Hongkong Directory 1936





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Addenda. xix Ch i na.—Continued Japan Continued

Agencies in Far EastEl Southern Ports—Continued Nagasaki 320

Annam B129 Samshui... ... A482 Nagoya ... 277

Ann am, Provinces dn ... B!32 Santuao ... A427 Osaka ... 282

Hu6 B!29 Swatow ... ... ... A444 Otaru 281

Tourane ... B!32 Szemao ... ... ...A503 Shidzuoka 276

Tengyueh A602 Shimonoseki ... 316

Borneo r>83 Tokyo ...

Brunei ...^ D98

Wenchow ... ...A424 ... 246

Jeaselton (See N. Borneo) Wuchow A483 Yokohama 264

Kudat (See N. Borneo) Yunnanfu A498 Macao

Labuan D96 Yangtsze Ports Macao B95

North. Borneo, State of r>89 Changsha A404 Malay States

Chinkiang A 365 (Federated & tlnfederated)

Sandakan (See N. Borneo) Ipoh (See Perak) ... cl21

Sarawak... ... ... D83 Chungking A412

Johore cl64

Tawao (See N. Borneo) Hankow ... A378

Kedah cl 80

Cable Addresses Ichang A409

Kiukiang A376

Kelantan cl74

For the Far East ... F! Klang (See Selangor)

China A!

Nanking A366

Kuala Kangsar (See Perak)

Central Ports Shasi A 402

Kuala Lumpur (See Selangor)

Shanghai ... ... A!53 Wuhu A373

Yochow ... A400

Kuantan (See Pahang)

Soochow... A362 Malay States ( Fed.) ... c 104

Northern Ports Chosen (Korea) 330 Malay States (Unfed.) cl63

Antung ... ... ... AllS Chemulpo ... ... 337 Muar (See Johore) ... cl72

Changchun ... ... A113 Chinnampo 341 Negri Sembilan ... cI51

Chefoo A125 Fusan ... ... ... 339 Pahang cl59

Chinwangtao A93 Gensan (Wonsan or Perak cll5

Dairen A119 Yuensan) ... ... 338 Perlis cl83

Harbin A105 Kunsan 342 Pt. Dickson (See N. Sembilan)

Hsinho ... ... ... A92 Masampo 340 Pt.Swettenham(SeeSelaugor)

Hunchun All5 Mokpo ... ... .. 340 Selangor ... cl30

Kiaochau A138 Seishin ... ... ... 342 Serem ban (SeeNegri Sembilan)

Kirin All 4 Seoul 332 Taiping (See Perak)

Lungchingtsun... ... A115 Unsan Gold Mines ... 336 Teluk Anson (See Perak)

Lungkow A132 Classified List Trengganu cl77

Manchurian Trade Centres A99 Merchants & Manufac- Ulu Selangor (See Selangor)

Mukden A99 turers in the Far East E67 Naval Squadron

Newchwang ... ... A96 Cochin-China B!39 Naval Squadron, Brit D102

Peiteiho... ... ... A93 Cambodge ... .. B!57 Netherlands Indiac267

Peiping A29 Cholon B155 Batavia ... ... ... c284

Port Arthur ... ... A!16 Saigon ... ... ... B140 Buitenzorg ... ... c285

Port Edward A 136 Eastern Siberia 239 Macassar c304

Taku A90 Nicolaevsk ... ... 240 Manado (See Macassar)

Tientsin... ... ... A42 Yladivostock 239 Medan (See Sumatra)

Tongku ... ... ... A92 Engineering Firms in Padang c302

Tsinan A149 the Far East ... B69 Semarang ... ... c30Q-

Tsingtao... ... ... A138 Foreign Residents F115 Sourabaya c292

Wei-hai-wei A134 Sumatra, East Coast of c308

Formosa 323

Southern Ports Daitotei (Twatutia) ... 326 Philippine Islands ol

Amoy ... A437 Keelung... ... ... 325 Baguio D!4

Canton ... ... ... A453 Taihoku (Taipeh) ... 326 Cebu D76'

Foochow ... ... A428 Iloilo D72

Tainan, Takao & Anping 328 Manila ... ... ... D12

Hangchow ... ... A417 Tamsui ... 325

Hoihow (in Hainan Is.) A493 Zamboanga ... ... D80'

Hongkong A505

Rubber Estates,

Hokow A501

Hongkong A505

Indo-China B!09 etc. cl85

Kongmoon ... ... A479 Haiphong B116 Shanghai A153

Kuliang A429 Hanoi Bill Siam B159

Kweilin A485 Tonkin ... ... ... BIIO Bangkok B161

Kouang-tcheou-wan ... A488 Tonkin, Provinces du ... B122 Steamers

Kowloon Frontier ... A476 Industries in China BI Coasting D116

Lappa ... A!78 Japan 241 Straits Settlements cl

Lungchow A496 Hakodate 280 Malacca c97

Mengtsz A498 Kobe 292 Penang c74

Nanning A486 Kyoto 291 Prov. Wellesley (See Penang)

Ningpo A421 Kyushu ... 319 Singapore ... ... C12"

Pakhoi A490 Moji 316 Treaties 1



Addenda ... ... xix Japan ... ... ... 24i Peitaiho A93

Agencies in Far East... E! Jesselton(SeeB.N. Borneo) D89 Penang c74

Amoy ... ... ... A437 Johore ... ... ... cl64 Peiping ... ... A29

IC Perak ... cll5 ,

Annam, Provinces de ... B!32 Kedah .. ... cl80 Perlis cl83

Antung' ... ... ... A118 Keelung.. ... 325 Philippine Islands ... ol

K elan tan ... cl74 Port Arthur A!16

Baguio ... Kiaochau Port Edward ... ... A!36

Bangkok Kirin A114 Prov. Welle@ley, (See Penang)

Batavia ... ... Kiukiang ... ... A376 iR

Borneo ... Klang (See Selangor).■... Rirbber Estates, etc. ... el85

British North Borneo ... Kobe 292

Brunei ... ... Korea ... ... ... 330 ... B140

Buitenzbrg Kongmoon ... ... A479 Samshui ... A482

O Kouang-tcheou.-wan ... A488 Sandakan(See Borneo)

Cahle. Addresses Kowloon Frontier ... A476 Santuao ... ... A427

Cainbodge , ... Kuala Lumpur (See Sarawak ...

Canton ... Selangor) Seishin ... ... 342

Ceb.u Kuantan (See Pahang) ,.. Selangor... ... c!30

Changchun Kudat (Nee N. Borneo) Semarang ' • C300

Changsha Kuliang ... ... ... A429 Seoul .., ... 332

Chefoo Kunsan • ... 342 Sereihban (See 1 Semhilan)

Cheinulj)o ... ... Kweilin ... ... ... A485 Shanghai’ ... A!53

China ... ... Kyoto ... ,291 Shasi ... A402■

Chinkiang Kypshu ... 319; Shidz'uoka ... 276

Chinnampo 3D Shimonoseki ... 316

Chinwangtao ... Lahuan 1)9,6' Sfeih ;.. ... B159

Cholon La,ppa ... ... ... A478 Singapore ... 612

Chosen (Korea) ... . Lungchingtsun... ... A115 Soochow...

Chungking Lungchow ... ... A496. Sourahaya

Classified List of, Mer- Lungkow ... ... A132 Steamers, Coasting . D116

chants 3VL Straits Settlements

•Cochin, China ... Macao ... ... ... B95 Sumatra (East Coast of) 0308

3D Macassar .,. c304 SwatOw ... ... ... A444

Dairen Malacca ... ... ... c97 Szcrnao ... ... ... A503

IE Malay States (fed.) ... cl04 rr

Eastern Siberia... ... Malay Stages (Unfed.)... cl63 Taihoka (Taipeh) ... 326

Engineering Firms in M anchurian Trade Centres A99 Tainan, Takao & Anping 328

the Far East... Manila ... ... ... pl2. Taku ... ... ... A90

E Masampo 340 Tatusui ... 325

Federated Malay States Medan (See Sumatra) ... c308 Tengyueh ... ... A502

Foochow Mengtsz. ..1

... ... A498 Tientsin - A42

Foreign Besidents Merchants & Manufactur- Tokyo ... ... ... 246

Formosa ers, Classified List of... E67 . Tonkin BIIO

Moji 316- Tonkin^ Provinces du ... B122

Mokpo ... 340 TOngku ... A92

Gehsan (Wonsan or Yuen- Tourane B132

San) 338 Mukden ... A99


Treaties... ... '

Nagasaki ... ... 320 Trengganu ... .•.. cl77

Haiphong . JB116 Tsinan ... ... A 149

Hakodate Nagoya -277

. 280

Nanking A366

Tsihgtao... ...A138

Hkngchow . A417 XT

Hankow ... . A378

Nanning ... A486 Unfederated Malay

Hanoi ... . Bill

Naval Squadron, British D102 States...

Harbin ... . A105

Negri Sembilan . cl51 Unsan Gold Mines

A 493

Netherlands India ...; c267

. A501

Newchwang ... ... A96:

Hongkong . A505

Nicolaevsk 240:

Hsihho ... Ningpo A421 Wei-hai-wei ... A134-

. A92

Hue . B129

North Borneo, State of;.. B89 Wephhow ... A424

Hunchun . A115 O Wuchow... ... A483

Osaka ... .. . : ... 282 Wuhu ... ... A373

Ichang Ohara ... ... ... 281 YoChow ... ... A400


Indo-China ... Yokohama ... 264

Padang ... ... C3G2 Yunnanfu ... A498

1 udustries in China ... Pahang ... ... 0159.

Ipoh (See Perak) Pakhoi ... ... A490' Zamboanga




MERCHANTS AND MANUFACTURERS G33 Blythe Colourworks, Ltd., Stoke-


on-Trent Gl




MERCHANTS & MANUFACTURERS ... G20 E. B. Badger & Sons Co. G34



Elliott-Fisher (Dodwell & Co:) ... English Clays Lovering Pochin &

Front cover Co., Ltd., Cornwall G8


. Sunstrand (Dodwell & Co.)...Front cover Dodwell & Co., Ld. ... ...Frontrover


The J. B. Ford Co G33 Demag A. G., Duisburg Bhine ... B70


DING SUPPLIES:— Demag A. G., Duisburg Bhine ... BTO

Turners Asbestos Cement Co. DIAMONDS FOR INDUSTRIAL PUR-

(Dodwell & Co.) Front cover POSES :—

BALANCE AND WEIGHTS:—- L. M. Van Moppes & ons Gl

L. Oertling, Ltd G6 DOCKS :—

BANKS :— H’kong. (fe WhampoaDock Co., Ld. A612:

Chartered Bank of India, Australia DRAWING INSTRUMENT MAPS:—

and China XU Stanley, W. F. & Co., Ltd Gl8

Hongkong and Shanghai Bank ... xi


Hongkong Savings Bank ... ... XIV

Wm. Preston & Son, Ld., England G9

Mercantile Bank of India xm

The Shanghai Commercial & ELECTRIC MACHINERY:—

Savings Bank, Ltd ... Lancashire Dynamo & Crypto

Yangtsze Ports, Engineering Sec- Ltd. (Dodwell & Co., Ltd.) Front cover

tion, French Ports, Bangkok, ENDORSING INKS & STAMP PADS:—

Rubber Estates, Netherlands E. M. Kichford, Ltd., London ... GlO

India, Philippine Islands, Bor-


neo, Classified List and Foreign

Residents Tab Pages A. Ming and Co., Hongkong ... A544


Wells Fargo Bank & Union Trust

Co G33 Demag. Akt. Ges., Duisburg. ... B70

H’kong. & Whampoa Dock Co., Ld. A612


Bapid Magnetting Machine Co.,

Cling-Surface Co G33

Ld., Birmingham G3

BELTING:— Reiss, Massey & Co., Ld A653

The Helvetia Leather Co., Ltd.... G6 ENVELOPE AND CIRCULAR AD- .


(SHANGHAI):— A Addressing Co. (Smith,.

British Belting & Asbestos, Ltd. Dalby-Welch) ... GlO

(Dodwell & Co.)... ... Front cover EXCAVATORS:—

BROKERS:— Demag A.G., Duisburg Rhine ... B70'

Sorox y Cia, Manila ... D64


BUYER’S GUIDE Gl Bonifacio Echeverria ... ... ... G20



Original-Odhner (Dodwell & Co.)

Front cover Thos. De La Rue & Co., Ld. and

Chas. Goodall & Son Ld.... ... 258


Ihagee Camera Works, Dresden... G22 GASOLINE AND KEROSENE :—


Asiatic Petroleum & Co. xviand front cover

Indo-China Portland Cement Co., GENERAL IMPORT & EXPORT MER-

Ld., Haiphong (Indo-China) ... xv CHANTS:—

Indo-China Lafarge Aluminous Carlowitz & Co ... Back cover

Cement Co., Ld., Haiphong ... xv Dodwell & Co., Ltd. ... Front cover







China Travel Service ... Treaties, Glaser F. C. & R. Pflaum ... ... G2'7

Japan and Northern Ports


•GLOVES:— Benson’s ... Gl3

Morley & Co., England ... MACHINERY :—

Shanghai Tab Page Dodwell

GRINDING MILLS :— H’kong. & Whampoa Dock Co., Ld. A612

J. Rohrbach, Ltd. G20 Rapid Magnetting Machine Co.,

Ld., Birmingham G3

GUT:— Reiss, Massey & Co., Ld. ... ... A653

George Tracey, London G2 Demag Akt .i. ... ... B70

HARDWARE MANUFACTURERS:— Sullivan Machinery Co. ... ... G34

Rapid Magnetting Machine Co., MA.RINE AND INDUSTRIAL HARD-,

Ld., Birmingham G3 WARE :—

HONE STONES: — The Thomas Laughlin Co G35

The Water of Ayr & Tam MARINE OIL ENGINES, ETC. :—

O’Shanter Hone Works, Ltp. ... G2 Fetters Limited Gl4


The Gloucester Hotel, Hong Kong A615 Valentine’s Meat-Juice Co. ... G35


Canton Tab Page

A.B.C. Directory of American Mer-

HUMATAGRAPH HYGROMETERS :— chants and Manufacturers ... G33

C. L. Burdick Mfg. Co G2 A.B.C. Directory of British Mer-


chants and Manufacturers ... Gl


A.B.C. Directory of Continental


Merchants and Manufacturers... G20

B. Wolfenson ... G25 Carlowitz & Co. ... ... ...Back caver

Dodweli & Co., Ld.... ... Front cover

IMPORTERS AND EXPORTERS:— Reiss, Massey & Co. G653

Dodwell & Co., Ld. ... Front cover MORRIS CARS & TRUCKS:—

Reiss, Massey & Co., Ld A653

Dodwell & Co., Ld. ... Front cover




China Assurance Corporation, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld xvi

Front cover and A548

Ltd Southern Ports,


Macao, Agencies, Cable Ad-

dresses and Buyers Guide Tab Pages Hongkong Daily Press xxiv

Singapore Free Press


Dodwell & Co., Ld. ... Front cover


Carlowitz & Co Bach cover

Reiss, Massey & Co A853 Roneo (Dodwell & Co.)... Front cover

. Union Insurance Society of OILENGINES (MARINE & VEHICULAR):—

Canton, Ld Hinge of cover Gardner Heavy Oil Engines J


(Dodwell & Co., Ltd.) ... Front cover

H’kong. & Whampoa Dock Co., Ld. A812 OIL OF SANDALWOOD :—

Rapid Magnetting Machine Co., Trade Commissioner for Mysore... Gl5

Birmingham G3 OIL MERCHANTS :—

LABORATORY CENTRIFUGES :— Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld. xvi

International Equipment Co. ... G34 Front cover and A548

De Bataafsche Petroleum Mij.,

LAWN TENNIS, RACKET AND BAD- Dutch East Indies ... xvi

MINTON GUT:— Franco - Asiatique des Petroles, !

George Tracey, London G2 Indo-China ... 1 ... xVi


Rising Sun Petroleum Co., Japan xvi

Waygood-Otis (Dodwell & Co.)... OILS AND GASOLINE :— • .»

Front cover The Gastine Co, ... ... ... ... G35




Rapid Magnetting Machine Co,, A. Ming & Co., Hong Kong A544

Ltd., Birmingham ... G3 SHOE & LEATHER MANUFACTURERS:—

PACKINGS & JOINTINGS:— Bata Shoe Co., Ltd G30

Attwater & Sons, Preston Gl5



Slazengers ... Bottom Front Tab Pages

Charles Morton & Co Uberoi Limited G17

Hongkong Tab Page



The Loyal T. Ives Co G36

Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ltd. ... xvi

Front Cover & A548 STATE LOTTERY:—


National State Lottery Admin-


Thos De La Rue, Ld. and Charles Art Paper Facing Shanghai Tab Page

Goodall & Son, Ld

A297, A644, C23, C292 STEAMSHIP LINES :—

PRINTING INKS:— Apcar Line A634

John Kidd & Co., Ltd., London ... Gl6 British India S. N. Co., Ld A634

Carlowitz & Co Back cover

PRINTING PRESSES:— Dodwell & Co., Ld. ... ...Front covet

Challenge Machinery Co G35 Eastern and Australian Line ... A634


Grace Line xiv

Linotype & Machinery Ltd. ... G3 P. & O. Steam Nav. Co A634



Hilton Wallace


Hong Kong Daily Press xxiv Morley & Co., England

Shanghai Tab Page


Kalamazoo Railway Supply Co.... G36 SURGICAL NEEDLES:—


Ernst Kratz ... ... ... G31

A. Ming & Co., Hong Kong ... A544 SURVEYING INSTRUMENT MAPS:—

ROLLING MILLS:— Stanley, W. F. & Co., Ltd Gl&

Demag A.G. Duisburg Rhine ... B70 SYRINGE MANUFACTURERS:—


Johnson Pickett Rope Co. ... ... D43


RUBBER STAMPS:— Slazengers ... Bottom Front Tab Pages

E. M. Richford, Ltd Gl7



Wilh.-Quester G31


Dodwell & Co., Ltd. ... Front cover TROPICAL PAINTS & VARNISHES:—

The Tropical Paint and Oil Co. ... G36


H. Muehlstein & Co., Inc G36 TUBE BENDING MACHINES:—

Hilgers G32


Nahmaschinen-Teile A.-G G29 TYPEWRITING MACHINES:—

L. O. Dietrich, Vesta G29 Underwood Typewriters

(Dodwell & Co.) Front cover


Joshua Heap & Co., Ltd G3 UNDERWEAR: —


Morley & Co., England ...

Shanghai Tab Page

Joseph Sankey

Bilston, England Gl WINES AND SPIRITS :—

SHIPBUILDERS :— Jardine, Matheson

H’kong. & Whampoa Dock Co. ... A612 All Hongkong Directory Pages


Advertisers, Index to T Regulations Governing Inspection of Passports, 1930 201

Agents K Shanghai Chamber of Comnierce Scales, etc c266

British Subjects in China and Korea (orders in Shanghai Provisional Court (Reorganization, of) ... , 153

Council, 1904) ^2 Siamese Money, Weights and Measures.... Al'sl

Chinese Courts in the International Settlement, Sinb-FOreign Treaties (Vecent) 117

Reorganisation of, 1930 153 Sino-J'apanbse Trade Agreement 149

Chinese Weights and Measures XVH

Statutory Rules and Orders (China and Corea), 1909. .1)3,!

Customs Export Tariff of Republic of China ... 203 Tables of Consular and .Marriage .Fees . 114

Customs Import Tariff of China 209 Treaty Ports, etc.: ,......... 53

Declaration of the Nationalist Govt., July 7, 1928.. 116 Treaties;—With China:—

Extraterritoriality, 1929 136 Belgium, Amity and Commerce, 1928 125

Foreign Jurisdiction Act, 1890 66 Belgium, Rendition of Tientsin, 1929. 148

Hongkong Chair & Jinricksha Fares, and Boat Hires A410 Denmark, Amity and Commerce, 1928 '. :. 130

Bongkong'Chamber of Commerce, Scales of Com- France, Convention Concerning, French Indo- ,

China and the Chinese Provinces Ad joining, T930 15<>

Hongkong, Charter of the Colony of 158 France, Tariff,-4 928 H9

Hongkong, .Constitution of Councils 177 Germany, Tariff, 1928 131

Hongkong Import.Customs Tariff A528 Great Britain, Ko\vloon Extension, 1898 3'

Hongkong Legislative Council, Rules of 178 Great Britain, Slip. Commercial Treaty vVith China 4

Hongkong—Royal Instructions 162 Great Britain, Tariff, 1928 123,;1

Hongkong—Royal Instructions (Additional),1922 .. 171 Italy, Amity and Commerce, 1928 129

Netherlands, Tariff, 1928 120

Hongkong—Royal Instructions (Additional), 1928 .. 173

Norway, Tariff, 1928 .'. .. 120

Hongkong—Royal Instructions (Additional),,1929 .. 175

Portugal, Amity and.Commerce, 1928. 128

Hongkong Stock Exchange.. A452 ; Spain, Amity »nd Commerce, .19,28 127 .

Hongkong Storm Signal Codes and Stations x 1

Sweden, Tariff, 1928 '...... 120 '

Japan Harbour Regulations 193 United States: oi’America, Tariff, 1^28 ' '118

Japanese Weights, Measures and Money A683 1

With Japan :—

Kellogg Pact, 1928 132 Great Britain, OonhVhbrceUnd'Navign., 1894 .... 19

Manila Invoice Charges A684 Great Britain, Commerce and Navign., 19^1 26

Orders in Council, China (Amendment) 1914 103 ;;j , ... j ( e !

; With Korea

Orders hi Council, China (Amendment), 1915 104

Great Britain, Trade Regulations 16

Orders in Council, China (Amendment No. 2), 1920 . . 104 j

Orders in Council, China (Amendment No. 3), 1920.. 104 With Siam;—

Orders in Counci), China (Amendment), 1921 105 Great Britain, 1909 46

Orders in Council (Companies), China, 1915 1 107 Great Britain 1913, re Fugitive Criminals' .... ... 5l

Orders in Council (Companies), China (Amendment), Great Britain, Trade Regulations with 44

Great Britain smd pkancp^Siamese, Frontier, 1896.. 52 ;

Orders in Council, H.B.M., China and Korea .! 62 United States Consular Court Fees 199

Port Regulations for H.B.M. Consulates in China 19© United States .Court for .China, Jurisdiction 196

Postal States,- Revision of 2(>8 Washington Conference Resolutions, 1921-22.... 35


Directory and CDronide For

China, Japan, Malaya, Philippines, etc.



LONDON ... Lt. Col. H. L. Murrow, 53, Fleet Street, E.C. 4

Do. ... Mr,, F. Algar, 58, Gracechureh Street, London, E.C. 3,.


NEW YORK. ... Acme Code Co., 93, Front Street

SAN FRANCISCO . Acme; Code Co., 311, California Street


{Charles. S«ii,th Co.,. Morton House, George Street, Brisbane



Messrs: Gordon & Gotch, 123, Pitt Street

Mr. H. A. Goddard, 255A, George Street

MELBOU'RNE Messrs'.'Gordon & Gotch, 124 and 126, Quee$ Stri36t

BRISBANE Messrs. .Gordon & Gotch, Queeh’Street


VANCOUVER, B.C. .,Mr. C. J. Ward, 1863, West 8th Avenue


CALCUTTA Messrs, Thacker,' Spink

BOMBAY “Times of India” Office

Far East

TOKYO & YOKOHAMA: Messrs. Maruzen Co,, Ltd.

KOBE & OSAKA Messrs. J. L. Thompson &, Co., Kobe

FORMOSA Mr. S. Elphinstone. Taipeh

PEIPING ... Mr. H. Vetch, The French Book Store, Grand Hotel de Pekin

SHANGHAI Messrs. Finance & Commerce, 320, Szechuen Road

FOOCHOW Messrs. Brockett & Co. ’ •

AMOY ... Messrs. Douglas, Lapraik & Co.

SWATOW... Messrs. Bradley & Co., Ltd.

HANKOW Messrs. Ramsay & Co,, 23, Tung Ting Road

CANTON ... Messrs. Koehler. & Co., Shameen

MACAO ... Mr. A. A. de Mello, 22, Praca Lobo d’Avila

SAIGON ... Compagnie deCommerce et de Navigation d’Extreme Orient

SINGAPORE AND f Advertising & Publicity Bureau, Ltd., 4, Battery Rd., S’pore.

BRITISH MALAYA tMessrs. Kelly & Walsh, Ltd,, 32, Raffles Place, Singapore

PHILIPPINE ISLANDS; Hanson, Orth and Stevenson, Chaco Building, Manila






y possibly occur from the S.W. (S-W).

a with ur from the S.E. (E-S.)

l from the N.W. (W-N).

▼ the S.W. (S-W)

1 Gale expected from the N.E. (N-E).

& Gale expected from the S.E. (E-S),

X Gale expected to increas

Hr Wind of typhoon force (

rapidly to a calm or nearly ca,m

’ ’


,y zif:?, —— -



When IiOca^ignais^are^d^^a^d^i^^he^Harboiir^sifmals^jvill be displayed as follows


Cheung Chow





Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation.




STERLING £6,500,000

SILVER $10,000,000




S. H. DODWELL, ESQ., Chairman

C. C. KNIGHT, ESQ., Deputy Chairman
























CURRENT Accounts oppnfA In I ocal Currency and Fixed Deposits received for

one year or shorter periods in Local Currency and Sterling on terms which will be

quoted on application.

ALSO up to date SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES in various sizes TO LET.


HONOKONO, JANUARY, 1936. Chief .Manager.


Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China

Head Office: —38, BISHOPSGATE, LONDON.


CAPITAL, in 600,000 Shares of £5 each £3,000,000

RESERVE FUND £3,000,000

Court of Directors









Chief manager








The Bank of England

Midland Bank, Limited

Westminster Bank, Limited

National Provincial Bank, Limited

The National Bank of Scotland, Limited

Lloyds Bank, Limited

Agencies and Branches












Correspondents in the Chief Commercial places throughout the world.






Authorised Capital £3,000,000

Subscribed Capital £1,800,000

Paid-up Capital £1,050,000

Reserve Fund and Rest £1,247,830



The Bank of England. Midland Bank, Ltd.











Every description of Banking and Exchange Business transacted.

Travellers’ Cheques issued.

Trustee and Executorships undertaken.

INTEREST allowed on Current Accounts and Fixed Deposits at

Rates that may be ascertained on application.

Telegraphic Address: "PARADISE.”

7, Queen’s Road Central, R, KENNEDY,





The Business of the above Bank is conducted by the


Buies may be obtained on application.

INTEREST on Deposits is allowed at 2£ PER CENT. Per Annum

on the minimum monthly balances.

Depositors may transfer at their option balances of $100 or more to the HONGKONG

AND SHANGHAI BANK, to be placed on FIXED DEPOSIT at current rates



HONGKONG, JANUARY, 1936. Chief Manager.


Provide fortnightly service between California and

Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Panama, Colombia,

Havana and New York.


tween the Pacific and the Atlantic Coasts! '

For further information regarding sailings, etc., apply to


or any tourist agency, or directly to


2, Pine St.* San Francisco. 1308, Fourth Ave., Seattle, Wash.



Telephones : Telegraphic


Nos. 66

& 328. “CIPORTIN


English,- French

A. Z. Code

A.B.C. Code

3rd Edition,

5th & 6th Cogef

Lugagne 1929.


South China:



North China:

& Co., Ltd,

RACINE & Co. Singapore:


& Co.






& Co., Ltd.

Co., Ltd. (Fondu).


Siam :




& Co. (Portland).



CABAUD. (Fondu).





COMPANY ( cuVriA ), LTD.

















In China, Standards of Weights, Measures and Length vary all over the

country. Generally speaking, two , kinds of standard are now in use, namely,

the old and the new. The old standard was forinulated from the Weights and

Measures liaw promulgated in 1914, establishing a. double system, the standard

metric unit and that based on Yinq i\ao I liih or “ Builder’s Fbdt ?> for length and ‘

Kuping tkel or Lw/nQ' for weight. The law governing the hew standard waA

promulgated by the National Government on February 6. 1929 and it is intended

to be the legal standard .of weights- and ,:gieasures acceptable throughout China.

For convenience sake and (Mstomary usage'it'also established a double system;

one is the standard metric unit and. the other, whichds temporary in .nature, and,

to be abolished as soon as the people are accustomed to l|he use of standard units,

is designed only for market use. However, the latter is derived from the former .

by taking ,one litre of Kung Shehg as one Shih Sheng whieh is nearest to the “

Chinese customary unit of capacity Sheng one, half kilogram as one Shih Chin

which is the average weight of the different varieties of “Chin” in different

localities; and one third of a meter or Rung Ch’ik as one Sk’ih Ch’ih which is the

average length of different varieties of Chinese “ Foot ” in different localities, thus

constituting the so-called 1-2-S-system of "Chinese weights and measures based on

IntetnationaTmetric standardi Such'a system, as devised by the Ministry"of'

Industry; Commerce and Labour aftff proclaimed by the National Goyei nrhent'to1

be put into force may also have great bbaring on the Users, of British “.Foot-Bound” ;

system -By taking the following approximate value : 1 quart equals to 1 litre,

1 pound equals to £ kilogram and 1 yard equals to 1 meter. The Russian and

Japanese system can also be thus varied accordingly s© as to fit themselves to the

International System. The following is a comparative table showing both the cld

and the new standards together with.ithe/r approximate foreign equivalent^.;— r


10 Wei = 1 Hu i 10 Ohieih at 1 Lianp, or Tael L100 Chin = 1 Tan, or Picul

10 Hu — 1 Ssu = 37.79937 Grammes

10 Ssu — 1 Hao = 1.333 Avoirdupois Ounces ~ 133/33 lb.

10 Hao — 1 Li' 16 Liang =f-IS0hin,:or Catty - ' — 60.47899 Kilogramme!!

10 Li = 1 Fen; or-Candarecn ~ 604.7899 Grammes

10 Fen '= 1 Chien, or Mace == li/p ib. 200 Chin — lYing . ■'



1 Milligramme j 10 Kung,Fen - i 1 Kung Ghien ■ 10 Kung Chin : 1 Kung Heng

: 1 Kung Hao I ; 1 decagramme" 1 Myriagramme

: 1 Centigramme

10 Eung Hao i 10 Kung Chien = : 1 Kung, Liang 10 Kung Hem?. : 1 Kung Shih., .

: 1 Kung Li ;! 1

: 1 Decigramme 1 : 1 Hectogramme iquihtot'

10 Kung Li - -■ 1 Kung Fen 10 Kung Liang = IKungChin 10 Kung Shito ; 1 Kung Tung ’

1 Gramme I IXilogramme 1 1 Tonne


10 Shih Ssu = 1 Shih Hao [ 10 Shih.Chien — 1 Shih Liang , I 16 Shih Liang — 500 Grammes

10 Shih'Hao .1-Shib Liiii ■ — 3li Grammes ‘ ! 13


Liang & 4 Chiim

10 Shih Li =1 Shih Fen 18 Shih Liang .irz 1 Shih Chin (Kupihg Weight)

10 Shih Fen — 1 Shih Chien I i Kung Chin | 100 Si h Chin = 1 Shih Tan


6 Su — 1 Keui - 1 -10 Ho 1 Sheng - | 10 Sheng — 1 Tou

10 Keui =1 Hu

10 Ch’ao — lTs’o° I = 1.0354688 Litres 6 Tou

10 Ts’o ~ 1 shao = i-09416 Liquid quarts 2 Hu == 1 Shih

10 Shao = 1 Ho I 0.27354 Gallons | 2 Shih 1 Yin




1 Rung Ts’o r= 1 Millilitre 10 Rung Ho — 1 Rung Sheng 10 Rung Tou = 1 Rung Shih

10 Rung Ts’o — 1 Rung Shao = 1 Litre or 1,000 co ■;.== 1 Hectolitre

= 1 Centilitre

0 Rung Shao = 1 Rung Ho 10 Rung Sheng — 1 Rung Tou 10 Rung Shih — 1 Rung Ping

= 1 Decilitre = 1 Decalitre — 1 Rilolitre


10 Shih Ho — 1 Shih Shehg

= 1 Rung Sheng | 10 Shih Sheng *. 1 Shih Tou

, ,=p 0.966 Sheng (old stand.) 10 Shih Tou - 1 Shih Shih


1 Ts’un (Or inch) 10 Ts’un — 0.35814 Metres 1 10 Chang— 1 Yihg

1.41 English inches 5 Ch’ih == 1 Pu or 1 Rung IS Ying — 1 Li

35.814 Millimetres 2 Pu t— 1 Chang

in = 1 Ch'ih for foot) — ll feet A 9 ins. (Eng.) = 1/3 English Mile

' ia= 14.4 English inches = 3.5814 Metres ==t 576 Metres



Millimetre 10 Rung Ts’un =fc 1 Rung Ch’ih I 10 Rung Chang 1 Rung Ying

Rung Fen = 1 Metre 03)1 Hectometre

= 1 Centimetre

1 Rung Ts’un 10 Rung Ch’ih — 1 Rung Chang 10 Rung Ying 33 1 Rung Li

Decimetre = 1 Decametre [ ; oo 1 Kilometre


10 Shih Had 3= YShih Li 10 Shih Ts’un z= 1 Shih Ch’ih

10 Shih Li 33 1 Shih Fen 33 1/3 of Rung Ch’ih | 10 Shih Chang 3= 1 Shih Ying

10 Shih Fen = 1 Shih Ts’un 1.4 Ch’ih (old standard) I 15 Shih Ying 33 1 Shih Li


1<,0 Sq. Fen 1 Sq, Ts’un lOSsu 03 1 Hao I 10 Fen 33 1 Mow

Ido Sq. Ts’un : 1 Sq. Ch’ih Z3- 1/6 English ai

25 Sq. Ch’ih 1 Sq. Pu or lOHao OolLi 3= 240 Sq. Pu

1 Sq. Rung 10 Li 331 J’en 100 Mow =3 1 Ch’ing

100 Sq. Ch’ih 1 Sq. Chang =3.6 Sq. Chang | 540 Mow =3 1 Sq. Li



1 Rung ti =4:1 CentiarC 10 Rung Fen =3 1 Rung Mow [ 100 Rung Mow — 1 Rung Oh’in

10 Rung Li rot 1 Rung Fen 1 Heotare

100 Sq. Rung Ch’ih I ^


10 Shih Hao 33 1 Shih Li 10 Shih Fen = 1 Shih Mow

IQ Shih Li 33 1 Shih Fen 33 6,000 Sq. Shih Ch’ih 100 Shih Mow 00 1 Shih’Ctl’ing


The following arrived too late for classification.

Duplicate copies of these entries are to be found in the

pocket, inside the hack cover. Get your clerk to cut

them out and paste them in the correct places.


I On Page 297 On Page 321

j BIENIE LEONARD, Export and Import CUSTOM HOUSE—Hagoromo-machi

Commission Merchant —99, Harima- Director—S. Fukuchi

machi (2nd floor); Teleph. 1282 San- Chief Inspector—T. Shinoda

nomiya; Cable Ad: l.eonard; Codes: Chief Appraiser—C. Miyake

A.B.C. 6th, Bentley’s, Acme Commodity Chief Accountant—A. Koike

Code Chief Plants Quar. Off.—K. Tanaka


J. K. Mooney & Co., Ltd., New Zea-

land. Wool, Hides, Sheep-skins, TAIHOKU

Babbit-skins, Tallow, etc.

The Feldman Rug Co., Inc , New York

The Oriental Consolidated Mining Co. On Page 326

The Seoul Mining Co. Carter Macy Tea and Coffee Co.,

Inc., Tea Merchants and Shipping

. Agents — 24-26, Eiraku cho, 1-chome,

On Page 306 Taihoku; P. O. Box 59; Cable Ad:



Building, 32, Akashi-machi; Telephs. Geo. S. Beebe, special agent

Sannomiya 155, 2805 & 5102 ; P. O. Box R. B. Orr

336 ; Cable Ads: Javalyn and Hoaline H. L. Keen | J. M. Boyol

A. L. W. van Dobben, agent Agencies:

L. Speelman, p.p.

J. R. van Waltree American Pioneer Line

F. Cochius (Passage Dept.) Barber Wilhelmsen Line

i J. C. Zwan (Accounting Dept.) Ellermann “London” Line

T. Teshima Java-China-Japan-Lijn, N. Y.

s Agencies

Holland-East-Asia Line (H.O.A.L.) KEIJO, KOREA

“ Nederland Line ” Royal Dutch Mail


“ Rotterdam Lloyd ” Royal Dutch Mail On Page 335

(R.L.) TEXAS CO. (CHINA), LTD., THE, Petroleum

Royal Packet Navigation Co. (K.P.M.) Products—Nikka Sumei Building, 5

Holland America Line (N.A.S.M.) Chome No. 1; Nandaimon Dori; Teleph.

Royal Dutch Airways (K. L. M.) Hon. 3968; Cable Ad: Texaco

Royal Dutch Indian Airways (K.N.I. E. C. Robinson, district acct. & mgr.

L.M.) R. Ohashi


PEIPING General Managers: “Defag”

Deutsche Farben- Handelsgesellschaft

Waibel & Co.

On Page A36

HENRI VETCH-Publisher at the French

Bookstore, Peiping, of “ Monumenta TAKU

Serica,” Serai-Annual Journal of

Oriental Studies

On Page A91

On Page A38 TAKU CLUB—

lion. Sec.—R. Heaps

“MONUMENTA SERICA”—Journal of Orien-

tal Studies of the Catholic University

of Peking (Semi-Annual) HARBIN

F. X. Biallas, S.V.D., editor

Baron A. von Stael-Holstein, Gustav On Page Alll

Ecke, Ernst ' Schierlitz, Ch’en

Yuan, Shen Kien-shi, Chang POLISH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE — 5,

Hing-lang, Ying Ts’ien-li and Glukhaya Street

Henri Vetch, associate editors Chairman—W. Radwan

• Secretary—A. Zalewski


On Page Al 08

On Page A69 POLISH CONSULATE—5 Gloukhaja

Consul—A. Kwiatkowski

ITALIAN MARBLE WORKS—3, Italian Bund; Vice-Consul—Fr. Zaleski

Teleph. 404zl; Cable Ad: Massa St. Szalay

Jan Jaworski

On Page A48 Ada Kaczkowska


President—J. A. Andrew A. Powierza

Hon. Secretary—E. S. Rendall K. Kuchcianka

Tchen Tao-tsi, interpreter

On Page A84


Teh shik ku hou yiu kuny sze

TEXAS CO. (CHINA), LTD., THE, Petroleum On Page Al43

Products (Kerosene, Gasoline, Lubricat- CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA

ing Oils, Paraffine VVax, Roofing, Asphalt, AND CHINA—Cable Ad: Tenacity

etc.) — Banque Beige pour 1’Etranger J. R. Watson, agent

Building, 90 Victoria Road; Telephs. A. McKechnie, sub accountant

30340 & 33436; Cable-A d: Texaco A. M. Gonsalves

R. R. Harrison, district manager L. T. Chang, compradore

F. G Keefe

E. H. Fendlason, district accountant On Page A148

G. A. Flynn

E. Katz 1 Liu Feng Tsai ■R! & vfc ik •£ ± H

Kuo You Tan | B. J. Stepanoff Teh shih kit huo yiu kung szu

Installation: TEXAS CO. (CHINA), LTD., THE, Petroleum

W. P. Irwin, terminal superin- Products (Kerosene, Gasoline, Lub-

tendent ricating Oils, Paraffine Wax, Roofing,

L. G. Bowers Asphalt, etc.) — 3, Monchwang, Road;

L. A. Chupin | L. U. Joukoff Teleph. 3203; Cable Ad: Texaco

G. H. Burdick, district manager

On Page A85 G. H. McLachlan, district accountant


m ^Guang

it fengm huamhsiau tschang D. F. Lee I D. H. Shu (Chefoo)

M. I. Popoff I D. S. Chao (Tsinan)

TIENTSIN CHEMICAL CO.—8, Rue Courbet Installation:

K. Kuehn, partner R. C. Whitney, terminal supt.

R. Walter, techn. dept. W. Pflug | B. V. Booriakin



LALCACA & Co., Exchange and Bullion

On Page A164 Brokers—45, Kiukiang Road; Telephs.

10026 »fc 17731; Cable Ad : Lalcaca

fr ft B. P. Lalcaca, partner

ABRAHAM, KATZ & Co.— 316, Kiangse N. B. Karanjia, do.

Hoad; Teleph. 13361; Cable Ad; Abkatz E. D. Damri, do.

M. Katz D. K. Mistry

L. Katz ■[ T. Wong

On Page A307

On Page A215

PAN & Co., C. C., Export and Import Mer-


The chants—83/2, Thibet Road; P.O. Box

Bund; Teleph. 10704; P.O. Box 1049; 1818

Cable Ad: Moorob

President—Gen. Wu Teh-cher On Page A197

Chairman—H. Tiefenbacher


Secretaries—Beck & Swann


On Page A185 Chairman—W. K. Peltz

Vice-Chairman—J. Chudzynski

BECK & SWANN—17, The Bund; Teleph. Vice-Chairman—A. Rodkin

10704; P.O. Box 1049; Cable Ad: Moorob B. Sienkiewicz

ii. N. Swann, F.L.A.A. M. Steinman

Miss A. Anderson St. Dembinski, secretary

Y. C. Chu I Z. L. Chow

K. T. Doo I K. L. Chwang On Page 221


On Page A207

Envoy Extraordinary and Minister

n n m w *1’ §? Plenipotentiary — J. Barthel de



REVIEW, Monthly Review of Engi- Counsellor of Legation — Dr. J.

neering, Industry, Railways, Aviation, Krysinski

Radio, etc.—53, Foochow Road; Teleph. Attache—Jan Wurcel

14231 Chancellor—Piotr Mroz

E. H. Chu, managing editor Secretary-Typist—Janina Lubanska

A. Deacon Interpreter—D. Y. Hsu

Chinese Typist—S. M. Kou

On Page A219

On Page A174

CONSULAR SECTION (Attached to Polish


Acting Consul General—Dr. Jan — 17, The Bund; Teleph. 10704; P.O.

Krysinski Box 1049; Cable Ad: Moorob

Committee—G. H. Piercy (chairman),

On Page A173 A, H. Atkins, W. C. Bond, W. G.

Dove, G. F. Dumbarton, A. R.

# SS JiO ± I Harris, L. J. Kleijn, A. B. Park,

EMPLOYERS’ FEDERATION — North China H. B. Scott and H. E. Wright

Building, 17, The Bund; Teleph. 10704;

P.O. Box 1049; Cable Ad: Moorob On Page A197


Secretaries—Beck & Swann MERCE—North China Building. 17, The

Bund; Teleph. 10704; P.O. Box 1049;

On Page A173 Cable Ad; Moorob


17, The Bund; Teleph. 10704; P.O. Box Secretaries—Beck & Swann

1049; Cable Ad: Moorob

Chairman—W. E. D. Smith On Page A174


SOCIATION—17, The Bund; Teleph. 10704;

On Page A266 P.O. Box 1049; Cable Ad: Moorob

KARANJIA, N. B., Exchange Broker—45, Chairman—W. G. Dove

Kiukiang Road; Teleph. 17731 Secretaries—Beck & Swann


On Page A174 Hankow Terminal:


TION—North China Building, 17, The A. Inch, assistant terminal supt.

Bund; Teleph. 10704; P.O. Box 1049; F.

Cable Ad: Moorob Changsha Station:

Chairman—H. Tiefenbacher W. L. Butt [ Lo Chia Hsuan

Secretaries—Beck and Swann Chungking Station:

J. W. Powell

On Page A357

jji{| Foh Ping On Page A398

THOMSON & Co., Chartered Accountants—

WHITE & Co., LTD., W. A., Merchants, Union Buildings, S. A. D. No. 3; Teleph.

Commission, Land & Estate Agents — 21307; Cable Ad: Scrutiny

81, Jinkee Koad ; Teleph. 11549; Cable E. S. Wilkinson, A C.A. (Shanghai)

Ad: Whitecold L. T. Beddow, A.C.A. (Tientsin)

W. A. White, director G.

John L. Wade, director B. O. Blakeiv A.C A. (Shanghai)

™ ’ '

A. A. Sequeira I. E. Koberts, A.C.A. (Hankow)

B. J. Marinitch I Lau Tsat Yue W. J. Cole, A.C.A S. K. W-ong

Hanpin Y. Chow | Chuck Men Tu M. N. Speyer K. H. Lo

Yang Tuck Chong | Sung V uen Ding L. J. Panoff

Chow Tsze San j Loh Kiu Kao S. Liang

W. Broderick P. S. Wong

Giant Han | Wong Ying Kwei P. C. Shien W. Y. Lee

S. K. Au C. D. Pao



On Page A372

On Page A436

& vfe A £ ± m ^1 & VftA "S’ ± H

Teh sze ku liuo yu hung sze

Teh se ku huo yu hung sze

TEXAS CO. (CHINA), LTD., THE, Petroleum

Products—13, Chung Shan lioad; Cable TEXAS CO. (CHINA), LTD., THE, Petroleum

Ad: Texaco Products, Kerosene, Gasoline, Lub-

ricating Oils, Paraffine Wax, Roofing

J. M. Hansen, district manager Material and Asphalt—7, Huang Sung

J. F. Orr, district accountant Pao Street, Natal; Teleph. 2942; Cable

T. F. Schields I C. F. Lui Ad: Texaco

S. T. Tai I S. P. Chen H. K. Chang


On Page A.397 On Page A443

^ & *it& iJc -& ± n * ±

Tax tze ku


Teh szu ku ho yu kung sze Petroleum


TEXAS COMPANY (CHINA), LTD., THE, Pe- Products—Hongkong & Shanghai Bank

troleum and its Products—N.K.K. Bldg., Building; Cable Ad: Texaco

The Bund and Kiang Plan Road; Te- Lei Shi Seng

lephs.: Manager 821, General 823,

Manager’s Residence 1520, Installation

2837; Cable Ad: Texaco SWATOW


L. M. Carson, district manager On Page A451

Miss J. C. Wood

± H

Marketing Division: Tax tze ku

H. G. Stewart

G. A. Flynn | Chang Shao Tang TEXAS CO. (CHINA), LTD., THE, Petroleum

and its Products—6, Koo Peng Road;

Accounting Department: Teleph. 266; Cable Ad: Texaco

S. K. Svensen, district acct. Ko Man Tat

Chang Foh Hwa Chew Huan Check


HONGKONG Installation:

W. L. Worden, terminal superinten-

On Page A651 dent

A. M. Claeys


Export Merchants—18, Queen’s Road

Central; Teleph. 20370; P.O. Box 2;

Cable Ad: Pitchfork SELANGOR

W. Pittendrigh, manager

W. K. Tung

On Page Cl36

On Page A651


Po KWONG STUDIO—130, Queen’s Road

Central; Teleph. 23854 Incorporated in the F.M.S., Eastern

Representatives of: Anglo-Oriental

On Page A651 Mining^ Corporation, Ltd., London.

(Capital: Authorised—£100,000; Is-

Po MAN & Co., Dealers' in Typewriters sued £7,000)—2-8, Java St., Kuala

and Accessories—9, Gage Street; Teleph;

25434 Lumpur; Teleph. 3136; Cable Ad:


On Page A651 Directors—A. A. Henggeler (chair-

a fMcMUftStw * KB# s t- man), H. A. Coates, L. T Wil-

liams and Doutlas T. Waring

Po On Yueng Min Ka-p Fore Chook

Secretary—B. M. Cameron

Po Him Kung Sze

General Managers— '


AND GODOWN Co., LTD.—Head Office: Ampa(, Tin Dredging, Ltd.

157, Wing Lok Street; Teleph. 20106; Anglo-Malayan Tin, Ltd.

Cable Ad1: Poon Anglo-Siamese Tin Syndicate,

Directors—Un Chi Oi, Chu Shu Nam, Ltd. ■ . ; .

Un Lan Soon, Au Kwong Yu, Ho Jelapang Tin Dredging, Ltd.

Tse Hung and Lo Hon Wing Kampong Lanjut Tin Dredging,

Un Man Chuen, secretary Ltd.

Kramat Tin Dredging, Ltd.

HAIPHONG Kuala Kampar Tin Fields, Ltd.

Kundang Tin Dredging, Ltd.

La-rat Tin Fields,, Ltd.

On Page B121 London Tin Corporation, Ltd.,

TEXAS Co. (CHINA), LTD., THE, Petroleum Siput Mine

Products—21, Rue Jules Ferry; Cable Lower Perak Tin Dredging, Ltd

Ad: Texaco Malim Nawar Tin, Ltd.

C. J. Livingston, marketing asst. Rawang Concessions, Ltd.

P. L. Boutron I Miss A. Graham Rawang Tin Fields, Ltd.

Miss E. Agier | Lau Chi Cheung Southern Kinta Consolidated,


Talerng Tin Dredging, Ltd.


- Technical Managers—

Kamunting Tin Dredging, Ltd.

On Page B155

Kuchai Tin, Ltd.


Petroleum Products—1, Rue Georges Pangnga River Tin Concessions)

Guynemer; Cable Ad: Texaco

N. M. Draper, manager Ltd.

W. H. Smith, district accountant Semenyih Tin Dredging, Ltd.

C. L. Cauvin E. S. Lacour Talerng Tin Dredging, Ltd.

C. M. Cropley P. Laugie Eastern Managers—

H. L. Dupuoy Miss P. Peterson

O. Peterson Malayan.Tin Fields, Ltd.

Miss A. Faustin

Miss E. H. H. Rozario Soutbern Siamese Tin Dredging,

Fondacci D. Spielmann Ltd.


If you are interested in

advertising your goods

in the Far East

The Hongkong Daily Press

(Established 1857)




IV,nte for specimens and advertising rates

11, Ice House Street, London Office:

Hongkong. 53, Fleet Street.




£l]c |)mni pong Jnilj) frcss

(Established 18S7)



Write for specimens and advertising rates

11, Ice House Street, London Office:

Hong Kong. ^ireet> K.C. 4.





General Tourist Agents

River, Ocean, Railway and Airline Bookings




Offices are located at Shanghai, Hong Kong,

Nanking and twenty other Chinese Centres.

For further particulars see “Treaties” and

“Northern Ports” Tab Pages



m ,gaao3 muMi'



Whereas it h^s for marry jears past been recognised, that an extension of Hong-

kong, territory is, rieoessary for the'proper defence and, protection of the Colony,

It has now been agreed between the Governments of Great Britain and China

that the limits of Britisb territory shall be enlarged under lease" to the extent

indicated generally on the, annexed map.

The exact boundaries shall be hereafter fixed when proper surveys, haye been

made by officials appointed by the two Governments. The term of this lease,shall

be ninety-nine years.

It is at the same time agreed that within the City of Kowloon the Chinese

officials now stationed, there shall, continue to exercise jurisdiction, except so far as

may be inconsistent with the military reqbireinents fbr the defence of Hongkobg.

Within the remainfief of the newly-leaSed territbry Great Britain shall have sole ’

\ jurisdiction. Chifiese officials and people shall be ailoweil, As heretofore, tb:Use the

road from Kowlobn to Hsinan.

t It is further agreed that the existing landrng-pbice iieaJr Kbwlobii eity shall be

reserved for the Convenience df Chinese memof- war, uiercliailt and passengers •vessels,

which may come: and go and lie there at their pleasure; ahd.for the ebnveniepee of

movements of the officials and people within the city.

When, hereafter, China constructs a railway to the boundary of the j Kowloon,

territory under British control, arrangements shall be discussed,

It is furthe'r understood that there will be no expropriation or expulsion of. the

inhabitants of the district included within the extension, :s,nd tfiat if; land is, required

for public offices; fortifications, or the like official purpose^'it .shall be , bouglvt at

a fair price,

If cases of extradition of criminals occur; they shall be dealt with in accordance

with the eyisting treaties between Great Britain and,vChinii and the Hongkong


The area leased by Groat Britain includes the wa,ter^ ipf Alirs Ba-y and Beep

Bay, but it is agreed, that Chinese vessels, of war, whether neutral,or otherwise,

shall retain the right to use those waters. (,

This Convention shall come into force on the first, day of July, eighteen hundred

and ninety-eight, being the thirteenth day of ihe fifth inion of the twenty.-fburfli year

j of Kwang Hsu. It sh^H be ratified by the Sovereigns i>f the' two cbUT^tfiesy^afi'd the

f ratifications shall be exchanged In London as sgoii as possibly.

| In witness whereof the undersigned, duly authorised'thereftj by tHbir respective

Governments, have sigiied the presbnf agreement. ''

t Done at Peking:in quadruplicate (four copies in English and in Chinese), the

ninth day of June, in the year of Our Lord eighteen: hundred and ninety-eightvbeing

i the twenty-first daylof the fourth moon of the, twenty-fctp-th year of,Iiwail?'Hsu..


Claude M. Macdonald.

Li Hung-chang '7 MeUiberS of

. : Hsu Ting K’uEi ) Tsung-li iTamun.



Signed at Shanghai, 5th Septembek, 1902

Ratifications exchanged at Peking, 28th July, 1903

His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of

the British Dominions beyond the Seas, Emperor of India, and His Majesty the Em-

peror of China, having resolved to enter into negotiations with a view to carrying- out

the provisions contained in Article XI. of the Final Protocol signed at Peking on the

7th of September, 1901, under which the Chinese Government agreed to negotiate the

amendments deemed useful by the Foreign Governments to the Treaties of Commerce

and Navigation and other Subjects concerning commercial relations>ith the object of

facilitating them, have for that purpose named as their Plenipotentiaries, that is to


. His Majesty the King, of Great Britain and Ireland, His Majesty’s Special Com-

missioner, Sir James Lyle Mackay, Knight Commander of the Most Eminent Order of

the Indian Empire, a metpber of the Council of the Secretary of State for India, etc.

And His Majesty the EmperOr of China, the Imperial Commissioners Lii Hai-huan,

President of the Board of Public Works, etc., and Sheng Hsuan-huai, Junior Guardian

of the Heir Apparent, Senior Vice-President of the Board of Public Works, etc.

Who having communicated to each other their respective full powers, and

found them to be in good and due form, have agreed upon and concluded the

following Articles

Art. I.—Delay having occurred in the past in the issue of Drawback CertifDates

owing to the fact that those documents have to be dealt with by the Superintendent

of Customs at a distance from the Customs Office, it is now agreed that Drawback

Certificates shall hereafter in all cases be issued by the Imperial Maritime Customs

within three weeks of the presentation to the Customs of the papers entitling the

applicant to receive such Drawback Certificates.

These Certificates shall be valid tender to the Customs Authorities in payment

of any duty upon goods imported or exported (transit dues excepled), or shall, in the

case of Drawbacks on foreign goods re-exported abroad within three years from the

date of importation, be payable in cash without deduction by the Customs Bank at

the place where the import duty was paid.

But if, in connection with any application for a Drawback Certificate, the

Customs Authorities discover an attempt to defraud the revenue, the applicant shall

be liable to a fine not exceeding five times the amount of the duty whereof he

attempted to defraud the Customs, or to a confiscation of the goods.

Art. II.—China agrees to take the necessary steps to provide for a uniform

national coinage which shall be legal tender in payment of all duties, taxes and other

obligations throughout the Empire by British as well as Chinese subjects.

Art. III.—China agrees that the duties and lelcin combined levied on goods carried

by junks from Hongkong to the Treaty Ports in the Canton Province and vice versa

shall together not be less than the duties charged by the Imperial Maritime Customs

on similar goods, carried by steamer.

Art. IV.—Whereas questions have arisen in the past concerning the right of

Chinese subjects to invest money in non-Chinese enterprises and companies, and

whereas it is a matter of common knowledge that large sums of Chinese capital are

so invested, China hereby agrees to recognise the legality of all such investments past

present and future.


It being, moreover, of the utmost importance that all shareholders in a Joint Stock

II ^Company should standbn a footing of perfect equality as far as .mutual obligations

are concerned,.China further agrees that Chinese subjects who ba,ve br ruav become

11 shareholders in any British Joint Stock Company shall be held to have accepted, by

j: 'the very act of becoming shareholders, the Charter of. Incorporation Or Memorandum

j and Articles of Association of such Company and regulations framed thereunder as

interpreted by British Courts, and that Chinese'Courts shallenforceCOmpliance there-

with by such Chinese shareholders, if a suit to that effect be entered, provided always

i that their liability shall not be other or greater than that of British shareholders in

I the same Company.

Similarly the British Government agree, that British subjects 'investing in

i1 Chinese Companies shall be under the same obligations as the Chinese .shareholders

in such companies.

1 The foregoing shall not apply to cases tvhich have already been before the Courts

and been dismissed.

Art. V.—The Chinese Government undertake to remove within the next two

years the artificial obstructions, to navigation in the Canton River. The Chinese

I Government also agree to improve the accommodation for shipping in the harbour of

f 'Canton and to take the necessary steps to maintain that improvement, such work to

< be carried out by. the Imperial Maritime Customs and the cost thereof to be defrayed

j by a tax on goods , landed and shipped 1by British and Chinese alike according to a

\ *cale to be arranged between the merchants' and the Customs Authorities.

The Chinese Government are'aware of the desirability of improving the naviga-

i bility by steamer of the waterway between Ichang and Chungking, but are also fully

[ aware that such improvement might involve heavy expense and would affect the

interests of the population of the provinces of Szechuen, Hunan, and Hupeh. It is,

therefore, mutually agreed that until, improvements can be curried out steamship

owners shall be allowed., subject to approval by the Imperial Maritime Customs, to

■erect, at their own expense, appliances, for hauling through the rapids. Such

appliances shall be at the disposal of all vessels, both steamers and junks, subject to

I regulations to he drawn up by the Imperial Maritime. Gnstoms. These appliances

| shall not obstruct the waterway or interfere with the free passage of junks. Signal

| stations and channel marks where and, when necessary shall be erected by the

Imperial Maritime Customs. Should any practical scheme be presented for improv-

? ing the waterway and assisting navigation without, injury to the local 'population or

l cost to the Chinese Government, it shall be considered by the latter in a friendly

1 spirit.

Art. VI.—The Chinese Government auree to make arrangements to give increased

? facilities at the open ports for bonding and for repacking merchandise in bond, and,

on official representation being made by the British Authorities, to grant the privi-

leges of a bonded warehouse to any warehouse which, to the satisfaction of the

Customs Authorities, affords the necessary security to the revenue.

Such warehouses will be subject to regulations, including a scale of fees according

to commodities, distance from Custom-house and hours of working, to be drawn up

by the Customs Authorities who will meet the convenience of merchants so far as is

| compatible with the protection of the revenue.

Art. VII.—Inasmuch as the British Government affords protection to Chinese

i trade marks against infringement, imitation, or colourable imitation by British

subjects, the Chinese Government undertake to afford protection to British trade

marks against infringement, imitation, or colourable imitation by Chinese subjects.

The Chinese Government further undertake that the Superintendents of Northern

and of Southern trade shall establish offices within their respective jurisdictions under

control of the Imperial Maritime Customs where foreign trade marks may he

registered on payment of a reasonable fee.

Art. VIII.—Preamble. The Chinese Government, recognising that the system

of levying lelcin and other dues on goods at the place of production, in transit, and at


destination, impedes tlie free circulation of commodities and injures the interests of

trade, hereby undertake to discard completely these; means of raising, revenue with

the limitation mentioned in Section 8.

The British Government, in return, consent to allow a surtax, in excess of th&

Tariff rates for the time being in force, to, be imposed on foreign, goods' imported by

British subjects, and a surtax in addition to the export duty on Chinese produce'

destined for export abroad or coastwise.

It is clearly understood. that after teJc\n barriers. a,h,d, otliei; stations for taxing

goods in transit have been removed, no attempt shall be made to revive them in any

form or under any pretext whatsoever; that in no case shall the surtax on foreign

imports exceed the equivalent of one and a half times the import duty leviable in

terms of the Final Protocol,signed by China and the Powers on the 7th day of Sep-

tember, 1901; that payment ol the import duty and surtax sliall secpre for foreign

imports, whether in the hands of Chinese or non-Chinese subjects, in original packages

or otherwise, complete immunity from all other taxation, examination 6r delay ; that

the total amount of taxation leviable on native produce foe expovt abroad shall, under

no circumstances, exceed 7| per ad 'valorem:

Keeping these fundamental principles 'steadily in vibw1'; the high "coiltractihg

parties have agreed upon the following methods of procedure

Section 1.—The Chinese Government undertake that all barriers of whatsoever

kind, collecting lehin or such like dues or duties, shall be permanently abolished on all

roads, railways, and waterways in the Eighteen Provinces of China and the Three

Eastern Provinces. This provision does not apply to the Native Custom-houses' at

present in existence on the seaboard or waterways, at open ports,!rin land routbs, and

on land frontiers of China.

Section 2.—The British Government agree that foreign gdods' bh importation, in

addition to the effective 5 per cent, import duty as provided for1 in the Protocol of 1901,

shall pay a special surtax equivalent to one and a half times the'said duty to com-

pensate for the abolition of ZeZa’n, of transit dues in lieu of lekin, and of all other

taxation on foreign goods, and in consideration of the other reforYns .provided for in

this Article; but this provision shall pot impair the right of Chiftado tax salt, native

opium and native produce as provided for in Sections 8, 5, 6 and 8.

The same amount of surtax shall be levied on goods imported into the Eighteen

Provinces of China arid the Three Eastern Provinces acrbSs'the land frontiers as on

goods entering China by sea.

Sectioii 8.—All Native Custom-hbuses now existing, whether at the Open Ports,

on the seaboard, on rivers, inland waterways, land routes br larid frontiers, as

enumerated in the Hu Pu and Kung Pu Tse Li (.Regulations of the Boards of Revenue

and Works) and Ta Ch’mg Hui Tien (Dynastic Institutes), may remain ; a list of the

same, with their location, shall be furnished to the British Government,•

1 for purposes

of record.

be hereafter placed,‘Native Custom-houses may be also established ; as wellsuch

Wherever there afb Ifnperial Maritime Custom-house's, or wherever as at may


points either on the seaboard or land frontiers.

The location of Native Cusfo'm-hduses iif the ' Interior' may be- changed as the

circumstances of trade seem to feqUirb, but any change must be communicated to the

British Government, so that the list may be' cbrreked'; the originally r •stated number

of them shall not, however, be exceeded. '

Goods carried by junks or sailing-vessels trading to or f rom open ports shall not

pay lower duties than the coiribimed duties and surtax on similar cai’go carried by

steamers. ■ , .

Native produce,

on arrival)at the first when

Nativetransported from after

Custom-house, one place; to another

leaving the placein oftheproduction,

interior, shall,


duty equivalent to the export surtax mentioned in. Section. 7. ,

When this duty has been paid, a certificate shall be giveri which shall describe the

nature of the goods, weight, number of packages, etc,, am.ount of duty paid and

intended destination. This certificate, which shall he valid, for a fixed period of nob


less .than oue yqar froni; date of-payment of duty, shall free the goods from all taxation,

-examination, delay, or, stoppage at any other Natiye; Custom-ihouses passfed eti route.

If the goods are taken to a place not in the foreign settleinents or concessions ©f an

-open port, for local .use,, they become there liable to the Qonsumption Tax described

in Section 8. - ■ .,

If the goods arO( shipped froman open port, the certificate-is to-be accepted .-by

-the Custom-house concerned, in lien-of, the export surtax mentioned, in Section 7. <

Junks, boats, or carts shall not be subjected lo any taxation beyond a small and

reasonable charge, paid pei-iodically at a fixed annual rate! - This does nofeexclude the

right to levy,,as at present, tonnage (Cliuan Chao) and port dues (Chuan Liao) on

junks. vr:-, i ■- k.

Section 4.—Foreign opium duty and present leTcin—which latter will now. become

a surtax in lieu of feArn—shall remain as provided for by existing Treaties.

Section. J).—-The British (government.haveno intention whatevef;:of interfering

with China’s right to tax; native opium, but it is essential to; declare that jin her

arrangements for levying aueh taxation, China will not subject other goods to taxation,

delay, or, stoppage.

China is free to retain at important points oil the borders of each province—either

on land or water—offices for collecting.duty on native opium, where duties or contribu-

tions leviable shall be paidin one lump sum ; which payment shall cover taxation of all

kinds within that province. Bach cake of opium will have a stamp affixed as evidence

of dutyjpayment. Excise officers and police may: be employed in connection with these

offices ; bat no, barriersi or other obstructions, are to be erected, and the excise officers

or police of these offices shall not stop or; mplest any, other kinds of goods, or collect

taxes thereon, ■

A list of these offices shall be drawn;up and communicated to the British Govern-

ment for record.

Section 6.—Lekin on salt, is hereby abolished and the amount of said lekin and of

other taxes and contributions shall be added to the salt duty, which shall be '.collected

at place of production or at first station after entering the province where it is to be


The .Chinese Government shall be at liberty to. establish salt reporting offices at

which boats conveying salt which is being moved under salt passes'or certificates may

be required to stop for purposes of examination and to have their certificates vised,

but at such offices no lekin or transit taxation shall be levied and nb barriers or

-obstructions of any kind shall •be erfected.

Section 7.—The Chinese Government may re-cast the Export Tariff with specific

duties US far as practicable on a,scale hot exceeding; five per cent, ad valorem-, but

existing export duties shall not be raised until at least six months’ notice has been


In cases where existing export duties are above five per cent, they shall be

.reduced to not more than that rate.

An additional special surtax of one, half-i the export duty payable for the time

being, in lieu of internal taxation and lekin, may be levied at time of export on goods

exported either-to foreign countries or coastwise.

In the case of silk, whether hand or filature reeled, the total export duty shall not

exceed a specific rate equivalent to not more than five per cent, ad valorem. Half of

this specific duty may he levied at; the first Native Custom-house in the interior which

the silk may pass and in such case a certificate shall be given as provided for in Section

3, and will be accepted by the Custom-house concerned at place of export in lieu of

balf the export duty. Cocoons passing Native-Custom-houses shall be liable to no

-taxation whatever. Silk not exported but consumed in China is liable to tbe Con-

sumption Tax mentioned in. Section, 8;.. ■ v

Section 8,—The abolition of the lekin system in China and the abandonment of all

other kinds of internal taxation on foreign imports and on exports will diminish the

tevenue materially. The surtax’on foreign, imports and exports and on coastwise

-exports is intended to compensate in a measure for this loss of revenue, but there


remains the loss of lehin revenue on internal trade to be met, audit is therefore agreed

that the Chinese Government are at liberty to impose a Consumption Tax on articles-

of Chinese origin not intended for export.

This tax shall be levied only at places of consumption and not on goods while in

transit, and the Chinese Government solemnly undertake that the arrangements which

they may make for its collection shall in no way interfere with foreign goods or with

native goods for expoi*t. The fact of goods being of foreign origin shall of itself free*

them from all taxation, delay, or stoppage, after having passed the Custom-house.

Foreign goods which bear a similarity to native goods shall be furnished by the-

Custom-house, if required by the owner, with a protective certificate for each package,

on payment of import duty and surtax, to prevent the risk of any dispute in the*


Native goods brought by junks to open ports, if intended for local consumption—

irrespective of the nationality of the owner of the goods—shall be reported at the

Native Custom-house only, where the consumption tax may be levied.

China is at liberty to fix the amount of this (consumption) tax, which may vary

according to the nature of the merchandise concerned, that is to say, according as the

articles are necessaries of life or luxuries; but it shall be levied at a uniform rate on

goods of the same description, no matter whether carried by junk, sailing-vessel, or

steamer. As mentioned in Section 8, the Consumption Tax is not to be levied within

foreign settlements or concessions.

Section 9.—An excise equivalent to double the import duty as laid down in the

Protocol of 1901 is to be charged on all machine-made yarn and cloth manufactured in

China, whether by foreigners at the open ports or by Chinese anywhere in China.

A rebate of the import duty and two-thirds of the import surtax is to be given

on raw cotton imported from foreign countries, and of all duties, including Consump-

tion Tax, paid on Chinese raw cotton used in mills in China.

Chinese machine-made yarn or cloth having paid excise is to be free of Export

Duty, Export Surtax, Coast Trade Duty, and Consumption Tax. This Excise is to be

collected through the Imperial Maritime Customs.

The same principle and procedure are to be applied to all other products of foreign

type turned out by machinery, whether by foreigners at the open ports or by

Chinese anywhere in China.

This stipulation is not to apply to the out-turn of the Hanyang and Ta Yeh Iron

Works in Hupeh and other similar existing Government Works at present exempt from

taxation; or to that of Arsenals, Government Dockyards, or establishments of that

nature for Government purposes which may hereafter be erected.

Section 10.—A member or members of the Imperial Maritime Customs Foreign

Staff shall be selected by each of the Governors-General and Governors, and appointed,

in consultation with the Inspector-General of Imperial Maritime Customs, to each pro-

vince for duty in connection with Native Customs affairs, Consumption Tax, Salt and

Native Opium Taxes. These officers shall exercise an efficient supervision of the work-

ing of these departments, and in the event of their reporting any case of abuse, illegal

exaction, obstruction to the movement of goods, or other cause of complaint, the

Governor-General or Governor concerned will take immediate steps to put an end to


Section 11.—Cases where illegal action as described in this Article is complained of

shall be promptly investigated by an officer of the Chinese Government of sufficiently

high rank, in conjunction with a British officer and an officer of the Imperial Maritime

Customs, each of sufficient standing; and in the event of its being found by a majority

of the investigating officers that the complaint is well founded and loss has been

incurred, due compensation is to be at once paid from the Surtax funds, through the

Imperial Maritime Customs at the nearest open port. The High Provincial Officials

are to be held responsible that the officer guilty of the illegal action shall be severely

punished and removed from his post.

If the complaint turns out to be without foundation, complainant shall be held

responsible for the expenses of the investigation.


His Britannic Majesty’s Minister will have the right to demand investigation

■where from the evidence before him he is satisfied that illegal exactions or obstructions

ihave occurred.

Section 12.—The Chinese Government agree to open to foreign trade, on the same

footing as the places opened to foreign trade by the Treaties of Nanking and Tientsin,

the following places, namely:—

Changsha in Hunan;

Wanhsien in Szechuen;

Nganking in Anhui;

Waichow (Hui-chow) in Kwangtung; and

Kongmoon (Chiang-men) in Kwangtung.

Foreigners residing in these open ports are to observe the Municipal and Police

Regulations on the same footing as Chinese residents, and they are not to be entitled

to establish Municipalities and Police of their own within the limits of these Treaty

Ports except with the consent of the Chinese authorities.

If this Article does not come into operation the right to demand under it the

opening of these ports, with the exception of Kongmoon, which is provided for in

Article 10, shall lapse.

Section 13.—Subject to the provisions of Section 14, the arrangements provided

for in this Article are to come into force on 1st January, 1904.

By that date all leMn barriers shall be removed and officials employed in the

collection of taxes and dues prohibited by this Article shall be removed from their


Section 14.—The condition on which the Chinese (Government enter into the

present engagement is that all Powers entitled to most favoured nation treatment in

China enter into the same engagements as (Great Britain with regard to the payment'

of surtaxes and other obligations imposed by this Article bh His Britannic Majesty’s

Government and subjects.

The condition^ on which His Britannic Majesty’s Government enter into the

present engagement are: —

(1.) That all Powers who are now or who may hereafter become entitled to most

favoured nation treatment in China enter into the same engagements;

(2.) And that their assent is neither directly nor indirectly made dependent on the

granting by China of ahy political concession, or of any exclusive coinnaefcial concession.

Section 15.—Should the Powers entitled to most favoured nation treatment by

China have failed to agree to enter into the engagements undertaken by Great Britain

under this Article by the 1st January, 1904, then the provisions of the Article shall

only cpme into force when all, the Powers have signified their acceptance of these


Section 16.—When the abolition of lekin and other forms of internal taxation on

goods as provided for in this Article has been decided upon and sanctioned, an Imperial

Edict shall be published in due form on yellow paper and circulated, setting forth the

abolition of all iekin taxation, lekin barriers and all descriptions of internal taxation on

goods, except as provided for in this Article.

The Edict shall state that the Provincial High Officials are responsible that any

official disregarding the letter .or spirit of its injunction shall be severely punished and

removed from his post.

Art. IX.—The Chinese Government, recognising that it is advantageous for the

country to develop its mineral resources, and that it is desirable to attract Foreign as

well as Chinese capital to embark in mining enterprises, agree withiu one year frorn the

■signing of this Treaty to initiate and conclude the revision- of the existing Mining

Regulations. China will, with all expedition and earnestness, go into the whole

•question of Mining Rules and, selecting from the rules of Great Britain, India, and

other countries, regulations which seem applicable to the condition of China, she will

re-cast her present Mining Rules in such a way as while promoting, the interests of


Chinese subject^ ^nd ,not iuj;uring in .any way the sovereign rights of China, shall .offer

no, impediment to the attraction, of foreign capital,.or place foreign capitalists at a

greater disadvantage than they would be under generally accepted foreign regulations.

Any piinipg. concession granted affc§r the publication pf these; new Rules shall be

subject to their provisions,. ,. , ,, ,

Art. X. — Whereas m the year iS^R’the Inland Waters opChina were opened to all

such steam vessels, native or foreign, as might,be especially registered for that trade

at the Treaty Ports, and whereas the Regulations dated 2bth July, 1898, and Supple-

mentary Rules dated September, 1898, have been found ih'some respects inconvenient

in working, it is now mutually agreed to amend them and to annex such new Rules

to this Treaty. These Rules shall remain in force" Ootil altered by mutual consent.

It is further agreed that Rongmobn shall be OpOhOd aS a, Treaty Port, and that, in

addition to the places named in the special Article of the Burniah Convention of 4th

February, 1897, British steamers -shall be allowed to land or-ship cargo and passengers,

under the same regulations as apply to the “ Ports of Call ” on the Yangtze River, at

the following “Ports of Call”: PakTau Hau (Pai-t‘u k‘oe),Lo Ting Hau(Lo-ting k‘ou),

and Bo Sing (Tou-clAeng); and to land or discharge passengers at the following ten

passenger landing stages on the West River:—Yung Ki (Jung-chi), Mah Mng (Ma-

ning), Kau Kong (Chiu-chiang), Kulow (Ku-lao), Wing On (Yung-an), How Lik

(Houli ), Luk Pu (Lu-pu), Yuet Sing (Yiieh-cb‘eng), Luk To (Lu-tu) and Fung Chuen


Art. XI.—His Britannic Majesty’s Government agree to the-prohibition of the

general importation of morphia into China, oh condition, however, that the Chinese

Government will allow of its importation, on payment of the Tariff import duty and

under special permit, by duly qualified British medical practitioners and for the

use of hospitals, or by British chemists and druggists who ehall only be permitted

to sell it in small quantities and on receipt of a requisition signed by a duly qualified

foreign medical practitioner. ,

The special permits above referred to will be granted.to ah intending importer

on his signing a bond before a British Consul guaranteeing the fulfilment of these

conditions. Should an importer be found guilty before a British Consul of a breach

of his bond, he will not be entitled to take out another, permit, Any British subject

importing morphia without a permit shall, be, liable to.. have, such morphia cote


This Article will come into operation on-all other Treaty Powers agreeing to its

conditions, but any morphia actually shipped before that date will not be affected by

this prohibition.

The Chinese Government on their sidb undertake to adopt measures at once to

prevent the manufacture of morphia in China.

Art. XII.—China having expressed a strong desire to reform her judicial system

and to bring it into accord with that of Western nations, Great Britain agrees to

give every assistance to such reform, and she will also be prepared to relinquish her

extra-territorial rights when she is satisfied that the state of the Chinese laws, the*

arrangement for their administration and other considerations warrant her in so


Art. XIII.—The missionary question in China being, in the opinion of the

Chinese Government, one requiring careful consideration, so that, if possible, troubles

such as have occurred in the past may be averted in the future, Great Britain agrees

to join in a Commission to investigate this question, and, if possible, to devise means

for securing permanent peace between converts and non-converts, should such a

Commission be formed by China and the Treaty Powers interested.

Art. XIY.—Whereas under Rule Y. appended to the Treaty of Tientsin of 18-58.

British merchants are permitted to export rice and all other grain from one port of

China to another under the same conditions in respect Of security as copper “ cash,”

it is now agreed that in cases of expected scarcity or famine from whatsoever cause in

any district, the Chinese Government shall, on giving twenty-one days’ notice, be at

liberty to prohibit the shipment of rice and other grain from such district.


Should any vessel specially chartered to load rice Or grain previously contracted

for have arrived at her loading port prior to or on the day when a notice of prohibition

to export comes into force, she shall be allowed an extra week in which to ship her

cargo, i

If during the existence of this prohibition, any shipment of rice or grain is allowed

by the authorities, the prohibition shall, ipso facto, be considered cancelled and shall

not be reThnposed vuitil six weeks’ notice has been given.

’Vy’hen a prohibition is notified, it will be stated whether the Government have any

Tribute or Army Rice which they intend to ship during the time of prohibition, and,

if so, the quantity shall be named.

Such rice shall,not bo Included in the prohibition,, and the Customs shall keep a

record of any Tribute or Army Rice so shipped or landed.

The Chinese Government undertake that no rice, other than Tribute or Army

Rice belonging to the Government, shall be shipped during the period of prohibition.

Notifications of prohibitions, and of the quantities of Army or Tribute Rice for

shipment shall be made by the Governors of the Province concerned.

Similarly, notificatio11£■ of the removals of prohibitions shall be made by the same


The export of rice and other grain to foreign countries remains prohibited.

Art. XV.—It is agreed that either of the High Contracting Parties to this Treaty

may demand a revision of the Tariff at the end of 10 years; but if no demand be made

on either side within 6 months after the end of the first 10 years, then the Tariff shall

remain in force for 10 years more, reckoned from the end of the preceding 10 years,

and so'it shall be at the end! of each successive 10 years.

Any Tariff concession Which China may hereafter accord to article's of the produce

or manufacture' of any other State shall immediately be extended to similar articles

of-the produhe of’mjihufactufe Of His Britannic Majesty’s Dbminiohs by whomsoever

imported. -

Treaties already existing between the United Kingdom and China shall continue

in force in so far as they are not abrogated Or modified by stipulations of the present


Art. XVI.—The English and Chinese Texts of the present Treaty have been care-

fully compared, but in the event of there being any difference of meaning between1

them, the sense as expressed in the. English text shall be held to' be the correct sense.

The ratifications of this Treaty, under the hand of His Majesty the King of

Great Britain and Ireland and of His Majesty the Emperor of China respectively shall

be exchanged at Peking within a year from this (jay of signature.

In token whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed and sealed this

Treaty, two copies in English and two in Chines^.,

Done at Shanghai this fifth day of September in the year of Our Lord, 1902,

corresponding with the Chinese date, the fourth day of the’eighth moon of the twenty-

eighth year of Kwahg UAr.

[l.s,^ Jas. L. Mackay.,

Annex A.—-(I)

■' • ' ' (Translation)

Lo, President of the Board of Works ;

Sheng, Junior Guaydi^n of the Heir Apparent, Vice-President of the Board of

Works ;

Imperial Chinese Commissioners for dealing with questions connected with the

Commercial Treaties, to

Sir James Mackay, His Britannic Majesty’s Special Commissioner for the dis-

cussion of Treaty matters. ’


Shanghai: E. H. XXVTIL, 7th moon, 11th day

(Received August 15, 1902;

We have the honour to inform you that we have received the following telegram

from His Excellency Liu, Governor General of the Liang Ohiang, on the subject of

Clause II. mutually agreed upon by us:

“ As regards this clause, it is necessary to insert therein a clear stipulation, to the

“ effect that, no matter what changes may take place in the future, all Customs’ duties

“ must continue to be calculated on the basis of the existing higher rate of the Haikwan

“ Tael over the Treasury Tael, and that ‘ the touch ’ and weight of the former must be

“ made good.”

As we have already arranged with you that a declaration of this kind should be

embodied in an Official Note, and form an annex to the present Treaty, for purposes of

record, we hereby do ourselves the honour to make this communication.

Annex A—(2)

Gentlemen, Shanghai, August 18th, 1902.

I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your despatch of the 14th instant

forwarding copy of a telegram from His Excellency Liu, Governor-General of the

Liang Chiang, on the subject of Article II. of the new Treaty, and in reply I have the

honour to state that His Excellency’s understanding of the Article is perfectly correct.

I presume the Chinese Government will make arrangements for the coinage of a

national silver coin of such weight and touch as may be decided upon by them.

These coins will be made available to the public in return for a quantity of silver

bullion of equivalent weight and fineness plus the usual mintage charge.

The coins which will become the national coinage of China will be declared by

the Chinese Government to be legal tender in payment of Customs duty and in

discharge of obligations contracted in Haikwan taels, but only at their proportionate

value to the Haikwan tael, whatever that may be.

I have the honour to be,


Your obedient Servant,

Their Excellencies (Signed) Jas. L. Mackay.

Lu Hai-huan and Shenu Hsuan-huai,

etc., etc., etc.

Annex B—(1)


Lit, President of the Board of Works ;

Sheng, Junior Guardian of the Heir Apparent, Vice-President of the Board of

Works ;

Imperial Chinese Commissioners for dealing with questions connected with the

Commercial Treaties, to

Sir James L. Mackay, His Britannic Majesty’s Special Commissioner.

We have the honour to inform you that on theShanghai, September

22nd of August, we, in2nd, 1902.


with the Governors-General of the Liang Chiang and the Hu-kuang Provinces, Their

Excellencies Liu and Chang, addressed the following telegraphic Memorial to the


“ Of the revenue of the different Provinces derived from lekin of all kinds, a

“ portion is appropriated for the service of the foreign loans, a portion for the Peking

““ Government,

concerned. and the balance is reserved for the local expenditure of the Provinces


“ In the negotiations now being conducted with Great Britain for the amendment

“ of the Commercial Treaties, a mutual arrangement has been come to providing for

“the imposition of additional taxes, in compensation for the abolition of all kinds of

“ leJcin and other imposts on goods, prohibited by Article VIII. After payment of

“interest and sinking fund on the existing foreign loan, to the extent to which.

“is thereto pledged, these additional taxes shall be allocated to the various Provinces

“to make up deficiencies and replace i-evenue, in order that no hardships may be

“ entailed on them. With a view to preserving the original intention underlying the

“ proposal to increase the duties in compensation for the loss of revenue derived from

“ lekin and other imposts on goods, it is further stipulated that the surtaxes shall not

“ be appropriated for other purposes, shall not form part of the Imperial Maritime

“ Customs revenue proper, and shall in no case be pledged as security for any new

“ foreign loan..

“It is therefore necessary to memorialize for the issue of an Edict, giving effect

“ to the above stipulations and directing the Board of Bevenue to find out what

“proportion of the provincial revenues derived from lekin of all kinds, now about

“ to be abolished, each Province has hitherto had to remit, and what proportion it

“ has been entitled to retain, so that, when the Article comes into operation, due

“apportionment may be made accordingly, thus providing the Provinces with funds

“available for local expenditure and displaying equitable and just treatment towards


On the 1st instant an Imperial Decree “ Let action, as requested, be taken,”

was issuecl, and we now do ourselves the honour reverently to transcribe the same

for your information.

Annex B—(2)

Shanghai, September 5th, 1902.


I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your despatch of the 2nd instant

forwarding the text of the Memorial and Decree dealing with the disposal of the


I understand that the surtaxes in addition to not being pledged for any new

foreign loan are not to be pledged to, or held to be security for, liabilities already

contracted by China except in so far as lekin revenue has already been pledged to an

existing loan.

I also understand from the Memorial that the whole of the surtaxes provided by

Article Till, of the New Treaty goes to the Provinces in proportions to be agreed

upon between them and the Board of Bevenue, but that out of these surtaxes each

Province is obliged to remit to Peking the same contribution as that which it has

hitherto remitted out of its collections, and that the Provinces also provide as

hitherto out of these surtaxes whatever funds may be necessary for the service of the

foreign loan to which lekin is partly pledged..

I hope Your Excellencies will send me a reply to this despatch and that you will

agree to this correspondence forming part of the Treaty as an Annex.

I have the honour to be,


YoUr obedient Servant,

(Sighed) Jas. L. Mack ay.

Their Excellencies,

Iiu Hai-huan and Sheng Hsuan-huai,

etc., etc., etc.


Annex B—(3)


Lit, President of the Board of Works;

Sheng, Junior Guardian of the Heir Apparent, Vice-President of the Board of


Imperial Chinese Commissioners for dealing with questions connected with the

Commercial Treaties, to

Sir James L. Mackat, His Britannic Majesty’s Special Commissioner.

Shanghai, September 5th, 1902.

We have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of to-day’s

date with regard ti) the allocation of the surtax funds allotted to the Provinces, and to

inform you thatr the views therein expressed are the same as our own.

We would, however, wish to point out that, were the whole ambuht of the alloca-

tion due paid over 1to the Provinces, unnecessary expense would be incurred in the

retransmission by them ■ of such portions thereof as would haveto be remitted to

Peking in place of the contributions hitherto payable out of lehin revenue. The

amount, therefore, of the allocation due to the Provinces, arranged between them and

the Board of Revenue, will be retained in the hands of the Maritime Customs, who

will await, the instructions of the Provinces in regard to the remittance of such

portioq thereof as rqay be necessary to fulfil their obligations, and .(on receipt of

these instructions) will send forward the amount direct. The balance will be held

to the order of the Provinces.

In so far as lehin is pledged to the service of the 1898 loan, a similar method of

procedure will be adopted.

As you request that this correspondence' be annexed to the Treaty, we have the

honour to state that we see no objection to this being done.

Annex C


Additional Rules

1. —British steamship owners are at liberty to lease warehou

banks of waterways frou; Chinese subjeels for a term not exceeding 25 years, with

option of renewal on ftefms • to be mutually arranged. In cases where British mer-

chants are unable to secure warehouses and jetties from Chinese subjects on satis-

factory terms, the local officials, after consultation with the Minister of Commerce,

shall arrange, to provide these on renewable lease as above mentioned at current

equitable rates.

2. —Jetties shall only be erected in such positions that they

inland waterway or interfere with navigation, and with the sanction of the nearest

Commissioner Of Customs ; such sanction, however, shall not be arbitrarily withheld.

3. —British merchants shall pay taxes and contributions on t

jetties on the same footing as Chinese proprietors of similar properties in the neigh-

bourhood. British merchants may only employ Chinese agents and staff to reside in

warehouses so leased at places touched at by steamers engaged in inland traffic to

carry on their business but British merchants may visit these places from time to

time to look, after their affairs. The existing rights of Chinese jurisdiction over

Chinese subjects shall not by reason of this clause be diminished or interfered with

in any way.

4. —Steam vessels navigating the inland waterways of China

for loss caused to riparian proprietors by damage which they may do to the banks


or works on them and for the loss which may be caused by such damage. In the

event of China desiring to prohibit the use of some particular shallow waterway by

launches, because there is reason to fear that the use of it by them would be likely

to injure the banks and cause damage to the adjoining country, the British

authorities,, -*yhen appealed tQ^ tshall, if satisfied of the .validity of the pbjectipn,

prohibit-the u«e of that waterway by British launches, provided" that Chinese

launches are also prohibited from using it.

Both Poreigman^jChineselaiinchfes .are prOhibitedjfyptri crossingidajns and weirs

at present in existence on inland waterways where they are likely to cause injury to

such works, which would be detrimental to the water service of the local people.

5. —The main object of the BritishT Government in desiring to

•waterways of China opened to steam navigation being to afford facilities for the rapid

transport of both foreign and native merchandise, they, undertake to offer no impedi-

ment to the transfer to a Chinese company and the Chinese flag of any British

steamer which may now or hereafter be employed on the inland waters of China

should.the owner be* willing to make the transfer.

In event of a Chinese company registered under Chinese law being formed to run

steamers on the inland waters of China the fact of British Subjects holding shares in

such a company shall not entitle the steamers to fly the British flag.

6. —Registered steamers and their tows, are forbidden, just as jun

been forbidden, to carry contraband goods. Infraction of this rule will entail the

penalties prescribed in the Treaties for such an offence, and cancellation of the Inland

Waters Navigation Certificate carried by the vessels, which will be prohibited from

thereafter plying on inland waters.

7. —As it is desirable that the people living inland should be dist

as possible by the advent of steam vessels to which they are not accustomed, inland

waters not hitherto frequented by steamers shall be opened as gradually as may be

convenient to merchants and only as the owners Of steamers may see prospects of

remunerative trade.

In cases where it is intended to run steam vessels on waterways on which such

vessels have not hitherto run, intimation shall be made to the Commissioner of

Customs at the nearest open port who shall report the matter to the Ministers of

Commerce. The latter, in conjunction with the Governor-General or Governor of

the Province, after careful consideration of all the cifcumstah!ees: of the case, shall at

once give their approval.

8. —A registered steamer may ply within the waters of a port, or

port or ports to another open port or ports, or from one open port or ports of

places inland, and thence back to such port or ports. She may, on making due

report to the Customs, land or ship passengers or cargo at any recognised places of

trade passed in the course of the voyage; but may not ply between: inland places

exclusively except with the consent of the Chinese Government.

9. —Any cargo and passenger boats may be towed by steamers.

and crew of any boat towed shall be Chinese. All boats, irrespective, of ownership,

must be registered before they can proceed inland.

10. —These Rules are supplementary to the Inland Steam Navig

of July and September, 1898. The latter, where untouched by the present Rules,

remain in full force and effect; but the present Rules hold in the case of such of the

former Regulations as the present Rules affect. The present Rules, and the

Regulations of July and September, 1898, to. which thev are supplementary, are

provisional and may be modified, as circumstances require, by mutual consent.

Done at Shanghai this fifth day of September, in the year of Our Lord, 1902,

corresponding with the Chinese date, the fourth day >of the eighth moon of the

twenty-eighth year of Kwang Hsu.

[l.s.1 Jas. L. JVUckay.



I.—Entrance and Clearance of Vessels

1. — Within forty-eight hours (exclusive of Sundays and h

arrival of a British ship in a Korean port, the master shall deliver to the Korean

Customs authorities the receipt of the British Consul showing that he has deposited

the ship’s papers at the British Consulate, and he shall then make an entry of this

ship by handing in a written paper stating the name of the ship, of the port from

which she comes, of her master, the number, and, if inquired, the names of her

passengers, her tonnage, and the number of her crew, which paper shall be certified

by the master to be a true statement, and shall be signed by him. He shall, at the

same time, deposit a written manifest of his cargo, setting forth the marks and

numbers of the packages and their contents as they are described in the bills of

lading, with the names of the persons to whom they are consigned. The master shall

certify that this description is correct, and shall sign his name to the same. When

a vessel has been duly entered, the Customs authorities will issue a permit to open

hatches, which shall be exhibited to the Customs officer on board: Breaking bulk

without having obtained such permission will render the master liable'to a fine not

exceeding one hundred Mexican Dollars.

2. —If any error is discovered in the manifest, it may be correc

four hours (exclusive of Sundays and holidays) of its being handed in, without the

payment of any fee ; but for alteration or post entry tp the manifest made after

that time a fee of Five Mexican Dollars shall be paid.

3. —Any master who shall neglect to enter his vessel at the Kore

within the time fixed by this Regulation shall pay a penalty not exceeding Fifty

Mexican Dollars for every twenty-four hours that he shall so neglect to enter his ship.

4. —Any British vessel which remains in port for less than

(exclusive pf Sundays and holidays)' and does not open her hatches, also any vessel

driven into port by stress of weather, or only in want of supplies, shall not be required

to enter or pay tonnage dues so long as such vessel does not engage.in trade.

—When the master of a vessel wishes to clear, he shall hand in to the Customs

authorities an export manifest containing similar particulars to those given in the

import manifest. The Customs authorities will then issue a clearance certificate and

return the Consul’s receipt for the ship’s papers. These documents must be handed

into the Consulate before the ship’s papers are returned to the master.

above6.prescribed, the—Should

master shall be liableanyto ship leave nottheexceeding

a penalty port without clearing outward

Two Hundred

Mexican Dollars.

7. —British steamers may enter and clear on the same day, and

required to hand in a manifest except for such goods as are to be landed or transhipped

at the port of entry.


II.—Landing and Shipping Cargo and Payment of Duties .

1. —The importer of any poods who desires to land them shall mak

application to that effect at the Custom-house, stating his- own name, the name of the

ship in which the goods have been imported, the marks, numbers, and contents of the

packages and their values, and declaring that this statement is correct. The Customs

authorities may demand the production of. the invoice of each consignment of

merchandise. If it is not produced, or if its absence is hot satisfactorily accounted for

the owner shall be allowed^ to land his goods on payment of double the Tariff duty,

but the surplus duty so levied shall be refunded pn the production of the invoice.

2. —All goods so entered may be examined by the Customs officer

appointed for the purpose. Such examination shall be made without delay or injury

to the merchandise, and the packages shall be at once re-sorted by the Customs

authorities to their original condition, in so far as may be practicable.

3. -—Should the Customs authorities consider the Value of any go

ad valorem duty as declared by the importer or exporter insufficient, they shall call

upon him to pay duty on the value determined by an appraisement to be made by rhe

dustoms appraiser. But should the importer or exporter be dissatisfied'with that

appraisement, he shall within twenty-four hours (exclusive of Sundays and holidays)

state his reasons for such dissatisfaction to the Commissioner of Customs, and shall

appoint an appraiser of his own to make a re-appraisement. He shall then declare

the value of the goods as determined by such re-appraisement. The Commissioner

of Customs will thereupon, at his option, either assess the duty on the value deter-

mined by this re-appraisement, or will purchase the goods from the importer or .

exporter at the price thus determined, with the addition of five per cent. In the

latter case the purchase money shall be paid to the importer or exporter within five

days from the date on which he has declared the value determined by his own


4. —tlpoh all goods damaged On the Voyage of importation a fai

duty shall be allowed, proportionate to their deferiofation. If any disputes arise as

to the amount of such reduction, they shall be settled in the manner pointed out in

the preceding clause.

5. —All goods intended to be exported shall be entered at the Ko

house before they are shipped. The application to ship shall be made in writing, and

•shall state the name of the vessel by which the goods are to be exported, the marks

and number of the packages, and the quantity, description, and value of the contents.

The exporter shall certify in writing that the application gives a true account of ail

the goods contained therein, and shall sign his name thereto.

6. —No goods shall be landed or shipped at other places than thos

Korean Customs authorities, or between the hours of sunset and sunrise, or on Sundays

or holidays, without the special permission of the Customs authorities, who will be

entitled to reasonable fees for the extra duty thus performed.

7. —Claims by importers or exporters for duties paid hr excess, or b

-authorities for duties which have not been fully paid, shall be entertained only when

made within thirty days from the date of payment.

g.—No entry will be required in the case of provisions for the use of British

ships, their crews and passengers, nor for the baggage of the latter which may be

landed or shipped at any time after examination by the Customs officers.

9.—Vessels needing repairs may land their cargo for that purpose without the

payment of duty. All goods so landed shall remain in charge of the Korean Autho-

rities, and all just charges for storage, labour, and supervision shall he paid by the

master. But if any portion of such cargo be sold, the duties of the Tariff shall be

,paid on the portion so disposed of.


10.—Any person desiring to tranship cargo shall obtain a permit from the Customs-

authorities before doing so. ’ . ■

* ill.—Protextion of the Revenzie.


r-The Customs authorities shall have the right , to plao^ Qustonis pacers on

board any Britishmerchant vessel in their ports. All such Cus1^>;ms'~offieers, shall have

access to all parts of the ship in which cargo is stowed. Tljtey sh^ll bp treated with

civility, and such reasonable accommodation shall be allowed.tp them as the sjiip affords.

' 2.—The hatches' hfid all other places of entrance into that part of the ship where-

cargo is stowed may be seCffbed'by the Korean Customs officers between the hours of

--unset and sunrise, and on Sundays and holidays, by affixing seals, locks;, or other

fastenings, and if any person .shall, without due permission, wilfully open any entrance

tbai has been so secured,, or break any seal, lock, or other fastening that has been

affixed by the Korean Customs officers, not only the person so offending, but the master

of the ship, also, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding One Hundred Mexican


3—Any British subject who ships, or attempts to ship, or discharges, or attempts

to discharge, goods which have not been duly entered at the Custom-house in the

manner above provided, or packages containing goods different from those described

in the import or export permit application, or prohibited goods, shall forfeit twice

the value of such' goods, and the goods shall be confiscated.

4. —Any person signing a false declaration or certificate with t

the revenue of Korea shall be liable to a. fine not exceeding Two Hundred Mexican


5. —Any. violation of any provision of these Regulations, to

specially attached therein, may be punished by a fine not exceeding One Hundred

Mexican Dollars.

Note.—All docu ments rea uired by these Regulations, and all other communication &

addressed to the Korean Custcims authorities, may be written in the English language.

[l.s.] Harpy S. Parses.

Mrx Yong-wok.





Signed at London, 16th July, 1894

Hatifications Exchanged at Tokyo, 25th August, 1894

Her Majesty tlie Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland,

Empress of India, and His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, being equally desirous

of maintaihihg the relations of good understanding tvhich happily exist between

them, by extending and increasing the intercourse between their respective States,

and being convinced that this object cannot better'be acccimplished than by revising

-the Treaties hitherto existing between the two countries, have resolved to complete

such a revision, based upon principles of equity aiid mutual benefit, aiid, for that

purpose, have named as their Plenipotentiaries, that is to ‘say :—

Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland,

Empress of India, the Eight Honourable John, Earl of Kimberley, Knight of the

Most Noble Order of the, Garter, etc., etc., Her Britannic Majesty’s Secretary of

Siatq for Foreign Affairs j

And His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, Viscount Aoki, Sinzd, Junii, First Class

of the Imperial Order of the Sacred Treasure, His Majesty?a Envoy Extraordinary

and Minister Plenipotentiary at the Court .of St. James ;

Who, after having, conimiunicated to each other their full powers, found to be

in good and due form, have agreed upon and concluded the .following Articles

Article I.—The subjects of each of the two high contracting parties shall have

full liberty to enter, travel, or reside in any part of the dominions- and possessions

of the other contracting party, and shall elijoy full and perfect protection fOr their

persons and property.

They shall have free and easy access to the 'Courts of Justice in pursuit and

defence, ofitheir rights; they shall be at liberty equally with native subjects to

choose and employ lawyers, advocates, and representatives to pursue and; defend

their rights before such Courts, and in all other matters connected with the

administration of justice they shall enjoy all the, rights and privileges enjoyed by

native subjects.

In whatever relates to rights of residence and travel; to the possession of goods

and effects of any kind; to the succession to personal estate, by will or otherwise,;

and the disposal of property of any sort in any manner whatsoever which they may

lawfully acquire, the subjects of each contracting party shall enjoV in the dominions

and possessions of the other the same: privileges, liberties, and rights, and shall be

subject to no higher imposts, or charges in these respects than native subjects, or

subjects or citizens of the most favoured nation. The subjects of each of the

contracting parties shall enjoy in the dominions and possessions of the other entire

liberty of conscience, land, subject to the Laws, Ordinances, and EegulatiOns, shall

enjoy the right of private or public exercise of their worship, and also the right of

burying their respective countrymen, according to their religious1 custonis, in such

suitable and convenient places as inay be established and maintained for that purpose.

They shall not be compelled, under any pretext whatsoever, to pay any charges

or taxes other or higher than those that are, Or may be,1 paid by native subjects, or

subjects or citizens of most favoured nation. ■


Article II.—The subjects of either of the contracting parties residing in the-

d( minions and possessions of the other shall be exempted from all compulsory

military service whatsoever, wliQther ,in the army, navy, national guards, or militia,,

from all contributions imposed in lieu of personal service; and from all forced loan

or military exactions or contributions.

Article 111.—There shall be reciprocal freedom of commerce and navigation

between the dominions and possessions of the two high contracting parties.

The subjects of each of the high contracting parties may trade in any part of

the dominions and "possessions'of the other by wholesale or retail in all kinds of

produce, manufactures, and merchandise of lawful commerce, either in person or by

agents, singly, or in partnership with foreigners or native subjects: and they may

there own or hire and ocqupy the houses, manufactories, warehouses, shops, and

premises which'' may be necessary for them, and lease land for residential and

commercial purposes, conforming themselves to the Laws, Police, and Customs

Regulations pf the country like native subjects.

They shall have liberty to come with their ships and cargoes to all places, ports,

and rivers in the dominions and possessions of the other which are or may be-

opened to foreign commerce, and shall enjoy, respectively, the same treatment, in

matters of commerce and navigation, as native subjects, or subjects or citizens of the

most favoured nation, without having to pay taxes, imposts, or duties, of whatever

nature or under whatever denomination levied in the name or for the profit of

the Grovernment, public functionaries, private individuals, corporations, or establish-

ments of any kind, other or greater than those paid by native subjects, or subjects

or citizens of the most favoured nation, subject always to the Laws, Ordinances, and

Regulations of each country.

Article IY. — The dwellings, manufactories, warehouses, and shops of the

subjects of each of the high contracting parties in the dominions and possessions

of the other, and all premises appertaining thereto destined for purposes of residence

or commerce, shall be respected.

It shall not be allowable to proceed to make a search of, or a domiciliary visit to,

such dwellings and premises, or to examine or inspect books, papers, or accounts

except under the conditions and with the forms prescribed by the Laws, Ordinances,

and Regulations for subjects of the country.

Article Y.—No other or higher duties shall be imposed on the importation into

the dominions and possessions of Her Britannic Majesty of any article, the produce

or manufacture of dominions and possessions of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan,

from whatever place arriving; and no other or higher duties shall be imposed on the

importation into the dominions and possessions of His Majesty the Emperor of

Japan of any article, the produce or manufacture of the dominions and possessions-

of Her Britannic Majesty, from whatever place arriving than on the like article-

produced or manufactured in any other foreign country; nor shall any prohibition

be maintained or imposed on the importation of any article, the produce or

manufacture of the dominions and possessions of either of the high contracting

parties, into the dominions and possessions of the other, from whatever place

arriving, which shall not equally extend to the importation of the like article, being

the produce or manufacture of any other country. This last provision is not applicable-

to the sanitary and other prohibitions occasioned by the necessity of protecting the

safety of persons, or of cattle, or of plants useful to agriculture.

Article YI.—No other or higher duties or charges shall be imposed in the

dominions and possessions of either of the high contracting parties on the exporta-

tion of any article to the dominions and possessions of the other than such as are,

or may be, payable on the exportation of the like article to any other foreign

country; nor shall any prohibition be imposed on the exportation of any article from

the dominions and possessions of either of the two contracting parties to the*

dominions and possessions of the other which shall not equally extend to the-

exportation of the like article to any other country.

Article Y1I. —The subjects of each of the high contracting parties shall enjoy


in the dominions and possessions of the other exemptions from all transit duties

and a perfect equality of treatment with native subjects in all that relates to

warehousing, bounties, facilities, and drawbacks.

Article VIII.—All articles which are or may be legally imported into the ports

of the dominions and possessions of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan in Japanese

vessels may likewise be imported into those ports in British vessels, without being

liable to any other or higher duties or charges of whatever denomination than if such

articles were imported in Japanese vessels; and; reciprocally, all articles which are or

may be legally imported into the ports of the dominions and possessions of Her

Britannic Majesty in British vessels may likewise be imported into those ports in

Japanese vesssels, without being liable to any other or higher duties or charges of

whatever denomination than if such articles were imported in British vessels. Such

reciprocal equality of treatment shall take effect without distinction, whether such

articles come directly from the place of origin or from any other places.

In the same manner there shall be perfect equality of treatment in regard to

exportation, so that the same export duties shall be paid and the same bounties and

drawbacks allowed in the dominions and possessions of either of the high contract-

ing parties on the exportation of any article Avhich is or may be legally exported

therefrom, whether such exportation shall take place in Japanese or in British

vessels, and whatever may be the place of destination, whether a port of either or

the contracting parties or of any third Power.

Article IX.—No duties of tonnage, harbour, pilotage, lighthouse, quarantine,

or other similar or corresponding duties of whatever nature or under whatever

denomination, levied in the name or for the profits of the Government, public

functionaries, private individuals, corporations, or establishments of any kind, shall

be imposed in the ports of the dominions and possessions of either country upon the

vessels of the other country which shall not equally and under the same conditions

be imposed in the like cases On national ■ vessels in general, or vessels of the most

favoured nation. Such equality of treatment shall apply reciprocally to the

respective vessels, from whatever port or place they may arrive, and whatever may

be their place of destination.

Article X.—In all that regards the stationing, loading, and unloading of vessels

in the ports, basins, docks, roadsteads, harbours, or rivers of the dominions and

possessions of the two countries, no privilege shall be granted to national vessels

which shall not be equally granted to vessels of the other country; the intention of

the high contracting parties being that in this respect also the respective vessels

shall be treated on the footing of perfect equality.

Article XI.—The coasting trade of both the high contracting parties is

excepted from the provisions of the present Treaty, and shall be regulated according

to the Laws, Ordinances, and Regulations of Japan and of Great Britain respec-

tively. It is, however, understood that Japanese subjects in the dominions and

possessions of Her Britannic Majesty and British subjects in the dominions and

possessions of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan shall enjoy in this respect the

rights which are or may be granted under such Laws, Ordinances, and Regulations

to the subjects or citizens of any other country.

A Japanese vessel laden in a foreign country with cargo destined for t vo or

more ports in the dominions and possessions of Her Britannic Majesty and a British

vessel laden in a foreign country with cargo destined for two or more ports in the

dominions and possessions of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan may discharge a

portion of her cargo at one port, and continue her voyage to the other port or ports

of destination where foreign trade is permitted, for the purpose of landing the

remainder of her original cargo ■ there, subject always to the Laws and Custom-

house Regulations of the two countries.

The Japanese Government, however, agrees to allow British vessels to continue,

as heretofore, for the period of the duration of the present Treaty, to carry cargo

between the existing open ports of the Empire, excepting to or from the ports, of

Osaka, Niigata, and Ebisu-minato.


Article XII.—-Any sliiy of war or merchant vessel of either of the high

contracting parties which may be compelled by stress of weather, or by reason of

any other distress, to take shelter in a port of the other, shall be at liberty to refit

therein, to procure all necessary supplies, and to put to sea again, without paying

any dues other than such as would be payablet by national vessels. In case, how-

ever, the master of a merchant vessel should be under the necessity of disposing of

a part of his cargo in order to defray the expenses, he shall be bound to conform to

the Regulations and Tariffs of the place to which he may have come.

If any ship of war or merchant vessel of one of the contracting parties should

run aground or be wrecked upon the coast of the other, the local authorities shall

inform the .Consul-General, Consul, Vice-Consul, or Consular Agent of the district

of the occurrence, or, if there be no such Consular officer, they shall inform the

Consul-General,.Consul, Vice-Consul, or Consular Agent of the nearest district.

All proceedings relative to the salvage of Japanese vessels wrecked or cast on

sbdi-e in Hie territorial waters of Her Britannic Majesty shall take place in accordance

with the Laws, Ordinauces, and Regulations of Great Britain, and, reciprocally, all

measures of salvage relative to British vessels wrecked or cast on shore in the

territorial waters of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan shall take place in accordance

with the Laws, Ordinances; and Regulations of Japan.

Such strandedi or wrecked, ship or vessel, and all parts thereof, and all furniture,

and appurtenances belonging thereunto, and all goods and. merchandise saved

therefrom, including Those which may have been cast into the sea, or the proceeds

thereof, it sold; as well as all papers found on board such stranded or wrecked ship

or vessel, shall be given up to the; owners or their agents, when claimed by them.

If such owners or agents are not on the spot, the same shall be delivered to the

respective Consuls-General, . Consuls, Vice-Consuls, or Consular Agents upon being

claimed by them within the period fixed by the laws of the country, and such

Consular officers, owners, or agents shall pay only the expenses incurred in the

preservation of the property, together with the salvage or other expenses which

would have been payable in the case of a wreck of a national vessel.

The goods and merchandise saved from the wreck shall be exempt from all the

duties of Customs unless cleared for consumption, in which case they shall pay the

ordinary duties.

When a ship or vessel belonging to the subjects of one of the contracting

parties is stranded or wrecked in the territories of the other, the respective Consuls-

General, Consuls, Vice-Consuls, and Consular Agents shall be authorized, in case

the owner or master, or other agent of the, owner, is not present, to lend their official

assistance in order to afford the necessary assistance to the subjects of the respective

States. The same rule shall apply in case the owner, master,; or other, agent is

present, but requires such assistance to be given.

i Article XIII.—All vessels which, according to Japanese law, are to.be deemed

Japanese: vessels; and all vessels which, according to British law, are to be deemed

British vessels, shall, for the purposes of this Treaty, be deemed Japanese and

British vessels respectively.

Article XIV.—The Consuls-General, Consuls, Vice-Consuls, and Consular Agents

of each of the contracting parties, residing in the dominions and possessions of the

other, shall receive from the local authorities such assistance as. can by law be given

to them for: the recovery of deserters from the vessels of their ,respective countries.

It is understood that this stipulation shall not apply to the subjects of the

country where the desertion takes place.

Article XV.—The high contracting parties agree, that, in all that concerns

commerce and navigation, any privilege, favour, oh immunity which either contract-

ing party has actually granted, or may hereafter grant to the Government, ships,

subjects, or citizens of any other State, shall be extended immediately and uncondi-

tionally to the Government, ships, subjects, or citizens of the 'other contracting

party, it being their'intention that the trade and navigation of.each, country shall

be placed, in all respects, by the other on the footing of the most favoured nation. >


. Article XVI>r—rEach of the high contracting parties may appoint Cohsuls-

Generalj Consuls, Yice-Consuls, Pro-Consuls, and Consular Agents in all? the ports;

cities, and places of the other,! except in those where it may not be convenient to

recognize such officers.

This exception, howfever, shall riot be made in feghrd to one ; of the ContraOtirig

parties without being;made likewise in regard to every oth^r Power.

The.Consuls-General, Consuls, Vice-Consuls, PraiConouls, and Consular Agents

may exercise all functions^ and shall enjoy all privileges:iexemptions, and imtalUnitieri

which are or may hereafter be granted to Consular officers-of the most favoured nation.

Article XVII.—The subjects of each of the high'contracting' parties shall

enjoy in the dominions and possessions of the other the same protection as native

subjects in regard to patents, trade marks, and . designs, upon • fulfilment of the'

formalities prescribed!by law. ,

* Article XVIII,—-Her Britannic Majesty’s Government, so- far as they are

concerned, give their consent to the following arrangement;

The several foreign Settleinents in Japan shall be incorporated with the

respective Japanese Communes, and shall thenceforth form part of the general

municipal system of Japan.

The competent Japanese authori ties shall thereupon assume all municipal obliga-

tions and duties in respect thereof, and the common funds and property, if any, be-

longing to such Settlements, shall at the same time be transferred to the said Japanese


When such incorporation takes place existing leases in perpetuity under which

property is now held in the said Settlements shall be confirmed, arid rio conditions

whatsoever other than those contained in such existing leases shall be imposed in

respect of such property. It is, however, understood that the Consular authorities'

mentioned in the same are in all cases to be replaced: by the Japanese authorities.

All lands which may previously have been granted by the Japanese Government

free of rent for the public purposes of the said ..Settlements shall, Subject to the

right of eminent domain, be permanently reserved free of all taxes and charges for

the public purposes for which they were originally set apart.

Article XIX.—The stipulations of the present Treaty shall be applicable, so

far as the laws permit, to all the Colonies and foreign possessions of Her Britannic

Majesty, excepting to those hereinafter named, that is to say, except to—

India. South Australia. Queensland. New South Wales

The Cape. fThe Dominion of Canada. Western Australia. Tasmania.

Victoria. Natal. Newfoundland. New Zealand.

Provided always that the stipulations of the present Treaty shall be made

applicable to any of the above-named Colonies or foreign possessions on whose biffialf

notice to that effect shall have been given to the Japanese Government by Her

Britannic Majesty’s Representative at Tokyo within two years from tlie date of the

exchange of ratifications of the present Treaty.

Great * Owing to France

serious and

Britain,regard difference

Germanyof opinion

of the which

other arose between Japan

part regarding of the one part an*^

the interpretation

clause with

Governments of do leases

Germany, held in perpetuity, an Arbitration Tribunal

1 France and Great Britain name l as Arbitrate"M. Louis Renault,

was appointed.of this



Affairs, of Law

and Japan in the University of

named as ofArbitrator Paris and Legal

His Excellency Adviser

Itchiro to the

Motono, Department

EnvoyDoctor of Foreign



M. Minister Plenipotentiary

Gram, formerly His Majesty

Norwegian the Emperor

Minister ofMay ofwasJapan,

State,22hd, at by,


ejiosen.decided of Lav.



votes and The


that: sat'at

“The The Hague,

provisions ofand

the on

Treaties ahd 1905,

other engagements majority asinof


the Protocols

granted by or ofonArbitration

behalf of theexempt not onlyofthe

Government landbutheldtheyin exempt

Japan, virtue ofthethelandleases

and inbuildings


every description ccinstructed or which may hereafter be,constructed onsuchland

taxes, charges, contributions or conditions whatsoever, other than those expressly stipulated. froma.il imposts,in,

the_ leases

t On in question.”

January 31st, Mr. Motono

1906, an recorded'his

agreement was entireindisagreement

signed Tokyo making witli'the

the decision:


this Treaty applicable to the Dominion of Canada.


Article XX.—The present Treaty shall, from the date it comes into force, be

substituted in place of the Conventions respectively of the 23rd day of the 8th

month of the 7th year of Kayai, corresponding to the 14th day of October, 1854,

and of the 13th day of the 5th month of the 2nd year of Keiou, corresponding to

the 25th day of June, 1866, the Treaty of the 18th day of the 7th month of the 5th

year of Ansei, corresponding to the 26th day of August, 1858, and all Arrangements

and Agreements subsidiary thereto concluded or existing between the high con-

tracting parties; and from the same date such Conventions, Treaty, Arrangements

and Agreements shall cease to be binding, and, in consequence, the jurisdiction

then exercised by British Courts in Japan, and all the exceptional privileges, exemp-

tions, and immunities then enjoyed by British subjects, as a part of or appurtenant

to such jurisdiction, shall absolutely and without notice cease and determine, and

thereafter all such jurisdiction shall be assumed and exercised by Japanese Courts.

Article XXI.—The present Treaty shall not take effect until at least five years

after its signature. It shall come into force one year after His Imperial Japanese

Majesty’s Government shall have given notice to Her Britannic Majesty’s Govern-

ment of its wish to have the same brought into operation. Such notice may be given

at any time after the expiration of four years from the date hereof. The Treaty shall

remain in force for the period of twelve years from the date it goes into operation.

Either high contracting party shall have the right, at any time after eleven

years shall have elapsed from the date this Treaty takes effect, to give notice to the

other of its intention to terminate the same, and at the expiration of twelve months

after such notice is given this Treaty shall wholly cease and determine.

Article XXII.—The present Treaty shall be ratified, and the ratifications thereof

shall he exchanged at Tokyo as soon as possible, and not later than six months from

the present date.

In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the same and

have affixed thereto the seal of their arms.

j Hone at London, in duplicate, this sixteenth day of the seventh month of the

twenty-seventh year of Meiji.

[ms.] Kimberley.



The Government of Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland and

Empress of India, and the Government of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, deeming

it advisable in the interests of both countries to regulate certain special matters of

mutual concern, apart from the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation signed this day,

have, through their respective Plenipotentiaries, agreed upon the following stipula-


1.—It is agreed by the contracting parties that one month after the exchange

of the ratifications of the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation signed this day, the

Import Tariff hereunto annexed shall, subject to the provisions of Article XXIII. of

the Treaty of 1858 at present subsisting between the contracting parties, as long

as the said Treaty remains in force and thereafter, subject to the provisions of

Articles V. and XV. of the Treaty signed this day, be applicable to the Articles

therein enumerated, being the growth, produce, or manufacture of the dominions

and possessions of Her Britannic Majesty, upon importation into Japan. But

nothing contained in this Protocol, or the Tariff hereunto annexed, shall be held to

limit or qualify the right of the Japanese Government to restrict or to prohibit

the importation of adulterated drugs, medicines, food; or beverages, indecent or

obscene prints, paintings, books, cards, lithographic or other engravings, photographs,

or affy other indeceht or obscene articles ; articles in violation of patent, trade-mark,

or copy-right laws of Japan, or any other article which for sanitary reasons, or in

view of public security or morals, might offer any danger.


The ad valorem duties established by the said Tariff shall, so far as may be

deemed practicable, be converted into specific duties by a supplementary Convention,

which shall be concluded between the two Grovernments within six months from the

date of this Protocol; the medium prices, as shown by the Japanese Customs

Returns during the six calendar months preceding the date of the present Protocol,

with the addition of the cost of insurance and transportation from the place of

purchase, production or fabrication, to the port of discharge, as well as commission,

if any, shall be taken as the basis for such conversion. In the event of the

Supplementary Convention not having come into force at the expiration of the period

for the said Tariff to take effect, ad valorem duties in conformity with the rule

recited at the end of the said Tariff shall, in the meantime, be levied.

In respect of articles not enumerated in the said Tariff, the General Statutory

Tariff of Japan for the time being in force shall, from the same time, apply, subject,

as aforesaid, to the provisions of Article XXIII. cf the Treaty of 1858 and Articles

Y. and XV. of the Treaty signed this day, respectively.

From the date the Tariffs aforesaid take effect, the Import tariff now in opera-

tion in Japan in respect of goods and merchandise imported into Japan by British

subjects shall cease to be binding.

In all other respects the stipulations of the existing Treaties and Conventions

shall be maintained unconditionally until the time when the Treaty of Commerce

and Navigation signed this day cdines into force.

2. —The Japanese Government, pending the opening of

subjects, agrees to extend the existing passport system in such a manner as to allow

British subjects, oh' the ‘production of a certificate of recornmendation from, the

British Representative in Tokyo, of from any of Her Majesty’s Consuls at the open

ports in Japan, to obtain upon application passports available for any paid of the

country, and for any period not exceeding twelve months, from the Imperial Japanese

Foreign Office in Tokyo, or from the chief authorities in the Prefecture in which an

open port is situated ; it being understood that the existing Rules and Regulations

governing British subjects who visit the, interior of the Empire are to be maintained.

3. —The Japanese Government undertakes, before the

Consular jurisdiction in Japan,, to join'the’International Conventions for the Pro-

tection of Industrial Property and Copyright.

4. —It is understood between the two high contracting

thinks it necessary at any time to levy an additional duty on the production or

manufacture of refined sugar in Japan, an increased customs duty equivalent in

amount may be levied on British refined sugar when imported into Japan, so long

as such additional excise tax or inland duty continues to be raised.

Provided always that British refined sugar shall in this respect be entitled to

the treatment accorded to refined sugar being the produce or manufacture of the

most favoured nation.

5. —The undersigned Plenipotentiaries have agreed that

submitted to the two high contracting parties at the same time as the Treaty of

Commerce and Navigation signed this day, and that when the said Treaty is ratified

the agreements contained in the Protocol shall also equally be considered as

approved, without the necessity of a further formal ratification.

It is agreed that this Protocol shall terminate at the same time the sail Treaty

ceases to be binding.

In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the same, and

have affixed thereto the seal of their arms.

Done at London, in duplicate, this sixteenth day of July, in the year of our

Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four.

[n.s.] Kimberley. [l.s.] Aoki.



Signed at London, 3kd April, 1911


His Majesty the Emperor of Japan and His Majesty the King of the United

Kingdo n of Grreat . Britain and Ireland, and of the British Dominions beyond the

Seas, Emperot of India, being desirons to strengthen the relaltjons of amity and

good understanding which happily exist between them and between their subjects,

apd to facilitate, and extend the cotnmercial relations between their two countries,

have resolved to conclude a Treaty of, Commerce and Navigation toy t.hah:purpose,

and have named as their Plenipotentiaries, that is to say.

His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, His Excellency Monsieur Takaaki Kate,

■fusammi, First Class, bf the Order of the Sacred Treasure, His Imperial 'Majesty's

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary at the .Court' of St. 'damps’; and His

Majesty the King of the United Kingdorh of Grreat Britain and Ireland and of the

British Dominions beyond the Seas, Emperor of India, the. Right Honourable Sir

Edward Grey, a Baronet of the United Kingdom, a Member, of Parliament, His

Majesty’s Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs; who, after having com-

municated to each other their respective full powers, found to be in good and due

form, have agreed upon tile following Articles:—

Art. 1.—The subjects of each of the high contracting parties, shall have full

liberty to enter, travel, and reside in the territories of the other, and, conforming

themselves to the laws of the country—

1. —Shall in all that relates to travel and residence be placed in

the same footing as native subjects.

2. —They shall have the right, equally with native subjects, t

commerce and manufacture, and to trade in all kinds of merchandise of lawful ,eom-

merce, either in person or by agents, singly or in partnerships with foreigners or

native subjects.

3. —They shall in all that relates to the pursuit of their industri

fessions, and educational studies be placed in all respects on the same looting as the

Subjects or citizens of the most favoured nation.

4. —They shall be permitted to own or hire and occupy houses

warehouses, shops, and premises which may be necessary for them, and to lease

land for residential, commercial, industrial, and other lawful purposes, in the same

manner as native subjects.

5. —They shall, on condition of reciprocity, be at full liberty

possess every description of property, movable or immovable, which the laws of the

country permit or shall permit the subjects or citizens of any other foreign country

to acquire and possess, subject always to the conditions and limitations prescribed in

stich laws. They ma’y dispose of the same bj^sale, bxchangb, gift, marriage,’ testa-

ment, or in any other manner, undftrthe same conditions which are or shall be estab-

lished with regard to native subjects. They shall also be permitted, on compliance


with the laws of the country, freely to export the proceeds of the sale of their pro-

perty and their1 goods in general without being subjected as foreigners to other or

higher duties that those to which subjects of the country would be liable under


6. —They shall enjoy constant and complete protection an

j>ersons and property ; shall have free and easy access to the Courts of Justice and

other tribunals in pursuit and defence of their claims and rights; and shall have full

liberty, equally, with native subjects, to choose and employ lawyers and advocates to

represent them before such Courts and tribunals; and generally shall have the same

rights and privileges as native subjects in all that'concerns ‘th'e administration

of justice.

7. —-They shall not be compelled to pay taxes, fees, charges,

any kind whatever other or higher than those which are or may be paid by native t

subjects or the subjects or citizens of the most favoured nation.

8. —And they shall enjoy a perfect equality of treatment wit

all that relates to facilities for Warehousing under bond, bounties, and drawbacks.

Art. II.—The subjects of each of the high 'contracting parties in the territories

of the other shall be exempted from all compulsory military services,'whether in the

armv, navy, national guard, or militia; from all contributions imposed ip. lieu of

personal service; and from all forced loans and military requisitions or contributions

unless imposed on them equally with native subjects as owners, lessees,, or occupiers

of immovable property.

In the above respects the subjects of each of the high contracting parties shall

not be accorded in the territories of the other less favourable treatment than that

which is or may be accorded to subjects or citizens of the most favoured nation.

Art. III.—The dwellings, warehouses, manufactories^ and shops of the subjects

of each of the high contracting parties in the territories of the other, and all pre-

mises appertaining thereto used for lawful purposes, shall be respected. It shall not

be allowable to proceed to make a domiciliary visit tb, or a search of,’ any such

buildings and premises,1 or to examine or inspect'books, papers, or accounts, except

under the conditions and with the forms prescribed by-the laws for native subjects.

Art. IV.—Each of the high contracting parties may appoint Consuls-General,

Consuls, Vice-Gonsuls, and Consular Agents in all ports, cities, and. places, of the

other, except in those where it may not be convenient fo recognise such; officers-

This exception, however; shall not be made in regard, to .cme of the high contracting.

parties without being: made likewise in regard to all other Powers.

Such Consuls-General, Consuls, Vice-Consuls, and Consular Agents,, having re-

ceived exequaturs or other sufficient authorisations from the Government of the.

country tci which they are appointed, shall have the right to exercise their inactions,

and to enjoy the privileges, exemptions, and immunities which are or may be granted

to the Consular officers of the most favoured nation. The: ;GoverUment issuing ex-

equaturs or other authorisations has the right in its discretion to cancel the same bn

explaining the,reasons for vyhich it is thought proper tb do so;'

Art. V.—In case of the death of a subject of-one of the high' conti'acting

parties in the territories pf, the other, without leaving at tbe place of his decease any

person entitled by the laws, of his country to take charge of and administer the

estate, the competent Consular officer of the State to which the, deceased belonged

stall, upon fulfilment of the necessary formalities, be empowered lo:take'custody of

and administer the estate in the manner and under the limitations prescribed by the

law of the country in which the property of the deceased is situated.

The foregoing provision shall also apply in case of a subject of one of the high

contracting parties dying outside the territories of the other, but possessing property

therein, without leaving any person there entitled to take charge of and administer

the estate.


It is understood that in all that concerns the administration of the estates of

deceased persons, any right, privilege, favour, or immunity which either of the high

contracting parties has actually granted, or may hereafter grant, to the Consular

officers of anv other foreign State shall be extended immediately and unconditionally

to the Consular officers of the other high contracting party.

Art. YI.—There shall be between the territories of the two high contracting

parties reciprocal freedom of commerce and navigation. The subjects of each of the

high contracting parties shall have liberty freely to come with their ships an!

cargoes to all places, ports, and livers in the territories of the other, which are or

may be opened to foreign commerce, and, conforming themselves to the laws of the

country to which they thus come, shall enjoy the same rights, privileges, liberties^

favours, immunities, and exemptions in matters of commerce and navigation as are

or may be enjoyed by native subjects.

Art. VII.—Articles, the produce or manufacture of the territories of one high

contracting party, upon importation into the territories of the other, from whatever

place arriving, shall enjoy the lowest rates of Customs duty applicable to similar

articles of any other foreign origin.

No prohibition or restriction shall be maintained or imposed on the importation:

of any article, the produce or manufacture of the territories of either of the high

contracting parties, into the terntories of the other, from whatever place arriving,

which shall not equally extend to the importation of the like articles, being the pro-

duce or manufacture of any other foreign country. This provision is not applicable

to the sanitary or other prohibitions occasioned by the necessity of securing, the

safety of persons, or of cattle, or of plants useful to agriculture.

Art. Vlir.—-The articles, the produce or manufacture of the United Kingdom, enu-

merated in Part I. of the Schedule annexed to this Treaty, shall not, on importation

into Japan, be subjected to higher Customs duties than those specified inthe Schedule.

The articles, the produce or manufacture of Japan, enumerated in Part IJ. of

the Schedule annexed to this Treaty, shall be free of duty bn importation into the

United Kingdom.

Provided that if at any time after the expiration of one: year from the date this

Treaty takes effect either of the high contracting parties desires to make a modi-

fication in the Schedule it may notify its desire to the other high contracting party,

and thereupon negotiations for the purpose shall be entered into forthwith. If the

negotiations are not brought to a satisfactory conclusion within six months from the

date of notification, the high contracting party which gave the notification may,

within one month, give six months’ notice to aborgate the present Article, and on

the expiration of such notice the present Article shall cease to have effect, without

prejudice to the other stipulation of this Treaty.

Art. IX.—Articles, the produce or manufacture of the territories of one of the

high contracting parties, exported to the territories of the other, shall not be sub-

jected on export to other or higher charges than those on the like articles ex-

ported to any other foreign country. Nor shall any prohibition or restriction be

imposed on the exportation of any article from the territories of either of the two

High Contracting Parties to the territories of the other which shall not equally

extend to the exportation of the like article to any other foreign country.

Art. X,—Articles, the produce or manufacture of the territories of one of the

high contracting parties, passing in transit through the territories of the other, in

conformity with the laws of the country, shall be reciprocally free from all transit

•duties, whether they pass direct, or whether during transit they are unloaded, ware-

housed, and reloaded.


Art.. XI.—No internal duties levied for the benefit of the State, local authorities,

or corporations which affect, or may affect, the production, manufacture, or consump-

tion of any article in the territories of either of the high contracting parties shall

for any reason be a higher or more burd.msome charge on articles the produce or

manufacture of the territories of the other than on similar articles of native origin. .

The produce or manufacture of the territories of either of the high contracting

parties imported into the territories of the other, and intended for warehousing or

transit, shall not be subjected to any internal duty.

Art. XII.—Merchants and manufacturers, subjects of one of the, high, contract-

ing parties, as) well as merchants and manufacturers domiciled and exercising their

commerce and industries in the territories of such party, may, in the territories of

the other, either personally or by means of commeieiil travellers, make purchases or

collect orders, with or without samples, and sueb merchants, manufacturers, and

their commercial travellers, while so making parch ises and collecting orders, shall

in the matter of taxation and facilities, enjoy the most favoured nation treatment.

Articles imported as samples for the purposes above-meutioned shall, in each

country, be temporarily admitted free of duty on compliance with the Customs re-

gulations and formalities established to assure their re-exportation or the payment of

the prescril»ed Customs duties if not re-exported within the period allowed by law.

But the foregoing privilege shall not extend to articles which, owing to their quantity

or value, cannot he considered as samples, or which; ow‘m

be identified upon re-exportation. The determination of the question of the qualifica-

tion of samples for duty-tree admission rests in all cases exchisively with the com-

petent authorities of the place where the importation is effected.

Art. XIII.—The marks, stamps, or seals placed upon the samples mentioned in

the ]'receding Article by the Customs authorities of one country at the time of ex-

portation, and the officially-attested list of such samples containing a full description

thereof issued by them, shall by reciprocally accepted by the Customs officials of the

other as establishing their character as samples and exempting them from inspection

except so far as mav be necessary to establish thar the samples produced are those

enumerated in the list. The Customs authorities of either country may, however,

affix a supplementary mark to such samples in special cases where they may thmk

this precaution necessary.

Art. XIV. —The Chambers of Commerce, as well as such other Trade Association,

and other recognised Commercial Associations in the ter; itories of the high con-

tracting Parties as may be authorised in this behalf, shall be mutually accepted as

competent authorities for issuing any certificates that may be required for com-

mercial travellers.

Art. XV.—Limited liability and other companies and associations, commercial,

industrial, and financial, already or hereafter to be organised in accordance with the

laws of either high contracting party, are authorised, in the territories of the others

to exercise their right and appear in the Courts either as plaintiffs or defendants,

subject to the laws of such other party.

Art. XVI.—Each of the high contracting parties shall permit the importation or

exportation of all merchandise which may be legally imported or exported, and also

the carriage of passengers from or to their respective territories, upon the vessels of

the other; and such vessels, their cargoes, and passengers, shall enjoy the same

privileges as, and shall not be subjected to, any other or higher duties or charges

than national vessels and their cargoes and passengers.

Art. XVII.—In all that regards the stationing, loading, and unloading of vessels

in the ports, docks, roadsteads, and harbours of the high contracting parties, on

privileges or facilities shall be granted by either party to national vessels which are


not equally,In like cases, grapted to the vessels of the other country; the intention of

the high contracting parties being that in these respects also the vessels of the two-

countries shall be treated on the footing of perfect equality.

Art; XYIII.—All vessels which according to Japanese law are to be deemed*

Japanese vessels; and all vessels which according to British law are to be deemed

British vessels; shall, for the purpose of this Treaty, be. deemed Japanese, and British

vessels respectively, .

Art. XIX.—No duties of tonnage, harbour, pilotage, lighthouse/ quarantine, of

other analogous duties or charges of whatever nature, rQr under whatever denomina-

tion, levied in the name or for the profit of'Government, public functionaries, private

individuals, corporations or establishments of any kind, shall be imposed in the ports

of either country upon the vessels of the other which shall not equally, under the .

same conditions, be imposed in like cases on national vessels in general, or vessels to

the most-favoured nation. Such equality of treatment shall apply to the vessels of-.

either country from whatever place they may arrive and whatever may. be their


Art. XX.—Vessels charged with performapce of regular scheduled postal service

of one of, the high contracting parties shall enjoy in the territorial waters of the-

other the same special facilities, privileges, and immunities as are granted, to like

vessels of the moat favoured nation.

Art. XXI.—The coastingtrade of the high contracting parties is excepted from

the provisions of the present. Treaty, and shall be regulated according to the laws of

Japan and the United Kingdom respectively. It is, hotvev&f, understood that the

subjects and vessels of either high contracting party shall enjoy in this respect

most favoured nation treatment in the territories of the other.

Japanese and British vessels may, nevertheless, proceed from one port .to an-

other, either lor the, purpose of , landing the whole or part qf their passengers or

cargoes brought from abroad v or qf taking on board the whole or part of their pas-

sengers or cargoe^ for. a foreign destination. ,.

It is also understood that, in the event of the coasting trade of either country being

exclusively reserved to national vessels,, the vessels of the other-country, if engaged

in trade to or from places not within the limits of the Coasting trade so reserved,

shall not be prohibited from the carriage between two ports of the former country of

passengers hplding, through tickets or merchandise consigned on through, bills of;, lad-

ing to of from pi ade^ hot within the above-mqntibtied litnijs, and while engaged in

such carriage these Vessels j and their cargoes shall enjoy the full privileges of this ,


Art. XXII.—If any seaman should desert from any ship belonging:to either of the-

high contracting. parties in the territorial waters of the other, the. local aqthorities

shall,‘withih the limits law, be: bound to give evefy asatitaihed ih theif poWer for

the recoVerV'of sfich 'ddseftef ■ on application to that effect being'inaddhq them by the

competent Consular officer of the country to which the ship of the deserter may belong,

accompaihied by ah assmtince that all expense connedted thefewith will be rejiaid.

It is understood that this stipulation shall hot apply fo the subjects of the

country where the desertion: takes place. ,

Aft. XXIII.—Ahyj vessel of either of the high dontfactihg parties which may be

compelled; by stress of vdeathef or by accident,' to take shelter in a port of the pther

shall be at liberty to fefit'therein, to procure all necessary stores, and to put to sea

again, without pa ving ahy'(dties other than such as would bP payable in the like case

by a national vessel. In case,' however, the master of a inerdhaiit-vessel should be

under the necessity pf disposing of a part of his merchandise in order to defray the

expenses, he shall bp bpund to, conform to the Regulations and..Tariffs of the place to

which he may have jppme..


• If.atiy vdssfel of ‘oligiof tho high conti-acling parties should mn -agrottiid !or be

wrecked upon the coasts of the other, such vessel, and all parts thereof^ and all'

furniture and appurtenances .belonging thereunto, and all goods and merchahdise

, saved therefropi, including any which may have been cast into the sea, or the pro-

ceeds thereof, if sold, jis well as all papers found on board such stranded or wrecked

vessel, shall be given up to the owners or their agents when claimed by them. If

there are no such owners or agents op the spot, then the same shall be delivered to

the Japanese or British Consular officer in whose district the wreck or stranding may

have taken place upon being claimed by him within the period fixed by the laws of

the country, and such Consular officer, owners, or agents shall pay only the expens* a

inCtirfed; in the preservation of the property, together with the salvage or other ex -

p penses which would have been payable in the like case of a wreck.or stranding of a

national vessel.

The high contracting parties agree, moreover, that merchandise saved shall not

be subjected to the payment of any Customs duty unless cleared for internal: cbn-


In the case .either nf pi "vessel being driven in by stress of weather, run aground,

or wrecked, .the respective Consular officers shall, if the owner or master’, or other

agent of the owner is not present, or is present and requires it, be authorised to

interpose in order to afford the necessary assistance to their fellow-countrymen.

| Art. XXIV.—The high contracting parties agree that in all that concerns com-

i; mefce, navigation, and industry, any favour, privilege, or immunity ivhieh either

; high contracting party has actually granted, or may hereafter grant, to the ships

subjects, or citizens of any other foreign State shall be extended immediately and

unconditionally to the ships or subjects of the other high contracting party, it

being their intention that the commerce, navigation, and industry of each country

shall be placed in all respects on the footing of the most favoured nation^ ; A

Art. XXV.—The stipulations of this Treaty do not apply to tariff concessions

granted by either of the high contracting parties to eontiguous^States solely to

facilitate frontier traffic within a limited zone on each side of the frontier, dr to the

treatment accorded to the produce of the national fisheries of the high contracting

parties or to special -tariff favours granted by Japan in regard to fish and other

aquatic products taken in the foreign waters in the vicinity of Japan.

Art. XXVI."—The stipulations of the present Treaty shall not be applicable to any

of His Britannic Majesty’s Dominions, Colonies, Possessions, or Protectorates beyond

the Seas, unless-notice of adhesion shall have been given on behalf/of kny sued

| dominion, Colony, Possession, or Protectorate by His Britannic Majesty’s Repre-

sentative at Tokyo before the expiration of two years from the date of the exchange

: of the ratifications of the1 present Treaty.

Art. XXVIL—The present Treaty shall be ratified, and the ratifications exchanged

at Tokyo as soon as possible. It shall enter into operation on the I7th July, 1911,

and remain in force until the 16th July, 1923. In case neither of the high con-

| t-racting parties shall have given notice to the other, twelve months before the ex-

,1 piration of the said period, of its intention to terminate the Treaty, it shall continue

operative until the expiration of one year from the date on which either of the high

i contracting parties shall have denounced it.

As regards the British Dominions, Colonies, Possessions, and Protectorates to

which the present Treaty may have been made applicable in virtue of Article XXVI.,

howpver, either of the high contracting parties shall have the. right to terminate it

separately at any time on giving twelve months’ notice to that effect. :

It is understood that the.stipulations of the present and of the preceding Article

teferiing to British Dominions, Colonies, Possessions, and Protectorates apply also

tO'the island of Cyprus


la witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the present

Treaty, and have affixed thereto the seal of their arms.

£>one at London in duplicate this 3rd day of April, 1911.

(Signed) Takaaki Kato [l s.]

„ E. Grey „


Part I.

No. in Japanese Description of Unit of

Statutory Tariff. Article. Weight.


4. Other:

A. Each weighing not more than 6 kilogrammes including the

weight of the receptacle 100 kins 4.25

(including receptacles)

B. Other 100 kins 3.3(>

275.—Linen Yarns :—

1. Single :

A. Gray ,, 8.60

B. Other „ 9.25

298.—Tissues of Cotton :—

1. Velvets, plushes, and other pile tissues, with piles cut or uncut :

A. Grav '•* 25.50

B. Other „ 30.00

7. Plain tissues, not otherwise provided for:

A. Gray:

Al. Weighing not more than 5 kilogrammes per 100 square

metres, and having in a square of 5 millimetres side in

warp and woof:

а. 19 threads or less ... 15.30

б. 27 „ „ 20.70

c. 35 „ „ ... ' ... 28.70

d. 43 „ „ 38.00

e. More than 43 threads ... ... ....... ... ... ... ... 51.30

A2. Weighing not more th in 10 kilogrammes per 100 square

metres, and having in a square of 5 millimetres side in

warp and wOof : .

a. 19 threads or less ... ... ... ...100 kins 8.30

b. 27 „ „ „ 10.50

c. 35 „ „ ; ... ... „ 13.50

d. 43 „ „ ... ... . . ... ... ' „ 16.50

e. More than 43 thread's ... ... ... ... ... ... ... „ 18.70

A3. Weighing not more than 20 kilogrammes per 100 square

metres, and having in a square of 5 millimetres side in

warp and woof:

a. 19 threads or lesfc:... ... ... ,, 6.70

b. 27 „ „ .. ... „ 8.30

c. 35 „ „ ... „ 10.50

d. 43 „ „ „ 13.50

e. More than 43 threads „ 14.70


Ho. in Japanese Description of Unit of ! f ^e.

Statutory Tariff A^tifcle; Weight. • P

A4>. Weighing not more than 30 kilogrammes per 100 square

metres, and having in a square 5 millimetres side in

warp and woof:

a. 19 threads or less ... ... ... ... „ 6.00*

b. 27 „ „ : 6.70

c. 35 „ „ i., } 8.00

d. 43 „ „ . ... ... .... ... „ 10.70

e. More than 34 threads ,, 13.30

A5 Other ... „ 9 30

B. Bleached simply ...The above duties on gray tissqe® plqs, 3 yen pef. 1Q0 kins

C. Other ... ,, „ 7 „

299. Other:

A. Gray:

Al. Weighing not more than 5-kilogrammes per 1GQ square .

metres,. andi .havipg ip, a squaT? of.,5 ipillimetres, side in > ;

warp and woof:

a. 19 threads or less w.. >100.kins 16.00

b. 27 „ ... . „ • 21.30

c. 35 „ „ ... .... ' 29.30

d. 43 „ ... ... : ..." . 39.30

e. More than 43 threads i"... ,, 53.30

A2. Weighing not more than 10 kilogrammes per l60 square, .

metres.*and having in a square of 5 millimetres side in

warp and wonf:

a. 19 threads or less ... ... 8.00

b. 27 „ „ „ 10.00

c. 35 „ „ 14.30

d. 43 ... ... „ .18.00

e. More than 43 threads .....1 ... ... ... .. ... „ 20.00

A3. Weighing not more than 20 kilogrammes per 100 square

metres, and having in a square, of 5 millimetres kide'in

warp and tvoofr'

a. 27 threads, or less, , ... .... ,.. ... .... 8.00

b. 35 „ ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ,, 11.30

c. 43 „ ' 3 415.00

d. More than 43 threads ’ „ 18.80

J.4. Weighing not more than 30 kilogrammes per 100 square

metres, and having in a square of 5 millimetres side in

warp and woof:

а. 27 threads or less 100 kins 7.30

б. 35 „ „ „ 8.70

c. 43 „ „ 11.30

d. More than 43 threads ,, 14.70

A5. Other „ 10.00

B. Bleached simply ... The above duties on gray tissues plus 3 yen per 100 kins

C. Other „ „ „ 7


No. in Japanese Description of Unit of ?^e.

Statutory Tariff. Article. Weight. Ten^

301.—Tissues of wool, and mixed tissues of wool and cotton, of wool and silk, or of

wool, cotton and silk :—

2. Other:

A. Of wool:

b. Weighing not more than 200 grammes per square metre ...100 kins 57.50

c. „ „ 500 „ „ ... „ 45.00

d. Other ... „ 40.00

if. Of wool and cotton :

c. Weighing not more than 500 grammes per square metre .., „ 30.00

d. Other 18.00

4(52.—Iron : —

1. In lumps, ingots, blooms, billets and slabs:

A. Pig iron ... „ 00.83

4. Plates and Sheets :

A. Not coated with metals:

A3. Other:

a. Not exceeding 0.7 millimetres in thickness „ 0.30

B. Coated with base metals:

If 1. Tinned (tinned iron sheets and tinned steel sheets) :

a. Ordinary „ 0.70

B2. Galvanised (corrugated or not) „ 1.20

Part II.

1. —Habutae or pure s;lk, not dyed or printed.

2. —Handkerchiefs or habutae or pure silk, not dyed or

3. —Copper, unwrought, in ingots and slabs.

4. —Plaiting or straw and other materials.

5. —Camphor and camphor oil.

6. —Baskets (including trunks) and basketware of bamb

7. —Mats and matting of rush.

8. —Lacquered wares, coated with Japanese lacquer (JTr

9. —Rape-seed oil.

10.—Cloisonne wares.




At the fourth plenary session of the Conference on Limitation of Armaments

held on December 10th, 1921, Senator Lodge made public the following draft of a

treaty and accompanying reservations:—

The United States of America, the British Empire, France and Japan, with

a view to tKe preservation of the general peace and the maintenance of their

rights in relation to their insular possessions and insular dominions in the

regions of the Pacific Ocean, have determined to conclude a treaty to this effect

and have appointed as their plenipotentiaries :—

The President of the United States

His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and

Ireland, and of the British Dominions beyond the seas, Emperor of



For the Dominion of Canada

For the Commonwealth of Australia

For the Dominion of New Zealand

For India

The President of the French Kepublic——-

His Majesty the Emperor of Japan

Who, having communicated their full powers found in good and due form, have

agreed as follows

Aeticle I.—The high contracting parties agree as between themselves to

respect their rights in relation to their insular possessions and insular dominions in

the region of the Pacific Ocean. If there should develop between any of the

high contracting parties a controversy arising out of any Pacific question and

involving their said rights, which is not satisfactorily settled by diplomacy and is

likely to affect the harmonious accord now happily subsisting between them, they

shall invite the other high contracting parties to a joint conference to which the

whole subject will be referred for consideration and adjustment.

Article II.—If the said rights are threatened by the aggressive action of any

other Power, the high contracting parties shall communicate with one another

fully and frankly in order to arrive at an understanding as to the most efficient

measures to be jointly or separately taken to meet the particular situation.

Article III.—‘This Agreement shall remain in force for ten years from the

time it shall take effect, and after the expiration of said period it shall continue to

be in force subject to the right of any of the high contracting parties to terminate

it upon twelve months’ notice.

Article IY.—This Agreement shall be ratified as soon as possible in accord-

ance with the constitutional methods of the high contracting parties and shall

take effect on the deposit of ratifications, which shall take place at Washington,

and thereupon the Agreement between Great Britain and Japan which was con-

cluded at London on July 13th, 1911, shall terminate.

Reservations.—The signing of this Treaty is on the part of the United States

subject to (reservations affecting) the island of Yap and what are termed the

Mandate Islands in the Pacific Ocean, north of the Equator, the negotiations in

regard to which are almost concluded, and also the reservations with respect to

what are termed the Mandate Islands in the Pacific Ocean south of the Equator.



tt should also be observed that the controversies to which the proposed Treaty refers

do not include questions which, according to the principles of international law,

lie exclusively within the domestic jurisdietipn Of the respective Powers.

In the course of his address, Senator Lodge stated : “ To put it in a few words

the Treaty provides that the four signatory Powers will agree between themselves

in regard to their insular possessions and dominions in the region of the Pacific,

and that if any controversy should arise, as .to such rights aU the high contracting

parties shall be invited'to a joint conference looking, to the adjustment of such

controversy. Thev agree to take similar action in the chse of aggression by any

other Power upon these insular possessions dr dominions; This Agreethent is to

remain in force for ten years, and, after ratification under tthe constitutional

methods of the high contracting parties, the existing agreement between Great

Britain and Japan, which was concluded at London on July 13, 1911, shall

terminate. Each signer is bound to respect the rights of the others, and before

taking action in any controversy to cOnsult with thbtn. There is no provision for

the use of force to carry out any of the terms of the Agreement, and no military or

naval stations lurk anywhere in the background hr1 under cover of these plain and

direct clauses. The surest way to prevent war is to remove the cause of war.

This is an attempt to remove the cause of war over a great area of the globe’s

surface by reliance upon the good faith and honest intentions of the nations which

signed this Treaty solving all differences through a process of diplomacy and joint

consideration and conciliation. : ^


The Far Eastern Committee of the Conference unanimously adopted a resolu-

tion declaring in favour-of the territorial and administrative integrity Of China.

The resolution, which was drafted and-presented by Senator Root, was signed by

eight Powers, Chiba refraining from appending her signature as - being unfitting

in a document regarding herself.

Following-is the text of the resolution:—-“It is the firm intention of the

Powers attending the Conference, firstly, to respect the sovereignty, independence

and territorial and administrative integrity of China ; secondly, to provide the fullest,

unembarrassed opportunity for China to develop and tO maintain an effective and

stable Government; thirdly, to use their influence for the purpose of effectively

establishing and maintaining the principle of equal opportunity for commerce and

industry to all nations throughout Chinese territory; fourthly, to refrain from taking

advantage of present conditions in order to seek special rights ahd privileges

abridging the rights of subjects of friendly States, and also to refrain from

countenancing any action inimical to the. security of such States.”

The Far Eastern Committee passed a resolution, suggested by Sir Auckland

Geddes, under which the Powers attending the Conference declared their inten-

tion “ not to enter into any treaty; agreement, arrangement, or understanding with

one another, or individually or collectively with any Power or Powers, which

infringes or impairs the principles declared by the resolution adopted by the Com-

mittee on the 21st ult.” (i.e., Senator Root’s resolution declaring for the terri orial

and administrative integrity of China).



Representatives of the nine Powers sitting as a Committee on the Pacific and

Far Eastern questions adopted a resolution in favour of the relinquishment of

Toreign post-office privileges in China. All the Powers agreed upon January Ist,l 923,

As the date of relinquishment. - -

The text of the resolution is:— “ Recognising the justice of the desire expressed

by the Chinese Government to secure the abolition of foreign postal agencies in

China, save or except in leased territories Or otherwise specifically provided for by

freaty, it is resolved:

“I:—That the four Powers having such postal agencies agree to their

abandonment, subject to -the following conditions : Fifst,’ that rah efficient Chinese

postal service‘ be maintained - second; that'ah assurance be given by the Chinese

Government that they contemplate no change in tins present postal administration

as far as the status of the foreign Co-DirectOr-General is concerned.

‘MI :—To enable China and the, Potveia cohcefned to make the necessary

dispositions this arrangement shall cdine into fotce not later than (date blank).

Pending the complete withdrawal of foreign postal agencies the four Powers concerned

severally undertake to afford full facilities to the Chinese Customs authorities to

•examine all postal matter (except ordinary letters,'whet’her’registered op not, which

upon external examination appear to contain written matter) passing through with a

view to ascertaining whether they contain articles of dutiable contraband or other-

wise contravening the Customs regulations and laws of China.”


A resolution was unanimously adopted by the Far Eastern Committee relative to

the Extra-Territorial Question, ft provides that the Powers concerned shall establish

a Commission, to which each shall appoint a member, to enquire into the present

practice of extra-territorial jurisdiction in China, and into the laws, the judicial system

and methods of judicial administration, with a view to reporting findings of fact, with

recommendations regarding the means to improve the existing conditions of adminis-

tration o‘f justice in China and to assist the efforts of the Chinese Government to

effect such legislation and judicial reforms as will warrant the Powers in relinquishing

progressively or otherwise their rights of extra-territoriality..

The Commission shall be constituted within three months after the adjournment

of the Conference, and be instructed to submit its report and recommendat ions within

a year after the Commission’s first meeting. Each of the Powers shall be deemed free

to accept or reject all or any portion of the recommendations, but in no case are any

•of the Powers to make acceptance directly or indirectly dependent on China’s granting

any special concession, favour, benefit, or immunity, whether political or economic,.

An additional resolution provides that non-signatory Powers having extra-terri-

torial rights in China may accede to the'resolution in regard to extra-territoriality

within three months after the adjournment of the Conference.

A further additional resolution expresses China’s satisfaction with the sympathy

-of the Powers in regard to the abolition of extra-terfitoriality, and declares China’s

intention to appoint a Chinese member of the E xtra-Territoriality Commission, it

being understood that China is free to accept or reject any or all of the recommenda-

tions of the Commission. China is prepared to co-operate in the work of the

-Commission and in every way to, facilitate the successful accomplishment of its task.



A report was submitted by the Sub-Committee on Drafting relating to radio'

stations for China which states that representatives of the nine Powers at the

Conference decided that all radio stations in China, whether maintained under the

provisions of the International Protocol of September, 1901, or, in fact maintained

on the grounds of any of the foreign Legations in China, shall be limited in use to

sending and receiving Clovernment messages and shall not receive or send commercial,

personal, or unofficial messages, including Press matter.

It is provided, however, that in case all other telegraphic communication is inter-

rupted, then, upon official notification, accompanied by proof of such interruption, to

the Chinese Ministry of Communications such stations may afford temporary facilities-

for messages excluded as before-mentioned until the Chinese Government notify the

termination of the interruption.

All radio stations on Chinese territory operated by foreign Governments’ sub-

jects under treaties or concessions shall limit the messages sent or received by the

terms of the treaty or concession under which the respective stations are maintained.

Any radio station maintained without .the authority of the Chinese Government shall

be transferred to China to be operated under the direction of the Chinese Ministry of

Communications, against compensation to the owners for the value of the installation,

as soon as the Ministry is prepared to operate the same effectively for general public

benefit. Should any question arise regarding radio stations in leased territories,

the South Manchuria railway zone, or the French Concession in Shanghai they

shall be regarded as matters for discussion between the Chinese Government and the

Governments concerned. Owners or managers of all foreign radio stations shall

confer with the Chinese Ministry of Communications for the purpose of seeking a

common arrangement to avoid interference in the use of wave lengths by wireless

stations in China, subject to such a general arrangement as may be made by the

International Conference convened for revision of the rules established by the

London International Radio Telegraph Convention of 1912.


The following is the text of the two treaties regarding China *approved

on February 4th, 1922, by the Conference at Washington :—

The United States of America, Belgium, the British Empire, China, France,

Italy, Japan, the Netherlands and Portugal:

Desiring to adopt a policy designed to stabilize conditions in the Far East,

to safeguard the rights and interests of China, and to promote intercourse between

China and the other Powers upon the basis of equality of opportunity, have

resolved to conclude a Treaty, for that purpose and to that end have appointed

as their respective plenipotentiaries (Here follow the names of the plenipoten-

tiaries), who, having communicated to each other their full powers, found to be in

good and due form, have agreed as follows:—

Article I.

The contracting Powers, other than China, agree :

1. —To respect the sovereignty, the independence,

and administrative integrity of China.

2. —To provide the fullest and most unembarrassed

to develop and maintain for herself an effective and stable Government.


3. —To use their influence for the purpose of effectually establ

•maintaining the principle of equal opportunity for the commerce and industry

of all nations throughout the territory of China.

4. —To refrain from taking advantage of conditions in China in or

; sspecial rights or privileges which would abridge the rights of subjects or citizens

of friendly States, and from countenancing action inimical to the security of such


Article II.

The contracting Powers agree not to enter into any treaty, agreement,

arrangement or understanding, either with one another or individually or

collectively, with any Power or Powers, which would infringe or impair the

principles stated in Article I.

Article III.

With a view .to apply more effectually the principles of the open door or

equality of opportunity in China for the trade and industry of all nations, the

contracting Powers, other than China, agree they will not seek nor support

their respective nations in seeking :

(a) Any arrangement which might purport to establish in favour of their

interests any general superiority of rights with respect to commercial or economic

development in any designated region in China.

(b) Any such monopoly or preference as would deprive the nationals of any

i other Power of the right of undertaking any legitimate trade or industry in

China, or of participating with the Chinese Government or with any local authority

in any category of public enterprise, or which by reason of its scope, duration or

geographical extent is calculated to frustrate the practical application of the

principle of equal opportunity.

It is understood that the foregoing stipulations of this article are

not to be so construed as to prohibit the acquisition of such properties or rights as

may be necessary to the conduct of a particular commercial, industrial or financial

undertaking or to the encouragement of invention and research.

China undertakes to be guided by the principles stated in the foregoing

-stipulations of this article in dealing with applications for economic rights and

■privileges from Governments and nationals of ail foreign countries, whether parties

i to the present treaty or not.

Article IV.

The contracting Powers agree not to support any agreements by their respective

nationals with each other designed to create spheres of influence or to provide for

i;he enjoyment of mutually exclusive opportunities in designated parts of Chinese


Article V.

China agrees that throughout the whole of the railways in China she will not

i exercise or permit unfair discriminations of any kind. In particular there shall be

; no discrimination whatever, direct or indirect, in respect of charges or of facilities

| on the ground of the nationality of passengers or the countries from which or to

which they are proceeding, or the origin or ownership of goods or the country from

which or to which they are consigned, or the nationality or ownership of the ship or

; other means of conveying such passengers or goods before or after their transport

on the Chinese railways.

The contracting Powers, other than China, assume a corresponding obligation

in respect of any of the aforesaid railways over which they or their nationals are in a

position to exercise any control in virtue of any concession, special agreement or

; 'Otherwise.


■ ■ Article VI.

The contracting parties, other than China, agree fully £o respect China’s rights

as a neutrAl in time pf wai^th '-vvhieh Cliina is hot'a party; and China declares that

when she-is a hehtfal She will.observe the obligations of heutrality.

Article VII.

The contracting Powers agree that whenever a situation arises which, in the^

opinion of any one of thenl, involves the'application of the-stipulations of the present

treaty, and renders desirable dischssihri1 of Such application; there shall be full and

frank communication between the Contracting Powers concerned.

Article VIII.

Powers not signatory; to the present Treaty which jhawe governpients. recognised

by the signatory Powers, and which have treaty relations with Ch'iaa. shaH be invited

to adhere to the preseht Treaty. To ,this end the Glbvernuient of the .United States

will make the necessary communications td‘ non-signatory Powers.apd,wiU inform the

contracting Powers, of the replies received. Adherence by any Power shall' become

effective on receipt of notice thefebf by the Government of the United States.

Article IX.

The present treaty Shall’ be ratified by the contracting Powers in accordance-

with their respective constitutional methods, and Shall'takb effect on the date of the

deposit Of all the ratifications, Which shall take';plac'e at Washington as soon as

possible. The Government of the United’States will transmit to the other con-

tracting Po wers a certified Copy Of the'^wces verbal of the deposit of ratifications.

The present treaty, of which the English and French: texts are both authentic,

shall remain deposited in the archives of the Govethnien.t of the-Un^fftd States,: and

duly certified copies thereof shall, be transmitted by that; Gp^Rtninent to the other

contracting Powers.

In faith whereof the . above-named plenipotentiaries have signed the present


Done at the City of Washington, the sixth day of Febf'nary, one thousand

nine hundred and twenty-two. '


The following resolution was'adoptM as a supplement to the general Par

Eastern Treaty:

The United States of America, Belgium, the British Empire, China, France,

Italy, Japan, the Netherlands and Portugal”

, Desiring to, provide , R . pto,eedure fpy dealing with Questions that may arise in

connection with the execution of the provisions or Ar ticles III. and V^ of the Treaty

•to be signed at Washington pn.February 6th, 1922, with I'eferenqe to their general

policy, designed to stabilize conditions in the Far East, to safeguard the rights and

interests of Chijia, and to promote interest between China and, the othef Powers

upon the basis of equality pf opportunity;

. Eesolve, That there shall be established in China a Board of Beference to

which any questions arising in connection with the execution of fhe aforesaid articles

may be referred for investigation and report.

The special conference/ provided in Article II. of the treaty to be signed at

Washington on February 6th, 1922, with reference to the Chinese Customs Tariff

shall formulate for the approval of the Powers concerned a detailed plan for the

constitution of the Board.



The treaty relative to the Chinese Tariff and cognate matters reads

The tJnited States of America,'Belgium, the British Empire, China, France,

Italy, Japan, the Netherlands and Portugal:

With a view to increasing the revenues of the Chinese Government have

resolved to conclude a treaty relating to the revision of the Chinese Customs Tariff

and cognate nratters, arid to that end have' appointed as their plenipotentiaries

(Here follows the names of the plenipotentiaries), who,haying communicated to each

other .their full powers, found to be in good and due form, have agreed as follow's,:—

Artioj.e I.

The representatives of the contracting Powers, having adopted, on the 4th day of

Fehruaryj 1922, in the City, of Washington, a resolution, which is appended as an

annex, to this article, with respect to the revision ofQhinese customs duties for the

purpose of making such duties equivalent to an effective 5. per cent., ad valorem, in

accordance with existing treaties concluded by China with other nations, the con-

tracting Powers hereby confirm the ■ said resolution and undertake to accept the

“tariff rates fixed as a result of such revision. The said tariff rates shall: become

•effective as soon as possible, but got earlier .than, two .months after publication


' . . Annex ,

With a view!to’ providing additional fevehiiO tOimebt the heeds of the Chinese

•Government, the Powers represented at this Conference, namely, the United.States of

America, Belgium, the British Empire, China,'France; Italy, Japan, the Netherlands

and Portugal, agree:

That .the. Customs , schedule,!of, duties qn imports inti) Clffna, adopted, by the

Tariff Revision Coinniissioii ai Shanghai on Heqffmher. I9.th, l^S, shall forthwith be

revised so that'rates of duty shall be equivalent to 5 per cent, effective,.as provided

for in the several commercial treaties to which China is a party.

A Revision Commission shall meet at Shanghai at the earliest practicable date

to effect this revision forthwith and dh the general lines of the:last revision.

This Commission shall be composed of representatives of the Powers above

named and of representatives of any additional. Powers, having governments at

present recognized by the Powers represented at this Conference and who have

treaties with China providing for & tairiff on imports and exports-not to exceed 5

per cent. nd unZorem and who desire'to participate: therein,

The revision shall proceed

: 'as rapidly as' possible- with: a-view to its'completion

within four months from the date of theaflOptibn Of* this' resolution by the Con-

ference on the Limitafifcm ;of ArmanteiitS and BaCiffe and Far Eastern Questions.

The revised tariff shall become effective as soon as possible, but not earlier than

two months after its publication by, the Revision Commission.

The Government of the United States, as convener of the present Conference,, is

requested forthwith, to .communicate the terms of this (resolution to the Governments

of Powers not represented at this Conference but who participated in the revision; !of

1918 aforesaid. ■ /

Article II.

Immediate steps shall be takenithi-ough a special conference to prepare the way

for the speedy abolition of lilcin and for the fulfilment of the other conditions laid

down in Article VIII. of the treaty of September 5th, 1902, between Great Britain and

China; in Article IV. and .V. of the treaty of-Octqber;Bthj 19Q3,, between the United

-States anff, China; and in Article I. of the supplementary treaty of October 8th, 1903,

between Japan and China, with a view to levying the,, surtaxes provided for in these

Articles. ' • ,, - , • , ■


The special Conference shall be composed of representatives of the signatory

Powers, and of such other Powers as may desire to participate and may adhere to*

the present treaty, in accord with the provisions of Article YIIT., in sufficient time to-

allow their representatives to take part. It shall meet in China within three months

after the coming into force of the present treaty on a day and at a place to be

designated by the Chinese Government.

Article III.

The special conference provided for in Article II. shall consider the interim

provision to be applied prior to the abolition of likin and the fulfilment of the other

conditions laid down in the articles of the treaties mentioned in Article II.; and it

shall authorize the levying of a surtax on dutiable imports as from such date, for

such purposes and subject to such conditions as it may determine.

The surtax shall be at a uniform rate of 2| per centum ad valorem, provided

that in case of certain articles of luxury which, in the opinion of the special Conference,

can bear a greater increase without unduly impeding trade, the total surtax may bo

ncreased, but may not exceed 5 per centum ad valorem.

Article IY.

Following the immediate revision of the Customs schedule of duties on imports

into China mentioned in Article I., there shall be a further revision thereof, to take

effect at the expiration of four years following the completion of the aforesaid im-

mediate revision, in order to insure that the Customs duties shall correspond to the

ad valorem rates fixed by the special Conference provided in Article II.

Following this further revision there shall be for the same purpose periodical

revisions of the Customs schedule of duties of imports into China every seven years,

in lieu of the decennial revision authorized by existing treaties with China.

In order to prevent delay, any revision made in pursuance of this Article shall

be effected in accord with rules to be prescribed by the special Conference provided

for in Article II.

Article V.

In all matters relating to Customs duties there shall be effective equality of treat-

ment and of opportunity for all the contracting Powers.

Article VI.

The principle of uniformity in the rates of Customs duties levied at all the land

and maritime frontiers of China is hereby recognised. The special Conference

provided for in Article II. shall make arrangements to give practical effect to this

principle, and it is authorised to make equitable adjustments in those cases in which

a Customs privilege to be abolished was granted in return for some local economic


In the meantime, any increase in the rates of Customs duties resulting from

tariff revision or any surtax hereafter imposed in pursuance of the present Treaty

shall be levied at a uniform rate ad valorem at all land and maritime frontiers of


Article VII.

The charge for transit passes shall he at the rate of 2£ per centum ad valorem

until the arrangements provided for by Article II. come into force.

Article VIII.

Powers not signatory to the present Treaty, whose Governments are at present

recognised by the signatory Powers and whose present treaties with China provide

for a tariff on imports and exports not to exceed 5 per centum ad valorem, shall bo

invited to adhere to the present Treaty.


The Government of the United States undertakes to make the necessary com-

imunications for this purpose and to inform the Governments of the contracting

Powers of the replies received. Adherence by any Power shall become effective on

receipt of notice thereof by the Government of the United States.

Article IX.

The provisions of the present Treaty shall override all stipulations of treaties

between China and the respective contracting Powers which are inconsistent there-

with, other than stipulations according most-favoured-nation treatment.

Article X.

The present Treaty shall be ratified by the contracting Powers in accord with

their respective constitutional methods and shall take effect on the date of the

deposit of all the ratifications, which shall take place at Washington as soon as

possible. The Government of the United States will transmit to the contracting

Powers a certified copy of the proces verbal of the deposit of ratifications.

The present Treaty, of which the English and French texts are both authentic,

shall remain deposited in the archives of the Government of the United States, and

duly certified copies thereof shall be transmitted by that Government to the other

contracting Powers.

In faith whereof the above-named plenipotentiaries have signed the present


Done at the City of Washington the sixth day of February, one thousand nine

hundred and twenty-two.



Art. I.—The master of any Rnglish sKip coming' to Bangkok to trade must,,

either before or after entering the river, as; may be found convenient, report the

arrival of his vessel at the Custom-house at Paknam, together with the number of

his 6rew and guns, and the port from whence he CO'mhs.* Upon anchoring his Vessel

at Paknam, he will deliver into the custedy of the Custom-hOiise officers all his guns-

and ammunition; and a Custom-house officer will then be appointed to the vessel,

and will proceed in her to Bangkok.

Art. II.—A vessel passing Paknam without discharging her guns and ammuni-

tion as directed in the foregoing regulation will be. sent,back to; Paknam to comply

with its provisions, and will be fined Oight hundred ticals for having so disobeyed.

After delivery of her guns, and ammunition she will be permitted to return to

Bangkok to trade. ' ( ■ ■ ■ ■n

Art. III.—When a British vessel shall have cast anchor at Bangkok,f the master,

unless a Sunday should intervene,, will within four and twenty hours after, arrival

proceed to the British Consulate, and.deposit there his ship’s papers, bills of lading,

etc.,; jtogether with a true manifest-pf .his import cargo ; and. upon the Consuls

reporting these particulars to the- Custom-house permission to break bulk will at onCe

be given by tbe latter.

For neglecting'So'to report his arrival or fof preOefitirr^ a‘ false manifest, the

master will subject himself, in each instance, to a penalty of four hundred ticals-; but

he will be allowed to Correct, within twenty-four hours after delivery of it to the

Consul, any mistake he may discover in his manifest, without incurring the above-

mentioned penalty.

Art. IV.—A British vessel breaking bulk, and commencing to discharge, before

due permission shall be obtained, or smuggling, either when in the river or outside

the bar, shall be subject to the penalty of eight hundred ticals and confiscation of

the goods so smuggled or discharged.

Art. V.—As soon as a British vessel shall have discharged her cargo and

completed her outward lading, paid all her duties and delivered a. true manifest of

her outward cargo to the British Consul, a Siamese port-clearance shall be granted

her on application from the Consul, who in the absence of any legal impediment to

her departure, will then return to the master his ship’s papers, a.nd allow the vessel

to leave. A Custom-house officer will accompany the vessel to Paknam; and on

arriving there she will be inspected by the Custom-house officers of that station, and

will receive from them the guns and ammunition previously delivered into their

charge. The above regulations, numbered from 1 to 5,. are obligatory under the

Treaty concluded between Great Britain and Siam; those which follow, numbered

from 6 to 14, are equally to he observed by masters of British vessels and their crews.

Art. VI.—Masters of British vessels, when reporting their arrival at Her Majesty’s

Consulate at the port of Bangkok, as directed by the fourth regulation above quoted,

shall notify in writing the names of all passengers and persons not forming part of

tbe registered crew.

Notice must likewise be given of the number and names of persons, who, as

passengers or in any other capacity (seamen borne on the muster-roll excepted), in-

tend to leave Siam in a British vessel.

Art. VII.—Seamen, lascars, and others belonging to Britisli vessels in the port

are strictly prohibited to wear side knives and other weapons while on shore.

Art. VIII.—Should any seaman or apprentice absent himself without leave, the

master will report his absence, if such exceeds twenty-four hours, at the Consulate-


Art. IX.—Any British subject who entices a seaman or apprentice to desert,

incurs, according to the Merchant Shipping Act, 1854, paragraph 257, a penalty not


exceeding ten pounds; or any such subject who wilfully harbours or secretes a person

deserted from his ship incurs ai penalty hot exceeding twenty pounds, if it he proved

that he had knowledge of his being a deserter.

In default of the payment of such fines, the offender is to be imprisoned in'the

Consular gaol for any term not exceeding three months, with or without hard labour.

Art. X.—All cases of death, and especially of sudden death, occurring oh board

of British vessels in the port of Bangkok must be immediately‘hhpprted at. .the


Art. XL—The discharge of guns from vessels anchored in the port of Bangkok,

without notice having1 been previously given, and permission obtained through H.M.

Consul from the proper Siamese authority, is forbidden, under a penalty not exceed-

ing ten pounds.

Art. XII.—It is' strictly prohibited to shoot birds within the precincts of the

Wats or Tenthles, either in Bangkok or elsewhere within the Siamese dominions, of to

injure or damage any of the statues or figures, the trees or shrubs in such localities of

Siamese worship; any British subject or seaman of a British vessel guilty of egchauact

renders himself liable do a penalty not exceeding .twenty pounds, or. in default .thereof

to an imprisonment in the Consular gaol for a period of not more; than one iuonth.

Art. XIII.—When a vessel Under the British flag is ready to leave the port of-

Bangkok, the master will give' notice at the Consulate office, and hoist a blue peter

twenty-four hours before departure, which is to fly until she breaks anchorage.

Art. XIY.—Should any vessel take in or dischargeoargO s-q.bsequenf;.to;the issue

of the Siamese port clearance, as directed by the fifth regulation above quoted,, the

master, as in a ease of smuggling, subjects himself to a penalty Of 800 ticals; (equal

to .£100), and goods so taken or discharged will be liable to confiscation.

Art. XV.—Every fine or penalty levied under these regulations is (if not paid

in sterling money) at the rate of eight ticals.Siamese currency for one pound.

Tariff of Export and Inland Duties?.,to. be levied on Articles of Trade

I.—The Undermentioned Articles shall he entirely free from Inlahd dr Other

taxes, on production of transit pass, and; shall pay Export Duty as follows:— • !

Ticai,' iUt.u no FuajsU , 0 .per picul


Rhinoceros’ horns

Cardamons,:1 best

Cardamons, bastard

Dried mussels

Pelicans’ quills

Betel nut,wood..

Krachi dried


Sharks’ fins,

fins, white



Peacocks’ seed ,1 30 perper100pictdtails..

Buffalo and

Rhinoceros’ cow





Soft ditto





uhcjfaned 20 per cent.



Pungtaraise.ed (Xux

seed Vorrsica^ . .




Agilla wopd.

Ray skins horns



or young ditto }...


Tical Salting Fuanq Htjn 0 per 100 hides

333234 Deer

Deer hides,

Deer hides, fine

sinews common .., 00 per picul

363735 Tigers’

Buffalo andbones

Elephants’ cow hides

Buffalo bones

394038 Elephants’ hornshides 0 per skin

4142 Tigers’



skinskins 30 per„picul

444543 Dried


Dried Fish,

Fish, Plusalit

Plaheng ......

474648 Sapanwood

ISalt meat

Mangrove bark

0 0 per koyan

II. —The undermentioned Articles being subject to the I

herein named, and which shall hot be increased, Tical shall be exempt from export duty:—

5253 Sugar, „ White

Red 0 0 Salon 21 Fuang Hun 0 per picul

555466 Cotton,



clean and uncleaned.

fish. Plat ...

101 percent.0

1 twelfth0

5758 DriedBeans Prawns

and Peas one 0 p. 1,000 fi

5960 Tilseed „„

6162 Bees’Silk, raw

wax one „fifteenth

Tawool 1 00 0 0 per picul

6463 Tobacco

Salt 61 2 00 00 p.per



III. —All goods or produce unenumerated in this Tarif

Duty, and shall only be subject to one Inland Tax or Transit Duty, not exceeding

the rate now paid.


Signed at Bangkok, March 10th, 1909

Ratifications Exchanged at London, July 9th, 1909

His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and

of the British Dominions beyond the Seas, Emperor of India, and His Majesty the

King of Siam, being desirous of settling various questions which have arisen affect-

ing their respective dominions, have decided to conclude a Treaty, and have appointed

for this purpose as their Plenipotentiaries:

His Majesty the King of Great Britain, Ralph Paget, Esq., his Envoy Extra-

ordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, etc.; His Majesty the King of Siam, His

Royal Highness Prince Devawongse Yaroprakar, Minister for Foreign Affairs, etc.;

who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, and

found them to be in good and due form, have agreed upon and concluded the follow-

ing Articles:—

Art. I.—The Siamese Government transfers to the British Government all

rights of suzerainty, protection, administration, and control whatsoever which they

possess oyer the States of Kelantan, Trengganu, Kedah, Perlis, and adjacent islands.

The frontiers of these territories are defined by the Boundary Protocol annexed hereto.


Art. II.—The transfer provided for in the preceding Article shall take place

within thirty days after the ratification of this Treaty.

Art. III.—A mixed Commission, composed of Siamese and British officers, shall

be appointed within six months after the date of ratification of this Treaty, and shall

be charged with the delimitation or the new frontier. The work of the Commission

shall be commenced as soon as the season permits, and shall he carried out m

aceordance with the Boundary Protocol annexed hereto.

Subjects of His Majesty the King of Siam residing within the territory de-

scribed in Article I. who desire to preserve their Siamese nationality will, during the

period of six months after the ratification of the present Treaty, be allowed to do so

if they become domiciled in the Siamese dominions. His Britannic Majesty’s

Government undertake that they shall be at liberty to retain their immovable

property within the territory described in Article I.

It is understood that in accordance with the usual custom where a change of

suzerainty takes place any Concessions within the territories described in Article I.

hereof to individuals or companies, granted by or with the approval of the Siamese

Government, and recognized by them as still in force on the date of the signature of

the Treaty, will be recognized by the Government of His Britannic Majesty.

Art. IV.—His Britannic Majesty’s Government undertake that the Government

of the Federated Malay States shall assume the indebtedness to the Siamese Govern-

ment of the territories described in Article I.

Art. V.—The jurisdiction of the Siamese International Courts, established by

Article VIII. of the Treaty of the 3rd September, 1883, shall, under the conditions

defined in the Jurisdiction Protocol annexed hereto, be extended to all British sub-

jects in Siam registered at the British Consulates before the date of the present Treaty.

This system shall come to an end and the jurisdiction of the International

Courts shall be transferred to the ordinary Siamese Courts after the promulgation

and the coming into force of the Siamese codes, namely, the Penal Code, the Civil

and Commercial Codes, the Codes of Procedure, and the Law for organization of


All other British subjects in Siam shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the

ordinary Siamese Courts under the conditions defined in the Jurisdiction Protocol.

Art. VI.—British subjects shall enjoy throughout the whole extent of Siam the

rights and privileges enjoyed by the natives of the country, notably the right of

property, the right of residence and travel.

They and their property shall be subject to all taxes and services, but these

shall not be other or higher than the taxes and services which are or may be imposed

by law on Siamese subjects. It is particularly understood that the limitation in the

Agreement of the 20th September, 1900, by which the taxation of land shall not

exceed that on similar land in Lower Burmah, is hereby removed.

British subjects in Siam shall be exempt from all military service, either in the

army or navy, and from all forced loans or military exactions or contributions.

Art. VII.—The provisions of all Treaties, Agreements, and Conventions between

Great Britain and Siam, not modified by the present Treaty, remain in full force.

Art. VIII.—The present Treaty shall be ratified within four months from its date.

In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the present

Treaty and affixed their seals.

Done at Bangkok, in duplicate, the 10th day of March, in the year 1909.

[Seal] (Signed) Ralph Paget.

„ „ Devawongse Varoprakar.

Annex 1

Boundary Protocol annexed to the Treaty

The frontiers between the territories of His Majesty the King of Siam and the

territory over which his suzerain rights have by the present Treaty been transferred

to His Majesty the King of Great Britain and Ireland are as follows:—


Commencing from the most seaward point of the northern bank of the estuary

of the Perlis River and thence north to the range of hills which is the watershed

between the Perlis River on the one Side and the Pujoh River on the other; then

following the watershed formed by the said range of hills until it reaches the main

watershed or dividing line •between those rivers which flow into the Ghjlf of Siam on

the dhe side and into the Indian Ocean on the other; following this main watershed

so as to pass the sources of the Sungei Patani, Sungei Telubih, and Sungei Perak,

to a point which is the source of the Sungei Pergau; then leaving the main watershed

and going along the watershed separating the waters of the Sungei Pergau from

the Sungei Telubin, to the hill called Bukit .Jeli or the source of the main stream of

the Suugei G-olok. Thehfee the frontier follows the thalweg ai the mainstream of

the: Sungei Golok to the sea at a place called Kuala Tabar.

This line will leave the valleys of the Sungei Patani, Sungei Telubin, and Sungei

Tanjung Mas and the valley on the left or west bank of the Golok to Siam and the

whole valley 6f the Perak River and the valley on the right or east bank of the

Golok to Great Britain. ,, . :

Subjects of each of the parties may navigate the whole.'of the waters of the

Sungei Golbk and its affluents. >

The island known as Pulo Langkawi, together with all the islets south of mid-

channel between Terutau and Langkawi and all the islands south of Langkawi shall

become British. Terutau and the islets to the. north ‘mid-channel shall remain

to Siam. : ' ;mrhiu'mjr . ii- .V

With regard to the islands close to the west coast; those, lying to the north of

the paralleL of Tatitnde where the most seaward point of the north bank of the

Perlis River touches the tea Shall remain to Siam, and those lying to the south of

that parallel shall become British,

All islands adjacent to the eastern States of Kedantan and Trengganu, south of

a pairallel of latitude drawn from the point where the SnhgeiGolok reaches the coast

at a'plaee called Kuala Tabar shall be transferred to Great Britain, and .all islands

to the north of that parallel shall remain to Siam.

A rdugh sketch of the boundary herein described is annexed herbto.

2. The abovei-described boundary shall be regarded as final, both by the Govern-

ments of His Britanuie Majesty and that of Siam, and they mutually undertake that,

•so far as the boundary effects any alteration of the existing; boundaries of any State

or province, no claim for compensation on the ground of any such alteration made

by any state or province -so affected shall be entertained or supported by either.

•3;. It shall be the'dUty of the Boundary Gommission, provided for in Article III

of the Treaty iof- this date, to determine and eventually mark out the?frontier above

described. ■ •

If during the operations of- delimitation it should appear desirable- to depart

:frOih the frontier as laid' down herein, such rectification shall, hot under any

circumstance be made'to the prejudice of the Siamese Government.-

In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the present

Protocol and affixed their seals. ■

Done at Bangkok; in duplicate, the 10th day o f March, 1(009.

[Seal] ’(Signed) : Ralph Paget.

Devaw&.nIgsk Varoprakak.

Ajjnex 2

Protocol concerning the Jurisdiction applicable in the Kingdom of Siam to British

Subjects and annexed to the Treaty dated March 10, 1909.

Sec. 1.—International Cbhrts Shall' be established at Such places as may seem

desirable in the interests of the. gOod'Aduiinistration of justice ; the selection'of‘these

iplaces shall form the stibject of ah understanding between the British Minister at

Bangkok and the Siamese Minister'for Foreign Affairs.


Sec. 2.—The jurisdiction of the International Courts shall extend—

1. In (jivil matters: To all civil and commercial matters to which British subjects

•shall be parties.:

2. In penal matters: To breaches of law of every kind, whether committed

by British subjects Or to their injury.

Sqc. 3.—The right of evocation in the International Courts shall be exercised

in accordance with the provisions of Article VIII.


The right of evocation shall cease, to be exercised in all matters coming within

the scope of codes or laws regularly promulgated as sobn as the text of such codes or

laws shall have been Communicated to the British Legation in Bangkok. There shall

be an Understanding between the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the British

Legation at Bangkok for the disposal of cases pending at the time that the said

codes arid; laws are comrriunicat4d.

Sec, L—In all cases, whether in the International Courts or in the ordinary

Siamesg Courts in which a British subject is defendant or accused, a European legal

adviser; snafl sit in the Court of'.First Instance. 1

In eases in which a British born, pr naturalized subject not of Asiatic descent,

may be a party, a European; adviser, shalL sit. as a Judge in the Court of First

Instance, and where such British subject is defendant Or accused the; opinion of the

adviser shall prevail.

A British subject who is/ jn the .position,of defendant or accused in any case

arising , in the provinces may apply for a change of venue, and should the Court

•consider such change desirable the trial shall take place either at Bangkok or before

the Judge in whose Court the, case, would be tried at'Bangkok. . Notice of .any such

application shall be given to the Elritish, Consular officer.

Sec.; 5.—Article IX. of the Treaty of the 3rd.September, 1883, is repealed. ;

Appeals, against

be adjudgied by, the the decisipps

Siamese ;<>£ the,International

’Qourt, Courts .of First

.of, Appeal at Bangkok. NoticeInstance

of all shall


•appeals shall be,comniunicate.d fp His Britannic Majesty’s Consul, who shall have,

the right to. give. a ^written' opipjog, upon the,case to be annexed to therecord.

The judgment on an appeal from either the Internationai Courts or the .ordinary

Siamese Courts shall boar the signature of two Eriropean Judges.

. ,See. 6.—An appeal ou a question of law,shall he from the Court of Appeal, at

Bangkok totheiSupreme or.PikaiCoiUrty

Sec. 7.—-No plea of want of jurisdiction based on the'rules prescribed:by the

present, Treastyi shalLbe;advanced in any Court after a defence on the main issue has

'been offered.

Sec. 8.—In order to,,prevent; difficnlties which ipay arise in future from the

transfer of jurishfction-gont^mplated by the present Treaty and Protocol, it is agreed: —t

(h j AH .cases

ratificatipnof in which

this Treaty ghalLaction shall and

be entered be decided

taken subsequently, to tbe.date

in the competent of the


or Siamese Cq.urt, whether the, cguse of.action arose: before or after.the date, of

ratification. .

, (b.) 'All casee pending, in Ifw Eritannic Majesty’s Courts in Siam oathe date of

the ratifi.cation of.this treaty, ^lall take their usual pourse in such Courts, and in any

Appeal Coimt until such cases have been finally disposed, of, and the jurisdiction, of

His Brifannie Majesty’s, Courts shah remain in. fuli force for , this purpose, . . ,

, The execution, ofjthe;judgment gendered in any such pending case shall be carried

out by the Interna,fiopal Courts, ,

In witness ^hereof, the respective .Plenipotentiaries have signed .the present

Protocol and affixed their, seals.;

Done at Bangkok^ in duplicate, the lOth Jay of March, 1909.

. [Seal] .(.Signed) Ralph Paget.

Devawongse Varoprakar.


Annex 3

Mr. Puget to Prince Devawongse

M. le Ministre, March 10, 1909.

In view of the position of British possessions in the Malay Peninsula and of the

contiguity of the Siamese Malay provinces with British-protected territory, His

Majesty’s Government aye desirous of receiving an assurance that the Siamese-

Government will not permit any danger to arise to British interests through the use-

of any portion of the Siamese dominions in the peninsula for military or naval

purposes by foreign Powers.

His Majesty’s Government would therefore request that the Siamese Govern-

ment shall not cede or lease, directly or indirectly, to any foreign Government any

territory situated in the Malay Peninsula south of the southern boundary of the-

Monthon Rajaburi, or in any of the islands adjacent to the said territory; also that

within the limits above mentioned a right to establish or lease any coaling station, to-

build or own any construction or repairing docks, or to occupy exclusively any harbours,

the occupation of which would be likely to be prejudicial to British interests from a

strategic point of view, shall not be granted to any foreign Government or Company.

Since this assurance is desired as a matter of political expediency only, the

phrase “coaling station” would not be held to include such small deposits of coal as

may be required for the purposes of the ordinary shipping engaged in the Malay

Peninsula coasting trade.

Prince Devawongse to Mr. Paget

M. le Ministre, Foreign Office, Bangkok, March 10, 1909.

I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your note of this date, in which

you express the desire of your Government that the Siamese Government shall not

cede or lease, directly or indirectly, to any foreign Government any territory situated

in the Malay Peninsula south of the southern boundary of the Monthon Rajaburi

or in any of the islands adjacent to the said territory; also that withiu the limits-

above-mentioned a right to establish or lease any coaling station, to build or own anjr

construction or repairing docks, or to occupy exclusively any harbours, the occupation

of which would be likely to be prejudicial to British interests from a strategic point

of view, shall not be granted to any foreign Government or company.

In reply, I beg to say that the Siamese Government gives its assurance to the

above effect, taking note that the phrase “coaling station” shall not include such

small deposits of coal as may be required for the purposes of the ordinary shipping-

engaged in the Malay Peninsula coasting trade.

(Signed) Devawongse Varoprakar.

Prince Devawongse to Mr. Paget

M. le Ministre, Foreign Office, Bangkok, March 10, 1909.

With reference to the provision contained in Article IY. of the Jurisdiction

Protocol to the effect that in all cases in which a British subject is defendant or

accused a European adviser shall sit in Court, I would express the hope, on behalf of

His Majesty’s Government, that His Britannic Majesty’s Government will be prepared

in due course to consider the question of a modification of or release from this

guarantee when it shall be no longer needed; and, moreover, that in any negotiations-

in connection with such a modification or release the matter may be treated upon its

merits alone, and not as a consideration for which some other return should be expected.

The Siamese Government appreciates that a Treaty like the one signed to-day

marks an advance in the administration of justice in the kingdom. The conclusion

of such a Treaty is in itself a sign of progress. It is the intention of the Siamese

Government to maintain the high standard in the administration of justice which it

has set before it, and towards which it has been working for some time.

In this connection I take pleasure in acknowledging the contribution which Mr..

J. Stewart Black has made to this work.


I wish also to say that provision will be made for the treatment of European

prisoners according to the standard usual for such prisoners in Burmah and the

Straits Settlements.

(Signed) Devawongse Varopkakab.

Mr. Paget to Prince Devawongse

M. le Ministre, March 10, 1909.

With reference to the guarantee contained in the first paragraph of Article IV. of

the Jurisdiction Protocol, I have the honour to state that His Majesty’s Government

will be prepared in due course to consider the question of modification of or release

from this guarantee when it shall no longer be needed. His Majesty’s Government

are also willing that in any negotiations in connection with such a modification or

release the matter shall be treated upon its merits alone, and not as a consideration

for which some other return shall be expected.

His Majesty’s Government learn with much satisfaction that it is the intention

of the Siamese Government to maintain the high standard in the administration of

justice which it has set before it, and towards which it has been working for some

time; and I may assure your lioyal Highness that it will be the aim of His Majesty’s

Government in every manner to second the efforts of His Siamese Majesty’s Govern-

ment in this direction.

I wish also to say that the International Courts referred to in Section 1 of the

Protocol on Jurisdiction annexed to the Treaty signed to-day need not necessarily be

Courts specially organized for this purpose. Provincial (“Monthon”) Courts or

District (“ Muang”) Courts may constitute International Courts, according as British

subjects may be established in greater or less number within the jurisdiction of those

Courts. The fact that an ordinary Court is designated as an International Court will

have as a consequence the introduction into that ordinary Court of all the provisions

relating to International Courts secured by the Protocol on Jurisdiction.

(Signed) Ralph Paget.





Signed at Bangkok, September 18th, 1913

The Government of His Britannic Majesty and the Government of His Siamese

Majesty, being desirous of regulating the rendition of fugitive criminals between

the State of North Borneo under the protection of His Britannic Majesty and the

territories of His Majesty the King of Siam, hereby agree as follows:—

Art. I.—The provisions of the Extradition Treaty between His Britannic

Majesty and His Majesty the King of Siam, signed at Bangkok on the 4th day of

March, 1911, shall be deemed to apply, so far as local circumstances permit, to the

rendition of fugitive criminals between the territories of His Majesty the King of

Siam and the State of N orth Borneo.

Ai t. II.—In pursuance of the provisions of Article 3 of the said Extradition Treaty

there shall reciprocally be no obligation on the part of the State of North Borneo to

•surrender to Siam any person who is a subject of that State or a British subject.

Done in duplicate at Bangkok, the 18th day of September, in the year 1913 of

Christ, and in the year 2456 of Buddha.

[l.s.] Arthur Peel.

„ Devawongse Varoprakar.




Signed at London, 15th January, 1896

The undersigned, duly authorised by.their respective Governments, have signed

the following Declaration :—<-<

I.—The Governments of Great Britain and France engage to one another that,

neither of them will, without the consent of the other, in any case, or under any

pretext, advahce tlieir armed forces into the region which is comprised iii the basin &

of the Petcha Bouri, Meiklong, Menani, and Bang Pa Kong. (Petriou) rivers .and

their respective tributaries, together with the extent of coast , from Muong Bang

'J apan to Muopg, Paae, the basins of the rivers pn which ■’those two plabes are-

situated, and the basins of the other rivers, the estuaries of which are included in

that coast; and including also the:' tppritory lying, to the north of the basin of tlre-

Menam and situated between the Anglo-Siamese frontier, the Mekong River, and

the Eastern watershed, of the Me .Ing. .They further engagenot toAcquire within

this region any, special privilege or advantage which vshall not be enjoyed in common

by, or equally open to. Great Britain and Prance and their nationals arid^dependents.

These stipulations, hriwever, shall hot be interpreted as derogating from the special

clauses which, in virtue of the Treaty concluded on Oct. 3, 1893, between France

and Siam, apply to g zone pf 25 kilom. on the right; bank of the Mekong and;to the;

navigation of that river.

it.—Wotting in the fdregdirig rilauie 'shrill hinder riny •aetfcfa- on whibK ithe

two Powers may Agree and whiah they shall think necessary in prder to uphold

the independence of the Kingdom of Siapa, But they. qugage not to enter into

any separate agreement permitting a third BoWrif'to lake any action from which

they are bound by the present declaration themselves to abstain.

III. —From the! mouth of the Nam Hu6k northwards a

frontier the thalweg of the Mekong'shall form the limit of the possessions or

spheres of influence'of Great Britain and; France. It is agreed that the nationals

and dependents of erichufthe two countries shall not exercise any jurisdiction or

authority within the possessions or Sphere of influence of the other.

The police of the islands in this part of the river, which are separated from

the British shore by a branch of the river, shall, so long as they are thus separated,

be entrusted to the French authorities. The; fishery shall be open to the

inhabitants of both banks.

IV. —The two Governments agree that all commercial and

advantages conceded in the two Chinese provinces of Yunnan arid Szeehuen either

to Great Britain or France, in virtue of their respective Conventions with China

of March 1, 1894, and June 20, 1895, and all privileges and advantages of any

nature which may in the future-be conceded in these two Chinese provinces, either

to Great Britain or Fran ;e,' shalli as ’ far as rests with them, be extended and

rendered common to both Powers and to their nationals and- dependents, and they

engage to use their influence rind good offices with the Chinese Government for

this purpose.



[Note.—E.O. signifies “ effectively opened/’.]:! , '

l—crina ^

(a) Treaty ports and places opened by China to foreign trade :—

Aigun (Sino-Japanese Treaty, 19(35'; actually opened, June.^8, ,^907).

Amoy (Nanking), 1842.

Antung (United States’ Treaty, 1903; .actually opened. May 1, 1906.);

Canton (Nanking, 1842). 4 ■ i> ■ T ^i [

Changchun (Japanese Treaty,. 1965, E.O. January 14, 1007).

Changsha (Japanese Treaty of October. 8, 1903, E.O. July 1, 1904).

Chefoo (Yentai or Tangchow) (Tientsin, 185&, E.O. 1861). a

Chinan (Imperial Decree, 1904, .E.O. January 20, 1006),

Ching-wang-tao (Imperial Decree, 1898).

Chinkiang (Tientsin, 1858, E.O. 1861 >. .....

Choutsun (Imperial Decree, 1904, E.O. January 20, 1906).

Chungking (Additional Article, Peking, 18,90; Shimonosekx, 1895).

Dairen (Dalny) (by Japan, E.O. September 1, 1906). <

Fakumen (Japanese Treaty, 1905, E.O. September 10, 1906).

Feng Huang Cheng (Sino-Japanese Treaty, 1905; actually opened, June 28,1907).

Foochow (Nanking, 1842).

Hailar (Sino-Japanese Treaty, 1905; aet.uadly opened, Junei2.8,, 1907).. .

Hangchow (Shimonoseki, 1895). , /

Hankow (Tientsin, 1858, E.O. 1861). 5 . j,

Harbin (Japanese Treaty, 1905, E.O. January 14,.1907). , ..... y , ,

Hun Chun (Sino-Japanese Treaty, 1905 ; actually opened, Jjnie .28;, 1907j..

Ichang (Chefoo, 1876, E.O. 1877). .

Kiao-chau. , ■ , ,>•

Kirin (Japanese Treaty, 1905, E.O. January 14, 1907),

Kiukiang (Tientsin, 1858, E.O. 1861). b . ,,t ■? , . , ;•

Kiungchow (or Hoihow-in-Hainan),(Tientsin, 1858). . :

Kong Kune Market (Special Article, 1897, modifying Buj-.mahOonventio,n,1894).

Kongmoon (Shanghai Treaty, 1902),-; . , . ,T i .y-

Kowloon, port of entry for Canton. ;

Kuang-chouwan (leased to France). . . f!.{.;|

Lappa, port of entry for Canton. , i .; ; . .

Liao Yang (Sino-Japanese Treaty, i9()5;> actually pgeued; June 28», 1907).

Lungchow (French Treaty, 1886). ...... ;;i • • ,7, .... ; • .

Mandchourie (Manchuli) (Japanese Ti eaty. 1905, ;E.Q;. j^npary 14, 1907).

Mengtze (French Treaty, 1886).

Mukden (United States’ Treaty, 1903; actually opened,• June.l, 1906), .

Nanking (French Treaty, 1858, E.O. 1899)4 , ■ . p L-.Jtincd- h

Nanning (Note from Tsung-li Yameu.to Sir ,C. MacDonald of February 4, 1897,

supplementing Treaty of 1897 modifying Burnxah Cpnypntion of 1894, E.O.

January 1, 1907). - f., -

Newchwang (or Yingkow) (Tientsin, 1858*.E.O, 1 1661)-o

Ningpo (Nanking, 1842). j . : i - ,r

Ninguta (Sino-Japanese Treaty, 1905 ; actually opened, Tgue 28r, 1907.), 7

Pakhoi (or Pei-hai) (Chefoo, 1876,. E.O.. 1877).

Samshui (Special Article, 1897, modifying Burmah Convention, 1894).

a6 Hankow

Tangchowandia the port named

Kiakiang were in the Treaty,

selected, but Chefoo'With'


arrangement is thethb'portChinese



November; I860, as ports to be opened

c Yingkow is the port of Newchwang. under X. of the Treaty, of Tiehtsin.


Sanhsing (Sino-Japanese Treaty, 1905 ; actually opened, June 28, 1907).

Santuao (or Funing) (Imperial Decree, 1898).

Shanghai (Nankintr, 1842).

Shashi (Shimonoseki, 1895).

Sinminting (Japanese Treaty, 1905, E.O. October 10, 1906).

Soochovv (Shimonoseki, 1895).

Swatow (or Chao-Chow) Tientsin, 1858, E.O. 1860). a

Szemao (French Additional Convention, 1895).

Ta-tung-kou (Japanese Treaty, 1908).

Tengyueh (Momein) (Agreement of 1897, modifying Burmah Convention, 1894)

Tiehiing (Japanese Treaty, 1905, E.O. September 10, 1906).

Tientsin (Peking, I860).

Tsi-tsi-har (Japanese Treaty, 1905, E.O. January 14, 1907).

Tungchiangtzu (Japanese Treaty, 1905, E.O. September 10, 1906).


Wei-hsien (Imperial Decree, 1904, E.O. January 20, 1906).

Wenchow (Chefoo, 1876, E.O. 1877).

Wuchow (Special Article, 1897, modifying Burmah Convention, 1894).

Wuhu (Chefoo, 1876, E.O. 1877).

Wusung (Imperial Decree, 1898).

Zochow (Imperial Decree, 1898).

Ports of call:—

(1.) On the Yang-tsze, for passengers and cargo—

Ho-kou (Chefoo Convention, 1876).

Luchikou (Chefoo Convention, 1876).

Nganking (Anking) (Chefoo Convention, 1876).

Tatung (Chefoo Convention, 1876).

Wu-Sueh (Chefoo Convention, 1876).

(2.) On the Yang-tsze, for passengers—

Hwangchow (Yang-tsze Regulations, 1898).

Hwang-tze-kang (Yang-tsze Regulations, 1898).

I-chang b (Yang-tsze Regulations, 1898).

Kiang-yin (Yang-tsze Regulations, 1898).

(3.) On the West River, for passenger and cargo—

Do-Sing c d (by Shanghai Treaty, 1902).

Komchuk (Burmah Convention, 1897).

Lo-ting-hau (by Shanghai Treaty, 1902). d

Pak-tau-hau (by Shanghai Treaty, 1902). d

Shiu-hing (Burmah Convention, 1897).

Takhing (Burmah Convention, 1897).

(4.) On the West River, for passengers—

Fung-chuen (Shanghai Treaty, 1902). d

How-lik (Shanghai Treaty, 1902). c d

Kau Kong (Shanghai Treaty, 1902). c d

Kulow (Shanghai Treaty, 1902). d

Luk Pu (Shanghai Treaty, 1902). c d

Luk To (Shanghai Treaty, 1902). c d

Mah-ning (Shanghai Treaty, 1902). c d

Wing-on (Shanghai Treaty, 1902). d

Yuet Sins: (Shanghai Treaty, 1902). c d

Yungki (Shanghai Treaty, 1902). c d

a,6 Not

Chao-Chow is the portwith

to beforconfounded namedIchansr,

in thetheTreaty.


c Opened

•of Hisd Canton passenger

Majesty’sConsulate traffic

Consul-General in

priorJanuary, 1Q03, byofport,

to 20,ratification the Viceroy of Canton, at the suggestion



by Customs notification of March 1, 1904. June 1904, by telegram that all had been declared open



Treaty ports:—

Chemulpo (opened 1880 under Japanese Treaty, 1876).

Chinnampo (opened October 1, 1897).

Chungchin (opened April 1, 1908).

I'usan (Japanese Treaty, 1876).

Kansan (May 1, 1899).

Masampo (May 1, 1899).

Mokpo (October J, 1897).

Seoul (Hanyang) (British Treaty, 1883).

Songchin (May 1, 1899).

Wonsan (or Gensan) (opened 1880 under Japanese Convention, 1879).

Ping-yang (held to be open by Agreement among foreign Representatives,

at Seoul, November, 1899).

Tang-wha-chin (opened 1883 under Japanese Convention, 1882).

Yongampo (date of opening not yet fixed).

Wiju (date of opening not yet fixed).

N.B.—At Yongampo and Wiju the Customs opened ofiices in July, 1906, and

foreign steamers call there without objection on the part of the authorities.


Article IY. of the Treaty of April 18, 1855, stipulates that: —

“British subjects are permitted to trade freely in all the seaports of Siam, but

may reside permanently only at Bangkok or within the limits assigned by this


g At the port

1st December, 1907:—of Awomori the fol’owing additional goods may be imported from the

Tinplates, iron tubes, solder.

h At the port

the exception of Muroran

of those prohibitedall byarticles

Articlemay10 beof the


Customs afterTariff

the Law.

1st December, 1907, with

i At the port of Wakamatsu the following goods may be imported:—


Rice, eggs.


Pig ore. rice, barley, wheat, oats, Indian corn and beans.



And from the 1st December, 1907:—

Coke, manganese ore, ferro-manganese, and spiegleisen.

j At the Port of Suminoye only the export of commodities is permitted.

h Opening notified by Decree of Formosan Government, dated August, 1899.

I The1907,

1st July, Portbyof Decree


Hokkokei), opened with

Government, datedtheMay,


in 1899, was closed from the

the port in the Pescadores, is the local Chinese name of the port in the

m The name in brackets in this case, as in the case of each of ports of Formosa and of



53 and 54 Victoria, Chapter 37,

An Act to Consolidate the Foreign Jurisdiction Acts

[4tli August, 1890]

Whereas ;by treaty, capitulation grant, usage, sufferance, and other

lawful means, Her Majesty the Queen has jurisdiction within divers

fGreiigu.countries, • and it is expedient to consolidate the Acts relating to

the exercise of Her Majesty’s jurisdiction out of Her dominions:

Be it therefore enacted by tlie Queen’s most Excellent Majesty, by

and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal,

and Commons, in this: present: Parliament assembled, and by the

authority of the same, as - follows :

Exercise of 1.—It is and shall be lawful for Her Majesty the Queen to hold,

ioreign^country. exercise, and enjoy any jurisdiction which Her Majesty now has or may

at any time hereafter hay@. within a foreign country in the same and as

ample a manner a,s if Her Majesty had acquired that jurisdiction by the

cession or conquest of territory. '

Exercise of 2.—Where a foreign country is not subject to any government’ from


mcountries recited whom Her Majesty the Queen might obtain jurisdiction in the manner

n by this Act, Her Majesty shall by virtue of this Act have jurisdic-

goternments!^ ti° over Her Majesty’sandsubjects

ing to that country, for the timeshall

that jurisdiction beingberesident in or resort-

jurisdiction of Her

Majesty in a foreign country within the meaning of the other provisions

of this Act. •

Validity of acts 3.—Evej;y-sact.and. thing;done in pursuance of. any jurisdiction of Her

ance- of jurisdic- according

tion Majesty jn.ii

lo tbeforeign


theh inshall



as if it had been, done

Evidence as to 4.—(JA anj proceeding, eivil or eriminai, in a Court in Her


diction "of juris- Majesty’s arises

dominions ortheheld under ortheextent

authorityanyoilier Majesty,of Her


country.in foreign question

Majesty in a foreign as tocountry, existence

a Secretary of Stateof shall, jurisdiction

on the application

of the Court, send to the Court within a reasonable time his decision On

the question, apd \hi» idecision, shall for the purposes of .the i proceeding

be final. .

(2.) The Court shall send to the Secretary of State, in a document

under the seal'of the Court, 1 or signed by a Judge of the Court, questions

framed ' so as' pboperly to raise the question, and sufficient answers to

those questions shall be returned by the Secretary of StatO to the Cobrt,

and those answers'shall, on production thereof^ be dpncltisive evidence of

the matters therein contained.

rower t<> exteud 5.—(1.) It shall be lawful for Her Majesty the Queen in Council,

First "schedule. ^described

she thinks

in thefit, First

by Order to direct

Schedule to thisthatAct,alloror any

any enactments

of the enactments

for the

time being in force amending or substituted for the same, shall extend,

with or without any exceptions, adaptations, or modifications in the

Order mentioned, to any foreign country in which for the time being

Her Majesty has jurisdiction.


(2.) Thereupon those enactments shall, to the 1 extent of, that

jurisdiction, operate as if that country were a British possession, and as

if Her Majesty in Council were the Legislature of that possession.

6. —(1.) Where a persoh is-charged With an offence Cogni

a British court in a foreign country, any person having Authority derived 5ritho#ence?'for

from Her Majesty in that behalf may, by warrant, cause the person so trial088es8,9t1 to a British

charged to be sent for trial to any British possession for the time being f '

appointed in that behalf by Order in Council, and upon the arrival of the

person so charged in that,British possession, such criminal couft of that

possession as is authorised in that behalf by Order in Council, or, if no

court is so authorised, the supreme criminal court of that possession may

cause him to be kept in safe and proper custody, and so. soon as> con-

veniently may be. may inquire of, try, and determine'tbe offenpe* and on

conviction punish the offender according to the laws in force in that

behalf within that possession in the same manner as :if the offence had

been committed within the.jurisdiction of that criminal court.

Provided that— •;/

(a,) A person so, charged may,, before being so Bent , fori trial,

tender for examination to a British , court in the foreign country

■where the offence is alleged to have been committed any

competent witness whose'eyidenqe he deems material; for his

defence and whom he alleges himself unable ta produce, at the

trial in the British possession, , . , ,,

(b.y In such case' the British court in the foreignc 'countryf shall

■proceed in the examination and pross-examinatlqn’of the witness

as though he had been tendered at a trial before that courf, and

shall cause the evidence so taken’to be,reduced into writing,

and. shall transmit to the criminal 'court of the Brit’isli possession

by which the person charged is to be tried a copy of the evidence,

certified as correct under the seal of the eburt before' W^ichfthe

evidence was taken, or the signature of a judge of that court •

(c.) Thereupon the court of the British possession bbfore wbicji the

trial takes place shall allow so much of the eridentW so'taken as

* would have been admissible according to'the law :;and practice

of That court, had the witness-been prbdueed Afid e±ainined‘at

the trial, to be read and received as legal evidehce at the trial:

(d.) The court of the British possession shall admit arLd give effect

<. to the law by Which the alleged offender would have been tried

by.the British court in the foreign country, in which his offence

is alleged to have been committed, as far as that law relates 4o

the criminality of the aot; alleged to have been cod ihitted, or

•the nature or degree of the offence, or the punishment1 thereof,

if the law differs in those respects from the law in force'in that

British possession.

(2.) Nothing in this section shall alter or repeal any laW, statute, or

usage by virtue of which any offence cointnitted out of Her Majesty’s

dominions may, irrespectively of this Act, be inquired of, tried, determined

and punished within Her Majesty’s dominions, or aby part thereof.

7. Where an offender co'nvicted before a British court in a foreign provision as to

country has been sentenced by that court to suffer death, penal servitude,

imprisonment, or any other punishment, the sentence shall bfe carried eonvictef.

into effect in such place as may be directed by Order in Council or be

determined in accordance with direction^ given by Order in Council, and

the conviction and sentence shall be of the same force in the place in

which the sentence is so carried into effect as if the conviction had been .

made and the sentence passed by a competent court in that place.


under Order British court in a Order



in Council.

of acts 8. Where, by in Council made in pursuance of this Act, any

foreign country is authorised to order the removal or

deportation of any person from that country, that removal or deportation,

and any detention for the purposes thereof, according to the provisions

of the Order in .Council, shall be as lawful as if the order, of the

court were to have effect wholly within that country.

Power to

jurisdiction to Order,9. toIt assign



shall be lawful for Her Majesty the Queen in Council, by

to or confer on any court in any British possession, or

held under the authority of Her Majesty, any jurisdiction, civil or criminal,

JurIXctir original or appellate, which may lawfully by Order in Council be assigned

to or conferred on any British court in any foreign country, and to

make such provisions and regulations as to Her Majesty in Council seem

meet respecting the exercise of the jurisdiction so assigned or conferred,

and respecting the enforcement and execution of the judgments, decrees,

orders, and sentences of any such court, and respecting appeals therefrom.


Orders to

in amend 10. It shall be lawful for Her Majesty the Queen in Council to revoke

Council. or vary any Order in Council made in pursuance of this Act.

11. Every Order in Council made in pursuance of this Act shall be

and effectin of laid


before both Houses of Parliament forthwith after it is made, if

Parliament be then in session, and if not, forthwith after the commence-

'Council. ment of the then next session of Parliament, and shall have effect as if it

were enacted in this Act.

In what cases

Orders 12. —(1.) If any Order in C

Councilinvoid respects


any foreign country is in any respect repugnant to the provisions

of any Act of Parliament extending to Her Majesty’s subjects in that

country, or repugnant to any order or regulation made under the authority

of any such Act of Parliament, or having in that country the force and

effect of any such Act, it shall be read subject to that Act, order, or

regulation, and shall, to the extent of such repugnancy, but not otherwise,

be void.

(2.) An Order in Council made in pursuance of this Act shall not be,

or be deemed to have been, void on the ground of repugnancy to the

law of England unless it is repugnant to the provisions; of some such

Act of Parliament, order, or regulation as aforesaid.

•Provisions for 13. —(1.) An action, suit,


personsunderof person for any act done in pursuance or execution or intended

ForeignActs.Jurisdic- Order in Council made under this Act, or ofrepealed



execution of this Act, or of any enactment by this Act, or of any

any such jurisdiction of Her

Majesty as is mentioned in this Act, or in respect of any alleged neglect

or default in the execution of this Act, or of any such enactment, Order

in Council, or jurisdiction as aforesaid, shall not lie or be instituted:

(a.) in any court within Her Majesty’s dominions, unless it is

commenced within six months next after the act, neglect, or

default complained of, or in case of a continuance of injury or

damage within six months next after the ceasing thereof, or

where the cause of action arose out of Her Majesty’s dominions

within six months after the parties to the action, suit, prosecu-

tion, or proceeding have been within the jurisdiction of the

court in which the same is instituted ; nor

(b.) in any of Her Majesty’s courts without Her Majesty’s dominions

unless the cq.use of action arose within the jurisdiction of. that

court, and the action is commenced within six months next

after the act, neglect or default complained of, or, in case

of a continuance of injury, or damage, within six months next

after the ceasing thereof.


(2.)—In any such action, suit, or proceeding, tender of amends before

the same was commenced may be pleaded in lieu of or in addition to any

other plea. If the action, suit, or proceeding was commenced after such

tender, or is proceeded with after payment into court of any money in

satisfaction of the plaintiff’s claim, and the plaintiff does not recover

more than the sum tendered or paid, he shall not recover any costs

incurred after such tender or payment, and the defendant shall be entitled

to costs, to be taxed as between solicitor and client, as from the time of

such tender or payment; but this provision shall not affect costs on any

injunction in the action, suit, or proceeding.

14. —It shall be lawful for Her Majesty the Queen in Cou

mate any law that may seem meet for the government of Her Majesty’s ^fnEasternseis"

subjects being in any vessel at a distance of not more than one hundred a ernse'19‘

miles from the coast of China or of Japan, as fully and effectual as any

such law might be made by Her Majesty in Council for the Government

of Her Majesty’s subjects being in China or in Japan.

15. —Where any Order in Council made in pursuance f of t

extends to persons enjoying Her Majesty’s protection, that expression ^j?cuo nnoe9 Indian

shall include all subjects of the several Princes and States in India. '

16. —In this Act,—

The expression “ foreign country ” means any country or place out D fln.tions

of Her Majesty’s dominions:

The expression “British court in a foreign country” means any

British court having jurisdiction out of Her Majesty’s dominions

in pursuance of an Order in Council whether made under any

Act or otherwise:

The expression “ jurisdiction ” includes power.

17. —The Acts mentioned in the Second Schedule 8 to this A

be revoked or varied by Her Majesty by Order in Council. secou^sched ^

18. —The Acts mentioned in the Third Schedule to this

hereby repealed to the extent in the third column of that schedule

mentioned: Provided that,—

(1) Any Order in Council, commission, or instructions made or

issued in pursuance of any enactment repealed by this Act, shall,

if in force at the passing of this Act, continue in force, until

altered or revoked by Her Majesty as if made in pursuance of

this Act ; and shall, for the purposes of this Act, be deemed

to have been made or issued under and in pursuance of this

Act ; and

(2) Any enactment, Order in Council, or document referring to any

enactment repealed by this Act shall be construed to refer to

the corresponding enactment of this Act.

19. —(1.) This Act may be cited as the Foreign Jurisdicti


(2.) The Acts whereof the short titles are given in the First Schedule

to this Act may be cited by the respective short titles given in that


60 foreign; jurisdiction act, ISOO


FIBST SCHEDULE (Sections S and 19)

Enactments which


Chapter. TITLiE may be extended

by Council.

Order in Short Title.


12 & 13 Yict. c. 96. Ansecution

Act to provide for the

Majesty’s and Trial

Colonies of in Pro-

Her |; The whole Act. Admiralty

Offences 1849.


(Colonial) Act,


diction of thewithin the juris- j


14 &15 Yict. c. 99. An■ evidence.

Act to amend the law .of ; Sections eleven; seven and Evidence Aft. 1851.

17 & 18 Viet. c. 104. The

;;An,1854, Merchant Shipping Act,

- :,for taking The whole Act. i Part X.

19 & 20 Viet. c. 113'. Act to provide Foreign



, evidence



inin relation


Her Majesty’s

matters to civil

pend- j 1i

i 1856.

32 Viet. c. 20. ingActbefore Foreignfortribunals.



to inprovide

pending Suits


taking , The whole Act. Evidence


Proceed- |

by Com-

mission Act, 1859.

inin places

Hfef Majesty’s Dominions,


of the jurisdic- j

12 & 23 Viet. c. 63. tion

Anthe oftosuch

Actmore afford Facilities for : The whole Act. British Law Ascer-

mentofthe certain Ascertain- tainment, Act,

one Part1 Law

inDominions, ofwhenadministered

Her Majesty’s

pleadedPartin j;


| 1859.

the. Courts, of another


23 122.

& 24 Viet. e. Anturesof-Her

Act to enable the Legisla- !i The whole Act. Admiralty



sions Abroad Majesty’s

to make Posses-

Enact- , I860.


ment siniilar to

of the Actchapter the Enact-

ninth, George

the Fourth, thirty- j

24 & 25 Viet. c. 11. -Anone,

the Actsection

to eight.facilities


betterof Foreign

Ascertainment forof The whole Act. Foreign Law Ascer-

tainment Act,


when Law;

pleaded Countries

in Courts noth- 1' 1861.

30124.& 31 Viet. c. in Her Majesty’s Dominions.

The1867.Merchant Shipping Act, ' Section eleven.

37 & 38 Viet. c. 94. TheAct,Conveyancing

1874. Offenders (Scotland) ; Section fifty-one.

44 & 45 Viet. c.. 69. The1881.Fugitive Act, The whole Act.

48 & 49 Viet. c. 74. Th6Act,Evidence

1885. by Commission The whole Act.



Acts which may he revoked or .varied' hy Order in Council

Session and Chapter. I Extent op Repeal.

4 & 25 Viet. c. 31. An Act for theconimitted


offences preventionbyandHerpunishment

Majesty’s ji The whole Act.


centforto the' certain territories

colony of Sierra adja-

Leone. The whole Act.

26 & 27 Viet. c. 35, An Act thecommitted

of offences preventionbyandHerpunishment


subjects in South Africa.


Enactments repealed

Title or Short Title. Extent of Repeal.

kfc 217 Viet.


An Jurisdiction

to confirm an OrderAct, 1843. con-

in Council


matters arising within the kingdom inof

the exercise of jurisdiction

28 & 29 Viet. i. 116 TheAct,

Foreign Jurisdiction Act Amendment The whole Act.

29 & 30 Viet. j. 87 1865.Jurisdiction

The Foreign Act Amendment The whole Act.

33 & 34 Viet. TheAct,

Siam 1866.

and Straits

1870. Act, 1875. Juris-

Settlements The whole Act.


An Foreign



for more effectually punishingto


the slave against

trade. the laws relating

41 & 42 Viet. c. 67 The I’oreign Jurisdiction Act, 1878. The whole Act.





At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the 24th day of October, 1904

Present :—


Lord President. Lord Windsor.

Mr. Secretary Brodrick. Mr. A. Graham Murray.

Whereas by Treaty, grant, usage, sufferance, and other lawful means,

His Majesty the King has jurisdiction within the dominions of the Emperor

of China and of the Emperor of Corea;

Now, therefore, His Majesty, by virtue and in exercise of the powers,

in this behalf by the Foreign Jurisdiction Act, 1890, or otherwise in His

Majesty vested, is pleased by and with tbe advice of his Privy Council to

order, and it is hereby ordered, as follows:—

I.—Preliminary and General.

