F18.-- With Reference to the freer goed "B. C. B" will you kindly faros me with similar indulgence, by previtting ine sigin se the *: oborinate who d. 91 R," the bedders to which he al Judre, and which had been in the Post-Office for at least three months previously, that such delivery was unaccompanied by any remark on my part, s? sobie bag called the preceding day to make en quiry regarding them. The mamment of “A 'C, B"
ure disappointed. In the protection of his charge of two peny adiicers, and lum J?d at Custom of dictators we have heard their gronas and headed
With how much Joe" eyes of the world and hun might we, in towards Mexico. We bare nam kaked upon the Mexican people, struggling in the chains for a period of (hirtysix years, and tree het fie to them one ward of encouragement, whing man them ridden to dmth, by unprincipiak ALLIT, met their oppression. Who, then, will day that these people would mot de hatter received into the bosom of our great, republie and protected by He
tuzury of liberry. perience what they have never known bafure – the In the other hand, we are only Bghting Gr a pears with Wino redress for past griway- amera, and a libe I componention fur une expenoca in shaming that red:mo, the less autostagem we lend to the dismemberment of Mexico, the bes ter for us, and the better, perhaps, poor devils, fot them. If Messen is to remain independant, it is
become so, she must remsein'eotra. Our term of peace, to be obtained at this fumeture from, b?r go- vernment, will pul sa nas goed inercantile footin with her citizens, and bar prosperity will become war. Bo this prosperity is not t? he gained by allowing her to be cut upon into a oumber of umais- Isure independi veic Far from it. Me kag would there ni unik?n republica, remain jepalilibo ? Fame of them not a year and, we would have in Mexica hajf 4 qozen little Kingdoms, with military dietsbro, ul their brud, in has than no time. . The great Bolivar wh? know the Spanish Amortene Nie la audeamusing in corsham the South Ame Petar Intimately, spent the List me yours of his rican republien i?o one grass federalism | He knew a tho mani thorn better thna wa du, the car parity of Lis connizzmon for self government—he
map int trat that the ghould be prosperous, and to
Ta A. Camrosia, Esq.
St-La reference to the two Sansen of the Mory would be to bedly shy they are at Com de Mories of Wharpen, as all other ship's ocewe in the place had; they went up in won. Alex purchasing all they required, they to his top of Old Thins Street, is compey with a Chinaman; be enticed them up a plaos call- In the position which we occupy in Canton, of Blue Lane When they got half way up, shoy | Ag of stare? Poor sarfe, they would than 62+ -
"were going to turn; nacing this the Chimim?n gave it is pa ticularly unfortunate that our intera gran vel, and in iras than two minutes, they were that the letters whic's turned "byl to be for him, hid | are not intrested to a poradte ?n vihom we hors- vizionded and driven upwards towards the day, til ben sen through the Town with a slow to thela delivery of 1f. sufficient, proof that the udice conference. Since his first arrival to think, they came to Ten Yard, were they drimet and its day by endes outing to have them delivered Sir John Davis has exhibited a feeling of hosti. the water, and hapted like wild dogs, sometimes is so the proper justy, but it so beppens that there are lity to his countrymen, which would be no the water. other time fighting their way on sho ?s, many prisons of "R. C. BY%%name (rus) in Cotable, did we not remember his career an till at last they were separated. Our look to the Hongkong, and consequently, the letters having an Officer of the Cauton factory during the Creek, and swam down to the river to a Schooner bern art round for inspection, is fully and should dominercial monopoly of the East India Com- and was hanging an by the embla by ons arm, the presume wish.ctpily, coounted for. I be to state, pany. Latterly this feeling has got so be quite other being daubled, when he was taken notice of vindictive, and it jenot without cause, that pea by a Lascar, and the kicker on board, and very motorer, for 48 C. B*%" informatia, that they were sent la 1 ant a und vere probably were opened plo have entirely in confidence in him. kindly tranded, sad then rest on board of 19. M. Wat by a Gentleman comm-eted with Firm there, whose His remissness in the affair of the Mary ktinde si “Q C, B *ry excusable coeur Bannatyne's teamon will not tend to redes vanen, m?der (ie cirrameteners ofthe case. *Bonfidence-indeed it appears to be the po?- | wie atharine; he was this aken in charge by the
Bomer, has added to blacie, was any of
If his current opinion that, through prejudice, obtin- sentiers and sent to the Consulate in a sad state. remained in the the longer than the claimed on those interests it is his duty.& proinci'clock-they only stout befahr way,, and ignorance, he would at all times which he can mify The whole occurred team a calon fet, fum the lect, that a lits dy, from
It may appear to parties unacquainted with egg of the afficers' night. I nevar in my life my A TA. till & and this list is sagad, p? rered workly wind 1.3 B* reference se it would have info dan beving that the lem, to which he comt oberries they bera d-tained, were in the Of the list or had be bon tetra be pines he was, that there were no irenen y kim, the fes of their being recorded on cheme, would be proof to the contrary, and --8. C. would have been spared the pecessity of sending forth a atenuat, whch in justice to iny self and Brother Officers, I el called upon (how aver releemmly,) to contradict.
The other was not su fanunate, he was erroded on shore, even by Shoppere till at last ?§e got refuge in a Bhep; the Rhop-asa went for the
were ingenue the too e Apelically | China, that we misrepressot the Buperiotsulmat /mi? Barrive such wounds; poor Allowa, I am sure
otagare a
1 uw & may not be consal red out of place to re- mark, that it would be only common juice, and evincing proper feeling, were Elitor of Newspapers winding commanders Ingard to the fruta of such teeth, before giving publ sity to them, as such Heility -Hords to every anonymita scribbler an op- perty of renting his spiren," to the injury may be, of innocent persons, whenever it may suit, bis purpose to do so.
fa the hope that you will be plecand sa predos! the freedom? have taken in addressing you upon the subject in question have the honor to be, Bir, your obedient serv
Twos: Wa: Manam
of Traile, but wich is not the case. On alton dews without any conduct on their part, ( yet cassions he endeavours to wound the feelings. May were fined sherwaniu). 10m happy to my
of the British Merchants of Canton by ara are both doing well, but it will be a long time, mitous insulte giren officially. Recently beter) before they are the same men.
Hok ocean to intimate that, if Merchante
murdered Chom they would be tried to the
Teumin, bit, yours empactfully,
This Mail aserts that these top enuli noi vijith
murder -arajn we have a N-ufication intina- In compliance with the established regalo. | knew that a linke federalem je a gross free sad ting, that for their own safety, thay most forbeartins, Captain Picken obtained from Manly shiplies the nuber of irresponsible man- from committing aggressions upon the Chinese Magtrate a Whampoa permisuga forters; and knowing all this, Simon Beliner in hard and to wind, up he drags forward a despatch past of his crew to visa Canton ; and they were with all his night street for Arc nikdressed to Sir Henry Pottinger by H. M. ? put under chargo of two of the pesty officers one epeat national gurament, much as we buvo s Government four years ago, in which, in reply of the shipra Baiknaker and a Carpower, Washinzion, and wbner menimme would be a gue- to Sir Henry Pottinger's nitarepresentations it is
maten for the dignity and integrity of its actu. But Himon Bullear ishorat in vain. Mated,fimt Her Majesty's Current propriety be styled petty officers; but, iftamilmey ambition m3 sbrand among his third- The bed spirit of "trust that the excess of season, when my prefer such a requeri, we would ask the match wished to have a ch?n of the Caves to emansipated from the restraint of discipline. Ma to inform us, who are the petty officers his own share-asch wihed to be a lain king will prove a salutary less to British Mer, a ward ship 2
“hirish, and the plate of the g?ti lunder warn
South America could hestar baar dissembermana thun Megy-there are
sturot ?aundurjed the?o bat egore the existands of separate government i
vides, the Ameriana: people nao not meelest res like the man of the Minienna.
We four that Canine la destined to become
It has been saply proved that small rapeblicos me rentary so the interrate of pader and propos tig-protid by Kariran kuulen posed by Ga. belproved by Quito-by Fourstry Chill ---
the Me?o, of row ridge are long, and deeply? THE MAR?IAL SPIRIT OF THE PEOPLE-THE "le it to?le eagerthed this q?r intarasts are not in. beter bands. The ho are approaching, a
* chants engaged in irade with China &c* Lamigoure that either Captain Picken, on 1 Now the publication of ao extract from an old," ass, or bath, were listed $20 by the Con despatch could only be with a had inization, nak bay. The Mafsileges the Captain, fornendog, kus no refermoco whatever to the actual state of pines without an Offer Captain Puken affairs. The Merchants of Canton have on more deply plains that the mad wes fed, without control over the Bosnien who visit the Cay them mig miste of himself. It matters not. they have orse the government of the aantry hatever, whether out ne hoch worn thus treat- Our correspondent is not an sponymous in which they rende cand the sitems to saddle a depraerfil na the Commeler coon seridele. - Of this wa amire Mr Thea W. them with the riots committed by drunken
- Buch beiter would it be, that Ben- March; ad really, we think that it would be [ Asiatico or Burpeans is most unfool. It is the mms www strictly forbidden from visiting Com | by Orowy-- Barons Ay?rs and Blaydi. Ayu, a?i asking too much of our komshie -alves, that we duty of the Britseb Consol to see that these men
son jader: any pretence." Boch a Regulation enquire into all the squabbles between the re behave with propr my ; and no other English and the misunderstood, sad would proses
away courtulmet and edomtan. If Meal, din, “is to remo?n indepanchetti, let cipients of letters and the Gentlemen of the man can interfere with them.
buty Mover and Mariane, At present, they her alan remain autism. Bit John Davis deligine hutneelf with these, centras ! to existing rulest notwithstanding Wendy but the fragment he immediately unlove with *
If he is to be diamem- potice It nceurs to us that Mr Thon, Wm.
mrch cought to be acquainted with the nares petty insults, but we ask His Excellency, sup which shey are still treated by the Clineet, | the United Busten -- Worbly Eleraid. mao tho has my which bo enfers 1 sa people phai_your countrymen retaliate and say, you and then load by the Coneul, may pass the post office, without reading the display great soal for our welfare, in advising placards stick upon its walls. Mr Thos. Wm,us to howare of slaying, and plundering que Marsh appear to have placed too musi, de- neighbours, we therefore my to you-de not pendence upon his hit ; sud neglected to exam- bear falan witness against thy neighborum ine his pups baler, a fash which we would lust not after strange women-donot give they recommend him to mamed,
self to gluttonya either case, these adviendono are quite uncalled for ; but we look 'upon the second as quit es justi?able as tun fest, [* The Superintendent of Trade in silent, bat Llaw" mineraisononh, vill he received, muti: 4
the ring rings to pulihis Organ, in a second edition of his paper pre- pared for the mail, comes forth and boldly lays saturs,,rit: Thandout a "Prilayo
the responsibility of the affray in which the Saamen were nearly killed upon themselves, and upon Captain Pician! Th?s is a climax to the War's perversions, and willment with lilo balist. The suthority upon which he takes up puation is that of his Chinese Correspondent in Canton!! The permits just been charged by Mr Forbes, the United katan Cous, wish giving a false translation af ? pajor in which he than anghai, esoeng from Merchant manan, ihe wae of the revolution?--the midnight merch was brought upon the apisy and sha Mail by
who{"other lugare treated by, Oflninle | wear the frv?ca vane in the midst of the most in; averiguarole proces posuluva tu hitmonlf, ad. with 100 grnas Tejeriion. The Punta Pluto) alement weather, withi tho sen. Gost chithing, barely mits the truth ofthe charge i at the mainotinees. | vi?) harbour, where her service is not to. I r?ficient in cul their nakefiem? -- Who is there enerating his Correspondent—indeedit does but | quin ?s if sequced u? Canton, she pauld give | thm can bus namite the devotedness of the men appear there the blame resta, buna second tran cor k?ence and a iooling of security Which dons | whose foot trucks ware marked with shriz blond slation is given, to Mr Purbos emirajatisfaction.
not in.
se they marched to give battle to the lavadors of their coil?
34 | Netwer
! Farland
Dr. Surte vo
On. 14 Sta
KUNI 3131) me, un dragyan) § 1000-32-36, 19442NM 106 un Tharangi new P5.
O lumini Chaplain, Yaman, 16th Bor, 1946.
BOTICS-1-19n Canaria will be renn Sie Publio’Ve HMMETEENS, ANT100 SEMULA & O?RK F. M, Whitng the glavni navdaha, happying with the L?t N-ram-
We find it impossible to relinin from occasion all mind a diprovour jimat, but partiotlotty | nly grouping a few more phether, shibding the nawe, and rubberies in aja suburbs have be- | sawaamiary spirit and woke of the Americans in con common, that mijny and valuables are pronti?ing a dar agsinus thris enemien. being removed within the City walls with all? Since the United States dreams an independent expedition. As yet the Superlasamiast of Trudo | nation, a prople here been characterised for a hasen no kinsmores for the getection of martin? spirit mingled with a love of reentry that the Residents. At all times one of the small
in a refreshing to the patrici s? a ginea of croton Beagons ought to be moored of the Factories, on ↑ but wi?y day. "On every (conion, when but a thin stamon it is particularly desirable thai their serview in the comp and in the said have beso requiral, they have ruched in thousands and tene dhe shnal?, ba duan, wete li enly, to take on
od Chowan ly to unrul themselves in the ranks, and our patre and books in the evist of an at- upheld the honor of their constry. This spirit woo tack to speak of the more important day coeval wuk the exutonca of the nation, and han of giving protection to Ladies and Culdres kept pace with the inerman of the country. Even at Whampon there is not a ship of war
or ult any aisance be procured bearer
Who can but admire the indomitable energy and presenzanen daplyed by the owlania! troops in
VENELS AT Macao. Fabella Robertson, Kelly,
lots to see who should stay at home. The captain of one company, after ol that were needed basi bres received and enrolled into the service of the Eure,
F. J. de Pairs J.&. Durran
United States, actually offered the large sum of var thousand dollars another company, if itu mens- bere would remain at home Lad let the other go The was declined, and of course the fortunate company went on its way. The treasury of the Eagle, (Aro ) —— amo State was at the same time empty, and M. Glide. (Am) Waterman,
Huntress. (Am) Gillespie, culty was apprahanded about exising money for
Horatio, (?va.) 'rockar, equipping the vol 'nteers. The citizens immediate
JQ Adams. Nickels ly determined to meet the emergency, and by vol
Mary Elles. (Am) Dearborn, Mary contributions supplied tha Governor with funds sufficient for the purpee Several weakly Notches, (tm) Land, planters trailered their bonds for one hundred thou Panakes, (A-16.) Griswold, John N. A. Griswold sand dollars, which was a good sa cash, with the offer that if th· General Government e funded the money, well and gooil, mad if not, they were willing to give it to their country.
There are individual instances of the patristian of the pe-ple; the aggregate amount is still m?r
We are informed from a reliable source, that the President, in answer to the rotreaty of ? gentlem?r to have a regiment received into the marvien of the United Brated, stated that at the present time the books of the War Department cow'ain the names of two hundred thound inlunteers, from all parts of the country_for_the_Hexican War, although the law only called for fifty thousand, and that he could not under the present circumstancta receive the name of unsther man
The companies number in their zinka some of our best and most respectable en zena The Bar, the Brach, and the Pulpit, and even the Pruticos have much their representativer --auma at privates and same as ndiers. Members of Congress, and of the State Legalatoren have quitted their legislative offere, shouldered the casket, and gons, to the orst of war. Qua of the fortunale companies from Miriasippi has for its explain the clerk of a Probate Court, and for its Lieutenant the clerk of another court, "white among the privates are several mem bors of the Legislature
This is the spirit that animated the men who socompliated a successful revolution in the year 25, and defeated the reteran soldiers of the Oil World, and the tuma spirit that would in the present day win additional stedit and renown for the epun. try. An army animated by this spirit in invinejije. With our she country is ense from a ~ Balanc?)
woal? kke tu impose on i
This is a great country. — Ibid.
30, Want, Hockett, Amoy, 28th December. 30, Anciona, Marvin, Whauspos
30, Aden, King, Liverpool_Fath July... – 30, Woodswet, Niebokion, Whampoa.
29, Torrington, Nell, Whampos
20, Prisa Dacar. (8wa) Meltin, Whatapon.
Gesels, Anderson, East Coast. Anglona, Mursin. Amoy War. Hackett, Whampor... Womatoch, Nicholson. Bydney
Z?za,.apake the ship Levly Amharat on the 29th November, from London, bound to Hongkong, in the Straite of Tinor; called as Dilly in Timor on (the 30th November
Vruto in Victonta Harbour.
H. M. Vostol, Captain Talbot
[H. M. B. Childers, Commander Piuran.
H.M. Veltro, Captain Macdougal.
H. C. Su Pivia, Lie Airey
H. M. Febr. Young Hobe, Second-Master Pym.
H. M. Tr. 8. Aligator, Master Commanding King
Al Victoria, un the 28th December, 1956, Jant the Wife of Major James Viu Gerald, f?ld Reglament M. M? aged 30 years.
dafuking Mertere. it any, in the Sce
all grant him a reer ipt for the same, and shall enter the particulare ?n e hipok to be kept for that purpose. Sib, Tit all Members shall pay the mount of their Monthly Subscriptions, say Ten Date, in the hands of the Treasurer for the time bring, an or befass the 9th day of each month, for which they will receive a receipt und r his hand.
Pilz Friend & Cury and figuakovo Ga
Zurte with the proving materiis &c. de. The paper was never in a more proenerom stain nd is parted with on acoming of the Proprietor fealth, he being unable to strend to the delier Editor.
For particulars apply to the undersigned, all com 8th, That shouli aay Member fall in the last pre?munications being considered confidential. coding clause, sad should his subscription remain
JOHN CARR. Victoria, 8th December 1840.
Rossell and Roll and Co ?Olyphant and
Nye Parkin and Llo
d upon the 10th of the month, or withio a urch A. Heard and therefrom, he shall pay Fine of One Duller, and A Hard and Co for every additional work that his haeription shall
WANTED. Respectable Young Man who can write a gond Russell and Celaue sapuld he shall pay a Fine of One Doller for aach week towards the Funds of the So
hand keep a set of Books and muka bimeell ciety and that Arrenze for three showthe shall at rally useful in the bunncas of an Auctioneer, an agrominant will be entered into for three years, any time constitute a forfeiture of all former at the end of which time a share in the miness will with the consent of the Trustees for the time being. scriptions and the Becretary for the time being. grated if waliofaction is given. Adderas A. 8. abali strike out the name of auch defauker from there of Mr D. PEACE stating mulary required and Books of the Bociety, and be shall emne to be a
giving reference4. Member thereof.
Canton, 8th December 1945. 7th, That on the Death of any Blamber before
BITUATION WANTED. 10 the tat af Janimaty, 1847, the Of the lat Day of January, 1852, en afhreasid, aboBY a respectable and meady house Young Bee for conducting the Business amquate paid into the Society by him as “ubscrip man, who writes English Autosly, and is some of the Sunner CORSAIR, will be re tion, to the date of his death shall desolve te, and what oppversant with accumus; be has been in an moved from Messrs FRANKLYN & MINE's House resin in the Fenila of the Bociety, for the besed: Office for upwards of two yeire; and bay go object to the House of HOLMES & BIGHAM, where of the sgiving Members.
live to go to any of the ?'orts' open; satisfactory all Packets and Parcels will be receved by Mrib, That should an intended departure from reference can be given, Applantion at the Office of
All applications made to him, or to Mr bine, if health, or any other cause, indure any this Paper, addressed to, STRANO will meet the ten-first attention.
W. B. G. Member to withdenw from the Society before the Victoria, 98th December 1816.
sxpiration of the Five Years as aforemid, then, in
TO COMMANDERS &o. such case, he shall give one month's netice in writing of such intration so the Berrewry for the time being, HE undersigned begs to solicit the attention of by whom noch wollce shall be laid before the 'Pros Conders of ships and the public to his ex- fees, who shall cause to be paid to the Member steige assortment of stores, replenished every withdrawing. One-half of the entire amount of Sab month by direct amportations to his own indeni, scriptions paid by him into the Funds of the No. | Comesting of— ciety; when bis warreball ba mrsed from the Books
Europa, Manila and Coir Cordage of all sizes; and his interest in the Society shall come. The punyar, Wong, Marine, Flombro'lion, Lead sevgining Half of his Subscriptions paid in previous lines, Uskum tic. Best pary Canvass, Beotch to the date of his withdrawal, together with all town, and Dutch banting. Ter, Fisch, Rosine tornej derived from kia suherrintions shall became | Prinis, Pins el Pupustio, t?rsak alc, vic, forinted to the benefit of the Society's Fundo.
Blocka Ha Mast boops, and Nails of every
11use on the South side of Gough Street.
Apply to
GEO. STRACHAN. Victoria, 1st January 1847.
NOTICE. 18. T. D. NAVE and Mr W. C. Le Geur are partners in our fron, which Me T. 8. Basru is thurised to siga by procutalivo.
MACVICAR & Co. Homgkung, fat January 1847,
An assortmedi derate charges.
fresh supply of Clarified Honey, Lime Juice,
One), and Lintred Meal, an oule,
Curnar of Quand's Road and Aberdeen Stromt.
VIST LANDED "STAG," A Hadish, Chocolate, Macerai. Varmecelli, superior serial Boupe and Savom, Horas Jams and Jellum, Tripa, Boosa, Hama, Tacmoes dcc. & Apply to
BOWRA, HUMPHREYS & Co., Victoria, lai Jumuary 1847.
FOR SALE. handam Grey Pony, the property of a gep- A domen ab to lears the Colony's pricel
Eur particulars ang dra of the Pheties siM?
HM 8. Minden, 2nd Master in charge Opmet, | EMBAT. Faasen ? Co's, Queen's Mond.
Hospital and Store Ship. Aden. King.
Anglona, Marvin,
Amy, Thomas, Amson, Abbott |Browilya. (Am ) Richardson, Bomanje Hormujen, Costes, Corsair, (Sir ] Sontes, Duke of Argyle, Bristow, Fort Hillige Hulk, Gezelle, Anderson, Jarra Cerine, Denham, John Harry, Howard, Linnet,
Miles, (Am) Poor, Othello. Thompson, Stog. Parish,
Spec Cole,
Bei Singapurn,
Woodstock, Nicholson, Vare, Hackett,
Crapke and Massey
Maricar and Ci
J. Matheson and Co Maevicar and Co Rossell and Co J. Matheson and Ca
Vietoran, di Uctober 1946.
Bread, Flour, and Belt provisions.
That any Member leaving China, th?i cesse | kind, Paling Anil p?edies etc. toban Mersher, and must withdraw under the pro- visigad of Clause No. 8: Nevertheless, this Claase shal moi extend to any Member who through ill. hab or other cause may be obliged to leave the
Dk with the intep("
Commencing so the?
whether througli a browra of the Rejuntion. Ver -tunday withdrawal, death, or otherwin, then in 3
Dilian's Stores of every description, Brady, dio, Rom and Whisky, Sherry, Port, Madeiro, Champagun, Hock and
plot in December 1918, AQUERRE?TYPE Puiki dovedly
teken in a few minutok at,
of China, that he is prepared to Adjust Claime any or sither of mich exten, the Secretary for the on the ukrutitets for Sex Dumige, and that any tige being shall endorse a short Memorandum ca Contention made tu hai to the care of Mr theSopy of the Deed of Settlement deposited in | Honors, Queen's Road, will receive immediato | the friental Bank, as also on the Copy of the same aliemion
in the hands of the Secretary, stating the fact of BILLS OF LA.SING FOR THIR OVERLAND suchaithideawal or otherwise; which sword shall ba endorsed and signed by the Becretary and Tren- Month from the date of each withdrawal or the saret for the these bring, within the period of time | win and the Recard so endorsed on the Deeds of
Beulement signed by the Secretary and Tron anforesaid, shall Be received and sonsidered by die Oriatal Bank, by any perens concerned, a good and sufficient proof of such Member's interest in the Boeker having so determined and erased,
14h, That on the lat Day of January of each Midichoss who ega'sq?veniently attend, Kuih pla?i in? kong ku St sh lama br. phs of the Year previous "Lake
holova zari bordleyrarforming, Atomok *The Tennens for the among Yuz th Fl
|and the General Baskime of the tone thi
Marthelemy, tih (v?retu)
Pidury, by 'n oing.” and a majority
Company's team packets. Il for goods deliver OR is at this office, four form of bills of lad. Ing for goods or specio shipped by the P. a 0,
southampton 3rd for goda deliverable Su able at London; and four goole deliverable t
for goods deliverable at intermediate ports. They are printed after the Company's forms on Bank post.
tic Friend of China"
29th October, 1845.
crH?PPING ARTICLES, scounding the co Starter 7 at C) Con ayant this oligo
(CM "Friend of China," t Ficturia, 19th October, 1948, |
INGUISTS Rewari and Nave Bitka for unde L? as this Other
Ups Friend of China, Suljhm, T84%,
·T?OR SALE -At the affeo of this paper,
Compradores'cheque houkr.
Ships Articles, with an abutment of the mercha
sampan's ach andoned on ihmety.
Power of Attorney, showquay Chity. Comterparti, Dar forma by
Bill of Lading.
A TONTINE SOCIETY. TV this Climate Honkh, and even Lifs itel for@dj protracted paried, are conferendly uncertain; and Freaklyn & Milne as the European Officers of Government and client
—— | engaged in mercantile, purevi a, novully adapt) J. A. Olding | maxim “sufficiently for the day ja the soil there. J. Matheson and Co It is proposed to form a TONTINE BOCIE) Franklyn and Milne under such. Regulations that all persone so incl
Dent and Co may be sonided to participate in ita benefits is Franklyn and Milue || to ?asure, at the expiration of a fixed ilme, on- Bush and Co vision of the Funds amongst Surviving Mema J. Matheson and Co in som at least adequata to defray the expenas J. Matheson and an lovilid's pabaga te England—the amoun Murrow and Co || Bubscriptions at the mine time to be such sa t Smith and Brimslow be easily spured from the puma which would gi
F. B. Birley wien be devoted to anporfluidira. Maavicar and Co
The following sketch of Regulations for sudite or pidanu un zit ka wakorlate rece?re the the United Kingdom for thy fan de maatban c Bacity merely Intended to shew the principles come are prentication ?a writtj?nathority alga prosak prsz, and come ring th?m with tha metag which it might be completed; at the same time (arovignificanth page or person in dng, in tang of the angential er *the Ancrising Members; ponding Parinds of 1813 und 1846, we am disap
Vieta at Wxampos.
rge. Bremer,
Fletcher and Co
Recent events have proved that this spirit a?' patriotisms to na fervid un'oret in the benasta of the
-olline, Thomas,
| Upon these translations, and Chilline cOITRE podemos, it is impoable to plase any reliance; they are the joint productions of a Chinnan
eacher and American Missionary--the first By Big latest adviess from Mexico, it would up | American people, and needs but the enll of their know sa no English the tune kam pahle Cummet peir fif several of the departments of that unfur | country to duke it burst forth, es brilliantly it in Nuw, not to charge thous men with a vital | (manundary have been entertaining the project | former limas. When Congress recognised the war perversion offrath, wanay say, th?ng thay sam- of a plepke from the gustul government, and or with Mexico, and empowered the Proient sa pa at and blunders; and that upon Fany state firming sach for itself, an independent republic, ocive the serviom of day thomased citizen soldiero Tosnan has already to carry it to a recornful and hasnesble clone, the ment einanating from the affling the ingon thietterdalico has follow call was answered in the not prompt manner.
on the Saderativa aja?em. terests of Englishinen, litle faith be placed. - a helyetts anNow Musice shrestoma a ommilar M?lti'udes powerd in to join the ranks, and in A copy Anglo Chinese Salendar thr. But upon the evidenos afforded a narrativo 3847, i per a table, but we have tu tot | furnished by these sen, il 19
frared ligulaire, we shall mean hour of Gassen, short time sufficient womhar had end thema- dipped is to it. This work is one of old stand that the Seamen were the glamor.
gah bayalhes, assikern-dogucimens, bonking out | selves in the Preatient, that would have formed a ing, and ons nod now require our vecmamay the Chinese Corresponderative, and tutor, verdika meme nice pullopers army capable of defencing the sombined) forres of
Captan Picker's letter both for our resdner; they wil jutge which is the, fua vorzion.
Viowa, the=b?r 18+0.
dation. It is very day printed in Camon at the office of the Beraritory,
We observe that M-- Caldwell has besp up- pointed Asmitant extendent of l'ulice: so oice for which he is well qualified. His intimate knowledge of the Chinese-their language their habita-wed their haunts, will be of the grassest, wirtion to him. We bave no doubt
On the 25th day of the Fa nyben. (0m 17), there ? were two foreigners, who and Lily entered the sky by the Tai-gig guts, and ph soldiers in charge of 143 umpi, we did not for all that the Chang you Fatrast, schon ali bi
** M* P indarrained on the conquanes and ↑ the grensest uptione in Europe. In the Wen and ) enmendam, the mhuis of Momsen, his best palby Bouth-west particulafly, the number that willyed wirali jou, he, sa?? ayuge,eto she fullest extent, the their ovesicos bice no proportion to the number d?jade mpilation of health. The quelled upon
- dillgreni dugarimasta in fetal) would to nevy (de a vid, afro all, we would have fake? Fitas lig?, bat wegbet?d en nier, 'with Given (Jhan those which led the
- Migiets, the Engla? so over.
The Stof is allvar o feral forty-two com j'panies more than were called upon, whose survives
the downsor was of courte compelled to dwaline.
to Minsippi chow-sode offered their st?vicek, who
orate in like marmer declined, and lamand of one)-
· indeed other osustries-- | ing lots to see who should qu?n tho g?n, they nh?
Inelia, Diaper.
fera. (Dutch) Zwana.
insert, Belostoel.
tour, Wood,
eopatra, Early,
should a sufficient number of individuate wilting tal join present themselves, a meeting will be called,
Chloe Tanks of impec
(From the Economis, d'ugust 23).
La pab?icha the allo a? meremansa of the trade of
infuportar mhority as aforaged altally ban dicks of commerce, au avid son of a cutionery, and, Liday and Co any alterations or modifications that may be there fuoidal authority to the Laiental Bank Jo kume hesteners, of a declining state of things t Boostred and Co suggested by inconding Marshero, can be adapted m?l) diffuck up such Money and interest as aforesaid and that he been mure actionsly let in businem than Benn Van Basel and Co
That a Deed of Settlement be properly drawn
14th, That all matters hemaght forward at gen. the mere comparisch of the figures would lead us to Boustond and Cop in Duplicate, and executed by the Members, one grad meetings shall be settled by a majority of the spect, imomuch as orary year, and capnely the Copy to be deposited in the Oriental Bak, and the Mochberg them present and any dispute any point last, has ad led to the number engaged in sech trade, A. Heard and Co ober Copy to be retained in the hands of the Be connected with the site of the Snoiety, shall be and to the general expabilities of currying it on. I K. Macgregor and Co orary of the society for the time boing.
refered to earl Morting of the Members,annot but be an important and useful inquiry to C. Bapoorjee Langrah
Sad, That the Society continue in being for a majority of whom shall doride finally without ap-examine the result of this comparison in one of Linday and to period of Five Years from the date of the tot fa-pood so ang Court of Law or Equity; and any Mem- the most important articles.
Punau an! Co vary, ledf, and be dissolved on the 1st Day of Ju- | bar' kas shall, on any pretext whingever, com- Russell and Co nusry, 18%, when the Survivors shall be entitled to redemedy provedings in any Co. as foreid,
an equal division of the Panda then in hand, *shall, for he lake the drat step towards rack pros crease in the present yo?r, even over the. '!. -845, Bid, That One Bh of the entire number of the camins, nguo s? be a member of the Society: and who the quantitis imported were so inmob larger Members shall be balloted for yearly on New Tair's ['al Marys then in the sincity Punds to which be than in any prereling your. For the Arst time Day to act as Temblors Ine the using Twelen might oderwing have a claim, shall become forfeit sure the tariff of 1942 was passed, the importation
af in the bank of the Backsty.
of live cattle han vara ned au impetant feature in
juke of Cornm, Whitehead,
dis, English,
dieren, (Danh) Holm,
Camper, Gring Bagaham. Dare, eatret, Beauvais, aneater, Hullin.
dford, Stayro
ontress, Fargusion,
argia. Jones,
Jamimon How and Co J. Matheono and Ca
Blinkin, Ramon and Co
He Oscar, (w) Mollin,
Robert Sala. Louder,
Lar, Conkling,
m Taylor, Brown,
rington, Nell
coma Senden. Whin,
ild Irish Gut, Bochton,
Rufiol and Co,
This new betoch of businem shows u ra fit in.
H. Wise and Co Mlowthe; and the Trustoms so oleated shall, from
F. B. Birley their body, chores a Secretary and Trosouter, who The Manager of the ?ei ptal Bank, and 15m Pdi- | the present year, whether considered in "lation to Russell and Co shail sot e gach for the Twelve Months in which sora af ? Priend of China." Chios Mall," and the indsence produced upon the home market, or to Lindsay and Cothey are ?n ?ffien, without any remuneration.
"Hoogpung Ragister,” liare kimily allowed Subs, the effLORIDE AREIM the That it shall be the du? of each Treatmese sifilios Papers to list their respective Uons Heard and Co Torner and Co to receive the Monthly Batseriptions, and on the | alat spake Branch of the Bank at China for the out Chimphy, Heland, and Rawls, Dess and Co 10th day of each month, le deposit the soul amcom umaknes of Partide prapsing in jou die Becisty, butcher bus clavad
Q, Livingston and Co so croalged in the Unital Banks 4-per conta he
| Caplats, shall hand the Back Raceipt together with a List of ] – Honghong, 16? Deosraber 1866,
? t?jako ng Uko alme meats it? B? pota Best, amphet zh pe?n? v??an?n n?all kind?, in those Counties datur ibe present year.
The folk n??g table shows the quantity of caule jespertai babe firm na months of each of the laat three year
Jan. 51?July 5, Como &
Sheep & Seina &
14......... to
The ad imports of all kinds of suttle in the oumo periods have w's
Mafce No, castle. No. of souls. 104945410 | 1945 .......... 1.379 | 1884........... 1,182
The larid of the present prar har afrendy, los ta A great extension of this trade. In the Eraz three
month of the year, the returne sh??dd very little. jaorouza, and. Chervante, sourly thadwhale of the in." creen now apparent kai teken glene during the lak ?i three months, who the new tamil her been in ope Jalan Tho talkswing table shows the comparison ?? th? quantific, of provision imported in Vise first six months ?Leach of the last three yemen — Jan Bin Boru Ber! salad Bartlipah Meme Pool baked
1048..... 1015 14
??? ?
13,847 4 **The comparison of the souls of all kinds i ne Altai-
|sterent year, of 301,204 own slovo toga, and of Tha kuli thong madres an incr?tan upon the |1.181,29€ enta alune 1810.
imports of 1945, that is will be observed that there
The quantity of asgar duty-paid in (3, fedaja 1 i lige sfeneman of Ostmas, Apanied, Rusin, months of the prerent y-ar is somundas los lado, sed Tring Wick, the b?ge of which at higry
Duty Pl
that would be via Mka f?llum on os that they went lu you up in his skin, Well, than, I must asaclude that by his beauty you maket bia ridg- mantule, or whatever si wana wants. A little furies in 1845. Wit, 1844 no soppuban man forly be, while the guest ingtean has taken pines in South ? ou you laka o' the King in Mia banuty. And so you Finstituted, owing to the h? ? ?ntiga that Bhaijed. |- American woot, the bone of which are very, light, druso a conopuruano stween the King and the Primes. The tats) deliveries of the present year, ipdoding, Or Aureilan voel thers le scansiderable increase | Now I needn't az you to tail nue who you 'lwles to the quantity exportul, f?r the six montha are be in the prosent year, while there is a great redes. | as the King; but 1 should be unrominom glad if than those of 1818 by no l?n th?m: 124,548 pits. tion in the queality unporiad from the East Indies. | goed inform me what likenme yon sem u?ween The following tahle shows, ih? onjunarfon :-- The quenuty imported to the prasiat year includes, his beauty and she beauty of Prince Albert. Will From 5 Jan. to 5 July,
kali?, langs of woal of the growth addha Catted your riveranno trak a plain mmo's advice? Walkon Site
about the streete o' Lunson I've alen observed a Bik-of raw silk-s?lje kupon of the germens satur pictur in die prent shops. is an engres yror shows a large czerez overzny former gene.
Sp? arter a parintun by Menster Eddun Landabor. him so does dogs und other dumb animals so capital "The cicupar?qua las follows:-- Tytal daty paid 1,919U 20179 BAKAJI || S?n, 4 16 3989 b
That picture, vocelleeto right, reprezenta Prine Albert's bad, and gloves, and walkun stick, wi Radlond, Table 171., call- Few, Talle li
■ dog in ons kurner on't a watchon an' em. Don' kanal “ilaw sak mapartyd............2-3 Adugu Labia2s 8,119,AIG Furlan
400M This increase ja hann cau d by the larger im your prache no moor sarauate about the Prin Rabbed, Table T
perte from Chide your ecouts from Chiuty. Cause if you do, take my wusd for Comy, Table 12.
As the shipetents of a ak for the forem month you'll be took off by some chap as cap dras, in th ending 234 of May hindberg 15,940 bules against think, now, what a ward to upon your hands shyanp and sittiwa?ishum a' that nt? dog. Valy 10,727 bales in vitaefur months ending 30 June
to zee fem j? od on to a dog collar. Howwomede 1845. The particulars of the shipfaruls of the
ver, now ke love the Prince alwooed in his beauty, deves moo ha, July In 184 to May 234, 1816, and go on to somut el I belave, Rivergut Zer, ?re as follows:-
Foreign, Bathbear ..... Other forel.........
mated raw
Total dekrecita Ear com-
voorptio z jad ?iport 8,138,168 3,073,157 – $40 bes A comparison of the total importa wish tho : vil deliveries, shows that the ferrot have been co mi - || derably in exows of the letter, this: je
From Leston...ilme
Belar .15,148
as low you be a wrong. Protestant,
You can't slide the vanarasishing the Cheythelion pays their Zauints, whom they bolaves to be in Paradise. You room again worship o' the areaton Whether as to the Carthalios do warship un no-
Total Imports.....1,006,018 37032 1001/ja Total delvereis....3,190,300 2,973,167 2,000 W The falling out in the concaption as well at ?n | Sivu Manufactures miljund with thy Virgeng ch?n, pardou na your sense of the wind 's another maitez.
or satin broad stuff....................14,950
[the total deliveries of sugar in the prongl/yens, '10,
acourted entirely during the last thresher the first Urea thegithalb the 5th of April, the ci sumption and the total delivering at the pea ju ' - Ganse me trope, bacal 'sle?a.. yoor, frere in considerabila nacere.afinish. The following showa comparisan of the thres mamfir of ouch your fun Jan 5th to April 648, sil?ven April 5th to July 5th, by which it appongo ald?t during the last three months the censudiprije 17 sugar" has beru 292,886 can, and the total d liveries 300,404 owis less than in the outrespondi
ng periods of 1885.
1940....187,676 | 1645........ 73,736 | 1018.......... 74,300 Beter and Chexer.—The quantity of buster Imported and daty paid in the present year, is con- siderably less than in 1945, but greater than ip 1844. Of chose, the quantity lampered and daty paid in the present year, luas been nearly the same as in 1845, but about 50 h?c c?nt larger than in 1944. This article showa, in a striking any, how little she price of home produce is influenced by fo
* momostitiup. In 1943 the quamity of foreign | chesse imparted was mity 63,127 vele, ko chan year, in the Wilabire markets in August, the price obtained by the large dairy hamariner ta ke c. In the pranet: year, the quantity of foreign | chase imported has been 111,499 owl, and the | Jan. 1 to ?p 30 5. MEM price obtusued in the Wiltshire machem during the || April 5 to July Band 817200_1,AN DEN? last month has been no less than 50s the out.
The following are the quantities imported and duty
TOTAL DELIVEnika ar main.
Jan. 5 April $.... Adell 5 to July 8.-
Zpected. Duty paid. lapsed Dotyped
19% 15.613
D?A.... 87.ST elo
319.407 HIESA
FORZION AND COLONIAL PRODUCE, Carol imports of cocoa have been larg?r ju the presem your thau in the corresponding pa. Fiud of 1848, but low than in 1844. Consump. tion slums a small but steady incream. The ex- ports are larger than in 1848, bat erwiderably loss thas in 1844 The teal deliveries of cocon she considerable increase over those of 1815, bat are much than in 1844. The following table shows the comparison: ---
Experiod. Doty pit. Trial dalis.
1864. 1,919,595
26.107 3.164.103 13-845
Fiat and H.—The imports have been st
Jum, & 10 July 8, 1944
201,079 107,183
Howp Grow Wool—The imports from all countries
-2,501,001 PLARNING O'HAREuro
CEMUITO Laily=16545 | bera hedh na f?ll?tatak Thx —The imports of Ten in jho pr?sent year | Jon,?te July A show a very large exom uver thi?c of any former
Innerth.... you.. 29. Rahoming ?? de particolate!—
Jan. 5 to July
17,071.000, 20.00legs $1,435,430 The couenglind of win cher Kraming shouse
the quaniky exported has been ra, do that t total deliveries of the year have only Been 414,048
be more than out year, thus :--
Jan. 5 July 5
Excate de, (bon, if I can't help vonduras how Spa come to prache and yoor only in penche, but ? ?publish, sileb 'n passilge as the follicus,
But if it had be known, as adequate authority” s??" geantaly fik saj, adimitted, that there was a parolarity about bitif?(tanm Prince Albert,) by which bo, cogi? erpages, for special personal in- apestine, adely indiekiaal in the crowd, and peno. trala. so as to discione ai hie plonsure, and to all andand, the immost recesses of graty hanet-my, would the anevis and windows have been so crowd. Would from senis or stre?a bara been so } orgerly deed Alaaf how the sching consci. enco la kom alles to answer--a, Po, many,~0} how many--ld buys hapa Saint to fad a back street, a dee ?, dark, cellar, to this in four, th? scrutinizing and terrifying glare!
|_ What sort of a–kets look out the wurd in the |_ Dicksonary-pazuilal be you a diawan of hera, Hi- verunt Zarf Drowan?'m think, now, that thie * here la cartun things a little bit too far?. Baiut ...this overbilan loyalty mycher teo uigh akin t? graulabin ? 10 I was you, aster th?, I should To Markder a bit, and look a lide at whuosim, alore
whe quite so hard na n-ne fallen be, apon the por Papiskes. Tall, ma, plano, if there mus a Zanint Albert instead of a Prince Albert, and Popials praste bad sed all this about an what you'd ha theight o?sich langwidge?
HORROR AND STATH DEBERING A Toho Riverot Hugh M'Neile, 38. X" Tirsadena,
? Banjudd's Church, Liruggaal. · her letter to you, het I dont know so I ates Riverund 21, ex your parda v?r1 dresden this
| say 'count, a' prodamu) (cano? it strike
es that the cable ane tepon bewusses Duty maid .......20,553,010 38/35MM data for the stablished Charta, E bafns traveldimo aut Exparted, Talla IT...est hen g?wakimbap a' my chwosed in wilam you a badasimind So that the satendill you thought proper pruchs Total deliveries............ not givm 24, 164, "90 94,79,964 | Feelise day in Elverpool, Cuiusu mig pun seda 1,760,918 The comparison of the import and total delito nan last praks ja ible dam rug parapor 160, is way be ikta stated:- 2,430210 Jan. 5 to July 5,
(which I only had marrow
m?ra Desh Mangrood with'en.
The comparisons of the usporit sad total deliveries
of cocon may be thus ataladi-
Tela) deliveries. - ?450,0
1,312.19 1,150,175
Corena ---The quensity of cases imperiod in the present year, butha of coloumi and foreign, shows a considerable reduction upon that of last year, but ja burge than is 1846. The following his slows the comparison: Jun, July
Colonial 104,560
Tucal deliveries..... nor gives 21360718 99,775dia in n quandhiev, napadang pahlar ve
With a continues en geopt? of importa abore | to hinlige over de milk chhak-hangiu: “I pqnist the varie, ? connot be a pries that my topos me my mesterk,
? and the time walidating Ko?uckno
samo harimia #bog, 20 in fit sud? proper
? t?le artiole should be so dependend, 73
HANUVANTORER'S RAW MATERIALE. SURE'S WOOL --The accou? in the jet portillag
of wool, which appeared in the forenci acconate die dooiespect for scans, and shakes to
Now let me will respest posat fec another ques sion—says you
And when I looked around on the enmpacted alle ten net with life, 1 cegld not check mages of icmorial creatures making the waters
the quickens throbbing of my heart." Zatorur.
I decent meer, Reverunt Zur, tu jax're wi wil Jonly at nun what war onstruiry to fiet – But didn't cosilcanism? Pom refleckshon, and candidly, make this here stajemount, now, mysher without be you pepared to 23% pure single of champ the Faster, de your pulis rig our
ka minute? Or if they dia, dil they do so from any other ragonathan the cruwil, izitenant can your your heart and supporsun thes ajd hali bulog askboonyun? Can v?n, in vaet, Prince komen bid the spinularity" about un sa jen fancies med belong to his Royal Highness of | abhun imo-beurts, and scene what was p
ide on 'em, declare that he'd ha read the noughts y?u sez you had in yourn ↑
ile" inat the Prince) will como, no murely
the year, is now changed into a defick may, and the Timo?k vrock shaild bilje to z-zarpins. r-export of woot in alio mother lacji li tipy [201] ???u my, conf? B?v?rant, Zer, Fe'll hardly Purmooun your 'pology 2 think they calls it— 1045.
sant your. The importa, of al op'a m?ti in the fi balero me; but when finge. I read the uitle of your twee the Prince and ane whose meam I want 1846.
six months of the three fatter dive bomini)(1)})}) desorek, I raly undisgaly couldan faney intake in vain, you hearTOR. 1,301,418 0.947.400 16,401,430
Jan. 6 to July, 0.004,999
tabook And if one gradowed all ong baru a erd abolt them Jerrywits, un mat dert ha 16,503,ata, 15,752,439
Imported, eapon.MAZMI MIRIP 3,812pm and,anted sin he?t migh s? t?o, se ow's saw a bad Dedeet aparted...... #PLATE GANDA, JEtum, bad wel? ihanarmennt p?r te and pas yunc Left her couromptions 26ann, danne Tanges made in t But althere.ts s?ru es e gun, pus Showing an available supply in the grant years labed banklagena kuchang gad Zm. Padilly, about one millich of the, lew than 1988,
{{ went and bought Me Leglasskikko var vn, sad The erpart of English was in the three years nomendare a bed comedyy) when any l'ika - bad have been tha
Willwoewuth L-brieta dhe ka bik's book poblisted. by Mid Mmatte Elapily, forsley of per vried?-Ben- a manumift the “Curanilne virkstiampar ? end
Total legante.. 12,990,291 The consumption coes does not increase as the low prion sad increased general obriety of the country would huse led us to exprol. The dos. pemption of the preemt rent in nearly the same as
? lo 2845, though Leth yemiz show as ingresas of more than 2,000,000 lbs over 1844. The export of of fee in the print pear shows a great reduction on the quantity exported 1915, which, however, was
och larger than usual, owing to the peculiar state
of the Dutch market. The total del?varima of cof
fos in the present your are, 5,906 233 lbs he then
Jan. 3 to July 8,
Exported 104,419 900,101.
to be looked at; neither to condos his own view to the surface of things, and from his judgment by outward appearangus. Que noble, nailaliku, bolurid Prince did thin. He could see only the surface, douched by his gidicence, he was gracious 1 'plained vandy Chillik splendid scone should never de chaman von Armonde ge
ona Pop the Pope you wo sich a boring o
fetal here was once a book “wrote by
m-called shd'Art's' Blokun. This in say, the art
darum, your premiace I must say I think this here! a plungin Awan grand down to common. You'll
The inpation of week, classifying the kade | sarwash o'ynach demperen a p’esbe in on. Mind-Uf, fenfive me? Bat, but it strikes me you're a bin and the countrice from which is has been record, a watermomonga, I shoulda & ibich 1 had highyun, this book is hume purpom. From the
* Four"sentence, 10 what the Princo
in 1845, caused by the diminished export, Thef into London, Liverpool, Bull, Beidol, and 254h, Fright an?motoo up. But a beapablished book ; und | be translainly.pirated ta ony,” da s?m to me lo
following table there the comparison
Carrus-Duit and exported.
Jam. 310 July 5,
Petrics 3,29JOE TANK,051 0.756.600
Twat doth paid. 134,853 $7,100,397 17,546,00
* Kapriod Tells fo... *,16361% 31.19
Tani da?iem .18,439,719 08.001, 0.708 The total deliveries of the year are, however, considerably larger than the tuin imports, the comparison being → Jun, July a
1946 He
....FR.PA.124 16,983,40 15,762,450 Tual del in,451,772 25,001.860 RESULTS Sud-We have had so much occasion of late *40_euter_foly_ martiosler and miama examination
of the sipte ?f the su?ur trade, that we shall con-i gent ourselves in this place with making a careful egation of the importa, exparta, and omaump- Bon in the United Klugedara, during the period en Braced in thean tablon. The imparts For the vir pruchs have been as folleys, distinguishing colo mini, foreign?one labour, and other foreign sugar.— Zam ? to July &
Colmiul, til klaris, 1,871,12% 2,396,300 3,477,500
Forza, free Jabone Vihet forrige.... 175,500
Uztai Lupports of Jim Sugar.
and Candy
15,108 146,15/
1,246,143 3.071,635 2,994,000
Deal impers - 1 RAK,90 1,799,UM KA11,20 Ting shokkar un entire increage supply: in
male up to Use Let instant, compared with the cof" shat kvasall the di?ernabe. I'll on take the tape a responding pare of Log, handa na fallawa:- title (thaf 1 hersinst whard to sopy an e in de s?ra te dalitateable,
Colonial and Fouding Want, fuperent jobetondi, 11. Frau 156chumaten. Koristar skies' Church; bistroth for chift, I me, vilish your discorse without
vered, and Hall, from the lay Jomary to me lot of Ang. In the yegro 1915 and 1947, and the tread lamparts, inquai lag
—ver 1'summon no levavuomida y me hare a ho, “Eety bye shall and hindi nykvinne Albert's Visit to Li- 10-900), 2005-in-illatmates active second coming
No, OU?T
Tin th? tran ia Tollern." "Nam ai 1. Jaeli distoupila in so domas, think alle bekleri deanm? satt m?l a? well he enrich phan wing with when you was
***** (raps you dwooun't. ?niku pat your )
Be your ownbeckmon in putten the n??a if Itgach, Albank? dan? zjde of that other as i dhe?? b??ng maynell'hi wella." But other valka do,
and't gan amoure youngdom (dz, Ma Neile, that a foller
havon a vliet at, the onlocky Catholics_Agin the Surfen parts out o' twelve in Christ to youke common cases with inf dela Breedliant, Riverunt Zur, that if same people pakuti top mu?n vaith in Zaninis, shere be, diber as 'sini; to Total a little to much Priners. ? ? wani nay what meterials pour house is made on
buy if i was you, I godo't vling alw?oena in un. To be and I pol de 'ee that justus-you do make this here candid conferrion, spikeun of dur own “abikers!——
In Bale doctrine, in fostered superstitions, in
both gras and refoed-immorality, the plague is
so was garteries scout to be shoked by seun ↑ still among us.
sich weg in ending? ??nd laf at it
I repoljaci Eem; and also in onwise prachua and tebun.
King maduni 15 = Crick bismy book a vognt of v?r↑ Tal as with Riveraat Zur, you knows the set o Zocrate gore moikt teher a wwa; what th?p; fotice rafted Runters. You're herd, I dare say, cala filosuler Still a won't nothun mor; bot that they does harm to relidgun. And bow, d'ye be quite arun haul bust outright at the think? "Why when, in what they calla "lemprovan moshwo o'coup! Prince Albert and Zochstes, na slim ‘earlyn,” they mixes up things as is con Priner Alberig life to vonats a very mon, and may be ridickalous, wi? things merrd | sar? ? young man?quite, in-Densive, yurdulla, jond spirithal; One o' the songest argyments for [ and all that are'; lm somehow, the moment you? a Mai?ishment is, that it keeps chape that sort menakana um, nefti Begins to think direckly ' oore' the palput. When 1 tells you that sermunts the Albost ba That's quite enough to get a sieh us ay?urn go?s the furthest way to aphu that feller off, as it wedsat ?s m to joa shat hot you. urgyment, pardon the libang touk by,- D." Jerrold You talks of the people-Yourself amongelem Weakly Newspaper, gonum to see the "Prince in his bekuly," What
de you mean, zur, Pll make no bold as to ax, by | eskumen
"the" hantly'' Princu Albert? I can't make out, unless, "was the fine clothes s'd go on. Ynu
etailda'r ha maent his mural Beauty cause it was. unncovesairy to my that valke went to x?o un lu
Edited, Printed and Published by Joan ??RK
At The Friend of China and Himekong
+ Chesame, Prili?ng Offer, Govan ?YKKET
VICTORIA, Horazon?, 1847.
VOL. VL No. 9.
PRICE $12 per annum.
Terms of Bubscription to the "Friend of China and Hongkong Gazette," per samum $19. Six months 7. Three months 994; all paid in advance. Credit pricas, $14, 08. 60, and 66, for the perioda
of twelve, six, and three months respectively: Bingle number to Subscribers #5 cm, each, to Non-Subscribes i Rupee. Parties calling or sending to the office for papers are requested to pay cask Terms of Advertising. -Tan lines and under 91; additional 10 cents par line. Repetitions one third of the seal inviction. Ships : First insertion §7; nubeequeat insertions 45 cent. Advertisment to have written on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will be published until countermended. Ja all instances, those who are not Bubscribers, must pay in advance.
and Inesamudiate Ports.
al P.
THE PENINSULAR AND ORI ENTAL COMPAky's Bicam Ship BRAGANZA, will love this for the above places on Saturday the 30th of January
a oplock in the received on board umil Noon, and
Spacia until 4 . ., on Friday the 29th.
For particular regarding Featur and Pas- saus, apply at the P. & O. & N. Company's Office, Hongkong.
J. A. OLDINO, Agent. Hongkong. 29th December 1846,
On the 1st of January, 1847. the Of
fica lor conducting the Busines
of the Beamer CORSAIR, will be re. moved from Masses Fraxalun & Milne's House to the floure of HOLMES & BIGHAM, where all Packets and Parcels will be received by Mr Srum. All applications made to him, or to Mr STHANG will meet the readiest attention.
Victoria, 29th December 1836.
fine Vorel now laying a Weosung
Af You Do Tore, and cuployed as Receiving Vessel, well adapted for tra purpose, euli valy Tram the owners requiring a large vessel.
For particulars apply to,
FRANKLYN & MILNE. Hongkong, 8th December 1840,
MT low rent a Blouse in Gough
House situate in Wellington Street, com
10.dang atine view of the Bay. Early pression can be given. For further particulare
K. OSWALDA upply to
Victoria, 27th February, Isdd.
THE godown, and first Boor of the premises on FOR SALE, at Hongkong, Apply to 1. Queen's rund, adjoining Moms Benish and Brimelow. Apply to,
Victoria, 1st June 1848
Smiember 29, 1840..
NOTICE. (I? partnership hitherto subsisting between the A undersigned as Alerchants and Commission
The Digned have received solverity from Agents in Chind, welched a Comision
Office of London, to inmun Policies on the New Buildings at Canton.
MACVICAR & Co. Victoria, 23rd January, 1846.
NOTICE. (R. T. D. NEATE and Me W. C. La Gaur are
partnere in our firm, which Me T. 8. Bre
is authorised to sigu by procuration.
Hongkong, Jet January 1847.
THE undersigned have been appojatad Agents at Shanghai for the Luperial Fire Office of London.
BLENKIN, RAWSON & Co. Victoria, 22d April 1846.
T the Godowns of Meters Blazzzn, Kawson
A&Co superior Shetty, Madeirs, tad Pert, in wood and botife; Champagne from the house of Muum & Co. Rhairne.
Hongkong, Est June 1846.
POR SALE. WEBSTER, Gordon, Cosaurt & Coa, auparier Madeira, in Htics, quarter and half quarte cusks, and in cau. FLETCHER & C?
Hongkong, Lat March, 1845.
on the 30th of June Inst
SANDS TURNER CHURCH & Co. Cantoo, 20th November 1846.
PUR BALE. [NVOICES of:—Homisa Cordage, Print, Palot Oil, Canvas, Blocks, Bunting, Twins, sad su perior Homburg Mess Pork and Boef, Wine, Brandy, Gile and Vinegar,
Ww. PUBTAU & Co. Hamekong, Beptember 1948. www.
THE undersigned have opened a Brunch Esta
bishment at Shanghaider the same firm as af blon
RATHBONES, WORTHINGTON & C? Ceton, Int August 1846
TITE undersigned have lusu appointed agents for the above named Society and are prepared to
| N_Elegant Rosewood Cabinet Piano, Metadi:
A Pista, fetare, by C. When, Mo
denball Street.
RAWLE, DUUS & Ca 4th November 1:48.
by 12,
AN Invoice of Window Clean, from 9 by 7 to 1- One do. of Best English Plate and Stained Glam from 24 by 18 to 30 by 30.
KAWLE, DUUS & Ca 4th November 1846.
FOR BALE. **NCHOHS, Chain Calles, and Hawse Pipes of A all sizes, An lavaise of Manila, Europe, sa! Petal Rope
Coffee, and Government Cigars,
RAWL, a potn?, Co. 4th November 1816– $25 mar
TROS TALE. of Irel ALProvisions Flour, Rawerck, and Brady in Wood; Whisky, ghao, and all kinda of Wines In Battle.
gran obe payable in London, Liverpool, Bom A bay / Cellum and Cauton.
RATHIBONES, WORTHINGTON & Co. Canin, 31 August 1946.
000, and Pure Sherrien; in Bottle, al from 9 Usa 0:30 per dos.. in Weinl (Oct. to Hbd.) at $27.50 per Octr., and upwards.
Port. Moloirs, Champagne, and a variety of
[8. Room Janson ip this day admitted a Part-care of Clares and Hermige, at the Godowns of
nec in our Firm
HOLLIDAY, WISE & Co. Hongkong, isi Augus 1816,
THE following Wines az Omnale.
ATHOSE lige and evreniem Permites at
Sherry, ment occupied by B. A. Baner Esq, consisting of Dwelling House will Undewus and, cutvenient Jeus van he viewed by applying at our premnes adjoining. Possession can be giren en Dreamber Sik
Victoria, 27th November 1846.
TWO commodious dwelling Houser, containing seven Roooms, and com. 屈
manding a five view of the Bay, sinunted to Stanley Stroot, rent moderate. Apply to
Victoria, 22nd December 1946.
THE building on the Queen's Road, ecce- pied at present by J. A. OLDING
the Paninsular and Oriental Steam Navigati Company's Offer.
Possession given early in November. Apply to,
BUSH & Co. Hongkong, 27th October 1846.
?in Queen of 3 danes sach,
Spacklog Champaign, Homage. Pale Cage Brandy," in de
honda ITE.
in do oft du. 43.00
Superbe Halian Salad Oil. Apply
HOLLIDAY, WISE & Co. Victoria, 18th July 1966.
BLANDY'S Madeira, in balf pipes, hide, and
quarter casks. Apply to
Victore, 10th April 1840,
W. BCOTT & Co. Victoria, 14th Dvennaber 1816.
- VLADS Callosofall mizes up to 1 inch and 7jous, Anchors, very superior Canvass, Blocka, larga Europe Hope, Paint Git, Biset Varnish, by whois
Queen's Road,
FOR SALE. (TOGNAC in Bottles at $6 per Dozen at
Hongkong, 22nd October 1848.
BABS Pale Ale in N
PRANKLIN & MILNE Victoria, 201 November 1848, DALE Burton Ain in Flugabends @ $30,
v. du.
in bottle
Pale Cogne Brandy on Cask and bottle."
Fine full favored Pon.
Very Palo Sherry.
Brumm da
·Red wine in Cask.
CHEATHING COPPER, 18 to 29 oz. Apply Champagne and Charel, at very low prices.
GIBB, LIVINGSTON & C Hangkong, 15th September 1840.
WE have opened a Branch establishment at
TO LET. THE dwelling House on the Hollywood
Itoad, lately occupial by the Honour-thorised to Bign for our-Arm by 'seuration. ablo W. CAINE Apply to,
BUSH & Co.
LINDSAY & Co. Hongkong, th November 1846.
Hongkong, 19th December 1846, TO LET." THE Dungalow in Aberdeen Sully ore
pied by the Royal Sumax Lodge Apply to.
BUSH & Co.
Hongkong, 9th November 1846,
TO BE LET.. Single and a double storied Godowa. Apply to,
GIBB, LIVINGSTON & Co. Victoria, 6th June 1848.
"TU LET." HOSE two Houses adjoining that presently oc-
cupied by Dr PATH Youno. Apply to,
LINDSAY & Co. Hongkong, 19th December 1848.
TO LET. THE Conage situated a little above the Malacca College, occupied by Mr Davidson, apply on the premises.
Hongkong, 19th December 1816.
TO LET. OPACIOUS Godowns and dwelling house, built
or to,
NOTICE. Undersigned hereby give notice, that their Firm new Worddam Dallan and GEORGE COLES, of the Firm of Dazzas a Coeurof. London, and reruan Pondan, revident in China.
Canton, 20th November 1996.
INDIA AND CHINA MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. THE Undersigned have bona oppainted Agenta
for the above mamed Company, and are prepar? ed to grant Policies payable in Leodon, Glangen, Calcutta, Bombay, and Canton.
Sparkling and still Movelle, Ligours &c. Apply ta
Queen's Road,
MANILA CHERDOTA) ?EBORS. FRANKLYN & MILNE am now landing a vary dao batch of No. 3, and lave Chem for sale,
A few Picals of Gypsum. Queen's Rood, ?rd November 1846,
PUBLIC AUCTION: ESSRS. FRANKLYN & MILNE bave re- ceived instructions to sell at an early data, by
Pallic Auction, the Valuable Forniture:-China wart, Glasi ditto, Pictures, Engravings, Horses, and Carriages, si par Inventory, the property of CRAWDAD KERE, Eag, Javing for England. Terms of Bale will be hereafter specified
THE MEDICAL HALL," Corner of Quem's Road and Merican Stract. HIM Dispensary is open at all hours for the com- pounding of Prescriptions, and the sole of Me.
J. GILBERT, MR.C.A. A. 8. TAYL?R. Professional nitendance on the Shipping—terms moderate.
An ampriment of Medicine Chests on sale at mo- 2 darate charges,
Eresh supply of Clarified Boney, Limo Jouco, Asus, and Linated Meal, on mice
This Office returns Bonns of 10 per cent.dicines, Chemicals, (Too per Cent) on all Premioms
Caulon, tet October 1600.
"NOTICE. 18. Ferdinand Blass in mahorised to sign for
our firm in Chins, by Procuration.
HEGAN & Co. Hongkong, 29th October 1846, FOR B?LE."
of Ciranito and lately occupied by Messrs Taos. Replay & Co. The property is situated near the contre of the Town, (Victoria, Hongkong) and has a water frontage. Apply on the Premises, A
THOMAS RIPLEY & Co Hongkong, 31st July 1846.
Shanghai TO LET ON LEASE. HOUSE oo Queen's Road, late in the occupa- tion of Mr G. W. Bowna. Apply at the Of fire of the Friend of China.
A apply to
House on the South side of Gough &cost.
Victoria, 1st January 1847.
| T the Godowns of the undersigned, in One Doz
B. Estephe
Br Jallen.
Chalonie Margots.
Jast landed from the French ship Adhemar.
R. Cases Ryoun is this day admined a part- MR
wer in our Firm.
DIROM, GRAY & Co. Caulon, 1st August 1846.
Corner of Quam's Road and Aberdeen Strom,
(From the New Mujinfictory in Macao.) 'N'application may be had at ?. A. BEABRAY
TEAM:Lemonade, per doren, one dollar and a
quarter, and Soda Water, ?on dollar-botiles to be raturwed 1—with bottles: 63 par de?am.
Unpare for ten dozens, or above: Soda Water, Seventy-Bra cents, and Lamonada, one dollar per dosen.
Macao, Lot October 1846,
4th November 1846. Surg.
jew Salamander Book and Trosante Bates.
4th November 1846
CHARTS, &c. JEW Admiralty Charts. Latest Code of Cap iais Marryata Bignals. Waghain's Overland Charts and Guides. For sale by,
RAWLE, DUUS & Ca Victoria, 25th November 1846. BTORAGE, &c. (100DB record on Storage, Sold on Commie-
sion, or forwarded to Macao, Canton, o by inmarauis Lorches.
RAWLE, DUUS & Ca Victoria, 25th November 1940.
THE Undassigned-baring ban appointed A gain 1 for Messrs WAGHORN & Co., are prepared lai forward Parcels to India or England by the Ps KINGVLAR and Oriental ComPANY'S ?TRAMERA which mil from barn on the 28th of avery Month,
All Parcela sent to Victoria to be forwarded mul be free of Freight and other Charges, and should arrive here 24 Hours before the Mail elores.
All Parcele received from India or England with be delivered free of any Charges made here, on the presentation of the Receips only; but if they ate ient to any other place, ar par Package will be charged, besides the Freight and other Expenses
For sale at the Office, Won & Co.'s Orme LAND GUIDE by the Houses to Egypt (" "Gananas HINTS and INFORMATION for Pasemouns on their way from and to Ina."
In Houte, via Bouthampton,
through France.
"pie Trieste or Constantinople, wh?
Map of the Overland Routes,
Also, a few Overland Trunks.
Pih May 1848,
a good
Maalle Pony, that
WANTEDommended, without any fault.
Apply at the Friend of China Ofice. Victoris, tad December 1846.
ADE of superior quality at Mosar lure & Banton's Dispenat?, Puttinger Brest, Viro ala, Horusza.
CANTON, Dr. Kenny's Dispensary, Na 5, New French Hong.
Macaa s? Howman', Chime Shopkeeper. B 8 Augustine.
CODA WATER, RATED LEMONADE, D Aarated Chaly Water, (highly recom tended, an account of its popestica),
Asst at Canton, ACHOOK, Comprador. No. 3 Imperial Hong Hongkong, 18th March, 1846.
Ex “BRAUANZA."" JUST received ex Bragassa :-- JJFiguret Satin dresses of the prevailing colors.
French gauze Bear and Fichom Ladies White Lad Black Paris Satin Shoes,
AL **
Electro-plated Inkstands, Spirit-lamps, Chamber Candlesticks &e.
brod Chrgatal: Light screws, Fancy lamps, Cigar
Bugar Besins and Buffer Pots in white and co-
stands ko. &c.
And an Invoice of Calf and Bule Leather. For male by
5. FUNCK. 20th November 1846,
BRITISH HOTEL, Karino Hover,
? Queen's Rood, Victoria,
ENTLEMEN and Families visiting this place will fad every accommodation and at the articles of the first description et moderate charges. Billiard spacious airy room facing the sea.
To the Editor of the Friend of China.
Victoria, 5th Jouunry, 1947.
tary's office.
The United States beig of war Traxton had been
Officers for China.
j paper so far as we can spoortaim. She only
We understand Colonel Braybrooke has named sailed from Gallo on the 6th, when the Hi-top-lly_wrecked on the 15th, neat the mouth of the dosten had not arrived, hazing probably boss Tiger Tuppen. Two Lissent and 19 over reached the following as the Captaine and let Lieutena pes of detained by stress of westber. The -Lady | the mundeso se 4. Vars Greet in hours. the remaindor | the Ceylon Ridios who are to prassed l? H?ng Mary Wood" again sailed yesterday morning of the officers and stew, including also the captain, Long. The ad Livutusynta, we hollave, ace noi and it is to be hoped that she wilt and leaded with the intention of surrendering themselves yet named.
prisoners of war. Tampion and Tobasco had joined Epingle at Singapore with the mails.
The English extracts we bay before our rab: in the opvelunion,- The yellow large is stated to are taken from the Ceylon Timer, the at Escri?cios. A portion of the United Staten aque- have broken out on beard th? Bre?ink vennale of war Bombay Breamer having pathe Colombo dron was anclaring from scurvy. Editor in possession of Englab papses to-the- 7th of October.
Si obrve the name of D'Almada Castro, gretted in the last No of the Liline Alesi, na Cierk, of Conocile Colony. I hear als thus be has a brother and a Cour in the Colonial Seare, Mr D Almeda, in a Roma? Catholic and may si spy time trosire absolution for breaking his others of peeresy.
He is the agent for the Propagandisis here, so much so, that if you wish to hire any que ofer homan you ato zeferred to him for the terms,
Fb la un alim, and consequently incapable of holding a Gwenment appointment, ex incapability which would extend to Alii euen if he had been natu.
And he,can (if my infirmant is eorras) neither write nor speak the English language correctly.
He is consequently by old?n, and petition onfe for this innerait and considential office
He Major Caine then provided for his pro- tags or has Mr e Castro, with the help of the
From Camingo we longa th?t & was the intention pf General Taylor in toys that phen with the main
Private letters represent the London Tentholy of the army about the 5th of September; and it and Bilk market as being exosively dull.
At a late hour in the afternoon we received
lo stated that the General intends, il snopposed by Like Maxicana, to proceed at mace is Satillo.. A?- earding to gmeral report, hawever, the Maxisaon,
a copy of the Overland News of the 7th Octo-fandonocentros? al Monterey, to the s?tab? of somat her, from which we extract as additional few thousand ill-paid now if clothai man. information.
enful riots had taken plase among the volunteers at Bucita, aring from a loud existing between an Irish - atlait look pisss as beard about which was company and two of the Georgian corps. The anchored near the abere. Chung, sewards, and biyo nejo were want with reckless violence. The colo Sir Henry Pottinger has been appointed pal of a regimen of Illinois volumors, who, at the Governor of the Cape of Good Hope Battled of two of ale companies attempted to quell the
Our Canton friends will be glad to bear that they are to have the protection of a ship of war The arrival of the Buckinghamshire is Ya, inde himself one of these lately to the ex-pounced, though not in the shipping list. shision of others, and those-- Englishmen ? or is i der of short sighted selfiak" policy that the Cernor debase this office, in defence of law, cuinca, and propriety?
disturbance, was wounded, and his men wern drives Captain Charles Elliot R. N. is the pow Gid: | back; and when at length, the rioters anbited. A I should like to know what you, who bare no
considerable s?mbet af men had beo sikur kifed Jou kept a jos lone eye upon the acts of the Clout.vernor of Bermoda.
er wounded. of asiand Yarkand think of the matter?
-The Californ?a supedition was on the point of
New York.
Triding as it appeare, I confess that I do not liken
Your obt. Bervant, AN ENGLISHMAN.
China Aquabrow The Lords of the Adinimk to see the families of Englishunen living hare upoty have sent out instuctions to the Commander-laring privatn subcription, whilas this Portugues family Chief in the Chiscar Bows that ap bu account are Jattans upon English gold.
the British residents in. ?antag to be led without Chinma Mopala-buch diemtiafaution in ex- 1 am Sir,
the peolosling of a man-of-gar. This arden was grossed at the manner in which the new Chios me sent out by the present Admiralty Bourd shoesty || Sai has bem exscuted. The medal is of silver, but after they came into silica. The recent gratisin | the reapricle for the rikaati, a conspictious fentury Canton, where the lives and properties of the ear- in tha kooper, is of albaner Chemia patal: Thes chanta might have been merificed to the fury of an whilst the malation loose bright and respectable, arged Chinese mob, but for the protection – the clasp pressuna ding), bmany appearanorA member of the medale Kath bank sent by various umtal, which? minile in caffinate open their parme efforts do, have alfver subuchowed for the spurious
of about 16h, much
Will or van kata Mu. Moeniens.---Bhonly
Our Carrerpondent writes strongly, but we quita agres with base was to the impropriety of appointing
? Foreign ch a confidential office sa that ofed by the crows of foreign voumis, have shows that Clark 5050 A contrary to ge; it la imparatively necromry that their bordskipp',ja and dead Booed from a liberalsy of feeling struction should be carried out; and that, with the but from on the part of the Gor?tnor to mowa hostility of the Chiness at Caston to the have subserving *nd ums miving Audiomat.
British, and their deterruination not to admit klom.
Captain Cosbrane, Bi. Majera.
W. T. Layard
The Lillie
W. Drieberg
R. Mylius
Limits. Wat. Hy. Underwood
Robert Watson
William Bagenali
Henry Lu
Wm. Chan. Vanderspaar
Hoary Skinner
Rt. Ewd Percival Breton
John Anthony Lay?rd
Wm. H Kelion
Jhon Dwyer
Geo, Thos. Dawon
Hvory John Bean
Hopey Bird
Cordelias Chos. Durnford Ewd. Prod. Trenchell.
?Ce?k?n D?perver, Nov, 16,
The P. & 0, C. Baumer Beigimas, Movay; arrived hors on mainaday erming beingle das Fun Hougtung 1 in the seach men, die John Datur? popularity does nut acam tu dheiniek, but suiker to behmen, d ?species of Lavar him in the neregnet of the essened on MEPC extressdinary that the Aphinctha nioni? kave ever milww. bi bil mating to be bendado, Melurt the Court, an the non-
man, which, however, mestna a pokson community in that granes macht to low shown the impolley of attempting to maisiale li. The remarks of t? Chlef Josune aro semmired in manly and independet tone which it is quide refreshing to hear in these regione
The Usher Juulien besedly pronounce Use inimor ad be many "hez Compton pestis sentence under me archies
des conndering the q?mcion in lus ingat bensings, on and was fund ander soother, which in emizary to all principles of latilan juncion
the Chief Justice Mernd hin an examination af te laa meant pontos veiks tegude the chinese performed by Eging spring 16. Comparat de tarihi Merchanic 74
alimi by se Kagile, Fionipotentiary
We would lay no strme upon Mr Castro's within the cky, notwithstanding the la?? trudy, | allar the drach of the above mengingai aminaht gute Boys) ? Sunning that the tartott ha perfect
being a Romana: bot we think that a considerate Baler, would look upon his beingjun Alien 40 insazmonotable obstacle to his hokling the appoint- of Clerk of the Legislative Council-Editos.
Hongbang, 5th January, 1847.
I am induced to make this question from pressing in the * China Mail" of 31 ult the pro- oedings of an loquest held upon the body of a Chinese named "Tong Asem"; whore the expient Jury is reported to have returned a verdict of “Dind from affel causes,"
The stention of the public has been divreted in the unliad kingdom for soms goare pas is the inefl. ciency of Coroners Loquenta saat present conducted. the Coroner being generally ? lawyer instand of a Medical man the former being wolly ignorant of the subject he is called to inquireto-unprepared by previous education to institna the investigation he is required tu neke ioso “ the cause of death." by which he is exposed to guide the Jury in their de cision. A Surgeon, it is true, is called, in cases of doubt, to make a post mortem examination of the body, bot, as in this case, both Coroner and Jury aro incapable of undermaading bow to apply the Me-- dical eridanor
their lordship acted wisely in sanding out theoreman, the Government omvani jandom at China de den when they Brit took off,
ster administered to his state, as next of kin, ba the supposition that he had dial innosta. Bince that Public aution is length directed to the pro. period she has had granousi ted to bar fon Maco ceedings of the Dwich in the Rassen Hank, Where Um deceased's pajaps and letters, omiined in a shent ; upon curdling which cha'inedionoverad liis. contrary to the trendy al 1894, they ma?t spygar to be sacredy forming monteradmin, ch? r?nes of Chich | fat will, votirely in ki dedi kingi terhing, benleh on sish commer?n cannot fail to be mon disuseous | 1p, sad expatverbod,/090 he quend only in cam of At one time there appeared in every p?obility my dicam 13.15 hrtisan, Macko, #Bol Do that our neighbours wure inclass to adopt a madre li. s?mber. 1837?! A nam g?ministration under the beral policy and were throwing open port allet port will manered, was granted a few d?ya vlogo to his. in that Earters patriona t? the unretrieved trade mater, who with her magnacher, 19e 1906 of Dr. of all countries. Ne satisfactory prook, however, Morrison, are chi pribiipal leggjum. The property of so desirable sn improvement have yet hom giren, in England was malimoted at 2500on, Hla Chinese and we fear that the with of the trianda of free rille books are to be presented to the Kunden J?lmummy,
was father to the thought; at say rus h eng 10 jane | Collage. He raquete the Jer, B. C. Benton,
way diasdramaguons for the pram to tokjarhi on
of Caston, to select from, amazing his booka mah
what appeare to be the l'unic fath af Holland/which he might deren soitslae ante 15 his talencia ini
in its intercourse with other commerciai man as
"ddha; the renewaar het booty to be prevent
babitually displayed the utmost possible, or to the Morrison Estianty, in OWA
|| honesty and Gir dealing,
collecting of Chinese anim? dad actiosit?ga k? lauvai
It is the business of the press to ressed impressions, | at the disposal of Dr. A. Kadirom, of C?mon,
to regime current opiniios, una fairly to midia por. ?
polar convictions. If there be any error ? ser l
the prees to supply the rebely, aud dil Holland 1: The news la brought dosenau the land of Co., sbell de this, the people of Grier Gritsis will pilnius | tpbor, but with the excapting at the war with
in believing that there imla rectitude or holour the Kafire there is nothing af importance to
in the gums now playing by the Netherlandnoten. The war a miques bling pan. Ma Balate proposing sanchar question for solution,thorities beyond the truas of Malacca. In'cousine all other warfare wall day in I would beg to remark, that I have olen read the tion with this object, we may testion that the prolong period, the chicas que decaptions of Physiologia an to the nature of death, and commercial mission to Japan occupies a cou to a decisive enguren S and the various modes and causes of death, but never | siderable shate of public attention – the manufactez- before heard that a death produced by * two Maus - ore and merchants being fully alive to its importager
on t?u sula and a brick in the belly" could be constrain
ed into “death from natural causes."
I would now venture to propose another question
What is the difference between natural death, and death from coal c
in this case of "Tong Amm " escording to the repost of the evidenca in the “ China Mail,” is mai proved by two witnes that the man received two blogs on the side and a kick in the grolo, and felt down and expired immedinialy afterwards." It was also proved by the Colonial Surgeon who made the post mortem szamition, that the spleen was ruptured, and 4 pints of blood and serum found in the abdominal cavity, the splom was moreover larged and softened and therefore more maily rap- eund by a blow; but it never appears to have wreek the Jury that the blows on the dide and rap ture of the spleen had any relation to each other in came and affect.
thongh the press sill hold back, two unly othe?? We regret thu wa bir? mal? principal journale having as yet entered upon the chewing n@httky b?l?r? i
iliacuation. The idea was seggosed by the #foru
ing Chronicle: ban tha Timmy with a praiseworthy
count at the foregory d
absence of jealousy, akerwards took up the vinja, 1 die Brood! and bas since been doing very good servis. Le hope soon to set it commanding-n? ??n share if notice is the Indian journski, whose conductors ingr be supposed to praise both leisure and opporyka) }) for nequicing aljabrlafbrmation.
On the 20th of September the dispatches of Rig- mirel Bir Thomas Cochrane to the Admiralty were published in the 'Gunette, detailing the operatie against Bo.neo, and estructed much atteoilon frad the Press. The off of the Tudian Archipel?o | ate beginning slowly to be understood in this e d? try—can is, we are adfuiring some idea of th??n
Falu in uloc ?Quzowa???, to fine battle for the co- looy, and we mech har that he will went well wiched, appropriain the lon's parties to? kananir.
The latest pactieniek, sail duied Troen Fort Beat Cors, wee natangued than the storventi su po?in
Saturday. 45 Wisk ji m
"By accede coma in from Fort Beaufort we
importance. It is felt that no greater marhus #renen chat Cowan, Hare, with Mediraian, bad inllen. our goods remains so be opened up, vjece dat ev?n -- back upon itak polis.
the Empire of Japan iwell presenta n? vast and vafi.
right to expe: the Caliph Doan the femocionan there is A with diapetin to be made between ? ponos nating la delathe, me property, who and a rural de paraue dettuce of dia perno, in which care he cagh to whhdraw, the gameslango uhi th?y in deinen away. Throughout ?he tramarction nothing apps more naal or more peu- per shep the course should by the Eas
sjaldnar to the statist Thich was sende both by the Chiound Euriith Aachalities to action theriot which not plage of theth July win the Campoo e and etch the gun mi gu ch?nh nimowed connecting the macy He link di Colupton is baand-the Chint Fintice desiates that the cometiole vis noenmed without the alighte?| eri 4.—It would have been a man extraordinary circum dates if late Campion se any other Englishman on being sunny had not missed the blow-1 chould bare kr? netkihishad if he had 206."– Blagepole Prut Prin, Dec.16.
The wow from Batavia this Meath are not of much in- treatyor further than that the Detran of Byming day are
adobe very
del 1977 trackice feu Compugne de thought to
estat Prior's talent en de sight of th November and home a heal wreck--the crew waco atvad.
A cours of len (350 jona) bad book rucntred in Batavia from Agrica and was exelting much interest among the nasty, hyba, men rather puzzled to do in nature and made of ap month allowing at the impene te time of Doits lao Macar, hata Moudencies would appeur skis ne that such entire freedom of trade has not been granted there as wat ui fest at ppound — Ibid.
3, Z4 M. Wood, Evans, Ch?lon, left Galle 6th
Dyn, Penang 10%, n?d Bingapore t?th.
8. Para, Cobb, Bydney,
4. Shoga Phylor. Brown," Whampon.
4. Lady Ambers. Able, Latton, 10th Augnet.
4. Donia, King, Pooch?w.
By Aparella. Figen, Liverpool
6. die Robert Bals. Loilk, Whampoa
Per Jandy Amherst, Mr Closaga Leq.
Per Pandora, Moser John Wright, M. Woolly. and Moses Moser
Pwr In M. Wand, #7 Dadabhoy Byramjos, and 2 motivo servants, Bir Netwakje Dadabhoy, and naalve servum, Mr Pistejos Rustomjee, Mr Adeer jos, Mr Dadabhay Dombfas, and 1 servant, James Ompin?t Franklyn, I Chesse dick passenger,
may, E. & R. Gas, Eq, A. Behn, Esq.,
The Bargher Levins ara dopisni n? koleg wisely ... – ??WANNE
The only other way in which I can accoons forede field for enterprize. Every one spavamaly. [dispirited and air Andelen Vastuurs?lh mometres. Ooouls, Anderson, East Coast. cha preposterous verdict being returned, in that rejoins that a settlement-la ia bo mulatka Laband; in dialmenting a portion of than in wit to have put ) ), daglina, Marvin, Amey.
Vin the fold. Thedo ambae almen da having been curried
this jury perhaps considered a blow sa the proper | thas Me Brooks is to be guariniral DN T anewer for a man who could be so unreasonable as of Sarawak ; and that the Belian dt. ?to'demain·1 (more coal-in was like if Oliar asking
made to understand that we-
1, Wave, Hachen, Whampon.
2, soditch, Niebslich, Bydney,
for more." The Hlow being, under the aggra- ?mination in suppruta: pirury **** cartapendent#150 off from Nalt? The big mache of whisk u’party vell | 2, Franklyn, (Act.) Rjaberdson, Whampoa
vali?g vircumstances, a perfecily j natural expo of domha
But radily is is lammigidesist in unoffinting
In fp Mevlan Yart of. Pulu Kalikkann f?r
Dach bare of lata bus malcing prodigious wastore, od, Eugen
| st ones in email their own, commerns and to?tad
day when not sh?n s? fad. | 4, Duly Arguia, Bemow, Away. Pola jaking, bus all diamonet, 4, 4. #. Wand, (Bighip; Keana. Ceylon,
be collect
Pamara Par ?L; M: Wood, Mr G. An where there are numer, i desen? f?r Galia,
nahould be depe?vmi a? life, and the guilty party seract our infomen. But the rasuk probally will) sos Guany such of Kadera to me, to be entering":
allowen! wrescape scathelem, through the ignorace
o Coroner and bio Jacy.-l am, Joar Bir
be the reverse of what they anticipate.
Totalligence from Ameriam to the 10th of Sepse ber has been inceived by the Royal Mail Magneti Britannia Captain Hewid, which arrie Murrey on the nich
We advertimento,, will be vaonical, until "g Check on the inge previous to prabli. ens?m, vir: Tomadays and Fridays
The nontents of these advices are pot adjiking) tus | importines. The operations and proppas of fo Mexican war continued as indeci?n na verzi?, wyd
Ole Bontr
Days Op
No. 14
14 Ma
D 19) Shanghai Dec. 19
"Lady Mary Wood" arrived quite un- arty on Sunday inurning.
She dut at br.. Oreber mail ver a single Fagfish
the Colony from the Turka to the si. The report {utf Mochowatronfo treaty is said to be sickening in
the waters. Captain Hogg pred Beaufort yes. seday on his way to the semip the Governor... All the title and shoop kitaboen asupt away friika'' Bosba's l'ost - no resistumes could have been made, the past beige to west,
The wands Captured by Sir A Bokepatrom bare been illaqributed among the ho?ra, nad maay of them there was nothing to communicain biyond the, sold for two or three skalinga par head. Owen
mural statement th?t th?r her, though slight, olvadlo i dred head in one instanes were sold, it is mid, for had been made by the several colcata of in "hich | Bds 16 AB the canle and sheep, under the sart marching a
g against Mexico.
of Mtg Vows, (the partner of the late Mr G. Nourse) bave been swept away from the murm anlled the old Gushina Post-
We also extract the following from the main | Precinde Herald of the dich instant;—
Simen Tyler, Brown, London, Bir Robert Bale, Loader, Londen.
The Dutch ship Machtilde Cornelia, Neonen, arrived on 2nd wuimon Whampoa, loading it. The Dutch ship Blora, Y. D. Zwam, mind an 28ab ultimo, for Manila.
The B. Z M. Wood, had a continution of severe N.B. Gules, from the time aka left Bingapore 64 at on the 18th December, spoke the Adiawal and Squadron going into Singapore.
ENGLISH SHIPPING" an, Habayoon,*; Princem Royal, dise; Lady Aamrata-Beptember 24, Blugs, brum Chains i Howden, de Regios, ang Mama, dino. Databer U, Buckinghamskirs, from China,
BAILED-October 9, Sebrar, "banghai. Bapt 35, John Laing, China.
From Vera Cruz advice to the 28th of Augog are published in the Amerienas jostasla. The land: ing of Santa Anna had been attended with grew di monstration of joy, and shar chief had kheo h? | Jeparture Inland, but of his arrival in the capital ma here no secos. Despatches from the President had been received the commander of the blocke Jing squadron, unl home-Hasely allerwards a con? munication was hard with the shore under a flag of, some that it has connexion with the condues of Bledit;. Sullimany, diso; Charlotte, ditto: 25, Brie.
* A buy of 300 additional mounted men has been. ordered during the work from this distio. This has caused considerable sensation, and to meet indi vidunia is altogether ionsplicable." 15e be?ered by
truce. These dispejches are supposed to conto Andries Blackensrom, who has ? present withdrawn the proposition of the Cabinet to offer a repumption from the serrion, with all the forces under him for ofilation with the Mancan Government. | roshe malenawa raknon,”,
BOMBAY SHIPPING, Annevno. ---October 16, Drongen, from China; Charles Forbes, dino; 17, Julis, ditto; 18, Marmaid, Jamastjes Joojeebhoy, ditto.
BAILER.-October 16, Lanrich, for China. Loading For Cutua.-Inglewood,
2 November: Indianeren, (Dan) Holm, do, dito ;.
Canton, 8th December 1940.
A collis true has taken place in vernment against the contemplated marriage. The cucasful objections of our Qurement appear, so far as we one instance between the minary and the people, have been able to learn, to rest mainly upon three but the general disposition is to confule in and to aid genanda.
the Government. Landlords of all patien-clergy. The union of a French Prince with the heiress men of all wetu, are waiting in om memon ellon presumptive of the Spanish throne may, of course, to meet the existing evil. And for the present they led to the sucosion of his children (and in the will doubtles succoed. Bo the future the future prosent rase sual, succession is highly probable), of Ireland in the hardest political problem which the This would bo na waablishment of French influence English Government has had to solve in the present
century. la the Peninsular—a ?iving 10 France an intercal
The very realy for the evil carries in the affairs of that country, altogether at variance with it a fourfull disease-nothing lon, indeed, than with the received notions upon the suject of the the beginning of a system of wholesale confiscation. balance of power in Europe. Although the reverre o impressed in the Government with the difficulty of diplomalle communication may decline to advert of the question with which they have to deal the it nodess cortais that they are felt not alone by the for short session in the course of enawing month. to some peculiar difficulties of the question, yet it is said they contemplate calling Parliament together Government of England, but by the other powers than a source of great uneesiness that Fianco of Europe. To this country it cannot be otherwise should have the prospect of obtaining such an io
FOR SALE. ABRITED-November 6, Ariel, Franklyn, from THE FRIEND OF CHINA AND Hoseuplo Oa ZETTE, with the pouring materiala &c. &c. Macao, 12 October; 7, Poppy, Cole, do. do; sydney,
The paper was nevar in a more prosperous state, Schelefield, Hogkong, 21 ditto; 8, Sir. Braganza and is parted with on account of the Proprietors Mundy, Ceylon, 31; 12, Gem, Watson, Hong: health, he being unable to sitead to the duties of kong, ditto; Hyderee, Powell, Chine, 29 diao; Lord Western, Rice, dino, 14 dio; 13, Euphrates, Editor. Wilson, ditto, 21 ditto: 15, Amelia, Diapor, dimunications being considered confidential.
For particulars apply to the undersigned, all com
JOHN CARR, 16, Fazel Carrim, Ballantine, dinto, 13 October;
Victoria, 8th December 1840. Fralic. (Am.) Faucon dito, 20 dino; Anonyma
WANTED. Thomas, Calcutta, November; 17, Britomart, Salomon, ditto. 2 diuo; Zoe, Miller, dino, 5 dino;
Respectable Young Man who can write a good 18, Helena, Hilton, blenile, i do; Bubans, Wadge, A band keep a set of Books and make himself Macao, 4 diue; 19, Antelope. (Am.) Herding generally useful in the business of an Auctioneers Chios. 8 dito; 21, Fuus Mobutrack, Moron, an agreement will be entered into for three year Macao, 8 dino; 23. Earl Balcarras, Baker, Hong at the end of which time a share in the business will
Last work intelligence reached town that the kong, 13 dide; 15, 1. Wolf Gordon, diuo, be grated if satisfaction is given. Addrres A. 6.
outward, had, on Tuesday night, The case of Great Britain, American steam ship, on her voyage 11 dido; Louisa, Durnford, Amoy, ditto; Hannah, cars of Mr D. Laraton Staing salary required and
Dundrum Bay, on the Irish ene Bmith, ditto. dito; 28, Eir H. Compton, Browne, giring references. China. 12 ditto. December 1, Red Rover, Oliver,
Hence in Apain as would give her the command of the dister has not transpired. Some suppose it was the magnificent Meditafranean on-board of that owing to a derangement of the compass, and others China, 22 November; 2, m. m. a. Sapphire, Fintock,
BITUATION WANTED. Hongkong, 21 dino; 3, Wm. Mitchell, McLachlan,
country. Taken in connection with her established my it was to be ascribed to the circumstance of ruis- dito, 19 ditto; 4, King Henry, A. E. Hart, Amoy, Ya respectable and elody Portuguese Young position on the opposite coum of Africa with her taking the light of one place for the light of another. Dman, who writes English duemily, and is soms successful intrigues in Egypt and Byria such a 17 ditto; 5. Ariel, Burt, Hoogkong. 14 date; 6,
Fortunately the passengers, 185 in number, were Bir. Breganza, Mundy, Hongkong. 29 disso. Dewhat conversant with accounts: he has been in an footing in Brain would undoubtedly be a great all got safely ashore. The vessel it is fented, will cember It. Will o'the Wisp. McNight, Hongkong. Office for upwards of two
tion to go to any of the years, and has no object ride towards the realisation of the dream of the become total wirck, two attempt to get her off 3 November; Machlar, (Malay) Ogle, Amoy 28 do:
open satisfactory Empire, making the Mediterranean Franch having already hailed-Ocerland News, Get 7, Anne Matia, (Am.) Brown, China diu; 12, Mar- reference can be given, Application at the Office of Lake." This, however, concerns Kngland more
W. B. G. maid Gill, Macao, 3 December; 14, Labrick, this Paper, addressed la,
than it does the other European powers." To those, however, it cannot fail to be a instter of deep coa- White, Hongkong; Gues. Bristow, Amoy, ditto.
SAILED. November 7, Str. Lady Mary Wood,
card, to see removed the check of an independant Evans, Pinang and Ceyloo; Rob Roy, Francis,
power in the rear of France. In the event of ao Calcutta; 9, Bydney, Scbolefield, Bombay; Str.
Furopean war, if France cold calesiate upon even the suturality-not to speak of the do operation— Braganza, Mundy, Hongkong; 10, Poppy, Cole, Calcutta; 17, Frolic, (Am.) Faucon, Bombay:
of Spain, there would to the present distribution of Euphraics, Wilen, Bombay: Anonyms, Thomas,
provent her from acchieving that bighost aim of the niittiary resources of Europe, be but little to China; 18, Woodside, (Am.) Chuckson, incao; 20, Bukans, Wedge, Bombay; 29, Earl Balcarras,
Franchambition, pushing on to the boundary of the Baker, diuo; 30, Bir H. Compton, Browns, dato
Rhine. Anything that would facilitate the com December 1, M. a. Iris Mundy, Borneo; . . 4
plishment of this, is certainly inconsistent with the doctrines of the balance a power; and upon this Wolfe, Gordon, ditto; 2. Rod Rover, Oliver. Cal cirta; 5. Ariel Burt, ditto; 11, Anna & Eliza,
Ministry. ground she marriage is objected to by the English Evans, China.
Victoria, 8th October 1846.
***TOWDER MAGAZINE. THE Lorchs Fanny" i fitted up and ready to
receive Gunpowder on Demurrage, Apply
THE undersigned begs to solicit the attention of
Commanders of ships and the pubile to bis ex- tansive assortment of atores, replenished every month by direct importations to his own indent, consisting of-
Bpanyarn, Worming, Marlins, Hombro fides, Lead Europe, Manila and Coir Cordage of all sizes;
lines, Oskum etc. Beat wavy Canvas, Scotch China, and Dutch bunting. Ter. Pitch, Rosin
Paints, Paint oil, Turpentine, Varnish etc. etc. Blocks, Hanks, Mast hoops, and Nails of every kind, Palna, Sail usedles etc.
Bread, Flour, and Balt provisions. Oilinan's Staren of every description. Brandy, Gin, Rum and Whisky. sherry, Purt, Madeim, Champagne, Hock and various other light wines.
India and London Battled Beer, Barck, ye Portes
CHARLES BUCKTON, Queen's Road, Elongkong,
el", ele,
and Whampon Reach.
ORDNANCE Broans.—The Lords of the Trea. sury are about to transfer to the relief ceminition fo Ireland all the biscuit in stores belonging to the ordenon throughout this country
MINISTRBIAL PLAN or Rester-In his reply to representation from the relief committee of K?lerio and Acbayknock, Lord John Russell says: "Her Mujany Govenment bero taken those measures which they considered most urgent sod most expedient for the ralief of the lamentable dis. trees owing to the fallure of the pore crop in Trekin. The execution of those measures in de | tail is confided to the Lord Leutenant of Ireland, and to the Board of Works, and commissariat acting The marriage is also opposed upon the ground under is Excellency's directions. It will be ne that it is a violatum of the stipulations of the Treaty, cory, therefore, that any applications for local this is, not that the marrings of a French Prince of Utrecht. All that is mennt, we apprehen·l, by 'relief should be made to him.”
so the heiress prosumptive of the Spanish throne is ' —Government have appointed six new sti?andary
■ violation of the tresty, but that the succession of magistrales. The following are their nam his children to the Spanish throne would be. And Memors, Miller, Planker, Arabia, Ffrench, O'Brien, of this there cannot be a doubt The British Go and Birmingham. varniment would, we believe, he satisfied with the recuncistina, on the part of France, of all pretem Mion of the Duke of Montpensier's children to suc- ceed to the Spanish throne
Ouronan 26, Bucephalus, Mc Donald, from aa, 21 September, for London; 27, Benwor, Wilson, Batavia, 25 dito, Cork; Kroonpijas van Pruisen, (Russian) Moller, ditto, 20 October, Hamburg; 27, Ranillies. McLens, China, 7 September, Loudon 28, bebar. Harrison, ditto, 20 Augus, itino; Hed Rose, Supple, Singapora, 13 October, disto; Hore mure. Brown, China, ditto; Wm. Gillies, Helash, dit, 25 September, diuo; Carthage, (Am.) Fox, Manilo, 12 ditto, New Yurk; 20, Batuh, Halapi. nopo, China. 3 dito. Sydney; luglebrough. Aros, Alinila. 10 dito, Cork ;" 30, Tumava, (Fr.) Expert, China, Havre; Mary tonnell Maxion, Sinin, Reptember, Falmouth; Recorder, Bharp, swgaporo, 19 ditto, London; Julie & Sophie, (Fr.) Haydoux, Som trang, 21 October. Havre; soliawk, Douglas, Singapore, 25 September, Lon lon; 31, Franklyn, Athut, London, 25 June, Butaris; D. hi, Young, adi to, 17 ditto, ditu. November 5, Corinthium. Thi China, 25 August, London; &. Othello, Thompson, New York, China; Tartar (An? ) Lockwood, die 4 Angust, digo, Horatio, (Am. ) Crosket, Nowcastle, dine; Priama, Jackson, Liverpool, 4 July, klutavia; 2. Aqua Marina, Connolly, China, London; Me labar, Adam. dito, 10 september, ditto; Lightning, Thompson, Singapore, 20 October, Adelaide; 10RD JONES, begto inform the Merchant Adliner, (Fr) Damux, Macso, Havre; 11, Bug,
of Chine, that he in prepared to adjust Clima, Parish. London, 22 July, China; Sophie, (Ham.)
on the Underwriters for Sea Damage, and that any Friel, Batavia, 9 November, Hamburg; 14, Zuf
Communication made to him to the care of Mr | firo. (Sp) Futon, Mexik. Gidiz; 17. Fame, diaith,
Bokarus, Queen's Road, will receive immediate attention Batavia, 13 November, Coco Island; Olgy. (Ham) Schullerup, dito, Hamburg; Hifleman, Hammock, Manila, 11 October, Byduay; Kensington, (Am.) Ki.ham, Manila, 10 ditto. Now York; Ann ?raja Foreman, ditto, 2 November, Van Diemen's Land 18, Hondecia, Warland, Samarang 12 November, London; Oviza, Christian, Singapore, 9 dito, Liver- pool; Royal Albert, Scanlan, China, 29 October. Loudon; Babina, (Fr-frigate) Guarin, Manila, 20 ditto, France; Hawk, Allen, Singapore, 8 Nov., Adelaide; Chateaubriand, (Fr.) Godman, Mawila, 12 October, Bordons; Norma, (Ham.) Vallson, Ditaria, 12 November, Hamborg; Countess of Englington, Grage, China, 25 October, London; Minerva, Brown, Manila, 10 November, Glasgow.
To the genonal apprehension the third objection will carry more weight than either of the others. MACKAY & Co, rospectfully intimate that they
About two years ago, upon the occasion of Queen || |||~ have added to their establishment a Litho
Victoria's paying visit in Louis Philippe, at the graphic Press, und ero prepared to print upon the
Chateau d'Eu, the subject of this marriage was fully shortest autice any orders ther, may be favored discussed between M. Guizol and Lord Aberdeen, wan.
nod the discussions, it is said, were even shared by Bongkang, 7th December 1940,
the two Sovereigns. The English Minister objects a la most decided terine to the marriage of a AQUERREOTYPE Portraits accurately French Prince to the hieman presumptive of the
taken in a few miautre al
Spanish enne. Hir objection was met by the sug- MACKAY & Ch's gosion that the marriage should not take place until the thoren had been married, and had boros Hongkong. Til December 1946
ohidron. This arrangement was acquiesced in by od Aberdeen, and in the matter restel it being understord 'hat no attempt would be made to bring shout a conrrings between a French Prince and the Mufants until the succession was secured out of that line. Now the French King und Government are undoubtedly set this arrangement at defiance; and in the protest of the British Ministry much
A handsome Grey Pony, the property of a gen-stress is laid upon this. None of the merely poti For particulars enquire of the Farrier at leser general comprehendina. It imports to the whole Atleman about to leave the Colony; price 990. l objections to the marriage have had so much weight in this country as tble—so intelligable to the Ent. Frazer & Co's, Queen's Road.
proceeding a character of Trickery and deplicity most offensiva to our national love of fair and open dealing.
The Bombay maila of August 27th arrived in In the meantime the event that has give rise to London warly on the morning of the 3rd inst. The all this discussion is by this time accomplished. dispatches for Government and the East IndiaThe marriage has no doubt taken place-all oppo. Company wars delivered as the respective office sition, domestic and foreign, notwithstanding. The before daylight on the morning. The mail esme French Prince arrived in Madrid on the 31, and via Trieste. The Ardent tamer was placed of appears to have been very well received en route. Lirot. Waghora's disposal by the Government was mid the marriage would take place ap?n for this Brat of the intended half-dozen expurinimatal | ibe 4th, and the public rejoicings be postponed till trips by this route to convey the mail from Alexa-the roth. dria to Triests. Mr in
W Shanghai under the same Namur tamen droon si cartre presunty, having arrive With the exception of the Spanish subject there
? bave Established a Branch of House
and have authorised Mr C. A. Fanon to sign for us by procuration.
AUGUSTINE, HEARD & Co. Canton, 1st January 1847,
THE interest and responsibility of Mr WARREN Decano, Jr. as partner in our firmi cessed on the 31st alumo.
Canton, 1st Junsury 1947.
the Queen's Road, between the hours of and 3 o'clock on the morning of the 2nd fe nuary 1847, a Gold Bracelet. The owner can re cover it by describing the same and applying to
LIET. GRAVES, 18th Royal Irish.
JNST RECEIVED Ades and for Sale at the
Stores of the undersigned.
A lot of prime Cumberland and York Hama, choice selection of preserved Soupe and Meate, Bi- cilian Wine of the finest quality, &a &c.
SMITH & BRIMELOW. Victoria, 4th January 1847.
TWO remarkably Gas Sydney Horses, with splen. A handsome and quiet Menila Pony with Bad.
did action.
die, &c. &c. Apply to
EDWD. N. BURGESS. Victoria, 5th January 1847.
THE Furniture, Horses, and Carriages, &c., be longing to Crawrono Karu, Esq, proceeding to England, will be Bold on 8sterday the 9th lost, on the Premises: the Furniture at 11 a. m., the Horse and Catringwat ? p. x. precisely.
Queen's Road.
gano over the ground to see all clear for the expect, ed mails.
is not much in the intelligence received from other foreign porta deserving a stention. Wabave new? fram the United States to the 10th ult. The intel
STATE OF THE COUNTRY.-The most distres- sing accounts are being daily received relative to the extremity of dastuution in Ireland, which the most energetic endeavours of the govenment bare hitherto been unable to aBoctually alleviate. The premure of want has in too many instances pro- duced riotous notbreaks among the peasantry, the most serious of which occurred at Dungarfor on the 29th where a number of people, to the amount of eleven or twelve thousand, marched in from the surrounding coustry, and proceed to attack baker' shops, from which they took quentities of bread. The mob were about to attack the stores of mer- chanu and others, dal fortunately a troop of dre gonna, arrived from Kilmerthorse, and with the co-operation of the military force already here pre- ventod further depredation. In the ev?ming, some of the populace commenced throwing stones, and the dragnons had to charge them repeatedly. The soldiers were at last ordered to fire, and about twenty shots weep discharged. Two men weld seriously wounded. They are still living, but so. veral others, it is feared, were wounded mure or low severely amongst the crowd, who fled subse quently to the firing One of the wounded bas ince died from the effects of the injuries he recei ved in the unhappy affrey.
body of wretched men marched through the streets At Loughren, in Galway, on the 30th uk, a largu in procersion, at the head of which was carried a loaf of brend mounted on a pole. Their cry wor for "work" or food.
OUTBREAK at CastlexaRTYR.-On the lat
last a number of men, worsen, and grown boys. entered the vilege of Cademartyr, and after march ing through it to the lerror of the inhabitants.com. menced on attack on the few bakers' and huckstera" shopa and seized on all the bread they could lay hands on. After this, they directed their attentina
to the residence of the Earl of Shannon. The mob threatened to pull down the Castle, and said they would return to carry their thrests into effect. A body of dregsons has since been quartered in the village.
RIOTS AT Kitworth.-On the 29th uk, night The Tagus left themploo no the 3rd (the ligence from the sent of war in Mexico is confir. fires blazed and borns sounded throughout the dis 4th being Bunday) with the mails which will be matory of the whieh had been received by the prestricts of Formay, Kilworth and Araghin, Farly in forwarded from Mala to Alexandria, by the Iberia.vious arrivale, with the exception of what referred the morning a threatening notice was found thras She taken out the following passengers,
Biru D Campbell, Mr Blware, Miss Moore, the aged occupation of California by the under the hall door of the Earl of Mounicarel, His lordship, fearing a breach of the pracu, lom ne squadron of the United Bistan. The elatament of Miss G. Moore, Miss F. Moore, Miss A Moore the occupation of the Californias had its origin in time in sending a requisition to the officer in com Mine Fraser, Lieut. Playfair, Mr Davidson, Mr the elrowmatance of a few emigrants from the mand of the 77th Regiment stationed at Fermor. Davidson, Mr Mo Rae, Lieut. G. Forbes, Mr. United States having revolted from the Mexican and took other precautions for the rosintenance Alepson, Lisut Cowper, Miss Guntlett, Hon Captamery, and raised the dag of their own country, public order. The mos, determined to stack the Murray, Dolenbee, Mr Bonazur. Mr Balter, is an intimation of their desire to be incorporated shape; they first went to a baker named Barrett, Farquharson, Mr R. Y. Bazati, Misa Briggs, Mind | with the communwealth, Paredes had been im Winn, bir H. C. Macduf, Liout Thomas Munro, pireomed in comarquence of his attempting to pre- what bread he had on his premisse, Afier this who, to protect himself from violonos, delivered up Mrs Brown, Miss Purvis, Mr Oliphant, Mira Mlives the accession of Santa Anna to power, be they procended in great force to Lord Moussabel'a chell, Lieut. Rolstone, Miss Sundors, Bir Leach, latter is now at the head of Mexican a?niro. in demesne gate, which the portar refibed to open, and Mrs Leach, Mr W. Clancy, R. D. Wood, Ebeb-announcing his views as to the course which is to which they attempted to break. At this critical Efendi, Mr Chisnell, and Mir Mosorral,
be pursued in the present emergency, he said that moment a body of the Pulice made their appearan- The Asbilles from Alexandria and Maks, with he was for peace with the United States, but that on inside his lordship's grounds, and the rioters the ordinary overland letters and passengers is ez-if the Mexicans desired it he would prosecute the poclad at the Motborbank -morrow.
war. The general impression in, that Santa Anna will enter into arrangements inmediately for coHS-
RIOTS IN YouGhazz--Buch days of fearful alarm and freadful excitement were notor witossed.
