between Great Britain and murderous propensities of their ancestors, and gives | China, as it is very olear that interconne cannot us too horrible a picture of the almugther they per be carried on much longer on the present footing, whatever the Bunk might Aane baas, it was no lon petrated. But, aller making every necuestry al- | We must take China ur consent to be driven qut | ger a govorning and guiling establishinen!. Bir lowance, enough will remain fully to justify us in of it; there is really go medium, though the process R. Pool and Sir G. Wood had both proclaimed regarding the Chinese as one of the wont gerard may be a long one, mor, looking at the interests of that all responsibility of that kind oo, the part of and thoroughly impoverished and miserable people civilisation, can Entall regret this frospect, which in the whole quarter of the world to which they opens as many advantages to Chlos as to Great belong; if it were otherwise, they would not at this - Britain,
present hour ba bapely bonding the neck beneath
the yoke of a handful of Manchun, which their
the Bank gladly lost money on discount at thos
per cent It is true that perms of experianon
the mercanule and politicnt world mal that this was impolitic, and that the Bank, as a govorolog and guiding monetary establishment, ought not to have given monetary accomendation on such ensy terms. What was the answer? Why, it was, that
the Bank was put an end to by the law of 1841. They had both proclame that from the time that law name into force the Bank was to be na more than any other privato banking establishment, and should look merely to the profits it could make upon the money in its ull. The power of many- Samuring money at discretion wartsken away, and, wich the disccutionary power, the responsibility great deal of public complaint is made against the was also taken away. But still that cosponsibility Bank of England. In so far as regards the rapidity | rested somewhere it thenceforward rasted with the of the changes in the plans of the Bank, there is i law and with the political Government, and it is ut-
toasted politeness and civilisation teach them to THE BANK OF ENGLAND AND THE CRISIS. regard, I suppose, na tolerable.
By one of the enlogists of the Chinese, a pious prayer has been preferred that the British flag may never be seen to wave over the battlements of the Chinese capital. What the inhabitants, in their
(from the Morning Post.)
In the present season of monetary difficulty
The Wongmai chung makes, for all Ponies under 19 hands. One mile Entrance $1 mch with 680 added from the Fund. Weight for inches a per acale. Former Winner ofthia Race azcluded. The Plenipotentiory's Owp, prompted by His Ex- callapey Sir John Fennen Davis, Baronet, value 300, for all Horses. One mile and three quar- ters. Weight 10 some 7 br. Bydney and Cape bred Horm to Earny- I stone ? be E- trance $10 each. "Socoud Horsa to ve hin Bake
The Tallay Stakes, for all P?nimo 13 bands 2 inches and under. One milo. Entrance 02 each with 8:10 added from the Fund Weight for inches as per scale. The Winner ofthe Valley Stakes last year to carry 7 lla, extra,
The Arab Welter S?skrs. One mile and a half. Entrance $5 each with $30 added from the Fand, Weight II stone.
The Hack Staker, for all Ponies. Casch weights. One mile. The Winner to be sold for 650 il chimed within a quarter of an hour from coming in. Entrance fron, with @-10 added from the Fuod The Sydney Stokes, for all Horses. Arals except ed. Two miles, Entrance 10 each with $100 added from the Fuod. Weight 10 stone 7 lbs. The Winner of the Plenipotentiary's Copto carr 7 be, extra. Second Horse to save his Stake.
WEDNE DAY, 2nd Fennvazy, 1848.
The Pony Walter Stakes, for all Ponies. One mile and a half. Weight 10 stond 7 lbs. for Ponics 13 hands and under. It stone for Ponics above 13 hands. Entranco 1 mach with 950 added from the Fund.
The Canton Cup, value $150 for all Horses. One mile and a half boats. Weights 10 stone 7 lbs. for Ambs. 11 stone 7 lbs. for Sydney Homes. The Winner of the Plenipotentiary's Cup to carry
Iba, extra. Entrance $5 each.
The Victoria Plate, value 80, for all Ponies.
mile and a half. Weight 9 stone 7 lbs. The Winner of the Valley Bakes to carry 7 iba antra, and if the Winner of the Victoria Plata lan your to carry 10 be, extra. Entrance #3 each The Scurry Stake, for all Ponies. Catch wights. Half mile. Entrance 81 sach with @30 added from the Fund. Becond to receive 63 from the Fund, and third flores to save die Stake.
The Galloway Stakes, for all Homes under 14 hands 2 inches. Arabe excepted. One mile and a half. Entrance $3 each with $50 added from the Fund, Weight 10 stone.
Txumbat, And Furuwany, 1848.
P?ster, Plate, value @20, for all Horses. One bal Four Hurdles 4 Get high, and Wurdles 4 feet 6 inches high Wage for
por scale. Entrance $5 each.
2nd H?rdla Race, for all Ponies. On mile and Four Hurdles 3 fort high, and Two Jandi funt inches high. Weight for inches 4. Entrance $1 each with $10 added fre Feed. Second Pony to receive $10 For Fund
STONEY SHITH ON WA.---Among the last productions of the pen of Sydney Smith, was one on the dution of the Queen,” in which this forcible paragraph
$75 Froch?
Hongkong 433 Do
Congress, ship Dart, becer Vancouver, ship
Angri, hog
Aglona, eehooner
??????, ?????? Naiches, ship
Bella Dibdin, bergan
Amizade, brig
Brigand, brig
Acandagrant object wh?h I hope will be impressed upon the mind of this toy lady is a rooted horror of war, an serant and passionate desire to keep her people in of profound peace. The gut care which unbe nailed Mineral, Bip upon mankind is a state of war. All the atrocious acimas commited is yours of pinos, all that is spent in poses by the secret oncemptions or by the thoughtlose raragance of sadowe, are abere cries compared with the gignatie evil which stalk over the work in a state of war. God & Gorgotten in war; ersty principle | Austria, an of Christian charity trampled spos; haman industry extinguished; you see the son, and the husband, and the brother dying miserably in distat lands; you se the braking of the hauth bait; you hour the shrinks of widows and childre after the boule; and you walk over the mangled bodies of the wounded calling for death. I would aty to that royal child worship God by loving prac?; it is not your humanity to pity a beggur by giving him food or raiment can do that. That is the charity of the humble and the unknown. Wide your heart for the more expanded miserias of mankind. Pity the mothers of the poroantry who 900 their sons torne away from their families; pay your poor subjecse crowded into borpirats, and on Hing, in their last breath, upon their distant country and their young Queen; pity the stupid fratio folly of ham bangs who are always rondy to tens och over to pirees, and to dabage the sarth with each other's blood. This is your extended bomanity, and thin the great field of your compassion. Extinguish in you hurt the fendish love of military glory, from which your sex_ Puras, value $30, for all Punios to dece not nessarily exempt you, and to which the wicked?ren of flatterers may dian and Chines Riders, Ona zilla. Chicburga Bay upon your death-bed. I have made few orphans in my reign-l lavo made few widowe; my object has been pos. I havo used all the weight of my alpes
character and all the power of my aduation to aback the irnacible pastigos of Dunkind, and to turn them to the ara of bonet industry. This has be?n tho Chracianky of my throne, and this the gospel of my sceptre. In this way I have Kriven to worship my fudeemer and Judge,"
The ?r Steel, for all Alaba. Two milan. "WHEN 9 1009 7 is. Entrance 010 mach with ?9179) bad from the Fund. _ The Winner of the goury 7 lbs, extre. Becond Home to OLTO Parte, value $60, for all Pocina SM Cuss at this meeting excepted. Enimo fre
The Na
The Hurling Steeple Chast, for all Ponies.
wintas ?roded to be named by the Stowards n?e best before the time of starting. Entrance 43 nach with $20 added from the Fund.
SULES AND REGULATIONS. Entrances to be declared on or before 15th Ja
Recetto commence punctually at 2 o'clock v. a. Their Bedding Bell to be rung at ? plot 3 1.1. -A quartet ?i an bour allowed between each race.
Uper gaaddling bull being rung all Horses to Roco immediately to rendezvoUS ON te the Grand Bland to draw for their -the e
cerpentylom, and not to go down to the Starting P by the Steward appointed to start them.
Alet each race, the Horse passing the Winning Post to return to the Judge's Brand sad the Rider declared to be firm to be weighed. Any Jockey diamonating before his turn, or before being called upon to Le weighed kaen his claim to be placed as
the Winner.
All disputes as to Entrators and Qualification of Horn to be declared in writing before the maxi Race commences, or no right of appot allowed.
*Ne Home allowed to run whose Entrance foes
are not paid up to the Secretary.
9, Zos, Wilson, from Whampoa.
9, North Star, Hale, from Whampoa.
3, Omega, Anderson, from Lookong 29th December.
4, Denia, King, from Cumaingmoon.
4. Pertania, Lanonster, from Sydney 1st November.
4 Sir Robert Sale, Loader, from Auckland 3rd December.
4. Joseph Bomar, Thompson, from Sydney 14th November
4, Miren, Coleman, from Auckland Stud Decomber.
Per Omega,--Mr G. Thompson.
1, Hebrides, Melville, London.
1, Royal Albert, Scanlan, Whampos.
I, L'ogurt (A.), Prescom, shanghai.
3, Denia, King, Cumingsoon,
1, Dos fiermatte (Spanish), Salado, Minaila.
Mauppa, Jauncey, Shanghai.
24, Asia, Ruskell, Bombay.
All Disputes to be referred to the Bewards whose Doc. decition la final.
Qualification of Riders go at former choutings.
8. Theron (Dutch), Tunn, Butavia.
14, Catherine Marie ( Rykeo, Balavine RT, Jane Sorina (Dutch), Baithelomey, Balaria.
13 hands 2 in., 10 7
19 hands 0 in., 7
H. M. Pip Deriales
and upward 5
Sydney and Cape Horses Extra.
POR BALE. Case of Burgical Instruments
(anker DARAN), Apply
Victoria, 2nd November, 1847.
THOLMES & BIGHAM have for sale at reason. ableprim an excellent unportment of Winter Clothing, consisting of Gentlemen's Dress Cout Chesterfield and ?Cray Wrappera; perdas Black and Coloured Trousers; cholon Vests and Vestinge Drawers; Singlets; Bootch Plaise and Tweeds; superne Black Cloth; London made
Booms and whoes, &c, de
Every description of Oilman's Biores, vin, Cuor
berland flame; Dutch Butter in kage sad jaze;
assorted Jams and Jelling Pickles : Bances: White Wine Vinegar, Mustard; Groats; Zanie Citra Bloom Rasi; Preserved Meata; Green P, &c. &c.
Victoria, 25th December, 1847.
Bition in a Mercantile House by a Person
well soruulated with bosinem, and who co
give good references. For particulars, spply to
The Editor of this Paper.
Victor, 18th July, 1847.
CHIPPING ARTICLES, according to the re-
Brig Colombas
H. C. Humor Pluto
H. M. Bag Childers
-Brie Kaplogle
Moner Takam
Ship Minden
?RITION. Ali, bergue Coralz, ?mer Denis, ankommer
Mind Queen achaonar Josaph Bages, shop
Minerve, herqu
Normoj Merrimen, ship
North Star, ship
Onaga, schooner
Pornnis, krigg
Randing, Mequo
Red Noew, berum *?
handia barque"
Bir Robert Gale, chip
Toug Home, miner
Zephyr, aber Zoe, shooter
Alligator, brig
Beulch, ship
Culing partne
Bumi, chip
Suphenson, ship
cent ant (Victoria 7 & 83 for sale as this office, ship
Offer "Friend of Chiua,"
Victoria, 10th October, 1845. }
TOR this office, four forms of bills of lad.
lek for goods or specie shipped by the P. 40.
Hindostan, ship
Juba Flaming, ship
Kingen, barque
Mansion, ship
Marquid at Bua, ship
Mary Donnalynne borgan
Minoren, sk?p
Hakaty, here
Jersi Albers, ship
Company's Steam pacheta. In for goods delivere
able at London; 2nd for goods deliverable 41 | du Edited Ryan, barges
Southampton; 3rd for goods deliverable. Suez
Ostsin P, MeQubes.
Commander Gray:
Commander W.
7. Loring.
Lieut. Combing 0.T.Airy 8.8.
der 3. C. Pitman.
even ↑ ?P. Thompson.
Doctor Bankier.
Jib Llotagon sad on
F. Bab *Kanady, MoGregor and on.
Geovers, brigradon
Marquis of Limanga, baqque, brig
Tromsign, bergu
B. F. Xavier, sekommer
Franc Jura, ship
Adrianna en Jacobes,” General Vender Busch, Hongkong, barTHE Lengali, burque Pylades, barges
K. Von Frumu, brig
Belly, Jarobe
Mary, Marcha
Aan, lercha
(Mere Ships)
Bunanjos Barmou?on, ship
Jake Barry, ship
Fulton, ship
Hygain, barque
Imela Robermon, bargne
Lady Hay, here
Matrina (Ham.), skip
Royal Bachange, brig
Experall, barque
Rec, schoo Seliers, brig
Warlock, ing
Anonyme, big
Lord Amherst, sh
Aurora, schooner
Makamodes, barque
Regalt, schoone
Harlequin, brig
Lumine, burgun
Wife, brig
Amits, Wig
Amazon, chip
Black Dig, schooner
Boar (Am), ashooner
Dida, ener
Kail Jep, ship
Folk Muse, ship
Masdea, barque
Rape, brig
Time, gohuoner
150 Porter 318 Fak
440 wit
Shanghai 266Cokay
416 From 583 Newowesb
403 Caled
Mace Almeida
150 Margen
980 Vietal
30 Carvelo
Bash and on.
Wamaru and
8. W. Comstock.
Augustine lisard and on.
Ophant and co
Wetmore and co.
VOL. YU. Ra ?
W. Backer. Kod and co Ramell sad o Russell and co.
Gilman and on.
[J. V. Jorgs.
1. La de Almeida.
P. J. ds B. Loureiro,
J. P. d'Oliveira.
1. M. de Jaum
Louren?o Marquee.
115 Salamwinky 19. Carides,
Whampoa 429 Cormier
1N70, Parkin and co
Van Emmetik Heyvan and co. Reynivian sed do
$12 Flokkar
50 And
*50 Terrienas 1946ohmidt
350 Pereira
Whampoa 175olle?
44 Llanden 35/mith
Hongkong |1850|Canim
914 Lok
[Common] 312 Burley
377 Jamison Bow Kelly
Sri Langley
$10 adlay
960 Bathe
100 AD-a
317 Wile
104 P
972 Wondrou
138 Koper
Fao-0,00 217
| Wosung | 449|Claverty
170 Deane
144 D'Ba
??? 17
497 Wade
406 F
esmakow, W.
194 Thampion
Wim Hughes, brig
216 Roundy
179 Primuman
William IV, barges
Half schooner
Terasio, burqas
T. Moorman and do.
l?ymo, Muir and co.
Syme, Mais and co.
Kennedy, Macgregor and we,
Rawls, Duve and co
Rawls, Daos and se Rawie, Duna and .
Jardlow, Matheson and co. J.A.Olding, P.&O.Lah. Agen Dent and co
Jardins, Matheson and co Harrow and no
D. Basten Bone and so.
Angamine Heard and en
Gilman and o
D. & M. Rustomjee and on,
Unday and co,
P. F. Cama sed
[Paranjos Fromjon Gama anda
Dent and co
Hardles, Machoson and en. 4Gime sad.
Dant and on.
Jardine, Matheson and go.
ye, wir and co. Jardins, Metharon and co
Dent and co
Dean and on.
Jandle, Math
Mviour and co
D. Bamonn Bonn and on
Deo. P. Huber.
P. & D N. Came and on,
D. & M Roomgrajen and on,
Tareer and
Deat and go.
Jardim, Minibsson and on,
Cowayes Bepoogjen Langrah, Vaguna Hoard sad na MOTOW Rad 40%
all and ov Lindsay and ex ||Jardins, Matheson and co,
Dent and
FOR LONDON,- Whampon,-indo,
G. V. Bosch, Zoe,
Gilman & Co.
Jardins, Matheson & Co. Gibb, Livingston & Co. Jamieson, How & a Nearia, Calvert & Co. Rayenvaan & Co. Macrica & Co.
18, Duke of Cornwall, 580, Whitehend, Hongkong.
28, Anne Robertson, 441, Munro, Hongkong.
99, Grace Darling, 198, Owen, Hongkong,
September 21, Bores.
Loading on the 24th October.--Clifton, Favourite, and John Cooper
8, Barah Louis, 207, Oldham, Shanghai.
9, Conant, 500, Homery, Hongkong.
|Hongkong| 215 Rhodes
130 King
Deat and co
$35 Low
Dout and go.
774 Thumpma
11% Reynolds
Pranklyn and Milan.
8, Christabel, 335, Harding, Hongkong.
asd Colan
Jardine, Mathan
and so,
2 Jane Prowe, 208, Nichols, Shanghai
150 Reynolds
Harding, Mediasen vord on.
18, Aden, R35, Michael, Hongkong.
344 Hole
Turer and on.
Jardine, Matheon and no,
17, Cordelia, Hughes, Hongkong.
Turner and
Harding, Mathawa and co,
935 Oli
710 Londer
145 Mcfarla
Whempo 156 Coal,
Starrin 5768raber 16|Taylor
Jardine, Matheson and on.
Teror and co.
Lindity and co.
J. Cockerel.
Deal and on.
Muction and on.
Rawls, Deas and on.
Oibh, Livingoon and so.
Platcher and an
18, Euphratas, Lucas, Shanghai.
I, Jane.
19, Horatio, Canton.
Loading on the 24th October-Aqua Marine; Berhampore; Dumfrie Eliza; Ellerslie; John Horton; John O'Gaunt, (Hongkong); Larpool, (Bhang
hai); and Martha.
10, Pathfinder, 208, Miller,
Beptember 28, William Jurdine, 698, Doulty,
15, Lady Ambers, 448, Myhill, Hongkong.
25, Sharon, Lucas, China.
Headers, Wamon and on.
Jardins, wacheza and en.
Blaskin, Raws and so.
30 Murtle
Rusland ca
|| 100 Pook
4, Forrester.
215 Harwood
$43 Bannatyno
dio Barber
4th for goods deliverable et intermediate porter Elbert Camp, bequemcom 34 Brown
They are printed after the Company's forma on
Bank post.
Office "Friend of Chime"
25th October, 1845.
INGUISTS Reports and Navy Bills for sale RM, NE
at this on
Offer Friend of Chios, 20th Dea, 1944.
FOR SALE-At the office of this paper
Compradores cheque books.
Ships Articles, with an abstract of the merchant
noamak's act endorsed on the back.
Powers of Attorney, after forme by Chitty.
Cheerparties, after forms by Chiny.
Bill of Lading
Chiame Turiff of importa, and exports, for counting houses,
Derin, Olmet and go.
Jenison. How and wo
Fardias, Mathesco and co.
Gilmas and on
We do
Deat and co
No, Farkins and
Dess and po
Jardino, Mathew and on.
Kennedy, MeOragur and co.
Stnerime and ca
Runnell nad ov.
Murrum and e.
JP. Promjes Cazza and on
Sandoo, Machoven and co Fleisher and c Plag. Hargin
and co. Thames R?phy and on,
Mardios, Machinen and ea
Thames, schoo
Velocipede, schouder
Shanghai 967 Sarrenson
Capta Deder
French Bucky, barqma J. Garnett, ship
Con 131 Saliran
140 Ma
Mesoppa, bermaphrodiin
Audar, schoner
Galle, kos Private, hones Pool, schooner Amy Packet, achosser Carches, sobrang
Friend, ber?o
King Henry, kala
Louisa, happe
165 Boward
$75 Roberti
12: Vlachovan
jjt Cellary
Kawie, Dam and a
Meavier and on
Jardins, Macheson and s
Jarduna, Maibar?n sad on,
|C. 8. L?ngr?s.
|Syms, Muir and an. ||Macki, Dendent on Mymo, Muir and firme, Muir and co
Jyme, Muir and co.
Brie, Male and on.
Bye, Mair and so,
4. May Flower, 217, Thompson, Hongkong.
Report.-Samuel Russell, to mil for China on 1st September.
Loading. Boreas (Dutch), wie Batavia; Machtilda Cornalia (Dutch via Batavia; Clare Anna Maria (Dutch), via Batavia.
November 15, Mayaram Dayaram, Pudilicombe, Hongkong. Loading.-Atratoon Apcar, Cowarjoo Family, Laorick, Mischief, a
October 29, William Chillies, 511, Brown,
25, Will Orbe Wisp, 101, McNight, Shanghai, 27, Thomas Flanty, Jury, Lending.—Itabella Watson, and Sukana.
Loading on the 21st October.—Thomas Fielden.
Loading —Regia.
November 9, Carib, 324, Heaton, Shanghai, Loading-Eleanor Rumoll, 306, Jeffeis.
Printed and Published by Jonn Cans, At The Friend of China and Hough
Garette, Printing Ofics, Glove STREET, VICTORIA, Hongrove, 18m
PRICE $12 per imuum.
TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the PRIEND UP CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, pe fium, 19 Doliars, Str Months, ? Dollase. Them Months, & Dollars; alt pald in advance
Plose, 14 Dollars Dollars, and a Dollars, for the periode of Twelve, Bix, and Theee Months respectively: Slaght Numbers, to Bubscribers 125 cents each; to Nog-Bubscribera, i Rupee. Parties calling or sending to the thisor for usperi aru roquesfid to pay cash. TERM OF ADVERTISING.—Tan lines and under. I Deller; additional, 10 contains. Repeditione ann-shird of the first inction. Ships,-First insertion, & Dollars & subsequent insestions 45 ceni. Advertisments to have written on the fare of them, the number of climes they are required to appost, otherwise they will be published until countermanded. In all intenon, thor who are not Bubscribers, require
to pay la edib.
aub Luynemediate Ponto. ?
Ship BRAGANZA, will leave
this forthe above places on Bun- day the 80th Janukry at 2. e. m.
Cameo will be received on board until Noon, and Sruceu uni? 4 v. 22, on the 29t
For particulara cayarding Funton and Passion, upoly at the 1. & 1). B. N. Company's Office, Hoogkong.
J. A. OLDING, Agul Ilongkong, 7th January, 1848
NOTICE. THE P. & O. 8. N. Ca's Sommer from Hoxe ONG In future procond throughout to BONDAY, touching as heretofore at Bingapore Penang, and Gallo, also at Colombo, Commun, Caficer, Goa, and VINOORLA. For particulars, of Freight and Pamage, apply at the P. & O. & N. Co. Ofes.
Hongkong, 19th October, 1867.
THE P&0. B. N. COMPANT's, will from this
date undertake the conveyance of Spania fram Chine, and the Straits, to Southampton, under the conditions specified in their costomary Bill of Lading, as 24 per sunt.
3. A. OLDINO,~Agent. P.&O. B. N Company's Offiqu Victoris, 21st December, 1847.
Wharf, unless previously disposed of by private Contract. For Terms and further particulare, "pply to the Auctioneer.
Victoria, Hongkong, 28th December, 1847.
TWO good two Story HOUSES in Well- ington Street opposite the Police Station, al a moderate rental. Apply to,
PHILLIPS, MOORE & Co. Victoris, 6th November, 1847.
THE Hones and Shop, lately occupied by
THE Undersigned are authorised to grant Po. BANCA TIN. Apply to
HE in Canton sad Shanghai, payable bere,
in London, Calenta, Madrus, and Bombay.
The usual return of Tag per Cent made on all Premiume contributed.
LINDSAY & O Agents Equitable Inneres Soolaty. Hongkong, 17b Norwmber, 1947.
IMPERIAL MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OP BOMBAY, THE Undersigned have been appointed Agents of the above Company, and aroprepared to grant Policies bere and at Shanghai, payable in London, Liverpool, Calcutta, Bombay, and Canton
AUGUSTIN? HEARD & Co. Casion, 16th June, 1867.
NOTICE JER JOHN G. WARD | admitted a Partner in our House, his interest and Responsibility commencing on the 1st of June last.
AUGUSTINE HEARD & ?a. Canton, 30th, July 1847.
ALT seared to be in our employ from the To bereby given that h?r JOHN THISTLETH-
16th August, 1847.
OLYPHANT & Co, Captoo.
FOR BALB. .tron Fence Railing 400 foot, with 4 double A laad 8 food gates; two Engine Force pumps Force and Cummon pumps; ako Marshall & Son's patent Obse
ROBERT STRACHAN. Victoria, 16th September, 1847.
WIR And Srikit Merchants, Queen's Road.
· AvorionBERS, COMMIMION ADERTE, MOODS Bold by private enle, or Public Auction, Bored in dry and secure godawas, landed, or transhipped, and general buginem tranacted for Partito aboent
ON BALR. Shaw and Mexwell's and other Bberry.
18th day of April ?n past, by lapes of the term of agreement, by which he was empowered to upt for qa is the musangsiness of our wakishuset existing a up to that time at Shanghai, sad to sign for padat, there by Procuration.
B. WATERHOUSE & Co. Ningpo, 6ch Angus, 1847.
We also announce that we have established at Shanghai a Branch of our House, under our own name and myle, and Mr Robant ?ownie Bal will sign the same there, by Procuratiun.
WETMORE & Co. Canton, Let July, 1847.
day summitted a Partoar in our boare.
Caston, 1st January, 1848. NOTICE
Pipe Derk and Pale Cagaan. Pele Part India Alan. Champagne, Hock and Madeira, Seltzer Water.
Je Colle; Bit Provisions in barrels ; large Guns: Muskets; Mosket and Cannon folders; Chain Cables and Auchure: Canvas
Pine 8pars, and other articles. Hongkong, Jabuary 4th, 1848.
Sparkling and Bill Atozella. Liqueurs, da Gunpowder in Barrels,
Fresh Belizer Water in Basket Fine Coator Not Oil,
Chain Cables; Anchors of all sizes; large Europe Rope; Flour; Sak Provisions in Barrel; Canvas; Pine Spare for Musa, from 60 to 70 feet long by 19 inches. Apply to
Victoria, 10th November, 1847,
FOR SALE. FINE docked cutter rigged Pleasure Boot A Coppered and Copper fasened. Mast and
AT Messrs. MAGKAY And Co. Apply to T JUST begs to inform the Community of Can-Sail quite new, with Auchor, Chain, and fittinge
PHILLIPS, MOORE & Victoria, 94th December, 1867.
PACIOUS Godowns and dwelling hoase, bailt
of Granite and lately occupied by Mesra Twon. Replay & Co. The property in eitusted near the centre of the Town, (Victoria, Hongkong) and has a water frontage. Apply on the Premises, erlo,
THOMAS RIPLEY & Co,—Shanghai. Hongkong, Sist July, 1866.
NODOWNS TO LET, and Goods Stored on Umoderato form by
BURD, LANGE & Co. Hongkong, 28th October, 1847.
TO LET AT A MODERATE KENT. THE large and commndinus HOUSE in the Queen's Road, lately occupied by the Officers of the 96th Regiment, for particolar, apply in,
D'Agullar Street.
Victoria, 7th December, 1847,
TAVERN TO LET. THE BOUSE lately occupied by Mr Ausxan-
Van Hoon on the Queen's Hond. Duas |estion, c?n be given on the 15th instant. Apply to,
6th November, 1847.
OCEAN MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CALCUTTA THE Undersigned having been appointed Agents ||
for the above Company, are prepared to grant Poucis, payable in London, Liverpool, Bombay, Calouna, Madras, Amgapore, Mauritius, and Co- Jorabo.
GIBB, LIVINGSTON.& Co. November, 1847.
THE Undersigned has been appointed Agent at Hongkong and the adjacent Ports in Chine, for the Unusawmitem of Philadelphia, New You and BoarON.
Hongkong, ?7th May, 1847.
LA too, that he has removed his Betablishment from Hongkong to this place, where he trusta to merit their patronage,
Canton, I'm October, 1847.
(At present No. 1, Now China Street.)
THE interest and responsibility of Mr Cmautus:
En in our Firm, cesand on the Bret day of October last.
In future the Business will be conducted by Gao. Fratan.
EMERY & FRAZAR. Victoria, 7th December, 1847.
Bonghong, 7th May, 1847.
“WINES FOR BALE T the God was of the Undersigned-
Superior Port, in 4 duten Csere,
Sherry, 4 du. da, da, Madeira, do.
Mumm's Champagne and Allopp's Pale Ale. BLENKIN, RAWSON & Co. Victoria, 20th July, 1847.
FOR SALE FIRE Grates and Bures, with Piping
PHILLIPS 8.OUR? & Co. Victoria, 13th September, 1847.
FOR BALK THE following Win84—
Bherry, Bauterne,
Sparkling Cham?uiga, Hermitage,
> in Cases of 3 dan, sach.
Pale Cognes Brandy, in do. Bcheidem Genera, in do. of 1 dosen.
Superfine Ilian Balad Cl. Apply to
HOLLIDAY, WINE & Co. Victoria, 15th July, 1348,
all complete. Apply to,
FRANKLYN & MILNE Woria, 30th November, 1847.
FOR SALE. THE Seaman's guide, through. Banks and Champar Biraite, by Lout. ?. D. A, Smits, of the Dutch Navy Hydrographer at Belavia, &c. &c., do.
Translated by permission of the Author. Apply to
FRANKLYN & MILN?, Commission Agoals & Auctioncara, Queen's Rood. Victoria, 28th December, 1847
THE undersigned being about to love CHINA, le reby soummies that he ja desiruns of diapos- ing of the whole of his Househuld Furbeturo and Eden they now are at his Horai situste on the Praya Grade, Macao.
17Homes, & Olge and a handsome four wheeled Carriage
FOR SALE. NOHORB, Chain Cables, and lawse Pipes of A all sizes. An invoice of Manila, Europe, and Patent Repa
Coffee, and Government Cigars,
4th November 1946.
FOR SALE QALT Provisions, Flour, Hum, Agrach, and kinds of Wines in Boule.
4th November 1846.
FOR SALE. ROMAN Cement, and Window Glass of all sizes.
Apply to,
RAWLE, DUUS & Co. Victoria, 3rd Augan, 1847. JUST RECEIVED "Mary Bankattng." QUPERIOR Dark and Pale Brandy in Wood, Glenlivet Whisky, and Copanbegan Cherry Brandy.
Fresh Jordan Almonds, Bloom Raisins, French Pluma, Yarmouth Bloater Paste, Clarified Lard, Loaf Bagar, fow Cases of the Royal Zoo Bauer, and the Essence of Smoke for the Caring of Beef, Tongues, Hams, &c.
SMITH & BRIMELOW. Nos. 1 & 2 Wooenum's Buildings. [ESORS. SMITH & BRIMELOW bare just received a few Boxes of Double Refined Los! ang also, a quantity of supering Boern Colles,
Clothing, Kervermeres, Broad Club, ings, do.
Guns, Shot, Muskets, Gunpowder,Fli Sails made, altered or required; and av cription of Shipping business and supplies, ally attendell to
CHARLES BUCK- Queen's Road, Hongkong, 1st March, I
(Bakor Danan)
Victoria, 2nd Nove VICTORIA
MACAO, HINNA. Mar - Victoria, 11th JuCATA
HONGKONG DISTENSABT, Queen's and Yimaria.
LOENT AT CARTON, ACHOOK-Corador, No. 3, Imperial Hong."
Hongkong, 4th November, 1847.
For particulare apply in Hongkong to Mr E. To be and from the Mausfactory of FARKCOMB, Bolicitor, and in Macau 10,”
SMITH & BRIMELOW, Queen Road, 30th March 1847.
LL Parties indebted to or having claima aguina |
Marao, Lot December, 1847. VICTORIA HOTEL, SHANGH?I, UHINA | A the Estate of the late Mr Wa. Hawar Divan- DY. RICHARDB & Co. lng to aubouses to von, are requested to seed in an account of the ?. the Public, that their HOTEL is now come to the Undersigned. No chain, against the pleted, and that for Gustleman or Famitume who | Estale will be attended to unlove seat in on or bas may be visking the Northern Ports, they have A2- fore the 25th day of March, 1848 commodations which they think will be found nu-
R. JACSON. peribe to any other Horsi in Chim.
Branomai being considered the most healthy si- tuation in Chim, if not in the East, and abo favour. ably stated, as to the facilities of Shouting and other hakhful exercises, P. F. R. & Co would respect Tally noticit the patronage of such MILITARY, NAVAL,
and Mercantila Genesaran as may bare ocos. sion to spend a short time in a cooler or more healthy Climate, for the resturation of their health.
Canton, 14th Octuber, 1647-
LL. Persons having Clu?t A Hoon, are hereby to the Bubscriber Corasetilet 10th day of January pest,
Victoria, 910 December,
1L Persons indebred to, or having claims against
And in returning thanks for the support they have received, P. F. I. & Co. b?g to my to the Public geourally, that no exertions will be spared A the Estate of the late Mr Natuakins Kana-
on their part to make the local wotiby of Public || want, are sequosled to forward their accounts to us. patronage
Canton, 3rd May, 1847.
Shanghai, Sat November, 1847.
Tromsar, Jav Franvant, 1848,
The Posters Plate, value $90, forall Horse. On
mile and half Four Hurdles & feet high, and The Rules 4 feet 4 inches high* Weights fur inches ar per scale. Entrance $5 each.
The Pa hrdle Race, for all l'oules. On milo and Four Hurdles 3 feet high, and Two He fant inches High. Weight fer inches per sale. Entrance 1 each wah $10 added From the Fund. Second Puay to receive $10
the Fund.
The dred Stonet, for all Alaba Two miles. Weight 0 stone 7 lbs. Entrance $10 each with $100 addal from the Fund. The Winner of the Oop carry 7 Ibe extra. Second Horse to saro his Drake.
The_Badiic Purse, value $50, for all Ponies Winners at this meeting excepted. Entrance free. Onich wighla
The Nati? Puros, value #90, for all Punios. io dian and Chinese Riders, One mile. Catch weights
The Hanging Steeple Chase, for all Ponies. Catch
weighole Ground to be named by the Stewards ose hour before the time of staning. Eurenca
ach with $80 added from the Fund.
BULES AND REGULATIONS. Entrances to be declated on or before 15th Ja mary, 1840.
Races to commence punctually at % o'clock P. m. The first Raddling Bell to be rung at ? past 1 v.3. A quarter of an hour allowed between each race.
Upon cladding ball being rung all Horses to run for the beat Race immediately to rendezvous on the corresposite the Grand Stand to draw for their respective pace, and not to go down to the Starting Posted by the Steward appointed to start theas. Ailer each race, the Horses passing the Winning Popt to return to the Judge's Band mod the Rider declared to be ?rst to be weighed. Any Jockey diamounting before his torm, or before being called upon to be weighed koes his claim to be placed as the Winner.
All dispute as to Entrances and Qualification of Horses to be declared in writing before the next Race commences, or no right of appeal allowed. *No Hors allowed to run whose Entrance fots are not paid up to the Serretary.
SYDARY SHITA ON WA-Among the last productions of the pen of Sydney Sankth, was one "on the duties of the Queen," in which this forcible paragraph
Minuni, hip
Bash and 0.
flongkong 433 Dorne
Warmore and so,
375 Freach
8. W. Comech.
Angeline Heard and co.
phant and on.
VOL. VII. No. a.
grass, skip Dart, schooner Vancouver, ship Aubberwe, g Argyle, brig
Angioan, boomer
Naiches, ship
Bella Bilbaine, Marqua
???????- Amizade, big Brigand, brig
"A secondegreal object which I hope will be impressed upon the mind of this a lady is a rooted horror of war, an earnest and passionate desire to keep her people in nemate of profound prace. The great care which ona be anteiled upon menkind is a star of war. All the atrocious crimes committed in years of petce, all that is opent in posen by the secret corruptions or by the thought
ragance of nations, are mere trifles compared with the gigantis evil which stalk over the world in a state of war. God forgotten in war; every principle | of Chrisian charity trampled ypes; haman industry extinguished; you see the son, and the husband, and the brother dying miserably in distant lands; you sne the breaking of the humal heart; you bear the shrinks of widows and childemo afer the boule; and you walk over the mangled bodies of the wounded calling for death. I would my to the royal child worship God by loving peace, it is not your humanity to pity a beggar by giving him food or rain. I can do that. Widen your heart for the That is the charity of the bumble and the unknown. more expanded miseries of mankind. Pity the mothers of the persantry who 900 their sons torna away from their families; p?y your poor subject crowded into boepirala, and calling, in their last breath, upon their distant country and their young Queed; pity the stupid frantic folly of homan beings who are always ready Lo tear each other to pieces, and to deluge the earth with each other's blood, This is your extended humanity, and this the great field of your compassion. Extinguish in you beet the &rodish love of military glory, from which your sex does not necessarily exempt you, and to which the wickeddess of flatterere may" urge Bay upon your death bed. I have made few orphane in my reign--I have ande few widowa; my object has been peace. I have used all the weight of my character and all the power of my auction to check the irascible passions of mankind, and to turn them to the era of boomt industry. This has back the Christianity of my threas, and this the gospel of my scapire. In this way I have scriven to worship any Rodermor and Judga.”
2, Zoe, Wilson, from Whampoa.
2, North Ster, Hale, from Whampoa.
3 Umege, Andersou, from Lookong 20th December.
4, Denia, King, from Cumainginoon.
4, Portevia, Lancaster, from Bydney Lot November.
4, Sir Robert Sale, Loader, from Auckland 3rd December.
4. Joseph St, Thompson, from Sydney 14th November,
4. Minerva, Coleman, from Auckland 2nd December.
Per Omega,—Mr Q. Thompson.
1, #febrides, Melville, London,
1, Royal Albert, Scanlan, Whampon.
2. L'oquette (Am.), ('rescott, Shanghai.
*Denia, King, Cumainginoon.
Don Lierman (Spanish), Salado, Manila, Mareppe, Jauncey, Shanghai,
24, Asia, Ronkell, Boatsy.
All Dispute to be referred to the Stewards whose Dec. decision is Gnal.
Qualification of Riders gant former meetings.
9, Theron (Dusch), “Fun?n, Bata vin.
14, Catharina Maria ( Ryken, Bamvia: 27, Jane Serina (Dutch), Bartholomey, Bulavin,
* R.
13 banda 2 in., 10 7
12 banda 0 in., 7
B. M. Ship Dedalus
ti Gw
Captain P. MeQu?as.
Brig Columbine
16 Go
Commander Grey.
12 ?
Commander W. Loring.
3 8
FL. C. Husquer Plesu
Dear Counding G.T.Aires...
Ban Com
Commander T. P. Thomping,
Capilla John Madaga
.. Hospicul
Doctor Bankier.
Alligator, brig
Brick, ship
?, baryso
Franklyn and Milne.
Geovers, brigaadias,
Marquis of Hastings, bagque N. 6. de Las, brig Tromelge, barque
8. F. Xavier, chose
FRENCE. Java, ship
DUTO. Addian Jacobs, General Vander Busch, Llongkong, barya Loopruit, Carque Pyladea, berge Elshen, barque Pamask
K. Von Promen, brig
Emily, archa
Mary, larcha
Aan, orcha
(Care Ships.)
Bomani Hormonjes, ship
Pon Willam, ship
???? ??
160 Porter 518 Puller
190| Marvin 475 Premout 593 Nowow
Wemote and coo. W. Beckler. Mall and
Rome sad on. Rull and co.
Mach 1 Alda
403 Casca
23 Pin
Gilmas and co
J. V. Jorge,
J. fa de Almeida,
150 Marqua
P.J. ds B. Loureiro.
9:50 Silv
J. F. d Ulivelea,
280 Vital
5. M. de JaneR.
30 Carvalho
Louren?o Marques.
16 Sawicky. Carneinu.
422 Cormier
Nye, Paskin and ca
619 Plokket
Van Emmerik Reyavaan
450 Anderson
Moyavaan and co
T. Moorman, sad do Captain.
Byme, Muiz and ca
*50 Terrisan
350 Pereira
Whampoa 175 Moller
Bengkong 44 antes
190 Howell
|Elengkong|1850| Contes
214 Leik
Camoon 379 Burlay"
Joka Burry, ship
Paicos, ship
Hygli, barque
Imbaba Robertos, barque
350 Kelly
Lady Hayes, barque
210 Hadlay
(Her.) nh?n
Ly, hig
Royal Exchange, beig
Experell, karqu?
Apec, schooner
Ben Hare, belg
Warlock, belg Anonymi, beg Amor, schooner Lord Amber, skip Makamo?den, bargai Royal, schooner Harlequin, brig Louise, barque
William, brig
Anita, brig
Viten, or
Amazon, ship
Black Dug, schooner
Boxer (4), schoenor
lown, brig
Caric, brig
Dida, schovate
Emily Jugo, ship
Follina, ship
Mandro, barque
Hape, brig
Time, sehunner-
William Hughes, brig
Hellas, schwer
William IV. barque
Ternate, barque
915 Langley
950 Bethe
153.9 ardoa
300 L
145 Alk
937 Mar
104 Ph
237 Mile
11 Browning
Chinchew Marin
Wong Clevvely
972 Woodros
135 Kopar
Foo-c. 21 Udr
145 Roupa
33 Wis
437 Wade
Kennedy, Mecgregor and as,
Syme, Muir and on.
Rawls, Dean and co.
Rawle, Dage and co Rawls, Dana dados.
Jardine, Matheson and co 1.A.Olding, P.&O.tvm. Agus Dent and oo.
Jardino, Matheson and on Murree and ou.
D. Benson Sean and on.
|Augustion tinued and co
Gilman and ou
Bell and co.
D. M. Rustomjee and co
Cindy and co.
P. F. Cama and oo,
Pomanjoo Pracijao Gama, and on
Den and ou
Jardes, Matheson and co
Umso and co. Beat and co
Hardier, Matheson and on.
dy, Muir and co. Jardine, Mahon and se Dent and co
Kiln and on.
Deat and oo.
Jandian, Mahame La co
Maricar and co
D. Bus and co
Dee, P. HuberTELY,
P. & D N. Cama and on,
0.4 M Romamjee and co,
Turner and o
Dear and co
Jardine, Mathan and co.
Cowndes Sapoorjee Langrak,
A W. │tugunino Hoard and ou
916 Boundy
Murve and do,
Mwell and co
Landeay and o
Jardine, Matheson and on,
903 Gwait
273 Prism
?Deat and ou
FOR LONDON,- Whampoa,-Hindosta,
G. V. Bosch, Zo*,
Gilman & Co.
Jardins, Matheson & Co. Gibb, Livingston & Co. Jamison, How & Co Dearie, Calvent & Co. Rayanan & C Macvicar & Co.
18, Duke of Cornwall, 580, Whitehead, Hongkong. 98, Anna Robertson, 441, Munro, Hongkong.
29, Grace Darling, 198, Owen, Hongkong.
September 21, Born.
Leading on the 24th October-Clifton, Favourite, and John Cooper
9, Barah Louise, 207, Oldham, Shanghai.
|Hongkong | 918 Rhodes
Hub, Livingston and on. RP.Buble,
Dent and co
194 Uncomm
Lennedy, McGregor and co. Deast and
776 Thampano
3, Constami, 600, Hemery, Hongkong.
8, Christabel, 335, Harding, Hongkong.
|850 Coleman
2 Jane Prowse, 208, Nichols, Shanghai.
| 550|Keynolda
Jardine, Mashmen and es.
15, Aden, 335, Michael, Floogkong.
354 Hale
|| (76| Anderso
Jardins, Matheson and so.
17, Cordelia, Hughes, Hongkong.
290 Lenc
740 Macies
Burdina, Mathanos and on,
18 Euphrates, Lucas, Shanghai.
1, Jabs.
19. Horatio,
295 impion
710 Loader
15 Comsa
J. Cockami.
14 Won
Jardins, Mathanen and on,
Turner and co.
Turner and
Jardine, Mathew and co.
Turner and co.
Lindsay and on.
Dent sad eo.
Maricar and on
Hawle, Dwan and ca
Loading on the 24th October-Aqua Marine; Berhampore; Dumfrie Elise; Ellerslie; John Horton; Juhn O'Gaunt, (Hongkong); Larpent, (Shang
10, Pathfinder, 208, Miller. September 28, William Jurdine, 693, Dounty. October
15, Lady Ambers, 448, Myhill, Hongkong.
25, Sharon, Locas, China,
hai); and Martha.
Grab, Livingston and so Fletcher and
leaderson, Watson and on.
Jardino, muchas?n and co.
Blenkin, amma and co.
Remell and co
Dearie, Calvert and on.
Jemison, How and ou
Dardine, Matheroo nad es.
Chiman and on.
4, Forrostor,
Wet and co
Dear and co.
Nye, Packina sad on.
$43 Bany
Rell and on.
and upwards S
Bydney and Cape Homes Extra.
FOR SALE.. Case of Surgical Instruments
(miker Danan). Apply |
Victoris, 2nd November, 1847, JOLMES & BIGHAM have for sale at reason. Elabir pri?u an excellent assortment of Winter Clothing, consisting of Gentlemen's Dress Coats; Chesterfield and DO Wrappers; superdos Black and Coloured Trousers; cholos Vests and Venings; Drawers; Singlets; Bootch Plaids and Tweede superfine Black Cloth; London made Boots and shoes, &o, &c.
ALEO, PER LATE INPORTATIONS, Every description of Oilman's Sloten, ris, Cuor berland "flama; Dutch Butter in kage and juru; assorted Jams and Jellieng Pickles: Bauces; White Wine Vineger; Matard; Groats; Zante Currants; Bloom Raisins; Preserved Bleata; Green Peas, &c., ?e.
Victoria, 25th December, 1847.
H. M. Bog Childre
-Brig Expogle
Seaner Vakum Sp Alligat Ship Mi
Albi, baryo
Cacuit, vtcamer Dends, or Machomy, ship Flandre schoones ?????? ???????, shig Linnet, bri
Minerva, hargan Norman Moon, ship North Star, ship
Omg, cheDET Porwin, brig
|| Ramiliini, barque
/ Red Muver, Marque 2.
Shephenl?m, Marque**
Sir Robert Bale, ship
Young Hobe, sonder
Zephyr, schooner Zue, echeonet
Bition in a Marcantile House by a Person Australia,
well soquainted with business, and who can
give good references. For particulars, apply to
The Eilator of this Paper.
Victori, 10th July, 1847,
Chirkala, barga Esten, berene
-?| Brass, ship
SHIPPING ARTICLES, according to the re
cent and (Victoria 7 & 8) for sale si this office
Office "Friend of China,”
Victoria, 10th Octobes, 1845.
POR ale at this office, four foems of bills of lad.
Euphrates, ship Fortitude, whip
Hindustan, ship
John Flaming, ship
Minerva, ship
Rokeby, barga
die Edwaed Ryan, barque
lek for goods of specie shipped by the P.& Albert, hip Company's Beram pacheta for goods deliver. able at London; 2nd for goods deliverable gij Bowthampton; 3rd for goods deliverable ■. Suez ; 4th for goods deliverable at intermediata porta- They are printed after the Company's forms on Bank post.
Office "Friend of China”
26th October, 1845.
Whampoa 196 Couk
373 Barriso
$768urubur Taylor
3: Lagen 360 Robertson
437kard $40 Chri 706 Punk
275 Huewod
3JUR dies
Bieffarbert Compton, barque Cum'moon 360|Brows
There, schoo Velocipede, sobovver
INGUISTS Rerunts and Navy BILLS for sale gland, hip
at this Office.
Office Friend of Chins, 20th Den, 1844.
FOR SALE -At the office of this paper
*Compradores cheque books.
Ships Articles, with an abstract of the merchant
Doomon's act endorsed on the back.
Powers of Attorney, aller forms by Chitty,
Charterparties, after forins by Chiny.
Bills of Lading.
Chinese Tariff of imports, and exports, for
counting houses,
Torrington, chober
Wahon, barga
Alas, echeon
Canalla, schooner
Privamor, oohooner
Peel, schoor
Amoy Packet, schooner Carolus, echerung.
Emass, schooner
Friends, barges
Lieces, rig
King Henry, brig
Louis, barge
Kingsun, barque
Meisies, ship
Marquis of Bass, ship
Mary Bonniyai barque
69 Pichan
SH) Clinch
480 Barber
Kennedy, Metrogue and co.
Jardine, Matheson sad on,
Nevicar and co
Read on.
Murrow and c.
|P, Framjee Cama and co, Cupin
Ann, ship
[Shanghai | 667|Steveneen
Jardes, Methreen and co
Franca Burelay, karena J. Garanti, ship
$40 Mache wa
690 Blend
Play, Horgpares and co. (Thomas Ripley and en
Mesoppa, hermopheudito
131 Belie
44 Bellamy
Fletcher and ce
?Wardino, Maben and co
Rawls, Dour bod
Moevitar and
Jordion, Markanan and co.
Jardana, Machen?m and as.
C. s. Langress.
Kamell and s
Syme, Muir and co
|Banks, Dunband on.
lyme, Muir and on.
4. May Flower, 217, Thompson, Hongkong.
Report. -Samual Russell, to sail for China on 1st September.
FROM ROTTERDAM: Loading.-Borena (Dosch), via Batarin; Machtilda Cornelia (Dutch via Batavia; Chure Anna Maria (Dusch), via Batavia,
November 15, Mayaram Dayaram, Puddicombe, Hongkong. Loading-Arratoon Apeut, Cowajco Family, Lorick, Mischiol, a
October 22, William Gillian, 511, Brown.
25, Will the Wisp, 101, MeNight, Shangbai. 27, Thomas Henry, Jury. Loading-Isabella Watson, and Sultana.
Loading on the 31st October.—Thomas Fielden.
November 9, Carib, 324, Heston, Shanghai Loading,-Eleanor Russell, 306, Jeffeis,
101 Ca
140| Roule
103 Howard
175 Rober
Bye, Muir and co-
HM Brisow
Brme, Muir and on.
38 Caffery
Byme, Muir and en.
yme, Muir and co
Printed and Published by Jonn Cans, At The Friend of China and Hongha
Gazette, Printing Ufice, Govon Sranny, VICTORIA, HONGKONO,
PRICE $12 per tum.
TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION so da PRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, per Andum, 12 Dollars, 3 Months, 7 Dollare. Thrm Monika, 4 Dollata; all paid in advance. Credit Prices, 14 Dellars. Dollars, and & Dullers, for the periods of Twelve, Biz, and Three Months respectively: Single Numbers, to Bubscribers 93 cents each; to Nug-Bubscribera, i upo. Parties calling or sending to the Oiler for paperi are requesful to pay cash. TERMS OF ADVERTISING.—Ten Ilmes and under, ? Dollar; additional, to cents line. Repatitians sherd of the first insertion, Bhips,-First insertion, e Dollars subsequent lapelions 45 cents. Advertisements to have written on the fee of them, the number of times they are requiral to appear, other'sler they will be published until counterwanded. In all instances, those who are not Subscribers, require to pay in advance.
THE Undersigned are authorised to grant Po. BANCA TIN. Apply to
OLYPHANT & Co, Centon.
14th August, 1847.
OF CALCUTTA. ants 'Loroumuniata Porta, ?
THE PENIMOlar and Omi-e 1 Liiga in Canton and Shanghai, payable bere,
ENTAL CONPANY's Steam in London, Calcutta, Madras, and Bombay. Ship BRAGANZA, will invo The usual return of Ten per Cent made an all this forehe above places on Sun | Premiume contributed, day the 80th January at 2 a. m. Canso will be received on board until Noon, and Sructu until 4 p. x, on the 29th.
For particulata regarding Faster and Passau, apely at the P. & . 8. N. Company's Office, Hongkong.
J. A. OLDING, Agent. Hongkong, 7th January, 1848.
NOTICE. THE P. & O. &. N. Co.'s Summers from Home- Exono wilt in future proceed throughout to BOMBAY, touching as beretofore at Bimoapoku Perang, and Gales, also at Cotonso, Coomen, O41100T, Glos, and Vixoona. For particulars, of Freight and Page, apply at the P. & Q. & IN. Co.'s Office.
Flongkong, 19th October, 1847.
THIE Pr& 0. 8. N. COMPART's, Will from the
11 date undertake the conveyance of Specia from Chies, and the Straits, to Southampton, weder the conditions specified in their customary Bill of Lading, at 21 per cent.
3. A. OLDINO,-Agent. P. & O. 8. Mt Company's Office Victoris, 21st December, 1847.
W barf, unless previously disposed of by private Contract, For Terms and further particulars,
pply to the Auctioneer.
Victoria, Hongkong, 28th December, 1847.
TWO Food Iwe Blorg HOUSES in Well- Inglon Street opposite the Polien Buation, nt a moderate rental. Apply to,
PHILLIPS, MOORE & Co. Victoria, 5th November, 1847.
To dop, lately occupied by
PHILLIPS, MOORE & Ca Victoria, 24th December, 1867.
TO LET. CPACIOUS Godewne and dwelling house, built
of Granite and lately oornpied by Merr THOS. RIFLRY & Co. The property is situated wear the centre of the Town, (Victoria, Hongkong) and has a water frontage. Apply on the Premises, or lo,
THOMAS RIPLET & Co,-Shangbai, Hongkang, 91st July, 1848.
LODOWNS TO LET, und Goods Stored on
moderate torose by.
BURD, LANGE & Co. Hongkong, 28th October, 1847.
TO LET AT A MODERATE KENT. THE large and commodious HOUSE in the Queen's Road, Intely occupied by the Officers of the 95th Regiment, for particulara, apply la,
D'Agullar Street, Victoria, 7th December, 1847.
TAVERN TO LET. THE HOUSE Lately occupied by Mr ALEXAN-
Der Souration on the Queen's Road, June | sion can be given on the 15th instant. Apply to,
6th November, 1847.
THE Undersigned having been appointed Agent
for the above Company, are prepared to grant POLICIES, payable in London, Liverpool, Bombay, Calouca, Madras, Bingapore, Mauritius, and Cur lombo.
GIBB, LIVINGSTON.& Co. Canton, 1st November, 1847.
THE Undersigned has been appointed Agent at Hongkong and the adjacent Ports in Chine, for the Unmenwaiters of Philadelphia, New Yosa and BosTOR.
Hongkong, 27th May, 1847.
Agents Equilobis Invernace Sociais. Ann Fence flailing 400 feet, with 4 double Jeaved 8 fece gates; two Engine Fores pumpe Hongkong, 17th November, 1847,
Foros and Common pumps ; also Marshall & Son's IMPERIAL MAINE INSURANCE
patom Clavels.
COMPANY OF BOMBAY, THE Undersigned have been appointed Agents of the above-named Company, and are prepared to grant Policien baro and at Shangbai, payable in London, Liverpool, Caloutta, Bombay, and Camion.
AUGUSTIN? HEARD & Co. Camton, 16th June, 1847.
a JOHN G. WARD la admitted a Partner in our House, his Interest and Responsibility commencing on the 1st of June last.
AUGUSTINE HEARD & ?.. Canton, 20th, July 1847.
WAITE onated to be in our empley from the
T8 bereby given that Mr JOHN THISTLETH
18th day of April last past, by lapse of the term of agreement, by which be was empowered to apt for
ROBERT STRACHAN. Victoria, 16th September, 1847.
FRANKLYN & MILNE. Avorioneras, CommiION A?znto, Wind and Seinit Mercranto, Queen's Road. LOODS Bold by private sale, or Public Auction, Stored in dry and secure godowas, landed, or Lanshipped, and general businem tranmcted for Partice absent.
ON SALE. Shaw and Moxwell's and other Sherry.
Port Free Dark Pale Cognac. Male East India
Obampagne, Hoek nod Madeira, Seltzer Water.
Jake Codigo; But Provisione in barrcle; large
us is the management of our establishment existing 25 Cups: Muskete: Musket and Cannon
and Rope: Pine Spars, and other articles.
up to that time at Bhanghai, and to eiga for parkida unders: Chain Cables and Anchors: Canvas there by Procuration.
Hongkong, January 4th, 1848.
Ningpo, fich August, 1847.
We abo announce that we have established n Shanghai a Branch of our House, under our own name and style, and Mr Robert Powall Bauz will sign the same there, by Procuration.
WETMORE & Co. Camion, 1st July, 1847.
MR.Jadmitted 4 Parteer in our house,
Canton, Est January, 1848.
T JUST bege to inform the Community of Can- Loo, that he has removed, his Establishment from Hongkong to this place, where be trusia te meet their patronage.
Canton, Est October, 1847.
(At present No. 1, New Chian Street.) NOTICE
THE Interest and responsibility of M CHARLES
Enuar in our Firm, ceased on the first day! of October las.
In future the Business will be conducted by GRO. FRAZAN.
EMERY & FRAZAR. Victoria, 7th December, 1847.
Bongbong, 7th May, 1847.
WINES FOR SALE. ↑ the Godowns of the Undersigned;—
in 4 donen Corn,
Ju do.
A Buperior Port,
. 4 du.
Shurty Madeira, 8 do.
Mumm's Champagne and Allsopp'e Pale Ale. BLENKIN, BAW?UN & Co. Victoria, 27th July, 1847.
PHILLIPS 4.0UR? & Co. Victoria, 13h Beptember, 1847.
"FOR BALE THE following Winze
FIRE Grate and Sures with Piping
Sparkling Champaign, Hermitage,
in Casas of 3 dea enab
Pale Cognac Brandy," in do. Bchoidam Geneva, in do. of I dosen.
Superfine Italian Baled Oil. Apply to,
HOLLIDAY, WIRE & Co. Victoria, 15th July, 1840.
FEW of Getinge Barname, Pixiel
Jim Coffee USA
fictovic, 19th November, 1937,
Sparkling and Siili Mozelle. Liqueurs, de Gunpowder in Barrels,
Fresh Belzer Water in Barkets. Fine Concor Not Oil.
Obain Cables; Anchors of all sizes; large Europe Rope; Flour; Sak Provisions in Harrels; Canvas; Pics Spars for Masta, from 60 to 70 feet long by 19 inobes. Apply to
FRANKLYN & MILNE Victoria, 10th November, 1847.
FOR BALE FINE decked cutter rigged Pleasure Boat A Coppered and Copper fastened.
Mast and Baile quis new, with Anchor, Chain, and fittings wil complete. Apply to,
"FRANKLYN & MILNE. Vitoria, 30th November, 1847.
·HE Seaman's guide, through. Banks and Gar
Lieut. H. D. A, Bars, of the Dutch
Navy Hydrographer at Batavia, ?o., &c., ?o.
Translated by permission of the Author. Apply to
FRANKLYN & MILNE, Commission Agen & Auctioneers, Queen's Hood.
Victoria, 28th December, 1847
E undersigned being about to leave CHINA. le rely intimates that he is desirous of dispos- ing of the whole of Iils Household Furniture and Effecs as they now are at his Horas vituste on the Pruja Grade, Macao.
ALSO, *71orms, 9 Gigs and a handsome four wheeled Carriage
FOR SALE. NCHORS, Chain Cableo, and Flawra l'iper of A all sizes, An la voice of Manila, Europe, and Patent Rope
Coffee, and Government Cigute,
4th November 1846.
SALT Provisione Flour Ram, Arch, and Brandy in Wood; Whisky, Cognac, and all kinds of Wines in Boul
4th November 1840.
FOR SALE. ROMAN Cement, and Window Clans of all sizes.
Apply to,
RAWLE, DUUB & Co. Victoria, 3rd Augus, 1847. JUST RECEIVED nx "Many Bannatynn," QUPERIOR Dark and Pale Brandy in Whol Glenlivet Whisky, and Copeningen Cherry Brandy.
Fresh Jordan Almonds, Bloom Raisins, French Plums, Yarmouth Bloater Paste, Clarised Lard, Loaf Sugar, a few Cares of the Royal Zom Bauce, and the Zuence of Smoke for the Curing of Beef, Tongue, Hams, &c.
BMITH & BRIMELOW. Nos. 1 & 2 Woosoem's Buildings.
ESBRS. SMITH & BRIMELOW bave jud received a few Bores of Double Befined Loaf Barag; also, a quentity of supering Breen Candles,
Clothing, Kerseymeres, Uroad Cloth. ↑ ingi, ?cc.
June, Shot, Muankets, Gunpowder,Fli Bails made, altered or repaired: and eription of Shipping business and supplies, ally attendell to
CHARLES BUCK). Queen's Road, Rongkong, ist March,
EL CLE Vioteris, 2nd November 2017,
Quality, Macao, at HINNA, China Shopkeeper.
Victoria, 11th Juni, 2547.
Quosa's Band, Victoria
SODA WATER, AERATED LEMONADE, BELTZER WATER, direct from Hansonen, LGENT AT CARTON, ACHOOK-Comurador, Na 3, Imperial Hong
Hongkong, 4th November, 1847.
For particulare apply in Ifongkong to Me E. To on and from the Manufactory of Fankoon, Solicitor, atul in Macau 10,
BMITH & BRIMELOW. Queen Hood, 30th March 1847.
LL Parties indebted to or baring claims agains
Macao, Lui December, 1847. VICTORIA HOTEL, SHANGU?I, CHINA |? the Estate of the loto Me Wa. Haxar livss- F. RICHARDS & Co. ing to subvence to Ton, are requested to send in an account of the P. the Public, that their HOTEL is now com same to the Undersigned. No claims against the pleted, and that for Guntaraan or Famiseun who | Estate will be attended to unlove sent in on or be may be visiting the Northern Ports, they have An- fore the 25th day of March, 1848. commodations which they think will be found su-
R. JACBON. peribe to any other Hotel in China.
Canton, 14th October, 1647,-. Buanomal being considered the most healthy si-
NOTICE. tation in China, if not in the East, and also favour.
LL Pereous haring Clarge aguina Mr W. D ably situated, so to the facilities of Shouting and other A Hoox, are hereby requested to send them bealthful exercises, P. F. R. & Co would respect to the Subscriber for settlement on or before the Tally elicit the patronage of och MILITARY, NAVAL, 10th day of January next. and Mercantila Gonzlumun as may bare o?os.
MJ. HEYL **?sion to spend a short time in a cooler or more heakhy
Victoria, 91st December, T Climate, for the restoration of their health.
And in returning thanks for the support they have received, P. F. R. & Co. beg to say to the Public generally, that no exertions will be spared on their part to make the Houd worthy of Public patronage
Shanghai, 1st November, 1847.
IL Persons indebted to, or having claims against the Estate of the late Mr Nathan?ns Kino- Wan, are requested to forward their accounts to us.
WETMORE & Co. Canton, 3rd May, 1847.
(From the thin Mall, ↑ Jan?) PROCLAMATION.
J. F. Davin
By His Excellency Sir John Franels Davie, Ba- ronel, Gomminor and Comman·ler in Chief of the|| Colony of Hongkong and in Deprcdencies, and Vice ?difinal of the ?awe. Per Mijonty's Plenipo- sani and Chief Superi-Andest of the Trade of Briti Fubferu in China---
tion was quite socalled for, On the point we are not qualified speak farther than this, that we have out miny Coroner's inquvets, and in the great majority of cases, the Jurore bad to difficuhy in giving a ver dier without diction being resoned to. However, if the opinion of the Chise Mail is so strong, we would ask how it happens that the Editor did not de- then that the body upon which is eat as a Juror be uproed?
The following page occurs in the overland edition of the Mail --
The beard, too, presented a gnore palpable test* which seems to have bega entirely overlooked. Whereas the Comunan's of Her Most Gracious taving sat upon ose of the bodina, and seen two of Majesty, The Queen bave been teericgl through the the others, our impression is that the beards appear. Principal 8cretary, of Susie for the Colonien, ditul- | a? at if recently shdren, and certainly they did not Jowing O dinsner "No 10 of 1945, prased with a seen as of two or three days growth" suspending clause until the p? asure of Her Majesty should be known, and satuled “An O-dinance for the Naturalization of Aliers within the Culray of Hongkong and its Dependencifs;” hkewise Ordin ance No 5 of 1947, entitled “ An Ordinance for the Prevention of Pitney :”—
Notice is hereby given of the same, and the pro- vinicism of the Urdinances aforesaid are declared to be null and void and of no effet
By El Excellency's Command,
W. CAINE. Colonial Secretary OND HATE THE Queen. C. Office, Victor?n, Hongkong, lit January, 1848. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATIONS. His Excellency the Goveront and Consmander in Chief has been plegard to appoint William Thomas Mercer, Esq, Colenial Trusurer of Hongkong, to bea Member of the Legislative Council, in the 100th of Jul.n Walter Hula, Eq., Puspended from Lffice, perding the pleasure of Her Majesty.
The flonourable William Tbogias Mercer, Esq., has been sworn in accordingly. By Orkr,
W. CAINE, Colomini Secretary. Colonial Office, Victoria, Hongkong, Budh December, 1848.
His Excellency the Governor and Commander- in-Chief has been pleased to appoint Mr DR. Laldwell to the situation of Interpreter and Assistant Buperintenda of Police.
By Order,
W. CAINE. Colonial Secretary. Colonial Office, Vietorin. Hongkong, 1st December, 1847.
His Excellency the Governor and Commander- in-Chic bas tern pleased, at the treeton ensation of the Flourable the Acting kief Justice, to ap ?point M Edward Pollard to be Julgo's Clerk in The 100m of Air G. A. Trotter, who has retired.
By Order,
W. CAINE, Colonial Secretary. Colonial fee, Victoris, Hongkung, 31st December, 1847.
His Facelkney the Governor and Commander- in-Chief has been pleased to appoint Mr George Strachan to the situation of Cleak of Works, in the tom of the late Mr Pope, peuding the pleasure of Her Majesty's Goreinment
By Order,
he value of this may be tested by the well known feet, that the board continues to grow aer death so long as moisture redis in the body. It was impossible, therefore, even had the murders been committed on Bunday the 5th that the board could have looked as recently shaven" on 'Thare- day the 9th, the date of the first of the inquests, and the one upon which the Editor of the Ching Mail was a Jutor. On this, an open other malters squ arted wish these murders, ho is deceiving hipoelf; we trust he may notelerive othew, it being most desirable that whole truth be known.
We have on the fail's authority that "Mr Moir Surgeon of the Misure complains that his nine should have appeared in the Juquest on Mr Bellamy he not having been present" Auming this to be trug (it would have been more in form hd Mr Moir wade bis complaint publicly through the columns of the paper which published an in- Morrect repon, namely the China Mail) it only shews that Mr Elmalis was not very correct in drawing up these reports. Now, without casting any reflections upon Air Elmalis, such may be the case. An unusual duty was required of him under peculiarly painful circumstances. We believe that at the first Inquest-the one upon which the Edhor of the thing fail to Jator-the report was drawn up from notes taken on the occasion, an in- formality which at the time no one objected to Buietly speaking, there were no oroner's Inqu?te stell. Ana bingistrate, Ali Elmali- was required to investigate into the causes of death; but he is not Coronor and was not bound to sumino? a Jpty. If he dal this, either from respect to the wishes of others, or from a desire that others should sid him in such an important matter, we appreciate the motive. We believe the Inquests gave entire satisfaction in Canton; and if one or two querulous persons now object because they weren't consulted, we only my, the spirit is to be deplored.
sufficient for the prment and in part of my demands if these fout criminale be decapitated where the crime was commited, in presence of my officers." There are other and stronger expressions, which lead us to infer that though these demands are kept secret they are of a stringent nature.
In the political department of the Chinese Repo. eitary we do not pat much faith, a rule which we generally apply to all journals where temporalities are associated with spiritualities, we are however induced to take a pamage or two from the number for December, not in order to contrast them with previously expressed opinions, if they disagree with which, it only shows that the Editor is open to conviction, and of this no good or reachable man
need be ashamed
"The subject of all engrossing interest which wo are called to relate among the occurrences of the month is the lawless outrage and murder of the sit foreigners at Hoang-ebu-kea Never in all the annals of history have we read of a more cruel and and blood thirsty instance of atrocity theo this." ?
Again the Repriory mys, No one supposed that the Chinese could be guilty of soch a savage, barbarity, and it was only the fool deed itself und the mangled bodies of the victims brought back suc ceraively from the scroes of massere, that has made us fully sensible of the awful wickedness and depre vity that here exist"
We would bere my word to the Editor of the Mail, and not in so unfriendly spirit, however may be received Discussion with that Journs! is out of the question; the inst two years having afforded many proah that it will not discuss any question in a pir either of fairness or of courtesy The dogmas of the Editor are put forth, and they are sustained at any bazaid; all who dider usaeiber openly slan- dered, or the poison is administered in the shape of This applies alike to insinuation and insurous. controversy with the local press, to differences with the Merchants, or to any other existing interests, and bow fat may yet go ) is difficul to y. For long time we have on every posible occasion avoid ed thing notice of, or having any altercation with the China Mail; but we would be failing in oor public duty did we allow all ju mis-statements to pass without comment.
not above such trickery Dates are at times awk. ward things, and like statistica not to be disregarded. Two of the alleged official documents bear date 19th December; they intimate the capture of the four principal. criminals. Two were captured by cus Magistrate and two by the other, so that they fairly share the honoure. Keying was thus informed of the capture on the 19th, but there is rather na important discrepany, he having communicated the fact to Bir John Davis on the 17th, or two dase prior to le occurrence. Not only did he intimate the capture of the four principal criminale two days be mentions eleven other criminale who were to be fore i took place (according to the Alail) bat punished after a reference to the criminal board, it la further remarkable that neither of the documents state where they were written ut; in the body of
bat we are left entirely in the dark sa to the where them this village" is used by both Maginatra,
The occurrences which have recently taken place at Canton deserve the most serious consideration; and the argotiation pending between the British Envoy, who is in the best position to know the truth, and the Chiness Commissioner are to be viewed with An unbiased spirit, it being difficult to form an opinion until they are concluded On hearing of the Hwang chu ker murders the Editor of the Mail at once proceeded to Canton having been favoured During his with a passage in 11. M. S. Vulture. stay at the factories, he wrote certain editorials for his We may remark, that wy visited Canon as soon na relieved from the responsibilities of a ridiculous paper, which were in the main allowed to be correct as regards the murders themselves and the sub prosecution, and that we only heard one opinio as to the evidrace given by De Marjoribank, sa
There were some exhibitions sequin precordings. well as his courageous behaviour before the bodies of hostility to his countrymen it is uus, but they were recovered,—and it was en opinka in every were allowed to pass as referring to the living, and respect antisfactory, therubic we have baither casting no refictions on the dead. He returned to conversed & corresponded with Dr Marjoribanks Hongkong, and immediately change came o'er directly or indirectly, but we cannot forget, and the spiria of his dream" Old dogmas must be su- othere will not forget, that twenty-four hours aller waived at any price. Mast pertinacionaly had it been the party were captured, be volunteered to accam-repesud in substance, that the English alone were to pay the Nanbad alone tule village where his blame in the affrwys that so frequently took place in Countrymen were held captives i hope that bis the vicinity of Canton, and that sincs Aptil the spirit services would be availalle. 'I be conduct speaks of the Chiness was such that with a lule discretion for itself, and may be a sufficient reply to the in the villages could be visited in safety. That this is placable spit?, exhibited by a journal scrupulous opposed to truth is now a matter of too much not- in is comments upon all who cross the tract or die riety; and how much influence it may have had with those who are no more, fow will venture to please the person who conducts it
pronounce. Bir John Davis shared the opinion held (Copy)
by the Mail, but a prange from his note to Keying of the 18th shews that he is open to conviction. it in strong and inust not be lost sight of;-
W. CAINE, Colonial Secretary, Colonial Office, Victoria, Hongkong. 31 Deven-bet, 1847.
Ja Equity.
Hu Excellency the Governor and Commander in-Chief bar ben pleased at the recommendation of the Honourable the Acting Chef Justice, to appoint Hubert Dundas Cay. Erq, to be Master in Equity. By Urder,
W. CAINE, Colonial Secretary. Colonial Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 5th January, 1848,
Ju Equity.
His Excellency the Governor and Come ginder. is-Chief has been plesied, at the trcommandation of the Hencurable the Actung Chaf Juster, to appoint Mr Edward Pollard to be Keeper of Ricordi and
By Order,
W. CAINE, Colonial Secretary. Colonial Office, Victoria. Hengkong, Mih January, 1848.
Palted Blairs L
Nor Nur
Manda 19 19
Dec. Dec.
A prelal General Meeting of the China Tranch of the Rociety will be held on Tuesday the Sith instant, at baff. past o'clock, when the election of ellice-beaters for the evening year will take place,
Hongkong, January 6th, 1818, General Secretary From the late period at which we received the monthly report of the fanton Chamber of Commerce we were unable to publish it in the overland paper for December. The first part appears today, and will be continued on Wednesday.
Tus China Mail continuer his unkind strain of
recently given on the inquests at Canton." We do
observation upon the evidence of Dr Marjoribanks not intend making Jefence for Dr Marjoribanks, -duty which probably he may not think it worth while performing for himself. We bave, however, comprint Medical authority for stating that dissec?
Bacon Consulate, Canton, 5th January, 1948.
H. B. M. SUBJECTS, at Canton H. B. M. Conval at Conten las received a despatch from His Excellency, 11 M Plenipotentiary, &c. &c. In which His Escullency destres th?t. Brith?? subjecta be Informed that in the event of necessly weling for Her stajesty's smaul and his Fatablement retiring from tb diy, the British merchants, contlaning to reads at
Canton after his withdrawal will be at their own risk.
H. B. A Cont.
Tau above circular adminous of coming events, and will be far from gratifying to our friends in Canton, though at the same time it will enable them to prepare, in some degree, for stundoning the Factories at no disant day. As such it is no doubt intended, though, it is to bethoped that should the Consulate be withdrawn, due and more formel notice will be given. To strike the fug stones and Lake away the red national protection, leaving foreigners to the tender mercies of the Chinese, is an act which we cannot smticipate. Under any 1 would be impossible to rempre the British property stored in the various peck-bouses Of cotton alone there is about 90,000 baka and all the shipping in China would not unuspert it to a place of safely, in months. Besides, were it attempt. ed, it is probable that the chop boats would refuse to extry it to Whampoa for transhipment or ark prices which could not be complied with. In the event then of the merchants being compelled to leave, they will look for indentity to their own government, that government making (hino pay a fair valuation. hould a blockade be declared, neutrals will have twenty days to leave the port; a privilego which may be aho grouted to Britlah shipping. Perhaps Sir John Davis's intentions are to take more decided sigpt-Not to blockade the port at all, but to enter it with an armed force wearing or destroying the fortifienciupa. Should this be done, simile could be conducted at W bampon under protection of British cannon; or it would fud a way to Macun and Hongkong, ingress and egers to the river being permitted to the lighters engaged in carrying goods and produce front and to these settlements
Since the Camon people have been thus en- couraged against foreigners; they are ready to mur. der them when they merely take recreation in the country under the treaty."
abouts of this village,"—en omfiireioo not probable
in Chinese official letter.
These papers deserve no credit; they rather und to strengthen the very gefloral supression that the men were taken out of jail; and may be brought forward as blind to the foreign community. There publication bowaver indpers us to give sa extract from a letter dated Canton 29th December, which has been for a week before us; and though we are not quite satisfied that deception was pranused in the matter, we know that our correspondent would not write what he did not firmly believe to be true,
"I have it from very good authority that the four men executed near Hwang chu-kes had nothing whatever to do with the murders. They would havo been beheaded the same day at the execution ground at Canton for another offence, if not required for this ocession. It appears they were taken from prison two or three night before to Keying's house in chairs and by steakh so as not ti be observed and to avoid enquiry and remark ou the part of the popu Ice. They were there promised by Keying free pardon, if they would go along with his Soldier, c., in a boat and point out the other parties impli cated in the crime for which they were coodemned to suffer. 'I bey consented and were shaved, wash. ed, and decently clotbed They accompanied the Soldiers and rap ers of police to the boat, which they thought we sent in quest of their comrades, On the way up the rivarabey were bound and gag- ged; purposely gagged, my informant mys, to pre- their powering soy quemions put to them by the Enterpreter
This report is quite currant in Gunton, though the Chinese are more cautious in speaking out, as en quiries are being made no to the witnessrs who gave information to Sir John Davis. Compare it (the report) with what look place at the extension and in in at least probable. The men were gagged-the execution were hurried over in the most inderent manner—and not a single villager was present to take warning by the vaunted KEA PLE. It is mockery to speak of an example; the inen might just as well have been ex-outed within the precincta uf Hongkong Jail with the Chinese and European police looking un.
Boch is Sir John Davie candid assertion in direct opposition to all previous official publications. The | Editor of the Mail could not afford to exhibit the same manly spirit; he had put himself forward as | an omele on Chinese matters, and even the memory of the dead must be slandered to sustain his pul- recent reputation. How does he attempt this In his journal had appeared some tolerably correct accounts of his own, and one acknowledged to be correct and complete, communicated by a gentleman particularly well informed; but it would not do to allow those to go forth in their naked truth A. cordingly, they are clothed with a man of lakeboods, which is alleged were picked up at Cantin, the entire made up deformity, being a complete burlesque, wading to derive the public. The general tenor of the mustulinous reports published in the over- land edition of the China Mail appear in effect be, that lus countrymen commenced the affray in which they were killed at once, and that no reliance can be placed on anything that can he said to the contrary. This is not suid boldly; but few who have read the paper but have come to the sorrowful conclues that such was the impression wished to be conveyed by the reports, and the Editotinl remarks on the Inquiesta, in opposition to this we pines Sir John Davis ja addressing Kryng," that being attacked accord. ing to the previous repeated declarations of the villagers, they defended the maelves with pistols and some of them being captured were subsequently put to death in cold blood. This has been declared by scorral. Chines witnesses, and their met will be forwarded to my government who will ma. tunely cons dirihem," ben in anton the Editor of the fed may have born in a prition to get those corset information than Sir John Davis, though few will believe it.
In the Mod of the Oth, the insinuations against the dead, promulgated in the overland edition, are sforufied by three documents purporting to be tennslu-
In our last two issues we expressed belief that tions of official communications from the magistrates the executions at Elwang chu kee oombe 21st nkimo of Nanbas to Keying1 Those who believe the were not looked upon a compensation for the murmities of a Hongkong paper have access to the dess there commited. We again repeat this con- Bureau of Keyog or the Alaginutes will give some viction. Eir John Davis's note to Keying of the 19th is of nature to preclude the belief that be weight to them, though for our own part, we do can possibly be new of opinion that the Chinese not The Alail mys," Their authenticity is un Commissioner has been acting fairly wah bing or questionable, and at present it seems only necessary to add, that neither of these Chinese magistrat?s that the executions referred to are to be taken in full
dreams of translations of the documents being pu- compensation. He says distinctly it may be bished. Of course they do not, unless, for some sinister purpose, they furnished the Mail's" Friends in Canton with copies of
That is as to the time of death; it being tied to prave, that the deaths wok place on bunday evening and sot sa Tuesday meroing.*?2 diter P. of C.
munications with Keying, and Chinese officials are
(From the New Weekly General Price Current, ? December 25.)
REMARKS ON THE MAREST. IMPORTS. L'otton Goode.-We bave to repeat what we said in our last number, vix:--To all the enquiries that we have made regarding this point, the general answer that we have received in, that this year vory (ow province dealers have come in consequence of the boisterous weather that we experienced during the last month, that the shopkeepers effect very few sales, that their purchases are exceedingly kmited, that money is very souros, the stock large and the sules Insignificant. Towards the end of next mob the market will naturally change for the better fill the end of June and a considerable improvement is to be expected.
Sugar.-The article is become scarce from the stocks of last yeare crop, and scarcely efficient to supply the demand can be obtained even at high rates. We understand, that 941 has been paid for curresi quality. Sugar of the new stop will be ready for shipment about the middle of February,
Hemp. The last luta have been sold at $5-5 6 In the river, and the demand continues. It com. mences to arrive more freely, but is still wanted.
Coffes.-Boma small parcels of the new crop have arrived, hot none has been sold.
Indigo.-la fille demand.
Rice-It is coming more abundant sad large impurtatlans expected from the provinces in June- ary and February next, especially in March, April and May.
Begars-At the auction of the 13th inst. there were no bidders that would buy more then the standard Government prices, and in conquance about 2000 box between 3s, and ts. were sold at 99 and 982.
Snpamwood-Very scarce and mach wanted, Excmanus on ENGLAND.-Several amounts were sold for the last mail at 451 for 6 monika Bille, and 4-4 is cumaluered the current rate for 30 da.Bill Tomas-One or two English vessels wanted for England, and likely to obtain 24-10 for sights. I
"The Race!ommittee kasing dermed it advisable make me slight alteratiens is the progambe, — the follow- the ended flat for the forthcoming Racer,— their entrances with the calcis of the Kiders, to the 20 “Gentlemen are particularly requested to send a lot of
cretary without delay."
Secretary. HONGKONG RAcr meeting, 1948.
Today, ist Fouruant, 1818.
The Wong nei chung Stakes, for all Ponies under 18 hands. One mile. Entrance 1 rach with 830 added from the Fund. Weight for inches " per scale. Former Winner of this Race excluded The Plenipotentiary's Cup, prevented by His B celleney Bir John France Davis, Baronet, tel $200, for all Homes. Une mile and throm qus ters. Weight 10 stone 7 ha. Sydney and Cap
bred Horses to carry | stone 7 ihs, extra. En urance $10 each. Becond Horse to suve his Btako.
The Valley Stakes, for all Pouies 19 hands 2 inches
and under,
One milo. Entrance §2 o?ch with $10 added from the Fund Weight for inches na per scale. The Winner of the Valley Sunken last year to carry 7 lbs. extra.
The Arab Welter Stakes. One mile and a half Entrance $6 each with @90 added from the Fund, Weight 11 stone.
The Hack Stakes, for all Poules. Catch weighu. One mile. The Winner to be sold for if claimed within a quarter of an hour from coming Entrance fron, with @00 added from the Fund.
7h Sydney Stokes, for all Horses. Arale dicept- od. Two miles. Entrance $10 each with 100 added from the Fund. Weight 10 stone 7 lbs. The Winner of the Plenipotentiary's Cup to carye 7 lbs, extra. "Becond (hires to save his Stakke,"
Wronmoday, 2nd Fernuany, 1848.
The Pony Walter Stakes, for all Ponita. One mile and a half. Weight 10 win 7 lbs for Ponies
18 hands and under. 11 stone log Ponies above 13. hands. Entree $1 each with 030 added from the Fund
The Canton Cup, value $160 for all Horan. Ooo inile and a ball beats. Weighia 10 stone for Arabs. Il stone for Sydney Hore. The Winner of the Plenipotentiary's Cup to carry ↑ ibo, extra. Entrance $5 each.
from the Fund. Second Pony to receive LU rumpectiva places, and not v? go down to the Starting from the Fund.
Point ualled by the Steward appointed to start then.
The Arab Stakes, for all, Arabs Two milos. After each tuce, the Houses prosing the Winning Weight 9 mone 7 the. Entrance $20 each with | Po to return to the Judge's Band and the Reler $100 adder from the Fund. The Winner of the declared to be first to be weighed. Any Jockey Cup to carry 7 the extra, Second Horse tortave dismounting before his turn, or before being called hie Suke.
upon to be weighed loses his claim to be placed ar the Winner.
The Ladies' Purse, valus 950, for all Ponies. Winners at this meeting excepted. Entrance (me Catch weights.
The Victoria Plats, value $90, for alt Ponies. Ona mile and a ball Weight 9 stone 7 lbs. The Winner of the Valley Stakes to carry 7 Iba extra, and if the Winner of the Victoria Plate last your to carry 10 lbs, extra. Entrance $3 each The Scurry Stakes, for all Ponies. Catch weights.
Half mala Entrance at each with 330 added | The Natire's Purse, valos 920, for all Punies. – To- from the Fund. Becoad receive $5 from the
diau and Chinos liders One mile, Chich Fund, and third flores to save his Suko.
The Galloway Stokes, for all Horses under 14 bands incher. Arabe excepted. One mile and a half. Entrance $3 arch with 650 added from the Fund, Weight 10 soon.
Thuridat, and Frondary, 1849. The Hundars Plate, valua 990, for all Horses. One mile and a half Four Hurdles 4 feet high, and Two Hardies 4 feet 6 inches high Weights for inches as per scale. Entrance $5 each
The Pany Hurdle Race, for all Ponies. One mile and a half. Four Hurdles 3 foot high, and Two Hurdles 8 feet 8 inches high. Weight for inches as per scale. Entrance ?t each with $10 added
The Hongkong Steeple Chase, for Il Ponies. Catch weights. Ground to he named by the Browards one hour before the time of starting. Extraoce ?t each with $30 added from the Fund.
RULES AND REGULATIONS. Entrances to be declared on or before 15th Ja uary, 1848.
Packs to commence punctually at 2 o'clock . . The first Saddling Ball to be rung at ? past 1. 2.10. A quarter of an hour allowed between each race.
Upon each saddling bell being rung all Itorses to run for the next Hace immediately to rendezvous on the course opposite the Grand Stand to draw for their
All disputes as to Entrances and Qualification of Horses to be dorlated so wiking before the best Race commances, or no right of uppnal allowed.
No Horse allowed to ron whosn Entrance fees are not paid up to the ferrety.
All Disputes to be referred to the Sinwarda whose decition in final.
Qualification of-lliders as at former meetings.
st be.
19 bande a in., 10 7 |14
12 hands in., 7
"I 0
14 14
IL g
12 12 12.
and upwards
12 0
Bydney and Cape Horara Extra.
Congre Caper
Besson 1849
????? 420,100
Bachang Berta
Pthe Or.
do. 1943 and 1814 de. 1844 and 1910 1848 and 1948 de. 1800 and 1007
1,615,010 1,320,300
Flurry Pele
Total Blank Twunkry Ho Hyeon
Imperial Gaspoeder Tutat Green Total Porn?v 15y 40,800,350 8,039,010 95,344 100,0 |1,481,248|| $19,100|| 441,000
119,354 781,072 781452 41,208,125|| 1,710,100|| 123,448 3,210,120|| 1,529,230, 1,005,910407 012 467,041
363,185 1,967,131|| 0,080,12 1,060,32 1917 045,310| 088,417
40, 33:186 83,800 3,193, 2014 1,210,061 3,375,831 12,200,001 $3,30,201 45,063,392 8,130,762 305,000 1,072,806 4/137,450 1,101,25 3,538,601 19,170)| |48,087,066|||148,121 | 700,000|1,430,101) 264,966) 000,916|| $10,000 1,008,119 46,438,450) 1,425,000 20,214 1,419,400 2,947,831| 676,313) 2,000,417 7,900,000 $3,44,419
18,746 10.487
Congen Caper
Flowry|| Oranger | Baystate Pri Or.Valer
| Tirenlmy | "Am" | Hygien Black
Liverpool London
Imperial Gunpowder Greve 116167,828 769,164151,650 863,509 1,~IMI,71727.241,91211,119
3,700 $,500 12,000 19,200 601,300
560 1,006 5,120
Tatel Prends
? 899,017 7,396191,71
529 500
22,413 22,413363,895
Nov, 1947.
. London.
494,400 57,000 176,730
24,715,713 79,370 600,998|| 266,402342,149 63,582219,216996,391 26,947,645 174,850
9,000 16,819 17,851
41,383 142.054
184,182 387,400
118 158,00 773,414186,518 693,6121,855,71628,803,361 13,896
7,310501,700 1,000 106,400 63,489 192,021) 422.020| 604.974 30 181,199 180 387,400
Total from 1st July to 20th Nov, in 68 Bhipe 29,219,594 79,370600,823 956,402 112,149 61,960293,215,596 391 26,489,964 171,960 Nor. 4)Forsembire .
5 James Scou 7 Emily
Is Bouter Johnny
Total from Im July to 30th Dec. | New Zealand
9 Eliza Moors.
14 Andromache
8-Albert Edward. Liverpool.
397,400 Twal from 1st July to date in 60 Phips. 25,181,24 70,370 609.823 262.641 360.001 84,808 243,215 045,203 98,155,681 || 174.900|| Exports from Is July to 31st Dec., 1848-4724,406,356) 22518205,247, 682.602 132,460599,62€ 99,00 654.152/20649,000 *171.412 12 381 (0.7881,318,199 358,168|| 944,787 3,496,821 39,1 +0,017|(2,085)
1848-48-25,318,342| 940.842 ||1814:45|15.914548 931,716 From Cantor, Te July to date in 4986ip:19,-60,317 79370009,82 From SUARONA do, in 19 Bhips 4,070,926 To London, im July to 20th December
LIVERPOOL do. OUT Pears, do.