Division of

Order. 1. This Order is divided into parts, as follows:—

I. Preliminary and General 1-6

II. Constitution and Powers of Court! 7-34

III. Criminal Matters 35-88

IV. Civil Matters 89-117

V. Procedure, Criminal and Civil 118-128

VI. Mortgages and Bills of Sale... 129-150

VII. Foreign Subjects and Tribunals 151-154

VIII. Regulations 155-159

IX. Miscellaneous 160-171

Schedule of Repealed O rders.


Order. of 2. The limits of this Order are the dominions of the Emperor of

China and of the Emperor of Corea, including the territorial waters of

those dominions respectively; but, except as provided in this Order, the-

said limits do not include places within the limits of the Weihaiwei

Order in Council, 1901.


3. In the construction of this Order the following words and expres- interpreta-


tions have the meanings hereby assigned to them, unless there be some- -

-ihing in the subject or context repugnant thereto, that is to say:—

“Administration” means letters of• administration, including the

same with will annexed or granted for special or limited purposes

or limited in duration.

“ British ship ” means a merchant-ship being a British ship within

the meaning of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1894, and includes

any ship provided witb sailing letters from the Governor of

Hongkong, or from His Majesty’s Minister in China or Corea.

•“ British possession ” means any part of His Majesty’s dominions

exclusive of the United Kingdom.

•“ British subject” includes a British protected person, that is to say,

a person who either (a) is a native of any Protectorate of His

Majesty, and is for .the time being in China or Corea; or (b) by

virtue of Section 15 of the Foreign Jurisdiction Act, 1890, or

otherwise enjoys His Majesty’s protection in China and Corea.

China” means so much of the Empire of China as is within the

limits of this Order.

■“Consular district” means the district in and for which a Consular

officer usually acts, or for which he may be authorized to act,

for all or any of the purposes of this Order by authority of the

Secretary of State.

■“ Consular officer” means a Consul-General, Consul, Vice-Consul

Consular Agent, or Pro-Consul of His Majesty resident in China

or Corea, including a person acting temporarily, with the

approval of the Secretary of State, as or for a Consul-General,

Consul, Vice-Consul, or Consular Agent of His Majesty so


“ Commissioned Consular officer ” means a Consular officer holding

a commission of Consul-General, Consul, or Vice-Consul from

His Majesty, including a person acting temporarily, with the

approval of the Secretary of State, or of His Majesty’s Minister

in China or Corea, as or for such a commissioned Consular


“ Consulate ” and “ Consular office ” refer to the Consulate and

office of a Consular officer.

“ The Court,” except when the reference is to a particular Court,

means any Court established under this Order, subject, however,

to the provisions of this Order with respect to powers and local


“ Foreigner ” means a subject or citizen of a State in amity with

His Majesty, including China and Corea.

■“Judge,” except where the context intends a reference to the Judge

of the Supreme Court only, includes Assistant Judge, and,

except where the context intends a reference in the Supreme

Court only, includes the officer for the time being holding a

Provincial Court.

“ Legal practitioner” includes barrister-at-law, advocate, solicitor,

Writer to the Signet, and any person possessing similar


“ Lunatic ” means idiot or person of unsound mind.

“ Master,” with respect to any ship, includes every person (except a

pilot) having command or charge of that ship.

‘‘Minister” means His Majesty’s Minister in China or in Corea, as

the case may be, and includes Charge d’affaires or other chief

Diplomatic Representative.


“ Month ” means calendar nioafch.

“ Oath ” and “ affidavit,” in the case of persons for the time being:

allowed by law to affirm or declare, instead of swearing, include-

affirmation and declaration, and the expression “ swear,’’ in the

like case^ includes affirm and declare.

“Offence” includes crime, and any act or omission punishable-

criminally in a summary way or otherwise.

“ Person ” includes Corporation.

“ Prescribed ’’ means prescribed by Regulations or Rules of Court.

“ Prosecutor ’’ means complainailt or any person appointed or allowed

by the Court to prosecute.

“ Proved ” means shown by evidence oh oath, in the form of affidavit,

or other form, to the satisfaction: of the Court or Consular

officer acting or having jui’isdiction in the matter, and “ proof”

means the evidence adduced in that bebatf.

“ Rules of Court ” means rules of Court made under the provisions-

of this Order. : ■ ' / - ■

“ Secretary of State” means one of His Majesty’sPrincipal Secretaries

of State. >

“Ship” includes any vessel used in navigation, however propelled,

with her tackle, furniture and apparel, and any boat or other craft,

“ The Treasury ” means the Commissioners of His Majesty’s Treasury,

“ Treaty ” includes any Convention, Agreement, or Arrangement,

made by of on behalf of His Majesty with any State orG-overn-

ment, whether the Government of China or of Corea is a party

thereto or not.

“ Will” means will, codicil, or other testamentary instrument.

Expressions used in any rules, regulations, or orders made under this

Order shall, unless a contrary intention appears, have the same respective-

meanings as in this-Order.


Construction. may 4.be—construed

of (1) In thisasOrder,, Words

referring importing

tonne person orthething,




one person or thing, aiid words importing the masculine as referring to

the feminine (as the case may require).

(2) Where this Order confers any power or imposes any duty, then,

unless a contrary intention appears, the power may be exercised and the

duty shall be performed from time to: time as occasion requires.

(3) Where this Order confers a power, or imposes a duty on, or

with respect to, a holder of an office,: as such, then, unless a contrary

intention appears, the power may be* exercised , and the duty shall be per-

formed by, or with respect to, the holder for the time being iof the office

or the person temporarily acting for the holder.

(4) Where this Order confers a power to make any rules, regulations,

or orders, the power shall, unless a contrary intention appears, be construed

as including a power exercisable in the like manner and subject to the

like consent and conditions, if any, to rescind, revoke, vary, or amend

the rules, regulations, or orders. ,

(5) This Article shall apply to the construction of any rules, regula-

tions, or orders made under this Order, unless a contrary intention appears.

Extent of an(} matters

Jurisdiction. 5. The jurisdiction

following, inconferred

so far as byby this Ordergrant,

Treaty, extends


the personsor

other lawful means, His Majesty has jurisdiction im relation to such

matters and things, that is to say :•—

(1) British subjects, as herein defined, within the limits of this Order.

(2) Tho property and all personal or proprietary rights and liabilities

within the said limits of British subjects, whether such subjects

are within the said limits or not.


(3) Foreigners in the cases and according to the conditions specified

in this Order and not otherwise.

(4) Foreigners, with respect to whom any State, King, Chief, or

Government, whose subjects, or under whose protection they are,

has by any Treaty as herein defined or otherwise agreed with

His Majesty for, or consents to, the exercise of power or

authority by His Majesty.

(5) British ships with their boats, and the persons and property on

board thereof, or belonging thereto, being within the limits of

this Order.

6. All His Majesty’s jurisdiction exercisable in China or Corea for Exercise of

the hearing and determination of criminal or civil matters, or for the Juri8dictl0n-

maintenance of order, or for the control or administration of persons or

property, or in relation thereto, shall be exercised under and according to

the provisions of this Order, and not otherwise.

II.—Constitution and Powers op Courts.

(i) Supreme Court.

7. —(1) There shall be a Court styled “ His Britannic Majesty

Supreme Court for China and Corea” (in this Order referred to as the court.reme

Supreme Court, and comprised in the term “the Court”).

(2) Subject to the provisions of this Order, there shall be a Judge, and

as many Assistant Judges of the Supreme Court as may from time to

time be required, who shall respectively be appointed by His Majesty by

warrant under His Royal sign manual.

Every Judge shall be at the time of his appointment a member of

the Bar of England, Scotland, or Ireland, of not less than seven years’


(3) The Judges, or any two of them, shall sit together for the pur-

poses described in this Order, and the Supreme Court so constituted is

hereinafter in this Order referred to as the “ Full Court.”

(4) When the Full Court consists of not more than two Judges, and

there is a difference of opinion, the opinion of the Judge, or, in his absence,

the Senior Assistant Judge, shall prevail.

(5) Subject to any Rules of Court, the Judge shall make any such

arrangements as he thinks fit for the distribution of the business of the


(6) If the Chief Justice in office at the passing of this Order becomes

the Judge of the Supreme Court under this Order, he shall retain the title

of Chief Justice during his tenure of office.

8. During a vacancy in the office of Judge, or in case of the illness or Acting judge,

incapacity of the Judge, or of his absence from the district of the Consul-

ate of Shanghai, the Secretary of State may appoint a fit person to act as

Judge, but unless or until such appointment is made, the Assistant Judge

or Senior Assistant Judge shall act as Judge.

An Acting Judge shall, during the continuance of his appointment,

have all the power and authority of the Judge.

9. During a vacancy or temporary vacancy in the office of Assistant Acting Amst-

Judge, or in case of the absence, or illness, or other incapacity of an ant Judge.

Assistant Judge, the Judge may, by writing under his hand and the seal

of the Supreme Court, appoint any fit person, approved by the Secretary

of State, or by His Majesty’s Minister in China, to act as and for such

Assistant Judge for the time therein mentioned or during the vacancy,

as the case may be; but every such appointment shall be revocable, at

pleasure, by the Judge, by writing under his hand and the seal of the

Supreme Court, or by the Secretary of State.



The person so appointed shall, daring the continuance of his appoint-

ment, have all the power and authority of an Assistant Judge.


Assistant 10. X’he Secretary of State may appoint either a person qualified as

provided in Article 7, or a Consular officer to act as an additional Assis-

tant Judge, and any person so appointed shall, during the continuance of

his appointment, have all the .power and authority of an Assistant Judge.

Seal of

Supreme 11. The Supreme Court shall have, a seal, bearing the style of the

Court and such device as the Secretary of State approves, but the seal in

use at the commencement of this Order shall continue to be used until a

new seal is provided.


Supremeof 12. —(1) There shall be

Oourt. Crown Advocate, a Registrar, a Chief Clerk, a Marshal, and such other

officers and clerks under such designations as the Secretary of State

thinks fit.

(2) The Secretary of State, or His Majesty’s Minister in China or

Corea, as the case may be, may temporarily attach to the Supreme Court

such persons, being Consular officers, as he thinks fit.

(3) Every officer, clerk, and other person thus attached shall dis-

charge such duties in connection with the Court as the Judge may direct,

subject to any instructions of the Secretary of State.

Sheriff. 13. The sheriff shall have all the powers and authorities of the

Sheriff of a county in England, with all the privileges and immunities of

the, office, and shall be charged with the execution of all decrees, orders

and sentences made and passed by the Supreme Court, on the requisition

in that behalf of the Supreme Court.

He shall he entitled to such fees and costs as the Supreme: Court

may direct.

Registrar. 14. The Registrar shall be appointed by His Majesty.

He shall be either a member of the Bar of England, Scotland, or

Ireland, or a Solicitor of the Supreme Court in England or Ireland, or a

Writer to His Majesty’s Signet, or a Solicitor in the Supreme Courts of


He may also, with the approval of the Secretary of State, hold the

office of Chief Clerk of the Supreme Court.

In case of the absence from Shanghai or of the illness of the Regis-

trar, or during a vacancy in the office of Registrar, or during the employ-

ment of the Registrar in another capacity, or on emergency, the Judge may,

by writing under his hand and the seal of the Supreme Court, appoint

any fit person to act as Registrar for the time therein mentioned, or until

the appointment is revoked by the Judge or disappx-oved or revoked by

the Secretary of State.

Judges 15. The Judge, each Assistant Judge, and the Registrar shall hold



office during the pleasure of His Majesty.

16. In case at any time His Majesty thinks fit by warrant under his

Appointments.of Royal sign manual to revoke the warrant appointing any person to be

Judge, Assistant Judge, or Registrar, or while there is a Judge, Assistant

Judge, or Registrar in office, thinks fit by warrant under his Royal sign

manual to appoint another person to be Judge, Assistant Judge, or

Registrar (as the case may be), then, and in every such case, until the

warrant of revocation or of new appointment is notified by His Majesty’s

Minister in China to the person bolding office, all powers and authorities

vested in that person shall continue and be deemed to have continued in

as full force—and he shall continue, and be deemed to have continued,

entitled to all the privileges and emoluments of the office as fully, and all

things done by him shall be and be deemed to have been as valid in law—

as if such warrant of revocation or new appointment had not been

made. y • .1 ; .


17. Tke Supreme iCourt shall ordinarily, sit at Shanghaibut may, sittings of

if it seems expedient, sit at any other, place within the limits of this

Order, and may at , any time transfer its ordinary sittings to any such

place as the Secretary of: State approves. Under, this Article, the Judges

may sit at the same time at different places, and each sitting shall be

deemed to be a sitting ef, the Supreme Court.

18. The Judge or under his directions, an Assistant Judge may visit, vinitation of

in a magisterial or judicial capacity- any place in China pr Corea, and Jud«es-

there inquire of,.or hear and determine, any case, civil or . criminal, and

may examine any records or order documents in any Provincial Court,

and give directions as to the keeping thereof. : :

(n) .Provincial Cov-rir.

19. — (1) Every commissioned Consular officer, with the ex

those at Shanghai and with such other exceptions (if any) as the Secre- court.vmcl

taryof State thinks fit to make, shall fiofi and'ih his Cohshlar district

bold and form a Court, ip this Order referred to as a Pfoviffcjal Courh

(2) Where His Majesty’s Minister in China or Corea, as the case

may D6, appoints any person fo 'be i4.btita^'Ui/nsul-Grehefal, Consul, or

Vice-Consul at any port or place in China or Cdrea,; Which is for the time

being open to foreign trade, and at Which nO commissioned Consular

officer is resident, that person Shall hold.and form a Provincial Court for

the distric.t for .which he is appointed to act.

(3) Every Provincial Court shall be atyled “ His Britaiinic Majesty’s

Court at Canton ” (or as lhe! case may be).

’(4) Every Provincial Court ihay, with the apprdyal of the'Jndge of

the Supreme Court, appoint a competent person, or persons, to perform

such duties and to exercise such powers in ahdTor that Court as are by

this Order and any Rules of Court imposed or Conferred upon the Regis-

trar and Marshal respectively, and ahy 'p&r^on bov appointed shall perform

such duties and exercise such powers accordingly.' ’ ‘

(5) Every Provincial Court shall have a seal bearing its style and

Such device as the Secretary of'State from time to'tiine direct^'; but

where sdch a seal is not provided, the' seal of:the Consular officer holding

the Court may be used.


■ (iii) ' Jurisdiction tyf'Goiiris.'

20. The Supreme Court, and each Provincial Court, shall, ip the Courts Record.of

exercise of every part of its jurisdiction, be,% Court of Record.

21. All His Majesty’s; jurisdiction, civil and criminal,. including apy Jurisdiction of

jurisdiction by.this Order conferred expressly on; a Provincial 0$>urtj Supreme

shall for and within the district of,the Consulate, ofi Shanghai he, vested Shanghai.

exclusively in the,Supreme Court,as its ordinary-original jurisdiction.

22. All Hjs Majesty’s jurisdiction, civil and criminal, pot under, this Jurisdiction of

Order vested exclusively in the Supreme Court, shall to the extent and in Provincial

the manner provided by this .Order be vested in the. Provincial Courts.

23. The Supreme Court shall.have,in ah,tnatters,.civil and criniinal, Concurrent of

an original jurisdiction,, concurrent with the; jurisdiction, of the several jurisdiction

Provincial Courts, to,be exercised subject apd according: to the provisions Supreme

of this Order., ,

24. —-(1) The Registrar of the Supreme Jurisdiction Court shall, of sub

directions of the, Judge, .botf. prelinlinary examinations, and shall hear Registrar

and determine .such - criminal cases in that: poui't>.as nre not, under this

Order, required to be heard and determined on a charge., ,. „ ;

(2). The Registrar, shall also have authority to hear and determine

such civil actions as may be assigned tq. him, by the Jqdge, hut actions



which under this Order are required or directed to be heard with a jury

or assessors shall not be so assigned.

(3) For the purposes of this Article the Registrar shall exercise all

the powers and jurisdiction of a Provincial Court, and the provisions of

this Order with respect to appeal and reserved case in criminal matters

and to appeal in civil matters shall apply accordingly.

Case reportedto


r removed 25. —(1) Where any ca

vincial Court, appears to that Court to be beyond its jurisdiction, or to

be one which for any other reason ought to be tried in the Supreme

Court, the Provincial Court shall report the case to the Supreme Court

for directions.

(2) The Supreme Court may of its own motion, or upon the report

of a Provincial Court, or on the application of any party concerned,

require any case, civil or criminal, pending in any Provincial Court to

be transferred to, or tried in, the Supreme Court, or may direct in what

Court and in what mode, subject to the provisions of this Order, any

such case shall be tried.

auxiliary to auxiliary 26. The Supreme Court and every Provincial Court shall be

■one another. to one another in all particulars relative to the administration

of justice, civil or criminal.

•Conciliation. 27. Every Judge and Officer of Courts established under this Order

shall, as far as there is proper opportunity, promote reconciliation and

encourage and facilitate the settlement in an amicable way and without

recourse to litigation of matters in difference between British subjects,

or between British subjects and foreigners in China or Corea.

Modes of trial. 28. Subject to the provisions of this Order, criminal and civil “cases

may be tried as follows:—

(a ) In the case of the Supreme Court, by the Court itself, or by the

Court with a jury, or with assessors.

(6) In the case of a Provincial Court by the Court itself, or by the

Court with assessors.

Process of

Supreme 29. Any of His Majesty’s Courts in China or Corea may cause any

Court of kong,

Hongkong. summons, order, or judgment issuing from the Supreme Court of Hong-

in any civil proceeding, and accompanied by a request in writing

Immunity under the seal of that Court, to be served in China or Corea.

Legation. of not exercise

30. —(T) Notwithstanding

any jurisdiction in any proceeding whatsoever over His

Majesty’s Minister, or over his official or other residences, or his official

or other property.

(2) Notwithstanding anything in this Order, the Court shall not

exercise, except with the consent of the Minister signified in writing to

the Court, any jurisdiction in any proceeding over any person attached

to or being a member of, or in the service of, the Legation. The consent

of the Minister may be given, either specially with respect to any person,

or generally with respect to any class of persons so attached.

(3) If in any case under this Order it appears to the Court that the

attendance of the Minister, or of any person attached to or being a mem-

ber of the Legation, or being in the service of the Legation, to give

evidence before the Court is requisite in the interest of justice, the Court

may address to the Minister a request in writing for such attendance.

(4) A person attending to give evidence before the Court shall not

be compelled or allowed to give any evidence or produce any document,

if, in the opinion of the Minister, signified %• him personally or in writing

to the Court, the giving or production thereof would be inj urious to His


Imperial of Majesty’s service.

31. Where, by virtue of any Imperial Act, of of this Order, or other-

Acts, &c. wise, any provisions of any Imperial Acts, or of any law of a British


possession, or of any Orders in Council other than this Order, are applic-

able in China or Corea, or any forms, regulations, or procedure prescribed

or established by or under any such Act, Law or Order, are made applic-

able for any purpose of this Order or any other order relating to China

or Corea, such Acts, Laws, Orders, Forms, Regulations, or procedure may

be construed or used with such alterations and adaptations not affecting

the substance as may be necessary having regard to local circumstances,

and anything required to be done by, to, or before any Court, Judge, officer,

or authority may be done by, to, or before a Court, Judge, officer, or

authority having the like or analogous functions, or by, to, or before any

-officer designated by the Secretary of State or by the Court (as the case

may require) for that purpose; and the seal of the Supreme or -Provin-

cial Court (as the case may be) may be substituted for any other seal,

nnd in case any difficulty occurs in the application it shall be lawful for

a Secretary of State to direct by, to, or before whom and in what man-

ner anything is to be done, and such Act, Law, Order, Form, Regulation,

or Procedure shall be construed accordingly.

Where under any such Imperial Act, Law, or Order any publication

is required to be made, as respects any judicial proceeding in any

•Gazette or otherwise, such publication shall in China or Corea be made

in such newspaper or by such other mode as the Court shall think fit

do direct.

Jurors and Assessors.

32.—(1) Every male resident British subject—being of the age of Jury.

■21 years upwards—having a competent knowledge of the English

language—having or earning a gross income at such rate as may be fixed

by Rules of Court—not having been attainted of treason or felony, or

< onvicted of any crime that is infamous (unless he has obtained a free

pardon) and not being under outlawry—shall be qualified to serve on

a jury.

(2) All persons so qualified shall be liable so to serve, except the

following persons, who shall nevertheless be competent to serve, that is

to say:—

Persons in His Majesty’s Diplomatic, Consular, or other Civil Ser-

vice, in actual employment;

Officers, clerks, keepers of prisons, messengers, and other persons

attached to or in the service of the Court;

Officers and others on full pay in His Majesty’s navy or army, or in

actual employment in the service of any Department connected

therewith ;

Persons holding appointments in the civil, naval, or military service

of China or Corea ;

Clergymen and other ministers of religion in the actual discharge

of professional duties ;

Legal practitioners in actual practice ;

Physicians, surgeons, and apothecaries in actual practice;

Persons who are over 60 years of age or are disabled by mental or

bodily infirmity.

(3) A jury shall consist of such number of jurors, not more than

twelve nor less than five, as may be determined in accordance with Rules

•of Court; and in such Rules different provisions may be made with

respect to the several places at which the Supreme Court may sit, regard

being had to the number of available jurors and any other considerations

(4) In civil and in criminal cases the like challenges shall be allowed

as in England—with this addition, that in civil cases each party may

■challenge three jurors peremptorily.


(5) A jury shall be required to gite an unanimous verdict ; provided

that, with the consent of parties, the verdict of a majority may be taken

in civil cases. ' ■ ;-

Assessors. 33.—(1) An Assessor shall be a competent and impartial British

subject; of good repute, nominated 1 and summoned by the Court for the

purpose of acting as Assessor.

(2) In the Supreme Court there may be one, two, or three Assessors,

as the

: Court thinks fit;

(3) In a Provincial Court there shall ordinarily be not fewer than

two, and not more than four, Assessors. Where, however, by .reason* of

local circumstances, the Court is able to obtain the presence of one

Assessor only,- the Court may, if it thinks fit, sit with one Assessor only :

and where,'for like reasbfis,' the Court is not able to obtain the presence

of an Assessor,1 the Court may, if it thinks fit, sit without an Assessor—

the Court in every case; recording in the Minutes1 its reasons for sitting

with one Assessor only or without an Assessor.

(4) An Assessor shall not have any voice in the decision’ of the Court

in any case, civil of criminal; ; but an Assessor dissenting; in a civil case,

from any decision of the Court, or, in a criminal case, from any decision

of the Court or the conviction or the amount of punishment awarded,

may record in the Minutes his dissent, and the grounds thereof, and shall

be entitled to receive without payment a certified copy of the Minutes.

Penalty for

non-attend- 34.—(1) Any

j.o a gumm011s person failing to. attend as juror or Assessor according

siian ()e deemed guilty of a contempt of Court, and shall

be liable to a fine not exceeding £10, but. a person shall not be liable to

fine for nfih-attendance unless'hei is resident in the Consular district In

which the Court sits.

(2) Any such fine shall not be levied until after the expiration of

fourteen -days. The proper officer of the Court shall forthwith give to

the person fined notice in writing of the imposition of the fine, and

require him within six days after receipt of the notice to file an affidavit

excusing noli-attendance (if he desire to do so). The Court shall con-

sider the affidavit,1 and may, if it seems proper, remit or reduce the fine.

HI.—Criminal Matters.

Application of or ail35.—(1) Bxce.pt as.regards offences made or declared such by this-

ofEngUnd^ lationsy other Order relating

made under to China' or Corea, or by,any Rules or Regu-

any Order;

Any act. that ■ would not by a Court of, Justice having criminal

jurisdiction in England be deemed an offence in England, shall

not, in the exercise of criminal jurisdiction under this Order, be

deemed an offence, or be the subject of any criminal proceeding

under this Order. \

(2) Subject to the provisions of this. Order,, criminal jurisdiction

under this Order shall, as far as circumstances admit, be exercised on

the principles of, and in conformity with, English law for the time being,

and with the.: powers vested in the. Courts of Justice ami Justices of

the Peace in England, according to their respective jurisdiction and


'tiocal Jurisdiction in Griinirj,al Matters.^

Power to 36. Every Court may cause to be summoned or arrested, and brought

Offenders. before it,and

diction, any accuSeibof

'pd^Son subject

havingto committed

and being within the limits

an offence of its under

cognizable juris-

this'Order, and may deal with the-accused according to the jurisdiction

of the Court and in conformity with the provisions of this Order.


37. For the purposes of criminal jurisdiction everj offence and cause

of complaint committed or arising within the limits of this Order shall trlal purposes^

be deemed td have been committed or to have ariseiij either,in the place ”

where the same actually was committed or arose, or in an place where ’

the person charged or complained of happens to be at the time, of the

institution df commencement of the charge or cdmplaint.

38. Where a person accused of an offence escapes qr removes from Escape and

the Consular' district within which the offence was committed, and is another"

found within another Consular district, the'Court within whose district district,

he is found may proceed in the case to trial and punishment, or tp ,pre-

liminary examination (as the case may require)", in lihje manner as if the

offencq had been committed in its own district; or may,, on the requisi-

tion or with the consent of the Court within whose district the offence

was committed, send him in'custody to that Court, pi-require him to

.give security for his surrender to that Coiirt, there to be dealt with

according to law.

Where any person is to be so sent in custody, a warrant shall be issued

by the Court within whose'district' hff is found, and that warrant Shall

be sufficient authority to ahy .persoh' to whom it is directed'to receive

and detain the person therein named, and to carry hiiii to and deliver

him up .to the Court within whose district tltb offence was'committed,

. according


to the warrant.

—(1) In cases of murder or manslaughter if either the de

the criminal act which wholly or partly caused the death, happened offences, &e.

within the jurisdiction of h Cohrt acting under this Order, that Court

shall have the like jurisdiction over any British subject who is accused

either as the principal offender, or as accessory before the fact to murder,

or as accessory after the fact to murder or manslaughter, as if both the

-criminal act and the death had hapiiened within, that jurisdiction.

(2) In the case of any offence committed on the high seas, or with-

in the Admiralty jurisdiction, by any British subjection board a British

ship, or on board a foreign ship tp which hq did not belong, the Court

shall, subject to the provision's of this Order, have jurisdiction as if the

■offence had been Committed within the jurisdiction of that Court. In

cases tried under this Article no different sentence can be passed from

the sentence Which could be passed ih England if the offence were tried


(3) ' The foregoing provisions of this Article shall be deeme

adaptations, for the purposes of this Order and of the Foreign Juris-

diction Act, 1890, of the.'following enactments, that is to say :—

The Admiralty Offences (CoIonial) Act, 1849.

The Admiralty Offences (Colonial) Act, 1860.

The Merchant Shipping Act, 1894, Part. XIII.

And thpse enactments shall apply accordingly and be administered in

■China and Corea.

Apprehension and Custody of Accused Persons.

40. —(1) Where,a person accused of an offence is arreste

warrant issuing out of any Court, he shall be brought before the Court ^^dbe,ore

within forty-eight hours after the arrest, unless in any case circumstances

unavoidably prevent his being brought before the Court within that time,

which circumstances shall be recorded in the Minutes.

(2) In every case, he shall be brought before the Court as soon as

circumstances reasonably admit, and the time and circumstances shall be

recorded in. the Minutes.

41. —(1) Where ap. accused person is in custody,, he shall

remanded at any time for more, than .seven, days, unless circumstance®


appear to the Court to make it necessary or proper that he should be

remanded for a longer time, which circumstances, and the time of re-

mand, shall be recorded in the Minutes.

(2) In no case shall a remand be for more than fourteen days at

one time, unless, in case of illness of the accused or other case of



h of 42. Where the Supreme Court or a Provincial Court issues a sum-

‘P- mons or warrant against any person on complaint of an offence committed

on board of, or in relation to, a British ship, then, if it appears to the

Court that the interests of public justice so require, the Court may issue-

a warrant or order for the detention of the ship, and may cause the

ship to be detained accordingly, until the charge is heard and deter-

mined, and the order of. the Court thereon is fully executed, or for such

shorter time as the Court thinks fit; and.the Court shall have power to

make all such orders as appears to it necessary or proper for carrying

this provision into effect.

Execution of 43. Every Provincial Court shall execute any writ, order, or warrant


Court. issuing from theforSupreme

named therein Court, and

his appearance may take

personally security

or by fromaccording

attorney, any personto

the writ, order, or warrant; or may cause such person to be taken in

custody or otherwise to the Supreme Court or elsewhere in China or

Corea, according to the writ, order, or warrant.

44.—{!) The Court may, in its discretion, admit to bail persons-

accused of any' of the following offences, namely :—

Any felony.


Assault on any officer in the execution of his duty, or on any

person acting in his aid.

Neglect or breach of duty by an officer.

But a person accused of treason or murder shall not be admitted ta

bail except by the Supreme Court,

(2) In all other cases the Court shall admit the accused to bail

unless the Court, having regard to the circumstances, sees good reason

to the contrary, which reason shall be recorded in the Minutes.

(3) The Supreme Court may admit a person to bail, although a

Provincial Court has not thought fit to do so.

(4) The accused who is to be admitted to bail, either on remand or

on or after trial ordered, shall produce such surety or sureties as, in the

opinion of the Court, will be sufficient to insure his appearance as and

when required, and shall with him or them enter into a recognizance


Trial with Jury or Assessors.

Tr ai withrjury 45.—(1) Where the offence charged is treason or murder the case

' must be tried on a charge before the Supreme Court with a jury.

(2) In each of the two following case§, namely ,

(i) Where the offence charged is rape, arson, housebreaking, rob-

bery with violence, piracy, forgery, or perjury; or

(ii) Where the - offence charged is any other than as aforesaid, but

it appears to the Court at any time before the trial, the opinion

of the Court being recorded in the Minutes, that the offence

charged, if proved, would not be adequately punished by im-

prisonment for three months with hard labour, or by a fine of

=£20, or both such imprisonment and fine—

The offence shall be tried on a charge with a jury or assessors

(according to the provisions of this Order applicable to the Court) ; but

may, with the Consent of the accused, be tried without assessors or jury


In the Supreme Court, when the accused does not so consent, the charge

shall he tried with a jury, unless the Court is of opinion that a jury

■cannot he obtained.

(3) The Supreme Court may, for any special reason, direct that any

case shall be tried with assessors ora jury, and a Provincial Court may,

for any special reason, direct that any case shall be tried with assessors.

In each such case the special reason shall be recorded in the Minutes.

46. —(1) Where an accused person is ordered to be tried

■Court with a jury or with assessors, he shall be tried as soon after the

making of the order as circumstances reasonably admit.

(2), J\s long notice of the time of trial as circumstances reasonably

admit shall be' given to him in writing, under the seal of the Court,

which notice, and the time thereof, shall be recorded in the Minutes.

47. —(1) The Supreme Court shall, when required by the S

of State, send to him a report of the sentence of the Court in any case sentences,

tried before that Court with a jury or assessors, with a copy of the

Minutes and notes of evidence, and with any observations which the

Court thinks fit to make.

(2) Every Provincial Court shall, in accordance with Rules of Court,

send to the Supreme Court a report of the sentence of the Court in

every case tried by the Court with assessors, with such Minutes, notes

of evidence, and other documents as such Rules may direct, and with

,any observations which the Court thinks fit to make.

Summary Trial.

48. Where the complaint discloses an offence which is not required summary

-or directed to be heard on a charge, the accused may be tried summarily tna1,

on the complaint: Provided that where an offence is tried summarily

no greater [mnishment shall be awarded than imprisonment for three

months or a fine of ^620, or both.

Preliminary Examination.

49. —(1) Where the accused is before the Court, and it ap

the Court that the complaint discloses an offence— Examination.

(a) Which ought to be tried in or reported to another Court; or

(b) Which ought to be tried before the same Court with a jury or

assessors ;

the Court shall proceed to make a preliminary examination in the

prescribed manner.

(2) On the conclusion of the preliminary examination, the Court

shall bind by recognizance the prosecutor and every witness to appear

at the trial to prosecute, or to prosecute and give evidence, or to give

-evidence (as the case may be), and if the case is to be tried in or reported

to another Court, shall forthwith send the depositions, with a minute of

other evidence (if any) and a report, to the Court before which the trial

is to take place.

50. Where a British subject is accused of an offence the cognizance Trial before

whereof appertains to any Court established under this Order, and it is Male8ty’8HlS

expedient that the offence be inquired of, tried, determined, and punished dominions,

in a British possession, the accused may (under the Foreign Jurisdiction

Act, 1890, Section 6) be sent for trial to Hongkong or to Burma; and

the Supreme Court of Hongkong and the Sessions Court at Mandalay

•shall respectively be the authorized Courts for the purposes of that


The Court may, where it appears so expedient, by warrant under the

hand of a Judge and the seal of the Court, cause the accused to be sent

for trial to Hongkong or to Mandalay accordingly.

74 orders in Council

The warrant shall’ be sufficient authority to any person to whom it-

is directed to receive and detain the person therein named, and to carry

him to and deliver him up at Hongkong or Mandalay, according to the-


Where any person is to be so sent to Hongkong or to Burma, the

Court before which he is accused shall take the preliminary examination,

and if it seems necessary and proper shall bind over such of the proper

witnesses as are British subjects in their own recognizances to appear

and give evidence on the trial.


enter intoto 51.—(1) If a British subject, having appeared as prosecutor or

recognizance. witness at a preliminary examination, refuses to enter into a recognizance

to appear at the trial to prosecute or give evidence; the Court may send

him to prison, there to remain until after the trial, unless in the mean-

time he enters into a recognizance.

(2) But if afterwards, from want of sufficient evidence or other

cause, the accused is discharged, the Court shall order that the person

imprisoned for so refusing be also discharged.

(3) Where the prosecutor or witness is not a British subject, the

Court may require him either to enter into a recognizance or to give

other security for his attendance at the trial, and if he fails to do so may

in its discretion dismiss the charge.


witnesses,&c.ot • 52. Subject to Buies of Court made under this Order, the Court

jurors, may order payment of allowances in respect of their reasonable expenses

to any complainant or witness, attending before the Court on the trial of

any criminal case by a jury of with assessors, and also to jurors, asses-

sors, interpreters, medical practitioners,'or other persons employed in or

in connection with criminal cases.


Trial on a

charge. 53. —(1) The charge up

state the offence charged, with such particulars as to the time and place

of the alleged offence, and the person (if any) against whom or the thing

(if any) in respect of which it was committed, as are reasonably sufficient

to give the accused notice of the matter with which he is :charged.

(2) -The fact that a charge is made is equivaleht-to-a statement that

every legal condition required by law to constitute The offence Oharged

was fulfilled in the particular; case.

(3) Where the fiatufe of the case-fis such that’the pafticfilafs -hbove

mentioned do not give Such sufficient notice as aforesaid, the charge shall

also contain such p&fticUlars of the mann'er-in which the alleged offence

was committed as will give such sufficient notice;

(4) For the purposes of the application of any Statute 'laW; a charge

framed; under the: provisions- of this Order shall be deemed to 'be an

indictment. e'd-l ■ ■- - ■ ■- • w1 -i


charges for 54. For ehefy distinct offence of which any person is accused there

shall be a separate charge, and every such charge shall be tried sepafatelv,

•except in the caSCS: following^ that is to say.— •

(ft) Where fi pefs6n is accused Of more offences tiffin oilfi of tWSame

kind committed within the space df twelve-months from the

first-to the last of such offences, he-may be charged with,-and

tried: at One- trial for any number of them not exeeedingi thnh.

(b)-If in one series -of acts ‘so Connected togethe'r-' aS th fotni the

same transaction more offences than one are ebnriMtted'by the

same person, he may be charged with and tried at one trial for

every such’offence.

(fc) If the acts alleged constitute an offence falling With in'two or

more definitions or descriptions of offences in afif ■ lawor laws.


the accused may be charged with and tried at one trial for

|[!: each of such offences.

{d) If ■ several acts constitute several offences, and also, when

| combined, a different offence, the accused may be charged with,

If and tried at One trial for, the pffenee constituted; by such acts

when combined, or one or, more of the several,offences, but in

the latter case shall not be punished with more Severe punish-

ment than the Court which tries him could award for any one

I of those offences.

(,e) If a jingle act or series of acts,is of such a nature, that it is

doubtful which of several offences the facts which can lie proved

, . will constitute, tffe accused may tbe. charged; with having com-

mitted all or any, of such offences, and any pumber of Such

charges may be tried at offcey : or he may be charged in the

alternative, with, havingcommitted spmh one ,of the offences;

and if it appears in evidence that he has committed a different

offence for which he might have bpen charged, he may be

convicted of that pffencp,, although not cffarged with it.

55. When more persons than one are accused. pf the same offence or Trial of

•of different offences conimitted in the sa,me tran^ction,. or when one is co-defendant9

accused of ; committing an offence and another of abetting,.or attempting

i to commit that offence,, they, may. be .charged and tried together or

’: separately, as the Court .thinks fit.

! 56.—(1) Any Court, if sitting with a jury or assessors, may alter Alteration of

any charge at any time before the verdict of the jury is returned or the charse8,

; opinions ot the assessors are expressed; if sitting without jury, or asses-

sors,, at any time,before, judgment is,pronounced.

(2) Evei*y such, afferation shall be read and explained to, the.accused.

(3) If the altered charge is such that proceeding with, the trial

immediately is likely,; in ,tffe opinion of the .Court, to prejudice the

I accused or the prosecutor, the Court may either direct a new trial, or.

i; adjourn the trial, for,such period as,may he necessary.

| 5.7,—(1), $p error or onussipn in stating either the offence or the arrow and

f particulars shall be. regarded at any stage of the .cpse as material, unless var,a,,cefc

ji the accused was misled by such error or omission.

(2) When the facts alleged in, certain particulars are proved and

constitute an offence, .and the remaining particulars ppe, not proved, the

S accused may be convicted .of the offence, constituted, by tbp. facts proved,

I although not. charged with it.

,(3) When a person is, charged with, an. offence,. and the ■ evidence

i proves either, the cpmuussion of a minor offeecg or air attempt to commit

; the offence charged, he may he convicted of the minor offence or of the

r attempt. . _

58.—(1 j If the accused has been previously convicted of any offence, Charge of

I and it ,is intended to prove such.,couviction for .the .purpose ,of affecting ^nvictfon.

the punishment, which, tffe. ipqnrt is compcitcut to award,, the fact, date,

r and place of Ihe previous conviction shall be stated in the charge.

(2) If such statement, is omitted, thq Court niuy add it at, any time

j;. before sentence is passed. ., . ,

• (3) ;Tli9;pai;t of , tffe cba.rge , stating the, previous'convictions shall

not be read out in Court, nor shall tffe accused be asbed whether he,.has,

bsen. .previously, convicted, in .the cffarge, :unless affd until he

has either pleaded, guiffy to, or been- conyicted. of, tffe, snbsequenjt

offenue. . , ,

(4) If be pleads guilty to, or is convicted of, the subsequent offence,

he shall, then be . asked whether he has 'heen preyiously convicted, as

alleged in the charge.


(5) If lie answers that he has been so previously convicted, the

Court may proceed to pass sentence on him accordingly, but, if he denies-

that he has been so previously convicted, or refuses to, or does not,

answer such question, the Court shall then inquire concerning such

previous conviction, and in such case (where the trial is by jury) it shall

not be necessary to swear the jurors again.


Limitation to 59. The powers of the Courts with respect to punishments are

courts.limited (1) asThefollows :— Court may award in respect of an offence any


punishment which may in respect of a similar offence be awarded

in England: provided that (a) imprisonment with hard labour

shall be substituted for penal servitude, and (6) the Supreme

Court shall not award a fine exceeding .£500; or, in case of a

continuing offence, in addition to imprisonment or fine, or both,,

a fine exceeding £1 for each day during which the offence

continues after conviction.

(2) A Provincial Court may award imprisonment, not exceeding:

twelve months, with or without hard labour, and with or

without a fine not exceeding £100; or a fine not exceeding

£100, without imprisonment; or in case of a continuing offence,

in addition to imprisonment or fine, or both, a fine not

exceeding 10s. for each day during which the offence continues

after conviction.

(3) But nothing in this Article shall be deemed to empower any

Court to award for any offence any punishment not authorized

by law in relation to that offence.

offencesthlS n 60.—(1) If any person is guilty of an offence against this Order

Orderf °t distinguished

(1) To a fineasnota grave offence£5,against

exceeding withoutthisanyOrder, he is liable:—

imprisonment; or

(ii) To imprisonment not exceeding one month, without fine; or

(iii) To imprisonment not exceeding fourteen days, with a fine not

exceeding 50s.

(2) Imprisonment under this Article is without hard labour.

Grave 1offence

thIs 61.—(1) If any person is guilty of an offence against this Order,

cfrder. distinguished

(1) To aasfinea grave offence against

not exceeding this Order,

£10, without he is liable:—

imprisonment; or

(ii) To imprisonment not exceeding two months, without fine; or

(iii) To imprisonment not exceeding one month, with a fine not

exceeding £5.

(2) Imprisonment under this Article is, in the discretion of the

Court, with or without hard labour.

62. —(1) The Court ma

of an assault to pay to the person assaulted by way of damages any sum

not exceeding £10.

(2) Damages so ordered to be paid may be either in addition to or

in lieu of a fine, and shall be recoverable in like manner as a fine.

(3) Payment of such damages shall be a defence to an action for

the assault.

63. —(1) The Court ma

before it to pay all or part of the expenses of his prosecution, ©r of his

imprisonment or other punishment or of both, the amount being specified

in the order.

(2) Where it appears to the Court that the charge is malicious, or

frivolous and vexatious, the Court may, if it thinks fit, order the


eompliiiuaut, to pay all or part of the expenses of the prosecution, the

amount being specified in the order.

(3) In these respective cases the Court may, if it thinks fit, order

that the whole or such portion as the Court thinks fit of the expenses

so paid be paid over to the complainant or to the accused (as the case


(4) In all cases the reasons of the Court for making any such order

shall be recorded in the Minutes.

64. Where any person is sentenced by the Supreme Court to suffer death.

the punishment of death, the Judge shall forthwith send a report of the Punishment of

sentence, with a copy of the Minutes of Proceedings and notes of evidence

in the case, and' with any observations he thinks fit, to His Majesty’s

Minister in China or Corea as the case may be.

The sentence shall not be carried into execution without the direction

of His Majesty’s Minister in writing under his hand.

If His Majesty’s Minister does not direct that the sentence of death

be carried into execution, he shall direct what punishment in lieu of the

punishment of death is to be inflicted on the person convicted, and the

person convicted shall be liable to be so punished accordingly.

65. —(1) The Judge of the Supreme Court Prisonsmay

and by gener

approved by the Secretary of State, prescribe the manner in which and punishments.

the prisons in China or Corea at which punishments passed by any Court

or otherwise awarded under this Order are to be carried into execution.

(2) The warrant of any Court shall be sufficient authority to any

person to whom it is directed to receive and detain tne person therein

named in any prison so prescribed.

(3) For the purposes of this Article “ Chiija ” includes places within

the limits of the Weihaiwei Order in Council, 1901.

66. —(1) Where an offender is sentenced Imprisonment- toHisimprisonment,

Supreme Court thinks it expedient that the sentence be carried into effect inMajesty’s

within His Majesty’s dominions, and the offender is accordingly, under dominions.

Section 7 of the Foreign Jurisdiction Act, 1890, sent for imprisonment to

a place in His Majesty’s dominions, the place shall be either Hongkong,

or a place in some other part of His Majesty’s dominions, the Govern-

ment whereof consents that offenders may be sent thither under this Article.

(2) The Supreme Court may, by warrant under the hand of a Judge

and the seal of the Court, cause the offender to be sent to Hongkong, or

other such place as aforesaid, in order that the sentence may be there

carried into effect accordingly.

(3) The warrant shall be sufficient authority to any person to whom

it is directed to receive and detain the person therein named, and to

carry him to and deliver him up at t he place named, according to the


67. —(1) A Judge of the Supreme Court may,of if he th


report to the Secretary of State or to the Minister in China or in Corea, pumshmeots.

as the case may be, recommending a mitigation or remission of any

punishment awarded by any Court, and thereupon the punishment may

be mitigated or remitted by the Secretary of State or Minister.

(2) Nothing in this Order shall affect His Majesty’s prerogative of



68. —(1) The Court shall have and discharge Inquests. all the po

duties appertaining to the office of Coroner in England, in relation to

deaths of British subjects happening in the district of the Court.

(2) The Court may also exercise the said powers in relation to

deaths of any persons having happened at sea on board British ships


arriving in the district, and to deaths of British subjects having hap-

pened at sea on board foreign ships so arriving. ,

(3) The jurisdiction of the Court under this Article shall be

exercised shbject to the following provisions :—

(«) Where a British Subject is charged with causing the death, the

Court may, without holding an inquest, proceed forthwith with

the pfelitbinary exahiinatioh. ' '

, (b) Where a British subject is not charged with causing the death,

the Court shall, without aiiy jury, hold an inquest, taking the

depositions of those who know the facts. If, during or after

the inquest, a British Subject is so charged,. the depositions

shall1 be read over in the presence1 of the witnesses and of the

accused, who shall be entitled to crbss-eXamine each witness,

and the procedure' shall be as in other cases of preliminary

examination. If after’the inquest the Court oo'es'. not see fit to

cause any 'person to be charged, the Court shall certify us

opinion of the cause of the death. When the inquest is held

by a Provincial Court, the certificate and the depositions shall

be sent forthwith to the Supreme Court, and that Court may

give any directions which may Seem proper in the circumstances.

(4) In this Article the expression “the Court ” includes the Registrar

of the Supreme Court.

Statutory or other Offences.

Patents and possession,

trade-marks, 69. Anywould

act which, if ’'done against

be an offence in the .United

any of Kingdom, or inStatutes

the following a Britishof

the Imperial Parliament or Orders in Council, that is to say :—

The Merchandize Marks Act, 1887';

The Patents, Designs and Trade-marks Act, 1883 to 1888;

Any Act, Statute, or Order in Council for 1the time being in force

relating tb'copyright, or tb '-inventions, designs, or trade-marks;

Any Statute amehding, or substituted for, any of the above-men-

tioned Statutes;

Shall, if done by a British subject’in China or Corea, be punishable

as a grave offence against this Order, whether such act is done in

relation to any property or right of a British'^ubjeet, or of a foreigner

or native, or otherwise howsoever;


(1) That a copy of any such Statute or Order in Council shall be

published in tile' public office of the Consulates at-Shanghai

and Seohl, and shall be there open fob inspection'by any person

at all Reasonable times '; and a person shall not be ptmished

under this Article for anythmg (lone before the expiration of

one month after such publiebtioiy unless the person offending

is proved to hdve had expfefes hdtiOe of the 1 Statute or Order: in

Council. ' ’ ' •' : 'J '

(2) That a proSetitltioh by or oh b£ha]f of,a, prosecutor' who is hot a

British subject shq.ll hot be entertained unless the Court is

satisfied that effectual provision exists for the punishment in

Consular or other Courts in China or Corea of similar acts

committed by the subjects of the State or Power of which such

prosecutor is a subject, in relation to, or affecting the interests

of, British subjects. '

•Smuggling. 70.—(1) ' If a Brit ish subject—

(i) Smuggies,'or attempts to smuggle, :out pf China or Corea any

goods on exportation Whereof a duty'is payable t6 the Chinese :

or Corean Government; •


(ii) Imports or exports, or attempts to import or export, into or out

of China or Corea, any .goods, intending and attempting to

evade payment of duty payable thereon to the Chinese or

Corean G-overnment;

(iii) Imports or exports, or attempts to import or exphrt, into or

out of China or Corea any goods the importation or exportation

whereof, into or out of China or Corea, is prohibited by law;

(iv) . Without a proper licence, sells, or attempts to sell,

for sale, in China or Corea, any goods whereof the Chinese or

Corean Government has by law a monopolv ;

In each of the four cases aforesaid he shall be guilty of. an offence

against this Order, and on conviction. shall be liable to imprisonment,

with or without hard labour, for any term not exceeding six months,, and

with or without a fine not exceeding ,£100,' or to a. fine not exceeding

,£100 without imprisonment.

(2) Where a person is charged with such an offence as in this

Article is mentioned, the Court may seize the,goods in relation to which

the alleged offence was committed, and may hold the same until after

the hearing of the charge.

(3) If a person so charged is convicted, then, those goods, whether

they have been so seized or not, shall be forfeited to His Majesty the

King, and the Court shall dispose of them, subject to any' general or

special directions of the Secretary of State as the.Court thinks fit.

71. —(1) If any British subject, withoutLevying His Majesty’s au

proof whereof shall lie on the party accused, does any of the following war, etc.

things, that is to say -

(а) Levies war or takes any part in any operation of war against;

or aids or abets any person in oarrying on war, insurrection, or

rebellion against the Government, of .China or of'Corea; or,

(б) Takes part in any operation of war in tbe seryioe bf the Go'tern-

ment of China or of. Corea against any persons engaged in

carrying on war, insurrect ion; or > rebellion against those

respective Governments he shall be guilty of an: ofienee against

this Order, and,; ion conviction thereof, shall'bediable to im-

, prisonment, with or without hard labour, , for, any;. term not

exceeding two years, and with or without,a fine not-exceeding

<£500, or to a fine not exceeding £!500 without, imprisonment.

(2) In addition ;to any, such punishment-every Conviction under

the provisions of this Article shall, of itself; and without further proceed-

ings, make the person convicted Jiable to deportation,.and the Court may

order him to be deported from China or^orea in manner provided by

this Order.

(3) Where a person accused of an offence, against this Article is

brought before a Provincial Court, that.Court shall repo-rt the, case to

the Supreme Court,- and the, Supreme' -Court shall thereupon direct

in what mode and where the case shall be heard and determined,:ahd the

case shall be heard ami determined accordingly.

72. Any British subject being in. China or Corea may be ,proceeded Piracy.

against, tried, and punished under this Order for piracy wherever


If a person accused of piracy is brought before a Provincial: Court,

that Court shall report the-case to the Supreme Court, and the Supreme

Court shall thereupon give..;such directions as it may, think fit with

respect to the trial. . j .-

73. If any British .subject:ih ;ChiBa or in Corea violates ,Or fails to Violation of

observe any stipulation of any Treaty between His Majesty, his pre- Treaties.

decessors, heirs, or successors, and the Emperor of China or of Corea


for the time being in force, in respect of the violation whereof any

penalty is stipulated for in the Treaty, he shall be deemed guilty of an

offence against the Treaty, and on conviction thereof under this Order

shall be liable to the penalty stipulated in the Treaty.

International 74.

Regulations, representatives —(1) Where, by a

in China and Corea of foreign States, or sme of them, in

conjunction with the Chinese or Corean authorities, Sanitary, or Police,

or Port, or Game, or other Regulations are established, and the same,

as far as they affect British subjects, are approved by the Secretary

of State, the Court may, subject and according to the provisions of this

Order, entertain any complaint made against a British subject for a

breach of those Regulations, and may enforce payment of any fine

incurred by that subject or person in respect of that breach, in like

manner, as nearly as may be, as if that breach were by this Order

declared to be an offence against this Order.

(2) In any such case the fine recovered shall, notwithstanding any-

thing in this Order, be disposed of and applied in manner provided by

those Regulations.


conduct. who prints,75. Every person subject to the criminal jurisdiction of the Court

publishes, or offers for sale any printed or written newspaper

or other publication containing matter calculated to excite tumult or

disorder, or to excite enmity between His Majesty’s subjects, and the

Government of China or Corea, as the case may be, or between that

Government and, its subjects, shall be guilty of a grave offence against

this Order, and may, in addition to, or in lieu of, any other punishment, t-e

ordered to give security for good behaviour, and in default thereof, or on a

further conviction for the like offence, he may be ordered to be deported.

An offence against this Article shall not be tried except by the

Supreme Court.


against 76. —(1) If a British s

religions. (1) Publicly derides, mocks, or insults any religion established or

observed within China or Corea; or

(ii) Publicly offers insult to any religious service, feast, or ceremony

established or kept in any part of those dominions, or to any

place of worship, tomb, or sanctuary belonging to any religion

established or observed within those dominions, or to the

ministers or professors thereof; i r

(iii) Publicly and wilfully commits any act tending to bring any

religion established or observed within those dominions, or its

ceremonies, mode of worship, or observances, into hatred,

ridicule, or contempt, and thereby to provoke a breach of the

public peace;

he shall be guilty of an offence, and on conviction thereof, liable to

imprisonment not exceeding two years, with or without hard labour, and

with or without a fine not exceeding <£50, or to a fine alone not exceed-

ing £50.

(2) Notwithstanding anything in this Order, every charge under

this Article shall be heard and determined by the Court alone, without

jury or assessors, and any Provincial Court shall have power to impose

the punishment aforesaid.

(3) Consular officers shall take such precautionary measures as

seem to them proper and expedient for the prevention of such offences.


Court. of 77. —(1) If any person

Court, does any of the following things, namely:—

(a) Wilfully, by act or threat, obstructs an officer of, or person

executing any process of, the Court in the performance of his

duty; or


(b) Within or close to the rooin qr place where the Court is sitting

wilfully misbehaves in a violent, threatening, or disrespectful

manner, to the disturbance of the Court, or to the intimidation

of suitors or others resorting thereto; or

■(c) Wilfully insults any member of the Court, or any assessor or

juror, or any person acting as clerk or officer of the Court,

during his sitting or attendance in Court, or in his going to or

returning from Court; or

(d) Does any act in relation to the Supreme Court or a Provincial

Court or a matter pending therein, which, if done in relation to

the High Court in England, would be punishable as a con-

tempt of that Court-

lie shall be guilty of a grave offence against this Order;

Provided that the Court, if it thinks fit, instead of directing proceed-

ings as for an offence against this Order, may order the offender to be

apprehended forthwith, with or without warrant, and on inquiry and

•consideration, and after the hearing of any defence which such person

•may offer, without further, process or trial, may adjudge him to be

punished with a fine not exceeding <£10, or with imprisonment not ex-

ceeding twenty-four hours, at the discretion of the Court.

(2) A Minute shall be made and kept of every such case of punish-

ment, recording the facts of the offence, and the extent of the punish-

ment. In the case of a Provincial Court, a copy of the Minute shall be

forthwith sent to the Supreme Court.

(3) Nothing herein shall interfere with the power of the Court to

remove or exclude persons who interrupt or obstruct the proceedings of

the Court.

78. —(1) If an officer of the Court employed to execute an or

iby neglect or omission the opportunity of executing it, then, on complaint offlcerB'

of the person aggrieved, and proof of the fact alleged, the Court may, if

it thinks fit, order the officer to pay the damages sustained by the person

complaining, or part thereof.

(2) The order shall be enforced as an order directing payment of


79. —(1) If a clerk or officer of the Court, acting under pre

the process or authority of the Court, is charged with extortion, or with

snot paying over money duly levied, or with other misconduct, the Court,

if it thinks fit, may inquire into the charge in a summary way, and may

for that purpose summon and enforce the attendance of all necessary

persons, as in an action, and may make such order for the repayment of

any money extorted, or for the payment over of any money levied, and

for the payment of such damages and costs, as the Court thinks fit.

(2) The Court may also, if it thinks fit, on the same inquiry, impose

on the clerk or officer such fine, not exceeding- .£5 for each offence, as the

Court thinks fit.

(3) A clerk or officer against whom an order has been made or who

has been acquitted under this Article shall not be liable to an action in

respect of the same matter; and any such action, if begun, shall be stayed

hy the Court in such manner and on such terms as the Court thinks fit.

Authority within 100 miles of Coast.

80. —(1) Where a British subject, being in China or C

charged with having committed, either before or after the commencement thecoa8t miles ot

of this Order, any offence within a British ship at a distance of not more

than 100 miles from the coast of China, or within a Chinese or Corean

chip at such a distance as aforesaid, or within a ship not lawfully entitled

•to claim the protection of the flag of any State, at such a distance as


aforesaid, any of His Majesty?s Gdiifts in Cliina or Corea within the

jurisdiction whereof he is found may cause him to be apprehended and

brought before it, and may take the preliminary examination and commit

him for trial.

(2) If the Court before which the accused is brought is a Provincial

Court, the Court shall report to the Supreme Court the pendency of the


The Supreme Court shall thereupon direct in what mode and where-

the case shall be heard and determined^ and (notwithstanding anything

in" this Order) the case shall bO so heard ahd determined 'accordingly.

(3) The provisions of this Order relative to offences, and proceedings-

in criminal matters, shall in all respects, as far as may be, extend and

apply to every such case, in like manner as if the offence had been com-

mitted in China Or Corea.

jurisdiction of 81. Where a British'subject, being in Hongkong, is charged with


Hongkong Having

Order, any committed, either' within

crime or offence before any

or after the Chinesei,

British, commencement

or Corean of ship


at such a distance as aforesaid, the: Supreme COUrt at Hongkong shall

have' and may exercise authority and jurisdiction with respect to the

Appreiiecsmo crime182.or His


as fully Minister

as if it hadin been committed in any


o eser rs. Supreme Court, any Consular officer inCliina

ChinaororCorea, judgeQ-overnor

Corea, or the of the

of Hongkong--on receiving satisfactory information that any soldier,

sailor, marine, or other person belonging to any of His Majesty’s military

or naval forces, has deserted therefrom, and has concealed himself in any

British ship at such a distance as aforesaid, may, in pursuance of such

information, issue his warrant for a search after and apprehension of

such deserter, and on being satisfied on investigation that any person so-

apprehended is such a deserter; shall cahse him to be, with all convenient

speed, taken and delivered1 over to bhe'nearest military station' of His

Majesty’s forces, or to the'officer in command of a ship of war of His

Majesty serving in China or Corea, as the case may require.


Deportation. 83.—(1) Where it: is proved- that there is reasonable "ground to

apprehend that a British subject is about to commit a breach of the

public peace—ox- that :the acts Or conduct of a British subject are or is

likely to;produce or excite to a breach 'of the public' peace!—the Court

may, if it thinks fit, cause him to- be brought before it, and require him

to give security to the satisfaction of the Court to keep the peace, or for

his future

; good behaviour, as the cash may require.

(2) Where a'British 'subjeTct is cbnrictea Of an offence before the

GOurt, the Court may; if-’it thinks fit, require him to give security to the

satisfaction of the Court for his future good behaviour, and for that

’purpose may (if need be) cause him to be brought before the Court.

(3) In either of the foregoing cases, -if the person required to give

s curity fails to do So,: the Court may brde'r that he be deported from

China or 'Corea to such place as t he Court’directs.

(4) The place shall he a place in some part (if any) of His Majesty’s

dominions to which the person’belongs, of' ti»e Government of which


! to the reception of persons deported-under this Order.

’ (5) A Provincial Court shall report, to'the'Supreme Court any order

of deportation made by it and the grounds thereof, before the order is

executed. The Supreme Court may reverse the order, Or may confirm it

with or without variation, and in case of confirmation; shall direct it to

-be carried into* effect. - »


(6) The person to be deported shall be detained in custody until a

fit opportunity for his deportation occurs.

(7) He shall, as soon as is practicable; and in the ease of a person

convicted, either after execution of the sentence or while it is in course of

execution, be embarked in custbdy under the warrant of the Supreme Court ,

on boardone of His Majesty’s ships of war, or, if there is no such ship

available, then On board any British or other fit ship bound to the place

of deportation.

(8) The warrant shall be sufficient authority to the commander or

master of the ship to receive and detain the' person therein named, and

to carry him to and'deliver Iiim up at the place named according to the


(9) The Court may order the person to be deported to pay all or

any part of the expenses of his deportation. Subject thereto, the

•expenses of deportation shall be defrayed in such manner as the Secretary

•of State, with the concurrence Of the Treasury, may direct.

(10) The Supreme Court shall forthwith report to the Secretary of

State any order of deportation made or confirmed by it and the grounds

thereof, and shall also inform His Majesty’s Minister in China Or Corea

as the case may require.

(11) If any person deported under this or any former Order returns

to China or Corea without permission in writing of the' Secretary of

State (which permission the Secretary ;of State may give)-he shall be

deemed guilty of a grave offence against this Order; and he shall also be

liable to be forthwith again deported.

84. Where any person is-deported to Hongkong, he shall on his Dealing witk

arrival there be delivered, with the warrant under which he is. deported, pereonsat

into the custody of the Chief Magistrate of Police of Hongkong, who, on Hongkong,

receipt of the person deported, with the-warrant, shall detain him and

shall forthwith report the case to the G-overnor of Hongkong, who shall

either by warrant (if the oircurhstandes of the case appear to him to

make it expedient) cause the person so deported to be taken to England,

and in the meantime to be detained in custody (so that the period of

such detention do not exceed three months), or else shall dischar^O him

from custody.


' Appeal and Reserved Case.

85. —(1) Where a person is convicted of any offence before any Appeal and

Court— ! ‘ reserved ease.

(а) If he considers the conviction erroneous in law,-•then, on his

application, within the i prescribed time (unless it ; appears

merely frivolotis, when-it may be rfefused); or

(б) If the Judge thinks fit to reserve for consideration Of the full

Supreme Court any question- of law arising -on the trial;

the Judge shall state a case, setting out the facts and the grounds of the

conviction, and the question of law, arid send or deliver it to the

Registrar of the Supreme Court.

86,—(1) Where a case is stated under the last preceding Article, Procedure

the Court, before whom the trial Was.bad,; shall, as it thinks fit, either case sCa

postpone judgment-on the conviction, or. respite execution-of -the judg-

ment, and either commit the person convicted to prison,: or take security

for him to appear and receive judgment, or to deliver himself for

execution of the judgment (as the case may require) at an appointed

time and place. : - .

(2) The full Supreme;Court, sitting'without a jury or-assessors,

shall hear and determine the-matter, and thereupon shall reverse, affirm,

or amend the judgnierit-given, ' Or setxdt aside, and order an emiy to be


made in the Minutes that in the judgment of the Supreme Court the-

person ought not to have been convicted, or order judgment to be given

at a subsequent sitting of the Provincial Court, or order a new trial, or

make such other order as the Supreme Court thinks just, and. shall also

give all necessary and proper consequential directions.

<(3) The judgment of the full Court shall be delivered in open

Court, after the public hearing of any argument offered on behalf of th^

prosecutor or of the person convicted.

(4) Before delivering judgment, the full Court may, if necessary,,

cause the case to be amended by the Provincial Court.

: (5) The full Court shall not annul a conviction or sentence, or vary

a sentence, or order a new trial on the ground—

(a) Of any objection which, if stated during the trial, might, in the-

opinion of the Supreme Court, have been properly met by

amendment at the trial; or

(b) Of any error in the summoning of assessors; or

(c ) Of any person having served as assessor who was not qualified; or

(d) Of any objection to any person as assessor which might have-

been raised before or at the trial; or

( ej Of any informality in the swearing of any witness ; or

( f) Of any error or omission in the charge, or any informality in,

procedure which, in the opinion of the Supreme Court, did not

affect the substance of the case or subject the convicted person

to any undue prejudice.

Pnvy Council. King in Councilshall

Appeal to 87. There frombe anodecision

appeal ofin the

a criminal

Supremecase to except

Court, His Majesty the

by special

leave of His Majesty in Council.

Fugitive Offenders.


offenders. Removal Act, 1884, shall apply Act,

89. The Fugitive Offenders 1881,and

to China andCorea,

the Colonial Prisoners

as if those places-

were a British possession and part of His Majesty’s dominions.

Subject as follows :—

(a) His Majesty’s Minister in China or Corea, as the case may

require, is hereby substituted for the Governor or Government'

of a British possession ; and

(b) The Supreme Court is hereby substituted for a Superior Court

of a British possession.

(c) The Supreme Court and each Provincial Court is substituted

for a Magistrate of any part of His Majesty’s dominions.

(d) For the purposes of Part II. of the said Act of 1881, and of this-

Article in relation thereto, China, Corea, Weihaiwei and Hong-

kong shall be deemed to be one group of British possessions.

1Y.—Civil Mattees.

provision 89. Subject to the provisions of this Order, the civil jurisdiction of

to civil every Court acting under this Order shall, as far as circumstances admit,,

jurisdiction. be exercised on the principles of, and in conformity with, English law for

the time being in force.


All proceed-

ings to be 90. —(1) Every civil

taken by action,(2)andFornottheotherwise, and shall be designated an action.

purposes of any statutory enactment or other provision

applicable under this Order to any civil proceeding in the Court, am


actiotJ under this Order shall couiprise and be equivalent to a suit, cause,

or petition, or to any civil proceeding, howsoever required by any such

enactment or provision to be instituted or carried on.

91. —^(1) Every action shall commence by a summons of issued from



Court, on the application of the plaintiff, and served on the defendant (in action.

this Order referred to as an original summons) ; but notwithstanding

this provision, proceedings may be taken in and applications may be

made to the Court in particular classes of cases, in such manner as may

be prescribed by Rules of Court, or, where such manner is not so pre-

scribed, in such manner as like proceedings and applications are taken

and made in England.

92. —(1) Subject to the provisions of this Order, Trial byevery

jury' action in

Supreme Court which involves the amount or value of ^6150 or upwards in Supreme

shall, on the demand of either party in writing, filed in the Court seven

days before the day appointed for the hearing, be heard with a jury.

(2) Any other suit may, on the suggestion of any party, at any

stage, be heard with a jury, if the Court thinks fit.

(3) Any suit may be heard with a jury if the Court, of its own

motion, at any stage, thinks fit.

93. —(1) The Supreme Court may, if it thinks fit, hear any acti

with assessors. assessors.

(2) A Provincial Court shall (subject to the provisions of this

Order) hear with assessors every action which involves the amount or

value of <£150 or upwards.

(3) In all other cases a Provincial Court may, as it thinks fit, hear

the action either with or without assessors.

94. —(1) After the issue of a summons by any Court, the decis

of that Court may be given Upon a special case submitted to the Court

by the parties.

(2) Any decision of a Provincial Court may be given subject to a

case to be stated by, or under the direction of, that Court for the opinion

or direction of the Supreme Court.

95. Subject to the provisions of this Order and the Rules of Court, Costa,

the costs of and incident to all proceedings in the Court shall be in the

discretion of the Court, provided' that if the action is tried with a jury

the costs shall follow the event, unless the Court shall for good'cause

(to be entered in the Minutes) otherwise order.


96. —(1) Any agreement in writing between any British subjects

between British subjects and foreigners to submit present or future

differences to arbitration, whether an Arbitrator is named therein or

not, may be filed in the Court by any party thereto, and, unless a con-

trary intention is expressed therein, shall be irrevocable, and shall have

the same effect as an order of the Court.

(2) Every such agreement is in this Order referred to as a submission.

(3) If any action is commenced in respect of any matter covered by

a submission, the Court, on the application of any party to the action,

may by order stay the action.

97. —(1) In any action— Referenceto of


(a) If all parties consent, or

(b) If the matters in dispute consist wholly or partly of matters of Referees

account, or require for their determination prolonged examina-

tion of documents or any scientific or local examination:

the Court may at any time refer the whole action, or any question or

issue arising therein, for inquiry and report, to the Registrar or any

special Referee.


(2) -Tke report of the Registrar or special Referee may be adopted

wholly or partially by the Court,, and if so adopted may be enforced as a

judgment of‘the Court.,

; (3) The Court may also in any case, with the consent of both parties

to an actioi)„ ,or. of any parties between whom any questions in the action

arise (such consent, being, signified by a submission) refer the action or

the portions referred to in the,submission to arbitration, in such man-

ner and upon such terms as it shall think reasonable :or; just.

;(4) dn, all cases of reference' to.-a Registrar, special Referee, or

Arbitrator, under any order of the Court, the Registrar, special Referee,

or Arbitrator shall be deemed to be an officer of ;thg Court* and. shall

hate such: powers and authority, and shall conduct the reference or

arbitration, in such manner as may be prescribed .,by any Rules of Court,

and subjyof, thereto as the Court may direct.

Enforcement e 98,; Subject to Rules ,of iCoui't, the Court .shall'have authority to

"oVaward.81011 nfi>yce,

and any the

regulate submission, or any

proceedings beforeaward

and made thereunder,

after the award, inand-to control

such manner

and, jon^uch terms as the Court thinks fit.

• Bankruptcy. .

Bankruptcy. ( 99, Each Court shall, as far as circumstances admit, have, for and

within its own district, with respect to the.following classes,of persons

being'either resident in China'or Corea, or carrying on business there,

namely, resident British subjects and their debtors and creditors, being

British subjects, or foreigners submitting to the jurisdiction of the

Court, all such jurisdiction in bankruptcy as for tbe time being belongs

to the High Court and the County Courts in England. ,



juns ic ion. £or an( 100,—(L)

j The

tpe Supreme

limits of Court shall have

this Order, Admiralty

and over jurisdiction

vessels and persons

confiihgs'within the same.

■ (P) The following enactments of the Colonial Courts of Admiralty

Act, 1890, that is to say, Section 2, Sub-sections (2) to (4).; Sections 5 and

6; Section 16, Sub-section (3) ; shall apply to the.Supreme Court as if

that Court were a Colonial Court of Admiralty,; and as if China and

Corea were a British possession; and for the purpose of this application

the expressions “ judgment” and “appeal” shall in the enactments so

applied have, the same yespeet ive meanings as, are • assigned thereto in

Section 1$, o-f the said Act.. , ,

Matrimonial. .


jurisdiction. ^ and' 101.‘The



'China' Court shall, aswithfarrespect,

and tjorea, as circumstances

to British admit,



such jurisdiction in matrimonial Causes except the jurisdiction relative

to' dissolution or nullity or jactitation of marriage^us for the time being

belbrfgs to''the High'Court in, England.

Lunacy. • '


jurisdiction. 102.—(1)within

ha,ve„jjoy.and The China



Corea,shall,, as farms

in relation .to circumstances admit,

British .subjects;, all

supb jurisdiction relative to the custody'and management of the persons

and' estates of,]unatics; as,for.Hie time being belongs to the Lord Chan-

cellor oy other Judge oy Judges in England intrusted by virtue of His

Majesty’s sign manual with the care and. commitment of -the custody of

the persons and estates of lunatics, and also such jurisdiction as may be


esef-cised in England by a judicial-authority ttMerihe 'froyisibns'p’f the

Lunacy'Act, 1890, or any Act arueridihg the siiine. '

(2) A Prdvihciair Court i^hall, as far as circumstances permit, have

ih-relation to British subjects, such jurisdiction relative io the Custody

and' management. of the persons and estates of lu'natics as for the time

being may be prescribed by Rules, of Court, and tintil sucii Rules'are

made, and so far as such Rules do not apply, as riiay 'lje’exercised in

England by a judicial ’ahthonty' and by the Masterh In Lunacy under the

provisions of the Lunkcy Act, 1890, or any Act amenalng the sanie.

(3) In any such case the Provincial CoUrt may, of its o'-vvii motion,

or on the1 application of any person interested, take or authorise such

steps as to the Court may seem necessary or expedient for thep.er'sbn and

property of any person appearing to the Court-tb be a luhatic, and may

from time to time revoke, or vary, or Supplement any order or proceeding

taken in the matter.

(4) Subject to the provisions of this Article arid to any Rules of

Court, a Provincial CoUrt shall not proceed in any'such matter except

under and according to the directions of the Supreme Court.

(5) Section's'5 to'? of the Luhatics Removal (India) Act, 1851 (14

and 15 Vick, cap. 81;); shall apply to China and Corea, with the sub-

stitution of “the Supreme Court” for , “the Supreme Court of Judicature

at any bf the Presidencies Of India.” . Provided that the 'jurisdiction of

the Supreme Court under thosec sectibnS may be exercised in' and for

Corea by the Provincial Court'at Seoul.

Probate arid Administration.

103. A11 reaPor immovable1 property situate in China or Corea, and Real property

belonging at the time of bis death to: any British subject' dying after the •» devolve as

commencement of this Order,-shall be deemed to be personal estate, and estate.

the devolution thereof, in case of intestacy, shall be regulated ttfccording

to the law of England for the time being1 relating-to personal‘bsfatel

104. —(1) The Supreme Court shall, as far as circumstanc

have, for and within China and:Corea, witlr gespect 'td tbdatilld ahd the of Courts,

property in China and Corea of decease'd'Rritish subjects; all sufeh

j urisdiction as for the time being bel'nhgs to'the'High"Court iri England.

'(2) A Provincial'Court shall have pdwer to grant' pi-O'bate. or •letters

of administration wliefe -thel*e'ife nd contention-retpeetiiig the^right-to

the grant.:

(3)- Probate or administration granted by a Cobrt 'uhder this Order

shall have effect over all the-property of ithej dbeeasted '-rt-ithih' China or

Corea, aud shall effectually discharge'persons dealing-with an!iexecutor or

administrator therenndei’,'notwithstanding that auv deferit aftefwai-ds

appears in the grant. ' ■ ' '■'"■ “ “

105. Section 51 of the Conveyancing (Scotland) Act, 1874','’and any Enactment

enactment for the time being in force amending Or'sdbsChbted fbr the “pp1'^-

same, ate hereby extended to'China and Corea with the addpmtiOh follow-

ing, namely :— • 11

The Supreme Cohrt’is htd eby’substituted-for a Ooilrf^bf Pi'Obat'e in

a Colony. • /•:.! nuitodnsrwijini.

106. -—(1) Where-'a'Cbnrt 'of ; Probate in the United Rillgdb

any British Possession 'tb. vthich the Colonial Probates Act,'l89'.,;!fi)r the colonial*

time being extends, has granted probate or letters of admiiiisfrarion or probate, &c.

confirmation in -reepect of the estate of k deceased pers-btty the^probate

letters of * confif imition So- granted may, (bn being produced to, aiid a

copy thereof-’dbpbsited-With, the Sdpretne Court, be sealed with’ the seal

of that Court, ';uid thereupon shall be of the like force cltd'! effect and

have the same operation as if granted by that Court. i ' J-: '


(2) Provided that the Supreme Court shall, before sealing any

probate letters or confirmation under this section, be satisfied either

that all probate or estate duty has been paid in respect of so much of

the estate, situated in China or Corea as is liable to such duty, or that

security has been given in a sum sufficient to cover the property (if any)

in China or Corea, and may require such evidence, if any, as it thinks

fit as to the domicile of the deceased person.

(3) The Supreme Court may, also, if it thinks fit,.on tbe applica-

tion of any creditor, require before sealing that adequate security be

given for the payment of debts due from the estate to creditors residing

in China or Corea.

(4) For the purposes of this Article, a duplicate of any probate,

letters of administration, or confirmation sealed with the seal of the

Conn granting the same, or a copy thereof certified as correct by or

under the authority of the Court granting the same, shall have, the same

effect as the original.


propertyofof 107. —(1) Where a

•intestate. where, intestate, then, until administration is granted, his property in

China or Corea shall be vested in the Judge of the Supreme Court.

. (2) The Court within whose jurisdiction any property of the de-

ceased.is situated shall, where the circumstances of the case appear to the

Court so to require, forthwith on his death, or as soon after as may be,

take possession of his property within the particular jurisdiction, or put

any such property under the seal of the Court (in either case if the

nature of the property or other circumstances so require, making an

inventory), and so keep it until it can be dealt with according to law.


failing 108. If any person named executor in the will of the deceased takes

probate. possession of and administers or otherwise deals with any part of the

property of the deceased, and does not obtain probate within one month

after the death, or after the termination of any suit or dispute respect-

ing probate or administration, he shall be guilty of an offence and shall

be liable to a fine not exceeding <£50.


-estate without 109. If any person, other than the person named administrator or an

authority. executor or an officer of the Court, takes possession of and administers

or otherwise deals with any part of the property of a deceased British

subject, whether resident or not, he shall be deemed guilty of a contempt

of Court, and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding £50.

Death orof 110. Where a person appointed executor in a will survives the


xecutor. testator, but either dies without having taken probate, or, having been

called on by the Court to take probate, does not appear, his right in re-

spect of the executorship wholly ceases: and without further renuncia-

tion the representation to the testator and administration of his pro-

perty shall go and may be committed as if that person had not been

appointed executor.


papers to inbe 111. —(1) Where

deposited other such subject having in his possession, or under his conti'ol, any

paper or writing of the deceased, being, or purporting to be testament-

ary, shall forthwith bring the original to the Court within whose parti-

cular jurisdiction the death happens, and deposit it there.

If any person fails to do so for fourteen days after having knowledge

of the death of the deceased, he shall be guilty of an offence and liable

to a fine not exceeding £50.

(2) Where it is proved that any paper of the deceased, being or

purporting to be testamentary, is in the possession or under the control

of a British subject, the Court may, whether a suit or proceeding

respecting probate or administration is pending or not, order him to

produce the paper and bring it into Court.


(3) Where it appears to the Court that there are reasonable grounds

for believing that any person has knowledge of any paper being, or

purporting to be, testamentary (although it is not shown that the paper

is iu his possession or under his control), the Court may, whether a1 suit

or proceeding for probate or administration is pending or not, order

that he be examined respecting it before the Court or elsewhere, and

that he do attend for that purpose, and after examination order that

he do produce the paper and deposit it in Court.

112. Where it appears to the Court that the value of the property Administra-

or estate of a deceased person does not exceed =850, the Court may, ^°;,88mall!

without any probate or letters of administration, or other formal proceeding,

pay thereout any debts or charges, and pay, remit, or deliver any surplus

to such persons, subject to such conditions (if any) as the Court thinks

proper, and shall not be liable to any action, suit, or proceedings in

respect of anything done under this Article. Provided that a. Provincial

Court shall not exercise the powers of this Article except with the

approval of the Supreme Court. Every proceeding of the Court under

this Article shall be recorded in the Minutes.

Appeals and Rehearings.

113. -—(1) Where an action in a Provincial Court Appeal to-involves the a

for value of <£25 or upwards, any party aggrieved by any decision of that Supreme

Court, with or without assessors, in the action shaH have the right,to

appeal to: the Supreme Court against the same, on such terms and

conditions as may be prescribed by Rules of Court.

(2) In any other case, the Provincial Court may, if it seems just and

expedient, give leave to appeal on like terms.

(3) In any case the Supreme Court may give leave to appeal on

such terms as seem just.

114. —(1) The Supreme Court may, if it thinks Rehearing

fit,i»on the appl

of any party or of its own motion, order a rehearing of an action, or of an Supreme

appeal, or of any arguments on a verdict or on any other question of


(2) The provisions of this Order respecting a hearing with a jury

or assessors shall extend to a rehearing of an action.

(3) The Supreme Court may, if it thinks fit, direct any rehearing to

be before the full Court.

(4) If the party applying for a rehearing has by any order .been

ordered to pay money or do any other thing, the Court may direct either

that the order be carried into, execution, or that the execution thereof be

suspended pending the rehearing, as it thinks fit.

(5) If the Court directs the order to be carried into execution, the

party in whose favour it is given shall before the execution give security

to the satisfaction of the Court for the performance of such order as

shall be made on the rehearing.

(6) If the Court directs the execution of the order to he suspended,

the party against whom it is given shall, before an order for suspension

is given, give security to the satisfaction of the Judge for performance of

such order as shall be made on the rehearing.

(7) An application for a rehearing shall be made within the pre-

scribed time.

Appeals to His Majesty in Council.

115. —(1) Where a final judgment or order of the Suprem

made in a civil action involves the amount or value of <£500 or upwards, Pnvj’ 0ouncl1

any party aggrieved thereby may, within the prescribed time, or, if no


time is prescribed, within fifteen days after the same is made or given,

apply by motion to the Supreme Court for leavedo appeal, to 11 is Majesty

the King in Council.

(2) The applicant shall give security to the satisfaction of the Court

to an aroount not exceeding =£500 for prosecution of the appeal, and for

such costs in i the event of the dismissal of the appeal for want of pro-

secution as the Supreme Court may award, and for payment of all such

costs as may be awarded to any respondent by Kis Majesty in Council,

or by the Lords of the Judicial Committee of Ilis Majesty’s Privy


(&) He shall also pay into the Supreme Court a sum estimated by

that Court to be the amount of the expense of the making up and trans-

mission to England.of the transcript of the record.

(4) If security , and payment are so given and made wit!) in two

months from the filing of the motion-pap>er for leave to appeal, then, and

not otherwise, the Supreme Court shall give leaye.to appeal, and the

appellant shall be at liberty to prefer and prosecute his appeal to His

Majesty in Council according to the rules for the time being in force

respecting appeals to His Majesty in Council from his Colonies, or such

other rules as His Majesty in Council fropi time to time thinks

fit to make concerning appeals from the Supreme Court.

(5) In any case the Supreme Court, if it considers it just or expedient

to do : so, may give leave to appeal on the terms and in the manner


Execution applied

pending 116.-^(1)by Where leave to appeal to His or-do

Majesty inotherCounciltheis

appea,. SupremeforCourt a person

shall directordered

either that to pay


order appealedanyfrom beact,


into execution, or that the execution thereof be suspended pending the

appeal, as the Court thinks just.

(2) If the Court directs the order to he carried into execution, the

person in whose favour it is made shall, befofe the execution of it, give

security to the satisfaction of the Court for performance of such order

as His Majesty in Couilcil may think fit to make. -

(3) If the Court directs the execution of the order to be suspended

the party against whom it is given shall, before an order for suspension

is made, give security to the satisfaction of the Court for performance of

such order as His Majesty in Council may think fit to make.

Aopea' leave.

special by t any117,time, ThisonOrder shall notpetition

the humble affect the

of aright

personof aggrieved

His Majestyby ina decision



of the Supreme Court, to admit his appeal thereon on such terms and in

such manner as His Majesty in Council may think fit, and to deal with

the decision appealed from in such manner as may be j ust.

Y.—Procedure, Criminal, and Civil.

proceedings. gjjaU be drawn up,everyandcase,

Minutes of 118.—(1) In shallcivilbeorsigned


by Mimites

the Judgeofbefore

the proceedings

whom the

proceedings are taken, and shall, where the trial is held with assessors,

be open for their inspection and for their signature if concurred in by


(2) These Minutes, with the depositions of witnesses, and the notes,

of evidence taken at the hearing or trial by the J udge, shall be preserved

Rules in the



Judgeof ofthetheCourt.

Supreme Court may make Rules of Court—

(«.) Eor regulating the pleading practice and procedure in the Courts

established under this Order with respect to all matters within

the jurisdiction of the respective Courfo;


(b) For regulating the means by which particular facts may be

proved in the said Courts; ;

(o) For prescribing any forms to be used;

(d) For prescribing or regulating the duties of the bfhdeM of the

said Courts ; .v '

(e) For prescribing scales of costs and regulating any'Jmatters in

conhecti'on therewith ;

(f) For prescribing and enforcing the fees to be taken in respect

of any proceedings under this Order, not exceeding, as regards

any matters provided for by the Consular Salaries and'Fees Act,

1891, fees fixed and allowed from time to time by any Order in

Council made under that Act;

(g) For'prescribing the allowances to be made in criminal cases to

complainants, witnesses, jurors, assessors, interpreters, medical

practitioners, and other persons employed iii the adfhinietratio.n

of «)ustice■ and the conditions upon :which an order mat be made

by the Court for such allowances ;

(h) For taking and transmitting'depositions of witnesses for use at

trials in a British possession ojr in the United Kingdom;

(i) For regulating the mode in which legal practitioners are to be

admitted to practise as such, and for withdrawing’pbsuspending

the right to practise on grounds of misconduct, subject to a

right of appeal to His Majesty m CbUncil. • • ' *

Where under any Act of Parliament which is applicable to China

and Corea, Eules mny or are required to be made in England by the.Lord

Chancellor or,any Judicial authority, the powers of :this Article shall

include a power to, make rsuch Eules for the purposes of . that Apt so; far

as applicable.

Eules framed under this Article shall not have effect Until approved

by the Secretary of State and, so far as they relate to fees and: costs,

sanctioned by the Treasury; but in case of urgency declared in any such

Rules with the approval of His Majesty’s, Minister, the, same shall have

effect unless and until they are disapproved by the .Secretary ,of State

and notification of such disapproval is recorded and published by the

Judge of.the Supreme,Court.

•Until such rules , have, been made, or in relation to matter^ to which

they do not. extend, a Court may adopt and,use any procedure or forms

heretofore in , use in the Consular, Courts in China or .CorOa, or any

Regulations or Rules made thereunder and in force,immediately before

the commencement of this Order, with any modifications or adaptations

which may be.pepessary. •

120:—(4) The Court may, in any case, if it thinks fitytm account of Power to

the poverty of a party, or for any "other redson, to be recorded In’the p^ment oftbl

Minutes, di spense with or' remit the payment of any fee ie whole Court fees,

or in part.

(2) Payment of fees payable Under any Rules to be i made in pur-

suance of this Order, and of costs and-of charges and expenses, of

witnesses, prosecutions* punishments-, and deportations and of • other

charges and expenses, and of fines respectively payable under this Order,

may be enforoed under order of the Court by seizure and sale of goods, and

on default of sufficient goods,, by imprisonment as a civil prisoner for a term

not exceedingor one

satisfaction month, but such

extinguishment of theimprisonment

liability. shall not Operate as a

(3) Any, bill1 - of sale or mortgage, or transfer of property made with

a view of avoiding seizure or sale of goods or ship Under any'provision of

this Order, shall not be effectual to defeat the provisions of this Order.


Appearance. 121.—(1) Every person doing an act or taking a proceeding in the

Court as plaintiff in a civil case, or as making ei criminal charge against

another person, or otherwise, shall do so in his own name and not other-

wise, and either—

(a) By himself; or

( b),,By a legal practitioner; or

(c) By his attorney or agent thereunto lawfully authorized in

writing and approved by the Court.

. (2) Where the act is done or proceeding taken by an attorney or by

an agent (other than a legal practitioner), the power of attorney, or

instrument, authorizing the agent, or an authenticated copy thereof, shall

be first filed in the Court.

(3) Where the authority has reference only to the particular pro-

ceeding, the original document shall be filed.

(4) Where the authority is general, or has reference to other matters

in which the attorney or agent is empowered to act, an authenticated

copy of the document may be filed.

(5) Any person doing any act or taking any proceeding in the Court

in the name or on behalf of another person, not being lawfully authorized

thereunto, and knowing himself not to be so authorized, is guilty of a

wit nesses. contempt of Court.

122.—(1) In any case, criminal or civil, and at any stage thereof,

the Coui't either of its own motion or on the application of any party,

may summon a British subject to attend to give evidence, or to produce

documents, or to be examined ; but a Provincial Court shall have power

so to summon British subjects in its own district only.

(2) If the person summoned, having reasonable notice of the time

and place at which he is required to attend, and (in civil cases) his reason-

able expenses having been paid or tendered, fails to attend and be sworn,

and give evidence, or produce documents or submit to examination

accordingly, and does not excuse his failure to the satisfaction of the

Court, he shall be guilty of an offence against this Order.

(3) Persons of Chinese, Corean, or other Asiatic origin or nationality

shall be deemed to be persons allowed by law to affirm or declare instead

of swearing.

(4) Any person appearing before the Court to give evidence in any

case, civil or criminal, may be examined or give evidence in the form or with

the ceremony that he declares to be binding on his conscience.

(5) If in any case, civil or criminal, a British subject wilfully gives

false evidence in the Court, or on a reference, he shall be deemed guilty

of wilful and corrupt perjury.

^accused 123. Whenever

,persons. or imprisonment or under

by waythisof Order any person

deportation or forisanyto other

be taken for trialto


the Supreme Court or elsewhere in China or Corea, or to Hongkong,

England, or elsewhere, the Court or other authority by this Order

authorized to cause him to be so taken, may for that purpose (if neces-

sary) cause him to be embarked on board one of His Majesty’s ships of

war, or if there is no such ship available, then on board any British or

other fit ship, at any port or place whether within or beyond the parti-

cular jurisdiction or district of that Court or authority, and in order to

such embarkment may (if necessary) cause him to be taken, in custody

or otherwise, by land or by water, from any place to the port or place of


The writ, order, or warrant of the Court, by virtue whereof any

person is to be so taken, shall be sufficient authority to every constable,

officer, or other person acting thereunder, and to the commander or

master of any ship of war, or other ship (whether the constable,, officer,


•or other person, or the ship or the commander or master thereof, is

maraed therein or not), to receive, detain, take, and deliver up such

person, according to the writ, order, or warrant.

Where the writ, order, or warrant is executed under the immediate

•direction of the Court or authority issuing it, the writ, order or warrant

«hall be delivered to the constable, officer, or other person acting there-

under, and a duplicate thereof shall be delivered to the commander or

master of any ship in which the .person to whom the writ, order, or

■warrant relates is embarked.

Where the writ, order, or warrant issues from the Supreme Court,

•and is executed by a Provincial Court, a copy taereof certified under the

•seal of the Court executing the same shall be delivered to the constable,

officer, or other person acting thereunder, and to the commander or

master of any ship in which the person taken is embarked; and any such

copy shall be for all purposes conclusive evidence of the order of which

it purports to be a copy.

124. Subject to the other provisions of this Order, all expenses of Expenses of


sremoval of prisoners and others from or to any place in China or Corea,

er from or to Hongkong, and the expenses of deportation and of the

sending of any person to England, shall be defrayed in such manner as

the Secretary of State from time to time directs.

Any master of a British ship when required shall be bound to take

•such persons for a reasonable remuneration, to be determined by a

Judge of the Supreme Court, and in case of non-compliance shall be

liable to a penalty not exceeding £50.

125. The following Acts, namely:— enactments

The Foreign Tribunals Evidence Act, 1856;

The Evidence by Commission Act, 1859 ; to evidence.as

The Evidence by Commission Act, 1885;

or so much thereof as is for the time being in force, and any enactment

for the time being in force amending or substituted for the same, are

liereby extended to China and Corea, with the adaptation following,


In the said Acts the Supreme Court is hereby substituted for a

Supreme Court in a Colony.

126. The following Acts, namely:— The



The British Law Ascertainment Act, 1859 ;

The Foreign Law Ascertainment Act, 1861;

■or so much thereof as is for the time being in force, and any enactment

for the time being in force amending or substituted for the same, are

hereby extended to China and Corea, with the adaptation following,


In the said Acts the Supreme Court is hereby substituted for a

Superior Court in a Colony.

127. The Public Authorities Protection Act, 1893, shall extend and Protection

poblic officersof

apply to China and Corea, as if China and Corea were therein mentioned

in place of the United Kingdom, and as if this Order and any other Order

relating to China or Corea, and any Regulations or Rules made under

any such Order were therein referred to, in addition to any Act of


128. The Supreme Court may, if it thinks fit, order that a Com- Evidence by


mission do issue for examination of witnesses at any place out of China

and Corea on oath, by interrogatories or otherwise, and may by order

give such directions touching the time, place, and manner of the examina-

tion, or anything connected therewith, as to the Court appear reasonable

and just.


VI.—Mortgages: and Bills of Sale,



mortgagee. 129. A deed or other instrument of mortgage,, legal or equitable, of

lands or houses in China or Corea, executed by a British subject, may

be registered at any time after its execution at . the Consulate of the

Consular district wherein the property mortgaged is situate.

130. Registration is made as follows :—The original and a copy of

the deed or other instrument of.mortgage, and an affidavit verifying the

execution and place of execution thereof, and verifying the copy, are

Time for brought into the Consulate and the copy and affidavit are left there.

registration 131. If a deed or other instrument of, mortgage is not registered at

the Consulate aforesaid within the respective; time following, namely :—

(1) Within fourteen days after its execution, where it is executed in

the Consular district wherein the property mortgaged is situate

(2) Within two months, afterrifs execution, where it is executed in

China or Corea, elsewhere than in that Consular district, or in

Weiliai wei pr Hongkong;

(3) , Within six m

where than in China, pdrea,iV’eilraiw.ei or Hongkong ;

then, and in every such ease;.fhe[ mortgage debt secured by the deed or

other instrument and the interest, thereon shall not have priority over


that deed oror other


contract debts contracted before, the registration of

132. Registered deeds or other instruments of mortgage, legal or

equitable, of the same lands or houses have, as among themselves,

priority in order of registration.

Rules forof

indexes 133. His Majesty’s Minister may, with the approval of the Secretary

mortgages. of State, make Rules for prescribing and regulating the making and

keeping of indexes, and of a general index, to the register of mortgages,

and searches in. those indexes, and other particulai-s connected with the

making, keeping, and using of those registers and indexes, and for

authorizing and regulating the unregistering of any deed or other

instrument of mortgage, or the registering of any release or satisfaction

in respect thereof.

Bill of Sale.

Toof sale

whatthisbill 134. The provisions of this Order relating to bills of sale:—

Order applies. (1) Apply only to such bills of sale executed by British subjects as

are intended'to affect chattels in China dr Corea ;

(2) Do not apply to bills of sale given by sheriffs or others under

Contents or in execution of process authorizing seizure of chattels.

bill of sale.of 135. —(1) Ev

(a) Jt must state truly the name, description, and address of the

. . grant or.

(5) It must state :truly the, consideration for which .it is granted.

(c) It must have annexed thereto, or vyritten thereunder an inventory

of the chattels intended to be,eomprised therein.-

(cZ) Any defeasance, condition, or declaration of trust affecting the

bill not contained in the body: of :the bill must be written on

the same paper as the bill. ,

(e) The execution of the, bill must be) attested .by a credible witness,

with his address and description. .....

(2) Otherwise, the, bill is void in China and . in Corea to the extent

following, but not further, that is to say —


(a) In the case of failure to conform with the rule respecting

an inventory, as far as regards cliattels omitted from the

inventory; and

, . (h) In any other, case, wholly.

; (3) Thg inventory, and any defeasance, .condition, or declaration as

aforesaid, respectively, is for all purposes deemed part of the bill.

136. A bill of s.ale conforming, or appearing to. conform, with the Timcfor

foregoing rules, may be registered, if it is intended to aifect chattel8-il*>

Ohina or Corea, at the Supreme Court or at the Consulate of the

Consular district wherein the chattels are, within the respective time

following and not afterwards, namely:—

(1) Within fourteen days after its execution, where it is executed

in the Consular district wherein the chattels are ;

(2) Within two meRths after its execution, where it is executed in

China or in Corea elsewhere than in that Consular district, or

in Weihaiwei or Hongkong ;

(3) Within six months after its execution, where it is executed else-;

where than in China, Corea, Weihaiwei, or Hongkong. . .

137. .Registration is made as follows:—The original and a copy of Mode of

the bill of .sale, and, an affidavit verifying: the execution, and the time mu!86*””8

and place of execution, and the attestation thereof, and verifying the

copy, are brought into the proper office of the Court or the Consulate;,

and the copy and affidavit are left there.

138. If a bill of sale is not registered at a place and within the time Penalty for

by this Order appointed and allowed for registration thereof, it is, from

and after the expiration of that time, void in China or in Corea, according

as that place is in China or in Corea, to the extent following, but not

further, that is to say;—

(1) As against trustees;Or assignees of the estate of the graritpr,, in

of under bankruptcy, liquidation, or assignment for the benefit

of creditors; and

(2) As against all sheriffs and others seizing chattels under process

of any Court, and any person on whose behalf the seizure is

made; but only ■

(3) As regards the property in, or right to, the possession of such

chattels comprised in the bill as, at or after the filing of the

petition for bankruptcy or liquidation, or the execution of the

assignment, or the seizure, are in the grantor’s possession, or

apparent possession.

139. Registered bills of sale affecting the same chattels have as priority,

among themselves priority in order of registration.

140. Chattels comprised in a registered bill of sale are not in the Effect of bin

possession, order, or disposition of the grantor within the law of bank-


141. If in any case there is an unregistered bill of sale, and within Subsequent

or on the expiration of the time by this Order allowed for registration

thereof, a subsequent bill of sale is granted affecting the same or some

of the same chattels, for the same or part of the same debt, then the

subsequent bill is, to the extent to which it comprises the same chattels

and is for the same debt absolutely void, unless the Court is satisfied that

the subsequent bill is granted in good faith for the purpose of correcting

some material error in the prior bill, and not for the purpose of unlawfully

evading the operation of this Order.

142. The registration of a bill of sale must be renewed once at least Time for

every five years. renewal

143. Renewal of registration is made as follows:—An affidavit stating Mode of

the date of and parties to the bill of sale, and the date of the original r®new,a*

96 orders in Council

registration, and of the last renewal, and that the bill is still a subsisting:

security, is brought in to the proper office df the Court or the Consulate

of original registration, and is left there.

Failure to 144. If the registration of a bill of sale is not so renewed in any

period of five years, then on and from the expiration of that period the bill

is deemed to be unregistered.


tobills.subsisting 145. The provisions of this Order relating to renewal apply to bills

of sale registered under the Orders in Council repealed by this Order.


bills. of 146. A transfer or assignment of a registered bill of sale need not

be registered; and renewal of registration is not necessary by reason only

Expiration of of such a transfer or assignment.

147. Where the time for registration or renewal of registration of a

Sunday. bill of sale expires on a Sunday, or other day on which the office for

registration is closed, the registration or renewal is valid if made on the

Failure tomay first subsequent day on which the office is open.

register 148. If in any case the Court is satisfied that failure to register or

be rectified. to renew the registration of a bill of sale in due time, or any omission or

mis-statement connected with registration or renewal, was accidental or

inadvertent, the Court may, if it thinks fit, order the failure, omission, or

mis-statement to be rectified in such manner and on such terms, if any,

respecting security, notice by advertisement or otherwise, or any other

matter, as the Court thinks fit.

Bills executed

before this 149. The provisions of this Order apply to a bill of sale executed

Order comes before the commencement of this Order.

150. The power conferred on the Judge of the Supreme Court by

Rules for

indexes to this Order of framing Rules from time to time extends to the framing of

Rules for prescribing and regulating the making and keeping of indexes,,

and of a general index, to the registers of bills of sale and searches in

those indexes, and other particulars connected with the making, keeping,

and using of those registers and indexes, and for authorizing and regulating:

the unregistering of any bill of sale, or the registering of any release or

satisfaction in respect thereof.

VII.—Foreign Subjects and Tribunals.


and by

against 151. —(1) Where a

foreigners. the Court an action against a British subject, or a British subject desires

to institute or take in the Court an action against a foreigner, the Court

shall entertain the same, and shall hear and determine it, according to-

the ordinary course of the Court.

(2) Provided that the foreigner, if so required by the Court, first obtains

and files in the Court the consent in writing of the competent authority

on behalf of his own nation to his submitting, and does submit, to the

jurisdiction of the Court, and, if required by the Court, give security to

the satisfaction of the Court, and to such reasonable amount as the Court

thinks fit, by deposit or otherwise, to pay fees, damages, costs, and expenses,

and abide by and perform such decision as shall be given by the Court

or on appeal.

(3) A cross-action or counter-claim shall not be brought in the

Court against a plaintiff, being a foreigner.

(4) Where a foreigner obtains in the Court an order against a

defendant being a British subject, and in another suit that defendant is

plaintiff and the foreigner is defendant, the Court may, if it thinks fit, on

the application of the British subject, stay the enforcement of the order

pending that other suit, and may set off any amount ordered to be paid

by one party in one suit against any amount ordered to be paid by the-

other party in the other suit.


(5) Where a plaintiff, being a, foreigner, obtains an order in the

Court against two or more defendants being British subjects jointly, and

in another action one of them is plaintiff and the foreigner is defendant

the Court may, if it thinks fit, on the application of the British subject,

stay tin? enforcement of the order pending that other action, and may set

off any amount ordered to be paid by one party in one action against any

amount ordered to be paid by the other party in the other action, without

prejudice to the right of the British subject to require contribution from

his co-defendants under the joint liability.

(6) Where a foreigner is co-plaintiff in a suit with a British subject

who is within the particular jurisdiction, it shall not be necessary for the

foreigner to give security for costs, unless the Court, so directs, but the

co-plaintiff British subject shall be responsible for alt fees and costs. Attendance

152. —-(1) Where it is proved that the attendance British within the

cular jurisdiction of a British subject to give evidence, or for any other otsubjects

purpose connected with the administration of justice, is required in a Chinese or

Court of China or Corea, or before a Chinese or Corean judicial officer, or Tribunals.

in a Court or before a judicial officer of a State in amity with His

Majestv, the Court may, if it thinks fit, in a case and in circumstances

in which the Court would require his attendance before the Court, order

that he do attend in such Court, or before such judicial officer, and for

such purpose as aforesaid.

(2) A Provincial Court, however, cannot so order attendance at any

place beyond its particular jurisdiction.

(3) If the person ordered to attend, having reasonable notice of the

time and place at which he is required to attend, fails to attend accord-

ingly, and does not excuse his failure to the satisfaction: of the Court,

he shall (independently of any other liability) be guilty of an offence

against this Order.

153. When a British subject invokes of submits to the jurisdiction Actions

British byin

of a. Chinese, Corean, or foreign Tribunal, and engages in writing to Chinese

abide by the decision of that Tribunal, or to pay any fees or expenses subjects

foreign or


ordered by such Tribun alto he paid by him, the Supreme Court, or any

Provincial Court may, on such evidence as it thinks fit to require,

enforce payment of such fees and expenses in the same manner as if they

were fees payable in a proceeding by such person in that Court, and shall

pay over or account for the same when levied to, the proper Chinese,

Corean, or foreian authority, as the Court may direct.,

154. —(1) The Supreme Court may upon Garnishee

the application

recovery or payment of money in a foreign Court in China or Corea foreign inproceedings

British subject or foreigner who has obtained a judgment or order for the judgmentaid of of

against a person subject to the jurisdiction of that Court, and upon a Court.

certificate by the proper officer of the foreign Court that such judgment

has been recovered or order made (specifying the amount), and that it is

still unsatisfied, and that a British subject is alleged to be indebted to

such debtor and is within the jurisdiction, order that all debts owing or

accruing from such British subject, (hereinafter called the garnishee) to

such debtor shall be attached to answer the judgment or order; and by

the same or a subsequent order, may order the garnishee'to pay his debt

or so much as may be sufficient to satisfy the judgment or order of the

foreign Court.

(2) The proceedings for the sutumoping of the garnishee, for the

ascertainment of his liability, and for the payment of money ordered by

the Court to be paid, and all matters for giving effect to this Article, may

be regulated by Rules of Court.

(3) An order shall not be made under this Article unless the Court

is satisfied that the foreign Court is authorized to exercise similar powei


in the case of a debt due from a person subject to the jurisdiction of that

Court to a British subject against whom a judgment has been obtained in

a Court established under this Order.

YIII.—Begulations .

155. His Majesty’s Ministers in China and Corea shall have power

collectively with respect to China and Corea or any parts thereof, or

severally with respect to China Or Corea, or any parts thereof as the case

may be, to make Begulations (to be called King’s Begulations) for the

following purposes, that is to say:—

(a) For the peace, order, and good government of British subject s

in relation to matters not provided for by this Order, and to

matters intended by this Order to be prescribed by Begulation.

(b) For securing the observance of any Treaty for the time being in

force relating to any place or of any native or local law or custom

whether relating to trade, commerce, revenue, or any other


(c) For regulating or preventing the importation or exportation in

British ships or by British subjects of arms or munitions of war,

or any parts or ingredients thereof and for giving effect to any

Treaty relating to the importation or exportation of the same.

(d) For requiring returns to be made of the nature, quantity, and

value of articles exported from or imported into his district,

any part thereof, by or on account of any British subject who is

subject to this Order, or in any British ship, and for prescribing

the times and manner at or in which, and the persons by whom,

such returns are to be made.

(2) Any Begulations made under this Article may provide for

forfeiture of any goods, receptacles, or things in relation to which, or to

the contents of which, any breach is Committed of such Begulations, or

of any Treaty or any native or local law or custom, the observance of which

is provided for by such Begulations.

(3) Any person committing a breach of any such Begulations shall,

in addition to any forfeiture prescribed thereby, be liable, on conviction,

to imprisonment, for a period not exceeding three months, or to a fine, or

to both.

(4) Any fine imposed for a breach of Begulations shall not exceed

.£50: Provided that where the breach is of any Begulation relating to

customs law, or to the importation or exportation of any goods, the fine

may extend to a sum equivalent to treble the value of the goods in relation

to which the breach is committed.

156. His Majesty’s Ministers in China and Corea respectively, in

the exercise of the powers aforesaid, may, if they think fit, join with the

Ministers of any foreign Powers in amity with His Majesty in making or

adopting Begulations for the municipal government of any foreign con-

cession or settlement in China or Corea as the case may be; and as regards

British subjects, such joint Begulations shall be as valid and binding as

if they related to British subjects only.

157. ->—(a) Begulatious

have effect as respects British subjects unless and until they are approved

Dy His Majesty the King, that approval being signified through the

Secretary of State—save that, in case of Urgency declared in any such

Begulations, the same shall take effect before that approval, and shall

continue to have effect unless and until they are disapproved by His

Majesty the King, and until notification of thkt disapproval has been

received and published by His Majesty’s Minister in China or Corea as

the case may be.


(b) Any Regulations wheii so approY.ed, and, published as provided

by this Order, shall have effect as if contained in this Order.

158. —-(1) All Eegulatiopsapproyedunderdhis.Oi’^er, Publication ot wheth

ing penalties or not, shall be printed, and a pjuntecl cppy thereof shall be Regulations.

affixed, and be at all times kept exhibited conspicuously, in the public office

of each Consulate in China and Corea.

(2) Printed copies of the Regulations shall be kept on sale at such

reasonable price as His Majesty’s Minister,fronp time to time directs.

(3) A printed copy, of any Regulations purporting to be made under

this Order, and to be certified under the hand of His Ma}esty’s , Minister

in China or Corea, or under the hand and Consular seal of one of His

Majesty’s Consular officers in China andOoreaj shall be conclusive evidence

of the due making of such Regulations.

159. The respective powers aforesaid^ .extend to the making'of

Regulations for the governance, visitation, Cafe, and’ .superinfende.nce of Regulations-.

prisons in China or in Corea, for the removal of prisoner^ from one prison

to another, and for the infliction of corporal or other punishment op

prisoners committing offences against the rules or discipline pf a prison ;

but the provisions of this Order respecting penalties, and respecting the

printing, affixing, exhibiting, and sale of Regulations, and the mode of

trial of charges of offences against Regulations,Mo not apply to Regula-

tions respecting prisons and offences of prisoners,


160. Nothing in this Order shall deprive the Court of the right to Customs may

observe, and to enforce the observance of, or shall deprive any person .of be observed.

the benefit of, any reasonable custom existing, in China or Corea, unless

this Order contains some express and ,specific provision incompatible with

the observance thereof.

161. Nothing in this .Order shall prevent any.,Cbnsular officer in

China or Corea from,doing anything which His Majesty’s Cpnsuls in the

dominions of any other State in amity with His Majesty are,,for the time

being, by law, usage, or sufferance, entitled or enabled to do. Registration-

162. —(1) Every British subject residept shall, Britishin January

year, register himself at the Consulate < of the .Consular district within ofsubjects.

which he is resident: Provided that—

(a) The registration, of a man shall comprise,the. registratipn .of bis

wife, if living with him ; and

(b) The registration of the head of a family.shall be, deemed to com-

prise the registration of all females and,* minors .beiug his rela-

tives, in whatever degree, living under the same roof with him

at the time of his registration.

(2) The Consular officer may, without fee, register any British sub-

jects being minors living in the houses .of foreigners.

(3) Every British subject arriving at. a place in China or Corea

where there is a Consular office, unless borne on, iRe, muster-roll of a

British ship there arriving, shall, on the expiration of one month , after

arrival, be deemed, for the purposes of this article,, to be resident, and

shall register himself accordingly.

(4) A person shall not be required fo register himself oftener than

once in a year, reckoned from the 1st January. i

(5) The Consular officer shall yearly give to each person registered

by him a certificate of registration, signed by him and sealed with his

Consular seal.

(6) The name of a wife, if her registration is comprised in her

husband’s, shall, unless in any case the Consular officer sees good reason

to the contrary, be indorsed on the husbamFs certificate.



(7) The names and descriptions of females and minors whose

registration is comprised in that of the head of the family shall, unless in

any case the Consular officer sees good reason to the contrary, be indorsed

on the certificate of the head of the family.

(8) It shall be lawful by King’s Regulations to require that every

person shall, on every registration of himself, pa!y such fee as may therein

be prescribed, not exceeding 2 dollars in China and 2 yen in Corea; and

such Regulations may provide that any such fee may either be uniform

for all persons, or may vary according to the position and circumstances

of different classes.

(.9) The mode of registration may be prescribed by King’s Regula-

tions, but if no other mode is so prescribed, every person by this Order

required to register himself or herself shall, unless excused by the Con-

sular officer, attend personally for that purpose at the Consulate on each

occasion of registration.

(10) If any person fails to comply with the provisions of this Order

respecting registration, and does not excuse his failure to the satisfaction

of the Consular officer, he or she shall be guilty Of an offence against

this Order, and any Court or authority may, if it thinks fit, decline to

recognize him as a British subject.

Deposit of

powers 163. Section 48 of the Conveyancing and Law of Property Act, 1881

attorney.of (which relates to the deposit of instruments creating powers of attorney

in the Central Office of the. Supreme. Court in England or Ireland), shall

apply to China and Corea with these modifications, that is to say: the

Office of the Supreme Court is substituted for the Central Office, and

Rules of Court under this order are substituted for General Rules.

exchange for 164. All fees, fines, penalties, and other Sums of money which, un-

payment der the provisions of this Order or any Regulations or Rules of Court,

fees, fines,of&c. are stated or imposed in terms of British currency, shall, if not paid

in British gold, be paid in China in British or Mexican dollars at the

rate of exchange fixed periodically by the Treasury; in Corea, in

Japanese currency at the rate of 10 yen to the pound sterling.

The said rates of exchange shall apply to the ascertainment of the

value of any income for any purpose of qualification or of any limitation

or security, in any case where this Order or any Rule or Regulation con-

tains a reference to British currency.


fines, fees, &c.ot 165. Except as in this Order otherwise provided, all fees, dues, fines,

and other receipts under this Order shall be carried to the public

account, and shall be accounted for and paid as the Secretary of State,

with the concurrence of the Treasury, directs.


udge ofoythe 166. Not later than the 31st March in each year, the Judge of the

Supreme Supreme Court shall send to the Secretary of State a report on the

operation of this Order up to the 31st December of the preceding year,

showing for the then last twelve months the number and nature of the

proceedings, criminal and civil, taken in the Court under this Order,

and the result thereof, and the number and amount of fees received, and

containing an abstract of the registration list, and such other informa-

tion, and being in such form, as the Secretary of State from time to time


Report, by

Provincial 167. Each Provincial Court shall at such, tiuie as may be fixed by

Court. Rules of Court furnish to the Supreme Court an annual report of every

case,; civil and criminal, brought before it, in.Suclt'fO'rVr1) as the Supreme

Court directs.

Publication of

Order. 168. —(1) A printed co

ed in a conspicuous place in each Consular office and in each Court-house.

(2) Printed copies shall be sold at such reasonable price as the

Supreme Court directs.


(3) Judicial notice shall be taken of this Order, and of the com-

mencement thereof, and of the appointment of Consuls, and of the con-

stitution and limits of the Courts and districts, and of Consular seals

and signatures, and of any Eules made or in force under this Order, and

no proof shall be required of any of such matters.

The provisions of the Evidence Act, 1851 (14 and 15 Viet., cap. 99),

Secs. 7 and 11, relating to the proof of judicial and other documents,

shall extend and be applied for all purposes as if the Courts, districts,

and places to which this Order applies were in a British Colony.

169.—(1) The Orders in Council mentioned in the Schedule to this Repeat.

Order are hereby repealed, but this appeal shall not—

(a) Affect the past operation of those Orders, or any of them, or

any appointment made, or any right, title, obligation, or liability

accrued, or the validity or invalidity of anything done or suffer-

ed under any of those Orders, before the making of this Order;

{b) Interfere with the institution or prosecution of any proceeding

or action, criminal or civil, in respect of any offence committed

against, or forfeiture incurred or liability accrued under or in

consequence of, any provision of any of those Orders, or any

Eegulation confirmed by any such Order or made thereunder;

(c) Take away or abridge any protection or benefit given or to be

enjoyed in relation thereto.

(2) Notwithstanding the repeal of the Orders aforesaid, all Eules

jand Eegulations approved or confirmed by or under any Order so re-

pealed shall continue and be as if this Order had not been made; but soT

that the same may be revoked, altered, or otherwise dealt with unde

this Order, as if they had been made under this Order.

(3) Criminal or civil proceedings begun under any of the Orders re-

pealed by this Order, and pending at the time when this Order comes into

operation, shall, from and after that time, be regulated by the provisions of

this Order, as far as the nature and circumstances of each case admits.

(4) Lists of jurors and assessors in force at the passing of this

Order shall continue in force until revised and settled under the provi-

■sions of this Order.

170;*—(1) This Order shall take effect on such day not less than one commenee-

month nor more than three months after it is first exhibited in the public

office of the Supreme Court at Shanghai, as the Minister shall by public

notification appoint.

(2) The day on which this Order so takes effect is in this Order

referred to as the commencement of this Order.

(3) For the purposes of this Article the Judge of the Supreme Court

shall forthwith, on the receipt by him from the Minister in China of a

certified printed copy of this Order, cause the same to be affixed and

•exhibited conspicuously in that office, together with the said notification.

(4) He shall also keep the same so affixed and exhibited until the

• commencement of this Order.

(5) A copy of the said notification shall, as soon as practicable, be

(published at each of the Provincial Consulates in such manner as the

^Supreme Court may direct.


(6) A certified printed copy of this Order shall also be affixed and;

exhibited in the public offices of the Provincial Court at Seoul, at the

same time (or as near as circumstances admit) at which it is first exhi-

bited at Shanghai.

(7) Proof shall not in any proceeding or matter be required that

the provisions of this Article have been complied with, nor shall any act

or proceeding be invalidated by any failure to comply with any of such


(8) Where this Order confers power to make any Appomtment,,

Rules, or Regulations, or to do any other thing for the purposes of this

Order, that power may be exercised at any time after the passing of this

Order, so, however, that any such appointment, Rules, or Regulations

shall not take effect before the commencement of this Order.

171. This Order may be cited as “ The; China and Corea Order in.

Council, 1904.”

A. W. Fitzrot.


Orders Repealed.

The China and Japan Order in Council, 1865.

The China and Japan Order in Council, 1877.

The China and Japan Order in Council, 1878.

The China and Japan Order in. Council, 1881.

The China, Japan, and Corea Order in Council, 1884.

The China, Japan, and Corea Order in Council, 1884 (Supplemental),.

The China, Japan, and Corea Order in Council, 1886.

The China, Japan, and Corea Order in Council, 1886 (No. 2).

The China and Japan Order in Council, 1898.

The China, Japan, and Corea (Supreme Court) Order in Council, 1899:


A.t the Court at Buckingham Palace,'the 30th day of March, 1914


The King’s Most Excellent Majesty'

Lord President Lord Colebrooke

Viscount Knollys ' Lord Emmott

Whereas by treaty, grant, usage, sufferance, or other lawful means His Majesty

the King has jurisdiction in China:

Now, therefore, His Majesty, by virtue and in exercise of the powers in this

behalf by the Foreign Jurisdiction Act, 1890, or otherwise in His Majesty vested, is

pleased, by and with the advice of His Privy Council, to brder, and it is hereby

ordered, as follows:—

1. This Order may be cited as “ The China (Amendment) Order in Council, 9141,”

and shall be read as one with the China Order in Council, 1904, hereinafter referred

to as the “ Principal Order,” and this Order and the China Orders in Council, 1904

to 1913, may be cited together as the “China Orders in Council, 1904 to 1914.”

2. —(1) In addition to the documents to be deposited and filed i

-consulate, in accordance with Article 46 of the China (Amendment) Order in

Council, 1913, on the. registration of -a company in accordance with the provisions of

that Order, there shall be deposited and filed a list of the directors of the company

showing in respect of each director his full name and nationality and his address,

(2) Every company registered under the China (Amendment) Order in Council,

1913, shall register in the month of January in every year a list of the directors of

the company, showing in respect of each director his full name and nationality and

his address, and shall from time to time, as may be necessary, register any altera-

tions in such list.

(3) . On every registration under sub-article (2) of this arti

payable a fee of 2s.

3. Where any municipal regulations or byelaws have been established for any

:f oreign concession in China the Court may entertain a complaint against a British

subject for a breach of such -municipal regulations or byelaws, and may enforce

•compliance therewith.


(1) That the said municipal regulations or byelaws have been accepted by

His Majesty’s Government. Acceptance of the municipal regulations

or byelaws of a foreign concession by His Majesty’s Goivenment shall

be signified by a copy thereof being exhibited and kept exhibited in

the public office of His Majesty’s consulate at such treaty port.

(2) That no punishment other in nature or greater in degree than that

provided by the Principal Order shall be imposed.

(3) That the'Court is satisfied that effectual provision exists for the

punishment in the Court of the foreign Powers whose municipal

regulations or byelaws it is sought to. enforce of breaches by the

subjects or citizens of that Power of the municipal regulations or

byelaws of British concessions in China.

4. In article 21 of the China (Amendment) Order in Council, 1913, the reference

•to article 13 should be read as a reference to article 19, and in article 29 the

references to articles 21 and 22 should be read as references to articles 27 and 28,

•and in article 50 the reference to article 41 should be read as a reference to article 48.

And the Bight Honourable Sir Edward Grey, Baronet, K.G., one of His

Majesty’s Principal Secretaries of State, is to give the necessary directions herein.

Almeric Fitzroy.


By this Order Article 3 pf “ The China (Amendment) Order in Council, 19!4,’f

was repealed.


At the Couet at Buckingham Palace, the 9th day of November, 1920

Present :—

The' King’s Most Excellent Majesty in Council

Whereas by treaty, grant, usage, sufferance, and other lawful means, His-

Majesty the King has jurisdiction in China :

i No\y, therefore, His'Majesty, by virtue and in e^cpi’cise of ,£the: powers ip that

behalf by ‘'The Foreign Jurisdiction Act, 1890,” or otherwise, in His Majesty-

vested, is pleased by and with the advice of His Privy Council to order, and it is

hereby ordered, as follows :—

1. This Order may be cited as “The China (Amendment’ No. 2) Order in.

Council, 1920,” and shall be read as one with “ The China Order in Council, 1904 ”

(hereafter called the “ Principal Order”), and with any Order amending the same.

2. The words in Article 101 Of the Principal Order “ except the jurisdiction

relative to dissolution, or nullity, or jactitation of marriage ” are hereby repealed.

3. This Order shall take effect on the day on which it is. first exhibited in the-

Public Office of the Supreme Court at Shanghai.

And the Bight Honourable George Nathaniel, Earl Curzon of Kedleston, one of

His Majesty’s Principal Secretaries of State, is to give the necessary directions


Almeric. Fitzroy.

Rules of Court drawn up under this Order by Judge Skinner Turner were-

published in the Hongkong Government Gazette on June 10th, 1921.


No. 3, 1920

At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the 21st day of December, 192(>


The King’s'Most Excellent Majesty in Cduhcil •

Whereas by Treaty, grant, usage, sufferance, and other lawful means, His

Majesty the King has jurisdiction in China :

Now, therefore, His Majesty, by virtue and in exercise of the powers in this-

, behalf by “ The Foreign Jurisdiction Act, 1890,” or otherwise, in His Majesty vested,

is pleased, by and with the advice of his Priyy Council, to order, and it is hereby

ordered, as follows :—

1. This Order may be cited as “The China (Amendment) Order in Council,

No. 3, 1920,” and shall be read as one with “ The China Order in Council, 1904 ”

(hereinafter called the “ Principal Order ”), and with any Order amending the same,

and the provisions of Article 170 of the Principal Order shall in particular apply to

this Order.


2. Every person subject to the criminal jurisdiction of the Court who has acted,

is acting, or is about to act in a manner prejudicial to the public safety, or to the

defence, peace or security of His Majesty’s Pominions, or of any part of them,

shall be guilty of a grave offence against the Principal Order, and may, in addition

to, or in lieu of, any other punishment, be ordered to give security for good

■behaviour or to be deported,

3. Every person subject to the criminal jurisdiction of the Court who prints,

publishes, or offers for sale any printed or written newspaper or other publication

-containing seditious matter, or has in his possession with intent to publish/or dis-

tribute any; such newspaper or other publication, shall be'guilty of a grave .offence

against the Principal Order, and may, in addition: to, or in lieu of, any other

punishment, .be-ordered to give security for good behaviour or to be deported.

4. In addition and without prejudice to any powers which the ■ Court may

poss'ess to orderathe exclusion of the public from any proceedings, if, in the eburse

of the trial Of a pefson for an offence under this Crder, application is made by the

drosecutor, in the interests of national safety; thaball or any portion of the' public

should be excluded durifig any phrt bf the heatihg,, tfie Court may make an oTcter to

that effect, but the passing of sentence shall in any ease take place in public,

5. Article 2 (1; of “ The China and Corea (Amendment) Order in Council,

1909,” and the whole of “ The China, (War Powers) Order iu Council, 1917,” are

hereby repealed, but this repeal shall not ^a) .affect , tfie past operation thereof or

any right, title, obligation or liability thereunder.; or (h) interfere with the ■institu-

tion or prosecution of any legal proceeding thereunder.

6. This order is in substitution for “The China (Amendment) Order in Coun-

cil, 1920,” which has not fallen effect and is hereby revoked.

And the Eight Honourable George Nathaniel, Earl Curzon of Kedleston, K.G.,

Ac., one of His Majesty’s. Principal Secretaries, of. State* is to give the necessary

directions herein,

Almekic Fitzboy.


At the Court1 at Buckingham Palace' the 13th day op December, 1921


The King’s Most Excellent Majesty

Earl of Lytton Sir Frederick Ponsonby

Mr. Secretary Shortt Mr. Chancellpr of the Exchequer

Whereas by treaty, grant, usage, sufferance: or other lawful means, His

Majesty the King has jurisdiction in China:

Now, therefore, His Majesty, by virtue and in exercise of the powers in this

behalf by the Foreign Jurisdiction Act, 1890, or otherwise in His Majesty vested,

is pleased, by and with the advice of His Privy Council, to. order, and it is hereby

ordered, as follows:—

1.—(1) This Order may he cited as “The China (Amendment) Order in

•Council, 1921,” and shall he read as one with the China Order in Council, 1904 (in

this Order referred to as “the Principal Order”), and the said Order and any

other Orders in Council amending the said Order may be cited together as “The

•China Orders in Council, 1904 to 1921.”

(2) This Order shall not apply to places within the limits of the Consular

District of Kashgar.


2. —The following provisions are substituted for Ar


(1) A register of British subjects shall be kept in the office of every

Consulate in China.

(2) EA'ery British subject resident in China shall, in the month of

January of each year, be registered at the Consulate of the Corisular District

within which he resides, provided that if some other Consulate is more easy of

access, he may, with the assent of the Consular Officer, be registered there. A

British subject arriving in China must apply for registration within one

month after his arrival; provided that a person who fails to apply for or to

obtain registration within the time limited by this Article may be registered at

any time if he excuses his failure to the satisfaction of the Consular Officer.

(3) Where a person is in possession of a valid British passport, the

Consular Officer shall, on the first registration of any such person, endorse on

the passport without further fee than that provided for in sub-article (6)

hereunder a certificate of registration in such form as may be prescribed by the

Secretary of State. Where any such person applies for the renewal of the

registration ,aiid produces his passport, renewal of his registration need not

attend personally unless that provided for in sub-article (6) hereunder be

endorsed thereon.

(4) Every person who has not previously been registered applying to be

registered under this Order shall, unless excused by the Consular Officer,

attend personally for that purpose at the Consulate, but any person applying

for the renewal of his registration need not attend personally unless directed

by the Consular Officer so to do, provided that the registration of the wife or

wives of a man who is registered under this Order may, if living with him, be

effected without their personal attendance being required, and provided also

that the registration of minors, being his relatives in whatever degree, living

with the head of a family who is registered under this Order may, if living with

him, be effected without attendance being required.

(5) A person registered in any register of British subjects established

under the provisions of any Order in Council which have been repealed shall, be

registered under the provisions of this Order, unless the Consular Officer is

satisfied after inquiry that the previous registration was erroneous or that such

person is not entitled to registration under the provisions of this Order.

(6) Every person shall, on every registration of himself, and on every

renewal of the registration, pay a fee of two dollars, or such other fee as the

Secretary of State from time to time appoints. The amount of the fee may be

uniform for all persons, or may vary according to. the position and circumstances

of different classes, if the Secretary of State from time to time so directs, but

may not in any case exceed four dollars.

(7) Where any person applies to be registered he shall be entitled without

a fee to the assistance of the Consular Officer in the preparation of any

affidavit that may be required.

(8) The Consular Officer may require the production of such evidence

that an applicant for registration is entitled to the status of a British subject

, as he may see fit, but subject /to such directions as may. be issued by the

Secretary of State.

(9) If any Brkkb subject .neglects .to obtain registration under the

provisions of this Order, ht- shaff not,be entitled to be recognised or protected

as a British subjeet in Obina, and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding twenty

dollars for each instance, of. such,failure, but he shall, although not registered,

be subject to the jurisdiction of his Majesty's Courts in China.

3. —From and after the commencement of this O

Principal Order is hereby repealed, but such repeal shall not prejudice any rights,

obligations or liabilities accrued thereunder.


At the Cottst at Buckingham Palace, the 80th day ok November, 1915

Present :—

Lord President. Mr. Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster.

Lord Stamfordhain. Sir Frederick Ponsonby.

Whereas by Treaty, grant, usage, sufferance, and other lawful means His

Majesty the King has jurisdiction in China :

And whereas it is desirable to make further provision with reference to the

-exercise of jurisdiction over British Companies carrying on business within the

limits of this Order :

Now, therefore. His Majesty, by virtue and in exercise of the powers in this

behalf by “ The Foreign Jurisdiction Act, 1890 ” or otherwise, in His Majesty

vested, is pleased, by and with the advice of His Privy Council, to .order, and it is

hereby ordered, as follows

1. —rThis Order may be. cited as “The China (Companies) Ord

1915,” and shall .be read as one with the “ China Order, 1904” (hereinafter called

the “ Principal Order and with any Order amending the same.

2. — In this Order—

“ The Ordinance” means “The Companies Ordinance, 1911, of the Colony

of Hongkong,” and includes any Ordinance amending or substituted for the


“The Life Insurance Companies Ordinance,” means the Life Insurance

Companies Ordinance, 1907, of the Colony of Hongkong, and includes any

Ordinance amending or substituted for the same.

China Company ” meaiis a Company limited by shares or by guarantee

incorporated under the Ordinance, and the operations of which are directed

and controlled from some place within the limits of this Order.

“ Hongkong China Company ” means a Company incoi-porated under the

Ordinance which carries on some part of its business within the limits of this

Order, and the operations of which are directed apd. controlled from some place

in Hongkong.

“ British Company ” means a Company incorporated in the United King-

dom, or in a British Possession, and includes a China Company and a Hong-

kong China Company. . .

3. —(1.) The Consul-General at Shanghai, including any person

Consul-General, shall be Kegistrar of Companies at Shanghai.

(2) All acts done within the limits of this: Order in pursuance of the provisions

of the Ordinance or of the Life Insurance Companies Ordinance by, to, with, or

before the Registrar of Companies at Shanghai, shall, subject to the provisions of

this Order, be of the same force and validity as if they had been done by, to, with,

or before the Registrar of Companies in Hongkong.


(3) The Registrar of Companies at Shanghai shall be entitled to initiate su ’h

proceedings in the Court as he may think necessary to enforce compliance with the

provisions of this Order on the part of British Companies in China.

4. —The Judge may by Rules of Court confer upon Provinc

tion in matters dealt with in the Ordinance, and may specify in such Rules the

Courts by which, and the classes of cases in which, such jurisdiction shall be

exercised, but subject thereto the jurisdiction, conferred by the Ordinance upon any

Court shall within the limits of this Order be exercised by the Supreme Court.

5. —In all matters relating to a Hongkong China Company

the Supreme Court and of the Supreme Court of Hongkong shall be concurrent,

and the said two Courts shall in all respects be auxiliary to each other.

6. —Where any proceedings relating to a Hongkong China

winding up of any such Company, are commenced in the Supreme Co-urt, and it

appears that the principal part of such Company’s business is carried on within the

limits of Hongkong, or that for any other reason such proceedings might more con-

veniently be carried on at Hongkong, the Supreme Court may, of its own motion, or

on the application of any party, make an Order transferring the proceedings to the

Supreme Court of Hongkong.

7. —The Supreme Court shall enforce within the limits of th

or Decree made by the Supreme Court of Hongkong in the course of any proceed-

ings relating to a Hongkong China Company, or for the winding up of any such


8. —(1.) The majority of the Directors of a China Compa

Subjects resident within the limits of this Order.

(2.) If at any time the proportion of Directors who are British Subjects

resident within the limits of this Order falls to or below one-half, it shall be the

duty of the Directors and also of the Shareholders of the'Company to-take within

30 days, or such further period as the Court may allow, all necessary steps for the ap-

pointment of such number of Directors who are British Subjects resident within the

limits of this Order as may be necessaiy to- Comply with the provisions of this


(3.) If default is made in compliance with this article the Company shall be

liable to a fine not exceeding 50 dollars for every day during which the default con-

tinues, and every Director and every Manager of the Company who knowingly

authorizes or permits the default shall be liable to the like penalty.

(4.) Failure to comply with the provisions of this article shall be a ground upon

which an Order for winding up the Company may be made by the Court.

9. —No person other than a British Subject shall be en

auditor of a China Company. The appointment of any such person as the auditor

of a China Company shall be void, and any certificate or bther document given, or

act done, by any person who is not a British Subject purporting tb act as auditor

of a China Company shall not be held to comply with any requirements of the


10. —No persoh bther than a British Subject shall be a

the limits of this Order as liquidator of a British Company or as receiver or manager

on behalf of the debenture-holders of the property of a British Company except with

the sanction of the Court.

11. -rf(l) All documents and other written information

required by the Ordinance to file with the Begistrar of Companies shall, in the case

of a China Company, be filed with the Begistrar of Companies at Shanghai, and a

copy of all such documents and other written information shall, in the case of a

Hongkong China Company, be filed with the Begistrar of Companies at Shanghai.


(2) If any Company to which this Article applies fails .to comply with its.

provisions, the Company and every Officer and Agent of the Company who is know-

ingly a party to the default shall be liable to a fine not exceeding 50 dollars for

every day during which such default haf continued.

12. —The registered office of a China Company shall be s

limits of this Order.

13. —(1) No shares shall be issued by a China Company exc

paid up shares or upon the term that the shares shall be paid up in full within a

specified period not exceeding fAree months after allotment.

(2) Shares issued by a China Company otherwise than as fully paid up shares

shall be deemed to be issued upon the condition that if not paid for in full before the

expiration of one week from the date upon which the final payment was due, they

shall be forfeited by the Directors, and it shall be the duty of the Directors at the-

expiration of that period to forfeit the said shares. Notice of the forfeiture of any

such shares shall forthwith be given to the registered liolder.

Any shares so forfeited shall be deemed to be the property of the Company, and

the Directors may sell, re-allot, or otherwise dispose of the same in such manner as

they think fit. Certificates or other documents of title relating to shares forfeited

under this article shall be returned to the Company.

(3) Within one month of the expiration of the time allowed for the completion

of the payment of all sums due upon the shares, the Secretary of the Company shall

forward to the Registrar of Companies at Shanghai a return signed by the auditor

of the Company giving particulars of the shares issued, of the amounts paid thereon,,

of the shares in respect of which, default has been made in payment of sums due, and

of the shares forfeited.

(4) If shares are issued by a China Company on terms which fail to comply

with the provisions of this n rticle, or if other default is made in complying therewith,

the Company, and every Director, Manager, Secretary, and other Officer, who is

knowingly a party to such issue or default, shall be guilty of an offence, and shall be

liable to h fine not exceeding 500 dollars for every day during which such offence


(5) Where on application made it is established to ,the satisfaction of the Court

that there has been a failure to comply with the provisions of this article through

inadvertence or accidental miscalculation or from some other reasonable cause, and

not from any want of good faith, the Court may, if under all the circumstances it

considers it just so to do, give relief from any forfeiture of penalty which has been

incurred by the applicant, or to which he is, or may be, liable upon such terms as it

may think fit.

.16) The provisions of this Article shall only apply to shares issued by a China

Company after the date when this Order comes into effect:

14. —(1) No China Company limited by guarantee shall be all

China without the consent of the Minister.

(2) As a condition of this consent the Minister may require that no persons

other than a British Subject shall be a Member of the Company, or that any Member

of the Company who is not a British Subject shall deposit in Court,, or give security

for or conform tp such arrangement as the Minister shall think fit, for ensuring the

payment of the amount for which he would be liable under the guarantee;

(3) If any China Company limited by guarantee operates in China without the

consent of the Minister, or if any terms imposed by him as a condition of his

consent are not complied with, the Company and every Director, or Manager, Secre-

tary, and other Officer, who is knowingly a party thereto, shall be guilty of an

offence, and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding 500 dollars for every day during

which such offence continues.


(4) Where on application' made it is established to the satisfaction of the Court

that there has been a failure to comply with the provisions of this article through

inadvertence hr accidental miscalculation ot from some other reasonable cause, and

not from any want of good faith, the Court tnay, if under all the circumstances it

considers it just so to do, give relief from any forfeiture or penalty which has

been incurred by the applicant, or to which he is, or may be, liable upon such terms

as it may think fit.

(5) 'The provisions of this, article shall not apply to China Companies limited by

guarantee operating in China at the date :of this Order.

15. —(1) Subject to the provisions of this Order, the jurisdic

in respect of all British Companies carrying on business in Ohiua shall be exercised,

so far as circumstances admit, in conformity with the provisions .of the Ordinance

and of the Life Insurance Companies Ordinance, except that Section 16 of the Com-

panies Amendment Ordinance, 1913, shall not apply in China.

(2) Where reference is mfide or inferred in any Section df the said Ordinances

to any. other Ordinance of the iColony of Hongkong which does not apply within the

limits of this'Order, such Section shall be read as though the corresponding law or

enactment applicable in England were: referred to therein.

(3) The duties of the Governor, or :of the Governor in Council, dr of the Colonial

Treasurer under Sections 20, 21, 120 (4), 219, 253, and 255 of the Ordinance shall,

within the limits of this Order, be,exercised by the Minister, and under Sections 141

(1), 149, 185, 217, and. 261 shall within the limits of this Order be exercised by the


" (4) In the application of the said Ordinance “ legal practitioner ” is substituted

for “ counsel ” or “solicitor ” or “ solicitor and counsel,” and “shch newspaper as the

Judge may direct ” is substituted for “ The Gazette.”

(5) All offences under the said Ordinances made punishable 'by fine may, if

committed within the limits of this Order, be prosecuted summarily under Article

48 of the Principal Order, provided that the maximum fine which can be imposed in

the cksh Cf obbhees'under the Ordinances tried summarilv shall be J22O0 instead of


16. —(1) The power of the Judge under Article 119 of the P

make Rules of Court shall extend to any matter which under the Ordinance or under

the Life Insurance Companies Ordinance is to be regulated by Rules.

(2) Any Rules in force at Hdngkoug at the date of this Order relating to

matters dealt vitlrin the said Ordinances shall, unless and until they are repealed by

Rules made under this Article, apply, so far as circuinstahces admit, within the limits

of this Order.

17. All fees prescribed by or under the Ordinance or by or under the Life

Insurance Companies Ordinance which are paid to the Registrar of Companies at

Shanghai shall be paid by him to the Colonial Treasurer at Hongkong.

18. Nothing in this Order shall prejudice or affect the juiisdictioh of the

Supreme Court over British Companies other than China Companies and Hongkong

China Companies within the meaning of this Order.

19. This Order shall come into effect on the 1st day of January, 1916.

And the Right Honourable Sir Edward Grey, Baronet, one of His Majesty's

Principal Secretaries of State, is to give the necessary directions herein.

Almeeic Fitzkoy.



At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the r9TH day of October, lOlO1

Present :—

The King’s Most Excellent Majesty

Lord Steward Sir Francis Yilliers

Mr. Secretary Shortt Sir George Buchanan

Whereas by treaty, grant, usage, sufferance, and other ..awful means, His

Majesty the King has jurisdiction in China :

And whereas it is desirable to make further provision with reference to the

exercise of jurisdictiOii bVef British companies carrying on business within thelimist

of this Order :

behalfNow,by therefore, His Majesty,

“The Foreign by virtue,

Jurisdiction Act, and in exercise

1890,” of theinpowers

or otherwise,, in this

His Majesty

vested, is pleased, by and with the advice of His Privy Oouncil, to order, and it is

hereby ordered, as follows

1. This Order may be cited as “Th1 China (Companies) Amendment Order in

Council, 1919,” and shall be read as one with “ The China (Companies) Order in

Council, 1915.”

2. In this Order:—

“ The Fire and Maine Insurance Companies Ordinance ’’.means “ The Fire

and Marine Insurance Companies Ordinance, 1917, ot the Colony of

Hongkong,” and includes any Ordinance amending or substituted-for

the same.

“The Ordinance” means “The,Companies Ordinance, 1911, of the Colony

of Hongkqng,” and includes any Ordinance amending or substituted

for the same.


3. W here the general or substantial control of the business of : a Company incor-

porated under the Ordinance is exercised by a person or persons ordinarily resident

within the limits of this Order, such Company shall, irrespective of the place at which

the Board of Directors may meet, or of any other circumstances, be deemed to be a

Company of which the operations are directed and controlled from a place within the

limits of this Order and shall be a China Company within the meaning of “ The

China (Companies) Order in Council, 1915.”

4. (1.) No person, other than a British subject resident within the limits of

this Order, shall act as managing-director or in any position similar to that of

managing-director, or shall otherwise exercise general or substantial control of the

business of a China Company.


(2.) If default is made in compliance with this Article the Company shall be

liable to a fine not exceeding 50 dollars for every day during which the default

continues, and every director and every manager of the Company who knowingly

authorizes pr permits the default shall be liable to the like penalty.

(3.) Failure to comply with the provisions of this Article shall be a ground

upon which an order for winding up the Company may be made by the Court.

(4.) This Article shall come into force 60 days after the publication of this


5. All documents and other written information which,a company is required

by the Ordinance to file with the Registrar of Companies shall; in the case of a China

Company, be filed with the Registrar of Companies at Shanghai, and a copy of all

such documents and other written information shall, in the case of a Hongkong

China Company, be filed with the Registrar of Companies at Shanghai.

6. —(1.) The provisions of the Fire and Marine Insurance Companies Ordinance

shall be applied to China Companies'and Hongkong China Companies.

(2.) All acts done within the limits of this Order in pursuance of the Fire

and Marine Insurance .Companies Ordinance by, to, with, or before the Registrar of

Companies at'Snang’haYsnaft, subject to the provisions'of 'this' Orider, be of the

same force and validity as if they had been done by, to, with, or: before the

Registrar of Companies in Hongkong. ;. '• -

(.3,) The 'Registrar of Companies at Shanghai shall be entitled to initiate

such proceedings.as he may think necessary to enforce compliance with the pro-

visions of tliis Order.

7. —(1.) Subject to the provisions of this Order the jurisdictio

respect qf China Companies and Hongkong China Companies shall be exercised, so

far as'circumstances admit, in conformityAvith the jirovisionsbf the Fire and Marine

Insurance Companies Ordinance.

(2.) The duties of the Governor or of the Governor in Council under

Sections 5* (2), 5 (5), 6 (2), and 7 (1), and of paragraphs 2, ,3 and 7 of the First

Schedule of the Fire and Marine Insurance Companies Ordinance shall, within the

limits of this Order, be exercised by the Minister.

(3.) All offences under the Fire and Marine Insurance Companies Ordinance

made punishable by fine may, if committed within the limits of this Order, be pro-

secuted summarily under Article 48 of “ The China Order in, Goqneil, 1904,”

provided that the maximum fine which can be imposed in the case of offences tried

summarily shall be =£200 instead of .£20.,

8. All fees prescribed by or under the Fire and Marine- Insurance Companies

Ordinance which are paid to the Registrar of Companies a,t Shanghai shall be paid

by him to the Colonial Treasurer at Hongkong.

9. This Order shall come into effect on the first day of January, 1920.

And the Right Honourable Arthur James Balfour, O.M., one of His Majesty’s

Principal Secretaries of State, is to give the necessary directions herein.

Almeeic Fitzeoy.



At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the 28th day of June, 1909

Present :

The King’s Most Excellent Majesty in Council.

Whereas by “The Consular Salaries and Pees Act, 1891,” His Majesty the King

as authorized by Order in Council to fix the fees to be taken in respect of any matter

or thing done by a Consular officer in the execution of his office, and to vary such

dees by way of increase or decrease, and to abolish fees and,to create new fees;

And whereas it is expedient that the Table of Pees fixed by the China and Corea

(Consular and Marriage Pees) Order in Council, 1906, should, in certain respects, be

added to, and that fees should be created in respect of the attendance of Consular

officers in the Mixed Court at Shanghai, and in respect of the, assistance rendered by

-Consular officers to British litigants in such Court:

Now, therefore, in pursuance of the before-mentioned Act) His Majesty is

pleased, by and with the advice of His Privy Council, to order, and it is hereby

ordered, as follows:

1. This Order may be cited as “ The China and Corea (Consular Fees) Order in

Council, 1909.”,

i 2. The several fees set forth in the Table annexed to this Order are hereby

established, and the said Table shall be construed as part of this Order.

3. This Order shall come into operation on such date as His Majesty’s Consul-

'Oeneral at Shanghai shall appoint.

4. This Order shall extend to all places in China and Corea.

And the Right Honourable Sir Edward Grey, Baronet, one of His Majesty’s

Principal Secretaries of State, is to give the necessary directiohs herein.



Table of Consular Fees to be taken in respect of Assistance Rendered

by the Assessor in the Mixed Court at Shanghai.

1. On application to the Assessor for his request-for the assistance of the

Chinese authorities, including filing Petition:— r

Where the amount involved is— s. d.

Under 101 ... 2 6

10Z. and under 501. ... 5 0

50L and under 100Z ... ... 7 6

100Z. or upwards 10 0

For each complete 100Z. not exceeding a total fee of 51.

2. On each subsequent communication in writing to the China

authorities 2 6

■$. Hearing fee on each attendance of the Assessor at a sitting

of the Court ’ 10 0



65.-Por attestiiig’ the signature of a foreign


b^tUeConlSlMo? mw*'



eTS-...21 00



,J r

** ^.—ForUdrawinp a"declaration or other docii-^ " “






WSSSz tamsmmmm



[Declaration of the Nationalist Government on July 7, 19:28.]

On July 7, 1928, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Nationalist Gov-

ernment* made the following declaration (translation) on the conclusion of

new Treaties wit,h the Powers:

“The Nationalist Government, with a view to adapting themselves to the

present day circumstances and with the object of promoting the welfare of

and the friendly relations between 'China and different countries, have always-

considered the abrogation of all the unequal Treaties and the conclusion of

new Treaties on the basis of equality and mutual respect for territorial

sovereignty as the most pressing problem at the present time. These aims have

been embodied in declarations repeatedly made by the Nationalist Government.

“Now that the unification of China is an accomplished fact, it is the task

of the Nationalist Government to make every effort to fully realize these aims.

While they will continue to afford protection to foreign lives and property in

China, according to law, the Nationalist Government hereby make the follow-

ing specific declaration with regard to all the unequal Treaties:

“(1) All the unequal Treaties between the Republic of , China and other

countries, which have already expired, shall be ipso facto abrogated, and new

Treaties shall be concluded.

“(2) The Nationalist Government will immediately take steps to terminate^

in accordance with proper procedure, those unequal Treaties which have not

yet expired, and conclude new Treaties.

“(3) In the case of old Treaties which have already expired, but which

have not yet been replaced by new Treaties, the Nationalist Government will

promulgate appropriate interim regulations to meet the exigencies of such,


Interim Regulations.

At the same time the Nationalist Government issued the following Pro-

visional Regulations Governing the Relations between China and the Powers*

after the Abrogation of the Old Treaties and pending the Conclusion of New

Treaties: —

“1 Foreign countries and foreigners, as designated in these Regulations,

apply only to those foreign countries and the nationals thereof whose Treaties

with China have already expired, and with whom new Treaties have not jet

been concluded.

“2 AH diplomatic officials and consular officials of foreign countries sta-

tioned in China shall be entitled to proper treatment accorded under inter-

national law.

“3. The persons and properties of foreigners in China shall receive due

protection under Chinese, Law.

“4. Foreigners in China shall be subject to the regulations of Chinese Law

and the jurisdiction of Chinese Law Courts.

Republic* Sin3e October 10,1928* the English designation has been altered to the “National Government of the

of China.”


“5. Pending, the enforcement of the National Tariff Schedule, the regular

customs duties on commodities imported into China from foreign countries

or by foreigners, and those exported from Chtna to foreign countries, shall

be collected in accordance \vith the existing: tariff- sjchdclule.

“6. All taxes and duties which Chinese citizens are under obligation to pay

shall be payable equally by foreigners in accordance with the law.

“7. Matters not provided for by the foregoing Regulations, shall be dealt

with in accordance with International Law and Chinese Municipal iLaw.”


Treaties covered by the first item of the Nationalist Government’s de-

claration of July 7-, 1928, are the Sino-Frepch Conventions relative to -the

oyerland trade between the

as the Sino-Japanese, Chinese frontier

Sino-Belgian, and French

Sino-Spanish,. indo China, as Sino-

Sino-Portuguese, well

Italian and iSino-Danfsh Commercial Treaties.

The Sino-French Convention of Tientsin of April 25th, 1886, the Sino-

Fr^nch Additional Commercial Convention of June 26th, ;1§87, 'and the Sino-

Frepph Supplementary Convention of Jpne 20th, 1895, expired simultaneously

on August 7th, 1926. The Sino-Japanese Treaty of Commerce and Navigation

of July . 21st,, 1896, together with the Supplementary Treaty.. of. October 8th,

1903, expired .on- ..October' 20th, 1926. The Sino-Belgian Treaty of Peking of

Npyember 2nd, 1865. expired on October 27th, 1926. The Sino-Span.ish Treaty

of Tientsin 8f Ocitober 10th, 1864, expired, on May 10th, 1927. The Sino-

Portuguese Treaty of Commerce and Navigation of December 1st, 1887, ex-

pired1 on April 28th, 1928. The Sino-Italian Treaty of Peking of October 26th,

1866, and the Sino-Danish Treaty . of Tientsin of July . iSth, 1863,1 expired

simultaneously on June 30th, 1928.

With these and

correspondence Powers the Nationalist

negotiations Government

for the purpose carried bnnewdiplomatic

of concluding Treaties.

The texts of the Treaties resulting therefrom follow.


Treaty regulating Tariff Regulations between the Republic of China

and the United States of America.

The Republic of China and the United States: of America, both being

animated by an earnest desire to maintain the good relations which : happily

•subsist between the two countries, and wishing to extend and consolidate the

commercial intercourse between them, have, for the purpose of negotiating a

treaty designed to facilitate these objects, named as fHeir Plenip.pfentiaries:—-

The Government Council of the Nationalist Government of the Republic

of China:

Mr. T. V. Soong, Minister of Finance of the Nationalist Govern-

ment of the Republic of China;

The President of the United States of America ■

Mr. Plenipotentiary-

J. Y. A. MacMurray. Envoy States

of the United Extraordinary aiid China;

of America-to Minister

Who having met and duly exchanged their full powers, which have been

found to be in proper form, have agreed upon the following treaty between the

two Countries:


Article I.—All provisions which appear in the treaties hitherto concluded

and in force between 'China and the United States of America relating to rates

of duty on imports and exports of merchandise, drawbacks, transit dues and

tonnage dues in China shall be annulled1 and become inoperative, and the

principle of complete national tariff autonomy shall apply subject, however,

to the condition that each of the High Contracting parties shall enjoy in the

territories of the other with respect to the above specified and any related

matters, treatment in no way discriminatory as compared with the treatment

accorded to any other country.

The nationals of neither of the High Contracting Parties shall be com-

pelled under any pretext whatever to pay, within the territories of the other

Party any duties, internal charges or taxes upon their importations and ex-

portions other 01 higher than those paid by nationals of the country or by

nationals of any other country.

The above provisions shall become effective on January 1, 1929, provided

that the exchange of ratifications hereinafter provided shall have taken place

by that da4>e; otherwise, ar a date four months subsequent to such exchange

of ratifications.

Article II.—The English and Chinese texts of this Treaty have been care-

fully compared and verified; but, in the event of there being a difference of

meaning between the two, the sense as expressed in the English text shall be

held to prevail.


theirTreaty shall beconstitutional

respective ratified by themethods,

High Contracting

and the Parties in accordance

ratifications shall be

exchanged in Washington as soon as possible.

In testimony whereof, we, the undersigned, by virtue of our respective

powers have signed this Treaty in duplicate in the English; and Chinese

languages and have affixed our respective seals..

Done at Peiping, the 25th day of the 7th month of the 17th year of the

Republic of China, corresponding to the 25th of July, 1928.

, (Signed) T. Y. Soong.

(Signed) J. Y. A, MacMurray


Treaty Regulating Customs Relations between the Republic of China

and the French Republic.

{Translation from the French).

On September 29, 1928, Dr, C. T. Wang sent to Mr. Cosme, the French

Charge d’Aifaires at Peiping, a Note, suggesting that the tariff relations

between China and France be readjusted on the basis Of the principles which

had been proposed to the British and other friendly Governments. As a result

of the subsequent negotiations between riDr. Wang and Count de Martel, the

French Minister, the following treaty w as concluded on December 22, 1928:

The Republic of China and the French Republic, animated by the desire

to further consolidate the ties of friendship w'hich happily subsist between

the two countries and to develop their commercial relations, have decided to

conclude a Treaty and have, for this purpose, named as their respective Pleni-

potentiaries, that is to say:


The President of the National Government of the Republic of China:

His Excellency Dr. Chengting T. Wang, Minister for Foreign

Affairs of the National Government of the Republic of China;

The President Of the French Republic:

His Envoy

Excellency Count ID. deof Martel,

Extraordinary Minister

the French Plenipotentiary

Republic and

to China, Com--'

mander de la Legion d’Honneur,

Who, having communicated to each other their full powers, found in good

and due form, have agreed upon the, following Articles:

Article I.—All the provisions, which. appear in the treaties^ hithejcfo)‘con-

cluded and in force between China and France relating to rates! of duty on

imports arid exports of merchandise, drawbacks, transit dues and tonnage

dues in China shall be annulled and become inoperative, and the principle,

of complete autonomy shall henceforth apply in respect of the Customs tariff

and related-mattere, subject, however, to the condition that each’Of the High

'Contracting Parties shall enjoy in the territories, possession^, eolonies and


ters, treatmentof inthe noother,

wayinlessrelation to the than

favourable abovethat

specified and related

effectively ’enjoyedmart


any other country.

Article IF—The Nationals of either of the High Contracting Parties

shall not be compelled under any pretext whatever to pay within the territories

possessions, colonies and protectorates of the other any duties, internal charges

or taxes upon their importations and exportations higher or other than those

paid by nationals .of the country or by nationals .of any other country.

Article III.—The present Treaty has been written in Chinese and French

and the two texts havo been carefully compared and verified, but in the event

of there being a difference of meaning between the two, the Erench text shall

be held to prevail.

The present Treaty shall be ratified as soon as possible and the ratifications

shall be exchanged in Paris. It shall come into force on the day on which

the two Governments shall have notified each other that ratification has bben


In faith whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the present

Treaty in duplicate and have affixed thereto their seals.

Done at Nanking this twenty-second day of the twelfth month of the

-.seventeenth year of the Republic of China, corresponding to the twenty-second

-day of December, nineteen hundred and twenty-eight.

(Signed) 'Ghengtiistg T. Wang.

(Signed) D. de Martel.



On September 12, 192o, Dr. C T. Wang sent practically identical notes to

'the Netherlands Minister and the Norwegian and Swedish Charge d'Affaires

at Peiping, suggesting the following points for the readjustment of the tariff

relations between China and the Powers concerned:

1. All provisions contained in the treaties now existing between 'China and

. relating to rates of duty pn imports and exports, of merchandise,

drawbacks, transit does and tonnage dues 'in China shall be annulled and the

.principle of complete national tariff autonomy shall apply.

2. In Customs and related matters the principle of reciprocal and undis-

.criminatory treatment shall apply.


3. Contemplated Treaty to become effective on January 1st, 1929, if ratifi-

cations have been exchanged before that date, otherwise on the day of such

exchange of ratifications.

The texts of the iSino-N’orwegian, Sino-Netherlands, and Sinp-Swqdish

treaties,< signed respectively on November 12, December 19, and (December 20,

are given below :

Treaty Regulating Tariff Relations between the Republic of China

and the Kingdom of Norway.

The Republic of China, and the Kingdom of Norway, both being animated

by an earnest desire to maintain the good relations which happily subsist

between the two countries, and wishing to extend and consolidate the com-

mercial intercourse between them, haye, for the purpose of negotiating a treaty

designed to facilitate these objects, named as their Plenipotentiaries: —

The President of the National Government of the Republic of China:

Dr. Chengting T. Wang, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the-

National Government of the Republic of China;

His Majesty the King of Norway:

Mr N. Aall, Charge d'Affaires of Norway in China;

who, having met and duly exchanged their full powers, which have been found

to be in proper form, have agreed upon the following Articles:

Article I.—AH provisions' which appear in the treaties hitherto Concluded

and in force between China and Norway relating to rates of duty on imports

and exports of merchandise, drawbacks, transit dues and tonnage dues in

China shall be annulled and become inoperative, and the principle of com-

plete national tariff autonomy shall apply subject, however, to the condition

that each of the High Contracting Paities shall enjoy in the territories of

the other with respect to the above specified and any related matters treatment

in no way discriminatory as compared with the treatment accorded to any

other country.

The nationals of neither of the High Contracting Parties shall be com-

pelled under any pretext whatever to pay within the territories of the other

Party any duties, internal charges .or taxes upon their impQrtations and ex-

portations other or higher tKan those paid by nationals of the couutry or by

nationals of any other country.

Article II.—The English and Chinese texts of the present Treaty have

been carefully compared apd verified; but, in the event of there being a

difference of meaning between the two, the sense as expressed in the English

text shall be held to prevail.

The present Treaty shall be ratified as soon as possible and, shail,come into

force on the day on which the two Governments shall have notified each other

that the ratification has been effected.

In testimony whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed* the pre-

sent Treaty in duplicate in the Chinese and English languages and have affixed

thereto their seals.

Done at Shanghai this twelfth day of the eleventh month of the seven-

teenth year of the Republic of China, corresponding to the twelfth day of

November, nineteen hundred and twenty-eight.

(Signed) Chengting T. Wang,

Plenipotentiary and Minister of

Foreign Affairs, of the National

Government of the RepulfUc of


(Signed) N. Aall,

Plenipotentiary and Charge d’Af-

faires of Norway in China.


Treaty Regulating Tariff Relations between the Republic of China and

the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

The National Government of the Republic of China and Her Majesty the

Queen of the Netherlands, animated by an earnest desire to consolidate the

ties of friendship which happily subsist between the two countries and to

further develop their commercial relations, have with this object in view re-

solved to conclude a treaty, and have for this purpose, named as their respective

^Plenipotentiaries, that is to say:

His Excellency the President of the National Goverhment of the Re-

public of China:

Or. Chengting T. Wang, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the

National Government of the Republic of China ;

Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands:

Mr. Willem Jacob Oudendijk, Commander in the Order of Orange

Nassau, Knight in the Order of the Netherlands Lion, Her


China; Envoy Extraordinary and JJmist&r Plenipotentiary

Who, having communicated to each other their respective full powers,

-found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following Articles:

Article I.—All provisions which appear in the treaties hitherto concluded

and in force between China and the Kingdom of the Netherlands relating

to rates of duty on imports and exports of merchandise, drawbacks, transit

dues and tonnage dues in China shall be annulled and become inoperative,

and the principal of complete national, tariff autonomy shall apply subject,

however, to the condition that each of the High Contracting Parties shall

enjoy in the territories, possessions and colonies of the other, with respect

to the above specified and any related matters, treatment in no way discri-

minatory as compared with the treatment accorded to any other country.

The nationals of neither of the High Contracting Parties shall be com-

pelled under any pretext whatever to pay within the territories, possessions

or colonies of the other Party any duties, internal charges or taxes upon their

importations and exportations other or higher than those paid by nationals of

the country or by nationals of any other coiintry.

Article II.—The present Treaty is drawn up in two copies in the Chinese,

Netherlands, and English languages. In the event of there being a difference

of meaning between these texts, the sense as expressed in the English text

shall prevail.

Article III. -The present Treaty shall be ratified by the High 'Contracting

Parties as soon as possible and the instruments of ratification shall be ex-

changed at Nanking. It shall come into force on the day on which the two

Governments shall have notified each other that the- ratification has been


In faith whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the present

Treaty in duplicate and have affixed thereto their seals.

Pone at Nanking, this nineteenth day of the twelfth month of the seven-

teenth year of the Republic of China, corresponding to the nineteen day of

^December, nineteen hundred and twenty-eight.

(Signed) Chengting T. Wang.

(Signed) W. J. Oudendijk.


Treaty Regulating Tariff Relations between China and Sweden.

by aThedesire

Republic of Chinatheandtiestheof Kingdom

to maintain friendshipof which





the two countries and wishing to consolidate and extend the commercial in-

tercourse between them, have for the purpose of negotiating a treaty designed

to facilitate these objects, named as their (Plenipotentiaries:

His Excellency the President of the National Government of the Re-

public of China:

Dr. Chengting T. Wang, Minister for Foreign Agairs of the

National Government of the Republic of China;

His Majesty the King of Sweden:

Baron C. (Leijonhufvud, Charge d’Affaires ad interim of Sweden in


Who, having exchanged their full powers found to be in due and proper

form, have agreed upon the following treaty between the two countries.

Article I.—All provisions which appear in treaties hitherto concluded and

in force between China and Sweden relating to rates of duty on imports and

exports of merchandise, drawbacks, transit dues and tonnage dues in China

shall be annulled and become inoperative, and the principle of complete na-

tional tariff autonomy shall apply subject, however, to the condition that each

of' the High Contracting Parties shall enjoy in the territories of the other

with respect to the above specified and any related matters treatment in fib

way discriminatory as-compared with the treatment accorded to any: other


The nationals of neither of the High Contracting Parties shall be com-

pelled under any pretext whatever to pay, within the territories of the othet,

any duties, internal charges or,taxes upon their importations and exportations

other or higher than those which are paid by nationals of the country or by

nationals of any other Country.

Article IT.—The present Treaty has been drawn up in two copies ' in

Chinese, Swedish and English. In case of any difference of interpretation,

the English text shall prevail.

Article III.—The present Treaty shall be ratified as soon as possible by

the High Contracting Parties in accordance with their respective constitutional

procedure, by Sweden subject to the approval of the Riksdag, and shall come

into force on the.day on which the High Contracting Parties shall have notified

each other that ratification has been effected.

In testimony whereof, we,, the undersigned, by virtue of our respective

powers have signed this Treaty and have affixed our respective seals.

Done at Nanking the twentieth day of the twelfth month of the seven-

teenth year of the Republic of China, corresponding to the twentieth day of

December, nineteen, hundred and twenty-eight.

(Signed) Chengting T. Wang.

(Signed) Carl Leijonhufvud..


In a Note dated August 30, 1928, Dr. Wang suggested to Sir Miles Lamp-

son, British Minister to China, the readjustment of the tariff relations be-

tween China and Great Britain along the lines which were later propossed

to the Norwegian, Netherlands and 'Swedish Governmerits.

The new Sino-British tariff treaty was signed on December 20, 1928. The

text of the treaty is given below:


Taxifi Autonomy Treaty between China and Great Britain.

His Excellency, the President of the National Government of the Re-

public of China, and

His Majesty the King of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions

beyond the tSeas, Emperor of India.

Desiring to strengthen the good relations which happily exist between

them and to facilitate and extend trade and commerce between their respec-

tive countries,

Have resolved to conclude a treaty for this purpose and have appointed

-as their plenipotentiaries —

His Excellency, the President of the National Government of the Re-

public of China:

His Excellency Doctor Chengting T. Wang, Minister for Foreign

Affairs of the National Government of the Republic of China;

His Majesty the King of Great Britain, Ireland and the Brjtish


Britain andbeyond ; the Seas, Emperor of India; For Great

Northern Ireland:

Sir Miles Wedderburn Lampson, K.C.M.G., C.B., M.Y.O., His

Majesty’s Envoy Entraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary

to the Republic of China;

Who, having communicated thpir full powers, found in good and due form

have agreed as follows:-—

Article I.—It is agreed that all provisions of the existing treaties between

the High Contracting Parties which limit in any way the right of China to

settle her national customs tariff in such way as she may think fit are hereby

abrogated, and that the principle of complete national tariff autonomy shall


Article II.—The nationals of either of the High Contracting Parties shall

not be compelled under any pretext whatsoever to pay in the territories of

His Britannic

pectively Majestyinternal,

any duties, to whichcharges

the present

or taxesTreaty

upon applies and Chinaor res-

goods imported ex-

ported by them other than or higher than those paid on goods of the same

•origin by British .and Chinese nationals respectively, of by nationals'of any

other foreign country.

Article III.--His Britannic Majesty agrees to the abrogation of all provi-

sions of the existing .treaties between the High Contracting Parties which

limit the right of China to impose tonnage dues at such rates as she may

think fit.

In regard to tonnage dues and all matters connected therewith, Chinese

ships in those territories of His Britannic Majesty to which the present treaty

applies and British ships in China, shall receive treatment not less favourable

than that accorded to the ships of any other foreign country.

Article IV.—The present treaty shall be ratified and the ratifications shall

‘be exchanged in London as soon as possible. It shall come into force on the

date on which the tv'o Parties shall have notified each other that ratification

has been effected.

The Chinese and English texts of the present treaty have been carefully

•compared and verified; but in the event of there being a difference of meaning

between the two the sense as expressed in the English text shall be held to


In witness whereof the respective plenipotentiaries have signed the present

treaty in duplicate, and have affixed, thereunto their seals.

teenth yearat ofNanking,,

Done the twentieth

the Republic of China,daycorresponding

of the twelfth month

to the of the day

twentieth seven-of

December, nineteen hundred and twenty-eight.

(Signed) Chengtpng T. Wang.

(Signed) -Miles W. Lampson.


On August 4, 192S. Dr. C T. Wans; notified Baron Or'-iiHaume, the Belgian

•’Charge d’Affaires at Peiping, that the Sino:Belgian Treaty, of November 2,

1864 had long expired, and that for the purpose of readjusting the relations

between the two countries the early conclusion of a new treaty was necessary.

Dr. Wang suggested that negotiations be opened in Nanking and

on November 22, 1928, the following Treaty was concluded between China and

"Belgium :

Preliminary Treaty of Amity and Commerce between the Republic of

China and the Union of Belgium and Luxemburg.

The National Government of the Republic of China and His Majesty the

King of the Belgians, acting in his name and in the name of Her Royal

Highness the Grand Duchess of Luxemburg in virtue of existing agreements,

being mutually animated by a desire to further strengthen the ties of friend-

ship already happily existing between China and the Union of Belgium and

Luxemburg, have decided to conclude a Preliminary Treaty of Amity and

■:Commerce and have, for this purpose, named as their plenipotentiaries that

is to say:

His Excellency the President'of the National Government of the Re-

public of China:

Dr. Chengting T. Wang, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the

National Government of the Republic of China;

His Majesty the King of the Belgians:

Baron J. Guillaume, Charge WAffaires ad interim of Belgium in


Who, having exchanged their full powers found to be in due and proper

form, have agreed upon and concluded the following Articles:

Article I.—The two High Contracting Parties recognize that, in the matter

•of customs and all related matters, they are on a footing of perfect equality,

and on the basis of this principle they agree that such matters shall be re-

gulated exclusively by their respective national laws.

It is further agreed that, in respect of all questions of customs as well

as all questions relating thereto, neither of the two High Contracting Parties

shall be subject, in the territory of the other, to a treatment less favourable

than that accorded to any other country.

In no case shall the nationals of one of the High Contracting Parties be

-compelled to pay, in the territory of the other, with respect to the importation

as well as exportation of merchandise, customs dues, transit taxes, or taxes

of any other kind other Or higher than those which are paid by the nationals

or the nationals of any other country.

Article II —The nationals of each of the two High Contracting Parties

shall be subject, in the territory of the ether Party, to the laws and the

jurisdiction of the law courts of that Party.

Article III.—The two High Contracting Parties shall as sboh as possible

-enter into negotiations with a view to the conc'lusion of a Treaty of Com-

merce and Navigation based upon the principle of reciprocity and equality

of treatment.

Article IV—The present Treaty is written in Chinese, French and English;

in case of any difference of interpretation, the English text shall be held to

he authoritative.


Article V.—The present Treaty shall be ratified as soon as possible and the

ratifications shall be exchanged at Nanking. It shall come into force on the

day on which the two Governments shall 'have Notified each other that the

ratification has been effected.

In testimony whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the-

present Treaty in duplicate and have affixed their Seals thereto.

©one at Nanking this twenty-second day of the eleventh month of the

seventeenth year of the Repnblic of China corresponding, to. the twenty-second

day of November, nineteen hundred and . twgnty-eight.

(Signed) Cuengtixo T. Waxo

Plenipotentiary and Minister for

. Foreign, Affairs of the National

Government of the Republic of


(Signed) Barqn J. Guillaume

Plenipotentiary and Charge d’Af-

faires gd interim of Belgium, in



On November 24, 1927, ©r. C. C. Wu, tlien Nationalist Minister for Foreign

Affairs, notified Mr. Garrido, the Spanish Minister at Peiping (Peking) that

the Sino-Spanish Treaty, of October 10, 1864, had expired and become in-

operative. Shortly afterwards, on December 2, the following Provisional Re-

gulations pending, the conclusion of a new Sino-Spanish Treaty were issued

by the Natiohalist Government:

Provisional Regulations Pending Conclusion of New Treaty between China

and Spain.

(1.) The Diplomatic and Consular representatives of Spain in China

shall receive: the treatment accorded to such officials by the general rules of

international law.

(2) Theaccording

protection person's'and propertylaw.of Spanish» subjects in China shall receive

to Chinese

(3) Spanish subjects resident in China shall be amenable to Chinese law

and subject to the jurisdiction of Chinese courts.

(4) Civil and, criminal actions in China involving Spanish subjects shall

be dealt with according to the procedure governing nationals of non-treaty


(5) Imports into China from Spain or by Spanish subjects and exports

from China destined for Spain shall be subject to the customs tariff as applied

to non-treaty countries, and their nationals.

(6) Spanish subjects in China shall pay such taxes and dues as are paid

by Chinese citizens.

(7) All matters not specifically covered by the above provisions shall be

dealt with and adjusted according to the general rules of international law

and according to Chinese law.

Nanking, 2nd December, 1927.


Preliminary Treaty of Amity and. Commerce between the Republic of China

and the Kingdom of Spain.

The Republic of China and the Kingdom of Spain, being equally animated

by the desire to strengthen the ties of friendship -which happily subsist between

the two countries and to. promote and consolidate their commercial relations,

have resolved to conclude a Preliminary Treaty for Amity and Commerce,

and have, for this purpose, named as their Plenipotentiaries, that is to say:

His Excellency the President of the National Government of the Re-

public of China:

(Dr. Chengting T. Wang, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the

National Government of the Republic of China:

His Majesty the King of Spain:

Don Justo Garrido Y. Cisneros, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister

Plenipotentiary of His Majesty the King Of Spain to China;

Whp, having-met arid communicated to each other their respective full

powers, found in good and due .form, have agreed upon the following Articles:

Article I.-^The two High'Contracting Parties agree that the custoxms tariff

and all matters related thereto shall be regulated, cxclusiyely by their respective

-national legislation.

It is further, agreed: that each of the High'Contracting Parties shall enjoy

in the territories of the other, with regard to customs and all related matters,

treatment in no way less favourable than the treatment accorded to any other


The nationals of each of the High Contracting Parties shall not be com-

pelled, under any pretext whatever, tq pay within the territories of the other

Party any duties, internal charges or taxes upon the importation or exporta-

tion of goods, other or higher than those paid by the nationals of the. country

-or by the nationals of any other country.

Article II.'—The nationals of each of the High Contracting Parties shall

tie subject, in the "territories of the other Party, to the laws and .jurisdiction of

the law courts of that Party, to which they shall have free and easy access

for the enforcement and defence of their rights. :

soonArticle III—The

as possible two High Contracting

into negotiations Partiesofhave

for the purpose decided atoTreaty

concluding eg ter of


'Commerce, and Navigatiqn based on the principles of absolute equality and

non-discrimination jn their commercial relations and mutual respect for

sovereignity. ,, C

Article IV.—The present Treaty has beeh drawn up in t^o. copies in the

‘Chinese, iSpanish and English languages. In the event of there being

any difference of meaning, the English text shall be held to prevail.

Article V.—The present Treaty shall be ratified as soon as possible and

.-shall come into force on the day on which; the !two .Governments stall haye

notified each other that ratification has been effected.

In faith whereof, the. respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the present

Treaty and have affixed thereto their seals-

Done at Nanking this twenty-seventh day of the twelfth, month of the seven-

teenth year of the Republic of China, corresponding to the twenty-seventh

«day of December, nineteen hundred ,and twenty-eight.

(Signed) Chengting T. Wang.

(Signed) Garrido Y. Cisneros.


On April

Foreign affairs,'.16th, 1928 Mr.

notified Gjeneral

J. A. Huang

Biapebi,Fu,the tfien Rationalist

Portuguese Minister

Minister, for;

that the-

Sino-Portuguese Treaty of 1887 would expire on April 28th, and after various-

negotiations the following treaty was signed on December 19, 1928.

Preliminary Treaty of Amity and Commerce between the Republic of China

and the Republic of Portugal.

The Republic of China and the Republic- of Portugal, being: equally ani-

mated by the desire to strengthen the ties of friendship which have happily

subsisted between the two countries for more than four hundred years and to

promote and consolidate their commercial relations, have resolved to conclude

a Preliminary Treaty of Amity and -Commerce, and have for this purpose,,

named as their Plenipbteritiarit-S, thaf is to say:

His Excellency the President of the Rational Government of the Re-

public of China :

Dr. Ghengting T. Wang, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the-

Rational Government of the Republic of -China;

His Exceilency the President of the . Republic of Portugal :

Mr. Joao Antonio de Bianchi, Grand Cross of the Order of Christ,

Officer of the Order of St. Tiago de Espada and Grand Cross of

Chi a Ho, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary

df the Republic of Portugal to China;

Who, having met and communicated to each other their respective full

powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following Articles:

Article I..—The two High Contracting Parties agree that the customs tariff

and all matters-related thereto shall be regplated Exclusively by their respegtive

national legislations.

It is further agreed that each of the two High Contracting Parties shall

enjoy in the territories of the other, with respect to customs and all related

matters, treatment in no way less favourable than the treatment accorded to

any other country.

The nationals of 'each of the two High Contracting Parties shall not bo

compelled, under any pretext whatever, ito pay within the territories of the

other Party any duties, internal charges or taxes upon the importation or

exportation of igerchandise,

of the couirtry higher ofor any

or by the nationals otherother

than country.

those paid by the nationals

shall be subject, in the territories of the other Paj'ty,High

Article IL-rTHe nationals of each of the two to theContracting Parties

laws and jurisdic-

tion of the law courts of that Party, to which they shall have free and easy

access for the enforcement and defence of their rights.


as soon III.—Theiritotwo

as possible 1 High Contracting Parties have decided to enter

negotiations for the purpose .of concluding a Treaty

of Commerce and navigation based bn the principles of absolute equality and

non-discrimination iri their commercial relations and mutual respect for


Article IV.—The present Treaty has been drawn up in two copies in

Chinese, Portuguese, and English. In case of any difference of interpretation,

the English text shall be held to prevail.

SINOhFQKEIGN treaties 129

Article Y.—The present Treaty shall be ratified as soon as possible and

shall come into force on the day on which the two Governments shall have

notified each other that the ratification has been effected.

In faith whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the present

Treaty and have affixed thereunto their seals.

Done at. Nanking this nineteenth day, of the twelfth month of the

seventeenth year of the Republic of China, corresponding to the nineteenth day

of December, nineteen hundred and twenty-eight.

(Signed) Chengting T. Wang.

(Sighed) Joao Antonio de Bianchi.


The new treaty between China and Italy was signed on November 27th.,.

1923 The text of the treaty is as, follows:

Preliminary Treaty of Amity and Commerce between the Republic of China

and the Kingdom of Italy.

The Republic of China and the Kingdom of Italy, being equally animated

by the desire to strengthen the ties of friendship which happily subsist between

tbe two countries and to promote and consolidate their commercial relations

have resolved to conclude a Preliminary Treaty for Amity and 'Commerce, and

have, for this purpose, named as their Plenipotentiaries, that is to say:

His Excellency the President of the National Government of the Re-

public of China:

Dr. Chengting T. Wang, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Na-

tional Government of the Republic of China:

His Majesty the King of Italy:

Mr. Daniele Yare, Commander of the Order of the Crown of Italy,

Officer of the Order of S.S. Maurice and Lazarus, Envoy Ex-

traordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of His Majesty the

King of Italy to China;

Who, having met and communicated to:each other their respective full

powers, found in good and due form, have agfebd upon the , following


Article I.—The two High Contracting Parties agree that the Customs

tariff and all matters related thereto shall be regulated exclusively by their

respective national legislations.

It is further agreed that each of the High Contracting Parties shall en-

joy in the territory of the other, with regard to customs and all-related mat-

ters, treatment in no way less favourable that the treatment accorded to any

other country.

The nationals of each of , the High 'Contracting Parties , shall not be com-

pelled, under any pretext whatever, to pay within the territories of the other

Party any duties, internal charges or taxes upon the importation .or exporta-

tion of goods, other or higher than those paid by the nationals of tihe country

or by the nationals of any other country.

Article II.—The nationals of'each'of the High Contracting Parties shall

be subject, in the territory of the other Party, to the laws and jurisdiction of

the law courts of that Party, to which they shall have free and easy access for

the enforcement and defence of their rights




soonArticle III.—The

as possible into two High Contracting

negotiations/for Partiesofhave

the purpose decided atoTreaty

concluding enter of


Commerce and Navigation based on the principles of absolute equality and

non-discrimination in their commercial relations and mutual respect for


Article IV. The present Treaty has been drawn up in two copies in the

Chinese, Italian and English languages: It the event of there being any

difference of meaning, the English ttext shall bie held to prevail.

Article Y —The present Treaty shall be ratified as soon as possible and

shall come into fqree on the day on which the two Governments shall have

notified each other that the ratification has been effected.

In faith whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the present

Treaty and have affixed thereto their seals.

Done at Nanking this twenty-seventh day of the eleventh month of the

seventeenth year of the Republic of, China, corresponding to the twenty-

seventh day of November, nineteen hundred and twenty-eight (the seventh

year of the Fascist Era.)

(Signed) Chexgtinc T. Wang.

Plenipotentiary and Minister for

Foreign Affairs of the National

Government of thk Republic of


(Signed) Daniele Vare,

Plenipotentiary and Envoy Extra-

ordinary and Minister Plenipoten-


Italy ofto His Majesty the King of



On December 12, 1928, the new Sino-Danish preliminary treaty was signed,

the tekt of which is as follows:

Preliminary Treaty of Amity and Commerce between the Republic of

China and the Kingdom of Denmark.

The Republic of China and the Kingdom of Denmark, being equally

animated by the desire to strengthen the ties of friendship which happily

subsist between the two countries and to promote and consolidate their com-

mercial relations, have resolved to conclude a Preliminary Treaty for Amity

and Commerce, and have, for this purpose, named als1 their Plenipotentiaries,

that is to say:

His Excellency the President of the National Government of the Re-

public of China:

Dr Chengting T. Wang, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the

National Government of the Republic of China;

His Majesty the King of Denmark and Iceland :

Mr. Henrik de Kauffmann, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister

Plenipotentiary of His Majesty the King of Denmark and

Iceland, to China;

Who, having met and communicated to each other their respective full

powers, found in good and due form, have agreed Upon the. following articles;

Article I.—The two High Contracting Parties agree that the Customs tariff

and all matters related thereto shall be regulated exclusively by their respec-

tive national legislations.

It is further agreed that each of the High Contracting Parties shall enjoy

in the territory of the other, with regard to Customs and all related matters,

treatment in no way less favourable than the treatment accorded to any other



[The nationals of eaoh of the High Contracting Parties shall not be com-

slled, under any pretext whatever, to pay within the territories of the other

arty any duties, internal charges or taxes upon the importation or exporta-

on of goods, other or higher thap those paid by. the. nationals of the country

• by the nationals of any other country.

; Article II.—The nationals of each of ; the two High Contracting Parties

lall be subject, in the territory of the other Party, to the laws and jurisdic-

ion of the law courts of that Party, to which they shall have free and easy


1 for the enforcement and defence of their rights.

Article III.—The two High Contracting Parties have decided to enter as

son as possible into negotiations for the purpose of concluding a Treaty of

Jommerce and Navigation based on the principles of absolute equality and

on-discrimination in their commercial relations and mutual respect for


Article IV.—The present Treaty has been drawn up in two copies in the

Shines©, Danish and English languages. In the event of there being any dif-

erence of meaning, the English text shall be held to prevail.

Article Y.—The present Treaty shall be ratified as soon as possible and

hall come into force on the day on which the two Governments shall have

otified each other that the ratification has been effected.

In faith whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the present

’reaty and have affixed thereto their seals.

Done at Nanking this twelfth day of the twelfth month of the seventeenth

ear of the Republic of China, corresponding to the twelfth day of December,

jneteen hundred and twenty-eight.

(Signed) Chewgting T. Wang.

Plenipotentiary and Minister lor

Foreign Affairs of the National

Government of the Republic of



Envoy Henri Kauffmann

Extraordinary and Minis-

ter Plenipotentiary

the King of Denmark of Hisand



land, to China.


The iSino-German tariff treaty was signed on August 17, 1928.

Treaty between China and Germany.

The Republic of China, and the German Reich, animated by the desire

a further consolidate the ties of friendship which happily exist between the

wo countries and to extend and facilitate the commercial relations between

ae two countries, have, for this purpose, decided to conclude a treaty and

&ve named as their Plenipotentiaries, that is to say:

The President of the Council of the Nationalist Government of the Re-

public of China:

Dr. Chengting T. Wang, Minister for Poreign Affairs;

The Mr.


H. vonof Borch,

the German

Envoy Reich:

Extraordinary and Minister Plenipo-

tiary of the German Reich to China.

Who, having communicated to each other their full powers and found them

» be in good and due form, have agreed upon the folpwing treaty between

le two countries:



Article I.^-Eor the purphsp of attatniiig ajisplute equality of treatment

in'Customs matter's and in supplementing the arrangements between China and

Germany of the 20th of May 1S21, the two High Contracting Parties agree

that in all Customs and related matters either of the High Contracting Parties

shall not, within the territories of the other Party, be subject to any discri-

minatory treatment as compared with the treatment accorded to any other

country.', : O "io i/totonoj ..

The nationals of each of the High Contracting Parties shall under no

circumstances be. compelled to pay within the territories of the other Party

higher or other duties, internal charges or taxes whatsoever Upon the importa-

tion or exportation of goods than those paid by nationals of the country

or by nationals of any other country.

The provision in the exchange of notes annexed to the SinO-German agree-

ment of May 20, 1921, according to which German import goods shall pay

duties in accordance with the General Tariff Regulations prior to thO general

application of the Automous Tariff Regulations,, shall be hereby annulled.

Artieje II.—The two High Contracting Parties will enter as soon as pos-

sible into hegotiatiohs. for thh purpose of concluding a Treaty of Commerce

and Navigation based pn the i>rinciple of perfect parity and equality of treat

merit. ;.. , . ' ; '[IT 1 •.

Article III. The present treaty has been drawn up in Chinese, German and

Enelish; in caJse of a difference ! of interpretation the English text shall pre-

vail. " . rmh". j :)'!■( ■; '.

Article TV.—The present treaty shall be ratified as sOon as possible and

shall become valid on the day on which the two Governments shall have noti-

fied each, other that the ratifications have been effected.

Done in duplicate at Nanking on the seventeenth day of the Eighth month

of the seventeenth year of the Republic of China, corresponding to the seven-

teenth day of August, nineteen hundred and twenty-eight.

(Signed) Chengting T. Wang.

(Signed) H. Yon Borch.



Legation of the United States of America

Excellency: .' f< Peking,. August 27, 1928.

I have the honour to inform you that the Governments of Germany, the

United States of America, Belgium, France, Great Britain, Canada, Australia,

New Zealand, South Africa, The Irish Free State, India, Italy, Japan, Poland,

and Czecho-SIovakia have this day signed in Paris a treaty binding’ them to


another andwartoasseek

an only

instrument of national

by pacific means thepolicy m theirof relations

settlement withof one

or solution al!

disputes which may arise among them.

This treaty, as Your Excellency is aware, is the outcome of negotiations

which commenced on June, 29,, Z927, when M. Briand,. Minister for Foreign

ofAffairs of thefriendship

perpetual French Republic,

between submitted

France andto my

the Government

United States.a draft of acourse

In the pact

of the subsequent riegotiations this idea was extended so as to include as

•original signatories of the anti-war treaty not only France and the United


^States but also Japan, the British Empire and all the Governments which

participated with France and Great Britain in the Locarno agreements, namely,

Belgium, Czecho-Blovakia, Germany, Italy, and Poland. This procedure met

the point raised by the British Government in its note, of May 19, 1928,, where

it stated that the treaty from its very nature was not one which copcepned that

‘Government alone but was one in which that Government could not undertake

to participate otherwise than jointly and simultaneously with .the Government

in the Dominions and the Government of India; it also settled satisfactorily

the questibh whether there was any inconsistency between the new treaty and

the treaties of Locarno, thus meeting the observation^ pf the Freneh Govern-

ment as to the necessity of extending the number of original signatories.

The decision to limit the original signatories to the Powers named above,

that is, to the United States, Japan, the parties to the Locarno treaties, the

British iDominidns, and India was based entirely upon practical considerations.

It was the desire of the United States that the negotiations be successfully con-

cluded at the earliest possible moment, and that the treaty become operative

without the delay that Would inevitably result were prior universal acceptance

made a condition precedent to its coming into force. My Government felt,

moreover, that if these Powers could agreed upon a simple renunciation of

war as an instrumtnt of national policy, there could be no doubt that most if

not all the other Powers of the: World would find the. formula1 equally ahoeptable

and would hasten to lend their unqualified support to so impressive a move

ment.for the perpetuation of peace: The United States has, : however, been

anxious from the beginning that no state should feel deprived of an . .opport-

unity to participate promptly in the new treaty and thus !not only align

itself formally and solemnly with this new, manifestation of the popular demand

for . world peace but also avail itself of the identical benefits enjoyed by the

original signatories Accordingly, in the draft treaty proposed by it, the

United States made specific provision for participation , in the treaty by any

and every Power desiring to identify itself therewith and this same provision

is found in the definitive instrument sighed’to-day in Paris. It will also be

‘Observed that the Powers signing the treaty have recorded in the preamble

their hope that every nation of the world will participate in the treaty and

in that connection I am happy to be able to report that my Government has

already received from several Governments informal indications that they are

prepared to do so at the earliest possible moment. This convincing evidence

of the world wide interest and sympathy which the mew treaty has evoked is

most gratifying to all the Governments concerned.

In these circumstances I have the honour formally to oommumcate to

Your Excellency for your consideration, and for the approval of your Gov-

■ernment, if it concurs therein, the text of the above-mentioned treaty as

isigned to-day in Paris, omitting only that part of the preamble which names

yfcbe several, plenipotentiaries. The text is-as follows:

“The President of the German Reich, the President of the’United States

of America, His Majesty the King of the Belgians, the President,;of the

French Republic, His Majesty the King of Great Britain, Ireland, and the

British Dominions beyond the Seas, Emperor of India, His Majesty the

King, of Italy, His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, the President of the

Republic of Poland, the President of the Czecho-Slovakian Republic, deeply

sensible of their solemn duty - to promote the welfare of mankind;

“Persuaded that the time has come when a frank prescription of war

as an instrument of national policy should be made to the end that the

peaceful and: friendly relations now existing between their peoples may be


“Convinced that all changes in the relations with one another should be

sought, only by pacific means and be the result of peaceful and orderly

ptocess and that any signatory Power ^bich shall hereafter seek tb pro-

mote its national interests by resort to war should be denied the benefits

furnished by this treaty;


“Hopeful thatr’encouraged by their example all the other nations of

the' world will join in this humane endeavour and by adhering to the-

jfregent treaty as soon as it comes into force, bring their peoples within the

scope of its beneficent provisions, thus uniting the civilized nations of the

world in a common renunciation of war as an instrument of their national

policy: '

“Have decided to conclude a treaty and for that purpose have ap-

,pointed as their respective plenipotentiaries (here follows the list of plqn-

■ ipoteptiaries). who, having communicated to one another their full powers-

found in good and due form have agreed upon the following articles:

“Article I.—First, solemnly declare in the name of their respective-

« peoples that they condemn recourse to war for the solution of international

• controversies^ and renounce it as an instrument of national policy in their

relations with one another.

“Article II.—The High Contracting Parties agree that the settlement

or solution of all disputes pf conflicts of whatever nature or of whatever

origin t^py may be, which may arise among them, shall never be sought-

except by pacific means

Article III.^The present treaty shall be ratified by the High Con-

tracting Parties named in the preamble in accordance with their respective

constitutional requirements, and shall take effect as between them as soon

as all their several instruments of ratification shall have been deposited

at Washington.

“This treaty

preceding shall,remain

paragraph, when itopenhasascome

long into effectbe asnecessary

as may pi'escribed

for inadher-


ence by all the other Powers of the world. Every instrument evidencing

the adherence of a Power shall be deposited! at Washington and the treaty

shall immediately upon its deposit become effective as between the Power

thus adhering and the other Powers parties hereto.

“It shall be the duty of the Government of the United States to

furnish each Government named in the preamble and every Government

subsequently adhering to this treaty with a certified copy of the treaty and

of every instrument of ratification or adherence. It shall also be the duty

of the Government of the United States telegraphically to notify such.

Governments immediately upon the deposit with it of each instrument of

ratification, cr adherence.

“In faith whereof the respective plenipotentiaries have signed this

treaty in the French and English languages, both texts having equal force,

and hereunto affixed their seals.

“Done at Paris the 27th day of August in the year one thousand nine

hundred and twenty^eight.,’

The provisions regarding ratification and adherence are, as Your Ex-

cellency will observe, found in the third and last Article. That Article pro-

vides that the treaty shall take effect as soon as the ratifications of all the

Powers named in the preamble shall have been deposited in Washington and

that it shall be open to adherefice by all the other Powers of the world, in-

struments'evidencing such adherence to be deposited in Washington also. Any

Power desiring to participate in the treaty may thus exercise the right to

adhere thereto and my Government will be happy to, receive at any time

appropriate notices of adherence Horn those Governments wishing to contribute

to the success of this new movement for world peace by bringing their peoples

w’if-hin its beimficent scope. It will be noted, in this connect;qn that, the treaty

expressly provides tjiat when it has once come into force it shall take effect

immediately between an adhering Power and the other Parties thereto, and

it is therefore 'dear 'that any Government adhering promptly will fully share

in the benefits of the treaty at the very moment it comes into effect.


I shall shortly transmit foi*. Your Excellency’s convenient reference a

printed pamphlet containing tne text in translation of M. Briand’s original

proposal to my Government of June 20, 1027, and the complete record of the

subsequent; diplomatic correspondence on the subject of a multilateral treaty

for the renunciation of war. I shall also transmit,'as soon as received*'from

my Government, a certified copy of the signed'treaty.

I avail myself of this opportunity to extend to Yoifr Excellency the

renewed assurance of my highest consideration,

CSigned) Mahl6n'F. Perkins',

Charge d’Affaires.


Kanking, Sept. 13, 1923.


I have the honour to, aokhjOwledge the recej.pt,of yonypominunicatioi^cdated


for my 27consideration

in which theandGovernment of the United

for the approval of my States of America,

Government .present*

the text of a

treaty that was sighed on the; same day in Paris by the Governments of Ger-

many, the United States of America, Belgium, France, Great, Britain, Canada,

Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, the Irish Free State, India, Italy,

Japan, Poland, and Szecho-Slovakia binding them to renounce war as! an


only by pacificnational policysettlement

means the in their orrelations


of one another and

all disputes whichto may


arise among them.

“The ideals which are embodied in this treaty of extraordinary significance

are the, foundation on which the national life of the Chinese people is con-

structed and I wish, therefbre, immediately to avail myself of this opportunity

to inform you that this impressive movement for the perpetuation of universal

peace and’for the advancfement of world civilization, arousied opr sympathetic

interest from the very beginning and thiit in its present form as a definitive

•treaty, my Government has decided'to'adhere to it without delay.

The Chinese Government, and people feel, deeply confident that the inter-

dependence of the different nations of the world is making it increasingly

manifest to all thinking minds that the renunciation of yyar, and a frank

-avowal of the need of friendly relations is the only means to save civilization

from the danger of destruction. We :are, indeed, brought before'the supreme

test whether, after those painful experiences of a few years ago which still

linger in our memory, we are not yet convinced of the absolute necessity of

a real spirit of mutual co-bperation to guide us in our national policies to-

wards one another. It is therefore a source of profound satisfaction to see

that this action of momentous impoi’tance, so ably sponsored by the United

States of America, is receiving universal response.

As you are aware, the whole conception of life among our people centres

rohnd the ideal of harmony. It is indeed difficult, if not impossible, to find

in all our thinkers a view of life which justifies conflict in any form as the

basis of a national policy, and I venture to think that it is this idea of

harmony and peace which accounts for the stability of pur civilization and

the extraordinary length of our history. The present treaty to renounce

war is, in fact, a vindication’of the teachings of our revered ancestors, and

especially as these teachings, which have been amplified by our late leader,

Dr. Sun Yat-sen, so clearly embodied in such noble principles as Universal

Justice and The Brotherhood of Nations, are also at the present moment being

-applied in the building up of a new China, the Chinese people are prepared

to join with America and the other signatory Powers with more than the

usual enthusiasm in endeavouring to attain the noble ends of peace.

We are deeply sensible, however, that in order to make war really im-

possible, it is necessary to eliminate all causes which arfi likely to give rise

to any international dispute, and rigidly to uphold the principle of cquhfity


and mutual respect for territorial sovereignty among all nations. My Gov-

ernment, therefore, firmly believes that all the signatory Powers will abide by

the spirit of the present treaty and remove, at the earliest opportunity, all

of China’s unequal treaties and encroachments upon her sovereignty, as for

instance, the stationing of large numbers of alien troops on her soil. For it

is clear that a free and independent China is one of the most vital factors,

whereby permanent world peace may be promoted and strengthened.

I avail myself of this opportunity to extend to you the assurance of roy

highest consideration.

(Signed) Wang Cheng-ting,

Minister for Foreign Affairs.


On April 27, 1929, the Minister for Foreign Affairs addressed Notes to>

the British, American, Brazilian, Dutch, French and Norwegian Envoys,

urging the early abolition of extraterritoriality. The Notes were similar in

wording, those addressed to the British, American and French Ministers being,


The text of the Notes to the British, American and French Ministers is-

as follows: —

Ministry of Foreign Affairs,.


April 27,1929.

Your Excellency:

I have the honour to recall to Your Excellency that the Chinese Govern-

ment, through its representatives, had had occasion to express at the Paris.

Peace Conference its strong desire for the removal of limitations on China’s-

jurisdictional sovereignty imposed upon her by the old treaty concluded between

China and the foreign Powers and that the Chinese Delegation emphatically

reiterated the same desire at the Washington Conference, which placed cn

record its sympathetic disposition towards furthering the aspiration of China

for the removal of restrictions on her political, jurisdictional and administra-

tive freedom of action.

With the unification of China and the establishment upon a firm founda-

tion of the National Government, a new era has been happily inaugurated

in the relations between our two countries through the conclusion of the recent

Tariff Treaty, and it is tp be confidently hoped that the material well-being,

of our two countries will henceforth be greatly enhanced. But it is the belief

and the conviction of the Chinese Government that the promotion of such

material well-being will be accelerated by a readjustment of the relations be-

tween our two countries, on a basis of friendly equality in matters of juris-

diction, and if Your Excellency’s Government could see its way to meet the

wishes of the Chinese Government and people in this regard, it is certain

that another obstacle to the full and frank co-operation, in trade or other-

wise, between the Chinese people and foreign nationals in this country

would be happily removed and that the desire of the Chinese Government

for promoting to the fullest extent the material interests of all who choose

to associate themselyes with our own people would find its early realization.

It goes without saying that extraterritoriality in China is a legacy of

the old regime, which has not only ceased to be adaptable to the present-day

conditions, but has become so detrimental to the smooth working of the judicial

and administrative machinery of China that her progress as a member of

the Family of Nations has been unnecessarily retarted. The inherent defects

clearlyip conveniences

and pointed out byof the

the Chinese

system Government

of, consular onjurisdiction have been

various occasions and most


by the jurists and publicists of other countries in their official utterances as.


'well as in their academic discussions. It is a matter for sincere regret that,

'while many Governments which are playing, an important role in interna-

tional affairs are eager and persistent in their endeavour to promote geniune

friendship and harmony among nations, such anachronistic practices as only

tend to mar the friendly relations between the 'Chinese people and foreign

nationals should .be allowed to* exist at a time when justice and equity are

•supposed to govern the relations of nations.

With the; close , contact between China and the foreign .Powers,; the asp-

milation of western legal conceptions by Chinese jurists and incorporation

of western legal principles in Chinese jurisprudence have proceeded very

rapidly. In addition to the numerous codes and laws now in force, the Civil

node and the Commercial code have reached the. final stage of preparation

and will be ready for promulgation before January 1st, 1930. Courts and

prisons, along modern lines, have been established, and are being established,

throughout the whole country.

Inasmuch as doubt has been entertained with regard to the advisability

of relinquishing extraterritorial privileges at this juncture by the interested

Powers, it may be pointed out that certain countries, having ceased to enjoy

extraterritorial privileges in China, have found satisfaction in the protection

given to their nationals by Chinese law and have had no cause for complaint

that their interests nave been in any way prejudiced. Your Excellency’s

■Government may, therefore; rest assured that the legitimate rights and in-

terests of your nationals will not be unfavourably affected in the least by the

relinquishment of the exceptional privileges which they now possess.

As Your Excellency’s Government has always maintained a friendly atti-

tude towards China and has always shown its readiness in the adoption of

measures for the removal of limitations on China’s sovereignity, X am happy

to- express to Your Excellency, on behalf of the Chinese Goverpment, the

desire of China to have, the restrictions on her jurisdictional sovereignty re-

moved at the earliest possible date and confidently hope that Your Excellency’s

Government will take this desire of China into immediate and sympathetic

consideration and favour me with an earty reply so that steps may be taken

to enable China, now unified and with a strong Central Government, to right-

fully assume jurisdiction over alX nationals within her domain.

I avail myself of this opportunity to .renew to Your Excellency the as-

■surnoe of my, highest consideration.

(Signed) Chengting T. Wang.

Minister of Foreign Affairs.


His Excellency Peking, Aug. 10. 1920.

Dr. Chengiing T. Wang,

Minister for Fore-gn Affairs,



I have the honour to a».knowledge the receipt of the Chinese Government’s

iNote of April 27th in which there is expressed. the; desire that the United

States should relinquish file further exercise of extraterritorial jurisdiction

over its citizens in China and the hope that the American Government will

take this desire into immediate and sympathetic consideration.'

I am directed by my Government to state that it is prepared to give

sympathetic consideration to the desires expressed by the Chinese Govern-

ment, giving at the same time, as it must, due consideration to the responsi-

bilities which rest upon the Government of the United States in connection


with.-^he...problem of jurisdiction over the persons and property of Americans!

citizens in China. My Government, has* in fact, for some time past given

constant and sympathetic consideration to the national aspirations of the-

people of ,China, and it has repeatedly given concrete evidence of its desire-

to promote the realization of these aspirations in so far as action of the

United States may contribute to that result. As long ago as the year 1903,

in Article 15 of the Treaty concluded in that year between the United States

and China, the American Goyernment agreed that it would be prepared to-

relinquish the jurisdiction which it.exercised over its nationals in China “when

satisfied that the state of the Chinese laws, the arrangements for their ad-

ministration, and other considerations warrant it in so doing.” As recently

as last year, the American Government gave very definite evidence of its

desire to promdte the realization‘of China’s aspirations by concluding with

the Government of China, onf; July 23, 1928, a Treaty by 'vyhich the two countries

agreed to cancellation of prSvisions in earlier treaties j whereby China’s

authority in reference to Customs duties on goods' imported into China by‘

American nationals had been restricted.

The exercise by the United States of jurisdiction over its citizens in

China'had its genesis in an early agreement that, because of differences be-

tween the customs of the two countries and peoples, and differences between'

their judicial systems, it would be wise to place upon the American Govern-

ment the duty of extending to American nationals in China the restraints and

the benefits of the system of jurisprudence tp which they and their fellow

nationals wercafecustomed in the United States.'

My Government deems it proper at this point to remind the Government

of China that this system of American jurisdiction as administered by the

extraterritorial courts has me,vef been, extended by the United States beyond

the purposes';-to which i,C,was by tbe’Treaties originally limited. Those pur-

poses were, the lawful controUand protection of the persons and property of

Americap citizens, who have.:established themselves in China in good faith in


sent of Chinawith, the .normal

in the terms ofdevelopment

the Treatiesof and with the knowledge

the commercial and culturaland rela-


tions, between... the.'two countries. The United States has never sought to extend

its sovereignty oyer anyi portion of the territory of China.

Under the provisions qf the JEreaty of 1844, and other agreements concluded

thereafter which established that system, American citizens have lived and

have Carried oh their'legitimate ehterprises in China with benefit both to the

Chinese and to themselves They have engaged extensively in cultural and

in commercial enterprises involving, large sums of money and extensive pro-

pertiesj, , and, as ,your Government has so graciously indicated in the Note

under acknowledgement, there has grown up and existed between the peoples

and the Governments of the two countries a friendship that has endured.

The American Government believe that this condition of affairs has been duo

in large part to the manaer in which the relations between the two peoples

have been regurated' under the provisions of these agreements, the existence-,

of which has assured to the lives and property of American citizens in China

the security so necessary to their growth and development.

For the safety of life , and property, the development and continuance of

legitimate upon

elsewhere, and beneficial business

the certainty depend infromthe injury

of protection last resort, in China,by asa

or confiscation

system of. knoyn; law-ponsistently interpreted and faithfully . enforced by an


the individual.iudieiafy. \Vheyefp’the

be’eQme suibjecf such constant;


fails,of the life andattack,

unlawful libertywhile


his prQperty suffers the ever-ppesenf danger of'cpnAscatioh in whole or in

part through , arbitrary administrative action. To exchange an assured . and

tried systemandof-property

that life administration of justice,

have' been and under

protected which it, has

and commerce is, acknowledged

groWn and

prospered, fofi uncertainties 'in the absence bf an adequate body of law and df

an experienced and independent judiciary would be fraught with danger in

both of ’the foregoing respects.


My Government has instructed me to say that the statement of the

Minister of Foreign Affairs of China, telegraphed to the press of the United

'States on July 26th, to the effect that “all foreign interests in China purely

for legitimate purposes will be duly respected” has been noted by it with

pleasure as indicating that the Government of China ha-S not failed to appre-

ciate the value to its foreign relations of the factors abpye mentioned. jVly

Government bids me add that it is therefore persuaded that the Government

of China will concur in its'belief based as it is upon the facts set forth in

-succeeding paragraphs, that the sudden abolition of the system of protection

by its extraterritorial courts in the face of conditions prevailing in China

to-day Would in effect expose the property of American citizens to danger of

unlawful seizure and place in jeopardy the liberty of the persons of American


The Chinese Government has, on several occasions during recent years,

expressed the desire that the .Powers relinquish the exercise.of extraterritorial

jurisdiction over their citizens In the Note under acknowledgment reference

is made to the position haken at the Washington Conference. It will ; be re*

called that, in pursuance, of-the resolution adopted ■ at that Conference, there

was created a Commission to inquire into the present practice of extraterri-

torial jurisdiction in China and into the laws and the judicial system.and the

methods of judicial administration of China,;and that, under date pf Sept-

ember. L6, 1926, that Commission made its report. This report contained; an

account of t.hp conditions then , prevailing in the judicial system of China, as

well as. a number of recommendations carefully : suggested as indicating the

changes and improvements which would be necessary before there would be

adequately developed a system of, known law and an independent judiciary

capable of justly controlling and protecting the lives' find property'' of the

citizens of foreign ' countries doing; business in China. Ybujr: Govbrhmeht will

recall that the Commission bn’ Extraterritoriality which niade these recom-

mendations was composed of representatives from thirteen 'countries including

both China and the -United States and :that its fecbrnmendhtionh'thbughtfiilly

and reasonably conceived Were unanimously adopted and'were signed' by ail

of the Commissioners.”

Because of its friendship for the Chinese people and its desire, to which

allusion has been already made, to relinquish as soon as possible extraterri-

torial; jurisdiction

with ' attentive over its ov/nthis

'consideration;. pitizeUs


subject, myincluding

Government has followed

particularly the

progress which haCbeen1 made in carrying but its recommendations since the

rendition of this report.

. It fully- appreciates the efforts which qre being made in China t-Or assiirj.ilate

those western judical principles to which your Government h^s., referred in

its Note, but it would be lacking in, sincerity and candour, as well as disre-

gardful of its obligations towards it,s own .nationals, if it did not f'ranhly point

out-that the, recommendations aforesaid fiaye: not'been substantially .parried, qjxf

and that there does/iipt exist in China to-day a system of independent Chinese

courts, free, from exferanepus influence which: is, capable of,;adequately doing

justice between Cliinese and, fpreign litigants. My Government believes that

not until these recommendations are fulfilled in. far greater measure than is

the pase, to.-play will it be .possible for American citizens safely to live: and;do

business.in China and-for their property; adequately to he protected without

the intervention; of.,the,.copsular courts.

In' conclusion, my ;Government has directed'me to: state'that it observes

with attentive and sympathetic interest .the: changes whicb Tare ticking place

in .China. Animated as it;;is by' the ..most friendly motives .ftiid wishing ss

far as lies within Government power to be.helpful, the American Government

would he ready, if the suggestion should meet with the approval of the Chinese

Government, to participate in negotiations which would have . as their object

-the devising of a method for the gradual relinquishment-ofi extraterritorial

rights, either as to designated territorial areas, or as to partip%lg]r,-kip'da-of


jurisdictidn, or as to both, provided, that such gradual relinquishment pro-

fceeds at the same time as steps are talken and improvements are achieved by

the 'Chinese Government in the enactment and effective enforcement of law:**

based on modern concepts of jurisprudence.

I avaii myself of this opportunity to extend to Your Excellency the le-

newed assurance of my highest consideration.

(Signed) J. V. A. MagMurray.


British Legation, Peking,

at Peitaiho,

10th August, 1929.


I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Note of April STtin

in which you inform me of the desire of the National Government of the Re-

public of China that the restrictions imposed on the jurisdictional sovereignty

of China by the system of extraterritoriality now in force should be removed-

at the earliest possible date with a view to the assumption of jurisdiction by

China over all nationals in her domain.

2. I have communicated the contents of your letter to my Government

and I am now instructed to transmit to you a reply in the following sense:

3. Animated by the friendly feelings which they have always entertained

towards the Government and people of China His Majesty’s Government have-


relatingtheirto sympathetic

the abolitionconsideration to the request

of extraterritorial of the inChinese

jurisdiction China.Government

The high importance of this subject in its bearing both on the political

development of China and the future relations between China and Great

Britain appears to demand that it should be closely examined from every

aspect. In particular a just appreciation of the reasons for which and the

manner in which the present system of extraterritoriality came into existence

seems essential to a consideration of the proper method for dealing with the


4. The system of extraterritoriality in force in China has its root deep

down in the past. For thousands of years before science had improved com-

munications, the Chinese people were secluded from the rest of the world by

deserts and the ocean and they developed a civilisation and a policy peculiar

to themselves. A wide gulf was thus fixed between Europe and America cm

the one hand and China on the other.

5. In particular the conception of international relations as being inter-

course between eqtial and independent states—a conception which was woven


entirelythe alien

very texture of the

to Chinese political

modes ideas ofWhen

of thought the nations

traders ofof the

the West—was

West first

found their way to the coast of China, the Chinese Government found it diffi-

eult to allow them freely to enter into their country and mingle with their

people nor did they recognise that the nations to which they belonged were

the equals of China. These traders were therefore confined to a small section

of a single city in one corner of the Empire and while on the one hand they

were subjected to many disabilities and to grave humiliations, on the other

hand, by a species of amorphous and unregulated extraterritoriality, which

was the natural outcome of these conditions, the responsibility of managing

their own affairs and maintaining order amongst themselves was in some

measure lift to their own initiative.

6. Relations continued for many years upon this insecure and unsatisfac-

tory footing. Friction was often dangerously intense and conflicts not infre-

quently arose, generally out of demands that some innocent person should be

surrendered for execution to expirate perhaps an accidental homicide or that

foreign authority should assume the responsibility for enforcing the revenue1

laws of China.


7.. The object; of the first, itreaties was to secure recognition by China of

Great Britain’s equality with herself and to define and regulate the extrater-

ritorial status of British subjects. Relations between the two countries having

thus been placed on a footing of equality and mutual respect, Great Britain

was content that her nationals should continue to bear those responsibilities

and to labour under thosb disabilities which respect for the sovereignty of

China entailed upon them. Conditions did not permit the general opening of

the ihteiior of China and the residence of foreigners has consequently continued

down to the present day to be restricted to a limited number of cities known

as Treaty Ports.

8. His Majesty’s Government recognise the defects and inconveniences

of the system of consular jurisdiction to which tfie Government of China have

on various occasions drawn attention. In 1902 in Article 12 of the Treaty

of Commerce between Great Britain and China signed in that year, His

Majesty’s Government stated their readiness to relinquish their extraterritorial

rights when they were satisfied that the state of Chinese laws the arrangements

for their administration and other considerations warranted them in so doing.

They have since watched with appreciation the progress which China has

made in the assimilation of western legal principals to which referencei is made

in your Note under reply and they have observed with deep interest the facts

set out and recommendations made in the report of the Commission on Ex-

traterritoriality in the year 1926.

9. More recently in the declaration which they published in December

1926 andi the proposals which they made to the Chinese authorities in January

1927 His Majesty’s Government have given concrete evidence of their desire to

meet in a spirit of friendship and sympathy the legitimate aspirations of the

Chinese people. They have already travelled some distance along the road

marked out in those documents and they are willing to examine in collabora-

tion with the Chinese Government the whole problem of extraterritorial juris-

diction with a view to ascertaining what further steps in the same direction

it may be possible to take at the present time.

10. His Majesty’s Government would however observe that the promulga-

tion of codes embodying Western legal principles represents only one portion

of the task to be accomplished before it would be safe to abandon in their

entirety the special arrangements which have hitherto regulated the residence

of foreigners in China. In order that those reforms should become a living;

reality it appears to His Majesty’s Government to be necessary that Western

legal principles should be understood and be found acceptable by the people at

large, no less than by their rulers, and that the Courts which administer these

laws should be free from interference and dictation at the hands, not only of

military chiefs, but of groups and associations who either set up arbitrary

and illegal tribunals of their own or attempt to use legal courts for the fur-

therance of political objects rather than for the administration Of equal justice

between Chinese and Chinese and between Chinese and foreigners. Not until

these conditions are fulfilled in h far greater measure than appears to be the

case to-day will it be practicable for British merchants to reside, trade and

own property throughout the territories of China with the same equality of

freedom and safety as these privileges are accorded to Chinese merchants in

Great Britain. Any agreement purporting to accord with privileges to British

merchants would remain for some time to come a mere paper agreement to-

which it would be impossible to give effect in practice. Any attempt prema-

turely to accord such privileges would not only be of no benefit to British mer-

chants but might involve the Government and people of China in political

and economic difficulties.

11. So long as these conditions subsist there appears to be no practicable

alternative to maintaining though perhaps in a modified form the Treaty Port

system that has served for nearly a century to regulate intercourse between

China and British subjects with her domain. Some system of extraterri-

toriality is the natural corollary for the maintenance of the Treaty Port sys-


tem and the problem as it present itself to His Majesty’s Government at the

present moment is to discover what further modifications in that system beyoal

those already made and alluded to above it would be desirable and practicable

to effect.

12. His Majesty’s Government await further proposals from the National

Government as to the procedure now to be adopted for examining this question

and they instruct me to assure Your Excellency that they will continue to

maintain towards any such proposals the same friendly and helpful attitude

to which 'Yotir Excblleiicy has paid so generous a tribute in the eoncludihg

paragraph of your Note under reply.

I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assur-

ahce of my highest hbnsideratioii;'

(Signed) Miles W. iLampson.

His Excellency,

Dr. C. T. Wang,

• Etc., etc., etc.,

Minister for Foreign Affairs,



The following is the English translation of the reply of the French Gov-

ernment to Ghina'S Note concerning'’the abolition of extraterritoriality.

August 10, 1929.

Monsieur le Ministre,

I have the honour *to acknowledge the receipt of the note dated April 27

in which you express'the hope that the French Government would take into

immediate and favourable consideration the desire of the Chinese Government

to.be enabled to exercise its jurisdiction over all nationals residing in China.

Having taken note of this communication which has been the object of its

•careful attention, the French Government authorizes me to recall to Your Ex-

cellency that during the Washington Conference it gave voluntarily its approval

to the resolution of December 10, 1921, according to the terms of which an

international Commission was established to study the question of extraterri-

toriality in China.

This Commission, in its report of September 16, 1926, made recommenda-

tions, the application of which, might, in its judgment, permit the Powers

to relinquish extraterritoriality.

Taking into consideration the facts stated by the said Commission, the

French Go’veir.mcnt consi-iprs that, in order to realize the conditions favourable

for the renunciation of extraterritorial, rights enjoyed -by. its nationals in

virtue of the treaty, of X3aS, it is indispensable that the Chinese Government

proceed to the reforni of its laws, its , judicial institutions gnet its method

of judicial administration, in confprmity with the recommendations of the

'Cdn.imission, .recommendations , to. whiqh Ih.e Delegate has given his

approval. It is when these reforms, have been carried out and effectively put

into practice that the rights of residenpp, of property owning and trade

throughout the whole pf China, the necessary counterpart of the relinquishment

■o^/extrgiterritpriajity, might constitute for the French nationals a regl ad-

vantage equivalent to that which the Chinese enjoy in France,

; The French Government, animated by the friendly / feelings which it was

always cherished towards the Chinese people and of which another proof was

, given last year, by the signing of the Tariff AntQbomy Treaty, has no doubt

that the Chinese Government will make every effort to fulfill the conditions

necessary to the examination of the problem of extraterritoriality.

It is in this spirit that the Ffeneh Government,, faithful to its liberal

traditions,, basi aulhprized me to give-you assurance that it i will continue to


take an active interest in the reforms to that end which remain to be acconv

plished and that it will carefully note all the facts which tend to show '^hafc

these reforms are effectively carried out in the administration and judicial

practice of the Government authorities and the people of Ghina.

On the other hand, the French Government will riot fail to avail itself

of the opportunities as they arise to co-operate profitably with Chinese authori-

ties in the endeavour to hasten a State of affairs which would permit it to

modify with the necessary guarantees the present jurisdictional status of the

French nationals in China.


The following is the English translation of the reply of the Netherlands

Government tb China’s ndte concerning the abolition of extraterritoriality.

Legation des Pays-Bas

Peking, Aug. 10. 1929.

Monsieur le Ministre,

I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency’s Note of

April 27 last in which the Chinese Government expresses the hope that Her

Majesty’s Government would take into sympathetic consideration the desire

of China to come to an agreerfient by which the limitation on China’s jurisdic-

tional sovereignty will be removed and which will enable the Chinese Govern-

ment to assume jurisdiction .over all nationals within its domain.

Your Excellency expressed the conviction that the reciprocal advantages

resulting from tire tariff convention recently concluded between our two

countries would be considerably enhanced if the relations between our two

countries were regulated on the basis of equality in matters of jurisdiction,

and that by the abolition of the system of consular jurisdiction an obstacle

would be removed for the full cooperation between the Chinese people and

foreign nationals especially in commercial matters ; the desire of the Chinese

Government for promotig the material interests of all who choose to associate

themselves with the Chinese people would in that case find its early realization.

Her Majesty’s Government has givbn this request its mbst careful consi-

deration, and now instructs me to inform Your Excellency that just as it

was happy to join the other powers in bringing about the Resolution adopted

on iDecember : XOth 1921 Ly the Washington Conference ; on the Limitation of

Armaments, which placed on record its sympathetic disposition towards China’s

aspiration, so. it will ;be pleased to co-operte with these Powers and with

China for the realization and fulfilment of China’s desire w-ith regard to the

question of jurisdiction.

It may here be recalled that w ith this end in view Her Majest’s. Govern-

ment wholeheartedly participated in the work of the International Commission,

which was instituted as a result of the. above-mentioned Resolution and which,

drew up a number of valuable recornmendations for the benefit of the Chinese


It cannot be gainsaid that there exists a close, relationship between the

internal situation of China, the guarantees which the laws offer to foreign

rights and interests and their administration in the whole of China on the one-

hand, and the measure of progress which it will be possible to make .on the road

to abolition of the special arrangements now in. force with regard to foreigners

on the other. The possibility for Netherlands subjects tt> enjoy liberty of trade,

of residence and of the exercise'of Civil rights including that of owing property

throughout the whole'Of China is in the same way , closely connected with the

degree Of security existing in the interior of the country and with the questioh

of what safeguards the Chinese judicial institutions offer with a view to their

independence and their immunity from interference by military and political



I am desired by Her Majesty’s Government to assure with Excellency

of, its unalterable sympathy : towards 'China with regard to this question and

of its readiness when the introduction and the effective acceptance by the

country of modern institutions guaranteeing the administration of just laws

by an independent and unassailable, judiciary will have rendered useful re-

forms possible, in the matter of jurisdiction over Netherlands nationals, to

act in unison with the Governments of the Powers who were represented at the

Conference of Washington with the object object of examining the possibility

of meeting the aspiration to which the Chinese Delegation at the said Con-

ference gave expression and which is reiterated in Your Excellency’s Note

under reply. .,

I avail myself, etc.,

(Signed) W. Y. Oiidenijk.

To His Excellency

Doctor Chengting T. Wang,

Minister of Foreign Affairs,

of the National Government of the Chinese Republic, Nanking.


The following is the English translation of the reply of the Norwegian

Government to1 China’s Note concerning the abolition qf extraterritoriality.

(Legation de Norvege

Peking, Aug. 14, 1929.

I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency’s note

of April 27 expressing on behalf of the Chinese Government the desire of

China to, have the restriction on her jurisdictional sovereignty removed and

the hope that the Norwegian Government will take this desire into immediate

and sympathetic consideration in order tq enable China to assume jurisdiction

over all nationals within her domain

Having communicated the contents of the Note to my Government I am

now instructed to recall to Your Excellency that the Norwegian Government

has already, in concluding, on November 12 last year, a new treaty with the

Chinese Government, given concrete evidence of the friendly feeling which

Norway has always entertained towards China and the Chinese people.