The manezingo of the Duke Da Montpensier with ? cluding a temly of pasos. A proposition to open An immense number of people from both sides of the Infanta of Spain has continued since our k?t ? sagothi?ns with this view had been made to him the Blackwater came in on Friday determined to publication to be the absorbing tople of public at through Commodore Connor, The karyast through sock and pillage the town. The military were kept tention. A warn discussion has baan kept up by | v?c, the whole of the States is one of the most ; under arms, the shoga and the houses were shot- the newspaper of London and Paris. Thook of Fudent ever known, while the quality of the not a being, was to seen in the scents, mave a few la Madrid are silenced by the strong head of power--| beaga is orcelleut, fimmense shipments were making bourers from the sounty Waterford, who were ex- the whole impression of a journal being saided upon for this oncntry, and it is believed that the quanty peeting reinforcement. A quinber of merchants and suppressed for no gratar offence than the pule ↑ exported to England in the course of four or five met on the same day, and subscribed,animgst them lication of a letter from the English Ambassador || weeks will be so large, ha to reduce the price of all ?9,500, for the purpose of purchasing Indina meal, explaining the grounds of his opposition to the kind of corn to that which prevailed before the ? and keeping down the market—Ibid. marriegs! The subject has also undergone some failure of the potatoe crop in Ireland was known. discussion in the Spanish Cortes and a great deal * This Intelligence bis given the greatest satisfac. ACCIDENT TO THE GREAT BRITAIN, in diplomatic notes batween the two Governmeals. lin in the country.
This leviathan steamer bas met with an untimely Loi wa briefly slate the progres of affaits since we "The state of Ireland continues to be the engrost. termination to her voyage, by ruising sabore at last wrote, and the position, so far as is yet known, lng subject of intereststhoms. The Government con- Dundrum Bay, on the coast of Ireland. The Gres! in which they are now placed.
tinue to make the most praiseworthy efforts to Britain left Liverpool for New York at eleven alleviate the existing distress, and considering the o'clock a. m., on the 21st of September, with the gigilo wil with which they have to contend it large number of passengers (upwards of 180) must be allowed that they have been tolerably suc. that every crossed the Atlantic in zay steamer.
In the beginning of the last week Lord Nor manby presented at Paris and Mr Bolwer simulte eously at Madrid, the protest of the British Go-
Hatano, — Kirket supplied ; last mile of good Ben- jurstamin si 81-70 2 per picy).
Tarroe's) there were 12 candidates, the pramino- | Rive is also firm owing to lessed supplies and nous of the University of Franos, and late profmer si to being ennducted by B1. Raymond de Verinour, | being sekilyble for Export in Semarang or Bour-
haye Belguimosilom wanted. the Royal Athenewon in Paris. The Brot prine wa awarded to Byng, ma., and the second to Fugter, Bollan and Berton, ask, were "bracketed" as aqua? Suparmoad, Manila.--In 'vodka demand, Guad in point of merit The composities in prose and straight pin?es command (1) per picul. Tater (especially some verse on the dying gladiator) Mgarr, Manila,—Arrivals and sales of slightly prizeman, Byng, wore peonlarly jemarkable for damaged by Austion of No. 3 at J?du Bij per 1,000 their purity and elegance. The y hoja of the can- ; whithi has inpohled the Market for leaf consump dilatos were highly complimented for their gunellom lon
Bhy sailed south of the Isle of Man, the intention of Captains Hosken being to run up the Irish Chan nol, and to trich the Atlantic by the northern cous of Ireland, Bho made extraordinary way after alvaring she harbour of Liverpool: Indeed, ail accounts agree in showing that she went at the anually rapid rate of 198 Know an hour. There en very little doubt that she slammed most EN- pidly, far in nine and a half hours allar loaring Liby varpos) she struck on the Irish Const. The spot where abe struck was on the main land, near the Can and Calf, as it is called in Dundrum Bay. This bay la akpatel on the eastern coast of Ireland. It has shon immediately opposta the others share of the lale of Man, and is about half way between Baliasi sud Drogheda.
style of pronunciation. In the Germaniam (Mrj?ngs, Panikale tik davamad, at 93-15 48-75 Bakoncinted's) the examination was suedosted by ?per deal... No Fluralirng.
De Borways, Garman protease as King's College, London; then being eleven competitors. The
The pamongers and crew were all landed in por fast aslay. By meena of jaunting cars, horses, eatle, and other senveyances, the majority of there resobed Belfast, and icterul of them arrived in Liverpool and Fleetwood next morning by the Trigh 44mers.
At the time of her going on shore, the suri was very great, so much so as to prevent any of her punger landing until the tide kard receded; it ? teko then found that she had run on mbon at full apped, and had, naasuquently, been brood so far up an to?loara -har bows pretty wall id?y at low water. The goal energy of Capt. Honken over forse him for an instare; and everything that could be done to insure safey under the sad circumstances was performed.
The onset of thu nanisatrophe remains a sobject
priae was awarded to Parker, and the moan? la Hartou, ma. Balton, Wheatley and rug, uns. were reported na having highly desting withal then. In Signor Picchioni's Italiao ciazy, the first prise warded to Boileau, zm? the second to Bradshaw, I.. There were only eight competi bory for the pun ia 'Imliun. The examinatione zi the French and Gestuan languages were momodered to be particular)pereditable on the part of the youth- ful cundulaten. -- Erpresa.
la is now pretty generally onii lad that the accomm circalled of the ravages of the potato disease were greatly exaggerated, thus the warly crops were the most serioduly affected, and thai those which are
(now growing will uten up mich beso? th?n was sp
prehended short time ago. The taint seeme to
Exporta from Jai to 29th October,
Chests 339
Singapore and Penang............... Other Places................... .................. DOBL Fagtowns-Remain without change
{From the Bonday Price Current, November 2.) EASTERN PRODUCE, Cotton-Supplies of Bach, Surat, and Duliare, have during the past fortnight come in to a condi derable extent, and there are also a iw arrivals o? | Comple. Previous to the arrival of the English Mail of th September, the market was exceeding bill Mar --- Atacles hory tak in bigla inquiry |·ly dull and the dealers anxious to realina ala reduc- owing to the nikken of the usual traders from invazia esim. The secounts by that scancer being Tia.-Couthwas Kret sau l? good demand nt | meldered very favorable pricus are now maza drm, $17.90 a 18 per pibul.
but as yet there has been litth diaposition shewn to 3)P?ng, mPurther arrivals which ste oloved at | purchase. We hear of value of 5,300 belas se molit #1-16 je 3-p?r beg.
below. Very large arrivale may shortly be expect ed from the interfer. The following are the orrent quotations
Ou Englund --Salts of Bills at 5 Nos. Bight at 45, Bhurt dates may be quoted at 4× 40′′
Co Chleutia.—The Trossary continues open for Bill on the Bengal gaminiament at 2004. – ?ules of Private Bile at 290.
On Unisia.-- 1 per Cant discount.
TONNAGE. The fitana is laul on for Bull-dhe Oeran Queen,
Prim-Albert fat L?ndon,
Prienen Bank.. Landn? ? moaiha night.
Londen 30 days sight.
Sembay Mi
??. .290 Ha
Opiam → 1626 Theme (Ordini li?u tina hands,
of gren unocite?my. Inquies are constuully be- dr.re disappeared with the return of dry vanther-- ing made or to the cause, and the most contradi?tory | a convincing proof to many that a m? d?tesianed otalemente tre ?gerens. On the van hand, sil by a seperabundance of moistums. The 'subcribers amention is made that the Tsis of Man, was passed to the Exchange Newsroom were, Jesterdag, very in the beary mint, withoz b?ng on, and the light | much surprinod with como fine speciesen of benkhy of B. Juba retaken for that of the Culf of Man petalons, which weig istedefneed there an having been By others the castrophe is gatribed to the effect | grown, and inken indiscriminalply Omen the bulk, prodacol up the compan when the ship is pro- by George Atherton, Baq.; of New Brighton. They
led by a submerged screw. But these ions autorenta nes af present Willy conjure. Since zubning above the Great Britain has been currfed abast one hundred fou farther foward and laid with her broadside to the shore. Her estgo and coale see nearly on, alampri prore actively making to reappre hot at the ensuing spring tides, which de arter, to the ext week of this.bgton list of the would be at their highest on the 3th instant. The The yield is plentiful, there being Brondeix intgo|ica of tale acccome papresent "ber (tumework ay exhibiting | potatoeslu una root.—-Liverpool Mat, enormous powers of enduranes, and to have co siined ileost water light under circum?blues in which vemele buils of wart must bary altogether Broken up.-id.
Major General vir John Harvey having relieve) Sir Jeremiah Dickson in the Lacutenant Governors ship and Cominnad of troops in Nora Scotia, a
A vacancy and Clovernorship for general
eer now exista in Newfoundland-
are of the specio designated Ameriona Tandies" und in the clean, dy been no- are of large sus remarkably Sim, sound, and of thong doing. The Deby (unw babe cha Kigwand very superior quality. They were tulsed in an oil | for alle to Caloutto e madhe ate de Mariiber) gram field, which hard met been ploughed for twouts expected here alien the 20th instant, Kibuld year, in a candy soil and with the aid of common shut Fire Quran agent. ?,hume manure, the mad baring bern art in drift a
Dispatched received by Sleut Waghip's Ea
sid Thesis in the 27th August, wie dekruted at
the Board of Control and the Ladis Ilus before
Jay light on the morning of the 3nd inst. Ideut Waghora conched town on the 30th ultimes. In an limpatian of his Courter. The Orvilind Bhikkum ; just arrived.
Sinstabul for the Mirais,
For the information Waterkutupila mandaru we fastest with quadelin mud
On or sheat
| #0debisangher-1,090?ng. Fig. 2.408
29th Debor1.09
25 January 1,090
22nd February.........1,080 gand March........
1993 Api?..
Tab May
interer of Bombay, bat we out trace it to anal Jalg
There is report that Lord Jocelyn is to be the tah Jann... resuchentie somres
Troms from India--On the 20th alt. the mainder of the 57th Hagineut atrived at Chatham from the ship Wastahoteland, Captalo Ruskill, com sisting of two companion, conkalaing 9 serjonto, 9 corporala, 4 drummam, and 160 printer, with 19 women and 13 children, under the command of Explain. Georgs Edwards, with Captat? EL M. Smith, Lieur ? E. Armstrong, Lieut. R. Aubin Croker, Liegenant Thos. Poola, Enoza Prek | Groban, Emign J. H. Lothian, Exaign” Hunter, and Assition Surgeon T. Biert These troops, embarked on the S? of April, st Modran, and arriv ved at Gravesend aflac a long and tedious voyage
of 180 days
The resignation of Larda Jeffrey and Mlogereisf Rom the Scotch beach is expected.
The following resignations have taken pl?ne - W. E. Kellice, M. G. B; Amini :Borg, E. Le M-- jurier, Madras Persilted to retireu-Cal. W. | P. Gledisonar, Bengal Bergine; DI. Capt. U, A. Morria, Bengal Survion : Capt. IL D'ace, Afadras Service.
118......... 2,400
218 2405
764 2,408
(8.............. 2,305
723...... 2,109 15,905 ch??8 €25aka 21.049cka,
A very brisk bushurao hoa baruldane during 'the past season in our staple setika t? pralo?e 1'4 ?pnally large stigagnte of Fletilani-kara gone for wards Calcute, there amplby mailerable ton.
The Morning Post has the follring announce that mark, Thick as rubensly bien a ment, aliading to dea gruaral Post office :--
? tion of which in myofing
VO?T M?UMN di urdate fur Ekipa, NE SUUbaka par
Wo understand that a department of the Gothen has hova gent petivity Geiber Burnge m?klart. -- verot, hitherto carried on the weaklar, in for and in ahve articity of prodano danga haPR, MEN WAN the future to be managed by salg
mations for the American muhart, " a board of unpaid consiste
The nam
The Heroes of the Butlej,-On Bunday, the 27th mik, upwards of 15 invalids, of the 3rd Light Dra. | of the latter ws are me yat aj biti ni taklom i
goons, 10th Laucers, ned 9th 10th, 10th, 186, 80th, | but, if we mistake wot, they will ihtow very curi || Parmish in anuman
630, 62nd, and 30th Regiments of Foot from India, vns Hight on the present state of partion in skli doun- || chipper arm daindlined. arrived at Chesham, basing disembarked at Gin- by"
vegand from the Herefordshire, together with an esert from the [al Regironat, i drummer, and 65 zack and ato, nil of whom were engaged in the four
- quebot upon heavy inn
We learn from Petersburgh, that senovnia | pedibua
barties on the banks of the Satik). Lieut. Al. Deans - from the Caucainta in the 27th of August give in. | morge Freeman, of the soch, died on the passage.
selligence of two engiamants, in which the ooamy Dar givin
Arried of the Head Quarters of the $7th Magi- | Jaat many men, bat the Rumanns remarkably fawnda mants from India,—On the 28th ul., the headque.] in omgparison." "T? fest was ginally Rae Ar 4e of 07th Foot, sonsisting of 14 serj?nnis, 18 | matinski, on the dili, over the mean corporis, and 165 privates, with 12 worden, and Daghen, who wowe 19,500 j? wpakker cir
20 children, under the command of Major Thomasbo 300 were killed, und 1 taken panel Bhadforth, with Captains Bull and Stanley, Lieuse- magle Hunt, Logen, and Chads, Quartermaster Morrow, and Amistant Surg on Jackson, arrived at Chathu.
The 17th Regiment are under orders to proceed from Chatham to Ceylon.
The 14th Regiment is our at Belfiul, tirol, Col. the Hon. ? A pen One serge
aga corporal on the seconting service, an only m?n loft that word in the mtzant at Cabool.
sh-O'Connor D'Areg, M.D., to be Ausistant Burgoan, vi?a ?'ergamon, prarsotol to be Staff Sur
Death of Cxfonet Lord Joh: Sountract.—C1, the How, Land John Thomas Hous), Somerset, Ins cling Frid (face of the Print Darrics, dind
an Baturday lay in the onth y ese of his age. Eb
lonlap was uncle of the pros?i?? Duke of Beaufort
Rowlane, It la statod, had ?hl? 17 fethod; vad wounded, nong when grup mink oftenta second angngement Veno kgulost the La vision of the roupa “ Abami), Bolk
were fought on the same day. The
ber in the second case maga 3,000 -
killed, while the Dusadol, andgert
only four men. 86as the meta Russian loss is evidently underndi
(Prom the Bingapore Pros Prasa, Eli
Avenck, Batavia. —-Contine? fil- lodel conbumpti?n and export, i bali langyos.
inced demand at mar Cheer profnisse to be a falr prince of the island in rapp??
??kim Koopa up from_i chich chi n th nh c? th de plase, and lisports readily 105 | timin. - The nerfish during
Brean-Lunited supplar; small 10th Ux-
Lord John was at the tatile e: Waterloo new stat : changing hands at quotesi?ne.
ollow, sad received an honorary pedal.
Catria-In some inquiry ; last mile at $401 por
Sudden Death of Major Gasriel Traman~ Thia | picul.
allcer, who was a major-guietai in the East 19dan
Caffe - A few bou h?ve exchanged ban?a at 453 | De
Branch and Jambaner. -- ** } Ka 938 a 25 per cents.
Bata... Dethers
Campan (oll) Baloe of Cotton during pa fortnight.
4,000 Bake of h....................ki Ke 16 161
-01 Ra 40 a 70° 400 Ci?ncias n? C?mpta......st Ra t? per mady. Off?nf–Little business has been done owing to the stock i hankbeing of indifferent kiad; arrivals of a good qualityrkt Zaduated in December. The I-mm at provest in from Bn.1,060 a 1,150 per ehest
Isononding to quality.
Freights to Geest Britain were for a few days afme-the departite of the hat meil Armat our chan quotations, het fr?im she ?the soulmation thara was to ship they had began to give way and previowe lo the mail's arrivgi.990 6? uppours to have been c?n
elder?d about th? vylue of tannage. Bince the ar
rival of the last natila teru Ships hava hoan wiken up
at 755 and there being a very much unengaged
tonnagu in the market the rate la very firm at 76 ■ 90.
In conseqan n?h of the opening of the B per aut Toen, da das Barbath, bad lewend their 1600 al pumpa kakun kamerale Billa, halidegain alvanced le 19 per gang ibwe la ciuiequently bone scarelly of many agd an advance in Exchange of nhout fa per raped, whilst Government Paper, Ahares and de?arities g?nocally have dectius
Spre com Latin of Th25-15.
De........ 1918-45.
6-a 20
· Ezowanag.–Kay now be quoted al fail?a 2. for this at Enough sighs un Fagland. On Cal muere at 60 days sight 994;, and on China R. 237
508 per $100
Banci –Boh shares have fallen an will be oran by's pootperiren with note lust quotatione, som merdal Bank alures ipanaferahlo ni 2 joar?, ut par, tot na skallandos.
Belast quarting current enter of Bank Bhorer :-- thing of Banda f..................... Ra 40 a 4l por semi govjtimin. Celeron, Chikar. 30)
{flum the Overland Nemo, October 7.) MONEY MARKKE
Wanrsday, Oct. 7. Botandigh in the English funds have been renees hat mit a general downward The quite of thin day......
? Av6 16 Uunigund?o the uncertainly rel?ivo the Gazarwalous respecting the (jamaior marrings, and the alertning views of hite. The adrines by the Overland Mast pen k?ov? no po?toplisle oflict on the Consolsaarket. ?n gen?tel, bu?nevijunkeir politicni complexion Ap porful to be com?letad na waentjefvetory; and con
I to the bunday felling ofthe Money Market. Mittens ** the Beltamala, Perpecting the The Laraf Banten, are highly ossos-
Site the Forties Winds bus beat on a pil namlanded shea that of the bone mer- The chiefogestion has been directed towards betisk v?i latitan Stocks, owing to the arrival Timportant impubligogne from both sliten somatran z ?S?t she stuin of nalikor in unficiently sealed ?ja m- -dograge any great amount of speculation.
*** "Beilmay bares have been generally nagisolod, done in off comparatively insignis
TEADS REPORT OCTOBRE 1. —Large arrivals of colonial lave caused gwapan with a dill appearance, and im belumnya a night.asdoction is priom, Miuuri- lui r?ction.at, 64, decline, low and middling ******* *2*2 450 & gening, low
fair yellow
puls,kit Boland has subsided,
? Dan is arengued, estaging for in disciptions: dina whte Belly Khal $91.
10, 80g whhi Besarna 480, 10 620. dil, sal wright jellor?-47ac ip Q9%, daropal and washed dis, to Sir. Bd, privately the deseand has fallen off and law saka are reported-Madras, The brown kinda are dol! : China Lipper Seah... h? demod alt4aliper | The H
(Cly?k, pro- | ine yellow 500. 6d. to 52a., low and middling 4h. Gram.comMacket well supplied and mirable by re- piges for may of the Fadian ports. 196 drape anile:Wet India: Inipartes have accepted rather lower n?eight. In the | #d. to 438, brown 27a to 43s, per ows. Forsi? n
sesor has left f?r Ma- | mates. A better demand has been axperienced by d'ja Tom Ar Phantot Parking hankkia | the refiners, and 19,000 bags, Dianils offered in the ?rted to loud for Ast 166-adity all round hind |· public saler all found bayern, good and fine yellow ourge we hear will donel Crite chiefp. The 49. d. to Bla, low to air streng grey 43 16 488,
Amo Every low 42% ?d to 43s in other demariptions, Jela de demeia ?n 4 husipem of conseguimos emported. Grass meet in 2
Gambonge-Bales of 70 x 80 piesk of good gun-
Satnica, expired, suddenly on the 30th ulc, The, a 6 per picult ?ame u? dentli appears to kay? been disuse of the best. Majas Oliphant. Director of the Ema India | pizul, Company, w, tha docensed (zoneral's non-uulat.
"Privais Matheeran, one of the shower. M? thu | full at #18 = 2 per bag. lete inquzat en White, at Hoonslow, was tried at shat place, on Tuesday, by a district cestri-matiimi, fubordination, and threatening language to Lang Sargreta Dowell, bus vaporin offices. The Rnding at the Coun sa? weitraca will not be known till uppruned by the Commanders&Chiefan
The rol of the sath inson for his Royal Highness Prince Alary's annual prize of Gut, persented to the elege for the protatie of why of modern languages, was honnced by the R. Dr. Hawtery, this day, at pops, in the chami. ? of the head curate. The examination, whickenood on Monday in braced the From German, and halian language, in uach of which first and second prizes were awards the moreful competitors. To the French clam (M. }
lity at 90) and of midilling at $55 put piesk
Galdo-Limited 10pplio and much-Wasted Opium-No Patna in firat hamla skaapplimrex- pected by the Fire Quern. The main of Bautres ? caught the dots kura beam copfined to the solbadiase dansad of Nas
tive prodern at $610 – 015; holduja however, are bowalk ng higher rates in consequet?e of the susall stock and teadvices from Calculed monouncing pai adrance to N. 1,430 per chest: Malwa, in no an qug. No mich of Turkey reported.
Pepper, black.- Continues in ?oni demand and arrivals of good clean Singapore, comomad 8.1.20 a 4 per pienk Waite none offered for sale. Lang inquired for.
No sales
week, and the best pastationspoeday were...
Opin-Pricas havqhottin?edalandy during the
Patna, CB 1,5050 o 1/870 perchent Spalaties to scre?istom djuin progres for the white yalty, soitable for Evenpa Market, und | next ale, and we heat of alma largaina baing anache salen minde ni 665 a 70 per boyan for white Bally. [it rates ranging from Co.'s Rs 1,900 a 12850 per Arrivals will command tan kues price. Carga jebeat for Patna.
Kis-The demand consee seting for good-
TheThe deliveries in the ina wasir amounted 807,722 16. There are as yet no ale aceastived. Comic Cooyou of somed quality is not offering oder Bil Boated Capere poisse in demand. Twonkay vary, and con-quality sold se low as 104, Hyson confinum dell and prieste | dropping; canal?n quality yelling at 10. Bd. 10 10. 98. per 15. In other descriptions there is no aktera.
Pidited, Privial and Published by Jon Gant, A The Friend of China and Hongkong Game Printing Ogles, Govan BreEET VICTORIA, Hotakona, 1847.
VOL. VI. No, 2.
PRICE $12 per anunt....
Terms of Subscription to the "Friend of China nad Hongkong Gaapte," per annum $12. Six months 97. Three months 81; all paid in advance. Credit prices, 914, 9N 50, and 83, for the period
of twelve, aix, and three months respectively: Single numbers to Eubscribers 25 ets. each, to Non-Salmcribers! tapee. Parties calling or suling to the office for papers are equested to pay rask Teras of Advertising.-Ten lines and under $1; additional 10 conts per lius. Repetitions one third of the first inertion. Ships: First insertion 2; subsequent insertions 43 cent. Advertisments to have written on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will be published until countermanded. In all instances, those who are not Subscribers, must pay in advance,
10 the 1st of Jamenty, 1847, the Of R. 2. D. Nav and Alr W. G. LE GETT are FOR BALE, at long&
tice for conducting the Business of the Stenmar COISAR, will be ro moved frun Messrs. Franulan de Mjina's House to the House of HOLMEN & BIGHAM, where all Packets and Parcels will be received by Mr Bruuns. All applications made to him, or to Me STRANO will meet the tox?lient attention.
Victoria, 28th December 1846.
A of about 200 Tons, and employed fine Verwel now laying at Woosang
as Receiving Vessel, well adapted for that purpose, sold only from the owners requising
■ large vessel. For particular apply to
FRANKLYN & MILNE. Hangkong, 8th December 1846.
TO LET low rent a House in Gough
TO LET. Houseritur in Wellington Street, com- manding a fine view of the Bay. Early pusstation can be given. For further particulars apply t
ictoria, 27th February, 1×15,
TUOSE Inge and enveient Premiers et prerat occupied by 1. A BRINK csisting of Dwelling Hanne with Qudowas unid courement Jetty ena be viewed by applying at our premises adjoning. Posacasion can be given on
Marmiber ath
BURD, LANGE & Co. Victoria, 27th Novciaker 1916.
TWO commodious dwelling Houses,
rantining serin Rooms, and curr manding a fire view of the Bay, situated Be> avtry Street, rest mosferate. Apply by..
DOLGLAS LAPRAJCK Virtusin, 2nd December 1916,
E pied at present by J. A. Oldino Esq, ?n ve Penininl?r and Oriental Steam Nailgati Company's Offica
The building the 's Rand. Decu-
partners in our firm, which MrT. B. SMITH aliorized to sign by procuration.
MACVICAR & Co. Hongkong, tal January 1847,
I workersigned have been appointed Agents at Shanghai for the Imperial Fire Ulice of
BLENKIN, RAWSON & Co. Victoria, 224 April 1846.
& superior Sherry, Bladesse, sod Port, in Tthe Godowns of Mor Blankin, RAWSON
wood and bottle; Champagne from the house of Mumm & Co. Rheine.
Hongkong, Lat June 1846.
FOR SALE. N Elegant Rosewood Cabinet Piano, Vetall
denball Aret.
September 29, 1910,
NOTICE THE partnership hitherto subsisting between the undersigned a Merchants and Commission Agents in thion, was dissolved by mutual cont on the Bich of June 1sat.
BANDS TURNER CHURCIT & Co. Canton, 20th November 1846.
FOR SALE INVOICES of:-Rumian Capluge, Paint, P'aint Dil, Canvase, Blocks, Bunting, Twine, and perior Hamburg Moss Park and Beef. Wine, Brandy, Uin and Vinegar.
W. P?STAU & Co. Hongkong. September 1846.
ste, 6 Octave, by C. L. Wean, 142 19
RAWLE, DUUS & Co. 4th November 1840.
Pot BALE?? {N Invoica of Window Glass, from 9 by 7 ta i
by 12. One do. of Best English Plute nud Stainel Glass, from 24 by 18 to 30 by 30.
4th November 1940.
F?R GALE. size, Au Invoice of Manila. Europe, ai! ANCHORB, Chain Cables, and Hawse Pipes et Putoot Itupe
Culler, and Glovernment t'igars.
4th November 16-16.
WEBSTER, Gorn Curier THE undersigned have upon Branch Esa. SALT Provisions. Flour item. Are
Madeira, in Hhd, quarter and half quarter casks, and in cnee, FLETCHER &
Hongkong, 1st March, 1845,
NOTICE. IJR. Roger Jacson is this day admitted a Part-
HOLLIDAY, WISE & Co. Hongkong, Jat August 1840. ******** FOR SALE. THE following Wines ex Cannata,
Bouir. The
?in Came of 3 dosen osch
Beeckling Champaign,
Fale Cornas Brandy, in do. Bcbusdam Geneva,
in du wil doen. AL80 Superline Italian Salad (N). Apply to,
HOLLIDAY, WISE & Co. Vietnia, 15th July 1916.
FOR SALE LANDY'S Madeira, in half pipes, hlids., and
quarter carke. Apply to
OBB LIVINGSTON & Co. Victor, 10 h April 1916,
blishment at Shanghai under the same fira as
at Canton.
RATHBONES, WORTHINGTON & Co. Canton, 1st August 1946.
FOR SALE." Brenity in Wood; Whisky, Cogear, and t kinds of Wines in Bottle.
4th November 1846.
THE undursigned have been appointed ageme for Ale Salamander Hook and Treasure Safee.
than al-ore pained Society and are prepared to grant Policies payable in London, Liverpool, Bom- bay, Calcutta and Caston.
"RATHBONES, WORTHINGTON & Co. Canion, 31st August 1816.
KX LATE ARMIYALA OOD, and Pure Sherries; in Battle, at from $3 1820 per doz.: in Wood (Uctv. to hd.) t $27.50 per Oct., and upwards.
Port, Madrire, Champagne, and a variety of classes of Claret and Hermitage, at the (lodawns of
W. BOOTT & Co. Victoria, 14th December (84A. ??HAIN Cables of all sites up to 1 inch and 718th.
Europe Hope, l'aut Dil, Black Varnish, by whole sale.
Queen's Road.
4th November 1846.
NEW Admiralty Charts. Latest Code of Cap this Marryat Bignals. Waghorn's Overland Charla and Guides. For sale by,
RAWLE, DUUS & Co. Victoria, 251b November 1846.
BTURAGE, &c. LOODS received on Storage, Sold on Commis. Tsion, or forwarded to Macao, Canton, &c. by incurable Lorchas,
RAWLE, DUUS & Co. Victoria, 26th November 1846.
Anchors, very superior Caves, Blocks, large ONE Bra mounted Britaks for four perenne,
P'usenin given early in November. Apply to, DEATHING COPPER, 18 to 82 on Apply TOGNAC in Bottles at 6 per Dozen at
-* (longkong, 27dt October 1816.
B1:S! & Co.
0109, LIVINGSTON & Co. Hongkong, 13th Heptember 1846,
Hongkong, 22nd October 1840.
FRANKLIN & MILNE Victoria, 20th November 1818. DALE Burton Als in Lugabends & $20.
TE dwelling, House on the linllywood
kond. It.ly occupied by the lounur. have opened Branch establishment BABS Tale Ale i cases of 34 dozen. aul W. Caise Apply to,
HUSH & Co. Hongkong, Di November 1246
THE Bangalow in Aberdem Street Intely secu pied by the Royal Bussex Loder. Apply to,
BUSUI & Co. Hongkong, Nh November 1846.
TO BE LET. Single anil a double morind Godown. Apply to,
GIBB, IJVINGSTON & Co. Vietoria, 5th June 1846.
THOSE two Houses adjoining that presently oc. Cupied by Dr l'arax Youx. Anply to,
LINDSAY & Co. Hongkong, 19th December 1840.
TO LET. THE Contage situated a liulo shove the Malacca College, occupied by Air DAVIDSON, apply on the premises.
Hongkong, 19th December 1840,
TO LET. SPACIOUS Godowns and dwelling house, built
pr to.
Tron, Ripley & Co. The property is situated near the centre of the Town, (Viatoris, Hongkong) and has a water frontage. Apply on the Premises,
THOMAS RIPLEY & Co, Hongkong, 31 July 1840. Shanghai
TO LET ON LEASE. HOUSE on Queen's Road, ?use in the occupa- Ation of Mr. W. Bowa. Apply at the Df-|
fice of the Friend of China.
A Apply 10
TO LET. Ilouse on die South side of Gough Street.
GEO. STRACHAN. Victoria, Lal January 1847,
THE godowns, and first floor of the premises on Queen's road, adjoining Messrs Smith and Brimelow. Apply to,
GEO, STRACHAN, Victoria, tal June 1846
E undersigned have received authority from the Directors of the Linperial Fire Insurance *ffice of London, to imue l'olicies on the New Puildings at Canton,
MA?VICAR & Co. Victoria, 23rd January, 1846.
Shanghai, where Mr WILLIAM Hopa is ag thorised to Biga for our Bem by Procuration,
LINDSAY & Co. Hongkong, 19th December 1846.
in Do. Ju.
3. Pula Gogase Brandy on Cask and bottle. Fine full vored Port Very Pale Shorry.
Climospagne and Claret, at very low prices. Sparking and all Moselle. Ligeure &c. Apply to
THE Undersigned hereby give notice, that their
Firm consists of William Dallar ami Pale do da, GEORGE-COLES, of the Firm of Dallas a Coles of | Brown Loudon, and Starmen Ponder, revident in China. |,Red wine in Cask:
DALLAB & Co. Canton, 20th November 1846.
MANILA CHERVOTA. THE Undersigned have been appointed Agents
for the above named Company, and are preparanding a very fine batch of No. 2, and bars |ESSAS, FRANKLYN & MILNE are now ed to grant Pol cies payable in London, Glasgow, them for sale, Calcutta, Bombay, and Centon.
This Office returns Bonus of 10 per cent, (Ten por Cont.) og all Premiums
Capton, Eal October 1540.
TR. FREDINAND BLASS is unhorized to sign for
our firm in Chios, by Procuration.
HEGAN & Co Hangkang, 90k Netober 1846. FOR SALE.
A few Picals of Gypsum,
Queen's Road, 3rd November 1840,
Corner of Rumi's Road and Aberdeen Street. THIS Dapensary in kpen at all hours for the com
pounding of Prescriptions, and the sale of Me. dicines, Chemicals, dzo.
I. GILBERT, M.R.C.S. A. S. TAYLOR. Professional attendance on the Shipping-terma
T the Godowns of the undersigned, in One Dos moderate.
Ba Visok
4. Balaphe.
Br. Julien,
Chaux Morgan.
Just landed from the French ship Adhemar
An assortment of Medicine Cheats on sale at mo- derate charges.
SODA WATER. (From the New Manufactory at Macao)
Dispensary, Praya Grande, und at the Store of Me JOHN SMITI.
with folding up, and a set of double liar. cess brass mounted.
One Bras inunted Carriage, for two or four persons, with sliding body.
One Brass mounted Carriage, for two or four persona, with sliding front, une set of double Har. nes ( also be used us single).
One Light trotting Waggon, for two persons, with a set of Harness.
RAWLE, DUUS & Co, Victoria 18th December 1846, MESSRS WAGHORN & CO.'S AGENCY. THE Undersigned having been appointed Agents for Men WAURORA & Co, are prepared to forward Parcel to Jadia or England by the 1'. NINKYLAR AND ORIENTAL COMPANY'S STEAMERS, which mil from bere on the 20th of every Month.
All Parcels sent to Victoria to be forwarded must be free of Freight and other Charges, and should arrive here 24 Hours before the Mall cluses.
Ali Parvels received from Todia or England will be delivered free of any Charges in here, on the presentation of the Receipt only; but if they are tent to any other place, 61 per l'ucknga will ba charged, besides the Freight and other Expenges. For sale at the Office, WA?H?as & Co.'s-Oran LAND Grine by the Routes to Egypt;" "Genkai Hista and IrORMATION for PaskaGERS on their way from and to India”
1st Roule, eit Southampton.
through France.
via Triesto or Constantinople, wh
Map of the Overland Routes.
Also, a few Uverland Trunks.
Pih May 1840.
VANTED ● good strong Aladila Pony, the
recommended, without any feu... Apply at the Friend of China Office. Viewtis, 2nd December 1948.
CODA WATER AND ERATED LEMON ADE of superior quality at Mesere Elunte & BARTON's Dispensary, Pouinger &ired, Viere Ria, Doxoxoxo,
CAKTON, MD Kanny's Dispensary, No. 5, Nes MACAO, HINNA's, Chinese Shopkeeper, Est ?Augustina.
ON French Hang
Trans:- Lemonade, per dozen, one dollar and a quatter, and Soda Water, one dollar-boules to be returned with boules: $3 ppr dozen.
NOTICE.- HR. Charles Ar?an lo this day admitted a part
Der in our Firm.
DIROM, GRAY & Co. Canton, 1st August 1846.
7 Urdans for ten dazena, ur above: Soda Water, Seventy-Bro cents, and Lemonade, one dolla? NOTICE. THE interes and rowponsibility of Me Wanns per dozen.
Ducato, Jr. as partner in our firm censed on
Maeno, lat October 1846, the 31st uhimo,
Canton, 1st January 1947.
E have Established Branch of our Home at Shangbai under the same Name as a Canton, and have authorised Mr C. A. FRARON to sign for us by procuration.
Canion, lat January 1847.
the Queen's Road, between two hours of 1 and 8 o'clock on the morning of the 2nd Je Deary 1847, Gold Bracelet. The owner can re. cover it by describing the same and applying to
LIEUT. GHAYES, 18th Rayal Irish. POWDER MAGAZINE. Lorcia "PANY" is fitted up and ready to Teesire Gonpowder on Demurrage. Apply to,
HONGKONG. DISPENSARY CODA WATER, ?RATED LEMONADE Aerated Chalybeate Water, (highly recom niended, on account ogita tonie proportivo). “
AORNT AT Canton, ACEOOK, Comprador. No. 3 Imperial Hom Hongkong, 13th lurch, 1846.
Queen's Rood, Victoria,
ENTLEMEN and Families vinning this place will find every accommodation and all the articles of the first description at moderata charges, Billiarde in a spacious airy soom facing the se
Norica to CommuSPONDENTS.
We have received - An Observer's" letter, bat do not usert u, being ignorant of his name Bod addres
Have alueetiarments, will be reociand, until 4
Clock, on the menings previous to publi vetim, viz: _Thades and Friley
Oct Ame
14, Manila
19 Shanghai
0 Hops . 9
luve discovered in jurxhaustible magulilornce, sad | 100 y ser loses but you are enculed tu si more as a going over the sido every mouent from the hoory
to hire founded a gigantic kingdom tributesy to matter of grace then right-i hire therefore allow rolling of the read: at noon a steady light bree ada deduction of 10 per cent un account of the and fine weather, during the last 24 heure quing 2? his native land, he acquired merely potatoes na impare unurce from which the meary alleged to bekas per Baan Lang by Chronomatar 112 35' tobeceu. His royages to Gulana minist-red to the anguish of his mind ;. His voyages to Virginia. hat was derived ;-take the balaa and be thank. Lat. by observation 15 19 N.
winistered to the confort of bis body. To that This storm is described to have been mostl fal" The Merchant, Mr G3. Smith, who wangh?? mulac, as it were, on accent of his dating in tres violent, and the whole autontion of the care and ↑ split of e-derprise in uavigation which in the me in opism. not undermening the grounds of the Crew was required by the vase, so that it was ba.mory of Itsleigh is unjustly enupled will so wel Com's decision, remared to resorale uguirsi possible piiber to look alter the passengers, or to ridicule, milline of the posterity have owed noe of it, on which the functionary wakes most furiously prepare my fool, the ship's Company subsisting the principle sources of their sustenance; and to shat same spirit a vast baik of mankind awe the virtus, and delivers a severe lectare on the ini ? in bipeni on? vook profervand provisique in tine as quity and illegally of the trade in opium. The were in the vowel. No efort was made by the delicious joys of taberen. "Tobacon, thrine, rare fone of the better throughout is in the west possi-Chinese Supercargo for the fort or subeideos superscellent tobacco," as Boston design it (Anatomy Mel, part il. p. 878) ; are, a ba quaimly ble taste, and most valecwing the dignity of the of the Chlueno passengers, who comeiner bakaw
exelnino, with Its envinies, 'hellish devillish und Consular Office which ought to shun all such per for four days in slate of misery and hunger opt socal collisions, and whether attacked, or not, how!! Alek?ller did what be no?dd to adult sir into the demand tubsero,” As en habitual lover of that super-excellent" word the fames of which preserve a judicial enlunners of Jemmon. To bold by forming a tent with terpaulin· and saila aggravate the affenon in the present ease the Cenexding from the long bost over the main and drown our arrows, stimulate our foncles, E aul pretende on the semen that Mr Smith hal after heches, and he allowed as many es posible cause the barying gronde of our memory "to pu used expressions regarding his conduct which it is to be in the bio Notgribeunding those pra and give for their dead," we are grateful to the denied ware ever made um of. He ought to have satima, however, they apifoar so hard undirgane perseverance of Itulvigh. We could have sevelled AND HONGKONG GAZETTE.
bean themoghly convinard of the correctness of dramsal sufferings and see mid t? have quarrelled in the pipe commonly used during ble generation —a wallout shell und a neww: we could hava gladly hie premises bef?ra vasturing upon such a reeri- amongst themevivit, a great noise having been VICTORIA. SATURDAY, JANUARY O?R. INIT.
caries, picking the biggest shilling from out pocket mamination as he bas tere lots. We suppose the card amongst them about midnight on the 27th jagged to market with the farmers, his contemps-
whole enerespondence will lo due time food its way. On opening the coverning of the match ot
to lay in the scales when tobacco was vendeid by NOTICE-The Movges of Divine Servies in the Coca-
into the China papers, together with the work daylight on the 20th it was found that abon thirty Wiel Chatki, stu, sa Sundayout ? p400 14 A.M, and ( P. M.
opinion of nearly all the mercantile firme in Hong Chinese were lying dead in a heap, dreadfully its weight in silver; hut as we are of a century when un King James Culminatalia Venanter blust," Sbi on Thursday at 0 Pal.
kong and Centas, condemnstory of the Coul' brand ami mangled, while a number of twi
we are grateful beyond measures. Unlike opium, manner of treating a respectable Bellah merchant, were severely wounded. This was stated to have
been a fight amongst the #bich intricates that we need not a prvoont votre futo more from there NOTICE -Unis Carll be spes Er Puble Wefully. Another subject is exciting much indigna Could who had mild each other with billets of woes a cztery to delirium, tobacco p daring the winter monde, beginning with the fat Novative amongst the mercantile zoofiante Canton wood and their crockery, and the 7 odran water it is a sober stimulus, and a sedate emusement. and Hongkong, the treatment of ble Complia: casks each catalning 150 gallons of water bud -in regard to this caso n primer latin? has the fol. begs store in during the fight. Soine of them so the lowing remarks are all ve a fire of indignation other, band say that there was no #ghing, bot that We have been lavored with the perumal of aguinal Sir John for his cowardly and typical they were throws by the pitching of the vessel Mers. T. and H. Latlesale & Co.'s Prices attack upon Compton who it some in to be offsted | a guide the Brewood and erochury and above mach Current of 3rd October from which we have up a victim to the Chinese, and punished without) wiker, and hence many died from their wounds and trial or erience. He has been accised of one; mu?ocstine, whilst others were dreadfully weand- sxtracted their report of the state of the Tea and Bilk market-the general aspect of bushing, sonlanced for another, and paulsked for a fel.. The precise number who the shed wet third, the acomation having bem disproved, the known, but it is though? to be about 30, the Chi. new during the month of September, we are
stence being act aside, and the punishment iu- | Supercargo s?ng ch?i ho slipped D)8 mea glad to bluerve was more cheerful. There dicted without evidence, and illegally, solely upon at Amey, and an ansterling them on arrival at Sad been considerable transactions in the Tea
the will and pleasure of Bir John Dar. Yau Slagupele there were foundide be 275 remaining. market, but at prices more un favor of the pur-will see our correspondence with Me Mogregor Delive the voyspe 4 man died from sicknes hasers. The fer descriptions were held for about the Drilling who has made us be emende that this would levo 31 man who perished during higher rates, which there was some prospect sm?ls. I know not whether Mcgregor second the Typhoon.- [bi] would bu oltamed-and the consumption was circular has been publebed, bot be cate his words with most extraordinary amendy. We will make Meadily on the increase--the clearances for the month ezonding by nearly 800,000 lbs. that the illustrious Barones do the anime relong, though for the corresponding period of last year. nasty so they ra he may make very wry foore ?n duing se,” ~~Singapore Pros Press, November 19
Vienaria, Mch Nov, 1940
Tienen, 194 Gembng 1818,
Oonal Challa.
An unumal dulders existed in the Hilk market, and prines H?d declined, ja, on Tsative, and la 6d. a 2a on 'T'aymams.
Chiba Bugar, qooted at ?1,4, a ?1,1,0 per CWL 10 bond, the quotations at the same period last year were 15 and?1,4.0 Manila Do, is gouted at ?1,4,0 a ?1,9.0
per ew in bond.
Heap. ?91 ?29 in brad. Tin, Hanca ?1,2,0 12 ?4, 5,0. 41.0. Do Straits veh Camphor, unrefined ? 9,15 a ?3, 0. Chips Root gone in the market.
do. Charia Rode
Lignies, ?1,5 ? Stuld,
Up to the time of our going to prem, the Lody Mary Wood, bad not rude her appearare fenci Ceylon with the October Mails. We learn that Cape Evans of the Ama Bliss me the commander of the Lady Mary Wead as Print de liniir, and was told by hun that from some came the Mail would be very lata in arriving at Singapore this month if the water came on at all. Capt. Evant did|| sol give much beed to what won salil, and-be was not Therefore certnio za to the cum ad fuit the anticipated delay, but he thought it was namAND thing about the Engloes of the ffindustan being out of order-Sing. Preo Press, Des. 17.
{Prom"Dolman's Magasivo ) ??ona wide sogged in a multiplicity of occur ****ourrine, an statesiano, se soldier, as Is?llor, na oester, and author, Sir Walter still clung to the ambition of his boyhood, be still peso-creed his endeavours to precile Awenose discovery. He drained his purse by suing out expeditionis the Brat ander Sir H. Gilbert in 1683, where the admiral perisired, and when Newfoundlmal waa neopard in the name of England: the ground in 1884, warn the ish?rd Okakuke was discovered. In the following-yene de pulonised Virginia, a entry to disgusted by the lesion of Ellaabeth,
in henone of herself. Other expedia | kamim fited nut by Raleigh repaying him by no succeser while they rammed an incope hat alightly augmented in 1884, by his salary a? Cap. On the 9th instant, tha barget Shophia Fraser, Tepey of the Gquil, and the manor of In the Pulico Magistrates Court y'oslarday, three Chinese Boatien, belonging to a Cargo Captain MoKellar, arrived bere Row Amoy, with Sherborne, anidremly presented in him by his number of Chinese pongars, having encoumeign Afflaugh, at the approach of the boat which had been engaged by Mesurs Jardins tered very savere enther after leaving amoy.al Armada, Bir Walter was mocuplet as Liew Mathom & Co. to recaise 20 packages from
We slightly shridge from the Log book the lot. General of Cornwall, and Gangaur of the idled ? Purised; shhough, it 18:9engness as a var the Ellerslie, were committed for trial to the lowing account of the Typhoon The vovellefi Supreme Court, under the lollowing circum Ansoy on the 17th, and from the 19th to the 25th – er ander Norris and Disks, in the expediting ta stances after landing a few of the packages had stang steady gala from the N. E. with a very Fortagal, abres, for exploring weeral prizes, it was dienvered that one or two had the ap-heavy wean the 24th, their position at moun faleigh was rewarded by a gold ebein from Ring:
bith; withough einbarrband, in -A8DXhy ? dhan. pearance of having been opened. The Cow pradore of the Establishment waited until they were all landed, and then had them examined in the presence of the master of the boat-three were found to have been broken open, fmm which were abstracted 36 pa of ginds-the boat was seized, but the crew, with the excep- ting of two men found op board, had in the meantime made their escape, and after a strict search but 4 peof the stolen goude were food. There were also found 2 chests of counterfeit Opium Balls, the deception being most factly elected,
Ve have been favoured with the following ex tract of a private kenar dart Timur, 20th Nov, 1848
wax, Lang, by Chredome 16. 17. 14 oletarition 2)+" 13' N. On the 25th their fat, by observation was 18 40' N., and on the Buh, when the wind was more moderate but still from the N. 5. and with a boy ma, ibay wers in Lat, by obeer vation 50. 22 N. at noon. On the 27th (musical) time) 41 | P. a. it was blowing a strong gain from
A fruillet source of national revenua, tabacco has a more muralizing infuence on the community than either the ale-wat or the wine prom. Fur thans silvantages wa are indebted to the dissovery of Virginia
6. George Fyfe, Murray, Bombay September 23, 1. Cleopatra, Early, Whampos. & Fictory, Smith, Newport, July 2nd. JANUARY,
6. Glids, (Am. Waterman, Valparaino, 7. Sir Robert & ufa. Lordar, London
Per Sir Robert Bale, Mir and Mis Kerr, and family, and bit and Mrs Crooke.
Biman Taylor, Brown, London. George Byfe, Murrey Whampon. Flourt, Reynolds, sydney, Claptra, Early, Montreal
The (Am.) ship Huntress, Gillespie, sailed from Whempas, on the 6th, for New York.
Pannon-Pei Huntress, Mr and Mrs S 1. Brown, family, and three Chin se boys.
The Lady Amherst, exchanged signals with the barque Cy of Lande, on the 10th October, out November 5th, spoke the barque Vieler, from 18 days from London, bound to the Maurities. Newport, bound to Hongkong, in La 39. 30 8. uth, Long East, with lot of bulwarks sails, boats, and sumir spare
The Swedish bergne Zambia, whicholeft (*hing oe 7th November, ?t?countered'a nevera gula the worthward of the Paracells, in which she list her main mast and nearly all her oil, he bozu up for Singapore to repair dahages, where tha
arrived on the 8th Decor?ber.
The barque Vicky, towalied at the Cape of Gont Hope, Lepoumber 21st, and miled Bird.
Vastuta in Victoria Harbour.
salequent marriage with Klinakusleitissku: 21. 38 9. Vanel, l'aptain Talbot, orton, one of her Majesty's makila af kroner had H.-M. B. Childers, Commander Pioman. which offence he was drained two menika in | 21. M. Ft. Endura, Capaia Mandongul the Twer; although, during a mensilerable par H. C. Bur Pie, Kirry.
Aden, King.
Hospital and Store Ship. Akmyna, Thomas,
*** Abbot.
Bommejus Jorangjes, Comten, Coler, Wood, Clipar, Early, Daria. King, Kileratie, Fagen,
Crooke and Massey J. Matheson and Co Maevicar and Co . I, Matheson and Co A. Heard and Co Dent and Co
tieli n? 1805, bie tiepe was engmia? by ble duties 17. M. Behr. Young Hale, Second-Mamer Pym.
dirt in the destruction of the Spanish | (E. M. Tr. 8. Allg. Maner Commanding King. the E with every appeares os of incrasing and four at Dodia, by his Hinese from a wound in the | EL. 21 8. Abadan, 20 Master in charge Oper the Barometer falling, course 8. W. 8 kana pergi rosatrad in that dotny, by bin aubarquent oor; at 4x. the wind was still inerentig; at a vaguthundlags-with Couil end Biz, by his 6 r. u. the gale was increasing und the Barumetor
wilde van Gorgenue of Jinsog la 1987, hy kis par- Alling, the sea renning tremendously high and rol in der iha:” lelud Voyage,” where, by * porling in on both siad N. LE..one oellant de dragit ja suptured Hayal, mud by towards midnigs it was slowing a perfect hurricane simplantigues, Sie Walter sid an that great difficulty was experisacad ?n searag, fonnt lajeanda struggle for 'the derslogement of wind N. course W. At midnight the vessel, iar | his grand design. Es straggled onessinimity to hors to with her bead to the N. W., the gale rage : the tigh k?nd, occasionally to the left ; le banke ing furiously and the ses making a chum sweep | th??ngle the thichita on ellier skin of his favourit over the vessel, Barometer 25- 10. The gala soa. - quibway some times top) uck a botry, inmailing 10 tourd band and the ses can fearfully high and i “lay ? bied, be lagrind ewhole in the green ginden crom, washing away the inp gallant bulwarks, and – and besked awhile in the sunshine 1 but he still in the forenoun the ren Move to the starboard gear. ] preserpol his partially for the old truck, be still ter boat and tyre of the stern dood lights, filing, pursued the lure of his lungisation, in who stiil and washing the loop and Calins completely on impolite, and bull, sengajad. “In his temporary at neon the seme weather with small ring no obser- grace in 1894. Raleigh weaned with avidity to ration Barometer 2006, vessel lying to for the bipistutergus project." Hanes insinuates ( Hist. last 12 hours course fall oh to W, come up to N. Wa Mk347 Aher Sie Walter sa thie Janette, by W. On the 18th the gale contious bed, diely subkoned the achieveut of something
The Captain, Obeer, and Passenger of the Paul Jones were murderal by the crew, consisting of Eaglah and Natives, on her way to Sydney. she was recaptured by whalee, and the crew lies ing soudured their ci-use, were brought justies before the Court of Batavia.”—China Meri, Jou, 7.
Fart Jillian, Hulk, Omega Fia, Marrey, Jeen Carina, Duiliam, Jahn Barry, Biwar Lady Andrei, Ablau, Linset, Reynolds, Ochris, Thompson, Pare. Cobb, Samen Taylor, Brown, Sang Paraty me. Coley
Kye Parkin and Co J. A. Olding P. & D. N. C?m? Franklyn and Milne Dent and Co Maclean Dearis and Co Franklyn and Miki? 3. Matheson and Co Boustead and Co Tarner and Co J. Mulbeton and fo Marrow and Co Bob and Brundow
Vienne at Whamron.
Affairs in China seem to be in an unsetiafactory plate an ?ie as regarde English Officuls, whoes proceedings are merkol by a want of Grienes and
at 1 P. 3. wind N. N. W. course wp W. by N., fyll 2 doesplanung--bla langsiga, f? 23y atherotzanne het mengajaka, andignity, w. Una justice towards their country.
off to W. B. W. 2. m. gule more to N. W. Bread'sction and that adzidmwibit / be determin: Vinerty, Smak, man, hoch 1. be re ?reted is permna plecul in such
Barometer still few, at a readed forosit and close upon becoming a navigator. We think the peculiar panics as they are A correspondenes
The expeditione whleb we have had an opportunity of perusing, re-terfed topsail and put the vessel before the wind; Koljon is ultogedar erzuorons. lative to the smpensation awarded to British 4 wind W. N. W. corse B. &. W. 7 knote; ↑ the Okkkake dad Newfoundland in the two prong- | Agro, Brener, Marchum for ung nf property in the bite riuta at5e a wind W.; at 6 v. m. the gale was blowing ing years are its refutation. Bride the wheka masing Diaper.
opebow, affords us the last specimes of Offrial with more violence than ever. Derostar 36-00) of Raleigh's mental bister, from the bluestart, Balomon, Jupertinus ant reif sufficiency. In this case wind 8. E course up E. by N, N. B. 3 koota of kin laufleet. He departed with & Bert in the the claim was made, amongst other things, for itos
aur fost in consequence of the sacking of Hung by the mos during a rist, not in camergence of any Diebeharurn the part of the British randomis ut
of Merchant seamen, that from the frolic-samhenres fine mea heldiging to a British man of war. Vader those circumstances it wou'd be natural to suppose that every effort would be made by the Cool to obtain indemo,ficstjun to the utmost to the innocent suffereto. Oh she gemand appervally, however, that the proof giren of the kids was not of the Buriedly legal nsture which would bare made if avtale in Court of law, the Consol agrees to
tive .he full exaction of the ampuas stated to ha? Jast and consent to a reduction of 10 per cent The clain, as far as we can peth?r from the docu ments we have been was clearly made out, the date
on wlush the ralentations of the has were founded boing few and simpla, while at the waing time ther
pesin te lava bown such as to offer distinct evidence
of the areant. On the ground however that the
money lust was the produse of opium taler the
Cousal says. 1 have obtained you pempromtion
linn, ThorDAR,
Fletcher and Co Lindsay and Co Boustead and Co Bounend and Co
Sapoorjee Lungrah K.Macgregor and Cu Lindsay and Co Purau and Cu Bumall and Co Jamison How and Co
per bour. at midnight the galo si blew with the February of 1505, to Ozione, the chouy of El Duke of Cornwall, Whitehead, came fury and without any signs of being, the Dorado. Leaving Tech at the of the
Inn geilan balwork goos, the inner bobtay geno Ocinano, he sailed with his companioke in shalaw - - Andian,
and the main course, fure and main topaalle gringots ortely fong hendred side up a true new | Ladimeran, (Dua) Holm, odrih akhbugh carefully secured ware with difficul- | estimated at fifteen thon and in lengths. Geiden John Camper, Gring
by cut away from the yards to move the master at rocks and jewelled tales continerd bla Jaka Bogohe. Dare,
2.4 m. wind 8. by E. coune by E. 5. E. H. by | Raleigh returned. His narrative of the discovery, of the “large rich, and beatiful empire of Guinas," marative inscinating ar Giry legend, barling the voyages of beveci Golkner, fantastic as the Die Coy, was the only trugible ennacquence of the oscarprise. That narrative has been vul- gurly and disingenously stigmatized by Home in
| N.; at daylight still blowing furiously and the wri running high from R. S. 1. During the forcon it was ec:lfblowing a beary gales aboo thick and gloomy, Barometer 27-10, no servation, vessel going 2 koot for the last 19 hours, lor-way points, On t?a 20th qt § 7. x, the gala disbatad, mind &,
course up & E. by E. off E, the one running for. | the same page with the foregoing quotation, es ** full of the graserst and most palpable lies that
fully high and washing the vessel fore and aft
6 r. . wore to the wi?t, tha graniher the sana bui were aver stigmpted farba imposed on the eredulity
the Barometer rising; at 9 v, 3. (he clouds break- of mankind." If every blunder of judgment Ware
ing -nd the wind me durating ? ?ttle, course up B.W, | Hlifed with expensiona thus onarse and Intempe.
Kestrel, Beanvals, Zaxessier, Hullo.
Lyffard, Byron,
J. Aletheson and Co Blenkin, Row-on and Co Russel and Co Mannen,
Machida (orelia, (D)
otrose, Fargoton
Prins Oscar, (Swa.) Mellin, 8. Larman, Conkling, Therington, Null,
Fiscount Sandon. White, Wild Linh Girl, Buckton, Ware, Hicken,
H. Wite and Co Russell and Co Heard and Co Rawls, Daos and Co a. Livingston and Co Captsia Marvical and Co Vemula at Macao
P. 3. de Peira J. A. Dufren AMERICAN AT WHANPOR ANd Macao.
Ramell and Co Breaklyn. (Am) Richardson,
Rusell and Co Cayuga, Starbuck.
by W. cd W. by N.; si midnight the gule bres?- | inje, what epithets could be applied to Jokowin in Joubella Robertom, Kelly.
ng up, Barometer 29: 10', at 4 ?s a. more usodermallusion to his crediting the actuality of the Cock | Lyra, — Estumeter 28+ 10-; at 6 4. u. Barometer 28- 30°: || hie ghost! We believe Raleigh to have been
at 8 am, the gale abating fast but the running escere; but we are astonished rather then indig higher shan during the gule, the name in danger | Rant at mimaker, While Sir Walter anticipated to
Eagle, (Ain) ———, Grafton Abbott, Horatio, (A.) Crocker, Midas, (Am) Eldridge, Mary Ellen. (Am.) Dearborn, A. Notcher, (Am) Land, Panom, (A^n.) Griswold. John
Russell and Co J. M. Bull Nye Parkin and (% Russell and Co Heard and Co Russell and Co N. A. (Iriswold
BIRTH. At Il nekont, on the let glam, the Lady of F. T. Ryan,
Est, of Danghter
PORTO & LISBON WINES, For sale by PUB- a dumble amout of subscriptions; nid for every L'C AUCTION, on Monday, the ith Ja, consecutive Mouth after the period of twelve Months 1847, in the Godowns of Dr Fellippu J?su ze | us aforesaid an amount of ahren Subscriptions to
the date of the return of such Member to China. Faktas. Prays Maudico
JON. SMITH, will have the pleasure to offer
It, That in all cases where the Interest of any on sale, (to close a consignment, by PUBLIC | Member in the subsety shall determine and comer, AUCTION, at the request of Auto, lanacio whether through a breach of the Regulations, va- Roo, Eq. the following first-rate Wines, ex Afonuary witluleans, death, or otherwise, then in so de Albuquerque; viz.—
100 barrels of TINTO WINE,
? very superior WHITE do. 60 octavos of SHERRY, Ta Meeting held at the House of Dre Balfour and Dill, on the evening of Tuesday the Sch
100 three-dczen ceses of rich flavored of Jan, 1847, for the purgess of establimbing a 80- Girly to be called the PHILOSOPHICAL BOUIRTYtled in Oparte in 1830, and is highly recommend
ed to the public. or Cuza, Present,- Dra Balfour, Young, Bar- ton, Dill, Harland, Bankine, Grant and Fletcher: The sale will commence at half past 10 o'clock, a. u
this sale particularly merits the attention Mesars Bowring, Shurtrede, Watkins, Stuart,
of Regimental, and Saval Messes, Wine Merchants. Mercer, Bora and Beran.
Moved by Mr Sbortredo and seconded by De sat Dealers, as the lot submitted for sale is solely
Young, That Dr Ballour du take the chair.”
Mr Bean appointed Secretary.
The Chairman having read a copy of the Law proposed to form the Rules of the Society, the fil wing Itesolutions were put from the Chair, and carried unanimously.
to close accounta
any of other of such cases, the Becretary for the time being till endorse a short Memorandum on the Copy of the Daod of Beuloment deposited in the Oriental Bank, as low on the Cupy of the tow in the bands of the 8 cretary, stating the feet of PORT.ch withdrawal or otherwise; which record abali he endorsed and signed by the Secretary and Trene surer for the time being, within the period of Ude | Month from the date of such withdermal or other
and the Record so eilorsed on the Deeds of Bulement signed by the Secretary and Press rer as storesaid, ahil be received and excudered by the Oriental Bink, me by any person concerned, as good and sufficient proof of surb Mesher's interest in the Society having so determined and ensand.
Orders, with reference for Payment, will be punctually attended to.
Jet Moved by Mr Shortrede, seconded by M. C. J. P. Blunts—That the laws now read be hebt
TN to be the Constitution of the Society until it onasinta of fifty Members, when they may be taken into further consideration, and ?ffices now left vucaul filled up.
Alacao, Gth January, 1847.
A TONTINE SOCIETY. this Climate Heath, and oven Life self for any protracted period, are confemodly unodetail and se the European Officers of Government and obete
JACKAY & Co ruperttally intrucate thesth have nd·lel to their establishment & Lith graphie Perry mad are preparisi to print upon t shorus nulico any orders they may be favor
Ifongkong. Tih Dvcember 1916, AGUERREOTYPE Paremat accutule
taken in a few minutes at,
MACKAY & Co.' Etingkong, Al December 1840.
JR. D G JONES, begs to inform the Mercla
of China, that is gone to adjust train on the Underwriters for Sea Dumage, and thot an Coummavication made to him to the care of 5: Houers, Queen's fimul, will receive immediat
INST RECEIVED ex Aden and for Sale at 1b
the wademigad.
A lot of prione Cumberland and York Hamu choice selection of preetups and Meals, S cilian Wine of the fine-t quality, &c &
SMITH & BRIMELOW. Victoria, 4th January 1847.
FOR SALE TWO remarkably fins Sydney Horses, with spler ·
did action.
13th, That on the Lat Day of January of each Your, all Alembers who can conveniently attend, shall meet at a place and hour to be appointed by the Trustees of the Year previous, who shall intert a notice to that effect in a Colonial Newspaper one Fortnight befire auch 1st day of January. At such Meeting the Trustees for the ensuing Year shil1dle, be chosen; the Acenunta of the past Year audited:
Sl. Moved by Dr Harland, seconded by Dr Dill ? engaged in mercantik pursui e, usually adapt the and the General Business of the Society transacted.
-The deputatius do wait upon HE the Go verone to request bien to become Patron of the Beci-ty Des Yung, Dill, and Harland appointed so the Deputation.
d. Moved by Dr Belfour, seconded by Mir Mer cor-That Major H. I. Burn be plected President. 4th Mored by Dr Young, arconded by Atr Bowring,--That the Senior Residem Member of|| the Medico Chirurgical Society, Dr Kennedy, be elected one of the Vice-Presidents.
6th Moved by Dr Balfour, seconded by Dr Dill, That W. T. Mercer, Esq., bo olected one of the
6th. Mored b. M. Watkins, coad by Major B-That W. F. B ran, Esq., be elected (e neral 8-erency.
7th. Mared by Dr Harland, ended by Mr Ee wan. - That Dr Young be elected Treasurer,
9th Mored by Mr Bowring, secundo by Dr Fletcher, That Chas. T. Watkin, Esquire, be elected Curator,
Oh. Moved by Bujor Barn, secondled by Dr Grant, --Phat the following g nemen le Members of the Cuncil of the Soe eig: --Andrew Sho trade. Faq; J. C. Bowling, Esq; De Hulant; and Dr Burton,
A. H. BALFOUR, Chairman.
De Balfour having left the chair, it was moved by Mr Stuart, secunded by Dr Young, and carried sly, that he thanks of the Meeting be given to Dr Bale fur is ablu coaluct in the chic.
W. F BEVAN, General >eerelady.
NOTICE. MEETING of the Mothers of the Mingl??ng
Chili is requested at the Club house at 4 PM e on Friday the 13th instant, (in kieu of that arranged to be held in the Brat week'in January socording Rule XXXV.) or the purpose of receiving a pport and abetmet of the accounts and general af fairs of the Club for the past year, together with an estimate of the receipts and dubursements for the eussing year.
By order of the General Committee.
F. SPRING. Club Houw,
Secretary. 1lengkung, 8th Isauary, 1847.
NOTICE THE partnership heretofore carried on in the name of Laxa, Howland & Co. has this day bran dissolved by mutual comment MrT. H, Row- LAND has been authorised to arrange all outstand. ing accouple.
LANE, ROWLAND & Co. Victoria, 31st December 1840.
NOTICE. ?DWARD HALL bega most respectfully to in- form his friends and the public geoerally that he has commenced business as Broad and Bis cult Baker, l'astry Cook and Confectioner, in the Houso lately occupied by Mr J. Millar (in the same branch) and trwets dat by a strict and careful attention to his Business he will merit that patron age so long enjoyed by his Predecessor.
Victoria, 1st January 1947
E sale of the furniture, Horses, Carriage. &e the property of Cawson Kena, Esq. Lelt for England, 14 postponed until Monday next, the 11th in at 11 A. M?
maxi" sufficiently for the day is the oil thereof,"
19th, That the Trustem sitall mert every three it is proposed to form ● TONTINE SO?IET?,
months, viz, on the Ims Day of April, of July, and under such Regulations that all peruma so inclined may be enabled to participate in its benefis in order &c.; Nevertheless, the Broretary and Treasurer of Uctober, for the purpoon of auditing Asements,
A handsone and quiet. Mralla. Pony with Sud-
&c. &c. Apply 10 Victoria, 8th Jamiary 1847.
FOR SALE. handsome Grey Puny, the property of a gen ilman about to leave the Colony price 690 For particular engire of the Farrier at Mess Fratte & Co's, Queen's Road. BILLS OF LAJING FOR THE OVERLAND ROUTE.
to ensure, at the expiration of's fixed time, on a di- vision of tlm Fande amongst Burviving Members, be authorised to call a rareting of the Teteer.
at any time, if necessary, by a circular sent round a sum at least adequate to defy the expenses of to sach Trustes; and a majority of the Trustees an Invalid's page to England-the amount of all, if circumstances so require, be empowered to Subscriptions at the same time to be such as may
call a general meeting of all the Members, by
previous to the day of such moeting.
beadily spared from the same which would other vertising in a Colonial Newspaper for two wouke sale at this office, four forma of bills of lad
wise be devoted to superfluities.
The following sketch of Regulations for such a Society a merely intended to show the principles on
13th, Then on the 1st day of January, 1852, the Oriental Bank shall be authorised to pay over the which it might be conducted; at the same Line,
cutisa amount of Principal and Interest then in their should sufficient number of individuals willing to
hands, the property of this Boriety, to such person. juin prevent themselven, a meeting will be called, and
or perenna es shall be authorised to sective the any alterations or modifications that may be then
same, upon pre-cotation ufa written authority sign- suggested by indung Members, coo be silopedod by all, or a majority of the Burviving Mainberg; Is, That a Deed of Seulement be properly drawn and the Reonipt signed by such person or persons up in Duplicate, um executed by the Murubers, cos producing such authority as aforesaid shall he a Copy to ha deposited in the Oriental Bank, and the good and sufficient anthority to the Oriental Bank omar Copy to be retained in the haude of the Be | to deliver up such Money and Interest as aforesa?l. cretary of the society sor the time being.
14th, That all matiwa browgla forward at gen- 2nd, That the Society continue in being for a | oral meetings shall be sealed by a majority of the period of Five Year from the date of the 1st lg. | Members then present, and any dispute on any point | dusty, 1617, and be dissolved on the tat Day of Ja2 | connected with the staira of the Society, shall be uusey, 1653, when the Bursivore shall be culled tor. fared to a firn-ral Meeting of the klember, a
an equal division of the Funds then in land, majorny of whom shall decide finally without p
ing for goods or specie shipped by the P.&O. Company's Steam packets. Ist for goddy deliver eble at London; 2nd fur gonile deliverable at
Southampton: 3rd for gods eliverable at Jues: 11h for goods deliverable at intermediate parts. They are printed after the Company's furma ob Bank post. Uffire Friend of China" }
25th October, 1845,
CHIPPING ARTICLES according to the re cent art (Vicinein 7 & 8) for sale at this offes Office "Friend of Chi."} Victoria, 10th October, 1815. {
INGUISTS Rerusti and Navy BILLS for mala Law at this Ollico.
Office Friend of China, 28th Dea, 1944.
3rd, That Ona Esb of the entire number of the pool to any Cuart of law or Equity ; and say Mear OR BALE. At the ofice of this paper.
Members abat booted for yearly on New Year's Day to act as Trustees for the ensuing Twelve Monthe; and the Trustees so elected shall, from their body, chuo Secretary mud i router, who hall not as such for the Twelve Months in which they are in Office, without any remuneration.
bar who alwll, un any pretrat whatsoever, com mence may proceedings in any Court sa alors shall, fer his takes the first step towards each pro- cooking, can to be a meiner of the Bacity: and all Moneys then in the Society's Funds to which he might otherwise bore a claim, shall become forfeit
4th. That it shall be the duty of such Tresorer, ed in the benefit of the Society. to receive the Monthly subscriptions, and v? thu | The Manager of the Oriental Bank, and the Edi- 10th day of each montis, so deposit the sumal amuaga tore ol' the " Friend of Chios," "Chine Meil,” and a received in the Uriental Bank 4 per conta; be," Hoogkong Register,” have kindly allowed Bub- shall band the Bank Receipt together with a List of | scription Papers to be at their respectivo Offices as defanking Members, if any, to the Secretary who also at the Branch of the B.ak si Canton for the shall grant una receipt for the awe, nad shall cater signature of Parties proposing to jow this Society. the particulars in a book tu be kept for that purpose. "Hongkong, 16ch Decenter 1940.
5th, Tost all Members shall pay the amount of their Monthly Babecriptions, my Ten Dollars, insa, the hands of the Treasurer fur the time being, o or before the 9th day of much mouth, for which they will receive a receipt under his hand.
THE FRIEND or China and Hongkong GA.
zestw, with the printing watertale do. ?c. The paper we wosur in a imure prosperous alale, end le parted with va accutint of the Propristura health, be being unable to attend to the duties of Editur.
For particulate apply to the undersigned, all com- musicals being considered continual
Victoria, 8th December 1848.
Oth, That should say Member fail in the last pre oeding clause, and should ha subscription Teman dar upon the 10th of the mouth, or within a work therefrom, he shall pay a Fine of One Dollar, and for every additional week that his rubeoription sladi to peglinus unpaid, he shall pay a Fine of One Dollar for each week towneda thu l'uwde of the se clety; and that Arreure for three mouths shell at soy time constitute & forfeitate of all former sub-RY scriptions and the Secretary for the tune being, with the consent of the Truvides for the time being chall strike out the same of such defauker from the Office for upwards of two years; and has no object Bonks of the Suciety, and he shall couse to be a thun to go to any of the ire optic
reference can be given, Applicativ? at the Office of
W. B. U. this Paper, addressed to
Member thereol.
7th, That on the Death of any Member before the 1st Day of January, 1882, as aforesaid, the amounts pand into the Society by bih se Subscrip tion, to the date of his dentli shall devuire to, and remain in the Punds of the Society, for the bemont of the curviving Members.
8th, That should an intended departure from China, ill health, or any other cause, induce soy Member to withdraw from the Society before the expiration of the Five Yanto as foreid, then, in such case, be shall give une month's utice in writing of such inteblive to the Secretary for the use belo pre-by whom soot notice aball be id before the True
N. B-The rooma open from 8 to 11 o'clock. Solo to take place on the premises. Horses and Carriages to be sold at 6. P. m., cisely.
Queen's Road.
T Mesin FHANKLYN & MILNE'S roome, on Wednesday nem, the 13th inst, at 11 -a m
Bu bage of SYDNEY Flour.
A quantity of household furniture, lamps, office deska, and sundry other articles.
ER BURGESS, will sell by AUCTION, on
Sets of handsome French Engravings in plain gih and solid Ok Frames upon subjects copied from Paintings by Horace Vernet
SITUATION WANTED. respectable and stealy Posture Young. D man, who writes Bug?al fuently, and is some conversant with accounts; has buen in an
Victoria, Oth October 1846.
|UST received ex Braganza:--
Figured Saud dresses of the prevailing colom. Freach gute Beach and Fichas Ladies White and Black Paria Sasin Shoss,
Compradores cheque books.
Ships Articlos, with an abstract of the mercase perman's ant endorsed on the back.
Powers of Attorney, after forms by Chitty, Charterparties, uster forms by Chiny. Bill of Lading.
Chinese Tariff of importa, and exports, 1:4 counting houses.
GENERAL ORDERS. HEAD QUARTER", Colombo, 2014 Octobe, 1846.
No. I. The following Movements of Troope will take place when the Deputy Qr. Mr. Genl. ball bave made the necessary arrangements for carrying them into fleet
No. 2. The 95th Regiment now stationed in Kandy and Trincomalia will be held in readines tu embark for Hongkong in the Transports which are lo convey the 37th Regt. to this Island.
No. 3. The Head Quarter Companies of the 951a Regt. from Kundy will be morad tu Colo when the weather permits and be repland by Head Qurters of the 161k flegt, thu detachment of the 95th Regt, at Trincomale who relieved will embark there, and proceed direct to their destination.
No. 4 Six Companies of the Ceylon Rifles at the same time as the 95th Rext. Lieut. Col. will be held in readiness to proceed to Hongkong Braybranke will be placed to make the necessary well alan take immediate stupe for completing the preparation for carrying this inte efect, and be Regt, under his Command to twenty two Com. jars (areveding to uidere from the Horse Queds) uf 100 Men each, he will submit the details and the Names of the Officers to proceed to H--ngkong and author for die recruiting Service, and where he proposes stationing the latter, for the Lieut Geufs approbation.
(Sigord) E. CHARLTON,
Lirat Col Dept. Adj. Gral. ....
Electro-plated Inkstands, Spirit-lamps, Chamber | Ceylon Timer, Oct. 30. Candlesticks &zo.
Sugar Basine and Butter Pota in white and co- lord Chrystal: Light screens, Fancy lamps, Cigur stands do. do.
And an Invoice of Calf and Sole Leather. Fof
F FUNCK. 20th November 1816.
tees, who shall came to be paid to the Member so withdrawing, Dua-half of the entire amount of Submalo try. scriptions paid by him into the Funds of the o ciety; when bro wame shall be earned from the Books, and his interest in the society shall couse. The THE undersigned begs to solicit tite attention of remaining Half of his Subscriptious paid in previous to the dain of his withdrawal, tugnifier with all Iu- | terest derived from bis subscrip?tuna, shall become ferfested to the benefit of the society's Funds.
Commanders of ships and the public to ble ex tausiro amortiment of diores, replenished every month by direct importatious to his own indeni, oungisting of-
Europe, Manila aud. Coir Cordage of all sizes; Spanyar, Worming, Marline, Flombru lines, Lead Brat Mary Canvas, Scorela
9th, That any Member leaving China, shall ce?as abe Alember, and mast withdrew under the pro visions of Clause No. 8: Nevertheless, this Clarence, Oukum shall not extend to any Member who sbrough ill wine, and Dutch busting. Tar, Fisch, Rosins, health or other caure may be u?liged to luna the Paints, Paint ol, Turpentine, Varnish etc. sic. Country with the intention of exturning within a Blocks, Hauks, Mast boops, and Nails of every certain Lima. In such case the regular payment of kind, Palm, Bail needles etc.
Brand, Flour, and Salt provisions. * Diliana's Stores of every description. Brady, Gin, Rum and Whisky. sherry, Pori, Madeira, Champagne, Flock and
Indin und Loudva
the jai, 2nd, and 3rd Mouijs commencing on the
RECENT VOLCANO IN TUR RED SEA-A rol eano in the Red Sea, just bursting into activo discovered on the 14th Augt from on board the steamer Victoria, then on her upward, voyage (" 8ner The Dining of the day in question w cloudy, and the atmosphere choss, nod oppreme, without anydong to indicate the approach of t! equall that so speedily followed. About ten 4.2 thick mossen of vapour were gren to extend was the horizon from N. W. to 8 W, when a sing- larly rivi flash of lightning was followed by it rolling of distant but distinct thunder. The steuma was at this time abreast of abe Zeboyer teland when smoke was herred to issue in a thin spiral column from what in net down a Buddle Island en the chart, lat. L? deg, 07 min, long 42 deg 12 min. When little more than three miles off, tho officers of the slender observed a large mass f dense sulphurous looking amoke taking the plaro of the vapour originally deseries: a sudden and viola squall then burat upon them which ofarul ed their view. These phenomena aro all eminentis characteristic of the usual concomitants of vu caute disturbines. Instructions have been given
mile all amund on no-bing is more likely than that upheavals toy have occurred and chalkon s I been created, or that this may only be one of a
A variety of Paintings on aporting subjects all in gilt frames, and a quantity of Prata, Iooks, and his Babeenptions may be made by an Agent during Stationery: Manifold Winers, and Copying Makis Abence according to the following scale:-For chines; Hanging Lamps, &c., de
Enamelled Slabe in imzation of different Marbles for Cabinot, Drawing Room, Toilet, and washing from China, a Sum of $1.50 each avonth in adoition : various other lig Holed Boar, Barel: ys' Parter to have surveys ink?n, and a careful no
Tables, and other articles which away offer previous to the time of alo.
- Taawo:—Cash before delivery, and all lots to be cleared on the day after the malo,
first Monthly Payment following such departars
to the 6zed amount at Sulcription; vn the 4th, 5th,
and 6th Mouth further aditional Sum of $12.50; | ola ela
on the 7th, 8th, and yah Months a further additional
Sum of 4.60; and the 10th, 1 1th, and 19th Moetha
CHARLES BUCKTON, Quau's Road, Hongkong, and Whampoa Reach.
eries af simolar plate sont now in prospect or mangrees. The Zelnger lalausn, wind indeed the
freater part of the emineures along the shore of Irabia from Aden in well up the Red Sea, are of leanic origin. Jibbed Tier, still on consplew psy marked with the characteristics of a recent Heano is said to here beco soen smoking by the *-Joers of the survey in 1842. Among the Arab pata u is believed to have emitted fames about the thod of last century, and it still beet the name of -lam Hill of 5-noke” amongst the Inhabitants of
COMPARATIVE POWER OF THE CHIEF NATI?NG 'Mem, it is still desponsable for us to believe their co
#ats. Nevertheless, the Journal du Havre un. abunces to day, that Fraver was at this moment
apareg an expedition to Madagascar, and that | Jeral bommercial houses of Havre had recentl files from the Govermetent for storta, den. We
By groupingthe statuuienta contained in a statin, tical work, drawn up at the instance of Clovernment at Milan, we obtain the following general amps. rative tableg of the power of sha dira, principal an:
tion of Sumpe. The various Sguring anal gem [All D?ng, then, afine the. Eaglah in sa Usland, wiled from the best and most recent superity, and i sprersiguty of which belongs excisurely to documents in each country:
207 Kondo. The Ministry will, on doubt, deam it ita
?n Englandthe guanhtrofiqhabitanaising, up?, ent | Day to calentas public opinion on all them points.
on 90,940 square miles, or 805 per square mil) ;) 15 spaarile iau ?t-sanat jus?psin only that
Se adjoining shoes. We trust that this is not the ↑ Franna the population is $4,700,000, n? rastina Palmariom te vara ansium to show or ther?
all of the resumplen of active operations | ?quez milea?or ?35 var square mile zijn happ Amongst the Red Sea and Arabian volcania. Ve- - there are-87,290,000 jahal?tinta, on 901 Non dim dim bad sloja for a vast lapso of years when is 3 miles, or 186, per aqyesemilo; in Prosca The og 3
both to bury fleirulanium and l'espell in its : paleries is 18:300,900, on 20,750 199am pileg. ? -}}
6. Sodom and Gonmizah, the cities of the | 181 per square imito rin Roesia, in Katops, the
joan to have been maguiplaod in a volemano.lvonia Agam000 smettered on the cupru
deepened the bags valley at the hotluga cipality of 4,000 of square while being butt ich the Dead Sew now resta. Jurollo rose frem | persona ko magh squees milke. She is Britakan nt of Mexion to the height of many healed, rapteina va ame appare ajja ing handig, gia) java. jectment for those who have full the audacity to
D. Wal's theore of the forums in of those four- amiinider, witich vens mad bufore the hunkig of
Makan bebe te Kamem strong festklight,
"Dng di khawa," he remedy ba Pujada of workday of her mich see wente of and welding matter, fentator which evi- dently de validia.origin. Kin hot unwank p?tsion of Auaris and Promig. – Avidingti be gume, de sudove The Bony and then we vive tri sli perind the public debt and roving advenes of money of 25 martie pen the area mulle skinh ibera jamees yang ng followal, England, dyrenue,
149?o single nigbi,?nd it would be aq wa kuued) ty timya ne qmay qorinalny Uhura, slide one | #529 gynaesly,kerged with a
De pipe) Cinaments and build a twon is the very
for the eraser of Cupa Adan, were subtel-
Sama ?gency, sencerly yel agland, ta resummm ste jwgy, and by que belch of the way nowth project Chigh ipus the u?dule mir ; avvisimation, daube * The faithful would regard it, for the invasion
the Arabian shore—Handay Times, Sept. 30. |
The Englishman has given an amusing extragt from Ed Frease, we tasks room for a paragraph or wo with the Editor's uncture -
Calcula le mest to London, the city where Eng, and displays the most grandeur. Vousy indeed My, that in many reape?as it in amporior t? thy me-
elin itself; and thats eary is be anderstand. hand, where the clinate it very cold, laud dear, nd the population very dense, the apstincts are impetracted small, that they may be more akily Bogle winder, and tha th?y may occupy a Walking is preferred to the usage ART space mulkdagen, maanal labour is easily performed, to
mehoven to bome, that of a constitutes the happines of an English which an Englatman always retains, handing thirty years of oppstjes balm. In th? Ni, on the contrary, the excrtice best of the Miranda zequires spacious, loy, and it may be mid ** {g through which the refreshly breath of} ana biarze diay bo lek. This same bept, mmmhhar with the purjudices of the country, make " koleary to use carriages to avoid all serde cor poral exercises, to keep star,
vt to bend a complete Auatic life; hence the genous edifices which have coal rred spon Cal the will meshed title of the City of Palaces. Site Those brilliant equipage which block up the females, those coolicis, thogaaspoys, those valeu sil keds who run in each other's way is tim of the most genty merch?m no' well as in that of the Goreiper.
third more than Franos, and okgu Silver, the pur-
63.400 nc: debe, 18,900.000: F2%20 30:480,000!; deb?, 185,000,003; Austrin?Egykun 20,800,000); debt.TheD9CJDUCE; Pramin, d?VERLO, 8,000,€MQF1'dota, 28, 100 0007: Kasvigskravenue, 17.360.9000; del, 23,400,000. Thus Englandile (ali indebted to dwa azimat of thirteen times ka pl?j?te, wille France and Remis que haur fove pures thair respective cerenne, Austria med Pewaglajuan more than thrice. The relejies-mesher of trough kept up in the of penes by #15 dies, halda #bami the 'some properti?n the anaher of soldiers in thot? hole Brisk empire being 400,000 7 (N. 163,000 in Amstela. 484,000 kein Preis, 194,000 49 in
in, 4,000,000. ? These farers ele Hemased in war timo by two thin? Lg (***A of the public perunds in wach "Libaya Kimika by these two alious of Soldieri, Th? daggans the, kining in the lere apportional to their el pan for the more unui estremely_mikity doubtedly segura, if she duni wooldurmally agter upon thymi ishing their large standing annowing
H?LIGIOUS TYRANNY IN LENT. Twa angular ducareanta, well nek tension, Navo jawi panaudod A?m the bargatan charitable ponta Cana wajiky Billa mery of nized" Aunty aj of muna ja Met Borden. Kant, sad the other Mr E Seth She cosaly, two sily grayman, anxious ta rival theby proto- gpa hate, by kamppealled upon the Costa At Kent not to run it the Mindig litsey
[add the
pia the that sheenslan In 'long'he de stramp
paui bong,
de at fans cujucis
day I ma
me who does mi se u predanken aan divine service laba sana, ghych okay. do that, e-cadas bant, supu lagi a word; approant for coplagipend inay be, or eren d'ill hold Ibe highest charnet?r far skill, industry and gylkity, will be indicted upon. We family, naluha na kung himself, wader hand and el, to clean worship on the Lord's den ) wherone the large and most unprincipled acsandrel will be engaged, if only set the hypnering to to find him-elf. In the ama af charity, wa ak this pair of charth-going if they and, at the dichasimas biting, either Ales hugs and put parrecntura how will chay act
glunteengirler alde freting or surition jokes from theinco of the shrinks, waytothei ph?ng commodna la pr?pand the gut of a banking that by the
a Theron to me that
it, and they are pro
y of what momentin
they Subm
thorials, Priyterians, Disenters, or Roman Come to the rafiki tholics, looking for
Parempigment! Are they to he
thunderbolts – tha cipl
the Consul General of France should figure with # the dignity which is sustable bis make Poupor, then, that he should a man of for moderate se se compel be in economia bir Laman who knows how to lay his money when the booeur of his cory aquires it in a fend a rong who knows how to karp kinase!fun a rel with those who surround him, even if he does jot out pass them."
1 French editor'onations of Calcuqa are rather magnificient. It is the city, he says, ?n which, mezt London, the English display the mom grandeur, In some things indeed, wo bent the capital there wealthy prople are contented tu walk ou their own from, which they don Pete, on Stamkaj fest-hoce even the lowest class me about in | daima will enawor by anglen siichier geil only comells The rebicles are sa ningultient thai | pel cogh man la stand bis eren prankar church. carringen
Bre along ais cesmin any one of them would make the fortuners but how can these orthoda Charchien
Reolite of a London sbowmap, especially fished in usual reconsile it with their manoefen?as her charan apron jo complement of four fat and baloof-balaga Our land the celeben dat of lagania summpji lehigh house, says the French editor, are sompiacos ali- jece, which bevo desevedly gira? to Dulcaba the pams of the City of Palecar, but he admits that the climate requires large ro?ma; sin being, willink,
left without employerthes food, and without a well na sther ?llya clocking, because weli na barise their ligionsunte femets for a mess of gay and stand a church
theg (Musers Muaghato, did Hogbey) behoch and
declars to be a darovalik, and sa Nadjenoj ci?s mony Like the wider, who a'wang biynod.
his last, they hazt, herdeddling with bangs ar
The only advantage we possess over people to E-which they son comblatnik igoerant and, by iden rope The French it is true, have leveliar imagifering with other handa humano, made them. pations than our own countrymen, and being mora is a home ga mery one to laugh at. nocustomed in the minuen of dirt and foory, and f?r,
Their tight
to compel thale, fasen.
gre in different to secutus fuish, may be permised hostesk, and ~ → to sign the 3′′hirty-
misake Calcuma house for pala, as Domine Articles. This tight to know that mildtaka Aaixota mistook Spanish pondas for enchanted good dearpla, angese
Jen?s?ries or penishment, main pastics. Even in Parit it if a door or a window men good Christion 48 stamplary memby?as? do po being by an inch or wo may be found in a room city, and that wribing la na nadmsive ne forend og valry for Catgras stom with glied furniture and costly hangings, and in bot-howva valigion, ma as they sey enddavearing.cription. Me been par line one might step out of the finest house in
1! We think grill now cont
1 to create, Leiden Fle, Arghe 30,
now a tekma in this respect. However the co- politan spirit of the Paritian editor undaybrolly di pocen him to dearlock all our detects, and as we juske claims to superiority, be concedes it with – when the question at the songsacar
“It will be fumemberadi? Uhlige The National
? pond grade, though if we had boasted of our large | was brought before the Chamber, M37) prick bum?, ormen of Ered Belalck, se trailm, ef it would be abundgged ng th? canh Jones, Alesis Princep and Cameras! it if to be English Geverumeliisho Ka #spared that co: protepsons would bare been serezo?y || pedition. Norsekolim, stien MA DA M priticised. _Pechayo the Editor of a Prem bis |,cuivad, and at the Isle of Bostida, Dla 96% ?orp in Calculty, sad bas visited the bust nemed, "were convinced that the English wersjeikkine it Philompher in his study," aq bu h?n ap accurately. Axpedition against. Madagascar, and?r Can on degeribed the person required so tenh?act business | nounces eran that the expsalities big Te place wan him. W beg, however, to sure him that ; and that the British vanacle had spin l?kan plou ?i need give himsel? no uneasiness as to say Danger | sim of Deigo Bongen. Wennes
From the superior routal qualifications of either Lard, communication, which has been will Renunch of sir William Jonne, Heili being dead, the | sand which best? thudsin ar?ny 13541) J?ter just half a century. We can al-qastors kim | was expecting the samer pistiord Be fron "pur own personal knowledge, that a vulary of, pasear expedition, unless she findstry 30,000 francs a year, ly sytlichung, for the Consul Ge? after the deplorable amendment of peral of France to live liken a gentleman in Calceti. ? ?n every kam 11 wahl appear ther According to our calculation i gmonale to two {.dhinking of amf?lpating us, and on lae Bataand "Rupees ? mouth, and though there are un expedition against the Hovas. 170*
pkita ya gant people who spend inqre, yet considering | Sinuritina dipecnce that th? khali ali That. It is about four t?n,eous much as the French | there, and the Engel (the Prodidiot ~*
Tommor of the tangiolicept, sentement of Chin.
well up two ergimant?, from Tudies die vli Wen
Mapagore receives,. § does appear to us suficient | reported that the French Comul & Blasiliarition
the respectability of the Court) Steneral. It is
fre that he y 11 not be able to keep wo antifactory
20 petiate as Laugh. Wiliam dif, or if lie dom, he
mill yet be ablo lu give quite so many and anch good planers; but as pre bave sirendy said Lord WH.|
had written to the Goternor at lan kimeflo
to inform fine eficienty of the magicus? inception
of the kaginh to take posiering 4-Diigo Suareze kuzhin
| A letter of the 17th of June, brought by the inad
Fadis umil, and wifeyasad to a heig ?f B?arveilles,
Tamno papre, and we can sure the editor of ? stulet that the Engish had de?infirel? taken posses:
Za Etress, slap there a go leor of the Consul being
jdens by the protege Governor General, who sets mostafable example of economy in all his do
ake."— Friend of India. Ort 1..
man of Diego Puerez."
Thankar, co?? ? ? 1
Although these letters are resolved from the Toy Flynn, com, se fol best mureps,” continues the Notional, “and we place
implicit rendelever in the persons who had written | Campoutler, gotive //
SILK-There has been an onurani duloom throughout the munth in China and Bengal Bilka, and routered on thb ukauo, by public auction bera, were mostly taken in. The trade anticipating next your a hegy supply in addition to our provent best? stock, sought a greater reduction th?n t?m ??n portwo were then disported to nocept sines which
prices hare given way, making a reduction in the
Gourse of the month of la p?t 15. on Testless and
Je 61 a ? on Taymanna, and for olive Bilke of this
class in the sine proportion. It is now fully nacer-
tuued there will be a large production of Silf in fla-
1, Turkey, and Persin, and then descriptions hape als allen from 1 to 7 per cent. In WAR SILE th?ve je still a fait busindo dhing, wkhoueration jo prida.
Bin Pruga Goom?The stocks of manufactured ginn, kto si large, puncularly Lorukeand Chap be; the demand has bags principally for the st Corake cloth, which her lingrgued, fil ? la per pieca, bat inferior aorta and all China piepe goods are quite neglected, and prices puoliak
The import for the month to this port are 171 bales Olia: 145 balos Vasta Bil), and 9 cases Bijk
.100 13 8 .43 M
greje toplo of public interest during prot bethana, the failure in the Porajo crop, an
* Miloenca it may have on the generat S'the country during the next six moruba. Lavace if parliamentary debole, or any w 1 gendance to discuss, this subject has
maro general attention. then in oel-e- trelles done; no a question of humanity Bh for the d'atures which mustianshul ly partion of the poor of Ireland und Fr?s Tema atananerta pau formand ein ens gribe deprivations must be perere, Tapety legitimate magistance that can
-barw and com
nast segt - but in a can-
? wp-think War the evil, and the from it, have been greatly that the logs of the Potato Bade unge ? to eight milion enlete: tie, that the extra makalp this deficiency dibulagt squally so Wes wa ulikt ?ndoid feel sonse Mga larion supply could be thi parken to which Goed moet mathaape the consequent de
ere do we co-
(352mme has beco
1; the quantity of ?saitsen?enient of the
#; Com and guarters, were libe fnon and July, since -bga Migo, and of
it all kinds of Grain
s?nos a bir supply
En part from Takipping fored
l?m nhi?u nha Musa Corn alone is millions of quariare, si neally =?growth of gala de bar inland ! the dread of in, or decange Liubear Pornos ! Or whist 200 aidravagant bigh noticipate↑
? Lagwaddygame of business during the past. hat hem." tham cheerful, and the damand for
·wil sienotiptions of foreign produce more C?NG N?NG L? So phooche pon; the vo of Wikiportant article of impart bare also lan-
Worst--They bas boeg no further change in Bank of Bugland rate of Discounts doring the and That mich variation in the rates paid ta Lawyering, they are a shade
* Mey. Nagahapur mot so easily negotiat- SELLE LAIMS Hinde are no days rather
by Amorky Hoevening thangse; but, as the ppinen, fire by no means henry, and wil
? mimod hakwe the end of the yout, wa do “K?t much einration in the wine of Money. Balign ip the Bank i 13.800,00h), Mishy Maresse during the sh
Edited, Primed and Published by Juan Cann
Aj The Friend of China and Monghong Gavette, Priming Ofice, Govan BruUBY/ Vigrosa, Bangkono, 1847.
VOL. VL N? 4.
PRICE $12 per amours
Terms of Subscription to the "Friend of China and Hongkong Gazette," per annum 12. Bis moths $7. Three months #4; all paid in advance. Crada prices, 814, 84. 30, mal 85, for the perica
of twelve, aix, and three months respectively: Single numbers to Eubscribers 25 cm. each, to Non-Subscriber Rupee. Parties calling or sending to the office for papers are requested to pay cash. Terms of Advertising-Ten lines and under #1: additional 10 cents per line. Repetitions one third of the first insertion. Shipe: First insertion 62; subsequent insertions 45 cent. Advertisments to live writen on the face of thom, the number of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will be published until countermanded. In all instances, those who are not Bubscribers, must pay in advance.
and Intermediate Ponti.
ENTAL Company's Steam Ship BRAGANZA, will love this for the above places on Baturday the 30th of January
at 2 o'clock r. M.
GARDO will be received on board unill Noon, and Breck until 4 r. ., on Friday the 29th.
For particulars regarding Fansour and Pas. SADR, apply at the P & D. 8, N. Company's Office, Hongkong.
1. A. OLDING, Agent. Hongkong. 29th December 1840.
*N the 1st of January, 1847, the Of
of the Steamer CORSAIR, will be re- moved from Mossm Franklyn & Mitna's House
to the House of HOLMES & BIGHAM, where ail Packets and Parcels will be received by Mr
Stuss. All applications made to him, or to Mr Syaang will meet the readient attention.
Victoria, 28th December 1818.
fine Vessel now laying at Woosung
A of hout 2010 Tots, and employed wede na Receiving Vessel, well adapted for List purpose, sold only from this owners requiring a large veel.
For particulars Apply to.
FRANKLYN & MILNE. Hongkong, 8th December 1640.
THE godowns, and first floor of the premiere on Queen's road, adjoining Mesers' Smith and Drimelow. Apply to,
GEO, STRACHAN, Victoria, 1st June 1846
THE undersigned have received authority from
the Directors of the Imperial Fire Cururance Office of Loados, to inse Policies on the New Buildings ut Canton,
MACVICAR & Co. Victoria, 23rd January, 1846
NOTICE. R. T. D. Nuava and Mr W. C. La Garr are partners in our firm, which Mr T. S. Biru is authorised to sign by procuration.
MACVICAR & Co. Hongkong, kat January 1847,
NOTICE. HE interest and responsibility of Mr Wannen DELANO, Jr. as partner in oar firm ceased on the 3lat ultimo.
Canton, Ist January 1847.
JE havo Eatablished a Branch of our Houso at
N Elegant Rosewood Cabinet Piano, Metall A Plate, 61 Octave, by C. L Won, 142 (2 denhall Street.
4th November 1840.
| N_ Invoice of Window Glass, from 9 by 7 to
Whanghai under the same Name as at Canton, A by 12.
and baro authorised Mr C. A. FARON to sign for us by procuration.
AUGUSTINE, HEARD & Co. Canton, 1st January 1847.
BANCA TIN, FOR SALE, at Hongkong. Apply to,
September 29, 1840.
NOTICE E partnership bitherto subsisting between the undersignal as Merchants and Commission Agente in Ubiun, was dissolved by mutual consent
E undersigned bare bean appointed Agente et Shanghai for the Imperial Fire Ollice of os
BLENKIN, RAWSON & Co. Victoria, 22d April 1846.
T the Godowns of Masih Beenkin, Bawmon superiors, and Purt, in wood and boille: Champigns from the house of
Mumps & Co, Rheims
Hongkong, 1st June 1848.
TO LET at a low rent a House in Clough wake, Mesir, in Hbos, quarter and half quarter ?
FOR BALE. WEBSTER, Gordon, Comert & Co's, superior
cooks, and in cases. FLETCHER &
Hoogkong, 1st March, 1846.
House situate in Wellington Street, com R. Rouen Jacson is this day admitted a Part-
ling fine view of the Hay. Early possession enn be given. For further particulars appil
R. OSWALD, Auctorio, 27th Felduary, 1986,
in our Fim."
HOLLIDAY, WISE & Co, Jungkong, Isl August 1816. FOR SALE
THOSE large and convenient Premises at THE following Wines ex Cannata.
present i empied by ft. A Brisk Esq, consisting of Dwelling Ulone" with Quduwna nnd convenient Jelly au la viewed by applying at our premiac? udjoming. Paretsimu can be given on December 8th
Victoria, 27th November 1846.
TWO commodious dwelling Houres, containing seven Ituous, and com. manding a fine view of the Hay, situated in Sauley Street, rani moderate. Apply 10,
Victoria, 92nd December 1946.
B building on the Queen's Road, occu pied at prrent by J. A. OLDING E. se the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigatan Company's Offico.
Position given early in November. Apply to,
BUSH & Co.
Hongkong, 27th October 1846.
THE dwelling Ilouse on the Hollywood Road, ately occupied by the Honour ablo W. Caine Apply to,
BUSH & Co. Hongkong, Dil November 1846
TO LET. THE Bungalow in Aberdeen Street lately oocu- pied by the Royal Bumex Lodge. Apply to,
BUSH & Co. Hongkong, 9th-November 1846.
TO BE LET. Single and a double storied Godews. Apply to,
GIBB, LIVINGSTON & Co. Victoria, 5th June 1946.
**** TO LET.
House adjoining that presently oe- cupied by Dr PETER YOUNG. Apply to
LINDSAY & Co. Hongkong, 19th December 1840.
"TO LET." TUIE Cottage situated a litle above the Malacca Cullege, occupied by Mr Davinson, apply on the premises.
Hongkong, 19th December 1848,
TO L?T. PACIOUS Godowns and dwelling house, built of Granite and lately occupied by Mesars THOS. RIPLEY & Co. The property is situated near the centre of the Town, (Viasocia, Hongkong) and has a water frontage. Apply on the Premises,
THOMAS RIPLEY & Co, Hongkong, 814 July 1846. Shanghai
or to,
TO LET ON L?ase.
AOUSE on Queen's Road, late in the ope
tion of Mr G. W. Bowna. Apply at the Of fien of the Friend of China.
House on the South side af Gough Street
Apply to
GEO, STRACHAN. Victoria, lal January 1847.
Sin Cross of 3 dora euch,
Sparkling Champaign, | Hrilag
Schadam Geneva,
Pale Cognac Brendy," in de.
inde. of dezan. 41.00 Superfino Iulian Salad Olt. Appirio,
HOLLIDAY, WISE & Co. Victoria, 15th July 1846.
FOR SALE. PLANDY'S Madeira, in half pipes, hids, and
quarter casks. Apply to
GIBB, LIVINGSTON & Co. Victora, 10th April 1848.
GIBB, LIVINGTON & Ca Hongkong, 15th September 1840.
have opened a Branch establishment at Shanghal, where Mr WILLIAM HODU is au- thorised to sign for our firm by l'rocuration.
Hoogkong, 10th December 1840.
E Undersigned hereby give notice, that their Fing consists of WILLIAM DALLAS and
Gronon Coles, of the Firm of Dallas a Coure Of London, and Sraraan Ponder, resident in China.
Canton, 20th November 1846.
INDIA AND CHINA MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. THE Undersigned have been appointed Agents for the above named Company, and are prepor ed to grant Policies payable in London, Glasgow, Chloutta, Dombay, and Canton.
This Office retorna Denis of 10 per cent (Ten per Cent) ou all Premiums.
Canton, let October 1640.
R. Ferdinand Brass is authorized to sign for
our firm in China, by Procuration.
HEGAN & Co Hongkong, 29th October 1846,
T the Godowns of the undersigned, in One Doz,
De Vall
Bu Ephe.
8t. Julia
Chaweux Margaga.
Just landed from the French ship A?lamar.
R. Cantus Rysun is this day admitted a part-
nor in our Firm.
DIROM, GRAY & Co. Canton, 1st August 1840.
the 30th of June last
SANDS TURNER CHURCHE & Co. Canton, 20th November 1846.
FOR SALE. JNVOICES of:--Russian Corsage, Paint, Paint Oil, Canvass, Blocks, Bunting, Twine, nad su prior temburg Meas Pork and Beef. Wine, Brendy, Clin und Vinegar.
W?. P?STAU & Co. Hongkong, September 1840.
THE undersigned have opened a Branch Esta
blishment at Shanghai under the same fiets aa al Canton,
RATHBONES, WORTHINGTON & Co. Canton, lot August 1846.
ORIENTAL INSURANCE SOCIETY. THE undersigned have been appointed agents for the above named Society and are prepared to grant l'olicies payable in London, Liverpool, Bom bay, Calcutta and Canton.
Unston, 31st August 1846.
One do. of Best English Plato and Stainasi Cilas from 21 by 18 to 30 by 30.
4th November 1846.
FOR SALE. NCITORS, Chain Cables, and Hawse Pipena all sizes. An Lavoice of Manila, Europe, an Patent Hope.
Coffee, and Government Cigars,
4th November 1880.
FOR SALE. CALT Provisiona, Fur, Rum, Arrack,
Brandy in Wood; Whisky, Cognac, and a kinds of Wines in Boule.
4th November 1846.
RAWLE, DUUB & C.....
lew Salamander Book and Treasure Safes.
4th November 1046.
NEW Admiralty Charts. Latest Code of l'ap
lain Marsyas Bignals. Waglern's Overlun a Charts and Guides. For sale by,
RAWLE, DUUS & Co. Victoria, 25th November 1846
MOODS received on Storage, Sold on Commis. sioo, or forwarded to MACAO, CANTON, &c. by insurable Lorchas.
RAWLE, DUUS & Co. Victoria, 25th November 1848. MESSRS WAGHORN & CO'S AGENCY. THE Undersigned having been appointed Agu
be Mesars WAOHORN & Co, are prepare forward Parcels to India or England by the NINSULAR AND Unental Company's ?traNO which sail from here on the 25th of every Month, 100D, and Pure Shorties; Bottle, at from $9
All Parcela sent to Victoria to be forwarded must to $20 per doz.; in Wood (Octv. to Ilhd.) at arrive here 24 Hours before the Blail closca.
be free of Freight and other Charges, and skivukl
? $27.50 per Octv., and upwards.
Part, Madeira, Champagne, and a variety of classes of Claret and Hermitage, at the Godowns of
W, SCOTT & Co. Victoria, 14th December 1846.
THE partnership heretofore carried on in the
name of Lank, Rowland & Co. has this day boon disolved by matuel consent. Mc T. H, Row- LAND has been authorised to arrange all outstand ing accounts.
LANE, ROWLAND & Co. Victoria, 31st December 1848.
HAIN Cables of alloises up to 1 inch and 78th.
All Parcals received from India or England wil be delivered fire of any Charges made bere, on the presentation of the Receipt only; but if they ar sent to any other place, 81 per Package will b charged, besides the Freight and other Expenses. For sale at the Osce, Waoors & Cover LAND GUIDE by the Rowies to Egypt;" "Gharraf. Hints and Information for Passeuans on their way from and to Ikura."
let Route, tia Southampton
# through Franco.
via Trieste or Constantinople, whti
Map of the Overland Noulon,
Also, a few Overland Trunks,
Pih May 1848.
JANTED ? good strong Atanila Puny, Int
Anchors, vary superior Cheras, Blocks, larg | W can be recommended, without any feat.
Europe Rope, Paint Oil, Black Varnish, by whole
Queen's Road,
COGNAC in Bottles at 80 per Dozen al
Mostra FRANKLYN & MILNE' Hongkong, 22nd Octuber 1848.
BASS Pale Ale in cases of 31 Jozen.
Victoria, 20th November 1848, DALE Burton Ale in Hogsheads & 920.
Do. do.
in bottle Pale Cognac Brandy on Coak and bottle. Fina full Havorod Port. Very Palo Shorry.
l'alo do.
Brown do.
Red wine in Cask.
Sparkling and still Moselle, Ligeurs &c. Apply to, Champagne and Claret, at very low prices,
Queen's Road,
MANILA CHEROOTS. E89RS. FRANKLYN & MILNE ste nom lending a very fine batch of No. 8, and have them for sale.
A low Picula of Gypsum.
Queen's Road, Bid November 1848.
THE Lorca "FANNY" is fitted up and ready to receive Gunpowder on Demurrage. Apply to,
- Queen's Road, Victoria,
MICHAEL GABRIEL. ENTLEMEN and Families visiting the plese Twill and every accommodation and all the articles of the first description at moderate charges. Billiards in a spacious airy room facing des sea.
Apply at the Friend of China Ofice. Victoria, 22nd December 1840.
GODA WATER AND ERATED LEMON. DADE of superior quality at Memes Junter
& Banton's Dispensary, Pattingar Street, Vicro- mia, Horolone,
CANTON, at Dr Kenny's Dispensary, No. 5, New French long.
Macao, at Hirkan's, Chinese Shopkeeper, Rua d'Augustine.
CODA WATER, ?RATED LEMONADE D Aerated Chalybeato Water, (highly rec mended, an account of a tonic properties).
A=KET AT CANTON, ACHOOK, Comprador. No. 3 Imperial Hong Hongkong, 13th March, 1840.
THE MEDIOAL HALL, Corner of Queen's Rood and Aberdeen Street. quis Dispensary is open at all hours for the can pounding of 'rescriptions, and the sale of Me dicines, Chimicals, dec.
J. GILDERT, M.R.CS. A. S. TAYLOR. Professional attendance on the Shipping—terns mederale.
Au noriment of Medicine Chests on sale pt no- demie charges.
(From the New Manufactory at Macao) Napplication may be had at FA. SEAGRA
Dispety, Praya Grunde, and at the Stere of Mr JGLEN ?urrit.