116216,196, 870,814 216,065 746,9119,245,936 30 441 61214,112'
210277 800305 183,420 687938 19*8,270 24,031,103 1616
1.185,266 099,086 190,087 1,389,157
30,222,348 | 286,260 87.140294,774 1,818,756,863,070 1,057,056 4,915,034 35,037,404 13,380 989,641 860001 79,568 2833215846,903 22,073,138||| 121,520 763,160 94,927 202, 16) 1,185,201 |19,141,793||* 780 190 20.26-687,8431,065,877,450,868| 913,041 3.977,09219,118,975 5,42
6,352.546 50,440 116 19,851 76,609 88,736 118,015 297,600 6,080,21412,456 1847, in 36 Ships 16,143,894 65,470437,866 260,888 317,988 64,201|186,116467.994 17,944 121 263,743
10 Bhips. 7,042,649
201,663 625,628 206,158 734,491 2,119,901 20,064,029,785 187,457 $2,088 42,013 66,790143,40D, 7.478,760 6 Ships. 2,544,500 15,900 34,500
21,217 116 8,145
32,658 10,102 48,760 117,235 7,180,995 4,396 11,30 33,000| 2,737,800
10,100 23,300 9,700 7,700 48,800 2,785,1600|| ||26,881.245|| 79.870/609,223|| 262,121|880,001| 64,20528,215€ 15,200,28,155,681|174,900 116 226,129 879.814 218,955 785,969 2,295,538 30.441,817 ||4.112
? From Shanghai.
Or. Patoe Pekoa
Borte Total Black Twankny Ilyson Shin Hymn
Young Hyson
Imperial Gunpowder Total Green
Beanna 1816-47,
To Holland...
41,800 2,580.44
To the Hanatic Towns.
135,880 97.410
109,760 4,050 84,700 324,100
To Prance..
18,660 134,600
3,054,510 1,071,560 220,790
Total Export.
48,60|||||| 8,996,301
187 650
60,100 1,006,070, 4,352,690
Benaco 1845-46,
To the Haotic Towns.... To Sweden.
5.300 645.68 5,000 129,454 97,500 2,467,IRU
34,210 1,965,810 1,007,400|
Dec. 15 1847 Nicolas Cizard|
to Havre
7,800 14,130 115,100 3,497,400 $23.592 19,20 211,050) 351,500 145,210
62,000 18,430 19,850
49,100 45,000
1,420 500,410 70,370 162,940 964,580 108,070 1,498,342 4,925,839
To Holland
To France.
Toal Export..
47,587 07,550 108 16,92€ 22,515 104,081_27,859 13,576 0,140 | 17,590
22,990 122,145 287,126
Besson 1845-1846-
- 1940-1847 ............................................................
1,807,017 14,387,982 * 18,486,297
Congou and Souchong
Pouchong Outing Coper Pelos
| 8,061,160||
940,378|| 220,20j|
372.736 085.006
Total Ist froin July to 30th November,****
10 Horsburg
80964 *36,005] 13 957)
Troasay und Eynon Skin 4.266,267 3,582,776||
120,392|||173,850|108,498,300 2,770 708! FROM IT JULY TO TH DECEMBER 1847. *1,740) 266,301 617.618
Orang Total Bluck Pekne
905,506, 8,4153.781||
Imperial Gunpowder Total Green Total Expert
864,048 1,268,709 14,235,845 26,502,002
169 GIV
271,260 2,518,50%||
?New York
169,046 140 757
236 769
11,054 404.613
24 Tonquis
$0 Sappho
do do
8,003 19.1,835
497,584 329,961 7074 239,177
15314, 1,670,722
New York
+89,095) 11,890
201,920 9,294,096| 4,108,082
14,606 835,648
84,044 10,466
9,777 221,081 11,998 14,520
403,772 632,345
T. W. Fence
21.074 300014
7 Eliza Warwick
New York
368,037 G564 450,5
It Tatter
20,809 468,980
Js l'anama
88 089
88 112
19 John Q. Adama
861) 16718
74:438 215,40
Tout from 1st July to date
180,207892,69 28,984
308,183|* 3,838,0228
Total In July to mine period 1946 · ..........
901,694 977,407
140,647] 9,427,875;
> 131,000)
360,719 412.392 6,748,049 0,074,676 204,957 3.046,502 6,239,279
Capec... Bunchang
861,931 $33,100
086'97 018760
1,810,634 Lasting?
Ft. Ortber
Plate Cotions garde." Yam
1,997,558 1,116,000 517,900 $307,00
298.977|| $1,760f
10,944, 11,194]
72649 Loog Elle
3,400 1.000
|994,790-186,000|127401, 176.
Bp. Bizipen
918 4.32 D+ 100
????? 500
7,000 Iroo-Bar
10,714 9.000
1,726, 1, 308, 200
Hysos Akin Hysoe .. Young Hyou Tar Imperial
48,95 18.990
Calcutta baik Barque ) A.
THERMY, BO Tous Capuin Jown Row, now at Hongkong.
Apply to,
KENNEDY, MACOREGOR & Co Caulon, 4th January, 1818.
OVERLAND BOU?E VIA TRIESTE RAVELLERS to Eduoph, and the Praic TRIAN LLOY?YS BTEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, having nearly completed two of their new, commnodious Strom Vesala of 260 Horse power, Quarantine—This ickeonse formality haragain been modified at Trieste, und Pasengers by the Company's Steamers need not go into the suretto, but may at le trouble and expans wait no board the expiry of the Quarantine, which, wkt? clean Bille of floath, wakes place on the morning of the wath day from Alekandria, that of departure included.
The requisite quarantine examination of Luggage is performed on board during the passage, but this inspection may be avoided by having the effects packed in tin or wooden cases, or in tarred canvas, and sented in India with the Agent's seal, so no to tisfy the Heath Department that no puckago ?os bren opened during transit through Egypt. Such packages mus, however, be accompanied by a de claration of this controv
Two CL of Permonet Baggage will be allowed oach at Class Pacoger, but ally excess will be subject to a charge of FL. 5 (about 10a. 6d.) per cwi Passengers baving moro Luggage than it may be convenient to drag with them over the Continent, may have it ant to England from Trieste by miling veel at a trifling freight, or overland in "transit" in a fixed number of days, at the rate of about 30. per cwt; but in the latter case it is necessary that the packages be accompanied by declaration of their
Routes from TRIBETE TOWARDS ENGLAND—A long list of Itineraries might be given, each com- pling great variety, with namerom objects of in- terest to the curious. In the present notice it will be sufficient to mention six or seven, with the total amount of First Class Fares appertaining to each,
wil the way to London, vla:—
By Inspruk, the Tyrol, the Rhine,
Ostend, about
Ta Meeting of Maataars of the BONGKONG A CIRIB, ?old at the Club House, on Tuesday the 4th instant, the following resolution was pro- poard by A. Carter, Esq.
Beconded by T. W. Blackeep, Eng., and carried | Usanilowly."
***Chat thia Annual Cleneral Meeting be adjourn. ed, until the 1?ch instant, and a Committee be now farmed, conting of--
Major Burs,
Captain McQuhur,
Wilkinson Dent, Esq.
C. J. Bring, En..
1. Jardine, Eag
D. Flacher, Esq..
A. Carter Eng.
? With power to f?d to their anmbers, to revise, and if necesty, remodel the Standing Roles of the Club, with view to scroute them
rally, to the altered citrumnotaures of the Colony and Unprison, and to propose menuates for the for
mation of Library in connection with the Club: and that this proposition be printed In each of the Colonial papeis."
By Order.
F. SPRING.---Secretary. flongkong Club, 5th January, 1948.
board the Fashemy, Hongkong.
ON Today next the 11th metod for the ABS Hate Milk Cow and a Calf. Apply tans of the Concerned, 1300 Pieces White
at the Auction MANT, Queen's Road, Shirtings, more or late damaged by Sue Water.
FRANKLYN & MILNE, Auctioneers.
Victoris, 7th January, 1848.
19 Priday neat, 18th instant, at the AVOTION
OMAT, Qoes's Roel, for the benefit of the
Concerned,--1500 Pieces White Shirtings, more or less damaged by Bra Water.
FRANKLYN & MILNE, Auctioneers.
Victoria, Tth January, 1848.
T the AUCTION MART, Queen's Road, on an esily day hereafter to be bamd-250 Shank Bones: 2960 Home, and 1 bag of Hoofs; 2000 Treemails; a jom landed from New South Wales. $40,
A few Dinner Sets, and wandry other Articles
Victoria, 7th January, 1848.
AN Paraday next Nith instant at 15 a m
JUST LANDED CUPERIOR Family Beef in Kogs; and (le.
nuine Campbelton Wakey.
HOLMES & BIGHAM, Victoria, 4th January, 184.
TOLMES & BIGHAM, havo for milent renous. able prices so excellent assortment of Winter Clothing, consisting of Goatlainen's Drew Coul; Chesterfield and D'Onay Wrappere; upes Black nod Coloured Trousers, choice Vesta and Vestings; Drawer; Singlets; Brotch Plaids and Tweeds; superfine Black Cloth; London made Boots and shoes, &o, &a
Every description of Oilnma's Stores, vin, Con- berland flams; Dotch Butterwin kogi and jun; assorted Jams and Jellies ; Pickles ; Sauces; Whis
Wine Vingar: Musurd: Orosts; Zante Currais;
Bloom Raisins; Prevezyed Menta; Green Pri,
r., &c. Victoria, 25th December, 1847,
Bituation in Mercantile Houre by a Perona wall acquainted with bosingen, and who cut
THIS Day at the At CTTUM MART, Queen's Road, At the ADCTION Blast, Gusan's Road, for the give good refer nere. For particulate, apply
LA-SU fine Sydney Sheep, just land
ril, also a quantity of Bran. Alu 21. K?ga and 3 Tierces of Salted Tongues, and sundry other Ar ticles.
Victoria, 8th January, 1848.
benefit of the Conerned,
25 Bales White Shirtinga
More or less damaged by ara waler.
*Team Dr BALK n? per bolla.
FRANKLYN & MILNE, Auctioneers,
Victoria, 4th January, 1618,
5. Regla, Johnson, from Sydney 21 October,
6, Samuel Rail (As.), Palmer, from New York 18th September.
5, Amalia (Am.), Etele, from Whampoa
6, Dart (A.), Porter, from Cunsing moon
7. Congrem (Am.), French, froin Whampoa
7. Kensington (Am). Kilham, from Manila 2nd January.
Per Samuel Russell, - Rev. Mr and Mrs Jones; Rev. Mr and Mrs Johnson,
and Servant; Mik Mouse; Meters Powell, Blake, Bonfunti, and Lewis.
PEUM ????????.
5, Zoe, Wilson, Macao and Calcutta.
5. Norman Morriso?, Reynolds, "Whapon.
6, Denis, King, kust Crest.
7, Sir Robert Sale, Laider, Whampoa.
29, Jana (French), Cormier, Berdoux. Jan.
? & 50
Venice, Milan, Switzerland,
Vienna, Nuremberg, Francfort,
Do. Prague, Dresden, llano- ver, Hamburg.................................
By Viroon, Olmuta, Broslaw. Ber-
lin, Hamburg................................. Laibach.Salzburg, Munich, and
11 13 0
10 18 0
***** 10 10 0 Venice, Milan, Lyons, Paris, and Calais..resea *********?14 10 0 By the routes one may reach London confor tably in 8 to 12 days, sleeping 3 or 4 sights in the zaed, for ?13 to 19, Including a moderate over- weigla d?luggage, and personal expeare, which, however, depend of course on the traveller himself, Passengers wishing to reach the North of Great Brinin may perhaps find it most convenient and loost expressive to go by Berlin and Hambro' and trenca embark for, Holf or Leith; for, with the ex- crption of the 18 to 20 boute travel by Mail.from Trieste to Chili, (which will eie long bo again re- duced 5 to 6 hours when the railway continuation to Lakech in Brisbed,) the entire distance is to be done by Bream Vessel and Hailroad.
The foregoing calculators are based on the lates information regarding the state of public conveyance on the Continent of Europe, but as the extension of Bailroad communication is steadily progressing, they must be considered as subject to constant our- rections in favor of the traveller.
Merchandiza will be admitted to free pratique al Trieste, if trented in the murde mananer as stated above with regard to the Sealed Baggage—a very impor tant concession in favor of Shawls and similar ac. tides. The Company insure against the usual son rk properly shipped on boned their Steamers, at
st moderate premiums: for instance-
Alexandria to Trieste, ? par ceni,
Constantinople, Ditta.
And to every other port visited by their Steamers, at proportionata premiums. Letters posted in Ladis, if Prepaid to Alexandria and marked outside "via Trione," are forwarded by the Austrian Steamers without delay.
- Bella Hilbaine (Spanish), Cuton, Manila.
Andax, sahoones
Deals, ther
the Editor of this Paper.
Victoria, 18th July, 1647.
SHIPPING ARTICLES, according to the re cent ant (Victoria 7 & 8) for mlo ai this offic Offen "Friend of Chiua,”" Victoria, 10th Goluber, 1845.
151 Sallivan 133ng
Gasalle, honner
Privatent, onhover
Amey Pocket, schooner
Cazon, achoomer
Petrol, sokovat
Brime, schoony
Friends, banque
Goss, weig
King Henry, brig Low, barges
AMEXICAN. Anot, ship Congress, ship Dart, schnumer Kemington, ship Mini, ship Samart Rull, ship Ashburkan, ship
daz?sil?, barque Vancouver, slop
Argyle, beg
Coquette, barqar Meichen, abip
Amizade, beg
Arrived--Dec. 15, Kensingtou [Am J, Buxtot, from New Castle; Madora | Brigand, brig [Am.]. Shoof, Bandwich Island; tichmood [Am.], Halo, Boston; 18, Terror, Danning, Hongkong; 18, P Oscar 18w.), Mauritius; 21, London, William son, Hongkong; 23. Asia Felia (p, Gordoncillo, Amoy.
Geneva, brigantina. Marquage, banqu N. B. da Lat, brig Tremelo, bamTJUS
Departure Dec 15, Norauti [Am], Lanels, for New York; 20, Walpole, F. Kasher, selionnat L?m j. Hichandaon, do. ; 23, t?ng v? Tho?nh, Bydong; 84, Girl, Bobining Pon Phillip
11. M. Ship Dadalas
Brig Celupkame -loop Best
11. C. Her Pluto
20. Bng Childern Brig Epingle Bakere
hp Aigner
Barrel Alibi, barque Cormir, camer Hey, hip liland Queen schoanal, a Jeph Bomen, shop
Liner, brig
Minerva, bergne Meeth dist, ship
Charge, schooner Puronia, brig
Kamillion, ha que
Red over, barque
Regie, brig
Shepherdem, barque
Young Hole, schooner
Alligator, frig
Anotenia, Beulah, ship Brain, ship Caldes, berge
Chiakin, barque Fanez, baryas
The Fares by the direct line will probably be re- gylated according to the system adopted by the Company on their Syria, Lernat, and other lines, namely, a certain rats for Famage, and F1. 2f, or about a 3 per day, for maintenance, altogether not to ancol 218, calculating vicualling for 10 dags-Cabin Furniture, Bakding, &c., are provide p
ed in the Steamers.
For further information, application may be made
to Mears RITCHIE, STEUART & Co, Bom lay, through whom also Pasangos may be secured
on payment of ball the passage-money.
UBT received ex Aurora, Invoices of Manita Cordage, from 2 inchre to 4 inches ;"Manila Coffee and Gin in Cases. For sale by
Victoria, uh January, 1848
JUST OPENED FOR BALE, CASE of one Damask Table Linen.
Fine Fresh Linen, and Whitney Blankets.
Auctioneers and Commission Agenia.
Victoria, Tib January, 1848,
Blom, naj
Exphen, ship
Fortitude, alip
Fleming, skip
Kingston, barqua Monien, stip
Macqnin of Dyra, aleiga
Mary Bannadn?, barque
Miners, ship
Norman Merrive, ship
Rokeby, bar?as
Royal Alberi, ship
the Bidwned Ryan, barqa
Bir Koburi Bale, sip
Cantod Amy
Past Conan E W ||Tungkong
Captain.P. Meliukas.
Onder Grey.
Commander W. Loring.
Adriana on Janebno, Deneral Vander Busch, Hongkong, bene Loogut, barque Pyladen, barque Kinberg
K. Van Pronas, beig
Dimen Rally, fereba
L-CO.T.Amy,131. Mary, berba
(Commander J, 0, Pinnan.
Chamander T. P. Thompson.
Captain Juha Maododgall.
Der Bauki.
flowgkong| 318 Rhodes
19 Jackson
774 Thompson
112 Negauida
220 Lanett
540 Murlen
25 Oliver
161 Jokat
149 Maefarion
Whampoa 190 Cook
312 Harrison
GIC Tepler
BUT LATER Jobertson
Jibh, Livingston and on. R. F. Bobb
||Kanandy, McCrigue and co.
Ovet and co
Franklyn und Milan,
Jardine, Mathewa nad ca.
Turner and ou
Jandiae, 114'burun sad co.
Turner and
?sakne, Mathews and os. Jardine, Math and ou
Jardica, Matheses and co.
*Turner and co.
1. Cuketk.
Dent and
Raw, Down and on.
Gibb, Livingulum and on, Patches ad cu
Henderson, Watson and co,
Jaalima, usihanan and on. [Blenkin, Mawson nad do.
Clearia, Calvert and on,
Mamieman, Dew and on
Jardim, Maibanua nad en.
On H
Gilman and c
Dent and on.
445 Whettum
G4 Banuly
$30 rickeo
W'emove and co
Nye, Perkins and on.
Dani and ca.
Hardino, Maibosen and on.
Movies and co
Ano, lutka
(More Mips)
14 Ju
Jardine, Matheson and co.
Destand o Jardino, Mathmon and on. JC. 2. L?ngrana.
100 Howard
146 Bristow
381 Callery
|Byme, iduir and ?
suk, Dussed. Wyme, Muir and en Byme, Muir and cn. lyme, Mair and co. yue, Mair and co. Syme, Muir and no,
|Hongkong| $95 Sterle
| 375|Fronchi
150 Portr
500 M
433 Duane
94; Palmer
Whecopus 480
Sir Fuller Shanghai | 261|Queksey
475 Pu S90 Newcomb
2901 Vital
|Waumere and at.
Bash and co Baeb and ou
Bus and cut. Berhad,
Bus and on. Wetmore sad re Russell and on Olyphant al . W. Backer. Russell and de Resell sad ca.
1.7. Jorge.
? J. La, da Almeida.
P.J. Loeren.
||J. P. d' vzliwira,
3. M. de Jesos.
|Lounngo Marques,
163| Sulaswichy || Carro
Vas Emmerik Reyntsan and co. Regaraan and co
619 Plakker 1804dr
350 Peraira
Whampoa 175 aller
Hongkong 44amen
190 Sell
Bemanies Hormalis?, dip |Hongkong|1864|Counse
Jeta Baur, ship
Falcon, sp
Lygia, bargus
bella Robertson, barque
Lady Baru, barq
Lyme, brig
Malvina (Ham.), ship
Royal Kaebangs, brig
Raperall, berque
Spec, schooner
Sea Hors, brig
Warlock, wig
Anonym, Ing
Aurore, echoune?
Lord Amber, ship
Mahamander, barque
(tuyabet, achoRTE liloquia, belg Lenin, barque Will, brig
Anita, brig
Vizen, schwer Amazon, ship
Black Dooars
Bozer (A.), schoner
lawn, brig
| Corosir, brig
Dido, nelic?nce
Emily Janeshly
Fullstume, ship Maiden, barque Solpe, Wig
Thee, schner
William Hagban, brig
William 17, barque
1Bellas, choomer
Fernais, barqu
|Caminson 372 Barley
1558 nerden
106 Allen
911 W
T. Stvorman need co Captain.
byino, Mule and on.
Jupina, blue and on.
Kennedy, Macgregor und er.
Reale, Dased co
Male, Deus and on.
Harding, Machetes and oo, jU.A?Olling, P.4 0.0?n, Agent
Dent and do
Jardins, Matheson and on.
Morrow and
D. Samoen Bous and co.
|August?w Board and co-
fman and on.
Real and co.
|0. & M. Rusomjoo und ca.
Windery sad
[P. F. ?ama sad ca.
Posenjor Promise Cama and oni
Dessed co.
Jardine, Matheson abil on,
Glass and so,
Deat and co.
21 Mile
Jardine, Bleikmos
141 Suwning
912 Wande
133 oper
Chinchew|| 192 Marin
Fan-..for $15 ely
11 De
144 D'Bache
127 Wade
238 Chaps
496 Faber
by me, ?luit and ca.
Jardina, Matbanen and se
Dent and on.
Mailnam und tr?n
Deas and co.
Jardine, Maikeson and co
Maricar and co
|U. Bastona Bum and on
Deo, F. Subert.
P. & D N. Can and on,
|D. & M. Kustomjee and en,
Turner and co.
Dent and co.
Jardine, Matheson and ea, Cowie Bapoorjan Langenh
196 Radiosti, W. |Angustine Hinz? and en,
Murrow and
Hull and co
Landery and E
|Jurdina, Matheson and et,
FOR LONDON,- 15'hastpos,—Hodostam,
Dent and on
Oilman & Co.
Jardine, Mesheson & Co. Gibb, Livingston & Co. Russell & Co.
Rawls. Duas & Co Nye, Perkins du CV.
216 Roundy
208 Geil
879 Prison
556 Raynolds
Jarvine, Muchean and co
Kannedy, MeGregue and on.
Jason and on.
210 Lede
Lienvy and co.
P. Primjoo Come and en
Jardins, Mechtron and en. Flatcher and co
G. V. Bosch,
Regenvan & Ca
Bush do Co. Bush & Co.
Thomas Riplay and co.
Bir Herbert Compton, becque Cam'maca Seltrown
Thecus, schoder
Velocipede, echocar
Zoe, schooter
Franch Erelay, bezqua
Aan, able
J. Carme, ship
Old England, ship
Man, hermaphrodite
Turriigion, schooner
|Bhanghai || 667 Bmama.
447 Orie
595 lead
144 D'Ar
Matricar and on,
Plati, HargreaVA and DG.
Dardino, Masheron and co.
Rawks, Deus ad eo.
Movicar and on.
Mary Bannatyne, Drac & Co. Marquis of Busa, Russell & Co. Euphrates, Jamieson, How & Co. Eoima,
Deario, Calvert & La Ashburton,
Wetmore at Ca Olyphant & Co.
Printed and Published by Jonn Caun, At The Prime of China and Flonglom
Gautie, Printing ?fier, Govan Srazer, Vicrozia, Honegoro, 1848.
VOL. VII. Na 4.
PIUCE $12 per annum.
TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the FRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, per darum, 12 Dollars. She Mentha, 7 Dollars. Three Monthe, & Dollars; all paid in advance
Prices, 14 Dollars. 84 Dollers, and & Dollars, for the periods of Twelve, bix, and Three Mentha respectively; Bingle Numbers, to Subscribers 25 cents sach; to Non-Bubscribers, | Kapes. Parcles calling o sending to the Omes for papera ure zuquested to pay onak. TERMS OF ADVERTISING.-Tau Bies and under, Dollar; additional, 10 cents line. Repetitions one-third of the Art insertion. Ships-First insertion, a Dollars, busquent inaptions 45 ota Advertisments to have written on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will be published until countermanded. In all instanous, those who are not Subscribers, require to pay is advance.
[B hereby given that Mr JOHN THISTLETH- 1. WAITE ceased to be in our employ from the THE Panimolar and Ont-f 18th day of April last past, by lapse of the term of ental Company's Buam agreement, by which he was empowered to nat for Ship BRAGANZA, will leave | us in the management of our establishment existing this for the above places on Soo- up to that time at Shanghai, and to algu for un day the 30th January at 2 p. M. there by Procuration. Cameo will be received on board until Noon, and Break until 4 p. k., on the 29th.
For particulats regarding Pazione and Pambaur, apply at the P. & O. B. N. Company's Office, Hongkong.
J. A. OLDING, Agent. Hongkong. 7th January, 1848
MIE P. & O. 8. N. Co.'s mere from Flosta. EONO will in fatore proceed throughout to Bonnay, touching a heretofore at BINGAPORE PERANG, and GALLE, also at COLOMBO, COCHEN, CALICOT, GOA, and VINOORLA. For particulare, of Freight and Pasage, apply at the P. de O. 8. N. Ca Ofis
Flongkong, 19th October, 1847.
THE P. & O. 8. N. COMPANY's, will from this date undertake the conveyance of Specie from Chips, and the Straits, to Southampton, under the conditions specified in their customary Hill of Lading, at 24 per cent.
J. A. OLDING-Agent. P. & O. B. N. Company's Offic Victoria, 91st December, 1847.
THE Calcutta built Barque HA. BHEMY,, 50 Tons, Cupmin En Joan Ro?n, now at Hongkong.
Apply to, KENNEDY, MACGREGOR & Co Canton, 4th January, 1848.
TO BE LET. House and Bhop, lately occupied by TMCRATE MACKAY and Co. Apply to,
PHILLIPS, MOORE & Co. Victoria, 24th December, 1987,
TO LET. PACIOUS Godowns and dwelling house, built
of Granite and lately occupied by Wears Tuos. RIPLEY & Ca. The property in situated near the rente ofthe Town, (Victoria, Hongkong) and has a water frontage. Apply on the Premises, or to,
THOMAS RIPLEY & Co,-Shanghai. Hongkong, 31 July, 1846.
ODOWNS TO LET, and Goods Stored on
moderate torms YURD, LANGE & Co. Hongkong, 28th October, 1847.
THE HOUSE ely occupied by Mr ALEXAN DER ROBBON on the Queso's Read Poss- ension can be given on the 16th instam. Apply to,
6th November, 1847.
OCEAN MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CALCUTTA. MAE Undersigned having bean appointed Agents for the above Company, are prepared to grani Postones, payable in London, Liverpool, Bumbay, Calouna, Madras, Singapore, Mauritius, and Cq- lombo.
GIBB, LIVINGSTON & Co. Canton, 1st November, 1847.
THE Undersigned has been appointed Agcol at Ilongkong and the adjacent Ports in Chins, for the UNDERWRitera of Paitadelphia, New Your and BoaTON.
Hongkong, 27th May .1847.
THE Undersigned are authorised to grant Po- LICI in Canton and Shanghai, payable here, in London, Calcune, Madras, and Bombay,
The usual return of Ten per Cent made on all Premiums contributed.
B. WATERHOUSE & ∞. Ningpo, ?th Augum, 1847.
NOTICE. DURING the absence of the Undersigned, our Busina in Hongkong will be conducted by Messes Paillip Moore & Co.
Per Pro. R. OSWALD & Co. H. LIND. Victoria, 16th August, 1947.
THE Interest and Hesponsibility of Mr WILLIAM 18. Warons in our Firm, consed on the 30th akimo, and we have this day admitted Mr GeoRON Hanay Lawson as a Partner therein.
Our Firm ou consists of Baxuel Warmore Jun., WILLIAM Mooan, and GROBOR HENRY LAMION.
We also announce that we have established at Shanghai Branch of our House, under our own name and stylo, and Mr Roner POWELL SAUL will sign the same there, by Procuration
Canon, Let July, 1847.
Canton, 194 January, 1848.
JUST Community of
JUST OPENED FOR BALE, CABE of fine Damask Table Linen.
Fins Fresh Lipan, and Whitney Blankets.
FRANKLYN & MILNE, Auctioneers and Commission Agenta. Victoria, Tih January, 1848.
FINE decked rutter rigged Pleasure Boat
NCHORS, Chai Cables, and lawse l'ipes of A all sizes. An Invoice of Manila, Europe, and Paint Rope.
Coffee, and Government Cigars,
4th November 1916.
A Coppered and Coppe: facised. Mast and SALT Provisions, Flour, Rum, Arrack, and Baile quite new, with Anchor, Chain, and fittings Brandy in Wood; Whisky, Cognac, and all all complota. Apply ta,
FRANKLYN & MILNE Victoria, 30th November, 1847.
FOR BALE. (PHE Bosman's guide, through. Banka and Gaspar Straits, by Li H. D. A. SMIT, of the Daichi Navy Hydrographer at Batavia, dec., d?c., ?cc.
Translated by permission of the Author. Apply to
FRANKLYN & MILN?, Commission Agents & Auctioncars, Queen's Road. Victoria, 28th Decomber, 1847.
JPST received ex aurora, Invoices, of Manila Cordage from lachos to 4 inches; Manila Cobe and Gin ip Case For sale by
DRINKER, HEYL & Co. Viloria, 4th January, 1848
JUST LANDED. CUPERIOR Family Beof in Kogu; and Ge
nuine Campbelton Wakey.
HOLMES & BIGHAM, Victoria, 4th January, 184.
kinds of Wines in Bottle
4th November 1846.
ROMAN Cement, and Window Glass of all sizes,
Apply to,
RAWLE, DUUS & Co. Victoria, 3rd Augus, 1847. – JUST RECEIVED uz "Many Bannatynk." QUPERIOR Dark and l'ale Brandy in Wood, Glenlivet Whisky, and Copenhagm Cherry Brandy.
Freeb Jordan Almonds, Bloom Raising, French Plums, Yarmouth Bloater Paste, Clarified Card, Loaf Bugar, low Casca of the Royal Ze Bance, and the Essence of Smoke for the Curing of Beef, Tongue, Ham, &ca.
L. Just bege to inform the Die Hausbilament Holes & BUSAM have for wie of Winter No. 4%, 6%, and G., which her offer and
from Hongkong to this place, where he trusts 16 | Clothing, consisting of Gantleinen's Dress Counts; merit their patronage.
Canton, Is October, 1847.
(At present No. 1, Now China Street.) FOR SALE.
GIBB, LIVINGTON & Co. Honghong, 71b May, 1847.
↑ T the Godowns of the Undersigned;---
in 4 dozen Cases, Superior Port,
Sherry, do ja Madeira, 8 do do.
ALSO, Mumm's Champagne and Allsopp'a Palo Alo, BLENKIN, RAWSON & Co. Victoria, 27th July, 1847.
PHILLIPS MOOR? & Co. Victoria, 18th September, 1847.
FOR SALE THE following Win
FIRE Grates and Stoves, with Piping.
Sparkling Champaign,
Chesterfield and D'Orsay Wrappers; superfine Black and Coloured Trousers, choice Vesta and Vomingo; Drawers; Singlets; Scotch Plaids and Tweeds; superfine Black Cloth; London made Boos and hors, &co, do.
BMITH & BRIMELOW. Nos. 1 & 2 Woonam Buildinge. Mreceived a few Bases of Double Refined Loaf YEASRS. SMITH & BRIMELOW have jus Augar; also, a quantity of superior Sperm Candles, Wooenam Buildings. 15th October, 1847. [EBARS. SMITH & BRIMELOW have just Joosired & quantity of Java Coffen of a su- perior quality which they offer for mie. No. 1 & 2 Woomam Buildings, Victoria, 29th October, 1847."
2100, PER LATE INPORTATIONS, Every description of Oilman's Stores, vin, Com- | 20 berland Home; Dutch Butter in kege and jam:: assorted Jams and Jellien ; Pickles ; Bauces; White Wine Vinegar ; Mustard; Groats: Zante Currata; Bloom Reislas; Preserved Meats; Green Peas, &c., &c.
Victoria, 25th December, 1847.
FOR BALE FIRST RMO Milk Cow and a Chil. Apply
On board the Hashemy, Hongkong.
FOR SALE Ca of Surgical Instruments
(maker Dana). Apply to
Victoria, 2nd November, 1847.
4-Ta Mosting of Mamoans of the HONGKONG
SHIP AND CABIN STORES of all kinda; con- sisting of Cordage, Canvas, Paint, Oils, 7' wine, Bunting, Blocks, Varnish, Naila, &c, &c, de, Balt Provisions, Flour, Bread, Peas, Coffee, & Wines, Beer, Spirits, and Liqueurs. Pickles, Batons, and all kinds of Oilmen's Stores. Clothing, Kerseymeres, Broad Cigth, Wiscost. inga, &c.
Guns, Bhot, Muskets, Gunpowder, Flids, &c. Bails m?de, altered or repaired: and every des cription of Shipping business and supplies, punetu- ally attended to
CHARLES BUCKTON. Queen's Road, Hongkong, 1st March, 1847.
Situation in a Mercantile House by a Person
A CLUB, bald at the Club House, on Tuesday A wall acquainted with business and who can the 4th instant, the following resolution was pro-give good references. For particulars, apply to
pond by A. Carter, Esq.
Seconded by T. W. Backean, Esq., and carried the Editor of this Papora
unanimously. in Cases of dos each.
Pale Cognac Brandy, in do. Schoulam Genera
In do. of 1 dpsep,
Superfine alian Balad Oil. Apply to,
HOLLIDAY, WINE & Co. Victoria, 156 July, 1818,
14th August, 1847.
4 N Iran Fenos Railing 400 feet, with 4 double A loved 8 foot gates; two Engine Force pumps; Forma and Common punipe; alio blanball & Son's patent Cluseta
ROBERT STRACHAN, Victoria, 18th September, 1847.
FRANKLYN & MILNE. Avorioners, Communion AgeNTS,
#That ibis Anwaal General Meeting be adjourn. od, until the 16th instant, and a Committee be now formed, consisting of
Major Burn,
Captain, McQuhne,
Wilkinson Dani, Est.
a. J. Brine, Esq.
J. Jardine, Eag
D. Fletcher, Esq..
A Carter Esq..
With power to add to their numbers, to revier, And if neermary, remodel the Standing Rules of the Club, with a view to accommodate the gene. rally, to the altered circumstances of the Colony and Garrison, and to propese menaates for the for cuation ofa Library in connection” with the Club; and that this proposition be printed in each of the Colonial papeis.“
By Order,
F. SPRING,-Secretary. Flongkong Club, 6th January, 1848.
the Public, that their HOTEL is now colo
Wine and Spirit Meuonants, Quwen's Road. | plated, and that for GANTLEMEN OF FAMILho
Agents Equitadia Insurance Society.OODS Sold by private vale, or Public Auction, Hongkong, 17th November, 1847.
Blared in dry and secure godowns, lauded, or trashipped, and general business transacted for Parties absent.
ON BALF Shaw and Maxwell's and other Sherry.
THE Undersigned have been appointed Agents of
the above-named Company, and are prepared to grant Policies here and at Shanghai, payable in London, Liverpool, Calouste, Barny, and. Cabtanz
AUGUSTINE HEARD & Co. Canton, 16th June, 1847.
MR JOHN G. WARD is admitted a Partner in
our House, his Interest and Responsibility commencing on the 1st of Jane last.
AUGUSTINE HEARD & Co. Canton, 20th, July 1947.
Fine Dark and Palo C?gnan. Falo East India Alex. Champagne, Hock and Madeira. Bellver Water.
Victoria, 10th July, 1847.
Manao, at HINNAMS, China Shopkorper.
Victoria, 11th June, 1847,
Crown's Road, Victoria,
ACHOOK,—Comprador, No. 2, Imperial Hong.
Hongkong, tub November, 1847.
. BODA WATER, AERATED LEMONADE, BELTZER WATER, so, ?o bend from the Manufactury of
SMITH & BRIMELOW. Queen Road, 30th March,1847.
may be visiting the Northern Ports, they have An commodations which they think will be found on-
LL Parties indebted to or having claims agu?ne peior to any other Hors in China.
Barumas being considers? the most ljealthy di- | ? the Estate of the lie Me Wa. Hawar ?ben- bnation in Chine, if not in the Exat, and this firmour. || Ton, are requested to send in an account of the ably situated, as to the facilities of Showting and other same to the Undersigned. No claim against the healthful exercises, P. F. R. & Co would expect. | Estate will be stranded to unless sent in on or be- fully salisit the patronage of unch?fizerary, Naval, | for the 25th day of March, 1848. and Marcantile Gentleman as may have occa
sion to spend a short time in a cooler or more haukhy
Climate, for the restoration of thala bealth.
And in returning thanke for the unpport they
Cantoo, 14th October, 1847.
the Katale of the i?se Mr Narmaning Kis-
Java Coffee; Ball Provisions in bertela ; largo | have received, P. F. R. & Co. beg to my to th? A. LL Persons indebted in, or having claims against and small Guns: Muskela; Musket and Cannon Public gmorally, that no exertions will be spared Gunpowders; Chain Cables and Auchora ; Canvas | on their part to make the Hosal worthy of Public | Man, are requested to forward their accounts to us.
WETMORE & Co. Charon, 3rd May, 1847,
and Rope; Pine Spars, and other articles,
Hongkong, January 4th, 1848.
Shanghai, 1st November, 1847.
(From the China Muil, 6 Jany } GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION.
lt a hereby notified that the Rents due on Crown Lands for the tjan Year ending on the 25th instant, must be paid into the Colinul Treasury within twenty-one Days fr?s, Shat dite, and thist legal proceedings will be insitutel, inalistely alter the expiration of the current vo?ath, for the sacovery of all Arrests of such Rent due for previous p?r?oda zhen outstanding.
Colonial Treasury, Victorio, Hongkong.
20th December, 1947.
Leonial Treasurer.
2.339 10 5 Civil and Revenue Estibilement 14,066
110. Do.
Police No.
1.849 10952
703 11 10 15.380 16 11
1.238 10 10
291 17 11
Madini Batablishment..
410 Public Works and Buildings
Tazes, Police Asortiment--
Duties, Auction
Rents on Land
Do. exclusive of Land --
You of Office,
Fun, Fines and Forf?itures
of Couri...
Charance of Convicts Staceous
Reimbursement of expenses
incurred by Government
Bums recovered.***
Miscellaneous Receipts .............
Special Receipts
Fate of Government Property
Toul Revenue during 1647, 31,078 17 0 Toul Expenditure during 1947, ? 50,059
Victoria, Hongkong, fut January, 1848.
(To the Editor of the Faiaan or Urina )
Macao, och January, laka. Bra,--On the 5th instant, I left Macao for Flengkang la a Sacao pilot boat, and when of Lantos, near Vaka- it 2 a.Mig i was attacked by three larga Chi- chow loland. sa bouts, they drud a large and two small gun which we returned with moskets having about 12 in the boal, and kept up a sbory kring for about 18 to 20 minutes, uneli the powder and bali were expended with the exception | of one round; we then pulled back again for Macon, the three beats chasing us i passed in between the islands of Chung-chen 17e and Non-tom-moon. One of them fallam. ed us through this pangs at the distance of about s? yarde; the others tried to fulererpt in by pulling sound the west side of Chang-chow-aye When coming up to Fami- cock and they were very close low, fortunately having a fast palling boat we get to the west side of fam-rock be? fore them when they gave up the chase at na. n. thous hard pulling to escape them. Arrived on board the Ammat 3. A. 1. (hlacno lisada) and pat 12 snaketa more into the bostand's fresh supply of powd: 2, and belly and one of the ship officer's ; again attempted the pamage but did not see may thing of the boats. The Chubiera la the piles Lost belated exceedingly well-Dear sir, your's truly,
Commander Adla.
W. T MERCER, Colonial Treamier.
A1 Shingbai mame Salude in the United States. the mow folks twister to the depth of two or three inches, and ice, the product of the winter fronta, is preserved for use through the summer. Any of the vegetable productions of the region around Shanghai would probably be hardy enough for this latitude —A conqul, like Mr Lyon, who takes an interest in the study of natural history, might have it in his power to render so slight ser rice to the agriculture of this country by introduo ing among us some of the more importan? vegetable productions of northern Chisa-N. Y. Evening Post
(From the Malta Hail)
We have the following from an eye wit?ess:- Yesterday, the 23rd instant, the Maltoso mar. chame, Joseph Bricluna & Sons, in virtue of a judgment of her Majesty's Commercial Court isesed out process of distreinment against the bour hold furniture of his Royal Highness the Prince of Capus.
Some of our readers may be aware that the hour Scicluna had some transactione in whent with the Slelliam Consul bere, when a short time back his Majesty the King of the two Biciliae caused a par. chere to be made for Sicily.
The Marshal of the Court, dressed in black, and accompised by faumber of attendants, three police serjeans, and a carpenter, in case the door should have to be forced, proceeded to the residence of their Royal Highnesses, and demanded admit. ?
Lance. Afu verification of his authority, the door was opened to him, and he was admitted with three attendants.
| express a hope that on this trying occasion he will display wisdom and firmnest—qualities for which heretofore he has not been remarkable.
The Medea from Singapore is looked for daily,
The porter conducted the Marskal to the pre- sence of his Royal Highnean, who was dressed in the full uniform of a Nespolitan General, and wouring his cooked but with white plomman on his head Some individuals whom the Prince had eslled in at the moment were also (bore. The
and in the event of the Admitul's having received | Marshal (3. B. Attwerd) was struck with awe, the dispatches by the Sylph, from hence 1th ukimo,
bowed, and expressed his sense of the unpleasant
| be may send on the Ferson's matinen The Bra-ness of the duty he had to perform, which be slo
ganze will be das in a week, and if any troops can be spared from the straits it is probable they will be in her. In Hongkong every preparation has bec made for the embarkation of troopt, antillary, &s. and whatever may be done ultimately, theri,can be no question of prescut wasliku upponiacos.
did several timesafterwards... The Princs replied, with digolty." You have no excuses whatever to make-you are performing your duty—you are giving execution to the low; the first duty of every | coa is to obey the law of the country he kvos in. If you find me in this costum It is net to awr you, but to give to this indignity offered by a consil to his Sovereign, in the pervon of his brother, all the
We have much pleamara in inserting the follow- | aciar la deserves. It is from the consul that this ing communication:——
Bet proceeds, and not from the Belclunes, to whom | 1 have offered all the meane of arrangemant i pos- insessed, who are only his touls. The comut doen not wish this affair to be arranged. It is sought by n sain of persecutions to drive me to acis ur ex. pressions, which may cause me agniu ta incur the displeasure of my royal brother, of whose fraternal affection for me I have had the reiterated expres sinn so recently. But they will not maccend, for my acts will be constantly guided by a sense of what is due to my royal brother, and of what is legal and just. The inauk in to this uniforms." added the Prince, touching the embroidered collar of his uniform.
It is proposed to prverat a piece of Ph?n to the Honourable the Chief Justice Hulme bearing the seription of the addresses alrendy prz?nked to dia, Hocour on the late necasion of his sension, that it may be handed down to his poetesite na an bair from, and proof of the opinion he was held in by those to whom be ever distributed ovenbanded justice ?n New Advertiments will be received until 4 defiance of all influence and power-s also of the general opinion of the charges brought against bim Otock, the wings persimaa tu publithe subscription to be linked from cos to fire dol. cat?w, via: Tuesdays and Fridays
|Inra)-Hongkong Register, January UI,
25? Sydney
United Saws Occ
Belay Medras
Oel Nov.
Nor Nov. 19
19 Manila
Shanghai Dec.
NOTICE—The heart of Divine Service in the COLO.
The Cisza Portop Shanawal -Our govern ment has given the post of l'onzul at Shanghai in China, to Caleb Lyon Esq. of Lynndale, in this state, a gentleman who, to the useal qushfestions for the office, joins the attainments and lestem of a scholar. His appointment, has diverted his atten- tion from the study of Persian and the reading of Ilafix to the acquisition of the Chinese language, and before he lands at Fb-nghai he will be able to hold a correspondence with the Chinese authorities, and perhaps make them a speech in their own tongue.
VINCENT STANTON, Victoria, Z?ad Nov.
Colonial Chaplain. NOTICE-PRYTERIAN CHURCH. This congrega slon, conducted for the premat by the Rev. W. C. Ross, will meet every Baumari, in the Bungalow issuedistaly be
The hours of Dicine Serried?ullbo 11 a. w., and pasta Victoria, 27th Decembar, isar
Mind the C'LUS Hous
OP. T.
The port of Shanghai is the northernmost, and Mist, CHAPEL New, on Jumlagg at 11. A., 18., 4 P. M., and therefore the heskhiest of all the L'binese ports paat 1. M.: nad on T-ratage st6 P. M.
open to foreign trade. It is situated in 32 degrees of north latitude, at the mouth of the great river Yang ter-kee, name siguifying Child of the Ocean, with a current two thoumnd miles in length, 11 flows through the richest and central portion of the empire, and about a hundred miles above Shangbei it passes the arcient city of Pekin, with population of about 1,100,000 souls Napkin is older than Pekin, and wapdle capital of the empire before the Tatar conquest. Al Nankin the page still pass the suster months, and his place stands on the banka, of the river a little above the city.
Shanghai lo ako the most populous of the Chi. as ports with whigh foreigners are permitted to trade. Within the walls are 800,000 inhabitan,
the suburbs are 200,000, The population of Canton is only about ball that number. sitosted immediately on the peeas, while Canton is reached by pessing up a river.
It i
On the banks of the Yang-une-ken, and around Shanghai, lies the region in which green tea is pro duced. Teas are cheaper at this port than at Can. ton: they are brought immediately down the river, and the producers have no canal transit duty to: pay as of that port. This circumeware and the emmodiousness of it hasbour, and the healthinees of is climate, are probably the reasons why the English trade with this ples has Increase so ra- pidly, ft le now quite equal to the English trade
with Canton.*
Shanghai commands the extensive Japanese com
A FAST-MEAT from Canton to Macao was taken by Marisa lew days ago. A European passenger was robbed of his luggage, and narrowly escaped death. It was the evident intention of the pirates to have murdered hin, but fortunately among them was old servant who plan arity for his former toes we hide, and it was spared People removing from Code will require to exercise inualy caution as to Be mode of conveyance; but as the Corsair is available for both Macao and Hongkong, we trust that life will not again be placed in jeopardy. CANTON-By the Corsair we have letters dated the 9th. Business is nearly at a stand rull, the Consular circular of the 5th baring creeud great apprehension among the Chinese dealers. The general imprimion among foreigner is that they will be compelled to leave the actories soon, and many are removing their books, papets, and post able articles to Macao or Hpegkong. The Ladies have all kft, or are about to leave immediately. Our correspondents share our opinion, that Sir John Davis intends uriking a decided blow, and that merce which passes through that rity ap the Yang: giring Keying to the 20th was a mere rase, timerekre to Nankin, and thenes through the great. being required to collget our forers. People have loland city of the empire. Bu large is the trade of made up their minds to the inconvenience and loss the port, that seven thousand junka have been seen that must be sustained by a hostile move; they ring before it at once, waiting for their cargora. entertain the opinion that it is called for-that (an If the trade with Japan is ever sequired to thes Lou must pass through a ?ery ordeal and the village country, ist, in all probabilky, be by means of braves be thoroughly humbled. The blow requires the way Japanem merchane, amounting to to be a severe que, as the crime was heavy, and abome en hundred, who reside at Shanghai, where however much war and bloodshed is to be depre? they n?met the commerce of their country, main- cated in the abstract, it has come unavoidable in their own phone, and preserve a separate The case is righteous, and any shirking from | existence from the C?larer. the contest would be woworthy die great nation
The river Yong-un-kes in the Mississippi of whose broad arma protect ber children in every China: ita banke, in the language of the constry, clima
We have already seen with what indig. are called the Paradion of China. The French mation the British government beard of the best misionaries remarked, lorg ago, that a great ing administered to two humble seamen of the tremblance existed between the climate of the ship Mafy Bannatyar, sod there can be no doubt Chinese coast and that of North America; but at that the late atrocities will souse a general feeling of Shanghai the winters appent to be colder and the horror among the people of England-from the ammers warmer than in the same latitude in the Sovereign to the peasant. In the meantime Sir John Davis keeps his intentions to himself, but we would
is a matter of no importases.—Edime F. of C.
? The correctness of this may be questioned; fat barn it
Hongkong, 10th January, 1818,
NOTICE is hereby given, that Sealed Tenders A will be received at this Office, until the 15th day of February hext, at noon, from such Persom as way be willing to contract to supply the under mentioned Articles, in such quantities and at moch places, as may be required to the Taoors and M TARY HOSPITALS, in the Island of Hongkong. fer Twelve Months, commencing the Ist day of April, 1848, and soding on the 31st day of March, 1849;
Tobacco (Indian),do,
Furibur particulars including the form and com ditions of the Contract required to be entered inte, may be known on application of this Offico.
The Ladies' Purse, value $50, for all Ponies, Winners at this meeting excepted. Entrance free. Catch weights.
The Native's Purse, value $20, for all Ponies.
diam and Chinese Ridora. One mile. Calch weights.
A?er cach race, the floises passing the Winning Entrances to be declared on or before 15th Jn declared to be first to be weigbed. Any Jockey Post to return to the Judge's Band and the Hider munry, 1848.
Jiamounting before his yarn, or before.being called Recce to commence punctually at 2 o'clock P. M.
upon to be weighed loses his claim to be placed as the Wiener. The first Saddling Bell to be rung at past..Horses to be declared in writing before the maxi
A quarter of an hour ellowed between each race,
Upon each saddling bell being rung all Horses to The Hongkong Steeple Chase, for all Ponics. Catch
run for the next Race immediately to rendezvous on weights. Ground to be named by the Stewards the course opposite the Grand Stand to draw for their one hour before the time of starting. Entrance respective places, and not to go down to the Btarting $1 each with $30 added from the Fund.
Pom until led by the Steward appointed to start the
Qualification of Ridere an at forint 1000tinga.
? be.
All dispate as to Entrances and Qualification of 18 hands 3 in., 10 7 Race commences, or no right of apposi allowed,
0 "
1 L
12 hands 0 in.. 7 0 7 7 2. 8
No Horse allowed to run whose Entrance fees are not paid up to the Secretary.
and upwards 12
Sydney and Caps, Hotaro Extra.
All Disputes to be referred to the Blewarda whose
decision in final.
10 July Hun?read grunge Jurgh Taquin Sappho Balade Inc 39th Oct. Bih Nov, 203 ?el@h?01, 90%. Nov 30th Nov. 1 Det. and Deck Dec. 7th Dee. Loth Des 11th Dec. 13th Dec. 13th Dec,
Branch Oneida Pieces 87.190
* 1,881|| 6,47'
1,600 2,800
1,000 1,050
676 200
2,314 2,707 Course Woollens
Cotton Yarn
Colored cottons
at per lk. Fowls,
per i do.
Fresh Beef,
Port Wine, al per dos.
Fire Wood, al per l
Leeches, No, for a cent.
Ball Fub, Coffee, Beer,
el per !b.
Linreed Moal, du
at pardon
Pearl Barley, de.
Bimo Juice,
at per lb.
Tin Plows Flat
500 box
00 tons
Candles (Sperm), do. Dholl, Chillies.
1st July
paried Wine
do. da
?Bugar, al quality, do
te dale
126 pages.
Arrow Root,
Papper (Whole), do. Balt, Garlic,
Bherry Wins, at per doz.
1,296 1.850
22,320 22,520
Rokeby from Liverpool,
25,083 12,169 Longalle
25 bales
al per bottle.
do. do.
East No. for a cent.
Cotton Wick, ni per 1.
225 150
0.055 2,674 Iron
2,000 billes.
200 b
392 Bombay-te
I boxes
342 Chints.
Crape shawls and scarfs
Cuides from Bombay, 27th Nov.
Raw Silks
Boxca 828
1,503 bales 207 8barnet fubmawe 037
Gran cloth
56 Gendea horos
180 Glum
7.114 1,560
2,928 Bandalwood
1,230 pisces
687 13,906
Mor from Bombay, 29th Nov.
100 balss
Bar Aniseed
1,315 500
Mencies from Bombay, 27 Nov.
1,784 balas
34 br. do.
80 cases
94 Bundrive
200 Cochi
416 balan
8 plages.
25 casta
536 Corneliang
OLIVER GOLDSMITH, Assistant Commissary General,
"The Bace multine having dermed it advisable in make some slight alterations in the progamma, — the follo ingle the amended list for the forthcoming Races.—
Gentleman are particularly requested to send a lot of cretary without delay,” their entrances, with the colors of the Riders, to the Pe
?lu order to elucidate a part of these words, wo are enabled to state, by way of parentiwais, that hardly had his Majesty the King of the Two Bi. clies been recently pleased, in consequenes of te- presentations of the depressed state of the Prince's Graners, an cune s?que preuniary aid to be fur- pished to him, through the Cansal, to meet hie immediate expenses, then by some underhand agency it was made public throughout the city. The Prince, thinking it would be ? liigh mark of respect towards his Majesty to avail himself of this relief, in coming to some kind of an arrangement with Scicluna, and remove the indecorous necessity of being shut up, and receiving people over a wall, from fear of arrest, entered toto treaty with him, and, while the terms were being discussed, sent his advocate, Mr Griffiths, to the Consul to ask how for the aid would go. But the Consul set his face against the matter altogether, saying that it would be construed by his Majesty as a deliberate run. ning counter to the will of his Majesty, and would falsity the representations of the Prince's limited circumstances. The Prince being resolved, at every cost, not to displease his Majesty, gave up the idea of the projected arrangement. Not two days passed, and a sequester was laid in the men. I sol's bands (6. e. on the 21st inst.) On the 294, wstrant of impediment of departure; on the 23d this distress issued]
Tomday, 107 Furuuant, 1848.
The Wong-nai chung Stakas, for all Ponies under 13 banda One mila Entrance $1 each woh $30 added from the Fund. Weight for inches as jer scale. Former Winner of this Race excluded. The Plenipotentiary's Cup, prevented by His Ex- ellency Sir John Francis Davis, Baronet, vatra $200, for all Hutsen. Une mile and three quar tore. Weight 10 sone 7 . Sydney and Cape bred Horses to carry I stone 7 lbs, exim EL trance $10 each. "escood Harse to save his Bwke
The Valley Stokes, for all Ponies 13 hands 2 inche and under, the mile Entrance #2 each with $40 added from the Fund Weight for inches n per scale. The Winner of the Valley Stokes lait year to carry 7 the, extra,
The Arab Wdier Slakts. One mile and a half. Entrance $5 oach with $50 added from the Fund, Weight 1 stowe,
The Hork Stakes, for all Ponies Catch weights, One mile. The Winner to be sold for 850 it claimed wibin a quarter of an hour from coming in. Emrance free, with $50 added from the Fund,
The Sydney Stokes, for all Horses. Arshe except ed. Two miles. Entrance $10 each with $100 added from the Fund. Weight 10 stone 7 lbs. The Winner of the Plenipotentiary's Cup to carr 7 lbs. extra, Becond Horse to save his Btako,
We retorn to our sorrative. The Prince resum might not appear so uncalled for. But now, gen ed * If 1 were living in luxury, a nep like this tlemen, walk in, the whole of you, and behold the furniture, the wardrobe, the plote, the kitchen, and larder of the Prince and the Princess of Cepi," Hos Royal Highness, attended by her Royal High. were the Princem, then ordered that every nor pre- en be shown through the rooms, while the Mar- all of the court explored them. It was a heart. runding scene-a heart-sickening sight. A Prines! of royal blood, with his Prinres and two ugual children, living deprived of the accommodations and embrts enjoyed by individuals of the most inferior rank The Prince and Princess showed
? degree of dignity throughout which moved every moved. The house was stripped to the very vindow one. The Marshal of the court was singularly curtains. Even the Princemm'a toilette oure was taken, and the Prince's toilette. When the Mar- shal came to the forks and spoons, be could hardly credit that they were of German silver. The ar sick were written down and removed. The royal personages and their august children remained with bare walla. All ikh was done to obtain the possession of sticks which we do not believe will way of the articles were in the door way of the fetch ?50 clear, with the exception of a carriage. pouri "o-day. The Prince was firm throughout, that his royal brother would not sanction such pro- ceedings, but would immediately put a stop to such pitiably mean persecution, ware be informed of μ; and also vindicate the honour of his royal houre, and punish the affront offered to L + Every Con sul" mid he, "is bound by every means in bis Power, to prevent acts of indignity from being of- fered to the royal personsges of his nation wher ever they may be, instead of procuring their com munion,
Wednesday, 2nd February, 1848.
The Pony Welter Stakes, for all Ponies. One mile and a half Weight 10 mone 7 lbs. for Ponien 18hands and under. 11 stone for Ponies above 18 hands. Entrance 61 sach with $50 added from the Fund,
The Castan Cup, value $150 for all Horses. One mile and a half beats. Weight 10 stone for Ambe. I one for Sydney Horse. The Winner of the Plenipotentiary's Cup to carry 7 lbs, catra. Entrance vach.
Vermillibo Pearl Buttons Ching-ware.
Dil of Animed
Fire Crackers
Dil of Camin
Fans and fire screens
Sewing Silk Cassia Bods, Flu Silk
Banca Tin
Flisa Moors to Lonilon. ? Preserves. Ivory-ware.
Pictures. Dra-e Clothe.
blk pince Goode Bimbo-ware
Lacquered ware.
Partridge Canes 21,600 jik.
China ware.
Partridge Canes 15.000
Brass Loaf
Chine.ware. Copper-ware Crackers Drums
Bambooware. Woodware.
Glans Benda.
1,800| 4,148|| 71,160 28,825 Cotton
1,085 Ardasser from Bimbog 6th Dec,
19 Cation
194 Barurion from Celcat?, 30 Nov
805 bale
I bc do.
?n carce
17 casks
Bgiph from Calcutta.
348 bales
90 bc do,
Orpres to Bydney.
40 boxes
Tania to Melbourne 16th Dec,
Shepherdeen from Shanghui.
**6,795 pkges.
330 picule
I soli Tea
Joesphins to Bydney.
Titania from Shanghai.
From Hongkong,
602 balon
Bir E. Ryan from Shanghai,
Lacquered ware
Torrington to Shanghai.
30 pages. Orey Shirtings
101 pkges.
160 picule
25 bales
Torrington from Shangbai, 26th
Raw Bik
? November.
Silk piece Goods 79
Small Craft from Hongkong from 20th Nov to 20th Dec.
9 pkgon. Colored Shirtings 109 places
9,600 pieces Grey Shirtings". 4,925′′
4 boxes Xero
Small erafito Hongkong from Carlets, Dusch
28th Ner, to 20th December. Silk pinen nila
Geer Shirtings. 1,900 pieces
Camlets, English
North Star from Chippocolum. Coltun
? From ShaugheL
Leaf fans Cilam
Nankin Silk.
Silk plecas Goods
Tra or
6 pkger.
Refuse Silk
Fastber fane
8 baxse
Leather Trunks
Refuse Silk
Bugar Candy.
Orase Uloth
I #
Bewish from Bydney. Bandalwood 790 pleuls
Lacquered wate
Joss Sticks.
Boy. Preserves
6 pkgas.
Bilk & Collon Mistare 14
Sugar Yellow
Sugar Brown
Copper leaf
699 pkg
Sylph to Caleat.
China rost
36 bales
phges Sugar
320 pkg. Cotion 600
3 bozes
Paper flowers
Silk Fans
Andromache to London,
William to Bombay, 8th Dec.
Copper Chak.
Copper Leaf
Nicholas Cizard to Havre, Nankoene.
Pruulan Blue
Glam Bande
151 cales 1.138
Argyre to Bombay, 10th Dee Turn.
Brass Leaf
21 pkg.
Papor Bewer
108 salla
*690 balee
1,000 pic als
Bilk & Cotton Mixture 8
1,521 bago
Partridge Canne
Lacquered were
Reface Kilk
23 bales
2 pkgee
Blage beads.
Silk Turmam
Bill pleas Goods
8 picule
Ching Hemp.
9 cars
Sith Thatles.
Bilk umbrellas.
China Paper
76 boxes
Silk Mallow
Teet to Calcutta.
Silk Refere
Bik & Cotton Mixture 8
Lacquered ware
20 pages.
Tin Lear
13 pkgos, Marchandis
Paper fapu
Greyhound to Madras
2018 Dec.
Cheap bonds.
Mor to Bombay.
Bler Aniseed.
380 bags,
6 pkgan
Silk place gnoris
Maring Paper
Bras Loaf
16 hoger
Ailk pince Goods
Capoor Catheory"
anton Silk
Prusian Bina
efuse Silk.
Costia Oil
("nion Silk
& Cowan Mixture 12
White Sugar
Segur Candy
Gran Cloth
Refuen Bilk
walan Mae
Silk & Calton Mistor 3
Copper Cash.
42 +
70 picol
Charles Forbes to Bmbay,
Ardatser to Bombay.
Paper Flowers
Grass Cloth
23 boxee
Frase Cloth
5,506 phon
Glass Beads
Joe Buck
Lacquered wars
Copper Cash
Marble Blabe
8 pkgs. Quicksilver
Bras Loaf
Julia to Bomboy.
Refuse Silk
4 balea
8 pige Lace.
50 baz
11 Sell & Cotton Mixture 6
Cation Moth
Looking Glass
Essriante Cafcolis.
Copper Cash
Flower Berds.
1 pkges..
8 bors
y-ware. rthen-ware
" Silk Flowers
Paper flowers
Bilk & Conen Mixture 47
Silk picca Goods
Two miler.
k piene Gooda
Umbrellas. pper-ware
Bram Loaf
Gra Cloth
Glass Beads.
ts Cloth
The Victoria Plate, value $90, for all Posies. One
mile and a ball. Weight 9 stone 7 lbs
Winner of the Valley Stakes to carry 7 Iba exten, and if the Winner of the Victoria Plate last year to carry 10 be, extra. Entrance $3 each.
The Scurry Stores, for all Ponice. Casch weight. Half mile Entrance 1 each with $30 added from the Fund. Second to receive $5 from the
Fund, and third Horse to save bie Stake. The Gall way Stakes, for all Horses unler 14 hande 2 inches. Aruba excepted. One mile and a half. Entrance #3 each with $50 added from the Fund. Weight 10 Mone.
THURSDAY, 3D Fearvany, 1848.
The Huders Plate, value 900, forall Horser. One mile and a balf Four Hurdles 4 foot high, and Two Hurdles 4 feet 6 inches high. Weights for
The Pony Hurdle Race, for all Ponies. One mila
Inches as per scale. Entrance $5 each.
and a ball Four Hurdles 3 feet high, and Two Hurdles & fost inches high. Weight for inchen as per scala. Entrance $1 each with $40 added from the Fund. Second Pony to receive $10
from the Fund.
The Arab Stars, for all Arabe,
stone 7 lbs. Entrance $10 each with ?100 added from the Fund. The Winner of the Cup to carry 7 lbs, extra, Secoud Elorse to sava his Stake.
bile Bugar
onar Candy
ilk Umbrella
1th December.
gar Camily. ped+wafe sper.
*por fana FAM-WATO
Ik he bequered-ware
acher faes
4 pk. Beware..
12 picals
Ivoreware Trunks
Capoor Culchery
China Lok
Corals Cracker
lion Yaro
lit boxes
60 bales
13 pkges
BU picule.
100 bales
1 pkgan.
56 bal
$ pkges.
1,192 bales
for the Month ending December 20th, 1847.
London to Sydney.
White Bugar.
China were
Bugar Candy.
Marquis of Bute from London,
37th November.
497 pinces
White Birting.
Colored Shirtings 2,037
Printed Shirtings Woollens
1,000 pkges. Long ells
Sponta Stripes
600 募
199 boxes
Mary Bannatyne from London,
200 pages. Gray Shirting. 2,710
79 balea
N. B.-Thip Report has no refer- ence to the ice by importare during the Month; the Imports show the questes entered at the custom home and actually landed the De.
liveries, the quantities delivereci from the Pack-house to Busts taking the
Cotton, &, so the interior; and the
stock is what remains in the Packs houses, said and not said,
Tin platon
500 rolle
S THE British Brig LINNET, 140 Tuna Register, in excellent order. For particulars apply at the AvoyCON
Victoria, 10th January, 18-18.
FOUR Rooms in the upper part of a House si-
in Wellington Terrace, D Agadine Street. Apply to,
Victoria, 10th January, 1848.
POR BALE 2 "SAMUEL RUSSELL” CUPERIOR Desk and Palo Brandy, in half Pipes,
Quarter Chels, and Bottle Sherry Who, in Wood.
**Michels" Wins Hittem, in 1 dozen Cason. Sperm Candles.
"Gallego Plone.
Navy and Pilot Breed.
Butler lo small Kegs.
Tongass in half Barrals.
Europe Rops, from 1 inch to G In?ben.
Gree, Blue, Yellow, Black, and Red Paints, in Tine
6 Barrelled, Revolving Histola, in Camm, Al a few Piece of Bine Cktha and Canal-
merce. Apply DRINKER, HEYL & O
Hongkong, 11th fanuary, 1849.
IN E83 has conelvad ex Hinstrel, soma stock- lent Bah Fish, which she will all in quand
ties to suit her customers at a ressable price,
Queen's Road, 1018 Jadunty, 1849,
TAN be supplied at the Stores of the Undersigned with Flour in any quantity; from ane Darrel upwards.
With good Ship Biscoit, at $5 por [onl; and best Bend at Fifteen Loaves for Cine Dollar.
J. INESS. Queen's Road, Blih January, 1848.
Ferrina-ur, (on a day this month bereafter to be named, of which dus notice will be given.) JNO. SMITH begs to inform the Pohle, that be will sell by Pusic Aborton, to the highest bidders, the whole of tho neat, substantiat," and elegant Hoomnoto Frensrums, comprising of:—elch and very bandsome Plate and Plated-ware, chiefly made
Qu, brig
henry, belg Lantion, barge
Minstrel, ship
Sammel Runnell, skip Jessevile, harg
Vanigrov Homan Aaronazum—The death of Sir Walter Boast, which took pince sa the Cape of Good Hope la the month of February last, itsvos a osloop and striking moral blend it. The deceased barvnet was the last of a family which mont our precious life to create, and for whose perpetuation ita Sounder would have account- el he perch?re con dege, wart rechroman on sheets costly. It was not milkcient
Amer Packet, schooner for the head of that beau, whql last moebar hou so vocemi?y quitted the sarth, that best in the ranks af and vinayak me during Mo-that he secured immor- | Carlino, sabconsc tality upon his departure. Beyond the prodiesl alle ofhavan, he wteemed the fac- titions privigas of earth, and trusted lightly on imperishable wealth, for the sake of Friends, barga droses pour so it was maning. The samples of the first Wallang by na naleving hard-lista polaful impron ang upon the minds of all who have for theatres the charseler of the great chagielas, se for me it was posible, from Me wlying works. If the history teaches anything at all, it is one of the anditus lambana that can be brought home to buigualty-thai of gignuntios powers lil-med, of leath able, though petty ambitian, deridan) at destroyed. The vacation of Sir Walter Brett was to lighten and instru?t mankind i ho believed it was to found a thudly red to become a great landed proprietor. To achieve the ignoble minion, the port and the nerelle cubarked the genicus of a Bhakspeses, and the result is now before The fusily to emit, the landes proprieter was a bankrupt in ble prims. Who that he and the life of Sir Walser but has wapt at his misfortunen, n?dd marve?ke! the weldoes bespol upon sacriflees, freely tande, In furiberance of a low and ably snking? Hesum palawi ana way, human frailty another, Be mighty - amiki the great," said the former; "he bigh samongst the small," whispered the fatter. "tle obeyed the latter, and, ist the consequeness. The small kee him not -midst the grit he still continues mighty The klasore of Best in the history of mankind. We expust viriots the will, expensel or underssoni, af hoeven, sad be happy. We manos slefully indulge a single pussies, and not be disappointed.
We let that the lesson to be gathered from these instances of disappointinsat nod utter everthrow in ct hour of seeming parfeet come wet to be lightly vntonand or wilfully darganed. We do not overstep our routien as public weiters is calling artikon to the fact. L'ates more tornarable than the two we have quoted eznot be cited. The danch of thesest of the Bostia upon the 2004 meches as the Vanity of parsalng petly ukjente se the exclusion of the highest, and bear emphatic wloves to the train of the sisters) which ammin that God wisely slagroom, let man propose as wilfully as he may. Let us bone is in mind!
ROOLIPY TO PREVIvy kyprozione—The following is a copy of the recei; t to prevent infection from the typhus fever, for which Dr J. G. Smith received from Parliament the giant of ??000:—Take six drachms of powdered sub- pore, six drachms of vil of vitriol, mix them in a ten cup, by adding ooo drachm of the oil at a time. The cup to be placed during preparation on a hot hearth, or plate of iron, and the mixture to be stirred with a tobacco-pipe. The cupto be placed in different parts of the sick room,"
Untimely Arply,—A ruber ludicrous circumstanes occurred in a paria charch within the limits of this borough on Sunday evening lot. The official ing clergyman, in the course of his sermon, and when near the cless, raised his volom to rather a higher pitch, and aid, "How is it that the Almighty glo. rifeth in the forgivemas of sine 1′′ The clerk, who was fast sa!sup below him roused by the higher tone sufficiently to catch the question, to the astoniskazini. of the congregation, instantly replied, foud nough to be heard all over the ohurch, “I don't know, indood, sir."---Carnacula "Herald.
8. Christabel, H?rding, from Liverpool 8th July.
10, Juliza (Hawarien), ?du nu, From Unku Iat December.
10, Essex, Morris, (rom Whumpos.
4, HAM.B. In Baymasis, Commander La Graviere, from Cherbourg,
8. Durt (Am), Portar, Shaoghai.
8, Congress (Am) Ferach, Shanghai,
8. Miserne, Voleiman, Singapore.
A) dax (Danish Lorsha), Bewell, Amoy,
B) Minairal ( \m ), Dos??, Whampoa.
9, Gummel kumell (Ain. ), Palmer, Whampon.
10, Avaliar (Am.), Stacle, Ghunghai,
by Storr and Mortimer, of Loudon 1 a moat superior | Jan. Load and uplendid Semi-grand Pianoforte, by Broadward and Sons ; an elegant enlisation of raaf. ly rich cut English Glam-ware; to beautiful Lower and other Berrions; costly Egyptian and Bt. Anafa marble top Centre and Pier or Side Ta bles, on massive mahogany pillaro and foot ; nolid mahogany, very expenerely Americamenade; Da ning and Drawing Room Chairs, with spring cussion seats; Bottes and Conversation Couches, with ditsole, and lined with horna hair and me FOOD: Cheval Glasses; handsome marble top Toi. let Tables, with looking glasswaltsched; poreclai and glass Flower Vaddu; mahogany Dicing and Card Tables; Bagatello and Backgammon dito; Sherwood and Ca'a single and winged slaganily Enished Wardrobes; Bureaue and Almimha; due valid's Conch, with elevating spring syshions, and I u. lined with morocco; Bedsteads; Brumil'n Corpets; Window Curtains and Valancos; Owiggy: psioni Hanging and Table Lamps; superior Wiose and H. O. Hammer Plat Liquore; B-day Clocks: Thermoelers; Barame tors; Engravings and Prints, in glazed burnished frames: Musical Boxes; a small lot of Books; bracket patent Wall Lamps; Beden Chairs Iron Cheets, Scales and Weights; Offee Fixtures, and a variety of other Useful Articles, too numerous to be detailed; but the Bolo particularly claims the al- sention of the Publia, Belonging t? A. A da Mec- 10, Eng., leaving Chloe. Orders will be drecuted.
Macso, 10th Januarys 18 49.
LL.M. Bng Childre
Brg Kaplegie
?Captain P, M?Quhan.
Commander Grey.
Chad W, Loting. Livet, Gemding 0.T.Airey 2.1. Oder J, 0. Pitman.
Commander T. F. Thompson,
John Maodongail. Defner Brakse,
Angions, sakoner
Aer, bele Congra Costin, hirque
Dart, sorr Naitors ship
Amizade, brig Brigand, brig
Chenoneve, briguetine, Marquis of Hastings, barquej
N. 8. da Lax, brig
Tremmelga, barque
& F. Lavier, schooner
Adrium on Janoban, General Tander Bouch, Hongkong, inqu Loppuit, barque
Prides, bar
Kitution, barque
K Van Premman, rig
Really, kreha Mery, loeche Aus, lerabe
140 Neale
103 Howard 17: Rabarton 300 Crin
301 Caller
Ayme, Muir and Rawie, Dam sad as. Jayme, Muir and on Hyun, Marie and so. 18yme, Mair and to. Bye, Muir and co
Bjino, Muis and so,
Bush and co Words. Russell and s
and on
Shanghai 10 Marvin
longtong 500 K Whago
460 Whim 433 Dospe
137 Palmer
490 Berber
E and ou,
516 Faller
Olyplans and ?. Wetsvars and on
375 French
Amell and a
| 476 Pressost
Rumeli and on.
150 Parter
|Augustine Board and on.
54 Nerwonab
Kabell and du.
203 Plas
r. V. Jo
100 A?ida
Lude Almeide.
150 Marq
JP. J. & 3. Lovesire,
950 vira
390 Carvalho
H. F, d' Ubwen.
J. M. de f
Louren?o Marques,
10 Salaswichy |8. Cursaleo,
Van Emmerik Heyavsan and so.
#19 Plokker
250 Anderso
250 Turricane €948chmidt Marica
|Whampoa | 175[Maler
Roynroan and on.
T. Moman and co. Capwin.
j?yise, Muir and on.
|lymo, Mair and es
Kennedy, Macgregor sad as,
|Raulo, Duss and on.
Hongkong Baama
Amay 19plewell |Hongkong|| 120 |Mo
Rawls, Dess and on Rewis, Dunn and on.
W. Pusten and so,
Jullen, schooner
Bomanjas Elorentini, ship ||flongkong 1860 Cam
Falcon, sp
Buguin, bergun
B015 art
]Cuminion] 315 Barley
Lavalla Roberwon, barg?e
Lady llares, barq
Lys, big
Malvina (Hum.), p
Royal Exchange, brig
Baparell, barge
Ase, schooner
Bea Horn, brig
Warlock, brig
Apoor, brig
Arora, cher
Lard Amber, ship Mahamondes, barqu
Legian, Marque William, brig
Anita, brig
Vized, schooner
Amato, ship
Black Dog, schoner
Bor (A.), boonor
lown, brig
Co, Lig
Dido, amer
Bily Joe, ship
Folkstone, ship
Manden, barque
Snipe, brig
Time, chaser
Willi?m Begben, brig
?ella, schoo
Teronia, barque
930| Hodhy
160 Bethe
DSLR 1.1
237) Mar
105 Alle
104 Phelps
937 kilo
tat Browning
Chinchev 29 War
STWdow 138 oper Facfa215er
105 Kaspa
Wassung 449 Cloverty
130 Doune
491 Wade
195 Badlet,
156 LACT
914 Roundy
194 Thompson
310 Friman
Jardins, Matheson and on, J.A.Oking, P.&O.Ca. Agou Dent und do
Jardine, Matheson and es. Wwrow and o
D. Bettres Bean and on.
Angmadina Einard mad ca.
Jollman and so.
Reet and so.
D. & M. Ratiomjce and on.
Lindmy and co
P. F. Come and an.
|PestonjedPrilijas Cama and u
Deat and o
Jurdina, Mackoron and on.
man and so.
Dont and so
Jardins, Muchmor and so. Brane, Muir and co
Fankan, Mechmus and co
Dent and co
(Gilman and c
Demand o
Jankine, Markason and co
D. Bassoon Ben and ca
Den, F. Huberta.
P. & D, Cama and en,
10,454 Runction and en,
Tunes and o
Dems and co
Jardine, Machosen and so.
Cowsajes Sapanejeo Langrah,
W. Anguanine Hoard and co.
Jarrow and on
Kell and co.
Landeny and
Jardin?, Mathane and on
Dent and ce
FOR LONDON,- Whampoa,-Hindostan,
Gilman & Co. Jardine, Matheson & Co. Gibb, Livington & Co. Rawls. Dus & Co. Nys, Parkins & CD.
Mary Bannatyne, Desi & Co. Marquis of Bolo, Rosell & Co.
a. V. Bosch,
Jamieson, How & Co. Decin, Culvert & Ca
Wetmore & Co.
Olyphant & Co.
Royaoran & Co.
Jardins, Matheson & Ca
M. Shir Dudakes
Big Combine
16 G ??
Kau Conad 13 Jum
Beamer hare
?Bale Minden
..(Capkal ..Blave
It. G. M. B. La Bayonation
Commander La Graviere.
Tood Masters.
Houston 316 Rhode
|266, Livingston and on.
350 Harding
184 Jamon
Kanandy, MeCongoe and ev. |Dom nad on.
Then prom
112 Raynolds
[Pranklyn and Milne.
t'urner and o
Jardins, Mason and on.
Tara and
3. Constant, 500, Hemery, Houghoang.
?Jardine, blacharon and on,
2, Jana Prowse, 208, Nichols, Shanghai
Jardian, Mathosen and co.
Jordine, Matheson and on,
15, Aden, 333. Michael, Hongkong.
.17, Cordelia, flughes, Hongkong.
J. Cacher.
18, Euphrates, Lucas, Shanghai-
14 Mandariom
[Whamber| 1960
Albi, Demo
MARKWICK will well by Puatio AUCTION Carabel, barque A. at his rooms Queen's Road, Elegant Hanse, barier bold fornitore consisting of Dining: Bola: Card
C. od Friday 14th January, 1848 at 11 o'clock Cormis olem
and Bide Tables; Ton poys: Couches and Bolas;
Hashemy, ship
Island Qasen schnofar Joseph Gaiman, ship!. Chairs: Wardrobes 1" Pedestal and Chamber, ing Lamps Crest Sand and Spirit Bland with 3 De
North Star, ship cantare; Looking Glass: Pictures; Champagne Omegs, schooner Glomes; Batter pot; Screen; Ten sols; Demert Plates: Kairos and Forks; Gorman Plata Clock;r, bergen Rides and Fowling piecos with a variety of other articles.
Terms of Sale.—Cash before delivery-
Partenin, brig Ramillina, barqu
Ragin, brig
Shepherdies, harpes Young Hebe, wecant Zephyr, schooner
Alligator, belg
AT the Aturion Mart, Queen's Read, on Fri- || Australia,
A day next, 14th instant, at 31 a. M., for the Beulah, hip beaefit of the Concerned, Free Beatles Habit, nh?p
cloths: 6 pieces black ditto ditto; 26 bales of While Lung Cloth; more or less damaged by Sea Water.
Tens of male as per billa.
FRANKLYN & MILNE, Auctioneers.
Victoria, 11th January, 1848.
↑ the Auction Mart, Queen's Road, on The
A day pent the 18th instant, at 11 a. m. for the banels of Concerned,–25 Bales of Long Cloth; more or lowe damaged by Son Water.
At the Auction Mari, on Thursday 29th inst.; -2250 Shank Bones: 2960 Oz Horns ; 2000 Tra nails for ship building; several dinner sets and sundry other articles
Taxe of sale as pet bills.
Victoria, 11th January, 1948.
CHIPPING ARTICLES, according to the
Caldeo, barque Chania, barque
|| Bumn, ship
Explosion, whip
Fortitude, ship
Hindostan, ship. John Fleming, khip
Kingston, barque
Mothies, chip
Marquis of use, Ho
Mary Bassoni, bargas
Moeren, ship
Norman Morrison, ship
Rokeby, busqu
Royal Alben, ship
Bir H?ward Kyna, bangun
Sir Robert Bals, ship
$14 Toylar INT LA
Lindsay and so.
B. P. Brabka,
Dent and co.
Rawk, Dan and on.
j?ih, Livingston and co. ||Fletcher and on,'
Henderson, Watson and on, Blandine, matheson and on. Bleukin, Kownon and ca. Soara, Calvert and co.
18, Duke of Cornwall, 590, Whitehead, Hongkong.
28, Anna Robertson, 441, Munro, Hongkong.
September 21, Bores.
Looding with? 24th October-Clifton, Favourite, and John Cooper.
. 3, Barah Locisa. 207. Oldham, Shanghai.
I, Jane.
19, Horatio, Contoo
Londing on the 24th caber-Aqua Marine; Berhampore; Domai
Eline; Elerais; John Horton; John O'Gaunt, (Hongkong); Larpow, (Shant kal); and Marths.
August 10, Pathfinder, 208, Miller, September 29, William Jardine, 093, Doutty. October
15, Lady Amherst, 440, Myhill, Hongkong. FROM PLYMOUTH.
25, Sharon, Laar, China.
Jamison, flow and on
Durdine, Mathema and co.
The Puck
Chimes and ea
Welman and ot.
[bens and co,
44 Whee
[Ryo, Parklas and co
536 Picken
4. Forrower.
$54 Reynolds
Berber Compton, har qur Cam'moon) 366|Brown
10eat and co
Jardino, Methown and ca Hardie, Natham and co Mannedy, McGrogur and co
Mections and a
Merrow and on.
Linday and as
4, May Flower, 217, Thompson, Hongkong.
Londing.—Borcas (Dutch), via Batavia; Machlikla Cornelia (Dotel) wie Batavia; Clare Anna Maria (Dutch), via Batavia.
November 15, Mayam Dayeram, Podilicombe, Hongkong. Loading.-Atration Apcar, C. Family, Lanrick, Mischist, and Bi
430 Trotter
200 Middles
119 Loader
P. Framjos Cama and en,
|Shanghai | 687Stevenson
Francis Barley, barque
Burdens, Matheson and on.
Flower and co
Therati, ochor
Velocipede, showert
Ann, ship
J. Gurnett, ship Os England, ship Museppe, Marni termodi is Torrington, const Walion,bique
co-Audax, schooner
contant (Victoria 7 & 8) for sale at this offes Ofen "Friend of China,***
Victoria, 10th October, 1845. 3
Deals, schoo Gaulle, chose Privaiser, ochentar
Patel, schooner
447 vie
6. Omar | 1831?adilyan
14 Bellamy
101 C
Plant, Hargreaves sed eo. Thomas Bplay and so. Jardins, Machtown and on. |Rawls, Dean and on.
Maricar and a
Judeo, Machen and ce Dead and co
Dardino, Mathmen
C. M. Lungrane.
Kamil and es.
and on,
October 22, William Chilim, 511, Brown.
25, Will Othe Wap, tot, McNight, Shanghai. 27, Thomas Heary, Jury. Landing-bella Watson, and Bukana.
FRON TUMIDORIN, Loading on the 21st Outoder.—Themes Fielden.
November 9, Carib, 824, Heston, Shanghai. Loading--Eleanor Russell, 236, Jolleis,
Printed and Published by Joun Camn, As The Friend of China and Fough Gare, Printing Ofios, Gocal Brauer, Victoria, Honox?ne, 18ti
PRICE $18 per annum.
TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the FRIEND OF CHINA and Bongkong GAZETTE, per danum, 10 Dollars. Sie Mentha, ↑ Dollars. Three Handle, 4 Dollars; all paid to advanc. Crodu
Prious, 14 Dollars. # Dollars, and 8 Dollars, for the periods of Twelve, dis, and Three Months respectively: Single Numbers, to Hubsribers RS semta kochaj to Non-Salmcribers, | Rupes. Partion balling or sending to the Uffos for papers are roquental to pay meh. TERMS OF ADVERTISING. Ten fines and under, I Dollar; additions), 16 sesta line. Repetitions one-third of the rat intact hips-First insertion, & Dollars subsequent inajiona 45 min. Advertisements to have written on the face of them, the number of thus they are required to appear, online wine they will be publabel until canserimended. In all Iostanow, these who are not Subscribers, require to pay in advance.
ENTAL CONTANK's Steam Bhip BRAGANZA, will have
FOR SALE. NCHORS, Chain Cables, and Hawes Pipes of
FRANKLYN & MILNE. AUCTIONEERS, Communion dogNTE," THE CANNodgan and Out. Undarnigded have been appointed Agenta of Wine and BriRIT MERCHANta, Quuku's Road. all sizes. An Invoico of Manila, Europe, sad
10008 Bold by private sale, or Public Asetion, Patent Ropa uanshipped, and general business trammcted for Bwered in dry and secure gedowns. landed, or
Partie absent.
thin for, the above places on Sun - day the 20th January s1 2 2. m. Cameo will be received on board until Noon, and Brzore until 4 7. x, on the 29th.
For particulara regarding FastLOWT and PAMAR, apply at the P. & G. 8. N. Company's Office,
J. A. OLDING, Agmi.
[longkong, 7th January, 1848.
the above-named Company, and are preparel to grant l'olicies here and at Bhangbai, payable in London, Liverpool, Calcuta, Bombay, and Canon
AUGUSTINE HEARD & Co. Canton, 18th June, 1847.
NOTICE JOHN G. WARD acmilled a Partner in our Houm, his Interest and Responsibility commencing on the 1st of June last.
AUGUSTINE HEARD & Co. Canton, 20th, July 1847.
NOTICE. THE P. & O. 8. N. Co's Broomers from Hows-hereby given that Mr JOIN THISTLETTE WAITE sad to be in our employ from the 1xone will in future proceed throughout
18th day of April las past, by lapes of the term of BomBay, touching a heretofore u BINGAPORE PENANG, and GALLE, also at Colamo, Comum,pen, by which he was empowered to not for us in the management of our smablishment existing CALICUT, Goa, and VinGOALS. For particulars up to that time at Shanghai, and to sign for us
of Freight and Passage, apply at the P. & 0, 8. N. Ca.'s Office.
Hongkong, 19th Oolober, 1847,
TUE 1. & O. B. N. COMPART's, will from this
there by Procuration.
B. WATERHOUSE & Co. Ningpo, 6th August, 1847.
Shaw and Maxwell's and other Bberry.
Fine Dark and Pete Cognac. Palo East India blan Champagne, Heck and Madeiro, Baltzer Water.
Java Coffee; Ball Provisions in barrels largo
il Cons: Muskete: Mocket and Camp Gepowders; Chain Cables and Anchors: Canvas and Hope; Pino Spars, and other articles.
Hongkong, January 4th, 1845.
JUST OPENED FOR SALE, CARE of a Damask Tabla Lingu
Fine Fresh Linen, and Whitney Blankets.
FRANKLYN & MILNE, Auctioneer and Commision Agenta Victoria, Tib Juanery, 1848.
date undertake the conveyance of Specie fromURING the absence of the Undersigned, car
Business in Hongkong will ha suniment by | sanga China, and the Straits, to Southampton, "auder the conditions specified in their customary Bill of Moser Pale Moon & Do.
Per Pro R OSWALD & Oo. lading, at 2) per cent.
J. A. OLDING,—Agent.
Victoria, 16th Augum, 1647. NOTICE.
P. & O. B. N. Company's Offe
Victoria, 91st December, 1847.
TITE Interas nad Responsibility of Mr Wiltaan 18.WWon la our Firma, coused on the 80th
FINE dicked cutter rigged Picaorte Boat A Coppered and Copper fastened. Nag and Baile quis new, with Anchor, Chain, and sittings all S?piste. Apply to,
FRANKLYN & MILNE Victorin, 30th November, 1847.
Coffee, and Gorermont Cigars, 4th November 1846.
FOR SALE. SALT Provisions, Pipur, Ram, Arrack, and Brandy in Wood; Whisky, Cognac, ad mil kinds of Wines In Bottle,
4th November 1846.
DOMAN Cement, and Window Class of all sizes. FOR SALE. Ib Apply to,
RAWLE, DUUS & Co, Vistoria, 3rd August, 1847.
JUST RECEIVED ne “Many Bannatynk." AUPERIOR Dark and Pale Brandy in Wort, Glenlivet Whisky, and Copenhagen Cherry Brandy.
Fresh Jordan Almnada, Bloom Raision, French Plans, Yarnowth Bloater Paste, Clarified lard, Loaf Sugar, a few Caser of the Royal Zoo Bauce, and the Essence of Smoke for the Laring of Berf Tongues, Hama, &c.
SMITH & BRINELOW. Nos. 1 & 2 Woornam's Buildings,
THE Calcutta buik Barque H A. aktino, und wo bere this day cdmiued Mr GuoNUN HE Beaman's guldo, through Banka and Gaspar Alugar; alan, a quantity of superior Sperm Candies,
BIRMY, 5:30 Tons, Captain Joan Ross, now st Hongkong.
Apply to. KENNEDY, MACGREGOR & Co Canton, 4th January, 1848.
THE British Brig LINNET, 140
62 Timer, in excellent order.
For particulars apply at the AVOTION Marr to,
GEO. DUDDELL, Victoria, 10th January, 1848.