My Government now desires me to, reiterate, the assurance, already ex-

pressed on that occasion, that the same friendly feelings will not be found to

have changed when the question of revising other clauses of the treaty of

1847 between Norway and China is brought up for discussion.

As to the question of removing the restrictions on China’s jurisdictional

sovereignty (by relinquishing the consular jurisdiction) this question was

already given sympathetic consideration when, in 1926, a Norwegian delegate

joined the international Commission to inquire into extraterritorial jurisdic-

tion in China.

I may add that the administration of the Norwegian jurisdiction in China

has never been extended beyond the purpose for which it was introduced, and

I am directed to state in conclusion that my Government has no desire to

maintain the Consular, Court longer than considered necessary and is pre-

pared to abolish the same when all the other Treaty Powers will do so.

(Signed) N. Aai.l,

Charge d'Affaires a.i.



Nanking, September 5, 1920.

Monsieur 1c Ministre:

I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Excellency’s Note

of August 10th in which you are good enough to transmit to me the views

of your Government in regard to the request of the 'Chinese Government, con-

tained in my Note of April 27, for the removal of restrictions on China’s juris-

-dictional sovereignty.

The Chinese Government is pleased to be reminded by the American Gov-

■ ernment that it has, for some time past, given constant and sympathetic con-

sideration to the national aspirations of the people of China and that it

has repeatedly given concrete evidence of its desire to promote the realisation

of those aspirations. The traditional friendship between China and America

:has not only a common material basis, but is also deeply rooted in the idealism

which is common to the Chinese and the American people. The American peo-

ple, with their love of liberty, their zeal for justice, their desire to further

the advance of civilisation and their sympathy for the aspirations of nations

in their spiritual re-birth all of which reveal unmistakably the noble attitude

of the American mind, have aroused the admiration and won the, love of the

Chinese people. This idealism has manifested itself in the abolition of slavery,

, the growth of democracy, and the endeavour to establish a reign of universal

peace, which has given a new hope to the human race. It is this idealism

that accounts for the steadfastness of the American Government and people

in their friendship for China through all the vicissitudes of her fortunes! It

is again this idealism that has prompted the American Government to give

.sympathetic consideration to the desire of the Chinese Government in connec-

tion with the question of jurisdiction and to decide to enter into negotiations

for the devising of a method leading to the eventual abolition of Extraterri-

;torial privileges.

It seems to me, however, from a careful consideration of your Note that

'the America Government is not yet free from misgivings as to the safety of

American lives and property after the abolition of Extraterritoriality. The

American Government is undoubtedly aware of the fact that the liberty of

American citizens and the security of their property rights do not so much

depend upon the continued exercise of jurisdiction by their own Consular

Courts, as upon the timely removal of hindrances to the free and full assertion

of China’s sovereign rights. Extraterritorial privileges, while apparently bene-

ficial to foreigners in China in giving the impression of security and safety,

i have really had the most injurious effect on their relations with the Chinese

| d)y producing! in the latter the feeling of humiliation and a sense of resentment

which have always caused mutual suspicion and the consequent loss of mutual

•confidence, thus undermining the very foundations of friendly relations and

not infrequently giving rise to complications and conflicts. Such conflicts and

complications could be easily avoided wTere there none of those special privileges.

In this connexion, it may be pointed out that towards nationals of certain

countries who have lost their extraterritorial privileges and have submitted to

, The jurisdiction of China, the Chinese people enterian the most friendly feel-

ings and repose in them great confidence, a valuable asset, it will be admitted,

, in the intercourse, commercial or otherwise, of any two peoples. Such marked

difference in the relations between Chinese and nationals of Extraterritorial

Powers on the one hand and those between the Chinese and the nationals of

non-extraterritorial Powers bn the other will, as long as the extraterritorial

■system is retained, become more and more pronounced, and much as the Chinese

Government may try to discountenance this difference of attitude on the part

of its citizens, it will not be within its powers to control the natural expression

-of their feelings.

In the event, however, of American citizens relinquishing their Extraterri-

I ctorial privileges, they may rest assured that they will enjoy the same confidence


of the Chinese people and. henc^ the same material benefits as the nationals of

nou-extraterritorial Powers. Moreover, the Chinese Government will continue

to exercise, in accordance with the well established principle of international

law, due diligence in preventing any possible violations of the private rights,

of American citizens and perform its duty,, in the fullest possible measure, in

all matters relating to the redress of wrongs.

In your Note under acknowledgment reference is made to the report of

the Gojnmission on Extraterritoriality submitted to the interested Governments-

pursuant to a resolution adopted at the Washington Conference. The American,

Government must be aware of the fact that since the completion of that re-

port, conditions in’Chixia have greatly changed, and in particular both the poli-

tical and judicial systems hUvC asshmed a new aspect! To pass judgment on the

present state of law and judicial administration in China in the light of

what is contained in the report of 1926 is doing no justice to the steadfast

policy Of the National Government.

..'At thethis,American

which point,..itGovernment

may be worth while toits recall

renounced rights the

undercircumstances under

the Capitulations-

with Turkey. The Chinese judicial system, it will be admitted, does not

suffer the least in comparison with thaij. of Turkey at the time of the abolition

of the Capitulations. And yet , the American Government, realising that the-

Turkish people,, with, legitimate aspirations and under the guidance of a new

and strong Goyernment, could accomplish great things in a short space of

time, . had the wisdom and foresight to relinquish its special pri-

vileges similar, to those enjoyed hitherto by its nationals in China, and has

had the satisfaction

in Turkey to find thatreceived

have, subsequently the lifefull

and andproperty of American

adequate protection.citizens,


American Government, which did full justice to the Turkish people in the

matter of jurisdiction, without apy apprehension and with satisfactory results,

will no doubt, pive the problem of Extraterritoriality in China in the same

friendly and sympathetic spirit.

It has been perhaps brought to, the knowledge of the. American Govern-

ment that the Chinese Government has recently concluded treaties with several,

other Powers'which have agreed fo 1 relinguash :Jlxtraterritpfiglity on January

1, ,1930. If it had appeared .to the Government of those Powers, as it appears-,

to ,the American Government, that there did not yet exist in this country

a judiciafy capable of rendering justice ,to their nationals and a ,body pf Taws-

adequate to give protection to their lives and property, they would certainly

have refused to give up their privileged position and enter into the engage-

ments; they have made. Now that many of the Powers which, participated .in



shown by ofanExtraterritoriality

overt act that thatatsystem

the Washington

has outlivedConference have and'

its usefulness al-

should be replaced by one in Eafmony with the actual state of things, there-

is no reason why the United States, upon which fell the honour of initiating

the labours of that Conference, should not act in unison with those Powers,

thus removing the difficulties which the Chinese Government might otherwise

encounter in extending jurisdiction, over .all foreign nationals.

It is the hope of the Chinese Government that whatever misgivings and

apprehensions the American Government may have in considering the subject,

under discussion will be now dispelled, and that, in the further examination

of this subject, it will be actuated by much weighter considerations, namely,

the enhancement of friendship between tho Chinese and the American people, .

and hence the promotion of the material interests of both. It is with this last,


ernmentin,toview enterthatintotheimmediate

Chinese Government now the

discussions, with requests the American

authorised Gov-


of the Chinese Government for making the necessary arrangements whereby

Extraterritoriality in .China will be abolished to the mutual satisfaction off

both Governments.

“T avail myself, etc.

Wang Chengting.”



Nanking, September 7, 1929.

Monsieur le Ministre,

I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency’s Note

.of August 10th in which you are good enough to transmit to me the views of

jumr Government in regard to the request of the Chinese Government, con-

tained in my Note of April 27th'for the removal of restrictions oh China’s

J urisdictional Government!.''!i'

The Chinese Government is pleaded tq be reminded by the French Govern-

ment that it gave another proof of the friendly feelings it always fentertained

towards the Chinese people by signing the Tariff Autonomy Treaty last year.

The friendship between China and France rests not only on common material

.interests, but also on close cultural ties and the ideals which have been an


their sourceevolution.

political of inspiration

It isboth to the with

therefore Chinesepleasure

and thethat


the people


•Government takes note ,pf the sympathetic response of the French Government

to the desire of China expressed in my last Note.

In your Note under acknowledgment, however, reference is made to the

Report of the Commission on Extraterritoriality submitted to the interested

Governments, pursuant to a resolution adopted at the Washington Conference.

The French Government is t undoubtedly aware of the fact that since the

‘completinn of that

in particular, both report, conditions

the political in Chinasystems

and judicial have greatly changed,;a and,

have assumed hew

.aspect. To pass judgment on the present state of laws and judicial administra-

tion in China in the light of what is contained in the Report of 1926 is doing

mo justice to the steadfast policy of the National Government.


the French itGovernment,

may be worth while its

renounced to recall

rights the

undercircumstances under

the Capitulations

with Turkey. The Chinese judicial system, it will be admitted, does not suffer

the least in comparison with that of Turkey at the time of the abolition

•of the Capitulations. And yet the French Government, realizing that the


and people

strong with legitimate

Government aspirations great

could accomplish and under-the

things inguidance

a short ofspace

a newof

time, had the wisdom and foresight to relinquish its spebial privileges similar

do those enjoyed hitherto by its nationals in China and has had the satisfaction

to find that the life and property of French citizens in Turkey have subsequently

received full and adequate protection. The French Government which did

.full justice to the Turkish people in the matter of jurisdiction without any

.apprehensions and with satisfactory results will no doubt solve the problem of

Extraterritoriality in China in the same friendly and. sympathetic spirit.

It has been perhaps brought to the knowledge of the French Government

that the Chinese Government has recently concluded treaties with several other

Powers which have agreed to .relinquish extraterritorial privileges on January

1st, 1930. If it had appeared to the Governments of those Powers, as it appears

;t0 the French Government, that there' did not. yet exist in this country a

judiciary capable of rendering justice to their nationals and a body of laws

adequate to give, protection fo their lives and property, they would certainly

Rave refused to give up their privileged position and enter into the engage-

ments they have made. Now fhat many of the Powers which participated in

the diseussioris of Extraterritoriality of the Washington Conference have

.already shown by an overt act that that system has outlived its usefulness afid

•should be replaced by one in harmony with the actual state of things, there is

no reason why the French Government, which played an important part in the

•deliberation, of ,;that Conference, should not act in unison. with those Powers,

thus removing the difficulty which the Chinese Government might otherwise en-

counter in metending jurisdiction over all foreign nationals.


It is the hope of the Chinese Government that whatever misgiving an

apprehensions the French Government may have in considering the subject un-

der discussion will be now dispelled, and that, in the further examination

of this subject, it will be actuated by much weightier considerations, namely

the enhancement of friendship between the Chinese and the French people,,

and hence the promotion of the material interests of both. It is with this;

last object in view that the Chinese Government now requests the French?.

Government to enter into immediate discussions with the authorised repre-

sentative of the Chinese, Government

whereby Extraterritoriality in China for

willmaking the necessary

be abolished arrangements-

to the mutual satis-

faction of both Governments.

I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assur-

ance of my highest consideration.

(Signed) C. T. Wang.


Agreement for Rendition.

The Belgian Government being desirous, with a view to strengthening the

bonds of friendship existing between Belgium and China, to restore on its

own initiative and without compensation to the National Government of the

Republic of China the Belgian Concession in Tientsin which was granted to-

il by the Sino-Belgian Convention of February 6th, 1902 (:28th day of the 12th

month of the 27th year of Kuang Hsu), the two Governments have for this

purpose appointed their Plenipotentiaries, that is to say:

His Excellency the President of the National Government of the Re-

public of China :

Dr Ping Ling, Adviser of the Commission of the ministry of

Foreign A ffa irs ;

Mr. Kwang-ting Chao, Section Chief of the Land Department of

the Ministry of the Interior-,

Mr. H. H. Tcheng, Commissioner of the First Special Area in


jjr. I’zong Fah Hwang, Minister Plenipotentiary, Attorney at Law;

His Majesty the King of the Belgians:

Baron Jules Guillaume, Counsellor of Legation, Chevalier de


Who, having communicated to each other their respective full powers found-

to be in good and due form, have agreed upon the following Articles:

Article I.—The Belgian Government will restore to the National Govern-

ment of the Republic of China, on the day of the coming into force of the

present Agreement, the administration of the Belgian Concession in Tientsin

which was granted to it by the Sino-Belgian Convention of February 6th,

1902 (28th day of the 12th month of the 27th year of Kingdom Hsu). The said'

Convention and contract relating thereto shall cease to be operative.

Article II.—The Provisional Belgian Municipal Council of the said Con-

cession shall cease to exist on the day of the coming into force of the present


All the documents, registers, and all other papers belonging to the Bel-

gian Administration shall be immediately handed over to the National Gov-

ernment of the Republic of China, whereupon the Provisional Municipal Coun-

cil will be entirely relieved of all responsibility for its administration.


Article III.—Beginning from the day of the coming into force of the pre-

sent Agreement, the former Belgian Concession in Tientsin shall be entirely

administered under Chinese laws and regulations and protected by the same.

It shall likewise be subject to all Chinese imports and taxes in force.

Article IY.—All public properties of the Belgian Concession, such as

wharfs, piers, roads, railways together with the land occupied by them, in-

cluding block Q. lot b, in accordance with the map hereto annexed, and also

machines, implements, furniture, police equipment, as per inventory list hereto

attached, belonging to the Belgian Municipality, as well as the bank deposits

of the Belgian Municipality, shall he handed over to the National Government

of the Republic of China on the day of the coming into force of the present


Article Y.—The name and the status of the iSociete Anonyme de la Con-

cession Beige de Tientsin shall be modified in accordance with the new state

of things and the provisions of Article 6 of the present Agreement shall equally

be applicable thereto.

Article VI.—Within one month after the coming into force of the present

Agreement, the title deeds and certificates of private property issued by the

Belgian Consulate for land situated in the Belgian Concession shall be handed

over to the Chinese authority concerned who shall issue in exchange certificates

for perpetual lease. A registration fee of one dollar per mow shall be charged.

The Chinese authority concerned will issue the new certificates within a period

of a month.

Article VII.—The present Agreement shall be ratified as soon as possible

and shall come into force on the day on which the two Governments shall have

notified each other that the ratification has been effected.

Article VIII.--The present Agreement has been written in three languages,

Chinese, French and English, and in case of divergence of interpretation the

English text shall be authoritive.

In witness whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have siged the present

Agreement in duplicate and have affixed their seals thereto.

Done at Tientsin this thirty first day of the eighth month of the eighteenth

year of the Republic of China, corresponding to the thirty first day of August,,

nineteen hundred and twenty nine.

(Signed) P. Ling,

K. T. Chao,

Tsong-Fah Hwang,

Tcheng Hungsin,

Plenipotentiaries for China.

J. Gullaume,

Plenipotentiary for Belgium.


Article I.—The Chinese and the Japanese Governments agree that ail

matters relating to rates of duty on the import and export of articles, draw-

backs, transit dues and tonnage dues in the territories of China and the ter-

ritories of Japan shall be regulated exclusively by the laws of China and

of Japan respectively.

Article IT.—The Governments of China and of Japan shall reciprocally

grant to each other and to the nationals of the other country, in customs-

duties, drawbacks and transit dues and all other similar internal charges,


applied to the import and export of articles, and in tonnage dues, as well

as in all matters connected therewith, treatment'not less favourable than that

accorded or to be accorded to its own ^nationals or to the Government and

nationals of any other foreign country.

Articles produced or manufactured in the territories of China or of Japan

and imported into the territories of the Other,-from whatever place arriving,

shall receive, in import duties, drawbacks and transit dues and all other similar

internal charges; and in all matters connected therewith, treatment not less

favourable than that: accorded or to be accorded to the like articles produced

or manufactured in any other foreign country.

Articles'produced or manufactured in the territories of China or of Japan

and exported to the territories of the other shall receive, in export duties,

drawbacks and transit dues and all other similar internal charges; and in

all matters ^connected therewith, treatment not less favourable than that

accorded of to" be accorded to' the like articles produced or manufactured in

the same territories and exported to any other foreign country. .

In regard to tbnnage dues and all matters connected therewith vessels of

’China and of Japan shall each receive in the territories of the other treatment

not less

: favourable than that accorded or to be accorded to the vessels of any


1 foreign country^ .

. Article' III.—The stipulations’’ebiitained ip the foregoing Articles as well

as in the exchanged Notes annexed to the present Agreement shall be in-

corporated in, and form part of, a Treaty of Commerce and Navigation to

be negotiated and concluded as soon as possible between the Republic of China

and: the Empire of Japan. ; , ,

Article IV.—The ChiHese, Japanese and English texts of this Agreement

have been carefully compared and verified: but in ;the. event of there being

any difference of meaning between them, the sense as expressed in the English

text shall be held to prevail.

day Article

followingV..—-The present

the date of theAgreement

signature shall

thereof.enter into force on , the tenth

Done in duplicate at the city of Nanking, this sixth day of the/fifth month

of the nineteenth year of the Republic of China, ebrresponding to the sixth

day of the fifth month of the fifth year of Showa. • • : t . , • (

Chengting T. Wang,

Minister for Foreign Affairs of The

National Government of the Repu-

blic of China.

M. Shigmitsu,

Japanese Charge d1 Affaires in


Convention Regulating the Relations Between China and France Concerning

French Indo-China and the Chinese Provinces Adjoining.

(Translation) ’

The National Government of the Republic of China and the Government

of the Republic of Franee, animated by the desire to further consolidate the

ties Of friendsnip which happily--subsist’ between the two countries, and to pro-

mote the commercial relations befcw'een China and French Indo-China, have

•decided to conclude a new Convention and have, for this purpose, named as

their respective Plenipotentiaries, that is to say: • ■ ’..s •<.;.< ■ lifiur.t

The President of the National Government of the Republic‘ Of China:

His Excellency Dr. Ohengting T. Wang, Minister of Foreign

Affairs of the National Government of the Republic Of China:


The. President x)f ,the Republic df Fr ance ;

His Exceliency Comte de Martel, Ambassador, Envoy Extraoi'din-

ary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the Republic of France to

China, Cymmander, of the Legion of Honour;

Who, having communicated to each other their respective full powers/founds

in. good and due form, havb agreed upon the-following Articles :

Article I.—The Sino-French Commercial Conventidii of Tientsin of i the

twenty-second day of the third moon of the twelfth year of Kwang Hsu (April

25, 1886), the Additional Commercial Convention, signed at Peking on the

sixth day bf the fifth hiodn of tie thirteen yea;r of Kwang Hsu1 (June 26,

1887) together with the notes relating to this Convention, exchanged at Peking

on the third day of the fifth moon of the thirteenth year Of iKwang Hsu (Tune

23, 1887), and the Supplementary Cbnvention signed at Peking on the twenty-

eighth day of the fifth moon of the twenty-first year of Kwang Hsxi (June

20, 1895) are abrogated and cease to be operative. The provisions of Articles

4, 5 and 6 of the Treaty of Tientsin of. the twenty-seventh day of the fourth

moon of the eleventh year of Kwang Hsu (June 9. 1886) are also abrogated.

Article it.—The city of Lungchow of Kwangsi and, those of Szemao

Hokow and Mengtze of Yunnan shall remain open to the trade across the landr

frpntiey of China and French Indo-China.

Article III.—The Chinese Government may send Consuls to Hanoi or

Haiphong and to Saigon, cities of French Indo-China, and the French Gov-

ernment may continue to send Consuls to the localities mentioned in the pre-

ceding Article. y.t . . . . . . ,v/, ,, ;

I The heads and acting heads of Consulates and vice-ConsUlates, as well as

the members of the Consular service shall be nationals of the country which ■

appoints them. They shall not engage in commerce or industry.

Article IV.—Chinese nationals entering the territory of French Indo-

China and' French nationals of Indp-China entering the territory to China

must be provided with passports issued by the competent authorities of .(heir

country of origin. Such passports shall be visaed by a Consulate of: the

country of destination or by the proper authorities of the said country.'

The High Contracting Parties undertake fo grant to ekeh other, in con-

formity with their respective laws and regulations, the most-favoured-nation

treatment'with regard to the fulfilment of formalities, including those relating

to identification, cbhcerning (1) p'assjlorts (2) the system of interna,! laissez-

passef and Visa fbt departure (3) the entty or .departure of Chinese nationals

and French nationals of Indo-China going tn Dido-Chiria or the three'provinces-

of -Yunnan, Kwangsi and Kwangtung.

Nothing is changed in the system of temporary or permanent passes issued

to inhabitants of the frontier who a‘re ne'cessitated by. their work or business,

to stay temporarily in or to go fffeqUettfjty cd’tBe, territory' of the other country'

in the neighbourhood of the boundary.


nationals nationals of China

the above-mentioned (n French

Chinese localitiesIndOrGhina.

shall haveandthetheright


reside, travel and engage in industry or commerce. The treatment accorded

to them' for the exercise Of such'rights, in'conformity with the laws and ).’e- ,

gulations in force in China' or French Indo-China, shall in no way be less-

favourable than that of the .nationals of any either Power.

. The nationals of China in French Indo-China. and the French nationals

in the abqve specified Chinese localities shall not be subjected to. taxes, im-

posts or contributions higher or other than, those; to which nationals of the

mpst-fayoured-nation may be subjected,;

Article VI.—Chinese goods exported from any Chinese port and trans-

ported without transhipment or with a,through bill of lading to the Provinces

of Yunnan, Kwangsi or Kwangfung and using the territory of Tonking, shall


enjoy a preferential treatment and shall not be subjected to the transit duty

of the general tariff.

They will only pay a duty of 1% ad valorem.

(Likewise, Chinese goods exported from the Provinces of Yunnan, Kwangsi

and Kwangtung to any authorized destination and using the territory of

Tonkin shall enjoy a preferential treatment and shall not be subjected to the

transit duty of the general tariff.

Minerals of any kind, raw tin, and raw hides, as well as articles hereafter

set down or to be set down subsequently in List A annexed to. the present Con-

vention shall be exempted from all duties. Other goods shall pay a duty of

1% ad valorem.

War materials, arms and ammunitions which the. National Government

m’ay desire to transport in transit over the territory of Tonkin shall be

exempte'd from all duties.

Indo-Chinese vessels, excepting warships and vessels for the transportation

of • troops, arms and ammunitions, may ply between Lang Son and Caobang

by way of the rivers Long Ki Kong and Long Ban Giang which connect Lang

Son with Luhgchou and Caobang. Such vessels and the goods transported on

them in transit shall be exempted from the payment of any duties for their

entry in China.

uponArticle VII.—The two,

the importation, Governments

exportation respectively

or transit undertake

in French not to establish

Indo-China and the

three Provinces of Yunnan, Kwangsi and Kwangtung, any prohibition cr

restriction which is not immediately applicable to other countries.

The two Governments, however, reserVe to themselves the right of imposing

any prohibitions or restrictions upon the importation, exportation or transit

of any goods from one country to the other for reasons of national defence

and national food supply, for the protection .of art objects and scientific pro-

perties, for the prevention of epidemics or epizootics, for the protection of

harvests, for the maintenance of public morality or government monopolies,

provided that such prohibitions or restrictions are justified by absolute neces-

sity and shall be applicable to any country or countries under the same con-


Article VIII.—The Chinese Government in the Provinces of Yunnan,

Kwangsi and Kwangtung and the French Government on the territory of

French Indo-China shall not levy under any pretext whatsoever upon goods

respectively imported or exported by French or Chinese nationals excise duties

•or internal taxes other or higher than those which are paid their own nationals

or by nationals of any other Power.

Article IX.—The nationals of China guilty or accused of crirhes or mis-

demeanours committed in China and taking refuge on the territory of French

Indo-China and the French nationals guilty or accused of crimes or mis-

meanours committed in French Indo-China and taking refuge on the territory

of China shall, at the request of the authorities concerned and upon the proof

•of their culpability, be searched for, arrested and extradited, it being under-

stood that exception will be made of all cases in which according to inter-

national usage extradition is not effected.

Article X.—The present Convention shall be in force for a period of five

years. Either of the High Contracting Parties may notify the other, six

months before the expiration of the said period, of its desire to revise or

terminate the Convention. In case both Parties fail to notify each other in


to be ofin their

force,desire to revise

provided, or terminate

however, the Convention,

that at any it shall

time after the continueof


the said five-year period either Party may notify the other of its desire to

revise or terminate the Convention, which shall then become null and void

one year after the date of such notification.

The present Convention with its annexes shall be ratified as soon as pos-

sible and the exchange of ratifications shall take place in Paris. It shall he


promulgated in Indo-China and shall come there into force at the same time

as in the three Provinces of Yunnan, Kwangsi and Kwangtung, two months

after the exchange of ratifications.

Article XI.—The present Convention has been drawn up in Chinese and

French, both texts having been carefully compared and verified.

In faith whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the present

Convention in duplicate and have affixed thereto their seals.

iDone at Nanking this sixteenth day of the fifth month of the nineteenth

year of the Republic of China, corresponding to the sixteenth day of May,

nineteen hundred and thirty.

(L. S.) (Signed) Chengting T. Wang.

(L. S.) (Signed) D, De Martel.



On May 8, 1929, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs addressed identic notes-

to the Ministers of Great Britain, The United States, France, Netherlands,

Norway and Brazil requesting them forthwith to begin negotiations for tlie

reorganization of the Provisional Court of the Shanghai International Settle-

ment. Mr. Oudendijk, the iDutch Minister, on behalf of the interested Powers,

replied on June 7, stating that the Court was a strictly local affair, and its

reorganization should be examined on behalf of the (Legations concerned by a

Commission chosen from among their local representatives together with the re-

presentatives of the Chinese Government. Dr. C. T. Wang protested on July

3, and insisted on the settlement of the affair directly with the Ministers them-

selves. On August 2, Mr. Oudendijk accepted Dr. Wang’s proposal.

Beginning from December 9, 1929, the resultant conference held twenty-

eight meetings at Nanking. A draft agreement was drawn up and referred by

the Delegates to their respective Governments. On February 17, 1930, the

Agreement was signed at Nanking by the representatives of the Ministers of

the interested Powers, with the exception of the French delegate Mr. Koechliu,

who had not then received the necessary instructions from his Government. The

latter’s signature was, however, affixed on behalf of the French Minister, at

Shanghai, five days later.

The following is the text of the Agreement:

Agreement Relating to the Chinese Courts in the International Settle^

ment at Shanghai.

Article I.—From the date on which the present* Agreement comes, into force,,

ence to the establishment of a Chinese ofcourt

all former rules, agreements, exchange notesinetthecetera having special

International refer-


at Shanghai shall be abolished.

Article II.—The Chinese Governxfaent shall, in accordance with Chinese laws

and regulations relating to the judiciary and subject to the terms of the

present Agreement, establish in the International Settlement at' Shanghai a

District Court (Ti Fang Fa Yuan) and a Branch High Court (Kao Teng

Fa Yqen Fen Yuan). All Chinese laws and regulations, substantive as well

as procedural, which are now in force, or which may hereafter be duly enacted

and promulgated shall be applicable in the Courts, due account being taken

of the Land Regulations and Bye-Laws of the International Settlement, which

are applicable pending their adoption and promulgation by the Chinese Gov-

ernment, and of the terms of the present Agreement.

Judgments, decisions and rulings of the Branch High Court are subject to

appeal, according to Chinese law, to the Supreme Court of China.


Article III.—The former practice of consular deputies or consular officials

appearing to. watch proceedings or to sit jointly in the Chinese Court now

functioning in the International Settlement shall be discontinued in the,Courts

established under the present Agreement.

Article I V.—-When any person is arrested by the municipal or judicial police

he shall, within twenty-four hours; exclusive of holidays, be sent to the Courts

established under the present Agreement to be dealt with, failing which he

shall be released.

Article. V.-—The Courts established tinder the present Agreement shall each

have a certain number of procurators to be appointed by the Chinfe^e Govern-

ment, who shall hold'ihquestS and iiltopsies (Chien Yen) within the jurisdic-

tion of these Courts and shall otherwise perform their functions in accordance

with Chinese law in all cases involving the application of Articles 103 to

186 of the Chinese Criminal Code, except where the municipal police of the

International Settlement or the party concerned has already initiated prosecu-

tion, provided that all preliminary investigations conducted by the procurator

shall be held publicly and counsel for the accused shall have the right to be

present and heard.

In other cases arising within the jurisdiction of the courts, the municipal

police or the party concerned shall prosecute. The procurator shall,have the

right to express his views in court in all criminal cases in which the prosecu-

tion is ihitiated'by the Municipal Police or the party'concerned;

Article VI.—All judicial' processes, such as summonses, warrants, orders


Courts shall jibe under

valid the


after Agreement,

they have been sighed they

whereupon by ashall

judge of the

be served

or executed by the judicial police or, as provided below, by the process-servers


No person found in the International Settlement shall be handed over .to

the extra-Settlement authorities without a preliminary investigation in court*

at which counsel for the accused shall have the right to he present and heard,

except in the case of requests emanating from other modern law courts when

the accused may be handed over after his identity has been established by the


All judgments, decisions, and rulings of the Courts shall be executed as

soon as they become final a result of the judicial procedure in force in the

said Courts. Whenever necessary, the Municipal Police shalL render any

assistance within their power as. may be requested of them.

The process-servers of the Courts shall be appointed by the Presidents of

the Courts respectively and their duties shall be to serve all summonses and

deliver other documents of the Courts in connection with civil cases. For the


by of judgments

the judicial police. inThecivil cases,andthemembers

officers process-servers shall be police

of the judicial accompanied

of the

Courts shall be appointed by the President of the Branch High.Court upon the

recommendation of the Municipal Council and shall be subject to dismissal by

the President of that Court upon cause shown. Their services will also be

terminated by the President at the request of the Municipal Council upon

cause shown. They shall wear the uniform designed by the Chinese judicial

authorities, and shall be subject to the orders and direction of the Courts and

faithful to their duties.

Article VII.—The House of Detention for civil cases and the Women's

Prison attached to the Chinese court now functioning in the International

Settlement at Shanghai shall be transferred from that Court to the Courts

established under the present Agreement and shall be supervised and admini-

stered by the Chinese authorities.

All prisoners now serving Sentences in the prison attached to the Chinese

Court now functioning in the International Settlement and those sentenced

*)y the CourtsCourts,

of the said established

serve under the presenteither

their sentences Agreement

in suchshall,

prisonsat the discretion

in the Settle-

ment or in Chinese prisons outside the Settlement, except that offenders against


the Police Offices Code and the Land Regiflations and Bye-laws and persons

under arrest awaiting trial shall serve their periods of detention in the Settle-

ment. The prisons in the Settlement shall be operated as far as practicable,,

in conformity

tion, from timewith Chinese

to time, prison appointed

by officers regulationsbyandtheshall be subject

Chinese judicialtoauthori-



Persons sentenced to. death by the Courts established under the present

Agreement shall be sent to the Chinese authorities outside of the 'Settlement

for execution of such sentence.

Article VIII.—Foreign lawyers duly qualified will be admitted to practice

in the Courts established under the present Agreement in all cases in which

a foreigner is a party, provided such foreign lawyer can only fepresnt the

foreign party concerned. The Municipal' Council may also be represented in

the same manner by duly qualified lawyers, Chinese or foreign, in any pro-

ceedings in which the Council is complainant or plaintiff or the Municipal

Police is prosecutor.

In other cases or proceedings in which the Council considers the interests'

of the Settlement to be involved, it may be represented by a duly qualified

lawyer, Chinese or foreign, who may submit to the Court his views in writing

during the proceedings and who may, if he deems necessary, file a petition in

intervention in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure.

Foreign lawyers who are entitled to practice under this Article in the above-

mentioned Courts shall apply to the Ministry of Justice for lawyers’ certificates

and shall be subject to Chinese laws and' regulations applicable to lawyers,

including those governing their disciplinary punishment.

Article IX.—Four permanent representatives shall be appointed, two by

the Chinese Government and two by the Governments of the other Powers

signatory to the present Agreement, who together shall seek to reconcile such,

differences of opinion regarding the interpretation or application of the ore-

sent Agreement as may be referred to them by the President of the Branch High-

Court or by the authorities of the signatory foreign Powers, provided that

their Report shall have no binding force upon either party except by mutual

consent, it being understood that no judgments, decisions, rulings or orders

of the Courts as such shall be referred to the. aforesaid representatives for


Article X.—The present Agreement and the attached notes shall enter into-

effect on April 1, 1930 and shall continue in force for a period of three years

from that date, provided that they may be extended for an additional period

upon mutual consent of the parties thereto.

Signed February 17, 1930.

(Signed) Hsu Mo.

On behalf of the Minister for

Foreign Affairs.

J. de Pinto Dias.

On behalf of the Brazilian

Charge d’Affaires.

In the name of the Joseph E. Minister.

American Jacobs.

W. Meyeick Hewlett.

On behalf of His Britannic

Majesty's Minister.


On behalf of the Norwegian

Charge d'Affaires.

F. E. H. Geoenman.

On behalf of the Netherlands

Charge d’Affaires.


Note FRok Heads of Legations Conceened to 'Minister for Foreign Affairs.

Nanking, February 17, 1930.


With reference to, the Agreement which wo have signed to-day concerning

the establishment of a iDistrict Court and a Branch High Court in the In-

ternational Settlement at Shanghai, we have the honour to request your con-

firmation of our understanding bn the following points:

1.—It is understood that the Courts established under the present Agree-

ment, shall exercise jurisdiction over civil and criminal cases as well as

police offences and inquests in the International Settlement at Shanghai, pro-

vided that'the jurisdiction of the, said Courts ovey persons shall be the same

as that of other Chinese Courts and provided that their territorial jurisdic-

tion shall be the same as that of the Chinese Court now functioning in the

International Settlement at (Shanghai, except (a) mixed criminal cases arising

on private foreign property outside the limits of the Settlement and (b) mixed

civil cases arising in areas surrounding the Settlement.

‘ 2.—It is understood that’the present practice regarding the respective juris-

dictions of. the Chinese Court now functioning in the International Settlement

and the. Court existing in the French Concession shallBe 'followed,. pending a

definite arrangement between the 'Chinese Government and the authorities con-

cerned. 1 t\ '-V V ' ' "

3. '—Jt is understood that as far as practicable Chines

by the Municipal Council to serve as officers and members of the judicial police

of; the, Courts established under the present Agreement. It is further under-

stood that among the officers of the judicial police appointed by the President

of the Branch High Court under Article VI of the present Agreement, there

will be one to be designated by the Municipal Council, to whom will be gllottod

by the President an office on the court premises and who will make an entry

of all judicial processes of the Courts, such as summonses, warrants, orders

and judgments, for the purpose of service or execution in accordance wuth the

provisions of the 'above-mentioned Article. .

4. —It is understood that the’establishment of the Cou

present Agreement in no way affects the validity of judgments rendered' by the'

Court now functioning in the International Settlement and its:.predecessor,

and that such judgments shall be considered as final and valid, except where an-

appeal has been lawfully taken or reserved. It is further understood, that the

judgments of the Courts established under the present Agreement shall be on

the same footing as regards validity as the judgments of all other Chinese


5. —It is understood that the present Agreement does

or prejudice any future negotiations regarding the status of extra-Settlement


6. —It is understood that the sum of $60,000 (sixty

on deposit with the Bank of China to the credit of the present Chinese Court

in the International Settlement shall he maintained by the Chinese Government

to the credit of the.new Courts established under the present Agreement.

7. —It is agreed that in accordance with Chinese law

tained by theconfiscated

for atticles Courts established underwhich

by the Courts, the present Agreement,

remain the propertyaofstorage room

the Chinese

Government, it being understood that confiscated opium and instruments for

the smoking and preparation thereof shall be burned publicity in the Inter-

national Settlement every three months and that the Municipal Council may

present to the Presidents of the Courts for transmission to the Ministry of

.Justice such, suggestions as it may desire to make regarding the disposal of

confiscated arms.


8.—It is understood that upon the coming into force of the present Agree-

mient, all cases pending in the Chinese Court now functioning in the Inter-

national Settlement shall be dealt with in the Courts established under the

■present Agreement in accordance with the procedure in foroe in the latter

-Courts, provided that the proceedings in mixed cases shall, as far aa practi-

cable, be continued from the point where they are taken over and concluded

with a period of twelve months which period may be extended at the discretion

»of the Court when the circumstances in any case so warrant.

(Signed) J. de Pinto Dias.

On behalf, of- the Brazilian

Charge d’Affaires.

Joseph E. Jacobs.

In the name of the American Minister.

W. Meyrick Hewlett.

On behalf of His Britannic

Majesty's Minister.

lL. Gronvold.

On behalf of the Norwegian

- Charge d’Affaires.

F. E. H. Groeman.

on behalf of the Netherlands

Charge d’Affaires.

Identic Note From Minister for Foreign Affairs to Heads of Legations


Nanking, February 17, 1930.


I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Note referring to the

Agreement ;which Aye have .signed to-day concerning the establishment of a Dis-

trict Court and a Branch High Court in the International Settlement at

Shanghai, in which you request my confirmation of the following points: {See

preceding letter).

In reply I have the honour to confirm the understooding of the points as

quoted above.

(Signed) Hsu Mo.

On behalf of the Minister for

Foreign Affairs.


Letters Patent passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom^

constituting the office of Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the

Colony of Hongkong and its Dependencies.

fwrttarff.m? George the Fifth

Britain and byIreland

the Grace

and ofof the


of theDominions

United Kingdom of Grea

beyond the Seas-

King, Defender of the Faith, Emperor of India: To all to whom-

these Presents shall come, Greeting.


Patent ofLetters

19th United Whereas, by certain Letters Patent under the Great Seal of Our

January, 1888. Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, bearing date at Westmins-

ter the Nineteenth day of January 1888, Her Majesty Queen Victoria did -

constitute the office of Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over

the Colony of Hongkong and its Dependencies, as therein decribed, and

did provide for the Government thereof:

And whereas by Orders of Her said Majesty in Her Privy Council

bearing date respectively the Twentieth day October, 1898, and the

Twenty-seventh day of December, 1899, certain territories adjacent to the

said Colony were, for the term therein ? merred to, declared to be part and

parcel of the Colony in like manner and for all intents and purposes as if

they had originally formed part of the Colony:

And whereas We are minded to make other provision in lieu of the

above recited Letters Patent of the Nineteenth day of January 1888:

Now, know ye that We do by these presents revoke the above recited"

™T Letters Patent of the Nineteenth day of January, 1888, but without pre-

judice to anything lawfully done thereunder; and We do by these Our

Letters Patent declare Our Will and Pleasure as follows:

I.—There shall be a Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over

' Our Colony of Hongkong and its Dependencies (hereinafter called the

Colony), and appointments to the said Office shall be made by Commission*

under Our Sign Manual and Signet.

II.—We do hereby authorise, empower, and command our said

£E£ Governor and Commander-in-Chief (hereinafter called the Governor) to do

and execute all things that belong to his said office, according to the tenour

of these our Letters Patent and of any Commission issued to him under

Our Sign Manual and Signet, and according to such Instructions as may

from time to time be given to him, under Our Sign Manual and Signet, or

by Order in Our Privy Council, or by Us through one of Our Principal

Secretaries of State, and to such laws as are now or shall hereafter be in

force in the Colony.


Governor’s of III.—Every person appointed to fill the office of Governor shall with

mission. all due solemnity, before entering upon any of the duties of his office,

cause the commission appointing him to be Governor to be read and

published in the presence of the Chief Justice or other Judge of the

Supreme Court, and of such Members of the Executive Council of the


■Colony as can conveniently attend; which being done he shall then and

there take before them the Oath of Allegiance in the form provided by an Governor^6"

Act passed in the session holden in the Thirty-first and Thirty-second

years of the reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, intituled “ An Act to

amend the Law relating to Promissory Oaths and likewise the usual

Oath for the due execution of the office of Governor,, and for the due and

impartial administration of justice; which Oaths the said Chief Justice or

-Judge, or if they be unavoidably absent, the senior Member of the

Executive Council then present, is hereby required to administer.

IV. —The Governor shall keep and use the public seal of the

V. —There shall be an Executive Council in and for the Colo

dhe said Council shall consist of such persons as We shall direct by

Instructions under Our Sign Manual and Signet, and all such persons shall

hold their places in the, said Council during Our pleasure. The Governor

anay upon sufficient cause to him appearing suspend from the exercise of

his functions in the Council any Member thereof pending the signification

of Our pleasure, giving immediate notice to TJs through one. of Our Prin-

cipal Secretaries of State. If the suspension is confirmed by Us through

one of Our Principal Secretaries of State the Governor shall forthwith by

an instrument under the Public Seal of the Colony revoke the appoint-

ment of such Member, and thereupon his seat in the Council shall become


VI. —There shall be a Legislative Council in and for the Co

the said Council shall consist of the Governor and such persons as We

«hall direct by any Instructions under Our Sign Manual and Signet, and

all such persons shall hold their places in the said Council during Our

pleasure. The Governor may upon sufficient cause to him appearing

suspend from the exercise of his functions in the Council any Member

thereof pending the signification of Our pleasure, giving immediate notice

to Us through one of Our Principal Secretaries of State. If the suspension

is confirmed by Us through one of Our Principal Secretaries of State the

Governor shall forthwith by an instrument under the Public Seal of the

Colony revoke the appointment of such Member, and thereupon his seat

in the Council shall become vacant.

VII. —The Governor, by and with the advice and cons

Legislative Council, may make laws for the peace, order, and good govern- a.»otofComidi,

£o raat<

ment of the Colony. ®

VIII. —We do hereby reserve to Ourselves,-Our heirs an

full power and authority to disallow, through one of Our Principal Secret-

aries of Stale, any such law as aforesaid. Every such disallowance shall

take effect from the time when the same shall be promulgated by the

Governor in the Colony.

IX. —We do also reserve to Ourselves, Our heirs and succes

and their undoubted right, with advice of Our or their Privy Council,

to make all such laws as may appear necessary for the peace, order, and

good government of the Colony.

X. —When a Bill passed by the Legislative Council is presente

Governor for his assent he shall, according to his discretion, but subject

to any Instructions addressed to him under Our Sign Manual and Signet

-or through me of Our Principal Secretaries of State, declare that he as-

sents thereto, or refuses his assent to the same, or that he reserves the

tsame for the signification of Our pleasure.

XI. —A Bill reserved for the signification of Our pleasure

•effect so soon as We shall have given Our assent to the same by Order in


Council, or through one of Our Principal Secretaries of State, and the-

Oovrirnor shall have signified such assent by message to the Legislative

Council or by proclamation:, Provided that no such message shall be issued

after two years from the day, on which the Bill was presented to the

Governor for his assent.


Legislative and XII. —In th

Council to obser- Council shall conform to and observe All rules; regulations; and directions-

ve Instructions. in that behalf contained in any Instructions under Our Sign Manual and



execute, under the Public Seal of the Colony, grants and dispositions of

any lands which may be lawfully granted or disposed of by Us. Provided'

that every such grant, or. disposition be made in conformity either with

some law in force in the Colony or with some Instructions addressed to-

the Governor under Our Sign Manual and Signet, or through one of Our

Principal Secretaries of State; or with some regulations in force in the


XTV.—-The Governor may constitute and appoint all such Judges

powered to ap-and Commissioners,

point officers. Ministers in the Justices

otherJudges of the Peace, and other necessary Officers and

Colony, as may lawfully he constituted or appointed by

IJs, all of whom, unless otherwise provided by law, shall hold their offices-

during Our pleasure.

Grant of pardon. XV. —When

Oolony, or for which the offender may be tried therein, the Governor may,

as be shall see occasion, in Our name and on Our behalf, grant a pardon

to any accomplice in such crime or offence who shall give such information

as. shall lead to the conviction of the principal offender, or of any one of

such offenders, if more than one; and further, may grant to any offender

convicted of any crime or offence in any Court, or before any Judge of

other Magistrate within the Colony, a pardon either free or subject to

lawful conditions, or any remission of the sentence passed on such offender

or any respite of the execution of such sentence for such period as the

Remission of Governor thinks fit, and may remit any fines, penalties, or forfeitures due

or accrued to ITs. Provided always that the Governor shall in no case,

Banish- except when the offence has been of a political nature unaccompanied by



Exception. any other grave crime, make it a condition of any pardon or remission of

Political offences sentence that the offender shall be banished from or shall absent himself

or be removed from the Colony.

Bus pension of dismiss anyThe

Dismissal and XVI. Governor may, upon sufficient cause to him appearing,

public dfficer not appointed by virtue of a Warrant from IJs,

whose pensionable emoluments do not exceed one! thousand dollars or one

hundred pounds sterling a year, according as the said emoluments are

fixed with reference to dollars or to pounds sterling as the case may be,

provided that in every such case the grounds of intended dismissal are

definitely stated in writing and communicated to the officer in order that

he may have full opportunity of exculpating himself, and that the matter

is investigated by the Governor with the aid of the head for the time be-

ing of the department in which the officer is serving

The Governor may, upon sufficient cause to him appearing, also

suspend from the exercise of his office any person holding any office in the

Colony whether appointed by virtue of any^ Commission or Warrant from

Us, or in Our name, or by any other mode of appointment. , Such suspen-

sion shall continue and have effect only until Our pleasure therein shall be

signified to the Governor. If the suspension is -confirmed by, one of

Our Principal Secretaries of State, the Governor shall forthwith cause


the officer to be s6 informed, and thereupon his office shall become vacant.

In proceeding to any such suspension, the Governor is strictly to observe

the directions in that behalf given to him by Our Instructions as aforesaid.

XVII.—Whenever the office of Governor is vacant, or if the Governor succession to

become incapable, or be absent from the Colony, Our Lieutenant Governor Government,

of the Colony, or if there shall be no such Officer therein, then such person

or persons as may be appointed under the Royal Sign Manual and Signet,

and in default of any such appointment, the person lawfully discharging

the functions of Colonial Secretary shall during Our pleasure administer

the Government of the' Colony, first taking the Oaths' herein before directed oi0ffice

proviso. o*tiw

to be taken by the Governor and in the manner herein prescribed; which -

being done, We do hereby authorise, empower, and command Our Adminiatrator powers, &c., of

Lieutenant Governor, or any other such Administrator as aforesaid, to '

do and execute, during Our pleasure, all things that belong to the office of

Governor and Commander-in-Chief, according to the tenour of these Our

Letters Patent, and according to Our Instructions as aforesaid, and the

laws of the Colony.

XVIII.—And We do hereby require and command all Our officials and officers and

ministers, civil and military, and all other inhabitants of the Colony,

to be obedient, aiding and assisting unto the Governor and to any person Governor,

for the time being administering the Government of the Colony.

XIX. —In these Our Letters Patent the term “the Gove

include every person for the time being administering the government of

the Colony.

XX. —And We do hereby reserve to Ourselves,reserved Our heirs and s

full power and authority, from time to time, to revoke, alter, or amend totoPower His Majesty

revoke, alter

these Our Letters Patent as to Us or them shall seem meet. orLetters

amend present


XXI. —And We dp further direct andLetters enjoin

Publication ofthat these


Patent shall be read and proclaimed at such place or places within the

Colony as the Governor shall think fit, and shall come into operation on

a day to be fixed by the Governor by Proclamation.

In witness whereof We have caused these Our Letters to be made

Patent. Witness Ourself at Westminster, the Fourteenth day ofiFebruary

in the Seventh year of Our Reign.

By Warrant under the King’s Sign Manual,






Instructions passed under the Royal Sign Manual and Signet to the

Governor and Commauder-in-Chief of th,e. Colony of Hongkong and

its Dependencies.

George B.I.

Ttated \Uh1917. Instructions to Our Governor and Commander-ih-Chief in and over Our

February, Colony of Hongkong and its Dependencies or other Officer for the

time being administering the Government of Our said Colony and

its Dependencies.

Whereas by certain Letters Patent under the Great Seal of Our

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, bearing even date

»o«. herewith, We have made provision for the office of Governor and Gom-

<1at e. mandef-in-Chief (therein and hereinafter called the Giovernor,) in and

over Our Colony of Hongkong, and its Dependencies (therein and here-

inafter called the Colony) :

Arid whereas We have thereby authorised and commanded the Gov-

ernor to do arid execute all things' that belong to his said office accord-

ing to the tenour of Our said Letters Patent and of any Commission is-

sued to him under Our Sign Manual and Signet and according to such

Instructions as may from time to time be given to him under Our Sign

Manual and Signet or by Order in Our Privy Council or by Us through

one of Our Principal Secretaries of State and to such laws as are now or

shall hereafter be in force in the Colony:

And whereas Her Majesty Queen Victoria did issue certain Instruc-

tions to the Governor under Her Sign Manual and Signet bearing date

the Nineteenth day of January, 1888, and certain Additional Instructions

bearing date the Seventh day of July, 1896 :

And whereas We are minded to substitute fresh Instructions for

the aforesaid Instructions and Additional Instructions:

Now therefore We do, by these Our Instructions under Our Sign

Manual and Signet, revoke as from the date of the coming into opera-

tion of Our said recited Letters Patent, the aforesaid Instructions of

the Nineteenth day of January, 1888, and the aforesaid Additional

Instructions of the Seventh day of July, 1896, but without prejudice to

anything lawfully done thereunder, and instead thereof We do direct

and enjoin and declare Our will and pleasure as follows

I.—The Governor may, whenever he thinks fit, require any person

in the public service of the Colony to take the Oath of Allegiance, in the

form prescribed by the Act mentioned in Our said recited Letters Patent,

together with such other Oath or Oaths as may from time to time be

prescribed by any laws in force in the Colony. The Governor is to

administer such Oaths, or to cause them to be administered by some

public officer of the Colony.


II. —The Executive Council of the Colony shall consist of the L

enant-G-overnor of the Colony (if any), the Senior Military Officer for Council,

the timebeiny in command of Our regular troops within the Colony,

the persons for the time being lawfully discharging the functions of

Colonial Secretary, of Attorney-General, of Secretary for Chinese Affairs,

and of Treasurer of the Colony, who are hereinafter referred to as

ex officio Members, and of such other persons as at the date of the

coming into operation of Our said recited Letters Patent are Members

of the said Council, or as We may from time to time appoint % any

Instructions or Warrant under Our Sign Manual and Signet, or as the

Governor in pursuance of Instructions from Us through one of Our

Principal Secretaries of State may from time to time appoint under

the Public Seal of the Colony. [ Vs amended by Additional Instruction dated 15-11-28.]

III. —Whenever any Member, other than an ex officio Me

the Executive Council of the Colony shall, by writing under his hand, M^nb'erTo/the

resign his seat in the Council, or shall die. or be declared by the Executive

, Governor by an Instrument under the Public Seal of the Colony to be

incapable of exercising his functions as a Member of the Council, or be

absent from the Colony, or shall be acting in an office the holder of

which is an ex officio Member of the Council, or shall be suspended from

the exercise of his functions as a Member of the Council, the Governor

may, by an Instrument under the Public Seal of the Colouy, provisionally

appoint any public officer to be temporarily an Official or1 Unofficial

Member of the Council, and any person not a public officer to be tem-

porarily an Unofficial Member of the Council in the place of the Member

so resigning, or dying, or being suspended, or declared incapable, or

being absent, or sitting as an ex officio Membef.

Such person shall forthwith ceaie to be a Memberffif the Council if

his appointment is disallowed by Us, or if the Member in whose place he

was appointed shall be released from suspension, or, as the case may be,

shall be declared by the Governor by an Instrument under th ‘ Public

Beal capable'of again discharging his functions in the Council, or shall

return to the Colony, or shall cease to sit in the Council as an ex officio


IY.—The Governor shall without delay, hejioft to Usr, for Our con- Such provisional

firmatioa or disallowance, through one of Our Principal Secretaries of beimmSiateiy0

State, every provisional appointment of any person as a Member of the reported,

said Executive Council. Every such person.shall hold his place in the

Council during Our pleasure, and the Governor.may by an Instrument

under the Public Seal revoke any such appointment.

Y.—The Official Members of the Executive'Oouhcib'shall take ptni- Precedences

eedenca of the Unofficial; Members, and among themselves shall have

seniority and precedence’ as’ We may specially assigh,: and, in default

thereof, first, the ex officio Members in the order in which' their offices

are above mentioned (except that; the Senipr Militury. Qfficep, jf/below

the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel in Our Ashall take precedence after

the person lawfully, discharging the, functions of Attorney-General),. a,nd

then other'Official Members and all Unofficial Members according to the

priority of their respective appointments, or if,,appointed by i r .in, pur-

suance of the same. Instrument, according: to, the order in which they are

named therein,

VI.—The Governor shall forthwith communicate these Our lnstruc- Governor to

lions to the'Executi ve Coiincil, and likewise all subh others; from itiine to $5®

time, as We may direct;1 or as he shall find convenient forOur service to Executive

impart to them. * . ; •. , Couneil-



Executive.' ,. TIL—The Executive Council shall not proceed to the despatch of

proceed not


business tounlessto business unless duly summoned by authority of the Governor, nor unless

two Members at the least (exclusive of himself or of the Member presid-


Governor's by ing),1 be present and assisting throughout the whole of the meetings at


Quorum. which any ^uch business shall be despatched..

Who to preside. VIII. —-T

the Executive Council, unless when prevented by illness or other grave

cause, and in his absence such Member as the Governor may appoint, or in

the absence of such Member the senior Member of the Council actually

present, shall preside.

Minutes of

Executive IX. —Minutes

Council to be Executive Council; and at, each meeting of the Council the Minutes of

the last preceding meeting shall be confirmed or amended, as the case

may require, before proceeding to the despatch of any other business.

To hehome

ted transmit Twice in each year a full and exact copy of all Minutes for the

twice preceding half year shall be transmitted tp Us through one of Our

Principal Secretaries of State.

Execu- Governor by Our said recited Letters—In




Patent, he shall in all cases consult

the exec

with the Executive Council, excepting only in cases which may be of such

a nature that, in bis judgment, Our service would sustain material pre-

judice by consulting the Council thereupon, or when the matters to be

decided shall be too unimportant to require their advice, or too urgent

to admit of their advice be:ng given by the time within which it .may be

necessary for him to act in respect of any such matters. In all such

urgent cases he shall, at the earliest practicable period, communicate to

the Executive Council the measures which he may so have adopted, with

the reasons therefor.


entitled toalone XI.

sub- the Executive —The Gove

mit questions. Council for their advice or decision ; but if the Governor

decline to submit any question to the Council when requested, in writing

by any Member so to do, it shall be competent to such Member to

require that there be recorded upon the Minutes his written application,

together with the answer returned by tjie Governor to the same.

act in opposition XII.—The Governor may, in the exercise of the powers and authori-

Executive ties granted to him by Our said recited Letters Patent, act in opposition


Reportin?for so he shalladvice


to the given to him by the Members of the Executive Council, if

in any case deem it right to do so; but in any such case he shall


Member may the grounds andmatter

fully report the to Us by the first convenient opportunity, with

reasons of his action. In every such case it shall be

adverse opinion

toon beMinutes. competent to any Member

recorded recorded at length on the Minutes of the said Council to require that there be

the grounds of any advice or opinion

he may give upon the question.



Council, ° Governor, XIII.—The Legislative Council(ifofany),

the Lieutenant-Governor the the



consist Officer

of the

for the time being in Command of Our regular troops within the Colony,

the persons for the time being lawfully discharging the functions of

Colonial Secretary, Attorney-General, Secretary for Chinese Affairs, and

Treasurer of the Colony, and such other persons holding office in the

Colony, and not exceeding four in number at any one time, as at the date

of the coming into operation of Our said recited Letters Patent are

Official Members Official Members of the said 1'ouncil, or as We may from time to time

appoint by any Instructions or Warrants under Our Sign Manual and

Signet, or as the Governor, in pursuance of Instructions from Us through


cue of Our Principal Secretaries of State, may from time to time

appoint by an Instrument under the Public Seal of the Colony, and all

such .persons shall be styled Official Members of the Legislative Council;

and further of such persons, not exceeding eight in number at any one time,

as at the date of ..the coming into operation of Our said recited Letters

Patent are'Unofficial Members of the said Council, or as the Governor, uifo«etor

in pursuance of Instructions from Us through one of Our Principal ‘ em er9'

Secretaries of State, may from time to time appoint by an Instrument

under the Public Seal of ihe Colony, and all such persons shall be

styled Unofficial Members of the Legislative Council.

If any Official Member of the Legislative Council cease to hold

office in the Colony his seat in the Council shall thereupon become

vacant. [As auiended.by Additional Instructions dated 15-11-28.]

XIV. —Whenever any Member other than an ex officio Membe

the Legislative Council of the Colony shall, by writing under his hand,

resign his seat in the Council, or shall die, or be suspended from the ters absent, &c,

exercise of his functions as a Member of the Council, or be declared by

the Governor by an Instrument under the Public Seal of the Colony

to be incapable of exercising his functions as a Member of the Council, or

be absent from the Colony, or shall be acting in an office the holder of

which is an ex officio Member of the Council, or if his seat become

vacant, or whenever any person shall be lawfully discharging the func-

tions of more than one of the offices the holders of which are ex officio

Members of the Council, the Governor may, by an Instrument under the

Public Seal of the Colony, provisionally appoint in his place some person

'o be temporarily an Official or Unofficial Member of the Council, as the

ase may be.

Every person so provisionally appointed shall forthwith cease to be

a Member of the Council if his appointment is disallowed by Us, or

revoked by the Governor, or superseded by the definitive appointment of

an Official or Unofficial Member of the Cjuncil, or if the Member in

whose place he was appointed shall return to the Colony, or shall be

released from suspension, or shall be declared by the Governor by an

Instrument under the Public Seal capable of again discharging his

functions in the said Council, or shall cease t> sit in the Council as an

ex dfficio Member, or shall cease to discharge the functions of more than

one of the offices the holders of which are ex officio Members of the

•Council, as the case may be.

The Governor shall, without delay, report to Us, for Our confirma- Provisional

tion or disallowance, through one of Our Principal Secretaries of State, be^mediateiy*

every provisional appointment of any person as an Official or Unofficial reported.

Member of- the Legislative Council.

Every such person shall hold his place in the Council during Our Revocation

pleasure, and the Governor may, by an Instrument under the Public Seal, appointments,

revoke any such appointment [As amended by Additional Instructions dated 15-1138.]

XV. —[This clause was revoked by Additional Instructions dat

.November 15th, 1928.]

XVI. —[This clause was revoked by additional Instructions da

January 10th, 1922.]

XVII. —If any Unofficial Member of the Legislative Counc

become bankrupt or insolvent, or shall be convicted of any criminal offence, cases!nCer 'D

or shall absent himself from the Colony for more than three months

without leave from the Governor, the Governor may declare in writing that

the seat of such Member at the Council is vacant, and immediately on the

publication of such declaration he shall cease to be a Member of the U uncil.


Members. by writing under hisUnofficial

Resignation of XVIII.—Any hand, butMember

no suchmay resign bisshallseattake

resignation at the



it be accepted in writing by the Governor, or by Us through one of Our

Principal Secretaries of State.

Council may XIX.:—The Legislative Coubcil shall not be disqualified from the

notwithstanding thereof;

vacancies. transactionbutofthebusiness on account

said Council of any

shall not be vacancies

competentamong to acttheinMembers-

any case

Quorum. unless (including the Governor or the Member presiding) there be present

at and throughout the meetings of the Council five Members at the least.


Members. of ag XX.-—The Members

may specially of the

assign, andLegislative Council asshall

in default thereof, take:—precedence


(1) First, the Official Members in the following order:—

(a) The ex Officio Members in the order,in which their offices

are mentioned (except that the Senior Military Officer, if

below the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel in Our Army, shall

take precedence after the person lawfully discharging the

functions of Attorney-General). . ,

' (b) Other Official Members according to the priority of their

respective appointments, or if appointed by or in pur-

suance of the same Instrument, according to the order

in which they ate named therein.

(2) Secondly, the Unofficial Members in the fpllCwirlg order:—

(a) The Unofficial Members who are ,also; Members of the

Executive Council of the Colony according to ,the pre-

cedence taken as between themselves as Members of the

Executive Council.

(b) Other Unofficial Members aceording to the priority of their

respective appointments,, or if appointed by or in pur-

suance of the same Instrument, according to the order in

which they are named therein: Provided that any such

Unofficial Member who is re-appointed immediately on

the termination of his term of office shall as between

himself and other Unofficial Members who are not also

Members of the Executive . Council take precedence

according to the date from which he has bepn con-

tinOUsly a Member of the Legislative. .Council,

.[As amended by Additional Instructions of 20-11-29.}

who-to preside. XXI.—The Governor shall attend and preside in the Legislative

Council, unless prevented by illness or other grave cause; and in his

absence any Member appointed by bim in writing*,shall preside, or, in

default of such Member, the Membet who: is fii’st in precedence of those

present shall-preside.



majority.7 a shall XXII.—All questions proposed for debate in the Legislative^ Council

res bendecided by the majority of votes, and the Governor or the Member

tohavToriginai P ^i g shall have

andcastingvote, of the' Council, and an


a castingvotevote,

in common, with .question

if upon ,any the other the Members


shall be equal.

Rules and order

to be matte.* ing rules XXIII.—The LegislMive.Council may from time tq time make-stanu-

and orders for the regulation of theirjown.pioceedings ; provided

such rules .and orders be, not repugnant to. .Our said recited Letters Patent,

orOurto Sign


Ou,r Instructions,

and Signet.or to, any other Instructions from Us under


XXIV. —It stall be competentforfor any Member


Council to propose any question for debate therein ; and such question, if -

■seconded by any other Member, shall be debated and disposed of according

to the standing rules and orders. Provided always that every ordinance

vote, resolution, or question, the object or effect of which may be.to

dispose of or charge any part of Our revenue arising within the Colony,

shall be proposed by the Governor, unless the proposal of the same shall

have been expressly allowed or directed by him.

XXV. —In the passing of Ordinances the Grovernor

shall observe, as far as practicable, the following Rules:— whichOrdlnances

1. —All laws shall be styled “ Ordinances,” and the enactin

shall be, “ enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice and Form ot enacting

consent “of the Legislative Council thereof.” Ordinances.

.. 2. . —All Ordinances =* •' . ■

shall be’ distinguished by titles,


divided into successive clauses or paragraphs, numbered consecutively, and numbered to be and


to every such clause there shall be annexed in the margin a short summary ^ranged.ally

of its contents. The Ordinances of each year shall be distinguished by

consecutive numbers, commencing in each year with the number one.

Except in the case of Bills reserved for the signification of Our plea-

sure, all Ordinances passed by the Legislative Council in any one year shall,

if assented to. by the Governor, be assented to by him in that year, shall

be dated as of the day on which the assent .of . the Governor is given, and

shall be numbered as of the year in which they are passed. Bills not so

assented to by the Governor, but reserved by him for the signification of

■ Our pleasure, shall be dated as of the day and numbered as of the year on

and in which they are brought into operation.

3.—Each different matter shall be provided for by a different Different subjects

■Ordinance, without intermixing in one and the same Ordinance such things samebOrdinXed

as have no proper relation to each other; and no clause is to be inserted aace. Nont clause

Li or annexed to any Ordinance which shall be foreign to what the title of fore4n to0

-such Ordinance imports, and no perpetual clause shall be part of any title of Ordinance1-

temporary Ordinance. aTyrndinan™^.

XXVI.—The Governor shall not, except in the cases hereunder men- Description of

ti'med, assent in Our name to ally* Bill of anyj of the followingn classes:— Bills

7 not toto be


1.—Any Bill for the divorce of persons joined together in holy matri-

mony :

2. —Any Bill whereby any grant of land or money, or other d

or gratuity, may be made to himself:

3. —Any Bill affecting the Currency of the Colony or relatin

issue of Bank notes :

4. —Any Bill establishing any Banking Association, or amen

.altering the constitution, powers', or privileges of any Banking Association:


5. —Any Bill imposing differential duties :

6.—Any Bill the provisions of which shall appear inconsistent with

obligations imposed upon TTs by Treaty :

7.— Any Bill interfering with the discipline or control of Our forces by

and, sea, or air :

8.—Any Bill of an extraordinary nature and importance, whereby

Our prerogative, or the rights and property of Our subjects not residing

in the Colony, or the trade and shipping of Our United Kingdon and its

Dependencies, may be prejudiced:


9. —Any Bill where

be subjected or made liable to any disabilities or restrictions to which

persons of European birth or descent are not also subjected or made liable:

10. —Any Bill con

refused, or which have been disallowed by Us :


emergencyin casesfor have Unless in theobtained

previously case of Our

any instructions

such Bill asupon aforesaid the through

such Bill Governoroneshallof


Ordinance an suspending Our PrincipaltheSecretaries

operationof State,

of suchor unless such Bill

Bill until the shall contain aofclause

signification Our

pleasure thereupon, or unless the Governor shall have satisfied himself

that, an urgent necessity exists requiring that such Bill be brought into

immediate operation, in which case he is authorised to assent in Our name-

to such Bill, unless the same shall be repugnant to the law o£ England, or

inconsistent with any obligations imposed on Us by treaty. But he is to

transmit to Us, by the earliest opportunity, the Bill So assented'to together

with his reasons for assenting thereto.

Private Bills. son, association XXVII.—Every Bill intended

or corporate to affect

body shall or benefit

contain somesaying

a, section partichlar per-

the, rights

of Us, Our heirs and successors, all bodies politic and corporate, and all

others except such as are mentioned in the Bill and those claiming by, from,

and under them. No such Bill, not being a Government measure, shall bo

introduced into the Legislative CCuncil until due notice has been given

by not less than two successive publications of the Bill in the Hongkong

Government Gazette, and in such other manner as may be required by the

Standing Buies and Orders for the time being in fotce; and the Governor

s'hall not assent thereto in Our name until it has been so published. A.

certificate under the hand of the Governor shall be transmitted to Us with

the Bill signifying that such publication has been made.

, toOrdinances,

be sent Lome &c., Bill shall

XXVIII.—When any Ordinance

have been reserved for the shall have beenofpassed

signification or when any

Our pleasure, the

catecUUtheDtl Governor State, for Our final approval, disallowance or other direction thereupon,ofa

shall transmit to Us, through one of Our Principal Secretaries

full and exact copy in duplicate of the same, and of the marginal summary

thereof, duly authenticated under the Public Seal of the1 Colony, and by

bis own signature. Such copy shall be accompanied by ,such explanatory

observations as may he required t> exhibit the reasons and occasion for

passing such Ordinance or Bill.

Ordinances to be each XXIX.



of —

year, the Governor shall cause a complete collection to be published,

year. every for year.

general information,of all Ordinances enacted during the preceding


eedings XXX.

ofofpro- Legislative —Min

LegisiativeCoun- Council, and at each meeting of the said Council, the Minutes


to behome

kept,and of the last preceding.meeting shall be confirmed, or amended, as the case

every meeting.after may The require, before proceeding to the despatch of any other business.

Governor shall transmit to Us, through one of Our Principal

Secretaries of State, as soon as possible after every meeting a full and

exact copy of the Minutes of the said Council.


reservations and XXXI. —

beforetoare ing

hewastemadelands the Governor shall cause the same to be surveyed, and such reservations


Governor of.not tc purposes. The Governor shall not, directly or forindirectly,

to be made thereout as he may think necessary roads or Other public

purchase for

purchase lands,' himself any of such lands without Our special permission given through

one of Our Principal Secretaries of State.


XXXII.—All Commissions to be granted by the Governor to any per- Appointments to

■son or persons for exercising any office or employment shall, unless other- ^

wise provided by law, be granted during pleasure only; and whenever the pleasured

Governor shall appoint to any vacant office or employment, of which the

initial emoluments exceed one thousand dollars or one hundred pounds

sterling a year, according as the said emoluments are fixed with reference

to dollars or to pounds sterling, as the case may be, any person not by TJs

specially directed to be appointed thereto, he shall, at the same time, ex-

pressly appraise such person that such appointment is to be considered only

as temporary and provisional until Our allowance or disallowance thereof

be signified.

XXXIII.—Before suspending from the exercise of his office any public Suspension of

officer whose annual pensionable emoluments exceed one thousand dollars officers,

or one hundred pounds sterling, according as the said emoluments are fixed

with reference to dollars or to pounds sterling, as the case may be, the

Governor shall signify to such officer, by a statement in writing, the

grounds of the intended suspension, and shall call upon him to state in

writing the grounds upon which he desires to exculpate himself, and if the

officer does not furnish such statement within the time fixed by the Gover-

nor, or fails to exculpate himself to the satisfaction of the Governor, the

Governor shall appoint a Committee of the Executive Council to investigate

the charge made and to make a full report to the Executive Council. The

Governor shall forthwith cause such report to be considered by the Council,

and shall cause to be recorded on the Minutes whether the Council or the

majority thereof does or does not assent to the suspension; and if the

Governor thereupon proceed to such suspension, he shall transmit the

report of the Committee and the evidence taken by it, together with the

Minutes of the proceedings of the Council, to Us through one of Our

Principal Secretaries of State by the earliest opportunity. But if in any

case the interests of Our service shall appear to the Governor to demand

that a person shall cease to exercise the powers and functions of his office

instantly, or before there shall be time to take the proceedings hereinbefore

directed, he shall then interdict such person from the exercise of the powers

and functions of his office.

XXXIY.—Whenever any offender shall have been condemned by Regulation o

the sentence of any Court in the Colony to suffer death, the Governor power of pardon8

shall call upon the Judge who presided at the trial to make to him a written judge's^epon ’

report of the case of such offender, and shall cause such report to be taken beforeExecutive

into consideration at the first meeting of the Executive Council which may Council. °u *v

be conveniently held thereafter, and he may cause the said Judge to be

-specially summoned to attend at such meeting and to produce his notes

thereat. The Governor shall not pardon or reprieve any such offender

unless it shall appear to him expedient so to do, upon receiving the advice Governor to take1

of the Executive Council thereon ; but in all such cases he is to decide ^e'counculn

either to extend or to withhold a pardon or reprieve, according to his own such cases,

deliberate judgment, whether the Members of the Executive Council concur S^n judgment

therein or otherwise, entering, nevertheless, on the Minutes of the Execu- entering hisU rea-

tive Council a Minute of his reasons at length, in case he should decide Minutes, if un-

any such question in opposition to the judgment of the majority of the “headviceoTthe

Members thereof. majority.

XXXV.—The Governor shall punctually forward to Us from year to Blue Book

year, through one of Our Principal Secretaries of State, the annual book

of returns for the Colony, commonly called the Blue Book, relating to

the Revenue and Expenditure, Defence, Public Works, Legislation, Civil

Establishments, Pensions, Population, Schools, Course of Exchange,


Imports and Exports, Agriculture, Produce, Manufactures, and other

matters in the said Blue Book more particularly specified, with reference

to the state and condition of the. Colony.

Governor’s XXXYI.—The

absence. the Colony without Governor

having firstshallobtained

not uponleave


pretence whatever,

IJs for quit

so doing

under Our Sign Manual and Signet, or through one of Our Principal

.Secretaries of State. :

Term “ the XXXVII.—In these Our Instructions the term “the Governor” shall,

explained” unless inconsistent with the context, include

being administering the Government of the Colony. every person for the time

Given at Our Court at Saint James’s, this Fourteenth day of February,

1917, in the Seventh year of Our Reign.


Additonal Instructions passed under the Royal Sign Manual and Signet

to ihe Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of Hong-

kong in regard to the duration of the appointment of Unofficial

Members of the Executive Council and of the Legislative Council

of that Colony.,

Dated January, 1922. George R.I.

Additional Instructions to Our Governor and Commander-in-Chief in

and over Our Colony of Hongkong and its Dependencies, or other

Officer for the time being administering the Government of Our said

Colony and its Dependencies.

Whereas by certain Letters Patent under the Great Seal of Our Preamble.

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland bearing date at West-

minster the Fourteenth day of February, 1917, We did make provision

for the Government of Our Colony of Hongkong and its Dependencies

(hereinafter called the Colony) and did amongst other things declare Recites Letters

that there should be an Executive Council and a Legislative Council in pebruar^isn.

and for the Colony which should consist of such persons as We might

direct by Instructions under Our Sign Manual and Signet:

And whereas by Our Instructions under Our Sign Manual and Recites instmc-

Signet, bearing date the Fourteenth day of February, 1917, We did con- FeWry/m?.

stitute the said Executive and Legislative Councils as therein is set


And whereas We are minded to make further provision respecting

the said Executive and Legislative Councils:

Now, therefore. We do, as from the date of the receipt in the Colony Revokes clause

of these Our Additional Instructions under Our Sign Manual and uonVoViah*0’

Signet, hereby revoke the Sixteenth Clause of Our said Instructions of February, 1917.

the Fourteenth day of February, 1917, without prejudice to anything

lawfully done thereunder, and We do direct and enjoin and declare Our

Will and pleasure as follows:

I.—Every Unofficial Member of the Executive Council appointed vacationy ot

after the date of the receipt of these Our Additional Instructions offlciai Members

in the Colony shall vacate his seat at the end of five years from ofExecufU-e

the date of the Instrument by which, or in pursuance of which, ounc''

he is appointed, unless it is otherwise provided by that Instru-


Provided that if any such Member is provisionally

appointed to fill a vacant seat in the Council and his provisional

appointment is immediately followed by his definitive appoint-

ment the aforesaid period of five years shall be reckoned from

the date of the Instrument provisionally appointing him.

Every such Unofficial Member shall be eligible to be re-unofficial Mem-

appointed by the Governor by an Instrument under the Public re-appointme^t.

Seal of the Colony for a further period not exceeding five

years, subject to Our approval conveyed through one of Our

Principal Secretaries of State.



Unofficial of

Mem- II. —Every Unofficia

bers re-appoint- appointed immediately on the termination of his. terui of Office

shall take precedence according to the da't^ from tfhich he has-

been continuously a Member of the said Council.

Vacation of seats III.

oy Unofficial —Every perso


Legislativeof 1 Additional Instructions in the Colony is an Unofficial Member

Council. : of the Legislative Council may retain his seat until the end of six

' ‘ years, and every Unofficial Menlber appointed after the date of

, ; 1 the receipt of these Our Additional Instructions in the Colony

shall vacate his seat at the erid of foilr years, froth the date of

the Instrument by which, or in pursuance of which, he was or

is appointed, unless it is- otherwise provided by thatr Instru-

• ' m’ent. f; . rat V bs ' 1

Provided that if any such Member is provisionally

appointed to fill a vacant seat in the.Council and his provisional

appointment is immediately followed by his definitive appoint-

ment, the aforesaid periods of six years or four years, as the

case may be, shall be reckoned from the date of tlie Instrument

provisionally appointing him.


bers Mem-

eligible for Every such Unofficial Member shall be eligible to be re-

re-appointment. appointed by the •'Governor: by an Instrument under the Public

Seal of the Colony for a further period not exceeding four years

subject to Our approval- eonveyed 1 thrbugh one of Gut

• Principal Secretaries of State.

Given at- Our Court at 'Saiiit JA/tuesV this -1 Tenth day of January-,.

1^22,;in the Twelfth year of Our Ile>gn.r

Additional Instructions to the

‘Governor and Commander-m-Chief, Hongkong.


Additional Instructions passed under the Royal Sign Manual and Signet

to the Governor and Commander-in-1 hief of the Colony of Hong-

kong in regard to the constitutioti of the Executive Council and of

the Legislative Council of that Colony.

Dated loth November, 1928. GfidaoE R.J.

Additional Instructions to Gur Governor and Commander-in-Chief in

and over our Colony of Hongkong and its Dependencies, or other ;

Officer for the time being administering the Government of Our

said Colony and its Dependencies.

Whereas by certain Letters Patent under the Great Seal of Our Preamble.

Realm bearing date at Westminster the Fourteenth day of February,

1917, We did make provision for the Government of Our Colony of Patent8onith*

Hongkong and its Dependencies (hereinafter called the Colony) and February, out.

did amongst other things declare that there should be an Executive

Council and a Legislative Council in and for the Colony which should

consist of such persons as We might direct by Instructions under Our

Sign Manual and Signet:

And whereas, by Our Instructions under Our Sign Manual an

Signet bearing date the Fourteenth day of February, 1917, AVe did con- February, 1917.

stitute the said Executive and Legislative Councils as therein is set


And whereas we are minded to make further provision respecting

the said Executive and Legislative Councils :

Now therefore we do, as from the date of the receipt in the Colony Revokes clauses,

of these Our Additional Instructions under Our Sign Manual and and xv of

Signet, hereby revoke the Second, Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth {^February'

Clauses of Our said Instructions of the F'ourteenth day of February, 1917.

1917, without prejudice to anything lawfully done thereunder, and

instead thereof We do direct and enjoin and declare Our will and

pleasure that from the date of such receipt the aforesaid Instructions

shall henceforth be construed and take effect as if the following

clauses had been inserted therein in place of the Second, Thirteenth,

Fourteenth and Fifteenth Clauses thereof :

II.—The Executive Council of the Colony shall consist of the Lieut- constitution of

enant-Governor of the Colony (if any), the Senior Military council?^

Officer for the time being in command of Our regular troops

within the colony, the persons for the time being lawfully dis-

charging the functions of Colonial Secretary, of Attorney-

General, of Secretary for Chinese Affairs, and of Treasurer of

the Colony, who are hereinafter referred to as ex officio

Members, and of such other persons as at the date of the


coming into operation of Our said recited Letters Patent are

Members of the said Council, or as We may from time to time

appiont by any Instructions or Warrant under Our Sign

Manual and Signet, or as the Governor in pursuance of

Instructions fiom Us through one of Our Principal Secretaries

of State may from time to time'appoint under the Public Seal

of tbe Colony.


Legislative of XIII.—The Legislative Council of the Colony shall consist of the

Council. Governor, the Lieutenant-Governor (if any), the Senior

Military Officer for the time being in Command of Our regular

troops within the Colony, the persons for the time being

lawfully discharging the functions of Colonial Secretary,

Attorney-General, Secretary for Chinese Affairs, and Treasurer

of the Colony, and such other persons holding office in the

Colony , and not txceeding four in number at any one time, as

at the date of the coining into operation of Our said recited

OfficialMembers. Letters Patent are Official Members of the said Council, or as

We may from time to time appoint by any Instructions or

Warrants under Our Sign Manual and Signet, or as the

Governor, in pursuance of Instructions from Us through one

of Our Principal Secretaries of State, may from time to time

appoint by an Instrument under the Public Seal of the Colony,

and all such persons shall be styled Official Members of the

Legislative Council; and further of such persons, not exceeding

eight in number at any one time, as at the date of the coming


Members. into operation of Our said recited Letters Patent are Unofficial

Members of the said Council, or as the Governor, in persuance

of Instructions from Us through one of Our Principal

Secretaries of State, may from time to time, appoint by an

Instrument under the Public Seal of the Colony, and all such

persons shall be styled Unofficial Members of the Legislative


If any Official Member of the Legislative Council cease

to hold office in the Colony his seat in the Council shall there-

upon become vacant.


place in

of Members XIV.—Whenever

ofunder any Member other

thehisLegislative than an exshall,

officioby Member

absent, &c. hand resignCouncil

his seatof inthetheColony

Council, or shall writing

die, or

be suspended fyom the ’ exercise'of 'his functions as a Member

of the Council, or be declared by the Governor by an Instru-

Vpient under the Public Seal of the Colony to be incapable of

exercising his functions as a Member of the Council, or be

absent from the Colony, or shall be acting in an office the

holder of which is an ex officio Member of the Council, or if

his seat become vacant, or whenever any person shall be

lawfully discharging the functions of more than one of the

offices the holders of which are ex officio Members of the

Council, the Governor may,, by an Instrument under the Public

Seal of the Colony, provisionally appoint in his place some

person to be temporarily an Official or Unofficial Member of

the Council; as the case may be.


“ Every person so provisionally appointed shall forthwith

cease to be a Member of the Council if his appointment is

disallowed by Us, or revoked by the Governor, or superseded

by the definitive appointment of an Official or Unofficial

Member of the Council, or if the Member m whose place he

was appointed shall return to the Colony, or shall be released

from suspension, or shall be declared, by the Governor by an

Instrument under the Public Seal capable of again discharging

his functions in the said Council, or shall cease to sit in the

Council as an ex officio Member, or shall cease to discharge the

function^ of more than one of the offices the holders of which

are ex officio Members of the Council, as the case may be.”

The Governor shall, without delay, report to Us, for Our'eonfirma- Provisional

tion or disallowance, through one of Our Principal Secretaries of State, be^mmediateiy0’

every provisional appointment of any person as an Official or Unofficial reported.

Member of the Legislative Council.

Every such person shall hold his place in the Council during Our Revocation of

pleasure, and the Governor may, by an Instrument under the Public meCnts.PPOmC

Seal, revoke any such appointment.

Given at Our Court at St. James’s this Fifteenth day of November,

1928, in the Nineteenth year of Our Reign.


Additional Instructions passed under the Royal Sign Manual and Signet

to the Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of Hong-

kong in regard to the precedence of Members of the Legislative

Council thereof.

Dated 20th November, 1929. George B.I.

Additional Instructions to Our Governor and Commander-in-Chief in

and over Our Colony of Hongkong and its Dependencies, or other

Officer for the time being administering the Government of Our

said Colony and its Depehdencies.

Whereas by certain Letters Patent under the Great Seal of Our preamble.

Realm bearing date at Westminster the Fourteenth day of February,

1917, We did make provision for the Government of Our Colony of

Hongkong and its Dependencies (hereinafter called the Colony) and Recites 0Lettera-

did amongst other things declare that there should be a Legislative Februat y,i9i7.

Council in and for the Colony which should consist of such persons as

We might direct by Instructions under Our Sign Manual and Signet:


Redteg And ’whereas by Our Instructions under Our Sign Manual and


rebruaryof Signet bearing date the Fourteenth day of February, 1917, We did

i9i7. constitute the said

the Twentieth Legislative

Clause of the Council as therein isdidsetdirect

said Instructions forth,that

and the


Members of the said Council should have such precedence as therein is

set forth:

And whereas We are minded to make other provision in regard to

the precedence of the Members of the said Legislative Council :

Substitutes r Now therefore We do, as from the date of the receipt in the Colony

ciau»e xx* f°of

instrnettons ^^esehereby

Signet, ^lir Additional Instructions under OursaidSignInstructions

Manual and

^February, the Fourteenthrevokeday oftheFebruary,

Twentieth Clause

1917, of Our

without prejudice to anythingof

lawfully done thereunder, and instead t,hereof We do direct and enjoin

and declare Our will and pleasure that from the date of such receipt

the aforesaid Instructions shall henceforth be construed and take effect

as if the following clause had been inserted therein in place of the

Twentieth Clause thereof: —

Precedence' of

Members. XX.—The Members of the Legislative Council shall take precedence

as We may specially assign, and in default: thereof, as follows :—

(1) First, the Official Members in the following order:—

(a) The ex officio Members in the order in which their offices

are mentioned (except that the Senior Military Officer, if

below the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel in Our Army, shall

take precedence after the person lawfully discharging the

functions of Attorney-Oeneral).

(b) Other Official Members according to the priority of their

respective appointments, or if appointed by or in pursuance

of the same Instrument, according to the order in which

they are named therein.

(2) Secondly, the Unofficial Members in the following order :—

(<») The Unofficial Members: who are also Members of I he

Executive Council of the Colony according fo the

precedence taken as between themselves as Members of

the Executive Council.

(Jo) , Other Unofficial Members according to the priority of their

respective appointments, .or, i,f appointed by qr in pursuance

of the same Lastrumeut, according to the order in which

they are named therein: Provided that any such Un-

official Member who is re-appointed immediately on the

termination of his term of office shall as between himself

and . other Unofficial Members who ar.e not also Members

of the Executive Council take precedence according to the

date from , which he has been continuously aMember of

the Legislative Council,

Given,a( Our C< urt at Saint James’s thjs Twentieth day of Novem-

ber. 1929, in the Twentieth Year of Uur Ifeigu,


Executive Council

The Executive Council consists of


H.E. the General Officer Commanding the Troops (Major-General

O. C. Borrett, c.b., c.m.g., c.b.e., d.s.o.)

The Hon. the Colonial Secretary (Sir Thomas Southern, k.b.e., c.m.g.)

The Hon. the Attorney General (Mr. C. G. Alabaster, k.c., o.b.e.)

The Hon. the Secretary for Chinese Affairs (Mr. N. L. Smith).

The Hon. the Colonial Treasurer (Mr. Edwin Taylor).

The Hon. Mr. B. M. Henderson (Director of Public Works).

The Hon. Sir H. E. Pollock, k.c.

The Hon. Sir Shouson Chow, kt.

The Hon. Sir William Shenton, kt.

Le&islative Council

The following are the members of the Legislative Council


H.E. the Governor (Sir William Peel, k.c.m.g., k.b.e.)

H.E. the General Officer Commanding the Troops (Major-General

0. C. Borrett, c.b., c.m.g., c.b.e., d.s.o.)

d’he Hon. ,the Colonial Secretary (Sir Thomas So!jthoi;p,.k.b.e.,.c.m.g.)

The Hon. the Attorney General (Mr. C, G. Alabaster, k.c., o.b.e.)

The Hon. the Secretary for Chinese Affairs (Mr. .N. L. Smith).

The Hon. the Colonial Treasurer (Mr. Edwin Taylor).

The Hon. Mr. R. M. Henderson (Director of Public Works).

The Hon. Mr. E. D. C. Wolfe, c.m.g. (inspector General of Police).

The.Hon. Comdr. G. F. Hole, r.n. (Retired) (Harbour Master).

The Hon. Dr. A. li. Wellington, c.ti.G. (Director s Of Medical and

Sanitary Services).


The Hon. Sir H. E. Pollock, kt., K.c,

The Hon. Mr. B. H. Rote wall, c.m.g., lL.d.

The Hon. Sir Wiliiaih Shehton, kt.

The Hon. Mr. C. G. Mackie.

The Hon. Mr. J. P. Braga.

The Hon. Mr. S. W. TsV, o.b.e., ll.d.

The Hon. Mr. J. J. Paterson.

The Hon. Mr. T. N. Chau.

The Hon. Mr. W. H. Bell.

Appointment of Members of the Degislative Council

By a Despatch from the Secretary of State, the following course is followed in

-the appoin tment 9f unofficial members

j Appointed by the Governor (one at least of whom

being a member of the Chinese community) ... 6

Elected by the Chamber of Commerce 1

Elected by the Justices of the Peace .. I





Made'by the Legishtiv'e Council of Hongkong in pursuance of tM provisions of

Clause XXIII of the Instructions of His Majesty the King under His Sign

Manual and Signet bearing date the IMh day, of February, 1917.

1.—Oath of Allegiance

(1) No member of the Council shall sit or vote therein until he shall have

taken and subscribed the oath of allegiance, provided that any person authorised by

law to make an affirmation instead of taking an oath shall be permitted to make a.

solemn affirmation in lieu of the bath of allegiance.

(2) The oath or affirmation shall be administered by the Governor.


(1) The proceedings and debates of the Council shall be in the'1 English


(2) A member may present a petition in Chinese, if the petition be accom-

panied by an English translation certified to be correct by the member who presents it.

3.—Sittings of Council *

(1) The meetings of the Legislative Council sliall be held on such day and at

such hour as may from time to time be ordered by the Governor.

(2) At the beginning of each meeting, and before proceeding. to the; despatch

of any other business, the President shall, if the minutes of the last proceeding

meeting have been circulated to the members, propose that they be confirmed. If

the said minutes have not been circulated they shall be read by the Clerk and the

President shall then propose that they be confirmed. Upon any proposal that the

minutes be confirmed no debate shall be allowed except as to the accuracy of the

minutes and with reference to an amendment actually proposed.

(3) The President may at any time adjourn or suspend any meeting.

4.—Standing Committees

(1) There shall be the following standing committees of the Council:—

(«> The(Chairman),

Finance Committee, which shall consist of the Colonial Secretary

the Treasurer, the Director of Public Works and the

unofficial members of the Council.

(b) The Public Works, Committee, which shall consist of the Director

of Public Works (Chairman), the Treasurer, and the unofficial

members'of the Council. . ,

(c) The(Chairman),,and

Law Committee, which shall consist of the Attorney General

four other members; of the Council appointed at

the first meeting of the year by the President, who shall have

power to fill vacancies arising in the Committee during the course-

of the year. >\i :

* On the and

subject of the quorum, ami of who ofshould

XXI of the Royal Instructions preside,

the 14th see respectively

February, 1917. Clauses XIX-


(2) Three members shall form a quorum of any standing committee.

(3) The Governor may at any time refer direct to the Finance Committee any

proposal concerning additional expenditure not already provided for in the annual


(4) Any member of the Council shall be entitled to attend any meeting of a

standing committee but no member may take any part in the proceedings of a

•committee of which he is not a member.

5.—Select Committees

(1) Any matter before the Council may be referred by the President, or upon

a motion duly passed by the Council, to a select committee.

(2) A select committee shall consist of at least three members who shall be

nominated by the President: Provided that any member may move that another

member be substituted for any member so nominated, and if the hiotion be seconded,

the amendment shall, after debate, be put to the vote, and the question shall be

•decided accordingly.

(3) The chairman of a select committee shall be appointed by the President.

(4) Three members of a select committee shall form a quorum except when

The select committee consists of three members only in which event two shall form

.a quorum.

(5) In the event of the death, resignation or absence from the Cplony of any

member of a select committee the President may' appoint another member in his


6.—Proceduee on Standing and Select Committees

(1) In the absence of the chairman of a standing or select committee the

•senior member present shall act as chairman.

(2) The chairman of a standing or select committee shall have an original

♦vote and shall also have a casting vote if the votes be equal.

(3) The chairman of any committee may require the attendance and services

*of the Clerk of the Council.

(4) The report of a committee shall be signed, and presented to, the Council,

fby the chairman.

(5) Any member of a committee dissenting from the opinion of the majority

may put in a written statement of his reasons for such dissent, and such statement

rshall be appended to the report of the committee.

7.—Duties of ^he Clerk

(!i) The Clerk shall send to each member written notice of each meeting of

sthe Council, accompanied by a copy of the Order of Business and of any bill which

it is proposed to read a first time at the meeting in question, at least two clear days

be fore the day fixed for the meeting, except in case of emergency when such notice

.-shall be given as the circumstances may permit.

(2) The Clerk shall keep the minutes of the proceedings of the Council, and

of committees of the whole Council, and shall send to each member the draft

minutes of each meeting so soon as possible after the meeting.

(3) The minutes of the proceedings of the Council shall record the names of

the members attending and all decisions of the Council, and shall, when confirmed

at the next following meeting of the Council, be signed by the President.

(4) In the case of divisions of the Council or committee of the'Avhole Council*

the minutes shall include the numbers voting for and against the question, and the

mames of the members so voting.


(5) The (Clerk ■ shall he- responsible for the custody'oh the Totes, records;.bills,

and other documents laid before the Council, which shall be open to : inspection by

Hieipbers of the Council and other persons under such >arrangements as may be

sanctioned by the President.

, . .; op. Busrupss

Unless the Council otherwise direct, the business of each sitting day shall be-

transacted in the following order:—

1. Confirmation,of minutes of last preceding meeting.

2. Oath or affirmation of allegiance of a new member.

3. Anppuncejments.

4. Papers, including any reports of standing or select committeer-

which are laid upon the table by order of the Governor and which.;

are not the subject of any motion. ,

5. Petitions.

6. Questions.

7. Government business.

8. Unofficial members’ motions.

'Government business shall be sCt down in Such order'as the President may

direct, and unofficial members’ motions shall be set down in the order in"which

notice of each motion was given, ‘


(1) Every petition intended to be presented to the Council must conclude with

a prayer setting forth the general object of the petitioner.

(2) A petition shall not be presented to the Council Unless it be in accordance

with the rules then in foree in regard to petitions.

(3) The member presenting a petition may state concisely the purport of the-


(4) All petitions shall be ordered to lie upon the table without question put

unless a member when presenting a petition move for it to be read, printed or

referred to a select committee.

(5) The Council will not receive aiiy petition—

(a) which is not addressed to the Council;

(b) which is not properly and respectfully worded;

(c) which has not at least ope signature on the sheet on which the

prayer of the petition appears;

(d) which has not at least the prayer at the head of each subsequent

sheet of signatures;

(e) which asks for a grant of public money or the release of a debt to-

public funds unless the recommendation of the Governor thereto

has been signified; or

(/) which does not conform witji such rules as may from time to time

be prescribed by the Council.


(1) All papers shall be presented by ,an official member of the Council and their

presentation shall be entered upon the minutes.

(2) A member presenting a paper may make a short explanatory statement of

its contents.


(3) All papers shall be ordered to lie upon thd table without questioh ppt ^aud

any motion for the printing thereof shall be determined without amendtaent or

debate. ;

(4) All Eules and Orders made by the Governor in Executive Council under

the: authority of an Ordinance, which do not require the approval of the Legislative

Council, shall be laid on the table as soon as may be after being made.>

11.—Questions to Mbmbkus -:

(1) Questions may be put to official members relative to public affairs with

which they are officially connected, proceedings pending in the Council, or any

matter of administration for which such members are responsible.

(2) Questions' ihay also be pht to other members, relating fb' a bill, Motibi,.or

other public matter connected with the business of the Council for Which such Mem-

bers are responsible.

(3) A question shall not contain arguments, inferences’ opinions, imputations,

epithets, ironical expressions. Or hypothetical cases. . ' ;

(4) A question shall not inclqde the names of persons,, or statements, not

strictly necessary to render the question intelligible, nor contain .charges which the

member, who asks the question, is not prepared to, substantiate.

; (5)- A question must not be asked for the purpose of obtaining an expression

of opinion, the solution of an abstract legat case, or the answer to a hypothetical

proposition. • ■ rni-dt o

, (6) A question shall not be as.Vsd without written notice unless it is of an

tffgeiit character and the member has obtained the leave of the President so to ask it.

(7) 4 question must not.be made,the pretext for a debate, nor can a question

fully answered be asked again without the leave of the President.

(8) A member may ask a supplementary question for'the purpose of further

elucidating any matter of fact regarding Which an answer has been given; hut a

supplementary question must not he used to introduce matter not included in the

original question.

12.—Messages from the G-oveenoe and Address by the Governor,

A message from the Governor, if presented ,to the,Council by an official member,,

may be brought up at any time before the commencement or at the close of public

business; and shall be considered forthwith or ordered to be considered upon a

future day as the member presenting it may appoint. The Governor may address

the Council at any time. .

12.—Manner, of.Giving Notices .

(1) Where under any Standing OfdeV (or the practice1 of ''the Council) notice

is required, such notice shall be given/by being handed in at the Table during the

sitting of the Council or by delivery at the office of the Clerk or other place appointed

by Standing Order (or the Presidept) wifhin the hours prescribed for the purpose.

(2) Except with the permission of, the President, no notice shaH.be valid for

any particular meeting of Council unless it shall have been so handed in or delivered

at least three clear days before such meeting of Council. Sundays and holidays-

shall not Be included in the computatioh of the said period of three days.

(3) ifAny

Cquncil, such notice

possible shaUthan

not less be printed anddays

two clear shallbefore

be circulated

the nexttp members

meeting ofof the-


Council for which it is valid. : .


(4) Any such notice shall be printed in the form in which it is handed in or


(5) Motions or amendments sent to the Clerk shall be printed and circulated

by him. even if they be matters notice of which is not required, and in the case of

amendments to bills shall be arranged so tar as may be in the order in which they

will be proposed.

(6) A notice given orally in Council, shall not have any force after that

-sitting of the Council unless it lie supplemented by. a notice given in accordance Avith

paragraph (1) of this Order.

14.-^No,i,ice of Motions

Unless the Standing Orders otherwise direct, notice shall be given of any motion

'wnich it is proposed to make with the exception of the following—,

1. A motion for the confirmation or correction of the minutes of the

: , Council.

2. ' A motion made in commit

3. A motion tor the adjournment of the Council or of any debate.

4. A motion that a petition be read, printed or referred to a select


!). A motion that the report of a standing committee be adopted.

6. A motion that the report of a select committee be referred to a

committee of the whole Council or be printed.

7. A motion for the Avithdrawal of strangers.

8. A motion for the suspension of a member.

9. A motion for the withdrawal or postponement, of any item in the

Order of Business.

10. A motion for the substitution of another member for a member

nominated to a select committee.

11. A motion for the reference of any matter to a committee.

12. A motion for the suspension of any Standing Order.

15.—Dispensing with Notice

Notice shall not be dispensed with in the case of a motion or in respect of any

•other proceeding for Avhich notice is required except with the consent of the


16.—Bulbs of Debate

(1) A member desiring to speak in Council shall rise in his place and address

his observations to the President.

(2) A member desiring to speak in committee shall address his observations

to the Chairman.

(3) If two or more members offer at the same time to speak, the President or

Ci airman shall call on the; member who first catches his eye.

(4) A member must confine his observations to the subject under discussion.

(5) Reference shall not be made to any matter bn which a judicial decision is

pending,' in such a way as may'prejudice file interests of parties theretor

(6) No member'shall impute improper motives to any other member.

(7) ; Except when the Council be in committee

than once on any proposition before the Council except in explanation (as provided

in paragraph 8 of this Order*), or to a point of order, or, in the case of the mover of

.a substantive motion, in reply, but any member may second a motion or amendment

by rising in his place and bowing to the chair without prejudice to his right to speak

;at a later periol of the debate.


(8) A member who has spoken to1 a question may, again be heard to offer

explanation of some material part 6f liis Speech which has been misunderstood, but

he must not .introduce new matter.

(9) A member who has spoken may speak again when. a..new Question has

been proposed from the chair such as a proposed amendment,

ft (10) Any member who dissents : from the opinion of the majority mar, if he-

give notice forthwith of his intention to do so, lay upon the table a statement of the

grounds of his dissent, either at the same or a, subsequent meeting of the Council.

(11) His Majesty’s name shall not be used to influence the Council.

(12) The conduct of His Majesty, members of the Koyal Family, the G-overnoi

or Administrator, members of the Council, and judges or other persons engaged in

the Administration of justice, shall not be raised except upon a substantive motion

and in any amendment, question to a member, or remarks in a debate on a motion

dealing with any other subject, any reference to the conduct of the persons afore-

said shall be out of order.

17.—Relevancy in Debate

(1) Debate upon any motirth, bill or amendment shall be relevant to such

motion, bill or amendment.

(2) Where an amendment proposes to leave out words' and insert other words

instead of them, debate upon the first question proposed on the amendment may

include both the words proposed to be left out and those proposed to be inserted.

(3) On an amendment proposing to leave out words or to insert words debate-

shall be confined to the omission or insertion of such words respectively.


(1) It shall lie out of order to make a motion or moveian amendment dealing

in anticipation with the subject of a bill or other matter appointed in the Order of

Business for consideration : and an amendment shall also be out of order if it deal

in anticipation with the subject matter qf a, motion of which notice has been given.

(2) A matter appointed in fhe,Order of Business, or a motion or amendment

of which notice has been given, sbaH not.be anticipated in any other;debate.

19. —

(1) No member may speak to any question after the same has been fully put

by the President or Chairman.

(2) A question is fully put, when the President or Chairman has collected the

voices both of the ayes and of the noe.-.

20. —

By the indulgence of the Council, a member may make a personal explanation',

although there be no question before'the Council, but no debatable matter may be-

brought forward, or dehatq arise, uppu; tbe,explanation, '.

21.—I’kesident to be . Heard Without Lntpkhuptiox

Whenever the President, orHie" Qhairman, rises during a debate, any member

then speaking, or offering to speak, must if' standing sit down, and must in any case-

refrain from speaking, and the Council or committee is to be silent so that the-

President, or the Chairman, may be heard without interruption.


22.—Responsibility fob Obdeb

The President in Council, and the Chairman in any committee, shall be respon-

sible for the observance Cf the rules of order in the Council and committee respec-

tively and their decision upon any point of ofdbr shall hot be open td Appeal and

shall not be reviewed by the Council except upon a substantive motion made after

notice. ■ ■

23.—Beeaches ' of Obdee

islf a Memben shpw disregard!foy:,theTauthprity

rules of the Council by .persistently and; wilfully obstructing, the business of the

‘Coupcil, or otherwise, the, President shall direct the'attention of the Council to the

incident, mentioning by. name the member, concerned. A motion may then be rngde

uppn.which the, President shall forthwith put, the .question, no .amendment, adjonm-

ment, or debate be’ng allowed, “ That such member be' suspended from the service

of tiie Council ”. If such an offence shall have been committed in a committee of

the whole Council, the Chairman shall foithwith suspend the proceedings of the

committee and report the circumstances to the Council; and the President shall on

a vnotion being juado thereupon put the same qpe§t,ion, without amendment, adjourn-

ment or debate! as if the offence had been committed in the Council itself.

„ (2)j.. hfpi; inpreihan qiie member shall.be named at the same time, unless.'seyeral

members,present together have jointly disregarded Ihe authority: of the chair.

(3) If a member be suspended under thie provisions of this order his suspension

shall last,until determined by ,the Council. •

(4) The President or Chairman, after having called the attention of the Council

or committee to the conduct of a member who persists in irrelevance or tedious

repetition either of his own arguments or of the arguments used by otber members

in debate, may direct the member to discontinue his speech.

(5) The President or Chairman shall order members whose conduct is grossly

•disorderly to withdraw immediately from th'e Council'ChAtuber during the remainder

of the day’s sitting. ’ • l -.vu : , . i

(6) If a1 dif'ecfibh'tb withdfaiw/Un'der paragf^ph ^jb.f order be ffof corns

plied witli at phee -or if on any occasion the 1Ptesident or Chairman deem that hi-

powets undet'thM Paragraph are iriadeqnate , he itfay name-such member df mem-

bers in pursuance of paragraph (1) of this order.

(7) The President or Chairman whether acting under paragraph (1) or (5) of

this order may direct such steps to be taken as are required to enforce his order.

(8) Members who are suspended under paragraph,of tins order or. arq

•directed to withdraw uinler paragraph (5), shall, fortjiwith withdraw, from,"the

pTdcmcts of’the Cbuddil Chamber. ■ ■ . •

(9) Nothing in this order shall be deemed to prevent the Council from proceed-

ing against any member foy any breach qf pVder not specified herein or from pro-

ceeding in any other way it thinks fit in dealing with tlie breaches of order herein

mentioned. , ..

j,,., , 24.—Yoi’yNG.f

! r

,■ : 1

(1) All questions shall he'decided by k majority of votes, including the vote of

the President, or in any committee.the Chairman, and whenever the votes are equal

the President, or in any committee the Chairman,: shall have a casting vote.

or ih(2)any eommit|ee by ( tliy Chairman, and'the At thevotes


may be oftaken

a debate


the question

by voices, aye apd shall be

* On tills subject of decision by the inajority, andbn the GoVern6V

vote, See Clause XXII of the; Royal Instructions of. the .14th February,'1917. ’s original aiid easting


no' and the result shall he declared by the President or Chairman, blit any member

may claim a division when the votes shall' be taken by the Cletk askihg eafeh member

separately how he desires to vote and recording the votes accordingly.

(3) In taking the division the names of all the unofficial members shall be called

before the names or official titles,of any of the official members. In both cases the

names, or official titles as'th^. ,case, may be, shall be called iu order, beginning with the

senior member’ provided that the ^President, or in any committee the Chairman, shall

vote last. • , , ,

(4) When a division is claimed either in Council or in, any coinmittee eyery

member present shall, unless he expressly state that he;declines' to. ,v.>te, record his

vote either for the ayes of noes. 1 The Clerk shall enter <.n the minutes the record

of each member’s vote and sha!!,add a statement of the names of nrembers vp^io

declined to vote.

(5) ' As soon its the Clerk has collected the votes the Presid

mittee the Chairman, shall state the t&umbers “voting for the ayes and th^ noes

respectively and shall then declare the result of the division or give,his casting vote

as the'case may be.

(6) If a member state that he voted in error or that his vote has been counted

wrongly, he may claim to have his vote altered, provided that such request is 'made

as soon as the President has announced the numbers and before he shall have

declared the result of the division.

' (7) A member shall not vote oh ally subject in which lie has a direct personal

pecuniary interest, bht a;motion to disallow.a members v6te on this ground shall

be made only as soon as the numbers of the members .voting oh the question shall

have been declared. If the mo'S.oh' fof the disallowance of a member’s vote shall

be agreed to, the President, or in committee the Chairman, hhall direct the Clerk to-

correct the numbers voting in the division accordingly. In deciding whether a

motion for the disallowance of a member’s vote shall be proposed from the chair,

the President, or, in any committee the Chairman, shall have regard to the

character of the question upon which the division was taken and to the

consideration whether the interest therein of the member whose vote is challenged

is direct and pecuniary and not an interest in common with the.rest of His Majesty’s

subjects and whether his vote was giveu on a matter of state' policy.

25. —

(1) The mover of a bill, on moving the first reading thereof, shall state the

object and intention of the measure and the reasons on which it is 'founded.''

(2) After sueif motion' has been secbhded by another ‘memb4r,,, afid has been

adopted, the bill shall be read a'first time. The President may address, the Cohmil

on the first reading of a bill should he desire to do sbi but iio ftirther discussion

shall be permitted.

(3) 1 Except as provided1 for in paragraph (2) of Standing Ofdter 29,; every bill

shall be published iu the t&izeffe after having hqeu read a first tiffie and before it is

read a second time.

26. —

When a motion for1 a second reading of a bill shall have been made and

seconded, a debate may he taken only upon the general merits:tind principles of the


27. —

(1) When a bill has been read the second time the CottUeil may, at the' satne

or any subsequent meeting, upon motion made and seconded, resolve itself ihtb a


committee of the wliole Council to consider the bill clause by clause, or may refer the

bill to a standing committee or to a select committee^

(2) The principle of a bill 'shall riot be discussed in committee but only its

•details.: ■ >J

' (4) In committee the Clefk shd!l read, the marginal hdtes to the1 bill, clause by

^sliiuse, unless the Chairman directs him to read the clauses, ,or any particular clause,

in full.

(4) .Subject to the provisions of paragraph (5) of this Order, the committee

may'make in thfe 'bill such amendment's as. they shall think fit, provided that the

amendments are* in the ^opinion of the C.hainnan relevant td the subject matter of

the bill, and provided that if any amendments are in the 1 opinion of the Chairman

'riot within the title of the bill the committee sh'all amend the title accordingly.

(5) No amendment shall be moped which is inconsistent with any clause

already agreed upon or with any decision already come to by the committee^ and the

'Chairman may at any time during the discussion of a proposed amendment with-

draw it from ‘the consideration of the committee if in h;s opinion the amendment

violates the provisions of this paragraph.

(6) 7 The Chairman may require any proposed amendment to be handed to the

Clerk in writing.

(*7) If no amendment be proposed to any particular clause when the marginal

,note has been read, by the Clerk, or when all the proposed amendments shall have

been disposed of, the Chairman shall put the question “ That the clause (or the

clause as amended) stand part of the bill ”. If any amendment is proposed which

.the C^aiihnan considers need not be disposed of separately he may put the .question

“That the Clausp,’amended'as proposed, stand part of the hill”!

(8) If a new clause or a new schedule be proposed the Chairman may put the

question “ That the proposed clause (or schedule) stand part of the bill”, and if the

question is agreed to the clause (or schedule) shall thereupon stand part of the bill.

new clause or , a new schedule may be proposed at any time which seems con-

venient to the Chairman.

(9) On consideration of the schedules the Clerk shall 'call out the word

“ Schedule” if there is duly one schedule, nr shall read out the ordinal numbers of

the schedules if there are more schedules than one, unless the Chairman directs him

to read the schedules or any particular schedule in [full, pr to proceed in any other

manner, and the Chairman may thereupon put the question “That this schedule

stand part of the bill ”,

(10) Any clause or schedule may be postponed for consideration at a later

stage of the same meeting or for consideration at some future meeting of the

•nmmittee; The whole bill may be left in committee for consideration at some

future meeting of the committee.

(11) When ah the clauses and schedules of the bill have been disposed of the

Chairman shall put the question “ That the enacting clause and title stand part of the

bill”. If the bill contains a preamble the above question shall be preceded by the

question “That the preamble stand part of the bill ”.

(12) When the bill has keen entirely disposed of the Council may upon motion

made and seconded resume and proceed with the remaining business of the day.

(13) A bill may be referred to a standing committee or to a select committee

,at any stage of its, progress prior to the third reading.

(14) If any standing committee or select committee to which a bill has been

referred reports that it recommends any material amendment therein, the bill may be

printed with such amendment and, after publication in the Gazette, may with the

permission of the Council be substituted for the bill as read a second time. Every

bill so reported shall be considered in the committee of the whole Council.


28.—Thikd Reading pf a Bill

(1) When a bill has passed through committee the member in charge of the-

bill may at the same or any subsequent meeting report to the Council that the bill

has passed through committee and may at the same time more that the bill be read

a third time, provided that if in the opinion of the President any material amend-

ment of the bill shall have been made in committee the bill shall not be read a third

time at the same meeting except after the suspension of the Standing Orders. If

the third reading of any bill is for this reason postponed to a subsequent meeting of

the Council the bill shall be published in the Gazette as atnended before it is read

a third time.

(2) If upon the third reading of a bill being proposed and seconded any mem-

ber desires to omit or amend any provision contained in the bill, or to introduce any

fresh provision into it, the bid may upon motion made and seconded be re-com-

mitted, and thereafter the Council shall again resolve itself into: a committee of the

whole Council for the consideration of the proposed amendment, but no bill shall

be re-committed after it shall have been read a third time.

(3) When a bill has been read a third time it shall be deemed to have beem


29.—General Provisions relating to Bills

(1) On each reading of a bill the Clerk shall read only the long title of the bid.

(2) If at any stage in the progress; of a bill the President declares that in his

opinion an emergency exists and that it is desirable in the public interest that the

Standing Orders should be suspended in order to enable the bill to pass through all

its stages, or all its remaining stages, at that meeting of Council, it may be moved and

seconded that the Standing Orders be suspended accordingly and if the motion be

adopted the . bill may be, carried through all.its sta,ges, or all its remaining stages,

at that meeting.

30.—Bills affecting Private Rights

(1) Where any bill shall be proposed which is intended to affect or benefit some

particular person, association; or corporate ’ body, notice of the bill shall lie given

by the promoters, by two advertisements in some dailynewspaper published in the

Colony, and, if any of dbe; persons likely to be benefited or prejudiced may be

Chinese, by two additional'advertisements; in some Chinese newspaper published in

‘the Colony, and in any case‘;,fey two successive publications of the bill in the Gazette,

as required by Clause XXVII of the Royal Instructions of'the 14th February, 1917:

provided that, as laid down in the said Cjause XXVII this paragraph shall not apply

to any such bill which is'a Government meaShre;

(2) If any person, considers that his individual rights ior interests ivbuld be-

affected by the provisions-of any such bilb he may petition to be heard on-(Cherbill

either in person or; by counsel, and he shall be heard ..dccOrdinglyj ; either, upon

motion made, seconded iamb adopted, or hy order of the President. Tbe President

shall direct whether the person in question or his counsel shall be heard before the

Council, or before a committOe'ofitlife whole Cbuheib or'before a standing committee

or a select committee. ,

(3) On any such petition the petitioner, or any ineinbqr, shall, upon.inotipn

made, seconded and adopted, or hy oriler qf. the.President, he(,eqfit]jed: to, cali find

examine witnesses bn oath or affirmation, provided that a list cqutaiiuing the nnmes,

residences and occupations of the witnesses shall liave Been delivered to the Clerk

at least two clear days before, the meeting p£„,thepquncil or committee as the case

maybe. Any such witness if called by the petitioner may be cross-examined by

any member, and if called byiauy member may be cross-examined by ahy other

member or bj the petitioner. The oath or affirmation shall ! be. 'tendered by the

Clerk, or, in any committee, by the Chairman. .• '

'*fe8 rU-leh op ’d;dtlXfcJL—H0>n-MoSjg

(4) Every bill intended, to affect, or benefit some particular person, association

■or corporate body shall in accordance with Clause XXVll of the Royal Instructions

of ihe l 4th February, 1917, contain a section -saving the rights of His Majesty the

King; E is Heirs !ahd Sfiecessors, all bodie^politic and corporate, and all Others except

such as are mentioned in the bill, and those claiming by, from, and under them.

81.—REr/EVAtroy d® Amendments

(1) When any bill, or clause

■Council or a comniittee thereof, an ofameuduient

a, bill,, or motion, is under consideration

may be.proposed in the

to such bill, clause

or motion if it be relevant to the bill, clause or motion to which it is proposed.

(2) An amendment m,ay be proposed to any amendment proposed from the

chair if it be relevant to the original amendment.

(8) In committee on a bill a new clause or schedule may be proposed if it be

relevant to the subject matter of the bill, and an amendment may be proposed to it

if the' amendment may be relevant to the new clause or1 schedule.

(4) An amendment, or a new clause Or schedule, shall not require notice.

(5) The President, or the Chairman as the case may be, may require any

proposed amendment to be handed to the Clerk in writing.

32.,—Seconding of Motions and Amendments

A motion or amendment shall not be proposed from the chair in Council unless

it shall have received a seconder, but in committee a seconder shall not be required

for any amendment or for any new clause or schedule.

33.—Method of Putting the Question on Amendments

Subject to the' provisions of paragraph (7) of Standing Order 27 upon an

amendment to leave out words and insert other words instead of them a question

shall first be proposed from the chair “that the words proposed to be left out

stand part of the question,” and if that question be negatived, the question for the

insertion of the alternative words shall then he proposed, provided that on con-

sideration of a bill in committee the Chairman shall if possible put as the test

question on an amendment only such words as will not prevent a subsequent

amendment which. is in order from being moved. If the question so proposed be

negatived the words proposed by the amendment to be left out shall be deemed to

be left out without further question.

34.—Withdrawal of Motions or Amendments

When any motion or amendment has been proposed from the chair, it may be

withdrawn at the request of the mover if, ou the President, or in committee the

Chairman, asking whether it be the pleasure of the Council or committee that the

motion or amendment be withdrawn, a dissenting voice be not raised thereto.

35. —

The evidence taken before any committee of the Council and any documents

presented to such committee which have not been reported to the Council shall not

be published by any member of such committee or by any other person, except

with the permission of the President.

36. —

(1) In cases of doubt the Standing Orders of this Council shall he interpreted

in the light of the relevant practice of the Commons House of Parliament of Great

.Britain and Northern Ireland.


(2) In any matter for which these Standing Orders do not pr ivide the said

practice shall be followed, but no restrictions which the House of Commons has

introduced by Standing Order shall be deemed to extend to the Council or its

members until the Council has provided by Standing Order for such restriction.

37.—StrspENSioisr of Standing Orders

A question the object br effect of'which may be to suspend am' Standing Order

-of the Council shall not be proposed e^cept with the consent of the President.

38.—Absence of Members

Any member who is prevented from attending a meeting of the Council shall

acquaint the Clerk as early as possible of his inability to attend.

39.—Employment of Members in Professional Capacity'

No member of the Council shall appear before the Council or any committee

thereof as counsel or solicitor for any party, or in any capacity for which he is to

receive a, fee or reward.


Strangers shall be admitted to debates in the Council Chamber subject to such

rules as the President may make from time tr» time for that purpose, provided that

af any member take notice that strangers be present, the President, or in committee

the Chairman, shall put forthwith the question “ That strangers be ordered to



The President may grant a general permission to the representative of any

journal to attend the sittings of the Council provided that, if the journal publish

a report of the proceedings which the President considers unfair, such permission

may be revoked.



The undersigned, Her Britannic Majesty’s Envoy Extraordinary and Minister

Plenipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of British Trade in China, acting under the

authority conferred upon him by the 85th Section of the China and Japan Order in

Council, 1865, hereby declares the following Regulations, made, in pursuance of the

above Order in Council, to secure the observance of Treaties and the maintenance

of friendly relations between British subjects and Chinese subjects and authorities

to be applicable to all ports which are, or may hereafter become, open to British


li-—^The British Consulate offices at the several open ports shall be opened for

public business from 10 o’clock a.m. to 4 o’clock p.m. daily, excepting Sundays,-

Christmas Day, Good Friday, King’s Birthday, Easter Monday, those holidays-

upon which public offices in England are closed, and Chinese New Year’s day, and

such Chinese holidays as the Chinese Customs authorities may observe.

II. —On the arrival of any British vessel at the anchor

ports, the master shall, within 24 hours, deposit his ship’s papers, together with a

summary of the manifest of her cargo, at the Consulate office, unless a Sunday or

holiday shall intervene.

III. —Every British vessel must show her national co

anchorage, and keep them hoisted until she shall have been reported at the Consulate

and her papers deposited there.

IY.—No British vessel or any vessel the property of a British subject, unless^

provided with a certificate of registry, or provisional or other pass from the Super-

intendent of Trade at Peking, or from the Colonial Government at Hongkong, shall

hoist the British ensign within any port or anchorage, or any flag similar to the

British ensign or of a character not to be easily distinguishable from it. Nor shall

any registered British vessel flying the Red ensign hoist any other ensign or flag

(except she be entitled to fly the Blue ensign) in use by Her Majesty’s vessels of war,

or the national ensign of any foreign State or any ensign or flag not plainly dis-

tinguishable from the ensigns used by Her Majesty’s ships of war or from those

flown by Ships of foreign States

Y.—Should any seaman absent himself from his ship without permission, the

master shall forthwith report the circumstance at the Consulate office, and lake the

necessary measures for the recovery of the absentee, and it shall be lawful for the

Consul, if circumstances shall require it, in his discretion to prohibit leave being

given to seamen to come ashore, and any master who shall violate such prohibition

shall incur the penalties hereinafter declared.

YI.—The discharge of guns or other firearms from vessels in harbour is strictly

prohibited, unless permission shall have been granted by the Consul.


VIr.—Masters of vessels when reporting their arrival at a port Shall notify in

writing the names of all passengers and'persons riot forriiing part of the articled

-crew on hoard, and, previous to leaving, notice must be given of the names of ail

persons, not forming part of the articled crew, intending to leave the port on board

any vessel.

YIII.—All cases of death occurring at’ sea must be reported, to the Consul within

24 hours of the yessel’s arriving in port or( harbour, and all cases of death on board

vessels in harbour, or in' the .residences of British subjects oh shore." must be imme-

diately reported at the Consulate office, and‘in the event of sudden or accidental

-death the fullest information obtainable should be given. It is strictly prohibited to

throw overboard the bodies of seamen or other persons dying on board of a vessel iri

harborir. Except in case of urgent necessity, no burial should take place on shore or

from any ship in harbour without the licence of the Consul first obtained,

IX. —Stone or ballast shall not be thrown overboard in

unless permission shall have been first obtained from, the Ideal authorities through

the intervention of Her Majesty’s Consular officer.

X. —All cases of loss of property by theft or fraud on board

assault or felony requiring redress or involving, the public peace, must be immediately

reported at the Consulate office.

If ariy Chinese subject guilty of, or suspected of, having' committed a mis-

demeanour on shore or afloat be detained, information must in such cases be forthwith

lodged at the Consulate office, and in no instance shall British subjects be per-

mitted to use violence toward Chinese offenders or to take the law into their own


XI. —Any vessel having in the whole above 2001bs. of

explosive material on board shall not approach nearer than a distance of one mile

from the limits of the anchorage. On arriving at that distance, she must be forthwith

reported to the Consular authority.

Special anchorages or stations will be assigned for such ships in the neighbour-

hood of the ports.

XII. —No seaman or other person belonging to a Britis

•or left behind at any port or anchorage without the express sanction of the Consul

And not then until sufficient security shall have been given for his maintenance and

good behaviour while remaining on shore, and, if required, for the expenses incident

xo his shipment to a port in the United Kingdom or to a British Colonial port,

according as the seaman or other person is a native of Great Britain or of any British


If any British subject left at a port or anchorage by a British vessel be found

to require public relief prior td the departure of such vessel from the dominions of

the Emperor of China, the vessel will be held responsible for the maintenance and

removal from China, of such British subject.

XIII. —When a vessel is ready to leave a port an

signee shall apply at the Custom-house for a Chinese port clearance, and on

his presenting this document, together with a copy of the manifest of his export

•cargo, at the Consular office, his ship’s papers will be returned to him, and he will

be furnished with a Consular port clearance, on receiving which the vessel will be at

liberty to leave the port. Should any vessel take in or discharge cargo subsequent

to the issue of the Customs’ clearance, the master will be subject to a penalty, and

the ship to such detention as may be necessary to the ends of justice.

XIY.—When a vessel is ready to leave a port or anchorage, the master shall

give notice thereof to the Consul, and shall hoist a Blue Peter at hast 24 hours


before the time ^ppeimted. for. her departure. The Consul may dispense with the

observance of this regulation on security being given that claims presented within

24 hours will be paid.

XV. —No British subject may establish or carry on a

house, house of entertainment, or shop for the sale of liquors within the Consular

district without the sanction and licence of the Consul, and payment of such fees

in respect of such licence, yearly or otherwise, as may be duly authorised. The

Consul shall require every person so licensed to give security for the good conduct

of all inmates and frequenters of his house, and also that he will not harbour any

seaman who is a runaway or who cannot produce his discharge accompanied by a

written sanction from the Consul to reside on shore.

Every person so licensed will be held accountable for the good conduct of all

inmates and frequenters of his house, and in case of their misconduct may < be sued

upon the instrument of security so given.

XVI. —Any British: subject1 desiriug, to, proceed

distance than thirty miles from any. Treaty port is required to procure a Consular

passport, and any one found without such a passport beyond that distance will be

liable to prosecution.

XVII. —The'term Consul in these Regulations s

and every officer in Her Majesty’s Consular service, whether Consul-Gleneral, Consul-

Vice-Consul, or Consular agent, or other person duly authorized to act in any of the-

aforesaid capacities within thp dominions of the Emperor of .China.

XVIII.—British vessels are bound as to mooring and pilotage tti act in accord,

ance with the Harbour and Pilotage Regulations authorized in each port by Her

Majesty’s Minister for the time being, and any infraction of the same shall render the

party offending liable to the penalties attached to these regulations.

XIX. —No loading of discharging of cargo may b

limits of the anchofage defined by the Consul and the Chinese authorities of each


XX. —Any infringement of the preceding General P

Special Regulations referred to in Regulations XVlII. and XIX. shall subject the

offender, for each offence, to imprisonment for any term not exceeding three months-

with or without hard labouf, and with or without a fine not exceeding 200 dollars

or to a fine not exceeding 200 dollars, without iuiprisOnmentj and with or without

further fines for continuing offences, hot exceeding in any case 25 dollars for each

day during which the offence continues after the original fine is incurred ; such fine

to be inflicted, levied, and enforced in accordance with the Order of Her Majesty in

Council dated the 9th day of March, 1865.

And in consideration of the urgent necessity for these Regulations, the under-

signed hereby further declares that they shall have effect unless and until they shall

be disapproved by Her Most Gracious Majesty, and notification of such disapproval

shall be received and published by me or other of Her Majesty’s Ministers in China.

(Signed) Thomas Francis Wade.

Peking, 28th March, 1881.


Art. I.—The limits of the undermentioned Ports open to foreign commerce are

defined as follows r

At Yokohama : the harbour limit's are comprised within a line drawn from the

Jmiit-en (Mandarin Bluff) to the light-ship, and thence due north, to a point on the

coast east of the mouth of the Tsurumigawa.

At Kobe: the harbour limits are comprised within the area bounded by two

lines, one drawn from the former mouth of the Ikutagawa dne south, and the other

running in a north-easterly direction from the point of Wada-no-misaki.

At Niigata : the harbour limits are comprised within the arc of a circle, the

centre being the light-house, and the radius being two and a half nautical miles.

At Ebisttminato : the harbour limits are comprised within a line drawn from

Shiidomari-mura to Isori-mura on the outside, and a line drawn from Minotocho on

the east shore of Lake Kamo to Kamomura on the north-west shore of the same lake.

At Osaka: the harbour limits are comprised within a line drawn from a point

(Tree Point) at the mouth of the Mukogawa south by west, and a line from the

mouth of the Yamatogawa, the two lines cutting each other at a distance of six

nautical miles from a point (Tree Point) and five nautical miles from the mouth of

the Yamatogawa.

At Nagasaki : the harbour limits are comprised within a line drawn from

Kanzaki to Megami.

At Hakodate: the harbour limits are comprised within a line drawn from a

point off the coast, half a nautical mile south of Anoma Point, to a point on the east

bank of the mouth of the Arikawa, Kamiiso-mura.

Art. II.—Every vessel on entering a port shall hoist its ensign and its signal

letters. Regular Mail Packets may hoist the Company’s flag in lieu of the signal


The ensign and signal letters or Company’s flag must not be lowered until the

vessel’s arrival shall have been duly reported to the Harbour Master.

Sucb report shall be made within 24 hours after arrival, Sundays and holidays

excepted, and no Customs facilities shall be extended to any vessel until such report

shall have been made.

Art. III.—Every Master on arrival in port shall prevent all communication

between his ship and other vessels or the shore until it shall have been admitted to

“free pratique.”

Art. IV.—The Harbour Master’s boat will be in attendance near the entrance

of the harbour, and the Harbour Master will assign a berth to every shipon enter-

ing, which berth it must not leave without special permission, unless forced to do

so. The Harbour Master may cause a vessel to change its berth, should he consider

it necessary.

Art. V.—The Harbour Master shall always wear a uniform when on duty and

his boat shall carry a flag of the pattern prescribed.

The Harbour Master may at any time satisfy himself that his directions as

regards anchorage, the movements of ships and the proper condition of moorings

are carried out.

Art. VI.—No vessel shall anchor in the public fair-way or otlierwise obstruct

free navigation. Vessels which have run out jib-booms shall rig them in at the

request of the Harbour Master, if they obstruct free navigation.



Art. VII.—Every vessel either at anchor or under weigh within the harbour

limits shall carry between sunset and sunrise the Lights required by the Laws,

Ordinances or Orders relating to the preyentioiv-ol. collisions at sea.

Art. VIII.—When bad weather threatens or warning signals are exhibited,

vessels shall immediately get ready one or more reserve anchors; and steamships

hall, in addition, get up steam.

Art. IX.—Any vessel carrying explosives or highly inflammable materials in

excess of ordinary requirements shall come to outside the harbour limits and there

await the Harbour Master’s orders. Such vessels while so waiting shall, between

sunrise und sunset, .fly at the foremast head the signal letter “B ” and between

sunset and sunrise shall hoist in same place a red lantern.

No vessel shall ship or discharge any such materials except at such places as

the Harbour Master may indicate.

Art. X —Every ship which is laid up or undergoing repairs, and all yachts,

store-ships, lighters; boats, etn, shall be modretl in Special berths designated by the

Harbour Master.r ■

Art. XL—In case of fire breaking out on board a ship within the harbour

limits, the ship’s bell shall be rung until the arrival df assistance, and the signal

letters “ N. M.V shall-he hoisted betw'een sunrise and spnset or a red lantern snail

be continuonsly hoisted,and lowered between sunset'and Sunrtse.

If policjeias^istance be x-equired the signal letter “ G” shall be hoisted between

sunrise. and sunset,. and between, sunset and sunrise "blue or flash lights shall

be shown.

All discharging of fire-arms or letting off of fire-works within the , harbour

limits is.fprbidden without,.perniissiop from the IJarbour, Mastex*, .except, in such as

above-mentioned for the purpose of signalling.

Art. XII.—Any vessel arriving from a place which has been declared by an

official declaration' of the Imperial Government as being: infected with an epidemic or

contagious disease (such as cholera, small-pox, yellow-fever, searlet-fever, or pest)

dr.on hoard of which any such disease shall have occurred during the voyage, shall

come to outside the harbour limits and shall hoist a yellow flag at the foremast head

between sunrise and sunset, and shall show a red and a white light one above the

other in the same place between sunset and sunrise. Such vessel must undergo

inspection by the proper sanitary authorities.

The sanitary authorities shall, ou approaching the vessel, be informed whether

any cases of any such diseases have actually oocuri-ed during the voyage and the

nature of such diseases, in order that suitable precaution may be taken.

The said ship must not lower the yellow flag or the above-mentioned lights until

if;shall have been admitted to,“free pratique,” neither shall any persqn laud from i|

nor shall any communication be held with other ships without the permission of the

proper sanitary authorities. ; ,

The provisions of the preceding paragraphs apply to vessels anchored within the

harbour limits on boar,d of which any of the above-mentioned epidemic or contagious


Suchhave broken

vessels mustout.change their berth on receiving an order to that effect from

the Harbour Master.

Any vessel arriving from a place infected with cattle-disease or on board of which

such disease has broken out during the voyage shall not land or tranship either the

6 ittlei their dead bodies, skins, hides or bones, without the pertnissioh of the proper

saintafy authorities.

Art. XIII.—No carcases, ballast, ashes, sweepings, .etc., shall be thrown over-

board within the harbour limits.

Whilst taking in or discharging Coal, ballast of bther similar niateidals, the

necessary precautions shall be taken to preveiit their falling iitto the sea.


If any materials detrimental to the harbour shall have been thrown into the

se t. or shall have been allowed to fall in through negligence by any ship, they shall

be removed by the ship upon receipt of an order to that effect, from the Harbour

Master; and if not so removed the Harbour Master may cause them to be removed

at the ship’s expense.

Art. XIY.—Any ship intending to leave port shall give notice at the Harbour

Master’s Office and hoist the Blue Peter.

Steamers which have fixed dates of departure need only make one declaration

on their arrival and departure.

Art. XY.—All wreckage or other substances which obstruct the public fairway

in a harbour or its approaches must be removed by their owner within the time

indicated, by the Harbour Master. If this order is not complied with within the

time specified by the Harbour Master,1 the Harbour Master may Cause -them to be

removed or destroyed at the owner’s expense.

Art. XVI.—A, suitable and sufficient numbefbf buoy moorings fief regular' Mail

Steamers shall be provided by the Harbour Master’s Office. A prescribed’fee' shall

be charged for the use of such moorings.

Art. XVII.—Ho chains, ropes, or other gear shall be attached to any lightship,

signal, buoy or beacon.

Any vessel running foul of,or damaging a light-ship, buoy, beacon, jetty, or any

other structure shall pay the necessary expenses for repairs or replacement.

Art. XYIII.—Any infringement of the provisions of the present Regulations

shall render the offender liable to a fine of not less than Yen 2 and, not exceeding

Yen 200.

Art. XIX.—The Master pf a vessel shall also be held responsible for any fines,

fees or expenses which may be imposed or charged on or in respect of the vessel.

Art. XX.—Np vessel shall be allowed to depart until all fines, fees and expenses

imposed or charged under the&e. Regulations shgll have been paid, or pntil security

therefor to the satisfaction of the Harbour Mfister. shall have been deposited with the

Harbour Master.

Art. XXL—The word “ Harbour Master ” as usea in these Regulations is also

meant to include the Harbour Master’s Assistants and Deputies ; and by the word

“ Master ” is meant any person in command of, or having the direction of,: a ship,

whatever his designation may be; and by the word “Port” or “ Harbour” is meant

one of the ports or harbours enumerated in Article I. of these Regulations.

Art. XXII.—A portion of each harbour shall be reserved as a man-of-war


Art. XXIII.—The only provisions in these Regulations which shall apply to

men-of-war are those contained in Articles IV., VI., XII. and XXI., and in the first

and second paragraphs of Article XIII.

Art. XXIV.—The time when and the localities,yrhere these Regulatiops are .to

come into operation shall be notified, by the Minister of, Communications. The

Minister of Communications shall also, issue detailed rules for the: due enforcement ,

of these Regulations.



(Chapter 3934, Prescribing the Jurisdiction of the Court)

Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States

of America in Congress Assembled, That a Court is hereby established, to be called

-the United States Court for China, which shall have exclusive jurisdiction in all

cases and judicial proceedings whereof jurisdiction may now be exercised by United

States Consuls and Ministers by law and by virtue of treaties between the United

States and China, except in so far as the said jurisdiction is qualified by Section 2

of this Act. The said Court shall hold sessions at Shanghai, China, and shall also

hold sessions at the cities of Canton, Tientsin, and Hankow at stated periods, the

dates of such sessions at each city to be announced in such manner as the Court shall

direct, and a session of the Court shall be held in each of these cities at least once

annually. It shall be within the power of the judge, upon due notice to the parties

in litigation, to open and hold Court for the hearing of a special cause at any place

permitted by the treaties, and where there is a United States Consulate, when, sn

his judgment, it shall be required by the convenience of witnesses, or by some public

interest. The place of sitting of the Court shall be in the United States Consulate

at each of the cities, respectively.

That the seal of the said United States Court for China shall be the arms of

the United States, engraved on a circular piece of steel of the size of a half dollar,

with these words on the margin, “ The Seal of the United States Court for China.”

The seal of said Court shall be provided at the expense of the United States.

All writs and processes issuing from the sai l Court, and all transcripts, records,

copies, jurats, acknowledgments, and other papers requiring certification or to lx?

under seal, may be authenticated by said seal, and shall be signed by the clerk of

said Court. All processes issued from the said Court shall bear test from the day

of such issue.

Sec. 2.—The Consuls of the United States in the cities of China to which they



cases wh >reaccredited

the sum shall have,ofthethesame

or value jurisdiction

property involvedasinthey now possessdoes

the controversy in

not exceed five hundred dollars United States money, and in criminal cases where the

punishment for the offence charged cannot exceed by law one hundred dollars’ fine

or sixty days’ imprisonment, or both, and shall have power to arrest, examine, and

discharge accused persons or commit them to the said Court. From all final judg-

ments of the Consular Court either party shall have the right of appeal to the United

States Court for China: Provided, Also, That appeal may be taken to the United

States Court for China from any final judgment of the.Consular Courts of the United

States in Korea so long as the rights of extra-territoriality shall obtain in favour of

the United States. The said United Stages Court for China shall have and exercise

superviso-y contr d over the discharge bv Consuls and Vice-Consuls of the duties

p’-escribed bv the laws of the United States relating to the estates of decedents in

China. Within sixty days after the death in China of any citizen of the United

States, or any citizen of my territory belonging to the United States, the Consul or

Vice-Consul whose duty it becomes to take possession of the effects of such deceased

person under the laws of the United States shall file with the clerk of said Court a


•sworn inventory of such effects, and shall, as additional effects come from time to

time into his possession, immediately file a supplemental inventory or inventories of

the same. He shall also file with the cleric of said Court within said sixty days a

schedule under oath of the debts of said decedent,' so far as known, and a schedule

or statement of all additional debts thereafter discovered. Such Consul or Vice-

Consul shallpay no claims against the estate without the writ teh approval of the

judge of said Court, nor shall he make sale of any of the assets of said estate with-

out first reporting the same to said judge and obtaining a written Approval of said

sale, and he shall likewise within ten days after any such sale report the fact of such

sale to said Court, and the amount derived therefrom. The said judge shall have

power to require at any time reports from Consuls or Vice-Consuls in respect of all

their acts and doings relating to the estate of any such deceased person. The said

Court shall have power to require, where it may be necessary, a special bond for the

faithful performance of his duty to be given by any Consul or Vice-Consul into

whose possession the estate of any such deceased citizen shall have come in such

-amount and with such sureties as may be deemed necessary, and for failure to give

such bond when required, or for failure to properly, perform his duties in the

premises, the Court may appoint some other person to take, charge of said estate,

such person having first given bond as aforesaid. A record shall be kept by the

clerk of said Court of all proceedings in respect of any such estate under the

provisions hereof.

Sec. 3.—That appeals shall lie from all final judgments or decrees of said Court

into the IJnited States Circuit Court of Appeals of the ninth judicial circuit, and thence

appeals and writs of error may be taken from the judgments or decrees of the said

| ‘Circuit Court of Appeals to the Supreme Court of the IJnited States in the same class

-of cases as those in which appeals and writs of error are permitted to judgments of

said Court of Appeals in cases coming from District and Circuit Courts of the United

States. Said appeals or writs of error shall be regulated by the procedure govern-

ing appeals within the United States from the District Courts to the Circuit Courts of

Appeal, an

States, respectively, so far as the same shall be applicable; and said Courts are here-

by empowered to hear and determine appeals and writs of error so taken.

Sec. 4.—The jurisdiction of said United States Court, boh original and not

appeal, in civil and criminal matters, and also the jurisdiction of the Consular Courts

in China, shall in all cases be exercised in conformity with said treaties 'and the laws

of the United States now in force in reference to the American Consular Courts in

■China, and all judgments and decisions of sa:d Consular Courts, and all decisions,

judgments, and decrees of said United States Court, shall be enforced in accordance

with said treaties and laws. But in all such cases when laws are deficient in the

provisions necessary to give jurisdiction or to furnish suitable remedies, the common

; law and the law as established by the decisions of the Courts of the United States

. shall be applied by said Court in its decisions and shall govern the same subject to

i-the terms of any treaties between the United States and China.

Sec. 5.—That the procedure of the said Court shall be in accordance, so far as

1 (practicable, with the existing procedure prescribed for Consular Courts in China

in accordance with the Revised Statutes of the United States: Provided, however,

That the judge of the said United States Court for China shall have authority from

time to time to modify and supplement said rules of procedure. The provisions of

sections forty-one hundred and six and forty-one hundred and seven of the Revised

^.Statutes of the United States allowing Consuls in certain cases to summon associates

.shall have no application to said Court.

Sec. 6.—There shall be a district attorney, a marshal, and a clerk of said Court

• with authority possessed by the corresponding officers of the District Courts in the

I United States as far as may be consistent with the conditions of the laws of the

| United States and said treaties. The judge of said Court and the district attorney,

I who shall be lawyers of good standing and experience, marshal, and clerk shall be


apgoipl^d bx the I’residout, by and with the advice and consent of the oeuate, and

shall i-eceive.as salary,- respectively, the snips of eight thousand dollars per annum

foy said judge* jfour thousand dollars per annum-for said district attorney*tJpme

thousand dollars per annum for said marshal, and three thousand dollars per annum,

for vsaid clerk. The judgefa eof the said Court and the district attorney shall, .when

thp sessions of .the Ce^ T rheld at pther cities than Shanghai,, receive, in -addition

to. th;eir salaries .their necessary expenses during such, sessions not to exceed ten,

dollajrs per day for the judge and five,dollars per day for the district attorney.

■ Sec.- 7.-^The tenure of office of the judge of said Court shall be ten years, unless-

sooner removed by the President for cause; the tenure of office of the other officials

of the .Court shall be at the pleasure of the President.

■ Sec. 1&.—The marshal and the clerk of said Court shall be required to furnish

bond for the faithful performance of their duties, in sums and with sureties’to bo

fixed and Approved by the judge of the Court. They shall each appoint, with the

written approval of said judge, deputies at Cahton and Tientsin, who shall also bo

required to furnish bonds for the faithful performance of their duties, vvhich bohds

shall be subject, both as to form and sufficiency of the sureties, to the approval of

the said judge: Such deputies shall receive compensation at the rate of five dollars

for each day’the sessions of the Court are held at their respective cities. The office

of inarshal in China now existing in pursuance of section forty-one hundred and

eleven of the Revised Statutes is thereby abolished.

Sec.- 9.—The tariff of fees of said officers Of the Court shall be the same as The

tariff already fixed for the Consular Courts in China, subject to amendment from

time to time by order of the President, and all fees taxed and received shall he paid,

into the Treasury of the United States.

Approved, June 30, 1906.



The judicial authority find jurisdiction in civil and criminal cases,now vestedfin

and reserved to the Consul-General of the United States at Shanghai, China, by the

Act of June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and six, entitled, “An Act creating a

United States Court for China and prescribing the jurisdiction thereof,” shall,

subsequent to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine, be vested in'and exercised

by a Vice-Consul-General of the United States to be designated from time to time

by the Secretary of State, and the Consul-General at Shanghai shall thereafter

be relieved of his judicial functions.



98—In Coutular^ Court.

■Jn all oases and estates where the amount in question is

ie fee shall he $5 for minor and $15 for greater os

. 99—Cleric’s Fee,

For issuing

For docketing all writs, warrants,

every suit commenced attachments, or other compulsory process • ...

For executions ...


For all summonses


For administering and entering and notices

everyor declaration, plea, ortoother paper ... ' ■ — . ........ ' f•••'....r.


For taking an oath

anandacknowledgment affirmation, except an associate ... '

Fori. each

takingsucceeding certifying

folio depositions to file (for each folio of 100 words): for the first 100 words,i...'50 cents; for

For enteringofanyany


For making copy suchreturn,


rule, furnishedcontinuance,

order, to a partyjudgment,on request,decree,per folioor recognizance, or drawingl any. bond, or

For adocket

The copy offeeanyofrecord,



or of any paper


return,on orfilereport: eachfor folio

: forcoverall each folio . . . . . ...:

. . . . . . venire

. . indfeie^.isVifihg t • • ,,,,:u

isfor associates,

$100 or less; taxing

where the andallowed,

costs,amount othershallservices

allinvolved exceeds

charges forherein,


the clerk


shall inbealldockets



cases wherefor theservices

the amount involved


In allin casesthe foregoing


more than in$500all thecasesclerkup toshall$500,be inclusive,

allowed fora feelikeofservices ... 1 .....

TTor ,causes

be allowed,whereforissue likeisservices,

joined butone-half

no testimony

of the above is given,


causes, dismissed or discontinued, i q ■the clerk .shall .

For affixingsearch

For’every the sealfor ofanytheparticular

court to mortgage,

anv instrument,orother whenlienrequired...

. . ... ...... ... ...; ... .;.... C..... .• ‘ ..;

For property

searchingandthe certifying

records ofthetheresultcourt offorsuch


search: decrees,

for each orperson



whom constituting

such scsarcb isa lien on anyto.


For amount

receiving,sokeeping, and paying o it money in pursuance of any statute or order of court, 1 per. centum of the


AllForhooks made kept, and

necessary by thepain.duties of his office;shall, for going,

duringScents a mile, and 6 cents a'mile for returning.

personindesiring clerk’s office containing

to examine the same publicw:itboutrecords

any.fees or charge office

therefor.hours, be open ,to , (.Jig ipspection of any

In cases

For service of escheat

as escheatorthe clerk shall... receive for'. . publication to heirs

For every office

For recording found ... of inquest,



For an affidavit

approvinginbond in attachment

in attachment . per folio

For affidavit distress

F'or affidavit in replevin cases cases

100- Marshal’s Fees.

For. leaving


portfor thea deserter and delivering. ...him board the ..jvessel, deserted... from,... to be... paid'...by, the vessel before

. ...consul,


“W stsearching

serving any \vrit, same,


if not found,ortoother

be certified by the

compulsory his order to be pa by the ship 1

process, eachandperson


_Torir eachving

returning si all notices' . attachment, warrants, and summonses, each

OnForevery bail bond or discharge of prisoner

commitment ... ... ... ;

subpoenas, for each witness summoned ......

For returning

For levying



each day’sexecution

attendance upon court ... .......A ...„. ; ...;.. ...,... • ■


For advertising propertyunder


property for saleexecution by order of plaintiff .. ' ... *


If overselling

$1,000 and notunder execution,

exceeding $5,000lyhen,...the amount

,... '.collected

. ... . does

.... not, exceed $1,000

For making

If thetravelling collections$2Q0

apjount,exceeds under $200,

... i is where no adjudication has taken place


For serving every feesnotice

in serving

no*- all proi n addition to the usual travelling f«

loth March,


For drawing

For executinganda deed prepareda deed

executing by a party or his attorney 5.00

For copies of writs or papers, furnished on request, per folio

For every proclamation in admiralty

For serving an attachment in rem, or a libel in admiralty 2.0030

For pensation

the necessary to beexpenses

fixed byofthekeeping

court. boats, vessels, or other. property, attached or libelledtin ,,admiralty,, ,a com- , „

Whenbetheentitled debt, toor claim in admiralty,

a commission of 1over ispersettled


onthetheparties, without


of the a sale oforthedecree, property, the marshalof 1shall

cent, onsuchthecommission

claim excess of shall

any sumbe allowed $500:

on the appraised value the claim

thereof. value of the property and one-half

is less than per

, of admiralty,the

For and saleforof receiving

vessels, orandother property,

paying over the under


2£ per in admiralty,

cent, on am or under

a under the order

$500, of

and a1Jcour

peru o

excess of any sum over $500.

101— Interpreter's Fees.


For each

making day’s attendance upon court

If more thantranslations

200 words for each additional 100 ...

102— Witnesses' Fees,

irir each

each day’s attends

mile travelle

10S—Crier’s Fees.

On trial of every suit — ••• ... 'i ... .... ... '

104—Gitizen Associates’Fees.

For each day’s attendance ... ;.. ... ... E

105— Costsfor Prevailing Party.

All necessary Court fees paid out.

106— Cousai’s Fees.

Where Thethefollowing fees shall be isallowed orin arbitration

less proceedings '

Where itit exceedsexceeds $1,$500,000,andforupeachto $500,

amount in question

$1,$1,000000 or fraction



cases of libel, slander, and all proceedings thereof money judgments

not requiring XX

In allissuing

For arbitration

a search.proceedings

warrant judgment may be entered for costs, and execution issued thereon..


Feesholding an inquest

are payable out of the estate of the descendent.:.. .;. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1


for inquests

107— .Fee* in Prolate Matters.

(1) The court administrator

shall allow Shalla reasonable

him present tocompensation,the court a billto beof determined

particulars byof the services rendered by him, and the

(2) The consul, whatsover when salaried officer (drawing fixedmatters

compensation), notthebebycourt.

shalldecided allowed as aanyconsular

fees incourt.

any judicial

(3) proceeding

If,is noinfixed

any case, a consul

salary, and


shall be

whoseconsuls appointed


to probate

for any

depends of the heard

open andportsof

on collection ofthenconsular China himJapan,

and towho

fees, andshall whoseis vested

office there


judicial authority

following fees: (as the who have fixed compensation), such consul be allowed the


For passing

passing on

on current

final reports

reports of of

same executor

... administrator, or guardian ...

... ...

... ...

v. . ' ...

... ...

,.i ' ... ...


For hearing

For a final order of discharge

application for distribution of estates. ,: ... ...... ...... . ..... ... ..., _ '...


For The making clerkorder



the following fees : .;. ... ... ... ' ...


For apreparing

citation inandadnjiinistration

administering . oath

the ... to an exeeutbr, administrator, or guardian


For issuing

docket and

fee recording

... letters of administration and guardian’s certificate ... ... ... 1

For seal

For filing papers

For seal toto letters

lettersofof appointment

administrationof appraisers of estate... , ... ... ...... ...... ...... ...

r orders, convingreandgeneral recording orders,

schedule for etc.,

like and such and

services, like subject

acts, thetoclerksuch

108—Fees in Ministerial Court.

The except

fees of inthecasescourtbrought

and its officers shall



same asin allhereinbefore prescribed forfee the consular courts,

In addition

of all to which,

papers and the samebefore

process, and



as consuls are allowed

administering toetc.chargeof which

oaths, shall becases

allow'a ecourt

d for the shall be charged

issuance, filing, ofetc.,... 15.00

The fees of the clerk, marshal, interpreters, etc., in a ministerial court, shall be the same in appellate as in other cases.




Promulgated August 22, 1980, by Order of i'he Administrative Yuan of the

National Government, Republic of China

Art. I.—Unless otherwise provided for by law or treaty. Passports held by all

foreigners entering the territory of the Republic: of China shall be inspected in

accordance with the provisions of'the following Regulations.

Art. II.—A Passport shall give the name, sex, age, native place, address and

occupation of the holder, and the reason for entering Chinese territory; it shall

have a photograph attached and be vised at a Chinese Consulate established in a

foreign country. A Passport may include the members of a family (children under

age) and servants; but the names and other particulars must be given in the

Passport with photographs attached.

Art. III.— Passports shall be inspected by the local government in Chinese

territory. If necessary, the Maritime and Native Customs may be asked to assist.

In special cases the Department concerned of the Central Government may appoint

officials to direct and supervise inspection. The places of inspection will be

separately specified.

Art, IV.—If during inspection any one of the following conditions is found to

exist the foreigner concerned may be denied entry into Chinese territory.’ The

conditions are

1. When there is no Passport or when inspection is objected to. ■

2. When the Passport is hot in regular* Order or is fraudulently obtained or


3. When the holder’s activities niay be detrimental to the interests of the

Kuominfang or Government, or may endanger public peace andsecurity.

4. When the holder is a vagabond or mendicant.

5. When contrabands or indecent articles are carried

6. When holder has previously been expelled from Chinese territory.

Art. V.—If during inspection, any doubt should arise as to the purport of the

conditions set'forth in the preceding article, the Inspector shall refer the matter to

his superior officer by the quickest means possible and he may temporarily detain

the foreigner pending decision.

Art. VI.--Pofeigners who are exempted by law or treaty from the necessity of

producing Passports on entering Chinese territory shall nevertheless be subject to

the provisions of Sections 3, 4 and 6 of Art. 4 and Art. 5.

Art. VII.—Detailed Rules supplementary to these Regulations are framed


Art. VIII.—These Regulations shall be effective four months after date of


Supplementary Rules to Regulations Governing

the Inspection of Passports of Foreigners

Entering Chinese Territory

Art. I.—These- detailed Rules are made in pursuance of Article 7 of the

Regulations governing the inspection of Passports of foreigners entering Chinese

territory (hereinafter referred to as “ Regulations.”)

Art. II.—The expression children under age” as used in Clause 2 of Article

of the Regulations, shall be determined by the age limit fixed by the Civil Law of

the Republic of China.

Art. III.—The places where the inspection of Passports of foreigners entering

Chinese tenitory will take place are as follows:—


' ; . (A) Land'Rojt^es ' ,

Manchuli Harbin Hi Kowloon Szemao

Pogranichnaya Ghinchou Kashgaria (also by sea) Mengtsz


Yen ChiChun Changchiakou

Suiyuan Ta Gheng Tung

Chien Shan Tengyueh Shing Hokou


(B) Sea Routes

Canton Samshui * Chung Shan . 1 Swatow Foochow Woosung

Pakhoi ofKongmoon

(Passports those entering theHarbour

Yangtze RiverAmoy Shanghai

not via Shanghai shall be inspected

Tsingtao Lungkou at Woosung.)

Chinwangtao Antung Taheiho

Chefoo Tientsin or Hulutao (also by land) Tungkiang

Weihaiwei Tangku Newchwang Aigun

(C) Air Routes.

Before an aerodrome has been laid out. Passports of foreigners entering-

Chinese territory by aircraft shall be inspected at the first authorized landing station.

In case of necessity, the number of stations where Passports are inspected may

be increased or reduced by the various departments concerned after sanction has

been duly obtained.

The places of inspection on the borders of Mongolia and Tibet shall be given


Art. IV.—A foreigner denied entry into Chinese territory under the terms of

Art. 4 of the Regulations, if found unable to leave the territory of the Republic of

China shall be handed over to the Consul of his nationality to be dealt with.

Art. V.—When the assistance of officers of the Maritime or Native Customs

is required in the examination of Passports the local authorities and the Customs-

shall jointly make the necessary arrangements, and report to the Department con-

cerned for record.

Art. VI.—Passports of foreigners entering Chinese territory besides being

subject to the provisions of Art. 3 of the Regulations are subject to inspection by

local authorities in the interior.

Art. VII.—If any one of the following conditions is found to exist, the local

authorities in the interior shall at once detain the foreigner and report to the

Senior Official for instructions:—

L Any one of the conditions as laid down in Art. 4 of, the Regulations.

2. When the Passport produced does not bear a chop to show that it , has

been inspected.

Art, VIIL—The Inspector shall not ask for any payment from the foreigner

fcq’ inspection of Passport.

Art. IX.—The Inspector when inspecting Passports shall be in uniforin and

shall year a distinctive badge. The badges shall be prescribed by the? Depart-

ment concerned.

Art. X.—The Inspector when inspecting Passports, shall give the foreigner

desiring to enter Chinese territory an inspection form to be carefully filled in; said

form shall be prescribed separately.

Art. XI.—The Inspector after inspection shall impress aj chop on the Passport

giving the date of inspection. The form of this chop shall be prescribed by the

Department concerned.

Art. XII.—The Inspecting authorities shall, before the 10th of each month,

submit a table giving the name, sex, age^native place, occupation and adlress, as-

wpll as the re^soiyfor entering China, of .all foreigners to, whom perniission has been

granted local

highest pr refused during

authority for the preceding tpmonth.

transmission This tableconcerned

the Department shall, beforsentrecord..

to the

d.rt. XIII.—In tbeevent of any cape arising not-covered .by the provisions of

the Regulations pr the detailed Supplementary Rules, the inspecting authority shall

immediately telegraph to the Department concerned for instructions.

Art. XIV.—These detailed! Rules shall he effective from the- date: the

Regulations are put in force.'



{Revised, June 2b', 193b)

Note. The term “n.o.pi.f.” in this Tariff

for *• not otherwise provided for ’’ ' , ' Skins, Dressed or Undressed, not' Per HK Tls.

Animals and Animal Products (not ' made a.b. Goat

up :—

Dog including Kid Skins...Value


including Hides, Leather, Skins

(Furs), Fishery and Sea Products) . ;7|% 7) „

Per^T^l cid:. Marmot Raccoon... ... ... "Value 7i%


Animals, Living Value /7i% e. Sheep (including Lamb



a. Etrgand Egg Products:—


... ... tt .

Volk, and Squirrel. ... ..... ... ... „., .747i'„„,,'


/.17. Weasle 1 ’ ... ... • 74'

Whole h. Others „

b. Egg Dried ... Egg . • (Melange),

Volk, andValue . ,5% Skins, Hides and madeLeather,

up or Mounted

n.o.p.f ...... v„ 7i,, 74 >,

V holeAlbumen,

Egg (Melange), Fishery and Sea Products

Moist and Frozen

including GFlycerised (not

Egg i BichoBlack

de Mar:— Per Hk. 3.40Tbs.

c. Products). ... Fg'gs, 'Fresh,. „in Shellb,a. (in- Picul

cluding ... ChilledandEggsSalt-iri „

Shell)Preserved Fish,

, Fish, Cuttle

Dried ...... „

... ... ... . . „„ . ' 4.60 0.93


d. Eggs, Fish Glue v

Feathers ed.. Thousand

Value %%, Fish Maws

1.00' ! Fish, „ ' 1 4.60

Hair, Horse „ '74! Salted

7F Fish Skin (including Sharks’ „ ' 0' .24

Hair, Human

Honey (including Wild .Unclean- n Skin) ... ... 1.20

Mussels,and DriedShrimps, Dried (not ... „ 1.00

ed Honey) ..: .:. ...

Intestines Picul a76 Prawns

Meats, Fresh or Frozen (includ-... Value 5% Sharks’ including Fins:—Crushed Shrimps) ... „ ’ ■ 0,85

ing Game

Meats and Poultry)

Preserved andinPrepared „ 7£„ a.b. Clarified

:—Picul Black ... ... ... ....'1...,’ Picul 1.70

• ,».- 11.00

a.b. Others

Bams, Whole, bulk ... 2.20 c. White 4.00

Bones Cow

Glue, .(including ...Tigers’ Bones)Value „ 7£7)%

Picul 0.74„ Shrimps,

Fishery Crushed

and Sea ...Products,Value ; * 0%y

Horns, Buffalo.completely n..o-p.f,.

and Cow harden- „ 0.54 flC’-Fish, ' Fresh ' (inciuding ..v'-v, 0r


ed Deer, „ 2.30 frozen fish) ... Free

Horns, Deer, Old Value 7)% b. Others Value 5%

Horns, Beans and Peas

Musk Deer, Young ... ... ' , 7474 , Bean-, Black, Green, White, and

Sea Shells and Oyster Shells ... Picul 0.14

Sinews, Buffalo, Cow, and Deer „ 1.90 Medicinal Beans) Yellow (not including... ...White...... lOCkg: ' -

Picul <>,0.09

Tallow, Animal 081 Beans, Broad 23


a.b. Yellow

White (Tnsect Wax) Picul 3.60 Beans,

Beads, Green,

Red Small... ... ■ ,,

„ 0.38.



Animal Products, n.o.p.f „ 2.40

Value '7J% Peas and Btans, n.o.p.f, ... .,. „ 0.23'

Hides, Leather, and Skins (Furs) Bran Cereals and Cereal Products Value ; 74%

Hides,turesLeather and n.o.p.f.:—

Manufac- Buckwheat

Flour: Picul 0113

of heather,

a. Manufactures of Leather Value 5% a. Flour, Wheat (Machine-

b. Others

Hides, Buffalo and Cow... {includ-

... ... „ 71% milled) (including Semo-v. 100 kg, Free

ing Calf), Dry or Wet, Salted... Picul 2.10 b. Flour, lina) n.o.p.f. ...PiculValue Ffep



Buffalo and Cow, Kaoliang...(Sorghum) 0.15

simply Tanned including Maize

Milletand Paddy ... ..; ;.. ...... „ ••’•T" 026 0.15

Chrome Sole Leather „ 0.63 Rice 0.3A


Seed-cake (inclttdirig Crushed Per Hi:. Tls.

and Powdered):— Oils, Tallow and Wax

а.б. Cotton

Beancake Picul 0.( Per Hk. Tls..

...... Value 5%

Seed-cake „ 0.( Oil,

Oil, Aniseed

Bean ... ... Picul 0-20

c.d. Groundnut

Rape Seed-cakeCake ,, 0.‘)45

„ 0.045 Oil, Cassia ... ,.., 11.00

Wheat ri.o.p.f „„ 0.25 Oil, Castor ... 0.69

...... 100„ kg. 0.48

Cereals, 0.25 Oil,

Oil, Cotton-seed


Dyestuffs, Vegetable Oil,

Oil, Hempseed

Linseed ...... „„ 0.48 0.48


Indigo: — Oil, Perilla-seed ... „„ 0.48

a.b. Liquid

Dry Picul

,, 2.00

0. V5 Oil, Rape-seed ... 0.48

Nutgalls Oil, Sesamum

1.00 Oil, Tea ... seed ...

... „ 0.48„ 0.48

Turmeric Vegetable, n.o.p.f. ...... Value „ 71% 0.23 Oil, 1.60


Fruits, Fresh, Dried, and Preserved Tallow. Oils.Wood


Vegetable n.o.p.f. ... Picul

... Value 0.795%


Dates, Fresh

Black, Dried ... . Picul 0.41

0,50 Wax, Vegetable ... „ 0.79


Lichees,Red,DriedDried 0.37

0.85 Groundnuts

Lungngans, Dried 0.73 a. In Shell(including Blanched... 100 kg. 0.24

Lungngan Pulp 1.10 b. Shelled



a.1. Salted

Fresh or Preserved . Picul 0.20 Seed,

Seed, Apricot

Castor ...Picul



1 65


. Value 0.46

5% Seed, Cotton ... ... ... „ 7*.,

Walnuts (Kernels an i in Shell). Seed, Hemp

Seed, Linseed

Lily-flower (Lotus-nuts) ... Value Picul 71%7 5„



Fruits) (including

Dried and/or Canned Seed,


Others DriedSalted:

... ...— 100 kg. 0.75 Seed, Seed,


Seed, Rape

Perilla Picul 74%


„ 75 „



— and Pears Value 5% Seed, Sesamum (not including

100 kg. 0.35 Sesamum-seed Pulp)

0.40 Seeds, K'O kg. 0.55

• Others

Persimmons n.o.p.f ... Value 7J%

Others, n.p.p.f. .. Value 5% Spirituous Beverages

Fruits, n.o.p.f. (including Canned Samshu



Samshu...... 100 Valuekg. Free



a.b. Others

Preserved... and/or Canned... Value Sugar

,.. 5% Sugar,

71 „ Sugar,

Standardunder No. 11 Dutch

Medicinal Substances and Spices (not Standard No. 11 and over, DutchICO kg. Free Free

including Chemicals) Sugar Candy Free


Aniseed Broken

Star ... Value 5% Tea

Betelnuts ...... Picul „ 5..

0.36 Tea, Black


Brick ... (includin:



Camphor Husks „ 0.26

4.40 Tea, Green ... ... ... Tea,... Free



Cardamoms, Inferior

Superior ,,,, Tea Dust Free

Cassia Buds „ Tea, Leaf, Unfired Frefe


Cassia Twigs

Lignea Tea, Siftings



China-root (Whole, ...or in...Value

Sliced,, Piciil Tea

Tea Stalk



Cubes) ... ... ,, 0.71 Tea, n.olpi. ... ... ... Free

Cinnamon 2.70 Cigars and Cigarettes Tobacco Value 74%


Ginseng 0.23 Tobacco, Leaf 100„ kg. 33.0050

Liquorice (including Scraped . Value ~i% Tobacco, Prepared

Liquorice Root)... ... ... Picul 1.10 Tobacco, n.o p.f. ... Value 74%


Peel. Orange and Pumelo Vegetable

Rhubarb . Value Vegetable Products, n.o.p.f.:—

Parparationsand Spices,. Picul 1.50

Medicinal Substances

Medicinal 5% a India PerchaRubber and Gutta

and...Manufactures Free

5 „ b. Others ... ... ...... ,,,; ... Value 74%.



I'ungas :— Per Hk. Tls. Planks:— Per Hii. Tls..

a. Others

b. BLick ..Picui

Value 2.30 a. Hardwood Camphor-wood, (not Bed including

wood, • ■

Garlic and Teak):exceeding 16-ft.


Mushroom,Dried Pried... ......

Dried „„„ 0.098


4.30 1. Not

long, 12-ins. wide, andValue

Turnips, and Salted „ 0.20 2. 3-in.

Not thick

exceedingwide,21-fb. 74%,


u.op.f Dried, Fresh or Salted, Value 5% long, 12-ins. and

Other Vegetable Products 3-in. thick... ... ... ... „„ 71

3. Others

Beancurd(Grass> and Hay) Value 74% b. Softwood: 74 „■


Soy ,,

Picul 0 34 1.

2. Not

Over over


not ... „ 74*.


Vermicelli Products,

and Macaroni ,, 0: 9 2- 74 „

Vegetable n.o.p.f. ... Value 74% 3. 3-O er 2-iu. but not oyer 74..

Bamboo:— Bamboo 4. Over 3-in. but not over

a.b. 1-in. in diameter or over. Thousand 0.91 5 Over4- 4-in. but not over 74 „

Bamboo, Less than 1-in

Split, Leaf, etc in diameter... Picul

Value 0.17

71% 5- 74„.

Bambooware „ Free 6, Over 5-in. but not over

Fuel Teak 7. 6-Over 6-in 74.,

„„ 747 4 „


CoalCoal(including ... .. . ...

Coal liu§t, from and Picul 0.082 Timber and wood, n.o.p.f, (in-

Bricks manufactured cluding

Redwood Camphor-wood

Plauks)and Woodware, and ,,

Coal Dust) ... Ton c.75 0.34 Wood Furniture 74 „


Firewood Picul 0036 n.o.p.f 100 kg. Free-

Rattan Paper

Kattan Skin Value 7% Paper, 1st 100quality, value oVer

Eattan, Split Picul 0.43 Paper, 2nd quality, value over ,, Free

^30 per kg

Eattan, Whole (including Core),.. „ 0.23 $15 but not over $30 per kg. „ Free


ture and Eattan Furni-100 kg. Fre^ Paper, 'Paper,

end under 3rd 100 quality,

kg value100 $15 „ -Free-

Timber, Wood, and Manufactures Dollars).loss (including Josspaper... Value

Beams:— thereof Paper, Strawboard. ... ... ...Value

Paper, n.O.p.f. IQOkg. Free

a. Hardwood: Textile Fibres

1. Square : Cocoons, Domestic (including fcicul 11.00-

i. ft.Notlongexceeding 26- 1 Doupions)

12-in. square and under Value 7i% (jocoons,

Cocoons, Refuse

Wild ... ...... Value 7174„„

ii. Other-

2. Other than square ...... „„ 7i,, ,, 71 „ Coir:Fibre

b. Softwoid 7£„ b.a. Crude Picul •0.67

Value 74,.

Masts and Spars : - Cotton, Raw ... ... Picul, 1.20-

a. Hardwood:

1. Not exceeding 40-ft.Value 74,. Cotton) ... Cotton Waste (including Fly

long 0.29-

2. Notn exceeding 60-ft. HempGoats’ ... 100 kg. Value

Hair, 5%


Picul 6.74

3. l° g

Exceeding 60-ft. long „ 74,.„ Ramie ...

7i „ $.12

b. Softwood 40-ft. , „,,„ 747474,.„„ Silk, Raw, 7.50

1. Not

long exceeding

• Raw,andReeled,

Silk,reeled White


from Doupions


Filature) Re-... ,,»> 15.00

2. Notlong exceeding 60-ft. „„ 7474 „„ Silk, Raw, Wild (including

... 60-ft. long...

Piles, 3.Poles,


and Joists (giot in- „ 74,, Silk,reeled


Raw,andYeliow Steam (including

Filature) Re-... „ ,10.5(4 740'

cluding Softwood

ing 42 inches in circumference Poles exceed- Silk, Waste (including Cocoon

at 5-ft. from,the large end) ... Value 74% Strippings Waste)... and .Silk YarnValue 5%.


Per Uk. Tls. Brass, and— Manufactures Per Uk. Tig.

Wadding, Cotton

Wadding, Silk ... -lo.-ic

... ... „„ 5„ 5% thereof:a. FoilButtons... ... 100 kg. Free

Wool, Camels’... ... „„ 5„ 5„ c. Nailsb. Picul 5.zO

Wool, Goats,' „ 1.00

Wool, Sheep’s

Textile Fibres, n,o.p.f.... iaitil...,, Yalue 7i„ 5,, e.d. Brajssware

Wire ... ... ....., ... Value

... „ Free 1.50


Coins, Others

Foreign ...

... ... „ H%

Yarn, Thread, Plaited and Knitted Copper, and Manufactures there-

Goods of;—aioiioo"^ n

Cordage and Twine Value Free a.b. Sheets,

Ingots and Bods, Slabs

and... Nails ......Value 7i%


Cotton Socks

Thread, and Stoekiiigs

Sewing, On Spools... Free

Cold c. Others

and ...

Silver, ...and ....

Manufac- ,,„ 7|,,74 „

or Cops (of.50 yds. or less) ... Gross 0.037 tures .thereof:


Cotton Thread*

Yarn Work; n.o.p.f. ' ... ...... Picul 1.10 a. Bullion (including, Gold


Work, and Cross-stitch

Embroideries, Silk < „ 1.10 b. Goldware Dust) and Silverware...... Value 74% Free

or other ... jfti , Free Iron,

. a. and Manufactures

Bars, Hoops, thereof

Rods, •—

Lace andYarnTrimming’s Thread ...100 Free Sheets,


Silk andandand

Threads- kg. Free Mild Steel)etc. (includingPicul 100 kg. Free


Woolen Yarn Thread ,.. ...Picul *, 10.00<1.50 c.b. Pigs Nails and Remelted

KentledgeShansi (in-

Piece Goods cluding

Iron) Value 74%

Cotton Piece-Goods

Grassclbth, Cpars^s (having ,npt; Picul 1.50 d. Wire 100 kg. Free


over 16 warp ...thread e. Others (including Steel) ... Value

centimetre)... ... ...toover...a 100kg. Free Lead, and Manufactures there-


40 warp Fine to(having

threads ap m'h)[.. „ Free a.b.of Sheets

Pigs or ,.Bars... ...... A- Picul 0.40 0.60

SilktuvalPiece• ilkGoods (including Na- . c. Others

Piece Goods, and/or

and Artificial

Mixtures Silk

of Quicksilver

' ) inware .... ...Value Picul Free74%



and otherand/orfibres)Artificial Silk Free Tin,of:—and Manufactures there-

Silk Pongees

Piece Goods, ho.p.f. ... Value Free «, Fpil a"n(i... Slabs .... ... Picul 4.00

Other Textile Products Zinc,c.b. Ingots


and Manufactures



„ 74% 2 30

Blankets and Counterpanes,Picul 3.Q0 a. Spelter of:—

Cotton Woollfin,

Blankets, b. Others ... ...Picul Value 74% 0.53

Cotton'tinion and Wool andPiece 0.15 Metals n.o.p.f, and Metallic Products,

Gunny Ne#Bags

a.b. Old Picul 0.41 Manufactures of ... ...... ......Value Free

Others 74%

Towels ... ... ... ,, 3,(0 0.25 Glass and Glassware

Woollen CarpetsCarpets(including Wool Glass BanglesColoured

or Armlets


Bugs)Cotton and Floor Gla-sa. InBeads, or Plain :—100 kg. Free

Clothing and Articles of Personal100 kg. Free; hulk

strung or temporarily

together(including with ■

Wear (including Boots and C.Silvered.

tton String



b.c Natural Silk

Silk Mixtures 100kg. Picul

„ 6.50 10.00 Beads, strungHollowand Glass


in cartons)together with „ Free

d. Cotton

Others ... ... ... Value FreeFree b. Strung Fancy Cottonup, orin Fancy

- Silk

Textile Products, n.o.p.f „ 7^ Strings,



Metals, and Metallic Products Boxes inor put

Neck-laces. the form of Value Free

°Antimony- Value n „ Glass, Window, Common’:—

b.a. Crude Picul. 0.5S a.b. Silvered ... Free

Eegulus.. ... .... , o.84 Glass or Vitrified-ware,* n.o.p.f.

Onsilvered 10 sq. meters

Value FreeEFee


Stone, Earth, Sand, & Manufacturers quisites: — Per Hlc. Tls.

thereof (including China ware a. Bottles, Empty, Aerated

and Enamelled-ware)

Bricks and Tiles as PorfcLnd)

Per Hlc. Tls.

... ... Picul

Value 0.034

5% . Water




paid Foreign

... Import,

U. re- Free

Cement (Hydraulic,

Marble e, Pottery, and „ 0.43 b. Boxes, Wooden, Old,

Chinawai Empty

ture use returned for fu- Free



100 kg $11 and under per100 kg. Free c. Chests, purposes Teaandfor materials


5. Value overIronware

$15 per 100 kg... thereof

„ b'ree d. Cylinders and Drums, Iron Free


Cloisonne-ware andValue Free (as Oil dr Gas Containers), ’

Earth, Sand, Stone, and on which Import Duty has

Manufactures thereof, n.o.p.f „ 5 „ e. Jarspreviously been paid

Earthenware, con-


Chemicals and Chemical Compounds taining Samshu, Pre-

Alum, Green,

Alum, White or Copperas Picul 0.14

„„ 0.13 serves, etc.,packing

and ail other

Arsenic 0.83 necessary

tainer thereof or Con- Free-


Lead, Chinese

Red, White and Yellow Value f.g. Labels, Tea-box Free

(Minium, Ceruse, and Massi-Picul 0.75. Tins, Kerosene,

if not flattened out Empty, Free


Potash „ 0.89 Curios and Antiques

0.33 ing those the export of which (not includ-


Resin Picul

„ 0.23 is prohibited by ordinance) Value

Soap, Household and LaundryValue „ 0.49 Fans:—

Soap, Toilet

Soda, Crystals 5% a. Feather

Picul 0.14 c.b. Palm-leaf,

Palm-leaf, coarse Fine ...... Thousand Hundred Free



Spirits oforWine

Alcohol and Rectified Imp. Gallon 0.035 d. Paper ... „ Free

Hundred lies

Varnish, or Crude

Vermilion ... Lacquer ... ...... Value ,, 5% e. Others... ...

5,, Fire-crackep Value Free

Printed Matter Gypsum

ir-nets ...and ...Hair Switches ... 100„ kg. 0.074 Free


Books and


iM atter, (includiMg

Picture IvorySticks

ware Value Free-

Books, Scrolls, JlateblQCfS, Joss

Kitty sols and Plain

Umbrellas ... ...... 1 icul Free



without and


binding with

; or

but Lacquerware, or Fancy

not including Old collected

Books, Pic-as (not

inlaid withincluding Lacquerware


Curios)and Scrolls Free Matches

containing (notMother-of-pearl)


White or those...




cludingMatter, and Diagrams (in-

Chartsn.o.p.fand Maps)Value Free Phosphorus)

Free Mats, 100 kg. Free

Printed Matting Straw(including

and KushMats...sewnHundred 0.30

Sundry together, with designs

thereon; and Mattings with printed


CandlesStraw, andPreserves,

Hats, StrawPicul Free 0.89 edge bound with cloth)ofRoll

Confectionery, and 37 metres Free

Sweetmeatsand Packing Re- ,, 0.71 for in this

Containers Articles not Tariff

otherwise providedValue


A Postal Notification issued on May 19, 1932, announced :

From 20th day, 5th month, 21st year C.H.M.K. (May 20, 1932), the following

revised postage rates will take effect:—

Domestic Places;

(1) Local letters : 2 cents per 20 grammes.

(2) Domestic,letters : 0 cents per 20 grammes.

(3) Postcards :.Single 2i cents, Double 5 cents.

(4) Samples : 3 cents, 7| cents, 10A cents and 15 cents respectively for grammes

up to-100, 100-250, 250 350 and 350-500.

(5) Registration fee : Simple 8 cents, with Return Receipt 16 cents.

(6) Fee for return receipt for parcels and express articles, or acknowledgment of


16 cents). for money orders 8 cents (subsequent acknowledgment of receipt

(7) Books, printed matter and commercial papers: Collection of double or treble

rates cancelled.

Foreign; Countries :

To Japan, Korea, the Leased Territory of Kwangtung and Taiwan, same as above

(2) to (7). To Hongkong and Macho, same as above (2) and (3).

Full particulars may be had on application at any Shanghai Post Office.

Post Office,

Shanghai, May 19, 1932. A. M. Ohapelain.



any of thethose

articles provided

specified, the for

dutyin isthisto Tariff are imported

be calculated in dimen-to

in proportion

the measurements as defined. , „

The term “n.o.p.f.” in this Tariff stands for “not otherwise provided for.



1. —Wherever the tariff duty rate leviable on imported


into grades

is to bewhich are asdetermined

regarded meaning by the the value of the

duty-paying valuegoods, the wordin

as defined

section 1 of Rule 1 of the Import Tariff Provisional Rules.

additions are to be made to this “value” before comparing it with the whole- The following

sale market value of the goods for purposes of duty assessment:—

(a) The Tariff duty rate;

' (6)

(c) 7Surtax or surtaxes

per cent, of the at“value”

presentininorderforce;toandarrive at the wholesale

market value of the particular grade.

2. —If the wholesale market value of the merchandi

limits of a grade as ascertained by applying the rule given in section 1, duty

shall b i charged in accordance witu the tariff rate prescribed for tiiat grade.

3. —If the wholesale market value of the merchand


duty of any grade asin ascertained

be charged by applying

accordance with the tarifftherate

rule prescribed

given in section

for the1,

grade which, when converted, approaches most nearly this wholesale market



In case pieice goods or knitted tissues are constituted of more

than one kind of fibre, the presence of any kind of fibre which doea

not exceed 5 per cent, by weight shall not affect the tariff classification

of such goods.

The classification of goods made of Cotton, Flax, Ramie; Hemp,

Jute, Wool, and/or Silk (Natural or Artificial) shall not be affected

by such goods having been stitched, taped, whipped, or faced with

materials other than those of which the goods are made.

Articles consisting partly of lace, trimmings, or any other orna-

mental material si or decorated therewith are liable to a duty of 5 per

■cent, acl valorem in addition to the ordinary duty leviable thereon.

The term “Silk” in that Tariff includes “Artificial Silk.”


COTTON piece goods, grey.

Unit C.G.U.

Shirtings, Sheetings, and T-Cloths, Plain, Grey :—

(a) Note over 82 cm. wide :

. (1) Weighing not more than 140 grammes per metre Metre 0.028

(2) Weighing more than 140 grammes per metre... „ 0.043


(b) Over 82 cm. but not over 102 cm. wide : Unit C.G.U.

(1) Weighing not more than 90 grammes per metre Metre 0.026

(2) Weighing more! than 90 grammes per metre „ f 0.043


(а) Not over 82 cm. wide :

(1) Weighing not more than 140 grammes per metre „ 0.028

(2) Weighing more than 140 grammes per metre.... ,, 0.043-

' (b)' Ovet 82'em. but not Over 102 cm. wide:

(1) ' Weighing not’more than'90 grammes per metre...... „ 0.026

(2) Weighing mpre than 90 grammes per metre ,, 0.043

2 Drills and Jeans, Grey (3 or 4 shaft only), not over 82 cm. wide ,, 0.043

3 Imitation’Natllei Cotton Cloths, Grey, not .over 62 cm. wide Quintal 25%

4 Cambrics, iLawns, . Muslins, Brocades (single yarn only), and

Striped, Spotted, Corded, or Figured Shirtings, Grey Metre 25%

5 Lehos and Leno* Brocades, Grey ,, 25%

6 C'ottoii Crape; Grey, not over 82 cm. wide ,, 0.037

7 Cotton ^ef^es; Diagonal Twills, Herringbone Twills, Oatmeal

C/apesV Coatihgs; 'Suitings, Tweeds, Gabardines) and Trouser-

ings) Grey ,, 25%

8 Satteen Drills, Gray ,, 25%

9 Poplins, Grey „ 25%

10 Imitation Poplins, Ribs,' Cords, and Repps, Grey „ * 25%

11 Cotton Canvas abd Duck, Grey (including those with coloured

stripes) ; :... M 25%

12 C6tton Flannel/ br Flannelette, of Plain or" Twill Weave,

Grey :—

(a) Not 'over 82 cm. wide „ ' 0.059s

(b) Over 82 cm. but not over 102 cm. wide ,, (3.077

13 Cotton Velvets, Plushes, and all other Pile Cloths, Grey ,, 25%

14 Gpttpn Piece ‘Goods, Grey,' n.o.p.f. :—

Nankeens Quintal 25%

others Metre 25%'


15 Shirtipgs, : Sheetings; and Irishes, Pl^ih, White:

’(«);. Not:• brer 92 cln. 'wide : ). „• 0.05

(б) ; Over .92; cm. wide

16 Drills and Jeans, White (3 or 4 shaft only), not over 82 cm. wide ,, 0.049^

17 TrCloths, White) and Mexicans,; not over 82 cm. wide ,, 0.05

18 Cambrics, Lawns,5 Muslins,i 'Nainsooks, Mulls, Jaeonets, Victoria

Chfecka; Swisls Checks, Lappets, LimbricS, Brocades (single

yarn only) and Striped, Spotted, Corded, or Figures Shirt-

■ngs, White of: ‘Dyed >— %J:

■{h) N6t over :

1 82 ,cfii. wider ! ....‘ „ 0.068

(b) Over 82 cih. but not' hvW-92 Cpi. ...' ,, O-OTS

(e) Oyer ,9,2 cm, wide,.,.. ,... „ 25%

19 Voiles, White or' Dyed ....'. ,, 25%

20 Organdies, White or Dyed ,, 25%

21 Lenos, White or Dyed, not over 82 cm. wide ,, 0.043

22 Leno Brocades, White or Dyed. 25%

23 Mercerised Crimps, White Dyfetl ' ,, 25%

24 Cotton Crape, White on Py^d, jipt, oyer 82 gna. yvide ,, 0.044s

25 Shirtings, Sheetings, and Pongees, Dyed, Plain :—

(a) Not over 82 cm. wide ,, 0.038

(b) Over 82 cm. but not over 92 cm . ,,, - 0.05

26 Drills and Jeans (3 or 4 shaft only), Dyed, not over 82 cm. wide ,, 0.049

tlDuty to be, levied in . .proportion to • (a)


Unit C.G.EE

27 Dyed T-Cloihs, Embossed Cantoons, Alpacianos, and Real and

Imitation Turkey Reds, not over. 82 cm. wide:—

(a) Weighing not more than'6El grammes per metre Metre- 0.031

(b) Weighing more than 65 grammes but not more than 105 „ ■ 0.042

grammes per metre ; „ 0.05

{c) Weighing more than 105 grammes per metre..........

.218 Cotton Serges, Diagonal Twills, Herringbone Twills, Oatmeal

1 Crapes, Coatings, Suitings, Tweeds, Gabardines, and Trouser- 0.061

tings, White or Dyed, not oyer .82 cm. wide,, •••

.29 Satteens Drills, White or. Dyed, mot over :82 cm. wide 0.066

-30 Cotton Eastings, Satteeqs,. Italians, Imitation (WeftTaced)

Venetians,1 Tientsin Twills, Beatrice Twills, Warp-faeed.

. wide Satteeps, and Sat,teen Stripes, White or Dyed, not oyer 82 cm.

' 0.081

-31 Cotton Venetians, White or Dyed, not over 82 cm. wide 0.11

•32 Poplins' (including Poplin Taffetas), White or. Dyed, not-over

82 -cm. wide 0.10

33 limitation Poplins, Ri^s, , Cords, Repps, apd Moreens, White or

Dyed, not over 82 cm. wide 0.083

34 Cotton Canvas and Duck, White or Dyed 25%

35 Dimities, Piques, Vestings, Quiltings,, and Bedford Cords, White

• or Dyed '

36 Cotton Flannel or Flannelette, of Plain or Twill Weave, White

or Dyed :— ,,

(a) Not over,.62 cm. wide.. » 0.035

(b) Over 62 cm. but not over 82 cm. wide 0.044

(c) Over 82 cm. but not over 92 cm. wide 0.057

37 Cotton Velvets, Plushes, and all other Pile Cloths, White or


. («) „ . 0.16

(b) Not

Overover 92 cm.

92 cm. widewide. „ 25%.

38 Cotton Piece Goods, White or Dyed, n.o.p.f

Nankeens Quintal ■ 25%,

Cellular cloth Metre , 25%

others ,, , 25%


39 Shirtings,. .Sheetings, . .and T-Cloths, Plain, Printed :— '

(a) Not over 82 cm. wide o;o5

(b) Over 82 cm. but not-over 102 cm. wide 0.054

-40 Drills and Jeans (3 or 4 shaft only), Printed, ! not oyer 82 cm.

wide ..-..'i.......'.... .....:... .L :.:... 0.05

41 Cambrics, Lawns, Muslins, Brocades (single yarn only), and

Striped, Spotted, Corded or Figured Shirtings, Printed :—

(a) Not over 82 cm. wide • „ 0.068-

(b) Over 82 cm. but not over 102 cm. wide 0.073-

42 Voiles, Printed Value 25%';

43 Organdies, Printed ' 25% ’

44 Lenos, Printed, not over 82 cm. wide Metre 0.043

45 Mercerised Crimps, Printed ,. „ 30%

■46 Cotton Crape, Printed, not over 82 cm. wide.... „ 0.044

47 Qotton Serges, Diagonal Twills, Herringbone Twills, Oatmeal

Crapes, Coatings, Suitings, Tweeds, Gabardines, and Trouser-

ings, Printed, not over 82 cm. wide 0.061

48 Satteen Drills, Printed, not over 82 cm. wide 0.066

49 flotton Eastings, Satteens, Satinets, Italians, Damasks, Silesias,

and Beatrice Twills, Printed, not over .82 .cm., wide 0.081


Unit C.G.U.

50 Cotton Venetians, Printed^ not over 82 cm. wide Metre ' 0.11

51 Poplins, Printed, not over 82 cm. wide „ 0.10

52 Imitation Poplins, Ribs, Cords, Repps, and Moreens, Printed, .

not over 82 cm. wide «• • >, 0.083

53 Twill Cretonnes, Oatmeal Crape Cretonnes, Satteen Cretonnes,

Repp Cretonnes, and other. Cretonnes Value 25%

54 Cotton Flannel or Flannelette, of Plain or Twill Weave,

Printed :—■

(a) Not over 82 cm. wide Metre 0.044

* (b) Over 82 cm. but net over 92 cm. wide ,, 0.057

55 Cotton Velvets, Plushes, and all other Pile Cloths, Printed : —

(a) Not over 92" cm. wide >>

(b) Over 92 cm. wide Value 25%

56 Cotton Piece Goods, Printed, n.o.p.f „ 25%


57 Shirtings and Sheetings, Plain, Yarn-dyed, not over 92 cm. wide Metre 0.05

58 Drills and Jeans (3 or 4 shaft only), Yarn-dyed, not over 82

cm. wide ,, 0.05

59 Cambrics, Lawns, Muslihs, Brocades, (single yarn only), and

Striped, Spotted, Corded, or Figured Shirtings, Yarn-dyed... Value 25%.

60 Lenos and Leno Brocades, ’Yarn-dyed ,, 25%

61 Cotton Crape, Yarn-dyed, not over 82 cm. wide Metre 0.044

62 Cotton Serges, ■ Diagonal Twills, Herringbone Twills, Oatmeal

Crapes, Coatings, Suitings, Tweeds, Gabardines, and Trouser-

ings, Yarn-dyed not over 82 cm. wide ,, 0.061

63 Poplins, Yarn-dyfed, not over 82 cm. wide ,, 0.10

64 Imitation Poplins, Ribs, Cords, and Repps, Yarn-dyed, not over

82 cm. wide „ 0.085

65 Dimities, Piques, Vestings, Quiltings, and Bedford Cords, Yarn-

dyed Value 25 %f^

66 Cotton Flannel, or Flannelette, of Plain or Twill Weave, Yarn-

dyed :—

(a) Not over 82 cm. wide Metre 0.014

(b) Over 82 cm. but not over 92 pm. wide ,, 0.057

67 Cotton Velvets, Plushes, and all other Pile Cloths, Yarn-dyed... Value 25%

68 Cotton Piece Goods, Yarn-dyed, n.o.p.f ,, 25%

69 Cotton Waterproof Cloth, Rubbered „ 25%

70 Cotton Piece Goods, n.o.p.f „ 25%



71 Cotton, Raw Quintal 3.501

72 Cotton Waste, and Yarn Waste ,, 1-30

73 Cotton Wadding ,, 5.50

74 Cotton Rag ,, 0.17

75 Cotton Yarn* :—

(а) Grey (irrespective of fold) :

(1) Counts up to and including 17 K’gramme 0.11

(2) Counts, above 17 and up to and including 23 ,, 0.12

(3) Counts above 23 and up to and including 35 ,, 0.15

(4) Counts above 35 and up to and including 45 ,, 0.17

(5) Counts: above 45 ,, O.IR

(б) Others ,,


Unit C.G.U.

Cotton Thread :—

(a) Sewing Cotton, on Spools or Cops :

(1) 2-eord and 3-cord, 46 metres or less : 0.17

(2) 6-cord and 9-cord, 46 metres or less 0.33

.(b) Crochet or EmbroiderCotton,' in skeiris br Calls :

(1) Over Gold Units 6 in value per Kilogramme. gramme 1.30

(2) Not over Gold Units 6 ih value per Kilogramme , 0.45

(c) Others

77 Imitation Gold or Silver Thread, on Cotton

78 Cotton Twine and Cordage (including Rope)

79 Candle-wick

80 Lace, Trimmings, Embroidered Goods, and all other materials

used for decorative or ornamental purposes; and all products

made wholly thereof Value 50% 1

81 Mosquito Netting, not over 230 cm. wide Metre 0.10

* Counts according to ..British, or International System (number

of hanks of 840 yds. in 1 lb.)

Cotton Knitted Tissue :—

(a) Raised (Gassed or Ungassed) K’gramme 0.46

(b) Not Raised :

(1) Made of ungassed or unmercerised thread „ 0.53

(2) Made wholly or partly of gassed or mercerised thread „ 0.96

83 Knitted Clothing, Raised ,, 0.51

84 Knitted Clothing, not Raised :—

-.(a) Made of ungassed or nnmercerifed thread „ 0.61

(b) Made wholly or partly of gassed or mercerised thread... „ 1.00

85 Knitted Socks and Stockings :—

(a) Made of. ungassed or unmercerised thread ■>>. 6.61

(b) Made wholly or partly of gassed or mercerised thread... ,, 1-60

8G Elastic Webbing, Braid and Cord Value 30%

87 Ankle-bands K’gramme 0.£8

Lampwick „ 0.26

Towels, Turkish „ 0.55

Blankets and Blanket Cloth ,, 0.41

91 Handkerchiefs Dozen 40%

92 Bags, Ne\v K’gramme 0.25:

93 Clothing, and all articles of personal wear and paits or .acces-

sories thereof, n.o.p.f Value 40%

94 Cotton Goods, n.o.p.f „ 30%



95 Flax, Raw Quintal 7£%

96 Ramie, Raw ,, 7£%

97 Hemp, Raw „ 1.50'

98 Jute, Raw ,, 1.50

Oakum Value 7j%‘

100 Yarn and Thread, of Flax, Ramie, Hemp, and/or Jute, mixed

101 Twine or not mixed wuth Cotton Quintal 15%

and Cordage, (including. .Rope).. of Flax, Ramie, Hemp,

and/or Jute,, mixed or not mixed with Cotton „ 15%..

102 Lace, Trimmings, Embroidered Goods, and all other materials

used for decorative or ornamental purposes; and all products

made wholly thereof Value ,'.50%,


Unit C.G.U.

103 Canvas and Tarpaulin, of Hemp and/or Jute, mixed or not

mixed with Cotton (Proofed and nnproofed) Value :;25%

104 Flax Piece Goods, White, Plain, mixed or . not mixed with

Cotton, weighing not more than 170 kilogrammes per square

metre and having more than 50 threads hut not more than

80 threads in a square centimetre in warp and weft....... Metre 7J%

105 Flax Piece Goods, mixed or not mixed with Cotton, -n.b.p.Jf. ... >> 25%

106 . Hessian Cloth Quintal 6.00

107’ Hemp Bags and Hessian Bags, New „ G-R*-..


109 Gunny

Gunny Bags,Bags, New

Hemp Bags, and Hessian Ba^a, Old ,,,, 4.o0;

2.39 '

110 Clothing,'and all articles of personal wear and parts or acces-

sories thereof, n.o.p.f Value 40%

111 Flax, Ramie, Hemp, and/or Jute Goods, mixed or not mixed

with Cotton, n.ojp.f ,, 30%



112 Wool/ Sheep’s,- Goats' and " Camels’ (including carded 'or

combed) 100 Kg. 0.10

113 Waste Wool, Sheep’s, Goats’ and Camels’ (including Waste

Wool.mixed with any other fibres except Silk) „- 5%

114 Woollen Yarn and Thread, pure or mixed :—

(a) Value over Gold Units 180 per 100 kg. .. .....' 100 Kg: 65.00:

(i>) Value Hot Over Gold Units 1801 per 100 Kg ,, 45.00

115 Lace, Trimmings, Embroidered Goods 'and all other'materials '

used for decorative or ornamental purposes; and all

products made wholly, thereof Value 70%

116 Woollen Knitted Tissue, pure or ' mixed ,, 40%

117 Bunting, not over 46 cm. wide Metre 0.11

118 Camlets; not over 82 cm. wide „ 0.31'

119 Woollen Piece Goods for technical purposes, pure or. mixed, - 4

such as Roller Cloth, Paper Mill Blanketing, etc Value 15%’ -

120 Woollen .Velvets, Plushes, and . all other Pile Cloths, pure

or mixed Metre 50% 19;

121 Woollen Waterproof Cloth, Rubbered, pure . or mixed „ 40%:*

122 Woollen Piece Goods, pure of mixed, n.o.p.f. : —

r,. (a) Weighing not more than 200 grammes per square metre .per 100 , 20Q.00 ,


Ah) Weighing niore ,than

400 grammes 200 grammes,

per square metre1 but not more, than ,, TOOt’OO

(c) Weighing more than 400 grammes per square-metre .. ,, 40%

123 Felt and Felt Sheating Value 40%

'24 Woollen Blankets and-Travelling Rugs, pure or mixed K’gramine 40%';

125 Woollen Carpets, Carpeting, and ail other Floor Coverings, ■' ' '■ ;-

pure or mixed Value 50%'

126 Hats, Caps, and Hat Bodies, of Felt :—

(«)lb) Hats and Caps

Hat Bodies : Posen 40% ;

(1) Blocked ;.. Value 40%

(2) Others < „> 20%

127 Clothing, and all articles of1, personal wear and parts or

accessories thereof, n.o.p.f 50%

128 Woollen Goods and Woollen Mixtures, n.o.p.f. ,. 40%




129 Natural Silk, Raw Quintal GO

130 Artificial Silk Floss and Yarn K'graiume 1.20

131 Waste Natural Silk Quintal 40%

132 Waste Artificial Silk „ '40%

133 Spun Natufal Silk K’gramme 60%

134 Spun Artificial Silk (including Artificial Woollen Yarn) ,, 60%

135 Silk Yarn and Thread, pure or mixed, n.o.p.f ,, 60%

136 Imitation Gold or Silver Thread, on Silk, pure or mixed.. Value f)0%

137 Lace, Trinttnings, Embroidered Goods and all other materials’

used for decorative' or ornamental purposes; and all

^products'made wholly thereof „ d0%

138 Silk Knitted Tissue, pure or mixed „ 8,0%

139 Bolting Cloth 15%

140 Silk Velvets, Plushes, and aU other Pile Cloths, pure or mixed K’gramme 80 %

141 Silk Waterproof Cloth, Rubbered, pure or mixed Metre 80%

142 Silk Piece Goods, pure or mixed, n.o.p.f. :—

(a) Of, Natural Silk K’gramme 80%

(5) Of Artificial Silk Metre 80%

- (c)(d) Of Natural Silk and Artificial Silk ra

Of Natural Silk and Wool or, of N%Vl l Silk and Wool K’gramme 80%

and Vegetable Fibre Metre 80%

(e) Of Artificia 1 Silk and Wool or of Artificial Silk and -j

Wool'and Vegetable Fibre „ .80%

(/) Of Natural Silk and Cotton' K’gra,mnj% 80°;',

(g) Of Artificial Silk and Cotton Metre , 80%

(h) Others ,, ,,•$}%

143 Silk Elastic Webbing, Braid, and Cord, pure or mixed .Value? !80%

144 Clothing, and all other'articles, of personal wear and, patts or

accessories thereof, n o.p.f. „, .80%

145 Silk Goods ■ and Silk Mixtures, n.o.p.f ... „ ••'80%. '



■'W ORES .T . . r ■ . ' '/

146 Opes of all, kinds .Quintal •' 5%.


Aluminium. : —

147 Foil, Plain 100 Kg. 30.00

148 Foil. Colmlred or Embossed ,, 35.00

149 Grains, Ingots, and Slabs Quintal 6.60

150 Sheets and Plates ,, 17.00

151 Others • ■ Value 12*%

152 .Antrifrintiori Metal 100 Kg. 14.00

Brass and Yellow Metal : —

153 ' '".Bars and' Rods „ 6,fj0

154 '’Bolts, Sluts, Rivets, arid Washers Value 20%

155 Ingots r. r 100 Kg. 4.00

156 Nails 16.00

157,, Old or.-jjiej’ap (fit only for remanufacture) ,, 2.00

158 Screws „ 35.00

159 ,,Sheets and Plates ,, . 9.00


Unit C.G.IJ.

160 Tacks Value 20°^

161 Tubes 100 Kg. 13.00

102 Wire „ 7.20

163 Others Value 20% '


164 Bars and Rods 100 Kg. 7.00

165 Bolts, Nuts, Rivets and Washers „

166 Ingots and Slabs »

167 Nails '. „ 16,00

168 Old or Scrap (fit only for remanufacture) 3.00


169 Sheets and Plates » -20 -

170 Tacks Value 20%

171 Tubes 100 Kg. 12.00

172 Wire „ 7.00

173 Wire Rope Value 15% Q

174 Others 2 „ . 20%

Iron and Steel, Ungalvanized (not including Bamboo, Spring,

Tool, and Alloy Steei) :— '

175 Anvils, Swage-blocks, Anchors and parts of, and Forgings:

(a) Each weighing in every case 115 hectogrammes or over 100 Kg. 5.30

(b) Each weighing in every case less than 115 hecto-

grammes Value 20%

176 Billets, Blooms, Ingots, Slabs, and Sheet-bars ,, 15%

177 Bolts, Nuts, and Washers 100 Kg. 4.50

178 Casting. Rough Value 20%

179 Chains, New and parts of 100 Kg. 5.00

180 Chains, Used Value 15%

181 Crossings and Turn-tables for Railways ' 7J%

182 Hoops 100 Kg. 1.40

183 Nail-rods, Bars, Twister or Deformed Bars, Tees, Channels,

Angles, Joists, Girders, and other Structural Sections or '

Shapes in the state in which they leave the rolls „ 1-00

184 Nails, Wire and Cut 100 Kg. 3.24

185 Pig and Kentledge „ 0.70

186 Pipes, Tubes, and Pipe and Tube Fittings Value . 20%

187 Plate Cuttings, of non-uniform sisje (including scrap lots °f

mixed dimensions, inespeetive of size, and Croppings' of

Channels, Tees, and Angles) 100 Kg. 0.65

188 Rails (including Steel Sleepers, Fish-plates, Spikes, Bolts, and

Nuts for use with the Rails) ,, 0.75

189 Rivets ,, 3.30

190 Screws ,, 12.00

191 Sheets and Plates, 3.2 mm. thick or more ,, 1.10

192 Sheets and Plates, under 3.2 mm. thick ,, 1.40

193 Spikes Value 20% .

194 Tacks 100 Kg. 7.60

195 Tinned Plates, Decorated ,, 5.50

196 Tinned Plates, Plain ,, 3.10

197 Tinned Plates, Old (including Box Linings) Value 12J%

198 Tinned Tacks 100 Kg. 8.^0

199 Wire „ 1.20

-200 Others Value 15%


201 Bolts, Nuts, Rivets, and Washers 100 Kg. 4.60

202 Nails, Tacks, and Screws Value 20%

-203 Pipes, Tubes, and Tube Fittings ,, 20%


204 Sheets . Unit C.G.U.

(a) Corrugated 100 Kg. 2.70

(b) Plain „ 2.SO

205 'Wire „ 1.70

Wire Rope (with or without fibre core). See Nos. 209

and 210.

Wire Shorts. See No. 207.

206 Others Value 15%


207 Cobbles. Wire Shorts, Defective Wire, Bar Croppings and Bar

Ends, Used Hoops and Hoop or Cuttings (including scrap

lots of mixed dimensions, irrespective of size) 100 Kg. 0.75

208 Old or Scrap (fit only ^or remanufacture), n.o.p.f „ 0.55,

209 Wire Rope, New (with or without fibre core) ,, 5.70

210 Wire Rope, Old (with or without fibre core) Value 12-3% ,


211 Bamboo Steel 100 Kg. 1.60

212 Spring Steel Value 121%

213 Tool Steel (including Highspeed St.^el) and Alloy or Special

Steel '...! „ 12-|%

214 Iron or §teel Plates of Sheets, Angles, Channels, Tees, Joists,

Girders, and other Structural Sections or Building Forms

of Iron or Steel, if drilled, punched, assembled, fitted, or

fabricated for use, or otherwise advance beyond hammering;

rolling, or easting „ 3.50

215 Gold and Silver Bullion and Coins Free

216 Iron and Tin Dross „ 15%


217 Pigs

218 Old (fit only for remanufacture)

or Bars 100„Kg. 15%


219 Pipes „ ' 5.10

220 Sheets „ 4.70

221 Wire Value 15%

222 Others „ 15%

223 Manganese ,, 12p%

224 Manganese, Ferro „ 12%

225 Nickel '. 100 Kg. 25.00

226 Platinum, Unmanufactured, i.e., in Ingots, Bars, Sheets, or

Plates, not less than 3.2 mm. thick, and Waste or Scrap . Free

227 Quicksilver „ 38.00


228 Compound Value 15%

229 Ingots and Slabs 100 Kg. 20.00

230 Pipes Value 15%,

231 Others (not including Tinfoil) ,, 15%

232 Type Metal 100 Kg. 4.00


233 Bars, Ingots, and Sheets „ 21.00

234 Wire „ 16.00

235 Others Value 15%


ZINC. Unit ■ AG.U.

236 _ £V v. der and Spelter Value

237 Sheets (including perforated), Plntes and Boiler Plates,,........ 100 Kg. 5.60 ■*

238 Others Value

239 Metallic Foil or Leaf, u.o.p.f , „

.240 Metals, n.o.p.f ,,


241 Aluminium-ware. Lrassv/aie, Bronze-ware, Copperware, and

Pewterware, n.o.p.f.

(a) Aluminiuiuware ‘ 50.00

(b) Others A.... , 25%

:242 Platinumware, 'Goldware,' and "Silverware (including 'Watch

, chains),;. p.o.p.f.

:243 Metalware^'Electroplated or not, n.o^p.f. (including Cutlery)

.... .. ■3250% r


244 Agricultural Machinery, and parts thereof n%-

'245 Electrical Machinery for Power Generating and Transmission;

such as Dynamos/ M'otors1, ^ Trahsfor&ets, 1 Converters/ etc ,

- and parts thereof 15%

246 Machine Tools, such as Lathes, Planers, Drill Presses, etc.,

and parts thereof ..!........‘.....'....i.....-..A'. 7i%

247 Machine Shop Tohls, Such as Cutters, Drills, Reamers, etc.

(including Pneumatic and Electrically 'Operated Tools), and

Hard Tools made-wholly or chiefly of metal ,7i%.

248 Prime Movers, i.e., Gas Engines, Oil Engines, Steam Engines,

Hydraulic Turbines, Steam Turbines, Turbo-generator Sets',

and other Prime Movers, combined with Generators or not,

and parts thereof jX/ALI io%

249 Steam Boilers, Economisers, Superheaters, Mechanical Stokers^

and other Boiler-roon: Accessories, and parts thereof ...A 10%

250' Sewing'or Knitting Machines; and parts thereof 10%

251 Typewriters, automatic Sales Machines, Calculating Machines,

Cash Registers, Copy Presses, Cheque Perforators, Dating

Machines. Duplicating Machines, Numbering Machines, and

similar Office Machines for Clerical or accounting purposes,

and parts thereof 20%

252 Machinery, n.o.p.f., and parts thereof 10%


253 Aeroplanes, Hydroplanes, and all other Flying Machines, and

parts thereof

254 Fire Engines, Hydrants, and other Fire-extinguishing Appli-

; ances, irrespective of propelling power (including Hand

Chemical Fire Extinguishers), and parts thereof

255 Motor-boats,

: Sail-boats, and- Steamers, and parts or materials

thereof, n.o.p.f.

(«) Complete

(b) Parts or Materials, mo.p.f

■256 Vehicles, Motor :—

(a) Motor Tractors, Motor Trailers, Motor Passenger

Vehicles with seats for • not less than 12 persons,

Motor Trucks over 1 metric ton carrying capacity,

' : a’nd Chassis -for any-of -the- above - 15%


Qp§gv$ (including Motor-cars, Motor Cycles,

assembled or in parts; Cli^sis,, and. Bodies fith

Metal parts assembled for any of the above ...

, ifc) Pang and Accessories, (except Tires)

.(.1) for Mptor Cycles 30%

(2) for others* ,. ...... ,15%

♦In the case of.R.s’opt Wheels, Sear Wheels, Fropt Springsj

Rear Springs, Spont .Axles,. Rear Axles, Frames, Radia-

tors, PropelRpjg Shafts, Motive Power, and Bodies, this,

rate is applicable only when they are packed, separately;

otherwise they sha'i be subjept to a duty of 30So.

257 Railway and Tramway Supplies : —

(a) Locomotive and Tenders ;..

(b) Railway dmTramway Carriages dr Wagons

: (c) Railway or Tramway Materials, iKo.pjf

258 Vehicles, n.o.p.f. (including Cycles), and parts tbereof (except

Tires) .’


259 'Arms and Ammunition :

d$9.(|o) For ..Rersottal or- Sporting Use -

(b) Others to%.

260 Bedsteads.- Cots, Camp, Beds, and other ..kinds of Furniture

. made wholly or chiefly of metal, and parts or aceessor'es


Clocks and, Matches:— " '

(a) Complete

(b) Parts ....'

■Odal-burning, Oil-burning, and Spirit-burning- Stoves, Gookers,

Radiators, Steam Heaters, and similar appliances, and parts


Electrical Materials, Fixtures,' and Fittings for Wiring, Trans-

mission, and Distribution :—

(a) Bulbs

\b) Cleats, Insulators, or Knobs, Ceiling Rosettes, Fuse-

'■ ’ boxes, Plugs,- Receptacles,- Sockets, Switches, and


(c) Cords or Wires, Cables, and all other Electrical Ma-

i. j terrals, . n.o.p.f


; Cookers, Fans, Flash-lights, Irons,....Lampware, •

Radiators, Toasters, and other similai' Electric Applieances,

• l and parts thereof • 25%

25% '

Electric Accnrhulatais, Batteries, Condensers, and parts thereof

Files of all -kinds :—

(a) Filing surface only, not oyer 10 eng, long o.is .:

...(b) .Filing, suffci.ee'only, over 10' cm. but hot Over 23 cm.

loiig ;o.?5,

\ '(c) Filing surface only/over 23 cm. but hot over 36 cm.

long '. o.^o

(d) Filing surface only, over 36 cm. long 0.85

Gas Burners, Cooker, Heaters, Lamps. Ranges, ' Watef-

heaters, and other similar Gas-burning ApplicanceS, and

parts or .accessories thereof

Gas-meters, Water theters, Ammeters, Volt-meters, Wattmeters,

and other similar Measuring Instruments


269 Needles :— Unit C.G.U.


(a) Hand-sewing Value 15% %

(b) For Sewing or Knitting Machine

(c) Others i. 15%

270 Safes, Cash Boxes, and Strong-room Doors 25%

::271 Telephonic and Telegraphic Instruments, and parts thereof : —

'■ \a) Radio Sets and parts :—

(1) Hard Rubber Or Composition Dials, Litzendraft.

Wire, Grid Lead, MitAophhnes, ' Sead-phones,

Loud Speakers and Loud Speaker Units, Cry-

stals, Transmitting Vacuum' TUhes, Intervalve

Audio Frequency Transformers, and Receivihg

Transmitting Condensers of all kinds 15%

(2) Buzzers, Receiving Vacuum Tubes, A.B.C. Battery

Eliminators, Sockets, Jacks, Plugs, Lugs and

Tips, Binding Parts, Name-plates, and Brackets 20%

(3) Switches, Lightning Arresters, Keys, Cpils, and

Complete Radio Sets and Units 25%

(b) Others 15%

272 Tins, Empty for Kerosene Oil (of 5 American gallons capa-

city) :—

(a) Two Tins, with case Set 0.084

(bj Tins, Single Each 0.028

273 Metal Manufactures, n.o.p.f.

(a) Iron Wire Netting or Gauze 100 Kg. 10.00

(b) Others ,, 25%



274 Agar-Agar, in bulk Quintal 3.00

'275 Awabi :—

(a) in bulk 100 Kg. 42.00

(b) Canned (including weight of immediate packing) „ 18.00

(c) Others Value 30%

276 Bieho de Mar ~

(a) Black, Spiked 100 Kg. 43.00

(b) Black, not Spiked „ 30.00

(c) White „ 17.00

277 Cockles :—

(a) Dried Quintal 9.10

(b) Fresh „ 1.70

278 Compoy 100 Kg. 40.00

279 Crabs’ Flesh, Dried „ 0.25

280 Fish Bones Quintal 30%

281 Fish, Cod, Dried (including Boneless) ,, 3.60

282 Fish, Cuttle 100 Kg. 14.00

283 Fish, Dried and Smoked (not including Dried Cod-fish and

284 Fish,Cuttle-fish)

Fresh Quintal

,, 8.80


285 Fish, Herring, Salt 100 Kg. 20%

286 Fish Maws :—

(a) 1st Quality (i.e., weighing 6 hectogrammes or over

per piece) H’gramme 0.26

(b) 2ndeceQuality (i.e , weighing under 6 hectogrammes per

P’ )

287 Fish, Salmon, Salt K’gramme 0.61

100 Kg 20°'

288 Fish, Salt, h.o.p.f ] ;> ' 20%


Unit C.G.U.

289 Fish, Head, Lip, Skin and Tail K’grainme 30%

290 Mussels, OyStavs, and Clams, Dried ,, 0.17

291 Prawns and Shrimps, Dried, in bulk ,, 0.21

292 Seaweed, Cut 100 Kg. 1.70

293 Seaweed, Long ,, 1-30

294 Seaweed, Prepared : K’gramme 0.17

•295 Seaweed, Red Quintal 20%

296 Sharks’ Fins, Prepared K’gramme 2.00

’297 Sharks’ Fins, not Prepared :—

(a) Value not over Gold Units 0.80 per kilogramme „ 0.17

(b) Value over Gold Units 0.80 but not over Gold Units

4.10 per kilometre ,, 0.55

(c) Value over Gold Units 4.10 per kilogramme ,, 1.40

298 Fishery and Sea Products, n.o.p.f. :—

(a) In bulk Quintal 20%

(b) Canned or in any other packing ,, 30%


299 Asparagus (in cans or in bottles), (including weight of:.

immediate packing) 100 Kg. 19.00

300 Bacon and Hams :—

(a) In bulk >, 47.00

(b) Canned or in any other packing Value 35%

301 Baking Powder » 20%

302 Beef, Corned or Pickled :—

(a) In barrels 100 Kg. 37.00

(b) Canned or in any other packing Value 35%

303 Birds’ nests ,> 30%

304 Biscuits 30%

305 Butter (including weight of immediate packing) 100 Kg. 44.09

306 Caviare Value 35%

307 Cheese (including weight of immediate packing) 100 Kg. 44.00

308 Chocolate (not including confectionery) Value 35%

309 Cocoa :—

(a) Cocoa Beans 100 Kg. 12.00

(b) Others Value 35%

310 Cocoa Butter 20%

311 Coffee

, (a) Coffee Beans 100 Kg. 19.00

(b) Others Value 35%

312 Cdnfectionery' ,, 50%

313 Currants and Raisins ,, 20%

314 Eggs, Game and Poultry ,, 25%

315 Fruits, Table and Pie (in can or in bottle) (including weight,

of packing) 100 Kg. 11.00

310 Honey „ 14.00

317 Jams and Jellies Value 35%

318 Lard

(a) In bulk 100 Kg. 13.00

(b) Canned or in any other packing Value 35%

319 Macaroni, Vermicelli, and similar products :—

(a) In bulk 100 Kg. 9.00

(b) Canned or in any other packing Value 35%

•320 Margarine and Similar Butter substitutes made wholly or

partly of vegetable substances (including weight of imme-

diate packing) 100 Kg. 27.00


Unit C.G.U.

321 MeatSj Dried and- Salted 100 Kg. 3.SO

322 Meat Extracts Value 30%

323 Milk and Cream, Evaporated or Sterilised''!including weight

of immediate packing) 100 Kg. 13.00

324 Milk, Condensed (including weight of immediate packing).... 1 ,, 16.00'

325 Milk Pood ‘(including Dried Milk, Lactogen, Glaxo, etc.)

Ot^inclhding weight of immediate packing) Value 25%

326 Oft, Cod-liver" -. „ 10*%

327 Oil, Olive

" ' (a) In hulk Litre 0.16

(b) .In bottles'and any other {jacking Value 25%

328 Pork Rind V 100 Kg. 13.00

329 Soy, Sauce, and all other Preparations, Extraqts, or Substances

for Flavouring Food, n.o.p.f : Value 35'';,

330 Sausages," Dried 100 Kg. 88.00

331 Svrups and Juices, Fruit Value 35%

332 Syrups, Table . „ . 35%

333 Tea 1

(a) Tea Dust, Black 100 Kg. 8.00

' (b) Others ;... Value 35%

334 Foodstuffs, n.o.p.f. :—

(a) In bulk ,, '30%

. (b) Canned or in any other packing j, ’85%.



335 Aniseed Star

(a) 1st .Quality, (value.Gold Units 40 and over per 100 Kg. 100 Kg. 10.00

(b) 2nd Quality, (value under .Gold Units 40 per 100 Kg... ,, 6.70

336 Apples, Fresh 5.70'

337 Asafeotida Value 15%

338 Barley, Buckwheat, Maize, Millet, Oats, Rye and Grains,

n.o.p.f „ .15% .

339 Beans and Peas •„ fi .15%

340 Betelnut Hush, Dried ,, 1.80

341 Betelnuts, Dried ,, 2.30

342 Bran „ 0.41

343 Camphor :—

. :(a) Camphor .(Lauras Camphor), Crude or Refined

(including Shaped) 100 Kg. 60.00

. (b) Others (including Imitation) Value 30%

344 Camphor Baroos :—

(a) Clean K’gramme 5.40

(b) Refuse Value 30%

345 Capoor Cutehery Quintal 2.30

346 Cardamom Husk ,, 1.40

347 Cardamoms, Inferior K’gramme 0.10-

348 Cardamom's, Superior „. 0.5ff

349 Cassia Lignea and Buds ,, 0.094

350 Cassia Twigs Quintal 1.80

351 Chestnuts i 100 Kg. 2.80

352 China root „ 9.30

353 Cinnamon :—

(a) In bulk K’gramme 0.21

(b) Others Value 20%


354 Cloves :— Unit C.G.U.

(a) Jn jbulk :&A£>U2 K’gramme 0.11

(b) Others Value 20%

355 Cloves, Mother 1C gramme 5 0.03’

356 Cocaine •t6S»2....uw/ u .1... ^. I i 1:V. 11... S t. V alue 20

357 Flour, Wher.t Quintal ■ 1.24

358 Flour and Cereal Products, n.o.p.f Vajue , 25%

359 Fodder ! 1 100 Kg. 0.50

360 Fruits, Fresh, Dried, and Preserved, n.o.p.f. (in - bulk).. VMiie 10%

361 Galangal !„ 1.50

362, Ginseng (including Beard, Roots, and Cuttings)...,.......... 30%

363 Ginseng, Wild ... 30%

364. Groundnuts :—

, (a) In shell 100 Kg. 1.60

(b) Shelled ...,....v...,.,,.,vj...,.,iv 1.80

365 Hops >, 21.00



367) Lemons, FreshVegetable (.U ,>.,, . Thousand 13.00

368 Lichees, Dried , . l60;, Kg. 8.40 9.00

369' Lily Flowers, Dried A. : j ! i jy 8.90

370 Lungngan Pulp

371 Lungngan, Dried ...... ..i .,,•}, 6.30


*372 Malt . Value 15%

373 Medicinal Substances, Vegetable (Crude), n.o.p.f.

374 Morphia in all forms -. 100„ Kg-. 35.00 SO*),;

375 Mushroojps —

370 'Nutmegs, in bulk i... .. Value „ -0.1.1


377 i Olives (including. Fresh, Dried, and Preserved)

378 Opium, Tincture of •. ■ 100O:Kg. 20% 5.SO A-

379 Oranges, Fresh . A...:..:. 5.80

380 Peel, Orange, in bulk

381 Pepper, in bulk :— f

(а) Black A.............i........ C. {3.A \\., A. US A A : me ,pavnv^3.oo

(б) White f: 21.00

382 Potatoes, Fresh A...... ..!..... . ' „ T.^b

383 Putchuck . „ ‘ 53.00

384 Paddy arid Rice :—

Paddy :i Quintal r 0.80 -

Rice 1.85

385 Seed, Apricot . „ 12.00

386 Seed, Lily-flower (i.e., Lotus-nuts -without Husk) ........... A . <; } 8.90

387 ' Seed, Lucraban 1.80

388 Seed, Melon .. . , , v' .4.Q0

389 Seed, Pine .(i.e., Fir-nuts) 6.00

390 Seed, Sesanium '. -. Value „ 2.40

391 Seeds, ri.o.p.f: 20%

392 Spices and Condiments, n.o.p.f., not prepared :—

(a) ' In bulk' vn 207;


(b) others

393 Sugar Canes A 100 Kg.. ., - 0.64°4:

394 Vegetable, Fresh, Dried, Prepared, and Salted :

(а) In hulk Value 207'

(б) Others f .. ! 25% '

395 Wheat, - ’nr 0.50


SUGAR. Unit C.G.U.