Team:-Latonade, jer dozen, one dollar and quarter, and Soda Water, con dollar-bottles to b returned-with bottles. $3 per Josen
Water, Surely fre cents, and Lemonds, nedolle
Carole for ten dozens, or above Soli. per dust.
October 1946,
7, Linut, Reynolde, Sydery,
7. Chorge Fyfe, Murray, Whampoa.
S, Orke To, Thompson, Shanglai
6, tropatra, Barly, Montreal
11, Petre, McNally, East Cant. Wo bave just looked over the twaddle in question, and cannot make out what it is all | 11, Zephyr, Mac?aslane, East Coast about-k? the Blaves of the gin, who occa
kick up a dust, till heught to their senses, the poor Mail bas raised a cloud with which to blind hisself as well as others. We thought at first, that he encond to passage taken from our colunina at interval of ten months, having reference to the translations from Chinese documents which appear in our cotemporary-but a`" he admits our ons. itchoy, and whence the publication of these ex- fit? The first say, the translations are the joint production of a thinese teacher and his Tureign papil;" the second that they are "the joint production of a Chinom teacher and an American Missionary ! There is no incon sistency bere-the American Mimionary is the foreign pupil referred to in the first quoistion.
To the babine of the Front of China.
cao, look rotuge in Hongkong, and were formally 9th January, 15D, Jemanded by the Governor of Stacao. The Brish 1500,--The Duce signol “Another En;! -hman" Governor caused them to be arrested upon visit r which appeared in the Chius Mal" the 7th quisition, and having put them on board a Brissonally get obstinate In nasa in mobly a trpublication of the charge voksed of war, tent then to Macao, and delivered made in my letter w you of the 5th, and is could then up to the authorities The Hongkong papers Ir such invlegant language, sa so lend que toques say, that the act of their Governor excol the
nishment and indignation of every man on the island- de the writers capabilny of judgx.g of authets "Well it might. ad Bie John Datin been baud charge us with inconsistency, as ho gave twa !
?a?ifications as an English scholar.
instance he says that he tuld not defend the lay treaty to refuse protection to fugsires, even thra Appointment of Mt UFA iranda ● Castro to the office he could not have been called upon, to disgrace the Clark of the Council if it has been made" to the] fitulah Hag, by making a astioan! rossel into a Por triment of competenseantrymen. I don't know: tuguese prison. The Goremsor of baca man dhaler Me Mercu is a competit Countryman have send his own officers to receive the whom he best I oleuve his name flipat ng afficisting claimed. But as so trusty in between. Englans, "Jerk of th? Com.eib" wrist innoce No. 7 and Portugal, for the extradition of offenders, in 1844 at the better adimai timen of jacice in would be supposed that any man who claim Brill. Consuler outa," (which Mr McGregor did not ign, weak! be happy to afford protection to furi stody but he find Aar Fengtan and pre-metis passibly incent, and at all events no coa
de las capold performing the duties of dread by English law. We hard any record both of the Councils to be was then. Air Chell the particulats of this disgraceful salt, but shall Thy is partape = "ang lend Countyanor not lose sight of it"—Englishman, Non 7. 4dr Pops --Ally, ne of them, or any one of the
"glish" Chaska je tur omn: more, ouangeloni | all much a responsiders that of the Clak off
vien ena msibly L, and Count tits opt
mark in ius apen Alt life. Een help of the Canned bomber
?thon write D D'Airanda C baliering that the
would be safer in d. 1
A gentleman in Canton has favored us with the copy of a Memorial to izard Pebendon from the Commercial Apciatiound Manchester, referring to the disturbances in Canton last July, and printing out the necessity of having a ship fa Brauch Velicer, dor, of wear at all times near the factorisa. We see who regret 1 may aliens in the Com- have also his Loadship's reply to the Mamurial; ment ploy here, at the "al nidly long“ list of ? which, as being the firul commnoication from officials published in the Angh Chine Calendar the present Maistry having reference to Bri
fish interests is China, is of mnoh importance. The official letter is aithfactory to a degree: and from its tenor, there can be no doubt that orders have been sent to the Naval Commander on the station to keep a vessel permanently in the vicinity of the factories.
– Hlas I believe you win night, Bir, su suributing the appointment of Portugune Clerk as Clark of the Louncils, to Sir John Davis's unxiety that on but subervient and time serving Asva??malo shotald be about him.
* If their joint power prevail, the affaire af heil, ** Ne darkman need fear"
1 now. Bit.
What influence the Memorial quay have had in the resolution come to by Governinent can not be known, but we conclude, that coming ham a body of mieligent Merchants, deeply Interested in the trade of China, it wasnot res ceived with indiflorence, Ito of the be nofita derived from comraszajel asociatiode, that their cufrespondence bears murt of official well character, which gives it weight in commune publicationt with Government. We hear that it
Your obedient Servant,
Naw advertisemmit, will be received, Of Clock, as the inga presies antiam, vist Tursdays and Fridays.
1! Relasy
13 Aug. 3 stari
1 14 Maala
Now. Des. Des
2 Shanghai
CO Hope On
NOTION -- Cha hours of Dicine Brics in the Calo, 4 Caiet game of § 199610 A., and 1 P. 38.
and on Therafaya at 8 P.M.
Victoria, 16th Nov, 1516
Colonial Chaplain.
NOTICE-Usa Cuates, wjit be open for Puble_Wor- ph?p at 10 Uzkich A. 3, and xt hell-past 6 (7rlech P. 54, during the winter countis, fugaring and de 1x Sonam: ber LINK
Victora, 19th Celober 19, 1..
Through the kindness of Friends we ate enabled to lay before the public another instal. ment of English news to the 7th of October. In the fourth page will be found tables of the import, delivery and dock of tea for correspond. ing periods in 1845 and 1846, taken from Mess T. & 11. Litledale & Co.'s circular of the 3rd October.
intended to form a Chamber of Connierce di. Canton, and probably one of the great adran- tages to be derived from the Institution, will be the importance attached to their views when laid before Government,
Tor Late Disters &T CANTOX me morial has born addressed to Lord Palm*, Mr Teams, the paint of the Connector Cintine" on the atthjeet kahe recent daturbes at Cauton, which with the forly we subjoin.
"Manchester Commercial Associat?l,“
September 25th, 18?R, 2.
hty Lon→→The directors of this associated, by letters rives from Chin, the mail are been solicitant to co operain in en fling the nitrotide of iler Majesty's Government to thin serious quum gen which have been recently commited agained the persons and property of British subjects in Conlan be the native populatkap; wad sa po?al out the n?cessi-
y which exists of guarding again a reemerence of aiutilar disturbances, by the presence of e British ship of War in the womagate neighbourhood.
The quociation, bower, judging from what "ban-abrajdy:trumpled in the g
We have a very great dislike to unpro fitable Editorial bickering, but we trust our Readers will excuse us if we occasionally notice the mystifed productions of the Mad, who, to add to all his absurdition, appens to pride himself upon the elegance of has comp isition - If it at all lightensbie labour in the gin, however, and saves him from the good, he is welcome to kick at the Friend to his hearts satisfaction,
0. Ellienie, Pagen, Whampoa 9. Pandora, Cobb, Whampoa. 10, || M. B. Childers, Comder. Pittman, Whampoa. 11, Maseppa, Jauncey, East Coast.
Simon Taylor, Brown, Lendon, to day. Centaur. Wood, Sydney. Danio Klok, East Cou Sag, Parali, Whampoa.
Panors, Per Simon Taylor, Lieuta, Martin ? James, Chemer, and Dra, Edmondson, Downr
VABLE IN Victoria Hannoun
H. M. 8. Vestal, Captain Talbot H. M. Ft. Future, Capmin Macdougal I. ?. Pu Plus, Linh Ainoy,
11. M. Schr. Young Hoon, Second Master Pyin. H. M. Tr. 8. Alligator, Master Commanding King. H, M. 8. Minden, 2nd Master in sharge Owner,
Horphed and More Ship. Adan, King Anonyme, Thomas, Avison, Abbie. Bomann Horne, Conten,
Cerar, games
The accounts from America during the pass fort night present little of thing interest. The war with Mexico dragged op off jaary length, all partics | Country Woody desislog to see itsmaga. Mikey war wanting in be
Demia, King, Bates, und unpirit the ProveR
Apart Wiliam. Hulk,
had been well csitad, agit iangali, fiche benasin wire then in council"; hit by mali nat long since was comingly kicked out of the Capink, will wow we prou be realickied in the Cheden) which is suing the term upon whielt Mexican movince) shall be annaredio America. We begin to like the term, it is so simple; is reminds us of the berler's deco-the weed sood in his way. he was growing beer, and 186 lakin ran away with
Joren Gorinn, Denham, ~~
aka Buttry, Biwari, Lady Zablet, Petral, Ban?NEN
Crooks and Massey 3. Mathusoo and Co Msaving and Co
J. Matheson and Co Frooklyn and Mike
Dest and Co ?J. A. Olding Franklys and Milne Dral and Co Maclean Dearie and Co Gilman and Co
Tuquer and Co J. Mattison and co Murrow and Co
? Smith and Brima?ow Order Mageicar and Co Dum and to
Strg. Pitish, ac Cole,
i Singapurh Victorly, m? k Of some surt appens the Texas sed Care, Hacket. H?rnin annuentione in plak zen.. WeZjhy, Muchrinne, bably was till. Congres "newashe ? beloggare, learn the vorrei mother hand for Salopatice and coper witutional gareraamine in skipera in the United Buid ergo Jand Bill, and + panin APIs the Feders agli effet mution for gods, who are list
pandhavn fived to k?p the proved grandson M. Bochanan ?as bern appoited to encount $?M'Late in the London ambassy, and Mr Pickinggal South Catalino, in spoken of for the French sage,
foute hare in 1849 and 19
We are an yet wrikbot hay FileMainan pa to the rest of Me Hooda miesiti to Eng 3'??res. 10 appese somerlin, hate, K?den gem hervention of twee years to talk volt mal point qui blessing of praegu bat bring him shan senge Wiha rival click di be minded and the likele nare v-dl?n. dying, Kiriker h??llek, we would gladly jabe co? jelly was back again..
?Viisuis at WNAMPOA. [H. M B. Childers, Commander Pittman.
Arg. Bremer,
Ap. affine, Thom Disper. Ellerts, Fagen, Brimert, Faksmop, Duke of
George Pule, Muniey, Tan, English,
Flescher und Lindmy and Co
Bousted and Co Nye Parkin und Co Bostred and Co
K.Nagregor and Co
P.&D N. Cama C. Bapoarjo Ligral Lindy and to Prunus in Co Wurzelland ( Jamieson How and Co 2. Motherm and Co Bukin, Rawron cou! LT Russel and Ca
Indiav?n? (Danh } Hal?, Juan Chip, Cities. Joke Bom, There,
Kartel, Bruumis
Lamper, Hutia Efird, bayon,
“Nachri?da | arna?in, (Dut; Nennen, Fraids and the Flinch marriage, the offing! Mogk?ne, Furguman Lord Palinomio cankot rett for thinking Law be 3 Pender?. Colab.
may avenge the indignity east upon him, he will 3 Pins (licar, (8wa.) Mellio,
not cry "que with Cuizos for the Bgys. 3 Largon, Conkling,
not your fordehip se in. pottside My & Muse, doube rade." "No wettige: 15 the stolen watch against:jib | Beijngton, Nel
that the matter receives your catului odia dlaration, & They therefolualy deem I necessary (28
tu alisthe Jaba Bell porn Dosos Luiss streak out a JPES policy; e, no the Irish object
ties lusing a deoppersonal interest in the outfect) to express their screw hope that als? Majacy's Government will adopt insidiato se non
reater security to the livio qui propertion of Beiish subjects in the Chingue Bwpink have the bongs | to be, my Lard, yake Lataskips men o?aja, merit, pihject.
(8 goedj 1. AZPENALL TURNER,
The ludian press han canvamed Sir_Joho | The Right Flon'ble Viscomet Patuuneroi, da,? Davis's conduct in correndoring the two Portu- guere Gentlemen, on aprication of the Gover
fter Majesty, &c. . *
Four Ofen October 186, 1989
· Bo,—1 am directed, by Visguni Pakmarija i
mut of Marso, at great Engih. With one ex- ception, they agree in condemning n?a Exco!- acluowiedge the rec?pu of the four d?nd the 256. loner, anul minit of them are not sparing in their | ult, signed by you the behalf of tis * Manchester Census, Tim Stur, coals furthi no Bir John's | Commiscial dasociatjon,? referring to the jaio dia- champion on the occasion, and we giv? be puli- ? turbance at Canton and requesting that further pro. lic of China the benefit of a few of fun magka'; | tretjon, may, be offended; a. 677 Majesty'a subjects we aba que a short extract from the English residing in China, and 15hp to site to you, a golf immignor obic clergymen work pace)
ench ensures in this repe?t na will impla; so far de que-tinn.
cheind in the provincat. lu Cmalonia digens, among whom with reputed
agmen, yeni abot of Lark?, 264 at Ban
Win certasply inki?a? English view of the; that fler Majesty's Govorhabent will m?t t?i? t? tahyu - Frenling him will be legal santi
We are proud to are the Priest of Indies in is in their power, a full protectiam inibe How all, ga kapt in hand. Jocking for present in Zodu, The Friant | Properties of British subjecp—l?m,&e,
forger Best with Jid a and Indian customs this Culmy nas doction. As a chartered
cony, ma part of the British empire, and
our Rulers must look to British law, and not to
Indian precedents. It is one of the causes of j-
[??rgned] · AALL TURNKE, Eng.
Portugal reproornan ?horaci“ za strangl
H. Wine and Co Boustand and ju Russell and Co Heard nod Co
Rawle, Dous and Co G. Livingston and Co Captain
- l?i? Jetch Girl, Buckton,
- Vassile at Macao.
Luolisilo Robertove, Kally,
F. J. de Paiva J. A. Durin
Amuntoan at Whampoa and Macao Kilow. (?m 3 Richardson, Camper Biarkuck.
'S) Crocker,
Ellen, (Am.) Dearborn,
(40) Lank
Rumell and Co Run! and vo Rowell and Co J. M. Ball Nys Parkin and Co Bowell and Co A. Heard and Co Russell and Co
Randy al-Klonianui Alex. Ton, thod Reg?toni M. Banj?rer, on the Sch Instant, sa Victoria, Hang-
NOTICE. Bailliant Dengan i? ambarised to sign our kyatra of revdl, the Gorteer G?ngu, honating this, ill. Sem by Procuradun.
* LINDSAY &?Co. Hongkong, 12k Jawory 1647.
tent while others say he had only
It was only today that wo were made aware Proin sengaged, ki komandi
ogr troubles, that too much attention has been ! that the Mad had been following up his vocn?“ | less than" beo raga
paid to lodian custons, and fon little to English. | rion by a long quibbling artiole in his paper of, i propidiate read wishes tomlighe If some idiy years ago, Sir Peter Grealgun the 7th. This truth is, that when hit paper op, jipt eulebended letter, the Cimano Cabolic Beca. ↑ day blew a few poor wretches from cannon, it peared on Thursday evening, wo werd enget, dos" has born relay, from gason, and is 'now. would be a vory dangerous example, ie Sirod, and with a culpable neglect, oposidering the priching throughom Bills.
Jalan Davis in folow. Had we te houor of i sitemkin it pays in our adaira, it quite exenpdf, Bome, mentires apprentis leon the tuggy con....i advising with His Exceleney, we would say, I recollection, although lying un nur table, evening that hap?rse, counting Pabad, in Which for forget this exe stor of such a pince as India,- | We never bake up a owinber of the stand with, in said the ploterfing began ajele argoline with; thecard from coufetenco fodian actrist out being reminded of the unfortdude Mules Fran??zia England digterther independener of "and be guided by the constitutional law of wo ured to pity in Bouth America. From Grecons
week to week they were doomed t? travel with... linky, wff tronu jih u?enants of the P
We Lotur in opinioy with this Englishman, in the circle of a giozno vardageno grein f?ldm?ki and Uberality) ↑ Li arama no longer doubts that the illegal surrender of these Genfamen | Reids--oq thistle top changed the spit all was, fit that am bemediate Al?kendinem of the whole of Will make a greater sensation in England than a dead waste-the only chang ch?ng an ocess” dle Swing tro?m will take place. all the test of Bir Jolui Daria's misdeeds, and, | muoni poka from the Drittes fond, Baltic"
Hussin la quiete, “ Na recrilla pas la chat qui
if brenght before parliamout, will mayit in his : with the poor Mul. The pleasure of a froh, digt,” klingdon illall, ?nsoler 7. recali.
decussion of keni politics is forbid bin pod?
the authority of governors has born aceited with a
subject alone is left to his discretione
"Maulain however, not the only place where priced, and the greater his sis, the morn viguer beyond the law. The well-known Sir Jobu will be please the fat boy who carrier the
Darde taluni fut ordinance taking hobeagoad. Pour devil, t? give lium his due, he l
often er. 14 to call rate, has now sit f?nu bila for- bour hard t? sanfy; de Friend appesch Janyany,
mer, by an act which we thosh cannot escape in engage all his attention. We wonder if he 9, Mazeppe, Innesy, Foochaw.
the British Parlimena u Augiat ever dreams of this cruel Friend, and if it rides | 5, Corsair, (Str.) Baumer, West Coast. lastna dortugnose gualemen, fugitives frous 31a- ; him in the shape of a night inure,
11, 1'mer, Hackes, Whampoa.
| ESSE. FRANKLYN & MILNE will sell
st their rooms, at 11 a. ?, thin-day Wedner the 18th In
50 Bags of Flout, ara damaged. Also, a qushtily of Household Farnitura, con- siating fof–Tables Chairs, Office desks, Lamps. Weighing Machines, Copfing do, Dinner Servic Washing Blanda, and o?ber sundriak,
A few English made bed room Chairs quite men
Pazins og Bata as per bills,
TO-MORR?NY #1 11 o'clock in the foreboun Mr DURGESH, will all by PUBLIC AUC, TION
An Idroion of Gambrooms and Figured Vadrotzens. Three Balca damaged Grey Shirtings.
An Invoice of Glassware--Oil Lamps and Binsa Candlestick
100 Dox. preserved Herrings. 100 Boxes Scho tam,
A Worober of Charta and other effects of a de- ceased Ship Master, and a qusality of Furniture,
o, with the addition of any other articles which
may offer previous to the time of Sale.
Tuamu asper Hond Bills.
MEETING of the Members of the Hongkong
Club is requested at the Club houso at 4 pm. En Friday the 15th instant, (?n lieu of that armagel bo ladd in the first week in January scrorsling tuto XXXV.) for die purpose of receiving a Sport and abstract of the accounts and general of Cirs of the Club for the past year, together with ninate of the receipts and disbursements for the ensuing year.
By order of the General Committed.
Club House, Nongkung, 8th January, 1847.
T Meeting held at the House of Dre Balfour A and Dill, on the evening of Tuesday the th Jan, 1947, for the parpoon of establishing a So. ciety in bo called the PuntosoPHICAL SOCIETY O CHINA, Present,-Dra Balfour, Young, Bar. ton, Dill, Harland, Bankier, Grant and Fletcher: Blesere Bowring, Shortrede, Watkins, Stuart, Mercer, Barn and Bevan.
Mored by Mr Shostrede and seconded by Dr Young, That De Baltour do take the chair.
Mr Bean appointed Secretary.
E Friend or Cuina and Blesimone fix xeren, with the printing materi do &c. &c. The paper was never in a inore prosperous state, is parind with account of the Proprietors health, he being unable to attend to the dutica of For particulers apply to the undersigned, all cor munications being considered confidential.
due upon the t?nh of the mouth, or within a meth i therefrom, ho shall pay Fine of One Duller, med
every additional werk that his sukareiption shall | so continue unpaid, he shall pay ■ Fise of Ona Dollar for each week towards the Funds of the So-end ciety; and that Arrears for three months shall at uny time constitute a forfeiture of all former su Edinor. seriptions; and the Secretary for the time being, with the consapt of the Truvices for the time being, akill strike aut iko name of such defaubor from the Books of the Society, and fie eball cesas to be a alember thereof.
Victoria, 8th December 1810.
BITUATION WANTED. 7th, That on the Death of any Member before the 1st Day of January, 1851, as aforesaid, the Y respectable and steady Portuguese Young. Dman, who writes English fluently, and is one amounts paid into the Society by him a Subcrip
what conversant with accounts; he is beea in un tins, to the date of bus death shall desire to, ance for upwards of two years; and has no object remain in the Funds of the Society, for the benefit
Tion to go to any of the Ports' open; satisfactory of the surviving Membara.
reference can be given, Application at the Office of this Paper, addressed to,
W. B. G.
Oth, That should an intended departure from China, ill health, or any other causa, induce any lomber to withdrew from the Society before the expication of the Five Years as aforesaid, then, in such case, he shall give one mom's actice in writing of such intention to the Becretary for the time being, by whom such notice shall be laid before the Trus
The Chairman having read a copy of the Lawsters, who shall cause to be paid to the Members proposed to form the Rules of the Forinty, the f withdrawing. One-half of the entire amount of Sub lowing Resolutions were put from the Chair, and scripticas paid by him into the Funds of the Ho cartikel casiously.
1st, Moved by Mr Shertrede, seconded by Alr C. J. P. Stuart,That the laws now read be held to be the Constituting of the Society until it consista of fifty Members, when they may be taken into further consideration, and Offices now left recent filled up.
24. Moved by Dr Harland, seconded by Dr Dill. That a deputation do wait upon H E. the Ga- vemar to request him to become Patron of the Society Dra Yung, Dill, and Harland appointed as the Deputation.
34. Moved by Dr Ballone, seconded by Mr Mer cer.-That Major H. P. Burn be elected Prealdent 4th. Moved by Dr Young. arconded by Mr Bowring, That the Senior Resident Member of the Medico Chiru-gical Society, De Kennedy, be elected one of the Vice-Presidents.
5th. Mored by Dr Belfour, seconded by Dr Dill, -That W. T. Mercer, Esq., be elected one of the
Vien. Presidents.
c. Mound by Mr Watkins, conded by Major Barn-That W. F. Bevan, Esq., be elected moral B cretary-
7th. Mored by De Harland, senailed by Mr Be van-That Dr Young Is elreted Treasurer.
Flicher-That Chae. T. Watkins, Esquire, be elected Curator.
city; when his name zhall be antsed from the Books,
and his interest in the Snciety shall conse. The remaining Half of his Subscriptiona pr?l in previous to the data of bis withdrawal, together with all In- terest derived from his subscriptions, shall become forfoiled to the benefit of the Society's Funds.
Victoris, Mth October 1846.
was duly expected on our facturies, and althoug's no felt is a have been entertaimed as to trim abisty of the residents, ms?itted by an armed rese | in the river, 1 beat off any force that might be call out by the enroy, yet one cannot help f. 1. ing we uneasiness at being told that verious dis Lurbances were every day expected to break out, st the tin aur latest advices left Hongkong. Th danger to be euro would hardly seem to be very great, for wo are told that tlio Agincourt had left The harbour of longkang and gone on a short cruise, leaving our peoplo at the factories to take We are inclined to think, ent of themselves. however, that this was at the best,ery foolish step on the part of Admiral Cochrane. Whatever preparations for an attack may have beco mala within the walls of the factories at Centon, it is t
bo remembered that it is now only a few months since the residents there were indebted for their mfety to the presence at Hongkong of two foreign men of wir, the commawlersail which sant up these boste to the relief of the factories. It is easy enough to despiso a Canton mob, and to say that the Chinese Comunissioner will do all in his power to prevent a disturbance, but we are very sceptical
0 the Queen's Road, between the hours of the arba whi-l Keying factors of exertion
Diary 1847, a Gold Bracelet. The owner can re- corer it by describing the same and applying to
Lieut. GRAVES, 18th Royal Irish.
Ex BRAGANZA” TUS'I' received ex Braganza:--
Pigured Satin dresses of the prevailing colors. French gauze Scarf and Fichous Ladies White und Black Paris Balin Sboca,
Eletro-pletal Inknande, Spirit-lamps, Chamber Candlesticks &.
Sugar Batins and Butter Pota in white nad co- lord Chyrael: Light screens, Fancy lamps, Cigar atamla do &c.
Dib, That any Member leaving China, shall ceasu to be a Blember, and must withdraw under the pro visions of Clause No. 8: Nevertheless, this Clause shall not extend to any Member who thenugh ill. health or other cause may be obliged to leave the Country with the intention of returning within certain time. In such case the regular payment of his Subscriptions may be made by an Agent during his Almence according to the following scale: For the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Monthis commencing on the first Monthly Payment following anch departure from China, a Sun of 31.60 each Mouth in addition to the fired amount of Subscription ; on the 4th, 5th, THE undersigned begs to solicit the attention of
And at Lavoice of Calf and Sole Leather. For sale by
2016 November 1816.
consisting of
good influence over the minds of the people of tho city, while regarding his power for uvil there can boule drobe, and this he may be mare dispo to exercise, then Bir Julam Davis would seem inclined to believo.
The questina anturally enough occurs here, what can be the Teal on our trade at Cinton, of thres constant alarms? No one will suppose for a mo. ment that our interests can avoid suffering. We are disposed bore however to ask for the results which have attended our treaties with the Chu
that the opening of the Northern Ports has been followed by a grant many beneficial resula, no une can deny, but no one can say that those who st pented Pint she treaty would effect an entire re- volution in the nature of our relations will the Chincer, have not been radly disappointed. In the first place our seulement at Hongkong, although for some time it appeared likely to enjoy many years of remarkable prosperity, is at present in anything but a promising state. We have resBUTTE to believe that unless there soon be a cliangu 18 thia paition of affairs, the island will be abandowol by many of the most influential residents. There is
doubt but that a great deal has been done to in jure the chances of its continued prosperity, by
and 6th Stonsbe a further audional Sum of $250;T Commenters of ships ned the public to his ca on the 7th, 8th, and 9t, Months a further additional langire assortment of stores, replenished avery Sum of 82.60; and the 10th, 11th, and 12th Months monch by direct importations to his own indent, a double amount of Subscription; and for every consecutive ionth after the period of twelve Months as aforesaid so amount of thres Subscriptions to the date of the return of wach 81ember to China.
10th, That in all case where the Interest of any Member in the Society shall determine and cenac, ngh Mazed by Mc 13.weing, weandud by Dr whether through a breach of the Regulatione, To Blocks flanks, Marl hoops, and Nails of every inland of course has no rosources of its own, it is
luntary withdrawal, death, or otherwise, then in any or altber of such cases, the Breretary for the. time being shall endorse a short Memoranduin on the Copy of the Deed of Settlement deposited in the Oriental Bank, as alau on the Copy of the same in the hands of the Breretary, stating the fart of such willudrawal or otherwise; which record shall he endorsed and signed by the Secretary and Trea
CHARLES BUCKTON, wurer for the time being, within the period of Cas
Queen's Road, Hongkong, Manth from the demo of wweh withdrawal or other
and Whampon Reach. wise; and the Record so endorsed on the Deeds of Settlement signed by the Secretary and Treas.rer as aforesaid, shall be received and considered by the ACK?Y & Co, respectfully intimate that they Oriental Bank, or by aby porean concerned, as good. i have added to their notahdichment a Litho Red sufficiens proof of such Meuber's interest in the graphic Proes and are prepared to print upon the abortest notion any orders they may be voted Society having so deteriained and ceased,
means of the foulish idea which has been so obistin. Europe, Maails and Coir Cordage of all sizes ; Spunyar, Worning, Matline, Hombro' lines, Les ately adhered to, of mising revenue from auch lines, Oukum se. Brat navy Canvas, Bootclsettlement, and we cannot say how much mate of Sir John Navis's administration. We have ne twine, and Dutch bunting. Tar. Pitch, Rosins, has been caused by the innumerable mistakes ver however thought his position a good one, the l'ain's, Palat nil, Turpeutine, Varnish etc. etc. kind, Palme, Sail noodles etc.
Broad, Flour, and Salt provisions.
iman's Stores of every description, Brandy, Gin, Ram and Whisky. Sherry, Port, Madeire, Champagus, Hock and various other light wines.
Elin and London Bouled Boer, Barclays Porter eta ela
9. Moved by Major Burn, seconded by Dr Grant, That the F-llowing gentlemen he Mumbers of the Coumell of the Sne rty: --Andrew Bhortraile Feq; J. C. Bewding, Esq ; Dr Harlatzi; and De Barton,
& H. BALFOUR, Chairman.
De Malfuur boving left the chair, it was mored by Mr Stuart, seronded by De Young, and carriol animamoly, --Thit the shanks of the Morting be given to De Balfage for habla evnduct in the cliut,
W. F. BEVAN, General Secretady.
A TONTINE SOCIETY. TV this Climate Health, and evun Life itself for any protracted periad, are conferemily vasertaiu; and an the European Officers of iovernment and others engaged in mercantile pursui a, rally adapt the maxion aufficiently for the day is the neil thereal," it is proposed to firma TONTINE SOCIETY, under such Regulations that all persons so inclined may be ennliked to participate in its benefite in order to rasure, at the expiration of a fixed time, on a di vision of the Funds amongst Surviving Members, in sum al lenet adequate to defray the expenses of an Invalid's pasange to Englaud—the minount of Sulacriptions at Ika enene time te be such as may be easily oparod from the sums which would other wisu be devoted to superfimitirs.
11th, That on the lat Day of January of each Year, all Members who can conveniently attend, shall meet at a place and hour to be appointed by
bordened with a very expansive establishment, | while its only dependance is on a trade which is liable to extraordinary fluctuations. Ada aral station, it is, one would think, of very great value, but this the home govermnent denkes, or at least it did so under the last administration. Mr Gladsons then mid, in reply to a memorial from the residents, on the subject of taxation, that the port was good for nothing as a naval station, but that it was misin- tained for the purpose of protecting British trade in the Chine 3000-shewing we should say not e very clear appreciation of the objects of a navy.
Whather however the selection of Hongkang as the bond quartera of our influence in the East, won judicious or not, we think there can bo but one opinion regarding the question which is more inti. mately connected with the recent treaties, vizi, that of our present position at Canton. We were to give up Chusan when tho fire ports should be thrown open, and British residents were to be al lowol to live unmodested at these five parts. With regard to Canton neither of these conditions haa been complied with: the port has not bew thrown open, we are pat off with a long story TUST RECEIVED ex Aden and for Sale at the about the part of Canion being half way down the
Longkong, 7th December 1846,
waken in a few minutes at.
MACKAY & Co.'s Hongkong, 7th December 1848.
Storm of the undersigned. A lot of prime Comberland and York Hamsa choice arloction of preserved Soups and Meals, Si- cillan Wine of the best quality, &c. &c.
the Trustees of the Year previous, who sbal insere GUERREOTYPE Portraits accurately anatice to it ellect in a Colonial Newspaper one Fortnight before such lat day of January. At such Meeting the Trustees for the ensuing Year shall be choose; the Accents of the past Year audited and the General Business of the Society transacted. 18th, That the Trasters shall meet every three monthe, vis, on the tot Day of April, of July, and of October, for the purpose of muilting Accounts, dr.; Nevertheless, the Becretary and Treasurer shall be authorised to call a meeting of the Trustees at any time, if necessary, by a circular sent round to each Trustee; and ? majority of the Trustees shall, if circumstances au require, be el-powered to cell general meeting of all the Mambers, by ad. vertising in a Colonial Newspaper for two works previous to the day of such meeting.
13th, Thel on the 1st day of January, 1958, the Orimtel Bank shall be authorised to pay over the entire amount of Principal and Jetreat then in their hands, the property of this Society, to swab person or persons as shall be wachorised to receive the same, upon presentation of whether
The following sketch of Regulations for such a Bociety is merely intended to show the principles on which it might be conducted; at the same time. should a sulficient number of individuale willing to juin present themselves, a meeting will be called, and any alterations or modifications that may be then suggested by intending Members, can be adopted :-
It, That Deed of Seulement le properly drawned up in Duplicate, and executed by the Members, one Capy to be deposited in the Oriental Bank, and the other Copy to be retained in the bands of die Be cretary of the society for the time being.
2nd, That the Society continue in being for a! period of Five Years from the date of the lat la Bunty, 117, now be dissolved on the tat Day of Ja nary, 1832, when the Sars ivore shall Le entitled to an equal division of the Funds then in hand.
3rd, That One fifth of the entire number of the Members shall be balloted for yearly on New Year's Day to act as Trustees for the saing Twelve
Month: and the Trustees an elected shall, from
BMITH & BRINELOW. Victoria, 4th January 1847.
river, oppositius is made to our attempte to anchor a man of wat of the town, while the people at the factories are always kept in a state of not very agrocable suspenso as to the day or the hour when the next attack may be made on their defences. It is easy enough na wo live already hinted, to say that this is not the fault of the Chinese authorities were at all desirous of keeping the peace, they would TWO remarkably Bae Bydney ilorses, with splen.be delighted at the idea of an English man of war lying off the factories for the sake of overwing the mob.
did action.
A handsome and quiet Meaila Pony with Sad. de, &c. &c. Apply to
KDW. N. BURGESS. Victoria, 5th January 1847. BILLS OF LADING FOR THE OVERLAND ROUTE. on sale at this office, four forms of bills of lad- by all, or majority of the Surviving Alumbers;
ing for goods or space shipped by the P&O). and the Receipt signed by such person or persons Company's Steam packets. Tel for goods deliver able at London; 21 for goods deliverable at producing such authority as aforesaid shall be a good and sufficient anthority to the Oriental Back Southampton; 3rd for goods deliverable na Suga; to deliver up such Money and Interest as aforesaid. 4th for goods deliverable at intermediate porta. 14th, That all mattein bewoght forward at gen. They are printed after the Company's forma on eral meetings shall be wettled by a majority of the Bank post. Mombers then present and any dispute on any point Office Friend of China"
26th October, 1845, connected with the affairs of the Society, ball ba refer to a veneral Meeting of the Members, a majority of whom shall decide finally without op- peal to any Court of La or Equity; and any Mem2 bar who shall, on any pretext whatsoever, com- mence any proceedings in any Court as aforesaid, ceedings, comes to be a member af the Society: and Moneys then in the Society's Punde to which he might otherwise have a claim, shall become forfeit
to the benefit of the Society.
their body, choose a Secretary and Tronourer, who shall act as such for the Twelve Months in which they are in Office, without any remuneration.
4th, That it shall be the duty of ench Treasurered to receive the Monthly Subscriptions, and on the 10th day of each month, to deposit the total amount Do received in the Oriental Bank 4 per cents; he shall hand the Bank Receipt together with a List of defnuhing Members, if any, to the Secretary who shall grant him a receipt fur the same, and shall enter the particulars in a book to be kept for that purpose. 5th. That all Members shall pay the amount of their Monthly Subscriptions, my Ten Dollar, into the hands of the Treasurer for the time being, on or before the 9th day of meh month, for which they will receive a receipt under his hand.
fith, That should any Member fail in the last pre- ceding clause, and should his subscription remain
CHIPPING ARTICLES, according to the re- contant (Victoria 78) for safo at this office Ofice "Friend of China."
all, after he takes the first leg towards such pro Victoria, 10th October, 1815.)
The Manager of the Oriental Bank, and the Edi ters of the "Friend of China," "China Mail," and "Hongkong Hegister." have kindly allowed Sab? cription Papers to host their respective Offices also at the Branch of the Bank at Canton for the signature of Parties proposing to join. this Boclety.
Hongkong, 16th December 1840,
TR. D G. JONES, begs to inform the Merchants
Mofchine, that he he prepared to Adjuse Claima
on the Underwriters for Sea Damage, and that any Communication made to him to the care of Mir BuRoses, Queen's Road, will receive immediate attemion.
?INGUISTS Ramonto and Navy Bous for male Lat thin Oos.
Office Friend of China, 28th Dec, 1944.
FOR BALE—At the office of this paper.
Compradores cheque books. Ships Articles, with an abstract of the worhaps women's act endorsed on the back.
Powers of Attorney, after forms by Chitty. Chaiterparties, after forms by Chitty. Bill of Lading.
With regard to the promises of Keying about "opening the gates of Canton," little need be mid. There was no such provision mentioned in either of the treaties, and although we always thought the threats of our retaining Chusan until this e perimposed condition should be fulfilkd, to be ne footial as discreditable, wo can imagine" nothing mare absurd than the flourish which was mand
when the island was at last-given up, and we were told that Keying had promised to open the gates of Canion, when be could persuade the mob agree to it. Waare not at all disapp?inted a find |ing that there now appears lens prosport of opening
the gates than ever.
We do not mean to say that the human life and moory spent la the China war bavo been all thrown away, but we are convinced that many opportunities of deriving the most lasting benefits from the nego ciations on which our present relations are founded, were allowed to escape, while we have lost much of what we thought we had secured, by n great deal of very bad management.—Calcutta Star, Nov. 3.
The Englishman has some further remarks with reference to the delivery by Sir John Davis to the authorities at Muono of two parties for whose age prehension the Meno courts had issued wasrant", Bush surrenders saysthe Englishman even when according to the form of law and compulsory upon the authorities by treaty, have never taken place without a painful struggle on the part of the afficer on whom such a painful duty devolved. An En. glishman, if possessing the feelings of humanity
Chiu Tariff of imports, and exports, for common to his sation, would rejoice at any infor mality which enabled him to deny compliance with counting bone.
STAN? such a req?isition." 'T'he news from China brought by the Fire Queen,
We suppose that we must have become quite shews us that the state of allaire at Canton, bas by de-nationalized, for our feelings of humanity are 27 no tocane improved since our last advices from blunt, that wo should regret that any informality that quarter. We are told that another attack I should impede the course of substantial justice.
** says the Englishman 1Sir Juha | with the Young Hoba The Plavor was built at stepping out of his way to dantive | Chlausta, for a pilot host, and numad the Lody Wil ne in the nyu of th? l?m, of theit | linm Genunch. This is bor drst appearance. In of them over so the lauder mar. | England, but she has done the state good section. muar "Tha men may be imbomi | The Plover arrived at Woolwish on the 17th, and Tthe low but they evidently are HOL SO is to be paid nit. in the ever f the Engkahinen, no he terma the re-
THE EXPERIMENtal Squadron —Thi? q?a, fusal to abetter then from the process of a Court of dron, under the command of Vice Admiral Bir wa Festion "handing them over is che tender mercies Parker, was spoken on the 18th ok, shoni vwenty of their enemies." Rogues nto the only men to miles southwest of Cadia steering towards Libenk whom the officers of justice are in the light of mate- ral annuies, and it j? very unkind of the English- man shot to prejudge the unfortunate refugees, who may sher all be found ramurest of the crime with which they are in the first inomnos onged. With their gull or innoceses in this respect the Exovernor of Hongkong had nothing to do; he was arlsfied that they were thecending from the re. grular process of a Court of Justice, and be very properly dek vered them up, not to penishment, bat in undergo the trial by which their guilt or inno- once must be petal-leulied.—Ibid, Non. li.
pander Milne, is the St. Vincent, ?495; Hon. G. the public actions of a public servant belang to the Grey, to Gibraltar-yard ?541. Commandere, H. | publie, whether for praise or blame; but no mas J. Ellist, to Gresswich Hospital, ?247; 0. Li | b?n m?y right to auriburo bad motives to another Hockin' to the Star, ?800, B. Osmaney, to the || without being able to prove than; na boudi mat Mudies, ?300) T. Baldosk, to Packet service, would do it.”~~ Wherefore, I my, is general temos, ?480. Liestenkuta, D. E. Mapleton, to the Torsh; that say person, wother bere or in India, in ur out 48001 A. Dunlop, to the Acheron, ?100, H. 8. of Parliament, or in the India House, directly or Hawker, to the Umppler, 2000; Masters, W. J. | indirecty, who attributes dishonest or debonourable Harry, to the Nindagascar, 2012; Jahn Airey, to notives to Sir Charles Napior for the subjugation of Groomwich flospital, #167. By Preeklant of Seinda, is guilty, whether consciously or unsons. tar. The Canopus, 84, wigt Lieben on the 10th. | Council →→Gapen?n, F. E. Lock?, to Quarantine Sher. | slously, of peumuigating an unqualified falsehood.
The Baulerako, 96, Captain Owan Hanley,'| vice, 8000 Number of officers appointed under
"That Bir Charles acted in many instances in proceeds to Borneo on a surveying expedition, | patronage of Ellenborough, 17; amount of income, dienst opposition to the Governor-Geral's ordors when randy for sen.
24,726. Dlius, Auckland 13; income, 24,795 may be presumed untrue, or the Governor corn Cara Bavaron.The Londa of the Admiral | Diton, President of Council, 1; income, 2000. would probably have noticed them. That the sub- ly have pot out iurections to the Ceader-ia-Tutal, 96, income, 210,040.
jugation of Boindu was brought about by an abuse Chief in the Chinese Bass that as no secoup! eng
Coat MARTIAL on l?ror. Crawing.---A of plasty instructions in equally no. That prime the British residents in Canton in be left without ? paval court martial was held at Portsmouth, on money, the Governorship of Balade, the insignia of the protection of a man-of-ugs. This order was i the 5th, on First Lieut. Crawley, of the Avenger, the Beib, a regiment, a large salary, the thanke of sent out by the present Admiralty Beard aboril steam frigate. The Coup was summoned at leat the India Company and Parliament, had any even after they came into offos. The recent eroats in Crawley's own reques, to examine luto some es. the slightest shadow of an influance in produsing th?c Canton, where the lives and properties of the mere rious changes which had barn brought sgridst him catastrophe is a malignant and unmitigutad Galachood, chants might have been merified to the fury of so by Grant, die seerant in the ship. The Court, whether propagated in the House of Commons or se saraged Chinese moh, but the the profretios afforde after bearing the evidenec, pronouneed a sentence the Amours were plundered-that the documenta the Couri of Proprietors in Laden-ball-steves. That Gavaral Poenarios -ju ia stated that simul. | ed by the crews offerolgu vamols, base shows that" of full anquijtal tanovely with the promotion of the twenty admior it in imperativly nenustory that their lordships” fa-
were suppressed, and dates falaified--that the attack saptains to the rank of rear admiral, and the constructions should be carried out and that, with the
on the residency was oned only by Sir Charles pa proaction of dag officers to new and fali kepen hostility of the Chinese at Canton to the
Napier's own duwarranted annotions—ellare equally ndugan, there will be limited promotion of com British, and their determination not to admit them
usture and all setgrated with the same malevolent within the city, notwlihatanding the inte traty, musaders to the rank of captain, and leatements to the rank of comisan fer, the prombtivo principally their lordshipa acind wissly in sending out there. – Dumber 1.
kding thould officers, and especially the orders when they ?r took offes.
Escurate or Bramun for the Natt.-W. !* Greenwich Homiral-Commander R. J. El understand that a great augmentation is to be Bet has had the commander's out-pension of Greso- made to the number of samen in the nory, jriah Uospital which reverted on the death of Commander Galloway, andhered on him. Cap. thin Blict's pour approved in the Zandon Quarti | in 1807, and he was me a listens the previous your for bingallantry in the hosts of the Faz, when was severely wounded in trying to cut out a phip from Batavia Rords
Aorino Gran-George Willis, James Jef fery, George M'Gosth.
SKOOR MATTRr--Georgi Giles Canzane-Waker Rom---Otarland News, desire to rush an hos DAR.
TR? ?ONQUIT OF SCINDE. In one last publication we jura's tapert of the AcutSENT TO Taa Sravavan op tus ?avr.— proceedings at the late meeting of Directors of the On the croning of the 22nd uk, the sight being Best Indian Company, and of the addrese of M
Balliman, referring to the trmamas? of the Ameer d? pitchy dark, the Phenix steamer, fr?t Tub, was
into by the Herald stemmer, outward bound, Scinde That addomen has called forth the following whilst in the marrow channel of the Beath at the reply from Capain Haary Napier, the beaches both entrance of the Severn risar. The crash oson of the gallant sonqueror of delids and the historian ed considerable alarm to the passengers, and iba of that cooques. "The latter was addressed to a Tua Plasps or b?and van Vasurius-Lafreliage of those un board the Phonics were most monteinp?ngry:
*** Bir,—At the last quarterly making of the Ean | tere fram the Veturios steam?loop, Commander painfully excited, when, after the collision it was O'Callaghan, which had proceeded to Melville I discovered that Sir William Symple, the acabra. India propriors, ons Mr Bullivan la separed to bava Jand from Vera Crus, in consequence of the fatal ad Surveyor of the Navy, who ?ad been on board, made use of the following expre?ionem at the pages of the plague on board, stais that the terri- was missing. It was rumoured that the gallant gulant historian of the Congriest of Soinde, in one ble pourge had happily departed, the vessel was officer was drowned, but we are rejolsed to be the most disgraceful books ever inued fresh the wholly free fewn anses of fever, and the crew were abled to contradict the statement, Sir William had,; Szkich prese, dec.' *Hle (Bir G. Napiere) pro in course of rapid restoration to health and of however, a very narrow escape. He was in the deedings were in many instance in direct opposition bows of the Phanit st thetike the Foreldras into the Governor-General's inwrections, and t?m en taa Sisionay.
her, and when the vomile ported was surrjed gir trophe (4., the conquest) was brought about b? ride the catwater of the Herakt, to which be- en of plenary Instructions, Prine mister in clang antil his shtuation was parceived, and he was the sink of 250,000, a Glovammat of ?10,000 taken on board and landed at Clevedon, from which" place he proceeded at can to Bristol, is relies the
·xaxisty of his friends. He is quite well, not hav- ing received the slightest injury. No blame st. taches, as far as we have learnt, to the commanders of either of the verrols
BICKS ON Board H M.B. Dramata:-The- Helena, sloop, 10. Commander Bir C. Ricketts, was makse at sea in the Mosambique chapel, the 24th of Juos meat, pha bed boon visited with a ever fear and dysentery: 1) of her so died, and 3 more were in a hopeless stato a 48 of the grew, were at that time on the sick list. Tig) war on their page to the Cupe. Alone time only and two bieutenante sick. Only four of the offlers 37 of the crew were fit for duty; optala, master, bad couped. They had, however, all illicaveral, and Bir . Blaketts, who had been dangerously it was rapidly recovering. She was expected to ari Live at the Cape early in August.
The Childern, 19, (lommander Pitman, strived at Simon's Hey, Cape of Good Hope, on the teth of July. She would t?pair demagon (having sprung her bow-april), and proceed to New Zealand.
Major G. E. Belchild, R. l?, af the Queen, 110, sledn? Ondin, um the 15th of Sept, and was buried on the l?ch, ashore, with full military honours. The gallant doomed was upwards of 50 years of BE), sad was promoted to the meal of Major in 1997.
ADRITIONAL FORCE pox Isuzawa --Two hun. drod masines from such division are ordered to proceed to Ireland.
Capt the Hon. J. Gordan han returned from Jears of abacnor, and resumed the command of the America, 50, which fingate is now ready for servica, It is reported that Bir Thomme Usher, 0,8., 16 he reas of paradmirel, peccsed Haar Admiral 1.0.11. ( explain of 1806,) will, on his promotion Bi Hugh Pigol, C... KO.H., in the chief com- mandapun the Irish slaljon.
It is intended to send a live-of-battle ship to winser Cork, and to be well stared for the relief of the prerailing distress in Ireland.
The President, 30, Capt, Stanley, fog of Hear. Admiral Decres, Commander-in-Chief on the Cape of Good Hops station, sailed from Bimon's Bay for the Mauritius and Madagascar go the 8th July, & private letter, dated the 7th. states, “ Money is very soarer at the Cape; the Government are noring por oval. for money, to angle them to carry on the wur. 170 shall not reture to the Cape the dro or six months. We have sent for our wuriwen ?? the frontier, and also our men who have been doing gorriton doly at Cape Town. Ali consumable an ticles continue dreadfully dear. We are note pay ing far buiter, on socount of the Dere war, Bald, and 3. per lb, for mit, and is sad to Gd for fresh, and all other commodities are equally expensivo, H: je rough to ruin soy masa.”
The Athol troopship, Master Commander Prim, embarked two comprole of Royal Anik Jer, one for Bermuds and the other for Bucbadass, and a company of Royal Sappers and Miners for Barande, on the 38th ?lt.
The Ab, Russian corvette, Captain Reedusof, sailed from pithead of the 44th Esptomber, for Comed
Orders have been immurd to commision the Hat ??binske, 28, for sneveying service, Capt Owen
ly has already hotted his peodent un bueri The Andromeda, 44. at Devonpon, built at Bombay in 1929, 1,213 tone, after the French Pro shot to proceed to Cortana meal depot. IBG SKAMER,—It is stated on authority that dhe Government have doleriqad not to constreet Nayinora Ream-roomla of iron,the practice do boned the Excellent having demonstrated the inferiority of iron as compared with wood in resisting the shot. To some instances two plates of iron have been caftir away by the shot, and in every case the aperture made in the wood is considerably smaller
han that produced to the metal
T NAVAL RErinvuunt.—In the scheme pen- mated on the 31st of Anguil by the pment Board of Admiralty, it was intimated that officers not in Europe, who might be desirous of accepting the retiremem, wouh? not be excluded in conse
dence of their festern not ranching England before the fut footant, kun rangonebla times would be allow dat such applications, Although the number
fized the retired Rat (200) Jm, within s very
Captain the Hon. &. Gray has been appointed Captain of the port of Gibakar.
NAVA STATION at Goya-Lard John Burwell
* Hener E, Nation, Onpiada, R.N."
The following letter from Lood Ellenborough to Capinin Napier, will show his lordship's opinion of
Charles Napier's conduct in India. -
Boutham, September 27th, 1848. My dear Captain Napier,-I received this morn for your letter about a speech made by Me Bullivan against Sir Charles Napier's conduct in Boinde, You are mienko in supposing that I have read the speech saw there had boon some discussion at the Court of Proprietats, apparently got up by Mr S?llivan, for the purpose of making a long episch ; b?l the discussions got up cousisually at that court are so holly devoid of importades, except in the eyes of ti? speakers, that I did not think it worth while to: and what was said.
It is rely quite unnecessary for me to declare in words my entire approbation of Sir Charles Napier conduct. I showed what I thought of it by my sets while I was Governor-General, and I will wi that I think the mericas Bir Chatire Napier bus performed since I left Indie have been even quaR?NE your, a regiment, the inciquin of the Bath, the tasks | them those I undowvoured, but was unable adequately of this Company nod Parliamtiu, and a Pornge foto emend.
Fiz ampaign in the hills was, ne n miliary ope prospect-those wore deirfel semptations 15 holl out so a man in such c?rokostamom. (Hase.) Agoord. ration, even superior in that which was de over ingly in the end sha Amters were 'plintered and illustrated by the victories of Memon and Hydera imprisoned," dio :*By the supprision of dooomsnu, | bad, and he has proved himself to be the ablest or and the frisifieation of dum, fthe Charles Nupiar led | at laust the mast suoemsful of administrators, if the the Governor Genqul to suppose that the steek sa sagcass of ag adminimeation may be tewed by the Colonel Chermano durap mesa inade the day after the comentent and confidence it gives to the people. tresty, wbuenas i was thron days udar it, and sna i H service doring the late campaigu upon the used only by his own anwaraistakla axandoms, Sutlej, when, having had no previous instractions to dia. New, ale, nesuming all those axprowione to be have his force in preparation, he moved in a few comiostly reported, they are really only worth notice weeks with 15,000 men and 100 guns upon Morlian, for the purpose of tut sincradiction." I do beliers Imring Neinda tranquil in bis rear, was of ill
we approaches and cheewoon is not only the perfection of his arrangements and the that Bir G. Napier's character is to generally and so suficient to show to all who have minds capable of inatly In Engled that aimething nogood predug
popular sharotar of his just and energetic govern quited to lajurel
ment, but the imininas value, in a military poia of viem, ofthe position which his former victories buvo guiend to oi la Be?da There manere are, how ever, no rogy lacle widerstood in this country even by the who sand to them st n'l, that I fear it may be fing baforu hin merks are jusly appreciated, and people here may only discover, when it is too lam, that dir Charles Napier ima posessed that rare combination of chilltary and-zivli salaam, both ar cellent is thale klod, whisk in che peculiar attribote et's rully great mind.
Your very sincerely, [Bigned] Erlangenouum.
* Asta Major-?moral Willam Napler's Con- quant of Seinde being so dingozz?fa) se lir Bullivan, asserts, I suppose' he mustres the quilky by the truth and birdness of in Kan. ?Track #dechume on very disgraceful jo dane, and wal ?h?n th?. hae raphed to the memorial emanating from a publy so to many. There be this way d?.not
Unani Nghe per ili tja to, le marting held at Dork, in Srour de men n? tai eroth tenko b?n ? works in Dore so would render the harbour squat ['bylo hilo h??k'? part, w?nk he will probably do hp
Wa to its osters) n?raniagos. His lordship coneurs in sten?p not conf?lt,
shamed the justice and foren of the statements pas forth in regard to the captifes shai: Me Ballels the magnorini, and n?i?u, that the robject has been referred so the bant c?mekleration of the Ldedy of ti?n Admiralty,
FATE OP on Maghrey's B?re Osemer,—I will be recollected they ti?le dno vabich run anbera on the western const af New ZANNE, AL THE INN who was about returning to Englang mahir ? longthaRNE WHET vies on that station – n the news rotching New Zesland her MA pity's skin damierne eind for Haeration, or False Hokisaken. this spot when the ?ship lay slanded, in the hopes of getting her c?ng, at the vessel hy sortently upright dipih a soft head. Since then letiora Mare catched the Adminky of
her total loss, the vesiel bezig gons to planos dur -ing the succeeding gaink. The guns and the whole of ba, stores were inva?. The commander, Caplein Patton, the officers, and crew, ?ru on theft way to° England to be tried by court-martial To? tire low af
the ship.
Lieutnant Wannen's Lono Bazon-We ?sze informed that an officer of artillery of high standing has been selected, with the sanasaj of both parties, to test the merkte of Liessment Warner's in mollyas,
both of the eball and long range; and that the T?emi
wry have appropriated the son of 21,800 to defray
| the expensou of the experiment, so that the ourimi-
t? of the public had at length some prospect of
being gratified in respect to this questio scoala.
Instructions have been sent to the Commander,
in-Chief of the Mediterranean station, Vice-Ad
niral Sir William Parker, to reisin the naval forces now under big command, with the s?eption of the two guard ships of the parts of Devonport and Portsmouth, and to remain on the cruising ground
40 love smelling jahrguly to 12P C. 197 the latter so te pakke
say sad v?boy dies haih i fight
& Da's Circular,)
r of war and policy,
Lavatool. Brd October 1846. dmah shading Yat Cetallor, in the geure 1845 and 1846,
L?n the Pineleuate to the same Wita.
1846 1645
bestbed in the awak,G?rkan, Beng?ler, Chashan, 'and Lord Allhery.
A comparium of the Enport, Delivery and Strek of TEA in Randon, from Lat Jymary to 18th September,
of the squadron of evolution, from the Tague 10 ? gehen. Cadiz and Gibraltar, until further orders.
The following is a list of the visions who have | Chem.
been appointed to separate commu?de during the
past quieter, specifying the commuill to which } ** appointed, by whom appointed, and the income Kmeching ? C?mar
scing from the appointment1-By Lard Ellenbos (ih. 8-) be Hung-May
e. liceo completed, the Bond, nating with be rough—Captains, Alexander B. Brasch, ta Green-
?Draagt Pakos,
posing good faith, have extended the posted doring { wich Hospital, 2001 per sen; Houston Stewart, and Orange which officers may mtimate their desire of accap? | C. 8., to Woolwich Dockyard, $1,000: Owed peniagaan ing the reticurrent to the 1st of November; I'm Stanley, lodhe Rattlesnake, 5396, "Comma?fers, | Enea dida
retired pay immancing from the 1st of October, originally ineeded. The scheme includes alli
pes of filly genre of ups, who from wounds or ill health are incapable of service.
The Plover, G, surging-vassel, Captain, Col- Sinson (B., acrived at Spithead on the evening of
the dust, from China and the Past Indee, ou
W. Ellis, to the Alert, 29001 W. N. Fagell, la 'yon ka
the Cheroker, ?400; A. Blade, ie the Recrust, | Sony Lyon,
?500; C. Stormer, to the Kecin, DE1 L. S.
Tiedi, to l?m Greeion, 1200,
tano ??c ?o?n t?n v
Power, to the Locurt, 4201; 3. A. Pewter, to, A Co............
the Royalist, ?300; Janus Harper, 60 ibu Migos, Ten f?r Expertsion only. . - ENB Br Lond Auckland-Captains, Bis T.
Which of tin she has bocu employed since Angust, | Bourchier, K € 9., Chatbaen Pockyard, $1,000; 184), in forvering 149 C'hing eest, in conjunction | ?ir J. G. Binclair, in Packet service, ?800) Ale! [
of the Yber 1840 and 18455
Hich Bep 1848.
16th Bog 1846.
Lich Beg 1840
Tech Dep. 1840
1000:20 4000
25445-97 86100467| 25001892|| 26043015| 2000195] "81749190
Edited, Printed and Published by John Cann, At The Friend of China and Hongkong Gazette,
Printing Office, Govon Sresat, Victoria, Hongkono, 1847,
PRICE $12 per
Terms of Subscription to the "Friend of China and Hongkong Glasste," per annum 19. Six moptha 7. Throw months 64; all paid in advance. Cralit pricos, $14, 84, 50, and 95, for the pri of twelve, six, nisl three months rospectively: Bingle numbers to Subscribers 26 cta. cach, to Noo-Subscribers i Rupoo. Partics calling or sending to the office for papers are requested to pay cask. Terms of Advertising.-Ton lines and under $1; additional 10 cents per line. Repotition one third of the first ismertion. Ships: First insertion 7; subsequent insertions 45 cent. Advertisement to 1 written on the face of them, the number of times they are required to apapar, otherwise they will be published until countermanded. In all instances, those who are not Subscribers, must pay in adva
Nthe Is of January, 1847, the Of On the IM of Jamun telaior
of the Bimmer CORSAIR, will be re moved from Monero Franklyn & Men's House to the House of HOLMES & BIGHAM, where all Packets and Parcels will be received by Mr STONES. All applications made to him, or to Mr Stuang will meet the readiest attention.
Victoria, 28th December 1846.
TO LET at a low rent a Elouse in Clough
House sitante in Wellington Street, cone- Amanding a fine view of the Bay. Early possession can be given. For further particulara
R. OSWALD. apply to
Victoria, 27th February, 1846.
TO LET. THOGE large and conveniont Premises at premat occupied by R. A. Baisk Esq., consisting of Dwelling Flour with Godowns and conropient Jery mon ?n tinh by uptly me
NOTICE, R. RooR JACon is this day admitted a Part-IE undersigned have opened a Branch_Esta
Iblishment at Shanghai Linder, the same firm
nar in our Firm.
11OLLIDAY, WIDE & Co. Hongkong, Ist August 1848. FOR SALE. THE foollowing Wines ex Convata
Berto.me, [lock,
Sparking Champaign,.
3 in Caum of 3 dessa sach.
Pale Cogo Brandy,” la do. Scheidem Geneva,
la de, of 5 doen. $100 Superfius Julian Buled Oil. Apply in
HOLLIDAY, WISE & Co. Victoria, 15th July 1840.
BLANDY'S Made, in half pipes, kids,, and
quarter cake. Apply to
Vistors, 10th April 1848,
at Canton,
RATHBONES, WORTHINGTON & Co. Canton, Lat August 1840.
ORIENTAL INSURANCE SOCIETY. THE undersigned have been appointed agents for the above named Society and aro propared to grans Policion payable in London, Liverpool, Bom bay, Calcutta and Cowton.
RATHBONES, WORTHINGTON & Co. Canton, 81st August 1846.
THE partorship beretofore carried on in tho 1 Dams of Lang, Howland & Co. has this day been disolved by mutual conscat. Mr T. El, Row- Land has been authorised to arrango all outstand. ing accounts.
LANE, HOWLAND & Co. Victoria, 31st December 1840.
| N Elegant Rosowood Cabinet Piano, A A Plate, Gf Octavo, by C. L Wars, 11 Seahall Street.
HAWLE, DUUB & 5). 4th November 1840,
| N_Jevoice of Window Glase, from 9 by T+ ... 16
by 12.
from 21 by 18 to 30 by 80.
One do. of Best English Plato and Stainad C
4th November 1840.
FOR SALE. NCHORS, Chain Cables, and Hawse Piperol all sizes. An Invoice of Manila, Europe, 16! Patent Rope
Coffee, and Government Cigars,
HAWLE, DUUS & Co. 4th November 1816.
HAIN Cables of atteins up to 1 inch and 78th. S Brandy in Wood; Whisky, Cogone, and al
Anchors, vory superior Canvas, Blocks, farge | kinds of Wines in Boule.
veste adjoining. Possession can be given on SHEATHING COPPER, 1610 22 o Apply Europe Hope, Paint 1) Bek Varnish, by whole
BURD, LANGE & Co. Victoria, 27th November 1846,
TO LET. TWO commodious dwelling Hours
containing seven Rooms, "and ori manding a fine view of the Bay. situated in Stauley Street, rent moderate. Apply in,
DOUGLAS LAPRA?CK. Victoris, 92nd December 1946.
? THE building on the Queen's Rund, occu- pied at present by J. A. Oldino Ex, as the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigatka Company Office.
J'ommion given curly in November. Apply to,
BUSH & Co. Hongkong, 27th October 1846.
TO LET." Edulling out loud occupied by tim Honour
BUSI & Co. alb W. CAINE Applyi
Hongkong, sah November 1846
TO LET. FUE Bungalow in Abraires Street laudly scou TUE
piod by the Royal Busck Lodge. Apply to,
BUSH & Co. Hongkong, 9th November 1848.
?TO DE LET. Single and a double storied Godown. Apply to,||
GIBB, LIVINGSTON & Co. Vietneln, fith June 18946.
→ 10,
QIBB, LIVINGSTON & Ca Hongkong, 15th September 1848.
TVE have opened a Branch establishment at
Slanghai, where Mr William Hoon is au- thorised to Bign for our firm by Preouration.
LINDSAY & Co. Hongkong, 19th December 1840.
MR. FIRMY DUNdan in authorised to sign our
firm by Procuradon,
LINDSAY & Co. Hongkong, 12th January 1847.
NOTICE. THE Undersigned hereby give notice, that their Firm cousin of WILLIAN DALLAN and Gzonos Cote, of the Firm of DALLAS CUE London, and Braran l'on de
Canton, 20th November 1846.
Undersigned bare been appointed Agents
for the ahoro named Company, and are proper- ed to grant Policies payable in London, Glasgow, Calcutta, Bombay, and Canton,
This Office returns a Borres of 10 per cent. (Ton per Cont) ou all Premiums.
Canton, Ist October 1640,
THOSE we House adjoinies that presently oc- MR. FERDINAND BLABB is other to sign for
cupied by Dr Paras Youno. Apply to,
LINDSAY & Co. Hongkong, 19th December 1840.
LE Counge situated a litle above the Malacca 1 College, occupied by Mr Davinson, apply on the premises.
flongkong, 19th December 1946,
SPACIOUS Godowas and dwelling house, built
of Granite and lately occupied by Messrs
Thon. Ripley & Co. The property is situated near the centre of the Town, (Victoria, Hongkong) and has a water frontage. Apply on the Promises, or to,
THOMAS RIPLEY & Co, Hongkong, Sta July 1846.
TO LET ON LEASE HOUSE on Queen's Road, late in the occups Ation of Mr C. W. Dowa. Apply at the Of fice of the Friend of China.
A Apply to
TO LET, 1100s on the South side of Gough Street.
GEO. STRACHAN. Victorie, tot January 1847.
THE godowns, and first floor of the premises on Queen's rond, adjoining Messrs Smith and Brimelow. Apply to,
GEO, STRACHAN, Victoria, lal June 1846.
NOTICE. MR. T. D. NEAvg and Mr W. C. La Gerrare
La authorised to sign by procuration.
MACVICAR & Co. Hongkong, lat January 1847,
THE undersigned have been appointed Agents st Shanghai for the Imperial' Fire Office of London.
DLENKIN, RAWSON & Co. Victoria, 224 April 1846.
| T the Godowns of Mesors Brankin, Rawson
AdCuperior Secry, Madoirs, and Port, in
wood and bottle; Champagne from the house of Mum & Ca, Rheima
Hongkong, lat June 1846.
our firm in China, by Procuration.
HEGAN & Co. Hongkong, 29th October 1846.
R. CHaruno Rydan is this day admitted a part- 11. nor in our Firm.
DIROM, GRAY & Co. Caulon, let August 1846.
NOTICE. MHE interest and responsibility of Mr Warren-
the 31st olimo,
Queen's Road,
FOR BALES MOGNAC in Bottles at 86 per Dozen at
More FRANKLYN & MILNE. . Hongkong, Vind October 1848.
ABS* Pale Ale in cases of 33 dozen.
FRANKLIN & MILNE Victoria, 20th November 1840,
PALE Burton Ale in Ulugabends
do. in bottle. Pale Coguse Brandy on Cask and bottlu. Fine full flavored Part. Very Pale Sharry.
Brown do.
line in Cask.
Champagne and Claret, at very low pljosn Barking and still Moselle, Liqoura de Manila Cheroota. Apply to
Queen's Road,
the Queen's Road, between the hours of 1 and 3 o'clock on the morning of the 2nd Ja- uary 1847, a Gold Bracelet. The owner can re nover is by describing the same and applying to
L?gur. GRAVES, 18th Royal Irish. ?RATED LEMONADE,
(From Use New Manufactory at Mass.)
application may b? bad at ?. A. BEAURAN Dispenmty, Praya Grande, and at the Store
ol Mr JOIN BMerit.
Tauns:—Lemonade, per dozen, one dollar and a quarter, and Soda Water, con dollar-bottles to be returned with boulos: $3 per dozen.
Ondas for ton dosans, or above: Soda Water, Boventy-five cents, and Lemonade, cas dollar per dosen.
Macan, 1st October 1840,
POWDER MAGAZINE. DELAKO, J. as partner in our firm ceased on THE Lorola "FARRY" is fitted up and ready to reotive Gunpowder on Demurrage. Apply to,
Canton, 1st January 1847.
WE have Patablished a Branch of our House
Shanghai under the same Name as ni Cunton, and have authorised Mr C. A. PHARON to sign for us by procuration.
AUGUSTINE, HEARD & Co. Canton, 1st January 1847.
FOR SALE, at Hongkong. Apply to,
September 29, 1840.
HE partnership hitherto subsisting between the undersigned a Blerekasts and Commision Agents in Chion, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 30th of June last
BANDS TURNER CHURCH & Co. Canton, 20th November 1846.
FOR BALE *INVOICES of:—Romian Cordage, Paint, Paint
Oil, Caves, Blocks, Bunting, Twine, and m perior Hamburg Mese Pork and Beef Wine, Brandy, Gin and Vinegar.
Wa. PUSTAL & Co. Hongkong, September 1846.
MOOD, and Pure Bhorting; in Bottle, at from 88 U to $20 per doz.: la Wood (Oct. to Hbd.) at $27.50 per Oct., and upwards.
JUST received ex Braganza
Figured Satin dremos of the prevailing colors. French gaute Scars and Fichous Lelier White and Black Paris Satin Sbote,
Electro-plated Inkstands, Spirit-lamps, Chamber Candlesticks &o.
Boger Basins and Butter Pots in whito and co- lored Chrystal: Light screens, Fancy lamps, Cigar standado. &
And as laroice of Calf and Sole Leather. For le by,
90th November 1840. │~~ TO COMMANDERS &c.
THE undersigned bags to solicit the attention of I Commanders of ships and the public to his ex- tenaire sportment of stores, replenished every month by direct importations to his own indoni, consisting of
Europe, Manile and Coir Contage of all sizes: Spunyain, Worming, Marlins, Hombro' lines, Loud thes, Oukum etc. Best onry Convars, ?cotch twine, and Dutch bunung, Tar, Pisch, Ronin, Paints, Paint oil, Turpentine, Varnish etc, etc. Blocks, Hanks, Mast hoops, and Nails of every kind, Palma, Sail noodles ?t?.
Brand, Flour, and Salt provisions, * Oilmen's Stores of every description. Bundy, Glo, Rum and Whisky.
herry, Pori, Madeira, Champagne, Flock and various other light wines.
India and London Botifed Beer, Barclays' Porter
Port, Madeirs, Champagno, and a variety of sel classes of Claret and Hermitage, at the Godown f
W. SCOTT & Co.
Victoria, 14th December 1840.
CHARLES BUCKTON, Queen's Road, Hongkong, and Whampoa Reach.
RAWLE, DUUS & Ca 4th November 1846.
FOR BALE. fo Salamander Book and Tremaste Bafor.
4th November 1846.
NEW Admiralty Charts. Latest Code of Cap.
Charts and Guidos. For sale by,
RAWLE, DUUS & Ca Victoria, 25th November 1846.
GOODS received on Storage, Bold on Commis- sion, or forwarded to Macao, CanTON, &C. by insurable Lorchas.
RAWLE, DUUS & Co. Victoris, 25th November 1846.
ONE Bound Britain for four persons,
with folding top, and a set of doublu klar. Does brass moun sad.
One Brass mounted Carriage, for two or four persone, with sliding body.
One Brass mounted Carriage, for two or four persons, with sliding from, one set of double flar nes (oan also be used as single).
One Light trotting Waggon, for two persons, with a set of Harness.
RAWLE, DUUS & Co, Victoria, 18th December 1846. MESSIS WAGHORN & CO.'S AGENCY.
HE Undersigned having been appointed Agents for Mesere WAonor & Co, are prepared to forward Parcels to India or England by tho r. NINSULAR AND Omental ComPANY'S ?TELZRRE, which mail from here on the 25th of every Month.
All Purcela sent to Victoria to be forwarded must be free of Freight and other Charges, and should arrive here 24 Hours before the Mail closes.
All Paroole received from India or England will be delivered free of any Charges made bere, on the presentation of the Receipt only; but if they are sent to any other place, 1 por Package will be charged, besides the Freight and other Expenn ?. For sale at the Office, WasHorn & Co.' OVER LAND GUIDE by the Routes to Egyps: "CIENEKA Hints and INFORMATION for Passamozas on Clar way from and to India"
1st Route, via Southampton.
2 雜 through Franco.
tia Trieste or Constantinople, v
Map of the Overland Routes,
Also, a few Overland Trubks.
Pth May 1840.
WANTED a good strong intilla Pony,
can be recommended, without any fat Apply at the Friend of China Ollice. Victoria, 22nd December 1840.
CODA WATER AND ERATED LEMON DADE of superior quality at Mess Husi
& BARTON's Dispensary, Pottinger Street, Vic?- RIA, HonooRO.
CANTON, at Dr KENNY's Dispensary, No. 5, N French Hong.
Macaopel Hanna's, Chinese Shopkeeper, R Augustine.
Aerated Chalybeste Water, (highly reco mended, on account of its toxic properties).
Agent At Canton, ACHOOK, Comprador. No. 3 Imperial Ho· Hooghong, 13th March, 1848.
"THE MEDICAL RALL, Corner of Queen's Road and Aberdean Street. Is Dispensary is open at all hours for the co
pounding of Prescriptions, and the sale of M :- dicines, Chemicals, &c
J. GILBERT, MR.C.8. A. B. TATLON Professional attendance on the Shipping-tuto moderate.
An amortment of Medicino Chasis on sale at m derate charges.
Keys, dy rnough, concludes, 2019 compani
5 Min General D'Alquiler's von friends,”
estan intirely for granted
To book is piquenas it, will n stage the injice of
canrenr 1, the Maja; Genera) health of the 2 It mi alad wane do py food this dos, bend, they should have strict; coated their enquary. Instead of which, they appear 14 howe gain i et th in way, i?m much irrelevant
Migre Menors) "D'Aguilar mua have felt, in petrotter thin extreme nct against fra 594 mil tau.
· fulatums efte e public, that he won placing brus Balling and berandus pasen, but wah that wrou gededans for which he i zmogika, able and has Lenn now so well known in this perder, la alt: 2013 m tiver and vines to the parties - miferise inmelito be used as a tool by ahora who conceal, which ? broly believe who not only Lam] had threr parate modr to serve hund at the samuti ob nesse exprighed by these parties, but seato muret unan vi??ttanet; and which mareaver we have not ege to gratify his own partonal feelings -h
Lerims 3 rush beadlong into sabenga, le imira of whichy we fant, will adbare te han visit he dive.
?------? —= NOTICE - V
10AM. and 4 P. M
? VINCENT STANTON, Vetra, 19% Mat, 1860. Celelal Chaplzia.
NOTICE-?ves toeter (1) be rien fat. Die War- tels Famechek 7. M.
Jane ce
Fure that bad feeling had to existed between the Major Chengodunen, ma ed parties, whereby we 'nte lesd on the nh dep bag a were committal upon either side, the Big, n?n, c Storekeeper twing lou ready to criminate fuer D'Agu?ir, und lia again two prompt is takmer natsume revenge.
Sandly, there is difffee'ty in the suppamil that they braght against hit a charge wh without foundation, and sitgid speci?o CiTCHI stances for the proof of their indistynent, which wer In canni dapable of being demonstrate fue deren It possible that they would have had the
the slightest doubt, will be wimately proved to burnerto ay nothing about the fully and has a impararen stajyen af their 'erts acuti
nere of the proceedingla aver that the bona were
1 due bocelings of tha Bunnd of Officers, | " unge?" and that "ficemenut tropical rain" Gil
" during len days,” if the former had been really
it utricle un forcibly from the first, that the “ior Vam of Equity, we am luformind by those who of parap naming through the Cimpers! Crate samostanu judge of thrashject, are glazingly in i noveved over, and min whatever had fallen tras chcious and apparent, and the document sest and irregular, to ser a su chi?m, indeed, on seven days at of the ion! Such statement, if
as will by no sons be likely in be ultrated by the false, most fav? bera susceptible of Immertatu dig df potilestory, as well@gn 120 d
the particulars of the car y ] ma?olaty quiburit, ? at horang-nud sufitirmiy sa, to | coal, and they would caroly vo sled spen far as thru r? blicly known. Alajar Ciego da cruste ja the sounds of the parties themselves, the 1 the cornidu en?n of a conviction in palpablu and ma D'Aguilar, en, which remain tot serious myp. Issions for the queders of Brious entulh. Murorer, a Meteorok gical Re
(piste, ?kopt with mueli nan,” geh?ch was contakel isovered, on the particulars of a confian l? t?p courra they fave pursued on the recnsion. boter, wirelin widreated by the Ordnanse Oll?es | Yet it upon theprdon of thony Of?ecto Cone Phy one of the Hgaghong journaliste, nequined him in their immeskate superiore, the Board of Dalung:
of whom has suce fring? vay conspinously ind i that it is ore or leg rain?" Aud f?lieu un & ? out of tho at hate. Whether he has the power of provsmile z
credbully in a Coun Aiartial upon a bifkn Officer); sintren dags specifpd; showing a sotal of 1768
· the transmission of much letters, weste una WW1-
daat sinaural Ldawler ko t?f the wataky ki | inches; so fastit que siktall have happened pecte Another online (No 7 of 1848) repeal | 39 it applize in consben! himaci affixing by t? (and extresne presudige egriast two Olcese of ty zoek na Brinker Cooney duel Mr Pest report. the registration in, which Was maio, and in the leer in question that long wervice, and a charge them with Jndulg|||d. The Inc tropical rain is dull- the subject of so much tyranny, injustice and only scrunter there was, to attempt to prove they ing in "dents declared that does not venture) levo an exaggmalju, theagh probly wol ch
To give colon and conucnego je to my proted) us be directly at vaflutice, wells the) towal. for almon 7,52) ingkar of the above quenly oppression. The new ordinancn provides for
to the course he had determiani ayon, ?e stvarnade!
fell un ? Furing; when no work was dous, 40%l- the registration of Houwelinkders, making them
Dosen Major-General IT Aguiar erpunk that the ↑ Jows that only Al-grerage of little more thru ono responsible for the charseters of the suunutes. ↑
characp; of theas Offlers in 25, in dieten Tomaya vich per diem remains the diruinu, among the niuu We will prst, the diament next week, with
and was at leg meligh if a mobile wall, working days; way thin ngahi pot allow fur conti. mich remarks as rugz est formiches tom after a
for probity, as his one swhich fruits, la angred moona tropical min, un tony Kowever sippon that
Varina, 1960 CAN 197
mory carciul perumilinu sa have yet girou it.
The Mal, in tra fant jerun, chargon on with falschool in ging that the translations of Chinese paper wil appear in his enlumns are not always long as that respecta blo Journalist ro ai vd himself to manndering editorials on the outjie. we were willing to be
wern unsounded.
Bound af tatoe Officers, not inerely consistiu, his gien friva IsTM but composed of Calioun ferving, der his Orders, and entirely submergies to his views and wishes-La ropper sport a fada? 16, which –
he was a principal party concerned !
bis various pro?tal tasudations, ?kryesh which ha | ah? eyin full- paffio?tivity to prove injuzione during Ieguld have bat: exavedinary indeed, under jis principally known in the publi?, barla ?he tended Iran daya puluted am, and an the Belgadier and Bre such circumerice, had the opinion of this Board | prently to clevat if so we can assure bim he ju | kespor do nus represent the wet days to bare boun
·Gars under a merives d?lusion, talented compcentiat, their sttlement was probably for less of Officer" loro che than that in which the “4 Ma
The show zimatka karo bean inchguild by a kurousong than the loud of Eogairy beliwed jo-Canari entirely concurred" We will presently
care?al perussi of thu, Major-Gengusapuoli? je i Sarapkelsa, we cannot judy them, it predicating refor again to tum opinion
What the instructions were which the “Opani | per, and so,nisch ???tro auljost acht hebie DEE/
* Poleg deterioration of de store from this cause, topic of geneici contrazioni; abere i Male Boubt Frothea asald marealy be sed sated.”—-—-- About the offererived from The Alajoe Genaral, yond ecrane be read, erste of tes storentama thu were dis merits of the can wand fully soule "separat
Ping wing of the boats with silts, we am luft the misther ros, contested that the publicate iznorant of mand, although it mayapperia, Chamroy the conclusions would be gready-tions de kayarlar, korusethe removed Uffi era and the should judge whether we wose sight or wrong 3 credible, it is mated that, both Brigadier,Cimoney, and "gurable to the majored parla de lor such qum slavas pinakais nonly apply teckt dit?j? sand no cul but now we fuenlied upon to dhow that this; ste Postgra, up to this time, equally ignorant und (plica of Grunral D'Aguilar'a sengsince be consider literal seiddi ei can be had. Possibly the firtue particular document referred u. (Mr Porlea's realy of those immiscuous, qui also of the avidance 1, therefore gur that they used foel bai tinde slik mot hebi ? 99ked mellaines to lika avaay the un- ferter 16 Kaymun sam falsified for some discre- | rver!rad against them, and which bas born aged Apportioison upon the result of the le, appual to the ↑ par d'ahnmeses af she hogs, but allowing for the ditable pur
Klavernment at boma which it la understood they ||usy of mok a proijction, it would be bielku arquit Shavi lang sinne wada
A wo mill is tha@privileges of an invalid. wo trust our Henders will indulge with us, if wa dolor eunering foly on the subyant umil next pulationtion.
upon so seriomly to their prejudien,
It will bw this obeseend that they k?va, na 'yo, toe doprived of all opportunity not only of disasar
jag iko charges, whatever they might hav?k sok, bat also of reletting the quilenen I
In oination of the Hongkong paper. brought by a direct Mail, we chatted winter 1. ken fong and singular Glanerad Under by Majur starorat Aguila Comating the loop is
thom of injuring tha Majar General.by n suppressio pari, ullen, their letter contained no appareat wo knowledged that way aware of the kind per?am- phrad.
Having procured from Jai Barilo “Dooed, el Captain Grog's wept gives general succes each angle galon desired—tho Alabor faction. It alors and or proof test, with all Jeneral these procede tops sent mes, dep the follies of our tollera, nad with all the with fae fr?ber services in this command p?talah { nectart whch tha Ch?alaco Departinent ; var charger Pell. There Se n? oeide-nt van ofpartamashup
injustice of the Mayo Curl, we are still 36 Taller of improve protected by the laws of our country. Antigent and apartal Sury, nad du upright, noi ?ndependent Judge are the best guacilisan of ou? liberty, post it is a matter of thankfulmes, that in Hongkong, the community are and their protection, Every day the coturintien hun voveredninger, that
these Gillcars:** ja sen opening at this posetilainenfuit, sed dimispuut kyun's kim exmondinety thin) apliga and publika intef Teder is hear
the Newspapart bu ventilatot, the patioslej dla | glane, and we shalluffre sou por salons eigen rug, in which tin is ? pelseifdquity, may A Pagin by his own a loumion he has had the powe?aly to afrodicate, but must necarmelly rafer to safidia authority at Hope for re-investigation and goal decision
Vi oppoare thirt General 'V'Aguilar Ind fratel gel of cyrusi? motor daring the ping tra pen, sv?tlus Brigadkie Cardwey whil Ne Oluence Borckespur Patt, disisig ?r hosh necktiva kot us
acc?unt of the damige which was likely than?MES, hegt proper to see themales from 'sters of the rapoanta limbling might write that of | iha trangsalang gems, jau gathers,
lary of the Bouddet tanlangin in bicig pay
Lode cheie costs betale to perfing work at the bes In the Honrable Chocf. Justin a'wo have an | motives which dieated the palication invaluabio requisition. We do not speak theid lige le not bride that in the language of idio complimente merely bis case to be lad, and foreseelug that it could not express the sentiments which we hear froin alt | 260 here, Lut must bitume the subject of furtherine
rewigation.--he thea songhi to p?ejudge and μ?ej? with whom we are brought it act, salee the ful dress his own hvogel gepak anunla in which we heartily concur,
We have reported Captain Greig's case att ord. by common reesty
kalo was this tradition dictated by domain jpl ponie length, and a me trumpery ung ward To this serio solo drama, jeu thur paraiva Major. never brought befe en tribunal. The General D'Aguilar, wah wanderful verealty SE. public prosecutor broke down en bir own ari-
jag theofthroudinsimilar let lociograons parts. dence, and the Jury brought in a verdict for, he appears at a te prometer, in town the prisonar without konting his defines, Web, Nest, by a ma vag Barlequin's wand he s do not show Captan fire, with a dun con metamorphose aty under the disguise ailoration for the interests of his Uwatts, esald | of his file *Bardi Dann * and having fasa 1 hava acted otherwing than he did. Had he the realiza against the?censed partios, he (widz, by given in to the dictates ofa malinous crew, and sudden ensformation and a flying leap, appears ailored his ship to rewarm it an, g??m, mut en tha indquani sex the character of Jalge, dugerom 1-distend, Lie cu fact would huca ; (10 with wa soul adt a jam one)—and sloganly Lo unprionable. The performed dengrescatapan the offendest dating his ablo duty, tud bad bo only handed over his than absolute wii,--while his adroiting submit war.
stegance of his competed and the perfection of liia tund him, moi tidkladi? emire by 'Homerligt the
pero is
to the Authorities when for first arrived in part he would have savol h?uself nil the annoyanga ufatriai for sopportance. No doubt the We thought that the ch??t offer Casember d?mpe- circart of lia ship's ling detaibed was the pole tiam bad passed away, que vetlly-skogize Chambert chose whe
sted not, and the result was a ! ceen the Inquisina-worn pare kundan mattum extort neory on him, tempo | justxon and equity, compared with Major-General prosecution at the unaire of the very men | L'Aquilach Tribund (ga who might to have been punkaled
A convincing proof. If incli ware requidet, ie Those who bay, not had the advantage of a ?ffended, that is mm, not evso Major General residence in Burgkong will be natonished that | D'Aguiar commanding the (800 white abu 600 the Magistrates would wind much a cae to a black) Trap in Chius, s?n, with soldy bu par- higher al the Their own (ourt; to the mitted in be the Judga is his torn caman – rondent? komeriaction of these Galle. men give uprise, pecially when it is understat they are under the immediate syning John Davis
Our contemporary has so fat ti?a! th? Chovn?t Order and the opinion of the Road of Ge
alle reaias tu de noticed; there are one two painia, however, that appear to bava esesp ?oberton. First then, the "Deard of Chiscurs" kard given it as their “apinlag, flat: Jlmedlenka We republoh nervitas of the Madras, i vests not em, but covered with Tile."-ly Sportster up what wat emit ampachry terzis tho | this can he no subject for sporulative opinies, b?t a lang nutmu?ak?r". Cesenal Order of Majet Gemas be susceptible of being touted as a visises of seral Aqu.or. rogardine hit removed and suspen- | | fart, nos way or the other. But what le mot by sion of gave Chesnug, dvd-blr Pen iho Orb f? til. Is that description of covering sch?ch toy? | nawoo Flor keeper witha place; but which pakt be seen in England fard over the broad wheld we think be better i sign aurkiy the term cucagon med Waggons rod Carts, Soming an imperviona
When this stra:Misty comment unde ita apibelter, that would ceny, G?t your'e end to vent'as pentaner, so were videppily absent fromthe place) end, oven a tropland ?au ekken we confum 1. Stop savute muntpeution, and were that prescaled | have nevot vind”, dich "C" Moseription of Bat frada saking thet nouice of a vizet ta should vibes- | during our sujooth in Caine. Or is it that had of wing hay done and which the unusual nidures in which in old andther describer in marly the
ollowing werde
and to call bur.
The cheercatlogs of our contrafomary ate Girly giran, pusher zich na impresika us would be enter tinal by wypatrol pointuei c? bateter infopo m?nh t?n cho chuyeyed by the thao Under in quation, akkogh almost exclusively foundal
**Loganjal de Bbaler 1
drh?t che vuln, vcnde ve van
4 contum : “Atropical rain in a poher?" on Major Liner:) 1'Aquilar's owa gesin of the | To sech a tilt on Bound of Uffiorte jentiled to van kang at siliciaty conkenosirty of the ac; to the fall tendit; akboogh ia will sparaply kabasan- kenh gut he khi pin bly tong Gae Ibe, epmix. ' l?i cho mat chi hkIN T?I Jend by nevisch desper and more disiguing than markahe teen paner in oongi lahir opinions. The bimaelf
Tindly pdging from the tone of their report an the subject fol disposed to think that Ch D'Aquilar appoi deed a Havido-misting of lug ana faemia to text!
Sthe in-site of Brigadier Ch?ency nal running through the durant, and the terms mu?le d?r of us well as the chaing vichual wikort Zhum' by devidity 'agninal the oflendari, betray a warmth unerealj, in a bady of the oeuro.. Thir Ivanin?na was to chennunce upou the facts of the car,
dva 'Highas, anthority to dine lafermures From then. Alowever, it appears, toasty-spun, the menen gernity uputid, shna they had no right t? ?ony the naistence of 4 why jask or sensunable Redund There was in to a considerable strat dating th (ne the coreplaint of the two officers of ?pilnaire, remound of the Spares, and Brigadier Chaney and has 14 ks probable effect. They had no
the choper warg qualified to form an opinion wniam (Ehmakov?ch ball baskoored in com couinly, so that their paint directin hong chung ni sen days' fadepaal tropical rain, 154 | land? daha tush of the Regulations, but she is Altunate dehurierson of the loss from the out another matter th 1:20, stapelu b? detimused a tant
#61 Perthly, the measury of praithmont denk en to "Un this prses d?ng belog venin kauhas to abe | 106, Brigadier gan a qever? van, devoid of t Gevare, becorandi Baht in Olioure, thee inge, biengfil la was, ne the Hnngkang Efrater | ham studui, & intremely harsh that sa old and met we gave it as their ik harata ssport, “thai-
-mezitariana officery who lina slaun his mountryshevice no danige wasterer finit Scander?sioned by the
fo various climaten aud v?ilferent capacities, should removal of the stores in ga por me any to be greenfolded Meley Wajaran julen Cat 4 the benta vund wete dhi upitana detur?d withi auw, You Uhr UN at what for ten ders, but only continueur r?ttindi working day, 15th June, And nd t?le the lite bilfe Bib, 12th 13th, 166, dulcimazaki thay udah team and insonore mulig hakbo declares him-
their opinion hinder the
*gung) melt* onwiling to baker ChalkBulgarier Ghomey, andr
· howover misliken bi bila Tiews, and culpable in fans?ambla greunida fyr waking
giving efect to thein wilson?ak? Maj?r, Genoral's Pt, in thele mpart of the 22nd
khawinige, had hegg til of the apronsglations of the Ordnance Supplies 2017, why did he go
· the length of
of the Bookery of, the
4 pret of the to Fla.
be concluder tlfurshoe vines in (upon t
Brigadier Chidity in 'acordingly in- #ched in reke grer showman?? of the surtillery sndantini Setter of the Qafimijas Ofeern, which | ?n China to Frouzosat Cheri Branpa, r?d to Thou on the low net, who, froth 1 know.ates sint there were tan days of lucement rufi deo, inie his departure for Raghill, while Sft Moris Jodge colorespu?s, paities, and from being 30 nits dated it appears on the 2nd Jann. The Beerd of ? k?per Pest is sospend
certain v car, vi
11, F?ret sule of the inern- d? tas | 19rfizzes altempt to Jitrage the mesertion as to the ; ploure of the `Mast, KwOmar, popding the
1 of the Ordnance,
Tus duffiery fa pemprobanding that, ? tam by stating The no fain fell on the 93rd and 24th | Bom in Chelai ?s?kok of the 'koumat occurrenos, uthor the purse untien en fra Mujer Omletal, f f Junot
| wb?nh suggests the fullowing reinarits.
before the sand; of his retifulbant from duty, and tent bind ↑ bak gigna agginst him” Genepl D'Aguilar sight blure.goatonai hinterlf with a de vare twiggie" under the altaumstances of Pi
very cud
(Non rahtod; and yet anal wish be coming alaclared to ses were sad with the Suki's own adiation After such
- he oughtandout General Aguilar d
wellen wugly, in denylky hom the just- ANTI AMRI pe surgit.” Adopting the Chariminatory" Order, there was
public ukaentive of vitamineoitlar, we ser not how sayiling short of this recomat can set hirn right, | 4f pulley gr?t) zing is alleged against him, he merits | severer punishment than he has yet received ; and il lupoeem of spight move indiscretion, it is ?n that “be aknald Kavilo appictunity of wiping the dark-r data from kitchen, fimuler tympathy in mid to be strongly dated on kikwide-n Elongkong, and (wn c?n lille lavajanjih juajos, buzzino it does (deem ykynlik an di ligh the Major General Con? mendiss 204 false antiqot gridge" again! him, n?tha sinna k?s tenfold bitsernous would dinta pie-quijf kaniliation; Daly on of wir vom pri ng thungern or bis honorable
Svetheter, No
Cxplain Alex. Ganto of the Jahn. Comper is placed at the But costgul with massaulting and woonding with intra," dcc, John Clarke, one of his atow. *John silarken, swom, depotes.. I was a Bruman I en bourd the Joke. Cooper when sisa was in Ang-t
2. Det k
Long at Sa Com. Wing,
aut progress, kdo not in fro yo the dog was set on Godes cala.' 'the Cigron it becak 1lly him with the Cedra, Est the Caps | Tantelia Rob stunt, ivelly, ver he had done, Jie vernd lets or Hutia strike bit with a cutlast, he fell ingneliurly Horan, (3p.) Kombi,
ster the blow I noticed se uru on his head, noch na call be inflicted by a sharp instrument-I saw dod un lus clathea, the Caprio appeared excital,
1, 4 mon taken oft-as there was no one change of many went forward, the mate
?ng the aft von, when a htge dog few let me on the boat, mud tore my clust, then enge in de stock une twice, Ladies his cothru, I do post with thee, or the tu pin na di state ta recollect anything brood My day. Holly Me Coley.
Bruyn, (Azo ) Richavde n
AMERICAN AT WHIPPOA wo intaxientel, we were 3 of a sade from the Cysg e, Stolark, shore it was blowing strong, and our position would Eagle (Am) 'out have been langetares if it did come on to blow from Gratom N
NW. from which gaster the winds prevailoatia, (Am) 12-der, during the scood we were thuse. I consider the Milar, (A) F?rg, Captain nisl erecy petsession to fadure the men to take in tipe water, 'I 'should not hire need more; re
or three glasws of grag when ashoro, met the hands being called to master, tron eta tvar, I askel the wind for me grig. and Clark were there. I huard Clark say he would Pagong at mall mot alla mi to have any. | not take in this water, au like silver men wote fanis il
They Bay *. | Bank part."
JJ, M. BAJ De $94
Nys Pala
Mary Ellen, (Non). Dushorn,, A. Izaban 109
suited to greg asked did prin fold them by refusing tour. Just bit became a Partner in the rest of the crew had it
my firm, which, will be conducts? from this | canoning an act of mutiny, the men sand thing we won nshan, 1 bilio en t sail the ma wusst rest-Clark sud that he e uno ufi to speak,
dno na Matenent & Co, tools ifthem took the waer in, the Caponio ful | mad, sest he would ajw?sk-w could not have com-
Bigar WIL MITCHELL thej s?pter unul vera ?n, be mil i p?tel ont vagige with at the water, the men had
Amy, hit Junday 1947 deye were not wintel. Pearson caught nat ben hatter worst that wil, whom the Cape (4 of the Captain's etalons sher I did. 1 da tod | kain forod Coolt with Pearson for using bat langua, edfordon was net so it, it was before the he did not apologize, but did so, after he was mat. Aller & was knocked down 1 threat ned to be put in inseal once to the nja i ona di at-ly cul wall the Cally when forecastle before the mice were called to muster, and
Nad to for the Palice Magistente, 1 pare aftet. to persuade them to take in the water.ton, slim to propia compromise of Party Dollars, By Mr Coly- pasay nothing more of. Pie mattur, a stick wad Before the Captain came on board I told the men put juo my hand by one of the crow, I dropped indent we should have water to take in, no hing was ang sediately, it was not taken from me.
mil before Clark on! Pearson Come on board Bernand Dalin, twin - Jamsterward of the John about refusing to take it in, it is usual when vessel ("uperz Pesmom and Clack were two of the boats
for water, to take it on baund as soon as it coine alongsik, nt whatever hour at may ko, The Chinin tot mo su to use my cutlass, except in a caso of
having le?a mrcomory to the intrider of one of aloe Chuon ten vng, chirgul with piracy, and with ere of th: Abonner Privateer, was fund guilty yesterday, aut reial the sent nee of enarg
who took din Captain nod Mrs Greig ashues, arning to the ship in the evening, heard the Asia remrave Pension for using in lecont lin
in the 13., Mes Greig being present. Pear The Landship retired for 15 minujtes, to give Me malepote 1 for wa shain, atine the's the Caplsin Coley tare to arrange his dance on his return the opat bin in ins-Pearson objecte Parem of the Jury, addressing the Judgestallthat 4 der daad dan unthing wrong and would not they were already agrest on the verdict they would suant to the toned, the Ciplain then orletol him, resit, of guilty." bat Larkship remis led the
head the drew me they wom not going that there was a minor charge in the in fictinem, if Trinken in th?n s??cter. Hvard d? insul ing lan?! they coutil rol that the am mut of violence used by rege as. Plus them, on their refusal to take in the. Ni Capt, could not support the chirpe of wounding tur, tine Gomain suit how vild have it in by fair with inimt: the Jury alier a few moments nousi la
Gaul, the Crystain now went into the end. tation, ratuzusd a gaseral vor liet of not guilty. songht out his cirlas, nad a pistol, mil kid- entre endly table, 1 did not ace him lowd! vas ok bar wel each of the mates to arm them
they went forwud, I went into the le my eff. In Person holding the Cap mcmutlaws with hotla hands, the c-' was in the Cars - let himal, and the pistol in his rig'st; h-ard te klona a threaten to shox Person if he did melet gold. Parson to let g?n, the Ciptan mala Ramat na Clarke, who was sitting low on a also. I dol not see that he was stabbed, the Cap man skrove fifu wot ni the forvessals, mid struck his or the tiges or the bend, when Chike got Tar an the gangway, the Explain kow:ked him va with the colasa, bu g-4 up un nolicely, was, Tut the codde, and iroarl. I put the irons:
↑ aboved that on his head, bit did not any wound. I save n wona i is his holy-a?e az hoburlence the water wis taken in, I assisted, sal in by 12 o?rlack all de crew wore nol awek, neither Pearson nor Clarke were present - the disturbaner I saw one of the men with ask, an be Junih, it was part of a hand spike.
l'esmiendly Sir Cory.
1, im
499 positive that Penesou's apologised to the pema ning had language so the presence olle wife, before the Caplain threatened to put hins in irana; heard the Captain tell the mitte to the water in, the mme want forward, the meu refused to make it in, heard the handle piped is amussor, mit hauls were there, the Captain toll Firm thai do would have the water in by fair of foul
12, Anglona, Marvin. Any
13, Gazdir. Auderson. Ec? Coast,
1:1, Kestrel, Brennais, Wigenpa.
13, Muzeppi, Jauneey, Whumps.
16, Oriello, Thompsun, Put suck from stress
15, Asia Filiz, (Sp.) Joz? Gorlowichs, Macao
13, Simon Taylor, Brown, London. 13, St?g, Parish, Whampia. 13, Denia, King, East Loust.
11, den, King. Whampon.
Por Simon Taylor, L?ruts. Martin, Jamen, Chien- ry Dra. Edmondson, Dovese, dr. Master Poel, and throo children, und ■ Indy passenger.
Center, Wood, Bydney.
Amazon, Abbott, Shanghai. Kerr, murais, London.
The Spanish Brig Asia Pelis, arrival at Macao with 20 Chinese passengers on 31st sh, having had
A and B, on the evening of Ph t?the beh A T a Meeting Jwell at the Hi tarot bug Bitini
of Jan, 1217, der she putepono at crashing a cinly to be called “Puntosopical Serv or Unisa," Pissem, -Be< Dalfour, Vong, Bi- Dil, Harland, Bankier, Girald and Floler, Mersis Bowring, Siotrede, Watkins, Start, Mercer, Burn and Brian.
Mored by Mr Slutrede and acended by Dr Young-That Dr Ballzur da take the clisir.”
Ar Bevan appointed Becretary,
FANGUINE Rana and Nowy Pe
Qae Pylended Quinn, usce Dex, 4-15.
15 Terk of the veik
The n los Mara,
J1 maan ko dira soleeriod of the g tonnen hatt
: 1
. . . .... . ???
? te aggros, m? de talking Lutka ? 1 applied Date $eut gamla, 617, 1--M. 1 1. Ruelo, for
Martin Firerek, kar hraunty od Cielek, do The Chairmen having real a pupy of the Lawa Jabe 1 PRO, Trng monety of eliwna Mi proposed to form the Rules of the Surimy, the lol Man Mt HMAN, fed quad, k lowing Resolutions were put from the Chic, and ry; Mr Man 2 a cona 3 MP, far carriel unanimously.
esnty of long! N. Hoan -- Lila, d
G. 1. P. Sher-That the laws now end beheld for the county of Ma
11. Moved by Mr Stortrade, r-cooled by Me | Oy of Lancerka val Mr Robot Data Dr.
to be the Constitution of the Rariety in il it cost
of fify Members, when they may be taken into - O'liner is demands coa v?i t?p farther consideration, and tifices now let vacant | lal relicopt tot on pravil, der filled up.
21. Moved by D ITurland, a couple ? by De Hill, ? your od 1, 4 7 47. ---Phat a deputation da wait upon it. E the cis- foom sevend song ka fernor to repest bin to veden?. Patron of the pick, who desire Ltle corporate Savicly as the pulation,
Del Yong, Dill, sol. Harland appointed | Heman at a pervsd file the prvot, ale
wa pending 31. All by De Badlane, a cowled by Mr Men The Troli Governmcht have of tria cat,—That Major I. 1. Burj lo alerted President | appointing 25 allnust mig atte
Movel by Dr Youus arconlod by ilr
Bowring. --That die Subur Resten. Member of 1 thought the art eman, Theos an the Melico-Chiurgical Society, De Kennely, by | filmat prachuana nae, Me Maluz ten luga elvetel mue of the Vienkronleuke
5th. Moved by Dr Halilcir, seconded by De D2300,
Cumpiledary), Al. kitain, MC Acadia, A..... My
- The W. T. Moran, fing, leaf tid one of die | Frenck, Mr Philst fof the card dogg, ?..1 Vice-Presidents.
Ale Biriningbami, ki tamente todo seg med
The Hon. C?il Lawler, en de tiene from
?lle Moved to Mr Walking, mens led by Major Bug --That W. F. Bevan, L?p, ko olettal dies | prve Sinting in fotod, with Pattyy Blake, un! Aperely-
(jeuridad, the attesta ul. Cionnel, los Berk, 16 R
7th Morel by De Mattiel, corruded by Maths ↑ Polis fit fusing, air bara ytan. Paal attent ron--Phat De Youme be clicted To cenie.
kanor packet Toronela, without a Tiny audi 9th Mored by Mr. Bowing, second d by De; di 250 * Me Douche, babi adding phornb Fletcher, --That Chas. T. Waikams, inquire, las ? die foon en deelust watched antichi father, elected Carator.
Lord Cutelurry, and b?t to Me reta
9th. Moved by Major Burn, secondo! by Dr
Godsat We fence and Mr. Pe a freakin, fever
| Gesat, -- but the (llowing gentlemen be Vei?bers (ing fete out to shnet trguthing in the king's finan
gf the Council of the Soe (1) : --Andrew Shorttele, | 15, by z mug weibur the Polarole marang s Esq; J. C. Dowcine, Dept Dr Huland; and Dr nici fodged its equent in the heater Mir Dardoi, Barton.
why survived b?t ce Lovrinfo on the ?The two A. HI, BALEVOUR, Cluinn.
I was ogan 11- wale maticnt
De Balone living lift the chand en gavel | county.
by Mr Stoni, secondoel lig. Dr. Young, nol married | The one fils fer, W. Hallaran, of Xx unanimously, that the thanks of the Moting bourn g?a Park, was Lill-1 - Play pigm given to De Baier for his ablu con-fuct in the by the arcidare! direline n of lus twling pice,
while resting ity murzale, W. F. BEVAN, Two men, alfalive and sun, kosa bova 2illed by the noxious air which lud called in a well, wear General SecretungMarketlall. A dar sun iscended in a c
severe weather o? the 25th in Lat. 24 55, N., LANSUE Friend or CHINA AND Hovarok? Gia- tub; the fashicepwent down to auzeour his son, and
119.2, E.
VDASELA IN VICroma Ilyusour.
Give the Captain got out his entlasa and -14, and before he called upon the two mytes to un themselves, be had a consultation with his Of a the necessity thest existed that the water ank der bakom in, they all agreed that the water. M S. Vestal, Captain Talbot
be taken in ne apurdily as possible-[ mw Cluke knocked down.
John 11wkins--Thief Officer of the John Casper, We arrived at Anjer on 23rd of Detoline
El. M. St. Vulture, Captain Macdougal
11- C. Str Pine, Lieut. Airy,
11. M. Schr. Young Hehe, Geoml-Master Pym.
ft. M. Tr...!igator, Master Commanding King.
ZETTI, with the printin?e materiale&e. &e. The paper was never in a more prosperous slate, and is ported with on account of the Propricture halt, be being unable to attend to the duties of L'ditne.
For particularampply to the undersigned, all com
come to anchor about 1 r. m. The Captain | 11. 31 8. Minden, Sad Master in charge Danur,munications being cousilered confidentist. and les tiedig went ashore in the gig. Parson make were two of the bonl's crew, they re timeslalomt task, when the Captain came over to
Drinker & Hey!
IT-spital and Sure Ship. Anglona, Marvin. Ari's Feliz, (Sp.) Jos? Gordowichs, Awmymu, Plumens, Amazon, Abbat. Bouajne Hormujet, Contos, Cerair, Bonines, Centaur, Wond
fe, he asked me if Iswas ready to receive the water, 1 that I had been so far some time-shortly coming out board Pearson asked me for his -it lund been served out to the other men during his absence, he was not inaolem at this tiane: wer that he was intoxicated, I told him that Pond! not give lum any grog, betore sperking 15 the
dain: the Captain's answer was, of course not,| Joren Corina, Denb?m, Cee him no ante, he is drunk alerady, and Pyar
a med very indecent fanguage in thin boat, in the nce of Men fireig 1 told these two inen, mad Carke, that it was the Captain's draire Full go to their beds and keep out of after the crew refused to take in the water cers of the ship with myself consulted with L'aplain, and agreed that it was expedient that Could be taleen En as speedily no possible. Pear. au Ciorke objected to take in the water, never ng asked to do ro, they were told to go to bed ordore given that they should not be disturbed, 250 forward without being called: we did alvese the Captain to nae foul means, the crew More not violent, but appeared determined mut to
rk, they were not arnied, and I saw no appear
Fort William, Hulk, Ginzelle, Anderson,
John Barry, Stwaps,
Kestrel, Bonus, Lady Amberat, Allett, Mozepps. Jauncey, Othello, Thonydon, Petrel, McNally, Sprc. Colo, Sri Singapura, Victory. Sinith, fare, llacken, Zephyr, Macfarlane,
J. Matheson au Co Maricar and Co
J. Matheson and Co Frauklyn and Milo
J. A. Olding J. Matheson and Co Fraklyn and Mike Deut and Go
J. Matheson and Co Marlen Dearie and Co J. Matheson and Co J. Matheson Bad Co Gilman and Co Nurrow and Co Smith and Brimelow Order Blacricar and Ca Dent and Co
Viskis at WitamPoa, 11. M. B. Childers, Commander Aden, King, Argo, Bromer,
pullins, "l'homas,
that they meant to resist. I armed myself Amelin, Diaper, sword and a pistol. On leaving the cuddy, the Ellerslie, Pagen,
i enw had a sword, in the forecastle ho and Britmuri, Soloinon, -lui alen, Uus second mate had a cutines-
Jan Duke of Cornwall, Whatchend, dinto the forecastle, theCaptain ordered Pear George Fyfe, Muriey, Filso go out, he would not, Clarke was there also. Harries, ——
ron appenred inclined to resist, all the others Indian, Englib.
4912 bol those two. Peatron was ordered por fidianeren, (Daah) Jolm, Pily to go out, Clark generally with the rou John Cooper, Grieg,
Crooke and Mastey Fletcher and Co Lindsay and Co
Boustend and Co
Nye Parkin and Ca
Bougeal and Co
K. Macgregor and Co
P. & D. N, Cana Sapoorjee Lungrab Lindsay and Co Pun and Co Russell and Co
Victoria, th December 1948,
BRITISH HOTEL, Kurisu Boes, Queen's Round, Victoria,
menee deepening the well, he fell litelnen tasas time
he tow.t.