E flouse and Shop, lately occupied by TM MAOKAY and Co. Apply 10,
PHILLIPS, MOURE & Co. Victoria, 24th December, 1887,
TO LET. OPACIOUS Godowns and dwelling house, built of Granite and lately occupied by Mears Toe. Rizer & Co. The property eltasted near the comice of the Town, (Vicuria, Hongkong) and has a water frontage. Apply on the Premiere, or lo,
THOMAS RIPLEY & Co.-Shanghai. Hongkong, Blut July, 1846.
ODOWNS TO LET, and Goods Stored on
modernt terms by,
K?RD, LANGE & Co. nongkong, 28th Outgher, 1847.
FOUR Booms in the upper part of a llauso si- tuate in Wellington Terrace, D'Aguilar Street. Apply to,
D LAPRAIK' Victoris, 10th January, 1818. –
TAVERN TO LET. THE BOUSE Mudly occupied by Mr AGHAN PER Rotation on the Queen's Road. Pose can be given on the 16th inmant. Apply to,
6th November, 1847.
OCEAN MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CALCUTTA. MAR Undersigned having bow appointed Agesu for the abore Company, are prepared to grant POLICIES, peyable in London, Liverpool, Bombay, Calcuna, Madras, Bingapore, Mauritius, and Co- Jombo.
GIBB, LIVINGSTON & Co. Canton, at Nuveenl?r, 1847.
THE Undersigned has been appointed Agent at
Howay Lawson Partner thereine
Our Firm now convius of Bamuis Wermos Jun, WILLIAM Moons, and Glasses Hand
La San
We also announce that we bave established na Shanghai a Branch of our House, under our own name and myle, and Me Ranunt Powell. BabZ will sign the same there, by Procuration.
Canton, 1 July, 1847.
day admitted a Partner is one house.
RUSSELL & Co. Canton, 191 January, 1848.
NOTICE. JUBT begs to informa um Community of Can Leon, that be has removed blu Establishment from Hongkong to this place, where he truste to marit their patronage.
Canton, 1st October, 1847.
(At present No. 1, Now China Street.) FOR SALE.
QJBB, LIVINGTON & Co Honghong, 7th May, 1847.
WINES FOR BALE. ↑ the Godowne of the Undersigned ;--
Superior Port,, in 4 dos Camat, Sherry, 4 do. Madeira, 3 do.
n Wood
do do
Mumm's Champagne and Allsopp's Palo Ala. BLENKIN, RAWSON & Co. Victoria, 27th July, 1847.
PHILLIPS 8.OURE & Co. Victorie, 13th September, 1847.
FIRE Gras and Bute with Piping.
THE following Wins
Sherty, Bawerne,
Sparkling Champaign.
In Case of 3 dos, each.
Tale Cognat Brandy," in do." Bcheidem Gener
jade of 1 doses.
Separins Italian Salad Oil. Apply to,
Victoria, 15th July, 1846,
Hongkong and the adjacent Ports in China, BANCA TIN. Apply to
for the Unosawarress of Philadelphia, Now ! Your and BogTOM,
OF CALCUTTA. THE Undersigned are authorised to grant Po 250 in Canton and Shanghai, payable here, in Leadow, Calcutta, Madras, and Bombay.
The meal return of Ten per Cent made on all Premium ouibited.
LINDSAY & Co., Agents Equitable Insurance Society. Ilongkong, 17th November, 1847.
OLYPHANT & Ca Catton
14th August, 1847.
Simita, by Leut, H. D. A. Sees, of the Dutch
Navy Hydrographer at Bauvia, &c., &c., de.
Translated by per Masion of the Author. Apply to
INKLYN & MILNE Commision Agents & Auctioneers, Queen' Hond.
Victoria, 28th December, 1947 JUST monived ex Aurora, Insnices of Manila Cordage, from 2 Imokes to 4 inches; Manila Cafes and Gin in Cam For sale by
DRINKER, HEYL & Co. Victoria, 4h January, 1848
|ESSAS. SMITH & BRIMELOW hare just received a few Boxes of Double Rebord Louf No. 4, 5, and G., which they offer for sale.
Woonam's Buildings, 15th October, 1847. WESSIS. SMITH & DRIMELOW hava just
received a quantky of Jam Coffre of a m perior quality which they offer for sale. No. 1 & 2 Woonam Buildings, Victoria, 20th October, 1847."
INESS received ex Minstrel, soins excel-
J. Neat Sak Fiat, which she will sell in quanti-
tes to suit het customers at a reasonable price.
Queen's Road, 10th January, 1848.
SUPERIOR Dark and Pale Brawly, in her Pipes.AN be supplied at the Storm of the Undersigned
Quarter Oasis, and Bottle.
Berry Wine, in Wood.
Sperm Candies.
**Nickals" Wine Bitters, in 1 dozen Canos.
Navy and Pline Broad.
Butler la email Kega.
"Gallego" Flour,
Tongues in ball Barrels,
Europe Rope, from 1 inch to 6 inchra Green, Blue, Yellow, Black, and Red Paints, in Tine.
Brilled Revolving Pistola, in Cases, Axo, a few Pieces of fine Cloths and Chai- meren. Apply to,
DRINKER, HEYL & Co. Hongkong, 11th Fanuary, 1849. JUST L?NDED. (UPERIOR Family Beef in Kegu; and Ge.
Buine Campbelton Waker.
HOLMES & BIGHAM. Victoria, 4th January, 1860. LIOLMES & BIGELAM lindi for me at ressam
able prices an excellunt assortment of Winter Clothing, consisting of Gentlemen's Diens Coats; Chester Beld and Orsay Wrappers; superno Black and Coloured Trousers, cholza Vesti and Yostings; Draware; Singlets; Beotch Plaids and Tweeds; superfino Black Cloth; London made Boom and shoes, &o, &c.
ALSO, PER LATE IMPORTATIONS, Every description of Oilman's Stores, vin, Cam bagland Hama; Dolch Butter in kegs and jar; rebeted Jams and Jallics; Pieklos: Sauces: White Wine Vinegar | Mansard j Gronis ; Zunio Curzonta i Bloom Bear; Preserved Musta; Grom l'esa, &&c.
Victoria, 96th December, 1847.
with Flour in any quantity, from one Barret upwards
A140, With good Ship Biscuit, at 85 per Pical; and best Brand a Fifioen Loures for One Dollar.
J. INESS, Quach's Road, 11th January, 1848.
FOR SALE. FIRST Rae Milk Cow and a Calf Apply
on board the fiaskowy, Hongkong.
Bitation in a Mercandle four by a Person A well soquainted wal? business, and who can give good references. For particulars, apply to The Editor of this Paper.
Victorm, 16th July, 1847.
VICTORIA DISPENSARY, Portingar Strekt. CODA WATER AND LEMONADE of Superior ? Quality.
Macao, at HINNAM'S, Chiam Shopkeeper.
Victoria, 11th June, 1847,
Queen's Road, Victoria
ACHOOK-Curador, No. 3, Imperial Gang. AGENT AT CARTON, Hongkong, 4th November, 1847.
AERATED LEMONADE, SELTZER WATER, &0, ?c be lead from the Manufacway of
SMITH & BRIMELOW. Queen Rand, 39th March 1847.
VICTORIA HOTEL, SHANGHAI, CHINA p F. RICHARDB & Co. beg to sanotines to E the Public, that their HOTEL is now com. pleted, and that for Gaya de Paxilium who may be visiting the Northern Port, they have An- commodations which they think will be found a perior to any other Horsi, in China.
ALL Parties indebted to or haring claims agains SHANGRAI being oppadered the most healthy si-A the Ensale of the late Mr W, ITAMY HUM tuation in China, if not in the East, and also favour. Ton, are requested to send in an account of the ably alemated, as to the facilities of Shout me to the Undersigned No claiu. against the
AN Icon Fones Railing 400 feet, with a double | bvelthfal exercism, P. P. R. & Co would impech Entals will bo aliended to unless sent is on or b
fally solic the patronage of och Misira, NAVAL. fore the 25th day of flurch, 1848. and bizaragia Gentiana may be ces. sion to spend a short titno in a cooler ur more besky Canton, 14th October, 1647.
AIraved a fost gates; two Engles Force pamps; Force and Common pumps; ao Marshall & Son's
ROBERT STRACHAN. patent Closets.
Victoris, 16th September, 1847. POK S?LE ? Cam of Burgical Instruments
(maker DAKAN). Apply to
Fiolorie ad November, 1847,
Climate, for the restoration of their health.
And in returning thanks for the ampport they havo zrevi?e, P., R. & Co. beg to say to the Public gemrally, that no exertions will be spared op their part to make the Ilog) worthy of Public patronage.
Shanghai, let November, 1847.
ALL Persons indelued to, or having claims against the Estate of the less Mr Natuaking Kane- Man, are requested to forward their accouale to us
WETMORE & O Canton, 3rd May, 1847,
* {From the China Mail, Jamary 13.)
Diplomatic Department GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATIONS. His Excellency Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary, ?ce.. do, is pleased to publish for general informa- tion that, by agreement with the Chinese Minister, a duty of only 5 per cent adlarm will be charged at Shanghai and the other Pests of Chine on all Rough Timber, in lies of 10 per cent, to "which it was before liable
By Order,
A. R. JOHNSTON. Victoria, Hoogkong, 10th Jan., 1848.
His Excellency Har Majeuy's Plenipotentiary, Ac, de, has been pleased to appoint Mr Alexander Hird, so be Consolar Agents at Whampos, vice Mr St Crois resigned, pending the plenaura of the Encratary of State for Foreign Affairs.
By Order,
A. R. JOHNSTON. Victoria, Hongkong, 10th Jan, 1848.
In the three cases of Mr Sakwill, Me Small, and Mr
| dance I gave on the Inquesta."
depending on their strongth, despise and insult the natires, de, you ought immediately to give notice to the mandarins, and trust them to manage the affair; but you mum certainly not beat or ju them mahly, so as to cause bad consequences. We for the purpose of pacification—giving repose to the
The public declaration of all the genity of the city and villages.
This statement is 15. Mio Vice-l anual, who acted as Care- { a good deal of swagger, big words, and war oer, and with whom Me Shortreda war in frequent onn-
like preparations, Bir John is going to show the munication during the day, in addition to having bann an
white feather. We will pause before giving the Sist jury. The ohor? stalement of the nature of the sridanes on which the veerfiets in them onans ware hand- our sent to this. It appears irreconcilablo feed was written, by me at the rumorst of the Coroner, in
with even the limited intellect bestowed upon order that the record might be forton); in the feat after the
the lowest grade of rational beings, to believe | Inguagt was held, and in the others seio thran day? olar.
that the alaost secret execution of four felons people, and preserving the village, dare to calend
iba virtue of our emporor in cherishing tender Brown erialance was given as lengthy na bork Corner and will be taken as satisfaction for the deliberately towards foreigners, and the heart of the great e juries can asify, and in reply to the questions of thele
cers, in reposing the people, therefore we quitedly rentlemen, euch explanations were givnaqui vtero se them | planned and coolly performed murder of six careful cammination of the bullae, in with advice of their magistrates. It is equally difficult
present this to your hearing; boping that you sandfactory. My stidesse nas given from mo?ne mode - Englishmen by a community acting under ad- the benefit of Sir Molche sindows, and in the eri-
will examine and act accordingly. who concurred·lu
to believe, that twenty wretched police appoint- "the descriptions and opinions
ed by the drivelling ukd Magistrate of Nanbao, The heat paint hava, to nation is an attempt to lipase (a man who was afraid to land at IIwang-chu- upan be rendere conjectars) Matement of Dr Harker ken when the Englialumen were alive) can for a deliberate opleida, founded upon a careful examina-
affard protection for the future. We cannot tion of the bikes at Mames Kaliny sad Ratter. Dr P. was present al my request for a short time, bet was think that British diplomacy is brought so
the bodies I have that gentleman's authority for stat unable to remais, to amist la the systematic examination low. Ifad Sir John Davis been willing to he that be conjecture was founded merely apon the
accopt these terms be need not have left Hong: visaderful moment the wounds, and the probable position kong to negotiate at the factories, or being at of the gentlemen when these were indicted. short regard to the Medical polis stated by be the factories, be need it have left without Shortrade, dirbaugh I de not comitar a soupaper a proper bringing the negotiations to close Would Pinellas, or that individen a proper punten with them Keying have refused the four heads and twenty 16 debate tach a subject, still of bel had laid great stress body guardsmon! we apprehend not. 1 the answers to two quation pat to me on the two this miserable mouse the production of the logoasts, 1 shall shortly glyc m? rananna for my opinions. ***In
labouring mountain, whose throes have derang ed commerce, woke up the slumbering dogs uf war, and unhinged the social arrangements of half the foreigners in China? It may be so, but as yet, in the face of Air John David's nota to Keying of the 18th ultimo, we cannot give it
His Excellancy Her Majesty's Planipotentiary, de, &e, in plesard, to direct that the Annexed Ez-" tract of a Despatch from the British Consul at Can son, begublished. The proposicions therein stated|| subject to additional safeguards and farther modifica tions, appear to be unobjectionable
By Order,
A. R. JOHNSTON. Victoria, Hongkong, 13th Jan., 1848,
the request value holung & my grooter accuracy (of the period of death)?” Amper **Certainly not.” It will be remembered that when the Inquest was bold, for days and a half had elapsed since the last meal eaten by the deceased, and the object to which
the question had reference you to acertale-whether any
portion of that meal remained in the stomach,
A CORRESPONDENr wishes us to direct poble attention to matters of which we have but very fittle personal knowledge; at the same time we are duly sensible of the propriety of Equestrians paying a regard to such rules-as are
ally attended to by time who take exercise places of public reson; it is necessary to add that no gentlemon will knowingly incon *venience or endanger the safety of Ladies by riding furiously in passing then. Our corres pondent is so much better informed on this subject that we give some quotations from his letter, promising that it is the duty of the po lice to reo that Coolios leading horses do so in proper manner. We hear of various narrow capes from the careless way in which the animals are load, the length of a long rope be ing permitted them as scope to plunge and guides, but to the imminent danger of the lieges A few examples would have a salutary info. ence over the Confucian disciples of reasons, and it were desirable that the Buperintendent order the police to be on the look out.
The one I gave la reply was founded on the flow credence. Ilis Excellency's policy, usually ing considerations. That digestion bid proconded to a ? feeble, is always dark and tortuous, and bum-kick in, no doubt to the infinite delight of the certain extent before the unfortunate gendomen was able as our opinion of him is, and has been, it is tacked That it is a well-known fact that digestion gas
after death where the person has been in good hudth not quite so low as to join in the ery that all is at the time of death, and that when that processed settled by the concession of twenty policemen 5 10th Jannette Excedency, decomposition would same, and that comarquently shot.
"subject to additional safeguarde and farther modifications." We will not even take the
Extreel of Deqatch from Mr Omost Mogrew,
have the banner In the laciones macked fum in's, my correspondence with the Imperial Compladorer on the subject of the protection to be afforded to British subjects in their ex- cursions, by the local authorities, la recordance with the Instructions contained in your Despatch of the 1st January, Your Excellency will have perceived, from the peri Commbuloner's communication to me dated the och l?stant, Gf which 1 trammitied a copy l? my Despatch No 1, that be lately appointed offerro la proceed li all direction to The city towns and villages on the river of Canton to deline bli instructions and commands. He also intends
To baye amewared nich a question with precision, I maat either have witnessed the d?ath of the gradevon, or com
ever the mach might at the time contain. It would not
avidence whatever. bottiglie altempted to be drawn from my word of Me A. R. Johnston that the proposi
Komething carver to the question by the Vico-t and on the equation is "unobjectionable." We look upon it as on kir Butter's body.
** How long do you consider the body to be dead 1"
contemptible to a degree, and if agreed to in Anwer, Icy"
full of his demands made on Keying when in Canton, Bir John will make himself the butt of the civilised, world, not to speak of the Chines who again tickle bim into compliance with their hollow and falso arrangement of difficul- ties. Keying has already given a copy of his correspondence with Sir John to Dr Parker, which may appear in the local papers, if not, it will burst all bashfully to light some day.
in t?tare la despatch ?ficers at times to proceed to the evantry places and explois mattern clearly to the pumple. | place after Sunday the 5th. He concludes by saying that he has used the utmost cher- tlongboth of valid and body in what he has done for the priretion of our countrymen, not sparing his ederts in the slightest degree,
“From the Imperial Commissioner's letters of the Ochand och matant. It appears, moreover, that in consequence of
orders armed by him to the District Magistrates of Nan- we and I'wanya, sach of them bas appointed tes able and experianced Pillermen, formed by long servior, who have been placed under the control of the especial 'officers at the guardbuser of Old China Street, for the purpose that whenever British Subjects are desirous of miking an ex- rurlan. I may previously intimate the same in the especial oderm there, who will then appelat what sumber of men may be deemed necesary to procved with them in order so be available for their protection '
(True Extract)
(To the Editor of the Fasuo or Unaik).
NICOLI KNSLAST. Ben-- trust you and all thom gasilemej of crude opt- plons, the merchanta el Can on, (ree Clin. Afail of yester day), Bestlastanilidad, and that you conllally join with HE. in cunsidering that the proposition ensialsed in der Casal Macgregor's despatch in "unobjectionable," with Madditional valerwards and farther mod Beations **
Up to the present tline there has been nothing beard bui Wath and Fumours of war? Bokters marching about in full panoply, trust guns and small arms, spodov, plc-axes and becl-bastORK,
at pride pomp and slecnosnomas of plant
ted myself to a plain which I could not have fo ed from cevidiace. At the same time the body in my opladen horn must concludra eridance that death took The wly other Medico-legal paint on which 1 shall 1, conch je the allegation that some evidence was to have been drawn from the condition of the beard and that had overlooked the fict, duch however was not the case. but I could found nothing upon it for a reason which is
In Canton, alan, the opinion is gaining ground very early understand. Every one has remarked the effect of a cold dry wind, which by causing the skin to that the war cry will ond in wind; many. shrink makes the hairs of the fson in project, in the have removed their goods and furniture, depth at which their costs are altuated and apposite conser produce the opposite effect; now so the bodies had all and some taken houses here or io Macao, pru- Born in water for some time, and the skin swollen in dential steps however the affair may terminate sequence, I could not place say dependence upon the The Chinese of the city are alarmed, but the condit en of the board is evidenes
of personal hostility villagers are obdurate as ever. A gentlemen → I might remark upon the dig
which the while of Mir short article calebit and wishing to take a sketch of Hwang-chu-kee a which nevours more of the Horner o, he dregs of the Pres
few day ago, was pelted for his pains. Keying then the contents of a respectable Journal ;but as it can la
acts that all difficultion are to be arranged be way hurt me I pass it over, but I must strany prot sgainst the treatment to which he has objected for Mary inmediately, and the following letter to Dr who is a highly resportable member of the profession and Parker, in reply to one addressed by bin to Bir weed paretly at that age and undiambata not always cars John Davis, appear to render this probable, it Tipust be received with some degree of caution,
however as it may mean very little.
of nham hay Shytreda mould have karwen sathing; and i
vriterions of talent, and profufiooni actainments ciens two antes having relating w Me & vir's appenance so a witnem on the inquests, which I beg yon v? pr?st * Thave only to add das I have noticed Mr. Phortieda's artic'e with great reluctanen, and nothing which may pre- reed from him in future will receive any nation in return
-lair your obedient servant,
Carrar, Bth January, 1919. Dean B-In the Chine Maf of the D?? lost, the - editor sa?em that Mr Mor, Surgeon of the Alineros, com- plates that his name should have appeared in the report of the Inquesson Mr Bellamy, be mot h?ving been present.
"Hongkong, &th January, 1848.
the deh lastante in reply I beg to inform you, that the so- * Bin --I have the honour to acknowledge your letter of
tee from the British Congal to which you allode, was in tended merely as the falimation to British Bubjects of a role, the application of which was comilogent on a mer Budbility, and therefore the notice, should not have had (caneed) the alarm attributed to You may at asawed, that independent of those personal feelings of courtesy and good will, which I shall be happy to evince towards the persentative of the United States in China, I shall
Our awthority was the recard of the przeradings dhamiabad | consider it my publie duty to giru such noties as may be to us by the Vice-Consul and signed by the Foreman, bous | required by the umgre of nations, concerning measure,
of whom ought to be able to account fur the stroduo- | that may be forced on the Br?lsh government or fia jepre- tion of Mr Meich name,” de, as you seted as Foreman er sentative in Chios.
But now all thin is gope. I wool boru you with Othello's Aiewell, but suppose it said, and that is the praktiva we are due la, and instead of war we have twenty police. men to the case of us; all that to required now in the "na- dial safeguarda," and "further modikestions,” hich i frost will be on the same liberat scale as the twenty je lice ren. In one there, the safeguards de, hate ovd been thought of, I be?g ??m to offer the following suggestions for the consideralice of those whom it may concern. For “additional safeguarda” suy balld a bumber of shooting boxes all over the country fue a day's walk round Calion; To C. I. Compton, Esq. this might be done us der the Kappers and Miners The pection of car officers and
might have a non-
sie Led rural air about them and yet be to constructed that they could be defended for some time; see Major Outram on the defence of outposts. This, however, would bantly ever beeste necesary if the following “uhdi?ention” of the twenty polleren was adopted. Let them be dressed as Englah pekeepers, Velreseen jackets, corduroy breeches and galters, game bag and all complete level appointed to each gehieman going out; his durim world be to carry the game, and in the event of the rain or the villagers cuming down in the party he would have to take his charge, lato the nearest shooting bed, the dwor wold be shut, sad the sportsmen would sit down and enjoy their s?fhn until such time as the rala or the vil Jagers, as the case might be, eleated off
By adopting this a sporting air would be given to parties going out which ai pr?sent none w them have gut, and by making beliere very strong” the gratlemen might think they were at home golag over some kind telead's preserves with blu game-keeper.
Just my megesalons will be approved of, for I am claim that they are, all the people may at no retur to Learn and live in peace each under the shadow of his vine and g 100 no man to make them afraid Or Keying will not object to pay all expenses that have beam incised in removing, seeing that it the ides of the twenty policemen bad struck him at first, these wonki have been no remity for any one to have gupe away.—I re- mab, your obedient servant,
Vlewein, 14th January, 1848.
We have been requested by Me Cairna to give pub Hey to a haver from Dr Marjoribanka, received too late for last Register.
(To the Editor,of the Hosonoro Aranean.)
Canten, dh January, 1818, -The Fditor of the China Mail, In the overland
edition of that ager of the 29th shtime, in what pralesana to be criticism of the evidenen given by two on the in- questa held upon sia untortunate gentlemen, who were murdered at tiwang che-kar, ?at made a number of solo-statements which, as they are in a great melare the odation of remarks, I consider it proper to expose, and will feel obliged by your kindly allowing me space in
kily sespectable paper for the purpose.
In the best sentence he states that rostre Inqureis lately held at Cosion, que cannot fall to be stuck anike one band with the menggeness of the evidence, and
opinion can your readers
on the other with the N the verdicts tour
put of the sla casca,”
foot of hir bhortride's honesty when I st?te, that that indielival was perfictly etewte them loqnevis were held in a
300 without furolture, and that no hate whorren katken of the ridener on the first four inquests, by authority for
? The quadam, &c., Munh? than b
the jury on both the inquesta beld that evening, will jus kindly for me if any mention was made of Mr Mtoirs
in the records signed by yon.--Your very truly,
Caro, Oth January, 1818.
HT DEA B-to ly to your pose of the day, 10- specting the loquests held at the bodies of Mr Runer and Mr Bellamy, where 1 acted as Fora, 1 brg to say, that Mr Moir's name was not mentioned on the record of Gentleman was Dot present, Dor was aby evidence -the proceedings signed by me, nor could la have been so from him produced,melam, My dear Bit, Years very truly
CHA.COMPTON, To 6. Marjoribanks, Baq.
Nose Advertisements will be received wat? 4 Clock, on the evenings previous to publi. cation, via: Tuesdays and Fridayo.
LATEST DATES. Cel 25? Army
Uried Be OCL Caloute
Hembay Madra
Mor Nov. Not.
1 por
Oce Nov. Dee
AL CHAPEL FF, undays at 13. A., M., 4 P, M., sud ? NOTICE.—The bours of Divine Service in the Cosa put? 2. M.; and on Thuridage at 6 P. M.
Victoria, ad Nov, 1847.
Colonial Chaplain.
NOTICE-Presbytenjan Caunen. Th?n -
tien, ennducted for the present by the Her. W. C. Boty will meet every SABBATH, in the Bungalow landmely it, Mod the Capa Bovet.
The hours D?fte Suruler will be 11. 2., and post 67. N.
Victoria, 976 December, 1987
lieve the Vulture; the crow of the latter vessel Tun Columbine has gone up the river to re
are suffering from Ague.
A GOVERNMENT Notification with an extract
"J. F. DAVIS, "?e, cu ch Chops of a pacific nature are put up on the walls of the factories. We annek a translation of one received to-day (Friday) ; it may be from the Gantry of Canton, or it may be the manu facture of the Commissioner's office. The on- liments are “unobjectionable,”—quite,—but it is to be regretted that it did not appear six months ago when it was well known the villagers were confederating to murdor foreigners. As to the twenty policemen furnished by the val- linnt Magistrates, it is a mere burlesque upon security; if attacked by the villagers, while in the discharge of their duty, they would think discretion the batter part of valer and bult to | a mao. Keying know the murdered on were alive on the oth, yet he did not dare to rescue them from the villagers; the Magistrate of Nanbae with a strong force at his command not dare to land, though he also knew they were alive. In the face of those facts, to prate of the security to be afforded by twenty police- men seems very foolish, and only at for the mouths of knaves and fools, and it is to be hoped that none such are among us in a posi tion to work mischief.
A Public Declaration.
We consider that the natives and foreigners mast be harmonious and paceful.
Our Emperor looks upon us and them with the same benevolence, and allows them to come to trede, wishing that they and we become one body enjoying mutual benefits. But now some villagers along the coast, secing that some foreigners come among them wandering leisurely, often come upen them in a crowd, beating and driving them, so that etit, they come into personal collision, and bring on great consequence, and their destroying the peace and harmony between foreigners and the natives and causing the grout officers to be at the
Therefore, we make this declaration to the gentry frouble of interfering. Beside this the persons and property of us, scholars and people, are in ounger. and alders of all the villages, that they must warn the people (ie. avery father bis sons, and every elder brother his younger brothers) that each must repose If any foreigner may
from one ul Mr Macgregor's dospatches to Bir in peace and quietness
John Davis (bote of which are in another co-chance to wander leisurely about the villages lumo) is making some considerable bensation. | without causing any trouble then ought he to The common opinion appears to be that after be allowed to walk and run; but if the foreigners
"Whenever you are in want of a subject for a few comack, 1 sm sure you would not only be doing the fair vos a favour, but ra cating the cause of the public in general, rou were to call the attenti a df Equestrians to the propriety of xercising, little considermi?n when either pingeach other (paming Endins in particular) on the road or on the course in the valley, and not to rush past other riders at ich furious pace--it causes horses to start, and is particularly dangerous where Ladiesare in the case. The valley undoubtedly belungs to the public, that is, all have a right to go there, furious riding part others, as, if noto endanger but no one has a right to adopt such a kabit of
them, at least to make it unpl?sant to ride there.
"I am aware that in these times, “ training" may be brought forward as an excuse, but it is not necesary to train both morning and even ing. Any one having any consideration for his horse would not do it in the evening; and forbear and let the Ladies enjoy their exercise cominon gallantry alone might induce them to without the fear of having their horses started.
"There is another point, also, that though the owners of horses are not personally culpable they might remedy that is, the practice of the valley, and on the Baiwan road. Those the horse men loading horses and ponies round
are the two great resorts of Equestrians in the evening, and it is quite dangerous passing the strings of horses and ponies that the Chinese horse-keepers lead along those roads. The other evening I was out riding with some La dies; the Rifles were exercising in the valley preventing us going there as wo intended (that of course we may expect occasionally, though what with the Bst Regt. one evening and Rifles another we are driven off rather froquently al present, however, I suppose, the public service requires it we were just turning to go on the road round the valley when I saw a string of six horses and ponies led by Chinese at the end of their halters, which we should have met in a very narrow part of the road, with a preci- road, and there had to encounter another lot pice on each side. We turned for the Baiwan of loves on the embankment, one of which began to plungo and kick just as we passed, and nearly forced us off into the water.
"Not even the Ladies are exempt from the sharge of rushing past others, and as they can not always guide their horses with that pre- cision and quicknem that gentlemen can, they gentlemen riding with them ought to tell the are even more dangerous opponent. The to pull up in time.
There is again a most general habit of racing up the hill from the "Vestal" monument to the gap; and as that is generally when parties doubly dangerous, from the fact that those are returning home toward duck it is rendered'
are close upon them owing to the want of light before, and horesa in advance are also much more liable to startle in the dusk or dark where they cannot see what the noise behind procooda. from."
racing cannot see others before thens until they
point to be avoided. Thanks! to our governor * Riding four and five abreast is also another
our roads are not like roads in general; there for two ponien if they are not steady." is barely room for two in some places, not even
Our readers of the Hongkong Equestrian order will perhaps consider these remarks; they wore no doubt penned in the expectation of promoting that good order without which the social system becomes deranged and un- seemly. The humble Pedestrian might also
may suffice for the present. say a word or two to those who ride furiously, bat the admonitions of his aristocratic brethren
An Abstract of the Revenue and Expenditure issue. In viewing this document as a return of of Hongkong for 1847 appeared in our last
income and actual expences, we must throw aside the suoi of ?18,180 in the expenditure,
hat heavy item being for "public works and buildings.”—or a permanent investment and not In ordinary disbursement. Our financial affaire or the year will then stand thus:—
?35,779 Fxpenditur ???????
Deficiency. - ?1,701 In 1848 the revenue fell short of the ordinary It therefore appears pen-liture ?15,729. hat our financial cndition has improved in the Imount of ?11,099, that being the difference between the deficit of the two years. This in
ccounted for by,-
Juriase in the revenue of 1867- Dverease in expuliture in 1847.
- €4,031*
It will be observed that in 1910 the gross estimate) ale? two triflung vum in the return amount of fees was ?1,500; in 1,847, undor amounting to a 1, and wo have the difference the head of face of office there is ?1,445, while batweon estimate and Revoque (42,018) to some unimportant items have been classed with within ?5, that sum kaing absorbed in the free- finos and forfeitures from the same motive that to which have been left out. classified foregofor police horses with printing. Next issue we will refer more particularly Rents show nominal improvement of, to the changes which are required in Revenue 3,059. This is explained by ibe prosecutions and Expenditure; and the necessity of checking during the year for arrears. A contempo- tho excesive fines imposed by the Magistratos rary in antions that nu fawor than 200 summons under ordinance No. 6 of 1847. had been issued; this may b? an exaggeration, but it is well known that the prosecutions have been numeroas en lin vo?n? instancas vocatious, The police assessment has a very reapeutable appearance; i aggregates ?4,250, Going in excam of the previous year ?301. At the end of 1840 a considerable am sunt of the assess ment had not been collect which explains an increase of laxation with a manifest decrease in the number of houses in occupation.
M:00llaneous Receipts ?078. 'It were desir. able to know from what source this largo surn flows into the treasury; in his estimate of the
(From the China Mail) following impartim documents, being the despatches We are combled to lay before of readers the of the gistrate of Nanhse to Kaying, in reference to the capture, confession, an execution of the four murderers lately executed at Hwang chu-kor. Their authenticity is a questionable, and at present items only necessary to ad I, that neither of thess Chine magistrates dreams of translations of the documenta boing published: -
Improvement - - - ?11,049 At a first glance the appears highly satis?ko- ory; and in some measure it is satisfactory, least as far as concorus disbursements. Tuo xpenditure has been reduced ?6.007; and it tust be borne in mind, that this has no re-
Ehite the honour to state, with reformes to the mbjoelo, the bicides custurned in the murder of the barbarians brence whatever to public works, but an actual
who were killed by the villagers, the surrender of whom the eduction in the expence of the public service. Revenue furnished the British government, Bir officer) deshed and Jepated had the browser on requ?r:
comparision between the returits of 1848 and Julin has no such clamification. Are we then Your Exomilancy's sammunde ta liniac upan without dalay | 847 shows, that a system of economy has been to understand that 4878 has been raised by pen to the Krein, Hang-knon-in, the band an
The depand efficere Tungian and topoelf garo sedara in troduced into what is called the civil esta poll tax upon the miserable females of the Chi-ying-chea, and others, sojining them to do everything in lishments, though the ?6,097 is not all saved nase town? or in plain words, is it the wages their power so pornunda ihale vilagan, and bath by exciting
of prostitution?
their of evil cosesqueness, and influencing them by real- salaries, part no doubt being rent for build.
?? singare advine, to compel th?m on an tho haste and puts out the principale and seconscios, individually. The Konjin and gs now rendered unnecessary by the comple. p of the Jail &c. ?n his despatch to Earl
and the re brought back word that they had discovered for rey of 18th March 1647, accompanying an
of the principal murderern, and they begged for quare cute s find out there, and the scoumarint, de. timate of the revenue and expenditure for be year ending 31st March 1849, Sir John Davis says,-*
In my despatch, No, 187, of the 94th No- ember, I had the honour to report retrench- tos of a permanent nature, in the r?duction salaries, to the extent of ?2,800 per annum, ad I at the same time suggested farther re enchments to the extent of ?1,800 yearly."
This accounts for ?4,600 of the ?6,997, the lance of ?2,387 being part rent and part an-
The decrease in expenditure, it will be served by a reference to 56 cotaru of the to years, is cliedy in what'aro termed the overnment departments and the Revonte partments. lo 1848 the amount is, Fivil Government.. Morenue departm
?n 1967 the Government and Revenue
department cost -----
Scarcely loss satisfactory are the two items of “ Bumi recovered” ?333, and “It simbaran- ment of expences incurred by Government" ?228. From whoni and for what were those sums recovered, and who reimbursed govern ment for expences incurred? Wo fear an ex. plicit answer would disclose what perhaps had better be unknown; but when out of a revenue of 231,078, not less than ?1,280 is raised in way that will not bear an explanation, people
will surmiso the worst.
There is a decrease in licenses of ?572 from the alteration that has been inade in the opium monopoly; the shei changes are unimportant
and we now note the principal scarces of revenue upon which there has been an increase. also those unknow? sources which will not boar being named.
Faus, fines and Corfelturm 1847 R 4,142
-------- 3,050
H ... 1867 €10,850 2016. 15.STO
1867 200 1248 1.075
OTS 354
MISCELLANEOUs Remeri Bons RecoveAES... ******* Keinungeness of expan?w locurred
by Guvernement
Deduct decross on licenses.
?1,989 518
This corresponds very nearly with the actual increase on the gross revenue, a few trifling
Hambly reflecting that, in the present case the approban- son of the primalpal murdomen was of the free imjarianov, and that if the pet?cipals were brought h?f?rm on, and the by which to detect the accenturies, while tan feslings of the truth ellied from them, there would be sure t? be eviden?a English would be in some sort appeased; ules orandering Tha? the Eagleh goverament were pressing this oses with Boty
long delay, I immediately despatola va muy runnare le a 200m- pay the shore auskiorized parens int) the village, where they Immediately? outed Best Elwang-a-wan, and th?n Le-a. village. The criminal Hwang-awan at fully de in, whom I p.noveded to examine ni the public baling of and (bin guilt), metil after he had been repeatedly tortured, (or situly quintioned) when he consented to opish the trutha According t? his matomvat he belonged to this nilagyit Be. treenide hours of 4 and 5 in the afternoon of the 29th (81) December) he had soos Rx barbaria na gu inas the village and insult a woman, who was ging along the rail, and showt dead a boy or win who was panning i nntagel in which he called to the v'agnen, and in k?n anger h?i m??rasped the fore. ms and killed a barbarian. Upon being asked who were really the oceaarime in the nasoak, he persisted in da faring that be positively did not know who wore i se parcias abetting In the amralt, upon the ground no he (hud acted) ajo i the angry Impulse of the moment, and had had no previous un- derstanding with the whasever
that mischief was to be aprehended fram star.
? other murderer, Lenjin, would n 4 gither a videa n fire, but whenquendly admitted the truth. Estudos la muell
(From the New Weekly General Price Current, January 1.)
folio floods.-Very little improvement is oh. servable in the demand shher for plain or colored outtube. The shops are abundamily supplied with shirtings, and the dealers are cautions le purchas. ing av at lower prices than were previously r rent. Buruu alight euqunch exista for Elukla, kod we have heard of males of thess and Gingham to arrive at a slight reduction on previous rates, but for goods usually saleable at this season the demand
lo slack.
EXPORTS. Bagar.-The article become scarce from the stocks of last yeats crop, and acatedly sufficiem to supply the demand can be obtained even at high rates. understand, that 12 has been paid for current quality, Bugars of the new crop will be ready for shipmont about the middle of February.
Hemp. The last lots have been sold at $5-58 In the river, and the demand continues. It won mences to arrive more fr?kly, but is still wanjed.
Coffee.-9omenall parcels of the new crep have arrived, but none has been sold
Indigo,-In little demand.
Rice. It is becoming more abundant and large importations expected from the provinces in Janu ary and Pubruary nest, especially in March, April and May.
Segars-At the auction of the 13th inat, there were no bidders that would pay more than the standard Government prices, and in consequence, about 2000 boxes between So. and 4s. were sul at $9 and $61.
Sapanwood.Very scarce and much wenial. EXCHATOS ON England.—Several amounts were not for the last mail-a 4:51 for 8 months Falls, and 4-4 is considered the current rate for 30 da.13.10 TOXXAGE.-Doo or two English vessels wanted for England, and likely to obtain 4-10 for sugars,
THE BIR ROBERT SALE, will have immediate despatch for the above port. For page apply t
18:5 January, 1848,
Queen's Road.
to be a man of the village on the 8th December, at dosk, UNE fresh Bengal Gram in Bags. Apply to, | he was in the markat boylam fond, when ha beard name oni crying out that the barbarid, had made spot of a woman z?d klied somebody. He areapon and his true and joined in the pervet se for de Mei-se-we? ?N ? the neighbour.
?houd of which he killed a barbarian with his own band. He (ale?, when questioned about the nam o v? hai alatbars in the
senault, declared that he did not rememb?t wh? the peta sua e
I then of cour committed them eniminals to the custody Fol my ip?ners, and. Laformed the milkary officers, who des. bed trop so make strict search for the other two. An ), so they shall have been approbanded and brought in, it will be my daty to report it in another despatch Joewis. wand * Your Excalloney, sa by right I s? aid, the defils of my proceedings, and at the same tiuso die avolanos. Prom treat our merciful glance.
19th day, (19th December, 1947)
It appeare in the next place that the village population,
Sawing in asjenditure– ?6,000 The completion of government house, the fection of a court house and other public build. g, will cause a further reduction; add to
the probable dieontinuance of some sp pintinents, and fower Cleres in the different Fices, and without infringing on th? amount of dividual salaries, the expenditure may be hought down to about ?83,000. The brief add industinct way ju which the returns aro pu- ished rendere an investigation into details ifficult and confuses the inquirer. The un-imposta having increased and others fallen off. itted would imagine that the revenue de
We have already made reference to Bir artment was simply the Treasurer's establish. John David's estimate of the revenue for the ent, but it appears not, the Surveyor General's year ending 31st March, 1949, which contrary hd some other branches are included.. The
to most estimates falls short of the revenue con- 2 have the honour to mam that I have examined China- spences of the Treasury according to Bir
siderably, it being ?28,160, while the sum col- qug and Liang aying, two uf das ? imicides c mortond in ohn Davis's estimate published in the blue lected in 1847 was ?91,078 giving an excess of the hier of the barbarians, who have been swe captured this day. Both declared themsalma to be lab?orero balong- bok is ?1,825, or something less than 6 per
?2918. We will briefly run over the estimate again villege. Ostrow the kvar af 4 and 6 in the af ent on the sinnant of collections. The form comparing it with actual receipts.
tecnoon of the lich December, daty saw the villagra Aghing with the barbarians at Motato.wel. One man was killed by the returns mystifies the public, and we are
RENTS.This is the true source of revenue in ot surprised in cheervo that the Register is still Hongkong, and Sir John Davis appears either to and is wwwpons, and fought with and killed two bar. the later and many others wounded ; becen, sed at which they oder the erroneous impresion that the ex
have anticipated an improvement in the state of barlans; the two (prisoners) puitively killo them with their ence of collecting the revenue is nearly one
the colony or lie had determined to prosecute wa handa in the Tray ; the foot of the parties onzaged in the fight with the barbarians, they did not know. Buch ther defaulters; the collectioneal 1840 were ?15,579;
and though repeatedly questioned (or sortured) urth of the aggregate amount. Such was our wn belief until we inrostigated the matter
-the estimate is ?10,150,-while the actual neither of thech usid anything at variance with in Waring are uninutely, and though we cannot charge receipts in 1847 were ?16,630.
now taken all the principal en inderers, fear in number. I have odly to awak Y...we Encellaney's castractivas sent referen AUCTION DOTT.-Estimato 500,-receipts to de aseer in which they are us be disposed of. urselves with having led our methodical friend to error, we will gladly help him out of it, ?255-receipts in 1846, 460. What clearer we are sure ho would not remain there Proof of retrogression The receipts are a illingly. In Bir John Davis's estimate the trifle more than half the estimate, and 43 per penditure was rated at ?89,370. This in-
cent les than those of 1846. Licancas-Estimate ?7,570,-receipts ?8,530, udes some corious items, such as, Rent for the overnor's Residence (Major Caine's Bunga receipts in 1840 ?7,10%. Looking at the w) ?825; Rent for Supreme Court (Mr population of Hongkong, this is a heavy amount phaston's old house) ?875; Printing, stati- of excise, and one that has most materially in ery, maintenance of horses in the police force, hoped, be completely absaliahod, viz. the Opium jured the place. Two items will, it is to be
farin ?3,000 and Balt weighing ?898; the holder of the latter is under no restriction as to charges. be may demand a dollar a pioul if he pleases, and it is only through his moderation that any share of the Salt trade is kept here, The other licences are, Retail of Spirita ?1,500, Stone quarries ?437, Auctioneers ?150, Pawn brokers ?750. Those are estiinates, the actual receipts are unknown. Fans and Finn-Estimate ?1,800.-receipts ?4,142,-receipta in 1840, ?2,141. In the as- timate, between fees and fines," Sundries" ap- pours for ?100: probably this may mean forfei
ures, the three items thus giving 1,900. The enormous increase deserves alleation, and we think may be traced to ordinance No. 6 of 1847. By that ordinance the police Magistrates are empowered to fine to the amount of ?60. The ordinance passed in September, and we see the result in an increase of ?3,001 upon the previous year's, and ?2,942 upon Bir Joba Davis's estimate. It is true that between fines and floggings they are depopulating the town, but in the meantime the revenue has been bol stered up.
| suspicious, imposing, and curious clasi ation) ?1,338. The actual expenditure has en considerably under the estimate, as the venue, to which we now turn, was over it. An increase in revenue of ?4,03) gives a clusive appearance of prosperity; it has been rung from the colony at the sacrifice of its best terests; witness the untenented Chinese abope the whole length of the Queen's road. The ceive fines in the Magistrates court are adually depopulating the town, but in the cantime the object has been gained, and under e bead of fees, fines and forfeitures we have 4.142, or ?2,001 in excem of 1846. We can
suppose that there has been any material seration in the amount of fees, and the in- dave must be in fines and forfeitures. In 346these three items were given under distinct ads, the fines being 2560 and forfeitures ?18; year to disguise the iniquitous legalities of inferior coort, the fincs are included with other items. This will be better understood extracting the particulars from the govern
ant returns.
Fere of ouice
Peen, ?mes, and forfelturen -
Fear of in Judicial fea Judicial fines Forfeliares-
Es in 184T -- 1.001
↑ shillings sed pense we have taken on note of—Edur.
slammed at an ille mary, that as man as the principal mur. dere bould be captured the barberians were coming to take marooge, hava formused a secret confedersey, and numeros villagers have subcribed fande to fare's casos and arms, and want (are willing, ready) to fight with the barbarians, and that (the confederacy) aasends to those of the Fahiabra wands of 1000 localities. As I was really neprebeneers that distries, and of the prescure of Bhww.king, including up. some great mlachief would be the result of the effervescence leatly to the district ofour of Balon, and the headron of the popular mind, exalted by those clamoura, I gave ordere Tang, and the Keu jie Wang, and the others, to go with the speed of fire into the siltags, and commsed (the people) so rurals their sons and brethren, and ant to be no digrediely saw attend to vague reports, but to follow their callinga ?n tranquillity, and to sunit in pasof the steps to be taken by their high authorities.
21 then gave the prisoners into custody, in bo guarded us triedy na powible; and I now, an la duty bound, raport to Your Excellency, in the order of their oncetron, the par siglars of my own prosed logs and the evidence of the tro criminalar upon which, prostrate, hapo for your mareful
The evening of the 19?k, (19th Dec, 1847)
I have the honour to state that whereas the homicidens, four in metaber, were convicted before me of having movedsted de agih mereknow, I had the heaver receive Your Eroelisney's reply, commanding that they should bomummons- rily pasted by decapitler at the place, far the addcsdoo all meat, and for a warning in the time to come: and directing the flours deputed to represent that in the English high spikondes for their Informatium, e. to obedienec which 16th [81m December] at an early hour 1 be beaded the four murderers in front of the temple of Itwang. cha-kes, fee the edification of all men, [ur publicly] The agli uterities and Engan merchants, whe bed powe in about so mitason (the escason), were there at the time; the village popaletlen being all quiet, and the idle story
which will be found in have been lab?dden gune days ago,
hoort at rost.
?? have this day returned ot my offor, and baying thos dl?charged and reported upon the basines on which 1 ww |sext, I proceed whh_the_affaire fof my court.]. I have to ?2000-on charged the Ken-jin and the rest so decover when
*ver they can the anomerin to this murder why are not you sakes, and to give me information thereal, or oppband them. An ?n duty bound. I reprem it to Your krestaney berein the particware of my conduct in obedience to Your Excellency's despatch, Provanced I beech your marviful
14th day, 31st December, 1847
POLICE ANum. — Estimate receipts ?2.230,-receipts in 1846, ?1,075. It has already been explained that at the end of 1848, there was a large amount of assess- ment in arrears, and hence the apparent in-
We have thus an increase on the estimate of ?1,686; add to which ?670 of Miscellaneous | receipts, ?335, of Bums recovered, and ?228
' of Heimbursenients (none of which are in the
10th December, 1847.
? Or wind, and so they could, fra me sat th?m the other,
4. Namas amicand la the co?p Dubbed.
Organizing in manifest to fill man got the time)
Victoria, 14th January, 1848.
"The Ruco i omuities having dermal. It advisable to minke some sliglit alterations in the programme, – the follow- Ing is the amended Ust for the forthcoming faces,—
Gentlemen are particularly coquested to send a staf their entrance, with the colors of the R?ilors, to the te cretary without delay."
TORSDAY, 10T FENruary, 1848.
The Wong-nei chung Staker, for all Ponica under 13 hands. Ons mile. Entrance $1 each with $30 added from the Fund. Weight for inches sa per scale. Former Winner of the Race excluded. The Plenipotentiory's Cup, ?rmonted by His Ex- cellency Sir John Francis Dai, Baronet, value $200, lw all Horses, Una mile'and three qua(+ tors. Weight 10 une 7th. Bydney and Capo bred Horses to carry. I stone 7 iba. extra. En- trance $10 och, Bec?ad Horse to save his Buke
The Valley Stakes, for all l'onies 13 bands 2 inches and under. Une mile. Entrance 89 each with $10 added from the Fund. Weight for inches us per scale. The Winner of the Valley Bukus last your to carry 7 Ibu, extra.
The Arab Welter Stakes. One mile and a balc Entrance $5 each with @30 added from the Fund, Weight 11 stone.
The Black Stakes, for all Popios Catch weights. One mila. The Winner to be sold for 639 if claimed within a quarter of an hour from coming ia. Entrance free, with @.0 added from the Fund,
The Sydney Stokes, for all Horses. Acaba except
? ed. "Two miles." Entrance $10 each with $100 added from the Food. Weight 10 alone 7 lbs. The Winner of the Plenipotentiary's Cup to cary 7 lbs, extra. Second Horse to save his take.
WEDNESDAY, 2nd Fennwart, 1848.
The Pony Weller Stakes, for all Foaies. One mile and a half. Weight 10 mone 7 lbs. for Ponies * 18 hands and under. 11 stops for Ponion above 13 hands. Entrance $1 each with 950 added from the Fund.
The Canton Cup, valus $150 for all Horses. One mile and a half beata. Weights 10 stoos for Aruba, 1 stone for Sydney Horses. The Winner of the Plenipotentiary's Cup to carry ↑ Ibe, extre. Entrance $5 each.
The Victoria Plate, value $50, for all Ponies. One mile and half Weight 9 mone 7 lbs. 2 be Winder of the Valley takes to carry 7 Iba axita, and the Winner of the Victor into lost Your to carry 10 lbs, extra. Entrance 99 each, The Scurry Stakes, for all Ponim. Catch weight. Half mile. Entrance each with 930 added from the Fuod. Becond to receive G? from the Fund, and third Horse to save his Stake.
Rowe, Dous and co Hawk, Deus and ov
Ading, P.&O.Love Ap Dent and su
D. Batoon Sows and
Dear and eo.
Medina, Matheson and c
Muir and co Jardine, Matbaacs and es Deet and so.
and so. Dent and co
Jardine, Mailman and or Macrior and on.
D. Bon Bone and s
Qeo, F. Habernua.
PRICE $12 per annum.
TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the FRIEND of China andD HUNDEONG GAZETTE, 2 A. JE Dollars. Sie same. 7 Dollars. Tarm Monika, a Dollies; si puiii ?n advanos.
Priess, 16 Dollars, #j Dollars, and a Dollars, for the periods of Twalva, dix, and Three Monthe rispostively: Blagle Numbers, to Buboeriboru s? mata soch; to Non-Bulmershon, i kupon... Parts sulling or sending to the Offies for papers are requmled to pay anak. TERMS OF ADVERTISING.—Ten lines and ander. | Dollar; addisiensi, 10 cents Ulos. Repetitions one-third of the Best Insertiod, Ships.—Piese insertion, # Dollars's robeequent Insections 45 omu, Advertisements in have written on the face of them, the number of times they are required so appar, otherwise they will be publiezed until suuntocmanded. In all fossatoms, thom who are not Suutaribers, require to pay in iveDGE.
and Intoneguate PORTE
1 ENTAL Company's Sum
Bhip BRAGANZA, will invo
| thin fovetha uhova places in Ban-
day the 80th January at 2 e. 1.
Canto will be recalred on board waill Ndom, od Bracin until 4 p. x., on the Eth.
For particulare regarding Festour and Pam apply at the P. & O. 8. N. Company's Office Hongkong.
J. A. OLDING, Agoni. Hongkong, 7th January, 1848.
NOTICE TRE P. & 0.8. N. Co's Sweaters from Hoxe xong will in future proceed throughout lo BomBay, touching a hiretofore at Simesroma Panaro, and Galla, aleo ni Colored. ComEN, DALIOUT, Goa, and Vswoonsa. For particulars,
Freight and Pumge, apply at the P. & 0. 11. | N. Co.'s Offics.
The Galloway States, fag all Horses under 14 handa 2 inches. Arbe excepted. One mile and a half. Entrance $3 each with $50 added from the Fund, Weight 10 stone.
Thumbay, 2nd Fubruary, 1848.
The Hunters Plate, va?os 680, for all Horses. One mile and a ball. Pour Hurdles 4 fost high, and Two Hurdles 4 Cost @ inches high. Weights for inchen se per scala. Entrames $5 each.
The Pony Hurdle Race, for ali Ponies. One mile and a half. Four 11urdles 3 foot high, and Two Hurdles 3 fost 6 inches high. Weight for locken a par male. Entrance $1 each with $10 added from the Fund. Second Pony to receive $10 from the Fund,
The Arab Stabes, for all Amaba. Two miles Weight 9 to 7 Hin. Entrance $10 each with $100 added from the Fund. The Winner of the Cup to carry 7 lbs. sura. Second Home to his Suke.
The Ladies' Parse, value 950, for all Ponies. Winners at this meeting asepted. Emennos fres. Catch weights.
The Native's Puros, value $90, for mil Ponies.__In- ding and Chinees Riders. One mile. Catch weights.
The Hongkong Steeple Chess, for all Ponies. Catch weight. Ground to be warmed by the Bewards one hour before the time of starting. Entrance $1 each with $50 added from the Fund.
An American paper says thot during the barabardment of Vers Crat, General Worth'sent in sovyani to fetch a bucket of water for his horse. At the stomment when the man returned, ? shell full within a few fedt of Live groerai, who coolly ordered kaime to pour the water on the home and by ebus extinguished the fuses, and prerasted the plan of the profvetile, which would probably have killed or wounded ee-
veral paroma,
#cor Dece.-? clever poacher, at Totness, allows that he has killed many mimba in the night, on the Dart, by setting a trammel et at the lower end of a pool, by wading in a dog at the upper and of it, which deg be had trained to dies The as ofter. "The dish, as mon as the dog divel, immediately dashed down the strem, und were taken in the mat at the lewer end of the pool. The Barl of Home. In a letter to the Earl of Montague, dated tech January, 1137, relatos she following, history of a Newfoundland dog, which belonged to his wucle. He knew the Mon- day! doing well to the form themedres, and send to go to the mail-stans Mill on these mornings. He there took his station at the opening in the d?m to allow the salmon to poon, and has been known to kill from the twelve te twenty salmon in a morning ; the fab be took to the side. The that owed Tanker-| ville instituted a procem against the dog. This as brought before the Court Seulon, and the prorate wan entitled " The Bart of Tankerville versus u dag the pro- perty of the Earl of Home." Judgment was given in favour of the dog.—Solinirate Fly-Flaking.
12. Anglona (Am.), Marvin, from Camsingmoon.
19, Alligator, Cook, from Whampoa.
15, Rob Ray, Francia, from Calcuta vi? Mianila 4th January, 13, Omiga, Andelson, from Chmaingmoon.
14, Argyle (Am), Cooksey, from Bhanghal Och January.
Paz-Mr Jackson, and Are European Seamen.
11. Ongs, Anderson, Cumingmoon. 18, Ragia, Johnson, Manila
12, Anglone (Am.), Marvin, Amoy.
14, H. AL, Brig Chlumbine, Commander Grey, Whampoa.
Entrances to be decitred on or before 15th Ja- Jan. Quary, 1048.
Flaces to commence punctually at 2 o'clock P. M.
The fin Baddling Bell to be rang at ? past 1 val. A quarter of an hour allowed between each reon.
Upon such anddling bell being rung all Horses to run for the next Race immediately to rendezvous on The course opposite the Grand Stand to draw for their rospective place, and not to go down to the Starting Point uniilled by the Steward appointed to start them.
After each race, the Horses passing the Winning Polto return to the Judge's Band and the Rider declared to be Brot to be weighed. Any Jockey diemounting been his turn, or before being called upon to be weig bal kose his olaim to be placed as the Winner.
All disputes as to Entrances and Qualification of Flors to be declared in wrking before the next Ilace commences, or no right of appeal allowed.
No Horse allowed to run whose Entrance Jasa
are not paid up to the Berretty.
All Disputes to be referred to the Stewards whoon decision is Gual.
Quali?ention of Riders sa at former meetingu,
4. Adrianus en Jacobur (Dutch), Van Emmerik, Batavia. Dec.
24, Walion, Linie, Liverpool.
Arrload.-Dec. 25, Rumeli [Am.], Symmes, from Bosion,
Elonghong, bar
150) Anderson
General Vander Bosch,
Whampoa 615 Plokker
Baco Amey
250 Pane
350 Pari
|Whanpon | 175|Mallar
Love bargue Pyladen, barqno Kambi?n, bargas
PROMAN K. Von Promen, beig
Dani Family, kecha Mary, loreba Ann, lorcha
Julen, schoener
(Barn Ships,)
Bomy Elamujte, ship
Hongkong 44Liamon
Aday Swell
|Hongkong 133] Moron
Reyavan and co.
T. Bloomen and co.
J. M. B. Ven Barl
yes, Muir and
dyma, Mic and on.
Dennedy, Mangregor and on,
Hamle, Dunn and co.
VOL VIL No. 6.
W. Ponta and en
Jardins, Malbeson and an,
Hongkong 1850
Pas Willam, shap
214 Lik
John Barty, ekip
Palson, shp
Caminson 372) Burley
Jardine, Mathearn and an.
Darrow and so.
Hygain, barque
Lashalla Roberson, buggar
Lady Hayo, bars
370 Langley
Augustina Finary and en
Ultimas and on
||Rampal and so.
D. M. Rucenje and co
Lindsay and oo,
47. T. Came 100 40,
Postenjen Framjno Cham anda.
Fadime Machon and su
and co
Lp, brig
Malvina (Hom.), alip
Kayal Exchange, brig
Exporall, barque
Han, ho
Bes Horse, brig Warlock, brig Anonymi, beg
Amery, schosse?, Lord Ambart, ship Mahamooden, barges Kayalet,hor Harlegale, brig Loalan, barys Willa, brie
Anita, brig
Visan, choose
| Chinshaw | 2895farin
133 Repor
Amazon, ship
| W c?sung GalCleverly
Black Dog, schooDr
Beer (A.), schooner
Gwen, brig
Belly Jane, ship
Departures.—Dec. 97, Kensington (An) J, Kilham, Hongkong; Lady Mar- garet, Milia, Sydney; Terror, Dunning, Bydney,
H. M. Ship Da?sker
Brig Columbi
FL. C. Her Plate
H. M. Bng Childers
Brig Explogle Bioser Vakur
* Chip Minden
El. C. M. La Borma
Allki, burgue Alligator, beig Christabel, bingoe
VESSELS OF WAR. |Hongkong || DiChuan
|Dom Omar 18 Juan
[Caprain P, Mcluhoo.
Commander Grey.
Comenander W, Goring.
|Liaw, Cowling GT-Ainy,.. Omamnder J. U. PINERS.
Commander T. P. Thomgren. Captain John Naodongall, Quest Bankier,
Jlbh, Livingeron and on.. |tarlo, Damn and on,
Lindsay and v.
Konandy, AleCragar and e
Dido, achoomer
Folkmens, chip
Made arque
Balpe, brig
Thane, er
William Hughan, brig
Williams 192 karena
Hallen, schoenat
Terna, barque
Looking 4
Minerva, Australia,
FOR LONDON,-? Whampoa,-Hindostan
Commander Le Genviaro.
Bama Russell,
Russell & Co.
|||Boughong| 316 Rhodes
Habemy, ship
Jaland Quaan schooner
Um and co
? ??
1. E.
Joseph Benson, ship
Line, brig
Franklyn and Milna.
13 bands 3 in., 10
12 bands 0 in 7
North Star, hi
351 HO
Turner and ce
0 11 0
Onnaga, schooner
176 A
Jardins, Matheson and co
Formals, brig
Terner and ou
Barillion, bargne
12 *
Red Home, barque
Bod upwarde
Rob Key, berge
9 10
Cervelamer Emma, basqas
Bydney and Cape Homes Extra.
DUBLIC BALE of Hovermold Property and FITTINA-r, (on a day this month beraster to be named, of which dus notice will be given) JNO. SMITH begu to inform the Public, that b? will sell by Pustic AVOTSON, to the highest bidem, the whole of the neat,"gubalan?ial, and elegant | Hopwop FreNITURE, Comprising of :---rich and very handsome Plate and Plated-wats, chiefly made
by Storr and Mortimer, of London; most superior tooed and splendid Semi-grand Pianoforte, by Broadwood and Sons; an elegant collection of resi ly rich cut English Glass-ware; ditto beautiful Dinner and other Bervices; costly Egyption and 20. Ann's marble top Centre and Pier or Bide Ta- bles, on massive mabogang pillars and feet; tolid || mahogany, very expensively American-made ; Dia- ning and Drawing Room Chairs, with spring cushion sente; Selies and Conversation Couches, with ditto seats, and lined with bores bair and moi rocco; Choral Glasses; Inndsome marble top Toi. Jet Tables, with looking glasses attached; porcelain and glass Flower Vusse; mahogany Dining and Card Tables; Bagatelle and Bookgammon ditto; Shearmed and Ca's single and winged elegantly finished Wardrobes; Bureaus and Almirahe; (n-3 valid's Couch, with elevating spring cushi?ne, and lined with morocco: Bedsteads Brussels Carpets; Window Curtains and Valaners: Callery: patent Hanging and Table Lamps; superior Wines and Liquor: 8-day Clocks: Thermocoelers; Barome sen; Engravings and Prints, i
glazed burnished frames Musical Boxes; a small lot of Books: bracket patent Wall Lamps; Sedan Chairs; Eron Chose, Scales and Weights; Office Fixtures, and varity of other Useful Articles, too numerous to be detailed; bat the Bale particularly claims the st tention of the Publia. Belonging to A. A z Mut 10, Esq., raring China. Orders will be executed.
Macko, 10th January, 1848.
The Auction MART, Queen's Road, on her A day neat the 17th instant, at 11 a. 2. for the benef of Concerned,-26 Bales of Long Cloth; more or less damaged by Son Water.
At the Auction Mart, on Thursday 20th inst. -2260 Shank Bones; 2060 Oz Home; 2000 Tre smile for ship building; several dinner acts and sundry other articles
Taxus of male as per billa.
FRANKLYN & MILNE, Auctioneer
Victoria, 18th January, 1848.
Shepherdess, barqno
Young Hole, schooner
|| Zephyr, schooner
Benin, ship
Caldes, bargue Chieftin, Marque Euphrases, ship Fortitude, ship
Filedeman, bi
John Fleming, ship
MW, H?p
Marquis of Betz, ship
Mary Danmayan, barque
seva, uhla
Norman Mursinan, skip barque
Royal Albert, ekip
die Hdward Ryan, baryan
?? 200 .
P. & D N. Cama and es.
D. Abd. Rantazzjon and ou Termer and o
Dane and oo.
Jarding, Matheson and an Cemales Sapoorjee Langri,
Thelmu, w. Angmine Honed and on,
Heresy and on
The spons
Mary Bannatyne,
Marquis of Bute,
Bir Robert Sale,
K. P. v. Prenzen,
G. V. Bosch,
Whampoa,—Bir H. Compton,
Jurdian, Matheson and on.
||Jordine, Muthoort and ev.
Besses and.
Durer and ca.
Lt. Cockerell,
Dent and co
Jais, Livingston
61 Faylor
|Whampan| 373||larvioon
Surfer Copian, birgan ? Bir Robert Bale, skip
Theres, schooner
Velocipede, scheuner
Ano, ship
Franch clay, h?rque
2. Garnett, hip
On England, thiy Manappa, bermaphrodite Turingue, nekonser
Audax, shower Qamily toomer Denia, schoonm Privateer, schommer Petrel, sehsoner
100 Had
bet and co Hendaroon, Watson and en, Uankas, mathem and co. Blonkin, Nawson and on,
Dearie, Caract and on.
Dardine, Matheson and co.
Gilman and sa
P?esume and so.
Jamieson, flow and co
N. S. de Log,
B. F. Xavier,
M. of Hastings,
'kampaa.-N. Motrison,
King Heary,
Hongkong,-Young Hebe,
North Star,
""""" and on.
tiny and ex
we, Math and Danised so.
Gilman & Co. Jardine, Matheson & Ca Gibb, Livingmon & Co, Nye, Parking & Co. n?ni & Co.
Russell & Co. Lindsay & Co. Jamieson, How & Co. Deario, Calvert & Co. Blenkin, Rawson & Ca Wetmore & Co.
Russell & Co.
Olyphant & Co.
Kennedy, MeGregor & Co
Rayanan & C
Ron & Co
Jardine, Matheson & la
P. Framjeo Came de Ca.
P. J. de . Loureiro.
J. M. 8. Van Basel.
J. M. de Jesus.
B. E. Carneiro.
Louren?o Marques,
JL. d'Almeida.
J. F. d'Olivel?n.
Syne, Mair & Co.
Jardine, Matheson & Ca Syma, Mair & Co. Byme, Muir & Co.
Byme, Muir & Co. J. Cockerell. Hawle, Duus & Co Turner & Co.
18, Duke of Cornwall, 580, Whitehead, Hangkong.
28, Ana Robertson, 441, Munro, Hongkong.
September 21, Borras.
Landing on the 24th October.—Clifton, Favourite, and John Cooper.
3, Sarah Louisa, 207, Oldham, Shanghai,
3. Constant, 500, emery, longkung.
449 W
Nps, Perkins and on
043 Banaly
Russell had ca
Uout and on.
Jardins, Machen and co
Jardine, Mailman and ca
2, Jane 'rowse, 908, Nichols, Shanghai
430 d'ocas
Kanundy, Mc?ngor and co
Marvane and on,
18, Aden, 233, Michael, Hongkong.
Moscow and on.
17, Cordelia, Hughes, Hongkong.
[P. Fromjes Cama and co
16, Euphratan, Lucas, Shanghai.
Lindsay and co.
1. Jane.
Jankana, Mashree sad on. Pelcher and co
Shanghai || diy Sheronnan BidMashawa atdatin
& CM
Amoy Pankas, sabonner
Carolins, choowed
175 Jaunmay
144 D'Ary
181 Sullivan
Plant, Horgievo and co |Themes Biplay sad on.
Hardina, Masheson and on.
Havia, Duss and on.
19. Horatio, Calon.
Loading on the 24th October-Aqua Marine; Berhampore; Dumfri
Elize; Ellerslie; John Horton; John O'Gsual, (Hongkong); L?rponz, (Bhand
hai); and Martha.
August 10, Pathfinder, 209, Miller. September 28, William Jardine, 093, Doutty. October
15, Lady Amherst, 446, Myhill, Hongkong.
95, Sharon, Lucas, China.
4, May Flower, 217, Thompson, Hongkong.
faction, Matheson and on.
Dear and co
Jardin, Mahevon and on.
da Bellamy
c. u. Langua
101 C
Kamell and ao.
340 No
tyme, Mair and so.
192 Beward
idawki, Dame BAE NA
Firma, Muir and on
4, Forrester.
Frme Meir and co
Henry, belg
12ja, Male sad po
(dymo, Mair and so.
Hongkong stekakor
?leek and co,
Friends, hog Gus, big
Argyle, belg,
30lustra), ship
Bezanville, banqua Vancouver, ship Ani, ship Congreshly
Capelle, b Dart, schne Natches, ship
1, hammer
Amizade, brig
Brigand, brig
Marquin of Eastings, barqar
Canavera, brigantino,
N. &- de Luz, bng
Tremolgo, barqu
8. F. Xager, schooner
?????? ???
160 Aida
K?yma, b?nir and on.
Watainen and on. Russell and os,
* and on. 10typhant and on. Watagore and co Rum and . Mall and co.
and so
Russell and so
P.J. da 8. Loureiro.
343 Pina
U. V. Jorge,
J. In de Almeida.
130 Mary
J. P. d' Olivrits.
20 Victal
330 Carvalho
[ 189]Salata wichy 18, Carneiro,
J. M. de Jason.
Len?o Marques.
Loading.-Boren (Dutch), vie Baarla; Machtikla Cornelia (Dutch via Batavia Clare Anna Maria (Dutch), v?a Batavia,
November 15, Mayaram Dayaram, Puddicombe, Hongkong. Loading-Atrastoin Apcar, Cowanjos Family, Lanrick, Mischief, s
October 22, William Gillise, 511, Brown,
25, Will Orbe Wisp, 101, McNight, Shanghai. 27, Thomas Henry, Jury.
Loadingabella Watson, and Buliana.
Loading on the 21st October.—Thomas Fielden,
9, Carib, 324, Heaton, Shanghai. Lealing-Eleanor Rumell, 306, Jeffeis.
Loading,-Baboo, and Terror,
Printed and Published by Jonn Cass, At The Friend of China and Hongbu Gazette, Printing Office, Goods Brasar, Victoria, Hononono, 1848.
Hongkong, 19th October, 1847,
ME F. & O. 8. N. Courant's, will from thie
Mor House, Ws Inturess and Responsibility commencing on the 1st of June last.
AUGUSTINE HEARD & Ca Canton, 20th, July 1847.
TB bereby given that Mr JOHN THISTLETH- WAITE osed to be in ohr employ from the 18th day of April last past, by lapse of the teng of agreement, by which be was empowered
Rot for
un is the management of our establishment existing up to that time at Shanghai, and to algu for?ui there by Procuration.
B. WATERHOUSE & Co Ningpo, 6th August, 1847.
NOTICE. URING the absence of the Undersigned, our Below in Hongkong will be conducted by Manis PRILLIE MOORH & Co.
Per Pro. R. OSWALD & C
Victoria, 16th August, 1847. NOTICE.
date undertake the overaranas of Specia fram | THE Interest and Responsibithy of Me WiLDAN China, and the Straits, to Bethampton, under the
18. Wartoru in our Firm, oessed on the 30th onditions specified la their covimary Bill of
ottimo, and we have this day admitted Mr Gooses Leding, st 2 per cent.
J. A. OLDIKO,—Agent. P. & O. B. N. Company's Office Victoria, Bist December, 1847.
FOR LONDON. THE BIR ROBERT SALE, will bare lettrediate despatch for the abore poet. She carries au experiood Burgeon. For pimage apply to,
LINDSAY & Co. 18th January, 1848
THE Beitlab Brig LINNET, 140 Tons Ragigter, in excellent order. For particulate apply at the AvorION ART 10,
OBO. DUDDELL Victoria, 10th January, 1848.
TO BE LET. THE House and Shop, lately occupied by Timer MAGRA and Co. Apply to
PHILLIPS, MOORE & C Victoria, 24th December, 1867.
SPACIOUS Godown and dwelling house, built ? of Greates and julely oconpied by Mars Tuos. River & Co. The property is situated near the centre of the Town, (Victoria, Hongkong) and bas
water frontage. Apply on the Premises,
er to,
THOMAS RIPLEY & Co., Shaoghal. Hongkong, ist July, 1846.
ODOWNS TO LET, and Goods Blored on
moderate terms by,
HURD, LANGE & Ca Hongkong, 28th October, 1847.
TO LET. POUR Rooms in the upper part of a Flouse vi toaleta Wellington Terrace, D'Aguilar
Apply to,
Vistoria, 10th January, 1848.
TAVERN TO LET. THE HOUSE Miely occupied by Mir ALEXAN. PER Rossation on the Queen's Bead. Pose- sion, can be given on the 16th instant. Apply to
6th November, 1847.
OCEAN MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CALCUTTA.. THE Undersigned having been appointed Agenti for the above Company, are prepared to grani POLICIES, payable in London, Liverpool, Bombay, Calcuts, Madras, Bingapore, Mauritius, and Co-
THE Undersigned are subered to grant Po. storms ? ?rnten und Shanghai, payable bars, in London, Calousta, Madras, and Bombay,
The tial return of Tak per1Oent mado en allal Premiume contributed.
Agenti Equitable Innwesen Koblity Hongkong, 1715 November, 1847. ? 1
THE Undersigned have been appointed Agents of
the above-nansed Company, and are prepared to grant Policies here and at Shanghai, payable in London, Liverpool, Calcunta, Bombay, and Canton.
AUGUSTINE HEARD & Co. Cantoo, 10th June, 1847.
Honey Land as a Partner thorsin.
PRANKLYN & MILNE. Avorionas, Commision AGENTE, Wine and Brizit Merchantu, Queen's Road. 100DB Bold by private sale, or Public Auction, UT Blored in dry and secure godowns, landed, or transhipped, and” general business transacted for Parties obecnt.
Shaw an) Makwell's and Other Alery,
Part Fine Dark and Pale Cogana. Pub East India Ales Champagps, Hock and ladeira. Beltzer Water.
?A140, Java Coffee: Bal Provisions jo bertole large and smal? Guna; Markets; Market and Cannon Gunpowders; Chain Cables and Ankhon ; Canvas and Rape: Pine Spare, and other articles.
Hoogkong, Jaboury 4th, 1848,
JUST OPENED FOR SAL?, CABE of fine Damask Table Linen.
Fine Fresh Linen, and Whitney Blankets,
FRANKLYN MILNE, Auctioneers, and Commission Agents. Victoria, 7th January, 1848,
T?NH docked custa rigged Pleasure Boat A Peppered and Copper fastened. Man and Our Firm now consists of BARUES, WETMona Bailaw, with Anhor, Chkin, and Bitings Jun., WILLIAM Moons, and Gasson HENAY all completa. Apply 10,
FRANKLYN & MILNE, Vidoris, 30th November, 1847.
We also announce that we have established at Shanghai a Branch of our House, under our own same and style, and Mr Rougar Powatz Bauz will sign the same there, by Procuration.
Canton, 1st July, 1847.
day admitted a Partner in our house,
RUSSELL & Cai Canton, 11 January, 1849,
JUST bare to inform the Community of Can Line, that he has removed, his Establishes of from Hongkong to this pices, where he trusts to merit their patronage.
Canton, 1st October, 1847.
(At present No. 1, New China Street.) FOR BALE.
Honghong, 7th May, 1847.
i T the Godowns of the Underelgoed;—
in 4 dosen Cheon, A Superior Port,
Bherry, 4. da da Madeira, ? ? do. Wood.
Mumm's Champagne and Allsopp's Pale Ala. BLENKIN, RAWSON & Co. Victoria, 27th July, 1847,
FIRE Graids and Stoves, with Piping.
PHILLIPS &:OOR? & Go. Victoria, 15 September, 1847.
THE fallowing Wanna-
Sbarry, Septeras,
Sparkling Champaign,
>ia Canes of ados, seah,
Pale Cogneo Brandy, in .do. Bobeidam Genova,
in do. of 1 dosen.
Superfue Italian Salad Oil. Apply t?y
Victoria, 18th July; 1846.
OLYPHANT & Co. Canton.
14th August, 1847.
FOR BALE. IN Iron Fanos Railing 400 fest, with 4 double | A” lowved ? fast g?ten; tid Engine Fores pamps; Forc? and Common pumps ; alio Marubali di??on's petit Closet,
ROBERT STRAG?AN. Victoria, 18th September, 1847.
FOR BALE, THE Seaman's guide, through. Banka and Gaspar Straits, by Lamot. H. D. A, Bars, ofthe Deich Navy Hydrographer at Batavis, &c., &?o., &o.
Translated by para?asion ofthe Author. Apply to
FRANKLYN & MILNE, Commision Agents & Auctioneers, Queen's Road.
Victoria, 28th December, 1847 JUNT received ex Aurora, Involone of Manila J* Cordage, from 2 inches to 4 inches; Manila Codes and Gio in Case For sale by
DRINKER, HEYL & Co. Victoria, 4th January, 1848
FOR BALE ** "BAMUEL RUBBELL" CUPERIOR Dark and Pula Brandy, in half Pipes,
Quarter Caska, and Bottle Sherry Wise, in Wood.
"Bickels" Win? Bisters, in 1 dosen Ouses.
Sperm Candlea
**Gallego" Flour,
Navy and Pilot Broad,
Butter in small Kogo.)
Toogues in half Barrole.
Europe Rope, from 1 inch to 64 inches. Green, Blue, Yellow, Black, and Red Pain, in Time
Barrelled Revolving Pistole, in Cas?e. Also, a few Pieces of fine Cloths and Casi.
mes. Apply 10,
DRINKER, HEYL & Co. Hongkong, 14th Janodiy, 1849. JUST LANDED QUPERIOR Family Beef in Kege; and Co. Davide Campbalton Wakey.
FOR SALE. NCHORS, Chain Cables, and Hawes Pipar of A all sizes. An lavoies of Manila, Europe, and Patsal Rope.
Coffee, and Coremment Cigars,
4th November 1840.
SALT Provisions Flour Ram, Arrack, and Brendy in Wood; Whisky, Cogano, and all kinds of Wines in B?tth.
4th November 1845.
POR BALE. DOMAN Oviedi, and Window Glas of all sizes. I Apply to,
RAWLE, DOUB & Co, Victoria, Brd Adgas, 1847. |
JUST RECEIVED 11 “Many Bannatyne.” QUPERIOR Dark and Pale Brandy in Wunt, Glenlivet Whisky, and Copenhagen Cherry Brandy.
Fresh Jondon Almonds, Bloom Raleina, French
Plama, Yarmouth Bloater Pano, Clarified Lard, Leef Bugar, a few Cases of the Royal Zest Sauce and the Essence of Bmoke for the Corlag of Beef, Tongues, Hame, dic.
SMITH & BRIMELOW. Nos. I da 9 Woognam's Buildloge.
WEBBAS. SMITH & BRIMELOW have just received a few Boxes of Double Rained Loaf Sagar alo, quantity of superior Sperm Candles, No. 4o, 5o%, and 6., which they off?i for sale.
Woosnam's Buildings, 15th Oostobar, 1847.
WESURS. SMITH & BRIMELOW Mara jus lill received a quantky of Java Coffee of a su- perior quality which they offer for sale. No. I& Woomam Buildings, Victoria, 29th October, 1847,
INESS has received ax #instrdi, qome sxcul-
quanti ties to shit bar customers at a reasonable price.
Queen'e Road, 10th January, 1848,
SHIPS IN HARBOUR, MAN be supplied at the Stores of the Undersignal upwarde
Loy quantity, me
- ALDOS With good Ship Biscuit, a? $5 per Pioul; and best Bread at Fikoen Loards for One Dollar.
J. INESS. Qugen's Road, 11th Jandary, 1848.
WANTED. Bituation in a Mercantile House by a Pernod A well coquainted with business, and who can give good rebrancos. For particulars, apply to the Editor of this Pagers
Victoris, 18th July, 1847.
CODA WATER AND LEMONADE of Superior Macao, of HINNAM'S, Chios Bhopkeeper.
Victoria, 11th Jun? 1847.
HOLMES & BIGHAM.ality Victorie, 4th Johnary, 1848. TJOLMES & BIGHAM bave for mle at reason. 11. able prices an sz?skum amortment of Winter Clothing, consisting of Chontlemen's Dress Confe; Chesterfield and D'Only Wrappers; superdoe| Black and Coloured Trousers, choice Vests and Yasings Drawer: Singlets; Scotch Plaids and Treads; superfine Black Cloth; London made Busts and Whots, &c, ??n.
Queen's Road, Victoria
Hongkong, 4th November
ALSO, PER LATE IMPORTATIONS, Every description of Qilman'a Stores, viz., Cum- berland Hams; Dutch Butter in koga and jara; assorted Jams and Jellies; Pickles'; Baucus; White Wine Vinegar: Mustard; Groats; Zante Curre Bloom Raisins; Prosuried, Meata; Gabon Pass,
Virtaria, 25th December, 1847. VICTORIA HOTEL, SHANGHAI, CHINA D F. RICHARDS & Co. beg to suncunes to
the Public, that their HOTEL is now com pleted, and that for Cunamun or Families who may be visiting the Northern Ports they hare An commodations which they think will be found au- perior to soy other Horn in Chios.
BRANIMAL being cobailered the most healthy wiran, are requested to mad in an account of the tuation in Chine, if not in the East, and also favour- same to the Undersigned. No claim against the ably situated, as to the facilties of Bhooting and other Patate will be attended to unless sent in on or be | beshhiji ameroises, P. P. R. & Co. would respect for the 25th day of March, 1848.
| fully solicit the patronage of kuch MitLTYAKT, NAVAL,
and Marcantily Cangiamen as may have ocon.
sion to spend a short time in a cooler or more healthy Clinute, for the restoration of their health.
And-in returning linkks for the support they |bave received, P. F. R. & Co. beg to my to the
FOH BALE ? Case of Surgical Instruments Public generally, that no exertions will be spared
(makar Danan). Apply to,
Victoria, 2nd Novembor, 1847.
en Theif ?aft to inake the Hosel worthy of Public patronaga
Shanghai, 1st November, 1847.
A?RATED LEMONADE, BELTZER WATER, 40, 80 be und from the Manufactory-
SMITH & BRIMELOW. Quem Road, 30th March 1847.
ALL Parties indebted to or baring claims agains A the Estate of the late Mr Was Hanar Kar
Canton, 14th October, 1647.
NOTICE. ALL Persons indebted to, or bating claims agains the Estate of the into Mr Nazmakinz ?ing MAN, are requested to forward their accounte
WETMORE & Co. Canton, 3rd May, 1847.
New Advertisements will bat received
OfCheck, in the minings propjour la publi. + catiem, vir: Torsdays and Fridays.
Freland Taled Star O Colem
20 | Sydney
For. Not Nov.
Oct NOT. Do
HIM CRAPEL A, en domino 1113 A. 3, 4P. M, ANA just 4 P. M. 1 and vn Thib?tage st ? ?. M.
Vloterie, Blad Nev., 1947.
Calenial Chaplain. NOTICE-POMSYTERIAN Casace. This omggs tion, cindrowed far de proant by the Rev. W. C. Bonus, will mostovery Barnath, in the Bungulaw Immediately be. Med de Cius Hoo
The best of Dins service will ha 11 a. y, and
Victoria, 97 December, 1967
Brosenciano se the Home Nage will in fatten regime shake ? zhrough the Port-Ollor's and ammunniestone with Peace the paper or be thermosed to the Propele jor, Master Curier & Co.-LONDON.
Jou Jursery, 1886.
On Saturday we published some extracts from a letter which certainly was not intended for the pros, nor calculated to offend any member
a timid female. We again assure our irate ( friends that to the best of our belief our Cor- respondent did not refer specially to any one of them-hed we thought so the letter would have been put the fire
of any living creature. To us, the obssevations appeared quite general; but unfortunately some - of our friends look upon them as personal, and are therefore not a little annoyed. We avere in doced to lay the extractatiofore the public as they were from the pen of a person well in formed on the matters referred to, and whether right or wrong in his opinions wekew he would not knowingly give any misrepresentation. One point to which we can speak from experience is at to the led homes, and if the police did their | kong. duty the Coolies would snoo be more careful
(From the World, Dublin, October 18)
Tax attention of our Readers in directed to an extract from the “Blue Book" which co- reys a good deal of information as to the ex- ponee of the "Civil establishment" in Hong-speakers
and passers bys fun less risk of a punch from ut | Estimata, by Sir 1. Day?n, of the Rovenox of iron boof.
Hoxoxoxo for the Year ending 31st March, 1643.
Crown E
No excuse can be made for the violen! pace at which some of the Hongkong "Gonts ride through the streets; no doubt they think il very fine, but the low vulgar habit should be punished severaly, and would be punished had wa a municipal court. A gellop round the valley is a different affair, and to censure either male or female for making a Iegitimate uso of the reos course appears un- reasonable. troop of cavalry might obargo the most awkward rider, but its ample with round it without endangering the" onfory of
does not warrant the rude amanwar'in which it is alleged some youths rush past ladies. it would be difficult to lay down any fixed rules us to pace; were Equestrians confined to a walk they might as well amue themselves with a rocking horse at home, or were they to ride full tilt round and round the course they would only make themselves ridi- calously conspicuous. The moatters are best
left to the taste of individuals; and though we
of the community." Btrictly speaking, we had j consider it impertinent in one man to interfere no right to take such liberties with a private with the pace of another in such a place as the communication, nor would we have printed it | valley, we are at the same time aware that no bad we thought it would hurt the feelings ? man of proper feeling will ride furiously past
Hast of pedly lands and Chiness?
Depseits by purchasers of lands, 400
and free of leaves. Reos of markus
Rant of Government buildings
Proceeds of auctions, ?j per cent. Licences, viz:—
Opium farm. Retail of spirits
Bone quazzin Bahwaighing Auctioneers Pawnbrokers
3,900 1,600
Bandries Fiam Police cent
100 600 $,000
Bailing lettern and games,
Estimate, framed by Ble 3. Davis, of the Exeandivoua fim the Year 1847–48.
s. d.
Governor and chief superintendent
of British trade.
Colerial Office:
Colonial secretary and auditor-ge
412 10
When the Anglesey Government proclaimal down the different associations started by Mr O'Connell to agitate the repeal of the soiva, th? novel plan was adopted of hundreds of persatu breakfasting together at Holmes? Hotel on the Quay, where they were harrangued by the popular
After a time the axecutive immoed a pr clamation against Public Breakfasts at Holmer Hotel. The agitators then changed the ocean at their morning palition) moslto Hayes' Hotel Dawson street. The dispersing of one of these gather, inge is graphically related by Mr. Barrett in * Personal Narrative" in the Pilot Our young rendate will thank us for transfering the sc?ne la our alumns:-
Again we are asserabled at Breakfast -bat som at Hayes's Hotal. No fresh proclamatian iwnes -several speeches are made: Frecollect having j conelded a brief addrang, when the door of the `breakfast room in thrown open, and three maga
tratou enter. I baliers (om accurate in naming Alderman Darley, Mr Buddart, and Major Birt, constituting the three. Gentlemen ganid Aldermen Darley), I come bare to require, in complianc with a inte proclamation, that this anasembly do la. stantly diapers." Mr O'Connell, who was that day in the chait, replied-" Before I consent to die. solve this assemblage, I require to see your autho rity: you must produce the proclamation, conform ably to the law under which you profes to act, and one of your worships must also read it." Then was a pan-they had mot brought the proolume. tion with them: they intimated the fact to M O'Connell. He says-“You must, gratlemen, eand for the proclamation and read it, or I will not con sent to the dispersion of this meeting except by force". There is a messenger dispatched in the [signed]
Curtis, and in the interval thara waniomas bysplay, Colonial Becratury, with which I may employ the reader's interval, da it did the actors in the scene.
When the magistrats first entered and en. Steele and 1 rose simalta. nounced their object. | weowaly, and, in terms of vabament indignation, denounced the pa'mage upon publia liberiy. One Protan habits, and the privilega heretofore n? sociated with thee 1. had not absussomed us to wis. ness unmoved such flagitions violations of the common decennios of justios: and O'Connell par ticularly alluded to that fact in the next publis speech he delivered. But the blender committed by the magistrales and their ludicrous position dur ing the delay, restored an all to good humour erm to bilarity.
W. Cauce,
Chief coagistrate
Assistant magistrate
6,300 o omterpreter
Chiol clerk
Clerk and amistat njerpessar
Chinese clerk.
Asetat gaoler
3,001 10 0 Executioner.
Mohammeda priest
Four Coolies
Clerk to marine enigiettato
Chief clerk.
Becond clark
Third clerk
Fourth clark
Colonial treasurer and collector ('hief clerk
Becond alerk and accountant
Third clerk
Superintendent of polion
1,898 0 0
Assistant superintendent
Clerk to suitor general
250 0 0
One inspector
Clark of councils
Two deputy Inspectore
Fix European sergia
Clerk to chaplain
10 16
Eight Europea acalng sergeanta
Land Office:
One Indian sergeant.
Six Indian acting sergents
Clark of works
Sevenly constables..
Clack of dead registry
Two Chinese sergeants.
Four Chinese acting sorgaanis
167 10
Twenty Chinese constables
187 10
Two station Coolies
3,441 0 0 4,899 10·0
Chinese clerk.
Overseer of road
Overseet of convicta
Overseer of Coolies
Bix Coolice
Office Coalis
710 168 Fonty-four European constables
Three horse Coolies
Colonia! surgeon
Two burial-ground keepers
2,260 0
955 0
ool One manger.
Harbour Master:
Harbour master
12 10.
102 10
Amiman? harbour master
Clerk to harbour master
General Department:
37 10
89 10
12 5
Four messengers
4,050 0
407 10
1,457 10 0
Five Lascara (boat's crew)
Ten Chinese (boats' crews).
Une office Coole
One boy
Gun Boat:
One European gunner
Fire European sesmen One Manila tindal
Nineteen Manilla reamen
Chief Justin
Rations for the European police
Medicinos for police, prisoners, &c.
7,298 16
"I remember introducing that brave and humano patriot. Clooney, to the magistenson, at "General Clorney." Boms, with on-stations courtesy, in vited their worships to partako of our social Gam one offered a cup of two, another an egg and on battered toast: in short the position of chana worthy and respectable functionaries was not of the most enviable kind, standing without their authority, and without power, before a merry anditory, wh?m they came to disperse. Another incident in the drame may find a plage here.