396 Molasses Quintal 0.33,

397 Sugar (Sucrose), not including Cube, Loaf, and Sugar


(a) Refined, with more than 2 per cent, of Invert Sugar... ,, 9.60

(f>) Others (including Raw) :—

(1) Not exceeding 86° of polarization ,,' 6.35

(2) Exceeding 86° but not exceeding 87° ,, 6.50

'(3) Exceeding 87° but not exceeding 88° ,, 6.65

(4) Exceeding 88° but not exceeding 89° „ 6.80

(5) Exceeding 89° but not exceeding 90° ,, 6.95

(6) Exceeding 90° but not exceeding 91° ,, 7.10

(7) Exceeding 91° but not exceeding 92° ,, 7.25

(8) Exceeding 92° but not exceeding 93° ,, 7.40

(9) Exceeding 93° but not exceeding 94° „ 7.60

(10) Exceeding 94° but not exceeding 95° ,, 7.80

(11) Exceeding 95° but not exceeding 96° ,, 8.10

(12) Exceeding 96° but not exceeding 97° ,, 8.40

(13) Exceeding 97° but not exceeding 98° ,, 8.80

(14) Exceeding 98° of polarization ,, 9.60

398 Sugar, Grape ,, 9.60

399 Sugar, Cube and Loaf ,, 20.00

400 Sugar, Candy ,, 15.00'

401 Saccharine K’gramme 50%

402 Sugar, n.o.p.f. (such as Malt Sugar, Milk Sugar, Fruit Sugar,

etc.) Value '5% '


403 Champagne and any other Wine sold under the label “Cham-

pagne ” Case of 12 botts. or 24 half botts. 34.00'

404 Other Sparkling Wines ,, 16.00

405 Still Wines, Red or White, exclusively the produce of the

natural fermentation of Grapes (not including Vins de

Liqueur) :—

(a) In bottles Litre 12.00

(b) In bulk „ 80% .

406 Port Wine :—

(a) In bottles Case of 12 botts. 24 botts. 19.00

(5) In bulk Litre 80%

407 Marsala :—

(a) In bottles Case of 12 botts. or 24 half botts. 15.00

(b) In bulk' Litte 1.10

408 Vins de Liqueur other than Port and Marsala (viz., Madeira,

Malaga, Sherry, etc.)

(a) In bottles Case of 12 botts. or 24 half botts. 18.00

(b) In bulk Litre 1.10

409 Vermouth, Byrrh, and Quinquina ,, 0.75

410 Vermouth, in bulk ,, 1.00


411 ■Sake :— Unit , C.G.U.

(a! In barrels 100 Kg. 80%

(b) In bottles .12 sho 15.00

412 Ale, Beer, Porter, Stout, Cider, Perry, and similar fermented

Spirituous Liquors made of Fruits and Berries 7 Litre 80%

413 Brandy and Cognac :—

(a) In bottles Case of reputed quarts 21.00

(b) In bulk Litre 80%

414 Whisky :— ,

(a) In bottles Case of reputed quarts 21.00

(b) hq bulk Litre 80%

415 Gin :—

(a) In bottles Case of reputed quarts 11.00

(b) In bulk Litre 80%

416 Rum :—

(a) In bottles Case of reputed quarts 10.00

(b) In bulk (not including. Rum for industrial uses) Litre 80%

417 Liqueurs 12 reputed quarts or 24 reputed pints 19.00

'418 Waters, Table, Aerated and Mineral 12 botts. or 24 half botts. 0.70

419 Wines and all other Alec.holie or Spirituous Liquors, n.o.p.f.... Value 80%

Alcohols (See No. 434).


420 Cigarettes

(a) Value over Gold Units 20 per 1,000 and all Cigarettes

not bearing a distinctive brand or name on each

Cigarette : Thousand 16.00

(b) Value over Gold Units 15 but not over Gold Units 20

per 1,000 „ 8.70

(c) Value over. Gold Units 10 but not over Gold Units 15

per 1,000 „ 7.20

(d) Value over Gold. Units 7,5 but not oyer Gold Units 10

per 1,000 5.30

(e) Value over Gold Units 5 but not over Gold Units 7.5

per 1,000 ,,. 3.90

(/) Value over Gold Units 2.5 but not over Gold Units §

per 1,000 „ 2.20

(g) Value Gold Units 2.5 or less per 1,000 ,, }.30

421 Cigars

(a) Value over Gold Units 130 per 1,000 Fifty 3.75

(b) Value over Gold Units 70 but not over Gold Units 130

per 1,000 „ 2.50

(c) Value over Gold Units 50 but not over Gold Units 70

per 1,000 „ 1.50

(d) Value over Gold Units 20 but not over Gold Units 50

per 1,000 „ 1.00

(e) Value Gold Units 20 or less per 1,000 Value 50^'

422 Snuff and Chewing Tobacco 50%



423 Tobacco, Leaf Unit C.G.tT.

(a) Value over Gold Units 1.7 per Kilometre K’gramme 0.23

(b) Value Gold Units 1.75 or less per Kilometre „ 0.0R6

424 , Tobacco, Prepared

(a) In tins or packages K’gramme 50%

(b) In bulk „ 1.00

425 Tobacco, Stalk, Dust, Sifting and Refuse Quintal 15%


426 Acetylene, in cylinder or other packing Value 12f%

427 Acid, Acetic 100 Kg. 6.40

428 Acid, Boracic :—

(a) In packages of not less than 3.2 Kg. each „ 3.10

(b) In packages of less than 3.2 Kg. each ,, 5.30

429 Acid, Carbolic 100 Kg. 8.10

430 Acid, Hydrochloric ,, 1.40

431 Acid, Nitric 3.90

432 Acid, Oxalic ,, 4.00

433 Acid, Sulphuric „ 1.90

434 Alcohols :—

(a) Ethyl Alcohol (i.e. Spirits of Wine) Litre 0.088

(b) Denatured Alcohol and Methyl or Wood Alcohol

(including unsweetened Arrack and Fusel Oil) „ 0.044

435 Alum, Chrome 100 Kg. 1.90

436 Alumina, Sulphate of Value 10%

437 Ammonia, Anhydrous ,, 10%

438 Ammonia, Water 100 Kg. 6.10

439 Ammonia, Chloride of (i.e. Sal Ammoniac) „ 4.40

440 Ammonia, Sulphate of „ 1.20

441 Antimony Trisulphide „ 0.81

442 Barium, Carbonate of ,, 1.70

443 Barium, Chloride of ,, 1 OO

444 Bleaching Powder (i.e.. Chloride of Lime) Value 15%

445 Borax, Crude or Refined 100 Kg. 3.10

446 Calcium, Carbide of • 310

447 Calcium, Chloride of ^ q gQ

448 Chlorine, Liquid .. 4 gg

449 Copper, Sulphate of „ 3 pg

450 Fertilisers, Chemical or Artificial, n.o.p.f Quintal 10%

451 Glycerine :—

(a) Iii packages of not less than 13 Kg. each ! 100 Kg. 11.00

(b) In packages of less than 13 Kg. each Value^ 20°/

452 Insecticides and Disinfectants (including Mosquito Smudges) .. „ 25%

453, Manganese, Peroxide of Quintal 5%

454 Naphthalene 10Q,Kg. 3.40

455 Oxygen, in Cylinder or other packing "Value 12j%

456 Phosphorus K’grftmme 0.096


Unit C.G.U.

457 Potash, Carbonate of 100 Kg. 3^30

458 Potash, Caustic ,, 4.20

459 Potash, Chlorate of ,, l.?0

469 Potassium, Bichromate of ,, 6.30

461 Quinine K ’ gramme * .VY,

462 Rum for industrial uses Litre 0.*M4

463 Saltpetre 100 Kg. 5.60

464 '• Serums- and Vaccines •.... Value -10^

465 Soda Ash. 100 Kg. 1.S0

466 Soda, Bicarbonate, ■ of, in bulk ,, 2.50

467 Soda, Bichronate 'of „ 2.80

468 Soda, Bisulphite of (Solid or Liquid) Value 'i2p);',

469 Soda, Caustic 100 Kg. 2.90

470 Soda, Crystal ,, 1,60

471 Soda, Crystal Concentrated 3,90

472 Soda, Hydrcisulphite of Value

473 Soda, Nitrate of (Chile Saltpetre) . ,, 0,83

474 Soda, Peroxide of ) 100 Kg. 10.00

475 Soda, Silicate of „ 2.9O

476 Soda, Sulphate of Value 20%

477 Soda, Sulphide of 100 Kg. 2.10

478 Soda, Thiosulphate of (known as Hyposulphite) ,, 1.50

479 Sulphur :—

la) Crude (Lumps of Powder) 100 Kg.. l.SO1

(6) Others : Value 12£%

480 Chemicals and Chemical Compounds, , n,o.p.f. „ J2|%.

4S1 Medicines, Drugs, and Medical Substances, Compounds, anrl

preparations, n.o.p.f ! , , ,, ., 25%


482 Aniline Dyes, and other Coal Tar Dyes, n.o.p.f Value ,35%

483 Bark, Mangrove 100 Kg. 1,10 .

484 Bark, Plum-tree ,, 2.10

485 Bark, Yellow (for Dyeing) ,, 4.20

486 Blue, Paris or Prussian ,, 30.90

487 Bronze Potvder ,, 28.99

488 Carbin Bldhk (i.e., Lampblack) ,, , 5,50

489 Chrome Yellow Value 15%

490 Cinnabar 100 Kg. 42.00

491 Cobalt. Oxide of Value 15%

492 Cochineal ,, 15%

493 Cunao or False Gambier . .-. 100 Kg. 1.70

494 Cutch or Gambier ,, 4.00

495 Gamboge „ 34.00

496 Green Emerald, Sehweinfurt or Imitation „ 17.00

497 Hartall (Orpiment) ,, 6.10

498 Indigo, Artificial, containing not more than 20 per, cent, jncli-

gotin (higher strength in proportion) K’gramme 0.25

499 Indigo Dried, Natural „ 0,45

500 Indigo Liquid, Natural Quintal 4.10



Unit C.G.U.

501 Inks of all kinds Value 20%

502 ' Laka-wood 100 Kg. 1.80

503 Lead, Red, White and Yellow ■ 6.70

504 Logwood Extract 6.00

505 Nutgalls „ 8.80

506 Oehre „ 3.10

507 • Safflower Value 15%

508 Sapanwood 100 Kg. 2.29

509 Smalt „ 18.00

510 Sulphur Black Quintal 17.00

511 Tanning Extracts, Vegetable, n.o.p.f. (Such as Quebracho,

Wattle Bark, etc.) ,, 4.40

512 Turmeric „ 3.00

513 Ultramerine ,, 11.00

514 Vermilion ,, 52.00

515 Vermilion Artificial . Value 15%

516 White Zinc „ 3.00

517 Dyes, Pigments. Colours, Tan and Tanning Materials, and

Paint Materials, n.o.p.f „ 15%

518 Paints, Varnishes, and Polishes, n.o.p.f r, 20%


Beeswax, Yellow. (See No. 538).

519 Candles K’gram me 0.13

520 Gasolene, Naphtha and Benzine, Mineral :—

(a) In case Case of 2 tins each of 5 Am. gallons 1.63

In Tin do. do. do. „ 1.61

•(b) In bulk V. Litre 0.04

521 Grease, Lubricating, wholly or partly mineral 100 Kg. 3.10

Gums and Resins :—

Amber (See No. 627).

Asafoetida (See No. 337).

522 Gum Arabic „ 6.00

523 Gum Dragon’s blood K’gramme 0.26

524 Gum Myrrh Quintal 3.50

525 Gum Olibanum ,, 4.80

528 Resin „ 2.30

527 Shellac and Button Lac K’gramme 0.28

528 Others Quintal 10%

529 Liquid Fuel (Fuel Oil)

(a) With specific gravity over 0.90 at 20° C. and flashpoint

over 95° C. ... r. , •

(Cleveland Open Cup) :

Oil, Diesel (including Solar) MetrieTon 2.90

Other kinds (j 2.90

lb) Others (including Crude Oil for Refining Purposes) :

Oil, Diesel (including Solar) ,, 26.30

Other kinds 26.30

530 Oil, Castor (for Lubricaring) 100 Kg. 7.30

531 Oil, Coconut 4jjg


532 Oil, Kerosene (including other mineral oils for illuminating

purposes with specific; gravity from 0.78 to 0.90) Unit C.G.U.

(a) In case Case of 2 tins each of 5 Am.gallons 1.43

In Tin do. do. do. ,, 1.41

(b) In bulk Litre 0.035

533 Oil Linseed „ Q.Ofifi

534 Oil, Lubricating :—

(a) Wholly or partly of Mineral Origib ' ,, 0.018

(5) Other kinds of, n.o.p.f ,, 0.032

Oil, Olive, in bulk (See No. 327);

535 Soap :—

(a) Household and Laundry . (including Blue Mottled, in

bulk, Bars, and 5 doublets, duty to /lje charged on

nominal weights , provided that such weights be" not

less than triie weights" and that a bar does hot Weigh

less than 200 grairtmes 100 Kg. 8.80

(b) Others Value 30%

536 Stearine : Quintal 6.10

537 Turpentine :—

(а) Mineral Litre,. 0.022

(б) Vegetable „ 0.088

538 Wax, Bees, Yellow K’gramme 0.13

539 Wax, Paraffin Value 2.60

540 Wax, Vegetable „ 6.40

541 Oils, Fats, and Waxes, n.o.p.f. (including Essential Oils,

Natural and Synthetic, and mixtures consisting wholly

.thereof) „ 15%


'542 .Books, Printed or Manuscript, Bound or Ufnljound (including

Telegraphic Code Books, Picture Books and Copy iBooks for

teaching Drawing and Writing, and Books for teaching

Music to Childi'en; but not including other Music Books,

Ledgers, and other offices, Schools, and private stationery; Free

543 Charts and Maps (including Outline Maps, Relief Maps,

Globes, and Models and Charts for Educational Purposes,

such as the teaching of anatomy, etc.) Free

544 Newspapers and Periodicals :—

(a) Old (fit only far packing Or remanufacture) Quintal 0.31

(b) Others Free

545 Paper Boards, Coated or Uncoated, Lined pr Unlined, White

or Coloured, Glazed or Unglazed, Plain or Embossed :—

(a) Ivory. Board, Chrome Board, Bristol Board made wholly

or partly of Chemical Pulp Value 25%

- (b) Boxboard, Leather Boards Manila Board, Jacquard or

gilk Board (Chip-Board), Wood-pulp Board, Duplex

or Triplex (including Paste-boards of all kinds) Quintal 3.50

(c) , Strawboard, Plain

-546 Paper, Cigarette :—

(o) On bobbins or rolls (including weight of bobbins or roll) K’gramme 0.25

(b) Others Value 15%

.547 Paper, Coated and/or Enamelled, on one or both sides, White

or Coloured (including Coated Art Printing Paper) TOO Kg. 9.60


548 Paper, Common Printing and Newsprinting (made chiefly of

Mechanical Wood-Pulp), Calendered or Uncalendered, Sized

or Unsized, White or Coloured :— Unit C.G.U.

(a) In rolls Quintal 7J%

(b) Others „ 2.60

549 Paper, Drawing, Document, Bank-note, and Document Bond.. Value 30%

550 Paper, Glazed, either Flint, Friction, Marbled, or Designed

Plain or Embossed, White or Coloured 100 Kg. 13.00

551 Paper Labels, for Match-Manufacturing Value 5.00'

552 Paper, M.G. Cap, White or Coloured, made wholly or chiefly

of Mechanical Wood Pulp 100 Kg. 5.00'

553 Paper, Packing and Wrapping, Brown or Coloured, Glazed or

Unglazed, Plain or Laid (including Packing Paper proofed

with Pitch or other material and of one or more ply) Quintal 5.00’

554 Paper, Parchment, Pergamyn, Glascine, and Grease-proof (in-

, eluding “Cellophane” and similar transparent paper) Value 30%

555 . Paper, Tissue (including Copying, Bible-print, Manifold, and

Pelure, Wfiite or Coloured, Plain or Laid) Quintal 30%

556 Paper, Writing and/or Printing, Glazed or Unglazed, White

or Coloured, Plain or Laid (including Antique Wove, Un-

eoated Art Printing Paper, and the like), n.o.p.f. :—

(a) Free of Mechanical Wood Pulp 100 Kg. 6,6(>

(b) Others ' „ 6.00

557 Wall-paper, and Paper, Embossed, Metallic, or otherwise De-

corated, n.o.p.f Value 30% :

558 Paper, n.o.p.f. :—

(a) Free of Mechanical Wood Pulp ,, 25%

(b) Others ,, 25%

559 Wood Pulp, Chemical Quintal 0.45

560 Wood Pulp, Mechanical ,, 0.40

561 Paperware and all Articles made of Paper, n.o.p.f Value 30%


562 Hides

(a) Buffalo and Cow Quintal 7£%

■> (b) Others : ,, 7$%

563 Leather, Belting K’gramme 12J%

564 Leather, Sole „ 20%

565 Leather, n.o.p.f „ 20%

566 Manufactures of Leather, n.o.p.f. (including Boots and Shoes,

Purses, etc.) Value 30%'

567 Skins (Furs)

(a) Undressed Value 10%

(b) Dressed and/or Dyed ,, 20%

568 Articles made wholly or chiefly of Skins (Furs), n.o.p.f ,, 40%



569 Bezoar :—

(a) Cow Bezoar, Indian Value 15%

• (b) Others „ 15%


■570 Bones, and Manufactures thereof, n.o.p.f. :— Unit C.G.U.

(a) Bones „ 10%

(b) Manufactures of Bones ,, 25%

571 Crocodile and Armadillo Scales K’gramme 0.20

572 Feathers, and Manufactures thereof, n.o.p.f. :—

(a) Feathers for Decoration Value 25%

(c)(bj Manufactures

Feathers, Other

made wholly or partly of Feathers, n.o.p.f. ,,,, 10%


.573 Hair, and Manufactures thereof, n.o.p.f. :—

(a) Hairs, Horse K’gramme 0.14

(b) Hair, Horse Tails ,, 0.21

(e) Hair, Other Value 10%

(d) Manufactures of Hair, n.o.p.f ,, 25%

574 Horns, and Manufactures thereof, n.o.p.f. :—

(a) Horns, Buffalo and Cow Quintal 3.80

(b) Horns, Deer K’gramme 0.11

(c) Horns, Deer, Old and Young Value 30%

(d) Horns, Rhinoceros and Antelope ,, 15%

(e) Horns, Other ....; „ 10%

(/) Manufactures of Horns, n.o.p.f ,, 25%

575 Manure, Animal ..: Free

.570 Musk H’gramme 8.40

.577 Shells Value 10%

578 Sinews, Animal :—

;• (a) Cow and Deer K’gramme 0.23

(6) Others i Value 25%

579 Tusks, Animal Teeth, and Manufactures thereof, n.o.p.f. • —

(a) Elephants’ Tusks, Whole or Parts of K’gramme 1.20

(b) Tusks, and Animals Teeth, Other Value 10%

(c) Manufactures of Tusks and Animal Teeth, n.o.p.f. ... ,, 30%

Tariff Name of Article Tariff Duty


580 -Laths (not over 1.25 metres in length) Thousand 1.50

..Ordinary (not including. Teak and other enumerated Woods),

Rough Hewn, and . Round. Lags

581 Hardwood Cubic M. 2.90

582 Softwood „ 2.00

Drdinary, Sawn :—

583- Hardwood, not over Gold Units 75 in value per cubic metre... „ 6.30

584 Softwood' >> 4-00

Ordinary, Manufactured (including any process further than

simple sawing, but not including Masts and Spars) :—

585 ' Hardwood :—

(a) Clear, on net measure, not over Gold Units 130 in

value per cubic metre' „ 12.00

(b) Merchantable,' oh net measure, hot over Gold Units 85

in value per cubic metre ,, 9-60

;586 , Softwood

(a) Clear, on net measure »

(b) Merchantable, on net measure „ 4.80


Unit C.G.U.

587 Ordinary Masts and Spars Value 20%

588 Railway Sleepers . Piece 5%

589 Teakwood (Beams, Planks, and Logs) Cubic M. 14.00

590 Timber, n.o.p.f. (Hard & Soft). Value 15%



591 Bags, Straw and Grass Thousand 10.00

592 Bamboos, and Manufactures thereof, n.o.p.f.

(a) Canes, Bamboo „ 1.50

(b) Others (including Bamboo, Split or Skin, etc.) Value 10%

(c) Manufactures of Bamboo, n.o.p.f ,, 20%

593 Coir and Manufactures thereof, n.o.p.f. :—

(a) Raw, Fibre, and Yarn Quintal 10%

(b) Rope „ 15%

(c) Mats, Door Dozen 2.40

(d) Mattings, 92 cm. by 92 metres Roll of 92 Metres 14.00

(e) Manufactures of Coir, n.o.p.f Value 20%

594 Kapok Quintal 4.G0

595 Mats for Packing Purposes (including Dunnage Mats) Piece 10%

596 Mats, n.o.p.f. :—

(а) Fancy ,, 20%

(б) Formosa Grass (bed) „ 3.30

(c) Rattan ,, 20%,

(d) Rush Hundred 25.00

(e) Straw ,, 2.00

(/) Tatami Piece 0.20

(g) Others „ 20%

597 Matting, n.o.p.f. : —

(a) Straw, 92 cm. by 37 metres Roll of 37 metres 2.10

(b) Others „ 20%.

598 Rattans, and Manufactures thereof, n.o.p.f. :—

(a) Rattan, Core or whole Quintal 2.50

(b) Rattan, Skin and Fibre ,, 5.00

(c) Rattan, Split ,, 2.50

(d) Manufactures of Rattan, n.o.p.f Value 20%

599 Straw, Panama Straw and the like, and Manufactures thereof,

n.o.p.f. :—

(a) Straw, Panama Straw, Buntai Fibre, etc „ 10%

(b) Cordage (inelucfing Rope & Twine) Quintal 15%

(c) Hats Dozen 30%

(d) Other Manufactures, n.o.p.f Value 20%

COO Wood:—

(а) Camagon 100 Kg. 1.7Q-

(б) Garoo K’gramme 1.80

(c) Puru 100 Kg. 0.91

(d) Red and Rose „ 2.00

(e) Sandal n 25%

(/) Scented and Fragrant (Hsiang Ch’ai) Value 25%

(g) Cork Wood ,, 7$%

(h) Others (including Camphor Wood, Ebony, Kranieo

Wood, Lignum-vitoe, etc.) 20%


601 Woodware of all kinds and other Manufactures of Wood,

n.o.p.f. Unit C'.G'.U.

(a) Casks, Barrels, Packing' Cases or other ordinary

Containers for Cargo ,, 20%

(b) Corks „ 15%

(c) Furniture ,, 20%

(d) Machinery (whole or' parts) ,, 10%

" (e) Sandal Dust ,, 25%

(/) Scale Sticks Piece 0.12

(g) Shavings (for Match Manufacturing) ' 100 Kg. 1.70

(h) Shooks for Making Casks, and Cases Value .20%

(t) Splints (for Match Manufacturing) 100 Kg. 1.50

0 (j) Wood Shavings, Hinoki Value 20%

(k) Wood, Veneer. (including Plywood.) ., 20%

3.0 (l) Others ,, 25%


! 602 Charcoal Quintal 1.00

€03 Coal :—

(a) Anthracite, with Fuel Ratio at 5 or over Metric Ton 2.8#

. (5) Others ,, „ 1.80

604 Coal Briquettes „ „ 15%

Liquid Fuel. See No. 529.

605 Pitch and Asphalt Quintal 0.83

606 Tar, Coal ,, 0.60

i 607 Coke Metric Ton 10%


608 Chinaware, (Not including Chemical and other Scientific

Chinaware) Value 50%

) 609 Enamelled Ironware :—

(a) Basins, Bowls, Cups, and Mugs :

(1) Not- over 11 centimetres in diameter Dozen 0.25

(2) Over 11 centimetres but not over 22 centimetres

in diameter „ 0.45

(3) • Over 22 centimetres but not over 36 centimetres

in diameter Dozen 0.55

(4) Others Value 20%

(5) Others „ 20%

610 Glass, Plate, Silvered :—

(a) Less than 1 /10 sq. metre each (Unbevelled) Sq. Metre 20%

(b) Not over J sq. metre each :

(D Bevelled \, 2.30

(2) Unbevelled „ 1.80

j (c) Over £ sq metre each :

J (1) Bevelled „ . 2.50

(2) Unbevelled „ 2.00 .

E 611 Glass, Plate, Unsilvered :—

(a) Less than 1 /10 sq. metre bach (Unbevelled) : ,, 20%

I (b) Not over £ sq. metre each :

(1) Bevelled „ 1.60

(2) Unbevelled „ 1.50

• (c) Over $ sq. metre each :

(1) Bevelled „ 2.50

(2) Unbevelled 2.00


Unit C.G.U.

612 Glass, Plate or Sheet, n.o.p.f Value 20%

613 Glass, Window, Common, not over 61 hectogrammes in weight

per sq. metre 10 sq. metre 1.10

614 Glass, Window, Coloured, Stained, Ribbed, Embossed, or

Wired Value 20%

615 Glassware (Not including Chemical and other Scientific

Glassware) 25%

616 Mirrors

617 Opera Glasses and Eyeglasses, Complete and parts thereof


618 Cement, Hydraulic, as Portland Quintal 0.83

619 Corundum Sand ,, 1.10

620 Emery and Glass Powder ,, 0.83

Emery Cloth. See No. 636.

621 Fire bricks and Bricks ,. Value 10%

622 Fireclay Quintal O.SS"

623 Flints (including Flint Pebbles) ,, 0.66

Sand-paper. See No. 660.

624 Tiles (including floor tiles) Value 15%

625 Crucibles ',, 20%

626 Stone, Earth, and Manufactures thereof, n.o.p.f. :—

(a) Manufactures „ 20%

(h) Others ,, 15%


627 Amber, Coral, .Tortoise. . Shell, (Real or Imitation),, and

Manufactures thereof, n.o.p.f. :—

(a) Manufactures ,, 30%

(b) Others ,, 20%

628 Animals, Living „ 10%

629 Asbestos and Manufactures thereof :—

(а) Lump, Powder, and Fibre K’gramme 15%

(б) Mill board Quintal 2.89

(c) Sheets or Packings, Woven K’gramme 15%

(d) Yarn ,, 0.17

630 Barometers, Thermometers, Drawing, Surveying, Medical, ,,

(«) Others 15%

Nautical, Optical, Surgical, Dental, and all other Scientific •

Instruments or Apparatus, and parts or accessories thereof. Value 10%.

631 , Buildbng Materials, n.o.p.f „ 15%

632 Buttons

(a) Metal (not including those made, or plated with

Precious Metals) Gross 0.60-

(b) Porcelain, or Common Glass 12 Gross 0.20’

(c) Shell Gross 0.20

(d) Others Value 25%

633 Curios and Antiques ,, -30%

634 Damasceneware, Satsumaware, and Laequerware ,, 407),

635 Decorative or Ornamental Materials or Products, n.o.p.f.

(including Spangles, Tinsel and Tinsel Wire, Metallic

Trimmings, etc.) ,, 25%,

636 Emergy-Clpth :— 1

(a) Sheet not over / sq. metre Ream 2.00

(b) Sheet over 1J^ sq.10 metre Value 10%

637 Explosives for Industrial Purposes „ 10%


638 Fans : Unit C,G.U.

(a) Palm-leaf Thousand 20%

(b) Paper or Cotton „ 10.00

(c) Others ,, 25%

639 Fertilisers, n.o.p.f Quintal 10%

640 Glue K’gramme 0.035

641 Gramophones, Phonographs, and other Talking Machines, and

parts and accessories thereof Value 30%

<642 Gypsum Quintal 0.17

643 Hat Braid and Fibres for making Hat Braid Value 10%

644 India-rubber and Gutta-percha, and Manufactures thereof :—

(а) India-rubber, Crude, Old or Waste, and Guttapercha,

Crude Quintal 10%

(б) Boots and Shoes, as also Footgear made wholly or

partly of Rubber Pair 30%

(c) Manufactures, n.o.p.f. (including Tires, i.e. for

Bicycles, Ricshas, etc.) ,, 38.00

(d) Others (including Tires for Motor Vehicles) Value ?.5%

645 Jewellery and Ornaments, n.o.p.f >> 30%'

646 Lamps and Lampware, n.o.p.f ,, 25%

•647 Leather, Imitation, and Oilcloth (not including Oilcloth for;

Flooring), and Manufactures thereof :—

(a) Leather, Imitation, and Oilcloth ,, 25%

(b) Manufactures of Imitation, Leather, and Oilcloth „ 30%

648 Linoleum and other Floor Coverings, n.o.p.f „ 30%

649 Machine Belting and Hose „ 15%

650 Manicure Sets and parts thereof, Powder Puffs and cases, and

Vanity cases ,, i 30%

651 Matches, Wood, Safety or Other :—

(a) Small, in Boxes not Over 51 mm. by 35 mm. by 16 mm.

(including Booklets) ; Gross 40%

(b) Large, in Boxes not over 64 mm. by 38 mm. by 19 mm. „ 0.24

(c) In Boxes whose dimensions exceed any one of the

dimension given under (b) above ;, 40%

652 Musical Instruments :—

(а) Complete „ 25%

(б) Parts and Accessories :—

(1) Organ Reeds ,, 10%

(2) Ivory Key Boards ,, 10%

(3) Others „ 20%

653 Pearls, Real or Imitation Value 30%

654 Pens, Pencils, and Other OHiee Requisites, n.o.p.f „ 20%

655 Perfumery, Cosmetics, Shaving Soap, Face Cream, Tooth

Paste, Talcum or other Toilet Powder, Hair Tonic, and all

other Preparation for the Hair, Mouth, Teeth, or Skin „ 35%

656 Photographic and Cinematographic Products, Apparatus, and

Materials of all kinds except Chemicals ,, 25%

657 Plants and Flowers, Living „ 10%

658 Precious and Semi-Precious Stones, Real or Imitation (includ-

ing Jade stone, Cornelian Stone, etc.) and Manufactures

thereof :—

(a) Uncut and Unpolished :

(1) Jidestone Quintal 10%

(2) Others Value 20%

(b) Others ,, 25%

659 Printing and Lithographic Materials, n.o.p.f ,, 15%


660 Sand-Paper :— 1 Unit C.G.U.

(d) Sheet not over / sq. metre Ream 0.60

(6) Sheet over 1 f10 sq.10 metre Value 10%

661 Sponges. „ 15%

662 Sporting Requisites, n.o.p.f ,, 20%

663 Starch K’gramme 15%f

664 Synthetic Resins and Plastics (such as Celluloid, Bakelites,

etc.) and Manufactures thereof, n.o.p.f. :—

(a) Manufactures Value 35%

(b) Others (including Lumps, Bars, Rods, Plates, Sheets,

Tubes, etc., i.e., not as finished Articles),..., „ ?0%-

665 Thermostatic Containers, and parts or accessories thereof „ ^5%

666 Tobacconists’ Sundries „ 30%

667 Toilet Equipment (such as Combs, Brushes, eic.) ,, 35%

668 Toys and Games' „ 35%

669 Trunks, Suitcases, Satchels, Card .Cases, Jewel Cases, Port-

folios, and Travelling Bags or Boxes of all kinds ,, 30%

670 Umbrellas and Sunshades :—

(a) With Handles wholly or partly Of Precious ‘ Metals,

Ivory, Mother-of-Pearl, Tbrtbise-Shell, Agate) etc'.,

or Jewelled Pidee 25%

(b) With all other Handles, all (jottoh', or'Cotton Mixtures,

not .Silk „ 0.20

(c) With all other Handles, Silk and Silk Mixtures ,, 0.50

(d) With all other Handles. Paper „ 0.13

(e) With all other Handles, Others ,, 25%

(/) , Parts and accessories Value 20%

671 Works of Art, such as Pictures, 'Etchings, and Engravings,

Paintings, Drawings, Statuary, Sculptures, and/or Copies, !

Replicas, or Reproductions thereof :..... „ 20%

672 Articles not otherwise provided for in this Tariff ,-, 20%; '




i Vladivostock is the chief town of the Maritime Province, which, together with

£ the Habarovsk,

Provinces formsNicolaevsk, Amour, Region”

the “Far Eastern Zeia, Tchita, Sretensk,TheKamchatka,

of Siberia. administrativeand Saghalien

centre is

' at Habarovsk.

[ The port of Vladivostock, lies in latitude 43 deg. 7 min. North, longitude 131

I deg. 54 min. East, at the southern end of a long peninsula reaching into Peter the

TiI ofGreat Bay.

the and


Of the portsharbours

mostthemagnificent in East Siberia

once supposed hidden


is by trom

in thetreasures far the most

in the itsslightly


peculiar long andItsoilhas




of its

if surrounding

trances to thehills it hasarenothidden

harbour inappropriately

by Russian been Island,called


GoldentheHorn.fairway The into


!j two narrow passages. This fine sheet of water first runs for about half a mile in a

northern direction and then suddenly bends to the east for a distance of about one

r mile. On all sides it is surrounded by hills low on the southern and higher on the

|, northern

with foliage,shore;



beenslope sharplydenuded

completely down toofthetrees water’s edge. Once

by reckless felling.verdane


, harbour, capable of accommodating an almost unlimited number of vessels of deep

i draught and large capacity, affords a safe anchorage. During the winter months it is

i1 kept open by

difficulty. ice-breakers

There is a floatingsodock


steamersof cantakingalways find up

in vessels theirto 3,000

way tons,

in without

and a

'/ fine graving dock of the following dimensions:—Length over all, 621 feet; length at

| bottom,

There are also two large docks built especially for purposes of the State war fleet,feet.

564 feet; breadth, 118 feet; breadth at entrance, 90 feet; min. depth, 29 but

! merchant vessels are innowthepermitted

railway authorities form oftorevised

dock infreight

them. ratesThanksandto efforts

assistance from thea

to employ

: maximum number of cars during the last two years, shipments via Changchun to

! South Manchurian ports assumed dimensions indicating that an outlet via Yladivostock

: is not vital to the prosperity of North Manchuria.

; A large import business was formerly done, the main lines being cotton goods, iron,,


interior. flour,municipal

fresh andaffairs

potted meat, boots, were

of Vladivostock and managed

tea for transportation

by a Mayor andintoTown the

! i. Council

\ 1922 the elected by and from atamong

Soviet Government Moscowthe extended

Russian civil community.

its authority In the AutumnTheof

to Vladivostock.

'|l townharbour,

the is built and

on the southernbrick

handsome sloperesidences

of the hillshaverunning

been along

erectedtheinnorthern shore re-of

recent years,

|’ placing

unoccupied the lots

old intervening

wooden structures.

here and The there,entire area, with

is covered the exception

by buildings, and theoftown someis

though the town is fairly healthy. Most conspicuous among the buildings arebad,

well laid out with wide but ill-kept roads. The sanitary arrangements are the

|| government

railway offices,

station, the the post and

museum, the telegraph

Russian offices, the

church, municipal

residenceshouse, the barracks,

formerly occupied the


\ the Governor and by the Admiral Commanding (the latter residence is surrounded

|; by a public garden), while the houses formerly belonging to the more

are well and substantially built. There are two or three hotels, a university, several affluent merchants

; schools for boys and girls, and military, naval and civil hospitals. In June, 1891, the

; late Tsar cut at Vladivostock the first sod of the Siberian Railway, which was com-

pleted in 1902. The port is the terminus of the great trunk line from Moscow, and

■ there are steamship services to Japan and Shanghai.



Anglo-Chinese Easteuk Trading . Co'., Great Northern Telegraph Co., Ltd.

T. C.Hordurn.

Ltd.—27,’ Lineinaya, Street; Teleph.

8-74; P.O. Box 122; Cable Ad: Soya Jeppesensupt.

F: A. Kunze, signs per pro. G. W. Sorensen

S. H. Madsen | M. F. Andersen

Becos Traders, Ltd.—15^ 25th October C. H. C. Brogger I A. T. Hansen

Street; P.O. Box

J. Findlay, agent102; Cable Ad: Becos A.C; A.M. Smidt

Knudsen | E.G. G.Andresen



China • Wapsard & Co. — Cable Ad: Orient;

, Code:

Bentley’s; Scott’s

10th A.B.C.

edn. and5thAcme,


Germany L. P. Wassard, managing partner

Consul—A Balser A. Jorgensen, partner

Secretary—A. Wollny ' E. Lundsteen, manager


situatedThe port

on theandriver




39 milesfounded

from itsinmouth.

1851 byTheAdmiral

Amur isNevelskoi,

here aboutis


milesto infourwidth,

knots,with a depth

though the inriver

mid-stream of eightinto parts,

is very shallow nine fathoms

even inandmid-stream.

a current

It is navigable for vessels of light draught for more than 2,000 miles, and Vessels of 12

feet draught

sea level andcangradually

get up 600 miles.eastward

slopes The town

downis tobuilttheonriver.

a plateau

The 50mostfeetconspicuous

above the


in appearance, with a large west tower, having belfry and dome, but it imposing

is the Cathedral, round which the town is built. This structure is is built

of wood and is showing signs of deterioration. At the back of the Cathedral

is“ Governor’s’’house,

a large grass-grown andsquare, two sidesThere

police station. of which

are fewaresubstantial


by barracks, the

in the town,

except those used as public buildings or stores, and the buildings

built of wood. The town suffered badly in the Spring of 1920 in the struggle between are small and wholly

at“ Beds ’ andexcept

present “ Whites,”

in fish and a large pai-t ofquantities

and cranberries, it was burped down.beingThere

of salmon driedis little trade

and cured

here. There is a small export of Manchurian soya beans to Japan.

Classified List of Agents, Mercthcunts

and JilcunufcLctm'ers in tTcis

territory, also a List of Cable

Addresses, will be fonnd at the

Lnd of the Directory. Classified

List of Far Eastern Engineering

Firms follows Fong Fong.








China Travel Service is the unique Chinese travel bureau

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in cities visited.

China Travel Service plans itineraries, arranges for you

to see the greatest number of interesting places at a minimum

of expense and bother.

China Travel Service handles your baggage, guarantees

prompt and safe delivery, checks them with your ticket on

steamers, or store them in their godowns at a nominal cost.

Cffina Travel Service clears your baggage through cus-

toms and forwards freight to any given destination. It

arranges for porters to meet you at railway stations and makes

certain that you and your baggage are on the right train. It

organizes tours, arranges de luxe accommodations in trains

and steamships and helps you to secure necessary visas on

your passport.

China Travel Service helps to solve the nettling problems

of local currencies. It buys and sells travel checks in foreign


Write us for informations, or consult us personally, let

us summit a suggested itinerary, with estimated costs for

your trip through China.

You can non travel in China for less

than it costs you to stay at home! Let us

shon you hon.


Constitution and Government

anThe government

absolute monarchy,of the

but Japanese Empire was anciently,

the real adpainistrative and executive in theory

poweratwas least,in that



threw, ofafter

the Shogun

a short andwar,histheclansmen.

power of,the In the year together

Shogun, 1868 thewithImperialist

that of theparty over-


-or feudal nobles, who, on the 25th, June, ,1869, resigned their lands, revenues, and

retainers to the Mikado,

-originalincomes, by whom

but ordered to residetheyin.the


permitted to retain

in future. one-tenthisofknown

The sovereign their



Emperor. The word “Mikado”

in general use among the Japanese. is only one of many honorific titles and has


coronation years the reigning

ceremonies monarch, succeeded to the throne in December, 1927, and the

thirty-six of agewereandperformed

is, accordingin Kyoto in November,

to Japanese 1928. partly

chronology, His Majesty


thed 24th of an unbroken dynasty, founded 660 B.c.



the Mikado was formerly

and public opinion.absolute, but its exercise

The Emperor Mutsuhito, was posthumously

controlled to

and ordinarily known as the Emperor Meiji in 1875, when the Senate and Supreme

Judicial Tribunal

stitutional system ofwere govfounded,


The Mikado declared his earnest

has long desire toas have

been regarded a con-

the spiritual

as well as the temporal head of the Empire, but, although the Shinto faith is held

to be a form of national religion, the Emperor does not interfere in religious matters,

and all religions are tolerated in Japan. The Ecclesiastical Department was in 1877

reduced ‘ toacts

Emperor a simple

throughbureauan under

Executivethe control

Ministryof divided

the Ministerinto ofeleven

the Interior.

departments, The

— Gwaimu Sho (Foreign Affairs), Naimu Sho (Interior), Okura Sho, (Finance), Kaigun

■SShoho (Agriculture

(Navy), iiikugun Sho (Army),Shoko

and Forestry), ShihoShoSho(Commerce

(Justice),and Mombu Sho (Education),

Industry), Norin

Teishin Sho (Com-


•Council, Takumusho

modelled on that(Overseas

pf GreatAffairs)



The newInConstitution,

1888 a Privy

promised by the Mikado, was proclaimed on the 11th February, 1889, and in July,


ary the,firstis Parliamen,t

bicameral, wasthe elected)

House ofit Peers

met onandthethe 29thHouse

November. The Parliament-

of Representatives con-

stituting the Imperial Diet. , ‘ •

The Empire is divided for administrative purposes into three Fu, or urban prefectures


which haveKyoto,

beenand Osaka),into

converted anda43kenKen,



Okinawa. including the Loochoo

The island of Yezo isIslands,


a separate administration, called Hokkaido-cho. Chosen or Corea, which was annexed

By Japan in 1910* Formosa, and the “Kwantung Province of Manchuria are governed asi

-colonies with a Governor General, or, in the, case of Kwantung,

general supervision of the Ministry of Overseas Affairs. Kwantung Province was a Governor, under the

originally leased

the Russo-Japanese by Russia from China, the lease being taken over by Japan as a result

all ofof

cqtial rank, are underwar.the The pi and

control' of thekenMinistry

are governedof thebyInterior


powers, being required to submit every matter, unless there is a precedent for it, to

the Minister

.come under the of thecognizance'of

Interior. Nor thehave they any

51 local concern

Courts, and thein judicial

seven proceedings,

Supreme Courts whichat

Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya.

Daishin-In presides at Tokyo. , Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Miyagi, and Sapporo, over which the

Previous to the last-change of Government, which restpred

regime, the administrative authority rested with the Shogun (Military Commander), the ancient Imperial

whom foreigners were at first led* to recognise as the temporal sovereign, and with whom


1184 bynegotiated

Yoritomo,treaties of peacegreatandvalour

a general commerce. The Shogunate was founded in

^several dynasties until 1868, ofwhen the Tokugawa and ability,


continued through

of the

-^usurped authority. Under the Shogun 300 or more Daimios (feudal princes) shared


conditionally upon their loyalty to the Shogun;supreme

the administrative power, being practically but theirinranktheirand respective domains;

power disappeared

with the Shogunate.

Notification and RescriptOnrehabilitating

the 7th July,the1884, however,

nobility, andHis Majestytoissued

admitting an Imperial

its ranks the most

distinguished civil and military officials who took part in the work of the Restoration-

The old

{Ko), titles(llafni),

Count were abolished^

Viscount and (Shi),have


(Dan). by those of Prince (A'o), Marquis-


The total area :-of JapaiT, exclusive of Forhjosa and Chosen,; is estimated at 163,042;


Census Board in 1930, was 64,447,724Empire,

miles. The population of the for Japanaccording

Proper;to 21,05V,969

the returnsforfromKorea; the

4,594,161 for

Osaka, isTokyo, Forifiosa; and

Nagoya, divided 295,187

Kyoto, Kobe, for Saghalien. The most populous cities are

Japan geographically into theYokohama and Nagasaki

four islands: Honshiu, inthethecentral



important territory;*'Kiushui, “nine provinces,” the south-western island; Shikoku,

“the fourde-veloped.

and'least provinces,”Thethefirstsouthern island;areandsub-divided

three islands Hokkaido,into theeight




containing 66 provinces, and the latter Hokkaido is divided into 11 provinces.

Extension of the Japanese railway systems has proceeded uninterruptedly since-

the first line

cluding Chosen, was laid in 1872.andTheSaghalien),

Formosa mileage'open to traffictoin the Japan proper (ex-

is 8,826 miles of State railway and 5,769 miles ofaccording private railway. 1930 returns,

The Govern-

ment in 1906 decided on the State ownership of all railways which are used for

general traffic, the object being to improve the facilities for direct traffic over long

distances, to accelerate transportation, and to cheapen the cost. The Government

proposed tofrom

extending purchase

1906 tothe1911,



the House to 32'ofprivate companies

Peers, when withincamea period

the Bills before

them, reduced the number of companies I to. be, , bought out to 17 and extended

the period of purchase to 1915. The aggregate length of the lines it was decided to


through the waswhole

2,812 transaction

miles. It was soonyear,

in one foundandadvisable

the sum for various

of Yen reasons was

483,563,325 to carry


during the two years 1907-8 and 1908-9. As a: result of the war with Russia, the South

Manchurian Railway • was taken over by Japan.

electric tramway in Japan, with many more under construction. There are well over 4,000 miles of

By treaties made with a number of foreign Governments the Japanese ports of

Kanagawa (Yokohama), Nagasaki, Kobe, Hakodate, Niigata, and the cities of Tokyo


new treaties called



the1 were



to foreign commerce. In 1894

was abolished

and thein whole

force countryActually,

July, 1899. opened toextra-territoriality

foreign trade andceased residence, the treaty

to exist to come

on August into

4th, 1899.


There Education

are is national

numerous High and very Middle

Schools, general Schools,

in Japan,Normal

and isSchools,

making great progress.

special studies—such as Law, Commerces, Science, Medicine, Mining,and Colleges

Agriculture, for


Foreign Languages—and several Female High Schools have been established, and are

carefully fostered by the Government. In order to,facilitate the prosecution of foreign

studies the Government

public expense, employs-of students

a large number many Europeanevery yearprofessors,

to AmericaandandalsoEurope.

sends, at the

The Earthquakes of 1923 And 1930

any An appalling

recorded in theearthquake—probably

history of the world—occurred the most disastrous

in Tokyo and in itsYokohama


and theof


killed, 43,000 were missing and believed to be dead and 113,000 were injured. were

district on September 1st, 1923, as a result of which 100,000 people The;

material damage was enormous. A very large proportion of the buildings in the

capital and the chief port were reduced to dust and ashes by the earthquake and


and fires whichthefollowed.

assessed damage atTheyenofficial returns gave

$380,000,000.!; Greata progress

total of 6,962

has beenfactories


in Tokyo-

and Yokohama with re-construction work on the most modern lines.


On November 26th, 1930, Japan experienced another serious earthquake,

feeing killed, 351 injured and over 8,000 buildings were damaged. Though the shock 252 people

was felt severely in Tokyo the special precautions taken in the rebuilding of the

capital fully justified themselves and practically no damage was sustained in the

rural districts. The total damage was estimated over twenty million yen.

Foreign Trade For 1934


is, foreign trade ofexports

¥2,171,925,000 Japan proper for the yearimports,

and ¥2,282,531,000 1934 amounts to $4,454,456,000

the balance in favour of;

imports being ¥110,606,000. Compared with 1933 this represents an increase of


imports. 16.7 per cent.)alsoinshows

balance exports and ¥365,311,000

an increase (or 19.1

of ¥54,432,000 per per

(or 96.9 cent.) in


compared with an adverse of ¥56,174,000 for the previous year.


exports by which have increased

$36,102,000, in valueand

Machineries are parts

: Cotton Tissues

thereof by ¥109,136,000,

by ¥31,920,000, Silk

Tissues by ¥13,943,000, Iron Manufactures by ¥8,380,000, Cotton Yarn by ¥7,773,000,

Rice and Paddy by ¥6,296,000, Pottery by ¥6,243,000, Aquatic products by ¥6,171,000,


Raw Silk,Goods



Coal and

and WoodRefinedby Sugar

¥5,277,000. The the

in which largest


of exportswerewasin

¥104,107,000, ¥6,503,000, ¥3,782,000 and ¥1,377,000, respectively, less than last year.

RawThe chief changes

Cotton, ¥34,922,000among in the


¥27,653,000imported were a crude,

in Rubber, gain of ¥126,578,000

¥’25,364,000 inin

Machineries and parts thereof, ¥14,136,000 in Oil, Kerosene or Petroleum and

¥10,536,000 in Coal; and decreases of ¥10,860,000 in Rice and Paddy, ¥3,635,000 in

Wheat, and ¥3,115,000 in Crude Sugar.

The trade with China and Manchukuo for the year 1934 totalled YT866,048,000 as

against Y718,318,QQ0 for the, previous year, showing a favourable balance of

¥241,108,000 as against a favourable balance of ¥151,302,000 in 1933.



Cabinet (Naikaku);

Prime Minister— Okada Keisuke

Minister of Foreign Affairs—Hirota Kohki

Minister of Hoine Affairs—Goto Fumio

Minister of Finance—Takahashi Korekiyo

Minister of War -Hayashi Senjuro

Minister of the Navy--Osumi Mineo

Minister of Justice—Rohara Tadashi

Minister of Education—Matsuda Genji

Minister of Agriculture and Forestry—Yamazaki Tatsunosuke

Minister of Commerce and Industry—Machida Chuji

Minister of Communications—Tokonami Takejiro

Minister of Railways—Uchida Shinya

Minister;of Overseas Affairs—Kodama Hideo

Chief Secretarjf Of Cabinet—Yoshida Shigeru

Privy Council (Sumitsu-in)

President—Baron Ichiki Kitokuro

Vice do. —Dr. Kiichiro Hiranuma

H. I. H. Prince Y asuhito (Chichibu-no Miya)

H. I. H. Prince Nobuhito (Takamatsu-no-Miya)

H. I. H. Prince Kotohita (Kanin-no-Miya)



Argentina (Legation)—Shinsaka-ina- Envoy Extraordinary and Minis-

chi 67, Akasaka-ku,

(Aoyama) 3-290 Tokj^o ; Teleph. ter Plenipotentiary—H.E. Dr.

Charge d’affaires — Arturo . Alvarez ;Fi Havlicek, ll.d.

Moufcene'gro , Secretary—Milos Krupka

Commercial Secretary—A. J! Veiny

Belgium (Embassy)—33, Shimbniban-

ebo, Kojiniacbi-ku, Tokyo; Telepb Denmark (Legation’)-^-S, Nakadori,

Kudan 3556 Marunouchi, Tokyo; Teleph. Maru-

Ambasss.dOjr Extraordinary and nouchi 0937; Cable Ad: Legadane-

Plbnipoteritia'ry—H.E. Baron Al- Charge d’ Affaires—Hugo Hergel

bert de Bassoulpierre (Private ;: Assist. Cbinmercial attache—Aage

Telepbl Kiidan 2904) , Henriksen

First Secretary—Maurice Iweins

d’Ee9kbout;te (Privat® Telepb. Finland (Legation)—62, Tansu-machi,.

Kudan 3730) Azabu-ku, Tokyo;1 Teleph. Akasaka.

.Interpreter — Ferdinand Buckens '’0205

(Private‘Telepb. Kudan 1850)' j Enroy Extraordinary and Minis-

Brazil (Embassy)—2, Omote-cho, 3- ter Plenipotentiary—Hugo Val-

cbome, Akasakaku Tokyo; Teleph. vanne

(Anyama) Bar.eao

; of the Arubas:

sador; (Ady,afua)!55’A4 j House; (Aoyama) France ( Embassy)—33, Fujimi-cho,.

5668,'Chancel lafy

Ambassador Extraordinary and Azabu-ku Ambassadeur Extraordinaire et


tins Pereira e Sousa E. Carlos Mar- Plenipotentiaire—H. E. Fernand

1st Secy.—Antonio Moreira de Abreu f rCpunsellor Pila of the Embassy—Jean-

Canada (Legation) — 16, 3-chome, . Attache BaptisteNaval


Omote-Cho, Akasaka-ku, Tokyo; , T . j Corvette Aubry—deCaptaine la Noe Le

Telephs. Aoyama 6872-3-4-5 • Attache Militaire — Lt.-Col. C. E.

II.M.’s Minister for Canada—H.E. Mast

Sir Herbert Marler

1st Secretary—Dr. Hugh LI. Keen- . Attach^ bacher

Commercial — A. Fisch-


1st. Secretary—James A. Langley

2nd Secretary—K. P. Kirkwood - Germany (Embassy)—14, Nagata-cho,,

Assist. Commercial attacbbs—A. K. Bihome, Kojimachi - ku, Tokyo;

Doull and T. J. Monty •Teleiffi-

Attache—F. M. Irwin Gable Ad(57): Diplogerma


(Ginza) 2317-8 and 3033;.

Extraordinary and:


Chilean (Legation)—7, 1-chome, Shi- Plenipotentiary — H. E. Dr. H.

rokane Daimachi, Shiba ku, Tokyo; von Dirksen

. G.qgnsellor—Dr. W. Noebel



d’Affaires—Sergio Montt Military Attache—Col. E. Ott

Naval Attach^—Capt. P. W.

China (Legation) —14, Jiguramachi, , Counsellor Wepneker

6-chome, Azabuku, Tokyo of Legation—Dr. H. Kolb-

Ambassadeur Extraordinaire et Commercial

Haas of Secretary — Dr. W.


Tso Ping E. Tsiang Secretary Legation — Dr. W.


Attach^ of the Embassy—Dr.

Czeoholovakia (Legation)—Office: 67,

Tansumachi, Azabu-ku, Tokyo; Chancellor—H. Schultze Tichy

Teleph. Akasaka 0183; Cable Ad: Secretaries of Consulate — G.

Zamini, Tokyo Schneider, J. Altendorf and F.


JAPAN ‘245-

Geeat Britain (Embassy)—!, Goban- Envoy Extraordinary & Minister

oho, Kojimachi-ku, Tokyo; Telephs. Plenipotentiary—Ludvig Caesar

Kudan 2706 and 2707; Cable Ad: Marti a Aubei t

Prodrome, Tokyo Secretary—C; P. Retrsch

. Ambassador Extraordinary and

Plenipolentiary — H. E. the Kt. Peru (Legation)—13, Shinzakamachi,

Hon. Sir B. H. Clive, k.u.m.g. Akasaka-ku, Tokyo: Teleph. Apya-

Counsellor—C. E. S. Dodd

Counsellor — W. B. Cunningham maChargee 5820

d’Affaires in Japan and'

Commercial Counsellor — G. B. China—Jorge Bailey Lembcke

Sansom, c.m.g. Military

■Commercial Secretary—H. A. Ma- Mendoza Attache — Major Juan

crae, M.B.E. ;

Naval Attache— Capt. J. G. P. Poland (Legation)—3, - Hiroo-cho,

Vivian, k.n.

Military Attache—Col. E. A. H. Azabu-ku, Tokyo; Telephs. (Resi-

dence) Tanakawa 7406'; (Office) Tana-

James kawa 2308; Cable Ad : Polmission

Envoy Extraordinary and Minis-

Greece (Legation1)— 8, Nakadori; ter Plenipotentiary — H. E.

Michel Moscicki

Marunouchi, Tokyo Military Attache—Commandant Br.

Royal Danish Legation in charge Adam Przybylski

of Greek Interests . Secretary of Legation—Jacek Tra-

Italy (Embassy)—28, Mita, 1-chome, winski

Shibaku; Teleph. Mita 1580; Cable Chancellors — Marja Remiszewska

Ad: Italiadipl and Eugenie Wielowieyska

Ambassador Extraordinary and Portugal (Legation) — l,Sannencho,

Plenipotentiary—H.E. G. Auriti Kojimachi-ku, Tokyo; Telephs. Ginza


Military and Air Mariani

Attache—Col. G. (57)Envoye 1048; Private: (57) 1787et Ministre

Scalise Extraordinaire

Plenipotentiaire — Exc. M. le

Naval Attache—Capt. A. Ghe Dr. Thomaz1 Ribeiro de Mello

, Secretary-HJomauL.Garbaccio Secretaire

Secretary Interpreter—Cav. Almo

G. Melkay Waldemar da Fonseca Araujole Dr.

de Legation—M.

Siam (Legation)—2, Dai-machi, Akasa-

Mexico (Legation)—20, Nagata-cho, 2- ka-ku ; Teleph. Aoyama 4337

chome, Kojimachi-ku, Tokyo; Envoy Extraordinary and Minis-


Cable Ad:Ginza ,(57) 4404 and 4495;

Legamex ter Plenip.—Phra . Mitrakarm

Minister—H. E. Brig.-Gral. F. J. Rasha

Aguilar 3rd Secretary—Luang Ratanadeb

"Secretary—C. A. Baumbach Attache—Arun Vichitrananda


zunza, Mex. Navy. Carlps!

1 R. Ber- ■ S pain (Legation) — Ichibei-cho. 1-

Iiiterptieter—B. Jlibi" chome, Azabu-ku, Tokyo; Teleph.

Akasaka (48) 461-2

Envoy ■ Extraord. and Minister

Netherlands (Legation)—!, Sakae- Plenip.—M. Santiago

cho, Shiba-ku, Tokyo; Telenh. Shiba Counsellor—Juan Gomez de Mo-

(43) 0130 lina, y Elio ,

Envoy Extraordinary & Minister


J. C. Pabst General Sweden (Legation)—63, Zaimokucho,.

Secretary—W. C. Count van Rech- 5770; Azabu-ku, Tokyo; Teleph. Aoyama

teren Limpurg Cable Ad: Swedlegation

Envoy Extraordinary and Minis-

ter Plenipotentiary—Dr. J. E

Norway (Legation)—2; 3-chome, Ma- Hultman

runouchi, Kojomachi-ku, Tokyo; Secretary—R. Bagge

Teleph. Marunouchi (23) 3790 Interpreter—J. Widenfelt


Switzerland (Legation)—], Shimoni- United States of America (Embassy)

ban-cho, Kojimachi-ku —1, Enokizaka-machi, Akasaka-ku;



C. Pdbi Telephs. Ikasaka (48) 0421-4, 0525 and

Secretary-Interpreter — Louis N. 1409Ambassador Extraordinary and

Tanaka Plenipotentiary—Joseph Clark

Turkey (Embassy) — 47, Kamiyama- Grew

machi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; Teleph. Counsellor—Edwin L. Neville

Aoyama 4520 First Secretary—Erie R. Dickover

Ambassador Extraordinary and Second Secretary—Edward S. Crocker


d’Affaires—H. E. Nebiland Charge Third Secretaries — Cabot Coville

Morris N. Hughes and George

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics D. Andrews

(Embassy)—!, Mamianacho, Azabu- Naval Attache—Capt. Fred F.

bu, ;Tokyo; Rogers

0139 Cable AdTeleph.

: PolpredAkasaka 0138, Military Attache—Major William

C. Crane

Ambassador—K. Yurenev Commercial Attache—Frank S.

Trade Commissioner

Counsellor—Y. and Comm’l

Kotchetoff Williams

Military Attache—Ivam Rink Assistant Naval Attache—Lt. Ethel-

N aval Attache—A. Kovaleff bert Watts.

Consul General and 1st Secretary Assist. Military Attache — Capt.

—Y. Jelezniakoff John Weckerling


The capital of Japan is situated on Tokyo Bay, bn the East coast of

Japan. The river Sumida runs through the city, the larger part lying to the

west of this waterway, while on the east lie the two wards named Honjo and

F ukagawa

Tokyo as viewed from the bay is a pleasant-looking city, being well situat-

ed undulating ground, and possessing abundant foliage. The city covers 198

square miles and is divided into 35 wards.

In 1603, when lyeyasu became Shogun, he made Yedo, as it was then

called his capital, and from that time, in spite.of the earthquakes which

several times nearly destroyed it and the fires which ravaged it, the city con-

tinued to grow until it exceeded Kyoto, the ancient capital, in population and

in splendour. The transfer of the Imperial Capital from Kyoto to Tokyo, as

it was then re-named, in 1868, brought increased prosperity to the city, and

from a population of a little more than 580,000 in 1878, it increased to


census.0,000wasin taken.

1888, to According

1,140,000 into1898, and to 2,170,000

an estimate made byin city


when the first 1934

during national


population was 5,663,350.

Tokyo is one of the three cities in Japan which stands in a prefecture;by

itself, with a Governor appointed by the Central Government. The city itself

is governed by a Mayor and a Municipality, Which now has control over most

of the public utilities, including the water aiid electric supplies, and the

tramways. Of recent years the feudal aspect of Tokyo has almost entirely

disanpeared, the streets having been widened so as to permit of modern traffic

conditions. Many fine buildings have also been erected, such as the Imperial

Theatre, one of the finest in the Far East, the Imperial Hotel and large

blocks of business houses. Tokyo Central Station situated in the heart of the

business quarters, is now connected with all the main lines in Japan, thus

adding to the convenience of passengets.

TOKYO 2 <7

A section well worth a visit is the public park or garden named Uyeno,

where formerly stood tbe magnificent temple founded and maintained by the

Shoguns, and whibh was destroyed by fire during the War of Restoration in

July, 1868. In Uyeno is‘also situated the fine Imperial Museum (Haku-butsu-

kwan), the Tokyo Gallery of Fine Arts, the Academy of Music and a small

Zoological Garden.

Undoubtedly the finest recent addition to the capital is the Meji Shrine-

dedicated to the Emperor Meiji, (1868-1911), and its beautiful outer garden

which includes a fine stadium for athletic meetings and football matches, a

huge baseball ground, a swimming pool and an imposing Mei.u Art Gallery.

Among the places much resorted to by visitors is the ancient temple of

Kwannon, at Asakusa, not far from Uyeno, one of the most popular and most

frequented temples in Japan. At the right of the temple there is a fine old

Pagoda, and near it are two colossal stone statues. A new park was also

opened close to the temple about the same time as that of Uveno. Thus,

with Shiba, in the, southwest, where are to be seen some of the splendid

shrines of the Shoguns, among the chief glories of Tokyo, there are three

large public gardens within the city, in addition to the Meiji Shrine garden

mentioned above.

Tokyo, does no direct foreign trade, all goods from abroad or coming

from abroad, being handled by lighters to and’ from’ Yokohama.- Of . late years

Tokyo has become the centre of a large industrial district. In addition to

the smaller industries that are carried on in the city itself, there are in the

immediate vicinity of the capital large cotton mills, iron foundries, and

machine shops which employ thousands of hands.

The districts of Honjo and Fukagawa form a distinct industrial portion

of the capital. Here is the centre of the lumber and other trades. This

quarter is connected with the rest of the city by ten splendid bridges all re-

built since the earthquake. The biggest of them are called, commencing on



built). Senju-O Hashi, Kuramae-Bashi

Umaya-Bashi, Kototoi-Bashi (new


built),Azuma-Rashi, Komagate-Bash,

Ryogoku-Bashi, Shi o-Bashi

Kiyosu-Bashi (new built\ and Eitai-Bashi, respectively. From these the traveller

may obtain a fine view of the animated river life of the Sumida, whose Waters are

always covered with junks and boats of all descriptions.

Several great first have swept Tokyo during the last two decades, and

these have led to ..great improvements and widening of the streets. -The last

of these broke out on September 1st, 1923, following upon a very severe earth-

quake- The casualties due to this terrible visitation were as follows, accord-

ing to a return isstied in November by the Home Office:—Dead 68,215; missing

(believed to be dead). 39,304; injured. 42,135. The number of houses des-

troyed is said to have been 316,000, or 71 per cent, of the whole of the build

ings of the city; and no fewer than 1,360,000 people were rendered home-


The soldiers and police are dressed in uniform on the western model.

Though large numbers appear in European garb, the native dress still com-

monly worn, and in the case , of the women has practically not at alUbeen


The environs of Tokyo are very picturesque and offer a great variety of

pleasant walks or The

country around. rides.finestForeigners

scenery iswillat the

find northern

much to andinterest them sides

western in the


the city, where the country is surrounpled by beautiful hills, from which- there

is a distant view of the noble mountains of Hakone while beyond rises in

solitary grandeur the towering peak of Fuji-san covered with . snow the

greater part of the year.

Many of the most famous educational institutions are situated in Tokyo.

In addition to the Imperial University, there is the celebrated Waseda

University, the Keio Gijuku, the Meiji Gakuin, the Aoyama Gakuin, and a

large number of technical, normal, commercial and other colleges.


Tokyo was opened to foreign residence in 1870 and an area of land at

Tsukiji on the waterfront was set aside as a Foreign Settlement, which wTas

largely taken advantage of by Christian Missionary bodies. With the passing


became possible, andhowever,

of lateresidence by foreigners

years many in any

foreign firms haveipart of the5


offices in Tokyo.


(For Japanese Jirmn see Classified List of Trades)

(Embassies and Legations see pages 2J)8-J^.6)

Aall & Company, Ltd., Importers, Allen, Sons & Co., Ltd., W. H..,

Exporters, Shipbrokers, and Steam- x\lechanical and Electrical En-

ship Agents—Mitsubishi, 2lst Bldg., gineers—6,

Marunouchi; Telephs. 925 and 926 Kojimachi-ku,Maruhouchi, 2-chome,

Teleph. 4646 (Maru-

(Marunoiiehi) ; P.O.

tral)- Cable Ad: Aall Box 41 (Cen- nouchi) ; Cable Ad: Manifesto

Cato N. B. Aall, managing director

Ths. Seeberg, manager America-.!apan Society (see Clubs)

Raghar Dahl, p.p. manager

American Bible Society (see Clubs)

Agence Havas—9, Nishi-Gmza 8-cho-

me, Teleph. 2121 (Ginza); Cable

Ad: Havas American Club (see Clubs)

Agfa Gomei Kaisha, Importers of American Consulate (see Consulates)

Photographic Supplies — 10. Maru-

nouchi, 2-chome; Teleph. Marunou-

chi (23) 1953; Cable Ad: Agfafoto American Embassy (see Embassies),

Ahrens & Co., Nachf., H. (Gomei

Kaisha)—Yaesu Building, Maru-

nouchi ; Telephs. (23) 2545, 2546 and American-Japanese Commercial Co.,

.2547 (Marunouchi) ; P.O. Box Cen- (Nichibei ,, Shoji Gomei Kaisha),

Exporters and Importers of Ma-

tral 137; Cable Ads: Nitrammon, chinery and Hardware—1665, Tokyo

Nordlloyd, Ahrens Kaijo Building, Marunouchi; Te-

H. Bosch, acting partner lephs. Marunouchi (23) 1758 and

P. von Schubert (Shanghai) 4775; Cable Ad : Amharwa

Fr. Schneider, signs per pro.

H. W, J. Schreiner, do.

E. Avering (Formosa)

W. Babick j Miss U. Dann American Mail Line—8, Marunouchi;

Teleph. (Mar.) 2917; Cable Ad:

F. Gilbert I A. Kayser

G. R. Schmidt, sighs per pro. Dollar Tokyo


G. Broetje (Kobe)

H. Vogel do. American School in Japan—1985, Kami

H. Steenbuck do Meguro, 6297

2-chome, Meguro-ku; Teleph.

H. Umbhau (Yokohama) Aoyama

.Anents for Board of Trustees—R. F. Moss (chair-

Stickstoff-Syndikat, G.m.b.H., Ber- man), R. L. Durgin (vice-chair-

lin. Fertilizers man), R. H. Fisher (secretary)

Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. and D. H. Blake (treasurer)

Passenger and Freight Line Harold C. Amos, principal

TOKYO 24&.

American Trading Co.'of Japan, Ltd., Askania, G. K.—Sanwa Building, 3,

Exporters, Importers and Engine- Gofukubashi, 1-chome, Nihonbashi-

ers—2, Marunouchi, Kojimachi-ku, ku; Teleph. Nihonbashi (24) 2745;

P.O. Box 384; Teleph. (Mar.) 3171- Cable Ad: Askaniagok

4; Cable Ad: Amtraco; Branches at

Kobe, Osaka, and Yokohama Associated Press of America — 9,

Officers Ginza-nishi, 8-chome, Kyobashi-ku;

Wm. Hirzel, president (Kobe) Teleph. (57) 2121 (Ginza); Cable

0. C. Seyfarth, treas & secy. Ad: Associated


Managers Austrian Consulate (see Consulates)

D. M. Forsyth, manager (Tokyo

office) Automatic Telephone Maintenance

H. Hall, manager (Kobe office) Co., Importers of Telephones &

Accounting Dept.

C. Y. Baldwin, chief aect. (Kobe) Electrical Supplies — 508, Toyo

Building, -Uchiyamashita-cho, Koji-

Export Dept.

O. C. Seyfarth (Kobe) machi-ku ; Teleph. 4596 ■; (Ginza

Import Dept. Cable Ad: Strowger

H. Hall, manager (Kobe) M. Kamiya, managing director

J. V. Agajan, manager (Tokyo) Balfour & Co., Ltd., Arthur (Capi-

Engineering Dept.

D. M. Forsyth, engineer, mgr. tal Steel Works, Sheffield, England)

—6, Marunouchi; Kojimachi-ku

(Tokyo) Teleph, (Mar.) 1759; Cable Ad: Ar-

F. Obata, engineer (Kobe)

Frigidaire Department—Office? and bour J. Stprer, manager for Japan

Salesrooms: Tokyo, Yokohama,

Osaka and Kobe

D. M. Forsyth, mgr. (Tokyo) Bamag-Meguin A. G.—Aichi Build-

ing, Tori 1-chpme, 5, Nihonbashi-ku,

Andrews & George Company, Inc., Teleph. (24) 3086 (Nihonbashi);

(Established 1894), Importers—5, Cable Ad : Meguin

Shiba Park; Teleph. (43) 1105 Albert Kestner, manager

(Shiba); Cable Ad: Yadzu; All

Codes Used. Branches: Sapporo,

K agoya, Osaka, Hoten, Dairen,

Keijo, Taihoku, New York. BANKS

Bank of Chosen—4, Ote-maohi; Cable

Antaki, E. & Son, G. K.—2, Kyoba- Ad: Chosenbank

shi, Kyobashi-ku; Teleph. Kyobashi Bank of Japan—Hongoku-cho, ' Ni-

(56) 3085; Cable Ad: Towers honbashi-ku

Antonin, Raymond, a.i.a., Architect— Bank of Taiwan—2, Marunouchi

Seisho-Kwan (The Bible House), 4-

chome, Ginza; Teleph. (56) 7207; Banque Franco-Japonaise—1, Gofuku-

Cable Ad: Raymond bashi, 2-chome, Nihonbashi-ku;

Armstrong, Whitworth & Co., Ltd., Cable Ad: Fran ip

Sir W. G., Steel & Machinery Im- Dai Icei Ginko, Ltd.—1, Marunouchi

porters—8, Marunouchi, Nichome,

Kojimachiku; Teleph. (Mar.) 2916; Kojimachi-ku; Cable Ad: Daichigin

Cable Ad: Zigzag

Hongkong and Shanghai Banking

Asia Aluminium Co., Ltd.—Sankyo Corporation—14, 2-chome Marunou-

Building, 2, Muro-machi, 2-chome, chi, Kojomachi-ku; Cable Ad:

Nihonbashi-ku; Teleph. Nihonbashi E. W. Stagg, agent

(24) 2436, 4594; Cable Ad: Asalumin

Kawasaki-One Hundredth Bank,

Asiatic Society of Japan (see Clubs) Ltd.—11, Torii, Nihonbashi-ku

.250 TOKYO

Mitsubishi Bank, Ltd.—5, Marunou- Berrick & Co., Ltd.—Ginpokaku

chi, 2-chome, Kojimachi-ku Building, Ginza, 3-chome, Kyobashi-

Mitsui Bank—1, Muro-machi, Nihon- ku ; Teleph. Kyobashi 56-4697

bashi-ku Bethlehem Steel Export Corporation

National City Bank of New Yobk, (Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corpora-

tion,)—508, Yusen Building, Maru-

The—Tokyo Kaijo Bldg.; Teleph. nouchi; Teleph. 2674 (23), (Maru-

1295 (Marunouchi) ; P.O. Box 406; nouchi) ; Cable Ad: Bethlehem

Cable Ad : Citibank

Nederlandsch Blundell & Co., Ltd., G., Import

N. Y. — 8, Indische Handelsbank,

Marunouchi, 3-chome, and Export Merchants — Chiyoda

Shoken Building, 2, Kyobashi,

Kojimachi-ku; P.O. Box 344 (Cen- Itchome, Kyobashi-ku; Cable Ad:

tral) ; Cable Ad: Nedergink Blundell; Codes: A.B.C. 6th edn.,

Nippon Kogyo Ginko—8, Marunou- Bentley’s and Private

W. Blundell, director

chi; P.O. Box 84 (Central) J. E. Kenderdine, director

Sumitomo Bank, Ltd.—1,Tori, Nihon-

bashi-ku Bohler Keitei Goshi Kaisha—11-3,

Takara-machi, 2-chome, Kyobashi-

Yasuda Bank, Ltd.—6, Ote-machi, 1, ku; Teleph. Kyobashi 6308-9; Cable

chotne, Kojimachi-ku Ad: Steelboler

Ernst Stoeri

Yokohama Specie Bank—Hongokc-cho, O. Stolle

Nihonbashi-ku; Telephs. (24) 2381, O. Hahn o

2381 and 2682 (Nihonfoashi) O. Schmidt

C. Endris

Barth, J. —Takiyama-cho Building, J. Kopetzky

Kyobashi-ku, Teleph. Ginza 2664, Borneo Gomu Kaisha, Ltd.—6, 3-

Cable Ad : Mercator chome, Marunouchi

J. Barth

Bayer-Meister Lucius, Y. G. K.—Yae- Bosch, A. G., Robert (C. lilies & Co.)

—15, Temeikecho, Akasaka-ku; Te-

su Building, Room 419, Maru-

nouchi; P. O. Box 127 (Central); lephs. Akasaka (48) 0315 and 1616;

Cable Ad: Boschilli

Teleph. (Mar.) 4067; Cable Ad:


W. Timaeus Boving & ,0o., Turbines,

Ltd., London, Agents

Dr. J. Ronnefeld for Water Pipe-Lines,

E. Schalow Pulp, and Paper-making Machinery

G. v. Frowein c/o Gadelius & Co., Ltd.—Osaka

Beck, Walter, (Proprietor of . W. Building, ■ Kojimachi-ku

Beck Shokai), Chemical 'Technical British Consulate {see Consulates)

Laboratory for Commerce and In-

dustry, Import and Export—Maki-

cho Building, 5, Gofukubashi, 3- British Embassy (see Embassies and

chome, Nihonbashi-ku; Teleph. Ni- Legations)

honbashi,‘(24) 4369; Cable Ad: Beck British Legion Rsee 'Clivbi)

Becker & Co- (Tokyo Branch)—12/S,

Marunouchi Central, Kojimachi-ku; British Thomson-Houston & Co.,

Teleph. (23) 0797: Cable Ad: Becker. Ltd., Electrical Engineers and

Head Office: Osaka Manufacturers—702. Yaesu Maruno-


H. B. Wetzel ing, Marunouchi; Teleph.

E. Heise uchi (2) 1321-1335; Cable Ad: Aste-

W. Schillig, Dipl. Ing. roidal



Broad & Son, F. B.—No. 1, 2-chome, China Export-Import & Bank Co.

Aktiengesellschaft (Head Office,

Makicho, Kyobashi-ku Shanghai)--2, Kyobashi, 1-chome,

F. B. Broad Kyobashi - ku, Chiyoda - Shoken

i Brunner, Mond & Co. (Japan), Ltd.— bashi);Building: Teleph. (56) 7611, (Kyo-

Osaka Building, 3, Uchisaiwai-cho, P.O. Box Central 34, Cable

Kojimachi-ku; Telephs. Ginza 2560 Ad:H. LemjusRoger

and 3504; P.O. Box 141 (Central) ;

Cable Ad: Crescent China Mutual Life Insurance Co,,

Buchandlung Gustav Fock, G.m.b.H., Ltd.—See

of Canada

Sun Life Assurance Co.

( Booksellers — Shiseido Building,

Ginza Nishi Kyobashi-ku; Gable Claude Neon Electric Co., Ltd.—1,

Ad: Buchfock Shibaura-machi; Teleph. Mita 1252,

Max Wachter, Japan representative 1253, 3284 '

Butler, Dr. L. E.—749, Marunouchi Clifford Wilkinson Tansan Mineral

Building, Marunounchi; Teleph. Water Co., Ltd.—Fujiya Building,

Marunouchi (23) 3792 i, Kotohira-cho, Shiba-ku; Teleph.

Buxbaum, Charles H., Importer and Shiba 2304; Cable Ad: Tansania

Exporter—7, Itchome, Koji-machi ;

■ Telesph- (33) 1535 (Kudan); Cable


Cahusac, A. F., Patent and Tradb America-Japan Society — Imperial

Hotel, Uchiyamashita-cho

Mark Attorney — 7, N aka-dor i,

Marunouchi; Teleph. Marunouchi American Association of Tokyo,

1 (23) 3682; Cable Ad: Cahusac The

| Cameron & Co., Ltd., A.—435, Yusen American Bible Society (Japan

Building, 20, Marunouchi; Cable Agency)—No. 2 Shichome, Ginza ;

Ad : Myotomy Cable Ad : Bibles, Tokyo

N. W. Wilson, representative K. E. Aurell, agency secretary

1 Canadian Pacific Railway Co. American Club—8, • Marunochi, 2

' Canadian Pacific Steamships, Ltd., chome, Kojimachi-ku

Agents for Canadian Pacific Ex-

press Co.—E7, No. 2 Marunouchi, British Legion—14, . Reinanzaka,

3-chome, Kojimachi-ku ; Teleph. Ma- Akasaka-ku

runouchi (23) 3764; Cable Ad:

Gacanpac Deutsche Gesellschaft Fur (German

Natur &

D. M. Sinclair, agent Votkerkunde Ostasiens

T. Koshimidzu, Japanese repres. Asiatic Society) — 2-chome, No. 7,

H. Suzaki, clerk Hirakawacho, Kojimachi-ku, Tokyo-

Catto, A. R., Representative of Ex- shi(Japan)

change Telegraph Co., Ltd., and

Pitman & Deane, Ltd., London—13E, TheJapan, International

(formerly) theAssociation of

League of Na-

Reinanzaka, Akasaka-ku; Teleph. tions Association of Japan)—12,

(48) 1391; Cable Ad: Naivarom Marunouchi

A. R. Catto Patron—Prince lyesato Tokugawa

F. Sawada Hon. President—Baron Yoshire

Chemia Ueberseehandels Co.—1, Gin- Sakatani

za-nishi, 3-chome, Kyobashi-ku; Ca- Presdt.—Yiscount Kikujiro Ishii

ble Ad: Chemia Vice-Pres.—Dr. Tadao Yamakawa

Treasurers—Eigo Fukai and

Tetsuzo Horikoshi

Secy. Gen.—Sukeyuki Akamatsu

Chilean Consulate (see Consulates)

:253 TOKYO

Japan Book and Tract Society (in Tokyo Lawn Tennis1 Club •

co-operation with the American

Tract Society, New York; Heligi-

ous Tract Society, London; and Tokyo Y.W.C.A

the Upper Canada Tract Society,

Toronto) — 4, Ginza Shichome, Columbia Gramophone Co. of Japan,

Kyobashi; Teieph. 4573 (Kyoba- Ltd., Manufacturers of Talking Ma-

ehi); Cable Ad : Tract chines, Records and Needles—7, Ta-

G. Burnham Braithwaitei—5, Hi- ; kara-cho, 3-chome, Kyobashi-ku

kawai-ctho, Akasaka T. Nishi, manager

Japan Industrial Club—2, Maru- ‘•Columeta” (Comptoir Metallurgigue

nouchi, Kojimachi-ku Luxembourgeois, Luxembou rg)—8,

Naka-dori, Marunouchi; Telepb.

Japan-Soviet Association—3, Uchi- lumeta (Mar.) (23)' 3602; Cable Ad: Co-

saiwai-cho, Kojimachi-ku H. Le Gallais, manager

Joint Fire Insurance Association COMMERCIA d’OuTREMER, S. A.—4,

of Japan—Tokyo Kaijo Bldg., Marunouchi; Cable Ad : Outremer

Marunouchi 1-chomie, Kojimachi-

R. Kagami, chairman Commercial Pacific Cable Co. of New

York—621, Saushln Building, Yura-

L. B. Hannaford, deputy do.. kucho

H. U. Hatano, Japanese secty. . J. Reifsnider, special repres.

W. F. Balden, Foreign do. H. Takami

Kyo Bun Kwan—(Christian Literature CompagNie General de Telegraphie

Society)—12, Ginza, 4-chome, Kyo- Sans Fil—I, Gofuku-bashi; Cable

bashi ku; Cable Ad: Kyobunkwan Ad : Telsafi

, Naerao Hampei, president

, C.F. P.Uekuri,

Garman, secretary

secretary Comptoir de PiioDtiTs Metallurgi-

A. J. Stirewalt, treasure ques Tubulaires & Miniers—775,

Sendagaya, ' Shibuya-ku ; Cable Ad :

Nippon Club —12, Marunouchi, 3 P rometumi

chome, Ko j imachi-ku; Telephone

Marun, (23) 0545, 0546, 0547 CONSULATES

B/Otary Club —- 557, Marunouchi Austria—Marunouchi, Teikoku Sei-

' mei Building ; Teleph. Maru-

Building,. Kojimachi-ku nouchi (23) 1907; Cable Ad :


St. Andrew’s Society of Tokyo ,and Hon. Consul-General — Ernst

Yokohama Stoeri

Hoii. Vice-Consul—Dr. Otto

Tokyo Amatf,ur Dramatic Club Kresta

Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Brazil — 19, Nishiedogawa-machi,



Chile—7, sUchome, Shirokane Dai-

Tokyo Club—1, Sannen-cho, Kop- machi, Shiba-ku; Cable Ad:

machiku; Telephs. 3021 to 3023 Conchile

(Ginza) Czechoslovakia—Seisho-Kwan (The

Tokyo Golf Club—Asakamachi, Ri- Bible House) 4-chome, Ginza, Kyo-

ta Adachi-gun, Satama-ken; Te- bashi-ku; Teleph. (56) 7207, 8710;

leph. Asaka 22 Cable Ad : Raymond

Hon. Cdnsul—Antonin Raymond


Denmark—8, Mapunouchi, 3-chome; Crockford, Heath & Co.—6. Marunou-

chi, 3-chome, Marunouchi'; Tel'eph.

Teleph. 0966 (Marunouchi); P.O. | 0914 (23) Marunouchi ;. C^W:e Ad:

Box Central 204; Cable; Ad : Han- ; Crockford


Hon. Consul—A. H. Hansen

'•Guatemala—16, Czechoslovakian Conclave (ice'Con-

Ushlgome-ku Waseda Minaxui'cbo sulates)

Great Britain—Kogyo; Ginko Build- Danish OoNSilLATE ’ (see Gbhsulates)

ing, Marunouchi, Kojimachi-ku;

Teleph. 1077 (Marunouchi); Cable Danish LegViton (see Embassies and

Ad : British Consul Legations)

Consul—W. J. Davies, o.b.e.

Latvia—1, Enokizaka-cho, Akasaka-

ku De HavilLand, Mr.A., Patent Attorney

-1635-37, New Tokyo Kaijo Build-

ing,; Teleph. Marunouchi (23) 0604;

Norway—2, 3-chome, Marunpucki Cable Ad : Silverhall

Kojimachi-ku; Teleph. Marunon-

chi (23) 3790 Directory

Consul—Cato N. B. Aajl Far Eastand(Japan,




ya, Philippine Islands, Dutch East

Paraguay—716, Sanshin Building, Indies, Indo-China, etc.)

Hibiya; Teleph. 1192 (Ginza) Agents for Co.,

Tokyo:Ltd.—6, Nihon-


Portugal—$2, Honcho-dori, 5-qhome, bashi-ku, Tori-Nichome

Nakano-ku: Teleph. Nakano 3179

Consul—J. A. Abranches Pinto Don well & Co., Ltd., Importers and

Exporters, Steamship, Coaling and

Union of Soviet Socialist' Repu- Insurance Agents--Chiypda, Kan,

blics (Consulate General)—1. Ma- Kyobashi, Nichome; and ’at Lon-

miana-cho, Azabu-ku; Telephs. don, Colombo, Hongkong, Canton,

Akasaka (48) 138 and 139; Cable Shanghai, Hankow, Tientsin, Foo-

Ad: Sovkonsul chow, Kobe, Yokohama, Yapcouver,

Seattle, Sah Francisco, Los Angeles

and New York; P.O. Box Central

United States of America—I, Erio- F. 53; Cable Ad: Dodwell

kizaka-machi, Akasaka-ku; Cable E. B. Hill, acting manager

Ad : American Consul H. C. D. Knight

Consul General—Arthur Garrels J. P. Barnett

Consul—J. Holbrook Chapman

ViceGonsul—G. A. Hutchinson

Vice-Consul—John M. Allison Doitsu Seiko K. K.—2 Maninouchi,

Clerks—Miss Dorothy Tuggle. & 3-chome ; Cable Ad : Uiiionsteel

Mrs. Yuki Qtspki P. Timme, 1Director

J. Hoppe

H Dickmeis I Dr. O. Kukla

-Continental Insurance Co. w New A. Schneider | E. von Kratzer

York—Yuraku Building,. Jdarunou-

chi: Cable Ad: Afiajapan

y?. W, Glass, .representative for, Doitsu Senpyo3-chome

Marunouchi Gomei (Naka Kaisha—6,

2 Go

Japan Kan) Kojimachi-ku : Telephs. Maru-

Y. Kamei, manager for Japan

M. Motoki,' chief of Tokyo local nouchi, 1979, 1971, .1972,; 4713; Cable

Ad: Doitsenryo



Ernst Baerwald Far, ' Eastern Advertising Agency^

Hermann Splittgerber The — 21, Mitsubishi Building,

Ernst Grimm Marunouchi, Kojimachi-ku; Cable

R. Schlaf Ad : Toyoko-ku

Johannes Dowe

M. O. Guennel Federation of British Industries—6,.

Georg Loesch Marunouchi; Cable Ad : Crockford;

W. Schuon Teleph. Marunouchi (23) 0914

Claus Tecklenburg

Mrs. Hildegard Larsson Fiegel Jimusho, M., Chemical and

Alfred Noack, technical dept. Mechanical engineers—Kyobashi-ku

Dr. Ernst Scheel, do. Ginza-Nishi, 7-chome, Den ten Bldg.,r

Agents for

I. G. Farhenindustrie Aktiensge- Teleph. Ginza (57) 4307; Cable Ad :

sellschaft, T'rankfurt a. Main, Fiegel

Germany Firth, Thos. A John Brown Ltd,

(Japan Branch)—14, Marunouchi,

Dollar Steamship Lines, Ing., Ltd.— 2-chome;

C88, Marounouphi; Cable'Ad: Dollar 835; CableTeleph. Marunouchi (23)

Ad: Firthsteel

Dunlop Rubber Go., (Far East) Ltd. Fokkes & Koch—Room 514, Mitsubishi

—-30, Tameike-cKo, Akasakaku ; Te- Building, 21, Ma.runoucbi, 3-chome :.

leph- 1598 (Akasaka); P.O. Box 8 Teleph. (23) 2925 (Marunouchi):

(Shiba) ; ..Cable Ad : Dunlop Cable Ad: Fokko

71. M. Browne , H. Fokkes, partner

Eastern Extension, Australasia and K. • von Koch, do.

China Telegraph .Co., Ltd., The,

and T he G reat ■ ISTorthern Telegraph Fox Eiga Kaisha, Film Distributors

Col, Ltd.—Information: Office : Ho-

chi Building, 13, Yuraku-cho, 1-chome; —Idzumo Building, 2, Ginza, 8-

Kojimachi-ku; Teleph. (23) 3778; chome; Ad :

Teleph. Ginza 3747; Cable-


Cable Ad : Nordiske ' Clarence V. Hake, manager

K. Kojima, canvassing agent Branches & Agents—Osaka; Hakata,

T. Furuya Kyushu; Seoul, Korea; Otarur

M. Machida . Hokkaido; Nagoya

Ecole de l’Etoile du Matin—Fuji- Frazar feCod-(.Goshi Kaisha Frazar

rnicho, Kojimachi-ku Shokai), Manufacturers’ Agents,

DirePteur—P. P. Griessinger Engineering Specialities—Room 525,

SousMdirecteur—Th. Gutleben Yaesu Building, Marunouchi; P.O.

Econome—Ed. Assel Box 158 (Central); Teleph. Maru-

Ekman Foreign Agencies, Ltd., The— houPhi (23) 1650, 2692'; Cable Ad :


Room 320, Yaesu Building, Maru- Goshf E. W. Frazar senior partner

nouchi; Teleph. (23) 4953: P.O. Box E. Y. Stevens, general mgr,

Central 133: Cable Ad: Ekmans

Elked & Gerdts—14, Marunouchi, 2 Frazar Estate Co., Ltd.—527, Yaesu

chome, Kojimachi-ku; Teleph. Maru- Building,

(23) 0895

6, Marunouchi; Teleph.

(Marunouchi); P.O. Box

nouchi (23) 2601-2; Cable Ad: Eiger 158 (Central) ; Cable Ad : Frastateco

Escher Wyss Engineering Works French Embassy (see Embassies and'

Ltd., The, Engineers and Manufac- Legations)

turers (Zurich, Switzerland)—Room

778, Marunouchi Building; Teleph.

1665 (Marunouehi); Cable Ad: Fritzke, Walter, German Manufac-

Escherwyss turers’ Representative—Tokyo Tate-

Dr. H. Wissler mono Bldg., 6th door, Gofukubashi,

A. Rottenschweiler Nihonbashi-ku ; Cable Ad : Fritzko


Furido Shokai (Successor to Foreign Patentaktiebolaget Grondal - Ra-

Dept, of Hamaguchi Trading Co., men, Stockholm (Mining Ma-

Ltd.), General Importers, Exporters chinery and Processes)

and Purchasing Agents — Tokyo : Sandvik Steel Works, Sandviken,

Nihonbashi Koamicho, 3-chome, 5/7; Sweden (Cold and Hot Rolled

P-O.’ Box Nihonbashi 8; Cable Ad : Steel, Stainless Steel, Tubes,

Hiroya. Kobe:' 2$ Harimachi; Cable , Mining Steel, Steel Bplt . Con-

Ad: Hiroya veyors)

Svenska Turbinfabriks AB.

CJadelius &r Co., Ltd., Engineers, Im- Ljungstrom (Stal) Finspong,

porters of Swedish Steel and Ma- Sweden (Stal Steam Turbogen-

chinery—Osaka Building, No. 3, erators)

UchiiSaiwai-cho, 1-chome, Kojimachi- AB. Elektrisk Malmletning,

ku; Teleph. (67) 5267 and 1630 (Gin- Stockholm

ing for Ore)(Electrical Prospect-

.za); Cable Ad: Goticus AB. Karlstads Mek. Yerkstad,

Ebbe Jonn, e.e., president

Ivan P. Troedsson, e.e., managing Karlstad, Sweden (Pulp &

director Paper machinery, water tur-

Eric Brauns, mn.e., director bines)

Ivar Nordmark, m.e. AB, Ljungstfoms Angturbin,

Knut A. Gustafsson, m.e. Stockholm (Ljungstrom air

Morton Fries, m.e. preheaters, Hydraulic Gears)

Per Bjorstedt, ch.e. Ruthsaccumulator Stockholm

'Sole Representatives for : — (Ruths Steam Accumulators)

Allmanna Svenska Elektriska

Aktiebolaget (Asea), Yasteras, Gadsby, J., C.B.E-, English Barrister

Sw-eden (Electrical Machines & and Japanese Patent Agent and

Apparatus) Legal Adviser to the British Em-

Northern Equipment Co., Erie, bassy, the Italian Embassy and the

Pa., U.S.A. (Boiler Feed regu- Canadian Legation—-12 Marunouchi,


Ekstroms Maskinaffar, Stockholm, 2-chome, ronouchi

Kojimachi-ku; Teleph. Ma-

(23) 1752; Cable Ad:

Sweden (Pulp Machinery)

Svenska Aktiebolaget Gasaccumu- Gadsby Tokyoyubin

lator, Stockholm (Marine &

Aeronautical lights)

Allmanna Ingeniorsbyran; Stock- German Consulate (see ‘Consulates)

holm (Mining Machinery & pro-


Aktiebolaget Area Regulatorer. General Motors Japan LimitedY-603,

Sahshin Bldg., 10, Yuraku-chp; Ko-


tors) (Automatic regula- ' jimachi-ku; Cable Ad : Genmo

Aktiebolaget Archimedes, “ Stock-

holm (Outboard motors) German Bakery—2, Ginza;1 Teleph.

Aktrebolaget Gerh. Arehns Me- 1! Ginza ('57) 5061 : ^ ' ■

kaniska Yerkstad, Stockholm W. Mueller, proprietor

(Packing machines for ciga-

rettes, fete.-) ■.

Aktiebolaget Atlas iDiesel, Stock- German Embassy ? (see- Embassies( and

holm (Diesel engines, rock

and pneumatic tools etc A'- drills : Legations)*.o,a /mruLiT ■

Aktiebolaget Bolirider - Muriktell, Gill & Co. (Paidpetjsbip)—lo,



Eskilstuna '

A vesta Steel Works, Ave^t'a, ^Ve- i nouchi 3-chome, Te-

den.^Stainless'steel, Steel plates, \ Ad,: Greenwood’ (2gl 0067; Cable

lephs. Marunouchi


Svenska Diamantbergborrnings ■Goodyear Tyre Co.—c/o MitMibishi

Aktiebolagfet, ■ Stockholm (Dia- Shoji ■ Kaishh, Matuhouehi' = 1 -

mond boring machinery)


Cheat Northern Telegraph Co., Ltd., Helm Bros., Ltd., Stevedores—1, Ha-

The, & The Eastern Extension, kozaki-eho l chome, Nihonbashi-ku;:

Australasia and China Telegraph Teleph. Kayabacho' 1527

Co., Ltd.—Information Office : Ho-

chi Building, 13, Yuraku-cho, 1- Herbert, Ltd., Alfred—6, Maruno-

chome, Kojimachi-ku; Teleph : (23) uchi, 2-chome, Kojimachi-ku; Te-

leph. (23) 1644 Marunouchi

3778; Cable Ad: Nordiske T. Yoshino, manager

K. T.Kojima,

Furuyacanvassing agent Z. Matsubayashi

M. Machida R. Onda | M. Takayama

Hammond &t C6., F. W., Manufac- Hill Pharmacy—23, Imai-oho, Azabu-

turers’ Agents — IQ, Martiriquchi, ku: Teleph. Akasaka (48) 1822

2- chome; P.O. Box 23, f (Central) ;

Cable Ad : Fairfield Holstein & ' Co., OBR., Shipping.

Agents, Exporters and Importers—

Hanseatic Motor Co.. Ltd.—301, Fu- 8, Nichome, Marunouchi, Kojima-

jiya Bldg., 1, Kotohira-cho, Shiba- chi-ku; Cable Ad: Holstein

ku; Cable Ad: Hanseatip B. van dier Laan, signs per pro.

K. Rosenberg, dipl. ing.

Hansen & Co., A. H., Import and

Export Merchants—8, Marunouchi. Home Insurance 'Co. of New York—

3- chome; Teleph. Yuraku0966 (Marunou-

Building, Marunouchi;:

chi); P.O- Box 204 (Central) Cable' Ad: Afiajapan

A. H. Hansen W. W. Glass, representative for


Happer, J. S.—77, Date, S.hibuya-ku, Y. Kamei, manager for Japan

Teleph. Takanawa 6921; P.O. Box M. Motoki

Central 451; Cable Ad : Happer

Happer, Mrs. M. Bacon, Consulting JJongkong & Shanghai Bank (see


Decorator—77, Date-cho, Shibuya ;

Teleph. Tanakawa 6921 Hongkong Fire Insurance Co., Ltd.,,

The — Cbiyoda Shintaku Building,.

Harley Davidson Motorcycle Co., Kyobash'i-ku

Ltd.—12, Tameike-cho, Akasaka-ku ;

Telephs. Akasaka-ku (48) 1204-5-6 ; Horne Co., Ltd., Importers of Ma

Cable Ad: Hardavmocy chinery and Tools—Yaesu Building,.

6, Marunouch; Cable Ad: Horne

Harold Bell, Taylor, Bird & Co.,

Chartered Accountants—14, Maru- Horsley & Co., Importers and Ex-

nouchi, 2,-chome; Teleph. (23) 2915 porters—Mitsubishi Bldg., 21, Ma-

(Marunouchi); Cable Ad : Auditor runouchi; P.O. Box 304; Cable Ad:

Harold Bell, e.c.a., partner (Lon- Vigor


G. F. Wevill, f.c.a., partner Horsley, William F.—21, Marunou-

(Tokyo) chi; Cable Ad: Vigor

J. B. Tibbetts, a.c.a., partner

(Kobe) Hospital Supply Co., Ltd., Manufac-

H. S. Colls, a.c.a. turers, Importers and Exporters of

P. H. Palmer, a.c.a. Medical and Drug Supplies, Sur-

N. G. Whitmore, a.c.a. gical Instruments, Artificial Limbs,

J. R. H. Bell Glassware, etc.—7, Itchome, Koji-

W. F. Balden machi; Teleph. Kudan (33) 1535;

Cable Ad : Buxbaum

Healing & Co., Ltd., Engineers and C. H. Buxbaum, managing direc-

Importers—Shisei Kaikan, Hibiya tor

Park; Telephs. (Ginza 57) 1067,

2068, 2069; Cable Ad: Healing Hotel Yamagata (Family Hotel)—

Branches: Osaka and Dairen Ichib^i-cho, Azabu


Hunter & Go., E. H., Engineers and Juntos, Percivai. & Isitt, Maurice,

Contractors, General Importers and Chartered Accountants—7,P.O:Gokan • Box Na-

Exporters—3, Nishi Ginza, 7-chome, kadorl, Martxnouchi';

Central; TeLeph. (23) 4706; 'Cable


Kyobashi-ku; Teleph. Ginza (57) Ad: Unravel; Code:; Bentley’s.

1245--8; Cable Ad: Hunter London jOffice : 6, Old Jewry, E.C

Iixies & Co., C.—Teikoku Seimei 2,72,: Kobe Kyo-machi

Office: Crescent Building,

Kan, Marunpuchi; Telephs., M'aru- Sir Maurice1.,.,^enks, b-t.,‘l.l.D;, f.c.a.

nouchi,'(23)' 023(i to 0239: Cable Ad: ,(London) , t) ,,

lilies. Founded 1859. Heard Office: J. E. Pcrcival, f.c.a. (London)

Hamburg. Branch Offices: Osaka, J. C. Pidgeon, f.c.a, (London)

Kobe, Yokohama, Dairen and H. S. Goodwyn^ Isitt, 0-b.e., f.c.a.

Mukden ,• (.Kobe)

C. lilies (Hamburg) L-A. E,

K. Kpops do. G. .Oldividge,.

J. Bui lough,U&A.b.com.


, a.c.a.

Imperial Hotel — Hibiya; Teleph. R. E. Spence, B.A., a.c.a.

Ginza (57) 315i and 3161; Cable Ad : Rv, Hudspn Walker

Impho W. Salter .

P. Fehlen

International Cementgtjn Co., N. V. Joint Fire Insurance Association

—Aichi Building, Tokyo Nihpnbashi-

ku; Teleph. Nihonbashi (24) 3066; (see Clubs).)

Cable Ad : Meguin Kaumann, Dr. G.—1, Tamura-cho;

Cable Ad : Cokau

International General Electric Co.,

Inc.—10, Yuraku-cho, 1-chome, Koji- K. K. L. Ley bold Shokv. an, Import

machi-ku; P.O. Box Central 453; of Machinery, Machine Parts, Tech-

Cable Ad: Ingepetric nical Goods; Export of Natural-

Preduce and Sundr/y Gbods^Tokyo

TatOmono Building, ’ 3-chome, Gofu-

Italian Embassy (see Embassies‘ and ku-bashi,

legations). N ihonbashiJcU ‘Telephs.

Nihonbashi (24) 1211 toj 1214; Cable

“Japan Advertiser, The”—1, Uchi- Ad:K. : Leybold Meissner, president ■.


yamashitacho, Itchome, , Koj imachi- H. Steinfeld, managing director

ku; /Telephs. 5867, : 5858, 5859 (Gin- Y. Saito, do;; •

za) Cable Ad : Advertiser.,

B. W. Fleisher, publisher and pro- S. lliranmtsu, do.

prietor E. '.Sebpl-er';' sigtts.. .ner;.pro.

J. B,. Young, Business manager W. .Mulleiy . , do., ■

H. Musolf, do. '

Japan Book & Tract Society (see Katoxd, ■, : . do.

S.R. Ilfishiinoto, do. ■

Clubs) M. Dietrich

Japan Industrial, Club:, (see Clubs) MissIM, Holsit^,,

W. Janson

Japan-Soviet Association (see Clubs) Ing,. E. Etter and Dr.'- Ing. HT

Dr. Kve'itfter, 'representirig I.

Japan Times and Mail, 'Evening M. ybitB, Heideruifeim

Newspaper 6, Uchisaiwai cho,’ Dipl. Thg. K. LieBife,'rfepreserlt-

1-chome, Kojimachi-ku; Teleph ing Carl Hasse & Wrede,

Ginza (57) 0303,: 0403 and 5391; Berlin

Cable Ad : Times, Tokyo Yubin Ing. N. M. Philipsen, represent-

ing Dr. C. Otto & Comp.,

Japan Tourist Bureau—Head Office: Bochutai

Tokyo Station Building; Telephs. Dipl. Ing. C. H. Schwarz, re-

0801; 4141-4, (Marunouchi); Cable presenting Deutz Motorenfa-

Ad: Tourist brik A. G.

J. Takaku, managing director Ir. A. M. de Visser, i epresenting

Schilde-Haas Union


-258- TOKYO

Kin3 Features ; Syndicate, Inc. -(In- Liebermann Waelchli & Co.—No. 15, i

cluding International News Service, Teieph.

1-chome, Uchisaiw:aich6,

(57) 63.16,Kojimachiku,

6317, 6318; |I

International News Photos, Univer- 6319; P.O.Ginza

sal News Service)—S'himbun Rengo Waelchli Box 407 Central; Cable Ad: |j

Building ; Teieph. Ginza 2121; P.O.

Box F; 63; Cable Ad : Internews The Liverpool & London & Globe !

Kjellberg Kabushiki Kairiia—San- Insurance No. Cable Co., Ltd.—Mitsubishi Bldg., ;

1, Marunouchi

shiri Bldg., 10, Ichonie, Yurakticho, ku:

Kojimachi-ku; Telephs. Ginza, 0986, Ad: Globe3-chome, Kojimachi- |

1821; P.O. Box 12 (Central); Cable F. M. O’Hara, resident secretary

Ad: Kjellbergs F. B. Hickson

Thomas A Masey Marine Insce. Co., |

Knorr Jimusho, Importers of Ma- Ltd., settling agents

chinery—2, Marunouchi, Kojimachi- Lury A Co., Ltd., General Import and

ku ; Cable Ad: Transmarin Export—Room No. 512, Showa Building, I

Kodak Japan Ltd.—3, Nishi, 6-chome, 433; Marunouchi, Kojimachi-ku;

Teieph. Marunouchi P.O.Cable

(23) 3069; Box:

Ginza, Kyobashi-ku; Teieph. Ginza Ad: Luryco: Codes: Acme, Rudolf Mosse, j

(57) 1124, 1125 and 1126; Cable Ad: Universal Trade, Bentley, A.B.C. 6th |

Ed. and Private.


Osaka Branch—2, Miname, Hori- MacMillan Export Co., Ltd., H. R.

ye-dori, 1-chome, Nishiku, Osaka Lumber A Shipping —305-a, 21, Mit-

Kramfr. TL, Manufacturers’ Agent— subishi Bldg., Marunouchi; Teleph-

8, Marunouchi, Kojimachi-ku; Cable Marunouchi (23) 4897

Ad: Hermkramer Mansson Co., Importers of Swedish

Steel and Iron — 3, Uchisaiwai-cho,

Krattss. E., Optical Works—10, Maru- 1-ehome,

nouchi, Sanchome; Teieph. 1897 Simplex Kojimachi-ku; Cable Ad:

(Marunouchi): Cable Ad: Krauss

E. Krauss (Paris) Manufacturers Life Insurance Co —

Krayer, Du. C.—502, Yaesu Building, 401-8, Yaesu Building, 6, Maruno-

uchi, Nichome, Kojimachi-ku; P.O- i-

Marunouchi; Cable Ad: Lurgi Box 26; Cable Ad: Manulife

Krtjpp (Fried.) A kti en oeseel s ch aft , T. C. Maitland, manager for

Steel and Machinery Manufacturers Japan i

—8. Marunouchi, Sanchome R. D. Ralfe, resdt. secty.

W. Lemke, Japan representative Marunouchi Hotel—Marunouchi

Kyo Ben Kwan (Christian Literature Maruzen Company, Ltd., Book-

Society)—(see Clubs and Societies) sellers (Foreign and Domestic Books), j

League of Nations (see Clubs) Publishers, Stationers, Dealers in Dry

Goods and Toilet Articles, Ink Manu-

Lemke, Walter, engineer, Krupp re- chome facturers—6, Nihonbashi-ku, Tori, Ni- )

presentative for Japan—8, Maru- N. Yamasaki, president

nouchi, Cable Ad: Lemke Agency.

Lendrum (Japan), Ltd., Paper Agents Directory and Chronicle o-F

and Merchants—No. 20, 2-chome, the Far East (Japan, China,

Marunouchi, Kojimachi-ku: P.O. Malaya, Philippine Islands,

Box 95; Teleph. Marunouchi (23) Dutch East Indies, Indo-China,

. .4889-, , |.f . ' - ' ; , etc.)

M. McCance, managing director Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Company, Ltd.

(Kobe) —Dgaka GinzaBuilding Uchisaiwaicho;

Y. Kojima

C. Oku bo Teieph. (57) 3666-7; P.O. Box j

414; Gable Ad: Metrofilms






the Pen


advantages, lias Onoto

three the ren

It isdistinct


ing increasingly

with the Pibusy manpopular



the downwardo other pen has



such a device

large ink allowing


and no othervalvepenwhich

annot internal has

theonly penbutsealsallows

inrequired, the not

when ink



will. to be regulated

Pioro matter the


under which conditions

you func-


Onoto will always

istion noperfectly,

affected. rubber sacfor totherebe


colours, in attractive

and fixed with clip. gold nib

Unscrew^ thethe end,

pull theout Onoto rod


empty. The down-is

ward push fills.

Send for full particulars and

illustrated lists to

our Agents:—


6, Nihonbashi, Tori-Nichome, TOKYO.


Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd. (Mitsui Nichizui Trading Co., Ltd.—Kinsan

& Co,, Ltd., in Europe & America). Building, 5, Muromachi, 4-chome,

Importers, Exporters, Insurance and Nihonbashi-ku ; P.O. Box 74 (Cen-



Saw-MillShip-Owners, ,Ship- tral) ; Cable Ad : Nichizuico

Owners1, Muromachi,

and Wharf-

ingers. Head Office: A. O. Keller, manager

Nichonie, Nihonbashi - ku, Tokyo; J. Studer, manager, Machinery Dept.

General Cable Ad: Mitsui

Chairman and-Representative Direc- E.G. R.Brunner,

FachtmannAttached (Represen-

tor—J.Inoue tative of Buhler Bros., Uzwil,

Representative Director—S.Mukai

Tajima Switzerland)

Managing Directors—T. and Dr. E, M. Rothenberger, Attached

T. Morioka (Representative of Sandoz Che-

mical Works, Pharmaceutical

Products, Basle,, Switzerland)

Muxler, Phipps & Sellers, Ltd.,

Manufacturers’ Sales Representa- Nippon Hanovia Quartz Lamp Co.,

tives—Marunouchi Building; P.O. Ltd.—3229, Omori 7-chome, Omori-ku

Box 98 (Central) ; Cable Ad : Sellers

H. A. Sellers, manag. director Nippon Kokusan Kogyo K. K. (Nip-


H. H. Herts, director (New York! pon Corn Products, Ltd.), Corn Re-

finers-— Osaka Bldg., Uchlsaiwai - cho,

J. Gadsby, do. (Tokyo) Kojima r chi-ku; Teleph. Ginza 1715 ;

W. A. Rawnsley, manager (Tokyo) Cable Ad : Cornstarch .

Myers Nipponophone Co., Ltd.— 3, Ginza,

and Healing Shokai—Ltd.,

Buying Agent ShiseiExporters

Kaikan. Kyobashi-ku

Hibiya Park ; P. O. Box 457 ; Cable Ad: Nippon Roche K.K., Importers of

Myers Chemicals and Pharmaceutical Pre-

National City Bank of New York parations—8, Kobikicho, 2-chome,

Kyobashiku; Cable Ad : Panroche

(i-ee Banks)

Nippon Yusen Kaisha (N. Y. K. Line)

Nederlandsch Indische Bank (see chi, —Yusen Building, 20-1, Marunou-

Banks) Nichome, Kojimachi-ku; Te-

lephs. (23) Marunouchi 2511-2521

Nestle and Anglo-Swiss Condensed Yusen 2531-2534 (4); Cable Ad:

(10) and

Milk Co.r—Osafca Building, 3, Uchi-

saiwai-cho, 1-chome, Kojimachi-ku;

Teleph. 4543 (5-7); Cable Ad : Nestanglo North-China

12, Marunouchi;

Insurance Co., Ltd.—

Teleph. (23) 3562 P. O. Box Central 386;

New Zealand Insurance Co-, Ltd.— H. Geary Gardner, branch manager

14, Marunouchi; P.O. Box 24 ■.(Cen- Norwegian Consulate (see Consu-

tral) ; Cable Ad: Newzico lates)

Sale & Co., Ltd-, Agents

Norwegian Legation (see Embassies)

®num^ n

Nichio Boyeki Shokai, Importers Norwich Union Fire Insurance So-

and Exporters—Shosei Building, 16, ciety, Ltd.—1417-9, Nisshin Seimei

1-chome, Shimbashi; Teleph. Ginza kan, Ote-machi, Kojimachi-ku;

Teleph. 3847 (Marunouchi); P.O.

(571 1357; Cable Ad: Levedag Box 106 Central; Cable Ad: Nufam

E. Ledevag •I. W. Palmer, actg. manager for Japan

J. L. Champness-

Nichiro Shoji-sha (Russo-Japanese

Trading Co.)—8, Tamuracho, Shiba- Oestmann &• Co., A.—32, Nagata-cho,

ku; Telephs. Ginza 2354, 2355, 4304: 2-chome, Kojimachi-ku; P.O. Box

Cable Ad: Niroshoji Central 438



Okada, T. K., Import & I’.kpprt of Power-Gas Corporation, Ltd.—S04,

Rubber and Asbestos Mechanical Osftka Buildirig, Uchisaiwai-cho,

Gobds,’' Liquid Fuel PiteSiStite Appli- Kojimachi-ku; Teleph. Ginza 5780

ances, Sundries,'

fukubashi, 4td.i—fe, MakidSP;

N ihonbashi, Sabchdmei'• -P.O.

Go- (S) p Cabie Ad: Tetratomis

Box Central 313; Teteph'.'1NiHeti-bashi 1

4369; Cable Ad: Matttfep' ' ‘ : P ORTtEGTrESjsE; C0S8ULAR (see . Consu-


Omi Sales K. K., ittrij^rte^s and Manu- Rat.ten, Rud.—Aoyama Kitamachi 6-

facturers (A Denaftment of the Omi chome, " 34 V Te'leph. Aoyama 1799;

Brotherhood)'—Fujiya Bdildihg, Tora- Cable A


Osaka BranchK u -Daido Seiinei/Build- Rud. Ratjen, proprietor

ing, Tosabori, 1-chome; Cable Ad: L. Janson, signs per pro.

Osaco, Hachimanomi OttoF. K-Kidorlen

Ration, signs per pro.-

Oriental Steel Products Col, Ltd.— L. Bulnnanri, engineer

Sanshin Building,- Hibiya; Cable W. Buhye, do. (Deutsche

Ad : Truscon Gramophone. A._G.)

0\ i-rspa Trading GompanV—No. 1. Raymond, Antonin,

Seishorfetyan, Till tl., a.la.,

2 GinzaArchitect—


Kotohira-cho, Shi ha: Teleph. (43)

Shiba 1831; • Central■ P'O: Box ‘ F:30; l Kyobashi-ku; Gable Ad: Raymond

A.'Rayhiond, a.i.a.

Cable Ad : Oyertradco

Paramount Films, Ltd.—Osaka R. C. A. Communications, InC. —Nis-

ing, Uchisaiwai-cho; Telephs. Build-

Ginza shin. Seimei BuiMingj,’ Qtemachi;

■2931, 2932; P.O. Box 378; 'Cable Art: Cable J.

Ad: Radiocorp

Francis Harris, representative

Paramount i.ui i clcormunA for Japan

Paraquay CoNkshLATE (he Consulatod) Reuter’s, Ltd.—9, Ginza Nishi, 8-


Kyobashi-.ku; Teleph. 2121-5

Export 'Merchants — Nishigasbi M. J. Cox

Building, No. 2, 1-chome, Tori, Ni-

hon bashi-ku ; Teleph. 3682 (Nihon- Rising Sun Petroleum Co., Ltd.—

bashij) ;::-Oable: Ad : Pdafce' >■' San shin Building, 10 Itchome, Yura-

Pearson &'Co., Chartered Accountants kucho* Kojimachi-ku; Telephs. Gin-

-wfl-Nichome, Mamnouchi,' Kojimachi- za (57) 8591-'5595 :

ku; Teleph. 4646 (Marunouchi); Cable A. E’ Hedges^ manager

Ad: Accounts D. G. Daubeny-

A. E. Pearson, • c.a. > . i> ■ . H F. G. Bishop

R. J. Steer

T. H. Fleming, c.A. Miss E. Gray

Peruvian Legation (see Embassiesi'i& Rotary Club (see Clubs)


Plage Jimusho Dr., Law and Patent Royal Insur ance Co., Ltd.—Mitsubishi


machi 29; Cable Ad; Mikawadai- 3Bldg.

- ku.Plage No. 8 Central, No:.’ 8 Marunouchi

chome, Kojimachi-ku; Gable Ad:


F. M. O’Hara, resident secretary

Poldi Steel Works (Japan Branch). Im- F. B Hicksofa

porters-^!, Shintomi-cho, Kyoba-hi-ku;

Cable Ad : Poldisteel ; ; Rudolf & Co., Marunouchij

Import and Export—7,

Polleri, 0. Import and Export to Naka-dori, (23) 2876, Maruponchi; Cable Ad:


Tud from Italy—Taihei Building, Kudjo

Uchisoi^'aicho, 1-cbotne, Kojimaebi- Gustav Rudolf (Tokyo)

ku laxlfioO Dr. J. Jordan (Oskka)


sSabroje Go. op Japan, Ltd., Tme, Kof^iter- ! SYbfjt’TIegner k Co., Ltd.—8, Maru-

ating ..engineers—8,' Marunouchi, Koji- 1 nouchi,» 2,-Phome, Kojimachi-ku; P.

machi-ku ;• P-O. Box .20.4: Genitral; ; O.'• Box ‘316; Teleph. Marunpuchi

Gable Ad : Nibonsabrqe ' - ’(23) •3311 iand 3342 : Cable A4 ■:' Siher

•H. Treifehler, manager

.SaKUMA PaBOO iNDUSTRIAL^Coi-'LTD.-^- i G. S.‘ Luln', acoouritarit-

Kiku Masamune, TBuilding, 1, Ginza | Siemens-Schuckert -Denki Kabushiki

Kish* 3-ehome, K j. obasbi-ku ; Telephg.

Kyobashi (56) 7135, 7136, 7137 ; P. O. Kaisha—2, Marunbuchi, 3-chome,

Box 484; Cable Ad: Espab Kojimachi-ku; Telephs. (23), 2054,

2764, and- 2822 (Maruiiouchi) ; Cable

S.^le k Co., Ltd., Import and Export Ad:B. Siemens Mohr, direetor

Merchants, Shipping, Insurance & W.Bunten,: manager 1

Financial Agents—14, Marunpuchi, X. Kpdera

2-chqme, Kojimachi-ku; Telephs. H. Bank

1161^4 (Marunouchi); P.O. Box 3l8; A. Mueller

(Central); Cable Ad: Salehouse R. Momptani; engineer

Sohmid, R. (Watch Factory)—1931, Singer 'Sewing Machine Go.—Naka-

Gogokan, 10 Sanchom^ Marunouchi,

Nishisugamo, 2-chom.e,-: 'Toshima-ku; | Kojimacbi-ku

Cable Ad: Revival

.Schmidt Shoten—2, Miiromachi, 3- S: Yuraku K. F. iNbuSTKiEs.’ Of Cable Jap^n—10,

chome, Nihonbashi-kii; Cable Ad: .Sh'efko. cho,Sale 1-chome; Offices



Schmidt , r rV . - Kanazawa, Kagaoka, Nagoya, Osaka,

P. Schmidt, prbpTibtpr Kokura, Keijo, Dairen,' MtiKdefe! and


W. Theiss, signs per pro.

V. Suesskoch, do. i Smidth Co.. A/S (Copenhagen) F.

G. Levedag, Jr. L.—Marunouchi, Kojimachi-ku;

K. Regel

C. Gastmeier Telfeph. (23) 1896; P.O. BoX Centrall

Miss :.K Lange

Miss J. Gilbert 94; Chble Ad: Folasmidth

Miss J. Tetens ■ ■ • Society ok Chemical Industry in

Agents 1for BasLe, Manufacturers of “Ciba”

’-Ernst Leitz, Wetzlnr Phkrihacetltieal Chemic'als &c.—Sanwa

' Sanitas; Berlin Bldg.. Ginza, 4-chohiis, Kyobashi-ku;

Teleph. Ginza 4731

AcifMJiz & Go., P., Representatives of SoutA British Insurance Co., Ltd.—

German Machine Makers---Tokyo

Tatempno Building, Gofuku-bashi, Yu-rakukan Building; 4, Marunou-

chi, Kojimachi-ku; Teleph. (23)

and Pschrqitzco Cable Ads: Humboldt 0976; Cable Ad r Sbubritish


; ,St. Luke's' Tntf.rn,vtlqnal Medical

Kchoeller-Bleckmann Phoenix • Seiko • Centre (for Japahese and Fpreign-

Gomei Kaisha, -Steel Manufacturers ; ers) — Akashi-cho, Kyobashi-ku;

:—S.aiwai Building, 7, Uchi-Saiwai-

cho, 1-chome, Kojimachi-ku; Cable - Ti'lephs. (56) 6101-5 (Kyobashi);

Cable Ad: Stlukes

Ad : Stalphonix Rt. Rev. N. S. Biristedp'D.D., actg.

H. Schreck, general -manager director ,

W. Levpdag <[. C, ' Wachrter | Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.—5l9,.YaesH

Sole Agents of 1 . ;

^chpeller-Bleckmann . Steel [Works, j ku;

Li?d., Vienna, Austria



(23) 2295-8 ; Kojimachi-

Cable Ad:

Soconiy. or Vacuum

'SiAiiiESE LEdATtON {see .Eudjassies and , StedefEld, Dr. H.—67,: Tansu-machi;

Legations) ' Teleph. Akasaka l941


Strachan & Co. (Agencies), Ltd., W. Kyushu Branch Office—Jugo Build-

M., General Merchants, Insurance ing, Katadoi-machi, Fukuoka;

Agents—Yusen Building, 2-chome, Teleph. 1212; Cable Ad: Sunbeam

Marunouchi, Kojimaohi-ku; Teleph. M. Fujiye, manager

2823 (Marunouchi); P.O. Box 43

(Central); Cable Ad: Strachan Swedish Legation (see Embassies)

E. P. Stroud, director

Teikoku Sanso K. K.—2, Marunouchi,

Styrian Steel Works, Ltd.—2, Echizen- 3-chome, Kojimachi-ku; Cable Ad:

bori, 1-chome, Kyobashi-ku; Teleph. Oxygene

Kyobashi (56) 1684; Cable Ad:

Styriastal Tetens, A. P., Engineers, Heating,

Ventilating, etc.—Room 1517, 5th.

Sun Insurance Office Ltd.—14, Ma- floor, Tokyo Kaijo New Building,

Marunouchi; Teleph. Marunouchi

runouchi, 2-chome; Teleph. 23-1756

(Marunouchi); P.O. Box 102 (Cen- (23) 4868; Cable Ad: Tetens

tral) ; Cable Ad: Sunfire

W. R. Bull, Manager for Japan Tokyo Chamber of Commerce ' (see

M. C. Compton Clubs)

S. Tamura, Manager (Tokyo &

Osaka branches) Tokyo Piano Shokai (formerly

Foreign Piano Importing Co.)—

Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada 2,ku;Ginza Nishi, 6-chome, Kyobashi-

Teleph. Ginza (57 ) 2943; Cable

—Administrative Office for Japan:

6, Marunouchi, 3-chome, Kojima- Ad: Tokyopiano

chi-ku; Telephs. Marunouchi (23)

1880 and 1881; Cable Ad: Sunbeam Tomeye Trading Co., Importers and

W. D. Cameron, supervisor for Exporters—Yusen Building ; Teleph.

23-3867 (Marunouchi); Cable Ad:


jVI. Dobson, residence secretary Leon

P. Lord Leon D. S. Tomeye

Tohoku Branch Office—11, Kimachi


Teleph. 196 Sendai, Miyagi-ken; Toyo Babcock Kabushiki Kaisha

Kanto Branch Office — Yuraku Ltd., (Successors to Babcock & Wilcox,

Building,. Marunouchi; Teleph. facturers and Zema Works, Ltd.) Manu-

Marunouchi (23) 4786 (agent’s use) Boilers, Chain of Stirling Water Tube-

and 4843 (office use) Grate Stokers, Con-

E. Lord, manager veyors and all 5,Boiler House Appli-

Yokohama Foreign Agency—21, Ya- nouchi ; Teleph. (23)Nakadori,

ances—Office: Maru-

1895 (Marunou-

mashita-eho, Naka-ku; Teleph. (2) chi) ; Cable Ad: Babcock. Head

0379 (Honkyoku); P.O. Box 24; Office: Yokohama

Cable Ad: Cyprian S. Kuroda, branch manager

F. W. Hill, agent

Nagoya Branch Ofiice—Sumitomo Toyo Otis Elevator K. K.—100, Izu-

Building, Shinyanagi - cho, 6- mo-cho, Kamata-ku ; Cable Ad : Lyn-

chome, Naka-ku; Teleph. 2526 dentree


M. Aramaki, manager

Kansai Branch Office—Asahi Bldg., Tozai Motors, Lt»., Importers of

British Machines—4, Kobiki-cho, 4-

3, Naganoshima 3-chome, Kita-ku, chome, Kyobashi-ku; Teleph. (56)

Osaka; Telephs. 4500, 5470 & 6540 1694; Cable Ad : Eikokubi; Codes:

(Honkyoku); Cable Ad: Sun- Bentley’s I Complete and Bentley’s

beam 2nd Phrase Code

W. Araki, manager Hans Hunter

E. B. Cahusac, secretary H. S. Weigall j .John Gadsby

Hiroshima Branch Office—44,

shi Uoya-machi, Hiroshima;Higa-

Te- Agencies

leph. 4810 J. A. Prestwich & Co,, London

K. Kusaka, manager (J. A. P. Engine)


Burman & Sons, Ld., Birmingham Walker & Co., Goshi Kaisha—Fujiya

(Gear Box) Building, J, Kotohira-cho, Shiba-ku ;

Matchless Motor Cycle, Ld., Red- Teleph. Shiba 2304; Cable Ad: Walkerco

ditch 1

R. A. Lister & Co. (Lister Diesel Waltham Watch Co.—Shigokan, Na-

kadori, Marunouchi; P.O. Box 83

engines) Central; Cable Ad : Waltham

Indian Motorcycle Co.

Trade Representation of U.S.S.R., Warner Bros. First National Pic-

tures (Japan) Inc.—Tokyo • Tate-

Export and Import Trade between mono

U.S.S.R. and Japan—10. Mar.unou- Teleph.Building, 7 Gofukubashi

Nihonbashi 3-chome,

3908; Cable Ad :

cl'i] Cable .Ad : Vneshtorg Firnatex

‘Trans-Pacific, The”—1, Uchi-Yama- Weinberger & Co.,, 0.—3, Naka-dori,

shita-cho Itchome, Kojimachi-ku; Marunouchi; Teljeph. Marunouqhi

Tejephs.,!- (Ginza) 5857, 5858, 5859; (23.) 4727; Cable Ad ; Weinberger

Cable Ad : Advertiser

B. W. Fleisher,. editor and publisher Western Electric Co. (Orient) Ld.—■

Trans-Pacific Advertising & Service Teleph. 2, Marunouchi 3-chome, Kojimachi-ku,

Bureau — 1, Uchiyamate-cho, It- Marunouchi 2606; Cable Ad:

ehome* Kojimachi-ku ; Telephs'. 5857r ! : Jerpi; j ;

9 JGinzia) j. Cable Ad : Advertiser Westinghouse Air Brake Co.—665;

B. W. Fleisher, proprietor Marunouchi Building, Marunouchi;

J. R. Young, manager Gable Ad: Westinghouse

LT.SS.R. Consulate {see Consulates)' Fred S. Thomas, Engineer for


JJnion Insurance Society 1 of : Canton, : Westinghouse Electric’ Internation-

Ltd.—12, Marunouchi, San-chome, al Go.—784, Marunouchi; Building,

Kojiftlachi-ku: Teleph. Marunou- Marunouchi; P.O. Box 121; Gable

chi (2S) 3562; P.O. Box Central 386; Ad: Wemeoexpo

Cable Ad : :Union

H. Gehi'y :GaMn'er, 'branch ingr. Wrigley Co., Ltd.—8, Minami Kin-

Union Trading Co. —21, Gbchi, Shiba roku-cho, Spearmint

Kyobashi-ku; Cable Ad:

Park, Shiba-ku,; Cable Ad : Unitraco

S. Takeishi, proprietor Yokohama Specie Bank {see Banks)

Vitrea Glass Works, Prague—Taki- Yorkshire Insurance Co., Ltd.—Ka^

yama Building, Kyobashi-ku ; Cable takura Building, 2, Kyobashi , 3-

AM: Mercator chome, Kyobashi-ku; P.O. Box Cen-

Vogt, Dr. K. & Sonderhoff, Dr. R. tral K.356;J. Brown, Cable Ad: Yorkshire

manager for Japan

(Law & Patent office)—Yaesu Build- R. A. Roberts

ing, , 4th floor, Kojimachi-ku;

Teleph. Marunouchi (23) 3062; Cable Zeiss, Carl (Kabushiki Kaisha)—Yu-

Ad : Anwalt sen Building (7th floor), Marunou-

Dr. K. Vogt, Lawyer & regd.

Patent Attorney, Legal. Adviser chi ; Telephs. 3065 and 3066 (Maru-

nouchi) ; Cable Ad: Zeissag

to the German Embassy Paul Henrichs, director (Jena)

Dr. R. Sonderhoff Alfred Simader, db. (Dresden)

Tories & Co., W.M., Architects (A Hermann Kuh, director (Tokyo)

Department of the Oiiii Brother- Helmut Schulze

hood)—Fujiya Building, Tranomon, Erich Clausnitzer

Shibakii Ludwig Eckert

Osaka Branch—Daido Seimei Bldg., Willy Haenssgen

Tosabori. 1-chome; Cable Ad: Miss Use' Heinrich

Tories, Hachimanomi Karl WiiHlei: ,


. Yokohama is situated on the Bay of Tokyo, in lat. 35 deg. 26 min. 11 see,


the and long.with139which

capital, deg. it39 ismin. 20 sec.,byandseveral

connected is distant

lines ofabout

steam20 and



railways: A very small fishing village when it was opened to foreign trade in

1859, its proximity to the capital quickly led to its development and it w'as

for many years the leading port of Japan. The surrdundingTr se'ehery

is hilly and pleasing,- and on clear, days the snow-crowned summit

and graceful outlines, of Fuji-san, a volcanic mountain 12,370 feet

high—celebrated; in* Japanese literature and depicted on innumerable native-


town isofdivided


parts, thevisible,


part some

being 75occupied

miles distant.

by what The was

known, before the abolition of extra-territoriality, as the foreign settle-

tlement. Beyond the plain on which the town is built rises a sort of semi-

circle of low hills called “The Bluff,” on which are situated the

residences of many members of the foreign community.. Along the

waterfront runs a good road called^ the Bund, on which stand a number of

imposing buildings, of which the principal ones are the Hongkong and


United ClubBank, and the American

the New GrandConsulate,

Hotel. Thethe reconstructed

Standard-Vacuum Gil Co.’s many

city includes offices, fine



3 million yen, the Silk Conditioning Blouse, the Customs House, General Postof

of modern architecture, notably ithe Prefectural offices, rebuilt at a cost

Uffice. the British and American Consulates, Japanese and Foreign Banks

and office buildings. A fine cricket and; recreation club and a racecourse are

situated about two miles from the Settlement Three excellent golf links are

within a short distance of the city. A good boating and yachting club also

exist, providing facilities for deep-sea bathing. The railway station is well-

designed and commodious. The town is in the enjoyment . .of an excellent

water supply,' large waterworks having been completed in 188,7. The municipal

electric tramways traversing important sections of the city now extend for 31

miles (approximately

the city. The-harbour29 miles

workin started

actual use).

in 1900There


33 miles offinished

bus routeinwithin


sustained great damage in the earthquake of 1932. Reconstruction, was, how-

ever, complete in Atarch 1931. An outer breakwater, now uh’der construction,

will on completion, more than double the present harbour area. The gas works

were started

1892, the pipesaslaid

a private


now aboutbut200taken


by theare municipality

4 berths at the In

pier, accommodating , the, largest steamers,: Ariel. 12 mooring .wharves for large

oceaii-going vessels, most of these wharves accomihodating vessels of any size.

The Yokohama Dock Company has three dry docks of 628 ft., 489 ft., and 380

ft., docking length, 98 ft., 77 ft., and 76 ft. width of entrance, and 33 ft..

26 ft. and 21 ft. of; water oh the blocks i respectively, and ,a mooring, basia Of

600 ft, by 100, ft. by 25 ft.

In the very; severe.learthquake, which was followed by, a huge conflagra-

tion, on September 1st, 1923, close on 30,000 people are known to have

perished. Another 3,i559 were missing and believed to be dead, and 66,371

were officiallyof reported

one-quarter as injured,

the population. The the totalofcasualties

number buildingsrenresentating

destroyed was nearly


out of a total of 93,000. The shipping in harbour was placed; in serious

jeopardy by the blazing oil from the oil-tanks on shore running into and

spreading over the water.

sixthThe population

largest of Yokohama

city in the Empire. was aboiit 703,900 in October 1934, thus being the


Yakohama chiefly subsists on its foreign trade, especially the valuable

■silk trade, which from the. time of the opening of the country has always

foeen handled at the port. The earthquake of 192.'! for a time disabled the port,

and the. silk trade was temperorarily transferred to "Kobe, but with the

rehabilitation of the northern port the trade hasl been in part recaptured.

The present degression in the silk trade,1 however, due partly to the

economic situation in the U.S.A. and partly to t,h$ competition of rayon, has

had a serious effect upon the port; fortunately it was offset to a great extent

by-the increase in other exports since the abandonment of the Gold Standard

by Japan.

Yokohama is administered by the Municipality, : which . owns the electric

lighting and power plants, the eleotric tramways’ and the gafe and water



Adet, Moss & Co., 'Wholesale Wine American Mail Line Ltd.—50, Yama-

and Spirit Merchants-—43, Yamashi- shita-cho; Telephs. 2-4237-9; Cable

ta-eho ; Teleph. 2-4077; P;0. Box 51; Ad: Mailine; Codes: Bentley’s

Cable Ad: Mossycamp Universal, etc.

• 0. H. Moss C. B.W,K.Gabrielspn,

Carpenter general ag^nt,

Advani, H. R., General Exporters— F. H. Spengler

76, Yamashita-cho; G'ablb Ad: Gu- L. Nietman

runanik American Merchandise Co.—164, Ya-

Aheens & Co., Nachf, H. (Gomei mashita-cho; Cable uAcl; Harlo

Kaisha)—51, Yamasihita-cho; Naka- American Trading Co!, of Japan,. Ltd.

ku; Teleph. (:2) 0142 and (2) 0150 —255, Yamashita-cho; Teleph; 2-0580;

(Honkyoku); P.O. Box 71; Cable P.O. Box 28j- Cable;;-Ad-: Amtraco.

Ad : Nordlloyd Head Office for Japan: Tokyo

H. Bosch, acting partner (Tokyo) J. V. Agaj an, manager

H. Umbhau J, Takaki

A gencies

Stickstoff - Syndikat, G.m.b.H., Amsterdam Underwriters , Associa-

Berlin. Fertilizers tion—164, Yamashita-cha; Teleph.

Nordd'eutseher Lloyd, Bremen. .Honkyoku 2,-2449; P.O. Box 39;

Passenger and Freight. Line Cable Ad: Apcar

R. J. Carroll, agent

American Association of Yokohama Apcar & Co., A. M., Merchants:—164,

(see Clubs) Yamashita-cho.; P;0. Box 39:; Gable

AMERicAisr Consulate (see Consulates) Ad : Apcar.

M. Apcar, managing director

American Cynamid Co.—133, Sailobun- i Agencies ■ •

machi, Kanagawa-ku Ariel Works, Ld., Birmingham.

Ariel. Motorcycles

Excelsior Motor Manufacturing

American Express Co.,' Inc. — 7, and Supply -Co. Chicago, Su-

Nihon Odori, Nakaku; Teleph. (2) per X and Henderson Motorr

0025; P.O. Box 407; Cable Ad: cycles

Amexeo / Day, Son & Hewitt, LdyiSMbn


Akcolet & Co., Ltd., H. JST,—Tokiwa Yokohama Koshin Ginko, Ltd.—35,

Bldg., Tokiwa-cho, 1 -cliome, Nakaku Benten-dori, 2-chome, .Naka-ku

H. N. Arcouet

Asahi Trading Co., Exporters of Tex- Yokohama Specie Bank, Ltd.-^60, ' Mi-

tiles, Shirts and Hosiery, Importers nami 3131

Nakadori, Nakaku; Teleph.


of Textiles—15th Bank Building,

Otamachi; P.O. Box S8j Cable Ad: Bell, R. G., Representative and Agent,

Asahico Import and Export—23, Yamashita-

Audoyer, G., Merchant—109, Yama- cho; Teleph. 2-0246; P.O. Box 286>

shita-cno; Telephs. 2-0011 and 2-3100 ; Cable Ad: Bell,

P.O. Box 109 ; Cable Ad : Audoyergeo Berrick & Co., Ltd., Importers and

Georges Audoyer Exporters—199, Yamashita-cho : P.

E. Dentici O. Box 199; Cable Ad: Berrick

V. F. Rangel B. R. Berrick, director

J. J. P. Coelho M. Mendelson, do.

R. Hirai B. Deveson .

K. Yoneyama - . O. Yuyaiha

H. J. D. Rooke

BANKS R. H. A. Berrick

Bank of Taiwan, Ltd.—33, Nihon cho ; Teleph.Bharat Trading Co.—153, Yamashita

Ohdori, Naka-ku; Cable Ad: Tai- Tirthdas; Codes: 2-2579Bentley’s;

;. Cable Scho-

Ad :

wangink field’s and Oriental 3-letter

The Chartered Bank of, India, Naraindas Tirthdas, manag.-director

Australia and China — 18, Nihon

Ohdori, Nakaku ; Cable Ad : Younker ; 3616; Hotel—2,

Bluff Bluff; Teleph. (2)

P.O. Box 284 Cable Ad: Bluff Hotel

C. Petersen, manager

Hongkong and Shanghai Banking

Brady & Ruegg- 90b, Yamashita-cho;


Box 402; Teleph.Yamashita-cho;

(Honkyoku) P.2- P.

0044; Cable Ad : Olympia R. Ruegg

C. Holland

E. ,P. Streatfield British Association of Japan (seer

R. Stilliard Clubs)

Mitsui Bank, Ltd.—20, Hon-cho, P. British Consulate (see Consulates)

O. Box 223; Teleph, 2-4131; Cable

Ad: Mithama Bund 1Hotel, Ltd.—1, Shinyamashita-

National City Bank of New York, cho, 4833chome, Nakaku ; Teleph. (2)'

The—74a, Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku; 4832, M. Takaoka, manageress


and 2-3178; 2-1836,

P.O. Box 2-1837,

299; Cable2-1838

Ad ; Butterfield & Swire, (Japan), LTp^fy-

• Citibank

R. D. Standish, mgr. (Tel. 2-2184) 7,4098Yamashita-cho ; Telephs. 2-2883, 2-

and 2-0173; P.O. Box 18^; Cable

J. I. Bonner, pro-mgr. & acct. Ad: Swire

(Teleph. 2-4094)

T. P. Davis, Jr., pro-mgr. and sub- H. W. Kent, signs per pro.

acct. R. G. Castlefcon

Ira Crocker, sub-acct. (Teleph 2- H. Spicer


Cameron'& Co., Ltd., A.—70-a, Yama-

Sumitomo Bank, Ltd.—2-chome, 22 Camedon shita-cho; P.O. Box 206; Cable Ad :

Hon-cho; P.O. Box 1; Cable Ad:

Sumitbahk N. W. Wilson, representative


Canadian National Railways—7, Ya- Chambre de Commerce Francaise du

mashita-cho; Teleph. 2-4323; Cable Japon—185, Yamate-cho; Cable Ad:

Ad : Lemorb Chamfrance

Donald E. Ross, general agent

H. C. Shirley, travelling repre- Foreign Trade Association of Yoko-

sentative > hama—1, Kaigan-dori

T. Nishimura

Yr. Kasai

Nippon Race Club Go£,fing Associa-

Canadian Pacific Steamships, tion—7, Yamashita-cho; Telephs.

Ltd., Agents for Canadian Pacific 2-1502 (Honkyoku) and 2-4929 (Hon-

Express Co. — 21, Yamashita-cho; yoku) Club House

Telephs. 2-209 and 2-1656; P.O. Box Committee—H. B. Street (Captain),S.

201 F. G. Bishop (Hon. Secretary),

Freight and Operating Dept.- Andreis,

H. Lefebvre, B. Deveson andButcher,

W. Hayward, W. R. D.

M.Cable Ad: Citamprag

Fitzgerald, gen. agent for Standish


J. H. Nancollis, agent Royal Society of St. George (Yoko-

M. J. Nozaki, Shimidzu agent hama and Tokyo Branch)

Passenger Dept.—Cable Ad: Ga- President—W.


B. G. Ryan, General Agent Vice-Pres.—T.

Hon. G.R. Ely



R. Wilde

L. R. Wilde, Passenger Agent Hon. Treas.—F. H. Culpin

Canadian Transport Co , Ltd.—1, Yokohama Chamber of Commerce and

Kaigan-dori Industry—11, Nihon Odori, Naka-

Caudrelier, L., Wholesale and Retail ku; Cable Ad: Kaigisho; Code:

Grocers—62, Yamashita-cho; P. O, Bentley's A.B.C. 5th and 6th, Acme

Box 124; Cable Ad : Caudrelier Schofield’s and Lombard

■Centre Hotel—66, Yamashita-cho; Yokohama Rotary Club—Hotel New

Cable Ad: Centre Grand, Yamashita-cho

Chartered Bank of India, Austr. and

China (see Banks) Yokohama Seamen’s Club (Missions

to Seamen)—194, Yamashita-cho;

■Christ Church—234, Bluff Teleph. 2-4228; Cable Ad: Yokseaclub

Chaplain—Rev. E. G. Bucknill, m.a.


Clifford Wilkinson .Tansan Mineral of Trade—252, and Tokyo Foreign Board

Water Go,, Ltd.—;66, Okina-cho Yamashita-cho; P.O.

Box 216; Cable Ad : Tradeboard

CLUBS AND SOCIETIES Yokohama United Club—4, Yamasbi-

American Association of Yokohama— ta-cho; P.O. Box 84; Cable Ad:


6, Bund Chairman—W. E. Gooch

President—H. W. Schenck : Secretary—D. L. Abbey

Vice-Pres.—R. D. Standish Committee—T.


Treas.—T. P. P.Davis

Ludden■ W. Hegner, A.G. L.Ely,Manley,

G. N. Hallett,

D. E.

Custodian—E. W. Frazar Ross, E. L. Swift

British Association of Japan—7, Collier, J. D., Engineering Office,

Yamashita^cho M anufacturers’ Representative—23,

Chairman—Wi E. Gooch Yamashita-cho; Teleph. 2-1794; P.O.

Hon. Secretary—D. E. Ross Box 27 ; Cable Ad : Collier; Codes •

Hod. Treas.—W. Murray Universal Trade & Bentley’s


Commercial Unioj? Assurance

La®., Fire and Marine—72, Yama- Go., Greece ^'Sir Yai£as!iita:cbo; Telephs^

shita-cho; P.O. Box 52Gable Ad: Hon. 2-1S31 ; ,

Cuaco ; Guatemala — A j Benteh-dbri. 1 -chome,


f A. Dixon, manager for : Naka-ku

Japan '' Consul—T. Ono ,

I Honduras—Tonan Bldg., ^oshida-

CONSULATES: bashi Giwa, Naka-ku

AftoENad^—WaLao Building,

‘ ' Obnsul—Riedrcld Arattlbui® '' • ItaiA—840, Yamate-clio ;. Telepb;^ 2t

• 3041; Cable Ad:Italconsul

3BELQIUK—36, Nihon. O'dori; P.O. Consul—A; de' Prospero

Box 144; pable,/Ad: Suzandron Mexico—7, ■ Yamashitk'cho; ' Cable

Consul—A. L. Bonvaux Ad: Gbnsulmex

Brazil—86, Yamashita-clio; Cable | Netherlands—26c,, Yamashita-cho

Ad: Consbras. . Cpnsti'l—M.. S. -Wi^fsupl

Chile—fsee Chilean,, Legation^ 1. Japan • Nor\vay—Union Buildings., N/s, Ya-

Section) ’ , ‘ "N ' 'a ?.?™

mashita-chb ; ,!T(eJeph. ,^-2264 ; P.O.

China—87,. Yamashiia-chp,; .Cable | BoxActing ,20, ' . Vi

Consul—H. E. Standage

Ad: Siho6onsul

Chechoslovakia—9^, YarnasHita-cho; Panama— 60-3, Yamate;. Cable Ad:

Cable Ad : DHttmgis' ;-r/

’' Panaconsul

• ’ Consul—S. Isaacs , ; : Consul—Julio, 1?. ^riceno .

• Secretary—O.’Shirh'oi Peru—19, Bluff; Teleph. Honk-

Denmark—See Danish Legation, Ja- yoku (2) 4240

pan section; ,, v : Cpnspl—Pedro E. Paulet

Spain—101, Ozato-macbi, Hommoku

Finland—199 Yamashita-cho, Naka-

ku . ; . | Sweden—7, ' Yafnasbita-chb; P.O;'

I Box 132

France—185, Bluff; Telephi Honkyokii Hon. Consul—G. Guston

3-480; Cable Ad: Fransulat

Consul—Louis Jousset (absent) ; Turkey’ (Honorary)— 48, Be'nteri Bori,

;Acting Consul—Robert "de Franc- 3-chome, Naka:ku

(Rievilla (Vice-Consul) '

Seey.-Int'erpreter—H. Takayatim , United States ' oe America — 6,

Bund: Teleph. (2) 2600; Cable

Germany—51, Yamashita-cho; Te- Ad: American Consul

leph. 2-1454; Cable Ad : Consu-


Consul GeneralChrAtians

Chancellor—J. —Df. W. Crull Continental Insurance Co. of New

■ Assistant—RAAigt York—Nippon Kaijo. Building, 21,

Stenotypist—;MiSs Ruth Biihring Hon-oho-dori, 2-ehome, Naka-ku;

; Cable Ad : Ahajapan

W. W. Glass, Manager for Japan.

Great Britain — 3, Nihon Odori; (Tokyo)

Teleph. 2-0423; Cable Ad: Britain K. Akiyama, branch manager

Consul-Genl.—K. Holmes, c.m.g.


Consul—D. Teleph. 2-4408) ■ Cook

W. Kermode- & Son, Ltd., Thos-v-o/o. Hotel

New Grand; P;0. Box 412; Cable

Shipping Clerk—W. J. . Ham Ad: Coupon

(Teleph. 2 0423) N. Kimura

Coolican, Dk. IT. E.—86, ^amasliita- Directory and Chrorsscie of the Far

cho, Xaka'-ku East ((Cniria, Ja||^n, Malaya,

M. 11. Coolicaa/'M.^., b’.ch. Philijip|ine ;,’rsla,nd3, Dutch East


Agents, Indo»-

Torj.Chlria, etc,)


Comes fi. Co., Merchants & Lloy’d’s & Co.—6, Nilyonbashi-ku, Tori

Agents—81, YaruashitejcLo; jP.O.

Box Telephs.,, l8Sl-4 ■ Cable Ad : 2-chome, Tokyof” V d i

Cot-ijibs " " ' ' i!oV7

A. J. Cornea (London) Dodwell & Co., Ltd.,- Steamship,

P. L. Spence (Kobe). : ,f. .. Coaling and Insurance Agbnts—

.t: Cowries (toriddn) " ' - | Shipping Dept. : 22, Yamashita-cho :

J. W. Meyer CKcibe) Ikt)., Box, 271 .

1E. M. Carlsorr, manager j. P. Barnett

F. GandosSi

H. F. Vincent Dollar.' Steamship" Line—50, Yamashi-

W. C. L. Andrews ta-cho''; T.elephs. 2-4237-9; Cable Ad '•

J. F. Munro, Surveyor to

■ '■J Lloyd’s Agents '■ • : ‘J Dollar; Codes : Bentley’s, IJniver-

: sal, etc.

Coutts U. B.W.K.Gabrielson,-general agent

Nakaku& Ctark! '-^' 21/' Yilmasliife- cho, Carppnter;

; . h. j-j. Spongier. ,: : -

Curnow & Co., Ltd., J., Indent Mer- L. Nietmaa :

chants, Importers;' Exporters and Easi’ern j Trading: iCo.i, Food and


r Chandlers—^6, Main • Street ; j Animal Bye Products (Beef, Hides,

J eleph. 2 of No. 408#^' P. Oh Box 82; . .Bones, Hoofs, Tailor, Lards)—1,

Cable Ad : Curnow; - Codes : Bentley’s, ;i Kaigaurdori, Itchome; Cable Ad:

Acme and Duo Mayes; «GJode$:.. Acihje, Bentley’s,

Geo. -Bussell,, managing director 1j Universal Tr;wle —

Czechoslovakian Consulate (see Con- C. T. Mayes, managing director

sulates) > T. Takizawa director

i ., •B,T. - Baikamqtp

I toll; Hides,CBopes

.. and Bya ;

Dalamal & jSoNS^-^e^Yatriashita-cho'

W. Dalamal, proprietor j . y... products ■ > , : < : : . s >-ej

C. M. Mayes, sales mgr.

Darbier, : J., Engiiie'er—12v’Ybshiha-

ma-cho ; Cable Ad t'Aida' ■Eymard'; & i.jDbi, Cc, 1 Merchamts--T63,


Dayaraxt Bros. Co.—16,: Yam^shita- Far East Superintendent Co., Ltd.,

chb, Naka-ku; Cable Ad : Day a ram j General.'Cnrgo and'Cbbton Control-

Dell ’Oro & Co., Merchauts 9,l, Ya- lers-^-lOi, Yamashita-cho; Cable Ad :

Supervise ' " i/

mashita-cho ; Cable Ad: Del loro J. W.: Bust,' agent

Depaty, Ed. J.—24 Yamashita-cho Eeltman Bros., |nc., Merchants—26,

Dewette & Co.—112, Yamate-cho1 Otamaphi,, 2-chome; Cable Ad : Bro-


Dhanamall, Chellaram, 'Exporter of Ford Motor Co. of Japan, Ltd.—3414,

Silk Good's and Curibs—32-cj,Ya- . Box.4Q3.;>Cable'

Moriya-cho; Telephs. 2/6231-35; P. O.

mashita-cho; P.O. Box 235; Cable Ad i.Foitlmotor'

Ad: Dhahamal B. J.Kopf, managerasst. mgr.

B. V. Sabunani, manager G. Ankeny,

B. Boiler, chiefplerk

DiaLdas & Sobs, M. 76, Yamashi- W. C. Asen

ta-cho ; P.O. Box 26.6; Cable Ad: E. W. Ayers | F. G. Thomas

Dialdas G. C. Grand;/ | E. Hjersing


France Boyeki Shokai (Successors to E. W. Frazar, chairman of dirs.

Comptoir Soies, Societe Anonyme) H. A. Chapman, director

—109, Yaniashita-cho; Telephs. 2- J. F. Helm, director

?100 and 2-0011; P.O- Box 109; Cable J. T. Helm, do. (Kobe)

Ad : Isabeau W. Helm do.

Georges Audoyer L. Gpldfinger

E. Dentici A. R. Hanson 1 R. Pohl

V. F. Rangel R. Wolf J ' J. Ahrens

J. J. P. Coelho

H. Kameda Hill Pharmacy, The—128, Motomachi

Frateixi Zerollo, Inc.—164, Yama- Holstein Shipping & Insurance

shita-cho, Naka-ku Agencies (Shipping Office)—7, Ya-


Frazar & Co., Manufacturers’ Agents,

Engineering Specialities, General Home Insurance Co.—73, Yamashita-

Merchandise — 7, Nihon Odori, cho; P.O. Box 18; Cable Ad: Gene-

Naka-ku rasso

F. Schoene, agent

General Engineering Co.— 12, Yoshi-

hama-cho; Teleph. 3-0165 Choja- Hongkong & Shanghai Bank {see

machi; Cable Ad : Aida Banks)

German Consulate {see Consulates) Hotel New Grand—10, Yamashita-

cho; Cable Ad: Newgrand

Getz Bros. & Co., Merchants—93, Ya-

mashita-cho: Teleph. 2-1411; P.O. Illies & Co., C. Shipping Dept.—23,

Box 164; Cable Ad : Getz Yamashita-cho; P.O. Box 78; Cable

S. Perez, Manager for Japan Ad : Hapag

E. R. Papendieck, manager C. J. Illies

K. Friedrichsen

Gibbs & Co., Ltd., Retail Grocers

and Wine Merchants—66, Yamashi- Imperial Airways, Ltd.—7, Yamashi-

ta-cho; P.O. Box 65; Cable Ad: ta-cho


Gillon and Company, Importers and Isaac Bunting Export Co.—41, Nihon

Exporters—23, Yamashita-cho; P.O. Ordori, Naka-ku; Cable Ad: Ibeco

Box 411; Cable .Ad : Gillon Isaacs & Co., S., General Merchants—

W. E. Gooch 92, Yamashita-cho; P.O. Box 406;

W. R. Gooch Cable Ad : Dnumgis

K. Matsuo I M. Akiyeda S. Isaacs

H. Utsugi I T. Katsumi

K. Muraki I Y. Yoshida J.A.O. D.Shimoi


Miller, per pro

Hall, Jno. W., Auctioneer, Commis- K. Okabe

sion Merchant and Estate Agent—

87, Yamashita-cho; Cable Ad: Hall Italian Consulate (see Consulates)

Hassaram & Co., K., General Export- Japan Advertiser, The—51-b, Yama-

ers and Commission Agents—108, shita-cho; Teleph. Honkyoku 1649;


P.O. Box 76; CableTeleph. ..(2) 3278; Cable Ad : Advertiser

Ad: Hassaram Clarence A. Davie:,. branch mgr.

Helm Brothers, Ltd., iStevedores, Japan Import and Export Commission

Landing and Shipping Agents—4S, Co.—252, Yamashita-cho ; Telepb. 2-


Box 116; Cable Teleph.

Ad: Helm; P.O. 1420; Cable Ad: Commission


B. Guggenheim (New York)

Bentley’s and Scott’s 10th edn. E. Jordan, manager


Japan Review (Monthly Magazine)— Kewalram k Bulchand, Silk and Gen

06, Yamashita-cho; P.O. Rox 97; eral Exporters—82, Yamashita-cho;

Cable Ad: O'Dell P.O. Box 35

Mrs. A F. O’Dell K. H. Mahtani, proprietor

T. Bulchand, do.

Japan Times, The—1‘57, Yamashita- Kimatrai & Go., J.—76, Yamashita-

cho; Teleph. Honkyoku : 2-5240: cho; P.O. Box 110; Cable Ad: Ki-

Cable- Ad: Times matrai

Japan Tot'kist Rureau—4, Kaigan- D. Chandriam, general manager

dori, 1-chQme. Head Office: Tok B. Deumal, manager

yo Station • Teleph. Hon. 2-3490: Kruger, Kenneth F.H. (Master Mari

Cable Ad: Tourist ner, O. C. Lond.), Surveyor and

■Java-China-Japan Lijn N.V.—25, Ya- Appraiser of Ships and Cargoes,

Surveyor to Def Norske Yeritas and

mashita-cho, Naka-ku; Cable Ad: Principal Shipping and Insurance

Wiersum Office—Union Building, 75n, Yama

shita-cho; P.Q. Box ,220; Cable Ad:

Jebenstreit Shqkai. Fr., Import — Sardomene

Jugo Bldg-; Teleph. (2) 4218' (Hpnk-

yoku); P.O. Box 121; Cable Ad: Kumazawa Kaisoten,.1L(TD.—105, Aioi-

Ebensan; Codes : A.B.C. 5th and cho,, Naka-ku

6th edns., Rudolf Mosse-Code-

Suppl. Baffin, T. M.—50, Yamashita-cho;

Fr. Jebenstreit P.O. Box 54; Cable Ad: Baffin

T. M. Baffin

Jenks, Percival* & Isitt, Maurice, Lloyd’s Register of ' Shipping—11,

Nihon-Odori, Naka-ku; Teleph. 3302


shita-cho; Acc,ouiitants—1

Cable Ad : Unravel5a, Yama- (lion.); p.O. Box ,48;-Cable Ad:

Partners:— Register

Sir Maurice Jenks, bt., l.l.d., f.c.a.


-T. E. Percival, f.c.a. (London) Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co. (Japan),

J. C. Pidgeon, f.c.a. (London) Ltd.- 75, Yamashita-cho ; Teleph. 2-

H.(Kobe)S. Goodwyn Isitt, o.b.e., f.c.a. Mackinnons Box 20; Cable Ad:

0015; P.O.

L. E Oldridge, a.c.a. (Yokohama & H.J.E.D.'Alexander,-

Standage, director



Staff:— Agents

A. G. J. Bullough, B. Coniv a.c.a. P. & O. S. N. Co.; Cable Ad:

R.R. Hudsoh

E. Spence,Walker

b.a., AsC.a) Peninsular

British-India and Apcar Lines;

W. Salter Cable Ad: Mackinnons

P. Eehlen E. k A. S.S. Co., Ld.; Cable Ad:


Jensen & Co.—34; Nakamura-cho; Marine Insurance Co., Ld.

Naka-ku Federal Insurance Co., Ld

The Sea Insurance Co., Ld.

Kern & Co., A., Import and Export Hartford 1 Fire Insurance Go.

Merchants — 77, Yamashita-cho Merchants Fir© Insurance Corpn.

(Building No. 25); Telephs. 2-4648 of New York

and 2-1045 (Honyoku); P.O. Box Maersk Lins,. The—4. Kaigan-dori

181 • Cable Ad : Schoenegg; Codes;

Bentley’s A. B:C. 5th impr. and 6th

Acme Manufacturers Life Insurance Co.,

J. Kern, partner The—73, Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku

Mrs. A. H: Kern, partner F. Schoene, agent


Marshall Field & Oo.r-87,..Yamashi- Nihalchand Brothers, Exporters of

ta’-ch.o; Cable Ad: Drumar Silk and Cotton Piece Goods,

Curios, etc.—77, Yamashita-cho; P.

Martin, C. K. Marshall—Bluff Hotel O. Box 126; Cable Ad: Nihalchand

McSparran, Dr. Joseph L., m.d., Phy- Nippon Yusen Kaisha (Branch Office)

sician and Surgeon—7, Nihon-odori, —9,. Kaigan-dori, Sanchome; Cable

ifaka-ku; Tele-phs. 2-3203 & 2-4974 AdK.: Yusen; Codejnanager

: .Bentley’s


Messagesies ' Marittmes, Compagnie Y. Kimura, sub-manager

des—9, Yamashita-cho; Teleph. 2085 T. Otsuka, do.

(Hon.); P.O. Box 261; Cable Ad: Y. Nishiyama, sutpt.

Messagerie K. Tsukuda, Y. Yoshida, T.

G. Barbe - Takahashi, S. Fukuoka, sub-


Miller Tire Sales Cb.—87, Yamashi- Nipponoi'hone Co., Ltd.—125, Kunesa-

ta-cho ki, Kawasaki; Cable Ad: Nipponoia

Mission Catholique (see Churches &

Missions) Nishimura & Wilson—16, Minami

Naka-dori; Cable Ad: Nisihiwilso

Mitsui BusSan KAibA.^ Ltd.—14, Nip-

pon Odori; Telephs. 5431, 5531, and North China Insurance Co., Ltd.—

5631 (Hon.)j Cable Ad: Mitsui Union Building, 75-d, Yamashita-

Morgan, JaV H., Architect—Union 2-1708; cho, Naka-ku; Telephs. 2-0469 and

Building, 75d, Yamashita-pho; Cable Union; P.O. Box 208; Cable Ad:

Code: Bentley’s Second

Ad: J aymor Phrasfe

Motley, R. Hunter, Commission J. H. M. Andrew, acting brapeh

Agent—92, Kominato-machi, 3- manager

chome, Hommoku Norwegian Consulate (see Consulates)

Muller, Maclean &•'06'., Inc. :—1 199, O’Dell’s Service Bureau, Printing,

Yamashita-cHo Advertising & Publishing : Services;

National Ciit Bank of New York and Publishers of “The. Japan Review’”

(see Banks) ‘ —66, “Motorists Handbook

Yamashita-cho; P.O.of Box


; 97;

Netherlands Consulate (see, Consu- Bentlby’6Cable Ad : O’Dell; . Codes : Acme,

lates) Mrs." A. and F. Universal'

O’Dell Tra.de

New Zealand Insurance Co., Ltd.

; cho

(Fire; Teleph.

and Marine) -73, Yamashita-

0233 (Honkyoku); P.O. Oppenheimer & Co., Ltd., Merchants

Box 18,%, Cable Ad : Newzico . —13, Y’amashita-cho; Teleph. Hon.

F. Schbenp, agent, , 2-0418, , ' • v,:

Njchizui Trading Co.., Ltd. (Agents Oriental Steel Prdducts Co., Ltd.—

for Swedish East Asiatic S.S. Co.)— P.O. Tejephs.Box 10,Kawasaki


46, Yamashita-cho; PC. Bpx 273; keti; (8) ; Cable

Ad : Tokokawasaki. Main Office:: Tokyo

Cable Ad: Nichizuico

Nickel &''Lyons, Ltd., Contracting Oversea Trading Co., General Im-

btevedores, Labeling, Warehousing & porters k. Exporters—219c, Yamate-

Shipping Agents—7, Yamashita-chb; cho; Teleph. 2-1547; P.O. Box 57;

P.O. Box 132; Cable Ad: Landing Cable Ad: Oversea

G. A. Neville,, manager J. Stem,; proprietor


Owston & Co., Ltd., F., Shipping and Richmond, Dr. G. D., Dentist—7,

Landing Agents, Stevedores and Nihon Odori; Teleph. Hon. 2-0664

Customs Brokers—1, Kaigan-dori;

Teleph. 3410 (Hon.); Cable Ad: Owston Rising Sun Petroleum Co., Ltd., The

C.E. Heseltine,

F. Owston, managing

director director (Established 1900), Importers and Dis-


Capital : ofYenShell Petroleum Products.

20,000,000.00—58, Yama-

Y. Hayashi, do. shita-cho ;401;

Teleph. (2)Ad:3335Petrosam.


K. Masaki, assist, manager P.O. Box Cable Sale

T. Shibusawa, inspector Offices : Tokyo, Osaka, Otaru, Sendai,

Y. Kawano, Shipping &. Ins. Nagoya, Hakata, Keijo Chosen, Taiho-

Agencies kuT.(Formosa), Dairendirector

Jardine, Mathesbn & .Co., Ld. G.O. Ely, mang.

Glen & Shire Line, Ld. N. Schippers, director


Hongkong Fire LineInsurance Co., Ld. P. B. Brown, do.

Amalgamated Anthracite Colli- W. Hayward, accountant

H. P. B. Jones, supt. engineer

eries, Ld., Swansea


Thomas MeadowsTransport& Co.Co. Robinson, George, Exporter—24, Ya-

Rhys & Co., Marseilles mashita-cho

Palatine Insurance Co.’, Ltd., The— Royal Society of St. George {see

92, Yamashita-cho; Cable Ad: Dnumgis Clubs)

S. Isaacs, repres. for Japan

J. D. Miller, per pro. Rudolph & Co., Charles—254, Yama-

K. Okabe, manager shita-cho; P.O. Box 115; Cable Ad:

Paravicini, Dr., Medical Practitioner Rudolphus

—772, 3-chome, Honmoku Rust, J. W., Consulting Engineer—

Pearson & Co,, Chaptered Accountants 164, Yamashita-oho; Cable Ad: Rust

— 7, Yamashita-cho; Teleph. 1502 Schmidt, T., Surveyor—700, Yamashi-

(Honkyoku); Cable Ad : Finance ta-cho; P.O. Box 220

A. E. Pearson, c-a. (Yokohama)

T. H. Fleming, c.A. (Tokyo) Schoene F., Insurance Agent—73,

T.H. Komatsu

Salter | T. R. Yoshida Yamashita-cho; Teleph. 0333 (Honk-

yoku); P.O. Box 18; Cable Ad:


Teleph. Dentici—217,

2-5220 Yamate-cho; Generasso r

Shu & Chang Co.—73a,• Yamashita-

Perez, Corp & Co., Merchants—93, cho; Teleph. Hon. 2-4546

Yamashita-cho; P.O. Box 133; Cable

Ad : Perez Siber, Hegner Co.y Ltd.—89a, Yama-

Peruvian Consulate (see Consulates) shita-oho; P.O. Box 41(1; Cable Ad’:


Pessomull Mulchand, Proprietors for W. E. Hegner, managing: director

Pohoomull Epos, (Europe) - - 201, H. J, Huber, manager

Yamashita-cho; A. F. Kunz | P. Blaptman

Ad : Pessomull . P.O. Box 209; Cable Singer Sewing Machine Co.—254,

,G.N.D. Hassahiull

.Kalwani mgr. ‘ Yamashita-cho, Nakaku: P.O. Box


Phoenix Assurance Co., Ltd.—96,

Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku Singleton, Benda & Co., Ltd., Import

Premsing &■ "Sons, L—Exporters-:of and Export Merchants—96, Yama-

shita-cho ; Teleph. 1058; P.O.Code: Box

Silk and7 Cotton Goods, arid 'Curios 63;

—153, Y amashita-cho; P.O. Box 67; Bentley’s Ad: Sihglfeton:


: P. If

Cable Ad : Shankar G. N. Brockhurst, manager


South British Insurance Go., Ltd. - C, \V. Meyers

—77, Yamashita-ciio:;, C&ble. Ad: C. F. Marshall (Seoul)

Soubritish , J, A. Muller (Itozaki)

F. Miller .

Spencer, Wm. B., Attorney-at-law— , T. P. Nock (Osaka)

45a, Yamashita-cho j Cable Ad: M. Owens

Boydspen E. L. Pennell (Tokyo)

J.T. E.M. Penny

L. Rossbacker

(Moji) •

St. Pai!t/s (Rikkvo) University— B-

Ikebukuro,' Tbsliinla-ku W. E. Simoes

P- Shields

Stadelman & Gp.j , Import-Ex-ppst Mer- 1 I. W. Snyder

chants (Found 1894)—lI$j'Takenomaru; C.A. S. de uzi (Osala)

Cable Ad : Stadelman I. Y. Stauffer

, , A. Swanson

Standard Brands of Asia, Inc.—24, E; L. Swift

Yamashita-cho'; P.0. Box 420; Cable S. J. Teaze

Ad:, Fleisado M. Turner (Tsur.umi)

J. S. Walker (Nagasaki)

Standard-Vacuum Oil Company R. S. Williams (Osaka)

—Head Office T for Japan, Korea and W. S. Way (Seoul)

Formosa:'-' 8, '‘ Bund, Yokohama; G. Whitman (Osaka)

Teleph. Honkyoku 2-2330, "2-2337, Mrs. G. Adams (Osaka)

2-2338, 2-2339 and 2-0450; P.O. Box 404; Mrs. Y, Alexeeff

Cable Ads : Standvac unci Vacuum Miss E.M. M.Bennett

Mrs. Fcirrer

J. C. Goold, general manager' Miss M. Hay

C. E. Meyer,

J. C. Sample, do. do. assist. do. Miss X. Hayward

C. Ettele, , do. do. Mrs. M. Kaelin

Miss G. King-Mason

G.. W. Behrman, (Moji)(L. O. Div.) , Miss E, Kivi

Miss L. Kivi (Tokyo)

W. G. Bell

H. G. Berunett(Tokyo) Miss D. Robson

N. H. Briggs (Nagoya)' Miss M. Robson

V. H. Brown (Bendai) M iss F. Riimmel

I. C. Correli Miss J. da Silva (Osaka)

S. y. Davies Mrs. H. i Street

J. D. Dafies (Tokyo) Miss V. Woodbridge

H. W. Daniels Mis^s.IJ. Mouat-Biggs (Seoul)

G. C. Dear (Osaka)

-R.L. C.T.Dennis

Denison Stanton & Co., Stock, Share, Insur-

G. R. Edmondson ance and General Commission

K. B. Enikeieff (Osaka) Agents—21, Yamashita-cho; Teleph.

Ik C7 Ells .. 2-0379; P.O. Box 24; Cable Ad:

J.V. Gardner (Tsurumi) Cyprian

A. Gulick Cyprian Stanton, partner

A. F. (Glutteres F. W. Hill, do.

Halkett (Tsurumi) Atjeney

N. Hallett Yorkshire Insurance Co., Ld.

G. L. fiolland States Steamship Co'.—7, Nihon Oh-

B. Hunt dori; P.O. Box 85; Cable Ad:

A. Jahn (Osaka) Statesline

F. A. Johnson F. W. Isherwood, , Jr.,;, agent

A. L. F. Jordan

J. . F» [Jordan

J. D. Julien Stevens, Captain A. G., Sworn Mea-

P. H. Kipp surer and Weigher Japan Home*-

F.R. E.C. Ludlum

McCorkle(Seoul) ward Freight Conference—1, KaX

gan-dbri; Teleph. 2-5262; Cable Ad r

J. MacDonald (Tsurumi) Stevens


Strahler & Co., Inc., Raw Silk Ex- Toyo Babcock Kabushiki

(Successors to Babcock and Wilcox, Kaisha

porters—90b, Yamashita-cho; P.O. Ltd.,

Box 38; Cable Ad : Strahler. Head Ltd.), Japan, afld Zemma Works,

Office: 9o, Madison Avenue, New SuppliesBoilerManufacturers and Power House-

— Head

York Office: 1, Isogo-machi, Isogoku;

.Strong & Co., Export and Import Ad Telephs. (3) 6236 and 6237; Cable

Merchants—204, Yamashita-cho ; P. : Babcock

O. Box 55; Cable Ad: Strong; S. Tajima, chairman

Codes: All M. Asada, director

W. Butcher S. Seki, works manager

H. B. Street I I. Shalfeieff H. Yoshida, inspector

E. J. da Silva W. 11. Meyers F. J. Blyth

F. G. Figgess | G. Helm F.T. W.

G. Molloy

Chisholm I| A.D. Russell


•S. U. & Co.—Honcho, Naka-ku; A.A.F. Shearer ! Y. J. Barbashoff

Cable Ad: Sucobrach.

Tresize Brothers—87, Yamashitacho,

•Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada— Naka-ku

21, Yamashita-cho; Teleph. 2-03'79;

Cable Ad: Cyprian; P.O. Box 24

F. W. Hill, agent Union Insurance Society of Canton,

Ltd.—Union Building, 75-d, Yama-

Sunhand Sales Association, Inc.—17, shita-cho,

and 2-1708Code:

Nakaku; Telephs. 2-0469

; P.O. Box 208 ; CableSecond

Ad :

Takane-cho; P.O. Box 61; Cable Union; Bentley’s

Ad: Sunmaid

K. Nakamoto, manager for Japan Phrase J. H. M. Andrew, Acting branch

Agents for manager

Sun-Maid Raisin Grower’s Asso-


iSuzoR, Ronvaux & Co., General Victor Talking Machine Cc. of

Importers and Exporters — 36, Japan, Limited, Manufacturers of

Talking Machines, Records and acces-

Nihon Odori; P.O. Box 144; Cable sories and Importers and Distributors

Ad: Suzandron of RCA Victor Photophone Motion

Picture Equipments

Sound Recording and Repro-

:Svagr, J. J., m.sc., b.a., Architect ducing and Sound ampli-

and Consulting engineer—42b, Bluff fying Equipments

Moriyacho, Kanagawa-kuP.O.— 3442, 3-chome,


43 H.; Cable Ad : Victor managing dir.

L. Soromerer,

.'Swedish Consulate {see Consulates) E. C. N. Hawkins, dir. & treas.

Tokyo Electric Co., Ltd., Manufac- H. G. Stemshorn, dir. & plant

facturers of Mazda Lamps, Radio siipit.

Tubes and Equipment, X Ray

Tubes, Meters and Lighting Acces-

sories—Kanagawa-ken ; Cable Ad: Wiersum & Co., Ltd,, M. S., Im-

porters, Exporters, Steamship and

Fujioka, Kawasaki Insurance Agents—25, Yamashita-

cho ; Telephs. 1615 and 2187; P.O.

Tokyo Piano Shokai (formerly Box 53; Cable Ad: Wiersum

Foreign Piano Importing Company; M. S. Wiersum, managing-dired-

—2, Hon-cho; 1-chome, Naka-ku; tor

Teleph. Honkyoko 2370. Head Office : I. Hirai, director

2 Ginza Nishi, 6-chome. Tokyo; K. F. Wiersum, director

Cable Ad: Tokyopiano Agencies

Tom h Co., Tailors—3, Water Street Java-China-Japan Line

Holland-East Asia Line


Winckleir & Co. (Export aud. Import);- ii.QSplifMA ' OHAMBERr, OF COMMERCE AND'

-~,u$0;- Y^aiaslut^h'o; Teieph.

2-1538, 1538, 1540: I’.O. Box 161; CableHon. ; lN»usT.tty _ (see. iC^fcs)

Ad:E. V^incfeler . .

Facht,nuiun, partner 'YoKpHAiiA Seamen’s.'^l-ubs)

G. Selig, ■ do. Yokohama Spiscie Bank (see Banks)

W. We:tphaleri, dp. (Kobe)

D. W. A. BenecBe, -AgxiS; per pro. YokoAAkA TansXn i "WAter Co.

Baffin' ■Yama'shit'a-ch6* ; Cable'

O. Werner,, .4o. •.

O. Luethge^pj.

W. KnipponlAorgo I, . Bebr, !! —30, A



E. Moi-l)iu-i. . Ifl | Mi-ss'E. ,La«rin Yokohama A Tokyo ForeIgn Board or

Witkowski &^C,o., J., Importers and j Trade.’(see; Cljiibs)

Exporters—#3, ; Yamashita,-cl>o ; P.O. ■Yokohama United Club (see Clubs)

Box'-56; €|ahle Adc Witkpwski

Wolf Co., Benjamix.' Inc.—92, Yama- iYorkShIre iNsLTR.AN'pE ' jCo„/tm>.—2^;

Yamashita-chO; B.'C/Wox Cable

cho; ,Cable A;d : - Benjanwolf j Ad: Cyprian

Yangtsze Insorance Association, Y’t‘ Cheono; .Co.. Iffipbrt and, Export

Ltd., The—Union Building, 75-D,

Yaroashita-cho,.. Kalja-ku ; Telejohs. . ! cfemfriiWsionTelepHsl.Hi(2)-,3812 toYattia-

2-0469 and 2-17^^ , P.0, Box 208; ; shita-cho; 3813 ^

Cable Ac): Uniop; CQae: Bentley’s .r.O. Box 22; CabteuAd : Yutong

Y. Ti Chan; manager

Se-co’ncl Phrase ' ‘ S. Li\ ing ■

,X manager

P- I»l. . AirareV, ;'acting branq'h Kay Chan | Y'bksan-;Woo :


Shidzuoka, kndwn in feudal times as Buehu,: is the cehtre of the Japan

tea trade, ahd is situated om Suruga Bay. There is also a :large trade in

fruit,'hnd lacquer' knd

tities. iShidzuoka’s ban'ihQO'

forfeign tradewareis conducted

are: also exported

through inthe.considerable quan-

port of Shimizu.

Now the centre of the tea trade, .:Shidzuoka:h/iS; a ,population of 136,481 according

to the 1930 Census.


Habibullah Co., H. M-, Telepb,

. era—75,.. Kitabanphe; Tea Export-' I M.Suyehiro-cho;

J. B. Co., P.TeaO. Exporters—103,

;739; I Box 29; Cable’

~ Qa^le Ad:'Habibullah

H. Mi Habibullah . ! Ad: Mjbco

Hellyer & Cq., Tea Exporters—117, National Cash Register < Co.,1383Ltd.—


Ad : Hellyer PiO. Box 27; Cable Gofuku-cho.6-:chume; Teieph.

F. Hellyer • ; ‘i


Exporters—56, Inc., Tea

Kitaban-cho; Siegfried & Company' Tea Exporters

Box 50; Cable Ad: Crosfield P.O. i —87, Shinmei-cho; P.O. Box 37f

Gable Ad : Siegco


Nagoya is d largesY city in J apan - coming, after Tokyo, and :Qsiaka.i:

It has an ai'ea:,oi 1'4^' ,s% .fcafoittotifSs and a population, at the: end Of YtllMr:

ok,Kiso,IjOhT^th). • T<& the

Na^ara aiid!; Tbi north feitends-

and tothe,,thefertile

^ southplain of Nobi

atKetoh. the: :watered.’liye-thaI

ctthn,. waters . of

Ise Bay. The climate is temperate. Thus this district' developed steadily

from early times, becoming one ofr the centres ;, cif . CQ_mni'imicatiori'between

Eastern and Western ports of Japanv Mter the construction of Nagoya^Castle,.

fainoiis for its ‘gdltten. dolphins’, Nagfo^a grew irAb a. iargft and ’prbspbfqiis1 city.

After the Restoration' of' Mieji, ii'lm the bpehihg of railways and the cdnstruc-

tion . pf , harbour . yorks, the. city de^lojqe.d rapidly, and now,, together with

Tokyo and,,Osa&a, divides the .country praeticaliy, into three parts, .and bag

hboome t|ie actual,,as well .as the pqmiinal, .centre of, mid-Japan. The city by

no .means boasts of its famous, sights or liistoric remains, hut is pjo.ud of the

fact that ii is still in its youth and showing remarkable progress, particularly

in its oommerce.and windustry,. ■ , ; -. < : . a

' Nagoya is called. ‘<5huk‘yo;” Of;‘Cehitrhi Capital,’ ail'd lio.w' iriclndes ''Ai.suta

which was^ in fornier’ times;, an iitipq;rtaii’t'’1st’a'ge( known1 a? J"l^'ya • qp ' the

Tbkaido of.'(Hightv^k)?

ductipn where ofthetrpt-fei,

rnoderri' rfiethods trathc add';

\yaS especially,

-vbry hedv.y'since

. But’ 'thesince'the intro-,

cpustructlon of

railways; the'1 Citk bf, Nitgoka, 1 -beilig in close proximity to: Atenta, has.growb

rapidly in importance, ,, Y .V

Not only is Nagoya.'Station an irnportant intejmciliate, station on the

Tokaido Main Line, but. it is,'also, a terminus qf, the Kahsai Line ^hich'goes

to Osaka-,, passing through Mie .a|Xfj.,tfara Pr.efectutes, and, of the :€huo Tine .

which running through Gifu, Nagano and Yamanashi Brefectures

finally reaches Tokyo. It is thus one of the most important railway centres

in all Japan. Besides these lines there is 'direct connection between the'

station.,and the harbour, in order to link up the transportation by Land and

water. Within . the city limits, besides, Nagoya . Station, There are1 Atsuta,

Chikusa, Ozone, Biwajima,y Hatta, LSkirathri, llbrilawaguchi, and Nagoya

Harbour Stations, inaking nine in all. The numbef of passengers: using these

stations in the course of one year is approximately fifteen millions' while nearly

three million tons of egoods are hahclled.

In addition to ,th se Imperial, Goyernmept, Eaijlways, thereare ,a number

of private'electric railways operating radial lines from the city, putting it

into dose connection with a large number of cities and towns in the neigh-


metres ' Turn|hgoovefing

of streets do tfansportatipneighteghth

withip theof the city,,;total

there ape pf2,420 kilo-

The width and arrangementabout'one

of the^e streets, . however, are prea the city.

; not satisfactory,

so that great efforts are being made in Connection with' the work of city

planning ha broaden and systematize then}.

The street railway system, is owned and operated by the municipality'"

it has 53.5 kilometres of track on the main streets, and ca,rries a. total of

300,000,000 passengers annually. This, service, is supplemented by The Tsukiji

Electric Railway, Ship-Mikawa Electric Railway and Nakamura Electric

Railway. These private, lines_ make.: connections between the centre of the-

city and the outlying parts. Light motor-buses are operated on all the prin-

cipal streets, at a uniform fare-of six sen. ■


There are 66 post and telegraph offices throughout the city and for wireless

messages, a despatching station at Yosami, and a receiving station at Yok-

kaichi, both towns near Nagoya, have recently been opened. These stations

are supervised and operated by the Nagoya Central Wireless Telegram Office,

and at these stations communication is maintained with Germany, Poland,

France, and Great Britain. Telephones are a Government Monopoly in

Japan, and are extensively used.

With the remarkable progress made in industry and communications

during the Meiji Era, the conamerce of the city has extended throughout

the Empire. As a distributing and collecting point Nagoya has become

known both at home and abroad, being placed just after Osaka and Tokyo.

In reviewing the movement of goods a number of years ago, it is noticeable

that most of the transportation was by land, and very little by water. But

since the opening of Nagoya Harbour to foreign commerce in 1907, the volume

of goods shipped by water has greatly increased.

In 1933 the total tonnage passing through the harbour was 1,649,324 tons,

while that handled by land amounted to about 2,800,000 tons.

- Commodities that are brought into the city are chiefly raw materials such as


iron, etc.wool,while


thosecoal, poultryoutfood,

shipped are lumber,

mainly bean

cottoncakes, ginned

fabrics, cotton, beer,

potteries, rice,

rock sugar, glassware, weaving looms, clocks and other manufactured goods.

From early times Nagoya has made remarkable progress, especially in

industrial arts, on account of low wages, and the diligence and special skill

in handicraft of the workers. Following the spirit of the times machinery

has been introduced and factories have largely taken the place of household

industries. The city is fortunate in having at its disposal an abundant

supply of electric power which is indispensable in modern industries. This

fact, together with the facilities for transportion on land and sea, has made

Nayoga the largest industrial centre in Japan next to Osaka.

'Textile head the list of industries, including piece-goods, cotton

yarns, knitted. goods, silk yarns floss-silk, etc. The chemical industry comes

second, including porcelain and pottery, glassware, cement, chemicals, medi-

cal supplies,Thelacquer-ware

manures. food and drinkand lacquered


are third, ware, and artificial

including alcoholic

drinks, cakes and confectionery, flour etc. Miscellaneous industries include

wooden articles, paper goods, stationery,toys, leather goods, Buddhist family

shrines, etc. The fifth industry is machinery, including weaving machines,

pumps, vehicles, cloaks etc. Special industries include steel, castings,,

bronze, coal-gas, etc.

In this part of Japan are a number of rivers which are capable of pro-

ducing an abundant supply of hydro-electric power- Thus, power can be had

in sufficient quantity for all needs, a fact which has contributed greatly to

the development of industries in Nagoya. At present the electric power

used in the city is being supplied by the Toho Electric Power Company, the

Great Consolidated Electric Power Company, the Japan Electric Power

Company, the Hakusan Waterpower Company, and the Yahagi Waterpower

•Company. In addition, the Toho Electric Power Company has in the city

a steam generating plant with a capacity of 83,000 kilowatts, and is installing

water-pow'er plants on the Hida and Tenryu Rivers having a capacity of

420,000 h.p.

The port of Nagoya lies to the south-west within the city limits, and is

situated at the northern extremity of Ise Bay, which opens to the south-west

and is located between thirty-five degrees and thirty-five degrees five minutes

North Latitude, and orie hundred and thirty-six degrees forty minutes and

one hundred and thinty-six degrees fifty-three minutes East iLongitude. As

Chita Peninsula stretches to the south-east, it is protected from the dreaded


typhoons which come from th£ut direction, and the port receives little damage

from wind and wave. The heart of the city is tilosely'connected with the

port by the Harikawa, Shinborikawa, and Nakagawa Canals, and the Rinko

Railway Line.

The construotion of Nagoya Harbour began in 1896.1 Years ago1 the third

stage of the work was completed with an aggregate expenditure

of 15,490,000 yen. The area of the wharves is 1.52 square kilometres, with an

anchoring capacity of 96,000 tons for thirty-eight steamers of ten thousand

tons or-less. At'present the harbour can accommodate 40 vessels with a'total

tonnage of 206,000 tons: Rut in order to meet the requirements of Nagoya and

of mid-Japan which had been making rapid expansion, the fourth stage of the

construction was begun in 1928 at an estimate of 10*120,000 yen. This work

will be completed in 1988, when the area of the wharves will be increased! to

2.23 square kilometres, and the anchoring capacity to 333,000 tons for 66

steamers including 11 ten thousand tonners.

Nagoya. Harbour is an important port of call for many lines, trade

with America, Europe, China, the South Sea Islands, Australia, and Africa,

is carried on directly from : this "port hy thihty-three lines.

The port was opened to foreign trade in 1907, and domestic and foreign

trade have developed with remarkable rapidity.


American Merchandise Co.—3, Shu- Horne Sc Co., Ltd., Machinery Im-

moku-Gho; Cable Ad : Harlo porters—3, Sliin Yanagi-machi

Andrews & George Go., Inc.--21, Hunter & Co., E. H.—-15, x\ashi-cho

Takaoka-cho Japan Import & 1: Export Commission

Co., Merchants —12,; Chikara-muchi:

CONSULATES Cable. Ad: Commission

America—32, Nunoike-oho, Higashi- Japan Tourist Bureau — Sakae-machi,

ku ; Cable Ad : American Consul 1-chome, Hirokoji

Vice-Consul"—C.H. Stephan

Netherlands—162,Qzpne-cho,Higashi- Liebermann,


Waelohli & Co.—1b,

ku; Teleph. Higashi I960 ,

Vice-Consul—S. Ishihara Manufacturers Life Insurance Co.—

Portugal — Minami, Otsu-machi, 2- clio Sumitomo Building, Shinyanagi-

chome, Naka-ku; Teleph. Honkyoku

2310 National , Cash Register Co,, Ltd.—3

Dunlop Rubber Co. (Far East) Ltd. Nishi Yanagi niachi, 2-chqme, Nisln-ku

E- C. 'Penson, manager

(Gonokiri Yaba-cho, Nakaku, NiPponophone Co., Ltd.—3, Nishiya-

nagi-machi, 2:chome, Nishi ku


Rising Sun Petroleum Co., Ltd.—2,

Delburgo & Co., Ltd., D. H.—120, Mi- Shinsakae-maehi

nami, 2-chome, Oh’zone-eho, Higashi-ku;

Teleph. Higashi 5576 Singer Sewing Machine Co:—1, Shinsa-

Herbert, Ltd., Alfred, Machinery I kaye-machi, 1-chqme, Naka-ku

Importers—23, Muratamachi 3-chome j SKF Industries

Naka-ku Naka-ku. 1 of Japan—79, Miwamho,


Standard - Vacuum Oil Co. -3* Shin- Winckler & :Co—128/133, Min ami,

yanagi-cho; P.O. Box 130 2-chome, Higashi Ozone-cho, Higa^

shi-ku; Telephs. ; Higashi 5225 &

Strong & Co., General Merchants— 2745; Akatsuka P.O. Box 38 : Cable

27, Aioi-ch,o,

Ad : Strong 4-choine; P.O. Box 9; Cable Ad : Winckler

Sun Life Assurance Co, of Canada— Witkowski & ■ Co, J.—1, Hig.ashi-

3, Shin Yanagi-macln, 6-chon)e,Naka-ku Kataha-cho, 3-chpme, Higashi-ku;

Teieph. Higashi (4); 3186; Cahle Ad:

Victor Talking Machine 0o. of Japan Witkowski D. Fernandez, manager ■

—10, Higashi Shin-machi, Higashi-ku


This, the most northerly of the old treaty ports of Japan, is situated in

the south of Hokkaido, in the Straits of Tsugaru, which divide that island

from Honshiu. The port lies in latitude 41 deg. 47 min. 8 sec. N., and longi-

tude 140 deg. 45 min. 34 sec. E., and the harbour is nearly land-locked. The

town cluster® at the foot and on the slope of a bold rock known to foreigners

as Hakodate Head, about 1,000 feet in height, wjiich is within a fortified area

to which the public are not admitted. The surrounding country is. hilly,

volcanic, and striking, but the town itself possesses few attractions- There are

•some Public Gardens at the .eastern end of the town which contain a small

but interesting -Museum. Waterworks for supplying the town with pure

water were completed in 1889. The climate of Hakodate is healthy and bracing.

The hottest month is August, but the thermometer there rarely rises above

•90 degrees Fahr. • in the: winter-- it sometimes sinks to 10 degrees Fahr. or

•even less, the minimum in an average winter being about 12 degrees Fahr.

The mean temperature throughout the year is about 48 degrees The popula-

•lation of Hakodate according to the last official Census in October 1930 was


The foreign trade of the port is small, but has been steadily;, growing

during the last few years, mainly owing to the development of the Kamtsqhatka

-salmon fisheries, for which Hakodate is the principal entrepot. In the

valuable and extensive fisheries on the coast and in the surrounding seas,

however, the chief exports of the future from Hakodate are to be looked for.

Increasing quantities of dried fish and seaweed are exported annually, mostly

to China. The mineral resources of Yezo are large. Washing-for gold dust

has been carried on in Kit ami, and the belief is entertained that with proper

machinery the gold mines of Hokkaido may be worked with fair profit.

Magnetic iron is also obtained. Qit'resource, is not considered to bp so rich. The

kerosene wealth of this district is said to be considerable, but none of .the borings has

so far given a high yield. At Nukimi-Mura on Soya Strait—in the extreme north—

oil wells were discovered long ago, and have been worked by hand for some years.

The oil, in fact, overflows into the' sea, and in stormy weather boats take ref uge at Nuki-

mi-Murai, as the sea is rendered smooth by the oil. Oil also exists at Nigori-

Kawa, near Hakodate: ap' Kayabegori. near Shiribeshi; at Itaibetsu, on a

tributary of the Urin Kiver (output 800 gallons per day) ; at Kotamimura and

Tsukisama Muraare(Imperial

-where the wells consideredproperty),

i'ieh. near Sapporo; and near Abashiri,


Hakodate is reached in 17^ hours from Tokyo, via Aomori, between which

^lace and Hakodate there is a very good steamship service, maintained by the

Government Railways. From Hakodate all the principaF points in Hokkaido

ian now be reached by rail, and there is also a Government Steamship service

to .Odomari, in Karai.uto (Japanese Saghalien). The Hakodate Harbour Im-

provement Works were completed in 1900, and a patent slip capable of taking

vessels up to 1,500 tdhs was also finished. There is a dry dock to accommo-

date ships up to‘10,000 ton's at ordinary spring tides, and at highest spring

tides the dock is capable of receiving the largest battleships in the Japanese

N avy.

In August, 1907, half the city of Hakodate was destroyed by a fire. The

number of houses destroyed in the conflagration was ascertained to be 8,^7'j

rendering about 60,000 persons homeless. All the foreign residents Ttith the

exception of the American Consular Agent were burnt out, saving nothing,

and the total loss was estimated at not less than 50,000,000 yen.

Another disastrous fire occurred on the evening of March 21, 1984 in' the

eastern section of the city during a terrific hurricane,' Three-fifths of the city

were completely burnt out within a few hours, and only-the changed direction

of the wind just before midnight saved the city from being entirely wiped out.

The loss , of lives and property was estimated at nearly 2,000 deaths,

140,000 persons rendered homeless, 25,000 houses destroyed1, and Yen 160,000,000

worth of property.

As a result of these disastrous fires, a scheme is now: in force by which a

Municipal Subsidy is granted to encourage building with fireproof materials.


This pleasantly situated town, 157 miles north of Hakodate, is the; prin-

cipal of the open ports of Hokkaido being of easy access to the rich agricul-

tural lands in the Island, and having convenient railway facilities tp all the

timber bearing areas. The agricultural resources have been considerably

developed, and the rich pasture lands are well adapted for breeding cattle and

horses.; The exports are timber, mostly hardwood, beans peas, onions, potatoes

and general produce. Otaru is a regular port of call of the principal steam-

ship lines trading to the Far East. Extensive harbour improverpents are-now

in course of construction which will give wharfage accommodation for steamers

up to 7,000 tons. The population of Otaru, according to the last census in

October, 1930, -was 144',880. It is the third largest city in the island of Hok-

kaido. There is a small foreign community engaged in the timber or ship-

ping trade. The climate is healthy and bracing, with heavy snow during

the winter which provides ample facilities for skiing and toboganning. The

skiing season lasts from December to March. The waterworks, which supply

pure water to the town, are situated in the surrounding hills within easy

access to the city. The city possesses an efficient fire brigade which keeps in

touch with any part of the town by means of automatic fire alarms. There

is the largest and most up-to-date can-making factory supplying all the

cans to the salmon and crab fishing areas in the northern waters.

282 OTA RU-rrOS A K A


Andrews & George 'Co., Inc,—7, Far Eastern Trading Co.—8, Suihiro-

NisM, Kit£t Juichijo, Sapporo cho ; Cable Ad : Grihsten

Mark L. Grinsten, manager

Asiatic Lumber Coc,’;G. K., Exporters , :

Japan and Eastern Trading Co., Ltd.,

of Logs and Sawn Lumber—32, Shipping Agents & Exporters of j

Sakai-machi,. Otaru; E.O. Box €; Lumber — 8, Aidi-cho, l-chome, :

Cable Ad : Asieo , Otaru; Cable Ad : Jetcolim

J. Einna, director, M. C. Adams

Mrs. R. Okawara

British Consular Agency—68, Kai-

sho-machi, Hakodate; Teleph. 968 Lloyds’ Register of- Shipping—

Consular Agent—A G. Denbigh 10, Nakahama-machi

Shipping Clerk—S. Hatanaka

Lury Brothers — 86, Suehiro-cho;

British ConsulaR Agency — Hama Cable Ad: Lury

L. Pelstroff,' manager

Bldg., 3, Minami Hama-machi, 3-

chome, Otaru; Teleph. 1734; Cable Rising Sun Petroleum Co., Ltd.—26,

Ad : Dawes 2-chome, Nishi Hanazono-cho, Chi-

S. H. Dawes, British Consular yoda Building; P.Q. Box 5; Cable Ad: j

Agent Petrosam

-Consulate, U.S.S.R.—125, Funami- Singer Sewing Machine Co.—Aioi-

cho Otaru; Teleph. 903; Cable Ad: eho, Otaru


Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.—23, Sakai- |

Denbigh & Co., Exporters of Marine machi, Otaru

Produce, Canned Crab, Salmon and Vernot Timber Trading Co.—1, Aioi-


date Suehiro-cho,

; Teleph. Ill; P. O. BoxHako-

11; cho, Otaru; P’.O. Box 30; Cable

Cable Ad : Denbigh Ad: Vertico

A. G, Denbigh, Hakodate

H. J. Taylor Victor Talking Machine Co. of I

Ian Denbigh Japan, Ltd.—Daiichi, Chohei Hoken

T. Nakajima Building, Kita Ichijo Nishi, Sap- ,

T. Tachibana poro



is the with city

a population

in Japan,of coming

2,722,700 next


after toGreater

the latest



in commercial and industrial importance it ranks first. During recent

years the city has been rapidly assuming a modern and Western

aspect. Broad well-paved streets intersect it in all directions, large modern

buildings are springing

is increasing rapidly. up

Thethroughout the business

city is situated in the centre, and motor

Prefecture of the traffic


name at the mouth of the river Yodogawa. It is interested by other rivers

and canals that make excellent waterways for the transport of merchandise. |1

F rom the point of view of the foreign tourist, the most interesting


and imposing sight is Osaka Castle, erected in 1583 by the famous warrior

Toyotomi Hideyoshi. It is now the Headquarters of the Fourth Army Divi-

sion, the grounds having been converted into a public park.

It is the seat of numerous industries, including cotton-spinning mills,

shipbuilding yards, iron-works and sugar refineries. Cotton-spinning

and weaving are the most important industries and there are a large num-

ber of big mills in the city and neighbourhood. Recently there has been a

surprising development in the manufacture of all kinds of goods for the

export trade in Osaka’s well-equipped factories. The Imperial Mint also is

established here. From the outset the street Electric Tramway within the city

limits was a municipal undertaking and at present 104 kilometres are open

to traffic.

Extensive harbour improvements have been in progress for a number of

years and still further plans are to be given effect to. By 1940 it is expected

that the Osaka North Harbour Co. will have enclosed an additional marine

area of 2,317,000 sq. metres between the Shinyodo River and the Aji River. The

present harbour has berthing accommodation at 29 buoys for ships of 5,000 to

20,000 gross tons. Five piers and six quays, all with shed and railway

facilities, have water depth of 29 ft. or over. Floating and fixed wharf cranes

and dry docks are available.

The trade statistics of Osaka since the war have shown great growth

The Osaka trade returns, however, do not afford a reliable index of the foreign

trade, a great part of which passes through the Kobe Customs.


Aall & Co., Ltd., Manufacturers’ Re- American Trading Co. of Japan, Ltd.,

presentatives, Import and Export— Importers and Engineers—Rooms

9 and 10, Koraibashi, 4-chome, 416 and 417, Dojima Building, 1-

Higashi-ku. P.O. Box 80; Cable chome, Hamadori, Kita-ku; Telephs.

Ad: Aall; Telephs. (Hon.) 2574, 5911 to 5913 (Kita, L.D.); P.O. Box

3197, 3278 and 3918 8 (Central); Cable Ad: Amtraco;

J. Brandt, director Codes: A.B.C. 5th, A.B.C. 5th imp..

A. Tanaka Western Union, 5-letter edn. Scho-

P. Kuzmichev field’s Eclectic, Bentley’s

H. Weidner H. Hall, manager (Kobe)

J. G. M. Renkens A. Scheuten, imports

F. Obata, engr.

Acme Trading Co., Inc.’—9, Mina- Frigidaire Dept.—63, Bakuromachi,

misumiya-machi; Minami-ku 2-chome, fligashi-ku; Teleph.

Semba 4458; Cable Ad : Amtraco

Agfa Gomei Kaisha, Agfents for Agfa D. M. Forsyth, manager (Tokyo)

Products — 17, 3-chome, Kitahama

Higashiku; P.O. Box Senba 41; Anderson, Clayton & Co.’s Agency,

Cable Ad: Agfafoto Cotton Merchants — 506, Gosho

E. Gustke Building; Telephs. 943 and 1089

Aluminium' Union, Ltd.—702. Asahi tral)(Honkyoku); P.O. Box 165 (Cen-

Building, Nakanoshima; Cable Ad: ; Cable Add: Fichter

Alunion Paul J. Fichter, agent

«8rl OSAKA;

Andrews t& George Go., Inc.—18, 3- Biaio’s Son («fe ?€o., 'Sellm: (mporters

ohoine, -yed^bori, Minamidori, Ni- and . Exportars—Kitahaiiia . Nomura

. shir^u ; .'Taltiphs. .'1397; 2340, 1.786>a»d • f Bldg.Cable Ad; Masri 7

(I^sa^qri)jCable Ad: Yadzu ;

Bishop Poc.le Girls’ High) Schoo£—

Phgnalij, .& i C©.,ALtd., Yniporters * of; hHiigas.hinari-ku KatSiiyamadori, 8*

• Eieetirioal and 1 Mabhanical Geods-r"' ■' giehorhe,; (Church; Missionary. sSobiety)

3, Kjripbashi.. Mayenochq/: Higashi-

ku;, 'yeljeph, 58|0J-gn(HigaSbi) J> CaW^,: i o. i . Miss K: Tristram,' b.a. §:.

-Miss-:AE. . AI.

S. Williams,

: Ad : Bag.na , Ylis.S; Baker., h/sc.

i, ,

' ..•Aliss! I. ; C. tlttley,, B.y. . ' j ;

Balfour & Co., Ltd., Arthur, Steel Blackmar, M. E.—Iloqm 408. Dojima

Manufacturers,.;— Nippon Kaijo Bldg., Dojima Hamadori, 1-chome,

Building, Yedobori' " tJable,

dKdiiie,; Ni^i|lku; Kami-dori,

Ad : Ar-1- Kitadui; Cable Ad: Dbu^expOrt

bpur ’ -" . '

Blad McClure,' Foreign EKchahge j

>: : BANKS ■ :A r> 'Brokers'—ibi

Teieph. Hohkyoku Kitahama;

‘ 3-chbme'

- Calrle; j|l

XatTonal City Bank of New York, Ad: Bladrnac ' .' J

The—34-5, Kitahama, 5-chome, Hi-


(Hbnkyoku)'; Telephs. 3603 159r tp (Cen-

P.O. Citibank

‘Box 3608 Blundell ; & . Cof,. Ltd., : G-, Import J

tral) : Cable Ad: Merchants—Daido Seirnei Building,

L. W. Chamberlain, Manager Tb^abori, Nishi-ku: Cable Ad:

J. V. Starrett Blundell

J. J. Clark Bohler KettetSteel—Kami

Gosht Kaisha, Makers

G. W. Thompson of Bohler Fukushima,

C. D. Roth Minami, No. 142; Teieph. Fukushi-

O. Saji | T. Maeda ma 0388; CablpjAd : Steelboler

Yokohama Specie Bank—5, Kitahama Bolivian Consulate (see Consulates)

5-chome, Higashi-ku; P.O. Box 13

(Central); Cable Ad : Shokin Borneo .Sumatra, Handel Maatsqhappij

—8;, Azuchi-machi •. Cable, Ad : Bor-

Beaute Company7, Manufacturers ’ of suiny

Slide Fasteners—19, Ryuzoji-machi,

Higashi-ku; Teieph. Higashi 2487; British Consulate (see Consulates)

Cable Ad: Baufce; Codes: Bentley’s

& A.B.C. 5th Brunner, Mond & Co. (Japan), Ld.—

Fushimi-cho; Cable Ad: Crescent

Becker Co.—Oye Building, 9, Kinu-

gasa-ch'd,' Kita-ku;;i ! Telpphs. 4056 Burke & Baker, Sales Representatives

(Kita); P’.0. BoX' '87 -(Central); —Nippon- Cnpsei-Kah, Fushimi -

Cable Ad:. Becker : J , raachi, .Midosuji,- Higashi-ku;, P^Q-

K. A. Buesipg . Box 188,; , Teleph. Ilonkyoku 5906;

A. Liessfeldt Cable Ad: Jasburke

H. B. Wetzel ', ;Gep.‘ H. Baker, ^

H '; Stamm :

E. Heise Butterfield k Hwire (Japan), ■ Lto.—

, .Dipl. Ing, W. Schi.Hig v . . Funatsubashi Building;

Belgian Consulate (see. Consulates) ■China Export, Import

Beyrenther, H. W.—Daudo Seimi —Mitsubishi Shintkkuand BuiMipg;

Bank Cp.

Bldg., Tskbori,'NisM-ku Teieph. 45'4i8J: (Hbn.) ; C&blb Ad :


-OSAKA 285

OMtTGH, Kerby, All -Classes of Wool Polanu—51; junkei-machi; 2-chom3 ! ;

and the Products of Wool and Raw Consul—K. Inahata; -

Rubber, etc. 10. Kiiigab-dori, Kobe-

, ku • Teleph. Samr.-3516 • Cable Ads : Port: ugal—^ unkei- machi, Minami-kii

Kerbycluff arid Kerclo Hon. Yrce-Conaul—T. Inabata

-CoLUMETA COMPl’OIR MfeTAIiLUR&IQtTF—- Roumania—51, d linkie-riahehi, 2- chome

Nomura Building, Koraibashi; Consul—K. Inabata ’

Cable Ad: Colutneta

1 Siam—43, Daini-choy

Conger &'Cb., B rigineers^-114, Tsuku- ku -- _ i' -- 'I /. ■' :T vh , Nishiyodogawa-

da-chp, .Nishiyadogaw:a,-ku; 'Cable

Ad : Coregnoe Turkey—30, Junkei-machi

R, T. Conger

YuGGSLovAkiA—29, Tosabori 3-chome,


Argentina—l.-chome, 1* Soz.e-cho, Kita-


'Horiorar'y Consul—Shozo Murata i Continental Insurance Co. of New

York—Osaka Building,

: 1, Soze-cho,

Belgium—pi; Junkeimachi, , 2-chome ' Kita-kiiCable Ad; Afiajapan

W. W. Glais, manager for Japan

” 'Corisril—'K. Triabata (Tokyo)

BoLiyjA—52, Tunkeircho, 2-chome K. Emi, branch manager

Consul K.,Tnabata CniMALLY & Co,, Exporters, of Class,

Czechoslovakia — Kitahama Nomura Bicyclek& Porcelain arid E name lied Wares,

Building; Teleph. Hqnkyoku 930; — 36, Kawagriejhl-chG,. Parts,'Toys and Sundries

Cable A3-: ^arriijii Nishi-ku;

Cable Ad :., Curmally , .

Denmark—Taihei Building, ’■ Umeda-

Sh in mi chi. Kita-ku ; Teleiph. 2400 Danish Consulate \see .Consulates)

(Kita) ; P.O: BMj Central 153

Consul—R. "W. Pearce, in charge Deuber • &;/Co., E. (Gosbi Kaisha)--

(Kobe) Edobasbi Building, 44, Edobori,

Secretary—Y. Kojima Minamidori,’ 1-cbome; Teleph. Tosa-

Ethopia—33,. Koraiba-'Shizume-machi, bori, 78S0h84; Cable Ad : Deuber

G. De,uber-;: ■ y.

Higashi-ku " T. Hiramotp

Einland—Doijima Building j Dewette & Coy Manufacturers’

Oermany—§03, Osaka Building, 1. ' Agents—401, Mor-i Building, 1-

Soze-cho,! Kita-ku; Telephl Tosabori chome,' wette

. Nishriku; ‘Cable Ad r Louis-

900; Cable Ad: Consugerma

Dr. "W. Wagri.er, Consul General

Dr.1 W. D. HoopyS, Attache; Dodge k, Seymour, Ltd., Manufac-

B,- Sch:l-obi%, Secretary'. ■ turers’ Representatives" — Taibeiyo

Building, Yedobori, Kami-dori, 2-


1 :

*'O' Hiroe, 'iritefpretet ;: chome: Teleph. Tosabori 7002; Cable

Ad : Bands

GrEat BkiTATN—Csaka- Rulldirig, 1, Doitsu Seiko - Kab^shIki, ' KaishA—

0ozeC.ho, Kita-ku;

i: Teleph.', 80 (To- 401 / 407,' Ni hriii :KaivO; "Building,


Cd.nsnl' General—Oswald

•’ White, G.M g. Tosabori, Nishi-ku; TelepMs. H-1482

Consul—R. L. Cowley (absent) and 3385 (Tosabori); Cable Ad:

Acting Consul—PT. N. Brain ■Unionsteel ■' • ’

. Pro-Consul—J. R. Donaldsori G. Helmdach, signs pet pro.

Wri’tef^S. Nakanishi R. Simons, dipl. -irig.


Dossa & Co., G.—14, Tosabori-dori.; Green & Son Ltd., E. — 514, Dojinm

Building, Kita-ku; Telephs. 5890-

Cable Ad : Dossaco

5899 (Kita); Cable Ad: Economiser

Douglas Fir Exploitation & Export Greenhill, Kato & Co.—Ohye Build-

Co., American Lumber—Room 408, ing, Kinugosa-cho; P.O. Box 98?

Dojima Bldg., Dojima Hamadori, Cable Ad: Hilkatoh

1-chome, Kita-ku; Cable Ad: Doug-


M. E. Blackmar, representative Harley-Davidson Motor Cycles Sales-

Co., of Japan—71, Kamifukushima

Eastern Trading Co.—Mansei Shin- Minami, 1-chome, Konohana-ku

taku Building, Imabashi; Cable Heacock, H.E.—28, Higashi TJmeda-

Ad: Orientamer cho, Cable Ad: Amwatches

Ekman & Co. (Japan), Ltd., The—4, Healing & Co., Ltd., L. J., Agents for

Tamae-cho, 2-chome, Kita-ku; Te- Prominent Firms in Europe and

leph. 3596 (Tosabori); P.O. Box 65 America—20, Dosho-machi 2-chome,

(Central) ; Cable Ad : Ekmans Higashi-ku; Telephs. 1093 and 1094

Nils Ericson, managing director .(Honkyoku); Cable Ad: Healing

Enderlein, R., Import-Export, Iron Heinze, Dr. Erich—19, Imabashi?

and Steel—>12, Kawaguchi-cho; Cable P.O. Box 10 (Central); Cable Ad:

Ad: Enderlein Heikodor

Frazar & Co.—Osaka Building (6th Henry & Co., A. & S.—Ishizaki Build-

floor);and1. 6801

6800 Soze-cho, Kita-ku:P.O.

(Tosabori): Telephs.

Box ing, Hirano-machi, 2-chome

40 (Cent.); Cable Ad: Drumfrazco Herbert, Ltd., Alfred, Machine Tool

J. M.F.Hiki

Drummond I T. Miyoshi Makers and Importers—28, Higashi-

G. Asai I G. R. Swanson Umedacho, Kita-ku; Telephs. 1172 &r

7918 (Kita) ; Cable Ad : Hexagon

Gadelius & Co., Ltd., Engineers, Im- H. A. Fitzpatrick, manager

porters of Machinery and Swedish W. A. Barclay, sub-do.

Steel—Gosho Building, Nakanoshi- J. Davies, accountant

ma, Kita-ku; Telephs. Honkyoku K. Ishikawa, sales manager

1741 and 4562; Gable Ad: Gotiicus Holstein & Co.^Chr., General Mer-

Ebbe Jonn, managing director chants, Shipping and Insurance

Erik Brauns, Mining and Metal- Agents—50, Edobori Minamidori;

lurgical Engr., diredtor Teleph. 5211 (Tosabori); Cable Ad:

H B. Welander, m e. Holstein

F. Wallden, m.e. C. Holstein

General Motors Acceptance Corpora- G. Pongs

B. van der Laan | R. Schmidt

tion—1-chome Tsurumachi, Minato-

ku; Teleph. Sakuragawa 4915; Horne Co., Ltd., Importers of Ameri-

Cable Ad: Genmotac; P.O. Box 151 can Machinery, Tools and Construc-

Arnold Tschudy, manager

A. Ci Erikson, assist, manager tion Materials—14, 5-chome, Imaba-

shi, Higashiku; Telephs. 1510-12

(Honkyoku); Cable Ad: Horne

General Motors Japan. Ltd. — 1-

chome, Tsurumachi Taisho-ku; P.O.

Box 151; Teleph. 4915 (Sakuraga- Hunter & Co., E. H. (Hanta-Shoten)

—12, Kawaguchi-cho; Telephs. 325,

wa) ; Cable Ad: Autoxosaka 326, 1609 and 1064 (Nishi); P.O. Box

R. A. May, managing director 32 (Central): Cable Ad: Hunter.

Branches: Tokyo, Kobe, Nagoya,.

Getz Bros. & Co., Merchants—7, 5- Fukuoka, Moji

chome, Higashinoda-machi R.W.Hunter,

J. Koike, representative S. Moss, manager

signs per pro, (London)


Jllies & Oo., C., Importers—Mitsubi-1 Lewis, J. D., Exchange Broker—10,

*hi-Shintaki Building, 1, Imabashi, ! Koraibashi, ' 4-chome, Higashi-ku ;

4-chome, Higashi-ku; Cable Ad: I Cable Ad : Forepex


Leybold Shokwan, L., Engineers and

Lndo Boeki SttOEAi—5,, Honden lehi- • Contractors—Nihon Kaijo Building,

Nishi-ku; Telephs. 1174 and.'3660

ban-cho, Nishi-ku (Tosabori) ; Cable Ad : Leyshokwan

Jacobson van den Bekg & Co.,— S. Hiramatsu

Nomura Building Liebermann Waelchli &: Co., i Im-

Japan Toupast Bueeatj—Kansai Dis- porters and Exporters—Kitahaina

trict Office: Azuchi-machi, 2-chome, Nomura Building, Kitahama, 1-

Higashi-ku. Information. Office: chome; PO.

Telephs. 4434-6 (Honkyoku);

Box 29, Higashi; Cable Ad:

Azuchi-machi Waelchli

Java-China-.T apan-Li jn—35, Kawagui- J. H. Waelchli E. Haedler

chi-cho, Nishi-ku W. Muller .

Schetelig K. Scharttenberg

G. Hinter- Miss N . Wegelin

Kaigai Tsusho K. K.—Daido Seimei meister Miss A. Kaelin

Building, Tosabori-dori Poulsen ; E.G.Schneil

E:H. Stutz Parfait

, ,

Kieboom, A. van den, Belgian Manu- M. Margot F. G. Guterres

facturers’ and Importers’ Represen-

tative—10, Tosabori-dori, 3-chome, MacDonaed, R. L.—Nomura Building

Nishi-ku; Cable Ad: Kieboom Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co. (Japan),

Ltd.—Mitsubishi Building, 4, Ta-

Kjellberg Kabushiki Kaisha—Daini mae-cho, 2-chome; Teleph. 7336 (To-

Nomura Bldg., Bingo-mdchi, 2- I. sabori); Cable Ad : Mackinmons

chome, Higashiku; Teleph. Honma- G. E. Fox

, chi 1540, 1541; Cable A.d : Kjellbergs Agents for

Y. Nose, manager Peninsular & Oriental Steam

Kodak Japan Ltd.—2, Minamihorie- Nav. Co.

dori, Nishi-ku; Cable Ad: Kodak British-Indian Steam Nav. Co.

A,pcar Lines

Eastern and Australian S.S. Co.

Kotak & Co., Machinery & Chemical MacMillan Export Co., Ltd., H. R.—

Exporters—21, Nakanoshima, 2-cho- 50, Kyoonaqhibori Bldg.j Kyo-machi-

me; Cable Ad: Purima; all Codes ! bori

Used. Bombay Office: Navsari Bldg.,

Hornby Road. Karachi Office:

Amijee Valji Bldg,, Campbell Street Mannes^annroehren-Werke, Duessel-

dorf—Japan , Office : Asahi Build-

Koyei Kabushiki Kaisha (Koyei & ku; ing, Nakanoshima, 3-chbme, Kita-

Co., Ltd.). Importers, Exporters, ami orWO; Telephs. Honkyoku 4500, 5470

and Manufacturers of Acetic Acid— Manhesmann P.O. Box 160 ; Cable Ad :

14, Fushimi-machi, 2-chpme; Higa- Ai .S'tempRe, dipR ing.

shi; Cable Ad: tTniorikoyei

Kramer, H. (Osaka. Tokvo and Naao- Mansson SrOkai; Gorki Kaisha, Im-

porters of 'Swedish Steel &; Iron and

ya)—Yamaguchi Building, 55, Ka- | Exporters of Japanese Goods—645,

wara-machi. 2-chome, . Higashi-ku ; Osaka Building,

Teleph. 1901 (L.D. Honkyoku): ; Cable Ad : 'SimplexSoze-chb, Kita-ku;

Cable Ad: Hermkramer

H. Kramer, proprietor Manm-kaotttrfhs. Life1 Insurance Co.,

Levy, Mark D.—Daidd Building Life Insurance—- Osaka Building,

Kita-ku : bA ,Idn'


Maschinenfabkik Mehr A. G., M. NeaV Zealand Insurance Co.—35, Ko-

Gladbach — Japan Office: Asahi raibashi, Higashi-ku; Teleph. Honk-

Building, Nakanoshima, 3-chome, yoku 5302

Kita-ku; Telephs. HonKyoku 4500,

5470 and 5540; P.O. Box 160; Cable Nichizui Trading Co., Ltd.—Kansai

Ad: Meerag Shintaku Building, 26, Kitahama .

A. Stempflle, dipl. ing. 4-chome; Telephs. 5071 to 5075; P.O.r

Mathiettx S. A., Maison F.—515 Box 77; Cable Ad i Nichizuico

Nomura Bldg., 21 Bingo-machi 2- J.'Rutz, president

chome, Higashi-ku jNickel Lyons, Ltd.—12, Ichijodori^

B. L. MacDonald 2-chome,

Maxwele TxstJRAXc:-; Office -Taihci 4634 and' Minatoku;

5776: (Nishi) Telephs.

.; 463.3v

Building, Umeda Shin-michi:; Cable Landing Agents for

Ad : Maxwell Butterfield & Swire (Japan), Ltd.

Dqljar Steamship Line

May, R. C. H.—Oye Building, Kinu- i Cornes American Mail Line

gaisa-cho;; Cable Ad : C'abronada & Co (Ben Line)

Holstein .ShiPP^g and Insurance

McFadd£n & Bro.’s Agency, Geo. H. Agencies

(Agents for Geo. Ft. McFadden & Aall & Co., Ltd.

Bro., Raw Cotton Merchants, Phi- Nippon Kokusan Kogyo K. K. (Nip-

ladelphia)—402-404, Gosho Bldg., 25,

Nakanoshima, 2-chome; P.O. Box 55 pon Corn Products Co., Ltd.)—

Asahi Building, Nakanhshima 3-

(Central); Cable Ad : Macfadden | chome; Teleph. Honkyoku 2862;

Meisei Gakko—16, Esashi-machi, Hi- P.O. R.