Thynny Conilly, a former of Glenarm, Su heen kiled by Agnew, nadler, who struck hips on the head with a hanner. Than a wao went to the farmer's quistance were alsanesanded, Ters murder was perfpetrated in cold blael, un Uomo ly's ont ring nyad to fetch some sleep a. !. and there is no saigualde can-o for the deel. The m?amin has alleen de L
A korkite osat in the neighbourhood vi Ruscon Monday, lis_n young lad og f Farrell, whom & party of ruillams me, unkat ted to deprive on gun which be conniel. 1 fired at lum, any he returned their fire one of them did. An intrat was bold ??.
body, and a verquet of "Justifiab!-- homniei la " vas
MICHAEL GABRIEL, CIENTLEMEN and Families visiting this place I will find ever accommodations sud all the articles of the first description at molerate charges
It is stated thu the Tieutenanta of sainties in Belliards in a stacious aury toon facing the win Ireland will be must meer to London AJR. TEG, JONES, 6egate inform the serchants melistely, in aucul a confefeare with dag 11 bat of China, that be in prepared to Adja 4 Claims ? Itumell, upon the distrusel stale "heit | an the Underwriters for Ken Damage, nd that any Communication marke to him to the caro of Mir Bonorar, Queen's Road, will servire immediato
The Commissioners of Woods and Forests bare under consideration a project for planting the Fre | rogh of Kildare (except the Racing-grumit) with TACKAY de Ca, respectiully vifumate that they potatoes, and sound American wood is blede by be
have added to their establishment a Litho used. The object is at parent to provide employ graphic Press, and are prepared to print "apan (ha ment in the didiet, and also to alleol the furen shortest notice any orders they may be favored chance of a mupply of good scad pedator for the
next year, if the crop should turn out free fom Hongkong. 7th December 1946.
disease. YAG?ERREOTYPE Portraits accurately and Sealine, war steuners, o entirely employed in
taken in a few minutes at,
MACKAY & "fice'" Hongkong, 7th December 1948. JUST RECEIVRDex Ad?n and for Babe at the
Storon of the undersigned.
A lot of prime Cumberland and York Home choice selection of preserved Straps and Meats, cilian Wine of the Guest quality, die do.
SMITH & BRIMELOW. Victoria, 4th January 1817.
**The Stromboli, Allan, Pluto, De, Rhulant ik
carrying suppliva gf Ireland. The Cimetio felira corn, meal, ad 1 libenit, to me?os perrte of the const steiner has been sent in It-loud -85 moyer. The Algun fribato Madagascar (mensuring 1,400 sn?) has been fisted up at Coric sa a stir? shijen when alarken with Indian corn and other provistous it wil Bibe towel to the Shannon, and cooled at the jeton! of Foynes, about twenty antica cosa lemjoti, ki spod | dry steamets will carry the provisions from thes print up the Shannon The Clavernment harg
Det f
of U.Toj
mazemes Hem (irkas Barche in die Gren
.. PM
VINCENT STANTON, Vittoria, 100210, 1945,
lapist captain
MYFICE-?vus kratko od ko cha fal. Paike Wan
PAKETI PALAP. M- monale powing with the 14
dating de
112 11106 Board of?? 12 shah t cutere uptly mough conciafra,
1. Mas e fioncal D ?Aguilar's own friends. Fly for granted
Major (Reacts) 'D'Aguilar must hzen si, in 20
gfu, public, that he was placing bjpur self in a water and hazardous position, but with the wrondela se for which he is most able and has Ixons now so well kestveni an tiass phren -zuifering hana. if to be used as a tool by there -vo had the puma enda to sorto-hand at the watleti DR mpt to granty in own personal feelings-
Leta 15 rash handtong sole mateuch, mit of which, we four, will adbare to bien ajoista
Firth, at spquars that bad techng bad process
wept as a tray the a jas at corde dat is dust then | exived h tween the Majar General und ei pea whee time
ed parties, whereby ne ate bid to think that tuber Tairane centips 1, the Majes-Gieters! | were committed upon either side: the god
My Float of the Sun" It Storekeeper wing; los ready in crimin?te Ferra to get up past zu who matter they pi fructis | W'Aquilir, and lie ngalu so prompt in takoj e i long ham me of about the confined
est?me tesenze.
mary. Initsad of what, they appear to paren??u, V??ze is a difculty in the supp?me? how pole finer alle sat, low insta irrelevant | Bid kong cropht ngabet h?m a ubarge whit without frendition, 2ut ofliged speci?e quemu ?n siter, tu autokata mo mhar ant siems so the panus Choerned, which we finaly 1.5sos verte not only stance for the proot | theu indictment, which wer We cadu nerer mugrenied by these partive, beat, vefs neter | ?apnils of being donensurate tec
mervatamest; dnd which mancave, we have not Jeim It possibio that they would have had the as sa slepptest danst, it beahencialy proved to be stance-to say nothing about the feffy neid kaze neau of the procvding-ta aver t?m the bonts were mamprigentation of their breteraents
? open? Apa that fiicerent tropical rain" fil sturing "tekalaya,” if the former had been really covered over, and * no mein w?steves" had fallen on seven days baref the ten! Such statements, if (shes, must have been susceptible of k?mpedlato slip- emof, and they would rearonly have rushed po des corda vain of conviction in polybland ma- Belour untruth. Motusver, a Meteorok-gical Res gista "kope with much exe,” velich was onosulet by one of the Hyaghong jammaliam, nequirobil him.
15 centrs praceclines of this Bused of Officers, ior Cours of Voi quay, we apei domed by those who are competent sudga olika a ibjaut, and glazingly in constant regular, to soca mur calent, red, as will by no then be likely to be w? rated by the stafftar) qullyTitus ni homigauid suficiently so, to La trente in th? thuis of the parties themselves, tha, Za serious upprepalons for the appquences of
the cruise they las pursued un this eccasion.
Yet it is upon the opinion of thing. Chficers (ouu)
ty mach as Bringdiy? Chaney noel Mr Pet repor
Thai base “incemxija tropical rain” is doubt-
lesa on exaggurnijum, shough probably not laten-
At sina ne forcibly from the first, that the of partit valaja rauning through the General Orde m?a, obrinus and apparent, and the docanent purse and cell pertifiestory, sa well so revi Line by us esamong the particulars of tho ci far as the theblicly known. Major Giva 17 Aguilar, tamo o mans, which remain got to linnavesel, kamu, the particulars of a con? [J-ter, v? Sablesef by the Ondoan Officer,
to theic avante superiors, the Board of Ordua
of wine has suco feured very omspiowcurly and | dat u ore or leva ruin "kad inlleu un fem ung ol'uvo ature. Wither he has the power of prevedibly in a Coun Martial upon a hosther Ullicet) sixteen fage specified; showing a total of 1768 the transmisiba of Buch Letimes, wentu masinad that K?eneral Pl?znili?, bee bal de subjekty to | jochraj n? thatak ging stierall k?re happened prt. is vappu?ra da considered himself nftand by th?? Fowl extreine proceedings against two Oficere of Another ordinara. (No 7 of 1946) repreh the registration simauce, which was inquot, scened in the focus in quasting hilang service, and ston to chatureghem with indulg tin subject of so much tyrammy, injustice and cly rested therefore was, to attempt to prove they ingin sements declared the moi vasture
we?e entez ded To give cul?ec.and constencen to my prot?d) is be directly at visitjica uih the | tonal, for since 7.56 ineher of the abura quently oppressing. The eu fanco provides for the core las led determined my, be mund the registration of log holders, making thens Bond of force Officers, not inorely consisti responsible for the characters of the inmates We will print the deamiest post work, with mich remarks as roga subemelves tous after a more orclu! perusili va have yel girou il,
The Mini laut izrun, chimeges us with falschool in eging that tin translations of Chinese paper-wan appear in his eslumns are not always cone So long as this reaperta ble Journalist eo ared himself to mintulering edurials on the eul, we were willing for 21 ist. nut, contended that the public should jorge whorls we deze right he wrong but now we handled upan to show that the particular docume fried to (Mr Forbes's fettos, to Krying) som falcifod for some discre- | ditable purpo
? ;
of his own frimla bot composed of Cidices are
under kie Onders, and entirely subwetan ndie views and withes—to report upon a nuasse ja thick, he was a principal party couc?miel |
I would have been extraordinary indie,
1, kunder such circumstances, had the opinion of this Board
Officers" been other than that in which the joi on:irely concortid." Wawillnly refor again as the opinion.
fidi un funday, when no work was done, it fol. Does Major-General 17 Aguber, pomen that the - loweshet-only an averige of Kitle more than one character of the Officer ? me da me e binekoani inak per diem remains hic divisim, among the mito mil rangely at konat as high in the same ofthen wald. – working days; m?t this aptid not allow for cond. fa probur, ne his ong—which is made by niggrund, nuoma tropical
t'te prove injurions during
various printed kamuhratione, ?brough which be jabs t?in, fall. ModDay Sumerar suppose that
is principally known is the pabrik, karo ant kodud (be lage pointed out did puike B?lgulier und Buro- greatly to eletale 3' If so we can uzuuce him he jus) hospitals que reprobat the wet days to his bann bare sudar a serious delusion.
32, allein, and want was probably far leta farm win the Boud of Eqa, belived. dan dianthehen, we cannos jostly then in predicming finlihara deterioration ofine deres from illscause;
The above remer, have been ingeru “ careful perusal of Van Motor-Alemanyp
Wbut the sinos were which this ? Board || per, and so much of the qulijosi n? aksi officers" reserved from the Major General, topic of grunzel con; there is in Boulded scarely be dated About the {"paring of the boats with dits, wo are luft and sacerwoning of the area'sumu ?“thit, were the merits of this can unace fully jande | Man are funman off--and, offrouch i may appear in Thamn the conclusinas would he creatly stone de zi fe habecause the rumored Lifere and the credible, it is mated shot, both Brigadier, Cheskay, and ["vorable la the injured sontelle for such qan shayso, Font be incitly mysen such tulen sul na cule air Pattare, up to this time, equally ignorant pol | thein of Coastal D'Aguilar's sengmanon be consider bilerak, con can be hat. Pusschly this formwe Frode of class huntrustions, we also of the dance #1. We therefore angur that they, trei fod bai linde die wer sich beret,” authcient to take away the wh
retr?vod against them, and which ina luen adid appreciation upon the remik of diele, appeal to the ; port sidhicier at the posty but allowing for the Lupon to mezovaly to their projedion,
"Gowramel at home which il 13 understood they | mia? prole a proviction, it would be hard to aequa
have long date winda,
thens of injuring the Major Genetul by n suppressio veri vides, their komar qontained no apparent mar knowledgment that any means of the kind were pled
In oision of the Hongkong paper. hedge drovi Miil, we condead user bake at home in singular Gaetal or by Majur Gel Bagwikal. Commanding the Ploupe is China, valst?? t?rtig redov?l of Vivo Ulicer? dins nocted with the Chance Decreet at et
Ai wo still claim 15- privilegua ofan juvali?. It will be than obearved that they kay as yet, wa taust our Hedras will indulga with us, if | bom deprived of all opportunity sit only of diegrav we deler catering, July we the subject unuiling the charges, whatever it might have bk, not publication.
bat ale of recoting the aridi ba?"
Hasing procured frees this facile "Bow of Captain Greg's post givas goneral satir. Officers such an opinion he desire--the Major faction. It affords another proof that, with allele proses to spines, doc the flies of our allers, and with all sheh lae finther services in his domh
these Dilcars." Api gan growning metaphilis poftorebird mittendust and disrespect tomorr'a kim- injustice of the Magerial Court, we are still extraordinary transact me prata and purcalan in self The order in beweer sow given in suikerming through the dorment, and the strong erine itsmatics of impronave protected by the laws the Newspipart bu verilskr?rnet 7,50 = ylene, and tre shallaffer a few phao! vellous engem. § vantha dar of, xa well as the elong richeal valor of our country. An t-ligent al inpartial case, in which he is it panty, Helga jing it.
the bjeshkellige to think that General "Tindly, judging from the tone of the?c ruport on
1A quilar, appointed a Have? nomisting of big anu friends, in try, the in-steal Bugslae Cheecy not Mr. Pet: "Thera by na evident youn of partummodup
[titi'ti devetryinguinat the offendats, buteny n Jury, ward an upright, and indelent Judge by hit ona alimise, he has not the powa?, ki je happoast thing Bekatul DAguilar had directed
warmth unseemly in a body of tint n'aure. Their Are the best guardians of our liberty, and it je | to achalicate, bu must necmally refer to let | the meal of ceridie morm during the rainy va
hariners was to Pi?nnunes upon tho Brate of the que, a matter of thankful that in Hongkong,thority at lowes for tolavestigation and helpen, auf That (Brown C and der Online and to feave bothering to draw inferoces the commonly an under their protection. dinin
Mas, kooper Falle kantig is th?th nechemshem - Magover, it emitira term upon the Clubne soch cihastuming its mehr, weka mhdch Every day the corintion her asseoirsager, Mont
even abrently gated, that Uvy had po vigtits?alooy In the Honrmule Chef J.-Gex we have an molives which diva'od the momention of the in vivoable to perfand werepek at that petal, on
the naist me of any jas or icasimble Required, e Kaotus uf the demure which wikkely to vASES, invaluable nequisition. We do not speak this cled procondrugs? Is it not obvious that laying dought proper be one thamelyes from any
Ins the complaint of the twa Uficers of ?rtanner. Therty was min to a considerable extent during tha in the language of idio compliment we meely his case to be lid, and faressing hat it could nights of the request that sight wiles out of express the sentiments which we hear from all heen, Lin enus; halong the Bulges of further lede tramakolonija naparte romanen ja inte ratio Secial with whom we are brought into cumaci, senti vigion.he the sought to preindge and preju anenta in which we harfily ponc??r.
Rice the first deed his owo front pay or the billing the Ted
|lice--at enn by comitem honesty 1°
We are reported Captain Greig's case stain vena th?t traktanktion dietered by ?omymion 394 | italiau ? Hongkong moment in fant, is the set of the Regulations, but this is
Monta diifuge ten days, fotomid
repeal of the Storm, and Brigsiker Cheaney aud the Senkestr warg qualified to form p
? V??te prolable, efficis. They had no tresinev,
· Stokes at the
corally, to the naoft their complaint directta Eng- one length, and a metrumpery unes lo this trio comic drama, we thus porosive Major, Kitirkata desenation, of the front, thither mader angetho
tropical rainuria nover brought before a tribunal The Coral Aguilar, with wonderful vermey Gencely be dahamaseda ka
shizPourthly, the messure of pomislimont desk but t public procestor broke down on bi?awn asting thereofthrowdoilarand ineau grunus parts. Cha Jis procdoneli mela kioma to the verge, mbajtad i was, the Hongkong fr dcace, and the Jury brought in a verdict for Firs, he appears alike in praesenter, in his owa
Gmarti; be compare] In ut lidor, then t the prisoner withinat Lanzing his defence, Weimen, Nrik, by and fat. Harlequin's wand has sa tom Captain Greig, with a due cob metamorehovel Jolly under the disguise
it as the sport, chay has stated, extremely farah shat an old and wint musinage winferet fint meglened by the teritorious officer, who los dous his wountry rice skleration for the interests of his Owuors, could ) of hir 1faite #135ard || Offika," and having fun t
the stores ig?
fa various alickatan svi? v?fflurc?t c?pu cuties, should. hava metod otherwing th?i he did. Ifed ha | the verdict again ? the?neond janis, ha badly, by
(Eremoved] from: alios j?rt mov?n doye givmu in to the diktatus ela muinous crow, and | a sudden tashafinacion and a #ying lap, appear?
Who ni wire' dir
ad, m'ais rotifement from duty, and nilowed hu ship to reuiam in an open airde on the judguni sat in the character of Judge, thin, And UNTUNG PROGR Jungerms toaddatend, bis cu fues would have 7 (~4 Wish we could add a just one)—and aloquently | Are, bak saty 59mp
ment K?niksik?llena sgsinst, him” Omepl D'A guitar har til Cestoum himmelf with a des Lunpatronally. He perforged a degree. | Judomodo semeno uyen tho vilinderi agalen ?la
15th June,
vare twined uerde 'reusstances of the abia duy, nu bad is only hausieti uvor bis then abeolus will,--whlik hie n?colting satulikhel am- - 1h, 1604 594 ana
Horo je pala la katha declafas him- to the Authorities son la: fhst arrived in part, od his and tick bis vanity by theecing the
self vafo ballgather Chary, he would have vol haufail the annoyance of his composed and the faction in
bowerar mist?h **-Me Hawa, and omipable in giving
of atrial for a supportosoffence. No doubt the circari of kin slip'e being detained was the sole chose why did not do, and the result was
"We thought that the days of Bear Chamber impe- tum had pamed away, but verily the mar Chamber all even the Ingouiting--wera para komnarna of!
an attempt to extort musory ni?m him, to-dopa | Juice and equity, cored with Alajoy-kleDAN? penication at the convice of d?very men | 1 squilos Tribunali)
who ought to have lova punished
A convincing proof, if sech wumn requiduel, in
Those who hav? rok back tie ?dvantage of a difended, that us man, not even Major Ostaral residence in Burgkang will be astonished that | D'Aguder.commanding the (800 white w?i 800 the Magistrates vid and such acto a bluck) Traupe in Chilia, can, with safety but pir higher Tribunal thu Thoir own Court; to the rited is be the Judga ja kis men causa randeng towere, in action of thess Gentle- men give upriso, pecially when it is under that they are under the unmediate gueira do John Davis
Our contenitary has ?j far vi?oj si General Order and the one the Basel of Offwang"
title reizkus to be noticed; there are can of bowrerr, that appear to have one-pal
kin ohio sades. First then, the “Board of Cheats" Thare given it as their "apining, that shm-Monts We prblch the tensions of, the Madras kvin has oftem; bht advered with The* - Camel
porary kerus tithe can be no subject for speculative opinion. But "bag and singular" de yal Order of Majer-Gemux be suscepable of being tested as a stali?e of word If Anuar, regarding her somond and suspate - fact, co way or the other." Alut what is.mont by sion of Prigaline Chennyt, ami Se Peut can inless tilt Is that description of ensuring which may nanos Forkrepe me this place; but which wank, be gerdin England fixed over the bread whe le we think he tuttet i odgrated by die term good, Waggons and Carta, forming a layaevizan; When tiir strachlinary 3 eument unde ita ap- shelter, that would resin, from your's end is vent'as pendance, te unhappily shoot teno?tic piave end, ures a tropical rain? -50, "we c?ofoer wa from sonic indisposition, and were that previated :) bere berat abei wich sll description of B from taking that notico of which we should mare. Juring war sujoom in China. Or is it that kind of wise has, done-ini wrt?ch cho nanemad oomautanen, the which an id naother diner Ben is nearly the pochind (+-) fort
Bllowing words? ; -,
The detonations of our contemporary ato fairly gira, puder zich na impetuska as wotud be enter Lined by any prison por quel, ciba tester infopa. orion than ilai c?mecat by Plu G?veil Onder in quation ; aittopgh almon melusively futandad
*** bet of Thin *Tuonde 14 Bbeber!
Nu de rin na?e su una
** A-trusical val? is a poler!”
Funder the
Q; in their report ?like 22a
(which was ta,
? for ian
the length
end of
alumas of -dhi ka go Phim at the
Find you
ared to
* becoming
in and with the ram adhaiselon **** &R such
height undoub 1596an ?X gillar did dellyfin hum the jod -
· gang?t.” Adoping the
"Order, there was
LANG, we ser not how
Find shit q? bli r?courek can we ll right, v'alleged against him, de merits everer p?nishment than he has yet received; and H'innocent of tight men indiseration, is in ft that a ?lmaid fali?an oppstunity of wiping the darker Populer, sjampa?ky is said t? Jan kin'sado a Hunghong, and jabernwruh justion, because it doen Major General Comi R÷gredge " againas Lenfold kitterogas, Would
Hiperkater, No-
on Majer-Graoral D'Aquariowa perion of the | To such a uli the Board at Qi?ccu gag ancilled to ma” he concluder bis ante cum, tuy an viliciumbe ovnbadurry rf the cc: to the foll benz?t; aklough it will wearinly wabatan- the further services in Kelantand; tr both these trantdiners Fle, ina witch, he let probelly burn, uate their opinion. In the next pics Lilies is a re) Vihan* Brigadier Gridley dawardingle in- Jeud by main spar and mere-designing than markable lien panty in obalf ladle opisima, Thai #litt?to make gret them?mmwok at the Artillery hime!!.
aldentia!ter of the Ostmags Ullecra, which? in China to Lisutanent Colpoel Bearton, and to Thor in the ses bonsent, who, from 1 know. states that they were im days of inocomat tuln ?o. | inis hin-departure for Eagkad, while St kuras Jodge remplis, sad from being, to a | a diszed it appears - Cie Stad June. The Board of Acque Bag fr sospendal from ?dier, pending the cauis 1991, 16
of the term of talizers attempt in deproys the tion us to the plow'of the Masterlemeal of the Ced inner, | a
ermpenhanding that. cam by stating list no frio fell on the 93rd un 1 24th | Bois F?riz, ouillye of the Tratn?l occurrence, John Llarke, swom, deposen. I was seman ti Major General | f Junu!
w suggests the following reneris,
Captain Anna. Ganto of the Juha. Gerpor in placed
with inwal,” &c, Jolis Clarke, one of his araw-
of the Bar enweged with "ammalting and wounding
I on board the John Cooper when she was in Anjer
depan k
a ti 1
12, 11
? ?? ??
han wat he
For at Salon. Wing.
VAT Mara ?
katelia Rob strong, Welly,
DA 14 | 19%
Lk nyahuta v poti alas, Ap ↑ na dame there. 1tant, he a aut, the dog obeun
kout progress, Asko te ta lete the dog met on tale alb pig if he Tuk be, with the Catea, Esperae Cape
?fe had done, heat verd bijesti tain strike: J?m with time cutlas?, he fell namelio ly keyanet wat moon ah-u cre was no outer than bleve I noticed sears on his head, such as in the chaton of me. I went Geward, the mate could be inflicts! by a sharp imament) ww af gain, when a luge dag flew | bload his clothes, the Capa apparel excital,
mone tammnet by die Colty, That we be threit glasses of grog when ashore, ma quita talea, I asked the inite far my gong, ree that at vild wot allow ma to hovenny.
man on th?u l?n 2t, mal tore my shirt, | but not intoxicated, wo were ↑ of a mile from the enna its la stick me twice, share it was blowing thong, and our position would
amata da mu sand ave, Ed? noi | have teen -tangovoris if it devil ervan om te lew from ask the vige, or slabo pit the N W. from which quarter the winde prevail stan to recollect anything during the tenon we were there. Ivansifer the Captain usa Iovery persuasion to isuluce the mon ta take in the water, I 'shnoki mui bare ursi more; re- trumber the hands being e illal to muskr, Pron no Chich were thore he and Click eay be would not 11ke in the water, an I the other men were fuls of of crew were entiles to add they did - the Captain told t??in by refusing they were Fleurt the rest of the crose hal itemtiag un act of investiny, the: mva said they wir vom an ashare, Ubolicen I said the men wanted rest-Clack and that he cons aft to speak,
Mais wake the water in, the Captaiu did | and that he would speak-wo could not have turn my super and tara in, he nuk i plotel oor wyge without the water, two men had dog when wugel. Pearum caught out been hinder worked than usual, when the Cap
*cun' after I did. I do not i thin Guard fight with Pearson for using bad languag de the then was me, it was lefore the; les dad not apidugize, but dul ga, after he was As I was kunched down I threat not to be put in irons I went once to the Ang nam boat by and walked?o the Cilly when forecumlo before the men were callal to muset, and wpfe and before de Police Magistrate, once after, to persuade them to take in the water.- aze wallme to necept a compromise of Fonty Dollier,| By Mr Cuky,-
may nothing more of the matter, n'stick wal Before the Captain came on board I told the men m my led by one of the crow, I dropped it that wo should have water tu lake in, no hing was in nechately, it was not taken from me.
il before Clark and Pearson come on board Bernwell, at or→ I am steward of the John about refusing to take it in, it is usual when vessels Caper: Pestina and Clark, were too of Hur boats call for water, to take it on band as soon na it comes who took the Captain and Mre ficcig ashore, angsilu, at whatever hour at may be. Thu Chptain we returning to the ship in the evening, heard the toll is not to use my cutlass, except in a caro of
quia reurore Pearson for using in locomt bin.
hrersity. time in the Bier, Mes Geng being presom Pear-
dship retired for 16 minu?tes, 19 give Me amal eg zel far w? doing, after this the Captain Coley time to arrango his deface-on his return the solo put him in imm-Pearson ohjeete-l ? Foreimm of this fury, vilktonning the Judge,sintod that hhod fine nothing wrong and would not they were already ageel on the verdict they would und to be imel, the Coins then oplecal him ? return, of a guilty." Lorship remulet them
1. the crew they we not going that there was a minor charge in the in lactinent, if take in the water. Haard no insulting lan they contibrel that the am sunt of violence used by Craze mond by th?m, my their refusal to tiko in the; the Capt, could not support the charge of wounding 1, the Captain showed have it in by fair with intent: the Jury adinta foar mums nousi la
fund, the resin now went into the end- nativa, ratuznesd a general var het of mot guilty. senight out his relies and a piqul, mil fail baru turenbly table, I det mat see hun fond the bid eich of the mates to arm then ve they then went farwul, f want into the
sto myself, 1 ww Pearson linkling the Cy dan cenila was hith an is, the e d'a was in the Klapkami's fe? linu), and the portal in his right; hand metaatan, threen to shot Peirsoal buy ind
mot det gs. Coll. Pearson in let go, the Csptain mil a shout at Clarke, who was geting bow can a e'uso, I dal not so that he wens stal?lheil, the: Cage- tous drave fan out ni the forecast!, nu-l sruck kimu
For as al- gangway, the Captain kanked him with the eatlasa, lo g 4 sign in nolately, was Claints the enddy, and iraal. I put the irons him arvad blood on big bend, bat ded not ?? any wound. I me a woun Din his hally-nsta the disturbance than water was taken in, Fassivol. in by 12 o?rlock all the crew were not ak, miller Pearson not Clerken were present n de disturbance I saw one and the men with cock in his hand, it was part of a hind spike.
Privia M. t??ng.
Chuen te-n ra?ng, charged with piracy, and wich hiring bercessory to the order of on ufus yesterday, ap) receieal the gun nee of ozar crew of the Slan? Privateer, were found guilty
12, Anglona, Marvin, Anny
13, Gatele, Auderson, Est Cons 13, Kestrel, Benovais, Whoop 12.
13, Mazepp, Janneer, Whampas,
14, 0205?a, Phoapson, Put vic? Tenim stress of
15, Asia Filiz, (Sp.) Joz? Gonkowichs, Macao.
13, Simon Taylor, Brown, London.
13, Star, Parish, Whamupon.
13, Denia, King, East Coast.
len, King, Whampoa.
Pur Simon Taylor, Lients. Martin, James, Ches
Dr. Edmondson, Dawan, thr. Master Pool, and three children, and a Lady passeliger.
Cesur, Wood, Sydner.
Hlucano, (3p.j Kromh Ligi
AMERICAN At Waarroa AND MA fine. (A) Richarda 4,
Pay, Studarck, Esele, (A) Poot, Horatia, (Am) Cr?ker, Bratton Allen,
J. M. 1-J3 Nyo Palina. Milas, (Am) 1klidge,
Res Mary Blinn, (Am) Daaborn,, A. it and at 11 Natele 1, (km ) [aul,
fan! C
NOTICE TR. Rome. Jackson has become a Partner in M. When contact from thes diens Mitchell & Co.
Anuny, in - ?mry AA.
by of St Paul soatly the Thom d
Ta Meeting held at the House of Des Bollm of Jan, 1417, for the parpoes at es dedans and I, on the event The
les Mary, city to be called thParel Some jane afla inat, or China,” Present, -This Ballenr, Yeng, Bar ton, Dill, Harland, Henkier, Girast and Father, of the pla Mestra Bowring, Sustrede, Watkins, Stuart, Mercer, Burn and desno.
Moved by Mr Shortrede na scenuled by Dr Young--That De Balfour do take the clie."
Mr Bean appointed Secretary.
reopen that the La “Lanza, don de cara al 12 ang utfyn i oppen. LDK poly fint manis, vazut--Mr J. H. Ituch for the county of Cach; othe H... Martin Pench, dut the county of thatak proposed to form the tuler of the Society, the ful. Maarie, OK;;! MIM, dual deale
The Chairman having read n g?py of the Lawa John J. Holin, Or the county of redwa 110 lowing Itesolutions were put from the Chait, und | ry; Mr Mead a twell, MN, carrie umaninovaly.
Konty of heroy; M, Thon - 12 se
3.1. F. Short-That the low mom pal bhold for the rouangan waja
1st. Moved by Mr Shoptrede, # gonele1 by Mr | tv of Lamar by 991 Me158,603
to be the Constitution of the Soziety until it consiste
of fifty Members, when they may be taken into
'line intre modino de The Lord "Chetes for draw act to i. further consideration, and ices now led was this reliquit. Len pre ip Ayderi filled up.
or the
21. Moved by Dr Hurland.s monde Phy Dr. 1950. your dad T sygumus d --That a deputation do wilt upon 17. E the ti · fermu govend noget up for the verant to request him to wo?ne Patron of die | nek, who dear-ffienes qurilis Society Dei Yong, Dill, and 11arland appointed | tleman at a period bo n?s prest, sala us the potatio,
wa pen-ling 31, Mod by Dr Baltaar, wenn led by Mr Mer cor-Tot Major II. 1. Bura le elected Presidut | appointing a Udinand stipatory
The Itch 63 veitsicht Banks if i can dag
Prove 4th Movet by Dr Young, arzonlod by il
A will a dorda, 1 Bowring--Thad der Konfor Rendent. Meniu z of th??ngon Magnans nga Meluak,
|the Melien-Chirurgical Society, De Koon-ly, dei | formands contframma se, Ma Miller {-596kg
etered of alan Vies.Preu Jenis
(paper) Zone 1. Miller, en mi Inspect?ra tan? dak fch. Moved by De Balforge conded by De Dill, | Conspoedory), M. Ontario, Mc ko ha, 19 Ma |--Thest W. T. Meron, 15 ?, de alusel sine of the | Farsi, Mc Plush 4 for the consta da je t
Vier (resideme,
Me Burningbato, Six Live are to Goli. Moved by Me Watking, angon led by Major The 19cm feit Locker, en hie ? fero kon Born, That W. P. Bevan, Daq, bu elttal fies | prais Shooting an Footlood, with Futter Base, une! Seretary
paraded the atreza el Chunnel, to thank d, d 20. Mosel by The 11ulaid, reenudal by Mets | Babi, the haring che hanno tan fud pencar von, --That De Young be elected "Preasurer.
for thor jacket foranch withorat e tjer, mulle Modewyk Madfree, verili
Maved by Mr. Bawring, scended by Deli Fletcher, --That Chas, T. Watkins, Faquir?, t cheeled Curator.
9. Moved by Major Burn, seeundest by De !
Beth Osha hatay, and not to Me ?19 Cons!,
Colonel We feman and Mr. Pohort. Dealin, leave |Grant, --That the following gentlemen le Ve?bers ing goue wat is abnet tagaller info. Kings Pne of the Council of the das (4) : --Avalrow Sheritede, ; 15, by name accidere il fiulat de er en haunt oth Eoq; J. C. Bowring, Bej; Dr Haslund; and De l?id telent in equine fu the le ?b?f Mr 1% -19, Itartun.
A. H. BALIOUR, Chairs,
De koste having b?t th?, chal, it was wsze| by Mr Stsel, sernandesk by Dr Young, not extind unanimously, That the thanks of the Alting given to Dr Balfour for ? able conduct in the
In pratis that Panteon's apologised to the med det using bad language in the presencey, der wait, befine the Captain threatened to put marana; heard the Captain tell the mate to die water in, the matu went forward, the jan refused to inke it in, heard the hands piped muster, all haule wore there, the Captain told tem that he would have the water in hy fair or foul : before the Caperin got out bis emlase and tl, and before la enfled upon the two mates to savors weather on the 25th in 1st. 22 56, N., Jong THE FmExp or CHINA AND HongKore Gia
tes themselves, he had a consultation with bis Of es, as to the necessity that existed that the water
- would be tak in fn, they all agreed that the wor
uld be taken in as speedily as possible-I saw Cloke knocked down.
John 11 vwkina-Chief Officer of the John Cooper,
Amazon, Abbati, Shanghai. Kestrel, Beauvais, London.
The Spanish Brig Asin Felis, arrival at Manso with 20 Chinese passengers on 31st ok, having had
119.2, E.
VELA IN Vieronta il ARBOUR.
Hi. MS. Tal, Capinis Talbot
11. M. 3. Vulture, Caperin Macdougal,
HC Sur. Pluta. Lical. Aitey,
J. M. Schr. Yung Hebe, Second Master Pym.
We arrival at Anjer on 23rd of October!. M. Tr. 8. Aligator, Master Commanding King. al, came to anchor about t .. The Capisin H. M 8. Minden, 2nd Master in charge Osiner, and Mrs Greig weut ashore in the gig. Ponson
ant Clke wore two of the boat's crew, they re
Drinkar & Ileyl Captain
Hospital and Store Ship. Anglona, Merri Asis Ples, (Sp.) June Gorduwiche, Awayma, Thomas, Amazon, Albou. Hamanjee Formusjes, Coates, Corasir, Boomes, Centaur, Wood,
ed that dark, when the Captain came over thn el for naked me if Iswasready to receive the water, kid that I lead hvem so for son thurtly nfer enming on board Pearson asked me for bis Pag-it had been served out to the other men during his abronce, he was not insolent at this time:
ing that he was intoxicated, I told him that I Fort William. ?ulk, not give him any grog, belors spanking the Gazelle, Amlerrou, Cain: the Captain's nyter was, "of course not,
Jorra Carina, Denham, give him no more, he is drunk already, and Pear John Barry, Bawajt, pet of very indecent language in the boat, in the Kestrel, Bonurnit Pure of Mrs Greig 1 fold there too inen, Lady Amherst, Aileti, Baton and Clarke, that it was the Captain's desire Maseppa. Jauncey,
they should go to their berle and keep out of Othello, Thompson. way after the crew refused to take in the water Petrel, McNally, Officers of the ship with myself consulted with Spre, Colo, Captain, and agreed that it was expedient that it Sri Singapura, sional lie taken in as specdity on possible. J'ear. Victory, Binh, ton and Clarke objected to take in the water, never Ware, nekr
asked to do so, they were told to go to bed Zephyr, Macfarlane, onders given that they should not be disturbed,
J. Alatheson and Co Manvicar and Co J. Matheson and Co Franklyn and Milue
J. A. Olling J. Matheson and Co Franklyn and Milne "Dent and Co
J. Matheson and Co Marka Derio nal Co J. Matheson and Co J. Matheson ami Co Gilman and Co Murrow and Co? Smith and Brimclow
W. F. DEVAN, Cioneral Secretary. FOR SALE.
ZETTE, with the paintin? imaterial &e, &e. The paper was never in a more picospes-rus ?tal", and is parted with on account of the Proprieta helth, he being unable to attend to the duties of Editor.
For particulars apply to the undersigned, all com munications licing considered confidential."
JOHN CARK. Victoria, 5th December 1946,
BRITISH HOTEL, Kaviso forsE,
Queen's Hood, Victoria,
MICHAEL GABRIEL. AENTLEMEN and Families visiting this place will find every accomninodating and all the articles of the first des ription nt inderate charges
Olliards in a aparions nury room freing the xen
who survived ligt one hour after to Store intimate friques Mr Byron B
Wernerate peak" He was a migipano atak | comity.
Thx of the: Rev. W Hallar?n, of Ma gourney gleby the was kille 3 do Proj? mua. by the accidental direlage or hi iswling price, Arbile resting on its natierle,
Two men, father and sun, linko beva kilia? by alessai chich hal call pot in a well, umar Markethol. Alt ilu san lesten led in a 110to com mence deeprolig the well, he fell futelers. Front lin Dub; the father went down to succour his son, am! he ten was destiny-1.
Thorsy quilly, a farmer of Glennen, he been killed Agnew, a nailer, who szpark ben on the len i with a hammer, Tenun wien went to the fariner', qusutontu were alsanesanded, Tera mattr·ler was perpetrated, in vnd blo 5, en C? can fe Ty's cut ring nyoal to fetch zonin sleep aches, and there is un d?agnable carta for the de 3. The quawin has abiron lel,
A Rockito d in the heighbonehand vi Roscommon on Monday, by a young lad nam-d Farrell, whool) party of ruffiane mies, and at |ted to deprive olja gun which be carro 1. Tog fired at him, and he returned their fing one of than dead. An inghest was hold 182 body, and a vergiet of "Justifiable hemie: let v os
11 is stated (11 the Tico-nance of gaunties in in Ireland will be sunazonol over to London en of China, that he in preparest to Adjud Chatman ↑ Rumell, upon the distretol state ca their the Underwriters for Sea Doinage, nail that any Communication mate to hun be the care of Mr Bununar, Queen's Road, will recriza immediate attention'
13 harm the ecrans mefiately, to attend a cunicate with t
The Commissioners of Woods and Forests havo
under consideration a project for planting the Fore nagh of Killte (except the Racing.ground) with TACKAY & Ei, respectully ?stimate that ques potatoes, and sound American svod iz bikelen be Order have added to their establishment a Litho used. The object is at persent to provide employ- Macvicar and Cographie Press, and are prepared to print upon the ment in the district, and also to afford de fire
Deal and Cohortes notice any orders they ty ho favored chance of supply of gol scad potatoes for the
next year, if the crop should turn et from foot Hongkong. 7th December 1940,
disease. JAGGERREOTYPE Partints accurately and Stroller, war steps, are curly employin The Stromboli, Alan, Pinto, DeRhadowarth, e,
Vesikia at WitAMPOA.
came forward without being called: we did | E). AL. D. Childers, Commander Pitman, --ize the Captain to use foul mecans, the crew
Aden, King.
violent, bot appeared determined not to Argo, Bromer,
y were at armed, and I saw no appear Appolline, "Thomas,
that they meant to resist. Jarmod myself Amelia, Diaper,
with sword and a pistol. In leaving the enddy, the Ellerslio, Pagen, Macan I saw had a sword. in the forecastle he and Britomart, Solomon, Papistol also, thin sooond mete huil & entius.
Crooke and Massey
Plicher and ca Lindmynd Go Boustead no. Co Nye Parkin and Co
taken in a few minutes at,
Hongkong. 7th December 1810.
hen Duke of Cornwall, Whitched. Huugend and Co JUST NECEIVED ox Aden and for Sale at the
get into the forecastle, eCaptain ordered Pear Georgi Fyfe, Murray, ne out, he would not, Clarke was there also. Horris, —
on appeared inclined to resist, all the others Indian, English, fest wait but those tro. Pearson was ordered par
fnd: arren, (Dark) 13olm, aily to go out, Clark generally with the test John Cooper, Grieg,
Macgregor and Co P. & D. N. Camt C. Bapoorjee Longmah "Lindsay and Co
Puma and Co Russell and Co
Store of the undersigned.
A lot of prinso Camberlail and York Ham chaice selection of presetvel Soups and Meats, eilian Wine of the Ginest quality, &c &o.
SMITO & BRIMELOW. Victoria, 4th January 18:17.
carrying supplies of Ireland. The Comet or filian corn, meal, ani libeuit, to meious parts of the const strainaz his? been sent to friland with money. The 14-gun frilute Madagason (measuring 1,100 time). has been fitted up st Curk as a storesl?p: when laden with Indian corn and other pravicious it wit Sibe towed to the Shannon, and more at the islan I of Foynes, almout twenty miles from Generik; ani the steamers will carry the prqibaas from this point up the Shannon" 11e tinent hasa
ondered the Andrum da 16-gun frigate, (1,200 toms,) and the Jadromarke Bi-gun ship, (70) tous,) to be Lifted at Plymouth Luckyand fut the mine purpose. Arrangements, it is understood, have been made to
mitted up to this thno (half-past four) when an ingenious and sonsibled friend to the public peace as well as the people, Mr James Byrne, of William. street, suggested to the labourers the propeisty of put into setivo, operation the Royal William Vic acting upon Mr Howlay'a adrico to put their gri- cualling Establiment at Plymouth, for the perorances on paper and hand it to him, which they poso of grinding Lodian ovin ?and manufacturing | did, and a document was presented to the magis- | biscuit
trates by a sokom namber deputed by the entire of At the various presentiment somians money line the body promot, suting forward their distrees, and been voted willout stint-nearly 200,000!." has asking for work, at 3d por day. On this belag been presented at the Grot six sessions in the coun- prosented to Me Hawkey, who read it, Mr Robt, ty of Cork......... In Clare, like total pressatments ex- Lungan, Mr Boats, and Sir N. Hambla, J. P., cond 300,000, at me baronial scasions in the belog present, he mid that nothing could be fileer; county of Donegal 40,0007, was presented without that be would transmit it to the Government si A question; and at Castlebar as much as 80,0001. | once, and he and crary gentioman present would has been presented for the bacony of Murrisk in i broke it and represent things as they said there, and Maya Trughenekny has agreed to an names that he would be candid with them and show them ment of 05,000); Chanmaurice, 23,8744; and the answer the Gorstament would send him. Sachs Iraghticonmor, 20,4912. At Cahiroiveen, iba ma- of the other magistrates concurred in that which gistrates of the district are slated to have incresol Me Howley stated. They then insisted the he the amount previously granted to 20,000!, A' should liberate the prisoners taken in the oarlier similar sum was presented at Koockoroghery in ? part of the day. To this ?fr Howley replied, that Roscommon. At Clifden, one of the wildest parts, on this head be could make no terms with them, on of the extreme West of Ireland, a meeting was hoaring which the majority of the labourern went beki; at which the concourse of people is likened | home;" there werchu great number of ill-disposed to the monster meeting of 1843. There was at persons, amongst whom the graisst excitement first some confusion among the people, but order began to be manifested in consequence of Mr How was ukituately restored, and a sum of 40,000l. was leg's refumi. Meantime, the Boy. Me O'Gorman presenteil. These are a few of the must notable came up, and took upon himself to promise the prescruments: in many other districts smaller same, people that if they quietly dispersed, the persoga amounting lu some oases to ten and twolra thon-? would be liberated on the following morning. This sand pounds, have been voted.
did not apparently satisfy them. One misguided man in the crowd was gown by a poliosman to stoop The disposition to disorder has ro-sppeared in a more aggravated form. At Clashmore, Dr You. for a stone. Bub Inspector Rooney stressed him, ghal, a moat violent outbreak occurred. The occa-and in the handcuffing, a shower of stones were Dion was the adjourned meeting of the extraordinary, thtown. he policemen, when the dragoons charg. presentment sessions, at which Loed Stuart de Decics ad the crowds through the square, making theme dy presided. Thousands are said to have congregated in all directions. It was now getting dark, and just outside the Scamone-house; the crowd being com- before the moon ross, when the authorities resole, posed mainly of Lord Stourt's por tomate on Sliced on clearing the town of the crowds which were ve Greire Mountains. Biany were clamorous for | temsining about the square and streets without any food. The business of the sessions was despatabod apparent object. They got the crowds op William- with a goot deel of confusion; nearly every work: street, and quirly drove them before them. When naked for was granted, to the amount of thrands coming nete Carroll public house in the vicinity of pounds. As the proceedings were drawing too of the Christian Schools, a fourful shower of stumps Me Howley, who close, it was apparent a bad spirit was abroad, were thrown at th? dragoons.
rode up to the crowd, to advise them, received a among the poople. Beromal expressions of a vio Jent mature were mada respecting Lord Brynet's blow of a stene in the back and soother in iha small subscriptine of St. only to the relief und; shoulder. The stone-throwing was saswered by much umbrage was taken also at bis having stated a dacharge of carbines frous the dragoons, soother from the chair that. 10d, a day was ampla wages, shower of stimce, nad a moru fouzial reposition of and that the work could not be commenced in low the garbinen, in nli about 20 show. Thore wore a than ten days. The Magistrates endeavoured to great many recolved dish wouska. Two reduired quiet the people, but without effect. When Lord What the medical gentleman pronounoud to be mor Stuart uppoared among the crowd, opprobrious tal wounds. One of them had his thigh, just above epithets were showered on bim, which were sec. the knos juisi, shattered in picors; the other ra- ecoded by attempts at violence. With some difceived a ballet through the upper part of the thigh, coky bo got into his careinge, and his lordship flod which passed through the scrotum, lacerating it in Dromana at full speed. The mob then gathered fearfully and coming out at the other thigh. Both in the churchyard, which is much higher than the the unfortunate men we immediately takes to tho road, armed with stones; and with most violent poorhouse: on entering which they were treated yells and execrations against the military, immodi- in the kindest manner by Mr Walsh, the master. ately commenced an attack. A ringleader, named Immediately Burgens Christian, the doctor to the Power, was very severely bred, but was carriol establishment, was in attendanes, and did all that off by the populace; when their sunulus were re medical skill cook! do for the two men. Thus doubled. Several of the Hussars were severely ended this day—a sad one to many, bart; and the force being small, they had to smrt for their lives to Lord Huntingdon's farm-yard," which was immediately barranded. The crowd committed no violence on the inhabitants of Clast more, and left the place by degrees sa night ap- proached,
Next day a mob of thousands marched down to Fisher's mill, opposite Youghal, rowing vengeance if Hadian moal were not sold at is. per stone; but they contented themselves with threats of on- geance against the forrymen and bontmen should they carry com or provisions over to the Youghal merchant. An exprors having been sent to the Admiral Core, the Myrmidow was immediately -alaspalab?); ?and having ? fait wind, it arrived off the harbont, when who cameuadder got out all his boats, filled with Artillery and Mainer, and pulled. into the barbour; tho launch, furrying pounder in ber bow, coming in last coming to an anchor about half-past four o'clok. This seasonable arrival seemed to deter the country boys, and they again returned to their homes, where they bare remained overawed, but things continue in a very unsettled state.
The town throughout the day wore the most axeital appearance." Me Howley's task was a most trying one, and well did be discharge it. I em bound to speak from observation, and my duty compale me to state that if be worn aided by a fent influential men from Dungarvan and the surround, ing localitics, the sed catastrophe with which the day was terminated would not have taken place. One of the men wounded subsequently died.
to make a report in Government on the probable supply of food for the people's but that direct pe- cuniary adrances cannot be promised.
the translation of the Very Itev. Principal Le from the parish of Lady Yester's in Edinburch to that of the Old Church, Dr. Bennio in 183 was appointed as luis succossar.-Ibid.
The Times Commissioner has been sent to the Ilighlands of Scotland. He dates h?n first letter froin Aadguy, Ross-shire, on the 22nd of Septem. bor; the rasult of his investigation thus far is, that An old writer, in contrasting the condition of the there has been a general failure in the potato crop, people of France and England, obeorves that "The and that there is consequent scarcity and privation; King of France dom not permit any one to use sak but that good employment is abundant in the bat what is bought of himself, at his own arbitrary Eastern Highlands, and that with activity and onlf-
price, and, if any poor person would rather out his dependcuse the pressure may be met. Ho extends met without mk, then to buy it at such an exprbi. his investigation to the general causes of poverty tant doar site, he is nevertheless compellable to in the Highlands, and dir averse that they are provide himself with it as aforesaid." The gabello ethnographical-the idleness and helplessness of
was one of the greatest grievances in Old Frate, the Celtic race. In Ireland, the descendants of the and is thought to have helped to precipinto the revo ancient Sooth submit to filth, poverty, and hopelessation, in which so much of good and happiness for lack of improvemnul, because they will not be the country so miserably permhed. throulled" with any exertion; the same tato in Tho value of it, as an article both for domestic / the Sooulish Highlands ~ will nie be faabed "witsues and in manufactures, can scarcely be overrated. any necessary effort at Improvement,
Underrated it will scarcely be by those who remem bar what ensued in this country on the removal of the duty that had so long enhanced its prica. The stimulus given to the fisheries was immediate, and the exportation of our oaked fish forms now an im portant in in Brbiah commerce.
The death of a Scottish rhymenar la recordadel some length in the Glasgow papera. His name wat Alemnder Rodger, and it appears that one of his so ga Behare yorsal' before folk ”—had the honor of quotation in the Nocies of Blackwood; whilst another—Bawney, now the King's cons" (a estire of much slevercoss and grast panguwcy, write on the visit paid by George IV. to Scotland in 1629) appeared first in the London Braminer, and reached Edinburgh almost simultaneously with the publication of Bir Walter Scott's Welcome, on taled, Carlo, now the King's come." The coin- cidence (maya the Glasgow Herald), and the simil rity of the measure were remarkable, and specula- tion was cifo as to who the man could be who dared to writs so boldly and hatterly at a time of national calbanken. Certain it is, is caused much onwey ance to the kind-hearted Minstrel of the North, with whom loyalty amounted almost to x a feeling Fan Cavac-The Presbytery of Hamilton has inducted the Ror, de Molowan, late of Barrie, to the pastoral abargs of Broomknull Church, Aicltin. The Presbytery of Lilithgow has in- ductal the Rev. James Boyd to the Church at Pol more. "The Presbytery of Orkney has seduined Mr A. Smellie to the Church of ?urnois. The Prosbylary of Zetland has inducted the Rev. D. Prier to the Church at Larwink. The Prosby tory of Ayr bas ordained the Rev. J. Z. Huin, ki- niator to Australia.
of devotion.
Some daya mines a draadfial nocident from explo- sion of fire-damp, whereby six lives have been lost, occured at a pit coomoctel with the Clyde from Wacks, the property of Moum. Dunlop, a few miles up the Clyde from Glasgow. Tee pis is called Bugle's Hals, and in situated within a stone- throw of the river side. It is a working which has been daily opun of late, sai so premation of dinger had uken place in connaxion with it. About four o'clock in the morning, five men and a boy went down in the course of their ordinary occupa tions, and Imuandiately on the lights which they ovtried coming in contact with the foul air, the ex- plosion took place, by which the whole have been deprived of life. The majority of the men were mirried, and have left widowe and families,
Our reader will not have failed to have noticed in a recent s?mber of our paper a letter, in respect of the mall monopoly lu Indis, addressed to the manu facturers of Manchester and its neighbourhood, by Mr D. G. Aylwyn, partner in an eminent Calcut? here. The position and means of information enjoyed by the wrker give to his statemente a title to the most serious consideration. The effort it to prove how seriously the home manufacturer is pre- Judiced in the Indian market by the monopoly of ank posted by the East India Company, and that a removal of that monopoly would afford a speedy and immediate outlet for the productions of the loom and the spinning juny.
The great mistake which has possessed people in England, that the babi and tastes of the Hindoo disqualify hins from becoming one of our customers It was broadly averred that the inhabitants of India not only required and wore lule or no clothing, but that may of them preferred, as a matter of choico, to exist that state” But this is a delusion, in which a of those shared who were conVESSUIE with the Hindoosharacter-the character, especially, of the inferior einmes.
When the differential dutics on Einst India, in favour of West India, sugar wore aqualisod, and tho Hindoo found a market for his produce and the means of becoming himself purchaser, the sale in India of Brkish manufactured goods increased to an amazing extent, and this capocially among tho poorer people. In 1838-39, before the equalization the consumption of the less expensive coltona, suck as long-cloths, jaconcts, and nindepolloma was 427, 452 pieces; in 18-12-43 it was 1,779,067, and in
1843-44, 2,479,542.
Wooo from this tho value to the British manufac teror of the Indian market, and we soo how largely the censumption of British manufactures was influ enced by the equalisation of the surgar duties, and in competing with other of our transmarine subjects the opportunity consequently adordall the Hindoo
to furadabing as with so necessary an article. the exportations of sugar from India should be large, therefore distinctly the interest of the home produ cer; and ho, with thoon acquainted with the Gac, wilf naturally inquire how it is that that expation is so scantyany, how it is that it should have gin- dually diminished, and be less by 250,000 mauud then i was in 1940-41.
A melancholy accident happened on the same day at the railway works, at alle distance Lame Abordeen, immediately opposita the Devasha brew- ary. Beveral arches of the inclined plane had been completed, and the necessary wooden erections to support it while building were taken away. A lile before sight o'olack in the morning three of the archos gave way, burying amongst the stones, brisks, and rubbish, a number of the workinen. Measures were immediately taken to relieve the un- fortunate individuals; bot we lament to siglo that, aker a tollous and arduous task of upwards of an hour, seven were taken out dead, having evidently been killed (ostantaneously; four others were goi out much bewiend, of whoin two were taken to the in- benchmary, and two to their own houses. Two of the
individuals who were injurel have since died.
Proclamatione have since been posted in and, about Dungarvan, intimating that no locality will bollowed the benefit of pahlia works were inti- midation is pursued on the part of the pantry London Mail, October 7,
It is reported that Lord Marmy will be spoodily closed to the poorge, wod place on the conferred upon the present Solicitor Geosal. Mr. Moncreiff, is underwood, will succeed to the later The University of Oxford, United States, on the 4ib ali, unanimously conferred the degree of D.D. on the Nor. Puer Macindoe, A. Ml, of the Reform-
Presbyterian Church, Kilmarnock. ate Gillon and Mr Smith are offered themselves as candidates for the Stirling bargha at the next election. Lord Dalmeny has expremed his int. tion to retire; but Mr Alison, of the Forth Iron- works, has issued an addrow, putting forward his
There have been food riots at Kilworth, Fermoy,!ad Nenagh, in the county Meath, and elsewhere, and there can be no doubt that the people are reduced to the most frightful condition.
In the county of Waterford, the populace and
military, bare boon in collision, as appears from the following 1-
Exportation of Sugar from Caloutta, in Beraar Maunda.
1697 39 1819 39
1843-44 1844-45
? 1,589,117
Dungarvan, Monday nigth, Bopt. 29, 1846-tutions. There are three candidates therefore Flawerburn; Raddery; Mr Fraser, Aberiky; Mr then, is not more grown, so that there should bo
mill in the field.
The Scotch papers cominus to mukiply accounts of distress in the fligblends and Islands, approach-
Special Just Casu.---Mazon-General Jonn Munno ?. Mas, Catman?na Monno and Huou
The feet loses none of im strangeness when wo Roan Rose B or CASTT.—In this ense
learn that the estimated annual production of sugar the pure sought the jury to God, lat, that he in India is not less than 1,950,000 tons, which is was entitled to the property called Coillavare, Elreore than 18,000 per cent abers the quantity at Indarroch, and Turmore, on the east side of the present exported. The cultivation is carried on so river Alness, at Dalmore; and 2nd, that the de- cheaply that the profits on the production are from fender bed withdrawn water from the river for ble 1007. io 150 per cent. Every pelly ryot grown mille at Dalmore, contrary to his servitude, and tu
angar property for his own consumption, sa sugar the damage of the passer. A spoolal jury was
is, with the exception of sah, the only antiseptic empanelled, consisting of Glenmoriston: Dalvey known in the tropical regions of Hindostan. Why, Cameron, Carrychoille; Mesers. Dunbar, yn of mare exported, and so that the ryot might be enable Northfield |_Gillespie, Ardoahy; Greig, Tuffosk to become a most valuable customer to the British J. Lawson, Elgin ; Andrews, Housshill ; and Sim manufacturer
The answer is furnished by the averament that the price of salt to the ryst is so enormous, through the levied upon it by the East Ind Company, that the ryot is compelled to surrender for purchaso often one-fourth of his annual labour. He must bavo sat, and when he has paid for it-the low wages in India considered-he finds he has wothing more of time lo apare than will enable him to pro- vide himself and his family awith a bare subsistenco and the scantiest of clothing. If, then, we could relieve him from the oppression of the Sah-tax, bo would be enabled to raise more sugar for exportation, and so to become, as he has evinced the meongest disposition to bo, a large purchaser of our conson goods.
About twelve o'clock the square and strects began partially to fill with people, and at half past onda Body of labourers from Old Parish, Ardmore, and ashmore, to the number of something near seven hed, entered the square, and marched in pro- cosat down the quay and towards Mr Flood's store, when they cautioned him against shipping any corn. From thence they proceeded towards the squaro, but on their way to the Main-strost they were invited by a baker, named Morgan, to par- tako of what brood he had to ble shop. This they refused, and said they only wanted echployment and a proper sato of wages. They then scattered through the streets and square, which were almost inaccessible, so crowded were they. In the moan time a fax mounted police were passing to and fro amongst the people. At three o'clock P. C. How Joy. Ea?, resident magistrate, arrived from Kil-
The duty on salt in India is B. 2s. 6d. per ton macthomas, where he was sending the extraonostiacal or batleymeal was a rarity in current youts, The death of the Rev. Dr. Bennio is announced. Fits value, "free on board ship" at Liverpool, is 15: dinary prosentment somion, with about forty dra- and where animal food was scarcely ever seen. For some time past he had been in sa indifferent per ton, and the average consumption cartainly goods of the First Royal. They proceeded to is impossible to exaggersto the misery of these fa-state of health, and with a view to its restoration, no less than twelve pounds per head, or about sim wards the lower part of the quay, where the la- milics. Their caso stated when it in just said that had repaired to Dunoon, with his family, where pounds per family. Considering, then, that in bourere had tossembled, where Mr Howley ad- they are in total absolute want. It is, besides, eg, his useful life was suddenly brought to tenplasmany places the ryot's earnings do not rise aboro dressed them. He told them that whatever they gravated in its immediate pressure, by the season of tion on the 21st Inat. Dr. Bennie gave indications | 17. 186, a year, a rouson soms to be supplied why wasted to put it on paper, in a respectful manner, the year when it has fallen upon them--when the of his future eminence at an early age. At the the cultivation of sugar for a foreign market is prac and that he would transft it f?r thom to Govern provision of the former ymr had bean fairly gahan University of Glasgow, he was perhaps the Bat deally prohibited. ment. About half part three the crowds became al, and when they were looking forward to the student of his day; and when he left its halls, very excited. They went to Mr Roger Baker's, wanted supply of their potato crops coming ready loaded with bosours, to enter upon the proud Morgan's William's and Fisher's brand shops, when to thair hand. Within a shorter period than even duties to which he had devoted himself is the the military interfusal, and the police arrested two six weeks ago, the potato crop promised well, and chapel of Shuttlestone, in the neighbourhood of man whom they considered to be the lenders, and in be even abundant in course of a week, fre that city, he was roganded as one of the most ris. lodged them in bridewell. At four o'clock a mest quenily in course of a single night or day, side and Ing and hopeful young man on whose possession formidable reinforcement of labourere were scen patches of this vegetable, looking air and flourish the Carob of Beotland could congratulate herself. entering the town by William-street, which caused ng, were blasted and withered, and found to be Expectation was more than realised by his laboure the military to pat ihemselves in the most effective
there, and be was speedily translated to a more position of defence their skill coold suggest. The Lown was then literally black with people. There
ing in intensity the destitution in Ireland. "Tie son, Nairu; nad sfter a long investigation, the Edinburgh Witness has this report on the subject-jpg retired, and returned at balf-pasi sia d'clock,
The putto failure may be described in two words when Mr Grant of Glenmoriston, as their Chan-tax soul, univeral, in Scotland. The visitation has callor, stated the unanimous verdict to be for the fillen most severely upon the Highland and laland perver upon the first and second issue, and of the population of Ecotland; and in many districts of that defenders run the third and fourth (ar skernative) axicosive territory scenm are already began which wes. This dicialon gives the land to Teaninich, are more than sufficient, were they but known, to and the water to Mtr Ross of Cromarty. Under awaken the sympathies of every feeling heart. This the direction of the Court, the jury were paid by proportion of the people in the parts of our connity. the parties equally. The proceedings altogether already named whose sole provision throughout the occupied three days. The teantry and friends of year consisted of potatoes, is not known to our Low General Munro, considering the verdict as a wi and countrymen. It is very large That one-half unph, commemorated the event by eroting bo- of the population used them as theia staple diet; even fires on different parts of the property. Many of thrice a day, certain. But of that half, there are the houses in the village of Aldess were also ittu. beyond question many thousands of families where |minated.
was nothing that might be called an outrage com. I
unfit for human food"
In reply to a letter from Mr Balla, M. P. for extensive sphere of usefulness, that of the first pa Inveraca, Bir George Grey states that a Commis-rochial charge of Stirling, and which he occupied sariat officer will be sent to the Scottish Highlands, I wish the greater acceptance for eleven years. On
prive weight of an import upon an absokits secos- A people rendered so misurably poor by the op- sary of life, cannot, in the nature of things, be a people capable of agricultural production beyond tha supplying their own imalate necessities, and no favouring dreamstances of soil or allmate can coun torvall such a state of things-Morning Post,
Edited, Printed and Published by Jonn Caun, At The Friend of China and Honghong Gastle, Printing Ofica, Govon BriBET VICTORIA, HONGKONG, 1847.
VOL. VI. No. 6.
PRICE 912 per imuson,
Terma of Bubscription to the " Friend of China and Hongkong Glazete," per annuin $12. Six months $7. Three months 1; all paid in ndence, Credit pores, $14, 8%. 50, nud A5, for the prosla
of twelve, six, and thren months respectively: Bingle numbers to Subscribers 25 ca. each, to Non-Subscribers i Rupee. Parties calling or sending to the office for papers nte requerys to pay cash, Terms of Advertising.—'T'on lines and under §1; additional 10 cents per line. Repetitions one third of the firal insertion. Ships: First insertion $ 2 ; subsequent insertions 45 cent. Advertisements to kave written on the face of them, the number of times they aro required to appear, otherwise they will be publiskod until countermanded. In all instances, those who are not Subsribers, must pay in advance,
and Intermediate Ponts,
QUE PENISIular and On-
ENTAL COMpany's Sicam Ship BRAGANZA, will leave this for the shore plaves on Saturday the 30th of January
12 o'clock P M.
NOTICE, E undersigned have been appointed Agents THE undersigned have opened a Branch Esta. Shanghai for the Imperial Fire Ulica of blishment at Shanghai under the same firm no London.
at Canton.
RATTIBONES, WORTHINGTON & Co. Camon, 1st August 1940.
BLENKIN, RAWSON & Co. Victoria, 224 April 1946.
| T
CARDO will he received on board until Noon, and the Godowns of Memo Blankin, Rawson THE undersigned have been appoiated agents for
& Co superior Sherry, Madeira, and Port, in Specir until 4 e, m., on Friday the 20th.
wood and bottle; Champagne from the house of For particulars regarding Faxtont and Pas- Mum & Co. Rheims rade, upply at the 1. & U. 8. N. Company's Office, Hongkong, 1st June 1840. Hongkong.
J. A. OLDING, Age. RoR JAO in this day admitted a Part- Hongkong, 20th December 1840.
nor in our Firm. NOTICE.
HOLLIDAY, WISE & Co. the 1st of January, 1847, the Of- Hongkong, 1st August 1816. 10
FOR SALE of the Simmar CORSAIR, will be coTHE foollowing Wines ex Cansala
moved from Messin Franklyn & Mitsu's House
to the House ni HOLMES & BIGLIAM, where all Packets and Parcels will be received by Mr. Broam. All applications made to him, or to Mr STNANO will meet the roadicat attention.
Victoria, 28th December 1816.
Eat a low rent a Bouw in Claugh
House situate in Wellington Street, com-
Amanding a fine view of the Bay. Early
in Cases of 3 donan encl.
Sparkling Champaign,
Pale Cagnae Brandy, in do Scheidam Geneva,
do. of dose. ALSO Superfino Jalan Balad Oil, Apply 40,
HOLLIDAY, WISE & Co. Victoria, 15th July 1816.
N Ekent Rosewool Cabinet Pinto, Metalha A Plate, 6 Octave, by C. L. Wass, 112 Lea- denhall Street.
RAWLE, DUUS & Co, 4th November 1840.
FOR SALE. NCHORS, Chain Cables, and Hawin l'ipes of all sizes, An Invoice of Manila, Europe, and
the above named Society and are prepared to grant l'olicies payable in London, Liverpool, Bom-Patent Rope bay, Calcotin and Cauton.
RATUBONES, WORTHINGTON & Co. Camon, 31 August 1846.
Coffee, and Cloremment Cigars
4th November 1880.
THE partnership beltofore carried on in the name of Laxe, RoWLAND & Co. has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. Bir T. II. Row. LAND has been authorised to arrange all outstand. | kinds of Wines in Bottle. ing secounts
4th November 1846.
ALT Provisions. Flour, Itum, Arrack, and Brewly in Wood; Whisky, Cognac, and all
LANE, ROWLAND & Co. Victoria, 31st December 1910.
MR. RONT. JACKSON has become a Partner in
ny Firm, which will be conducted from this duto as MITONEll & Co.
[Signal) W. IL. MITCHELL Amoy, 1st January 1847. (MAIN Caliler of all sizes up to ) inch and 718th. Anchors, very superior Canvas", Blocks, large Europe Rope, Paint Gil, Black Varnish, by whole
Queen's Raul, FOR SALE: COGNAC in Bottles at per Dozen at
Memes FRANKL?N & MILNE Hongkong, 22nd October 1916.
Horasion can be given. For further price BLANDY'S Macieira, in half pipes, bids, and lo
#jury in
Victoria, 27th February, 1946,
quarter casks. Apply to
FOR SALE. QUEATHING CUPPER, 10 to 32 or. Apply
Victora, 10th April 1816,
THOSE large and convenient Premises at present nccupied by It. A. Batez Faq, consisting of Dwelling House with Godown and to convenient Jelly can be viewed by applying at our premises adjoining. Possession can be given on Theember 8th
BURD, LANGE & Co. Victoris, 27th November 1846.
TWO commodious dwelling Ilouses, containing seven Rooms, and com. FLD), manding a fine view of the Bay, situated in Stanley Street, rent moderate. Apply in,
DOUGLAS LAPRAICK. Victoris, 22nd December 1946.
TIE building on the Queen's Rund, occu-
GIBB, LIVINGSTON & Co. Flongkong, 15th September 1846.
WE have opard Branch establishment at Shanghal, whero Mir William Haga in ou thorised to Sign for our firm by Procuration.
LINDSAY & Co. Hongkong, 19th December 1846.
TR. Henry Dundas is authorised to sign our
firm by Procuration.
LINDSAY & Co. Hongkong, 12th January 1847.
Tid by J. A. OLDINO EM, THE Undersigned boroby give notice, that their
as the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office.
Possomion given carly in November. Apply to,
BUSH & Co.
Ilongkong, 27th October 1846.
THE dwelling House on the Hollywood Road, lately occupied by the Honour able W. CAIRE Apply to,
BUSH & Co. Hongkong, 9th November 1846
THE Bungalow in Aberdeen Birect lately occu pied by the Royal Sumex Lodge. Apply to,
BUSH & Co. Hongkong, Mh November 1840.
TO BE LET. Single and a double storied Godown. Apply to,
GIBB, LIVINGSTON & Co. Victoria, 6th Jane 1846.
THOSE two Houses adjoining that prosently oc- cupied by De PETER YouNo. Apply to,
Hangkong, 19th December 1840,
TO LET. THE Cottage situated a little above the Malacca Cullego, occupied by Mr DAVIDION, apply on the premises.
Hongkong, 19th December 1816.
TO LET SPACIOUS Godowns and divelling house, built
of Granito aud lately occupied by Mears Thon. Ripley & Co. The property is situated near the centre of the Town, (Victoria, Elongkong) and has a water frontage. Apply on the Premises,
Shanghai Hongkong, 31st July 1840.
er in.
TO LET ON LEASE. HOUSE on Queen's Road, Ists in the occupa
tion of Mt C. W. BowRA. Apply at the Of fice of the Friend of China.
TO LET. linese on the South alde of Googh Street. A Apply to
GEO. STRACHAN. Victoria, 1st January 1847.
****TO LET.
E godewm, and firal floor of the premiere on Queen's rond, adjoining Mess Smith and Brimelow. App. to,
Victoria, Ist June 1846
R. T. D. Naye and Mr W. C. La Gere are partners in our firm, which Mr T. 9. Surru is authorised to sign by procuration.
MACVICAR & Co. Hongkong, 1st January 1847,
Firm consists of Wilman Dazzam and GEOROR COLES, of the Firm of Dallas & Cons of London, and Staricz PoNDER, resident in China.
Canton, 20th November 1846.
E Undersigned have been appointed Agents
for the above named Company, and ore propar- ed to grant Policies payable in London, Glasgow, Calculla, Bombay, and Canton.
This Office returns a Bons of 10 per cent. (Ton por Cent) on all Premiums
GILMAN & Co. Canton, Ist October 1810.
NOTICE. MR. Ferdinand Brass is authorized to sign for
MR. Fra Chine, Perez
Hongkong, 20th October 1846.
Marin out Firth.
BASS Pale Ale in ease of a dozen
FRANKL?N & MILNE Victoria, 20th November 1848, DALE Burton Ale in Ungabends
do. in bottle. Do Pale Cognac Brandy on Cask and bottle Fine full flavored Port. Very Pale Shorry.
Palo da.
Red wine in Cask. Champagne and Claret, at very low prices Sparkling and still Mosella, Ligeurs dcc.. Manila Cheroots. Apply to
Queen's Road.
SODA WATER (From the New Manufactory at Macan.)
aplication may be had at F. A. SEAURA' Dispenmity, Praya Grande, und at the Blore of Mr JOIN SMITH.
Trans-femonale, por dozen, one dollar and a quarter, and Soda 47'ster, ane dolfer,-boules to be returned with boules: $3 per dozen.
17 Onores for ten dozens, or showe: Soda Water, Seventy-five cents, and Lemonade, one dollar per dozon.
Macuo, fat October 1816,
POWDER MAGAZINE. THE Lotein "Fanny” is fitted up and ready to
receive Gunpowder on Demurrage Apply
R. CHARLES RYORK is this day admitted a part- JUST received ex Braganza:
DIROM, GRAY & Co. Capten, 1st August 1846.
NOTICE. HE interest and responsibility of Mr Wannan DELANO, Jr. as partner in our firm ceased on the 31st ukimo.
Pigured Satin dresses of the prevailing colors. French gauze Scarfs and Fichous Ladies White and Black Paris Satin Shoes,
Canton, til January 1947.
lew Salamander Book and Treasure Balex.
4th November 1846.
TEW Admimlty Chargs. Latest Code of Cap
Charts and Guides. For alle by,
RAWLE, DUUS & Co. Victoria, 25th November 1840. STORAGE, &c NOODS received on Storage, Sold on Commis sion, or forwarded to AlacaO, CANTUN, &'e. by insurable Lorchias.
RAWLE, DUUS & Ca Victoria, 25th November 1840, MESSNS WAGHORN & CO'S AGENCY. THE Undersigned having been appointed Agents
for Mesare WAG?oan & Co., are prepared to forward Pareeks to India or England by the Pa KIKAULAR AND Oriental Courant's Ste?MENS, which sail from here on the 25th of every Mouth.
All Parcels sent to Victoria to be forwarded must be free of Freight and other Charges, and should arrive here 24 Hours before the Mail closer.
All Parcela received from India or England will be delivered free of any Charges made here, on the presentation of the Receipt only; but if they are zont to any other place, 81 per Package will be charged, besides the Freight and other Expenses.
For lot the ice, Waghoax & Co. &? LAND GUIDE by the Routes to Egypt;" "General HITs and Ixionmation for Pass?aukas on their
way from and to Exnia.'
1st Route, ria Southampton,
24 北 through France.
ria Trieste or Constantinople, whiti
Map of the Overhaul Routes,
Also, a few Overland Trunks,
Pih May 1840.
FOR SALE. CODA WATER AND RATED LEMON- ADE of awperior quality at Messes HexTER & Barton's Dispensary, Pollinger Sirect, Vicro- rta, HosoyanG.
CANTON, Dr KENNY's Dispensary, No. 5, New |
French Houg
Marao, a? Hinnan's, Chinese Shopkeeper, Rua d'Augustine.
Aerated Chalybeate Water, (highly reen mended, on account of its tenir properties).
Art at CANTON, ACHOOK, Comprador. No. 3 Imperial Flong Hongkong, 13th ?inech, 1946.
Electro-plated lokstands, Spirit-lamps, Chambers Candlesticks &c.
Bagar Bating and Butter Pots in whita nad co. lored Chrystal: Light screens, Fancy lamps, Cigar- stands &c. &c.
And no favoice of Calf and Sole Leather. For
tale by,
E have Established a Branch of our finuse
Shanghai under the same Name as at Chaloni, and have authorised Mr C. A. Fraron to siga fur us by procuration.
AUGUSTINE HEARD &Co. Canton, 1st January 1947.
FOR SALE, el Hongkong Apply to,
September 20, 1846.
NOTICE. THE partnership hitherto subsisting between the 1 undersigned a Mercbama and Commission Agents in China, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 20th of Juma loss.
BANDS TURNER Church & Co Canton, 20th November 1848.
** F?R SALE. INVOICES of Russian Condage, Paint, Paint Oil, Canvass, Blocks, Bunting, Twine, and au perior Hamburg Me Pork and Beof, Wine, Brandy, Glin and Vincger,
Elongkong, September 1840.
20th November (840.
TO COMMANDERS &e THE undersigned begs to solicit the attemion of Commanders of ships and the public to his ex- tensive assortment of stores, replenished every mouth by direct importations to his own indeol, consisting of
Europe, Manila and Coir Cordage of all sixen; Spanyarn, Worming, Marline, Hombro' linca, Lead lines, Oskum etc. Best onry Conras?, ?coteli twine, and Dutch bunting. Tar Pitch, Rosins, l'aints, Paint oil, Turpentine, Varnish etc, etc. Blocka Flanks, Must hoops, and Nalls of every kind. Palma, Bail needles etc.
Bread, Flost, and Balt provisions. Dilmen's Stores of every description. Brandy, Gin, Rum and Whisky. Sherry, Port, Madeira, Champagne, Hock and various other light wines.
India and London Bouled Bear, Barclays' l'orter etc. ele.
CHARLES BUCKTON, Queen's Road, Hongkong, and Whampon Reach.
THE MEDICAL HALL, Corner of Queen's Road and Aberdeen Street,
Dispensary is open at all hours for slie com pounding of Prescriptions, and the sale of Mes dicines, Chemical, ??
J. GILBERT, M.R.C.S. A. 8. TAYLOR. Professional attendance on the Shipping-derme moderate.
An assortment of Medicine Chests on sale at mo derate charges.
the Queen's Road, between the hours of I
noury 1847, a Gokl Bracelet. The owner can se. cover it by describing the same and applying to
LICOT. GRAVES, 18th Royal Irish,
JUST RECEIVED ex Aden and for Sale at th?
Stores of the undersigned.
A lot of prime Cumberland and York flarna, a choice selection of preservest Soups and Meats, Si- ciliun Wing of the finest quality, &c &c.
SMITH & BRIMELOW. Victoria, 4th January 1847.
BRITISH HOTEL, Kestra NoveE, Queen's Road, Victoria,
MICHAEL GABRIEL. ENTLEMEN and Families visiting the place will find every accommodation and all the articles of the first description at moderate charges. Billiards in a spacious airy rooms facing the sea.
(From the China Mail, Jantery 14.)
[Teholder to for ma Reguntar Ganes
with all required Information, and reer change
in his More.
VII. And be it further emet { information required of him for the purposes of this ed and ordained, That every ordinance, or shall give a false name, or descrip- such Householder shall at all tion, or shell transler or lend his registration ticket times give the sail Register to any other person, or shall wear or show the re General auch information as he gistration ticket of another as his own, for the pur. may require of bim for say of puss of evading the provisions of this Ordinance. the purposes of this Ordinance; or shall in any way infringe the provisions of this and shall also report to the Chinese teer of the Ordinance, be abait, where no other penalty is Disttret in which he shall ride, all marriages, hereinbefore specially provided, be liable to a pen. births, deaths, and every change connected with any ally not exceeding Fifty Duliare for any and every peres or persons whatsoever arriving in or depart such offence Provided that nothing herein con from his house, under a penalty of not more tained shall appir to any trader or ether person coming to or going from this Colony for any lawful than Twenty Dollars.
VIII. And be it further enact occasion, should be be able to give a respectable Registration of Chi How dervare la Esed and ordained, That for the reference if required.
XV. And be it further enact. ropean employ. benefit and protection of the Eu
Recovery of For ropean Residents of the Cofeires and Pansition, ed and ordained, That aov per- Bobg may enter into any lony, every Chinese domestic servant, artificer, or workman residing on the premises and employet security to be taken by the Registrar-General or by Europeans, shall, on producing to the Registrar by any Police Magistrato under this Ordinance
on the interests of the colony, by making it ap pear that the cost of the insintouance of the Island is far beyond its advantages.
Hongkong. it is generally stated, costs the British public half a million Sterling annually it becomes the duty of every well wisher ofthe colony to lend his assistance to reduce every needless doller of this enormous sun.
The part of the Military exponse to which we for the present confine our observations, is that of the Military Staff. The Military forco in Hongkong hardly exceeds a strong regimen, at two miserable and useless outposta: notwith- chie?y quarterd in Victoria-with detachment standing which, the Staff appointments equal in number those to be found at Jamaica and at Gibraltar, where the military forces are three or four times more numerous iban in Hongkong, exceeding. also, what is found to be necessary Ceylon; and many other places, in all of which the troops are equal and in most of them greater in number than here.
General ? certificate from his employer or employers, which shall become forfeited in its conditions, such in New Bouth Wales, the lunian Island or and having obtained Whiness security to his or their Patisfaction, be furnished with a Registration Ticket by the liegistrar General containing such particu lara as the expedient, and that the absence of sech Registration ticket after the tenth day of service, shall render such domestic servant, artificer, or workman liable to a Fine of Twenty Dollars,
Domestic For
No 7 of 1840. By lis Excellener Bit Joan FRANcis Davis, Baronet, Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of Hongkong and its Dependencies, and Vice Admiral of the same, Her Majesty's Plenipoting tentiary and Chief Superintendent of the Trade of British Bubjects in Chine, with the Advice of the Legislative Council of Hangkong.
An Ordinance to repeal. Or dinance No. 18 of 1844, and to stablish a more effectual Registry of the Chinese Juhabitants, and a Census of the Population of the Island of Hongkong.
[31 December (846.] WHERzay the Islands, Ports, Harbours, Coast, and Places pear and adjacent to the Island of Hongkong and te Dependencies are infested by Pirates and Rob bera; and whereas it is necessary for the Protection of the Lives and Property of the Inhabitants of this Colony, and in order the more effectually to prevent Crime, that such Pirates and Robbers, and other Patons of notoriously bad Character, should not be permitted to resort to or to reside in the said Co- Jony, and it is deemed expodiral to repeal Ordinance No. 18 of 13th November 1844, entisled, “ An Oe- #dinance to repeal Ordinance No. LG of 1844, and "to establish a Registry and Census of the Inhale
bilan of the Island of Hongkong,” and to sub- auitute other Rules and Regulations in lieu thereof: I. Be it therefore enacted and Repeal of Orth Dance No. 18 of 1649. ordained, by His Excellency the Governor of Ilongkong, by and with the Affrice of the Legislative Council of the maid Colony, that the said Ordinance No. 18 of the Year 1944 be, and the same is bereby repealed, save and except that the Office thereby established, and herein called "The Census and itegistration Office," shall continue for the purposes hereinafter men. tioned, and the duties and business thereof aball he discharged and performed by a Registrar-General and other Officers and Assistants to be nominated by His Excellency the Goremor, and which said Registrar-General, Officers, and Assistants shall receive such Salary and Salaties as His Excellency the Governor in Council may be pleased to appoint, abject to Her Majesty's pleasure,
II. And be it fortbor enacted Duties of Regin and ordained, That after the
passing of this Ordinance, the Registrar-General appointed by Ordinance No 18 of 1944 or to be appointed under this Ordinance, shall, while he continues to act as such Registrar General, be Joint Superintendent of Polies, a Jus- ties of Peace, and Protector of Chivoon lubabitants
'kibition of B.
The following are the particulars of this branch of the public expenditure, with the Stat salaries of osch appointment, we do not vouch for the positive correctness of each item-al- though it is believed the suns are sufficiendly near the truth. Major-General-Pay and allowances...pet sa 4ruo
Vales of House******** Military Secretary....... buffBaleras l?a. Amt. Ad?. Genaral................ | 56060 Rs 100 per Ai, Mr..General (month; any for Depy Judge Advocnie Geal. ? the whole...... Alde-de-Camp...R150 per weath Son Boer...... 130 depenatanding Enginest... Rs 1.80μ
9 Asistan? Engineers,
Toul pe an.
2,400 170 150
person shall by such forfeiture be considered to here incurred a penalty of not mero than the amount of such renrity, which penalty shall be recovered with all or any of the other penaktion mentioned in this Ordinance in a summary manner, before any Polica Magistrate, under the provisions of Ordi- Dance No. 10 of?841: Provided always that the IX. And be it further enacted penalty of Imprisonment shall nos in any con Be to delivers and ordained, That every such attach to the violation of any of the provisions Megi Ticho Chinese domestic servant, arti-bereinafter contained respecting the Returns to be ciremployers, Scer or workman bawing obtain made by any Householder for the purpose of any
Cene so required as hereinafter mentioned. ed a Registration Ticket aforesaid, shall deliver the same
XVL And be it farther ca Cena
acted and ordained, That for the his master or employer, and the mid registration ticket shall be returned to him duly endorend by the purposes of the conses, the said Registrar-General master or employer whenever the term of service or such other officer so to be appointed as aforesaid shall expire; Provided always that if such domes shall, when and so often as he may be directed by tie servant, artificar or workman shall leave his the Goverant and Executive Council, core to be master or employer without permission, or aball a delivered or left at the residence of place of basi Estive Regineer......Be 500 misconduct himself as to be duniseed, then the old ness of any or every householder or householders, master or employer shall deliver the servant's Re being Europeans, Natives of India, or otherwise, a gistration Ticket to the Registrar-General with the blank return to be led up before a certain day 10 cause of such domestic servant, arti?eet, or work- be therein named, with the names and number of man leaving his service endorse thereon.
persons in his or their employ or residing within X. And be it further enacted his or their house or houses, or on ble or their registered Elaw and ordained, That eller the premiers, and shall in every such return distinguish date of the peming of this Or and describe the naine, sex, country, and occupe dinance it eball not be lawful for any person or per tion of every person so resident, and also whether sons to hawk Goods or Wares of any description say and which of them be either Aliens or resident whatsoever on the streets or ronds of the Colony Strangers; and that on or after the said day named In the said Blank Rein, the undere penalty of not more than Twenty Dollars,
Rem to be made said householder or householders unless specially permitted to do so by the mid Re
in and are hereby required to gistrar-General, who shall enquire into the charae- by flowchulders. ter and receive proper security for the good con transmit the mid return or deliver the some on duct of such hawker, before auch permission shall demand within fire days after its being left at such Residence or Place of Business as aforesaid, so bl. be so granted, and that the said permission may at say time be forfeited on conviction of any uffence led up, to the aid Registrar-General, or such other officer so to be appointed as aforesaid, and on before a Police Magistrate.
Il. And bait further enacted failure to do so, the ed householder or house Chinese Boat, &c.
and ordained, That every Chi-holders shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding nese Boat, or Vessel plying for Filly Dollars.
XVII. And be it further en hire within the waters of this Colony, or carrying nurpestation clause.
artal and ordained, That for p?sengers between ibis Colony and the neighbour- ing ports, shall obtain from the Registrar Genera! the purpses of this Ordinanes the term House certificate of wch form and under such security holder shall be taken to mean the person acting as to him shall seem fit, upon payment of's for ac master of the house for the time being, or should cording to size as in the Schedule bereunto annexed he not be found after dus enquiry made, the owner marked A. and while in the waters of this Colony of the house, or the agnet or person acting for the
sach Boat or Vensol aball carry owner of the Hansa, being Chinese, and where Number of Regivry on each Bow and on the Stem house in temanied by avermi individuala na pari Ticket to be sized the number of its Regiserners se naherwise, then eny one of the mid part to ent
Ticket, painted on wood or tin, gers or individuale. And the term House shall be which unmber shall be supplied by the Registrar understood to mean any dwelling-house, shop, out- General; an if any person being owner or master house, or other building whatsoever, and the term of auch boat or vessel shall let to hire or ply, or European shall be taken to meon all persons other cause to be let to hire or plied, any each boat or the Chinese, and the term Chinese shall be taken
to mean all natives Owner,
Pensky Bout Colony, without having fire of Hongkong or elsewhere, and every word import-sufficient if he is paid for his days of scluel attendance, at a daily rate of pay. The course applied for and obtained such ing the singular number only, shall extend and be Certificate of registry, or having obtained such cer- applied to several persone na well as one person, and adopted here however, inay be economy, should tificate, shall not have afixed the number thereof every word importing the masculine gender only the commanding officer be an author on Mili
tary jurisprudence, and a greater number ben usual of Court's Martial take place, in conse quence of his partiality to this kind of amuse-
to be Registered.
vessel within the waters of this
↑ China or Chinese Natives
ja the osil Colney; and that it shall be his duty to use his best endeavour to prevent the commission of crime, and to discover and apprehend the perpe. trators thereof, and generally to protect the Chinese Inhabitants of this Colony; and for the purposes of this Ordinance the said Registrar-General is hereby authorised at any time or times to enter any house or bost within the Golony or adjacent walet wholly or panly inhabited or manned by Chinen.
III. And be it further enacted Registrar General, by direction of the G. and ordained, That it shall and vernor, may divide the may be lawful for the aid Re Colony into Districm, gistrar-tieneral, with the manc. wow of His Excellency the Go vernor, or Officer administering the Government for the time being, to divide the Colony of Hong. kong into district ; and that the Officers appointed under Ordinance No. 13 of 1944, and therein call- ed Poochong and Psoukes, shall be obedient to the orders of the said Registrar-General, and shall at all times make such Returns and do all other things for on the bows and stern of such boat or vessel au shall extend and be applied to a female as well as the purposes of this ordmance as shall be required aforesaid, or shall shews false Certificate of Ragia. a male, ualces where such rule of Interpretation of them by the auid Registrar-General, under a l'e try, of one granted to another vessel, or shall per- | shall be inconsistent with the context of this Ordi-
mis or cunnire at the mid cortifients being made | nance. Balty of not more than One Hundred Dollars,
IV. And whereas, for the purse of for any other vessel, or shall paint or exhi Numbering of CALL. Dear Ho
pose of giving greater facility bit false sucker on the mid boat or vesel, or in the carrying out the intentions shall refuse to show such certificate of registry to of this Ordinance, it is necessary and expedient that all the houses in the Colony of flungkong inhabited by Chinese be numbered:"Bo it therefore enacted and ordained, That evety Chinese Householder shall cause to be affixed to his house a painted Num. bor of such description, and in such manner as the Registar General shall direct, under a penalty not excording Forty Dollar,
V. And be it further enacted Tickets to Chine
and ordained. That for the be Householders,
nent and protection of the well- disposed and bonest Chinese Inhabitants of the Co lony, every mich Householder shall receive a l'icket In English, signed by the Registent-General, con- taining such particulare an the Registrar General shall deem expedient, which ticket shall be produced when required, under Penalty not exceeding Twenty Dollars.
Hobolderojatna Tickets to all Rem, dents to his Prem
Large Fast Boats-
$10.00 annually
1. 8.00
+, 00.50
any person when so required, he or they shall in Middle Bised do. any or either of such cases for every sach offetier Small forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding Fifty Dollers Sampens
and be liable to confiscation of the boat on NON- payment of the fino; Provided that these provisions
J. F. DAVIS, Governor, &c., ge
shall in no case apply to Vessels visiting the Co-Passed the Legislative Council of Hongkong. lony for the purposes of Trade.
this Thirty-first day of December, 1846-
Squales on Crowe Leada.
XEL And be it further enact
ed and ordained, That from and sfer the pairing of this Ordi- | once any person who shall reside or continue to reside on the Crown Lands in this Colony without permission from the Registrar-General, or shall erect any Dwelling-hoose, Mat shed, or other Building thereon, shall be liable to a penalty of not more thau Fily Dollers and the removal of his House or Shad, in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 14 of 1845, called "An Ordi. "nance to Repeal Ordinance No. 5 of 1844, entj. *ded an Ordinance for the Preservation of good **Order and Cleanliness within the Colony of ** Hongkong and its Dependencies, and to make
other provisions in lien thereof."
VI. And be it further enacted and ordained, That every such Householder shall cause to be hang up and exhibited in soma conspicuous part of his house,"
Sampleine chano.
XIII. And be it further an-
Clerk of Councils,
No advertisements, will be received, until 4 Clock, as the menings previous to publi- catim, viz: Tuesdays and Fridays.
Thus the sum of upwards of ?10,000 sterling per annum is ale orbed by these individuals, very littlo of whica need be expanded. In the first place it is perfectly ridiculous that a gene- ral officer should be here at all. looking the amount of force. The Senior Military Officer, with a table allowance for entertainment, would be sufficient for every purpose of command.
The various staff officers drawing 500 or 000 Rupees monthly, in addition to their ordinary pay and allowances, are absolutely worse than useless, and a clog and tremuel upon the execution of the public service. These gentio inen have positively no duties of their own to perform, and therefore, to be doing something, murt of necessity interfere in the duty of others. The public departments are amply provided for by the government at home, and this interfes ronce, whilst it is wholly unnecessary and imo- galar, tends to increase useless correspondance, by raising up an intermediate channel of coin- munication loading to no result, and producing many other evils, which no where else aziai. The sooner then these officers (not one of whom is beyond the rank of captain, sul f no great standing even in that rank) return to their duties in the marching regiments to which they belong, the better will it be, on every cou- sideration, for the public service.
With respect to the office of Deputy Judge Advocate General, it is unusual we believe to retain such an officer in permanent pay; it is
The Staff salaries to the Engineer Officers we do not comprebend. We are not aware why they should draw Staff salaries here more than at other places, the enormous amount also leads as to suspect there is something wrong hero.
The scale upon which we conceive the Staff appointments at this place should be modelled, which we are confident from our observations elsewhere, would adequately meet ibe want of the Military service, and which we would desire to see substituted for the foregoing, is a follows. The Staff pay stated, being in addi- tion to the ordinary pay and allowances.
The Senior Military Offer to command per ann. 1,400
with a table allowance of....................................
An Aide-de.Camp to at leo an Military
LATEST DATES. Owl. United Bates Ang AT Batavia Calowita Nei,
Ningapo Bombar Nov. 14 Manila Madeen
Nov. 19 Manghai Coft.Hope Oct 2
Dupuy Judge Advocate: ?2 per day when” amplored, ar 19 courts manial withi
the year days each A liberal allow.
We cannot, we conceive, perform a more ac. oeptable duty to the public, or a greater services to the Colony than by pointing out in what manner the expenses of the Taland may be bridged without prejudice to the public
w if the Officer Cammending be out an author on Military law, ney...... Probably a Town Majer might be requisite, although it is very doubtful whether the office could ont be dispensed with, but if employed, soy................................
Total per a
Thus ?1,500 per annum would cover all the casential Staff expenses-and the public service would he infinitily better carried un whilst a yearly saving would accrue to the Bri tish public of upwards of ?8,600 Sterling!
? Board Inscribed with a true and accurate List of all Persons resident therein, and shall deliver to tem lo Red security acted and ordained, That it avery person to residing or living in his house, a for their appearance shall and may be lawful for any within 19 manila. Police Magistrate to cause any ticket sealed with his seal, and containing such par
person being a Chiness who ticulars and of much form so the said Registrar-Gen- eral shall direct, under a pecsity of oot more than shall be brought before him, to and resenasbla se Twenty Dollars, and which said ticket shall be given curity for bis appearance at any time within twelve up to and cancelled by such flowseholder, when. months, whenever be may be required to give ever such person or persone so residing or living evidence in any Judicial Proceedings, or answer in his house shall cease to do so; and the posses. any Charge that may be preferred against him; mon of such ticket by any person whomsoever shoil and in case such person shall fail to 6nd such seen. be prima facie evidenen of its delivery hy auch Tity, and shall not be a permanent resident in the
ORDINANCE No. 7 op 1846. An Ordinanco Householder; and if any such Householder shall Colony, suck, Police Magistrate may order such
to repeal Ordinance No. 18 of 1844, and to perons to leave the Colony and not return thereta, deliver any such ticket to a person of notoriously bed character, or if any person while resident in the under a penalty of not more than Fifty Dollars or house of such Householder without such Ticket, shree months' Imprisonment with or without hardly reduced. It is great mistake to look Chinese inhabitants, and a census of the popu
upon this side of the question only, without lation of the island of Hongkong. Such in whall be convicted on the oathe of one or more creaboor.
XIV. And be further en taking into consideration the Military charges, the title of the new ordinance, its predecessor dible witnesses of felony, then and in any or either Penalty).
pocasion of a le noted and ordained, That every Parliament is equally liable for boil, and so No. 19, at the end of the year having been of such cases, such [leiebokdere shall be liable to
penalty of not more than Twenty Dollars & Pro-Fr Tickrand for Chiness who shall not possess a long as the latter is allowed to pass unquestion quietly laid by the side of numerous other mis vided always that the penalty last above mentioned avoman Infries Registry Ticket in conformly ed, whatever the amount may be, it swells, un-chievous laws which have been attempted to be shall not be levied where such lloverholder shall me with the provisions of this Ordi. duly, the grows tums demanded annually, of the forced on the colony by the government. Or bring, or une his best exertions to bring, the of-
Dance, or shall wilfully conceal mother country, upon the Parliamentary exti- the iniquities of Ordinance No. 18, we nood Fender or ofenders to Justice.
or falsify the particulars of any I mates; and in this manner acts prejudicially say little now that it has caused to exist, but
We have on former occasions shewn how
the civil colonial expenses may be advantage" establish more effectual registry of the
we did not fait to expose them so long as it where he had embarked his woops on board the Van lalia, but joined Captain Marvino and was was among the colonial statutos,
No. 7 is a great, and wo think a favourable with him at the tins of the delest. Five Amaricans modification of the exactments of its prode, were killed and soren wounded. Banta Barbara cessor. In a degree it is based upon the Chi. taken, and Lieut Talbot and his party are certainly
prisoners. neso principle of mutual security; and His Ex-
"Every American who can get a rifle and a horse cellency appears in this instance to have shown ought to turn out, or expect to be driven to the moun that he understands the character of the populates, for the Californians have determined to fight; Jation. No doubt has become aware, that almost every man has turned out they say they it was impossible for the Registrar General to
will be killed if taken, and they are determined to fudge of the characters of all those who applied conquer or die. Castro is hourly expected from for tickets of registration, and, that in many Sonuts with 400 men, which added to their prosent Instances, they were grauted to the post force will make about 1,500 mon, and all wall worthless characters, while at the same time mounted
decent men--strangers who came to traffic-- In addition to this, our latiera state that the Call. were pounced upon by a set of harpies con- formina foros was largely superior, had a piece of nected with the police, and compelled to pay artillery drawn by four hopes, and being all want heck mail, or run the risk of being flogged by edm, were enabled to choose their own distance, order of the Magistrates. It may be also, that and keep beyond the reach of the American mua. onlors have been received from the Colonial Difice, to abrogate the inte act, as it is known here last evening from the inward. She reports Nov. 14.-The U. §. frigula Savannah arrived hat its abominations were exposed to the pro that Com. Stockton had milad for San Diego, which ont under Secretary by a gentleman connected place had been recaptured by the Americans with Hongkong now in England.
"Captain Grigsby arrived here yesterday with a company of twenty sight men from Bonors, and joined Col. Fremont's encampment. The men are of the right stamp, hardy, fourless, and used to the maddle and rifle.
In future all houses are to be registered; the Householder to receive a ticket from the Re istrar-General, he being held responsible for The character of the inmates, and requiring furnish them with certificates, which are to be Lieut Talbot, with his small bravo party, arrived destroyed when they leave his house. The here on Sunday evening last. They had been sta irst seven sections of the ordinance refer to the tioned at Sala Barbara to sintath the flag; when responsibilities of Householders, and with the the insurrection broke out they were surrounded by exception of the 5th section, which is not muffin overpowering odds to surrender; they refused, pushed their way into the mountains, and after much ciently olear, they appear reasonable and fair.
Buffering from bungor and thirst reached the valley The fifth section" refers to the tickets to be ranted to Chinese Householders, and concludes, of the Ban Joaquim. They travelled in all, poarty five hundred miles, most of the way on foot, and which ticket shall be produced when required carrying one of their slek companions Their re- onder a penalty not exceeding twenty dollars.”
solution and fortitude is worthy of all commend But who is intrusted with power to demand tion." hat the ticket be produced? Burely this is hot to be left to the discretion of the European br Native police, who are notorious for their stortions under the old ordinance. If such is The case the same system will be pursued, and respectable people continue to be harassed by
set of fellows who ought to have been intro- duced to the whipping post long ago.
The 8th and 9th sections provide for a regis tration of domestic servants, and will, in work ing, prove inapplicable. The machinery is ton complicated; and the power granted Registrar is arbitrary. If Masters are satisfied with their servants, they will not require a ticket of registration, nor will they donand that buy place themselves in the hands, and at the tender mercies of a government officer. This part of the ordinance rescueblos its prede. cessor—it is legislating too much. At pro. beit the manner of hiring is defective, but the true remedy is in the hands of ovary person whis engages a sorvant. In ad litinn to The Compradore's security (which look
We are in possession of a copy of the Bombay Times of the 14th November. The ship Lowjec Fumily arrived from China and Batavia on the 11th Nor., and the Inglewood sailed for China the previous day.
The Times does not contain any English news in addition to what we have published. We make a few extracts referring to commer- cial matters.
Cotton.-The market has been very active, and prica made for both England and Chise-vis. have further advamped. There have been aov?rn? parohianne 1500 bales Broach and JumbooR B
195 do.........
300 do......da................
con do..... Drillers ......
500 do.......de.....
all round,, 19
...best quality,
200 candian Mangarola with all fakta....... 208 de....Compta..... 100 do.................
175 do...Mesh Cution with all fandts Retus 21
The following are the questions of the day --Brick and Jamboomer, Kla Bi as m?: Buroi, 63 at 811 Obollurah and
16, Asia Felix, (Sp.) Joz? Gordoncilio, Ainny, 10, Lapwing, tax, Whampoa
16, hello, Thompson, Wampos. 19, Kestrel, Bourais, Loudon. 18, Amazon, Abbot, Shanghai. 18, Guzells, Anderson, Cumsingmoon.
Centaur, Wood, Bybey. Hindostan, W, Whampoa.
L. Amherst, Ableu, Whampoa
Dur, Cumberland, Whampoa.
The Lapoing, on her passage up carried away formasi koad, having strong gulos from N.N.E.
VMBLA IN VICtoria Flannoun. H. M. St. Valtare, 'aptain Macdougal. H. M 8. Vestal, Captain Talbot H. C. Str. Plide, Lieut. Airey.
charge Osiner, Drinker & Hey!
on Thursday the 21st Instant, aUELA, M. 80 Pairs Blankets.
A few lage of Curko.
A few dowet l'ols and Stands, and some other ar ticles,
THE Friend of China and Honarono da.
ZETTE, with the printing materials &c. &c. The paper was never in a more prosperous sit, and is parted with on account of the Proprie ste health, he being unable to attend to the duties of Editor.
For particulare apply to the undersigned, all com munications being considered confidential.
JUIIN CARR. Victoria, 8th December 1846,
did action.
EDW, N. BURGESS. Victoria, St. January 1847.
CHIPPING ARTICLES, according to the re
H M 8. Minden, 2nd Master H. M Tr. 8. Alligator, Blaster Commoding King. TWO remarkably flas Sydney Horses, with splen
Anglona, Marvin,
Hospital and Store Ship. Anaya, Thoines, Carsir, Soames, Banja Hormujes, Coates, Car, Wood, Diur, Cumberland, Fort William.
(Hulk.) Graaf Van Hogendorp, (Out-) Hiadorian, West. Young be, McQuin, Jocen Corina, Denham, Joka Barry, Blawart, Kelpie, Bellamy, London, Gibson, Lady Amk rat, Ablot, Mary,- Maspo, Jauncey. Nymph, Horsburgh, Parel, McNally, Spa, Cole, Torrington, Noll, Bri Singapura, Victory, Smith, eos, Hackt,
Zephyr, Macfarlane,
J. Matheson and Co
J. Matheson and Co Franklyn and Mike
Lindmy and Co
cant ant (Victoria 7 & 83 for sale at this office Office "Friend of China,"
Victoria, 10th October, 1815. ↑
Though we cann ? help feeling and expressing 5. A. Olding some regret that the efforts which are now being Dirom, Gray and Comade to evertlow the East India Company's salt monopoly, do not proceed from any higher Fraklyn and Milne motiens then those of mere self-interest, we are by Dent and Covens inclined to under-rate the importance of the present morgment when regarded in connection. Bellamy
with its probable effects upon the interests of Dent and Co
British commerce: It is true that the first question Bioclean Dearie and Co Rawle, Duus and Co
to be considered, in, whether the natives of ludin are to get cheap sult, not whether the merchante J. Maibreon and Co
Deat and Co of England are to obtain a guod concket for % pro- Gilman and Co
fitable article of export. But the latter pulot is worthy of consideration; and, if we cannot ako. Murrow and Co Smith and Brimelow gether sympathise with Mr Aylwin and his friends, Rawie, Dous and Co we can, at all events, appreciate their candour. Onder da not want,” said Mr Aylwin, the other day. Macvicar and C at the Blackburn meeting, to enlist your sym
Dent and Copathies ; 1 appeal only to your pockets.”” We wish bat he had sat down after making this s?night. Poke and Massey ened it by appealing to the sympathies of hie forward declaration. He ought not to have weak. Crooks
Fletcher and Conodience, with an extraordinary account of siro- Lindsay and Co cities alleged to have boon committed in "sustain Bousted and Coing the odious monopoly."
H. M. D. Childers, Commandu Adew. King.
Argo, Bremer, Appellim, Thomas, Amalin, Diaper,
Ellerslie, Pagen,
Britomart, Bolomon.
Duke of Cornwall, Whitehead, Gcorge Fyfe, Murrey, Harries,
India, English,
Indianeren, (Danh ) Holon,
John Cooper, Gring.
Joke Bigshaw, Duce, Lapwing, Lece
Lamoncler, Hullin. Lydfort, Stay roo.
apon as indupensable) demand that the appli.howaugger, Ti ni 71: Comp?t, 00 at T0; Mangszole, 54 #achtilde 1 ?ornelia, (Dal) Nennen,
cant produce a certificate from his former em- bloyer, or at least make reference, that his cha- Pacter be ascertaiond. Servants are mure Busim to keep good terms with Compra dores than to attend to their dution, as, if die missed, they rely upon the Compradors for another engagenient, when no questions will be Asked as to the causes with dad to their die (misal: It may be said that if th? socilons of the ordinance were duly enforced, they would provide for this evil, and doubtine they would, but we do not think it a subject for logislatipa --howding we will ass how it works.
FEMRT-We have heard of engagement for Liverpo ? 3.15% at ? 3.1764. the terrain has been paid for going val. To thin she ate ne odrameed to Ra 13 per candy, which
freely offered. As pel no vol bas scoped this rate; we lank, thereforn for further advance.
E—During the weak largo erosion are the law at per zuma sis monthe night, in frac slam China paper. here is yet a large quantity lu the market, and bille are now freely offered at No. 0,1,d-
Montrose, Fargusson, Othello, Thompson, Pandore, Cobb,
Prius Oscar, (Swa) Mellin, Mag. Parish,
J. Matheson and Co
Boustead and Co? Russell and Co J. Matheson and Do | 8.alarman, Conkling,
Heard and Co Fitcount Sandon. White, G. Livingston and Co Wik Fikk Girl, Baskin,
Capaia Vasons at Madas.
Nye Parkin and Co On the coast of Coromandel, Mr Aylwin is re- Boustead and Co | ported to have said, "the people are tied to the K. Macgregor and Co? trees and flogged and tortured publicly in the gross, P. & D. N. C?m | whole villages together, whenever they neglect to Sapoorjee Lungrah destroy the salt as fast as it forms at their doors, in the fields, and over their separate neighbourhoods, Lindsay and Co
Punnu and Co by the sun's evaporation of the sea water, and simi- Russell and Colar processer of nature. These same people are Jamison How and Co similiarly punished, if they aeglect to repair monthly Murrow and Co to the Company's selipan at a distance, and there Blunkin, Rawson and Co | pay on infamously high price, for an arbitrary Itussol and Co quantity of fuul, black, muddy salt, unfit for use, until dissolved and re-boiled, in order to purify it. H. Wise and Co This is a moderate, unexaggeratod, tree account of
the Company's monopoly of milt in India.” Th in what kir Aylwin is soported to have said at the Blackburn meeting, quoting some other authority, but fearlessly endorsing the statement. That he was firmly perounded of the truth of this horsible story, we willingly beliere, though by so doing me tampliment his tonety s? the expense of his good. That under the very eyes of the Madras P. J. de Paiva Government such atrocities as time are committed, R. Gamla or allowed to be committed, by its serVANIN-IN? J. A. Durcased searowly tempon ourestres ia deny, for the and Macao atory loop.which carries its own denial in wraIT Rassell and Cotenience. The East India Company maintalo, for Hull and Co purposes of revenue, an oppressive monopoly; bet Russell and Co they do not bind whole vilingse to the trees and J. M. Bulldog them lotu eating the authorised saft, with the Nya Parkin and Colegul allowance of dust and ashes. They charge Russell and Co four rupene for what costs them only one but they “ma | Alary Bien, t?m.) Distborn, A. Hoard and Co de not enforce the monopoly with stripes. They Notauti, (Am ) Lampl, --- Eussell and Co drive a hard berguio with the gyot | but they do not Waoddda, (An,) Clarkson, Nys, Parkin and Co manare their trade with blood.
Wah eden to the rooma spominagas Friggel Bank – Loubalia Roderima, Kelly,
hire la mer volumes, it may perhaps be
ten, be the information of an renders, kn
perkame by on Sunday Bard, to
at the Desember Marter in Lon?m, ??
dered chifun in the modelet?n a dai
The most objectionable part of the ordinance is that which imposes a tax apon hosts in the chape of a registration fee. In the pressat un-Board, for monk a fortonata state of the solony, taxation of the Chinese should be carefully arpided, as it will try of maddang via el que fatale,
be given of Clomida sana de su u have a tendency to add to a bad reputer in- mare de mir zu wendentment, so th which our laws are held by ella trading part of || Braving done the Native community, who of all others, are
Lender: Court
Visler, will have to moram? fazikwith. :)
Passes grand devidole and
Oct. 1844 up to 30th September 181,4 Exported from the above ap to the Jedi Instagt Dito dito from dth to 19th lostant
The mes it is our policy so wile to our sheron - | rage the shine of power and what may Too many of them have had personal experilerek Monde 11. nce of the iniquities of registration, and the niquities of monopolies, and the rumours of axes upon shipping will add to the abhorrence ith which they view Hongkong. It is true, bat trailing vemels are exempt, bot reporte are isually exaggerated, and among the Chinese ny mory injurious to Hongkong will be too adily believed. A strike among the boatmen not improbable, and at present it is most esirable that such an occurrence should be | voided.
The Mary from the Sandwich Islands brings Helligence from Oregon to the 14th of Novem The Californians appear to be determia- I to resist the invasion of their territory by the merican forces under Commodore Stockton, d in some triding engagements their arms re been succesful. We quote from the andwich Island Near of the Din ultimo. IMPORTANT FROM CALIFORNIA.