"The notorious Montgomery Martin who bas alace heen rewarded with the Treasurership of Hoogkoun for fabricated prosperity tables, proving to the lodnite satisfaction of Lord Stanley the Union a blessing wtended these breakfasts in the character of a Gaming Repeater.andone who sought the aid of the Irish. Reponlere so vstablish a Repm) newspaper in London, which was to become B? NO- tual Natim of the day for “earnostnoon," Repeal, and no surrender. Like all politieel impostore, be Saw into extremes-was more sincere than sin. cerity itself, and to prove his political orthodoxy, be wore-and to him in due the honour of what has been thought a Young Ireland distinction—a son of ckp of liberty—at the broskfot–which was 10 distinguish bim from the common bard, and make 8,338 10 0 bis courage as undoubted as his devotednem, “Tuli that a, Montgomery Martin, to take of that feel's cap” old Mr O'Connell, in the early part of the morning to some ous amr him, “Mr O'Con- nell,” anld the thomsenger, “ will be obliged by your | taking off that cap.” But what oured Montgomery, Martin for the D-l or the Attorney General? He to remove from the outside of his band the out- 002 100 ward and visible sign of that enthusiasm which dwell within! Martin still were the cap, and it still dignified that bead where brains ought to be- when the magistrales entered and announced their mission. Where was Montgomery Martin and ?in cap then! la ibe twinkling of an oys the cap in removed by valorous Martin, and thenet under the table | Where is Montgomery kimsandf1 Under the table sitse his cap! ~"There remainad blond- gomery Martin, misty ensoanood behind the com venient tabla sloth, during the whole of the proces mation sosos, Bot se did not remain there in tranquil security. John Raynolds happened to be sitting opposite to him at the tabla, had me his 1,299 € ? sudden dere upon the appearance of the magistratos He presently fall something touching his foot-- lifted the table cloth aw the hand of Montgomery Martin close to him and on the ground. Acciden Lally on purpose he placed his foot on Martin's hond, with just sufficient force to keep it there, and | theta poor Martin, afraid of the magistrates to re- sist or stir, is kapt ?n “duranos vila” until the break up of the mosting!
167 10 0
6,877 10 094,178 68
Ordinary Contingencies of Departments, vis:—
Rent of police stations”
1,007 10 0
Maintenance of prisoners.
640 0
Rent for the Governor'? residence
Supreme Court
1,000 0 0
Deputy registre.
Interpreter of Chinsoo
Clerk of chief justice
Hores allowance to the clerk of works
Dito dino Allowance to the assistant magistrato.
over of roads,
68 10
Clerk to court
142 10 0
Joterpreter of Malay,
Chief usher
Mohammedan print
19 10
6,917 10
48 0
6,963 10 0
02 10.
37 10..
860 00
Three Coolias (memongers)
Ons Chinese clerk and tramlator
One Chinees clerk
Printing, stationery, maintenances of horses la the polics foros,
c, &c.
Melaimance of an orphan.
Transportation of convicts
TOTAL Edit Amount of Public Works suctioned:
Office buildings commmoed onder Ordnance department. Two-third of rimstad echt of church Other works in program, or sunctioned
(True popy.)
Now for the circumstances of that break-up. In about twenty or twenty-five minuten the mem senger despatched by the magistrates to the Castle 1,338 0 8 for the proclamation retomed with it. Mr St?? 7 100 dart, I am sure it was, who undertook to read. 400 0. 0 The poor man was in nach a stata of trepidation that he could hardly get through. in point of fact, ?99,370 0 0 be did omit soose words and miscated others
so that when he had concluded the fire reading. O'Connell said Bir, you have not read that pe- blic document correctly, as it waa your duty to have done--you must read it again." And it was rend 1 second time. When concluded. * Now, Sir (anid O'Connell), the meeting has five minutes to disperse after the reading of the proclamation you watch with mine." It was done, and the two watches laid on the table before O'Connell, with the magistrate muading beside him. For theat minutes of the five O'Connell addressed the ment- ing, chiefly en the necessity of Repeat, through penesful obedience to the law. At the termination. Tof the three minutes he stopped and said—” Now,
14,300 4,200 21,000
W. T. MERCER, Acting Colonial Treasurer.
W. CAINE, Colonial Secretary.
gentlemen, you have two two minutes to separate, and I recommend you to depart”—and that memor. able meeting broke up.
sught permanently to maintain the burden of (rish pauperium. The letter from the Durestahire in eumbent will serve to show how deeply all the peasantry of Ireland are imbued with the opinion, namely, that the working-clames of this country are a sort of halets, who are b?und so maintain the Hatlamen" of Finland in a comfortable indepan
to cover her cold body, when the spirit shall have laf the clay
But the story of our Crusoe's chosen mate the companion of het grly life, has yet to be told, He saw her for the lalt time, as we have viated, when she stoodalone on the shores of her own Lalay when the boat with himself and his compa-
The imperial and royal bookbinder here asked unt of court amidst much morelment, and the artist, bowing to the Commissioner, subsequently retirad in an enviable slate of mental exulation and triumph.
Office of Ordnasos, Hongkong, 18th January, 1848. NOTICE is hereby gives that Begled Tote
be received at this Ofles by the Respo Live Officers of the Ordnanos until the 14th day of February heat from such Pomote so may be willing to contract for the following Services, from the 16 April 1848 to 31st March 1849: Washing and repairing Barenak and }
Hospital Bedding....
Repairing Barrack, Furniture and
Bwooping Chimayes
Emplying Privies
Samoring Acher Lighting Lamps
Gontrael Separate
Fertar particulars and conditions of Contract may be known on applleation to this Office.
HENRY BT. HILL, Ordnance Morsheeper. REAL HAVANNAHS. OR sale by die undecuigned.
RAWLE: DUUS & Co. Victoria, 18th January, 1848.
So there le to be anather colloosion for Ireland!
desde A collection, of course, there will be Thesis was dashing through the wild east, that broke Church will eclivot, and at the Dimondsen will The day of thanksgiving being fixed for Bu
in malerrupted soocomion against the cooks which day on which the venge of this country forms collect. The ionisty of Friends will show their noircled the resting pisos of his fathers, and which any ustregelinary demonstertions of joy, an out- asual seal and liberalky. Amarios, of course, will be was then leaving forever. With the remnant ward sign is to be supplied la the shape of a bugging | give again, as also the French, the Pops, the Sultan, of the family from San Nicholas, our hero was box. Bo run ber Vinjusty's command. Where and some dous tribes of Red Indians. The rest landed at San Pedro, and ibere leh, with the others as a large portion of the population of Ireland, and || will follow in dus time. The programme is much who had accompanied him, to find a home in that
fullows:-100,000 or ?300,000 collected in the in some districts of Scotland, la acill suffering severe
land of Kreagere. middle of October; a yell of impatience for ita distress, owing to the fallure of the ordinary sup-
San Pedro, it may be known, in a blank, barron, plies of food in the ymr 1816, and la the beginning arrival before she end of the month; a disgusting blut polat, canning ont into the blue waters of the of the present year," and so on, the preamble in scramble for it in November; all spent in Decem Paaie, on which do verdure is to be seen, and but these documents being anually vory ssf key to her; by Christmas furious tiradus from Dr M'Hals one solitary shade of an rising amidst the dano- the sequel. The Legialainen has given in Ireland and Higgins, and their transatlid brother Deletion which surrounds ita The Pueblo, de los be le than ten years ?3 000,000. Is bas let ughes;-meetings to abase and manna the Eng. Angelou is aliosted tan leagues distant, with da
5,000.000. Baider this, in Gard Clarendon's liab the whole of next year, till, perhaps, Baptem- farm house between the one on the point and those words, “the amount of subscriptions through the | ber, when there may, perhaps, ba a mumamary of the town. T10 mission of San Gabriel lles you British Association, the Society of Friends, and pause in the abuse, five the purpose of bogging farther on, some these or four leagues; where, at sher channels, exclusive of peblio grants, excond-
another twelve month's supply.
that time, might be fened, perhaps three or four ad the sum of ?190,000 ;” of which his Excellency
hundred converted Indiana: truly obarvou, that no similar effort for a like
But our bero, sa he may be called, never left the purpose was at any time or in any counity ever Off the coast of Alta California, about two de- j beach on which lie was fimp lended. Alone and *ada" Yet—noa morn, non raqular-bafora tha geom distant, bouring sourly what from Point Ban | friendlies, there he remained, an inviated being, till public can be corready Informed how all this money Pedro, which is in the latitude of 33° 48° N, and We caused so imate his frame. Trust is, the lai bein ipsat, or whether it has boon coolly all | longituda 1 18+ 14+ W., will be found a small island, pericul times he was fadused, and onos or twich post, England la called on for more, Wases | called by Spaniards Bait Nicholas Inhabited by an forood, to resture as far no the Pueblo, and are frestad tiko thans rish Italian pastures whoes, Vie | inoffuna?va, Indolent zaos of Indians, who subelsted the misaiba of Ban Gabriel; but he always, as vil talla un, more grass grows in the night than the | slmost entirely upon fah, which they caught from soon as et liberty, returned his old sisilan on the cattle can eat in the day. The motto of these ance the cocks, and muscles, which they found in the beach, or Azad bimself on the rocks which boer FW Barrals Baperior Sperm Oil. Apply brood Reporters in no longer Ireland for the
to, mads of the bosch. They wore a listius, quiet rame - around the Point. And thara ho might always be Irish,” but “ England for the Irik." The stupid, of beings, whe ssidom had communication with | seam, a solitary ontoust, as it were, and mare coas-
DRINKER, HEYL, & Ca inpoetical Saxon is a very dull fallow, but he works others of the human family, and who had but few antly when the sun was going down, with his eyes
Victoria, 16th January, tat?, ikean ox, and has a back that will bour any burden. | wants, and fewer cares.
gaxing on that celestial orb as Itsunk into the wastora
NOTICE. lunch qualities are soldem allowed to exist without
About the year sightsen hundred and sightson || korizon, a dicooting which be well knew pointed to
Li claims against tho za?ate of Jonx Pora, ring freely used, and nosordingly a grant expaci- or twenty, the Russians, from their outtisements at the low but never forgotten homa of his univity. A Esq, deceased, must be mat in to the us hont is in progress—how much ?ngland will Gour. || the North; landed on this faland a party of Kodlan With dilloulty he sustained the wants of mature dersigned befoes the 95th day of May, 1945;
We have received some reiber warm remona || Indians, for the purpose of bonting the are otter, | by Rohing about the rocks, gathering mattina, kad
otherwise they will not be included in the sebace Fances agaian this monopoly of relief conceded to
which, at that period, abounded in those waters. | sacsetimas receiving a scanty pittance of corn from
of division. reland. The clergy, who are onstituted mx-
This party remained on the island for more than the hoam on the Point, at a few panse from a atherere for this purpose, and cannot step into the lading-desk, or cross a decent threshold, without ople reading_Ireland, potatoes, pestilenes, and underbusses in their faon, ato vary naturally the Some ten or twelve yasta afiar the departure of and die is solitude i'and so did he continue to lire a remost to complain. Poor ?Ol?cious," whase, the Kodiace, this tribe had become dimissbed to life which manifestly appeared a burthen to him, dignation we Lecorded on Monday, describing" about twenty or thirty individual, when the Go-till one morning, us the sun ross, not two year bat his town did last year, mya, in Watonitecha
vernor of the department of California sent over E past, his body was found on the beach a sli?aned Sklic meeting, ko which all combined, whatever small vessel and removed them to the mugin. seem, stretched out, and bleaching, as it waen, in Seir roligions pareuasion. I was placed in the In the last boat, which was scaburking with the the white form of the surf, which was thrawa hair. As chairman I felt it my duty to as my- lest of this people, (some six or sight perhaps in | shout his Minimum comsina sa the mighty wara If most severely. The town rasponded. We number) to conray them to the vessel, which was to | broke on the shore. hand for the stirring Irish altogether more than carry them from the home of thale nativity forever, 50. I preached and made a gollection sparuisly was one of the tribe, amall in stature, not far ad- 1 my church;” when, as he informs us, be pledged vanoed in years, and his dusky mate, then in the imself ant to make a similar call next your. To- | blooms of life. The order had been giron to shore by "A Metropolian Rector” declares his dotar- from the shore; the ears had dipped in the wave, fisation to make comman camte with “ Clericur,” the boat was rising on the foaming surf, than nd “ A D?rselshire Incumbent waras the Bri-breaking on the bouch with awful roar, when with | days sikee, a well known artist was summoned so tish publie and to enbmit to this imposition" and the impulse of the moment ne is worn, this young | th? Quart of Requests for the sum of ?1 19% lid, lls them a few things which be picked up in an rah tour as to the distribution of relief wages and abins of meal. From the tone of our clerical or spondents we sou very simarly that the imponi Jon" will not bear carrying too far. Both parion, dark, and people will strike. The congregation will look black, the preacher took pale. Where povereign wet giron last year, it will be half-a- rown this; where half-a-crown, a shilling ; where shilling, nothing at all. The cosalt will be that ublic benevolence, which at all timos la miher hard to keep alive, will go out altogether; and nei The vessel weighed anohor, speaad her Tatt: her her Majesty nor her right trusly and right on- and in forty-eight hours, this remnant of the inha jely beloved anuncillors, the Archbishops, will be | bitants of San Nicholas were landed on Point Ban ble to extract more than a few paltry thousande | Peiro, houseless and forlorn.
two years; and were the means of sowing the seach || paming stranger,
of divotie and contention amongst its unsuspecting He sindiously avoided, as far as possible, all in- and unsophisticated inhabitania,
teronurus with his follow man, and sought to live
– As is presumed his death was accidental—that
while searching for shall fish, in the sight, amongst
the oli?a, ha must have fallen from an eminence, and
theca torminated his solitary existance.—Emen Allan,
AN IMPERIAL And Royal BooksIKDER.—Some
Soune of being ons of Her Majesty's trademan, when the following dialogus took place:—
Defendant- not pay, I'm not as enough to pay any such claim. On the conitury, I demand damages. I'm the injured party.
and blooming bride of the rad man, the imprint of by a bookbinder, who rejoices in the imaginary whose footstep had been the last left on the sands of her inland femo, wared an adieu to her chosen mase, plunged into the abyss, “strove through the surge," and, in another momem, stood alone on the shores of her native land. She turned, to give the last lingering look to her departing help-mata; and then gathering aroud her form her Bowing | mantle, wat by the ocean wave, in au instant disap paared forever from the sight of her astonished and sorrowing companions.
or any purpose whatever. In fact, the money in From that period to the present-If she be not ranted in England, and will be soon wanted still dead, or has osi Jadi within the past eighteen menthe sore. We also at the time of the last collection, -ban resided alone, on the Info of Elia Nicholas, and the event bas proved the truth of our words. this fecuate Censos, the monarch of all she marreya la not known how much of that #700,000 was 8he preferred to part area with her shoes male, iran, not merely from funds not apart for charity and sever avery human sie that could be himling. Serer home, but from personal wants. The poor rather than leave the home of her birth—that komal? If this ceantry received much less alms and hospi- || little Isle, that had bees to her a world, which sha ality but winter in consequence of the drain for | onred not to exabunge for the abode of civilized reland; and any a man supporting a family on man, with all its procaland luxurion.
je, a work missed the relief which fall into the ra Binos our Crusoe became the ?mote monirch of bucions grasp of comfortable Irish farmeen. The the fals, Ban Nicholas has been visited perhapa tan jestleman had given his twenty pounds, and the or twelve different times, by different individuale; Sargyraan his ?ve or his twa, to the Irish colleo but there she has continued to be found, with none Son ; and when Christmas same roood, he had so to dispute her right-alone, iltary and forsaken. such the less to give to the poor ornataron shiver- Her dress, or covering, is composed of the skins and starving near his own door?. The paro of emall birds, which she kills with stones, and bial charities of England; supported by subscrip.wowa them together with a needle of bone and the jons, are a model of good maangemont and theih. | light sinews of the hair seal, sometimes found dead They usually show Bow much can be done with amongst the rooks. Her only food in a sholl fisk, mall mesma. It is cruelty to sarre and defreed of the mosle species, with now and than a still hem. Yet this must have been the case very go-maller fish, which the surf sometimes throws on urally last winter; in so many instamonu did peo-?to the beach. She never remains long in one spec; le give to Ireland more than they could well af | bat is onnolently wandering around the shores of ord,
d, and to the axolasien of all other objects. The the Island, sleeping, which she seldom dost, in smapil?] vil of dependenes in one which is sure to ingresanovas and orevious in th? rocke,
Onsioner-Do you deny the plaintiff's olaim for work done?
Defendant-Pratly work! I really cannot com- prehend my gentleman's cool impudenes-height as well Bing a flower-pot upon iny head and alio be the breakage of the pot. It is ridiculous—it is perfostly absurd,
Commer-What do you men ! what do you complain of t
Dendam--For several years I have subscribed to the Belt. The Satirist pleasna me--l_like the Satirist—it is a very amusing paper--l am fond of being amused. One morning I bethought me t? get my collection bound, and I was impra- dent enough in confide the job to that person there (points to plaintiff) Ho?styles bimself a book- Gader' (Tu plaintiff)—Go, sir, hind up oncrete and tarnija-bundiae of sapamgue; but books! teach them not—profane net,huoke!
Commissioner-Yes must not uas insulting language in Court.
Defendant-Proper-very-bat E wax warm, and can't help it.
Commissioner-Chmon mora, sir, to the point Dfendant-That delicious bedkbinder-would you believe, Mr Commissioner] Would anybody believe it? Over the door, is painted-Bookbinder to Hor Majesty and Prisos Albert-the Emperor of Quaria the King of the French-Queen Po- mare, da, da, de
to the polat.
Commissioner-Once more, sir, will you come Delbadant-After detaining my property for more than two months, it was returned, na ba said, bound. Fexamined the external work—a was fir
his voice,) ye gode! what do I behold? No mar- gin--not the smallest vertige of a margin! Worse still, the print itself had been out away
Plainti Tito.
The Irish appear to have much the same notion of During the few last years, it has been very dif-moongh. I opened my precious volume, (esions England that village okikiren have of the metro fault to obtain any communication with her.” At olia. They must imagias its roads to be covered the approach of the white man sho Bars, sa from | with gold dust, while at every door beaps of wheat, an evil spirit, and the only way to delnin her, is nd all sorts of entables. It is true that we have a] by ruaning her down, as you would the wild gon air share of creature comforta; but then it is be of the mountain, or the young faws of the plains.
use we work hard. All work and no play." hich maker Jack a dull boy," is the one only
Those who have seen her at the latest period, report that she appears to have lost all knowledge sort of our having something over to bestow on of language; that she makes only a wild soins, Irish. They ass, however, that we have car altogether inhuman; and, when taken and vetained
ed them through one winiw, and it why should | against her will, becomes frightened and rustless;
a mot da the made this year as the last 1 It inTht the mom she is liberated, she darts off, and
Defendant=False, is it? I am delighted you my so. Here are my prosis (holds up the books to the Commissioner.) You shall fudge-you shall see the state of my precious collection. It is enough to drive one_mad--I shali have revenge, (Opons a volume.) I read at page 30, the leading political article. The nation la unfortunately go
varnoj as this critical parfod by eu am! (laughter)
by an doet the resefoder of the ward, smbly,
being not off. ?n page 303, under the thestrieel
me business after all-as little for the comfort endeavors to secrete herself in the wild grass, or ad dignity of the trish as it is for our convenience amongst the rocks which hang orac the never
Celt le propped upon the British donkey, like omning st dians in the plotura, tottering and ready to pitah Every endeavor has been made, and every inde- || article. The voice of Mademoiselle Christ incre deng to the ground, while the poor boat is cement offered, by different individuals, to prevail: ssss in volume daily-she sings like Oss 1 (roars ady to sink under the any pressure of the coupon her to leave the island, but in vain. The eary of lenghtwy "aland" being crusty lopped off Twe plest divinity. A tenantright has now been boce she appears to desire, le her own lule isle, cablished over us. The mos of Tippery will Hae last hops, if she has any, in, to Saish her jos
on hold meetings and pase resolutions to the ney alone. She has no with now to hone again
more quotations and I have done Dubourg, the
centaurateur of the Haymarket, in ronowned for
kis pot !" (laughter) pot? "potage." Is a sritique
set that England le the property of the Irish. the sweet music of speech. Its soute are no lon so new works, I read, page 401, “ Mra Goen, the r Chisholm Anstey make a great point of this get musle to her rand, as for elvilised man, his gifted authoress of the prime comedy, he just ben Lord Juhn Rumpell had replied that it is tamen te whacking even to her dormant season. brought to light a little pam 1" (morn laughter) the fair to expect the working class of Great To all appearance, she is strong, heakly, and remainit?rie wanting. The writer meant, so doubt, ritain should permanently support the burden of content to be alone. What can reconcile her to to announce to a delighted public en interesting ab pauperiam," thinking possibly that this was her ist, who can conjectural Humanity may hope “pamphlet,” I believe my case is clear-peed ow the most undeniablo preposition he could that contentmom over continue to be hers, to the not my more to the Cours. You now widerstand bmit to that pugnacious individual, Mr Chisholm at hour; for she is deained to lie down and die why I refuse to pay. As to claim for injury to tey joins iamme at ance on that point, and stoutly alone, on the cold shore of her isolated home, with my property, I waivo it—I'm generoun--|-repent, aintains that the working-clames of England no one to administer to bet laat wants, and' name | I waive it~~(cours of laughter.)
All persons intakted to the said Estate are se quested to make immediate paymens to,
CHAS. ST GE?, CLEVBALY, Attorney for the Administratiz. Victoria, 17th January, 1848.
NOTICE. INO: SMITH will sell by Punto Avorion, to
the highest bidders, on Tuesday, the 95th Entrant, by Order of 8. Dusness, Em, U. 2. Natal Store-Kooper, 114 boxes of Condemned Fine Apple Choot a great portion of which are now in a very lair condition for imm?jate ore.
Minano, 16th January, 1811.
T the Avorion Maxr, Chom's Road, to-mer- row 20th Justant, at 11 a. a. for the benefit
of Concerned,
9,560 Shank Bones,
2,900 Hura
2,000 'T'consils,
10 Tieren Prime mare Best
Just landed from New South Wales.
13 Bales Cotton Twist, and 12 Bales of Bande Cotton more or less damaged by Be Water.
Small Dianer sota and other articles.
Auctionee Victoria, 19th January, 1848.
"The 200 Committes having deemed | advisable te maka sema alight alterations in the programme, the follow. Inge the arded dot for the forthelming Rason. -
****Gattlemen are particularly enquested to send a lot of their entron, with the colors of the Kiders, to the da- sretary without delay."
Tumpat, 1ST FEBRUARY, 1848.
The Wong-noi-chung Stakes, for all Ponies under 13 banda One mila. Entrance $1 sach with $90 added from the Fund, Weight for inches s per scale. Former Winner of this face excluded.
The Plenipotentiary's Cup, presented by His Ex. cellency Sir John Francia Davis, Baconet, value 0900, for all Horses. One mile and three quar Weight 10 stoos 7 lbs. Sydney and Cape bred Horren id carry 1 stope 7 lbs. Ea trance $10 each. "Second Have to save his Baka
The Valley Makat, for all Ponim 13 banda 9 incher and under. One mile. Entrance 89 each with 640 added from the Fund. Weight for inches an per scale. The Winner ofthe Valley Stakan lam your to carry 7 lla, enim.
The Arab Walter Bakse. One mile and a half, Entrance Bach with $50 added from the Fund, Weight 11 stone.
The Hach Stakes, for all Ponies. Cach weights.
One mile. The Winner to be sold for $30 if claimed within a quarter of an hour from coming in Entrance free, with 80 added from the Fund. The Sydney Staker, for all Horna. Acube except- ad. Two miles. Entranon $10 each with $100 added from the Fund. Weight 10 stone 7 be. The Winner of the Plmiposastinry's Optocory 7 the extra. Second Hores to save hir (kajte.
Wapxunday, 2nd Fuznuary, 1848.
The Pony Walter Maher, for all Ponies. One mile and a Mall Weight 10 none 7 D. for Ponine 12 handy and under. 35-tone for Pozine above LS handa. Entrance 61 mch with 500 added from the Fund.
The Canton Cup, valus $150 for alt Hor. Oca mile and a half hosts. Weights 10 mene for Arabs, one for Sydney Howes. The Winner of the Plenipotentiary's Cop je okrry 7 lb? estre. Entrance $5 each.
The Victoria Plate, valus 650, for all Ponies. One mile and a ball Weight 9 alone 7 Be. The Winner of the Valley Stake to carry 7 lbs, extra, and if the Winner of the Victoria Plate last your to carry 10 s, exira, Entrance #3 each.
The Scurry Slam, for all Ponies. Chich weights. Half mile. Entrance 81 msk with 830 added from the Fund. Second to ressive 63 from the Fund, and third florento nero kie Stake.
The Gall way Stakes, for all ktorom under 14 hande inches. Arbe excepted. One mile and a half Entrance #2 oach with $50 sided from the Fund. Weight 10 stops.
THIRD DAY, Thempat, Dub Festvany, 1848.
The Hunters Plate, value 090, forall force. One mile and a half Four Hurdiva 4 foot high, and Two Hurdler 4 fast 8 inches high. Waghafor isches us per scale. Entrance 5 each.
The Pony Hurdia Race, for ali Ponies. One milo and half. Four Hurdles 3 feet high, and Two Hurdles 3 fost inehee high. Weight for inches as par scale. Estrange 31 each with $40 added from the Fund. Second Pony in receive $10 from the Fund.
The Arab Stones. For all Ambe Two miles Weight 9 stons 7 be. Entrance $10 such with $100 added from the Fund. The Winner of the Cup to carry 7 Ibe exaca. Recood Horse to re bie Blake.
The Ladies Purge, value $50, for all Pacist. Winners at this meeting excepted. Eptraneo from. Catch welghia,
The Native's Puros, r?lua 920, for all Ponies. Ja dien and Chinese Riders. Das malte. Catch weights.
The Hanghong Stoople Chaos, for all Ponies. Carch weights. Ground to be named by the Stewards ane hour before the tinto of staning. Entrance
1 each with $30 added from the Fund.
JULES AND REGULATIONS. Entrances to be declared on or before 15th Je- Query, 1849.
Races to coramenics penstually at 9 o'clock ?, mi - The first Saddling Bell to ba rung at ? post ) P.1. A quarter of an hour allowed between each race.
Upon each addting bell being rung all Horses to Fun for the past Raca immoodsatsly to renderous an the course opposite the Grand Band to draw for their respective places, and mot to go down to the Starting Point until led by the Steward appointed to start the
After each race, the Horses passing the Winning Post to return to the Judge's Stand and the Rider declared to be first to be weighed. Any Jockey diamonating before his turn, or before being called upon to be weighed houses his claim to be placed as the Winner.
All disputes as to Entrators and Qualification of Horses to be declared in wching before the next Race commences, or no right of appeal allowed
No Hors allowed to run whose Entrance fees
are not paid up to the Secretary.
At a greeting of coloured people in New York, a committee was appointed to write a lower of condolence so the family of the late Mr Daniel O'Connell, and a resolution was passed to the effect, That in the dash of Mr O'Connell, the naslaved and oppressed in the United Bute of America bare last one of their wardy friends and ablest adrecales.""
The "boy doom," whene nanse battue on familiar to the palatis mar, by ble intra- sivu pranks at the Queen's Palson, Buckinghuishoom, and the heyvanity ballad the smart vigilamos of the polica and Poltan guard, is new trampatar in cho Bik Humors, in this marrison, parlently enrod of his way worst slieppeltion, and son of the best conducted young may in the regiment. To the mum and affipace of the 9th ho continum to be own by a piher appulation than that of "bey Jones." which so- gulfed him poti celebelly, shrao se four years ago, in Lomlen and Windsor.—I.line-
14, Kingston, Harwood, from Whampoa.
15, David Paddach (Am ), Benin, from Sandwich Islands 11th November.
15, Plymouth (Am.) Edwards, from Bandarioh Lalanda Lith November.
15, Zephyr, Wilean, from Min River 10th January,
15, Thomas Fielden, Huntries, from Tumorin im November.
17, HL ML. Br. Yabars, Captain Mandongull, from Whampoa.
Pur Argyle from Shanghai,?Ms W. H. Morts, and six Chinees,
14, Omega, Anderson, East Coast,
15, Ali, Rhodes, Singapore and Madras.
16. E, Wilson, Shangbai
15. Argyle (Am), Cooksey, Whampoa.
16. Rob Roy, Francia, Macao.
17, North St, Hale, Shanghai.
18, Thomas Fielden, Huntries, Whampoa.
-Hindostan, Puck, London.
15, Geneve (Portugume), Marques, Geni
23, Old England, Bland, London,
1. Natches (Am.), Newcomb, New York.
t. M. Ship Dedalus
Brig Col
H. C. Her Mo
"Brig E
H. M. Brg Childers
Bhip Allerstor "Bhip Minden
El. C. M. 6. La Bayonnais
BLITION Alligster, brig Chemia Barque Corsair, Kommer
Hashemy, hip Island Queen schooner
Joseph Homes, slip Kingowa, baryan Lines, brig
All Disputes to be referred to the Stewards whose || Foruma, brig decision in fol.
Qualification of Riders as at former meeting).
Primer, schooner
Ramilline, barque
Rod Rover, baryan
Shepherdam, barque
Young Hobo, achooner
Australia, berque
Beulah, ship
Brahmin, ship
|Captain P. MeQahan.
|Commander Gya.
|Commander W. Loring.
|| L?tat-Conding (.T.Alry,Ba.
Commander 1.0. Piman.
Kashion, baryen
K. Ya Prada, brig
Bolly, larcha
Mary, lurcha
Ane, loreks
Jalan, schooner
Rente flores, ship Hough 1060 C
]?y?rmasa ond es.
?T. Muorman sad on. J. M. 8. Yon Bal Myne, Muir and on ?tyun, Mair sad po,
Kennedy, Mengre
Rawl, Trans and so. Banks, Duus sad on. Tavis, Deus and s
General Vander Bauch, Mongkong, barque
$30 Anderson $150 Turria
chadt 150*raire
|Hongkong|| [33[Sorun
[Shampon | 175 M
Elonghong lannen
259mith Set
W. Puntas and co,
(More Ships)
Fort Wilhem, ship
Caminson) 313 Barley
Ibella Roberton, barque
· 370|Langley
nhan Hoandard on
Kilman and on.
| 950| Bache]
?Email and s.
Royal Exchangi, brig.
150 Smarton
Supareli, barque
Lindmy and co.
5. & M. Rustomjee and se
10 Allen
#17 Won
Pestonjse Promise Clamo anda.
18d Photos
John Barry, sklyp
Hygis, bargan
Lady Hay, barque
Ben Heig
Warlock, brig
Anonyms, beg Aurten, schooner.
Lood &
Malamoodoo, bergso
Royalist, arkan Harlequin, brig Ledina, barque
Wilton, brig
Anita, brig
Vizsa, sehnener
Amaton, ship
Black Dag, arbor
Boxer (A.), sekooper Clown, belg Colt, b
Dido, selepas
???? ???? ??????
Malon, bargua
Solpe, brig
Who, belg
William 1V., banque
Hallen, schooner
Cornan, barque
| Chinchan | 99% Marcia
Veo-c-foo|| $12
Wang 4 Chevy
350 Chapa THEBOU, W.
210 Soundy
Leskong 2014 wall
Cardino, Mathema and m. J.A.Olding, P.&O. Lab. Agner, Dent and co
Jardine, Matheson and es.
Murrow and o
D Beaded Bone and co.
F. F. Come and any
Dent and on.
Jardins, Matheson and
Deat and ou
Jardian, Machon sad on. jason, ?tvr and so.
Faron, Malhoun and no Desi and co.
Kallm?n und so.
Jordan, Machaten und ca.
Maaviour and on.
D. Bansson Bone and co.
|Dog, F. Habortion,
P. & D. N. Cama and es, Di & M. Ramenjve and es. Turner and
and ca
Real and co Lindary sad o bar, Madhog and as, Dean and ob
FOR LONDON,—At Whampon,--Australia,
Gibb, Livingston & Co. Mary Bannatyne, Theit & Co. Marquis of Buts, Rowell & Co. Mention,
Bit Robert Bale,
Nye, Parkins & Co. Jurdjon, Mucheson & Co.
Lindsey & Co.
Blenkin, Rawson & Co.
Deario, Calvert & Co.
Russell & Co.
Olyphant & Co.
PRICE $12 per annum.
TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the PRIEND OF CHINA AND HONUKONO GAZETTE, par Annum, 19 Dellars. Siz Mouthe, 7 Dollar. T?ren Months, & Dollars; all paid ?n silvanen.
Prices, 14 Dollars. # Dollars, and & Dollars, for the periods of Twelve, Bir, and Three Mentha respetilvely: Single Numbers, to absorbers 23 cents each; to Non-Bubrwibers, 1 Rapee. Parties calling or sanding to the Cor for papers are requested to pay atsk TERMS OF ADVERTISING.—Ten lines and under, i Dollar; additional, 10 cents Ene. Repetitions one-third of the first Insertion. Ships,-First Insertion, & Dollars; subsequent insertione ? centa. Advertisements to have written on the face of them, the number of those they are required to appear, ether wies they will be published until countermanded. In all instances, those who are not Subscribers, require to pay in advance.
and Inturfediave Ponte.
EKTAL COMPany's Stoum Ship BRAGANZA, will leave this for the above places so Sun- day the 80th January at 2 #, M. Camso will be received on board until Noon, and Bructs until 4 P. M., on the 29th.
For particular regarding Fusor and PAGE apply at the P. & O. 8. N. Company's Office, Hongkong.
J. A. OLDING, Agoni. Hongkong, 7th January, 1848.
NOTICE. THE P. & 0.6. N. Ca's Seamers from Hone- KONG will in future proceed throughout so BOMBAT, touching as heretofore al Bingaporn PANAND, and GALLE, Reo at Colombo, CooHIN, Catters, Goa, and VENGORIA. For particular of Freight and Pamage, apply at the P. & 0.8. N. C. Ofica
Hongkong, 19th October, 1847.
U?UE P. & 0. 8. N. COMPANY's, will from this date undertake the conveyance of Specie from Chine, and the Streita, to Bouthampton, under the conditions specified in their customary Bill of Lading, at 2 per cent.
J. A. OLDING,-Agent. P. & O. 9. N. Company's Of
Victoria, 21st December, 1847.
FOR LONDON. THE BIR ROBERT SALE, will 1 bare immediate despatch for the Pabove port. She carrice an experienced For passage apply 10,
18th January, 1848.
Bangkong ????? AN'T
Hougtong 18|Chana EGAR 100
East Chan
..Hoopkal ..Bam
COMPARAN 1. P. Thoufam.
Captain Jahu Moodengnik. Dutor Bekler.
Jank in, How do Da
Walmore & Co.
Commander La Orare.
Bacau Russell,
Russell & Co.
K. P. v. Preussen,
Kennedy, McGregor & Ca
Coudly now
Q. V. Bosch,
Reyenvian & Ca
Ramillies, ?
Jardine, Matheson & Co.
Hongkong Cook
| 250|flarding
Liday no.
AP. Stube
Kennedy, Macgregor and en.
J. M. 6. Van Basel.
N. S. da Los,
J. M. de Jesus.
Deat and go.
8. F. Xavier,
Holliday, Was and en.
Louren?o Marques.
? Dent sad on.
|George Duddell.
J. P. d'Oliveira.
Byms, Mair & Co.
Jyme, Muir & Co.
Byme, Mair & Co.
Rawls, Daws and va.
Hamell and on 114Thompson
GIS Bannatyne
ASU Rayolda
Turner and one
Comejen Baptodjes Langrah, Jardine, Malasin and en Jardino, Modena and on Turner and 4.
1. Cockerel..
|0:46, Livingston and so,
Fletcher and co
Mendaron, Wanyon and on, Hardian, Matheson and on. Folenkin, Kawan and on.
Derie. Osher and do. Jamimon, Bow and on. Durdino, Machassa sad ro.
Waumero undon
fuel and co.
Deat and co
Nys, Parking and co
Jardino, Matheon and on.
|Whomper | 373 ?Jarviana
BIG Terior 287|Logan
13 hands
in., 10 7
19 hands 0 in., 7
Caldes, beyon
Ohledala, birga
and upwards
Margin of ??w, bla
2 10
Mary Busetiyas, barque *
636 Picken
443 Wee
Set Cinch
Sydney and Cape Homes Extra.
DUBLIC BALE of Hovenmoln Property and FITTINGS-UP. (on a day this month hereafter
to be named, of which dae notice will be given.) JNO. SMITH begu to inform the Public, that be will sell by Patio Avorion, to the highest bidders, the whole of the neat, substantial, and elegant HOVEHOLD FURNITURE, comprising of:--rich and very handsome Plate and Plated-wate, chiefly made by Borr and Mortimer, of London; a most superior toned and splendid Semi-grand Pianoforte, by Broadwood And Sons; an elegant collection of real-
Ir rich cut English Glam-ware; ditto beautiful Dinner and other Services; coatly Egyptian and
St Ann'arble top Centre and fler or Side Ta- bles, on massive mahogany pillars and feet; solld
Mlave, ship
Rokeby, barque
or Albers, ship
Edward Ryan, barque
the Barber Compton, Miryor
ie Kolors Sale, Silp
Thomas Fielden, barque
Rob Ray, barque Theres, schoener Velocipede, achoomer
Ass, ship
Francis Barclay, bazena
3. Garut, ship
Massa, konephrodito
Harak icon, ship
Terrington, sooner
Zephyr, hooner Audax, sehovor
mahogany, very expensively American-made; Dio-Denis, her wing and Drawing Room Chair, with spring || Gesells, schoonse cushion seats: Settee and Conversation Cooches, gn, schooner with dutta sents, und lined with borse hair and mo pero: Choral Glawes; handsome marble top Tol.
let Tablet, with looking glasssenttched ; porcelain and glare Flower Vases; mahogany Dining and Card Tables; Bagatello and Backgammon ditto Shearwood and Co`s single und winged elegantly finished Wardrobes; Bureaus and Almirahs; In- valid's Couch, with elevating spring cushions, and lined with morocco; Bedelende | Brussel's Carpeta; Window Curtains and Valances; Cutlery patent Hanging and Table Lamps; superior Wines and Liquore: 8-day Clocks Thermometere ; Barome iers: Engravings and Prisk, in glazed barnished frames; Musical Boxes; a amali lut of Bonka: bracket patent Wall Lampa: Modan Chairs; from Chest, Scales and Weights: Offline Peatu?es, and a variety of other Useful Artigles, 100 numerous to be detailed; but the Bale particularly claims the at- Iation ofthe Public. Belonging to A, A De blau- 1, Esq., leaving Chion. Orders will by szecuted.
Mario, 106 January, 1848.
CHIPPING ARTICLEB, according to the re-
cent ant (Victoria 7 & 8) for sale at this office
Ofes "Friend of Chius,
Victor, 10th October, 1945.
Petrol, schooner
As Parkas, schooner
Carolles, ebo
Emmay schoonte
Friends, barque
King Henry, brig
Louise, burgeo
Devid Paddock, slip Plymouth, chip Ashburton, ship Argyle, brig
Kensington, ship
Betonville, haequa
Vancouver, ship Anv?m, ship Congrass, ship
Coquette, besque
Der er
Anglon, changer
Aalunde, brig
Brigand, ing
Marquis of Elastinget barque
N. B. da Lara, beg
Tremeian, barque
1. F. Xu, schooner
Runnel & Co.
Whampoa-Bir H. Compton, P. Framjee Came & Ca
Norman Morrison, Jardins, Matheson & Ca
M. of Hastings,
Amoy Emma,
Gueor, Klembies,
King Henry,
Honghang --Kingston,
Young Hebe, Alligator,
B. E. Cameiro.
§ L. d'Almeida,
Byme, Muir & Co. Byme, Muir & Co.
Dent & Co.
J. Cockerell.
Rawla, Duss & Ca
18, Duke of Cornwall, 680, Whitshoed, Hongkong.
98, Ana Robertson, 441, Munro, Hongkong. September 21, Borme.
Leading on the 94th October.---Clifton, Pavourite, and John Cooper.
8, Barah. Louis, 207, Oldham, Shanghai.
Jardino, Mathura sad on.
430 Trotter
Kanaedy, Idacgregor and se
100 Banan
Macrigat and
3. Constant, 600, Homery, Hongkong.
Marrow and co.
301 Brown
[P. Frumboo Cama and ea
9, Jane Prowse, 208, Nichols, Shanghai
$10 Leder
15, Aden, 333, Micheal, Hongkong.
404 Huntri
17, Cordalia, Hughes, Hongkong."
50 Cludes a
175 WE
Shanghai 667 Stevenson
Lindsay and o
Jardine, Matheson and co.
Rogaland and co.
Jandino, Matheson and on. Paber and
Plan, Hargrave Kal Co.
- Japan, Mashiman and on.
Cashwor and co.
Kamia, Deus and co
18, Euphrases, Lucas, Shanghai.
October 1, Jane.
19. Horatio,
Loading on the 24th OctoberAqua Matias; Berhampore; Dumfrie Eliza; Elleralie; Joha Harton; John O'Gaunt, (Hongkong); Larpent, (Elast
hai); and Martha.
10, Pathander, 208, Miller. September 28, William Jardins, 693, Donity.
15, Lady Amherst, 448, Myhill, Hongkong,
95, Bharon, Lacas, Chios.
1420 Amy 149
B. Com
151 Belvuk
Huedina, Machores and to.
Deas and co
Jardins, Malboron and on,
Harding, Matheran and co
ich Camille
Mapell and c.
kirme, Mule and so.
4. Forreder.
LG Marria
||awls, Den sad co.
jdymo, Muir and vo J?rine, Male and on
rme, Muir and on. Erme, Muir and co, Jyme, Mair and os.
Delsker, Haylund.on
and on Witmere and on. WBrok
Olyphant and on
? Waiters and s
level and co
Augustine Haard sad so
Huuril and c
Bhanghai) 505/9
383 Pies
12. V. Jorge.
J. L. de Aluvajda,
J. F. d'Olivien,
JJ. M. de JamA.
| [ddulatowicky
B. Carnero,
Louren?o Margon,
4, May Flower, 247, Thompsoo, Hongkong.
Loading-Boreas (Dotch), via Batavia; Machtilda Cornella (Dukhi via Batavia; Chato Anna Mari? (Dutch), vi? Bamvin.
November 16, Mayaram Dayaram, Puddicombe, Flongkong. Loading-Arraioon. Apcer, Cowanjoo Family, Lanrick, Mischief, a
October 22, William Gillim, 511, Brown.
25, Will Othe Wiig, 101, MeNight, Shanghai, 27, Thomas Henry, Jurg, Loading.—Imbella Watson, and Sultana.
November 9, Carib, 824, Hessen, Shanghai Loading-Eleanor Rull, 206, Jaffris, FROM SYDNEY,
Long-Baboo, and Terror,
Printed and Published by Jonn Carn. At The Friend of China and Hangin Gazette, Printing Oot, Govon STEWEY, VICTORIA, HONGKONG, 1848
FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER. NOW READY FOR IBA. THE Brits Brig Linnet, 140 Taos Reghter, in excellent order, For particulars apply at the Avorion
MART 10,
Victoria, 10th January, 1848.
THE Hous and Shop, lately occupied by Manera MACKAY and On. Apply to.
Victoria, 24th December, 1887.
ER JOING. WARD is admitted a Partner in our House, his interest and Responsibility commencing on the 1st of Jane inst.
AUGUSTINE HEARD & Co. Chaton, 20th, July 1647,
NOTICE. TS hereby given that Mr JOHN THISTLETH I hardly ended to be in out employ from the 18th day of April last past, by lapse of the term of agreement, by which he was empowered to act for
us in the managensent of our establishmam existing up to that time at Shangbai, and to sign for us there by Procuration.
B. WATERHOUSE & Co. Ningpo, dih August, 1847.
NOTICE. DURING the absence of the Undersigned, our Business in Hongkong will be conducted by Mere PHILLIP MOOR & Co.
Per Pro. B. OSWALD & Ca H. LIND. Victoria, 18th August, 1847.
THE Interest and Responsibility of Er WELLIAN B. Warsons in our Firm, used on the 30th ultimo, and we have this day edmisted Mr Geonos Hurry Lamson as a Partner therein,
Our Firm now consists of BAVEL WETMORE Juh, WILLIAM Moors, and Gronen Hanar Lamson.
We also announce that we have established at Shanghai a Branch of our House, under our own bame and style, and Mr Robert Powell BaUL will sign the same there, by Procuration,
Camon, 1st July, 1847.
R. JOHN N. ALSOP ORISWOLD in this B1 day admitted a Partner in our house.
Centon, 1st JanuGI?, 1090.
JUST bege to inform the Community of Can L? ton, that he has removed his Establishment from Hongkong to this place, where ho trusts to merit their patronage. *
Canton, 1st October, 1847.
(At present No. 1, New China Street)
Honghong, 7th May. 1847.
SPACIOUS Godown and dwelling bouse, built of Granite and lately occupied by Monste THOS. REPLEY & Co. The property situated A
near the centre or the Town, (Victoria, Hongkong)
and has a water frontage Apply on the Premises, or 10,
THOMAS RIPLEY & Co., Shanghai. Ilongkong, 31st July, 1846.
ODOWNS TO LET, and Goods Stored on moderate LOTRD, LANGE & Ca
Hongkong, 28th October, 1847.
TO LET. OUR Rooms in the upper part of a House si- toate in Wellington Terrace, D'Aguilar Street. Apply Lo,
D. LAPRAIK Victoria, 10th January, 1848.
TAVERN TO LET. THE HOUSE lately occupied by Mr ALEXAN-
Der Rubertion on the Queen's Road. Poss ession can be given on the 16th instant. Apply to,
6th November, 1847.
OCEAN MARINE INBURANOB COMPANY OF CALCUITA. THE Undersigned having been appointed Agenie for the above Company, are prepared to grant Policus, payable in London, Liverpool, Bombay, Calcutta, Madrar, Singapore, Mauritius, and Co- lombo.
the Godowne of the Undersigned :—
in 4 dozen Casco, Buperior Port,
do. Sherry, 4 du. Madeira, 8 do, do,
Mumm's Champagne and Allsopp'e Pale Ale. BLENKIN, RAWSON & Co Victoria, 27th July, 1847.
FOR SALE. FIRE Grates and Stoves, with Piptog
PHILLIPS MOORE & Co. Victoria, 18th September, 1847,
HE following Wine- 1 Port,
Sparkling Champaign, Hermitage,
?in Case of Bdox, sach
Pale Cognac Brandy," in do. Scheidem Genevs,
la de, of 1 dosan, A180 Superfine Italian Balad Oil. Apply to,
Victoria, 15th July, 1840.
OLYPHANT & Co. Canion.
14th August, 1847.
FRANKLYN & MILNE. " Auctioners, Commission AcuNTY, WINE AND SPINit Alerchants, Queen's Road,
FLOODS Bold by private mis, or Public Auction, Stored in dry and secure godowas. landed, or troshipped, and general business transacted for "Parties absent.
ON BALE. Shaw and Maxwell's and other Bbarry.
Port. Fine Dark and Pale Cognac. Pale East India Alon Champagne, Hock and Madeira, Belizer Water.
Java Coffee: Balt Provisions in barrels ; large and small Guna; Musketa; Market and ?anoon Gunpowder; Chain Cables and Anchors: Canvas and kops; Pine Spars, and other articles.
Hongkong, January 4th, 1848.
JUST OPENED FOR SALE, CASE of fise Damask Table Linen.
Fine Fresh Linen, and Whitney Blankets.
FRANKLYN & MILNE, Auctioneers and Commission Agents Vitoria, 7th January, 1848,
FOR SALE PINE docked cuitar rigged Pleaurre Bout A
Coppered and Copper fanned. Baile quite Dow, with Anchor, Clain, and fittings Man and all complete. Apply to
FRANKLYN & MILNE. Victoria, 30th November, 1847.
FOR SALE. FEW Barrels Buperior Sperm Oil, Apply
DRINKBR, LEYL & Co. Victoria, 16th January, 1848, JUST received ex Aurora, Invoices of Bimoila Cordage, from 2 inches to 4 inches; Manila Coffee and Gin in Came. For me by
FOR SALE “SAMUEL RUSSELL" UPERIOR Dark and Pale Brandy, in ball Pipes,
Quarter Casks, and Bottle,
Sherry Wine, in Wood.
Bichels" Wine Billers, ?n | dozen Cross,
"Gallego" Flour.
Navy and Pilot Bread.
Butter in small Kage,
Tongues in ball Barrels.
Europe Rope, from 1 inch to 6 inches.
Green, Blue, Yellow, Black, and Red Paints, in
NCHORS, Chain Cables, and flawra Pipan of A all sizes. An Invoice of Manila, Europe, and Patent Ropa
Coffee, and Government Cigars,
4th November 1846.
FOR SALE. QALT Provisions, Flour, Ram, Atrack, and
in and kunde of Wines In Bottle.
4th November 1846,
FOR SALE. ROMAN Cemont, and Window Glass of all sites,
Apply to,
Victoria, 3rd Augan, 1847.
O mis by the undersigned. Victoria, 18th January, 1848.
JUST RECEIVED ar "Maar Bannatynk." QUPERIOR Dark and Pale Brandy in Wood, Gloalivet Whisky, and Copenhagen Cherry Brandy.
Preah Jordan Almonds, Bloom Raisins, French Plans, Yarmouth Blaster Paste, Clarified Lard, Loaf Sugar, a few Cases of the Royal Zon Baurs, and the Essence of Smoke for the Curing of Bref, Tongues, Hams, &c.
SMITH & BRIHELOW, Nos. 1 & 2 Woosnam's Buildings.
?ESSNB. SMITH & BRIMELOW have just Rugar; also, a quantity of superior Sperm Candles,
received a few Boxes of Double Refined Loaf No. 4., 5., and 6a, which they offer for min.
Wooanam's Buildings, 15th October, 1917, |EBBRB. Barth & BRIMELOW Bare jus received a quantity of Java Codes of a su perior quality which they offer for sale. No. 1 & 2 Woomam's Buildings, Victoria, 29th October, 1847."
Situation in a Mercantile Hours by Person well acquainted with busines, and who can give good references. For particulara, apply to the Editos of this Paper.
Victorm, 10th July, 1847.
6 Barrelled Revolving Pistols, in Canes, Also, a few Pieces of Sne Clth and Cats-CODA WATER AND LEMONADE of Superior
mores. Apply to
· Rongkong, 11th January, 1849.
JUST LANDED SUPERIOR Family Beef in Kegs; and Ge
nuine Campbelton Wakey.
HOLMES & BIGHAM, Victorie, 4th January, 1848.
HOLMES & BIGHAM have for sale at reason
able prices no excellent assortment of Wister Clothing, consleting of Gentlemen's Drew Coats; Chesterfield and D'Orsay Wrappers; superne Black and Coloured Trousdts, tholce Vests and Yestings; Drawern; Singlets; Begtelt Plaids and Tweede; superfine Black Cloth; Landen mede Boots and Bhors, a, .
MACAO, HINNAM'S, China Shopkeeper.
Victoria, 11th June, 1847,
Queen's Road, Victoria.
ACHOOK-Comeredur, No. 8, Imperial Llong.
Hongkong, 4th November, 1847,
AERATED LEMONADE, BELTZER WATER, &, c To be und from the Manufactury of
SMITH & BRIMELOW. Queens Road, 30th March 1847.
ALSO, PER LATE INPORTATIONE, Every description of Oilman's Blures, viz, Com. berland Hams: Dutch Butter in kege and jam sssorted Jams and Jellies; Pickles; Bauces; White Wine Vineger; Mustard; Croata ; Zante Currents : Bloom Raisine; Preserved Meats; Green Pean, *., &c.
Victoria, 25th December, 1847, - FOR SALE & Ce of Surgical Instruments
(maker Davan). Apply
M. CLERION. Victoria, 2nd November, 1867, VICTORIA HOTEL, BHANGHAI, CHINA D F. RICHARDS & Co. beg to announce to I. the Public, that their HOTEL is now com- pleted, and that for Gunten or Famitin who may be visiting the Northern Ports, they hare An- commodations which they think will be found sa- perior to any other Hora, in Chine.
BRAKOSAE being consered the most healthy si the Estate of the late Air Wa. Hann
LL chime against the Estate of Joan Pore,
Esq, deceased, must be sent in to the un dersigned before the 25th day of May, 1848; otherwise they will not be included in the scheme of division.
All persons indebted to the weld Estate are re-
gamted to make immediate payment to,
CHAS, ST GEU. CLEVERLY, Attorney for the Administratis, Victoria, 17th January, 1848,
GIBB, LIVINGSTON & Co. Camon, Jat November, 1847. THE EQUITABLE INSURANCE BOCIETY OF CALCUTTA. THE Undersigned are authorised to grant Po Loss in Canton and Shanghai, payable bere, in London, Calenta, Madras, and Bombay.
The usual return of Ten per Cent made on all Force and Commas pumpe; els? Maraboli & 800 Lotion in Chine, 1f not in the East, and aleo favour. Tok, are requested to send in sa account of the
Premiuma contributed.
LINDSAY & Co, Agente Equitable Insurance Society. Hongkong, 17th November, 1847.
IMPERIAL MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OF BOMBAY. THE Undersigned have been appointed Agents of the above-named Company, and are prepared to grant Policies here and at Shanghai, payable in London, Liverpool, Calcula, Bombay, and Canton.
AOGUSTINE HEARD & Co. Canton, 16th June, 1847.
FOR BALE. N Fence Railing 400 fest, wish & double Are ? food gates; two Engine Feroe pumps;
pstent Closets,
ROBERT STRACHAN. Victorie, 15th September, 1847.
→ FOR BALE. THE Seaman's gaide, through. Banka and Gaspar Straits, by Lieut. H. D. A, Surre, of the Dutch Navy Hydrographer at Batavia, &c., &c., &c.
Translated by permission of the Author. Apply to
FRANKLYN & MILN?, Commission Agents & Auctioneers, Queen's Road. Victoria, 28th December, 1847.
LL Parties indebted to or baving claim agains
ably situated, as to the facilities of Bhousing and other same to the Undersigned. No claim against the bookhful exercises, P. F. R. & Co. would respect.Estate will be attended to unless sent in on or be folly solicit the patronage of such MILITARY NAVAL, fore the 25th day of starch, 1848.
R. JACSON. and Muudarila Gentianen as may have ocen sion to spend a aburt time in a cooler or more healthy Climate, for the restoration of their health.
And in returning thanks for the support they bave received, P. F. R. & Co. beg to my to the Public gmerally, that no exertions will be spared on their part to inake the Hotel worthy of Public patroonga
Shanghai, 1st November: 1847.
Canton, 14th October, 1647,
LL Persons indebted to, or having claims against the Estate of the late Mr Nathaniel King- Waw, are requested to forward their accounts to dis
WETMORE & Co. Canton, 3rd May, 1847.
(From the China Mail, January 20.)
Diplomatic Department GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. His Excellency Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary, &c. &c., in plesand to direct that the subjoined Communication from the British Consul at be publaked for general inf?rmation.
By Order,
Victoria. 11ongkong,
18th January, 1548.
recently the inhabitants of the country towns and villages long the re bave in ualled bodies beaten and driven Survignern away, become they came there to rumble shou framment, or there have even baga mutual benmisan in fighat, giving rise to serious need) which, fearing out of the question the loss of peaceful feeling bettwgon Chinem and k
il helguem, and the slatselee thereby opposed to the high oushacition in the management of chim, la sho really the case of incavenience to us, the Marali and the people, both in person and property.
We therefore wend site. Jectoration so the guy, Hard, Cantones, and elder bredare ?nge their puniece, to be peaceful father, and elders of the villages. Fathers most worn their
and quies. If foreigners chance to close and wonder www fur omnement without giring any ungeyance, they may in fect be printed to do so. And if they, relying on their force, insult any one, you should insesally secute then, is the puthorities, that they, taxy upon och evidencs azmine late the car, and take the secemary masource with reference to them but you should on ao scomuni si once pro nad ta bea and wound them, so an to bring about dimurbanc
Estract of Despatch from Mr Consul Macgregor, dated 19th January, 1848.
Our objeto put an end so trouble, to tranquiline the people, and enure the security of the oruntry; hemos we prvotna in difmo the howledge of His Imperial Maj benevolence in underly cherishing wrongers from afar, sad of the lamuten of the liigh authorities to procure tranquil. Kty and serpeny for which parpon we have folly prepar od this public s?drea, and present it for your information, trooding that you all make yourmivas fully sequsizied with of the gentry and literal of the city and A publie
(No datos posted at Canton on the 18th January, 1848.)
"I beg to enclose to Your Excellency, copy with translation, of the letter which the tamperial Commis. sioner has addressed to me on this important subject, (of safeguards,) and in which, after disting upon the memurei already taken by him ol different periods, be proceeds to observe that self-prohibitions of the peor, ple, have at bottom more reality and power then the prohibitions of the authovince against the people; that in the present emergency, therefore, he has summoned the great Gentry and Literath of the city, with whom he has held a public consultation, and they have drowo up a public address, admonishing and evenmanding the country people that they must all practive proce and amity with the foreigners. This address (of which I enclose a copy, not having tline to subjoin a translas tion) will be printed and distributed in the country places, that it may become fully known to all, in the Lope of procuring permanent security in future. Be viles this, the Dachat Magistrates' of Non-bas and P'wan-yu have also issued Proclamations to the same rees, to be hikewise printed and distributed among the villagers enjoining them in the most impressive mau-gi-purpose starting at 6 o'clock to-morrua mersing wer to live in peace with our people."
on a trip to Punan, sodi
saha Jhand pening th??' the B?h- F. C. MACGREGOR. an dacier of Villigue and emmising ninanly that of
Hiring chu kao on the way, I big you will wed me at hom wen Safeguarde and as many met?kastiona na you can pre bly are, with rasions for 15 hotiro as I cong not be back before midnight,"
Ka, Imperial Commisioner, Governor-General of the twe Konig, de, ki, harshy given a Declaration.
rome time ago I received a Despatch from the Plemiro. sextury Bit John Dunia, in m?ich be mys, “Your Excel- **lency mantuir your power to make some other regulative, ** in order an eblige the Chinese people to obey the best are, **ticle of the Treaty. If this be nec dose immediately, the **Briherboe will resize from Czakon, and repair to **Hongkong and to other Porta,” And again, "]f your La- cracy cannot take mamera for socurity in future, the ** Conen) Morgungar will leave Canton on the g?th Jaunary, * and reprit je Hongkong.” On the enceipt of this I mai kim ommunication in reply, sa le on renord.
Afer examination 1. And that the prosection and cocople lo tranquilty of the merchants and perplo of your own and ether evannien some fe a moment center to occupy my thought. Hence when ciam nectarted some time back of pettivo someulting Englokmen, 1 failed not to punish the of fenders on each oceanon, and also repeatedly ordered the Print and District Magistraten to imve proclamations on the fject & m time to time. And when the people of 20wang- chucher par in Englishmen so death, I gave serici orders to the nalitary subcriben, the specially appointed oficare, and the best autkreftire, in ouniequence of which they approv bended within the space of a · days, all the criminal inv volved in the case, four of u hoca wote emented immediatly, The remainder, liable so decapitation, strangulation, miktery purist N, Nove kimi bera ined and sentenced in severe pe akmenis, and I await the reply of the Colmenal Boted in order to take further measures with reference in them. 49 three penge of the naiivse are at the some time waja of pricing Raglinhaven and the people of the dirt
Although the essen were rigareosly deal with, yet no 1 stil feared such might not have become fally known the imran people, while 1 an apprehended it would be d cult to bring it in the knowledge of sil by means of mulig proclamations, I c
Ipecially appointed four offices, Ban Bab. perks of Fub-shan, E, feruntly Bub-prefect of Nano, Kan, Kamusly durice Magtrate of Scea ping, and Tag, merly district Magistrata of Pole, to proceed sperately tu the cry town, villages, market-places, and the subdivi ons of tour hips slong the river of Cases, to SERONO together the gentry, elder, and father of folice, and in ue to them most earnest commande, to warn the country people that they meet pat away hatred and magicion of foreigners, and all practive peace and anity 1 bay resolved in future to despatch offers at buses to proceed into de ecamy pisem und rasseratedly eat lain matreve ele. arly mod fully to the people; all which I have ouve?ul daws communicated to the Pipowaciary Bis Juka Davis in my letter to him.
Further, an Infier all apprehended that the icers ap. pointed to are admonitione de? &mmande to the prople might not be able in ge every where to the wild villages and secluded places, I have ordered the District Magistases of Nun- and Pwan.yu se draw up a proclamation themselves for the intruction and guidance of the people, which will be pink and dietbaard among the villagre, and which enjons there to warm their children, and alder brothers to urge the junior, to have all in peace with the foreigner
Again, in my suxiry kot in the butty of a quaerul it might be impomble to recus formigners, at once. I have ordered the danci Mugetrame of Nanchise und Puch sprout ten polcrown, making twenty in all, to be placed under the evetrul of the special offers at the guardhouse of Lild Clina Smet, so the whatever Englishmen der to ge unt La pa parerion you enn previously intiate the same to The special icers, who will spowiat what men may be denied Becary to proceed with thers for their protection z which arrangement I have already gen you a Declu Jon, and also farmed the Pleiposary air John Daria
11, is on record.
Now again 1, ewandering that the self probibitions of th people hose at bottom pore reality and reset them the pet inturas of the authorities spuires the people, have, with the kral multies under my direction, moned together grat Gary Latera of this city, with whom I have bald public culation, and they hive drawn up a public ad dre asking | command·ng the c?ungry people that they must all prata peace and amity with the foreign sa. and Leople. The will be peed and detribaled in
the country pluges, that it may becats fully known all,
in the hope if prueueing perpetual security l? funto.
In the mearre taken for the prosection of the English,
(To the Editor of the Prizna or ChinA.)
Capron, 18th January, 1968. Fin-You will have board that the thing la mosl misfactorily settled, and that we are all on comfortable possible. I intend to Jay the new accurity pri- vilege aracted by His Excellency, and have just sent in s application to the Consul of which the following is
true Copy
I understand about 69 such application have either pana in or are going. Keying Will of course have 15 keep on hand a pretty extensive supply of de Aguarde and medijdcations, the whole "umobjectionable,” and the filling up of Passos (security chops) will afford delightful employment to the Convulse establishment
Noe Advertisements will be received until 4 ?Clock, on the evenings previous to publi ention, rit: Tuesdays and Fridays.
Oct. [Inked Bates Oct. ↓ Calato
Nor. Bimby Nov. ????
Nov. Madra
25 | Bydney
Del Balavis
Not. Singapore Jas. Mamla Bhonghul
NUTIOR-The hours of Dicine Service in the Co- 20141, U'MATEL KIV, on Sundays at 13 A., M., 4 P. M, and ? pam 6 P. M.; and ots Thorndays at 6 P.M.
VINCENT STANTON, Victoria, in Nev., 1847. Colonial Chaplain.
NOTICE-Pazskyterian Chunes. This cangirge- tion, conducted for the prvant by the Hon. W. C. Busus, will meet every Babbath, in the Bungalow immediately bal bed the House.
The house of Dicine Service will be 11 a. M., and § pat
Vissels, 97th December, 1817
6. M.
We take a few items of intelligence from an extra inued by the Register on the 20th, the Editor having received Singapore papers to the 1st instant.
Major-General Savely and family arrived at Pinang en route to China on the 10th Decem ber, and will come on in the Brogman now duo. In consequence of the bad news from China the naval force in the Straits was on the move for this quarter; the following are the reports, Afelampus to sail on the 3rd of January, to be followed by the Royalist. Phlegethon (steaner) to proceed to Labuan with orders for the Me dea to go on to China The Medea arrived here on Thursday. Hooghly (stammer) lo search for the steam frigate Auckland under orders for China. It is also said that the Hooghly
power has been given. Indeed his inability in acknowledged by the Imperial Commissioner when he refers to the "self prohibitions" of | the people. He has not shown, however, that the villagers have laid down any " self prohi bitions" against killing foreigners, or that they have expressed the slightest contrition for their atrocity. It is true, the brawling Conny and Literati of Canton have put forth a clama tion advising peace, but there are no grounds of belief that the villagers will pay any regard to it The gist of the tedious negotia tion appears to be the statinging of twenty men near the factories to act as a body guard, the fulmination of two or three chups some with- out a date, an abundance of promises, and an assertion that certain functionarios have been sent to admonish the villagers. Wo merely refer to the subject at present, but to our hum- ble comprehension matters are just as unsatia” factory as they were a mouth ago. Worso in fact. The villagers have been expecting coer again be mid that we fear their power. cion, and if we fall to castigate them, it will
PROCLAMATION To van Valasan.
Ching, Magistrato ?r Nan-kar, impes the following proclamation to the siders and gentry of the villages, for
els information. If the country is quiet, the good and vinnoua people may Live in peace, but Ir strife has ones commenced, her s no longer any safety for person and propasty.
le mach to be lammstad, that the stupid people should give theive up to the momentary burst of ladiguation, whilst they are ignorant that they will bring themselves into great danger, and that by giving vent to their former private malice, they diarsgard entirely the interests of the public weal. Your fathers and superiore enght therefore most inspressively to admeslek yun, lo order to ensure your safety from to l
By the recent trouble at Hwang-cha-kes, the whole country was disturbed, our high authorities had to change their wish for preserving His into the necessity of lacing death, and danger succeeded secushy.
They have now applied the law with all severity, and ward their sumosi endeavour. By despsiching egale four callcers to the deladed and mopid villain, so tant even the deaf may bear and the blind receive sight, they have manifested the utmost companion and lore for you.
You ought to consider, that if a single individual creates disturbance, all have in share in the calamity, and that if one village engu sades have to dy from the faspending
● brawls, all the neighbourhood offers Infory. Th sery, and how can they then fald) their duties find in subsistance1 How can thees who produce tromble and give rise to wickedness live quietly and enjoy their pro- perry 1 We need not dwell upon the advantages and diadraninges, for these are sellerident.
last ten yases the annual average number of amigrants from one portion alone of the United Kingdona "bas a- med te 60,00; and while these persoon have cat mentiras off frets the means of ● ve abundant iu their own land, it is to be hoped that the sympathies o? their follow-countrymen will follow them and provide dem abundandy with that which they cannot otherwira possess. The secondary object of the Society in to vend soceries to the heathen; and it lays before the Church the wants of portion of our race which la lying in darkan and the shadow of desh
We is however apprehensive that our people will pot shoroughly understood this mater, and therefore we agula
?? love these authoritative edmonitions, in the most urgent Mims, to the gentry and people of those village. Every father ought in future to exercise control over his children, and the sthlors keep juniors in check. If any foreigner go and come on sho?e tothe villages in order to walk about, reich Bah, or shoot birds, this will by no meras Interiors with the villagers, and you inhabitants need not take any notice of it. If they have accidentally lost their way and enter the villages, you ought to shew them the|| red distinctly, that they may return. Do however ou se account drive them out, or engage in a deadly lead, to give rise to malt. In every Pepplacem
businem you may prevall with I the Megatrale enneider myself as the parent of my people, and mast bastow my most earnant attention upon proineung them. I ate therefore not leath to axbort you brain and again in a very impressive manner, and fervEDI- by hope that every one of you will yield obedience, and not prove refractory. This is my most earnest wish. A special proclamation
Toskwang. 97th year, 19th trouth, (Jan. 1948)-China Mast 90th Jan
Ppacial and are being raised which hare China as their skject; and we who, in God's Providence, arm resident ja'this' vast empire, are under pecallar obligation to de
Blesa population.
what we can for the avangalliation of her chest cons ...Tha tocisty wpports in whole or in part 25 Clergymen, boodes a large number of schoolmasters and Catechista
Resuming the subject of our naval armament during the last war (continued in our justast of the J?ch ?k), we hare to observe that, between the breaking out of the war in 1793, and the close of the war in 1814, several vary, ?ne ships of two decka wwe osptured from the seamy and added to the list of the Navy ; among the larger of this class, vessels rated 80 guas and upwards were the Malia, Tonnant, Canopus, Pompir, and one or two others; and of a smaller class, rated from 74 to 76 or 68 guns, were the Donegal, Tigre, Impeteus, Herculs, Spartiate, &c., captured from the French. The larger claus of these resule, the 80's, were unquestionably the finest ships of two decks in the world; they were of great size and tonnaga, for the time, and would be found of ample size and tonnage for the present day; they carried a heavy armament, were excellent sea boats in every weather, sailed remarkably fast, and were very weatherly. The Canopuce, which is still In commission, may serve as an inferior specimen of the group. The smaller ships to which we have referred were nothing inferior to the others except in sino; they had every good quality which the larger ships possessed: and as a proof they were powerful vessel we may state that, although beavily masted, they stood up a'mirably wall to their can- vas, and never complai red in bad weather.
In a naval work pub iabed in 1800, we ?nd it anted that H. M. ship Jrepesona's (rated 76, captar- sedefrol the French in the action of the Ist June) lower masla were four feet above those of a 06-gan ship; her tapmasta not quite so high in proportion; her toplantionate higher than what are common. ly used in 74; her lower and tops?lyards very square; topgsilang yards not so. In these days of |naval Inquiry it say he imteresting to give the di- mensions of this vessel's spam as a specimen of the class to which she belonged, and this we are enabled to do from an official document:- Mainmast from the step, 115 feet 4 inches; topmast, 67 feet 4 inches: gallantroust, 32 feet 11 inches; foremast, 104 frei 6 inches; foretopmast, 63 feet 6 inches; foretop- gallant mest, 20 at 11 inches; misen must, stopped in the lower drek, 80 feet 6 inches; reizentopmast 47 feet 4 inches: isentop-gallantmart, 22 feat 8 inchen; bowspril, 71 feat I inch, jib-boom, 48 feet 9 inches: main yard, fel incles; topil yard, 80 feet 5 inches; inpgallam yard, 42 feet 2 inches; fore yard, a fet 0 inches; foretopsail yard, 67 feet inch; torgailent yard, 37 feet 2 inches; mizzen. feel. When we consider the number of year that topsail yard, 47 feet 10 inches; topganol yard 33 these superior ships were in the possession of this country, it is surprising that the new ships upon two deche, Bulk after the renewal of the war 1808, were not constructed from their lines, instead of building a class of vereria which were for the most part of a very mediere description compared to them. We have been informed upon sufficient authority that, out of nine British ships of the line which accompanied the Russian dret to England after the Convention of Cutra, there were hat two of them that could sail with the ship of the Russian Admiral Zineris; these were the Donegal uni) Her cair, both French ships and among the British squadron there were ships, both of the old and new construction. The Russian ship, Swedish-built, was of 78 guna. This fot alone ought to have given a bit to the aaral avaboritim, that there was some room for Improvement in our naval construc- all the virtues of a ship of the line to consist in her tion; not, as we have already said, that we consider sailing qualities; but when this is found combined with every other good property, an in these French hipo, it is certainly most desirable. It is quits possible that some of the Surveyor's shipa may il though judging from the trials with the Canopus, better than those we exptured from the French, al this is by no means well established; but admitting that they have this perfection, it is undeniable that, in every other respect, and in every property which would be required for a sea-going ship, they are Tally inferior.
PUBLIC MEETING. ? Pormal to medico given in the Colonial Church on Pun day last, Pabile Meeting was held in the Church on Wednesday afternoon, 19th ineraal, for the pupose of formleg District Comics in this Calony of the ery For Promoting Christian Krowiada?, and of the Ix- CORPORATED ROct?ry von Tax PROPADATION OF THE GOSPEL FOREIGN PARTS.
After the objects of these two venerable ineditations, the oldest Religious Becieties in existence (the former kaving been established in 1906, and the latter in 1705) had been polated out by the Rev. V. Stanton and the Rev. S Banks, the following Resslations were proposed and unanimously adopted, viz:→→
1st. That in very desirable to form in Etongkong District Commitee of the SectETY von Proserine Casis- TIAN KNOWLEDGE, in order to collect and transmit infor mall to the Parent Society respecting the best meane of promoting Christian Knowledge in this ColonT: 10 estabilne, enlarge or superlatende schools; to apply seciler and natives with Bibles, Prayer-books, and other paticasions etrculated by the Society; in promowe trans lations of the Scriptores and Lilogy into the language of the center and lastly, to make collection in aid of the Society's Funds.
ad, That the following individuala be request to form the Comics ris-The Rev. Vincent Santon; the Rev. Hatuwel Banks; Llant-Colonel Phillpota, R. E C. B. Blber, Esq. D. Car, Eag Archi Campbell, Reg. 64 Bill, Esq. 0.8.1 T. D. Neave, Saq Rev. A. W. Breedman, Secretary: Haary Dickinson, Red Trane: with power to add to their numbers.
3rd. That His Excellency the Governor be requested in become Patron of tata a
The Meeting then proceeded to pass the following Reso lutions in regard to The Incorporated Society for the Pro-
will carry a party of European Artillery intend.pagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, vis
ed for service here from Pinang to Singapore.
The Admiral sailed for Ceylon and Madras
without hearing of the 11wang-chu-kee murders. The firms of Colville, Gilmore & Co., and Hughesdon Brothers of Calcutta are said to be bankrupt, and the reported failure of Lacker- steen Brothers is denied.
We copy the opium sale of 29th November
and of the merchase and people of different i, from the Register's extra:
kave really and the ions of mind and body, and
alry are in the highest degree complets. Not only way I
CALOTA-The clipper Larich made the passage dose
face the English, bat so the thede of ations in the towing Med 11 on wall restrain your merchants and poor, 1847, the result of the Oplum Sale of
from Calcata (town) Biegapore in 121 de fal
ple, the sb la responsibility -? protection obali rant with me
he. That lay heraffer yield obedience to the Treaty,
and petjelmally enjoy universal peace without end
I have made communication on this mobject in the Pleni polubary Br J kn Davin, besides which thave now lo give a Deelwatka for your informamon. A accounty Declaration
For the Bush Coomi Macgregor, 19th Janasey, 1866.
Ta Tarton Steatown, Interpreter.
The First Sale,
JQ19 900
R 100, and Benares, Rs. 96%. Tubingbent in the mis The average of the Lenrick's cargo of opium was Patna, the Mall of the ask October arrived and prices declined to far below the sale prices, being on 15th December, Faise, Ba. 500, and Benares, Ba. 940.
We wait with cones anxiety to learn what further steps Sir John Davis intends taking in that Keying had to the 20th instant
But if it is extraordinary that these admirable
Ist, That in Pery desirable to establish in this Co-models of naval architecture were not followed dur lony & Dieriet Comes of the SOCIETY FOR T Poing the war, it is still more extraordinary that they PAGATION OF Tan Gowns, c PORSION PARTS. This Bociety was corporated by Royal charter in the year
should have been neglected since the peace, when 1701, for the receiving, managing, and disposing of such
the authorities at Charing-cross had little other en- foods as might be ountributed for the Religious lastro ployment for their time than to attend to our naval tion of Bar Majesty's Babjects beyond the dean; for the meintenance of Clered to the Plantations, Colonim, some yers a member of the Board of Admiralty, construction. Sir George Cockburn, who was for and Fectories of Great Britain; and for the Propagation of the Gospel in those parts;" and the object of tbla
might have recollected the excellence of his own District Commitine is to aid in carrying out these views ship, the implacable, a French-built ship, rated 76, in every poble way.
which he commended as a Captain. Sir Joseph Tarke, who was also a member of the Board, though we believe not after the peace, might live thought of the superiority of his own splendid vessel, the Christion VII., of 80 guns, taken at Copenhagen. Unfortunately, their own practical knowledge and experience were either lost upon the gallant officers who were successively at the Board of Admiralty; or else, which is the most reasonable conjecture, their judgment was nos appealed to. Of course we themselves to the consideration of Deval construc cannot accuse the uavul natborities of not applying
tion sizes the prace; but we eccuse them of doing eo in un injud?cious, an eximrugant, and an inelli
Bad, That the following individuals be requested to form the Commille, vis:-The Rev. V. Sinton | Rev. 3. Banks; Lieutenant Colonel Philipods, R. E; 0. Holler, Req. R. D. Gay Eaq., Arch. Campbell, Bag 8. St HM, 14 J. D. Haave, Eng. Rev. B W. Steed man, Paviery: Houry Dickinace, Raq, Trewer; with power to add to their number.
Brd, That Ble Excellency the Governor be requested so become Patron of this B?ciety.
Both the above mentioned Beciatino bave me ordinary daim so all the members of the 4 herch of England. When we consider the growing spiritual wants of our ma pidly erasing popsialan at bow and that the great eny of the present day la" education for the people; and when we, as Christians, are satisfied that no education can be really profitable or sound ssies directed by rail. in the Word of God; and when we recient manner. We say aguio, as we have said on les end showhere by the ministrations of the Clergyme experimental ship building after the peace-treat member that a want of beaks la being crusted in the Colo-
several occasions, that there was no necessity for
A public adder in which the homble opinion is pas forth that! The Hwang-chu-kee affair. It was understood and Milenarios sent out by the Society for the Propage for ships of the line or frigates. There was no need
Chinese and Parsiguere ought to practise peace and unity, and bhadra always seek to be in mutual tranquilly.
the British Plenipotentiary that he could pro- tect foreig: ers from the outrages of the villagers,
Our Bizent Emperor, regarding all with the e bere ber, has pered Freigners to come hitherts to trade, the Prusybject of work in that those ferigners from afar and and others. That period has elapsed, and, so
Love ear shall sil alika enjoy proft and advantage. But
far as known to the public, no such proof of
of the Gospel in Fercles Parta, the duty so wall as clear. the privilege of pasting in the good work la evident sod The principal object of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, is to supply, by shine of the spiritual wants of the pourer colmics. During the Clergymen of the Church of England and Fchool-manters,
for an intuitive school. The peace of 1814 left England with as perfect models of naval architec ture as any country could have desired; and had have been red, which have been squandered in these modela been followed, millions of money might
The work of retribution is begun. The ex posures of the leadrooies of the policy of the Or leana Bourbons, in the shape of crime and the re. publica demonstrations all over France, are that the spirit of justice is at work. One des is a prince convicted of chealing another there are now lord of the bedchamber le dragged to prison, peas and ministers found guilty of bribing, and stained with the blood of his wife, assassinated by shout four o'salock in the morning, a frightful tra thiny wounds. Last Wedangday was a wook, gaty was enacted in No. 55. Rue de Faubourg St. Hinore, at Paris, the mansion of Marshal Bibi tinni, lo samous bedchamber, worned with all that aristocratio wash and Parisian taste
cou'd peare, waman. about forty years of age,
HE Building on the Queen's Rond, known se the Keying House. Also Bungalow in Aberdoen direst. Apply to,
Hongkong, 21st January,, 1847.
NOTICE. FRANKLYN & MILNG have opened the rooms the British Hotel, COMMON AND AVOPION on the ground floor of the Premise known as Bale Hoone and will be copy to receive Guada for either Private Bale or Public &aelisa.
Victoria. 21st January, 1848.
T FRANKLYN & MILNES Bale Rooms, A this day, m .. for the bene?t of the Casernet, Chests of Patna Opium, more or leon damaged.
TRANS OF SAL as per Bills.
FRANKLYN & MILNE, Auctioneers.
Victoria, 21od Janansy, 1818.
PUBLIC AUCTION. T FRANKLYN & MILNE'S Bale Rooms, for the boneft of the Concerned,~~$ Chon, Patos yards, more or less damaged by ang water. Opium 6 Pisces of Btriped Woollen Cloth, 164
16 Cases of Superior Clarar.
3 Do. do. Champagne.
Do. do. Hocks
and are only sold so alos? au invoice.
Those Wines are really of a spurior description
Teams of Salu as per Billa.
FRANKLYN & MILNE, Auctioneers.
building ships, and sharing and ruzosing them, when,
'T'here is a "poral complicity between Louie afise all, the best that can be said of them is that
Philippo and the crimes of the system of bis Cabinet some are not qube so bad as others. The elemen
and the officiale, by whoso iguana ho has governed of oliency must certainly prevail with axior.
France. Kings and rulers are mucaily responsible Mary fared at Charing-cross, for notwithstanding for the influence of their example, and the moral qdrocal condemnation of the Surveyor's spirit which they infuse into their servante ani ship, the Albion, of 90 guns--notwithstanding her employes Laws out tske oogais race only of Grote, strated failure as a sea-going vessel, and albus in proportion as a me grows in moral insight though the completion of several similar editions of
will be see the responsibility of every one of us fur home work, by the same author, bad, in conse the mirat atmosphere which we shed around us. rance, been suspended, we now find that, out of
Louis Philippe has not merely reigned, he has are complaisance to Bir Wm. Symonds, we sup
ruled, io Prance since 1830. More than any other suse, they are to be proceeded with as further speci
Marah in the world he has been his owa Prime of national folly and extravagance.
Minister, and the source of the morality of the To return to the subject with which we set out We had during the last war, and even up to the father of his people, he has hoon the father of the 601,000 placuiman of France. Though not the y close of it, a claw of ships, included in the kno
official French. If all are juled by the of haule, rated only 64 quna; some of these were
still handsome, might be sou? kalfasleep by the company they keep no taler has a sight to com- dimlight of a night lamp. A man of similar age, wilk in the Bovernment yards, some ware captured plain of being jalgod by the function sties ka ap- from the Dutch, and we were purchased from the points. The recent history of France has been a
of amatore and penied irritable features, olathni East India Company. Thpes built in the Govern
juncension of oz?losiona of scandals and outregon,
in his drossing gown, steals into the room armad ment yards were really very handsame little ships, M Martin de Nit was Minister of Public War
with pistole and a hunting knife. the leans over of a better model, and generally selled and worked ship, grave and plous personage in bis external sects her throat with her hands, which are wounded hor, and stab her in the throat. She ripes, and pro- better than the old 74'; they were besides good as apparence. The hoary hypocrite dies of shame by the next blow. She springe out of bed towards bols Among these were the game, for some and ridicule having figsered lu a disgracelul brawl, the bell rope-it is out; but she kancks at the door time commanded by the great Nelson, the Poly-
le a brothel. General Cubieres, a peer of France, with her bleeding hand. The door is locked. There Africs, Lion, Stately, 4. The armament
and twice a Cabloet Minister, writes a letter, in of these ships would not of course, suit the present which he says" remember the Government is in
is a fearful struggle, in which she clutches his hair. daf-our 50 gan frigates answer the purpoes better;
groody and corrupt hands"-and gets 100.003 the poinard is broken. She faints from loss of She in repeatedly stabbed, and he is wounded, and but at the time these ships wote contracted the Trance to bribe Tests, the Minimer of Public blood on an armchair beside the bell on the wall. Dach feels had to be watabed, and many of the Works. The affair gets wind, all Frenck ociale The ruthless assassin strikes her on the head with ships of that nation were under 70 guas. The
deny it, a scapegoat trick is prepared for the trial, the ball and of bla platol In a last effort abs suc. on Tuesday nox), 25th insient, at 11 a. M. North Sea fleet hud, ooeequently, several of those but it fails, and the truth is established that an coeds in ringing the hell. Har mail tivos at the small chips among its numbers and they bore a con-
ex-Cabinet Minister had bribed a Cabinet Minister, door and finds a difficulty in opening it when she spicuous part in the victory gained by Admiral Dune and if Taste becomes a convict sentenced to three hears groans. A man vervant, who has gone by CAD, of Camperdown: one of them, the Again youre imprisonment. Charge of briking the Prom the garden to get in at the window, sera a man of fought at the Nile; another, the Lies borea with promises of poerages and gifs of theatrical the size and appearance of his master throw op the conspicuous part in the capture of the Guillaume privileges are aided in the Chamber of Deputies Tall, of 84 guas (afterwards the Malta), when the
by ministerial majorities The National and the Lim had seven men killed, an?l 39 officers and men
Presse bring charges of corruption against the mended; and the Agamemnon and Africa woce Ministers and defy investigation in the public both nobly fought at Trafalgar. Theos 61-gun courts, and the Ministers brick from the deliacon. papa were also much used on the East India station,
There are thirty-Ove millions of the French, and dese or more of them generally took charge of there are only two hundred thousands of electore The Bast India conveys.
in France, and theen are fire hundred thousand It may be curious at the present day to know the place! The Government of Louid Philippe class of ships which composed the Chanosi fest,
has no ware worthy of the name yat it is twice as Mockading Brest, 47 years back. In 1800, the fort expansive as that of the Emperor Napoleon, who mader the command of die Allan, afterwards Lord covered France with the giare of military glory Gardner, consisted of the Fille de Paris. 110; Bar The Government of Louis Philippe is four times Jer, Glory, St. George, and Windsor Castle, all of as expensive as that of the French Republic, which the clues of amall 98%, which we also noticed. The drove Europe in arms a way in defeat and diegrate two-decked ships were, the Ajaz, 80, the Triumph, from the costs and frontiers of France. The ar- Mars, Centaur, Superb, Achilles, and Impetuous planation of the difference is corruption, and ooth (French), largo 74's before described, there were ing but corruption. The Government is in greedy the Canterland, Canada, Captain, Defence, De and currupt hands. Evary case which comes to bases. Elephant. Excellent, Hector, Marlborong, light, is soon to be only part of a system, a uni Ramilies, Revolution, Robust. Russell, Saturn, Teveral system of onrruption. Nor have the casce ribia nad Fearable. Such was the fleet oppased to been few; the affairs of M Edmund Blanc, of M, found the evidence bearing heary again him, Washing and repairing Barrack and the French firal rates and 80 gun ships.
Martin du Nord, of Nouilhard and Guilhem, will managed to swallow a quantity of laulanum. We have not thought it necessary to speak more occur to the memory of the most cursory roadare the sagacity which distinguishes it, saya—? fi la He has since tako uronio. The Nati-mal, with particularly of the altips of the line captured from of the French news. How Guisst and Duchatel the Spanlarda. Dutch, and Danos: there ware but met the charges of Al Einle da Chrandin, as body or means probable, that the Dake of Praslin, few of the vessel of the two fiest malions taken into can have forgotten. The dynastie system of the to the Dachs of Orleans, and, at the same time, Poer of France, and Gentleman of the Bedchamber the service, and it was not until late in the warthat Orlane Bourbons has been a Govaruinent of oor- the Copenhagen Aset was added to the Navy. In noticing the ships built after the breaking out of the - var in 1703, ?n a former article, wo omitted to mation the Car, of 80 guns, built at Plymouth, and launched in 1793. This abip was in this action. | of the Let Jane, and win one of the vessels that fright shy on that occasion ; but it was also in this ship that the late Lord de Sau narez the French and Spanish squadrons under Algusiras, in 1930, and afterwards achieved so glorinviato ty of Cadiz, one of the most daring and brilliant enterprizes the whole war. The Casor wan 617|| so few than the Surveyor's ship, the Vanguard, of the amo arrvament and 265 tone lace than the French Canopus, also of 80 gune; she was a fine may ahip, and ailed tolerably well; she fell in aloft, but not mear so much as the old 74's. The Aju, another 80-gun ship, was buik at a pelvato yard at Botherithe, and Inanoket in 1793. We can now also state that the Ville de Paris, 110, was built at Chatham, and buncited in 1795; two years before
Neptune, and three years before the Tomoraira | This vessel manured 2.399 tone--that is, 877 ions kes than the Vanguard; but, with the Burveyor, balk ard magnitude are everything.
window. The maid breaks into her bedroom, and see her mistress in the agonins of death. The rel supposition is, that the assassination has been the work of mobbers. The servants rash to the Duke, he as already up and, in an agong, he throws him self upon the body of his still breathing Duchess, But the offer of justice arrive and investigate for doctors had spoken the truth in their beste. Hair mang booms. The morragia who had run for the
corresponding with the heir of ber husban? ia co. hand of the victim. The marks of the blows upon Jour and length is found clutched in the bloody
her head correspond to the butt end of the pistol of lamp left by the dual corumet. The broken kaife the Duke, even to the silver mountings, and the
the sheath. The string of blond on his dressing was his, and he had secreted the handle and buent gown had been partially washed out When the
Victoria, 21st January, 1848,
will be received at this Office by the Respe
Office of Ordnance, Hongkong, 18th January, 1818. NOTICE is bereby given that Bealed Tendere
of February next frown such Persa as may be tive Officers of the Ordasace until the 16th day
willing to contract for the following Services, from
Duke of Choissal Praalin, whose motive is sup. | the 1st April 1948 to 31st March 1849; posed to have been a passion for a beautiful gover-
ruption, protected by large starling armies and card of murder, will appear before the court In
stituted in try him." The impression is universal Immense fortifications. No wonder though the that if the poissa he has already taken de not people are universally indignant, and area in the
voltour, a robber!
rural districts, when they so a placemen cry-office, other poison will snatch this courtier Duke rom the guillotine Thiraspeciation we have this But the King is the great corrupter, and the con moment learned was realized on Tuesday eflaroon tral figure of a Givernment costaining many er at five o'clock, when the Duke died of poison. He minile His condust in the affair of the Spanish must have got it with the connivance of the au- Mueringen will bear a comparmon in its baseness
thorition with say thing known of Cabiores, Tests, or Mardyansty, through its chosen and favourite instru When manifestations of the spirit of the Orleans tin de Nord. The so of gullesined Egalit?, is worthy of his father. He has acted upon the me ments, connect it by moral complicity with crime, xim that srsey man has his prios. It was the Wale, me mend not wonder at the prevalence of Repub- poleau morality which was enthrones by the Rs.
lican demonstrations in France. The throne of volation of July. Elowever, hle spirit la embodied
Loule Philippe is now propped up solely be the in his conduct in the affair of the Spanish marriages
sword of Marshal Bugeaud, the hero of the Dihra mamacro. Orleans crime is, making France Re- in a way which will coure Louis Paillou place in the culebrations of a future Damas. He wished publican. Milton describes haid-ernand 100, to make sure that his son or his grandson should whose head and fore paws have escaped the surth, ascend the throne of Spain. He is the umale af which still holde firmly his kinderparts. This lin the Queen and the Infanta, a omple of girl justrance of that Head of Terme is the anpstition of
is the type of French Republicanism.