Box 171: Cable Ad: Cornstarch

S. K. Irvin, managing director

gashi-ku •J. W. Scott, treasurer

A.' Deiber, dire'ctpr

G. Fischer | E. Heck :

Omi Sales Co., Ltd.—Daido Seimei

C. Coutret I E. Lehmann Building, Tosabori; Cable Ad:

J. Garcia | ,.L. Madinabeitia Osaco

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Co., Ltd., Dis-

tributors of Motion PictuTos—Pre- Oriental Steel Products Co., Ltd.—

mier HouiM, 28; Higashi-Umeda-cho; Mitsui Building, Nakanoshima

Teleph. Kita 1682 and 487; P.O. Box

107 (Central) ;-Cable Ad: Metrofilms OtiCHTERLOny,; H.—Dojima Building,

E. F. Johansen, manager Ha'nia.ddri , 1-chome, Kita-ku; Teleph,

Morganite Carbon K.K.—36/37, Urae 940: and. .2120 r (Kita) ; Cable Ad :

Kita 5-chome, Nishiyodogawa-ku; Ouchterlbny

Cable Ad : Morganite Paramount

Muller, Phipps & Sellers, Ltd., Ma- mount 1, Soze-cho;Films,


Ad: Osaka Bldg.,


nufacturers’ Representatives—Gosho

Building, Nakanoshima, 2-chome; Parsaw & Bros., T. N-—1, Honden

Teleph. 2486 (Hon.); P.O. Box 63 Sanban-cho, Nishi-ku

(Central); Cable Ad: Sellers

H. A. Sellers, managing director

Patell, R. J., 1 Manufacturer’s repre-

Myers-Healing Shokai, Ltd. —20, sentative-H


!, Soze-cho; Cable Ad:

Dosho-machi 2-chome, Higashi-ku

Nederlandsch Verkoop Organisate, Pearce & Co.—Nisshin Seimeikwan,

N.V.—-Daido Building, Rooms 807/9; Utsubo Minami-dori, 1-chome, Nishi-

Cable Ad: Lekas ku ; Teleph. Tosabori 2088


Poldi Steel Works, Manufacturers of Schmitz & Co., P. (Engineering

High S^eed Steel, Special Steels, Office),Works Agents for First Class Ger-

etc.—7, Saiwaicho-dori. 2-chome, man and Importers of Ma-

chinery—Nippon Kaijo Building,

Nishi-ku; Cable Ad : Poldi , Edobbri-Kamidori Nishi-ku; Cable

Polish Consulate (see 'Consulates) Ads': Humboldt fe' Schmitzbo

P, Schmitz

Portugese Consulate (See Consulates) Schoeller-Bleckmann Phoenix Seiko

Patjen, Run.—127, Juso-Higashino- .2-chome, G. K.—48, Itachibori Minami-dori

cho, 1-chome; Telepb. 7081 (Kita); phonix Nishiku; Cable: Ad : [ fetal-

Cable Ad : Ratsam C. Wachner, manager

G. Ratjen

Raoji Bros.—36, Tosadori-dori 5- Shovva Cotton Co., Ltd.—25, Nakano-

■ shima, Kita-ku; Cable Ad Shriwa-

chome, Xishi-ku menka

Rising Sun Petroleum Co., Ltd.

(Osaka Branch Office)—Asahi Bldg., Siamese Consulate .Consulates)

3, Nakanoshima, 3-chome, Kita-ku;

Teleph. Honkyoku 3945-9; P.O. Box Siber, Hegner & Co., Ltd.—Mitsubi-

Central 168; Cable Ad : Petrosam shi Shintaku Building, 1, Imabashi,

Rothaoker, Oscar, Publishers and 4-chome, Higashi-ku; Telephs. 238,

Booksellers—'Room 614. Osaka Bldg. : 916 and 3829 (Honkyoku); P.O. Box

19 (Central); Cable Ad': Siber

Cable Ad : Rothacbuch

Otto Schaeffer, manager R. Stunzi, manager

Herm Schaeffer H. Abegg, signs per -pro.

J. Hausherr, do.

H. 0. Angst

Roumanian Consulate (see Consulates) A. Weibel

R. A. Schaiefer; -repreSJ-Sandoz

Rudolf & Co.—1, I'osabpri-dori; Cable Obem. Works, Basle5'

Ad: Koerting E. Abel

Sabroe Co. of Japan, Ltd., The—Tai- Siemens-Schuckert _ Denki K. K.—

hei Building, Umeda-'Shinmichi. Ki- Dai,do ^eimpi Building; Cab^e Ad:

ta-ku; Telephs. 2400 and 7712 (Kith) ; Siemens

P.O. Box 153 (Central); Cable Ad :

Nihonsabro Singer Sewing: Machine Co., Japan

Manufacturers Agency—Room '605-

Sale & Co., Ltd., Importers; Export- 607, Osaka Building, Soze-cho, : Na-

ers, Insurance; Finance ’arid -Invest- kanoshimaCable Ad: Regnis ■

ments.—Dai-chi Building, 35, Korai- J. L. Asselin, agept.

bashi, 4-thome, Higashiku; Telephs, Ralph D. Mohney, assist, agent

22159 and 5302 (Honkyoku); , Cable Miss M. Pigott

Ad: Salehouse A. Flores . :

Sammann & Co. of Japan, Paul E., Society of Chemical Industry in

Manufacturers’ Agents — Kanda Basle (Basle, Switzerland)—Sanwa

Building. Imabashi, 2-chome, Higa- Building, Kawara machi, 2-chome,

shi-ku : Cable Ad : Pesam Higashi-ku; Teleph. 951 (Honkyo-

Paul E. Sammann, director ku); Cable Ad : Baselosa

R. H. Dick, representative for

Schmidt Shoten, Importers of Opti- Japan

cal Goods—13, Nakanoshima Ni-

chome; Kita-ku ; Teleph. 2934 Honk- Standard Trading Co. — Yutaka

yoku ; Cable Ad: Leica Building


'390 OSAKA

Standard-Vacuum t Oil, > Co. — Osaka Universal Trading Co-, Inc.—19,

Building, 1, Soze-cho; Cable Ad: Minami Horie-ddri 4-ehome, Nishi-

Standvac ku

Sty r. ian Steel Works—3, 2-chome, U.S.S.R. Trade Representation in

Minami-Sakaigawa, Minato-ku Japan — Oye Building, Kinugasa-

Su & Co.—54, Sanjo-dori 4-chome, cho; Cable Ad: Vneshtnrg

Chikko, Hinato-ku Vakharia & Co., Ltd.—36, Kawagu-

Sun Insurance Office, Ltd.—804, Osa- chi-cho, Nishi-ku

ka Building, 1, Sozecho, Kitakn; Victor Talking Co. of Japan, Ltd.—


(Central);257 Cable

(Tosabori); P.O. Box 17 34, Minanihon-machi 2-chome, Hi-

Ad: Sunfire

W. R. Bull, Manager for Japan gashi-ku

S. (Tokyo)

Tamura, manager (Osaka and Volkart Brothers’ Agency—Kansai

Shintaku Building, 26, Kitahama,

Tokyo branches) 4-chome, Higashi-ku; P.O. Box 37;

Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada— Cable Ad: Volkart

Kansai Branch Office: Asahi Build-

ing, San-chome Nakanoshina, Kita- Vdries & Co., W. M., Architects—

Daido Seimei Building, 1, Tosabori,

ku, Osaka; Telephs. 4500, 5470 and l-chome

5540 (Honkyoku); Cable Ad: Sun- Vories , Nishi-ku: Cabin Ad:

beam, Osaka

Tetens, A. P., Heating Engineer and Warner Bros. First National Pic-

Contractor—717, Daido Building To- tures (Japan) Inc.—Gas Building,

Higasha-ku; Cable Ad : Warnaeiga

sabori, Nishi-ku

Teubner, H., Manufacturers’ repre- Wehry & Co., Geo.—5, Kawaramachi;

Cable Ad: Wehry

sentative—13 Gotenyama, Takarazu-

ka near Osaka; Teleph. 476; Cable Weiss, Franz—65l, Osaka Building, I,

Ad : Teubner, Takarazuka Soze-cho, Kita-ku; Cable Ad:

Thakkar, M. D.—16, Tosabori-dori 4- Frawei

chome, Nishi-ku Welansky & Goldberg, Import & Ex-

Toyo Otis Elevator, K. K.—Mitsui ble porB—Kyomachibori Building; Ca-

Building Ad: Welgol

Union Trading Co.—Itachibori Build- Yorkshire Insurance Co., Ltd.—Tai-

hei Bldg., Umeda Shinmichi; Cable

ing Ad : Maxwell

United Artists Corporation—Koto- H. Maxwell, agent

buki Building

Zeiss, Carl, K. K. Shucchojo^No-

Universal Pictures (Japan), Ltd.— mura Bldg., 9 Koraibashi 2-ohome,

Asahi Building Higashi-ku


Kyoto from A.D. 794 to 1868 was the capital of Japan. Its sacred and

classic associations as well as the picturesque character of the surrounding

country combine to invest the city with an interest attaching to no' other place

in Japan. Kyoto has excellent hotel accommodation for foreign tourists. The

city lies practically

is reached from Kobein inthe less


, thanof anJapan

hourinandthea main linebyofexpress

quarter, railway,train.


The population, according to thfe census of 1933, is 1,026,969.

The first Biwa 'Canal completed in 1893 was designed for the passage of

goods and passengers and to supply water power, the second canaT constructed

at a cost of Y.4,4’7’7,80'3, supplies water1 for drinking, for the fire brigade, and

for purposes of hydro-electricity, etc.



marudoriChurch Mission—Karasu-

Shimotachi-uri; Teleph. National Cash Register Co., Ltd.—-

2372 (Nishi-jin); Cable Ad: Amchu- YanagihObaba Nishi-iru, Shijo-dori


Rt. Rev. S. H. Nichols, s.t.d. Omi.ManSales

Rev. and Mrs. P. A. Smith u facCo:; Ltd., Importers,

t u rers—O Exporters

mi- Hachiman ;

(Hikone) '

Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Chapman, Portugese Vice Consulate—Abura^kojk

d.d. (Kyoto) Nishikikoji-Sagaru

Rev. and Mrs. J. Hubard Lloyd


Rev. and Mrs. J. K. Morris

(Kyoto) Japan. Tourist Bureau—c/o , Kyoto

Dr. (m.d,) and Mrs. F. M. Jones , ' Station'; Telejoh, Shi mo 848()); Cable

(Osaka) , Ad : ^ Tourist, : ,

Miss H. R. Williams (Kyoto) :

Miss E. L.' Foote (Kyoto) Sagues, Busquets, F’., Eixporters—1,

Miss H. Skiles (Kyoto) Schichijo OmiyaCableWake-cho; P.O.

Miss A. S. VanKirk (Osaka) Box 8 (Gpjo); Ad: Sagues

Miss C. R. Powell (Fukui)

Miss M. R. Paine (Obama)

Miss H. J. Disbrow (Kyoto) SfNGER Sewing Machine Co.—Yana-

Miss L. E. .Dickson (Nara) ginobaba, Shi jo

Miss M. W. Hester (Nara)

Miss Thorn Johnson (Kyoto)

Miss G. Sumners (Kyoto) Vories & Co., W. M., Architects—Omi-

Mrs. J. M. Oglesby (Kyoto) Hachiman; Teleph. 466; P.O. Box 2;

Rev. & Mrs. H. R. Shaw Cable

(Kanazawa) W. M.Ad:Vories,




Kobe, finely situated on Osaka Bay and now the fifth largest city in Japan*

was originally, until its opening to foreign trade in the- year’1868, a small

fishing village situated in the 'ncinity of the once important town of Hyogo.

The new port was known at first under the name of Hyogo, its older neigh-

bour, but in 1892 the two towns were united under the name of Kobe City and

are now indistinguishable, while subsequent additipns haye considerably ex-

tended the municipal boundaries. Water supply, electric lighting and tram-

ways are municipal services, and there are numerous lines of motorbuses run

by the city and by a private company. Taxicabs are plentiful and cheap.

Extensive harbour works have been carried out, and there are now available

for foreign-going steamers four large concrete piers, with quays on either

side, owned by the government, together with a number of smaller piers, some

by private concerns, all of these being connected with the main Tokyo-Shi-

monoseki line of railway. Two more large piers,.-onp with a slip in the centre,

are now nearing completion, while large hew piers have' been built for the

domestic trade in Hyogo Bay. There is also an extensive anchorage, protected

by breakwaters. In Hyogo are the Kawasaki and Mitsubishi shipyards, both

equipped vpith all modern facilities., In addition to the.above, Kobe possesses

steelworks, locomotive and carriage works, theDunlop Rubber Company’s

works, a plate and sheet mill, the Nippon Keori'Company’s woollen mill, the

principal mill of the Kanegafuchi cotton spinning company, sugar and flour

mills and also match, chemical and other factories. The city faces the land-

locked bay, and at a distance of'a mile and upwards from the sea front there

rises a chain of steep and picturesque hills, at the foot of which are the re-

sidential districts. To the north-east, a range of hills known as Rokko-zan,

2,500 to 3,000 ft. above sea-level, is rapidly growing in favour as a summer

resort, both among Japanese and Europeans, and more apd more bungalows

are being built. The links of the Kobe Golf Club, which owe their inception

to the enterprise of a small number of former British residents, are a. great

attraction to the resort. Rokkozan is reached by a cablecar, a ropeway and

three motor roads and possesses numerous paths which afford good walks

Two modern hotels offer good accohimodation. Kobe stretches for some ten

miles along the strip of land between the hills and the water and is rapidly

extending on both sides, particularly in the direction of Osaka, with which

it is connected ,by rail and by three electric tramways, as well as by a broad,

well-constructed motor-roa.d. A number of large modern buildings have added

much to the appearance of the city during recent years. Kobe has three main

railway stations—Bannomiya, Kobe and Hyogo, of which the first-named is

the most important for foreign residents—all three being on the main Tokyo-

Shimonoseki through line. There are several clubs—the Kobe Club

(including members of all nationalities’), the Masonic Club, the India Olub,

the Club Concordia (German), and the Kobe Regatta and Athletic Club (inter-


large At Mirume the There

new swimming-pool. K.R.A.C

is . an.have a boathouse,

English tennis

Church (All courtsa and

Saints)* Uniona

Church (Protestant), a French Reman Catholic Church, a Mosque and also a

number of Japanese Churches of Various; denominations. Kobe possesses two

good foreign style hotels, the Tor, on the hill, and the Oriental, on the Bund,

and an up-to-date International Hospital run by the foreign community.

The population of the city of Kobe is given as 853,800 (October, 1934).

Kobe possesses the largest number of foreign residents of any city in Japan.

KOBE 293

The Temple of Nofukuji,. which possesses a large Bronze Budda, is situ-

-ated in the old town of Hyogo, and is worth a .visit; and there is a monument

to the Japanese: hero Kiyomori, erected in 1286, in a grove of trees Tn the

vicinity of the temple, which claims some attention from its historic asso-

ciations. The bed of the old river Minatogawa was reclaimed in 19l0. The

upper part of the reclaimed area is now known as MinatogSwa Park, where

there is a City HaB* behind which is a large market. The lower part pf the

river-bed is, a centre for public entertainments, such as theatres, cinemato-

graphs, etc. The shrine dedicated to Kusunoki Masashige, who fell on this

spot in 1336 during the unsuccessful wars for the restoration of the Mikado’s

power, stands: between Kobe Station and the Okurayama Park,,, where there

is also, a large City Xibrary. In the park stands a bronze,'statue of the late

Prince ltd, who was one of the most influential and powerful statesmen of

Japan in the Meiji period.


Aall & Co:, Ltd., Shipping & Insur- Ahrens Co., Machf., H. (Gomei

ance—29, Ha,rima-machi, Kobe-ku; Kaisha) 32,'— Akaslp-machi,-

Mei}cai Building (2nd

P.O. Box 282; Cable Ad: Aall floor), ■ Telephs.

Abraham & Co., Ltd., L., D., Import 711-713 (Sann.); P.O. Box ,30

nomiya)'; Cable Ad: Ahrens, Ni- (San-

and Export Merchants—-5d, Hariina- trammon, Nbrdlloyd,

machi; P.O. Box 85 (Sannomiya); H. Bosch, acting partner (Tokyo)

■Cafele Ad : Abraham

Directors—O. A. Aslfetj B. Abra- G. B.Stpenbuck

Schmidt, signs, ,per pro.


ham (London), J. Abraham, H.

Mita and J. Hara G. Broepje, shipping^dept,:

A gents for

Acme Code Company, Publisher Stickstoff-Syndikat G.m.b.H., Ber-

Acme Code Commodity & Phrase lin. .Fertilisers

Representatives — Carroll Brothers & Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen.

Co., 12, Kaigan-dori Passenger and Freight Line

.Adbt, Moss & Co., Wholesale Wine AiliOn Company, ’• 0^98; Isobe-dori;

and Spirit Merchants—8, Kaigan- P.O. Boi Sarin 273; Cable Ad:

dori; Teleph. San. 2422; P.O, Box Ailion

390; Cable Ad: Mossycamp American Association {See Associa-

C. H. Moss tions i & Clubs)

Ad VAN!, U.R.—72/3, Ispbe-dori, 4- Amberg & * Co., Geo., General Mer-

chome; P.O. Box 1127; Cable Ad: chants—49, Harima-machi; Cable

Gurupanik Ad: Amberg

.African Trading Co.—14, Isobe-dori, American Consulate ,{See Consulates)

4-chome, Fukiai-ku; Cable Ad:

African American Gulp Orient Line

Ahmed Abdul Karim Bros., Exporters L. Everett, Inc. agents

—7/40, Isobe-dori, 4-chome; P.O. American Mail Line—7, Kaigan-dori;

Box. 6; Cable Ad : Alkamar Telephs. 264, 997, 1558 and 1595

(Sannomiya); P.O. Box 308; Cable

Ahmed Ebrahim Bros., Exporters of Ad : Dollar

Piecp, Goods, Hosiery, Towels, Sun- E. L. Matteson,' general agent

dries, etjC,—99, Isobe-dori, 4-chome;

Teleph. 1519 (Fukiai); P.O. Box R.C. M.

H. Glessner,

Blaxill passenger agent

195; Cable Ad: Ahmedebram H. L. Hooker, accountant

294 KOBE

American Merchandise Company (Bei- British Association of Japan (Kobet

koku IShoji Shokai)—12, Kaigandori; Branch)—P.O. Box 374 (Sann.):5

Cable. Ad: Harlo Chairman—Y. B. \Yilsdn '

J. Rechter, representative Vice-do. —S. D. Clay

G. Karl

H. daH.Costa, manager

W. Scriba 'Oomruittee—A. C. Times,' G A.

S.Y. Chi M0rton;' F. W. Mackie, R. T.

Shimoi Holder, Capt. W G. Lalor,

A. Fujii o.b.e. and Dr. E. A. Pollock

T.K. Hashimoto


Miss L. M atsuH.noda Costa British and Foreign Bible Society

./ Miss Gloria and National Bible Society or

Scotland — 95, Yedo-machi; Te-

leph. Sannomiya 2725; Cable Ad:

American Trading Co. of Japan, Ltd., Testaments, Kobe

Importers, Exporters, Engineers,

and Insurance—99, Yedo Maohi; Catholic Young Men’s Association—

Telephs. 482 to 485 and 3997 Sanno- 51,

miya; P.O. Box 17 Sannomiya;

Cable Ad. Amtraeo-; All Codes ku Nakayamate-ddri 1-chome, Kobe-

Wm. Hirzel, president Club Concordia—30, Yamamoto-

O. C. Seyfarth, treasurer . dori, 2-chome; Teleph. 615 (Fu-

H. Hall, manager (Kobe Office) kiai); P.O. Box 104

C. Y. Baldwin, chief accountant

A. Scheuten, import department

F. Obata, engineering dept. Dunlop Club—Wakinohama J

Paris Hiatt, (Ingersol-Rand)

Antaki & Son, E., Export and Import Dunlop Country Club — 1, Nishi

Ichinotani, Suma-ku

Commission agents—2, Kaigan-dori;

P.O. Box 172; Cable Ad: Antaki German Chamber of Commerce—37,

Antaki & Co., Isaac — 91 Yedo-macbi; Akashi-machi; P.O. Box 88

P.O. Box 304; Cable Ad : Rikkoman Kobe Amateur Dramatic Club

I. Antaki, proprietor

Arjana & Bros., K., Exporters of Kobe Club—14, Kano-cho, Roku-

Silk, etc.—88, ■ Sannomiya-cho, 1- chome; Teleph. 405 (Sannomiya)

chome; P.O. Box 203; Cable Ad:

Arjan KobePresident—R.

Cricket Club

Arratoon C. M., Exporter

porter—94, Yedo-machi; P.O. Box and Im- Captain—W. N.T. Hansell


331; Gable Ad: Arratoon . . Vice-Captain—C. D. Wales

Hon. Secretary—E.

c/o Treasurer—O.

P.O. B. Kawasjee,.

Box 338 Skinner


ASSOCIATIONS AND CLUBS Committee—J. Abraham and A. B.

All Saints’ Church Association— Pirrie

53, Nakayamate-dori, 3-chome Kobe Golf Club, Links and Club

American YL'ssociation of Kobe — 7, House at Rokkosan — Registered

Harima-machi Office: 203-4, Crescent Building,

72, Kyo-machi, Kobe-ku; Teleph.

Associacao Nippon-Brasileika—Kai- 2744, 1670-5 (Sann.); P.O. Box 413

gan-dori. 1-cKome, Kpbe-ku President—R. T. Holder

Captain—W. Lackie

Associacao Portuguesa de Kobe—17 Hon. Secretary—J. B. Tibbetts

Nakayamate-dori, 2-chome, Kobe- Committee

Lumley, P.— S.L. Spence

Imamura,and A.E. H.C.

ku Summers

KOBE 295

Kobe Lawn Tennis Club BANKS - :

President'—A. \C. Times

Hon. Secretary—S. G. Stanford Bank 'of Chosen—2, Sakae-machi, 1-

Committee—Mrs. , C. D: Wales, chome; Cable Ad : Chosenbank

R. T. Holder, W. N. Hansell

and C. J. Elliott Bank of Japan—25, Kyo-maehi

Kobe Masonic ,Club—‘'Corinthian

Hall,” 48, Nakayamate-dori; Te- Bank of Taiwan, Ltd.—45,(j Harima-

leph. 2765 (Fuklai). machi; Cable Ad : Taiwangink

Kobe and Osaka Foreign Chamber Chartered Bank of India, Australia

of Commerce—Chamber or Com- and China—67, Kyo-machi; Telephs.

merce Building, Kaigan-dori

Chairman—E. MT. James 1410, 1411, 1412 and 1413 tSannomiya);

Vice-do. —F. Blum P.O. Box 352 (Sunnomiya); Cable

AdA.: Keramic.

C. Times,, manager

Kobe Regatta and Athletic Club— J. S, Drummond, accountant

13, Kano-cho, Kobe-ku; P.O. Box

1058 Sub-accountants—

Kobe Sailing Club D.A. S.R. Exell

Cameron I W. Mackay

D. Howard ] A. fk Pirrie

Kobe Exchange—60, Naniwa-machi; A. M.R. Currie I, S. E. Tear

Kobe-ku V. L. Machado, chief ,clerk

Mrs.''’ H. Stephen,' stenographer

Kobe Yacht Club; Tseng Futson, compraddre

Commodore—S. G. Stanford

Vice-Commodore—P. de Vries Dai-ichi Ginko Ltd., The — Sakaye-

- Hon. Secretary—II. J. Cox machi ; Gable Ad : Daiichigin

Hon. Treasurer—J. S. Melhurish

Committee—G. R. Jackson, N.

Ohzeki and G. Gran Fujimoto Bill Broker Securities

'Sa'. Andrev/’s Society—c/o Charter- Co... Ltd.—Sakae-machi; Cable Ad :

ed Barik.idf India, Aus. & China, Fubillbank

67, •Kyo-imachi, Kobe-ku Hongkong and Shanghai Bank-

St. George’s Societ/ ing Corporation—2, Bund: Telephs.

Pre^jdBht—W. G. Lalof 841 and 842 (Sannonnya) •. P.O. Box

Vice-PtesiddnG-A. C. 'Times r 353; Cable Ad : Hiroshima

Hon. Becretafy—G. W. Land .

lion. Treasurer—J. B. Walter

ddihfbittee—H. York. Irwine, R. Hyogo-kenISfbKC)

ITyogokkn Ginko, Ltd. (The

T. Holder, S. G. Stanford, H. Bank) — 13;Agriculture & Industrial

Sakae'-machi-dori, 1-

^ Hayward, J. B. TibbettSi and chome, Kobe-ku

F. J. Horman-Fisher,

Assomull & Co.. W. 107, Tsogami- Jugo. Ginko, Ltd. (The Fifteenth

Bank, Ltd.)—35,' '^lishi-machi, Kobe-

dori, 6-chome; PrO. Box 26; Cable ku

Ad: Wassiamull

Balkrishna & Co., C.—95, Isobe-dori Kawasaki One Hundredth Bank, Ltd.

—Sakae-machi .Gchonie^ Kobe-ku


—47, Asiatic Commercial

Akashi-raachi, Co., Ltd.

Kobe-ku: P.O. Mitsui Bank. Ltd.—8, S.akae machi

Box 291; Cable Ad : Baltiasico 3-chome. Kobe-ku

296 KOBE

National City Bank of New York, F. Schirmer

The—38, Akashi-machi, Kobe-ku ; G. Schumacher

Telephs. 3530 :td 3534 (SannoTniya); W. Timaeus (Tokyo)

P.O. Box 168 (Sannomiya); Cable H. Vogelsang

Ad: Citibank G. A. Vorlaendef

F. W. Bender, manager Miss G. Nerger

C. V. Grant,’ accountant Scientific Department

J. Ft. Wilson, pro. manager Dr. med. A. Mertens

W. D. F. Morrisson, sub-acct. Dr. O. Ritter

K.N. Funataui,

Inohara, do.

do. Dr. med. F. Ronnefeldt (Tokyo)

K. Mitsunari, do. J. F. Thuemen

T. Takai, do. Mrs. C. Schirmer

O.T. Miyamoto

Mayeda, Agents for

“Bayer” Pharmaceutical Depart-

ment LG. Farbenindustrio

Aktiengesellschaf t, Leverkusen,

Nederlandsch Indische Handelsbank {Germany)

N. V. (Netherlands India Commer-

cial Bank)—38, Nakamachi; Telephs.

1781, 2111 and 2680 Sannomiya; Behna, M.—10, Isobe-dori; P.O. Box.

Cable Ad: Handelbank Box 116 (Sann.); Cable Ad:


Sumitomo Bank, Ltd., The—11, Sakae-

machi, Itchome; Telephs. 41, 44, Beldam Packing Agency (Japan),

4906 ''Sannomiya); Cable Ad: Ltd.—45, Harima-machi; Cable Ad:

Sumitbank Veepilot

U. Tanaka, managing director

Yokohama Specie Bank, Ltd.—26, Agency

Sakae-machi, Sanchome; Telephs; Beldam Packing and Rubber Oo.,.

2005-1 (Sann.); Cable Ad: Shokin Ld., London, E.C. 3

Bashir & Con S. M., Importers and Bell (Harold), Taylor, Bird & Co.,.


chome; P.O. Box Yamamoto-dori,

Sannomiya 10152-; Building

Chartered Accountants — Crescent,

Cable Ads : Bashir and Shoes (4th floor), 72, Kyo-machi,

Kobe-ku; and at Tokyo and London;

Teleph. 714 (Sannomiya); Cable Ad :

Bartel Auditory

Rayon, &SilkCo, W., Exporters

and Cotton Piece Goods,of /Harold Bell, f.c.a. (London)

Cyril F. Bird, f.c.a. do.

Hosiery, Shell Buttohs, and all other Alan Blain, a.c.a. . do.

Japanese Manufactures

duce; Importers of Scrap Metals.,and Prot- W. H. Johnstone, a.c.a. do.

etc. — 38, tsobe dori, 2-chome; G.Harold

F. Wevill,

S. Colls,F;C.a.



Telephs. ' 4720 and 4886 (Flikiai); J. B. Tibbptts, a.c.a. (Kobe)

Cable Ad: Baste! , P.N. H.G. Palmer, a.c.a.a.c.a:


Whitemore, (Tokyo)

Bayer, Meister Lucius Yakuhin Go- J. H. R. Bell do.

mei Kaisha—Sumitomo Bldg., Sakae- W. F. Balden do.

machi, i-chome, Kobe-ku ; Teleph.


107 ; Cable 3—4132, 3639,1357; P.O. Box Bendien’s World Service—39, Akashi-

Ad : Pharma

F. von Behrmg machi ; Teleph. San. 3349

W. BecKtle

E. O. Birkenbeil C. Budge, sole repres.

B.G.K. von Frowein (Tokyo)


Rudolf Ben Trading Co.—88, 1-chome, Sanno-


E. Schalow (Tokyo) miya-cho; P.O. Box 83; Cable Ad:


KOBE 297

•Bergmann & Co.„ General Exporters— Borkowsky, G.—3-4, Hamabe-dori, 4-

105, Hachiman-dori, 3^chqme; P.O. chome; Telephs.; 2996 and 988 (Fu-

Box 226; Cable Ad: Bergmann kiai); P.O. Box 144; Cable Ad:

Georg Pfluegerr partner Gebork

H. Meyn, do.

H. Wohlers, do. Bottlewalla & Co.—16, Xakaynmate-

G. Akino, do. dori, 2-chome; Cable Ad: Bottle-

H. Streeck walla

H. Ploenjes

W. H; Schirmer (British Association of Japan (see As-

B. Habenicht i sociations)



U. Bessell

C. Loeffler : British Consulate (see Consulates)


Miss E.H. Krebs


Broad and Son, F. B., Oils, Greases

.Berrick & Co., Ltd., General Import ma-machi;and Petroleum Products—7, Hari-

and Export Merchanibs—17, Nakaya- P.O. Box 1004; Cable

mate-dori; Teleph. 2992, 5106, 5348 Ad: Enso

(Fukiai); Cable Ad: Berrick. Head

Office: 199, Yamashita-cho, Yoko- Brunner, Mond & Co. (Japan), Ltd.

hama, Branches: Tokyo, Kobe, Importers Chemicals,

and Exporters of Industrial

Metals' and’ Fertilizers—

London, Brussels, Paris and Vienna Head Office : 72, Kyomachi; Teleph.

F. S. Souza, signs per pro, 1670 (Sann. 6 lines); P.O. Box 86;

A. M. Marques Cable Ad : Crescent. Branches : Tokyo,

V. Noronha, accountant Osaka

Mrs. E. Jorge

H. Guterres H. Y. Irwine, chairman

M. Maruyama | K. Tasaka B. T. Holder, a.s.a.a.I, director &


Bheroomaal Sons, G., Exporters—38, II. G. Harker

Isobe-dOri, 2-chome; P,0. Box 125; E.. H. Fisher

Cable Ad: Bheroomall T. M. Milne

Distributors for Constituent and

Biedermann & Co., W.—7, tsobe-dori; Subsidiary Companies of Im-

Cable Ad: Combined perial Ckemical Industries Ltdi,

including: —

Bead & McClure, Bill and Bullion British Dyestuffs Corporation, Ld.

Brokers—72, Kyo-machi; Teleph. iJC.T. (Alkali), Ld., formerly

411 and 6191 (Sannomiya); P.O. Bruhner, Mond & Co., Ld.

Box 224; Cable Ad: Blad. Branch Castner-Kellner Alkali Co., Ld.

Office in Osaka Oassel Cyanide Co., Ld.

C.L. H. Owen Chance & Hunt, Ld.

J. Nuzum I.

D. S. G. Shirras Products), Ld.


T.C Industries,

I. (General Ld. Ltd:


Boeckl & Co.,- E., Provision Mer- John Marstbir & Co., Ld. (Sun-

chants, Ship Chandlers—82, Naka- beam Motor Bicycles).

yamate-dori, 2-chome; Cable Ad: Agents for

Boeckl Brotherton;& Co., Ld.

Borisoff & Sons, K. M.—36, Shimo- Magadi &Soda

Beckitt Sons, Co., Ld.

Ld. (Ultramarine)

yamate-dori United States Alkali Export As-


Borisoff, Vladimir, Import and Ex- Borax Consolidated, Ltd.

port — 36, iShimoyamate^dori 3- Liverpool and London and Globe

chome, Kobe-ku Insurance Co., Ld.

2m- KOBfP

■ Bou' rfe cfe Forgas

dc Uo.iG.M.K. (Metcury) Cai^apian'-Transport Co:-, • Ltd.—364,

W. Weddel Ltd. (Casein) : Crdsceflt Bldg., 72, 1 Ryomaehi; Teldph.

United Carbon Co. (“ Kosmos ” Car- 1957 (Sann.); Cable Ad > Resarf

Vjon Black)

British Glues & Chemicals Co., Ltd. Capelouto & Ashkenazi- -Kobe Bldg.,

S. A. des. Usines .Destfee, CUlto-; 4-chome, 7, Isobedori;

4443 (Fukiai) ;. Cable Ad- TelepHs.

:, Ashcapei-3330,


Btesh, M. & J.—10, Kaigan-dori, Caro Trading Co., Export and Im-

port Merchants-r-98,; Isobe-dori, 4-

Kobe-ku chome; Teleph. 3880 (Fukiai); P.O.

Budge & Co., 0.-39, Akashi-machi; Box 173 (Sannomiya) ; Cable Ad:

Carotra mdUdo-i .11

Cable Ad : Budge F. Ailion, proprietor ■

Butterfield & Swire (Japan), Ltd.— Carroll Brothers & Co.,; Import and'

103, , Ypdo^machiTelephs- Sannomiya Export Merchants—12, Kaigan-

848 ami -3396 : P.O.. Bo^c 72 Sannomiya ; dori; P.O. Box 381 (Sannomiya);

Cable Ad: Swire' Cable Ad : DeProche

IT. W. Roger, signs per pro, Re J''. CJrroll, partner

S. Fraser ] J. Miki E. C- Carroll, ;do.

Buttingttaug'fe Cb? (Ship Chandlers & Caudrf.lier, Gtoteries—1,

L., Wholesale and Retail


Cpmpradores—176, Kitanagasa-dori chome; P.O. Box 206; Cable Ad:3-

Caper, Doray & Co., Buying Agents and Caudrelier' - ' ;

Exporters of Japanese Merchandise Central Bakery & Confectionery—32,

-38-1 Sakae-machi, 3-ehome; Teleph. ! Shimoyamate-dori; 2-chome, Kobe

Fpkuai 2819: Cables Ad :. Lotus’ fu; Teleph. Fukiai 2-3622’; ,

T. A. Cader, partner

M. B. R. Doray, do. Chalhoub & Co., • Ltd.—105, Yedo-

Cameron & Co., Ltd., A., Exporters, machi,; Teleph,. 639 , (Sann.); P.O.

Importers, Insurance Agents—93, BoxTheodore 371; Cable Ad: Theodorene

Chalhoub, repres. dir.

Yedo-machi; Teleiphs. 564, 1301-2-3, Rene Chalhoub,. do.

1141-2-3-4 (Sana.); P.O. Box 155 Emile Chalhoub, managing, dir.

(Sann.) Gable Ad: Cameron,

Chanrai & Co.,‘ I. T., Exporters of

Canadian Government TradeBuilding, Commis- ; Silk and Curios—39, Isobe-dori, 2-

;• Teleph. Sann. 5600; ■ Chnnrai

sioner Service—'Crescent eftoine; P.O. Box • 213 ;-.Cable -Yd :



Ad,: Canadian

Richard Grew, Trade Commissioner Chellaram Gianchand, Exporters—38,

P. Y. McLane, assist. . bo. Isobe-dori, 2-chome; Cable Ad:

' Chellaram

Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd.


Canadian Pacific ExpressCo.Co.— Chetty

PacificRailway & Co., G. R, H.—32/l'69j San-

nomiya-cho; Cable’"Ad : Heptagon

7, Harima-machi;

491 (Sann.), Freight Telephs.

393 Passenger

(Sann.); Cable

Ads: Passenger “Gacanpac”, Freight CHURCHES

“ Citamprag ” All Saints’ Church (C. of E.)—53,


Passenger;, Hayward

Agent — W. R. Buck- N akayamate-dori, Sanchome

berrough Chaplain—Rey. J- y. Ford, m.a.

Staff': ..


Kobe TramChurch—34,

Car: Ikuta:eho,2-


Passenger Department'S.,

Brisk Department — R. M. cliome) C. 1 1

-’ '

Freight Pastor—Rev. W. J. : M. Cragg,

Davisdn and G. A. Lomaev D.D. t;A ) .: - i

KOBE 299

Olay & Co.—46a, Harima-machi; Te- Denmark—92, Yedo-machi; Teleph.

Jeph. 1212 (Sannomiya); P.O. Box 3490 (Sannomiya); P.O. Box 292

115; Cable Ad: Bossigran Consul—R. W. Pearce

KDlifford-Wilkinson Tansan Mineral Egypt—28, Yamamoto-dori, 2-chome,

Water Go., Ltd.—8, Kaigan-dori; Kobe-Ku

Telephs. Sann. 1448, 1296, 593; Consul—M. Fawzy

P.O. Box 41; Cable Ad : Tansania. Chancellor—A. Farrag

Branch Office: Fujiya Building, 1, Secretary—H. Abd. El-Ghaffar

Kotohira-cho, Shiba-ku, Tokyo;

Teleph. 2304 (Shilba) France—110, Yamamoto-dori, Ni-

Club Concordia (see Associations and chome; Teteph. 4500 (Fukiai);

Clubs) Cable Ad: Fransulat

Consul—A. Hauchecorne

Vice-Oonsttl—J.' Camaly

Colombo Export Cpv General Exporters

and Commission Agent—80, Isone-dori, Germany—115, Higashi-machi, Kobe-

4-chome; Teleph. 4616 (Fukiai); P.

O. Box 1017; Gable Ad: Export Ku ; Teleph. 24 ■ (Sannomiya) ;

Cable Ad: Consugerma

Columbia Graphophone Co. of Japan, Cbnsul General—Dr. W. Wagner

Ltd.—61, Kaigan-dori; Cable Ad : Vice-Consul—W. Schmaltz

Grafonola Chancellor—R. Kruger

Secretary—K. Schafer

Commercial Pacific Cable Co.—7, Interpreters—M. Sasaki and Y.

Harima-machi; Telephs. 393 and 491 Kasai

(Sannomiya) Great Britain—Crescent Building

Comptoir Orient Export, Importers (5th floor), No. 72, Kyo-machi;

and Exporters^—114, Higashi-machi; Teleph. 91 (Sannomiya); Cable

P^O. Box 169 (Sannomiya) ; Teleph. Ad : Britain

3218 (Sann.); Cable Ad: Kanasako Consul-in-charge—A. R. Ovens

A. Kahn Consul—H. A. Graves

J. Lantz Shipping Clerk—rj;. S. Waddell

P. Bernard Secretary—S. Inouye

Greece—26b, Naniwa-machi; Teleph.

CONSULATES I ■ 1825 (Sannomiya).

Argentine—Osaka Shosen Building 1 Consul—H. C. Macnaughton

Consul-General—Francisco Ortiz Vice-Consul—D. M. Young

Belgium—38, Akashi-machi Guatemala—118, Naka-rtiachi

Hori. Consul—H. Melchior Consul—E. Bayle'(absent)

J. Mustaros, in charge

Bolav ia—72, Kyo-machi; Teleph. Italy—27, Yamamoto-dori, 2^chome

Sann. 53

Brazil—^Epsen Building, 4th floor, Mexioo—Shosen Building; P.O. Box

Kaigap-dori; .Calple Ad : Conshras; 821; Cable Ad : Latuf

Teleph. San. 2510 Netherlands—32* Akashi-machi; Te-

China—45, Sbimoyamatedori, Ni-j leph. 5360 (Sannomiya),; Cable Ad:

choine; Holland

Actingia Consul-General—W. H.

Cable AdTeleph. 3407 (Fukiai);

: Si noconsul . , dl? Boo?

Cuba—33, Nakayamate-dori, 3-cho- Interpreter—!N. A. .1. de Voogd

rtie; Cable'Ad : Cubasul Norway—45, Harima-machi ; Teleph.

Consul-General—P. M. Dominguez

Vice-Consut—C. G. Peraza 1955 (Sannomiya).

Secylrln.terprbter—M. Dohl i i Consul—T. B. Gansmoe v

300 KOBE

PMu—Kobe Bldg.,- 7, . Isobe-dori, 4- ! F. Coupar <


(Fukiai);.. Cable

Flikiai-ku; Teleph. 5540

Ad : Percon C. G. dos Remedies

Consul—Jose .Varela y Arias Miss M. Anno

Miss H. Visscher

Portugal—17, Kakayamate-dori, 2- j Cornes & Co.—68; • Yedo-Uiachi; ■ Te-

chome; Telepb. 2992. (Fukiai) lephs. 492, 493 and 2290 (Sannomi-

ya): P.O. Box 170'; Cable Ad:

Spain — 99, Kitaiiochp,. 2-chome; Cornes

Teleph. 4090 (Fukiai) A. J. Cornes (London)

Sweden—93, Yedp-niachi J. Cornes (London) !

P. L. Spence (Kobe)

Consul—Ernest/W. James . J. W. Meyer (Kobe)'

H. E. Punnett, signs per pro.

U. S. S: B.—170' Kitano-cho, Kobe- Import Dept.

ku; Cable Ad :.. Sovconsul D. R. Tenneht

United States of America — 122, Export Dept.

T. h. Christensen

Higashi-machi; Telepk. 93.iS.a.nno- R. Isaacen

miya; Cable Ad: American Con- Shipping and Insurance Dept.

sul , .

A. Boulton

Venezuela —10, Kitanagasa'-dori, Survey Dept.

Kobe-ku Capt. F. H. Fegen

J. Foul is Munro

Continental Insurance,'Co. of New Agencies ,

York, The—7 Harima-machi; Teleph. Ben Line Steamers, Ld. ;

4466 (Sann.): P;0. Box 319; Cable Lloyd’s, London t

Ad : Reidsan ,, London Salvage Association

S. Reidj agent ; Board of Underwriters of New


Continental- Trading Co., Importers, Ralli Bros.

Exporters and Commission Agents—

44, Onoe-dori 6-ehome, Fukiai-ku CoxBraids, <& Hirao, Exporters of: Hats,



Cook & Son, Ltd.-, Thos.-‘-Oriental and Porcelain Silk Glass


Hotel and Toyo Building; P.O. Cotton Goods, Produce

Toys—112); .Higashi-machi; Teleph- and.

Box Sann. 398; Cable Ad : Coupon 4527 (Sannomiya): P.Q. Box 112;

R. Edgar, manager Cable Ad: Coxland

E. G. llanscomb • , M. Hirao, partner

T. A. Jenkins D. Cox, ,: do. (London)

M. Yussim

W. Waggott...

Miss K- White, stepogirapher , : Cuban Consulate (see Consulates)

Mis's ' M. ■' Shimidzu, do.

. S-Sekine | N. T. Oishi

K. L. -Cheng | Y. Fukushima Curnow ifc Co., Ltd., J., Importers and

Exporters—2, Kaigan Doii, 1-chome;

Cooper, Findlay & Co., Ltd., Export Curnow P.O. Box 1050 (Sannomiya) ; Cable/Ad

Merchants and Insurance Agents—

110, Ito-machi, Kobe-ku: Telephs. Dalamal & Sons—18/19, Isogami-dori,

3-376, 2112Cable

Box ’ SIT;' and Ad,5976: Repooc

(Sahn.); P.O. 4-chomc; P.O. Box 1134; Teleph. 3645

F. D. Burrows, director (absent) (Fukiai); Cable Ad : Kirpaloo

H. S/‘ Williams, rep res. dir. Danish Consulate (see Consulates)

C. E. Kirby, do.

! C. T. Thomson, director

J. Gadsby, director (Tokyo)

F. W. R. Ward, director* (London) Dave Brothers — 76a, Kyo-machi;

P.O. Box 42; Cable Ad : Sword

KOBE 301

Daves’& Co., R. JL', ' Merchants—281, podweii & Co., Ltd., Importers and

Sainnomiya-cho, 1-chpme; P.O. Box Exporters, Shipping'; Bunkering &

347 (Sannomiya) ; ’Cable Ad: paver Insurance Agents—82j Kyo-machi;

Teiephs. 752, 753 and;: 796 (Sanno-

B,. E. Daver miya); P.O. Box 157-'Cable Ad:

D. R. Daver


David & Co., S. J.—47, Kagoike-dori, J. A. Thomson, acting general

6-chome, Kobe-ku; P.O. Box Sanno- manager for Japan .

miya 14 " J. H. Ewing

F. J. Horman-Fisher

de Becker, de Becker & Sebald, J.B. G.P. Lind


International & Maritime' Lawyers W. de Witt

—Meikai Building, 32, Akashi- Miss-M. Ailion '

miichi; Cable Ads: Debeqkert ' & Miss E. Cox

. Sebald Miss L. Walker

Ah Kwei, comprador©

Degay A Co. -80, Saitnomiya-cho; Agencies

Cable Ad: Degay American and. Oriental Line

Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co , Ltd-

Delacamp, Piper (Bund);

1.andKaigan-dori -& Co.;, Teiephs.

Merchants— 1007 Bank Line, Ltd,.-

3592 (Sannomiya) ; P.O. Box 134; Barber-Wilbeimsen Line

Cable Ad : Decampalos Blue Star Line, Ld.

Hbt. de la Camp, partner Dalgliesh Line

K. Piper, partner! (absent.) Dodwell-Castle Line

L. de la Camp, signs per pro. The East Asiatic Co., Ld. of

E. Hansen Copenhagen

H. Zeiler Norwegian, Afrika and Australia

K. H. Thomsen ’ Line (Wilh.

Andrew Weir &Wilhelmsen,

Co. Oslo)

Mrs. F. Foedlaender l Bakau and Kenya Extract Co., Ld.

J. Works,

v. Likoser.

WetzlajO (Roechling Steel (Cutch)

B. M. Zeiler ; (lioechling Steel British Anti-Fouling, Composition

Works, Wetzpr) and Paint Co.

H. Luebbert, T.okyo (Rqeehling J. Dampney & Co.; Ld. (“Apexio? ”

Steel Works, Wetzlar) A.Boiler Compound,

& F. Pears, ete.) etc.) '

Ldi (Soaps,

Oelburgo Peerless Carbon and Ribbon Co.,


Co., Ltd., D. Kyb-machi,

H., Export Ld.

The Underwood Elliot Fisher Co.

Kobe-ku; Teiephs. San. 3143, 3144, and Alliance

3145; P. O. Box 297; Cable Ad: Ogrubled

D. H. Delburgo, managing dir. Caledonian Insce. Co. Ld.

Assurance Co., (Fire(Fire)and!

K. Kita, director . Marine)

B.H. Shida, director Newcastle Protection and Indem-

Fujii, auditor nity Association

K. Sakai K. Ohtsuka North of England Protecting and

Indemnity Association

Union Assurance Society, Ld.

Deuber & Co., E. (OosBi KaIsha)— (Fire) ^ ' ,/i

91, Yedo Yorkshire Insurance Co.;, Ld.

Box 1133 Machi; Teleph.Ad:San.Deuber

Sann.; Cable 443; P.O. (Fire Marine and Motor Car)

uEi Deuber j .M. Dbufcer

Dditsu Senryo Gomei Kaisha—37,


Far East (China, Japan,ofMala-

and Chronicle the Akasbi-machi, Kobe ku; P.O. Bqx $8;

ya, Philippine Islands, Netherlands Cable Ad: Doitsenryo

G. Kuhweide

India, Indo-China, etc.) P. Becker

Agents for Kobe and District— G. Beutner

Thompson & Co., Ltd.—3, Kai- M. Braeuer

gan-dori, Ittehome H. Brueggemann

302 KOBE

Dr. H. Dannehl Du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc., E.

R. E. Fischer I., Dyestuffs, Chemicals, Colours

Dr. J. Frei and Accelerators; Cellophane, Li-

S. Fuellkrug quid


Telephs. 2989 Building,

and 3674 72, Kyo-


W. Giudice P.O. Box 384; Cable Ad: Dupontdyes

F. Grosskinsky A. Paul Brown, director of sales

K. Jung Daisy Goldman, accountant

E. Kein O. Gutterres I Z. Goldman

F. Meister C. Gutterres | T. lyori

A. Pahl

F. Rapp Dunlop Rubber Co. (Far East) Ltd.

H. Riessen —Wakinohama,

H. Rossbach

P. E. Schmachtenberg Fukiai 2-0673-4-5-6;Fukiai-ku;

P.O. BoxTelephones

159; Cable

K. Schoenfeld , Ad: Gumco

K. Schuffnre V. B. Wilson, managing director

C. L. Timm G. A. Morton, director and works

H. Vogt manager

H. Vorlaender T. K. Mutoh, director

Th. v. Wicken K. Akabori, do.

L. Zumfelde H. S. Goodwyn Isitt, f.c.a., insp.

Miss M. Bott W.J. S.L. Hallaway

Antill, sales manager

Mrs. L. Vorlaender J. H. Bennett

Miss R. Rueckert G. Brazier

Miss E. Kressler Dr. W. C. Davey, chief chemist

Miss G. Rutz C. Graham

J. Graham

Dollar Stpamship Line—7, Kaigan- T. Henbury

dori : Telephs. 264, 997, 1558 and A. G. Hinton

1595 (Sannomiya) : P.O. Box .-308: W. Morris

Gable Ad: Dollar C. J. de H. Moore, purchasing


DoRay Brothers, Jewellers and Gem J. New, accountant

Merchants, Exporters of all kinds of A. C. Pearl

Pearls, Importers of all kinds of W. E. Smith

Gems—107-4, Nakayamate-dori ; P.O. G. L. Vears

BoxM. 332; Cable :

. Booso; C. H. Woodward

B. R. Doray R. A. Woolger

Miss E. M. Black


Mrs. W.Winter

R. E. Smith

DoSHi & Co., V.—113, Hachiman-dpri;

P.O. Box 1098; Cable Ad: Doshi Durlabhji & Co., B., Exporters—5,

Isobe-dori. 4-chome; Cable Ad:

Dossa & Co., G., Cotton Merchants Durlabhji

and Cornmissiph Apdnts—102, Yedo- East & West Trading Co., General


Dossa Teleph. 972 (Sann.);

■ ' Cable


' Ad: rpachi;

Importers & Exporters—70, Kyo-

M. K. Thakker, manager Cable Ad : Handw

K. Okada

S. Tanignehi Eastern Extension Australasia and

China Telegraph Co., Ltd., Great

Dovacy & Co., H.—8, Kano-cho; Cable Northern Telegraph. Co., Ltd.—

16a, Harima-machi, Kobe-ku; Te-

Ad: Dovas le.pK. Sannomiya (3) 1331; Cable

Ad: Nordiske

Down Boeki Shokai, Ltd., Exporters

and Importers1—127/18, Shimoya- Ei-wa Trading Co., Ltd., The- 70,

mate-dori, 4-chome: P.O. Box 218; Kyomachi, Kobe-ku; P.O, Box 52;

Cablei Ad: Springbok Cable Ad: Eiwaco

M(5bb -m-

EmI*REZA' Lusb'-J'APONEZA Gomei •Eaisha-' I FAteScHand & Soils, 'Exporters—12,

—Kobe Buildiiig, Isobe-dori; P.O. | ■Isobe-doriy /'S-^hotne'; Cable- Ad:

Box 51 : Cable Ad : Couto1 Eatechana

Ennenbeeg,' A.,' Export and import— Faure, E.—73, 'Kyo-ma'dhi; Cable Ad :

3-20, Yamamoto-dori, 4-chome; Te-

leph. Fukiai; 1834 5 Gable Ad: Soya Faure

6, Ennenberg Faveyrial, J;, Importer of Wool Tops

Agencies and Woollen Yarn and Textile Ma

The Anglo-Chinese Easter^ Tra- chinery' and Exporter—75^, Shimo-

ding Oo., Ld., of London

Code Compiling Co., Inc. (New yamate-dori;


3-chome; Teleph. 2127

; Cable Ad . Faveryrial

York) Publishers of Universal

'trade Code, Standard, Po-

pular, and Tanners’ Council FAUnT .& Co., J. W., Importers and

Editions -Manufacturers ; Agents—28, . Isobe-

dori- 2rchome, Fnkiai-ku ; Cable Ad :

Esmaljee, A. H.—27, Sannomiya-cbo, Koberusse

3-chome; Teleph. 1467 (Sannomiya); Fegen, F. H., Surveyor to Lloyds Agents

P.O. Box 368 5 Cable Ad: Babji- —88, Yedo-machi; Teieph. 2155 (Sann.);

mowla P.O. Box 170

Everett, Inc., L. — Room 5, Tdyo Bldg., D. Bruce Woods, assistant


Everett P.O. Box 77; Cable Fog, 1

Raebild & Toft—-118,P.O.Ito-machi;

Teleph. 0998 (SiUmomiya); Box 340;

Faizullabhoy, E., Merchant and Com- Cable Ad: Fogiltoft

mission Agent—26, Sannomiya-cho,

3-chome; Telephs. 262 and 5925 (San- France Boyeki Shokai (Successors

to Comptoirs Soies, bocieib Anohy-

nomiya) ; P. O. : Box 97;; . Cable Ad : me)—Sanzui Bldg., Fukiai; Teleph.


T. S. Essabhoy, manager 2682 (Fukiai); P.O. Box 379; Cable

W, G. PoonawalJa, assistant Ad : Isabeau

A. S. Sarela, d°- H. Tsubouchi

Far Eastern Advertising Agency— Fbazai? & Cb.;, Iinpdrtets,s Exporters

2, Kaigan-dori, 1-chome; P.O. Box & Shipping Agenth—46, Harihta.

San. 108; Cable Ad: Kokoku

Douglas M. Young, managing machi, frazco

Kobe-Ku; Cable Ad: D.um-


Far East Superintendence Oo., Ltd., I Freundlieb, H.—12, Nakayamate-dori

General Cargo and1. -Catton. Con- Furido Shqkai, (Arthur Freid)

trollers 30, Akashi-machi; Teleph. General Importers, Exporters and

2087 (Sarin,) . p.(). j;0x 240 (Sann.); Selling Agents—20, Harima-machi;

Cable Ad: Supervise Cable Ad: Hiroya.

J. A. Steiner, manager

A. N. Petersen, assist, manager Koami-eho, 3-chome,Tokyo, office: 6/7*


Miss H. Sokolovsky, stenog.

K. J. Isbno Futehally & Sons, N., Exporters and

H. M Sashida,.. accountant Importers—114, Higashi-machij P.O-

M. C. Young Bqx 74; Cable Ad: Futehally

G. Bon a vita

H. Takemura Ganbmoe, T. B.—45, Harima-machi; P.O.

Y. Kimura Box 337; Cable Ad : Gansmoe

S. Kubosaki Representative—A / S Borregaard

J.Y. Kamamoto

Tsukamoto Sarpsborg, Norway, Pulp and

V. Scorohod Paper Makers

M. Sugitani

S. Inouye Gautemala Consulate (see Consulates)

304 KOBE

FftERES, Import and Expprt, Great Northern Telegraph Co., Ltd.

Diamonds, and Precious Stones im- and Eastern Extension Australasia

porters—40/15, Isoibe-dori, 4-chome; and China Telegraph Go., Ltd.—

Teleph. 3314 (Fukiai); P.O. Box 16a, Harima-machi, Kobe-ku; Te-

leph. Sannomiya, (3) . 1331; Cable

329, Cable Ad : Gedeon Ad: Nordiske,

F. Gedeu T. K. Kimura, chief canvassing

General Engineering. Go.—28, Sanno- agent

miya-cho, l-chome; Teleph. 215p Fu- N. Kaji

kiai; PO. Box 1144; Cable Ad; Obblaire I. Utsuki

W. Oberlein II. Nakagawa

General Export Trading Co.—73/7 Griebel, P.—7, Isobe-dori, 4-chome ;

Teleph. 3096 Fukiai; Cable Ad:

Isobe-dori, 4-chome; P.O. Box 165; Kahnkay

Cable Ad: ProgressUs; Codes:

A.B.C. 5thUnion

Edn. ;&Bentley’s;


6th Edn. P. Griebel


Electric Phrase Code & C. & J. Sup- Gunyon,

plement Schofield’s 3-Letter Code; Fukiai-ku; 0. C.—7, Goko-dori, 4-chome,

Rudolf Mosse Code and Supplement Cable Ad : Gunyon

andIf.Oriental 3-Letter Code. Representative for

Suess, proprietor, Mather & Platt, Ltd., En-

P. Griebel gineers, Manchester & Lon-


Gerber & Co., J.—8b, Kaigan-doyi; Hagemeyer Trading Co., Ltd.—2,

Gable Ad: Afrigerber Isogami-dori, l-chome; Telephs. Fu-

German Consulate {See Consulates) kiai 1799 and ou66; Cable Ad: 'Ha-


Getz Bros. & Co,, General Importers J. A. Hagemeyer, manager

—11,8, Ito-macln ; P.O. Box 293 ; D. C. Lambert-Ede, asst. mgr.

Cable Ad: Getz Haidarali & Co., Exporters—102,

Gobhai Karanjia, Ltd., Merchants & Isobe-dori, 4-chome; P.O. Box 401;

Commission Agents—130/131, Isoga- Telephs. Fukiai 4303, 3448; Cable

mi-dori, 8-chome; Teleph. 3414 (Fu- Ads: Haidarali and Kasim

kiai); P.O. Box 208; Cable Ad: Hausherr, Nishi & Co., Importers &


K. M. Polishwala, manager General Exporters — 22, Naniwa-

N. D. Karanjia machi; Teleph.' Sann. 1911; P.O.

B. C. Kapadia Box Sann. 309; Cable Ad : Hausnico

Y. Koda K. Nishi

GonCharoff-&: Co., Inc;, M., Chocolate Helm Bros., Ltd., Stevedores,Shipping,

Forwarding Agents and Brokers,

Factory—44, Nakayamate-dori Foreign Express and Freight For-

Grace Line—305, Crescent Building warders—46, Harima-machi; Te-

W. W. Campbell, special r'eptes’en- lephs. P.O.

1489 and 5880 '(Sannomiya) ;

Box 147; Cable Ad: Helm

tative E. W. Frazar, chairman (Yoko-

Graciani & Co., J., Importers of hama)

Woollen Goods and Yarns, etc.— H A. Chapman, dir., (Yokohama)

Takayama Building, 9/61, Sannomi- J. F. Helm, do. (do.)

ya-cho; Telephs. 1533 (Sann.); P.O. Wm. C. F. Helm, do. (do.)

Box 298 ; Cable Ad: Graciani J. T. Helm, do. (Kobe)


Graham & Co. (Goshi Kaisha), Ex- Hachiman-dori, & van Breukelen—110,

3-chome; Telephs.

porters—99, Yedo-machi, Kobe-ku; 1892, 3619 & 4206 (Fukiai); P.Q. Box

Teleph. San. 483; Cable Ad: Ma- 53; Cable Ad: Heuperman and

harg ;. - Breukelen

KOBE 305

Hill, A. W. Men’s Tailor and Shirt U. A. Casal

E. J. Kitching

Maker—32, Shimoyarnate-dori, 2-choine,

Teleph. Eukiai 3622 .D, n. van ivetei

Hill Pharmacy—36, Shimoyamate- G.H. A.VogtMorton

dori, 3-dhome; Teleph. 3639 (Fu- Ladies’ Advisory Committee :—

kiai); Cable Ad: Hilfarko; Code: Mrs. H. Dannehl

Bentley’s Mrs. C. V. Grant

C. B. K. Argali, M.P..S. (Eng.) Mrs. W. N. Hansell

Hirji & Co., M. H., Exporters, Im- Medical Advisors :—

porters and Manufacturers’ Agents Dr. G.A. Pollock

—92, Yedo-machi; P.Q. Box 163; Dr. J. JSiess-Walker

Cable Ad: Hirji

International Inventions, Ltd.—7,

HoLSTkist & Co., Ltd.,‘C,—8, Kaigan- Goko-dori, 4-chome; Teleph. 2120

dori; 'leieph. 4166 (Sannoihiya); P. (Fukiai); Cable Ad: Japvention

O. Bcte; 314; Cable Ad: Hdlstiein, W. J. Toms, president

C. Holstein G. Nakamura, director

Home Insurance Co. of New York- International Paint .& Composition

27, Naniwa-machi, Kobe-ku; Cable Co., Ltd. (Bankoku Toryo Seizosho)

Ad : Refardt Sole Manufacturers in Japan of the

Hoonuamall & .Sons, K.—1/38, Isobe- “International”Paints for Ships—P.O.

Compositions and


dori; Cable Ad : Hoondamall Cable Ad: International, Kobe .

Hotchand Kemchand, General Ex- International Traders—87, Sannomi-

porters—7$/9 Isobe-dpri, Fukiai-

ku; P.Q. Box 211;;.Cable Ad: Hot- ya-cho; Venus

P.O. Box 312; Cable Ad:


Hotel Essoyan—136, Nakayamate- Jaffer k Co., M.-t1/96,‘’ Isobe-dbri ;

P.O. Box San. 1068; Cable Ad:

dori; Cable Ad : Essoyan Jaffer

Hunter & Co., E. H., Merchants—29, Jaigopal Ramkishen Bros., Exporters'

Harima-machi; Telephs. 0187 and

0188; P.O. Box 39; Cable Ad: ofdori; . ..Japanese

Cable AdProducts—10,..

: Ramkishen Isobe-


Illj.es & Co.,. C.—12, Kaigan dori; James’ Globe Trading Co., Import

Telephs. 381 and 4730 (Sannomiya); and Export Agencies—1st floor,

P. O. Box 177; Cable Ad: Meikai Hapag Building, 32, Akashi-machi,

Shipping Department (General Kobe-ku; Cable Ad: Jamesglobe

Agency: Hamburg-Amerika Linie)

H. II. Kehrmann “Japan Advertiser”—Ip, Kaigan-

C. Koch dori; Cable Ad : Advertiser

W. Friedrichsen: (Yokohama)

Technical Zlepf: (Robert Bosch “Japan Chronicle,” Daily and Weekly

Werke, Stuttgart) Issues—65, 3970 Naniwa-machi; Telaph.

G, Kuenkele Sanuomiya and 3971 ; P.O. Box

91 ; Cable Ad: Chronicle

International Hospital of Kobe— D. G. Young, managing director

,r1, Kunika-dori, 7-cliome, Fukiai-ku ; A. Morgan Young, editor

J eleph. Fukiai 68; P.O. Box 269

Board of Directors

E.A. L.C. Matteson, :— J.E. R.A. Price


Times, hon.chairman

treasurer : A. Bermant

Miss M. V. Roubzoff

R. E. Jordan, hon. secretary Miss V. Stohwase

306 KOBE

Japan Chronicle Press,

v Printers and Javai China Japan Li.tn,i N.V.r -Meikai

Publishers — 65, Naiiiwa -'maehi: B uiiding,' i3£, Aka,shi tnachi ; Telephs,

Kobe-ku ; Telepli, i>ah. 3^7^ ainil 3971 ; Sannomiya 155, & 5102-; P. O.

P.O. Box San 91 ; Cable Ad: CJironicle Box Hoaline

336; Cable Ads; Javalyn and

D. G. Young, managing director

S. Foley, manager A. L. W. van Dobbf'n; agent

' L. Speeltna’n, ■ h-'P-

Japan Exporting Co. - 100, Qnoye- A. J. ,Thr van tier Chi is' ,

dori, 4-chome; Teleph. 3107. (Fu- F. Cochins "

kiai); P.O. Box. £21 (S.annomiya); J. C. Zwan - -

Cable Ad: Wynne.,: , ; T. Teshima A itaiH.

: ' Agencies

Japan Import and Export Commission Holland Bast Asia Line

Co.^—63, , Jlaniwa-machi; Teleph. “Netherland” Royal Butch Mail

,0497; P.O. Box 9; Cable Ad: Com- , “Rotterdam.Lloyd’’ Royal Dutch Mail

mission. Branches in jYokohapia arbd Royal Packet Navigation Co.

Nagoya ,no'r RK.P.M.)

Holland Anierica Line (N-A-S-MY

Japan Paper Co.—99,™Yedo-machi; P.O. Royal Dutch Airways (K. L. M)

Box 17 ; Cable Ad: Japapco Royal Dutch Indian Airways,


York) T. SteyenSi ,pi,esidepi (l^ew (K.N.I.L.M.)

Howard Clayton,

New York) vibe-hr^sht. (Treasr., Jedeikin, Louis—26, Naniwa-machi;

Herbert Hall, maiiager (Bobe) Teleph. 1574 (Sann.); P.O.. Box 53^

Cable! Ad : Jedeikin

Samuel Jedeikin.

Japan Strawbraid Export Co.—121,

Ito-machi; P.O. Box San. 1021; Jhamatmall G urbamall & Co.,., Silk

Cable Ad: Fairplay ' • and Cotton! Goods Exporters—100c,

Japan Tourist Bureau, Ticket Agents, 219; Hachimamdori;

Cable Ad: 3-chome;

Kohinoor P.O. Box

etc.—2, Kaigan-dori, l-choine; Cable

Ad: Tourist Joseph & Co.—60, Sannomiya-cho, 1-

Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd., Mer- chome; P.O. Box 101 ;,'Cabl^ AeL J oseph-

chants—83, Kyo-niachi; Telephs. 1046

to 1047 (Sann.); P.O. Box 16 (San- Juohheim, C. -309, Sannoiniya-cho, 1-

nomiya) ; Cable Ad: Jardine chome; Teleph. 1716 (Sann.)

A. McDonald


Indo * China Steam Navigation 3-chome, E.Kobe-ku

Jungers A, — 85, Yamamoto-dpri,.

Co., Ld.

Glen Line, Ld. ' Kahn & Go.; G. K.—28, Isobe Dorir

Pripce Line

British Canadian Steamships, Ld. 2-chome; Teleph. 2356 (Fukiai);

Hongkong Fire Insurance Co., Ld. Cable Ad: Koberusse

G. K. Kahn

Royal Insurance- Co., Ld.

Alliance Assu#anpe Co. Ld.

Canton Insurance rOflice,v Ld.

Reliance,‘. Marine , Insurance Co., Kharwar, B. M.—100, Isobe-dori;

Kobe-ku ; Cable Ad : Kharwar


Triton Insurance Co., Ld. Kimatrai & Co., J.5 General Expor-

Guardian Assurance Co., Ld. ters—Jhamatmal Kimatrai Bldg..-

Eastern Insurance Co., Ld, 25, Isobe-dori, '.l.-chome; Cable Ad t

Jarmain Davis & Co., Ltd.—75, Kyo- Kinchicrap

machi; P.O. Box 100; Cable Ad:

Silkfield Kobe Club (see: Associations)

KOBE 307

Kobe Cqlleue (Jogakuin)—Okadayar Dean of Literary College—H. F.

yama, Nishinomiya; Teleph. 2264 Woodsworth, b.a., m.a.

(Niskinomiya) Dean of Commercial College—K.

President—Dr. C. B. DeForest Kanzaki, b.a.

Treasurer—H. W. Hackett Middle School—

Kobe Cricket Crub (see Associations) Prin. of Academy—Y. Manabe

Kobe and Osaka Press, Ltd., The—2, Labor, Capt., W. G., Sworn Measurer

Kaigan-dori, 1-chome; Telephs. 981 Homeward Kaigan-dori,

Freight Conference—r3,

1-chome, Kobe-ku

& 2984 (Sannomiya); P.O. Box 108;

Cable Ad : Kokoku Lane, Crawford & Co., Drapers and

Kobe Regatta & Athletic Club (see Ad: Outfitters—37, Akashi-machi; Cable

Associations) Stanford

S. G. Stanford

Kobe Union Church (see Churches) Lautier Fils Shokai—Tokiwa Build-

Koschkin, H., Exporter of General ing, 30, Akashi-machi; Teleph. 5932

Merchandise, Speciality: Cultured (Sann.); P.O. Box 47; Cable Ad:

Pearls--86, Yamamoto-clori 3-chome; Lautierfis

Teleph. Fukiai 4704; Cable Ad: Layko, Ross & Co., Inc., Exporters

Kuronia of Cotton Goods, Toys and Novel-

Kothari & Co.—100, Yedo-machi; ties, Silk and Rayon Piece Goods,

Sundries, etc.—94, Yedo-machi; Te-

Cable Ad: Kotharico leph. 1873 (Sann.); P.O. Box 1009

Kozhaya & Co., L—76, Kyomachi, Kobe- (Sannomiya); Cable Ad: Layko.

ku; Cable Ad: Kozhaya Lendrum (Japan), Ltd., Paper Agents

Kundanmal Ramlal—100, Yedo-machi ; and Merchants—35, Nishi-machi;

Teleph 1166 (Sannomiya):; P.O. Box

Cable Ad : Rawlal 222; Cable Ad: Lendrum

Kwansei Gakuin University—Nishimo- M. McCance, managing director

miya Shigai; Teleph. 620 (Nishinomiya Sole Agents for Japan and Korea : —

General Officers— St. Maurice Valley Paper Co.,

President—C- J- L. Bates, m.a., Ltd., Montreal, P. Q.

D.D. Pacific

Crown Mills Ld., Vancouver,

Willamette PaperB. C.Co.,

Vice-President—M. Ho;ii San Francisco

Registrar—T. Kishinami, m.a.,

B.D., PH.D.,

Student Supt.—Y. . Suzuki, m.a., Leonard Birnie, Survevor (Damaged

Goods, etc.), Export and Import, Mining

B.A. Supplies and Commission Merchant-

-Chaplain—K. Kitoku, m.a., b.d. 99, Kita and P.Yedo Machi; Teleph. 482

Bursar—J. J. Mickle, o.p.s.

Librariah^W. K. Matfhews, m.a., Sannomiya; Leonard; Codes:O.A. Box

B. C.129;

6th, Cable Ad:


B.D. • Acme Commodity Code

University Officers— Agencies: —

President—C. J. L. Bates, m.a., J. K. Mooney & Co., Ltd., New

d.d. Zealand. Wool, Hides, Sheep-

Dean of Law & Literature Dept. skins, Rabbitetc. Skins, Tallow,

Frozen Meat,

—H. F. Wo.ods.worth, b.a., m.a. The Feldman Rug Co., Inc., New

Dean of Commerce

Dept.—K. Kapzaki, b.a. TheCo.,Oriental

Dean of Preparatory School—S.

Kikuchi, b.s. Chosen Consolidated Mining

College, Officers— The Seoul Mining Co.,, Chosen

Dean of Theological College- TheManila Goldfields Mining Co.,


Rev. M, Hori : The IXL Mining Co., Manila

308 KOBE

Lever' Keit^i K. K., Mdtiufa.ctxirers . Cottiiberqial' Union Assurance ' Cd.r

of Soap’S, Toi'Jgit •Pre^arkt'ibna, and Ld.

(rlyceiine—104, Yedb-maohi; P.O. Maritime Insurance' Co. Ld.

Box 174 (Sannqr£iiya)$ Cable Ad: Caledonian Insurahoe Co.

Lever. Federal Insurance Co;.


Sea Insurance Thsurance

Fire Co:, Ld. Co.

Liebermann Waelchli & Co., General

importers and exporters—98,- Yedo-

machi; Telephs. 3124 to 3126 (Sanilo- MAcillLLAN .Ex'Pi)kT: Co., LpD., H. R.,

miya) ; P.O. Box >249,/ Cable Ad: Lumber and . Shipping—304, Cres-

Waelchli clwi^ Building’ yelepb. 1957 ; (San-

b J.)lt;L. F.Waelchli

Hausheer nomiya) ; Cable Ad: Macsan



Lodde • I D. Y. Schrphak

| R. Dolmatoff

Macnaughton Co., H. C.—26b, Nani-

wa-machi, Kobe-ku; Teleph. San.

Miss M. Surber I E. Schnell 1825; P.O. Box 35; Cable Ad:

MissB. Swoboda I M. Medonca Macnaughton

. '.JELE.G.A.Macnaughton’,

Kaemmerer, Per Proprietor

Pro Manager

LiauoRi, Ditta Genaro, Pearls and . A. K. Doe, Affiliated

Corals—Teleph. Sann. 944; P.O. T. J. Menbury, Jr.

Box 325; Cabbie, Ad: Burgolina K. Royarha

K. Kawashima

Liverpool & London & Globs Insur-

ance Co., Ltd.' (Osaka Agency).^46, Macy & Co., Inc., R. H., New York—

98, Yedo-macbi ; Telepbs. Sann. 3124-

Harimai-maOhi, Kobedm


John F.BoxBorn

249; .Cable A^: jRodstar

Little Shop, The—60, Shimoyamate- Pauline Mills

dori, Kobe-ku

Lloyd’s' Re&istsr of Shipping, Tn- Mahomed & Co.* A.—46, II a rim a-

pection of ships, machinery, steel machi; Cable Ad; Amahomedco

testing, etc.—Meikai Building, 32,

Akashi-Inaehi; Teleph. 2530 (Sanno- Makower, McHeath k Co., Pty., Ltd.,


H. Jasper Cox Ad : Register

• ; , Silk Merchants (Buying Office)—

Tokiwa Building, 30, Akashi-machi;

Lloyd TrieStino (Nichizui Trading Box 185; 3466 Teleph. (Sannomiya): B.O.

Cable Ad: Makower

Co., Ltd., Agents)'—72,. Kyor-machi; H. L. Everiogham, manager

P.O. Box 45 (Sann.); Cable Ad:

Lloydiano Manufacturers & Produce GroHvers’


: Angleas^o

Teleiih. 2744 (Sannomiya): P.O. Box

413; Cable Ad: Finance Marcus Harris & Lewis—10, , Coko-

F. W. Mackie, ,c.a.., (Kobe): ‘ dori, i-chome; Fukiai-ku; Cable Ad :

W. Lackie, h.A.' (K:6be)‘ ' ' ’^ Novetoys

MackinnOn, Mackenzie & Co. (Japan), v Mather & Platt, Ltd.—7, Gpko-doriy.

Ltd.—72, Kyo-madii; Tel6pfi^l San-

nomiya 431 • (P. & O.), Sarinomiya 4-chome; Telepn. 5604 (Fukiai); Cable

698 (B.I.) ; P.O: : Box 109; Cable Ad:C. Gunyon C. Gunyon, representative

Ad: Mackifinons’

Agemies ■ Maurice ( Jenks, Percival & Isitt—


British Iiidia& Oriental

& Apcar S.Lines

N.* Co.

’ 72, Kyo-machi; Cable Ad: Audit

Eastern & Australian S.S. Co. Ld. Maurice Jenks,, Bt., F.C.A. (L’don)-

Marine Insurance Co., Ld. (of J. E. Percival, f.c.a. do.

London) J. C. Pidgeon, f.c.a.

H. S. Goodwyn Isitt, f.c.a.


Maxwell & Co., MTINNING' & Co. (K. K.) A. P.—46,

(Sannomiya); P. O. Ltd.—Teleph.

Box (Ji; Cable Ad: 371

Tsutsui-cho, 2-chome; Teleph. 1269


. H. Maxwell, managing director Buffplate

Maxwell Insurance Office —,100a, MurasE'.' S'hoten, Steamship Agents

Yedo-machi; P.O. Bpx San. 61; and Ship Brokers—Toyo Building,

Cable Ad: Maxwell ; 7, Harima-machr; Teleph. 519 (San-

McKesson & Robbins, InC:—t&, Kai- nomiya) 'Cable Ad: Muraship

gan-dori; Cable Ad: Mackess.on K. Murase, manager

. Agencies: .

Mehta & Co., S. B.—3,. Hachiman- Anglo-Canadian Shipping Co.,

dori; 2-chome; P.O. Box 31; Cable Ltd., Vancouver, B.C., Canada

Ad: Mehta J. Goughian & Sons, Ltd., Van-

S. B. Mehta, partner. ' couver, B.C., Canada

J. P. Shroff, do.

Musabhoy & Co., Ltd., M., Exporters

Merchandise Trading Co.—: 121,, Ito- and Importers—328, Sannomiya-cho,

machi;"Cable. Ad: Pairplay:^ 1-chomePiQ. Box 233; Cable Ad:


Merecki, H.—Kobe Building, 4-chome, T. M. Mussabhoy, managing director

Isobe-dori; Telephs. 3330, 4443 (Fu- S. A. Kay uni | A. A. Alibhai

kiai); Cable Ad : Ikcerem Naraindas, B., Exporters: of Silk and

Messageries Maritimes, Comp-agnie Curios—87, Sanhomiya choi, 1-chome;

des — 28, Harima-machi; Teleph. 1190 P.O. Box 414; Cajile Ad : N a rain das

and 1403-(Sahn ); Cablb Ad: Mossagerie National AnixiHe & Chemical Co.,


: & Co-, A., ImporteTs and U.S.A., Dyestuff Manufacturers—65,

Exporters-r-61, Isobe-dorj Naniwa-machi; Telephs. 288'8‘ and

Fukiai 4467; Cable Ad :^ . J;..rupiffer

I Teleph. 2889 (Sannomiya); P.O.' Sox 193,

A. Mitchell ; Sannomiya; Cable Ad: Naceokobe

Mitchell & Co., J. B., Funeral A.N.C. ;Lum.lbyj

Takata manager

| Miss;D. Graham

Furnishers and Undertakers—53,

Yamamoto-dori, Kobe-ku; Teleph. ; National Trading & Lumber-jCoi—Mei-

Fukiai 2317; Cable Ad r Mitchell , kai Building; 32, Akashi-macbi: Teleph.

“Moderne”—I, ■ Kitanhgaaslddri, '1 3- 28-96 (Sann,): P.O. Box 423; Cable Ad;


clibme, Kobe-ku Nederlandsche Handel-Maatscharpij,

MODy & Co., A.—1,1 Hachiihnh-doTi, N: V. (Netherlands Tyading ^o-

3-ehome. Fukiai-ku; P.O. Bo-x:1072; ciely), — 83, Kyo-machi. Telepbs.. (3)

Cable Ad : Amrut 0953,. ,4930 and 5088 ($apnomiya);

F 6. Box 207 .(Sannomiya) Cable

MOHandas & SoNs, M.—3, Isobe-dori; Ad : Trading . , ‘,r ,, ■ \

P:0. 'Box 251; Cable Ad: Mohartdas

I Nelson, C. II.—311, Kobe BuildiAg,

Moolchand Sons, XT-., General Export- Isobe-dbri, 4-chome ; ■ Teleph 5390

ers—150, H achiinan-dori (Fukiai); Cable Ad: Insulation

Morozofe. F.—103. Nakayamate-dori NeSSIm CA.l'M- Sv—SO, Akashi-

machi; Teleph. 5163; P.O. Box 424;

Morse, F. Si, Cotton Controller and Cable Ad: Sassoon

Surveyor—O.iS.K. Building, Room J. S. Nessim, director

703, 5, Kaigan-dori; Telephs. -2988 Moses S. Nessim, manager'

and 2799 (Sannomiya); P.O. Box

305; Cable Ad; Morse. (Offices and Nestle & Anglo-Swiss Condensed'

Representatives at all Far Eastern Milk Co.—83; Kyo-tnachi; Teleph.

Ports) 3929; Cable Ad: Nestahglo

.310 KOBE

Netherlands Asiatic Trading Co.-- Transatlantic S.S. Co., Ld., Go-

113, Higashi-machi; Telephs. 363 thenburg

and 463 (Sann.); P.O. Box 119; American Steamship Owners’ Mu-

Cable Ad : Nedasiatic tual Protection and Indemnity

Yuasa Usafouro Association, Inc., New York

B.H. Sanjaard

Hakoda || O.S. Fukui Nikolaus Assn ranceforcn ingen “Gard,”

Aren dal, Norway

Netherlands Consulate {see Consu- Assuranceforeningen “Skuld,’’ Co-

lates) penhagen and Oslo

Britannia Steamship Insurance

Association, Ld., London

Netherlands India Commercial Bank, British Ship-Owners’ Mutual Pro-

{see Banks) tection and Indemnity Associa-

tion, Ld., London

New Zealand Insurance Co., Ltd.— Danish Shipowners’ Defence As-

72, Kyo-madhi, Crescent Building, sociation, Copenhagen

Room 303; Teleph. 480 (Sannomiya); Fylgia Insurance Co., Ld., Stock-

Cable Ad: Iloken

As>'°nl.R—F: ' O wston :

Ltd. holm

L. S.-: J. Hill, director Liverpool & London & Globe In-


London Co., Ld., Liverpool

Owners’ Mu-

Newton, Esther, Costumier & Ladies’ tual Insurance Association, Ld.,

Outfitter—42, Shimoyamate-ddri, 2- London

chome (Tor Road); P.Q. Box 258; Manufacturers' Mutual Insurance,

Cable Ad: Notwen Ld., Sydney

: x Riunione Adriatica de Sicurta,

Nichi-Boku Shoten—3-^ , Hamabe- Trieste

dori, 4-chome: Telepbs. 988 and 2996 Thames & Mersey Marine Insur-

(Fukiai) ; P.O. Box 144; Cable Ad: ance Co., Ld., Liverpool


! United Kingdom Mutual Steam-

, ;G. Borkowsky ship Assurance Association, Ld.,

Agencies London

J. Bernhard, Ld., Bradford, 1 West of England Steamship

Owners Protection & Indemnity

England Association; Ld., London '

J. A. A. Kersten, Tilburg, Hol-

land Simson & Co., Suhl

Zundhuetchen & Patronenfabrik Nickel & Lyons, Ltd., Contracting

Stevedores, Customs Brokers, Land-

vorm, Sellier & Bellot, Schoene- ing and. Shipping Agents, Private

beck and Bonded Warehousemen—7, Eai-

Nichizui Trading Co., Ltd., Shipping to 1843 Telephs. gan-dori; Head Office : 1840

(Sannomiya), Warehouse

and - Ihsurance—Crescent Building,

72, Kyo-machi; Teleph. 386 (Sanno- Dept , :2-0457 (Fukiai); Shipping

miya.); P.O. Box 45 (Sannorniya); Office, 3-0659 (Sann.); 2 Wharf

Shinko-cho, 3-0263 (Sann.); iShin-

Cable Ad: Nichizuico zaike Engine and Iron Works Dept.,

G. R. Jackson, manager 2,-0464 (Fukiai); P.O. Box 358;


Asiatic Steana Nav. Co., Ld., Lon- Cable Ad: Landing


Compagnie Maritime Beige (Lloyd Nippon India and

Trading Co., Exporters,

Royal) Antwerp (at Osaka Importers Commission Agents—

.: Ellerman & Rucknall S: g.only).

Co., 178, Sannbihiya-cho,

2643 (Sann.); P. O. lBox




Ltd., London Ad : Ishoo : Codes: Schofield’s Three

Fearnley & Eger, Oslo ' Letter, Paramount Three Letter and

Lloyd Triestino, Trieste Orien tal Th ree Letter

Navigazione Generale Italiana,

Genoa .

Swedish East Asiatic ; ... ,

Co., Ld., Nippon Yu sen Kaisha—10. Kaigan-

Gothenburg dori; Cable Ad : Yusen


Noktu China. Insurance €o., Ltd.— A gincies:

28, Harima-machi; TelepH. 361(Saii- ! : 'New Zealarid Insrirti,hce-,Co., Ltd.,

nomiya); P.O. Box 138; Cable Ad: New'Zealand,

Union BahkeK and :Tra(!i;er| Insurance

Norwegian Co^SuLATfi ($

lates) Mercantile Mutual ihsurarice.‘Co.,

Ltd., Australia.

Oberlein & to., C.F.—28, Sanno^aiy?!- . , Queensland Australia

Insiurahce’ Cok Btd.,

cho, 1-choine, Ko.be-ku ; Siandard Insupance,, hCo., • .Ltd.-,

Oliver, Evans &; Co., Provision and New Zealand;

Wine Merchants, Ship Chandlers Norwich' Union Fire Insurance

arid' Naval Contractors and. Expor- p Society, Ltd., Norwich, England

ters of Fiozen Fish—3", Akaishi-tnachi; '/.TheA,ksociation,

Torres Straits /Peari-ShelleM’

Thursday Tsjand

Telephs. (3) 1199 and 4937 Sannomi- ' Canadfari Transport' .Co./- Ltd.,

ya; P.O. Box 191; Cable Ad: Vancouver, B.C.

Olivans Sub-Agency : ,, , ;r; 7 ’ ’

S. Evans, partner and manager

D. Hatter, signs per pro. Yorkshire Insurance Co., Ld.

Ono Braii. & Produce-Co.', Ltd.— Oye Rae Trading Co.—33, Shimoya-

170/9, Sannomiya-cho. C C 1 mate-dori, 2-chomp; Teleph. 4488

(Fukiai); P.O. Box 59; Cable Ad:

Oppenheimer & Cie, .Ltd.—28,.., Ha,ri-, Oyerae

ma-machi; P.O. Box 64 W. O. Rae

I. Bickart, director . (Paris)

R. Bickart, ' do. do.

F. Blum, do. - Pacific

Building .

Commercial Go.—305, Crescent

. :

T. R. Evans W. W. Campbell, agent

A. Jehl

A. Webster-

Panjoomal,' T. P.—38/1, Ispbe-dori, 2-

Oriental Hotel,(L-P.)

dori ; Teleph. Ltd., The—6,

14, 15, Kaigan-

16, 17 chome; P.O. Box1 111; Cable Ad:

('Sannomiya); P.O. Box 55; Cable Ad: Panjoomall

Oriental Pan.-Pacidic’ComAbrcial

Oriental Import and Export Co., Ltd., facturer’s Agents—loh,' Co., Lt!)., Manu-


The—7, Isobedori, 4-cboipe, Fukiai ku, miya-cho: Tel ph. Sarinriniiya'3229; P.O.

Box 350 Cable; Ad: Panpacifed'; Codes:

Teleph. Fukiai 5543 ; P O. Box 180, A.B.C. 6tb? Oriental 3-letter and Private

Sannomiya; Cable Ad : Shamshad

M. Yusuf, partner

M. Shofi, partner (Calcutta)

K. B. Sharma, manager , ; : Pappadoppulo, A. E.—39, AkaChi-

G. J. E. Farias machi; Teleph. 70 (Sapp.); .P.O, Box

335; Cable Ad: Papp

Oriental Purchasing Company—112, A. E. Pap'padopoulo

Kitaemachi, Kobe-ku; Teleph. San. Parbury, Henty, Co.' Pty. Ltd. —l,

3563; Cable Ad's: iShamshad, Com- Kaigan-tplori; Telpphs. 1^19 and 5430

rade, Friend ; (Sannomiya); Cable Ad : Marlton

Gvvstqn & Co., Ltd., F., Insurance II. H. Evans, manager

and Shipping Agents and Brokers, A. J. Kentwell

Surveyors and Weighers, Produce B. A. Machado

Inspectors, Stevedores and Landing Miss S. Gutteres :

Agents, Commission Agents and

General Brokers—Crescent Building, Parsonage & Co., Import and Export-

72, Kyomachi; Teleph. 480 (Sannc- Merchants—93, Hachiman-dori, 3-

miya); Cable Ad: Owston chome; Teleph. 3376; Cable Ad:

L. S J. Hill, manager Parsonage

312 KOBE

Patten, Mackenzie & €o., - Export Pollock and Ness-Walker, Drs.—83,

Merchants—86, Yedo-machi; Teleph. Kyo-machi

5415; P.O. Box 182; Cable Ad:

Patten; Codes: Bentley’s Western

Union 5-letter, Lieber’s Schofield’s Popular Bookstore, The—41, Shimo-

5 letter and S-letljer, Oriental 3- yamate-dori, Kobe-ku

letter, etc.

D. Mackenzie, partner Portuguese Consulate, (see Consu-

Paulinat & Co., Ltd.—92, Yedo-machi, lates)

Telephs. 560 (Sannonaiya); P.O. Premier ^Commercial Co., World-wide

Box 28; Cable Ad: Homieck Exporters of all Japanese Products—

Pearce . & CQ.—92, Yedo-machi; Te- Ad 103,‘: Premier

Isobe:dori; P. O. Box 277 ; Cable

leph. 3§9.’(Sannomiya) ; P.O. Box

.292 .(Sannomiya); Cable Ad: Pearce !

' fi. W. Pearce ! Priest, Marians^ Co., Ltd,. Export-

F. Luther ers and Shippers—36, Shimoyamate-

Mrs. Villaverde dori, 3-chome; P.O. Box 48: Teleph.

Mrs. Arab 2693 (Fukiai) ; Cable Ad : Kynlim

W. King, director

Peermahomed Gomei Kaisha — 76a, J. B. Esdale, manager

Kiyo-machi; Telbphs. 899 (^afin,); E. W. Esdale

IL B. Dave, director

Peninsular and Oriental Steam Na- Rae’s Tea Set 2-chome;



vigation Co. -(See Mackinnnon, yamate-dori,, Fukiai); P.O. Box 59; Cable Ad:


Mackenzie & Co. ,’ Ltd.) Oyerae

Pension Eeiff—145, Yamamoto-dori, William Rae

4-chome (near Suwayama Park) John Rae

Mrs. K. Reifi, proprietess Miss Oshuimi

Miss Kasahara.

Peruvian f Consulate (see .Consulates)

Raspe &Co., Import and Export Mer-

Peshuratan chants—12a, Kaigan-dori; Telephs.

chp, 1-chqme& Kobe-ku;

Co. —178, Teleph,,


San. 172 and 1133 (Sannomiya); P.O.

,3-2643; P. O. Box San. 1105; Cable Box 63; Cable Ad : Raspe

Ad : Peshuratan; Code : Schofield’s Fr. Haiti)’

Cords, proprietor (Consul for


B. J. Lender, partner

Peter Fraser & Co.—32, Isobe-dori; Georg Rothschild

Cable Ad : Fraser J. W'. Moreno

H. B Leonhart,

Philippine Lumber Exportation Co., Miss G. Henn

Lt.—Meikai machi; Cable Ad: Himoku Miss V. Vetter

Picciotto, Hillel de—70, Kyo-machi, Red Hand Compositions Co.—Yonei

Kobe-ku; Teleph. San. 1210; P.O. Shoten, 23,' Sakae-machi, 4-chome;

Box 76; Cable Ad: Henrip Telephs. 342 and 2577 (Sann.); Cable

Pleasanton Hotel, The—4, Kitana- Ad : Rahtjens

gasa-dori, 4-chome ' A. S. Potter, representative for

Henry F. Sanborn, manager Japan

Pohoomull Bros (India), Exporters and Reid, S., Surveyor, Sworn Measurer


dori, S-ehome; P.agents—1/5, Ad: and


O. Box 49; Cable Insurance Agent—Toyo Build-

ing, 7, Harima-machi; Telephs 4466

Pohoomull • '

K. Manama!, manager (Sann.); P.O'. Box 319; Cable Ad :


KOBE 313:

HisiNb Sun Petroleum Co., Ltd., The ShalOm Bros. & Co.—114, Higashi-

Noda Installation — 1, Namimaitsu machi; P.O. Box 283; Cable Ad:

5-chome, Hayashida-ku; Telephs. Stima Shalmari

1192 and 1405 ; Cable Ad : Petrosam

Robertson & Son, Edward T. — 509 Shroff, Son & Co.-, Import-Export—

Shroff Building, 1, Goko dori, 6-

Shosen Building, 5, Kaigan-dori; chpme ; Teleph. 5204 , (Fukiai)'-L.D;

Teleph. San. 3147 P. O. Box 166; Cable Ad : Dogdo;

Codes: Duo Al, A.B.C. 4th, 5th and

Rupert Cox Goshi Kaisha, Export 6th edns.', A.B.C. 5th improved,

Bentley’s Complete Phrase and

Merchants—3 of 68, Isobe-dori; 4- Appendix, Oriental ? 3-letter code,

chome; Teleph. 2755 (Fukiai); Private, Schofield’s 3-letter code -and

Cable Ad : Rupert Paramount 3-letter code

Rupert Cox B. J. Shroff, proprietor

S. Okuda P. B. Shroff

T. Maruyama

Russell, M. A., Manufacturers’ Re- Shinzaike Engine & Iron Works—

presentative and Importer and Ex- i'25, Hashmde, Shinzaike Nada;

porter — 7, Harima-machi ; P.O. Box P.O. Box 358; Cable Ad: Landing

1037 ; Cable Ad : Lesur

Sassoon, Frank—16a, Harima-machi; Sidline & Co., B S., Exporters— 43,

Shimoyamate-dori,a 2-chome; Teleph.

Cable Ad : Morning Fukiai 79’ ; Cabfe Ad : Sidline

ScHMiil Co., Ltd., H. A., Export and Sim & Co., A. G., English and Con-

Import—70, Kyomachi; Teleplu Sap- tinental Chemists, etc.—18, Akashi-

nomiya 1679; Cable Ad: Haschmid" machi; Teleph. 5207 (Sannamiya);

Schmidt, Thomas, Underwriter’s Cable Ad: Sim

Agent and Settling Bureau—8a, Simon, David, Exporter & Importer

Kaigan-dori, Kobe-ku; P.O. Box — 27, Haniw^, - mafihi, Kohe-ku;

San 24; Cable Ad :! Thoschmidt

Teleph. San. 3426; P.O. Box 1063;

Schofield, R.—99, Kita-machi • Teleph. Cable Ad : Hyawc© .

3-482 (Sannomiya); P:0. Box 261;

Cable Ad: Schofield Sta(s, (J. Grover—24, Nakayamate-

Selles Hermanos (Selles Bros. Go- ■ dpfi/ 2-chome;‘Tel^pii. 'Fukiai 4570;

Cable ; : ’ .Grb'yefsim's; Codes:

mei Kaisha.), Import and Export tiniversal Trade 'Cpde; A.B.C. 5th

Merchants,—78, Kitano-cno; * Cable edn. improved, Westerh Union 5-

Ad: Selles letter, Bentley’s, Complete Phrase

Juan Selles/(.Spain) and Table Cqde, . safety

Apme, eheck,


Jose Selles Schofield’s^.-letter ^pBe^.nd

Seymour-Sheldon Co.

shel , House, 107, Itoh-machi; P;0. Brothers — 37, Akashi-machi, Telephs.

Box 283; Cable. Ad : Semshel

Seymour-Sheldon Co., Ltd. ; (Eng- - Sannomiya

42.1G.; H.Cable

1236 and' 13084 ; P.O. Box

Ad : partner


land), London and Manchester Souedv

Seymour-Sheldon Co., Ltd. (South S L. Kozhaya, . do. _ ,

Africa),' Johannesburg Semshel S.S. Tapiguchi

Suzuki '

House Durban, Capetown. Port

Elizabeth, Loftreraco, Marques

Shah & Go!, G. M.—-80, Kyo-machi; South British Insurance Co., Ltd.—

116b, Higashi-iha'chi; P.O. Box 1111

Cable Ad: Gopal (Sann.); Cable Ad: British

■314 KOBE

.'ioi’Z.A, F. S.j Agent for Foreign Strong & Cp., Export and Import

Manufacturers and Export Coin- MerphantsTT-QS, > Higashi-machi; Te-

mission Agent—17, Nakayamate- lephs. Samiomiya 1820-24 ; P.U. Bpx, 4 ;

dori, Nichome; Teleph. 2992 (Fu- Cable Ad : Strong .

E. W. felade, .manager

kiai); P.O. Box 8 (Sannomiya); C, Blyth

Cable Ad: Celso; Codes: Bentley’s

and Scliofield’s : j J. Levy

F. S. Souza, Hon. Consul for .1. U. Alkinson

Portugal ]’. N. Drake

V. de Souza, signs per pro. P. M. Ryan

A. ,G. Brown

Sphinx Trading Co., Thp—38, 'Sanno- P.. da Silva

miya-cho, 1-chome; Teleph. 2189 B. Baranets

(Sannomiya);; P.O. Box 281; Cable Miss P. Bentley


Ad : Sphinx

B. D. Bhagat, managing propi’ietor R. W.D.Robinson

Coupar (Nagoya)


of Japan,Braid and Produce

The—11, Co. S. Kobe-ku


U. & Co.—Sakae-machi, 2-chome,

; Cable Ad: Umezuki

2-ohome; P.O. Box 124; Cable Ad:

Attention SpLZER Brothers, Engineering Office

Agents for (Representing Sulzer Bros., Ltd.,


Kyo-machi; Cable Ad : Sulzer

Buying Agents for K. Hashizume, m.e.

The Internationale Crediet en H. Habluetzel, Inspector

Handels-vereeniging “ Rotter- R. Ruegg, Accountant

dam,” N.V., Batavia, etc. W. Bissegger, Erecting Engineer

Standard Trading Co. (Goshi Kai- Sole Agents for

sha), Importers, Exporters and Maag Gear Wheel Co., Ltd.,

Buying Agents—2, Sannomiya-cho, Zurich (Switzerland)

1-chome; Teleph. 4580 (Sannomiya); Summers Boyeki Kabushiki Kaisha

P.O. Box 338; Cable Ad: Stantraco;

Codes: Bentley’s A.B.C.. 5th and (The Summers Trading Co., Ltd.),

Import and Export Merchants-^!,

6th edns., Western Union, Scho- Naniwa-machi, Kobe-ku; Telephs.

field’s 1131, 2183,,3231 and 3232 (Sannomiya).;

E. B. Kawasjee P.O. Box 114 ; Cable,Ad : Sanmasu

J. R. McKenzie | A. W. Newton


Minami Hon-machi, Oil1-chome, of 4, Swiss

Co. — 2Fukiai- Watch Import Co.—Crescent

Building, 72, Kyo-machi; Teleph.

ku; Teleph. Fukiai 2-136 ; P.O, Box 1; 1670 (Sannomiya); P.O. Box 32T;

Ca.ble An : Standvac Cable Ad: Swisswatch

A. F. Jahn

States Steamship Co.—16, Maye- P.O. Box Brothers—78,

Teikamdas Kyo-machi;

326; Cable Ad; Teikam-

machi; Telephs. 1238 and 3931 (San- das

nomiya); P.O. Box 290; Cable Ad:

Statesline Teikoku Sanso Kabushiki Kaisha.

Strachan & Oo.i (Agencies), Ltd., gen, Manufacturers of Liquid Air, Oxy-

W. M. (Tokyo-Kobe), Insurance Acetylene, Acetylene, Nitrogen, Dissolved

Argon, All Apparatus

and General Commission Agents—1, necessary for Oxy-Acetylene Weld-

Kaigan-dori; Teleph. 292; P.O. Box ing, Gutting

40 ; Cable Ad : Strachan; Codes : Akashi-machi; Telephs. a,nid E leotrodeS—38,

1879, 3549

A.B.O. 4th and 5th Al, Lieber’s, and ' 3763 (Sann.), and' L.'D. 13


. Second. ; Union; ©entley’s, Bentley’s (Sen-yo); P.O. Box 375: O&ble Ad:

Oxygene; Codes-: National Fran-

E. P. Stroud, director (Tokyo) cais, Lugagne, A.B.C. 5th edn. and

J. E. Moss,; signs per pro. Lieber’s

KOBE 315

Telegraph Oreicet—under Great Union Insurance Society of Canton,

Ltd.—28, Harima-miachi; P.O. Box

Northern Telegraph Co.) 138; Teleph. 361 (Sannomiya); Cab.

Tenganipah Coconut Estate—32 Aka- Ad : Union

shi-machi ; P.O. Box 21

F. M. Jonas, Union Mechanical & Automobile

Teverson & Mactavish, Bill, Bullion Engineers — Central Bldg., 74, Kyo-

and Share Brokers—29j Harima- machi; Cable Ad : Duus

machi; Telephs. 183, 705, 1286 and

3668 (Sannomiya) Union Oil Co. of California—T.K.K.

H. F. Teverson Building, 7, Harima-machi; Cable

A. Ormiston Ad : Unoco

W. W. Baer, Special Representative

Thanawalla & Co,, N. A.—58, Sanno-

miya-cho; Cable Ads : Serenity and

Rafik Union Trading Co. (Gomei Kwaisha)

— 7, Goko-dori, 4-chome, Cable


Thompson & Co., Ltd. (Rltail) J. L., Teleph. 2120 (Fukiai); Ads:

Chemists and Aerated Water Manu- Toms and Utco

W. J. Toms

facturers—3, Kaigan-dori, Itehome;

Teleph. 786 (Sannomiya); P.O. Box

22;H.Cable Ad: Franklin

J. Griffiths Vakil, B. R. B., Exporter and Im-

Agency r porter; Manufacturers’ Representa-

tive in Hosiery and Sundry Goods—

Directory & Chronicle ot 23, Sannomiya-cho, 3-chome;

San. 3256 ; P.O. Box 1141 (San.);Teleph.




East (Japan.

India, China,

Indo- Ads : Vakil and Likav

China, etc.)

Thomsen & Co.—20, Harima-machi; Vasuka & Co.—114, Higashi-machi;

Teleph. 5831 (Sann.); Cable Ad: P.O. Box 103 ; Cable Ad: Vasuka


J. H. Thomsen Vasunia & Co., Import and Export

Toorabally & Co., Y. H. (Estab. 1905), Merchants—1 of 113, Goko-dori, 6-

Importers and Exporters—26, San- chome; kiai);

Telephs. 2592-3995-3086 (Fu-

P.O. Box 268 (Sarinomiya);

nomiya-cho, 3-chome; Teleph. Sann. Cable Ad: Limjee

2713; Cable Ad: Toorabally F. P. Vasunia

Tor43, Grocery and Wine Store, The— P. P. Vasunia

Shimoyamatie-dori, 2-chome; Te- H. P. Vasunia

leph. Fukiai 79; Cable Ad: Tor- Y. Hayashi

grocery. J. S. Wadia

A. B. Deboo

D. G. Gandeviwala

Tor Hotel, Ltd,, The—125, Kitano-cho; R. T. UdWadia

Teleph. 2153 (Fukiai); P.O. Box B. K. Gosh

184; Cable Ad': Tor R. E. Kolah

K. M. Bhopti

Trade Representation of U.S.S.R. in

Japan—10, Kaigan-dori; Cable Ad: Vendrell, Mustards & Co.—125, Hi-

Vneshtorg gashi-machi; Teleph. 998 (Sann.);

Cable Ad : Vendrell; Codes : A.B.C.

Unico Trading Co. Ltd.—Kaigan Bldg., 5thJ. and 6th edns., and Bentley’s

Mustaros, manager

10, Kaigan-dori; Telephs. Sann. 3675

and 3103 E. Bayle, signs per pro.



K. VKKi.RYSKN &3-choaite:Go., A.-P.O.

-SS, Shi- Whaymark George—2, Kaigan-dori

Box "Williams Brush Co.—20, Harima-

243; Gable Ad :- .\ ippoteige rqachi; Telephs 811 and 812 (San-

A. Verleysen ‘nbmiya); Cable Ad : Williamseo

M. A. Guterres

F. ftodriguez cfe Castro !

Wilson & Co., A., Shipchandlers and

: Yoshiyarna . Compradores—82, Kyo-machi

K. Baba

T. Ogura Winckler & Co.- -5 to 7, Isobe-dori,

H. Yamauchi Inehome;

Y. Hirata ~ '

. A. Qzaki. ; Box

i , , ! Winckler 75; TelBphSJ5530-4


Cable- Ad:

Yickram & Co., A., Exporters and, Im- J. Westphalen (Hamburg^

porters F. Gensen do.

Jayna —- P.O. Bf>x 1117; Cable v Ad: ' !T G‘.F. Selig Fachtmaim (Yokohama)1


Yiroojiai, & Co.,Agents—B.O.

; K.G-,, Exporters and W. 'Westphalen

Conimissiop Box 212; G. Werckmeister, signs per pro.

Cable Ad : Yiroopra} ,A F. Doelling, do.

Wauhoohall & Sox—13/2V Isobe-dori; Witkowski ’& Co:, J.—118, Ito-machi;

P: O. Box 359; Gable Ad: Witkowski

Cable Ad: Wadbco ; , : A. Goldman, manager

Walker & Co., Exporters and General A.M. E.Gottlinger

Caro |I ■ J.R. Blum Moyer

agents—8, Kaigan-dori; Teleph.

1448, • 1296 and 593 (Sannomiya); Wolf, Hans—119, Hachiman-dori, 5-

P.O. Box 41; Cable Ad: Walker. chome; Teleph. 3212 (Fukiai); Gable

Branch Office: Fujiya Building, 1, Ad ! -, Hanswplft

Kotohira-cho, Bhiba-ku, Tokyo; Te- Hans Wolf

leph. 2304 (Shiba)

Walther, J. V., Insurance Agent—rl42, d-chome,Shokai,Wyllie F.. A.—68, Isobe-dori,

Fvkiai-ku .

Bunka Mura, Ashiya; Cable Ad :

Walther Yangtsze Insurance Association, Ltd.

Wanamaker, Jorn t- 86, Yedo-machi; (Marine end Fire).—28, Harima-

Teleph. 5415; (Sann.); P.O. Box machi: Teieph. 361 (Sannomiya):

P,0. Box 138;. Cable Ad: Union

1051; Cable Ad : Wanamaker

Geo. F. Tobjer, Eastern director YoUnghusba^p, P., Official Measurer,

Weinberger & Go., C. Import and Homeward

gan-dori, Freight1-chome;Conference—3,

Teleph. Kai-


Export Merchants — IJigashirmachi (Sannomiya)

122; Teleph. 2780 . (Bapnoipiya); Zerollo, Fratelli Inc,, Canton Con-

P.O. Box 198; Cable Ad: Wein- trollers—30, Akashi-machi, Kobe-ku;


C. Wilckens Teleph. San. 2087; P.O. Box. 240;

Cable Ad: Zerollo

Weitzel, J.,_ General Export, .Import

and Commission Agency—39, Akashi- Zirn & Schmidt. Private Clinic—

machi; Teleph. Sarm, 576; Cable 7, Isobe-dori, 4-chome; Teleph. Fu-

Ad: Weitzel kiai 5393

Dr. (Med.) 0. Zirn (private

"Western Export Lumber Co.—7, Ha- Clinic & Residence: 26, Yama-

rima-machi; Cable Ad : Wexkimco moto-dori, 2-chome; TOleph. Fu-

kiai 1514)

Whymark i f e Co., G., Ship’s Compradores Dr. (Med.) Theo. Schmidt (pri-

and Wholesale Provision Merchants—2, . vg,te Clinic .& Residence: 26,

Kaigan-dori. 1-chome; P.O. Box 69; "Yamamoto-dori,- 2-chome; Te-

Cable Ad: WThymark - leph. Fukiai 1514) ' ;


These two towns are situated on either side of Shimonbseki Straits,' the

•western entrance of the tiiland Sea—Moji with a population of, 1,08,0^) pn^ the

•south arid Shimohpseki' with a population of 6&,Oi&0 on the north. Shimoho-

seki is under the jurisdiction of Yamagpchi (population i00!0(>0)y 5J. miles

away, and Moji under that, of Fukuoka (population 234,000), 47 mile? aw:ay.

The foreign merchants formerly all had their offices in Sh imonoseki;, but

owing to the very rapid growth of Moji during the last 29 years, due mainly

to its becoming an important, noal centr|e, most of the foreign and Japanese

main and local branch offices have removed to Moji. The city hah now hne

roads, and commercial buildings The head office of the Kyushu section of

the Railway Bureau at Moji controls also part 'of the. mhinland, and the'eight

hour Fusan ferry service: An imposing •GoverniWfct building houses t he Customs

Harbour, Marine Bureaux etc., at Moji, and now whaives, capable of inooiing steamers

-drawing 30 £eetcities:—Kokura,

neighbouring ? are made nearby. Moji has important trade with the following

population 94jO0b: Yawatai '((government Stepb Works)

19.4,000; Tobata 5;4,QOO; Wakamatsu, 68,000 ' and Moji Has absorbed the .^djaepiifc

town of Dair-i (on. the West side), where thjern are • now many.- factories and

some foreigners’ offices. There, is ,a fairly strong . tidal, current through the

Straits,, hut/the. anchorage, which is at Moji, is only affected by an. eddy,

and good holding ground is general. S|teamers entering from the West can

get pilots at Itokuren Light, where boats have to stop in any case for medical

inspection and harbour-master’s instructions. From the eastward this inspec-

tion takes place at Hesaki Light. Means of transport are good. Liners run

regularly to all foreign prdinafy ports of call; and, while from Shimomoseki

the Sanyo Railway taps the north, from Moji the Kiushiu Railway (taps’the

south of Japan The Shimbnoseki Station Hotel provides good accorttmoda-

tion for foreigners. The Imperial Railway Department has also four layge ferry

boats plying between Moji and the ShimonoSeki Station, while a tfen-niinpte

ferry plies between the usual landing places at Moji and ShirhOnoseki. There

was a project on foot to construct a tunnel under the Straits. Howeve’r, this

has been abandoned and a scheme faf bridging the. Straits ,is pow on. foot,

and the work may be started iii 1934 if tests are satisfactory.

Both towns have municipal waterworks, are lit by electricity, and are con-

nected by telephone with the principal towns, from Kagoshima and Nagasaki,

in the south, to Tokyo in the north-east. It should be specially noted that

photographing-, and .sketching are forbidden within a radius of . tpm miles

round ShilUonoseki and Moji o'n latid arid sea. 'T’he law'in this''rrispe&fc is

strictly enforced and ignorance is not accepted as an excuse.



Moji Customs—Umetatechi, Nishikaigan- Steamship Owners Protecting and

dori Indemnity Association

Moji Municipal Office--Hiroishi-chp Thomas Schmidt (German Insur-

a,nee Bureau)

Moji Railway BuKEAUr-Oaza Moji Marine Office of America


Nichizui Teading ;Cd.y' Ltd;—Ship- Insurance Club)

ping & Engineering Office: 18, Accident Insurance Cb.

Minato Machi; P.O. Box 54: Cable Fireman’s Fund Insurance Co.

Ad : Nichizuico Occidental Insurance Cd.

Home and Fire Marine Insurance

N utter & Co., General Exporters, Co.

Steamship Agents, Quick Bunkering, Continental Insurance Cob .of New

Chartering, Insurance, Coal, Ex- York

port and Import, Forwarding, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Ltd.—Sanbashi-

Landing and Commission Agents, dori

Surveyors and Arbitrators—Mon-

shin Building, East Main Street. Old Shield Luboil Co.—Dairi, Moji

Head Office : Moji; Telephs. . 866,

.1305 and 2021 (Moji) ; P:0. Box 3: Portuguese Consulate — Dairi-ku;

tehble Ad: Nutter; Codes : A.B.C. Telephs. 866 and Long Distance

5th edn., Al, Scott’s, Watkirt’s,’’ 1305; Cable Ad: Nutter

Bentley’s and Boe. Branch Offices: Vice-Consul—Horace Nutter

Dairi and Karatsu

Horace Nutter Standard-Vacuum Oil Company—Eki-

Agencies: mae, Dairi; Telephs. 189 and 526;.

Dollar Steamship Co. P.O. Vacuum

• and Box 15; Cable Ad: Standvac

Prince Line R. S. Williams

Glen Line * T. M. L. Ross

Nobel’s Explosives G. E. Oweps

F. S. Morse (Moji Qptton Control)

New Zealand Insurance. Co., Ltd. S. IT.

Sun Fire Insurance, Co.:, Ltd. Ad : Umezuki

Overseas Assurance Corporation

North of England Protecting and' Tomoe Gumi, G. K.—Sanbashi-dori

Indemnity Association


CONSULATES S weden—K ar ato-machi

Great Britain—Karato-cho; Teleph. Vice-Consul—R. McKenzie


Consular Agent—R. McKenzie Japanese Tourist Bureau—Shimonoseki

Netherlands—Karato-machi Station

Tourist Plaza; Teleph. 1962; Cable Ad:

Vice-Consul—R. McKenzie

Norway—Karato-machi Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co. (Japan)

Vice-Consul—R. McKenzie Ltd.—Wurui Shokwai, agents


Roman Catholic Mission—Maruyama brokers, Insurance Agents (Marine

and Fire), General Surveyors and

eho Lloyd’s,* Agents—5, Karato-machi;

Rev. A. Ogihara, S. J. El0. Box 20 ; Telephs. 138 and 705;

Sumitomo Bank—Nishinabe-cho Cable Ad: Wuriu

R. McKenzie, manager

Wtnuu Shqkwai ((Hqlme, Ringer & _ W- .H. .Sainton, pci-, prp. ,

Co.), Coa} Exporters, Bunker Coal M. ('. G. Ringer

Suppliers, Shipping Agents, Ship- V. Ringer


Kyushu is the southernmost of the larger islands forming the Japanese

archipelago and occupies an area of some 15,000 square miles. It is the centre

of the coal mining industry. The principal citjes are Moji, Kokura (pop.

88,000) and Wakamatsu (pop, 57;326) on the' north; Fukuoka (Pop. 228,290),

with which is included the pout of Hakata, and Nagasaki on the west; and

Kagoshima (pop. 137,232) on the "south. On the east coast lies the favourite

watering place of Beppu (pop. 43,076). The island is' encircled with rail-

ways, with some breaks, but the centre is still unopened to railway traffic.


Bohler Keitei Goshi Kaisha—36, Ta- Paramount Films, Ltd.—Katakura

kara-macni, Kokura 23, Kamigoftiku-machi, Fukuoka Bldg.,

Dunlop Rubber Co. (F. E-) Ltd.-*c/o Rising Sun Petroleum Co., Ltd.—*-

Nihon Jidosha K.K., Higashinakasu- Kasuya-ken, Fukuoka

cho, Fukuoka Singer Sewing Machine Co., Ltd.

First National Pictures (Japan), —10, Kaminajima-cho, Fukuoka

Inc.—Naka-Okudo-cho,: > Fukuoka Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada—

Jugo Building, Katadoi-machi, Fu-

Horne Company, Ltd,—18, Kawabata- kuoka

machi, Hakata United Artists Corporation — 29,

Japan Tourist Bureau—Tamaya De- Kuramoto-cho, Fukuoka

partment Store, Fukuoka , Universal Pictures (Japan), Ltd.-—

Kjellbergs Successors Goshi Kaisha 41, Katadoi-rhachi, Fukuoka

43, Uo-paachi, Kqkura Victor Gramophone Co. (Japan), Ltp.

—23, SKimo Koyarna-cho, Fukuoka;

Manufacturers Life Insurance Co.—

Meijiya Building; Shimonishi-machi, Teleph. 3227 : '

Fukuoka-shi Weinberger & Co:, C.^Kyo-nSachi,


National Cash Register Co., Ltd.—255, . ..—rl8, Kami Uofuku-machiv Fukuoka

Higashi Nakasu, Eukuoka-shi 4, FunatsUrmachk-ERjtuoka


At the end of the sixteenth century, when the nations of Western Euronej

were vigorously competing for the trade of the Far East, Nagasaki—then a.

fishing village—was set aside by the Japanese authorities as a place of foreign

residence. It speedily became the chief trading port of the country. When

the Christian religion was banned in 1637 and only the Dutch were allowed'

trade privileges, a small island in Nagasaki harbour called Deshima was^

allotted to the Dutch merchants as a trading station and place of residence.

During the persecution which culminated in the expulsion from Japan of

foreign Christian priests, the city was the centre of the anti-Christian opera-

tions conducted by the Japanese government. By the treaty of 1858 Nagasaki

was one of the ports opened to British trade on the 1st of July in the follow-

ing year.

0n entering the harbour of Nagasaki no stranger can fail tp, be struck with-

the admirable situation of the town and the beautiful panorama of hilly

scenery ppehed to his view. The harbour is a land-lockecj inlet deeply in-

dented with small bays, about three miles Ipng with a width, varying from haif-

a-mile to a mile. A reclamation scheme MTas commenced in October, 1897, and

completed in January, 1905; 147 acres were teciaimed, and, retaining wails

measuring nearly five miles in length have been built in front of what were

formerly the foreign concessions at Deshima and Megasaki. Simultaneously,

the harbour was deepened. The cost of the wiork was 4,000,000 yen. A wharf

to accommodate two vessels of 8,000 tons has been constructed by the muni-

cipality and is used by the vessels engaged in the express service between

Shanghai and Kobe. The town is .on the eastern side of the harbour and the

foreign quarter is on the south-east. The foreign consulates and chief mer-

cantile houses are situated on the bund facing the harbour, behind which are

a few streets running parallel with it, and there are a number of private

residences on the Nill-side. There is a Roman Catholic cathedral and ,two large

parish churches; Anglican and Nonconformist services for foreigners are; held

on alternate Sundays at. the Seamen’s Home. There are two clubs (Naga-

saki and International), and one ‘foreign hofol, the Hotel du Japon. The

Mitsubishi Company own three docks in Nagasaki, the largest of which has

a length of 714 feet on the keel, blocks and a depth of water at ordinary

spring tides of 34 feet 6 inches. As a shipbuilding centre the place has

rapidly developed in recent years; in addition! to large ocean-goirig passeriger

and freight steamers, a battle-cruiser of 27,500 tbns displacement and a battle-

ship of over 30,000 tons displacement have been constructed there. Nagasaki

gained considerable importance as a base for steam trawlers, but the vessels

were all sold to foreign governments fqr war service during 1918, The in-

dustry has been restarted, on a smaller scale but most of the trawlers now

use Shimonoseki as a base.! . The Municipality has erected a large fish market

on a wharf near the railway station. Four reservoirs supply .the cify wifh

water. The railway development; of recent years has made it possible, with

a brief sea passage of ten minut.es between Moji and Shimonoseki, to travel,

by rail from Nagasaki to Tokyo, via Kobe, in 24 hours. The climate of Na-

gasaki is mild and salubrious, and there are popular health resorts

in the neighbourhood, the most famous being Mount Unzen, on which a nine-

hole golf course was laid out in 1911, and which, since 1923, has been gradually

improved; another course has been laid out at Isahaya,: a small town about one

hour by rail or motor-car from Nagasaki.

the The population

census taken inof 1938

the port has returned

it was increasedasgreatly


nearly recent

doubleyears. In

that- was

it was 80 years previously.




Appeal Ooust—Manzai-machi Chief Inspector—C. Miyake

President—S. Shimizu Chief Appraiser—R. Numata

Public Procurator—C. Miyagi Post Office—Umegasaki-machi

Postmaster—N. Kokubo

Custom House—Hagoromo-machi Municipal Office—36, Sakura-machi

Director—S. Fukuchi K. Sasai Mayor

Chinzei Gakuin—-152, TakenokuLo- i Netherlands—6, Oura

machi; Teleph. 3261 Acting Vice-Consul — F. C.

Rev. N. Kawasaki, president Greatrex

F. N. Scott, (residence 683, It-

chome, Shiroyama-machi) Norway—7, Oura; P. O. Box 22 '

Mrs. F. N. Scott Consul—S. A.' Ringer

CONSULATES Portugal—7, Oura; P.O. Box 22

Belgium—42c, Matsugaye cho Vice-Consul—S. A. Ringer.

Brazil — Chamber of Commerce Sweden—7, Oura; P. d.; Box 22

Building, Sakura-machi Vice-Consul—E. E. E: Ringer

China—2, Tokiwa-machi Oura: Te- United States ofTeleph.

Kaigan-dori; America—5,

JQ82; Oura,

P. O.

leph. 327; Cable Ad : Sinoconsul Box 23: Cable Ad: American


Denmark—5, Oura, Kaigan-dpri Consul—C^ b. Spgin^r

Vice-Consul.—Glen ,


Consul—C. O. Spamer, American

Consul in charge of Danish


Vice-Consul—Glen Bruner, Ame- Curnow & Co.,'Provision Merchant's',

rican Vice-Consul Naval Contractors, etc. — 42-a,

Sagarimatsu; P.O. ' Bps: 60 ; 'Gable

France—42c, Matsugaye-ehd Ad : Curnow

A. RussMl, ' manager

Great Britain—6, Oura; P.O. Box Great Northern Telegraph Co.—2,

16 Megasaki; Teleph. 176; P.O. Box 11;

Consul—F. C. Greatrex Cable Ad: Nordiske

Shipping Clerk—S. Taguchi C. S. Andersen, supt.

Consular Agent—R. McKenzie N. Justesen, assist, supt.

(Shimonoseki) J. A. Ledertong

J. G. Jensen

Italy—6, Oura P. R. Pedersen

Consular Agent—F. C. Greatrex F. M. Bjergfelt



Holme, Kinger & Co., Merchants, Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd., Import

Bankers, Shipping Agents,yBrokers ; and Export Merchants—3, Tokiwa-

and Insurance Agents (Marine and machi ; Telephs. 147 and 149; Cable

Fire)—7, Oura-cho; P.O. Box 22; Ad; Mitsui.

Cable Ad: Ringer

S. A. Ringer Nagasaki Higher Commercial School

F. E. E. Ringer —Katabuchi-cho

W. H. Sainton, signs per pro. F. Tadami, director

T. A. Gloves

Y. Ringer | M. C. G. Ringer Nagasaki International Club — 7;

Deshima; Teleph. 1259 ; P.O. Box 13

Hotel du Japan—25, Oura; Teleph.

664; Cable Ad : Japan Hotel Napalkoff & Co., G. P.—6, Tokiwa-


Kaisei Chlt Gakko—J, Higashi-yama-

te; Teleph. 1368 Nippon Yusen Kaisha—4, .Tokiwa^

J. Koehl, president machi; Telephs. 2950 to 2952

Alb. Bletzacker T. Okuno, manager

A. Soden

L. Baumann Rising Sun Petroleum Co., Ltd., Thr

Jos. Gaessler —7, Tokiwa-machi; Telephs. 276 (In-

Cel. Rambach stallation Office) and 1424 (Kozaki

A. Ulrich Installation); P.O. Box 12; Cable

Ring, F. G.—19, Oura Ad : Petrosam; Code: Bentley’s

complete phrase

Kwassui Jo Gakko—13, Higashi Seamen’s Home—26, Oura

Yamate; Cable Ad : Kwassui Directors—Miss Pauline Place,

Lloyd’s Register of Shipping—9, Miss Olive Hagen, Glen Bruner

Oura; Teleph. 2093; Cable Ad: Re- and E. R. S. Pardon

gister Standard - Vacuum Oil Company — 9,

H. D. Buchanan, surveyor Oura; Teleph. 919; Cable Ad: Standvac

T. Kunishi, surveyor (General) Hourglass (Shipping)

M. Masuda, clerk J. S. Walker

MISSIONS AND CHURCHES Vachier, J.—42, Matsugae-cho

Convent des Sceurs du Saint En- Walker & Co., R.N., Stevedores,

fant Jesus Landing, Shipping and Forwarding

Soeurs Madeleine de Pazzi Agents, Customs Brokers and Estate

Epiphanie, M. Justine, St. Agents, Ship-chandlers and Fresh

Anthelme, Therese de 1’Enfant Water Suppliers—11, Oura-machi;

Jesus, M. Celine Teleph. 137 (L.D.); Cable Ad:


Nagasaki Episcopal Church—Chapel R. Walker, jr.

of Seamen’s Home, Oura

Hon. Chaplain—Rev. Canon A. Yokohama Specie Bank, Ltd., The —

C. Hutchinson (Fukuoka) 72,

ShokinNishi Hama machi; Cable Ad:

Secretary—E. R. S. Pardon


This island, one of the largest in Asia, is situated between latitude' 2Sf aind

26 degrees X., and longitude 120 and 122 degrees :E., and is separated from

the‘(coast :bf Fukien, Jyhina, by a channel about one hundred miles in width.

It is a prolongation of the Japanese and Lodchoo Archipelagoes, and in 1895

was incorporated m the Japanese Empire. 'Its 'name Formosa, signifying1

“Beautiful island,” was conferred by the Portuguese, the first Europeans to

visit it, but it was called Taiwan (Oread. Bay) by the1 Chinese, to vvh6m it

belonged from 1661 to 1894. It is said that the Japanese endeavoured to

form a colony in the island in 1620, but large numbers of 'Chinese were settled

there prior to that date. The Dutch arrived1 in 1634, and founded several

settlements, and traces of their occupation are still to he found in the island,

but they were compelled in 1661 to retire by the Chinese pirate chief Koxinga,

who then assumed the sovereignty of western Formosa. His grandson and

successor, however, was induced, twenty-two years later, to resign the crown

to‘s the Emperor'of China. By the Treaty of Shimonoseki, which terminated

the war between China and Japan in 1895, the - island was ceded

to Japan as one of the, conditions of peace, and on the 1st June, 1895,

the formal surrender was made, the ceremony taking place on board ship

outside iKeelung. The resident Chinese officials, however, declared a republic,

aad offered resistance, and it was n,ot until the end of October that the oppos-

ing forces were completely overcome, the last stand being made in the south

by Liu Yung-fu, the Black Flag General, of Tonkin notoriety. Takow was

bombarded and captured on 15th October, and Anping was peacefully occupied

on the 21st of the same month, Liu Yung-fu "having taken refuge in - flight,.

Formosa is about 260 miles in length, and from 60 to 70 miles broad in

the widest part. It is intersected from north to south by a range of mountains,

which forms a kind of backbone to the island, idle loftiest peak of which,

Mount Morrison (Niitakayama), is 13,880 feet high. On the western side of

this range the slope is more gradual than on the eastern .side, ,g,nd broken

by fertile valleys which lose themselves in the large undulating plain on which

the Chinese are settled. The high land cast of the. dividing chain is peopled

by an. aboriginal race who, .acknowledge no allegiance to the phinese: Govern-

ment and made frequent; raids upon the .outlying Chinese settlements, but

as the island is .being steadily opened up, conditions are improving, and

doubtless in course of time they will become merged in the general popula-

tion, although naturally a savage and warlike people, allied, to the. Malays

and Polyneisians, who lived principally by the chase.

The 4,496,820:

Natives populationJapaiie.se

of Formosa

247,580;in Koreans

1932 was559;estimated


be 866r,

4,932.633, comprised of

i : Foreign (Chinese)

42, 017; and. Foreign (others) 191.

The products of Formosa are 'numerous, vegetation being everywhere most

luxuriant, 'testifying tb the ' richness, of the s?oil. Tea,: cam'phoi,' rice1 sugar

and bananas are largely cultivated, the three latter being extensively shipped

to Japan. The fauna includes bears, monkeys, deer, wild boar, badgers,

martens, the scaly ant-eater and other smaller animals. Birds are not very

numerous, and snakes not as common as might be expected where vegetation

is so abundant. As regards minerals there are at present only two gold mines

running {viz., those at Kinkasaki and Zuiho in the vicinity of Keelung), and

the production of both Gold and Silver in Taiwan has decreased, as they are

being shipped to Japan in the form of Ores- The island has an area of about



J3,883 square miles of which more than half is mountain, but nevertheless 21.5

per cent, is cultivated land and over 58 per cent, of the population are


Amongst sundry factories and mills at various places in the island are


fertiliser afactories,

brewery, strawboard

ramie and

“jutepaper factories,


flour-mills, hosiery factories,

using Manchester kilns), and

numerous mills,

oil-extracting and rdcabrick-works (many

mills, several

electric-light plants, and a gas works (in Taipeh).

fish The

and trade

fruit andare industries

now being oflargely

the island are steadily

exported to the developing,

mother-country and both


Dairen, whilst recently attention has been directed to the gathering of coral,

supplies of which have been found in the waters of the northern vicinity. All

the principal towns are now equipped with water-works, elect-ric lighting,

and large markets, etc., and connection between them by motor lines of cars

is becoming general, replacing the push cars hitherto mainly in use.

One great drawback to the island is its lack of good harbours, which is

more especially felt on account of the strength of the monsoons in the Formosa

Channel. Those on the eastern side are few and neither commodious nor

accessible; v'hilst on the west coast, with the exception of Keelung in the

north and Takow in the south, they are little better than open roadsteads.

Harbour improvements have just been completed at Keelung, and are still


existingcarried out at Takow,

accommodation. The when

depthcompleted, they will

at low water at thegreatly increase

entrance the

to the

harbours is 30 feet and 23^ feet, respectively.

Taipeh is the capital'of Formosa, and Tainan is ihe chief city in the

south of the Island. The open ports are four in number, viz., Takow and

Anping in the south, and Tamsui and Keelung in the north. The latter was

held for some months in 1884-5 by the French, under Admiral Courbet, but was

evacuated on- June 21st 1885. The rivers of Formosa are few, shallow,

and winding, only navigable to small flat-bottomed boats. The scenery is

delightful, and the climate is very pleasant in the wunter, but hot in some

parts of the island.

A complete system of post and telegraph services is in force while two

cables connect the island with Japan proper.

A railway traversing the west sidfe of the island, from Keelung in the

north to Keishu in the south was officially opened by H.I.H. Prince Kan-

in on October 2tth, 1908. A short line also connects Taipeh and Tamsui in

the north. On the west coast is a loop line of 56^ miles between Chikunan

and Oden (near Shoka) Hugging the coast, as it does, it avoids the steep

gradients and numerous tunnels of the main line. On the through-line, sleep-

ing-cars are now run for the accommodation of first and second class passengers.

There is also a railway along the East coast, and some other minor lines

partially completed. Besides the Government lines there are 1,349 miles of

private railways laid by sugar companies.

The figures for Foreign Trade in 1934

Imports from Japan ... ...Yen 176,990,724

...Yen 38,030,977


Exports from Foreign

to Japan Yen 279,410,271

Exports to Foreign ... ...Yen 26,518,409

Total ...Yen 520,950,381


The E.,

'-26 min. portonoftheTamsui lies in lat.

iiorth-wcstorn .side25of,deg.

the JOfertile,

min. island

N.^ andof long.

Formosa.101 deg.


iharbour has

necessitated a


transfer to bar,


of has

the retafted

steamship the growth

agencies of

that the port

formerly and hasit


their headquarters. None but vessels of small size trade there. The town

is situated on the north side of the river, about two miles from the bar. In October, called Kobe,

1884, the French ships under Admiral Courbet bombarded Tamsui, but were unable to

take the place. The Japanese took possession on the 7th June, 1805.

The port of Keelung lies to the north-east of Tamsui, in latitude' 25 deg.

6 min. N. and longitude 121 deg. 47 min. E, It is situated on the shores of

a bay between the capes of Fold and Peton, some 20 miles apart, amidst bold

and striking scenery,. backed by a range of mountains. It was once a Spanish

Settlement, but was subsequently captured and held by the Dutch until they

in turn gave place to the Chinese under Koxinga, formerly a pirate chief,

who'caused himself to be proclaimed King of Formosa. Though but a mere

village, it had long carried on a considerable native trade with Amoy, Chin-

chew, and Foochow. Keelung was opened to foreign trade at the same time

as the other Formosan ports. The limits of the port are defined to be within

.a straight line drawn from Image Point to Bush Island. On the 5th August,

1884, the port was bombarded by the French under Admiral Lespes, when the

Torts above the town were reduced to ruins, and the place captured. It was

then garrisoned by the French, wjh

had been signed at Tientsin in Jiine, il885. The place was occupied by the

Japanese on the 3rd June, 1895.

At Keelung harbour improvements were; completed in 1930 at a cost of

over 25 million Yen, and have largely increased the accommodation available.

During 1900 a lighthouse was completed bn Pak-sa, Point, a low headland

on the west coast, some 20 mfles, south-west of Tamsui, and one has been

-erected on Agincourt Island. At Keeluhg there are stone quays in connection


tons the

classrailway, alongside

are berthed, the ofdepth

whichof thewaterregular mail being

alongside steamers28-30of feet.

the 10,000

It is

now possible to accompiodate, at the; .quays about; 10 steamers each, of, 10,000 tons

•capacity,, and admit ten steamers'below this tonnage at the buoys.

The railway line betw'een Tamsui and Taipeh was Opened in August, 1901,

and has been of great benefit to the people of the district. Keelung is the

northern terminus of the frah^Formosan Government Railway. The capital

■ city is known by the Chinese name of ■Taipeh, and also' under the Japanese

nomenclatuFe of Taihoku, which is now applicable, also, to the whole district,

the former names of Manka, Daitbtei, etc., having recently been abolished.

At the mouth of the Tamsui river lies the town of Hobb, usually known as

'Tamsui to avoid confusion with Kobe in Japan proper.



Bank of Taiwan, Ltd. (Tamsui Office) interests of France and Norway)—

S. Takahashi, manager Tamsui; Cable Ad : Britain

Consul—C. H. Archer

Boyd & Co., Shipping Agents

Rising Sun Petroleum Co., Ltd.

British Consulate (also in charge of W. Key, engr.-in-charge


M £ jot # i

Customs Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd. (Mitsui &

Taiwanof—the Government

Soshiriyo, KeeluhgGeneral of Co:), Merchants

Customs—Hoshiryo, Keelung; Telephs. 110 Mizusaki Kumiai (Pilot Society)

311 andBranch

Takao 511 Office—At Wharf, Takao, Capt. J. Sokimoto, licensed pilot, mgr.

Telephs. 259, 2 and 810

Harbour Office Osaka Shosenmanager

T. Ohara, Kaisha

Inspector—S. Fukii Yamaguchi, signs per pro.

Kinkai Yusen Kaisha (Keelung Branch) Yamashita

K. Matsumoto, manager

S. Kumai sento Risen Kaisha, Ltd.—Sho-



Anglo-American Direct Tea Trading Carter


Macy Tea and Coffee Co.r


peh; Cable Ad:Idzumicho, AgentsTea

Analambe2-chome, Tai- Daitotei;


— 24-26, and Shipping

Eiraku-cho, 1-chome,.

Cable Ad: Macytea

Geo. S.

R. B. Orr Beebe, special agent

BANKS J. M. Boyol | H. L Keen

Bank of Taiwan, Ltd.—Head Office: Agencies :

Sakae-machi, Taihoku, Taipeh Amercian Pioneer Line

Barber Wilhelmsen Line

Ellermann “ London ” Line

China & Southern Bank, Ltd., The— Java-China-Japan-Lijn

Head Office: Omote-cho, Taipeh, For-

mosa; Cable Ad: Kananginko. Branches: Colburn Co., A.—40, Eiraku-cho; Cable

Singapore, Canton, Samarang Ad: Colburn, Taihoku

Shoka Ginko—Taisho-cho, Taihoku CONSULATES

Chochiku Bank Ltd. — Yamate-cho, American Taihoku — 9, Onari-cho, 4-chome,

4-chome, Taihoku Consul—Edward S. Maney


Netherlands—40, Yeiraku cho Okura Trading Co., Ltd., Merchants

Acting Consul—J. W. Smellie —44, Omote-machi, Taihoku


Sulphur S., Merchant, Coal and ** i§ 'M- iJc

3444, 2235Mine

and Owner—fhaipeh;

1677, Hokuto 14;Telephs.

Codes: OsTaihoku

a k.if - Chosen " KaiSha —134iin6i-gai,

A.B.C. 5th, Lieber’s, Western Union

and Bentley’s

S. S.Eiphinstone Post

nan Office—1-1, MishikLmachi, Tai-

T. Chew

General Manager of

Tokki Gomei Kaisha . Rising Sun Petroleum1 ‘Co., Ltd.,


Ho Boat Ironworks lettm Products—Cable Ad:1 Petro-

sam • ' . •'. /

Agent for: ■ Jr -W. • Smellie,• manager

Directory and Chronicle of W. Key, engin:6er-in-charge,

China, Japan, IViaiaya, etc. Tamsui installation

:1 ■' Standard-Vacuum Oil Co. — 1, Ni-

fa ^ • GTiee, Ho cltoiiie, Akashicho, Taihoku; Teleph.

Mardine, Matheson & Co.:, Ltd., Mer- Standvac 1164; P.O. Bon 67; Cable Ad:

chants, Shipping and Insurance H. T. Dew, District Sales Mgr.

Agents—25, Minato-cho; P.O. Box

81; Cable Ad: Jar dines Taipeh; Tait&Co., Limited, Merchants^-21-22,

Codes : Bentley’s, Acme and iScott’s Minato-oho, l-chome, Taihoku; Ca-

B. E. Bolton, agent and tea inspr. ble Ad : Tait

0. Griffin, accountant

I. D.1 Bruce Francis C. Hogg, managing director

A. L. Pink, signs per pro.

Agencies Agencies'1

Lloyd’s Agents Peninsular and Oriental S.N. Co.

Canadian Pacific Steamships, Ld. Dollar Line

Royal Mail Steam Packet, ,Ct). American Asiatic Steamship Co.

Glen Line ;of Steamers American and Oriental Line

Blue FunnelandLine

American of Steamers

Manchurian Line Osaka Shosen Kaisha (sub-agency)

Indo-ChinaSteam Navigation Co,, Ld. South British Insurance Co., Ld.

Canton Insurance Office, Ld. North China Insurance Co., Ld.

Hongkong Fire Insurance*Co., Ld. Yangtsze Insurance Association,

Lloyd Triestino

East Asiatic Co., Ltd. ElLd.Dia Compania Anonima de


Lee Tiong Ghee & Co., Import-Export Board of Underwriters of New

—10, Nisshin cho, Taihoku York

Prince Line

Morris Commercial

Morris Motors, Ld. Cars, Ld.

Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd. (Mitsui Maersk Line

& Co.), Merchants—Omote-cho ; P.O. The Ben Line Steamers Ltd.

Box 4 TheshipEastern & Australian Steam-

Co., Ltd.

S. Kodera, manager

North Formosa Foreign Board of Tokki Taihoku

Gomei Kaisha—130, Kansei-cho,


Chairman—F,C. Hogg Twatutia Foreign Club

Vice-Chairman—B. G. Cowan Coinmittee—F. C. Hogg (chair-

Committee—G. S. Beebe and B. E. man), H. L. Keen (vice chair-

Bolton man). R. B. Orr, B. G. Cowan

Secretary—A. L. Pink Hon. Secretary—D. J. Knight


The city of Tainan (until 1889 known as Taiwanfu or Taiwanfoo

i.e. The capital of Taiwan) situated in lat. 23 deg. 6 min. N., and long.,

129 deg. 5 min. E., is the oldest city in Formosa. For nearly two cen-

turies it was the capital under the Chinese regime; prior to that

P had been held by both the Dutch and Koxinga, and relics of the-

former’s occupation still exist. Next to Taipeh, it is the principal city, ana

in it the District Garrison Headquarters, Law Courts, Hospital, Higher

Schools, etc., are located. Since the Japanese occupation many improvements

in the city have been made, and at the present day the main roads are all

wide and well constructed. The old Chinese walls, some five miles in circum-

ference*. have been demolished to make room for improvements.

Waterworks have been constructed in the hills some distance from the-

city and it is now lighted by electricity, the power being carried by an over-

head line from a generating station a few miles south of Takow. Tainan is

distant 218 miles from Taipeh by rail.

Anping is the shipping port for Tainan, situated about shree miles west

of that city on the border of a lagoon. Communication is by a trolley

line and! a creek navigable for chutehs and small junks. There is also

a road' on which is a regular service of motor buses. The 1 port itself

is an open roadstead, vessels anchoring outside the bar and a mile or

so from the beach. From November to the end of May the anchorage is a

good one, but during the S. W. moonsbon a heavy swell sets in, rendering

it difficult and sometimes impossible for vessels to load or discharge. Form-

erly Anping was a small but thriving port, but since the 1 improvements to

Takao harbour were effected, its importance has materially declined, and it

is now almost deserted, though its proximity to Tainan still necessitates a

certain amount of shipping calling. As regards climate, Anping, during the

summer months, can boast of a comparatively cool temperature owing to-sea

breezes ; Tainan is usually two or three degrees warmer. From October to the-

end of April there is little or no rain,and the cool weather then leaves noth-

ing to be desired.


on the edgeisofa what,

port twenty-nine

less than 20 miles

years toago,thewassouthward

a large, ofshallow

Tainan. Located

lagoon with

an extremely narrow and dangerous entrance, Takao has since been converted

into a finesixharbour

modating large with


(up to buoys

23 feetanddraught)

a quay at'

frontage capable

One time of accom-

alongside. At

low-water the depth is 24 feet, with SO feet at the harbour entrance, which is

350 feet wide. The harbour improvements under the first period, of construc-

tion work are now completed, and vessels drawing less than 23| feet can

readily enter the harbour. The second period of construction is now in progress. It

includes the provision of a second pier, dredging, widening of the harbour entrance,


average depthof aofbreakwater in Seishiwan,

30 feet. Under existing!andconditions,

the dredging of theupharbour

steamers to aboutto5,000


tons can be accommojdated alopgside the quay, vessels of 7-10,000

city find it difficult to enter the port if heavily .laden, and have to discharge tons capa-

some of their cargo in the outer harbour do enable them to come inside; if the

harbour were dredged to a. depth of 28. feet this would be unnecessary. As

Takao is the only harbour in the south catering for the: bulk of the sugar

trade and other industries, its future is assured. ..Large reclamations have-

been made along the shore of the lagoon, transforming marsh-land into a well

laid-oqt, fair-sized tpwn, with room for expansion.


Foreign shipping is largely increasing in volume, sulphate of ammonia

•and other fertilisers now being imported in considerable quantities. The

Japanese Government grants subsidies to the Osaka Shosen Kaisha for a fort-

nightly service with Canton, via, Amoy, Swatbw and Hutung, and Hongkong

via Amoy and Swatow, as well-as for a service of steamers round the coast of

Formosa throughout the year. As regards the fruit trade, which is mainly

a southern industry, an arrangement has recently been arrived at between

shippers and the principal lines running from Takao, that ship-

ments will in future be made by steamer direct from that port,

instead of from Keelung, as hitherto. Another development of southern trade

that is being fostered is the fishing industry, in connection with which direct

boats to Japan are now being fun.

The Government Railway now runs day and night trains between Keelung and

Takao, the length of which line is approximately 246 miles. There are many

private lightTherailways

districts. chief of running

these wasinland from Railway,

the Arisan the mainwhich

line, hastapping

now been the acquired


by the Government- This line taps the valuable timber forests on Mount Arisan,

ofandtheis private

notable lines

for itsaregradients

owned byandsugar

the companies

number of tunnels

who, in along

additionthetoroute. Many


their materials, also carry passengers and goods.

The import trade is mainly in the hands of Japanese firms, the only item still in

the hands of foreigners being kerosene and its allied products. The Gov-

ernment has given every encouragement to the sugar industry, and many

large modern mills have been erected during the past few years. Of the six

staple industries of Formosa, opium, camphor and salt, tobacco and wines

have been monopolised by the Formosan Government.


Bank os' Taiwan, Ltd.—Cable Ad: Taigin Os•Aka Shosen Kaisha (Osaka Mercantile

Lee Trading Corporation — Bantan, S.S. Co., Ltd.)—Taisho-machi, Tainan;

Telephs. 37 and 1200; Cable Ad: Shosen

Heito, Takao; Cable Ad: Lee T. Yoshitani, manager

J. Tanaka I J. Horino

# — H. Yamamoto | K. Sai

Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd., General Takao K. Nakagata, manager3, 115 and 636



Codes: A.B.C. 5th & Cable

6th edn.,Ad:Bentley’s


Complete phrase & 2nd Phrase Codes M. Matsumura, sub-manager

N. Takeshita | K. Kusumi

Agencies K. Nishina | C. Hozumi

Nippon Yusen Kaisha,

Kinkai Yusen Kaisha, Ld.

Ld. Agency

Blue Funnel Line Tokyo Fire and Marine Insurance Co.

Ellerman & Bucknall S.S. Co.

Norddeutscher Lloyd


Tokyo Marine Linie Co. Taiwan Soko Kaisha, Ltd.—Cable Ad:

Taisho Marine and

and Fire

Fire Insce.

Insce. Co. | Taiwansoko


Chosen (“Morning Calm”)', by peaqeful. annexation in August 1910 became

an integral part of the Japanese Empire. It is a peninsula extending south-

ward from the north-east of Asia, washed on the east by the Sea of Japan,,

on the west by the Yellow Sea. To the north He Manchuria and the Russian

Maritime Province” the boundary being marked by the rivers Yalu and Tumen-


acrossthetheEver-White Mountains;

Korea Strait, with thewhile on the

island south it faces

of Tsushima a.boutthemidway.

west of ItJaipan


a coast-line of some 5,400 ,miles, including its innumerable islands, of which

Quelpart is the'largest. It,is situated between 124° 11' and 130° .56’ E long,

and between 33° 06' and 43° N lat., its total length being 600 miles from,

north to south, and greatest breadth'135 miles from east to west, with an area

of: about 85,156 square miles. The .eastern half of the peninsula is a sinuous

range of mountains of which weste|rh Korea is the slope, and the"chief rivers

are therefore on the western side, most of the important harbours being sit-

uated on that coast. Chosen is divided into thirteen provinces, (do) :—North

and South Kankyo (Hamheung), North and South Heian (Pyeng'-an), iKokai

(Hwang-hai), Kogen (Kang-won), Kejki (Kyong-ki) North and South Chusei

(Chung-Chong), North and South Keisho (Kyong-sang) and North and South

Zenra (Cholla). The climate is continental, but healthy. Cold and heat waves

run to the extreme, and especially is the cold severe in the north. Spring and

Autumn are short, and the variation in temperature between day and night

is very sharp, reaching 25 degrees in some places in the north. The fauna

includes tigers, leopards, wild deer, wild hogs, and monkeys in the south,

and the pheasant, eagle, falcon,, crane and stork are common. A stunted breed

of native horses exists and immense numbers of oxen are raised both as draught


by and for food.

the introduction Goatsfrom

of sheep areMongolia.

few, and sheep-breeding

It is mow beingwas started

greatly in 1914


by the authorities,' with the ,idba: of making the Japanese Empire as far as

possible!, self-supporting as tb raw wool. A great deal, of attention is now

being paid by the Government to the encouragement of breeding horses as well

as other livestock, and to the raising of swine and poultry. Much of 'the soil

is fertile, and agriculture has considerably advanced under the Japanese re-

gime, with improved methods of cultivation, in the selection of seeds and

manure, in irrigation and in' reclamation. Sericulture, cotton*'and fruit-

growing'are dlso being given 'great encouragement by the autborit4es, and

cotton growing in. the South and wool in the North are looked ubpn as) indus-

tries with a great future. both for Korea and Japan. There are extensive

forests in the north, and gold, copper, iron, .coal and bther minerals are

distributed throughout the country, gold-mines being worked by British,

American and French syndicates, and a number of placer and other mines by

natives and by Japanese. The principal exports are rice, bseans, silk,- fish-

oil and manure, iron and iron ore, raw cotton, livestock and hides. Manu-

facture is still very small, but grows yearly, and includes cotton yarn, silk-

reeling, sugar, paper, artificial fertilisers, cement and flour. The greater part

of the sea-borne trade is carried by Japanese bottoms. Great development are

taking place along the North East Coast, where large new harbours are being

constructed at Seishin, Rashin and. Yuki. The railways in this district are

now under the control of the South Manchuria Railway Co., and a large

trade between Japan and Manchuria is expected through these ports in, the



Opinions differ as to the exact origin of the Koreans. Their language

belongs to the “Turanian” group, and is more akin to Japanese than to any

other tongue, especially in grammatical construction, though in pronunciation

and vocabulary there are great differences. Chosen was once a greatly ad-

vanced nation, from which the Japanese learned many arts and crafts, and

indeed the rudiments of the ancient Chinese civilisation, but she seems never

to have enjoyed any political importance. Situated between China in the

west and Japan in the east, her rulers seem ever to have been involved in

intrigue and scheming to keep in with the stronger party. For centuries she

paid tribute to Peking,, while preserving a nominal independence and pur-

suing a policy of exclusion to all foreigners other than Chinese. After the

Meiji Restoration in Japan, the Japanese were anxious to break down this

exclusive: barrier, and in 1876 succeeded in entering into a treaty of amity

and commerce. Although China assented to this and to subsequent treaties

with other foreign powers (with America, 1882; with Britain, 1883; with Ger-

many and Russia, 1884, etc.), thus acknowledging Chosen’s complete indepen-




were continued inconsistently

centred round the Korean to claim


arid there Con-


frequent clashes between Chinese soldiery and Japanese residents. The Tien-

tsin Treaty of 1885 provided that both Japanese and Chinese should

their troops from Korean soil, nor should enter either party in future despatch withdraw


of thisthere


in 1894notifying the other.

when appealed to byIt the



ignoring thefor terms


against the Tonghak rebellion, and the subsequent 'counterface of Korea to-

wards Japan asking for help to expel the Chinese, that led

War. The next phase saw Russian influence to the fore and in 1904 came to the Sino-Japanese

the RgssorJapanese War, as a result of which Russia was forced to acknow-

ledge Japan’s

Korea paramountcorrupt,

being notoriously interest,Japan

in Korea. The internal

established, adriiinistratibn

a protectorate over Korea,of

by a treaty ('Nov. 1905), when the great statesman Prince Tto was appointed

Resident-General. More and more power passed into Japanese hands, and1

after the successive assassinatipns of Mr. Stevens, the American diplomatic


himself appointed

at Harbin byin Japanese nomination,

October,. 1909, at San

and of Mr. Francisco,

Yi, .the Koreanof'premier,

Prince theItp.

Japanese decided^ that the protectorate plan would not work,

22nd, 1910, was signed the treaty by 'which Korea was annexed tb Japan. The and on August,

Korean Imperial family were given Japanese titles of Royalty and suitable


there was aand the Government

widespread movementGeneral was the

amongst set Koreans

up in Seoul. Duringtheir

to recover 1918-19


dependence, arid a deputation proceeded to. Paris to place their claim before .,

the Peace Conference, but arrived too late; The methods adopted by the

Japanese to suppress the insurrections that broke out were subjected to grave

criticism for their alleged brutality and. severity, though the authorities did

their best to suppress all information'of a damaging, nature : hut since then

the former militaristic policy has been largely abandoned, and the system of

gendarmes for the most place replaced by a civilian police force.

The task before Japan when she took over the reins of government w^is no-

mean one*1 but she tackled it with characteristic energy, and already mrich

has been achieved. She has established a well-organised judicial, system, with

trained judges, and the WOfk of codifying laws proceeds apace. By a series

of progressive steps, local self-government has poty been established. In July,

1920, advisory bodies, in the form of Provincial, Municipal and Urban and

Rural (District Councils. Were created, an'd in Decefnber, 1930, an Ordinance

was published transforming;' within welbdeflried limits,' these 'Cbuncils into:

self-governing bodies. The first, elections' ririder the new system for the Muni

cipal and Urban District 'Corincils Were held in May, 1931. Reform of the

financial administration has hedeived a great deal of attention. In 1919 for

the first time ho subsidy was heeded ffdHi the Imperial Goyernmeht, but. in ,

subsequent years owing to various administrative reforms it has been necessary

for an Imperial grant to be made, usually of about Yen 15,000,000, which


was the sum in ;1939. In the siphei,e,'Oi educ.aL.tiou-, jfoUowing on the- establish-

ment of elementary schools on Japanese lines throughout the country, consi-

derable advance has been made in the development of higher education,- cul-

minating in the opening.'of the Imperial University in Seoul in ,1928. In the

way -of communications, much has been done in ipfoviding telegraphic and

telephonic communication on modern lines, and highways now connect village

with village and town with town, the best roads being in the South. A net-

work of railways around the country is steadily moving towards completion.

First class roads are 24 feet wide, connecting the capital with the provincial

governments, second class roads are 18 feet wide, and run between the pro-

vincial governments and the ports and prefectural magistracies. The total

length of roads at the end of 1934, was 13,507 miles (first and second class, 7,081 miles;

third class, 6,426 miles, cart tracks are not included in this last figure). The total

length of railways at the end.of 1934 was 1,923 miles of Government Railway and 780

miles of private.

160; miles; (Fusan-Antung,

etc.) Waterworks have 590

beenmiles: Keijo-Kainei,

provided 520 miles: inTaiden-Mokpo,

by the Government Seoul and at

28 other places. The total population of Korea at the end of 1933 was 20,791,321 of

whom 20,205,591

(including Chinese)were Korean, 543,164, were Japanese and. 42,626 were foreigners-


The old city of Han-yang, better knpiwn to foreigners as Keijo-


min. N. lat.,or and


4 min.termE. for


and is lies in 37almost

situated deg. 30


the centre of the province of Keiki (Kyeng-ki), on the north side and

about thirty-five miles from the mouth of the river Han, which, since

the inclusion of the suburb of Ryuzan within the city limits, has become

its southern boundary. Formerly the city was surrounded by crenelated walls

of varying height, averaging about twenty feet, with arched stone bridges

spanning the water-course. Thb crumbling remains of these walls still cling

picturesquely to the hills at various points Outside the city, and two of the

largest gates, the South Big Gate (Nandaimon) and the East Big Gate (To-

daimon) have been preserved as monuments in situ. The modern city has-

overflowed to the river for over two miles beyond Nandaimon, Seoul Station,

the Severance Medical Missionary Hospital and an increasingly busy section

of the town lying south of this former boundary. The old city was divided’

into two nearly equal portions by a long main Street (the modern Shoro),

running east and west, the King’s Palace and more important public build-

ings being situated in the northern half, which was divided into east and


point quarters by _ a road

of intersection beingintersecting

marked byt}iea main streettheat Chong

pavilion, right-angles, the

Kak (J‘ Bell

Kiosk”), containing a large bell, about seven feet high.. This spot was re-

garded as the centre of the city, and from it a further road bore off to the

south and south-west, leading to the Nandaimon. All these roads have been

widened and improved, the present Nandaimon-dori being a fine highway

nearly 129 feet wide. The principal thoroughfare of the city now is the great

Taihei-dpri. running from the Nandaimon northward to the palatial build-

This ofthoroughfare

ings the Government-General,

intersects Shorosituated in front

somewhat of the

to the westoldofImperial

the old Palace.


and to the south of and parallel to Shoro another wide thoroughfare

driven from in front of the City Office on the Taihei-dori eastwards (Kogane- has been

maohi). About midway between this Kogane-machi and the Smith Gate along

the Nandaimon-dori there is a fine square, where stand the Central Post Office,

the Dai Ichi Ginko, the great Mitsukoshi Department Store and other im-

portant buildings- This is the Japanese shopping centre, many of the^


important Japanese firms of grpeers’- eatei-ei''sV ete.| fifiving1 feraneh^s in and

around Honmachi, the very typically Japanese shopping sti'eet-that branches

dE from this square. On the opposite side, MiiHing1’bTOlT‘to fifthwest

past the Chosen Hotel into Taihei-dori in front of the city Office, is another

broad thoroughfare, called Hasegawa-cho. In this; eeptral part of the city

the roads, public buildings and shops can bear favourable comparison with

any of the great towns of Japan proper. Many other roads have been made

and widened in different parts of the city, particularly in the vicinity of the

new Imperial University, which lies in the. north-east and was opened in May,

1926. The work of town-planning, the making of parks andtso- forth, is pur-

sued regularly each year, though somewhat hampered at present by lack of

funds. Lastly, mention must be made of the steep . hill pf Nansan, which


Pave set thethegreat

city Chosen

to' the south,


at whichupAma-terasu

the slope ofO-mikami,

which thetheJapanese


ancestress of the Japanese Imperial family, and the,. Emperor Meiji, founder

of modern Japan, are venerated as national guardian deities. This shrine is

approached by a magnificant flight of stone steps, and from- the terrace in

front of it a splendid panorrama of the city outspread below is obtained.

The population of the city was 382,491 at the end of 1933 of whom 270,590

were Korean, 106,782 Japanese, 4,688 Chinese, 188 American, 114 British, 72

Russian, 27 German, 24 French, 6 Swedish.


BANKS Brodessolles et Boutaint—367, Taihei-

Bank op Chosen, The—11, Nandaimon- cho, 2-chome, Keijo

dori, Keijo Chamber op Commerce and Industry of

Chosen Shogyo Ginko- 140, Nandaimon- Seoul—111, Hasegawa-cho ^

dori, 2-chome

Chosen Shokusan Ginko—140, Nandai- Christian

Publishers’'Literature Society

' khdJ Bo'bksellers' orKorea,

j Publishing

mon-dori, 2-chome Office of theMessenger"

“ Koreiv Mission

Dai-Ichi Ginko,Seoul

Ltd —9, Nandaimpn- “Christian — Teibph.Field,'


dori, 2-cihome, (Kokamon) ''

Z. Takeuchi, manager G.N. Bpnwick,,M.c.,

C. Whittemore,ptiblicatiqn

(on leave)secretary

T.S. Aoyagi,

Shinto, per pro.do.

manager Rev. W- M. Clark, d.d.„ editor and

actg. adm. secy.

Y. Ito, do. Rev. R. A, Hardie, m.d. I do.

Kanjo Ginko—14, Nandaimon-dori, Keijo

Yasuda Bank—41, Hon-cho CONSULATES

America — Teido, -10 ; Teleph. 772


Brien, Dr. D. H., Mining Engineer.— Consul—William R. Langdon

31, Takezoe-machi, 3-chome ; Cable Ad: Vice-Consul—Ralph Cory


British andTelepb.

Foreign BibEe Society- China—15, 2-chome, Hon-machi, Keijo-

92, Shore; 283 (KokamOn); Cable (Seoul)



Miller, secretary

Thomas Hobbs, assist, secretary France—30, Hamaguri-dori; Teleph. 977

(Kokamon); CableAd: Fransulat, Keijo-


Great Britain — Teleph. 30 (Kokamon); Nipponophone

cho, Keijo

Co., Ltd.—Ill, Hasegawa-

Cable Ad: Britain H. Phipps


Italy Nurupi Kozan Kabushiki Kaisha—.

H.B.M. Taiyudo; Cable Ad:

gen. Taiyudokozan


interests in charge of G. C. Cranor, mgr.

E. C. Mandley, mining supt.

G. A. Gow, milling supt.

Davidson, H. W., Merchant andTeleph.

Com- J.Olivier




mission Agent--18, Takezoe-cho; K. S. CharltOn, mining asst.

337; Cable Ad: Davidson; Codes:

6th edn., Bentley’s and Western Union A.B.C. M. T. O Regan, Ho!

H. W. Davidson T. Marrack, do.

Japan Steel Products Cb., Ltd.^HQ, I.O. Nordmark,

Soskice, drillerdo.

Hasegawa-cho, Keijo H. L. Dotson, milling assist.

F. J. Sauter, do.

J. L. Thomson, do,

Japan Tourist Bureau—^Fusan Railway A. McFarlane, prospecting

Station M. Harman, stores

Keijo Imperial University—(Faculty Plaisant FrEres, Exporters, Importers

and Bankers — 5, Horaicho, Lchome;

of R.LawL. and Literature)

Haworth, professor of English Teleph. 871; P.O. Box 35; Cable Ad:

E. Martel, do. French Plaisant;

Bentley’s Codes: A.B.C. 5th edn. and

S. Y. Tchirkim, do. Russian

Agents for

Metro-Goldwyn - Mayer Co., Ltd.— Messageries Maritimes

Teido; Cable Ad: Metrofilms

Missions EtrangEres de Paris — Meiji- Branch)—10,Rising Sun Petroleum Co., Ltd. 2-chome,

Nandaimon-dori, (Chosen

machi Keijo; Telephs. H. 1029, H. 265; P.O.

Vicariat de Seoul Box 65; Cable Ad: Petrosam

Eglise Cathedrale- A. , Larribeau, vicaire D. M. Heape, manager


apostolicjue FusanA. E.Installation

Fellowes | Miss A. Pederson

Rev. P. Yillemot,- pro-vicaire C. hi. Cheung,

Bumpyo Installation manager


Rev. G. Poyaud superieur A. Winterbottom, engineer-in-charge

Rev. P.D. Guinand,

Polly Seoul Club—Teleph. Kokamon 1025

Rev. E. Cbabot

Rev. B. Dourisboure

Rev. R. Collard jaev. x . x ernn ;Seoul Cable

Mining Co.—Nantei, Kokaido;

Rev. C. Bouillon Rev. L. Pichon

Rev. P. Bouyssou Rev. J. D.Ad: Suankinko,

Fraser, Nantei

gen. manager

Rev. A. Gombert Rev. J.J. Molimard

Lagarde “SeoulPress,’’Daily Newspaper in English


Rev. P.P. Melizan

Chizallet Rev. J.P. Colin

Rev. J. Jaugey, Rev. Barraux —Taihei-Dori,

Kokamon 400

1-chome No. 31; Teleph.

procureur Rev. C. Coyos A.

Rev. J. Bodin Frank Y. Kim,president

Tokizane, editor

Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd., Merchants Severance Union Medical College

—64, Kogane-cho, 1-chome; P.O. Box 15 (Nurses’ Training School)—115, Nandai-

mondori; Teleph. 4740 (Honky'oku);

Morris, J. H., Merchant—21, Teido Cable Ad: Severance

Rfyyresenting 0, dent

R- Avjson,

emeritusm.d., ll.d., presi-

American Mail Line

Dollar Steamship Line K. S. Oh, m.d., president

The D. B. Avison, m.d., d.p.h., vice-



Ld. Co. president 'k prof, of pediatrics

SEOUL '335

I.1 ' S. Yun, m. i). (Kyoto),' H. S.dean Lee, &m.b., assist, df^bibche-

■ ■ prof, of pathology mistry, & cih^JHistry,

Y. ( . Rhee,' m.d. (Tokyo), super- Y. T. Choi, m,b,,, lecturer;of hacte-

intendent & prof, of dermato- riology & hygiene

logy & genito-urology. S. K. Lee, profj lecturer; of phar-

A. Ludlow, m.d.,; niso.., prof.!of macology .

surgery Paul D. Ohqy, m.b., b.sc.med.,

M. U. Koh, m.d., prof. of.surgery m.d. (Tohoku), prof, of medical

Y. S. Lee, m.d., do. jurisprudence - '

Y. K Kang, m.d., assist, of surg. S. C. Choi, assist, of pathology

N. Found, m.d., prof, of internal E. M. Lawrence, r.n.

medicine M. B. Young, b.n.

S. H. Martin, m.d., prof, of E. L. Shields, r.n.

internal medicine N. Y. Nelson, r.n.

H. Y. Oh, m.d., m.d. (Kyoto), M. E. Rowland, r.n.

prof, of internal medicine C. A. Yee, r.n.

H. R. Yun, m.b., assist, of in-

ternal medicine

T. W. Yun, m.b., ch.b., prof, of Severance, Wholesale Medical Supply

Co,, Ltd. — 115, N andaiinon - dori, 5-

gynecology & obstetrics

C. H. Kim, m.d., assist.’ of gyne- choine ;

Dr. K. S. Oh, president

cology & obstetrics John F. Genso, managing director

T. H. Cho, m.b., assist, of gyneco-

logy & obstetrics

<0. I. McLaren, m.d.^ prof, of Singer Sewing Machine Co.—1-28, Teido;

psychiatry & neurology P.O.H. Box 24; Gable1 AdH.: Singer

H. Peck L. Beemer

C. C. Lee, m.b., instructor of M. Zuber I H. R. Crawford

psychiatry & neurology

C. R. Kim, m:B., assist, of

psychiatry & neurology

E. W. Anderson, m.d., prof, of Si'AItchome, NDAiiD - Vacuum Oil Co., — 178,

ophthalmology & otorhino- and 647 Gishu-dori; Telephs. 1269'

(Kokamon); P.O. Box a

laryngology , (Seidaimon); Cable Ad : Standvacf,

C. Y. Choi, m.b., instructor ot R. G. Ludlum

ophthalmology & ‘ otorhiuo- B. Hunt

laryndgology. L. C. Dennis

C. H. Kim, M.p., '.assist, of Miss U. Mouat-Biggs

ophthalmology' otorhino- Miss M. H. Bennett

. laryngology

J. L. Boots, D.D.S., prof, of Steward & Co., E. D., Importer, Whole-

dentistry sale, Retail and General

, Y. K. Lee, 'assist, of dentistry 345, Taihei-dori;

P.O. Box 19 Cable Ad.Merchants

: Steward-

Paul Chung- do.

T. S. Cho, m.b., assist, of pediatrics

L. K. Jung, technician of roento- Taikou Diocese

genology S. Taikou

G. Mgr. F. Demange, bishop of

M. H. Choi, m.d. (Kyoto), prof,

of anatomy

I. C. Chung, m.d. (Keijo), lec-

turer of anatomy Taylor & Co., W. W. (Proprietors of Old

M. S. Kim, M.S., PH.D., M.D., Hasesawa-cho, Curio Shop) —oppositeTaylor Chosen



(Kyoto Prov. Univ.), assist.- Teleph. 2183 (Honkyoku); P.O. Box 27;

prof. of physiology

S. Lee, m.d., m.d. (Kyoto), prof, Cable Ad: Taylorgawa

W. W. Taylor

of biochemistry & chemistry. A. W. Taylor


Agencies Thomsen &l Co., General Merchants and

States Steamship Company Shipping—Saito

P.O. Box 108;Building,

Cable Ad:Nandaimon-

American Express Co: (Shipping dori;



correspondents) Wallace, Peter—349, Taihei-dori, Keijo;

South British Insurance Co), P.O. Wallace

Box 16 ; Teleph. H. 3399 ; Cable

Wilkinson, Heywopd & Clark Ad:

Fox Eiga Kaisha

' u Underwood Typewriter Co. ; Yeijei Mines, Ltd.— 21, Teido, Keijo;

Estey Organ Co. Cable Ad: Morris


Oriental Consolidated Mining Co., The P. A. Lewis, shift boss (Tongkol)


Cable Ad:Ad:Pukchin,

Hokuchin, Chosen (Korea);

Hokuchin; Codes: A. P. Mihailov, do. (Tabowie)

Bentley’s, Moreing & Neil, A.B.C.New4th J. W. Gibson, do. do.

and 5th, A. and Western Union. John Morris, do. do.

York Office: 1-3 5 William Street E. Larsen, foreman, Tabowie Mill

J. B. Lower, gen. manager (Pukchin) (Tabowie)

V. P. Mihailov, shift boss (Tabowie)

M. R. Ariek, ass’t. gen. mgr. (Taracol) H. E. Harvey, do. do.

H. Cupp, supt. of mines, timber, P. J. MacCarthy, foreman Taracol

S.W.and fuel secy,

E.H.lijima, supplies

Aldridge, to genl.andm(Tabovvie)

mech. do.


Mine (Tabowie)

A. R. Reed, shift boss (Tabowie)

engr. (Taracol) K. D. Johnston, do. do.

E. L. Power, m.d., med. officer (Taracol) S. Blain, foreman Taracol Mill

D. W. Leeke, assays and metallurgical (Taracol)

P. O. Hunt, Fribute ore (Taracol)

F.F. research (Tabowie)

G.B. Shelnutt

Hodgson, Jr. cashier (Pukchin)


Geo. Hasselbach, shift boss (Tabowie)

C. D. Hatfield, do. (Taracol)

A. E. Deardorff, dump retreatment Mr. Orcutt, do. do.

Capt. E. S. Barstow, agent, Chinnam-


C. Evans, metallurgist and cyanide po. Chosen

Townsend & Co., agent, Chemulpo,

F.B. plant (Taracol) shift boss (Taracol)

A.P. Smith,

Thompson, do. do.


Leonard Birnie, correspondent, Kobe,

A. D. MacPherson, diamond drilling Japan

(Tabowie) A. Moir & Co., agent, London

T. F. McCoy, foreman, Tabowie Mines F. H. Seeley, correspondent, 930, de

(Tabowie) Young Bldg., San Francisco


$3 Che-mul-po

on theThiswestport,coastcalled by the(Korea),

of Chosen Japanesein the

Jinsen, and byof the

province Koreansat Inchon,

Kyongki, is situated

the entrance of the

Kan or Seoul River. Opened to foreign trade in 1883, Jinsen is now a flourishing and

rapidly increasing centre of trade, with a population in August 1935 of 76,433 (Koreans

*64,112, Japanese 12,321).

The annual trade of Jinsen in 1934 was valued at Yen 160,340,229.

There is a wet basin, with two lock gates at Entrance, which can now accom-


-going 8 vessels

vessels of 4,600 tons, and vessels can enter at all states of the tide. All ocean

from the port.lie outside Sho-Getsubito Island in the outer anchorage about three miles

It has been decided to construct a new basin a little to the south of and running

parallel with the present basin at a cost of Yen 10,000,000 which will accommodate

•cient touphandle

vessels to 10,000 tons. Surrounding the present basin are large warehouses sufli-

the trade.

The inner harbour is gradually being dredged to a depth of 26 feet 1. w.s.


Kaisha, Amagasaki of theKisen


Shosenand Kaisha, ChosenKisen

Shimatani YusenKaisha,

Kaisha,andKawasaki Kisen

some outside

steamers ply regularly between Japan and Korean ports on the East and West coasts,

and there are good services between Jinsen and Tsingtao, Weihaiwei, Chefoo, Chin-

nampo, Antung, and Dairen with an occasional vessel to Shanghai via Fusan.

Every effort is being made by the Government-General of Chosen to make Jinsen

the principal port in Chosen for the distribution of through freight and passengers to

all parts of the country. A network of railways have been and are being extended to

the N.W. and N.E. borders, with Seoul as the centre, and all the ports around the

•coast are being rapidly connected up with the trunk lines.


H ^ Kwang chang Meteorological Observatory of the

Rennett & Co., Merchants — Cable Ad: Government-General of Tyosen


Walter Geo. Bennett, signs the firm

H. Kimura

T. Yamaguchi Townsend

Teleph. 13;& Cable

Co., Ad:

General Merchants—


British Consulate Wm. MacConnell, partner

Consular Agent—W. Geo. Bennett A. C. Biddle, assistant

Oh amber of Commerce and Industry

(Japanese) Wolter & Co., Carl, Gomei Kaisha—

Imperial Customs Teleph. 79; P.O. Box. 3; Cable Ad:

Commissioner—M. Yoshioka Wolter

Hermann Henkel

Dock Master—vacant Paul Schirbaum

Appraiser—K. Hara H. Rieck


[Jj yfc Yuen-saw,

This por.tj situated on the north-eastern coast: of Ciiosen, iAdti. the. southern,

corner of the province

Vladivostoek. of South

It was opened Ham-kyong,

to Japanese tradeabout

on thehalfway

Lst May,between

1880, and Fusan and

to othbi

nations in November, 1883. It is called Gensan by the Japanese, Wonsanby the Koreans,

and Yuensan

was opened by the

to trade, Chinese. The native town has grown considerably, since the/port

9,645) in December 1933.andThe


town is abuilt


along' theof-52,563



of the bay, Japanese



are held itfiverunstimes


monthroadforwhich leadsof from

the' sale Seoul toproduce

agricultural the'Tumeb river. Markets

and foreign imports.


distantHouse fromisthesituated


the heart

The ofharbour

the former

is a foreign

good one,Settlements about

being; spacious,

easy of access, and well sheltered with excellent holding ground and convenient

depth of water.

Trade is carried

Vladivostock. on by regular

The exports consistlines of steamers

chiefly runningandtomining

of agricultural Japan, products,

Shanghai, rice,,


beans, cattle,

cotton dried fish, gold-dust,

and silk,manufactured goods,whale-flesh and shins.

cotton wadding, metals,Imports consist‘oil.chiefly

and kerosene .Aboutof


per cent, of the imports are cotton , goods. The business i,s mainly in Japanese


Chosen Yusen Kaisha, Steamship Owners Busing

Genzan Brewing Co. BumpyoSunNearPetroleum Co., Ltd.--

Gensan, Korea

A. PET.,


TECH. a.m.i, mech.e., a.m.i.

Kane Mitsu Brewing Co. (Sake) *

Maeda Iron Works Saw a i Iron and Shipbuilding Co.

Osaka ShoSen Kaisha

Standard-Vacuum Oil Company

The Osaka Mercantile Steamship Co.


Nakanoshima, Office: Cable'Ad:

Osaka; Osaka Shosen


K. Hbri, president Yoshida

OwnersTransportation Cq.,.Steamship


ill IS Fu-san

Pusan (or Pusan, as it is called by the native population) is the chief port of

Ahe south-eastern province of Chosen, and lies in lat. 35 deg. 6 min. 6 sec. N.

and long. nations

Western 129 deg. in3 min.

1883.2 sec.


It was opened

was intoDecember

Japanese 1933,


in 1876(Koreans

and to


native Japanese 51,031). The Japanese quarter is situated a little distance from the


and aopposite

twice dailytheservice



to Japan(Deer


combinedThe Seoul-Pusan

to make Pusan

a great centre of activity, and the volume of trade passing through the port has greatly

increased in recent years. Many public improvements are being carried out, including


he enlargement of theby waterworks,

with Japan the layingcable

a submarine telegraph out ofin new roads, 1883.

November, etc. Pusan

There was


12.6 miles of electric tramway in Pusan, including a line to the Torai hot-spring resort.

There are

by the Japanese. few European firms in the port; business is carried on principally


Rank of Chosen — 44, Daichocho; Fukuda Mata Shoten K.K., Hardware

Telephs. 4002-04 merchants—20, Hon-machi

Chosen Gas Denki Kaisha, Ltd. (Gas and Pusan Bussan Gumi, Shipping and

Electric Co.,)—se^Tomihira-cho, 3-chome Forwarding agents — 25, 4-chome,

G- Sakuma, director Ohkura-cho.

•Chosen Kanno. Shokai, Fertilizers—17, Pusan Chikko G.K.—,55, Tomihara-cho ;


Chosen Kogyo K.K., General Merchants Pusan

4012 Hotel—25, Ohkura-cho; Teleph.

—11, Ohkura-cho.

■Chosen Koy.it K.K., Oil Merchants- 37, Pusan Nipposha K.K., Newspaper—1,

Bentemcho; Teleph. 2001..


•Chosen Seiyaku K.K., Chemicals-9, Pusan Shogyo Ginko—10, Hon-machie

Lenten-cho Teleph. 4004

•Chosen Whippet Jidosha Shokai, Aulo- Pusan Shosen Gumi K.K., Shipping and

mohiles—7, Hon cho; Teleph. 817 Forwarding agents—22, Ohkura-cho

Dai Nippon Brewery K.K.—11, Hon cho; Pusan

Teleph. 757 Teleph.Station

4012 Hotel—4, Ohkura-cho;

Daini Shokai, Timber merchants—14, Koshia Shoten G.K., Coal merchants—

.Sakae-machi 25, Ohkura-cho.

340 F USA NT -M A S AMPO -M 0 KP 0

Mitsui IjUSS.vn Kaisha, Merchants Tanaka & Co., Y., Import and Export,.

Shipping and Insurance Agents —

JIisinu Sun Petroleum Co., Ltd. Telephs. 54 and5th,545;Imp.

Codes: A.B.C. CableandAd:6th,Tanaka;,


Sooony Vacuum Corporation Bentley, Duo,

andY. Private Scott’s,

Codes Western Union,

Tanaka, director

Suisan Kaisha, Ltd., Marine Products

Minami Hama-cho, 1 chome Tateishi Honten —25, Hon-cho

Takase Gomei Kaisha—12, Hoii-machi Texas Oil Co., Oil Merchants


if Uj ,B


December 1933was

wasopened to foreign22,242,

27,470 (Koreans tradeJapanese

on the 1st May, The

5,187). 1899.climate

The population in-

is very mild.

The harbour is good and in summer it serves as an excellent sea-bathing

superior accommodation of Fusan greatly interferes with the commercial expansionplace. The-

of Masampo.


jftg Tfc Molc.po

1897,Mokpo, which,oflike

in pursuance Chinnamt>o'of, the

a resolution ’vyasCouncil

openedof toState,


is atrade on the

seaport 1st province

in the October

of South Zenra and has an excellent harbour capable of providing anchorage accom-

modation for thirty or forty vessels of large tonnage. South Zenra is a great rice-

growing district

country, and and lies

Mokpo hasatthethereputation

mouth of,of abeing

river the

whichwealthiest provincethe inwhole

drains nearly the

province. Mokpo has undergone a great transformation since it was opened. In 1897

it consisted

houses of a fewupwards

now number nativeofhuts3,500surrounded by paddy according

and the population fields and mud

to theflats.


December 1933, was 53,165 (Koreans 44,535, Japanese 8,414). A sea-wall has been built

and a bund’road over a mile in length has been made.



Chamber of Commerce (Japanese)-' * Murakami & Co, Importers of Piece?


Chosen Cotton Trading Co.

Chosen Oil Refining Co. . Namboku Cotton Tradin'g .Co.

Hatano & Co.', Importers of Piece Goo is Ohta & Co., Export Merchants

Matshmae & Co., Importers of Piece Tomo & C6.;; Importers of Piece Goods


Meorita & Qp., Export Merchants Uchitani & Co., Export Merchants


M ffj IS Chin-nam-po

This port was opened to foreign trade on the 1st October, 1897, in pursuance of

a resolution passed by the Council of State. The port is situated on the north bank of

the Taitong inlet, about twenty miles from its mouth, in the extreme south-west of the-

province of Pyeng-yang. it is some forty miles distant by AVater from Ping-yang,,

which is a, place of considerable commercial activity. The railroad traffic between

Ping-yang and Chinnampo was started in Octpber, 1910, the distance Being 35 miles

The province is rich in agricultural and mineral wealth, the latter being now

developed by foreign enterprise.

The business of the port is increasing year by year, the rich hinterland holding

out good prospects for the future. The business community is entirely composed of

Japanese and Chinese. The population in December 1933 was 43.844 (37,906 Korean,.

5,448 Japanese).

The principal articles of export are rice, beans, wheat, maize, cow-hides and

timber, Of imports, cotton and silk piece goods, matches^ kerosene, porcelain, iron

and hardware deserve mention. The harbour of Chinnampo affords safe accom-

modation for a great number of vessels of the deepest draught and the largest-



Kunsan, one of tlie ports opened to foreign trade on the 1st May, 1899, is

situated at the mouth of the Yong Dang River, about halfway between Chemulpo

.and Mokpo in a rich agricultural district. The principal articles of export

are rice, wheat, beans, different kinds of medicines, ox-hides, grasscloth, paper,

bamboo articles, fans (both open and folding), screens and mats, beche de mer, dried

awabi, with various kinds of fish and seaweed. Among import goods, shirtings, lawns,

cotton yarn, matches, kerosene oil, etc., had already found their way to the port prior

to its opening for distribution to different markets.' Rice is largely exported frbm

Kunsan, and Japanese fanners have been attracted in considerable numbers to this

neighbourhood The population was estimated at 35,999 (Korean 26,508, Japanese 9,106)

vin December 1933.


This port is situated on the north-eastern co

.North Kankyo (Ham-Kyong) of . which it is the principal port, about 200

nautical miles from Gensan. It, was opened to foreign trade in 1899. It is

becoming an important place of calj for all steamers engaged in the coastal

trade, and a regular service, plies between the port and Tsuruga, via Gensan.

There is a railway connecting with Kaijiei (Hoilyong), a town on the north

frontier, and a small line to-the capital of the province. The line connecting the

ports of Seishin and Yuki on the N;E< coast with Tumen. the growing city just across

the frontier, providinga new' route from Japan to Hsinking via-(Kirin), was opened

on 1st September, 1933, and shortly afterwards handed over to the South Manchuria

Railway Company. The new route is shorter by 393 miles ;than the regular route

from Japan to Hsinking via Dairen, the sea trip in the latter case being 364 miles

longer. The exports chiefly consist 6f beanSj, cowhides, hemp cloth and beche de mgr,

whilst cotton goods, kerosene oil, ironware and matches* form the principal items of


The population in December, 1933 was 37,030 (Korean 26,979, Japanese 9,358).

Classified. List of Agercts, MercKcuiis


arid flarinfacteivers in this

territory, also a List of Cable

Addresses, will be foartd at the

Lad of the Directory. Classified

List of Far Lastern Engineering

Firms follows Fong Fong.

North China




China Travel Service


Head Office: 420 Szechuen Road

Phone 13450 Cable Address " TKAVELBANK ”


Branch Offices:

Address Phone Gable Address

Shanghai Cr. Bubbling Well & Yates Roads 35665 “Travelbank”

121 Boulevard de Montigny 85886 “Travelbank”

Cr. North Szechuen & Boone Roads 41115 “Travelbank”

Wing On Building 94676 “Travelbank”

Cr. Yu Yuen & Bubbling Well Roads 34343 “Travelbank”

Cr. Tiendong & North Szechuen Rds. 13450 “Travelbank”

Hsia Kuan . 41839 “ 2464

Hsin Chieh Kow 23458 “ 2464

10 Hsi Chiao Ming Hsiang S.1200 “Travelbank”


60 Hu Ping Road 3500 2464

6 Main Road off East Gate 8 “ 2464

100 Rue Pasteur . 30980,30915 “ 2464

Kiang Han Road 21421 0794

165 Chungshan Road 4911 “Travelbank”

130 Second Main Road 1032 “Travelbank”

Yuen Chien

37 Chiyoda Dori ““Travelbank”

“ 2464


Main Road .

Cine Fu Road

Er. Tao Chieh “

““ 0006 2464 ”

Cr. 2464

175 Ping-Kiang & Bung-Pu

Dai Dong Road . Roads 2464

Tung Zing Chieh ““ 2189


Kung Yuan Roa l “ 0328


ChanLou Chieh .

Chieh 432 “ 0794

126 Kuan Chien Chieh 2055 “ 5887

Hon Pa Lou 369 ““ 07942464 ”


East Street West Gate ““ 2464

Shanghai 5887

East MainBankStreetBuilding “ 2464 ”

“ 2464 ”

2157 Tai

Fah Ping


ChiehSouth “ 4357 ”

* 20 South Main Street “ 5887

Lot No. 37 . “Travelbank”


Wu KingRoad

Road . “Coiusavbank”


349 NorthBridge

44 South BridgeRoad

Road “Traservice”



6 Queen’s Road Central

Tel. No. 31116

Cables:-11 TRA VELBANK"

Enquiry Office174 Des Voeux Road Tel. No. 31626

<■ H I N \


The Editor of “The Directory and

Chronicle of the Far East " wishes to

acknowledge the use freely made in these

introductions of the excellent Report

for 1934 on the Foreign Trade of China

by Mr. H. G. MacEwan, the officiating

Statistical Secretary of the Chinese

Maritime Customs.


policy of theofPresident

both Houses andduring 1913 were

his Cabinet, anddistinguished

by the languid by .violent


showp on the

in the

serious business of the .legislature. .Very frequently one House or the other was

unhble to sit because a quorum of members had not put in an.appearance.

towards the President found further expression in a new revolution, which broke'out Moatility


the province of Kiangsi

at Shanghai, Nanking and and


a few other points to Kwangtung,

in the Yangtsze involving’'



Shih-kai.” Within a couple of months this movement was effectually suppressed byYuan

avowed purpose of the revolution being to organise an expedition “ to punish the-


the Government,

refugees and Yat-sen.

was Dr. Sun the leadingThereupon

spirits of the

the revolution

President andfled his

the Cabinet

country. showed


greater determination- to, secure .mpre,.effective scontrol oypr,,the provinces.

thing to be done was to confirm the President in his office,, and Parliament, evidently, The first

impressed by the confidence the country had shown in him during

elected him President of the Republic for the next five years, and Li Yuan-hung, whothe late, troubles,,

sinc’e .theVice-President.

elfeCted first Revolution Hardly

had remained in command

a. month-had elapsedof since

the troops at Wuchang,

his election before wasthe

China Travel Service


Head Office: 420 Szechuen Road

Phone 134:50 Cable Address “ TRAVELBANK ”

ivmguwa. c, x au x ue»n . Z404 ”

Canton 21 Tai Ping Road, South 10880 “ 4357


Ruling 20 South Main

Lot No. 37 . Street *• 5887 .”

Mokanshan 367 Wu King Road . “Travelbank”

Singapore 82 Robinson Road 5248 “Comsavbank”

„ 349 North Bridge Road “Traservice”

„ 44 South Bridge Road “Traservice”



6 Queen’s Road Central

Tel. No. 31116

Cables:-" TRA VELBANK"

Enquiry Office:—174 Des Voeux Road Tel. No. 31626

(’ II I X A

in theChina—by.a

Sun Yatfollowing

revolution, the origin

Sen, the pages—decided

! hypublican leader in 1912 and progresstheofRepublican

who towasadopt

which willform

appointed first President

be found described

ofof government.

the Republic

orby Yuan


Shih-kai OnGovernment

receiving fromset uphimatsatisfactory

Nanking, resigned

assurances theregarding



views in support of the Republic. Yuan Shih-kai was unanimously

Yat-sen retired from politics to devote his energies to economic projects, and especially elected, and Sun

to the development of a scheme for covering the country with a network of railways.


when, Shi-kai

the two continued

Houses of toParliament

servh as “Provisional

having in thePresident”

meantime until been October

set up, he10th, Was 1913,



wereThe Boards of Government

reconstituted in 1900, whenor the Ministries remain,

first steps werewithtakensometowards

few changes, as they


government and a reform of the, .official, system. There are eleven Ministries which


Government, formahdns

the Executive

composed Yuan, but the Stateof Council

of representatives is the highest

the Executive, organ of the



shek) is virtually and Control

PresidentYuan.of the The President Provincial

Government. of the StateCouncilsCouncilwere :( Chiang Kai-


in October, 1909, and a National Assembly came into existence on October 3rd, 1910.

Its duties were purely consultative, the actual government regaining in the hands of

the officials. The intention had been to grant a full Parliament of two chambers in

1917, the intervening years being devoted to preparations for the, change but, in


unanimousto repeated

vote of memorials

the Nationalfrom Assembly,

the Provincial

the Councils,

period was supported

shortened finally

by by


years. The full Parliament came into existence in 1913, being inaugurateef on April


Both Chambers were dominated by an ultra-Republican majority, which showed59fi.

The Senate consisted of 274 members and the House of Representatives of'


attitude of hostility

the inauguration of theto the Presidentbecause

Parliament, from the(so outset. The President

it was reported) it had beendid notintimated



andbehalf of the predominant

the Chambers went so far partyin their

that hediscourtesy

would beaswelcomed

to refuseonly as a spectator,

to allow his Chief

Secretary to read to the House a Message. congratulating the Parliament upon its

inauguration. After, spending two or three months in framing rules for the Parlia-

ment, the ipembers

proceedings bothbyHou^s a majority voted

1913 themselves a yearly bysalary of $4,000 each.on The

policy of theofPresident andduring

his Cabinet, were


by the' languid , violent

interestattacksshown in the the

serious business of the .legislature. Very frequently ,,one. Hogse

unable to sit because, a quorum of members had not put in an,appearance. . Hostility or the other was

towards the President found further expression in a new revolution, which broke’out


the province of Kiangsi

at Shanghai, and and


a fewtosouthwafd to Kwatigtun^, ipyolying Some

avowed purpose of theNanking

revolution'being other

organisepoints in the Yangtsze

an expedition “ to punishValley,Yuan



Central Within

Government, a couple of months

and Yat-sen. this

the leadingThereupon movement

spirits of the was effectually suppressed by the

the refugees was Dr. Sun the revolution

President and fled his

the Cabinet

country.showed Amonga

greater determination-fo, secure mpre^eifectiye control oyer, the provinces,

thing to be done was to confirm the Presidept in,his’ office, and , Parliament, evidently The first


elected himbyPresident

the confidence the country

of the Republic for thehadnext



him during

and Li the late troubles,,

Yuan-hung,, who



first Revolution Hardlyhad remahhcl

a. monfhin hadcommand

elapsedof since

the troops at, Wuchang,

his election before was,



President startled the country by the issue

Parliament of all members who had been identified of a mandate ordering the expulsion

with theKuomingtang, from

the political \

party which had promoted the abortive revolution. This

obeyed, and the result of it was that Parliament was unable to sit for theorder was instantly

remainder of the year, as without some of these members it was impossible to

form a quorum in either House. Altogether 313 members were expelled, and

the party was suppressed as a seditious organisation throughout the country.

Notwithstanding these drastic measures the President continued to proclaim

his faith in the future of China under a Republican form of government. His

views were aptly summed up in his own phrase: “The nurse must not provide j

the infant with food only fit for adults.” Thus it was that China became

for a period of two years an autocracy under the guise of a Republic. A State 1

-Cotincil, consisting, of 70 members, replaced the suppressed Parliament. It was I

supposed to act as an advisory, administrative and legislative, organ until the !|

formation of the new Parliament under the Constitutional Compact, but its

chief function was to give a veneer of legality to the policy of the President.

All it did was to. endorse his every action, even to the mad Monarchy Move- |


The sudden death of Yuan Shih-kai and the collapse of the ill-starred

attempt to restore the monarchical form of Government revived Republicanism.

LiT Yuan-hung, on the death of Yuan Shih-kai, quietly became President. He

w as officially confirmed in the appointment by a re-assembly of the first Parlia-

ment,. The Cabinet was soon afterwards approved by Parliament, and a con-

stitution was drafted which was disliked by the Premier and the military

chiefs by reason of the fact that it placed all authority in the hands of Par-

liament. This led to a rupture which resulted in Li Yuan-hung being com-

pelled to dissolve Parliament at the instigation of the militarists. Then fol-

lowed, in 1916, Chang Hsun’s mad attempt to restore the Manchu Dynasty.

He was over-thrown by Marshal Tuan Chi-jui after which Feng Kuo-chaug,

the Vice-President assumed the Presidency as Li Yuan-hung declined to com-

plete his term. The second election of a President took place in October, 1918,

when Hsu Shih-chang was unanimously chosen. He retired in June, 1922, and

Li Yuan-hung w^as induced to return as acting President by promises of support

for his programme of reform from the Tuchuns. Twelve months later, however*

he fled from Peking owdng to pressure exerted by the militarists. He was

succeeded by Marshal Tsao Kun, who was elected on October 5th, 1923, by a

Parliament, the members of which were openly bribed to vote for him. He

was driven out of the Presidential chair in November, 1923, on the collapse

of Wu Pei-fu’s forces, owing to the defection of Feng Yu-hsiang, who utilised

his troops to seize-the capital instead of marching to Jehol to outflank the

forces of Chang Tso-lin. Tuan Chi-jui was then invited by most of the leading

military and civil leaders to become the Provisional Chief Executive and

accepted. For the next three years there was no Government worthy of the

name in China. Marshal Chang Tso-lin was virtual dictator in Peping, hut

North and iSouth were at war and the whole country was in a state of chaos

owing to the rival claims of many military leaders. In June, 1928, Peiping

was captured by the Nationalists, and in October—on the anniversary of the

Revolution—Chiang Kai-shek was proclaimed President of the Republic. In

January, 1929, the Nationalist flag was hoisted at Mukden and other important

centres, signifying that the Northerners had at last decided to co-operate with

their former enemies in the South. Nanking is now the capital of China.

Area and Population

China nroper, extendins over 1,335,841 square miles, is divided into eighteen


obtain anConsiderable trouble

estimate of the and careofhas

population been! taken

China. by the

Recourse wasPostal

had toAdministration

the assistance

ofa close

the provincial officials, which in most cases was willingly accorded.

approximation to actual figures. The footnote will show the limitationsBelow is given


have so far been imposed to a full record of the outlying districts:—


Province Population Province Population

Manchuria - - - - 19,290,000 Kiangsu

Chekiang -- -- -- -- 20,632,701


Hopeh 27,952,932* Fukien ----- 12,157,741

Shantung - - - - 38,000,000 Kwangtung - - - 30,000,000

Szechuen - - - - 76,613,000 Kwangsi - - - - 12,258,580

Hunan 31,591,211 Yunnan - - - - 11,020,607


Kiangsi 26,105,969+

24,467,000 Other Provinces - - 55,000,000

Anhwei ----- 21,715,396 Total - - 438,933,373

* Not including Tientsin. +Not including Hankow

The total number of foreigners in China v s given in 1931 as 370,393 made up as-


Nationality. Firms. Persons. Nationality. Firms. Persons.

American - - - 55915 8,637 7,249 260,621

Austrian - - Mexican

245 Norwegian

Belgian - - 22 546

13,344 Polish - -

British - - - 1,021 150 2,368

Czechoslovaks 276 Portugese

650 Russian 1,104 66,479


Dutch - - - - 70089 Spanish 334



French - 197 8,651 Swedish

Swiss - - - - 309


German '340 3,444

755 Other Countries

Italian - Total

The principal dependencies of China have been Mongolia, with an area of 1,288,035

square miles, and some 2,000,000 people; and Manchuria, with an area of 363,00' >

square miles,

asserted and an estimated

her independence populationsovereignty,

of Chinese of 13,700,000.

• and Outer Mongolia

obtained the informal


recognition of Russia, but under the Russo-Chinese Treaty concluded in 1915-

the suzerainty of China, was recognised and the autonomy of Outer Mongolia

agreed to. Towards the end of 1919 Outer Mongolia petitioned to return to the

authority of Peiping. The petition was granted, and the several treaties with Russia

were abrogated. Conditions in Outer Mongolia, however, have been by no

means stabilised by the ostensible return of Mongolia to China's fold. The

invasion of Baron Ungern von Sternberg with an anti-Bolshevik army in Feb-

ruary, 1921, caused the intervention of Soviet Russia, whose troops, having

dislodged Ungern’s men, entered into possession of Urga, the capital of Mon-

golia, and the Territory stretching up to the Russian frontier. Inner Mon-

golia has been formed into three special administrative districts, viz., Jehoi,

Chahar and Suiyuan. Manchuria or Manchukuo as she is now sometimes

called has in recent years, been steadily and rapidly colonised by Japanese,

who greatly outnumber the Manchus in their own land. In 1932, she asserted

her independence, under Japanese protection, but so far she has not been re-

cognised by any other Nations with the exception of San Salvador. Tibet—

which is alsb practically a dependency of China and whose actual status is.

still an outstanding question between Great Britain and China—has an areal

of 643,734 square miles and a population of over 6,000,000. Down to ; 1910 it'

was ruled by the late Dalai Lama, but subject to the Government hf Pei-

ping, which maintains a Resident at Lhassa. In consequence, however, of the

Dalai Lama’s refusal to comply with the demands' of Peiping, a Chinese’

military expedition was dispatched to Lhassa, and he fled to India, where he,

remaiheii for oyer a year. Meanwhile, the great revolution broke out in .China.

The Tibetans seized the opportunity to proclaim their independence, and again

a military expedition was sent to Tibet, but more conciliatory methods had

to be adopted. The Chinese troops .were withdrawn and the Dalai Lama re-


turned to the Tibetan Capital. The- tripartite conference at Simla in 1914

to determfne the status of Tibet arid'delimit the b’oti.hdari'es ended in failure,

no agreement being arrival at. The Dalai Lama visited Peiping in 19&1 and

v,-as received in budience b> President Hsu Shih-chang.

I'oriEiGX Thade ix r.nj:

In his review of the trade foi*'19S4, Mr. H. ‘C. MacEtvan, the'officiating

Statistical Secretary of the.Chinese Maritime Customs, v.:rites:— 1

Value of Trade

The two tables' that follow 'show, respectively, the value of China’s

foreign trade for the years 1930 to 1934 as published in the Returns (the figures,

where necessary, being reduced to terms of the new Chinese silver dollar

currency introduced in. 1933) and the value of that trade for the same four

years after deduction of the figures for the Manchurian account with foreign

countries during, the years 1930 to 1932. In. explanation of the necessity for.

, giving these two separate tables, it may be as well to repeat here that it was

during the latter year that China lost Control of the section of her foreign trade

conducted through the ports in Manchuria, including the great port of Dairen

in that part of Manchuria known as the Kwangtung Leased Territory. The

first table, therefore, is a record of the whole value of the foreign trade con-

trolled by the National Government during the years in question, while the

second table gives comparable data for a study of the trend of trade in the

portion of China now actually controlled by the Government.

I.—Value of the Foreign Trade of China, 1930-1934

1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 .

Million $ Million $ Million 3 Million 3 Million $

Net Imports - 2,041 2,234 1,634- 1,345 1,030

Exports - - - 1,394 1,416 768 612 535

Total - - 3,435 3,650 '2,402 1,957 1,565

Excess of Imports - 647 618 866 733 495

II.—Value of the Foreign Trade of China less the

Manchurian trade with abroad, 1930-1934

1930 1931 1932 1933 1934

Million $ Million 3 Million 3 Million $ Million 3

Net Imports - 1,723 ,2,002 1,524 1,345 1,030

Exports- - - 944 915 569 612 535

Total - - 2,667 2,917 2,093 1,957 1,565

Excess of Imports - 779 1,087 955 733 495

At the end of the Great War, as is well known, there was a widespread

shortage of foodstuffs and raw materials such as China supplies, and, because

of this shortage, world production started to increase. This increase in

production was accompanied by a growth in prosperity, culminating after certain

vicissitudes, in the boom years for international commerce of 1925 to 1929,

after which came the downward trend (due. in part, to the very growth in production

that was the original cause of the unusual prosperity) leading to the greatest

depression in trade that the world has ever known. In this connexion, it is

generally held that the depression did nbt begin to affect China until the-end

of 1931 or the beginning of 15132. However that may be, it Can be

•seen that the declirie which has ; taken place since. 1,929 . is sufficiently

serious, rind, even if it be acknowledged that present comparisons are-ajit to


look worse in face of the unusually large ^fejitistics recorded for the boom years,

little real comfort can be derived from the fact that the import trade is still

greater than it was up to the year 1920 or from the fact that the export trade

still compares well enough! with that for the period 1910 to 1918.

A noticeable fact brought out by the year’s figures, perhaps the only one

to induce at least a restrained feeling of optimism as to the, future, was the

further decline in the adverse balance of the merchandise account. The worst

balance ever recorded for the country (minus the Manchurian Account): was

that shown for 1931 in Table II above; but, from this maximum of $1;087

million, it will be seen that successive annual reductions of $132 million, $222

million, and $238 million have been recorded. In other words, the passive

balance has been reduced by more than, half over a period of only three years.

Whether this reflects the restrictive effect on imports of the higher tariffs, the

limiting effects of poverty, or both, the resultant improvement in the account

represents a theoretical enrichment of the country to the extent of the amount

saved on balance over the period in question. Although the disparity between

imports and exports during the year under review is shown in the table as

$495 million, properly speaking this gap should be reduced by the' following

amounts: $24.7 million of export duty, which should be added to the outward

statistics to obtain the true f.o.b. value of the export trade; a further $51.6

million for the value of the recorded net exports of gold, this metal being

used in this country merely as a commodity ; and, probably, by a large

proportion of the suspiciously regarded exports of gold from Hongkong,

valued for the year under comment at Hongkong $69.9 million (the colony

records imports of gold amounting to only $13.7 million from countries other

than China, and none from China itself).

Direction of Trade

The following table shows the? direction of China’s foreign trade for 1933

and 1934 and her balanqe of trade in merchandise with each of the countries

listed for the year under review: —

The Direction of China1s Foreign Trade

In thousands of Standard dollars (000 omitted)

ConiiTKT. 1934. Excess of

St. $ percent' Imports. Exports.




British India..

Canada 72,23,3,270063647


Denmark 2,182


France Indo-China 73,254

French 32,3,427113 36,700


Great Britain.. 107,

153,44,165745357 74,74,704237


Italy 120, 7 29 19.

5,154 0.84 6,7527 3

Macao 17,95,684100 16.66 81,15,263187



NNeworwayZealandIndia 1.32 56,372

Philippine Islands 61,992


Sweden& F.M.S. 14,12,240930

Switzerland ..


II.S.S.R. (Russia) 296,11,21,169013635 176,2,987289

Other Countries 55,861 56,784 12,539

Total 1,029,665 100.00 611,828 100.00 635,214 100.00 494,451


The United States of America, Japan and Great Britain, with respective

aggregates for their imports and exports of $365.6'millioh, $207.6 million, and

$174& million, M ere the countries" Traving the most important trading rela-


order with China during

of importance the countiies

of these year underin review, and import

both the it will and

he seenthe that the


columns of the table inserted above was the same as that just given for the


position ofvalueHongkong

of the inward

has beenanddisregarded

the outwardinsections of their trade.

the foregoing remarks.The

Actually, in its capacity as a transhipment centre, this colony as usual took

more of the export trade than any of the other countries mentioned. In

view of the’23 per cent. ■ dedine: recorded for the value of the whole inward

trade of the country, it is .not -surprising ■, to find decreases-ifor the inward

trade, recorded also against almost every individual country listed: in the

table. The percentage column, therefore, is more informative in many re-

spects; than the. value column, as it discounts this general decline in the

volume, of importations and reveals exactly any alteration in the share taken

by any particular country in comparison with the preceding year. There

are few changes on the import side of the table that seem important enough

to call for special comment. As exceptions, attention may be drawn in the

first place to the great disparity between the 1933 and the 1934- statistics for

Australia. The deficit of $74.8 million in this case clearly is more than ac-

counted for by a $66.7 million drop in the value of the wheat import plus a

drop of another $9.8 million in the value of the wheat flour imports from that

country. It may be noted here that China’s total purchases of wheat fell

from a value of $87.9 million in 1933 to $32 million in 1934, aaid that of the

latter total 20.8 million dollars’ worth came from the United1 ^States in ful-

filment, for the most part, of the Wheat and Cotton Loan Agreement of 1933.

Incidentally, these wheat purchases were a clear ! gain to the account of the

United States of America, from which country only a negligible quantity

weighing 500 quintals was imported in 1933 against 8.4 million quintals

from Australia. In addition to the remarks on these two accounts, it may

be noted that, largely due to Government action in suppressing the Anti-

Japanese Boycott Associations throughout the country, Japan increased her

share of the import trade by oirer 26 per cent, and dispossessed Great Britain

from second place in the list of suppliers of this country’s; needs.

As regards the export side of the table, it may be noted that there are

only eight countries (excluding the British colony of Hongkong) that take

more than they give to China, and that France is no longer one of these.

Smaller purchases of Chinese white and yellow silk, groundnuts, and egg


As - Were

already morethethanUnited

stated, sufficient'

States,to alter the and

Japan,, balance of this

Great latterwere

Britain account.


principal support of the Chinesefiexporjb trade. Of these countries, however,-



both ofwasthetheother

only countries

one to increase

not onlyherbuying


less during

than inthetheyearprevious


year but taking a sthaller proportionate share of the total outward trade .


The value of the iihport trade declined by 23.4 per cent.,; the comparative

figures for 1933 and 1934 being respectively $1,345 million and $1,030 million.

Table III in the article “Value of Trade” supplies data for making any

further comparisons with the annual trading results during the past quarter

of a century ; and the introductory chapter to this report covers at least the

outstanding national and international trading features of the year under

review, including mention of the latest tariff modifications introduced in this

country. To show T this section of trade in outline, therefore, it will be sufficient

to present here tw o additional tables of. a general nature. The first of these

tables displays comparative statistics for the year 1933 and 1934 arranged

according to the main groupings used in the “Monthly Returns of the Foreign

Trade of China” and further arranged according to the order of importance

assumed by these groupings during the year under rhview.


^et Import* from Abroad, 1931 and 10oJf.

According to,the groupings in the Monthly Returns, and in the order

of .their monetary importance during 1934.

1933. 1934;

t . : St. f St. -f

’■Cotton and Manufactures thereof 10.408,619' - 126^221,595

Cereals and Flour ... ... ... ... ' 275,025,790 112,229,513

Candles, Soap, Oils, Fats, Waxes, Gums and

Resins I67,488,50f7 108,470,242

Metals and Ores ' 97,066,538 99,037,848

Machinery and Tools. 43,178,244 59,351,553

■General Sundry List 52,098,742 55,670,665

Miscellaneous Metal Manufactures 73,609,447 53,946,332

Books, Maps, Paper and Wood Pulp 55,895,532 49,567,669

-Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals 51,'383,310 41,641,343

Dyes, Pigments, Paints and Varnishes 40,126,727 38,833,077

Vehicles and Vessels 36,311,562 37,016,402

Wool, and Manufactures thereof 33,550,475 35,746,165

Timber 37.313,785 34,245,067

Tobacco 29,643,711 33,990,227

Sugar 42,026,412 . , 32,463,941

Fishery and Sea Products , ; 22,531,856: ,, 18,129,624


Coal, Products,

PitchCanned Goods,...and Groceries ... ’ 15,064,990

and Tar 2.3,417,404 13,613,036


Flax, Ramie, Hemp, Jute, and Manufactures

thereof 10,981,404 11,510,445

Wood, Bamboos, Rattans, Coir, Straw, and

Manufactures thereof 11,564,643 10,158,719

Medicinal Substances and Spices 9,054,256 9,028,664

Silk (including Artificial Silk) and Manu-

factures thereof ... 13,738,245 7,525,655

Fruits, Seeds and VegetablesT 7,640,532 7,340,199

Chinaware, Enamelledware, Glass, etc. ... ... 8;439,957 6,934,069

Hides, Leather and other Animal Substances 7,267,500 6.099,431

Stone, Earth, and Manufactures thereof 7,960.241 5,530,729

Wines, Beer, Spirits, Table Waters, etc. ... ... 3,780,753 3,243,451

Total $1,345,567,188 $1,029,665,224

, The value of the export trade fell from $612 million in 1933 In $535 million

in the year under review, a total which is exactly half of that registered in

1929 as a record for the post-war boom in the outward trade. It should be

noted, however, that the figures for 1929 were indeed an all-time record

established just before the tragic depression in world gonunerce pet in, and

it would be a great mistake, therefore, to regard the above results as being

due entirely or even chiefly to disabilities inherent in this country’s internal

situation, as the poor showing made by the figures for 1934 cannot be dissociated

from the difficulties of an economic situation universally existent .at the present

time. In the absence of any appreciable improvement in the international

trade of the rest of the world, China’s quantitative statistic? for the year are

quite impressive, and the slightly lower value statistics are no indication that

the country is failing to adjust itself to the changed conditions under which

trade has to be conducted to-day, rather the reverse. It is on the present

highly competitive price-level that results quoted according to value should

be judged, and it is not with past records for this country,, but with the

•disappointing outcome of the year’s international commerce) in the rest of the

world that they should be compared.


The outward trade was greatly assisted by the general reduction in the

Export Tariff rates referred to in the introduction to this report; and another

favourable factor was the unusually strong demand for certain produce owing,

to the failure of similar or cotrelated crops abroad, particularly oil seeds and

foodstuffs for cattle. On the other hand, this section of trade was handicapped

by the great drought in China, financial stringency caused by the exodus of

silver towards the end of the year, and certain other internal troubles. f rom

which the country has not yet had time to recover.

The following table displays comparative statistics for the value of the

export trade during the past two years, arranged according to the groupings

used in the “Monthly . Returns of the Foreign Trade of China,” and further

arranged according to the order of importance assumed by these groupings

during the year under review : —

Exports Abroad, 1933 and 1934.

According to the groupings in the Monthly Returns, and in the order

of their monetary importance during 1934.

1933. 1934.

St. $ St: $

Animals and Animal Products (not including Hides,

Leather, and Skins (Furs), and Fishery and

Sea Products) , ... 77,306,603 77,866,525

Textile Fibres 114,051,700 74,760,986:

Yarn, Thread, Plaited and Knitted Goods • 63,813,843 54,319,562

Tea 7.. ... 34,210,037 36,093,549

Oil, Tallpw and Wax 37,048,115 31,664,689'

Piece Goods ... .; 47,28(3,716 30,763,291

Ores, Metals and Metallic Products 32,366,436 30,737,274

Sundry List ... 28,751,818 29,648,705

Hides, Leather, and1 Skins (Furs) ... 31,920,324 29,107,646

Seeds ... ... ... .1. 32,014,206

Cereals and Cereal Products ... ... ... 18,236,265

Medicinal Substances and Spices (not including :

Chemicals)... ... :.. . ... 10,449,134 10,095,743:

Tobacco , ... 6,897,871 9.431.109

Other Textilte Products ... 10,508,996

Vegetables ... .^ ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 9,774,288 9,343,161

Fruits, Fresh, Dried, and Preserved 8,679,557 8,953,514

Fuel ... 6,658,099 8,205,035

Beans and Peas 4,790,555 6,953.770

Other Vegetable Products 7,342,489 6,370,764

Chemicals and Chemical Products 6,267,820

Paper 6,115,232 5,118,681

Stone, Earth, Sand and Manufactures thereof (includ-

ing Chinaware and Eharnelledware) 3,500,819 3,160,329

Fishery and Sea Products ... ... ... 3,063,981 3,074,541

Bamboo 2,325,876

Printed Matter 3,122,151 2,496,2!

Dyestuffs, Vegetable 1,886,319 2.290,499

Timber. Wood, and. Manufactures thereof ... 2,193,994 1,692,253'

Spirituous Beverages •• ... ... 306,842 816,192 1,664,981

Glass and Glassware 312,739

Rattan ... ... ... 95,141 116,305

Sugar 215,557 13,814

Total ....... ...fell,827,9p0 $535,214,270


,Oi the jtotal,jlps^ in vP.und figures of $77 million: (representing a. decline

d 12.6 pernq§nt,j) anpi'e th,an half, or $39.3 million, can bo placed against the

.account for textile, fibres, wnich contributed debits of . $28.7 million against,

raw silk and $15, million against raw cotton, fortunately offset to .some extent,

by improved figures for, ramie, hemp, goqhs’. hair, fly, cotton.. cotton waste, and

sheep’s wool. Other important losses occurred under the headings of cotton

piece, goods , ($10.8 million), cotton yarn ($8.7 million), groundnuts and

groundnut products ($6.5 million), eggs and egg products ($6.2 million'), tin

( $6.1 million), silk piece goods ($4.3 million)', and wood/ oil ($4 million).

From the above table it will be seen that, althbugh increases in value tvere

recorded against.puitg. gTnumber of the groups, in no cases were such increases,

of noteworthy extent.

Shipping and Freight in 1934.

The following statistics for the years 1932-34, taken from the British

‘Board of Trade Journal” and the London “Economist,” indicate a recovery

in the shipbuilding industry thoughout the world and an increase in traffic

through the Suez and Panama Canals: —

1932 1933 .1934

Million Tons. Million Tons Million Tom

Mercantile shipping launched ... •... .. 0.7 0.5 1.0

Mercantile shipping under construction... 0.8 0.8 1.3

Mercantile shipping using Suez Canal ... 27.2 29.4 30.6

Mercantile shipping using Panama Canal 22.6 25.3 29.0

As compared with the figures for 1933, therefore, there was a 100 per cent,

increase in new tonnage launched, a 63 per cent, increase in tonnage under

construction at the end of the year under review, a 4 per cent, increase in

tonnage using the Suez Canal, and a 15 per cent, increase in the tonnage using

the Panama Canal. As regards the statistical position of world shipping, a

reduction of 4J million tons in available shipping has been recorded for the

period June 1931 to June 1934, but, as laid-up shipping has been reduced from

14| million to 7 million tons during that period, mercantile shipping now in

commission actually shows an increase of 3 million tons during the last three

years. As it is claimed that a 50 per cent, reduction in fuel costs can be

achieved for modern ships as compared with vessels constructed eight or ten

years ago, there is no doubt that the recovery in shipbuilding indicated by the

above-quoted statistics speaks well for the future of the shipping industry, but,

in the meanwhile, it also would appear that the present statistical position

of the carrying trade has been weakened by an increase in world tonnage

incommensurate with the increase which has taken place in world trade in

merchandise, and that any improvement in traffic statistics such as those shown

above for vessels using the Suez and Panama Canals, therefore, is more likely

to betoken greater competition than a healthy increase in the quantity of cargo

offering. With regard to the particular figures quoted above for the tonnage

of 'vessfels using the Suez Canal, however, it is noteworthy that the total trade

in merchandise of the Straits Settlements increased in valtie by over 36 per

cent, during

the total 1934, bythatthethe“Conference’’

exports same total forshipping

Japan increased

lines frombyShanghai

18 per cent,, that

(a good

guide to the quantitative movement of .cargo from China as a whole) via Suez

showed a quantitative increase*of 28 per cent., and that both the inward and

the outward trade of India,increased during the first nine, months of the year

under review. The 1934 returns for other countries east, of Suez are not yet available

Reference to the Shipping tables given in this volume will show, that the

total of the statistics for entrances and clearances at Chinese ports amounted

to 140.5 million tons as against 137.4 million in the preceding .year, a gain of

3.1 million tons or a little over 2 per cent. Analysed bv flag. British vessels

took the leading position with-58.9 million tons, followed by Chinese shipping

with 41.2 million tons, Japanese shipping with 20.1 million tons, American


shipping with 5.4 million tons, Norwegian shipping with 4.5 million tons, and

other flags aggregating 10.4 million tons. These figures include 44.9 milliom

tons entered from and cleared to foreign countries, and 95.6 million tons-

entered arid cleared coastwise: they do not; include the tonnage of vessels plying;

under Inland Waters Steam Navigation Regulations. The leading ports in.

China as regards shipping trade with abroad were Shanghai, Canton, Swatow,,

Kiaochow, Kowloon and Tientsin, in that order. The following table further

analyses the shipping trade, showing the percentage share of the total entrances-

and clearances taken by the three leading flags during the year under review: —

Foreign Domestic Total

Trade Trade Trade

Percent. Percent. Percent-

British ... 38.87 1 43.33 41.91

Chinese 15.16 35.94 29.29

Japanese 19.14 12.08 14.34

Mention should be made of the fact that four new Chinese flag vessels, two

of which were built at Newcastle and-two on the Clyde to the most modern

designs, were added to the coastal fleet of the China Merchants Steam Navi-

gation Company during the year under review. Two of these vessels had

actually arrived in China before the end of the year and the other two werd

en. route. For further details, reference should be made to the exhaustive

statistical data to be found in the Shipping tables (in this, first volume of

“The Trade of China”)* which include particulars of all entrances and clear-

ances both for the foreign and domestic trade of the country, analysed by

number and, tonnage of vessels as well as. by: ports and by flags. Local and

regional conditions have been touched upon already in this report in some of

the port reviews-rfor example, the reviews on Tientsin , (conditions on the Taku

Bar and the Haiho), Chungking (conditions on the Upper Yangtze), Hankow

(conditions on the Middle and Lower sections; of; the Yangtze), and' Shanghai

(activities of the Whangpoo Conservancy Board,, conditions in the harbour and;

approaches, etc.). •

Freights via Suez

Freight rates by “Conference” shipping lines to Europe via Suez were-.;

maintained at the previous year’s level for certain commodities as follows (per


waste, general cargo,in90s.;

42s. ; tobacco baleshides,, 77s. 66s.;

or cases, ; bristles,


lace, raw

,114s.potton, 66s.;cent,

or 2£ per cotton

ad '■

valorem. On the other hand, reductions were introduced, for certain export

commodities, and the following were the principal items'.affected: tobacco in

hogshead, from flOs. to 80s. j hemp, from 90s- to 60s. • sesamum seed, from 48s.

to. 44s. ,6d.; brassware, from lOEs. to'85s.; China grass (ramie), from 66s. to-

60s. and later to 55s. Rates for tea, the .shipments of which were unusually

heavy, underwent various changes,- ranging from 78s.*, at the opening to. 65s.

at, the close of the year. Rates for oil in bulk were maintained with the^

exception of those for yroo^-Oil, .wh^efr' were'ijqd^iceS Sropt^Os. to 31>s. qri the 1st

July and raised to 80s. on the 1st October. The rate for groundnut kernels was

reduced from 33s. to 28s. in March, and the latter rate remained in force until

the end of June, after which the rate, was left “open” : charges from groundnuts

in shell followed a similar course. The rate for bearis was reduced from'36s.

to 31s. in May, but'was restored to the opening price after October. The raw

silk rate, hitherto quoted in Ideal currency, was placed on a sterling basis in

June, and a quantity of this valuable freight was actually despatched to

Europe via Japan in order to take advantage of the lower rates ruling .'frir

silk in the latter country.