For the Beason of 1815-44.
up to 5th Mar Jan
Passes granted at Indore from fat October 188
Dino at Bombay, frim 1st October 1866 op le
the 30th September
imported into Bombay of the above passes up
to 10th fastapi,
Exported from the above up to the 3rd Instant Dito die from 4th to 10th instant er..
Per Asos in
Pauzmary Allemadut...............
Ditto Khodabax... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1
Rocano, (8p.) Rionda, Lyra-
American at Wrantoa Bruskign. (Am) Richardson, Copies, Barback.–
Thai | Bagley (Am ) Poor,
**** | Grafton, Abbott,
?m|| Hobatio, (dom.) Crockar,
| Midiu, (3mm) --
13,200) 10,948
WITH QUICK DELPAT?R. THE Guo A. I Bhip STAG. Captain GSM | Parts, 700 Tons Register; has superior accommodation for l'amengers and carriana Surgeon.
For Patags only, apply to
CAPT. PARISIT, on board at Whampoa, or to JARDINE, MATHESON & Co, Hongkong, East Point, 16th January, 1847.
TO LET House in Gage Street, contains 4 rooms, bath
room, and surreals offices. Apply to
We are a Mie Aylwin, whom we have bitherto
Wally as-a very respectable. "but a very fafeneggur d?man, should have made such mistake. Wede tus put ourselves forward as the apologists of the Ener-fadin Company, nor can we now, though challenged ga onrrespondent,/ enter upon so large a question as the of the general benevolence of the Company's got ment. At no very distant period we shall be called upon to pass in review their whole system of administra tion, to write in detail of all that has been left undono during the present chartor. In the mean- while, wo may, without trending upon debateable ground, fairly assume that the Company do not torture their subjects "in the grom"-do pol ti up whole villages and dog tham by hundreds, in Viduly 1847.
support of the salt-tax. If the Company's servants TAMES MILLER, Baker, being about to leave be capable of committing or countenancing suck Hoogkong in consequence of ill health, bega atrocities as Mr Aylwin has disclosed, the matter rospectfully to return his sincere thanks to the Of Boers of Her Majesty's Navy, Merchants, Captains gigantic proportions of this newly-revealed evil, of the salt monopoly is altogether dwarfed by the of bips, and the Inhabitants in General, for the
which it is impossible for humanity to contemplate patronage he has so kindly received during the three without horror and dismay. If Me Aylwin's sta years that he has been in business on this comments be, as he avers, unexaggerated truth, let 10/04 and begs that any person to whom he may be in us hear no more about the salt lax let us throw debted will sand in their accounts at once for liquida-aside our statistics, make bonfires of our pampbelts, and leave the Liverpool ship-owners and the Man chester manufacturers to thempires, willst wo declaro a Holy war against a Government which, arrogating to itself the title of Christian, permita its subjects to be tortured whelessle under cit. cumstances of unparalleled barbarity, almost the very door of the council-chamber. If our Indian rulers, at bome or abroad, countensure such atro- cities-may, if augh atrocities are committed, no matter how or by whom, is the Company's ter Drees-ritories, it is time that all England should ring with indifnunt denunciations of a blood-stained Government; and very friend of humanity call loudly for the immediate extinction of the charter under which these abominable crueltics are per. petrated. Talk of a salt-tsz, indeed, after that! We repeat our expressions of ?egret that Mr Aylwin should have aimed such a beavy blow at a cause which is in itself undeniably good, and which
A. I. OL. Opium Agent, Bomber, Optum Agneth Ollor, 11th Movember, 1846–
By the bark Don Quixote, Captain Faty, whlob ived yesterday, nineteen days from Montery, we ve files of the California to the 14th ult., contain- much news of interest; and, although our paper just ready to go to press, we cut out, until next ek, a very interesting communication in order to
the intelligence from the seat of war. It will 15, Young Hobe, McQuin, Blaceo. remembered that at our laat dates from that coast 15, Lagoing, Lose, Woosung, 11th.
out the 20th September) it was rumoured that Ciudad de los Angelos h?? again fallen into the of the Californians, who, in violation of their grs, had risen upon its little garrison under the mand of Lieut Gillespie, U. S. M. corps. This been confirmed, and we keep up the chain of
a by giving the following extracls- CALIFORSTA, OCT 24.---The Vandalia has just
tion, and requests that all outstanding debts may be discharged, as he is about closing his Books Bually.
Queen's Road, 18th January 1847.
Public AUCTION. AMITH & BRIMELOW will and b; Pablic Auction on Thursday the 21st Instant at their
15, Hindosten, West, Bombay. 18th September, and Sale Room, Gaying House, at 11 o'clock ▲ M.
Tutocorio, 10th November.
17, Kelpie, Ballamy, NamN
17, London, Gibson, Bally, 23rd November,
17, Nymph, Horsburgh. Shanghai
17, Greaf Von Hogendorp, (Dut.) Stool, Batavia.
|18, Dkur, Cumberland, Shangbai.
18, Zephyr, Macfarlane, Camsingmoon.
red from the sost of war, bringing the news of 18, Torrington, Neel, Whampoa. defest of Captain Mervine, (of the Ameri- 19, Mary, Bandwich Islands. frigate Savannah) with a party of 829 by party of Californians commanded by Captain Gillespie capitulated at Parblo angeles and socured his retreat to San Pedro,
Par London-Mrs Gibson.
Per Nymph-Mesara T. Platt, and T. Gerrard. Per Dhur-Mere Baunders, Aspiuali, & Welch.
An levoice of Trowsers, Europe ads. Three Casks of Looifer Matebea
A quantity of imitation Marble Slabs for
ing Tables, &c.
60 Boxes of Window Glam.
I Came of Confectionery.
A small quantity of Hardware.
10 Casor of Hock, a quantity of Cape Madeira
in casks, Madeira, and Port in cases.
A Lot of Raraiture consisting of Chairs, Tables, neaded the support of no tales of horror to fo Bodeloods, &c., &c.
mend it to a humane and enlightened public. "The
uchuce me to alter or modify the opinions which we have expressed on the general question of the *elt monopoly ; and if we have misunderstood. Alr Aylwin, we have given him an opportunity of wung kimelf right with our readers, lesserts, it is true, that the East India Company may sa erifice their mounpely without any sacrifies of revenue; but although he refers un to his pamphlet for proufe of the truth of this agsertion, we confras that we do not think the point as established. This is an important branch of the inquiry, which we must reverse for future investigation,erald.
We now learn, that because Government cannot bringing forward a discussion, though he almtain- resent Louis Philippe's falsehood at present, it willed from expressing any decided opinion, and the protem; it will by public drelaration, disinherit! 11ouse of Caminone resolved that in the rawing i the offspring of the Duke of Montpensier; and thus session of Parliament they would proceed to appeal from the imparability of present war, to the careful investigation of the slave trade. Petitions on the other site were numerously signed and for possibility of a future one.
This, we fear, in nonsense. If we will not go to warded to both houses of Parlischt, nad the war now-and certainly wo will not-to prevent a whole pegress of the agitation went on as nearly Prince of lense from ascending the throne of us possible in the anauner that Roman Catholic Spain, wo shall be little likely to go to war for the Emancipation, and Reform were discussed. In same cause at any future time. And, knowing this, this process the slave.trade underwent a most search it is unwise and unfair to throw upon posterity the|ing investigation. Mr Clackcon and others pu-
blished numerous essays, pomphlets, and report lesk of avenging injuries which we dare not resent. Louis Philippe will laugh at our protests, will sneer The Privy Council entered into an examination of OUR FORLIGN POLITICS.
at our present backwardnem, and our valour in fur the subject, and made a report. Counsel were We hope that soine member of the House of Com
fare; and will sheathe his sword with a contemptu heard of the bars of both houses, and with crea were munt may make a nation art session for the abo
tion of the office of Becretary of State for Foreignous" Well, gentlemen, whenever you are ready" carefully examined. In the course of these pro showing how fully he has fathomed our purposes, evedings every one must acknowledge that the labours of Clarkann were inconceivably great; bui vision. The post hos trojne useless far worse
and seen through our political subterfugen.
If people will but reflect on this state of things, from the year 1789 down to the successful issue indeed than useless, since it only serves to manifest Blunders and record humiliations. We ask any
they must come to the conclusion that the safest and of his toils, Wilberforce, from his position in so- most dignified way for England, would be for its ciety, from the fact of his being in Parliament, and man of plan senge and fairness, whether the coun
Government to conform itself to the public feeling of from his personal intimney with the Prime Minis tey would not be at this momeal in a much more dignified and peaceful position, and, at the same time, in quite as powerful a one, bad we possesed the nation, and to have on foreign policy at all, ter, was enabled to take a lead in the anti-slavery the good fortune to live been without Eureign-of-There is no use in having any, unless the public cause which rather eclipsed the otherwise brighten ice and without diplomacy since 1830. Ay, and have faith and sympathy in it, and unless a statesing fame of Thomas Clarkson; nevertheless, he min can act up to k. Of this, at least, wo are cor continued to Inbour with power undiminished and Let us enumerate the chicfsers of that policy, lain, that it would be much better to have na foreign with zeal that never skickened. 1to even_wont le We began by forognising the present King of the policy at all, and no foreign offer, than to reap from Paris in the midst of the revolution, to obtain. Freach with such he allan haste as to offend us them such fruits. Every aim of prace and friend possible, the aid of the French tinternment. E six nod Austria; nnd we continued to give Louis ship missed; every scheme of alliance abortive; found, however, that in Patio be had spent a lo Aurace undermined; every feeling of national pride Philippe so e-dially the haul, that we rendered any very cherished freedom crushed; every useful in time to little purpose. Furopean coalition to crush him utterly impossible. We had sesreely taken this passion, when the Birkontraged; every guarantee of national power and in ginu insurrection occurred. Louis Philippe independence swept away; and even all openings of
other.-Daily News. stintly declared that no one should mechlle with it; trade and commerce closed against us one after the text the Treaty of Vienna was abrogated, as far the Low Countries were concerned; and that neither Europe nat Holland should restore the status of 1915, Wearquiesced. We took the French vin of the question against ourselves. We approved
erit monopoly, as a rho st?s de noustratil evak; sond ite miwdition 19 s work w?och may well anayas the enthorst scent and efst the eternituus ellotts of the Christom plofsakherpast. When we er pressed unt to lef for tlos lenden would be gin dually rendered lesa xasd loss niggjort, sure, under an japtived fiscal system, it w?, by no means aut We consider the Intention to deprecate ngit stron expression of tree agnum-vlothes through the med the paris or of palhe assemb·fion—to bo eminently clutary in its effects. It is not in repranch of peculiar appisestiam ta thee East India Company, theat the cure from without" is occasuslly wanted to keep them from from fag- got in the waster of welllosng ; mar is it any especial sign of extraordinary tapacity that they shouldade" unwilling to soraibice a large portion of their revenue, walegit any perceptible means of filling up the vid thins crestesk in their tresors U in well to talk pompously of a revenue of half u mihon being dermed from the duty on imputed sall-bol the temes demand from manufactured pult ?n Bengal alone amounite to about a million anal a list? sterling, When the fasuer einmitter mycoted by Lord Ellenborough sent in its part, it was shown the ten Bengal the receipts in the year 1541-42, the fast reported on, from the mugletong before. Ritielo of salt, amounted fire, 1,989,29,721, wlado the clvitges in the department did not exceed re. $129,376; leaving a clear net revenue, my round bombers, of 1,100,onal, sterling. It may be pro fitalde to clance agun at this balnoee-sheet, that en readers may use a clest perception of the uture of the Company's revende, premising that Bengal, to which these enteulations seder, is by far the most productive at all the presidences, and the sion which in generally ward to "pay for all." After the band tax, which yields a net income of 1,500,000, merling, the salt-tax status prominently forth asthat which yields the largest income. In thest year (1911-42), whia the salt department yielded, na we have shown, nearly a milloin and a fall merling, the spus department produced only 200,000. Next in importance stands the cum department; nod it is essential that we should bear in mind the ratio of the entire custom-house receipts to that of the profits of the salt noonegaly, The gross receipts, in alw year alluded in above, under the end of Custome, are set down at to. $1,59,321, and the charges af 6,76,613; so that the revenue derned from the custeins is not equal to one third of that derned from the manufacture of salt. The digrartiments reported upon by the Anance Committee are the judicial, lanil revenue, stanja, salt, apium, mint, customs, marine. The Botal tecripta from these suurtees are set down m: 1,30,34074, and the total charges at es, 2,34,35. We borrow these details from nury, English blood. Which Louis Polope in les- elalitate article in the Calcutta ferie, on “ Ben- gal as it is," attriatel to the editor of the Friad of India, whose extensiv? acquaintance with bo dian statistics, combined with a sound judgment and scrupulous good faith, lins rendered his ou thurity equally respected by the ladan tiovern ment and the Indian public. This statement," says the writer, after enumerating the different items of receipt and expenditure," does not in- cluile the establishmen? in Assam, Ariacan, Ten- Reserim, quod Cachar; but these provinces afford murphia rereuse, the income is barely sufficient for the maintenance of internal peace misil exteront security. Neither dore it include the Eeclesia-ti. cal and l'est-ofico departments, the prusions and cheritable allowances, ih: expruse of the varioum schools of learning, the asscellaneous general civil expenditure at home or Indis; nor the receipts and charge onnected with the Supreme Court, the Conti of Requests, and the police of Calcutta. Unfortunately these moiff stems of expense were not included within the circle of research piched for the Snaner committee.... We are left, therefore, Leapjecture their amnus, and we donk we fall within the mark by stating that fifty Inca of rupers 1500,000.3 will ever the charges incurred in all thens sepactnients. Adding the sum to the ex- penditure peknowledged by the committer, we have 3.01.36,0 rupees, or a little more time three jons sterling, in deduct from the reut-roll of the wie, amounting 15 M,18,094 rupees; and we fe imprinte thus reseuse of five millions sterling to meet the land military charges of t?overnment." Of Has surplus revenue of five malkona derived from Bengol, which is the rapre garden of India, serly one third in gained by the manufacture and silo of snit; and it is thus one. shird of the t resense of Bengal that slo Com prix ne now callest upon to abandon, Nay more, they have long been vociferay-ly called upon to slowdon the opium monopoly, and its tevesturs sithit, it must be acknowled, the demands pen their focherance and disinterestedness, as governing body, are so considerable that it is not arealy to be wondered nt if they do take refuge Blind the son of argument of the Roman End peror. We love sol, we repest, taken upon our selves the duty of apologist general of the East fedia Company, but it is only jest to observe that whilst the company are incessantly implored to increase their expertuliture, in one way of another, they nee at the same time, with equil constancy, attested to skandon this or that brauch of re- trase, we though their capacity of expenditure annst inclene ut pinpoon as their come di. We generally fit, infeed, that the same parties als would most straiten the resour. een of the Company, clamour the Joulest for a more librent expenditure of the income which they are doing their best to reduce. We do not assert that 3e Aylwin and his towels are guilts of this inconsistency; but we wish never to be forgotten that when the Company nie called upon to ?han- dou a portion of their revemar, they are called upon to abandon a purison of those very amelien. Use imensuper which they are@xhorted to pat in execution with the frust "pumuachke delay. Momy is the only manner by the mud of which invern seat onu impr to produce a rich harvest of mutinnol improvements
Notwithetnuding the labours of Wilberforce an Clarkson, the slave trade at the close of the In century still continued to exist; but in the yea plishod; and, as the members whim sepiresents 1801 the union with Ireland was finally accom that part of the kingdom were not much intereste in either ships, colonies, or entieree, they ente but little about the slave-trade, and were ant avera from any sort of charge which did not directly in terfere with their favourite pursuit of jobbing in Governmeu patronage. By their aid a molin for leave u bring in a bill to suppress the slavo passed both inuses. Home years, however elapsed trade was successful, and, eventually, the measure before the triumph of the anti-slavery-party was complete, for this memorable measure did not be. come law until the 15th of March, 1807. The bill of 1707 having once received the Royal assent, it no longer was necessary for Mr Checksum to appent before the public as the nuthing of so many It was at that time he began and completed his pamphlets, reports, sistements and animations, history of the great struggle in which he and his friends lil been engaged. Thirty years after thin publication of that work he was accused of living devoted ton much of its pages to the praise of fila own inbours at the expense of his great l'arlin- mentary lender, Mr Wilberforce. He loved long enough to publish a defence of his conduct and ha to vindicate either. However eminent the writings; it beenmis, therefore, the less necesanty reputatins of Me Wilberforce, and however great be centered to the cause of the suffering Negro, beyond those of sil other men in the services which there cut bench doubt that Clarkten ori- posted the anti-slavery agitatine, and proved him self the most zealous and efficiout of there when outside the walls of Parlimen lab ured for its advancemcul.
'The subject of this nemnic was, it is understural, originally intended for the clmeel, and even took desco's neders; but bo certnicly abandoned all devoted himself to the task of creating the anti- soughts of entering upon any penfession when be slavery movement. In forming the ancistion which gave him the great business of his life, ho eine such into communication with person he longing to the Society of Frienda, rad ilis inter- course probably fed bun to proluce & work enndled His next public- A Portraiture of Qunkerism. tion was a Life of William Penn. But, notwiths | standing his literary engagements, he still find time to spate for the further advancement of African interesis. He went to the Congress of Aix-la-Cha- of Busin, who promised not only to oppose the pelle, and there had an interview with the Emperor slove-tely by the exercise of his own authority, but to use his in?uence with other Sovereigns for the purpose of inducing them to go and do likewise.
TILE VENERABLE THOMAS CLARRGON.-This illustrious philanthropist died on 27th Sept., at his resilence, Playford-hall He had attained the age of the siege of Antwerp. Louis Philippe, to gratiof 89, but his spirit burned bright to the last, and (yur, did not, indeed, put his son or the new Bel. he cessed not to direct his thoughts to the great gian throne; but, by means of a marriage, he did the question of the emancipation of the human race. ation of manter of the Wisch Fere Grammar sume thing. Commercially, politically, wat militle was the son of a gentleman who held the situ- tarily, Belgium was abanetid by France; and we have taught ourselves to consider it the natural or Behool, and was born on the 28th of Mereb. 1700. Having received the first rudiments of education der of things,
under his father's eye, he was removed to Bt. Paul's Then reel the death of Ferdinand, and the revolution (lected in Spain by his testament, there School, and completed the days of his pupilage at St John's College, Cambridge, where he attained again we joined France, and recognisal lush la.
considerable distinction. In the year 1779, a negro with it taking express provastines againat fur or
who claimed him at a runaway slave. Ar Gran- her sister's marrying ? French prace." But we had istmed Someract was arrested In London by a man at that time sal?nded Louis Philippe and his house with benefits, that we did not doubt of his gratitude. ville Sharp brought the case before the Lord Mayor; We concluded the quadripartite ?llance. "We sent and by the Lord Mayor's orders Somerset was dis charged from the Poultry Compter, where he had our sokliers and azikua to'com'est; gave arma, m?.
we imprisoned. The master, however, in defi voured to make a currit with the Eastern Powers of ance of the Lord Mavor, seized the slave, and tore not endually co-operating with us, we, in despite of him away from Mr Sharp. An action was brought French lukewarmunes, rated Billio, and with it the against the master for adult, and the case being throne of Isabells. The sword of Expartero toleind, it was finally referred to the welee judges, cured it. And than,-in s:cpped Luis Philippe to who, after solema argument, decide that a youn as a slave sets out on English territory, he becomes profit by all that we had done. He auburned a
youthful minil of Clarkson." In 1769, and agn?m in party to oppose England in Spain; be set up a press free The citruce parrully excited the to columniste her; and in a few months he drove out of the Peninsula, with every friend of England 1776, Me Sharp had published works again share or of liberty, every vestige of English influence.ry the controversy hul leen raised in England an Further, to jender security more sure, he placed his early as 1729. In the year 1785, Dr Pe-kland, minions near the throne of Portugal, and was as the Vice-Chancellor of the University announced mucks master of the court of Lisbon as of Madril, | the following question, as a subject for a priar latin And this course of policy he has now wound up by dusentation : Le it right to make skires of others putting an extinguisher on the little Queen; sodby against their will Ply Clarkson in the preceding garing openly to his own son ikve succession to the year gained the first prize for the Latin dissertation; Spanish throne, by means of a narrisge with the and, filled with an earnest desire to sustain the fame ed as many books connected with the subject of Infanta. We wonder that the ghosts of William the thus nequired, he repaired to London, anal purenus- slavery as he could possibly afford to buy. With Third am of Marlborough du not rise from the grave, to reproach the men who wick the sceptre here he speedily returned to Cambridge, and tet nod the sword of Enghad.
Now, we ask, would we not be much better off, half earnestly to work. But so painful to him was the perusal of these volumes, that for a consi- had we possessed no foreign minister, no diplomacy, no fatsecking policy for the last sixteen years|derable tina lie scarcely took any rest day or night; Need we speak of it.y; where we helped the he cented in regard the essay as a mere trial fur l Freach to take Ancona, one result of which is, that secary distinction, his great desire being in produce the French are now predominant at Rome? Need work which should call forth a vigorous public redress the wrongs of the injured African. we speak of Geeeee; which we luljed to liberate, effort
ing an excited, and with labour po intense, that its in order to have it governed by the french Prefect. His easy was composed under the influence of feel Colett? Need we speak of Syrin; where wo en- dangered the peace of Emope in resisting France, reading was attended with brilliant success. In a very shart time after he adopted the resolution of and where France by their inks, have won almost more influence than they welded through the sword presenting it in the poblie in the Ingin of his ne Live country, and the montures taken for printing and issing that celebrated tract led to his becoming of Ibrahim 7
Turn away from France, and look to America.
acquaimed with some members of an Anti-Marer We have had two causes of difference with the United States, Theit north-east and their north-west Association, which had already been formed in Ame
Nothing could surpass the delight which lament, as those of an anti-slavery society, yet thak precise designation was, we believe, for the first frontiers. In both we yielded more than ever the rica
introduction seemed to have afforded him; he was
time nommed in 1823, when men began seriously Americans themselves dated ask ten years back.
enthusiastic and single-minded, na akmost all men We were right, iw-leed. In yiekl. But would it not
are whe effect great objects: has one idea was to send earnestly to devota themanlves to the task of have been more dignified to have flung it up care- fly and magnanimously from nation to nation, complish measures for suppressing the slave trade, following up the suppression of the slave-trade, l
and that result he had the good fortune to witness procuring an abolition of West India slavery. In than to have employed diplomatic agents to evil
son embarked with characteristic energy, and and discuse; to have heard Polk blistering and Poel full 40 years ago. Ila natural consequence, an abo conducting the affairs of that association Bir Clack litional negro slavery, he had likewise the happi
his 74th year enjoyed the unalloyed happiness nest to see effected in the year 1933. But, many replying, with the certainty of concesion in the
witnessing its grasiest triumph, in the enactment of years before the communication of the work in fate, would have been just n? profitable.
To have bell our tongues, and abided by our
that bill which awarded 20,000,000l. as compensa which he had engaged, he formed an alliance will the celebrated Wm. Wilberforce, which proved tion to the slave-owners. For sume few years pre greatly conductive to their joint access, With vines to that event, however, his beak's land becom respect to those eminent persons it may be stated uncertain, and he was in a great degree precluded from taking an active blare in working on the that two years before Clarkson bronched the sub- jeet to Wilberforce he had been actively labouring emancipation ofthe Negro, Camel formed in hot for the suppression of the slave trade; and that the his eyes, and for a short time he was totally blind former. In tino; but eventually he underwent an operatio al ption of the latter was firal called to its enor-Ile endured this affiction with Christian resigns mities by de representations of the year 17% Mr Wilberforce agreed to bring tho nnd was restored to the complete use of his sigh subject ler the notice of l'urliament, at the ear. In 1896 he published a work called Researche list convenient opportunity: commitee woe for Antedilurian, Patriarchal, and Historical. Dor med for the purpose of organising an association, ing the course of his long life Mr Clarkson he in which he was held by large masses of his cour and the work of controversy began in right earnest. received many gratifying proofs of the estimatio trymen. The inhabitants of Wisbeach, his nati Somar what in the manner of the modern spitators, the subject of this memoir went about from town te tuwa-from Liverpool to Bristol, and from place, subscribed for his partrait, to be preserv in their town as a memorial of their esteer Bridgwater to Manchester, labouring to make converts, and to overcome the prejudices, which Wordsworth devoted to the praise of Cinkor
faw of his best lines, and more then once L indifferent, no well as interested parties, naturally indulged. Years were spent in this process, books Brougham, and other loaders of the anti-slara
movement, have borne testimony, and only to were published, ngelings were held, evidence was callected, petitions were forwarded to Parlament, value of his services, but the purity of his motive successive motions were made by Mr Wilberforce, and he now descends into the grave ofter the e and lengthened diecussions in the House of Conjoyment of extreme longevity and unexamq?l mous took place; but neither Pill nor Fox was yet access.-London Mail, October 7. prepared to pledge himself irrevorably to a condict with those fomidable opponents of suppression who and embarked cost capital in the African slave trade. At lengil the objections of the party icwlern were mitigated. Mr Pett becane iustrumutal in
We had written the bure article before we re eived the letter from Mc Aylwin, which we insert another part of our paper. The extrcow length of this document, and the fact of our inserting it walnut brofguient, will routiner the winter that we wish weft to the cause nlich la kus undertaken advocate. The lettre its contaias uething to
"Then there is Texas. How lucky would we have been to her had no Mr Pakenhamn simply to spirit up Mexico, and intrigue with Texas, that Me Pulk night breek through the web of our intrigues with 3 kick of his font. In the OE World as in the New, our habit universally is, to thrust ourselves between (wo combatants when they are nearly done lighting, and encourage the wenk ? and tilkten party lo sad up one more against the stenger, in order to get fu?mself entirely beaten, and defini- tively crushed.
But all this proceeds from the alwurd vanity of nut sistensen, who will aspire to have a foreign po bey, when he nation not only has nour, but does bot car to hateaux, Stere, for example, are tluse marriages of the Spanish Princessen, Ministers | hare thrown themselves into all kinds of menacing attitudes, of hurt pride, of angry auonstrance, or of contingem wat. In what purpose? except In show that Enghind ought to be angry, but hakuot| the stomach to be so. Lord Palmerston makes his pers thunder, it is true and is full of deep ire in his own heart. But he is forced to be bland, even when dressing that arch traitor Louis Philipps. Ile has to smile and promise that the amicable rela- tions between the countries will not be disturbed;" simply because he knows the people of England would see, without the last disturbance of their perfect inbillerence, all the Princesses of Spain ma
to all the Emperats of all the realms of the Universe..
Altboogh in the course of this notice it has been necessary to mention the couukined labours of the, friends of abolition, outside the walls of Parlime
Edited, Printed and Published by Jons ?var At The Friend of China and Hunghony Gazette. Printing Office, Govon Brest VICTORIA, Hongkono, 1847
PRICE $12 per annum.
VOL. VI. No 7.
Terms of Buba ription to the Friend of China and Hongkong Cazale," per annum $12. Six months $. Three months 81; all paid in advance. Credit prices, 914, $5–50, and $3, for the perils welve, six, and three months respectively: Single numbers to Subscribers 25 cta, cach, to Non-Subscribers 1 Rapee. Parties calling or sending to the office for papers are requested to pay cash Terms of Adrating-Ton lines and under $1; additional 10 cents per line. Repetitions as third of the first insertion. Ships: First insertion; subsequent insertions 45 cent. Advertiments to have written on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will be published until counterwanded. In all instancus, those who are not Buberribers, must pay in advance.
THE S A. 1 8hip STAU, Senpain 1 Pans, 700 Tana Rajabrig
– superior nov?mmodation for Passengete
|satrice a Bergen.
Mer Passage oily, apply to
Gart. P?RH? o Nord at Whapon, or to JARDINE, MATHESON & Co., Hongkong. East Point, 16th January, 1847.
ON the 1st of January, 1847, the Of fee for conducting the Business
THE undersigned have been appoin?nd ? gente at ↑ [TUDE undersigned have opened a Branch_Esta
Changhai for the Imperial Fire Odes of 1_klishssent at Shanghai under the mma firmu da
of Chaton.
BATHBONES, WORTHINGTON & Ca Clinton/lot August 1845.
BLINKIN, RAWSON & C Victoria, 294 April 1046.
the Godowns of
A & Co superior Shetty, Madeirs, ad Port, in wood and bottle; Champagne from the house of Mumm & Co. Rhaitos
Flongkong, In June 1946.
Rouen Jacson is this day admitted a Part- not in our Firm.
HOLLIDAY, WISE & Co. Hongkong, ist August 1846. FOR BALE
of the Steamer CORSAIR, will be raZER. moved from Mosses Franklyn & Mitsu's EJomso to the House of HOLMES & BIGHAM, where al, Packets and Parodia will be received by Mr $. All applications mado to him, or to le
Farm will meet the readiest attention.
Victoria, 28th December 1846.
O LET at a low rent a House in Gongh
TO LET. House situate in Wellington Street, com
m. Amanding fine view of the Bay. Early pussession can be given. For further particulars
R. OSWALD. apply to
Victoria, 27th February, 1946.
THE foollowing Wines ex Camala
??n Chess of 3 dosen esch.
Sparkling Champaign,
Pale Corant Brady, in do
Bcbaldan Genera,
I do. of 1 desen. AL.20 Superfine Italion Salad Oll. Apply to
Victoris, 15th July 1946.
quarter cake. Apply to
GIBB, LIVINGSTON & Co. Vietors, 10th April 1846.
THE andersigned kave been appointed agents for the above named Bociety and ate stepered to graut Polios payable in London, Liverpool, Born- bay, Calenta and Canton
RATHBONES, WORTHINGTON & Co Camion, 31st August 1846.
THE partnership before &
has Dane of LANE, ROWLAND & Co. has this day been disolved by mutual consent. Me T. EE, Row- AND has been authorised to strange all outstand. ing accounts.
LANE, ROWLAND & Co. ?__Victoria, 31st December 1840.
MR. Rep. JACROON has beconducted in this my Pirm, which will be conducted fruen this dalous KitrouELL & Co.
ligned W. IL MITCHELL Amoy, Lot Jamery 1847-
HAIN Cabins of all sizes up to 1 inch ami 719th. Abobors, very superior Canvas, Blocks, Jarge
Queen's Road, FOR SALE IOGNAC in Bottles at $0 por Dozen at
Age TIE large and convenient Premises at BLANDY'S Maders, in bak pipes, hhds., and Corps Rope, Paint thi, Black Varnish, by whole
present occupied by R. A. Batas Esg, consisting of Dwelling House with Godowns and convenient Jetty can he viewed by applying at our premises adjoining. Possession can be given on HEATHING COPPER, 10 to 32 on. Apply
comber Bik
Victoria, 27th November 1846.
TO LET. TWO commodious dwelling Houses, containing seven Rooms, and com- manding fine view of the Bay, situated in Stable Strout, rent moderate. Apply in,
DOUGLAS LAPHAICK, Victoria; 22ud Dreember 1946.
Ponomice given early in November. Apply to
BUSH & Co. Nongka, 27th October 1846
GIBB, LIVINGSTON & Ca Hongkong, 15th September 1848.
*NOTIC?. TTE have opened Branch establishment at
Bhanghai, where Mr WILLIAM 19000 is qu thorised to Bign for our fem by Procuraties.
LINDSAY & Co. Hongkong, 19 December 1846.
MR. Hanar Dundas ie authorised to sign our TH 8 building on the Queen's Road, occu- | 111" firm by Procuration.
pied at pressot by J. A. OLDina Esq.,
LINDSAY & Co. on the Panja??lar and Oriental Steam Navigation Hongkong, 12th January 1847. Company Offico.
NOTICE. MIE Undersigned hereby give notice, that thoir Firm consists of Wntiam Dallas and Gronoz Colne, of the Firm of Dallas & Coles of London, and Braraan Ponder, revident in China.
DALLAB & Co. Canton, 20th November 1848.
TO LET. THE dwelling House on the Hollywood Koad, lately occupied by the Honour able W. C
B?SH & Co. ke Ap-ply to, Hough November 1846
THE Below in Aberdom Birect lately oceu pied the Royal Simax Lodge. Apply to,
BUSH & Co. longk, 9th November 1866.
d a double storied Godown. Apply to, GIBB, LIVINGSTON & Ca
Visbeith June 1848.
· Boots adjoining that presently oo- De Pui Yome. Apply toy
19th December 1846.
Godowns and dwelling bouso, built alto and lately occupied by Mevers Bar & Co. The property is situated tro of the Town, (Victoria, Hongkong) ater frontage. Apply on the Premises,
THOMAS RIPLEY & Co, Wong bag, Did July 1846.
????. ? near the and has
or 40,
A HOUSE on Queen's Road, late in the occups.
E Undersigned have been appointed Agents for the above named Company, and are prepar- ed to get Policies payable in London, Glasgow, Calco Bombay, and Canton.
Thi Office returne a Bonca of 10 per cent, (Tenper Coat) on all Premiems.
GILMAN & Ca Canton, 1st October 1648.
WR. FERDINAND Brass is authorized to sign for
BAB Procuted.
Honghong, 20th Ottober 3046.
Hongkong, 22nd October 1848.
BABE' Pale Ale in case of 34 dozen.
FRANKLIN & MILNE Victoria, 20th November 1846, DALE Burton Ale in Hogsheads
Do de. in bottle. Pala Cognac Brandy on Cask and bottla Fine full flavored Post.
Very Pale Sherry.
Pala do.
Brown do.
Red wine in Carl. Champagne and Clarol, at very low prices Sparkling and still Mosello, Liqour &c., Manila Cheroots. Apply to
Queen's Fload, ?RATED LEMONADE,
BODA WATER. (From the New Manufactory at Macao)
Dispensary, Praya Grande, and at the Store of Mr JOIN SMITH
application may be had at F. A. SEABRA
Team:-Lemonade, par dozen, one dollar and a quarter, and Soda Water, one dollar-bottles to be retamed ;--with bottles: $8 per dozen.
* Orsans for len dozens, or above: Soria Waig, Beranty-dro cents, and Lemonade, one dollar par egen.
Macse, ist October 1846,
POWDER MAGAZINE. PHS Loroka "Fanner” in fitted up und rendy to zosive Gunpowder on Demurrage Apply to,
BER. Chamano Rysza is this day admined a parUST received ex Bruges --
DIBON, GRAY & On Canton, Ist August 1846.
THE interest and responsibility of Mr Wanngle
■ Detako, Jr. su partner in our firm causedon
the Blat ultimo
Canton, Let January 1947.
Figured Satin dresses of the prevailing colora. French gacze Scarfs and Fichone Lice White and Black Paris Satin Shoes,
| N Elegant Rosewood Cabinet Piano, Metallic A Plate, GJ Octave, by C. L. Was, 142 14- deoball Street.
RAWLE, DOUS & Ca 4th November 1:40.
FOR SALE. NCHORS, Clam Cables, nud Hawse Pipes of A all sizes. An aruice of Alanila Europe, and f'alent Rupe
Coffee, and Government Cigata,
4th November 1846.
FOR SALE. SALT Provisions, Hour, Mom, Atrack, d Brandly in Wood; Whisky, Cognac, and all kinds of Wines in Bottle.
4th November 1846.
Lew Salamander Book and Treasoro Baler.
RAWLE, DU18 & Co,
4th November 1846.
CHARTS, & NEW Admiralty Charts. Latest Code of Cap- Ini Marryat Bignal Waghoru's Overland Charts and Guides. For sale by,
RAWLE, DUUS & Co. Victoria, 25th November 1846.
(100D8 received un Storage, Bold en Commis Usion, or forwarded to Blacao, Canton, &c. by insurable Lorches.
RAWLE; D Victoria, 25th November/764),
MESSRS WAGHOP FUE Undersigned by
for Messi Wag
forward Parcels to
which sail from ber
All Parcels sent t?
be free of Freight ad
arrive bere 24 Houts,
All Purcels receiyala
be delivered free of
presentation of the R?esipi” dalys teal to any other pl perja charged, besides the Praight and
For lo as the Office, Pastoriko Land Guide by the Routes to Egypt;" "Gas AL HIRT and Information for P?ssenters on their way from and to Imma”
Let Stonte, tim Southampina,
through France.
vie Trieste or Commantinople, whi
Map of the Overland Routes.
?lso, a few Overland Trunks,
Pi? May 1840, -*
POR BALE. CODA WATER and ?GATED LEMON- DADE of superior quality at Mesure JiuntER & Barton's Derponmry, Pokinger Stree ria, Hosokona
CANTON, at Dr Kexxy's Dispensary, No. 5, "Acte French Ilong.
Macao, si Herman's, Chinm? Shopkeeper, Riz d'Augustine.
Aerated Chalybeste Water, (Highly re mended, on account of its tonic properties).
Agent at Canton,
ACHOOK, Comprador. No, Imperial Hong Flongkong, 13th ?torch, 1840,
THE MEDICAL HALL, Corner of Queen's Rond and Aberdeen Street.
Electro-plated Inkstands, Spirit-lamps, Chamber Candlesticks dro.
Sugar Basing and Butter Pole in white and co-dicines, Chemicals, & lored Chrystal: Light screens, Fancy lamps, Cigar standa &c. &c.
And an Invoice of Calf and Bole Leather." For
A of Mr C. W. Bowa4. Apply at the OF WE bare Established a Branch of our House at mle by,
ice of
Friend of China.
A How in Gage Street, contains 4 rooms, bath
rod, and servanta ofices. Apply to
Victor 19th Janney 1947.
TO LET. Four on the South ske of Glough Street
GEO. STRACHAN, Appy to Victor 1st January 1847,
TO LET. HE godowns, and first floor of the premises on THE
Que's rond, adjoining Mesura Baith and Brimelo. Apply to,
GEO, STRACHAN. Vietdrin, but June 1848.
[R. fr. D. NuAVE and Mr W. C. Im Gree ara Partners in our firm, which Mr T. B. Satu ? nucli prisod to siga by procuration.
11ongkong, 1st January 1847,
Stangbai under the same Name as at Canton,
and have authorised Mr C. A. Foamon to sign for us by procuration.
AUGUSTINE, HEARD & Ca Capton, Ist January 1847. ??
FOR SALE, at Hongkon
September 29, 1840.
THE partnership bitberto subsining between the undersigned no Merchants and Commission Agents in China, was dissolved by mutual content
on the 30th of June last
BANDS TURNER CHURCH & Co.:! Canton, 20th Novembhi 1846.*
FOR BALE INVOICES of—Russian Corlage, Paint, Palub Oil, Canvom, Blocke, Bunting, Twine, and mi | perior Hamburg Men Pork and Beef. Wine, Brandy, Gila and Vinegar.
WM. PUSTAU & Co. [longkong, September 1940.
THIS Diary is open at all hours for the com pounding of Prescriptions, and the vale of Me
J. GILBERT, M.R.C.B. A. 8. TAYL?R. Professional attendance on the Shipping-terms moderate.
An assortment of Medicino Chests on sale at mo derate charge.
JUST RECEIVE? os Ades and for Bale at the
Stores of the undersigned.
A lot of prime Cumberland and York Hams,
F. FUNCK. 20th November 1846.
TO COMMANDERS &c. THE undersigned begs to solicit the attention of
■Comasanders of ships and the public to his ex- tensive assortment of stores, replenished opery | choice selection of preserved Soups and Mento, Si- month by direct importations to his own indent, ↓ cilian Wine of the finest quality, de &e consisting of...
SMITH & BRIMELOW. Victoria, 4th January 1847.
Europe, Manth and Coir Cordago of all sisan ; Bpanyarn, Worming, Marline, Hombro' fines, Lead line, Oskon, etc. Best navy Capram, Scolch twine, and Dutci. bunting. far, Pitch, Rosing, TWO remarkably dos Sydney Horses, with splen- Paints, Print oil, Turpentine, Varnab etc. etc. Blocks Hauke, Mast hoops, and Nelle of every kind. P?lma, Ball noodles ate
Bid, Float, and Salt provisions. Oiliana's Stores of every descriptions. Brandy, Gio, Rum and Whisky Sherry, Port, Madeira, Champagne, flock and various other light wines.
India and London Bottled Beer, Barclays Porte
el ?le
CHARLES BUCKTON, Queen's Road, tiongkong, ?i
did action.
EDW. N. BURGESS. Victoria, Oth January 1847. .
Kiry autho floves, findguren's Road, Victoria,
CFANTLEMEN and Families visiting this place articks of the first description at moderate charger, Billiard in a spacious any room facing the son.
will find every accommodation and all the
To the litur at the Dormt it ha
Hongkong, 194, Maray, 1917. S?n,-) shall dech updy c? shit you will Kindly perini (he fillesang tannar ( appest in your columns, ler although at a near Full here. the case for the Cryn Pressure a brokedown, and I was instantly acqum da tudi na changes frangh ngsinst me, yet a ilu tony now la verket with vot requiring my d?n c,myc ne finns therely des prived of the opportunity of giving such caplan and proots by evidence is were tesjuired to make the whide alfair perfectly clear, and to justify not fully my own conduct throughout-to supply this inform sion, 1 now offer the statement above alluded to, And remain Sir, your most oblt. servant,
Parson on the 1...le of the head; it was but slight stroke, as my left arm was confined by Clark They both wresteil inore disperately with me th?n before, and had it been for thr becket that was on the cutlass, would have been taken out of my band. others owe our fists at the time thought should and to that sinal pace of rope it is probable and
be obliged to shoot one of them, as they w?rs, both over me and others at the forecastle door, bet I made ur?ng effort to get up so far as to be able to `us? ny charm. I did so, when I rock Pearson
appears in that Onder. The Echtor of the succeeding General Meeting Honorary and Cut Spectator has always given much of his atten- responding Members, if approved of by the Council, tion to military affairs, and it cannot be a wiat-may be admitted during the Mecting at which they ter of astomusliment that he should criticies the are proposed and secondled. high handed proceedings of General D'Aguilar. the article a careful perusal he will change his We think if the Editor of the Mail gives topinion.
Chun-teen-noong who was condemned on him a liute, I then struck him again, when he let gapture of the Privateer, and aim as an acces stroke on the temple with the pistol, which stunned the 15th as one of the pirates concerned in the the cutlass I turned comb to Clark, and then it 10 18 that I pricked him, at the time he was holling on to bony to the murders cominitted on board that ine-be still resisted, and I struck him on the right, suffered the extreino penalty of the law side with the back of my cuties when he was born on Thursday morning law, at 19 o'clock. ALEX O GREIO.
Cemdt. of the ship Joku Comper
On the morning of the 23rd October cinae o Anjer. I called the salch at seven bell that "hey might have their dinner before coming to anchor, which we did at half past twelve. Manned the sig It went on shore along with Mrs. Greig and Mr Johnston, passenger. ? told the Chief Offlcer, Ar Hawkins to have the vesich yards squared and bends cleaned down, but to do na extra work so that the water might be taken in. On landing, the man Piren asked me for money to get greg, for which I reprimanded him and refused. I then went and ordered the want, and a bant was sent immedi
tely with casks to fill. Fonctions after Piersan and Clark again came to me, asking for grog, Estill refused, and they went away grumbling. A44 r. m. the water left for the ship, but made letle progress as a strong breezo wa Ulining. I went to the Ri- sident's office much solicited assistaner to get the boat to the ship, when he kully scuztwo other basta and pulled along able. At 5 rw, my pasangers bud I left for the ship. While going off Person used in offensive and unprovoked language to a native best jussing, I told him to desist, but he told me kad stopped his ging, and should not stop his mus was much annoyed with this man's con duct, lark and another were alm very angry. ing, filling over their seats with their oirs, but I Tenk no notice of it then, the men being intricated.
quid–I took him, oft and placed him in the caddy, And called to one of my apprentices to stop by the doar, I then went forward to see that all the others were out of the forceamle, and found they were, and that the water bost had gone from the ship. I im piediately undated one of the quarter boats to be lowered, and after it to bring it back, which was door. It was out of sight, it being quite dark - I then went forward, found the chief officer had hold of a man. I naked who he was, he told me it was Clark, he he found his in the forecastle again, and that the second mate had taken one of the lever's for the wurdlass out of his band a stick about five feat long, and nine inches round," I told the male te leave "Click to rec, and put the cthere to work, I took hold of Clark by the collar, when he wrestled in on the head with the back of the cutlass, which with me and attempted to trip me up, 1 then struck
back to the coldy, and contined him is one of the knocked him down, he got up again, and I took him cabins, I examined his wounds, and found them very alight, and dressed them, and he was at work three day after. I sent the mase to examine the man Porm's wounds, and had them drused, be want to work the same day as Clark. After 1 had confiael Clark, the water was agam brought along side, and was taken in without farther disturbance. We got wider wrigh soon afterwards, and pored ed on nur royage. Aud all was quiet until our atrical in this port.
(Signed) ALEX: O GREIG
Comdr. of the ship John Cooper.
VIIL-No Candidata shall be elegial unless ho has in his faur three fourths of the Members
IX-Every Member, on his election being inti- matud to him, shall guify his therence to the Laws of the Society by inserting his name s Bok to be kept for the purpose, dr, if aburmi, inti- mate his readinem to do so by letter addressed to the Secretary.
X-The Office-bearers of the Society shall form the Council, and shall consist of—A President; Four Vice-Presidivats ; Six Conseillots ; 'I bree Se was carried to the place of execution in an and Foreign: A Treasurer; fed Curator; who cretaries,--General, Corresponding, and Chinese open bamboo chair, guarded by a Company of the 42nd Regiment, all de convicts being ledger alsall have the Direction of the affaire of out in procession to witness the spectacle. "The XL.-The Office-bearers shall be slected annual- man malotained the same characteristic cool, ly, at the Anniversary Meeting in January, and the indifference of the punishment which awaited two Senior Vice-Presidents, and three Senior C him, on arrival at the scaffold, as he displayed cillors shall be Ineligible for immediate co-alelon however of apparent contritition, when his when his sentence was pamed, with intervals to the same offic feelings were overcome by the lamentations of his wife and other relatives within a few yards of the scaffold.
X-Three shall from a Quorum of the C cil, and Fire of a General Meeting.
Xlll.-The Functions of the Office-bear-ere a bo na follows:-
1. The President shall preside at Mestings of the Nearly half an hour previous to his ascend- ing the scaffold, the Rev. Mr. Gillespie con-ciety and of the Council, keep order, state and put questions, and cause the Laws of the Bulety tinued his exhortation to repentance, and as-
to be enforced. top. followed by the Rev. Gentlenian, they sence of the 'resident, exercise all the functions acending the platform with a firm and steady 2 One of the Vice-Presidents shall, in the ab. both knelt down in prayer for a few moments, of his Office. and then the rope was adjuster.
It appears that he made no kind of confession to Mr Gillespie, merely acknowledging in ge neral terms that he was a sinner, and that be woman had sworn falso witness against him, was penitent: but affirmed strongly that a Ha told Mr Gillespie, that he felt too agitated both of men and women,) as he had previously ip address the crowd, (which was very great expressed his intention of doing he did how evor speak a few words of warning to his coun teymen: the body after hanging one hour, We cut down, and given over to his friendly, who brought it through the town, going to tho eastward, in funeral proccasion. Before leav Nae aleertisements, will be varived, wing the goal, the condemned man made a Clock, on the teenings previous to publi full confession of his participation in the piracy ention, rit: Tuesdays and Fridays.
of the Privateer, mentioning who were the leaders in the affair, and the part which he himself acted-he made further important com- inunications which it is probable will lead, sooner or later, to the apprehension of his ac- enmplices, mane of whom no doubt were wit- nesses of his execution.
Fazland United
Oct. 7 Reinar Aug. 31 Bscavin
Now Nov
Calen Hambay
Nav. ↑ Singapore Dec. Nor, Nav.
Dee Bhanghai Deo.
NOTICE-The home of Divino Servier in the Calo-
on Therals of P.M. meat. Chapel, mer, on Sum layani ? pas tu A.M, and 4 P. 5.
Colonial Chaplain.
Vicimin, (ich Nov, 1616
ship as 11 Ureak A. M., and at belf-gast Delock P. SC., NOTICE-Uion Chapel will I open Et Pobile Wer- during the winter months, beginning with the 1st Novem
At a Meeting of the Asiatic Society of Chine held on Tuesday 19th Jouwary 1847, and name. rously attended. —
Colonel Brereton having been called to the Chair, the following Report of the Committee appointed at the preliminary Moeting, for the purpose of framing the Laws and selecting Office bearers for the approval of the Members of the Society, was read:
3. The General Secretary shall arrange and attend the Meetings of the Society and of the Co- uncil, and record their proceedings, and shall exer. cise & General Superintendancer gru conduct the Correspondence of the Society, and of the Council.-The Corresponding Secretary obtain for blembers all requisite information on to the Society, ad conduct the requisite intercourse Chinees and foreign Secretary shall be Interpreter subjects relating to the objects of the Society.-The
with China ant Foreign countries. The Secretaries shall to together superintend the printing and pu blishing of the Iransactions of the Society. In the absence of one of the Secretaries, either the ollers may act for him; and in the veral in all being abeont, the Council shall appoint vente. 4. The Tremaurer shall receive and pay wut all Moneys on behalf of the Society, keep an account diereof for the satisfaction of the Cous-il, and sub- mit a Sutement of the pecuniary Abairs of the Suciety to the Annivarry Meeting.
5. The Curator shall have charge of the Moun arrange the Specimens, and preserve the Prepar. tions and Donations; and, in the meantime, he will be called upon to laku charge of the Library. keeping a list of the Buoke, going them out is Members, in the manner directed by the Council, and seeing that they are returned in proper tim und in good condition.
Funds of the Society on Admission a Poe of Tes XIV-Each Rosidant Momber skall pay to the Dollars, and on Annual Contribution of Tweke and the Anniversary Mecting in January, which Doltare, unless he is elected between the 1st July, case of the Annual Subscription u will be pay-ble for that Year.
XV.Honorary and Correspondi
may be admitted without paying any Erics Fre or Annual Subscription,
getting on board I asked the chief officer if be was rendy to take in the water, he said he was, and had been for some time. I went into the cabin. and was sitting with my Passengers, when the chief officer came and told me, that the boat's crew land come to him asking greg. I told him they were to bare none, as ther had diod 100 inuch alically, but
send them to their lids to be out of the way. They went forward, grumbling and swearing, Jeand a noise in the forecastle, and went forward, and heard Pierson say, dan?n kim, and the water too, le may take it in hien 16, for J shall be one that with not do it, then went to the colly and sent for Pierson, and remonstrated with him about using
ch minous langimge, and also for his conduct in the boat, and advised him to go quiedy to bol, for l would not put up with such conduct long. le still gresied my tenonstrance with defiance, and was but to leave the cally I got up from my seat and told him as he did not appear in take my advice in the way it was meant, that I should put him in irons, it be del not take an ample apology. flo dij -20, and I allowed him to go furwant, bin, by the so part of the innte die was no sooner out of the cudly door, than he legno sucating. The mate then called the crew toke in the water, which they refused to nh?, v? : dinh th? In JsHaterr, mol ful lizeron al Clark amongst them instead of being in bed as or. dered, and they were inciting the crew to refuse to work and using very mutinous language. I ordered then both away, they persisted in temaining. 1 then asked the crew their reason for not taking in the water, but got no satisfactory answer from thom, Fome said they were tired, I toft them they hard not ad a word of that before the kart's crew caine on board, and that could not ho the rimson, as they had do no more work that day, than if they had ben at sex, and some of them bid only been up since Boon 1 also told them they were commiting an act of any which I was determined so quell, and they about take the water in by "fair ineens or foul**
water in the boat which might have been taken in in an hour As the sine time it was blowing a wrong breath a current the opposite way which caus riley confused sea. The water barge along side was striking heavily against the ship, and the peoplo calling out that the boot would sink, if we did pot take the water on board) I thra considered it my duty to enforce the crew to go to work, other wise there was e certainty of the loss of the war bal, and endsugering the rowel and property, as also the lives under my charge, by laying at the anchorage at that go of the your, when the prevailing winds bhow strongly on the shore: called the chief ant second officers along with the boatswain and carpenter, and consued then on the petesy of the water being taken in, they decided that the water ought to be taken on board: I then took cul and ing own pistole, and gavo a eulans to the officers, at the same timo telling them
at to use them unless it was abmilutely nectary, quarter, participates in the feeling of satisfaction. Posod L?we and List of Office bearers as follows any Member, and the question being pledge o
(It was then alt six .. and only nine casks of
as I only wished to intimidate the crew to work?
ber 1816.
Victone, 19th October 1818.
The Rteamer Bragunza had not arrived up to the hour of our going to Press, 9.30 o'clock last evening.
Your Committee held their first Meeting at the Rooms of the Boc'sir un Wednesday the 10th, instant-Present-Colonel Brereton, Hon. C. M. Campbell, Capt Kennedy, the Rev. V. Bunton, Drs Balfour, Kinsia, Young, and Harland, and, Meera C. 3. F. Start, Bowring, Mereer, Bevan, Melville, and Shortreda,-when the first subject taken into consideration was the name to ba givea to the Society; and after some discussion it was agreol to recommend that it should be called The Asiatic Society of China.
Dr. Bowring's expomire appears to have Bad
"In order to facilitate the farther operations of jhar Commince, it was resloved that it shonk! be the desired effect, the police Magistrates bav ing ceased in sentence prisoners to be flagged. divided into two Sub-Committees, that one to select We think this will be gratifying to most of our
the Officer bearers, and the other to frame the Laws of the Society, their respective Reports to be randers, as the extent to which this barbarous panitument was carried most have had signed and considered on Monday the 18th. Your Commilles having requested Mr Bhortredo to jurkos teisdency as refers to the welfare of the Colony, and what is of more consequence, it
frame a draft of the Laws, founded on the Rules of was unjust, Chinese being flogged for the most Meeting, that gentleman furnished copies to each the Royal Asiatic Society, to be submitted to its neat trivial offences. On looking over three of of the Members, and on Friday the 15th, the Dri the four numbers of the Weekly Criminal Calender" we observe, that during three meats having been adopted, the Sub-Committee met was fully and carefully considered. Beveral amoud- weeks is the month of September, thirty two Gext day, when the Laws were again subjected to men were soutenced to be logged, the average a careful revision, each clause being put separately number of strokes boing fity. Eight of the from the Chair. On Monday the 18th your Com- thirty two, had the opton of paying fines of mice met together to receive and consider the from 81 to 8:2011
Reports of the two Sub-Committees, which, with the modifications agreed to, are now submitted for the approval of the General Meeting of the Society."
The Chuitroen then read to the iceting the pro-
Dr. Bowring will be pleased to hear that his exposure has lead to much results, and we are sure, that every person of bumanity in this
THE ASIATIC BOCITY OF CHINA. Submitted to a General Meeting of the Society held at flongkong, on Tuesday the 19th January, 1847. L-The AMATIC SOCIETY OF China is institut- ed for the insemigation of Arts, Science, and L. terature in relation to China.
It-The Socisty hall consist of Resident, Ho. norary, and Corresponding Members.
writing of their intended departure,
XVI. Hide Members, upon give in shall, un the recommendation of the
Chur placed on the List of lionorary or Members; and in the areas of their reto Che may be replaced by the Council on Resident Membera
uncil, be ponding
abell be held on the Firm Taceday of m? menih,
XVII.-The General Meetings i and at such other times as may be fed on, and duly notified to Members.
XVIIL-The course of Business ajale Meetings shall be as follows, (the first w counprising the Private Business):
1. The Alinutos of the preceeding be read, and signed by the Presiden may in his absence occupy the Ci
Council may have appointed for th
2. Any specific or particular bual S of the Meeting shall be proceeded
3. Candidates duly proposed and***** previous Meeting shall be ballosed Members may be nominated.
4. Donations shall be laid before the Meeting shall be announced.
6 Titles of Papers for consider
General Bections
ing shall
hich the dersion
ting by
a Papers and Communications shall be and sad discussed. admitted to the Battings of the Society
XIX.-Stronger on a vialt to Chine
Basiness. They may be proposed. be present during the tranauction
Chair and carried, they shall be intruder)
XX.-Communications and Papers and at the expanse of the Society, under Society may be printed by order of the of Transactions of the Asiatic Society of
to the
XXL-Erary Resident Member of the shall be entitled to a Copy of any Papers so pu blished, subsequent to his clection, and the Councill shall have authority to prosent Copies to other Bo- cietice and distinguished Jndividuale.
unientron is cautiously worded, though evi. dently the production of a friend of General D'Aguilar's, as reference is made to his love of justice! Of course the General's friends have an undoubted-right to put the most favorable construction, upon his actions, and to place them before the public in the best fight, and in the present instance, it is done very wimitly, the writer appearing to sympatise with Brigadinguished manner, are to be eligible as flano-pny Vacancies that may occur during the year. der Chesney and Mr Pen
Il-Members residing in any part of China shall be considered Resident.
IV-Emine Individuals, and Persons who may contribute to the objects of the Socinly in a Trary Members,
XXII-General Meetings and the Concil of the Society shall each have power to pass ye Laws for the regulation of their respective business. XXIII-The Council shall have power to sil
My reason for taking those weapons was to protect myself on meting the forreastle among so many to the suspension of Brigadier Cheaney and The Mail publishes a communication referring men as eighteen, and they in such a determined Mr. Pett, and the remarks thereon which ap. stake of inutiny, and to drive then from the forecas
le, and then to cure it. nul persent their going peared in the Madras Spectator. The com
again until the water lind been taken in, for which I had previously will my carpenter to prepare by getting ready soine apste spars tu gu across." "Aler which intended telling the crew that they would have nothing to eat and not be allowed to enter the forecastle unuil the water was taken on board, but this was all frustrated by Pearson and Clark cling with me, and the rest of the crew going to work. When I went forward was consider ably in advance of my officers On entering She Faterale, I exiled out to all the crew out of this with you, out of this, of the same time moving the cutlara about as one would do if tornarticle the Spectator was written in Hongkong ing out an unwilling mols, without cutting them. whilst doing so Pearson took ykeld of my class We would have on has a person of lus which was in my right hand, an?t Clark at the same! accutzvem ovuklyst fail to perceive that the art are out 10 Tudo at its Meetings, or be elected to proved of at two General Meeting. sie collared me on the loft. them to the ticle in question was exilently from the pen of a else would shoot them, when I said so ons of the person little ayainted with the facts. Hail it pistols had fallen on the deck and the other pistel was been written here, it would undoubtedly have aide my trowsers by my hoor, it having slipped gone more fully into the details, but it is simply a down in the strangh. I kept struggling with the commentary upon the General Order by a per- two men uzul I regomed my pistol, when I struck | son who know nothing of the case except what
We are sorry, however, to observe that our contemporary has expressed an opinion that the
V.Persoda rai lent in Olsina may, upon ape- cisl grounds, and with the recommendation of the Honorary and Corresponding Members aco Ganril, be elected Corresponding Members. to be admitted to all the pelvileges of the Society,
any of its office, or take part in ita private business. VIL-All Members, whether Resident, Hino
mary, or Corresponding, shall be elected by ballot.
XXIV.-The Laws of the Society shall out be altered unless upon a Notice given by two Members one Month, at least, before the subject is taken into consideration; and it shall farther be necessary that Nine Alenbers be present, and two three for the measure; os it shall be adapted if unnily
John Stewart, K
Councillors Lt. Col. Brereton, Royal Artillery, C.B. & K.II. Pear Young,.. Colonial Burgeon. WT. Merodt, Esq.,
115. O. M. Campbell, Esq.,
1 Ralfour, Esq, Burgaon," C. By sq.
Bl-Andrew Bhortrede, Ex.
repanding Captain Clark Kennedy. eve of Moreign-Thomas Wadr, Eq.
F. Berau, Esq.
CT. Watkiar, Esq
the motion of Dr Dill sergided by J. A. Oling, Ee, the Fleport of the Commilles, e bying the Laws and List of Off-Bearers, was judinimously approved of.
AMERICAN AT WNAMPUA Cayuga, Starbuck, Brooklyn. (Am) Richardson,
Da Ana, (10 ) ("herven
wish the sword, av be bought opnum there, kis nais Ayun, he is thin amit has no brand; the Chise of the godown is callol Ahy, The Julge baaused to be brought the board s?on in frunt of the horne which omline threa Chinon letters | Earle, (Min) — on who ground, to see the name of the direflon, Abbott, Ch, the three felters were found to say only-Horatio, (Am.) Cro Vespawnbroker's shop. There wore in the Mi?ar (An? ) Jobu- holy the three murdered persons, Clara ike Mary Ellen, (Am. with, and Chice, and the Chinese of the godown Woodside (A.) And the alavo Droga-Chica, child seren yes old, teatified that she was in bod in the apart
my, me of Daniel and felt the Chineen ammavin `step?
her and w ham kill Bayiol, ~-Ritha Fran Nes was summoned; the neighbour to whom Cfled; under mih she tretified that she heard waterbonce; at 7 o'clock in the morning the mthebenale aleve upon the roof of her house,
he board of the ghoking occurrence. --The Chaman Alte being summoned, (ho who notified to gard near the Senate of the disgraceful act), to according to his forms; at 7 o'clock in thoring of this day coming as usual to purchase in one, and the girl Chien told him that all wore op, he found the alreas dour open as well as en
be Chairman then slated to the ting that a Fation having been made to the Commilles to netinate individuals of high official re A offices, it had been decided that thi would not nk to hono bespedient: and accordingly in appointing Bird; Ja Devis President, he requested the
AND MACAO. of the oflicers auderew, inctulog at 15× captin, Russell and Colan-led with the attention of surrend rit; tl; suicher Russell and ? prisoners of war The Princeton steun-fagate pro Weunore and Do cooded to the milanon of the brig onthe stateral of Russell and Co the boats; but, timling hot rescue (? le impornide, J, M. Hullet tire to the hull, sod niter awcertaining that tha Nyo Parkin and Coremainder of the crew had al nut f?r Tainpiro, sho latkion, Nye, Parkin and Co to have broken out on board the British vected, of Russland Cu returned to Vera Crus. Tampico and Toe had Dearborn, A. Heard and Co joined in the rorulation. The yellow fever is stated
war at Berlicios. A portion of the United State BURCH.
squadron was voffering from scurvy.
*At thiLondon Rociety's Ammon Howar, Victoen, on the Seening of the lich lasami, the Wiin of the Hat. Jonx Estof Bon.
of General Taylor to leave that place with the wron From Camzigo we learn that it was the intention borly of the army about the 5th of September. Jins inales, 200 waggons, ow:] 180,410 cations hul bern conveniem nall House in Aurion Terrace, non in advance ; and it in stated that the General 1 containing Situng-soom, two Bed-rooms, and intends, if anopposed by the Mexicans, proceed Two Bathing-rooms, with Cook and Coolie house, that his means of transport were litt deficient. Biable, and huge back yard, with an abundance u?
at one to Saklo, kker agcounts slave, however, pore water in the immediate neighbourhood. Alting the country around the dentured Sime of march, A towbile, parties of rangers were actively 100... ply to
he asked by whom killed, she answered by men, and be announced it to the guned; the Flohe godowns was called Abg. On
Aply to
Chinese house, it wparticulare, apply to at January 1847.
remove TO LET.
?Berstand that this was not house ? places
veroor, but sulalount of his January, I * and scientido "oquirements, it was thetus. de a nominal but real President, that His Ex- oney had fired upon. One of the Com-ch
Smith and
we farth remarked, that as a distinguished way. This exainted Sew floor of the premise on
ber of the Royal Asiatic Society, and being dun, ady in communication with its Presidens the Tofuckland, regarding the formation of
IDENTIFICATION OF THE ASSASSIN AYAO. ah in Chips, it would be the utmost consequence
la the year of our Lord 1840, the Chinaman Body that Sir John Davis should accept in ard to the murder, denied the fact, saying Ara bawing baca laken into custody and question. amigued to him.
longong and arrived in Macan at six this more- herday at seven o'clock at night he left The chill Chica and the female slave Clars bring rought in, recognized this China Ayao 0502030 asenssin who wounded Clara, and was
Sid, Agu in the murders. He was committed for
berefore moved by Dr Halfour, seconded Kiasis, that the Secretaries should be deputed.
His Excellency to request him to ac- cbt the lion of President. The motion was (and, on cho suggestion of Brajam?n Sears, be Chairman was requested to join them.
Desoral Beoretary, after an explanatory facets to the origin of the preani Boxiety, reference to the resolution come to al a Meeting, moved that, upon the understand cafuerte, Alva, Mazailan, 1st December. at its apparatus and books bo banded over todas, Sullivan, Woosung, 4th January. siatic Society of China, the Members of the co-Chirurgical Society who signify their de
14 V?lliam Jardine, Small, London, 10th Sept
Acount Sandow, White, Whampoa.
? the subject before the next General Mooting pitted Members without hellot or setrance whic motion was unanimously need to.
W. BRERETON, Chairman
2 fudar,—hietara A. G. Dallas, J. Compton,
| W. Egun, and C. Sinclair
Ankers, Ableu, Whaig
dostan, West, Whampos. Car, Wood, Hyde
The business being Snished, and Colonel Brore e having left ke Chair, Captain Clark Kennedy and moved the the thanks of the Meeting ba ndered to Colonel Brereton, not only for the ad- hable manner in which he had discharged the ties of Chairman on the present occasion, but the great interest he had all along manifested, Horsburgh, Whampoa. the succem of the Bociety. Wblah motion hav.
Dar, Cumberland, Winampon.
fuerte, Alva, Whampo
been carried by acclamation, the Meeting naz, Sullivan, East Coast.
alle. Anderson, East Coast, Jin Carina, Deuham, Mingapore, el, McNally, East Coast
AND, SHORTREDE, General Sacretary.
We are enabled to state that the deputation have Consisting with its Excellency, who has convict the office of President of the Innini probably preside at its first Apperal
China Mail, January 21.
* or Man HouRACE AND OFBARS, at Macao, From the Boletim do Governo.
per of our Lord 1848, no the 12th of
in Macao, and at the house of Lourencia
in Borback, murdered, there met the Judge, illor Juequim Antonio de Morace Car Vroceed to an inquest apon the bodies of murdered; there being present the Mar Jo?o Dumaceno Coelho dos Santos, dela the Attorney-General, and the surgeons vero da Bitre Telles and Vicente de Paula Cor; those being sworn proceeded to the exa
In of the persona murdered.
? found two Chinese swords (short blades) which was tinged with blood; and also the of the house Lourencia Pereira Horback er throat eat, and lying behind the bed in an room, her aun named Daniel in the bed, b female slave at the door of her mistrom's the first showing a wound which had nearly ated her, her hande mutilated and the sword through her body, and all the wounds of a nalure. The son named Daniel Horback right hand cut, and a contusion on the back head, affecting the whole brain and being the bis death. The female slave showed a which had almost severod her head from Ay, passing through all the muscular portion, id vessels and the windpipe, the soufl being ad saly by the vertebral column, as well ar rounds upon her body: these throe weze
Kr, Macfarlane, Ext Coast. *Prington. Nell, Shanghai.
H. M. 8. Vestal, Captain Talbot
VBELS IN VICtoria Harbour.
H. M. BL. Falturs, Captain Macdougal. H- C. Str. Pluto, Lieut. Airey,
Anonyma, Thomas, Bomanje formujes, Contos, Corsair, Soames, Fort William.
and had visited en route several of the small towns Victoria, 22nd January 1840.
of the district without exowuntering resistance or "TO LET.
discovering any signs of au opposing furre. THE whole or part of the upper part of the House cording la general report however, the Mexicanshad Ac- Intely occupied by Mr Fanoom, for further thousand t-paid and sil-clothed men Disgraceful conconimated st Monterey, to the extent of some few riste bad taken place among the volunteers at Ba- L JUST & Co. Victoria, 22nd January 1847.
r?la, arising hom a fead existing between an frich TO LET.
company and ten of the Georgoun corps. APARTMENTS, furnished, or unfurnished, eli anchored near the shore. Guns, words, and ba Bir mok place ou board of a steam-boot which was The af A gibly situated in the East, and West part of yosely were wed with reckless violence. The en- the Town, also large and amall Dwelling flouses. Fonel of a regiment of Illinois volantenre, who, at the For particulars apply to G. Dooosel, opposite the firead of two of his conratios, attempted to quell the Commiarist, Victoria,
disturbier, was wounded, and his aben weta dzis en Meating of the Members of the flunkonecosif-rable mistaker of men had bean either killed bick: sud when at length the rioters subunitled, a A CLOS is requested at the Club House ni ? es Rule XXXVI. on Saturday the 30 Instant, in accordance with
for wounded.
By order of the General Committer,
F. SPRING, Secretary,
Club House, Hongkong, 20th January 1847.
Opt the Commissariat, Queen's Road. variety of new Saddlery at reduced prices, Saffie beads and Reins.. from #14 es. to 02j au Aradoon, & Satin Bri-tles Bilperior Weymonth do.
24, 3
Cukmel ilarpey had inarcijal from San Antonin (Tozas), on the 23rd, with 120 United State Dra. gauna, 800 mdunted Texans, and 18 Delawares, for Muodoris, Slotien. From St Louis we learn that General Kearney's command had left Hent's Port fir Sante Fe on the 3rd. Kearney had bust 100 hires, sol ile Loops were on hall ratio: The Californian expedition was on the point of karog New York Rumours were current that an agent from the Mexican Government was at Washington, The damestic alfairs of the Union continued to beniant Mr Bancrofiche wen appointed Minister tonden. Sie Mason had received the VACAM Navy Department, nul the journals metition Mr Pickens, South Carolina, for the French nie- sion. Mr Mine had been adtremed with el- gratulations by the merchants of New York, and had accepted au invitation to a poldic dinner, Lako sora apparently in a precarious position. The Anti-Mormons were encamped in Inge free in the Hace at some faturd day The Morms of Nan- imediate vicinity of that place, anJ's enllision ap peared imminent. The New York jumla state meeting resulved to expel from their boundaries, by that the people of Merear's cuanity, ?bin, had as a force, if neemary, the coloured people then read been appointed to the comunend of the easter diri. ill health, begsing in the country Majeneral Gaines badi plan of the United States army. A great for lad accurrel in Crooked Crock, noot Mechaun, Livlanan, Mr Pakenhan wat ull a visit to Me Wolste Much damage was caused, and six livas wa Webster was expected to make a great sped viewing the course of the Administration on in Philadelphis about the tat of October. xican war, the pable dinner to be given
ad Gollars, with Stall Chain...............* ** Grths, white & colored Stirrup Losthors.......
24 pair Aartment of Leather, consisting of Chamois -Haroes, Pamp, o., &c.. Homo Clothing. Beadle and Carb Birts, fancy Sutrup fron, Curb Chaine, &c., &c.
N. BRapsite neatly and expeditiously execu tod; Navy and Army accoutrements made to order, JAMES MILLER, Baker, berig about to loose
Pagkong in consequence rospectfully to return his sincere thanks to the Of. 6com of Her Majesty's Navy, Merchants, Captains of Shipe, and the Inhabitente in General, for the patronage be has so kindly received during the three years that he has been in business on this feland, and begs that any person to whom he many bs in dobled will send in their accounts at once for liquida tion, and requests that all outstanding debts may be discharged, as he is about closing his Books finally. BILL OF LADING FOR THE OVERLAND
Quera's Road, 16th January 1847.
H M. Tr. 8. Alligator, Master Commanding King. H. M. 8. Minden, 2nd Mamor in charge amor,
Hospital and Store Ship. Andar, Bullivan, Anglona, Marvin,
J. Matheson and Co OR sale at this office, four forms of bills of int.
Drinker & Hey! J. Matheson and Coable at London; 2nd for goods deliveraldo nt J. Matheson and Co Company's Steam packets Jet for goods deliver ing for goods or specie shipped by the 1o. & 0), Franklyn and Milne Southampton: 3rd for goods deliverable at Siz Steel,
4th for goods deliverable et interinodiate ports. 3. A. Oking They a printed after the Company'e forins un
Bank post. Franklyn and Milne Dent and Co Bellamy
Graaf Pan Hogendorp, (Dut)
(Bulk) Young Hobe, McQuin,
en Corina, Dombam, Joks Barry, Blewan,
Kelpie, Bellamy,
London, Gibson,
Mary. Bouirkrop, Maseppe. Jauncey, Nymph, Homburgh, Parsi, McNally, Spec, Cole,
Dent and Co Rawle, Daus and Co J. Matheson and Co Dent and Co Gilman and Co Murrow and Co Smith and Brimolow Rawla, Dutus and Co Viecament Sandon, White,
U. Livingston and Co Victoriy, Sraith, Wave, Hackett,
Order Macricar and Co William Jardine, Small, Blankin, Rawson and Co Zephyr, Macfarlane,
Sri Singapura, Torrington, Nell,
Duke of Cornwall, Whitehand, George Fyfe, Murrey, lindostan, West, Barrier
DA, Cumberland,
Dent and Co
Office "Friend of Chios"}
25th October, 1845.
CHIPPING ARTICLES, according to the re- compact (Victoria 7 & 8) for sale at this office Once Friend of China, Victoria, 10th October; 1845, FOR SALE-At the office of this paper.
Compradores choque books,
Ships Articles, with an abstract of the merchant seaman's act endorsed on the back.
Powers of Attorney, after forms by Chitty. Chattarparties, after forms by Chitty.
Bill of Lading.
(acturers, in most cases, appear to be pauis stil
Under the influence of the new tarifi, the m??i contents to public avetid. and are emptying these warehouses, and sendte
Wither, by reducing the price of the raw prices previous to the passage of the neway Juvel cases, ??l? effected at a very great loss, compared to the se
tsin enough by these auction sales to repla and the wages of the labourer, &c., they old stock. is the great question. If they cab, will be satisfied to run their infactorien for
or two, with the expectation of hope of ohlag Congress will repeal the premat tariff law. one cral of profil, bal in the full belief that the ne subject of Repeal of the Tand, overything depenkla (In the on the political character of the font congressional House wit-prorchiatives The present house havo lu sorvenoothies short session, from December 1846, favorable to a repeal of the present serif law, the to March 1817. If the manufacturing party should have a frin and decided majsity in the next house, denate would not defeat the Repond Hill, and the M'endent has had quite as much to do with vetes at he wishca
counting boss.
Chinese Tariff of importe, sal exports, for Alamoras The stain-slop Kim, Capo Page: The following are particulare of the day Dear
arrived on the 5th inm, at New Orleans, from Brazos Sunting??, which place she lek on the ad inst. She brought several sick volunteers and sorne diaclierged Bulliers. Colonel Hayes wuli bis itungers had bean turned to Camurgu, without doing anything of nute. heard from. They had scoured the country and re- A great rist among a company of Irish volunteers and some others took place on the night of theater, at an encampment opponte Butita. been fired, and 18 or 20 men are reported to have Lium have been killed or wounded. Besides the killed or
VREBBIA AT WHAMPOA. Ades, King, H. M. B. Childera, Commander Pittman,
The news from the United States to the oth Argo, Bremer,
Crooke and Massey September is not of striking importance. The opera Appolling, Thomas,
Fletcher and Cotions sad prospects of the Alexicno war continted Amelia, Diaper,
Lindsay and Co as indecisive as ever; and, heyond the general state Boustead and Co meat that further, though slight, advanos had boun Britomart, Bolomon, Ellerslie, Pagon,,
Nye Parkin and Co made by the several columns of invasion matching Boustead and Co against Mexico, we have little intelligence to com- K.Macgregor and Co the previous steamers. The Government in just Lindsay and Comunicate differing in tenour from that brought by P. & D. N. Cama beginning to feel the want of money. The Presided seen or shown, ? or 10 are said to have Dirom, Gray and Co dent is authorised to issue 10,000,000 of dollars in been pushod fioni a steam-bont (lying by the shure) C. Bapeorjee Langrah Treasury notes. The first batch of this species of overboard, and were drowned. The Colonel of the Lindsay and Co paper money had made its appearance they are Georgia Reginout gallantly attempted, with swords Rumeli and Co received in payment of Castom-bouse duct. So long and pistole its hau-l, to quell the rise. Je shot down Jamieson How and Co as the amount in circulation can be swallowed by Maclean Dearie and Co the Custom-house, they will be at per, and no longer.
one man, and wounded several others. Murrow and Co From Vera Cruz advices to the 29th of tugast voluntours, repaired to the scene, and undered two Colonel Baker, of the 4th Regiment of Hibai is Blenkin, Rawson and Coat pulled in the Americno journals. The land.
Russel and Coing of Sabir Amon had been attended with great de-fight, and went in person with 20 chosen men to Nennen,
of his companies, A abd C?o assist in quelling the mourations of joy, and that chief had taken his H. Wise and Co departure inland, but of his arrival in the capital we be gut on board, but was attacked by the ridera, the strain-boat. He commanded pare sa soon as J. Matharon and Co have no accounts, Despatches from the Presidom od had a desperate conflict, in which he defended Boustead and Co had boon-received by the commender of the blocks. hisuselt tunyoly for some time agamat swords, ba
Rossell and Coding squadron, and immediately afterwarde a com Torner and Conicspan was hard with the shore under sig of the ball entering behind and passing not though his yonets, and shut, but was finally shot in the neck. J. Matheson and Co tract. These despic hea are wipposed to contain chrek ur mosti?.
Heard and Co the proponition of the Cabinet to offer a resumption
Captain of negotiations with tho Alexican Government.
The United States brig of war Trazian had been F. J. de Paiva totally_wrecked on the lath near the mouth of the R. Garroa river Tappan. Two heutenants and (1) men towely
was also wounded the slave Clara, baving light injuries about the temples, itnemes summoned were this slave Clara tle girl named ChicaThe fist mid upon Sat about midnight, ack Diogo dat the door of the apartment of his mistrem ing a light, akhough he held a light all the Indian, English, his hand; she, the witarse, opened the door Jos Cooper, Grieg. room of Daniel. when Chinese who cameokn Bagshaw, Dare, the wall of the Chinees shop, struck her with rd upon the head and she fall down. Then pwing, Lom
Mady Amherst, Ablat, e three Chinese, one being well dressed sail ying a swort in his hand, the other two with accompacial by the said slave Diogo; they ed for the inistro nad murdered ber, and then non Daniel, and the Clara fod to the roof of djoining house The black slave Matinona neno crying out to Diogo, who ordered her still. and because she would not, he slew her; y immediately went to the money which win in Age box and in a small nge, and took it off, for heard them counting it in the godowas below.
His Excellency Sir John F. Davis, Bart., F. & also took some prepared opium, leaving the emainder behind: the Chimean of the godown and Major General Aguilar, C. B Suciety, but cannot be balloted for unul de next i Stajor EL. P. Burn
A Candidate for Resident Membership must be proposed and seconded at a General Meeting of the
Lanester, Hullin, Lydfork Binyron, Machr?de ornelia, (Dul.) Monirnar, gasson. hello, Thoon, Pandara, Cobli, - Rocafuerte, Al Prins Oscar, (3) Mellin,
S. Laram, Code,
Stag, Parish,
Wild Irish Girl,ton,
VAT loubelia Robertwelly.
go accompanied the mine, who raired by Yocano, (8p.) Rio vay of the Chines hore. She knew the Chiume | Lyra, —,
J. A. Durmed the aquadron at Vern Cruz in boa,s; the remainder
Of die 30 men who accompanied Colonel Baker, with balls. On the arrival of companies A and Captain Hoberts, of the former, ordered his men to sight were wounded, sin with bayonets, and two eliarge on board, and led them to the steps, where
Lo receivul a serete wound from a bay?use, which
To the Editor at the Event 20km
Hongkong, 18th January, 1947.
Sin-1 shall for! rreple kink if you will kindly permit the following sturaria in at your?olumns, lot although at joy scent Tiiil here, the case for the Crown Procation broke down, and I was instantly equival of all the chargis brought ngainm ine, pet sa the Jury returned a verdict with out requiring my defence, ingcounsel was thereby des prived of the opportunity of giving auch explanations and proofs by evidence is wise required to make the
my own conduct throughout-in supply this inform ation, I now offer the statement above all--loj to, And remain Sir, your most obdi. servant,
Pearson on the night side of the head; it was bot a appears in that Order. The Editor of the succeeding General Meeting Honorary and Cor slight stroke, as my farm was confined by Clark. Spectator has always given much of his alten-responding Meaghers, if approved of by the Council, before, and had it not been for the becket that was egter of astonment that he should criticise the are proposed and seconded They both wrestled more desperately with me then tion to military affairs, and it cannot be a misty be admitted during ihr Meeting at which they the cutlass, it would have been taken out of my band, high handed proceedings of General 'Aguilar. and to that small piece of rope is probable, ? apd others owe our lites I at the time thought Ebhould we think if the Editor of the Mail gives be obliged to shoot one of them, as they were both he article a careful perusal ho will change his over mo, and others at the forecastle door, ba't made opinion. |? strong effort to get up so far as to be able to us? my left arm. I did so, when I struck, Panteon a
him a little, I then struck him again, when bg, let go
Chun-teen-soong who was condemned an
VIIL-No Candidate shall be elegial unless ho has in his favour three fourths of the Members voting.
IX.-Every Member, on his election being inti- mated to him, aball wgnify his rabervuce to the Laws of the Suciely by inserting his some in Bok to be kept for the purpose, dr, if absent, inti the Secretary.
whole affair perfectly chur, and to justify mom full, stroke on the temple with the pistol, which stunned the 15th as one of the pirates concerned in the male his readiness to do so by letter addressed to the cutlass I turned rosal to Clark, and then if wipture of the Pratcer, and also as an acces buy to the murders committed on board that
X.-The Office-bearers of the Society shall form that I pricked kim, at the time he w?n holling on to
the Council, and shall consistof,-A Present; veel, suffered the extreme penalty of the law me,—be still rezisted, und ( struck him on the right
Four Vice-President; Six Councillors; 'Lbrew 8- side with the lack of my cules when he was then Thursday morning last, at 12 o'clock. Flo quiet- took him as and placed him in the cuddy, was carried to the place of execution in an and Foreigo; A Treasuret ; fed ? Curator; who cretaries,--General, Corresponding, and Chinese and called to one of my apprentices to stop by the open bamboo chair, guarded by a Company of door, I then went forward to see that all the obers the 42nd Regiment, all the convicts being led her shall have the Direction of the affare of were out of the forecastle, and found they were, and
the Society. that the water boat had gone from the ship. I im
out in procession to witness the spectacle. The | Xt.-The Office-bearets shall be slected annual- man maintained the same characterhtic cool, ly, at the Anniversary Meeting in January, and the mediately ordered one of the quarter boats to be indifference of the punishment which awaited lowered, and seng aller it to bring it back, which him, on arrival at the scaffold, as be displayed cillors shall be losligible for faediate re-elega two Senior Vice-Presidente, and three Benige filt was done, it was out of sight, it being quite dark-1 when his sentence was passed, with intervals then went forward, found the chief officer had hold of however of apparent contritition, when his he had found him in the forecastle again, and that the his wife and other relatives within a few yards man. I naked who he was, he told me it was Clark, feelings were overcome by the lamentations of second mate had taken one of the lever's for the windlass out of his hand a stick about five foot
of the scaffold,
Nearly half an hour previous to his ascend leare "Clack to me, and put the cthera long, and nine inches round." I told the mating the scaffold, the Rev. Mr. Gillespie con.
work. I took hold of Clark by the collar, when he wrestled tinued his exhortation to repentance, and with me and attempted to trip me up, I then struck scending the platform with a firm and steady hup on the head with the back of the cutlass, which step, followed by the Rev. Gentleman, they knocked him down, he got up again, and I took him both knelt down in prayer for a few moments, back to the cuddy, and confined him is one of the and then the rope was adjusto. cabins. I examined his wounds, and found them vary slight, and dressed them, and he was at work three daya aftur. I sent the main to examine the mon Porn's wounds, and had them dressed, be went confined lark, the water was agam brought slong to work the same day as Clark. After 1 hed side, and was taken in without further disturbance We got under weigh soon afterwards, and paced al on our royage. And all was quiet until our arrival in this port
(Signed) ALEX: O: GREIG.
Comdr, of the ship John Cooper,
Comdr. of the ship John Cooper. On the "morning of the 23rd October close to Anjer, I called the walch at seven bell that they might have their dinner before coming to anchor, which we did a half past twelve, Manned the gig and went on shore along with Mr. Greig and Mr Johnston, passenger. I told the Chief Officer, Mr Hawkins to have the vessels yar?da spared and bends cleaned down, but to do no extra work to shat the water might be taken in. On landing, the man Pierson saked me for money to get geng, for which I reprimanded him and refused. I then went and orderal the water, aul a bait was sent finmardi- ately with casks to fill. Fometime after Pietson and Clark again came to me, asking for grog, still refused, and they went away grumbling. At 4 r. m. the water left foe the ship, but made tile progres as at breeze was blowing. I went to the Rt sndent's office and solicited assistaner to get the host to the ship, when he kially sent two oelt baste and pulled it slung sale. At 5. ny passengers And I left for the ship. While going off Pierson used 10 offensive and unprovoked Inguage to a pative bus patong, I told him to desist, but he told me I had stopped his grog, and 1 should not stop his month was much annoyed with this man's en duct, Clark and another were also very annoy. ing, falling over their seats with their ons, but I took no notice of it then, the men being intoxicated. On getting on board I asked the chief officer if be ww ready to take in the water, he said he was, and had been for some time, I went into the cabin, and was sitting with my Passengers, when the chief officer came and toki enk, that the boat's crew bad come to him asking greg. I told him they were to hare none, as they bad had too much alienly, but send them to their beds to be out of the way. They went forward, grombling and swearing. I heard a noise in the forecastle, and went forward, and heard Person any, dama him, and the water too, he may take it in himself, for I shall be one that will not do it, I then went to thu caddy and seat for Pierson, and remonstrated with him about using such motinous language, and also for his coniluet in alse boat, and advised him to ga qulety w bed, fut! would not put up with such conduct long. He still treated my renonstrance with defiance, and was about to leave the cuddy. I got up from my test and told him as be dil not appear to taka my advics in the way it was meant, that I should put him in irons, of be dil not make an ample apology. He did ~, and I allowed him to go forward, bu, by the re- port of the mate he was no sooner ant of the cuddy slor, then he began swearing. The mate then called the crew take in the water, which they refused to so, we had then mustered, and found Pearson and Clark amongst them instead of being in bed as or dere), and they were inciting the crew to refuse to work and using very mutinnas language. I ordered thom both away, they persisted in remaining. I then asked the crew their reason for not taking in the water, but got no satisfactory answer from that, suma said they were tired, Frofil them they hail not said a word of that before the boat's crew came on band, and that could not be the reason, na they had done no more work that day, then if they had b en at res, and some of them had only been up since noon. I also told then they were commiuing an act of mutiny which I was determined to quoll, and they should take the water in by "fair means or fool (1 was then about six .. and only nine carks of
water in the lunt which might have been taken in in an hour at the mine time it was blowing a strong breeb a current the opposite way which caus
Nas alrertisements, will be wearived, until
Clark, on the penings previous to publi- cation, rix: Tuesdays and Fridays.
Nor 10 Nov.
Bilin Bingspers Dea 11
T] Rodney
United Bat
14 Mama
€ of
19 Shanghai Oct 1
NOTICE.--The hours of Divine vice in the AL CHAPEL I, on Bandagest ? past 10 A.M, and 3 P. M, and on Thursdayo sa P..
VINCENT STANTON, Victona, 16th Nov. 1646. Colonial Chaplain.
at 11 Uchick A. M., and at halfpem & O'clock P. M., NOTICE-U Charts, will be open for Public War.
duling the winter monache, beginning with the t?i Novo bar INIG
"Vieira, 19ch Desober 1816.
The Steamer Braganza had not arrived up to the hour of our going to Press, 9.30 o'clock last evening.
to Mr Gillespie, merely acknowledging in ge- It appears that he made no kind of confession neral terms that he was a sinner, and that he was penitent: but affirmed strongly that a He told Air Gillespio, that he felt too agitated woman had sworn false witness against him. to address the crowd, (which was vory great both of men and women.) as he had previously expressed his intention of doing-he did how
ayor speak a few words of warning to his coun teymien the body after hanging one hour, was cut down, and given over to his friends, + who brought it through the town, going to the eastward, in funeral procession. Before leav ing the gaol, the condemned man made a full confession of his participation in the piracy of the Privateer, mentioning who were the leaders in the affair, and the part which he himself acted-he made further important com. nunications which it is probable will lend, sooner or later, to the apprehension of his ac- complices, mine of whom no doubt were wit- nesses of his execution.
Dr. Bowring's exposure appears to have ad the desired effect, the police Magistrator har ing ceased to sentence prisoners to be flogged. We think this will be gratifying to most of ar reader, as the extent to which this barbarous punishment was carried must have had an in- jurious tendency as refers to the welfare of the Colony, and what is of more consequence, it was unjust, Chinese being flagged for the most trivial offences. On looking over three of the fair numbers of the "Weekly Criminal Calender we observe, that during three wooks is the month of September, thirty two men were sentenced to be dogged, the average number of strokes being fity. Eight of the thirty two, had the option of paying fines of from 1 to 62011
edawcy confused sea. The water large along side was striking heavily against the ship, and the people it calling out that the boat would sink, if we did not take the water on board) I then considered it iny duty to enforce the erow to go to work, other wise there was a certainly of the loss of the water and embngering the vowel and property, as also the lives under my charge, by laying at the anchorage at ilai araton of the year, when the prevailing winch blow strongly on the shore: 1 called the chief and second officers along with the boatswain and carpenter, and consulted them on the Deceity of the water being taken in. they decided that the water ought to be taken on board: I then took a cutlass and my own pistole, and gare a eutlass to the officers, at the same time telling the not to use them unless it was admolutely nocemary, as I only wished to intimidate the crew to work: My reason ku aking those wenpena was to protect myself on entering the forecastle amongst so many to the suspension of Brigadier Chesney, and men as eighteen, and they in wich determined star of mutiny, and to drive them from the forecas.r. Hell, wud the remarks thereon which ap. le, and then to secure it, and prevent their going pearl in the Madras Spectator. The com
Dr. Bowring will be pleased to hear that hir exposure has lead to such results, and we are sure, that every person of bumanity in this quarter, participates in the fooling of antisfaction.
The Man publishes a communication referring
At a Meeting of the Asiatic Society of China held on Tuesday 19th January 1847, and nume. rously attended.—
Colonel Brereton having been called to the Chair the following Roport of the Committee appointed at the preliminary Meeting, for the purpose of framing the Laws and wlecting Offen bearers for the approval of the Members of the Society, we
to the same officos.
XII.-Throw shell from a Quorum of the C oil, and Fire of a General Meeting,
XIII.-The Functions of the Office-bearers be as followe
Society and of the Council, keep order, state and 1. The President shall preside at Meetings of the
to be enforced. put questions, and cause the Laws of the Buckety 2. One of the Vice-Presidents shall, in the ab. sence of the President, esercies all the functions of his Office.
3. The General Secretary abull arrange and uncil, and record their proceedings, and shall exer attend the Meetings of the Buristy and of the Co- cise General Superintendence under auth of the Council.-The Corresponding Secretary** obtain for Members all requisite information on conduct the Correspondence of the Society, and subjects relating to the objects of the Bociety.—The to the Society, and conduct the requisite intercourse Chinese and Foreign Secretary shall be Juterpreter with China and Fe cigo countries. The Secretarice blishing of the Trasactions of the Society. In the shall to together sapotintend the printing and pe absence of one of the Secretaries, either the others may act for him; and in the rest of all being absent, the Council shall appoint a subaitute. Moneys on behalf of the Bociety, keep an account 4. The Treasurer shall receive and pay out all thereof for the satisfaction of the Coun-il, and sub- mit a Statement of the pecuniary Aim of the Sciety to the Anniversary Meeting.
5. The Curator shall have charge of the Mwen atrange the Specimens, and preserve the Prepara tions and Donations; and, in the meantime, he will be called upon to take charge of the Library. keeping a list of the Books, giving than out to Members, in the manner directed by the Council, ? and seeing that they are returned in proper time
and in good condition.
Your Committee held their Best Meeting at the Roome of the Boc'etr on Wednesday the 18th, iqatant-Present-Colonel Brereton, Hon. C. M. Campbell, Capt Kennedy, the Rar. V. Stanton, Dre Balfour, Kinnia, Young, and Harland, and Mowers C. J. F. Stuart, Bowring, Mercer, Bevan, Melville, and Shortcode, when the dra subject taken into consideration was the name to be given to the Society; and after some discussion it was agreed to recommend that it should be called The Ariatic Society of China.
"In order to facilitate the farther operations of her Commitos, it was resloved that it should be divided into two Sub-Committees, that one to select the Officer borers, and the other to frame the Laws of the Society, their respective Reports to be our cand considered on Monday the 18th. frame a draft of the Laws, founded on the Rules of Your Committee having requested Mr Shortrede to the Royal Asiatic Society, to be submitted to its sext Meeting, that gamleman furnished copies to each of the Members, and on Friday the 28th, the Draft was fully and carefully considered. Several anasad mente having been adapted. the Bub-Committee mat next day, when the Laws were again subjected to a careful revision, rach clause being put separately from the Chair. On Monday the 18th your Com mittee mrt together to receive and consider the Reports of the two Sub-Committee, wisich, with the modifications agreed to, are now submitted for the Proval of the General Meeting of the Bociny."
The Chairman then and to the ceting the pro- posed Laws and List of Office bearers as follow
Submitted to a General Meeting of the Society held THE ASIATIC BOCITY OF CHINA. at Hongkong, Tuesday the 19th January, 1847. I-The ASIATIO SOCIETY OF China is institut.
serature in relation to China
aorary, and Corresponding Members
IL-Phe Socisty shall consist of Resident, Ho.
shall be considered Resident.
-Members residing in any part of China IV -Emine
Individuals, and Persons who my contribute to the objects of the Society in a
rary Membore
Puida of the Society on Admission Fee of Tem XIV-Each Resident Mamber shall pay to the Dollers, and an Annual Contribution Twelve Dollars, unless he is aleated between the 1st July, and the Anniversary Meeting in January, which case Half the Annual Bubscription u will be payable for that Year.
XY.-Honorary and Corresponding Membe may be admitted without paying any Dance Few or Annual Subscription.
Council, be pooding
writing of their intended departure
XVI.-Resident Members, open givuotice in sball, un the recommandation of th
Chum, placed on the List of Ilonoraty of Members; and in the event of thoir reti, may be replaced by the Council on ol Resident Atembera
XVII.-The General Meetings shall be bold on the Firm Tuesday and at such other times as may be dely noti?ed to Members.
XVIIL-The course of Business Mesings shall be as follows, the Gre comprising the Private Business)
be read, and signed by the Preside 1. The Minutos of the preceeding may in his absenes occupy the Clie
Council may have appointed for of the Meeting shall be proceeded
2. Any specific or particular buat
previous Meeting shall be ballowed Members may bo nominated.
8. Candidates duly proposed und
4. Dopalipas shall be laid before Meeting shall be announced.
5 Titles of Papers for conside
to Chen,
ry meal,
es, and
6 Papers and Communications shall ha discussed.
Generat Brations
Aith the
-ding by
to the
admitted to the Sittings of the Society, XIX.-Strangers on a visit to Chines
Business They may be proposed be present during the transaction any Member, and the question being Chair and carried, they shall be intrudi
and at the expense of the Society, under XX-Communications and Papers Bocity may be printed by order of the of Transactions of the Asiatic Society of
be entitled to a Copy of any Paper XXL-Every Resident Member of the locisty blished, subsequent to his election, and the aci shall have authority to present Copies to Bo- cotics and distinguished tadividuata.
XXII-General Meetings and the Cabacit of the Booisty shall each have power to pass Bro Laws for the regulation of their respective business.
XXIII The Council shall have power
again until the winter had been taken in, for which nunication is cautiously worded, though evi-ed for the invaeigation of Arts, Science, and Li-shall I had previously wiki my carpenter to prepare by dently the production of a friend of General getting ready some sparu spurs to gu aeroad." A?er | D'Aguilar's, as reference is made to his love of which intented selling the crest that they would have nothing to eat and not be allowed to enter the forecastle until the water was taken on board, but this was all frustrated by fenton and Clark elosing with me, und the rest of the crew going to work. When I went forward was consider ably in advance of my officers Cha catering the foreraulo, I called out to all the crew out of this with you, out of this, at these tire moving the cutlers about as one would do if torn
justice 1 Of course the General's friends have an undoubted right to put the most lavorable construction, upon his actions, and to place them before the public in the best light, and in the present instance, it is lone very adroitly, the writer appearing to syrapaline with Brigginguished manner, are to be eligible as Honopy Vacancies that may occur during the year. der Chesney and Mr Peti.
contemporary has expremed an opinion that the We are sorry, however, to observe that our article in the Spectator was written in Hongkong
cisl grounds, and with the recominondation of the Persons rasi lent in Obias may, upon ape uncil, slected Corresponding Members.
admitted to all the privileges of the Society, -Dorary and Corresponding Members are
XXIV.The Laws of the Society shall not be one Month, at least, before the subject is takes lato altered unless upon a Notice given by two Mombers consideration; and it shall farther be necessary that the measure; or it shall be adopted if unabiinusly Nine Members be present, and two, ils va for
Orton BEARERS, President.
ing out an unwilling, mol, without cutting them. We would have cash a person of lust whilst doing so Dearme took sheld of my clas When was in my right hand, and Clarker! The semi accat:yes couklust fail to perceive, that there are not to t?le at its klearings, or be elected so proved of at two General Meetings. time collared me on the loft them to the tiele in question was evidently from the pen of any of its offices, or iake part in it? privato business,
else I would shoot them, when tid so one of the person little acquainted with the facts. Had it been written here, it would undoubtedly have pistols had fallen on the deck.and the other pittel was junide my trowsers by my kuce, it having slipped gone more fully into the details, but it is minpity a down in the ruggh I kept struggling with the commentary upon the General Order by a per
two men until I regained my pistol, when I struck sen who know nothing of the case except what
raty, or Currespondlag, shall be elected by ballot. His Excellency
VIL-All Members, whether Resident, Hans- A Candidate for flexident Membership mus be proposed and seconded at a General Mooting of the Major General Society, but cannot be balloted for unul de sent Major H. P. L
Sir John F. Davis, Bart., F.,
Aguilar, C. B
J Birwall, Eng.
Councillors L-Col. Brereton, Rural Artillery, C.B. & K.H. Per Young, B., Colonial Surgeon. WT. Merost, Esq., H. O. M. Campbell, Beq, AH Balfour, Esq, Surgeon,
E. B Eng
-Andrew Shorirede, E ponding-Captain Clark Kennedy.
abe 4 Forting-Thomas Wade, E.
F. Bevan, EM.
CT. Watkins, Esq
be the caution of Dr Dill serded by 3. A. Oing, Ean, the Report of the Committes, sin bying the Laws and List of Off-Bearers, was unimonely approved of.
with the sword, ar he bought upam there, his nai Ayan, he is this and has no brand; the? Cs of the godowa in called Ahy. The Judge
Brooklyn. (Am ) Richardson,
Bagh, (Ain ) — Elisa Ana, (kin) (herrer" Grefjuh. Abbon, Horatio, (Am.) Grozuka N Afidos, (Am) John Mary Ellen, (Am.) Woodride (Am)athson,
us to be brought the board son in front fuse which contains three Chimano letters |
whan ground, to see the camp of the Ch the three letters ware found to say only? Ve-pawnbroker's shop. There wore in the holy the three murdered persons, Clare the wind Chica, and the Chinese of the godowa Abd the slavo Diogo-Chics, child seren yer? ol, testified that she was in bed in the apati- in of Daniel and felt the Chinese omasin step? ug bet and mw him kill Davis. --Ritta Frani | 4
Was summoned; the nuighbour to whom C; under oath she testified that she heard be d.albance: at 7 o'chck in the morning she beg thenale slave upon the roof of her house, heard of the gluking occurrence.-7'be Alte being summoned, the who notifed tord nr the Senate of the disgraceful act),
be Chairman ben slated to the footing that a to back according to his forms; st 7 o'clock in tion having been made to the Committee to the oing of this day coming as usual to purchase individuals of high officiel so hono-op, he and the street door open as well as an yes, it had been decided that this would not fit ons, and the girl Chics told him that all wors
?papudient; and nocordingly in appointing Bir t; haaked by whom killed, she answered by , and he anavunced it to the guard; the Turk the godowns was called Ahy, On
Darie Provident, he requiested shel
of the officers and crew, including also the captain, Hawell and Co landed with the intention of surrend? range themost Rand and Coprisoners of war. The Princeton steun-frigate pro- Wetmora and Co cooded to the assistuten of the brig onthe arrival of Russell and Co the hosts; but, finding her rescue to be impossible, J, M. Bullsel fire au the hull, und aller ascertaining that the Nye Parkin and Coreminder of the crew had set out for Tampico, sho Nye, Parkin and Go to bave broken out on board the British vessels of
Russell and Co futurned to Vera Crus. A. Heard and Co juined in the rovulution. The yellow fever is Haled Tampico and Tobisco had
cricio Fortion of the United States squadron was suffering from searvy.
? (@London Rociete's Nmmon. Homer, Victoris, on the ing the estate, the while of the Her, Jone han of Bon.
Ceneral Taylor to leave that place with the min From Camargo we barn that it was the intention body of the army about the 5th of September. 300 mules, 200 waggons, and 180,000 ratinos had been
conveniem small House in Asburton Terrace, sent on in advance; and its stated that the General containing Bitung-room, two Bed-rooms, and intends, if unopposed by the Mexicans, te proceed Stable, cargo back yard, with an abundance of that he means of transport were still deficient wo Bathing-room, with Cook and Cuolie hnuse, a oara to Bahilla, her agcounts state, however, pare water in the immediate neighbourhood, Aping the country around the destined line of marel,
Manwhile, parties of rangere were actively sou
ply to
Victoria, 22nd January 1940.
TO LET. THE whole or part of the upper part of these Intely occupied by Mr Fanxcomu, for further
L JUST & Co.
* Beistand that this was not been one is being the roof of inkTM Fhinese house, it wo particulara, apply to
Perner, but sulaf jamescount of his
sentido moquirements. It wife ve been broken up by the comorn
so a nominal pont real President, Chat Hit LI! hey had fired upon. Oss of the Comand penes of glass were broken, sh
arth remarked, that as a diningmiahedition was ordered to be writin
What the assassins came and weal
Tof A
Wher of the Royal Asiatic Society, and being duwa, way in commanication with its President the
wakland, regarding the formation of Chine, it would be the utmost consequence ely that Bir Joba Devis should ooop ulged to him.
herefore moved by Dr Halfour, seconded Kiis, that the Secretaries should be deputed be His Excellency to requins him to no- ellies of President. The motion was and, on the suggestion of Benjamin Soare, he Chairmen was requested to join the
IDIFICATION OF THE ASSASSIN AYAD. moving been taken into custody and question. la your of our Lord 1818, the Chinaman doard to the murder, denied the fact, saying Hongong and arrived in Macao at six this more- Honger at se o'clock at night he left
The child Chica and the female slave Clara engrought in, recognized this Chinaman Ayao le desain who wounded Clars, and was g in the murders. He was committed for
Besoral Becretary, aller an explanatory It se to the origin of the present Bozioty,!!
reference to the resolution come to el ait jama Menting, moved that, upon the understand-? tine apparitas and books be handed over todas, Sultivan, Woosung, 4th January.
siatic Society of China, the Members of the Chirurgical Society who signify their de the subject before the next General Mooting pitted Members without ballot or entrance
; whia motion was unanimously agreed to.
WM. BREKETON, Chairman
cofuric, Alva, Mazuilan, ist December. illiam Jardine, Small, London, 10th Sept count Sandow, Whise, Whampoa. PASSENGERS. 20-fudas,-Menis A. G. Dallas, J. Compton, Wan, and C. Sinclair-
The busines being finished, and Colonel Broedoelen, West, Whampoa.
baring leh ke Chair, Captain Clerk Komedy
rise and inoved the the thanks of the Meeting be
ndered to Colonelson, ant only for the ad iable manner in which he had discharged the
Ambers, Ablett, Whaippua Cour, Wood, Sydney
r, Curerland, Whampos.
lies of Chairman on the present ocassion, baterie, Alva, Whampoa.
and hast visitod en route several of the small town of the district without encountering resistance or discovering any signs of an opposing force. Ac- concentrated at Monterey, to the extent of some few cording to generel repart however, the Mexicans had thousand ill-paid and ill-clothed men. Disgraceful riate had taken place among the voluglers By. Victoris, 22nd January 1847.
rita, arising from a feud existing between an frick TO LET
company and two of the Livorgian corps. The af PARTMENTS, furnished, or unfurnished, eli anchored near the shore. Guns, swords, and ba fair took place on board of a stewn-bont which was A gibly situated in the East, and We part of yonets warn used with reckless violence. The co- the Town, also large ned small Dwelling Huures.lonel of a regiment of Illinois voluntenes, who, at ik For particular apply to G. DEDDELL, opposite the head of two of his comranios, attempted to quell the Commemrist, Victoria.
{disturbiner, 1930 wounded, and his men were driven bick; and when at length the rioters submitted, a
A Meeting of the Members of the Hoone CLUB is requested at the Club House at 4 on Baturday the 20 Iasiant, in accordance wi Role XXXVI.
By order of the General Committer,
F. SPRING, Secretary.
Club House, Hongkong, } 20th-January 1847.
Orito the Commisariat, Queen's Road.
variety of new Saddlery at redeood prices, My- Seagle heade and Reine.. from #1j eu. to 12↓ ea. Aradoon, & Snafilo Bridiso Red Collare, with Stall 8perior Weymouth do
Chain..... Girths, white & colored. Sueup Losthers
Asortment of Leather, consisting of Chamois Harem, Pump, &c. &c.. Homo Clothing, Boofle and Curb Bits, fancy Stirrup Irao, Curb Chaine, &o., &c.
BRepaire neatly and expeditiously exeen sod: Navy and Army accoutrements made to order
esille under of men had been either killed or wounded,
Cubund Harpey kad matched from San Antonia (Tezza), on the 23rd, with 1:20 United Slim Dm. gainis, 500 mdionted Texans, and 18 Delawares, fIRE Mondoris, Mexico, From St Louis we learn chat General Kearney's encamand ku? left. Bent's Fort For Santa F? on the 3rd. Kesrary ind lost 100 horra, and the troops were on hial? rafiaan. The Californian expedition was on the point of leaving New York Rumours wero currem that an aguit from Muzica Government was at Washington. "The domestic stairs of the Union continued to be unimportant Me Bancroft'll been appointed Minister to London. Mr Mazon had received the vacant Nary Department, and the journale mention Mr Pickens, South Carolios, for the French inis tion. Mr ML?ng had been addressed with on- gratulations by the merchauts of New York, and had accepted an invitation ton palliu dinner, to take place at some futuro day The Mormons of Neu- Anti-Murmons were encamped in large fores in the von were apparently is a precarinas position. The immediate vicinity of that place, and a collision ap that the people of Marear's country, hi, had as a meeting resulred to exps from their boundaries, peared imminent. The New York journal state JAMES MILLER, Bader, being about so leave force, if necessary, the coloured people then resid Jongkong in consequence of ill health, begeing in the country Majst General Gaines bed respecially to return hie sincere thanks to the Of. been appointed to the command of the western divi Acers of Her Majesty's Navy, Merchants, Captains alon of the United States army. A great dood fiel of Ships, and the Inhabitants in General, for the patronage be has so kindly received during the thros Mooh damage was caused, and six fan we
accurred in Croaked Crock, naur Midison, Ladinoa, years that he has been in business on this Island, Mr Pakenhan was on a visit to Mr Wohatod nod begs that any person to whom he may be in Webater was expected to make a grant spa debted will send in their accounts at once for liquida viewing the course of the Administration on t tion, and requests that all outstanding deber any bo discharged, she is about closing hle Books foally. in Philadelphia about the 1st of October.
xican war, at the public dinner to be given Queen's Road, 18th January 1847. BILLS OF LADING FOR THE OVERLAND ROUTE. J. Matheson and Co
POR ale at this office, four forms of bills of lad. 1. Maison Co Southampton; 3rd for goods deliverable at Suez;
Drinker & Hey! J. Matheson and Co Company's Stam packets. at for goods deliver ing for goods or space shipped by the P. & (), able at London; 2nd for goods deliverabia n Franklyn and Milth for goods deliverable at intermediatu ports. Stool,
J. A. Okling They printed aller the Company's forms un
OrderBank post.
the great interest he had all along manifestep, Horsburgh, Whimpos. the storm of the Society. Which motion hav.
been carried by acclamation, the Meeting de la Antar, Sollivan, East Coast.