The appo budded into wemrubeod. Guizot told the Briush
| Ambasador a lio, and by this means the King the Avenger against a Dynasty of fortifications,
managed to marry his son, the Dake of Meatpen-corruptions, and crimes.
sier, to the intanta, at the same time at which ber
Hospital Bedding....
Repairing Barrack, Furniture and
Swooping Chimnyes Emptying Privies Removing Ashes
Lighting Lamps
Further particulare and conditions of Contract
HENRY ST. HILL Ordnance Storekeeper.
may be known un application to this Office
The Race ComNtvrze kering dermed it advisable te make some sligh?alterations to the programme,—the follow ing is the amended list for the forthcoming Races,-
**The last Entranco la deferred until the 25th Instant, on which day the List will be positively closed.
** Dendomen are particularly requested to attend to the dinali caule kule which regard to Entrance nad Ridan."
TOMDAT, ter Fourwany, 1848.
sister, the Qaron, was forced into marrying sa A Yang Patane. --Among the notices of idiol youth in a hateful onlon, whence an heir to recent American patents in Newton's Lonnon Jo the throne of Spain could not come. The motherURNAL OF Antu for Juno, is the following:- of the Queso of Spain a profligate woman, was the "To John Allen, of ficionati. Ohis, for a method The Wong.nei chung Stakes, for all Ponies onder
secure by letters patent, rest?ring hollow chonka to their natural contour and rotunduty by means of metallic bulbs, formed, fitted to, and accured to the mouth by any suitable autachment between the jaw. bones and the chook.
FEMALE LOQUAcres.-Jean Paul mye, that a lady officer, if she wanted to give the word "bak" to her troops, would do it somewhat in this wise-- *You soldiers, all of you, now mind, I order you, as soon as I bave finished spalding, to stand still, every one of you, on the spot where you happen to be; don't you hear me 1 balt, I say, all of you!"
ORLEANS CRIMES; OR THE MURDER OF THE DUCHEW OF PRASLIN. Crimes, worthy of comparison with those of the Borgias in the blackest annals of Italian story, are worthy instrament of this orgel deception. The of restoring the floses of roundness to th checks" serring in royal and ministerial circles in Paris young gizi, not yet sorentsen, Lasbella of Spain, in The patents claima, as his invention, and desires to
Madrid. Alexandre Dumas may find crimes
hor wrath at being betrayed, banished her mother caring among the personages of wliose acqueial from her court, and separated from her.ideal bes- che la proud, and to whose patronage he was band. But there was a handsoms General Beernas, titles, a base and as bloody as any of those on said to be a creature of the French King, at hand, Which he has displayed bis powers of melo-dre Of his attractions, it is said, the maiden wife has tic narative. The Borgias were the performore only been too sensible. The honour of the Queen of deeds which have transmitted their names to of?pain is openly questioned. She is now willing terity in the most hideous pages of the Black so patch up an appearance of coconciliation with Books of History. In our day, the Orleans Bour- her husband, and live under the same roof. But are the centres of influences, and Lewis Phi- bia reply is publicly announced, and this is theeab pps, King of the French, seems the impersonation stances of it :? b?y wife left me dve monthego; spirit which manifests itself characteristically other four will make nine I shall wait other four day in besences, and another day in blood. months before I obey the commands of her Majesty, Orleans crimes are forced upon the notice of all and return to live with her husband and wife.”
journaliste, and the present writer, that his Considering the aril example of her mother, and Tan MesmerieT OUTWITTED —Ata recent ma heart may not call him a coward, is compelled the indulgence of all her whims?a childhood and merio lecture in Exeter, by Mr Hicks, one of the aurate the crimen of the King, the crimes of the girlhood spent in a museum of confectionary, the experiments most signally filed, to the chagrin of at Household, and the crimes of the French arust deception and the prepared templation to the lecturer. Hering, as he fancied, mesmerised Ministers. The topic is the topic of the week, and which she has fallen a victim-few can withhold a table and a man's head, and by some means hald will be handled with a mournful if a fourless pen. pity for the misfortuner and errors of the fair haired the two so effectually together that it all depended *Moral complicity" is a principle which the and blue-eyed daughter of Ferdinand, the petticoat on his single will whether they should ever again Most French Government evoked into legal embroiderer. But what words can be strong enough | be parted, he placed a shilling in tempting proximity tion against the liberty of the press. He made to express the indignant execration due to the cruel so the hand in a fix," and exclaimed, There tore responsible for what he called the tendency uncle who ountries, by juggling girl out of her now, my man, if you can take up that shilling you their writings. There were certain journals husband and her bonour, to cheat her out of har may have "Thank you," said the honest fal which wrote against him, and there were certain throne ? Of course, this craft will not succeed. An low, as be very coolly dropped the coin into his
ne who frod shots at him, and by what he Old Book tell us that the orally men is sure to be waincoat pocket. ded moral complicity he tried to make the editors caught in his own seare. Caunlag triumphs only shable for the shots of the amassins. This for a ume, but simplicity is victorious for ever. a very unjust law against journalists Bat Loule Philippe you have won a throne by craft, Here is a most important fact involved in it in which you have been a Jarget for newwin bul Theogh too impalpable a thing for the basis of legal | los. By craft you may place your abildren on ill predings, men le responsible to society for the gotten thrones; but, schoolmaster in Switzerland
dency of bis words and deeds. Marat, for ex -Napoleon of Peace!—monarch of the Barri. ple, La responsible to the execrating of bistory cades-Citizen Kingson of the bahseded Ege ach of the crime of the French Revolution, lite-retribution is woven into the web of every se he was in his paper always enforcing his life-justice pervades as an electrical power the sides, and crying out for blood. He did not tides of human affairs; and God always la the d it himself, but he put the notion of doing it aranger of the helpless and betrayed upon the o the heads of those who did shed it.
orally and the deceitful man.
AL &me, the 19th instant, aged 38 years, Jour H. Muin Eng
THE Hopes on the Queen's Road adjoining the Oriental Back, now occupied by Mr Mackwick. Passion can be given from the In February. Apply to,
BELL & Ca Victoria, 90th January, 1849.
18 hands. One mila Entrance $1 each with $90 added from the Fund. Weight for inches an per scale. Former Winner of this (lace excluded. The Plenipotentiary's Cup, prosented by His Ex- cellency Bir John Francia Davis, Barons, value $200, for all Horses. One mile and thros quer tore. Weight 10 stone 7 e. Sydney and Caps bred Horses to carry 1 stone 7 lbs, extra. En- trance $10 each. Bacood Horse to save his Stake.
The Valley Stakes, for all Ponim 13 bands 2 inches and under. One mile. Entrance $1 each with $40 added from the Fund. Weight for inches as per scale. The Winner of the Valley Stakes last Jest to carry 7 lbe, extra.
The Arab Weller Stakes. One tile and a half Entrance & each with 650 added from the Fund, Weight (I stone.
The Rack Stakes, for all Ponies. Catch weights. One mile. The Winner to be sold for $50 if elaimed within a quarter of an hour from coming in. Entrance free, with 8.30 added from the Fund.
The Sydney Stakes, for all Horse Arabe pop- ed. Two milca. Entrance $10 each with $100 added from the Fund. Weight 10 Mods 7 lbs. The Winner of the Plenipotentiary's Cup to catyr 7 lbs, extra. Becond Horse to save his Stake.”
WEDNESDAY, 2nd Fesquant, 1848.
The Pony Welser Stakes, for all Ponies. One mile and a half. Weight 10 stone 7 iba. for Ponies 18 hands and under. 11 stone for Ponics above 13 hands. Entrance 61 each with $50 added from the Fund.
The Canton Cup, valus $150 fa?all Horses. One mile and a half boats. Weights 10 stone for Abs.11 stone for Sydney Horsos. The Winner of the Plenipotentiary's Cup to carry ↑ Ibu, uztea. Entrance 5 each.
?? ????????.
19, Duke of Carmeli, Whitshand, from London 17th June.
The Victoria Plzis, vales $80, for all Ponics, mito and a half... Weight 9 mone 7 lbs. Winner of the Valley Bakes to carry 7 Iba extra, and if the Winner of the Victoria Plate last year to curry 10 lbs, extra. Entrance $3 each.
Til Entrance each with 950 added
Stalne, for all Ponies. Catch weights
from the Fund. Second to receive from the Fund, and third Horor to mare hi Stake.
The Gallway Slabes, for all Horses under 14 hands inches. Araba excepted. One mile and a half Entrance $3 each with 150 added from the Fund. Weight 10 stone.
THURSDAY, 3RD Fearvary, 1848. The Hunters Plato, valus $80, for all Horace. Ope? mile and a ball Four Hurdles 4 feet high, and Two Hurdles 4 feet 6 inches high. Weighis fur inches as per scale. Eptance $5 each.
The Pony Hurdle Race, for all Ponies. One milo and a half. Four Hurdles 3 feet high, and Two Hurdles 9 feet 6 inches high. Weight for inches sa per scale. Entrance 31 ouch with 840 added from the Fund. Second Pony to receive $10 from the Fund,
The Arab Stokes, for all Araba
Two miles. Weight 9 stone 7 The Entrance $10 each with $100 added from the Food. The Winner of the Cup to catty 7 lbs, extra. Becond iforse to save his Buko.
The Ladies' Part, value 950, for all Ponies. Winners at this meeting excepted. Entrance free, Catch weights.
The Native's Purse, value $20, for all Ponies. In. dian and Chinese Riders. One mila. Catch weighin
The Hongkong Steeple Chase, for all Ponies. Catch weights. Uround to be named by the Stewards one hour before the time of slaning. ExtraOCE 01 each with $90 added from the Fund.
RULES AND REGULATIONS. Entrances to be declared on or before 15th Ja- nuary, 1849.
Races to commence practually at 2 o'clock v. m.
The first Baddling Bell to be rung at § past 1 r.m. A quarter of an hour allowed between each race.
Upon each saddling bell being rung all Horses to run for the next Race immediately to rendezvous on the course opposite the Grand Stand to draw for their respective places, and not to go down to the Starting Pont until led by the Steward appointed to start them.
After each ruce, the 11orses parsing the Winning Post to return to the Judge's Band and the Rider declared to be first to be weighed. Any Jockey dismounting before his turn, or before being call upon to be weighul Icses his claim to be placed as the Winner.
All disputes as to Entrances and Qualification of Ilorers to be dealsted in writing before the next Race commences, or no right of appeal allowed.
No Floree allowed to run whose Entrance fees
are not paid up to the Secretary.
All Disputes to be referred to the Stewards whose
decision is final.
Qualification of Riders as at former meetings.
90, Emma, Bibby, from_Whumpos.
20, IL M. Bur. Medeo, Commander Mason, from Labuan 18th January. 91, Anden, Bullivan, from Foo-chew-foo 9th January,
$1. Euphrates, Clifford, from Whampoa.
Per Duke of Cornwall,—Mrs Whitehead, two Children, and Chinese Servant. Parted company with the Anna Robertson on the 29th December of the Pelaw
20, Esers, Morris, Bombay.
2), "Ramilias, Maclean, Bombay,
9, General Fander Bosch (Dutch), Plokker, Holland.
16, A. Von Preussen (Pramian), Moller, Elamburgh.
95, Brigand (Portuguese), Almeida, Straits,
Arrivals—December 23, Greyhound, Hutchinson, from Macao 14th Dec.; 25, John (Bwodah), Osterberg, Hongkong 14th do. ; 26, Argyra, Ross, Wham- pos 12th do.; 29, William, Balmon, Hongkong 15th do; 9, Titania, Kaight, langlong 18th do; 29, Lanrick, Whas, Calenus 16th do,; 29, Bylph, Mac- Donald, Hongkong 19th do; 31, Amelia, Crighton, Calco 10th do; Cowes jos Family, Durham, Calcuna 19th da; Mor, Alton, Hongkong Simdo.; Ar. Jesser, Grainger, Hongkong 23rd do; Water Witch, Forgan, Hongkong 23rd do.
Departures-December 29, Amazon, Danaboy, for Pesang: 27, Greyhound, Hutchinson, Madras; 28, Argyra, Rece, Bombay, 30, Laarick, White, Houg long; #1, Bylph, MacDonald, Calcoun; Titania, Knight, Port Phillip
Passenger per Lanrick from Calcutta, Lieutenant Boko.
Captain Brodis of the Doich barque Charice, spoke the barque Stratheden, on the 8th December, in the Straits of Banca, from lengkong to London out 12 days.
Panana-The Lowjes Family and Lord Elphinstone, came in here on the 9th (December), on their way to Aladtue from ?longkong, (13th and 14th No- rember), with the 42nd B. N. L on board.
H. M. Ship Dadales
Brig Chine Blog Seat
El. G. Humer Plo
11. 3. Bng (bildern
"Brig Epile
Bremer Velture Beer Medos Ship Alligator
Skip Nadom PLENCE.
II. C. M.B. La Beyannaim
Alligur, brig
Audix, schooner
Christabel, berge Cormir,mer
Duke of Cornwall, ship Emma,
Hashemy, ship
Island Queen schooner
Joseph Bomes, ship Kingma, barque
Litoes, brig
Portes, brig
Pries, schooNET
Red Rowe, barges
Shepherd, barque
Young Habe, whoomer
Australia, bosque
Beulah, ship
Brahmin, ship
Caldes, barque
Chinhale, barque
Fortitude, skip
John Flaming, ship
Marquis of Bute, skip
Mary Bannatyna, barqno
Bensis, ship
Minerve, ship
Blogkong 18 Cuma
14 Jun
her Cajdono Gongkong
Captain P. Melchao,
Commander Grey.
Commander W. Lacing.
Lieut-Gonding G.T. Alroy,1,. Commander 1, 0. Pinnan. Commander T. P. Thompson.
Hongkong, barons Loop, barque
T. Mouman and co.
Whampoa 50 Anderson
Macho Amy
So Twi
J. M. 8. Van Be
494 Schmidt
Klamkan, barque
$50 Pervice
Maltion, ship
Fyladen barque
Rally, loreba Mary, lorcha Aas, krebs
Hawanan. Julian, schooner
(Store Ships) Bomanje ?umotive, ship For William, ship John Barry, ship
Palcea, k
Bygen, barque
Ibella Roberton, beague
Lady Heyen, hacq
Lyn, brig
Royal Exchange, brig
Kaparell, barque
c, choo
Bes Home, brig
Warlock, brig
Whampoa 50 the
Hongkong 44 (lanman
$5 @mith Amey 19 well |Honghong. 135 Horan
[Flongkong 1850 Co
214 Link
Cam'meon 312 Burley
377 Jason
39 Langley
$10 Hedley
155 Smardon
380 ta 1
917 Won
337 Mana
Syase, Muir and co. Syme, Muir and on,
Reale, Dane and an Hawke, Duss and on, Kawl, Uwar and co.
W. Puse and co.
Jardine, Matheson and ea
A.Olding, P.40.Cor. Agar. Deat and o
Jardine, Matheson sad co.
Murrow and
D. Beacon Basado,
Angadine Reagd and en,
Gilman and
D. & M. Rustomjon and on, Landery and co
P. F. Came and
+ Postcodes Franjo Cand
Dent and co
Jardins, Mathanen sad as. 30skana and on
Dent and co
Darde, Mathanen and es. Me and co
Wardins, Matheson and se
Anonyma, brig
Aurora, achamar.
Lood Ambac, kh?p
Mahamondes, bares Roy
Harlequin, brig
141 Browning Chicoke 250 Maria
STE Woodrem 135 Roper ||Foo-6-foo|| 219 Day
Das and on
105 Roope
IT Dean
Louise, barque
William, brig
Asia, brig Vian, schooner Amason, ship
Black Dog, schooner
Bone (A10.), nekeener Clows, brig Coir, ung
Dide, chec Easily Jane, chip Folkmoon,
Marley, burge
Balpe, brig
Time, schooner
William Hughes, brig
William (V., barque
Hellas, schooner
Termain, bergno
1440 Bache
Gitmen and co
Dent and oo,
Jardine, Matheson and os.
Meovicar and oo,
D. Batoes Bone sad es.
. Hubertova.
P. & D. N. Cama andes,
D. & M. Runtongjoo and on.
Turner and co
Dent and co
Hardino, Maibanon and on. Cowenjes Bapoorjes Langrik,
To Endicott, W. Angesine Heard and
16 Lacy
910 Boundy
194 Thompoo
Lookong 106 want
272 Princes
Murrey and o
and on.
Lindmy and
Jardins, Malbosor and ex Deat and on.
FOR LONDON,—At Whampoa,—Australia,
Gibb, Livingston & Co. Marquis of Bute, Russell de Co. Mary Bannatyne, Dent & Co. Menzies,
Sir Robert Bale,
Maspiral ..Suare
Captain John Mondongall. Commander T. H. A
? Menon. Door Bankier.
Commander La Oraviero.
To Masters.
|Hongkong| 198 |Cook
184 allian
3:0 Harding
Go Whitebead
637 124ford
13: Kom
774 home
319 Harwood
Lancer Betty
$55 Oliver
Candy era,
Rowe, Dugn and on.
Jardine, Methren and eo.
Lindsay wad so.
R F. Bib
Kennedy, Macgngor and co.
Dearle, Calvert and co.
Jamison, How and on.
Dent and co
George Dukdal
Tareer and ou.
Bein Rumeli,
Hongkong,--Joseph Bomes, Whampoo-Bit HL Compton, Hongkong,- Red Rover,
Mecao.-Rob Roy,
J'empo-Norman Morrison,
N. S. da Luz,
8. P. Xavier,
M. of Hastings,
Nya, Parkins & Co. Jardine, Mushmon & Co.
Liudany & Cp,
Deario, Calvert & Co. Jamieson, How & Co.
Blepkin, Rawson & Co.
Wetmore & Co.
Rasseti & Co.
Russell & Co. Olyphant & Co. Hussell & Co.
Holliday. Wise & Co. P. Framjee Cama & Co. Jardine, Matheson & Co. Boustead & Co.
Jardine, Matheson & Co J. M. 8. Van Basel,
J. M. de Jesus.
B. E. Carneiro.
Louren?o Marques,
J. F. d'Oliveira.
King Fleary,
Young Hebe, Alligator,
J. Cockerell.
Rawle, Duas & Ca
Kennedy, Macgregor and co
Holiday, Wine and co.
Dem and oo,
Comaceo Capoorjes Langrak.
Jardine, Machen and co.
Gibb, Livingston and 4. irist?ber and co
Jardins, Mobesen and ce Bleskin, Ruto kad co.
Whampoa 323 Barrios
570 Struber
|00| Hamila
Tarver and as,
JJ. Cockerell.
tenderne, Wawa and eo,
843 Bannatyne
Jardino, Muchosen and co.
Wemme and
Dent and co.
Nya, Parkland an
Jardins, Matheson and co.
? Ibe.
19 hands 3 in., 10
12 banda 0 in., 7
536 Piskon
But Chach
12. 9 8
Narita Morrisso, ship
550 Reynaldo
Jardins, Marbon and on.
Rokeby, barese
420 priser
and upwards
Royal Albers, ship
100 dunian
19 18.11 2 to
Bie Bdward Ryan, barque
Be Barbert Compson, barque
Bir Robert Bale, M
Bydney and Cape Horses Extra.
CHIPPING ARTICLES, according to the re-
cent art (Victoria 7 & 8) for sale at this office
Office "Friend of China,"
Victoria, 19th October, 1845. }
TOR mole at this office, four forms of bills of lad, ing for goods or specie shipped by the P. a 0. Company's Steam pacheta Is for goods deliver. able at London; Rad for goods deliverable at Southampton: 3rd for goods deliverable Spex;
Thomas Faldon, barges
Rob Roy, barque
There, schooner
Velocipeds, schooner
Francis Barclay, barque
J. Garnett, ship”
Mazeppa, hermaphgod?va
March Bar, ship
Tarrington, cheer
Zephyr, schooner
Denis, schoo
Galle, schoooar Omagu, nehovoET
Patel, schooner
Amoy Packet, schooner Caroline, comer
Me Brown
210 Leader
252 Praban
50 Hedon
176 Welf
Bhanghai 687 St
940 Mathews
17 Jaunos
1440 ANY
145 Woo
140 Nesle
Kennedy, Macgregor and co.
Mario and co
www and oo.
F. Franse Cama and eo,
Lindsay and c
Harding, Matheson and on.
Bound and co.
Jardins, Matheson and on. Flacher and ou
Plus Hargreaves and co.
Friends, Guest, Kimbion,
Byme, Muir & Co. Byrne, Muir & Co. Byme, Muir & Co. Byme, Muir & Co. Byme, Moir & Co.
Dent & Co.
28, Anna Robertson, 441, Munro, Hongkong. September 21, Bocens,
Loading on the 24th October.---Clifslon, Farourke, and John Cooper.
9, Sarah Louis. 207, Oldham, Shanghai.
9. Constant, 500, Hemery, Hongkong..
2, Jane Prower, 208, Nichols, Shanghai
15, Aden, 333, Michael, Hongkong,
17, Cordelin, Hughes, Hongkong.
18, Euphrates, Lucas, Shanghai.
1, Jane.
19, Horatio, — Caston,
Loading on the 24th October. —Aqua Marine; Berhampore; Dumfrie
Elim; Ellemije; John Elorton; John O'Claust, (Hongkong); Larponi, (8ham
bai); and Murtha.
10, Pathfinder, 208, Miller,
September 23, William Jardine, 693, Dounty, October
15, Lady Amherst, 440, Myhill, Hongkong.
25, Bharon, Lamas, China,
4, May Flower, 247, Thompson, Hongkong.
Jardine, Matheson and co.
Twer and so.
Ramie, Dene and co
Deal and
E. Con 13 King
Deas and on,
Jardins, Matheson and on,
170 Anderm
Jandiae, Matheson
and on.
4, Forrester.
101 C
Kamell and o
Bro, Mirandes.
18 Downl
176 Robertson
14 Bristow
Syma, Male and on.
King Henry, brig Loulen, Barque
Asscan. David Paddock, ship
281 Callery
Blangkong | 230|5wala
4th for goods deliverable at intermediate porta, chor They are printed after the Company's forms on Friends, barque Bank post.
Office "Friend of China"
25th October, 1845,
Gaam, brig
INQUISTS Reports and Navy BILLE for sale Plymouth, Mp
at this Office.
Office Friend of China, 28th Dea, 1844.
FOR SALE—At the offer of this paper.
Compradores choque books.
Bhips Articles, with an abstract of the merchant
seaman's act endorsed on the back.
Powers of Attorney, after forms by Chilly.
Charterparties, aller forms by Chity.
Bille of Lading.
Chinese Tariff of importa, and exports, for counting house,
Ashburton, skip
Argyle, brig
Kensington, skip Minstrel, ship Samuel Rugell, ship Bazanville, barque Vancouver, ship Action, shap
Congress, ship Coquette, berge Dart, schooner
Angions, schonRAT
Amizade, brig
Auerque of Hastings, hargne
| Tramalga, banque
N.. de Lun, beig
2. F. Xavier, schoonge
937 Palmer
430 Barber
||$18 Fallet
Shanghai 5950
375 French 476 Percola
150 Porter
Gaule, Dan and co. 18ymo, Muir and co
Bye, Muir and oa
Byma, Muir and co
18yma, Mair and co,
Orlaker, H?yland on.
ants and co
War and co
W. Bachlar.
Red and co,
and co
Russell and edi Rowell and os. ? Olyphant and on. Free and on
Reell and co
Resalt and co.
|Angostine Hoard and on, Russell and co.
213 P4
J. V. Jugs.
11. F. d'Oliveira,
J. M. de Jama.
960 Victal
390 Carvalho
Louren?o Marques.
153alatowichy (B. Carneiro,
__Loading.— Borens (Dutch), via Batavia; Machtilda Cornelia (Dusch via Batavia; Clare Aana Maria (Dutch), via Batavia.
November 15, Mayaram Dayuram, Puddicombe, Hongkong. December 12 Cowarjes Family, Durham, China,
16, Lanrick, White, Hongkong. Loading-Arruloon Apcar, Misch, and Bidney,
29. William Gillies, &t, Brown.
95, Will OtheWiep, 101, MeNight, Shanghai, 27, Thomas Henry, Jury.
Loading-Lobella Watson, and Sultana.
FROM SINGAPORE. November 9, Carib, 324, 11eaton, Shanghai. Leading-Eleanor Russell, 306, Jeffeis
Loading, Baboo, and Terror.
Printed and Published by Jonn Caun, At The Friend of China and Homela Gate, Printing Ofies, Govon StageT, VICTORIA, Honakope, 1842
YOL VIL No. 8.
PRICE $12 per immum.
TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the VRIEND OF CHINA AND HUNGKONO GAZETTE, par dasani, 12 Dollars. She Mendis, ↑ Dollars. Three Months, & Dollars; all paid in advzus.
Pricm, 14 Dollars. Dollare, and Dollars, for the periods of Twelve, Bix, and Threo Months respectively: Bingle Numbers, to Bghecribers 23 cete ach; to Non-Bubscribers, 1 ftupee. Partion calling or sending to the Omon for papers are requested to pay mak TERMS OF ADVERTISING.-Ten hoes and under. 1 Dollar; additional, 10 cents line. Repetitions one-third of the first losertion. Ships-Pinst Insertion, & Dollars subsequent Insertions 45 cents. Cros Advertisements to have written on the isso of them, the number of umas they are required to appear, otherwise they will be publisded anull countermended. In all instances, thom who are not Subscribers, require to pay in advance.
UE PeninsulaN AND ON- ANTAL COMPANY'S SO Bhip BRAGANZA, will leave
this for the above places on Sun doy the 30th January si 2 e. u. Cango will be received on board until Noon, and Brawn until 4 p. M., on the 29th,
For particulata regarding Fagrow and Passau, apely at the P. & D. 8. N. Company's Off
J. A. OLDING, Agent. Hongkong, 7th January, 1848.
THE P.&O. 8. N. Co.'s Steamere from Fore- xoxo will in future proceed throughout to Bonnay, touching as heretofore at Singapoxe P'ERANO, and GALLE, also as CoLogBO, COOKIN, CALIDOT, Goa, and VINOORLA. For particulars, of Freight and Passage, apply at the P. & O. 8. N. C?, Office.
Hongkong, 19th October, 1847.
UE P. & 0.8. N. Company's, will from this dale wodertake the conveyance of Spesie from Chine, and the Straits, to Southampton, under the conditions specified in their customary Bill of Lading, at 21 par cunt.
J. A. OLDING,-Agent,
P. & O. 8. N. Company's Office Victoria, la Denimber, 1847.
FOR LONDON, THE BIR ROBERT SALE, will have immediate despatch for the
OCEAN MAHINE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CALCUTTA THE Undersigned having been appointed Agua for the above Company, are prepared to grant POLICIES, payable in London, Liverpool, Bombay, Calcuus, Madras, Singapore, Maurkins, and Co lombo.
GIBB, LIVINGSTON & Co. Canton, 1st November, 1847.
THE Undersigned sve been appointed Agents of the above-maned Company, and are prepared to grant Policies bere and at Bhanghai, payable in London, Liverpool, Calcute, Bombay, and Canton
AUGUSTINE HEARD & Co. Canton, 16th June 1947.
WR JOHN G. WARD is admitted a Partner Ja our House, his Interest and Responsibility commencing on the let of June last.
AUGUSTINE HEARD & Co. Canton, 20th, July 1847.
T8 bereby given that Mr JOHN THISTLETH. WAITE coused to be in our employ from the 18th day of April las past, by Iapes of the term of agreement, by which be was empowered to act for un in the management of our establishment existing up to the time at Shanghai, and to alga for us there by Procuration
B. WATERHOUSE & Co. Ninge, 6th August, 1847.
Arne Fence Stailing 400 feet, with 4 double A loured 8 feet gates; two Engine Force pumps; Force and Common pump; also Mereball & Son's patent Cluseta.
ROBERT STRACHAN. Victoria, 15th September, 1847.
FRANKLYN & MILNE. AUCTIONEURS, Compnsion AoENTI, WINN AND SPIRIT ?larchants, Queen's Road. 100DS Bold by private sale, or Public Auction, transhipped, and general business transacted for Blored in dry and secure godowns landod, or Partios absent.
ON SALE. .Shaw and Maxwell's and other Sherry.
Fine Dark and Pale Cognac.
Palu East Indio Ala
Champagne, Hock and Madeira. Beltzer Waler.
FOR SALE. NCHORS, Chain Cables, and llawer Pipes of Patant Rope. A all sizes. An lavoice of Henila, Europe, and
Coffee; and Government Cigars, 4th November 1816.
FOR SALE. SALT Provisions, Flour, Itum, Atrack, and Brandy in Wood; Whisky, Cognac, nad all kinds of Wises In Bottle.
4th November 1846.
FOR SALE. POMAN Cement, and Window Glass of all sizes. Db Apply to
Victoria, 3rd Augum, 1847.
Java Coffee: Balt Provisione in barrels: large FOR sale by the undersigned,
and small Gun; Muskets; Musket and Cannon and Ropo; Pine Spars, and other articles. Gunpowders; Chain Cables and Anchors; Canvas
· Hongkong, January 4th, 1848.
"JUST OPENED FOR SALE, CASE of fine Damask Table-Linen.
ALSO, Fine Fresh Linen, and Whitney Blankets,
- FRANKLYN & MILNE, Auctioneers and Commission Agents Victoria, 7th January, 1848.
above port. She carries an experienced D, Business in Hongkong will be conducted by FINE decked cutter rigged Pleasure Boat
Burgeon. For pimge apply to,
18th January, 1848
THE Britab Brig LINNET, 140 Tons Register, in excellent order. For particular apply at the Avorion Alant to,
GEO. DUDDELL Victoria, 10th January, 1848.
TO BE LET. THE House and shop, lately repite by
MACKAY and Apply PHILLIPS, MOORE & Co. Victoria, 24th December, 1887.
TO LET. PACIOUS Godown and dwelling house, built To male and lately occupied by Messrs THOR, RIFLET & Co. The property is situated Dear the centre of the Town, (Victoria, Hongkong) and has a water frontage. Apply on the Premises, erio,
THOMAS RIPLEY & Co.,-Shanghai, Hongkong, 31st July, 1846.
THE House on the Queen's Road adjoining the Oriental Bank, now occupied by Me Markwick. Porsion can be given from the 1st February. Apply to,
BELL & Co. Victoria, 20th January, 1848.
THE Building on the Queen's Road, koown as
the Keying House. Also a Bungalow in Aberdeen Street Apply to.
BUSH & Co.
Hongkong, 21st January, 1847,
LODOWNS TO LET, and Goods Stored on Umoderate terms by,
BURD, LANGE & Co. Hongkong, 28th October, 1847.
POUR Rooms in the upper part of a House si quale in Walkingtoo Terrace, D'Aguilas Btreet. Apply to,
Victoria, 10th January, 1848.
THE HOUSE lately occupied by Mr ALEXAN DER ROBERTSON on the Queen's Road. Pose- sion can be given on the 16th instant. Apply to,
6th November, 1847.
THE Undersigned are authorised to grant Po LICIES in Canton and Shanghai, payable bore, London, Calcutta, Madras, and Bombay. The usual resurd of T'en per Ceas Premiuma contributed.
do on all
DURING the absence of the Undersigned, our More PHILLIP MOORE & CO.
Per Pro, R. OSWALD & Co. H. LIND. Victoria, 16th August, 1847.
THE Interest and Responsibility of Mr Willian
8. WETMORR in our Firm, sesed on the 20th ultimo, and we have this day admitted Mr Cones HENRY Landon to a Partner therein.
Our Firm now consists of BAMBEL WETMORT Jun, William Moons, and Grokes Hanay LAMION.
We also announce that we have established at Shanghel & Branch of our House, under our own uame and stylo, and Mt RosenT POWELL BAUL will sign the same there, by Procuration.
Canion, Ist July, 1847.
A Coppered and Copper fastened. Max and Bails quite new, with Auchor, Chain, and fittinge all complete. Apply to
FRANKLYN & MILNE Victoria, 30th November, 1847.
FOR BALE seamos gole, through. Banka sod Caspar Straite, by Lieut. H. D. A, B, of the Dutch
Navy Hydrographer at Batavia, &c., &c., de,
Translated by permission of the Author. Apply to
FRANKLYN & MILNE, Commission Agents & Auctioneers, Queen's Road.
Victoria, 28th Decomber, 1847
NOTICE. FRANKLYN & MILN? have opened the rooms on the ground floor of the Premises known as the British Hotel, an CommiasioN AND AVOTION
MR. JOHN M. ALSOP GRISWOLD is this faith, we galebar pa neceive Goods,
day admitted a Partner in our house,
Canton, 1st January, 1848.
either Private or Public Auction. Victoria, 21st January, 1848.
QUPERIOR Family Beef in Kege; and Go. JUST begs to inform the Community of Can-nuine Campbelton Wakey. Liston, that he has removed his Establishment from Hongkong to this place, where be trusts to marit their patronage.
Canton, 1st October, 1847,
(At present No. 1, New Chisa Street.)
Hongbong, 7th May, 1847.
T the Godowns of the Undersigned;-
in 4 dozen Cores,
Superior Port,
4 do. da
8 do.
Mumm's Champagne and Allsopp'e Pale Ale, BLENKIN, RAWSON & Oa Victoria, 27th July, 1847.
FOR SALE. TIRE Grates and Steves with Piping
PHILLIPS M??R? & Co. Viatocin, 13th September, 1847.
HE following Wink— Port,
> in Cases of3 ??n, each.
Sparkling Champaign,
Pale Cognac Brandy, in do. do. Schaldam GenOTE, in do. of t dosen.
ALBO Superfos Italian Salad Oil. Apply to,
HOLLIDAY, WISE & Co. Victoria, 15th July, 1848.
Agents Equitable Insurance Society, Hongkong, 17th November, 1847.
14th August, 1847.
HOLMES & BIGHAM. Victoria, 4th January, 184H. ||OLMES & BIGHAM bove for onlent reston-
able prices an acellumi nesortment of Winter Clothing, consisting of Gentlemen's Dress Coats; Chesterfield and Orsay Wrappers; superfino Black and Coloured Trousers; choice Vests and Vestings: Drewers: Singlets; Beotch Plaids and Tweeds; superfine Black Cloth; Looden mede Boots and shoes, &c, da.
ALSO, PER LATE INPORTATIONS, Every description of Vilman's Stores, viz, Com+ berland Hats; Dutch Butter in kege and jazz aerorted Jams and Jellies; Pickles Saucens White Wine Vinegar; Mustard; Groats; Zante Currants; Bloom Raisio; Preserved Meats; Gresa Peas, dc., &c.
Victoria, 25th December, 1847.
RAWLE, DUUS & Co. Victoria, 18th January, 1848,
JUST received ex Aurora, tavoices of Mauila JCordage, from 2 inches to 4 inches; Manila Coffee and Gin in Cass. For sale by
Victoria, 4th January, 1848
SUPERIOR Dark and Puls Brandy, in half Ripes,
Quarter Casks, and Bottle.
Sherry Wine, in Wood.
"Bickela" Wine Bittura, in 1 dozen Casen,
Sperms Candles.
"Gallogo" Flour,
Nary and Pilot Dread.
Butter in small Kego.
Tongues in ball Barrels.
Europe Rope, from 1 inch to 6 inches.
Green, Blue, Yellow, Black, and Red Paints, in
6 Barrelled Revolving Pistola, in Cas Aleo, a few Pieces of one Cloths and Cami- mares. Apply to,
DRINKER, HEYL & Co. Hongkong, 11th January, 1849.
FOR SALE. FEW Barrels Buperior 8perm Oil Apply
DRINKER, HEYL & Co. Victoria, 16th January, 1848
Bituation in a Mercantile House by a Person
A Well acquainted with business, and who can give good references. "For particulars, apply to The Editor of this Paper.
Victoris, 10th July, 1847.
Quality. Macao, at HINNAM'8, China Bhopkeeper.
Victoria, 11th June, 1847.
Queen's Road, Victoria
AGENT AT CARTON, ACHOOK,-Comprador, No 3, Imperial Hong.
Hongkong, 4th November, 1847.
FOR SALE ? Cass of Surgical lustruments Eaq, decod, must be meat in to the un-
(maker DARAN). Apply to,
M. CLERJON. Viatoris, 2nd November, 1847,
VICTORIA HOTEL, SHANGHAI, CHINA DF. RICHARDS & Co. beg to annoupee to I. the Public, that their HOTEL is now com- plated, and that for GENTLEMEN or Faites who may be visiting the Nortbera Ports, they have A- commodations which they think will be found su- perior to any other Horal in China.
LL chime against the Estate of Jonk Pors, dersigned before the 25th day of May, 1848; otherwise they will not be included in the schape of division.
All persons indebted to the said Estate are re- quested to make Immediate payment to,
CHAS. BT GEO CLEVERLY, Attorney for the Administralis. Victoria, 17th January, 1848,
LL Parties indebted to or baring claims agains BRANUAL being considmed the most boltby mi. the Estate of the late Air Wa. Jenny Kaza- tuation in Chine, if not in the East, and also favour. O, are requested to send in an accound of the ably altuated, no to the facilities of Shouting and other
sa to the Undersigned. No claim against the bealthful axercises, P. F. R. & Co would respect. Estate will be attended to unless sent in on or be fully soligit the gatronage of such MILITARY, NAVAL, fore the 25th day of March, 1848,
od MERCANTILO Guntiamun as may have c
R. JACHON, slon to spend a short time in a cooler or more healby
Canton, 14th October, 1847.
Climate, for the restoration of their health.
LL Persous indebted to, or baring claims against
And in returning thanke for the support they
have received, P. F. R. & Co. beg to say to the
Public generally, that no exertions will be spared
Shanghai, lataNovember, 1849.
the Estate of the late Mr NaTraning King-
on their part to make the iotal worthy of Publica, ate requested to forward their accounts to us.
Caston, 3rd May, 1847.
light considerations. It will be observed from the address that only two dars intimation was publi.given of the Major-General's intended depar
ture, and this would lead to the conviction that
Now Advertisments will be received mutil 4
?Clock, on the conninge previous in sation, vis: Nucedays and Fridays.
Cel 23
Celestia Bombay
Model Nov. 10
19 Mesila
Det Nur Jan Jan. Jan,
NOTICE-The hours of Divine Sereler in the CALD pal Chatelaro, na Bunday at 11. A., M., 4 P. M., and f pas P.M.; and ou 3 karadeye at 6 P. M.
Victoria, ed Key, 1841.
'Colonial Chaplain.
there were pressing demande for his presence
No oddros over presented by a population pentalmed a traes expression of public fociaturas fueling, we
www MOTE UD?N?MAus than that contained in the ai wapabilah below. No semer was it only for signature Iban dil principal persons of the town cryv?id se la the first to sign it.
To Major General Stavalt. O. General-The undersigned phaters, merchant, adeo Fales earn with regret that you are about to lear
' erouls", traders and proprietors of the island of
the colony in two daye
Be sudden departure does not allow us time to offer pm a pablo testimony of respect and affecilon as we la Landed.
Allow me to supply its place by the present address dily mode, and sened only by the perm on who happen to be a Tet Lauls while the inhabitants in the country are deprived of the pleasure of Jaining as in this spontaneous 10 time had perplited, there is not a single individual capable of writing ka name who would not hare gladly need an addu, pred yes would have received the ad Median of the while colony,
You already know, Gencial, that you are loved and re- preted by the coloniais... On a? secasions they have been ready to express what they feel towards you
For more than twenty five yours that you have occupied pablo situations then ameny you have had the rare good cortune to satisfy every one with no single sxeep We are not afraid to sort that Guneral Barely his not
? suglu nemyla the island of Mauritiua, and that k
the Brogames the elucero and unanimono affection of all classes
of the colonial population.
NOTICE-Pyterian Church. This angregs- Jin, conducted for the present by the Rev. W. C. Box, will meet every Bennath, in the Bangalow immediately be.
nd the ULUP Hous
The homes of Divine devoice will be 10 a. M., und ? pas Victoris, 7th Descuber, i?tr
Wednesday Monxino, 2 a.m.--The has not yet arrived. With others we might guess as to the cause of her delay were we find of sporting an opinion against which the odds But with national would be rather long. caution, we would venture to think that—bar- ring accidente-she will come by mod-bye,
Da Priday information was received from the Manderin at Cowloon that two large pirate Junks were moored near the Lymoon pamage; and a request was mado to the Governor that he would send out a Steamer and seize them it is said the Mandarin offered to pay for the coal. The day was allowed to pass, and at 10
when we had the misfortune to lose our excellent pad just Governor Sir Lionel Smith you replaced him for some months until the arrival of his successor
Puring that too short administration oll your thought, all your desires, all your acts warn directed in the greatest advantage of the colony. thevery ucculen zin we Jost, impartial, v?bble, benevolent towards every on without making those datinctions of high which are paint and hurtful to the Posings. By such sibly came duct you encouraged and confirmed the colonists in their dem attachment and legal Bajoilty to our Gracie
of your devotedness so the interests at the on any will the Assly so short a time la loft, di?is, the undervigende be the organe of the colony whose sentiments republicly
The recollection of your goodness, of your impartiality.
ma?u prav? for over in our memories.
then proceeded in the police boat to intercept the vessel from which they had landed, on her passage into the harbour. When they sighted her again she was beating in, but quickly put of before the wind; they gave chase and cap whed her. On board was crew of seven man, also a woman and a boy. There was a quantity of Malwa Opium similar to that found on the five men captured sabore, part of it was concealed under the bedding on the floor there was Opium dust and among other articles was a bug such as is only used by Chinabow milors. The day after the capture, the Master of a Chinchew trader appeared at the station and complained of having been robbed by pirates outside the Ly-moon pamago, and on being shown the prisoners he recognized them. Mr Caldwell's evidence as to the capture wa corroborated by that of the policemen he had with lum.
The Captain of the Chin-chew Junk stated that about 8 o'clock on the morning of the 19th Dpcember, be was attacked by pirates outside the Ly-moon passege; there were two boats, in one was about ten men, in the other eleven or iwelve. He was assailed by two men arm- ed with swords and spears, and after receiving any wounds (the marks of which were shown) he was driven into the water. He identified the two men by whom he was assailed, as also the other prisoners, though there may have been a mistake, as it in doubtful whether the man who planned the piracy and furnished the arms &c. was on board. Two of the Chinchew seamen gave evidence ilar to the above; they also had besa wounded severely and for a time were insensible, They also identified se- veral of the prisoners. Two other witnesses had been besten and driven into the hold while the vessel was pillaged. All these witnesses besides recognising the pirates, also identified the property carried away.
p'clock at night, Captain McQuhae was informeres only, that we beg of you to eccept thie testimon? Acquis; that person however did not accom.
ed of the presence of the Junks and ordered to capture them. The boats were at once got into the water and manned with a large nuin- ber of men. Alter an arduous night's work they reached the south side of the land in the inoming, just in time to see the Junks and way after having plundered the town of Bian- ley 1 The boats returned on Saturday mora. ing about 10 o'clock, mien and officers tho roughly fagged. The Scout immediately got under way, but whether she has gone in pur- puit of the pirates—a service for which ber Commander well qualified--or on a cruise is so we neknown.
We regret sincerely Jupe depasture. We would have desired to preserve you yet a long time amongst us. We wish that wherever you may go, you may do proper and happiness for you read with the bigbest diges ?? and your excellent family, and thai Her Majesty will: the faithful servant who has made her pump loved and endoured by her loyal subjonta in Maurities
(Here foll?go the olguejares)
slo stink-pots, spents, &e. Twenty-three were taken, aleo a quantity of papers which are now Witness recognises a produced and identified. The men were handed over to the Police here.
her and bonding setting which a pistol bullet could number of them. The hoat had barrica les sound nol pessimato. A translation of the papere found on board was read.-1. A sailing letter from a Chinese officer at Bocca Tigris-this described the Forel and her cargo. Witness declares she paver could carry a cargo bring Stted with tanke an a faking vessel. Another describes the shares of her Captain, owner, crew, &aj it was found in the box of Captalo, who seemed analous to comeral II, Another contefoe the names and residences of the Another is the Okartenparty, and wo dewwn in July; the 7th gives the division of the ebares;h ship's expenses from the 22nd June to 2nd August. Upwards of $200 were found in a box on board.
Crom examined by Mr Gaskell -Witneso has ever aero such vessel before; ever before sw one armed so destructively. He can identify wumber of the men as they were more than a mowth on board his ship. The Bust Ticket is produced and read. It is dated 15th July, and calls it a fanj- bost enthorised to carry two guns of 10 catty bali and 2 of 4 catty, 15 bamboo pikes nad 10 spars, also 4 shleds.
Berjeant Alo Vittle mot the prisoners in September last, in charge of a party of Marines from the Do dolus, and wear with them bo the Central Biation. He identifies considerable number of tham.
James Major, gunner on board the Dedalus was et Lookong, and was sent on board a junk takes for a pirate. He found on board of her 16 pikes, 4 match- locks, 1 market, 10 swords, some guos, early 200 pounds of gunpowder, some shot and langrana shat, stink-puta” He identifies some of the prisonere
Air Gaskell addressed the Jury in behalf of the
iguinet them. They were heavily armed being prisoners, and contended that nothing was proved employed to convoy and defend sobe wood junka,
Vardiot pol guilty.
Cheung-cho-su alina Chesog-6400, Lam-apal, ed as an Approver. He stated that he was a
Chi-hung-ahoy, plead guilty, and was receiv- | and Loung-askin, ware accused of being engaged
in the piracy Chimmo boy, or of being acc Baker in the Lower Bazaar, and had been in-sories before il sact, or accessories after the Bot.
Too-apo wa formerly a fieberman, bo is now a duced to go on the expedition at the solicite-, Lions to you. The blue man of hill and at her mistion of who keeps an opium shop near informar. He linew the three prisoners. Acos d t? him he had an armed boat belonging to himself. of respect, esteem, and parkte recoma
Witnem went with him and the other two prisoners, Witness went to Chiromo bay in one boat and the prisoners in another. That hout bad three guns, two of iron and one of brass. There were provi sions on board, fish, vegetables, rion and esveral olber articles; also two pige which Asso supplied, and for which he was "to" mceive a shore in the piracy. Witness was in the boat that attacked the large schooner. Asco was out there. They look about 50 chase of opium which was brought to Fah-to-moon and there divided. Another boat was hired there, which brought 40 cheis to Hongkong where it was put inte Ago's bunt. The thres prisoners were then present Asoe received more than two chests of opium bosides money.
Head Quarters, Rfduit, Saturday 134) Ken, 1947. No. 151 General after Onder.
Major-General Bravely C. B., is about to leave the colony, having received the latimation of Her Most Gr clous Majesty pleasure that he should proceed to a the come of the troops in Ulloa.
pany them. [We may bere remark that the in dictment contained three counts,-te Princi pals in an act of piracy accompanied with vio- lence,-2nd, Acessory
piracy before the fact-3rd, Accessory afterthe fact.] The attack of the Junk, and his own subsequent capture by the police was corroborative of the preceding evidence, and gives some degree of probability to his assertion that
(whose name, not having takop notes, we do not remember) was not present, though as an accessory before the fact he is equally culpable.
The prisoners had each a story to tell, plau sible enough, had there pot been strong proof of
His Honour the acting Chief Justice after
Op letters from Canton state that a deep laid scheme of revolt had been discovered within secount the separa?im from so tried and worlklly framed reading over a voluminous mass of evidence | Jardine, Matheson & Co. The Omega belonged
the city. The inhabitants have always been jninical to the Tartar rule, and since the late war, the feeling has been strengthened by the evident weakness of the government. Tho Triad, and other political societies have been gradually maturing their schemes, and a revolt was not distant with the view of placing on the Imperial throne & descendant of the old Chi- pese dynasty. A force of about 60,000 men was organized, and the treason only detected by the
eizure of two conspirators in the palace of Keying. They were there on purpose to ass- jannato him, and their detection has led to the arrest of about 40 of the principal conspirators, Buch is the report, and it is by no means im- probable, as n is clear that the government has little control over the people. Perhaps Keying has conciliated too long, but if the above is cor rect, he now requires to act with vigor and so- repily.
A Copampondant writes us from Macao, that on the 19th the Queen ul Holland's birth day was celebrated by the Dutch Residents with much loyaky.
The shipping was decorated from sun-ring with national flags, and at noon royal salutes were fired from Lopruit and the Adrianus en Jurcbus. His Excellency the Governor of Ma
no had ordered the flags to be boisted on all the forta ju honour of the day; and the com- pliment was returned by the Dutch vessels boisting the Portuguese Bag at the main and saluting it.
A breakfast was given on board the Loopruit by her Captain; it was attended by the Nether- lande Consul and the other Dutch subjects in Nacar, also by a fow Griends. The health of fler Majesty and other national toasts were drank “with a true Durch heart." The Go- verpor of Macao was also honoured with a flowing bumper.
It is possible that before we go to prem the pew Commander of the forces will have arrived. Since the first intimation of his appointment is has been frequently asked, who is Major-Ge- pora! Biavely? The following address from the inhabitants of the Mauritius, where for twenty five years he has been in the public service, is a felicitous answer to the query. Major-General Stavely, it will be observed, is sin old Colonist; he has held high civil appoint piente; and it may b? that his services are now in be rewarded with some more responsible, popograble, and lucrative appointment than that of military commander either at Hongkong or the Mauritius. Indeed, in many respects, Command at the latter is preferable to one at the former place, and we may reasonably pre- sume that the change has pot been made on
Mam Thakur er oft de joe-General's Begrica in the formed a duties will assur to Me a graselul aid linking remembrange la lis pad2877 vanala.
? Lieutenant-Omu?en) v
A while regretting on his own brother in an erasot pliks?ld kis congratulations From Major-General Sively was ine Ranties apple ment with which be le honoured si the hands of the Bove wigs, accompanied with he own hearty wish carret may be assanded with pontipped surpass and health for the enjoyment of it.
Tus vice-Admiralty Court sat on Monday and Tuesday, the first day's proceedings wo have taken from the Register of yesterday,
On Tuesday the Commationers were the Hon: acting Chief Justice, Capt. Macdougall, ceedings, but being fresh from the Jury box we and Mr Hilber. We took no notes of the pro may be able to give a tolerable sketch of the two cases tried, the third brought before, the court having been postponed to the 15th of
next month,
The first trial was that of a man charged with having been connected with the piracy of the Caroline on the 5th February 1841. The evidence was similar to that in the third case in the Register's report, vil; that of the pirate Too-apo who has turned Informer. On thin he was convicted and septenced to transpor tation for life.
On this case we would remark, without however questioning the verdict. that the on supported evidence of an Informer requires to be received with circumspection. Four men have been convicted on the testimony of Too
A Lasone from the Caroline gave evidence as la the attack made on the vessels at Chimmo
Mr Jardine in partner of the firm of Mosam
to them. They lost about Fifty Chals of Opium, which at that time was worth about Thirty "Thous
left the case with the Jury, A verdict of guilty against the twelve was returned, and his Hon our sentenced them death. We presumed Dollere the Informer will have his sentence commuted to some milder punishment.
The criminals are pearly, if not all Rong. kong men, Two are shopkeepers in the Lower engaged in Chimmo bay piracy was also a Bazaar, (Asoo who owned one of the two boats Shopkeeper in that locality) one a pilot, and sin boatmen (71, three reported themselves sa strangers. The boat had a ticket and num- bar as had also a boat charged with intended piracy the previous day, Whether the mon were registered doth not appear, but it is clear the registration system kooperative and the sooner it is swept away the bet ter. An active officer like Mr Caldwell is worth twenty registrations, and if be succeeds in exposing the whole system of villainy that has been going on for years, he will cut out the cancer at once, and we will bear no more of piracy on our shores, or at least on care oc- casiose.
A Song of the Court of Vice Admirsky was held at ibe Court House, on Monday, the 24th
There were six cases on the roll. The firm was a charge of piracy against Twenty- three Chinese against whom the Grand Jury found True Bill at the previous Bessions, but the case was deferred, to allow them to bring exculpatory
apo; the jury no doubt were influenced by the, evidence. Twenty-ons were now placed at the fact of their being no attempt made to disprove" bar. A Juryman coquired what bad become of
to strike blow at the hot bed of piracy and
fraud which has been allowed to flourish ip the Lower Bazaar. For years we have ex- pressed a settled conviction, that most of the piracies committed in the vicinity were orga nised there, that the principals were not more men of straw, unknown characters who paid us apoccasioanl visit, b?t that they, were domiciled among us, and if spected by the police, the worthies und reasons for silence. At present we leave this subject to give a brief narrative of the trial.
Verdict-Choang-cho-en guilty as an accessory, the other two prisoner not guilty.
Bostance of imprisonment for thros yours with hard labour was passed upon him, and he was told that it was only from the decrepid state of his body that the sentence was not more severe.
The other two prisoners were again placed st the bar' charged with the attack and picscy upon the Caroline...
eat from the Carwiny do gaye evidence as to her Teo-apo repeated the same evidence. The Las being ached and plundered. Me Deot proved the ownership and rakas of the opium carried of which was about $20,000.
Verdiol guilty.—B?ntensed to be transported for Life
The following fouching incident la extracted from a now work, entiled "The Romapon of Wari or, the Highlanders in Spain." By Jame Grant, Esq, late 42nd Regiment.
The unfortunate soldier had deserted in the direction of the enemy's lines, bewitched by some Spanish dumeel, to whom he had plighte? h?n heart and troth. He had also, in a moment of mados drawn his bayonet on an offster of the 50th, whe wished to intercept him. The poor fellow wa fairly craned, but his offenes was not to be forgive. He was sentenced to be shot; and the spectacle is the guilt, and it is to be supposed, this would, the other two, but was told from the Bench that described minusely and forcibly, with true Scottish have been dong had they been innocent, be had no right to put any such question; that pathos:---
The second case tried on Tuesday (yester," he was there to try the cross submitted to the It was in the month of May, 1812; the evening day) is one serious in ita results, and calculated | Jurg; and that the Acting Crown Prosecutor had was still and beautiful one. The sun was verging which case the jury were bound to return a verdict through the deep dark dell, upon the vine-cl
● right to withdraw any privoner from the har, in ? towards the west, and his crimson raya stresine
of not guilty. We have no doubt that this is a | cottages and syiran amphitheatre of Banos. Com correct exposition of the law, but if, as seemed to | centrated in that narrow and gloemy glen, when be understood, the two prisoners bave been handed the immense mountains rose on every side to the over to the Mandarius, after they had been brought bright of many bondred feet, and where erago an before the Grand Jury and True Bill found rocka shot up in cones and fantastic spirom, almed against them, it has very much the appearance of excluding the light of day from the little huts at the trifling with both Law end Justice.
bottom of the dell, where the seventeen Infantry Captain Meluhan of the Dedalus gave evidence regiments of the second division, together with thi that in August inst he was among the Chussa cavalry, drawn up on the steep faces of the bi Islands, and received information from Captain so that the rear ranks might everlook the frost Pilesman of the Ternate, who came himself to give || The “paimtos” of the secluded village, awe-strod the information, that two vessels had appeared of | at the onusual scene and the sight of so many the harbour of Lookong under very suspicious thousand steel weapons glittering smid such dem cireptances. On this, gliness went with the masses of foreign soldiers, forsook their collage Parafus to the barbour of Lonkong, and went on and clustered together on the summit of a start aid aboal with a British fog and the number rock, to behold the fatal event. The troops forme $33. It was very large West Count taking boss three faces of a hollow square; the rock up she was armed with Twelve Game, is of them vacant space. A spot of velvet torf, the villag -pot the vessel described in ber Register Ticket. which the passants were congregated occupied the heavy, four being twelve pounders. There was a green, stretched to the foot of it, and there was del immense quantity of gaspowder, three times the grave grave for the yet living men of te quantity she was licensed to have There were damp santh braded on one side of it, the solle afte and a rough dont como lay on the other. Near the stood the bass drum of the Gordon Highlanders: Bible and Prayer-book lay open upon lua bend.
On the 16th of last month, Mr Caldwell with; two armed policemen had oscasing to visit at village to the westward of Victoria. On their return they saw a Hongkong fast boat run into a small bay and land five men, again standing out with the apparent intention of beathig into the harbour. Sormiring that all was not right, Mr Caldwell and bis mon concealed themselves behind the rocks until the party came up, when they were taken into custody. On making search, parcels of Malwa Opium were found on the persons of three of them. They were
? This is on etur; she had four twelve pounders and
I brought into town and secured ; Mr Caldwell' two lights - Bever
offer is anseral days are off, he has red to ja long line of frontier,—he must be prepared
advance or retrent with rapedition, order, and safely. He must make himself acquainted with the ature of the country; he must carry on cof respondence with native tribes, often hostile and insidious, always suspicious-be must always diplo
VESSUS, SMITH & BRIMELOW haya_ran all ceived ex Anna Robertion, a qaratily of One- ball de Down's suporior Botiled Beer, which they offer for sale.
Woosnam's Buildings, Victoria, 25th January, 1848. FOR SALE
matise, conciliate, dissuade, and disarm-he mutt || QTOCKHOLM Tar ?n ? Barrola; Pine Varnish in 5 Gallons Tanks; Osquins Ground White adapt his men to other exigencias then their no-
enstrements or their previous training have taught them to confront; with gun of Lore, he must teach fusiliers to do the work of artillerysen, or heavy desgnons to set as riflemen. He must un derstand how to turn any advantages of position to the best account, and exhibit the movements of a battellon with a company, or a trobp. He must he engineer, surveyor, and commander, at iba
momral, But it is not only on martial occasions that his
The Highlanders formed the inner faces of the curling around the grave which yawaad beside the conflues of pige ebloor. —his commanding sire. All was solemin silence and expectations but sprung on his horse, and his voice was be a whisper was heard through all that denes
the first to break the oppressive silence. The thrill re: mot sound simote the car save the rustle pipes sounded and the rattling drums best merrily the summer foliage, the evening wind stirred
in the re-schoing vals, as corps after corps marobed te tall chesauts or rich green cork tress which
past the spot where the budy of Maakle-though red from the back prooipiors. The general, breathless, lay yes bleeding, sad moved up the ball, and field-officers were all on horseback,
winding pathway toward the pass at Banas, whence by different comes they matched to their canton- semained motionless. At last it was known
ments in the villages and campo among the moun- at the doomed man wannpproaching, and the arme
the court that conducted him were seen flashing tales. When all had passed away, the pioneers the light, as they descended from the hills tops placed the dead man to his soffs, steevered him the winding pathway which led to the bottom of burriedly up; the sods were carefully deposited Sallay. Bir Rowland Hill touched his hat to
over, and beaten down with the shovel, and the e-de-camp, who then passed among the troops grave of the man who had been living but tan mi nutes before, presented now the same appearance band gallop, whispering to each commending
ne the resting-place of ass who had been many years fficer; the words of command to fix bayonets and houlder arms were immediately given, and before entombed-the weeds and long grass wared over it. the varying cam of the different colonels died away. The villages paisanos placed a roughwooded prison. appeared amid the square, enrrounded cross above it, to prevent, as they aid, "the heretic by his stort, under charge of the provom.ineraha!.
from haunting the meeting place of his bone in and Tomo corps. I have said was in front, and he near this rode omblain was pheed a vino, which ured slowly along the silentranke with downovat Evan Ivorach tended daily-cleating its reate of wes towards the spot where his grave and his weeds and encumbrances, watching and praning ib? atem ; and long before the regiment left Banos. only displayed. He drew near the former,
dest a glance into its gloomy depth, and, shut. he had twined it round and hidden the limbs of the dering, turned bis back uphu it, muttering, 41 | orome; and when the Highlandere marshed from would be jum sax-and-twenty the more. Bax-and- | the valley, as they wound through a deep da?ile among the mountaing, Evan's farewell Jook was sly! ob, ke an unco thing to due as young. O may father-my wither!" he groaned aloud'; | cast to the place where the vink-covered gruas *farewell to you—to suld Scotland, and a' 1 kas | marked the grave of his comrade! hed me lang and wall! ti will be a pair trial to my kinfolk in Glenclunaidh, when they are my me on the hirk door of Braemar-as ane that de' wi disgrace on his broo."
se soon to appear.
Ho was clad in his white undress jackat and kili, and weed bareheaded, with his bonnet in his hand He was pale and emaciated with long condoemrat, his bearing was firm and as soldier like as ever. His eye sed unusually bright, and at times a red Bush eromed bin otherwise deadly pale chook. Then were two aged monks from the San Ferdi sando convent of Candelaria present, but the High l?nder refused to hear or communicate with them. Yet the boose frises were determined not to aban des him in his last hour, and withdrawing in a Bela disance they placed a crucifix against frag ment of rock, and prayed earnestly, with tros Ca- tholis fervour, to that all-wise Power above, before which the soul of one they deemed a beretio was There was no chaplain present with the troops, but the prisoner was attended by the venerable Dugald Mhor, who walked slowly beside him, bare- beaded, with his bonnet under his arm. He read portions of the Scripture from an old dog eated Bible, which he prodmoed from his sporran mellock; and the low selain tones in which he read could be distinctly heard by all, so very still was the place; and as the band of the village-clock appro- ached the hour at which the soldier was to die, a dooper dnem fall upon the hearts of the beholders, who, although long accustomed to all the heart barrowing scenes of war, bad never before witness ad a death in so soleman and peculiar a manner.
Mackie and his attendant sung together the bymu-
*The bear of my departumn's some,” ?o,
and when it was goneluded, the hand of the cloak en the slcade's house wanted but five minutes of the hour. The soldier cast a hasty glace towards it, and falling upon hit knows, covered his how with his hands and burst out in an agony of prayor, from which he was only aroused by the seven strokes of the last hour he would ever hour on earth striking from the full toned bell. His last moment was
When the sound assed, Cameron of Fas difern and his fold-oficare dismounted from their bes, which wore led away, and the provost-mar she drew up a section of twelve soldiers opposite where the prisoner yet knelt on the turf.
(From the Times.)
ingenuity is tested or his knowledge required., H. is liable in perform a certain amount of duty in caluales dependent on the British Crawn, wherein the inhabitants are not at all, or slightly, connected difference of race, the greater differances of reli- with England by blood; where, in addition to
gi?n, language, and manners, distinguish the aeb Jest from the master. The vast area of our de pendencies necessarily dispersen the small army on which their defence rests. An English officer, therefore-evo a very young officuris placed often in relations of delicacy, always of responsibi lity, with the inhabitants of the country where ko le stationed. The religion which he may look on an idolatry -the custome which his men may deride as absurd, or the langungu which they may mock jargon-the laws which both be and they must be ignorant of at first-all these supply mat- ter of misunderstanding, quarrels, and collision. To neutralize these requires tact, temper, courtesy, and Ormness. It also requires knowledge of the pocted from an officer bearing the commission of native language, and of the duties which are ex
the English Crown.
The Bills lately caucted on military suhjects are pechape the wrongest evidence that the present ge. unration bne witassaed of the growth of public opinion and the corresponding increase of its induat ence. Formerly the people cared for nothing that concerned the army accept its diminution or its destruction. It was regarded as the tool of tyranny or the right hand of corruption. It supplied food for declamation equally to the jealous patriot and mercenary grambler; to the men whom Walpole would not bribe nad Pitt would not bridle. The dissatisfaction which it created did not limit iwelf Now, how are our oficere quali?ed either for to an abstract idea; but was felt paintfully by the them civil or military duties? We put out of sight soldiers of whom it was composed. The jealousy the qualities of courage and courtesy, for we take tain times and places, was but the constitutional gentlemen. That they should ever commit them. which forbade the appearance of red coala at cer- | #1 for granted that all our officers are brave, and all phase of a general antipathy; and the sourses from selves by cowardios in the fald, or by rude and which our regiments were recruited were too often diso?urteous habits in society—that they should fly such as to increase rather than obviate this preju from danger, or treat a subject people with brutal dice. The public at large was not so much indithredense and insolent pride, are suppositions so ront us hostile to the interests of men who had blad monatrons that we need not care to rebut them. at Bacillies, Fontenoy, and Queben. Nor did the At Malte, at Gibraltar, a? at Mesrat, or Port Phil. solicitude of the governed outstrip that of their lip or Port Netal, they are always civil, chivalrous, relers. The soldiers were rewarded with the al- and of high bearing. But we would sak, are they termale recompense of niggerdly praise and larial instructed or trained in any way for the manifold abuse.
duties they have to perform 1 Are they taught some an object of care, kindness, and protection, guages, or the common rudiments of those princi. All this is now changed. The soldier has beengineering, drawing, surveying, fortification, lac. both of the nation and to the government. The twofold homage of gratitude and conscience is alrilized nation, and which they are often called plee which pervade the criminal code of every offered to a profession, the services of which it upon to assist in soserting? Are they taught gen- we profitied by their success, and which it would annals of the people in whose country they boar would be dislegesunus not to acknowledge, while graphy, statistics, or history↑ Do they know the
be disgraceful not to repay with something morn away, their customs, and their prejudices? ?ben bare acknowledgment. No part of the globe :
All of the things they taught nothing is a stranger to the labours, patience, and courage, before entering the army, with a few pitiful excep of the Boglish arasy. It was, therefore, felt to be tions. On an average, two and a half offiows in but a poor return for so large and varied a perforovary regiment-about one thirteenth of the whole mange of irksome duties to treat those by whom have been taught a little French and mensura they had been so well discharged either with lagration at Bandhurst. And of those who have not titude or obloquy. An impulse has been given been brought up there, say public sakoni-ma within a few months, the final result of which must knowe the attainments. Let any Eton or Harrow be a great improvement in the social, moral, and men oall to mind his schoolfellows who got com. physical condition of the private soldier. He will missions at 16, and within ten years afterwards are henceforth not only be-as he has hitherto beed-captains, and in a few years more Lloutenuat-Co- wall fed and well paid, but also well provided with Ipnels. Were they not generally among the idlest all the appliances and means of mental cultivation boys in the school? Had they studied anything and physical comfort.
bearing on their professional career before they Many of his comrades now took their last fore The same period which brings about a change entered on IT It is likely that they have studied wall of him; and Evan [verach, to whom he had so desired and so requisite in the prospective posi sinta? Alan! the genius loci in against the hope. given seven pounds, saved from his pay while pri tion of our army, also becalds the long deferred | A berrash room is not the place for reading any.
at Coria, to mod to his parents at Braemar, consolation of their wounded pride and disregarded | think but novels. It is not the thing to sap." retired to his place in the ranks with tearious eyes, prayers. While the future la cared for, the past This is very and and very shainful. It is the Secure Eran had a mistaken ides, that to have is not forgotten, by those whose tigh ofice it be to fruit of a vile system, which every other nation show signs of deep emotion woull have been un-reward no less than to command, to inspire their game on in profound amazemet-which is never aly. But that night, in his billet, honest Evab men with the thirst for distinction as much as to defended, except by inflexible practice, at home. papi like a woman for the loss of his comrade and inculcate in them the practice of discipline, and to Austria, Prusin, France, educate their officers, friend. During the bandaging of Muckle's syno, | fire them with a seal-which is more efficient than and promote them according to their capabilities. Fifare took off his boonet, and kneeling down, the exactest restine and the most pedeatic regula England barters the command of her regiments to commended his regiment to do so likewise, Astions. The actions in which the British army any men, capable or incapable, wh? han ovevad man the Highlandere bont their bare knee to were angaged from 1800 to 1814 are no longer to the requisite time, and can command the requisite the sud, joining us they did so, in the solemn pealen go unrecorded in that way which is most congs- amount of money and interest. Even the great which Dugald and the prisoner had began to sing.
nial to the wishes of iw members. Nor is the pre-republic of America-jealous and niggas d?y though It was a mad and mournful Scottish. air, one which clous bonour to be confined to the more famous she be of a standing army-you has wisely resolved sary Bootaman present Kad been accustomed to victories of the Peninsula. The brilliant episode that the few troops she has shall be well and akil- hur sung in their kirke or fathers' oottages in of Maids-which Windham pronounced worth a fully offered that nothing shall be lost through boy-bood it softened and subdued their hearts, century of anger islanda-the surprise of Fort Do- exalted stupidity or authoritative ignoranos, Eng- carrying back their recollections to their child-troit-and the capture of Java-ere to be signalized land-forgetting that her most illestrious general hood, and to years that had passed away into eter-with the same decoration as is jostly bestowed on was taught in France-still risks the fortune and Many heard it chanted then for the first time the victors of Salamapen and Vittoria, They who lives of her soldiers on blind bravery and stolid im- sing their native hills bad faded from their sight, made the gallant stand at Corunna are to receive petuosity; whilst the officers who were trained st and to the strain died away through the deep and the same medal as those who stormed the breaches Westpoint, raise the stars and stripes of the Union parrow vole of Banos, it found an scha in ovory | of Budajos.
on the lowers of San Juan d'Ulloa, and advance breast.
This is right, and in the right direction; but it the glories of the Anglo-Saxon race through a ter Dugald closed the Bible, and, placing a bandker inevitably suggests one question. When so much ritory comprising 20 degrees of Intitude! chief in the hand of the prisoner, withdrew, and has been done on one side, why is nothing done on- covering ble wrinkled face with his bonnet, kwelt the other↑ Whenu pains are taken to improve the Homers at an Anticla ay Food --Retablish- down also. Now came the doty of the Provost condition of the private soldiers, to inspire them ments have been opened at Berlin for the sale of horse- mamahal, whose unwilling detachment consisted of with ambition and a patriotic live of their pro- Bush as an article of human food, and to overcome po twelve picked men, of disorderly obatuntur, on | fession, why is nothing done to promote the edu- pular prejudice on the subject, a public hanquet was whom as a punishment, fall the lot of slaying their cation and extend the efficiency of the officers ? held at which the guests feasted on the body of a stron
This is a serious question. It elects the very viti. year old mare-dilas With his eyes blindfolded, the unfortuusto High-lity of the sarvion. It is easy to imagine times and Um BLEDLEY WILMOT.-Despatchra have been re- lander knelt down between his coffin and his grave, circumstances when the question could not be put naived by the Comptreden. General, and also, as we hear, without quivering once, dropped his handher, without prejudice to national interente. But such by Archdeacon Mariota, calling upon these gentlemen chief
is not the present time. We are in a state of to verify their calumalwus statemente agsipsi our late "Section I cried the provost-marshal," ready profound peace in Europe, and in other parts of lamented Govarner. We state in code and that most Pent-fire!" The words followed each other the world the partial intervals of bostility only candidly, that our columne will be open to any explana la rapid succession, and the ocko as of the death-- afford evidenos in confirmation of our views. This
don when these gentlemen may think proper to publish.
'The public are anxious—very anxious-lhe a full, fair,
shoi were reverberated like thunder among the hills || is the proper time to sif, and uns?you iba momen- [ and most explicit explanation of a subject which has round. A shrick bors from the females of the vil-town question: Is the system of promotion occupied the pebille mlad for long-s vary long time! lage-red blond was mean to spout from many a ↑ amongst the officers of the army worthy of its re wound in the form of the prisoner; be sprung con patation, of its duties, of the country to which is Tabively upward and then fell backward doad, on belongs
the damp gravel which was so soon to cover him.
If the soldiers of the British army hure a wide The bearis of all began to best more freely ; but | and diversified Geld of duty, truly" that of their Si that moment the red gun monk bebinil the derken- | officers cannot be circumscribed. An English ing hills, and a dompor gloom enveloped Banos, the oficer has suraetimes hardly attained his company, #ect of which was not lost on the minds of the ; when he has to discharge duties which demand a beholders.
All was over now. The corpes was stretched on
knowledge for more varied, and a capacity far
more apt, than is comprised within the routine of the ground, and the smoke of the muskery was - drill, dress, and parade. He is at an outpost on i
and we think blah those gentlemen are bound, not only
in bencar, but in commes justice to the pubile, to pubilet a copy of the despatch, and their intended answers thereta-Tuomenian, November 13.
THE ROKEBY, A. 1, 700 Tons,
Captain Trotter, having port of *** her Cargo engaged. Apply to,
KENNEDY, MACGREJOR & Co. Canton, 24th January, 1848,
ALDO, Very superior Old Tom, Jom landed an. Duke of Cornwall
SMITH & BRIMELOW. Victoris, 20th January, 1818,
SHIP CHANDLERS STORES. And supplies of every description required for Stipe vas, on asla by the undersigned. SAILS Made and Healt
A large Assortment of Canvas, Bleached and
Real Edinburgh Ale, East India Pale Alo, &e.
Good dry Bronson with water frontage.
CHARLES BUCKTON, Shipping and Commission Ageol. Queen's Road, Victorie, 25th Jan., 1848.
RS. INE38 has reoolved by the Anna Robert. il son:-Twelve fashionabla. Valvit and other Bonnets, from one of the first houses in London, thay were expremly made as pattern Bonnets, and ate well worth inspection; likewise a low choice Drew Caps of the newest styles.
Two Ladies' Riding Habits, made to order, all of which will be sold ohvap.
Victoria, 25th January, 1848.
MESSRB. SMITH & BRIMELOW will sell Il on Friday_the_28th instani, at 12 o'clock A. M.-A fise CUTTER rigged Yacht, with Mast, Bails, and 8para complete. Two Anchore and about 60 fathom of Hempen Cable, Breakers, &o",
A quantity of New and Fathionable Clothing 1 Case of Blope; and a variety of Marchandise.
Woonam's Buildings, Victorie, 25th January, 1848.
Office of Ordanoon, Hongkong, 18th January, 1848,
NOTICE la bereby given that Bealed Tendere
will be received at this Office by the Raspea- tive Officers of the Ordnance until the 14th day of February next from such Persona as may be willing to contract for the following Services, from the Em April 1948 to 31m March 1849:
Washing and repairing Barenok and } Boparato Bedding....
Repairing Barrack, Furniture and
Swooping Chimnies Emptying Privien Removing Ashoo Lighting Lampa
? Oce
Further particulars and conditions of Contract
may be known un application at this Offies.
HENRY ST. HILL, Ordnanos Storekeeper,
The Race Commirran having dermed it advisable to make some slight alterations in the programme,—the follow ingle the amended it for the forthcoming i Race
The leat Esurance la deferred until the noth instant, on which day the List will be positively closed.
"Gentleman are particularly requested to attend to the Quallation Bale which regard to Entrances and Riders,”
Triday, 1er February, 1848.
The Wong-nei chung Stakse, for all Ponies under 13 banda. One mila. Entrance $1 each with $30 added from the Fund. Weight for inches as per scale. Former Winner of this Race excluded. The Plenipotentiary's Cup, presented by His Ex- cellency Sir John Francis Davis, Baronet, value $300, for all Horses. One mile and three quar fern. Weight 10 stone 7 lbs. Bydney and Cape bred Hore to carrystone 7 lbs. extra Ka. trance 10 each. Escoud Home to save his Bako.
The Valley Stakes, for all Ponies 19 hands 2 inches Une mile. Entrance §'? each with $40 added from the Food. Weight for inches as
and under.
per sole. The Winner of the Valley Siskos lam year to carry 7 lim, exten.
The Arab Welier Stakes. One mile and a ball Entrance $5 each with 50 added from the Fund Weight II on
The lock Stakes, for all Ponies. Catch weights- One mile. The Winner to be sold for $50 if claimed within a quarter of an hour from coming in. Entrance free, with @30 added from the Fund The Sydney Stokes, for all Horses. Aruba except- ed. Two miles. Entrance $10 each with $100 added from the Fund. Weight 10 stone 7 ibe. The Winner of the Plenipotentiary's Cup to carr 7 lbs, extra. Second Horse to save his take,
Wednesday, 2nd B'unavany, 1818.
The Pony Weber Stukas, for all Ponies. One mile and a half. Weight 10 stone 7 Iba, fat Ponies 13hands and under. stone for Ponine above 13 banda. Entrance $1 each with @50 added fromth the Fund.
The Cantom Cup, value $150 for all Morton. One smile and a half beau. Weight 10 stone for Amba. Istogo for Sydney Horses. The Winner of the lenipotentiary's Cup to carry 7 lbs, extra. Entranco 3 each.
THE NEW PALLOS FOR THE Sultan.—Wa learn from Constantinople that the pelare being_balls by the viscrey of Bigypt, at Bayson, on der Asiatic side of the Bosphorus, will be of the Suast stone that man, be procured, and adorned with 180 marble columns. Close to it will be a Kink for the Balsan. The fasade towards these will be 100 pics (more than 400 feet) in length. It is belierod that the coo strmation will require three or four yarn, and the eest le metienatal at 50,000 purc (about ?60,000).—-Sutuluy Hates.
The Victoria Plate, valus $90, for all Ponies. One
mile and a bald Weight 9 mone 7 b. The→ Winner of the Valley Stakes to carry 7 ha extra, and if the Winner of the Victoria Plate last year
to carry 10 lbs, exiga. Entrance #3 each
The Scurry Stakas, for all Ponies. Chich weights. | Jan.
Talf mile. Entrance $1 each with 350 s?lal
from the Fund. Becond to receive B? from the Fund, and third Heres to save his Stake.
The Gall- u sy Stakes, for all Eformes under 14 hands bes. Aula excepted. One mile and a half. Entrance $3 vach with 650 added from the Fund. Wright 10 Hone.
THUNDAY, SED Ferncaer, 1848.
The Hunders Plais, value 880, for all Flores. One mile and a ball Your Elurdles 4 feet high, and Two Hordica fest 8 inches high. Weights for inches as per scale. Entrance $5 each.
The Pony Hurdle Race, for all Ponies. One mile and a ball. Four Hurdles 3 feet high, and Two Hurdles 9 feet 0 inches high. Weight for inches as per scala. Entrance at each with 840 added from the Fund. Second Pony to receive $10 from the Fund
The Arab Stakes, for all Aruba.
Two mila Weight 9 sode 7 lbs. Entrance 010 och with $100 added from the Fund. The Winner of the Cup to carry 7 Iba extra. Second Horse to save bin Stake.
The Ladies' Parer, value $60, for all Ponies. Winners at this meeting excepted. Entrance free. Catch weights.
The Native's Paras, value $20, for all Ponies. In-
dian and Chinese Riders. One milo. Chich weigbu
The Hongkong Steeple Chase, for all Ponion. Catch weights. Ground to be named by the Biowards one bour before the time of starting. Entrance $1 each with $30 added from the Fund.
RULES AND REGULATIONS, Entrances to be declared on or before 16th Ja Abery, 1548.
Races to commence punctually at 2 o'clock . . The Gina Saddling Bell to be rung at 3 past 1 P.m. A quarter of an hour allowed between each race.
Upon och saddling bell being rung all Horses to Tan for the next Race inmediately to rendezvous on the course opposite the Grand Bland to draw for their respective places, and not to go down to the Starting Polo until led by the Steward appointed to start them.
Aber each race, the Horses passing the Winning Post to return to the Judge's Brand and the Rider declared to be 5rt to be weighed. Any Jockey diamounting before his turn, or before being called upon to be weighed laos his claim to be placal us the Winner.
All disputes as to Entrances and Qualification of Flores to be declared in writing before the nex Race commences, or no right of appen?allowed.
No Home allowed to run whoes Entrance fees
ate not paid up to the Secretary.
All Disputes to be referred to the Steward?, whose
decision is final.
Qualification of Riders as at former meetinga.
Bydney and Cape Horseg Extra.
QHIPPING ARTICLES, according to the re
cent unt (Victoria 7 & 8) for sale at this office Ufies "Friend of China,”
?? ????????
91, Hindosian, Pook, frumn Whampoa.
21, William ?illise, Brown, from Bombay 23rd October,
22, Cordelia, Hughes, from Liverpool 17th August.
29, Sir Herbert Complex, Browns, from Whampoa
23, Thomas Henry, Jury from Bombay 28th October,
98, Mariner, Harland, Bydney 3rd December.
23, Myurem Dyaram, Puddicombe, from Calcutta 14th December,
23. Anna Robertion, Munro, from London 20th June.
24, Dos Hermanos (Spanish), Balado, from Mauila 17th January,
94, Larick, White, from Calcutta 16th Deo, an-1 Bingapore 31 Desember. 25, H. M. Brig Childers, Commander Pitman, from Lookong zid January.
Per Anne Robertson,—Miss Turrani.
also on the 7th, 23rd, and auth of January.
The brig Lanrick on leaving Bingapore had strong N.E. gales for 3 days,
22, Kingston, Harwood, Sydney.
22, Christabel, Harding, Whampon.
29, William Gillies, Brown, Whampoa
22. Ende, Bibby, Liverpool.
23, H M Bloop Scan, Commander Loring, Ses,
23, Sir Herbart Compton, Browne, Bombay.
23, Thomas Henry, Jary, Whampo
25, Euphrates, Gifford, Liverpool
25, Hindoston, Pool London.
9, Kimkin (Dutch), Pereira, Singapore,
5, Friends, Elvin, Bingapora,
5. King Henry, Vanderhoren, Singapore.
6 Emma, Robertson, Singapore.
9, Guess, Bristow, Bingapore.
Arrival-November 24, Orwall, Finley, from Shanghai 29th September, Departures-November 7, Baboo, Barker, Shanghai; Dec. 1, Barah, 80- grove, South Ben Lelande and China.
Arrival-November 9, Angelina, Morgen, from Hongkong 4 September.
H. 28. Thip Dad
Brig Columbine "Sleep Bee
JL. C. Basiner Plat LL.M. Bng Childre
Langhong || 18|Guam
||Past Cond] – 112ana
Finnmar Vahure
Samar Madea Be Alliquier
Ship Minden
13. C. M. 8. La Bayounaine
Alguer, brig Anna Roberson, baryas Audaz, schooner
Cardea, whi
Cover, steamOT
Dots of Cornwall, ship
Hoebamy, ship
Iskud Queen schooner
Jenaph Bemre, skip
Laurick, brig
Linnet, brig
Mariner, ship
Myr Dya, akip
Pirmais, brig
Priveles, houmar
Radover, orq
Shepherdam, bareso
Young Hob, choose
Australia, barque
Brahmia, d
Christabel, barqu
Miners, ship
Rokeby, barque
Royal Albert, ship
Edward Ryan, barque
Captain P. M?Qubas.
Commander Gray.
Commander W. Loring. Use Oscadiar 0.7
T. P. Theapron. Captain Jahn Masdoll. Commander T. EL. Mhers. Door Beaker.
Commander La Graviare.
Toughong 199 Cook
447 Mar
150 Juliven
376 Hagbas
SUN Whighand
13: Rome
17 Thompson
|45) (fartand
1 Faddicombe
Rawls, Dem and on.
Rawls, Duse and o
Hardios, Machaos and co
Dibb, Givinganna and no.
A F. Hub
Kennedy, Meegregar and so,
and co.
Holliday, Wise and o
George Daddell
Rustomjes and o
Coney neve.
J. P. d'Oliveira.
JJ. M. de Jan
Louren?o Marques
Marquis of Entings, barqm| Mao
N. 3. da Las, beg
9440 Vie
Tromeiga, barque
JUL Carvalho
15. P. Xavier, schooner
145 Salatuwichy
|Hongkong || 100|Salado
Thampoa | 250| Anderson
Mocio aso Tunis Amoy
T. Moore and co.
J. M. B. Van Bal.
VOL. VIL No. 0.
Dan Berman, brig
Hongkong, berqas
Lorrail barg Pylades, bseque
Malvica, ship
Baily, arche Mary, lorobe Ano, loka
Jukan, schooner
Furi Willam, ship* Jake Barry, ship
494 Sobarid
|Whampoa | 950 Bathe Hongkong Hann
$5 th Amoy 19v|Swell Hunghong 133 Moran
(More Ships.)
Bomanju Moranjm, ship
Hongkong 1830 Co
214 Leik
372 Burber
Andande (Portuguese), brig|Cam'moon Feless, ship
Hypola, barque
Roberson, barque
Lady Haya, barque
Lyra, belg
Royal Brange, brig
Kapamil, harga
Apes, echoamas
Bee Bow, brig
Warlock, belg
Anonyme, brig
Aurore, echomaz Lord Amber ship
Mokamoodes, barqar Royal, hom Harlequin, rig Loxion, burgla
Wwiem, brig
Anita, bris
Boar (Aricum), neboomer
Syme, Muir and ou Randoo.
Raple, Don and on, Ranke, Deus and co. Rawla, Dave and eu. W. Pesign and on.
Juridice, Markosen und so. J.A.Olding, F.&O. Lee Appr. Dent and co.
355 Endicott, J. B. Remail and co
STS Langley
Pardina, Matheson and on.
strow and on,
D. Samo Bong sides.
?Augustine thoard and sa
10?iman and on,
P.F. Cams and ca
Pemonjes Framjos Cama and
Lindsay and on
D. & M. Russounjoo and ca.
Leo Allee
237 Mann
196 ZAMU
141 Browning
Chinchew 199 Martin
133 Roper
106 Roge
440 Claretly
170 Deane
144 D'Bobe
172 Camelle
Via, Mer
Amazon, ship
Black Dog, schooner
Clown, brig
Cir, Wi
Dido, ener
Emily Jane, ship
487 Wade
Folkstone, ship
Manden, barque
Time, shar
William IV., bergne
Ternate, barges
Balpe, brist
William Hagen, brig
Hellas, choos
190 Badient,
Lechong 201
979 Priestman
Dent and co
Jardios, Matheson sad on.
* and co.
Dent and co
Jardins, Matheson and on
mo, Mair and Jard?as, Muhmon and cu
Deas and co. Kind co
Dent and co, Jardine, Mathews and co. Marrion and o
D. Basse Sone and on.
Keo F. Hubertus.
& D. N. Came and on,
D. & M. Rustomjon and so.
' and
Dent and co.
Juridian, Mechanos and an Cowes Sarees Lengine,
W. Jangoo?no Elone? vai nod
Me and
Ex and co
Lindaty sad
Jardins, Matheson sad as Dent and co
FOR LORDON,--At Whampoa,—Australia,
Gibb, Livingston & Co.
Marquis of Bute, Russell & Ca,
Mary Bannatyne, Dent & Co.
Nye, Parkins & Co.
Jardine, Matheson & Co.
Sir Robert Jale,
Kennedy, Macgregor & Co. Lindsay & Co.
Blonkin, Rawson & Co.
Samal Russell
Russell & Co.
Hongkong,-Joseph Bomen,
Red Rover,
Macao.- Rob Roy,
Wamore & Co.
Russell & Co.
Olyphant & Co. Humall & Co.
Holliday, Wise & Co.
Bath & Co (immediately.] Jardine, Matheson & Co. Boustead & Co.