Transpacific Freights

Only a few minor, changes were made in freight r^t'es, from Chinn to ports

on the Pacific Coast during 1934, the 1933 tariff remaining in force for many

of the export commodities.. A few of the principal items.; may be specified as

follows, contracts rates for deliveries on the coast being quoted in each case

(per 40 cubic feet unless Otherwise stated): general 'cargo, U.S. $15.50 W/M;

brassware, chinaware, and cotton goods, TJ.S. $10.25; cotton waste, U.S. $3.50;.

human hair, U.S. $15.25; human hair (eombih^s, stumps''6r wa.ste), U.S. $11;

lace and linen'goods, U.S. $15.50; skins in bales, U.S. $8; skins in casts, U.S.

$12; tea, U.S. $4; nutgalls in bags, U.S. $12, per 2,000 pounds; cotton-seed oil

in bulk (added to the tariff in 1934), U.S. $4 per 2,0p6 pounds; raw silk, U.S.

$3 per 100 pounds; ground nut oil in bulk, U.S. $4 per 000 "pounds;

groundnuts in shell, U.Si $5 per 2,000 pounds arid groundnut'khrnfe'ls in bags,

U.S. $3.50 per 2,000 pounds. The rate for sesamum.seed was an ^ppen” one

during most of the year, but was fixed at U.S. $3.50 per 2;000 pounds in

December. The fixed rate for wood oil in bulk, U.Sv $6 per 2,000 pounds, was

temporarily suspended in August.


Of all the constructive work now being undertaken by way of reorganising

this country internally against a return of more prosperous times, none is of

more importance and none (not even .the great strides being made in the

Industrialisation of the country) is more impressive than the rapid develop-

ment of China’s lines of communication, especially railways, roads, airways,

wireless telegraphy, and long-distance telephony. In the matter of railways

a long period of comparative inactivity came to an end a few years ago, as

soon, in fact, as a greater degree'’6f political stability began to.be achieved,

and in each of the recent issues of these annual tirade repohts''it has been

possible since then to record definite progress frotn year to year. During the

twelve months now under review, work ori the Canton-Iiankow Railway

proceeded more rapidly thain was expected : and all of the uncompleted sections

of the line are now under construetion. There is every reasoii to hope that

this most important and nearly forty-year-old project will be finished by 1936.

Success has also been met with in the case of the Lung-Hai Railway extension

scheme, the main line having been completed and tested as far as Sian, the

capital of Shensi-province,-in December. Considerable progress, was also, made

towards providing adequate harbour facilities at the coastal terminus of, this

line at Lienyunkiang on Haiehow Bay, including the construction of a branch'

line from Taierchwang to Chaochwang. Work was commenced on the building

of the Yushah-Pingsiang section, of the Chekiang-Kiangsi-Hnnan Railway.

The line from Hangchow to Yushan was completed in 1933, and, as this new

section will carry it forward via Nanchaiig, the capital of Kiangsi, to Ping-

siang, where rail connexion to Chuchow on the Canton-Hankow line is already

in being, the economic importance of the whole project to the agricultural,

mining, and industrial interests of the area traversed can baldly be exaggerat-

ed. The completion of this line even as far as Nanchaiig, where it will

connect with the Kiukiang-Nanchang Railway, will link up the well-known

Yangtze port of Kiukiang with Shanghai by rail. What may be considered,

one of the most, important new projects of the year arose put of the decision

to enlarge the Wuhu-Chapu Light Railway scheme into, an undertaking,

entrusted to the Kiangnan Railway Company, to build a main line from

Nanking to Chaoan, a place in the very south-western corner of Fukien near

the Kwangtung border, through Wuhu (Anhwei province), Sunchiapu (Anhwei

province), Kiangshan (Chekiang province), and Yenping (Fukien province).

The line has been styled the Nanking—Chaoan Railway, and later, it is to be

extended to Canton. The second section of it. from Wuhu to Sunchiapu, has

been completed, and the first section, from Nanking to Wuhu, almost completed.

It was only in 1933 that the treaty port of Wuhu was linked up with Shanghai

by motor highway, and now in the course of a, few months it will also "find



itself connected with that ocean port by rail: an illustration of the rapid

changes being brought about in the matter of lines of communication in this

country. Still another railway is under construction in the Wuhu neighbour-

hood. It has been styled the Hwaiyuan—Yukikow line, and runs from

Hwaiyuan through Hofei and the Huai-nan and Tatung coal-fields to Yukiko

on the north bank of the Yangtze opposite Wuhu. A branch line from Cheng-

yangkuan to Pengpu on the Tientsin-Pukow Railway is also being built at

the present time. Farther north, remarkable progress has been witnessed

during the year in the construction of the Tatung-Puchow Railway, which

traverses Shansi from the northern to the southern limits of that jjrovince.

This brief summary of some of the year's accomplishments in the matter of

railway construction should not be' closed without reference to the fact that

arrangements have at last been made for completing the unfinished section,

between Tsaongo and Zakow, of the Shanghai-Hangchow-Ningpo line. The

great stumbling-block to the completion of this railway was the cost of bridg-

ing the Ts’ao-o and the Ch'ient’ang Rivers. Work on the Ch’ient’ang bridge

was actually commenced in November. It will consist of 16 spans, each POO feet

long, and is to carry both the highway and the railway across the river. All

this constructional progress, happily, has been accompanied by administrative

progress, and the financial and credit positions of the railways have been

noticeably strengthened during the vear under review, as evidenced by the much

higher quotations now ruling for Chinese railway bonds in the stock markets

of the world.


Progress in road construction throughout this country has been even more

spectacular than the advance in railway construction, as the last few issues

of these reports will show. According to statistics furnished by the Highways

Section of the National Economic Council, there are now 26.447 kilometres of

highway open to traffic in the eight provinces of Kiangsu. Chekiang. Anhwei,

Kiangsi, Hupeh, Hunan, Honan, and Fukien. Statistics for the whole

country, which would indicate the rate of progress still more impressively, are

not vet available. Deducting the figures for Fukien, which were not included

in the seven-province total emoted in the last report, the remarkable increase

of 12,849 kilometres of roadway (more than the total length of highways

completed up to the end of 1933) is recorded for the year under review. Of the

26,447 kilometres of highway now in use, 12,262 kilometres are surfaced and

14,185 kilometres mud roads. An additional 5,622 kilometres were actually

under construction at the end of the year. Comments on regional progress

have been given already in the port reviews, where the receipt of authoritative

information seemed to justify such remarks. Of special interest to those

acquainted with the Yangtze River ports wdll be the fact that the motor road

from Hankow to Ichang was completed during the year. This route is covered

by bus in about 13 hours, as against the up-river steamer trip of some four

to five days according to the season of the year. It would also appear that

this Yangtze port of Ichang can now be reached by motor highway from

Shanghai via Changsha, Chahgteh, and Shasi. From Changsha it is reported

that, with the completion of the road from Ichang (a town on the southern

boundary of Hunan, not the Yangtze port afore-mentioned) to Hsiaotang,

through motor traffic from Shanghai via Changsha to Canton was established.

Other points of interest are too numerous to repeat here, and it may be noteoi'

that the reviews referred, to cover only regions in which Maritime Custom*

establishments are situated; they take no notice of constructional work com-

pleted or planned by the Government with a view to facilitating trade and

transport in the less accessible areas of the country, a problem to which great

attention is now being paid.


Commercial Aviation

By courtesy of the China National Aviation Corporation, one of the air

mail and passenger services operated under the direction of the Ministry of

Communications, the following authoritative history of its accomplishments to

date, with an outline description of the equipment in use, is here placed on

record: —

“The China National Aviation Corporation commenced business on the 8th

July 1930, and on the 20th October of that year the first Loenihg1 Amphibian

took off from Lunghwa Airport (Shanghai), and the route to Hankow, a

distance of 516 miles, was opened, this line serving Shanghai, Nanking, Anking,

Kiukiang and Hankow, thus uniting the principal commercial ports of the

rich valley of the Lower Yangtze River.

“On the 1st April 1931, the Shanghai-Hankow line was extended to Ichang

at the foot of the world-famed gorges of the Yangtze, and on the 21st October

of the same year the line was further extended to distant Chungking, 1,600

miles by boat from Shanghai, thus covering almost the entire length of the

great Yangtze River.

“On the 11th November 1933, the Chungking-Chengtu line (in Szechwan

province) was inaugurated, thereby making Chengtu, the capital of the most



and one of the richest provinces in China, within easy access.

‘The commercial conquest of Western China by air completed, the China

National Aviation Corporation turned its attention to the north, and on the

10th January 1933 the Shanghai-Peiping line was inaugurated with stops at

Haichow, Tsingt-ao and Tientsin.

“On the 24th October 1933 the Shanghai-Canton line was established, with

stops at the important ports of Wenchow, Foochow, Amoy and Swatow. This

line, just over 1,000 miles in length, serves the entire coast from the Yangtze

Tfelta to the Pearl River, covering territory inhabited by over one hundred

million people.

“At the present time, Loening Amphibians, with a crew of two and a

seating capacity for four passengers, and with a cruising speed of 90 miles per

hour, are in use between Shanghai and Chungking, daily schedules each way

being flown between Shanghai and Hankow, and three round trips per Week

between Hankow and Chungking.

“Stinson land planes, with pilot, co-pilot, and seating capacity for four

passengers, with a cruising speed of 110 miles per hour, are in use between

Shanghai and Peiping, and also between Chungking and Chengtu, three round

trips per week being flown between Shanghai and Peiping and four round trips

per week between. Chungking and Chengtu.

“Between Shanghai and Canton, Douglas Dolphin Amphibians are in use.

These planes carry a crew of two and six passengers-, with a cruising speed of

150 miles per hour.”

The following table gives an excellent idea of the rapid advancement of

commercial aviation in this country: the statistics are for the China National

Corporation’s field of operations only: —

Miles Flown Passenger Passengers Kilogrammes of

Miles Flown Carried Mail Carried

1929 57,893 66,411 354 3,932

1930 330,079 638,726 2,654 17,893

1931 445,039 606,991 2,296 34,428

1932 431,145 775,036 3,153 50,851

1933 636,900 901,873 3,050 49,246

1934 833,416 1,469,296 4,570 58,052



On account of the constantly increasing popularity of air transportation

evidenced by these statistics, orders have been placed for four new Fairchild

Amphibians, each with a cruising speed of 160 miles per hour and a passenger-

carrying capacity of eight persons, for use during the coming year on the

Shanghai-Hankow-Chungking route. These planes will reduce the flying time

on this route by almost 50 per cent. Similarly, a new Douglas Transport

plane, with a cruising speed of 200 miles per hour and a carrying capacity

of 14 persons, has been ordered for the Shanghai-Peiping line. An order has

also been placed for a tri-motor Ford plane for use on a new route to be

opened almost at once from Chungking to Yunnan. The powerful plane in

question will make the trip over this route in three hours and a half, as

against the three to four weeks that such a journey by land would occupy.

By courtesy of the Eurasia Aviation Corporation the following facts arc

supplied concerning the operations of this particular corporation. In May

1933 a service was inaugurated between Shanghai and Sinkiang, with stops at

Nanking, Loyang, Sian, Lanchow, Suchow, Kami, and Urumchi (Tihwafu).

Since September 1933, however, it has been impossible to operate beyond

Lanchow owing to the troubles in Sinkiang province. On the 1st May of the

year under review a new air line was established by this corporation between

Peiping and Canton, with stops at Taiyuan, Loyang, Hankow and Changsha.

At the same time the short Peiping-Loyang service, previously inaugurated,

was discontinued as a separate entity by making Loyang the point of change

for passengers and freight travelling by the Sinkiang Shanghai and the

Peiping-Canton lines. Later in the year, however, Chengchow was made the

junction for these lines. Another route, between Lanchow and Ninghsia, was

opened on the 15th June. The Eurasia Aviation Corporation’s planes flew

486,902 kilometres, and carried 1,074 passengers as well as 43,092 kilogrammes

of cargo and 4,170 kilogrammes of mail matter during the course of the year.

In South China, two new air services were inaugurated and maintained

by the South-western Aviation Corporation during 1934: one from Canton to

Lungchow via Wuchow and Nanning, and the other from Canton to Pakhoi

via Mowming and Kiungchow.

The Summing Up

In his summing up on the conditions of trade in 1934, Mr. MacEwan

writes: —

To recapitulate, it has been found, as regards the country’s trade position

in general, that the value of imports declined by 23.4 per cent, and that the

value of exports declined by only 12.6 per cent, during the year under review,

resulting in a substantial improvement in the appearance of the account, and

that, as successive annual reductions of the adverse balance have been achieved

since 1931,* amounting respectively to $132 million, $222 million, and $238

million, the total excess of imports over exports has been reduced by consider-

ably more than one-half during the past three years.

Analysing the trade position in greater detail, it has been found that the

improvement in the import account for the year was due largely to decreased

purchases of cotton goods, rice, wheat, wheat flour, and kerosene oil; and, as

it is hoped eventually to make this country independent of foreign supplies of

the first four of these commodities, seeing that they are all produced domesti-

cally in great quantity, the reduced outlay on imports is held to be of double

significance, in that, not only was a necessary saving effected on behalf of the

whole account, but this.saving was effected principally in connexion with these

staple foodstuffs and manufactures.

In the matter of exports the opinion has been expressed (see the article

'‘Exports”) that it would be a mistake to impute the-blame for the compara-

* Fide Table II in the article “Value of Trade.”


tively small decrease in the value of this section of trade entirely or even

chiefly to disabilities inherent in this country’s internal situation, since the

result for the year cannot be dissociated from the economic situation univer-

sally existent at the present time. A close relationship naturally exists

between the present value figures for the outward trade and the present

“depression” prices for such produce as China habitually disposes of in foreign

markets, and, as the quantitative statistics for the year were quite impressive,

it would seem that the slightly lower statistic's: are no indication that the

country is failing to adjust domestic costs to present world market

conditions, quite the reverse. The existence of this quantitative

demand, which obviously would have been much stronger if it had

not been partially smothered by governmental restrictions in other


near future.raises hopes

Indeed, someforevidence

some ofrecovery

this was inseen‘ world prices halfin'of the

in the second the

year under review, quotations being 50 per cent, higher than in 1933 for beans,

35 per cent, higher for sesamum seed, 40 per cent, higher for cotton-seed oil,

50 per cent, higher for cotton-seed cake, 57 per cent, higher for groundnuts,

while considerable advances were noticeable for oil seeds in general as well as

for such specialities as bristles, wood oil, antimony, and wolfram ore. Some

of these higher prices, however, undoubtedly were due to special conditions

arising out of the drought which afflicted Europe and America, and, until a

more normal recovery in demand sets in and bargaining for the last possible

stiver becomes a thing of the past, the fact should not be overlooked that

success in international markets will depend on the cheapness of the national

price structure, and that in this respect China has many advantages over other

countries. It goes without saying that these advantages must be capitalised

to the full, as cheap production and marketing are economic necessities of the

times, and, if the price of silver .continues to advance in the artificial manner

witnessed during the year under review, merchandise from this country may

haves to meet the additional handicap of a:h adverse exchange rising umymme-

trically vis^a-vis commcdity prices.


The year 1900 will ever be memorable in the history of China for the

“Boxer” rising. Details of this great social and political upheaval may be

found in preceding volumes of this Directory. The object of the rising, which

was confined to the North, was the extermination of foreign native Christians

and people known to be associated with foreigners. The Legation Quarter at

Peking was besigned for two months by the Boxer rabble and the Imperial

troops, the occupants being reduced to the verge of starvation. Troops were

poured into China by all the European Powers, America and Japan, and

it was not before 20,000 foreign troops had fought their way to the capital

chat the siege was raised. Over 250 Europeans were murdered during the

rising, and it was estimated that over 10,000 natives perished, most of them

being Christians or the kinsmen of Christians.

In November, 1908, occurred the death of the Emperor Kwang Hsu, fol-

lowed a day later by the death of the Empress Dowager Tzu Hsi. This was

unexpected, and there was consequently much suspicion for a time regarding

the cause of the dual demise. The public were soon satisfied, however, that the

deaths were due to perfectly natural causes. Dying childless, the late Em-

peror Kwang Hsm acting in obedience to “the benign mandate” of the

Empress Dowager Tzu Hsi, designated as he lay dying a son of Prince Ch’un,

his brother, as his successor to' the Throne. At the time of his accession the

new sovereign was barely three years of age, and Prince Ch’un was appointed

to act as Regent during the Sovereign’s minority. The events of the past

ten years had convinced Tzu Hsi, who had been the virtual ruler since 1895,

that the salvation of the country lay in a complete reformation of the Gov-

ernment. Accordingly, from being a reactionary of the Worst type, she

-tutional government and took steps to initiate the fchangA In her valedictory


address she directed that the occupant of the Throne should fulfil the pro-

mises she had made, and the opening of the new reign was marked by a suc-

cession of Reform Edicts giving promise of the fulfilment, at last, of the

long-cherished hopes for the country’s regeneration. Scarcely two years had

passed, however, before the country was swept by a revolution vastly different

in its purpose from the abortive Boxer rising just eleven years previously.

It developed as if t>y magic although, for many years, there had been reform

propaganda in China. In 1895 the Empress 'Dowager, alarmed by the Em-

peror Kwang-Hsu’s reform proclivities, usurped the Throne, made the Em-

peror virtually a prisoner in his palace, had many of the leading reformers,

executed, and put a high price on the heads of aH who had escaped out of

the country. But notwithstanding the most rigorous measures which were

enforced to suppress the movement, the propaganda was secretly and success-

fully continued. If hitherto there had been any hesitancy on the part of

the Reformers to adopt the abolition of the Manchu monarchy as a plank in

their platform, it was now overcome, and a revolutionary campaign was

organised in earnest. An upheaval was expected at the time of the infant

Emperor’s accession to the Throne, and extensive military preparations were

made to cope with it- Nothing happened, however. The organisers of the

Reformation were not quite ready to attempt the coup de main they contem-

plated, and it is a fact that when at length the Revolution began, in Octo-

ber, 1911, it broke out prematiirely. It started at Wuchang instead of

at Canton, which had been regarded as the most likely storm centre; earlier

in the year indications of grave discontent had appeared in Canton; the

Tartar-General was shot dead in the streets of the city in April, and in the

same month a body of reformers, assisted by discontented soldiery, attacked

the Viceroy’s yamen. His Excellency, however, escaped by a back way, and

the insurrection was quelled, largely through the instrumentality of Admiral

Li, who consequently got into bad odour among the revolutionaries- with

the result that in August an attempt was made on his life. A bomb was

thrown at him; three persons were killed and the Admiral was severely

wounded. On October 24th the new Tartar-General was blown to pieces as

he landed at Canton to take up his new command. Earlier in the month

there had been a dynamite explosion in the Russian Concession at Hankow,

and investigation revealed the existence of an alarming revolutionary plot,

which the Viceroy took prompt measures to frustrate. This was the signal

for the rising. Some of the troops mutinied, and the Viceroy, as well as

the General in command, fled for their lives from Wuchang. General Li

Yuan-hung, who had been second in command of the Imperial troops, with

great reluctance and under threat of instant death if he persisted

in refusing, put himself at the head of the revolutionary army,

which rapidly, grew into many thousands. Hanyang with its arsenal

and the native city of Hankow were quickly gained by the re-

volutionists without serious resistance, and before the end of the month Li

Yuan-hung informed the Foreign Consuls that he had become President of

the Republic of Hupeh. The revolution spread rapidly throughout the

Yangtsze Valley, and extended southwards as well as westwards to Tibet.


War, General reigned in Government

Yin Chang, himself madecircles in Peking.for The

preparations an Minister

advance, onof

Hankow, to re-take the cities of which the revolutionary troops had so

easily possessed themselves. Meanwhile news was constantly arriving of the

success of the Revolutionary movement in the provinces. Within six weeks

fourteen out of the eighteen provinces of China had declared their independ-

ence of Manchu rule. Edicts streamed from the Throne yielding every demand

in the Revolutionary programme short of the abolition of the monarchy.

In its desperation the Court turned to Yuan Shih-kai, “ the one strong

man of China ” who had been driven into retirement two years pre-

viously for reasons which are familiar to everyone acquainted with the

history of the Reform movement in China. Yuan showed no eagerness to

take the position of Generalissimo and Viceroy of Hupeh, but, after a month’s


consideration, went to Peking, presumably satisfied that all the authority and

help he required to deal with the situation would be given to the operations.

By Imperial Edict he was appointed Premier. Yuan asked for this appoint-

ment to be endorsed by the National Assembly, and this was done unani-

mously. Meanwhile the advance on Hankow had been begun, and on October

29th General Yin Chang reported that the native city of Hankow had been

taken by the Imperial army. The Imperialist Commander-in-chief deemed

it necessary to the success of his plans that the entire city should be destroyed

by fire, and consequently some 700,000 persons were rendered homeless. After

desperate fighting the ‘Wu Han towns” were re-taken by the Imperialists.

There was severe fighting also at Nanking before it capitulated to the Revolu-

tionaries, and became the seat of the Republican Government. After the

Imperialist success at Hankow there were overtures for peace, and negotia-

tions were opened at Shanghai on December 18th between Wu Ting Fang, as the

representative of the Revolutionaries, and Tang Shao-yi, as the envoy of the

Imperial Government: but the conference came to an end almost as soon as it

opened, because on behalf of the Revolutionaries the abolition of the monarchy

was insisted upon as the basis of negotiation. This was firmly opposed by

Yuan Bhih-kai, but on December ?8th the Throne announced that it was

prepared to leave the question of the future constitution of China to the

decision of a national convention. That was the position at the end of the

year. Meanwhile Prince Chun had resigned the regency, and by Imperial

Decrees the monarchy had been made a limited monarchy on British lines.

The . Republican convention had elected Sun Yat Sen as President of the

Republican Military Government, and upon his installation at Nanking on

January 1st, 1912, he appointed a Ministry and issued an appeal to the

Powers to recognise the Republican Government. Terms of abdication were

offered to the Court at Peking, and Yuan Shih-kai was invited to assume the

position of Provisional President of the Republic. After many Palace con-

terences a Decree of abdication was issued by the infant, Emperor, as having

been lespectfully received from her Imperial Majesty the Empress Dowager

Lung Yu. The terms of abdiction provided that the Emporer may retain

the title of Emperor of Ta Ching and shall be treated accordance with the

etiquette which would govern relations with a foreign monarch on Chinese

soil. An annuity of four million taels is payable to him, and His Majesty

was permitted to continue in occupation of the Palaces in the Forbidden City

until the Summer Palace should be ready for him. The nation undertook to

maintain the tombs of the Imperial dead. In due course Dr. Sun Yat-sen

resigned the Presidency in favour of Yuan iShih-kai, who was practically

unanimously appointed by the National Assembly at Nanking. It was ex-

pected of him that he would journey to Nanking to be installed; but after

much discussion this ceremony was performed in Peking. The ambition of

the Republicans wras to make Nanking the capital of China, but there was


ment. Early in 1913 theproposal,

opposition to the NationalandAssembly

Peking gave


place totobea seat of govern-of


< two Houses, and after the abortive second revolution, against what was re-

garded as dictatorship by Yuan Shih-kai, the “provisional” Government was

brought to an end by Parliament duly electing Yuan Shih-kai as President

of the Republic for a period of five years, with General Li Yuan-hung as

Vice-President. The year 1913 closed with Parliament suspended, owing to

a mandate by the President cancelling the seats of over 300 members for

treasonable conspiracy, and, pending a new election, an “ Administrative

Conference,” representative of the whole of the provinces, vTas formed to

consider a number of legislative projects including a revision of the law.

This was succeeded in 1914 by the creation of the Tsan Cheng-Yuan or

State Council composed of men of official and administrative experience,

mostly, of course, of the old school. The year was notable for the operations

of a notorious robber chief, known as the White Wolfe, who commanded a

large following, and for months terrorised almost the whole of mid-TThina.


The marauding hand traversed several Provinces, plundered cities and laid

waste whole districts. The chief defied all the efforts of the Military for

quite a long time, but was ultimately killed and his followers dispersed.

This was not the only misfortune in that year, for floods greater than had

been known in China for fifty years devastated Kwangtung and took a heavy

toil of life. Similar disasters occurred in the North, causing many deaths

and much damage to property. Though not actively participating in the-

European War, China suffered very severely in consequence of the outbreak

of hostilities. Not only was her foreign trade dislocated, but the money

markets of Europe, from which she expected to draw supplies necessary for

administration and for the development of the country, were closed

to her; while a portion of her territory was overrun by the Japanese in

the course ofconsiderably

interfering their military withoperations

local trade.against Tsingtao,

Troubles the Mongols

with the last-mentioned

added factor

to thn

difficulties of the Government, and a mutiny of the Chinese soldiery at Kalgan caused

some anxiety

or a local character.for a time. Fortunately, these disturbances were only of a temporary

The year 1915 will

the non-acceptance be memorable

by China of the “inTwenty-one

China for Demands

the Japanese ultimatum

” presented by thefollowing


Government. China had, of course, to bow to/dree majeure and the 7th of May was to

be remembered asquestions

long-outstanding a day of National

from the Humiliation.

Japanese pointThesedf viewdemands

but freshnotclaims

only inembraced


of the German expulsion from Shantung and others based upon expanding Japanese

interests in Fukien and in the Yangtsze Valley.

An unexpected development of the Revolution was manifested about the middle


the yearof discussing

when an organisation form inof known as the Chou An Huei wascountry,

formed for the

claiming only academicthe interest government

the discussionbestof adapted

the question,to this the Chou AnWhile Hui

was unmistakably

allowed to continue inits favour

propagandaof a .reversion

certainly to monarchy,

lent verisimilitude andtothethefact thatthatit was

belief the

President was not wholly opposed td, the objects for which it stood.

Curiously enough, the Monarchical movement had, or seemed to ha ve, its inception

in a memorandum written by Professor Goodnow, constitutional advisor to the Pre-


applied into-which he discussed

conditions theThisrelative merits

was ofutilised

a Jh;public or aofMonarchy as

chical movement within someChina.show of document

reason, although in support

this result may not the




officials and bycertain the Professor when throughout

public bodies he preparedtheit. Provinces,

Petitionsand followed

these, from high


important expressions of public opinion, were presented to the State Council, which


Citizens’that these couldTheonlyelections

Convention. be dealtforwith by a took

this body properly-elected

place in October,organ andsuchresulted

as the


a unanimous

After exhibiting some reluctance Yuan consented to accede to the urgentof

vote in favour of inviting Ynan Shih-kai to ascend the Dragon throne


however, which were addressed

wasnopostponed to him aonsuggestion

in deference the subject.

fromriseThe Coronation ceremony,

Powers that step should be takentowhich might give Japan and the other

to disturbance Allied

in China,,

though the Government declared its ability to cope with any disorderly elements.


the adjoiningwhich brokeand

provinces, outthis

in Yunnan

led in timetowards the end ofof1915

to the formation quickly

a confedera-

tion headquarters at Canton. Even though the coronation was postponed and later

the monarchical movement was cancelled, these concessions failed to satisfy the


who, otherwise, Lack have

might of money afflicted bothsuccess.

achieved parties,BybutAprilchiefly


had been

kai died inreached. However,

his palace, the tensiongreater

a broken-hearted was




June 5th, by1918,

a deadlock


Li Yuan-hung; Shih-


the President

Revolution ceasedand assuring

with the resumption

dramatictillsuddenness of republican

on the institutions. Though


ing did notand

for Canton endthein power"

Kwangtung several months

which its possession later,death

conferred inrival


Yuan Shih-kai,

negotiating contend-

with th&

Central Government.


Parliament, which was reconstituted in August, failed to accomplish anything. 1

Its policy wasfor obstructive

nominations rather than

Minister 6f Foreign constructive.

Affairs, actions similarIt declined to approve

to those which forcedofYuan


Shih-kai to suppress the National Assembly. The election of Vice-President was

debated for some time, and, finally, Feng Kuo-chang was elected.

advent The struggle between Parliament and Premier continued in 1917

failedand even anythe

soothingof effect.

the veteran Wu Ting-fang

Against the most asstrenuous

Minister for Foreign

opposition, Affairs

the Government, to have



on progress9thin itsa Note

policywasof acting with toAmerica

dispatched the Berlinagainst German protesting

Government submarinism, and


the measures proclaimed on 1st February by that Government. Needless to say, the

reply weeks

some was oflater

the usual evasivefinally

did China character

breakand did not touchrelations

off diplomatic the points


erman Not till

y' a step

which involved a lively dispute between the President and the Premier Tuan Chi-jui.

The former was inclined to .object to, too precipitate action by the

even said that he insisted upon his constitutional rights to declare war and make peace. Cabinet and it was

Asthe result of the disagreement Tuan Chi-jui immediately left the capital for Tientsin

and remained there for two days, during which the President evidently discovered that

he had made

return. a mistake

Having securedand dispatched influentialTuan

delegates to persuade a theconference

Premier toof

conciliation took place whencertain guarantees,

differences were settled, fordidthereturn,

time atandleast. On March

10th the Cabinet appeared before both Houses of Parliament and, after prolonged

discussion, each voted its support to the Government, and on March 14th diplomatic


Minister. were Somedefinitely

bargaining broken off, passports

between China andbeing the handed


noon to the the German


Government undertaking only the supply of primary material and assistance in respect


labour,tothough later there was a

send troops to the Western front. desire manifested, especially on the part of Tuan

As the year advanced events moved very rapidly. The bitterness between Premier

and Parliament became intensified. The former was accused of acting unconstitu-

tionally in respect of the rupture with Germany and several members of his Cabinet

resigned. Meanwhile Parliament had drafted a constitution which did not commend

itself to conservative opinion outside and, in particular, military opinion. Tuan Chi-jui

endeavoured to carry on felt

President Li Yuan-hung withBold

a reduced


to dismissbutthea Premier,

crisis washisprecipitated

assistant inwhen, this

courageous course being Wu Ting-fang,

cheng was temporarily appointed Prime Minister. who countersigned the mandate. Wang Shih-

At this stage the Northern Tuchuns took a hand in the political game, and their

assembling in conference in Tientsin was rightly regarded as a threat to Parliament.

responsibityLi ofYuan-hung

President forming afound it impossible to induce a suitable man to undertake the


Now came a curious development. Chang Hsun, who had held a dominating posi-

tion with his pigtailed

combination of reasons warriors astride

invited to the TsinputheBailway,

assume unnatural was role

for some extraordinary

of mediator. He

appeared willing enough to undertake this duty, but he declined to move till the


tioned capacity. a Inmandate invitinghe him

due course to for

set out comethetocapital,

Peking accompanied

and act in theby aforemen-

some five


tion withofthe

his hairy warriors,

military leadersbutassembled

breaking his at iourney

that port. at Tientsin he had athe

Li Ching-shi, consulta-


appointed Premier, travelled with Chang Hsun to Peking. Prior to the arrival


the not


dissolve Parliament, and to. another hinting that he might have recourse heto

the President had shown much vacillation, to one declaring that


tion drastic

over thestep in order

arrival to saveHsun’s

of Chang the country.

warriors,Peking, too. was inreputation

whose barbaric a state ofwas consterna-


the liveliest recollection by the peace-loving citizens. For a time the President

torn between two opinions, and even his advisers did not afford him the consola-

tion that he sought, for while Dr. Morrison, the British Adviser, pleaded with him for



the Japanese of constitutionalism

Adviser, argued that and the as preservation

Parliament had of Parliament,

been illegally Dr.

constituted there was legal basis for the President to

not justified its existence. However, Chang Hsun forced a decision. He presented dissolve it, since it had

what was virtually an ultimatum to the President, embracing the retention of the


President, the dissolution of Parliament, the establishment of a responsible Parliament,

the dissolution

demands of Provincialwould assemblies,

not beetc.responsible

He declared thatwouldunlesshappen.


Dr. Wu were Tingacceded

- fang toandhe other constitutionalists for what

endeavoured to resist the


demandedbeing brought

by Chang to bear


President,was but without avail, and Parliament—

issued dissolving on June 13th,.

ato mandate, by the way, which Wu Ting-fang refused to counter-sign. As was

of betheexpected, the Southern

President’s weak action, Provinces were not slow came

and denunciations in indicating

from Yunnan, theirKwangtung,


Kwangsi, and Szechuan.

military action At one timeTuchuns

and the Northern it lookedprepared

as if thefor


resistance. For would the nextinitiate


orJulythree weeks matters were in a state of drift, but a dramatic climax

1st, when the people of China were electrified to learn that in the early hours of that was reached on

morning the young Manchu Emperor had been enthroned at the behest of the all-

powerful Chang Hsun. Imperial edicts countersigned by Chang Hsun were issued in


mentname of the Emperor

of Councillors and proclaiming the re-establishment

Ministers, promising the remission of theofdynasty,

taxes, etc.,theetc.




time united the nation. Tuan Chi-jui immediately placed himself at the head offorthea

action roused the alarm of all the other military leaders and, in fact

military movement against Chang Hsun, and within a few days troops from all directions


advance marching upon Peiping.

from Tientsin The Dictator’s

and retired in disorderforcesuponmadethe aTemple

feeble attempt

of Heaven. to resist


surrounded, Chang Hsun declined to surrender. All attempts to compromise failed and

on the morning of 12tb July the farcical battle of Peking was

tary casualities were estimated at about forty, but, of course, the number of civilians fought. The total mili-

killed or injured was greater. Chang Hsun escaped from the Imperial city in a motor

car_ and found an asylum in the Dutch Legation, where he remained interned as a-

political refugee for more than a year, being then pardoned.

which _ Tuan

onceChi-jui, hailed asrepublican

morehisbecame the saviour in ofname

the country, reorganised the Government,

thus, depriving opponents of their stock and pledged

argument to republican

that institutions,

he was anti-republican.

President Li, after his many mistakes, resigned from the Presidency, and, in due course,


dent. When it Fengbecame Kuo-chang

known camethefrom

that Nanking declined

Government and assumed office as acting

to reconvoke Presi-


the Kuomingtang leaders moved to Canton and formed

formally declared war on Germany. In November, the Tuchuns of Kiangsi, Kiangsu a so-called parliament, which

and Hupeh memorialised the President in favour of the reconvocation of Parliament and


settlement with the

it became South.thatAsthe

obvious thesePresident

leaders were

was under the control

intriguing againstofthe FengPremier,



promptly resigned, then reconsidered his decision at the request of the President, and-


successor, again,

but this time finally.

ultimately Wang The Presidentwasfound

Shih-cheng thattoit become

induced was notPremier

easy to and


formnota Cabinet.

did commend Feng Kuo-chang’s

themselves ideas on the

to the Northern subjectwho

Tuchuns, of compromise

took the bitwith the South

between their

teeth and declared that they would carry on the war themselves, a course which com-

pelled the President to identify himself with them and to make their action official.

areasThe in year 1917 was

the north also noteworthy

of China for the disastrous

and caused widespread misery floods which devastated

and distress. huge

In Chihli alone

three million people were in receipt of relief. Another important event was the decision

of the Powers to sanction the revision of China’s import tariff, the details of which were

negotiated by commissioners representing the Entente, neutral countries and China, and

completed the following year.

1918 opened with an abortive attempt by President Feng Kuo-chang to bring

about peace by mandate.

the Southerners did not accept He orderedthe the


branch,of and hostilities.

by theUnfortunately,

spring had

advanced their armies almost to Hankow

chuan. Tuan Chi-jui was brought back to the Premiership, money and had obtained controlwas alsoborrowed

of Sze-


such vigour thatandYochow recklessly,


the campaign against the

were recovered andSouth was resumedtroops

the Government with


the President almost to the borders

offensive was notthemaintained. of Kwangtung. Then

Perhapsthetheactual the rot

real explanation set in.was For several reasons


ing during thewith summer.South. Whatever

The great heat was the official cause, there Then

excuse. was the


no fight-of



a northern commander, perturbed the military authorities in Peking by his independent

attitude on the Yangtsze. Having been stripped of his

proceeded to the “front” to achieve merit. Soon afterwards Wu Pei-fu, General Tsao honours, be repented and

Kun’s lieutenant, developed into a pacifist. He memorialised

of peace. He was repudiated by his superior, hut it was felt that he had the support the Government in favour


President Feng Kuo-chang.

the “Tuchuns Matters


” ordrifted

“Bogus” for some months untilPeking

Parliament—in the assembly

in August,of

and two months later this body practically unanimously elected Hsu Shih-chang

President, than whom it was believed no one was

country. His labours, however, towards reconcilation did not prove to be very better suited to reunite the

successful, although foreign advice assisted the President, inasmuch as it alarmed

the northern


take charge Tuchuns,

of affairs. who lookedPeiping at one time as ifandtheythewere againMilitary


agreed to meet The in conference,Governmentin Shanghai, to arrange Canton a basis for


other is the history of the failure of this conference, each side alleging that the

During 1918

intervention. Japan a Bolshevik

furnishedthreat emanatedproportion

a considerable from Siberia, but troops

of the it was met

and byfound


•necessary to take military measures in Manchuria which were not altogether pleasing

■to China.

A very serious famine, involving some thirty million people in suffering occurred


the North—principally

to drought and theinconsequent the provinces failureof Honan

of the Shantung,

crops. ForandtheChihli—inrelief of 1920


distress thus caused, a surtax of ten per cent, on Customs Import duties was agreed to


faminethe Powers for

also brought intothe period of

existencetwelve months

international and this took effect

famine reliefMuch in 1921.

committees This



with conservancyschemes wasfordone thebyrelief


the sufferers.

The American Red workwho

goodCross wasin

also active. Its report dated June 30th, 1921, shewed that under its auspices 985 miles


road hadtheir beenworklaidthroughout

out and 6481921,miles whencompleted. Most ofbythese

China was visited floods.organisations

Upon the overthrow of the Kwangsi party by the Cantonese party in Kwang-

tung towardsof peace

restoration the endandofthe1920,unification

the Presidentof the issued

country.a mandate proclaiming

This mandate, however,the



party, who by Sun Yat-sen,to Wu

proceeded Ting-fang

Canton, whereand theyother leaders of the

re-established the Military



Canton “and in the ofearly

President part although

China,” of 1921, Dr. Sun was

at that timeelected by his followers

his authority did not

•extend beyondagainst

was launched the province

Generalof Lok

Kwangtung. Later in the the

Wing-ting—formerly yearchief

a successful

commander expedition

of the

military forces supporting the Constitutionalist cause in South China—and his

followers, who were obliged to relinquish their

; hold on Kwangsi. Encouraged by this,

Dr. Sun, towards the end of the year init ated a compaign for the conquest of the

North. This much advertised “punitive,” expedition, however, beyond embroiling

Kiangsi in internecine warfare during the summer of 1922, never got within a


relations miles

with ofhisPeking.


Sun gradually Generaldeclined


influence, andthein Military

1922 his

Governor of Kwangtung Province, steadily cooled until the latter, exasperated by Sun

Yat-sen’s follies (his military agreement with Chang Tso-lin being the most noteworthy)



him and causedChen’s

General his flight from Canton

ascendancy, in a was

however, British warship (H.M.S.

short-lived. Moorhen)

With the aid of


Spring and Yunnanese forces, Sun Yat-sen regained control of the Province in the

Weichow, whence, however, he was unable to dislodge him. From time to time,of

of 1923, and forced his former lieutenant to withdraw to his native city

reports were circulated that the city had been taken but these proved to be false, and

towards the end of the year Chen’s troops were threatening Canton. In the meantime

Sun’s regime

tion had become

and inofunpopular to with allitsclasses in needs.

Canton Inowing to the anconscrip-


forceof labour

assembled wealth

the Canton meetRiver military

in consequence December

of a threat by Dr. SunAlliedto

seize the Customs revenue of Kwangtung so that it should not be used to finance

Northern operations against him. This difliculty solved itself by the announcement

made by the Inspector-General of Customs that there was no surplus revenue to


dispose of. Dr. Sun remained

Merchants ^olun eers’ revolt against extortionate in, 9ppfcrol of Cantontaxation

until October, 1924, whenledHie*.

and confiscation to


serious armedof conflict

portion the in theseptibn

business streetsinofthethewestern

City and to theofdestruction

suburb Saikwan, asbydescribed

tire of a

at greater length in the Canton sec,tipn of this volume. The war ,between Wu Pei-fu

and Chang Tso-lin in the north provided Sun with a welcome pretext for leaving,

a region where he was.beset by constantly increasing embarrassments. .

Important political changes took place in the North during 1920, the Chihil


flight the under Cnangof the

leaders Tso-lin,


party whoOn were Peking and, after

directing some righting putting

the, GrOvernmenb. This stepto

was followed by the reconstruction of the Cabinet. Hostilities

1921 in the upper Yangtsze region, arising out of a provincial independence movement took place throughout;

in the province of Hunan that extended to the province of Hupeh. A Northern force,


territory,General Wuwas

in turn, Pei-fu, was despatched

threatened, unless they to Hupeh

abandonedand drove out the invaders

their attitude of revolt.whose In

the warfarefor much

necessary foreign damage

warships wasto done to foreign

intervene actively property

for its at Ichang, and

protection. Duringit both



winter months of 1921-1922 there was much political trouble in Peking,

the Manchurian

Gbvernment whatTuchun,

it shouldGeneral

do. AffairsChangworkedTso-lin,upandto aWucrisisPei-fuwhendictating to the-

Liang Shih-yi

was madewithPremiere

wrathful the newonAdministration.

Christmas Day,Chang 1921, Tso-lin

and Wureplied.to

Pei-fu became

Wu Pei-fu’sexceedingly



along by moving Railway

Peking-Mukden his troops inside the Greatdistance

Wall and distributing them

Pukow Railway. The climax occurredandonfor Aprila 28th,

short 1922. The down the Tientsin-

rival forces collided

in the neighbourhood of Machang, on the Tientsin-Pukow line, and instantly


Changsintien, commenced

18 miles onbelow

a hundred-mile Thefront

Peking.completely. which

righting onlystretched from Machang

lasted aafterwards

week, Pei-fu’stoa

Wu made

men routing the Fengtien troops Chang Tso-lin

army in his Manchurian fastnesses and succeeded in regaining his influence overof the

stand in the vicinity of Shan-hai-kwan, but finally? retired with the remnant his-

Three Eastern Provinces.-

The war had the effect of changing the political outlook completely. The return


11th, 1922, andwasLiheralded; Yuan-hungHsuwasShih-changpersuadedretired from the day

the following Presidency

to become on

acting President, on receiving definite assurances

would support his demands for “sweeping reforms” in the Chinese Army. Thesefrom the military powers that they


the includedsystem”

Tuclumate the disbandment

as the ‘‘ key of superfluous

to a thorough troopsorganisation

and “an absolute of theabolition


finances.” A great effort was made to secure the return to Peking of all the M.Ps.


were dismissed

oftotally Theinpledges

1917 and soon

President a date was fixed—August 1st—for the war


ignored their to himselfhadandoccasion to complain

the country. Twice,thatatthe least, helords Had


publicly that he would not submit to their dictation, which manifested itself over the


a protest. of Yet,provincial


his brave andwords,

broughtLiaboutYuantheHung resignation

submitted. of twoFinally,


June, 1923, he fled from Peking to the British Concession at Tientsn, though still

claiming to be President. For some months after that the Cabinet continued the


by an overwhelming until on Octoberof 5th Marshal Tsao Kuo thewas elected Chief Executive-

obtained, it is said, .bymajority

bribery. the At theElectoral College,

same time the Newnecessary

Constitutionquorum was being


pleted and approved. In September, 1924, a war broke out between the provinces of

Chekiang and Kiangsu, which led to the long-impending

and Chang Tso-lin, who entered the lists for the ostensible purpose of supporting the-conflict between Wu Pei-fu


kwan, inof which

their respective

the“ the partisans.


of Wu Pei-fu A very



defeated was tofought at Shanhai-of

the defection

army, which had been assigned to prevent Chang’s march on the capital by ofwayWiTsof

Feng Yu-hsiang, General,” a large portion


ront instead

then ofturnedproceeding to Jehol,

seizedFengthe waited until Wu had left Peking for the

that andhis action was taken back inand concert with capital, without

Chang Tso-lin andresistance,

a numberannouncing

of other

military and civil leaders and was dictated by a desire, to end the war, Chang Tso-lin

speedily pushed on to Tientsin and easily became master of the situation in that


vicinity. The Cabinet fat Peking immediately resigned mM-c

another to take its pldea; Within a few days of this change he evicted the Mancha and Peng appointed

ex Emperor from the Summer Palace, took possession, of tne whole of the i' orbidden-

City, and repudiated the Abdication agreement. This action, however, was strongly


tive byinvitation

at theclasses Tuan Chi-jui,

of Changwho had beenwith designated as the provisional Chief Execu-


ment of a new formof ofChina, includingTso-lin

constitutional Wu the Sun

Pei fu and




of pending

the majority


of the

the establish-

placed upon the

ex Emperor’s

Japanese movements being withdrawn, he sought, and obtained sanctuary in the-


China unsuccessfully appealed to the Paris Conference in 1919 to restore to her

Kiaochow and Treaty-of

Sino-Japanese Germany’s1915. otherByrightsway ofin protest,

Shantung, the claimed

Chinese byaelegates

Japan refused

under the to

sign the Peace Treaty with Germany, and a boycott of Japanese goods was organised

by the students in China. The appeal was renewed

Conference, the outcome iof which was the Shantung 'i'reaty whereby the formerin 192f at the Washington

German-leased Territory of Kiaochow was restored to China. Other points in the

treaty, which is of a comprehensive description, are: Japan undertook to transfer

to China all public properties, including land, buildings, ; works . or establishments,,

orin constructed

Kiaochow, whether

by Japan,formerly possessed

with certain by the Japan

exceptions Germanundertook

authoiities or purchased

to withdraw her

troops on the Tsingtao-Tsinan

TsingtaQ-Tsinan Railway and Railway; Japan ‘^together

its branches, undertook withto transfer

all otherto China


appurtenant.thereto,” on receiving payment from China; Japan undertook to transfer

the mines at Tsechwan, Eangtze, and Chinlingchen to a,company in which the capital

would be shared

Commission, to giveineffect

equalto proportions

these provisions,by Japanese!

was convened and . atChinese. The . Shantung

the conclusion of the

Washington Conference. It met at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Peking, Dr. C. T.


Minister of Japan to China, being the chairman of the Japanese Commissioners. theA

being the chairman of the Chinese Commissioners, and Mr. Yukio Obata,

settlement was reached early in December, the termsuf which will be tound in the

Treaty section of this volume.- • ; , ' .

Other results of the Washington Conference which have 'a special bearing on.

China were the Nine-Power Treaty, the Chinese

regarding the withdrawal of foreign Postal agencies in China,. Tariff Cfeaiy, and the resolution

The Nine-Power Treaty, signed by the United..States,

Empire, China, France, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, and Portugal, Belgium, was the .Britishto


give effectand

the rights to “a policy ofdesigned

interests China, and to stabilise

to promoteconditions in,thebetween

intercourse Far Eagt,China

to safeguard

and the


to end Powers uponthethepursuit

for all time basis ofbyequality of opportunity.”

interested Briefly, the

Powers' of 11 sphert|s covenant seeks

of influence” anil

reaffirms the Hay principle of the Open Door and equal opportunity for the trade hnsl

commerce of the world ih China. China, on her part, agreed hot to alieiiate,any pari

of her Territory to any foreign Power, A clause to which the (Jhxnesd attach' much


treaties and isagreements

that whichbetween

ptovidesChinafor theand


the otherandPowers


and allpublicity

contractsofand all

agreements between China and private individuals and cotporatioiis of foreign


The Tariff Treaty was the result of a resolution passed by the Powers participating l


rates shall Conference

be equivalentauthorising the effective,

to 5 per cent, revision asof provided

China’s import

for in thetariff,

several' so

commercial Treaties to which China is a party.” Certain concessions were also .made

by the Powersagreements,

international with the objectnotablyof thehelping ChinaTreaty

Mackay to meetbetween

the conditions containedandin

Great Britain

China, concluded in 1902, providing for the abolition of interior imposts known under

the generic name of/f/mn These concessions were a 2^ per cent, surtax and an. extra

2hingper cent, Inon December,

trade.” such luxuries 1928,“asa can

new bear

tariffa was

greater increase come

published,to; withoutintounduly

force imped-

in the

February following.

All foreign Postal Agencies in China have been withdrawn

that an - etheient Chinese postal service is maintained and that the Chinese on the understanding

Government do not contemplate any change in the present Postal Administration


somentfar came

as theintostatus of the foreign

force byonDecember

January 1st, eo-Director-General

1st, 1922.

1923. All the Britishis concerned. This arrange-

Postal Agencies were

closed and withdrawn

During the past few years the country has been in a state of disorder unparalleled

in its previous

Chang Tso-linhasinhistory

the and ofit 1928

is only with themeasure victoryof ofunification

the Southern armies over

Government beenspring

achieved. Inthattheany South the ascendancy underKuomintang

of the a central


which was

was signalised by theuntil

nottheterminated declaration

October, of1926.

an anti-imperialist

North and anti-British boycott

ring between military leaders. In July, 1925,Ina the

Nationalist there was Constant

Government war-

was form-

ed in Canton and in 1926 an expedition to the North was organised in order “ to unify”

the Country and to bring it under Nationalist control. This expedition met with


the year thesuccess.

Wuhan citiesThe forces

were ofcaptured

Wu Pei-fu andwere defeated

Wuchang and towards

declared 1

the newthecapital close ofof

the Nationalist

tors, left

the itBritish Party.

in order Threatened by

to avoid bloodshed a mob, urged

withdrew to excesses by

from the Hankow Bolshevist agita-

and in control of a Nationalist committee of administration. Duringconcession

1927 the


Kuomintang expedition

Party. intended

Owing to“the to unify ” the country

dissensions, only succeeded

rival governments wereinestablished

dividing theat

Nanking and Hankow, both claiming to represent the Nationalist cause. Following

the decision of Nanking to oust Bolshevik influence the Hankow Government dis-

appeared. The

intermittent Nanking

warfare withsection

the North, extended

but noitsdecision


Shanghai for and

a longcontinued

time a

supreme effort wastheeventually

Chiang Kai-shek North wasmade in the early

invaded. A clashpartoccurred

of 1928, with

and, under

Japanese leadership

troops atof


lin It proved only a temporary set-back, and very soon afterwards Chang

train Tso


up byto aManchuria.

mine on oneJustof before reaching

the bridges, and Mukden

he himselfthedied Dictator’s

of wounds. was



transferred troops

to entered

Nanking. Peiping

Meanwhile without

Chang resistance

Tso-lin’s son and the


a of China

separate was


ernment for Manchuria, but opened negotiations with

being suspended. A movement to oust Chang Hsueh Liang, Chang Tso-lin’s son from the Nationalists, hostilities

the Manchurian government, was nipped in the bud, its instigator Yang Yu-ting, “the

brains of the North,” being summarily executed. Meanwhile the Nanking government

formulated an united policy

figured prominently. In thein which

autumntreaty revision

of 1928, and abolition

conditions had soof far extraterritoriality

improved that

Chiang Kai-shek was proclaimed President of the Republic, and early in 1929 the

Nationalist flag was formally recognised

of National unity China has seen for many years. by the Northerners—the first demonstration

An important event at the end of 1928 was the signing .of a Tariff Autonomy

treaty between ofGreat

the abrogation Britain andofChina

all provisions in which

existing treaties“ His


limit theMajesty

right ofagrees

China toto

impose tonnage dues at such rate as she may think fit.” The political union painfully


and in 1928 did not last long. Li Tsung-jen, the military Governor of Hankow,

civil aGovernment,

member of which the powerful “ Kwangsito be

he proclaimed clique,” effected aMarshal

Bolshevist. coup d’etat against thea

Li Tsai-hsin,


attend of the

the sameKoumintang

annual party, and GovernorConference, of was


summarily who went

seized and toimprisoned

Nanking byto

Chiang Kai-shek. This was a signal for a general conflagration and it was at one time

Sjestedared forthat

the all the Northern

National Government, war butlordsa curious

were uniting

alliance against

of theonKNanking.

wangsi Canton



Help was sent from Nanking and the attack was beaten off, largely thanks city.

Chang Fat-fui, leader of the semi-Red Ironsides, marched the Southern to a


triumphed.ofofThe twenty aeroplanes.

mainandcause theThe Northern WarNanking’s

Lords held aloof andforNanking

disbanding troops, theofdefeat war wasresisting

of the probably war lords wasproposals

a big victorygeneralfor the


the Father funeral Dr.OnSunJune 1st, amidplace an amazing displayTheof vastfuneral pageantry,

the of the ofRepublic isYat-sen

designedtook on the linesat Nanking.

of the national shrine.mausoleum of

and The FengyearYu-hsiang

1930 sawagainst

the open revolt ofChang

Nanking. Yen Hsi-shan,

Hseuh-liang, the model

the youngtuchunGovernor

of Shansiof


decisive victory.decided, however, to support Nanking and again Chiang Kai-shek won a


Good relations were maintained with foreign powers, and in October Wei Hai Wei

-was formally handed over by Great Britain to China. Negotiations for the modifica-

tions of “noextraiity

year, but decisions" between

were made.Chinese and the Powers were in progress during the

In the early part of 1931 it was hoped that peace would be arranged between

Nanking and the Kwangsi militarists, who for two years had defied all attempts to


however, them from aNanning.

to receive The causeA ofgrave

serious set-back. unitycrisis,


centralised governmenteffect

may permanently was,,

the course of Chinese

in-Chief inandCanton, history

effected occurred on April,

a coupof Chiang when

d’etat, deposing Chen Tsai Tong, the (Juinmander-

governor a faithful supporter Kai IShek.Chen-Ming-Shu,

An alliance withthetheprovincial



Hsiang was concluded, and a rival “National Government”YenwasHsiset Whan

the Ironsides and the Northern rebels, under up at and Feng The

Canton. Yu

ostensible reason for the coup was a protest against Chiang Kai Shek’s

detention of the veteran Kuomintang leader, Hu Han Min, and a propaganda compaign arrest and

of intensive violence, demanding the resignation of the President was prosecuted.

Conditions in 1934.

Distinctly mere peaceful conditions were experienced throughout the

greater part of the country during the year under review. There were no

further acts of foreign aggression, and, if there remained some evidences of

Sino-Japanese tension in Northern China, the occurrence of embarrassing

incidents as a result of this strained atmosphere was safely averted by the

discreet conduct of affairs by the Peiping Political Council, under the general

direction of the National Government, during the protracted negotiations for

the retrocession of the Great Wall passes and the resumption of through traffic

on the Peiping-Moukden Railway. The somewhat unimpressively staged revolt

in Fukien was crushed in January, and, as foreshadowed in the previous trade

report, the internal situation was further improved by the eventual success of

the campaign against the so-called Soviet forces in Kiangsi. The most serious

natural calamity of the year was a drought affecting the provinces of Anhwei,

Chekiang, Kiangsi, and Kiangsu principally, and many other provinces to a

lesser extent. No attempt is made here to describe the varied activities of the

Government during the year or even to summarise all the important under-

takings of the National Economic Council in the interests of commerce and

industry, the development of the country in general, and the prospering of

agriculture in all its branches: these matters are dealt with in their proper

place elsewhere in this report. The silver crisis was such an outstanding

economic feature of the year, however, that the Government’s handling of this

matter is placed somewhat fully on record in the next section of this introduc-

tory chapter. All the constructive work now being done to improve the internal

economy of the country must bring results in time. It is a task upon which

all nations are now engaged as a necessary preliminary to an expansion in

their foreign trade. Meanwhile, it has to be admitted that the nation’s pur-

chasing power, in common with that of many other countries, show's no sign

of improvement as yet, and that her foreign trade is all too obviously suffering

still from the effects of the greatest of all disturbances of the world’s economic

equilibrium. The decline in the combined value of imports and exports

amounted to 20 per cent.; but the fact should not be overlooked that after

reducing her adverse visible balance of trade in 1933 by 222 million dollars,

China has effected a further reduction of 238 million dollars .(which meant

decreasing her excess of imports by almost exactly one-third) during the year

under review.

Despite a 20 per cent, decrease in the total value of trade with foreign

countries, the Customs revenue collection reached the high figure of 344.6 million

dollars, a decrease of less than per cent, compared with the figures for the

previous year ($339.5 million), and a sum sufficient to provide a considerable

fund for ordinary Government usage after fully meeting all the loan and other

obligations for which this revenue stands pledged.




Belgium — Legation, Street, East End, 7\.djoint Militaire—M. le Cpte.


Beige Telepli. 1.452 (East); Cable Ad: Le Porz

Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Mtidecin de. la Legation—Dr. Bussiere

1 ’lanipotf

aunl ntiary — Baron J ales G nil - Commdt.

> Comdt. deLeglarand

Garde de la Legation—

i .l ^ v<


reining Shu Hub;ung((East Citj), m'M k m m k

Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Ta To kuo ta shih kuan

Plenip.—H. E. Pedro Leao Velloso Germany—14, Legation Street, Peiping;

Sectetary-MaurO de Freitas Telephs. 922 and 4559 (East); Cable au:


p'imm ikmn* German Ambassador—II. E. Oskar

t: Ta tan ko ch'in c/i’.ai you men P. Trautmann

Counsellor of Embassy—M. Fischer

Denmark—2, Hue Hart, Peiping; Cable (Nanking)

Ad: Legadane Counsellor of Legation — Dr. M.

Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Lautenschlager

Plenipotentiary—Oscar de Oxholm . Counsellor of Legation—L. Baron

■Counsellor of Legation.r& Consul- von Plessen


Shanghai) Lunn (residence at Secretary of Legation— Dr. G. Rosen

: , Secretary of Legation—Dr. H.

Consul Attached:; to . Eegation — J. Bidder

Hphnbcrg ,., ., Secretary of Legation—Dr. W. Junker

Attache—Dr. E. G. Mohr 1

m bm ^ n & -k Attache—Rolf H. Betz

Ta Fa lino Ch’in ch’ai Kung shu Chief-Chancellor—P. Scharffenberg

France—Legation Street, Peiping; Chancellors—R. Janssen, H. Wobser

Telephs. 3670 and 7()0.(E.O.); Cable Ad: land A. Hiirter

Legafrance , Chancellor—G. Ploth (Nanking)

Envoyb Extraordinaire et Ministre Stenographers—Miss Martha Jur-

Pienipotentiaire—S. E. M. Henry A. gens, Mrs. Gharlotte Sterz and

Miss Marga Glissmann


ldenler d’AmbaSsade—H. Hoppeiiot Clerlr of Works—A. Thiel

Secretaire d’Arnbassade de Deuxienie • Hon. Physician—Prof. P. Krieg, M.o.


Consul-AdjbinD—L. Chayef

■ Secretaire

: J nterpreteColinde Premiere ltd Hi k fi :k

01aSse—M. Germain "Ta Tihg Kuo Ta Skih Kuan

Secretaire 1 Interprete de Zeme

Classe Archiviste—M. Gilbert Great Britain—N. Legation St., Peiping;

Secretaire Interprete de Deuxieme Telephs. Britain 65.4,.S35 and 1151 'E..J; Cable Ad:


Secretaire Interprete tch . Envoy . Extraordinary and Am-

Classe, Charge de la ’ Chancellerie—

de Troisieme bassador Plenipoientiary — Sir

Alexander Cadogan, k.c.m.g.,

M. Faure . c.b.

Consul General, Attache Commercial Counsellor—R. G. Howe

—E. Saussine ‘(Shanghai) Naval

.Attache Commercial Adjoint — M.

Vibifen (Shanghai) r.n. Attach!*—Capt.

(Tokyo) J. G. P. Vivian,

Attache Militaire — MV le Lt. - Col. Military Attache—Lt. Col. W. A.

Sabattier Lovkt-Fraser, o.b.e. ■


Chinese -Counsellor—Sir E. Teich- Third Secretaries—M. ' Sifeinitsu

man, K.C.M.G., C.I.E. Kadowaki & M. Kaoru Toyoda

Commercial Counsellor — Louis First Secretary-Interpreter — M.

■'Beale, c.b.e. (Shanghai) Tdzo Shimzu

'1st' Secretary — D. J. Cowan, Third Secy, and Vice-Consul—

o.b.e., Midi' M. Hikozo Tanaka

'Consul—N. Fitzmaurice, c.i.e. Vice-Consul—M. Hisakichi Oka-

’ ■‘Commercial Secretary—. C. Hutchi- moto

son Second Secy.-Interpreter and Vice-

•Chinese' Secretary^-A. L. Scott Consul—M. Hajime Iwoki

.Slid Secretary—(vacant)' ? Attaches—M. Koichiro Asakai and

3rd Secretary—(yacaiit) M. Osamu Tatagaki

Vice-Consuls—W. G. C. Graham & Chancellors—M. Zehsaku Nieka-

G. W. Creighton , wa, M. Seiskiro Takahashi, M.

Student Interpreters—J. F. Bre- Eiichi Iwai, M. Jirp Kaneko,

'wis, E. B. Boothby and J. A. M. M. Nobukiyo Okuta, Rinpei

Majoribanks Kobayashi and M. Yutaka To-

Archivist—A. T. Cox yama

Acct.—E, Williams

.Clerial 0 (jers—A. Vei'lich and E. Commercial . Counsellor—M. Hei-

L. Watkins. taro Yokotake

'Cypher Officers—H. 0. E. Tubb, Military Attache — Ma'joriGeneral

Capt. O’B. Harding and C. M. Rehsuke Isbgai :

Alport Asst. Military Attache—Lt. Col.

Stenographer—A. Marshall Tatsumi Amemiya

Chaplains—Rt. Rev. Bishop F. L. Asst. Military Attaches—Tan Ta-

Norris, d.d. and Rev. O. A. kahashi and Major Jiro Ichida

Griffiths Naval Attache' — Rear-Admiral

Commandant of Embassy Guard— Osamu Sato

Major M. Hamilton Cox Asst. Naval Attaches—Capt. Shun-

Medical Officer—Dr. W. 11. Graham kichr Okano and Lt. Com dr.


Aspland, Shigeto Kuwahara

Commandant of . the Embassy

Chancery Attendant—J. W isher Guard Lt, Col. Masanori Ha-

Italy—Peiping; Teleph. 2949 segawa

Ambassadeur de S. M. le Roi Medical

ShiozawaAttache — Dr. Shichisel

d’Italic—^Son Exc. M. Vincenzo

Lojaoono De Marco

n&m mm%x

n* Ta Ho lan Icuo Ch'in ch'ai Hunt] ska

Ta jih pen Tcuo ta sJiih hitan' Netherlands—Legation Street, West

•Japan—Peiping; Telephs. 800 and 12 (East) End, Peiping

Envoy Extraord. and Minister Plenip

Envoye Extraordinaire et Ambas- —H.E. G. W. de Vps van Steen-

sador Plenipotentiaire—A. Ari- wyns


Counsellor—M. Kaname Wakdsugi Secretaries — Jonkheer H- P. J-

First Secretary—M. Tateki Horiu- Bosch van Drakestein and Jonk-

chi heer M W. van Weede

Consul General and First Secy.— Secy.-Interpr.—Th. de Jong Jo&selin

M. Yakichiro Suma 'Do. —A. E. Abell

First Do. —H. Bos (Nanking)

SecondSecretary—M. Yoshiomuto

Secretaries—M. Hirosi First Chancellor—A. Kok

Acino, M. Manabu Arino and

M. Yoshitaro Yama

Consul and Third Secretary—Vis- Norway - 2, Peking Road, Shanghai-

count Seiichi ‘ Motono Charge d’Affaires, a.i.—N. Aall


Language Officers—Captain John

Ta Si yang hao Ch'in ch'ai Rung shu E. MoCammon, u.s.a., 1st Lieuts.

Bernard A. Tormey, u.s.a., Henry

Poktugal—Peiping; Te^eph.and

538 (East) S.u.s.a.,


Thomasu.s.a., William E. Crist

S. Timberman, u.s.a.r

Envoy Extraordinary Minister and Haydon L. Boatner, u.s.a.

Plenip.—H. E. Armando Navarro

Charge d’Affaires—A. C. de Freitas

Secy.-Interpreter—J. F. das Chagas Naval Attache’s Office



u.s.n. Thomas M.


Spain —Peiping Language Officers—Major W. A.

Envoy Extraordinary E.andDonMinister

Plenipotentiary—H. Justo Worton, u.s.m.c., Capt. William L.

Garrido y Cisneros Bales,

Kenny, u.s.m.c,,

U.S.N. andand Lieuts. W. T.

H. T. Jarrell,

Secretary—Don Ricardo Muniz y U.S.N.


Interpreter and Chancellor — W. P. Marine Detachment

Commanding Officer — Colonel

Thomas Presley M. Bixey, jr., u.s.m.c.

Executive Officer—Lt.-Col. William

Jff IU jSi Jffij Ta Jtie Hen Icuo fu C. Buckley, u.s.m.c.

Sweden—Shanghai; Teleph. 10100; Cable Intelligence

B. Sullivan, Officer—Lt.-Col.

u.s.m.c. William

Ad: Svensk Paymr.—Lt.-Col. Clark H. Wells,.

Envoy Extraordinary and Minister

Plenipotentiary—J. E. E. Hultman u.s.m.c.

(nomine, Tokyo) Quartermaster—Capt. William F.

Charge d’Affaires A. I.—Einar Lind- Beattie, u.s.m.c.

quist Post


w Evans 1C

Post Exchange Officer—2nd Lieut-

sansitsii* Charles E. Shepard, jr., u.s.m.c.

Ta Mei kuo Ch’in ch'ai Rung shu Company Officers—Capt. Francis

S. Kieren, u.s.m.c., Richard H.

United States of America—Legation | Schubert, u.s.m.c., Lloyd R.

Street, West

(Timg-chii); End,

Cable Peiping;

Ad: Teleph.

Amlegation 919 Pugh, u.s.m.c., Erwin Mehlinger,,

Envoy Extraordinary and Minister u.s.m.c.,

more, 1st Lieuts.Lewis

u.s.m.c., Robt.B.L. Puller-



Trusler Johnson Hon. Nelson u.s.m.c., andjr., 2nd Lieuts.James


Counsellor of Legation— Clarence E. B. Lake, u.s.m.c., P.

Gauss Berkeley,

Howard, u.s.m.c. and Marcellus J-


Counsellor (resident Nanking)— Chief Pay Clerk—Frealigh R.

Willys R. Peck Powers, u.s m.c.v

Chinese Secretary & 1st Secretary Quartermaster Clerk—Walter J-

—Clarence J. Spiker Czapp, u.s.m.c.


Secretaries—Lawrence E. Salis-

Robert L. Smyth (Nanking), Naval Officers Attached

Medical Officer—Lieut.-Comdr. M.

3rdand Paul W. Meyer B. Lyon and


Lewis Clark

D. Willcutts, (M.C.j u.s.n.

Dental Officer—Lt.-Comdr. Walter-

Attaches for Language Study — Rehraven, Dental Corps., u.s.n.

Arthur R. Ringwalt, Everett F. Junior Med. Medical

F. Flower, Officer—Lieut. Charles-

Corps, u.s.n.

Drumright and St.

Clerks—Dorothy JohnClair,

Davies, jr.

Emmeline Chief Radio Electrician—M. M. Holt,,

Arguello, U.S.N.


EmileE. Bandy, Julia jr.,

P. Gasse, H. Commercial Attache’s Office

Walker S. Price, Louise M. Kartes, Commercial Attache—Julean Ar-

Josephine L. Dietz, Doris

Hoffmann and Sidney M. Lafoon L. nold (Shanghai)

Military Attache’s Office Assistant

B. CalderCommercial


Military Attach^—Lieut.-Col.

ter S. Drysdale, u.s.a. Wal-

Assistant U.S.S.R.—20, Ta Fang Hsiang, Peiping?.

Samuel Military Attache—Major

V. Constant, u.s.a. Teleph. 31288 —D. Y. Bogomoloff



)§l Shun-tien formerly Peking 7ft 'It

Peiping (formerly known as Peking) is situated on a sandy plain i3 miles S. W. of

the Pei-ho 116

longitude river,deg.and27 about

min. E.,110ormiles fromonitsthemouth,

nearly in latitude

parallel of Naples. 39 deg.A canal

54 min.connects

N. and

the city with the Pei-ho.

From Dr.

sketch:—“ The Dennys’

city formerlydescription


the siteweofquote

the the following

southern briefofhistorical

portion Peiping

was the capital of the Kingdom of Yan. About 222 B.c., this kingdom was over-

thrown by the Chin dynasty and the seat of Government was removed elsewhere.

Taken from the Chins by the Khaitans about 936 a.d., it was some two years after-

wards made the southern capital of that people. The Kin dynasty, subduing the

Khaitans,a.d.in 1151,

About their turn took possession

the fourth sovereign ofofthethecapital, calling it thethe‘ Western

Kins transferred Residence.’

Court thither, and


Kublai itKhan

the Central

fixed Residence.

his residence Inthere,

1215, itgiving

was captured

it the by Genghis

title of Khan.or Centra!

Chuncj-tu In 1264

■Residence, the people at large generally calling it Shun t'ien-fu. In 1267 a.d., the city

was the

tu— transferred 3 li (one mile)

‘Great Residence.’ Thetooldtheportion


of its then


is nowandknown

it was asthenthecalled Ta-


city, and the terms ‘Northern’ and ‘Southern’ city, or

(within the wall) and wai-cheng (without the wall), came into use. The native Emperors more eommonlj nei-cheng


succeeded theThe MongolCourtdynasty did not,afterwards

was shortly however, continue

removed toto make Pekingwhich

Nanking, the seat


considered the chief city of the Empire until, in 1421, Yung

of the Ming dynasty, again held his Court at Peiping, since which date it has remained Lo, the third Emperor

the capital of China.”

city The andpresent city of Peiping

the Southern is dividedThe

or Chinese. intoformer

two portions,

has beentheencroached

Northern orupon Tartar



The Chinese,

southern andcitytheis purely Manchu

exclusively sectionbyof Chinese.

occupied the city isTheverygenerallimitedshape


Peiping may be roughly represented by a square placed upon an oblong, the former

-standing forwalled.

the Tartar and wallstheofand


for the

cityChinese city. TheThey whole of the50town

inis, ofheight

course,and 40 feetThe in width, the are buttressed are the strongest.

at intervals of aboutaverage feet

sixty yards.

The parapets are loop-holed and crenelated. They are faced on both sides with brick,

'the space between being filled with earth and concrete. Each of the gateways is


height, 25byfeet a three-storied

thick at thepagoda.base, andThe15 walls of theonChinese

feet wide city plein.

the terre are about The30total


circumference of the walls round the two cities slightly exceeds 20 miles.

The Tartar city consists of three enclosures, one within the other, each

surrounded by its own wall. The innermost, called Kin-ching or Forbidden

lire incontains); the

City, theImperial

second Palace and itsbysurrounding

is occupied the severalbuildings

offices (partly destroyed

appertaining by

to the


houses, with and shopsby inprivate residences

the chief avenues.of officials; while the outer consists of dwelling-

There iscitylittle direct foreign trade with Peiping, but it is growing. In the August,

-of1884,thetheworld, wasan

by brought

overlandintolinedirect telegraphic

to Tientsin via communication

Tungchow. Thewith Ministryrestof


two other innovations, has nowwhich its own wouldwireless


been regarded The year 1899 witnessed

as impossible ten

years previously, viz., the erection of large two-storied buildings on prominent sites for

the Austrian Legation and the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank. These were breaks with

immemorial tradition that the feng-shui must resent elevation in houses other than


those of the immortal gods and the Son of Heaven. The railway line to Tientsin, was-

opened in 1897. A further link between the two places was forged in 1922 by means


a wirelessbytelephone

the Chinasystem,

ElectrictheCo. plant for which was installed for the Chinese

During 1902 the fortification of the Legation quarter was completed, the railway

termini brought to the GKien Men in the Chinese city, and the reconstruction of the

various Legations

barracks connectedwaswith begun.

each These

for thewereaccommodation

slowly broughtoftothecompletion,

Legationand extensive-

Guards. As

most Chinese buildings in this section were removed the Legation quarter presents the-

appearance of a European settlement of about half a square mile

several large stores, which sell all kinds of foreign goods. The Peiping Club is much in extent. There are-

larger and more convenient than it was before; there is a Catholic Church for the

Legation Guards,

splendidly equippedand .several hospitals—Kockefeller

institution, the opening of which marked Foundation

an epoch(a handsome

in the historyand

of Peiping), Dojin (Japanese, completed in 1917), Central, German, St. Michael’s and the

Methodist Episcopal

tion for both John L.European

Chinese'and Hopkins Memorial—which

patients. There are are provided with accommoda-

many foreign banks) and.


large Chinese banks;

splendidly-equipped In addition

hotels—the to

Hotel a number

des of


and hotels,

the HoteltheredearePekin.


The latter is a magnificent Striicthre capable of accommodating 1,000 guests.




organized of Peiping, are'macadamized,

quarter therewillarefurnish light wherever

many foreign

and two electric

.Duildings,wanted in thelight

the number

companies have


whichOutside the

is growing

yearly* changing to soiP^ ext:®Atdhe. appearance, of the business localities adjacent to

the Glacis.


Manchu the revolution'many changes, which would have beenallunthinkable under the

authorities havehave' taken place.

constructed several Innewaddition

. streets toat opening

considerable available

cost, and gates, the

are giving


City access

is to certain

now pierced localities

in over which,.were

a dozen formerly

places, and badlynewserved.

three The- Imperial.

thoroughfares have

been opened, viz., the Nan Ch’ih Tzu, the Nan Fu K’ou, and the Fu Yu Ciiieh, the


City. Peiping has providing a well-made

a population road alongside

of 1,375*634 (figures ofthethewestern

Ministrywallof ofthetheInterior.)


There has_ been a considerable' decline

and foreign, since the transfer of the capital to Nanking. in the official population, both Chinese

There are air services to

Tsinanfu, Sianfu, Hankow and Chang-sha. Shanghai via Tientsin and Tsingt’ao and to Canton via

Peiping is now connected with

motor roads to many places in the Western Hills.. Tientsin by a motor road, and there are also


(For Legations' set China sect ion, pages A2.2-A24)


Administrative Commission

J i. 1jv/J.1AA X Quarter . i of the Clerk of Works—A.-Thiele.

Diplomatic Inspector of Bolice—Capt.

Members—M. le Jonkheer

Bosch van Drakestein H. P. J. j Secretary—W.

(Netherlands B. Thomas M. Inouye

Legation), President; Y. Muto

(.lapane.se Legation), J. Pieters :


(HongkongLegation), D.F.C. Banking,

& Shanghai Cleland Ij

.Corporation J. Dantremer Mei kno chow piao gun mu


de al JL1IV.4V/-jlj.vjii•

liido-China), a i Banque

cr jj American Bank Note. Co.—Pei, Ch’ang

Medical Officer ofHun. Treasurer

Health-W. H. | Chieh, Hui Chi Ssu; Teleph. 659 (E);.;

Graham Aspland, m.d. [ Cable Ad: Banknote

PEIPING ■ /Y.rii

® m # m ti & * & m ^

American Bible Society (Sub Agency) Ying Bhang A si a hug yu hung szu

—287, Hatamen Street; Teleph. 356 Asiatic.Petroleum Co. (North China),

(East); Cable Ad: Bibles Ltd.—Legation Street; Telephs. 1688

Bev. Earl A. Hoose, secretary

Bey. Frank K. Jowc, tielcl secretary', (East),

and DepptManager’s Btsiuence:2392

Tungpieinnen: 486 (East),


Cable Ad; Doric

American Chamber of Commerce (see



n m American Chamber of Commerce—8,

American Chinese Co. (Federal Inc. Tung Tan Erh Tiao Hutung, c/o Fett&


Chang SalesTeleph

Chieh; Service—4, Tung- BugPresident—S.

4380 (East);


F. Howard

Cable Ad: Tacco Vice-db.

Treasurer —J.

and F.Secretary—F.

De Vault C. Fette

G.J.T.F.Cole, manager


® w, w m x m *

M H £ $ Jfua cm Viao fancJ Association Engineers—6^

of Chinese and American

/fs’ai Cli’ang Hutung;

American Drug Store, Wholesale, Betail Teleph. 3284, East

and Dispensing Druggists and Chemists, President—S. M. Dean

First Vice Pres.—P. H. Cheng

—94, Hatamen Street; Cable Ad: Hua-An

' Second Vice Pres.—Dr. S. T. Li

American Express Co.i (See Banks) Secretary—O.

Actg. Secy.—Hoy J. Todd (on furlough)

L. Creighton

Treasurer—T. King

Editor—Miss Mabel 1. Huggins

a ts Sun cheong

Andersen, Meyer Company, Ltd., ^ m m ft ^ m ^ ^

Engineers, and Contractors, Exporters


ance Importers,

Agents—1, Manufacturers,

Ta Yuan Fu Insur- China International Famine Relief-


Teleph. 1935 (East); Cable Ad: Danica CoMMisSiON--Head Office: 6, Tsai Chang

(For Agencies; -see Shanghai section) Hutung, East City; Telephs. 3284 or

4404 E. O. (General Office), 3242 E. O.

(Rural Improvement Dept.); Cable Ad:

Arnhold & Co., Ltd —53, Pei Ho Yen Mission Farorel orand


Codes andUsed:China



publican and Suez’s

Hon. Presidents—C. T. Wang, M.

T. Liang, Chu Ching-lan, Hsu

Yu-pangjen-shou-pao-hsien-kung-szu Shih-ying, David A. Brown,

Asia Life Insurance Co., Life Insur- John Hope Simpson, and Hew-

ance—36, Teng Shih Kou, East > lett Johnson

City; Cable Ad : Alicochina ; Code : Chairman—W. W. Yen

Acme & Bentley’s. Main Office for Vice-Chairman—D. W. Edwards

the Orient: 17, The Bund, Shanghai Treasurer—Sohtsu G. King-

Dr. S. T. Ling, resident asst, secretary Treasurer—C. R. Bennett

& medical referee for North China Executive Secy.—Y. S. Diang

M. Chang, manager Hon. Executive Dir.^—Y. T. Tsur

C. C. Wang, acct. Hon. Field Secy.—G. F. Andrew

C. Y. Yu, clerk Hon. Chief Acct.—Wm. Kelly

Executive Committee : — C. R.

•Bennett, A. J. D. Britland, Y.

Asiatic..News Agency—15, Yen-yao St., C. 'Chang, S. J Djang, D. W.

East City; Teleph. 399 (East); Cable Edwards, P. L. Gillett, Sohts?u

Ad: Asiatic G. King, H. K. Lin, J. B. Tav-

Mitchell C. L. Chang, proprietor ler and W. W. Yen


Shanghai Office—Room 601, China BANKS

State Bank Building, 356 Pe-

king Road, Shanghai; Teleph. fir a! 'S Sil H

91768; Cable Ads: Yarel or Mei huo yuen tuny ying hong


Resident Director—R. R. Service American Express Co., Inc., Banking,

Publicity Secretary—O. H. Lowe Shipping, Travel, Railway and Wagons


Yangtze Advisory Committee— ship Lits;


Cable Ad: Amexco

Hotel des

K. P. Chen (chairman), Wu S. E.F. T.Howard, manager

Lien-teh (vice-chairman), J. Holm berg, cashier dept.)

E. Baker (Treasurer), C: L. L. Kukuranov (shipping

Wang (Hon. accountant), G. Miss O. Weinglass,' secretary

F. Andrew, R. Calder-Mar-

shall, L T. Chen, S. C.

Leung, E. C. Lobenstine, W. Bank of Tientsin Ltd., Inc.— Hatamen

W. Lockwood, H. C. Mei,

Georges Padoux, G. G. Street; Teleph. E. 1030

Stroebe, Y. S. Tsao and C. T.

Wang ff @ I® #

Shanghai Central Ccmmittee Of-

ficers—Percy Chu (chairman), Tung fang huei U yin hang

J. E. Baker (vice-chairman), Banque de ITndo-Chine—Legation St.

Liu Yu-wan (vice-chainhan),

W. C. Cassels (hon. treasurer) Teleph. 392 East; Cable Ad: Indochine

and Hsu Singloh (hon. treas.)

Secretaries—R. R. Service, C. H. 0 I & *

Lowe and K. Z. Chew

Anking Office—1 Chung Hsiao Banque Franco-Chinoise pour le Com-

Chieh, Hsiao Nan Men Nei, merce et l’Industeie (French Co.,

Anking, Anhwei; Cable Ad: Ltd.) — Legation Street: Cable Ad:

Yarel or 2012 Geranchine

Resident Secretary—Yang Hsing- J. R.Bardac, managersigns per pro.

de Chazelles,

tsun Mme. Vassilevsky

Nanchang Office—88, Huan Hu Lu,

Nanchang, Kiangsi; Cable Ad:

Yarel or 2012.

Resident Secy.—Wei Ching-chu ff m m M ^

Mai chia li yin hang

Peking Club—Rue Marco Polo; Telephs.

602 Tung Chu (Office), 1294 and 3985 Chartered Bank of India, Australia

and China—Legation

Tung Chu (inside Club); Cable Ad: Club 676 (East); Cable Ad: Prudence Street; Teleph.

H. E. Faulkner, manager

Young Men’s Christian Association—

orHatamen Street;

1678 (East); CableTelephs. 954 (East)

Ad: Nassau; Codes Commercial

Chihli, The

Guarantee Bank of

used: Mission and Western Union

Young Women’s Christian Association Continental Bank—Capital (paid up)

$3,758,000.00, Reserves : $2,114,106.50.

—19, Hsi Lo Hutung Total Resources: $83,893,886.11,

Correspondents: Chemical Bank and

Assurance Franco-Asiatique,

Fire, Motor-Car Marine, Trust

Insurance—9, Legation

Co., Bank Trust Co., New

York; Wells Fargo Bank and Union

Street, Legation Quarter; Teleph. 1522 Trust Co., San Francisco; National

(East); Cable Ad: Intersavin. Head Prov. Bank. Ltd., and National

Office: 85, Rue St. Lazare, Paris. Far City Bank of New York, London;

Societe Generale, Paris; Conrad

Eastern Branch

VII, Shanghai Office: 9, Avenue Edward II inrich Donner, Hamburg; The

P. Jarno, agent Mitsui Bank, Kobe



Yi pin fong lewan yin hang Hsin hua shang yeh chu hsu yin hang

Credit Foncier D’Extreme-Orient, Sin-Hua Trust and Sayings Bank—

Mortgage Bank

Agents: Banque de 1’Indo-Chine— Long Fang Office:

T’ou T’iao,

Legation Street men; Head Teleph.outside Chien-

2310 (South);

Cable Ad: Sinhuabank or 0238

ft ^ H li Te hua yin hung

DeUtsch - Asiatische Bank—Legation H ^ & je mm


TeutoniaTeleph. 96!i (East); Cable Ad:

J. EL Voskamp, manager Heng Pin Cheng Chin Yin Hang

F. Horstmanu, accountant Yokohama Specie Bank. Ltd.—Legation

Street; Telephs. 42, 280 and 281 (East);

Cable Ad: Shokin

w # m & * H. Ihara, manager


Epargne Franco-Chinoise, L’,(Fraiico-

Chinese Savings Society) Public Banque de LTndochine {see Banks)

Savings Co., with Monthly Draw-

ings—Head Office: Kegine’s Build-

ing, Peiping; Teleph. 675 East; bI Lung hu hung szu

Cable Ad: Lepargne

Basel & Frey, Architects. Consulting

?! M @1 Hni feng yin hang Engineers

63a, Ta Fang ChiaGeneral

and Hutting;Contractors—

Teleph. 140

Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Cor- (Bast); Cable Ad: Basel; Code: A.B.C.

poration — Legation Street; Teleph. 5thF. edn. W. Basel, architect and engineer

855 (East Office); Cable Ad: Lascar

C. D.M.F.Jamieson,

C. Clelandacting sub-mgr.

Bertram, R„ Curio Dealer and also Drugs

# M ^ 31 and Chemicals—6, Legation Street;.

Telephs. 1867 (East); Cable Ad: Bertram

Wan hwoh tsz chu icay R. Bertram

International Savings Society —

9,Ad:Legation St., Legation Quarter; Cable

Intersavin. Head Office: 7, Avenue M ^ St M Li ya yoh fang


85, Rue St.VII,Lazare.


SaigonParis Office:

Office: 26, Betines & Co.,andS. J.,Analytical

Orienta Chemists—


Rue Uhaigneau Dispensing

P. Jarno, manager Hatamen Street; Teleph. 456 (East);.

Cable Ad: Betinesco

A. Gohring, manager

Chin cheng yin hang

Kincheng Banking Corporation—Hsi- Black,

Chiao Ming Hsiang; Telephs. 2360 Yuan Fu Hutung; Teleph. East;.

and 2452 South; Cable Ad: Kin- Cable Ad: Engineer

chen J. F. Black, b.sc., a.m.i.c.e.

frig rff# Kim chee ying hang

National City Bank of New York, The British Chamber of Commerce—Culty

—Legation Street; Telephs.,893, 2403 Chambers; Teleph. E. 4518

andR. 2908; Cable

G. Hill, Ad: Citibank


G. L. Hill, acting accountant

K. L. Meng, sub-accountant

W. Y. Wu, do. British Traders Insurance Co., Ltd.

—5, Rue Morco Polo; Teleph. E. 4585


15!} W 2P 41; $ $ M China Radio Corporation, Ltd —72,

Tsai tseng jm pei ping yin shiu chu Pa Mien TsaO; Teleph. E. 567




and Printing

Bureau China Weekly Chronicle, The, Weekly

under Ministry of Finance), Banknote Newspaper in English Language — 2,

Engravers* also Commercial Printing Mei Chia Hutung,

1641 and 1649 East City;Office),

E.O. (Business Telephs.


& Engraving—1, Pai ChihFang;Telepbs. E.O. (Editorial Office); Cable Ad-

701 and 710 (South) Cable Ad:

prin; Code: A.B.C. 5th edn. & Bentley’sEngrav- Chronicle

Second W. Sheldon Ridge,, editor-in-chief

T. Y. Wn, director

H.M.J. LI>i,Ting,


business manager

Chinese Eastern Railway Co.—Legation

Camel’s Bell, Curios;‘Gifts, etc., Ketail Ad: Street; Teleph. 2444 (Tung-chii); Cable

Store and Exporter—Grand Hotel de Eastrail. Harbin Office: Cable Ad:


Pekin; Cable Ad: Camelsbell

Helen Burton

H ^ Ta Chang

Camera Craft, Photographers & Photo- Chinese Engineering and Development

graphic Supplies—2, Morrison Street Co.—Office: 75, Nam

H. Meng, proprietor 3687 East; Cable Ad : Chih


• Teleph.

Cameron H. A. Raider, general manager

Land and& EstateCo., Auctioneers (Christie’s),

Agents, Importers and


Teleph. — p2,EastHsi. Piao Pei Hutung, CHINESE GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS


T. A. S. Cameron, manager

Id If Li Ho ^ ^ m ^ ^

Carlowitz & Co., Merchants, Engineers Ching han tieh lu .chu.


and Contractors—12, Hatamen Street; An Chieh; Teleph. Railway—Tung Chang

Teleph. 208 (East); Cable Ad: Bonafides Ad: Kinhan 858 (East); Cable

Chartered Bank

and China (See Banks) of India, Australia

China Electric Go., Ltd—3, HsiTangTze Peiping-Suiyuan Peiping; Telephs.Line 1216,—2240



Hutung, East City; Telepb. 700 (East); (West); Cable Ad:

Cable Ad: Microphone; Codes: Lieber’s, T’tsin.;Codes; Bentley’s & A.B.C.Kalganry, Peiping and

A. BG. 5th edn. and Bentley’s. Head 5th edn

Office: 212, Kiangze Road, Shanghai

China Fire Insurance Co., Ltd.—45, Chung hua yi hsiieh tsg chih ying'v>en pu

Wai Chiao Pu Chieh


the Medical

MedicalJournal, Official

in Organ

China International Famine Relief ofPublished Monthly





' Commission (Nee Associations) tion Office: Peiping Union Medical

College; CableManaging

C. E. Lim, Ad: Physiology

editor. (Peiping)

n m n m * James L. Maxwell, do.. (Shanghai)

Chung Hua Chi Lu Hong

China Radiator Co., Radiator and Boiler Christie’s Auction Rooms—52, Hsi Piao


Engineers, Sanitary

Beating (Alland Heating Pei Hutung; Teleph. 2855 (East)


Office: 311, Chao Yang Men Steet; T. A. S. Cameron


Men Wei; Teleph. 2045 (South) P’ien Church of England Mission (see Missions)

4638 (East). Factory: Hsi


j>J? ^ Tung chi lung Ecole St. Michel—17, Nantchenken

Cook & Son, Ltd., Thos., and Wagons- Fr. Lambert, directeur

Lits Co , General Passenger, Forward-

ing and Insurance Agents, Foreign French College—Nan-T’ang

Jre. T. Stanislas, directeur

Bankers — Grand Hotel de Pekin; Jre. Abel, Sous-directeur

Telephs. ‘2262 and 948 (East); Cable

Ad;B. Coupon

L.C.H.Hale, branch mgr.

Dopson $ ^ H

Hua Mei Hsueh Hsiao ;

G. V. Perhuroff North China American School (School

M. Litvintseff

J. L. Mouat (Peiping & Tientsin) for Foreign Children) — Tunghsien,

Hopei, Cable

via Peiping; Teleph. 5 (Tung-

Customs, Chinese Maritime—3, Rue chow);Gertrude Ad: Norcas, Peitungchow

H. Beggs, principal

Hart, Legation Quarter HaroldHarold

W. Robinson

Daixas & Co.—52, Tung T’ang Tsze Mrs. W. Robinson

Hutung; Teleph. E. 2425 Miss Mary H. Ryland

John MacDonald

Danby, C. G. (Manager for Central China, Miss Edith Stewart

Manufacturers’ LifeTeleph.

Insurance Co.)—7a, Curtis Grimes ■

Erh Tiao Hutung; 152 East

Deutch-Asiatische Bank (see Banks) Pei ping hsieh ho i hsueh yuan

^ l§ Te/oo : Peiping Union Medical College—Cable

Deutsche Farben-Handelsgesellschaft Ad:J. Medical Preston Maxwell, chairman (Ad

Waibel & Co., Supplies—21,

Photographic Aniline Dyes, Gan


Mien ministrative Committee)

Hutung; Teleph. 369 (East); Cable Ad: J. Heng Liu, m.d., director


Directory and Chronicle ©f the Rockefeller ® mm & m & m

Far East—(China, Japan, Malaya, Foundation, The— Lock-

Philippines, Dutch East Indies, Indo- hart Hall, 325, Hatamen Street;1 Cable

China, etc.) Ad: Rockfound; Code: Mission

Mrs D. W. Kemp, secretary

Peiping Agents—The French Book-

store, Grand Hotel de Pekin TsingHua University—Tsing Hua Yuan

Dunlop Rubber Co. (China), Ltd., Tyres (near (West);

Peiping); Teleph. 2.‘56, 2759

andRubber Goods—15,Teleph.

Cable Ad; Pneumatic; Kan Yu2270


East Y. C.Cable



S. North

G. HayesChina(Tientsin), manager for ^ ^IjE Yen ching Ta hsueh

Yenching Un i versit y—Telephs. 4 400,4100-

b 1 fu '.ii m * and 2700 Ad:

10; Cable (East)Yenta

and Hsi Yuan branch

2 a tung tien pao chu

Eastern Extension, Australasia and

China Telegraph Cp., Ltd. (Associated $( X m

with Imperial and International Com- Hai-chmg-kung-ch’ ang


Teleph. 444 Ld.)—Wai Chang Building; Engineering Practice, Inc., Heating,

Plumbing, Electric Installation, Build-

EDUCATIONAL ing Construction, Manufacturers of

'll l$l Hua Wen Hsueh Hsiao plies—11, Boilers, Radiators and Hospital Sup-

College of Chinese Studios, co- men Nei; Teleph. Fang Chia Hutung, Anting-

operating with California College in 8981 East

China—'5, T’ou T’iao Hutung, Tung W. K. Tsu, chief engr.

Ssu Pai Lou; Telephs. 1633 and 2959 S. H. Meng, engr.

C. C. Steinbeck, treasurer

(E.O.); Cable Ad; Language S. M, Dean, adviser


Epargne Franco-Chinoise m m Ya u

{See Banks) Hackmack & Co., General Importers and

Far Eastern Insurance Co., Ltd.— Teleph. 2734 Exporters — 125,(E.Soochow

O.); Cable Hutung;


1-2, Rue Marco Polo; Teleph. E. 990 Safeguard

Fette Rug Co., Fed. Inc. U.S.A.—8, Tung Hartung’s Photo Shop—3, Legation

Tan Erh T’iao Hutung; Teleph. 4026 Street; Teleph. 1289 East; Cable


Bentley’s Cable

and NewAd:DuoFette; Codes: Ad: Hartung

Mrs. HelenC. C.Fette,

Franklin Fett4,secretary-treasurer

president M. Hartung

Mrs. Ruth S. Ricard, assist, secty.

Mrs. Agnes M. Kendall, sales H. B. M. Office of Works — British

K. Chu, accountant Embassy

C. E. Shelley, resident engr.

Tai hong


Railroad&, Co., W. W., IronHwang

Equipment—9, and SteelCheng

and pQ £ Itin Chee

Ken, Tung Hwa Win; Cable Ad: Henning & Co., A. C., General Mer-

Fowlereo chants, Railway Contractors and

W. W. Fowler, president Commission Agents — Peiping Offi-

ces : 45, Wai Chiao Pu Chieh (oppo-

Q Kung mao site New Wai Chiao Pu); Teleph.

811; Cable Ad : Rinchee; Codes :

Frazar, Federal Inc., U.S.A., Exporters, Bentley’s, A.B.C. 5th edn. and

Importers and Engineers—:294, Hatamen Western Union (5-letter) and Acme


F razar ; Teleph. 1949 (East); Cable Ad: A. C. Henning, partner

E. O. B. Cowen

F. Thiele i J. S. Lee

nm it

French Bookstore, The (Soci^te Hongkong & Shanghai Bank (See Banks)

Framjaise de Librairie et d’Edition),

Soc. a resp.Head

M.£45,000— limitee




de Pekin; Teleph. 581 (East); Cable Ad: HOSPITALS

Vetch Pekinotel 11“ Chung yang i yuan

Henri Vetch, general manager Central Hospital (Established 1917)—

Agents Ping Tze Men St.; West City;Cable Telephs.

Directory and Chronicle of 584 and 528 (West); Ad:

China, Japan, Malaya, etc. Centrahosp

French Catholic Mission (See Missions)

Tung jen c yuan

French College (See Educational) Hopkins Memorial Hospital (Me-

thodist Episcopal Church),School

Hospital for Men, Training General


Fulton & Co.—Hatamen Street Nurses — Corner of Hatamen Street

Oillis, 1. V., Bepresenting and Legation Street ; Telephs. 608 and


University,Research Library,TheMcGill

Montreal, Canada—Outside

Gest 1926 (E.)

Hou Men ; Cable Ad: Silligvi or Gillis International

—18, Legation Hospital

St.; Teleph.(St.1642Michel)


J£ #t * « ft Cable Ad: Hospital Saint Michel

Grand Hotel de Pekin—Telephs. 581,

2280, 3151, to 3153 (E.O.); Cable Ad: Italian Hospital for Chinese—Near


J. Roustan,Code: A.B.C. 5th edn.

manager Chinese Post Office Teleph, 910 (Tung-

chu); Cable Ad: Giura


Sistebs of Charity, The (St. "Vin- $i, nm *

ceQ't de Paul), Administration, Dah tung mow yee hung sze

Service Interieur and Pharmacie International

The llev. Sister Bonamy, supr. Ltd., Exporters(Trade Corporation,

Sisters Fraisse, Vincent Sava- Attorneys, Trade& Mark Importers, Patent


rese, Claire Tchao, Patricia

O’Conneil, Elena Azzerboni, Agents—2, Tsui Hua Wang; Teleph. 673

and 4735 (South); P.O. Box 45; Cable Ad:

Tereza Buratti, Maria Joseph Datung

Delepierre Marguerite

Tchang, Joseph Ning, Marthe

Ly and Cecile Tang asset Yan lap hung sze

Jen Li Co., The, Manufacturers and Ex-

w n Fu ying yi yuan porters of RugsofandGeneral

and Exporters Carpets,Merchandise,


Sleeper-Davis Memorial Hospital— also Commission Agents for Peiping Art

Teleph. 1470 (E.); Cable Ad: Methodist Goods—97, Morrison Street; Teleph.

3966 (East); Cable Ad: Jenli; Codes:

A.B.C. 6th edn.,

Howell, L. H., Exchange, Bond, Stock Branches : 78, Rue de France, Tientsin ; Bentley’s, Acme.

and Share Broker, and Insurance 475, Bubbling Well Road, Shanghai

Agent—Grand Hotel des Wagons Lits, Keats S. Chu, general manager

Legation Street; Telephs. E.2640 and C. C. Lin, manager


Broomhall’s, Cable Ad: Peterson’s

Bentley’s, Unity; Codes:

Inter- N. T. Shen, assist, manager

national Kendall, R. R., Architect—1, Tsung Pu

L. Harold

H. Howell T. T’ang, accountant Hutung; Teleph. 1383 East


The Sun Insurance Office, Ltd. London Missionary Society

Hoyer, Alfred K., Exporter of Modern (See Missions)

and Authentic Chinese Art,

Metal Ware Jewellery; Peiping and Brass and

Tientsin— 30, Tung Tang Tze Hutung; si a «ms s A *1 £

Hung li jen shou pao hsien hung szu

Teleph. 1848 (East); Cable Ad: Painter Manufactueres’ Life Insurance Co. of

Hussey, Harry, Architect—1, Ta Soochow Canada—7a, Erh Tiao Hutung; Teleph.

152 (East); Cable Ad: Manulife

Hutung; Cable Ad:

Bentley’s, A.B.C. 5th edn. Hussey; Codes: C. G. Danby, district mgr.

Harry Hussey, architect C. T.N. T.Tien, H. S.S.Lan,

Chang, P. P. L. Hsieh,

Chang, Y.C.

J. M. Herrmann, do. Chow, assists.

I. Li Coal Mining Co.—Inside Chien-

men; Cable Ads: Ilicoal and 1837

I. C. Yang, general manager Chung ying mei hwang hung szu

Hsi Li, assist. do.

S. L. Hou, business manager

C. F. Yang, chief mining engr. Mentoukou Co.—Culty

(Sino-British) Coal Mining

Chambers, Legation Street,

C. J. Chu, mining engr. Legation Quarter; Teleph. 4518 (East);

A. Koening, do. Cable Ad: Menkou

Y.T. K.C. Liu, do.

Chang, coal dept. mgr.

M. J. Chang, chief acct. MISSIONS

T. C. Chen, cashier # a +

Y. T. Chang, chief secretary

Chung hua sheng hung hui

International Dispensary—35, Chien Church of England Mission—Shun

Men Street; Teleph. 1149 S.B.O. Chih Men-nei, T. Nan Kou Yen, West

Y. F. Chen, manager City; Cable Ad: Anlikan



F. L. Norris,

2681) d.d., Bishop

International Savings Society A. J. D. Britland, treasurer

(See Banks)


^ Tien cku tang Shanghai

French Catholic Mission, Mission Major ;\V. Darby

Catholique de Pekin (Lazaristes)— Tientsin

Telepli. 266 Children’s

MackenzieHostel — Com unit. J

Mgr. Paul Montaigne, Vicaire Peiping

Af>ostolique , Boys’

M. G. Yanhersecke, Vicaire-

General Girls’ Home—Adjutant Dempster

Industrial Home—Adjutant

H. Verhaeren H. C4ny Mrs. Elliott

R. Flameht H. Tichit

A. Hubrecht E. Uucarme ^Mitsubishi Goshi Kaisha, General Im-

A.E. Castel

Duvigneau J.J. Gaste

Rembry porters, Exporters: Agriculture , and

J. Kieffer A. Raayma- Mining—Tong-tan-pai-lou

Ad:W.Iwasaki Rdad; Cable

M. V. Wagen-

berg E. L^faki akers Okabe, manager

J.P. Routaboul

Corset M. Crowley Mitbui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd.—Hsi

Y. Vandorpe Hsung Pu Hutung; Telephs. 552

J.M. Huysmans

Kavanagh K. M. Howard and 586 East; Cable Ad: Mitsui

J. Feely N. Murnaghan

Gregoire T. Kitagawa

A. Kavanagh J. Bose

E. Yincent Th. Rice m

A. Vavruska Modde, Friedrich, Import and Export—


Cable Ad: Modde Teleph. 4117 (E.O.);


Hr fir Lun dun hui


Hutung,Missionary Society—Li

Hsi Ssu Pa Lou, West City; Lu Moyler, Powell & Co.—Wang Fu

Cliing Ta Chieh; Teleph. E. 663, Cable

Teleph, 575, W.O. Ad: Moyel

National City Bank of New York (See

Banks) - 'i g

m IS ifc Chiu Shih Chun

-Salvation Army, The— Headquarters National Library of Peiping.

for North China: 71, Wang Fu Ta Library Founded in 1925 as Metropolitan

Chieh; Teleph. 2922 (East); Cable Ad: for the Promotionby the China Foundation

Salvation, Peiping of Education and

Territorial Commander — Lieut. Culture; Amalgamated with the

Peiping Library in 1929, under the


General Alfred J. Ben well

Secy. — Brigadier Arthur Present Name. Annual Budget:



Su The “War Cry”—Adjutant M$140,000.00 for maintenance.

M$100,000.00 for Chinese Books and


Editor, The “Crusader”^—Adjutant blications : Annual report;for Foreign Books. Pu-

H. Littler Union

Accountant—Adjutant H. Collishaw Catalogue of Books in European

Cashier—Adjutant Languages in Peiping Libraries;

Young People’s L.Department—

Evenden Classified List of Reference Books


Special Eacott — Adjutant inCollection


the Reading Rooms, etc. Chinese

500,000 Yolnines; Western

Colin K. Begley Collection 80,000 Yolumes

Training Institute—Major Stranks Tung-Li Yuan, acting director

Oversight of Evangelistic Work

(Regional)—Adjutants H. Wood- its $t s g n *


Gilman, C. Eacott, G. ,0.Walker, J. Chung hna yi hsueh fsa chih

M. Beney,F. G. Waller, Sowton,

Lancashire and National Medical Journal of China,

The (Official Organ of the Chinese

Major Pierre Dorthe Medical

Mong Kong Peiping Association)—Registered

Union Medical College; Office:


Adjutant Dorothy Brazier Ad : Physiology


Pao c7l

^a ®^ *'« in m & m ¥ ft

/North China. Insurance Co., Ltd. (In- Pei ping yu cheng ktian fi ch-ii '

corporated in China ofunder

panies’ Ordinances the Com- Peiping District Head Post Office—


and 2, Hue Marco Polo, Legation Legation Street); (near

Kung-an-chieh West End of

Quarter; Teleph. 990 (East): Cable Ad: (Turig-chii); Cable Telephs. Ad: Postos

4441 to 4443


R. W. Paulden, branch manager Postal Commissioner —F. Poletti

J. W. Y. Chans, chief assistant District Deputy Postal Gqmmr.—Tsang

P. Y. Sun, S. T. Shen and C, Y. Hu, Yuk Chee

assists. Deputy Postal Commissioner in charge

of District Accountancy—E. Roth

Acting Deputy Commissioner in charge

Nicolas, G., Wines, Spirits and Provision of Inland Control Dept.—Wu T’ao

Store—Legation Quarter; Cable Ad: Deputy Postal Commissioner in charge

Nicolas ofNanKalgan

Sheng First Class Office—Hsu

G. Nicolas, proprietor Deputy Postal Commissioner in charge

of Tsingyiian (Paoting) First Class

ft I? $! 1±mi9 tai hsian9 ch’ang Office—Arthur Hon Lee

Oriental Luggage Factory, Manu-

facturers & Importers of Fine Travelling Peiping Electric Co. (1922), Ltd., The

Goods—17, Hatamen ^Street; Teleph. Engineers and Contractors—Registered

Office and Works: Legation Quarters;

4352 (East) i Teleph. 697 (East); Cable Ad: Legationco

P. K. Pao, manager H. S. Warig, chairman

N. S. MeBain, director

ZJ5 ^ Tai Ping A.H. K.C. Lin,



Pacific Storage and Packing Corpora- C.

tion, Storage and Packing, Shipping and

Forwarding, Customs Clearance, Haul- Y. C. Liu, cashierm.e., e.e., supt. engr.


age and Tracking, Fire and Marine George Me Bain, managing agent

Insurance—4, Hue Marco Polo, Legation Peiping E lectric Tramways, Co., Ltd.—11,

Quarter; Teleph. 1525 (East); Cable Ad: Tsung Pu Hutung; Telephs. 3678 and

Pacific 3679 East; Cable Ad: 6508

W.A,H.P.Tolland, manager

Friedlaender, representative C.Y. H. Fan, managing dp. director

Agents:— S. Moun,

British Traders’ Insurance Co., Ltd. tt] 5* ;|S Fa hung sze

Peking Club {See Associations) Pekin Syndicate, Ltd.—57, Sui An Po

Hutung; Head Office (China); 4th Floor,

Hongkong and Shanghai Bank Building;

Peacock Motion Picture Co., Inc. II Cable Ad:Adelaide

Sindacato,,, Head William


Distributors of RKO-Radio films, (London): Street, E.C. 4 . .

House, King

RKO-Pathe pictures, Simplex-Acme

Sound Equipments, Simplex projec-

tors and Theatre Equipments—Lega- j Peking Tannery, Tanner and Dyer of

Leather and Fur>- 56, Teng Shili K’bu,

tion Street; Cable Ad : Pecofilms East City; Teleph. 2368 E.O.

N. G. Mertirys, -repres. Y., P. Wei, general manager

M H « 35 At # % Peiping Telegraph Office.—12, Tung

Yinr, Wen Pei Ping Shih Shih Jih Pao Cheng An Chieh; Telephs. 820, 1119

Peiping Chronicle, The, Daily News- (E.L.().)B. Shen, manager

paper in English Language—2, Mei S.P. J.W.Chen,

Cha HutUng, East' City; Telephs.

1641 and 1649 E.O. (Business Office), Wang,chiefchiefengr.

(Traffic Dept.)

419 E.O. (Editorial Office); Cable P. C. Tsao, chief .(Commercial Dept.)

Ad : Chronicle C. T. Chwang, chief (Engineering

W. Sheldbn Ridge, editor-in-chief T.^ Dept,.)

S. Liu, chief (Business Dept.)


Peking Union Medical College (See Sanitary


Fur Co. (Registered as an

Educational) China Furs,Company).

Tanned byExporters


Peking Water Works Co., Ltd.— scientific methods.and Retail—18,

order. Wholesale Coats madeLega-to

Chien Men Nei Hsi Ch’eng Ken tion Street; Telcph, 3920 E. O.; Cable-

Ad: Sanifurco

W. E. Stimpson, manager

n a 3c Chiao t'ung pu

mm $kn Yu eheng ts’ung chu ^ W 6B $§ S/mu. Erh Teh

Posts, Directorate General of—Teleph. Sauer ity:

& Co., General Importers; Special-


41996 (Hsia

Nanking Kwan); Cable Ad: Postgen, porters of preparations,

Chinese ArtChemicals;Ex-

Ware and

Private Secretariat Antiques, Machinery

Hutung; Teleph. 1396 — 3, Cable

(East); Chin Ad:Yii

Actg.Depy. Commissioner-in-Charge— Jadering; Codes: A.B.C. 6th Edition

Lin Po-cheung Rud. Mosse, and Bentley’s

Supt. of Stamps—H.

Assist, H. Molland

do. —PienYeiTing Alfred Sauer, proprietor

PiAiLWAYS—(-S^e Chinese Govt. Railways) Schmidt

of Educational

Laboratory and Hospital Supplies—1,.

4f m * n Hsi-tang-tee Hutung; Teleph. 3133 (E.);.

Raymond Dreyfus (formerly J. Taku Cable Ad: Schmidtco. Branches: 52,

Ullmann & Co.), Diamond Mer- Ta HsiRoad, British Concession, Tientsin^

Pein MenHarbin

Wai, Mukden and 40,

chants, Watchmakers, Jewellers— Road, Diagonalnaya, and 1, Nanking.

98, Morrison Street: Teleph. 1471 Shanghai

R. Schick, signs per pro.

East; Cable Ad : Redeco

R. Dreyfus

B. Adamski, assistant Schools & Colleges—(ser Educational)

Reuter, Broeckelmann & Co., Export Shoemaker Art Looms, Manufacturers

and Import Merchants—39, Yang Yih and Exporters of highest Grade Hand

Hutung; Teleph.3962

ft. Heyn, E. Cable

partner Ad: Heyn made


Rugs. Studio of Arts and Decorat-

ions — 23, Hsi Tsung Pu Hutung.

A. Schubert, do. (Canton)

C. E. Yissering, do. (Hongkong) Manila Shanghai, Hongkong and


M. Prodan

m m m ¥ w m

Hsi men tsu tien chi chang

Lu to Hen pao yo hsien hung sze Siemens China Co., Electrical and

Mechanical Engineers and Contractors

Reuters, Ltd.—6, Tung Chang An Chieh; —41, Teng

H. LorenzenShih Kou; Cable Ad: Motor

Teleph. 1412 (East); Cable Ad: Reuter F. (for

W. agencies,

Schlaegersee Shanghai Section)


tional ) Foundation (See Educa-

|5 jpl Chan chen


ing, & Co, Export,

Electrical Import,

Material, Engineer-

Railway Sup-

Merchants—1, and 2, Chia Kung Fu; pliers, Fire & Marine Insurance—20,

Teleph. 173 East; Cable Ad: Shing- Mien Hutung; Teleph. 4583 (E.O.); Cable Gan


G. S. Saito, proprietor Ad: Siemssen; Codes: Bentley’s & Mosse

Salvation Army (See Missions) Singer

hoyen;Sewing Machine Co. *— Tung-

Teleph. 1678SB


Skiotis, Bros. & Co.. General Tobaccon- E. S. Wilkinson,a.c.a.

ists, Cigar and Cigarette Importers L. T. Beddow, a.c.a.

and General3309Merchants—6,

St. :Teleph. Legation

(East); Cable Ad:Skiotis B.G. O.A. Blaker,

Buyers, a.c.a.


N. D. Skiotis, manager M. C. Halton, c.a.

L.H. J.A.Lismer,

Poliakov, asst.(resdt. repres.)


Sleeper-Davis Memorial Hospital D. Huang

(See Hospitals)


ance and General Agents—5, Rue Marco Shieh ho chouan yen hung szu

Polo, Legation Quarter; Teleph. 4583

and 1525 E.O.; Cable Ad; Smallwood Tientsin Tobacco Co.—Legation Street;

Cable Ad: Bouhoutsos

J.W.S.H.Moorhouse, partner

Tolland, do.

H. A. Wright, do. Tipper & Co., Insurance Agents—Ewo

Building, Legation Street; Teleph. 624

(E.); Cable Ad: British; Codes: A.B.C.

Smidth & Co., F. L., Engineers, Cement- 5thH.edn. P. Shu, manager

making Machinery—23, Hsi Tsung Pu

Hutung; Cable Ad: Folasmidth Tsing IIua University (See Educational)

T. Stig-Nielsen

Societe Francaise de Librairie et

d’Edition (See French Bookstore) Union Insurance Society of Canton,

Ltd. (Incorporated in Hongkong)—l

Societe Franco Belge—45, Wai Chiao and 2, Rue Marco Polo, Legation Quarter;


Pu Chieh

A. C. Henning & Co., agents R. W. 990 (East);branch

Paulden, Cable manager

Ad: Union

J. W. Y. Chang, chief assist.

P. Hu,

Y. assistants

Sun, S. T. Shen and C. Y.

^ H Met Foo

Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.—7, Erh Tiao Vetch, Henri, Publisher, The French

Hutung, Tuug Tan; Telephs. 1528 and Bookstore, Peiping — Cable Ad: Vetch

1580 East; Cable Ad: Standvac Pekinotel

P. Jernigan, manager

Stimpson Electric Supply Co., Tele- castingAdvertising

Vocal Bureau (Broad-

Daily at Peiping and Tientsin

phone, Radio and Telegraph Supplies— East Station of the Peiping Liao-ning

11, Tung Shuaifu Hutung; Teleph. 3920 Railway)

(E.O.); Cable Ad: Westimpson Cameron & Co., managers — 52, Hsi

Piao Pei Hutung; Teleph. 2855 E.O.

Sullivan & Co., J., Morrison

Carpet-Exporters—1, AuctioneersStreet;

and Yang & Co., Ltd., L, C., General Store-

Teleph. 1226 East; Cable Ad; Sullivan keepers, Commission Agents — Tung

J. Sullivan Tan P’ai Lou; Teleph. 4388 East; Cable

Ad : Yangco



sion General Merchants and Commis-

Street; —16,Tsoong

Yee Tobacco Distributors, Ltd.

Teleph.Agents— 13, Cable

1068 (East); Hatainen

Ad: Talati Chuan Pan Hutung near Hatamen

Gate ; Cable Ad : Powhattan

J. M. Talati


Nan Co.,Tung Importers

Sze Nan ofTa Chieh;


m ® mm Telephs. 27 and 2907 East; Cable Ad:


Grand & Co., Chartered Accountants—

Ltd.; Yennan, Code A.B.C. 5th

Teleph. Hotel des Wagons-Lits,

3245 (E:0.); Cable Ad: Scrutiny;

Code: A.B.C. Yokohama Specie Bank (see Banks) r


^ ^ Tien-tsin

Tientsin—or the Ford of Heaven, according to the Chinese meaning of itg1-

name—may now well be called the commercial capital of North China. Situated

at the junction of the Grand Canal and the Pei Ho in Lat. 39 deg. 4 min.

N., long. 117 deg. 4 min. E. (approx.), it is some 80 miles distant from Peking

by road and somewhat further by river. Railway connection with the capital

was established in 1897. A road between the two places, 94 miles , long, was

completed towards theofend

by the inauguration of 1922,telephone

a wireless and communication was further

service on March 7th of facilitated

that year.

The expeditions of the Allies in 1858-61 greatly enhanced the importaiice of

the city, as it then proved to be the military key of the capital and an excel-

lent base. It was here on June 26th, 1858, that Lord Elgin sighed the treaty

which was to conclude the war, but which unhappily led to its prolongation.

The famous temple in which the treaty was signed, about a mile distant from

the. West gat$, was destroyed by British shells in July, 1900.

Tientsin owes its early importance to' its location at the northern terminus

of the Grand Canal, and its later development is mainly due to the opening

up of North China to foreign trade, to improved railway communications with

the Interior, and to the deepening of the Bar and the Hai Ho by the Hai Ho

Conservancy Board. Before the advent of steamers, however, Tientsin had

become a flourishing cbntre fpr junk trafflc, and when the tribute rice no longer

followed the 'Grand 'Cao'al fpuie—owing to the shoaling of this ancient and

celebrated waterway—it

ing the downfall of the was sent todynasty

Manchu Tientsinin in1912,sea-goihg juhks when of,

thp transportation follow-


commodity ceased altogether. Early in .September, 1917, the Hunho was in

flood, and, finally, the Grand Canal burst its banks a few miles west of Tien-

tsin, carrying away the main line of the Tientsin-Pukow Railway, which re-

sulted in the Concessions being flooded before much warning of the impending

danger could be given. The Municipal authorities of the various Concessions-

dealt with the problem in a prompt and pubiic-spirited manner, and it was

ultimately decided to enclose the submerged Concessions with a dyke and pump

out the flood waters therefrom. The lengths of the various dj'kes in miles-

were approximately as follows:—Chinese (ex-German) 0.47; British, 1.40;.

French and British, 0.87; French, 0.32; Japanese, 2.27; total, 5.33 miles.

Powerful pumps were then erected, and the whole undertaking for the British

and French Concessions was successfully and expeditiously completed in a

fortnight. It took longer to clear the Japanese Concession, however, where

the water was from 7 to 10 feet deep in places. It is estimated that over 15,000

square miles of the most populous part of the Chihli province between Pao-

tingfu and Tientsin were flooded, and it has been calculated that crops to the

value of $100,000,000 were utterly lost, and that 80,000 groups of dwellings,

ranging from hamlets to large villages, were destroyed.

Turning to the civil administration of the city, it is well known that during

the long satrapy

ceedingly. Li, by oftheLivigour

the trade

of his and


soon quelledof the the rowdyism

city developed ex-

for which

the Tientsinese were notorious throughout the empire, and, as he made the

city his chief residence and the centre of his many experiments in military

and naval education, it came to be regarded as the focus of the new learning

and national reform. The foreign affairs of China were practically directed'

from Tientsin during the two decades 1874-94.


The city will ever be infamous to Europeans from the massacre of the

French Sisters of Mercy and other foreigners on June 21st, 1870, in which

the most appalling brutality was exhibited; as usual, the political agitators

who instigated the riot got off. The Roman Catholic Cathedral, which was

destroyed on that occasion, was rebuilt, and the new building was consecrated

in 1897, only again to fall a victim to Boxer fury in 1900. The building occu-

pied a commanding

foreign site on the

hongs had agencies rivercitybank.

in the priorAllto' the

the missions

debacle ofand1900.

many of the

The population was 1,388,747 in 1929. The city walls were quadrate and

extended about 4,000 feet in the direction of each cardinal point; during the

year 1901 they were entirely demolished and replaced by fine open boulevards

under the orders of the Foreign Military Provisional Government. This body

has further bunded the whole of; the Hai Ho (Pei-ho) and effected numberless

other urban improvements. The advent of foreigners caused a great increase

in the value of real estate all over Tientsin.

Li Hung-chang authorised Mr. Tong King-seng to sink a coal shaft at

Tong Shan (60 miles N.E. of Tientsin) in the ’seventies; this was done and

proved the precursor of a railway, which was later extended to iShanhaikwan

for military purposes, and from thence round the Gulf of Liautung to Kin-

chow; 1900 saw this line pushed on to Newehwang. In 1897 the line to Peking

was opened, and proved such , a success that’the line had to be doubled in

1898-9. A side station for the Tientsin City was opened in 1904, and in 1905

the station was built of white sandstone bricks made at Huangtsun by an

Italian called Marzoli, who had opened a brick factory on a large scale.

From Feng-tai, about 7 miles from the capital, the trans-continental line to

Hankow branches off. This line was completed and opened to traffic in Novem-

ber, 1905. In 1900 the violence of the Boxers was chiefly directed against the-

railways, all of which were more or less destroyed, but under British, French,

and Russian military administration they were afterwards all restored to

their former efficiency.

Foreigners formerly lived in three concessions—British, French, and Ger-

man—which fringed the. river below, the city and covered an area" of less than

500 acres. The Japanese took up a concession in accordance with the terms

of the Treaty of Shimonoseki. They filled in land, laid out new streets and

built a large number of houses in foreign style. During 1001 Russia, Belgium,

Italy, and Austro-Hungary all appropriated large areas on the left bank of

the Hai-ho as future Settlements, while the existing concessions extended their

boundaries considerably. These developments for some time threw all

landing facilities for direct seargoing traffic into foreign hands.

In 1917, upon the entry of China into the Great War, the Chinese reco

vered control over the German and Austrian concessions, in 1920 over the

Russian, and in 1929 over the Belgian. The general deterioration in , the

maintenance and in the public services of these areas since their rendition

to China (with the exception of the Belgian, concession which, had npyer been

developed at all) is most noticeable. The. administration of: all these, areas

is now entirely in the hands of Chinese officials and no vpiqe therein is* al-

lowed to any of the residents, either foreign or Chinese. The .other concessions

have excellent and well-lighted roads, and an electric tramway, system links

them with the Chinese city. The British Municipality has a handsome Town

Hall, completed :n 1889; adjoining, there is a well-kept public garden, open-

ed in the year of Jubilee and styled Victoria Park. Two excellent recreation

grounds of 10 acres and over here have been developed, in which tennis-courts,

etc., have been laid out. The various British areas—known as the British

Concess’on, British Extension, and the Extra-Mural Area—have been amal-

gamated to form one Municipal Area under a Council elected on a broad

franchise. New land regulations Have come into force, and it is stipulated

therein that the new Council consist of ten members, of whom five shall be



British su-bjects and f five shall'be Ghiiif'se. Candidates must be nominated by

two i electors and aM electors are eligible to serve on. the Cdunoil. The mini-

mum qualification for any voter, irrespective of nationality, is the payment

of Tls. 200 per annum in respect of land-tax or rental assessment tax or the

occupation of premises of an assessed annual rental value of Tls. 600.

A feature of Tientsin which arrests the' attention of‘visitor! Is the open-air

storage of cargo, on the British and French Bunds, which have thus becofiae in

effect a '‘general goadwh. A great deal of confusioh and congestion formerly

existed from; this .practice, but the British: Municipality has : since elaborated

an excellent: scheme whereby the 1Bund is divided into numbered Steamer-sec-

tions and storagef-spacefe, and the roadway is: now kept clear of cargo. The

result has more than justified expectations, and the .orderly storage of goods

in marked-off spaces not only allows a proper control to be kept over all such

cargo but has facilitated communications by keeping the carriage-w'ay clear

of obstructions. . >

The- Racecourse: .'is -situated- abdufe 3 miles to, the west of the Gordon Hall

and comprises a very valuable property of about l,22f7 mow of land. New

betting buildings! of reinforced concrete, which surpass ^anything of the

description in :thfe Fai:Ebst, w&re constructed ia 1921.

In spite’of ijie geheral trade, depression,' the Chinese Goverhihent Tele-

phone; Adinini,sv^atipn registered an increase 1both in ^activity, and in revenue

for ithe year 1930. An exltensioh of lines .was ma(le in the West end of the na-

tive city .in May. and another was made in the Hopei district in December.

There was a partial change to automatic machines, which are greatly’appre-

ciated .by .(the. subscribers. At present there are ' ll long-distance lings opferat-

ing betyregn-Tientsin and'nlaces as far afield as Peiping and SUieqyang, while

a relay' service, was establishe-ii between Tiehtsih and Antuhg, Dairen, Port

Arthur, and Japan. ,.

Trade in 1934 - ,,

After the alarming events'of the previous year, it was only to be expected

that a certain amount of anxiety should prevail as to the outcome, of the

discUssibhs'Tegarding the' Bihb-Jhpahese situation iii North China, but it may

be'said inat’km'

circles suchCe that, aphft fromTientsin

citcUmstaheeW. the uneasinessnothing

that is tPprone td disturb trading

political dohditiohs'inf its neighbburhbodhadduring the yearcomplain of regarding

under retiew. The



periodcrops gave nearly a normal yield, and the only notieeable adverse features of

; Were the'flbods vKhich odcurred where the Yellow Piver traverses the

southern ^part of tHe pfovince, and; soihe disturbancefof the 'money , market

ojving to the nnusu'aPexbdus of silver (ariiOUftting to 'SS.S mitfionddollars Worth)

tq, foreign cpUntries. The value statistics for the trade of the port, in' so far

as they are .recorded' by the Customs, Were as follows-, direct foreign ifiipdrts,

96.7: million d^Uhts as against 120]8 hiillion in the preceding year '(a-20 per

cent, decrea^b)J 1 .pbast wise importatiops of .Chinese produce, 123.4 millioh dollars

as against'lii. 4 mil 1 ioP (h IQ per cent, increase): direct exportations to foreign

countries', 81.1 million do'llars as against 88.5 million (an 8 per cent, decrease);

and, coastwise ekportatiohs of Chinese produce, 56.7 million dollars as against

67l9 nifflibW (a -lO^er ceiit.; decrease). The considerable decline iu the1value of

direct foreign imports cdiilcFbe ascribed almost entirely to the lesser arrivals

of cereala arid flour froM'abroad, since a decrease: in value of almost 20

TniHibh 'dollalrs "was Yegisterfed for this group of’Commodities alone; but, of

cbfirse,^ Yariatidhi'^OecuVred in tbe statistics1 for many other items.

Noticeable decreases Avere recorded for instance, under most of the headings for

cotton piece goods, petroleum products, and sugar ; while-increases were recorded

for woollen gobds, artificial ,4ilk finss , and- yarn, metals and--ores, machinery

and tools, vehicles land vessels,otimber .(the four. ..latter hqaduigs being helped

bjf rails,- .rolling - stock, -and other, materials for: the., Xottung - Pucbow


Railway in Shansi, and fairly strong activity in general building construction

in Tientsin and North China g^nerailly), ,fishery and sea products, and leaf

tobacco. Taking the inward trade as a whole (excluding the coastwise move-

ments of foreign

statistics quotedgoods,


which no ofrecord

much isdcept)

the loss it willforeign

in direct be seenimports

from was

the made


good-by Chinese merchandise,: which is all to/;th0 advantage of. the national

trade account. The country’s loss on the direct foreign expofC'xrade of Tien-

tsin, as compared with 1933, amounted to 7.4 million dollars, but, as will bb

shown, this general loss Was more than covered by a deficiency urtder dn'e item

in the Returns, while several items that, registered quantitative, increases

exhibited a declin^,’in value, and almost all the remainder of the staples'of the

port registered increases in. both quantity and value. Raw cotton of which

only 162,000 quintals valued at "12 million dollars were shipped abroad as

cchihai'ed,:'with 276,000 quintals’vhlued at 19.8 million dollar.} in the preceding ’

year, was the item instanced -as being responsible for more than the total

decline in the value of the export trade. Tientsin is by far the largest port

of shipment in: (fhina for Cotton going abroad, and,-as .the-total export® from

the country during 1;934 amounted to only 209,000 quintals, or almost exactly

half the quantity shipped in 1933, it is greatly to Tientsin’s credit that it

obtained such a large share' of’the business offering during the ye&r under

review. Of the item's shdwing: T,a quantitative/improvement with a decline in

value, the following im]jortant staples of the port may be mentioned: wool,

which increased to a quantity from 130,000-to 180,000 quintals Rut registered

a decrease from 13.4'millionf‘to 12.7 million dollars in value; eggs, which

increased (by over Sb^per cent.) from 76,000 mille to 103',000mille and decreased

slightly in value from 1.11 million tq 1.10 million dollars ; egg products, which

increased from 110,000 :to 115,000 quintals and (lecfeasecl in value from 9

million to 7.5 million'ddlla'rs; beans and peas,'Which *incfeased !'ffour m.,000

to 111,000 quintals and decreased in value from 1,,I million;to 1 million, dollars.

The most fortuhhte classes qf export items, were 't'hipse w'hich reglsteied

improvement both as .to quantity and value, ahd'tti^, more important pf these

staples were : skins (excluding skin mats and rugs),, which increased generally

as to quantity .(paidicplarly sheep and lamb skins)’and rose frpm 9 million

to 9.9 million dollars in.total value; carpets, which increased in quantity from

-9,990 to 11,800 quintals and in value from 3.7 million to 4.1 million dollars;

bristles, which increased in quantity from 11,500-to ISljOOO quintals arid in -value

from 2.8 million to-4 million dollars; walnut kernels, which increased in

quantity from 23,500-to 37,600 quintals aqd im,value from ).7 million to 2.3

million dollars ; and groundnut kernels and hemp. There’was little chapge in

the shipping trade, the total tonnage entered and cleared being 6 fnillion as against

0.2 million tons in the preceding year.




American Consulate—(Nee Consulates)


Road; China Electric

Cable Ad: AegehinacoCo.—63, Taku American Express Co., Inc.

(See Banks)

Ad vchi & Co., K., Cheinists and Drug-

gists—158, Asabi Road fr & m m

Agricultural & Industrial Bank of Mei-kuo-pao-hsien-kung-hui

China—(Nee Banks) American Foreign Insurance Asso-

ciation, General Insurance — 140,

All Saints Church Victoria Road; Teleph. 33059; Cable

(See Churches and Missions) Ad: Afiatensin. Head Office: 80,

Maiden Lane, N.Y.

5g H Met ya Hugh Black, manager

Frankson Yung Tai, compradore

Altamira & Co., M. P., Importers, Expor- Dawson Chao, do.

ters and Commission H. F. Tong

du 14 Juillet;

Altamira Teleph. Agents—61,

23944; Cable Rue

Ad: P. C.. Szetu

M. H. Cheng

P.M. Y.P. Han,


do. (for agencies see Shanghai"}

Y. S. Ch n | W. C. Chi American School

W. C. Hu | T. K. Yu (See Educational)

America-China Export-Import Co., Ltd., H fijl Sun Cheong

Inc.. Export and Import—14, Wuish


L. L.Cable. Ad: signs

Loucks, Kripendorf

per pro. Andersen, Meyer & Co,, Ltd., General

H. W. Krippendorff, do. Merchants, Engineers and Contractors

—96, Rue de Takou; Telephs. 30374 and

30376: Cable Ad: Danica

m ® m G.N.A. Booth, manager

Me.i yah pao aien, hung sze .N.T. C.J. Chu,



American-Asiatio Underwriters, Fed. T.Mrs.F. E.Chen


Marine,U.S \„ GeneralLife,Insurance: Fire,

glary, Motor-car,

Plate Glass, Accident,Special

Bur- Mrs. S. Dashinsky, stenog.

Avshalomoff, do.

Risks—139, Rue deBaggage

Takou;andTeleph s. Miss O. Belenkoff


General 30574, Manager 33357; Cable Ad:

Underiters I. M.C. Kockerga

Mah, cashier| O. H. Chou

P. C. Li I C. C. Kuo

American Association—(See Associa-

tions) §3 Yih Chang

Anglo-American Export Co., Export

IS H Mei feng Merchants—105, Taku Road ; Tel.

33318; Cable Ad: Chandless; Codes:

American Chinese Co..FordFederal

U.S.A., Authorized Sales Inc..

and A.B.C. 5th and Imp. edns., Western'

Service, Lincoln Motor Union Universal and 5-letter edns.,

Tractors—38-40-47, RueCars,de Fordson

France; Bentley’s Special Patelegraphy and

Private Codes


Tacco 30009 and 31248; Cable Ad: R. H. Chandless

L. O. McGowan, manager E. Aitken | K. A. Porfirieff


American Cleaners—16, Scottish Insurance Corporation^

British Concession; Teleph.Cousins

30446 Road, Inc.

L. G. Hull, sole prop. Ocean Mirine Ins i .-ance Gx, Ltd.


Aquarius Co., The, Manufacturers of A. Hoidsworth, installation mgr,

High Class Table Waters—49, Victoria (Hotung)

Road;Teleph. 31281; Cable Ad : Caldbeck R. R. Butcheon, assist, manager

Caldbeck, Macgregor & Co., Ld., local (on leave)

agents T. C. Kelly, installation manager

T. H. Butler, signs per pro. (Tangku), on leave

An Lee Associated Importers (Succrs. to Fobes

Arnhoi.d & Co., Ltd.—10, Taku Road; Engineers Co., Ltd.), General Importers and

Telephs. 31585, 31586 and 32286; Cable Teleph. 30471; — 99,CableRueAd: duFobesco


Ad: Harcbi W. Larson, managing parther

L. P. Mouravieff, representative J. R. Johansson, , do.




in Furs* Co.,

Hides, Export-Import:

Skins and Hair: American Association

Dental; Goods of Amalgamated Dental! President—G. O. Richardson

Co. (formerly Claudius Ash, Sons &

Co., and De Tret Co., Ld., London)—

19, Victoria Terrace, British Concession;

Teleph. 33305; Cable Ad: Aecot; Codes: British ’ft’ St Sheng slm hung hui

A.B.C. 5th edn. and Foreign Bible Society

and Budolf Mosseimp., Bentley’s, Acme Supply

—181, Davenport Roadin all Languages

of Scriptures

L.I. H.D. Shishken

Epstein J. J. Toop and Mrs. Toop

# $ H # 3;

Yu paojen skoupao hsien Jcung sz Tien tsin mei kuo shang hui

Asia LifeRue

Insurance Co., LifeCable

Insurance Chamber- of Commerce, American—

Secretary’s Office: 3, Victoria Terrace;

—139, de Takou; Ad: Teleph. 30303; Cable Ad: Amchamcom

Alicochina; Codes: Acme and Bentley’s; President—G. O. Richardson

Main Office for the Orient: 17 The

Bund, Shanghai dst


Vice-Pres.—Dr. B.C.Owens

J. Fox

Treasurer—W. G. Griffiths

& m & Secretary—B. C.'Eastham

Ya hsi ya huo yu Icuhg szw

Asiatic Petroleum Co...(North China),. t ^ ^ ^

Ltd., Retroleum

ducts—90, Victoriaand

Road;Petroleum Pro-

Telephs. 31389, Tien chin ying Jcy,o, shang hui

(General Office), 31485 (Hotung Installa- Chamber of Commerce, British—181,

tion), 1 Cable (Tangku), 30650 (Compradore Victoria Road;. Teleph. 31239; Cable

Office); Ad: Doric Ad: Britiscpm

, Committee—K. H. Pentycross

A.J. N.P. Bates,

Richards, localmanager

assist, manager (chairman), H. F. Dyott,

G.F. B.A. Elliott

Churchill (vice-chairmari), A. V. Far-

H. R. Malcolm . nper,

A. P. C-Richards,

E. Peacock,

R. K.R. Rodger,

S. Piercy,J.

I. E. McGilchrist Twyford Thomas, and,J. S. Jones

J.L. Oostermeyer (secretary^. '

C. M. Ouwerkerk

T. A. Spedding Chamber Of Commerce, French — c/o

C.N. V.G. G.H. Turner

Wolfe Cerele Fraricait; Cable Ad: Fran-

Miss F. M. Knight, secretary cecom

Miss A. Carew ' Chamber of Commerce, General—27,


Miss K. O. Levitzky

M. Stewart Cobsular Road, Cable,Ad: Cbammerce


Chamber op CoMMERfci^ German

che-Handelskammer) —r c/6 Carlowitz (Deuts- Board of Directors : :


Vice - do. —Frank

—Paul K.Yung tao ;'

■> & H. Co. Schoenherr (chairman), R. Puck B, Young

’ : 11

(secretary) Rec. Secretary—John Wang


Directors—W. H. T. Pien"

Yuen, Chang,

Japanese Chamber of Commerce — Po-Ling,


ChinPao-Ch’uan, Ch’en

Po-PYng, Harry

i Fukushima Road, Japanese Conces-

sion; Teleph.. 21342 ; ,.Cable

.i'Sbogyokaigisho - Ad: Sung, Wang P’eng-Ytin, and J. L.



Jeavish Benevolent: >Society — 30, General Secy.—Chester H. S..

Victoria Terrace i' Cm. .H Ch’en, and secretaries, asst, sec-

retaries, and clerks

Royal Society of Sr. .George

St. Andrew’s Society Assurance Franco-Asiatique, Fire, Mar-

ine and Motor Insurance—85, Rue‘de-

St. Patrick’s Society France

Francasia; Teleph. 30202; Cable Ad:

President—Tr- Do anally J. Rignot, branch manager


Hon. Secy.

H. E. Frost Astor House Hotel, Ltd., The—Victoria-

Tientsin Amateur i Athletic Road; Telephs. 31321 31393; Cable Ad :

tion (Inaugurated 1928) —.Associa-

c/o The Astor Directors—W. O’Hara, Howard Payne:

Manufacturers Life

144, Victoria Road, B. C. Insurance Co.: and R. P. Sanderson

Prgsisent—S- H. Liddell Paul

J. W. Hawkins,manager

Weingart, assist, manager

Vice-President—a. Biirton T. P. Romanoff, accountant

Hon. Treasurer—C. W. L.

Hon.'Secretary—C. W. L. Way Way

,Asst. Hon. Secy, and Treasurer — Austrian Consulate

(See Consulates)

’ "Cbmmittee—^Athletic

' i T. Rosentbol Officer U. S.

Army, Sports Officer Italian Avanozian and Sons,

Road;M., Teleph.



Marines, Miss

Army, French pets—32,

Sports N.OfficerStuckey Cable Ad:



(T.W.A.A.A.), L. J. Evrenian, partner

(Nankai, U!) and W. Y. Hou “B. K.” Knitters (Knitting Factory)—

Tientsin Customs Brokers’ Guild 24,R,Race Course Road

Biele-Kamen, general mgr.

—136, Taikoo Wharf, British

Bund : Teleph. 30169

‘Chairman—Wang Ch6n-Lii 13 S i® « Si Jfl «

Tientsin Fire Insurance Association BabcockPa& Wilcox, poke kou Iw hung szii

Ltd., Manufacturers-

—Secretary’s Office : 173a, Victoria of Patent Water Tube Steam Stokers,


Road; Teleph. 33662 Superheaters, Mechanical

Union, Philanthropique Belge du| neys, Heaters, Economizers, Piping, Chim-

Nord de la Chine (Belgian Bene- Accessories — 173, Victoria House

Water Softeners and Boiler

volent Society)’ Teleph. 30488 ; Cable Ad : BabcockRoad;

L. Y. Chiu

t^w g Balandin’s Ph armacy—6, Raining Road;

Young Men’s Christian Association

—110, East Wall Street; Telephs. Teleph. 30914

21674 and 22985; Cable Ad • N. P. Balandin, mgr. and proprietor


Rue BranchFrench

de Paris, Association:

Concession;: 62, Baldi, Dr. A.,. Physician & Surgeon—16^

Teleph. 31043 Via Trieste; Teleph. 40065


BANKS ft H lUu fa Ja hgyig



^ablp, 2)’<1: Fanoi espin — 262, Tahu.

ft m-fc m m m

Mei kiio yuen tung yin hang

American Express C

Inc., The, ft M IN ^ d/a/ diva kte

International Banking, and Chartered Bank of Inina. Auat. and

Travel —137, Victoria Hoad; Telephs. China—79, Victoria Road; Telephs.

30223, 32489; Cable Ad: Amexco • 31333, 32547 and;;3.2133, (Office)', 31643

I .(Mandger) and 31392 (Compradore);

^ S 4* CJiwig hug. yin hang Cable Ad: Tentacle

Bank of China—Rue Pasteur; Te- R: W. Roberts, manager

'lephs. 31314, 30520, 31701 and 31378; W1 A./Cruickshahk', iiccdtintan^

(General Office) and 30059 (Foreign , Sub accts.—

Exchange Dept.); Cable Ad: Cen- F. Johnston

G. Flynn.and .1W.. . G.

Irvine, R. R.

G. Brown

trobank. Head Office: Shanghai Miss D. M. Chapman, steno-




m Chao hsieii ying hang

of 23145,

Chosen—37, Rue 3189.5v’30893

de France; . . D.TengFinlay, Yahg 'caretaker -

Chow, ' compYadore-

Telephs. 30963, 30883,,'

.and'.30256; Ciible Ad: Chosenbank Chase

30806 Bank(General — Victoria Roan;(Manager)

Office) 30826 Telephs.

ft jfh ('hiao turrg yin hang : Ad:


and 33128j- (Co|ihpradereCable

Bank of(.Communications—&2, Rue du R. G. Fairfield', manager

Baron Gros; Telephs. 33612, 31800, E. J. Schilling, signs;per f^ro. ;, ;

30480 Manager's Office; 31790', 31820,

31818 and 31868 General Office; Chung Eoo Union Bank—99, Rue de

Cable Ad: Chiao-Lung : Pasteur; Telephs; ■ 31673(ChsMer),

P. N. Chung, general manager 31674 (Manager) and 31675 (Gen-

T. S. Yein, manager eral);, Cable Ad: Uniofnbank, .

Q. Wong, assist, manager

J. C. Yen, do. i(ioMMERphBANp:', Tients.in^ Commercjajl

T. C. Chu, do.

IS. W. Chow, do; and 'Credit 'Corporation,1 Inc., Gen-

S. C. Kuo, secretary eral Banking, Trade and Commis-

i sion Dept —245, Taku Rd. Telephs.

Bank of Tientsin—2715, Asahi Road; 33543 (Managing director^, 32307

Telephs. 20342, 21025, 20293 and (General office) and 32166 (Compra-

20520; Cable Ad : Tensinbank dore dept.) ; Cable Ad : Cobank '•

Board'fof L, R-dskm

'(presiident)', . L. J. ; Gershevich,

BanjQue Belge pour i/Stranger S. A. MiSd BbydfSKy' (trea4ui-er)',dh!d'i S.

—436, Victoria Road; Telephs. 31204,

31770 and 31825; Cable Ad: Sindbe. G. J.G.Xenn (managingmanager

Laperdin^ director & secy.)

Head Office: Brussels S. F. Shainin. accduntant * \-


K. S.N,Wanu Lavdpvshy-

\] .... .

m I & 4* M. N. Xiootjsky . ”.



et ITndustrie)—114,(PourRue dele S.Mrs.D. R-Zimmerman

G; Zimin , - i j /

France; Telephs. 30469, 30179'and 31651; Mrs.,G.iL

Cable Ad: Geranchine

ft ^ M ^ # *

ft ® n m it ! J'ei , Wng s p$° shq^g y$n ha^g ^

Dong fo.ng ivoi li.yen hang ; ;Qommer^ial ...Gu^ranjee I?ank:, ,of.

Ban0uE1.de lTndo-Chinem- 73, Rue! de . .. (french..

Chihli; Cpneessipnte^ephs.,

^he-tt^, Rue (de France/ ,3j()pd8

Indochine.Teleph. ir.tignxmS

France; 31028; Cable:: ooffiOAd: and.:3$744; .CahS.nf dvJ®?!®! 'OIBIY


fr 38 it Tctlu ying hong M. Garau, manager

Continental Bank, The, Banking and D. Terzani, cashier

Exchange—32, Rue Dillon; Telephs. G.M. Vergani,

Aloisi, accountantdo.

33125 and 30150 (gen. mgr’s. office) Miss C.Shao

G. Davis,

.3H036 (mgr.’s office), 30T55 and 30242

(Business dept.), 30906 (Foreign Cheng Tiang,stenographer


Dept.), 30967 (Safety Deposit Lipradore

Chiu-yen, attorney of com-

Dept.), 32046 and 32410 (Warehouse

No. 1.), 20477 (Warehouse No. 2), Kincheng Banking Corporation —

40088 (Warehouse No. 3), 22709 and 100, Victoria Road; Telephs. 30322,

21235 (Tahutung sub-branch), 23283 30556, 30286, 30288 and 31142

and 23234 (Peimenwei sub-branch),

21335 and 21535 (Sikai sub-branch), National City Bank of New York, The

40455 and 40688 (Hutung sub- —60, Victoria Road; Telephs. 30909 and

branch); Cable Ad: 0666 and Contibank 30907; New York Cable Ad: Citibank. Head Office:

Cook & Son, Ltd., Thos., Bankers,

Steamship and Forwarding Agents

—63, Victoria Road ; Telephs. 30456 Che hiang shing yeh ying hang

and 32691; Cable Ad : Coupon National Commercial Bank, Ltd.—

Corner of Rue du Chaylard and Rue

du Marechal Foch; Telephs. 20050,

ft il Ifc S it 23046, 23129, 28446 and 23088; Cable

Yi pin fang h’uan yin hang Ad: Natcombank; Codes: Bent-

Credit Foncier d’ExtrUime Orient, ley’s, Peterson’s, A.B.C. 6th edn.

C. Z. Chu, manager

Mortgage Bank, Land, House and Estate

Agents—, 111 Rue

31451; Cable Ad: Belfrande France; Teleph. National Commercial & Savings Bank,



Rue Pasteur: Office:Teleph.



Deutsch-Asiatische Bank—27, Consu- Cable W.Chan

Ad: Nacomsav

C. Huang, mgr. and acct.

lar Road. B.C., Telephs. 32368 and Pak Kai, cashier

31417; P.O. Box 20; Cable Ad: Teutoni

National Industrial Bank of China—

m Hui feng Consular Road; Teleph. 33980; Cable

Ad: Natindbank

Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Cor-

poration—Victoria Road; Telephs.

31207 and 31462 (General Office), Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank,

31602 (Agent's Office), 31353 (Com- Ltd., All kinds of banking business

pradore Office); Cable Ad : Bank transacted—Main : 100, Rue


30342; Ad: 32468,

Comsavbank 33483,Pasteur;


Man lew oh tse chu way Y. H. Tse, manager

International S. P. Kiang, sub-mgr.


Ad: de France;Savings

Intersavin: Teleph.



30202; Cable T.H. T.Y. Chen,

Sie, asst.do.mgr.

Lazare. Head Office: 7,Office:


Rue St. C.Y. H.H. Sheng, do.

Chang, acct.

VII,J. Rignot,

Shanghaidivisional manager T. P. Mah, cashier

Mrs. Stewart-Scott

ft £8 ^ !£ fg if

ft m m m Hwa yi yin hong Sinhua Sin hua sin fo chu shu ying hong

Italian Bank for China (Banca Italiana Rue deTrust & Savings Bank—51-53,

F ranee: Telephs. 32425, 3033T


la Cina)—91,

31545, 31456, Rue


France; and 30841 ; Cable Ad: 5552. Head

and Office:

33846; P.O. Box 19; Cable Ad: Sinit Shanghai


Yjen Yieh Commercial Bank—10, Rue de Blakeney & Co., J. D., Engineering and

I’Admiraute; Telephs, 30120, 30882, barton Building Contractor—Corner of Dum-

30823 and 33511 and London Roads; Teleph.

33245; Cable Ad: Justa

fx @ & JE » ®

Hong pin Cheng Chin Yin Hang T3 & it ^ M ft

Yokohama Specie Bank—Corner Victoria Blom & van Po Wany pao san hung sze

and Bristow Roads; Telephs. 31155, der Aa, Insurance Agents—

30184 and 31425; Cable Ad: Shokin Siemens ChinaCable

Teleph. 30624; Building, Taku Road;

Ad: Blomavan

^|J J{! Bi li A. Bakker, branch manager

"Barkovith & Co., H., Dealer in Furs) 2^ ^ Yu Ping

Skins and Chinese Carpets—19, Victoria Bollenhagen, H., General Import and

Terrace; Teleph. 33305; Cable Ad: Export—3rd


Harry Barkovith, proprietor Ping An St.,Chin Tang Road,

Ex-Austrian 4, corner


Teleph. 40866; Cable Ad: Fareast

H. Bollenhagen

f! Pei ho


ue, H.,33221;

— 40, Cable

Rue Henry Bourgeois; Bonetti, P., Architect Corso Vittorio

Ad: Begue Emanuele 26; Teleph. 40309

H. Begue


Behrendt, K., Engineer and Architect— Ad: Bornhorst; W.—21, Rue St. Louis; Cable

67, Race Course Road; Teleph. 31091 Teleph. 31:291

Beiner, W., Furs, Skins and Hides— Borrowsi|®St Co.,{£Ltd. (Incorporated Pao lu

Davenport Building, Davenport Road; Hongkong, Established 1914), Marine,in

Teleph. 32937; Cable Ad: Beiner Cargo, Ship, Engineer and General

W. Beiner Surveyors, Sprinkler and Boiler In-

HI Jfc Pi ^cuo chun ya spectors and Inspectors Of Export

Belgian Brick Factory, Red and Blue Produce—Liddell’s Building,TakuRoad;

Machine-pressed Bricks, etc., Cement Teleph. Agents:

30443; Cable Ad: Seaworthy.

“ Agripta ” Brand Strapping


33314; Cable Blocks—Taku

Ad: MansoukRoad; Teleph. andW.Sealing Machines

J. Mansouk, proprietor Scott Borrows, Director

V. D. H. Bidwell, do.

Belgian Consulate—(See Consulates) R. G. Dapper, do.

R. J. Cooke

Benjamin & Robin, Drs.—86, Rue Dillon; Bo shih

Teleph. 32054

Bernstein Sons, M. & Forman Inc., Boss—TakuCo.,Road; F. H.,Teleph.


32715;and Agents

Cable Ad:

Import-Export, Furs and Skins—29, Meychina

Canton Road; Teieph. 30860;. Cable F. H. Boss

Ad : Bersons C. Stecker

Bielfeld & Sun, Importers and Ex- C. S. Sun, compradore

porters, Machinery — 93, Cambridge Boycott & Co., Motor Engineers—3,

Road; Cable Ad: Bielfeld . _ Wusih Road, First Special Area;

Bisseker, Ltd., F. D., Mnuafacturers’ Teleph. 32351; Cable Ad: Boycott

Representatives — 52, Taku Road ; T. A. Boycott, manager

Teleph. 33025; Cable Ad: Bisseker; Brand & Co., William — 186, Bristow

Codes: Acme, Schofield, Bentley and Road ; Cable Ad: Vibra

Private ,

T.C. T.S. Su

Hall, mgr. Brazilian Consulate

(See Consulates);

A. G. Sesko



; , ’=£ H " Mei: chee . R’ R. Rodger, signs pier' i>Td-

.Bremen fioLo^iAsti 1 ,and! China Trading

F. J. Wakefield

Co., Exporters RimT Importers, Shipping W. G. Lamb

and Insurance— 3, Corso Vittorio N. M. Macintosh


1 40Q24; Gable Ad: W.



Hamandf *-'Cooes: Standard and

Private • " v.«-Cd A.MissJ. H.Mandell

M. Stewart

(godown supt.)

British ConrTlaits—(«iConsulates) C.1). E.Mel.Duncan



do.) supt.)

F. S. Barron (Bar overseer)

British Municipal Coijncil — (See

Municipal Councils) Care



3l,9<)3 and 33008Rue SL

W % . Pao rimg'

British Tracers’ Insurance, Co.,' Ltd.— Caldbeck, Macgregor & Coi, Ltd.

(Incorporated under the Companies

Ad: Traders Boad,; TeleptLss'sbslj,Cable

57, Victoria ., :■ Ordinances of Hongkong), Wholesale

R L. D. Wodehouse-TBranch manager and Retail Wine and Spirit Merchants

—49, Ad: Victoria Road; Teleph. 31281,.

Brossard Mopin, Civil Engineers, ‘Con- Cable Foochow Road, Caldbeck.

ShanghaiHead Office: 44,.

; tractors, Architeets etc.—110, Rue de

France; Teleph. :80240,Cable; Ad: Macgregor, Ld., Shanghai, genl, mgrs,

Brosexpku. ■ . i,.rc ■; ; - U! T. H. Butler, manager ..

A. J. H. Roxburgh | R C. Han

Brijesch, Grantz A Yuan—108, Taku Canadian Pacific Railway (Traffic

; Road ; Cable ^ Brugi’ayu Agents for Canadian Pacific Steam-

ships,’ Ltd.)Nautilus

(Passenger), — Cable(Freight)

Ads: Gacanpac

^&Kpjtms± Jar dine, Matheson & Co.,. Ltd.,

Babeshko & Co^. S,^C., Import-Export— Agents—91, Victoria'£2918'

Rd.-r Tefeph.

, .92* .Woodrow : Wilson St.; Teleph. 30844; 31294, 31296, 32848,

' ’Cbble

A., B. p.Ad'othBubeshko;

edn., WesternCocles:Cnioh



“'"Lieber’s ' ’ .A,.' -i iflj ^ Yang lee

Jui se>iy . Caprino & Co., P., Iniport aiwl Export

Buchheister & Co., TecKhical Business of Human Hair,HairBristle

Merchants; Neb Manufacturers,

every description, Importers of Ma- Preparations—67, Rue and HorseCable

Pasteur;. Tail

chinery, Tools and Engineers’ Stores— Ad: Caprino


Road; China 30802;'


Bu- P. Caprino, manager


edh.V Codes: Beutt

Alosse' and proprietor

Western Unioh% A.B!i C.

1 nth

~ Capstick & Go.; Coffimission Merchants—

C. Stepharius, and manager : 118, British Bund;, Teleph.. 30410;

Gable Ad : Capstiek ’

Bulling & Co.,, A.. E.; ^Importers & j A. E. Capstick

Manufacturers’ representatives—27,

C .>Gable Ad : Rpad.r Bulling pTeleph. £2199; Carlowitz?U& Co.,aiiilerchahts, Li ho

r ,A. ,E.-; Bulling, .proprietor Engineers

T. Y. Shieh . and Contractors^-140-144,

Telephs. 33604 andCable Taku Road;

31802;Ad:(General) and

W. S. Tien . 33935 (Shipping); Carlowitz

R. Len/.mann, partner

R. Laurenz, do. (Shanghai) (Hamburg.)-

>fc ’ ^00 Dr. A. Nolte, do.

Butterfield & Swire, iShipping and

Insurance—21, Victoria Road; Te- G. Roehreke, do. (Hamburg)


lephs. 31245 and 31124; Cable Ad: Swire O. Lord, do. (Hamburg),

H. Schoenherr, signs the firm


Kurt Meyer, -signs per pro. Chartered Bank of India Australia

J. Wutz, do. and China—(Nee Banks)

Framhein, do.

GM. F.O. Kleye, do. Chase Bank {See Banks) "

W. Such Frl. G. Deuber

K. Kolb

E. Kozer Frl. G. Emanuel Chee HsIn Pottery, Maker^ of Sani-

G. Nicolis . Frl. A. Ma}in

R. Oberrenner Miss.Frl. L.M.Harplinger tary Ware, Tiles, Electro Porce-

lain, Crockery, etc.—Cable; Ad:

R.H. Puck

H. Wilhelm Filimonovitch Pottery* Tangshan

Agents for: — Safoi Offices)■

Hamburg Amerika Linie Tientsin: 3', Road No. 7; 3rd.

A. Gampper, inspector •Special Area

Sole Agents and Importers for : Peiping: 13, Yang Yee, Hutung,

Shanghai: 170, Kiangse Road

Sandoz Chemical Works, Basle Chefoo: The Shantung Traders

Borsalino Guiseppe and Fllo. Co., Ltd., P.O. Box No. 2

{for other agencies see under Tsingtao: Fu Hsin Trad'ihg Co.

Shanghai) - Tsinanfu: W. Schwardtmann

Hongkong & Canton : Borneinann

‘Caxton Press, Ltd., Printers and ;& Co.

Mukden : San 'YTi Hung, North

Publishers—Council Road; Teleph. Market, International Settlement


Ni Yung Ching, proprietor

Chemical Laboratory of Tientsin—42,

Central Agency, Ltd., Importers of Rue Henry Bourgeois ; Teleph. 32125

Cotton Thread, (Head Office Glas-

gow — Davenport Building ; Teleph. Cheng Ho Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in

31431; Cable Ad: Spool Hongkong)—49, Bruce Road

13 & m f M H * *

Chung yang yao fang yu’ hsien hung Chernowetsky, L., Jeweller and Wat-

chmaker—286, Victoria Itoad; Te-

leph. 31640

Central Dispensary, Ltd., The, Deal-

ers in Pure 'Chemicals, Drugs, Sur- Chiao Tung University

gical Instruments, Hospital Appli- {See Educational)

ances and Toilet Articles, etc.—

North-east Corner Tientsin City;

? Telephs. 22525 and 23157;. Cable ^d : Chihli Motors, Ltd.—10,’ Taku Road;

Century Telephs. 31585 and 31586

Central Forwarding Crpn.,—42, Asahi Chihli Press, Inc., TBrinters; and Sta-

Road; Cable Ad: Tora tioners—25, Rue St. Louis; Teleph.

Central Insurance Co., Ltd.—113, 31558; Cable Ad: Chilipress,

Rue de Chaylard; Teleph. 30810; Chihli-Shantung Line, Ltd, Ship-

Cable Ad: Twyford

J. Twyford & Co., agents owners and Agents—105, Quai de

L. H. Twyford Thomas, signs 5140 France; Teleph. 30595: CaBle Ads:

per pro. and Chihtung

Chambers of Commerce H f| Meifeng'

{See Associations)

China-American Engineering, Corpo-

Chang & Co., H. F., Importers and ration (Federal Inc.), U.$,.A., Im-

Exporters — 67, Rue Dillon, F. C.; port, Export and Machinery—Rue

de France; Telephs. 30601 ah


Hfchang 32631; Cable Ads: Chang &

Cable Ad : Caeng :


H || Mei feng ^ & fa * ;f§

China-American Trading Corporation Zeang tah mook hong hung sz

(Federal Inc., U.S.A.), Import and Ex- China Import & Export

port Merchants, Engineers and Con-

tractors—Rue Ltd.—2, Russian Road, Lumber

3rd SpecialCo.,

and 30601; Cablede France; Telephs. 31428

Ad: Macgowan Area; Telephs. 40821 and 40831; Cable

Ad: Lumberco

E. H. Grooms, representative for

China N. China

The, Continental Commerceand

Importers, Exporters Co., Com-


China Import Trading Co., General

mission Merchants—The Robert Dollar

Bldg., Rue du Chaylard ; Telephs. 32528 Importers

port Road;— Teleph.

Davenport 22951;Bldg.,



(General Manager),

Office), 31646 33625 Cable

(Auto. Dept.); (General

Ad: Ostermann; Codes: Bentley’s, Acme and

Conticomo; Codes : Acme' Beiitley’s Private

and Private M. E. Ostermann, managing partner

China Electric Co., Ltd., Manufacturers China Korean Fur ' Co. — Davenport

and Electrical

Agents for Telephone, Telegraph Bldg.,

Cable Davenport

Ad: Chinkorfur Road ; Teleph. 31280;.

and Machinery and Apparatus

—132, Rue du Baron Gros. French China Merchants’ Steam Havigation Co.

Concession; Cable Ad: Microphone —British Bundshipping

; Cable Admanager

: 8969

K. H. Chun,

"flf nil - Chien hsin China Merchants’ Trading Co., Ltd.—

China Export-Import and Bank Co.> 68, Rue du 14 Juillet

Import and Export—6, Shou Ah Street,

Ex-Austrian Concession

Teleph. 40816; Cable (S.A.D.Code:

Ad: Lemjus; II); China National Trading Co.—6, Rue

Private Chevrier; Teleph. 32348; Cable Ad:


^ ^ & M* China Netherland Produce Co., Im-



yuv,heJcbo 'toen port and Export Merchants - 89, Rue

du 14 juillet; Teleph. 30969';'Cable Ad:


China Express Co., Ltd., Shipping, For-


toms Insurance Erh

Agents and Cus-

Ching-lu, 3rd China Northern Corporation—47-55,

S. K.A.;P.Teleph. 40047

Shon, manager Rue de Paris; Telephs. 33113 and

C. K. Wang, assistant 33225; Cable Ad : Chungpei

China Optical Co.—50, Rue de Takou;

China Foreign Corporation—57, Rue Teleph. 33394

Henry Bourgeois; Telephs. 33440 &

33770; Cable Ad: Chinaforin China Printing & Finishing

(Incorp. in Hongkong), CottonCo., Ltd.,


China Forwarding and Express Co.— and Manufacturers Printers, Dyers,

Settlement Railway Station; Teleph. Bleachers,

Chi' and Finishers of Textiles—

40107; Cable Ad: Tsun Foch;Tai Building,

Teleph. 34443; Rue du

P.O. Box Marechal

11; Cable

China Fur Trading Co., Ltd.,—60, Henry Ad: Celita.

Road, Shanghai. Head Office: 220, Szechuen

Bourgeois; Cable Ad: Pulun Directors:—(Shanghai)

Clive R. Hargreaves,

director), (chairman and

China Furs, Furs and Skins—165, Da-

venport Rd.;Code:


'32402; Cable Ad : (Liv.), a.i.c.,D. J.j.Ballard,

Sinclair,b.Sc.ph.d., b.sc.


Chinafurs; a.i.c., J. Wild and C. F. Liu

, H. Brimberg, proprietor S. Tweedie, secretary (Shanghai)

N.L Brimberg,

Levin signs per pro. Tientsin Office

Mrs. L. P. Fingereth Robert C.Chen

Wallace S. Ma, manager


China Radio Coepoeation, Radio Re- Chinese Associated Teading Co., Ltd.,

ceiving Sets and Transmitting Ceneral Importers and Exporters—49,

Equipment, Delco-Light Plants, Taku Road;and Teleph, 30189; Cable Ad:

Pumps, Hardware, Miscellapeous Chinatrade C. T, Lee, manager


Machinery and Special Machinery

Made to Order—8, Rue du Marechal Chinese Easteen Railway (Commer-

Foch; Telephs. 23S57 and 23635; cial Agency), Tourist and Forward-

Cable Ad: Chinaradio and 3805. ing Agents—74, Rue de France; Te-

Branch Office: 73, Pa Men Tsao, leph. 31888; Cable Ad: Kitvostdor

Morrison St., Peiping; Teleph. E567

n & % m >i» H ^ Ta chang

China Securities

Insurance, Company,

Estate Agents, MortgageInc.,

and Chinese Engineebing and Development-

Loans Co. Inc.— 18, Cable

Via Ermanno

Ad: CedeoCarlotto;


Office: 12,andVictoria

Mill Equipments

Terrace, Teleph.,40039;

H. A. Raider, presidt. and gen. mgr.

British Concession; Telephs. 30341 & Yang Pao Ling, secretary and treas.

33429,321133429 (Peitaiho Agency); Cable

Ad: P. T. Yuan, chief eng. dept.

R. T. Evans, president P. Y. Tsai, service eng.

H. H. Chen, service engr.


Eastham,vice president

secretary Lowe, Bingham&Mathews, auditors

Y. F. Yen, treasurer Y. K. Yu, acct.

C.P. S.G. Li,

Chow, director V. K. Veiling, auditor

E. K. Lowry, do. do.


Agency: Chemin de Fee dit Tokenq-Tai—Tien-

China Engineers, Ltd., Shanghai tsin Agents Olivier Cbine—31, Rue

13 & £ BE ® * de Verdun; Bureau Central: Shih-

Chung-kuo fei tsao hung sze kiachwang; Cable Ad : Chansifer

Ouang Meou Kong, directeur

China Soap Co., Ltd., The, Soap and Tsudu Hoa,


central adjoint, chef

Glycerine Manufacturers—128, Rue du Vinot-Prefontaine, chef du service

Chaylard; Teleph. 30379; Cable Ad: du mpuvement et tralic

Levers and 2515

P. H. Cobb, director Ouang King Sing, chef, du service

G.M. Broadhurst,

Drummond, asst.manager

do. de la Voie et des travaux

K. H. Wang, Chinese sales manager Loup Ing Tsun, chef ,du . service

C. P. Lee, assist.. do. de la traction et du materiel

S. K. Ting, do. Qu Jen Fou, ;chef de .la compta-

S. Wang, accountant bilite

Liou Tsao Cheng,, president du

China and South Sea Bank Ltd. bureau des achats

(See Banks) Boyer, contrple general.

China Teavel Sep.vice—100, Rue Pasteuri

Teleph. 30980 and 30915 Cable Ad: Pe ning tieh lu huarv U chu

2464 Peiping-Liaoning RailwayHead(Ministry

m& &m Railways: Nanking)— Office:of

Tientsin; Teleph. 60323 Cable. Ad:


Marine, Underwriters,

Accident, Ltd.,Motor

Sickness, Life, Fire,

Car Benin g managing director

T. Yin,

and General Insurance—Head Office: W. K. Hsu, associate do.

Hongkong Herbert P. C. Cheng, do.


118, British and Bund;

Sons, general

Teleph. agents;

33230; H. N. Liang, chief secretary

Cable Ad: Greenland Secretaries—C.

P. Y. Chang, C.C. Wang,

Hsu,Y.C.C.H. Ching,


W. Bornhorst, representative and Y. C. Tan


Resident Chief Comptroller’s Dept:- S:' C. Yang/ assistant chief cf

C. ofS. accts.


auditschief comptroller accounts & auditing division

Comptrollers—C. H. Tung, H. W. Ho, H. O. B. Greer,1 general inspectcr

T. H. Huang and W. P. Liu Accounts

1 Department:—

General Affairs Department J. Burton, chief acgoimtant •

C. Hsu, S. Wang, hssist. chief acfeottiitanfc

W. Yu, assist. supt. do. • j R. Hall, personal assistant to

, chief accountant ’ : '

' Y.H. T.Feng,Tang,assist.

chief of s-ecretarirtl divisihn

da Y.C. p.C.’Tsou,


Chiefof secretarial

bf revenuediv^ibn


C.G.C. Fu,

F. Sun, chief

do. of land

Hsu, do. stihdrieido.

personal« do. do. division,

T. Y. Wu, chief ’of) disbursement

‘ P.S. Hsu,

Chu, asst.do.do. public health division

do. audit and .booking di-vision

T. L. Pan, chief of cashier’s office

Materials Department:—

D. P. Chow, superintendent.

T. Chen» chief of Police bureau H. T. Wong, chief of'conti'ol div.

Y.W. N.O.Yin,Leitch,.

asst. M.x.c.E., do.' engineer- P. C. Chow, chief of purchase div.

H. Huang, .chief,, jstm-ekeeper

in-chief & general manager Efficiency Commission.: .

P. II. Chang, Assistant.iE-dn-C. Hubert P. C/Chang (acting chairman),

W. Chow,, chief of >vorks: division B.Hua,

V. Oustroamoff,

C. H. Wu, chief of gen. division

Y. C. Wang, assistant do T. W. Wood, C.H. T.C. Pien,

Hu, C.N. W.


C. Y. Liang, chief of technical office Pan, Y. F, Li, H. S. Chow, T. T. Sun,

N. G. Willis, chief inspector T. S. Li, T. F. Che, K. T.!Yu,C.H.

K. H. Wang, do Liu, H. M. Cho and H. Li .i.l

G. L; B'. Newmarch, engineer Peiping Suiyuan Line— Transporta-

G. B. Garrutheirs, sigh^T, ehgirieer tion Office, 2nd Special Area,


H. S. Sun, M, Stares,

works mgr.,stenographer

Shanhaikwan Teleph. 40560

T. Jen, agent

Y.Works Y. Lu, acting'section engiiieer,


T.K. L.S. Hsu,



engineer (Tangku) Chiao tungpu cKih Asia Uin 'pU tieh lu

C. Chen, 1 sec. eng. (Shanhaikwan)' kman li chu,, .

Traffic Department: Tientsin-Pukow

Tientsin- Hopei; Line —1655;,Cable

Teleph. Head Office:


W. H. Steele, c.B.'k., traffic manager Tsinpury

C. M. Chen, assistant do

K. H. Kuo, chief of establishnlent


Chu, chief of commercial div. Chinese Government Salt -REVENim

(Changlu District Inspectorate)—

E. T. Sheng,1: assistant do. 39-41, Via Vincenzo RosSi; Teleph

S.H. F.Yueh,Boggs,assist.

chief of do.transp: div. 40046;

P, L. Tsai, chief of tele. div.

do. Y. F.Cable Ad: Salt

Tseng, district inspector &

K. C. Hu, chief of aiidiL division salt commissioner

F. N. Pang, assist. do. R. L. P; Baude, co-district inspt.

J. Park, chief controller T. C. Chen, asst, district inspt.

Locomotive Department:— C. C. Cheng', chief secretary

G. Y. Liang, chief accountant

F. A. Jamieson, a.m. i'n^T., Q.p., , C.. C. Tang, district investigator


F. C. Lin, assistant .supt. , , H. Y. Chen, Senior Chinese’ secty'.

L. Yu, chief pf, secretarial division English Secretaries—K. Y. Chia,

C. c: Ho, Y. L. Hsin, Y. C.

L.S. C.Chang,


assitant do. div.

of technical, , Hue, H. C. Wu and C. W. Ma

Chinese j Secretaries—E. T. Chiang,

J. K. Cooper, chief of accounts M. Tso,. Y. Y. Pan and S. Y.

and auditing idivision , Tai.


Aocouiitarits-*—H. W. Uhow,'Tj JS. Chung Yuen Co., Ltd. (Tientsin),

Lu, K. S. Chang, S. J. Alin, P. Department Store—Asaiii Road ; Cable

C. Chang, F. Y. Tao, K. €. AdLam : Centralize

Jan Seung, managing dir.

Tang, E- JH. Li, T. K. Chow, J. Lam Chi. Hopn. manager

T.'Chang,’ ; C. S. 'Lin, li. Wang, Lam Sou Tin, sub-mgr.

K. ’C. Cho'w and L. Y. Yu. Rung shen Shun, d°.

F. Y. Chien;- -English typist K. II. Chari,' treasurer ,

C. Lu, ;registrar

Revenue Guards Office : S. A. Chungking Import China—1,

C. L. Chang, director Korostowet^ Rokd; Teleph. 33359;

Y. Y. Ju,- assistant: director Cable officer

Ad : Impo'sica

S. ' C. Cheng, inspecting L. de Hesselle

Y. Chen; earth salt supervisor J. Stehlirig ) 1 R. Hagnauer

W. H. Chu, English secretary

T. N. Ch^ng,. staff officer


H. P. Fei,. file-Lesper

H. S. Fan, Chinese clerk

S. H. Hsu, do. it m ®

C. C. Li, Chinese typist All Faints’ Church (“ Church of Eng-

Assistants—T. P. Li, C. H. Shao, 1 land ”)—Meadows Road

C. Yang- CA H. Yuan, T. S.

Shen, T. T. Li and T. Cheng ^ -a fl Fu y™ tan9

Ja f£ « # £ London Missionary Society—83, Taku

Road liable Ad: London Mission

Tien tsin dien hua chu

Chinese ' Government Telephone Ad- {'pj (g Wang ho loo


Chakow; South: Bruce Chinese Bund,, Roman Catholic Church of “Notre

Road, British

Concession; East: Yia ConteHopei,

Gallina, Dame des-Yictoires”

Italian Concession; North: Yue •sff Tien Chu Tang

Wei Loo; Telephs. 30001 with switch to

No. 1 managing director arid No. 2 chief St. Louis Church (Roman Catholic)—

engineer ;; 31, Rue St, Louis, French Concession

Chiu Ta Salt Refining Co.,,Ltd., Salt g t ^ M E&

Refiners and Manufacturers of Dental

C ream and Other bye-prod ucts—Chiu FeA shvi chiao hd chuny liuei tang

Ta Building, 1, Rue 'Foritanier; Teleph. U nion Church—69, Gordon Road

31532; Cable Ad: Chiuta Rev. Thos.(TheT. Manse,

Faichney,53,m.a., b.d.,

pastor, Gordon

Chorkee Engineering & Electrical Co., Road)

H. Schmuser, secretary (137,

Ltd., Importers, Contractors, Engineer-

ing, Electrical Supplies, Dealers in Victoria Road)

Hardware and Paints—67a-69, Rue du

Chaylard; Cable Ad: Ghorkee CLUBS

Chu Feng Rug'Co.—146, Rue Dillon; Club Cqncordia—Woodrow Wilson St.;

Teleph. 31861-,— W. Haenisch (I.

Cable Ad : Tywan Committee

Chung Foo Union Bank Vorsitzender J. Stehling (II.

(See Banks) - Yorsitzehder),'

Rossow, J. Gaedicke,E. Knuepfel,

H. Puifert,C.

li. Strange

Chung Hua MatchRoad;

1, Fukushima Cb.? Telephs.

Ltd!—Factory: Casa Degli Italiani—Via Roma 2


S.A.D. 3, Teleph. 33325;ChiCable

21468) Factory: .2, Wei21424



(Italian Club)

Commissario—Ur. A. Giavotto

Chuka match Secretary—P. Bay


North China Automobile Club Tientsin Hon.

Lawn Tennis Club

(Affiliated to the Hoyal Automobile

Club of Great Britain and Ireland) Hon. Secretary—E. Winter

Treasurer—A. Jones


H. G. McKenzie, S. G.Bomanjee,

H. McKenzie,J.

Tientsin Amateur Dramatic Club R, Johannson and F. J. Murray

Tientsin Amateur Swimming Asso-

ciation Tientsin Paper Hunt Club

Master—Erik F. Watts

Tientsin Association Football C14JB— Hon. Sec. Treas.—O. Joerg

Becreation Road Stewards—P. Bauer, H. V. Bridge

A von Delwig, J. Cockin, I. ±1.

Tientsin Badminton Club Howell, A. Rapp and R. Samarcq


Rue de Chess

F raneeClub — Karatzas Cafe, Tientsin Race ®s# X

Club—Victoria Road;

Tientsin Club—Victoria Road; Cable Ad: RacingH. E. Frost


Telephs. 31312 an 31399.


man), R. L. D.J.Wodehouse

Graham (chair-


chairman), J. A. Donnelly, D. P. Tientsin Rowing Club

Gill, B. L. Meyer, W. G. Parkin,

F. J. Wakefield, and J. W. Tientsin Skating Club

Cameron (Secretary) Chairman—H. Wright

Committee—J. Burton, Mrs. S.

Tientsin Country Club — Office: 43, Feeney, A. L. Bridge, L.

Victoria Road Fingereth and R. Gey ling

Hon. Treas.—J. W. Cameron.

Tientsin Cricket Club Hon. Secy.—A. L. Maitland

President — Brigadier

D.s,o. M. Bandinel A. J. Ellis,

Captain—J. t u< m m n


Hon. Secy. &S. Treas.Elliott — A. H. Titn chin jou yung hwei

Ratcliffe Tientsin Swimming Club—102, Parkes

Committee—R. Road

Bulling, MajorS.G.Campbell,

H. LathamA.andE.

A. R. Ross Tientsin Temperance Society

Tientsin Customs Club — Victoria Tientsin Woman’s Club

Road; Teleph. 30384 Officers and Members of the Exe-

Tientsin Football Association cutive Board:—J. A. Mendelson




and PublicityEditor


Tientsin Golf Club—Teleph. 31355 —Mrs. E. K. Lowry

Captain—R. L. D. Wodehouse Secretary—Mrs.

Committee—D. Christopherson, T.

Matsuo, W. Pryor, and F. F. Yap Treasurer—Mrs. A.J. Paradissis


Chairman of Programme Committee

Tientsin Lawn Tennis Association —Mrs. E. D. Edinger

Chairman of House Committee—

President—E. Mrs. E. J. Schilling


Horiye —Dr.J. H.Nathan,

Betz o.b.e.

and Y. Chairman of Library Committee—

Mrs. C. Schwender

Exec. Committee—W. Pryor, Chairman

Mrs. A. E.ofCapstiek

Civics Committee—

(chairman) Chairman of Special Activities

Hon. Sec. «fc Treas.—J. A. Smith

Asst. do. do. —M. Rumjahn Committee—Mrs. O. Sixt


Trust for Open Spaces, The 40691 (Head Office & General Manager),

Trustees—P. 40969 (Bureau of Chinese Affairs),

(chairman), H.H. E.B.Barnes,

Kent, S. m.c.

G. 40649 (Store Dept.), 60853 (Power


W. O’Hara, Station, Hopei), 40690 (Lighting

H. E. C. E. Peters,

H. Liddell,

W. Dept.), 50585 (Traffic Dept, and Work-

Pryor (hon. secty. and

H. E. Woodall (controller) treas.), shops,

Pei TaNankai),

Kwan), 52601

51881 (Station

(Station Master


South West); Teleph. (Residences)

32308 (J. M. Haesaerts), 34368 (Ch.

Colbert, Dr. John, Physician and Surgeon Laval), 30782 (F. Courtois), 31884 (E.

Scalliet), 40908 (J. B. Splingaerd),

—264; Victoria Road; Teleph. 30193 40244 (C. Piron), 40076 (G. De Clercq)

^lj Li yuan Head Office:

Colinet G., Import, Export, Shipping and J. M. Haesaerts, general manager

Insurance—16, Rue Henri Bourgeois; Ch.Dept.,


engineer-in-charge (Traffic

and Tramway

Teleph. 30891; Cable Ad: Colinet' Tracks)

G. Colinet F. Courtois, engineer-in-charge

(Power House, Distribution

W & Kao lin system and Lightingi Dept.)

Collins & ‘ Co., Ltd., Merchants, Com- E. Scalliet, secretary general

mission Agent's,—ts, Consular Road; F. Dirickx, secretary

Teleph.'31051; Cable Ad: Collins J. B. Splingaerd, chief of the

Bureau for Chinese Affairs

Comfort Company, The,

of Chinese Carpets and Rugs, Brass Exporter Accounts Dept. :

Ware, Cloisonne Ware, Lacquer Ware— H. Demesse, chief acct. a. i.

146, Rue Dillon, French Concession; P. Donnay, assistant accountant

Cable Ad: Ty wan W. Ghilain, assistant accountant

T. V. Wang, proprietor P. Giffard, cashier

C. Teunkens, chief storekeeper

Commercial , Guarantee Bank of Chih- G. Pelagoti, store-keeper

li—(See Banks) Tower Station:

Commercial Traders’ Association, Fed. A. Crousse, superintendent

Inc., U.S.A. Import, Export and Distribution A. Delabie, assistant supt.

General Merchants — 79, Rue Pasfeur; System:

Teleph. 33616; Cable Ad: Comtradas L. Vanderhelst, superintendent

G. van Santfort, electrician

H ^ Yih Chang J. P. Gervasi, do.

Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd. Lighting Department:

Insurance in all its Branches—98, C. Piron, superintendent

Victoria Road; Teleph. 3^070; Cable Ad:

Haitradco Consumers’ Engineering Staff:

Haiho Trading Co., Ltd., district E. Tercalavres, chief electrician

agents . M. Claes, inspector

Manager for

E. Lester Arnold China; .(Shanghai)— L. Hutsemekers, do.

M. Mathieux, do.

A. Melseni, do.

Commission for the Improvement of G. Potopaieff, do.

the River System of Chihli . Consumers’ Service Staff:

(See Associations) P. Splingaerd, inspector.

F. Miertens, - do.

P. Vissers, do.

Tim tsin tien ch’e tien teng kung sin G. Bar bier, do.

Cgmpagnie de Tramways et D’Eclairage V. Vassilieff, do.

de Tientsin, Societe Anonyme, (The Meter and Testing Staff:

Tientsin Tramway & Lighting R. Paternoster, inspector

Siege Social: Bruxelles—2, Via Co., Ltd.)

Ermanno B. Artemieff, do.

Carlotto, Italian Concession; Teleph. A. Zlokasoff, do.


Traffic Dept. : m^ mmmm*

. G. De Clercq, superintendent Ta te kwo^ hung, lingyshih sh.u



chief in,^pectbf;

’ , ..’, German


VVii^bn Street jToleph. — 31041,


Workshops: ■ ■ Cable Ad: Coiisugenna , ■ -

A. Crommar, superintetident Constii-Genei al'>Radke

Chancellor—E. -Df. .If..]Betz

F. Feeters, assistant shpt.

E. Cortinovis, asst:;; Secretaries—A.

Typist—Mi,s. F. Wetzel, Schoeps, H. Deter

A. Savoi, do.

Tramway Tracks:

A. Noltinck, superintendent v. A* «'#■**

G. Vinogradofl:,. assistant ’ Ta YingJcwo tsmiy ling sh-ih kwan

Gompagnie Franco - Americaink GEEATn Tel^pEs.'


, ,Al^S9'land:

Victoria- Road:

30355; Cable

P’Assurances— Head(>ffice: Shanghai Aji :

: Agents—Racine & Co., 137:, Quai de

' Fra nee t ^ ® lil & Q ik

Continental Bank—(Ace Banks) To. Ji pen kwo^ifig shi^uan

Japan—Hanazono Road • Tqlephs.

consulates •;2C035 ,and ;200.39: (Office), AO 120

(Eplice Office) ; Cable Ad : Riyoj i

% m m m m * Consul General.—S. Kawagde

Ta an kwo ling shih sh u Netherlands Consular Court -


32276 . , Course Bauer Road; Teleph. ■ 36, Rue Fontanier; Teleph. 311914/;

Consul-General—Paul P’3 m m

Vice-Consul—R. Geyling Ta na wei kwo ling shih ya inert

Chancellor—F-. Skoff 1 Norway—106, Rue,, de Paris, French

Belgium—36, Rue Fontanier; Te- ' Concessioii, Tblepk. ,310,67

h’ph, 31.193; Cable Ad: ,Beige Spain—36,

Consul-General—T. dnyers. 31196 ' Rue Fontanier; Teleph,

Denmark—4, Kirin Road ' f • Sweden—7-r., Victoria Paik Martsions

oh i ,Coi\snl—J. Lange o Cbhistil—E. R. Long

m- m m m m % k m m m m m r,

Ta fen I'an kuo shu . Ta Mvkwo tsimg ling:sidh kwan

Finland—140-144, Taku Rbad

j: Alensgl—H. Schoenhe^r ' United States of America—71,; Mea-


ConsulRoad: Telephs. 3108 V and 32325

F9 ffi « ffi @ * ConsulsGeneral—J.

AL-David K:C.Caldwell Berger,.

Ta Fah kwo' ling shiK )/a mek Whitney Young; John B.

Ketcham and Robert S. Ward


Ad : Fransulat RueGlii Cbnsulat; Cable Vice-Consuls—Stuart

roe Hall, WCecil Allen, L.Mon-C,

Consul—Ch. Lepissier ■ Reynolds, r

alterB.S/ Price


Consul-Adjoint—R. Germain

VicerConsul—J. Yvonnou p] fi I IS tI:

Attache de Consult—M.Beaulieux

Consul-Suppleant—A. Siguret Yung lm kung cheng ssu

Docteur—E. Benjamin Cook & Anderson (late' Adams &

Chef de la Garde—M. Daudrumez.

Dactylographe ,y Melle, . V. de Knowles), andEngiheeTs-^I, Architects, Surveyors,

Victoria Valuers


Laberbis 31010

Secretaires Chinois —

T’ang, S. T. Lieou, Y. T. L. K. Edwin Cook, p.r.i.b.a., MjAtruct.e.

Tchen and K. Yang H.m.i.str'cct.k!

McClure Anderson, f.r.i.b.a,.


Cook & Son, Ltd., Tjhos. (Incorporated in Kao Yuan Che,

1 asst, tidesurveyor (at

England), Tourist, Steamship and For- Peiping)

warding Agents, Bankers, etc. — 63, M.boat Keane, Ko Yee How, E. M. popov,

Victoria Road; Telephs. 30456 and 32691 officers

Cable Ad: Coupon J. R. Foster, Chien Shu Tung, Kuo

Yu Yung, Ralph Muh Hsin Chang

Comnth ife Seidel, Architects and Interior and

officersleu Hok Tang, asst, boat

Decorators—127, Woodrow Wils’on Appraisers:

Street; Teleph. 32804; Cable Ad: Cotinth

' G. Poletti

K. Koga

/S tJii ttT Hi Huang hung fan tien A. Mitchell

Court Hotel, The—171, Victoria Road; T. J. Macauley

Teleph. 31113; Cable Ad: Court; Liu

Huang Meng-chou

Yen Te

A. L. Bridge, manager


Credit FokCiER d’Extreme Orient C. Examiners

T- Underhill, actg. inspr. of

(See Banks) J. A. A. Seek K. Okamoto

A. M. da Motta Peng Te Ming

m & ft n in m iii F. A. do Rozario Ting

Chia Yao Chin


C.T. Nishida

Wada Wong,I Cheuk

Shan hai kw

Cryst'AL, Ltd., Mineral Water Manu- R.K Yokota Chow Shi Tong

facturers—Head Office: 4, Pokptiloff Rd., Kamekawa- T. Kishimoto

S.A.D. 3; Teleph. 40249; Cable. Ad: T. Ichige B. E. E.Pistruilff

Crystal Tsao Tsun

Tsin hai kuan T.C. Kuroda

O. Dreggs Lien Huei-sheng

II ^ E.W. M.H. Letovt

Tipton Yu Teh Tao

Customs, Chinese Maritime— W. J. Mezger 1 Wen ChangPaoHsuan


Corner of Rue St. Louis and

Bund; Tel. 31335, Commissioner’s Office. French V. I. Mamaeff Liu Chih He

Tel. 32543, Dep. Commissioner’s Office P. I. Tirbak, acting harbour;toaster

do. 31441, General Office . D.andLettington, asst, do.

90 tidewaiters

do. 31231, Appraising Department

do. 31214,

-do. Chief Tidesurveybr’s

33163, Inspector of Exmrs’. Office


do. 31525, Harbour Master Office T% & & ±

Commissioner—H. D. Hilliard Dairen Kisen Kaisha (Dairen S.S. Co.)

Deputy Comrs.—E. G.

Tu, Peng Ho (distr. acct.) Smith and —13, Hai Ho Road, 1st Special Area;

Acting Deputy Commr. — Chang 30851 Telephs.(Compradore),

32287, 31178,3070032278, 31404,


Yung Nian (at Peiping) \ Residence); Cable Ad: Daiki. Go-

Assistants down at French Bund, 22, Rue Dillon,

French Concession; Telephs. 30960 and

A.S,. Momikura

Berlin j Chung Ping - cheng 33566

(at Peiping), T. Misumi, manager

Lo Ching Hsiang!

Shang Cnih Yi Chen Pei-yinWen Vi

J.ShihF. Maclennan W’ang Chung-chueh

Eng How Wang Cheng-sheng Danish Consulate— (See . Consulates)

C.J.C.D.-L. Basto Yao Ting-hsin

Liu En-T’ung

Chen Wen Kien Tu YangChuKuan


Wei Kung-shuo Liu Mo Hsuan Dau & Co., Hugo, Machinery, Mining

|Ts’ao Ping-hsii Supplies, etc.—9-11, Via Ermanno Car-

Wong Ta Chuen, asst, analyst lotto,

Dauhugo Italian Concession; Cable Ad:

L. Filimonovitch (Miss), supervisor C. Nimz, partner engineer

G. E, Cross, chief tidesurveyor H. Kliebenstein,

E.S. Hitosugi, tidesurveyor

B. Weir, asst, tidesurveyor . G.K. Scholz,

Nimz, typist



II Dollar Lumber Co., Importers of Oregon

Davis, Pine Cable

and Lumber—Robert

Ad: Dollar Dollar Build-

Broker,R. and S., Land



Share ing;

17, Victoria

33716; Terrace; Telephs. 32390 and

Bentley’sCable Ad: Security; Codes:

and Private m

Dollar Steamship Line — Cable Ad:

^ *

B. S. Davis Dollar

Debus, Max, Fur & Skin Merchant—11- The(SeeRobert

DollarDollar Co.,Robert)

Co., The general agents

27, Davenport itoad; Cable Ad: Debus Ymi skin

Deutsch Asiatische Bank — (See Doney &1$Co., Exchange, tK 'J U

Stock and Share


m Chiek li 33226 and 33564; CableAd:oad;Vendor

Brokers—46, Bristow 1 Telephs.


General- Import

Chinesisohe HandelsRueCo.,

and Export—23, St. Donnell &Bldg., Bielfeld, Exchange Brokers

Louis; Teleph. 33766; CableAd: Breusun —Ewo

P! Breuer 30758,

Victoria Road; Telephs.

32754, 32815 anu 31754

C. S. Sun K. Bielfeld

F. H. Whitamore

^ m Te fa Doulat ram Sons, Indian Silk Store-

Deutsche Farben -Handelsoesellschaft Ad: 274, Victoria Road; Teleph. 31669; Cable-

Waibel & Co., Niederlassung Tientsin,

Import (Indigo, Aniline Dyes and Sun- Sub-Branch—16, H.Doula t ram proprietor


dries)—6, Rue Courbet; Telephs. 30815, Rue du Marechal

30816; Foch

Mosse, Cable

A.B.C. Ad: Waidefag;

6th edn., CarlowiiCodes:

z and

Private DuManufacturers

Pont de Nemours Co., Inc., E. L,

and Importers of Indigo,

Deutsche Schule Dyes and Chemicals—52,

Teleph. 30176; Cable Ad: Dupont; All Taku Road;.

(See Educational) Codes

Deutsche Theatre Verein IV. J. P. Calder, mgr. .

(See Associations) ' L. B, Grimes ! C- Hsu

Deutsche. Vereinigung Tientsin fi & ft n m m m n

Associations) , Dunlop Rubber Co. (China), Ltd., The,

Tyre and, Rubberof Manufacturers, Sole-

Dmitrovsky, Samuel, Fur Merchant-^97, Manufacturers Dunlop Pneumatic

Taku Road; Teleph. .31936; Cable Ad: Tyres Dickinson and General Rubber Goods—

Dmitrovsky . 31064; CableHall, Ad:2,Pneumatic

Taku Road; Teleph.

SIJ. J.G. Wil'


lcox for North China


^ S’ PS Si fr bb li C.T. Churchill

A. Greenland 1| MissMrs. Vincent

Dodwell & Co., Ltd.—61, Rue de A. Oliver

France; Telephs. 32553 and 33514;

Cable Ad: Dodwell

E. Winter, acting manager « »i j* sc ® @ ^

E.L. S.Fingereth

Rend all j| P.H. K.Y. Liu Eagle'and Globe bySteel

Liu Stock carried

—98, Victoria HaihoCo.,


Ltd., The.


Teleph. Co.


^ i/v Dah lirij knng szq Cable Ad: Haitradco

Dollar Co., The Robert, Lumber, Ship- East-West Fur Trading Corporation—

ping and Gene'rEtl Importers—Robert 94, Taku Road; Teleph. 30933; Cable?

Dollar 31196;

Teleph. Building,

CableFrench Concession;

Ad: Dollar Ad: Kopitsky


Eastern'Engineering Works, Ltd., Gen- Saint-Louis’ College (Marist Brothers)

eral and Constructional Engineers and (For

195, Rue Boarders and Cable

St. Louis; Day Scholars)—

Ad: Marist


London Road;— Office and 31349

Telephs. Works and

: 4, Bro. R. Faust, director

31195; Cable Ad : Vulca

James Turner, mang. director Bro. Louis-Eraste, . sub-do.

A. E. Kerridge, director Bros. Joseph, Prudent, George,

A.H. A.E. Dremin, engineer Claudio, Kotska,Gabriel,

Vincent, Peter, Nestor,James


Turner, acting secretary

Y. W. Du, compradore

St. Joseph’s High School—Rue Sua'

Eastern Rug Co., Exporters of Woollen, j bouraud Sister Mary, sup.

Chenille and Grass carpets—8, Lin Ho

Li, British Concession; Teleph. 3-954;

Cable Ad : Huarho

Eastham, Barry C., Attorney-at-Law—3, Vi m * ^ ®

Victoria Terrace; Teleph. 30303; Cable Hsin hsiieh ta bhu yuan

Ad; Secretary Tientsin Anglo-Chinese College—48,

Ecole Municipal Erancaise Takii Road; Teleph. 31390; Cable Ad:

(See. Educational) T.A.C.C.

T. Birmingham)

L. Huang (dip.Hon. of socia,!Prin.studies,.


T. leave)

Huang, acting principal


American School—1, Chekiang Road

G. O. Richardson, president A.C.H-B. Longman,

P. Cullen, b.a., a.r.c.sc.,


G: Ltixon, director of studies

E. H. Liddell, B.sd.j secretary

$5^ Jfi lUj I Kung shang hsueh-yuan IP’S: H. G. Thompson, b.sc.

Ha cites Etudes Industrielles et


Teleph. 32792 — Rkce Course Road; Tientsin Grammar Council)'

School (see under

British Municipal

£ W 4«

Chung hsi nu hsueh hsia a « -r x a * n

Ke en Girls School (Methodist Episcopal Tien eking hui weit Chung heueli hsido '

Mission)—South Gate; Teleph. 22678; Tientsin Hui Wen Academy', South

Cable Ad: Methodist Suburbs—Teleph. 22676 and' 22677;

Nan km University—Teleph. 33933 Cable

Rev. Ad:

Liu Methodist

Pang, d.d. principal

Thomas K. Li, dean'’

Vi ± ft S.' 11. Fan, proctor

Peiyang Engineering College Mrs. M. L. Bisrkey (English dept.)

(formerly Peiyang University):— • A.; dept.)

R. Code, treasurer (Commercia

Hsiku; Telephs. 61226.-8; Cable

Ad: 6007 ■.Mrs,

Rev. A.E. J.B. AeSchliman

Coole,(English dept.

Officers of Administration: Mrs. E. J. A esch liman

, S. T. Li, b.s., ph. d. (Eng’g);


T. Affairs

K. Hsu, Dept.b.s.,& Students General Tientsin Jewish School

head of director

S. F. Tsui, Lt. b., registrar Tientsin Kung Ksueh (Public School)'

C. L. Feng, b.a.; Chinese secretary

L.J. K.H. Li,Ju,senior

b.s., clerk

English secretary

K.Y. C.L. Tsui,

Li, b.s.,treasurer

business mgr. | Egan, Bernard 5,J., Wuchang Manufacturer;

C. Y. Tschuo, m.d., college physician Teleph. Representative—

30747; Cable Ad: Mrltd Road


^ ^ Hailring Far Eastern Transport

30515 Go.—263,

Elbrook, Incorporate!), Woollen Yarn Taku Road; Teleph.

V. G. Shopstoff, proprietor

Spinners' and Carpet Manufacturers

Woollen Goods Manufacturers and Ira Finnish Consulate — {See Consulates)

porters of Textile

Office: 3t-4?, DavenportMachinery—Main

Road; Telephs Fischep, Emil S'., American Public

32426, 33007: Cable Ad: Koorble Accountant and Agent

SwornofAuditor, Ad-

ministrator and Real Estate

Empire Theatre — British Concession; —14/15, Hwa An Street, Ex-Austrian

Telepb. 31842; Cabld Ad: Theatre Bund ; Teleph. 4Q515; Cable Ad : Ems-

Owned and operated by i fischer; Codes; Bentley’s, A.B.C. ,5th.

China Theatres, Ltd. (Incor- edn.

porated in Hongkong) Fleet, H. A., m.i.m.e., a.m.i.e.e., a.i.n.a.s..

Marine, Cargo and Engineer Surveyor

Energie Erectrique de Tientsin and Fire Loss Adjuster— 143, Meadowsl

(French Central Power Station)— Road; Teleph. 30553; Cable Ad: Fleet

211, Rue du Marechal Ftoch; Cable Fleurette, Modes and Beauty Parlour—

Ad : Boiir'gery Talati House, Victoria Rd.; Teleph. 32550

Epargne Fran.co Chinoise, Ltd. Foox & Co., Freight

Supervisors, H„ Cotton and Brokers and

Ship Brokers

{See Banks) —65, Consular Rd.; Teleph. 31430 and

31848; Cable Ad: Fooxco

Sjf ffi ^ Nmuensze H. Foox, partner

Evans, R. T.,Victoria


and Counselor-at- A. L.G.Foox

Foox, do.

Law—1, Telephs. R. Robin | H. D. Yen .

30294 and 30506; Cable Ad: Secretary

Mrs. V. Freeman, secretary

gj* £ Jen ehee

Evans & Sons, Ltd., Edward, Booksellers, Forbes & Co., Ltd., William, Merchants

Stationers and Publishers, Educational, and Commission Agents—45, Victoria

Medical and Scientific Supplies, Paper Road; Telephs. 31008, 31053 (Com-


30573; Cable Ad:Victoria Road; Teleph.

Education; Codes: pradore); Cable Ad: Rinchee (Export

Bentley’s, Western Union Dept.) and Sebrof (Import Dept.)

H.M.Schmuser, A. Burgess, a.c.i.s.

Fynland ragr. T. H. R. Candlin

L. A.C. Dentici

Hurst j J. M. Milne

H. C. Kwok

E. A. Cowell I T. E. Boycott

1! tK Yung Fung London—C. E. Marshall E ‘ Co., 17,

Fairchild & Co., Ltd., General Ex- New PhilYork—Bertolino

pot Lane & Co,, 2, Stone St.

porters—169 to 183, Taku Road; Telephs.

30323 (Office),

32085 (Insurance 30409 (Corapradore)


Cable Ad: and

Fair- Exporters and Commission Importers,

Foreign Commission Agency,

child; Codes: Acme; Marconi, Agents—

Lieber’s, Bentley’s, Western Union and 321, Taku Road; Teleph. 33015

A.B.C. S. Rapoport, proprietor

F. A. Fairchild, managing-director Fox and Morrison, Attorneys at Law

L. W. .1 enner, director —34, Rue de France; Teleph. 30043;

D. J. Thomson, secretary Cable Ad : Foxstar

G. F. Wallis C. J. Fox

Miss P. Borrows A. R. Morrison


N. E.Wong,

C. Ratcliffe


F. C. Feng, Insurance Dept. Franklin & Co., SeaWholesale Dealers in

(ileneral Agents for. Korean Apples.

etc.—173, Rue de Produce,

Pelacot; Medicine,

Teleph. 33686;


New Zealand Assurance Co. Ld.

Insurance'Co., Cable Ad: Franklin; Codes: Bentley’s

and Acme


FuK.vcjr "Consulate i- (

Motion Picture Co., Inc., Shanghai)

^ Q Kang mao —6, Council ROacl;' Telephs- 3365a'

Frazae, Federal Inc., U.S.A., Automo- .Peeofilms (Office), 33117 (Theatre); Cable Ad :

tive and

Importers—Head Industrial Engineers and . G. G,< Fryberg. manager .

Jin 1.1 (ft;. Telephs. Office:

.{301g8,25,.and,Hue 30356;

du 14 , B, L. Kavalerchik 1.

P. A. KapodstTn

Cable;Ad: Frazar., Branches: Peiping,

Mukden, Harbin, Dairen, Tsingtao, Galatis, iD.E., Concerts and Theatri-

Changchun, Tsinanfu and Taiyuanm cal and Motion Picture Agent—10,.

F. F, Spielman, president: Rue de Verdun; Veleph. 30448; Cable

E. W. Frazar, vice- do. (absent) , - nAdu Galatis c

P, L. D. PIath, director (Mukden)


E. McCapn, treasurer and sales Garage Central -or, Rue de France;

W. Hanisch, secretary and acct. Cable Ad: Frangar.,

C. depts.

P. Berman, stock and engineering A. Lemoine, proprietor and gen. mgr.

J. M. Zimmerman, sales General Dairy &" Farm Co.—49, Rue-

DiRom; ; Telephs.. •32235. (Office), 33455

Y.S. C.C. Li,


do. (Farm); Cable Ad: Torefo

C. H. Yao,

Automotive Service do.

J. F. Mustoo, service manager n ft m n m mm &

C. T.and Li, Refrigerator

assistant. Service . 1 Ying kV,; o tiny yang tien eki yu

Radio ' ■ , iisien kiiny sze j,.

J.F. M.C. Chinery, in charge

Zimin, assistant General ELECTki6-G!6. of China Ltd.,

Electrical Contractors—178, Taku


K. K. Eulikoff, ihandcharge

Accessories Tire Sales Rpad; Teleph.34423 j - Cablp Ad:

CV P. Liu, assistant • Gynleictidc,.’,. .

: Miss T. Berger, stenographer

Miss M. Greenland do. ! General Veneer Factory,' Manufac-

■ Miss CV Nigniewitzky,. do. j ture Shih Kai; de BoisCable,Cdhtreplaques

Ac^-Ve^sco, — 53, Lao-

French Bakery—3rd'Special Area; Cable j P. A.Thesmar, managing dirfector

Nhkrassoff, supervisor

Ad:E. Mavromaras

Mavomaras, proprietor K.C. T:Aveiune, inspector

Lion, chief acct.

French General Hospital C. T. Wang, aco't.

{See Hospitals) T. K. Fong, do. -'•»•>«sr.- > .

Ly Wen Kwang, compradore


{See Municipal Municipal Councils)

Council ! ' ’German-American Hospital

{See Hospitals)

I).and Froiman Co., Leather 145,

Importers, Fur | German Consulate-General

Sirin Merchants-

Road: Cable Ad: Froiman' Davenport ■{Stee Consulates)

D. A, Froiman German Cycle Cq-. — 70, Via Ermanno

Fuhrmeister Carlotto; Cable Ad: Kaimo

of33923;TakuCableand&Ad:Co.' , Exporters

Canton Roads;—Corner

Etiropasia Teleph. A. Keim

B. Sottorf, branch manager % tK Yuwj fah

Fur and Wool Co., (China), Ltd.—10, ; Skins—18-20, Gershevich Bros., Exporters pf Furs and

Taku Road Victoria Terrace ;_Teleph.

3.Q268; Cable Ad: Gershevich (Tientsin),..

Furukawa Electric Co'., Importers of j Acme, Universal, York, ' ’ Gershev’fur (Navy LT.S.A.): Codes:

Electric Wires, Cables arid Brass j edn. Improved andBentl,e(y’s Private. A.B.C. 5th.



33438; Cable Ad: Furukawa Rristow Road; Teleph. New

‘ and Mukden York, London,. Shanghai, Kalgaa


Geyling, It., Architect, Consulting Grigory Gutbezahl & Co., Furs, Skins

Engineer and General Contractor—I and Raw Products—21-23, Rue Courbet;

Telephs. 31215

Pin Building, 49, Bromley Road Manager),

Ad: Mogut 31942 (General Office Cable

(Chinese Staff); and

Gipperich & Co., E., General Import

and Export Merchants—52, Taku Road;


Gipperich30483,32357 and33851; Cable Ad: Gully & Co., J., Exporters, Importers,

S. C. Kao, manager Insurancein allAgents,

dealing minor General Merchants

lines of China and


54, Rue Henry Bourgeois; Dillon

Produce—49/53, rue

'GiRAuir, F.—66, Rue Dillon, Import- and Ad : Gully


er and Exporter, Forwarding and J. Gully, managing director

Express Agency, Insurance Commis- Fr. Goffinet, manager

sion, Freight arid Customs Broker Teles. Tchang,sub-acct.


—Teleph. 33403 and 31387 (Private) K. Simon,

F. Giraud, proprietor T. Liang, compradore

•Gisho Electric Co.—3, Asahi Road;

Cable Ad : Gishoyoko m m Ya u

Glen Line, Ltd —Cable Ad : Glenline Hackmack —15, Rue

& Co., Import and Export

Courbet; Teleph. 31007; Cable

Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd., Ad: Hackmack

Agents—91, Victoria

31294, 31296, 32848, 32918Road ; Teleph A. Hackmack

Gold & Rro., Inc., A.S., Fur Merchants— Fi m n x ot m

53, Rue

Ad: de Verdun; Teleph. 32915; Cable

Goldbrofur Hai Ho Kung Ch’eng Tsung chu

Haiho Conservancy Commission—30, Hai

r! S $6 fra g Ho Road; Teleph. 31224; Cable Ad:


Members Code:—J.A.B.C. 5th edn.

B. Affleck, c.b.e. (H.B.M.

Golden Star Co., The—79, Fukushima

Road; Teleph. 21555; Cable Ad: Arachis Consul-General), Han Lin Sheng


Mori,H. partner (London) (Supt. of Customs), H.

(Commissioner of Customs}, D. Hilliard

J. C.

Accurti, manager Taylor (hon. treasurer), and K. H.

J. Goennert Chun (representative of shipping)

Secretary—R. S. Campbell

Assist. Secretary—C- H. Wang

Grand Hotel—Petrograd Road; Teleph. Engineer—P. E. Muller


W. B. Zasnikoff, proprietor Assist. Engineer—A. Tritthart

Works Supt.—W. M. Chapman

Assist. WorksSupt.—Chung Kuei Chao

Great Northern Trathng

31401 Co.—82b, Rue Assist. Dredging Supt.—P.

de France; Teleph. Assist. Bar Supt.—K. Oh i Zuliani

Greek Merchants Association Assist. Do. —C. F. Chivers

Supt. of Stores—F. Johnson

(See Associations) Accountant—A. S. Thomas


Stenotypist— Mrs. L. Ger'zd

H Mao ch’ang

Greenland &, Sons, Merchants and Haiho Trading Company, Import and


Teleph, 33230Agents—118,

Cable Ad:British Bund; Export, and Insurance—98, Victoria


Codes: A.B.C. 5th, Bentley’s, Universal Road; Teleph. 32070; Cable Ad:

Trade Code, Private Haitradco

W. T. Greenland E. P. Carrington

V. Stoopin


fij |g Fahlee m m X m in-



Holtz, Ltd., Ladies’ and

Gentlemen’s Child-

Outfitters, ching ming hung cheng zu

Furniture Manufacturers and General Hemmings Civil & Parkin',

Engineers — 73, Architects

Consular Road; and

Storekeepers— 101-103, Victoria Hoad; Teleph. 31495; Cable Ad: Module

Teleph. 31236; Cable Ad: Fuhlee. R. E. Hemmings, m.arch. inst. b.c.,

Head Office: Shanghai. Branch Office:


M. Fergan, manager Mrs. Stamatoff W.M.INST. ENG.INSP.,

G. Parkin, M.R.S.I.

f.r.i.b.a,, m.i.s.e.

T. A. Jones Miss Artemieff Henderson & Co., J., Chemists and Drug-

J.A. W. G.

Davis Langley Miss A. Hoare gists—-139, Victoria Road; Teleph. 33242;

L. C. Chang Miss GromofF Cable Ad: Hendersco

Mrs, Silberlust Miss Russalieff W. A. Scharffenberg, mgr.

Hamburg-Amerika Linie—144, Taku Rd; Heng Yu Briqueterie, Brick Factory—

Lao Hsi Kai; Teleph. 31382

Teleph. 33935; Cable Ad: Hapag

Carlowitz & Co., Agents Herlofson & Co.—105, Victoria Roadp

Han Yeh Trust Trading Corporation, Cable Ad: Herlofson

Importers and Commission Agents— Hoffmann Manufacturing Co., Ltd.,

Hsiao Shwang Miao, South Gate | Chelmsford,

5g H Mei-ya Shaft Bearings)The, (Ball and Roller Line

Agents for N. China: Haiho Trading

Hanover Fire Insurance Oo.—139, Co. — 98, Victoria Road; Teleph.

Rue de Taken; Telephs:. General 32070, Cable Ad: Haitradco

30574 and Manager 33357; Cable Ad:

Undferiters Bg fe Hangfoong

American Asiatic Underwriters, Holland-China

Fed. Inc., U.S.A., managers for (Tientsin) N. V. Handels Compagnie

(Holland-China Trad-

the Orient ing Co. (Tientsin), Ltd.)—56 and

58, Rue Dillon;Teleph. 31319; Cable Ad:

® H -3£ Holchihand

F. de Jongh, signs per pro.

Hardy, Gatlifp & Co., Ltd., Walter (In- A. J. La Paine, do.


ances under the Companies

of Hongkong)—63, Taku Ordin-

Road; Agents W.T. Gruenberg

Teleph. 30070 Cable Ad: Gatliff; Codes: Java-China-Japan Lijn

A.B.C. 5th & 6th edns., Kendalls, Acme, Holland-East Asia Line

Bentley’s and Private Codes Java Sea and Fire Insurance Co.

Standard Insurance Co., Ld.

A i* w™ K Fatum Accident Insurance Co.

Hatch, Carter & Co., Importers, Ex- Netherlands Harbour Works Co.

porters and Commission Agents—131, Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking

Davenport Road: Teleph. 31459; Cable Corporation—(tfee Banks)

Ad: Hatch

C. G. Davis

I. S. Annand, signs per pro. Hopeh China International Famine

Relief Committee—(See Associations)

Hautes Etudes Industrielles et Com-

mercials—(See Educational) Hopei Ching Hsing Mining Administra-

tion—14, Tung31193;

area; Teleph. ChowCable

Road, Ad:

1st. Ching-


± M Han szu kuang. Mines at Plant

Ching atHsingShihchia-


Hayes Engineering Corporation, J. E., Hopei.

Fed. Inc., U.S.A., Engineers, Contrac- chuang, Hopei Coking

tors and Importers of Engineering Head Office—

Supplies, Specialists in Modern Fire- Chang Cheng Lu, director

proof Building Construction—49, Taku Paul Bauer, vice-dir., Tientsin

Road; Telephs. 32132 and 30250; Cable Kao Shang Chih, vice-director

Ad: Jehayes; All Principal Codes


Sun Qb-iug Npm:.'auditor T. A. Wang, M.B., resdt. physician

0. DeHb, secretary 1 " . . H. C. Wei, m.b., resdt. physician

Huan'g Hehg Hdb, • clept. W.

P. C.K. Y-d,Liang,

M.B., m.a., M.h.,do. b.ch.,

; (Jhang Chen..Shau. do.- M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., F.R.C.S.,

Chow Kuo Hsun,, Sales , deph

Tsai Chung Ling, : * do, consulting surgeon ' hon.

Yue Kuo Fu, accounting

, , 1 dept., P. T., Liang, m.a., b.ch., M.R.eiS.,

Hsiao Chi Ch u an, >• engrgj. .dept. LiR.B.p.,

physicianB.T.M., hon. hbhsulting

Wfing Huen ■ Wen, trahspt. ■" C.C. C.T. ’Wang,

Wang Tien Yu eh, do.

Chang' Chao' Chia, agent .coal 1 Tseng,M.B.,a.b.,

hon.’ M.n.f


‘ yard,' Tientsin'1 s -physician

P. P. Liang, m.d., hon. Apthal-

Staff at the Mines— mologist

Chen Kuo SHih, Superintendent S.C. C.H. Chia, M.B., B.s., hon. do.

Lei, m.b., surgeon

Kraemer Joh, engineer-in-chief ; Mrs. Brown, hon. gynaecologist

Wong Chi Kuang, asst. do.

H. Schheider,. mining engineer

J. Schjnidt,, j do. . :


Miss A.0. Mi Stickland, asst.■ matron

R. Edmanson, do.

C. C. Wang'., , [(do,/ Miss G. Moss, pharmacist

C. H. Chi a, do.

• Staff at Coking PlanE— n s m 8*

Yung Ching Yuen, manager 1 Naval Meeical^College Hospital—

M. Syberg, engineer-in chief '' Rue de Takou; Teieph:,;.31184

Ma Ying Chudn,'aSst. mgr. Dr. T. H. Chang, director

Hoteil Moderne—83-37, Rue du Con- Peiyang Woman’s Hospital-^’East

sulat; Teleph. 31379, 33216, 30393 and

.‘30578 ; Cable Ad: Modferne Gate, Teleph. 22305 falitahn11

Harris (311eng, hranagetf Red' Iron Cross Hos'prtwt—.6,1 East

’‘HOSPITALS. , , / ' ,l !, I, ! I Gate, City; Cable Ad: Rich

#5 W< Yang Jaffa yucn .] Russian Hospital—2,

French General'theHospital—Rue St. ex-Russian * Concession;RoirislnolV Av.,

Telepht > 32.174

Louis, opposite British:Barracks

Sisters of Charity Tien tsu* Ita li an .Catholic IlqshiTAL—

46, Corso Vittorio Emanuele; Tpleph.

German - American Hospital, Inc. — 40066 ■ . ) : hR *.. £j i 0$ i

125, Woodrow Wilson StreetV Teleph.

30061 . ...

Sister Else iEngelliardt, Matron Victoria Hospital, .

^ w 1 *i HsinFoch;Hsin Tel ephV Cinema—Rufe

21340 du Marecilial

V. ; .

Isabella Fisher Hospital — Outside Y. 8. Wrey, managing dihe

,, South .Gate. :: . ,; T. E. Lopats, manager

Miss L.. I. Battin, r..n, supt.

Hua Kuang ■ Trading Corporation,

'fsoLATlpN'HdspiTAL—Teleph: 31019" ; General




and Exports,




Ma Exporters pf. Bugs-and Carpets—173a,

^ tai fu i yuan . _ Tunbridge Road; Teleph. 32862

Mackenzie MemorialTakuHospital, (Lon-

don Mission)—79, Road ;“

J.1 H. Wright, m.b.,: Ch b., .medical .Hua Mao, TRADiiTpi/i(^o.,rImpprters, Ex-

E.: supt.

J; Stuckey,' b 1 bs., : porters

' ■; - ;b.sc., m.b., and ; Commission Agpirta—8,

Lin-,Ho-Li;‘British. Concession; Telepb.

82*>r..| ; CaMe Ad: iLi.im*.

■tve’a&xtkei'.' i-mut'* ••.1' M., H. Liang, irnqnfi.ger ' ; : j /’


IIita Shestg’ Co., Architects, Civil En- R.E, S,H. White,

Ordish, i A,P..Beresford

gineers, Coutractors^—80, KotoMki

Teleph. 20458; Cable Ad: Huasheng- Rd; H. L. Holden | A. Purmal G. V. Strong

C. T. Marshall j J. J. Rutherford

Honke and Muller, Architects and L.G. J.E. Birse

Millar ;' A.F. Contreras

M: Jones

. Engineers—136,

31678 CounciERoad; Teieph. J. G. Warner I Mrs. J. T. Barrie

E. Hunke, ing. v.d.i. T. J. Webb t Miss M.J. Schilling

Irwin & Grice, Drs., Medical Practi-

Hykes Memorial Lodge tioners — i 40, Victoria; Road ; Teleph.

(See Masonic) 31095; Cable Ad: Irwin

Ibragimoff, A. V., Dealer in Furs and Isabella Fisher Hospital

Raw Materials—178, Taku Road: Teleph. (See Hospitals) "dl

32876 Isawa & Co., Ken, Chinese Carpets and

a & ® w ss i¥ P'i ft ms * Rugs—138, Victoria Road/ Teleph. 30678-

Yirig 'sfiang pti riei metl pang eliien Isolation Hospital

yuhsienftungsie (See Hospitals)

Imperial Chemical Importers

Ltd., Chemical Industries—(China),

Belfran Italian Bank for China

Building/: 7, Rue de France; Telephs. (See Banks)


A. Y. and 33044;divisional

Farmer, Cable Ad:manager


Italian Catholic Hospital

F.W.K.G. Partridge

Woodcock L.G. G.H. Shellam

P. Fowler (See Hospitals)

E.H. N.Bayne

Olibborn Miss Mrs. I.G.Talbot

J. Don- Italian Marble Worjks—3,‘Italian

nelly Teleph. 40421; Cable Ad : Massa Bund;

A. Massa, proprietor

|g; Yui chung Italian Trading Co;, : Importers and

Imperial Hotel, Ltd.—3-5, Rue de Exporters—8, Italian Bund ; Cable Ad:

France; Teleph. 31052 ; Cable Ad: Itrac

Hotelimp A. M. Martinella, mantiger

Fr. W. Schmitz, manager

G. Kovshik, acountarit Jacobsohn, Lev. S., Furs, Hides aiid Skins

—14, Victoria Terrace; Teleph. 33071;

Indo-Chijja, Steam Navigapon Qp.,/Ltd., Cable B. S.Ad: Syrio manager

Jacobsohn, '

Cable Ad: Inchco

Jardine, MathesonV Co,., Ltd., Agents Japan Tourist Bureau—30, Asahi Road;

—91, Victoria Road : Teleph. 31294, Teleph. 22500 ; Cable Ad: Tourist

31296, 32848. 32918 H. Aoyama, manager


in all KindsMarble

of Marble,Works,


and Ters 5S # ft H

razzo Works—24,

32582; Kirin Road;.Teleph. Jacobson

Cable Ad: Hatzipapas Skins — 39, & Kupitsky, Inc., FursTeleph.

Rue du Consulat; and

A. Hatzipapas, propr. 30933 ; Cable Ad : Jacobsfurs (New

York), Kopitsky (Harbin, . Tientsin and


New York. HeadBlanches

Office: 228w, 29th Street,

and Agencies in all

IB ID IS 3*#^ SoTcee Trade Centres of China and Mongolia

International Export Co.- (Tientsin),

Ltd., Exporters — 4, Special Area, Japanese Consulate (Nee Consulates)

Belgian Concession; Teleph. 32434;

Cable Ad: Nalex

S. P. Marshall Japanese Municipal Council

P. R. Shields (See Municipal Councils)


Java Sea and Fire Insurance Co.—

E ivq ‘chi ch'i yu hsien hung szu Siemens China Building, Taku Road;

Teleph. 30624, Cable Ad: Sluytersco

Jardine Engineering Corporation, Ltd., A. Bakker, Branch manager

The (Incorporated under the Companies


Ewo of Hongkong)—Victoria and

Hoads; Teleph. 31294; Cable Ad: JenExporters Li Co., The, Manufacturers, and


W. J. Keswick, chairman (S’hai) Spinners, ofandRugsWeavers—78,

and Carpets, Woollen

Rue de

J. F. Owen, director . ( do. ). Codes: Acme, France; Teleph. 30625; Cable Ad: Jenli;

J. C. Taylor, signs per pro. Bentley, and A.B.C.

B.H. Puckle,, branch manager :

F. Powell, representative (J. Stone At Jewish Benevolent Society

Co., Ld. Train Lighting,, etc.) (See Associations)


General Office fl^ 7^ Yu way

B.M. H. Feeney j 8.Kandaooroff

W. Chao Juvet & Co., I Missimporters,

H. Porfirieff

Exporters and

| T. S; Yuan Wine Merchants—99, Rue de Takou;

Teleph. 31147; Cable Ad: Juvet; Codes:

Accounts Dept. (-p . A.B.C.