AND. SHORTREDE, General Secretary.
We are gabled to state that the deputation kave i consining view with flis Excelleney, who has Concept the offos of President of the nem probably preside at its firetora Deco China Hall, January 21.
?it of Man Hennack, and others, at Macao.
From the Boletim do Governo.) Har of our Lord 1848, no the 12th of in Macao, and at the house of Lourencia in amhrback, murdered, there met the Judge, illor Joaquim Antonio de Moraes Car Wroceed to an inquest upon the bodies of as murdered; there being present the or Judo Demaceno Coelho dos Santos, dela. the Attorney-General, and the surgeons ae bvero da Silva Taller and Vicente de Paula Cor; these baing awozn proceeded to the exa-
In of the persons murdered.
found two Chinese swords (short blades) which was tinged with blood; and also the of the house Lourencis Pereira Horback er throat eut, and lying behind the bod in In room, her son named Daniel in the bed, he fetale slave at the door of her mistress's first showing a wound which had nearly ated her, her hands mutilated sad the sword through her body, and all the wounds of a nature. The son named Daniel Horbook right hand cut, and a contusion on the back hand, affecting the whole brain and being the his death. The female elave showed a which had almost severed her head from By passing through all the muscular pertion, id vassale and the windpipe, the scall being ed only by the vertebral column, as well as rounds upon her body: these three were
was also woonded the slave Clara, having light injuries about the templos,
itnesses summoned were this slave Clara de girl earned ChicaThe fich said upon Saf about midnight, de back ang Diogo
dat the door of the apartment of biz minigoo, Ling a light, although he held a light all
his band; she, the witness, opened the door room of Daniel, when a Chinese who came the wall of the Chinese shop, struck her with ord upon the hand and she fell dowu. Thon three Chinese, one being well dressed and ving a word in his hand, the other two with accompanied by the mid blare Diogo; they
elle. Anderson, East Coast,
in Corine. Denham, Hingapore
el, McNally, East Cous
Pr, Macfarlane, East Coast.
rington, Noll, Shanghai.
H. M. 8. Vestal, Captain Talbot H. M. St. Faltare. Captain Macdougal H-C. Sir. Plate, Lioul. Airey,
H. M. Tr. 8. Alligator, Mamer Commanding King. H. M. 8. Minden, 2nd Master in charge Oemer,
Hospital and Store Ship. Andar, Sullivan, Anglona, Marvin,
Fort William,
Amonyad, Thomas, Bomanje Hormujet, Conten, Coracer, Boames, Graaf Van Hogendorp, (Dut.)
(Hulk.) Young Hebe, McQuin, Joven Corina, Deoham,
Joks Barry, Stewart, Kolpis, Bellamy,
CHIPPING ARTICLES, according to the re cepot (Victoria 7 & 8) for sale n this office Office Friend of China,""} Victoria, 10th October, 1845. TOR BALE.—At the office of this paper.
Compradores choque books. Bhips Articles, with an abstract of the meroliant seaman's not endorsed on the back.
Powers of Attorney, after forms by Chitty. Charterparties, after forts by Chilly.
factorare, in most cases, appear to be panin
Under the influenca of the new tariff, the
and the wages of the labourer, &c., they and are emptying their warehouses, and mundi ontents to public auction. In inset cusco, apli effected at a very great loss, compared to the prices previous to the passage of the new lain enough by these auction sales to repli Whether, by reducing the price ofthe raw in
old stock. is the great question. If they can will be antified to run their inanufactories for
or two, with the expectation or hope of obtai432 Congress wilt repeal the proment tariff law. one cead of prost, but in the full belief that the ne subject of Repeal of the Tarifi, overything depende On the on the political charactor of the dosi congressional House of Representatives. The present house bare to serve another short session froin December 1846, favourable to a repeal of the present tariff law, the to March 1847, the roanufacturing party should baren Gem and lecided amjurity in the west house, Benale would not defeat the Repeal Bill, and the President has had quito as much to do with vetoes as he wishes.
Bill of Lading, Chinese Tarid of imports, and exports, for Matamoras The stom-up Kim, Captain Page: counting bou
The following are particulars of the way neer
Franklyn and Mine Office Friend of China"
Dent and Co
95th October, 1845. Bellamy Mary, Seuirktop, London, Gibeon, Masoppa, Jauncey,
Dent and Co Rowle, Duns and Co Nymph, Homburgh,
J. Matheson and Co Petre, McNally,
Dent and Co Spc, Cole,
Gilman and Ub Bri Singapura,
Muttow and Co Torrington, Nell,
Smith and Brimelow Rawie, Duran and Co Viscount Sandon, White, G. Livingston and Co Victorly, Smith, #'ave, Hackett,
Order Macricer and Co Zephyr, Macfarlane, William Jardine, Small, Blenkin, Rawson and Co Dest and Co H. M. B. Childers, Commander Pittman.
AMERICA Argo, Bremer,
The news from the United States to the 16th Appolling, Thomas,
Crooks and Mamey September is not of striking importance. The opera Fletcher and Cotions and prospects of the Mexican war continued Amelia, Diaper,
Linday and Co as iodiociaire as ever; and, beyond the general site. Boustead and Co want that further, though slight, advanow had bown Nye Parkin and Co made by the several columns of invasion marobing Boustead and Co against Mexico, we have little intelligence to com K.Macgregor and Co the previous steamers The Government in just Liadaay and Comunicate differing is tenour from that brought by P. & D. N. Cama beginning to feel tho want of money. The Presi Dirom, Gray and Co dem is authorised to issue 10,000,000 of dollars in C. Bapsorjee Langrah Treasury notes. The first batch of this spacing of Lindsay and Co paper money had made its appearance They are Romell and Co received in payment of Custom-house does.. So long Jamieson How and Co as the amount in circulation can be swallowed by Maclean Dario and Co the Custom-house, they, will ho at par, and no longer. Marrow and Co From Vefa Cruz adrices to the 29th of August Blenkin, Rawson and Capuliabod in the American journal. The land Runsel and Coin Santa Ana had been attended with great de
Ellerslie, Pagoo, Britomart, Solomon, Dir, Cumberland, Duke of Cornwall, Whiteband, George Fyfe, Murray, Hindostan, Wen,
Harrier -
Indian, English,
John Cooper, Grieg, Woke Bagshaw, Dare.
ady Amitral, Able, Ladder, Hullin. Lapwing, Loc. Lydfo Stayron
ackilde Tornelia, (Dut)
Montrose, gusson, Othello, Thon Priss Oscar, (81) Mellin, Pandora, Cobi. ↑ Rocafuerte. Al 8. Laram, Cold & Stag, Parish, Wild Frish Girl,
ed for the mistrem nad murdered her, and then son Daniel, and she Clara flot to the foof of joining hours The black slava Marianna nem sod crying out to Diogo, who ordered her still, and because she would not, he slew her; yamdiately went to the money which win in arge box and in a small one, and took it off, for heard them counting it in the godowas blow,
ton d also tunk some preperat apiam, leaving the emainder behind the Chinese of the godown and lobelia Robertad ally,
VAL AT Jingo accompanied the amine who retired by vay of the Chinese house. She knew the Chinme | Lyra,
Vocans, (8p.) Ri..
nerivad on the 5th inst, at New Orleans, from Brazos brought several mick volentrors and aoine discharged Banting, which place she left on the ad in. She diere. Colonel Hayes was bis Rangers had been heard frain. They had scoured the country and re- turned to Camargu, without doing anything of nule. and some others took place on the night of the 31st, A great riot among a company of Irish volunteers
been fired, and 18 or 20 men are reported to have at an encampment oppoute Burita. Guns have bean killed or wounded. Besides the killed or bea pushod sium a steam-boot (lying by the shure) Winded area or shown, R or 10 are said to have overboard, and were drowned. The Colonel of the Georgia Regiment gallaully attempted, with swords and pistola in band, to quell tho riut. ?lenkot dawn one man, and woundmi several others.
voluntours, repaired to the soune, and ordered two of his companies, A s?d to assist in quelling the Colonel Baker, of the 416 Regiment of Him is Wiss and Co departure stand, but of his arrival in the sapital wo he gut on board, but was attacked by the alters, fight, and wait in person with 20 chosen mira to monstrations of joy, and that chief had taken his the steam-bost. He commanded police as soon as
the ball entering behindand passing out though his cheek or mout!?.
J. Matheson and Co have no accounia, Despatches from the Prendont and had a desperate conflict, in which he defend
Bounsad and Co had boon-seosi vad by the commander of the blocks-hiumel? bravely for suine ume sgamet swords, bas
Rossell and Ceding aquadron, and immediately afterwards a com Torner and Comicaton was bad with the shore uudera ng of
Jonuts, and shut, but was finally shot in the neck, J. Matheson and Co true. Those despatches are supposed to contain Heard and Co the proposition of the Cabinet to offer a rebumption Captain of pegotiations with the Mexicao Government.
The United States brig of war Trustan had been P. J. de Paiva totally wrecked on the l?th near the mouth of the F. Carrala river Tuppan. Two heutenanta and 10 men reach J.A. Duaned thenquadron at Vera Cena in bona, the remainder
Of the 20 men who accompanied Colonel flaker, with balls. On the arrival of companies A and C, Captain Robots, of the former, ordered his men to sight were wounded, sis with bayonets, and two charge on board, and led them to the staps, where
he received a severe wound from a bayons, which
Hangh62, 19th January, 1847,
Papon on the right sube of the head; it was but a sigla struke, as may farm was confined by Clark They both wrestled more desperately with ina than before, and had it not been for the besket that was on
appears in that Onter. The Editor of the Spartator has always given much of lus atter toon to ouilitary affairs, and it cannot be
succeeding Clew Meating. Honorary and responding M-.1%, if approved of by the Loud may be admitted furing the Meeting at which they fer of astonishment that he should criticien ture properd al-conded
permit the falloweng avsteinent in appear in the russ, it would have been taken out of may iebl, | Bigh handed proceedings of General D'Amilos VHL?No Caslidate abal) be elected unks- k- wn to tha amall piece of rope it is probable, and 1 We think if the Echter of the Mast gi has in hi far three-fourths of the Members
- shall not greatly obliged if you will
elunos, for allongh at any rec?nt Trial here. the motor the Crown Prosecution broke down, wu-l Imos instantly nequnted of all the charges brough @gudet tue, yet as the Jury returned a verdict with moto gurmez my defore, invenon?l was thereby de panye lot the opportuny of giving auch explussions holproofs by evak ne? na were required in make the whole atlar perfectly clear, and to justify most fully agensi comiluet throughout—to supply this inforo- aign. I nose offer the statement abore allaol to,— And remain Sir, your must obli, vervant,
Comdr. of the ship Juhe Camper. On the ferning of the 23rd October cluant Ant. I called the watch moeren bells that they what have their skinner before coming in anchor, which we dal er half past twelve. – Monned the gig not went en shurr along with Mrs. Greig and Mr 1 kgar?m, pasangan tok the Chief Officer, Mr flawkast to have the vessel yarda squared on-l bende ?lempel sann, but to do'no extra work so
others owe our list at the time throught Laboal then a careful perusal two will change b be obliged to about one of them, as they were both over me, and others at the forecastle dopf, but I I maybe
■strong effort to get up so far as to be able to use my left arm. I did so, when I siruck Panteon A stroke on the temple with the pistol, which mom him a liule, I then struck him again, when he let go the cutlasa. I turned round tu Check, and then it 130 that I pricked him, at the time he was holling on me, he still re-isted, and I struck hian on the right ide with the back of my cual?m, when he was jote quiet-I took in a od placed bin in the cully, and called to one of my apprentices to stop by the doar, I then went forward to see that all the others were out of the forecastle, and found they were, and that the water boat had gone from the skip. 1 im. mediately ondored one of the quarter boats to be lowered, and seat after it to bring it back, which was done. It was out of sight, it being quite dark - 1 then went forward, found the chief officer had hold of a man. Iaked who he was, he told me it was Clark,
Cluun-teen-soqng who was condemned the 15th as out of the pirates concerned in 100t capture of the Privateer, sot als ns an acce sury to the Amurders committed on board i s
-Every Member, on his election being in mated to him, shal signily his rdhervace to Laws of the Berty by inserting his same i Bow be kept to the purposo, or, if absent,
is readiness to du so by letter address to X.The Ufie-learers of the Society shall fa the Council, and shall consist of,-A President. Four Vice-Preston: Sur Councilors: "Three- entaries,General. Curveponding, and Chi and Foreign: A Treasurer; and a Curator; together shall have the Direction of the ufai of the Society.
XL.-The Office-bearers shall be elected annual
veel, mullered the extreine penalty of the 1 on Thursday morning last, ai 12 o'clock. was carried to the place of execution in open bamboo chair, guarded by a Company the 12nd Regiment, all the convicts being out in procession to witness the spectacle. ! man maintained the same characteristicly, at the Anniversary Moeling in January, an indifference of the punishment which awal turo Senior Vice-Presidents, and three Banior C hin, on arrival at the scaffofil, as he displej cillors shall be eligible forliqmediato re-election when his sentence was passed, with intern, to the same offices.
XIL.-Three shall from a Quorum of the on- however of apparent contritition, where
the water might be taken in. Cha buling, the he bal?ownl him in the forecast la again, and that the feelings were overcome by the lamtientation! cil, and Fire of a General Meeting.
man. Piersen nikel me for money to get grog, for which I reprimanded him and refused. I then went and ordered the water out about was sent insmodi adly with casks to fill. Fometime after Liertan and back again came to me, asking for grog. I refuar?l, and they wem sway grumbling. "At 4 v. m. the water for the ship, but male ale progress as a strong been was blowing. I get to the sident's office and solicited assatser us get the bat to the ship, when he kindly sent two other boats and paid a slong side. Atoy passengers pd 11ft for the ship. While going off Pierson used sangt vilengive and unprovoked language is a native bost passing. I tabi kim to desist, but he told me and Mopped his grog, and should wol stop his mooth i was much annoyol with this man's co. dod. Clark and another were nha very annoy, ing, falling over their seats with their oirs, but 1 poolt no notice of it then, the men being intoxicate On petting on board I asked the chief officer if le as ready to take in the water, he said he was, and had been for some time. I went into the cabin. upil war sitting with my l'assengers, when the ch? f office ame and told me, that the bont's crew had rome
him asking grog, I told him they were to lens they bail had too much already, but them to their beds to be out of the way. They sent forward, grumbling and sweating. I bar? rise in the forecastle, and went forward, and late ..con say, dam him, and the water low, he yake it in himself, for I shall be on that will
sreoul mate had taken one of the lever's for the wirflags out of his hand a stick about five feet long, and nine inches round," I told the male to leave Clark" to me, and put the others to work, took hold of Clark by the callar, when he wrestled will ine as I attempted to trip me up, I then struck hun on the head with the heck of the cutlass, which knocked hun down, he got up again, and I took him back to the caldy, and confined him in one of the | cabins. I examined his wounds, and found their ruty slight, and dressed them, and he was si work three days after I sent the mate to examine the man Parson's woods, and had them dressed, he went to work the same day as Clark. After I had efined Clark, the water was again brought along zado, and was takengin without further disturbance. We got utler weigh soon afterwards, and process el on one soyage. And all was quict until que
(Signed) ALEX: O. GREIG,
Comdr, of the ship Joka Cooper,
teal the post
NOTICE. Neo-a-bestimments, weill in vrcelond, wast?l 4 18 Clock, on the quenings previous to publi- cation, rit: Tuesdays and Friziaya.
Ort. Aug.
Caleta Nor,
Nov. Nar.
7 Mednar 30 Bes
Singapore Mala 14
Dee Twe Dec.
C of Hype Det
NOTICE-The hours of Deine Service in the Cola. KIAL CHAPEL H, De Burlapest ? pont? ANG and 4 P. M. and on Thursdays at 0 P.M.
Olanial Chaplain.
Victoria, 16th Nov., 1566.
NOTICE-Uson Charna will be open for Pablo W.... ship at 11 Greek A. M., and at half-pes & O?lack. M. during the winter months, beginning with the 1st Normu ber 1816.
Vicine, 19th October 19:8.
The Steamer Braganza had not arrived up to the hour of our going to Press, A.?? o'olock last evening.
h's wife and other relativos within a few da of the scaffold.
be as follows:-
XIII.The Functions of the Uffion-bourers&la!! 1. The President shall provide at bl?dinge the Nearly half an hour previous to his ad-Bociety and of the Council, keep order, slau and ing the scaffold, the Rev. Mr. Gillespie put questions, and cause the Lawe of the Buciety
Lo be enforced. tinued his exhortation to repentance, an scending the platform with firm and dy Mep, followed by the Rev. Gentlemen they both knelt down in prayer for a few mods, and then the rope was adjusted.
11 appears that he made no kind of conjon to Ale Gillespie, merely acknowledging go- neral terms that he was a sinner, and that, he was penitent: but affirmed strongly lini a woman had sworn false witness again hin. I told Mr Gillespie, that he felt too abated to address the crowd. (which was vorrest bath of men and women,) as he had predusly expressed his intention of doing--he dow over speak a few words of warning to le boun trymen: the body after hanging on hour, wps cot down, and given over to his fiendly, who brought it through the town, goin to the eastward, in funeral procession. Befce leav ing the gaol, the condemned man fade full confession of his participation in the piracy of the Privateer, mentioning whn, wire the leaders in the affair, and the part which be kimmelf acted-he male further importat com. munications which it is probable vill lead, sooner or later, to the apprehension Fhis complices, mine of whom no douba vare wit- peases of lsin ????????,
2 One of the Vice-Presiden shall, in the ab senco of the resident, exercises, all the fooque of bla Office,
cise General Core Secretar sin?
3 The Ameral Secretary where range and attend the Meatings of the Bueie, not a Co uncil, and record their provvedi did shal jener Punder auOnly of the Council—'U?? € conduct the Correspondence of the Becket ablein for Members all requisite information o subjects relating to the objects of the Bocialy. The Chinone and Foreign Secretary shall be Interprete to the 8 cisty and conduct the requisite interuar e with China and Foreign countries. The Secretari a shall to together superintend the printing and pu blishing of the Transactions of the Society. In the abmace of one of the Secretaries, either of the others may act for 'm; and in the event of all being abest, the Council shall appoint a pasture,
4. The Treasurer aball?eite and pay out all Moneys on behalf of the Bociety, kuup an icecus thereof for the satisfaction of the Council, and mittement of the pecuniary Afair of the Bociety to the Anniversary My boting.
5. The Curur shall have charge of the 21smus, ac-ange the Specimens and preserve the freun
tions and Donations, and, in the recante, be will be called upok to taku charge of the Edsary, keeping list it,' the Books, giving, then put la Members, in the manner directed by the ancil and wing it they are returned in prefer tum und in good condition.
At a Meeting of the Asiatic Society of China helf op Tuesday 19th January 1817, and nine. rously attended.
C-fonet Breton haring been enlled to the Chair, the following Report of the Committee appointed nt the prelim nary Meeting, for the purpose of framing the Laws and selecting Office benters for the approval of the Members of the Society, was
Your Committro hell their firat Meeting at tho Rooma of the Bucely in Wednesday the 15th instant-Preast-Colonel Breretes, Hon. C. A. Campbell, Capt. Kennedy, the Rev. V. Stanton, Drs Balfour, Kinnis, Young, and 11land, and Messen G. 3. F. Star, Bowring, Mercer, deran, Melville, and Phorteede,-when the first subject, taken into consideration was the Damo to be given to the Society; and after some discussion it was agreed to recommend that it should be called The Asiatic Society of China.
I then went to the cudly nud sent for Petion, and remonstrated with bins about using sich notione lunginge, and also fog his wouduct in the bat, and advised him to go quietly to bed, for 1 wook: not put up with such conduct long. Ite still great remonstrance with defiance, and was shams to have the cudly; I got up from my seat and told him as he did not appear in take my advice in the way it was inmat, that I should put him in irons. if he did not make an ample apology. He did @s. 181d I allowol bin to go forward, b?t, by the re- part of the mate he was no sooner out of the caddy door, than he began swansing. The mate then called the crew to taka' in the water, which they refused to da, we had thim mustered, and found Deareon and Clark ninongst them instead of being in bed on or dered and they were inciting the crew in refuse to work and using very mutinous language: 1 ordered then both away, they perniated in remaining. 1 then asked the crew their reason for not taking in iber but got no satisfactory ouswer from them,
? vil they were tired, I told them they had not 40, word of that before the boot'a crew came on Board, and that cow! I not be the reason, na They hail done to more work that day, than if they had ben *, and some of them had only born up since som, 'I also told them they were committing an ael
1 many which I was dejerimined to quell, and they
Dr. Bowring's expomire appears to have had ?nonkl take the water in by "fair means or foul"
the deured effect, the police Magistrates hap- (low at them about six ?30, and only nine casks of
ing ceased to sentence prisoners to be flogged,vided wate in the bost which might have been taken in in
We think this will be gratifying to mon of our eo bur. At the sauna tinje it was blowing a strong breeze wall corrent the opposite way which caus readers, as the extent to which this barbarous el a hoary confused sen. The water barge along side punishment was carried must have had an in- was striking heavily against the ship, and the people jurious tendency as refers to the welfare of the my in calling out sthat the bost world sink, if we did Colony, mud what is of more consequence, it wd take the water on board) I then considered it was unjust, Chinese being flogged for the nost my duty to enforce the crew to go to work, other trivial offences. On looking over th?de uf was there was e certainly of the loss of the water the four, numbers of the " Weekly Criminal But, and endangering, the vessel and property, as Calender" we observe, that during three al the lives under my charge, by laying at the weeks is the month of September, thirty twe anchorage ni th? season of the yent, when the men were sentenced to be flogged, the averago prevailing winds blow strongly on the shore I sad the chief sul second oitiers along with theer of stukes being filly. Eight of the bat wain and earprater and cousuked then on the two had the option of paying fines of
ecessity of the mater being taken in. they decided
to 820!! But the water ought to be taken on board. I then Book a cutlass and my own pistol, and gave entlass to the officere, at the same time telling them not to them less it was absolutely necessary, and only witheslan intimidate the crew to work i My reason for taking those weapon was to protect perself on entering the forecastle amongst as many men as eighteen, and they in such a determined sist of mutiny, and to drive them. from the forecas 11, and then to secure it, and prevent their going
til the water had been taken in, for whirls I previously old my carpenter to prepare by ng ready some spate spars to go across. After Which | intewlel telling the crew that they would bat nothing to eat and not be allowed to enter the Senle until the water was taken on board, best this wal all frostrated by Pestion and Clark along with me, and the rest of the crew going to vojtk. When I went forward I was consider ably in advance of my officers De entering
Dr. Bowing will be pleased to hear that his exposure has lead to such results, and we are mire, that overy person of humanity in this quarter, participates in the feeling of satisfaction,
The Mail publishes a communication referring to the supension of Brigadier Chesney and Mr. Pett, and the remarks thereon which ap- peared in the Madras Spectator. The com
XIV-Each Resident Member shall pay to the Ruuda of ye be Society on Admission a Fe of Tea Arusted between the 1-1 July.
bnd no Annual Contribution
and the AT Sniversary Meeting in January, to which case Half to Al Sulacription only will be pay ible for that Velent.
XV-Honorary and Corresponding Members may be admitted withenas paying any Entrance Pre or Annual Subscription.
XVI.—desudent Members. ?drauf ving natier in writing of their intended de su from Chin shail, on the recommendation of the Council, placed on the List of Honoraret Corresponding Members; and in the event of it in Freturn to Ched, may be replaced by the Counce on The List of Resilent Members.
shall be hell on the Farm Tapud y b? ever h?g munch, XVII.—The General Mor? og of th; Je Society and at such other times any realve on, sed July notified to Members.
XVILL-The course of lines Meetings aball bear fellest coapr
be real.)
In order to facilitate the farther operatione of. your Cumaines, it was resloved that it should be into two Sub-Committees, that one to select the Officer bearers, and the other to frame the Laws of the Society, their respective Reports to be received and consilered on Monday the 19th. mar Your Committee having requested Mr Shortredo to frame a draft of the Laws, founded on the Rules of Co the Royal Asiatic Society, to be submitted to its next. of Muslime Meeling, that gentleman furnished copies to each of the Stambers, and on Friday the 15th, the Draft was fully and carefully considered. Several amoud Mel
pret meals having been adopted, the Sub-Commiten met next day, when the Laws were again subjected to a careful revision, each clause being put separately Meal from the Chair. On Monday the 18th your Com mine met together to receive and consider the disc Report of the two Sub-Committees, which, with the modifications agreed to, are now submitted for the approval of the General Meeting of the Society."
The Chairman then road to the Afecting the pro- posed Laws and List of Office bearera no followi— LAWS
THE ASIATIC SOCITY OF CHINA. Submitted to a General Meeting of the Society held at Hongkong, on Tuesday the 19th January, 1847. L-The ASIATIC SOCIETY OF CHINA i insti
for the investigation of Arts, Science, and Li: terature in relation to China
utication in cautiously worded, though evi-ed dently production of a friend of General D'Aguilar's, as reference is made to his love of justice!
[L-lhe Society slut consist of Resident, Ha. sorary, and Corresponding Members.
11-Members residing in any part of China shall be considered Resident
Of course the General's friends have ag unboubted right to put the most favorable engstruction, upon his actions, and to placo thein before tho p?blic in the best light, nid in IV-Enonsut Todividuals, and Persons who the prosent instance, it is done ve adroitly, may contribute to the oljerts of the Society in the writer appearing to sympatise with Brigadalinguished manner, are to be eligible as fons dier Chewy and Mr Pett.
rary Members
ske forecante, I called out to all the crew out We are sorry, however, to observe that ser
of this with you, out of this, at the same time contemporary has expressed su opinion that the
We would have expected that a person of ?aceutenem could rest fail to perceive, that the ari
moving the cutkies about one would do if turn.article in the Spectator was written in Hongkong ing out an unwilling mob, without coning them, will doing so Pearann tonk held of my cutlast which was in my right land, nod Chuck at the same
ticle in question was evidently from the pen of tine collared me on the left. 1 tuki them, to let go, se I would shoot them, when I said so one of the person inde Regained with the facts. Had it piola Jud fallen on the deck and the other pinot gay i been written here, it would undoubtedly imve ware may teowarra by my kuce, it having slipped gone more fully into the details, but it is simply a down in the Mruzgh I kept magelang with the commentary upon the General Order by ■ per two pren, wul & reg-ipod mng pistol when el struck, I son who knew n ***** case except what
Y.-Persons resilent in Ohina may, upon ape-
oil gromide, and with the recommendating of the
Honorary and Corresponding Members ar Camurit, he elected tasensponding Members.
the ents Dentral Thron & dectious,
or werer
whi Labich she "Dasidejkla ration
pondove, at s and ega nev
to 1
*Flerting, stre
may hucted
ja of nelavery
le read angs,
adinite Busin?e Be pre
3 shall ne compe
Prive year
any Met
Society and at of Trans
shall be
blished, si shall have
cieties and
the Societ
Late for
up any Vecd
'XXIV..-" altered unles one Month consideratio Nine Memb the measure
in be admitted in all the privileges of the Society,
vote at its Meetings, or be elected prored of it li onces, or take part in its private business. VILA Members, whather Roulent, Huno. rary, or Curzoning, shall be ehreted by ballot. His Excellen
Candidate for Resident Membership most be proposed and ended at a General Mosting of the Majae Civner Society, but cannot be baluted for unit the next
Major H. 1. Ba
riting had
from the que sing
ad to th-ne
he Titlyn fo open
Bociety hir
10 pu- tem
Babu Stew, Esq.
14 Kon
Councillors Lieut-Brereton, Royal Avidlery, CB. & K.H. Per You, Esq., Colonial Burgeon. WT. Mrer, Eg
Hon. Campbell, Esq.
A Bour, E, Surgeon.
C. Bering, Ent
Secretaries. General Andrew Bhortrede, Erg
ping-Cayinin Clark Keno-dy. Foreign-Thaints Waite, Eq
W. F. van, Eq.
C. F. Making, En
the the motion of De Dill serouded by J. A Olag E, the Report of the Committee, on- bodyin the Law and List of Chico-Bearers, was
usly approved of. Tho, Clirmad then slated to the Meeting that a suggestion having been made to the Committee tu Dubiste inlividuals of “bigh official rank to hono raty offices, it had been decided that this would not baxpedient; and accordingly in appointing Bir Jahnvis President, he requested the Meating to under and that this was not because of his being
AMERICAN NO Wireupon and Mar?o Brooklyn. (Ant) Hichardson, Cayuga, Siniback.
Elisa Ana, ? Am ) Cherver, (1:Bogle, (Am) —
of the sofficers and grew, as fala : 2x #arcaghan, HC, Jepted with the air of mon ca Ronsell mulata & partner of wat The Princ
a. pen. Wronse and Ce? celok to the rest fan mail the fagon the artiest of Russell and toy the hate; lon, funking ben tem de to bar jempemukie, J. M. Ball | set fire to the foill, and ofter a certaining that the Horuth, (Am.) Crocker,
Nya Perkur and Co | remainder of discrew bod et oa for Tampiers, sho Midas, (Am) ) Juluson,
Ransell no-l Cu telurned to Vera Croz. Tampico and Tolasco had "Mary Ellen, (Am) Darborn, A. Heard and Co | joined in the rovulation. They low ?nver i sled Houde, (A.) Clarkson, Nye, Parkin and Co to have broken out on board the Botisch veurk of war al Baccalicios. A'portion of the Cartel States nquadron was nallering from scurvy.
Crafton Abbot,
BIRTH. At the Bondin. Rogers's Muson Honne, Vietinis, on the morning of skis jih Esetant, the Wim of ske Hav, Joss
of Son
with the sword, as he bought opium there, s mumes Agan, lue as thin and has no besed; the Chiness of the godeau is enllest. Ahy ↑ The Judge learing causal to be brought the board sizes in front of the house which comuns three Chinese lettera in red on a white ground, to see the name of the Chinese, the thres letters wore fuum.] In any only= Yon-Vo-pawnbroker's shop. There were in the house only the three murdered persons, Clare the witness, and Chica, and the Cliness of the godown Aby, and the slave Dogn-Chics, child seven years old, testified that she was in bol in the apart- iment of Dotol and felt the Chinese asanssin step upon her and saw hen foll Dagol--Ritta Franci Guodes was summoned; tho weight our to who.n Clare fled; under muth she testified thit alin beard | no disturbance; at 7 o'clock in the morning she
convoniem amall House in A dearton Terrnon, mint the female slava upon the roof of her hoone,
containing Sing Fan, two Bedrooms, and and the board of the shoking vecurrence. --The
Two Dating-roumt, with Cook and Coole ko, Chinaan Awe bring munnotted, the who notified Stable, and large back yard, with an abundance of to the guard near the Senate of the disgraceful act).pure water in the fentcdiate neighbourhus. Ap.
ply to book oath according to his forms; at 7 o'clock la the morning of this day coming as ?ssal to purchase opium, he found the street door open as well as an inner one, and the girl Chies told him that all were doud; he asked by whom killed, she answered by four man, and he announced it to the guard; the Chinamin of the godowns was called Aky. On examining the tour of the Chinese house, it was
renor, but solely on account of his known lito- rary d scientific soquirements. It was therefore found to have been broken up by the removal of savor) tiles, and panna of glaas ware broken, show not a nominal, but real President, that His Ex- effe had boon fixed upon. One of the Coming clearly that the assins came and weat this milta farther remarked, that as a distinguished way. This examination was ordered to be written Memer of the Royal Asiatic Society, and being down. alres in conmanication with its President the
Earl of Auckland, regarding the formation of a la the year of our Land 1880, the Chiouinao bean in China, it would be the utmost consequence Ayao having been uskon into oustudy and question. Society that Sir John Davis should accepted in regard to the murder, died the faci, ying that yesterday at seven o'clock at night k? k? Bre nesigned to him.
therefore moved by Dr Halfour, seconded Elongkong and arrived in Macan at six this morn Kinnis, that the Secretaries should be deputed ing. The child Chics and the female plava Clara it upon His Excellency to request him to ne being brought in, recognized this Chinaman Ayao cep the office of President. The motion was to be the pain who wounded Clam, and was aged to, and, on the suggestion of Benjamin Benro, engaged in the murdera. He was committed for Esq, the Chairman was requested to join the trial, —Ibid. de tution.
19, Rocafuerte, Alva, Monsilan, tat December. 19, Audas, Bullivan, Wuosung, 4th January.
22, Niscount Sandon, White, Whaimpon
e General Secretary, after an explanatory tinent as to the origin of the presemi Society, and with reference to the resolution come to ala foner Meeting, moved that, upon the understand inst its apparatus and hooks be handled over to the Asiatic Society of China, the Members of the 22, William Jardine, Small, London, 10th Sept Mirn Chirurgical Society who signify their de. |
om the aubject before the next General Meeting be admitted Members without ballot or entrance fwhich motion was unanim-usly agreed to,
W. BRERETON, Chairman The business being finished, and Colonel Brore 18haring len the Chair, Captain Clark Kennedy
od moved that the thinks of the Moeting tered in Colonel Brereton, ant only for the
alide manner in which be had discharged the Chies of Chairman on the present occasion, but the great interest he had all along manifesteil the ssures of the Society. Which motion har. e ben oueried by accimitation, the Meeting ad burried
For fudar-Mesars A. G. Dallas, J. Compton, W. Fagan, and C. Sinclair-
AND. SHORTREDE, General Secretary,
We are enabled to state that the deputation have h15 interview with His Excelkner, who has Apurval to accept the office of President of the So. ely, and will prought idem ita first General |M1cting. | – China Mai, ulary 21.
On The Retry of Mas Honua maxa organa, AT MACAO, (From the Boleti Governo, }
In the year of our Lar 1940, no the Lath of Jember, in Macao, and a house of Lourencin l'ereira Horback, murderere met the Judge, the Councillor Jonquim Anio de Moraes Car prica, lo proceed to an ing upon the holies of the persons murdered; thin being prosent the Bachelor Jago Danaoeno ho dos Santos, delo galo of the Attorney-Gan and the surgeons Puzi Severo da Silva Talled Vicente de Paula Pitter these being aworoceeded to the axe nination of the persons moed.
They found two Chinese
e of which was tinged with
itre of the house Long
throat cat, and lyi
rrow Toom, her son na
nevis (short blades) lood; and also the Pereira Ilurbook behind the bed in Danist in the bed,
frumale slave at the lot of her mistro' hot shewings we which had neatly pated hit, her hands mated and the sword through her body, all the wounds of a tur The von Daniel Horback right and cut, and turion on the back the head, beting the who rain and being the heath The fee slave shewed a
19, Hindostan, Wu, Whampoa. 19, L. Amherst, Ablett, Whanpon 20, Centaur, Wood, Bydney.
21, her, Cumberland, Whampoa. 22, Rocafuerte, Alva, Whampoa.
22, Nymph, florsburgh, Whimpos.
Audar, Sullivan, East Coast. Gazelle. Anderson, East Cosal, Jorin Corino. Inbain, Hingapore Petref, MeNally, East Cout Zephyr. Macfarlans, Esst Coast. Torrington. Nell, Shanghai.
J. Matheson and Co Drinker & Hoyl J. Matheson and Co- 1. Mathieson and Co Franklyn and Milno 1. A. Olding
To tur.
Frane Camigo we learn that it Gan they (menting | of Clenegal Taylor to leave that place with the maiti | holy of the n??ng short the 5th of 8-pomber. 300 mode, 200 wigg90s, atl kon090 cations hulbeen sent an am mil-ance; and it so stated that the, Co-mural intels, of apposed by the Mexicans, to proceed neto Sabillo, ter verla piste, however, his men of trans were still deficiat. Manwhile, parties ofzan goes were actedly scout- to the country arowl the destined time of masel, and had sirited en roete several of the small tomor of the district, without remontering resistance or discovering any agus of an opposing force. Ao curding to general report however, the Mexicaar had concentrated at 3 onterey, to the extent of pure few | thousand all-past and ill?elalbest men. Dugmoful rinta had taken place minong t? - volunteers at Bus L JUST & CJ.
site, arising lain a lend existing bufween an krish Victoris, 22nd January 1847.
|company and two of the Georpion corps. The uf ? ???,
· Tur took plver on board of a sima-bost which wan PARTMENTS, furnished, or unfurnished, eti?anchored near the shore. 1720s, storda, and ba-
Victoria, 22nd January 1940. "TO LET. THE whole or part of the upper part of these lately occupied by Me Fanncona, for further particulars, apply to
A gibly situated in the East, and West wartego were wond with reckles violence. The so-
the Town, ale largo and small Dwelling Houses. Houel of a regiment of Ullinois volunteers, who, stike For particulars apply to G. DODDELL, opposite the head of two of his congames, witampted to quell the Commissrint, Victoria,
Meeting of the Members of the Homarona CLUB is requested at the Club [louse at 4 pm on Saturday the 30 Instant, in accordance with Rule XXXVI.
By order of the Genera) Cominillee.
? Secretary,
Club Home, Hongkong,{
10th Janonty 1847.
Opposite the Commimksiat, Queen's Road. mariety of new Sadlery at reduced prices, ???
Snaffle brade and Reins..from 013 m. to ?2) ma
Braduon, & Snaffle Bridles,
Superior Weymouth do.
Head Cullare, with Stall
Girths, white & colured. Stirrup Leathers.......
2" 5 Ama 24
thebarkinen, was wounded, and his men were driven | back :"nod when at length then rinters submitted, a ensiderable number of mea ho) beon either killed of wrowded
Cabal Onenny bad/marelest from Ban Antonin (Texas), on the 23rd, frath 120 United States Dra. g, 500 mouwlod Frasos, and 18 Delawares, fac Mondavia, Mexico, From St (male we learn that | General Kearney's command, bad left Bant's Fort For Santi P? on the Bd. Korney had lost 100 |lostees, and the troughs were o ? haft rations. The Udifornian expedition was on the point of lanving New York Rantours metu surrent that an agent Gown the Mexican Government wasnt Washington. The domestic affairs of the Union contioned to De unimportant... Me Bancroft find boeu apps'ated Minister to London Mr Momen bad trceive the racini Nary Department, ant the journals me con Mr Pickens, of Houth Carolina, for the French nie sion. Me ML,ane had been addressed with +1- gratulations by the merchant, of Nuw York d | had accepted in invexation on public dinner, Jon pico #1 some future diy The Mormons of 2-1 2- You were apperntly m'a preexxious position. Te Al-Mormons were encampus in large former ine
An aortment of Leather, consisting of thamois
Harness, Pump, S., &c., orso Clothing Soaffle and Curb Billa, fancy Stirrup Leon, Curbliate vicinity of that plaer, and a collision p Chains, &e., &c.
N. B-Repairs nextly and expeditiously, execu tol; Navy and Army accoutrements made t? anders JAMES MILLER, Buber, boing ahoal to have thogkong in consequence of ill health, bege respectfully to return bis sincere thanks to the Of. Keren of Her Majesty's Navy, Morchants, Captsinu of Ships, and the Inhabitants in General, for the patronage he has so kindly received during the threo years that he has been in business on the Eland, and her that way person to whom he may be in lelted will send in their accounts at once for liquida tion, and requests that all outstanding debis may be discharged, as he is about closing his Books finally,
Queen's Itood, 18th January 1847. HILLS OF LADING FOR THE OVERLAND ROUTE.
FOR in at this office, four forms of bills of luk. ing for goods or specie shipped by the P. a 03. Company's Steam packets. 1 for goods deliver able at London; 2nd for goods deliverable at Southampton; 3rd for goode deliverable at Sex 4th for goods deliverable at intermediate porti. They are printed alier the Company's forms on Order Bank pool.
Franklyn and Milne
H. M S. Festal, Captain Talbo H. M. St Vulture, Captain Macdougal, H. C. Str. Plato, L?ool. Airey, H. M. Tr. B. Alligator, Master Commanding King H. M. 8. Minden, 2nd Master in charge Osmer,
Hospital and Store Ship. Audaz, Bullivan, Angioso, Merrin Awonyma, Thomas, Bamanjee Hormujes, Conks, Cover, Soames, Fort William.
(Hulk,) Grouf Van Hogendorp, (?.) Young Hebe, McQuin, Jacen Corina, Donha, John Harry, Stewart, Kelpie, Bellamy, London, Gibson, Mary, Seuirkrop, Masrppa. Jauncey, Nymph, Horsburgh, Petrol, McNally,
Murrow and Co Spec, Cole,
Bmith and Brinelow Sri Singapura,
Rawle, Duus and Co Turringles, Nell, Viscount Sandon, White, G. Livingston and Co Order Victorly, Smith,
Macricar and Co Ware, Hackett, William Jardine, Small, Blenkin, Rawson and Co Dens and Co Zephyr, Macfarlane,
Dent and Co|
Bellamy Ju and Co Us and Co
J. Matheson and Co Dent and Co Gilman and Co
Chloe Friend of China"
29th October, 1845.
CHIPPING ARTICLES, occurding to the re- contant (Victorin 7 & 8) for sale at this allies Ofen "Friend of Chius,""} Victoria, 10th October, 1845. ( [JOR_BALE—At the office of this paper,
Compradores cheque books.
Shipe Articles, with an abstract of the merchant sehrman's act endorsed on the back.
Powers of Attorney, after forma by Chitty, Charterparties, after forms by Chitty. Bill of Lading. Chlu Tariff of importa, and exports, for counting_hotos,
AMBRICA The news from the United States to the 16th
prated imminent,, The New York journals va te that the people of Marcer's country, ?Min, had a u meeting resolved to expel from their boundaries, by force, if necessary, the coloured people then rend- ing in die country Major-General Quinas bad been appointed to the command of the eastern dial- alon of the United States army: A gret Bina tat nccurrelin Crooked Creek, ngur Maduon, ?ubane, Auch da Dage was cause-t, and six llera were lost. Mr Pakenben was wii a tint to Be Wabaler. Mr Webster was expected to make a grest spoecli, re- viewing the course of the Administration on the Me ziran war, at the publie Jim?er to be given to bin in Philadelphis about the 1st of October.
Under the influence of the new tariff, the mana- Lacturers,
most cases, appear to be panle staken, and are emptying their warchomes, and sending the contents to public auction. Je komt zube, leuate effected at a very great loss, es repared to the selling prices previous to the passage of the new tariff Whether, 15 reducing the peron sigho raw muserial, and the wages of the labourer, &c., they ban ub lain enough by these auctio: mules to replace their old stock is the great question. If they cao, they will be notified to run their manufacbrics for a your or two, with the expectation or hope of obtaining one erat of prolk, but in the 1 belief that the aest In fie Congress will repeal the present tariff law, subject of Itepeal of the Tan, everything deper is on the political character of Vin gezi congressional House of Representatives Le present house have Gersequother short sora?un, nam Ducember 1846, to March 1817. It the manu jcturing party should have a firm and decided majty in the next house, favourable to a repeal of the present tariff law.The Benate would not defeat the Raper! Hill, and the President han hail quito as in seh tu do with retues
he wides
The following are pariieelers of the offay near Matamoras 't Henin-slip il??m, Caprani Page, merived on the 5U ingt, at New Orleans, from Bruins Bho Santing, which pluer she lefi pajbo Bad izst brought seweralnick volunteer and some disobarget
und whic ? had almost divered har bend from H. M. B. Childers, Commander Pitung Masser September is not of striking importance. The opera | Boldiesa Colonel Hayen wil: hik Rangers had o
body, ping through muscular portion, blood
male and the with pic, the scull being tained or by the vertebrolumn, as well
upon her bod these three were
There also wounded there Clare, having prely slight injuries about lempias.
The wissere sammoned this slave Clam little girl named Chica: The first aid upon
ath, chat about midnight, black man Diego
the door of the apart of his mistress,
er Sork
g a light, whhough
band; abe, the wit
leil of bise
Son of Denial, when u
upon the head and
bree Chineso, ma bein
ga sword in his hand, the
ccompanied by the si
eld a light all the opened the door
innse who came
rack her dowu. Then all dressed and other two with ve Dingo; they
for the mistrene and leged hor, and then
In Daniel, and she Charl to the roof of bining house The blanklare Marianne dan sed crying out to Diogo ardored her till, and because she wow Ent, he slew hor; mmediately went to the by which was in e box and in a small one took it all, for card them coumung it lodgedown, below, lso took some prepared dism, leaving the inder behind: the Chinese godown and accompanied the assassinsipwho retired by of the Chinese house. She dew the Chiness
Aden, King.
Argo, Bremer,
Appolline, Thomas,
Amalia, Diaper,
Ellerslie, Pagen,
Britomart, Solomon,
Diur, Cumberland.
Duke of Cornwall, Whitehend,
George Fyfe, Muriey,
Hisdostan, West,
Indian, English, Jokes Cooper, Grieg, John Bagshaw, Dare,
Lapwing, Lem,
anester, Hullin, Lydford, Smyron,
arktidorelia, (Dut. Montroer, Furgusson. Otialis, 'Thompson, Panders, Cobb,
Crooks and
heard fram. They had scone d the country and re- Fletcher and Co tions and prospects of the Mexican war continus Lindy and Co os indocisive as over; and, beyond the general state. turned in Camargo, withouting anything of anta. Boustead and Coment that further, though slight, advances kad bern | A grosi tist among compu, of Irish volunteers Nye Parkin and Co made by the several columne of invasion marching and some other took place uni che night of the 1st, at an encamaparat opposite Burit. Qune have agamat Mexico, we have fittle intelligence to com Boustead and Co Lindsay and Comunicate differing is tenour from that brought by been fired, and 15 or 20 mer to reported to have wounded eren or shown, 8 a 10 are said to leave K.Macgregor and Co the previous steamers. The Government in just been killed or wounded lesides the killed or
P. & D. N. Cams beginning to feel the want of money. The Presi Dirom, Gray and Co dent is authorised to issue 10,000,000 of dollars in boen pushed frotti a steam-bo, flying by the shorej The Colonel of thi C. Sapoorje Lungrah Treasury notes. The first batch of this species of overboard, and were drowned
Lindsay and Co paper money had made its appearance They are Georgia Hegiment gallantly attempted, with swords Russell and Co received in payment of Custom-house dear. Bolong and pretola in hand, to quell the riot. Elo shot down
one man, and wounded sever. 1 others. Jamieson How and Co as the amount in circulation can be swallowed by Maclean Dearie and Co the Custom-house, they will be at par, and no longer. Marrow and Co From Vera Cruz advice to the 39th of August Blenkin, Rawson and Co are published in the American journals. The land Russol and Co ing of Bank Anon had teen allended with great de- monstrations of joy, and that chief had taken his Nennen Wise and Co departure inland, Eat of his nerital in the capital we
Prinz Oscar, (Swe) Mollin, Rocafurrie. Alra, Stag Parish,
3. Lon, Conkling, Wild Iriak Girl, Buckton,
Vseats in Jambella Rohrrison, Kelly, Flocano, (Sp.) Rionda, Lyra, —,
Colonel Baker, of the 4th Regiment of Ilburie volunteers, repaired to the ecoe, and orders two of his companies, A and C, to amist in quelling the fight, and went in person wis tu hoven men ta the storm-bont. He commanded police as soon as
be gatan bard, but was attacked by the timers,
J. Matheson and Co have no accounts. Despatches from the Prendont and had a desperate conflict, which he defendi Boustead and Cohad on received by the commander of the Ulscka | himteli buavely for some vibe against swords, bas yonete, and alot, but was finally shot in the neck, Russell and? ding aquadron, and immediately afterwards a com- Turner and Ob moltion was had with the shore under a Big of the ball entering behind and panning out though h? J. Matheson and bruce These despatelies are ripposed to c?ntaia Hengd and Cd the propostian of the Cabinet to offer a resumption
Captain of negotiations with the Alexican Goverumeni.
The United States'brig of war Truztan had been
F. J. de Puira totally wrecked on the 15th near the mouth of the
R. Garrets river Tuppan. Two heutenants and 10 men reach
L.A. Dorroned the squadron at Vera Craz in bos ×; the remainder
check or mouth.
Of the 20 then who "reompanied Colonel Bakri,
eight were wounded, six with bayonets, and two
with balls. On the arrival ?f companies A and C
Csglain Roberts, of the former, onderol bat i in te
charge an baard and led thru to the stups, wlu ce
un received a severe wound ? ?n s bay?na, which
anentes near the shoulder blade and prosed through | bus back. The boot was so well defended by the| inters, that the Rhoisians had to retreat, not hav 102 cartridges with them. Ammunition was soon forgishel them, however, and on again approach ing the boat everything was quiet. No one of the knois volunteers was killed, nod it was thought Bext morning that Baker and Roberts would re- gover of their wounds. 11 was feared two prirates in company were mortally wounded.
The rioters were finally subdued, forced to sur nder their arms, and placal under a strong guard. prepestory to trial by court-martin),
Alexander J. Scahorn, linia tonps, company A, died on board the Kim. Several others in the same vogel were nearly dand.
Forty miles above Reynosa, on the 2014 August, 410 stent-boat Enterpris burst her builer, and Blew up. Five persons were killed instantly, sad
:retal wounded. —London Mail, Orgaber 7.
PRECIS OF MISCELLANEOUS EVENTS. Mohammed Ali, nezording to to the Topic, has, by hua nwn ndonjpsion, spwat about five millions sterling in the syempt to established manufactures Egypt. For his boiklings and machinery a French company lately offered him 17,000),
The Court of Proprietors of the New Zealand Company have resilved in borrow 100,000 the Consolidated Fund, the security being a hun. dred millions of neres in New Zealand.
The Sprat, an iron steamer for the East Pudies, bren launched at Liverpool by the Bombay Stenni Navigation Comping.
A correspondent workers that the Church in not in danger, or a dissenter made the Prince of Wales' Brat suit. Danger may be apprehended, as a? schismatic had the formation of the youthful bbits of the heir apparent to the Church's head.
The 'niers says, that 19.000 copies of the Beriptures have been salil by iko rolporterus (law. ker) in France in the last three months.
The Liverpool Albion anys, that a gentleman she has resided long in die East, bes lately seen :veral musquitoes both in Liverpool and London, The Prince Royal of Wurtemburgh and his bride, the Grand Duchess Olgu, of Russin, renched Butigart on the 23rd ult. The beide is said to resemble every princess in the Arabino Talen in one important characteristic—* the must beautiful princess in the world.”
Me Ginley Berkeley, in his hot published bster, describes his brother sportsmen and game preservats, no the best abused men in the world.
Sperimen of very fine linens and enebrics, manuf.ctured from Irish grown flux have been presented to the Queen.
Sir Charles Wetherell's personal estate has been almistered to by Lady Wetherell, and a stamp July paid on 250,000.
The personal property of Mr Justice Williams as been valued for duly at 25,000. The real estate is very valuable.
to misintain themselves on less than Gr, a week.— ! with ? copy of it :—" Landon, Feb. 13, 18 CL. --- The Inte Mr. J. Ashton, i eutton manufacturer in F. M. the Duke of Wellington presents liis com Manchester, bequeathed, after certain legacies, the pliments to Mrs C. He really regrets much residue of his personal estate to the sinking fund. that he fins not been whle to read her letter. Hu is said government will receive therefrom entrente her to write in a plain hand, in dark ink, 150,000-It is said that the xenocy and is and In for words what her commausla are, the bish Representative peerage by the death of ] C— the Marquis of Thomond will be filled by the Eur?-
A rope-mat manufactory at Barfield fell down wile eleven persons were at work within it. The dieaster was occasioned by the giving way of a| wall in consequence of an excavation made near it. A mon and a girl were dug out of the ruine, dend: and the rest of the people were more or less injured,ry some very actiously.
fan. Capt. Dudley Pelham will be the candidate There is no foundation for the rameur that the for the representation of LinewInshire, vacant by Lord Worley's pecassion to tie ilouse of Lords lineage contemplated coming forward, bop Sir by the death of the Earl of Yarborough Mr G. Montagu J Cholmeley, Dart, will be the randi- tinte, and supported by the influence of the Earl of Yarborough and the Duke of St. Alban' Mr Tovor ud Me Tufnell, chairman of the sex to offer themselves to the electors of Eser to sup Conservative Association, are mentioned as likely
reiker at the next general election. ply the place of Als Braniston, who intends
panies of the Life-timards wear stationed in the adjenove Merts. Shortly before 19 o'clock preparations wear menced to semie the stabie fitas die yard in which was placed. His bright from the end to the cin the hat is 27 feet, and its weight alwas 40 ton, being posed of the brass metal of guns taken by the noble Bok the card of Delsauce for this purpose. The general dus bla vations campaigns, which has been contibuted by premio erspecting the statue as a work of art was fat?m? askere expressed their opinion that It was the best like. able, and several uld companions in arms of the ilmuara, nem ever made of him in hila more youthink days. wwwler wuunimity, many thinking it on too large a wal respect to the gigantic proportions of the staine, tele fur any site. The dray or earringe upon which it was mured weighed about su tous, and comalted of a situ
quare frame mpon four equi-circumferential iron whethe
in cat-trem spokes, and the kind wheels nerent To les lu diameter, the two front being constructed with sheet iron of rather a convex skuqie and very wide rims, The Haine was slung within this frame, the feet of the bare vesting is marrow ledges about two feet and had from the ground. thus sinking the weight low in p clude all danger of evertering. The task of withdrawing the statue from the stole was a work of me and lar and was accomplished by means of haulage, the ropes being manned by 100 of the Failles Qvardi,
fallque dragged into the open street, where it was received with dress. A few minutes after it the time was fairly the test tremendons cheering by the assembled crea nearly an bear more was consumed in turning the carriage inte lis proper Wack and in yoking the bersen who were were applied by Mr Godtal, brewer, and were driven 10 stand dragen in full profesional costume, one meat. ing upon his breast a Waterloo medal. The horses Her crowned with lanet and were gekod, with the exception and at Sre minutes past 18 o'clock the curlige set vei of the two wheelers, three a breast. All baving been pre- pared, the police with some dificulty cleared a page. and lond and continued cheering.
to drag it to its destination. These homes, 19 in
Band of the Second Life Guards. 100 of the Life Guarda. Trumpeter.
The members of the Committee In their carriages. Pioneers of the Foot Guards. THE STATUE,
escorted on each side by s? Life Guarda.
Body of Riggers too Folder Guards lo fatigue dram. LOW Puller Guards in full drem. Band of the Grenadier Guards. 200 Grenadier Guards. Life Guarda.
Bucaca of Cloncaster's house, inte Piccadilly, and trace
Thesion wound its way at
y at a comporailvely rapid rate the gh the Harrow-rond, down the Edgeware-
the triaryland arch, Hyde-pack-corner. The whole Tybw-gate, thence down Park-lame, round the
and the reception of the state was most ethic. At line of precision was one coutinom trang of people, the turning to Piccadilly, where some apprehended d
'check the statue arrived opposite Apsley-house, and dealty, from the narrowness of the strast and the sharp wein of the angle, a short delay occurred, but at half-past then the cheers were redonbled. The scene this ment was exceedingly animated, the largo ares lu front of the arch being filled with thousands of people, extewling
dies, and he roofs also contributed their share of accom far to Hyde-perk. The windows of the surrounding modelow to sther spectators. At Apsley house a distin mensbena pecsented large partics of elegantly dressed he
guished party was assembled to witness the lostallation of this tribute to the prawem of the noble proprietor; amenet then we noticed Her Majesty the Queen Dowager, the Princess of Prie. Princess Mary, Prince George, Earl Slawe, Countess of Westmoreland, Lord C. Wellesley, e. The statue having been brought opposite the scaffolding Intended for its elevation to the summit of the arch, the here were detached, and iwwas then drawn into the de sired position by means of two wlodlasses, and at a queries to 4 o'clock the ropes were throws off, and all was pre-
this colomal statue le lus destined site open pared for salalg it to its intended site, but it being los fate to commence this operatiou, it was deferred.
Next day was commenced the stupendous labour of rain-
Liverpunt."- Preston Chronicle, of Dysart.-The first stone of a building seatined ham, Esq., of Ashsted, near Birmingham, who Remarkable Bequests —The late Jolin Whitting; for a normal schoul is kid onetha "ith ult at | dio on the 17th of August, has bequeathed to his Constantinople by Rifant Pask, the president of several tennis the houses they respectively occupy, the council The European rmalities of depo whether freehub or leasehold, except four frea siting coins, &c., were o?nerve..—A writer in the holds, which he leaves to his residuary Irgatees. Courrier d'Anver's ways the Dutch pensanta in surpa To the Queen's Hospitsi at Birmingha?n he be parts of Holland are suffering as grant privations qucallis 1.0007, ; to the General Hospital, 1,000 as the trish.
to the Birmingham Dispensary, 1.0007; in the The Reverend My Phompson, of Llanferkan in | Deaf and Demb. Institution, Elglaston, 1,00W. Montgomeryshire, ut with a deendful accidem to the trustees of Ashated Chapel. 2,000, the in- while out shooting: be was drawing his loaded gun terest to be expended in bread and clothes for the through a hedge by the muzzle, when it exploded, | poor of Duddlestone and Nechells, in the parish literally blowing his right arm away. Amputation of Aston ; also bequeaths 2008, for the erection of of danger. has been performed and he is now considered out a clock to Ashated Chapel, and that his executors shall invest 1000, the interest to be expended in bread and clothes for the poor of Wybunbury, Che shire; and by his will expressly directs that which Prior, the poet (who made a similar provision), calls "a fast piece of human vanity," that tablets shall be erected in Aslated Chapel and Wybunbu- Church, descriptive of these gifts. Thors are aumerous bequests to his family and friends. been ordered by the Queen in Council, that the al honesty appear in the Sentch papers. The Prayer agginst the impending Famine,—It has Anecdotes of Honesty.-Two instances of ga- Archbishop of Canterbury do prepara a form of Grst erlates to a Highlander who called Inst work prayer to Almighty God for relief from the dearth | at the office of a respectable staum-boat company, and scarcity now existing in parts of the United and told the clerk that he owed the eightson Kingdom, swing in the falfare of some of the crops pence, haring cheated one of their captains in that of the present year; and that wech form of prayer amount in his fare, about three years ago. Donald be used in all churches and chapels in England was told never to mind the matter, and to keep the and Tales, and in the town of Berwick-upon- money. This be would not listen to, exclaiming, Tweed, ou Sanday the 11th day of October next, "O gudesake, no, I has no been able to sleep in and the two following Sundays."
my bed for a while year about it." He then tabled counting-house, saying to himself, as ka ?retised, the siller, says the focal papers, and ligstily left the Gade by thankit, I hau get it aff my conscience at last." The second is a specimen of Lowland Dunder, became in 1853 a bankrupt, but his gre integrity: M. George Stephens, ironmonger in ditore accepted a composition of Br. in the pound, and gave him a fall quittance. He has, however, recently paid up the remaining 1, in the pond, which they had written off their books and agreed had only his own wants and comforts to provide to cancel. This has been done not by a man who for, but by one who had a wife and rising family A Commission of Lunney lins been engaged for to be in view in estimating Ir Stephen's conduct. depending upon him, and this circumstauce ought sume timin past on an inquiry into the ment) state of Mrs Commings. She lived with her husband, the bill against Capt. Richardson. They were of The 5,000. Forgery.—The Grand Jury iganced Captain Cummings, at Paddington; and pris of opinion that the 10. clique had not been altered the evidence consisted of strange stories respecting into the 5,000, one, but that Capt Richardson her cruetur neglectful treatment of the Captni, had in all probability obtained the names of his who is an invalid, wenk in understanding. Op ea-directors to a Mauk cheque and filled it up with The Rev. Mr Jameson, at au? Eslinburgh Mix-
posite evidence was givan, shoving that Mrs Cam the amount charged as being forged. As the ac mings had on her part endured much through the cuned at the right to draw cheques, under certain siounty meeting, aid that dreams were the religion moshi wakuesses and unregulated conduct of regulations, no account of the Railway Company, of the negroes in Goshen, Jamaica. They se 100 her husband. The case against her broke down the Grand Jury considered that the offence did not touch so at home.--The Welshwan says that Fas ther Blashew is of very ancient Welsh family, between the Lord Chancellor and the Commissie the Grand Jury made the nouncement in court After many sittings, a conference was agreed on come within the terms of the Indictment. When the ends of the principality showing he is desner, Mr Barlow; and the terms of an arrangement of No Bill," Mr Bodklo, on the part of the cended Ram Gwayth vord, King of Cardigan-between the parties were Snally settled. The Company, of which Capt. Richards was a di-ing According to the Nonformist the human chee Jury were lischarged without a verdler. would be patinet in 11 yrum, if the general morta. Kily were a great As it is in the English garrisons Manchester to amount to 74,0002, It wille said | shuseholders ns to the fisture course to be adopted. bearers, ware engaged in preparations for bot-ting the
The Cobden Fund we stated on 29th Sept. al
rector, applied for his detention, in order to give
on the sit of the timeykal arch, Ilyde-park. Proin avucy caly the directors an opportunity of consulting the in Jamaica, Hongkong, Ceylon, and elsewhere. that the London collection was going ou favours Air Clarkson opinned the application, and after statue, to achieve which it was necessary to change the hour a body of rigters from Woolwich Dockyard, under Mr Dumont, the French Minister of Public Works, bly, and it was expected would ranch 15,000. some discussion. Mr Baron Platt ordered the pri- position of the state as deposited the day before, from the direction of Mr M’Mullens, belated by number of ja England, and has visited Birmingham and the collection in Mancherter proper amounted to other places to observe our manufacturies, and railway and canal systems—In the sunual Report received through the street canvase in small sume Capt. Richardson. Ile said be had received an 28,000 Mr Nodal then reported that the sum
anner to be detained. On a mibsequent day afrol to east, and lo order to accomplish this end the Clarkan applied to the Court for the discharge of tom, was fed by the tackled; weighifig altogether o of the Ragged School Union, it is stated that there during the past week was 27. 13: 6d, which, with intimation from his learned friend, Mr Bodkin, are more than 100,000 children in Innan who 107, paid into the bank, moke 104. 13 6d. The that it was not intended to present any fresh bitt receise un education of any kind -A clergy: theal amount received from this source was 5891. awn, in a letter to the Times, states that be hid 9 7d; promises, 1077. 10s; total, 7561, 1974. fore applied for his dischnage from cusindy. The been offered the chaplaincy of a workhouse, six Ite snid that only the principal streats had been necessary order was given, and Capt. Richardeon against the prisoner at this session, and he there. parisleading in the Uaign, with the annual salary part as yet, but that a more general ennvass af 13. just 54, a week.— Vstil un set of last session was about to be commenced. doing away with the restriction, no counsel had scriptions had gone, many subscribers to the Comment against Captain Richardson for forgery, went
was shortly afterwards set at liberty. As far as the job- 'The Oberroer states that when the bill of indict. the Sight of planding at the bar of the Caminan Pleas. Juniors may now do in—The year 6607ribute then to the League fund.
gue had given a thuch larger sum to the Cobden before the Grand Jury, an important witness wat of the Jewish era began last Blundoy.-Al the sale On the night of the 15th September, & chada bill was ignored, and the Grand Jury broke up. absent-apparently meaning Mr Rterenannt The of the Inte Earl Spencer's short-horved cattle, thegration burst out in the boted of the Crown, at Shardly afterwards, the anlicitors for the prosecu Count St. Marie, for King Louis Philippe, gave 150 ginens for a five month old calf, called There were thirty-three strangers at the hotel. Sixtheir surprise at the result. Upon this, some of Tarnutes, in Switzerland, not far from Varne.tion entered the Grand Jury-room, rad expressed Bornster. "The cosa and heifers at this sale rea- of them perished in the flames. Two more havo de members of the Grand Jury, who happened to Berd 3,727, 10, giving an average of #11. fit, Od. since died from their wounds. Most of the travel The bulls realised 1,580), 28., an average of 741. 28.
semmin, said the reason which caused them to come -The Burlington Areale, containing 72 bnuees, produces als annyal rental of 8,640! —There are 4,000 miles of rnilvay in Great Britain.-The new les of the British Association admit ladies to be members.-The foundation-stone of the Liverpool concert hall for the Philharmonic Society, was laid on the “hud.—The Yorkshireman says that the opening of the London and York line will effect a Past revolution in milway and Eludennian moDO. poly.-The Wrateln Times aaya that if there be one thing the Bishop of Exeter does not like, it is the payinrot of a lawyer's bill; and yet be often goes to low.The Bank of Engrand paye 30,000 place, and is said to have weighed heavily on his of his sister, to win he was much attached, look per annum as income-tax-In coaurqueace of them. On Tuesday Mr Alleo retired to his room Bahap of St Asapl's death, that was to be Posted to Bangar, but the Bisign of Fangne de heard of him until the dinner hour (6 o'clock). at the top of the house, and nothing more was clined, though it woude, incresse bis income 7:38. when Mes Allen desired one of the female serrass year. A whole, measuring 50 feet in largth and to ring the bell for him, and.in.about ?ve minutes 30 in eitcumference, was captured in l'orignon after the domestic proceeded to his roum, and there Hay. He got entangled among the rocks.-Ar G. Mi're, the brother of a redoubted! lender of the charged pistol inte his mouth. An alarm wor saw him lying prostrate on the floor, having dis. uned agriculturists, Mr P. J. Miles, M.P., kas immediately given, and a medical gentlemen, whe! bought the Ford Abbey estate for somewhere about
dix, or shortly after, under thin impresion; but the bej vl GOD Qon!--At a recent megting in liverpool, Dr. nephew, at once proceeded to the zoom. Life was to the site selected for his reception, temporary or perma and suffering the greater portion of the weight to rest a
was staying on a visit, together with dreeased's | trian status from Me Wyatt's stadia, in the Harrow-rand, held suspended, by running the platform over
The long-expected event of the removal of this eques-
rigger" deemed it more prudent to complete the proefs Daly, Babop of Cashel, stated that out of the 12 extinet, and was considered to have been on for want, at the case may be, at the triumphal arch, Hyde- its mit. Tos riggers were accordingly arald set wisting, sad to ease the tackle by chich the state w prelates, and 1,700 ml of 2,000 of the lrgy of about two hours. The deproad was universally vs. band had entered their protesto against the na- telmeed by ni ho ku?g him, nod has left a
park corner, came off on the 2016 September. Long be. tional scheme of education.—The Rev. Mr New; numerous circle of friends t? deplieshis lamenta street adjoining were thronged with an immense and per place. On Thursday morning the fron braces pe Tore 10 o'clock, the hour appointed for the commencement Ume-quarter moon, they secceded in completing chocle of work, and soon after seven m., aided by the light of of the public preparations, the Farrow-road and every duous task of placing the horse and his rider in titule proy man was cordally welcomed by the Pope's Ambir end. The jury returned the following readliest incalculable multitude. Seats were erected in varier fastenings by which the feat of the horse rondbe bador at Pans, Mr Seeman was on his way - We find that of dreened destroyed himself, and stalwed. Uven the rooft and windows of the houses the stone plint, and the final ceremony of wedringe lume; he inspected most of the Parisian chur. but in what some of mind be was at the time he is the vicinity of Mr Wyatt's studio were covered with fastenings under the brickwork erected at the samt of
places, for which outs of from Is to Ind were demanded stealled and held Arm, were fed into the socket are and relies. The reg budge of wrought iron committed the net, there input suficient evidence engine spectare, lading, of course. Wyall, whe saperintended siis part of the proceed to be erected az Atenai will be nupp-ated an Laut before us to shaw, " piers; the distance between the cutral pirn will
proportion of the arch, was completed to the satisfaction of Blews M. 450 fel-Me far sinted to the British Asso Preston Jostitution, Mr John Paley, jun, persoul-- Duchess of Kent, his Royal Highnem the Duke of Cum pertunity of judging of the effect produced by I-
A "characteristic" Not -- The president of the gods were assembled a large amber of most distin. ing. eintion, that for the furniation of the accumulation - ed, on Tuesday last, to the Mujrum of that society Bridge, thallake of Rutland, the Mangala of London. gakhed personages, including her Royal Highness the
It latened to remove that portion of the w matter in the Delta of the Missippi, 157,000 an antegraph letter of his Grace the Duke of Wel- derry, the fountess of Westerland, Land and Lady
but which incloses the state, in order to afford a ful years would be required. – A corespondent of the lington. The ndrice enaided in the clprac Morning Chronicle in uf opinion, that in the lighteristie au piquam epistle, in an excellPut, wird an
Fitzroy Somerset, Lord H. Bentinh. Sir John Macdonatal, Ieds and islands of Scotland 50,000 Castiler k?te - generally applicable, that we preseu; aut realess wrong body of the D disbion of police, and several com Adjutant-Lieneral, Sir F. Trench, Me Borthwick, M. P., Ar. The greed is front of the house was kept by a
Sept. Mr Mille and a jury assembly in the draw ing-toon of the house 45,Hunter street, Brunswick square, to emidact on inquiry on view of the body
the mechanical appliances provided to perform the allotted whole mass of state and
task, and, accordingly, the preparations were carried on and then shifted into the ileared spot. This feat fally proved the competency of
fastened round each arm, or thigh of the horse, which were them hooked on to the blocks used in the seal. Thatch The statue was raised by recade of strong six lock cabler nault 3'clock, when the signal was given to "bost away."
squal to 10 tons. these blocks, four in nomber, triple skenved and exp?ens ly made for this occasion, ran six ropes, also quite new and made of the strongest yarn, each rope being calentated Upon the traversing platforms abave, wern four "crabees powerful windinings, wirked by eight we each. The scaffolding, erected for the parpore by Me Elila, under the direction of Mr Wyall, was of itself
is necessary to raise the mine is 74 feet, and thence it besides scaffold poles and planks. The height to which it
? woodarsal work, being 106 Sant la height, and having taken upwards of 200 loads of timber in its contagion
will have to traverse a distance of 00 feet to arrive at the began slowly to rise, and at 4 o'clock was quite clear of its pedestal prepared for its recepties upon the crown of the carriage. From this time until early To'clock the ascent rch. Shortly after 3 o'clock the immense mass of metal slowly centiased without the slightest aceliten but at the dies to defer the oticiasion of the hoisting till next day, time mentioned, it being quite dark, lihan byged expe
Iets were English-The Res, Frederick Fisher.to the enuclusion which they did was, that they Unitarian Minister of Lincolu, who comositted sihat attentively examined the check, and that they cide Inst week by Prussic acid, wee con of a met were perfectly satisfied that the word 'ten had chant at Sheffield, and formerly solicitor in good never been writch, nor had any alteration been pruction,
Suicide of Mr. Allen, the Architect.-On 30th made; that they were artlaffed that it was a blank | there being still about 29 feet of assent required in the had authority to fill up blank checks; and that blacks together and placing support under the feet the check; that it was in evidence that the prisoneratime the statue was secured by tying the ropes of the they had caused Mr Stevenson to be called twice." borse, from the eras beans, by which men A Captain Richardson is discharged, he as a mat- would be emmered. of Mr Thomas John Allen, aged 25. The daceas ler of course, will retain the 3,225 tako from
? the negdotar expremed his conviction that the safety of is predecim ed, hy pession an architect, was also an comhis possession. plished artist.
The statue at length occupies the positi About six months ago the demise
fantry, having announced in the journal of the 8th Hyde-Park-corner with so unwieldy a barthBelor following advertisement :-" A. P., captain of soil-the extreme abourdity of crownl
which cording to many, is to be its mal one; bat ich, sce Retaliation-The Journal de Liege contains the ing to more, is only temporary, and for purpo* that he will not acknowledge ne pay any debt, sition temporary or to the end of these, the stated
proving, by crncial experiment-tat experia itum in o
turn, to inform the public that she will not pay raising to the requialte height were brought in term contracted by his wife, she thinks y right, in her
rests upon the arch, and that is the sole fact whic h any debt contracted by her husband, and that her pecuniary resources enable her to pay her debts state should reale suspended in the stings all night at now requisite to commemorate. When the operation for much better than her husband can pay kis-bid: the elevation of forty feet free the
saties on if ednreday aftersson, It was intended that artlicer who directed the pond. The princ
sex. stond erected in
the b
left the ground
Edited, Printed and Published by Jon CA, At The Friend of China and Hongkong Gazette, Printing Office, Govan SykeRT VICTORIA, Hongkonu, 1847,
VOL. VI No. 9.
PRICE $12 per aitnum.
Credit prices, $14, 850–50, ?nd #3, faz the periode
Terms of Subscription to the Friend of China and Hongkong Gazette," per annum 13. Six months $7. Three months 3; all paid in advance,
of twelve, six, and three months respectively: Bingle numbers to Bubscribers 26 cts, each, to Non-Salacribers | Rupes. Parties calling or sending to the oflies for papers are requested to pay canh. Terms of Advertising-Ten lines and under $1; additional 10 cents per line. Hepetitions Dao third of the first insertion. Ships: Firel insertion 2:absequent insertions 45 cent. Advertiments in hava written on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will be published until countermoded. In all instances, those who are not Baberribers, must pay in ndgance,
THE PENINSULAS AND ORI. 1 ENTAL Company's Blam Ship BRAGANZA, will leave this for the above places on Saturday the 30th of January,
12 o'clock P. M.
CARGO will be received on board until Noon, and Specim until 4 p. x., on Friday the 29th.
TO LET. House in Cage Birset, contains rooms, bath
room, and servaate offices. Apply to
GEO. STRACHAN. Victoris. 19th January 1847.
TO LET. House on the South side of Gough Street.
Apply to
GED. STRACHAN Victorm, Jel Janonary 1847.
For particulars regarding FRBLOHT and PAS-THE
SADR, apply at the P. & 0.8. N. Company's Office, THE godowns, and first floor of the premiers on 1 Queen's road, adjoining Mosare Smith and Hongkong.
Brimelow. Apply to,
JP A. OLDING, Agent. Hongkong, 29th December 1846.
THE ?ee A. I Ship STAG, Captain PARISH, 700 Tons Register; has superior accommodation for l'assengers and carries a Surgaon.
F'er Passage only, apply to
CAPT. PARISH, on board at Whampoa, or to JARDINE, MATHESON & Co., Hongkong. East Point, 16th January, 1847.
the 1st of January, 1847, the Of
Victoria, let June 1846.
A HOUSE Queen's Road, late in the occupa tion of Mr C. W. Bowna. Apply at the Of Sce of the Friend of China.
TO LET. PARTMENTS, furnished, or unfurnished, eli- Agibly situated in the East, and West part of the Town, also large and small Dwelling Houses For particulare apply to G. DUDDELL, opposite the Commisariat, Victoria,
0fice for conducting the Business Marinere in our Grm, which MT. 8. Bairn
of the Stamer CORSAIR, will be re moved from Messrs Franklyn & Mienn's House to the Hope of HOLMES & BIGHAM, where Packets and Parcels will be received by Mr Browns. All applications mado to him, or to Mr STNANG will meet the rendiest attention.
Victoria, 28th December 1846.
NOTICE E have Established a Branch of our ilouse at Bhanghai under the same Name as at Canton, and have authorised Me C. A. FRANON to sign for us by producation.
AUGUSTINE, HEARD & Co. Canton, Ist January 1847. FOR SALE, at Hongkong. Apply to
#eptember 29, 1840.
E partnership hitherto subsisting between the 1 undersigned as forchants and Commission Agents in Chise, was dissolved by matusi couscat
on the 80th of June last.
BANDS TURNER CHURCH & Co. Canton, 20th November 1840.
FOR SALE INVOICES of:—Ruslan Cordage, Paint, l'aint
Oil, Canvas, Blocks, Bunting, Twine, and su perior Hamburg Ass Pork and Beal. Wine, Brandy, Gin and Vinegar.
WN. PUSTAU & Co. Hongkong, September 1846.
MR. T. D. NEATE and Mr W. C. Le OK are undersigned have opened a Branch Extn. blishment of Shanghai under the sine firmu na at Canton.
RATHBONES, WORTUNGTON & Co. Ceaton, 1st August 1840.
in authorised to sigo by procuration.
MACVICAR & Co Hongkong, 1st January 1847
THE undersigned have been appointed Agente at
Shanghai "for the Imperial Fire Office of
IO LET at a low rent a House in Gough Leadoo.
manding a fine view of the Bay. Early pussession can be given. For further particulars
R. USWALD. appily w
Victoria, 27th February, 1846.
House situale in Wallingloo Street, com-
TO LET. TOSE large and convenient Premises at present occupied by R. A. Batex Esq, consisting of Dwelling flouse with Godowns and enrenient Jesty can be viewed by applying at our premices adjoining. Poucosion can be given on December 8th
Victoria, 27th November 1846.
TWO commodious dwelling How
containing seven Rooms, and com. manding a fine view of the Bay, situatod in Stanley Street, rent moderata. Apply to,
DOUGLAS NAP???CK. Victoria, 22nd December 1946.
THB building on the Queen's Road, occu
piad at present by J. A. OLDINO Esq., as the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office.
Victoria, 22d April 1846.
T the Godowns of Mosure Blankin, Rawson
ORIENTAL INSURANCE SOCIETY. TE adoreigned have been appointed agents for the above named Society and are prepared lu grant Police payable in London, Liverpool, Bone- bay, Calcutta and Canton.
RATHBONEB, WORTHINGTON & Co. Camion, 81 August 1846.
A&Co superior Sherry, Madeira, and Port, is THE partnerabip heretofore carried on is the
and bottle; Champagne from the house of Mumm & Co. Rheime.
Hongkong, lat June 1848.
JR. Roorn Jamon is this day admitted a Part- 11 nec in our Firm.
HOLLIDAY, WISE & Co. Hangkong, 1st August 1846, FOR BALE
THE foollowing Wince ex Cannata.
3 in Casas of 3 dosen sach.
Spackling Champaign,
Pale Cogmas Brandy," in da, Beheiden Gemer,
Superfine talian Baled Oil. Apply Mo
Victoria, 15th July 1846.
Dame of LANE, Rowland & Co. has this day been disolved by mutant consent. Me'T. 11. Row- Land has been authorised to arrange all outland. ing accounts.
LANE, ROWLAND & Co. Victoria, 31st December 1840.
NOTICE MR. Bort. Jackson has become a Partner in my Firm, which will be conducted from this dato no Mironell & Co.
W. IL MITCHELL Amoy, is January 1847. HAIN Cables of all sizes up to t ?nch and 7j8th. U Anchors, very superior Canvas, Blocks, largo
·Europe Stope, Paint Oil, Black Varnish, by whole ple..
Queen's Road, FOR SALE HOGNAC in Bottles at 90 per Dozen at
BLANDY'S Medere, is balf pipes, bbda, and BABB' Pale Ale in care of 33 dozen.
qourier cake. Apply to
GIBB, LIVINGSTON & Co. Victora, 10th April 1846,
· Hongkong, 22nd October 1840.
FRANKLIN & MILNE Victoria, 2011 November 1848, DALE Burton Ale in Hogahende
E dwelling flowe on the HollywoodEATHING COPPER, 16 to 32 ox Apply Pale Cognac Brandy on Cask and bottle,
Posion given early in November. Apply to,
BUSH & Co. Hongkong, 27th October 1846.
Road, lately occupied by the Honour
BUSH & Co. able W. Caine Apply to,
Hongkong, 8th November 1846.
TO LET. THE Bungalow in Aberdeen Street lately occu THE
pied by the Royal Sussex Lodge. Apply to,
BUSH & Co. Hongkong, b November 1846.
GIBB, LIVINGSTON & CO. Victoria, 5th June 1848.
A Single and a double storied Godown. Apply to,
TO LET. THOSE Love Houses adjoining that presently oc- cupied by De Paras Youno. Apply toj
LINDSAY & Co Hongkong, 19th December 1848.
SPACIOUS Godowns and dwelling hones, built of Ciranite and lately occupied by Moss THOS. RIPET & Co. The property is situated near the centre of the Town, (Victoria, Hongkong) and has
water frontage. Apply on the Premises,
Elongkong, 31st July 1846.
"TO LET. convenient soll House in Asburion Terrace, containing Suting-room, two Bed-rooms, and two Bathing-rooms, with Cook and Coolie house, Bable, and large back yard, with an absadence of pure water. Apply to
Victoria, 22nd January 1840.
THE whole or part of the upper part of the House Intely occupied by Mr FACOMB, for further
particulars, apply to
L JUST & Co. Victorie, 22nd January 1847.
GIDB, LIVINGSTON & Ca Hongkong, 15th September 1846.
do. in bottle.
Fine full favored Post.
Very Pale Sherry.
Pale Brown
LE bave opened a Branch establishment at Red wine in Cook.
Whanga, where Mr WILLIAM Hose is 28 Champagne Cod Claret, at very low prices,
thorised to Bign for our firm by Precutation.
LINDSAY & Co. Hongkong, 19th Deceraber 1846.
MR. Haar Downas is authorised to sign our
Procuration. Hongkong, 12th Javoury '1847.
THE Undersigned have been appoidas Agents the above Company, are propar- ed to grant Policies payable in London, Glasgow, Calcutta, Bombay, and Canton,
This Office returne ? Bonus of 10 per cent. Ten por Cent) on all Premisms
Caplan, fat October 1546.
FR. Ferdinand Brass is authorized to sign for
our firm in China, by Procuration.
HEGAN & Co. Hongkong, 29th October 1846.
NOTICE [R. Chaules Ryder is this day admined a part-
ner in our Firm.
DIROM, GRAY & C Canton, Ist August 1848.
Sparkling and acill Moselle, Ligours &c. | Manila Cherooia. Apply to
Queen's Road,
TO COMMANDERS &0. THE undersigned begs to solicit the attention of Commanders of ships and the public to his ex- Lemire noriment of stores, replenished every month by direct importations to his own indeng consisting of...
Europe, Manila and Coir Cordage of all sizes; Spanyarn, Worming, Martine, Hombro lines, Lead nivy Canvase, Boolel twine, and Dutch bunting, far, Pitch, Romios, Paints, Paint oil, Turpentine, Varnish etc. etc. Blocks, Hanks, Mast hoops, and Nalls of every kind, Palma, Sail noodles ?t?
Bread, Flour, and Salt provisions. Dilmen's Boron of every deteription. Brandy, Gie, Rum and Whisky.
Sherry, Port, Madeiro, Champag?e, Hock and various other light wines,
India and Logidon Bond Boer, Barclays' Porter to, ele.
CHARL88 BUCKTON, Queen's Read, Hongkong, "POWDER MAGAZINE. [THE Lorola "Fare” is fitted up and ready to secaire Gunpowder on Demarmee. Apply to,
N Elegant Rosewood Cabinet Plano, Meraio Plate, 63 Octave, by O. t. Wann, 143 La- denial Street.
4th November 140.
FOR SALE. NCHORS, Chain C?ablea, and Lawre l'ipas of A all sizes. An tavoice of Manila, Europe, and Patent Rope.
Coffer, and Clovernment Cigare
4th November 1816
Provisions, Flour, Rest, Atrack, and Branly in Wood; Whisky, Cognac, and all kinds of Wines in Boule
4th November 1846.
le Salamander Book and Treasure Balo.
4th November 1846
TEW Admiralty Chan Lalest Code of Cap:
Charts and Guides. For sula by
RAWLE, DUUS & Co. Victoria, 25th November 1844
(100DS received on Storage, Bold on Commis
sion, or forwarded to Ala020, CANTOR, &c. by insurable Lorchas.
RAWLE, DUVB & Co. Victoria, 25th November 1848, MESSIS WAGHORN & CO.'S AGENCY. THE Undersigned having been appointed Agents for Me Wathorn & Co, are prepared to forward Parcels to India or England by the PR- NIKIULAN AND Uriental CompANY'S ?TRANDKU. which sail from here on the 5th of every Mouth.
All Parcels sent to Victorie to be forwarded must be fros of Freight and that Charges, and abould arrive here 24 Hours before the Mail class.
All Percola received from India er England will be delivered free of any Charges made berk, on the preactitation of the Receipt only; but if they are sent to any other place, $1 per Package will be charged, besides the Freight and other Exponara. · For sale at the fico, Wa?norx & Co.'s “Ovar- LAND GUIDE by the Routes to Egypt;" "Ganarak HIKT and InfoRMATION for Passos on their
way from and to duota,”
tat Iloute, cia Southampton.
through France.
via Trieste of Constantinople, whi
Map of the Overland Route.
Also, few Overland Trunks.
KAWLE. DUUS .Co. Pik May 1848.
FOR SALE. CODA WATER AKU ERATE? L?NON: Sade of superior quality at Mercy Unter
& BARTON's Dispenmry, Pottinger Street, Ver
ΝΙΑ, Βοπολοχα
CANTON, Dr Kanks's Diopramay, No. 3, New . French Hong.
MACAO, at Hinnam's, Chioase Shoph?eyer, Ru
? Augustine.
Aerated Chalybeate Water, (highly rec mended, on account of it comioprojartier).
AGENT AT CARTON, ACHOOK, Compradot No. 3 Impariat Hong Hongkong, 13th ?larch#1846.
THE MEDICAL HALL Corner of Queen's Rogd and Aberdera Street. THIS Dispensary in optat 3 hours for the com pounding of Practi, tion?, abut the sale of Me- dicines, Chemicals, &c.
J. GILBERT, MR.CS. A. 8. TAYLOR. Professional attendaner on the Shipping--terme moderate.
An amoriment of Medicine Chest?on male at mo- derate charges.
(From the New Manufactory at Madar
application may be sad at . 4. BBABHA Dispensary, Praya Giranda, and or the Stora of Mr JOIN ??rrit..
TERMS:-Lemonade, par donetti, one dollar and `n quarter, and Soda Water, per dollary--boules to he returned-with boules: 03 per dogion. ?
Ozone for ten du:cas, or above: Soda Water, Seventy-five cents, and ?apku?asie, one du?lar per dosen.
Macao, 1st October 1846. **
BRITISH"UOTEL, Krtise frosk
Queen's Road; Victorie,
ROTICE HE interest and responsibility of Me Wanzun
DRDANG, Jr. as partner in our firm seed on TWO remarkably the Sydney floraes, with splen- LENTI.EMFN god Familie visiting the place
the 81st ultima
Canton, lal January 1847.
dijl action.
EDWD. N. BURUESS. Victoria, 5th January 1847.
Twill and every accommodation and all the articler of the first description at moderate charges. Billiards in a spacious aury room facing the ses
New adverti?rments, will be received, waril 4
? Of Clock, on the evenings previous to publi- ration, vis: Tuesdays and Frisnya.
Net, 20 Aviner
United States Oct.
31 Begin
Bombay Madr
B. of Hope O
12 bangal 20
New Dea. #tagspor Jung, Jung, Jeep. La
The result of the first opium sale, and the means by which it was for a time postponed.
is fully discussed in the extracte we make from Indhin papers, to which we refer our Readers. To check attempts at a monopoly, and the strong propensity of the nativo Merchante to gamble with the drug, the Indian government require to establish more stringent regulations for their public sales. We have heard it sug- gested, that in addition to a heavy deposit im mediately on the fall of the hammer, all bids should be made through a responsible Broker This would prevent such absurd seenes as was witnessed on the first day of sale when opium was run up to ?13,000 a chest by advances of ?1 a bid, 'in consequence of which, the salo was postponed, it being dark before the first kA could be knocked down,
The Bragana arrived on the 23rd at 11 a. m. with the October and November mails. She made a very excellent run from Singapore, but It has been known for some time that the though soarcely due, the Agent for the Corsair farmers of the opium monopoly were losing despatched her for Canton at 9 o'clock of the money; their sales gradually decreasing as the thorning on which the Braganza arrived, in native trading vessels diminish in number. The consequence of which, it is to be feared that same parties who held the monopoly last year, many of the Canton Residents will be disapare in possession of it at a reduced rent, and pointed at not receiving their letters, and this the Tact of their wishing to throw up their bar- the more especially that the Coranir after loaving gain, is very clear proof that our trifling trade Hongkong for the provincial city on the alter is getting loss, and that the Monopolists are out poon of the 25th, with a large portion of the|| of pocket by the opium farm. mail on board, was obliged to return to the harbour, her machinery baving received some damage. The Agent immediately despatched the letter bags by a sailing bost?but it is doubtful whether they will be in Canton before the 57th, loving parties a very limited time to prepare their correspondence for the mail that closes here on the 20th,
The marriage of the Duke de Montpensier to the Infants of Spain continues to be the topic of discussion in the French and English papers, and has in a great degree destroyed that good feeling which of late years has boon so co spicuous between the two govemment. The wily Monarch of the French has duped his friends in England, and to add to the injury, it is said that, though it is unusual for crowned heads personally to interfere in mich matters. yet on the visit which Queen Victoria made io Louis Phillipe at Eu, an understanding was come to regarding the marriage of the Infants, and that His Majesty has not kept faith with her, An uaduc importance has been given to this marriage, as it is not pro- bable that the progeny of the Duke de Mont pensier will ever inher? the crown of Spain, and if they do, it is not shown that it will in any degree injure British interests..
A reduction of the duty on Tea engages the attention of the manufacturing and mercantile community, and has caused a speculative de- mand, particularly for low Congous. It is ovi dent that there is not the slightest chanco of any modification during the present soon, and it is to be feared that injudicious Specula: tory will suffor severely, though we do not think that the rise which has taken place in consequence of their rashness, will induce Mer chants in this quarter to purchase at higher rates than now rule in Canton. We have read letters from Merchants, long and ex.
sensively engaged in the tea trade, and they
give it as theirdecided opinion, that no immedi.
ate reduction will be made. They state that the
revenue is in a flourishing condition, but the Lamino in Ireland, and the incream in our ne- val and military forces, press so heavily upon the exchequer, that Ministers this session will scarcely venture to disturb the present financial sarangements.
The Brefet we publish in full, as well as a variety of commercial information the other items of European news we have already laid before our readers in the Straits Times ostra of the 19th of January, and extracts from the *Icading London papers wo reserve for future
The Chinese Shopkeepers have petitioned the Governor (through the Colonial Secretary) that this monopoly be discontinued, as they fad, that from the high price demanded for the drug fowor tradors come to the part, and goods of all descriptions are in consequence unsaloablo.
The Gentleman who obliged us by the fol- lowing translation had but a short time to ex- ecute it, but it will be found in all essentials perfeolly correct.→→
?“A petlilin, unitedly beseeching His Excellency (litar- ally, szabod rutes to dimoire the Opisan Farms (Cam- pany) that every Trade may donciala.
Considering that we, from the time that we came to your honorable Renement, by every trade, great and small gutschein gain, alsogether depended pow Oplam: but because the buying ant selling of Opfam was last year committed to on. L'ompany, the prios of is unavoli?aj by became high-therefore Merchants from every placs to this Beulement are very few, causing every trade to be- that is spects is be shut, without any pespect of conti come duller day after day—Every Shop in in such a stat ing open (shutting without opening). We are seriously afraid that the gate of this Port from this ?tima) MAN perish. We are obliged to unke iu petitioning your honor
telligent seruclay mirror inspection] and c
serally on your honor's stairs) peeling og bebar be breech Elis Excallonry (great oficer) to look down and sympathize with our feelings, that the (Opion Trade] may to on according to formar arrangements, 30 85 10 give us every shop equal libeny to buy and self (11), and bus all alho receive (yune) abundant compassion wick
We calently present this.” ?
out limit
22, Lanester, Hullio, Whampoa.
Benjamin Heapo, Sarah Trouman. For Bhanghai Chieftain, Frances Burn.
SPOKE.Juliet Erskine from Liverpool to China Sept 25th, Lat 23 N., and Long. 22 W.
October 17th, in Lat. 14 N, and Long. 20 W., the Castor, (Dut) from China.
NEW YORK SHIPPING. Activ(No dates) Zenobia, from Canton, May 2nd; Thomas W. Bears, froin Macao, 20th
CAPE OF GOOD HOPE SHIPPING. ARDITED-October 23, Yumchai from Canton, 25th July; 24. Lanchester, from do, 30th do.; 28, Fenella, from Hongkong, 5th Augum.
BAILED. October 14, El. F. M. 8. La Glorie, for Fhina; 23, Frederick Huth to Waterloo Bay: 24, Yamchai to Boson, 28, Lanchester, for Cork.
EI. M. B Childers, Commander Pittman, Aden, King.
Argo, Bremer, Amalia, Disper.
Crooke and Masser Fletcher and Boustead and C' Nye Parkin and ('o Boustead and Co Lindsay and to
Ellerslie, Pagen. Britomart, Solomon, Daur, Cumberland, Duke of Cornwall, Whitehall, K.Macgregor and Co Graaf Van Hogendorp, (Dui) Steel,” George Fyfe, Murrey, Hindostan, Wen, Herrier-
Indian, English, John Cooper, Gring. Joks Bagshaw, Dare. Lady Anh rat, Ablett, Lapwing, Leet, Lydford, Blayroo
ARRIVED. -November 21, Marchioness of Douro, achtilda Cornelia, (Dut.) 'from Hongkong, 24th August.
CALCUTTA SHIPPING. ARRIVED.—Nov. 20, Cowuajes Family, from China; Mischief, from ditto 22. Arratoon Apcar, from dato; Dide, from ditto; Charles Grant, from
ARRIVER -Novermbar 28, Mor from China. Batten. December 12. Chasely to China. LOADING.-Ardaseer, leland Queen, Lowjes Fa mily, Charlotts, Jamarijos Joajeebhoy, Mor, Blair, Earl of Clare, and Lascar.
Montrose, Furgusson. Nymph, Horsburgh,
Dale, Thompson, Pandora, Cobb,
Pris Oscar, (Swo) Mollin, Rocafuerte, Alva,
Stag, Parish,
P. & D. N. Cama Dirom, Gray and Co C. Sa poorjee Langrah Lindsay and Co Russell and Co Jamieson How and Co Maclean Dearie and to Murrow and Co Russel and Co
H. Wire and Co Dent and Co
J. Matheson and Co Boustead and Co Russell and Co Turnas and Co
J. Matheson and s Hoard eat Co Captain
F. J. de Paira J. A. Durran
& Lan, Coakling, Wild Irish Girl, Buckton,
VRODELS AT MAUAD, Zaballa Robertion, Kelly, Lyra,
American at Whampoa and MACAO. ARRITUR.--December 9, General Wood, from Coquette, (Am) Prescott, Flongkong and Singapore.
|Brooklyn. (Am) Richardson, VESSELS PASSED TELLICBERY.
Cayuga, Biarbuck, November 22, Mor, from China, ist October to | Enisa Ann, (Am) Chorrer, Bombay: 28, Good Baccase, from Hongkong and Eagle, (Am) Singapore to ditto.
BATAVIA SHIPPING. Ankiveb-December 13, Cohota, from Manila and China; 14, Pielades, from Macao,120th Nov. PENANO OHIPPING. ARRIVED.-December 11, Hannah, from Amoy and Bingapore; 27, Prince Albert, from Chios and ditto: 29 Sophie Fraser, from dito and ditt, 29. H. M. ships Agincourt. Dedalus. Hazard, and Wolverene, from Singapore; 31, Pantaloon, from China and Singapore.
SALLED-December 18, Lousia to Arracan ; 19, Thomas Perkins to Singapore and China; 22, P. Albert to Bombay.
Macao, h instant; 19, Bir W. Wallace, from ARRIVED. December 18, Prince Albert, from Amoy, 2nd date; H. M. shipe Agincourt, Dedalus, and Wolverine, from Hongkong, 9th dius; 20, Indie, from ditto, 10th diuo; Pantaloon.from Amoy, Dah dite; 21, El. C.'s steamer Nemesia, from Hong kong, Buh diten; 25, Thomas Perkins, from Penang 20th ditto; 23. Lady Nugent, from Whapon, 20th dito; Indians, from Macao, 19th diao; ?ca. leby Castle, from Hongkong, 20th ditte; 90. Brig. Land, from Macao, 20th di?o; 31, Tyrone, from Amoy, 20th diso. January 2. Therese, from Hong- keng, 25th Dec.; H. M. brig Espiegle, from do.
BAILEO-Droember 19, Prinen Albert, to Bon-
23, Bregas (8-ship) Mundy, Ceylon, leftChilled on the 31st December, at 5. M.; Perang 9th Jany, at M.; and Singapore 19th Jany, ball-past 2 r. 16.
meas. (Am) Miller, New York.
23, Coquette, (Am.) Prescott, Shanghai,
23, Tamar, Hail, Newport.
23, Ann Baice, Blaughter, Sydney.
24, Viscount Sandon, Whim, Whumpon.
24, Apolline, Thomas, Whainpos.
24, Mariposa, (Am.) Spaulding, Manila.
24, faglewood, Smith, Bombay."
25, Viocano, (8p ( Rionda, Macan
2, Vancouver, Fuller, Boston,
Per William Jardins,—Mrs Smithers & family. Per Steamer Braganza,-from England, Lieu Cal Cooper, Lieut. Haymes, Messrs Mool, fit. chell, Lyall, Woodrow, 1. Macell, R. N. De Silva, Maitland, and King, Birs Beare and Chill; from Gilbraher, Lieut. Gil, (Spanish Agent) Se?or Tar. gores and European servant, and Capt. Quarteron; from Buez, Padre Richella and Fermier, (2nd Class) from Ceylon, Mr Johnston; from Bings pore, Me Russell,
-We have received a Ble of New York papers up to the ast October, from which we can-23,
not give extracts until our next issue,
The agricultural intererte of the Union con- tinue in Bourishing dondition. The crops ofall
kinds of grain are enormous; and largo ship ments making to England. The Cotton crop Blio exceeds ilgt of any previous year.
The capitulation of Monterey da frontier towo in Mexico) after so obstinate defence of shree days, occupies a large portion of the pa pers Asuna), the American troops bebaved well, and the defence made by the Mexicans has established their reputation for courage, a Qualification in which we fever thought them deficient. It may be questioned whether Ge neral Taylor has gained any thing in the cap- ware of Monteray. By the terms of capitula trou, the Mexican troops, in number close upon 1,000 were allowed to march out with their arups and Sell astillery, under a salute from the runs of the fort. was expected that they would form a junction with Santa Anna's army at the pan of Bantilla within a few dafa marche
of Monterey. The Mexican General would shen be at the head of 20,000 men, and would be able to check the progress of General Tay for watil he received reinforcements. Generad Taylor's object may have been to secure a strong hold whero lib could garrison h'a army unit in a coustion to advance, which he cer Minly was not in with 6,000 mee and a defoc The distance, between the sive comminarins. eity of Mexico and Monterey is about 1,000 miles, to accomplish which an army would re- quire to be well appointed in baggage waggons. stores &c. even if they did not require to fight their way, and in this the American army is deficient
Audar, Sullivan, East Const.
25, Lanesiter, Hullin. London.
23. Onguette, (Am.) Prescott, Whampoa
26, Viscount Bandon, White, Loodba
?6, Apolline, Thomas,
26, Graaf van Hogendson. (Dot.) Stel, Whampoa 96, Gazelle, Anderson, Ban Cosk,
?26, Kephar, Macfarlane, Cumtingmoon.
Biglewood, Smith, Whampoa. Join Corina Denbem, Bingapore, Yocano, (8p.) Riondi, Munia.
The Audaz, saw the Pachines, on the morning of the 5th instant, at anchor noot Gutzlaff at the mouth of the Yangtze keang, and the Coquetta, same evening near Ruggal Islands.
On the 18th at 11.10 a. m., passed a Frock a wash which was made in La497. M., and Long, by Chronometer 123.20.30 E.
The Wiliam Jardine, spoke brig Calder, from Liverpool to Hongkong, aut 180 days, in the Pete's passage.
ARRIVED From China, October 12, Eart Powis, Wanderer, Monarch, ?Gravesend; 12 Prince of Waterloo, Liverpool; 17:?jamb, Dublin; 24, Queen, Downs; 27, Byinmetry, dise November 6, Jare mish Garneu, Liverpool; 9. Hebrides, Emct; 18, Sir Charles Forbes. Cowes
bay; 20, Sophie Fraser, la Pepang; 22, H. M. ships Agincout, Dedalus, Hazard, and Wolverene, to disto; 27, India, to Cork; 29, Thomas Perkins, to Amoy; 24. H. C. Str. Nemesis, to Penang; Pantaloon, to ditto; 29, Lady Nogent, to Bombay; 80, William Michell, to Lombock. January 2 Johna, to Whampoa; King Henry, to Calcutta; Indians, to Penang: 8, Mermail, to Bombay; 4, Quess, to Cale; 5, Scaleby Castle, to Bombay! Brigand, to Penang; 12, H. M. brig Espiegle, to Hongkong.
MANILA SHIPPING. ARRIVED,→December 1, Allan, from Hongkong; Water Witch, from Amoy; 4, Gitana, from Sheng- Montgomery, from Stacao; 18, Viscaino, from Hongkong; 30, Eliza Aun, from Sydney. Jan. 1. Munford, from Hongkong.
BAILED.→→December 8, Cleopatra, to Hongkong; 13, Yocano, to Macao; 17, San Benito, te dito,
VESSELS PASSED ANJER. November 24, Elle, from China, 3rd Now, to Glasgow; go, Jhon Bibby, from dillo, 7th ditto la London. December 1, Burge, from Chine, 23rd Oct to London; Sappho, from ditto, 9th Nov, to do: Velors, from diso, 29th Oct. to ditto; 5, Jose phine, from ditto, 15th Nov, to dino; Mary Baune tyna, from dimo, 18th dino to diso; Aberfoyla, from dito, 1ith dio jo Leith; 13, Daniel Watson, from dito. 95th dio lo Sydney; 15, Antilla, from ditto, 96th diuo to London; 21, Alfred, from disto, Bah Dec. to Sydney.
H. M. 8. Vestal, Captain Talbot
H. M. St. Vulture, Captain Macdougal.
H. C. Str. Plate, Lieut. Akey,
H. Mt. Tr. B. Alligator, Master Commanding King.
H. M. 8. Minden, 2nd Master in charge Osmer,
Hospital and Bore Ship. Anglona, Martin, Ans Baics, Slaughter,
Aampna, Thomas, Braganza, (St. ship) Mondy. Bomanjec Hermes, Coates, Care?r, Soames, Fort Pilliam. (Flulk,) Inglewood, Smith, Joven Corina, Denham, John Barry, Stewart, Ketpis, Bellamy,
Lacos, (Am.) Miller,
London, Gibson.
Merigosa, (Am ) Spailing, Mary Beurkrop,
Maseppo, Jauncey, Petra, cNally, Spro. Cole, Tamar, Hall, Sei Singapura, Tarrington, Nell,
B-From Liverpool, October 15, General Sa: 16, John Chrissial; 26, Patrice King. No mouth. November 14, Humayoon From Newport, vember 4, Grindlay, altfor Hongkong. Fram Part November 16, Achills. From the Downs, Not. 23, Carla Eden, for Honghong; for Ceylon and Hongkong, November 8, Romeo; Sihalia. From the Clyde, October 13, Liverpool fuq Manila'are, Hackett, and Hongkong.
Loading at Lampor. — Chico, Wanderer, Mo bawk, Symmetry. At Liverpool, Chatan, Bis
Yanager, (Am) Fuller, Victory, Smith,
William Jardine, Small, Yung Hebe, McQuin, 17ocano, (8p.) Bionda
Russell and Co Russell and Co Rumell and Co Wetmore and Co Russell and Co J, M, Bull Grafton, Abbott,
Nye Parkin and to Horatio, (Am.) Crocker,
Russell and Co Aidas, (Am.) Johnson, Mary Ellen, (Am.) Dearborn, A. Heard and Co Woodside, (Am) Clackson, Nye, Parkin and Co
MH & BRIMELOW hare on hand and for Fale superior Navy Brand; a few Chain Cables a Crab Winch : Arrack of the first quality: Europe Rope and Blocks; Regatta Bhirts and Cape,&a, &c., de.
Queen's Road, Vistoria, ?
26th January, 1847,
STOCKER to pay their secounts on presentation-all THE undersigned being about to leave the land, requests all parties indebted to Welen & entstanding at the next Sosion of the Court of Sum mary Jarialinion, he will be required to she fir depared for Enganil, are desired to settle with the and all parties indebted to Dr R P. WELCH, lely undersigned, he being empowered to adjust his ac comte
Victoris, 26th January 1847.
OR SALR at the Storen of the undersigned: Prims York Homs and Berkley Cheese. Fresh Balmon and Green Pass in tica Wiltshire Bacon in small packages
Bana's Pale Ale in 3 Dok onses, just arrived William Jardine.
SMITH & BRIMELOW. Woonam's Building, Queen's Road, 26th January 1847
T MACEWEN & Co. this Day 1 o'clock AA-
A quality of Brown Sugar,
Do. of Hugbe'dEffervescingBalls and Tur trata of Soda in bottle.
of Sealing wan, Porcelain Oreements, ? Panoramic View of Canton dze., Betts of Brom Fire Irons
Calogas Water, Chutney, fancy Biop, Crockery- ware, Furniture, Larapa, Widmer Clothing, &c,&c.
TERMS OF SALE-Cash on delivery. Queen's Road, 27th January 1847,
A Meeting of the Members of the Honexone A CLOR is requested at the Club House at 4 P.3. on Saturday the 30 Instant, in accordance with
By order of the General Committee,
Club House, Hongkong, 20th January 1847,
JUST received ex Draganes
Figured Satin dresses of the prevailing colom Freach gauze Scars and Fichous Ladies White and Black Paris Satin Shoes.
Electro-plated Inkomods, Spirit-lamps, Chamber Candlesticke &0.
Drinker & Hayk
? 3. Matheson and Co Bogue Batina and Butter Pata in white and co- J. Matheson and Castanda &c. &o.
J. A. Olding bored Chrystal: Light acreens, Fancy lamps, Cigar Franklyn and Milne
J. A. Olding maleby, Jamieson, How and Co Franklyn and Milos Dent and Co Bellamy Olyphant and co
And an Invoies of Calf and Sole Leather. Fo
9th November 1846,
Opposite the Comwixtorias, Queen's Rood,
Dene and Co Ariety of new Saddlery at re·lused prices,
Shafla heade and Reine.... from $1j na. to 02) on Bradona, & noffe Bridles Superior Weymouth de Head Collari, with Stult
R. Duus and Co Bawl, Duas and Co J. Matheson and Co
Gilman and Co| Marcom and Co Binith and Brimelow J. Matheson and Co. Rawie, Duus and Co Olyphant and Co Order Maricar and Co Blenkin, Rawson and Co
Girths, white & colored. Stirrup Leathers.......