When pea.--Norman Morrison, Jardine, Matheson & Co.
J. M. 8. Van Basel.
M. of Hastings,
Hongkong-Young Hobe,
B. E. Cameiro.
Louren?o Marquen.
J. F. d'Oliveira.
J. Cockerell.
Kennedy, Kincgtugor and so,
N. S. da Loz,
J. M. de Jesus.
8. F. Xavier,
Jardine, Matheson and co,
Cowonjeo Saporijos Longrak.
|Jardine, Matheson and co
J. Cockerell,
01b, Livingston and es. Plotsher and o
Le Turner and on
Whampus | 373|Larrison
$76 traber SI6Torlor
39Rabertoo Boarding
$40 Chris
lenderon, Won and co.
Bleskin, Rawson and op.
Lindsay and ne
Weimers and on.
Nys, Parkins and on
Jardins, Mashoorn and co.
Kennedy, Macgregue and ca.
Mervicer and on,
Mayaw and on
Dos Hermanos, Alligator,
Bush & Co. Rawlo, Duns & Co.
September 21, Borous.
Loading on the 24th October. --Cliflan, Favourite, and John Cooper.
3, Sarah Louise, 207, Oldham, Shanghai.
3, Constant, 600, Homery, Hongkong.
2, Jane Prowse, 208, Nichols, Bhanghai.
G Jane.
19. Horatio, —, Centon.
Looding on the 24th Color-Aqua Marine; Berhampore; Dumfrim;
Eliza; Ellerslie; John Horsan; John O?Gaunt, (Hongkong); Larponi, (Shang
AL be
# #
13 bands 8 in., 10
19 bande 0 in., 7
Beulah, ship
2 8 0
Chieftaia, bargne
and upwards
09 0 19
Caldes, barque
Forkads, ship
Jardine, Matheson and co, Jardins, Blatheson and co.
John Fleming, ship
406 Hamlin
2, 10
Marquis of Bun, ship
$4) Bansiyan
Mary Benparyne, barque
54 Picke
Deal and co.
Menzies, sip
440 W
15, Aden, 833, Michael, Hongkong.
ser Clack
18, Euphrates, Lucas, Shanghai.
Norman Morina, ship
$50 Reynolds
Jardins, Methenon and so
480 Tratter
710 Loader
464 Beaucim
Jardins, Matheun and co
321) Jury
Hobday, Wis and co,
611 Brown
Mb, Livingston and c
153 Prence
Ebgeted and c
50 Jud
176 Wolf
|Bhonghai | 687|Surveason
Jardine, Matheon and ca Fletored on
447 Davie
Platt, Hargreaves and on.
| 199Jzunovy
Jardins, Matheson and ca
{Rawke, Drama sado.
Deat and so
4, Forrestar.
B. Com
| 133)||Am
Jardino, Machoeva nad on,
Victoria, 10th October, 1845.
TOR me at this office, four forms of bills of lad. ing for goods or specie shipped by the P. & 0, Company's Steam packets. I for goods deliver. able at London; 2nd for goods deliverable at Bouthampton; 3rd for goods deliverable. Suez; 4th for goode deliverable at intermediate porta | *They are printed after the Company's forms on Bank post
Office "Friend of China" |
45th October, 1845,
YINGUISTS Ruronto and Navy BILLS for sale
at this Olica.
Office Friend of China, 28th Dea, 1044.
FOR SALE—At the office of this paper.
Compradores choque buoka.
Bhips Articles, with an abstract of the mercheal
seaman's act endorsed on the back.
Powers of Attorney, after forms by Chilty,*
Charterparties, after forme by Chiny.
Bill of Lading.
Chines Tariff of importa, and exports, for counting houses.
Bir Robert Bale, skip
Thoman Fleiden, barque Thomas Benry, boryne Win Giles, ship
Rob Roy, burne There, schouet Valecipado, schoone
Ana, abip Francis Barclay, barque J. Gast, ship Manappa, hermaphrodite North, ship Tornagion, schoo Zephyr, schooner Deci, boner Galls, schooner
Ongs, chopar Petrol, schoo
Amey Packes, schoo
Caroline, schoon
Louise, barque
David Peddack, ship
Plymouth, ship Ashburton, shop Argyle, beg
Kensington, skip Mineral, ship Bansal, ship Bassaville, kargao Vancouw, sup Auri, skip Congress, ship Coquette, bergso Dert, wer
Angluna, schoonAT
(15 LINAnderson 101C
Hongkong 250@mria
When 430 Whi
433 Dorns |937 Palmie
490) Barb
Shanghel 585)Swole
Lindsay and on
Deal and to
Dardige, Matheson and on.
all and co
Syme, Mair and so.
Kaul, Duns and co By, Muir and ca.
Drinker, Hayi and on,
mom and on
W. Bockler. ?l and c
Empel sad on Bess and co
and on, Olyphant and co Water and co
375 French
Resell and co,
475 Pon Per
| Lov|Marvin
Rumall and c.
|Augustine Heard and up.
hai); and Martha.
10, Pathfinder, 208, Miller. September 23, Willem Jardins, 603, Doanty.
15, Lady Amherst, 446, Myhill, Hongkong.
25, Sharon, Lucas, China.
4, May Flower, 917, Thompson, Hongkong.
Loading-Boreas (Dusch), vie Batavia; Machtilda Cornelia (Dutch) via Batavia; Clare Aura Maria (Dutch), via Batavia,
December 19, Cowasjon Family, Durham, Chion, Loading.--Arrasoon Apear, Mischief, and Sidney.
October 25, Will Orbs Wigp, 101, MeNight, Shanghai,
? Londing.—?mabella Watson, and Sultana.
November 9, Carib, 224, Heaton, Shanghai, Loading, Eleanor Rumall, 200, Jelleis,
November 27, Baboo, Barker, Shanghai.
Printed and Published by Jonn Cany, At The Priend of China and Honghang Garelle, Printing Office, Govon Stenky, Victoria, Hongkong, 1848.
PRICE $14 per annuin
TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION the FRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETE, dean, 12 Dollare. Str Months, Dollars. Three Months. Bullyn; all paid in advance.
Prices, 14 Dollars, Dollars, and ? Dollars, for the periods of Twelve, Bis, and Throw Months respectively: Bugle Numbers, to Bubscribers 95 conte ach; to Non-Subscribers, 1 Rupes. Parties calling or sending to the 1)Moe for papers are requisimi to pay maak TERMS OF ADVERTISING-Ten lines and under, i Dollar; additional, 10 cents live. Repetitisna enc-third of the first insertion. Ships.-Pirs insertion, Dollars subsequent lesertions 43 cents. Avertiments to bass weltims on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appear, stherwise they will be pubilaced until countermanded. In all Instances, thom why are not Bubscribers, arquite
to pay in vence.
skin for the above places on Suff day the 30th January at 2 r. m. Cando will be received on board until Noor, and Brect until 4PM, on the 20th.
For particulare regarding Faxrent and Passaoz,
OCEAN MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CALCUTTA THE Undersigned baring bean appointed Agents
for the abure Company, are prepared to grant Posts, payable in London, Liverpool, Duenly, Caloura, Madras, Singapore, Mauritius, und e lombo.
GIBB, LIVINGSTON & Co Canton, 1st November, 1847
apply at the P. & O. B. N. Company's Office, THE Undersigned have been appointed Agents of Tabove-gned Company, and are prepared to grant Pulfcios here and at Shanghai, payable in London, Liverpool, Calcutta, Bombay, and Canton.
AUGUSTINE HEARD & Co. Canton, 16th June, 1847.
J. A. OLDING, Agent. Ilongkong, 7th January, 1848
NOTICE. THE P. & O. 8. N. Ca's Steamers from Hore. How will lu future proceed throughout to Bensat, touching us heretofore at Singaporn PERANO, and GALLE, also a Colombo, Cochin, CALICUT, Goa, and VIROOMLA. For particular, of Freight and Passage, apply at the P. & O. & N. Co.'s Office.
Hongkong, 19th October, 1847,
QUE P. & O. & N. COMPANY's, will from this e undertake the conveyance of Specis from Chine, and the Straits, to Bouthampton, under the conditions specified in their customary Bill of Lading, as 24 per cu A. OLDING,-&gani,
P. & O. B. N. Company's Office Victoria, 1st December, 1847.
THE ROKEBY. A. 1., 400 Tasa,
Captain Torras, having part of ber Cargo ongeged. Apply to, KENNEDY, MACGREGOR & Co. Canton, 24th January, 1848.
?THE BIR ROBERT BALE, will have immediate despatch for the
MR JOHN G. WARD is aduhted a Partner in our House, his Interest and Responsibility commencing on the let of Jane last.
AUGUSTINE HEARD & Ca Canton, 20th, July 1847.
8 hereby given that Mr JOHN THISTLETH
WAITE ceased to be in our employ from the 18th day of April at past, by lapes of the term of agreement, by which he was powered to act for us in the management of our establishment existing op to that time at Shanghai, and to sign for us thate by Procuration.
B. WATERHOUSE & Co. Ningpo, Oth August, 1847.
NOTICE. DURING the absance of the Undersigned, our Businus in Hongkong will be conducted by Menors PHILLIP MOORE & Co.
Per Pro R. OSWALD & Co. H. LIND,
Victoria, 16th Augos, 1847,
FOR BALE. NCHIORS, Chain Cables, and 11awse Pipes of A all sizes. An Invoice of Aquila, Europe, and
FOR SALE. N Iron Fouce Railing 400 feet, with 4 double leared & foot gates; two Engine Faroe pumpe Foreo and Common purupe; leo Maruball & Bo's Paton Rope.
leni Clucta
ROBERT STRACHAN. Wetoria, 16th September, 1847.
FRANKLYN & MILNE. AUCTIONERES, Commission AoKate, WISH AND BIT MERCHANTS, QUEN'S ROAD. Stored in dry and secure godowns. landed, or (TOODS Bold by private sale, or Public Auction, transbipped, and general business tensacted for
ON BALE. Shaw and Maxwell's and other Sherry.
Parties absent.
Fine Daric and Pole Came.
Pale East Indin Alan
Champagne, Hock and Madeira.
Belizer Waler.
Java Coffee: Balt Provisions in barrels ; large
Coffee, and Government Cigaru.r
4th November 1848.
SALT Provisions, Flour, Ham, Arrack, and Bready in Wood; Whisky, Cogone, and all kinds of Wines in Boule.
4th November 1846,
FOR BALE. DOMAN Cement, and Window Glass of all sizes, IL Apply 10,
Victoria, 3rd Augum, 1847.
and smell Guns: Muskets; Musket and Cannonale by the undersigned. Gunpowders; Chain Cables and Anchors; Canvas and Rope Pine Spats, and other article.
Boogkong, January 4th, 1848.
A CASE of fine Damask Table Linen.
Fine Fresh Linen, and Whitney Blankets.
FRANKLYN & MILNE, Auctioneers and Commission Ageota Victoria, 7th January, 1848.
FOR SALE A Coppered and Copper faswned. Mast and FINE decked cutter rigged Plasore Bost Bails qui new, with Aochor, Chain, and fittings all coupl?te. Apply to,
FRANKLYN & MILNE Vidoris, 30th November, 1647.
HR Beaman's guide, through. Bauka and Gaspar
Victoria, 18th January, 1848.
JUST received ox Awore, Invoices of Manila Cordage, from 2 inches to 4 inches; Manila | Coffee and Gin in Canca, For sale by
Victoria, 4th January, 1848
FOR BALE ** "SAMUEL RUSSELL" QUPERIOR Dark and Pale Brandy, in kalf Pipes,
Quarter Caska, and Bottle.
Bberry Wine, la Wood.
"Nickel" Wine Bitters, in I doxon Cases, Sperm Candles,
"Gallego" Flour.
Navy and Pilot Bread.
Butter in small Kege.
Tongues in half Barrels.
Europe Rope, from 1 inch to 6 inches. Green, Blue, Yellow, Black, and Red Paints, in
Jalore port. Sho estries an experienced |TH? Intercat and Hesponsibility of Mr WILA Strata, by Lieut. H. D. ?, Burro, of the Dutch Tine
Burgeon. For page apply to,
18th January, 1848.
THE British Brig LINNET, 140 Tons Register, ?n excellent order. For particulam apply at the Auction MANT LO,
GEO. DUDDELL Victorio, 10th January, 1848.
THE House and Shop, lately occupied by
Mosaro, Maogay and Ca Apply to
PHILLIPS MOORE & Co. Victoria, 24th December, 1887.
TO LET. OPACIOUS Godowns and dwelling bodes, built of Granite and lately occupied by Mears THOS. RIPLEY & Co. The property is situated r the centre of the Town, (Victoria, Hongkong) and has a water frontage. Apply on the Premissa, of lo,
THOMAS RIPLEY & Co.,-Shanghai. Hongkong, W1st July, 1846,
THE Building on the Queen's Road, known as be Keying House. Also a Bungalow in Aberdeen Street Apply to,
BUSH & Co.
Hongkong, 21st January, 1847.
ODOWNS TO LET, and Goods Blored on
dte URD, LANGE & Co. Hongkong, 28th October, 1847.
FOUR Rooms in the upper part of a House si- toate in Wellington Terrace, D'Aguilar Barget. Apply 10,
Victoria, 10th January, 1848.
THE HOUSE lately occupied by Me AURZAN-
a. Der Robertson on the Queen's Road. Pass- en can be given on the 10th instant. Apply to,
6th November, 1847.
THE Undersigned are authorised to grant Pa
Licigs in Canton and Shanghai, payablo bere, is Landes, Calcuus, Madras, and Bomber.
The must return of Ten per Cent made on all Prelims caizibwind.
LINDSAY & Ca, Agents Equitable Insurance Society, Boeghong, 17th November, 1847.
WETMORNs in one Firm, oensed on the Buch altimo, and we have this day admited Mr Geomon HENRY LAMBox as a Partner therein.
Our Firm now consists of Bamual WeymORA Jun., WILLIAM Moors, and Gozo Hanay LAMION.
Wa also announce that we have ostal·labad a | Shanghai a Branch of our House, under our own Darge and style, and Mir Rossar Powell Saul will sign the same there, by Procuration.
WETMORE & Co. Canton, 1st July, 1847.
day admitted a Partner in our house.
BUSSELL & Co. Canton, 1st January, 1848.
NOTICE. JUST bege to inform the Community of Can- Loo, that he has removed his Establishment from Hongkong to this place, where he trusts to merit their patronage.
Casson, Ist Otober, 1847.
(At present No. 1, New Chlan Street.)
Honghong, 71b May, 1847.
T the Godowns of the Undersigned;--
A Superior Port,
in 4 deen Cece,
. 4 do. Ja
Madeira, 8 do, do
Do.. Wood.
Mumm's Champagne and Allsopp's Pale Ale. BLE?KIN, RAWSON & Co. Victoria, 27th July, 1847,
FOR SALE. RE Grates and loves, with Piping
PHILLIPS KO?R? & Co. Vistoria, 1Beptember, 1847.
THE following Wins—
in Cases of dos, each.
Sparkling Champaign, firmitage,
Pale Cogous Broody, in do do. Scheidam Geneva, in do, of 1 desen.
Superfine Intian Skled Oil._ Apply mo,
BOLLIDAY, WISE & Co. Victoria, 15th July, 1840,
BANCA TIN. Apply to
145 August, 1847.
OLYPHANT & Ca, Canton.
Nary Hydrographer at Batavia, d., &c., do.
Translated by permission of the Author. Apply to
FRANKLYN & MILN?, Comminion Agents & AuctioneeTS, Queen's Hood. Victoria, 2812 December, 1847
FRANKLYN & MILNE have opened the rooms
on the ground floor of the Premise kuowa n the British Hotel, an ComitiasuM AND AVOTION BALE Rooms, and will be happy to receive Goods, for either Private Bale or Pablo Auctiva.
Victoria, 21st January, 184b.
0 Barcalled Revolving Pistols, in Case,
Also, a few Pieces of for Cloths and Canis meres. Apply to,
DRINKER, HEYL & Co. Hongkong, 11th January, 1849.
A FEW Berrela Superior Spermn Oil Apply
DRINKER, HEYL & Co. Victoria, 16th January, 1848. ?
ceived ox Anna Robertson, a quantity of Gas kell & Down's superior Bottled Beer, which they offer for sale.
Woonam's Buildings,
Victoria, 25th January, 1848.
FOR BALE STOCKHOLM Tar in Barrels; Pine Varnish in 5 Gallons Tacks; Gengine Ground White Abend.
Very superior Old Tom, just landed ex Duke of Cormeall.
BMITH & BRIMELOW. Victoria, 25th January, 1818.
SHIP CHANDLERS STORES. And supplies of every description required for Ships use, on sale by the undos signed.
SAILS fdade and Repaired
A large Assortment of Canvas, Bleached and Unbleached.
Real Edinburgh Ale, East India Pale Ale, &c. Stc.
Good dry BroRags with water frontage.
CHARLES BUCKTON, Shipping and Commission Agent. Queen's Road, Victoria, 25th Jun., 1849. VICTORIA HOTEL, SHANGHAI, CHINA F. RICHARD & Co. beg to announce to the Public, that their HOTEL is now com plated, and that for Castlemen or FamiLins who may be visiting the Northern Pons. they havo An- commodations which they think will be found su- perior to any other Hotel in China.
Bitation in a Mercantile House by a Person wall soqualated with business, and who ca good references. For particulars, apply Editor of this Paper.
Victorm, 16th July, 1847.
Quality. MACAO, at HINNAM'S, China Shopkeeper.
Victoria, 11th June, 1847.
Queen's Road, Victoria,
AGENT AT CANTON, ACHOOK-Comprador, No. 8, Imperial Hang.
Hongkong, 4th November, 1847.
ALL claim against the Estate of Joan Porn, Esq, deceased, must be sent in to the un- dersigned before the 28th day of May, 1848; otherwise they will not be included in the scheme of division.
All persons indebted to the said Estate are re quested to make Insmediate payment to,
CHAB, ST QEO. CLEVERLY, Attorney for the Administratie. Victoria, 17th January, 1848,
LL Parties indebted to or baring claim agains the Estate of the late Bir Wa. Henne ilus
BEARenal being considered the most healthy ai- tastion in China, if not in the East, and also favour., are sequeated to send in so sccount of the ably altaated, to the facilities of Bhousing and other sam to the Undersigned. No claims against the healthful exercises, P. F. R. & Co would respect. Estats will be attended to wilesa sent in on ur bo fully solicit the patronage of such MILITARY, NAVAL,
Tore the 25th day of March, 1848. and Marcantils GENTLEMEN de may have occa
R. JACSON. sion to spend a short time in a cooler or more haakby
Cantoo, 14th October, 1547. Climate, for the restoration of their health.
And in returning theaks for the support they have received, P. F. R. & Co. beg to my to the Public generally, that no exertione ! be spored on their part to monks the Elusel worthy of Public patronaga
Shanghai, at November, 1847.
LL Persons indebted to, or having clairos aguinal the Estate of the late Mr NatHANIEL KIND.
MAW, are requested to forward their acconsis to us,
Canton, 3rd May, 1847.
(From the China Mail, Jomary 27.) PROCLAMATION.
By His Excellency Sir John Francis Dar?s, Ba- Fone, Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of Hongkong and its Dependencies, and Vice Admiral of the same, Her Majesty's Plenipo Jentiary and Chief Superintendent of the Trade of British Subjects in Chion--
Major-General Williams Burely, C. B. having bren graciously nominated by Her Majesty to be Lieutenant-Goremer of the island of Hongkong, the annexed copy of a Commission under Her Ma- jeny's Bignet and Sign Manual, in bereby proclaim pd and publebed for the general information and guidance of all Her Majesty's Subjects and others
hom it may concern.
By flis Excellency's Command,
W. CAINE, Colonial Secretary
liven at Victoria, Hongkong,
this 27th day of January, 1848.
VICTORIA by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Jeland. Queen, Defender of the
good will of those who did not regund politics ; while { (Bigned) his liberal sentiments and close application to busi miso were appreciated by others. Mr Begida han had much expiece in legislating for a comercial settlement, and we anticipats that his career in Chi na will not detract from his well earned repumtion. Unfortunately on his arrival, if he does not at once require to plunge into the intricacim of Chinese diplomnoy, he will very shortly have to attunge a tristy either by force of arms or amicably, is the latter caso laking ample security for the fath of the other contracting party, and thus for a time much of his atterring will be drawn from the colony. The removal of axisting restrictions, a rigorous suppress. ion of piracy, a reform of the police, and a modi- fication of the enveriting of the police court, appear to be the chief reforme called for, learing trade to its natural growth. We trust Mr Bonhem will call into Council a few of the mom experiencel members of the community; and the colonista may congratulate themselven that His Excellency will be aided by an able colonial legislator in the commander of the forces.
Alajor-General Bavely and family were passen- gera in the Breganza. He landed at Pedder's wharf on Wednesday forenoon, where he was received by Major General D'Aguilar and numerous officers of the garrison; unfortunately from the bour of debetke tion not having been know, there were law civi lians present, mater of regret as many would have wished to have shown their respect by per-
Falth: to our Trauty and Wellbeloved Wavely, sonal attendance when the General first landed on
Fiquity. Major-General of Our Forces, Companion of Mest Honourable Order of the Path, Greeting: W°c, re- posing especial tengt und confidence in your loyalty, late- jerity and ability. Do by these Presents comtitute and pppoint you to be Cur Lentenast Governor of Our Island Hougkong : To have, hold, wherelor, and enjoy the said Place and ridice during Our Pleasser, with all the rights, pluleges, profits, perquisites and adventure to the same belmging or uppertaining. And further, in case of the
for the time bring. We do hereby authorlie and require you to exercise and.
and dirvellous contabilem all and singular the powere
our shores.
Our comes to Der Go vernor and Commander-in-Chief arcording to vach Jos- tions as he hath already received from Us, and further Orders and Instructions us be or you shall hereafter 10- cere from 's And we do hereby, command all and alag?lar ?ni Offerns, F'inisters, and Loving duljects la Our said Toland, and all others whom it may concara, to take due notice hereof, and to gles their ready obedience persedingly. Civen at our Court of Klodur ikla Turaty-ed Fighth day of October 1967, in the Eleventh year of Our Reign.
By Her Majesty's Command,
(7.8 Matheson,
H. M M. Gray,
James Grant,
Alfred Fincham. Jem McDonald, Gerge Dent. PF Risharde Richard F. Parry, Co. F. Huberton, Willam Potter, Alexander Johnston,
P. Bmith,
H. Lipd.
John 11. Heer,
W. G. Aupinali, John Miller, P. Woods,
H Powell Beal, Chap. Wille Job II. Winch, Jno, A. Anderson, James Irons, Hat, H Cuben, Thos. Moncreif, Wm. Kay.
14 June last the British Merchants at the port of Shanghai formed a Chamber of Commerce, similar to that at Choloo, for the acouragemani and pro- lection of trade. Of this due intimation was given to Her Majesty's Consul with a request to be inform ed whether he would recognise the Chamber offici ally. To this communication no abewer was re. ceived, and on the 15ih Ultimo the Chairman aguin addressed the Consul, which called for the lengthy letter we now lay before the public
There are many assailable points in Afr Alcock's letter, but we will merely point out one or two of them.
As to the logle,-by which he condemne him. self If the Chinees had a right to establish Cham bees of Commerces for legitimate purposes, he was que unjustified in tending to the jealous feelings of foreigners and preventing such establishments.
2nd. As to the facts The Chinese did not wish to form a Chamber of Commerce. They were de sirous of forming a Consoo fund similar to that abo limbed at Canton. The primary object of this fund wat to pay off the creditors of the bankrupt Hoogs, though its ulterior effect would have been to esta blish a strict monopoly of the foreign trade in a few hands, levying a direct tax upon it of 24 per cent.
?rd. Mr Alcock was not solely instrumental in preventing this. "We refer to the statement from the ton Merchants at Ningpo and Hwuy-chou, and also to the proclamation forbidding the association. It will be observed from the latter, that the Tau-tai pro. hibited the association because" the merchants were
divided in opinion on the subject," and not because the Consul disapproved of it.
The British Bubjects resident at Shanghai hava addressed Sir John Davis on the Hwang-chu-kee murders. While expressing their horror of the deed that has been commited, they urge upon His Ex- the absence of Our Cloverone and Comcellency the necessity of taking steps to prevent the death chief of our agid Island of Hongkong now and perpetration of similar atrocities, not only at Canton but also at Shanghai. It is true that the people of the latter port have hervsofore been quiet, bot how long they may continue so, if the perpetrators of the Late murders go unpunished, or unless some severa example is made, is extremely problematica. There are now a considerable number of Cant?d Chi- nese settled at Shanghai, and ibay will not fall with Mr Alcook in bad in bis logic, and innocurate in Lue Chinese insolence to expatisis upon the degend face. It was notorious to the community during position of foreigners at the factories; the poison last winter that the creditore of the bankrupt Honge thus instilled into the minds of the people of the were holding meetings to concert some scheme for north, and a sense of their own humiliation during repaying themselves. The silk and too Hell with the war, may possibly encourage them to insch for- - a duly of 24 per cent was devised ; but apart from eigners who live among them with liule or no pro- | the creditors, not an honest man had any connection tection. Our position in China in in a critical wate, | with in The Tau tai was won over to their views and we fervently trust, as we beliers, that the Bris | und in April he wrote Mr Consul Alcool to the tish Government will at once adopt strong measures. ? effect, that the Amociation was established for the Already some apprehension has been Talt lest the purpose of preventing fraud among the brokero, and Canton and Fokien rabble of Shanghai should rise that 23 per cent on the sale price of the teas and silk upon foreigners, and we hear that Mr Consel Al- | sold would be levied by the Association for the pur. cock applied to the Tap-tai for a night patrol, which | poss of repsying in some measure the debts due by Alum and the other bankrupis. Against this Mr was granted,
Alcock very properly protested; the respectable na- ive merchants also protested and the tax was dienl
Major-General William Stavely, C. B.,
to be Lieutenant-Goverter at Hongkong.
(True Copr) W. CAINE,
Colonial Secretary.
GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. The Honourable Alajor-General William Sta vels, C. B., Lieutenant Governor of Hungkong, bas this day taken the onths and his seat as a Mem ber of the Executive Council of the Cokny of Hongkong styl its Dependencies.
By order of His Excellency the Governor and His Excellency
Commander-in-Chief of Hongkong,
Colonial Secretary.
Colonial Office, Victoria, Hongkong, 27th Januray, 1848.
Nee Advertisements will be received wall 4
Clock, on the morninge previous to publi- eptiem, viz: Tuesdays and Fridays.
Foxland FOT. 24 | Bydney
Terdas Nov.
Balvin Bingapoyo Jan. Dec. 19 Mama Elec.
Shanghai Jan.
Hember Madras
NOTICE—The hours of Disine Sereler in the Coco JUAL ('WATAN 470, on Sundays it Ul. A., M. 4 F. M., and a past 6 1. M.1 and on Thurulaye ut & P. M.
VINCENT STANTON, Victona, od Nov, 1843. Colonial Chaplain.
NOTICE—PussyTonian Cuprom. This congrega. pre, conduend Ge the persent by the Rev. W. C. Boshe, will b?ret every Basmath, in the Bungalow immedinia?y b Bund the sun House
The hours of Dielne Service will be 41. a. 2., and ? poet $.M.
Victoris, 27th December, 1817
Tax Breganze arrived at 5 o'clock on the morning of the 26th; three days later then the corresponding momth of last year. She did out ranch Kingapore until the 14th, having been delayed by adresse winds and also some derwogement of the machinery; her voyage up the China sea was longer then usual from the string monsoon, which has sleo been ex- perienced by the Laurick and other sailing vessels. The commercial intelligence is bad, though not We then was anticipated, and an opinion prevails ja well informed quaiters that the crisis in ncer, Creda bas improved and the money market is re lieved considerably without the Bank of England baring avsiked itself of the extransdionry powers of issue granting by the ministry for temporary pur pours. It is probable that the step taken by govern: Fient restored the confidence of tanid capitalise, and that money has bera ngu?n punt in circulation which there was a disposition to board.
The accounts from Ireland are of a pointulare. gription In bat unhappy country murders of the most harrowing nature ara of almost daily occur. rence; the literality of the government and the generisty of the people of Englund kaa in no degres mollified the spirit of the Irish pensantry, and their hared to the Faxon is proved by the cold blooded murder of their superiors.
The appointment of Mr Bonham, late Governor of Singapore, se sucentor to Sir John Davis will give very general antrafaction. Mr Bonham is known to may of our residenta and they are unqua- lified in expressing their admiration of bis cha. Wben Governor of Singapore he was Tacles. universally esteemed; his affabilty guined b?m th? |
Butanumit, sth January, 1968.
Janem Darm, Bart,
#. M. Pimipotetiary in China,
B-We have heard with mingled feelings of herrar and indignation of the draufal tragedy lately enacted in the waighbourhood of Canton, and as Brilch Bigbe jects realdent at Shanghai, fool imperatively called opon, with unanimous voice thas publicly to record timents. at so momentous a period of British interc??em
with Chies.
Justice demands, and must receive a full mess of retribution for the paparalleled atrocity; but this can be socosolation to the sorrowing relatives of the unfor Tunate victims, as thay mourn their unalmaly fate, and reflect that for a period of forty-eight boars, with death before their vai no their only friend, the most earl and revolting tortures were inflicted in the absence of
any arm to save.
While we participate in thais grief), we feel that they will reciprocate our conviction that the previous warns logs of impending dangar were too lightly regarded, and that the continued presence of efficiant protection di Canton might Providentially have averted the pro-
1 catastrophe.
We trust that a diffrent Use of policy to thai hitherto parsed will now be adopted ; and that so con. Tineing a proof of the litter and deep rooted heality of the people of the Cantes province towards we will be met by Your Excellency with such vigour and de. termination as may at length teach them, and teach the vation, then forbearance has its limits, and that merey cannot for ever avert the Just paishment of guilt. In this view, we would respectfully bring to Year Eteel- lency's notice our position and the relation in which we stand with the people of this part of China.
The friendly latercourse hitherto subsisting between the foreign residents of Shanghai and the surrounding population, le to be attributed mainly to the salutary lesson taught in the latter during the late war ; strong- thened, so trost, by intercourse with a nation whom they had previously only known by report, and that in terms of grow misreprmentation. We cannot, how- ever, conceal from ourselves the fact that, our presmice bare le one of sulferen?a alene, and borne with no good will. According to the spirit displayed by Your Ex- cellency at the present erlain, may thla pasive toleration merge into subinlisten, or be farmed into hostility to the disappointment of ibi expretations formed by Her Mas jesty's Govertiment of the steady advancement of Bri- tish Interests at this place.
Lam further confirmed in the cowlesi soldering that the omelal regain of a Chamber of 1 ammaros in
the prerat instance seems enlculated us allies the abiren of a Chamber only so far as i would faralda te ita co barea modium of oficial communication with U L'ossal; and as it is open to every Brifah subject to brag under socios any maner having relation to kis and today number of iba residents collectively place before the 'onsul saggi salons they may deem of impor tance to the trade of this place, to which it is at all times ala duty to give prompt and careful onsideration, I rea ture to anticipate bal no practical disadvantage will be found to resell to the merchants generally from the absenc of a new channel for that roommunications and
1 hare entered thus fully into the cirearsties. man induenco my declaion, because an unwilling th any measure deemed by yourselfand the with you advantageous or important to the Interests of the Brilah communit?, should be denied the official of the Consul when required, except upon the ground that in his jodgment siicial intervention weal otherlan than advantageous in fun resulta.
Upon this ground, therefore, inking into consideration the
the Lords of the Committee of the Prity opialua of t cil for Trade forwarded for my guidance no to the genus] rasuks to be anticipated by associations of this patarei China, the disadvantageous and false poslude in which an act of oficial recognitido most place E. M.'s Fonva with the Chinese a??kurities, and the disability la worka entail opus im in refers to any future efforts of the Chloss to establish with similar oficial sancifoga Cham ber of Commercs, and fgully the trifling, and doubilai nature of the advantage to be gained by anak nel COMPE with the risk of injury and thlak 11 will be evident that a den regard to the interests it must be your desire la com- man with all Deislah merekanja he?n in advance pee. clades y recogelion at the present moment of a Bridsk
Chamberof Commerce at thanghai.
I have only to add, la conclusion, that I am willing and ready to transmit for the consideration of Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary any representations you may deam it th rable to make upon the subject ?3 aim, air, your moto dient humble servant,
Bmanoma, Jakery 10ch, 1848,
Borgerford Alcock, Esq.
H. B. M.' Consul, Shanghal. B?n,—1 beg to acknowledge the receipt of your com ication of the Loth alumo, which I have laid before Ma L'ommittee of the Chamber of Commerce, and in which you state that you are not at present prepared to recogni?n * British Chamber of Commerce at Shanghai.
While reinring you their beat thanks for the explana. tion of your views, the committee request me respectfully to state that they feel themselves compelled, in replying se your leiter, to reso d their dissent from them upon su following polis:-
It is subcled it u the association lately organised by the Chinese meret ants and which you bring into con parison with our Chamber of Commerce showed ostanatbly last it was legiimam, and an Paingement on the rig of native, -90 the injury of British marekanta, –by dicus ing-
Tat--The individuals who alone were to be parutend
to conduct the Trade with foreldsen. Sod. By restricting the Morege of Produce a certa
Licensed Packhouses.
Bed.—By legying a per-costage upon the foreign tends For similar objecti to those of the former abolished Conso al Camion.
chinese merchants maidens here, and was well known o As such it was denounced by the Nagpo and other
have been composed of the connexiuna of the late bank- rupt Hong, who wished to levy & contribution on trade Le are opes-in feet to establish a Consoo fod similar la the purpose of making up pasi lassas,—providing agalin that abolished at Canton by H. B. the Huperintendent of Telf had begins the British Chamber of Common
tablished there, and it was only alter matur ration, and in the belief that such an asmoalation would be
miler one was formed here.
We object to Mr Aleoek's terming such an Auto-conducive to the interests of British commeror, that a ciation a Chamber of Commerce, or in any degree comparing it with the British Chamber si Shang-
Our perion in a fotiga cottatry —yet soder Betl?
magulinde the trade li tuk?a into ane... a. I place us on a f??ling with the residents of caz polonion, is regard to forming amplations for market budete me pas pection; and there in Witio doni put in a Chamber of Commerce existed at the time of the late fillesse of tha Chinese Hongratskis place, many of the thresretan comen
aided quedos would have been pruriated, or at least and
hai. When the British Chamber attempts to levyt (or of war one,) ought it is constra a tax upon all importe, then Mr Alcock's compa rison will be just-at present it is only nonsensical. With regard to the official recognition by the Cansal, we do not see that it is a matter of much moment The manifest benefits to be gained by such an institution may nearly all be secured without official recognition. It will be recognised by all kindred institutions in the United Kingdom; and the merchants of Shanghai will thus be enabled to lay their views on matters connected with trade before those who are at the sources from whenes it flows (No. 280.)
&. Q), Dallas, Eng.
BATER COUGARS, Buanomat, Dec. 16th, 1847,
of the 15th December and to state in reply, that the subject B-1 have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter
of a British Chamber of Commerce was same time back brought under the notion of the Lorde of the Comeliter of Privy Counch for Trade, and their Lordships having con mie? several of the prisgipal merchants connected with the Chian Trade, warn of opinion that anch an namla would not in a Healthood be asended with any benef clal realia to British Trade,
Je regard to the official recognition of British Chamber of Corona Shanghai to which your letter more part cularly refers, I fear there are local circumstances which would render a surp of this nature injurious rather than beneficial to British Inarena.
it will be in your recollection that iterated and re- noong efforts have bach made on the part of the Chinese merchants here to establish Chambers of Commerce, one- sibly for the legitimate purpose of obtaining information, of their trade, and communicating in a body with the rrodering metal rapport and assistance in the promecasion authoritie
Extreme Jealousy on the part of the foreign sommunity has been manifested as often as this question has been ag tated among the Chinese; and on the last decalm, but a few months ago, the determination of the Ci
? Chinase to an their right to form Chambers of Commates was only defeat- ed by Her Majesty's Consul Rumally calling moun Illa Excellenes the routan to withhold his odcial sanction, kadeve in interdict the fording of say much entsclations among the Tea and 80k merchants, as a measure fraught with embarrasment and injury v? British foterma.
don regards the use to which such associationa would probably be converted in Chinese hands, the alarm of the Brillah merchants and the laterference of the Consul may alike be justified 1 cmonive; bat under these elronma- as it appears to me impossible for EL. M. Cossal with say show of consistency or justice, to shortly after bis recognise an association of British subjects, identical to strong rethonstrance to the Chinese authorities officially, to all appearance with the bomber of Commerce propuned by the Chinese merchants.
In conclusion, we would respectfully and sernantly urge upon Your Excellency that our existence in China depends on a moral as well as a physical ascendancy; and that if we do not take timely warning and su rights by a course of the most vigscans and un- Binching policy, our position in China may soon be no longer sewable.” With a request that you will have the
gnatures attached, to Her Majesty's Minister for For geodem to forward a copy of this ?ildren, with the elgs Ara-We bere the honour to be, Sir, Your most obedient, Humble Servanta, (Signed) A. P. Croom,
J. G. Livingston, Wm. Ward Brown
A. U Dallas.
K. R. Mackensie,
John Stewart,
James White, Wm Pike,
This Kirk
0.0. Stackenale,
Blery H. Kemuedy,
Adam Byko,
D Siller,
D. Potter
Thos. Plati
John Bearth,
. Craven Wilson,
George Vraago,
J. Lowk
T. Pyke,
W. Hutchison, Rd. Aspinall, w.berburn, Wm. Hargreaves, Chas. Waters. Edwd Burton, W. H. Ademon B. B. Vllet. W. M. Norton. Was. Norten. France. Lay100, J. 1. Lario,
Ahm. Bowman,
J. B. Wildman
J. P. Waton,
Sepia, Maitland,
now acknowledged.
It le with no wish to enter lato, any diseassion, ikat da shove views are brought to your sotics, but simply that, of your comicatione ho es acquicingle the cuteas The committed will be glad to avail of the offer coolala ed to the last paragraph of your latter, and I have now requent that you will be good enough to forward to HE the Baperintendani of Trade, a copy of the correspondent which hans ken place relative to the furgation of a British Chamber of Crimeres at Shanghai,—) have the honou to be, sir, your most obedient servant,
[Bigwed] A. O. DALLAS,—Chairman,
“Shanghai British Chamber of Commerce,
Public Statement of the Hwuy-chow and Ningyo Grace To Mercad
The Imperial will laying been possi vnd, granting farsig trade as Shanghal, wo marchanio Gram, Geachway provides, and from Stingpo diuios came to the city, and from the sala pripia of our Toon being subject to beary parkhom charge, and shno prinan at the same time not being reache rating for the estona, Juanes have been noncandy sustained Sve u perind now of marocal goaza w look into co
we Sad that a bang has been establimbed for of them g period of one year, and then, tiled for upwards of a mallint of Tesla,—there bars bean firme opened for a few w and then failed for more than a hundred thousand, ing salumitive und nun, at which the teeth gnash, and mind is embluated. Appeals to law have been income, represed, and heaven and north have been lasuked.
But now the bankerpc hongs bara employed the mercha involved by them footbaly to request of the T??e-Mi, and bated in reply,—to establish a Two sod Bilk Ameri then Flull, in order to cause a levy of two and a half per a to be made on the sale price, including the ebargan horm fary. (that in the gruale price before deducting oberg) for the papers of paylag up the debis of the Loung, and t rest of de lire (bankrupt) honge,
...Than those hongs who bear's heavy load of guil, hem insted of pane heat, on the osmicory received extrude companion, and barn bedowed with benevolence beyond de lawo, and the merchant ibay lavolved, have an accoun their format low, by a happy Svetune received after recer petar, and li bas sprung up from nothing. But they veled not that svisly sel?ah desires are di?oult to susin, and det the wrath of many is hard to oppose. These debt hat ower and how can they think of putting the plac place peech (maha Post pay for Pool 1) ( when evened witi creais a wry, and who is willing t the living be evited to be substituted for the dead!
contemplates may be nammed that the real objects | Beat of all the bangs la to be scraped off to heal the ulcer
the B and Chinese merchani lo Pame and the adirmation of a practical difference in the severally consisting themselves Into Chamber of Com are widely different yet otsibly they are the
worinng and results, could after all only appear what in point of that it is, un samopako in snob cams, on the part of the Consul, in favour of his own countrysen and gala the Chiam, affording a solicient grow for the clic Lon of a line of conduct totally at variance with the contro person when a Chinese Chamber of Commerce was la gation. It to be borne in mind, that in reference to the Chinese, while they only claidhed n right freely enjoyed for centuries be the native merchants of every Lopean Siste, and in harmony with our own lamitations and habits of copierce the British, in furmlag Chambers of Com ? in China, to a certain extent must be considered an
the assertive of a new priociple, by the wee
Batistation to the elre malangesofa i country, where the rights and privileges enjoyed are only sochis have been obtained, and dessed by Treaty in this view it can scarcely be deemed ?liher decorades or polille fuc E. M. Costal io asy official form to laserler or alrea step which must preclude his moving at any future perfo with effect against renewed attempts of the chinese to "adopt a standl?u organization,
afwe) but so fall into this meaepelining schocoes,
of the dve the warrow of myriads of men will be absorbe to 50 mp the lob-like seren af four or five. Not only will we have to axouse ourselves to the merchants (coming lett
come longued with people to bring such plana isto operation, - would be like pursuing a Bock like the birds of pray? HOE en we volqamily meme fa opgenation 1. If the tomater i thun taught to climb the pole, where will be the and of l taung and excelling the example 1
B?i ng, of whose districte Green Tea in the emple j der, or bead to calculate motorety,
I derin good plot. and establish other regulatione, Is it not better to make elect preparation beforehand, then to go to law afterward. The simagepenu for drawing a puc consigo will deppel altogether upon the bongs agresing or not, but bende di cammnissian charged in this aid regulations it will be hard an make any further deduction.
We now bring ammmbled for publie deliberative, fi specially adverties this, and if any shall connive at Lacrosse, the charges, on discurry of such, as will publicly to t regarding their punishment.
? m?tha he has consel to regular it.
To m? v? th?m, ginen we desire and that a free pred dressing the hair is odd, it being rolled up in a deberet inde a citand pert, how much low can we need conical fashion at the back of the band. Their sfer of encouraging membante le came here to be injured, we med be andelewely careful, and just, without selfie dress, when they do ust wear the European one, is inge, ora d'opuscle spirit, then will the Hease be grey simple, consisting of only a hint of shirt of soma dad, and Chinese sad Formgners thereby obtain lasing dark colour, with an upper short petticoat of white stu and a handkerchief tied loosely round the neck. At last, having loaded the cutter with en- tables, which was obliged to lie off on account of the increasing surf, and it being nearly aunact, we were obliged to tear nuraalvoo very unwillingly from this upchanted island, though all came round to beg us not to go, but to stop one night-only one -with them, and, finding they could not sucosed, accompanied us down to the beach, where we em
A special Statement. Published in May, 1847.
Proclamation Forbidding the Formation of a
Tea and Silt Association. Heim, Tron-Tai of Shanghul, do, e, borsby given plate command. His Excellunor the late Tron-tal. Kong, fhaw pressered) handed are to me the case of the merchan who formerly peiltinned publicly, requreeing that a. The and Bila Amorinson Hall be established, in ga setine in the Chiaria merchants coming to this elir sa train, that they war in baring and acting with the merchants of the various pilgu somnules, cuma foes in fros with ibim, in order ti werent the Brokers deceiving and defrauding and for
brity of the general intervals of mula. Thereader b-da
merchants were divided in opinion on the subject orders were given in soup ki, sad the same was intlessted by feuer
the Consolas in on meid, khut my noming so off e bery, I became acquainted with Le circumstances, and themes Eimin this Procla de, and distinctly command all the merchants in desist fr carrying into operate the deliberations regarding the atablishment of a Tea and Gift Amoniaton Hall.
Do not oppose. A special Prolation Taekwong 27th year, Bi mouth, 18th day. (May 10th IMO).
Pepper-lack,-plentiful at $34 per pioul at which sales are making. White-continues to be
Conajdorable activity prevails in our market for
freely but the high rates raling in Calcutta keep pri- mou descripings of produce for shipment to Eag. land and the United States. Tin has some in more cas here above what the Home Markets warrant. this to Calootia during the osson. The price Botlout-37,600 picul bare boan shipped from
The last purchase for that market at 873 per bhar. still keeps up there, owing to a speculative demand. The shipments of the sticle to China, this year, have been unusually small, not exceeding 19,300 piculs, and at the quantity remaining of the yeare barke in canoes to take us u? through the rolerspicule, the price must rule high in China unless the Telus will m?s probably decline.
trap on the Fedier Quest does not exceed 3 a 4000 option there has very materially decreased.
$3.50 for West Coast or Bouloo. Prives here at 83,25 for Dollie or East Coast of Sumatra and Pepper-Black-is bought up readily on arrival
Pepper Parts White Peyper-nothing dolog. during this season have rule under those at the
to the cutter. They arabraced us eli most affo innately, saking us to write and remember them in formerly of the Basilisk, whom they seemed to their friends in England, particularly to Caption, have a vivid recollection of. The embarkation in
the outer was accomplished safely, and we them three hearty sheets, and, ascompanied by Oorga Aduros and Christian, we gut on beard the Spy; and after their remaining a short time with us, and being very much delighted with a couple of rockete that were Bred, they hade us good-bye, when we filled and made sail for Valpacalao. Navel and May Gandle.
(From the Bombay Times, December 16.)
further arrival of 600 picule, part of which has changed hande ai §191 for the Calonita market.
$1.75 per pical according to quality.
Rattans-Always obtainable here at $1.40 10
Nutmege--Have been in food demand for ship- ment to Europe, Ametics and Calcutta, and fully bring quotations.
Mec-Good quality is principally shipped to Europe, moderate and leferier kinds are in good demand for the Indian markets, and selling st $65 & 070 per picat
21. Bea.
The stock is now moderate and there is no other made during the month at 943 a 44 par soyan, Rice-Estensive sales of Arracan have been
jarmessin-narea at 821 per picul. description offered for sale.
Rattans-Straile,-aurant at Row Buk-Baleable in small low at 235 per picul. Bugar.-Arrivale of 10,000 picula from Siem sales of 2,500 of which are reported at $5 per Plcul. From the high rate of Exchange current on Bombay, sad the difficulty of selling Bulle, the Segare. Manila, -abundant, Sales of No, 44, at 65 61 and No Ss. at 90 a 9 per mil.
Hapan wood.-Sales of 1,000 picul at $2 per pioul. Saltpetre.-In demand,
to be lower.
Randal-wood-No arzivala, Tin,-Declining owing to the fall in price in Cleats. Nominal rate $19 per picul and likely
FOR SHANGHAI THE ALLIGATOR, Capt. Cook, will leave this for Cum-sing-mo00 Bon the lot February, calling bere on her
(way up the Vusal.
RAWLE, DUUS & Co. Hongkong, 28th January, 1848.
NOTICE. Wadmitted Mr Doncan Janne in our Firm, which will i Ay Partners under the Style of THOMSON, FINE Curried on
FINLAY & Co. Liverpool, Ist July, 1847.
Close-In little demand. The last purchase of Bourbon was at $17 per picul. Good Pinang. would not bring over $36 a 836.
Bugers-As remarked in our preface the pro- duction of the settlement has much increased dur. England prices have declined.
the present your, but owing to adricus from Grain-Fica has lately been imported in large quantities from Maulmain and further large arrivals are expected from Atraean. We quote to-day at!
1 but this rate cannot be maintained in the face June last. of such beavy Importa.
We had the pleasure in our last of reporting on
? very steady Market for Imports, and we have now the further satisfaction of advising encreased brisknees, with every prospect of a gradual general Mail from London of the 7th November arrived improvement throughout the season. The Overleading here only this morning, and akbough the accounts are less favorable than we had hoped for, still there is nothing in them that can in the least degree af foot this Market.
Our Produce Market la in a state of great depres sion, and most continues until more settled intal. ligeove comes forward from Europe.
the market for this staple, reported in our last, bas Cotton Wool-The dull and declining state of continued through the fortnight, though was have bad somewhat more doing to it,the decline in prices and rates of freight that have taken place having for England and China. The stock in the plese Induced parties to operate to a limited extent both is ne yet moderate, and the range of selection con. Compra dirige specs are looked for from the Compta districts, which, while they will add to the former, will not increase the latter," The following is a list of such purchased as we have heard of, and the prices of the day are as quoted :--
150 ordine Mangalore, as Ra. Of par candy. 450 dilo......Comp
? "
166 10.............. 24
100 dilo... 84, "Opiva. -Nons of the new drop is yet hare, and the price of old is quite nominal; say Rapees 780 to 850 per sheet.
Opium-Benarts.-Last sales at $185 cash. Patna ver oommande in this market a higher per chat and Male with certificate $150 price than Bomarca, Turkey would fetch $400
EXONANON,-On Loodan 6 me sight 4-6 for first rate paper; no other Bille negotiable in the present state of affairs in England except well protected by native billa have been sold at $24. shipping documents-On Madras and Caloutta
THE totorost and responsibility of Mr Duncan I JANES KAT in our Pum coaaed on the athl
TURNER & Ca. Victoria, Hongkong, 28th January, 1848.
SADDLERY. TOW landing from the Duke of Cornwall, Ladies
and Gentlemen's Boodles: Silver mounted Jockey, twig, and Driving Whips; Spurs, Horse Clothing, Circlagalls, Ginba: Horse and Pony Apply at the AVOTION MART Queen's Road Martingales; Flat and Hound Bridles ; &,, &?
Victoria, 27th January, 1848,
Tox498-The Gwalior is the only vessel at present on the barth for London. The British Isle. Gun Room Steward for H. M. B Childera. Alexander Johnson, Lalla Koolik, Rambler, Dar-
am, Lady Eals, and Thalia will follow her.
(From the Singapore Pres Press, January 13.)
The arrivals since our report of the. Tet ultima have been the Triumph from London; the Counicat of Durham and Flors Ker from Glasgow. The TONNAGR-Freight has been, and is, soaros, and Imports by them, abstract of which will be found have receded to all parts. By going Ships 44 perth still prevails, and our remarks can scarcely with some arrivals of romels since our last, rates in another column, are trifling
The extreme depression in trade noticed Inst too has been paid for small quantities to Liverpool, more than a repetitios of those in our report of but in vessels to receive cargo in a weak hence the Ist altimo. The only article in oren partial tannage can be bad at 43 12 6d, at which a 10s was paid for dead weight in the early part of amall quantity bas boen sogaged. To London, considerable sales, though at a reduction in price. demand is Grey Shirtings, of which there have been
last week since then an engagement has been do not induce buyers to purchase bayan.t their im
The low rates at which other Goods are offering made at #k, but cotton is not to be bad at this rate. modiste wants, and to affect mies sacrifices are To China the rate is Rupees 16 per candy. al require to be submitted to. which a vessel has been taken up.
The value of Rice still continues low. Produce generally is abundent and cheap, and promises to continue so.
A VISIT TO PITCAIRN'S I^LAND. Her Majesty's brig Spy arrived off this island on the 26th of February, and was boarded by George Adama and some more natives shortly after she berto. George Adams is the son of the colebrat ad John Adams, the father of the colony, the mu ineer of the Bounty West ashore in a oulter, piloted by George Adams. Landing place a very small sandy beach with many rocks, and in the breeze impracticable. We were met on the beach by some of the natives, who cordially wel comed us to Pitcaire's Island, and showed us the way to the market-place, up a steep and rugged park, winding along the cliff, and throng a beautiful variety of all kinds of tropical flowers and shrubs. The scene when we arrived at the summit was picturesque in the extreme. The whole of the aires, men, women, and children, headed by Mr Neppe, the schoolmaster, had assembled in a space of about half an sore aquare, carpeted with thick soft gras, and eaunpied overhead by the spreading busechs of cocoa-nut tree, to meet the strangers, all of them being dressed in their gayest. Their welcome was warm, all of them advancing and shaking us by the band, and addtoming we in per fectly good English. We were extremely pleased by their quiet and decorous behaviour. As soon uwe bad made acquaintance with them all, we were led through gently winding paths to the prin cipal village, where the court-house and church stands, as there were one or two slight disagree- tenta about land, which they wished to be brought before Lieutenant Wooldrige, 'commander of the Spy, and whe very speedily disposed of them without their having evinced, during the investigation or afterwards, the lost feeling of discontent or die plouture. The church issa cost building, well arranged, with a pulpit and benches, and is used au well for a court-house as a church. Mr Noppe, the schoolmatig, performs the various oc We were shown the old gun belonging to the Bounty, that had been under water for 66 years, and which was now lying near the court-hours We villed old Adams's house and grave, the last of which is situated le a beautiful spot next to his wife's grave, and kept in trim order. Afor ram- bling about, and riding one or two of the inha bitants who were not well fans of whom bad woonded biruself with his gun while out shooting grates short time before we arrived, but was doing well), we returned to dinner, which had been pre- paced for us at M'Coy's house, and consisted of pork, yam, and sweet potatoes. Each family on the island take it in turn to entertain rangers when they arrive, and never accept any reward. Thuir food is principally vegetables, of which they have almal every hd, sad twice a weck either ment or fish, but there is diflouky in getting the latter, the 6shing-ground is bad and water very deep. The animals on the island are goats, which are wild, pige, and fowle. Their homes are the perfection of cleanliness and good order, and each person has his plot of ground to cultivate. During the past month our market for Eampe Their form of government is simple. They oloat Place Goods has comineed in the same inactivo stale a magistrate every 12 months, upon which ooca that we have bed occasion to notice in our two pre. sion every man and women above 18 entitled to rione reports, (which, however, is ovaally the case a vote, and, if married before that age, they are al? at this season of the year) and tranmctions in them lowod a vote in consequence. The magistrate then bars, consequently, beau comparatively triding. chooses an assistant, and the remainder of the peo-There are very heavy stocks both in Brat and an ple choose again another, who acts as a sort of cond hande,jand, until our retail dealers have redue chack, which is, indeed, little wanted-for there is ed theirs, we cannot expect any improvement either ne place in the world where such perfect unanimity in demand or prices.—A system has lately obtained and good feeling exist as in this happy island. The here, which has materially injured the legitimate number of inhabitants is 134, bot the island can trade i Europena Manufactures in this muskel pport many more, and they increase hat slowly. We allude to the pevation of foreing Goods upon The blend itsell to only four miles and a hell in the Cookies and Labourers employed on coriain circumference.
We board with pleasure that Bogar Plantations in payment of wages, they are though serural whalers touch there, vel, in a compelled to realize et a great sacrifion, thereby de latanes, had any impropriety been committed. preciating the real value of such Goods in this mar Forty-six whalere, monly American, had called, to the great prejudins of other Importers. It dering the year 1946. They all appeared to talk is obvious that this system must ultimately def of Adams with the greatest respect, and seemed to itself, landing as it does to destroy confidence on the here a strong feeling of the crime that their ancesport of our Chinese traders in purchasing from first Lory committed in matlaging. They talked in the handle, and, consequently, affecting materially the Best off-ctionate loyal way of "our Queen," and bulk of our imports. We hearuly hope the system appeared exceedingly proud of being English-but will be apeedily abandoned, as well for the sake of omplained that they were so neglected, the Spy the Parlies persaing It, as for all others interested having been the brat man-of-war which had visited in the prosperity of the Settlement. them for more than three years. They, however, In taking a review of our trade since the com-fering at 01aj per picul. were quitatisfied when told that the exigencies mencement of the present year, we have the ot of the service had lately prevented their being visit tisfaction to notice generally an evident increase ed so oftos. They begged verpenly for a visit by upon the last. The sales of Piece Goods both di -of-war as often as she could be spared from rest and from Singapore have been more than soal iber duties; but, George Adama remarked, they ly large and if, latterly, the peions and demand bave could not complaio, se the government had af. given way, it la mainly attributable to the care dy be kinder to them than they deserted" above mentioned, in Produce a very large Basin Before our leaving, the women came after us with
nes has been done particularly in our Suple Ar lible presents and keepaakes, such as locks of hair, dicles of Export to Europe and America and we wala' teeth, and other Lule curiosities, refasing notice espoolally a great increase of Trade with the to be rewarded in any way. We wok soms of brir marges down, as they track the an being on
fatter Country. The Sugar produced upon the les land and in the Province shows an increase upon the fair owners themselves-hlari, last years production of upwards of 92,000 Picula Emily were among the pretticas Marina and oor Spices also exhibit at large increase. On Correal was a beautiful girl, quite a Grecian cast the whole, therefore, we congratulate the commu alenance, and very kindly allowed her like nity upon the increasing prosperity of the Settle. s to be taken by one of our party. The way of meat.
EXCHANGE.The local Banks are drawing upon London at ju. Od. for two methe, is. Did. 3 months and is 101.0 months sight; whilst what is con sidered unexceptionable mercantile paper is to be bad as 18. 10 d. for the latter usanoo, and which
are the rate for this mail,
(From the Phang Ausstis, January 8.)
Testimonials of Good Character will be co- quired. Apply on board,
Hongkong, 27th January, 1848.
Office of Ordance, Hongkong, 18th January, 1848. NOTICE is hereby given that Bealed Tender | A will be received at this Odies by the Repro- tive Officers of the Ordnance and the 14th day of February next from such Persons as may be willing to contract for the following Services, from the 1st April 1848 to 31st March 1849:
Washing and repairing Barrack and Separate Bedding....
Repairing Barrack, Furniture and
Utensila Bweeping Chimnine Emptying Privis
contract, Separate
Removing Ashe
Lighting Lampe
may be known on application at this Office.
Further particulare and conditions of Contract
HENRY ST. HILL, Ordnance Storskeeper.
on:-Twelve fashionable Valvet and other Bonusts, from one of the first houses in London, they were expressly made as pattern Bonnels, and are well worth inspection; likewise a few choice Dress Cape of the cjawest styles.
EXCHANGES.—Os England.—Bill under credi are still unleable. With decuments they bave Isen taken at 4. 4[d.-6 months sight, Bank FOR SALE a Cam of Surgical Instruments Bill to the amount of ?10,000 have been sold at (maker Danan) Apply to 4. 3jd.; 40. 3d and evon 40. 24d, is now demanded.
M. CLERJON. On Calcutta-No demand The Government Victoris, 2nd November, 1947. Treasury which last month was open at 224-RS INESS has received by the Anna Robert- ngw closed. Private Bills we hear bave been placed at 224.
On Bombay-Sales to the extent of Company's Rs. 40,000 at 22N A considerable amount is still in the Market
On Madras,Salos al 228. On China-No trammptions reported. our report of the let okimo, has been the only vessel TONIO.--The Orator, noticed as fouding in in the barth for England during the month. The Countess of Durham and the Flora Rer are it is believed chartered ships and will not take general freight. There is soins demand for Tunge to Atracan and Bombay.
BASTERN ARTICLES Alum-None in the Market of 250 picule sold at 24 per picul for the Calcutta Beteln —None. Last Import from Palembang Market
dere at quotations.
China Camphor-Limited sales to Madens tra Claves.—In partial demanda Cario.Nuns and wanted.
can with difficult be sold at 814), at which 300 China Copper Csak-Abundant. Good quality picole have been parted with, while inferior in of
#1. 60 t. 75 per pical but no demand exisu.
Ebony.Large Imports which might be had at Mother & Pearl Shells,-About 900 piculs have been imponed from Booloo for which holders are asking 844 par picul.
a few chosis of fienares at 8565 $75. On the Oples during the mould comprise, bot 29th ultimo, the Lanrick arrived from Calcula bringing advices of the first ale which averaged Company's Rs. 1,020 for Paina and Company's Ra. 963 for Bears. No sales bore yet been made, if we except a few chosis of l'aina soll ex Latrick deliverable in Chins at 8515 and Benares 1 8600. The highest offer made for the new drug
is, we believe, 175 a 480 par chest. Mol.
No ales. A few cheats of Turkey have been placed at $425 per picul.
Two Ladies' Riding Habite, made to order, ell of which will be sold cleap.
Victoria, 25th January, 1848,
log is the assifed Met for the forthcoming i
The Race Lowmirist having deemed. It advisable to make some light alterations in the programme,—the follow-
? The last Entrance la deferred until the petli Instant, on which day the List will be positively closed.
Gentleman are particularly reques?ad to attend to the Qualification Hale which regard to Entrances and Hiders.”
Tombat, let Fanavart, 1848.
The Wong-nai chung Stakes, for all Fonite under 13 bands. One mile. Entrance $1 each with #30 added from the Fund, Weight for inches w? per scale. Former Winner of this Race, xcluded. The Plenipotentiary's, Cup, prevented by His Ex- callaney Bir John Francia Davis, Baronet, value $200, for all Horses. One mile and three quar tors. Weight 10 stone 7 D. Bydwey and Lape bred Hore to carry 1 stone 7 lbs. extra. Ex- trance $10 each. Second Horse to save his Stake. The Valley Stakes, for all Po
Ponies 18 banda 9 inches and under. Una mile. Entrance 2 each with 040 added from the Fund. Weight for inches as per scale. The Winner ofthe Valley Biakos last year to carry 7 Ibo, exira.
The Arab Welter Stakes. One mile and a half Entrance 85 each with 950 added from the Fund, Weight 11 mone
The Bach Stakes, for all Ponies,” Chich weights. Une mile The Winner to be sold for $50 if claimed within a quarter of so hour from coming in. Entrance froe, with 030 added from the Fund. The Sydney Stones, for all Elorses. Acabo except cd. Two tiles,” Entranco $10 each with @100 added from the Fund. Weight 10 stone 7 lbs. The Winner of the Pimipotentiary's Cup to cry ↑ Iba, extra. Second Horse to save his ?ake.
Webbedat, 2nd Fernuary, 1848.
The Pony Welter Stakes, for all Ponira. One mile and a ball Weight 10 sebe 7 is for Pocice 13hands and under. 11 stone for Pool above 13 banda. Entrance $1 each with $50 added from the Fund.
The Centon Cup, ralus 160 for all Horses. One mile and a half heat. Weights to Moon for Arabs. 11 stone for Bydney Horses. The Winner of the 'lenipotentiary's Cup to carry 7 lb, extra. Entrance 5 each.
The Victoria Plais, value 880, for all Ponies. One mile and a bal Weight 9 moos 7 lbs The Winner of the Valley Blakes to carry 7 the extra, and if the Winner of the Victoria Plate last your to carry 10 be, extra. Entrance $3 each
The Scarry Staker, for all Ponies. Catch waighta
each with $30 added Half raila. Entrance from the Fund. Second to receive. Bi null the
a Sute Fund, and third Hare to
for all Horses under 14 hands
The Gall we alextopted. One mile and a half. Zatrance 89 sach with 850 addol from the Fund. Weight 10 Mous.
THURSDAY, SED Farruant, 1848.
The Hunters Plate, value 980, for all Horeca. One mile and a balf Four Hurdles 4 feet high, and Two Hurdles & fem 6 inches high inches as per acale. Entrance $5 mch.
20, P. & O. Co.'s 81. Braganza, Pots, from Bombay 19th Dec, Point de
Galle im do, Panang 10th Jan, and Singapore Leth do.
26, Sir Edward Ryan, Triggs, from Whampoa
26. Candace (Am), Gardner, from New York 8ch Oomber.
97, Tarrington, D'Arcy, from Bhanghai 218 January,
27, 11. C. M. 8. La Bayonnaise, Commander La Graviere, from Macao.
Marquis of foolings, barque) Macao
$50 Miva
J. P. d'Oliven.
7. M. de Je
Su Carvalho
Lowrance Marga04.
153 Sawicky
B. Carneiru.
Den arms, brig
Dute Hongkong, barque
290 Balde
||Whampoa | 250| Anderson
Maono 250 Tari Amuy
7. Moorman and on,
J. M. 8. Van Bosni. 9yme, Muir and on
VOL. VIL No. 10.
Rail and co.
Pludes, baryan
Par Mariner from Sydney.—Mr and Alte G. W. Earl, and Chil Per P. & O. Con Bur. Braguasa,—General Stavely, Mrs Bively, Min Savely, wo Children, and Nervant; Messrs Rachis, Scholefeld, Campbell, Malsins, ship Hoffing. Hoyos, and Browns
Por Candace, --Rev. George Boonia.
The American barque Candace spoke the ship Good Success, in Dumfries Straits, from Bombay bound to Hongkong.
The Porrington, January 22nd spoke the Caris, off Gutzloff.
25, Anda, Bullivan, Cumsingmoon.
96, Dos Hermanos (Spanish). Belado, Maces.
97, 11 M. Str. Vulture, Captain Macdougall, England. 27, Duke of Cormell, Whiteboed, Whampoa.
15, Miseres, Clinch, London.
20, Barmville (Am), Barber, New York.
-Novembar A, G?ren, Hatian, Chios, the Dewna; o, Humayoou, Cameron,
And Number Bowers, Jammon, do the Dean; Bakgsa, McLauchla, de the Downt; 11, Ar?a, —, dea the Downs.
Departure-October 10, Maid,. Turping Liverpool, Chins, November 18, Dundies, -do, Shanghai; 13, John Cooper Wors, Down, Hanging) 18, Guardian, -——— Live, pool, deja, Jobs O'Guest, debunky dog Ch?u,
Loading for China-dt Londa--Queno, and Humayoon. Bling, und Marion,
At Liverpool,—Lavost,
Arriendo —November 24, Lady Muy Wood, Hongkong 10th Oct; 20, Anna B?m, Chisa / Bapt. Decemin 4, Penny Salanty (leChara, de, ach de, i lingian, Genitou, do
Ang is, Checloue, Methven, Hongkong dik Bagumbar,
Departure -- Desember 1y Good morna, Hunty Cher) 16, (anbalin Watwa, Clarke, do 17, ulasa, Wedge, de : Berl of Clam, Ager, da.
Lanting for China L?ta Denonder.Ohuriley Chado, and India.
Arrivals.--Jarruary 3, Julia, Junes, Chion 35th Den ? Brigs?d (Port.), Mosno 28th do, ;
? Hongkime su da 17, Nraphy, Landern, di, poca da; Hanu mien, share, do. Soch de p
· Rishardien, diy, 30th da
The Pony Bardie Race, for all Ponies One mile and a falf. Four Hurdles 3 feet high, and Two Flurdlus 3 feet & inches high. Weight for inches
as per scale. Entrance at each with $10 added from the Fund. Second Pony to receive $10 from the Fund.
The Arab Stults, for all Araba · Two miles, Weight 9 some 7 be. Entrance $10 each with $100 added from the Fund. The Winner of the Cup to carry 7 Iba, extra. Becond Horse to save his Stake.
The Ladies' Parse, valus 950, for all Ponies Winners at this meeting excepted. Entrance free. Catch weights.
The Native's Pures, value 820, for all Punics. Jo- dian and Chinese Riders. One mile Catch weight.
The Hongkong Sleeple Chase, for all Ponics. Catch weights round to be named by the Bowards one hour before the time of staring. Entrance $1 each with 830 added from the Fund.
Entrances to be declared on or before 15th Ja- Duary, 1848,
Ruces to commence punctually at 2 o'clock r. M.
The first Saddling Bell to be r?ng at ? past 1 1.36. A quarter of an hour allowed between each reka
Upon each saddling bell being rung all Horses to run for the next Race immediately to rendezvous on the course opposite the Grand Stand to draw for their respective places, and not to go down to the Blasting Point until led by the Steward appointed to start them.
After och ruce, the Horses pasting the Winning Port to return to the Judge's Band and the R?der declared to be firm to be weighed. Any Jockey diamounting before his turn, or before being called upon to be weighed loses bis claim to be placed as the Winner,
All disputes an to Entrances and Qualification of Homes to be declared in wrking before the next Race commences, or ne right of appeal allowed.
No Home allowed to run whose "Entrance for
are not paid up to the Eecretary.
WF hamper | 160 Bethe
Rawle, Dani M. Nawls, Duso sad on
Rawie, Dune and co,
Jardino, Maibetan and eo.
A.Olding, P. 0.60%. Agust. Deas and co.
Rmily, krcka Mary, larcha Ann, leroha
fullsa, seksen
Hongkong 44 Hansen
35 Varich Amy
|Hongkong 3 Mor
W. Pantax and os,
(Short Siiga.)
Bemanje armijes, ship
(Boogkong |1850 Comme
Far William, phy
014 LA
Jaka Barry, ship
Poleon, ship
Heberton, barque Lady Elayon, barque
Marell, barqu
Amtside (Pornpusse), bria Orimineen, 265 Calicou, J. B. Ramell und so
Rec, schooner
Ben Horne, brig
Warlock WiF
Aurich, schooner
Lad Amherst, Milp ' Mahamacine, bargan Rogelio schooner H?rlegain, brig Loberg
Anisa, brig
Vizen, schemer
Amason, skip
Black Dig, schooner
Bor (American), schoomar
Clown, brig
Comair, bog
Dido, choo
Enilly Jane, ship
Pothune, sp
Manden, barque
Dejrtures.—Janeury 9, H. 16. 8. Melampen, Gapula Campbell, e, a., Hongkong, IL | Stipe, brig M. Rayalies, Gorden, de a Mor, Abwe, Hambay! General Wood, Roker, dog 3. An Thin, schumer dance, Cleangst, do. ; Julia, Jones, de 1 ?, H. M. Eur. Ph?ngethen, Nobleti, de: Water | William Hughes, brig Watch Pargas, Calvatia | 7. Pokin for Amp). Treason, Poning sad Onlia 1 8 Nyugh, lan. | WHam LV., borque dean, Bombay 19, Brigand [Port is Almeida, Penangi 32, Trefigse, Riskaran,
Turmat, barque
November 30, Flore Me Donald, Brown, from Honghang 11th Mor, in Lalth; Happhe, Eikres, Whatupes Til de, to Landen. Doomader 18. W diam Wit, Byron, Chios aind
Halifax : $4, Nicolas Cotaed (French), Gault, Cabion to Elatre,
H. M. Ship Dedales
H. ?. Bukser Pla
1. M. Dng Childaru
Beiging Servisn Ship Alig
IL. C. M. 8, LA Bayoussins Hongkong 300
Captain P. Mochan.
372) Burley
997 WHOM
937 Mana
100 Phelps
931 Ma
141 Browning
Chinshew 28 Martin
133 Keper Foo-Mode 119 Bay
tal Roope Wrong 44% Cloverly
Je Bamcha
Bs Wis
100 Fr.
236 Ch
196 ENG, 2001,
Vardles, Maibares and on.
Marow and c
D. Bames Bone and es.
Anguine Heard and co
Owman and an
D. M. Rastomjee end me. Lindesy and co
F. F. Ca
and sa
Pestonjos Framjoo Cama and so. Ovas and co
Janine, Matheson and on.
kalimon and so.
Dent and co
Jardins, Matheson and co,
Firma, Mair and es
Jardine, Matheson and se
Dest and co Os and
Dent and oo,
Jardiae, Matheson nodes. Macrioar and on
D. Bamon Bone and on.
Geo F. Hebertove.
P. & D. N. Camaand.
D. & M. Extracajno nad on.
Curner and no.
Deal and co.
Parting, Matheson and sa Cewe Bapoja Langrek,
W. Angundam Hosed sad on.
Murrow and so, Kell and on. Leadway and ar
Jardino, Maghoose and ca, Deat and co
Looking gl
979 Friosuman
FOR LONDON,—At Whampos,—Australia,
Gibb, Livingston & Co. Marquis of Bute, Russell & Co. Mary Bannatyne, Dent & Co.
Bamul Russell,
Hongkong-Joseph Bomes,
Nys, Parkins & Co. Kennedy, Macgregor & Ca Lindmy & Co.
Blenkin, Rawson & Co.
?Russell & Co.
Brig Columbine Bloop Boost
LEG Ins Gue 14Cus
Commander Grey,
Bir Robert Bale,
Beat Cos
Commander W. Loring. Live-Gomding G.T.Alty LE Commander 1. C. Pinas. Commander T. P. Theon. Commander T. I, Muson.
Door Baker.
W. Buckler.
Wamore & Co.
Russell & Co.
Olyphant & Co.
Commander La Omulare.
4 ||7m| Masters.
8. F. Xavier, Tremelg
Alligator, beig
Anna Robertine, barque
Bragazza, chamat
Cordelia, ship
Carnir, star
Island Qawaachosaur Joseph Semes, skip Larich, brig Linnet, brig
Mars, Ap
Mysem Dyaram, ship
Priramar, schoo
Red Baror, barque
Shepharina barque
Bie Edward Bran, bargan Tarrington, schner
Young Hase, senOUSET
Ambarque Beulah, ship
Brekin, ship
Chieftain, barqan Christabel, barque Callie, barque
Duke of Cornwall, skip Fortitude, ship
??n Tinh nh
Marquis of Bum, ship
May Bannatyn, bergun Honzi, ship
All Disputes to be referred to the Biowards whose Naman Morrison, ship
decision is Goal.
Qualification of Riders as at former meetings.
* Ja
13 bands 3 in., 10
12 bande 0 in., 7
12 n
? ? ??????
Bydney and Cape Horses Extra.
and upwards
* " *
Rokeby, her
Royal Albert, ship
Sir Robert Bals, ship
Themis Fielden, barqan These Henry, baewoo Walham Gillen, skip
Audax, schooner
Rob Roy, barque
There, schooner
Ans, ship
Canig nort
Rowie, Dows and to.
J. A. Olding, P&0.06% ?guas
lawie, Duse and on.
(ibb, Livingston and so.
2. F. Habla
Kennedy, Macgregor and co
and on
Hulliday, Wise and
Jardins, Matheson and on.
George Dude
Turner and
Matheson and co and co
Red Rover, Mecao,--Rob Roy,
Ipo-Norman Morrison,
N. S. da Luz,
M. of Hastings,
Hongkong-Young Flabe,
Macdo-Dos Hermanos, Hongkong-Alligator,
Holliday. Whs & Co. Bush & Co. (immediately.) Jardins, Matheson & Co.
Boustend & Lo
Jardine, Matheson & Co.
J. M. B. Van Basal.
J. M de Jesus,
B. E. Carneiro.
Louren?o Marques,
J. F. d'Oliveira.
J. Cockerell,
Bush & Cu.
Rawle, Duus & Co.
Bir Edward Ryan, Jamieson, How & Co. VESSELS EXPECTED.
September 21, Borens.
November 18, John Cooper, Were, Hongkong. Loading on the 24th November.—Qago, and Humayoor.
Sarah Louis, 207, Oldham, Shanghai.
3. Content, 600, Hemery, Hongkong.
| 174 Chempion
790 diomhe
144 D'Arty
. Cockerell,
Labs, Livingston sad on.
816 Taylee
Handerma, Women and .
Blaski, Row and so.
Linduty and os.
1. Jano.
Harding, Matheson and co,
Kennedy, Macgregor and en.
19. Horatio, ----, Canica,
Jardine, Math
and co.
Wemme and co
643 Benestyne
Rowell and o
SD Ficken
44 Whene
560 Raynolda
|Whampoa | 373|Berrions
Bow Harding
100 Wed
Fio Chikm
Sal Brown
and do.
Dant and co
ye, Paris and os,
Pardines Machines and co.
Macrieur and c
Jardins, Matheson and on.
Deat and
Pent and on
9, Jane Prowse, 208, Nichole, Shanghai
15, Adon, 389, Michael, Hongkong.
16, Euphrates, Lacos, Singhai.
30, Mai, Turpin, China.
November 10, Domi, Shanghai.
18, Guarino, Flongkong.
90, John Gan, McDonald, China.
Loading on the 94th November-Lascar, Bleng, and Marina
10, Pathfinder, 200. Miller. Beptember 28, William Jartlina, 803, Thunty. October
15, Lady Ambers, 446, Mybill, Hongkong.
25, Sharon, Lucas, China.
4, May Flower, 217, Thompson, Hongkong.
Loading--Borms (Dutch), via Batavia; Machtikla Cornelia (Dutch) efs Baturi; Chire done Machi (Duch), c?a Betvia.
December 12, Cowarjee Family, Durham, China. Coaling-Arratoon Apcar, Mischini, and Sidney,
Kannody, Macgregue and do.
day and on
hiteliner, was and co
Chem'moon 1845alvas
353 Francis
libb, I ringsten and co.
Sardina, Machoven and so. Beansed and co.
Velocipede, schountr
175 Wal
|Shanghai | #7)Stevenson
Francia Unrelay, barqu
$40 black
Bardins, Mihonon and on
her and o
4, Forrester,
1. Garnett, ship
(Plast, Hargreaves and so.
kasappa, baca p?redita
Jordan, Machaton and on. Turner and co
140 Win
E. Comm
L3 King
Jardine, Matheson ad eo,
IT Andaman
140 Male
100 tard
381 Caffery
Longhang 196 Dardaez
4957 twarda
Watapos 250 Whi
499 Done
937 Palmer
616 Paler
Shanghai | 395/15
Wesavers and on
279 Franch
Rumell and e
475 Perscont
150 Porte?
Ja Marria
CHIPPING ARTICLES, according to the re ceot ant (Victoria 7 & 8) for sale at this olles Office "Friend of China,”"
Victoria, 10th October, 1846.
Olt male at this office, four forms of bills of lad. ing for goods or specie shipped by the 1.0. Company's Steam packeta. 1st for goods deliver able at London; 2nd for goods deliverable at Enuthampton: 3rd for goods delivurabila u. Suez i 4th for goods deliverable at intermediate ports: - They eie printed after the Company's forms on Bank post.
26th October, 1845,
North tone, ship
Zephyr, soboviet
Denda, schooner
Caselle, schoober Omega, schoonse Perel,
Amy Par
Carolina, ascoser Louies, barque
AMERICAN. Candace, berges David Palinda, ph?p Plyometh, ship Ashburton, ship Argyle, beg
Mostral, ship
Samuel lunel, ship
Vancouver, ship
Ancien, akij Congres, ship Coquelle, berga Dars, schooner Anglans, choose
Jardine, Mathance and co.
Stall and on
Kyma, Hair and
Rawk, Demand
Myan, Muir and es.
Bush and co. Deliber, Hay| sad co Buck and on Watisero and so.
W. Beckler. Hussell and Kumall and o Rumeland on
Olyphant and on
Rell and co.
Augemine Heard and oo. Kll and
25, Will O'the Wiap, 101, MeNight, Shanghai, December 1, Good Sucesos, Hunt, China.
15, Insbolla Watson, Clarke, Chise.
17, Bukan. Wadge, China.
17, Earl of Ches, Ager, China.
Loading on the 1810 Deosaber,--Chustley Cuello, and India.
9, Carib, 324, Heston, Shanghai.
Loading,- Eleanor Russell, 300, Jeffria.
November 27, Baboo, Barker, Shanghai.
Printed and Published by Jonn Care, At The Friend of China and Hongkong Gette, Printing Office, Govan Bruger, Viuronj?, Hongkono, 1848.
PRICE $19 per assem
TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the FRIEND UP CILINA AND HONOKONG GAZET. 19 Dollar. Siz Monika, 7 Dollars. Three Monthr, ? Dollars; all paid in advance. Credit Friss, 14 Dellars. Dollars, and Dollars, for the periode of Twales, siz, and Throw Months respectively: Single Numbers, to Suburbere $25 arts each; to Non-Bubagibara, i Rupee. Partim calling or sanding to the los for papers are requested to pay asal. TERMS OF ADVERTISING.-Teo lines and moder, I Dollar; additional, 16 ate line. Repeticione-third of the Srst insertion. Skip-First Insertion, & Dollars, anbeoquent insertions 45 etc. Advertisements to have written on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will be publisded until countermeaded. In all instances, chem who are not Buboeribotz, require to pay in adveDOS.
ENTAL COMPART's Ben Ship BRAGANZA, will leave
OCEAN MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CALCUTTA THE Undersigned having been appointed Agent
for the abure Company, are prepared to grant Poliders, payable in London, Liverpool, Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, Singapore, Mauritius, nod Co
GIBB, LIVINGSTON & Canton, 1st November, 1847.
this for the above places on Sun-Tombo. day the 80th January at 2 r. H. Canes will be received on board until Noos, and Bench stil 4 P. M., on the 29th.
For particulare regarding baxtour and Pamas, apply at the P. & 0. 8. N. Company's Office, Hongkong.
J. A. OLDING, Agent. Hongkong, 7th January, 1848.
THE P. & O. 8. N. Co.'s Steamers from Hone. xoxo will la future proceed throughout to BeAT, touching no beretofore at Singapore Parang, und Galen, also at Cozomao, Comix, Callout, Goa, and Vingonta. For particulars, of Freight and Pammgs, apply at the P. & Q., 8., NL Co. Office.
Hongkong, 19th October, 1847.
& O. 8. N. Company's, will from this
1 data undertake the conveyance of Specie from China, and the Straits, to Southampton, under sha conditions specified in their customary Bill of Lading, at 21 per cunt.
J. A. OLDING,—Agent.
P. & O. 8. N. Company's Office Victorie, at December. 1847.
ER JOHN G. WARD is admitted a Parmer in our House, his Interest and Responsibility commencing on the lot of June ist.
AUGUSTINE HEARD & Ca Canton, 20th, July 1847.
18 bereby given that Mr JOHN THISTLETH
WAITE osed to be in our employ from the 18th day of April las past, by lapen of the term of agreement, by which he was empowered to net for us in the management of our establishment exising up to that time at Shanghai, and to alga for us there by Procuration.
B. WATERHOUSE & Co. Ningpo, 6th Augum, 1947.
NOTICE. DURING the absence of the Undersigned, our Business in Hongkong will be conducted by Moore Paillir Moon & Co.
Per Pro, H. 08WALD & Ca H. LIND.
Victoria, 16th August, 1847.
TRE THE ALLIGATORumping moos THE merest and Responsibility of a We
this for
* on the 1st February, calling here on her
eway up the Const.
RAWLE, DU?B & Co. Hongkong, 29th January, 1848,
THE Britlab Brig LINNET, 140 Tous Regimer, in excellent order. For particular apply at the AUCTION
MART to,
Victoria, 10th January, 1848.
Mrs. MACKAY sod Co. Apply to.
PHILLIPS, MOORE & Co. Victoria, 24th December, 1997.
TO LET. QPACIOUS Godowns and dwelling house, built of Granite and lately occupied by Messre TROS. REPLAY & Co. The property is situated near the cantia of the Town, (Victoria, Elongkong) and has a water frontage. Apply on the Premises,
THOMAS RIPLEY & Co, Shanghai. Longkong. In July, 1848.
THE Building on the Queen's Road, known as the Kefing House. Also Bungalow in Aberdeen Street. Apply to,
BUSH & Co.
Hongkong, 21st January, 1847. ODOWNE TO LET, and Goods Stored on
moderate terms by,
BURD, LANGE & Co. Hongkong, 28th October, 1847.
FOUR Rooms is the upper part of a House si imate in Wellington Tarrac?, D' Aguilar Street. Apply to
Victoria, 10th January, 1848.
TAVERN TO LET. THE HOUSE lately occupied by Mr ALEXAN ROBERTSon on the Queen's Road. Poss
sion can be given on the 10th instant. Apply to,
6th November, 1847.
WETNORs la oor Firm, cessed on the 80th abimo, and we huve this day admitted Mr Geomon Hapy Lamok as a Partner therein.
Our Firm now consists of SAMUEL WETMORE Jun., WILLIAM Mook, and Osona HENET LaMox.
We also announce that we have established as Shanghai a Branch of our Houm, under our own name and style, and Mr ROBERT Powell SAUL will sign the same there, by Procuration.
Canton, 1st July, 1847,
day admitted 4 Partear in our house.
Canton, 1st January, 1848.
NOTICE. have this day admitted Mr Duncan Janus
our Firm, which will in future be carried on under the Byle of THUMSON, FINLAY & Co.
FINLAY & Co. Liverpool, Ist July, 1847.
THE Interest and responsibility of Mr Dengan James Kay in our Firm orased on the 30th
TURNER & Co. June last.
Victoria, Hongkong, 20th January, 1848.
LJUBT bege to form the Cates Cent Liston, that he has removed his. Establishment from Hongkong to this place, where be trusts to mor their patronage.
Canton, Ist October, 1847,
(A present No. ), New China Street)
GIBS, LIVINGTON & Co. Honghong, 7th May, 1847.
T the Godowns of the Undersigned;-
Superior Port, in 4 dozco Cases,
Sherry, do do, Madeira, 8 do do.
" Wond
Mumm's Champagne and Allsopp'e Pale Ale.
BLENKIN, RAWBON & Co. Victoria, 27th July, 1847.
OLYPHANT & Co, Carlos.
THE Undersigned are authorised to grant Po- BANCA TIN. Apply to
in Canton and Bhanghai, payable here, in London, Calcuna, Madras, and Bombay.
The usual return of Ten por Cent made on all Premio contributed.
Agents Equitable Insurance Society. Hongkong, 17th November, 1847.
THE Undersigned have been appointed Agents of the above-named Company, and are prepare to grant Policies here and at Shanghki, payable in Lowdon, Liverpool, Calcutta, Bombay, and Canton
AUGUSTINE HEARD & Co. Canton, 16th June, 1847.
14th August, 1847.
FIRE Graves and Stores with Piping.
PHILLIPS MOORE & Co. Victorin, 19th September, 1847.
N Iron Fence Railing 400 feat, with 4 double
leaved 8 feet gates; two Engine Force pumps Force and Common pumpe; also Marshall de Son's patent Closeta
ROBERT STRACHAN. Victoria, 15th September, 1847.
Te following Wi-
Fort, Bherry,
NCHORS, "Chain Cables, and Hawse Pipes of all aisee. An invoice of Manila, Europe, and Paint Hope.
Coffer, and Government Cigar
> in Cases of 9 dos sach,
Bparkling Champaign, Hermitage,
4th November 1846.
Pale Cognac Brandy, in de. Scheldein Genera, la da. of.a dozen. Suparine Italian Salad Oil. Apply to,
HOLLIDAY, WISE & Co. -Victoria, 16th July, 1840.
FRANKLYN & MILNE. Avorions, CommNION ACENTE, WaxG AND SPIRIT Mexchantu, Qomen's ROAD. AOODS Sold by private sale, or Public Auction, Sered in dry and secure godowns landed, or abipped, and general business transacted for Parties Abetol.
ON BALE. Bhaw and Maxwell's and other Sherry.
Purt *Fine Dark and Pule Cognac.
Pub Best Ladia Aloe Champagne, Hook and Madeira, jeltzer Water.
Jas Calloo; Belt Provisions in barrels ; large tid "mall Guns: Musketus Musket and Canno
· Gunpowders; Chain Cables and Anchora; Canvas and Rope Pine Spare, and other articles.
Hongkong, January 4th, 1848.
NOTICE. FRANKLYN & MILNE have opened the rooms on the ground floor of the Premise ko the British Hotel, ComNIMION AND AUCTION Sals Rooms, and will be happy to receive Goode, for either Private Sale or Public Auction.
Victoria, 21st January, 1548.
MEBBRS. SMITH & BRIMELOW have re- as Anna Rakartam, a amaniky o? Glam. kell & Down's superior Bottled Beer, which they offer for sale,
Wooscam's Buildings,
Victoria, 25th January, 1848.
FOR SALE. STOCKHOLM Tar in Barrals; Pine Varnish
SALT Provisions, Flour, Rust, Arrach, and Brandy in Wood; Whisky, Cogose, and all kinds of Wines In Bottle,
RAWLE, DUUS & Co. 4th November 1846.
FOR BALE. Apply to, ROMAN Cement, and Window Glass of all sizes,
Victoria, 3rd Augus, 1847.
O sale by the wadaraigned.
Victoria, 10th January, 1848.
JUST received ox darova, invoice of Manila Cordage, from 2 inches to 4 inchos; Manila Coffee and Gia in Cases. For sale by
DRINKER, HEYL & Co. Victoria, dh January, 1849
FOR BALE "BAMUEL RUSSELL" CUPERIOR Dark and Pale Brandy, in half Pipos,
Quarter Casks, and Bottle.
Bherry Wine, in Wood.
"Nickels" Wios Bitters, in I dozen Carr. Bpers Candles.