J. Juyet4th, 5th arid 6th edns., Bentley’s

H. J. Yin A. Juvet (Shanghai)'

•Cosnpradore Office

Y.Yu H.YohHoPei | Yu Fu Kong Jb H # if $§

C. F. Pien (Tsinanfuj Kai lan twang wu tsung chu

P. S. Yuen (Taiyuanfu) .>

Kailan Mining Administration, The

(General Managers of the Y7ao Hua Me-

fU tu ^ wo chanical Glass Co., Ltd.)—Head

Meadows Road ; Telephs. 33901 - 4 (4 Office:

Jardine, Maihesor. & Co., Ltd. - tley lines); Cable Ad: Telephs.


Codes: Sales


(British C. of CL), Victoria Road; Officeand Private.


Yard) Master and Supervisor

Telephs, 31294, 31296, 32848 and ( Hotung

32918 (with Switches to all Depart- 60640; Hopei Yard32748 ; Hsiku Yard

60058, Asahi Road

ments) Cable Ad: jardine 20470

J. C. Taylor, agent E. W.J.andNathan


Pryor and Cutting

C. Ku, Yard

chief mgrs.

G. K, Chatham

J. F. Feely S.Chao

Y. Chen

Yuan Li

G. J. Feeney Secretaries—Miss

J. C. Manley

R. S. Piercy man, S. 1T. Hsia S.andM.H.Drake-Brock-

K. Yuan

J. Smith H. H. Reed, chief accountant

A. Squires Accountants—J.

H. Clark Allan, S. Ji Chan and

Agencies M. T. Yu, Northern sales mgr.


Peninsular and Steam Navigation

Oriental S. N. Co.,

Co. Ld. Kapustin

Glen and Shire Line Teleph. 33250; Cable Ad: Kapustin.

Canadian Pacific. Railway Co. Branches: Shanghai, Dairen and Harbin

The British and Chinese

Chinese. Central Rail ways, Ld. Corpn., Ld. G. Kapustin, proprietor

The Mercantile Bank of India, Ld. A.Kiriiloff, manager

Taku Pilot Co. (treasurers) Vit. Kapustin

Canton Insurance Office,Co,Ld.Ld.(Marine) V. Kapustin (Dairen)

Hongkong Fire Insce. (Fire) E. Kapustin '

Alliance Asscev Co., Ld. (Fire & Motor) G. Riabkin

Nobel’s Explosives Co., Ld. L. Jludoff

Bombay Burmah Trading Corporation, I. Silin (Harbin)

Ld., Bangkok D. Rotshtein (Shanghai)

Ewo Cotton Mills, Ld. A. Kapustin (.Shanghai)


'Xaragheustan American Corporation, R. Tobich, proprietor

For Overseas (Tientsin Branch) A. & W. Reichel, do.

M., Woollen Yarn Spinners, Carpet and J. Pestonjee, acct.

Blanket Manufacturers and

Chemical Washers and Mercerisers Exporters. B. Wolff

-135-149, Rue Pasteur; Telephs. 31496-

31515; Cable Ads: Amkarseas and 82b, Rue de Kingman, Dr. H. B., Dental Surgeon—

Karagheus France; Teleph. 31401

H. Shabas, general manager Kin Cheng Banking Corp.

M. Papasian H. C. Yuen,


C. Ross compradore (See Banks)

K. Mesropian

Mrs. N. E.Manley Kinkai Yusen Kaisha—French Bund;

Mrs. N. Shaefer S.W.Calligan

Rosenstein Teleph. 31213; Cable Ad: Yuse

A. R. A. Boycott A. Notzkowski Kleemann & Co., Otto, Import and Ex-

Auditors & Accountants—Thomson port Merchants—17, Woodrow Wilson

& Co., Chartered Accountants Street;

KleemannTeleph. 30527; Cable Ad:

Karatzas Bros. & Co., Confectioners and O. Kleemann

Bakers—48, Rue du France; Teleph. Kleinschmidt, E., Lawyer—9, Wuchang

33322; Cable Ad: Karatzas Road; Cable Ad: Kleinschmid


ManufacturersBros. of& Egyptian

Co., Importers and


—26, Rue du Baron Gros; Tel^ph. 3()08C< “The Kodak It ft M m m

Shop Photographic

Kasachkoff,E., English Woollen cloth and 30103 Studio—111, Victoria Road; Teleph.

fur importer—293, Victoria Road,’ B.O.; R. Gartner, manager

Cable Ad: Kasachkoff

Kokusai Unyu Kaisha, Shipping and

la Kai chi Customs Brokers — 37, Rue de 14

Katz & Co., H. Z., Importers and Ex- Julliet; Teleph. 30645

porters— 32, Rue de France ; Teleph. Korean China Trading Co., Import-

31130; Cable Ad: Martkatz Export—13, Ho Clung Li, Miyajima

Keen Girls School (See Educational) ..Cloud Road, J. C.; Teleph. 20697; Cable Ad:

F. C. Cloud, president

Keisi, Adolf, Import and Export—70, M. C. Ho, manager

Ermanno Carlotto, Italian

Teleph. 40360; Cable Ad: Kaimo Concession;

H ^ Using tai

Kovar & Co., J. E., Export — 9,

Korostovitz Road, ex Russian Con-

Kan po shih cession; Telenh. 31594; Cable Ad: Kovar

Kent & Modnsky—2 & 4, Victoria Terrace; Wu Tze Hua

Teleph. 31283; Cable Ad: Maenad J. E. Kovar j | { S. K. Wang

P. H. B. Kent,.M.q., barrister-at-law S. W. Wu, accountant

L. H. Kent, barrister-at-law Kow Hung LumberMerchants—9,

Co., Ltd., Export and

Kessler & Co., H. T. (China Construc- Import Lumber

Bund; Teleph. 40155; Cable; Ad: Kow


tion Co.), Civil Engineers, Contractors hung



and Bureau Street;ofTeleph.

Race Course

32099; Kramer, M.. Fur, Skin and Wool Broker

Cable Ad : Chicono, —112, Wellington Road

Kiessling & Bader, Confectioners, Bakers Kreier’s Hotel—2-20, Woodrow Wilson

and Purveyors—26, Woodrow Wilson St. Street; Teleph. 30075; Cable. Ad: Kroier

A. Kiessling proprietor (absent) O. Kreier

F. Bader, do. (absent) K. Kreier, Dipl. Ing. > j,;W. Kreier


Kwan-Chit k Hue

Y a'n'gde, ' Marechai


and J. H. Liddell, mang.-dir. (S’hai.)

Engineers—11, P. W. O. Liddell, director (absent

Teleph. 30773- Cable Ad: Eseskwan W. M. Howell, do.

LionelH. F.Howell;-

Ian Smith, signs per do. pro.

Kwang Fat Yoen, Leather

Merchants—52, Rue de Takouj Teleph. and Wood I. E. Hoilse : '

31076 A. P. Cdoke

Miss E. E. Hopkins

La Libraieie Francaise (See Snciete Lig.gltt & Myers Tobacco win j (CJhina),..

Francaise de Librairie et d’Edition) Ltd., Cigarette Manufacturers and


Corporation Agents for, Tobacco

UChina) — 18 RueProducts-

' du 14

Lao Ling Hospital (See Hosjtita'lk) Juillet; Teleph. SoSj.fj' P.Q. "Box 46

Lee, E.,■■•General Stores, Import apd S. W. Rossuck

D. Sitsky


W. Michels Woodrow Wilson Street Lodge Caledonia

E. Melchise- I A. M. Victorbff

deck I Mrs. Galenkowsky (See Masonic)

Jos..Michels | Mrs. Mayo

London Missionary "Society

Lee Fit Trading "Company. Merchants (.See Churches)

and Cdtiimisston Agents—Victoria

, Road;,

Universal CableTrade,

Ad: Mosse

Leefutrade; Codas:

and Supple- n & ® m Lv rin (iung se

ment, "Bentley’s Acme;' Oriental 3- Lopp , Freres, A-, Real Estate.-—Rue-

letter Code and Private ■ St.



managing 31197director

C.P. R.H. Hsieh,

Kao, do.partner

E. Gerz. business mgr. u m x m m

Agents) for \ . f

Glens Falls Insurance Co., Marine Lo li hung che’ng sze.

and Fire Loup & Young, Architects and Engineers-

—106, Rue de Paris,

Ca|)le French Concession;

Levy M. (Sttccr! de Sennet Freres), Teleph. A.E.C.Loup

31067; Ad: Louplee

Jeweller Watchmaker and EngiaVer Young

—175, Victoria "Road: Tfelpph. 32603:

Cable Ad : Sennet. Peiping Office :

Morrison Street

M. Levy US jf£ Kah tdo1 t'sze

G. Braun. Peiping mgr. Lowe, Bingham & Matthews, Chartered

E. Lehmann Accountants

Road; Teleph. and Auditors—43,

32473; ■ CableVictoria


K. H. Meyer Explanate

F.E. N.F. Hardman,

Matthews, c.a.f.c.a.(Shanghaiy


Ley Ltd., General Imports and Ex- W. E. Atwell,:c.X. (Tientsin)

porters, Engineering Supplies—90, T. H. Hopkins, A.c.a. (Tientsip)

Victoria Road; Teleph. 30733; Cable

Ad : Ley

Charles Ley, managing director Lukashik & Sons, First Mail Order Seed'

F. Verhaest, manager House in China, Garden,DutchFlowerFibwer


Lawn Seeds, Selected

Ping ho Bulbs,

Woodrow Wilson St.; Cable Ad50,r

Fertilisers, Insecticides —

Liddell Bros.. & Co., Ltd., Merchants, Lukashik; Code:Harbin

Bentley’s A.B.C. 5th.

Wool, Hide,andSkinsInspectors.

Brokers Produce Sub-Branches:

and GeneralHydraulic I. T. Lukashik, manager

and Mukden

Press Packers—50, Taku Road; and 2, Agents E. for

1. Lukashik,

Peiping and assistant



32165; Cable Road:Ad: Telephs.

Liddell 31059 and E. Lee's General Store


Lynns Book Stork, Booksellers, News- Manufacturers’ Sales . ; Agency, En-

agents. anrF Station&rs .4**-45, Rue de gineers shan andand Merchants—Corner

Barrack Tong-

Roads; Telpph- 30335;

France; Teleph, 31705. Cable Ad: Rellim

H. C. Ling, manager

Lyra Music House—27, Woodrow Wilson MASONIC

Street .

Coronation Lopge, 2931 E.O., Masonic

Look'd mow Temple—Race Course Road

.Mackenzie: & Cu, Lto.,

Packers and Commission Merchants— .Hydraulic Press Hykes Memorial Lodge, A. F. and A. M.

136-138, Trtku Road; Teleph. 31082;

Cable Ad: Mackenzie- Lodge 1 Caledonia, 1300, S. € Ma-

E.W. W.A. Poate,

Argent,mang. director'(S’hai.)

director do. sonic Temple—Race Lourse Road

M. Boniface, do. . dp. J. T. Barrie, r.w.n.

C. D, Dixon, manager J. Park, iv.s.'w.

F..1. B.S. Brown

Turner I C.'W. T. Lewis G. H. Kelly, w.j.w.

F. Johnson, secretary

J. StenhuosO j L. Hi McKenzie A. Macarthur, treasurer

Agency. (Secretary’s

barton Road) Address: 262, Dum-

Northei’n Assur. Co., Ld., Fire and Life

Mackenzie Memorial Hospital , Tientsin Lodge of Mark Master

{See Hospitals) l Masons, No., 704 E.G.—Race .Course



Waters—84. Rue de France;. Teleph. Mei-Hwa For Trading Corporation,

Sl^S ;■ Cable Ad :- Woollen . / Dealer Bourgeois;

in Furs and Skins31722;

— 20, Cable


Henry Teleph.

Ad: Meih^afur. Head Office: Now

Branches: Harbin, Mukden ftnd Kalgan. York.

& ±

MalkassIaN, Simon, General Export and Agencies Moses

all over China P/ .; ,

Todrin, .vice-president

Import—104, Taku Rd„ Teleph. 31928; Leo Tpdrin, signs per pro.

Cable Ad: Malkassian; Codes; : ; A.B.C. 4th

& 5th edns. A Bentley’s . -

3P" ^ 'ilfri tswi ehih

it ^ KoTa Melchers k Co., Exporters, Importers

MAiisouk & Co., J.. General Import and and Shipping Agents—16, Bruce

Export Merchants ibi. Rue Pasteur; Road; Teleph. 32991-4; Cable.Ads:

Telephs. 33328 (Office), and 33814 Melcorp, (Export) Melchersco (Im-


J. Man souk,Gable Ad;: Man souk

manager port) and : Nordlloyd & Maerskline


A. Korff (Bremen)

Manufacturers 'Life’ 'ffrstiRAjfii® •Co!— : K. Lin deman n do.

144, Victoria Road; Teleph. 32|21 i.Afl

C. G. Melchers (Shanghai)

Widmann, (Hongkppg)

District Hanagevs—Ch %. L.:i '^Vay • Dr. Adalbert Kovff (Shanghai)

and E. C. Robirtsdir''' " E. Michaelsen (Bremen):

A. Tu ski a, secy.

■ T;; Roipentopl, asst. spey. ■ W. Gueuther-S(Hn, j jtpgr., signs

per i pro. <. , •

Miss. J.. Wolapsky, stenographer Export Dept. :

F:. M. Kung, clerk , . r

‘W. Li; :.cleitk ; .anoitm'!/; , , H. Theuerkauf, signs per pro.


1 Krey, ML' G.. Dawson. 1 , F, Knuepfel | H. Meiriert

A. Bruft, B.. B.AH.CBibpy and j‘ B. Papfe ‘i

S. W. H. Murray km]t. 1

Import Dept. : Finance Officer—First Lieut. Ken-

neth E. Webber, Finance Dept.

Judge Advocate—Capt. Franklin

iviiss v. AanewsKy P. Shaw, j. a.g.d.

Mrs. O. Koothin Ordnance Officer — First Lieut.

Shipping Dept. : William E. Carraway, 15th In

A. Paul fantry.

Booking Dept. : Quartermaster—Major Rigby D.

C. Rossow Yalliant, q.m.c.

Agents for Asst. Quartermaster—Major Ri-

Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen chard T. Edwards, q.m.c.

Maersk Line, Copenhagen Signal Office—First Lieut. Allan

Soviet Mercantile Fleet, Vladivo- I F. Sullivan, 15th Infantry.

stock Surgeon—Lieut. Col. Charles C.

Holland Demmer, m.c.

1841 Assurance Society, Ld. of Post Ditties

Hamburg Bremen Fire Insurance Co. Athletic. & Recreation Officer—

Motor Union Insurance Co., Ltd. Capt. Kearie L. Berry. 15thInfantry

Mentrup Co., Inc., C. J.—3, Wusih Road, Chinese -Instructor—Capt. David.

1st Special Area; Teleph. 32969; Cable D. Barrett, 15th Infantry.

Ad:J. Mentrupco Exchange Officer—First Lieut. O.

J. Waldron D. Wells, 15th Infantry.

Fire Marshal—First Lieut. Wil-

Merz & Co., R., Exporters and Importers liam H. Arnold, 15th Infantry.,

—8, Librarian—Chaplain William L.

30445;RueCableHenri Botirgeois; Teleph.

Ad: Merzco Prison & Police Officer—First

Lieut. William H. Arnold, 15th

Messageries Mat;itiMES—Teleph. 31744; Infantry.

Cable Ad: Sebrof Provost Marshal—First Lieut. J.

William Forbes & Co., Ltd., Agts. E. Moore, 15th Infantry.

Asst. ' Provost Marshal—Second

Michaelian & Kohlberg, Inc. (Of New Lieut. Carl F. Fritzsche, 15th

York), Carpets Infantry,

Korostovetz Road; Mahufacturers

Teleph. 32925; — 18,

Cable Recruiting Officer—First Lieut. J.

Ad: Alkohl E. Moore, 15th Infantry.

Salvage' Officer—Major Richard T.

m m Y{ u Edwards, q.m.c.

Special Inspector—Major Barn-

Michels, Atjg., Import Export—-30, well R. legge, 15th Infantry.

Woodrow Wilson Street; Teleph Summary Court—Major Barnwell

30744 ; Cable Ad : Elee R. legge, 15th Infantry, Major

MILITARY John W. leonard, 15th Infantry,

Major Rigby D. Valliant, q.m.c,.

U.S. of America Veterinarian—Major Joseph F,

Headquarters U.S. Army Troops Crosby, v.c.

in China


15th InfantryOfficer—Col. R. J. Burt, Miller, Thomas N., Consulting Min-

Executive Officer — Lieut. - Col. K. ing Engineer—Corner Tangshan &

Truesdell, 15th Infantry Barrack Roads; Teleph. 30335; Cable

Adjutant—Capt. Don F. Pratt, Ad: Rellim

15th Infantry


J. Adjutant

E. Moore. — First Lieut.

15th Infantry Mina, A., General Engineering and

Chaplain — Major William L. Mechanical iSupplies, Contractors of

Fisher, U.S. Army Heating, Plumbing and Wiring In-

Chemical Officer —15th


Lieut. stallations, Import and Export —

Win. E. Carraway, 3, Via Marco Polo, Italian Conces-

Engineer Officer — First Lieut. sion ; Teleph. 40319; Cable Ad:

Allan F. Sullivan 15th Infantry Mina


^ San ching Council

Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd., General Chairman—E. C. Peters

Importers and Exporters, Shipowners Vice-Chairman—J.

Councillors—Z. S. Bien, S. Chwang

C. T. L. Chao,

and Shipbuilders, Shipping and Insur- Li Ta, C. E. Peacock, H. H. Reed,

ance Agents—1, Yamaguchi Road, R.Wang

K. Rodger, James Turner & C. K.


Gable Concession; Teleph. 20240;

and Al,Ad:Bentley’s

Mitsui; Codes: A.B.C. 5th edn. Secretariat

Model Dairy and Farm—52, Boppe Road; Secretary and Engr. — H. F. Barnes,

Teleph. 30224 B.SC., M.E.I.C.

Deputy Secretary—T. Y. Chen

Modern China Advertising Go.—46, Assist. Secretary—P. J.H.E.McIntyre

Stenographer—Miss Rodger


33168; An CableLee,Ad:Rue9769Chabaneix; Teleph. Land Department—Ti King Nan

Translator—T. C. Hsueh

M % H Mutehle Accounts Department

Moutrie & Co., Ltd., Piano Manufac- Chief Accountant—J. Mould, c.a.

turers, etc. — 107-109, Victoria Road; Accountants — J. G. Campbell and

Teleph. 31376 Chen En-fu

H. F. Greenfield, manager Sub-Accountant—M.

Cashier—C. S. Chen Stares

J.N. D.Mihail


off Accountant’s Assts. —Shih-Yin

Sub-Accountant—Kao Chang , Chih-

Moyler, Powell & Co., General Store; Liang, Hsu Shih - Chun and Pai

Dressmakers, Milliners,Perfumeries

General House- Yu • Ho

hold Requisites, — 193 Public Work* Department

Mun. Engr.—H.F. Barnes,b.sc.,m.e.i.c.


Moyel Road; Teleph. 32082; Cable Ad: Deputy Municipal Engineer—C. N.

S'. Mrs.

H. Powell Joyner, b.e., m.a.a.e., a.m.am.s.c.e.

S. H. Powell i Miss Volchenok Deputy Municipal Engineer—Lu Yi

Peiping Assistant Ehgr.—0. J. Barnes, m.j.i.e.

E. F. Moyler | Mrs. A. Ryan Chief Eng. Assist.—Chi Cheng-kuei

A. D. Moyler | Eng. Assts.—T.M.

Municipal Love'ife Hsu

GaTdener—Mrs. Cheng

H. Lange

Moyroux, & Co., Import, Export and N uisance “Inspector—A.

Chief Clerk—Wang Chn-yeh Clark


Teleph. 31385 — 41-43,

; Cable Rue de France ;

Ad : Moyroux Chief Draughtsman—Miao Ping-Tze

J. Laplace, signs the firm Electricity Department

Electrical Engineer—H. S. Miller

Muller & Phipps (China) Ltd. Fed. Inc., Deputy Electrical Engr.—H. O. Kung

U.S.A., Manufacturers’ Representatives Station Supt.—C.

Distribution K. Wang

Supt.—A. Antill

—173, Victoria Road; P.O. Box 44 Assistant Mechannical Engr.—Cheng


Chief Clerk—Diu Chia-suan

Stenographer—R. L. O. Roope

JB 3 I & * Waterworki Department

Ta ying hung pu chu Waterworks

m.i. MECH. e., Engr.—F.

F. R. S.W.A.G.M.Clark,


British Municipal Council — Victoria W. W. Assn.

Park and Taku Road ; Teleph s. 80085, Depy. Waterworks

B. Sc., M.I.C.E, Engr.—P. C. Tung,

31419 (Secretariat), 33881/5 (Accounts Assist. Engr.—Y. C. Huan-g, B S c.

Dept.), 32798

Office), 33649(Public

(Municial Engineer’s

Works Dept, and Chief Office Assisi—^, C. Lu

Deputy Municipal Engineer’s Office), Police Department ,

33646 (Electricity Dept), 33573 (Water- Chief of Police—R. H. Dennis

works Dept ). 33881/5 (Police Dept.), Deputyof Chief of Police—Li Han-yuan


33966 Hospital),Dues31019Office), 31068

(Isolation Supt,


Police—T. F. H. Robinson

Hospital) and 33170 (Wellington Nur-

sing Home) Div. Inspr. of Police—W. G.Lawless

Inspr. of Police—P. J. Green-




Inspectors of Police — L. Bolham, Chef-adjoint

H. M. MacKenzie, A. P. Soohorukoff,

Chen Pao-ching Etangs de la Garde—M. Des

Inspectors — Han Knei - Jung, Li Inspect, principal—M. Gmizennec


Clerk Inspector—Joseph Wang Inspecteur dede lere

1 nspectenr lere classe—J.B. Benoifc

Classe—F. Mellaza

Sub-Inspector — Chang Sung-Nien, Inspecteur de 2eme elasse — L.

Hsiao Chih-Chn Raguene.

Chef du Service dTncendie—M. Payen.

Stenographer—Miss M. McIntyre Chef Mecanicien—V. Lemonnier

Fire Brigade Sous - Inspecteur auxiliaire — M.

Foreman—W. G. Greenslade Wassiliew

Engr.—C. W. T. Lewis Service Medical et Sanitaire

Wharfage Dues Office Chief

Dr. J.deLataste

Service—Dr. Ed. Benjamin

Supervisor—Hsisan C. Liu Ingenieur-Chimiste—Michaud

Health Officers Vete rin aire—Hocl i

Drs. Irwin and Grice Dr. Chang |[ Dr. Dr. Shen


Hospitals Dr. Chu

Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee Ecple Francaise—Q, Quai de France

Memorial Hospital

tal) (Tel. 31068) (Victoria Hospi- J. Tomasini, directeur

Isolation Hospital (Tel. 31019) Mile. M.R.T. C.Barbe,

Mile. Saffroy, dir. Inst.


Wellington Nursing Home (Tel. 33170)

Staff Italian Municipal Council—2, Corso

Matron VictoriaNurses—Miss

of Municipal Hospital and G.Supt.

E. Victorio Emanuele

Goodband Commissioner

Zappi — Comm. F. Podesta

Sister—Miss L. G. Gowland

Sister i/c Wellington Nursing Home Secretary—Dr. A. Giavotto

—Miss Hill-Murray Chief of Police—A.

Inspector of Police—P. Angeloni


Sisters—Miss Malcolm, Miss Yuan Engineei—L. Sirtori

Li-an, Miss Marisoff, Miss Griffith-

Green, Miss Quin, and Miss Finch Health Officer—Dr. A. Baldi

and Mrs. Liu Yueh-pu

$ I * H *

I @ & Tajik pen kung pu chu

Fa Tcuo hung pu chu

French Municipal Council (Conseil Japanese MunicipalConcession;

Park, Japanese Council—Yamato


d’Administration Municipale de la 20039, 21116, 21177 and 21179

Concession Francaise)—Rue de Council

Clemeneeau; Telephs. 31396, 31127, Chairman—S. Moricawa

31227 and 33606 Vice—Chairman—S. Shiotani

Secretariat Councillors—H. Okamoto. T. Misumi,

Secretaire Gen. —Lt. Col. P. Blanchet S. Kaji, K. Shimizu, S. Nozaki

Secretaire—G. de Coulhac Secretariat

Commis Principal—P. Santucci Secretary—M. Oguri

Commis—G. Le Goff Clerk—H. Murata

Dactylographe—Mile. J. de Laberbis In Charere of Foreign Affairs—H.

Percepteur—J. Tchoo Imatake

Comptable—J. Liang Accountant's Dept.

Voirie et Travaux Publics Clerk—K. Hirano

Ingenieur Chef de Service

Ingenieur-Adjoint—R. David — H. Metz Public Works dept.

Conducteur—P. Mffiinand Engineer—H. Yamamoto

Surveillant—H. F6ty Sanitary Dept.

Surveillant—P. Cros Sanitary Officer—M. Monden

Agent Techniq ue— Toue Ngeou Yang Cleaning Dept.

Clerk—K. Ohashi


Police et Service d'lncendie—56, Wharf Dept.—O. Gono


Chef Garde—M. Daudrumez Investigation Dept. — K. Ohashi,



% ti $S 'll New Oriental Pharmacy, Chemists and

Pei kiang pouo ou yuan Druggists—281, Victoria Road; Teleph.

Musee Hoangho Paiho H. H. P. H. 30566; Cable Ad: Nop

M. S. Chow, manager

Musee Laboratoire d’Histoire Naturel-

le)—Kace-course Road; Teleph. 32792 Nichols Super Yarn and Carpets (Fed.

E. Licent, s.J., director Inc., U.S. A.), Woollen Yarn Spinners and

Carpet Manufacturers—104, Taku Rd.;

m ^ % Cable Ad: Nichols

W. A.B. Nichols, presidt. and gen. mgr.

Mustard & Co., General Imjjorters and G. M. Thomas, vice-president.

Commission Agents—66, Rue deFrance;

Teleph. 31783manager I N. Hokloff

E. Esser, ii 15$; M * 0

T. W. Brennan | G. Nigniewizky Nippon Menkwa Kabushiki Kaisha

(Japan Cotton Trading Co., Ld.), Cotton,

Nan zing yen liao tsang Cotton Yarn and Cotton Piece Goods—

163 Quai de Auguste Boppe, French


U.S.A. (NewAniline

York), &Indigo

Chemical Co., Concession; Telephs. 30481, 30134 and

and Aniline 30135; Cable Ad: Menkwa or Nihon-


31698, Rue Nacotinsin

Cable Ad: del’Amiraute; Teleph. merika

Charles A. Smith,| manager

J. D. Haynes Mrs. J. Francke Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen—16,

Bruce Road; Cable Ad: Nordlloyd

Melchers & Co., agents

National City Bank of New York

National Commercial Bank Ltd.

National Commercial and Savings North China Advertising Co.—113, Rue

Bank Ltd., The de Chaylard; Teleph. 30810; Cable Ad:

National Industrial Bank of China Twyford J. Twyford & Co., general managers

{See Banks)

North China Automobile Club

National Motors Co., The (Ing. L {See Clubs)

Sirtori) — Corner Meadows and Taku North China Chemical Laboratory— .

Roads; Teleph. 30513; Cable Ad: Sirtori 741, Victoria Road; Teleph. 33242

Ing. L. Sirtori Dr. Tarle and Scharffenberg

National Pharmacy, The—256, Vic-

toria Road; Teleph. 34466 ^ & « « #

Pei Yang Shang JVu Kung Si .

Naval Medical College Hospital North China Commercial Co., Inc.—15,

{See Hospitals) Hwa An Chie, near Tung Fu Chiao


Emfischer Teleph. 40515; Cable Ad:

n& m % L. W.Fischer, president

Ying jui lienju kung szu L. Prager, secretary

Nestle & Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Emil S. Fischer

Co., Milk and Milk Products, Chocolate, “North China Daily Mail, The,” Illus-


60, Rue deConfectionery

France; P.O. Boxand8; Cable

Cheese— trated Evening Paper—- 19, Rue de

Ad: France;


I. S. ¥uen, local manager Normail Teleph. 31546; Cable Ad:


J. H.G.Eldridge


Netherlands Consular Court

{See Consulates) North China Estates, Real Estate

Agents, Mortgage, (Land, House and

Naval Medical College Estates—177, Victoria Road; Te-

(See Educational) leph. 30451; Cable Ad : Norchest



North China Insurancr & Investment Ocean Shipping Co., Ltd.—Cable Ad:

Co.— I. 30734

Teleph. Pin Building, Taku Road; Jardine; Ltd., (Jardine, Matheson

North China Motors Corporation—46, Okura & Co. (Trading), Ltd., Import and


31«47: British Concession; Teleph. Export

Teleph. Merchants—9,

20250, CableYamaguchi

Ads: OkaraRoad;


E. W.Cable Ad:

Fitobford. Bucar

chairman, board dir. Okuragumi

H. M. Young, director and gen. mgr.

V.Id Shan Fang, mgr. service

A. Yacovlevsky, Chinesemanager

affairs Jpit Yung shin

.Y.1. Z.C. Chang, secretary

Feng, accountant Olivier Chine, (S. A.) Export & Export

—35, Rue de Takou;

(manager), 31164 ^Export); Telephs. 32810

and 32232

General Motor Franchise for Cable Ad: Austrasia

Buick—Pontiac—G. M. C. Trucks C. R.Borioni, signs per pro.

7H & m M M V. Samarcq

Devitsky I| D.B. Ishankin


Pei fang hang yeh chung hung sze W. Dolbieff |

North China Steamship Co., Ltd.—French O’Neill, Dr. G.—238, Victoria Road;

Bund; Teleph. 30197; Cable Ad: Peifang Teleph. 31336; Cable Ad: Vinca

Gordon O’Neill,x.r.c.p. (Lond.),M.R.c.s

mm (Eng.)

Hwa pei ming shing pao Tewan

“North China Star,” Dailv Newspaper H 0 Hua Mei

—‘ 78/ RueandPasteur,

(Business) 30830 Telephs. Cable

(Editorial); 31162 Oppenheimer Casing Co.—16/17, Via

Ad: Star Torino, Italian Concession; Telephs.

C. -I. Fox, president and editor-in-chief 40015 dore’s

(Gen. office), 40035 (compra-

office) ; Cable Ad : Opcasco.

A. B. Hayman tnanaging editor Head Office: Chicago, U.S.A.

North China Wool Co Ltd. Evnorters— Hother Nielsen, manager

73, Consular Road; Telephs. 31085, Alexander

T. S. Tsai, G.acccountant

Baylin, assist, manager

30516, 33150; Cable Ad: Sikow; S. S. Hou, compradore

Codes: Acme & Private G.B. M. Lepa

M. Levaco

Directors—D. O. Russell, A. H. R.N. M. Levaco


W. H. Chatham J. K. Chatham and Rosenstein

James Bee, compradore J. Avshalomoff

A. T. Ne.idanoff G. Lee

Northern Underwriters—29, Rue de Oriental Book Store, The—69, Rue de

France; Teleph. 30367

France; Teleph. 31794; Cable Ad: J. E. Paradissis, manager

Norunder N. Nelubin, sub-manager

Norwegian Consulate N. T. Ivanoff, accountant

{See Consulates) Y. T. Shih, assistant

Miss T. Woodrow

Branch—Ip, ShastovskyWilson Street;

Teleph. 31737

Ocean Miss L. Hokloff, in charge

Ltd. Accident

(of 1, Canton& Guarantee Corpn.,

Road, Shanghai)

—187, Victoria Road; Telephs. 31310 Oriental Coffee Co, Inporters, Wholes-

and 30212; Cable Ad: British alers

A. E. Tipper

S. L. Briault, signs per pro. Taku and Road;Retailers

Teleph.of 32444;



L. Viola I Mrs. H.G. McKenzie Ad: Spizidis

E. Spiridis, signs per pro.

I D. I. Richards O. Spiridis


■Oriental Commercial Trading Co., w&w m m

General Commercial Agents; Flour IIsin Seng IIeng Rung Ssu .

Mills, Accessories and General Sup-

plies, Distributors, Gasoline and Paul Young & Co;, Importers, En-

Lubricating Oil, Automobiles and gineers, Manufacturers—Rue St.

Repair Works—*68, Rue du 14, Juil- Louis Extension; Teleph. 32998;

let, FrenchT. Concession; Cable Ad: Paulyoung

Emerson Yao, managerTeleph. 23414 P. K. B. Young, ii. Sr., Cn. e., pre-

sident and general manager

Oriental Trading & Engineering Co.,. C. K. Liang, secy, and treas.

Import & Export. Speciality: Glue

& Casings.—49, Taku Road, B. C.; td & w< # m m 4b

Telephs. 32963 and 30723; Cable Ad : Pei Piao Coal Mining


A. Purpiss, general manager Peiping Liaoning RailwayCo., Ltd. —


A. Ehrenlieb, manager tion Building

H. Olschewski, secretary Peacock Motion Picture Co., Inc.,

L. Skarecky Distributors of R.K.O. Radio Pic-

I.T. Contreras

Y. Dscbang tures, R.K.O. Pathe Pictures,

L. Chen British and Dominion Productions,

and Motion Projectors and Sound

Equipments — I-Ping Building. 49,

jtfc # * Bromley Road; Teleph. 33650; Cable

Ta pan hcmg ch’uan hui she Ad : PecotilmsS. Y. Chuck, branch mgr.


Osaka Shosen Kaisha (Osaka Mercantile

S.S. Co., Ltd.)—10, French Bund;

Telephs. 30234. 30931 and 33223; P.O.Box Peiping University

(See Educational)

2; Cable Ad: Shosen

Osawa & Co., D., General Importers and Peiyang Advertising Co. —114 a, Rue du

Baron Gros; Teleph. 23669

Exporters — 11, Asahi Road, Japanese

Concession; Telephs. 20333 and 20847;

Cable Ad: Osawa fit fil G

Pei yang yin sze Icwan - * . 1

# IB. Tie sen Peiyang Press; Printers, Bookbinders,

Otte & Co., Iron and Steel Importers— Engravers 19-21, WusihandRoad, Stationers—Head Office:

ex-Germah Conces-

29, Consular Road; Teleph. 30401; Cable sion; Teleph. 310:.'-!. Branch Office:

Ad: Cehandro 2, Legation St., East Gate; Teleph. 742(E.)

A. C. Ching, managing partner

& is M fij vk fil AC Ching Tsin pao Kuan

Yung li chih chien kung sze “Peking and Tientsin Times,” Daily—

Pacific Alkali Co., Ltd. (Yung Lee 181, Victoria 31239Road;(General),

Teiepbs. 34346


Soda Co.), Manufacturers of Alkali (Editor), (Manager); Cable Ad: Press

Products such as Soda Ash,

Soda, Sodium Bicarbonate, Calcium Caustic Tientsin Press, Ltd., proprietors

Chloride, Calcium W. V. Pennell, editor

Ta Building, 1, RueCarbonate,


Telephs. J.L. E.GerStenzang

Wilson reporter

32019and 31532;Cable

Tangku, Hopei Ad: Paco. Factory: T. G. C. Knight

S. Fan, general manager I. G- Avramoff


Palace Theatre — Fukushima Road; Peninsular and Oriental Steam

Teleph. 21121 Navigation Co—Cable Ad : Peninsu-

Paramount Films of China Inc.—10, lar.

Council Road ; Teleph. 33099; Cable Jardine, Matheso'n & Co.,. Ltd.,

Ad: Paramount Agents—91, Victoria Rd.; Teleph.

31 294, 31296, 32848, 329] 8


Pennell & Co., E. W., Auctioneers & Commissioner—V. W. Stapletoiu-

Commission Agents, Wine & Spirit Cotton

Merchants—36, Council Road; Tele- District Deputy Commissioner—

phone 31183; Cable Ad: Pennell Hwong Kia Teh

Deputy Commissioner (District-

Pension Holland—130, Meadows Rd.; Accountant)—J. MacLorn

Teleph. 32647 Gen. Supervisor—Chi K’an-feng

Miss H. Feld, proprietress

Pension, H. Lange — 7, Canal Road, Pottinger & Co., Ltd., Importers and

Ex-German Concession ; Teleph. 32935 Exporters, Road;

Merchants — 55, Victoria

Mrs. H. Lange, proprietress Codes : A.B.C.—059;

Teleph. 5th Cablfe




W. I. Union, Engineering

Pottinger, director (absent)

(I Teh loong H. V. Bridge, do.

A. L. Bridge, secretary

Perrin Cooper k, Co. Ltd., Merchants,

Press Packers and Scourers—Registered Prudential Underwriters—37, Rue

Office: “Loxley House,” 73, Consular de 1’Amiraute; Teleph. 33702; Cable


D. O.; Cable Ad permanent

Russell, : Loxley director Ad: Prudential

J. K. Chatham, director R. P. PhilUps-Mousastico-Shvily,

W. H. Chatham, do. manager


H. E.KolbukWeysfield i A.E. A.Roseberg

Stokalitch M. Antushevich, asst.

M. Shick E. E. Holloway Rabben & Co., W., Exporters—118, The-

A. Tikotsky Mrs. W. H. Bund, B.C.; Teleph. 30106; Cable Ad:

I.C. Lays

Tikotsky Mrs. G. Chatham

A. Smith Success

James Bee, compradore Li Using

^ fa I-hua-yang-hong Racine & Cie., S. A., Export and

Import Merchants—137, Quai de

Pezzini & Co., P., Importers of General France; Teleph. 32107; Cable Ad :

Racine; Code: Bentley’s


dise, Exporters and General Merchan-

of Chinese Products

and Fire and Marine Insurance Agents Raiher’s Pharmacy—20, Wusih Road;


13-14,; Teleph.


Bund, Italian Con- Teleph. 32013

P. Pezzini manager Cable Ad: Italo

and proprietor Reuter, Brockelmann & Co., Export,

Miss P.M. Chow,

D.Clerks—H. Pezzini,accountant

signs per pro. Import, Insurance, Manufacturers

Y. Li, F. W. Sun and Road; of Egg Products — 29, Consular

Y. C. Hou Telephs. 33517 (General),

S. S.C.Tai, 31298 (Export Compradore), 34044

W. Han,storekeeper

broker (Import Compradore), 33512 (Mana-

ger’s Residence); Cable Ad: Reut-

Polish Commercial Co., Ltd., General brock R. Heyn, partner (Shanghai)

Importers—44-46, Rue de Paris; Teleph. A. Schubert, partner (Canton)

32288; Cable Ad: Polco C. E. Vissering, partner (Hong.


m m % ® n At ft J. H. W. Lotz, mgr., signs per pro.

E. Wagner

Hopeh-yu- Cheng-Kwan-li-chu F. J. Schmidt

Postal Administration—3rd Special Cl.

W. Waite



Concession); Telephs. Area 31209,


40025 & N. Prodan

40042 (Commissioner’s Office); Cable M. Prodan

K. Vogel

Ad : Postos Mrs. M. Rumpf


H & fe Shoryu Bank Ltd., The

Lu tu tien pao hung $z (See Banks)

Reuters, Ltd. — 50, E-wo Road; Telephs. Serebrennikoff & Co.; A. J., Printers,

3-2657 (Manager) and 33757 (Chinese); Bookbinders, Publishers, Engravers,

Cable Ad: Markreuter Lithographers Booksellers and Sta-

Hon. E. H. H. Ward, manager

R. B. Hartley - Bibby, assist, mgr. tioners—16,


Council Road; Teleph.

and news editor A. J. Serebrennikoff, proprietor

K. Kirilloff Mrs. E. K. Serebrennikoff, do.

B. Pyzin Mrs. A. V. Muller

A. Vlaciimifott N. J. Zeroff

V. Y. Gusseff, sales manager

Robertson & Rosier, Exchange Brok- I. B. Imshenetsky

ers—Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank

Building: Telephs. 31246, 31582, Shanghai Commercial and Savings

30779, 32607 and 32758; Cable Ad: Bank Ltd.—(Nee Banks)


Shang Tai Ye— 14,& Co.,

Merchants BruceWine



g $? fg 31240; Cable Ad: Shangtaiye

Lu bean zeang yang jing hang

Robinson Piano Co., Ltd., Music and I? Br IS R _t

Musical Instrument Dealers — 177, Shang hai pao hsien yang hang

Victoria Road; Telepli. 31340; Cable Ad: Shanghai Insurance Office, Eire,


J. H. Pearson, general manager Marine and Casualty Insurance—30,

Rue Courbet; Teleph. 32621; Cable Ad:

Rocklin Reliance


Co., BCable


: Rocklin Road; S’ W Tu feng hung sze

Roman Catholic! Church of Notre Shantung Silk andMerchants,

Lace Co., Speciality:


Dame es Victoires—(Nee Churches) and Commission

Strawbraids, Carpets, Rugs, Jades

Royal Soc. of St. George and Cloisonne-wares—Taku Road,

(Nee Associations) French Concession; Teleph. 31714;

i Cable Ad: Yufeng

Saint Louis College H.Hugh

T. Lee,Tam,


(Nee Educational) T. T. Chang, acting do.

Salon Des Modes—30, Bromley Road Shea Tung Co., The, Importers, Exporters

‘“Sapt” Textile Products, Ltd., Ex- and HsingManufacturers’

Li, Taku Road; Agents—5,

Teleph. Chung


porters and Importers of Raw

and Cotton Waste—8, Bruce Road; Cotton Cable Ad: Sheatung

Cable Ad : Textilag H. J. Hsin, manager

Shimizu, S., Export, Import and Commis-

iSavoy Hotel—18, Wusih Road; Cable Concession; sion Agent—8, Asahi20129;

Teleph. Road,Cable



Ad : Savoy Shunlung


(Nee Associations) R §r Hsin min

Shingming Trading Co. (China), Ltd.,

^ Hsing hua hung sze The, General ImportersSupplies—Corner

Railway and Mining and Exporters,

•Schmidt & Co.,Microscopes

and Drugs, Importersandof Chemicals

Scientific ofCable

Taku and Bruce Roads;Teleph. 30728;

Ad: Shingminco:

-Supplies—52, Taku Road; Teleph. 30924; Lieber’s, A.B.C. 5th Imp.. A.B.C. Codes: Bentley’s,


•Cable Ad: Schmidtco (5-letter), Western Union 5-letter edn..

W* Schulze, manager Acme and Private


O.W.A. Gosewisch,

Sixt, directorsigns per pro. Sinhua Commercial and Savings

Bank—(Nee Banks)

P. Brener, Import Dept.

R. Schadendorf, Eng. Dept Sino-British

Export—57, TradingRue Henry Co., Import and


A. Breier, Eng. Dept. Teleph. 33440

S. Schade, Eng. Dept. E. W. Fitchford

T. Y. Tsu, Eng. Dept. H. M. Young

H. Debus, Imp. Dept.

K. Beister, representative of Sintoon Overseas Trading Co., Ltd.

Henschel & Son Importers, Exporters and Engineers—

Miss A. Gosewisch 137, Rue Dillon; Teleph. 33375; Cable

Miss Y. Sixt Ad: Navigatrad

•T. Schultze-Pantin, (Nanking) S. Y. Chang, manager

L. Weidinger, (Peking)

Shosho Yoko, Timber, Shipping, Import Sirtort, Architect,

Ing. L., Civil Engineer and

Consulting Council

Engineer— 57,to

and Export—2-4,

20470; Cable Ad: Shosho Asahi Road; Teleph. Italian Municipal

Meadows Road; Teleph. 30513

^ it m ? n ® Skiotis

Cigar Bros.

and &Cigarette’

Co., GeneralImporters



Hsi Men Tsu Tien Chi Ch’ang General 31940;

Merchants—47, Rue de Frances

Siemens China Co.—Siemens Building, Teleph. Cable Ad: Skiotis


Telephs. Road, corner

30031 A.B.C. Canton

and 30032; Road: N. D. Skiotis, manager

Motor; Codes: 6th, Cable Ad;

Bentley’s mxm m

Mosse and Alpha

E. Kunisch, commercial manager Su ko tah kung jiang

Dipl. Ing. E. Hoelzel, electrical Skoda works, Ltd. (Far Eastern En-

engineer gineeringthe Office of the Limited

P. Meyer | W. Istl formerly Skoda works, Plzen,Company


slovakia), Steelworks, Builders of all

E H Ch’an ch’en kinds of Mechanical ’

Machinery—Tientsin: 80, Woodrow and Electrical


Engineers & Co.,andImporters


Exporters, Wilson Street (1st special area); Teleph.

Taku Road; Teleph. 30983; Cable Ad: 30057; Cable

F. F.Eastern Ad: Skodaworks

Urbanek, general(Shanghai)

manager, Far

Siemssen Branches


Tidemann, mgr., signs

signs per the

pro.firm Z. K. Tokarjevski, e.e., manager

M. Ferber, (booking dept.) J. P. Gramkau, m.e., engineer

R. Loeffert, engineer, (engin. dept.) Miss P. Heyking

Miss F. Malin, (chem.dept.)

dept.) T. C. Foo, compradore

W. Mucks, (export

J. Purucker, ( do. ) Sligh & Co., J., Tailors and Outfitters—

A.W. Rapp, (import dept.) 132, Victoria Road; Teleph. 33227

Rohnstock, (booking dept.) Sogiete

J. Rothardt, (Taiyuanfu.)

W. TientsinFonciere

(Societe Franco-Chinoise

Anonyme)—111, Rue- de

Mrs.Scheel, (export (eng.

L. Tischbein, dept.)dept.) de France

A.H. Naether,

A. R. Will,(representative

( do. on ) the

Yi shing hsin kee lun di’uan yu hsien kung sze

Poldi Steel Works) Societe

Tong kouFrancaise de Navigation

(Society aresponsabilite de-


Sing ka von fen die ch’i kung sz au Capital de Mex. 8100,000),

ders, Engineers and Founders, Ship and Shipbuil-

Singer Sewing Machine Co. — 132, Rue Ferry-boat boats—Tongku Lines, Lighters 111,

and Tientsin: andRueTug-de

du Baron

Singer Gros; Teleph. 23240; Cable Ad: France; Telephs. 31126, (Tientsin), and

Frank Chen,supervising agent at large 22Tongku (Tongku); Cable Ad: Yishingco,.

C.T. T.P. Lai,

Chang, chief

assist. clerk L. Samarcq, manager


-Societe M. Battegay & Cie. (Societe St. Louis College

Anonyme), Export and Import—Cable (See Educational)

Ad: Embatteco

M. Battegay, president and Standard Casing Co., Exporters of

managing director Hog andPetrograd

Sheep Casings—28, Sin Kai

O. Joerg, director Hutung, Road

A. Dreyfus Tsui Tein Chen

Miss A. Kessler

K. N. Wang

C. T. Chang Starlight Aerated Water Co.—4, Poko-

Sung Tsi Lan, compradore tiloff Road Ltd., proprietors


££ H Mei Foo

.Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Wholesale States Steamship Co.—16, Rue du 14

Juillet; Teleph. 31295; Cable Ad: States-

Kerosene and Petroleum Products line

—8, Quaide France, French Concession; N. W. Gatrell, manager

Telephs. 31096, 30775 and 33315; W. G. Greenland

Cable Ad: Standvac

B. W.L. Meyer, manager

P. Coltman, assist, manager Stekol, A. G., Shoe Store—278, Vic-

Refined Oil Department toria Road: Teleph. 33435

G. A. Bell A. G. Stekol

F.G.E. R.Eichholzer


Lowe I A.E. M. L. Maitland


| Mrs. D. Brown Sun Chong

facturers—136, & Co.,

Rue Furniture

du Baron Manu-


P. Jernigan I Mrs. Rowland Teleph. 30226

(Peiping) | Miss E. Cartmel

Lubricating Oil Department 13 £ &5t ® « A *

A. Sevier Sun Life Assurance: Co. of Canada—

E. W. Soolich 187, Victoria Road (opposite Gordon

Accounting Department

J. W. Anderson Hall); Telephs. 31310 and 30212; Cable

Shipping Department Ad:Tipper


& Co., agents

R. E. Rodger

Installation—Russian Concession

A. D. Murphy | B. W. Bumphrey Sun Life Oil Mill Co., Ltd—17, Italian

Installation—Hsin h o Bund; Teleph. 40731

J. Laplace, partner

A. Weber, do.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ m Chen Chi Sheng, dompradore

South British Insurance Co:, Ltd.—187,


British Road: Teleph. 31310; Cable Ad: Ta Hwa Petroleum Co., Ltd.—109-111,

A. E. Tipper Rue Pasteur

S.L. L.ViolaBriault,I signs per pro.

Mrs. H. G. McKenzie Tai Ping Insurance Co., Ltd., The—25-

I. Weinberg | D. I. Richards 27, Rue Henry Bourgeois; Teleph. 33021;

Cable Ad: C.5454Suez,

luming andmanager

Insurance It

Spanish Consulate

(See Consulates) Taichong Import and 32053;



St. Francis Hotel—45, Rue de France; Pohda Taku Road; Teleph. Ad:


A. Fenus 30342; Cable Ad: Franko Q. M. Sun, manager

St. Louis Church (Roman Catholic) Takahashi Shirt Co. (Successors to

Yamatoya Shirt Co.)—8, K.M.A. Build-

(See Churches) ing, Victoria Road; Teleph. 31748


M JfS & * Teh Chang Trading Co.—61, Via.

Ta ku Po ch’uan Rung see Trieste;

HarryTeleph. 40348; Cable

Sung, managing Ad: Techa


Taku Tug axd Lighter Co., Ltd., The—

The Bund; Teleph. 31180; Cable Ad : Teh Chee Co., Manufacturers and Ex-

Calendar H. porters


F. Dyott,—W.H. O’llara,

Payne (chairman),

J. A. Andrew, 33515; —Cable 105a,AdRue Pasteur; Teleph.

: Tehchee

A. Burgess Z. S. Tiao, manager


Donnelly, J. P. Kung, sub-mgr.


acct. (Tientsin) ^ ^ 3c

E.H. J. V.Cooke,Jennings,

wharfingerm.i.n.a., naval Tun tsin tien pto chun chu

architect, and works

K. Heaps, accountant (Taku) supt. (Taku) Telegraph Administration, Chinese-

A. W. Emmerson, engineer i,Taku); Government—31, Rue Fontanier, French


A. S. Oakes, engineer (Taku)

N. Penson, supt. bar anchorage (Taku) M. L. Chao, manager

A.M. F.R. Evans^ K. Y. Li, supt.

Smith,foreman stevedore

fiver supt. (Taku);

(Tientsin) Telephone Administration, Chinese.

Takeda Bros. & Co., Dealers in Precious Government — Bruce Road, British


Teleph. and 6, Kailan Building; Concession T. M. Ku, managing director

Takeuchi & itii i/C -£ ±

82, Rue de& Co., Ltd.,Teleph.

France; S., General

31374Store— Teh shih ku ho you kung sze

Texas Co. (China),

ers of American PetroleumLtd., The, Products


Jfl H 7K. Yung Chang tai

Talati Bros, it Co., Importers, Ex- (Kerosene, Gasoline, Lubricating Oils

porters and Commission Agents—Talati Paraffine, Belgian

Wax, Roofing Asphalt, etc.)—



Cable 31, Bromley Rd.; Teleph. 30181;

Union Telephs. 30340 and 33436; Cable Ad::

Building, 90, Victoria Road

5 let. Ad: edn.,Talati; Codes:

General Western A.B.C.

Telegraph, Texaco

R. R. Harrison, district manager

5th Bentley’s F. D. Pope, district acct.

S. B. Talati A. H. Fox, marketing assist.

J. Silva Net to A. A. Hunt, Jr., marketing asst.

m # n B. J. Stepanoff, office assist.

“Talati House” The Most Modern S. Y. Woo and D. A. Kurbatoff,

Apartment House and Hotel—246, Installation: salesmen

Victoria Road, 31, Bromley Road; W. P. Irwin, superintendent

Telephs. 30456 (Hotel), 31315 (2nd A. M. Claeys, assist. do.

floor), 31655 (3rd floor), 38615 (4th L. U. Joukoff

floor) and 32&02 (1st floor); Cable

Ad : Talathouse Thomson & Co., Chartered Accountants

S. B. Talatd, managing dir. —13, Victoria Terrace : Teleph.. 30264

Cable Ad : Scrutiny

Tan Hua Match Co., Ltd.—Head Partners: —

Office : Peiping; Tientsin Branch : E. S. Wilkinson, a.c.a. (Shanghai)

:Shiku; Cable Ad : 0030 L. T. Beddow, a.c.a. (Shanghai)

G. A. Buyers, c.a. (Tientsin and

Taylor & Co., Wine ife Spirit merchants—

42-46, Taku Road; Teleph. 31186; Cable B. Peiping)

O. Blaker, a.c.a.

Ad: Taylorco F.I. E.G. Roberts,




Te Tai ik Co., General Merchants—128, M. C. Halton, c.a. (Tientsin & Peiping)

Rue de Chaylard; Teleph. 33237; Cable London Agents—Viney, Price and

Ad: Tetai Goodyear, chartered accountants

Hu Shao Tien, proprietor and general 8, St. Martins le Grand, Lon-

manager don, E.C.l.


Tientsin Anglo Chinese College Tientsin Golf Club

(See Educational) (See Clubs)

Tientsin Aht School Tientsin Grammar School

(See Educational) (See Educational)

Tientsin Association Football Club & £ & Lf hung hung see

(See Clubs) Tientsin Heating & Sanitary Works,


Tientsin Building and Loan Co., Ltd. and Electrical Contractors, Heating, Sanitary

(Incorporated under Hongkong Installations—23, Che-

ances)—1, Victoria Terrace;Ordin- kiang Rd.; Teleph. 32150; Cable Ad:

Te- Lisske

lephs. 30314 & S3429; Cable Ad: G. A. Lisske, proprietor


R. T. Evans, director Tientsin Hockey Club

J. W. Brierley, do. (Sec Clubs)

S. L. Briault, do.

T. Attree, Ro. Tientsin Hui Wen Academy

Tientsin Carpet Cleaning Co., Carpet (See Educational)

Manufacturers, Wholesale & Retail Tientsin Jewish School

—253-255, Taku Road; Teleph.


r : Cable Ad : Husisian (See Educational)

C. G. Husisian, manager

Tientsin Chess Club Tientsin Kung Ksueh (Public

(See Clubs) School)—(See Educational)

Tientsin Commercial Credit Corp.

(See Banks) Hsien nung hung szu

Tientsin Country Club Tientsin Land Investment Co., Ltd-

(See Clubs) 49,W.Taku Road; Telephs.

M. Howell, chairman31084 and 32568

Tientsin Cricket Club T. O’Gorman, secretary

(See Clubs) G.R. A.

A. Baldwin,


assistant secretary

J. E. Simmonds, do. engineer

Tientsin Fire Insurance Association R. H. Martin, do. do.

(See Associations).

Tientsin Lighter Co., Ltd.— Tientsin and

# S! Tangku

I-hua-yang-hong Butterfield & Swire, agents

Tientsin Forwarding & Commission Tientsin British Municipal Library

Agency, Freight and Customs Brok- —Victoria Garden

ers, Shipchandlers, General Insur- Chairma»—F. H. Whitamore

ance, Coal Merchants, Storage, Committee—Mrs. R. Chandless,

Truck Service—Expert Packers for Miss Drake-Brockman, Rev. J.

Overseas—13 and 14, Italian Bund, Walker, Mrs. Berlin and E.

Italian Concession; Teleph. 40117; J. Cowell

'Cable Ad : Italo Librarian. Sec. and Treas.—Mrs.

P. Pezzini. proprietor & manager R. E. Fabris

E. L. Fynland, asst.

D. P. Chw, acct.

S. H. Liu, chief clerk Chi an tze lai shui hung sze

Y. K. Han, shipping clerk

S. T. Yang, do. Tientsin Native City Water Works

C. T. Pao, do. Co.,

P. L. Shiao, do. 33042; Cable Ad:Rue

Ltd.—85, CityFontainer;

water Teleph.


Tientsin Navigation 'Co., Ltd.—15, >l>0 -fil Shieh ho yan hung szu

Pao Shun Road, British Concession;

Teleph. 32274; Cable Ad: Nacot Tientsin Cigarette

Tobacco Co. (Estd. 1903), The


and General

Tientsin Oil Mill Co.—49, Rue Dillon Tobacco

Teleph. 31026;Merchants—294,

Cable Ad: Androutsos Road;

Tientsin Optical Co.—65, Rue de Takou; A. P. Androutso, partner (absent)

Teleph. 33034 . C.A. C.C. Anastassellis,

Anastassellis, managing

assist. partner

S. B. Jee, manager D. C. Anastassellis, do.

m * w m n Tientsin Trading Co., Import — 23,

Tien tsin yin tie kuan Rue de France; Teleph. 31923; Cable

Tientsin Press, Ltd., Printers, Publi- Ad: Feldstein

shers, Bookbinders, Stationers, Book-



Road; Telephs. Engravers—181,

31239 and Tientsin& Trust M M Mei yieh hung see

34346 ;Cable Ad : Press Co., Inc., Fidelity and

J. S. Jones, secy. & general mgr. Surety Bonds and General Trust—34,

Rue de France; Teleph. 33762

P. W. Jones

A. E. Xewland

Miss J. Zagorsky ^1 & Pfc ft A ^ rfc }{aa lun3

F. F. Mistry, printing dept. Tipper & Co., Life, Marine and Road


V. Real, do.

J. T. Skottowe, advertising dept. Insurance



Gordon Hall);


Telephs. 31310

J. Anderson, do. and

Miss O. Zagorsky, do. British30212; Cable Ad: Sunbeam, and

A. E. Tipper

Tientsin Press Packing Co.—Canton

Road; Teleph.

Pottinger 30259

& Co., 55, Victoria Road, Tongku Land and Wharf Co.

General Managers


managers& Co.,(75,Ltd., agentkand

Consular Road) genl.

Tientsin Race Club

(Nee Clubs)

Tientsin Realty Co.—34, Rue de France; Toyo YarnMenka Kabushiki

and Piece GoodsKaisha, Cotton

— 2, Miyajima

Teleph. 33762; Cable Ad: Realty Road, Japanese Concession; Teleph.


T? & sg A it 3*;

Tientsin Sawmill and Case Manufac- Trust (See Clubs)

For Open Spaces


d’ltalia);Co.—10, Italian

Teleph. BundCable

40402; (Banchina


Sawcase Tung Fung' Engineering Works—12,

S. Y. Liu, manager ' Wellington Road; Teleph. 33869;

Tientsin Steel Drum and Engineering Cable Ad : Tungfung

C. C* Norman, managing proprietor

Works, Ltd. (Officina Meccanica Ita-


Pumps,Electrical Engineers,

Oxy-Acetylene, Machinery,

Electric Weld- Tung Hsing Press, General Printers,

ing—13, Via Torino; Teleph. 40351; Book Binders and Stationers—73,

Cable Ad: Caie

B. Zotti, manager Rue de Takou

L. C. Tam, proprietor

Tientsin Swimming Club

(Nee Clubs) Tung Shing and Co., Ltd.—28, Ruer

du Baron Gros, French Concession p

Tientsin Tallymen Telephs. 31806 and 31097; Cable Ad :

inson Road; Teleph.Co.—34-16a,

32545; CableDick-

Ad: Tungshing

‘ Denga Capt. D. I. Idaka, manager


$$ lai-J ijniversal Trading Corporation—54,

Twyford Engineering' Co., Sanitary Rue Piquerez; Teleph. 31667; Cable Ad:

and Heating Engineers, Heating Huanhai Tung Ho Yu Bank, proprietors

(All System), Eire prbtection-

oprinklers, Cold and Hot ■ Water Victor Music HousEr—British Con-

Supply, Sanitary Installations,

Lighting (All Systems), Vacuum cession Store : Y52, Victoria Road;

French Cone. Store: 52, Rue du

Cleaning Installations, Ventilation, Marechal Foch; Telephs. 31447 and

Cooking (All Systems), Plumbing 33736; Cable Ad : Tacco

Eixtures, Laundry Installations,

Importers of Railway Material,

Mining and Engineering Supplies Victoria Cigar Store—268, Victoria

Sanitary and Heating Equipment, Road; Teleph. 33262

Building Supplies, etc.—Twyford

Buildings 113, Rue du Chaylard,

Teleph. 32476; Cable Ad: Twyford Volkart Bros.’ Agency, Importers &

J. Twyford Thomas

L. H. Twyford Thomas, signs Exporters of Raw Cotton—52, Taku

Road; Telephs. 32564 & 32615; Cable

per pro. Ad : Fohka

B. Kapoostin W. Hegar, manager

Miss M. Fairchild

S. Y. Wang, accountant Vordoni & Co., S. J. (Cornalba and

Pezzini, Successors), Wine and

^ If? Tai-fw Spirit Merchants—87, Rue de

Twyford & Co., J., General Export Vordoni Teleph. 30373; Cable Ad.


ers and Importers—Twyford Build-

ing, 113, Rue du Chaylard ; Telephs

30810; Cable Ad: Twyford Vrard & Co., General Import Mer-

J. Twyford Thomas, director chants and Commission Agents—71,

V. R. W. Engstrom Rue St. Louis, T rench Concession;

L. H. Twyford Thomas Teleph. 31197; Cable Ad: Vrard;

V. G. F. Barton Codes: A.B.C. 5th edn. and

Miss M. Leeds Bentley’s

O. C. Wang B. Loup, signs the firm

P. Moo (Compradore) Miss A. C. da Silva

3K m Wagman, O., Representative of Nathan


Jewellers, &c.—99, Rue de France, Cable Ad : Wagman

Teleph. 31326; Cable Ad: Ullmann.

Chauxde Fonds; Hongkong, Shanghai,

Hankow, Peiping, Paris (21, rue

d’Hauteville) (i m Teh Yi

A. J. Ullmann, manager Walte & Co., A., Succres., Importers

and Exporters—186, Bristow Road;

Telephs. 31173 & 31776; Cable Ad:

£ & Pao an Walteco

Union Insurance Society of Canton, A. Bolte, partner

Ltd.—57, Victoria Road; Teleph. 33313; Frank Yung Tao, do.


R. L.Ad: Union

D. Wodehouse, branch manager ti m * R B K&

Wa sun sz ta yah fong

Union Philanthropique Belge Watson & Co., A. S. (The Hongkong

(See Associations) Dispensary), Wholesale and Retail

Chemists—238, Victoria Road; Te-

Universal Pharmacy—40-42, Dickinson leph. 31006; Cable Ad: Dispensary

A. E. Keen, m.p.s., mgr.

Road; Teleph. 31760


.Watts & Co., Exchange and Share Whitamore & Co., Ship and Freight

brokers—65, Consular Koad; Telephs. Brokers, Shipping and Insurance

31087, 32885 and 31659; Cable Ad: Agents, Stock and Share Brokers—

Watts 10, Victoria Park Mansions; Teleph.

T. E. Watts 30992; Cable Ad: Whitamore;

C. A. Yapha Codes: Scott’s 10th edn., Bentley’s,

J. M. Bandinel (Share Dept.) A.B.C. Improved, Boe’s

R. A. Whitamore

Watts & Frisk, Exchange Brokers— Agencies A. R. Ross

73, Consular Road; Cable Ad: Fah-

sing Tampa Inter-Ocean S.S. Co., Inc.

Arthur Watts Klaveness Line

F. A. Frisk Yangtze Insurance Association,

S. C. Kao Ld.

Far East Insurance Co., Ld.

Weinstein, L. S., Dealer in Furs and Wiemeier, E. H., Manufacturers’ Re-

Skins—60, Rue Henri Bourgeois;

Teleph. 30871; Cable Ad: Weinstein presentative

Import—27-29,: Textile

ConsularandRoad; General


Welfare Furniture Co., Ltd.—147, leph. 33626; Cable Ad : Ehweimeier

Rue de Baron Gros; Teleph, 33324 Ifjl Hsin Tai Hsing

C. C. Wang, manager

Wilson & Co., Merchants and General

Wellington Nursing Home Commission Agents — 72, Victoria

(See Hospitals) Road; Teleph. 31143; Cable Ad:


R. G. Buchan

Wen Hsiang Yung Co., Import & H. F. Dyott, signs per pro.

Export—S, , Canton Road, B.C.; J. A. Andrew, do.

Teleph. 31212; Cable Ad: Hywen E. C. Leighton

and Branch Office: 98, Hatamen A. Delwig

Street, Peiping A. W. Douglas

K. C. Sung, general manager Miss T. Verestchagine

S. Y. Sung, manager Agencies

S. S. Shen, assist. Sun Fire Office

Norwich IJnion Fire Insurance Socy.

West Lake Hotel—491, Race Course Palatine Insurance Go., Ld.

Road, British Concession Telephs. South British Insurance Co., Ld.

30246, 30976: Cable Ad: Westlake North China Insurance Co., Ld.

P. S. Yuan, gen. manager Thames & Mersey Marinelnsce. Co.,Ld.

H K Way loo Wing Tai Vo Tobacco Corp.—90,

Davenport Road; Telephs. 30754 and

Whiteaway, Laidlaw & Co, Ltd., 30476; Cable Ad: 4938

P. T. Huang, manager

Drapiers and General Outfitters—131,

Victoria Road, British Concession;

Teleph. 30156; Cable Ad: War- Wolff, Carl, Import and Commission

field Agent—307, Victoria Road, Kailan

A. E. Handley, manager Building; Teleph. 30667

T. C. Dornan


H. J. Remedies

Paretsky B M Liang chi ya forty

W. A.Skoriniakoff Mrs. Stoopin Woollen, Vosy & Co., Ltd., Pharmaceutical

Mrs. L. Handley C.P. C.Y. Sung

Yang Chemists and Wholesale Druggists—


Miss Dora

Grandon T.W.Y.C. Hsing 86, Rue de France; Teleph. 31273 Cable.

Miss Yusupoff Wang Ad: Woollen

Miss Kwan Y. C. Sung J. J. Woollen, m.p.s. (Eng.)

C. T. Chu F. J. Knowles, m.p.s. (Eng.)


Wollkr & Do., E. S., House furnishers— Yee Tsoong Tobacco Distbibutoks, Ltd.

Interior decorators, Shop and Office —2, Ex-Russian Bund; Telephs. 31114,

fitters, Appraisers, Export Packers, 30968, 31712, 31394, (Extension to all

departments); Cable Ad: Powhattan

Bowling Alley Contractors W. B. Christian, dept. mgr.

Office: 19, Consular Road R. YiH.Cigarette

Sharp, adviser

Factory: Barrack Road

E. S. Wocler, proprietor Co.) (Tung Ihing.

R. P. Cave-Brown, accountant

Wulfsohn, Louis — 36, Taku Road, G. Featherstonhaugh, do.

British Concession; Teleph. 31914 R. A. Jones (traffic department.)

G. Grenberg do.

n&j&nmmrsMmn J.T. L.S.Anderson

D. Wade (order dept.)

Yao-hua-cki-ch’i chih-tsao-po-li-kung-sze C. M. Phillippo, (advtg. dept.)


Hua Mechanical Glass Co.,Glass-

of Window Ltd., Mrs. J. E. Coppin, Mrs. M. F.

National Industrial Bank Building, Metcalfe and Airs. J. B. Cloke,

Consular Road; Teleph. 31090. stenographers

Kailan Mining Administration, gen- Tsimanfu: S. W. Glass I L. Wimbish

eral managers F. F.G.Boulton


| C. J.dept.)



man), E. J. Hsien NathanChow(Deputy


chairman), Chow Shih Chih, Li Tsingtcto :

C. R. Alford

Shih Chih, Lou Hsiang Ching,

Li Yi Chen, Wang Shao Pu, Lu

Kai Yuan, Yuan Hsin Wu, A. Yein Yieh Commekcial Bank

(See Banks)


Hers, J.M.Haesaerts,

Rogez, L. H.Valentin,

H. ReedJ.

and Chi ping C. Kuo (secretary)


Stedman and — P.ShihH.Sung Kent, L. Yokohama Specie Bank—(See Banks)

B. Yen

Factory, Chinwangtao— Young Men’s Christian Associations

F. Herman, (See Associations)

Dr. K. C. Lu,chief engineer

chemical engineer Young Men’s Optical Co.—129, Tung

H. E. M. Wang, asst. engr. Ma Low; Building

K. Rassart, works manager James Pan, manager

G.shops Gilson, cutting and packing


Foremen—F. Yaes, M. Pierart and YuBund; Tsin Tannery, Ltd.—64, Ex-German

Teleph. 31470; Cable Ad: Yatsin

G. Geurds S. C. T. Sze, general manager

Yee Tsoong Co., Ltd. (Incorporated Yu Yuan Cotton Spinning and Weaving


Hong Kong), the Companies Ordinance of Co., Ltd.—Siao-liu-chwang; Teleph.

Cigarette Manufacturers

—Head Office: Shanghai; Telephs. 32275 31716



dept.); 30764

Cable(Factory) & 32299 Yue Nan Yung, Importers of General

Ad: Cigarette

Tientsin Branch Merchandise—306,

31400; Y ictoria Road ;Teleph.

J. C. Stewart, manager

W. J. Tucker W, Warner Nan,CableH. S. Ad:


(Yue Nan Yung)

M. E. Lopato J. W. Moore S. H. C. Yue, manager

P. E. Dixon H. A.Rombaut

Dodd W. S. Yue

O. Beesley P. J. C. L. W. T. Yue

E.T. E.Quixley W. N. Coffey T.Y. Kao Feng Ting | G S. Yue

Ray A. B. Sitsky

V. P. Wilhoit G. M. Hollywood Yung Hsing Stationery Co. — 87,

P.L. H.

W. Hall

Cline F. R. Edney Meadows Road

O. N.Dept.

Printing Burnett H. A. Deeks

Mrs. A, Wardle Yung Mow Kee,

Reinforced Building

Concrete and Contractor,

House De-

T. McDougall, mgr. corative Work—27, Douglas Road

S.N. H.A. lochvidoff

Stchelokoff Znanie, Public Library, Booksellers

R. Tausch and Stationers—285 Victoria Road


fg ^ Ta-ku

The village

buildings of TakuAbout

of interest. is ofa inconsiderable

mile below thesize and incontains

village a directfewlineshops and Old

lie the no

Southern and Central Fort, while on the northern bank of the river lies the Northern

Fort. though

earth, All are completely

periodical demolished

whitewashing andofnowthepresent

surface thefacing


seaward ofmakes

mounds themof

serve a useful modern purpose—an aid to navigation.

neighbouring town of Tangku, on the Northern Bank of the river, to Tientsin was The railway from tho

completed in 1888.


bankthe is boiling

situatedthe “signal-station and” soMessrs. Butterfield the& Swire wharf onlarge_

the northern

for andLockle


of shellfish called

such asbecause

cockles,ofcrabs, comparatively

clams, etc., that isindustry


on there. When dried, these shellfish are exported by steamer to Shanghai and Canton

principally, whence they are sent inland for consumption. This is Tabu’s greatest

asset, as the country round about for some distance is covered with salt-pans and salt

heaps, which render the country unfit for cultivation.

The lights and aids to navig-ation are under the control of the Maritime Customs


as thelight


by nightsignal station,depths

whereby completed

in theinbar-channel

1920, to useare8' recorded

symbols fromby day8

of the bar by means of a suction dredger with a self-contained hopper of 500depth

feet up to 25 feet. The Hai-Ho Conservancy Commission maintain the navigable c.m.

capacity. The navigable depth of the bar varies in accordance with the extent of the

silt evacuated

greatly improved by intherecent

river after

years;thebut,freshet seasons.

as it was decided Thethat

existing channel

it would neverhasprove


entirely successful owing to the set of the current, the Hai-Ho Conservancy Commission


this worka new bar channel

in 1929, restoredin thethe Hai-Ho

directiontoof athedepth

set ofadmitting

the tide. The the completion

passage of

coasting steamers from Tientsin, though

new channel caused serious loss of life in the province. unforttmately the construction of the

There are no clearly defined anchorages but steamers arriving off the bar at low

tide mustanywhere

anchor anchor outside the bar

in the river clearwhile

of thesteamers


Tientsin proceeding to sea may

its forts and the British and French naval forces. Thethatfirsthave

Taku is memorable on account of the engagements takenwasplace

attack madebetween

on the

20th May, 1858, by the British squadron under Sir Michael Seymour, when the forts

were passed and Lord Elgin proceeded to Tientsin, where on the 26th June he signed

the famous Treaty of Tientsin. The second attack, which

made by the British forces in June, 1859. The third took place on the 21st August,was fatally unsuccessful, was

1860, when the forts were

ships sailed triumphantly up to Tientsin.attacked from the land side and captured, and the British

Taku and Tongku as naval bases have been very prominent in the history


China. In May, naval

a large 1900, asarmament

the Boxeratsedition

Taku came toSira Edward

Bar. head, theSeymour,




Senior Naval Officer, was in command. The Admirals

the Legations in Pebing and the foreign Settlements of Tientsin, and in the secondwere called upon to protect

week oftheJune

Powers, UnitednavalStates

landing parties Russia,

and Japan. were sent ashoresentby tothePortsix Arthur

however, Europeanfor

troops and landed very few sailors.


During the week, June 10th to 16th, the general situation in Chihli became critical

siningthethe extreme,

entranceandof theit was

Peihoa fine


determineIt willwhether

probablythe beTaku Forts command-

a contentious ques-

■ der on Saturday, June 16th, to hand over the Forts before next morning, toprecipitated

tion to the end of time if the ultimatum sent in by the Allied Admirals the Comman the

crisis in Tientsin and Peking or not. The official people

lay observers affirm that it made no difference, that the Imperial Government nowin general held that it did;

captured by the Reactionaries was fully committed to the Boxer movement, and that

the non-capture of the Forts would have involved the destruction of every foreigner

and native Christian in North China. The admirals had to. decide this fine point,


After withcouncil

the exception of thesentAmerican officer, theythattooktheythewould

line of menfireof ataction.

break anext day ifofthewarForts

they were notin surrendered.

the ultimatum Mr. Johnson, of theopenTaku Tugday-


Lighter Company and a Chinese scholar, carrying his life in his hand, delivered the

ultimatum. His services were never recognized by the British Authorities. The Com-

mander referred the matter to Tientsin, and was ordered not only to resist but to take


reachesinitative. He didabout

of the isPeiho, so by opening yardsfirein ona bee-line

the six gunboats the lying in themiles


river). There much general2,000misapprehension about above

this brilliant fortsfeat(three

of war. The by

allied Fleet had nothing in the world to do with it; lying as it was

a shallow 12-foot bar between it and the forts. The entire weight of the business fell on 12 miles distant with

six little cockle-shells of gunboats the British Algerine, French Lion, German litis

and the Russian Bohr, Gelelc and Korietz—and two landing parties of British and Japan-

ese numbering

Monocacy, about

which, after300getting

each. aThe shellresidents

throughofher Takubows,village founduprefuge

steamed in theoutU. ofS.

the river

range. Many refugees fleeing from Tientsin were on the merchant steamers at the

wharves, and were under fire for some hours. The firing was somewhat wild during

the darkness,

and afterwardsbutbywhen dawnsteamed

the litis, appeared,down at 3.45, the gunboats,

the river and tookledup ata position

first by the closeAlgerine


the N.-W. Fort. A single well-timed shell would have

six vessels, but Chinese gunnery was once more at fault. The naval, guns utterly destroyed any one ofsoon


mastered the heavy and modern weapons on the Forts, and before 5 a.m. the two landing

parties had rushed the North-West Fort, and then proceeded along the causeway to the

arge North

against Fortfortifications

the two at the river onmouth.the SouthThis side

was ofalsotheescaladed

river at andcloseitsrange.

great guns Theturned


affair was finished before 6 a.m.—a large number of Chinese dead testifying to the

accuracy of the Allies’ fire. Four Chinese torpedo-boat destroyers were captured with

conspicuous bravery by the British torpedo-uoat destroyers

• distributed amongst the Allies. The demolition of the Forts was effected during 1901-2. Whiting and Fame and


m % m ns & * Capt. N. Penson, bar supt.

Ta leu 'Po ch'uan Rung sze A. F. E\ans, assist bar supt.

’Taku Tug and Lighter Co., Ltd.—Head Taku Club—Teleph. 56

Office: Tientsin; Teleph. 15; Cable Ad: Taku Pilot Company—Teleph. 45; Cable

Calendar Ad: Pilots

H. V. Jennings, works supt.

A.I. J.W.O.Emmerson,

Grant, assist.

do. Tientsin Lighter Co., Ltd.

A. S. Oakes, do. Butterfield & Swire, managers



Chinese National Railways (Peiping Kailan Mining Administration Farm

C. F. Chow, farm super4ntendank

Liaoning Line)

H. C. Wang, signal engineer

G. B. Carruthers, signal inspector Standard-Vacuum Oil Co—Cable Ad:

Hai Ho Conservancy Commission Standvac

W. F. Biskupski T. C. Malcolm


Shia Shiu Chin

Ying shang A si a huo yu hung se Liu Yu Lin

Asiatic Petroleum Co. (North China), Wang Chao Hung


T. C. Kelly Installation Railway, Chinese Government (Pei-

ping Moukden Line)

■j^f ^ Tai koo H. Farrant m.inst., c.e., b.a.

(Cantab), senior district engr

Butterfield & Swire (John Swire & N. J. Willis, resident engineer

Cable Ad: Swire

J. Crombey, superintendant Salt Revenue, Assist. Dist. Inspec-

Chinese Government Salt Gabeile torate


Chinese Maritime Customs Tangkou—Ferry Boat Service : Tien-

Tide surveyor—A. S. Coppin tsin-Tangku, Daily Trip. Lighter-

age Takubar and Tangku Tientsin.

Haiho Conservancy Ship Agent

W. G. Sherman, bar works supt. SoCIETE FRANCAISE DE ReMORQUAGE ET


TongkuMining Administration,

(near Taku); The— de

Cable Ad: Maishan

Chalandage—Lighterage Tangku


A. T.Carter, agent

H. Huang, assist, agent Yungli Chemical Industries, Ltd. (Paci-

Post Office, Chinese hc Alkali Co., Ltd.)—Tongku Works

Hsii Tien-chia, postmaster S.C. Fan, president

C. Lee, vice-president

Chang Tung Chen Dr.

Han Cheng Chao D. B.T.Hsu,

P. Hou, works manager

vice-works manager

Liang Yueh Miu C. S. Wu, officer-in-charge


Peitaiho continues to expand. There are now five associations, namely, Eocky

Point Association,

Assocaintion, EastKung

and the ClinI Association, Temple Bayis being

Hui. An endeavour Association,

made toLighthouse

arrive at Point


kind of co-operation between these various sections, whose interests are common,

The first desideratum is a Sanitary Department serving the

in the term “Peitaiho Beach.” The next necessity is to form some general advisorywhole district comprised

•committee, obviating the necessity of so many diverse forms of control. Voluntary


a matter


will have to be replaced

I Huiforis consultation

by expert


a body of Chinese the fouradvisers,


and how to the


mostly withand


large local

this expenditure

I Hui. itTheis


lias a legal and, to a certain extent, judicial status. It has expended large sumsandof

registered in the Ministry of Communications as a definite working organisation


of the Lotus in making excellent

Hills open roads,park.

as a public lined with trees, and intends to throw the whole

Chinwangtao owes its existence as a seaport to the Chinese Engineeering and

Mining Company, Ltd. (now amalagamated with the Lanchow Mining Company under

the little of The Kailan Mining Administration). It serves primarily as a port of ship-

ment for Kaiping coal.

Chinwangtao is situated on the western coast of the Gulf of Liao and

is distant about 10 miles W.8.W. of Shanhaikwan. The breakwater and


at anyforming state theof theharbour are soin constructed

tide and all weathers,thatdischarging

vessels may fromlieor alongside



loss by breakage. The Administration owns large areas of land inof the

into railway cars, so that there is the minimum handling


the port. A good

inducements harbour, good

for industrial water, electric

enterprises, and it light, and cheap

is expected thatcoal


be a great

development in this direction.

The Port of Chinwangtao is accessible throughout the year, and as a seaside health


and Chinwangtao

climate, isoffers




frominaChina. It is easily

sandy beach, has goodaccessible,

golf links,hasand

a dryis

situated amidst magnificent mountain scenery, while a Rest

summer bungalows afford the visitor every comfort. Extensive improvements in the House and numerous

port were made during 1929 A portion of the lagoon has been reclaimed for the

extension of the coal-yardemployees

Mining Administration’s A schoolhasforbeenthebuilt,

benefit of the

as well children ofquarters

as additional the Kailan


the staff;asand

as well thosea new

of thepower-house to meetwasthecompleted

Administration, requirements of thetheYaoendHua

towards Glassworks,

of the year.

The Yao Hua Mechanical Glass Company have a glass factory at Chinwangtao.

The establishment, which covers about 110 mou of land, is one of the largest of its

kind in existence. The capital of the Company is $2,500,000.

Trade in 1934.

After what the district experienced during the Smo-Japanese hostilities

and the subsequent bandit disturbances in 1933, the withdrawal of the Jap-

anese forces to the Great Wall during the year under review, and the sup-

pression of the irregular troops and bandits by the special police maintained

in the Luanyu area in accordance with the Tangku Truce Agreement brought

a reassuring sense of peace to the distressed country-side from which the port

of Chinwangtao derives its trade. With the retrocession of the town of Shan-

haikwan, which took place on the 10th February, the feeling of unrest

amongst the population wore off and the fear that further fighting might


occur was soon dissipated. From this point the situation began to improve;

rehabilitation of the area affected by the events of the previous year com-

menced ; and trade began to recuperate. Further encouragement was provid-

ed by the conclusion of an agreement for the resumption, as from 1st July,

of through traffic on the railway between Peiping and Moukden, after an

interruption of almost three' years: Inasmuch as this traffic’so far is limited

to a passenger service, it is true that the agreement had little direct bearing:

on trade, but, psychologically at least, it had a stabilising effect on the district

and North China generally that was not without a value. Shanhaikwan,

which had ; been under J apanese military occupation for nearly 13 months

before its retrocession to China, during which time the Customs had great-

difficulty in functioning owing to the delicacy of the situation, was particu-

larly encouraged by the general improvement in the situation and by the-

resumption of through railway traffic. This is evidenced by the 175 per cent,

increase in the amount of revenue collected by the Customs at that centre.

The value statistics for the trade of Chinwangtao and district during the

year were as follows: direct import-- from abroad, 2.8 million dollars as

against 2.6 million in 1933; direct exports - to foreign, countries, 6.1 million

dollars as against 5A million in the previous year; coastwise importations of

Chinese produce, 6.2 million '.‘dollars as against 7.1 million; and coastwise

exportations of Chinese pjrcduce, 17 million' dollars as against 19.6 million

dollars. As regards tliese statistics, the rise in the 1hgures for direct imports,

from abroad is fully accounted for by the increase of 275,000 dollars in the

amount realised from the sale of confiscated goods, mostly artificial silk yarn

and sugar, during the year. Of the export staples grouridnuts did exceed-

ingly vvelb under the impetus of the lower tariff rates; ‘ comihoh window glass

to the extent of 120,000 square metres, representing an increase of over 150

per cent., and special window glass to a value of 63,500 dollars were shipped

abroad (Hongkong, Manila, Penang and Singapore); coastwise shipments of

special glass also showed an increase, but, despite drastic reductions in price-

to meet Japanese and Soviet Russian competition in Chinese markets,

coastwise exportations of the cbmnion quality decreased by over 30 per cent.;

and, , as regards the most important commodity o-f all, 2,7 million metric tons

of coal were exported as. against 2.3 million metric tons, in 1933, ; 495,000 tons

of the foreign shipments going to Japan, 136,000 tons to Korea and 41,000

tons4 to Hongkong. In respect to this latter item in the export list, the Kal-

ian ' Mining Administration . met with considerable. difficulties in maintaining

their usual level of business both within China and with foreign countries

during the year under review*. The fall of the Japanese yen in terms of

Chinese dollars had to be contended with; a mineral tax was imppsed by the

Government; labour strikes fomented*, by professional agitators occurred at

the mines ; and in face of keen competition from Japanese and other Chinese ,

coal mines, f.o.b. Quotations had to be reduced from about $8.85 a ton for coal

and $26.80 a ton for coke and in 1933 to $6.85 a ton for coal and $18 for coke

during the year under review. Accordingly, the Administration are still


Mine, have output

actuallyfrom most the

reduced of the minesowing

output and,tointhethe decreased

case of the Liuchiang

demand from'

Shanghai and the Yangtze Valley ports.



ii m a i .a Y.Y. C.P. Pao,


gen. mgr. (Peitaiho



Chin wang tao hai huan H.T.Yong, asst. mgr. do.

Customs, Chinese Maritime S. C. Wan, sub. mgr. do.

Commissioner—H. C. Morgan S. M. Lee, chief acct. (Chinwangtao)

Actg. Deputy. Comr.—H. T. Meinich


Assistants — HuangM. C.Feng


Chi, Chen Liuchang Coal Mining & Railway Co.,~

Cheng Kang and Dunn Shieh Shen Lti).—

2692 Head Office: Shanghai; Cable Ad:


Jur Chi-yu, Kuo Chu Yin,TuiLu Pin,

Ling Yu, Li Ju-


Actg. and Li Shih Chieh

and Harbour

Master—E. A. Weekes' m ® m m m

Actg. Kailan Mining Administration—CabPe

tersonAsst. Tidesurveyor

(Shanhaikwan M. —C. Station)

K. Pat- Ad:W.Maishan

G. F. Dewson, boat officer1 ' B. Chilton ,,,

C. C.J. Lowe

Li Yuan Chi, asst, boat officer W. Donohue

II. M. Ogden, chief examiner H. PI. Faulkner



Yu Ming,: S. IwamotoChen Hsu,and H. F. Marsh

Wang Chi-ming 11. H. G. Ashby

Tidewaiters — Tsiu Yo Yuen,. J. A. Enright

Yamaha, Qong Zien Sung, Fang MoS. G. Huang, P. C. Fan, C. Y. Hsu,

Y. H. Ku, C. F. Chou, N. K.


Wu Tze Ma Mu Tai, YuWei Pang

Chien, Jui Ch'uai),

Yung, Lee, L, S. Chow, E. J. Liu, H.

Y'en Po Nien, Niu Yu Peng, Liu K. Liu, C. C. Sun, T. H. Teng,.

Chia Tzu, Wong Kam Hung, Chang P. Tong, T. P. Pi, J. H. Tong,

Yen, Ching,



Rung,Chang C. Y. Wang, T. C. Tang, Miss


Tsun Yuan, Ho Hung Zai, Lee

Chen L. P., Donohue and: Miss P. H.

Chwan Chu, Han Chia Chang, Sung Yuan

Shu Yen, Chen Ding Chia, Liu Fu

Chung,. Wang

Hsuan, Chen JuChingLin, Ying,

Liu Nien

Baii .Post Oefice

Ching Kou, Chiu Heng Ling, Deng Postmaster—C. Y. Pi


Yuan, Kuei, Li Hsun,


Mok Hwa, KaoChen Chili



Liang, Feng Texas Co. (China),

Products—Cable Ad: 'Ltd,

Texaco Petroleum

Yuan and Liang Yun Te'

J|1 # o' Chi-sheng-ltsing YaoManufacturers

Hi;a Mechanical Glass Co.,office

of Glass—Head Ltd.-:



& Co., General

Army Storekeepers,

and Navy Tientsin; Cable Ad: Chinglass mgr.

Contractors and Ice and Soap Kailan Mining Administra'.ion,

Manufacturers and Commission..

Agents—K. M. A. Area; Teleph. Yee Tsqong Tobacco Distribu iors, Ltd.

115; Cable Ad : Hopkee —Cable Ad : Powhattan


£ ^ Niu-chwang p ||» Ying-kou

(Japanese : Eiko)

Newchwang, in latitude 40 deg. 37 min. 37 sec. N., longitude 122 deg. 10

min. 23 sec. E., or 38 miles from the Newchwang Lightship was opened to

foreign trade in May, 1364, and was for more than 40 years the only Treaty

port in Manchuria, now known as Manchoukuo, which comprises the five Pro-

vinces formerly known as Fengtien, Kirin, Heilungkiang, Jehol and Hsingan

and is commonly called by the Chinese the “Tung San Sheng,” or the Three

Eastern Provinces. Manehoukuo is now divided into the 14 provinces of

Heiho, Lungkiang, Sankiang, Pinkiang, Chientao, Kirin, Fengtien, Antung,

•Chinchow, Jehol, and North, South, East and West Hsingan. Newchwang

is situated in the most southern of these three provinces—Liao Ning—

and lies about 13 miles from the mouth of the Liao River, which

empties into the Gulf of Liaotung, a continuation of the Gulf of Pohai. The

proper name of the port is Yingkou, and not Newchwang, which is actually

situated 90 li (30 miles) further up the river. The old town of Newchwang

was designed by Treaty to be opened to trade, but the first foreigners, finding

Yingkow more conveniently situated and more adapted in very respect for the

purposes of trade, quietly installed themselves there and got over the difficulty

by the simple process of changing the name of Yingkow into that of New-

chwang !

The country in the immediate vicinity of the port is flat and unpictures-

que in the extreme, and the town itself has nothing in the way of attractions

for the traveller. The climate, from the foreigner’s point of view, is one of

■the best in China, the summers being comparatively cool, while the winters

are cold and bracing. The hottest summer temperature rarely exceeds 90®

(Fahr ), but cold blasts from the North pull down the “mercury” in winter

months often to 6® and 10° below zero (Fahr.). The river is generally frozen

over for three months of the year, but navigation is practically suspended

for four months, from December to the following March. Formerly New-

cbwang was has

of railways shut changed

off from allthethis.

rest ofThethe Manchukuo

world duringState

winter, but thethrough

Railways advent

their branch line from Koupangtzu, maintain daily communication

with Tientsin, Peiping and Mukden; and the South Manchurian Railway,

through its branch line from Tashilehiao, maintains daily communication with

Dairen. Port Arthur, Mukden, Tiehling, Hsinking and Harbin where a connection can

be made with the Trans-Siberian Railway to Europe

The principal trade of Newchwang is the export of beans and bean-

cakes, but this is at present far from flourishing. The town contains many

factories—textiles, matches, paper, etc.

The foreign (non-Japanese) population is now very small.



^ & Vfi i/C ® ^ ffi IS £ *

Asiatic Putkoleum Co. (Aorth China), Ta ying kuo ling shill ya men

Ltd.—Cable Ad: Doric Great

of Consul- General at Mukden)in charge

Britain (Temporarily

Astor House Hotel—The Bund; Cablo

Ad: Astor Japan—Cable Ad: Rijoji Yingkou

Chancellors—T. Mimura, I. Maye-

jima and T. Kikkawa



ft m w * Acting Consul—P. Farmer

Bank of China —Yuan Shih Chieh; Norway

Cable Ad: 6892 or Centrobank Vice-Consul —P. Farmer

Clerk—N. Nicoli

ft mm^ Chiao tung yin hong

Bank of Communications—Dung Ta

Chieh; Telephs. 88 and 117; Cable Ad: Deutsche Farben-Handelsgesellschaft-

6639 (Tung) and Chiaotung Waibel

A. Van&Ess Co.—Cable Ad: Waidefag

& Co., agents

ft m ^ ie

Yokohama Specie Bank, Ltd. (Yiu Kow DuManufacturers

Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc., E. I.,

and Importers of Indigo,

Branch)—Teleph. 10 Dyes and

Teleph. 1477; Chemicals — Park Codes:

Cable Ad: Dupont; Road;

m Tai hoo Bentley’s and Private

Butterfield & Smmre (John Swire & Edgar Bros. & Co., General Merchants—

Sons, Ltd.), Merchants — Cable Ad : Lister Road

Swire J. E. Edgar

Chi Tung Tobacco Co., Ltd.—Teleph. il u ^

419; Cable Ad: Powhattan

Ehlers & Co., General Merchants—Cable--

China Merchants S. N. Co.—Cable Ad:A. Recess Van Ess, agent

Ad : Merchants

H C/tee chang

m & & m w * Farmer & Co., F. D., Merchants and

China Soap Co., Ltd.—Cable Ad: Shipping Agents—Teleph. 415

P. H.Farmer

Lever C. Lu

A. van Ess & Co., general agents for T. Suzuki | T. P. Kou


Commercial Agency of C. E. Rail- Hartwell, P. F., Real Estate and!

way, Shipping, Forwarding, Insur- General Agent—Lister Road

ance, and Commission Agents—Te-

leph. 1271; Cable Ad : Kitvostdor Irish Presbyterian Mission

Rev. Jas. McCammon, m.a.



R. H. Dicksonl.l.a., a.c.p.

France (Consul residing at Mukden) Dr. Phillips


^ Tien cheng t l8f

Jaspehsen, M. R, Export, Import and Newchwang Club—Teleph. 403

Shipping, Forwarding and Insurance


Teleph. 1048 Codes:(Jap.);Mosse,CableA.B.C.

Ad :

6th edn., Simplex, Universal Trade and B ¥ Ling % % 1®

chiang hsie tse fang



P. Jaspersen, sole proprietor and Newchwang Pilot Co —Lister Road;

Cable Ad; Pilot

, Boats—“Halcyon,” “Hopeful”- >

n & % w, m m

Lever Pros, (China), Ltd.' Newchwang Race Club

Hon. Secretary & Treas.—L. H. Barnes

A. van Ess & Co., agents

Liao River Conservancy Board' m mm *


Lower Liao Dept. River Conservancy, Chung IIwa yu chu

L. H. Barnes, a.m.i.c.e., a.m.i.m.e., Post Office—Teleph. 193


The Upper engineer-in-chief

River Conservancy,

Engineers’ Dept.

T. Nagaoka, engineer-in-chief Quarantine Station and Hospital—



; Antiplague

m.b., medical officer

^ San ching

Mitsui Bussan Kaisha—185, Szechuen Socony Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.—Cable Ad :

Road; Teleph.manager

T. Urabe, 13570 H. C. Leel, installation supt.

National Aniline and Chemical Co. m w m %

C. F. Wong Van Ess & Co., A., Importers and Ex-

porters,432 ; Cable Ad ; Vaness— Telephs.

Steamship Agents

Newchwang Assembly Rooms and Re- 45A.andvan Ess


Consul Ground Trust—c/o H.B.M.’s A. Beyer


and InJapan

addition to Mukden,

secured the Treaties

the opening made with

of Antung and China in 1903inbyManchuria.

Tatungkow the United States

By an

additional agreement made between China and Japan in December, 1905, the following

inland places in Manchuria were opened to trade on the dates specified :—September

10th, 1906, Tieh-ling, Tung-chiang-tzu and Fakumen;on October 8th, Hsin-min Fu; on

December 17th, Manchuli, Harbin, Ch’ang-ch’un (K’uan-ch’eng-tzu) and Kirin; on


chiang; Tsitsihar

on June 28th,(Pu-k’uei), the capitalseven

1907, the remaining of theplaces—Feng-huang-ch’eng(T

northern province of Hei-lung-



Liao-yang, Ninguta, Hun-ch’un, Sansing, Hailar and Aigun—were declared open as a

Kreliminary step prior to the adoption of special settlement regulations. Only at

lukden, Harbin and Newchwang are Foreign Consulates, other than Japanese,


On March 9, 1932, a new “State of Manchukuo” was established at Hsinking

(formerly Changchun), the new Capital, as an independent Republic, under the

rulership of P’u I, the ex-Emperor of China, dethroned by the Chinese Revolution

of 1911, and the latter was enthroned as the Emperor Kang-te on March 1, 1934.


the new State soof Manchukuo.

far only Japan and San Salvador have yet accorded recognition to


5^ 5fs Feng-t‘ien

(Mukden is the Manchu name)

(Japanese: Hoten)

Mukden, is the capital of the province of Feng-then (^)- It was the ancient

seat of the last dynasty of China. Though nominally opened to international residence


Chinatrade by theit Commercial

in 1903, was not reallyTreaties


until 1906,byfortheinUnited Statesand Japan

the Russo-Japanese warwith


city became one of the strongholds of the Russian forces, from which, however, they

were eventually driven by the advancing Japanese army after one of the

battles of those times. When peace was concluded and the troops were withdrawn the most decisive

trade possibilities of the province began to receive increased attention. The principal

trade of Mukden has been in grain, such as beans and millet; there is, also, a considerable

trade in skins, furs and bristles. The chief imports are Japanese and European textiles,

hardware, cigarettes, sugar and kerosene oil. The British Cigarette Co. and the Toa

Tobacco Co. have opened cigarette

is a successful factoriesofin$2,500,000,

the International Settlement, andofficial


funds and partlycotton-mill,

by privatewith a capital

individuals. Minerals and subscribed partly and

metals are mined fromsmelted

in the neighbourhood of Mukden. Rice-farming, also, is on thein crease, there being

some 10,000 acres under cultivation in the Mukden and Sinmin districts. The require-

ments of the local cotton mill have given an impetus to the growing of cotton in the

Liaoyang and Chinhsien districts.


Mukden is situated in slightly undulating country a few miles north of the Hunho,

41 tributary of the river Liao, about 110 miles north-east of the port of Newchwang,

.and has stations on the South Manchurian and Manchurian State

Kailways. The f city stands four square, each side being 2,334 li long,

but it is not absolutely north and south. It is walled. The inner

town, which is nearly a mile square, is protected by a stone wall 35

feet high and 15 feet wide on the top, pierced by eight gates, two on each

side, which formerly had high towers above them, but only the one over the “Little

West Gate”

A smaller wallnow remains,

encloses and the

the ancient innerwhich

palace, facestands

of theinwall is greatly

the centre of thedilapidated.

inner city,

north and south, from gate to gate. Mukden has four railway stations.east Adjoining

like the palace at Peiping. There are four main streets, which cross and West,


whichstation of the South

was taken over from Manchuria Railwayafter

the Russians is the


war. Japanese

The totalRailway

area ofSettlement,

this Settle-

ment is over 2,000 acres, and it has been developed of late years into a town of spacious


for and wideresidential

the foreign streets. and Eastbusiness

of the Japanese

quarter. Settement

Most of the is the


yamen and set aside



been buildings were

going onwereduring erected in 1908. Throughout; the city a great deal of building has

new houses builtrecent

by theyears and the main roads

Standard-Vacuum Oil have been macadamized.

Company, In 1920

the British-American


good lookingCo., red-brick

and the Banque Industrielle

structures—are de Chine.

springing up, andActually

the Rail miles of new houses^—

way Settlement is fast


■oopened linked

ccupyingin a1926up with the

sitebutto has Chinese

the remained business

south-eastclosed quarter.

of thesince

Imperial The

North North

Tomb Eastern

was University,

completed and

the 1931 incident. Important shops

and banks are situated both in the Japanese Railway Settlement and between that

Settlement and the

and walled city. The Thestreets

whole andof the main streets were reconstructed

use ofre-metalled

whcih hasduring

spread 1907-08.

with remarkable rapidity.shops

Theare lightedElectric

Mukden by electricity,

Light Works the

complete;! in 1930 the installation of a new 2,500 k.w. plant,

its capacity and further additions have since been made. On December 1st, which practically doubled

1920, a long-distance Japanese telephone service was inaugurated between

Mtikden, Antung and Hsinking and there is now a service between Mukden

and Peiping and Mukden and Harbin. Since September, 1931. the Chinese

population of Mukden has considerably decreased, while the Japanese has

increased. Estimated total population in June 1935 was 438,000, excluding

the Japanese Railway Settlement, which has a population of about 60,000.

With improved roads within the city, motor traffic has made tremendous strides

during the last year or two, and there are now nearly 1,000 motor trucks and over

1,800 cars registered in Mukden.


and his tomb the (the

founder of the Eastern

Tungling, Manchu tomb),



seven miles himself

east atof Mukden

the city, inis

an object

high wall ofpierced

great by interest. The gateway

one large great moundwhichandholds



are enclosed

portals, within

and thea


massive of approach

couchant is spanned by two lofty stone arches elaborately sculptured. Two

(Northern tomb),lionsabout guardfourthe miles

portal.to Nurhachu’s

the northsonof istheburied city.at the



tombs can be reached by motor car from Mukden. The tomb is similar in

arrangement to the Tungling. There are many other

interest in the town and its vicinity. Mukden possesses fairly good hotel objects of Manchu historical

accommodation for foreign visitors. The large Yamato Hotel, built by the

South Manchuria Railway, was opened in the Spring of 1929.



n & m & m Bank of Communications—Inside the

Mei yah poo sien kung sze Small South Gate; Telephs. 158 and

26; Cable Ad: 0074

American - Asiatic Underwriters, S. L. Chen, manager

Fed., Inc., U.S.A., General Insur-

ance : Fire, Marine, Motor-car, Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Cor-

Life, Accident, Burglary, Plate- poration — Ta Hsi Pien Men Wai;

glass, Baggage and Special Risks— Telephs. 3117 (Japanese) and 4523-

Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank

Building, Ta Hsi Pien Men Wai; (Chinese) Cable Ad: Fanling

M. W. Wood, agent

Teleph. 5167; Cable Ad : Underiters S. W. P. Perry | A. P. Cameron

C. V. Starr, president (Shanghai)

Bryner & Co., general agents

Iternational Savings Society—Wu

Wei Lu; Cable Ad: Intersavin

^lj ^ee L. Barberat, mgr. for S. Manchuria

S. Klein, assist.

Arnhold & Co., Ltd., Engineers,

Contractors and Importers—Cable Ad: National City Bank of New York,

Harchi The—Telephs. (Japanese) 2034, 3066,

J. E. Andrews, signs per pro. 4290 (Chinese) 5155; Cable Ad: Citi-

(For Agencies, see Shanghai section) bank

Yokohama Specie Bank, Ltd.—28,

Yu-pang-jen-shou-pao-hsien-kung-ssu Naniwa-dori; Cable Ad: Shokin

Y. Imagawa, manager

Asia Life Insurance Co., Life In- M. Takahashi, p.p. manager

surance—Hong Kong and Shanghai R. Takahashi, do.

Bank Building, Ta Hsi Pien Men

Wai; Cable Ad: Underiters; Code:

Acme & Bentley’s. Main Office for m H 35 I'l Li

y yao fany


the Orient: 17 The Bund, Shanghai Betines & Co., S. J. (The Manufac-


Bryner & Co., general agents Pharmacy), Analytical and

turing Chemists—Ta Hsi Pien Men



A.B.C.4711; CableBentley’s,

6th edn., Ad: Betinesco;


13 & It H

Assurance Franco-Asiatique, Fire and and supplement

Marine Insurance—Wu Wei Lu; Cable Bryner & Co., Freight Brokers, Ship-

Ad:L. Francasia

Barberat, agent for South Man- ping, Forwarding and Insurance

churia Agents, Press Packers—Hong Kong

and Shanghai Bank Building; Cable

Ad: Bryner

BANKS W. J. Howard, signs per pro

Bank of China—Ta Hsi Men Li; Agents for Shipping

Cable Ad: Centrobank

American Mail Line

Bank Line, Ld.

Bank of Chosen—New Town; Cable Ad: Blue Star Line Line



T. Saito, manager Canadian Pacific Steamships, Ld.


Canadian Pacific Railway Co. United States of America—Cable

Cie d'es Messageries Maritimes Ad : American Consul

DodwelUCastle Line Consul General—J. W. Ballantine

Dollar Line Consul—A. S. Chase

Glen Line, Ltd. Vice-Consul—Andrew W. Edson

Holland East Asia Line Secretary—Mrs, M. H. Plath

Java China-Japan Line

Tacoma Oriental S.S. Co.

Wilh. Wilhelmsen, Oslo, fjfj . Be J'u


American Asiatic Underwriters, !\ Deutsche Handelskammer (German

Chamber of Commerce)—c/o Deutscher

Fed. Inc., U.S.A. ; Klub

Caldbeck MacGregor and Co., Wine President—H. H. Iben

Treasurer—J. Scheinhuette

and Spirit Merchants Secretary—J. F. Newel

W. H. Winning & Co., Agents

Chamber of Commerce, British i Dunlop RubberGoods

and Rubber Co. (China), Ltd., Tyres

— Hongkong Bank

Bldg., San Ching Lou; Chinese Teleph.


Tung Manufacturing

Manufacturers — CableCo., Ltd.,Ad: 4269;

tley’s Cable Ad: Pneumatic; Code: Ben-

Cigarette L. O. Davis

^ Ta Chang Engel, Max M., c.e., Consulting Engineer

Chinese Engineering & Development and Contractor—Cable Ad: Mengelmax


Telepb. JingCable

Road,Ad:1, Jiu

CedcoChing Li; Fardori; Eastern Electric Co.—44, Naniwa-

K. T. Kwo, manager Cable Ad: Ogata

Jtji Kwng Mao

CONSULATES Frazar Federal Inc., U.S.A.—62, Ta

France, Hsi Pien Men Wai

over theConsulate (withofjurisdiction

threeprovinces Manchuria) | Fujita & Co., Inc., General Machinery

—Cable Ad: Fransulat

Consul—P. Crepin and Tools, Boilers, Engines, General


Railway andElectrical

MiningAd:Apparatus, and


Germany—Teleph. 4034; Cable Ad: | Naniwa-dori; Cable Fujita

Qonsugerma K. Fujita, director

Great Britain—CableD.Ad:

Consul-General—P. Britain

Butler General Electric Co- of China, Ltd.—

Consul—O. C. Morland Cable Ad: Fookee

Acting Consul—J. P. Coghill lcun S2e

Secretary—J. W. E. Stirling W & M H. 9 .

Japan—Cable Ad: Riyoji Gran, A. L., Merchants and En-

Consul- G eneral—U. Usami gineers—39, Chiyoda-dori; Cable

Consul—N. Shigematsu Ad : Algran; All Principal Codes

Consuls (Judges)—Nj Masui and N. A. P.L. Gran

Walther, assist.



R. Iwata So, S. Ozawa and Hospital, Women’s"

Chancellors—U. Furumi, S. Dr. Agnes M. Cowan

Tsukikawa, M. Nagayama, M.S. Ku- MissMarq L. Johnston, nursing supt.


kahashi,H. Endo,

H. T. Takata,

Matsumoto, A. Ta-

Kotsu- Hotel Keining—San Djin Lou; Cable

ki, T. Hirata and K. Masumoto Ad; Keining


Police of Police—O. Kauai

Inspectors--S. Okamotb and ' Hotel Lengmueller, Ltd.—3, San Djin

H. Watanabe Lou


Keil & Co., W., Import and Export Mitsui Bussan'. Kaisha, Ltd., Importers

Merchants—Camd Ad: KeilcO and Exporters—Cable Ad: Mitsui

W. Keil, manager

Moukden Club

^ $ M> M B Kiu Uni

Kitjkong Tra ding Co., Importers, Ex- Mukden Government Electric Light

porters and General Commission Agents W ORES

—225, Shill Yih Wei Road; Teleph. H, C. Li, managing director .

3786 (L.D.) and

Chemicals; 5190Acme

Codes: (Chinese) Cable Ad:

and Bentley’s

W. Y. Mao, proprietor Mukden Medical College — East

C. L. Hang, manager Subu rb

Agents: Dp. S. A. Ellerbek, m.b., principal

Sun Insurance Office, Ltd. , Dr. W H. Gow, m.b., vice-principal

Xultura, Books and Stationery—32, Mukden Theological College—West

Naniwa dori Suburb

E. L. Shur, proprietor

Larsen & Trock, Electrical Engineers WholesaleTobacco

Mukden and Wine Store,

and Retail—24, Naniwa-

and Contractors, Importers of all

kinds of Electrical Goods and Mo- dori, Main Street; Cable Ad: 3351

E. N. Hatzopoulos

tors—40, Naniwa-dori; Cable Ad:


Manchuria Christian College—Cable Mustard —86,

& Co., Ltd., General Merchants

Shih Yih Wei Loo,

Ad: Evangel Settlement; Teleph. 2952;International

Cable Ad:

Rev. William Miskelly, m.a. Mustard

E. Cummings, manager

tlj ^'J W lee Itung sse

Wlarcks, Lothar, Civil Engineer, ^ 5^ ?t M ^ ^


Office : International Contractor-

and Building Settlement. N ESTLEMilk

Main Road outside Great West Co., and Milk Products, Chocolates,

Cocoa and Cheese — 39, Naniwa-dori,

Outer Gate (She I Wei LouV Japanese Concession; Teleph. 3943,

corner of Liu Ching LoP; Work- Cable Ad: Nestanglo

shop and Godown: Outside Great

East Outer Gate (Opposite to North East Mining Administration

Arsenal’s Electric Power Plant). (Formerly Fengtien Mining Administ.)

Chinese Telephs. 4534 (Office) and

4535 (Private [Liu Ching Loul); Telephs. Cable Ad: ChineseFentinmine,

4022, Japanese 3224;


Letter Ad: Lothar Marcks. Muk- Pataqhao,

den; Cable Ad: Marcksing; Codes: Bituminous Sian and Fuhsin Mines:

Coal; Fuchowwan Mine:

A.B.C. 6th edn., Bentley’s, Mosse Anthracite Coal; Talin and Marerhyn

and Acme Talc Mines: Soapstone; Suiyen: Jades-

Lothar Marcks, c.E., propr. tone

Hsinking Branch Office :

M. Chara, manager Clay and Fire Clay Clay Mines: China

Mine; Tatung

C. F. Wang, managing director


C. Gunko, supv.

Tsitsihar: Liao ning yu wu kuan li chu

M. Novikoff, supv.

Taonanfu: Post OfficeTelephs.

ning)— (District3034Head Office of Liao-

(Japanese), 4236

H. Stahlmann, civil-engineer and 1449 (Chinese); Cable Ad: Postos

McDonnell & Gorman, Inc., Eng-

ineering—130, Ssu Ching Lu; Cable Railway, Chinese Government (Peiping-

Ad: Macdon Mukden Section)


it # a; ** m m ^ Topper Bros., Merchants—40-15, Naniwa-

Nammanshu Tetsudo Kabushiki Kaisha dori; Cable Ad; Topper

Railway Co., South Manchuria — United Motors Ltd., Authorised

Telephs. 67 (Japanese) & 117 (Chinese) Dealers of General Motors Export

Co.—39, Chiyoda-dori; Teleph. 4737

Rin-Tai Stores Co., Wholesale and (Japanese); Cable Ad: Unico

I. I. Kovalevsky, manager

Retail Merchants—26, Naniwa-dori,

Japanese Concession; Cable Ad:

Rintai tt Ho lee

H. Fuchs, proprietor Winning & Co., W. EL, Importers, In-

surance Agents and Lloyd’s Agents—

141, Ta Hsi Pien Men We; Cable Ad:

ScHEINHUETTE, J. — 113, Shang Pu, Cornabe

Sheng Hsuan Li; Cable Ad: Shein- W. H. Winning (Dairen)

hutte F. F. Winning, manager

Shengching Shipao—9, Sumida-cho. Wolter & Co., Carl, Import, Export and

New Town Commission Agents—Hongkong and

Y. Sometani, president Shanghai Bank Building; Telephs.

(Chinese) 4695, (Japanese) 3989;

Siemens China Co. — Cable Ad: Motor Cable Ad: Barbarossa; Codes:

Acme, A.B.C. 6th, Bentley’s, West-

Read Office: Shanghai ern Union, Marconi, Mosse and

Standard-Vacuum Oil Company, Petro- Private J. Wolter, manager


J. B.Products—Cable Ad: Standvac

Loucks, manager G. A. Bouroff

B. S. Savin

a a a « * ± fs Yali Import and Export Co., Ltd.—

Teh shih ha huo yu kung sze Teleph. 4033, Cable Ad: Yalimp

Texas Co.

Petroleum (China), Ltd.,



Loo, Yamato Hotel (owned and operated by

International Settlement; Teleph. 3302 the South Manchuria Railway Co.)-

—Cable Ad: Yamato


Texaco 3569 (Chinese); Cable Ad: S. Terasawa, manager


Harbim is the principal business centre of North Manchuria. Before the

Chinese Eastern Railway was built it consisted of a Chinese village. Fu Chia

Tien (1®^®), with neighbouring landing-stage (in Russian, 1‘Tristan”),

at which steamers from the Amur used to- call.

The business and chief residential quarters of Harbin are situated on the

right bank of the river Sungari, on the Chinese Eastern Railway, the Soviet

Russian share of which was sold to Manchoukuo on 23rd March, 1935, the

railway lines becoming part of the general system of State Railways

in Manchuria. The main line connects Hsinking (Changchun) with

Manchuli, on the Soviet frontier, -whence the trans-Siberian railway

runs to Moscow. From Harbin a branch line runs south-eastwards

to Suifenho (Pogranichaya). Harbin is also the terminus of the

Lafa— ( ) Harbin railway (formally opened to- restricted traffic in

December 1933), which links North Manchuria wdth Korea. The line

is carried across the river by a railway-bridge, completed in December 1933,

-and joins the railway running northw-ards from Ma Ch’uan K’ou ( )

on the left bank of the river to Elailun (^1^), and thence to Peian-chen

From Peian-chen the line has now been completed to Taheiho on

the Amur River. On 31st August the line from Harbin to Hsinking was

converted to Standard gauge and linked up with the Gafa-Harbin-Taheiho

line by a standard gauge loop.

Haihin is the natural outlet for the vast bean and grain producing dis-

tricts to the North, which are being gradually opened up and developed.

According to census statistics, the population of Greater Harbin at the

end of December, 1934 was approximately 500.526 of whom 21,008 were Jap-

anese, 20,824 Soviet citizens, 34,169 “White” Russians, and 15,000 other

nationalities. These figures have altered however, owing to the departure of

Soviet Railway employees, the influx of Japanese owing' to the sale of the

G. E. Railway.

February 5, 1932 marks an epoch in the history of Harbin. On that day

the town was occupied by Japanese troops, and the Chinese troops withdrew.

The new State of “Manchukuo” was created on the March 1, 1932.

The new Municipality of Greater Harbin was formally inaugurated on

July 1, 1933. It has the status of a “special municipality,” that is to say

it is administered by the Central Government at Hsinking, and not by the

provincial government of Kirin. It comprises not only the Chinese quarter

•of Fuchiatien but the whole of the Pinchiang District, 31 villages in the


on of A-ch’eng

the other (Asiho),

side of the river.andThe16 mayor

villagesis inappointed

the district

by theof Government,


and the Municinal Council consists of his nominees, who must

by the Central Government. The present Council consists of 13 Manchurian be approved

citizens, 3 Japanese, 3 Russians, and two other foreigners (one Polish and

one American citizen).

The municipal administration of Greater Harbin is at present in a stage

of transition from the old order to the new. and is. hampered in its work by

lack of funds; but good work has been done in many directions, such as road

construction, town planning schemes and the re-organization of public-utility

enterprises. The proceeds of the Manchurian Government’s First Investment

Enterprise Loan (10,060,000 yen), which was sanctioned in July. 1934, are +o

be devoted in part to city reconstruction, waterworks and similar public

utility enterprises in Hsinking and Harbin.



Alexeieff, Donotello & Co., Cinema Asiatic Transport Co., Inc—14, First

Films Enterprise—36-44, Corner of Line Sherell’s Bldgs.; Cable Ad:

Kitaiskaya and Birjevaya Streets;

Telephs. 45-62; P.O. Box 357; Cable AsiatrancoA. M. Sherell de Florance, president

Ad : Aledonco

American Asiatic Underwriters, Ffeo. BANKS


Marine,U.S.A., General

Motor-car, LifeInsurance:

Accident, Fire,

Bur- Banque Franco-Asiatique—10, Kitais-

glary, Plate-glass, Baggage and Special Paris: 9, Rue Boudreau;Head

kaya Street, Pristan. Office :

Cable Ad:

Risks—1, Konnaya Street; Telephs. F rasiabank

21- 90 ; Cable Ad : Underiters

C. V. Starr, president (Shanghai) Chartered Bank of India, Australia

Bryner & Co., general agents China—76, Novogorodnaya Street;;

f ii m P.O. Box 433; Cable Ad : Harmony

American Chamber of Commerce Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Cor-

Secretary and Treasurer—J. B. Holmes. poration—29, Vodoprovodnaya Street,

American Industries, Fed. Inc.. U.S.A. Pristan; Teleph. 2924; Cable Ad: Norbank.

—P. O. Box 208; Cable Ad: Akos G. Lyon-Mackenzie, manager

American Products Co., Factory Re- G. S. Hankinson

Jardine |Mrs.;Miss O.Y. Nolde

presentatives. Importers, Painting, D.R. A.B. Soul Kesake-


Mechanical Works and Upholstery—35, J R. G. L. OliphantjA. A. Diniz

Magazinaya Street; Teleph. 26-97; j A.M. F.A. Diniz

Regalsky jL. A, Loushni-


P.O. Box 285; CRble Ad: Amenco A. T. Ostrenko (S. A. Yadlevker

Anglo - Asiatic Telegraph Agency M. S. Fonareff M.P. Kramarenke

V. N. Vertzinsky W. J. Opulsky

(Angasta)—P. O. Box 241

B. Hayton Fleet, proprietor

Anglo-Chinese Eastern Trading Co., % m m m m

Ltd., Soya Beans Cakes and Oil Ex- Wang hvok tchoii shu houi

ports—1, Pekarnaya Street; Telephs. International Sawings Society —

22- 83, 43-87, 25-84 I. S.andS. 25-66; Cable 1, Kitaiskaya


Ad : Soya Street, Pristan; Cable Ad: Inter-

Sh. Kabalkia, manager sayin. Paris Office: 85, Rue St.

Arcus, S. G., Chemist and Druggist Lazare. Head Office: 7, Avenue

—23, Kataiskaya Street; Teleph. 28- Edward VII, Shanghai

G. J'. Charleux, manager

12; Cable Ad: Arcus

S. G. Arcus, proprietor National City Bank of New York, The

Asia Life Insurance Co., Life Insur- —48, Mostovaya Street; Teleph. 2424;

Cable Ad: Citibank

ance—1, Konnaya Street; Cable Ad : E. J. Mahon, manager

Underiters; Codes: Bentley’s and W. Hopiak, sub-manager

Acme. Main Office for the Orient: W. A. Staley, accountant

17, The Bund, Shanghai J. B. Hoimes, sub-acct.

Bryner & Co., general agents L. A. da Costa, do.

C. A. Pmiippov, do.

m & vfc 'A 35 *0 35 IS 3* A. N. Lasareff, do.

Ying shang A si a h\iO yu hung sze V. P. Skosireff, sub-acct.

Asiatic Petroleum Co. (North -China),

Ltd., The—Hongkong Bank Building, Yokohama Specie Bank, Ltd.—1215A

Cable Ad: Doric manager

L. Parbury, Uchastokovaya Street; Cable Ad:



Becos Traders, Ltd., Engineering ■j£jf Tai koo

Supplies—53, Diagonalnaya; Cable' Butterfield & Swire (John Swire &

Ad : Becos Sons, Ltd.),BankMerchants—Hongkong and

R.C. Goodman, a.m.i.mech.e., manager Shanghai Building

Agents for: E. M. Burton, signs per pro.

Commercial Union Assurance Co.,

Ltd. Cantilena, Music Store—143, Kitais-

Boisen, C., Leather Import and Shoe kaya Street; Teleph. 31-73

G. Trachenberg, proprietor

Factory—77, Uchas'tkovaja St.; Cable W. Trachenberg, signs per pro.

Ad: Boisen

Brandus Insurance Office—31, Russ- ‘Caravan Tea” Trading House, The,

kaya Street; Cable Ad : Brandus General Importers; Exporters' and

British Chamber of Commerce Commission Merchants—Kitaiskaia

Hon. President — E. G. Jamieson, Street Caravan178; P.O. Box 17; Cable Ad:

h.b.m. Consul-General N. A. Shimolin, general manager


Hon. Secty. and Treas.—D. W.


Committee—R. C. Goodman, a.m.i. Carlowitz & Co., Merchants, Engi-

neers and Contractors—46, Kitaiskaja

mech.e., A. Laws Street ; Teleph.--84-85; P.O. Box 403;

Cable Ad: Tragopap

n & m. ;?f m it ^

J)ah in yu tuny yu han hung sze Chi Tung Tobacco Co. Ltd.—P.O. Box

British Far Eastern Co., Ltd., Import- 44;VrCable,Ad: . Radwan, Powhattan

division manager

Export and Railway Contractors — A. Laws, accountant

34, Kitaiskaya Street; Cable Ad :

Briteast Ko Wen Ko, distributor

F. H. Raitt, managingjdirector Wang Tze- Sheng, do.

... G-V. N.Nechaeff,


Brown, J. A., Merchant—9, Rinnochnaya, M. S. Rogalsky, sales plept.

Pristan; Cable Ad: Jabrown N. I. Brofikmiller, advtg. dept.

Bryner & Co., Freight Brokers, Shipping; Miss,A. Kutuzova, typist

Forwarding and Insurance Agents— Miss Mary Dorian, stenog.

1, Konnaya Street; Cable Ad: Bryner

L. Bryner, managing partner ChiRuNOvsky & Co., A. G., Heating-

Agents for : and Plumbing EngineersSt.;andTeleph.


Shipping tractors—3, Kitaiskaja

American Mail Line • 3847 - ,


Blue SLine, Ltd.

tar Ling

Barber-Wilbelmsen Line China, FurStreet

Trading } Co., Ltd.— 2,


Canadian Pacific Steamships,

Pacific. Railway Co. Ltd. Konnaya

Compagnie desMessageries Maritimes

Dodwell-Castle Line Chistiakoff Successors, Tea Merchants

Dollar Line —31, Kitaiskaya Street; P. O. Box 431

Holland-East-Asia Line

Glen Line, Ltd.

Java-China-Japan Line

P. & O. Steam Navigation Co. C-K-T. Works, Mechanical and elec-

Wilh. Wilhelmsen, Oslo trical Machinery—c/o The British

Insurance Far Eastern Co., Ltd., 34, Kitaiskaya


V. Gebauer, manager Far Eastern

American Asiatic Underwriters, Fed. agencies

Inc., U.S.A.



Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd., United States of America

General—45,- Consulate

Fire, Life, Marine, Accident, Burglary,

Fidelity Guarantee and Car Insurance; town; Telephs.Bolshoi Prospect,

2357 (chancery) New


Teleph. 41-85: Cable Ad: Goodman 4645 (Consul General)

R. C. Goodman, a.m.i. mech.e., Consul General—Walter A. Adams

agent—53, DiagohaThaya

Dodge & Seymour (China), Ltd., Importers'

CONSULATES and Manufacturers’ Agents — 23,

Belgium—12, Moudenskaia Str. Shkolnaya; Teleph. 20-70; Cable

ConsHl-Getieral—Yan Cntsem Ad: Eximco

David Fuchsman

Denmark—65, Polevaya Street; Teleph. Dreyfus & Cie, Louis, Exporters of

3080 Cereals—13, Samannaya St.; Cable

Consul—A. Jorgensen Ad: Sesostris

E. Silberstein, manager



Revnand Street

Vice-Consul—R. Wache Druggist Company, Chemicals and

Secretaire—Mile. Monier Drugs, Fruit essences & essential

Secretaire Chinois—Wou Wen Jen Oils—6, Aptekarskaya Street; Cable

Dactilographe—Mme. Zelenkoff Ad: Druggist

H. M. Krinsky, proprietor

Germany—20. Ajiheiskaya St.;Telephs. H. M. Circle-Livshitz, proprietor


and 3076;A.Cable Ad: Consugerma East Asiatic Automobile Co., Ltd.,


Secretary—F. Marks Representatives for “General Motors

do. — F. Wussow Japan Ltd.” MotorHueCarsKung

and“Buick”—116, “ Chevrleto”

Lee, 8th


Great Britain—23, Vokzalny Prospect; Ad : Eastasia Teleph. 48-95 and 62-05; Cable

Teleph. 2557; P.O. Box 104; Gable Ad: Chao Lee Tang, president


Consul-General — E. G. Jamieson, K. Ande, managing director


Consul (acting)

E. Dening. m.b.e. East Asiatic Co.,, Ltd. of Copenhagen,

Acting Consul—J. P. Price Exporters of Beans, Cereals and Oil—

Secretary—Capt. A. O. Wilson, R.E. 65, Wassard

Polevaya Street; Cable Ad:

Typist—L. Ptitsin A.K.Jorgensen,

Italy—93, Sungarisky Prospekt Meyling manager

E. Lundsteen I G. Miatoff

Consul—A. C. C. Maffei H Henningsen | A. Kossoff

M. Seidel | V. Alexeeff

Japan—27, Novotorgowaya Street, New

Town; Teleph. 3157; Cable Ad: Rijoij East Asiatic Vostasi Co.—Kitaiskaya

Street: Cable Ad: Vostasi

Latvia— 17, Tsitsikarskaya Street; A. D. Kirilloff, partner

Consul—P. Meschak

East West Fur Trading Corporation,

Netherlands—25 Commercial Street Dealers in Furs and Skins—7, Rino-

Cable Ad: Vanderhoeven chnaya Street; Cable Ad: Kupitsky

Consul—L. Van der Hoeven. A. Kupitsky, repres.

Poland—5, Glukaya Street; Cable Ad: Far Eastern Drug Trading Ch-, Daltotat

Polconsul Wholesale ChemistsStreet;

and Druggists, etc.

—20, Russkaya Cable Ad:

Portugal—44, Bolshoi Prospect • Daltotat

L. M. Rogovin, manager

Consul—S. L. SkidelsW V. A. Bronstein, asst, manager

Secretary —V. E. Kauffman


Fleet, B. Hayton, Press Representative “Harbin Observer” (British Evening

for Exchange Telegraph Co., Ltd., Daily)—37, Strahovaya Street; P.O.

London, ‘'Morning Post," London, Box 241

“North China Daily News," Shang- B. Hayton Fleet, proprietor & editor

hai—37, Strahovaya Street; Teleph.

33-64; P.O. Box 341 ; Cable Ad: Hotel Moderne—177, Kitaiskaia St.;

Observer Cable Ad: Moderne

Fleet & Co., Hayton, Commercial Agents Howard-Ford Insurance Agency, The

—37, Strahovaya Street; P.O. Box 241 F.—42, Strahovaia Street; Cable

Ad : Franclav.

Fleet’s Anglo-American Store, Bri- F. T. Howard-Ford, partner

tish and American Books, Magazines F. H. Raitt, do.

and Newspapers. Patent medicines

—37, Strahovaya Street m m %

B. Hayton Fleet, proprietor

Hunter & Co., Importers, Exporters

Fleet’s Directory of Manchurian —3, Commercial Street; Cable Ad:

Hunter; Codes: A.B.C. 5th edn.,

Cities—37, Strahovaya Street

Box 241 ; Cable Ad : Observer ; P.O. Western Union, Bentley’s, Schofield’s,

B. Hayton Fleet, proprietor Calpack and Private

Jas. A. Hunter

Frazar FederalStreet

Diagonalnaya Inc.,,' U. S. A. — 10,

Fur and Wool Co., (China), Ltd., Fing-shang po na men yang Men yu

Exporters of Fur and Wool—73, hsien hung sz

Diagonalnaya Street; Cable Ad: Imperial Ltd.,

Chemical Industries (China),

Importers of AlkalisChemicals—

and Com-

Furwool mercial and Industrial

H. Rapport, manager 14, Novogorodniaya Street; Teleph.

G. A. Smirnoff, acct. 2680: P.O. Box 206; Cable Ad: Alkali

Genfer, M. A., Dealer in Paper and J. W. King, dist. manager

Stationery — 10, Polevaya, Corner 43, Industrial Enterprises, Ltd.. Min-

Diagonalnaya Street; Cable Ad: Genfer ing, Industrial, Agricultural, En-

gineering, Transport, etc. — 159',

Glass Products Trade and Industrial Kitaiskaya Street; Cable Ad: In-

Co., Ltd., Polished Plate Glass, dusenter

Window Glass, etc.—11, Kavkaz-

skaia Corner Kitaiskaia Street; International Harvester Export Co.,

Cable Ad: Glass Agricultural Machinery—52, Dia-

H. L. Okun, partner gonalnaya Street, Pristan; P.O. Box 462;

Cable Ad: Interha

Grand Hotel (Chinese Eastern Rail- A. H. Schweyer, manager

way), Tourist Bureau, Ticket and International Sleeping Car Co.—132,

Inquiry Office—Opposite Railway Kitaiskaya Street; Cable Ad: Sleeping

Station, New Town; Teleph. 24-28 R. J. Januszowski, agent

Cable Ad: Granhotel M. Y. Barbash, sub-agent

Grandi & Co.. F., Importers and Ex- Technical Dept :—

porters—64, Kitaiskaya Street A.A. E.A.Hassek,


Eastern repres.

Grueneweld & Co., Import Mer-

chants—27, Japonskaya; P.O. Box is mm® Wango Shan Dyan

479; Cable Ad: Gruno. International Technical Trading Co.,

Hardware, Household and Electrical

Harbin Club — 17, Girinskaya Street; Teleph. Supplies42-83;

— 139,CableKitaiskaya

Ad: MetkoStreet;

Teleph. 49-74.



Kagan, A. I., Exporter of Dementi & Co., Harry, Perfumery

efiurian Produce, Importer 'of and Drugs (Wholesale & Retail)—

American GToods—11, Politzeskaya; 153, Kitaiskaya 'Street-;' Cable Ad:


Cable Ad: Altaiskaia

A. I. Kaa-an, proprietor

R. M. Kagan,' signs per pro. ; Lloyds (The Corporation of “Lloyds"

London)—P.O. Box 248; Cable Ad:

Kart,son, Zeltin

—P.O. Box 273; Cable Ad: Kaseco

Klarer, W. 1E-, Wholesale Drugs, A. Lopato,-' Sons, ' Ltd., Tobacco and

Chemicals, Perfume—7, ■: Birgevaya ; Cigarette Manufacturers—Factory:

Cable Ad: Klarer Nagornaya Pfospekt, New Town;

Telephs. 29-66- 37-28 ; Cable Ad:


£§ Ter Lee

KlemantaskK Jacques, Insurance Agent Ludwig PARisEfe, Importer & Expor-

and Importers—Cable Ad: Kletnanta^ki ter—P.O. Box- 275; Cable Ad:

L. P. Klemantaski, partner Pariser ; Codes: Mosse, A.B.C. 6th

F. A. Jones, do. edn., Bentley’s


Merchants—20, (iSoxs, Inc., I., General Manchoukuo Post Office, for Harbin

Polevaya; Cable Postal Administration Cable Ad: Postos

Ad.:P. S.Koulai eff manager Commissioner—Y. Kibe

Pervushin, Post OfficesStreet,

Hospital in Harbin

Newat—Bulvarny and

Town (Nankahg);

Korelin & Co., Wholesale & Retail ■ Wutaochieh (Fuchiatien); Skvoznaya,

Dealers—103, Kitaiskaia Street; PristanChiangyen

bin); (Taoli); (Fuchiatien);

Siangfang (Old Har-


Teleph. 21-88; Cable Ad : Korelin kow • ,

A. M. Korelin, director Postal Kiosks at—Kitaiskaya (Pristan);

TIchastkovaya; (Pristan); Prospect


Kovalsky, V. E-, Timber and Veneer Ex- , Statibp (New Town;(New Town);'Bolshoi


ports—P.Q. Box 332; Cable Ad:

Kovalsky , . ;

. V. F. Bovalsky Manchurian Co,, Ltd., The, Mer-

chants, Insurance, Land and Real

# db TL K 9 y 9 9 un fsze an hon Estate Agents-^119, Novotorgovaya

Street; Teleph. 33-13; P.O. Box 133;

Kunst and Albers, Importers of ‘ Cable Ad: Sagacity

general merchandise and machineries J. S. Watso% managing director

—Kifcaiskaja Corner Birjevaya Street; Mrs. K. "Watson, director

Telephs. 52-92, 22-88,A.B.C.6th,

40-91 ; Cable- Ad ; D. W- -Laygock.; director

Kunstalber; Codes:

Mossp; and Supplement,.. Acme and Bentley’s, W. Baber, director

Supplement,. Private.,: Helampo

. Head (Sachal-

Office: C. A.- Pgacpck

Hamburg. Branches Charles A.. Peacock,

jan),; Mukden Mrs. iS. Fried


Dattan P. Woehrmann Mrs. M. G. Shemanskaya

Miss V. P.r Blinoff

E.W. Graf W. Evert N. M. Stepanoff

Eelsing ' O. Berg L. N. Kanabeeff

L. Podgorbuns- A.K.liautnvann

Kennberg * P. P. NichoTsky

- kaja Dr, B. A. Rubinsky

I.W.MordoWskpij Mi Inge ' : V. V. AbakumofE

1 GrigorjefF I. KolytscbetF : • ■ N. N. TetusHkin

R. von Dattan D. I. Kolnesnicoff

G.P . Lindner

MordoWskoij W, Lee, V. O. Cherev

Yang-Chun-K an

S.KalinoWskaja compradore

. Pan-Taq-ajj. , . . Cable Ad: Pelstrusof; Codes: A.B.

' ’ S. Y.

.Chan-Chen tQv'w . , . Universal Trade arid Private

Chi-Cbao-Lin. . ’ , M.Chr.Y. Pelstrusof, proprietor

Al. Poklonsky, engineer (elec-

Liu, f!hmg_.Y,ling;

Sheng Da Yin insurance: argent trical and machinery dept.)

Tung Pei Ghin ?}>,•.) . •, ■ F.James

M. Kolberg

Urian, stationery' dept.


.Mabcks, Lotjhaji,Building

;Gi.yil.-Ln-feirieers, Mraei'L. A. Pelstrusoff, secty.

Architects!and Contractors— .| Miss Valentine Pelstrusof

6, Korpotenoy Gorodokj Seednd, Street;1

; Cable^Ad^MareksIhg ■ ,’i ' A Pickersgill,

arid PreciousM. Ural

H., Dealeikiri



Mitsui Bussan . .Kaisha, iTp., Export, naya Street; P.O. Box 231


proyoBnaya Shipping



Ad: Mitsui^ i Produce,;-Expop/r Co. (jHae^n), Ltd.—

Moscow Phakmact, Chemists and 22, Post Street;. r.O. Bbx TS; Telephs.


Drtfggists^S, Kitaitkaya ' Street 4983 and 4281; Cable Ad-: Product

L. M. Rogoin-, proprietor ; i A. H. Angus, manager -

Moupin'tCoAt Russian Asiatic Go. (Thor Ibsen),

"kaya Street ' Mining ^^-.25^ ^.jiheis-1 Import, Export, Insurance, En-

gineering—21, Mostovaya; Caible

' D.


presidentvice-president , - Ad : Troika.

., Y. T., Tzi;,general ..manager \ ; ,

Simon L. Skidelsky, do. Russian ’ Asiatic ' Company, Import,

S. A. Dun, general secretary, - 1 Export, Insurance, Engineering1 — 21,

E. L. Eootikoff, do. Mostovaya ; GaMe Adi: TroiMi

ETHBREANDk INSURAXOE 1 OFFICE—,31 ; :Russo-Manchu«ian , Book .Trade Cq.-^-

Russkaya; Tel'ephi‘">3571; • Cable Ad:, Novotorgdvaya Street; P.O; Box 54



A. W. Brandus'i: Schild

in Fin's&, —28,

Son, Kommercjnjsk.aya

Inc.,..Joseph, DealersSt.;


Kitaiskava,Co.,PristanH. J.—41, Rynochnaya,;

; P.O. Box 248 Cable Ad: Joschild

H. J. Neville | D. A, Neville

Neville, Hi & ^ -fl HsbigL Hu ng Ssu

■ 41, ofDwyer

BoardRynochnaya, A,i, .Correspondent


.The i



Schmidt Shoten, Import-eTs of Medi-

cal and Scientific Supplies—152,

Box 248 Kitaiskaya; Teiep.fi: 2787'^ Cable

D. A. Neville 1 H. J. Neville Ad : Schmidtco

Nikolaeff Bros., i. , 1$; .Automo- W. Reich 1 ■ '-uH H

biles, Spare Parts, Trucks, Marine V. Ivan off

Motors—12, Kosoy Street; Cable William C. C. Tai

Ad: Nikolaeff Mrs. I. Malarevsky

Mrs. V. Mogilnikoff

N. Y.’s Gravenhaagsche Industrieei. Shaw Brothers & Co., Importers and

eh Handel Maatschappij, Rubber Exporters—58, Bolshoi Prospekt, New

Goods and General Merchants—7, Town

Japonskaya; P.O. Box 202; Cable

Ad: Gator Siemens Schuckertwerke,

Kitaiskaya Street; Cable Ad:A.G—101,


m s Toon lee shuk

Pelstrusof, M. V., Import, Railway J. Heimann, manager

Supplies and Manufacturers Repre- Singer Sewing Machine Co.—99, Kitais-


Box 447 Taolii; BazarnayaTeleph. St. P.43-05;

O. kaya Street, Pristan; Cable Ad: Singer


Skidelsky’s Successors, L. S., Merchant: Tschurin

Universal& Co., LI. (Established

Providers and Manufac- 1867),

Timber and Coal—44, Bolshoi Prospekt; turers,

Code: Bentley’s Manufacturers’ Representative,

and General Contractors—Head Office:

ftl M Mei ho Tschurin’s Buildings, New Town;

Telephs. 20-88,38-88 and 38-93;A.B.C.

Cable Ad:

Skoblin Co., Direct Factory Representa- Tschurin; Codes: Bentley’s, 5th

tives—31, Konnaya Street; Telephs. andN.6th A. Kassianoff, partner & gen.Suppl.

edns., Rudolf Mosse Code, mgr.

44-69; Cable Ad: Skoblin V. A. Kassianoff, partner

S. F. Skoblin general manager I. A. Kassianoff, do.

N. S. Skoblin, manager A. V. Babintseff', partner & actg. gen.

D. S. Skoblin, mgr. (engineering

dept.) A.manager

F. Toporkoff, manager

m x m w United Petroleum Trust of U.S.S.R.

Su ko tah kung jiang in Manchuria, Petroleum Products-

Skodaworks, Ltd. (Far Eastern En- —9, Second Liny; Teleph. 41-81

gineering Offices of the Limited Vernett, J. F., Wine and Spirit Merchant

Company, formerly the Skodaworks,

Plzen, Czechoslovakia), Steel Works, —49, Birjevaya Street; P.O. Box 27

Builders of all kinds of Mechanical

and Electrical Machinery—2, Kom-

merceskaya Street; Telephs. 45-50; Vorontzoff Bros., Gold Storage, Dis-

P. O. Box 274; Cable Ad: Skoda- tillers, Butter Factories and Agri-

cultural Machines—1, Borodinskaya

works Street

H. A. Kuaik, manager

South Manchuria Railway Co.—6, Kitaiskaya West Coast Life Insurance Co.—180,

Vokzalny Prospect, New Town Street; Cable Ad:


D. G. Romanoff and S. A. Koo-

Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.—52, Diagonal- driavtzeff, district mgrs.

naya Street E. S. Babiansky, cashier

*3 & ife A £ ± ® Weysfield, N. E., Exporter of Hides,

Teh shih ku huo yu kwng szu Skins, Furs and Casings—28, Baza-

Texas Co. (China), Ltd., The, Texaco rnaya Street; Cable Ad: Weyadield

N. E. Weysfield

Petroleum Products—Teleph. 22-85;

Cable Ad : Texaco

B. E. Butland Yorkshire Insurance Co., Ltd.—Cable

M. C. Sventsitsky Ad : Klementaski


^ J| Ch'ang ch‘un or Kwanchengtze

This town owes its recent importance to the fact that it is situated at

the junction of the.South Manchuria Railway tJapanese) with the southern

branch (from Harbin) of the Chinese Eastern Railway, while another Rail-

way connects it with the city of Kirin, the capital of the Province of that

name, about 80 miles, distant, nearly due East, and beyond to' Tunhua.

Changchun was opened to International Trad© by Agreement with Japan

in 191'5. There is here a large Japanese Railway Settlement, admirably laid

out, north of the old Town, from which it is separated by the area laid'out

hy the Chinese Authorities as a commercial quarter. North of the Japanese

Railway iSettlemeut lies the town that has grown up around what is now

the southern terminus of the Chinese Eastern Railway.

The country surrounding Changchun is a vast and exceedingly fertile

plain, the produce from which is distributed North, South and East by the

divergent Railways

Since March

Manchuria 9, 1932, Changchun

(or “ Manchoukuo has been

”), recognition, the has

of which Capital of the

not yet beennew State byof


.any foreign country, with the. exception of San Salvador; and the name of the

town has been changed to Hsinking (“New Capital.”)

Plans have been mooted for elaborate extensions of the existing town, to

be laid out in a style befitting the Capital of an independent Republic of

-some 30,000,000 people.


Chi Tung Chang Co., Importers, Ex- Supervisory Council

porters and Engineering — 4, UmCge- President—Lo Chen-yu

cho; Teleph. 1250 Dept, of Civil Affairs

Minister—Lu Yung-huan

Vice-Minister—Chao Peng-ti

Manchukuo Government Dept, of Foreign. Affairs

Sovereign — H. I. M. the Emperor Minister—Chang Yen-ching

Kangte Vice-Minister—Chuichi Ohashi

Privy Council Dept, of Defence— ,

President—Tsang Shih-yi Minister—General Yu Chib-shan

Legislative Council Vice-Minister—Lt. Li Sheng-tang

President—(vacant) Dept, of Finance

Imperial Household Dept. Minister—Sun Chi-chang

Minister—Hsi Chia Vice Minister—Hung Wei-kuo

Htate Council Dept, of Industry

Premier—Chang Ching-hui Minister—Ting Chien hsu


Dept, of Communications MISSIONS

Minister—Li Shao-keng Danish Lutheran Mission

Dept, of Justice Miss K. Thomsen

Minister—Feng Han ching

Dept, of Education Irish Presbyterian Mission—Hsinking,

Minister—Yuan Chen-to Miss A. Gardiner, b.sc.

Supreme Court Miss

President—Lin Chi

Supreme Procuratorate Rev. H.D. K.Faulkner,

Johnston,M.B.jb a., and wife

President—Li Pan Miss Ivy Stokes


tion of Mongolia Administra- Soeurs Franciscaines, Missionnaires-

Minister—Chi-mo-te-sai-mu-pei-lo de Marie

Vice-Minister—Shiro Yoda Soeur Franciscaines

Marcks, Lothar, Civil Engineering, Yamato Hotel—Teleph. 4611; P. O. Box:

Architects and Building

7, Nihonhashi-dori; CableContractors—

Ad: Marck- 5 ; Cable Ad: Yamato


L. MarCks, proprietor (Mukden) Yokohama Specie Bank—New City



(Kirin is the Manchu name of the city.)

Kirin, the capital of the province of the same name on the Sungari river, is 80

miles from towns

prosperous Hsin King with which

in Manchuria, and,ithaving

is connected by railway.

been rebuilt It is one offirethein most

after a disastrous 1911,

possesses many fine buildings. It is the distributing centre for the inexhaustible

supplies of timber from the neighbouring regions.

A new town is now springing up, outside the walled city, with fine roads and

modern buildings


Irish Presbyterian Mission Roman Catholic Mission

Rev. J. McWhirter S. Exc.Canope

Mgr. Gaspais,* EvSque titulaire-

Dr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Sloan R. deP. Cubizolles, pro-vicaire honoraire

Dr. Rachel Irwin R. P. Lemaire, Cathedrale R. P.

Miss Lily Dodds (nurse) Tch’onn , ,. . .


W. W. Cline, (y.m.c.a.) R.R. P.P. Lacquois

Duhart j R. P. Beaudeaux

Miss B, Gallahar R. P. Vernois | R. P. Liogier


'f'f 11 Lung-ching-tsun

Lungchingtsun (Dragon Well Village), has a population of about 15,000 inhabitants,

•composed of about’ 11,000 Koreans, 3,000 Chinese, and 1,000 Japanese. Situated in a


mining plain, its main

possibilities (coal,exports

copper,are: beans,

silver, and millet and timber.

gold) waiting There areThepromising

development. trade—

by light railway to Kainei—is with Korea and Japan. The principal imports are

cotton piece goods, sugar, Japanese sundries, paper, kerosene oil, metals, fishery

Telephone and telegraph, line, in addition to the Chinese telegraph and tele-

phone lines, connect Lungchingtsun with the neighbouring marts of Yenki,

Towtaokow and Hunchun. A handsome new building for the Bank of Chosen

was completed in 1923, and a particularly fine new Japanese Consulate

in 1925.


Bank of CiIosen Consuls—1. bno]i and b. iakiyaina

S. T.Shiozawa

Itoh Chancellors—G. Hamada, M. Kishi, K.

KomOri, S. Kato, D. Onoki and K.

Japanese Consulate Nagai Yugue

Qonsul-Gooeral—K. Police Supt.—C. Akutagawa (actg.)


s s

Hunchun is derived from Manchu, meaning frontier, and is situated in lat. 24 deg.

: 25Hung


5 sec.Ho,N.,some

long.35 130 deg. the

li from 22 min. 10 sec. E. of Greenwich,

Manchukuo-Russian frontieronandtheabout

right 90bank of the

li distant

from Novokiewsk. In 1714 adetachmentof soldiers camehere from Ninguta,and this may


with regarded

Japan 1909.as the beginning

(Manchurian of Hunchun, which wasCustoms

to be opened to trade, by treaty

December, TowardsConvention),

the end of in19211905,

an but the

electric staffwas

light plant did not arrive

installed inbefore


town by a Chinese concern. The surrounding districts are fairly fertile,

possibilities (coal, gold, and copper)f may, when taken in hand, prove of considerable and the mining

value. . ■ '' ■ ^ •

The town (earthen walled), has a jidiiulation of 8,894 Manchu in addition to

whom are 5,277 (August 1935) Japanese and

millet and timber; and the main imports: flpttr, wheat, cotton Koreans! The piece

main goods,


are beans,oil,

fishery products, spirits of wirie, su^ar, apd matches. (Value of Trade iri 1934

f 1^769,7~71.‘00) Rapid progress is being made in the modernisation: of the'fbwii ofiHuhehun.



Japanese Consulate— K. Okada (at Chancellor.

Consul-General Chief of Police—K. Hasegawa

Lungchingtsun) Ton-tao-kon- Branch :

Chief of the Branch Office of Con- Chief of Branch—M. Matsubara.

sulate General—!K. Moori Chief of Police—S. Jono

Chief of Police—H.

Chutzukai Branch: Shoji Pai-tsao-Kon Branch: Horiuchi

Chief of Branch—T.

Vice Consul—T. Tamaka Chief of PoUceT-^-K. Akashi


M M Lushun (ByojunJ

Port Arthur, at the point of the “ Regent’s Sword, ” or Liaotung Peninsula, wa»

formerly China’s chief naval arsenal, but was captured by the Japanese in the war


with in 1894,

obtained andofitsPort

a lease defences

Arthurandandmilitary worksshewerefortified

Talienwan, destroyed. In 1898,making

the former, when

it into a great naval and military stronghold.

By the time the war between Russia and. Japan broke out, an anchorage for

battleships had been provided at great cost in the western harbour, and the hills

surrounding the harbour had been so strongly fortified that Port Arthur had comes to-


the regarded

: as forces,

an impregnable fortress.Nogi,


and 1904, Port Arthur was,besieged by


repeated conflicts under

of a most General

sanguinary character. capitulated on January ist.; 1905,

Port Arthur (called by the Japanese Ryojun) is now

Kwantung Army and a centre of civil administration in the .Kwantung Leased Terri-;the headquarters of the

tory. The town

a business townis existing

divided intofromtwotheparts, the oldregime,

Chinese and theandnew. The old orCoast

the Ryojun east Guard,

part is

Manchuria Dockyard Co., Red Cross hospital, captured arms museum, the fortress

commander’s office, local civil government office, and the high

are located there. The new or west part was a poor village when the Russians entered and district courts


gresent Kwantung Government Offic4 the’ Middle School and Higher School the

occupation. They erected there many fine buildings, among them being for

rirls, Engineering

Japanese soldiers who University

fell in and the Yamato

the assault of PortHotel,

Arthur,etc.on AsMonument

a memorial

Hill to(called



suggestion of Admiral which


and Generalthe harbour,

Nogi. The a high toweris bracing,

climate was erected at the-

and though

the winter from December to February is cold the harbour

April and May are lovely months, as the surrounding hills and fields are covered is free from ice. March,

with verdure and flowers. June, July and August constitute the wet season and are-

rather warm,

temper though

the heat. Thenotrainso iswarm

not assufficient

other cities in Manchuria,

to inconvenience as themuch,

travellers sea-breezes

and in

fact Port Arthur at this time of year attracts many visitors, who enjoy the sea-bathing,

by the South Manchuria Railway Go., and may be rented. September, Octoberbuilt

under the famous Golden Hill, on which a number of foreign houses have been and


fresh fruit form

and a perfect

fish. On autumn

July 1st, with

1910, mild

the climate, and

Western there are

Harbour was abundant

thrown supplies

open to theof

ships of all nations with a view to fostering international trade.

There is a branch line of the South Manchurian Railway, and through the junction

station (Ch’ou, Shui) several trains run daily between Port Arthur and Dairen. The


beenThe occupies only oneplace

constructed hour and wellaArthur

half by train. Drainage and waterworks have

was 30,000. populationandof the

the city ofisPort lighted with electric

according to thelight.

census of 31st May, 1932,,




Governor—H. E. Toyoji Takeshita

Governor's Secretariat

Yaichi Owada, chief, General Affairs Government Hospital

Section (Port Arthur)

Wanari Araki, chief Accounts Section Dr. Nobukichi Watanabe, supt.

Home Affairs Department Ryojun Engineering College

Kitaro Shiraishi, director of home affairs Dr. Seiichiro Noda, president


Jiro Ishihara chief of local affairs section. Law Court

Kutaro Arikawa, chief of educational

section Tadao Sugiura, chief of high court

Minoru Tanaka, chief of industry section Katsuhisa Shimoda, chief of procurator


works sectionShimizu, chief of public Prison

Police Administration Bureau Tokuyasu Miyazaki, inspector

Hisao Hayashi,

istration bureaudirector of police admin- Ryojun Civil Administration Office

Katsumi Morimoto, chief of police affairs Azuma Ban, chief


Hideo Mizutani, chief of high police Ryoj'un Branch of Kwantung Marine

section Office

Gnji Kanai, chief of public peace section

Kanjuro Matsuki, chief of criminal police Sukehachi Kaneyuki chief


Wataro Yamaguchi, chief of sanitation Ryojun Municipality


Norio Yoneoka, mayor

Financial Bureau

Sanai Nishiyama, director of financial Ryojun Fortress

bureau Kisaburo Ando, lieut. general commander



section chief of budget &

Ryuichi Yokoyama, chief of finance section RYdjuN Minor Naval Station

and taxation section (additional post) Shizue Tsuda, rear admiral, commander

am t u n g

^ ^ - -An-tung

The treaty

Commercial portbetween

Treaty, of Antung was opened

the United 'States and to international

China in 1903,trade but, by.owing


to the outbreak of the Russo-Japanese War, it! wa.s not ti!l the Sprihg of the


ina new1907 that the

1931,one,theunder CHinfese Maritime

CMhes'the,e Maritime Customs

Customs? wasCu'stoms AVas •esta-blishied'

forcibly here.

closed by Japan, • SdweWer,. •

mime, of Maiichukuo was established. ■ Antungandia '


mouth. The on theriverright or Chinese

is closed,to bank Ijyf icethefrom

navigation Yaluabout


the23.endmiles from its

,o£ November1


the end ofpurposes.,

Marbli; The


buildings are going up on alTkid^s’both fbr dwelling

.battlefieWiis?'somb 10 miles further up the river and.a and

splendid panorama of the surrounding 1 country, may be obtained from the;

summit of Tiger Hill, which was the position: occupied by-the Russians, before

the battle. Wulungpei’' 1-4 miles distant: from: Antung, is a fayovirite resort

on account of; its hot springs. uAntvtng i$ connected by railway with Mukden.

The splendid steei.bridgej .S^ogj. feet .long and .consisting of 12: spansx includ-

ing a swivel-span, over the Yalu, from Antung tli.New Wiju (qji the Kor^ao

side), connecting the’ South Manchurian Railway with the Chosen .(Korean)

Railways, was opebbd to traffic on 1st November, 1911. The river at Antung

is navigable for stsaffiers .drawing-12 .feet of water when the tides are favour-

able, but the channel is a constantly shifting one'and eroMon and silting often


interfere and 1914with Were navigation.

not successfulAttempts

and were.to discontinued.-

dredge the channel ..With ainview the:

to better control of navigation, fresh charts and future: conservancy operations,

a survey was started by the Hydrographic Bureau of the Japanese Navy in

the spring of of1921,theandChinese

Department subsequently

Maritime undertaken

(jlustomsonduring a largerthescale by the;and

summer Marineau-

tumn. In September, 1922, the survey was completed and soundings were

taken from the sea to Antung. There are several small Japanese steamers

plying between Antung, Chefoo and Dairen, and as trade with Tientsin has

developed considerably a regular and frequent service with that ,po,r,t is, car-

ried on by larger vessels of from 700 to 1,200 tons. The larger ships in the

China Coast trade anchor at Santaolhngtou, six miles down river, and there

are other anchorages, at Wentzuchien, 14'miles down river, and at Tatungkow.


-fa Tai leoo

Ying shang a hsi a huo yu hung ssd Butterfield & Swire, Merchants

Asiatic Petroleum Co. (North Chi Tung Tobacco Co. (China), Ltd. —

China), Ltd. Cable Ad: Powhattan

Geo. L. Shaw, agent

Bank of China—Teleph. 131; Cable Ads: Ching Kee S.N. Co., Ltd., Shipowners

—Chung Fu Street; Telephs. 57 and 270

6892 and Chungkuo (Chinese) and 230 (Japanese); Cable Ad:

S. C. Chu, manager Chingkee


Dairen Risen Raisiia

K. Shimada, manager j % _ *| f i Yi Loony.

■i i

Danish . •, - 77 L.tv-,- ShA.w, Geo. Ta, importer

Bteamship Owner 1 and Exporter,

And4 and-

Insurance Agent


and Mrs. ,t.Mission

Vyff —Telejtfis.

Gable Ad: Shaw OhiWese r Japanese

. 39;

Danish Mission 1 Ipspital Geo. L. Shaw

Dr. P. N. Pedersen,Ai.k c.h/b.^ E.R'e-S1. A.S. G.A. Shaw

Mardtis . ..

Dr. Marie Nielsen

Manchukuo Customs Singer .Sewing Machine'Co.

Commissioner—M. Nakdmura E/Okayaisu, agent ‘

Manchukuo' Post Office y.m.c.a. ’;;;

C. W. Chien, postmaster ' C. C. Chang, chairm'an


Dairen,, tlip So^hea'n terminpia, pf ithe South .M^nfihwi.a Railway, [is a


and port 37.'

Long., ,121° in the

7L;R*.Southern porner of th® Liaotung, ;i?eninst!] a, . La,t. 3«0 55't 44".'ap


; When .Rpssia leased; tbe: in 1593: •R..:w^s...o^jy >


port and nsnihg village.

had madeinhpifited

some progress Russia intended

whennueleps to develop

the Russo-Japanese Daii^n as

warniaxnely. a poraniercial

broke thejsection

out. feiit

what the Japanese .\yas;a:inere of ,the preseni-jcity.

north of the railway trachs w,Inch to-day fornjs but a small .cpijner of .tf^p

of the tracks, where the tpafn ,paft of present-day Eairen ,stands,: w,a^.. bpt an area pity., Spilthof

filling. The plans the Riissians formed were gradually mucli -improyed upon, and and

rough ground, with hills an,h which repuired.,a.. vast aniounthh grading, the


here oh a dint

scalp far bfigr.eht ; exertions, ;haye

inbrh.hpmprehensive than brought,

anything a thoroughly

that has westeyp

bepn ciyili^iionin


any other, part of China. The health' of the locality is exceptionally good.' The

highest, temperature registered in summer is 35° 7' C. (96° 3'-.E.). and the cold winter

season; is rather long but invigorating

Dairen has a population ot l^MOO, over two-thirds of which, is .Chinese. . The

city of Dairen, not including the. suburbs, has an area of 11,266 apres,, The autho-

rities recently completed, a plan whereby the city will r be enlarged so.as. to enable

a million people to reside there, Electric tramways, of a total length of

61.036 kilometres, run along the principal streets, and include a suburban line

to Shahokui (Japanese .reading Shakako) (where the South Manchuria Railway

workshops, are established, 4.5 miles westwards from Dairen), and ope of 2.5

miles to Soshigauru; Reach),i the finest watering- place in -Manchuria.

There is an excellent hotel here, managed . by the , ,gouth Manchuria Hotel

Company and also a number of bun galops which,ipay be hired: by visitors.

Another suburban linp, runs.,to Rokotan, a famous summer resort commanding

glorious scenery. A iinotpr road runs to Star Beach, which is a tract of land

of 392 acres including the golf links,; which are approximately 122. acres. The

construction of the South , Coast road, 49,2 kilometres in length, connecting

Dairen and Port ^ufehur was commenced in .1921 on three sections simultane-

ously, and was completed; in July, 1924. The motor road between'Dairen and

Chinchow was completed in 1929, and motor- buses run regularly. In 1932 a

new North Coast road between Port Arthur , and Chanshuitsu (on the Dairen-

Chinchow road) was- opened. There are also regular bus services between

Port Arthur and Dairen. The Japan Aviation Company inaugurated a daily

mail service between Dairen and Japan on April 1, 1929, and from September

onwards a passenger service was added. The daily air service between Dairen

and Hsinking has been opened by the Manshiu Koku Kabushiki Kaisha since

.November 3, 1932.


The city of Dairen, which has been expanding rapidly owing to1 business

prosperity and increase of population, is lighted by electricity and gas and

has ample telephone facilities. The electric power-house, when completed in

1911, had a capacity of 4,500 kilowatts. This was increased in 1921 to 6,000

kws., and a second power-house of 10,000 kws. was added in June, 1923. This

was increased to 48,000 kilowatts by 1932. There is also a new power station at

Kanseishi (across the bay from Dairen proper) of 54,000 KW. completed in

1934. The city has tar macadam roads with rows of shady trees, and is

well equipped with waterworks, drainage and sewage systems. With the

growth of trade, more particularly in Manchurian (soya) beans, cake,

a number of influential business houses, Japanese, Chinese apd foreign,

have established themselves at the port. The foreign and Japanese com-

munities in April, 1909, organized and opened the Dairen Club. A Gun Club,

Golf Club, and Marine Association are among other institutions of the port.

Of places for public amusement, the Electric Park, designed on an up-to-date

plan and containing all devices for recreation, forms the chief attraction. The

Chinese quarter, situated on the western fringe of the city, has also grown

considerably. The Railway Hospital (now called the “Dairen Hospital”)

deserves special mention, owing partly to its size and partly to the excellence

of its equipment. This hospital affords accommodation for 612 patients and

treats more than 1,600 out-patients of all nationalities on an average every day.

In 1928 a stadium was constructed with seating accommodation for over

50,000. Adjoining

one of several the stadium

in Dairen is a large

used mainly concrete fresh

by students. Severalwater

parksswimming pool,

are scattered

throughout the city.

The harbour works had been less than half completed by the Russians.

Some work had been done on the eastern half, and only some blocks dumped

for the eastern breakwater. Only two wharves had been completed; the depth

of thq harbour ranging from 17 to 28 feet, with only 18 feet of water at the

main wharf basin. Since the Japanese occupation, the S.iM.B. Co. has done

much in the extension of harbour facilities and their actual management,

introducing every modern appliance for speedy and commodious cargo handling

and watering and coaling of vessels. To-day the combined length of the

breakwaters is 13,436 feet, and they are 3 to 5 feet above the highest tide. The

deep water area inside the breakwater is 3,107,000 square metres. The en-


of deepbeing very atopen,

draught anyviz.,

time1,200 feet orwidfe,statetheofharbour

of day is accessible

tide. The to vessels

total seafrontage

of the first, second and third wharves is 14,296 feet, and of the fourth wharf

(4,600 feet) more than 300 metres have alread'y been opened,

total number of berths to 39. The extension of Pier 4 to the same dimension increasing the

as the others is making rapid progress; When it is completed there will be

52 berths of which 42 can accommodate ocean-going ships. There are also the

two dangerous goods” piers at Jijiko, outside the main harbour, and another

new pier at Kanseishi to serve the Manchurihn -ChemicalIndustries' Go’s

factory. In order still further to lessen congestion at the wharvek, a r ew pier

was constructed at Chn Ghingtze (called in Japanese Kansejshi) hcross the bay,

which attends exclusively to the export of Fushun coal. The wharves containing

330,699 square metres, with railway sidings, are lighted by electricity and

have up-to-date appliances for the handling of cargo. At the east end of

the shore, an oil pier, 558 feet long with a. depth of 30 feet of water has been


The warehousefor thearea


was of397,500


squareinflammable goods and

metres, besides six bean

bean oiloilin tanks


(each holding capacity of 1,435 tons). The waiting pavilion, which cost

half a million yen and can accommodate 5,000 persons, was completed by the

S.M.R. Co., in January, 1924. The O.S.K.-Oomphny maintains a ticket office

and the Bank of Chosen has an Exchange Office in this pavilion, which

also contain showrooms, dining roomsj stalls for the sale of goods,

etc. On the islands of Sanshantao, at the entrance to Dairen Bay,

stands a lighhouse, and two other lighthouses have been erected at


the rforthem extremity of the east breakwater and at the eastern

extremity of the north breakwater, respectively. On the signal tower

of the former breakwater and on the islands of Sanshantao foghorns have also


from fixed. A wireless

the harbour, and telegraph

a wirelessstation is established

telegraph station; of at35 Takushan,

wk, power 30at miles


Bhutan was completed in 1922. There is a granite dry dock 440 ft. 6 in. long

and 51 feet wide at entrance, with extensive repair shops attached, leased and

-’oanaged by the Manchuria Dock Yard Co., Ltd. A marine;quarantine station,

built at a cost of Yen 430,000 was opened in November, 1913. It is scientifically


modation and equipped

for both foreignonand

the Chinese

latest and most approved! lines with accom-


The whole trade of Dairen for the ' ^ear 1934 (January-December): —

Export: ,. .... M.Y.;335,183,147



Out of a total of all Manchuria of 964,310,030 Manchurian Yuans.


$1 ^ Yan9 s™

Aoency of The East Asiatic Co., Anzping,& Co., O. H., Export/Import, Ship-

Forwarding and Insurance—212,

Ltd. of Copenhagen, Shipowners

Merchants — 1, Higashi-koen-cho; and Yamagata-dori; Cable Ad: Anz and

Telephs. 23510, 25833, 28924; Cable Ad: Nord-Lloyd

P. Pansing, manager


Paul F. Elm, mgr. Asiatic Petroleum Co.; (North China),

S.K. Kjeldsen,

G. Buck asst. mgr. Ltd.—213, Yamagata-dori; Cable Ad:

W. Harss Doric

P.if. Sarder Fukusho Co., Ltd., agents

Tofte Asiatic Transport1 Co.;—^i, ’ Yamaga-


Andrews & George Co., Inc., Importers:

Scientific Instruments, Mining and

Engineering Machinery and Machine- Civil BANKS

Tools—Dairen Branch: 53, Yamagata- Bank of Chosen—2, Nishi-dori, Cen-

dori; Teleph. 8320; Cable Ad: Yadzu; tral Circle;’Telephs. 8101, 8108 and

Head Office: Tokyo 8109; P.O. Box 6; Cable Ad: Cho-

T. T. Kihara, manager senbank


J. Furuta,


Signs per pro.

Anolo-Chinese Eastern Tkading Co.,

Ltd., Merchants, Export and Import,

Manufacturers of English Style Soya H. Nakai, do.

Cakes and Salad Oil—3, Higashi- G. Kurata, do.

koencho; Teleph. 4404; Cable Ad : Hongkong and Shanghai Banking

Soya; Codes: A.B.C. 6th edn.. Uni- Corporation—47, Echigo-cho; Teleph.

versal Trade Code and Bentley’s 5030; Cable Ad: Wayford

M. Oseroff, manager W. H. Bredin, agent



The—Okura CityBuilding,

Bank of14, New York, Carlowitz


& Co.—49, Shikishima-cho;

Teleph. 27644; Cable Ad: Manchuria

dori K. Sent, signs per pro.

Yokohama Specie Bank, Ltd.—Central China Export-Import & Bank Co., Ltd.

Circle; Teleph. 3161; Cable Ad: —212, Yamagata-dori; Cable Ad:

Lemjus; P. 0. Box 78 ,■


K. Nishi, manager

Bayrhammer & Co.t Import & Export- Chinese Eastern Railway Commercial

Agency at Dairen, Shipping, For-

85, Kii-machi; Cable Ad: Bayrhammer warding, Insurance, Loans, Import-

Beerbrayer, J., General Cbmmissison, Export and Commission Agents,

Shipping and Forwarding agent—13-17 Customs Clearance, Through Pas-

senger Tickets to Western Europe

Yamagata-dori; Telephs. 6331

P.O. Box 44; Cable Ad: Beerbrayerand 4932; booked for Siberian Express—110,

J. Beerbrayer, principal Yamagata-dori; Teleph. 8243; P.O.

Box 48; Cable Ad: Kitvostdor;

Codes: Bentley’s and A.B.C. 5th

British Association edn.

Committee—A. P. Bungey president),

J. F. N. Maybew (hon. secretary) and

J. Taylor (hon. treasurer) CONSULATEiS

British Chamber of Commerce —47, America, United States of

Consul—Stuart E. Grummon

Echigo-cho vice Consul—Troy L. Perkins

Secy.-Steno—A. M. Lewis

jflj 'g' Bir Lee Clerk—M Ohkura

Bryner & Cp.) Steamship Agents, Ship- Interpreter—S. Wakao

Sing, Insurance, Customs Brokers and Finland—-212, Yamagata-dori; Te-

'orwarding Agents—212, Yamitgata- leph. 3214

dori; Teleph. 8801: P.G. Box 103; Cable Vicfe'-Cbhsul—P. Pansing

Ad: Bryner; Codes used: Bentley’s,

Bentley’s Second Phrase and Bote Code

F. J. Bryner, managihg partner France

Hon. Vice-Consul—F. J. Bryner


Evamy, sighs per pro.

A. Hanjin j| S.A. M.Maslenikoff

Erohin Great Britain—Teleph. 7341; Cable

Agencies Ad: Britain

The Dollar Steamship Line Consul—R. McP. Austin

The American Mail Line Clerical Officer & Pro-Consul—

Barber - Wilhelmsen Line. ( Barber G. J. Edmondson

Steamship Lines Inc.)

Canadian Paciiic Steamships, Ltd. Netherlands


The Bank Line Line Vice-Consul—W. H. Winning

Blue Sjtar Line

Wilh. Wilhelmsen Line Norway

Phoenix Assurance Co., Ld,, London. Consul—G. L Lark-ins

(iTriion Marine, Liverpool) Sweden

Holland East Asia Line Consul—W. H. Winning

Messagerie Maritimes S. S. Co.

Ocean Shipping Co., Ltd., Van- Union of Soviet Socialist Repu-

couver blics—1, Higashi Koehcho; Te-

Butterfield & Swire (John iSwiro & Iph. 2-6432 Cable Ad: Sovconsul

Sons, Ltd.), Merchants—212, Yama-

gata-dori; Cable Ad: Swire; P.O. Dairen Chamber of Commerce and In-

Box 81 dustry—82, Shikishima eho


.Dairen Civil

Satsuma-cho Administration Office — ^ ^ I IPS Fu chang hung sze

Fukusho Co. (Fukusho Koshi); Im-

porters and Exporters, Engineers,

Architects and Civil

housing, Mining, Contractors,



©Airen Club—131, Sakura-cho surance and General Commission Agents

—213, Yamagata-dori ;CableAd: Fukusho.

Head Office: Dairen

Dairen . Charity Hospital—Koyoi-dai T. Aioi, managing director

Principal—T. Toyoda, m.d.

Vice-Principal—D. Morowaki, m.d. G4.DELIUS & C°-> Ltd., Importers of

Swedish Paper, Machinery and Steel-

Dairen Kisen Kaisha— 195, Yamagata- 18,C.Yamagata-dbri; Cable Ad: Taitoco

Tanaka, representative (e/o 'ihe

dori; Cable Ad: Daiki Taito Co.)

t i§ * General Electric Co. ofandChina,

, ElectriearEngineering MiningLYd.,


Dairen Marine Association^ Head : chinery—47, Cable Ad: Echigo-cho;

Turner; Codes: Teleph. 2-6413;

Bentley’s, Code

Office: Treauchi-dori; Telepks. 2-4886,

2-7744 & 2-1617. Branches Offices: Kobe, New Standard and G.E.C. Private

Shanghai, Tientsin, Newchwang, P. W. Turner, a.m.inst.c.e., m.i.e.e.,

Antung, Chemulpo arid Keelung manager

Capt. 'S. Sekinfej president and G. E. Kpvner - ■,

chairman (For Agencies, sfe Shanghai section)

K. Yamagitehi, vi^e-president


Dr. S.N. Yano,

Yokota,directordo. Hamasaki

j •■Capt.. G. Otsuka, do. porters of Chemicals, firearms, etc.—

S. Koizumi, supervisor ^ t 135, Yamagata-dori; Cable Ad: Ha-

B. Matsumoto, ,, do. masaki

Y. Hamasakh president

•Capt. G. Otsuka, supt. surveyor

Hoshigaura Golf Club

Dairen MbiiiciPALiTY—S atsuma-cho Illies

No. 1; Yamagata-dori; P.0. Box 23

Dairen Police Office—Nishi-dbri ^ & m % Ft W ft

Daltotat’s Pharmacy, Retail & Whole- Ving shang 2^0 nahung men yang Icien yu hsien


sale Chemists & Druggists—68,

lr am agata-dpri; Cable Ad: Dal- Imperial Ltd.,

Chemical Industries (China),

Alkali Manufacturers, Importers of

totat Alkalies and Commercial and Industrial

L. M. Rogovin, proprietor Chemicals—196, Yamagata-dori; Teleph.

! 5583

Alkaliand 21041; P.O. Box 56; Cable Ad:

^ P.ao lung W. H. Sanford, divisional mgr.

East Asiatic Co., Ltd., ofandCopenhagen, A. Jl. Kinross

Exporting, Importing Shipping H. G. Muir

Agents—l, Higashi Koen-cho; Teleph. (i or Agencies, see Shanghai section)

.5833P. A.8924; Cable Ad: Wassard

From Elm I K. G. Bucl^

S.P. Kieldsen Japanese Presbyterian Church

Sander f H. Tofte Rev. K. Shirai, b.d., Th. m., pastor

Japan Tourist Bureau Dairen Branch

Federation of British Industries, The ! 524$, —54, Ise-machi; Telephs. 3536, 4713,

— Hongkong

Echigo A Shanghai

cho-, Cable Bank Building, I

Ad : Turner 5o54 and 21534; Cable Ad:



Keystone Tobacco Co., , Ltd.—Hong Sohkbeck, Georg C., Import, For-

Kong and Shanghai Bank Building; warding & Shipping^212, Yama-

Teiephs. 5819 (manager) and 4985 gata-dori ; Cable Ad : Kebros

(General office); Cable Ad: Key-


A. P. Bun,gey, managing director South Manchuria Electric Co., Ltd.

—117, NishLdori; Teleph. 3141;,

Tai Sei Co., distributors | Cable Ad: Denki

Lewis & Co., J., Shipchandlers — 110,

Yamagata-dori; Cable Ad : Lewis jfttiSficiEfSMit

Lloyds Register of Shipping—42, South Manchuria Railway Co.,—

Higashikoencho; P.O. Box 17; Cable or Smrco; Codes: Cable

Higashikoen-cho; A.B.C.Ad:5th Mantetsu.

and 6th.

Ad : Register

John Sim, surveyor edns.,

Complete and SecondAcme

Al, Lieber’s, and Bentley’s ■


Y.Y. Matsuoka, president

Hatta, vice-president

“Manchuria Daily News”—7, Awajo- Directors—D. Komoto, S. Obuchi,

cho; P.O. Box 3; Cable Ad: M. Yamasaki, M. Koriyama, K.

Manews Sasaki, K. Usami, O. Satoh and.

Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Merchants—182, K. Ishinoto

Yamagata-dori, P.O. Box 80

Southern Baptist Convention

tfc t ^ 115 * H Rev. W. W. Adams and wife

Je pen chuen wei sa ^ m

Nippon Yusen Kaisha (The N.Y.K. Line) Standard-Vacuum Oil Co. — 15,

—181, Yamagata-dori; Cable Ad: Yusen J Shiomi-cho, Jijiko; Teiephs. 2-5301 Ad:


Nordpeutscher Lloyd, Bremen—212, 2-4849; Standvac '

P.O. Box 6u; Cable

Yamagata-dori ; Teleph.

Anz & Co., O. H., agents 3070 L. C. Perry* manager

D. O. Tilburn, installation supt.

Okura & Co. (Trading), Ltd., Importers, Taito Co., The (TaitoYoko),Importers and.

Exporters and. Contractors—18, Ya- Exporters, Insurance and Forwarding.

magata-dori ; Cable Ad: Okura Agents—18, Yamagata-dori; Teiephs.

Osaka Shosen Kaisha, Ltd.—223, Ya- 2-6347, Taitoco;2-4094Codesand 2-7917; 6th

: A.B.C. Cable edn.„.


magata-dqri; Teleph. 4137 ; Cable Bentley’s and Acme. Branches : Mouk-

Ad: Shosen den and Hsinking

Katjen, Rud (Dairen Branch) — 52, General C. Tanaka, president

Isemachi Taiseikan; Teleph. 2-3839; Managers

Cable Ad: Ratsam. Heart Office: Tanaka & Yasuda Construction Co.


G. Walckhoff, manager & va # ± m

Rising Sun Petroleum Company, Ltd., Teh shih ku hno yiu kung szu

Shell Petroleum Products — 196, Texas Co. (China), Ltd., The, Texaco


Ad: Dori; Teleph. 21383; Cable Petroleum Products—230, Shihomi-cho,-

F. Petrosam

J. Heal I S. Matsuo Jijoko; Cable Ad: Texaco

A. Winterbottom j Mrs. I. Kaptzan Toba Yoko, Dealers in Iron, Steel and

Ruthe & Co., A.Yamagata-dori;

E., ImportersP.and Hardware—8, Omi-cho; Cable Ad: Toba-

Exporters—54, O. yoko M. Toba, manager

Box 24; Teleph 8903; Cable Ad: Ruthe

Santai Oil Mill, Manufacturers of Bean United Engineering Co., Manufacturers’.


K. Hirose,Ad: Santai Representatives—17,

manager Head Office: Tientsin Yamagata-dori


Wahlen, W., Architect—7, Satsuma- Indo-China Steam

Isthmian Lines Nav. Co., Ld.

cho Java-China-Japan Line

Kailan Mining Administration

Willnek, H. Adolph, Importer and Lloyd Triestino Steam Nav. Co.

Exporter—1, Higashi Koen-cho P.Swedish

& O. Steam Nav. Co.Co., Ld.

East Asiatic

IE ft Ho Kee Insurance

Winning & Co., W. H., Merchants — HongkongLondon

Lloyd’s, Fire Insurance Co.

Higachi Koen-cho ; P.O. Box 134 ; Cable Royal

AdW.: Cornabe

H. Winning, partner Sun Fire InsuranceCo.,Co.,Ld.Ld.


G.D. I.M.Larkins, signs per pro. Yangtsze Insurance Association, Ld.

Larkins, do.

F. F. Winning, do. Yamato Hotel (owned and operated by

M. Sugiyama

H. Shimana I C.S. Markoff

Saraeff the South Manchuria Railway Co.)

K. Kawahara, manager

H. Kubo I A. Salnikoff


Shipping Y.M.O.A.

Glen Line Eastern Agencies, Ld. Secretary—P. H. Baagoe


^ £ Chi-fu U £[§ Yen-tai

Chefoo, n the Province of Shantung, is the name used by foreigners to denote

?this Treaty Port; the Chinese name of the place is Yentai, and Chefoo proper is on

rthe opposite side of the harbour. Chefoo is situated in latitude 37“ 33' 20" N. and longi-

tude 121°Convention

Chefoo 25' 02" E.wasTheconcluded

port wasat opened

Chefoo to foreign trade in 1863.Wade In 1876

and the

former Viceroy of Chihli, Li Hung-chang. The bynormal

the late Sir population

foreign Thomas of Chefoo theis

.about 1,000, while the Chinese population is about 100,000. Chefoo has no Settlement,

or Concessions,

.clean roads, and isbutwell a recognized

lighted. From Foreign

the Quarter,

early dayswhich of theis well

portkept and has“Road

a foreign good

Committee” administered the Municipal affairs of the Foreign Quarter being succeeded

■ in 1910 by an International Committee of six foreigners and six Chinese. The Interna-

tional Committee

. administered by thewasChinese

however wound inupthein same

Authorities 1930 way

and asthetheForeign Quarter

rest of the town. isThere


-which are full of visitors from July to the end of September. The climate is bracing. Theof

is a good club. There are two good hotels and several excellent boarding houses, all

wintei*, which is severe, lasts from the beginning of December to the end of March-

April, May and June are lovely months and not hot; J uly and August are hot and


with warmmonths;days,andcoolSeptember,

winds andOctober and November

cold nights. form a most

Strong northerly gqles perfect autumn

are experienced


late autumn and through the winter, and the roadstead gives

safe anchorage for steamers. In 1909 nearly two months were lost to but an uncomfort-

trade throughofstress

construction of weather. inThe1915.Netherlands

a breakwater Harbourimprovement

Further harbour Works Co. started

works werethe

.September 14th, 1921. The breakwater is 2,600 feet long, the height from the base onof

completed in 1921, the new breakwater, mole and quay being formally inaugurated

^>fthethe foundation mound

foundation moundto theranges

top offrom

the 117


feet tois 515 feet, and

133 feet. the width

A railway, trackof has

the been.



laid over the mole, in 1933 Chefoo was made a'Special Area-by the Provincial


villages. Theandpopulation

the Cityoflimits now include

this Special Area isaestimated

number atof 230,000.

surrounding towns and

The Claefoo-Wehsien motor.Hoad was opened tQ.traffic in 1933 anda regular aihd


latter portservicepf

with cars operate daily

the Kiao-tsi between

.Railway. ChefootheandpastWehsienj

'During several connecting at the

years, additional

motor roads have been opened throughout the province and practically all important

towns are now'cohh'dited by road withjChefoo, including Tsingtao and Weihaiwei.


surfacing of the

but, roads: are• speaking,.,they

gnerally : metalled, as itare;biaskeptdn

been first


in^practicable to adopt

condition, and due tothis


long periods, of dry weather in Chefoo the earth surfacing thereof has proced eminently

satisfactoryfor for

. unusable. conditions

a-period-of .fromin twenty-four!

iShattfcung. ' toHowever, afterhours.

forty-eight heavy raihs tbe roads are

Amongst the" main exports of Chefdo are Pongee Silks, Silk Waste, Yermice11 i..

i Gfound Ruts,. Fruit, Hair Rets, Handmade Laces and Embroideries; • and -there ‘are also


Brewery and exports of locally

several Clock distilled

factories wine.enjoyAmongst

which Other industries

a brisk business with all-isChina

the Chefoo




as with the Straits and Java. The port was; connected in

Tientsin, Port Arthur, Weihaiwei, Tsingtao and Shanghai, in addition 1900 by telegraph,to

telegraph land lines with all large interioj- cities.

<- -TradkJ i.x 1934 =• ! ;

The more settled conditions experienced at Chefoo after the terminations

of the hostilities referred to in the last report continued to be enjoyed during

the year under review, and some of the proposed civic improvements were

carried out. An amusement park on the same lines as the one at Tsinanfu was

opened to the public in January; an afcwestation scheme was inaugurated with

the idea of ultimately creatiAg^ aiibtheil park for the public on the southern

hills; the bund promenade was widened; and plans were made to extend the

macadamised roadways both, inside and outside of tire city boundries. Apart

from public wofks carried *biit with a vieV to adding to'the amenities of the

place as a seaside resort, the continuance of the building boom in the form of

private undertaking would appear to indicate that the port is also prospering

«to some extent in the general way; but:following statistics .and. comments do

:.not reveal any immediate change for: the better in the external: trade: of the

district although many of the staple exports-did fairly well. The statistics in

question read, according to the value: direct importation from abroad, 9.7

million dollars as against 7.6 million-in the preceding year; coastwise importa-

tions of Chinese produce,■ 21.7 million dollars as against &0.1 million; dfrect

exportation to foreign coiin'tfies, v l ; 7.9 milliop dollars as'against 10.3 mrllion;

and coastwise

dollars: exportati'dhsJ

The total value of the 13 .3 outward

thillioh;dollars as* against registered

trade, therefore, 15.8 .milliona million


amounting to some 19 per cent. ; the visible improvement in the inward trade

amounted to 13 per .cent. ; and the net result was a slight decrease1 in the total

value of that part of the trade of the port for which Customs records, are

available. It will be seen that the term “visible improvement’’ has been, used

, in connection with the import trade, This term was adopted advisedly, because

of the-extent of the illicit trade cannot be gauged with: exactitude. The known

. facts are that the total value recorded above - for the direct foreign import

trade (9.7 million dollars) included no less than 2 million dollars worth of

illicit importations seized by the Customs, while approximately otte-third of

the port’s total revenue for the year under view was collected in the form of

duties on confiscated goods. .Undoubtedly the geographical position of the

Cheioo district, together with. tfie • indented, -.nature.of the. cjpastline, makes this

area peculiarly favourable for the,.conduGt of smuggling operations, and the

. statistics just quoted reflect very clearly the value to the country of the enegetic

preventive measures now being undertaken. Four new preventive steamers

■frere appointed to the district during the year, and, although it was'only in


June that they bommerfeed‘ operations, .more than 130 valuable seizures had

been made by these vessels before the close of the period under- -review. with, the • -

help,, it should be added, pi the one, other preventive steamer stationed in this

area. As regards legitimate fpreign imports, it may he said that Japan had

practically a monopoly of the cotton piece goods trade in the local market,

very little being iniported legally, however, until after the tariff was reduced

in July; imports oilmen for the!embroidery industry nearly doubled, England

and Belgium beings the , principle suppliers^ very little ..artificial silk was.

properly imported, through the Customs, the ^,'01)0'.kilbgrammhs recorded JA

the Returns being mainlyeconffscated goods': ancf me>tame may be Said for

sugar,, the 19,000 quintals- of. which mainly consisted qf, seizures. It may be

noted in'addition; that1 important increases were .recorded for liquid .fuel,

gasolene, kerosene,—!^Aricating oil, and all building materials ‘with the excep-

tion of cement. Some of the qxport staples to do well were: hair-nets,-of'which

600,000 gidss were shipped abload, principally to-'Germany, America,, France,

and England ; drawn-thread'work, the, direct foreign exports ol which decreased,

but the coastwise exports (most destined for' abrbad eventually) of which nearly

dhubied ; cross-stitch'work and embroidery, the demand of which was .more

pronounced than usual in the- United : States and the comparatively new

markets in Australia, 'the Straitk' Settlements, Burma, and the Netherlands

East Indies; lace'and’trimtnings, ,which found a growing domestic market

besides hbw foreign’Markets in Australia and South Africa; and pongee silk,

which registered an “increase of approximately 15 per cqnt. for gjjiipmeafcs both

abroad and coastwise;' The fruit harvest was poor and exports declined

accordingly; the vermicelli industry also had a pibbr season ;■ while'! demand in

the case of the important groundnut trade 'recOvdfbd'towards 1 thb '©riq of'the

year, prices Silk

±he Chefoo advanced, and a fair

Improvement but slightly

Commission was decreased*

very activebusiness 'was done.

throughout the

period under review. Important,: research work concerning the diseases and

the feeding, of the. silkworms was carried out, and-, .An , addition, , so|n,e most

successful experiments were, made in the artificial hatching of .Motfi' eggs. seat

rn by the National Economic: Council. .


Axz & So., O. H., Import, Export, Chartered Bank of India, Australia,

Insurance, Shipping—Gipperich Street; akd China


i\1. A.Ad:W. Anz

Busse, partner McMullan (Agencies), Ltd , agents

A C, W. Schmidt, do,

Hongkono and Shanghai Banking-

n m^ ®m& CoRPORATibN-^Cable

R. A. Studrt, agent Ad r Cathay

Ying Shang Asia hup yu hung sz C. F. Hyde |; 11. V. Parker

Asiatic Petroleum Co. (North China)’

Ltd.—Telepli. 331, Cable Ad: Doric

Astor House Hotel (East Bund)— British Chamber or Commerce

Teleph. 66; Cable Ad: Astor Chairman—V. R. Eckford

Acting Secretary—H. E. Railton


Bank or Communications—3, Fergu- Broadway Hotel, (First Class Resi-

son Road; Telephs. 271 and 195; dential Hotel)—East Broadway; Te-

Cable Ad: Chiaotung leph. 563; Cabbie Ad: Broadwav


•jtjf ^ Tai Koo t n x m® m

Butterfield & Swire (John Swire & Sons, Ten tai hai pa hung cheng hui

Ltd.), Merchants Chefoo

E. C. Hagen, signs per pro. missionHarbour Improvement Com-


A. G.JekWallas,

Hua, chairman


i m Wei Chang J. Hall Paxton

Casey & Co., Silk, Pongee, etc.^ Mer- Ts’ui Pao Sheng

chants and General Exporters—Teleph. D. F. R. McMullan



Ad: Casey Lai Chin Yuan, secty. and acct.

partner Chang S-Yu, maintenance engr.

K. L. Chew, assistant P. A. Timofeeff, harbour pilot

Agents for |§L Mei shing


(Fire andAssurance

Marine) Co., Ld., London China Crafts, Mail Order House for


South (Fire

BritishandInsurance Co., Ld.,

Marine) Linen. Threads, Hair Nets,Embroideries,

Pongee Silks, Laces, etc.—Cable

Managers Ad: Chinacraft

“ The Shantung Traders ” D. F. R. McMullan,

Ar. Rouse, secretary director

Mrs. A. M. Rouse, manageress

^ Mien hua China Manufacturers (Chefoo), China


Cotton Agency, Ltd., The—Importers

by J. & P.of Produce—Cable

Thread manufactured

Coats, Ltd-, and others Louis Pernot Ad : Progress

Albert Bono

Chefoo CtUB G. N. Ogden China Merchants’ Pongee Association,

(Jhairman—A. Manufacturers and Exporters of

Hon. Secty.—J. Hall Paxton Pongee Silks, Chefoo Hand-made

Hon. Treasurer—C. F. Hyde Laces, Drawn-Threadwork, HairYenno.


etc.—Beach Street; Cable Ad:

Chefoo Daily News” The (Printed and Head Office: Shanghai

Published by the Proprietors: J. Mc- E. P. Yannoulatos, director

Mullan & Co., Ltd.)—Cable Ad: McMullan N. P. Yannoulatos, signs p.p.

P. P. Yannoulatos, do.

Miss B. Costa

Chefoo Export Co., Manufacturers of Sam Chow

Hand-made Lace and

way; Cable Ad : Chexco Hairnets—Broad-

Chinese Export Co.—-Cable Ad: Scwan

S. C. Wang, manager

Chefoo Foreign Silk Association

Chinese Government Telegraph Ad-

Chefoo General Chamber of Commerce ministration—13, C. L. Wang, manager

Beach Road

Committee — D. F. R. McMullan

(chairman), E. C. Hagen (hon. Ching Chong Hung & Co., Navy Con-

sec. & treas.), M. Rothschild, H. tractors, Shipchandler, Metals, Hard-

Lanz and N. Inutsuka ware and Engineering Supplies, Wine

and Provision

Dealers—Singtai Merchants,

Street; CableGeneral

Ad :

Chefoo Hair Net Co., The. Manu- 0e5e


Laces, Pongee and Silks,

Exporters of Hairnets,

Bedspreads, Em-


Strawbraids, Handkerchiefs,

Woollen Table Rugs, Cloths,

and Clarke, John and H., General

Silks, Strawbraid

Carpets, China Produce Exporter—

Ad: Ejungetc.—Chang Yu Road; Cable Teleph. Tientsin

42; Cable Ad: Undaunted.

Office: Rue de Taku

B. W. Sen, managing director John H. Clarke


CX)NSITLA1?ES > “Fritz” German Restaurant'

Mrs. Trendel, proprietor

w mm*

Tamei kuo ling sin ya men Wi m m * m

American’ Consulate — Cable Ad: , Yen tai dien ivka chit

American Consul

Consul—J. Hall PaxtonJ. ■ Bren- Government

Viee-Consul^Charles istration Chefoo Telephone Admin-

nan David K. Wan, manager

Belotum Td kee

Consul—Y. R. H.' Eckford Hokee Lighter Co.

McMullan (Agencies), Ltd., agents

^ ^ m m *

Ta yin g ling shin sfiu HOSPITALS

Great Britain—Cable

Consul—A. Q. N. Ogden,Ad: Britain

o,n.E. General Hospital (for Foreigners

and Chinese) Rue de la Croix

1; » ® $ h* Rouge; Teleph. 71

Ta jik pen ling shift kuan Marie Lorenza, superieure

Japan Temple Hill Hospital—Teleph. 84

Consul—S. Yamasaki L)r. F. E. Dilley, f.a.c.s., supt.

Dr. H. Bryan

Netherlands Dr. W. L. Berst

Consul—M. A. W. Busse (acting).- Miss C. D. Beegle, R.N.

Miss Marguerite Luce, R.N.


Consul—G. Krixper

Hsin & Cl, d! T.—P. O. Box 16; Cable

Sweden Ad: Hsin

Yice-Consul—V. R. H. Eckford

h ft

(HI ^ Tang hai kivan Ying Shang Po Nd Men Yang Kien

Customs, Chinese Maritime Yu Hsieit Kung' Siu

Commissioner—A. G. Wallas Imperial Chemicalof Industries

Ltd., Importers Alkalies and(China)”


Djing & Co., Walter—Broadway ; Cable merical and Industrial Chemicals—1,

Customs Koad; Teleph. 468; Cable Ad:

Ad : Cooperate Alkali

Erzinger & Co., Merchants—Cable Ad: (For Agencies, see Shanghai section)

Octagon Kailan Mining Administration

Th. Erzinger McMullan (Agencies), Ltd., agents

ayeh A Cp.—Broadway; Cable Ad : King Shian & Co., Importers of Hard

Wangkidien ware, Tools, Textiles and General

( Merchandise—20, Chao Yang St.;

Ford Hire Service—Teleph. 359 Cable Ad: Kingshian

James McMullan & Co., Ltd., mgrs. Q. H. Ku, manager

ff a & # w | Kung Dah Printing

Lithographers, Press, Stationers

Bookbinders, Printers^

list yang hse pin hong and Merchants

Foreign Food Store, Ship Chandlers,

Manufacturers of Delicatessen— 127, Lane

Tung Ma Lou; Cable Ad: Trendel Ad: Wende


Malcolm, Wm., m.d., Port Health Officer, China Inland Mission Girls’ School

Physician and Medical

Surgeon toOfficer

the General (For European Girls)

Hospital and to the Miss E. Rice, principal

H.B.M. Consulate—Teleph, 85: Cable Miss M. Rile, vice-do.

Ad : Malcolm

McMullan &, Co., Ltd., J., Printing Press, Roman Rt.

Catholic Mission

Rev. A J.Wittner,

Printing, Book Binding, Lithographing,

Ruling, English or Chinese—Teleph. Very

Rev. F. Gerenton,vicar

Rev.Ariztegui apost.


593; Cable Ad : McMullan Rev. R. Bulle, procurator

Publishers of Rev. S. Bochaton

The “Chefoo Daily News” Rev. P. Seyres

Presbyterian Hymn Book Yen. Fr. P. Thomas

^ ^ ps ^ /i t Roman Catholic Mission Order of

St. Francis

McMullan & Co., Ltd.. James, Impor- Mgr. Adeodat Wittner, Bishop of

ters Milet and Vicar Apost. of

plies,and Exporters,Agents

Commission Engineering Sup-

and General Chefob (Shantung)

Merchants—Cable Ad: McMullan Very

D. F. R. McMullan, managing director Prov.Rev. Fr. Joseph Gerdnton,

Rev. Fr. Francisco Ariztegui

McMullan (Agencies), Ltd--10, Beach Rev. Fr. iSolario Bdchaton

Street; Cable Ad : -Multiple Rev. Fr. Renb Bulle, Procureur


McMullan, chairman

— . San ching

MISSIONS Mitsui Bussan Kaisha,

Merchants—129, Sing TaiLtd.,



^ Chang lao hung wei Ad: Mitsui; P.O. Box 3

American Presbyterian Mission F. Kawamura, manager

North—Cable Ad : Presbyterian

MissC.0. Booth

W. D. Beegle

and wife

Rev. J. E. Kidderandandwife

Rev. D. A. Irwin wife Tung an yen wu ch i ho chili suo

Dr. H. Bryan and wife National Go vernment S alt Administra-

Miss A. E. Carter tion (Tung ofAnSaltAssistant

Inspectorate Revenue)- District


Dr. F. E, Dilley and wife 267;


A. S.Banning

F. Eamesand wife Radio Ad: Salt and 144724172

Cable Ad: Salt and (Chinese);




G. F.Berst and and

Browne wifewife

Miss M. Luce m m Wanfung

Miss Niggemann & Co., W.—Chefoo, Dairen

Rev. B.E. Eubank

Russell and wife and Weihaiwei; Cable Ad: Wanfung

W. Niggemann, proprietor

Mrs. I. Slichter H. Lanz, signs per pro.

Mrs, J, Stevens W. Peters

t # ^ ill ^ Agents for

Ki san, so gi tuh w,ei HollandWillielmsen

Wilh. East Asia Line


Ohkfoo Industrial Mission—Cable Ad: Glen Line (Weihaiwei)

Industrial Mission Nippon Yussen Kaisha

Board of Trustees—Rev. A. H. Faers Vancouver Shipping Co:

(chairman) and D. F. R. McMullan Paradissis, Freres et Cie., Pongee


Hon. Secretary—Mrs. D. T. Murray Lace and Hair Net Manufacturers and

•China Inland Mission Boys’ School Ad: Exporters (wholesale only) — Cable

—Cable Paradissis

F. E.Ad:Parry,Inlandsecretary Alex. E. Paradissis, mang. dir;

C. C., Chee, partner


Peiinot (Cuefoo) & Cie., Silk and Standard Hairnet & Thread Products

General Produce—Cable Ad: Pernot Co.—Cable Ad: Hsin

Louis Pernot

Albert Bono ^ r|| Mei foo

Post Office

Deputy Postal Commissioner-in- Standard-Vacuum

ed Petroleum

Oil Company, Refin-

and Lubricating Oils

Charge—Tseng I. Chen —Beach Road; P.O. Box 10; Teleph.

155; Cable Ad : Standvac

ft %. S. J. Tsuang, mgr.

Railton & Co., Ltd., H.E., Silk Merchants

Exporters and Importers — Cable Ad: Tai Tung & Co., Manufacturers of Pongee

Railton Silk, Laces, Hairnets and Embroidery—

H. E. Railton, managing-director Broadway; Cable Ad : Taitung

G. Kruper, director

Jas. Silverthorne, director

E. P. Railton Temple Hili Hospital—(see Hospitals)

Reuter’s Agency Texas Co., The, Petroleum Products—

D. F. R. McMulian Cable Ad: Texaco

Rieser Co., Inc., The, Importers and

Exporters of Hairnets, etc.—Cable Ad: Tung Shun Co., Navy Contractors and

Rieserando; Codes: West Union-5-Letter General Merchants—6, Gipperich

Mervin Rothschild, manager Street; Cable Ad : Tungshun

Shantung Hand Knitting Co.—Broad- Webster, Chao & Co., Ltd., Manufac

way;- Cable Ad: Knitting

turers and Exporters—Broadway

Shantung H. C. Webster, partner

facturers Silk and Lace Exporters

and Wholesale Co., Manu-of Geo. Y. Chao, mang. partner

Pongees, Laces, Embroideries, Hair Nets,


Road; Cable Ad:and Yufeng

Woollen Rugs—Beach Western Co., The, Exporters of Hair

H. T. Lee, manager Nets, etc.—Beach Road; Cable Ad:

J. Woo, do. Westernco

Shantung Trading Union, Ltd., The, m $

Exporters, Importers and Manu-

facturers—Cable Ad: Satru; All Yannoulatos Exporters,

Brothers (China), General

Shipping Agents and

Codes used Brokers—Red Cross Street; Cable

Shantung Traders , Co.; Ltd., The Ad: Onneybros. Branches: Chefoo,

(Shantung Handels-Ges. M-B-HA, Dairen and Kobe

E. P. Y'annoulatos, director

Export, Import and Insurance—P. N. P. Yannoulatos, signs per pro.

O. Box 2; Cable Ad: Shantra E.P. Huifong,

V. Bono, Chinese manager


Carl Schmitz, manager

Shun Chang Co., Commission Merchants, S. K. Yoa, secretary

Import-Export—Beach Rd ; Teleph. 142 Yih Wen Commercial College, The—

and 140 ; Cable Ad : Shunchang Temple Hill

Smith & Co., L. H., Merchants— Yorkshire Insurance Co., Ltd.—Cable

Cable Ad: Semay

J. M. Cappeleh Ad : McMullan

W. Boschen James McMullan & Co., Ltd., repre-

Agencies sentatives

Union Insurance Society of Canton Yu Tai Tung & Cot, Navy Contractors and

Union Assurance Society, London General Merchants—29, Gipperich

China Fire Insurance Co., Ld.

North British and Mercantile Insce-Co. Street; Cable Ad: Yutaitung



Lungkow, a sub-office undet the 1 Chefoo Customs Commissioner, was

•declared a trading port

until l^t .'November, 1915. inIt November;,

is about _601914, milesbutduewaswestnotofformally

Chefoo, opened

on the

west coast of the Shantung promontory. It lies about

of the Japanese port, Oairen, and is the nearest port to the rich Manchurian 100 miles south-west

provinces. Newchwang and Tientsin are each about 200 ipiles, distant from


The port is well sheltered by the jChimatao Peninsula, and is the most

northern one in -China proper open to the sea throughout the year, though

the Harbour is, sometimes partly frozen over, greatly handicapping the move-

ments of the clumsy cargo boats. This generally happens in January. The

harbour of Lungkow (Dragon’s Mouth) is seven miles wide at the entrance,

and has a sand bar which forms a breaktvater for five miles adfOss the open-

ing. The inner harbour has a low-water mark of from ll to 14 feet and storms

seldom1 disturb the shipping inside. It is hot to be expected that the Chinese

Government will,for many years at least, undertake extensive harbour im-


for a great atd?al(Lungkow;

of shippingbut, and,,

as it asis,itsthebottom

inner isharbour

of clay,hasnot,accommodation

sand, a con-

siderable ,ipcre,ase : in- the depth, of hvater available could probably be brought

about by dredging operations. Lmtil such time as recognition,of its favourable

geographical situation forces the bestowal of increased communications, to-

gether with harbour improvement similar to those at 'Chefoo,• any increase pf

trade will be slow and must come from an increase in exports and a gradual

elevation of, the scale of living with an attendant increase in imports. A

handsome new reinforeed concrete piet* at the New Settlement has been com-

pleted, but has never been used and is slowly falling into decay, while the

roads leading to it have been allowed to deteriorate. During 1924 develop-

ment of the town northwards was planned with some success, but it has since,

been , abandoned. Air,, electric light. works, long anticipated, is now • an

accomplished fact. , .

■ The-'town of Lungkow has a. population of about 12,664 of Which 19 are

Japanese, but it as estimated^ that Vithin a radius of about five miles there is

a population of 130,000. A level stretch of country behind Lungkow, thickly

populated and very fertile, gives promise of the port some day assuming con-

siderable importance The proposed Chefoo-Weihsien Railway Would connect

Lungkow with both Chefoo and Weihsien, thus with north and-central Shan-

tung. The Weihsien-Lung-kpw-Chefoo motor highway could be easily conve'rted

into a railway. In the meantime, this new, road brings more, trade to the

port, although closed to traffic in wet Weather, j;he r,ainy ,season being July

and August. The transport of mails and cargo is considerable in normal

times. The beach and isthmus of Lungkow are of a loose drifting sand, which,

in stormy weather, coupled with dust ifrom the numerous coal supply depots

pjn all sides, mar what otherwise anight, easily become a seaside resort for those

work is in the near neighbourhood. The climate is slightly cooler than that

■of Chefoo, and no doubt one of the healthiest in China.

Trade ix 1934

In contrast with the drought experienced in, many part of China, t(here

was abundant rainfall in the Lungkow district , of Shantung duidng the, year

under review, and/crop-conditions, were generally favourable. Adverse factors


in the trade situation were the suspension of traffic on thef Chefoo-Weihsien

motor road in the early part of the year, owing to bandit activities in the

western part of the province; and piratical activities in the Yellow River

delta, which compelled trading junks from Litsing and Chanhua to sail in

consort and fully armed against emergencies. On the whole, however, it was

a fairly tranquil year. Harvests were good, and the commercial benefits

arising out of the good motor roads and the long-distance telephone facilities

began to be appreciated. A new electric generator provided better lighting

for the town : a telephone system was installed during the autumn; and; some

new wharves and godowns were constructed. A slight downward tendency in

the trade under Customs cognizance, however, is exhibited by the value

statistics, which were as follows: direct imports from abroad, 2.3 million

dollars as against 1.8 million in 1933; coastwise importations of Chinese

merchandise, 6 million dollars as against 6.2 million; direct exports to foreign

countries,-3.2 million dollars as against 3.6 million; and coastwise exportations

of Chinese merchandise, 2.4 million dollars as against 3.1 million dollars. As

regards foreign imports, the entry of 140,854 kilogrammes of artificial silk

shown in the returns, as against onlf 12,690 kilogrammes in the previous year,

was due to seizures made by the Customs preventive staff and not to an

increase in the legitimate trade in this commodity; and the increase in the

returns for foreign sugar from 4,260 quintals in 1933 to 16,570 quintals during

the year under review was chiefly due to the same cause. The decline regis-

tered by the Customs statistics for cotton piece goods, etc., does not appear to

indicate a lessened demand for these Japanese goods from Dairen and else-

where, as, owing to the favourable exchange rates for the year, such mer-

chandise penetrated the market in considerable quantities either via other

ports or partly, it is feared, through illicit channels. Favourable exchange,

and the high cost of rail and road transport from the Shantung mines,

accounts for the increase of over 10,000 metric tons in the arrivals of the

Fushun and Peipiao coal from Manchuria. Of the export staples, shipments

of vermicelli to foreign countries (principally Hongkong) increased by 7,503

quintals to a total of 78,494 quintals, and prices were favourable at from

$26 to $31 per quintal; shipments of live cattle, chiefly from Dairen, reached

record figures for the port at 2,270 head; and heavy increases were also

recorded for fresh vegetables, straw hats, Chinese pens, and joss sticks. The

export trade in most of the principle staples of this port, therefore, was-

exceedingly good.





Com’sr.—Hsia Ting Tidewaiters—Liu

Lyon, Wang TingTso Tung,

Kai, Yang




Assistants—Yu Chen Jee and Chen Chen, Chou Teh Cheng,

Ling, Wang Teh En. Chin Li Hsiu



Clerks—Seng Siu Ching, Wang Yien Chang, Yang Tze Yung, Chang

Ling, Lien Chu, Cheng Jui, Liu Deh Hin,

Cheng, Wang

Wang Kai Tsu-yi, ChuPo Shu

Nai, Lee Chi Pi Jen Pu, Lee Tung Sheng, Wang

Chao Han, Yoh Chao I, Ding Djen

and Ku Tse Dien and Yen Hsu Deh and Shih Hsueh Han

Assist. Tidesurveyor—O. Smith



and Officers — Cheung

ShihS. Hsueh Pinand Hak

Examiners—W. H. Fuller Han Roman Catholic Mission’s Dispensary

Rev. L. M. Frederic

Yu Lin


IS ifa M IVeihaiwi .

. Weihaiwei is,situ,ated on the south side of tlie 'Gullf. of fecjiili n£ar the extremity

of the Shantung

-north-west Promont,pry,

and the same fromandtheabout port 115 of miles

Kiaochau. distant;


Port ArthurForrrierly

on the


strongly-fortified Chinese naval station, it was captured

11395, and was .held by them pending the payment of the indemnity, by the Japanese on 30th




Was finally


at bet \yeeninGreat

1898. Britain

Beforeand the Chinaevacuation'by the! Japanese

that the former should antakeagreement

over the

territory on lease from the-latter, and, accordingly, on the* 24th. May, 1898^ :the British

flag was formally hoisted, theJ Commissioners representing their respective countrh s


the Ceremony beingBritain,

ick Great Consuland Hopkins,

TaotaiofYen Chefoo, and Captain

and Captain Lin,King-Hall,

of th@ Chinese of H-.M.S.


vessel;/^»oc7t*, for China. Weihaiwei Wasdeased to Great Britain “for so long a period


Port Government

Arthur shall asremain in the occupation

a sanatorium for the British of Russia,”

squadron and: on

wasthe,regarded by the

China station.

At the! Washington :Conference in . 1921 -Great Britain offered

to China,, and during the; latter,part of 1323 ,an, Anglo-Chinese Comniissipn met to deal to return the territory

with the questions arising out of ,this. These questions included arrangements for the

use pf .the port by. the Br^sh.Flee.ti as a summer sfetion, provisions for the safety ”of

fpreign, residents, and the representation of foreign residents in the administration

of, the, territoryv

arrived Towards, the end regarding

of 1934 tlietheCliine^e and rendition,

British plenipotentiaries

vention, atwasaalmost complete


for'signature when'General terms

'Fertgof Yu-hsiang and the about

brought Con-

a cop,p d’etat in Peiping iff NpveiHbeFrbf that year. Negotiations were Resumed in


Nanking and ofcarried to a suCCessful'Conclusion

the; convention for1 the renditionin ofApril'1930Wby Weihaiwei, which the signature

was ratifiedat

artd came intU force 6n October est, 1980. It was accompanied by an agreemontrwhoreky

period of ten years, subject to renewal by agreement between the twp Powers. for a

certain naval privileges and facilities : were granted to the British Goverp-ipent

min.The former leased

E., comprises territory,

the Island of Liuwhich


37-deg.in 30themin.

BayN., long. 120 deg.

of Weihaiwei, and10a

belt of land 10 English miles wide alqng thp entire coastline, and consists of ranges of

rugged mountains and rocky hills iip to’ i,' 5 001 feet High,

and river beds. The island of Liu Kung, once barren and nearly treeless but now dividing the plains into valleys



p backboneas ofthehills result

risingof atosystemsome 500of afforestation inaugurated

feet. The hillsides on theinmain-



dwarf of which Port Edward is the chief port, are either barren rock or planted fullwithof

gnBiespine and scrnlj river-bedspthe

and-mduritain oak trees. Thestreams valleysareareall mostly


and chokecountry

up the valleys

with sand All

ard.dty. andthedebris


are 'tprraCed

Hie hills.forDuring cultivation three-quarters df the yearThe

as far as possible. thesetotal


area of

the: territory is about 285 not are miles. ■' 5

The Strata

crystalline, andoflimestone,

the mountains are metamorphic,

cut across by dykes of consisting

volcanic rock of beds


quartzite,Gold gneiss,is


iron arein thesaidterritory

to exist. andGood has building-stone

been worked byandtheaChinese, and, silver, limestone

rich non-hydraulic tin, lead, and are


in 1931 atThe195,000.-


contains somesmall

£tre ;five 360 villages,

market and. thewhere-fairs

towns, populationarewasheld estimated



five days. onefe H .M . .veil ni f ,,-y

The majority of

a peaceful, law-abiding folk. the Chinese inhabitants. are either fishermen or farmers, and are

WEI EL i I WEI A1315

The'Government of Weihaiwei up to the date of rendition was administered by ai


1902, with powers appointed under the ofWeihaiwei

ColonialOrder-in-Council Underof this

the; Order

24th July*

Commissioner was,, similar,

empowered tp. those

to make .a Ordinances Governor.

for the administration the


terri.torjf. It is now 'admmisfered by a High Commissioner 1appointed by thedfatioiial

Government of the Hepublic of China, who aeta ’difectly under the ofdefs of tlie

Executive Yuan at Nanking :


sailing northwardsis nowfroma fairly regularThhppftharbdur

Shanghai. of chlTisforwellmanylighted

Chinabyeo&stihg steaihefs

two lighthouses

The climate of Weihaiwei is exceptionally good, and the winter, though cold, is dry

and bracing. European

commodious A land and building company

bungalows. formed in Shanghai, has erected severalof

accommodating over 100 people, andThere alsoisa ahotel

largeonhotel on the with

the Island mainland capable


for 50 to 60. Both on the mainland and on -the island good roads have been made

by the local Government, and there are recreation parade grounds and golf courses in

both places.

The city of Weihaiwei (which I'i^S joh, thb in&inland opposite the island of Liu

Kung) is a walled town of about 2,000 inhabitants. The town is a poor one, and the


New roads portion

and aofPublic

the enclosed

Park have areabeen


constructed on, recently,

but cultivated for vegetables-

and two of the four

picturesque towngates have been demolished to. admitjcarriages.

No Customs duties were collected at Weihaiwei during the British regime.

In spite of the low taxation, the growing prosperity of the territory under British rule

caused the public reyenueto increase from,about $2,Q00 in 1900 to about half a mil lioii


This andinthee9e0. But a Chinese

establishment of oth^rMaritime

Central Custom-House

Government Reyfehiie has howCollecting

been established.




as the Salt Gabelle andby,thea/diminution

accompanied Wine and Tobacco Tax Bureau,

of the revenues has resulted

available for localin

government. The Municipal Government! is-n^w dependent qn a subsidy frpnp the,

Central Government for baiancipg its budget, The curtailment, of the cqmmqmal

advantages'ddperident;bh what was practiic dly a free port has reduced t^MoIume

of business and depressed land values. I The system of Government is nowy ipore

elaborate and the number qf officials ha,^ greatly increased since Rendition.

- V IhlADr, JN. 19b4 . f>;/ )

Another quiet year was passed in the Weihaiwei district, ahd' the

local cqnditiops w’ere favotirable to trade. The available- Customs statistics

for the port were as follows: acdording to\thq value: direct foreign inqporfs,

1.8 million dollars as against 1.2 million in the preceding year ; coastwise

importations of Chinese merchandise, 3.t2 million dollars as against 3.1 million;

and coastwise exportations of Chipese produce, 1.3 million dollars as against

1.4 million dollars.. The total vplue of'the tirade • pf. Weihaiwei (i.e., ^hat part

of the trade represeptqd by these statistics) in round figures, therefore, happens

tq be exactly the same as in 1933; but, for the year under review, there was

a somewhat noticeable iqcrease in the value of both foreign and coastwise

imports'and an equally ppticeable fall, in the value of the exports to foreign

countries it is; Uatuial to-look1 to the statistics for the grpundhat i>rade'r, 'this

commodity always -having been the chiejf mainstay df' the port ; and the figures

reveal at once, while there wgs quite a good increase in the quantitieri shipped,

there was' recorded a decrease in value more than sufficient to account for the

decline in value of. the whole' foreign,; export trade clurine the ypar under

review. . The; statistics : forMhis section! of trade were as follows: groundnuts

in shell, 35,000 quiritals as .against 41(000 ouintals, valued at 262,000 dollars

as against 419,000 dollars: groundnuts! shelled, 195,000 quintals as against

176,000 quintals, valued at only 1,888,000 dollars as against 2.605,000 dollars.

The statistics for the ;coa;styirise exportations of this commodity; slao *how a

quantitative increase accompamed by a decrease in values. Indeedy owing to

the poor price offered 1 for this prPdurt, the complete collapse of this 'trade*

seems to have been averted only

waiving the interport duty ori groundnuts just timeandby the Government’s

considerable action the

reducing in

tariffs on exports; of-this"item/ to foreign countries, this'action opening up


larger markets in South China and renewing interests in Hongkong, Manila,.

Europe and American for Chinese supplies of the commodity in question.

Happily, with the increased demand, prices gradually rose to a more reasonable

level, and the prospects for the groundnut trade are much brighter than they

appeared to be at the beginning of the year. Ocean-going steamers calling

at the port exclusively for groundnuts numbered 44. The fishing industry

prospered at Weihaiwei, and exports of fresh and salted fish advanced in

comparison with the figures .for 1933. Fishing vessels under sail have for

some time been giving way gradually to vessels under power, and there am

now 44 motor trawlers registered at the port.



Aquarius Co. of Shanghai, Manufac- t & lg l£ *


Laversof Table

& Clark,Waters

agents Chung hwa skeng hung hui


Rev. E. England

of Skues, b.a.Mission (S.P.G.>

Caldbeck, Macgregor & Co., Ltd., Mrs. L. Skues


Merchants and Retail Wine and Spirit St. John’s Church—Port Edward

Lavers & Clark, agents

Franciscan Convent

Chartered Bank India Australia & Rev. Mother Superior—M. Rosalie

China—Lavers & Clark, agents

Sr. James Church—Liu Rung Tao

Chinese Maritime Customs—Cable Ad : Rev. E. Skues, b.a.


Clark & Co., D., General Merchants —



: Cleirach


Christian Missions in Many Lands East Cliff Hotel—Cable Ad : Eastcliff


Mr. & Mrs. A. Whitelaw Mrs. A. M. A. Travers, manageress


Miss and

A. Mrs, A. G. Clarke


Miss A. Rout H Jfigj Fock tai


Mr. & Mrs.HsienJ. E. E. Bridge Fock Tai & Co., Importers and Exporters,

Miss E. Daniell General Merchants, Shipping and Insur-

Kwanlitsen ance Agents—Cable Ad: Futai, Weihai-


Mrs. M. Smith D. C. Chow, general manager

Shihtao D.H.Hunson,


Mr. &,Akers

Mrs. J. R. Davis C. Fongmanager

Shihtouhuo Shipping Dept.:

Miss J. Coxon Y. C. Lee, manager


Miss S. Le Tourneau Hsu Chifong j C. P. Yow

P. S. Kieng | Pao Kiangching


^ ® Foowei Island Hotel—Cable Ad : Island


Wei Co., The, General Merchants D. Clark & Co., proprietors

. Agents—15, Yi Yuan and


Cable Ad: Foowei King’s Hotel—Cable Ad: Kings

H. W. Sun, rang, director D. Clark

H. W. Chi, manager

Agents % Tai Mow

Kailan Mining

Imperial ChemicalAdministration

Industries (China), Lavers & Clark, Merchants—16, Chung

Ld. Shan Lu, Mainland; Cable Ad : Lavers


Yao China Soap Co., Ld.