21 pair
ortment of Leather, consisting of Chamois Harness, Pompy, o, &c. Home Clothing Bwaffe and CockBitta, faney Surrup Iron, Curb Chains, &c,&c.
N. BRepairs neatly and expeditiously exec
Gemmell and Cated; Navy and Army accolsemants made to onles
JUST RECEIVED ex Aden and for Sale at the Coimbra, u 11 @
Storms of the undersigned.
Canalca..... 90 Jo
13 A lot of prime Cumberland and York Hame, a clinice selection of preserved Soups and Mente, Si- Harelpaul, cilian Wine of the finest quality, &c &o.
r140 [very superior line 186
Madmagore... 00
Kongpare.... Hantipore,...)
Tossal....... CHINA.
SMITH & BRIMELOW. Victoria, 4th January 1847. BILLS OF LADING FOR THE OVELLAND Burdab,
TOR me at this office, four forms of bills of lad. Hing for goods of specie shipped by ho P. & 0. Company's Steam packets. Ist for goods deliver able at London; 2nd for goods deliverable at Bouthampton: 3rd for goods deliverable at Suez; 4th for goods deliverable at intermediate porta They are printed after the Company's forms on Bank post.
Ufice "Friend of China" ?
25th October, 1845.
CHIPPING ARTICLES, according to the re- contant (Victoria 7&8) for sale at this office Office "Friend of China,” Victoria, 10th October, 1845.
·INGUISTS Rapozti and Nawy BiLLS for unle Lat this Oos.
Oluce Friend of Chiba, 28th Dec., 1844. FOR SALE.—At the office of this paper.
Compradores abeque books. Bhips Arlides, with an abstract of the seaman's act endorsed on the back.
Powers of Attorney, after forme by Chitty. Chasterparties, after form by Chitty. Bills of Lading
Trailee....... 13
[very superive. Its a 150
DELIVERD during the parents Mouch. * ........... 173 .. bales.
OTTO.. M..
1 by taking mundonte measures to put down t
Everyman in fue mensee known that's chest of open en ant worth Gu's Rs. 1,70910, which ammust thar beddings a arbed without chasing. It was shrely chupetunt for the ngra of the seller prosent in the room to decises himself satil with dem hos offered, ud to order the hit to be kwicked Jow newhen it ranched aven twice or three is the we market price. Ha the dose, it would one has sted the validity of the biddings, and as nobody could have been injured, no claims could have been mande na the Go. vernment for rodrons.
By the plan perosed, on the contrary, by the non-inter. feromon, which the legal adviser of the commended, it in trident that sat a chest of das Conmeby's Opium can be sold afat the 19th July next, the last di fted for the miles of the season, without the permeation of sit the diary Debelle of the besar the conditions of the wal were un Monday so binding upon goremmat as to render interforce molawful, wie obriose that the same legaley amughes to every mala odvoruned under the same cunun Consequently any two men may stand anch salo, and by hiding with limit, till the day clates, or ull the officers un duty are tired out, may prevent a malo taking place.
I understood that this trick, a
haa mavartholem offend went wae warned, and by which which the govern ibell and its agraw me be stultified, was devine merely a get over the day, the great gambling having boon for the sala of the 30th November. Ji may be doubted whether the par- Les have yet carried their polot, an the sale of 30th Novem berball to be bald, having been pastused, en that it may be necessary to resort to the ene trick og mer. But supposing this object asinined, the plan of operatione heng declare valid by the lawyern, what in an hinder the Mules dialer from carrying it on throughout the same, and prevent- | Ing any male of the Company's opuum till next July, in the imsusime currying their own to the market, and resping the profit of an exclusiva tradle for the nine coming made governmmat to be a hele lose foncful of responsibility then The magnitodo of the mlachief would probably induce the
Jany were on Monday. But if they are very much at a loss, we will suggest to thens to sell their opium by what in exiled Datch nation, which, besides comomental usage, has the respectable sutherlay of the Commissioners of Stor Mejemy's Navy in in court show gondaman, so long as thier ufficial ssistance lasted, alwayu mold off the old ships of the Peltinh Best la that manner. The biddingo are downwards, and whoever fret cries mine, w the purchaser. This would be effeciaal, but a will better mashod would be to take overage, and whanang a maspiracy, against the public Interests charlarly made eat, to kick the congp?rusora polenclovely away without fear of the commequocross.” In this sale it was understood that the bildings would havo gene up so near two thousandspres, and that wasliky partian were prepared with funda to pay down the whole amount. 3 m, the pat the revenge his lost at least Ove hundred repace a ebost, or ahat sight lukke apon the Patna Oplums, on the elo, by the Government sabasitting to the wich instead of putting it down the instam in was apparent.—Calcutta Englishanan, December 2.
Do you f. 11 6 ??????.... ?? Do long reel, 10 6 Chin thew Tumah........ Roge PERSIAN,. 96
STOLK na fotbalARE. Bengal..... 6373.. Bales. Chias........ 7904.. Parolan...... 117. "
Yesterday witomed the enactment of a grand Parco at the Exchange Hall. The Government sala si 2,1013 chests of Oplem was announced to take place. Massive gambling tractions existed, dependien 'apon the imma of this day's wale, and it was underwoed persimme to the commasoussens of the biddings that curtain speculatora kad resolved so coOLLA a high average by baying up every lot at a price above its merobantal vas, bever intending to complete the purchase, but to forfelt the deposit required by Government to be made by sch bidder when the lot in knocked down to him. On the other hand the partine who we?ld have been loners by this detitions average were determined that no sale should be made: their contract being as a specified price to deliver a certain number of chans of the Oplom mold at yourday's sala, they would be free of their bargain if they could prevent such we from waking place at all. Apprehension were entertained that they might endeavour to effect their object by crossing rims, and a large force of Police were marched to the spot to frame each an attempt. Observing theen pen- paration they retorted in another plan. The bidding were opened at eleven feluck, when a lot of fire cheem was put up. For this lot the bl?dings comuned during the whole London, 21st November, 1846,
day, the prima being ran up to 1,30,935 Ba par chest, when A considerable improvement has at length laken the auctioneer was obliged to denises the business of the day place in the tour of the Ten market, and during
atan and, not a single lot lowng been knocked down. Go vernment having had ample warding that means such actamps the last few weeks speculative purchases have been
would be made to render the whole day's precedings aull effected in common Congues, comprising all those and void, wotid, wei ink, have been juscand la dating oftering vader 100 per 96., and it is probable these the plan, which they might ently have done by renting a operations would have reached a large extent had deposit of a considerable par cacinge, may 25 per cent on the prion, lasted of a mad, kred dopadi?, upon c?ch chat, sa? Holders been willing to realius et market rates;
reserving to thecalves the right of nocepting any bid show but sa the stock is not very large, and only a small a certain sum. By de latter expedient they would have hi portion of it in the hands of the Trade, the Im.de power to put a stop in a vazadona mootion of massedy parlers bave bald Braly, and, in many instances, the danger, and by the former they would ham salined with-leaww their common Tess from the market, the biddags song boon side parcharum,—Calcutter,dvertising column of our Gerland Summary, o
VM | Doescaber 1.
Chinese Tariff of imports, and exports, for counting housos.
(From Carlisle, Capel, & Co's Tea Circuler.) 1, DUNSTER COURT, MINDING LANE,
under the impression that higher prices must be given to meet the large current demand. This view has proved to be well founded, an advance of ad to 34 per lb having been established in common Congwus, the demand for which has been very anime up our davis despatch, was married on aniil ? mated during the last few weeks. Looking at the present retail prices of 'T'en, we think there is no Pats to apprehend that the purchases of the Trade
The force of the Opium Bale played at the Exolange Jurday, and which was in ovome of performade when we
will be in any degree curtailed by the advanos which tekan plon, por do we think that this
will be the case umies a further advance. Whe-
ther or not each advanor will make place most de pend mainly on the secounts the coming Mail may
enurse of business in China, added to the improv eione which may prevail as to the prospects of a reduction of Doty.
til dusk, when
the Auctiones declared |
id he could prossed no longer, and the proceedings were proclaimed to be at an end for the day. The bigh bid then recorded for the first lot was in. 1,50,
55 per chest! Nothing mid on behalf of Cover
se to when the Opium would be put up again. Out of promadinga arise a goodly prospect for the quadamat of the longbe. We have r?mous of indiotusenas for conspira-
and Hagel cabine tions, with mandey warned a no to whether “ ne vela " can be construed lase ? de dret
Bragul Hurlers, December 3. Art sale. Here is a ined field for sho. Lawyse's nickle.-- ||
(From the Bombay Times, December 10-J WEDNEWDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1915. The following remarks from tho Telegraph of yesterday, refer to a notice which appeared in the
the subject of the late opium sale at Celcosta:-
"We give prominent artion, in our editorial columns, to the subjoited important communication in reference to the Calcutta Opium Bale→→→
To the Editor of the Rombay Telegraph. Bm--The following is a Copy of the Final Protest addressed by the Would-be-Monopolist party to the Opium Secretary and the Auctioneers on the 30th ultima, against fictitious and frandalena biddings, for the purpose of preventing a sale being allowed by Government
Ineteak h--ai-14L W. lhes the metheration could only rent to the remely they bid themel ves preserilund in the wine afvertisement, -amely, that of punishing the bidders by making them for feit Rs. 2,00 per chest on the Hipnom put ups leat not sold. It would be just as ressonable to tilk of in lieting fucktechund and his confiderates for | conspiracy, as of pro-sing that course with respect to the Agents of the Bombay Hpdculators. The reader will note how amusingly the offer of R1. 1,800 per chest is made by Messrs Osvald, Sed mod Co., Macintyre and Co., Luckme--chund Ra- | dakissen, and Mutty Tall Send – It ir inserted in Le form of a Postarript, just us if the idea bufoc. curred to the writers unexpectedly, and was an afterthought altogether. Cunning dogs! Dit they | think Government would not ang through this most transparent dodge? Trying first to fit the Opine Board with the striat performance of the terms of the Advertisement, which bound Gorerament to well the Opium by auction; and then endeavouring to strap Mr Torrens into disposing of the drug by private enntract, in direct opposition to that advertisement. How particululy knowing! Wo do ant know precienly the sort of answers that was returned to the epistle, but from the rejection of the offer contained in the Postscript, and the sub?o qorat announcement of another male, unter new onlitions, we apprehend that tiovernment was not frightened into inaking any very important com cassions. The whole affair, from Teguining to en-l. In a most diverting farco-aldeast to everybody but the performers!"
THE BONDAY MARKET, [From the Chamber of Commerce Overland Price Current} BoxWAY, December 15, (846.-The dulnes which prevailed in our Import Market at the close of our last issue, has continued unshated throughout the fortnight.—The uncertainty as to the result of the Calcutta Opium wile, which then interrupted all legitimate business, can scarcely yet he said to be removed. The annexed extract from the Cal- cutta Star of December $81, will shew the nature of the measures adoptol by the "sellers for account" in the Operm timen bargains, to defeat the operations of their opponents and arrest the progress of the Government Sela. How far, however, the succ of their plan may accomplish the object content. plated, and be legally sufficient to quash the time- bargains in which they ware involved, seems l? be a matter of doubt, involving legal questions of no small dificulty, and which may give rise to litiga- tion between the parties interested. Whilst, how. ever, there is still sufficient uncertainty exi-ting in respect to these matters to keep up in soune mesure the prevailing distrust, and divort merchants from their usual and leg?imate dealings, a respite at all avents bas by the oventa la Calcutta been olsained, und the impending serious consequences which we before wrote of, as exciting much anxiety through- for a time averted. The account of those events out our native mercantile community, hava bena having howevas only reached us a few days ag ment connected with them to subside, and chiefly there has yet not been sufficient time for the excite.
therefore in consequence of them, there bas during this as in last fortnight, been but little busindo-
mala," je amazing that the great majority of the evoluci Grom this document it would appear that not give of the progress of skipments and the probable fur delivery of the drug were based upon the average of the Remiall'e Agent alone, but the principal Babuce, ing in imported goods.
well no the highly respectable Firm of Mons Macintyre and Co. of Calcutta, are interested in the game of the Muttoos Shroff 1 Deb. 1845. Yours very truly,
In the useful descriptions of Congou from 11'd to 1434 per fb, a bealthy demand has existed through
We bear that the rewah of the Opiens sale, on Monday, be led Government to the determination of making the as- sepsance of Buddings beyond a certain ?gare distortionary
BASTERN PRODUCE Coon-During the past fortnight purchase to the extent of about 8,000 tales have been made, and on increased activity has been exhibitol in our market for this simplo. Prices have slightly al- ranced, and the following may now be taken as the current alca:
To H. Tonnz Esq. Becretary to the Board of Opium, and Messrs McKaruir, Ltall & Co. We borrow from the Bombay Gentlemen's Gaselle another Bina, We do hereby, on behalf of ourselves and article on Opium gambling. The sonos which occurred on other Partise, Soms de bidders at the sale of Opium Mondays the Exchange, sa described by we yesterday, will of this day, and who have also entered into cogs.tool and Jumbooseer Rs. 8t at 3 per canly. parhage, attract the thaction of many to the subject, who
gemesta dependent on the result of that sale, give Surat. would otherwise new inve given it a thought. It was car winly a bold and original idea of time parties cosourced to you notion that we will hold you respectively, as pyrace the aula frome Making phen by searing the whole well as the Gort, linhle for all damages and losses day in bildings for one loc, which, of conne, soliber of the sustained by your permitting parties to continue bidders had the last intention of buying. Their scheme hea
out the month, but prices shew no material altera-wide chacrustven—?blentie deur, December 3.
The finer sorts have also been in improved demand, the heavy stock of this class being_now materially reduced, and the transactions of the mwath abew an advanes of jd to Ed per lb from the lowest point, Plain Capers and Orange Pokon have at length recovered from the extreme depros- sion experienced for some time past, and aro uow saleable at an advance of folly id per lb. Good and fine Bounted Orange Pekoen have also met with a better demand. Other black Tess remain mush as before.
boss so well carried out, that they have mosped even on fetition and fraudulent biddings for the purposes deposit, insignificant as that would have been compared to the “?f pravosting any sale this day. known) which the gambles and money for the L?c m?t t??n We need not point out to you that by the terma having been knocked down, the deposit deild not be claimed. of the advertisement you are bound to put up and Thiele son of these experiments, however, that can only | sell all sive low of Opi?m in your advertisement of succeed one, and which, though it may have coved in
We request you will register the names of the parties bidding, that they may be indicted for conspiracy.
We ate, &e.
(88.) OSWALD, BEAL & Co.
The market for Green Tea has not participated in the improvement noted for Black. Common Twankayo cosinuo almost unsakable, and as the
wachore from rein, will inevitably land to some new rule 'sale; and that you are bound to take the necromry respecting the Opium sales, that the trickstore in the trade | stops to frustrate any conspiracy to stop the sale present prices of Young tiysons will prevent their
will have no man to stjelor at ; and which, however ne. by preposterous and absurd biddings, being taken for Home Consumption. It is to be
Cowart, will not perhaps be altogathat overenient to sound of feared that they will continue depressed, unisse
the fair dealers in the drug. Bach a far as that seed the low prlow should Induce speculation in antici
the Exchange on Monday, ma cover be permitted to be per- pation of the Spring demann for Canada. Common Rormed again. The Gokument wil etmda imati lo in so played the fool with What regulations will be condo wa Young Hysone continue to be taken freely, and
aminotony z but so appealand it will not be diffond to frame although the stock is very large, the statistical re-
much sa villi efectually prevent another tricks like that we have turna shaw so great an increase of consumption sa
bon referring to. As no sala took place, we conos?re that to ensure a continued good market for that. The
it in quite compear to the Government to order ditt, tha finest sorts of this as well as of all other Green
one which was to take place on Modday should be laid to Tess continue to command a ready sule, whilst morrow if they pleses, under such ruim an chay m?y down the commoner dengriptions have boon comparative to gosed them against the repetition of such ham
bugs that practised on the former day, and to protect the ly neglected, in common Hysone very little busi-
Inverance of the fair trader. sees has been done, and prices must be quoted Id per lb lower. In Gumpowders a fair extent of business has been done, but Imperials continue much depressed, and rather lower prices have been accepted. The Canton kinds of both are very beavy ARRIVALS.
London. The Quten. Symmetry, and Hebrides. Liverpool-The Jerenick Gorni. Dublin-The Sarah.
Landen, 19th November, 1846, The total quantity of Silk offered at the Public Belen just concludos was 2350 Bales Bengal, $400 Bales Chise, and 130 Bales Ferslon Bilk”
(In Coxaralice Character)
P. 8-We are prepared to offer, and hereby Buon the above was weinen, we have heard that the Oplan will again be put up under new conditions, of offer, Eightoso Handred Rupees per Chest for the sour on Monday mark, we have sles board a sport that whole of the Paina Opium advertised for to dry's certain palky wires podent in Calenta, hare afeed mla, viz. Thirteen hundred and Ninety Chests, Rs. 1000 per chest for the whole banna-Bengal Burg and berewith tender the necessary deposit of Two
December 2.
(8d.) OSWALD, SEAL. & Co
(la Guzarettes Character,)
Compta (old)
78 at 74
844 at 85 du. do. 72 73 Coco. We hoar of sales having had effect in Mocha at Re. 7-2 anna per maund. Our forner quantations remain unchlingel.
Opium. - Arrivals of the new crop will continur,
but no males have taken place, holders asking Hu- pem 4,150 at 1,175 per chest, whilst offers, do uos excend Rupoce 1,100.
Wool-Wo hear of a few purchases have beau made at former rates.
PAZIOITA. Freight.-To Great Britain many still be quoted at C4, and to China, from Rs. 10 si 12 por candy.
Money Market -The distrost prevailing in com nection with the Opium spoculations has continued to limit discount and other transactions of tho mative community, and whilst money in at present by no meas scarce there can be little doubt that were this removed, most of what is available would be fully employed in the regular trade of our mar- kat. Bubscriptions to the 5 par dent Loan are un derstood in have beendiberal, the latest quotations giving about 80 Lakbe as the amount already sub- scribod. The paper of the 4 per cent Lotu bas somewhat improved in value, and, us will be seen by our quotations, it is considerably higher in pro portion than that of the 5 per cent. ?n other sa- earities there is Nule change, with the exception of → slight decline in Banke Shares.
A par cant koup of 1825-26′ Rs. 100
4. Do.
1931-33 家 B4
do. 1935-38
6 Do
4 Do.
88 @ 90 Exchange.—Continues at 86. 011, at 2.0pt.
We have board of a transaction during the week
at 2-14, bat no bille are to be procured at this rate pow. "A Governmentuale of Gen lakhs on l'afcutta
We yesterday mentioned our intention of saying a fer Handrei Rupees per Cheat, for the whole of these wurde mers as to the tint oph?m m?n of the mason, which | T?ta, and, ?” required, to give Bocurity for the | kad each an alarming upponesacs at its commencemeat, and most of the whole purchase money, |caded so ridiculously." A stranger aniring in Celestia on Monday morning might have thought that the government wae approbave of a zebeplog. Amund policemen su | unded the Brobang ; parties were posted in the Outedral | part, and in other neighbowing places, ready to support thom
in front, and it was confdowly inerted that all the tropa in the Fort were ordered id be in reading to march to the rescue of the maminen of the Ogium Board and of their inde Stigable Beerstary. Abandinis of sucitment there undoubt, fairly was : 23 the dirty brokers of the baner was mimbled
in and about the Kishange, and is sigha perbapo kava ro- *The above proteal' is of a place with the entire quired half a ?ema post constables is keep them in order | proceedings. The serio.comic am of indignation | find they buen slotoves, but all the rest of the force was shoo- Jeanly drown away, for though an armed legion silenced the atured by the subscribers appear most ridiculage. took place yesterday, averaging Rs. 97-13 for bella Indictment for conspiracy, Indoed 1 Who were at 30 days eigla, and forther sales being anticipated the first conspirators The biddings, it is said, the rate on that place has duclined. The quotations were fictitians and fraudulent, preposterous and of the day are as follow:-England, diz inouille showed, and Government is to be held accountable ight, 200?d at 2014, Calcutta, 60 days” sight,
China, Rs. 280, Domina). for permitting them to be male Bot where is the Rs. 97.
Banks.-The following are the present rates of line of distinction to be drawn between a genuine and a sporious—a sa?acious and a nonscasical—
Bank Shares:- bidding 1. is an offer of tla. 1,800 per cheat to be Bank of Dombay..
Rs. 30 a 40 p. ct preim considered air and proper, while one of Rs. 2,000 Oriental Ban, Old Shares 24
It is said Do. Do. New Do, scouted as dishonest and 'abward' ?
Romen costs, two would not bore sufficed to stop the bid. dr?g of a Bangulon broker-
There was a good attendance of Bayern, and bidding for the Bengal Bilk of current quality quantity sold—1000 Bales at about previous prices. For the Chion Silk there was little bidding, bat 200 to 1000 Bales have been sold-prices goo?rally 3-under those of July, except for best quality; | of which the quantity was very small, and al The section opened, and two men evidently pleand them bought in. The Persian Silk, all bought in a1 100 | for the purpose, bid against veel other in the fest lot all to 10s Od.
day, adrianing by the smallet tidings received by the num decer, Aler this firen had consinued for some ima, a 20- faction was made to the government, and it in endermond thai the opinion of the Adrecum General was taken. – 100, the fellings which marred that gentleman vatrenos at the 84. Andrew's dinner in the evening, met bare wrfered with his judgment in the morning, for the advice giran, from whomsoever it came wen, that no interface area could
? legally take place, regard being led the published Now it appear to na shas the object of holding a? auction in to wall the gooda, and that when a combination in defeat
Capthall Court, November 16th 2845- PRICE CURRENT
DURANT & Co. Broa
13 0 14 o
[very superior 100 a 376
but Governmondje band to adbare to the terms of Agra Bank its advertisement and this is perfectly true; but Commercial. the_statement that is likewise bound to take stepe
51 at 55
41 6
to frustrate what these gentlemen characterise as a ↑ B?vereigns, cach
she object to openly meantiated of it was in the epiconpiracy to stop the sale, rests obviously on the Bank of England Notes, per ?
rev en Monday, these can be no branch of the conditions
Rs. 11 30
11 0 0
coveted near the shoulder blade and passed through hia lek. The best was so well defended by the Foters, that the Immoisians had to retreat, not hav- lng cartridges with them. Ammunition was sonn forpished then, however, and on again approach ing the boat everything was quiet. No one of the Phanin rolunteers was killed, and it was thought Best morning that Baker and Roberta would re- cover of their sounds. It was feared two privates in company C wero mortally wnded.
The rioters were finally abdued, forced to r. Fender the arms, mist placed under a strong guard, preparatory to trial by court-martist.
Alexander J. Seaborn, Illinois troops, company A, died on board the A Kim. Beveral others in the same regal were nearly and
Forty miles above tiezones, on the 21 August. 116 strain-boat Enterprise barat her boiler, and Blew up Five persons were killed instantly, and Diveral wounded.—London Stail, October 7.
PRECIS OF MISCELLANEOUS EVENTS. Mohammad Ali, according to to the Topic, has, by his own nilijssion, spruit about five milliona sterling in the sytempt to established manufacture Egypt. For he buildings and machinery a French company lately offerell bum 12,000.
The Court of Proprietors of the New Zealand Company have resolved in borrow 100,000, from de Consolidated Fund, the security being a bun. dred millions of neres in New Zealand.
The Surat, an jron stemmer for the East Indies, Js been launched at Liverpool by the Bombay Steam Navigation Company.
A encrespandent wanders that the Church is not in danger, as a dissenter made the Prince of Wales' frat suit. Danger may be apprehended, as a schismatic had the formation of the youthful Imbits of the heir apparent to the Church's brod.
The 'nivers says, that 39,000 copies of the Beriptures have been sold by the colporterus (kaw. Berlin France in the last three months.
The Liverpool Albion says, that a gentleman who has resided long in the Enst, het Intely seen everal musquitoes both in Liverpool and Lawton, The Prince Royal of Wurtemburgh and his bride, the Grand Duchess Olga, of Russia, reached Muttgart no the 23rd ult. The hope is said to resemble every princess in the Arabe Tales in one important characteristic? the most beautiful princess in the work),”
Me Gentley Berkeley, in his last published better, describes his benthier sportsmen and guide preservers, as the best abused men in the world.
Specimens of very kue linens and combrics, manuf?ctured from Trish grown dus bare bren presented to the Queen.
Sir Charles Wetherell's personal existe has been administered to by Lady Wetherell, and a stamp July paid on 20,000.
The personal property of air Justice Williams has been valued for duty at 95,000. The real estate is very valuable.
to maintain themselves on less than Sr. n week.— ↑ with a copy of it :-". London, Feb. 13, 181-- The late Mr J. Ashton, a polton manufacturer in F. N. the Duke of Wellington presenta fin com Mancheuer, bequeathed, after cerinin legacies, the pliments to Me C. He really regrets much residue of his personal estate to the sinking fund.
is said government will receive therefrom entrents hor to write in a pinin hand, in dark ink, that be has not been able to read her fetter. Hu 150,000—It is said that the sacancy ed in and in fow words what ber enurmands are, Men. the Irish Representative peorage by the death ?f | C——. — Liverpul" Preston Chronicle, the Marquis of Thomond will be filed by the Exif- Remarkable Begursts—The late Joko Whitting;
as the Trish.
The Reverend Me Thompson, of Llanferkau in Montgomeryshire, but with a dreadful accident while out shouting : be was drawing his loaded gun though ledge by the musale, when it exploded, literally blowing his right arm away. Amputation of danger. has been performed and he is now considered out
A rope-mat manufactory at Burfield fell down hilo eleven persons were at work within it. The disaster was occasioned by the giving way of a A man and a girl were dug out of the reine, dend wall in consequence of an excavation made bear it. and the rest of the people were more or less injured, some very seriously.
Prayer agginst the impending Femine.--It hur been ordered by the Queen in Council, that the Archbishop of Canterbary do prepare a form of prayer to Almighty God for relief from the dearth and seareily now existing in parts of the United Kingdom, owing to the fallure of some of the crops of the present year; and that such form of prayer be used in all churches and chapels in England and Wales, and in the town of Barwick-upon- Tweed, ou Sunday the 11th day of October neat, and the two following Sundays.
Band of the Second Life Oanh. 100 of the Life Ouards. Trumpeter.
The members of the Committee In their carriages. Pioneers of the Foot Guards. THE STATUE
escorted on els alde by 96 Life Ouarde.
Body of Riggers. 100 Filler Gerda in fatigua dress.
LO Vuiller Owards in full dress. Band of the Grenadier Guarda. 300 Grenadier Guards. Life Quards.
panies of the Life dixards were stationed in the adjsinoE storets. Shortly liefver 10 n'clock preparation were men to remote the statue from the yard in which a was placed. Its height from the gasol to the crowd posed of the brass metal of gas taken by the olde Hur the list is 7 feet, and its weight about tons, bring in his various campaigns, which has been contributed by the Board of Orduance for this purpose. The general presion respecting the statue as a mock of art was fasiga of Dysart.-The first stope of building sdratined ham, Esq., of ?slisted, near Batwingham, who
le, and several old companions in arms of the best das here expremed their opinion that in was the best like Constantinople by Rafant Pasko, the president of || several tenants the linuses they respectively occupy, was lewe unanimity, many thinking it on too large a wale for a normal school win laid one the dih uk al died on the 17th of August, has bequeathed to his new ever made of him in his more youth?ni daya. U respect to the gigantic propertjans of the state, th the council The European formalities of depo? whether freehold or Innehold, except Your fren- for any site. The day or carlage upon which it was Courrier d'Anvers saya the Duteli peasants in sume To the Quren's Hospital at Birmingham he be siting coins, &c., were oborived.— A writer in the halls, which he leaves to his residuary legatens. moved weighed about 30 tons, and cumisted of a s
squeer frame upon four equi-circumferential from wheels, perts of Holland are suffering as great privatons queaths 1.000.; to the General Hospital, 1,000; railating east-from spokes, and the kind wheels wear of To feet in diameter, the two front being construck with to the Birmingham Dispensary, 1.0007; in the sheet. of rather a couses shape and very wide im Den? and Domli Institution, Bighaaten. 1,0007.; to the trustees of Ashated Chapal, 2,000, the in-
The statue was siung within this frame, the feet of the here eating upon narrow ledges about two feet and akas treat to be expended in brend and clothes for the
from the ground, thas sinking
weight slow an to pre- pour of Duddlestone and Nechells, in the parish the statue from the studio was work of time and labs, clude all danger of overturning. The teak of withdrawing of Aston; also bequeaths 2007, for the erection of and was accomplished by means of haulage, the rope a clock to Ashgied Chapel, and that his caecatore being manned by 100 of the Fusillus Guards, in falle A few minutes after 11 the state was fality aball invest 18007, the interest to be expended in brand and clothes for the pogr of Wybunbury, Che the most tremendons cheering by the sembled cronts; draggelinle the open streat, where it was received with shire; and by his will expressly directs that which carly an hour more was commed in caring the carriage Prior, the poet (who made a similor provision), into its proper #ack and lu yoking the hernes who were shall be erected in Ashated Chapel and Wybunbu-10 and draymen in full professional costume, she wea calls "a last piece of human vanity," that tablets ware supplied by Mr Goding, brewer, and were driven by to drag it to its destination. These horses, 29 in number ry Church, descriptive of these gifts. There are ing upon his breasts Waterloo medal. The horses mem numerous bequaste to bie family and friends.
crowned with laurel and were yoked, with the exception Anecdotes of Honesty.-Two Instances of un-
of the two wheelers, three a breast, All having been pre anal honesty appear in the Seatch papers, St relates to a Highlander who called but week
pared, the police with same dimculty cleared a page The
and at Evo miostes past 12 o'clock the certige del out sides loud and contraed cheering. at the office of a respectable slaam-bost company, and told the clerk that be owed them tightsen
Videmes. peace, having cheated one of their captain in that amount in his fure, about three years ago. Downld was told never to mind the maller, and to keep the money. This he would not listen to, exclaiming, "O gadusake, no, I bas no been able to sleep in iny bed for a while year about it." He then tabled There is no foundation for the ramour that the the siller, says the focal papers, and ligstily left the Hon. Capt. Dudley Pelham will be the candidate counting-house, saying to himself, as he resised, for the representation of Lineslashire, vacant by "Gude be thankit, 1 how got it off my conscience Lon! Wanley's gocession to the House of Lords at last." The second is a specimen of Lowland lineage enmtemplated coming forward, SirDunder, became in 1833 a bankrupt, but his gre by the death of the Earl of Yarborough Mr G. intagrity: M. George Stephens, ironmonger in
The pression wound it way at a comparatively rapid Montagu J Cholmeley, Dart, will be the candl. ditors accepted a composition of 8s, in the pound,
rate the ugh the Harrow road, down the Edgeware-nad Tyb-le, thesce down Park-tame," read the date, and supported by the influence of the Earl and gave him a full quittance. He has, however, line of precession was one contiamom throng of people, Duchess of Gloucester's house, into Piccadilly, and Merce of Yadorugh and the Duke of St. Alban'a recently paid up the remaining 1, in the pond, and the reception of the sinne was most enthusiastic. At to the triumphal arch, Hyde-park-corner." The whale
Conservative Asenciation, are mentioned as likely to cancel. This has been done not by a men who we of the angle, a abort delay occurred, but at half-past My Tovar aud Mr Tufnell, chairman of the sex which they had written off their books and agreed the terning at Pioradily, where some apprehended a di to offer themselves to the electors of Esers to sup- had only his own whats and conforts to provides'clock the statne arrived opposite Apsley-house, and
from the marrowness of the strast and she skarp ply the plner of Mr Bramaton, who intends in for, but by nine who had a wife and rising family then the cheers were redoubled. The scene this mo zetize at the next general vlection.
A Commission of Lunsey has been engaged for the hingeapon him, and this circumstauce ought meal was exceed by animated, the large area in front of some doua past on an inquiry into the mental state
to be in view in estimating afr Stephen's conduct.
the arch being filled with thousands of people, extending The 5,000. Forgery.—The Grand Jury ignored mansions presented large parties of elegantly dressed l of Mes Commings
far lato lyde-park. The windows of the surrounding Captain Commings, at Paddington; and pre of opinion that the 10. cheque had not been altered mode to other spectators. At Airy house a disil
She lived with her husband, the bill against Capt. Rickardoom. They were of dies, and the roofs also contributed their share of accom the evidence consisted of strange stories respecting into the 5,000, one, but that Capt. Richardson her eruel and neglectful treatment of the Captais, had in all probability obtained the names of his who is gu invalid, wank in understanding. Op en-directors to a bank cheque and filled it up with
wished party was assembler to witness the installation of this tribute to the prowess of the noble proprietor; amongst em we noticed Her Majesty the Queen Dowager, the posite evidence was given, shoving that Mrs Com the amount charged as being forged. As the ac The Rev. Mr Jameson, at an Edinburgh Birthings hail on her part endured much through the cused hit the right to draw cheques, under certain
Princess of Praia Princess Mary, Priage George, E sinnary meeting, said that dreams were the religion mobil wraknesses and unregulated conduct of regulations, on account of the Railway Company,es were detached, and iwwas then drawe late the de Howe, tomates of Westmoreland, Lord C. Wellesley,&r of the negroes in Goshen, Jamnica. They aid (no her husband. The case against her broke down, the Grand Jury considered that the offence lid not
The state having been brought opparite the sea ukling Intended for its elevation to the summit of the arch, the much to ni horse.—The IF'clahman anys that F. After many sittings, a conference was agreed an thee Mathew is of a very anrient Welsh family, between the Lord Chancellor and the Commissie the Grand Jury made the nouncement in comit come within the terms of the indictment. When thede of the principality showing he is desner, Str Barlow; and the terms of an arrangement of "No Dill," Mr Bodkin, on the part of the cended from Gearth: voed, King Caroliga between the parties were finally settled. The Company, of which Capt. Richarda was a di- According to the Nudemformist the human akce Jury were discharged without a verdict. would be eatinet in 21 years, if the general morta. Bily were as great na it is in the Englah gatzina
shaelsmidlers ne to the future course to be adopted. the directors an opportunity of consulting the rector, applied for his detention, in order to give Jamaica, Hongkong, Ceylon, and rhewhere.
Mr Clarkson opposed the application, and after Me Dumont, the French Minister of Publin Worke,
some discussion, Mr Baron Plalt ordered the pri I in England, and las visited Birmingham and other pinces to observe our manufacturies, and
oner to be detained. On a subsequent day Afr Clarken applied to the Court for the discharge of Tailway and canal systems—In the usual Report
Capt. Richardson. He said be had received an of the Ragged School Union, it is stated that there
intimation from kis learned friend, Mr Bodkin, are more than 100,000 children in London who receive no education of any kind. —A clergy. man, ?n a letter to the Times, states that he had been offered the chaplaincy of a workhouse, alz pariebeading in the Unien, with the annual salary of 197, just 56, a neck. Until an act of last assion doing away with the restriction, no conusel had the Tight of pleading at the bar of the Coalmon Pless, Juniora inny now do in.--Tho ye?r 1607 of the Jewish era began last Afund?y.—?t the sole of the Inte Parl Spencer's short-horned enttle, the Count St. Marie, for King Louis Philippe, gave 150 guineas for a five montis old call, called Zuranter, "l'he cons and heifers at this sale rea- Berd 3,727, 10, giving an average of 371, ka. Od. The balls realised 1,5807. 24., an average of 741. 28. -The Borlington Areaile, containing 72 bouses, produces th annual rental of 8,4140-There are 4,000 miles of railway in Grent Britain.-The new rules of the British Association admit ladies to ba members, —The foundation-stone of the Lavorpoul euntest halt for the Philarmonic Society, was laid en the ad.-The Yorkabireman says that the opening of the London and Vor) line will effect yst rebolution in raileny and Mudannian won. poir.-The Western Times says that if there beed, one thing the Bishop of Exeter does not like, it is the part of a lawger's bill; and yet be often goes to law.-Thr Bank of Engrand pays 30,000 pet suunas income-tax - In consequence of the Eshop of St. Asaph's death, that we was to be suited to Bangar, but the Bialign of Bauger de clined, though it would increase his income 7381. Ayene-A whole, measuring 50 feet in leifgth and 10 in rircumference, was captured in l'origardon Hay. He got entangled among the rocks.—Me G. Mces, the brother of a redoubted landler of the Mune agriculturists, Ble P. J. Milen, M.P., has bought the Ford Abbey estate for somewhere about
REMOVAL OF THE WELLINGTON STATUE. Irian states from Mr Wyatt's studio, in the Harrow-read, held suspended, by running the platform over the arch 200 000!-- At a recent argling in Liverpool, Dr.
S+ more predent is complete the proces The long expected event of the removal of this eques of hoisting, and to ease the tackle by which the staine w Daly, Bishop of Cashel, stated that it out of the
its summit. The riggers were accordingly said bet to the alle arlected for in reception, tempnary or perma prelates, and 1.700 out of 2,000 of the thy of
fore to o'clock, the hour appointed for the commenceisest
and sullering the greater portion of the weight treat de Beland had entered their protests against the on-
park corner, came off on the 20th September. Long be work, and soon after seven p.m., aided by the light of a tion scheme of education.—The Rev. Me New man west cordially welcomed by the Pope's Am-
of the public preparations, the Harrow-rood and every
time quer moon, they acceeded in completing their at street adjoining were thronged with an immense and af. Bastor at Paip. Mr Kruman was on his way
dreamed destroyed himself ble end, The jusy selurwad the following verdiet : | mae incalculable multitude. Seats were erected in vari- other faster firm, were fijn! loto the socket/tin
dnom task of placing the horse and bis rider per place. His Thursday morning the Iren bract
? their prol Rome; he inspectei) most of the P'wising chur- but in what Ante of mind be was at the time be
places, for which of frea is to ladd were demanded, seabed and by which the feet of the horse thes and rebes-The ray binige of wranglet iran - rumnitted the net, there isnot sufficiem evidence
"Andhe to be erected az Alesni will be supp-sted an fans before us in show," piers; the distance between the e?ntrol piers will A "chorncter?stic" Note.—The president of the
Manchester to amount to 74,000. It was said The Cobden Fund was stated on 29th Sept at that the London collection was going on favours bly, and it was expected would reach 15,000, the collection in Manchester proper amounted to 28,0004 Mr Nodal then reported that the same received through the street canvase in small suns during the past week was 84. 13s 6d, which, with
sired position by means of two windlasses, and at a quarte to 4 o'clock the raphs were thrown off, sed all was pre-
ing this colossal statue to its destined site upes the summ pared for using it to its Jatended site, bat it being too late to comence this operation, it was deferred.
Next day was commenced the stupendous labour of rule. of die lamphal arch, Hyde park. From & very early
stadec, to achieve which it was necessary to change the hear a body of riggers from Woolwich Dockyard, under the direction of Mr M'Mullens, assisted by a number of Inbourers, were engaged in preparations for hol-ting the position of the statue as deposited the day before, from of state and carriage, welgie altogelber Go south to cast, and in order to accomplish this and the
the webasical appliances provided to perform the allied town, was lifted by the tackles and then alifted into the desired spot. This feat fully proved the competency of 10. paid into the bank, make 1047. 18 6. The that it was not intended to present any freals bill task, and, accordingly, the preparations were carried o total amint received from this anuree was 589/ngainst the prisoner at this session, and he there Da 7d; promises, t077. 109; total, 7861. 19 7d. fore applied for his discharge from costody. The fasteurd round each arm, or thigh of the horse, which were ant 3 o'clock, when the signal was given to “hoist away-** He said that only the principal streets had been necessary order was given, and Capt Richardson then booked on to the blacks and in the Theach The statue was raised by means of strong alx inch cables contuurd nu yet, but that a more general canvass was shortly afterwards set at liberty. seriptions had gone, many subscribers to the Lomment against Captain Richardson for forgery, went was about to be commenced. As far as the pub-
these blocks, four in amber, triple sheared and expres The Oberror stator that when the hill of indiet made for this occasion, tan stu rapes, also quite new and que had given a thech larger sum to the Cobden hofore the Grand Jury, on important witness was
made of the strongest yarn, each rope being cheated tribute than to the Longue fund.
equal to 10 teas. Upon the tracerning platform abber, wern four "crabs, or powerful windlamas, worked by On the night of the 1511 September, a constant-apparently meaning Mr Stevens: The eight men each. The seafacing, erected for the pore gration burst out in the loted of the Crown, Al: Shortly afterwards, the soliciters for the prosece taken upwards of 398 loads of tlaber in its constation bill was ignored, and the Grand Jury broke up.
by Mr Ells, under the direction of Mr Wyatt, was of Harif Tavanure, in Swile-tland, not for from Borne inn entered the Grand Jury-room, rad expressed beles scaffold poles and planks. The height to which it a wonderful work, being 116 feet in height, and having There were thirty-three strangers at the hotel. Sit their surprise at the result. Upon this," some of of them perished in the dames. Two more have the members of the Grand Jury, who happened to
ls necessary to raise the mese la 74 feet, and thence it since died from their wounds. Most of the travel less were English.The Rev. Frederick Fisher, the enclusion which they did was, that they began slowly to sise, and at 4 o'clock was quite clear of its will have to traverse a distance of 60 fach to arrive of the remain, said the reason which caused them to comech. Shortly after 3 o'clock the immense mass of metal Unitorian Minister of Lincoli, who committed sihat attentively examined the check, and that they
podestal prepared for its reception upon the crown of the cle Inst week by Prussic acid, was son of a mewere perfectly satisfied that the word 'ten had slowly contioned without the slightest accident at the carriage. From this time until nearly 7 o'clock the ca chant at Sheffield, and formerly a solicitor la good never been written, nor had any alteration been practica
time mentioned, it being quite dark, it was judged expe Sept. 53r Mills and a jury assembly in the draw
Suicide of Mr. Allen, the Architect.-On 30th ebeck; that it was in evidence that the prisoner made that they were ortisfied that it was a blank
dient to defer the conclusion of the hofthem till next day. ing-toon of the house 45, Hunter arest, Brunswick they had caused Mr Steraneon to be called twice."
there being still about 20 feet of went required. In the had authority to fill up blank checks; and that Me Thomas John Allen, aged 25. The daceuster of course, will retain the 3,2254 takao from square, to conduct an inquiry on view of the body A Captain Richardson is discharged, he as a mat-
hy penfemon an architect, was also an accom- his possession. of his sister, to whom he was much attached, took plished artist. About six months ago the demise place, and is said to have welgbed heavily on his
following advertisement:- A. P., captain of in- fantry, having announced in the journal of the 8th Retaliation.-The Journal de Farge contains tira d. On Tuesday Mr Allen retired to his room that he will not acknowledge or pay any dabt
at the top of the house, and nothing more was contracted by his wife, she thinks it right, in her brord of him until the dinner hour (6 o'clock), turn, to inform the public that she will not pay win Men Allen desired one of the female serraals any dehi contracted by her husband, and that her to ring the bell for him, sadis-about Gre minutes her the domestic proceeded to his room, and there
resources enable her to pay her debts charged a pistol into his mouth. An alarm was saw him lying prostrate on the door, keving die much better than her husband can pay his.”—23id: immediately given, and a medical gentlemen, who was slaying on a visit, ingether with deceased's nephew, at once proceeded to the room. Life was extinct, and was considered to live been in forent, as the case may be, at the triumphal arch. Hyde about iso kant. The deprend was universally telmed by all ho kay him, and has left a numeroon circle of friends j? deploweshia lan-eota-
cagious prefators, including, of course, a proportion in the victally of Bir Wyatt's stadio were covered with the farer sen.
were assembled a large number of most distin be 450 feet. M?r fell sinted to the British Asso Preston Jostitution, Mr John Paley, jun., present-Debess of Kent, his Nagal Fighness the Duke of L'am t'pon a stand erreted in Alr Wyatt's eintion, that for the formation of the scent-ulationell, on Tuesday Jari, to the Muzeum of that anciety bridge, theBake of Rutland, the Marquis of London. robbed personages, melaling ber Koval Highness the of matter in the Prio of the Missisippi, 62,000 an untograph better of file Grace the Duke of Welderry, the Countess of Westmoreland, Lord and Lady years would be required). — A cokespondent of the lington. The advice coumided in the charne Morning Chronicle is of opinion, that in the high. | tezistie auf piquam epistie, in an excrli?ui, mich an
Iety Somerset, Lord H. Thentink, Sir John Macdowell, Jands and isles of Scotland 20,000 Laskities live | generally opplinable, that we present our senders | wrong body of the D division of police, and several caus Adjutant-General, Sir F. Trench, Mr Borthwick, Al, P., Ar. The grond le font of the house was kept by a
time the station was secured by tying po ropes of the bincks together und placing supporta noder the feet of the borse, from the cross besma, by which men the sculptar expressed bis conviction that the safety of a predacion would be epeared.
The statue at length setupies the posithin which, a cording to many, is to be ita funt ene i lutch, nec fug to more, la only temporary, and he the purpose of
Nilos temporary or to the end of time, the scarse por proving, by erncial expertent-t experimentum te ver Hyde-Park-corner with sunniskly abarthe D
rating it to the requisits weight were brought to a k?pal- rests upon the arch, and that is the sole fact whe now requisite to corale. When the operations statue should remais suspended in the slings all mation on Wednesday afternoon, it was intended that de the elevation of forty feet from the g artificer who directed the prosceding left the ground
The principal after, under this impremen; but the
fastenings under the brickwork erected at the sam, it of Ing. It is intended to remare that portion of the a partemity of judging of the effect produced by it. and J. Wyatt, who superintendent this part of the proceed the arch, was completed to the Fallsfaction of Memes M.
which incloses the statue, in order to afford a fal
Edited, Printed and Tublished by Junn Car, At The Friend of China and Hongkong Gazelle, Printing Office, Gounn StuhERT Victoria, Honokonu, 1847,
VOL. VI. No. 9.
PRICE $12 per mm.
Credit priers, $14, 850, und 03, for the periods
Terms of Subscription to the "Friend of Chios ad Hongkong Gazelle," per annum 12. Six months $7. Three months $1; all paid in advance.
of twelve, aix, and three months respectively: Single numbers to Bubscribers 25 cu. each, to Non-Subscribers | Rupee. Panties calling or sending to the office for impers are requested to pay cash Terms of Advertising-Ten lince and under 1: additional 10 casts per line. Hepetitions one third of the Bral insertion. Ships: First insertion 2; subsequent insertions 45 cent. Advertisements in have written on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will be publishod until countermanded. In all instances, those who are not Ruhscribers, most pay in ndgance,
THE PENINSULAR AND Onl Tantal Company's Bloem 8bip BRAGANZA, will leave this for the above place on Barurday the 30th of January,
9 o'clock P. M. CARGO will be received on board until Noon, and SPEC potil 4 r. M., on Friday the 29th.
For particulars regarding pay for, 40, apply at the P. & 0.8, N. Company's Offion, Hongkong.
JA. OLDING, Agent.
Henghong, 29th December 1846.
THE See A. I Ship STAG, Captain PARISH, 700 Toos Register; has superior accommodation for Passengers and carries a Burgeon.
Pusage only, apply to For PARIGI, on board at Whampoa, or to JARDINE, MATHESON & Co., Hongkong. East Point, 16th January, 1847.
TO LET. House in Gage Birset, contains rooms, bath
room, and servant offices. Apply to
GEO. STRACHAN. Victoria. 19th January 1847.
TO LET. Blouse on the South side of Gough Strom.
Apply to
GED, STRACHAN. Victorm, Ist January 1847.
THE godowns, and first floor of the premise on Queco's road, adjoining Meern Smith and Brimelow. Apply to,
Victoria, 1st June 1846.
A HOUSE on Queen's Road, late in the occupa tion of Mr C. W. Bowza. Apply at the Of fice of the Friend of China.
TO LET. PARTMENTS, furnished, or unfurnished, eli Agibly situated in the East, and West part of the Town, also large and small Dwelling Houses For particulars apply to G. DuDDELL, opposita the Commissariat, Victoria,
NO'PICE. BR. T. D. NavMW. C. LE OH are
the 1st of January, 1847, the Of
of the Steamer CORSAIR, will be repertoere in our firm, which Mr T. 8. BaITE moved from Mesaro Faanxien de Miina's House | is authorised to sign by procuration.
MACPICAR & Ca to the House of HOLMES & BIGHAM, where all Packets and Parcale will be received by Mr Hongkong, but January 1847
NOTICE. Browse. All applications made to him, or to Mr Stano will meet the readiest attention.
Victoria, 18th December 1846.
THE undersigned hare been appointed Agents at Shanghai for the Imperial Fire Office of
ATLET at a low rent a House in Glough London. BLENKIN, RAWSON & Co.
House situate in Wallington Street, com-
A possesion can be given. or further particulars
R. OSWALD. appily bu
Victoria, 27th February, 1946.
FTHOSE large and convenient Premises at
present occupied by ft. A. Baren Esq., ensisting of Dwelling flouse with Godowns and conveniat Jatty can be viewed by applying at our premis adjoining. Possession can be given on December Bib
BURD, LANGE & Co. Victoria, 27th November 1840.
TWO commodious dwelling House, containing oren Rooms, and com. manding a fine view of the Bay, situated in Stanley Street, rent moderato. Apply to,
DOUGLAS LAPRA?CK. Victoria, 22nd December 1846.
THE building on the Queen's Road, occu-
Victoria, 22d April 1846.
| T the Godowns of Mosera Bernuin, Rawson
A de Co suporise
wood and bottle; Champagne from the house of Mumm & Co, Rboime.
Hongkong, Isi June 1846.
1FR. Roonn Janson is this day admitted a Part-
net in our Finn.
HOLLIDAY, WISE & Co. Hongkong, lat August 1846. FOR SALE THE foollowing Wines ex Camate
?in Corsa of 3 dosen each.
Sparkling Champaign, Hermitage,
Pule Cogus Brandy," in da.
Beheidem Geneva,
Superfine fallen Esled Oil Apply 10..
Victoria, 15th July '1846.
pied at present by 3. A. OLDING Esq., the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation BLANDY'S Maders, in half pipes, bhd., and Company's Office.
Ponion given arly in November. Apply to
Eongkong, 27th October 1846.
TO LEY. THE dwelling House on the Hollywood Road, lately occupied by the Honour ablo W. CAINE Apply to,
BUSH & Co. Hongkong, Sub November 1846
TO LET. THE Bungalow in Aberdeen Street intaly occu pied by the Royal Samen Lodge. Apply to
"BUSH & Co. Hongkong, 9th November 1846.
TO BE LET. GIBB, LIVINGSTON & Co. Victoria, 5th June 1846.
A Bingle and a double storied Godown. Apply to
TO LET. THOSE two Rouses adjoining, that presently oc-
cupied by Dr PETER YOUNG. Apply to
LINDSAY & Co. __Hongkong, 19th Duostuber 1848.
PACIOUS Godowns and dwelling house, built ? of Gizanite and lately occupied by Montro TROS. RIPLEY & Co. The property is situated
or lo.
acar the centre ofthe Town, (Victoria, Hongkong) and has a water frontage. Apply on the Premises,
THOMAS RIPLET & Co, __Mongkong, Sist July 1846.
TO LET. convenient small Boves in Asburton Terrace, containing Butting-room, two Bed-rooms, and two Bathing-roome, with Cook and Coolie house, Bable, and large back yard, with an abundance of pure water. Apply to
F. SPRING. Victoris, 22nd January 1848.
cake. Apply to
Victora, 10th April ?1848.
NOTICE. TE have Established a Branch of our House at WE
Shanghai under the same Name as at Capton, and have authorised Mr C. A. FRANON to sign for us by prodaration.
AUGUSTINE, HEARD & Co. Camion, lat January 1847.
OR SALE, at Hongkong. Apply to,
OLYPH?NT & Co.,*
September 29, 1840.
NOTICE THE partnership hitherto subsisting betoon the undersigned an Merchants and Comision Agents in Chios, was dissolved by mutual couscat on the 30th of June last.
JANDS TURNER CHURCH & Co. Canton, 20th November 1840.
FOR SALE. TNVOICES of: Russian Cordage, Paint, Paint
Oil, Canvas, Blocks, Bunting, Twine, and su perior Hamburg bass Pork and Seal." Wine, Drandy, Gia and Vinegar.
WN. PUSTAU & Co. Hongkong, September 1846.
NOTICE. PRE ondersigned bare opened a Branch Esin- Wishment at Shanghai under the saine firm as at Canton.
RATTIBONES, WORTUNGTON & Co. Canton, Let August 1846.
ORIENTAL INSURANCE SOCIETY. THE undersigned have been appointed agents for the above named Society and are prepared to grant Poliosos payable in London, Livorpool, Bum- bay, Calcutta and Canton.
"RATHBONES, WORTHINGTON & Co. Canton, 31st Auggst 1846.
NOTICE. THE partnership heretofore carried onsin the name of Lani, Rowland & Co. has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, Mr T. H. Row. Land has been authorised to arrange all outstand. ing accounts.
LANE, ROWLAND & Co. Victoria, 31st December 1841.
NOTICE MR. ROST. Jackson has become a Parmer in 11 my Firm, whlak will be conducted from this dato as Meronell & Co.
(Signed) W. H. MITCHELL Amoy, Is Jaouary 1847. CHAIN Cables of all sizes up to 1 inch anul 7j8th. Anchors, very superior Canvass, Blocks, large Europe Rope, Paint dil, Black Varnish, by whole plo..
Queen's Ruail,
FOR BALE: FIOGNAC in Bottles at 90 per Dozen at
More FRANKLYN & MILNE'.. Hongkong, 22nd October 1846.
BABS' Pale Ale in cases of 31 dozen.
FRANKLIN & MILNE Victoria, 20th November 1848,
PALE Barton Ale in Hogsheads
Do do. in botulo.
SHEATHING COPPER, 16 to 32 oz. Apply Fale Core Brandy on Cask and bottle.
Fine full
Very Pale Sbarry.
Hongkong, 15th September 1846.
Pulo Brown
have opened a Branch establishment at Red wine in Cask.
Wanghal, where He WILLIAM HOGG is su Champagne sad Claret, at very low prices.
thorised to sign for our firm by Procuration.
Hongkong, 19th December 1848.
MR HANET Dewas in authorised to sign our
firm by Procuration.
LINDSAY & Co. Hongkong, 12th Janoury 1847.
Sparkling and all Moselle, Liqours dze., Manila Cheroots. Apply to
Queen's Road. ? ?TO COMMANDERS & THE undersigned bags to solicit the attention of Commanders of ships and the public to his ex- teomire assortment of stores, replenished every month by direct importations to his own indeni, consisting of-
FOR SALE. AN Elegat Rosewood Cabinet-Pano, MetaBio A Plate, Of Oclare, by 0.1. Was?, 143 Lao- deskall Street.
RAWLE, DUUB & Co. 4th November 1846.
"FOR BATE. NCHORS, Chain Cables, and liewen l'span of A all sizes. An Invoice of Hanila, Europe, an Patent Hope.
Coffer, and Clovernment Cigure.
4th November 1816
FOR SALE. AL Provisions, Flowt, Rem, Atrack, and Bready in Wood; Whisky, Cognac, and all kinds of Wines In Botile,
416 November 1846,
lew Salamander Bee aid Treasure Bafos.
CHAR19, &c.
4th November 1846.
tain Marryats Sighats, Waghorn's Uverland Charts and Guides. For sale by,
RAWLE DUUS & Co. Victoria, 25th November 1848
Loons received on Stemge, dold on Commis- sion, or forwarded to lanao, Canton, &c. by insurable Lorches.
RAWLK DUUS & Ca Victori, 25th November 1840, MESSRS WAGHORN & CO'S AGENCY. THE Undersigned having been appointed Agents for Mess Waghors & Co, are prepared lo forward l'atcela 18 India or England by the PR- KINSULAN AND ?nsental CompAKU'U ?TRANERS, which sail from here on the 25th of every Month.
All Parcela pent to Victoria to be forwarded must be free of Freight and other Charges, and should arrive here 24 Hours before the Mail close.
All Parcela received froth India er England will be delivered free of any Charges made bera, do the presentation of the Receipt only; but if they are tent to any other place, i per Package will be charged, besides the Freight and other Exper
For me at the U?co, WAuBoax & Co.'s "Oran LAND GUIDE by the Routes to Egypt;" "?ERBRAL Hext and Information (er Passares on their way from and to Indta."
Est Itoute, ria Southampton.
through France.
tia Trieste of Constantinople, whi
Map of the Overland Rout
Also, a few Overland Trooke.
Dih May 1840.
CODA WATER A?o EUATED LENON: DADE of superior quality at Moss Hunter & BARTON's Dispenmry, Poltinger Brent, Vero 234, 1οκαλοχα
Canyon, at De Kenny's Dispemonty, No. 8, Nee - French long.
MACAO, at Hennan's, Chinese fihopkispur, Rou d'Augustine.
HONGKONG DISPENJAR Z CODA WATER, ?RATED LEMONADE, Aerated Chalybente Water, (highly reen mended, an account of iu tomicproperties).
AGRIT AT CASTOR ACHOOK, Comprado? No. 2 Imperial Hong Hoogkong, 13th March)1840.
"THE MEDICAL HALIMA Corner of Queen's Rogd und ?Aberdeen, Strict. THIS Dispensary is op at all hours Go the com
pounding of Prescri, ?iosa, alil the sale of Me- dicines, Chemicals, &a
J. JILBERT, MECS. A. 8. TAYLOR. Profesional attendance on the Shipping-tarme moderate.
An amoriment of Medi :ine Chest? di sale at and-
Europe, Manila and Coir Cordage of all sizes; THE Undersigned?have been appointed Agents Spanjern, Worting, Markine, Hombro' lines, Lend | dezate charges.
for the above named Company, and are prepar, Oskum etc. Best navy Canvase, Bootcl ad to grant Policies payable in London, Glasgow, twins, and Duich bunting. fur. Pitch, Rosits, Calcutts, Bombay, and Canton.
Paints, Print oil, Turpentine, Varnish etc. etc. This Office returns Bonus of 10 per omt. Blocka, Hanks, Mast boops, and Nails of every
biod, Palma, Brail noodles ete. (Ten per Coat) on all Premions.
Canton, fat October 1848.
Shanghai R. Ferdinand Blas is authorized to algu for
HEGAN & Co. Hongkong, 29th October 1846.
“NOTICE. [[R. Charano Ryoun is this day admitted a part-
aer in our Finn.
DIROM, GRAY & Ca Canton, In August 1846,
Mur 5mm in Chian, by Proceration.
THE whole or part of the upper part of the House lately occupied by Me Famecona, for further particulare, apply to
L. JUST & Co. Victorin, 22nd January 1847.
Bread, Flour, and Salt provisions. Oilmen's Stores of every description. Brandy, Gin, Rum and Whisky. sherry, Port, Madeira, Champag?te, Hock and various other light winos.
elo, ele.
fodia and London Boxfed Boer, Barclays' Porter
CHARLES BUCKTON, Queen's Road, Hongkong, TOWDER MAGAZINE. THE Lorcha "FANNY" fitted up and ready to receive Gunpowder on Demurrage. Apply to,
(From the New Alas ufactory at Madar.j
application may bend at EZALKBABRAN Dispenmty, Praya Firendly and at the Blue of Mr JOIN ?MIT?.,
TERM:-Lemonoda, pur dozen, ona doler and quarter, Bud Soda Water, une dollar,—-bottles to he returned-with bottles: per dogion, ?
Okoune for ten dute, or above: Bader Water, Seventy-five cents, god Lapiusele, one dollar per dozen.
Macan, Ist Oeinber 198K 40
BRITISH HOTEL. Kevino Hern? Qu?ru's Road, Victoria,
THE interest and responsibility of hand on TWO remarkably to Sydney florace, with splen ENTLEMEN gd Families visiting the place
DELANO, Jr. as partner in our firm sessed on: the 91st ultimo
did action.
Canton, 1st January 1847.
Victoria, 5th January 1847.
will find every accommodation and all the articles of the firm description at moderate charges Billiards in a spacious airy room facing th? s?
- ?
Now advertisements, will be teorised, until 4
? CP Clock, on the nuenings previous to publi. cation, vix: Tuesdays and Frings.
Nov. $4? Redner
United States Oet.
3 Astria
b. af? Hops: Oct.
$9 30
Jany, 19 Juny. > Jang. IS
The Bingama arrived on the S?rd at 11 a. m. with the October and November mails. made a very excellent run from Singapore, but though sonrcely due, the Agent for the Caramir despatched her for Canton at 9 o'clock of the thorning on which the Braganza arrived, in consequence of which, it is to be feared that many of the Canton Residents will be disap. | painted at not receiving their letters, and this the more especially that the Corsair after loaving Hongkong for the provincial city on the alter- Moon of the 25th, with a large portion of the mail on board, was obliged to return to the harbour, her machinery having received anme damago, Tho Agers immediately despatched the letter bags by a sailing boat, but it is doubtful | whether they will be in Canton before the 37th, ? leaving parties a very limited time to prepare their correspondence for the mail that closes bere on the 20th.
Benjamin Hloupe, Serah Trotnan. For Shanghai Chieftain, Frances Burn.
Brok-Juliet Erskine from Liverpool to China Sept. 25th, Lau 99 N., and Long, 22 W.
October 17th, in Lat. 14 N., and Long. 20 W, the Camor, (Dat.) from China.
11. M. B Childers, Commander Pittman. Ades, King,
Argo, Bremer, Amalia, Dinger,
Crooke and Massey Fletcher and ta Boustead and l'o
CALCUTTA. The result of the first opium sale, and the means by which it was for a time postponed, is fully discussed in the extracts we raake from Indai papers, to which we refer our Readers. To check atte?ople at a monopoly, and the strong propensity of the native Merchants to gamble with the drug, the Indiap government require to establish more stringent regulations May 2nd Thomas W. Soars, from Macao, 20th Duke of Cornwall, Whitehead, K. Mecgregor and C
for their public salos. We have heard it sug- gested, that in addition to a heavy deposit im- mediately on the fall of the hammer, all bids should be made through a responsible Broker This would prevent such absurd scenes as was witnessed on the first day ofle when oprum was run up to ?19,000 a chest by advances of | ?1 a bid, in consequence of which, the salo was postponed, it being dark before the first
A could be knocked down.
It has been known for some time that the farmers of the opium monopoly were losing money ; their sales gradually deciessing as the native trading vemole diminish in number. The same parties who held the monopoly last yaar, aro in possession of it at a reduced rent, and the Tact of their wishing to throw up their bar- gain, is very clear proof that our trifling trade is getting lom, and that the Monopolists are out of pocket by the opium form,
The Chinese Shopkeepers have petitioned the Governor (through the Colonial Secretary) that this monopoly be discontinued, as they find, that from the high price demanded for the drug fewer tradors come to the part, and goods of all descriptions are in consequence unsaleablo.
The Gentleman who obliged us by the fol- Inwing translation had but a short time to ex- ecute, but it will be found in all essentials perfectly correct.
M? petition, unkedly beseeching His Excelimey (Iktar- all. esaltal gates to dissoire the Oplom Farm (Cwm- |pany) that every Trade may Sonziak.
Considering that we, from the time that we came in your honorable Hell'stment, by every of?de, great and wall, qui some little gain, altogether depended upos Opine: bot because the buying and selling of Opfam was last year commuted to one. Company, the price of la saa voide- bly becaine high-therefore slezskuate from every place to this Settlement are very fow, causing every trad? to be- that is expects in ba shat, without any prospect of centiam come duller day u?er day-Every Shop is l? such a stalo ing open (shorting without opening), Wd the seriously afraid that the gate of this Port (hum ihti jilme] masc perlab We are obliged to anbe in petitioning your or
The marriage of the Duke de Montpensier to the Infanta of Spain continues to be the topic of discussion in the French and English papers, and has in a great degree destroyed that good feeling which of late years hai boon so con- spicuous between the two government. The wily Monarch of the French has duped his friends in England, and to add to the injury, it | le said that, though it is unusual for crowned heads personally to interfere in such matters, you on the visit which Queen Victoria made to Louis Phillips at Eu, an understanding was come to regarding the marriage of the Infante, and that His Majesty has not kept faith with her, An undue importance has been given to this marriage, as it is uol prou bable that the progeny of the Duke de Mont poosier will ever inherit the crown of Spain, and if they do, it is not showg that it will in any degree injure British interests..
A reduction of the duty on Tea engages the attention of the manufacturing and mercantile community, and has caused a speculative de- mand, particularly for low Congous. It is evi- dent that there is not the slightest chance of any modification during the present stasjon, and it is to be feared that injudicious Specula. tors will suffer severely, though we do not think that the rise which has taken place in consequence of their rashness, will induce Mer chants in this quarter to purchase at higher rates than now rule in Canton. We have read letters from Merchants, long and ex- sensively engaged in the tea trade, and they give it as theirdecided opinion, that no immedi. ate reduction will be made. They stato that the Jevenue is in a flourishing condition, but the famine in Ireland, and the increase in our on- val and military forces, press so heavily upon the exchequer, that Ministers this session will scarosly venture to disturb the present financial swangements.
The Brefet we publish in full, as yroll as a variety of commercial information the other items of European news we have already laid
before our readers in the Straits Tunes extra of the 19th of January, and extracts from the ? leading London papers we reservo for futuro
We have received a file of New York papers up to the alt of October, from which we can-
bol give extracts until our next issue.
rally on your honor's stairs) kueiling we beg your in- telligent scrutiny aimee inspection) and on out wewalt beseech His Excellency, great officer) to look down and sympathize with une feelings, that the [Oplan Trade), may go on secoeding to former arrangements, so na si eta bu every Shop equal liberty to buy self (t), and thas all sliko rec?lve (your) abundant compassion with- out limit.
We caludly present this.”。
29, Lancaster, Hullin, Whampan.
Jany, half past
29, Lucas, (Am) Miller, New York. 23, Coquette, (Am.) Prescott, Shanghai. 23, Tamor, Hall, Newport
NEW YORK SHIPPING. ARRIVED-(No dates) Zenobia, from Canton,
CAPE OF GOOD HOPE SHIPPING. ARRITGO-October 23, Yumchai from Canton, 25th July; 24. Lanchester, from do, 30th do.; 28, Fenella, from Hongkong, 6th Augus.
BAILED.- October 14, H. F. M. S. La Glorie, for hina; 23, Frederick Huth to Waterloo Bay; 24, Yamchai to Boston; 28, Lanchester, for Cork.
BYDNEY SHIPPING. ARRIVED,-November 21, Marchioness of Douro, "from Hongkong, 24th August,
CALCUTTA OHIPPING. Annivad.—Nor. 20, Cowarjos Family, from China; Mischief, from dino 22. Arratoon Apcar, from ditto; Dide, from dito; Charles Grant, from
BOMBAY SHIPPING. ARRIVED.-November 28, Mor from China. BALLED.- December 12, Chasely to China. LOADING.-Ardasour, laland Queen, Lowjoe Fa mily, Charlous, Jamsetjos Joejoebboy, Mor, Blair, Earl of Clare, and Lascar.
Ellerslie, Pagen. Britsmart, Bolomon, Dar, Cumberland,
Nye Parkin and Co Boustead and to Lindsay and t'e
Graaf Van Hogendorp, (Dat.) Steel, George Fyfe, Murray, Hindostan, West, Herrli Indinn, English,
Jal Cooper, Grieg. Jaha Bagshaw, Dere Lady Amλ rat, Ablou, Lapwing, Lee, Lydford, Sayron,
da Cornelia, (Dat.) Montrose, Furgusson. Nymph, Horsburgh, Oslo, Thompson, Pandora, Cobo,
Prins Oscar, (Swa) Mellin,
Rocafuerte. Alla,
Stag. Parab,
& Lama, Conkling, Wild Irish Girl, Buckton,
P. & D. N. Cama Dirom, Gray and Co C. Sapoorjce Lungtuk Lindsay and C
Aussell and Co Jamieson How and Cu Maclcon Dearie and ('o Murrow and to Russel and C.
H. Wise and Co Dent and Co
J. Matheson and Co-
Boustead and Co Russell and Co Turner and Co
J. Matheson and Co Heard and Co Captain
Vusula at Macao.
Isabella Robertson, Kelly, Lyra-
F. J. de Paira J. A. Dutran
AMERIDAN AT Whampoa and Madao. ARRIVED.- December 9, General Wood, from Coquette, (Am) Prescoli, Hongkong and Singapore.
VESELS PASSED TELLICH BRY. November 22, Mor, from China, 1st October to Bombay; 29, Good Buccess, from Hongkong and Singapore to ditto.
BATAVIA SHIPPING. ARRIVER-December 13, Cohola, from Manila and China; 14, Pielades, from Macao,199th Nov. PENANG CHIPPING. ARRIVED,-December 11, Huanah, from Amoy and Singapore; 27, Prince Albert, from China and ditto: 23, Sophia Fraser, from dicio and die 29. 1. M. ships Agincourt. Dedalus. Hazard, and Wolverene, from Singapore; 31, Pantaloon, from China and Singapore.
Bate-December 18, Lousin to Arracao; 19, Thomas Perkins to Singapore and Chion; 22, P. Albart to Bombay.
ARRIYRD.December 18, Prince Albert, from Macao, 9th instant; 19, Sir W. Wallace, from Amoy, and ditto; H. M. ab?pe Agincourt, Diedalus, and Wolverene, from Hongkong, 9th dino; 20, fodia, fru dito, 10th dito; Pantaloon. from A 9th ditto; 21, H. C.'s steamer Nemotis, from Hong kong, Bhun; 25, Thomat Perkins, from Penang 20th din; 28. Lady Nugent, from Whampoa, 29th dilo; Indiana, from Macao, 19th ditto; Sea- liby Castle, from Hongkong, 20th dino; 90. Brig. and, from Macao, 20th dino; 31, Tyrone, from Amoy, 20th digo. January 2. Therese, from Hong- bong, 25th Doc.; 6; H. M. brig Espiegls, from do,
Baizao.-Docember 19, Prince Albert, to Bom
23, Braganza, (8-ship) Mundy, Ceylon, left Challo29th di
on the 31st December, at 87. m.; Prong 9th Jany, at 7 W.; and Singapore 19th | by: 20, Bopbie Freer, to Penang; 22, H.M. ships Agincout, Dedalus, Hazard, and Wolvereno, to ditto; 27, India, to Cork; 98, 'Thomas Perkins, to Amoy; 24. H. C. Sur, Nemesis, to Penang ; 28, Pantaloon, to dito; 99, Lady Nngent, to Bombay; 30, William Mitchell, to Lombock, January 2, Johns, to Whampoa; King Heary, to Osleutia; ladinon, to Penang : 8, Mermaid, to Bombay; 4, Guess, in Calenta; 5, Scaleby Castle, to Bombay! Brigand, to Poong; 12, E. M. brig Espiegle, to Hongkong.
23, Ann Balor, Blaughter, Bydney.
24, Viscount Sandan," White," Whampo
24, Apolline, Thomas, Whampoa
24, Mariposa, (Am) Spaulding, Manik. 24, Juglewood, Bmith, Bombay. 25, Ylocano, (8p ( Rionda, Macza, 2, Vancouver, Fuller, Boston,
Per William Jarding-Mrs Smithers & family. Per Sommer Braganza, from Engand, Liens Col Cooper, Lieut. Heymen, Mera Moul, 31 chell, Lyall, Woodrow, 3. Mitcell, R. N., De Silva, Maitland, and King, Mrs Seare and Child; from Gibraltar, Lieut. Gil, (Spanish Agent,) Bettor Tar.
European erant, and Capt. Quarteron; from Suez, Padre Richella and Fermier, (2nd Class;) from Ceylon, is Johnston; from Bings pore, Bir Russell."
23, Auder, Bollivan, East Coast.
25, Lancaster, Hullin. London,
25, Onquelta, (Am.) Prescott, Whampoa,
28, Viroun adon, White, London,
?6, polling, Themes,
The agricultural interests of the Union con sinue in flourishing condition. The crops of all Binds of grain are enormous; and large ship-28, ments making to England. The Cotton crop also exceeds that of any previous year.
Grauf Van Hogendop. (Dot.) Steel, Whampoa
26, Gasolis, Anderson, East Coast,
[26, Zephyr, Machziana, Cumaingmoon.
biglewood, Smith, Whampoa. Join Corina Denham, Bingapore. Mecano, (8p.) Rionda, Manila.
? The Andar, saw the Buckinnan, on the morning of the 5th instant, at anchor nout Gotzlaff at the mouth of the Yang-uzo keang, and the Coquette, same evening neur Rugged Ishida.
On the 18th, at 11.10. 1, passed a Ptock awah which was made in Lat.37. N, and Long. by Chronometer 129.20.80 E.
The Wiliam Jardine, spoke brig Calder, from Liverpool to Hongkong, out 130 days, in the Pet's passage.
? MANILA SHIPPING. ARRIVED- December 1, Allsta, from Hongkong; Water Witch, from Amoy; 4, Gitana, from Shang. hai; Moutgomery, from Macao; 18, Viscaine, from Hongkong; 30, Eliza Ann, from Bydney. Jan. 1, Munford, from Hongkong.
BAILED.-December 8, Cleopat, to Hongkong; 15, Yloso, to Macao; 17, San Benito, to delto
VESSELS PASSED ANJER. November 24, Ellon, from China, 3rd Nov. to Glasgow; co, Jhon Bibby, from ditte, 7th ditto lo Loodon. December 1, Surge, from China, 23rd Oct to London; Sappho, from ditto, 9th Nov, to do.; Valore, from dito, 29th Oct. 10 dilo; 5, Joe paino, from dino, 15th Nov, to do; Mary Banne Lyne, from ditto, 15th ditto to ditto; Aberfoyle, from dito, 11th distojo Loith; 13, Daniel Watson, from ditto. 15th ditto to Sydney; 15, Amilla, from disso, 25th dio to London; 11, Alfred, from disto, 6ab Deo. to Sydacy.
VESLA IN Victoria HarbouM.
H. M. 8. Vestal, Captain Talbot,
H. M. 8. Vulture, Captain Macdougal
H-C. Br. Phate, Lieut. Airy,
H. M. Tr. B. Alligator, Mastar Commanding King.
H. M. 8. Minden, Sad Master in chargu Onnor,
Hospital and Store Bhip. Bates, Slanghter, Anglona, Marvin,
Anonymo, Thomas,
Bragard, (St.ship) Mundy. Bomatjes Hormujes, Coutes, Corsair, Soames, Fort William Inglewood, Smith,
Joven Carina, Dinham, John Barry, Buwait, Kelpie, Bollemy,
The capitulation of Monterey 4a frontier sown in Mexico) after so obstinato defence of shree days, occupies a large portion of the pa pers. As usual, the Amenean troops behaved well, and the defence made by the Mexicans has established their reputation for courage, a qualification in which we fever thought them deficient. I may be questioned whether Go- neral Taylor has gained any thing in the cap- Sure of Monterey. By the torms of capitula
, the Mexican troops, in number close upon 1,000 were allowed to march out with their arms and Geki astillery, under a salute from the gans of the fort. I was expected that they would form a junction with Santa Anna's army at the pan of Bantilla within a few days march of Monterey. The Mexican General would then be as the head of 90,000 men, and would? be able to check the progress of General Tay for will be received reinforcements. General Taylor object may hare been to pocure strong hold where he would garrison hea army
Sa: 16, John Chrinial; 25, Patriot King. No-Spe. Cola, until in a coudition to arrange, which he cer
inly was not in with 6,000 men and a defecmouth November 14, Humayoon From Newport vember 4, Grindlay, all for Hongkong. From Part tive commissariat. The distance, between the November 16, Achille Prom the Downs, Nov. sity of Mexico and Monterey is about 1,000 23, Carla Eden, for Honghong; e Ceybo and miles, to accomplish which an army would re. Hongkong, November 8, Romeo Sibella. quire to be well appointedia baggage wagons, From the Clyde, October 1 Liverpool fog Manila stores acc. even if they did not require t? “ght and Hungkong. their way, and in this the American army is
ARRIVED From China, October 12, Earl Powis, Wanderer, Mopareb, Gravemod; 12 Prince of Waterloo, Liverpool; 17"Ramah, Dublin; 24, Queen, Downs; 27, Symmary, dine November 6, Jere mind Garnet, Liverpool; 9. Hebrides, Bun; 18, Sir Charles Forbes, Cows.
Bat-From Liverpool, Cober 15, General
Loading at London, — Queen, Wanderer, Mo Uk, Symmetry. At Liverpool, Chatham, Siaa
Zacar, [Am.] Milor, London, Gibson,
Brooklyn. (Am) Richardson, Cayuga, Barback,
Russell and Co Russell and Co Russell and Co Welmore and Co Russell and Co J. M. Balt
Enzo Ams, (Am) Chorver, Eagle, (Am)- Grafton. Abbott,
Nye Parkin and Co Horatio, (Am.) Crocker,
Russell and C Aidas, (Am.) Johnson, Mary Ellen, (Am.) Dearborn, A. Heard and Co Wadrida, (Am.) Clarkson, Nyo, Parkin and C?
SMITH & BRIMELOW have on head and for
Sale superior Navy Bread; a few Chain Cables and Crab Winch; Arrack of the first quality: Europe Rope and Blocks; Reguita Shirts and
Queen's Road, Vistoria, ?
26th January, 1947.
Cape, &c., o., dr.
THE undersigned being about in leave the blend. BTOCKAR to pay their accounts on presentation-all requests all parties indebted to Wezen &
outstanding at the next Betion of the Court of Se mary Jurisdiction, he will be required to ane for— and all pertime indebted De R. P. WELCH, Maly departed for England, are desired to settle with the padareignal, he being empowered to adjust his de
Victoria, 28th Juniry 1847.
POR SALE at the Storen of the undersigned:
FOR of Stormers
Fresh Salmon and Green Peas in tine. Wiltshire Bacon in email packages
Bas's Pale Ale in 3 Dem coses, just arrived ax William Jardine.
SMITH & BRIMELOW. Woosnam's Building, Quera's Road, 25th January 1847 }
T MACEWEN & Co.% this Day at 1 o'clock
A quality of Brown Sugar.
of HughesEffervescing?allu nad Tar trate of Soda i bolile.
Dex of Bealing was, Porcelain Ornament,
■ Panoramic View of Caston &o., Betts of Brom Fire Irone.
Cologne Water, Chutney, fancy Bop, Crockery ware, Furniture, Lamps, Winter Clothing, do,&t. TEENS OF SALE--Cash on delivery. Queen's Road, 27th January 1847,
Meeting of the Member of the Howoxeno A CLUB is requested at the Club House at 4 P.. on Saturday the 30 Instant, in accordance with Rule XXXVI.
By order of the Gmers) Committee,
F. SPR?NO, Secretary.
Club House, Hongkong, 20th January 1847.***
TUST received ex Bragunsa:—
Pigured Satin dresses of the prevailing color. Froach gauze Scarf and Fichots Ladies White and Black Paris Sarin Sheen.
Electro-plated Inkstande, Spirit-lamps, Chamber Candisticke &c.
Bugar Bating and Butter Pots in while and com lored Chrystal: Light screens, Fancy lamps, Cigar stands do. &o,
Drinker & Hoyl
? J. Matheson and Co J. A. Olding 3. Matheson and Co Franklyn and Mike
And so involes of Calf and Solo Leather. For J. A. Olding sale by, Jamison, How and Ca Franklyn and Milne Dent and Co Bellamy
Horiposa, (Am ) Spraiding, Mary Sevirkrop,
Masipa, Jauncey, Petra McNally,
Tamar, Hall, Sri Singapura, Therington, Nell, Vancouger, (Am) Fuller, Victory, Surth, Ware, Hackett,
William Jordina, Small, Young Hebe, McQuin, Ylocano, (Sp.) Bionda
Olyphant and co
Dens and Co
R. Duus and Co
Rawle, Duns and Co
J. Matheson and Co
Climan and Co.
9th November 1846.
Opposite the Commitmesint, Queen's Rood. variety of new Bachllery at redused prices, Amy--
Snaffle heade and Reins....from #tj en, to #2) en.
Bradoon, & Swaff Bridles,
Superior Weymouth un
Girths, white & colored. Stirrup Leather......*
TEST RACEIVED ex Alex and for Sale at the Commuter,
JStores of the undersigned.
A lot of prime Cumberland and York Harns, a choice selection of preserved Soups and Meats, 8i- Hurripani,..
cilian Wine of the finest quality, &c No.
130 ...
20 (very superior 150 18
" 100
Redongure,.. 90 Rangper... Baalipere,
Victoria, 4th Janamry 1847. BILLS OF LADING FOR THE OVERLAND Burd
on sale at this office, four forms of bile of bad. The......
ing for goods of specie shipped by the P. & O.
CHINA. Company's Steam packets for goods deliver. able at London; 2nd for goods deliverable at Tatler Southampton: 3rd for goods deliverable al Suez; 4th for goods deliverable at intermedlate ports De
They are printed alier the Company's forins on Bank peal.
Online "Friend of China"}
25th October, 1845.
[very superior 14s a 10%
De Yuan fa. LI O Tays.... 10 6 reel, 100 IAN....... Chin thou Tuah.......
on the 1st feat.
DELIVERD diag the portion?. Month.”
.... $779..
CHIPPING ARTICLES, according to the re-
cest ant (Victoria 7 & 8) for sale at this office Bangal, 6373 Bales. 173. Gales.
Office "Friend of China,” Vietoria, 10th October, 1845.
[INGOISTS Baronto and Nawy BILLS for sale
at this Office Office Friend of Chi?u, 29th Deo, 1944.
FOR SALE chaque bo of this paper.
Compradores cheque books. Ships Articles, with an abstract of the merobant scoman's act endorsed on the back.
Powers of Attorbay, after forma by Chitty. Charterparties, after forms by Chilly. Bill of Lading.
Chinam Turtif of imports, and suports, for counting houses.
(From Carlisla, Capd, 4 Co's Tsa Circular.) 1, DUNITHE COURT, MINO?NG LAND,
London, 21st November, 1848.
A considerable improvement has at length taken place in the tone of the Ten market, and during the last few weeks speculative purchase have been effected in common Congues, comprising all those ostering under 16d per lb., and it is probable these operations would have reached a large extent bud Holders been willing to realins at market rater ; but as the stock in mot vory large, and only a small portion of it in the bands of the Trade, the Im. porters have held firmly, and, in many instances, Wabdraws their common Tea from the market, under the impression that higher prices must be given to meet the large currunt demand. This view has provod in be well founded, an advance of id to ad per lb having been established in common Congous, the demand for which-?as been very ani- mated during the last fawr, woeks Looking at the present retu? prices of Ten, we think there is no ressen to apprehend that the purchases of the Trade
*. LES
real vales, mare intending to complete the purchase, at to
(by taking ommediate measure, na pur di wa theatrumph Erpm in hemoms known that a chest of upcom is no wanth Co's Rs. 1,30 933, to which ammzot the ballenge re- nebad without clang. It was obtaly competent let the merit of the seller prascal in the town b? declare bonell sau 4 | with the phos uered, and to order the 1st to be knocked down,when it mached even twice or three times the know market peien. Un? thin ten done, it would at one? kave tested the validity of the biddings, and as nobody could have han injured, no claim auki lave seen made on the Qu verment for redress.
By the plan presund, on the contrary, by the om-inter. frome, which the legal adviser of the C vernment has ra. commended, it is evident that not a chest of the Company's Opium can be sold after the 19th July 31, the
fer themes of the demon, without the permision of alt the dirty Delalle of the bazar (f the conditions of the safe ware on Monday so binding open government to render Teaterference unlawful, it is obvious that the same illegality
be to sy aala advertised under the name cunktions, Gequendy any two then may attoed each sale, and by hid?ing without limit, till the day clones, or ull the officers | sa duty are tend out, any prevent a solo cakine plass.
It is undergoud that the trick, aguiam which the govern zato was warned, and by which it has nevertheless sugared
Lby. imelf and its agents to be mulcified, was david merely to g over the day, the great gambling having been for the sala of the 30th November. It may be doubted whether the par- er have yet carried their polar, an the sale of Seth Novent berhasil to be bold, having h?nn postponed, so that it may ba necesary to resort to the same trick onos more. But supposing this object attained, the plan of operation, hasag declare valid by the lawyern, what in to hinder the Malwa? dicere from carrying it on throngbout the eatson, and prel ing any sale of the Company's opium till next Jely, in the meantime saying their own to the market, and raping dia profit of an exclusive trade for the nine curing monde The maga?ade of the mischief would probably indaga the government to be a little long foarfal of responsibility thera
May were on Monday. Dall day are very chat we will surest to chees to sell their oplam by what is called a Dulch sosion, which, besides onmiinental unge, has the
Chiua... TOOL.. Persian......
Yesterday witnessed the enactment of a proad Farco si ibe Exchange Hall. The Government anla of 2,105 chests of Op?am was announced to take place. Kattivo gumbling Usanctions existed, depending upon the inson of the day's malo, and it was understood previous to the commencement of the biddings that certain speculature had resolved to make high roago by buying up overy lot at a price above he Corfeit the depoelt required by Government to be wide by sach bidder when the let in knocked down to him. On the other head the parties who would have been loners by thin fesidens averagy were determined that no sale should be, respectable sudority of the Commissioner of Har Mejemeti made: their contract being as a specided price to deliver a Navy in in favour; shans gentlemen, so long as thier official certain number of chess of the ?piem weld | yesterday's | szistanos lasted, always sold off the old ships of the British ania, they would be free of their bargalo if they could prevent Best in that manner. The biddings are downwards, und sach from taking place at all. Approbeculate wor whoever free cries mine, the purchaser. The weald be entertained that they might endeavour to educt their object by eflectual, but a mill bewer muchod would be to take overage, creating a riot, and a large forces of Polien ware marched to and whenever a conspiracy, against the poble interests in thespeto frustrach an attempt. Observing these pro. alearterly made eat, so kick the conspirators relansieely paratione they resorted to weather plan. The biddings wer
sway without four of the commeques. In this sale is was opened at eleven o'clock, when a lot of fes chosen iran pal
understood that the Middags would have gone up in dear p. For this lot the biddings coosaund during the whole two thousand rupsen, and that wouldky porcian were prepared day, price being run up to 1,80,935 Re. per chant, when with funds to pay down the whale amount if pub the auctioneer was obliged to declare the business of the day lic revenus has lost s? lazat five hungrad repone a chest, or ut an vnd, not a single lot having been knocked dents. Chi | about eight lakhe upon the Patas Optam, on the mla, by the vernment having bed ample warning that suam machamps
Government ambiting to the trick instead of putting it down the instant it was apparent-Calcutta Englishman,
would be made to render the whole day's promedings stil sbd void, would, wer ink, bare been justded in deas?ng | December 9. the plan, which they might osady have done by requing a deposit of a conicheuble por casings, say 95 per cent on ike price, and of a small hoved deposit, ujen sach chant,
mi, sol romeving to themasives the right of accepting any bid above
? carina. By the latter expedient they would have had the power in pat a stop to a vanduta ascossion of a manifestly
her bags and by the former they would head theng Gone dide purekiant.-—Caletta er
The form of the Opium Sale played at Exchange yananday, and which was in course of performanes when we made up our deek dempotets, was cursed on wout desk, when the Auctioneer declared he could prowed no lengar, and the proceedings were proclaimed to be at an and for the day. The highest bid then recorded for the fast lot was da. 1,58,
366 par cham1 Nothing read on behalf of
will be in any degren curtailed by the advance to when the Opium would be put up again. Out of these prosandings arise ?n goodly prospect for the gandament of the which has taken place, nor do we think that this long be. We bare tumours of indictment for conspira- would be the case under a further advanes. When add angel combinations, with sundry warned stromam, ?ther or not such advance will the place most do. sa te whether ? no sala * qu? be confirmed into ? the find pend mainly on the secounts the coming Mail may mls," is appassing that the great majority of the matrace for delivery of the drug worn bound upon the average of the give of the progress of shipments and the probable Art le Hare is lined Beld for the Lawyer's clay Curse of business in Chine, added to the impresegel Harlara, December 1. sione which may prevail as to the prospects of a reduction of Daty.
We bear that the rails of the Opium male, on Monday, led Government to the determination of making the a?- nosptamos of biddinge beyond a certain ligure discentionary winds thermalean-Calcutta Bar, Desember 1
We brow free the Bombay Gentleman's Gazelle another ericia on Opium rambling. The noses which on oured on Monday at the Exchange, as described by me resterday, will perhapet she a?antion of many to the subject, who
In the useful descriptions of Congue from Itd to In 34 por Ib, a heakby demand has existed throngh- out the month, but prices show no materjal altera- Mon. The finer sorts have also been in improved demand, the heav? stock of this class being_now materially reduced, and the transactions of the month show an advance of Id to 21 per lb from the lowest point, Plaio Capers and Orange Pokposld otherwise never beve girse it a thought. It was par have at length recovered from the extreme depros. sion experienced for some timo past, and are now mleable at an advance of fully id per lh. Good and fine Boated Orange Pekoes bare also met with a better demand. Other black Teas remain much
as before.
The market for Green Tea bus not participated in the improvement noted for Black. Common Twankaye continus almost umsakable, and as the prosent prices of Young Hysons will prevent their being taken for Home Consumption, it is to be feared that they will continue depressed, unless the low prices should induce speculation in antici- pation of the Spring demann for Canada. Common Young Hysons continue to be taken freely, and although the stock is very large, the statistical re turne show so great an increase of consumption na to ensure a continued good market for them. The finest sorts of this as well as of all other Green To continue to command a ready male, whilst the commoner descriptions have been comparative ly neglected. In common Hysous very little busi- meas has been done, and prices must be quoted to per lb lower. In Gampowders a fair extent of business has been done, but Imperials continue much depressed, and rather lower prices have been accepted. The Canton kinds of both are very henry
?ZZIVALI. London ---The Quzon, Symmetry, and Hebrides. Liverpool—The Jermiah Gari?t Dublin-The Sarak.
London, 19th November, 1845, The total quantity of Bilk offered at the Public Bales jost concluded was 2350 Balas Bengal, 8400 Balos China, and 180 Belen Parvina Silk.”
(From da Bombay Times, December 10-J
WEDNE-DAY, DECEMBER 10, 1845. The following remarks from tho Telegraph of yesterday, refer to a motion which appeared in the advertising column of our Overland Summary, oo the subject of the late opium male at Calcutta:—
"We give prominent sertion, in our editorial columns, to the subjoined important communication in reference to the Caloutta Opium Bolo-
To the Editor of the Rombay Telegraph. Sm-The following is a Copy of the Final Protest addressed by the Would-be-Monopolist party to the Oplam Secretary and the Auctioneers, on she 30th skima, against fetitions and frandulent birdinge, for the purpees of preventing a sale being allowed by Government.
meresd assumpte-all,
We bebeve the authorlama could only resurt to the remily they hof themel ves prescribed in the anne advertirement, -nunely, that of punishing the b?lders by making them for foit Ra. 2,00 per chest on the win put ups lost not sold. Er would be just as reasonable to talk of indieting Luckhoeckund and Air confederates for conspiracy, as of purasing thist course with respect. in the Agents of the Bombay Hpbeulstars. Ther reader will note how amusingly the offer of it. 1,800 per chest is made by Messrs. Onwald, Seal daki-gen, and Matty All Beat It in inserted in and Co., Macintyre and Co. Fuckmer-chun) Ka+
form of a Postarript, just as if the idea huoc- curred to the writers unexpectedly, and was an afterthought altogether. Cunning dogs! Did they think Government would not so through th? most transparent dofge! Trying first to fit the Openin Board with the strict performance of the teria of the Advertisanat, which boond. Goverginant lo sell the Opiom by curtion; and then eyleavouring to entrap Mr Turrens into disponing of the drag by private cominvet, ?n direct oppositing to that advertisement. How particularly knowing! Wo do not know precisely the sort of answers that was returned to the epistle, bat from the rejection of the offer contained in the Postscript, and the subie quent announcement of another sale, under new onditions, we apprehend that clovernment was not frightened imo inaking any very important con coeloos. The whole affair, from beginning to en), In a most diverting farce-aldeas to everybaly but the performers!"
THE BOMBAY MARKET. [From the Chamber of Commerce Overland
Price Current BowNAT, December 15th, 1846.-The duine which prevailed in our Import Market at the close of our last issue, has continued unabated throughout the fortnight-The uncontainty as to the result of the Calcutta Opin aile, which then interrupted all legitimate businem, can scarcely yet he said to be removed. The angexol cxtract from the Cal- cutta Star of December kat, will shew the nature of the measures adeptal by the "sellare for account" in the Operm time bargains, to defeat the operations of their opponents and arrest the progress of the Government Sela. How far, however, the succes of their pho may accomplish the object comem plate, and be legally sufficient to quish the time- bargains lo which they wore inmirad, seems to be small difficulty, atal which may give rise to litiga- a matter of doubl., involving legal questions of no
tion between the parties interested. Whilst, how. over, there is still sufficient uncertainty existing in respect to three malers to keep up in some messure the prevailing distrust, and divert merchants from their usual and legitimate dealings, a respite at all events has by the events in Calcutta boen olsainol, and the impending serious consequences which we before wrote gf, se exciting much anxiety through for a time avered. The account of those grents out our nativa inercanulo community, have boen
having however only roached a few days ago, there has yet not bass aufficient time for the excite ment connected with them to subside, and chiefly therefore in consequence of them, thero bas during this an in last fortnight, bean but little business do-
Grom this document it would appear that not Bamalle Agame alme, but the principal Babos, ing in importal goods.
well as the highly respectable Firm of Mus Macintyre and Co., of Caleutia, are interested in the game of the Mottoor Shro
1 Det. 1840. Yours very truly, CRISIS.
To H. Tonnen Esq., Becretary to the Board of Optum, and Manara McKawan, ?tall & Co.
Bis-We do hereby, on behalf of ourselves and ether Furtiss, dama de bidders at the sale of Opium of this day, and who have also entered into cogs. gements dependent on the rasuk of that ante, give inly a bold and original idea of the pasthe conserved te
you notice that we will hold you respectively, as pervene che sale frose taking place by cremuring the whold || well as the Gort, Heble for all damages and losses day lo biddings far om lot, which, of course, neither of the sustained by your permiuing parties to continue been so well carried out, that they have saped are the ravening any sale this day: bilder had the lead insertion of buying. Their scheme has
Motition and fraudulent biddings for the purpose deppleant on that world have been compared were mosd aos point out to you that by the term shinani which the gamblero kad nu ecale; for the lot a
of the advertisement you are bound to put up and having no knocked down, the deponit ebuld not be claimes. This is one of show experimenta, however, that can only
recosed once, and which, thatch it may have moved i sell all the lots of Opium in your advertisement of authors from rain, will losthably lead to some new raine 'aale; and that you are bound to take the necesary repeating the Optum sinn, that the trickson in the trade, stope to frustrate any conspiracy to stop the sale will have sem, to wjoice at ; und which, however ne. by preposterous and absurd biddings.
We request you will register the nation of the the fair dealere in the drag
shui onamed t faros as
essary, will not perhaps book convenient to sof
the Exchange a Monday, oan never he passed be per parties bidding, that they may be indicted for a formed again, The Government tik norite iner to be: conspiracy.
no playe? the fool with What mightiese will be made we candy but we apprehend it will not be difficult to fruene such an will ediscountly prevent another veldig like that we hav been rising. Ai no sala, took place, we noncetro that
it is quite competent to the Coverigens to order that the one which was so take place on Monday should be bald to morrow if they plenen, under wich rules as they may deem requisite to guard them against the repetition of such him
bug skal pencdeed on the former day, and to protect the krimen of the fair trader.
Wear, de
(88.) OSWALD, SEAL & Co.
(In Guzarattee Character,) (Bd) LUCKMECHUND RADAKIBSON,
currant vulos:—
BASTERN PRODUCE Codon-During the past fortnight purcheses to the extent of about 8,000 balas have been made, and an increased activity bas bean exhibited in our market for this staplo. Prices have slightly ad- vanced, and the following may now be taken as the
Brosali and Jucabooser Rs. 81 at 83 per canly.
78174 Dullera
do. Surat
841 at 85 do. do. Compta (old)
(72) na 73 Coffee-We hour of sales having had effect in Mocha at Rr. 7-2 anima per mound. Our former quotations remain unchinged.
Opism.—Arrivals of the new crop will continue,
but to sales have inkon place, hojdara saking ku- peas 4,150 at 1,175 per chest, whilst offers do not exceed Rupeos 1,100.
Wool.We hear of a few purchases have benis made at former rates.
PERSONTS. Freights.-To Great Britain may still be quoted at C4, and to Chane from Rs, t0 si 12 por candy. MONET KAREE?. Money Market-Pho distrust prevailing in coc nection with the Opium spoculatioha has continued to limit discoura and other transactions of the
native community, and whist money is at prewend by no means scarce there can be little doubt that were this removed, most of what is available would be fully employed in the regular wale of our mar- Be the above was written, wo buvo bene? Unt the Op?on P.&-We are prepared to offer, and hereby kat. Ebecriptions to the 5 per cent Loan are - will again be per up for under new condition of offer, Eighteen Hundred Rupes per Chest for the derstood to have beandliberal, the latest quotatione coda Mooday Bart. We have kino kurd & seport that, whole of the Paton Opium advertised for to die's giving about 80 Lakho as the mount already out- certain weakly sz?mos, pasident in Calosita, hava pfied mile, vis. Thirteen hundred and Ninoty Chests,scribed The paper of this par cent. Long has December Ba. 1200 per chant in the whole banakow Bengal Harings and barewith tender the Decesary deposit of Two somewhat improved in value, and, as will be seen
curities there is little change, with the exception of
We resurday mandowed our intantion of mying aw Hundred Rupees per Chost, for the whole of these by our quotations, it is considerably higher in pro words more we to the fire opfum sale of the mesen, which lots, and, if required, to give Security for the pay-portic than that of the 5 per cent. In other se- kad much an alarming appearanes at isa sommnenorment, and ? ment of the whole purchase money. ||ended a ridiendomly." A stranger arriving in Caloutis on blonday morning might have thought that the government |was apprehem?ve of a robe Dion. Armand polioscoon pa?TU unded the Bechlingos partime were posted in the Cathedral
yard, and in other palekber Limbs to Coppert thom
In front, and it w?o c
all the troops
[the Fort_were ordered af be in rondlagen to march to the recse of the members of the Opiner Board and of their lade- fatigable Secretary. Abeedidos of exoitures them underbi There was a good attendance of Buyers, and fair
odly war; all the ding brokers of the bear was mumbled bidding for the Bengal Bilk of current quality in and show the chops, and it might perhaps kavo re- quantity solid–1000 Balan at about previous prices. quived half a daman most censtahlan di keep dem in seder bed they been clownes but off the meat of the foren wat sheo- For the China Bilk there was little bidding, bat Towly drowa sway, for thigh an armed, ?nglou i lecced the 200 to 1000 Bales bare been sold—prices gonerally | Ramas oru vazn these five race to stop the land. 11.-under those of Jity, except for best quality, | dings of a Bengulas bromur,
of which the quantity was roty sonil, and all
(8d.) 08WALD, BEAL. & Co.
(la Guzeratie Character,) (84) LOCKMECHUND RADAKISSON.
*The above 'protest' is of ? piece with the entire proceedings. The serio.comic tie of indignation
a slight decline in Banle Shares,
per cent Loan of 1825-26′ Rs. 100? 4.Do. do 1932.83
? Do. do. 1835-88
5 Do, 4 Do.
do. 1941-45
991 A do. 1842-43
88 @ 90 Exchange-Cominum at So. Ofi, at 2,088. We have heard of a transaction during the week
at 25-jd, but no hills are to be procured at this rate now. A Governamentale of five lake on Calcutta aturmed by the subscribers appear most ridiculous, took place yesterday, averaging Rr. 97-13 for bella lediotment for conspiracy, indeed! Who were at 30 days sight, and further salon being anticipated the first conspirators The biddings, it is said, the rate on that place has declined. The quotations
The auction opened, and two man evidently placed there were 'Gotitions and Trandulomt, preposteroos sud of the day are as follow:-England, six montil bought in. The Persian Silk all bought in at 10s | for the puppen, bid sexiner park aber in the fan loc all | absurd, and Government is to be held accountable | right, 20]d at Se0fd. Calcutta, 60 days' sight,
day, advancing by the endliest biddings received by the sa
After this fucco Ind continued for somn? ?rni, u r6-
for permitting them to be male. But where is the Rs. 97. Chine, Rs. 210, nominal. flower.
Banks.-The following are the present rules of feration was made to the government, and it is uniemand | line of dietination to be drawn between a genuine that the epision of the Ad rooste Geoff was taken. Way) and a aperione—a m?ncious and a ponatical- | Bank Shares:— thefeninga wkle? merred that gentlemma's overuses si dhe | bidding? . Is an offer of its. 1,800 per cheat to be Bank of Bombay - Ra. 39 at 40 p. es press. Bt. Andrew's dinner in the evening, mivat have o?ulty lo-
considered fair and proper, while one of Rs. 3,000 Oriental Band, Old Shares, 24 confared with his judgment in the morning, for C?u n?vin?
Do. Do. New Do. giten, from whomsoever it came was, that no Interieremo coold legally the place, regard being hand to the published
le 10s 6d.
Marca and Co
Head Coffers, with Stult
Bmith and Brinelow
24 pair
Capthall Court, November 1874 1865- PRICE CURRENT BENDAL AND conn? BAW KILE.
DURANT & Co. Enoxan
BENGAL SUAL IMPORAR Bankah,... Bod C'mamersolty,
J. Matheson and Co. Bawle, Dous and Co Olyphant and Co Order Blaevisse and Co Blenkin, Rawson and Co
An amortment of Leather, consisting of Chumsis Harness, Pump, &c. &c., Horse Clothing, Sname and Care-Bit, faney Suitup Iron, Carb Chains, &e, &c.
NB-Repairs neatly and expe-litiously execr Navy and Army sukcesents made to order
Gemmell and Cated;
condition of the sale.
Now it appear to me that the object of holding an auction
in to sell the gooda, and that when a combinados uz dekni that object in to openly manifested no it was in the auction
le scouted se dishonest and 'lourd ? It is anid
that Governmondja bound to adhere to the terms of Agra Bank
its advertisement and this is perfectly true; bot Commercial the statement that it is likewise bound to take step
to frustrate what these gentlemen characterise us ! Sovereigns, cach
51 at 50 4jat 5 PRICE OF BULLION.
...Re. 11 30
Every superior 104 371 room on Monday, due can be no breses of the comitions conspiracy to stop the sale, rasiz obriously on the Bank of England Notes, per ?100
(From the Pinang, liazette, January 2)
With a very plentiful stock of staple imports, and a demand comparatively inactive, prices evince not the slightest tendency to improvement. On the con 'cary, prices during the past month have been reced- ing, and as compared with the state of our market about the beginning of the year, we notice an evi. dent decline of nearly 20 per cent. This fall in price is attributable to the very beavy continued im. ports into Singapure exceeding the declining do mand in that market, and the supplies that have been sent up here largely for sale within the pass six months. This has necessarily affected our car- kel very severely, as, independently of Bingapore, there is a brisk dirept trade from England at all sonuicient to meet the demand here. Bo long at stocks in China, as well as Singapore, continen so large as at present, a reaction from thence must be felt before any improvement beed be hoped for. We may soune that the prices of opium, ?n, nad rice have for some months been much lower in price here than in Singapore, thus including the Chinese (who in such cars are reckless in their trading) to lavest there in piece goods for the sake of instituting fole here for investment in thess articles of pro duon. The Jessie Mitchell, arrived on the 90tbuk.
from the Clyde, has added to our already heary supplies,
EASTERN IMPORTS. Grain--- A fresh import of Bengal Wheat would command our quotations. A email lot of Gram usu- sily makable.
Opium-Imports of benares pez Arratson Apear and we hear of alan 61 $580.
For the information of our mercantile readers wo suljoin a list of the several asles with quantities and dates of sale —
On or about 1844
Prin Beberts. 30th November-1620.................-715.................2885 18th December 1690......................715........2405
25th January..---1690.....................-716....................2405 Bath February.........1690--
22nd March............-- [@90-
19th April......................1690...
17th May...
14th June....
14h July .....................1685...................
9405 --2405
18,206 cha. 6,443 cha. 21,778 che
A very brisk business has been done during the past season in our staple astirles of produce. Un usually large shipments of Beteluut have gone for ward to Calcutta, thus employing considerable ton page for that market. There has recently been a fair amount of orders for Sugam for England, a por tion of which is swailing tonnage. ?n Tio also
for Hull, the Ocean Queen, Hants, and Felcom for London.
Arrack, Dataria-lo in great demand for local consumption and export and the Market aleared, Latest 88 per ball leaguer.
Alum,continues doil of sale and as supply may soon be expected by the Junke no improvement can be looked for.
Aniored Star.-No supplies and go?toducement in price to ship from Chin
Beca Waz-Bupplice limited; sold at 091 per picul
Fetelnut-Imports have been ususually small and the article to little inquiry.
Cloves.--In no demand ; nominal prica 021 p?r picul.
Cubede.-loquired for, Bupplies will command about $10 per picul.
Chine Root-Only saleable in small lots at about $225 per pical.
Camphor, China-?n no demand at rates asked by holders, vis:-$12 a 15 per picul—and no sales likely to take place until supplies arrive by the Junks from China.
Cassia.-No supplies; last sale at $109 par piepl Lofer-Small lots of Bugishave exchanged hands el B) a 6 and one of 800 picats of superior quality realized 803 ponpicul.
Cotton-An improvement in the demand may be expected on the arrival of the Junks from Chine.
Cotten Goode, Beagaland Madras Piece Goods: -The demand has been trifling and consumption declining. Madrus Mooress-neglected.
Bugis Sarungs-Arrivals and sales et quotations, | Ekwy, Ceylon.—lo demand and bolders asking higher rates.
Gembir?To leady demand at quotations. Gram-Market well supplied; sales of 400 bags at 11 per bag
Gandongs.-The imports during the month have been sold at $55 61 por pical.
Gold Dust, -Always in damond at about quots. tions for shipment to Calcutta,
Gui-Marke supplied and dull of sale. Gum Henjamin Continues in good inquiry for shipment to Europe and no supplies of suitable que |lity. Bales of common for the Coromandel Count at 6124 13 por picul Gas Copal-in no demand, Gutta Perche-Arrivals are freely purchased at #8 4 8 per picul.
mand $4 a 43 per picol
Hides, Buffalo-Arrival of good quality com. Mulher o Pearl Shells.-Noos offered for sales but supplies shortly expected from Soolas.
Mors & Nutmegs.-In some demand but very little of good quality offered for sale.