*Gallego" Flour.
Navy and Pilot Broad.
Butler to small Kege.
Tongues in ball Barrels.
Burope Rope, from 1 inch to 61 inchan Green, Blue, Yellow, Black, and Bad Prints, in
6 Barrelled Revolving Pistols, in Cases, mares. Apply to,
---nghebung -- Bum Tin n? Son Cloths and fans.
DRINKER, HEYL & Co. Hongkong, 11th January, 1849.
Apply in 5 Gallons Tanke; Genuine Ground White A FEW Barrels Baperior Sperm Oil
DRINKER, HEYL & Co. Victoria, 16th January, 1848, Cornell
Very superior Old Tom, Just Innded ef Duke of
Situation in a Mercantile House by a Person Victoria, 95th January, 1818.
well acquainted with businest, and who can glo_good references. For particulars, apply to The Editor of this Paper.
Victorm, th July, 1847.
NOW landing from the Duke of Cornwall, Ladies and Gentlemen's Boodles: Silver mounted Jockey, twist, and Driving Whim; Spurs, Horse Clothing, Circingalls, Girths; Hores and Pony Martingales; Flat and Round Bridles: &c., & Apply at the Auction M?er Queen's Road.
Victoria, 27th January, 1848.
BRIP CHANDLERS STORES. And supplies of every descriptio's required for Bipe wre, og sale by the undersigned.
SAILS Made and Repaired.
A large Assortment of Canvas, Bleached and Unbleached.
Real Edinburgh Ak, East India Pale Ale, &c,
Good dry STOKAon with water frontage.
CHARLES BUCKTON, Shipping and Commission Agent Queen's Road, Victoria, 25th Jan., 1849.
WANTED IMMELNATELY. Gun Room Steward for 1. M. B Childers Testimonials of Good Character will be re quired. Apply on board.
CODA WATER AND LEMONADE of Superior D. Quality.
MACAO, at HINNAM'S. China Shopkeeper.
Victoris, 11th June, 1847.
Queen's Road, Victoria.
AGENT AT CARTON, ACHOOK-Comprador, No. 8, Imperial Hong.
Hongkong, 4th November, 1847,
NOTICE. ALL claime against the state of Jonn Porn, A Esq, doceased, must be sent in to the w dorsigned before the 25th day of May, 1843; otherwise they will not be included in the scheme of division.
All persons indebted to the said Exalo are re quested to neka immediate payment to,
CHAS. & GEO CLEVERLY, Attorney for the Administratio. Victoris, 17th January, 1848.
LL Parties indebted to or having claims agains
Hongkong, 27th January, 1848. VICTORIA HOTEL, SHANGHAI, CHINA D F. RICHARD & Co. beg to announce lo the Publie, that their HOTEL is now com- pleted, and that for Ganttex or Famition who may be visiting the Northern Ports, they have Ac commodations which they think will by found sa- perior to any other Horal in China.
Shanghai being considered the most healthy aithe Eriate of the hats Air Wh. Hanny Run- suation in China, if not in the East, and also favour. 298, are requested to send in an account of the ably witused, as to the facilities of Bhooting and other age to the Undersigned. No claim against the healthful exercises, P. F. R. & Co would respoct Estate will be attended to unless sent in on or be fully solicit the patronage of such MILITANT, NAVAL, | fore the 25th day of March, 1848. and Muncarian Gentlemen at may have occa
R. JACBON. sion tu spend a shum time in a cooler onmore leakhy
Canton, 14th October, 1647. Climate, for the restoration of their health.
And in returning thanks for the support they have received, P. F. R. & Co. beg to my to the Public generally, that no exertions will be spared on their part to wanke the Hotel worthy of Public
Bhanghai, 14 November, 1897.
NOTICE. ALL Persons indebted to, or having claims aguinal
the Estate of the late Mr Natuar?na Kam. HAN, are requested to forward their wooowia to us
WETMORE & Ca Canton, 3rd May, 1847.
(To the Editor of the Fataxd OF CHINA.)
Fin.—I send you herewith some gotes of the contents of the late Pekin Gazettes for publiestion, if you think then worthy of room in your columns.
You will perceive some references to the chirf mat ters of inrere at present, appearing in that Report of the Chinese Government, namely, the Rebellion la Twikston, Pamine in Ionsu province, and Shipment p? tirsin by ora from thle port to Tem tale.
It will be seen that the Chinese Government, bas ?n les than three months suppressed a formidable rebala In on most distant frontiere displaying an energy which while it shewn the magnitude of the danger
which alarmed It is at the same time very lolcat
thet that enveentmet is very far from being in such a helpless and imbecile state as to be unabig to contral Ita pul Jeets within any one of the rightend proviness of!
bing propat.
Jil undoubtedly tive that the Finances of the Gie- vernment are much emb??ramest, since of late your li has so frequently reacted to contributions from the pemple in order to recruit its funds, for carrying on
the works, waram its frommlers, and for relieving pub He distress. This svorem which in the majority of CROIS amounts to a selling of publie offices, "berekene fietle good and it would be very Interesting to a-cer tain the setual ma?us operandi of the Mandarins ?n ibu provinces when they are ordered to open contributions.
·tie Roman Coikolle. Missionarles of the interior to write so such subjects they evuld doubiles throw as to light or how much coaxing, laviting, wheedling. and demanding has to be performed by the district magistrates tow?rds the merchants, Pam?broker, own. ere of bits of land, &e, &e, as well is the motives which Indore Mandarins to come forward with benefactions, so some individuals have done to the extent of ten thoused tacla each, for the relief of the distress in Bonan
In regant so the suppression of the rebellion in Tor kesian Vth-shan has doubtless resorted to Hycee bullets as usual, but still d′m??ng display of physical fores must have been necessary to put down these Mahome, dans, who are apparently resolved to regain their li- berty.
Jila 1 think apparent ibst the. Taster Glovesament is not so absolutely powerless to control (is an' feets as is supposed by these who have witnessessed its tuletn ting of the most Bagrans violations of the Treaty by the people of Canton, or the connivance enerar-gemon?. and sauction c?an officer of such standing as the 'Toons
of Tex and Hilk, which in the words of the Chiweje who denounced it, would soon havo "turned an apen peer into a close port!" it is not as it appear to in The abernce of power. Uus the indispvaltion to exert it, and a fawning upon the respectable part of the Chinese populations through the dislike to prosuke a feeling
asi of this plser, at an attempt to establish monopoly
against government.
Here it sems in my bumble opinion that foreigners at C'anten, or wherever spirit of hostility breaks out against them, will never be safe unill some ruch agrees ment is made as cast of disminal from office of any allarriet magistests whose people can be proved to have asalted Eglishmen without provocation, and be the Imprisonment of the eliter and Tepan of the neigh With energy determination there is nothing im possible for a Baltish Envoy in Chilon, with even a small fores at lils command, for the Tarian Govemment lies at his feet and is becoming aware of its prostration, But if an infamous and disgraceful butchery of E Red wretches in to grees the rising sun no the spot where the bined of Faglishmen was shed by munka. sus hands, and friendish cruelty,—if such support no this is to be grasped at by British Envoy to support his drowning fame--and if such degradaties so this le ja harallel sapisfaction and syslahjemme shum frammist
being regafiled in his iny hope barians we air, and barbariana we shall retning.—Your pedient Servant,
bourhood here the angult occurs.
Naw Advertisments will be received until 4
18 Clock, on the evenings propimus to publi| ention, vir: Tuesdaye and Fridays,
Fadland Nor. Welted Satre Nov. Calcuna
24 | Ardeer
Dec. Jan,
Jan. Dee. Dec.
19] Manda
Jan. 14 Jan.
NOTICE -Dicine Bervice will be the prvant he won. ducted in the budding adjutning (o Pus-Olies and opgesize to the Club Hangman Seilaga at 11. A. M.APM, and a past 8 1% Miz and on Fourplays at a P. A.
Vitoria, 1st Fer...., 1848
NOTICE-Patterian Church. This congrega- tion, conducted for the prowat by the Rev. W. C. Beam, will meocovery Bannati, in the Bangalow immediately be? biod the Cum Havn.
The bar of Divine Sergice will be 31 a. M., and | post **
Victoria, December, ISIT
(From the Overland Friend of Chine, Jan. 29) W mentioned last month that for wretches had been executed at the village of tlwang-chu- kee, said to have been four of the murderers of our countrymen. According to the Chinese notions of justice, these four lives, and those of the two men killed in their attack on the six En-
subject, they would be dispelled by two docu mente published in the China Mail, Chey are
id to be despatches from two Magistrates of Nanbao intimating to Keying that they had each siered two of the murderers. The docu- ments bear fraud on the face there. They are both dated the 19th December, Keying having informed Sir John Davis of these captures on the 17th! The truth is that Koying was making the best terms he could and possibly when he found that four heads would be taken as “part of my demands," the official report of the seizure was drawn up; though we have great doubts as to whether the documents are of Chinese origio at all. They read inore like the bungling efforts of a European to copy the Chinese stylo, and may have been concocted for a very un- worthy purpose. The framer is probably but tyro at the traile, and bence the over-sight as to dates, as well as the omission t? naine the place from whence dated. It is not the leasi painful circumstance connected with our pre- sent difficulties, that suspicion of a desire to malign the dead should attach itself at least to one British subject, and another who nominally has that honour. In the face of the prepara- tions made by the villagers for the mur der of all foreigners who might land it was urged by the official paper again and again that with "ordinary discretion" there was no throven upon the Englishman, and the illusory danger. The blame of affrays was invariably punishments reported in Keying's despatches were held up as evidence of the impartiality of the Chinese Commissioner. This agreed exactly with Bir John Davis's despatches to the Foreign Secretary,and was considered an amplopology for withdrawing the Pluto. There is now an evi dent desire to throw thy blame of the Hwang chu-kee murders upon the victims. In the al leged vemped up despatches from the Nanbao Magistrates, one of the four primmers is made to say that the six Englishman fied insulted a woman and then shut a boy dead. Another prisoner repeats the story, the truth of which has been obscurely, though repeatedly hinted at in the paper in question. The perversity of disposition which induces an individual obati- nately to adhere to an expressed opinion is obetinacy when it battens on the reputation to be censured, but what will be maid of such of the dead 1
Batract of Deopuch from Mr Canal Usereger, dated 1 anton, 11th January, 1818.
ut I have the boomer of batting to Your Excellency, In the inclosures marked them to 1, my correspondence with the Imperial Commissioners the subject of the protection to be afforded to British subjects on their ex- cursions, by the local authorities, in accordance with the Instruction contained in your Despatch of th· lat faunare, Your Excellency will have perceived, from the Imperial Camaioner's communication in me dated the 8th Instant of which I tranunlited a copy in my Despatch Na. Pyt be lately appointed offers to proceed in all directions t the country town and villages on the river of Canton in deliver als lostructions and commands. He also lalands in future ja despatch oflearn at times to proceed in
way places and explain matters clearly to the people, Its concludes by saying that he has used the utmost exper tion both of mid and body in what he has dams for the protectios of our countrymen, met sparing kla off?rts In be slightest degree.
From the Imperial Commissioner's letters of the Beh and 9th fotant it appears, moreover, that in consequence of orders issued by him to the District Magistrates of Nah hot and Pyran-yn, each of them has appointed template and axperionedd Palleemen, formed by long service, who have been placed under the control of the especial oficer at the guardhouse of Old China Street, for the purpose that whenever British Kubjects are disirous of making an ens cursion, I may previously madmate the use to the special offers there, we will then appoint whether mes may be deemed necessary to proceed with them in to be available for their protettion
(True Extract)
This Notification and its accompanying er. tract were received with derision, it being the general impression that after a vast deal of gas. conade we were to be pacified with twenty Chinese policemen subject to additional safe- gaurd, and further modifications | Some low would not believe that Bristish diplomacy was thus to be disgraced-that British subjects were to have their lives still farther endangered by blind compliance with the "devi wishes of Keying. They would rather look upon it as a ruse to gain time. It appeared impossible that the demands, which Bir Jobo Davis said would satisfy every one for the pre. sent, should consist of the execution of four of the murderers a guard for the protection of fu reigners, with ertain mysterious safeguarda and modifications, and the idea of its being a sestle- ment in full ww scouted, The acceptance of a guard is in itself a most dangerous step; it is establishing a syste?n of espionage of which the Chinese will avail themselves, at the same time the force being quite ineffective.
glishmen, is full compensation for the end blood. el murders. We will not particularly discuss this point ; every man with's British heart will scout the idea of six guilty crimmals being equi. valent to six inancent men. The doctrine once admitted, and there is an end to even the sha dun of personal safety for foreigners in any part of the Chinese empire. These mu ders dia to be desk with as a tational crimo,--a gravo offence committed by one people upon another, --and the atonement must be commensurato, A mere homicide in a brawl or bonickles result ing from the rudsen outbreak of popular feeling are very diff?rcol affairs, and the distinction must not be lost sight of. The Hwang-chu-kec murders were the result of deliberately devised plans, sanctioned by the Elders of the people; published in all the villages; and known to the authorities. No measures word taken to frus rate there plans; if they were not instigated by the Excentive, they were at least left up- disturbed. The British Plenipotentiary kaverta that "the Canton people have been encouraged against foreigners, and are ready to murder them when they merely take recreation in the country under the treaty." The responsibilty lies heavy upon a corrupt government and corrupt people.
While the villagers were organizing de ultis and maturing these diabo- real plans, Keying was writing hollow des patches to Sir John Davis, aasturing him of the Pacific disposition of the people. The Envoy was deceived by these delusive statements, and withdrew the protection which the Britub go verument all but demanded should be kept constantly near the factories; a portion of the press added to the mistaken feeling of security y bold assertions that no danger was to be apprehended from the villagers. The result je one of the most melancholy tales of blood and erucity that ever sullied a page of history. Even now, after the lapse of two mouths, the mird cannot without difficulty be brought to a contrinplation of the fiendish crueltics came froes Ella Excellency, H. M. Plenipotentiary, &c., e..ined by self prohibitions which are as power-
Buskemet, 90th January, 1018. P.A-Your readers will uh?erve aonse det-bla matleed which seem very frivolous, when very limportant mate ters might occupy them, but is must b? bone in mind that in this is (as well as some others) r?embles the ancient Government of whom it was said "Vagistrate, quavim sunt, ocenitulli: quaque com ou now judicerint
multitudini, produnt,"
SYNOPSIS OF THE PREIN GAZETTE. December 20, 147.—1.xr-arva.vres Viceroy of Kiang. mang, amarishes meording the Trampret by Rea of the Onala sapra of the Jansies of Bonchew, Faping, and Talang.chos during the coming (Chinese) yes, to which Ha kl?jesty's buscaw.
mitted; the subject is revolting to humo n? ture, and degrades even the character of the most savage barbarians. The Cannibals of the
The Imperial ment was fun in memorial meg southern Ocean are merciful to their victims chey-chi, Governor of Shansen Prines respecting the m Mary inspections and changes of efficers,
King - Manchow military offers commanding in a diaries in Klein reports the people to ba a in a sense of hardship
puing to a debeient rest from an exers Frale, on mrs the mosty remission of the taxes, which is
Majesty's ne
The Imperial was was given to a memoriel frm Pro.
pen.tai, Viceroy of Kanoui and Flare, scriping ? divirlet adagistrate of having through niggardinem delayed and im peded the garage of the troops ? hen ladly marching to the West
Chung-fung, minisser in Hami, memorialize ergoodies a anurication from Pooyen-Orteral for rubjugating the Weet, on the provision of expplies for the army (ketch Imam bas berne forquent of late grate that they arest so Iwo fue apreendent how to se). The Vermillion Tesell replied the Board of Iterrane knows it.
December 21 -The Imperial will was received warning to a mural from Pwan sih ngen for being rude wpew number of officers in charge of th? te pain off
Vallen tiver,
The Imperial will was revived s?vating to the memorial fear, and ' to a military sypient.
of Ice-ung-gern for allowing the miss of ciliar
The impecial! was given to the tormial of den. show Getures for be risent on eccount of reinion ship to one Column
the spear, the batchet, or the kalfe quickly ter minate their sufferings. But the civilized people of Chine must gloat over the protracted torture they inflict, and with feline cruelty sport with the agony of the captive they are about to destroy, "No published report givefa correct idea of Out of regard to the feelings of the living the magnitude of the sufferings of the poor victima medical evidence before the Coroner's Ingical was limited to a mere shadow of what it would hata been, had Dr Marjoribanks read his very copious notes descriptive of every wound. Doubts have been thrown upon this evidence, particularly as to whether they were killed in the melee or made prisoners and tortured, but that the latter was the case there can be no question. Both Keying and the Nanbae magis late said they were alive the afternoon after, their capture; and it is but too probable that they both knew well the fate that was before! them, but they either had not the power or the will to interfere. It has been alleged that the marks on the arms were of cords used alter death by which to attach weights to sink the bodies. This is incorrect; the conle in one instance were round the arms, below the eluulder, below the elbow, and round the wrist the integuments of which had been cut to the bone, and one of the lones of the left wrist braken as the prisoner struggled in his agony. The inflar
se of the back and the sides of THE FACE proved clearly that the scourge had been up. plied some time before death.
The speed will was given asenting to me from Chung far minister in Ulami, rhming to a crammation received from Pum-pen.1 (who was zemonally ending te forward to Cargar, be the exterminazon of the Alabeaded nable stating the neesm?ty of making ample svesken of bones, which uns xcordingly pronceded with by bins.
December 22-Kee.pes, Huikwan (Elego) of Canton, in ordered to remain another year to his present o?re.
A new Mujur.Gicaoral is appointed to Kaw-chow in Kroup.bung.
Wang chib, Governor of Gan-bway, wormoriulizes and the the femperial assent le given to the restoration of the banos of certain district Magurates, of which they had been de prived on account of deficiencies in miting the tears, but bove sub wantly shawnee aar of shame by making up
the count
(To be continued.)
Much anxiety has been entertained as to the steps Sir John Davis would take in the event of Keying's not complying with his donands, to do which he had to the 20th instant. In Hongkong the naval and military forces were The troops were drilled and practised with ordered to be ready for service by the 15th. sealing ladders, dec. 'The seamen were train- ed to boat service and artillery; and both arms were in full expectation of an attack upon Canton or some other warlike demonstration. Orders had been sent to the straits for reinfor- cements; H. A. steamer Afedea was hur ried on to China, the frigate Afelampus is daily expected; while the Scout and Childers have been recalled from the const. Much seal and enthusiasm has been evinced, but it would appear it has been thrown away. The Plani- potentiary's heart chilled as the tine for action
by H. M. Consul in Canton:-
On the 5th the following circular was issued (topy.)
6th January, 1848.
H. B. Masters, at Cantee. HU, At. Coomi yi Canton has received a "despatch
in which His Excellency desires that British mbjects be informed that in the event of cemity arising for Her city, the British merchants, continuing to randgut Can-
after his withdrawal will be at their own risk. Majesty's Lonel and bis Establishment retiring from this
This was looked upon as a premonitory hint to be prepared and in consequence a large quantity of merchandize was removed at muck expence. Houses were taken in Hongkong off, and all the requisito arrangements for and at Macao; books and papers were shipped removal entered into.
Alarmed by the circular the representative of the United States addressed Sir John Davis, and received an answer which appears irro concilable with the circular itself, or at lenst leads to the conviction that the circular was very uncalled for, only causing unnecessary alarm and expense, British subjects are per- fectly aware of the rule the application of which is contingent upon a mere posibility," without having much a coatly intimation of it:
" January, 18th, -Thare the hopear to acknowledge your letter 13th instant; In reply I beg to inform you that the introded merely as the latimation to iritish Robjects of a rule, the application of which was contingent on a mere notice from the British Conrul to which you allude, was
posibility, and therefore the notice, should not have had and good will, which I shall be happy to since towards {eased) the alarm attributed to it. You may restored. that led spradrat of Iboss persual feelings of courtesy the Representative of the United States in Chine, 1 skall that may be forced on the British government or its re coulerit my cable duty to give such noter as may be required, by the nages of watlons, concerning meatures, prostire in Chios.
c., do, &c."
Disproportioned as the execution of four of the murderers would be tothe enormity of the crime, it is now atcertained almost beyond a doubt! that the four men beheaded were in no way connected with the murders. Keying did put dare to sieze the villagers, and four criminals under sentence for piracy were taken from the common jail, bound, gagged and bebeaded in the presence of some British officials; not ?. single villager being present to profit by "the"]
"A. R. JOHNSTON. example." Were there any doubts upon the "Victoria, Hongkong, 13th Jan., 1848,”
peared in the official paper
On the 13th the following Notificatum ap
His Exceracy Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary, &c., &c., is pleased to direct that the annexed Ex. tract of Despatch from the British Consul at Can- ton, be published. The proposicions therein stated, subject to additional safeguards and farther modifica tions, appear to be umobjectionable
"By Order,
On the 20th January another Notification appeared, introducing snother extract from Mr Macgregor's despsicles. It now become evi dent that negotiation had again been fruitless, carrying his threats into effect. Koying was not and that the British Envoy had no intention of
to be bullied, and the scaling ladder, abovels, &c., &c. were cast aside. Keying alleges that the well prohibitions" of the people here more mal power than the prohibitious of the authorities, and after sending runners through the villages admonishing them, and issuing pr clamation to the surge effect, the whole affair is len with the sovereign people. The Gantry of Canton have also issued a proclamation "admonishing and commanding the country anity with the foreigners. The latter procla people that they must all praction peace and mation bears no date, and in all likelihood it was concocted in the Commissioners office, It is said that the villages have been visited by a foreigner versed in the language, and not a single proclamation was found, the villagers exhibiting their usual ferocity. We annex the Notification and extract which embodies the tenor of Keying's despatch. It will be observ ed that Keying tacitly acknowleges his inability to control the people, and foreigners are tow at the tender mercies of a mob only restra-
ful as a silk thread in a horse's mouth. It is true, ther? la the twenty policemen and " modi fications," and the runners which Keying pro mises to send to the villages occasionally to admonish themR.
de, &c., is pleased to direct that the subjoined alli? Excellency Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary,
Communication from the British Consul al Casion be published for general information.
"By Order.
"A. R JOHNSTON. "Victorie, Hongkong, 18th January, 1848," Extract of Deanatch from Mr Consul Hacgregor, dated 19th January, 1948. "I beg to enclave to Your Excellency a copy with trans- lation, of the letter which the Imperial Commielower has addressed to me on this important subject. (of sufogona da ? and in which, after dilating upon the measures already taken by him at different periods, he proceeds to abarre that self prohiblaions of the people, have at bottom mere reality and power then the probiblions of the authorities fare, be hat summoned the great Gantry and Literati of galost the people; that in the present votergency, their the city, with whom he had held a public com and they are drawn up a pabile address, admonishing and commanding the country people that they maste precio pesce and amity with the foreigners' Th? n?
Edress (of Which | entrVGRUPPY, Bot having time to sub
Jela a translation)
pelated and distributed in the country places, that it may become fally known to a'l, in the hope of precaring permovat secualty in future. Roskies (kis, the District Afagistratre of San-bar and Pwan-yn have also led Proclamations to the sam effect, to be likewise printed and distributed among the villares, enjoining them be the most Impressive maner to live lo peace with our people.
Auch in the termination of Sir John Davids diplomacy; let it be judged by his country. men. Had he never go to Canton, had be left the whole matter for the decision of his government, we would not have blamed him could be estimate his own capacity, bo would have done so, But we do think he is blameable for taking such high ground, and then for no sp to tho will of the Chinese Commissioner. This parent cause sinking into grovelling subunition is a riddle we cannot read; it awakes suspi cions which we discard as unworthy. It may be that last mail His Excellency had privats information that his muccessor had been seler ed, and ho resolved to abandon his original Intention of obtaining ample redress. We will
factures have boos shipped to the north. No of
#2.50 2..M ...31 to 9. 41 24 to 9.60
Nos. 19 to 94 #96 per plcul
99 to 29.9
58 to 42.32.10.
10 to 62740
P. 8.981 JANUAur. —4 decited impowerment Aso taken place in Colton, since yesterday, and an advener Ana barn cal voltaket of 4 moera per picul din guni ?ne Baby, and 4 to 3 water ga litras and fragat, at which a honey busi- nem kung b?ch das artigos speculative.
Grry Colle Prace Ciondolo skra symp?e no of improvement.
Ale (best brands) Amber, large. Betel Nu (now)
Canvas-Eng, and
Scotch Cochines!
992 0 to $300 per
. 10 A0 to 15 per cally
NOTICE. Mesars Hetz & Go's promises to the hous THE undersigned, has removed his Offices from
next to that occupied by Mairs Housut & Blu-
E. PARNCOMU, Notary Public &c., fe.
Victoria, 1st February, 1844.
NOTICE OF REMOVAL. 340 per piculum his Friends and the Public, that he MACK WICK, Auctioneer ko.. begs ta
9 0 to 10 0 per bolt
3 30 Tu
and }
180 0 10 230
25 0 to
O per picul
do. 00 du.
8 0 to
0 du,
Copper, sheathing
8. Am. Cordige European COTTON
Ummy (best) Aladras Banyal
T. 08 to 72 19
COTTON GOODS. White Shirtings,
70 da 00 do. 7 2 w 73 do- 250 to $200 per picos 2 35 to 2 75 do. Yarn, Nos. 10.24 23 0 tu
No. 2 42 Chiots, Forniture- METALS. Tin, Banca
Iron, Nail
o Oper pical
29 0 to 32 o do.
20 3 Oper piece 10 Oper picol
19 0 to
10 0 to
charitably suppose that such is the case; but rack at no distant date la consequence of this and we would express & hope that he will now respective certainly a large quantity of Brisleh men
give commerce a chance of recovering
cial intination his boso given of the fret, but in in The measures which the British Government now underwood that makers will comain in their will adopt are of course conjectural, A war, present state until communications have been receir. ed from home. Conflence is in some degree re wowever, appears unvailable, in as much as tho Canton province will be occupied by a British stored; and the native Merchants show a desire to
purchiso though at low rates. ny-the treaty in all its integrity enforced of next month, is anticipated that most articles will After the holidays he people exercuelatud security takon for the improve in price, provided there are no palaical
od faith of the Chinese for the future. Euro causes for another derangement of the market. beans are disbursed ofold erroneous ideas as lo he strength of China. It is a vast, inanimate,
Curray Conds.—The market is in an active con- inted empire; and is at this present moment
dition with an improvement upon lam quotations of the mercy of the weakest maritine power from 10 to 15 cents.
810 to -35 The transactions of the month Europe; In the south the people are all but comprise 60,000 pircas of unbleached, and 20,500 open malt: and the presence of foreign piones of bleached cloth. many would certainly be followed by an
Quotations.— rrection. We have seen that Keying no. Hercial by 25 unwledge the helpless conlitica of the con-
30 by 19 trolling power by leaving a matter of the most
? Cotton YARK.-For the higher numbers there rio conscquence to the "self prol?bitions"
I demand at improved rates; but the lower sum the people. The whole western frontier is
bera are not in request. Yarns of inferior quality in commotion from Burmah alinoat to Niberis. are not marketable. Sales during the month about Famine desolates the fuelt central districts; 600 bales, and more than all, the spirit of the country is
What can she op crushed by the late war. pose to the demands of any power? The talk of a war party in China' is a more dolusion ; Pro Lin in Canton to-morrow, so far from writing himself of the spirit of hostility against Foreigners, which he loved to excite in days of mee, he would adapt himself to the alterod Rate of circumstances. Nothing, however, will be obtained from this treacherous people but at The point of the bayonet. Negotiation will only ent in deception'; strong measures are called fve, and nothing should be left to the good faith of the Chinese. They do not understand the eem; truth is not in them, and in dealing with hem this should never be overlooked. Napier, Elot, Pottinger, and Davis have all been tri- Bed with by this cowardly but wily race. Fu-good market at improved rates. Long Ella of a su
perior class are salcable, and latterly Bearlet and ure diplomatista may take a lesson from the
Green have ruled high, though the later colour is istory of the past, and treat with the Chinese only saleable in small parcels, Spanish Stripes are san honest man requires to treat with a sharp-viso in request and have advanced on previous low r. Six months after a British force took pos- quotations. The other varieties of woollen goods ession of Canton we would have an Ambas are at present wisalable. Camicie bave undergone ader at Peking, and the war, so far as we are no chauge; and any sales made are at very low rates. iscerned, would never extend beyond the During the math 6000 places of Long Ella and Conton_province. At this present moment 4000 piecas of Spanish Stripes have been disposed of.
Quotations-- 1,000 Junks are loading rice at Shanghai to upply the starving population in the immediate icinity of the capital. Not an ounce of it could a car 12 gun brig anchored in the river rere such an order given. Two small vessels tationed at Chin-kenng-foo and Hwa-chou, would starve the government into submission without shedding a drop of blood.
If war with China is inevitable, no power ever had a batter cause than England now: as; and whatever may be the result the re, ponsibility resis solely with China.
(16th January, 1848.)
The market has very much improved since last port; and as an opinion prevails that stocks in the eir are light, we almost anticipate a brisk trade rose time. The state of Canton, and the ua- ertainty as to what steps were likely to be taken by e Plenipotentiary has rather checked operations, on the point the foreign Merchants need not jeethemselves further trouble, as it appears that His cellency is not going to do anything-perhaps
ishia most prodent course.
in this staple the sales have been large,
Blocks are heavy, and the
0 dr.
5 0 to
0 0 do.
M Hoop
4 0 lo
0 0 do.
J Bar & Bolt
3 30 lo
4 0
4 40 to
Steel, Swedish
but at very low rates. impossibility of removing such a bulky article in the event of boilities may have induced holders to sub mit to a loss. The is include 10,000 bales of Lead, Pig Bombay, 2000 Bengal, and about 1500 of Madras growth, Stork on the 31st December, 90,9:6 bales against 47,185 at the end of 1840,
Bombay (best) Tuli 0,9 to Bengal
.. to 1,9 1,9 WOOLLEN-For rome descriptions ibero is a
Long E-carlet $10.70; parple 7601 dark blue 806; Wack 6.65; brown 7 50; ash 6'; green 9.74; yellow 7: Spanish Stripes,assorted $1 to $1.15; scarlet (30; pur. ple 1.70, dark blue 1.10; Hght blow 9s cento; gentian 1.05; black; brown 1; yellow 75 cents; grean 1.50 |
ab 78 cent
Medios Cloth-91.80 to 2 Broad Chah,-81.78 to 3.50,
Camlets-English $18 to 90,50 ; Dutch 991 to 95. of all kind has improved in price. with moderate socks. Lead has also advanced. Tin plates dull. Bentos 75 we quote at $10, and plates at 87 60 with drooping market. Land may be granted as $6.75 that being the present market rate,
Quotations of Iron,
Mall rod
Plat and square bare
Emall read.
3.30 to 3.80
Quotations of other articles of Import,--
Besel Nat
3.90 to 3 35 per pleal.
Sandal Wood-
650 to 5.50" 8.80
6 to 13
gisel (nominal) ? 4.40
OMUX.-New Patna is offering freely at 95-0 but there are no buyers, we look for low rates on he arrival of the 2nd Sales; #450 probably.
TRA.-The market has been inactive from vari-
Corros Goods-A fair business has been done draced rates for cash, 15,000 piace unbleach. ca?ones, warranted 40 yards, have been sold at 210 cash. Other sales of 66 reed have been made on cause. The reports from Europe are diecon-
$200 cash. Bleached goods have been pincel from $285 to & Brock, according to returns of Chamber of Commerce, 280,000 pieces includ the cargo of the Prancis Barclay (sold), UPION.-Malwa huo taken a sudden start and is saleable at $5-40. Paina $540 with the pro WOLLEN-No demand with heavy stocks. EXPORTS.
bct of an edrance.
TRAS-There are only five or six chops of Con- in the market and they are held at high rate. teen teas are scarce, and purchased for the Ame
market as they arrive. BILE.-There have been no fresh parchance for English market, the shipments being already to those of last year About 300 bales came by Torrington for transhipment to Bombay. We re the comparative sitements for the seasons ding 31st December, 1844 and 1847.
ending 31st Dive, lett. 8 Mesta ending $1m Dec. 1047, 2-k....bes 1,118
-akbalta je,pa?
11,016 ugaiant STOCK.
Shut Decider 1848 Un......
Blet Dawah 1o 49 sorrow, bel? 1,300
Set Becker 1017.
against PALCES CURRENT. The December 1916 Te per d. 0 W 300 Topman ? 183 +# 296 THE P116 w 275
pur pical..glu to 180
***** $200 to 200 .... $150 to 80 On England-Baring's credits, six months sight, B. and little demand. Money is more plequiful; My Bycre $140 per 100 ele.
To England. – ?6 to ?6 10s, and no available
Anx and Francis Barclay in port. CANTON MARKET REPORT. (29th January, 1848.)
racing, and the political state of affairs in this quarter detam prudent men from extending their operations. The teamen however are firm though the few purchases made-chiefly to fill up ships on the bertli-are a abade under last month's rates. chops of Congon at from 15 to 21 als for common to Black Teas.-The purchases embrace about 20
strong blackish leaf kind. The stock is fid chops and about 20 chope have you to arrive. There have been
some purchase of ecoated tens of fair to good quality at 22 to 25 taeli for Orange Pakos and 15 to 19 tuofa for Caper. In other descriptions of Black tone there
have been no transactions.~
Green Toas.--The purchases made are on Ame- rican account, and for common descriptions, at prices shade lower, but the entes are still noch as to obeck criptions still maintain their high rate and thees aro shipments to the English itket. The finer doo for in the marke
Coogva,-good, and fine black leaf, Nena lef; blackisb
7 40 10
6 00 to
do. 4.50 per oc
Tin plates
00 por box Quicksilver
O per picul OPIUM, Patan, now 583 0 to 510 Oper chest
123 0 to 190 0 du.
$200 Lu 509 0 do. -4700 to 490 0
* Malwa, "Turkey Pepper.
Rice, Bengai. Hattans, Banjar
Strait Railang Bandalwood, Malaber "Timor,&8.8, lal.
Balipere.. WOOLLENS
2.80 to
da. do.
380 0 to 400 0
6 80 to
? D per pioul
1 40 to
1 50
00 do.
13 0 do.
8 to
9 60 do.
7 30
2 30 to 100 to
6 60 to
Spanish Stripes and. 10 to
has removed his Auation sol Commission Rooms.
In next door Musean Broogen mod Co, 12 soon's
Victoria, lat February, 1849.
PUBLIC AUTION. ON MONDAY, THE Ten OF FEBRUary, 1948. INO: BMETAL will sell by Posuto A vortex, the
whole of the valuable Household Forniture Plate and laodwato; Wines and Laquara; Piano; Class and Crockery-ware; Printa, and other Ar ticles, already advertised, belunging to A. A. Da NELLO, E articulate will appear in Hands bille, prior to the day of the Sala
The Furniture, &c. may be inspected from the 5th proximo.
The Bale being during the Chinese New your festival, when mercantile transactions are general
ly auspended for a while-nad after die Mail and the Bungkung Races-offers a favourable oppor tunity to those at Canton and Hongkong, who may be desirous of attending the sale, and perkapa spending a few days in facan. Macau, 29th January, 1848,
be sold on the above recorder eroning, the 4th instant at 7 o'clock v. M. A quantity of Gold and Silver, Chinese manuiac. tered Ornamente; Bangles; Hair Pus; Ear and Ginger Rings; Girdles, c., &c.
porous other Articles
G. DUDDELL Avellonger.
Hongkong, lat Fobruary, 1818.
PUBLIC AUCTION. T FRANKLYN & MILNE'S Sale Room, 120por yards, this day,-100 dosses Alleop Long Ells, scarlet | ** 10 75 to
0 Oper pisos Bottled Ale; 50 fine Sydney Whoop; and a low bag "well aswrted.
8 70 do.
of Brau, and other sundries. Camlota, English 18 50 to 21 0 Dutch -19 0 to 21 0
Medium Cloth Ladies
Camphor Camia
20 to
do. du.
* 130 to 180 per jard
1 to to I 30 do. EXPORTS.-On Board.
. 50 to
|| 60 por pioul
00 do.
12 50 to
11 50 to
11 76
19 50 to
13 0
China Koote
Rhubarb, now. BILE.
Mail prices
2 70 to 00
55 0 to 110 0 por calif
49 0 to 50 O per picul
485 0 to 450 0 do.
0 0 0 0 do. da
. 295 0 to 325 0
Broep Biver, 10.5 a 148 premium. Spanish Dollars, Ferdinand, par.
Carolus, 7 to 8 per cent promium. Republican ditto, al par.
ON ENGLAND.-Private bila-65.5ind. ON INDIA.Company's accepted bille on Calculla
210 Rupees per 100 8p. dro.
To London, 24 10s, a 25.
To Amoy, 86 per ton of 40 fees. To Ports north of Amoy, 87.
Commientist Hongkong. Victoria, 1st February, 1449. CEALED Tenders, the rates on be exnessed in Starling will be renrived at this Office until The day the 8th Instant at no?n for the supply of
7,000 Celic Fees of Manila Timber, for the Bervice of the Royal Engineer Dartment.
F. 8. CARPENTER, Dept, Astits_Commist Gend, VE63KS SMITH & BRIMELOW, are land. ling from the PathEnder, a stock of choice Bherry, and Port; Champagne; Marell's Dark, and Pale Cognacs Gleelirat Whiskey: Allsoppe Boer la bottle, da, do. Which they offer for sale at rooderate prises
No. I and 9 Wooenam's Buildings,
La February, 1846,
FOR SALE. THE Undersigned has just received from London an Invoice of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Dress and Winter Gloves; Silk, Cotton, and Woollen leaf strong Ts. 18 10 211 fair to good commen 18 to 1; docks: Batch Cable Handkofchief: Neck Time; Elastic Braces; Morino and Gause Singles; Black and Blue Cloth Capa; Towelling?ka,
ROBERT RUTHERFORD. Queen's Road, Ist Febrarry, 1918,
FOR SALE. HANDSOME London built Poney carriage, A at a very moderats price.
mixed blackle Jeof E3 ?a t? ; lowest class 15. Brochong.-No transactions; prigne an last month Flowery Pekos.—Prices numidal. 401 packager la stock. Ning Yong, plain Caper and p?aka Oriage Paltos. —No
Scented Orange Pekos (fair to ine) Ta 29 10 30; dlito
Caper 15 to 90
Twaukay-Stock about 10,800 packages, but no desire to purchase. The Americans have been purchasing Hrsom kinds
-Fine Ts, 50 to bo
Got these rates are med 29 to 30; commun THE HO Young HronFine, none left; good T's. 30 to 40; com
m-n 19 to 26.
Imperial and Ompowder-Tanksy kind Ta. Si 10 29
good 37 to 50; bias, few loft and prices un?ized.
dilk.==")uiles (No. 1) of an lofar or description in beld at 9450, and no buyers Block 150 balan. sactions; na porclisse are reported during the 800-t'he shipments being made are old true.
moh. The new crop will be in the market early in March.
Un England.-Private Bille at six months sight | 48. 6d. to 42, Bjd,
Calcutta-made Furniture,-2 Bafas, and 1 cory Chairs; blue and gold. Apply at the salo rooms, lo
FRANKLYN & MILNE, Auctioneers & Commission Agents, Queen's Hond.
February 1st, 1848.
? STORES. RUTHERFORD has just received an Invoice of Stores from Haburu Davis & Co, consisting of Cheese; Hams; Pickles; Sauces; Masterd; Zante Corrente; Bloon; Vine gar; Anchory and Herring Pasin; Horse radish
Os Fadin-Company's Accepted Bills 918 Ro.ted Hertings: Pickled on Tongues Leadenhali pocs per 100 Spanish dollars. Nominal.
Since but monthly report much anxiety has been termined as to the steps about to be taken by the wish Plenipotentiary. A circular sent round on
th intimated the possibility of the flag being demand.
Beef &c., &c.
Fancy Biscuits consisting of Abernethy, Ginger,
T England-?4 10%, to ?5 ; and tonnage in no Mixed, Captains, Presburg, Spice Nuts &
Queen's Road, Ist February, 1848.
4100, Shortly after the Chinose Hollidays, for the bo- | ne?t of l'oncerned,—7 Balds Cotton Yarna; 6 do, Grey Shirtlogo; lo. Tayssam Silk; and a law Pieces of Woollens, all more or los dassaged by see water.
FRANKLYN & MILNE Auctioneera.
Victoria, 1st Febroury, 1847.
PUBLIC AUCTION. CMITH & BRIMELOW have recolved instruc ?tions to sell by Postto Averton, on Thurs. day, the 3rd February, at their Sale Blooms, Queen's Road, at 11 O'clock a. —A quantity of Handsome and Useful Furniture, the property of a Gentleman leaving the Colony, consisting of
Couches; Bideboards; Card "Tables Dining and Round Tables; Book Case; Wardrobe; Bed stend ; Dreming Tables; Wash-band Stand: Book Rand; Bereeth; Fender; Fire Irons; and Mes- aive Bronze Hanging Lamp: with Four Burners; Carpatiog; Bagatelle Table, &o., &co,
A five Outler Rigged Yacht, with Masts, Salls,
and Spars complete, two Anchors, and about 190 fathoms of lempen Cable, Brokers, &c., de.
The whole may be seen any bour from 9 to $ previous to the day of sale.
TERMS OF BALK:-Cash before delivery. Hongkong, Slet January, 1815.
Office of OrdnanOG,
Hongkong, 18th January, 1848. NOTICE is hereby given that Braled Teoders A will be received at this Chifice by the Elespeo tive Officers of the Ordnance until the 14th day of February next from such Persons as may be willing to contract for the following bervices, from the Is Aped 1849 to 31st March 1840:
Washing and repairing Barrack and Separato
Hospital Bedding......****** Repairing Barrack, F?raiture and
Sweeping Chunnies
Emptying Privice
Lighting Lamps
Removing Ashe
contract Soparate
may be knowu w appilcation at this Office,
Further particulars and conditions of Contract
HENRY ST. HILL, Ordnance Storekeeper.'
FOR SALE. Cam of Surgical justrukeuta FOR & Georgi
M. CLERJON, Victoria, zal November, 1917.
The Rack COMMITTOU having deemed it advisable ta make some slight alterations in the jer ngramme, —tha Follow- Ing is tune nmended kit for the (nechouming Races.
MONDAY, 7TH Faduuany, 1849.
The long-nei chung Sinke?, for all Ponies under 13 hands. One milo. Entrance $1 each with 830 added from the Fund. Weight for schon ad per scale. Former Winner ofthis Itaco excluded. The Plenipotentiary's Cup, prevented by His Ex- cellency Sir John Francis Davis, Baronet, value $200, for all Horses. One milo and three quat
tere Weight 10 stana 7 kr. k?ydney and Capa
bred Horeca to catryane 7 lb, extra trance $10 each. Bacond Horse to ra h? Bake
The Falloy Stakes, for all Ponics 19 handa ? lacha | Jan.
and under. One mila. Entrance 99 each with
040 added from the Fund. Weight for inches as per scale. The Winner of the Valley Buskos lam year in carry ↑ Ibo, extru.
The Arab Wetter Staksa. One win and a half
Entrance Bach with 850 added from the Fund Weight 11 stana
The Hack Stakes, for all Ponies, Catch weights.
One mila. The Winner to be sold for $50 if chord within a quarter of an hour from coming in. Entrance fres, with #30 added from the Fund
The Jydury Sinker, for all Horgen. Araba except- ed. Two miles. Entrance $10 each with $180 added from the Food. Weight 10 mono 7 lha. The Winder of the Plenipotentiary's Cup to catyr ↑ Ibi extra. Besond Horse to save his Buks.
TODAY, STR Fourwant, 1848. The Pay Welter Stakes, for all Ponies. One mile and Kalf, Weight 10 stane 7 lbs. for Fenirs 13 bands and under. 1one for Ponies above 13 banda. Entraneo 01 ooch with $50 added from the Food.
The Canton Cup, valos $150 for all Horses. Ons mile and a half beats. Weighis 10 Mone for A h 11 mone for Rydney Horem. The Winner of the Plenipotentiary's Cup to carry 7 lbe, vatru. Entrance $5 each.
28, Prinster, Bellamy, from Canton.
28, Mira, Clin:h, from Whampoa.
28, Pathfinder, J. Miller, from Loadno 10th August.
20, Andes, Bullivan, from Camainymeon.
20. Good Success, Hunt, from Bombay Is December.
10, Leurene Koster (Dutch), Klinn, from Batavia 28th December.
30, Marppa, Jaunay, from Shanghai 26th January
80, Dania, King, from East Coast 28th January,
91, Omega, Andazanu, from East Count 23rd January.
31, Culder, Logan, from WhamJON.
31, Norman Morrison, Reynold, from Whampoa.
19, Babe, Barker, from Sydney.
19, Will Orke Winy, McKnight, from Basubay 25th October, 20, Sarah Lovise, Oldham, from Liverpool ?ed July.
→ Cari?, Heston, from London 3rd July.
Par Mappe, Mr Dallas,
99, Candace (Am.), Gardner, Whamj?n.
19, Torrington, D'Arcy, Whampoa.
29, Primator, Ballamy, Comsingmoon.
30, P. & F. Con Sir, Braganza, Pous, Ceylon. 31, Mazeppe. Jaunesy, Camsingmoon. 81, Alligator, Cook, Tamsingmoon February,
The Victoria Plata, value
ne $90, for all Ponies. mile and hall Weight 9 stone 7 the The Winner of the Valley Sales to carry 7 lbs, extre, and if the Winner of the Victoria Plate last year to carry 10 Rs, exit. Entrance 69 each The Scurry Stoke, for all Ponier. Catch weights. Half mile. Entrance $1 each with $10 added from the Fund. Second to receive $5 from the Fund, and third Fhorse to mre bie Suke. The Gallway Nakes, for all Horses under 14 hands inches. Arabs excepted, Cemile and a half Erence Esch with 950 added from the Fund. Weight Ju tons.
WROWINDAY, Svu Fauruary, 1848.
The Theaters Plate, value $80. for all Hornen. One mile and a half. Four Hurdica & feet high, and Two Flurdles 4 feet 8 inches high. Waighis for inches as per scale. Entrance $5 each.
The Pony Bule Race, for all Pooles. Oos mile and a half. Four Hurdles 8 feet high, and Two Hurdles 3 feet 6 inches high. Weight for inches parole. Entrance loach with $40 edited from the Fund. Second Pony we receive $10 from the Fund.
The Arab Stokes, for all Arabe. Two mitos. Weight 9 stone 7 be. Entrance #10 anch with $100 added from the Fund. The Winner of the Cup to carry 7 lbe extra. Becond for ove hin Bako.
The Lodies Purse, value $50, for all Ponlen. Winners at this meeting excepted. Entrance fees. Catch weights.
The Natire's Pufos, value #20, for ali Puales. In-
dia and Chinese Riders One mile. Catch weights.
The Hongkong Steeple Chase, for all Ponies. Catch weights. Cround to be named by the Brewards
one hour before the time of starting. Entrance 01 each with §30 added from the Fund.
Entrances to be declared on or before 18th Ja- nuary, 1848,
Races to commence punctually at 8 o'clock v. m.
The first Saddling Bell to be rung at ? post 1 par. A quarter of an hour allowed between each race.
Upon each saddling bell being rung all Horses to run for the next Race immediately to rendes vous on the course opposite the Grand Bund to draw for their respective places, and not to go down to the Barting Put until led by the Steward appointed to start them.
After each race, the Horses passing the Winning
Port to return to the Judgo's Band and the Rider
dreiered to be first to be weighed. Any Jockey dismounting before, hie turn, or before being calkd upon to be weighed keen his claim to be placed as the Winner.
All disputes as to Entrances and Qual?cation of Horses to be decated in writing before the deat Race commences, or no right of appel allowed.
No Horse allowed to run whose Entrance fees
are not paid up to the Fecretary,
All Disputes to be referred to the Biewards whose.
decision is final.
Qualification of Riders as at former meetings.
1, Laurick, White, Meeno.
26, Ashburton (Am.), White, New York, - Vanommen (Am), Fuller, New York. February
1, Sir Robert Bals, Loader, London.
29, Malvina (Ham.), Baths, Hamburg.
Par P. & O. Bur. Breganza,—For Southampton--Miss Layton, and two her --Commodore La Fierze, and Beer A. ds Hoyos, (Spanish Government Age). For Bombay Mr 8, A Petulle. For Cay- lon-Major Kaleon, Lieutebant Adye, Amistant-Surgeon Duare, and Mr Le Goyl
H. M. Skip Dedalus
Brig Cabine Soup Boost
H. G. Humor P?sio
H. M. Ang Childere
Brig Explo
Bir Medes
Ship Allige
**Ship Minden
|Honghong || Jellem
Whampoa G
B. C. M. B. La Bayonnaies Hongkong || 10|Guas
Aan Roberson, buzqno Audes, schoner
Candela, ship
Car, einer
Callos, banque
Denia, schemer
Good Sacrem, ship
Lesbeny, ship
Inland neon nebooner
Joseph Bamen, ship
Line, brig
Mariner, ship
Minerve, ship
Mystem Dyuram, skrip
Norman Mettinen, skip
Change, schooner Pathander, barqu?
Portela, Wig
Rat Raver, Gorqgno
Bie Edward Ryan, barque Young Hobe, schooner
Australia, legna Bealsh, ship
Brahmin, ship
Chisels, barque Christabel, barque Duke of Cornwall, ship Fortitude, ship
Marqe n? Basa, chip
Mary Banustyna, barque
Mewalan, sip
Royal Albert, slig
|Captain P. Molychne.
|Commander Guy.
Commander W. Lering.
Linet Comiing (1).T.Airvy,KI.
Commander J. C. Pilman.
| Commander T. P. Thorpam.
Commenter T. H. Muovi. |Docser Bankle.
Bas Mervannen, bout
A Thu Masters.
Marquis of Innings, barque! Mao64 31. 8. da Lat, bri
Lam Kotir, barque
Loegrat?, barqu Pyladia, barqu
Bully, Jerel
Mary, Ich Ane, borene
Julien, schooner
200 Salado
Buck and
11, 1o, d'Oliveira,
. M. de Jome.
Lauvage Maryamk
JB. Carnalen,
Deat and so.
2. M. 5. Van Bomi.
J. M. 6. Ya Bumi.
VOL VIL Na 11.
112 Sabavicky
Elongkong] BED, KRs4
434 Sebri
44 Ha 359mith 13
Rawis, Duss and as |Hawis, Dum kad on. ?Hawls, Dun and on.
W. Pastu sad es.
Jardine, Matherm and an
Dent and
to pay in advance.
Hardine, Matheson sad on.
[Angvine Heard and on
langkong 13 Moram
Amande (Portugues), bria jummson] 56% Kadicott, 2. B. 120ell and co
Boman erm%, ship
(More Ships.)
Hongkong recom
Fort William, ship
Joke Barry, ship
$14 Leisk
Palom, ship
By burgan
Lankalla Robertson, barges
Lady Hejon, barqu
Lyri, bog
| Exchange, brig
parall, barque
Apes, hom
Bu Gece, brig Warlock, belg
"Anonyms, Mig
Aurore, echooner
Lord Ambers, ship
Malameeden, barne
Royal, schoo
Lender, barque
Vixen, schoner
Amazin, ship
Black Dag, schooner
Bouse (Amarissa), schwater
Cormit, leg
Dida, sebener
Kindly Jane, ship
Polkton, abip
Maadea, berger
Tian, schoene
William Hughes, brig William IV., barque
la 12 ber Torna, ba
155 9
105 Allen
217 Whom
237 Mean
||Bast Com 104 cm
937 MIL
141| Browsing
279 Wodrow
|Chinabew | 989]('vn wford
Foo-oo 219Har
101 Reope
Wowang | 4420Cloverly
141 D'Bamako
ITH Coll
437 Wade
+94 Farker
19% Descott,
110 Rowdy
Looking All
979 Princman
burrow and on.
D. Bouakad
?Gilman and on.
D. & N. Rustomjon and un.
Unday and on
P. F. Cars and ca
Framing Cason sai
Jardins, Machoven and on. Captain Mila
Don and on.
Jardino, Machou and as
yo, Mait and co.
Jardos, Mathmen tad so
Dent and
Dant and co.
Jardine, Matheson and er
Mavisar and
1. Banen Be and c
Kleo. F. Hubertus.
P. & D. N. Cosa and co,
D. &
. Kuosecajos and su Tumor and de.
Dent and on
Junkas, Marbenon and es Comedie Bapoerjee Langrik W. Augubing Board and 40,
Muzey and o
Ginchay and s Hardee, Mathaion and on,
Deat and on.
FOR LONDON,- At Hongkong,Minerva,
Jardine, Matheson & Co. Gibb, Livingston & Co. Marquis of Bute, Russell & Co. Mary Bannatyne, Dent & Co. Menzion, Rokeby, Chieftain,
Nye, Parkins & Co. Kennedy, Macgregor di Ca Blenkin, Rawson & Co. Jardior, Matheson & Ca W. Bockler.
Rusell & Co. Holliday, Wine & Co. Bush & Co. (immediately || Jardine, Matheson ? Co. Jardine, Matheson & Co. Boustead & Co. Hongkong,—Norman Morrison, Jardine, Matheson &. Ch
Hongkong,--Culdes, Whampoo,-Argyle,
Bamul Russell, Hongkong,-Joseph Bomes,
LIVERPOOL, υπατο?,
Commander La Graviere.
[Blongkong 447|MAKO
154 Selle
316 Hughes
180 So
190 King
K3 Kom
17. The pom
Bawle. Dupa and .
Jordine, Maiboven vad on.
Dib, Listagscan and no.
F. Blabb
Jardine, Machoson and an
Det and
Shepherd.m, Audax,
Red Rover,
Mecas,-Rob Roy,
Kennedy, Macgregor & Ca
J. M. B. Van Basal.
N. 9. da Lon,
J. M. de Jesus.
8. P. Xavier,
B. E. Carneire.
Jardina, Mulbasou and ca,
Kennedy, Minogregor and on. Dead
Holliday, Wins and on.
harga Duddel......
[Deat and on.
Jardine, Mathema and on,
190 Puddiomate Bad and on.
114 Ander"
3. Miller 230 Lace ELAKON
|Whumpon] 873 Harrison
Jardins, Mabee and co Jardian, Mashoorn and on
Dearle, Caract and on. Tumor and ou
Jardins, Mahatom and on.
Jamiem, Bew so on.
M. of Henings,
Hongkong,-Young Hebe,
Maono-Dos Hermanos, Hongkong,--Omega,
Louren?o Marques.
J. F. d'Oliveira,
J. Cocherell.
Busk & Co.
Jardins, Matheson & Ca
Bir Edward Ryan, Jamieson, How & Co.
September 21, Born.
November 12, John Cooper, 659, Were, Hongkong. Loading on the 24th November.-Queen, and Humayoon,
3. Constant, 500, Homery, Hongkong.
Sas di
300 Frig
V. Cecker.
aibh, Livingston and en,
Fletcher and no.
Henderson, Wamon and so,
Bleakin, Ram and on.
Lindeny and go.
Kannedy, Macgregor and en
I, Juas,
Jardian, Marbudo sad co.
679aber FIGTaylor Seberap
350 Earding
PO/W Mend
643estyn S25Picken
440 Wholem
Rokeby, barque
Thornes Falden, "barque
Thomas Henry, barque
Therington, sebena
Aliger, brig Mappa, schooner
Privainer, noha, NE
Carolas, rehner
Laurick, brig
Bob Ray, burge
Theron, chor
Telecipada, schooner
Aun, ship
Babe, barg
Will the Wing, schooner
Amoy Puckat, saboomer
Hay Icy
[Urm'moon] 198/Cov
305 Whin
242 Pranci
Wecae and on
and on.
?Dent and on.
Sy, Packing and co
Kmordy, Macgregor and so.
Maces and
Jones, Math
Holiday, Wies and
and co
Rawle, Dune and on.
| Jibb, Livingston and co.
Bach, Dave and on
2, Jana Prowe, 208, Nichols, Shanghai 16, Aden, 383, Michael, Hongkong.
18, Euphrates, 428, Lucar, Shanghai.
19, Horatio,, Cuntoa.
28, Largent, 614. Towling, Shanghai
28, Ellerslie, 280, Pugan, Shanghai.
30, Maia, 816, Turpin.
November 10, Dumfrica, 468,-, Shanghai.
18, Guardian, 400,
20, John O'Groat, 449, McDowall
Looding on the 24th Novemder.—Lascar, Bleng, and Marian.
Beptember 28, William Jardine, 693, Dously. October
16, Lady Amberas, 440, Myhill, Hongkong.
25, Sharon, Wilson, China.
176 Juny 44|Bry
Forillas, Maskeen and on. Beeb and c
100 Baward
Rawl, Drand on.
Jardine, Macksson and os,
Borised and co.
November 8, Dorothy.
50 Hadron
423 Berkor
Jardino, Mochason and sa Jardion, Matheson and on,
4. Forrester.
| Strangbal | 50)|Thereseca
2. Comm
240 Mathaw
251 Fals
215 Obam
201 Merigh
(Chinchu | 1910
Carik, berge
Francis Barclay, barque
North Bik,
Perah Louis, fi
19 hands in., 10
at b
Zephyr, schoonde
12 bande 0 in..
Patrol, ch
0., 1 0
11 ↑
14.. 2
David Poddick, ship
and upwards
Plymonk, ship
Argyle, brig
|Whampoa | 264 Cookery
Candace, berge
Gene! Rowell, skip
Rydney and Cape Horses Extra.
CHIPPING ARTICLES, according to the re-
erot art (Victoria 7 & 8) for male at this offion
Offer "Friend of China,”
Vieira, 10th October, 1845. }
Congma, sp
?opatie, harg
Dart, her
Angles, ebooker
Boogkong dala
| 2900Gardner
Shanghai | 5032aela
315 Frenet
125 Presc
150 Part
Dent and en
Fielder and co
I wear and on.
Lindasy and on.
Dan and
Jardes, Mashates and so.
Kwall and on.
tras, Mais undos.
thinker, flayl and on,
FW. Beckler.
J. M. Bell.
A and on,
Rumell and do,
Navel and en ?Augue?ne Hoard and ca
4, May Flower, 217, Thompson, (Iongkong.
Loading-Borman (Dutch), pin Bataria; Machukia Cornalia (Dutch) ol Batavia; Chre Anna Maria (Dutch), vie Batavia.
December 19, Cownejen Family, Durham. Chine. Leading--Arruloon Apcar, Mischief, and Sidney,
December 15, Imbella Watson, Clarke
17, Suhana, 1000, Wadge.
17, Earl of Clare, 910, Aget.
Loading on the 18th December-Chartley Carde, and India.
From boloso.
December 19, Faire Itabany, 477, Row,
Printed and Published by Tonn Caun, At The Friml of China and Honghi, Gazette, Printing Office, Govan Breast, Yictoria, Honukona, 1849.
PRICE $19 per ammura
TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the PRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, por danos. 19 Dolare. She Monthe, 7 Dollars. Three Months, Dellare; all paid in advance.
Price, 14 Dollar, 4 Dollars, and Dollars, for the pmlods of Twelve, Sie, and Three Months respectively: Bingle Numbers, to Baharibers $5 cents sech; to Non-Beberibers, 1 Rapes. Parties sailing or sanding to the (fice for papers are requested to pay vask TERMS OF ADVERTISING.-Ten lines and wider, Dollar; additional 10 cents line. Sepetlilee saathird of the Art insertion. Ships- insertion, Dollars; vabusquent insertions 45 cents. Advertisements to have written on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appear, other wise they will be publisand undii sountermsodad. In all instamove, thom who are not Subscribers, enquire
OLYPHANT & Co, Capio.
THE Undersigned having been appointed Agents BANCA TIN. Apply to
for the above Company, are prepared to grant POLICLA, payable in London, Liverpool, Bombay, Calouta, Madras, Singapore, Mauritius, and Co-
ENTAL COMPANY's Steam Ship BRAGANZA, will leave this for the abova places on Sun-lombo. day the 80th January of 2 r. u. CARRO will be received on board until Noon, and Brecte until 4 r., on the 29th.
For particulara regarding Puter and Passage, apply at the P. & 0.-8. N. Company's Office,
J. A. OLDING, Agmi. Flongkong. 7th January, 1848
THE P. & 0.8. N. Ca's Seamers from Hoke- xoxo will in future proceed throughout to BOMBAY, touching at heretofore at SaxeaPORU PENANG, and GALLE, also a Colomuo, Comix, CALICET, GA, and VixeOLS. For particulars, Freight and Passage, apply at the P. & O. 6. N. Co.'s Office
Hongkong, 19 October, 1847.
THE P. & O. 8. N. Company's, will from this dato undertake the conveynors of Specie from Chias, and the Straits, to Southampton, under the
conditions speelBod in their customary Bill of Lading, at 21 per cent.
JA. OLDING,– Agoni.
P. & O. B. N. Company's Office Victoria, Bist December, 1847.
will leave this for Cum-sing me on on the Jal February, calling here on
932 way up the Coas
GIBB, LIVINGSTON & -5. Canton, Jal November, 1849.
NOTICE JOHN O. WARD admited Partner in ill our House, bis Interest and Responsibility commencing on the 1st of June that.
AUGUSTINE HEARD & O Canton, 20th, July 1847.
8 hereby given that Mr JOHN THISTLETH- WAITE eased to be in our employ from be 18th day of April las past, by lupea of the term of agreement, by which he was empowered to not for us to the management of our establishment existing up to that time at Shanghai, and to sign for as there by Procuration.
B. WATERHOUSE & Co. Ningpo, 6th August, 1847.
NOTICE. DURING the absence of the adenoigned, our Bosiness to Hongkong will be conducted by Mesero Pillar Moons & Co.
Per Pra R 0BWALD & Ca. H. LIND.
Victoris, 16th August, 1847.
THE Interest and Hesponsibility of Mr WtraM
14th August, 1847.
FRANKLYN & MILNE. APOTIONERS, Comutator Aourts, WINE AND SPIRIT Merchants, Queen's flap. DOODS Bold by private sale, or Public Auction. Stored in dry and secure godowan, Jauded, or fathed, and general business tran-acted for Parties absent.
ON SALE. Shaw and Maxwell's and other Aberry,
Pust, Fine Dark oad Pale Cogues. Pale East India Alen Champagne, Hock and Madeira, Belizer Water.
Java Coffee: Belt Provisions in harrale; large
and email Cuns: Muskets; Morkel and Cannon Gunpowders; Chain Cables and Anchort: Canvas and Hope; Pine Spars, and other article.
Hongkong, January 4th, 1848
the rich Fd, Connamon ARD AUOTI PRANKLYN & MILNE have opened the rooms he ground floor of the Premies knowa an San Rpons, and will be happy to revive Goods,
to either Private Sala or Public Auction.
Vickbele, 21st January, 1848.
POR BALE. NCHORS, Chain Cabics, and Howse Pipe of A all size. An Invoice of Manila, Europe, and Patent Repa
Coffee, and Governmen: Cigura, -
4th November 1848.
FOR SALE. SALT Provisions, Flest Ham, Attack, and Brandy in Wood; Whisky, Cognac, and all kinds of Wises in Bossin
4th November 1860.
ROMAN Cement, and Window Cllers of all sizes.
Apply to,
Victoria, 3rd Augus, 1d47.
FOR sale by the undersigned.
HAWLE, DUUS & Co. Victoria, 10th January, 1848,
Coffer and is in Came For wie by JUST received ex Aurora, levoices of blauila J Cordage, from 2 inches to d joebes; danke
DRINKER, REYL & Co. Victoria, 4th January, 1848°
HANDSOME London bail l'oney carriage, UPERIOR Dark and Pala Brandy, in ha! Pipes, A&rely moderate price.
Bome Calcutta-made Forniture.--2 Bolas, and Chairs; blue and gold. Apply at the sale
8. Wersions la our Firm, cessed on the 80tb berolimo, and we have this day admitted Mr Gnasanay
Hunny Lamson se a Partage therein.
RAWLE, DUUS & Co. Hongkong. 29th Jundary, 1848,
NOW READY PUR SEA. THE Britt Brieffent order.
Register, In For particulare apply at the AvorION Martia,
GEN. DUDDELL Victoria, 10th January, 1848.
TE House and hot lately occupied by 1 Mware Mackay and Co. Apply to.
PHILLIPS, MOORE & Ca Victoria, 94th December, 1887.
TO LET. (PACIOUB Golowns and dwelling house, built of Citable and lately occupied by Meara Thos. Ripley & Co. The property in altuetad Bear the cents of the Town, (Victoria, Hongkong) and has a water frontage. Apply on the Promine,
THOMAS RIPLEY & Co, Shangbai. Hongkong, 1st July, 1848.
Our Firm now consists of Samuel Waymonu ]] Jun, WILLIAM Mooza, and Gaoxes Henar LAMION.
We also announce that we have established at Shanghai a Branch of our House, under our own will eigu the dome sliere, by Trecuratlus
Canton, 1st July, 1847,
WWE have this day admilled Mr Duncan Jas
Kay and Me Kinanan Fistavan Partners in our Firm, which will in future be carried on under the Style of THOMSON, FINLAY & Co
Liverpool, Ist July, 1847.
NOTICE THE Interest and responsibility of Mr Domoan JAMES KAY in our Firm cessed on the 30th
TURNER & Oo, June last
Victoria, Hongkong, 20th January, 1848.
JUST bege to inform the Community of Can-
Fools, to
FRANKLYN & MILNE, Auctioneers & Commission Agents, Queen's Road.
February In, 1849.
RS SMITH & BRIMELOW. are land-
Quarter Casks, and Bottle.
Sherry Wine, in Wood.
"Mickels" Wine Hitlers, in 1 duxen Cason.
Sperm Candles.
Gallego Flour.
Navy and Plot Bread.
Holter in small Kego.
Tongues in half Barrels.
Europe Rope, from 1 inch to 64 inchan
Green, Blue, Yellow, Black, and Rod Palma, in
herring from the mare Marell's Darker
Sherry, and Port: Champagnew;
6 Betrated Bevolving Pistols, in CanaR,
and Pale Cogase: Glendives Whiskey: Allsoppe, Also, Low Picos of Gine Cloths and Cam7- Boer in bois, &a. do. Which they offer formarea. Apply to, sale at molerate prices
Ne, I and 9 Wooster's Buildings,
1st February, 1848,
ES918. KMITH & BRIMELOW have re- ceived ex Anna Robertson, a quantity of Gar kell & Down's superior Hotded Beer, which they offer for sale.
Woot's Buildings,
Victoria. 28th January, 1848. FOR SALE
TOCKHOLM in Barrela; Pine Varnish is 5 Gallons Tanks; Genuine Ground while
Le too, Cornwell.
THE Building on the Queen's Rond, known as the Keying House. Also a Bungalow in Aberdem Street. Apply t
BUSH & Co.
Hongkong, Klat January, 1847.
CODOWNS TO LET, and Goods Stored on
moderate terma by.
BURD, LANGE & Co. Hongkong, 28th October, 1847.
POUR Rooms to the uppez pact of a House si inase in Wellington Termc?, D'Agullar B?vet. Apply 10,
D. LAPRAIK Victoria, 10th January, 1848.
TAVERN TO LET. THE HOUSE lately occupied by Mr AURIAM
Das il?BERTION on the Queen's Road. Pon-
i can be giren on the 18th ?nsam. Apply to,
8th November, 1847.
THE EQUITABLE INSURANCE BOCIETY OF CALOUTT?. THE Undersigned are authorised to grant Po
Las in Canton and Shanghai, pagable hero, in London, Calcutta, Madras, and Bombay
The usual return of Tan per Cent made on all Premiams contributed.
LINDSAY & Ca, Agente Equitabla Jurtrance Society. Hongkong, 17th November, 1847. IMPERIAL MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OP BOMBAY. PRE Undersigned have been appointed Agents of the sbare-ased Company, and are propsredin gram l'olicies here and at Shanghai, payable in London, Liverpool, Calevus, Bombay, and Cabin
AUGUSTINE HEARD & Co. Canton, 15th Juni, 1847.
from Hongkong to ibis pinos, where he trusis to merit their patronage,
Canton, 1st October, 1847.
(A premmat No. 1, New China &rest.)
Hongkong, 7th May, 1847.
WINES FOR BALE T the Godowns of the Undersigned;--
in 4 dosen Ches Buperior Port,
Ja Sherry, 4 do. Madeira, 3 d?, do.
Mumm's Champagos and Allsopp's Pale Ale.
BLENKIN, RAWSON & Ca Vitoria. 27th July, 1847.
N from Fence Railing 400 fest, with 4 double ved 8 fast gates; two Engine Pareo purnpe; Force nad Common pompe; abo Maroball & Boa's patent Closes
ROBERT STRACHAN. Victoria, 15th September, 1847.
THE following W?rss---
Sparkling Champaign, Hermitage,
>in Case of an each.
Pale Cognac Brandy, in do. de. Scheidam Geneva,
in do. of 1 dosen.
Beperfine Italian Salad Oil, Apple la,
Victoria, 18th July, 1840,
Very superior Uld Town, just landed ex Duke of
SMITH & BRIMELOW. Victoris, 25th January," 1818.
NOW landing from the Duke of Cornwall, Ladies
Jockey, twig, and Delving Whips; Spurs, Home Clothing, Circingalla, Girtbag Bores and Pony Martingale; Plat and Round Bridles; &c., & Apply at the Auction Mart Queen's Rand.
V?ctoria, 27th January, 1848.
BHI CHANDLERS STORES. And supplies of every description required for Biope use, an sala by the undersigned. SAILS Made and Repaired.
A large Assortment of Canvas, Bleached and Unbleached,
DRINKER, HBYL & Oa Tiongkong, 11th January, 1889.
FEW Barrels Superior Sperm Oil, ?Apply
DRINKER, HEYL & Ca Victoria, 16th January, 1848.
wall acquainted with besina, and who can Situation in a Mercantile House by a Person give good references. For particulata, apply to
Victor, 16th July, 1847.
the Edilac of the Paper.
Quality. MADAD, HINNAMS, China Shopkeeper.
Victoria, lib Jung, 1847.
Queen's Road, Victoria,
ACHOOK,-Comprador, No. 3, Imperial Hong.
ilongkong, 4th November, 1847.
LL chime against the Estate of Jann Porz, A Esq, depend, man be sent in to the un-
dersigned before the 25th day of May, 1848; otherwise they will not be included in the scheme of diriskan.
All persons indabted to the suid Estats are re
make Immediate payment to,
CHAS ST GEO CLEVERLY, Attorney for the Administratia, Victoria, 17th January, 1848,
Real Edinburgh Ale, East India Pale Ale, dec. Good dry Bronson with water frontage,
CHARLES BUCKTON, Shipping and Commission Agent Quesa's Road, Victoria, 25th Jan., 1848. VICTORIA HOTEL, SHANGHAI, OHINAquested D F. RICHARDS & C. leg to announce to the Public, that their HOTEL is now com- pleted, and that for Gavetas or Famians who may be visiting the Northern Ports sheghere &M) commodations which they think will be found su perior to any other Horzi in Chine.
BEANORAL being considered the most healthy ai- tuation in Chine, if not in the East, and also favour. ably situated, we to the frofities of Shooting and other bealthfol szergises, P. P. R. & Co would respect. fally solicit the patronage of such blizitary, Naval, and Marcantile Gentleman as may bare be sion to spend a short time in a cooler or more hatthy Climate, for the restoration of their health.
And in returning thanks for the support they have received, P. F. R. & Co. beg to say to tie Public generally, that no exertions will be spared
on their part to make the Hoki worthy of Fublic |
Bbangbai, 1st November, 1842.
ALL Parties indebted to or having claims agains
the Estate of the late Alz Wa. flanar Hims
O, are recorted to send in an account of the to the Undersigned. No clsin, against the Estate will be attended to as sent it on a be for the 25th day of March, 1648
R. JACSON. Canton, 14th October, 1847.
the Estate of the ints Me Nawwanine Kenn LL Persans indebted to, or having elnison against
Ny are requemed is forward their accounts to us,
WETMORE & Canton, Bed May, 1847.
{From the China Mail, February 3.)
His Excellency Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of British Trade. &c...
pleased to direct that the annexed Circolar (No 4) to the address of Her Majesty's Consuls in Chipa ?e published for general information.
By Order,
Victoria, Hongkong,
1st February, 1948,
Verola, Elupekoa, 1st February, 1844,
- have to noquaint you that ↑ have recviral the pemmonds of Fler hlaut Chyneisno Majesty, converdrag Vleen Palmerton, Principal Reeratury of Sium for To zeign A Shire, memetioning and cvrdrasing Ordinance No. 1 of 1867, entitled, “ Au Frilinanen for the better mic
4a of order among British oul?rom residing in or covering jo Drantne of the Emprire al Chean, and the fectaela premion and I'miskmans of Crimes committed
Whereas the Commands of Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen, conveyed through the Right Flopourable the Earl Grey, the Princ.pal Bed Mary of Sue for the Colonies have Bose repaired, ap proving of and confleming Ordinance No 4 of 1847. entitled, "An Ordinance to repeal and amend the *Ordinanes No. 1 of 1847, entitled, “An Ordi- disorders therein;-Now therefore it is hereby "nance for licensing Markets and for preventing declared that the said Ordinagos has been so approv. ed and confirmed as aforesaid..
By His Excellency's Command,
W. CAINE Colanial Secretary,
Given at Victoria, Hongkong.
this 97th day of January, 1848-bid Jan. 27.
15 by Baldah Subjects within the quid Doulalons."--||reated on persons
Writs of Capias, &c. how to be ex-
out of langkong.
Fier Bridonnie Majesty's Consul,
(True Copy.)
The sul joined note has been received by Elia Excellency Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary,de,&c., from the Imperial Commissioner respecting the zatitution of property robbed from a British subject of Hongkong, and the original bas been ordered to be published for the information of the Chloese in By Order,
Keying, High Imperial Commissioner, dr., &c., vemia che following reply to a letter of the 100-neukle Envoy, reapret. ing the place where the money for the as len property is to je prid.
Ti would appese from a report of the Elvang-ebon magis. tenis tagurding the coay payable for the soles articles that the gentry of the clan of Epong-sku?n duly bonded over 3450 Dollars, bring 1173 tsels ? ma?o nitres in weight... The bingwa Canton, in reder to be made over in Wilson, 1 the Grass Minister found on raspinotion that limonated
to the lapo inanzred by the mid Wilson. I have therefore
jam it to Casual Adecgregor, that he may recolto it and band is owe to Milon
The Imperial amant was girop to several naval appoint- men by Law..kno, Veroy of Fokica, e, and peroral other potonja uzi moda.
mampuria idei rumposting the grais sold by sugan of the mor
Tih ching, Diroster General of the Imperial Gennarios,
chants last summer at Toon-tain to Gov?rnment which it le land do not nomuspoed with dis samples, sad an elizar le reduced 10 jaquino lase 1.
miktary opgaam of which a lot in giron.
The Imperial will was given for a aqubor of Manchow
The Superor gave notice of ten placun si which he is per- samaliy giving in onorifles Ale that he will pay his respecta imecrow to the Empress Dowager. Eta has at proant changed on a whits for th.rejuokai,
A memorial le received from the Emper ?s) household as- pouncing a proant to His Mirjany, of "Pingest Wawe Bones," which, arm or servil to be handed oyse so she fruis-honan,
A number of affloors waited upon the Emperor in retara sharks, and so requeri inagressions. A member waru alas pod by the Boards, &.
A Dior of Con monies presented to His Majesty tume Malena Gom Bezji,
Board torka, for tapsizing the navy in Chak-hinng and The fperial spoont van given so the deliberations of the
Le provom,
ANNO UNDECIMO VICTORIA REGINA, Hiway Team, 1er January, 1869.
That whenever personal arrest of a party at any plots out of the Island of Hongkong, and with in the jurisdiction of the Pe preme Coun thereof, shall be December 27.—The Imperial ament was given to the rano- deemed necesary in any case, Jation of M?hchangah and the rest of the ?isneral Council, the Write or Process inning therefrom eball bet te accept of detale serris ties which ing sareclaimed divered to the Sheriff as usual; and the Sheriff shall Isus his Warment to one or more Bellis, pecially to execute the said. Writ or Process, on the party suing out such Writ or Process paying him the Costs and Expenses attending the service thereof
Acting Chief Justice.
native of Pajunes bed shred to the Viceroy
Bew-yunko. It was faced that those motivas tundo this offer to jota the empire through ontdek chediven, they being igno rench? agrlendiurn, and more-y nowking to be taken care of while danders would trim from th?m mixing up with the civil parton of the adres. These are formerly had their boundary marked by, un "warthen buffalos," and in ?ipalang's tipo a stone plita; wes cracted.
Poo-yen-tal memorialines for cestala changm of civil off- ce to which the Imperial semet is given.
Pan-yen.tal memorialinen respecting the grain for the next
Passed the Legislative Commeil of
D'ALMADA CASTRO,-Clark of Council.-Ibid. prer's (1888) supply of the attachew troops in 9, district of Hongkong, this 20th day of Jan, 1848,
New Advertisements will la renticed wat? a lock, on the menings previous to pusti ention, vit: Tuesdays and Friteus.
United States Nor.
Bombay Kadra
Nov. 94? Bylaey
Dre D
Singapore Jan. Maria
While ferenading this answer I wish you touch happiness, ! THE FRIEND OF CHIN?
To Be Kancy Hes Brimanis Majesty's Plenipotentiary, Bir John F. Davie, Bert. &c. &c. &c. Temukwang, 27'b your, 12th month, 10th day, (93-b Jany. 913, 1348) deceived 27th ins
(Tron Translation,)
Chin Errey,
(True Copy,)
His Excellency Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary, , dr.. has directed to be published the annexed Regulations, transmitted by the British Consult Funton, and spreed upon between that officer and the Chinese authorities.
By Order,
A. R. JOHNSTON. Victofia, Hongkong, 2nd February, 1849.
114. Treaty Policemen, whose names are registered at the Birlik omonlate, have been appointed to be cant attendance at the polnelpal Chardhease in Old bing Street (the Cooo-house), with the understanding and for the special carpe that on Foreigners desiring make excursions for recreation into the surrounding country, the special oflo?r as the station and the miscant imagistrate of Nun-bar ? to appoint two Policemen ard Lingala at the requisition of the Cemal to sccompany ench party, if there should be two or three, or perhaps
NOTICR-Dior Service will for the ptroot be con ducted in the labing wijoining the Post-Odios and opposite to the Club Hormon dawlage at L A., M., 47, M, and & pe 6. M.; and on Thursdays at 8 P. M. .
Victoris, Jet Fev 1848.
NOTICE-PARTERIAN CHURCH. The congrega tion, conducted for the present by the far. W. C, Beurs, will meet every Babmatu, in the Wengulas immediately be, Mid the CLyn Hausz
The bure of Dicine Service will he (1 4. 1, and ? pa Victoris, #7 December, lait
HONGKONG ICE COMPANY, Are MUSTING of the COMMITTEE of the HONG KONG ICE COMPANY. held this-day 3rd Fe bruary. 1248, it was decided that a Meeting of the 5th Instant, for the purpose of laying the se the BRAEEMOLDars should be called for Saturday counts before them and for raising Fuxus to liquidate the balance due to the Treasurere,→
And Notice is hereby given, that a Meeting of thej Banglader will be held at the Floss of Me DENT & Co., m 3 o'clock in the ufuranon, og mare of them in me day, to the respeedre places indi-Saturday the 8th lnstant, when a full attendance cated in such regulaltion" a.
particularly requested by the Commites,
Hongkong, 3rd February, 1848
Ind, On Foreigners going out, the Coral, in order to prevent mistakes, will give precious notice thereof, and State the particulars to the special offer at the Ovard bouse, who will appoint the requistio number of Police. and Light to proceed to the Pactory where, and
g the time when, their servtock may be wasted
Sr, Lf any of the Policemen should give rise to tres- bles, the special offers will, as scemion may require ex change them for others and give information thereof to
Le coral
4th, The Policemen are to recrien a deily allowance from the strict lagistrates in food and pay, aid have
light, therefore, demand the smallest entra rema perates for their services They are to be distinguished by ocial caps and dresses and by waist-badges, is viidence of th?le authority.
5th. The 'licemen and Linguists so appointed will, necompanying Forehawers by water, ge in the basis of the latter, as they might fall behind or ge astry if em- Barking in separate vacio,
????? .
th. It is expreted that the Policemen will be well treated during their attendance on Foreigners; should the former, however, be troublesome, or fall to do their duty sed to intain the laws, the l'onsul will giru information thereof to the special feer on the Brailon, who wide- tously dismiss them and substituto others in their places *Tib, The Policemen and Linguists employed upon service, amike especially instructed by the local autho Listes that Foreigners are valided in roam in the inding country to such distance. may be trasessed either by land or by water in one day out and howa ; that fe is lawful for them to shoot game in places apart from ?ha villages, and to fish in the rivers and ranalag waters: but that their entering the vileges and other inhabited places be carefully avoided for the perseni
aub, in order to prevent misunderstanding and dis patos, the Pollerves and Lingalain, as well as the persons Availing themselves of the services, are to be furnished, the former by the local authorities, and the letter by the Casal, with printed copies of the present Regulailene, which are to take fact on the 18th February best, c gesponding with the 13th day of the Gral kliese mo
F. MACOREGOR, ? Her Britanie Majesty's Consul, Canton, the 26th January, 1918, ||
(True Copy,)
7, F. Daria.
(Continued fum Ng. 10.)
December 23, 1847 —The (onzorial mourns in given to a memorial from "Yih skan | which he to shas ?? noo l the most muitable place for a dep?t ka receiving supplies for the war in Yurkan & that there 109,00 Tarle ould be provided ; and that E'es would med 80,000 Terin, Woslass province being up the amount to 690 919 Trek, bal ikai ma-1- 90,069 Tuels, and the scence from Ran-sab vous suma would be regainite Fe buying grain, horses, and amen, he would avail of the surpim of fermer pouro in the Abe Treaty to pay the troops wall desimancas
Bomber 3-Na-mehkingah, Governor of Shah los me morialine for the denuo v? thi Tressure in office for the saintba fards in arranga nocas unfiniswed beere, to which the fmperial ament is pres
Lab-desen, Governor of foo.nan, mortaligon, for che degradation of excule ilimry officers for carelessness in begiacting ana delaying to salsa robbum,
shungan, Governor of Howen, for the degradation of cut
The Imperial amount was given in a memorial from 06.
few having been broken isse by robbers, and money he siell and millary offre un sacomet of one of the pable of Going to spwards of 9000 ta?la plandated.
Wowa.yung, Guvernor of Kieng yon, memorialiose re- garding the many borrowed frwon the Revenue in tepkir em- lankmonu in that province, and which during succe your has socomulsied to 944,973 (aola. This men the Kas patur graciously vem?m che payment of, in order to voleva che people. (Elo ?sa dostalou found la impossible to get si peld.)
The Imperial event was given to a memorial frees one of the Core who stalen that robber have been coming press depredations in Shantung province, and the offers of Determinent have been most culpably tolering One (unlucky) Intendant of Chironit sold the people in a procia. mmation not be such the ranks of the robbien when they came upon them, kui murely se baat the gongs, and when the ubber bags to retire, then to parses and capture them What (it looked) dose be mean by this Elis objecte ure surely strange and laexposable. Efe and a number more aco ordered to be degraded.”
Law, howly paslased Judicial Conemirnimmer of Shan. tung, la sedemd se precsed in haste without appearing at the coal. The Judge of Sheance will wet fur hins pru, sem
A wurmodal was persenied respecting the planting of "**- pent winding wees.” The cutron/mamo sen ordered to on lesi a proper alte, and to chor?e ? luck date so plout them. The memperinius in agdotad so attend respectfully is the plant., Bavernor of Klang-apa memorialines and the Experiente in the removal from thai province of of the dieter Magigurane, on requant of his being com-in-law of an qutendant of Cironet in the same province, and thin ol. though bidden by law, loss is abecil impede public basinges in signed to cr?mnigafo banished to that provis.
rewards and promotion. Leveral office of the Imperial Body Guard are unmed
& memorial from, Viceroy of Fukien, Mo., 10- wpecting valension of tertiary in Formosa, la ardeind to be er?simed (for Impecial perval).
Tomorrow after bivakhet kila Majesty will pay bis re- spe?? t? the Bjugrass Damager,
A weary Chanceller was ordered to be sent us the lat par?al boumbold (in exnizing the many of the member)
A number of officers were presented to His Majesty, and geyoral, sto nuaged who returned thanka, ko., ko."
(The Continet.)
ing, and therefore sought to undermine the chur acter and reputation of an upright Judge by chag ing gross acle of intemperance to his door. The Friend of China states that the malicious feeling Bir John Davis has shewn towards Judge Hulme took lia origin from the latter's award in kir Compton's ense. Here our contemporary mistakes cause for effect. The ill feeling had a prior origin, and time has ripened personal dislike into comfim- ed hatred and detectation-an unhappy Male af mind which overlooks the beapons ul menna in the desire to gain a successful
1. Bir Juba (theo Mr) Davis and Chief Justica Hulme were fellow Traveller overland. On arrival at Sues, they both embarked on board one of the H. C. Steamers (Memory has let slip the name) and proceeded to | Bombay. Sir John Deria when on board the Bomer authoritatively and in a rude manner in sisted on a supposed right of procedence na Gurer. nor of Hongkong ( position then held defecte and de jure by Sir Henry Pottinger.) he obvious dif ferenes between one already a chief justice and one about to become governor of a colony needed not two words of argument. Bir Juka Doris' santy was touched to the quick, friendship no longer sub sisted between them; the Chief Jaefice and the about to be Governor of Hongkong quitted Bom bay for China by separate vranela
Ever since Chief Justice Hulme's advent at Hongkong, the Governor has pursued a course of petty spise and namoyanen; in his private correspondence with the Home governmeal be has deak in inuendos against the Chief Justice which were dlaregarded or rented with the contempt they merited. Failing by dark insinuations to destroy the Judge's reputation, Ble John Davis bad recourse to starling averments, and a commission consisting of Sir John Davis' hi dependents Major Caine and Me Johnstons (Major. General Aguilar protesting against the proceed inga wa tofo) is appointed to try the Judge ca charges, specific and General fur drunkenness. I vage Tittle for the morality of the nineteenth century if the Sager of scorn does not point to Sir Joba Davis an a secret sassin who to support his w vanity bas sought by insinuations to blast the char acter of so sacred a officer so that of a Judge of Her Majesty's High Coun of Justice,
(From the Straits Times, Deo. [1.) ?AN TAKSH TYINon me?-From the China extracts copied in last Wednesday's Straits Times, it will be even that a commission was engaged at longkong to enquire into the sobriety of Chief Justice Bulme; the Governor of Hongkong, Sir freniery ventured to charge Her Majesty? J?dga John Davis, having with the most unblushing a with Sabitual drunkenness. Before offering any remarks on ble Star Chamber commision, we give the following sequence, suplained a private letter dated llongong November 29th: The prose cution of Chief Joice Hulme is making great ex- client. The evidence for the prosecution took two days, that for the defence one: but to the astonishment of every one the court is again to vi -morrow (20th)-for what purpo no one can tell. On Wednesday (December 10l) the Supreme Courlough to open, but it is possible that Daria to which he is a party, imprimis: that of the a may quepand the Judge, so there are several chore
being understood that Lieutenant Bargent became mult on the Editor of the Hongkong Register, it un informer at the request of the Goversor: the
The Imperial will was given for certain Mansheria civil one so that Davis cannot stand be.
39 appointmenin,
The Viceroy of Klang.aan Loo-sing-7000, and Governor of King Lat-kien-ying, sin moralise sunding the t-naps by sa to Train, of the grainian of
Iween Bargent and the award of a jury. There are two case aglot the Chief magluluto in which the damages are laid at dollars 28,000, Davie la again concerned, the magistrale baving acted under his orders. An appeal under the summary jurisdic, Bangklang fun, and Talag chow which stien also places the rongistrate la an awkward posi uposed of a million of sinaas?n,ight (enak
lo 1890, be atat a chat upeer la of 1,600 mm d Fb.)
tampared by ferm Bhangbai to Te
A un cher of officem are stunnersand who went
tion. A prosecution involving the reputation of up. Itongkong affairs bave certainly code to a one of our magistraton, it in alag desirable to hush
to the Emperor and a number mare waited spas him to re- | crisis,"
torn thanks and get instructions.
M?chers omvislium, magnding the transit of
After thoughtfully perusing the above ataching
grai: by son, whial document in opfered to be separamlynouncements, the enquiry is forced upon our recarded.
By His Excellency Sir John Francis Davis, Bart, Gorrian and Commander in Chief of the Cokay of Hongkong and is. Dependencies, and Vice-Adin
aniral of the same, Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary ad Chief Superintendent of the Trade of British Subject in China.
attention can these things bet Truth, stranger than fiction, elimu thene sa ber own. The charge
list of names of civil and military cificera appointed of drunkenness was Arsi bronched in a private letter med.
to Lord Palmerston after the decision of Chief Justice Hulme in the Compton case, in which the judgment of Sir John Davis was reversed. The Hongkong Governor could got brook the thwart.
December 26.--Tihang, General is Bloakden, mecan. rialcano regnding the dangerous mase of some Gia-aeng pro- decing dica
At Clapham on the 8th October, Lleutepani T Mar 18th Rugaf Irish to Emily Branr.
kasing demod it advisable la mucks some slight alterations in the programs, — the fellow,
· bag (s the spended list for the forthcoming Races.
Monday, Ttg Fegzuary, 1849.
The Hong-pai chung Bakes, for all Ponics undre 18 bands. One taile Entrance $3 each with ......$30 added from the Fund. Weight for inches na peracal Former Winner ofthis Race excluded. The Plenipotentiary's Cup, prevented by Hb Ex celkncy Sir John Francis Davis, Baronet, value $200, for all Horses. Cas mile and three ques tera. Weight 10 stone 7 be. Bydney and Caps bred Horses to carry 1 mone 7 lbs. extra Fin trua?e $10 each. Eecond Horse to save bin Stake.
The Valley Makes, for all Ponies 13 hands 2 inches and undur. Do mile. Entrance #2 ench with $40 added from the Fund Weight for inches an por acale. The Winner ufibe Valley Sinkes latt year to carry 7 lba, extra,
The Arab Welter Bakes. One mile and a half, Entrance $6 each with 980 added from the Fund Weight 11 ove
The Hack Stakes, for alt Ponies Cach weight
Ose mile. The Winner to be sold for 850 it claimed within a quarter of an hour from coming jo. Entrances, with 30 added from the Fund.
The Sydney Stokes, for all Horse. Araba exceph od. Two milen. Entrance $10 each with $100 added from the Fund. Weight 10 stone 7 lbs, The Winner of the Penipotentiary's Cup to carye 7 be, extra. Second Horse to save bis Suke,"
FRnuary, 1848.
The Pony Welber Stakes, for all Ponies. One milo and a half Weight 10 stone 7 lbs. for Ponies 18 hands and under. 11 stone for Ponies bore 13 hands. Entrance 61 wch with 950 added from the Fund.
The Ganian Cup, valos $150 for all Horses. Ons mile and a half hou. Weights [ atone for Arabs. 1 I stone for Rydney Horses. The Winner of the Plenipotentiary's Cup to carry 7 lbs, extra Entrance $5 each.
The Victoria Plate, vulas 680, for all Ponies. Ona mile and a ball Weight 9 mone 7 lbs The Winner of the Valley Blakes to carry 7 the extra, and the Winder of the Victoria Plate last year
to carry 10 lbs, extre. Entrance $3 ouch.
The Scurry Brakes, for all Ponics. Catch weights. Half mile. Entrance 61 each with 930 added from the Fund. Becond to receive $5 from the Fund, and third Itors to save his Blake.
The Gallay Stakes, for all Horses under 14 banda 2 inches. Arabe excepted. One mile and a half Entrance $8 each with $50 added from the Fund. Weight 10 stone.
WONDAY, 9Tu Fennvant, 1840,
The Hunters Plots, value 880, for all Horses. One mile and a half Four Hurdles 4 feet high, and Two Hurdles 4 feet 6 inches high Weighis fut inches as per scale. Entrance 5 each.
The Pony Hurdle Race, for all Ponies. One mile
and a ball Four Hurdles 8 feet high, and Te
Hurdles 3 feet 8 inches bigh Weight for inches
at scale. Entrance El sach with 10 added from the Fund. Second Pony to receive $10 free the Fund
The Arab Stokes, for all Araba Two miles Weight 9 one 7 be. Entrance $10 each with $100 added from the Fund. The Winner of the Cup to carry 7 lbs. extra. Second Horse to save bin Suke.
The Ladies' Parar, vulos 950, for all Posies. Winners at this meeting excepted. Entrance free. Chich weights.
Tha Native's Purot, value $20, for all Ponies. In-
dias and Chloss Riders
Ove mile. Catch wrights.
Total per last Statement.
Dec. 11 Queen
The Hongkong Steeple Chase, for all Pools. Catch the course opposite the Grand Stand to draw for their weights. Ground to be named by the Bawards respective places, and not to go down to the Starting one hour before the time of staning. Entrance Point oil led by the Steward appointed to start them.
1 sach with $30 added from the Fund.
RULES AND REGULATIONS. Entrances to be declared on or before 15th
wuary, 1848,
After each race, the Horses passing the Winning Port to return in the Judge's Brand and the Rifer declared to be first to be weighel. Any Jockey Jadismounting before hie tarn, or before being called upon to be weighed lees his claim to be placed ao the Winner.
Races to commence punctually at 2 o'clock v. m. The Best Saddling Bell to be rung at p. 1 1.36, A quarter of an hour allowed between each race.
Upon such anddling bell being rung all Horses to run for the next Rase immediately to rendezvous on
All disputes es lo Entrances and Qualification of Horses to be declared in wrking before the next Race commences, or no right of appeal allowed.
No Horse allowed to run whose Entrance face are not paid op to the ferretury.
decision is fical.
All Disputes to be referred to the Stewards whose
Qualification of Riders as at former meetings.
18 14
heads 3 in., 10
12 hands 0 in.,
and upwards
Bydary and Cape Horses Extre.
Old England
Berated Coper
Bored Borry | Orange ????
Or.Pek 25,831,243 79,370 609,828 212,52160,001 64,205 493,215|| 015,103 28,145,681 174,900
417,200 857,044
Hyeon Bikin
$5 Walion.. Liverpool
99 Hebrides.
21,300 18,800 4.200 1,700 37,610,009 70,370 331,128 001,421 269,490 88,90 299,916
29,000 671,403| 684,903 30,031,696 178,496
6.171 29,200
Liverpool. London Liverpool.
853,900 21,100
10,900 7,400
6,696 4,163 32,600 13,000 116501,023 916,577 230,451 830,520 2,438,015,44,48 1,85)|14,816
Imperial Gespoeder 110 21,128 679,914318,956 785,963 2,295,930,30,441 6714,119
1,000 1,500 410,000 10,184 20,77259) 705 6,478 15,907? ? 280,229, 27,900 102,700 774,100
300 19,200
118,400) 761,600
Total from to July to Stat Dec, 1847
ha 15 Emma.
1848. |_
19 Euphratre.
67,500 3,000 21,400 92,400 579.000 16,00 247,700 50,500 222,800 706,500 895,90
21,400 84,000 114,400 806,200 116 137,025 1,231,773 214,881|1,184,220 9,846,315,34.505 751|14,815
Tool from 1st July 1847 to date in 67 Shine 28,656,80% 79.870 733.720 308,821 169.490 (24,106,953,215 1,001,903 31,460, 496 | 197,926 From 1st July to 31st Jan, 1846 47 season
lo 09 Sblpe 28,238,671 29 449274,290 817.142206,616481,478 146,470'1,157.000 31,819,762 852.949 24,814813.047 1,350,927 416,897 1,074,719 4,041,453 35,390,275 15,774 ||39 309,197 1.411,197 84 8409?N,1472 030,009472,777 1,333,810,5,860,19537,989,89212,213 32,692,084 1.802.31|| 88,98-040,842 1,169,971 5 12,830 1,081,9626 116.31447,704,974
399,306 1,103.3227151,001,8162,981,01 € 22,162,72710,611
1,176 690 1.858,602709,723543,801 1,499,681 1,002,149 ? ? ? ? ?~73.66× 120,179997.998
1845-16 to 77 Shipei26,717,800| 1844-45 in 66 Rbipe [8.993.047) 16 London JulJoly 1847 to date in 39 Ships | 7.735.288 15.70 164,300 279,83327,17) 124,103, 186.116|| 691,50?19,515054 176,408|| Fame period 1846-47 in 49 Bbige -19,029.927 7,749 2.876 701.094184,896458,402135,203 816,4320,882,780 746.741 18,93284.897 1,154,4371,121 960,4133,549,087 24,075,867 9.71
22 Ships 8,178,071 21,700214.1937 29,483 48,013 25,790 370, 100), 5,930,642
21,617 Bame period 1848-47 lo 18 Bbipe 6,77.914 37,260 109,741 21,720
116 23,516 105,349 34,502 154,612 330,842 9206,424 4,-15 225,167 6 909 pse OUT PORTE, do.
81,708 7,884 21,454 197,057 44,110 105,131 458,854 7,865,906 8,041 6 Ships 2,644,500| 13,900|| 34,500)
33.600 KOVALANG Some period 1846-37 in 9 Sbipe......................... 8.727.839
7.700 83,016 10.973 197,310 8,807,918
11,100 2,300 2,700
48,800 4,786,0xU 25,BOU From Cantor, let July to date ?n (@shipo21,288.017|| 79.370,788,729 908;2:31A04,201, 112, 185 2183,915|1,001,903,24,178,530–144,020
3,100 7,395 1,466 2,976
40,822) 3.938,400) From Sutananar do in 21 Ships * 7,270,192|
474X477 15) 105271,1211,028,549,3,001,170,27,176,60% 1,657 7,287.309 53,906 116 21,448 80,672 44,231 140,572 312,045 7,429,14-18,158
28.594 6.717!
6,289 +1692
From Shanghai,
Season 1843-1840..
Tutal from 1st July 19 20th December 1747|||||1,089,69)| Nor, ***P|Naviguior Dec. 27 Heber
27 Woh
13 Muntak
2 Natebra
20 Saronville
In July 19 31st January (947......................
Statesman | Swallow Osprey to can dunia Landon
Imperial Gunpowder Tutal Green Total Experi
854,048, 1,253,700 14,235,825| 16,602,092 988,836 1,307,017| 14,887,992| 18,486,287
to date 1840-47
Pouchong Onlong Copar
Bouchous 9,061,180
Orange al Black Pakce
Twankay and
946,378, 220,294
872.746 685.098|
120,398 "173 880!
FROM Jst T60,267 392,021) 8J_No64||
Hyson Skin 4,208,287 1,668,776 4.499,905 2.770 706/ JULY 1947 TO 2011 JANUARY 1848.
Young Hyson
905,660 8.633,781,
751,218 8.872,141|
989 118*
Now Yah
9,638,02No 70 675
29.800 58,586
$19 881
350,2 IM 412,995||||6,746,849|||||9,074,078
66,839 464,081
606,803 806,389 501,389 28,013 453,815
$15,703 14,098 419,082 462,626 68,770 811,702
29,770 88,680 409,621
|219,915|| 429,194||29,944
802,683 516,293||
3,654 70,080
10910 2,704638 **** 559,049
500,42%|| 6,044 98M
1,181,254|||| 12,706,892
F6,927||||1.850,586||||||318,011 "374,319′′ 4,816.012
1,280.010] TuTon SF2
1 July
to 91st Oct.
Bch Doc.
to Sydney to Sydney to Sydney Diemens land to Molborne
4th Nov. 0th Nov. 63,700 77,800 30,400
15th Dec. 15th Dec.
Blair to Sydney to Sydney to Sydney 15th Dec. | 18th Dec. 24th Dec.
Tated 1st
to Sydney July 1847 some period
16th Jan.
88,000 10,944
"10,504 500 pakages
M1,785 770,186
particulare unknowa
22 940
280,200 1,780,050|
: asu
8,918 28,138
309,700 248.700 43,700
1,200 139,100
800 9,000 17,992 49,800 835,000) * 1,456,287|||||2,000,615
Can you Souchong
Flowery Pekan
Barts Or. Pekoo
Total Black Trankay Hyon Shin Hyson
Imperial Gunpowder Total Given Tatal
eason 1868–47,
To Holland...
To Franca......
To the Hanaatio Towns....
41,800 2,880,440 135,850
14,300 664,300
1800 1845-10,
13 600
174,000, 268,180 191,420
$1,650 76,400 12,760 17,000 18,650 187,650 66,100 1,063,970
$4,700 524,100 3,054,510
407,270 134,000
To Sweden.
To the Hanseatin Towns.
30,600 1,500,000
3,050 9,000
51,300 737,572
87,8 0
84.210 1,066,910
39,000 4,530 1,607,400||1492030)|||||14,196
7.800 201,640
596,410 70,370 163,940
116,100) – 3,497,19
211 050
160,070 1,405,342-|
Congod Caper
Rowchong Jon Skin Iron
Twunkay mperial Compowder
aal Expun....
To Holland
To France..
oal Expert.
.14 G Bosch Rotterdam 180.100
No 20 K. von Preuren, Hamba.
FROM I JULY 1847 TO 204■ JANUARY 1848.
11438 400,500
4 173
from In July to date..........
l to the Continent of prope
47.837 4.900
896,999 77.781
10.998 18,929 22,515
1.400 6,800
103.385 52,970
27,669 8,000
13,570 40,146
14,880! 16,785 7,763
25 652
88 824
98.481 66.132
16 728
4,830 100,503 209,978
17,590 22,990
122,146 6,700
3,200 26,000
84858 36,110 266,138
287.125 45,403
c. 13 Nicolas Cizard Haven,
10 D. Trouin
11843 ..........
128 99
Bengal Medras | American Shanghai | Total
226 089
2 500
61 808
247 682
87 388
88 087
180 523
26 448 1.412
197,610 111.401
Bombay Bengal Madras |American|Shanghai
209,068 101,695 30.956 31.77 noas $90.102 185,435 86,041 55 868 2001.300 231,610 29,045 63,040 842,200 229.198 46,196 56,564 932 186 188 719. 31.709 60,181) 980.698 905.958 18,371 32.108 2.898 15.509 20511 949
Bombay Bengal | Madras American (Shanghai)
aa 596
62 824
20 230
DO 872
278 687
258 699
4 667
162 800
68 9071
1840 ********
139 766
€ 192.
Commisariat Hongkong, 4th February, 1818,
NOTICE, is hereby given that the undersigned will dispose of Bills on the Lords Commie sioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, and on the Governor-General of India, nt 30 days sight, to the extent that may be required for the public service. en the ferma most fargurable to Cloveroment that may be proposed. Tenders for this purpose will be ?carlved every Monday until further notion.
F. & CARPENTER. Dept Assist, Commist Genl.
TO BE LET. FURNISHED, or otherwise from 1st March neat, the 11OUSE in Queen's Road, presently occupied by Colonel 2211, 95th Regiment. Apply next door on the premises.
Victoria, 4th February, 1949.
A Tracon Tascuss.—A letter from Constantinople, in the Daily News contalna the following — Pers, one of the mota mattonalitiet pressie Ntile towar la Europa, became the son of an evou: as full of surful semeat and dramacie exeicosant
Candace, barqve
[Whampoa | 304kander
Hell and ou
Lovell and co
VOL VIL No. 12.
Charly moro.
David Paddach, ship Jaskan Busan, ship
fagkong 359, Iwain
Uriaker, Hey) and on.
Plymouth, ship
700 oddard 425 Edwards
Oath and se.
Bush and De
J. M. Bull.
Kensington, ship Masevi, ship Samuel Ramil, abip
300 Cale
43 Dese
Hamel and co
Astia, Lie
Shanghai 595
Watmare and en
376 French
Komel and oo.
106) Jarvis
Hell and
flongkang 300
Bush and co.
950 Nitra 9:30 Vital 350 Carvalho
J. F. d'Oliveira,
1. M. de Jun
Congress, e
Coquema, barque Dart, schooner Anglour, schoonm
Do letno, brig Petrorols. Marquis of Hastings, barqu N. 8. de Lan, brig Tremolcs, barque
416 Press
150 Porlar
to any to be found in the seguo of George Baud or Jilms Jan?m. As for ourselvas, VA can only relate the simple isem, without any of the graceful drapery and other ar that additions widen they might rece to from alder hands, Madeinolalle Marie... was the daughter of a m?s?tky French tradesmen i she was possssand of accomplish- mento superior to her station, and afbounty tom oven here, where lovelinean la woman is so common. Like Bams, in the ballad, she had many suitors, and on one ber silenciosa finally settled. Ile was, however, mything but the “pride of ewalun;" shallow-hearted, woribles erature, the life and soul of the grassy frequenters of the caf?s and wine-shop, for whose amumuent be would aften read the latters which, during their courtship, he received from the poor girl. The father and mother of Merle were very naturally opposed to her marrying with such a stump; but with the perversity of her sex, this only caused her so love hits the more. Amongst the many who sued for her hand, there was one particularly favoured by the parents, sad whe. notwithstanding the repulsos ho received froin the giel, still continued his attentions. shameful revelations were male. On the trial Marie's lover showed his true character This man and Mario's lover wet and fought, and a law sult followed, when the mos Cards be could shut ber eyes no longer to his defects In parting with the lil which she had so long cherished her heart brake, and from that day Curth she pined away. Her parents, who ought to have comforted her in ber sorrow,loaded her with reproach- a, and even suljertad her to arual, persecutions. She was weary of life; and though | she felt that death was coming to her relief, she thought his approach too slow. That suitor favoured by her parenta still continued bie adilremen, but without enceom. ↑ That Marle should marry him her father and mother were determined, either bas cause he was wealthy, or because they thought li might remove any slur thronu on the girl's character by the aventa” of the trial. An, however, she showed no Symptoms of yielding, it was agreed on by these creet people that he should woolly, torcha
da Mirabeau. – “With the presents" ascent, therefore, be concealed himself in Marie's sleeping-room, and when the dying girl retired there at night he effected bar ruin, and then withdrew, So far, the plot succeded. Hat what the mothag nama In the morning to reuse her victim Mario was dred. Though Marie felt she had
Bomanje Hommu?n?, ship |Hongkong|1866|Conjas not long to live, she could not endure dishonour, even for so short a peried. Fort Willem, ship
Sta ful of some such catastroplus, the bad already possessed herself of anmie, and when|| Jaka Burr, ship ber ravisbar left ber she swallowed the pole?n and so put an end to her sorrows and ber shame. The foregoing circumstance is at present moment the subject of an in- quiry at thosFrench embany, but the result kid not yet, tzsuspired.”
MARINE LOT No. 12, ritualed on the
fa MARINE Victoria, with the Buildings thereon, at present in pomesalon of the undersigned.
Also, the allotment of Land, and Buildings at Shanghai, known as the Niz-unu Properly.
For Plath, and fall pasticulars, spply to,
HOLLIDAY, WISE & Cu Canton, 2nd February, 1848.
VERY supine Port, Sherry, Madeira, und Cla
in bottle
Madeira, in pipes and bogabends, from the Houst of Score Paxsold & Ca, Madeira. Apply at gudowne of
BELL & Co.
Hongkong, Sed February, 1848,
Commimasist Hongkong. Victoria, 1st February, 1949, CEALED Tenders, the rates to be exorted in Sterling will in received at this Offler until Tuesday the 8th Instant al nons for the supply of
7,000 Cubic Feet of Manila Timber,
for the Barvice of the Royal Engineer Department.
F. 8. CARPENTER, Dept. Amist Commist Gen)
THE findersigned has juw treeired from Lond
an Invoice of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Dress and Winter Gloves; Silk, Cotton, and Woullen Rocks Scotch Cambric Handkerchieft: Neck Ties; Ehete Braces ; Merino and Gouse Singlets ? ? Black and Blue Cloth Caps; Towelling, &c.
Queen's Road, Hat February, 1848.
?, Joshua Bater (Am.), Stoddard, from New York 11th October.
1, Away Packs, Neal, from Amoy 30th January.
3. Privatar, Bellamy, from Cumaingmoon,
5. Dos Hermanor (Spanish), Bakulo, from Macao.
4, Chieflain, Robertson, from Whampo
4, Rob Roy, Francis, from Whampes,
1. Omega, Anderson, Cumeing moon.
2 H. Bloop Nemd, Commander Loring, Amoy and Foochow
9, Mirra. Clineb, Londua.
9 Sir Edward Ryan, Triggs, Mueno.
2. Hashemy, Rose, Singapore and Madron.
LER R. RUTHERFORD has just received an? Jan, Motor Betref he
Co. consisting of Cheese; Home; Pickles; Sauces; Mustard; Zante Currani; Binom raisina; Vlun- gar Anchery and Herring Puder ; (lorne radish ; Red Herrings: Pickled oz Tongues; L?ndenh.l? Beef &c, &c.
Fancy Biscuits consisting of Abernethy, Ginger, Mixed, Captains, Presburg, Spice Nots do.
Queen's Road, 101 February, 1818.
MRC. MACKWICK, Auctioneer &c. lege to
inform his Friends and the Pablic, that he
hna removed his Auction and Commission Rooms, to next door Menu Stockaz and Co. Queen's
Victoria 1st February, 1849.
On Monday, tan 7ra or Funnvart, 1948. NO: SMITH will sell by PUBLIC AUCTION, the whole of the raleable Household Furniture ; Plate and Platedwater Wineaned Laquars: Piano; Gloss and Crockery-kar#; l'rints, and other As ticles, already advertised, belonging to A. A. DR MELLO, Esq. Particulars will appear in Hands bille, prior to the day of the Sale.
The Furniture, &c. may be inspected from the Bih proximo.
The Bale being during the Chinese New year festival, when mercamile transactions are general. ly suspended for a while—and after the Mail and the Hongkong Races-offers a favourable oppor tunity to those at Canton and Hongkong, who may
be desirous of amending the sale, and perkaps spending a few days in Macao.
Murr?, 29th Junoncy, 1818.
Once of Ordnance,
Hongkong, 18th January, 1848.
NOTICE in hereby given that Bealed Tenders
IN will be rectived at this Office by the Raspu e-
ure Officer of the Ordnance until the 14th day
of February next from such Persona as may be
willing to contract for the following Bervices, from
the bat April 1848 to 31s March 1840:
Washing and repairing Barrack and Separate
Repairing Barrack, Forniture and
Hospital Bedding....
Bweeping Chimie
Emplying Privion
Removing Asbes
Ligbung Lampe
2. Denia, King, East Col
2, Good Success, Hunt, Whampoa.
2 Shepherdess, Simpson, Whampoa.
8, Colder, Lagao, Bristol
8. Julian (Hawaiian), Moran, South San fslands,
Privateer, Bellamy, Cumsing moon and Canton,
4, Audas, Bullivan, dingapore and Calcutta.
25, Australia, Harrison, London 31, Argyle (Ain.), Cooksey, New York.
Per 11. M. Bloop Scout,—Mrs Cousal Layion.
(M. Ship Dindalus
Brig Columbine Bloop Brow
U. Hamer Plo
H. M. Rog falidam
Brig Explegie
Her inden
Ship Allgoo
..Bhip Mindes
[Hongkong || Te Game |Whampoa || 11 Foose 1
|||Goal Casi
U.C. M. 8. La Deponi Hongkong um
Any Packet, echoamer
Auss Robertson, barque Chieftain, barque Cordele, ship
Coral, amer
liked Queen, schooner Joseph Somas, ship Limbat, brig
Mariect, p
Myaram Dyaram, akip Norman Morrison, p Fadhlinder, banque
Purable, brig
Red Raver, barque
Rob Hey, barque
Young Hobs, neover
Beulah, ship
Brahmin, ship
Christabel, barges
Duke of Cornwall, ship
Portitude, ship
Good Boccem, skip
Juba Flaming, ohup
Margin of Bata, ship
Mary Danpayne, bergue
Menzies, ap
Rokeby, barque
Royal Albert, ship
Shepherd, bargus
Thomas Fielden, "barque 'Thomes Elorry, barque Torrington, sebeonse
|Captam P. Moljubne. Commander Grey,
Commander W. Loring.
d. F. Lavior, schooner
Laurens Ewser, barque Leograit, barges Plades, barque
Mary, archa Aan, Lercha
(Bere Ships)
163 Sa?atawichy
|Mongkong || 500 Klida 250 Tri Hecto
longkong 44H
35 Poich Amay 1900 wall
Amizade (Fortigosm), brig|Cam'mnon 355 Eadiests, 3. | Falom, kap
Embelle Roberto, bargas
Eygels, barque
Lady liares, berque
Lys, brig
Royal Exchange, brig
Ruparell, barque
Agic, schooner
Sex Floco, brig
Warlock, big
Anonyms, leg
Lord Ambart, skip
Mahmooder, barque
Kayalet, schoons Aurora, schooner Harlequin, brig Louim, barque
Anita, rig
Vizen, scheener
Amazon, ship
Black Dog, upbeanas
Homer (Anuriosa), achooner
Clown, brig
Corsair, brig
Uide, choseer
Baily June, ship
Fulkstens, ship
Mandru, barque
Sope, brig
Thang owner
14 dem Hinghon, brig
WIV. barque
Lela, schovat
Ternate, burque
97) Jan
375 Langley
| 916|tfaday"
155 mon
18 All
917 Wo
137 Mean
14) Browning
Rast Con 104| --- --- Chloeber|| 995) Cord
#7 Wo
Wong 44: atly
170 D10 15-
1440Base 17 Comalja Wis
IG Sadou, W.
SIG Ready
979 Printman
Aguados Heard and on,
Lugo Margoes.
B. Carpaira
Desi sada.
J. M. B. You Base).
J. M. B. Vas Bat
Rawls, Dam and on
*Bowl. Duse and on. [Rawle, Danas sad so.
Sardine, Mathesond
A.Olag, P.&O.Com, Age, Dear and co
BJR wesli and co.
Jardine, Matheson and es
Burrow and on.
D. Beton Bean and on.
Augurdne Hoard and on
Gilman and on.
.&M. Rustomjee and ca
Lindasy and co.
P. F. Case and oo.
Protonino Franjoo Come and Deat and so.
Jardins, Matheson and es.
Deat and so,
Jarilao, Machon
Capin Mil
Te, Muir and co.
Jaldinu, Maiksoon and co Deat and on,
Dent and to.
Jardine, Math and ca
Macricur and
U. Barn Boas sad.
Geo. F. Haberta, a.
P. & D. N. Cama and on
D. & M Karamjee sad co
Furner and co
Usal and co
Hardian, Alison and co Consejos Baypo?ap Langrak, Augustine Heard and co
umer and on
Handmy and wa
Jardes, Mashears and on, Dent and co.
FOR LOKDAN,- 55'kampos,—Marquis of Bute, Russell & Ca
Mary Bannatyne, Dent & Co.
Menzies, Robyly,
. Khanghai, ---- AND. Hongheng-Chief
Saina lumell, Shanghai,--Anstey, Hongkong-Joseph Somes, 11 Aampos-Shepherds, Atecas-Lanrick,
CALCUTTA, Hongkong-Red Rover,
Rob Hoy, Norman Morrison, Mecan-Looprun,
N. &. da Luz,
Hongkong,-Young Hebe,
Nye, Parkin & Co. Kennedy, Macgregor & Ca Jardins, Mathesou & l'o Bleski, Raw & Ca Russell & Co. Russell & Co. Wetmore & Co. Holliday. Wise & Co. Hush & Co (immediately.) Jardins, Mulieron de l'?i Jardine, Matheson & Co. Boustead & Co. Jardine, Matheson & Ca JM. 8. Von Basel. J. M de Jesus.
B. E. Caneiro.
Laurengo Marques.
Get-Comding 0.7.Airy,..
Commander J.V. Piumam.
Commander T. P. 7 hompson.
Commander 7, 11, Davi Juette Barkir,
8. P. Xavier,
31. of Hastings,
J. F. d'Olivella.
ender La Graziers.
J. Cockerell
A Tod Altern
|Hongkong | 246|Neala
44T M
So Robermon
| 450||Reynoldo
Morrow and on.
Raulo, Dom za? sa.
Blankin, Rawson and en,
Bosh & Co.
Dos Hermanor, Alyaram yaranm, Rosimjee & Co. (to-day) Moono,--Alligator,
Rawie, Duus & Co. Jardine, Matheson & Co.
September 21, Boreas.
November 13, John Cooper, 659. Were, Hongkong. Loading on the 24th November.—Quses, and Humayoon.
3. Constant, 500, Homery, Hongkong.
15, Aden, 333, Micheal, Hongkong.
Gibb, Livingston and c
A F. Stable
Holliday, Wiss and ca
Gerege Duddell
9, Jane Prowes, 208, Nichole, Shanghai,
Lent and
790 Feddicumbeband co
Jardin, Meihoren und en
18, Euphrates, 429, Lucas, Shanghai,
Derie, Calvert and on.
I, Jone,-
Turuar and cu
19, Horatio, -, Canton.
Jurdine, Matheson and on.
Bouired and on.
28, Lerpent, 614, Towling, Shangbai.
J. Cockerel.
28, Elleralie, 230, Pegan, Shanghai.
30, Mais, 315, Turpin.
Flescher and en
Henderson, Wasson and on.
J. Miller
$53 Franela
|Whampoa] 574|Struber
560 jy kiehood
#06 Hom
Six Bannatyne
indeer and co.
Kennedy, Mincrage and c
Hurdos, Marbon and co.
Mubin and eo,
Woounce and
November 10, Dumfries, 456,-, Bhanghai.
18, Guardian, 400, Hongkong. 20, John Gann, 449, McDonald.
Loading on the 4th November.-Lascar, Bleng, and Marian.
FROM PORTSMOUTH, September 28, William Jardins, 698. Doody. October
IB, Lady Amherst, 446, Myhill, Hongkong,
PHON PLYMOUTH. 25, Sharon, Wilson, China.
4, May Flower, 947, Thompson, Hongkong.
well and co
63 Pickre
Deat and co
449) Whether
Nga, Parkins and en,
430 Trotine
Kennedy, Macgregor and co.
Macros and co
Sage and co.
Jardino, Mwaluwen nad co.
November 8, Dorothy.
Holiday. We and co.
144 D'Arey
Kawie, Dave and co
Ona contract
William Clien, ship
611 Brow
Pienime, geheimer
Jibb, Lis!ngton sad co. Back and co
| Alligator, brig
Cum'masel 198|Cook
4, Forrester.
alasps, schoone
Omega, schooner
17) Audicion
Jardins, Machen and ca. fardo, Machoon and co Isasinan, How bad do.
100 Howard
~06 Hudma
17 W
Further particulars and conditions of Contract
may be known un application at this Office.
Ordnance Storskeeper,
TJOK SALE ? Case of Surgical lustruiventi
(maker Danan). Apply to
Victoria. 2nd November, 1847
INGUISTS Karunts and Navy llisas for sale
at this Ollion
Office Friend of Chine. 28th Dec., 1044.
CHIPPING ARTICLES, according to the so-
rest net (Victoria 7 & 8) for sale at this office
Once "Friend of Chine,"
Viciona, 10th October, 1845. }
| Sir Edward Ryan, Larque
Lenrick, brig
Car, schonner
Therese, hooner
Velocipede, whoos
Ann, ship
Baboo, baryes
Carib, barque
France I'irclay, barque
North Har, ship
Barah Louien, brig
Will O?de Wap, scho
Zephyr, schooner
Denis, ther
Graelle, showner
l'atret, schooner
· Shanghal | 047
2014 ma
SK Machows
JOI McKnigh
14 Won
Com 135g
||Chinchew| 101|Cantilla
Rawls, Dum and co
tanie, Duse and ca. Jardine, Matheson mod co.
Herdme, Matheson and on
Jardine, Matheson and on.
Beat and co
Fletcher and co, T'ereer and o Kirder,
Landesy and
Dent and co
Deol and c
Jardins, Matheson and co
Kumeli and .
Leading Boreas (Dutch), vie Batavia; Mechtilda Carnalia (Dutch) Batavia; Clare Aute Maria (Dareb), via Batavia,
December 12, Cowasjon Family, Durham. China. .Loading.?Areatoon Apcar, Mischief, and Sidney.
December 15, Isabella Watson, Clarke.
17, Bukana, 1000, Wadge.
17, Earl of Clare, 010, Ager.
Leading on the 18th December Charley Carilo, and India.
December 12, Faize Rabony, 477, How,
Printed and Published by Jonn Cane, At The Friend of Chine and Honghet
Gastle, Printing Ofice, Govan Bruant, Victoria, Honokone, 1848
PRICE 019 per minum
TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the FRIEND OF CHINA AND HONGKONG GAZETTE, per Annum, 12 Dolisis. Sie Menike, 7 Dollars." Three Monike, 4 Dullare; all paid in sivanco. Credit Priest, 34 Dollars. Dollars, and & Dellars, for the perioda of Twelve, vix, and Three Monthe respectively: Bingle Numbers, to Subscribers onto sach; to Non-Subscribers, i Rupon. Partian selling or sending to the Omon fur papers are requgated to pay mak. TERMS OF ADVERTISING. Ten lines and under, Doller: icional, 10 com lice. Repetitlene one-third of the first insertion. Ships,-Piret Insertion, & Dollars subsequent Insertions 45 emta. Advertisements to have written on the fose of them, the number of time they are required to sppear, otherwise they will be publiased until counterminded. In all Instances, those wou are ues Subscribers, require
to pay in alvano.
THE PEntriUlar and Org
antal Company's Stonin Ship LADY MARY WOOD; will imve this for the above places on Monday the 28th Fe
P. M. Caso will be received on board until Noon, and Bracial 4 P. x, on the 27th,
For particulare regarding Fuztowe and Pamar, apply at the P. & 0. 8. N. Company's Office, Hongkong.
J. A. OLDING, Agent.
THE Undersigned are authorised to gram Po
Lotes in Canton and Shanghal, payable here, in London, Calcutta, Madras, and Bombay.
'The real return of Ten par Cest made an all Premiums contributed.
Agents Equitable Insurance Society. Hoogkang, 17th November, 1847.
IMPERIAL MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OF BOMBAY, THE Undersigned have been appointed Agents of the above-named Company, and are prepared to grant Policies here and at Shanghai, payable in London, Liverpool, Calcutta, Bombay, and Camtos.
AUGUSTINE HEARD & Co. Cemon, 18th June, 1847.
THE following Winn
Port, Bberry
Sauterne, Hock, Clare
Sparkling Champaige, Hermitage,
>in Case ofados sech,
Pale Cognac Brendy, in de. Scheldam GeneTH,
in de. of 1 dosen, Buperne Italian Baled Oil. Apply to,
HOLLIDAY, WINE & Co. Victoria, 15th July, 1840.
FOR SALK. N Iron Fence Railing 400 feet, with 4 doubla Aloured 8 foot gates; two Engine Fotos pumpe; Force nad Common pumpe; also karoball & Son's palem Closets.
Hooghong, Oth February, 1848.
NOTICE. THER in in future proceed throughout to THE P. & O. 8. N. Co's Steamers from Howe
OCEAN MARINE INSURANCE BONDAT, touching as heretofore a SINGAPORE Parano, and GALLS, aleo at COLOMBO, COCHIN,
COMPANY OF CALCUTTA. Caticor, Goa, and Vinaozta. For particulars, THE Undersigned having been appointed Agos of Freight and Paamge, apply at the P,'&0&for the above Company, are prepared to gran Postans, payable in London, Liverpool, Bombay, Calouxia, Madras, Singapore, Maurlies, and Co. BAN
GIBB, LIVINGSTON & Co. Canton, Ist Novacabar, 1847.
N. Co. Office.
Hongkong, 19th October, 1847.
MUIE P. & O. 8. N. Courant's, will from this dis undertake the conveyance of Spacie from Chine, and the Straits, to Southampton, under the
conditions specified in their customary Bill of Lading, at 2j per ovat.
JA. OLDING,-?geni. P.&O. 8. N. Company's Office Victoria, Bist December. 1847.
will leave this for Cum-sing-menn
on the tat February, calling bere on her 5 way up the Coast.
RAWLE. DUUS & Ca. Hongkong, 28th January, 1848.
MAXT to,
MR JOHNG. WARD adminity our House, bis Interest and Responsibility
cummencing on the let of June last.
AUGUSTINE HEARD & Ca Canton, 20th, July 1847,
NOTICE. hereby given that Mr JOHN THISTLETH- WAITE ceased to be in our employ from the
18th day of April last past, by lapes of the terms of agreement, by which he was empowered to act for us in the management of our establishment arising up to that time at Shanghai, and to sign for un there by Procuration.
B. WATERHOUSE & Co. Ningpo, th August, 1947.
THE British Big LINNET, 140 **Tola Hegister, in excellent order. For particulars apply at the Avorion Busines in Honghen it
Mesure Paittir Moon & Co.
NOTICE. URING the absence of the Undersigned, our
Victoria, 10th January, 1848
FURNISHED, de HOUSE in Queen's
March the
Per Pro R. 08WALD & O
H. LIND. Victoria, 16th August, 1847.
THE marcat and Responsibility of Mr Wo
WATMOns in our Firm, ceased on the | Road, presently occupied by Colonel Canrskimo, and we have this day admitted Mr Go 2014, 96th Regiment. Appply ?rat dour on the
Hawny Lamson as a Partner therein. premiera,
Victoria, 4th February, 1848.
VARINE LOT No. 12, situated on the Queen's Road, Victoria, with the Buildings thereon, st prosent in possession of the andersigned.
Also, the allotment of Land, and Buildings at Shanghai, known as the Ning Property. Por Plans, and fall particulare, apply to
HOLLIDAY, WISE & Co Canton, 2nd February, 1848,
TO BE LET. QUE House and Bhop, lately occupied by Tere MAORA and Ca. Apply to,
PHILLIPS, MOORE & Co. Victoria, 24th December, 1887.
SPACIOUB Godown and dwelling house, built of Granite and lately poenpied by Moors TROS. RIPLET & Co. The property is situated near the centre of the Town, (Viola, Hongkong) and has a water frontage. Apply on the Premises,
THOMAS RIPLEY & Co.,-Shanghai. Hongkong, 31 July, 1846.
THE Building on the Queen's Rood, koosu na the Keying House. Also Bungalow in Aberdeen Street. Apply to
BUSH & Co.
Hongkong, 21st January, 1947.
NODOWNS TO LET, and Goods Stored on moderate tarms RD, LANGE & Co.
Hongkong, 28th October, 1847.
POUR Rooms in the upper part of a House si- tuale in Wellington Termo?, D' Aguilar Street. Apply to,
D. LAPRAIK Victoria, toth January, 1848.
TAVERN TO LET. THE HOUSE ly occupied by Mr Aurxan Der Robertom on the Queen's Road. Pore sion cas be given on the 15th instant. Apply to,
Oth November, 1847.
Our Firm now consime of Samuel Watmoza. Jun, Wizstan Mosan, and Gzonas Hawar LAMBOR
Abanghai a Branch of our House, under our own We also sunounos that we have established ni
pame and myle, and Mr Roster Pownia Bayl |will sign the same thece, by Procuration.
WETMORE & Co Canton, in July, 1847,
WE are the dean &
KAY and Mr KIRKMAN FINLAY Partners in our Firm, which will in future be carried on under the Style of THOMSON, FINLAY & Co.
Liverpool, Ist July, 1847.
RODERT STRACHAN. Victoria, 16th September, 1847.
214b August, 1847.
OLYPHANT & Co, Caoton.
FRANKLYN & MILNE. Avorionas, Communion AvENTI,
Wann and BernIT MERCHANTS, QUEEN'S ROAD. 10003 Bold by private sale, or Public Auction. IT Bured in dry and secure godown landed, or transhipped, and, general business leanmcted for Parties abeeat.
Show and Maxwell's and other Sherry.
File Dark sod Pale Cognac. Pule East India.lea Champagne, Hock and Mudeirs, Bake Wales.
Jars Coffee Belt Provisions in barrel; large and small Guns; Muskete; Musket and Cannon Gunpowders; Chale Cables and Anchors: Canvas and Rope Pine Spare, and other articles
?Hoogkong, January 4th, 1848
NOTICE. FRANKLYN & MILNE bare opened the rooms on the ground floor of the Premiere known as the British Howl, Commission AND AUCTION SALE Rooms, and will be happy to receive Goods, for either Private Sale or Public Auction.
Victoria, 21st January, 184s.
FOR SALE. HANDSOME London built Poney carriage,
at a very moderate price. Boms Calculta-made Furniture-2 Sofas, and 3 sney Chairs; blon and gold. Apply at the sale rooms, to
FRANKLYN & MILNE, Auctioneers & Comminion Agents, Queen's Road.
February 1st, 1848.
MESSRS SMITH & BRIMELOW, are land. ing from the Pathfinder, a stock of aboice and Fale Cognse; Glenlivet Whiskey: Allsopps Beer is bottle, & Which they offer for ale at moderate prices.
No, I and 9 Woesnam's Buildingo,
1 February, 1848.
MESSRS. SMITH & BRIMELOW bare re- THE Interest and responsibility of Mr Dexoakceived the Robertson, & quantity of Ger James Kat in our Firm seed on the 20th kell & Down's superior Bottled Beer, which they
TURNER & Co. June last.
Victoria, Hongkong, 28th January, 1848.
JUST bega to inform the Community of Can-
Lion, that he has removed his Eatablishment
from Hongkong to this place, whzure be trusle to marit their patronage.
Canton, 1st October, 1947.
(At present No. 1, New China Street) FOR SALE.
GIBB, LIVINGTON & Co. Honghong, 7th May, 1847.
T the Godowns of the Undersigned ;-
in 4 dosen Canc Buperior Port,
Sherry, 4 do. da Madeira, 8 da Do. Wood.
Momm's Champagne sad Allsopp's Polo Ala. BLENKIN, RAWSON & Co. Victoria, 27th July, 1847,
offer for sale.
Woman's Boldings, Victoria, 95th January,+1848. FOR SALE.
TOOKHOLM Tar in 3 Barrel; Pine Varnish
in 6 Gallons Tanks; "Genuine Ground White Land.
FOR SALE. NCHORS, Chain Cables, and Hawse Pipes of all sizes, AD Invoice of Manila, Europe, and Patent Rope.
Ooffer, and Cloremment Ofgars,
4th November 1818.
FOR SALE. SALT Provisions Flous, Ram, Arrach, and Broadly in Wood; Whisky, Cognac, and all kinds of Wine In Botila
RAWLE, DUUB & Cu 4th November 1816.
ROMAN Camp, and Window Glass of all sizes. FOR SALE. Apply to
Victoria, 3rd August, 1847.
FOR sale by the undersigned.
Victoria, 10th January, 1848. FOR SALE RI "SAMUEL RUBJELL”* QUPERIOR Dark and Pale Brandy, in half l'ipos,
Quarter Casks, and Bottle,
Bherry Wine, in Wood.
"Bickels" Wise Hitters, in 1 dosen Cases.
Sperm Candles
"Gallego" Floor.
Navy and Pilot Bread,
Butter in small Kago.
Tongues in half Barrels.
Europe Rope from I inch to 6 inche
Green, Brue, Yellow, Black, and Red Paints, in
6 Barrelled Revolving Pistols, in Cases,
Also, a few Pieces of Ans Cloths and Casi mares. Apply to,
DRINKER, HEYL & Ca Hongkong, 11th January, 1849.
FEW Barrel Superior Sperm Oil Apply
DRINKER, HEYL & Co. Victoria, 16th January, 1848.
NOW landing from the Duke of Cornell, Ladies
and Geodemen's Sandles: Silver mounted Jeakey, twig, and Driving Whips; Spars, Horse Clothing, Circlagalls, Girths; Horse and Pony Martingales: Flat and Round Bridles: 20., &a. Apply at the Auction Mart Queen's Road,
"Victoria, 37th January, 1848.
Billion in a Mercandle House by a Pernos well acquainted with business, and who ma give good references. For particulars, apply to The Editor of this Paper.
Victor, 16th July, 1847.
Quality. Macao, at HINNAM'S, China Shopkeeper.
Victoria, 11th June, 1847.
Queen's Road, Victoria.
Hongkong, 4th November, 1847.
ALL chime against the Estate of Joan Pora, A Esq. decesaud, must be sent in to the us
Very superior Old Town, just landed ex Dula of dersigned before the 25th day of May, 1848; Cornwall
otherwise they will not be included in the schame of division.
SMITH & BRIMELOW. Victoria, 38th January, 1848. VICTORIA HOTEL, SHANGHAI, OHINA D F. HICHARDS & Co. beg to anounce to the Pubile, that their HOTEL is now com plated, and that for Gantzman of Fame who may be visiting the Northern Ports, they have An- commodations which they think will be found su
| perior to any other Horaz in China.
All persone indebted to the said Estate are re qasted to make larmediate payment to,
CHAS. BT GEO. CLEVERLY, Attorney for the Administratis.
Victoria, 17th January, 1848.
LL. Parties indebted to or having claims agains the Estate of the late Mr Wa. Haway HUJE
BEARUMAT being considered the most bookthy ai castigo in China, Unot in the East, and also favour Tom, are requested to seed in an account of the
to the Undersigned. No claim against the Estate will be attended to unless sent in on or be fore the 25th day of March, 1848.
R. JACHON. Canton, 14th October, 1647. NOTICE.
ably altosted, an to the facilities of Bhooting and others bell orci, P. F. R. & Co would respect. fully solicit the patronage of auch MILITARY, NAVAL, FOR SALE.
and Mercantila Gartleman as may have occa TERY superior Port, Sherry, Madeira, and Cla-sion to spend short time in a cooler or more healthy
ret, in bottle
Climate, for the restoration of their health.
And in returning thanks for the support they Madeira, in pipes and bortheads, from the House have rewired, F. F. R. & Co. beg to my to the A of BOOTT PENFOLD & Co., Madeira. Apply at Public generally, that no exertions will be spared godowns of
on their part to make the Hosal worthy of Public | MAM,
BELL & Co.
Hongkong, 3rd February, 1848.
| patronaga
Shanghai, Ist November, 1847.
the Estate of the late Mr NATHANIEL Kon LL Persons indebted to, or having claims against
are requested to forward their accounts to us.
WETMORE & Ca Canton, 3rd May, 1847.
New Advertisements will de Freained until a Clock, on the menings previous to publi ention, cit: Tuesdays and Fridays.
LATEST DATES, Nor. Used Bases Mur.
B4 | Sydney
Jhc. Jan.
1 Hinga
Boulay Medrad
The. Dec.
Manila bhanghel
Jap. Jan.
sand of piracy are heard of, but how many must take place of which we bare no information i Bui for the acuteness of that very prakous officer Mr Caklwell, not one of the twelve men convicted would ever have been suspected, and we really trust the government will courage such errant There, is not in China a man bester fluted for the establishment with which be is connected, and as an utficer of police his services neu invaluable,
We are indebted to a correspondent at Shang- bai for a summary of the contents of the Pekin Ge sette from 20th Dre to the let 8 January. These translations appear in the present and the two pro- vious bumbe:s of the Friend of ( hine; and wa ute in hopes that they will be continued regularly. Many but they throw serue light upon the domestic habi of the extracts are not of any political importance,
foreigners are liute acquainted Our correspondent's of the Soverign and his coust, a subject with which
letter introducing them appeared last Wednesday, but unfortunately during our absence the typo !graphical errors were more numerous than usual. The letter, however, is the production of a gentle- man who bus made China and in language his Mady, and merits a careful perusal. Apart from the Catholic Missionaries (whose nonl knows not fear and struggles with every difficulty) our car. respondent perhaps as competent to write on Chios as any foreigner in the country, sad we trust occasionally to be favoured with his communi- cations. lo a p?ivato letter bo onya,—
NOTICE—Pleine Semice will for the sent he dorned in the budding t? [ning the Pet. Die and opponta To the Challows-un Shantys stILA, M. 4PM, and j past 6 1o. M.1 and on Paralega at 6. P. N.
VINCENT STANTON, Vonia, txt Fr?, 1948, Colonial Chaplain.
NOTICE-PARTYian Church This congres. sinn, evaducnd be the perment by the Reo, W. C, Busse, will meeter RasuATH, the Bangalow immediately be,, And the car Hot
The lure of Dicle Service will bo 11 4. a., and ? past 4r..
Vila, 7th Decubes, 1817
11. M. STHAM He Fury, Captain Willcox, arrived from Fngland on Sunday alternoon having called at Rio de Janeiro and Singapore. At the latter port information was obtained of the probability of hosti- litive in China, and she was horried on without The page up was a tempertuous one, and was only successful from the great power of the engines The Fury is a fion serviceable vessel, and before her prosent commission expires she will have an abundance of Betive employment. Fler Captain has had consi derable experience in Chins, and on that score was probably elected for hla present command. She Lift Baglard on the 4th October 1847; arrived at Pio on the 8th November; miled on the 17th Nov. and anchored at Fingapore on the 24th Japanty; the again sailed on the 27th and reachel Hongkong on the fich instant. Her parage from England. including seven days in harbour, has occupied 125 days, from Rio 99 days, and from Singapore 10 days against the strength of the monson and beary head sea.
refring after the outward vorage.
**so in n kina Mail of December old ----- talks of scent information about a plentiful harvest prar the capitat, and reports about LAST your's grain. Very recem truly, being only to six months old; and the plentiful harvest must have been very near the capital indeed-perhaps in the kitchen gardens, since the rice crop was a failure, and dearth has prevailed almost from the Yang weking to Shantung, including the whole province of Hooan
The following proclamation refers to the transport of grain to the famishing districts:-- TRANSPORT OP SIAM BY JEA, FROM SHANG-
le, by special appointment Halfang of the province of Kangoo,
Tung, uppoaid Prefect of Raw-chow-loo, ke, and give their commanda.
LAP, Principal District Magistrate of Shanghaereby Whereas upwards of a thousand junks being required for the transport of grain by wa dering the present your, ki ppears that all the Jumis here have already presented ju aeral honda of engagement 1ded that there are now la the river more than seven hundred junks, and henceforth The H. G. Steamer Auckland Lt Singapore for the complement required for the transport. The rate of they will be coming into part from all quarter enang Chin five daya before the fury, and it is thought freight to be paid befag also very advantageous, all the that from stress of weather she has put into Alenila.
veel bear the rumour of it, and come hither. But pecially fearing les crafty owners seeing all the junk in The Auckland has a company of Artillery on board, sest aher fest carrying rior, may habeme to bad other cargo, perbagi ubalaing heavy irunneration, and chew Wz call attention to an article on Hongkong or perbag clandestinely take in cargo cuide of Woo fure linger at eas, part, and now come quickly powikwapis taken from the Globe of October 29th. The Gil, and then retare northwards, we cannot but distinct is a ministerial paper, and the seatments so strongly
yemand before hand. put forth are pregnant of changes in the policy which bas heretofore regulated the legislation of this colony. The discontinuance of all ) duen appears arrain, and is is to be hoped that induce ment to rule in the colony will be held out to espectable Chinees. It may be a marer of opinion whether Hongkong will ever be the seat of a large nde, but the political valus of the posession le undeniable, or do we consider its vakuble because it is a "borren rosh." It is a fortress we wool, and not on agricultural colony; if that for Its can also be made a nasit, so much the beur; but wordt day circumstance we do not require a native population apsit from those engaged in trade.
We have been requested by the acting Post Master to give publicity to his claina upon the sympathy of the public. II. M. Banna vesel Fury arrived on Bunday afternos, and a rather important mail was immediately landed at the post offio. The acting Port Master was in Church, and his devotions were only not disturbed from the inability of the merson- ger sent for hit to get admission. After service, the mail was deposited in the office for delivery nezi morning. Some unreasonable individuala, ourselves incl sive, were of opinion that it ought to have bem delived at once, and called to make enquiries on the subject, disturbing the acing Post Master who was quietly enjoying his dinner. If we understood Mr Crakanthorp aright he claims public sym Jby.-
For an unsuccessful attempt to disturb his devotions that he might receive au important mail, Duty
24. That his privacy was intruded upon by Two l'artees and a newspaper proprior clamorous after kness and paper,
Therefore in this Proclamation addremel to the main serathe of junks, &c., foe their information. On this neca sim of managing the Transport by pet, the High authet ties duroughly understand un clecumstances guni and small connected therewith, and liberally companion the merchants, and the merchants should advise the foul that they may come speedily southwards to rewire freight, sed net to delay at dach port. We have now carefully re- quested each of the High og borities to write to every port In Bhanted, Chalon, and Fosg-dien-Ion, that if whet ver- sein are examined at there ports any are found without a
endcase of having transported Rics, and l'aport Lut to res, such reels be at once writed sad prosecuted. they will obuin gain, and by evading it they will receive These vel ought all to know that by transporting Rice unishment. Let them then quickly enter the port to re- crire lading, and not being apon thrives sheep
Be careful! A special Proclamnikom, Thoukwang, Thh year, Uth month, 19th day.
(Changhai, 96th December, 1867.) NOTE-The Hai-fang fireal pronunciativa) Hae-pong Madarin of the BAh mat, venringi la attending to the embaumenis for protecting the out and white betion. His dutin sicily river, bin office was formerly in Boo-chow but was moted bere on the opening of the port to bureigans, that he weight be at hand to amrim and advise the Taosial, as well to matters regarding the foreign trade as lo general Iines. The present ineumbent is well messing sort of old was, po cising a tolerably good Humary reputation, who having le to do amuses kimsett by assisting in the Merary chamandons, and le said to be a pretty devar critle in handling the essays
The Freight to be paid by government to the jonks to ?hou 50 cents per foreign picul, including a boue to the crews to provide salariega tu lhe Loda, and a feast to them selves, Delore and after the voyage.
The undersigned, Her Majesty's Consul si Canton, has received the instructions of H. Excellency. Her 3.6- Jesty's Plenipotentiary, ke, de, in Chion to know to Her Majesty's Pubgrets, at this Post, the following Ha- pulation which have been concluded with His Excellency The public will probably my to Mr Crakan protection to Her M
the Imperial ommbaloner for the purposes of affording thorp. You are our servant and in all resen into the surrounding
's Balijecia ki their escalon ablo maiters we expect you will render duo and ef Beit service. It is usual to & liver mails on Sun- days in other British colonies, which has ale bern done by your pred cessor in this colony. The pre- poot mail was a valuable ons bringing the ro suk of the second opium sale, and it was of conse quence that the letters should be forwarded to Cha won by the post boot on Sunday evening. We there late cannot give you a share of our sympathy, as we are humbly of opinion that you have neglect
Tch, The Policemen and Idugulets employed upon this service, are to be spesially instructed by the local anthe rides that Forsiguers are entitled to room in the seri ||resadlag soustry, to mch distan, a on may be traversed either by bad a? by water in ons day out and home 1 that It is lawful for them to shoot game in places apart from the villages, and to dish in the eivam and runsing waters ; but that their entering the villages and other inhabitan places must be carefully avoided for the present
1st, Twenty Policemen, whose names are registered at the Brilhonasiale, have been appointed to be constant attendance at the principal Guardkoms in Old This treet (the oneno-bease), with the understanding ood for the special purpose that, on Foreigners dulching to make excursions for encreation into the surround- country, the special offer on the station and the amat maghrate of ban-how are to appolat two Policemen and Lagulat at the requisition of the Coment to accompany each party, if there so be two or three, or perhaps more of them in one day, to the respective places fo
2nd. On Foreigners golag ost, the Col. In order to present solites, will give previous nature thereof, and state the particulars in the special offer at the Guard hear, who will appelat the coquieta somber of Palic men and Linguist to peered to the Vactory where, and at the time when, their servicen may be wanted.
3d, If shy of the Palicemen should give the to tree- change them for others and glva Information thereof to bles, the prelal officer will, as occasion may require, oz.
ed your duty; that you allowed a vulgar appo-cated in such erqubition. tite to come between you and us to our detriment and further, thot on a sepetition of this offener, we will represent the matter to the head of your depart
On Friday forenoon four of the twelve piatra con- desibed at the late vice-Admitaky sessions were banged at the unus! place in presence of a large bumber of Chinese; the others have had their set- tence comintitied to transportation for life. Merey is comum udable, but in the prrent instance it is not very politic. Piracy will never be put down until some featful examples are made, and the Jower bazar clique completely broken up. Of the four men hanged one was a Compradore in Con three years ago, since then he has kept a shop car Arqui's house in the lower begins; another has for years been a licensed pilot in Hongkong. It no the inere dregs of westy who commit those atrocities; the men are among 4, and keep up an *ppratance of respectability. Accidentally a fo
the sal
4th, The Policemen gra to receive a dolly allowance
8th, in order to pr?viat misunderstanding and dia- petes, the Polromeo and Linguists, on weil sa the persons avalling themselves of their s?relem, are to be furakched, the femer by the local authorities, and the latter by the Consul, with plated copies of the present Regulations, which are to take effect on the 13th February text, see- responding with the 15th day of the first ! klaeen mON,
Whi?t giving the above regulations publicity. Her Ma jesty's Consul would suggest that parious grilling them. selves of them should state (when application is i
made for Police)
Thamber of persons of which the party condicio, Zad. The day, bour, and time of day, they intend to
proceed. Ded. In what direction.
4th. At what place the policemen and Unguists are to call
for them.
(^\pond) P. 1. MACGREGOR,
Her Majesty's Consul, *
British Consulate, Canton, 4th February, 1018.
HAD the above been laid before the public as an ex- tral from Punch, ita authenticity would not have been questioned. The fertile brains of the ingenious writers for that clever periodical could not bare de vived anything more gravely sbeurd. It is Punch all over,?correct as to form, paltry as to detall, and contemptible as the resuk of a diplomatic negotiation tilities which a low weeke ugu threatened immediato bou-
that this is the end of Sir John Davis's aegotiation It is with reluctance we are brought to believe with Keying. What his original demands were in unknown; but perhaps they were as unreasonable a the terme he has accepted are degrading. In the re- cognition of guards, a dangerous precedent has boen established; it is the beginning of a system of espion- ego of which the Chinese will avail themselves. No ne men will aver look upon these policemen
protection. In the event of an affray, they would save themselves and give faleo evidence against the foreigners. It is distroming to witness British diplomacy brought to the humiliating con fession that Englishsen most avoid entering the vil lages and inabated places. It is succumbing to
in consequence obliged to abscond and kile themselve In order to veld | coureyen calamities Wond the much better if they attended exclusively in own oerepations in gating their logs the ?? stirring up shameful diaurbanos, weld it but be much better to live peacefully at home, king delight yo Den occupationa↑ I need not trumble to tell you which h right or wrong, as it la plala so be won.
As 1, however, fear that say people have not compre. hended all this, therefore again specially reliarato to them By earnest adinonitions,
As these fastractions reach the Gentry and people of the surrounding country, let fathers warn their subs, sed tider brothers admonish their walors that I foreless walk for amusement on the banks of the rivers adjousing the villages, either sofa or shoot, sach does not, la te do soy art to the people, who need not therefore cal their doing so in queried Should I happen that th? foreigner seeldentally tune their way and extingly com into the villages, the people would immediately put m to them the rand and cause them to return, bui 2.00 bet. on any accom, drive them away. of camelly beat them, thereby creating auther disturbance.
in every affair, son can bring people to subunit; and pence and tranquillity conlcase happisem. I belug se ny, people a thele father and covikar, my thoughts a Distantly watching over them, and i, therefore, du pegel repeating to them my wardest admonitions. Lat de every can be observed and acted on. Do not shum any opposition. This is my blbost expetation.
Arames and especial Nolation.
Imsed on the 13th January, 18488,
(A trne tunslation,) (Hilgwed]
rare for the
Ya Vierney of Hoo-kmang meal of everal military oflours on accoum of age and beddy
Chinese, either lo polut of morale or lodustry They were other estive, and our whole military forge opleted our of 191 sepoys The chief Chinese merchants came to w and told me, that if I had any apprehension at all that the Glengan, Governor of Losan, memorialines regarding per foren wat quits cleong samah, they ware perfectly ready to arm and protect the Beltisch settlement, ? m?mry appolutuwat.
And that they had 3,000 of the best young when at my service,"
Les-poncho, Viceroy of Publes and Chukinor, mami-
A1 [langkong, on the contrary, one respectable rudit?s respecting the supply of Belpher for the army in Pu. tae pearson, these animal consensus is stated at Las Chines built large warhouse. That one res dely and the penale skosited by mining In the pereince in
Drahlo man the administrative system drovenway. angbang, me that at nonemary every year ?i buy from the There are now none; but, in recompenes, there is mae pretican... (In this memorial an allusion actary to the
a Chinace opium farmor, Chinese palicemen, and eter surple paired by the trap washes rain wavely Chinn rabble.
arcoke at svorking the barbarious),
'The whole comtrast is explicable in three words on the one hand, a really free post, easy rents, and A m'er of officers were presented by the Colusalong cases-on the other, a sham free port, fiscal voxetions, and hard bargains with-that we may not say sharp police against seulers-by tempting them in take lola nad build, and then altering to their disadvantage the understood terme and tanure.
Bu, AR.
The Cimilar
in the memoriala on up during
the land three months. Em Majonty status he knows 12.
The Prefect of Bhatian dan (Pekin), memorials garding the quantity of anew which has fallen,
bra Dveriget.
Public Translator.
Trene-neon, Governor of Shantung, requnate through ind of Civil ulior, an inquiry Into his own conduct,
(Cantioned from No. 11.)
December 25, 1847.—A number of officers were introduerd by the Military Board, amber seg nased who invited to appear before the Emperor sad v? those who to carand thank
Allesion made to a from Gen-bony laid bedre the Board
Docents from Kiong-soo, Chibbing, and Gushuey were pressed by the Inner Gonnell,
of a treaty obtained at a vast encrifice of life. the people of China, and a sacrifices of the privileges they formed again, but through the indemnable bravery
December 30--Thinday a memorial was recoined by ez. prose (500 los pe diem) from Yikaban detailing everal en gemeni v bashomadan sebule in the Yackand try, be at them to have been several was of thos
?10 sumber After being rooted in the foot angrER are dispersed. The prisoners captured wars elgbty-one, of his troops who fought from neon till four o?tlook, they and the number sela "could not be computed." The qu spruned who en mot. Vischun bering One dolga ed himself, by three baidee in one day, and although inferior Is force obtaining victory, has given Hie Majesty myth Rader of ble overy, and a duebla ered Facock's father, delight and he rewarded with the tide of General, and
chamber of jade with the word "joy" engraved on it,&a, &e. The other officers are also rewarded with similar
We will not venture to enquire into the cares which land to the sudden change in the Plenipo- tentiery. It is a matter of no consideration,they of guns, swords, spears, flags, causek, borms, and disgrace has fallen upon us, and to the Chinese we look like cowardly bullies. It cannot be denied thai a high position was assumed--that threata ware held out-that rainforcements were sent for--that the naval and military forces were ordered to be and is an inexplicable and mysterious manner, the perpared for offensive mesures. All of a sudden, Envoy dcclares that difficulties have been arranged proces foreigners making excursions into the coun by the appointment of twenty policeman (spies) to try, but that foreigners are not to enter ville gee and inhabited place1 Why pander to the morbid vanity of the bard hearted ville gars, and why seal our own degradation by agreeing to an arrangement by which we sto driven from the habitations of these wretches as a degraded cat The regular tions it will be observed are to be furnished to the guards by the local authorities, and of course they will be notorious ? the people. We would not
Then follow another inmorial from Yik-abou stating th after the above engagements the enemy rained the sings of the tree to a deace of thirty len from that place, when Ying kanker God in difereert direations, on which hel they anddenly one upon them and reposted their victories, Purther jy la expressed by the Emporse and similar werde repented-aming which in Apellow silk plaited piece cu cura), sary, email powers; and the Board in vedere? su taka his a pale of purars the star of a par, and anobar pak of wow into scesiderion. The other officers are clasiocly rewarded,"
have blamed Bir John Davis bad he istigated to high, whose promotion had been stopped be lavams, bet ?Regios, toemoriaksan regarding the Maftury Brigada v? countrymen that for the present they must confine themselves to the precincts of the factories; but guage cannot express our regret at the puerile, con umptible and dwgraceful arrangement of a question which caused at one time so much bluwer and gas- copede.
awing within a your reformed their disctplan and vidwa one of them, their portion and to th
kim their proficiency in guanty and rubery, the exhibiting
That Keying intimated to the Consol that the their babitations is well known. The truth is, that villagers would not allow foreigners to come sear the people have never been made oquainted, with the tresty. We refer to translation of a procl mation from one of the Nadano Magistrates (by the way an incorrect truselisi appeared in the Mail) by which it is clearskertoo uuthorities admit that if foreigners enter the villages they do so erringly-- that they have no right to do so-and the people
Desember 31.-L.gun-ke, Viceroy of Fallon, emer lose regarding certain saliktary spyolaimants in FormSON
Krth-ming, no of the commander in Turkanan, mem riales regarding the defence of the camp daring an eck by the rolls, and the moldier who distinguished themartne are ordered to be rewarded, and reports of the wowvided und killed to be anagan the board for muted and ecmaloperation.
Low..k, maerialines regarding the promotion and degradasion of several forms in Form lemem. ont during his post val of caudaten to Pursue f rialiara mapecting promoting the offices who formed his are advised to put them away, but not to treat them. A that the Chalang province miktary - with crocky. To this doctrine Eir John Davis has sations be patrned till she next spring. given his official sunction, and an Englishman dare' not approach the cotings of a Chinese pensant-he ip a degraded being-an outcast only to be gazed at from a distance
Eden-klog, General is zobus, memorialiam for the pal tshment of ace district Magistrates in that provines ( management, 1 appears that the people of the jui wser to tradere bek nging to Shou-vos province living among them, and sapelled them.
His Majesty redered my officer to be sent to inspecte
We expect our countrymen will mark their disap the boundary of the factories, and that the guarda probation of these regulations by keeping within and linguists will be left to enjoy themselves at the Consoo bouse. A few monthe more mod the senilower gardens, said the tow po guarding the “ forbilden city* ments of the British government will be known; to be towarded, and in the meantime it is only prudent to keep out of danger. The Hwang chu-kee murders may be repeated, and we now know that the life of ano English gentleman is only worth that of Chinese folua
Chang. Chief Magistrate of the District of Nashar nes the following tructions to the Gewry, Elders, and
Prople of?-village for their infica-the
Whereas when a country le free from
galet and un-funding cas pam their lives in tranquily; But when quarrels commence, families cannot give mon provection. When pouple all at once give vent to their pely anger, they are not conscloga that they barely tread on dangerous ground, und in satisfylug old private dialikes they dare and the consequences wich may allow to the whole commonly. In Lot, the gnojami people are really to be plied and compassionated, and a
can help game, to be father and miss their m continually admonishing them, and desiring to be ever giring them caspleta prosaction.
Beveral officers more prosented. Beveral office wake return thank for appointments, &c.
The offers of the "Trump-wilt gale provenie? vorum silver. Bob which He dajesty urdered to be sent to the refectory.
* Majyat prosent wouen a martin.for short jacket
Jakby Ips-Nauch hingeb, Gorer of Chib-lee, memorial respecting an sypaniment in that province
Ch?b pung teen, a member of the Inner Council, mane rishes regarding the punishment of diseler Magn the negbbed of the vapin), who, alibungh twenty days bure pet since the completion i? semmive burglaries, has falled to apprehend u mngle one of the criminals,
Then, for insanen, in the case which bappened during Lin. (Commissioner Lin), memorialisms respecting last month, at Hwangchuh ke, that resembled a level | mveral military appointmelo in You-n?n province to winch country, changed tatu rolling
the Imperial tossut has been given.
from the liriet Puglstrates in food sad pay, and have almost brought abogi, bet var kaut 70s, a revolutia was
night, therefore, to demand the mallest cats ↑ warst on for their services. They are tad died area
by oficial rape and dresses and by waist-badges, la evidence of their authority.
Bigh Authorities beloved elving by putting some to death, and Lereby armed the danger to tranquility, they malutained the laws al hough they were rigorous, and laboriously exerted them resto tercalate the affair. Lately they have appointed udheer in go out to every direction, to lastruct the slople people; and all this businem of making them bear and nee springs fn in the good feelings and compassionate disposi tion of the minds of our high authorities.
district Magieran so he punished w bu has been socated
him-too-chin, Governor of Kwang son, remmende a Paklu un ikportant evidence to be punished for delaying.
Croce in a di-wiet of thanave province are d
5th, The Pulk emen aul Linguists so appolated will, on secmpanying Foreigners by water, go in the boats of the latter, as they might fall behind or go netray if e- barking in separate veel.
Lib. It is expected that the Pollreman will be well. You ought to know, that if one per caudatur.dered in be punished on account of a exlaunal baring killed treated den fog their attendance so Foreigners; should the bener, all those in any way connected with his rear neighbouring villages suffer injury and the villegers ar punishment. If one village at a distance, all the
former, however, be troublesome, or fall to do their daty and to maintain the laws, the l'ound will give information thered to the specta)? Beer on the Bigden, who will las tantly diamke them god sukacitate others la theis places,
hink in the wriginal-Kurres.
jail in prin.
The head jailer of a district fa. Honp?h in nederst in de dimmed and punished for permitting a criminal to hand himself in prison
chiefly guided by the information communicated by the Tienipotentiary in Chloe to the Colonial Office.
Flome, intentions be it observed that must be
The paucity of vessels of war in China must be attributable to falas coloring which our telatiope their position, ought to be better loformed. Surely with that country roceive from those who, from Sir John Davis could not be igawram of what alt the various shins of the Chinese diplomatiste and the frequent omtrages of the Canton rabble or vil lage Braves parten led. Every observer might the evidenes of inward dislike, thst at no diriant have a sliced in these signs of outward il ferling.
opan wickedness; to an extent that would surprise period would burst, in the manner it has dona, iala us by its apparent suddenness and distress ss by ita melancholy characteristics D bow fearfully Gave These far been realized, let the record of the 5th
Dearmbor 1847 and the Immediately succeeding
days bear wito!
Since the above was written, the Julia arrived published on Monday in the form of an Extra and with later news direct from Canton (which wo
readers) and from which it would appear that mat reprint it to-day for the information of listant turs had been patched up, at least for a time; but note decided measures will ne adopted Itemid for the sake of oor fetare interequrse we trust that that Keying very coolly weste to Governor Davis that four Chinese woull be decapitated, which, with
PUBLIC AUCTION. Tthe ?alo rooms Queen's Itond, Thmorrow.
the 10th instant, at 11 a. m, for the benefit of
the concerned.
15 Bage of Halpetra
10 Boxes Candles.
9 Barrel's Flour.
All damaged by Sea water.
Cake of fine table wall, and other Sundries.
80 Dizem Alsopp's Ale; 6 Boxen Chesset; 20
FRANKLYN & MILNE, Anctionare. Victoria, D'h February, 1948.
AR DUODEL is authorised to sell by PURLIC PUBLIC AUTION.
noon, portion of INLAND LOT No. 125. skania I AUCTION, on Friday, the 11th instant, at on the West of the MADISTRACY Watt, mensuring about 70 feet square, with a good BUNGALOWS and most healthy, commanding a delightful view of ?nd OUTILOUSES theroon. The site is elevated the Bay below. The Annual Clovernment Rental, only $35. For further particulars apply at the AUCTION MART, and see Handbill
Victoria, 8th February, 1848
HE of HOLD PROFRETY, &c. belong.
The of Civil affios memorialisos regarding the A have introduced in China. Instead of this, com the two slain in the stluck, would make ofx ; and 1 ing to A. A. p? MELLO, Em.. proceeding
bonames for the munak,
(To be Continu?d. }
These are the comelasiona from the whole evidence -it was impossible (longkong should prosper, Crom the moment that its official functionaries post poned every other object to the one narrow object Hi Majty after breakfast in-morrow wales upon the Em- of raising a roome from a rock. Bottlements self-
supporting from their origin are, at all times, transparent humbug: but to this-of all settlementa -the rule of penny wisdom should ont have been the first applied. Hongkong should have been made a fitting seat for our representative power, and a fitting specimen of the free trade we bloat to merce has been delven from ite fine barbour; and British power has been mainly employed in screw. ing a revenue from reots and monopolis.
Whether, with the Sve poria on the Chinese mainland open, Hongkong would ever have become place of very considerable trado, is a polal on which we need bot stop to weigh the conflicting evidence. It was first selected by Captaic Elliott as the best situation near Canton, from the fineness of the barbour, and from its eligibility as a statica for ships to rest at. That was before the extension of our trade to the northern port. But it ame probable that neither Hongkong nor Chuan-bad wo retined the Isner island-wore likely to become preeminent places of trade-in the vicingga, res pectively, of Canton and Shanghel. We ought, however, at fenat to have given our insular ontle meat a chance. The past local administration has given it no chance; sod, in addition to all direct British landers, Chinese someness was offered to insert a clase in the Supplementary Treely, obliging all junks resorting to Hongkong to bring permits from one of the five ports. The effect of this might have been anticipated-either the pre- hibition, or the taxation by the mandarine of the native trade. This clause proved so palpably veza lions, that it has lately been tacitly disregardl witbon complaint from the Chinese authorities. But it operated long enough to divert the junk trado fein Hongkong.
(From the Globe, October 29.) A pervading principle in our treaty with Chips, Incesble throughout the recom evidence of our late tionaries in that country to avoid any ppstance of aiming a territorial aggrandiaemoni, Sembjugation. It le difficult to deny that this midanor was promoted by wiedem, as it certainly by justice and by moderation. But we may be permitted to wish that what was right in pria
had been better carried out in detail; and if we were to prescribe to ourselves the nar west possible limits of territorial possession, we would have sought to establish a seat of more un quivocal moral influence. Hongkong must be brignideant, except se a British residence, and a British port; on its administration must depend ely in arefalange and importance to British tel. It is not disputed in any quarter that has hitherto failed to answer expectation; and or this there are abundant reasons, apart from
y question of suitableness of site.
The following evidence of Lieutenant-Colonel alecim, who was Secretary of L gation under Sir Henry Puuinger, affords a complete view of the tires from which Hongkong was selected. We ke from the Report of the Select Committee on Commercial Relations with China:?
“In choodu Hongkong, we evidently were not seeking Tereterin bold upon (Sing 1—No; we only wanted to are a place where our people could have refuge, where
Our Relations WITH CHINA-It would ap arship could re?t, and where persons in authority could pear almost certain that an interruption of our re-
ander the Hilden Rag, to save them from belos nation with China was anavoidable. sited our officers had besa before; Lord Mapler ommercial intercourse has comand, unt by prascrip- Already our aptal Ellott had been; where if you have an eration you are protected ; you have your foot tion, but stayed of itself in consequence of the un- am Faghab groand. ~ De Bowring-Then every object connected with com- barbarous and half-toned murder of dix of our coun ettled state of affalen arluing out of the wanton, res you link may be carried out by rporasion of trymen. The political disquietude of Chine, at anchong1-Deckedly better than be muss. The error of Hongkong I leak upon as our Ambassador In Me; I cancelve te duce are to lose after the Interests The own nation, to protect the trade, and to keep up the spectably of Ragland and the high position which she This can only be done by an adicions establishment des the pretection of the Weltkan Rag Do you think that there would istance on the part of the theses, If we had sought to bean greater ave established ourselves sourer the Chinese cleliai?---- crta?aly : moru sapucially 12 mo ba Zumba ertained; nothing short of a grand sfurt will ** L?ri ?andan, ** At ? Hanna wa chukia have and to die afford satisfaction for the pautor ensure security for lace a portion of the regular ? kinase government abou?d the fature. The recent events, the wanton scri- - wet-Yes, we shouli have caused much degradation fee of inoffensive lives, and the manner in which the government of kiss had we taken possession of death was administered by thousanda, gorged with to it la one of the territorial divisions of the am- the blond of the inaccent, relieve us from advancing ir; and, baldas redwoling great many gurument men, we should have required a large sanitar of the any thing in reference to le justice or policy al Marse people to change their allegiance. *Mr Klydale —What is the population at Co-be unhappily forced upon us uy set of circume another war in China; inaamio no war appo?ro Lo
the termination of the first Chinese war, or was it I of the Province of Canton, did not cease with in any degree suppressed by our late demonstration; the ambers were fanned into a flame, nal extin guished by our forbearance and mugausinsity. The lion to set, or half moeurs, ought nat longer to time, however, has now approached when hesita
What was the population of Hongkong 1-About 6,094 tonces as to render a collipop almost inevitable. Few we took anseion.
We have no desire to re-open the discussion on nut Lard Sundon.—If we want extradidinary protection, Bret war, or to animadvert on cholanding questions 1st rather in the neighbourhood of Cant them to which led to it; it is sufficient for us to know that wighbourhand of hanghai-Yes, at Shanghal the if war bo unavailable, ours will be one of justice ple are well disposed towards no; but at Canton they and beanity for both justion and humanity are Blaston. With respect to Canton, Chama conserned in the preservation of the cumans right, l be as protection whatever t-None whatever. of human existence the world at large is equally Wapat suthority at realde near Canton for many interested in upholding the protection which une nation should afford to the subject of another coun There were two descriptions of persone examined try. If then warfare must enade, it will be no Hore the late Chine Committes, whose evidence Opam war; if blood must be spilt, the guilt renta
particularly on the policy of our settlement at Jongkong. These were the merchants, and our
with those whose violence natened moh an unwish ad for calamity. We have been desirous of main- itary and civilian ex-functionari in China.aining peace; we here borne insult, suffured for former spoke to the mercastile, the letter to Chinses tergiversation and put of the right to so political advantages which might have been tor Caslon unmolested rather that offend the pre- nded by that possession, and which have, as yet, judices of a people, whose only return has been to d to be derived from it, to any thing like the avail themselves of the first apportunity to murder prat of the original promisu bell out Par ourown part, we confes ourselves altogether
Le defencelara anel unesepooling.
What will be the effect of the out going mail, on able to concaire bow-baving before us our own arrival in England of intelligence of the wanted ample of recent and signal access at Singapore, murder of our countrymen by an organized hand of wald have deviated with such stulious perserse Chinese militia, it is not difficult to imagine: In- Mat Hongkong from every poles of addignation will give place to resentmont, and the policy, to whleb that success had bosa owing. anillions of our Father land will burn with grief for ier Buchanan, Esq, was asked→
Has agapore been ased by other nations as a dept will burn with disgust at that blindpolicy which the departed, with revenge; nor is that all they to trade t-There's very considerable the left the Factories at Caston and the lives of our all the Chalsens trade?—There is a
in very considerable
uation at singapore Kakuna, pesosably disposed merchants at the meres of an derable trade between that blames ports and agafariated and uncontrolable populos, who, urged * Janka 1-There is a very centerende trade with by their prejudice and the example of their radars py, on Uhinese account, particularly last year. ale a larga juda sunda fram variond other parts Are
There (t least the inferior mandarina) and encouraged yasa macchants settled at Ingapore 1-Ye
There are."
by the absence of protection to foreigners o
Lars Ellen”. There are Chinese ai | Bumbled at noon day to commit a sixtile marderof bering premament mercantile setabu 1 128 most revolting character, Whilst two Bu
of war were idly watching the flagstaff at Labuan, Me Crawford, who acted for some time as the the only war rassel (the fixo) was withdrawa w of the late ented Sie Stamford Raf from Canton and ent several knudred miles to the completing the organation of the seulemen worthward in sea:sh after pirston, Bu> what will ich he had founded there, gives striking or countrymen in China and England think whan Mace of Chinese active allegiance to good ud:
we inform them, on undoubted authority, that Satration, There are no people in the world,"
Her Majesty's only war Steamer in China is or "more easy to manage, i think, and whu dered here, and that Ifis Excellency the Naval behave better, when they are well treated 1”
Commander-in-Chief is under the impression that might mention one curious sample of it: 1 11. Af steamfrigate Vadere in now on her way to dla negociating a treaty with the wadive price. Europe! Admiral Inglefield is not to binme in lege who were sot quin se respectalie ? people as the this matter; H. E. acted weder instructions from
Koying pleaded these six murderer levens ample to Europe, is unavoidably postponed until Friday, sacrifos for the atonement of siz innocent and in the fib Instant. the Eliors of the guilty villages and the banlah. offenling men! Nothing short of the exoration of The Sale will commence at 10 o'clock A. M. ment of the villagers ought to satisfy the domande
JNO: SMITIJ. Macao, 3rd February, 1844.
The Race Commitras having dermed it advisable la
and demands signal punishment. of British justice--the outrage was most atrocions If Sir John Davis has merely patched up the affair, pending make
a light alterations in the programe,—the follow- instructions from bome and reinforcement fraiming is the umanded fat for the forthcoming Haorn, whence they may be soonest obtained all may you
[Elgued AUGUSTUS CANTER. go on well; hul if he in any degree attempt to
Bertery. compromise the master without our possessing | sufficient guarantee for the future, he will betray
HONGKONG RACE MEETING, 1948. the solemn trust reposed on him by bis Sovereing. In the tranmctions just enacted wo one only what Tallyrand designated the end of the beginning,
FIRST DAY, MONDAY, 7TH FEBRUARY, 1849. —the war way be put off for a season, but cume it would appear to be almost certain and that at no The Wong-nei chung Stakes, for all Ponics under the opportunity to pass of retaining the province distant paid. May we be prepared and not allow 18 handa. Ons mile Entrance $1 each with of Casson until the Chinese rulers are able of their
8:30 added from the Fund. Weight for inches a own power and judgment to preserve good feeling
per scale. Former Winner of this Raco axcluded. between the inhabitants of Canton and the thous The Plenipotentiory's Cup, prevented by His Ex- manda of well disposed foreigners who visit its port cellency Bir John Francis Davis, Baronet, value for the purposes of trade. —Strait Time, Jany 5. $200, for all Horses. One mile and three quar
terk, Weight 10 stone 7 be. Bydney and Capa bred Horses to carry 1 stone 7 ?be. . E trance $10 each. Second Home to save his Stake
(From the Straits Times, Jazuary 26.) WEEKLY MARKET REPORT.
little doing, owing to the small number of antive As usual at this serang of the year there is very trader and the occurence of the Chinese the festivities incidental to becolon rupy the stention of Chinese traders for one days. At present but about ten junkanhava aksixad and three chiefly from the neighbourhood of Canton; the junks from the worward will bring remains yet their cargo generally are of no great value; what
state of our rolations with China will deter many to be seen, it is possible that the present unsettled Trading junks from quitting their native porus. Bett-The market continues here. Copper Sheathing and Nails -There has been a slight speculative demand during the week: the season is drawing nigh for a demand by Hinn and Cochlo-Chineno traders. A male of sheathing onp-
per and nails to the extent of about 95 picula is reported at 933 per picul
000 bales; at present the ardels is in no enquiry.
Elowy-Baveral parar la remain in firm hande. Opium-For Pathe and Malers there is no en- quiry and tearDominal. Benares ia ?n slight request a very low rates. Prior to the receipt of the result of the fault of the second mie, Gra chants of Benares were parted with for 150 cash, but not more than 6130 can now be obtained except un credit or in butter.
L'otton Row-The stock here onsists of about
Rullane-We have not alteration to report Brgats.--No sale of note has transpired since our last, Sales are at about quotatious.
7-The quantity at present to market by the Janke is reported to be very inferior, the goal qua litian being on board vessels from Bleughai and Amoy not yet arrived.
for Europe, the Flora Kerr nod Countess of Dur Fort-We have now no vessel on the herth how being chartared rawls." The Alazer
Hare is for Sale, Johnston has proceeded to Penang, Mineros 10 Calcutts. The Dide is loading for Calcutta, the
PALE ALE in Batle, for landed ex W'illiam Jandige-600 duzena ul superior qunkty, fur sale at the Bale room Queen's Road,
FRANKLYN & MILNE. Victoria, 9th February, 1848.
T the Sale room Queen's Rusi, on Tuesday next, the 16th instant, at ?ta., for the benant of the concerned,
60, Baloo of Banda Cotton.
All more or lose damaged by Bea water.
FRANKLYN & MIGNE, Auctioneers, Victoria, 9th February, 1848.
PUBLIC AUCTION. Saturday, 12th instant, at 11 A. i, at the
The Valley Stakes, for all Ponies 13 hands 9 inches and under. One mila. Entrance 2 each with 50 added from the Fand. Weight for inches a per scale. The Winner ofthe Valley Blakes last your to carry 7 lho, ezita, The Arab Walter Stakes. One mile and a half, Entrance $5 each with $80 added from the Food, Weight || sowe
The Hack Stakes, for all Pocies. Casch weights. One mile. The Winner to be sold for $50 claimed within a quarter of an hour from coming in. Entrance free, with @30 added from the Fund The Sydney Stains, for all Horses. Arabs excipt ad. Two miles. Entrance $10 each with $100 added from the Fund. Weight 10 stone 7 Ibe. The Winner of the Plenipotentiary's Copto catyr 7 lbs, extra. Becond H?ree to save his take,
The Pony Weller Ktahas, for all Ponies. One mile and a half Weight 10 gado 7 lbs. for Ponics 13hands and under. 11 stone for Poole above 13 banda. Entranco $1 each with 950 added from the Fund.
The Canton Cup, value $180 for all Horeca. Ono mile and a half heats. Weights 10 stono for Arabs, II stone for Sydney Horia. The Winner of the 'lenipotentiary's Cup to carry 7 lbs, antra. Eutrance $5 each.
The Victoria Plate value @40, for all Ponies. One
mile and
ball Weight 9 on 7 b The Winner of the Valley Baker to carry 7 ibe extra, and if the Winner of the Victoria Ilate last your to carry 10 lbs, extra. Entrance 83 each.
The Scurry Stake, for all Ponies, Catch weight, Half raife. Entrance 0 each with 090 mdded from the Fund. Becond to receive 65 from the Fund, and third Horse to save his Stake
The Gall-way Stubts, for all Horses ander 14 han is inches. Araba excaptad. One mile and a half. Emrance $3 each with 850 added from the Fund. Weight 10 stone.
WEDNESDAY, Or Femuany, 1848.
The Hunters Plate, value 690, for all Horses. Ons mile and a bat Four Hurdles 4 feet high, and Two Hurdles feat 6 inches high. Weights for inches as per scale. Entrance $5 each.
The Pony Hurdle Race, for all Ponies. One mile and a half. Four Hurdles 3 fort high, and Two Hurdles & feet 6 inches bigh. Weight for inches as per scala. Entrance at each with $10 added from the Fund. Second Pony to receive 10 from the Fund,
10 bez zubon's lived, for the benefit of The Arab Stokes, for all Arabe. Two miles.
the concerned.
9 Bales Costen Twist,
3 Hala Grey Shirtings.
6 Bales Wallens.
All more or less damaged by Ben water.
FRANKLYN & MILNE, Anctionsut.
Victoria, 9th February, 1848.
Weight 9 stone 7 H. Entrance $10 each. with $100 adderl from the Fund. The Winuer of the Cup to carry 7 lbs. extra. Becond Horsetov bi Bake.
The Ladies' Purse, value $50, for all Ponies. Winners at the mosting excepted. Entrance fret. Catch weights,
The Native's Purse, value @20, for all Ponies. 5?
dian and Chinees Riders 'One mila. Catch ? weighoa.
The Hongkong Sweeple China, for all Ponies. Catch wrights. Ground to he named by the Rewards one hour before the time of starting. Entrance
1 oach with $30 added from the Fund.
China and 179 Pomesces.—The Journal des D?bate, ?n announcing the receipt of letters from Hongkong, of the S?th of Auguu, which it regarde sa factory sharseter, observa that Geme Britain will be forced to souguer China, less much at it la a thousand times more easy to conquer and govern It then to live in a state of peace and fraternity with a faithing race which will not execute avas the conditions which it imposed on Itell by trestles. “China will be conquered." says the D?bats, “and after the conquest it will be more oury to govern than India.”
Chemie Lorenatone --Lettern from the celebrated M. Gotalaff, Mimionary and Comel-OLFERAs of England in the Celestial Empire, have just been received si Munich. They are dated from Hongkong, and give en somsant of the labours of that individual, which approach the marvellans. He has just terminated a volume Entrances to be declared on or before 16th Ju- - Inows history of the Chinme empire, and has sent tile manumerips of it to M. Colle. the publisher, at Stuttgardt. He has p