Oil-In good demand. Babes at 903 per pisal. Stock moderate,
Opium-lhe demand throughout the month has
Skips-Stores.-The market is overstocked with Canvas, Copper, Rope, Paint, &c., and difficult of Iron-Both English and Swedish is not much enquired for and considerable Stocks are in second hands although little in importers,
Sugar-Nothing doing is current quality and our quotations Domical.
ReThe lots arrived during the wook sold st 03-5-6 per picul unscrewed, and in demand.
Rice, Totally neglected.
Segure-to the auction of the 18th inst.-
Ria Mil Jao, were sold in lets of 250 mil si #850 .... 84 8-7.0 8.7.0
1.400 Mile.
150 Mil 440.
W. Chambers, C. M. M. Wright, G. G. Maedu. al, (1. I. P. White, J. W. Noble, El. M. E. Allen, W. Mackan. J. W. Morgan, W. W. Hornby.
To be Commanders.-Lieutenants E. Monday, G. Kennicott, J. T. Kuott, H. J. Jones, G. Butler, D. Welch, F. White, J. Bowie, W H. Brand, ), Harding, J. Stephen, ? Rawitorne, G. Caswell, WV. Critchell, Spong, W. Carr, W. V. Read, C.. Willot, G. Goldfinch, W. T. Griffiths, B. Franklin,
Dawes, W. Hamley, J. W. Finch, J. J. M'Dan nell, W. Howat, H. E. Wingrage, W. Hoses, E. E Oray, C. Hadaway, G. Harvey, W. O'Bryen Hoate, A. N. Fairman, C. Jenkin, W. M. 1, G. Pasco, J. B. West, W. Chambers, T. M. Rodney, C. H. Baker, W. G. Maude (B), H. Byng, (. Lerie, W. R. Monds, J. W. Tarleton, P. Holland, W. Reid, R. D. Fowler, J. H. Norcock, D. R.R Mapleton, G. Clore, W. Barrie, A. Heseltine, W. HL. Dobbie, A. Little, C. T. Campbell, H. 8. Haw her, J. J. B. E. Frere, G. G. Randolph, B. Curtis, H. A. Storey, C. J. Balfour, W. F. Burnell, F. E. Johnston, H. E. 8. Winthorpe, T. H. Christian, A. Cumming, O. P. Knott, G. Johnson, hoa., G. D. Keane, T. Carmichael, R. R. Quin, R. R. Westora, Sapanwood, scares and wanted.
E. M. Lyons, Lord A. W. Buclerk, H. H. King EXCHANGE ON ENGLAND.No transactions, and (B), R. . Smith, J. Willeaz, J. M. B. Ince, J. E. nominally at 44 54d for 6 months Bills Souse all Willoughby. amount have been sold at 4s 6d. ON CHINA Doton, P. Couch, J. 8. Darrell, G. A. P. Ridge, Mates to be Lieutenants.-O. Vesey, R. Bering. FRETONTS Not much disposition to sharter vs. R. H. H. Menda, T. A. Swinburne, O. M. C. Read,
7.3.3 7.3.4 7.40
eels is evinced by holders of Sugar. The Sunda is F. W. Gough, C. F. Des Veox, E. A. Percher, 9. the last vessel hid for England, and has taken Su. & Skipwich, W. J. 8. Pullen, G. M. Smill, A. G. gar al 24-10 and Hemp at C6 for 20 aws W. Mormy, T. T. Hamalez, E. H. G. Lambert, II. ibink ?4-5 a ?4-10, the quotations of the day.
Nelsou, W. H. Phipps, W.8winborn.
(From the London Mail, November 24)
The "Queen has been pleased to direel letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting unto Admiral Sir Davidge Gould, a.cs., the office or place of Vice Admiral of the United Kingdom of
Becond Masters to be Masters.-T. Arundal, G J. Gibbon, D. M'Donell Jegs, R. Road, J. W. By. monds, W. II. Crane, B. Sampeon, D. J. Loutrid, J. Stokes, H. Norway, F. J. Kent, T. J.Whillier, W. Bquire, R. T. Baunders, J. N. Willis, W. II. Williams, J. F. Beckett, J. Wallis, T. Edwards, 8. Spain.
Assistant-Burgeons to be Surgeons—L. D. Be- Britain and Ireland, and Lieutenant of the chanan, H. Haywood, T. Tait, 1. J. Acheson, J. B. Admiralty thereof, and aleo Lieutonsot of the Na-Davidson, W. Roberia, W. Crofton, J. T. Jenkins, vise and Boss of the United Kindom, in the room T. Cre #ford, D. Ritchie, B. Dalton, R. Anderson, of Admiral Ble George Martis, a.a., promoted to Dr E.!. Derriman, M.D., J. G: Risk, A Brown, J. the rank of Admiral of the Flest
H. Hara, J. G. Buchanan, D. Russell, Dr it. O'Hagao, mo, H. J. Domvilla,
The following is the table of complements of a going ship, sloops, a vessels, dc., issued by the Admiralty, Nov. 1. It is not to apply to those present in commission, but noly to such as may in Toturo be brought forward both offers and men are to be reduced in number; a Lient, loss in every veusel, except steamers and in three-decked ships,
? reduction of about fifty man. All steaners are trimmers; the boys, both first and second clase, to to have fewer seamen, but more stokers and coel continues before; also the marines. The oumber of Lieute, to be as follows, via :-First-rates to bare 7 instead of 8. Second-rates to have 5 in-
Clerks to be Paymasters and Pursors.-W. Me- redith, C.J.J Brown, E. D. Bach, W. F. Mistorie, C. H. Elkins, H. K. Conquer, J. B. Lay, F. GIL bert, W. B. Pearce, H. B. Hooper, Q. 8. Giles, J. E. Astay, W. Wiles, J. P. P. Cole, Q. Ramsden, W. Ancell, A. Nash, B. Fisher, T. b. Ramage, J.
T. Pidcock.
Her Majesty has been graciously pleased to ap point the six Offers undernamed to his naval Aides-
de-Camp to Her Majesty :-
Cupts. M. E. F. Berkeley, on; bon. G. A. Crof ton: sir G. Sartorius; A. Fanshawe, ca. ;.Lord
there has been gress activity for the European mar. been restricted to the immediote wants of Native stead of 7, but on three decks to bear 7 Lieam, 3. Hey, and sir G. A. Westphal, vice capta. II. ket, and in other articles of penduos t??r? kavo besa raders. No Patna for sale. Benares-ruled from 22 Mates and Midshipmen, and 6 Naval Cadets. Hope, an; sir S. J.B Pochvell, C.; P. Hornby,
Third-raten to have 5 instead of 6
transaction for the American market.
$610016 until the receipt of the result of the first
lo whenabout 18 chests were sold at $435.
Fourth-rates to have 5 as before. Fl?b-rate to have ? instead
Lients, hotend of three.
Fletchou.-There have been arrival during the
The Dide and Araton Apene atrived on the 5 let of 5. Sixth-rates to have 3 instead of 4. Be past week to extent about 4,000 pleuls; but pur-limo with about 150 chests of the New Drag moet of four entus-vin, 300,2000,240, and 106 man, chasers are disinclined to give the prices asked, by all Bonares and the Market was opened by the to have three Lieute, i those of 160, and 150 man owing to a decline in the Calcutie market, consele of 10 chote at 9650—cash; since when nothing to have but two. Bloope of Eve rates-viz, 146, quent upon henry imports from thing which may be has been done but several holders are willing to sell 180, 135, 120, and 30 min each, to bear but two estimated at fully 90,000 picula for the season-as
at 8000 in quantity. There is soureely any de unusually large qunmity for that quarter. There
mand for the Bengal or Turkey Drug and the grant used to be large exports to China, but this reason part of the above will no doubt go on to China by not over 4,000 picule have gone forward to that the Ceylon Steamer. Malwi without inquiry, market Advices from Bengal quote the article st Eupets, with the uncertainty of even 31 rupees beceived, vis:- ing hoped for, if subsequent imports.
Pepper. Mach-We name Delli #33 and West Coast 83-90 a 4 per picul. We hear of purchases going forward on American account.
Sugar-During the present year 5 vessels have Ihaded for England, and there is sufficient et pro- sent in the market to load 2 romels, there being about 500 tons ready for shipment. The opening up of Sugar lande is brisky advancing in the Pro- vince, as well on the Island.
Spike-Berope quality-Nutmega and Mince- in good demand at our quotations. The coop of Chees promises to be a full one this season. The produce of the island is rapidly increasing.
Tis-Keeps up from demand for Europe, for which destination thats have been large orders in the place, and imports readily bought up at quota tions. The arrivals during the past month, how- ever, have been scanty.
A considerable quantity of oorgo is walking ship ment to London. The Borneo the next expected ella from England. We learn that the Hanis from London, intended for this pon, has arrived in Singapore, 10th ult, and propose landing from thenco for England. There is lule freight in the place for any of the Indian porta, The American ship Three Brothers is loading for America and the Ama Maria has left for Batavia in quest of prodor.
(From the Overland Singapore Free Press,
January 9.
Stwoarana, sik January 1847, Since the departure of the lau Mail the arrival from Great Brimin have been the Vesum Queen from Aberdeen, the lais from J?lerpool, the Tue. can from London, the Falcon Com Hartlepool, and abe Arun from Glasgow.
The Market generally has been very dull during the part Mooth, which is usual at th's aesson of the yens, but particularly observable in the restricted mectina in Collon and Woollen Manufactures, the stocks of which continue exceedingly busy in Importers hands and without any prospect of being early diminished. The Bugis tradere having now miled without purchasing to the extent anticipated se improvemeal can be expected until the arrival
of the Junks from China.
Oo England. The transactions reported have been on a limited scale but on the arrival of the China Mail some activity may b8 expected. Navy Bills
have been sold at 4a dd. 6 Month? sight at 4? 5d and a few at 4s Bjd.
On Calestia. The Treasury is open for Bills on
the Supremo Government at 22L.
On China-At per cent discount.
On Bombay & Madras,— No sales to report.
The following vessels are loading—the Giles
Captain-J. P. Hoopel. Borgaon-E. H. Cres. Aniolant-Burgman--W, H. Comeron
Admiralty, Nov. 9.
Car F. A. Collier, an.; sir G. Nippler, and hon. sir F. B. R. Pallew, K... promoted t the rank of Rear-Adioral Her Majesty has also been graciously pleased to appoint caps Lond A. Fisclarence, 0.0., to be an extra Naval Aide-de- Camp to Her Majesty.
Corps of RJ. Mar?nes-Col. and Bec, Com. T. Aslett to be col-commandsal, vice Jones, prom.; col, and sec.com E. & Merase to be col-dinn dant, vice Beatty, prom.; lient-col. W. Ferguson so be col. and second-commandant, vios ?ulett, By the Dide the following particulars were re
prom.; Hent.col. R. Smale to be col. and second- commandant, vioe blercer, prom, ; capt. and brev,- Paina... 1,300 1,950 1,680
major J Wilson to be lieut.-cel, vice Ferguson, 1,740
This day, lo pursuance of Her Majesty's plea prom. capt. R. Merces to be lien?, ond., v?an swale, Benares 715 1,330
1,296 1,830 Pepper, bark. Rhio and Slugapore-Conditions were feed, Flag Officers of her Majesty's pran, Sirut laut. J. EL. Gascoigne to be caprice
were promoted, vis. :- in good demand at 03-20 a 9-90 per pleal for good To be Admiral of the Fleet-Bir G. Martin, vios Mercer, prom,;. Neat. T. C. Gray to be Wilson, prom; Arst lieut. J. Urquhart to be empt., cleaned. Wh-Inquired for. Long-Do supplies, and G. Adm. Continent of Europe, contaboes in den Sales Riss-Of good white quality, suitable for the
first foul, vice Gascoigne, prom.; soc. liut. W. G. R. Masters to be ?rat lieut., viss Usquhart, prom. of Bally at 005 TO par sayan. Cargo Ries in also are owing to Hunited supplies and some being available for export from Bemarang and Bourabaya. made of good Banjerzensis at $1-76 #2 per pical. Retina-Have been in ?atter demand and sales
Sopan Wood, Manila.—-Arrivals.
No. 3 at 851 81 per cuil, have supplied the Mar- Segars, Manila-Sales of slig bily damaged of ket for local consumption and recent importa re-
main in first bands,
Silk Raw-Has been in some inquiry but on the supplies are equal to the demande no improvement in price has taken place; anise of Canton No. 8 at $35 per pioul,
Sugar, Siam.-Neos offered for anle and in good quality at 65 per picut. demand. Sales of les quality Java at 963 and 2nd
3-75 per picul. No sales reported to Floor.
Sago, Pearl-The demand is brisk at 83.00 a Saltaire.-Dull of sale. Biosk moderate. The-Supplies soon expected by the dunks. Tin, Straits-The demand continum good and sales made of the limited supplies from Mamsca at 017-80 a 19 per picol
Tortiscali.The Market has been cleared at quotations.
If heat. Supplies and enlos at 81-75a2
per bag.
(From the New Woskiy General Price Current, January 2.)
Cotton Goods-Until after the holidays, there of few asion during the week, but to trifling extent. will not be much business done. We have heard The shops are well supplied with all description of in Cortons afd Modi wese articles of Coloured looda, end prises generally are declining.
FALER 500 Pa. Printed Stripers $2.14 a 8294 50 Do Wed de, sipda...... $14 400 Imith Cambrics. 196 100% Mached Ginglman... $14
Hothum, Bir E. Codrington, M. and G.; Sis G To be Adme, of the Red.-P. Stevens, Bir W. Parker.
To be Adme of the White-Bir O- Og's, R. D. Oliver. D'Argy Prosted, M. Dubson, Bon. Bir Talbot, J. Gidati,
To be Adma of the Blos.-H. R. Giyas, Bir # Hamilton, Bars, Bir B. Laurie, Bart. ; Bir W. B. Gago.
"To be Vice Admirals, of the Bad --Marquis of Thomond, R. Matson, J. Mackeller, G. Barker, Bir C. Adam, W: Gnager, Bir & Drummond, Biz T. Livingstone, Buct.; Sir F. W. Awetan.
Admiralty, Nov. I
With reference to the paragraph which appeared in the Gadets of the cult isst, anouncing that com F. W. Austen would be promoted to the rank of capinio, za boon ta'ha innd verred the required po- red aloon, the Board have this day sigued a com- miniba conferring that rank opon com. Austen. The Bound have also been pleseed to premote lieut. B. H. B. Proctor and L. B. Mackinnon to the rank of commander, for the services during the recent operations in the Parana. With reference to the To be Vice-Adms. of the White, T. J. Maling,coment which appeared in the Gazette of the sir 3. A. manney, Z. Madge, H. Hill, A. W. 10th inst, in the list of commanders to be captains, Bebombery, sir E. D. King, die G. Munday, F.
the name of R. Barridge should have been includ. Warren, 3. Carthew, sir T. Briggs, Earl of Dund, between the names of captains R. Barton and densid, N. Tomlin?en, sir W. Parker, C. M.Kinley, H. Glatan. And the same of Capt. C. H. To be Vice-Adras, of the Blast Currey, Boid is to remain on the retired half-pay of 18s. 3. W. Loti ir R. H. Bromley, how, D. P. Boo of Nov. 3.
per dieen, as originally ambaounced in the Gazette verie, J. Dick, P. Robinson, Buckle, J. Allen, 1. Neble, C. J. W. Nesburn, sir C. Ballec, J. Wight tioned officers of the Royal Navy should be spell- Memorandum.The surnames of the undermen W. Young, B. M. Pennd.
ed in the following manner:--Com. J. T. Nott, for ott: lieut. 1. Denal, for Darrell; Hout. T. T.
Purser for Bach; Mr J. E. Autor (Paymaster Bambly, for Hamley: Me R. Hayward (Surgeon) for Haywood; Mr. D. Back (Paymaster and and Puhee), for Antey and the Christino osmes of Mr Rudell Dakon are William Ruffkit.
To be Rear Adme, of the Red.-8. Butcher, R. Jackson, H. Ross, sir C. Maleoins, bou, G. Eliot, Hawker, tir C. Riobardeony F. Temple, H. Goedom Lord W. Fituroy, M. Godwin, ur H. Pigot, E. Bir J. J. Gordon, ben. F. W. Aylmer, R. Thomas, J. R. Dacres. J. 8. Carden, 3: Byass, J. Impey, H. M. Omoney.
Admiralty, Nov. 20.
This day, in pursuance of her Majesty's pleasure, the following dag officers of bea Majesty's flect were promoted, v?K. 2–
To be Rear-Ams, of the White:-Sir J. C. Cog- hill, J. Ayscough, air T. J. Cochrane, sir G. F. Beymour, beo. G. Poolett, sir W. B. Procter, 0.3, Johnston, E Betsey, O: P.,B. Bateman, M. A. N, de Barck, A. Lysaght, hon. J. Percy, hen, sir A, Maitland, M. and G., hon. G. L Proby, Lord Rad--P. Watkins, Eay Admiral of the Blue to be
look, Bari Cadagun, sir E. Tucker.
To be Rear-Adma of the Blue.-Capts. J. M. Gor den, sir W. H. Dillon, T. Searle, H. Hopo, sir T. C. F. Daly, hon. sir F. B. R. Pellew, die F. A Ussher, W. Ward, air 8. J. B. Pechell, R. Elliou, Collier, hon. 3. W. King, sir C. Naptar. J. B. Por
ris, W, H. Shirreff, I. Arthur, P. Horaby, hon. W. Gordon, C. J. Aurten, P. Browne
To be Captains.--Commandate 3. Kaine, G.G. Burles, P.O. Haynes, W. fl. Higgs, 3.8. W. John Earthenware-The Market is abundantly sup- R. P. Gambier, A. Durley, J. R. Booth, wir
BOD. G. Baker, H. Layton, W. H. Sieben, J. Oakr, supplied, and last sales wore a very bare prices.
Glashore-Common glasses for lights are safe Brisbane, H. E. Edgell, H. B. Young, J. H. Ward, Hickotis, T. 8. Thompson, W. H. Jervis, J. W. D. ablo. With other articles, including Vase lamps,E. Bt Leger Cannon, J. Macdonell, R. Barton, F. imports have lately supplied themaiket.
H. H. later, C. G. Robinson, W. Louis, kon. R. Gaze, C. J. Bosanquel, C. O. Hayes, J. Simpson, G. 'I'. Gordon, hoa. E. Plunkett, E. Ommanesy. W. F. Glanville, D. Curry, W. K. Stephens, W.
Hardware and Cutlery Large Block of Common German on hand, and for English, with 'exception of a few atticles, there is liule demand.
Admiral of the White to be Admiral of the Red,
Admiral of the White.--Bir J. Wet, K... Vice- Admiral of the Red to be Admiral of the Blue- Bir B. Heathcote, Knt. Vice-Admiral of the trebales, Esq. Vice-Admimi of the Blas to be White to be Vice-Admiral of the Red.-B. R. Lit. Vice Admkst of the White-Sir C. C. Dashwood, Le Rear-Adairal of the Red to be Vice Admiral of the Bo-C. Carter, Eq. Rear-Admirale of the White to be Rear-Admirals of the Red-A- D. Esq, Hon. D. H. Mackay. Rear-Adminl H. Inglefield, Eag, on, Sir W. A. Montagu, ek, of the Blue to be Rear-Admirals of the White 9.
has been added, under spesial alreamstances repre x.a. And the name of Capt J Thompson (A) senied by him to the list of Captains of the Royal Navy, who have accepted the rank of Retired Rear Admiral of her Majesty's floot.
D Burna, 19th ft; B Bender, 62nd A; RHB War Office, Nov. 9.
M'Cumming, 19th B; W Akin, Royal Canadian Her Majesty hot been pleased to appoint the Rifle Regt; D Start, 40th Ft: H FAinic, Bard following offiers to take cank by brevet as under-F; JR Heyland, 25th Fi; W If Robinson, 72nd mentioned; the commissions to be dated 9th Nov. F G Milius, 20th Ft; TJ Deverell, 67th F; F EM, 90th F: WB Caldwell, 92nd Ft; I Carr,
To be Field Maribels.-Genls. Fir G. Nugent; 38th PTM leon, 90th Ft; A Blainn, Blat Fl T. Grosvenor; Marquis of Anglesey.
R Bust 96th Fl; J A Robertson, 92nd Fi; C Kel Tabe Generala.-Lient-Generals Sir C Amhoff; 10n, Ceylon Rifle Regt; J Ward, Hist Ft; bon G
1G, Gordon, C. Craven; J. Orde; Sir C. B. CW Forester, Royal Regi Morse Grds; J Norman, Egerton; Sir H. J. Comming: T. V. Reynardson; 54th Ft: A WV Mackay, 21st Ft; J'it Drunker, Earl of Carysfort; Sir P. Maitland; Hon. T. E. 13th Ft LG P Bushe, 7th La Dengo; C F Maxwell, Capel; G. B. Mundy; Bir C. Halkett; ?ir F. 2nd P: Vonattur, Cold Grde; 3 M Mahon Kidd, 67th FHB Harvey. 67th Ft; EAG Mul- dem,
To be Lieut-Generals.—Major-Gens. Hoo. 11. er, at Pr; W ? Clarke, 77th Pt; A Bolton, 6th B. Lygon Hoo. E. P. Lygon; 11. Ehadforth; A. Drag Grda; W Hamilton, 78th Ft; WJ Bounders, Lloyd; 3. M. llamerton ; P. J. Parry; Sir D. 57th Fl; ) Graham, 29th Ft; 12 L. Phipps, G8th Ximenes; D. Colquhoun : 'C. Nicol ; Bir W. Twyll; FL; C A Windham, Cold fegt Ft Gida; 1 Ni- Bir G. H. F.Berkeley; BH Berkeley: Sir C. J.Na.cholson, 991b F1: Tulloch, 42nd Ft,GO Moore, pier; 11.Touzel; Sir J. Dickson ; Hirll.King ;Sir E. 820 Ft; boa RE Boyle, Cald Regt Ft Goda; | Hi Gibbs: Bir G. T. Napier; Bir It. R. Pakenbum; Doors, 35th Fi; LB O'Conor, 181 W I llegi Sir J. Harvey; Bir G. Scovell; Lord Downes; Piggo, &t Hekna Regt; A Horne, 13th Fu G Bir N. Douglass Marquis of Tureddele; Sir F. Deverill, 90th FI; LF Jones, 6th F1; HP Ray W. Trench; Lord Saltous; 11, Wyndham; Sir E, nd, la Ft; 11 8 Bruyere, 43rd Ft; II Grimes, 18th Ft;T A Biddulph, 1st Life Ords; D Young, Bowater; Bir W. bl. Comm.
89th Fi; F Romilly, Scots Pus Grda; TE Lacy. To be Major-Gena-Colonels C. E. Conrer, 72nd Ft: P Emgly, 99th P1; 08 Blachford, 151b h.p; G. A. Henderson, b p; R. Parke, b-p; ?. D. Macpherson, b-p; P. Hoy, hop; J. Alland, 67th Drago; Gmy, 40th Fi; HJ Pogeon, hip Cey A. Money, h-p: D. Forbes, h-p; J. F. Ewert: H, Reg Gerr Quarterm, Gibraker; J Holland A. Proctor, h-p; W. Jervois, h-p; W. Riddell, 86th F; EC Soden, 2nd WI Reganent; B V p; T. F. Addison, b-p; Bir F. Cockburn, Rod Layard, 37th Fr; JL Elrington, Cold Regiment Fi Gida; WE Hammer, Royal Regiment Horso W. I. Regt.; T. Steele. hp; C. J. Doyle, hpi Urde; Impell, 26th Ft; G W Mayhow 4th T. Charretie, hp: Sig G. Arthor, Bart; b-p; E Drag Gids: 11 R Thurlow, D0th Foot: Talbot, Parkinson, bp T. H. Blair, k-p; R. Lluellyn,
h-p; J. Hare, fi-p; R. Fgerten, h-p; Sir W. 4rd; J Campbell, 67th Ft; E Liuledale, Is Chalmers, hp; C. Beckwith, b-p; W. Campbell, Dregs Currey, 16th Fi; Hon D H Hurray, h-p; J. C. Bourchier, hp; 3. Grant. k-p; T. W. Scuts For Gids; R Baillie, 72nd Ft; R Going Taylor, l-p: L. Arguinbau, b-p; Sir II G. W. FRS Murray, Sth Ft: J Bolton, 26th Ft: M811 Lloyd, 2nd Ft; W'Barnes, 17th F; T Smith, Bart., b.p: F. Calwert, b.ps W. Staroles 12 Tidy, 141 F1: C James, 84th Ft: E C Assell, h-p; Sir De L. Evans, b.p; W. H. Beout, hp H.
Summary of the Army Breed
Geerts to be Field Marshals Lieut-Generals to be clearrals.. Major-Generals to be den Gencrais Colonels to be Major-Generals.. Lient-Colonel to be alonels Majors to deut-Colonch Captains to be Majors
Total number of officers promoted The following officers were omitted in the list of preman - ton, by Brevet, which were pablasbed in the “Garette" of the 10th November, 't
... To be Lieut-General in the Army -Major-Gen. Biz 4“
Thornton, Lieut-Gov. of Hell.
Colonels to be Major-Generals lo the Army---1 A-Lau-
Unal: A Morschlan, hop, Bath Foot ; 3. Whetlign, hip. Jat Garrison last; J. W. ?ldred, l-k. 60th Fast.
Eleut.Cole to be C'alonel in the Army---C Milner, hop. Bd Foot: W. 3. Moseisom, k-p. 1t Dogs ; G. 6. Thwaites.
p. 11th Fool: 3. Jerrand, hip sth Garrison Batt; J. Lajos, kip Tealt ?W. Fraser, k-p. I'mati.“
– C?ptales to be Majors in the Argy---The Hon. C. N. W. Porester, hp. Umatt, Aschst. Kilitary Seczv?sty in Je cland ; H. Daniell, Cobi Stream Regt of Foot Gids; 21.
Anderson, Staff Captain, batham The above catamis to bear date Nov. 9, 1616.
The following Captaine, upon half-pay, who are serving a Ball O?een of Prusioner:=Ta be Aajors in the Army=W". Montagu, h?p, ?l. Aril, to bear date 23d Nor |k-p. Unath 18.1 button, h-g Portuguese Officers; P Brown, kip. Gad?Foot; R. W Yamaford, kep. Unant; as Orr. -p Unatt; HF. Haskes. p. 12th Fool's E Trever, p. 81 Artit: G. E. F Campbell, ip 6 Stal Corps; W. Campbell, kip. Uustt; 3. 8. Farmer, hip. -p. Unatt; 3. De Vernet, hp 1). Afri?na Corps ; W. Unit; J E. Orange, h-p. 24th Foot : W. J. Urompton, Colder, op. Inatt: Stuart, p. 58th Foot; W. H.
1811, and A Campbell, b-n. Ceylon Regt? T Heckkam
Batt; W. Healer, b-p 9th Li Drags; W. M'Pherson, kep. Viatt; 3. Forbr?, hip Unatt.” Com
dons to bear-date 0th Nov, 1846.
Her Majesty has been pleased to appoint the under
mentioned Officers of the Fast India Company's Forces to take rank by Brevet in her Majesty's Army, in the East Indies only, as follow. The commissions to be dated 9th November One: Sir J. La Undwell, G. Carpenter: 4. L. Richardson Bir D. Leighton, keur√. Walchs Bir ? Hussell, uen, H. While; D. C. Kenny; H. Podmore; Sir M. Houston, J. Greenstreet: M.
To be Lieutenant-Generals.-Major-Generalu 11. 8.
P. Davison, b-p; Site T. Willsbice, h-p; Hun. H. 74th F: D Riley, 24b F; Ct Edmestone, E. Butler, hp: E. Fleming; J. Roh, Ip; P.; GB Aylmer, 98rd Ft; Mayne, 1st Ft:
KFB Bubrooke, Scots Fus Grde; HD Cow Beinbrigge, b-p; T. E. Napier. hp: N. Thore, per, 40th Ft: A Jardine, 75th Ft; E Foy, 7181 b.p; W. 11. Sewell, 94th Fu W. L. Darling, Fe; H & Kerr, 161 FL; J Rocks, 2nd Life Grda: Sir. Thackwell, Sid Lt. Drage; Sir W. L. Her Skinars, Ceylon Rifle Regt; J Clacke, Jat W ries, h-p; J. M'Donald, 92nd It. T. B. St. Clair, Regt; F M Martin, 2nd Life Gide; W 11 Gill- hep; G. W. Paty, l-p; T. J. Wemyu, b-p; R. D. Gabriel, hop: H. Thomas, hop; W. Rowan, b-pa, C6th Ft: 3 Weep, 50th Ft: RC Lloyd, 70th J. S. Kennedy, b.p; Lord Sandys, h-p; Sir T. 11. Fraser, 36th KMG Sparks, 10th F; AL. Pereira; T. Pollok, c; ir J. Rou, men; G. 1. Browse, hp: T. P. Hownid, b.p; H. W. Milla, A Bania, 25th Ft; GFC Ece it, 70th Ft; Ilon Kemp; J. Munro C.T.U. Biliop; J. A. F. Mac- hp: F. Ashworth, hp: R. B. Fearon, 40th Ft Paul F1W Sulton, Cape Mount Rifles; T Abbott, 4. Bewart; J F. Dreon: W. D. Cleland; W. 11.
AN Hood, Scots Fue Gr?s; W D Davenport, gregor; Bir J. Prendergast; Be W. Itchards,
Duncan Bir T, Whitehead, ?on; R. J. Latter? H. Balucario, b.p: V. E. Eyre: T.T. Wuldrid 3rd W I Regt; A 1 Lockbagt, 12nd Fi; W Shaw, Perkins; but J. Doretonescu A. For, ca D. go, b-p; G. 1. Goldie, hp; G. P. Higginson, h-p;
Pherson; Se J. L. Luslington, deas D. W. D. Sealy W. C. Freser, W. Gilbert.
T. Denuman; sie J. H. Carcross: A. Watson; E. V. Royal Artillery. To be Lieut-Gems:-Major-General |Wanley ; H. Evalegh; Hon H. W. Gardner ; F. Walker,
J. W. Tobin.
To be Majer-Ceno-Colonels ?, Glessor, J. Irving, P.
To be Colonels-Lieut.-Colonela J. Benart, en; C. Or, W. T. Hewitt, W Strahan, J. Home, G. W. A. Lloyd, F. Halewa, A. Tulloch, A. B. Dyce, F Buckley, J. W. Cleveland, Bt Bleckall, 1; Capon, O. B. Bell, W. D. Robertson, J. Osebard, en. J. Prushard, D. Sim, C. M. Bil.
To be Majors in the Army.—Captolos V. Struthers,
Campbell, 3. B. Parker, W. G. Fewer, A. Macdonald, TE Servante, T. 1. Jay, H. Wroughton, 11. Templer, 3. Fortes, A. Hare, J. P. Corkbars, R. H. Birch, 3. d. Thus, W.G. Lennox, G. Templer, T. Donnelly, Armstrng, T. Patgrion, No W. Oliver, R. J. J. Jacy.
G. Bowles, b-p; T. Bunbury, 07th F2; Hon Hd W Regt; T Moore, 12th Fi; J Ford, 4510 F. C. Cavendish, 1st Regt Life Gids.; 1. Ray, Ft GM'Beath, 08th Ft: Hes H Pitt, Royal hp H. Godwin, h.p; T. W. Robbins, p; R. Brg Horse Grds; WR Halliday, 93rd F1; W
| Johoston, 65th Fu Macnell, 78th F.; G. D. Piu; W. Sutherland, 5th Ft.: H. Rainey, hps Hon. C. Gore, hpi R. Dalyell, hop: W. L. Walton, h-p; C. R. Fox, bp; C. A. Bhawe, Cold. Grde
To be Colonels-Lieut-Colonels A. Findlay: h-p; W Bush, 1st WI Rigt; FT Buller, hop; H Despard, 99th Ft.; FC Browne, hp; 8 Brock,
W. Rawlings, R. Mignam. H.R. Rickens, C-E. Faber, p;EW Bell, b.p; A Compbell, 9th Lt. Dragoj
Thanks Wallet Colonels sie W. M.G. Colebrake, T.
W. Cator, J. Chester, A. Maclachlan, C. Qor C.J. Green, J. T. Smith, J. 11 Cremer, JG. Iums, J. 3 Reed, e-p: 3 Jones, hp: E Carlyon, -1; 5. Khly, J. W. Kettlewer, G. C. Cacio, . 6. Hamer, Upirsp, J. Stevens, G. Wright. 11. Cames, G. T Butke.h-pi TS Trafoad, h-p;C Chanbets, 26th G. Browne, D. Orsat, H. A. Scott, Wide Marshall, J. Byng, W. Rutherford, W. J. Macional, FL; W Grabam, b-p; Earl of Cardigan, 11th. To be Majors-Capiales W. H. Lent, P. Vu, w, B.' G. 3. Mant, F. La Touche, F. C. Scott, J. Swanson, Lt. Dags, G Thornton, 1st Ft. Grds. WC Ingliby, T, (). Cier, H. Pester, R. W Story, C. James, P. J. Clerk, A. N. Maclean A. S'Donald Elder, J. Coles, hpi Sir M Creagh, hp; J Edra, hp; EC. H. Nesel, J. Mecmfeld, H. Poller, R. L. Garatin, It. Sandford, K. Campbell, J. Roxburgh, U. Thornton, G. J Richardson, R. Blood, J. II. Clarkson, C. Roche R Story, hp: Siz R Kordelt, b-p; C Blee, hp; Alen, R. Toukyas, H. Willems, R. O. B. Wilson,
B. Umppike, R. Buis, A. D. Barnaby, J. H CHRB, T.A. fart, J. I. Well, IS. C. Boilean, J. Confield. M HR Henley, hp; 1 W Barnard, 1st Regt. Ft. Lethbridge, D. rndike, H. Stow, W. Fraser, C. God. Bissland, J. Lewis, E. Stanton, W. T. Bovary. E. J Grds: J Campbell, h-p; Sir C Chichester 81st Ing, Hice, T. Desbelsay, C. D. Eymons, T. C. Hobe. Watson, A. Coventry, A. Berradailr, P. Forbes, T Fu; Hon. C Grey, h-p; Lord de Ros. h-p? J Ged. Moyal Englorer-To be Lieut-Gens - Major GrFlaker, P. M. Meivik, J. H. Brown, U. M. Arthur, R. des, b-p: W Cornwall, Cold. Regt. FL Grde; Binford, sir G Whitmere, F. Tickeray, sit S. R
Codrington, G. B. Artiknot, & Farmer, H. Miles CFM Lean, hp; P 8 Stanhope, let Regt. F1. Grda. ; C C Blaosch-p; B Brinckman, Cold. Ragt. Ft Grda; P Dundos, hip; EF Boys, 45th P; C
Chapman, JF, Bire, G. Nealls, G. Wright."
M Hay, Cold Grds: F Farquharson, T F1; Hento be Major-apts o. Tall, H. 8. Brandreth, C. D. 11 Montage, Boots Fus, Grds; C Leslie, bp;
Streatfeld, J & Porteck, C. C. Alexander, G. Page,
To be Major Gris-Col sir W. Gorset, G. Cardew W. Reece, F. Wheeler, R. D. White, J. Platt, 3. ↑ Fyen, E. Farskave, T. (unolaghum, T. Colby,
Hevell, B. Crispiu. D. Carstaire, W. A. Ludlow, A. C To be Collient-col, sir 5. M. § 2mith, ? Jones, T Spottiswoode, 11. Hell, J. Grabam, A. Rowland, J. L..
B. C Diana, P. D Calder, *
W. Sparow, R. Campbel, G Farmer, G. Nott, C. 9 Tottenham, A. C. Wight, H. Power, J. T. Bref, 2. Maling, W. Sautin, A. H. Jellicoe, A. Adam, BR Hicks, C. Pooley, J. 8. Hodgson, J. E. Parsone, R Garrett, J. W. Bayley, W. B. Goodfellow, J. Hayne Watkins. J. K M'Causland, C. J. Lewes, O. R Talbot, M. W. Perreau. I W. Camberlege, E. Walter Beaumont, J. Cooper, H. M. Hughes, J.E. Landers C. J. Oldfield, J. Cumberlege, #C. Ormsby. J D. Davidson, F. Tweedale, P. Hunter, J. Hobsom 'T Watchings, G. H. Harper, R. woodward, A, C, ?cott,
Rey Marines-The commissions to be dated Nov 9, 3546. To be jor-Geas-Cola. E. Nicolls, Lewis, Lawience, G, Jones, T. & Adair, W. H. Cools, G. Besity.
E Porter. h-p; G E Jours, 37th Ft: JD Rawdon, 11. Band?am, T. C Luxmoore, W. Fails, F. H. Baddeley, hp: W Perise, 18d Lt Dregs; W Beckwith, b-p; | Budgeon, V. Birese, HP Wolff. HE Robinson, hp G Tudd, h-p; Ilus EGD Pennant, bp; FV Harcow, b.p; Hon HF Fat, b-p; HW Breton, 4th Ft: AT Muclean, h-pa Marquis of Douro, b-p; G Gasler, hp: JJW Angerstein, Ju Gren. Regt Ft Gede; T Marten, 1st Drage: Sir J M Burgoyne, Bart, ist Gren Regt. Delaccabe, O'H Coryton, J. Ankmore, C. Fegen,
To be Col-Leut-col, J. Woolridge.
To be Majors apie R. Fed, H. J. Gei,
M'Adam, & Garmston, J H Stevens, W Taylor, C C
Ft Gids 1 PJ Yorke, Scou Fus Gids; T G Ball, RL Harebreek. T. Fenit, W. L. Dawes, 3. A Philips,
p; E Monics, 68( Ft; W Cor, lp; W Crker, W Jollide, WI slimy, J Fynnere.
Generals to be Field Marbl
37th F: H Capudose, 1st W 1 Regi; G M Eden, From the above lists it will be seen that the following Scots Fus Grds; G Dizon, Scous Fus Gids; Firmotkun kave (okes place Maunsell G Baker, hpi WJ Codrington, Cold Grds: Turner, hp W Fludyer. lat_Regt Fi Gids; Ross, St Helena Regt; JW FT Falle, h-p
To be Liet: Cola.Majors T Wright, hp; W J King, l-p: Hon. NHC Mary,hp:33 Hollis, 25th F1; Procter, 30th Ft; F Banallier. b-p; J Henderson, p; PS Norman, 56th Ft; S Work- man, hp; T Kelly, hp: M Macgregor, Bib Ft; CA Bayley, hop: A A O'Reilly, b-p; DE John. son, 8th Fi; G Marpherion, Canadian Rifle Regt; RE Lurrowes, hpT Gloster, b.p; TG Harriott, h-p;J Walter, 96th FJK Ross, b-p; E Wilmet, hp; E O Brooke, 67the Ft; C KLardy, b-p; E GW Keppel, b-p; R H Willcocks, Elst Ft; J Fitz Maurice, h-p', HD Maclean, b-p; J Campbell, Bath FL; Blood, h-p; E Allen, k-p; J C Young, b.p; F flore, b.p; J Bowes, 67th FLA During, b-p: JS Emith, 1st Dreg Gide; B Jackson, bpil A Tempant, 35th Ft; WN Orange, 67th F1; Sir JJ Hamilton. b-p; C'Deane, 1st Fi; HA O'Neill. b-p; Hon W N Hill, h-p; H Clinton, hp: C Stewart, b-p; F C Jwin, h.p; B C Corell, b-p; J Flamark, h.p.
Lieut-Gewerup to be Central.. Major-Genera to be Lieut-General Cells to be Major Generals .... Liene-i olamein to be Calomela .. Majors to be Lirat-Colle Captalus to be gors
Royal Artillery Major-General in bo Lieut-Generala Colonels to be Major-General.. Lieut-Colonels to be Colonels .. Captains to be Majors
Royal Engineers Major-Generals to be Lieut-Genorals Colonels to be Major-Generals Lient-Colorit to be colonela .... Captains to be Majors..
Royal Marines Colonels to be Major-?nnatula .... Lieat-Colonel to be Colonel
optalas to be Majors
J. Nathall, # Hadleston, J. Welchm, &. Koyvett,
W. Beats, 3. 2. 3. Cungdon, . . MADRER, 8. LEW?L, 3,
Shepherd, a oberts, . sades, T.. o Manny, at as Mornsby, a. mall, a macleod, A. Le memurier, c. z morton, T. Lymplit, n. angelo, a. a. mowatt, ?. a. bickey, Haylor, W. F. watson, u. howley, w. Trevelyan. a. mck, counter, 3-6 Ramsay, a. m, atkinson, w. mill, ..obson, s. mechesire, v. ? nimali, e. coventry, charlton, Benwell, w zrest, o?LUCH, M W. TIB
73, velyan, T. R. colgiare, s. 3. shilpet, v, w. stick, e, vor,
o, Chester, m, m’wait,'a, wackenzie, w, Monsen,
.. 123 grate, J. ?, Hawes, f, candy, x, W. sichnet. q..
??????u] : "??????」
?%This list of Field Marshals, new cahalets of the Duke
To be Majota-Captains I Foster, 3rd W 1 Regi; RA Andics, 30th Fi; J Spence, Bib Fi; J Dia per, 64th Ft;H Penleaze, 1st Gen Regt Fi Grds
Weston, 14th It drga; J Harris, 24th ft; TJ Taylor, 78th A; JJ Peck, 2nd W I Regi; HR Jones, 6th drag gedo; sir J E Alexander, 14th ft; GroPress.
of Wellington, the King of Hanerer, The Duke of Cam bridge, the King of the Belgians, the Marquis of Angle ? Master General of the Ordnamer, Prince Albert, the King of the Nederlands, ?r George Nagset, Thomas
sen, a sower, A, sterilson, 9. a. Grant, w, w, wacaulay, o, se nardy, a, a?izrefs. ?, asrniu, p, archer, n. 1. Richardson, M., Rowlandson, u, Morland, w. w. rodd. w, uslpin, c, o, ottle?, J, alaxland, 5, ?, clarke, ? will ., carmichael, x. moynor, c?Woodfull, v. Dudgeon" a. c, mochfort, n, sambert, a, trotler, 3, cordon, r scotland. m, marshall; s, w, wichs, u, u, morris, a, me wilson, n, ?, cronier, z, Liddell, st, o, u, showers, J, wj Stretiell, c,, macleane, w, a adama, u ar sauner, J, Free,, ever, w, stewart, a, williams, w. oratumwood, st, P, zawrence, c. ?ridin, e, Commeline, i, j, Worsley, 6, J, arote, e, Le orend Jacob, w, Griffith, 1, stomford, ani, 2, 4, Farquharson, won, w, 3, Dalzell, E, Wadden, z, n, cudi?w. m. 1, repper, 3, moldney, v, alimas, w, macgeorge, 3, o, rloyden, o, x, Sherer,,,wicolay, a, w, mart, a, a, wawkinu, a,1, Oervall. W, m. Atkinson, w. previb, m. 1. Sbowe, w, witchell, a, orummond, w, ?, wemyts, 34 rope, Trimmer, MA BOGENWEN, ▼ abbott, R Drought,
'orch, w aussell, □ a scobie.
Edited, Printed and Published by Jonn Cake, "At The Friend of China and Hongkong Guetta, Printing Office, Govan State VICTORIA, HONORome, 1847.
MYERS-N° 11 13
VOL. VI. No. 9.
PRICE $12 per annum.
Terms of Subscription to the "Friend of China and Hongkong Gazette," per annum $13. Bir months $7. Three months 4; all paid in advance. Creda prices, 14, 85. 60. and $5. for the periods
of twelve, six, and three months respectively: Single numbers to Subscribort 26 cm, each, to Non-Subscribers Rupee. Parties calling or sending to the office for papers are requested to pay rogh Terms of Advertising.-'f'on lines and under $1; additional 10 conta par line. Repetitions one third of the first insertion. Ships: First insertion $; sabia quent insertions 45 cent. Advertisements to have written on the face of them, the number of times they are required to appear, otherwise they will be published until countermanded, to all instances, those who are not Subscribers, must pay in advance.
THE ?ne A. 1 Ship STAG, Capiala
1 PARIS, 700 Tons Register; has superior accommodation for langere and corries a Burgeon,
For Passage only, apply to
CAPT. PARISH, on board at Whampoa, or to JARDINE, MATHESON & Co, Hongkong. East Point, 16th January, 1847,
the lot of January, 1847, the Of 0 fee for conducting the Business
of the Steamer CORSAIR, will be moved from Monero FRANKLIN & MILNE's House to the House of HOLMES & BIG?AM, where Packets and Parcels will be received by Mr Bruans. All applications made to him, or to Mr STRANG will meet the readliest attention.
Victoria, 28th December 1848.
MO LET at a low rent a House in Googh
TO LET. situate in Wellington Street, com
TO LET ON LEASE. HOUSE on Queen's Road, late in the occupa
tion of Hir C. W. Bowes. Apply at the Of FOR SALE, at Hoogkong. Apply to fice of the Friend of China,
PARTMENTS, furnished, or unfurnished, elis Agibly sitasted in the East, and West part of the Town, also large and small Dwelling Houses. For particulars apply to G. Dosada, opposils the Commissarial, Victoria,
R. T. D. Nav and Mr W. C. La Gert are partners in our firm, which Me T. G. Sarra
is authorised to sign by procuration.
MACVICAR & Co. Hongkong, 1st January 1847
THE undersigned have been appointed Agents at Shanghai for the Imperial Fire Office of London.
BLENKIN, RAWSON & Co. Victoria, 22d April 1846.
T the Godowns of Mesure Blanken, RawsonR A & Co superior Sherry, Madeira, and Pon, in Amanding line view of the Bay. Early wood and bottle; Champagne from the house of
possession can be given. For further particulars apply to
R. OSWALD, Victoria, 27th February, 1848.
RETROBE large and convenient Premises at preerat occupied by R. A. Brine Esq., consisting of Dwelling House with Godowns and convenient Jenty can be viewed by applying at our premises adjoining. Puesession oss be given on Decomber 8th
Victoria, 27th November 1846.
TWO comodious dwelling Houses, containing seven Itooms, and com.
* monding a Bao view of the Bay, situated
Sundry Street, rent moderate. Apply to,
Victoria, 22nd December 1946,
Twilding on the Queen's Rand, occu pied at present by J. A. OLDIRG Es the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Odco.
Ponsotion, given early in November. Apply to,
BUSH & Co. flongkong, 27th October 1846.
THE dwelling House on the Hollywood
Icond, lately occupied by the Honour abs: W. Caine Apply to
BUSH & Co. Hongkong, th November 1946.
| Mumm & Co. Rheima.
Hongkong, 1st June 1946.
MR. Roan Jacson is this day admitted a Part-
nor in our Firm.
HOLLIDAY, WISE & Co. Hongkong, Let August 1846. FOR SALE THE foollowing Wines ez Cannata.
?in Case of 3 doten each,
Sparkling Champaign,
Pale Cogne
Brandy," in do.
Beheidem Geneva,
in do. of Ideaan. ALSO Superfoo Jalan Salad Oil. Apply on,
Victoria, 15th July 1816.
FOR SALE. BLANDY'S Madeira, in half pipes, hbds., and
quarter casks. Apply to
GIBB, LIVINGSTON & Co. Victorn, 10th April 1816.
FOR SALE. CHEATHING COPPER, 10 to 33 oz. Apply
GIBB, LIVINGSTON & Co. Hongkong, 15th Septembar 1848.
que Bungalow in Aberdeen Street lately accu-Whanghal, where Mr WILLIAM Hoop is au-
pied by the Royal Summer Lodge. Apply to,
BUSH & Co.
Hongkong, th November 1846.
Single and a double storied Godown. Apply to,
Victoria, 5th June 1846.
TO LET. THOSE we House adjoining that presently de- copied by De Pavar Youno. Apply to,
LINDSAY & Co. Hongkong, 19th December 1848.
September 29, 1846. HE partemhip hitherto subsisting between the THE
undersigned as Merchants and Connirsion Agants in China, was dissolved by mutual content on the 30th June last
BANS TURNER CHURCH & Co. Canton, 20th November 1846.
THE undersigned bave opened a Branch Esta blishment at Shanghai under the same firma
Canton. RATHBONES, WORTHINGTON & Co Canton, let August 1848.
N Elegant Rosewood Cabinet Piano, Metallic A Plate, 6 Octave, by C. la Waas, 142 Lea denhall Street.
4th November 1840.
FOR SALE. ANCHORS, Chain Cables, dad llawes l'ipes of all sizes. An Invoice of Manila, Europe, and Patent Rope.
Coffee, and Government Cigars,
RAWLE, DUUS & Co. 4th November 1848. ALT Provisions, Flour, Rum, Arrach, and
FOR SALE Brandy in Wood; Whisky, Cognac, and all kinds of Wines in Boule.
4th November 1840.
ORIENTAL INSURANCE SOCIETY. THE undersigned bare been appointed agents for the above named Society and are prepared to grant Policies payable in London, Liverpool, Bom A
bay, Calcutta and Canton.
RATHBONES, WORTHINGTON & Co. Canton, 31st August 1846,
THE partnership heretofore carried on in the name of Laxu, Rowland & Co. has this day beon dissolved by mutual consent. Mr T. H, How- LAND has been authorised to Arrange all outstand ing accounts.
LANE, ROWLAND & Co. Victoria, 31st December 1946.
NOTICE MR. ROST. JACK on has become a Partner in my Firm, which will be conducted from this dato a MITORELL & GO.
(Signed) W. H. MITCHELL Amoy, 1st January 1847
A Mosting of the Members of the FloxOKONG
Chun is requested at the Old House at 4 2.4. on Saturday the 30 Instant, in accordance with Rule XXXVL.
By order of the General Commities,
F. SPRING, Secretary.
Club House, Hongkong, 20th January 1847.
few Salamander Book and Treasure Safes,
4th November 1846.
NEW Admitally Charts. Intest Code of Cap tuin Marryat Signals. Waghorn's (verland Charts and Guides. For sale by
RAWLE, DUUS & Ca Victoria, 25th November 1846. STORAGE, &o. FOODS received on Storage, Sold on Commis. Usion, or forwarded to Macao, Canton, &c. by insurable Lorebas.
RAWLE, DUUS & Co. Vietoria, 25th November 1840. MESSRS, WAGHORN & CD'S AGENCY. THE Underaigbod having been appointed Agents
for Meats WAGO? & Co, are prepared to forward Parcels to India or England by the PE- NINSULAR AND Ostental COMPANY'S STRAMEND, which sail from here on the 25th of every Month.
All Parcels sent to Victoria to be forwarded must be free of Freight and other Charges, and shouk! arrive here 24 Hours before the Mail closes.
All Percale received from India or England will be delivered free of any Charges made here, on the presentation of the Receipt only; but if they are coal to any other place, 61 per Package will be charged, besides the Freight and other Expenses.
For sale at the Office, WAGHORN & Co.'s Oven- LAND QUion by the Routes to Egypt;" "General HINTS and INFORMATION for PASSENGERS on their way from and to INDIA"
THE undersigned being about to leave the Island, requests all parties indebted to WELOM & autanding at the next Besion of the Court of Sum Brock to pay their stoounts on presentation—all
and all parties indebted to Dr R P. WELCH,tely Map of the Overland Routes.
mary Jurisdiction, he will be required to atta for
have opened a Branch establishment at cocala.
thorised to Biga for our firm by Procuration.
LINDSAY & Co. Hoogkong, 19th December 1846.
MR. Hewer Down is authorised to sign our
firm by Procuration.
LINDSAY & Co. Hongkong, 12th January 1847.
INDIA AND CHINA MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, THE Undersigned have been Ippointed Agents |
departed for England, are desired to settle with the undersigned, be being empowered to adjust bis as
JAMES WELCH. Victoria, 28th Januar? 1847. HAIN Cables of all sizes up to 1 inch and 718th. Anchors, very superior Canvas, Blocks, large Europe Rope, Paint Cht, Black Varnish, by whole
Queen's Rund,
More FRANKLYN & MILNE'.. Hongkong, 22nd October 1848.
COGNAC in Bottles at 36 per Dozen at
FRANKLYN & MILNE Victoria, 20th November 1846,
for the abere named Company, and are prepar- BA88' Pale Ale in cases of B dozen. to grant. Policies payable in London, Glasgow, Calcutta, Bombay, and Canton.
TO LET. PACIOUS Godawns and dwelling house, builted
of Granite and lately occupied by Mesers Thoa. Ritay & Co. The property is situated Rear the centre of the Town, (Victoria, Hongkong) and has water frontage. Apply on the Promainen,
THOMAS RIPLEY & Co., Hongkong, 31 July 1946.
or to.
do. in
This Office returns our of 10 per cLDALE Burton Ale in Hogsheads (Ten por Caut) on all Premiums,
Pale Cognac Brandy on Cask and bottla Canton, lat October 1645.
Pine fall favored Poti. NOTICE
Very Pale Shorry.
Browa do.
convenient mall House in Asburton Terrace, MR. FERDINAND BLAS is authorised to sign for Palo A containing Birting-room, two Bed-roams, and
two Bathing-rooms, with Cook and Coolle house, Bable, and large back-yard, with an abundanos of pure water. Apply to
Victoria, 22nd January 1840.
Procuration. our firm in Chine,
HEGAN & Co. Hongkong, 20th October 1846,
F. SPRING. MR. CHARLES REDES in this day admitted a part-
THE whole or part of the upper part of the House lately occupied by Mr Fansoons, for further particular, apply to
L. JUST & Co. Victoria, 22nd January 1847.
TU LET House in Gage Brest, contains 4 rooms, bath
room, and servants offices. Apply to
GEO. STRACHAN. Victoria. 19th January 1847.
TO LET. House on the South side of Gough Street.
Apply to
GEO. STRACHAN. Victoria, Jat January 1847.
THE godowns, and Brat floor of the premiers on 1. Queen's road, adjoining Mowers Smith and Brimelow. Apply 10,
Victoria, lat June 1840.
Der in our Firm. ?
DIROM, GR?Y & Co. Cauto, let August 1846, THE interest and responsibility of tir WARNER Datano, Jr. as partner in our firm caused on the Slat oltimo.
Canton, let January 1947.
WE have Established a Branch of our House at Shanghai under the same Name as at Canton, and have authorized Mr C. A. Frazon to sign for un by procuration.
Canton, ist Jasonry 1847.
FOR BALE. NVOICES of:-Russian Cordage, Paint, Paint Oil, Canram, Blocks, Bunting, Twins, and su perior Hamburg Mese Fork and Beef, Wine, Brandy, Gils and Vinegar,
WE. PUSTA? & Co. Hongkong, September 1946.
Rad wins in Chuk.
Champagne and Claret, at very low prices Barkling and still Moselle, Liqears dcc., Bannile Obernots. Apply to
Queen's Road.
~TO COMMANDERS &a ?HE undersigned bags to solicit the attention of tensive assortment of stores, replenished every Commanders of ships andiko public to his ex- month by direct importations to his own indent consisting of-
Eurups, Manila and Coir Cordage of all sizdiz Spunyarn, Warming, Marline, Hombro' lines, Lead lines, Oskum sic, Bost mary Canvass, Scotch twine, and Dutch bunting, Tar, Pitch, Rosios, Paints, Paint oil, Turpentine, Varnish ste, vic- Blocks, Hanks, Mast shoops, and Nails of sovery | kind, Patre, Sail n?edles etc.
Bread, Flour, and Salt provisions. Oilman's Stores of every description. Brendy, Gia, Rim and Whisky. - Sherry, Port, Madeira, Champagne, Hock and various other light rinas.
Jodia new Loudou Bouled Beer, Barcleys' Porter
CHARLES BUCKTON, Queen's Road, Hongkong:
elc, etc.
In Boule, via Southampton.
through France.
via Trirate or Constantinople, whti
Also, a few Overland Trunks.
9th May 1840,
RAWLE. DUDS & Co. "FOR BALE. ADE of superior quality at Mamers Huxra CODA WATER AND ERATED LEMON. & Barton's Dispensary, Pottinger Street, Vtor-
CANTON, at Dr Kay's Dispensary, No. 8, New French Hong.
Macao, at Hinnan's, Chinese Shopkeeper, Rua d'Augustine.
Airated Chalybeats Water, (bigbly tocou mended, on account of its sonia properties).
ACKET AT CARTON, ACBOOK, Comprador. No. 3 Imperial Hong Hongkong, 18th March, 1846.
"THE MEDICAL HALL Corny of Queen's Road and Aberdeen Street. THIS Dispensary is open at all hours for the com
pounding of Prescriptione, and the sale of Me. dicines, Chemicals, &c.
J. GILBERT, MR.C.S. AS. TAYLOR. Professional attendance on the Shipping—terma moderate.
An abortment of Mediciao Chests on sale at mo derate charges.
(From the New Manufactory at Macao) Napplication may be bad at F. A, BEABRA' Dispensary, Praya Grande, and at the Blore of Mr??N SMITH.
Txams:-Lemonade, per dozen, one dollar and a
quarter, and Soda Water, one dollar,—boules to be
turned-with boules: $3 per dosen.
Oxone for ten dozens, or above: Soda. Water, Seventy-five cents, and Lemonade, one dollat per dosa.
Macao, 1st Dember 1846.
Queen's Road, Victoria,
MICHAEL GABRIEL. NENTLEMEN and Families visiting this place Twill find every accommodation and all the articles of the ftrat description at moderate charges. Billiards in a spacious airy room facing the p
VICTORIA, BONGKONG, Concise Abstract of Meteorological Observations. during the Month ending 31th December, 1848, Plaster
??????????. Maan height 20° 10′′]Mean tempse: 96.?
TS. lowed 16
Number of rainy days—Puat.
Table of the Winds.
My Ely. E
G.W. W.
General Rezarus, The mean range of the Barommer, owing to the antiquation of easterly and northerly winds, was rather above the average of the month during the
last Quarter, the Bresses were very strong in the night, moderating with day light
Now advertisements, will be received, until 4 O'Clock, on the meninga previous i publi- entire, rit. Theniays and Fridays
34 | Redovy
United Oat
Not Des.
25 30
Dea Dea
Singapore Maria
Jany. 13
Jany. Jany.
C. of Hope Oel
PASSENGERS PER BRAGANZA." Mesare verlock, Anderson, Wilkinson, and Dixwell for ENGLAND. Gilbert Smith, Esq, Mrs Smith, 3 Children, and 1Servant, and W Leslie, Eng. for MALTA. Mr Middleton, for CALCUTTA, Mr Pechoco for SINGAPORE.
Our advice from the provincial city are very unsatisfactory. The position of the foreign Residents becomes worse daily; and it in to be foured that the Chinese officials do not endos your to check the inso. | Janes of the mob. Before the treaty, Foreigners could walk through the streets to the back of the || factories with perfect safety, and short excursions were made on the opposite side of the river without running the risk of being peked with stones. Now that we have a terety, things are changed. It has become dangerous to appear outride the factory gates, and our portion is in every respect worse than it was
before the war.
The following extract from a private letter giver a correct exposition of the liberty ?joyed by the Foreign dende o Colon:-
-The affects of the subserviency of our Authoritas ?n
thair agulation with the local Currant at Canton are manciestly obvious to the curtainment which daily becomes more and more visible, of the few privileges we enjoy in that miserable place of sojourn. The temple at Hasan, nearly opporize the Factories, which two your ago go one ever feared so sialt, even with ladies, now could not be approached without the almost certainty of a pelting and orber insalis. The wreets in the rest of the Factoriga, in which we coull occasionally sanater away
ont looking at curiosities, dare vesture into now the walls on the river side just bayand the factoring, where formerly enjoyed air and exerciss, can seldom be resorted to now without insult, and are abandoned by Foreigners. Our Conmls in China are degraded into the position of Chinese Revenus Oflicem, and (doubtless noting under" Instructions) in too many lestances mistake the object of their appointment by M?enillying themselves with China interneta, Instead of acting
for the advantage of their Conry, and thaisting upon an alberence to the privileges which the Treaty was intended to confer upos
The Mones
Four Foreigners intending to visit the temple of long. avity overlooking the City, and which I have visited company with an Ungitah lady, without molestation, were pelled the other day, and some received injuries from the Childers, Brig of War is at Whampos, but for all the good she could do i
o in, cues of fire or 'commotion might as well be at Postumouth,
*The mob are only deterred from misallef by the fear of the arms of the Merchants, whose prooedings July last. have certainly had the salutary efserofcoring the Tagabonis,"
a set of wear.
The British Merchants have established a Cham ber of Commerce from which it is anticipated that much good will rertit, as it will be a it channel for the transmission of documents emanating from the community, either as the local goremmeni of Hong: koor, or to the home Government. The present mail will convey petitions to both houses of parlia ment. setting forth the grigrances of the British resi- deas, and praying for redress. We have repeatedly arged upon our countrymen in this quarter, the necessity of availing themselves of the privilege of petitioning the Imperial Legislature, as from expe- rience, we are convinced that there is no gher way of obtaining redress.
Our correspondent, with greu justice, complains of the continued eglect to grant them the protection of 1 is true, that H. M Brig Childers in staticnal at Whampoa (twelve miles from Cantum) but she might just a well be in Hongkong bay Tamults among the Chinese are always ruddan, and je in ensential that at all times the inhabitants of the Fantaries be prepared to defend themselves. The the presence of t ressel of war would deter the mob from their lawless snacks appears to be the general aplaion of every Foreigner who is soquainted with Canton, (the Governor of Hongkong excepted) and It is with much regret that we learn that Hir John Davis has not obeyed the instructions of Her Ma jesty's Ministers on this subject. It is absurd to that a vessel at Whampoa is a protection to people at Canton, and should His Excellency avail himself of such a subterfugo, we trust it will bo ex- posed in parliament.
THE FRIEND of China and Hongkong Gazette.
H. M. Treasury, Hongkong,
Way. 18, 1845.
The P. and O. Company also intend to send } luxuriant closer than the vine left to itself would on we fast river boats to ply between this and Can have produced; but then the produce would bare
Sir,-I was favoured on 18th iualant with your tom. We fool as?tred that from ?the qametity of bien not one bat afly ripe clusters, whom united insure that passes and from Canton, and the valve far exceeds that of the one. By such a prostemonttia copy of my Repy, acknowledging increased number of passengers, which invariably on the gardener diverte a small portion of sap, and the receipt of a copy of my Report on Ch
companies an expedious and regular conrayanos, water all the rat. Snch ie the natural operation shall be gratided if that report, and also my Roport
on Hongkong, be found useful. she boots will pay well
of the farm systems on commerce Mr Olding will no doubt givethe Directors every We could not illustrate this more forcibly than informatics as to the class of baate we require by referring directly to the operation of the plum And, a light draft of water, and sarew prepellere, farm at Hongkong. The farmer during last year that they mayer off the factorin, with an airy sold at the sain of 14th of the quantity sold under Cabin, are the chief requisites. A Gentleman lately the former system. In money the difference is Bot from England, states that the P. and O. Company | about two millions of dollars, or ?425,000 bare a steam boat on the Nile such as we require before we can estimate aright the loss to tuve island, for the Canton trade. The Nile boat has puddle" we must remember that those who formerly pur wheels, but for naviguing among the numerous chased the lost 13 parts, at the same time purchased reel sear Canton, a propeller would be more proporsional amount of British goods. Now that suitable.
the whole of the opium trade is transferred to Can tom, the trade in goods there la fell in the hands of Chiness merchants, who abarge what prices they choose to the consumer, and prevent low importer prices landing to increased consumption.
*In consequence of information received by Mr Call- well, Amisteet Superintendent of Police, the reverent dimmbose was despatched, on the morning of the sink, s | cat berbead of shok-palas, la search of three pl- ratical “On reaching their cruising ground, they observed a suspicious-looking best standing over' train Chang chow, and made towards ber. As they marad ber ska put out a number of ours, and pulled for the Inne wa, which she reached a quarter of an hour before the
But there are other grievances that universalis stuch to the farm system Indeed, the chief grie? Vance complained of under the Swarts was the Inquisitorial powar with which it armed the for wormof entering any house to see that his rights were not infringed. Every one knows that him s nuoed right not only became the pretext for moet cruel oppresion, but was used as a cloak for gross immorallity,—an in the case of the profligate pos.
of the old-sce monopoly. No one can tell the oppressione perpetrated on peor Chinese cespected of infringing the monopoly. We do not my iba? the farmer himself is another Villiers, who pysiochatically make his monopoly a pretext for lawless deade; but he is obliged in keep up a pre- vent?va asevice; and the men employed in it have been known not only illegally to strain their powers, but, under pretext of performing their duty, to commit acts of robbery and pincy. On recent possion they were evou convicted of attempting to Hongkong; but they were dismissed by the English plunder a bout's crew in the neighbourhood of Jade, because before they had accomplished their purpose, they bad got beyound the pale of British jurisdiction.
Every day I am more and more fully impressed with the error of our present policy and grieva over the misplacement and waste of untional re sources, and of individual energy. But there are too many persoas interested in the present state of things to induce a hope that the expenditure here will be reduced, or that another and better position for our commerce will be sought in Chius. The Governor intends, I understand, to stop here Sine years, by which time it is expected he will here saved at least 30,000, a be does not spend the in terest of his salary a Governor. Others have house or land here, or they have money lent on mongiga,
they traffic in building land or they say, things alone, they will last cut time ; if the Govern ment at home choose to spend money here, what have we so do with it1"
I am injured and misrepresented for entertaining different feelings and every effort has been made by departing from the Treasury instructions, and by various annoyances, to derange and delay my ac counts; and by poly devices and subterfuges to create an unfavourable impression against mis at home. However, by hiring olerke myself, and re- fusing at last to pay any more money without pro- per vouchers, I succeeded in compelling some. B teation le forma.
My oder to submit the subject to Commissary. General Coffin and Deputy Commissary General Miller, was rejected. Both these gentlemen mid they did not see how accounts could be rendered from the manner in which money was drawn. My quarterly accounts were, considering their natura, completed as early as thase of any other depart me in China. Mr bfiller who has easmined them. thougt for a long time I had but one working clerk thinks they are "done in a masterly manner," al.
are copyist and an Anglo-Indian; and at pr sent my three clerks-bend, second, and third-are all ill and absent, yet I am ready to produce all my books, and to show them made up and balanced, daily, at 3 o'clock. I have announced this to the Governor, the Colonial Secretary, and to the Au ditor, to prevent continued misrepresentations.
Qaaboat. As saga at the former touched the shers, seTRL- ty of elatly arme? Chlsamen landed, and ran across the bille, surrying bundles of goods with them. My Chindai, with function of the crew of the Clunkent, landed and par seed the fnglives, and with the mehtance of the villagers, who readily tent their aid, mecooded in motoring twinty of them. On board the best were found, our jar and one bag of gunpowder, one bag of from shot, one bag of stick. pola, one bag of fireballs, twelve landed babest, two largs and two small glajalis loaded, four fron glajul shar- | gers, one loaded masket, a large quantity of wood mat, chan and torches, six lags boombewaking halfets, twa picks used in hauschraaling, siz shields, cha credit cum deren bamboo pikes, and on the kit were found two boxes of clothes, and a dagger stalood with blood. The que powder, silakpets, die, were all lying together, and it was evidently the intention to make an explosion, as a train fed from them towards a burning jou-sicky walsh torte mately had slipped of the plank where it had bese wed. committed on charms of piracy; the other thirts wars, Ravan of the prismses who had been registered, wars by sider of His Kuorissey the Governor, forwarded to the Chinese authorities at Cow leon, accompanied with a statement of the charry preferred sealset them. One of the lenders kas bonn recogulsed in having, formerly ooted In the exparty of a pilot.”—China Mall, Jenner? 95.
Ja reference to the above case, we have beard that the men who marle their escape over the hills, have threatened the villagers, who gave their amin. tanco to Me Caldwell, that in five days time, if thair boat is not restored to them, and their comrades who were taken prisoners released, they will burn their || village to the ground-the gun-boat basin cosse quence bean or fered to oruins in the neighbourhood. ?ir Caldwell started in the gun-boat on another cursion on Monday evening last --he fell in with the boat he was in smarch of, in the Capsing moon passage, and hailing her in the Chinese language to come in, and telling them that they were all fo- reigners on board his boat, and that they ared have no fear that they were pirates, they paid no regard whatever -the consequence was, an avack was; made, which was soully, but valaly resisted the supposed pizates had two men severely wounded, one it is considered mortally. Twenty six prisoners were taken, the rest of the crew nonplag by jump ing overboard-to show the inofficiency of the gun- boat, we may mention, that during the fight, on an Reat for Fabory... 20 17a, ?d. order being given to fire one of her guns, a sudden
"Beventeen shillings and a groat," (says the gust of wind enching har snilo, she was thrown so Friend of China, in solicing these accounts,) "axtical position, as it is a military garrison, there are much on one side, giving the gno such an terted from the pauper popolation for permiso elevation, that at the distance cals of a few yards, to fish off the rocks of Hongkong But it is not the hall of the boat aimed at wat altogether so; the sum in question must be a small per canta missed-we have not heard the result if the caminage indeed on the tom extorted by the farmer. A tion of the prisoners in this case.
Inquiry would probably show, that be supports both himself and a preventive service by it. Constitutional, September 20.
(From a Correspondent)
Buch, then, is the opium farm, which it seems Governor Davie meene to continue. Its effect has been, without diminishing the consumption of opium in Chios by a single chest, to damage the general trade, by destroying the only market in China not under Chinese influence. 10-along with the licensing system yet to be noticed -- has tended to complete the ruin of Horkong which the Re gistration Aat began, obliging proprietors to allow their shope to remain empty, or let them at depre ciated rents, while there is no reduction in the 62- orbitaat ground rent. And it affords a pretest bir one Chinosen to oppress and plunder another. The income or rent for the sake of which all these evils have been incurred, amownia to the sub of
384 15 d. Another "farm," which gives of course to the purchaser the same "right of senrub"--for instan- co, for Babing lines on board boats in the hey has also been disposed of and forms the following item in the Revenue Accounts of the island, po- blished in January last—
From Reports, Minutes and Despatches on the British Position and Prospects in China. En examining, therefore, our present position and fiature prospects to China in a dosncial aspect, the above facts cost be taken into consideration, when finally mactioning a scale of civil, milkary, and naval expenditure on this const, and will, it it to be hoped, be deemed worthy the mature deliberation of Her Majesty's Government. I respectfully repeat my formerly expressed opinion, that all Hongkong requires for its efficient military protection and due civil administration is local corps of 500 Malays, 200 marines aflost in the Afinden 74 (of theo. 60
Commandant and
With regard to the protection of Honghong, should hostilities ensue with China, a local carpe of 500 Maisys and the Minden 14, amared in the harbour with as tier of heavy guns and a com plement of 200 marines and marina artillerymen, would be more than adequate to resist any mikiny a could send againal Hongkong. And we reganis or naval force which the whole Government of Chi protection against any foreign power with whom Kogland might hereaker possibly be at war, this barren rock by the above-mentioned force would have for more prosection than Singapore, and othe of our valuable possessions which have les unes the amount of property ashore and adoat to pre- teet, that Hongkong is aver likely to pom. There can therefore be no national advantage in expend ing life and treasure by the maintenance of an Ex- as ill adapted for a enmmercial emporium or poli ropean garrison at Hongkong ; and the island being
no justifiable gronds for the present unnecessarily large Governmental establishments; a lieutena and colonel commandant, a colonial Secretary, a corder, polica magistrate, harbour-master, chaplain, and their subordinates, would fulfil avery requisite duty. Thus the civil charges would be reduced t a scale commensurate with the revenue, and by vesting ? counicipal authority in the respectable E ropean residents, they would assess themselves, pro- vide the funds for police, sewort, road, s, minister them more efficiently than Government could do, and avoid irritating petty legislation and
The civil expenditure of Hongkong, therefore, ?12,000 or ?15,000 per annum: the military (com may be advantageously reduced from ?50,000 to ?150,000 or ?200,000 to ?20,000 or ?25,000 per sasum; and the several million dollars on pr military works may be saved from alter want. posed to unnecessarily to be expended on civil and The Consular stations and staff in China, require penditure; even if we keep open the parts of Ning revision in several ways, but especially in the ex- Foochoo, and Ampy, the Coosals and Supe rintendent of Trade department charges may, was advantage to the public service, be reduced from about $80,000 or ?35,000 a-year, to ?13,000 per
Governor, at 2000. per annum, with his military rank and pay; a Recorder, at 18004; Colonial Bepo, cretary and Receiver General of Crown Revenge, 1000; Assistant ditto and Collector of Crown Re venues, 6002; Land Officer and Surveyor. 6007; Asistant ditt, 300; a Crown Solicitor and Offi cisting Counsel for the Crown (enjoying the beas
It would be necessary to retain at Shangai ?
The desire of guin ollen reconcilee men to the moet bumiliating conditions for carrying on a pro- diable trade. Ofoll-ajatamen were in the pro- ties of driving the Jewish population to the most khy and unboltby part of the town, and in other respects tresting them as aliens and outcasts'; and the Jews found it worth while to pocket them af froote: the euletantial “advantages which they sho joyed by trading with Gowtiles generally recaecided them to the hardships of their lot. On the mase principle it might have been hoped that Chinese iraders might have submitted to the gratuitous de? gradation of being gibetted on the Registration to be marine artillery-man); Ticket, if they could bare battered their condition thereby. But the Governor of Hongkong by his Geral menu has deprived the Chinese of every remaining inducement to setila on the island. The most grievous and impolitic of these measures in what is called the "Opium Farm; a monopoly which secures to one man the right of selling oplom onthe island in hose quantities than one chest in the of Registrar of the Court,) 6807; Police Maconeul, but at the other three ports vice-consol discussing this subject it is unser for us to citrate and Bupariotendent of Police, 6004; Amie al carh would be redficient, and the Superintende enter on the question whether or not the opium treda tant dito, 300.-thus showing a charge for salaries with Chins is justifiable in itself. If it is an "of about 9000 per annum. To this must be added
ty of Trade department ought to be bollshed, iquitous" trade lel not the British Government be about 8000 per ensam for clerks, servant, and
jas duties would be more efficiently done by a con directly implicated in it, by pulling up to auction ordinary contingencies, making a wool yearly az
sul-general at Canton, with a supervising control. and letting the exclusive right to sell it. But as
The consular salaries would be defrayed by bille pendimas of 12,000, which, in my opinion in the drawo on the Lords of the Treasury. All corre long as the trade is tolerated, and the drag regard. utmost amount of revenge will be possible to collect pondence would be direct betwon the Formiga ed as a staple article of ceammption, to latere for several years in Hongkong, without userly offes and consol-general. At Ningpo, for instaner, with it is to interfere with the general trade, which crushing this poor and struggling seulement. must always go on side by side with it. Accordin The Goremment servants, in addition to their
where no English renal has traded for twelid gly, it is not the great opium houses who object salaries, ought to be allowed homes quarters in the
months, and there is not one Europeso merchant most decidedly to the Farm, as they have the means extensive structions now erecting by the Ordnance
we have had during the last year, a cool, vic of carrying on the trade elsewhere: is the mer for officers' quarters, hospitals bearrcs, dc; the castile common at large whe complain that she Governor to have the General's house that is being removal of one leading article of exchange has dial present constructed verted the whole stream of trade from the new Thus the civil expenditure of Hongkong may be channel it had formed for self.
reduced from 50.000f, a year to about 12,000, with perfectly safficient civil administration, and the military from 180,000 or 150.000 a year to 30, 0002, without the slightest disadvantage to the pa-aurgeon conqular istabu, &c. One afficies Al Amoy we bare a comel, a vice-consul. ■ blic service. In the Consulates and Superintendent vice-consul wook fall the duties, if there wer-tra of Trade department, a considerable saving may be made by retaining only a Vice-Consul and Intr-
umes the amount of the present trade al Amoy. The prater (in wet na amistant, atch of the port of fallowing scale of consutar establishment would be Amoy, Fonckoo, and Ningpo; by abolishing the amply sufficient for our present trade and position Superintendent of Trade department, and appointing the Consul at Canton Comeul-General, with an
in China.
efficient secretary; a saving would thus be effected
on the Consulates and Superintendent or Diplomatic department, of about 16,0004, a year.
In this country, all elke of statesmen acknow ledge the injustice and impoint of raising mong by means of farme and monopolies The varm idealised in the English mind with the misfortu- mes of the days of King Charles L. At that period monopolies were universal, and constituded one of the chief grievances that precipitated the Great Ra- thebellion. No ose in our own day thinks of reviving
thom-of raising money by gold laco farm-or silk glove farm-for it is well andarsond that the lose to the community would be a hundred-fold greater than the gain in the Treasury. When s gardener wishes to gata eftoies back of grapes for his master's table, or to exhibit at a show, ha cuts every other cluster, that as much ep as
And advertisment in the Timer, intimates that Peninsular and Oriental Company's steam-abip Sal Man will sail for Hongkong, touching at the Cape) on the 26th of December. Adother steamer of 1.5-10 tuna was to leave for the Cape and Calcutta on the
We believe that these two vessel 6th of the month
ake the place of the Lady Mary Wood and the Braganza, and it is mid, that the ba usmed vessel will run between H?ngkong and Shanghai,
postule may be conveyed to the bunch he is aura- ing in this y lo certainly dars rear a more
No XII.To C. B. Trevelyan, Esq., Secretary to the Lords Commissionara of Her Majesty's
coasal, an interpreter (although the consul is a parier Chinese scholar), a surgeon, first and second consular setant, &c. At Foocbeo, were there is no trade, we have a consul, (a vice-conso! is n
the Consul being a surgeon), and two comenlar med to proceed there,) and interpreter, a surgeon
amitan &c.
Coal-General Vice.Consul
Two Assitania at ?400 and 300 en. Contingencies, ordinary and extra.
000 900
Interpreter and first Assistant.
Bacond Assistant.....
450 260
Contingencies, ordinary and extra-
Vice-Comst, to be acquainted with
Chinese language.
803 300
Conungencies, ordinary and extra.
?1500 1500 1500
PriSTED CALICOS--Moderate sales have been effected for export to Japan. Turkey red prints |are quoted at 96-30 per place, and Handkerchlo?
a191-70 por dosen; Navy Blue Hdk?. 01 10 p?r and bronza chium 65-50 per pines.
EXPORTS. Tea-The want of tonnage bas limited pur chasse, and the stock of Congous in the market in not more than 25 chops, all of an inferior quality. The export to England in 1945 and 1846 was,—
The ? 1840 Black.....5,550,199 | Black.....4,918,990 Green..... 818,575 | Green...... 416,887
Iba, 6,377,774
Jha, 6,304.827
Twonkey. Hon Skin Hysoa.. Young Hylon Impia
3714 311,647 1,254,317
4,028,780 4. Green, -
35,367,335 fa Spoon Bitver, 3.9 per cent premium.
PRICES OF AULLION. Spanish Dollars, Ferdinand, par
Carolus, 6 por cont promium. Republican dillo, al par.
On Exoland. Private bills—G Ms. 4. &d. to 4. 5[d
Oriental Bank hilla- Mu. 48. 6d.
| Ox India.—Commny's accepted hills on Calestia
217 Rupees por 100 Bp. dr.
Unaccepted 219.
Of Green tea there is an abundant supply, it is ?19,500
thought that extensiva parehaan will be made for
FREIGHTS, 2500 the American market.
To London or Liverpool, ?7. BL-The export for the year ja 19,040 halm To Amor, 86 per ton of 40 feet gainst 11.700 in 1845. The Carily since the iTo ports worth of Amoy, 7a 85, of December, has cleared with 2 948 balss which must be pot with the export of the prosent yet. The stock is moderate-not over 1,500 bales sold and for sala against 3,500 bales at a oneresponding period of the past your. The prion which now
Homereal &e, for each Consulate averaging ?300 a-year ouch................ Total Contalar and Trade department
Ir the soundness and justice of these views and spinione he denied on reasoning and facts entitled ta ovesideration, it is suggested that a commission of three disinterested men be appointed to report on
the whale question, after examining Chunds and rule will not encourage the growers of Bilk to Whe Consular parts.
Book a market in Shanghai. We bair of 500
For London-81ag.
Georg Fyfe. Indian. Liverpool-Ellerslie,
"SHIP TO LOAD. Wiliam Jardina, Othello, John Cooper, Victory,
The expense of thle commission would be tri- || bales having been returned to an inland town to be Bing and temporary compared with the large and sold for home consumption after having paid a Lady Amherst, Calder, and Inglewood
permanent expenditure now being incurred from the British Treasury on the coast of Chins.
R. M. MARTIN. Beptember 19, 1845,
The Consut at Amoy, Bar Lay, died recently, but Go- vernor Davis has alled up this unnecessary appolament with one of his friends. March, 1996,
(Prom the New Workly General Prios Current, January 10.)
Cotton Gode-Our market has not experienced any material improvenient since our last, and the difficulty of moking sales continues both for plain and enloured Goods, except for new styles of the latter. The arrivals of the Vizcaino from Hongkong, Bilbaina and Numancia from Singapore within the last four weeks, has much increased the previOMS grooks, and i will take some time before an active demand taken places, as the shop-kampeen ura cautious in their purchases for the reason abovementioned. EXPORTS.
Suger.-As we have not received yet the October and November Mail, no new orders are to be exe. cuted, and there is no demand for the article. The arrival of those mails will coincide with the more accurate information regarding the new crop, and with the commencement of the first purchases of the mw material, both which circumstances will fix the rites, and until then our quotations may be consi dered nominal, there being few or no purchasers fur current quality.
Hemp –Now commences the time for largest: rimale, but no skerstione in prica is anticipated, the actual being 888 per pical cocrewed.
Rice-The late rains have injured the crope a good deal in the neighbouring provinces, and prices are likely to continue firm throughout the your, even without any demand for exportatino.
Segor-In yesterdays auction, the following were sold:
250 MII San. wote evil in lots of $950 mile at 28.5.6" 150.
3,316 Mile
1,TTS Mi) 4.
2.53 MP.
transit duty of not less than ?8 a bala
Optum.-Malwa is quoted at 9610 and Patos
1 $600. Stock of the Bengal deug 300 cha
but of Malwa there is not less then 2.500 chests
on board the ships at Woong. The opiam dealers state that they have great difflouky in con- January, veying their purchasse into the interior from the 20, Calder, Brathwaite, Liverpool. rivers being infested with pirates. They also 29, Little Catherine, -, Cumaingmoon. assert that the cultivation of the Poppy is becoming axtonsivo in the neighbouring provimos in con- || January, Benquence of which there in lem demand for the Indian drug.
Faxcosta-24, and tronage souICE. The Bena, Eleanors, June Prowess, Inskiuman, and Joka Gaunt loud for England.
Excttaron-Billo against shipments on Chinato account have been sold at de, 7d.
Ale (best brande) Amber
Betel Not Canvas-Eng, and ?
Scotch Cochineal Nominal
$950 to 928 0 per Hhd 10 50 to 11 per city
3 0 to
3 10 per pica 8:50 to 100 por bolt 250 0 to 905 0 per pical
Copper, sheathing ? 36 0 to
Very scarce,
8.Am Cordage, Europesa
Bombay, Madras, - Bengal
40 0 do,
25 Le 8 0 40
0 0 do de.
Ta 6 6 to Ta,8
- 9 0 to .8 1 to
0 da.
5 do.
8 6 do.
3 Oper piece
COTTON GOODS. White Shirtings, -2 50 to
9 75 do. 2 20 to Grey ditto. Yarn, Nos. 1694 30 0 is 31 Oper picul *Noe, 25 a 42 35 0 to 36 0 do. Chints, Fumiture -
90 to 990 per piese
Tin, Banca
Tin plates
OPIUM Patna,
130 to
18 80 per planl
0.0 per box
20, Jevin Corina Denbam, Singapore, 27, Therington, Nell, Cumeingmoon 27, Anglewood, Braith, Whampoa 28, Angiona, Marvin, Amoy
28, Mariposa, Spaulding, Whampoa.
Yono, (Sp.) Ricode, Manila. Victory, Bikh, Whampoa. Brogans, Mundy, Ceylon, on the 81sts
MANILA BRIPPING. ARRIVED —January 2, Maripon, (Am) from Sandwhich Islanda; §, ?nion, (^p.) from Shang- bai; 4, Veloa, (8p) from Hongkong; Numancia, (Sp) from Bingapore; 6, Welhelmina Maris, (Ham) from Macao; 8, 1/Oviner, (Fr.) from Amoy: Bloes, (DOL) from Macao; 13, L'Orient, (Fr.) from France.
Bastan.—January 2, Esperanza, (Sp ) sa Cadiz 5, Mariposa, (Am) to Whampoa; 6, Esa Ann, [Am] to China; 8. James Manry, ( Am ) to Walling: Blore, (Dut. Jo Batarin; Vizcaino, (Sp) Hodgkong; 16, Montgomery, (Am.) Boston
VAMBIA IN VICToria Harbour.
H. M. B. Vestal, Captain Talbot.
H. M. 31. Vulture, Captain Macdougal H- C. Bir, Plate, Lieui. Airey,
H. M. Tr. Alligator, Master Commanding King. H. M 8. Minden, 2nd Master in charge Damer,
Hospital and Store Ship.
Ann Pater. Slaughter,
wyme, Thomas,
i. (9.-ship) Mundy.
J. Matheson and Co
J. A. Olding
Vodenjes Hermes, Coates, 1. Matheson and Co
CW, Brathwake,
Career Sommes,
Jake Barry, Stewart,
Kalgia, Bellacy,
Lucas, (Am.) Miller,
1230 to 1300 60 Landon, Gibeon,
6500 to O Oper chaty, Bourkrop,
Franklyn and Mile
J. A. OMing Deat and Co
Lindsay and Co
Olyphant and Co Dent and Co Rawle, Duns and Co
15 60 to 16 0 do,
Iron, Nail
8 80 Le
40 do.
4 Hoop
8 40 to
3 50 do.
.3 60 to
- 4 60 to
$ 70 to
La Catherine, ————
Lead Pig
5 60 to
Oper pleat
410 0 to 4200
Manoppa, Jauncey, "Patrol," McNally,
phe, Cola,
6 0 to
650 per plout Singapart,
1 40 10
8 0 to
2 25 10
0 0
8 0 to
Sapanweed, is more abundant and declining, ESONANON ON ENGLAND.-The Government bas offered to boy a onasiderable sum, and it is believed that the holders will not sell monthe Bills for more than 40 54, and we have been informed that some have aske? 41 434. – On China, i per cent discount and no purchasem.
FELIORTE Noas offering.
Our advices are to the 16th Instant, and they communicate the progressive increase of the trade of the part, though we checked in the early part of the year by the failure of the principal un- Live Merchants. The growers often suffered large- by by them fallares, and in consequenos, this smson many of them have sent their tee to Canton for mie. It is estimated that the supply of black ten
Malwa "Turkey Pepper. Rice, Benga! - Rattans, Banjer-
Straite Rastane
Bandalwood, Malabar *Timor,&-9.8. [el. Salipetre. WOOLLENS.
Spanish Stripes Long Ela, scarlet
well anorted - Camlats, English -
Medium Cloth
will be 90 chops less than that of the previous Alure
COTTON GOODS-The stock in ?ret han de la mot more than 800,000 pieces, and it is understood that the dealers do not hold largely; from which it would appear that the heavy Impormations of 1846 have monly been sold for consumption. The ship f china from this part took up about 80,000 pieces of shirtings in addition to the stool named ; but as the shipments from home are known to be limited it is thought that the supply will not exceed the demand. The imports of plain cotton in 1848
Unbleached Calicoes.. Bleached do. American Cotton.
381,640 113,780
WOOLLEN-All descriptions of woollen goods are dull of sale, the demand for the winter supplies having been satisfied. Long Ells are quoted at 99 per piece if well assorted, the stock being m derate. Spanish Biripes and Habit Clothe have re- ceded about aiz pancs per pryd since our last month- ly report; Camles are not enquired for. The im ports during 1846 have been heavy, my of Stripes and Habit Clothe 25,153 pieces, and of Long Elle 21,296 pieces. In 2845 they were respectively 18,700 and 7,300 pieces.
630 0 0 0
6 0 to
110 do
90 do. 70 do
0 50 10
1 06 to
1 S?per yard
10 50 10
Oper piece
8 30 to
8 55 do,
28 0 to
0 0
(Nominal and unreliable.
140 to
18 0 to
0 do.
2 05 per yard
1 30 to 1 30 do.
EXPORTS-?r Board
165 lo
Buda China Boote ? Maak Rhubarb BILK.
Tamer, Hall,
Tasmusor, (Am) Fuller,
Victly, Smith,
Wam, Hackett,
William Jardina, Small,
Young Hale, McQuin,
cano, (Bp.) Rionda,
J. Matheson and Co
Gilman and Co Murrow and Co Smith and Brima?ow J. Matheson and Co Olyphant and Co Fischer and Co Maricar and Co Bleskin, Rawson and Co
Gemmell and Co
PUBLIC AUCTION. Wednesday next, February the Sul, at the Godowns of Mesort Bono, Laxon & Co., si
Beveral Balee of Spanish Stripes,
Broad Cloth
Reren Dock.
Hege of Batter, and sundry other articles.
Terms of Bola-Cash before delivery.
1180 per picut TESSAS, SMITH & BRIMELOW will sell
190 190 da
9 bo to 100 da
. 850 90 Uper city
ol by PUBLI AVOTION on Monday the 1st of
Pobry, at their Sale Roome, Keying flows, al
11 welock a. M. precisely.
100 Barrells of Ameriosu Flour,
Ex BRAGANZAJ JUST received ex Braganza:
Figured Satin dresses of the prevailing eulurn: Franch gauza Scarle and Fichous* * Ladies White and Black Paris Satin Shoes,
Electro-plated Inkatunde, Spirit-larops, Chamber Candlesticka &c.
Bugar Butine and Boltor Pots in white unil co- lored Chrystal: Light seraena, Fancy lamps, Cigar- alanda do. &re.
And sa favoice of Calf and Buse Leather. For sale by.
20th November 1816.
Opposite the Commianist, Queen's Road.
A variety of new Haddlery ai indoned prices,
Snaffle heads and Raine,? from 011 m. to 02j ra.
Bradont, & Snaffl-Bridle
Superior Weymouth do
Head Collars, with Stall Chain.......*******
Nirths, white & colored. Hirrup fathers........
5 ?
5 " 21 pair
An aeriment of Lasher, consisting of Chamois Harnem, Pump, &c., &c., Home Clothing, Bundle and Carb Ditty, fancy Stirrup Iron, Corb Chains, &e, da
N. Hepsico neatly and expeditiously exera. led: Navy and Army accuatioments made to orde COMPTH & BRIM?LOW have on hand sad for
Bale superior Navy Brand; a few Chain Cables
| and a Orab" Wingh; Arrack of the first quality; Europe Hope and Blacks; Regatta Bhirts and
| Caps, &c., &e., &c.
Queen's Road, Victoria, ?
26th January, 1847.
FOR SALE at ibe Stores of the undersigned: —
Prime York Hume and Berkley Chasse. Fresh Belmon and Green Pass in line. Wilukira Bacon in small packages.
Base'a Pale Ale in 3 Don, cases, just strival |ex William Jardins,
BMITH & BRIMELOW. Woonam's Building, Queen's Road, 26th January 1847
[UST RECEIVED ez Aden and for Sale at the
Stores of the undersigned.
A lot of prime Cumberland and York Hams, a cholce selection of preserved Boups and Monte, Bi- cilian Wine of the food quality, &c &e.
OR sale at this office, four forms of bills of lad- ing for goads or specie shipped by the P. a 0. Company's Steur packets. Jot fur goods deliver. able at London; 2nd for goode deliverabla et Southampton 3rd for goods deliverable at Suez; 4th for goods deliverable at intermediste porta. They are printed after the Company's forms on Bank post Office "Friend of China" |
25th October, 1845,
CHIPPING ARTICLES, according to the ro cest ant (Victoria 7 & 8) far an?u n? this office Office "Friend of China,"
Vienria, 10th October, 1865.
INGUISTE Raports and Navy Bezza for sale
at this Ocs.
Odios Friend of China, 28th Dro, 1844. [POR BALE—At the office of this paper.
Compradores cheque books.
Ships Articles, with an abstract of the merebant seaman's act endorsed on the back.
Powers of Attorney, after forme by Chitty. Charterparties, after forma by Chitty,
Bill of Lading.
Chinese Tariff of imports, and exports, for counting bone.
WELL FOUGHT BATTLES. OUR ARMY AGAIN VICTORIOUS. Barming of Monterey, FORTS TAKEN BY THE AMERICANS, SPECIAL DESPATCHES. Enemy's Guns Turned Upon Himself. BISHOP'S FALLOR STORMED, SURRENDER OF AMPUDIA Hady memoranda of the operations of rican Army befors Monterey, Mexico, fro to 24th September
Washington, Sunday Oo the 19th Gen. Taylor attired bef rey with a force of about 6000 men.
After recusmoitering the city at abi 1600 yards from the Cathedral Fort, d time be was Ared upon from its batter was eachmped at the Walnut Springs
short of the city.
could obinia supply of water, ab
enemy's batteries.
This was the nearest position at w
The remainder of the'19th wha, of
y the
Engiopera in making recounnisan
A Loech in excellent order, and well adapted batteries commanding the heights.
for a pure boat
On the 20th, Ga. Warth was o
division to more by a circuitous ret the right,
A small Cutter, with Matta, Sails, and everything to gain the Saltillo road, beyond the west of the
10 0 la 19 0
9 50 to
8 0
30 0 to 54 Oper pical
Tiles Taysanm
- 490 0 to 440. 0
- 900 0 10
0 0 to
50 Dec. of Beer.
· 4 10 10
5 00 do.
A qoundity of Flour in Bage,
20 Casks of Tinto Wine.
30 Dor of Madeira in Casos.
Caper, scented
0 to 21 0
Orange Pokos,
95 0 to 30.0
2# 0 to 250
19 0 to 38 0 do
- 338 to 156 0 do.
- 25 0 to 45 0
Young Hyson Imperial,
- 32 0 0 55 0 do. .35 0.58,0... da
Export of The from Chians to Great Brikein,,
pet July, 1868, to Sikh January, 1947.
Congen.. Bed. Coper
? 313.739
Flowery Pekon
Souchong.. 817.147 Berin Orange Poko
· 1,9091,34 31,033,691 The Black.
Poole la good adition,
And a vasty of Merchandize.
Terms of Sale,
Cash before delivery.
Victoria, 29th January 1847.
POWDER MAGAZINE. THE Lorola "FAN" is fitted up and ready to receive Gunpowder on Demurrage, Apply to,
town, and to storm the Heights above the Bishop's |Palace; which vital point to the enemy appeara to
have been strangely neglected.
Circumstances caused bis hak on the night of the 90th, abort of the intended opposition. On morning of the 21st in-t. be continued his route, and after an encounter with a large body of the nemy's caroky and infantry, supported by artil? lory from the Heights, he repulard them, with loss, and finally encamped, covering the passage of the Saltillo road.
It was here discovered, that besides the fort nt the bishop's palace, and the occupation of the brights shore it, two ferta on commanding eminences on the opposite side of the San Joan river, had been fortified and occupied.
These two latter heights were then stormal and
TWO remarkably fine Sydney Horse, with splenenrried; the guns of the last fort that was carried,
did action.
EDWD. N. BURGESS. Victoria, 5th January 1847.j
baing immediately turned with ● plunging fire upon the Bishop's palace.
On the morning, the 21st, the 6rst division
of regular troops woder Gen, Warth, and the vo Junteer division under Gen. Butter were order under ar to make a division to the left of the town in favor of die important operations of Gen. Worth. The 10 in, muistars and 2, 24 pound witzers had been put in battery the night of the 20, on a ralue 1400 yards distant from the on- thedral fort, or evadel, and were supported by the fourth reg't of infantry. ?
inencement of hostilities.
At the expiration of the hour the discharge of the mortais was to be the signal for the recom-more so than that of the Mexicans, as that we do The carnage on our side is great, and probably not know, as they fought under cover all the close,
lent soldier and skillful commander. General Worth has distinguished himself as a gal
hofficer was sent on the part of General Ampudin, Before the expiration of the hour, however, an
to inform the American General that to avoid the further effusinu of blood, the national boner brings satisfed by the exertion of the Mastoan troops, he decided to capitulate, accepting the offer of the bed after consultation with his Lieneral oficers,
Americas General,
ALBA... on the 21st, the order was given for this tory i? opra upus the citadel aul town. And immediately after the first division with the 3rd and 4th infantry in advance, under Col. Gor- land, were ordered to reconno?tre and skirmish with the enemy on the extreme left of the city, and should prospect of success offer, to carry the inost advanced battery.
This attack was directed by Major Mansfield, engineer.Capt. Williams, topographical engineer and Maj. Kinney, Qr. Master to the Tezno division, A beary fire from the Grot battery was Imme diately opened upon the advance, but the troops soon turged it, watering and engaging with the enemy in the streets from the city, having passad through na incessant cross Bre from the citadel and the first and second batteries, and from the infantry who lined the parapete, streets and house tope of the city,
The rear of the Brst battery was soon turned, and the reverse five of the troope through the guige of the works, killed or dirlodged the artillery and Jafantry, and the building occupied by the infantry immediately in its rear.
The Brat division was followed and supported by the Mississippi, Tennosso agd first Ohio regi
The two former regissents being the drst to scale and occupy the fort, the success of the day stopped. The Missisippi, Tennessee, and Ohio regte though warmly sagaged in the streets of the city for some time after the capture of the first battery. and its adjoining defences, were unable, from es. heusion, and the lose they had sustained, to gain more advantage.
A heavy shower of rain also came up to cause suspension of the hostilities before the close of the day. The 3d, 4th and 1st Infantry mud the Bali more battalion reunioul as the garrison of the captured position under Colouel Garlad, nusisted by the Ridgley batteries.
Two 12 pounders, one 4 pounder, and one howlizer were captured in this fort, & officers, and sole 20 or 30 m?n taken prisoners. One of the 12 pounders was served against the second fort, and defended with captured ammunition during the remainder of the day by captain Ridgley.
The storming parties of Gen. Worth's division also captured X-0 ponaders which were also im- mediately turned against their former owners.
On the morning of the 224, Gas, Worth con poed his operations, and portigas of his division stormed and carried successfully the heights above the Bishop's palace. Buth were carried by a com mand under Captain Vinton, 3d Artillery.
In these operations the company of Louisiana troops under Captain Blanchard performed effrati-
is in rebellion and laws canot be enforced, it terference of the general government. When a State in the duty of the United States government to in terfere and restore order, pencenbly and by remain. trance if it can be done, and forcibly if it must. It sooly availed himself of K. His division, with "mbut was not solicited by the State of Illinois, wad General Taylor pare him a fair ebance, and he is true that the interference of the general govern Hays's regiment of Texan Volunteers have gained the Mormons were probably not aware that the ge rest of the army, and with very little lose up to protection. If the peace and tranquility of Stes more ground and carried more points than all the neral government could constitutionally afford them
yesterday, &, it had only 6re killed and twenty against notbreak and rebellion canot ke guaranteed The terms of capitulation were in efect as fil sight wounded. The loss on our side will not be by the general government, of what ass is the gewe lowa-That the Mexican officers should be al lose than five hundred killed, wounded and prisonem ral government at all? Surrounding Statem, kaja lowed to march out with their side arma; that the
Killed-Captain Williams, Taragraphical En true, may protect the people from internal warfe cavalry and infantry be allowed to march out with fingers; Lieutenant Terratt, 1st lo apiry: Capt. but not unless invited to do so by the State itself, their side arms; that the cavalry and Infantry be. N. Morris, 3d ditto; Captain Field, 3d dito; The course pureed towards the Marmont hus ex. allowed to marels out with thair arms and newly Major Barbour, 3d ditos: Lieut Irwin, 34 dito cited indignation In this country and in Europe, and ments that the artillery should be allowed to Lieutenant Hazlit, 3d ditto: Lieutenant Hoskins, the European jourusls have denied the postilidity sick out with one battery of 6 pieces and 214th ditto: Lieutenant Woods, 4th ditto: Captain of the government at Washington interfering, an rounds of samonition; that all other munitions of MeKavest, ech ditto; Colonal Watson, Baltimore te to put down treason agaist the laws of the wer and supplies should be turned over to a board Battalion; Captain Battlem, 1st Tonnemes Regi- Union; and hence they infer that our government of Americau officers appointed to receive them; ment Liautenant Patuam, 1st ditto ditto, a Lieut. cannot enforce law and order. This is no doub that the Mexican Army should be allowed 7 days in a German Company.
'great error, and it would be a fatal one if it could to evacuate the city ; and that the American troops
Wounded-Major Lear, 3d Infantry, severely be sustained. The bill of rights, as well as the i bowld not occupy it until evacuated; that the Captain Bainbridge, 3d ditte, very slightly; Liematitations of the country, guarantee freedom of enthedral fort, or altadel, should be evacuated at R. H. Graham, th do, severely; Captain Lamotte, speech, freedom of the pless, and freedom of rel
that the Magicans should he allowed to volute Lieutenant Wainwright, eth disto, slightly; Lieet ever may be the religious doctrines or creed of the ching out, the American garrison marching la; severely; Major Abercrombie, la ditto, slightly; rights, which cannot legally be molested. What their dag, whop bauled down; that there should Howell, 6th ditto, slightly; Lieutenant Potter, 7th Mormous, no matter how unreasonable, how pre be an armistice of 8 weeks, during which time ditta, slightly: Major Mansfield, Engineers, slight posterous or ridiculous, as long as they did not neither army should pass line resing from the ly: General Butler. Volunteer Division, dighly violate the lawe nor injure their neighbors, so long Ranconada thros Lisores de San Fernando. This Colonel Mitchell, Ohio Volunteers, slightly; Col. they had a right to enjoy and purse that religion lenient offer of the Americas General, was dictated McClung, Misisippi Regiment, severely: Majer unmolested. We have had in the city of New with the concurrance of his quoerale and by moll. Alezaadar, Tennessee Volunteers: Lisst, Allan, York,assemblages of atheists, or as they call them. ves of good policy. This consideration was dos dito dietos Liutenant Scudder, ditto dito Lirul selves, * free thinkers," who for years assembled to the good defence of their city by the Mexicas Nizen. dito dito; Captain Dowle, Missisippi Rein their own peculier way without molestation, Army.
giment; Lieutenant Thomas, Tems Regiment: We have had and have now all kinds of singular The above is from the New Orleans Picayune Lieutenant Armstrong, Ohio Regiment, severaly orneda, yet no one presumes to lalafere with the Extra, dated Sunday morning October 4, the fatal-Captain Gillespie, Texas Rangers, mortally wound religione liberty guaranteed alike to all. In this legence having been received there by the stammer? od, since dead.--Ibid.
Mormon affair, it was not a mere disturbance of James L. Day from Point fanbel.-American Sus, October 15.
public worship The ceremonies of the Mormons have not been simply interrupted, but the Mormons themselre have been murdered as it were at their the charac er of the enmotry, its humanity and free altars. A deep stain ke thas been inflicted upo institution, which every State should feel and resent. that it could not or would not protect the Mor And as the State of Illinois has decided is the expulsion of the Mormons, who surrendered mons, the general government will have a righ to the isois mob on the 16th September, and eva | bereafter to cult on the surrounding States to afford evated Nauvoo, intending to follow their brethren protection to the people of Illinois. The other Nonvoo to sell their property. Here is so unparalres and express auch opinions as this unfortunate into the wilderness. Fire Mormons remain atates of the Confederacy should take such airs. leled persecution in this from country. There is not nutbrenk enlis for.—Ib?d. a wore governed Bonto in the Union than Illinois,
10. next day, 25th; the Mexicans then mariat diuo, alightly; Lieutenant Dilworth, 1st ditto, gion to all. They are great natural and Inherent
Additional Particulars—Hilled and Wounded.---.. Lapitulation of Monway After Three Days Hard med against citisen hava terminated in a condict
At length the consequence of citizen being ar Fighting-Coloval Wattunk of Baltimore Killed, and between the Mormons and anti-Mormons, in which not less than five hundred Americans Killed and four or five persons have been killed, and several Wounded-Three hundred reported Killed-Pro-wounded. The immediate result of this intestine war clamation of Armistice.
Camp near Monterey, Sept 24, 1848. fighting here, and many poor follows have offered On the 21, 22nd 230 there was some hard by IL But I think it ussy rafely be said that the town is in General Taylor's power.
and Governor Ford should be impeached for per
The place was much more strongly fortified than General Taylor bad any idea of, and the Blewitting an armed body to appear in the cosmos-
can defended their works with skill and deter-- minatiop.
wealth with the avowed purpose of making an al Lack on the Mormons, without using the ample
Canyon Raw-Cotton and Cotton-Yann Re port, for the Month ending January 20th, 1847,
VOL. VI. No. 10.
PRICE $12 per annum.
Terms of Subscription to the " Friend of China and Hongkong Clarette," per anutim 013. Stoga h. Three months 01; all paid in advance. Cralit prices, $14, 89. 50. and #3, for the perioda
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and Jkynnanoista Ponte,
THE PENINSULAN AND ORI- ENTAL Company's Storm Ship LALY MARY WOOD, with leave this for the above places on Saturday the 7th of
February at 8 o'clock v. m.
CARDO will be recalved on board until Noon, and SPROSE until 4 P. R., on Friday the 28th.
For particulata regarding Funtour and Pas- sion, apply at the P. &. O. B. N. Company's O?os, Itonglong.
J. A. OLDING, Ageni. Hongkong, 2nd February 1947.
THIE fine A. 1 Ship BTAG, Captain PARION, 700 Toos Register has superior accommodation for l'amengers and carries a Surgeon.
For Pasage only, apply to
Carr. PARISH, on board at Whampoa, or to JARDINE, MATHESON & Co, Hongkong. Exal Point, 18th January, 1847.
ON the 1st of January, 1847, the Of-
fice for coaduating the Business of the Steamer CORSAIR, will be re- moved from Aletara Franklyn & Mitwa's House to the House of HOLMES & BIGHAM, where all Packets and Parcels will be received by Stone. All applications made to him, or to Mr Strand will meet the ren-liest attention.
Victoria, 98th December 1816.
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Queen's road adjoining Mesa Henith and
Viatoria, 1st June 1846.
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| PARTMENTS, furnished, or unfurnished, ell- gibly situated in the East, and West part of the Town, also large and small Dwelling Houses For particulare apply to G. DUDDELL, opposite the Commissarial, Victoria,
R. T. D. Naava and Mr W. G. La Gert K MR.
E partaare la oar frm, which Mr T. B. Suren is authorised to sign by proauration.
MACVICAR & Co. Hongkong, 1st January 1847
HE undersigned have been appointed Agent of Shanghai for the Imperial Fire Office of London.
BLENKIN, RAWSON &∞. Victoria, 22d April 1846.
T the Godowns of Monro Baawain, Rawson
Mr&Co superior Sherry, Madeira, and Port, in
wood and bottle; Champagne from the house of Mamos & Co. Rheima.
Hongkong, 1st June 1946.
Ba?lambar 90, 1848,
"NOTICE. THE partarship hitherto subaleting between the andamigned so Merchants and Commission | Agents in China, wan dimolred by mutual consent
on the 90th of June.
BANDS TURNER CHURCH & Co. Canton, 90th November 1846,
"NOTICE, HE unde