Hua Mechanical Glass Co. E. E. Clark

Union Insce. Society of Canton, Ld. Niggemann & Co., W.; General Merchants

Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada T. M. Shang, signs per pro.

The Texas Co. (China), Ld.

H.B.M. Consulate—Cable Ad: Britain Standard Vacuum Oil Co.—Cable Ad:

Hongkono & Shanghai Banking Corpn. . Socony Fock Tai Co., Agents

Lavers & Clark, agents

Hor Chung, Tea Service Maker—48, Yangtsze Insurance Association Ltd.

Dorward Road Lavers & Clark, Agents

Imperial Chemical Industries (China) Yee Tsoong Tobacco Distributors, Ltd

Ltd., Imnorters of Alkalies, Uyestuffs

Commercial & Industrial Chemicals, etc. —Cable Ad: Powhattan

Foo Wei Co., agents Fock Tai & Co., Agents


.Ah Fong, Photographers—Island and Rev. F.T.Chicbine,

Rev. Cansell, rector



Mainland; Cable Ad: Ah Fong Yentaen)

F. H. Sze, manager Rev. Peter Liou (Wenteng)

Ah Mee, Government Contractor Rev. Paul Yang (Yungcheng)

Mee E. San, proprietor Rev. C. Fried (W.H.W.)

Rev. G. Quint (W.H.W.)

H.B.M. Naval Depot—Liukungtao, Wei-

haiwei Stella Maris School'.


—Surg. Comdr. A. C. Naval


m.b., Rev. Br. Andrew-Joseph, director

ch.b., Rev. Br. Emile, Chrysologus Joachim,

Deputy Naval Store Officer—W. H. Bonaventure, Irenaeus, Cyril

H. Webster TheRev.Convent

Civilian Clerk—W- A. Mantell Mother Geraldine, superior

Rev. Mother Giles, Henriette,


Catholic Rev. SistersLaubia

Donatila, and Chrodegand

Constance, Laurencins,

Rev. Mission of Weihaiwei

P. M. Durand, eccl. sup. Onorata, Eucharistie, Ojenia,

Bathildis, Charles, Martha, Cat-


Rev. M. Masson, superior (W.H.W.) harine and Agnes

. 1 Rev.


C. Stern, pro. sup, rector


J. B. Yang, rector (Wenteng Union Chapel—Liu-kung-tao

City)Francis Ki, asst. (W.H.W.) For the use of Non-Conformists of

Rev. H. M. Fleet

A. Whitelaw and wife


Reuters, Ltd. Y. C. Lee

E. E. Clark, agent F. C. Loe



Jelly-Belly> & Co., Naval Tailors— McEwan-Younger

Gande, Price, Ld. Ld.

J. K. Chu, manager

Wei Sing Trading Co., Importers and

Weihaiwei Lighter Co. Exporters

Embroideries, of Linens,

Laces, Flax

Hoses,Yarn, Silks,,


Fock Tai & Co., managers Hair-net, Silver-Ornaments, and Shan-


Chieh;Products—28, 29a, 29b, Kun Ming

Cable Ad: Weising

ftt X ^ H If ®11 ^ Weihaiwei Handiwork Co., mgrs. and

Wei sing sze sui pien chi hung chr> proprietors

Weihaiwei Handiwork Co., Manufac S. W,C.. C.Huang, signsmanager

per pro.

turers and

Laces, Hoses,Exporters

Tea-pots,of Embroideries

Silver Orna Lee, sales

ments, Model Jimks, Shantung

ducts—28, 29a, 29b, Kun Ming Street Pro

Cable Ad: Weising 7K. Yung SheUng

S. S Handley^ director Young

,U. S. Huang, manager . Contractors,.& Genera!

King Co., Army and Navy

Storekeepers —

The Bund; Cable Ad : Youngking

n ^ M

Wei-hai-wei Import and Export Co., Yuen Chong & Co., Naval and Military-

(successors Weihaiwei Wine Import Co.), Contractors—Liukungtao; Cable Ad:


Ad: Tailai Merchants—The Bund; Cable Yuenchang

C. L. Chang, manager


4H B Kiiu-chm

Tsingtao, situated at the entrapce to Kiaochau Bay in Shantung, was

occupied by a German squadron on, November 14th, 1897, in consequence, of

the murder of two German missinnafies, arid Gfrirmany obtained from China

a lease of the territory for the terin of 89 years When the great war in

Europe broke out in 19.14, Japan, under 'the terms of her treaty of alliance

with Great Britain, intervened because the peace of the Far East was menaced

by the German occupation of Kiaochau, inasmuch as, the Colony constituted

a naval base for operations in the East against the shipping and territories

of the countries with whom Germany was at war. Shortly after the out-

break of the war Japan advised Germany to disarm all her armed vessels in

Chinese and Japanese waters, and tp hand Kiaochau over to Japan with a

view to its eventual restoration

this comimiunidation. Consequently,to ion

China. Germany

August 23rd, returned no replywarto

Japan decliared

against Germany, and took measures iat once,- in co-operation with

to blockade and invest the German territory of Kiaochau. The bombardmentthe British,

of the place by land and sea began; on September 27th, and the garrison


night attack,oninNovember

which the.7th(South

after Wales

all the Borderers

forts had been taken bywitha final

co-operated the

Japanese. H.M.S. Triumph and the destroyers Usk and Kennett assisted in

the naval operations. Upwards of 5,000 prisoners were taken and conveyed

to Japan for internment until the end of the war.


By the Sino-Japanese Treaty of 1915, China engaged herself to recognise all

matters that might be agreed upon between the Japanese Government and the

German Government respecting the disposition of all the rights,, interests and

concessions, which, in virtue of treaties or otherwise, Germany possessed

vis-a-vis China in relation to the province of Shantung. This instrument was.

recognised at the time by Great Britain and France. At the Conference of

the Allies possessed

Germany at Paris, should

the Chinese

reyert delegates

to their contended

Government,thatin any rights which

accordance with

Japan's original undertaking, especially as, since that undertaking was given,.

China had become one of the Allies. As they failed to obtain satisfaction,

they declined to sign the Peace Treaty with Germany, which provided that

Germany’s rights in Shantung should be transferred to Japan. The matter

came before the

tung Treaty, Washington

under Conference

which it was providedinthat


the result wasbetherestored

should Shan-

to China. A Sino-Japanese Commission was subsequently appointed to give

effect to the provisions of the Treaty, and this body met in 1922 and arranged

terms which are set forth in the Treaty section of this volume.

While Kiaoehau was in German occupation, the special attention of the-

Administration was devoted to agricultural, commercial and mining deve-

lopment in the Protectorate and Shantung. The local administration con-

sisted of a Council, composed of alb the heads of the several administrative

departments under the personal supervision of the Governor and four mem-

bers chosen from the civil population and appointed for two years. The Pro-

tectorate developed to an unlooked-for extent under this system of admini-

stration, which enabled all the vital questions at issue, such as legal rights,,

landed properties, land-tax assessment, school and church matters, to be sat-

isfactorily settled. The object of the Administration in dealing with the

land question was to secure for every settler the lasting possession of his plot,

thereby opposing unhealthy land speculation. Tsingtao, on the 2nd Septem-

ber, 1898, wras declared a free port. The harbour had all the advantages of

a Treaty port, and as a free port especially recommended itself as an em-

porium, since the merchant could there store, free of duty, his wares from

abroad or his raw materials brought from the interior of China. The Chinese

import duties were at first levied only on goods brought to Tsingtao by

sea, when they were transported beyond the borders of the Protectorate into

Chinese territory- The Chinese export. duties were at first levied only on

goods brought from the interior of China, when they were shipped, from the

German Protectorate to any other place. But in December 1905 a

new Convention came into force whereby Tsingtao ceased to be a

free port, and the Imperial Maritime Customs began to collect

duties there as well as all the. other Treaty ports of China,

the Convention stipulated that 20 per cent of "the import duty collected

at Tsingtao should be paid to the Imperial German Government. The Com-

missioner of Customs in his report -for 1906 comniented on the arrangement

as follows:—“The principal object of the arrangeni;ent, which, morepyer,

afforded the opportunity of a political rapprochement and material conces-

sions for mutual benefit on .both sides, was the creation and promotion of

trade and commerce between the Pachtgebiet and the Chinese hinterland.

The results of the, first epoch have conclusively proved the wisdom of this

novel arrangement. Under it trade developed beyond expectation and rose

from a value of Taels 2,000,000 in 1899 to Tls. 22,000,000 in 1905, and Tsingtao,

the former dilapidated fishing village, grew into a handsome city with a

flourishing mercantile community and a considerable number of manufactur-

ing establishments, giving promise of good profits and further development.

Its success emboldened the merchants, foreign and Chinese, to ask for, and

the Government to agree to, going a step further and arranging for the

limitation of the free area, which formerly comprised the whole Pachtgebiet,

to the harbour, on much the Same lines as the German free ports Hamburg

and Bremen. The chief advantage of this step lies in the removal of Custom

control from the railway stations to the free area, and the consequent free-



dom of goods and passengers to pass in and out, from and to the hinterland,

without hindrance or control of any kind—a traffic simplification from which

a considerable increase in trade was expected.” The new arrangement

inspired confidence in the stability and future of the port and attracted

artisans, traders, and wealthy Chinese firms, which last, hitherto dealing

with Chefoo, had until now kept aloof from the place. The, total value of

trade increased from Hk. Tls. 30,700,000 in 1906 to Hk. Tls. 39,700,000 m

1909, and reached a. total of Hk. Tls. 56,330,321 for the year 1912, or an in-

crease of 20% over the previous year, notwithstanding the disadvantageous

conditions for trade caused by the revolutionary troubles in China.'

The Bay of Kiaochau is an extensive inlet two miles north-west of Cape JaesebJks

The entrance is not more than If miles across, the east side being a low promontory



close shores,

to thewith land)theabout

new town of Tsingtao

two miles (“ green

from the pointisland,”

of the from a small On

peninsula. grassy


west side Shore

feet. The of thehereentranceis rocky,isandanother


on the westwithside,hillsbutrisingon thetoeastabout

side is600a

good stretch of sandy beach. The bay is so large that the land at the head can only

just be seen from the entrance (about 15 to 20 miles away), and the water gradually gets

shallower as the north side of the bay is approached. The old Chinese Kiaochau city


there areatpromontory,

the north-west

two anchorages corner


for north the bay

the about

larger 5 miles

and betterfrom one the sea. At

is-, onround theTsingtao



new east

mole was on the side, and the other, smaller one the south side. ofA

A second moleopened was openedon Marcha few

6th, months

1904, which later,accommodates

and a third for five kerosene

vessels with shipsberths.



ships can be berthedconstructed. They haveindirect

simultaneously connection with the railway. About 20

the harbour.

The hills, in former days merely bare rocks of granite and porphyry, are now clad

inin fresh greendays

the early owing of theto ancolony.


soil ofoftheafforestation,

valleys between whichthewasranges decided



plain country on the north-east is alluvial and very fertile, and is carefully cultivated.

Wheat, barley, beans, millet, maize, and many other grains

grown. The foreign residential quarter at Tsingtao has been well laid out, and there in smaller quantities are


Prince Henry of Prussia in October, 1899, and the line to Tsinanfu was opened by

some good foreign hotels. The first sod of the Shantung Railway was cut on

the 1st TheJune,

wireless 1904.installation

It has done a prosperous

at the Signal Berg, business frombuilt

originally the dayby the it was opened.was


removed by the Japanese naval authorities in June, 1921, but a powerful new wireless

station hastobeen

available established by the Japanese military authoritiesequipped at Taisichen. It is


Leagues opened intheJanuary,


public for1912,“urgent”

A Boys’ Middle



funds supplied


A by


at a cost theof Yen

Union228,000, observatory

of German Navy

now stands


The the came

Germans hadtheerected an aero-shed on the western slope of the15thYamen


and portwas officially under

proclaimed control

to beofa special

the National

area onGovernment

the 1st May.onThe the new 1929,


has been active in improving local conditions.

In May, 1929, a radiogram service was made available for commercial

use. Roads in general are kept in a good state of repair and construction

and extension have steadily increased with the result that at the end of 1933

the mileage of urban and suburban roads was 239 and 373 kilometers respec-

tively. Finally, the motpr-highway between Tsingtao and Chefoo, a distance of


their miles,

base wasthe use completed,



available Private

to motorists using Tsingtao as

tion work during comprised 538 buildings valued at oraboutcommercial



them various bank buildings and the Edgewater Mansions, anew and completely

modern hotel. out

pier extending, Additionality,

wards from the themain



towards the the island


known asofsmall



Comprising at asa cost

it doesof $260,000

a running andtrack,


a a publicfield,stadium

football space at atennis,

for cost ofbasketball,


etc., jt is in constant use by Chinese and Foreigners alike.

supply The inPublic

spite Works Department

of difficulties deriving has frombeen comparatively

steadily improving scantytherainfall



and lack of access to rivers or lakes. The Telephone Administration has also

been keeping abreast of local development and has undertaken the installa-

tion of 400 additional instruments. Last, but by no means least, the greatest

care is being given to education. Municipal expenditure in the latter con-

nection has doubled in the past two years.

According to a Chinese census, the population has increased by over 18,000

persons during 1933 and now stands at a total of 444,690 inhabitants. The

most important development on hand at present is the construction of a new

concrete and granite pier in the Great Harbour, a basin reserved for the

use of ocean and coastwise steamers. The work was commenced in July, 1932

and, according to the terms of the contract, should be completed in four years.

Trade in 1934.

The value statistics recorded by the Customs for the trade of the Tsingtao district


the as follows:year;directcoastwise

foreign imports, 48.5 million

importations dollars merchandise,

of Chinese as against 70.834.6million


dollars as against 31.1 million; direct exports to foreign countries, 35.3 million dollars

as against 41.6 million; and, coastwise exportations of Chinese produce, 58.8 million


representas the against


of themillion


trade of These figures,andof itcourse,

the district, shoulddo benotborne

by anyinmeans


in this connexion that the improvement that has been effected in the through-traffic

arrangements on the railway between Shanghai and Tsingtao, made possible by the


has of the train-ferry service across the Yangtze from toNanking to Pukow,

of thebeen instrumental

several methods inofattracting

transport evennot more

undercargo than control.

Customs before this particular

Taking the above one

per cent, was registered for the total value of the direct importations from abroad,31

statistics as they stand, however, it is clear, in.thq first place, that a decline of over

and that cotton piece goods, raw cotton, timber, sugar, artificial silk yarn, kerosene, and


der this wereheading.

amongst the Theprincipal commodities.contributing

direct imports of cotton piece goods, to themainly


decreasewere un-

valued at only 4.4 million dollars as against 12.8 million in the preceding year. The

market for these goods was obviously influenced by the higher duty rates imposed in

1933 andafter

reduced by thethelower


tariffintroduced againandin just

was enforced Julyas1934, importsincreased

noticeably being noticeably

under the

more favourable tariff rates ruling for most cotton goods during

year under review. Importations of raw cotton from abroad decline quantitatively the second half of the

from 69,000 to .34,000 quintals and in value from 6.5 million to 2.7 million dollars, chiefly

on account of the improvement in the quality and the increase in the production of the


dollars. staple. theArrivals

secondofhalf timber

of thewere




Customs4.4 preven-


tive operations there was a noticeable revival in the legitimate trade in foreign sugar,

but a slight

greater decline

decline in quantity

in value (from (from 217,000toto2194,000

3.8 million millionquintals)

dollars) andwas aregistered


by the


ed throughforthethe-Customs,

whole year. Only 33,000

as compared withkilogrammes of artificial

70,000 kilogrammes in silk

the yarn were pass-

preceding year

and 849,000 kilogrammes in 1932, the rayon-weaving industry at Choutsun having

been practically killed by the prohibitive nature of the tariff"on the yarn and the slump in

the price of natural

contributed chiefly tosilk. As regards

the marked the remaining

falling-off articles

in the total valuementioned above asimports,

of direct foreign having

kerosene oil declined quantitatively from 46 million to 38.2 million

47,000 to 14,000 metric tons. The principal article exported direct to foreign countries, litres and coal from

in order of value, were: groundnuts, $7.1 million; leaf tobacco, $5.1 million; eggs and

■million; bristles, $1.1 million; followed by pigs, cotton yarn, ground-nutcake meals, $1.7

egg products, $3.2 million; beef, $3.1 million; groundnut oil, $3 million; crude salt, cow

hides, coal, raw and waste silk, cigarettes, fly and waste cotton, bone dust, straw braid,


stilldried chillies,

the most pigs’ intestines,

important and matches.

of the exports to foreignIt countries.

will be seenMuch that tbethatgroundnut

has been

said in the preceding paragraph regarding business in the commodity at Weihaiwei


ed to theequally to the$48.5

low level yearsa picul


Tsingtao. The asprice

end of 1933, of kernels,

compared withwhich had dropp-

an average price

for the years 1924-31 of $10 a picul, reached $3.90 a picul at the beginning of the year

under review, at which level stock were immobilised and many of the dealers were



faced ,with bankruptcy. The situation was saved in time by thegranting.of redu ;tions

in export duty,Testing fees, wharfage dues, and freight charges, which relief gave just

the impetus necessary tqistgri,stocks-;moving again, and, with the increase in demand


■kfrom arose later($7.62

ilogrammes on, per

the year'

picul):ended wi£h’ fesulb

prices ofat the

therelatively highievel of $6.30increase

per 50


however, by toa decrease

716,000 quintals inThethenetquantity

of 1.-7 million dollars inof the

year’s trading^




of theseabroad,



similarly, there was an increase of 30,000 quintals in the quantity and'a decrease of 0.6

million dollars in the value of groundnut oil exported to foreign countries; The adminis-



and thedisplayed

mayor ofduring recent

Tsingtao, years-Shen

Admiral by theHeng-lieh,

provincialhaschairman, General upon

been commented Han

in previous: reports. Under the leadership*of these two administrators further progress

was made inand

Shangtung the ofdevelopment,

the port of respectively,

Tsingtao during of the naturalunder

the;year resources

review.of theValuable



3 million work was

mouisofbeing accomplished

land from in South-western

annual flooding; Shantung,

an ambitious which should save some

ching River undertaken with a view to makingproject for dredging

this waterway the Siao-

navigable for


109 in thethroughout its course

province have now beenfromlinked

Tsinanuptobythethesea; 106 districtstelephone

long-distance out of a service;

total of

and provinces

ved the continual advanceto land

in regard in road-building

communications.now makes Shantung

Further onewas

progress of*the


in de-


completed; thetwo-thirds

port of ofTsingtao.

the work The

on thenewnewdryNo.dock,

5 for vessels

Mole had up tofinished

been 5,000 tons, by was


end of the year; and many municipal improvements were carried out, notably in con-

nexion with provision of educational facilities.


Adams & Sons,

25, Hupeh Road;T.,Teleph.


5516 agent- R. G. Coonradt and wife

T. Adams, proprietor Miss Irene Forsythe

S. Lautenschlager and wife

Miss Ella Gernhardt

American Lutheran Mission of C.M. C.G. van Deusenand

Tewsbury andwife



Tsingtdo Arpee House—15, Fushan Road;


Mrs. W. Matzat


Miss &Lydia Reich

MaeMrs.Rohlfs Arnhold k Co., Ltd.—20, Kuantao Road;

Rev. Theo. Scholz Cable Ad: Ulfhansen

Miss M. Clara Sullivan (on fur-


Miss Erva Moody Ying shang A si a huo yu kung stt

Tsimo Asiatic Petroleum Co. (North China.

Rev. L. G. Cooper Ltd., The—Cable Ad: Doric

Rev. & Mrs. R. Sell W. E. Hughes, manager

Miss E. Strunk A.M. R.W.T.Al-Finch I H. E. Foster


Rev, & Mrs. C. Reinbrecht on exahder ( Miss E. M. Blake

furlough) J. Drewett, installation mgr.

Miss F. Strecker

tig fi ® «s BANKS

Mei-gwo djang lao hwei Bank of Chosen, General Banking

American Presbyterian Mission— Business—8, Kuantao Road; Telephs.

Tsi Yang Road; Teleph. 5045; Cable 2217, 2535, 2669 and 21715; Cable Ad:

Ad : Presbyterian Chosenbank


Bank 6f ! Communications—30, Chung British Chamber of Commerce-—Cablei

Shan Road; Telephs. 5011-5015; Ad:Chairman—E. Britiscom

H. Gordon

Chupgpa ' Yao, manager Hon. Secretary—F. A. Hinsdale mi. I

Chartered Bank of India, Australia

and Chin^—Cable-’Ad: Tenacity i Bruno

Import,fi^uYE^Successor'^d Carl 'fisher).

1 Export aLdYVholesale, Watches,

Deutsch Asiatische Bank—P.O. Box Clocks, G&ods, Jewellery,


Luxury Goods, Optics, Leather

111; Cable Ad: Teutonia 51. Chung-Shan Road ; P.Cutlery,

01' Boxetc.—


ff Ji $1 Way,fpong ning hong Branch P.O-. Boxin87Dairen: 57, Yamagata-dori;

Honokong and Shanghai * Banking Bruno Hau'be, ‘ prop, and manager

Corporation-^3, Kuantau Road; P.O. I. Wurzel

Box 71 Busch &' von Alemann; Impcfrt, Export,

E. H. Gordon, agent Insurance, < Shipping—34, Kuan Tau

W. J. Sutherland, assistant Road;

T. H. R. Porter

K. Okabe O.P.v.P.Alemann,

O. Box 147; Cable Ad: Dacheng

Kutt partner

® m m m & "ijj ^ Tai hero

W an-Jcuo-chu-hsu-hui

International Savings Society, Pub!ic Butterfield

P.O. Box

& Swire, Merchants--

108; CabR Ad: Swire

Savings Company, founded in 1912 F. A. Hinsdale, signs per pro.

and Registered under the French E. R. Leach

Government Laws of 24th July, 1867.

Recorded at French Consulate-Gen- Caldbeck, Macgregor & Co., Wine

eral, Shanghai—-2, Kuantau Road. and Spirit Merchants—29, Kuan

Head Office: 7, Avenue Edward Tau Rogd}- Tefephs,- 2832, 2210,

VII, Shanghai; Cable Ad: Intersavin

J. F. Kearney, manager, for Shan- 2938; Cable Ad: Cornabe

tung Carlowitz & Co., Merchants, Engineers

and Contractors—1-2, Woosung Road;

Ming Hwa Commercial and Savings Telephs. 2480, 3407; P. O. Box 86; Cable

Bank — 117, Chungshan Road; Ad: Carlowitz; Codes: Carlowitz,

Mosse, A.B.C.

Telephs. 5147 and 5148; Cable Ad: 5th and 6th Edns., Rudolf

Head Office: Shanghai. Branches: Tien-


Minghwa tsin, Hankow, Canton, Tsinanfu, Pek-


HarbinMukden, Taiyuanfu, Dairen and

Whang ping cheng. ching ing hong i m Hwei chang

tsing tao tsu chang sou

Yokohama Specie Bank, Ltd., The ; Casey & Lyttle, Importers and Ex-

—1, Kuantao Road; Cable Ad: Shokin porters, Engineers and InsurancG

Agents—111. Kwan Hsien Road; P.O.

T. Komuchi, manager Box 22; Cable Ad : Calyt

Wm. Lyttle, sole partner

Bickerton’s Private Hotel—12, Lai- A. A. Markevitch, manager

yang Road; P.O. Box 235; Cable Ad: | Catholic Mission of Tsingtao (Steyl

Bickerton Missionaries

Botelho Bros., Merchants—Snanso and ChekiangS.Roads;

V. H.)—Corner of Chufu

Teleph. 2204; P.O.

Bank Building, 1st floor, Chungshan BoxApostolic 149; Cable Ad: Tienchutang

Vicar—Mgr. Dr. G. Weig

Road; Teleph. 3849; P.O. Box 12; Procurator—P.

Cable Ad: Botelho Parish priest—P.Max Dr.Seidel

J. Weig

Brembach, E. M. Hi, Commission and P. G.

P. N. Heming


Advertising Agency—3, Pacific Road; Bro. Orisisin

P.O. Box 220 Bro. ErminolduS


China Impost and Export Lumber Co., Racing Secretary— N. R. Plasovsky

Ltd.—4, 2nd Takong Hoad ; Cable Ad: Business do. —L. Y. Chen

Lumberco Supt. of Course—G. D’Arenberg


Clerk—E. L. Liu Dobrovolsky

n&v&m ® ft g m Typist—John Ing

China Underwriters, Ltd., Life, Fire, Business Manager—Y. Y. Liang


and Accident,

General Sickness, MotorOffice:

Insurance—Head Car

Hongkong Russian Christian Association in:

Agents—Mineraura Oil Mill, Ltd., 4, Tsingtao—1, Kinkow Road

Hwayang Road; P.O. Box

leph. 2191; Cable Ad : Minemura 62; Te- Tsingtao Golf Club


Hon. Secretary—W. W. Lilley

Stoy Elliott

H ^ Ta chang Hon. Treasurer—J. R. Watson

Chinese Engineering & Development Tsingtao

Co., Railway Supplies and General Cable Ad: Doric Hockey Club—Teleph. 2468;


Ad: Cedco Kuangsi Road; Cable

H. A. Raider, general manager Tsingtao


Road; P.O. BoxClub 96 — 1,

Yang Pao-ling, secretary,

Will W. Hsu, Tsingtao manager treasurer Chairman—H. E. New bill

C. M. Sun, accountant Yice-do. —C. P. Chung

Hon. Secretary—W. P. Clinton Smith

Salesmen—K. C. Lee and M. S. Yu Hon.R.Treasurer—F.

H. Eckford I Nauert

O. Schaeffer

T.A. Kohmuchi

F. Linberg j| M. PaulL.T.Snow


CLUBS & ASSOCIATIONS Secretary—H. J. Hearne

t m m m m Tsingtao Paper Hunt Club—Teleph.

Te huo 'ting hsiang hue 2611; Cable Ad: Tphc c/o Swire

Deutsche Yereinigung—P. O. Box 150; CONSULATES

Cable Ad: Devauteh

President—P. Fr. Richter American—Teleph. 2044; P.O. Box 106-

Vice-President—Dr. O. Kohnke

Hon. Secretary—G. Duesing Consul—S. Sokobin

Hon. Cashier—A. Vice-Consul—C. O. Hawthorne

German School—W.Renkewitz


German Club (Deutsches Heim)— British Consul-General—H. F. Handley-

R. Mueller Derry, C.B.E.

Committees—C. F. Wacker and

Dr. G. Bergmann Finnish—7, Laiyang Road

Vice-Consul—G. Frantz

German Club (Deutsches Heim)—1, German—1, Tsingtao Road

Second Kuanshiang Road; Teleph. Consul—Dr. E. Brackho

4402; P.O. Box 150 Secretary—C. F. Wacker

Hon. President and Treasurer— Mrs. G. Gerriets

R. K. Mueller

Entertainment Committee — C. Japanese—Pacific Road

Heller Consul-General—Junzo Sakan&


Tsingtao— Recreation Club of

shan Road;AdamsTelephs.Building,


4022, Cooke & Co., E. J.,

presentatives, Manufacturers’

General Re-

Com mission

Office: 3802, Race Course:

Box 232; Cable Ad: Sport 2481; P. O. Agents, Real Estate, and Insurance—

Chairman—T. AdamsJ. Zimmerman 25-27, Ad

Cable Chungshan Road; Teleph.

: Cofilm; Codes: Bentley’s4034;


Hon. Secretary—H. A.B.C.

Accountant—P. M. Belov E. J. 5th

Cooke, manager


m m w Chiao Kdi Jewan Fk.mas, Ltd.—18, Ohufu Road

Custom House

Commissioner—Hugh W. Bradley Fu Chang Printing Office, Printers,

Deputy do. —Y. Hiramot’o

Akatani Bookbinders and Stationers—58, Wah-

Tidesurveyor—Y. , sien & Tsimei Roads; Teleph. 4243

J. H. Yuan, manager

Dai NiEpon Brewery Co., Ltd.—6, Teng- Henry T. Lee, sub-manager ^

chou Koad; P.O. Box 103

General Accident Fire & Life As-

# St IS n ii surance

Road; P.O.Co., Ltd.—86,

Box 133; Cable Ad:Kwanhsien


DaJi L'ieri Chi Chuen Hwei Shue

Dairen Risen Kaisha, Steamship German School-8, Hunan Road; P. O.

Owners and Shipping Agents — 37, BoxDr.248; Toh.Cable Ad: Devauteh

Werdefmann, principal

Kuan Tau Road; Telephs. i!36, 2563 Dr. E. Voigt

and 2727; Cable Ad: Daiki; Cpdes,: Bent- Fran. H. Voigt

ley’s, and Seotts Code Fran. R. Ecke.rt.


Tagami manager

| K. Hirayama

S.K. Nishiura

Miyoshi II S.Y. Jwknaga

K. Li Grand Hotels, Ltd., The—Telephs.

5171-3, 2725, 2884 and 2401; Cable

Ad: Grandotel; Codes: A.B.C. 5th

^ ^ lehFu edn. Bentley's

Deutsche Darren Handelsellschaft R. E. Schaerrer, manager

Waibel & Co.—19, Kuahtao Road; Operating: —

Teleph. 4422; P.O. Box 2; Cable Ad: Grand Hotels

Waidefag Strand Hotels

F. Weitz | H. Musshoff Strand Villas

W M Grill, Max, General Store Import—

Djing & Co., Walter, Manufacturers, 26, Kuangsi Road; P.O. Box 220; Cable

Ad: Grill. Branches: Shanghai and Tsi-

Exporters and Commission Merchants nanfu


Kiengfeng5255; P.O. Box 78; Cable Ad: Max Grill, proprietor

Miss K. Grill

.Dollar Co., The Robert, Lumber and Miss A. Hausmanh

Shipping—18, Kuan Tau Road; Cable Miss M. Lipphardt

Ad: Dollar; Teleph. 2655; P. O. Box 118

W. Stoy Elliott, manager m. ^ -k ^ m if

General Agents Holy Ghost Convent (Under direction

Tacoma Oriental S.S. Co. ofHigh-class

the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary),

American Mail Line Boarding School for Girls;

Dollar Steamship Line Preparation for the Cambridge Local

JEast Asiatic Co., Ltd., Ship-owners and Examinations, Junior and

German Classes. Private Lessons in Senior.

General Merchants—28,

Teleph. 2789; P.O. BoxKuantan

19; CableRoad;

Ad: English, French, Stenography,

Italian, Spanish,

Orient; Codes: A.B.C. 5th edn., Aqme Music, Painting, Type-

and Bentley’s writing, Cooking, etc* Summer School

with Kindergarten—Cable Ad: Convent

Erin House, Private Hotel—1.1, Hunan Imperial Chemical Industries (China),

Road; P.O. Box 45; Cable Ad: LfD., Importers of Alkalies and Com-

Harris mercial and Industrial Chemicals —

Ean & Co., Benjamin C., Forwarding Exchange Telephs. 4233Building,

and 28,4409;




and Insurance: Agents, Official

toms Brokers—200, Chung Shan Road; - Cus- Alkali

'Teleph. 3716; Cable Ad: Bcfco; Code: A. H. Aiers, div. mgr.

Bentley’s E. L. L. Wheen,

S. B. Duncan distr. mgr.

Benjamin C. Fan, ;mgr. director J. Smith | Miss J. Yourieff


Jaedine Engineering Corporation, Ltd. Linke, Otto, Chemist and Druggist—

W. B. Oornaby, signs p.p. 76, Chungshan Koad

M. T. Chang Otto Linke, manager

A. J. Bevel-Mouroz

Jaedine, Matheson & Co., Ltd., General B. Linke


31, KwantauandBoad; Shipping Agents—

P.O. Box 114; LuKoad

Ta Mining Co., Ltd.—51, Kwangsi

Teleph. 2475; Cable Ad: Jardine

W-W.B- G.Cornaby,

Adams agent Maendlee, A., Cafe and Kestaurant—

A. Beid | T. Ozawa —42, Chung Shan Boad; Teleph. 3497;.

Ho Wing Sang, compradore P.O.A. Box 216; Cable Ad: Maendler


Miss. Ireme Berinson

m m ^ m m m m Maeuni Shokai, Shipping agents—22

Kiao tsi ti lu kwan li chu Kuantao Koad; Teleph. 129; Cable

Kiaochow-Tsinan Line (Chinese Govern- Ad: Marunishokai

ment Bailways)—Pacific Boad; Teleph.

3400; Cable Ad: Kiaotsi ^ 111 t

Board of Management: McMullan & Company, Ltd., James,

Ke Kuang-ting (chairman), Lu Importers - Exporters - Commission

Meng-hsiung, Tsui Shih-chieh, Agents—18, Kuantao Boad; Teleph.

Peng Tung-yuan and Chen Yen- 5260; Cable Ad: McMullan. Head

wen Office : Chefoo

C. H. Yeh, resident comptroller D. F. R. McMullan, managing

of accounts , and, audit director

Yung Chien, supt. of gen. dept. J. C. McMullan, dir. (Tsing1;ao)

C. M. Sung, asst. do. G. A. Renkewitz

E. K. Denn, chief engineer Agents: —

Y. Kimura, traffic manager The Commercial Union Assurance-

S.K. Tan, asst. do Co., Ltd

K. T. Tsai, loco. supt. The Manufacturers Life Insur-

L. M. Kao, supt. of materials ance Co.

W F. Lu, chief accountant Batons & Baldwins, Ltd.

S. Oishi. do. Sberwin Williams Paints

B. D. Luan, supt. of Ssufang Yorkshire Insurance Co., Ltd.


King Chong Loong‘ Co., Peanut and Melchees & Co., Exporters, Importers

Peanut Oil Merchants—P.O. and Shipping Merchants—2, Chekiang

Teleph. 3046; Cable Ad: FactorBox 59;

Road; Cable Ads:

and Nordlloyd Melchers, Melchersco

J. R.G. Henzler

Schuette, manager

* # Fuji M. Jacobi

Kutt, Paul, Exchange Broker—Exchange Minemuea Oil Mill, Ltd., Exporters

Building; Telephs. 3191 and 3282; ofGroundnut

Groundnut Oil, Groundnuts and

Cable Ad: Alasaticus

Lennox & Co.,. J., Auctioneers, Teleph. 2191;Cake—4,

P. O. BoxHwayang

62; CableRoad;


Valuers, Land and Estate Agents— Minemura

F. R. Hailing, managing director


Lennox Koad; Teleph. 5721; Cable J. Jamieson | T. H. R. Porter

Lennox & Magill, Marine Engineers, — San ching

Cargo Surveyors and Fire Loss Adjust-

ers—8, Chekiang Boad; Teleph. 5721; Mitsui


Bussan Kaisha, Ltd. (Mitsui &

Cable A.d: Lennox

J. Lennox Shipping Agents—TangyiExporters

Ltd.), Importers, and

Road; Cable

J. F. Magill Ad: Mitsui

Y. Ogawa, manager


Naigai Wata Kaisha, Ltd.—Room No. Russell & Co., G.C.F., General Merchants,

^ The‘Bank of Chosen Building,'8, Shipping and Insurance — 86, Kwan

Hsien Road; Teleph. 3961; Cable

Kuantao Road; Teleph. 2149 and Ad : Russell

2010; Cable Ad: Naigai

Schmidt, Dr. H., Physician and Sur-

geon—10, Hunan Road; P. O. Box 255

Jih pen mien hua

Nippon Menkwa Kabushiki Kaisha (Jap- Schnock, F., Civil Engineer—35, Paci-

an Cotton Trading Co., Ltd.), Cotton, fic Road

Cotton and

chants Yarn,Commission

Cotton PieceAgents—Pekin

Goods Mer-

Road; P.O. Box 88; Cable Ad: Menkwa Shantung Druggist and Hospital

Supply Co.—25, Chungshan Road

13 S ^ H3 # B

Nippon Yusen Kaisha (Japan Mail S.S. Siemssengj & Co., Import Chan-chen

Co.)—45, Kuantao Road; P. O. Box 61; Merchants, Engineers, and Export,


Cable Ad: Yusen

D. Hakata, representative 15, Kwangtung Road; Teleph. 4311;

P.O. Box 87. Head Office: Ham-

burg, Germany. Branches: Shang-

« S Sf ft w hai, Tientsin, Hong Kong, Canton,

Novella Hotel, Ltd., The—81, Chung Taiyuanfu, Peiping and Mukden

Shan Road; Telephs. 2390 and 5885


H. F.Ad:Chen,“1000”manager Snow & Ca, M. L., Chemists, Surveyors

C.Y. C.C. Chang, and Inspectors — Exchange Building,

Wang, accountant

do. Rooms 16 and 18; Teleph. 4772; P.O.

BoxM. 123; Cablemanager

Ad: Snow

L. Snow,

Okura fe Co., Ltd.—Chang Shan Rd.;

Cable Ad: Okura Southern Baptist Mission

Rev. j. W Lowe and wife

H IPS Foo chang Dr. W. C. Newton and wife

'Oriental Supply Co., Shipchandlers Mrs. S. E. Stephens

—48, Hunan Road; Cable Ad:

Krogh St. Giles British School, Boarding

and Day school for British ahd

Phoenix Chemical Co., Manufacturers European children

J. Palin Jone's? B.SC., , m.i.m.e.,

of28, Chemical Products & Dye

Kwangsi Road; Teleph. 5462; Stuff— headmaster

P.O. Box 207; Cable Ad: Siebold-

com Standard-Vacuum Oil Bldg.,


Post Office and Shanghai Bank 7, Kuan

Acting Deputy Postal Commis- tau 2675;

Road; Telephs. 2507, 2508 and

Cable Ad : Standvac

sioner in Charge—E. J. Van- G. J. Eskeline, manager

•dorlieb J. M, Avent A. T. Parker

A G, Mckerrow R. J. Moore

fiH ^ Loo Ling F. W. Lilley H. Barton

Reuter, Broeckelmann & Co., Manu- E. S.J. J.Harrs,

Bardens ' S. Seo

installation supt.

facturers of Egg Products, Export,

Import and Insurance — Teleph. States Steamship Co.—Exchange Bldg.,

3271; P.O. Box 24; Cable Ad:

Reutbrock; Codes; Acme, Mosse, Room 20; P.O. Box 123; Teleph. 4772;

Cable Ad: Statesline

.A.B.C. 6th edn. and Bentley’s M. L. Snow, agent

H. Steinberg P. T. Liu, assistant


M w m m m Tsingtao Pharmacy,and(Late

RetailA. S.Druggists


■ Shuang fu shih wu so & Co.) Wholesale

—27, Chung Shan Road; Teleph. 4034;

Tatarinoff & Bykoff, Real Estate and Cable Ad: Dispensary

Prof. C. P. Chung, ph. b., Maj.

General Commission Agents — 3, Ohi- in Phar., manager

Hsia Road; Teleph. 1378; Cable Ad: Y;1 S.C.Y.Chang

Tatarinoff HSu ph. g.,

Telberg’s, International Bookstore,

Exporters of books published in “ Tsingtao Times,” Daily Newspaper

China and Japan, Office supplies, (English and Chinese Editions)^!, Hsin.

Stationery, Periodicals, and Books— Tai Road; Cable Ad: Times

Chung Shan Road; P.O. Box 258; 0, Stockwell, manager and editor

Cable Ad: Telberg

Geo. G. Telberg, proprietor

V. G. Telberg, partner-manager

P. Kouznetzov, secretary flj Hang li. .

LTlf-Hansen & Co., Import, Export,;

Insurance, Machinery

Telephone Administration, The Chinese Agents—20, Kuan Tauand,Commission!

Road; Teleph.

Government, Tsingtao—l, Tangi Road; 3006 ; Cable Ad: Ulfhansen

Teleph. 2000

Y. T. Liu, director

Universal Trading and Express Co.,.

n shih

& ku m luXoik yushung'szu

±n General Representatives

Factory and Commission Agents,.

and Custom

Teh Brokers — 32, Kwangsi Road; Cable

Texas Co., (China) Ltd., The, Texaco

Petroleum Products — 3, Monchwang Ad: Express

Road; Teleph. 3203; Cable Ad: Texaco;

Codes: Bentley’s and A.B.C. 5th edn. Venus Drug Co., Wholesale and Re-

F. G. Keefe, district manager tail Druggists, Importers and

Tsingtao Assistant District Inspector- Teleph. Manufacturers—99, Chung Shan Road;

ate of Salt Revenue 5365

Assist. Dist. Inspr.—Wu Tsu Yao ' S.H. F.Y. Lew, general manager

Hsu, manager

Co, do. —D. Kitamura

Tsingtao Carpet Factory, The (Walter jII f? Djin Hwan


3640; Box Kiangse

211; CableRoad

Ad: ; Ohlwein


W. P.O.

Ohlwein Walter, David Lane & Co., General

Importers and Exporters—Teleph.

A. Boerter 3538; Cable Ad: Wende

Tsingtao Dispensary—6, Chung Shan Yee Tsoong Tobacco Distributors Ltd^

Road; Teleph. 5333 —20, Kuantao Road

Dr. T. T. Fan, proprietor

S. C. Fan, manager

G. Liubimov, pharmaceutist ^ W- Chi Chai

Tsingtao Land and House Agency, Yoshizawa, T., Importer, Exporter and

Real Estate, Information Bureau Mill Owner — 5, Chang Lo Road;

and House Agents—Tsingtao Times Telephs.

Building, 1, Hsin Tai Road; Te- Cable Ad:2064;Yoshizawa;

| Standard

2146, 2930 Codes:

and 3101;


leph. 4115; Cable Ad: Times T. Yoshizawa, principal

C. F. St. C. Stockwell


Tsinan, the capital of the province of Shantung, has the distinction of

feeing the first city in the Chinese Empire in which a Foreign Commercial

Settlement was voluntarily opened by the Government of China. The date

■of its inauguration was January 10th, 1906. Within the area of this Settle-

ment, which lies outside the West Gate of Tsinan city, foreign merchants are

allowed to reside and trade and lease land; the leases are for terms of thirty

years, renewable for a similar term. The control of the Settlement is vested

in a Municipal Administration presided over by a Mayor appointed by the


•of hills (Lat,Government. The city

36 deg. 50 min. of Tsinan

N.; Long. lies E.),

117 deg. to theandSouth


a range

upwards from North to South. Situated in the south-west suburb are

magnificent springs giving forth many tons of water per minute, and

the streams from these natural fountains flow through the city to. a, lake

situated on the north side. This abundance of water tends to make

Tsinan one of the cleanest as well ag one of the healthiest cities in

the Republic. The population was computed by the chief of Police at

the end of May, 1933, to be about 428,011, about one-twentieth of whom

profess the Mohammedan faith. Quite a considerable number of foreigners and foreign

institutions have established themselves in the Foreign Settlement, and several

have erected large and imposing buildings. The chief of these are the British

Consulate-General, the Japanese Consulate-General, the German Consulate General,

the American Consulate, Japanese hospital and the Chinese Post Office. Residential


ofin small are alsowhich

rapidly being constructed. Thereandis quite a boom in the building

1933). houses

In additionaretooccupied by Chinese

these, large buildings numbers

have beenof erected

Japanese (1,646


the south suburb of the city for the Shantung Christian University incorporat-

ed by charter from the Canadian Government. The Hospital of the Medical College,

which is a department of this University, has completed a large new unit during the

summer of 1935. The Tientsin-Pukqw Railway Co. owns a large piece of ground in

the Settlement, and has built offices and dwelling-houses for members of the staff


With the introduction of the use of machinery Tsinan is becoming more

important as an industrial city. There are now about 40 industrial establish-


turningwhich can claim

out 22,000 -bagstoperbe, day,

more2 ormatch

less, factories,

modern factories:-^-?

3 cotton mills, flourseveral


bair net factories, paper, iron and brass goods, soap, dye, leather, needles,

wine, cloth, etc., factories, and a press packing plant.

Tsinan is connected by rail with Tsingtao (Kiaochau), distant 280 mile*,

Tientsin 200 miles,, and with Pukow on the Yangtsze. It is also connected

by a small river now in process of canalization, with Yang Chao Kou, on; the

Gulf of Chihli, distant 146 miles, whence there are occasional steamers to

Ghefoo. Tsinan stands five miles south of the Huang-ho or Yellow River, and

in spite of some difficulties of navigation there is a considerable! junk traffic

between its river port of Lo-kou and the Grand Canal, which enters the river

80 miles higher up. This trade! isi almost, if not quite, entirely with the south,

to Tsiningchou and beyond, since the canal from the Huangho northward to

Lin-ching-chou has been unnavigable for several years. The high road from

Tsinan to the north crosses the Huang-ho by| ferry at Chi-ho Hsien, distant



Since communication

the opening in has 1912been

of the bridge over

established on thetheTsin

Yellow River a

Pu Railway

from Tientsin to Pukow vid Tsinan.


distant. Large motor trucks are also beingdirections

Bus lines are being operated in five put intotoservice

points tomore thanthe100native

replace miles

carts for hauling cotton and overland freight.

Some ten Protestant and the Homan Catholic Missions are conducting extensive

work in and

European around

persons Tsinan.

resident in therThere are more,

Settlement than 270of the

fond suburbs American,

city. English and

The whole city is lighted by electricity. A new unit

plant has been completed this year. Great activity has recently been as large as theevinced


nuilding colleges and ;schools, and among the interesting institutions of the

town the Tsinan Institute, now connected with the Shantung Christian

University is a. remarkable find very interesting establishment that Should not

be overlooked. The northern sacred mountain of China, Tai Shan (5,100 feet),

is distant some 20 miles (45 by road) to the south. Kiifu, the birthplace and

the tomb of Confucius, and the residence of the Oonfucian duke, are about, 100-

miles away in the same direction.


H Sun Oheong China Travel Service—107, Second Main

Andersen, Meyer & Co., Ltd., Engineers, Street; Cable Ad: Travelbank

facturers • Teleph. 1530; and

Contractors, Importers CableManu-

Ad: Chu & Co., Samuei, Manufacturers and


H. Y. Tung, manager Exports of Human Hair Nfits, Im-

{for agencies ' bee Shanghai) ports of Main

Seventh ForeignRoadGeneral

; CableGoods—2069,

Ad : Chuco;

All Codes Used. Branches: Tsingtao,

Bj&ilii * 35 SB 551$ & Tsingchowfu, Shoukuang and Changlo

Ying shang A si a huo yu knnq sz

Asiatic Petroleum Co.. (North China),.

Ltd—Cable Ad: Doric CONSULATES


Consul—Harry E. Stevens,'

Chung fa pao 'tai shui ho pao hsien

hung sze

Assurance-' FRANcb-AstATiQUE, Fire, British—Cable Ad: Britain

' Office of InternationalCarSavings

Marine and Motor Insurance

Society,-— Cofisul—F. A. Wallis


Erh Lu;ofTeleph.

San Ma604 Lu and Small Wei German—Cable Ad: Cbnsugerma

J. F. Kearney, agent Consul—Dr.

Bank Chancellor—A.Fr.Gelewsky


6692 ofor Centroban

China—Erhk Ma Lu; Cable Ad:

Carlowitz & Co., Merchants—76, Wei Japanese Consul-General—K. Nishida

Shan Lu; Cable Ad: Aegchinaco

China Engineers, Ltd.—165, Fourth

, Main Street; Cable Ad: Yemaoo Credit

Banque,Foncier d’ExtremeArchitects,

Hypothecaire, Orient,


Teleph. Ceramique—Wei

1447; CablePeiping, Erh Lu;

Ad:- Tientsin,


Tseang tah mu Kong hung sz Branches: Shanghai,

China Import Ad:

Ltd.—Cable andLumberco

Export Lumber Co., Hankow, Hongkong

J. Song


djl JJixn Fu MaAgentsCo:,& Y.Machinery

• C., ; General Mnsurance-

Dau & Cb., C., Export and Import - Fourth Main’ Street; Dealers — 165

Cable Ad:r

Teleph. 473; Cable Ad: Daucoj;

Codes: A.B.C. 5th; f&;,'6th-/!,,edns.; Ycmaco ;'Codes :


Bentley’s, Acme, and Rudolf Masse

A. Krueger, partner managermgr.

L. H. Lo, chief acct.

W. E. Liochte, do.

K H * fS Te hua i yuan Ministry of Finance (District In-

Deutsch-OhinsSisches ■ Keankenhaus i spectorate Disfript

of Salt Revenue, Shantung)

Inspector—Z, ’ V. Lee

(German Hospital) Co.-Districf Inspector—J. C. Croome

Assist. do —H. W. Chang

^ fi De Chief Secretary—L.

Do. Accountant—T. T. Liu

S. Shen

DeuI'sche Farben- Handelsgesellschaft

Waibel &, Co. (Niederlassung), Import : ReleasingAssist- Officer—Li Chi Hsi

Indigo, Aniline-Dyes, Artificial Silk Wangkuan Inspector—L. F. Wang , ,


(Indanthrene Cloth and Sundries)—57,

We San Lu; Teleph. 968; P.O. Box 5. Co.-Assist. Dist. Insp.—(vacant)

O. Kinzel Chefoo

S. Ma andAssist.M. Young

District Inspectors—

F.D. Schilk

Kiesow Tsingtao Assist. District Inspectors—

H. Musshoff Koksan J. Woo and D. Kitamura

Du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc., E.I., MISSIONS


Aniline Dyes andandChemicals—23,'

Importers of Indigo,;


Road, Settlement; Teleph. 1921; American ^ ^ Chang 'lad hui

e Ad: Dupant Presbyterian Mission—East


Mrs. W. B. Hamilton

^ Q Kung Mao Miss M. H. Woods

Frazar Federal, Inc., H.S.A., Automotive Miss E. S. Boehne

and Industrial Engineering—468, Third Rev.

Mr. andMrs.

and Mrs.A,C.A.E.Torrance


Main Road; Teleph. 1410; Cable Ad: Rev. and Mrs. R. A. Torrey, Jr.

Frazar Miss H. C. Made!aire .

F.E. W.

F. Spielman, pres. (Tientsin)

Frazar, vice-pres. (Yokohama) Miss M. L. Donaldson

R. E. McCann, treasurer (Tientsin)

W. Haniseh, secretary (Tientsin) ^ ^en c^u tany

S. B. Tan, manager Catholic Mission—Hung Kia Lou

flj ^ CM ti Home of Onesiphorus, Mission

Grill, Max, Import Merchant Industrial School, Exporters of Cotton

A. Baumann, manager Goods, etc.,

Tables, Handcarved

Human Walnut

Hkir Nets,Tea-

Peanuts, Pongee Silk, Raw Silk, Silk


CableLinen Goods, Turkish Towels—

Ying shang po na men yang chen yu hsi en L. M.Ad:Anglin,


kung sz G.Sterling

A. Landmark,

W. Chow,assist, supt.


Imperial Chemical Industries (China),

Ltd., Industrial Chemicals, Fertilizers



Lu; Teleph. Hsieh Ma Lu,

875; P.O. Box Wei ® B A «K& » *

29; Seventh

Cable Ad: Alkali; Code: Bentley’s Day Adventist Mission

J. Hackney W.

R. M.J. Harris and wife

Cossentine and wife

(For Agencies, see Shanghai section)


t ^ M Chin hsin hui Shanghai Commercial and Savings Bane,

Southern Baptist Ltd.—Cable Ad: Comsavbank

Shan Street, Ch’i TaMission

Ma Lu — Shang

J. A. Abernathy and wife ^ & Chee loo ta hsiith

Shantung Christian University

S. T.C. K.Liu,T’au,



Dean of College

Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd., Importers,

Exporters and Shipowners—Wei Chi Lu P. ofC.Arts and m.d.,

Kiang, CollegeDean

of Science

of College

North China Bible School—99, Wei I Lu of Medicine

Y. M. Shan, principal H. P. Lair, d.d., treasurer

ft. M. Cossentine, manager

^^ Sheng chia hung sze

Eitt, Rev. Paul C., Missionary—Yeh Tau Singer Sewing Machine Co., Sewing

Chen, Tzechwan lisien, Shantung Machines—Outside Pu Li Men; Cable

Ad: Singer

M ® M ■%. ]!} ^ 0^ Mei Foo

Shan tung yu wu kwan li chii

Post Office (Shantung District Head Standard-Vacuum

Lu; Cable Ad: Standvac Oil Co.—Wei San

Office)—Cable Ad: Postos

Postal Commissioner—E. Nordstom

District DeputyYiin-song

ioner—Hwang Postal Commiss- & Vft * £ ± *§

Acting Deputy Postal Commissioner, Teh shih ku Kuo yu kung szu

Dist. Accountancy—K. Komatsu

Officer in charge of Inland Control leum Products Ltd., Texaco Petro-

Texas Co. (China),

Dept.—Miao Shih-gan Y. F. Li, in-charge

Eirst Class Offices—Cable Ad: Postos

Chefoo Deputy Postal Commissioner Tsinan Club—6th Main Street, 3rd Cross


Tsingtao 1. Chen

DeputyJ.Postal Commissioner Street

in-charge—E. Yanderlieb Tsinan General Hospital, The

President—Dr. M. Jo

JE @ Si »

Rubant, Francis W., Antiques, Chinese Yee Tsoong Tobacco Distributoe8

Works of Art—122, Seventh Main Street Ltd.—Cable Ad : Powhattan


Codes available.Cable Ad: atRubant;

Branch TsingtaoAll

Francis W. Rubant, prop. S. W. Glass; division manager

Mrs. Mary Otho, partner Miss A. Dmitrieff

F. G. Williams

F. Boulton, accountant

Saul Trading Co., Manufacturers of

Hairnets and

Ad:H.SaultradcoLaces—P.O. Box 49; Cable ^ Ch’ing nitfi hui

Geschwind, manager Y.Ad:

M. C.YmcaA., Chinese—Teleph.'362; Cable

Woo Pei-chi



Adopted at the Annual General Meeting held \9th May, 1903

Purchasing or selling Tea,- TCaw Silk, and Cotton

Purchasing or selling Opium

Purchasing or selling all other Goods and Produce

Purehaising or selling Ships and Landed Property ... ■ ...

Purchasing or selling Stocks and Shares ...

Inspecting Tea

Inspecting Silk ■ .iJ L.

Guaranteeing Sales

Guaranteeing Remittances ... - . .1. . .'.

Drawing or endorsing Bills o^ Exchange ,...

Drawing or negotiating Bills of Exchange without Recourse Ok

Purchasing or realising IJnllion or Bills of Exchange A

Remitting the Proceeds of Bullion or Bills of Exchange ... Ok1

Paying and receiving Money in Current Account ...

Paying Ship’s Disbursements' ... ... ... 2i

Collecting Freight 2}

Obtaining Freight or Charter, • ,... ... , ...

Obtaining Freight or Charter and.cpUgcting same Freight

Adjusting Insurance Claims on Amount Recovered

Effecting Insurance, on the Insured Amount ...

Prosecuting or defending successfully Claims, either at Law or by Arbitration

Prosecuting or defending unsuccessfully ...

Managing Estates and collecting Rents (on Gross Receipts) v r ...

Transhipping and forwarding Jewellery and Bullion

Forwarding or transhipping Cargo ... .V. : ... ... ...

Transhipping or forwarding Opium $2 per chest.

Godds w'ithdrawn or re-shipped ... i Commission.

Granting Letters of Credit 1 per cent.

For doing ship’s business when no inward or outward Commission is earned, 20 cts. per Register ton.

Ihe otherwise

conversion into Hongkong currency rateof sterling freight inward to Hongkong, onpayable in Hongkong, shall, unless

the close ofstipulated,

a mail shallbe made

be theatratetheapplicable

for Bank

to suchBillspurpose

on London

duringpayable demand;

the subsequent week.and the rate ruling at

Brokerage on Bills and Bullion ... ... ... ) per cent. Payable by Seller,

Brokerage on Produce and General Merchandise ... ... ) „

Brokerage on Fire Arms 1 „


procuringforFreight Negotiating

... ...and ...completing ... Charters

... ... and)j . ” by Ship.

Brokerage for Negotiating sale or purchase of Landed Property 1 „



44 Bats

Salii’ngs or 1 BatorTical= |2 40 |I 50100Ch’angs


- or 1 Hap = $2,400'00

20 Tamlii’ngs oror 11 Oh’ang

Tamlu’ng == $48-00 Haps or 1 Tara =$240,000-00


The standard of weight being the coin of the country, weights are designated by the same

terms. A Tical weighs-236 grains troy.

The Siamese standard of weight is jus.t double that of the Chinese, and goods are bought

and sold in Bangkok more by the'Chineso than the Siamese standard.


1 Niw ... = H incl1

12 Niws make 1- K’u’p = 9f inches

2 K’u’ps make 1 Sawk ^ ’ 19i inches

4 Sawks make 1 Wah = 78 inches

20 Wahs make 1 Sen =130 feet ,

400 Sens make 1 Yot = 9| statute miles

Note.—Timber is bought by the Yok, which is 64 Sawk in length by 1 Sawk in

width or 36,864 Siamese inches, being equivalent to 169 square ffeet.


20 Tanans make 1 Tang = 15 pints I| 10025 Tangs

1 Tanan H pints Tanansor 80 Sat make

make 11 Sat

Keean (Coyan).

A Keean is 20 Piculs; a Picul is 133slbs. avoirdupois.

The metric system is widely used in commerce.- A law promulgated in 1924 provides that

the metric system shall be the standardised and legalised system of weights and measures in

Siam, but this law is optional for the time being.

Classified. List of Agents, ATercTiants

and ATanafaclarers in this

territory, also a List of Cable

Addresses, will be found at the

JEnd of the Lirectory. Classified

List of Far Eastern Engineering

Firms follows Hong Fong.











#3112 g

State foltory

This is a Chinese Government Lottery instituted for

the purpose of raising funds for the development of

civil aviation and construction of highways throughout

China. There are twelve issues a year, each issue

is limited, for the time being, to 300,000 numbers.

$10 a number $1 a share


1 First prize of $250,000

m 4 Second prizes of 50,000

20 Third „ „ 10,000

100 Fourth „ „ 2,000


Tickets How On Sale

Obtainable at Banks, Stores and all Places

displaying the BLUE POSTER




(Every mail order purchaser is sent a Prize List by post)



Although situated nearly midway between Hpngkong and Tientsin, Shanghai was

the most northerly of the “ Five Ports ” opened to foreign trade under the provisions

ofof the

the external

British TreatyofofChina. Nanking, andinforthemany yearspeninsula


the northern


main mouth of trade the Yangtsze River It liesand Hangchow alluvial Bay,

! in the extreme south-east theof

the province of Kiangsu, in latitude 3L° 14' 29" N. arld longitude

wichj and at the junction of the Whangpoo River with the Woosung, the latter now 121° 29' east of Green

reduced to the dimensions of an ordinary tidal creek, and known to foreign residents

asthethe Soochow

junction of theCreek.

Whangpoo The Foreign

with the Settlement

most southern is situated

arm of.some

the twelve

Yangtze.milesAtabove this

junction is situated the town of Woosung, which some years ago the Chinese Govern-

ment formally converted into a separate port open to foreign commerce. Except as a

place of call for the large steamers, which now carry on the rapidly growing trans-


craft tradewaiting

of Northern

for favourableChina, tides

and asor aweather,

place this of anchorage

convenienceforisthenot largermuch

availed of, owing mainly to the constricted and exposed nature of the anchorage

ground available within the entrance of the Whangpoo.

with Shanghai by a motor road 30 feet wide, and in the same year the Woosung In 1919 Woosung was connected


forming Lighting

Woosung Company commencedindustrial

into an important its service.centre The makes


however, for trans-

progress. Two

cotton mills have been erected there—one of them run by

has been acquired in their vicinity for the building of a large sugar refinery. The value electricity—and land

ot land rose enormously in 1920 and, owing to the influx of population since the

establishmentup ofintheconsequence.

have new mills, house As aaccommodation has become scarce and rents

recentgone origin scarcely dating beyond theriverthirteenth

the Whangpoo century,is ofbeforecomparatively

which it

was merely an unimportant canal. Lower Kiangsu forms an immense plain, the gift of

miles per annum ; a few isolated hills, formerly constituting islands in thesquare

the Yangtsze, and is still growing at the rate of approximately two sea,

alone rise from this plain, the nearest of which, the Fung-hwang-shan, consisting of

some six detached summits, none exceeding 250 feet in altitude, and distant from

fifteen to twenty miles, are visible from the higher buildings of Shanghai.

Flora, and Fauna

This Kiangsu plain has been called the Garden of China, and the population is

perhaps denser than in any other

vary, owing to the absence of any statistical portion ofsensethe inEmpire of equalasextent.

the Chinese a people,Estimates,

but by

foreigners the population is usually accepted as from eight hundred to a thousand per





land being entirelyeasilyof alluvia

irrigated carried

owingdownto bythethe Yangtsze,



grown. whichto traverse

the latitude it inandevery

the direction,

fact that the heavy cropsisofpretty

rainfall the various staples are

well distributed

through the year, two crops per annum are regularly produced, and these are of


that of the northern temperate regions elsewhere, while the autumn crop,similar

different types ; the spring crop, gathered in May or June, being gatheredto


September and October, is distinctly tropical or sub-tropical. The spring crops-

of variousof descriptions,

wheat, two orbeans threeand distinct varieties

lucerne of barley, rape,

predominating. Theand leguminous

latter planes

are frequently


summer into the The

products. land withoutcrops gathering tomainly makeofmanure for

and thericeformore


tion of the former havingsummer of late years,consist

owing to the growing cottondemand ; use cultiva-


and for export to western and northern provinces, as well as to Japan,—where the

cotton spinning and weaving industries have for some years past taken a firm hold—

considerably increased, accompanied by a similar decrease in the acreage under rico


cultivation. This decrease is, however, to a certain extent counterbalanced by an

increase in the production of winter wheat, partly owing to an enlarged acreage, but


mills. Besides more tothese improved

staple cultivation,

crops' therestimulated

are grown byduring the introduction

the summer peas of steam flour-

and beans

of several descriptions, oil bearing crops such as sesamiim, and such domestic products


cabbages, carrots, melons, cucumbers, brinials, etc. Although

adjacent to the great silk producing region of China, so great is the demand Shanghai is im-

on the soil for other purposes that a comparatively small

cultivation. The large supersession of rice cultivation in favour of dry crops, such as area is under mulberry

cotton and oil plants, has certainly had an ameliorating effect on the climate in


plaints, which and hasnowmuch are, asreduced

a rule, Cftheextremely

liability ofmildEuropean

types. residents to malarious com-

Although the growth of forest and fruit trees is heavily handicapped by the small



which permanent subsoil water

of fruits . belonging is always regions.

to temperate to be found,MainlyShanghai

this is due produces

to the

long and late spring, which continues till well into June. Cherries of small size and


also flavour are

to, be hadknown ,

towards common about

the latter the beginning of May, fair strawberries are


eriobotrya, locally as thehalfbibo.of the

As thesamesummer


and are plums,

succeeded nectarines,the

apricots, etc., of various varieties, enter the market, to; be succeeded by fair peaches

and grapes. None of these fruits, however,,, attain perfection,

nature of the. soil and the absence of proper sub-soil drainage, but chiefly to the want partly owing to the

of skill onandthethepartabsence

culture of knowledge

of the native growers. ofPersimmons,

the most elementary

apples, pears, principles



and other more northerly fruits are largely imported from the north, and more re-


quantities fromround


or the westandcoastvicinity.

of America.Oranges Persimnons


grown in large

pumelpes come from the more southern coast, ports, from ofWenchow Canton ; while and

from the Philippines and Indo-China come the varied fruit products of the tropics,

Of trees,

the willows(maiden

sailsburia take thehair first tree),

place, pines,

but areyews,

followed by at oaks

bamboos, least two

and species

chestnuts,of elm.



wistaria as the magnolia in three orandmore

and lagerstromia manyspecies,

more thelendmelia,


in their

various seasons to the landscape, while up tq the latter end of June the ordinary

cultivated flowersplants

the finer tropical of Europe growgrow well andglass,

well under abundantly. In winter,andtoo,privately

and both publicly orchids conand

siderable attention is paid to horticulture, the public parks

the last few years increased both in number and area, as well as in being attended to and gardens having within

regularly by trained

chrysanthemum and botanical

peony, though experts.

roses The native cultivated

are largely flowers most for intheirevidence

scent. are the

Owing to the thickness of the population the native

almost exterminated, being practically confiped to a single species of small deer, mammalian fauna has beenthe

hydropotes inermis, the badger, and one or two of the stoat family. The ayi-fauna is,

however, extensive, pheasants and partridges being still fairly abundant in certain

localities, while during

fowl are plentiful about the the cold seasonmarshes

numerous snipe, duck,

and riverteal channels.

and other The species

otherof birds


are nearly identical


most noteworthywith the palsearctic

beingof athesmall fauna

species of Europe.

of alligator Reptiles

not exceeding are little

six feet in

long. is a resident lower Yangtsze, especially about Wuhu, but

young individuals

opposite Shanghai.History have been work

No single occasionally found in the marshes

of commanding yetof ofbeen

the Whangpoo

on the Natural of the Kiangnan Provinces,authority

and the hasworks the published


explorers, the late Robert Swinhoe, F.L.S., and Pere

in the proceedings of various learned societies. A work specially interestingHeud, S.J., have to be searched

to sports-for

inmen,1895,“ With


muchandvaried Boatand in the

usefulYangtze Valley,”on the

information by the late H.

subject, andT.Mr.Wade, published

G. S. Wilkinson

has recently published a book on “Shanghai Birds.”

The Making of the Poet

That portion of the Whangpoo river opposite the original British Settlement, now


cut by an officer bearing thewas;

as the Central District, nameaccording

of Hwang,to a, doubtful

tp open tradition, formerly awith

a communication canal,a

lake opposite the town of T’sipao, some Seven utiles above the native city, but it now


■constitutes the principal drainage channel from the upper country. This was formerly

^accomplished by the Woosung River, now in its turn reduced to the dimensions of a

creek, which, however, still forms the main water approach to Soochow. The Whangpoo

was at the time of the opening of the port some 2,000 feet across at low water opposite

the Settlements, but is now reduced owing to silt and to the embankment of both


improved to form wharves.

training of the banksAs thisthenarrowing of the stream

actual decrease in widthhasofbeen accompanied

the navigable by anis



no greatin the reaches of the river between Shanghai and Woosung, where theof the

importance. A similar optimistic view could not, however, oe taken de-

terioration of the navigable channel was progressive after the opening of the port in


was Whenimmediately

first frequented insidebyWoosung,

foreign snipping

and thisanledextensive widening ofof the

to a shallowing the channel



streamwith intoanconsequent

twoisland commenced

channels to grow

and, atonthe sameside.up


this shallow

deflected part, which divided the

bank, erosion that result the current

of these towards

causes the right

was that both

channels were blocked by bars, impassable at low water to

■draught river boats, and the large ocean-going steamers could Only enter the river at all but the most shallow-

high-water springs. At other periods goods intended to be landed at Shanghai had

asto well

be conveyed

as the costsome thirteen miles

of lighterage wereinheavylighters.

chargesTheon enforced detention

the commerce of theofport.

the vessels

complaint to the Government from about 1850, when the deterioration of thecause

The unsatisfactory condition of the lower river Was a constant channelof

commenced to assume alarming proportions, and

foreign Governments having the largest interest in the commerce of the port. Un- dredging was urged by the

fortunately in this, as in many other things concerning

reactionary authorities at the Capital were able to shelter themselves behind the the good of the port, the


arrangements, of the alone Powerscount lessininterested

such affairs,in Peking

commerce, and, asable

was always by totraditional

evade its

responsibilities. The late Imperial Government, largely guided by statesmen of whom

powerful aid in their policy of exclusion, and refused to do anything towardsasthea

Li Hung Chang was a characteristic type, looked upon the Bar at Woosung

impi-ovement of the navigation, or deliberately took measures which they knew would

prove haveineffective.

toengineers. lowertheThe

theAfter river foreign

surveyed merchants, assistedon byby the Municipality, took steps

defeat of the and reported

anti-foreign party incompetent

1900, and foreign hydraulic

the capture, by

foreign troops, of Peking, these reports were accepted, and a River Authority on the

■model of that formed for the port of London, wherein local as well as Imperial


difficulties,wereentirely political,wasof■ agreed

represented, the caseon had by allbeenparties, and it and

surmounted was that



be immediately

retarding commenced.

influences were still It isatnotwork.

necessary here to go into

A reactionary details,

viceroy of thebut Kiangnan

the same


river underwas thethe toolofchosen;

advice a foreignheengineer,

offered tooverundertake the workofofwhom

the appointment controlling

the foreignthe

Powers were to have a veto; and, ever ready with China to accept the promise for

the deed, the foreign representatives, apparently impressed by the engagement that

the viceroythe

-sharped should undertake astheinwhole of the financial burden,

agreed toinstead of itsproposi-


tion. by The result beneficiaries

was that Mr. thedeaccepted Eijke, scheme,

the gentleman the new

formerly consulted

by the mercantile community of Shanghai, an1 engineer of standing who had carried,

-out several important works in connection with the Japanese Government, was


Board consisting Engineer-in-Chief

of the Shanghaiby Taotai the Chinese

and the Government

CommissionerinofJune, 1906, The

Customs. undertwoa

■main obstructions in the river were the Outer Bar, in the mouth, and the Inner Bar, a

little farther

jetty, startingupfrom river.the Through

left shorethe firsttoa deep

across channel was scorned

water. To evadebythe building

seconda obstruc-


tion, the channel was diverted from the east side to the we^t of Gough Island by fascine

dams and dredging. The dredging work amounted to about 8,000,000 cubic yards. In


low water,1909, andall600thefeet


broad. wasCommunication

transferred to with the new

the channel,

sea was then 18 feet deep

not interrupted

for a single day. During 1910, work was carried out sparingly, funds being exhausted

and the

and theestimates

greater part exceeded,

of the until at thedismissed,

staff was end of that hardlyyearhalf

Mr. ofdetheRijke


for home,




In December, 1910, with the approval of the Diplomatic Body in Peiping,,

Mr. H. von Heidenstam, c.E., and Captain in the Royal (Swedish Corps of

Engineers, was appointed Engineer-in-Chief. He prepared a detailed “Pro-

ject fpr 'the Continued WhangpOo Regulation'” with plans and estimates for

a period of ten years involving a total outlay of six million Taels, which was-

approved by all concerned: but could not. be started owing to lack of funds.

A practical scheme for the carrying but of Mr. von Heidenstam’s project was

ultimately evolved by the Shanghai Chairtbef of ’ CorgmerCe. This was based

on the levying of 3 per cent., conservancy tax on all Customs duties and

per milk; ,qij value on

to be. married on by a Board consisting of the Shanghai Commissioner for

Foreign Affairs, the Commissioner of . Customs and the Harbour Master.

After' lengthy'negotiatiohs dukihg' 1911 and 1912, this scheme, with some

mihbr hmendmehts, was app'rqved by the 'Government ih April, 1912. The

scheme, was put into operation on May 15th, 1912, according to Mr. von Hpx-’ -

denstam’s project. A new parallel jetty on the eastern, side of the former

Outer Bar, training-works in the Upper Rivey and the dredging of some

7,000,000 cubic yards, mostly at convexes and in the Astrsea Channel, were

executed. The former Outer Bar, where only 16 feet of water were available

in 190.7, was thus finally eliminated, and the shallowest reach in the whole-

river became over 24 feet deep over a width of 600 feet in the narrowest places.

In 1915 and 1916 thfe narrow reach at the Chinese City at Nantao was widened

by dredging, and a new bund was created fof .the'Chinese City. Towards-

the end of 1916 the Board acquired the first installation of its own dredging:

planf. At the end of 1921, Mr. von Heidenstam’s project, started in 1912,

had been practically completed, at a cost of about five million Taels, as-

against the estimate of six millions; For many years it had been foreseen

that the rapid growth of shipping in the port and the increase in the size-

of the ships would necessitate a general port policy including if possible a-

regulation of, the great bar in thb Yangtze below Woosung. After investiga-

tions,’ extending back to 13ii5, into the state of the Yangtze Estuary and into-

the possibilities for future harbour development, a Committee of Consulting,

Engineers was , convened in 1921 who reported in favour of a reorganization

of the Board into a Port Authority with adequate powers to dredge the

Yangtsze bar and to execute harbour works. Their report has not yet been

acted on.

The Harbour in point of tonnage now ranks 5th among the principal

ports of the world. Shanghai serves a hinterland of some 750,000 square miles and is-


mooring to remain the principal

accommodation in theentrepot


trade ofhaving


and Central China.owing

inaequate The-

to the enormous shipping developments of recent years the Customs called a

conference, representing Chinese and foreign shipping interests, in December-

's, and a comprehensive re-berthing plan was drawn up, which was en-

dorsed by the Consular Body and the Chambers of. Commerce eoncerned.

The present position of Shanghai as a world port is due almost entirely

to the activities of the Whangpoo Conservancy Board. In 1905, as stated,,

the Outer Bar at the mouth of the River had a depth of 15 feet at low water;

while three miles up stream the River divided into two channels-—one of eight

feet depth, and the other, of eleven feet depth (the Inner Bar). A channel

of at least 25 feet at lowest water now exists! This remarkable progress may


^attributed to theadopted,

The Board able scheme

and devised

has sinceby consistently

the Dutch Engineer

adhered to,Mr.hisJ. re-


commendations, and results have conclusively proved the soundness and cor-

rectness of his views. Mr. von Heidenstam proved a most able

his broad views have been of great value. He retired owing to ill health im successor, and

1928, and was succeeded by Dr. H. Chatley, m.inst.c.e.



The origin of the name “Shanghai,” which literally means “Upper Sea,”

;has been much debated, but probably like Kaoch’ang, “High Reeds,” and

.Kiangwan, “River Bend,” names still existing in the neighbourhood, was

mouth of the Yangtsze. It does not appear in history till the time of the

Mongol Empire. We find at various periods, from after Han downwards,

that K’wenshan, Changshu, iKiating, etc., were constituted into separate

hsiens, and that in the year 1292 Shanghai was likewise erected into a

separate district and placed under Sungkiang-fu, which itself had only fifteen

years previously been divided from Kiahsing-fu, now in the province of

Chekiang. Prior to that it had been made a Customs’ station on account

-of its favourable position for trade, but its growth had been slow, and for

centuries the chief trade of the lower district had been concentrated at the

.mouth of the Liu-ho, now an insignificant creek which, passing T’aitsang,

.joins the Yangtsze some twenty-five miles above Woosung.

With the silting up of the Liu-ho and its eventual extinction as a navi

'.gable channel, largely brought about apparently by the opening of the

Whangpoo before alluded to, Shanghai became the principal shipping port

of this region; and such it had been for some centuries when it was visited

in 1832 by Mr. H. H. Lindsay, head of the late firm of Lindsay & Co.,

accompanied by the Rev. Chas. Gutzlaff, in the Lord Amherst, with a view

to opening up trade, and from that time begins its modern history. Mr.

-Lindsay in his report of the visit says that he counted upwards of four

hundred junks passing inwards every day for seven days, and found the

place possessed commodious wharves and large warehouses. Three years later

it was visited by Dr. Medhurst, who confirmed the account given by Mr. Lind-

say. On the 13th June. 1842, a British fleet under Vice-Admiral Sir William

Parker, and a military force of 4,000 men under Sir Hugh Gough, captured

•the Woosung forts, which mounted 175 guns, and took the hsien (district)

city of Paoshan. On the 19th, after a slight resistance, the force gained

possession of Shanghai, the officials and a large proportion of the inhabitants

having fled the previous evening, although great preparations had been made

for the defence, 409 pieces of cannon being taken possession of by the British.

'The people, however, rapidly returned and business was resumed. The same

-force afterwards captured Chapoo and Chinkiang, after which the fleet,

having blockaded the Imperial Canal and anchored opposite to Nanking, the

treaty of Nanking was signed, and the ports of Swatow, Amoy, Foochow,

Ningpo, and Shanghai were opened to trade. The city was evacuated on the

23rd June. The walls, three and a half miles in circuit with seven gates,

were erected at the time of the Japanese invasion, in the latter part of the

sixteenth century.

The ground selected by Captain Balfour, the first British, Consul for a

‘Settlement for his nationals lies about half a mile north of the city walls,

between the Yangkingpang and Soochow creeks, and extends backward from

the river to what was still, recently a ditch chnnecting the'two, afterwards

called the Defence Creek, thus forming what may be termed an island a mile

square. Both the Yangkingpang and the Defence Creek have now been cul-

werted and made into broad roadways, known respectively as Avenue Edward

VII. and Thibet Road The port was formally declared open to trade on the

•17th November, 1843. Some years Were occupied in draining and laying out

the ground, which was mostly a marsh with numerous ponds and creeks. The

foreigners in the nieantime lived at Nantao, a suburb net ween the- city and

the river, the British Consulate being in the city. In two years a few houses

were built in the Settlement, and by 1849 most foreigners had taken up their

residence in it. By that time twenty-five firms were established, and the

foreign residents numbered a hundred, including seven ladies. In that year

an English Church was built, and on 21st November the foundation of the


Homan Catholic Cathedral at Tungkadoo was laid. The French were, in

1849, granted the ground between the cijly walls and the British Settlement

on the same terms; and, in exchange for help rendered in driving out the

rebels who had seized the city in 1853, got a grant of the land extending,

for about a mil© to the south between the city walls and the river. They

have since-- by purchase, extended-the bounds of the• Concession westward to

the “Ningpo Joss House/* a mile f rom the river. -Negotiations were instituted

for an extension of the1 Concession to Siccawei, a village chiefly occupied by

the Jesuits and their cOfivertsV'situated'at the end 6f the French Municipal

Road and five miles from the1 French Bund, blit in this the French wC-re only

partially successful, • a small extension as' far as the Old Cemetery being,

granted them in 1:899 In the later fifties the Americans rented land imme-

diately north of Sboehow Creek, in the district called Hongkew. A greatly-

enlarged boundary for the Settlement was granted in 1901.

impetus As abyporttheforopening

foreignintrade 1861 Shanghai

of the grew butandgradually

Yangtsze northern until it secured

gained abygreat


1848, owing of Tientsin, and a .further

to an assault'on increase

sorhe missibnaiies byhear

the Shanghai,

opening upMr.ofports,

Japan. the



In British


; Consul,

junks. blockaded

This drasticthemeasiif’e

pppt and,.bystopped th^passage outwards of ;eleven hundred grains

T whiqh grain for ^he. North was. cut ofi, brought; the-


arranged. tp their, senses,ofand

first event after, Sphding

importance a man-of-war

since the to Nankingwasthethematter

advent of foreigners takingwas-


the native city on 7th September, l' 8 53, by the Triad rebels,

months, although repeatedly'besieged afid attached by the Imperialists. This caused a who held it for seventeen-


landnumber Pf refugees

rose very tP seek Atshelter

considerably. that withiti the foreignforce

time a Volunteer Settlements;

was formedandamong the price


did really good service. The battle of “ Muddy Flat ” was fought on 4th April,which

foreign residents, under the command of Captain (afterwards Sir Thomas) Wade, 1854,


with one thefield

Volunteers in conjunction

piece, drove with the Naval forces,

the Imperialists;-numbering 10,000consisting

men, frominthe all neighbour-

of 300 men

hood of the Settlements and burned their camps. Two of the Volunteers and one-

American were killed, and.ten men wounded. Owing to the occupation,of the city the


and it was, were powerless to agreed

in consequence, collect the duties,3854,

in .July, which for a short

between time were

the Taotai notthree-

and the paid*

Consnls (British, French, and American) that they should be collected under


Government that This

theThewas found

system tosubsequently

was,,Inspectoratework so much thetoTreaty

the advantageTientsin,of extended

the Chinese

all the open ports. lYreigu oftoCustoms was ofestablished in 1861, theto

headquarters of which were-ior some, years, and, according to the original regulations,,

ought still to be,

the buildings of theat Jesuits

Shanghai,, .in] .1861’andthethreatened

at Sieawei. Taipingsapproacl^ed

the city andShanghai,

settlements. occupied



that city arid the siirrounding districts to Shanghai for protection, sb that the nativeof

of Soochow on 25th May’, 3 860, had driven a large number of the inhabitants

population increased rapidly. It was variously estimated at from four hundred


provisions to a millionybut the'snialler tonumber is probbbly theynearerhadthebeen truth.somey By 1861'

previously. had increased

Efforts were.piadein price to keep-fhe four times

rebels what

at a (jist^uce fpoiji Shanghai; ears-a

detachment of British Royal Maripes and an Indian Regiuiept garHsoned the walls,


Marines. the gates on the.3861,


the city ’flip'French

was attacked,Settleifient were guarded bythe


walls and InriverAugust,

were in corisequende'destroyed byandthethe French,

suburbs between

the city

> rebels being


thousand driven back;

again threatened In 1 ieeember

theandSettlements; the‘rebels to the number of ‘one hundred


Before theCreek

close constructed

Of 186& the Febels fortified

had beenat The approaches'werb

ah expense

driven by the


of -British-'Forees

forty-five icaded andtaels.


the -




for is ten of thirty

stated ground



arOund Shanghai. cost


So immensely fifty

this- time theforeigners

did the

old Race Course poundspriceperof land

and Cricket acre rise

was that




holders withinbeentherepaid

had British, theSettlement,

original was


thereat such


profit thatof after

some the share-



the use thousand taels, winch

of the public, the owners generously devoted foundation of a fund for

thirty taelsto- ofbe applied,

this amount to the purposes

were lentof, recreation only.- Unfortunately'

by the treasurer on his own


responsibility to the Club, in which institution he was a shareholder. As, the share-

holders were never able to repay this loan opt ot tho profits on the Club, the building



to whichwere'taken

tlie, building overstill

in 1869 by theThis,trustees

belongs. fund, has on behalf of the Kecreation

,pj-qved,very usefql in

renclering. assistance to, some other .public institutions, besides having purcl^sed all the

ground in the interior of the Race Course, which

and, with the Skceptiofi of the steeplechase bourse at training seasbiis' is now leased by the Municipality

.'only, Set aside



a Public Recreation

by thewithMunicipality,Ground, conjunction

by which name withitthe-Hongkew

is knbivri.

trustees Mbre the'recently to: steps werb

connection the new RifleinRange adjoining the ofSettlement,

fund, an acquire,


park for public recreation. This, which covers some fifty or sixty acres, > has been

laid interior

the out, andof isthefully



use, relieving;

summerthe on congestion

a Saturdayofafternoon,the groundonein

may see in progress at the same time half a dozen cricket mat ches, baseball, polo, golf


several tennis matches. The swimming bath in the Hongkew Ground was opened

At the time the local native Authorities were severely pressed they availed

themselves of the services of an American adventurer named Ward, who raised a

band partly composed; of deserters from foreign ships and rowdies qf all nations, who



notwithstandingat Shanghai, with whosecommencement;

its unpromising help he drilled attained a regimentunder of natives.

Ward a This-


siderable amount of efficiency, and did good and useful service. This was acknowledg-

ed in a manner unusual, where foreigners are conCerhed, by the Chinese authorities,


servicesafter hisstill

death reared in the cityWard

of Sungkiangfu thea temple-to his under


mand of are another maintained.

American of the After was killed who

name of Burgevine. force

provedpassedunfaithful to hiscom-



Authorities found it impossible to control these raw and undisciplined levies,Imperial

subsequently transferred his services to the Taiping rebels. The and at

their earnest request Adpiira,! Sir James Hope cqnsented to .the appointmeiit of Major,

afterwards General, Gordon, R.TE., to the command. Having by mm. been macje amen-

able to discipline,

rebellion ; indeed, this

it isforce now rendered

generally believed thethatgreatest service inwould

the Taipings the suppression

never haveofbeen the-

overcome but for the assistance of “The Ever-Wi'cfbfious Army,” as this hastily-raised

band was named: Amongst Other services they regained possession of the important

city of Soochow on'27th November, 1863, which virtually ended the rebellion. There-


however;manymuch roombest

of those for capable

doubt asoftojudging

the wisdom being ofof foreigmers

opinion that aiding in its sup-

the civilization

of the Empire would have had a much better chance of progressing had the decaying

dynasty been then overthrown. Certainly European nations, merely in exchange for the

promise of neutrality, might have made almost any terms with the ; Taiping rebels. A


north end ofin the memory

Bund'ofandthewas fallen officers oftransferred

afterwards this regiment stoodPublic

to the for many years atFrom

Gardens. the-

1860 to 1867 one British and'two Indian Regiments and a battery of British Artillery

were stationed at Shanghai.


time there Eve,.have


the few historical

British Consulate events wasworthy.of

burned/dew record

11 in a brief

and most of

tHp records

Owing to thecompletely

intentionlost. of theIn Municipal

May, 1874, Council

a riot occurred to makejn atheroad,.through

French Settlement an old


injured, eight nativesto, thelostNingpo Guild. 4 One.

their lives.; or two Europeansof foreign-owned

considerable’amount were severely


destroyedwas 221 destroyed,

housps ^the,An lossextensive

was estimated fire in,atthe,T(s.French


The,foreign in August, 1879,



strangers their,jubilee on 17th and 18th November, 1893,-when,if is estimated, 500,000

1894 a firevisited


the nativeAcitymedal alongwasthestruck

river inbank commemoration.of

having cleared away the occasion.

a great and In

noisome collection of huts and hovels,, advantage was

native Authorities to make a broad Bund on the model of the Foreign Settlement taken of this clearing by the


some ThisandBund extends,

a half miles,from

to thetheArsenal

south corner

at KaoofChang the French.

Miao. Bund* It wasalong the river

formally de-


Bund and attend to other native municipal matters; its: offices are situated in this-

by the Taotai in October, 1897. A Council was formed to, supervise the

Bureau for .Foreign Affairs, in the Bubbling Well Road. It controls a special ..force of

police composed,of Sikhs and Chinese. A riot occurred on- 5th and-6th April, 1897, in


consequence of an increase in the wheelbarrow tax. It was suppressed by the

Volunteers and sailors from the men-of-war in port, without loss of life. The Consuls

and Municipal Council having submitted to the dictation of the Wheelbarrow Guild, an

indignation public meeting was held on the 7th April, the largest meeting ever held in

the Settlements up to that date. At this meeting the action of the Authorities was so

-strongly condemned that the Council resigned. A new Council was elected and the tax

enforced, the French Municipal Council increasing their tax in like proportion. Another

riot took place on 16th and 17th July, 1898, owing to the Authorities of the French

Settlement having decided to remove the “ Ningpo Joss House.” The French Volun-

teers were called out and a force landed from men-of-war, which measures speedily sup-

pressed the riot, fifteen natives being reported killed and many wounded. In 1900, Great

Britain, France, Germany, and Japan landed troops at Shanghai for the protection of

the Settlements, the presence of the troops being deemed necessary owing to the threat-

ening aspect of the natives at the time Operations were being conducted in the north in

consequence of the Boxer rising. They remained as a garrison until December, 1902, when

they were withdrawn. In December, 1905, differences arose between the local Chinese

and British officials regarding the jurisdiction of the British Assessor of the Mixed

Court, leading to a situation that called for the intervehtion of an armed foreign force.

Inflammatory placards were posted throughout the native city and in the Settlement

itself urging a general strike for the purpose of asserting so-called Chinese rights, and

on the 18th December serious rioting occurred in the streets, when several foreigners

were subjected to rough usage at the hands of the mob. Determined attacks were made

on the Hongkew and Louza police stations., The latter, station was set on fire and

partially wrecked, i Encouraged by this success the rioters directed their incendiary

efforts to the annexe of the Hotel Metropole. Their designs were happily frustrated by

a force of bluejackets and volunteers who arrived On the scene, but it was not before

•shots had been fired, and a few of the rioters killed that the mob dispersed. In the

Nanking Road also the police found it necessary to fire on the mob with ball cartridge,

two rounds of blank cartridges having failed to overawe them. In addition to the

Volunteers, the Municipal police, European and Sikh, who appeared on the streets armed

with rifles and fixed bayonets, upwards of 3,000 bluejackets were landed from warships


f various nationalities

moderation, for the convinced

but speedily protection theof the Settlement.

rioters that their The conduct menwasbehaved with


The Viceroy himself came to Shanghai to settle the dispute,

being closed for a fortnight, was re-opened with Mr. Twyman, the British Assessorand the Mixed Court, after

(whose dismissal the Taotai had demanded), still on the Bench. The Corps Diploma-


and this at Peping

prevented somewhat unfortunatelyconclusion

any satisfactory yielded tobeing

the demand

arrivedofat,theboth Chinese officials,

parties, the

Municipality and the Chinese Magistrates, being unsatisfied. Shanghai

was the scene of some fighting in connection with the abortive rebellion against Yuan in August, 1913,


the arsenal,A but largedidforce


revolutionaries madefighting,

There was several also,


in the attempts

immediateto capture



■Conhekiang. over possession of Shanghai during the summer of 1924 between Kiangsu and

the Settlement. On May 30th, 1925, there was rioting outside the Louza Policemade

The Volunteers of the Settlement were'mobilised, but no attack was Sta-

tion and

casualties, the Police

andand were

a general forced to fire

strike 6finfluences, upon

the Chinese the crowd.

followed There

withof unrest, were a number

engineered of


by Bolshevik anti-foreign in many parts

•the unrest continued and there were many labour troubles but general trade pro- China. Throughout 1926


was feared with owing

little interruption.

to the occurrencesAt theatbeginning


approachmore serious

of the trouble


•forces, and the Powers therefore agreed to garrison the Settlement.

The taking over of Manchuria by the Japanese in September 1931 led to a boycott


As a in thealarm

result great Sino-Japanese

was caused hostilities round Shanghai

to the foreigners residingandinatatthethe beginning

foreign of 1932.


inilityShanghai on account of the proximity of the fighting,

of evacuating the place was even considered. However, after considerable damage one time the advisab-


was been signeddonein tothethemiddle

Chineseof territories

1932 betweenaround


and Japan particularly

by whichChapei, a truce

the latter was

literally recognised as the virtual ruler of the three North-Eastern provinces.



during ThetheFoTeign

next tenpopulation

years. The increased


of 1665 up gaveto,the


but declined

of foreign considerably


inof 5,589.

the threeIn 1870,

Settlements as 2,757, army and navy (British) 1,851,

the total in the Anglo-American Settlement was 1,666; in 1876, shipping 981, a1,673;


in 1880, 2,197; in 1885, 3,673; in 1890, 3,821; in 1895, 4,684; in 1900, 7,396; in 1905,

11,497. By the census of 15th October, 1910, there were in both Settlements a total

of 15,012,.

8,658 foreigners;(how

in Hongkew 1,356Horthern

in the British Settlement (now called3,52.^ Central,District),

trict, Outside Hoads and Pootung; andand1,476Eastern

in theDistricts),

French Settlemerit—an in Western Dis-


of 2l7.4 per cent, during the latter five years, against 45 per cent, during the previous

five. When the census was taken in October, 1915,. the number of. foreigners in

the two

and 2,405Settlements

in the French had Settlement.

grown to 20,924—18,519

According tointhethe censusinternational

taken onSettlement


16th, 1920 (exclusive of the French Settlement and

of the French Consul), the foreign population numbered 23,307, compared the outside rqads.under the control


18,519 in 1915 and 13,536 in 19l0. The proportion of the principal nationalities repre-

sented was as follows, the figures at the time of the 1915 census being given within

garenthesis:—Japanese 10,215 (7,169); British, 5,341 (4,822); American, 2,264 (1,307);

ortuguese, 1,301 (1,323); Itussian, 1,266 (361); French, 316 (244)'; German, 280 (1,155);.

Spanish; 186 (181); Danish, 175 (145);number


171 (114); Indians, last954official


This showed


that Japanese had

was trebled

taken inin1925, when the 1910.

returnsThe showed 29,947 foreigners of and


810;279 Chinese as resident in the districts under the control of the International


7,811This figure isand

foreigners exclusive


the FrenchItSettlement

is interesting thetopopulation

note thatoftliewhich is given

foreign popula-at

tion of the “French” Concession included 3,463 British and Americans, as against 893

French. According to the census' report compiled by the Municipal Bureau of Public.


tional the total population

and the French of Gfeater Shanghai

Concession, in December

was 3,183,567, 1930; with

including 59,355theforeigners.


Of the total population, 1,007,868 are residing in the International

in the French Concession, and 1,740,892 in the native city and its surrounding suburbs. Settlement, 434,807

Although the Chinese have no right of residence

and indeed were not recognised by the original Land Regulations, some twenty within the Foreign Settement,


city sought refuge

was besieged by thewithin

Taipings theinboundax-ies

1860 therefrom were,theit rebels

is said,inat1854,




930,068. than natives

The the within

Chinese the Settlements. In 1920 there were in the three Settlements

greater totalpopulation

given, as working

there arein manythe Settlements, however,

inore" thousands Whomusts^pbeoutside-


the limits;


The climate of Shanghai is generally allowed to be fairly healthy. . The highest

recorded number of deaths from

11 were amongst residents. With the exception cholera amongofforeigners

the year 1912,was 32when in 1890.

thereOfwere these,14

cases, theduring

annum averagethenumber of casesyears.

last twenty amongstTheforeigners

averagehasnumber been slightly

of, deaths overofthree per



Amongst from small-pox during the last twenty years has been : 15 per annum.

14 in 1916,the20.7foreign in 1917,population the general

16.5 in 1918 deathJapanese),

(including rate was 20.615.4 ,in

per 1919,


15.2 inin 1915,


18.2 in 1921, 19.3 in 1922 and 17.2 in 1923. These rates compare favourably with those

ofto many large towns in Europe and America. The thermometer

103 deg. F., the mean of ten years having been 59:19 deg., the average being 41*13, ranges from 25 deg.

64‘99, 77-91 and

approaches 52.49toforHome

nearest first, second,

in mean third and fourthwhile

temperature, quarters,

the respectively.

winter Shanghaiof


London and Shanghai are almost identical. In October and November there is

generally dry, clear, and delightful weather, equal to that found in any part of

the world; but when the winter has fairly set in the north-east winds are-


Woosung. cold The and


during July On January

and August 17th,is 1878, the river

sometimes was frozen

excessive, over at

but generally

lasts only a few days at a time. In late years very severe gales have become-




the district On 27th and 28th July, 1915, ameantyphoontheofbarometer

extraordinary is fromofviolence

in the third to 30’245doing

inchesmuchin damage.

the first The quarter. ofThe annual average 29.769



€9 ininsummer;

Shanghaithe during eightrainfall

annual years was 124; 5549'5wet

averages days occurred

7 inches, about 15 inin winter,

winter andand


in thein summer

summer.months. The mean degree ,bf humidity is from 78:6 in the' winter to 82‘6


-east and'west, mostly for the whole lengthFrench

The streets of the International and of both,Settlements

crossing each run other

northatandright south and


They werebeenwhen

expense first made

mostly laid outmtichitwenty-two

wider. Infeetspite wide,of this,

but have since and

however, at very the great



as elsewhere. regulations, the traffic problem

Notwithstanding the softis nature

becomingof increasingly

the soil theacute roadsinareShanghai

kept in


trams the good track

whole order, ofdespite

the the heavy

Maloo, one motor

mile in traffic. wasWith

length, laidthewithintroduction

Jarrah hard-of

wood blocks, and the section of Nanking Road between Kiangse Road and the Bund

was paved with the same material. Owing to the nature of the ground, expensive


height or concrete foundatidnsallarestone necessary

has tobefore any building over distance.

one storeyThein

SoochowcanCreek, be erected,

betweenand the British Settlement beand


Hongkew, from isa now

long crossed by nine

bridges, seven of which are adapted for carriage traffic.

Many foreign houses, surrounded by gardens, have been erected near the outside

roads, Roads,

Sinza especially on the

which are theBubbling Well, Avenue Haig, Yuyuen,andGreat Westernmost and

of the other roads branch off. main

These outlets



with treesfrom on which

both sidps,

forming fine avenues of five to six miles in length.

may be described as remarkable and unparalleled in the history of the port. Building activity of late years

the Mentionasshould

central bewestern

made ofdistricts.

the many 10 and evenfor20 the storied apartment houses in

to these. Thesewellareasnow too numerous to Foreigners

enumerate off-hand.most part have migrated

Trade for 1934

by TheCustoms,

the value statistics

were as for the direct

follows: trade foreign

of Shanghaiimports,in so600,5

far as they dollars

are nowasrecorded

736.2 million in the preceding year (an 18 per cent, decrease);million

coastwise importations against

of Chinese merchandise, 314.5 million dollars as against 220.4 million (a 43 per cent,

increase); direct exportations to foreign countries, 272.3 million dollars as against


duce, million (a 14 perdollars

475.1 million cent, asdecrease);

against and487.8coastwise

million exportations

(a 3 pecworth of Chinese

cent- pro-


Thus, Shanghai is shown to have handled 1,662.4 million dollars’

which statistics are available, as compared with 1,760.2 million dollars’ worth in the of the_ cargo

previous year. The Returns also show that a greater proportion of China’s total im-

port tradeand

Shanghai, thanthatin only

1933 a(57.82 per cent,smaller

very slightly as against 54.14 per

proportion of thecent.) was exports

the total landed atto

foreign countries (50.83 per cent, as against 51.57 per cent.) was shipped from this

particular port. In the last report on Shanghai it was pointed

the trade of smaller port it is usually possible to account for yearly variations out that in reviewingin

handles (chiefly in its capacity as an entreport for the country) over half of thewhich

statistics by an analysis of local conditions, but that in the case of Shanghai, im-

portations into China over half of the exportations from China, such a method is in-


port. demand except when

In otherandwords, a major

it isfrom disturbance

not usually interrupts

possible the

in theandcase power functioning

of Shanghai of

to separatethe

local output the wider demand output of the country as a


it wouldorbeto impossible

measure theto effect

give aofreview

local conditions on the trading

of the general statisticsconditions

of the port.affecting Since

this greatgiven

already distributing and shipping centre without Chinamerely duplicating thebe review

less to refer inofdetail

the general conditions

here either to the affecting

great drought ofasthe

a whole, it would

year under review, point-


although this calamity particularly affected most of the

served by Shanghai and although, consequently, it had a very direct influence on the provinces immediately

amount of cargo handled by the port; or to the success Of the campaign against the


so-called Soviet forces in Kingsi and the serious state of affairs in far distant Szechwan,

two more provinces in the port’s trade drainage-area; or to the encouraging effect of

the restoration

onditions rulingofdeveloped

normal conditions

generally in North Chinaor and eventheto more stable currency


situation which inthroughout

seriousnesstheas country;

the year progressed, thegradually

critical depleting

the silver reserves of the local banking institutions. The shipping statistics show a


the increase

atwaters port. in the tonnage

Entering tonnageand a slight

alone, falling-off

including thattoinof 19.9

the number

vessels of vessels

plying under trading

according Steam Navigation

to tables publishedRegulations, amounted

in the Rotterdam “ Statistics million whichInland

of Trade,tons,Industry, total,


Traffic,” gives Shanghai to rank (the figures quoted in the publications in question

are exclusive of Shanghai’s 2 million tons of so-called inland waters tonnage, most of




port inofthe


world to-day.steamers plying and

Entrances on the coast) under

clearances as theGeneral


Regulations together .numbered 17,797 vessels as compared with 18,115 in the previous

year, and the corpbined tonnage for entrances and clearances under these regulations

was 35.5 million as against 35.2 million tons. Vessels entering and clearing under

Inland Waters Regulations numbered 27,858 and aggregated 4.4 million tons. These

statistics do not include the 73,498 junks entered and cleared at the Nantao sub-office.

The combined figures for entrances and clearances of the domestic and foreign traffic

under General Regulations show that British-flag vessels led the Shanghai shipping


tons,with 12.4 million

followed tons, and thatvessels

by Japanese-flag the Chinese-flag took second

with 5.8 million tons. place with 7.6 million

Chinese-flag vessels

took theBritish-flag

million, lead in the vessels


trade under


closely Regulations

with an aggregatewith a tonnage of 7.4

of 6.7 million

tons. The year was one of even more than normal activity for the Whangpoo Conser-


bour andBoard. A further4.3new

its approaches, record

million cubicwasyards

established for dredging

(barge measure) of mudworkbeingin removed

the har-

and used for the most part on the various land reclamation schemes now being carried

out; the Wayside Bar dredging referred to in the last report was successfully completed;



channel in the —Whangpoo was well maintained at the following least depths

low water:

Outer (Woosung Forts): 31 feet 6 inches.

Astraea Channel (Gough Island): dredging to 30 feet completed over half


Black Point Crossing: 26 feet.

Wayside Bar Crossing (Shanghai side): 28 feet.

Bund Crossing: 28 feet.

Kiangnan Arsenal Crossing: 28 feet. “

Powder Magazine Crossing: 26 feet.

Crossing above Cement Works: 27 feet.

Besides the work accomplished in the Whangpoo, much was done in preparation

for the operations to be commenced

Some idea of the magnitude in 1935

of this latter on thewasYangtze

scheme given inBarthedredging

report forscheme.


It may be stated here, however, that the Bar in question is more than 2 miles wide; that

deep draught ships are affected by it over a distance of about 20 miles; and that it is

proposed to cut through^ it a navigable channel 1,000 feet wide and 9 feet deeper


yardstheof mud.

crest ofThethe giant

Bar, a drag

project involving theordered

suction-dreger removal fromofGermany

over 20 for million

this cubic


was launched at Danzig in September and was practically ready to sail for China

before the end of the year, while its locally built buoy-tender was actually completed

and commissioned during the period under review.



A. B. C. Bakery—Y1076-7, North Sze- W & ® Tf ® m f'J w

chufen Boad; Teleph. 46775 Ying shang ta li tieh chang yu h tiah k ung sze

A. Road;

B. C. Pharmacy—751, Acme Foundry,15404 Ltd.—161, Museum Road ;

Teleph. 36339 Bubbling Well 7'e.0.leph. C. McKelvie,

Newson, F.c.i.s., secretary

A.B.C. Press, S. Road;

A., Printers—Lane 126, K. assistant do.

22, Szechueh Telephs. 17470-

17479; Gable Ad : Abecepress Adams & Ob., William A., Insurance and

Ed. Haenggi, managing director Importers^—70, Szechuen Road; Teleph.


S. Burak M. Haenggi

I Mrsi C. Guzman 18.210; Cable Ad: Happy

M. Ossipoff | Moh

A. Ennock Miss A.KeeNorman

Kong NS® **30f

A. Sing Ltd.—209, Broadway; Telephone. A. ManufacturersE. G. China Electric Co,, iElectrical

and Engineers — 267,

41711; Cable Ad: Asing Kiangse Hoad; Teleph. 17622: Cable Ad:


St. H alas, Branch

tech, Office:

manager Tientsin

bS ijf Zeang Tcee


CommissionEbrahim & Co.,SzechuenRd.;

Agents—671, Merchants &

Teleph. 11829; P.O. Box 241; Cable Ad: AJ'ExportersSHAR & Co., A. R.,Silk,Importers

of Tea, Hides andand


F. C. Ebrahim, Headmanager

Office: Bombay Tobacco Leaf—60, Kiangse Rd.; Teleph.

S.T. C.C. Ebrahim 12759; P.O. Bos 1329; Cable Ad: Sharaf

Ebrslhim (absent)

do. . A. R. Afshar

M. A. Baxamusa

Agfa China"Articles'—261,

graphic Co. (Otto & Co.),SzechuenPhoto-

Abeichi Yoko, Ltd.—223, Szechuen Road; Teleph. 16388; CaBle Ad :

Road; Telephs. 12095, 12357 & 14720 Agfaphbto

Abraham, D. E. J., Merchant—83, Peking

Road; Teleph. 10269; Cable Ad: Ah Foh & Co., Stevedores and General

Pigeon Contractors—33, Szechuen Road (Room

607) ;AhTeleph. 18882 T. H. Sung

Abraham, Katz & Co.—316, Kiangse'

Road; Teleph. 13361 P. S.Foh,

KarJr. I|| Wm. D. Bentley

Kya S. Foo L. C. Chen

Acme Advertising Agency—131, Museum

Ah Fong, Photographer, Flashlights,

' Road;

’1 S. B.Teleph.

Crawshaw, 17518manager etc.-—647, Nanking Road; Teleph.

94450 '

ft! 1® iH Ae Me Dee Ma

Acme Code Co., Cable Codes, Con- Ah33,Hong & Co., Building Contractors—

Szechuen Road; Teleph. 19301

densers, Bank Publications and Special T. S. Sung

Code Compilers—623,

between 10083; Nanking Kiangse Road,

Teleph. P.O.&Box


1; CableRoads,

Ad : Ah Sing, Printer — 561, Boone Road,


Business Equipment Corporation, Corner Teleph. 42692

of North Szechuen Road;




Branches(China) Ltd., Specialists

of Aviation, Suppliers ofin all

all Allanson, 0William, A LiP sin

Types of Aircraft and Aircraft Materials Rue Lafayette, Teleph.Merchant — 455,

81475; Cable Ad:

—Teleph. 14876 ; Cable Ad : Ariel Allanson

F.D. 11.Reiss,

Smith, chairman


G. G. N. Tinson, director m & m m m

S. A.de D.Sulerzyski,

Bennett, do.

manager Aye lay han pah lee

Miss F. J. Moalem , Allen & Hanburys Ltd., Wholesale


Chemists, Surgical and Instrument



A.K.U. China Agency—131, Museum Hospital Furniture Manufacturers—

Road; Teleph. 10161; Cable Ad: Katt- 110, Hankow Road; Teleph. 15611;

winkel; Codes: Rudolf Mosse, Universal Cable Ad; Allenburys

P. D. Gain, agent

Trade and Supplement, A.B.C- 6th and Slowe & Co., Ltd., distributing,


M. Kattwinkel, rep. and gen. manager agents

H. Huebel, signs per pro.


Germany Glanzstoff-Fabriken, A.G.

Allg. Kunstzijde Unie N. Y. Arnhem, Chu hwa lien ho yen tsao

Holland yu hsien hung sze

Bemberg Department Alliance Tobacco Co. of China, Ltd.—

J. P. Bemberg, Germany 175, Soochow Road; Teleph. 13432 .


A. L. Dickson, Bailey, W.L. G.C. Cousins,


Alexander Clark Co., Ltd., The, Manu- Brigadier-General E. B. Macnagh-

facturing Goldsmiths and Silversmiths ten, c.m.g., p.s.o., and C.H. Harber

—Sassoon House, The Bund; Teleph. C. K.C. McKelvie,

Newson; f.c.i.s.,

10719; London

Fenchurch Street, Showroom:

E. C. 3 125 -126, assist,secretary


Alexander Clark, director (London) Allied Architects, The — 40, Ningpo

Road; Cable Ad: Alliarcht

Alexander Shoe Co.-—59, Nanking Allman & Co., Lawyers—206, Hamilton


Cable Ad: Teleph. 10786; P.O. Box 947; House, 170, Kiangse Road; Cable Ad:


E. D. Alexander, manager Allmanco

Attorneys-at-law — N. F. Allman,

R. G. Allman, P. F. Kops and H. M.


J. M. Lee, interpreter

Aye erh teh kung sze Aluminium Union Limited,

Algar & Co., Ltd., Architects and Sur- Aluminium 517, Glen

in all Commercial Forms—


Building, 2, Peking


Agents—Algar Land, Building,

Estate and Insurance Road;

60, Hongkong Teleph. P.O. Box 1435;

Road; Teleph. 10231; Cable Ad: Cable John

Ad: Alulim

M. Hykes, manager

Classic Charles R. Nash, assist, manager

N. E. Kent, manager Miss. M. Karst

E. H. Adams, a.r.i.b.a., sec., signs per J. C. Hsia | K. Y. Wong

pro. C. C.Y.Hsu L. Zee

W. Hsu | Y. S. Zung

Allan & Buchan, Exchange and Bul- Amateur Dramatic CLUB.-($e« Clubs)*

lion Brokers—69, Kiukiang Road ;

Telephs. 10521, 16972, 11975 & 18241;

Cable Ad: Irvhurnag American Asiatic Trading Co., Manu-

E. C. Allan, partner facturers’ Representatives—320, Sze-

R. Buchan, do. chuen Road; Teleph. 16422; P.O. Box

F. Machado, assistant 679; Cable Ad: Amerasco


u ^ m mm m Executive Dept: president '

Mei-.i/uh pao, 6ien ckung ' hing-. &Z6 ■. C. S: Franklin,

E. H. Thiel-, vice-do.


Inc., U.S.A., General Insurance ):_ Fi^e, ;‘ FkJ). F. J. Raven, do.

Marine, Motor Gar, Life, Accident, C.H. D.W.Culbertson,

Pdug, treasurer


Burglar®* Plate Glass,,: Baggage and I Pharmacy: '

Special Bisks—17, "The

11144; BO! Bo.< 1105; Gable Ad: 'Bunoi Teleph. J. C. Locke -

. Ijnderiters , ; ; . . . ■ ! A.G. L.W. Filtzer


American, Association of -China—(Arc Miss E. HerrgeseU

Miss T. Kotsook

American Chamber of Commerce) , Miss N. Rojdestyensky; '-t.A

American Association of University American Drug Co (Kofa)

Women—(Nee Clubs), »'■! (See‘ !Kofa-American Drug Co.)

American Bank Note Co.; Bank Note

Manufacturers--12,-The Bund; Teleph. n & m It -Pei chi hung aze


HarryCable Ad: Banknote

Fl PaViiC,' , - 4v -1 American Engineering Corporation


G. H. Lynott, manager (China),

and Inc,, in1—Del.,

Importers 989; IJ.S.A. Engineers

Bubbling Well

H. G. ^lcNeary,r asst. mgr. Bead; Teleph. 34350; Cable Ad:

Mrs. H. b. 'Campbell Amengco

.American Baptist Foreign Mission Directors—C.

ford, C. M. K.Wentworth,

Young, G.Sarcey

G. Brad-T.

Society ; (A‘ee Churches J i and Mis- Chen and Wilfred S.B. Wong

sibns) ' :‘. t " ;_N Accounting Department \

American Bible Society (See Associa- S: L. Chang

tions) F. H. Bo wry

Refrigeration Departviarit :

American Wilfred S. B. Wong, manager ’

' AmericanBook Shop, Co.)

Publishing (Nee The Chinese- J. J. Carleton,

L. Pursel, engineer



Canton Road;Bureau

Teleph.~of 16817;


Cable—Ad: 51, ' C.Y. P.C. May,

Woo, steno.


Record • / Miss.

Miss G.A. M.Rapoport,

Lowe steno.

Miss A. White

American Chamber , of Commerce (Nee Sales :

Chambers of Commerce) : M. C. Chang

M. N. Pletkin

American Club (Nee Clubs) D. Y. Li

: C. J. Kung

American Commercial Attache— 51, Service: C. Chow

Canton Road; Teleph.

! 15045; P. O. Bbx T. Y. Yang



UnionA5tlid: edn.

Amcomat; Code: H. Roda

Commercial Attache—Julean Arnold

Assist. Commercial Attache—A. Bland Radio G. E. White

Calder Department:

Registrar, China Trade Act.—A. H. H. King, Chinese manager

Viola Smith; H. S.

T. B. Tang Huo

Service :

American Consulate (See Consulates) A.K. Williams

G. Neubourg

American Dispensary, Federal Iron H. Fireman

H. Win burg,■ Department


Inc., U.S.A., Pharmacists & Dis-

pensing Chemists—120; Nanking Road; Storekee/ier: O. A. Rasmussen

Telephs. 18790 (5 lines)- and 13803 ■:

(urgentcalls); Cable Ad: Kofa; Codes: K. L. Young

A.B.C. 6th, Mosse and Bentley-s.- S. Y. Niiig


A-Merican Masonic Temple A.ssocia-

Mei gwok wan tung ngom kong TION —(.$'««: Clubs)

u hsieri kung sue ~i'

American Express Co., ‘ Tnc., Bankers, *1 & & & W M

Shipping &' Travel—J38, Kiukiang Mei kmTi mi chinfr'kiiAq sze '

Boad (See under Banins) / American MetaL fe'd.', Ltd,, Producers,1


Golel, Silyei,

Bouse: Teleph. 11200; ,C(ible-

Copper) Lead and Zirttt-

% & it m Ad: Efflux"

Mei Kwang Kwng Sze ;

American-Far Eastern Match Co., Fed. American-Oriental Trading Company,

jNc.i U.S. A.—20, Kinking Road; Telephs. Manufacturers’ Representatives —

11250 & 11259;

Factory: NorthCable




Creek, 266, Peking 1 Road : Teleph. 17998;

Opposite Intersection of Warren and P.O. Box 555; Cable Ad: Aotco

Brenan Roads

S. H.Y. J.Euren,


secretary director

and treas. . American Players’ C].ub—(Ycc Clubs)

S.T. Blom, chief engineer

A. Hultman American Presbyterian Mission—(See

Mrs. T. Makarov Churches and Missions)

American Forces—Fourth Marines, Fed, Inc.,Radio American & Refrigeration Co.,

M.C.E.F., Headquarters—527, Hai- Sales Corp.,U.SA. Fed.

Successors to Philco

Inc., U.S A.) Cable

— 96,

phong Road; Teleph. 30230 Nanking Road; Teleph. 17930;

Ad: Philcosale

ft !

m !m L.' G. Hersey, president

Mei kuo pao shien kung wei E. A. L. Best, vice-pres, and secy.

American Foreign Insurance Asso- A.O. W.

C. Nielsen, radio engineer t

. Schell, representative

ciation, General Insurance—China

1 Miss M. Soroka, steno.

Branch : 51, Canton Road ; Teleph. G.K. Yatskin, radio service

M. Tsi, book-keeper

17222; P.O. . Box 609,, Cable Ad : C. W. Chao, compradore .,

Afiachina. Head Office : 80, Maiden

Lane, New York American School —(Yee Educational)

F. W.E, G.

Vincent, manager

Turbyfill American Securities Corporation—

V.A. A.G. RiabofF

Muldoon | E. McAllister 12, The Bund; Cable Ad: Amsecoi

Hugh Black (Tientsin)

H. A. Powell (Hankow) American Trading Co. Inc., General

and Construction

Exporters, Engineers, Importers,

and Manufacturers’ Agents—

American Legion—(N^e Clubs) 51, Canton Road;

Cable Ad: Amtraco Telephs. 15077 to 15079;

American Lloyd, Travel, Shipping, P. S. Gilman, agent

Insurance—13, Edward Ezra Road; Wm. Klein, sub-agent

Teleph. 10137; Cable Ad: Palest- Miss

Miss M. Carneiro

M. Oliveira

loyd. Head Office; Paris. Agen-

cies at Harbin, Tsingtao and Tien- American University Club—(^ee Clubs)


E. Rubenfeld, Far Eastern manager American Women’s Club—(See Clubs)

^ It it £ An Kong Silk Co.—30, Tientsin Road;

American Mail LiNE^The Robert Dol- Cable Ad: Akong.

lar Building, 51,

15309; Cable Ad: Dollar Canton Road: Teleph. AnLtd.—85,

Ping FireTientsin

and Marine

(See Dollar Co., The Robert) Road;Insurance Co.,

Teleph. 16220


&un chong Z.C. K.P. Loh, hon.director

Dunne, adviser

Andersen, Meyer & Company, Ltd., Skene Dunne, manager

Engineers and Contractors, Importers, M. P. Hope, chief clerk


Head Office: 21,and24 Insurance

and 43, YuenAgents—

Ming Sliane Dunne, accountant

Yuen Road; Teleph. 12590 (Priv. Ex- F. Y. Zee, do.

change) P.O. Box 265; Cable Ad: Danica. S. L. Tung

Bran; ches: Tientsin,Hongkong,

Peiping, Tsingtao, Y. S. Zia

Tsinan, Hankow, Canton,

San Francisco, New York, London Anglo-Chinese School—(See Educa*-

C.R. H.E. French, vice-pres. and

Gilleland, sales manager treas. tional)

Anglo-Danish Shipping Co., Ship-

?D W, Hip wo owners, Shipping and Freight Bro-

Anderson & Co., Ltd., RoBT.,Tea Merchants kers, Shipping Agents, General'

Merchants—8, French Bund: Tel.

—131, Peking Road; P.O. Box 1275; 83059; Cable Ad: Shipbroker;

Cable Ad: Adamantine CodesA.B.C.: Acme,5thBentley’s,

edn., edn., BoeScott’s

Code 10th


^ ^ -An sun9 Private

L. Justesen, manager

Anderson & Co., A. L. (Established 1898),

Stock, Share and General Brokers, Anglo-Jewish Club—(See Clubs)


Cable Shanghai Stock Exchange—

F. B.Ad: Gradatim

Walker partner m m Haiming

% $ m Mee an mien yeh Angus —320,&Szechuen

Co., MarineRoad;

and Cargo


18749 (2:

Anderson, Clayton & Co., Cotton lines); P.O. Box 983; Cable Ad: Adjuster

Merchants — 34, Avenue Edward

VII.; Teleph. 18040; Cable Ad: Anti-Communist Entente—(Nee Clubs>


Antonoff, Dr. N. Ml,and

Surgeon, Gynecology m.d.,Obsterics—2,


Jjj? ^ An ding

Andresen, & Co., Inc., J. C., Exporters— Haig, Teleph. 33067. ConsultingAvenue

Great Western Road; Corner

210, Kiukiang Road; Teleph. 11860; 12-1 p.m. and 4.30-6.30 p.m. Hours:

Cable Ad: Andresen

A. H. Kutzschbach, agent Anzac Society of Shanghai—(Nee-


Andrews and Wentworth—36, Kiukiang

Road; Teleph. 16527 Apcar Line—(Nee Mackinnon, . Mac-

kenzie & Co.)


turing and Dispensary, Manufac-

Dispensing Chemists,

Phote m # m m

Teleph.Supplies 92460; —Cable

235, Honan Road;

Ad: Hytte- Pe lau sui chang

fad; Radio Ad 19000 Aquarius Co., Pure

Manufacturers of Table-

J. D. Tsu, manager Waters with Distilled17589;


Foochow Road; Teleph. Cable-

Anglo-Chinese Indenting Co., Gen- Ad:Caldbeck,

Aquarius Macgregor & Co., Ltd.,,

eral Merchandise, Hardware, Pro- general

visions, Furniture Stuffs & Fittings,

Woollen Suitings & Overcoatings, G. managers

W. 400, Crokam,


Oils & Paints, Crockery, Cutlery & Factory: 50055 Road; Telepb.

Sanitary Earthenware—190,

Road; Teleph. 10518; Cable Ad : Kiukiang A. D. Openshaw, factory manager

Affluence; Codes: A.B.C. 5th and J. Kearns | K. Gulamali

Bentley’s J. S. Smith K.

M. L Poshnine | J. Cunha D. Bogorodsky'


.Arai & Co,, General Importers and Ex- Mechanical Section

porters and Mill Supplies—130, Hankow R. Hoeckel, a.s.m.e.

Koad; Telephs. 10059, 146S7 and S. C. Chow

Building Supplies

17277; P.O. Box 214; Cable Ad: J. Berents [ F. L. Bojesen



F. T. Harrop Department

Ardalmetals Limited.(Incorporated in Resident Representatives


Road; Teleph. 51676. General 248, Yangtszepoo

Managers: R. V. D, Kirby, Metropolitan

Harvie Cooke & Co., Ltd., Szechuen Rd.; Vickers Electrical Export Co., Ld.

Teleph. ;18684i Cable Ad: Ardalmetal G. H. Akerman, Henry Simon, Ld.

Sole Distributors for

^ ^Ij An li ying hong Metropolitan Vickers Electrical Ex-


PlantsCo.,of all


Turbines <& Electrical

Arnholti &. Co., Ltd., Merchants,

Engineers and Contractors—Sassoon

House, 1, Nanking Road; Teleph. 11430 Property Department

<(10 lines); Cable Ad: Harchi E.A.S. Levesnspiel,


Directors — H. E. Arhhold, F. R. W. Roeber construction engr..

Davey, A. E. Marker and H. M. G. M. Bateman | Mrs. H. Dmitrieff


C. Managing

H. Arnhold and C.

Directors P. T. O’Neill


A. R. Brayne, signs per: pro. Accounts Department

H. A.A.R. K.Brayne-


V.. Booth,

Rose, do.

do. Cable Department


.1. E. Andrews, do. (Mukden) C. Eng.

M. Sequeira

R. Eisenhut, , (Hankow)

(Hankow) J. de Rozario

L.C. Y.E. Lang,


(Tientsin) Correspondence Department

Export Department Miss I. H. Gunter

W.W.Russell Miss J. Solomon I Mrs. F. E. Smith

Hill I J. M. O. Sequeira Mrs. L. Brook | Miss E. Mb Brock

A. Egli E A. S, de Sousa Miss D. Lamkert | Miss O.L. Wilson

A.Maier : R. B. Ozorio

■Silk Department Art Steel Furniture 'Co:, The, Manu-

M. R. Pereira facturers of all kinds or Steel Furni-

Import Department-—(Piece Goods) tures —Factory:

94718: 450, Fukien Road; Teleph.

176. Pingliang Road;

H. Booth Teleph.

A. L. Barton | C. M. Maher

Metals, Paper and Sundries Dept. Tsing, Nanking; Teleph. 10,

50584. Branch: 23097Yang

, Kung

P. Holzmueller T. P. Cliu, general manager

Cotton Department

C. Shuttleworth

O. Benz ^ 5$ Mei nee hung tze

Insurance Department Arts

Cabinetand Makers,


Ltd., Furnishers,


Agencies Decorators, Carpet Importers, Orna-


South BritishLiability

Insce. Co.Assur.Marine

Co. mental

Lacquerers, Plasterers,

LeadedMetalGlass Workers and


Merchants Marine Insce.

Himalaya Assurance Co;, Ld. Co., Ld. Electro - Platers ,— Shpwrooms and

.Engineering. Department Offices:*

Teleph. 887-9, Factory

Bubbling Well Road;

H. P. Madar 1 ]( V. Rose Kiaochow34226. Road; Teleph.and34222;Studio:,85,


Textile Machinery

A.yV.F. Stead

Buyers Ad: Arte rafts

(Hankow) Directors — Si S. Hicks,

Berry, a.c.s. and C. A. Pratt Mitchell

Aviation Machinery , G. T. Squires Mrs. B, Chaikin

Capt. F. A. Swoffer P.i: Kershaw

Skene Miss K.wooDigmanese


K. D. Lee Machinery j. e. * , ■ ;>

Y. T. Yue W. E. Engler Miss C. F, LaOsdn

E. Brownrigg |'J. Y. ChiAg


Artistic Corset Co.—7, Central Road; & It S #

Teleph. 13327 Yuli yih dei tsai hung sze

Mrs. J. Poliak Asia Realty Co., Federal Inc. U.S.A.,

Artists Rifles Regt. Club—(See Land and Estate Dealers, Architects and


Road; Teleph.Engineers—50,

18770; P.O. Box Nanking


Clubs) Cable Ad: Asiarealty

Ascot Directorate—F. J. Raven, chairman,

RoadRiding School, Ltd.—200, Tunsin C- M. Bain, C. H. French, Hsu


E. Sigaut,C. C.H.Y.Raven,

Starr H.andSandor,

M. P.

Ashizawa Printing Co.—300, Haining Officers Walker

Road; Teleph. 41303 H.T.Sandor, vice-prest. and gen. mgr.

F. McCrea, secretary-treasurer

^ ^ m m b m Accounting

T. U. Lee Department

Asia Commercial Co., The, Importers, M. B. Tang


Road; Teleph. and 12873

Engineers—452, Kiangse Architectural Department

C. K. Chan, c.E., manager B. J. Basil

F. Shaffer

Asia Electric Co., Fed. Inc., U. S. A.— Insurance A. M. Holman Department

Factory 45, Hochien Road; Teleph. Rental Department

52333. City Office: 210, SzechuenRoad;

Teleph. 18625; Cable Ad: Astrico N.F.Poulsen

K. U.W.Orloff


^ 3S $1 35 G. Hwa

Mrs. A. Villers

Ya si ya po li hung sze Sales Department

Asia Glass Co., Glass of every descrip- H. Sandor

tion: Glass Bevelling, Silvering and J.F. S.R. Potter


Resilvering Mirrors; Manufacturers of W. Lee

Metal Shop Fronts—130, Hongkong G. T. Read

Road: Teleph.

Cable Ad; Asiaglasco17452; P.O. Box 939;

R. W. Gregg, proprietor Secretarial Department

Misses D. Landers, C. Bos, R. Foynr

and K. Petigura

m & ® ten aikm Securities Department

Misses Y. Parker and M. Petigura

Yu pang jen show po hsien hung ssn Statistician Department

Asia Life Insurance Co. — New York Mrs. Grace Knight


for 80, William

17, TheStreet.

Bund,Main Office Title Deed Registrations


Teleph. 11350; P.O. Box 236; Cable Ad: Miss D. Wong

Alicochina; Code: Acme, Bentley’s and

Private. Branches: Canton, Hang- fO ^ ii ^ $ W

chow, Hanoi, Hons: Kong, Lingayen, Asia Sung yun hu sze

Manila. Nanking, Peiping, Singapore Asia Transportation Co., Customs


Amoy, Tientsin. General Agencies:


Mukden, Foochow, Clearance Brokers and Forwarding

Saigon, Agents, Cargo and Baggage Deli-

Swatow, Tsinanfu and Tsingtao. very and Commission Agents—64,

Canton Road; Teleph. 17174; Cable

Asia Pharmacy, Wholesale and Retail Ad: Astranseq

Chemists and Druggists—1037, Av.

Foch: Teleph. 73023 Asiatic Coal Co.—280, Markham Rd.;

T. H. Yah, proprietor Teleph. 31138


Asiatic Importing & Exporting Co., Advertising Dept.


and Insurance Exporters;

Agents, Manufacturers

Real Estate— M. R. Gordon

133; Yuen Ming Yuen Road; Teleph: Accounts Dept.

R. A. Taylor,' chief accountant


Asiaimexco P. O. Box 1324; Cable Ad: A. M. Brown

Charles K. Wong, managing director H.W.F. S;YanBowman


K. S. Chang, director T. W. K. Chun, I A. L. Piper

J. G. Steinberg, manager B.com. (B’ham. G. S. Scott ,

H. T. Shek. secretary

M. S. Tsze, asst. 4ecy. L.E. University)



' ' i John


C: R. Walker





A. Pearsdh j ’Miss'Curtis rnerton

Ying shang A si a huo yu hung sz Compraglore. .

Asiatic Petroleum Co. (North Statistical Dow Ding Yao

China), Ltd., The, Paraffin

Kerosene, ..-Gasoline., ImportersWax,of Dept.

Candles and Petroleum Products C.J. P.L.E.Martin


Generally—1, The Bund; Teleph. 18619; Misss Wheldon . I Miss Ellis

Cable Ad: Doric

. Engineering Defffi;'" | Miss

Mu Fletcher U Acherman



Powellgeneral manager

J. L. Bowker J. T. Read, CHART.c.k, engr.-in-chf-

J. Kitto G. F.T Forshaw 1 C. H. Whitaker

Staff and Properties Dept. D. W heldon | Miss Christen

S. A.C. J.Miskin J.P. W. 0. Chun, B.sc. a.m.i OiE)


H. Carey | M. C, Yen W. F. Goslin I l\liss Ritclile

Secretarial Dept. . J. S. Drakeford [ Miss Christen

Miss Beck Storey Dept.

Miss Hammond A. W. Stubbs ' ;

General ("Benzine, Fuel Oil, etc.) Dept. J. F. Duncan [. :C. A. J, Yfilkio


Sutcliffe | Miss Monet Furniture Dept.

Aviation Section A. C. Hall

E. A. R. Fowles Lower Wharf

General ("Fuel Oil) Dept. P. W.F. Mason,

Baird manager

H. H. Nash G.W. Butchart

General (Wax) Dept. •

R. P. van den Berg Hi Foster I| P.C. B.J. Williams


General (Candles, Stearine and Technical Workshop J. D. Adams


Products) Dept. Upper Wharf Installation

A. J. Daniels J R. F. Scott A. C. Stewart, manager

General (Lubricants)

H. I. Clark I S.P. SimpsonDept. J. G; Liley

A. G. Lang | C. H. Corkran Yangtszepoo Sub-Installation

Local Sales Dept. H. P. Sinclair, manager •'

J. W.

V. A.Stuart E. A. H. Piper

L. Palmer 1 G. C. Grossett Gough Island Installation

E.J. CE Pullen

Hudson II J.Mrs.B. E.Lelas

Chow J. W. Cameron, manager

W. H. Williams

E. W. Turnbull | Miss Allan Marine Dept.

Cables Department W.

Miss Palmer. | Miss McConnell W. A.McP. Elliott, Lt.-Comdr.,R.N. (ret’d.)


Miss Cohen | Miss MacDonald Miss Gulson j R. A. Saunders

Correspondence Dept. Shipping. Dept.

Mrs. Hooley | Miss Rayden A. J. Grant

Typists Department L. G. Murray Kidd

Miss Cormack | Miss Newcomb F. S. Bridges 1 J. M. Pearson

Miss Kale Miss Sheridan W. J. Hatton | H. W. Snow

Miss Pugh | Miss Stanley A. M. Jenssen f C. L. Williams



Floating Staff F. L. Hough, president

F. le Boutellier, captain I. G. Riddick, vice president

W. G. Briggs, chief officer C. M. Tobin, secretary-treasurer

A.T. G.C. Bennett,

Browne, ,2ud do. D.Committee—W.

Smith, baseballT.manager

Collins, J. Fistere,

do. ' do. D. K. King, L. Reierstad and

G. Dick, 2nd engineer

A. D. iVTcR. Fraser, chief engineer H. L. Terzin

E.T. A.Jacob, chief officer

Lupton, do.

G. Smith, 2nd officer American Bar Association — 330,

W. Sudbury, captain Szechuen Road

A.F. D.Tonry,

Thomson,t).s.o.,eomdr. K.isr.R.,capt. F. J. Schuhl, pres.

chief engineer P. F. Kops, secretary

H. E. C. Turner, captain

Shanghai Joint Area

A. H. Hopkyn Bees, manager nmm mm

E. M. P. Williams | Miss Henderson Mei hwa sheng ching huei

is ** it ^ m m ± American Bible Society (China

Da-wa-lee-wei&ung-ze-lio-chong Agency)—169, Yuen Ming Yuen Road ;

Cable Ad : Bibles

Asiatic Yeast Works—Head Office :


Factory Canton Koad ; Teleph. 18174 ; Association Sportive Francaise—

Brenan &atWarrenSoochowRoads);


(Opp. Corner

29531; 68, Rte Dufour; Teleph. 11410

P.O. Box 997; Cable Ad: Mediolum

Mee-Yeh Handels Compagnie, gen.

managers n a* mmm *

Associated Advertisers, Federal Inc., Ta ying sing shu hung way

U.S.A., Advertising and Merchandising

—50, Nanking Road; Teleph. 18770; British and Foreign

Cable —3, Hongkong Road; Bible




: Publico Cable Ad: Testaments

G.G.W.A.Sheppard, secretary

Associated Enamelware Companies— Anderson, acct.

224, Avenue Edward VII; Teleph.

12727; Cable Ad : Enamel; Radio

Ad: 4455. Branches: Tientsin, Boyton Scouts’ Association — Milling-

Camp, 280 Hungjao Road; Te-

Hankow, Changsha, Canton, Pen- lephs. 11299 and 29564; P O. Box

ang, Swatow 750; Cable Ad: Scoutcraft

N. B. Chen, gen. manager

Associated Press of America, News ® & & m & *

Agency—34, Avenue Edward VII;

Teleph. 16122 ; Cable Ad : Associated Dah yin woo nue kung hwe

M. J. Harris

A. T. Steele British Women’s Association—H. & S.



10220 The Bund;

(Office) andTelephs.


Associated Press of Japan — {See (Members); Cable Ad: Britowomen

iShimbun Rengosha) Chairman—Mrs. J. T. Ford


Hon. —Mrs. J.J.S.E.Whitney



Social Service

Chairman—Mrs. Board

American Amateur Athletic Amateur

tion of Shanghai—(Shanghai Associa- Vice-do. —Mrs. D.A. MacGillivray


Baseball Club, Shanghai American Foot- Rec.

Hon. Secretary—Mrs.

Treasurer—Mrs. G.L.Forshaw

C.— Healey

ball Club)—Office of Secretarv- Acting Corres. Secretary Mrs. G-

Trcasurer—150 Bubbling

P.O. Box 1647 ; Tel. 92250 Well Road; F. Andrew


China Association — 17, The Bund, Finnish Route

Association in China—301,

Teleph. 12694; CableW.Ad:Massey

Committee—P. Britiscom

(chair- 74244; P.Cardinal

O. Box 1139Mercier; Teleph.

man), H.G.W. Woodhead (vice- Hon. Chairman—A. Hartman

chairman), H. Lipsoh Ward and Hon. Treas.—G. V. Synherberg

E. S. Wilkinson Hon. Secy.—H. Keijola

Secretariat — P. Campbell (sec-

retary), A. Smith, E. Worby Girl Guides’ Association — Room

and H. Lang 305, 'Glen Line Building, 2, Pe-

king Road

China Coast Officers^ Gititd—24,

The Bund; Teleph. 12520; Cable Ad: Hwang ho Flood Relief Commission

Chicoguis; Code: Bentley’s

J. Watson*.joint. secretary d —6, The Bund ■

China Medical Association—23, Yuen Japanese Cotton Merchants’

tion of Shanghai—55, Associa-

Szechuen Road

Ming Yuen Road; Teleph. 18997; Cable (2nd floor); Teleph. 19147 '

Ad: Medmissap;. Codes: C.I.M. and

Mission Codes

^m m n

China Society of Science and Arts Dze huo zeh pung faung tsih dong nih we

20, Museum Road; Teleph. 13247 J.apanese , Cotton Millowners’ As-


f.r.g.s. de C. .Sowerby, f.z.s. sociation

hama Speciein Bank





ph.d. tarts), —H.J. Chatley,

C. Ferguson,

d.sc. Bund; TGephs. 16669 (Director’s

(science) and Wu Lien Teh, m.d., General Office) and 15068-9 (General

d.s. Office).

Committee—W. M. Porterfield, G. D. Jewish Communal 'Association of

Wilder, Prof. E. T. Nvstrom, Prof. Shanghai

C.Mrs.R. Kellogg*

A. de Prof. F. P. Metcalf,

C. So,.werby Chon,

treasurer), .Mrs. M C. Tordy JewisH for China

National ' Fund Commission

(hon. secretary)

"Door of Hope’’ Children’s Refuge

—33, Brenan Road: P.O. Box Marine&Engineers’ I8f H P^ewoo hung tso

Guild of China-

1391. Door of Hope: 33, Robison 24, The Buhd; Teleph. 12520; Cable

Road and 1221/2, Yu Yuen Road Ad: Chicoguis

Secretary—J. 'Watson

#wmix National Anti-OpIum Association of


Building, Federation—North China China—128, Museum

17, The Bund; Teleph.

10704; P.O. Box 1049 18263;

Natantop P.O., Box '1358;Road;




Secretaries—BeckD. Pearson

& Swann Dr. Wang King Ky, chairman

Garfield Huang,-secretary

Engineering Society of China—c/o National Christian Council of China,

Public Works Dept., Shanghai The—169,; Yuen18016,

Ming 18017,

Yuen 18018;


Municipal Council ; TeTeph 13469 Telephs. 18010,

Hon. Sec.—N. W. B. Clarke Cable Ad: Chiconeom


L. D. Cio, Rev.C.E.L.H.Boynton,Cresy,

Exchange Brokers’ Association— Dr. E. H. Hume, Miss T. C. Kuan,

12, The Bund ; Teleph. 11811 Rev. R. D. Rees and Dr. C. S.


Exporters’ Association of Shanghai

—17, The Bund'; Teleph. 10704; Navy League—2, Canton Road; Teleph.

P.O. Box 1049; Cable Ad: Moorob 62226



ft m ■& w m ^ President—His

Mossop Hon. Judge A, G.

Portuguese Women’s Association— Vice-

Pierce Apartments: Boone Hoad;

Teleph. N. 4445 Hon. Secretary—E. E.Harris

do. —M. Reader Parsons

Hon. Treasurer—C. S. Speyer

Quest Society, The Shanghai Fire Insurance Association

—17, The Bund; Teleph. 10704; Cable

Ad: Moorob

Retired Naval Officers’ Associa-


Shanghai Football Association—P.O.

Royal Air Force Association of Box 1965; Cable Ad: Football

Shanghai—12, The Bund; Teleph.

19931 fr $ w 4*


Vice- do. —Lieut. J.J. D.E. Badeley

E. Shotter , , Chun see sze hwa wai .

Chairman — Sir Victor Sassoon, Shanghai Horticultural Society

Bart. Parks & Open Spaces—Room 44, Ad-

Secretary—A. T. Kerap ministrative Bldg., 193, Hankow Rd.

Treasurers—C. A. Thomson & Co. Pres.—Horace

Hon. Treas.—W.Kadoorio

J. Hawkings

W. J. Kerr, f.r.h.s.

# £ #! 3S Ya thou wen hui

Royal AsiaticA.Society

Branch)—R. S. Bldg.,(North China Shanghai

20, Museum —Cable

Lawn Tennis Association

Ad : Municipal

Road President—R. Grimshaw

President—A. D. Blackburn, c.b.e. Vice-President—Wm.

do. —Charles Z. L.Grosbois


Vice-President—R. D.

Do. and Hon. Director of Abraham Hon. Secretary—L. F. Stokes


Morcher, H.Committee

Collaco,— A.J. W.

Hon.Museum—A. de C. Sowerby S.

Keeper of Ornithology—E. George, O. Okamoto and M. Hay



Hon. Keeper of Archaelogy—H. E. Thorburn


Hon. Keener of Couchology—Teng Shanghai Marine Underwriters


Yen of Ichthyology — Association—17, The Bund; Teleph.

Hon. 10704; Cable Ad: Moorob

Yuanting Secretaries—Beck & Swann

Hon. KeeperT. ofChuHerpetology—E.

M. Buchanan Shanghai Metal Merchants’ Asso-

Hon. Keeper of Entomology — S. ciation—North China Building,


Hon. Librarian—Miss A. Abraham 17, The Bund; Teleph. 10704; P.O.

Hon. Treasurer—A. C. Leith Box 1049; Cable Ad: Moorob

Editor of Journal—Esson M. Gale, Shanghai Paper Importers’ Associa-

M.A., PH.D.

Councillors—Sir tion—Room

Shanghai Bank218,Building;

Hongkong and

H. Chatley, .1.d. F.so.Brenan, k.c.m.g.,

(Lond.), Ch. 1418; Cable Ad: Shapaprsas

P.O. Box


M.A., A. J. Hughes, J. R. Jones,

Rev. F.C. L.Kliene,


J. Usang

d.d., C.Ly.T. Shanghai Raw Silk Exporters’ Asso-

ciation—452, Kiangse Road; Cable

Wang, ph.d., W. H. Way. G. L. Ad: Forensilk


M.A., and Dr. Wu Lien-teh,

Hon. m.d.Secretary

(Cantab.)— Rev. E. H

Cressy, bd. Shang hai ma ko yang chang tang po wai

It # ^ Ta

yingway za Shanghai

with theRifle Association

National (Affiliated

Rifle Association,


hai Society of St. George

Branch)—Church House,(Shang-

219, Great Britain)—c/o Club Lusitano,

Kiukiang Road Pearce Apartments, 26 Albury Lane;

Cable Ad: Trajectory


t ^ it ^ ± Rutherford, E. E. Shahmoon,

Shang hai sick chok wgi A. E. Shahmoon, J. E. Simon

Shanghai Society for the Prevention P. S. iSoo, A. M. Sopher, L.

of Cruelty to Animals Sdyka, S. ‘Sudka, J. E. C.

President—A. Swan, E. G. Tait, S. E. Toeg,

Chairman—K. W.E. Newman

Burkill, o.b.e. P. O. Tong, M. C. Tsai, T. B.

Tsang, F. R. Vida, F. B.

Secretary — Miss I). Pellow, 184, Walker, S. D. Wang, W. N.

Mohawk Hoad; Teleph. 36536 Wells-Henderson, A. V. White,

S. Y. Woo, A. Woods, P. C.

Eft & M Chung yit hung soo Yang, T. M. Yates, F. P.

.Shanghai Stock Exchange—16, Cen- yearley and G. T. Yuan.

tral Road; Telephs. 18021/3; Shanghai Zionist Association—74,

10600, 10441 and 10633 (Secretary); Szechuen Road; P.O. Box 1175

Cable Ad: Stocks

Committee — N. W. Hickling

(chairman), W. R. Lemar- SocikiE Belge de Bienfaisance

chahd (vice-chairman), A. M. Societe Suisse de Bienfaisance

Cannan, A. Hillaly, F. G. ^Helvetia1^ -g/o Hirsbrunner &

Harrison, S. E. Levy, G. J. W. Co., Sassoon House

Morgan, F. P. Yearly,

Soo Pei Shao, J. E. C. Swan

and E. H. Parrott (secretary) St. Andrew’s Society

Members—H. F. Baker, S. J. President—N. C. Macgregor

Benjamin, G. F. H. Bichard, Vice-President—W.B.O. Middleton.

A. A. Brady, R. Buchan, J. M. Hon. Secretary — H. E. D.

S. Burr, A. M. Cannan, Y. S. Adams,

Hon. 24, CentralO.Road

Treasurer—G. W. Stewart,

Chang, Y. C. Chun, H. J. c/o Hongkong Shanghai

Clark, E. G. Clarke, J. L. Banking Corp., 12 The Bund

Crompton, T. Crosthwaite C.

D. Culberston, C. O. Gum- St. David’s- Society of Shanghai

ming, K. M. Gumming, M. E.

Dangoor, S. David, C. T.

Davis, A. J. Edgar, E. L. ® & m w m

Elias, F. S. Elias, A. S. Elias,

M. Ezra, J. A. Fredericks, ■ Sun shar seh goong wei

C.E. Fritz, Y. D. Gensburger, St. Joseph’s Catholic Association-

E. Gensburger, S. M. 86, Route des Soeurs; Teleph. 72873

S. Gubbay, R. N. Harris, F. Sr. Patrick’s Society

G. Harrison, A. J. Hayim,

E. Hayim, A. Hillaly, N. W.

Hickling, E. A. Hillel, E. S. # It J& n i£

K. Ho Tung, C A. Howard. Ghu hwa jua tien tsung hui

G. M. W. Hummel, H.

Josesph, S. M. Joseph, E. Swedish Association in China

Joseph. D. B. Judah, S. A

Judah, R. Julian, R. E. Ka- ® & m b m % *

dooric, W. R. Lemarchand, S. United Sera?-,ices Association (The

E. Levy, S. J. Levy, P. H. Great War 1914-18)—21, Kiukiang

Leynaud, C. M. Liang, H. Road; Teleph. 11327

Martin. J. A. Moller, G.

J.Moses,W. M. Morgan,

Myers, A.M. E.J.

Nathan, V. V. Needa, H. O.

Odell, W. G. Pirie, J. O. Chung hua chi tu chiao ching nien hui

Pote-Hunt, G. H. Potts, P. chuan kuo hsieh hui

H. Prevot, D. Raphael, G.

Raymond, H. H. Read, A. W. Y.M.C.A. of China—131, Museum

Reyhell, H. Rogers, J. Rosen- Road; Telep'hs. 15245-8; P.O. Box

feld, O. S. B. Bowe, N. H. 924; Cable Ad : Committee '


Executive Board—J.

(chairman), L. T. Chen (vice- Usang Ly, Y.W.C.A.

mittee—133, of China,Yuen National

Ming Yuen Com-

chairman), Y. C. Tu

Hu Yung Chi (treasurer), Chen (secretary), Road; Telephs. 15212-4; Cable Ad:

SiFeng,Chun,K. Fong F. Sec, Lin Woh Emissarius

T. Ting, Tsai Chen Mrs. S. F. Huang, chairman

Mrs. J. H. Sun, vice-chairman

Chuan,YinWuHsinPe-Hsuan,Foo and Q.S. IT.L. Mrs. L. C. King,


Zau of Custody and Invest- Mrs. Yutang, Lin,vice-chairman


Board Mrs. Francis, Kuo, secretary

ment—K. F. Chang (chair- Mrs. Wm. S. C. Wang, treasurer

Mrs. T. M. Li,

Shu Ching Ting,treasurer

gen’l secretary

man), H. C. Mei (secretary), Lily K. Haass, associate gen’l sec’y.

John Y. Lee (treasurer), Liu

Shu Fan. C. F.

Yen and J. Usang Ly (Ex- Wang, F. C.

Officio) Sun mow

Young Men’s Christian Association, Assomoll Exporters,&andCo.,Importers—136,

W., Silk Merchants


Chinese — 599 Szechuen

Teleph. 15190; Cable Ad: Flamingo Road; Hoad: Teleph. 14185; P.O. Box 201; Cable



Assomull,Code: A.B.C.proprietor

managing 5tii edn.

Y.M.C.A., Foreign—150, Bubbling C. Atoomall, manager, signs per. pro.

Well Road; Teleph. 92250; P.O.

Box 1647; Cable Ad: Foreigny

Trustees— f>) & » ± i*

President—C. S. Franklin Fao tai pao hsien koong sze

Vice-President—W. E. Souter

Hon. Treas.—C. M. Wentworth Assurance Franco-Asiatique, Fire,

Marine and Motor-Car insurances—1,


Committee—H. Secretary—S. Y. Euren

H. Arnold, E. E. Ad Rue Montauban; Teleph. 84005; Cable

Barnett, P. H.W. Bordwell, : Bentley’s Codes:

Francasia; A.B.C. 5th edn.


Cracken,K.m.d., Irle, C.L.Mc-C. andDirectors—R.

I. G. J.Riddick, Fano (chairman ), M.


H. Sutcliff and R.M. Van- Speelman (vice-chairman), J. Beudin,

F.E. Fano,

SigautA. Pinson, H. Madier and

Executive Staff— J. Breen, Far Eastern manager

Gen. Secretary—G. A. Fitch

Activities Secretary—C. M. Astoria Confectionery and Tea

Tobin Rooms, French and Russian Specia-

Business Secty.—W. E. Hines

Boys Work and Education— Ists—33, Broadway, Teleph. 40854

K. Dimitriades, proprietor

Charles W. Van Winkle


F. Bright Physical — Dir. L.

Women’s Sports Section—Miss K. Atkinson ^ S’ M W JU M F® ^ Tun9 wo

Lemp & Dallas, Ltd., Civil Engineers

Dining Room Supervisor— J. L. and Telephs.Architects —100,andPeking

10012, 10712 Rd.;

10712; Cable

Holbrook Ad: Section

Chinese Secty.—Chifan

Matron—Mrs. Sarah E. Smith Li


Do. —Miss Violet May C.E. Thompson Atlas Assurance Co., Ltd.—45, Kiukiang

Accountant—K. W. LeeThompson Rd.; Teleph. 14712; Cable Ad :Resinspect

Masseur—M. Malleck

Do. —S. Kovalchik Au Bon Marche (Successeur to Co-

Young Men’s Christian Association 295, operative Francaise de Shanghai)—

—630, Szechuen Road; Teleph. 16904 Avenue Joffre; Teleph. 82880

Vin et Sigueur Epicerie

Young Men’s Christian Association, Augustinian Corporation—(See Mis-


Teleph. Work—599,

Cable Ad:Szechuen Road; sions)



}|i 5plj Lee la E.R. J.A.Tomlinson,

Berthet, sales manager


Ault & Wiborg

facturers Chinaand

of Printing Co.,Lithographic

The, Manu- A. Turner, do.

Inks, Dry Colours, Varnishes, Enamels, J.F. Henry,

X. Gutierrez, do.and secy.


Lacquers, etc., Importers of Paper, Mrs. F. B. Manley

Printing and Lithographic Machinery

and Supplies—Office:

Teleph. 157, Canton

11888.ManilaBranches: Eoad;


Canton and Automatic

Federal Inc.,Telephones

U.S.A., Agentsof for China



ment, and Manual

Telegraph TelephoneDynamos,

Instruments, Equip-

Aurora University (See Educational) Motors, Electrical Supplies All-Electric

Totalisator, Vehicle Actuated and

Auslander’s Finance and Import Electro-Matic Street Traffic Control

Office., Financiers and General Im- Equipment, Radio Equipment—Rooms

porters—83, Peking Hoad; Teleph. 235, 236 and 237, Sassoon House; Teleph.

10405; P.O. Box 820, Cable Ad: 16U5; Cable Ad: Strowger

Harry S. Janes, president

Auslander Nelson E. Lurton, vice-pres.

H. Auslander, proprietor K. T. Long, vice-pres. and gen. mgr.

T. A. Meira da Costa, manager

.Austrian Consulate (See Consulates) Auxion de Ruffem.a.,

Barrister-at-Law, d’., ll.d.—41,

Attorney Rue


du Consulat;

Dauxion Teleph. 12265; Cable Ad:

% n m *

Chung ao mow yih hung sze

.Australia-China Trading Co., General Avenue Joffre Flower Shop, Florists

—852, Avenue Joffre; Telehp. 72185


Kiangse Office 11667


and 12440; Mrs. A. P. Me-dem, manageress

P.O. Box 958; Cable Ad: Austrchina

Aylward, Dr. E. A.—Office: 79, Whang-

fr ^5 fv M k poo Road; Teleph. 42009; Residence: 397,

Great Western Road; Teleph. 20278,

Tah lee che cho hong

.Auto Castle, The, (Heimendinger Bros.),

Motor-Car Dealers—Office and Show- Azadian mSociete Anonyme, Zeang le


rooms: Corner of Bubbling Well Road Exporters

and Medhurst Road; Teleph. 30274; Cotton, and Tobacco of Raw Silk, Pongee,

Garage and Service Station: Route Leaf—4,

Cardinal Mercier, corner of Rue French Bund; Teleph. 84b60-9: P.O.

Lafayatte; Teleph. 71431 Box 1104; Cable Ad: Azadian

S. A.Heimendinger,

Heimendinger,manag. director

sales manager N, J. Sbath; manager

Agents fog- H H Lee yoong

“Fiat” Italy

Azadian, Leon, Export Merchant—12,

Automobile Club of China (See Clubs) Ad: Rue du Consulat; Teleph. 81001; Cable


Auto Palace Co., Ltd.

in Hongkong), Motor Engineers and (Incorporated


— 100, 70180;.

Route Cable

du Cardinal Mer- U ,2HI 3® H $ $

cier; Ad: Auto- Pah peh he lu lu hung ssu


F. R. Davey, director Babcock & Wilcox, Ltd., Manufacturers

Dr. of Water-tube Boilers,Pipework,



Edgar, do. do. Chain

misers,Grate Stokers,

Electric Cranes, Conveyors— Econo-1,

G.W. E.R. Marden,

McBain, do. do. The Bund; Teleph. 15750; Cable Ad:

J. W. P. Marsh, mang. director Babcock

J. E. Hargreaves, managei* for China


Baboxjd, Mary & Cie., Importers and fr m 18 Tsao shan itgan hong

Representatives of French Firms—17, Bank of Chosen—50, Kiukiang Road;.


635; CableRoad;

Ad: Teleph. 19775 ; P.O. Box Teleph. 11676; Cable Ad: Chpsengink


Charles Baboud T. Hattori, manager

G. Mary | Mme. M. Zeng S.O. Shimatsu,

Yamanari,signs per pro,

C.E. A.Morelieras

da Silva I| L.Mme.H. K.Wade

Schultz R. Koike S. Shiba

R. Koyama T. Shioya

Y.M. Moribe

Mori T. Taguchi

Baer & Co., A., Silk Merchants, General H. Nagano Y.M. Umadome


Importers and

Consulat; Exporters—8,

Teleph. Rue Ad:

;82476; Cable du T. Nagayama Mrs.R.A.GoIornb

t Baercosilk

A. Baer, manager U-M M C'hiao tuning an hong

S. L. Baer Bank of Communications—14, The Bund;

Teleph. 12828; Cable Ad: Chiaotung

Bajsun Engineering Works—768, Point Si M. Tong, general manager

Road; Teleph. 51600

Balfour & Co., Ltd., Arthur (Pro- Bankft^^M Tung ah ngan hong

S' itors of the Eagle and Globe Steel Co., Road;of Telephs. East Asia, Ltd.—299, Szechuen

10344 (Exchange Mgr.)r

.), Capital Steel Works, Sheffield,

England—34, Museum Road; Teleph. P.16863 O. Box

(Private Exchange


to all Depts.);.

Ad: Eastabank

11921; P.O. Box 425; Cable Ad: Lam Ngai manager

Dannemora Ng Ka Wing, p.p. manager.

Rt. Hon. Lord Riverdale of Sheffield, O.Chung

W. Flan, accountant

managing director Sui Yim, cashier

Fung Lok Chi, p.p. acct.

Bandmann,_ Albert, Manufacturers’ Re- G. King Lee

W. M. Tsai I Ho Shiu Nganr

presentative—20, Canton Road; Teleph.

19121; Cable Ad: Bandmann Zau Zang Tshung, compr.

ft IS itf jj? Tai wan ngan hong



Taiwan,18665 Ltd,,andThe18662;



Ad: TaiWangink

ii ^ It J. Hirano, manager

Mei gwok wan tung ngan hong

American ftm&m Wha pe ngan hong

ing andExpress Co., Inc., Office:

Travel—General The, Bank-

158, BanqueTheBelge Pour T’Etranger S. A.

Kiukiang Road; Telephs. 16277-8; —20, Bund; Telephs. 12302 (General

Manager 14241, Compradore 12890; Manager), Manager), 15691(Manager),

10491 (T/T Dept.), 19233 (Sub-


P.O. Box 523; Cable Ad: Amexco (Import, Export), 12624 (Book-keeping),

P. L.W.FBradford,

Cecil, manager

assistant manager 18482 (Cashier and Share), 10490

H. H. Bohlmann, accountant (Brokers), 10438. (Compradore), 10774

Hsu Pao Chu, compradore (Compradore

Codes:2ndLieber’s,Office); Cable 5th Ad:


son’s edn. andA.B.C.

Bentley’s Peter;

ft mm m Kwang tung ngan hong H. Lambert, agent general

Bank of Canton, Ltd.—59, Ningpo Road; J. Lafontaine, manager

Teleph. 16286 to all Depts.; Cable Ad:

Bank ton ft M M m m

Tung fong way'lee ngan hong

Bank of China—50, Hankow Road; Banque de L’lndo-Chine—29, The-


Ad: 6855 or11080-9 & 11180-9-8-7, Cable Bund; Teleph. 11326; P.O. Box 654;

Centrobank Cable Ad: Indochine


L. M.Chevretton, manager Alfred E. Schumacher, second vice

T. Elzear, sub-manager president and manager

C. Fournier, controller Harry W. Frick, assistant mgr.

P. Char Her

H. Robert I M. Jega E. G. Zacharias, do.

R. Bernard | Miss B. Boucher A. G. Asseier, per pro.

B. I. C. Ouan, compradore W. J. Lamneck, do.

P. L. Chiang, asst. do. E. A. G. Peterson, do.

Representative of the Bank and F. Robinson, do.,

French Banking Group for China W. C. Ryan, jr„ do.

L. Chevrettpn R. G. Biesel

F. de Courseulles, asst. mgr. E. F. Rauch, auditor

R. Barbier, secretary E. A. Carlson E.J. Silva

A. G. da Costa R. A. de Souza

J.V. C.Dorf

da Costa A. W. Xavier

fir ® X & * E. J. King Mrs. M. B.

Banque Franco-Chinoise pour le J.O.R.F.McDonald Miss Gutierrez


Commerce et l’Industrie—1, Quai R. Muller

de France; Teleph. 82130; P.O. Box 988; J.R. Reyes

J. Santos Mrs. M. A.Harvey

Cable Ad: Geranchine Chang Zong Chow, compradore Remedies

L. J. Bernis, manager Z. K. Per, assist. do.

Central Bank oe China, The—15, The

Bund; Teleph. 12570; Cable Ad: fTfflMWJlMttM

Governbank Chekiang de fpng ji ni ning hong

m frl W Malta lee Chekiang Industrial Bank, Ltd.—159,

The Chartered Hankow Road; Teleph. 18050; Cable

Australia and Bank

Chinaof(Inc. India,in Ad: Chindubank or 3947 (Chinese)

England by Royal Charter 1853)— China Banking Corporation—149,

Shanghai Branch: 18, The Bund;

Teleph. Gene^kl Office: 16310 (Pri- Szechuenand Road; Telephs. 14454,

vate Exchange all Depts.); Cable 14415 14476; P.O. Box 1738;

Cable Ad: Chibancorp

Ad: Salamander

W. R. Cockburn, acting manager

acct. ■ ;

I.B. Sykes, sub-ma,nagpr China Development Bank, Ltd.—33,

W. Talbot, Szechuen Road!; Cable Ad: 0120

Sub-accountants — Lane Van, manager

E.R. B.S. Wilson

Lawson II J. H. Ashworth China State Bank, Ltd.—356, Peking

W. M. Cox m:h| A. HuffusI. G. Stewart

G. A.Sutherland

P. J.L. M.

Robertson Road; Teleph. 92320; Cable Ad:

McWattie Kuohwabank

Wong Sob Ling, compradore Chinese Industrial Bank, Ltd.—210,

A. A. A. Rodrigues Nanking Road; Teleph. 91190-8

C. F. Ozorio j C. S. Aquino

A. Maher iK . Chung Foo Union Bank—103, Jin-

CA.a,„ kee Road; Telephs. 16875-79, 1192©

H, A. Costae„bergE;t1^! Geo. W. Chue and 15620. Branch: 1009, Bubbling

Well Road

A. F. Gomes Mrs. M. Lent

Chase Chung Hwa Commercial! A Sawings

Teleph.Bank, 11447;The—80, Kiukiang

P. O. Box 769;’ Road;

Cable Bank, Ltd.—290, Peking Road; Te-

Ad: Chasebank; Head Office: 18, Pine lephs. 13173 and 16190;' Cable Ad:

Street, New York City. Branches:— Kiangyoh

Shanghai, Hong Kong, Tientsin and

Paris. Affiliated with The Chase Commercial Bank of China—?, The

National Bank, New York and Bund; Teleph. 16138; Cible Ad:

London Tungshang


Continental Bank, Ltd.—Ill, Kiukang C. H. Munz

Road; Trust and Savings Dept.: Nanking Miss E. Lehmann

Road; Road;

chuen Sub-Branches: 620,Well

771, Bubbling NorthRoad;Sze-1, Miss G. Kuelps

Avenue Dubail; 114, Fang Pang Loo, H. Greiger, dep.-do.


chow Warehouse: 1114, North

; Teleph. 11966-7, Soo-

16976-79; Equitable Eastern Banking Corpora-

TientsinAd: Contibank. Head Office: tion (See Chase Bank);


Exchange Bank of China—299, Sze-

Cook & Son, Ltd., Thos.—Central Arcade; chuen Ad: Knabetx

Road; Teleph. 11941; Cable

Teleph. J2261

Finance Banking - Corporation, Ltd.,

ft m m & m General Financing—9, Avenue Edward

JVee pin fong hwan yin hong VII;

Cable Teleph. 80115; P.O. Box 633;

Ad : Finansbank


gages, Foncier d’ Extr eme-Orient,

Real Estate, House Management Mort- Directors :—

and Insurance—Chartered Bank 16366;

Bldg., J. A. Turner, chairman

18, The Bund (1st floor); Teleph. S. A. Seth, managing director

P.O. Box 1157; Cable Ad: Belfran

General Management

E. Molines, manager for South HoChinese Hong Bank, Ltd., The (Nee Oversea

Banking Corporation, Ltd.)


P. Pontet, sub-manager ft IB Way foong ning hong

A. Graff, sighs per pro. Hongkong and Shanghai Bank-

V. du Bus de Warnaffe, do. ing Corporation (Incorporated in

Mrs. W. E. Schneider the Colony of Hongkong) — 12, The

J. Borgeest Bund

Chinese Rent Collecting Dept. A.A. C.S.andLeith,65, Broadway

Henchman, manager


G. Wang, manager E. W. Stagg, actg. do.

Architects’ Office J. J. French,

K. Mackenzie, sub-do. accountant

G. Derevoge, chief architect

H. L. Favacho H.A. H.M. Guinness


Brickworks G.G. G.H. Thomson


O. Graindorge, mgr. (on leave) W.R. Healey

A.T. S.C.B.Kennett


ft iii # Teh Img ying hong J. C. Sutherland

Deutsch-Asiatische Bank—85, Kiukiang D.R. B.E. Gotch


Road; Telephs. 11536

(Manager’s Office); P.O.

(4 lines)

Box 1282;


Cable W. G. Nicholson


Ad: Teutonia. Head Office: Shanghai A.D. F.BuchanJudd

A.E. Mirow,

Reiss, sub.-do.

manager M. D. Scott

W. Knoke, do. J. H.P. Moodie

R.H. Sutcliff


W. Greiger,

Jacobi, dep.-do.

signs per pro. V. Parker

G. Meyer-Buete, do. D. A. Campbell

H. Kleinsehmidt, do. J. C. Walters

M. Klussmann G. R. Riddell-Carre

Dr. P. Witting

H. Dietsch E.D.J. A.C.Pike



A. Frese G. O. W. Stewart

E. Wolff

F. Lindenau

O. Schmollinger A.W. L.H.Murray


N. J. Stabb


Hongktvy Sub-Agent: Loan and Surrenders (Shanghai Branch)

A. M. D. Wallace, sub-agent S. S. Ulanowski, V. Strobel, A.

B. McL. Bacon Bocevitch, V. Mangal, A. Rach-

Special Representative: . koff and R. Reinberg

W. C. Cassels Loan and Control Dept. (Head Office)

Miss K. Fenton, secretary O. Sourochnikoff

Resident Engineer: N. Chreptovitch, C. Guillabert,

E. W. A. Clements M. Kovrigan, M. Linde, B.

Rabinovitch, N. Roukavishni-

koff and V. Souvochnikoff

® m m m & Premium Control Department

Man kwok tse chu way H. Anikin, A. Berber, C. Botelho, V.

International Savings Society (Public Buchanan, E. Canetti, A. Chijoff,

Savings Co.), Founded in 1912 and S.Davies

M. N.


Duncan, M. Connell, H.

registered under the French Govern-

ment Laws of 24th July, 1867. Recorded Y. Guillabert, M. A.Frishman,

E. Egoroff,


at French Consulate-General, Shanghai Ismalloff, A. Kalnin, M. Krashen-

Head Office—7, Avenue innikoff, A. Marsden, N. Morin, K.

Teleph. 82180; Cable Ad: Edward

IntersavinYII; Oakley, L. Passes,N.K. Socoloff,

Senichenko, Sawicka, M.


Board of Dirs.—R. Fano, J. Beudin, M. Sourcchnikoff, I. Shaniavski, H.

Chapeaux, L. Chevretton,

E. Sigaut and M. Speelman H. Madier, St. Tangwick, O. Troubnikoff, R.

Commissaires aux Comptes—Ch. de Tong, V. Ulanowski, A. van

Boissezon and F. Bouvier Corback and N. Yutcis

Censors—J. Fredet, Fong Seng Bing Shanghai Branch:

Committee of Management—J.

din, M. Speelman and E. SigautBeu- M. Martianova

Sub-manager—S. Braley M. Virenius

Accountants.—Turner, Sturrock & Stock Dept

Brown P. Berthet

Chinese Manager—Q. Hong Sun C.M. Lent

Chinese Sub-manager—Sumin Li Lubeck

Secretariat—J. Berthet and H.


Inquiry Office Italian

kiang Bank Road; for China,15368;

Telephs. The—186,

P.O. Kiu-


A. Sourochnikoff 648; Cable Ad: Sinit

Special Representatives

A. F. Kimball Kiangsu-Chekiang

H. W. Park Savings Bank, Ltd.,Commercial and

The—149, Sze-

Accounting Department chuen Road; Telephs. 17381,17390, 17392

E. Shekury, B. Jacquet, C. S. and 10748; Cable Ad: Kianchbank

Jourdan, I. Mottu, E. Paynter Y.C. T.S. Woo,


general manager

and E. Stephan C. S. Wei, manager

Bond Control Dept.

• C. Plaskin, B. Bauiqzveiger, W. Kiangsu Bank—371, Kiangse Road;

Fedoroff, N. Canshtbk, M. Mar' Telephs. 11277-9

P.S. C.H. Tien,

Hsu, general

chand, Z. Mitt, S. Chijoff, R.

Marchand and N. Roukavi- asst. manager


shhikoff , ;; L. C. Yen, manager

Correspondence Department

M. Liou, M. Bailer and, E. Duro- Kincheng Banking Corporation—200,

Kiangse Road; Telephs. 13800 and

cher. V. Classer, M. Hdrvatt, 61350; Cable Ad: Kinchen

V. Popoff and K. Vireiiius C. C. Woo, manager


Manufactu6ers Bank of China, Ltd.— Nederlandsch Indische Handels-



14552 (T.Hoad;

T. Telephs.

Dept.); 11161-11165 hank—16,

Cable Ad: 15809, 15615,Kiukiang Road;andTelephs.

Factubank; Codes: Bentley’s, Peterson’s I P.O. BoxBentley’s

19281, 19993,

1319; Cable1stAdedn.


: Handelbank;

International (3rd edn.) and

T. L. Soong, general manager Private Codes: Peterson


and 6th and3rdMercuur edn., Leibers, A.B.G. 5th

T.C. Y.H. Chang,

Chao, assist.

do. do.

do. C- J.G.C. Reinders

Riem, manager

Folmer, accountant

M ft Yu lee T. van Gulik, sub-acct.

F. Schaafsma

Mercantile Bank of India, Ltd.—26, M. D. Schreuder

The Bund; Teleph. 18792r3; Cable J. W. Brouwer

Ad : Paradise

' F. Thorougpod, mgr.

H. W. Hawkins, accountant ft M fa Wo tan yin9 hon9


N.V. (Netherlands Handel-Maatschappij,

Trading Society) —

Ming Hwa: Commercial and Savings Sassoon House, The Bund;

Bank, Ltd.—330, Peking Road; 19474, 19473

Teleph. 19810; Cable Ad: Minghwa and 19472; P.O. BoxTelephs.


CableA.Ad: Trading

Stokkink. manager

fr H .=1 Sa in nin hon

V} 9 9 G. L. ten Bruggen Cate

Mitsubishi Bank, Ltd. — 36. Kiukiang K. Hansel, cashier

Rd.; Teleph. 18007; Cable Ad: Iwasaki- S. F. Sant

bank E.C. J.Preys


J.A. M.J. R.Kruys


ff ^ ^ H Sang tsing ning hong J. C. L. van Senden

Mitsui Bank, Ltd.—60, Kiukiang Road; Yu

Y. P. Ya-ching,

Chiu, comdo.

assist, prado re

Teleph. 18926; Cable Ad: Mitsuigink

K.T.Satoh, manager

Ihara, assist, do. Ningpo Commercial Bank, Ltd. — 24ot.

Peking Road; Teleph. 15505-9

National City Bank of New York,

The (formerly International Banking

Corporation)—41, Kiukiang Rd.; Teleph. Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation

11500; Ltd. (Successors to The Ho Hong Bank,

Cable Ad: Citibank. Head Office: Ltd.),

New York (Incorporated

ment)—120, Kiukiangin the SbraitsSettle-

13176 and 13177 (PrivateRoad; Telephs.to


ft & m m K m all Departments), 14027 (Manager’s

Chekiang shin yieh ning hong Office) and 17467 (T. T. and Bills Depart-

ments); Cable Ad: 2ndOversea; Codes:

National Commercial Bank, Ltd., The, A.B.C. 6th edn. and Private. edns.,

Bentley’s, Peterson’s and 3rd


Commercial Bank — Head Office: 250, Office: Singapore. Branches: Shanghai,

Peking Road; Teleph. 10589; Cable Ad: Hongkong, Batavia, Penang, Malacca,

Natcombank or 6311; Codes used: Muar, Batu Pahat, Palembang, Serem-

Peterson’s 2nd and 3rd, Bentley’s, A.B.C. ' ban, Rangoon, Khota Baru, Kuala

5th and 6th Lumpur,

Amoy Djambi, Bangkok, Ipoh and

National Commercial and Savings C. H. Wang, manager

Bank, TanW.Chwee Lee, accountant

assist, manager

16586 Ltd.—348, Kiangse Road; Teleph. C. Chang,

T- M. Chen, do.

National Industrial Bank of18729

China— PeckChi

Lee PiaTung,

Jini, sub-acct.


130, Peking Road; Telephs. and Tan Kian Tsin, do.

15609; Cable Ad: Natindbank W. T. Ohiu, do.

shanq:hm Aias

Pacific Bank, Ltd.—178, Tientsin Load; Shanghai Bank,. Ltd., The,' General

Telephs. 92764 and 93065; Gable Ad: BankingTelephs.

Business—190, Hainin Koad,

5017 (General 40839Office);(Manager)

P.O. Bo it and' 40840

339; Cable

Ad: Hishimaru

Pinto Bank—80, Nanking Road; Teleph. K. Hasegawa, president

19382; Cable Ad: Pintobank iv. iaguchi, uireotsqr and mgr.

V. Pinto, director and manager

Doc Cav. G. Costantini, attorney-

at-law nmmmmnm±

Shang hai skan yi shu skoh ying hong

■fj ^ Da/i ying yeng hong Shanghai Commercial and Savings

P. O. Banking Corporation, Ltd., The Bank, Ltd., The—Head' Office: 50,

—6, The Bund; Teleph. 16849; Cable Ad: Ningpo Road; Teleph. 12560 (Head.

Office aiid Local Blanches); P.O. Box

Penorbanca 857; Cable Ad: Comsavbank; Codes:

J. E. Moir, manager Bentley’s, Peterson’s International

J. H. Mortlock acting acot. Banking 2nd and 3rd.edns.

G. K. Macfarlane, sub-accountant K. P. Chen, managing director and

F. J. Hill, do. general manager

J. E. Pipe, j do. C. C. Yang, sub-manager

Miss A. J. Boyd, stenographer D. C. Lee, sub-manager

Miss I. Pfordten, do. P. W. Tsou, sub-manager and mgr.

M. D. Zee, compradore (agriculture dept.)


T. Z. King, mgr. (general busi-

Sassoon Banking Co., ’ Ltd., E.D., ness dept.)

Bankers— Sassoon House; Telephs. 11430 H.tration

S. Chao, mgr. (business adminis-

and 14026; P. O. Box 602; Cable Ad: dept.)

Edsbankcoy K. C. Wu, mgr. (personnel dept.)

Sir Victor Sassoon, Bart., governing Wilkin Sunn, chief auditor

director Y. S. Chuck, mgr. -(general affairs

F. R. Davey, director

A. K. MacEwau, manager dept. ■ ,

C. J. Meager, do. C. Huang, mgr. (foreign dept.)

L. I. Ovadia, do. Y. H. Lee, mgr. (domestic dept.)

E. G. Smith-Wright, sub-manager I. V. Wah, mgr. (trust dept.)

L. Gvadia, do. W. C. Pien, mgr. (warehouse dept.)

W. 'B. Bryden, c.a., acct. Hunfy D. Lee, mgr. (salt dept.;

J. B. Etherington C. T. Tung, mgr. (loan dept.)

W. R. Lambert Frederick T. Yang, mgr. (investment

E. C. Worburton, a.c.a. dept.)

W. D. Pearson C. Tsang, mgr. (credit dept.)

D. Innes-Ker C. K. Fan, mgr. (current account “A”

K. J. Gregory dept.)

J. G. Wilson S. P. Liu, mgr. (current, account

J. H. Ezekiel “B” dept.)

F. E. Smith H. C. Hwang, mgr. (fixed deposit

R. Joseph 1 dept.)

A. S. Costa S . Y. Keh, mgr. (control dept.)

S. P. Cohen Y. T. Tsiang. mgr. (savings dept. i

M. Jacob Assistant managers — T. C- Tsiang,

Miss H. Williamson Chemo Lee, Chucksen Wong, A.

Mrs. J. M. Cheesman C. Ting, C. L. Wang, and T. G.

Miss B. Smith Mao

Miss E. W. Brock Z. S. Kiang, chief cashier

Miss R. Solomon L. S. Che, chief accountant


Shanghai Branches; W. A. Hale, treasurer

Avenue Joffre Office — 589-591, Francis

K. W.F.H.P.Chang,

Loos, secretary & cashier

Avenue J offre

P. H. Pan, manager Miss Brown,assist, cashier

service dept.

Boulevard Montigny Office—Chin- K. K. Tse, accountant

ese Y.M.C.A. Building

Y. C. Wen, manager Union Mobiliere—320, Kiangse Road;

Boundary Road Office—206, Boun- Teleph, 82162

dary Road

Y. C. Chen, manager Yien Yieh Commercial Bank—280,

Bubbling Well Road Office—Corn- Ads: Peking Road; Teleph. 15210; Cable

er of Yates Road 7777 and Saltbank; Wireless:

T. H. Tu, assistant manager 17770

■''East Gate Office—77, Tungmen

Road fr IS IE M ft

S. T. Woo, manager . Wang ping tsun ching ning hong

East Seward Road Office^—73-75, Yokohama Specie Bank, Ltd.—24, The

East Sevrar l Road Bund; Teleph. 15470

C. Y. Pan, manager K.N.Yabuki, manager

Hongkew Office—833, North Sze- Kawamura, sub-manager

. chuen Road C. Ono, do.

K. C. Tong, manager

Waysidte Office—388, Broadway E. Bann’s Studio, Portrait Specialist—104,

Rifahard Y. Ban, manager

West Gate Office—1474, Chung Bubbling Cable Ad: Banns

Well Road; Teleph. 94870;

Hwa Road V. S. Bann, proprietor

J. F. Ying, manager

Yu Yuen Road Office—232, Yu Barbash & Co., B. S., Merchants and

Yuen Road Commission Agents (Furs, Woollens,

T. Z. Ban, manager Veneer, etc.) —Cable

36, Ad:

Rte. Barbash

Paul Henry;

Teleph. 74620;

Sumitomo Bank Ltd.—69, Kiukiang Rd.; B.S. Barbash, mgr. and sole proprietor

Telephs. 15533-3 lines; P.O. Box 3035;

Cable Ad: Sumitbank jSf? Jff Tah loony •

Barlow &, Co.,

Thriptcor Bank—100, Kiukiang Road; al Import Merchants, Engineering,Piece Goods and Gener-

Teleph. 18906 Technical

Chemicals—2, Supplies,

Peking Raw Rubber and

Road; Telephs.

15041-2; Cable Ad: Rostherne

Yu pong ying hong fa Sir JohnB.D.Barlow,

Thomas Barlow, London

Bart., Manchester

Underwriters Savings Bank for C. H.H. Banneitz

Fryer, manager

the Far East, Snc. (Incorporated C. C. Lopes, acct.

in the State of Connecticut,' TJ.SA.)— Miss E. Ruffio, stenographer

17, The Bund; Teleph. 17725; Cable Ad:

Savings, Branch: 14, Queen’s Road,

Hongkong fa Ziang woo

, C. V. Starr,president and director

N. Yakoonnikoff, vice-pres. & dir.

Directors—R. W. Davis, Mansfield Baroukh’s, Manufacturers of Laces and

Freeman, W. ■ A. Main, F. W. DecorativeRoad; Teleph.Linens

17891; —Cable

311-317, Kiangse

Ad: Baroukh

Siemssen, and F. R. Smith Daniel F. Baroukh, proprietor


* fU £ D. C.: Palfreeman

Po wo dah leh sze G. W. Rhodes

Uarraud, J. (Etude), Law Office—41, Miss C. Moosa

Hue de Consulat; Teleph. 82039; Cable Belgian Chamber of Commercis {See-

Ad;J. Julbar Chambers of Commerce) .


Barraud,advocate,do.doctor of law

Belgian Consulate (See. Consulates)





Road; Bell, A. D., Merchant—150, Kiukiang.

Teleph. 11685 Road, 4th floor; Teleph. 10125

Bary, Prof. A., m.d., Specialist in Nervous

and Mental Diseases—1191, Bub- JS K*

bling Well Road; Teleph. 31383 Mei ch’ing pee ka hung sze-

Basset, L., Bill and Bullion Broker- TipN, Inc.—Office : Products

Belting and Leather

57, 400,




307, H. and S. Building, 12, The Teleph. 10229; Factory: Chemulpo

Bund; Telephs. 10190-14429 and RoaP; Teleph. 50770; P.O. Box 231;

19276 Cable Ad: ProleabeJf

E. A. Nelson, general manager

Bateman-King School of Dancing—864, J. A.Hawkesworth

Bubbling Well Road; Teleph, 31688 H. 1'. Chen

K. L. Ning

Baychee Motor33784

Road; Teleph. Car Co.—225, Yates Benjamin, D. H. & Sons, Land and

Estate Agents—259, Kiangse Road;

Beauclair, Dr. Carl D., Dental Sur- Teleph. 19210; Cable Ad: Messman

S. H. Benjamin

geon—2, Peking Road; Tel. 19623 I. Benjamin

I-Chong Cheng, compradore

Beck & Swann—17, The Bund; Teleph. C. Y. Dong, assistant

10704; P.O,Box 1049; Cable Ad: Moorob

R. N. Swann, f.l.a.a. £ iflj Lee an

Miss A. Anderson

Benjamin & Potts, Share and General

Pao Sung Brokers—Ewo Building, 27, The Bund;

Begg & Co., T. D.—10, Hannen Road; Telephs. Potation 10321 and 10398; Cable Ad:

Teleph. 41513; Cable Ad: Alpha Ellis Hayim

H. H. Chen, general mgr. F. G. Harrison, a.c.a.

Charles Y. Chong, asst. mgr. G. F. H. Bichard

jflj % Tien Li P.C. Welch

C. Todd

J. L. Spaike

Behn, Meyer China Co., Ltd., General L. A. Marcal

Import and Engineering—356,

Road; Teleph. 92344; P. O. BoxPeking 568; Beraha, D. & Stetten, Importers and

Cable Ad: Behnmeyer Exporters and Commission Agents—

320, Kiangse Road; Teleph. 13091;.


Exporters — 1267, Yangtszepop Rd.; D. Beraha, manager

Teleph. 51056; Cable Ad: Nollavour Stetten Bros. (Paris)

C. S. Fan

Behrens & Sons, Sir Jacob (Manchester Jackman Owi

and Bradford)—150, Kiukiang Road; Z. K. Wang

Teleph. 12278; P.O. Box 1499; Cable Ad: C. K. Chen

Elephant Miss E. Graca


m m x ± m m Bills Motors Agents

Authorized (Federal

for Inc., U.S.A,.)


Pah van sz hung chang sze Fordson Cars-Trucks-Tractors—Corner

Berents, Hans, Consulting Civil En" Avenue Foch and Rue Cardinal Mercier;

Teleph. 74400; P.O. Box 1566; Cable

gineers, Architects and Surveyors— Ad: Billsmotor

Rooms 511-3, Glen Line Building, 2,

Peking Road; Teleph. 12099; Cable Ad: Bingoya & Co., Manufacturers of Grass


Berents, B.sc., c.E. (Norway), Carpets—201-203,

H. M.AM.SOC.C.E. Boone Road; Teleph.

40714; P.O. Box,216; Cable Ad: Bingoya

H- T. Hu J. Sugihara, manager


Pullen. E.L.R.I.B.A., ASSOC. INST. Bird & Co., G. E. E. Manufacturers7

H. P. Berents Representatives, Importers & Con-

M. Stihin, clerk of works tractors—106, Peking Road; Teleph.

Z. Z. Nien Piao 13636; P.O. Box 505; Cable Ad:

Y. L. Ting Gebird

Berger, M. A.,andm.d.,

Ears, Nosh SpecialistThe

Throat—24, Eyes Birt,

for Bund, Dr. E„ Specialist in Surgery—

20, Kiukiang Road; Teleph. 15579

Teleph. 17903; Res. 64, Route Yallon; Bishop, Howe & Co., Manufacturers’

Teleph, 81054 Representatives—34, Yuen Ming Yuen

Road; Teleph. 17761; Cable Ad: Pohsib

Berger, Walter G., Exporter—81, Jinkee ^|J J| Chang lee

Road; Teleph. 15968; P.D. Box 1543

Bisset & < Co., J. P„ Stock and .Share

Bergstam, Dr. S. A., Dentist^50, Agents—12, Brokers, Insurance,

The Bund;LandTelephs.

and Estate


.(Nanking Road; Teleph. 12798 and 10174; Cable Ad: Bisset

Bertucci, B., (Succs. Italian and A.E.M.G.Cannan

Clarke, signs per pro.

Belgian Marble Co.)—659, Thorburn G. G. Clarke I Percy Tai

Road: Teleph. 50714; P.O. Box V. K. Tai I Miss A. Thompson

1394 ; Cable Ad: Minie

Biswang, Waldkma r. Import Merchant—

Besant School for Girls—(Nee Edu- 1170, Bubbling Well Road; Teleph. 33208

cational) Blackstone Apartments — 1331, Rue

Bethel MissiON^-(Nee Missions) Lafayette; Teleph. 70119

Bloch;Manufacturing and Lumber Co.,

Bianchi, C., Manufacturing Confec- Hongkong Ltd., The Companies

(Incorporated under Tea


tioner—76, Nanking Road; Teleph. Chests, Veneer,

12264; Cable Ad : Bianchi WoodenOrdinances)

Boxes, Flooring


14, Boone andRoad;

Nail Sawmill:


3, West Kong

Bible Seminary for Women — (Nee Foh Road, Near Jessfield Park; Telephs.

Missions) 43885 43787; P.O. Box 438; Cable Ad:


G.M. E.S. Marden,'chairman

Bible Union—(Nee Missions) Bloch,'director

Bijou Perfumery—51, Nanking Road P.

R. Nicholson,

Sehlee, . .do. do.

A. II. Gordon, do.

Billiards Association—(Nee Clubs) T. K. King,

W. E'.'UIanoff, <3q-


Billey Cycle & Motor Co., Importers Secretaries: Wheelock & Co., Ltd.

of Motor Cars and Motor .Cycles—949, It.ingG. dept.

Seaborn, construction & floor-

Broadway East;

Ad: Z. Billeyco Teleph. 52(78; Cable A. A. Bilukovich, accountant

A. Verjba, assistant i


E. Ovchinnikoff, do. Boutross Bros., Exporters of Lace an^

F. K. Eng,' saleman Embroideries—330,

K. B. Cnun, clerk

T. P. Zien, do. Teleph. 17968; P.O. BoxSzechuen ' Road!

275; Cable Ad:

^aw Mill Aboboutros

A. S. Witkovsky, supt. & & n

A.K. Zaltan, assist.engineer

L. Karavaeff, Bowern & Co., Ship and Freight Brokers,

Yeneer Factory Coal and Metal Merchants, Importers

Mumjieff, supt. and

Teleph.Exporters — 313,

14682; Cable Ad: Kiangse Road;

Bowern; Codes:

Nail B.Factory

Ulanoff, supt Bentley’s, Scott’s, Boe’s and Acme

Door Factorysupt. T. W. Bowern, mang. dir.


Kegs Making Dept.

D. Yablokoff, supt. Boy Scouts Association — (See Asso-

Flooring Manufacturing Dept. ciations')

A. Antroshenko, supt. Boyd & Co., Ltd., Import and Export

Blom &, van i>ek Aa, Insurance Agents— Teleph. Merchants — 6.20, Szechuen Road;


EzraAd:Road; Telephs. 18769 (2 lines); 13490; Cable Ad: Boydcotd

Blomavan F. R. Smith, managing director

H. C. A. van Someren, manager J. E. Smith, director

W, Uytenbroek, assist, mgr. P. S. Tien, do.

G. S. Ting, do.

Blue Funnel Line—(See Butterfield & C. T. Evan% manager

Swire and Holt’s Wharf)

flj Ilf Sing lee

Blumenfeld, Drs. S. M. and M. M.—620 Boyes, Bassett, Ltd., Goldsmiths,

Ezechuen Boad; Teleph. 12664 Silversmiths, Jewellers and Watch-

makers—105, Nanking Road; Teleph.

H 'S' Foh lo 11922; Cable Ad: Boyes

Bohler Bros. & Co., Ltd., Steel Works G. M. Boyes, managing director

— Room 318, 2, Peking Road; Teleph. A. L. Penning, manager

16061; Cable Ad: Steelboler % B Tuk Kee:

mm Gu mai Bradley & Co., Ltd., Merchants of Shang-

hai, Swatow and Hongkong—H. & S.

Bolton Bristle Co., Fed. Inc., U.S.A. Bank Building,

Dressing and Sterilization of Bristles— 10966; P.O. Box 291; 12, The Bund; Teleph.

32, Brenan Road; Teleph. 20325; P.O. Box A. Henderson, directorCable Ad: Bradley •

247; Cable Ad: Wilobon J. F. Acheson, signs p.p.

C. S. Holdsworth

Bombay Provision Store, Indian

Condirnents—249, Kungping Road; Brady, A. A. (Member of Shanghai Stock

Exchange), Stock, Share and General

Teleph. 51439; Cable Ad: Amrit Broker—Room 38, Central Arcade,

Boon, P. C. Importer — 210, Kiukiang ” Ad: Central Road; Teleph. 13310; Cable


Road; Teleph. 16345; Cable Ad: Boon A. Mathew

A. BradyTong

Borden’s Produce Company,

(Amos Bird Division)—l, Tengyueh Inc. J. C. Chen

Road; Teleph. 50060; P. O. Box 215;

Cable Ad: AmOsbird Braun, C., Manufacturers' Represen-

P.H. H.H. Dunbar

Cameron J. Noss

Young tative—133, Yuen Ming Yuen Road;

T. H. Pond, jnr. I.J. Poltere Teleph. 19135; P.O. Box 874

C. K. Carroll Mrs. J. Heidler Brand, J. K. Exchange Broker—12,

The Bund; Telephs. 14177, 18554 and

Boston Dry Cleaning and Dyeing 19500; Cable Ad: Cumbrand.


17492 Szechuen Road; Teleph, J. K. Brand

E. O. Gumming


m mm %

Tai Lee yu Han hung sze Ying shang chu hw(vying mei yen

Brandt & Rodgers, Ltd., (Incorporated hung sze yu hsien kuncj sze

inEstate Hongkong), Architects, Land and British-American

Agents..-— 391, Kiangse Road; (China), Ltd.—Registered Tobacco Company

Teieph. 11169 Office: 6, Soo-

Wm. Brandt, m.a.a., managing director chow Road; Teleph. 13482; Cable

A.K. L.C. Brandt, secretary

Lee, manager Ad: Powhattan

Z. Arthur

T. Tsih,Symons,

assist, do.b.sc. (B. Arch.) Directors—Sir Hugo Cunliffe-Owen

Bart, (chairman),

Arthur Bassett, L. G.Robert


A. L.

Y. P. Chen, engineer Dickson, C. E. Harber, W. A. N.A.

J.0. S.DuffKwok 1 C. L. Chu Heygate, A. T. Heuckendorff,

K. Z. Whang | C. H. Lee, compr. S.

Macnaghten, c.m.g., d.s.o., Wm.B.

Kent, Brig.iGeneral E.


Queensland Insurance Co., Ld. Morris, H. E. Parkinson, D. W. M.

Midland Investment Co., Ld. Price, C. A.andW.E. S.Rose,

Skidmore Savagec.i.e., T. E

An Ping Insurance Co., Ltd. C. K.C. McKelvie,

Newson, f.c.i.s., secretary

assist. do.

Brauns, Dr. H. — Hamilton House; Executive Office

Teleph. 13417 E. O. Drake

Brazilian Consulate (See Consulates) W. C. Foster j. R. R. Smith

Breen, C. J. & Co., Importers and Legal Department

A. L. Dickson, legal adviser

Exporters — 70, Szechuen Road; D F.W.L.M.Morrison

Price, assist, do.

Telephs. 13773, 18210; P.O. Box 1716;

Cable Ad: Neerbclem C.MissV. E.Syms

C. J. Breen B. Fairley

Brenner Bros., International Fur Mrs. A. Schmidt Scharil

Merchants — 39, Av. Edward VII; Exchange Department

Teleph. 85264; Cable Ad: Bragu C. S. Peacock

R. S. Goldberg, signs per pro. Accounting Department


—450, Laidlow H. E., Printers,

Building;Stationers, etc.

Teleph. 10053; S. F. McKenzie, accountant

H. E. Brewer ; j C. Kqw ; C.H. J.S. Beale 1 J, Brandt

| H. Langley

Brister, Jos. Fane, o.b.e.—190, Kiukiang Miss F.BellBomko Ii A,H. Marshall


Road; Teleph. 19214; Cable Ad: G. C. Bloom

J. C. Britto Ii E.D. P.Munro Morphew

Brisburn G.E. E.H. Brockett

British Chamber of Commerce (See Brown N. J. Palmer

Miss C. Pocock

Chambers of Commerce) id A.Mrs.H.C.Coryeth

N. Dillon H. G. RaeburnPuddle

F. J. Drakeford D.G. J.Fethersten

n a.® 41 m

Ymg shang cku hiva yma hiei yen # «is « T. Edwards hauglr


K. M.Harding j D.A. G.B. Donnelly

ku piao yu hsien hung kze Rapanakis

British - American ( China ) Tobacco P. Hall Miss A. M.Ribeiro


175, SoochowCo.,Road; Ltd.—Registered

Teleph. 13482;Office:

Cable C.Mrs.R. M.Harran


Securities Hen- F. C. Roberts

Bailey (chairman), ningsen A. J. Roza

A.Chow L. Chang

Dickson,Pan, Chang Rung Hui, Hooper P.H. V.J. Simpson

E,P. S.T. Hyndman P. Smith

Hsu Sing Loh, T. A. Johnston Mrs. E;Southerton


d.s.o., Gen.

H. E.E.Parkinson,

B. Macnaghten, c.m.g.,

S. C. Peacock, E. C. Kew

D.T. E.VV.Skidmore

M. Price,'andShenTingCheng Shih, V.F. W.

A. Billon E. A. de Souza

Ven Kiang Brandt A.Mrs.C.A.deC.Souza

C. K.C. McKelvie,

Newson, f.c.i.s., secretary

assist. do.

L.R. C.C. Hill

Tyler Geo. WorbyWillis


Insurance Department tij & Tf in & 'is ^ a- m m

O. C. Department

Traffic Kench Ying skdng to ying yen hung sze


Blinko yu hsien hung sze

J. L. Aitchison | E.W. Lester British

C. H. Knight Office: 175, Cigarette Go., Ltd.—Head

H. T. Andrews E. M. Lundberg 13482; Cable Ad: Soochow

Cigarette. Road; Teleph.


M. B. Diniz D.P. Maher Directors—Sir H. Cunliffe-Owen, Bart,

J. O. Doreida McDermott (chairman), Robert Bailey, L. G.

R.H. M.J. Faulkner

Edelsten J.C. H.W. Ratcliff

Quelch Cousins,

N. G. Harris, A.L. Dickson,

Brig.-Gen. R. H.E.Gregory,

B. Mac-

Mrs. Y. Golder F. Roscoe naghten, c.m.g., d.s.o., D. W. M. Price

W. Goldenberg A. Seaborn and T. E. Skidmore

Goldstein J. G. Sheridan C. K.G. McKelvie,

Newson, f.c.i.s.,

assist. secretary


A. S. Hamilton J. E. Stokes Legal Department

G. Henderson H. S. Thorley A. L. Dickson, legal adviser

OrderJ. Department

Henderson J. A, Xavier D. W. M. Price, assist, do.

Manufacturing Department

E. F. 'Iffioi-pe | J. Giles W. A. N. Heygate

Mailing Department E. S. Savage



M. Fullbrook Mrs. E. M. Hicks

Advertising Department Engineering Department

W. S.' Bungey T. F.E. J.Skidmore,

Hookhamchief engineer

A.E. G.U. Pettitt

Berrien A.A. Nehoroshkoff

Inwood J.F. P.J. Ennis E. A.H.Thompson

J.(A Berglof Grew W. Train

Bockiscb B.W. Pennell

A. Pennell S.

E. R. Harmer G. M.M. Vallis

A. Grew J.

G. Gomes

J. L. Hutchison I Mrs. S. Yale P. R. Parkes Wills

A. Z. Kikoin | Miss F. E. Mrs. C. Freise

Miss H. D. Carey Weigall Supply

W. C. Department


'Cable H. A. Coward

Mrs. Department

General L. E. Tweedlie | P. Wolnizer T. Kabelitz Miss G. Strike

V. N. Adrianoff Mrs.W.G.Strike

H. Morcher Miss Mrs. L. Denton

J. Cook

Mrs. K. M. Harding Accounting Department

Mrs. S. Beeman Mrs. G. E. W. C. Fotser, accountant

C.Mrs.L. V.Conrady

Englund Miss Priestwood

A. M. S. F. Mckenzie, assist, do.

J. L. Gutter Robinson J. M.. Britto | O. C. Brown

E.A. T.T. Jones | Mrs. H. W. Sayle J.B. W. Davies M. G. Schwarzl

P. Dillon

MissJ. M.

Klushkin ! Mrs. M. U.

j Turner J. W. Foster P.MissStellingwerff F. E. Thomas

F. Guttierez H. O. Thorpe

C. H. McGeachie

Page Mrs. V.R.,M.

1 Mrs. Ward

P. Woods G.W. W.C. Y.Jenssen

Jones E. V. deWailey

C. C. Vera

Nanking Department P.J. H.A. MacDonald]

Mack ! A.W.S.Wailey '

F. Mrs.

H. Vines, dept, manager Walford

J. Hall A. E. Moyhing ! W. S. Webb

Shanghai Sales Division G.0. C.de Reneman

la Pena IR.W. E.H. Witschi

IX A. Baker-Carr | L. E. Tipton ' T. Pilcher

G. G. Saul i II. E. Brewer

4* Leaf Department

Chung ying yin hung szu T. F.J. B.Whitaker T. B. Jorip^

British and Chinese Corporation, Allen G.W. H.B. Newsome


Ltd., The—27, The Bund; Teleph. W. C. Boone

R.W. A.H.Crews C. A. Ogburn

15290; Cable Ad: Jarkong Faulkner H. Overton

R. T. B. Boothy, m. inst., c.e., repre- L. D. Glover J. F. Satterwhite

A. sentative in China

L. Davidson, secretary W. E. Guthrie I. S. Smith

H. L. Bolden R. D. Smith

Miss N. Munro J. Y. Honecutt A. N. Silencer


G.H. E.M. Strutt

Walden S.E. E.Y. Williams British Commercial Counsellor33,;—c/o


M. M. Whitaker W. H. Whitehead Bund; H. B. M. Consulate-General, The

P. Wixitting L. Wimbish Teleph. 11489; Cable Ad:


Thorburn iioad Factory

T. C. Westbmok, manager British Consulate (See Consulates)

N.M. C.S. Beeman


IT. Kirby It # « in ^

A.R. D.E. Denton

Bailey i G. J. Poulin

A. S. Rakkin British

ping and Corporation

Aircraft—51, Register

Cantonof Road:


A.B. H. Bowji A.

Y. Eakes J. C. Stewart Roberts Teleph. 16'817; Cable Ad: Sea-

I).H. S.P. Molloy

Dvorjetz F. G. Stokes worthy

H. W. Tamlyn

J.A. H.M. O’Grady

Mishevsky G.H. A.Brownlow

Williams D.Wm.W.Lyle, m.i.n.a.,a.s.n.a.

Murphy, surveyor

& m.e. (Eng.),,

P.E. H.Hartley N. Belanovsky surveyor

V. Harvey

J. C. Jenkins, J.O. Sutcliffe British Films (China),

Avenue Edward ,

Ltd. — 160,

VII; Teleph. 13771

Pootung F actories

P. S. Grant, manager British Film Distribution Co.—142,

R.R.I. G.D.Griddick

Eppes , A.T. A.H. James


Bishop Museum Road; Teleph. 18463

N. S. Jacobs British

G. W. P. Angell I. Kardonsky

G.W. Ashford S. J. Minty NankingFlower Shop—Sassoon

Road; Teleph. 14777 House,.

Lyons C. O. Hardcastle British and Foreign Bible Society (See

G. W. T. Belcher A. S. Kemsley

J.E. A.L. Boyde

Barr H. C. T. Nicholl.s Associations)

H. C. Brown T. S. Parry W. G. Nicholls

British India Steam Navigation Co.,


N. Burnett A. Petersen

R. Davey J.W.A.H.Rignall Richardson Ltd.—See Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co.

F. S. David j P. Shnaperman Bpatish Office of Works, ; for China,

Japan and Siam—51, The Bund;;

J.R. M.Davies Dillon H. H. E.Sennett

Schultz Teleph. 10648

E.R. Englund

S. Duff I C. Shahovskoi

J. J. Gaffney A.W. Speransky H South Pau ninj

British Traders' Insurance Co., Ltd.

J.J. F.H. Green

Roberts i A.R. E.W hiWhiffen

tty —26, The Bund; Teleph. 12981

Printing Department M. H. Ivy, branch manager

N. G. Harris, manager

F. M. Giles G. V. Stepahoff British Women’s Association (See

C. Hargreaves IVY T. Mu Ivey Associations)

W. Mulvaney IE. A. Possnecke

C.E. G.Muller IK. C.

Muller jR. N. Bryson Boyd Brook & Cq., Import and Export


Teleph. —'r5‘6, P.O. KiukiangBox Road;

1606 ;

G. Smulsky iH.

Morgan ’ K. M.Blume

R.M. Estkovsky Kock Cable Ad. Rivulet; Codes: A.B.C.

5th and 6th edns., Acme, Bentley’s

A. Chittenden ;G. Smith i V. A. Aguirre and Private

R.O. HallBlume G. P. Moseley E. S.Brook

C. Shen, Insurance compradore

A. R. Morgan C. F. Puhnati V. I. Bassalaeff Agents for

J. Hall F. C. Kock BankerAssurance'

State & TradersCo.,

Insurance Co., Fire-

Ld., Marine

G.C. C.Goertz Morgan J.H.W.G. Ephgrave


V. M. Turin K. H. Ellpnberg Browett, H. Solicitor—34, Museum

Kurt Floter Road; Teleph. 10846; Cable Ad:

P. Hanitszch M. Rath

V. Emamooden Lex



leph. 4is96i Cafe—^68, Broadway; Te- M Paoka

Burkhardt, Buchan & Co., Ltd., Mer-

Brunswick Show Boom, Grama- chants—v, Peking Boad; Teleph. 11415;-

phones, Badios, etc.—1222, Avenue Cable W. M.Ad:Buchan,

Bukamimanaging director

D. Buchan, director

Joffre; Teleph. 71276; P.O. Box

1.001; Cable Ad: Schochotto Proprietors :

Pongee Export Co.

Bryson, Dr. A. C.—587, Hungjao Boad; Agents Silk & Tea Export Co.

Teleph. 29555 for : :

Tien Chong

Yah Lai Steam



Bubbling Well Pharmacy—Denis Apart-

ments; Teleph. 33057; Cable Ad: Offieina Ching Kee Godown Co.

Economic. Insurance Co., Ld., London

Sole agents for ;

Building Supplies, Ltd.—109, Sassoon Bolls & Co., Ltd., London

House; Teleph. 11554; P.O. Box Lyall Willis Co., Ltd., London

1432; Cable Ad : Build-supply M Zean mau


Bume, Dr. G. F.—142, Museum Boad; Burkill & Sons, A. B., Merchants—

20, Canton Boad; Teleph. 10850;

Teleph. 17134 P.O. Box 253

Bumpo Yoko, Stationers and Printers Burlington Hotel—(See Hotels)

—433, Woosung Boad; Teleph. 41544

Burn, S. J., Bepresenting Thos. G. Hill &

Bunge & Co., Ltd.—219, Sassoon Co., Boad; Ltd.,


10742; P.O. Box Jinkee


House; Teleph. 13136 Cable Ad: Tegilvvitam

Wen Chin £ f| flj H Me lee 'fuug

Bunshin Paper Co., Ltd., Importers Burr Camera

Photo Co., Studio, Photo Supplies-

Factory —9, Broadway;

and Wholesale Merchants of Paper,

Bookbinding Cloth, Printing Ink, Teleph. 41510; Cable Ad: Photo

and Stationery—131, Kiangsi Boad; Burrel & Co., Ltd. (London) Paint

Teleph. 12019; P.O. Box 3079. Head Manufacturers-^-i06, Peking Bond;

Office: Hakushinsha Co., Ltd., Teleph. 13636,,

Tokyo A gent;

G. E. Bud & Co.

Sheh-yi-pu-kuo-ohi-mou-yah-chiao Burroughs Inc., Branch of Burroughs


Bureau op Foreign Trade (Ministry of ling, Bookkeeping, Machine Co., Adding, Bil-

Industry)—4th Floor of Bank of Girina chines ; Typewriters,Calculating Ma-

Building, N. Soochow Boad; Telephs. ing Machines-—Boom Cash Register-

343, H. & S.

46396 and

Ad: 7656 46397; P.O. Box 506; Cable Building, 12, The Bund; Teleph.

Ho Ping yin, director 19938; Cable Ad: Burad

Dr. Weibpai Kuo, vice-director

and concurrently chief of gen. ft m k $ ti

affairs dept.

Z. T. Kyi, chief of trade pro- Burroughs Pau wei ta ya hong

Wellcome & Co. (Proprietors: 1

motion dept, and concurrent- The Wellcome FoundationLtd., London)

ly secretary

E. C. Kuan, chief of editorial —60, Hong Kong Boad; Teleph.

17482 ; Cable Ad : Tabloid

dept. T. A.Hoggarth, resident representative

H. N. Chu, chief of Statistical T. Lavington, accountant

dept. Y. G. Stott

J, S. Chu, secretary K. C. Woodhouse, representative


Burton. Dr. T. M. — Hongkong Bank Caldbeck Athletic Club—(See Clubs)

Building; Telepb.

Kiaochow 15048; 35118

Road; Teleph. Besidence: 35,

Busch, E., Architect—218, Kiangse Calder-Marshall II Ziany sing

Road; Teleph. 18915; Cable Ad: and Export Merchants—Glen & Co., (Ltd., Import

Busalsatia Line

Building, Peking Road; Teleph.

T§j ^l] Lee Shun 16274; Cable Ad: Caldmarsh,

R. Calder-Marshall, man.-director ,

Business F. G. Penfold, director

porters Equipment Corporation,

and Distributors Im-

of Office J.R. S.Penfold


Appliances—263, Kiangse Road; Teleph. J. Mendoza

10083; P.O. Box 1; Cable Ad: Busequicor; S. Mendoza


A. R. Acme Hagerand Bentley’s Miss. R. Bercovitch

H. W. Bryce, special repres., Interna- Miss. T. Goostpff

M. Foyn,Business

tional Machines

Multigraph Dept. Corpn. Agents for

Northern Assn, Co., Ld. (Fire &

^ Poa dtny Motor)

Gresham Fire & Accident Assur-

Butler & Co., Insurance Agents—45, ance Society, Ltd.


Ad: Butcar Road; Teleph. 14712; Cable United British Insurance Co., Ltd.

C. H. Butler

W. G, Scott, signs per pro. *n M IE Ching Jcwong ho

hoo Caldbeck, Macgregor & Co., Ltd.,

Butterfield & Swire, Merchants

Steamship Agents—21-23, and gers), Wine andLtd.Spirit

French Bund;

(Macgregors, General Mana-


Telephs 8 020 (Private Exchange to all 44, Foochow Road ; Teleph. 17589;

depts.); P.O. Box 317; Cable Ad: Swire P.O. Box 344; Cable Ad: Caldbeck.

Directors—J. F. Macgregor, N. C.

Cafe Federal—17, Broadway; Teleph. Macgregor, Comdr. F. R. Davey,

40911; Cable Ad : Fielder. Branch: Shanghai Branch Office:and E. F. Bateman

1199, Bubbling Well Road; Teleph. W. G. Crokam, manager

35171 J. Davidson, assist, do.

Calame, Dr. L. P., Eye and Throat General tl. J. Kelly

Specialist — 1182, Avenue Joffre; Office

Teleph. 74319 W.F.LowryP. Bahon I| A.L. W. J. Corbin

Calatroni, Hsieh & Co., Architects’ OrderA. Desk R. Bahon Parker

Engineers and Real Estate Agents—


18206; Hankow Road; Telephs. 10355 and N. Anderson | K, Shaw

Dr. E.Cable Ad: Calatroni

S. Hsieh, c.e.d. eng., partner Sales Dept.

S. A. Ancel | C. J. Ling

F.P. J.P. Barrera,

Musso, partner

do. Shipping Dept.

S. C. Wong

A. F. Souza Y. E. Tuck I N. Y. Sung

P. C. Sung I S. T. Woo Stenographers

B.P. 0.C. Hsieh

Chuang | Y.Geo.D.SungZao Miss A. Park | Miss K. W. Allan

Accounts Dept.

Calcina, P. G., Exchange Broker—69, J. A.E. J.Watson

Willis I H. C. Shing

Kiukiang Road; Telephs. 19279-80; E. J. Macain Y. S. Sung

Cable Ad": Calcina J. Stephen I S. C. Loh

Calco China Agency, Road Building Cashier’s A. F. Fong


| A. K. Fong


Museum and Teleph.


16673; —Cable

14, Godown-keeper

Ad : 9889 • : S. K. Chang


Calico Printers’ Association, Ltd. “Norusto” Metal Preservative Paint,-

Calico Printers—Wayfoong House, Product of Solignum, Ltd., London

220, Szechuen Road; Teleph. 11215; TheLtd.,South Wales Tinplate Corpn.,

P.O. Box 1199; Cable Ad: Brubro

Clive R. Hargreaves , Union London Miniere (Tinplates)

du Haut Katanga,

Represented by: Brussels (Cobalt Oxide)

The China Printing & Finishing J. (Wool,

S. Bfooksbahk

Wool Topse Coand, Ltd.

Co., Ltd.

California Bakery, Confectioners and Cameron, Telephs. I5U9 Dr. R.-4; Residence:

E. -27, Peking Road;

959, Avenue

Provision Merchants—A 101, Broad- Foch; Teleph. 71736

way; Teleph. 41593

California Fruit Store—1206, Bub- Campbell & Co. Alex.—55, Yuen Ming

Yuen Road; Teleph. 10716; P.O. Box

bling Well Road; Teleph. 34802 996; Cable Ad : Alexcamp ; Codes :

California Pharmacy — 247, Avenue A.B. C Lieber’s, A.I., and Bentley’s

Joffre, Teleph. 81805

life' Hat/ Zee

gg §|J Kallendah Campbell, H. B.,Well


Callender’s Cable Construction Co., (Foreign) 1265, Bubbling Rd.;andTelephs.



Ltd.—Shanghai Bank Building, 40 and 32181 (Chinese Office);

Ningpo Road and 368 Kiangse Road Cable Ad: Bellcamp


Box floor);

777; Cable Telephs. 15365 (2 lines); P.O. Camporelli & Co., A., Industrial Sur-

Ad: Callender

A. chief

H. Gordon,

engineer m.i.e.e., manager and veyor, Engineering Construction and

Supplies—369, Broadway East; Te-

J. a.m.i.e.e.

E. Barnes, a.m.i.c.e., m.i.mech.e. leph. 51509


G.H.W.S.Cockburn. m.i.mech.e.

Z. Y. Sung,Chinese

Lee, Mgr. ' '

b.sc. (Eng.) Kay na da chu wka song vio dak chert

D.Z. C.K. Yui,


b.sc. Canadian Government Trade Com-

Mrs. Hall missioner—27, The Bund; Teleph.

Miss Ramsbottom 11784; P.O. Box 300; Cable Ad:


IPS 0 CW foh « ft a

Cambefort &, Co., E., Silk Piece Goods Chong sking lun chiin hung sze

and Sundry Importers—Union Build-

ing, 17, Canton Rd.; Teleph. 12316; Canadian Pacific Railway Co.,

Cable Ad: Cambefort Traffic Agents for Canadian Pacific

E. R. Stegmaier mgr. Steamships, Ltd.—The Bund and Peking


Box 1231. 19490 (all depts.); P. O.



Ad: and NautilOperating Dept.—Cable

Mow Loong K. F. Fettei’ly, agent

Cameron & Co., A. (China), Ltd., A.W. J.H.Park hill

General Import Merchants—81, Jinkee Bower

Road; Teleph. 15118; P.O. Box 260; D. P. Ross

Cable Ad: Ingots; Codes: Bentley’s and Mrs. Findley


H. R. Harling, managing director Passenger

A. M. Parker, Dept.—Cable Ad: Gacanpac

general agent

W. M. Chalmers I Mrs. J. F. da Silva R. J.Hubert, passenger agent

W. L. Lee | Miss A. Remedies D.

W. S. Ross Murphy



of Canada,Mining Ltd., and Smelting

Montreal. Co. AgentsMissforL. Remediok i H. Farmer


Zinc, and Chemical Fertilizers) Canadian Pacific Express Co.


Canadian Trading Co., (China), Ltd., Accounting Office—

importers and Exporters —217, Char- C. B.C.L.Wolfe,

tered Bank Building, 18, The Bund;

Teleph. 17744; Cable Ad: Dockrill Wang,accountant

assist, do.

VV. H. Dockrill, managing director S. M.

Outdoor Dept.— Vai

Canid rome82075

— 9, Avenue Edward VII; C. C. Wolfe, mgr. | K. Y. Ling


President—J. Thesmar Li ho

Vice-President- M. Speelman

Directors—A. O. . Fisher, F. Bou- Carlowitz & Co., Merchants, Engineers

vier, J. A. Turner, M. Barraud, and Teleph.


11030; P.O.


Box 2714;



M. Cochain, H. Martin and Ch. Ad: Carlowitz

,wde Boissezon R.R. Lenzmann (Hamburg)

R. Gremillet Laurenz (Shanghai)

Miss T. d’Almeida G. Roehreke (Shanghai) \

Turner, Sturrock and Brown, Dr. A. Nolte (Hamburg)

accountarits O. Lord (Hamburg)

Racing Manager's Office—439, C. Eckhardt,

Dr. F. Baur, signs the do. firm

Ave; du Roi Albert, Teleph. J. Lindner, signs per pro.

7202.1. W. Heckel,

A. Hughes, racing mgr. W. Philipp, do.

G. Wombwell, H. Hodg- H. Erich, do.

man, G M. d’Almeida, G. W. Herrmann, do.

Zharoff & P. Borthelot J.R. Adorjan, tech, dept.

Canton Insurance Office, Ltd., The Blume,

J. Bperner, chem.

—27, The Bund; Teleph. 15290 H. Buergers, opt. do.

Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd., H. Busse, techn.

exp. do. do.

agents M. Chudzinski, impt. do.

B. Clauss, opt. do.

Capital ^ Trade,”

and m m Weekly m Finan- A.P. Dietrich,

Duebgen, book, dept.

cial, Insurance. Banking

Journal—97, JinkeeCapitrad

Road; Teleph. W. Droesse, imp. do. goodr. do.

18871; Cable Ad: P.K. Ebel, techn. do.

Fokkes, opt. do.

G. Heitmann,

W. Govt

Herrmanns, techn. do.


Tung li yu hsien kung sze

Commercial Co. (1923), Ltd. G.

E. Hohn,

Juergens, do. do.

book. do.

175, Soocbow Road; Teleph/ 13482

Directors—R Bailey, A.W. L.C. Dick-

Fos- E.P. Luebcke,

Malmsheimer, techn. dp. do. do.

ter, L. G. Cousins, K. Mueller, goodr. do.

E. Rochreke, exp. do.


sonjind g, F. McKenzie H. Roessler, do. do. do.

C. Schrage, chemical do.


A. Schmidt,. tech.

Schwind, do. Jo.

Caravan SrumoWell

—5, Bubbling Inc.,Road;

Lingerie, Antiques

Teleph. 34534 W. Spalke, do. do. do.

H. Tittelbach,

K. Tiedemann, imp. opt. do.

Caravan Tea Trading House, Import- W. Troeger, . tech. do.

ers and Exporters—429, Rue Cardi- W. Voss. opt. do. do,

nal Mercier; Teleph. 71591; Cable O.

Ad : Caravan Mrs.Willers,

J. Bloch, techn.Jo. uu. do,

Carl Crow, Inc., Advertising and Mer- Miss Ch. Dittberner, priv.do.dept.


chandismg Agents- !, Jinkee Road; Miss H. Heckett, Govt,

Mrs. H. Kohlhauser, tech. do. do,

P wP Ad:

Cable A°i'’ Jeleph.

Onapress15597; P.O. Box 1567, Mrs.

Miss H. Lue, opt.

R. Rahf, do. do. do.

Carl Crow, president

K. C. Chow, Chinese manager Miss V. Solovieff, tech. do.

Mrs. H. Tschedanoff, tech. do.


Carlton Theatre—21, Park Koad; Te- Cathay Arts Co.—103, . Central Arcade;

Teleph. 11858; Cable Ad: 7327

leph. 33641

Carmel' Oriental Societe, Importers of Cathay Carpet & General Produce Co.,

Importers and Exporters—280, Peking

Palestine Wines, Spirits, Fruits, etc.— Road; Cable Ad: Cageproco

Lane 199, House 10, Kange

Teleph. 40613; Cable Ad: Carmelwine,Koad;


M. Kasarnovsky, proprietor Cathay Ceramics Co., Iitfe., ILS.A.,

L. Kasarnovsky, do. Tile Manufacturers, Builders and

Engineers’ Merchants — 24, The

Carmichael, E. J., Manufacturers' Cermics. Bund; Teleph. 15890; Cable Ad:

Agent—205, Peking Road; Teleph. East Asia Hongkong Bldg. (Room Branch-

404); Bank


15699; P.O. Box 911; Cable Ad: 32732



king Road; Hotel—Sassoon

Teleph. 11240House, Nan-

^ H Gar lai Cathay Hotels, Ltd.-,- managers

Carmichael, Lennox & Gray, Marine

and Cargo Surveyors—Laidlaw Building, Cathay Import & Export Co — 131,

410, Szechuen Road; Teleph. 16107; Museum Road; P.O. Box 1953

Cable Ad : Yarg; Codes: A.B.C. 6th

edn. & Bentley's Kin sin

J.Gray,M.I.M.E.,M.I.MECH.E. & A.M.I.N.A. ^ S’ §f 9 9 hung sze

Cathay Lace Co., Ltd., Manufacturers

Carnetro, R Land and Estate Brok- and Exporters of Hand-made Lace,

Drawnwork, Brass Ware,

er—330, Szechuen Road; 2nd Floor king Road; Teleph. 12064;etc.—54,

P.O. BoxNan-


Carolina Leaf Tobacco Co., Tobacco Cable Ad: Cathaylaco

S. Yane, manager

Importers—51, Canton Road; Te-

leph. 12021; P.O. Box 1972; Cable Cathay Land Co., Ltd. — Sassoon

Ad: Caroco House, 1, Nanking Road; Teleph.

Carson Studio, Commercial Photo- 11430; P.O, Box 1362

Directors — H. E. Arnhold, C. H.

graplty—1143-6, Bubbling Well Rd.; Arnhold, F.andR. G.Davey, C. J. Meager,

Teleph. 30763; Cable Ad: Photoart

E. E.S. Hayim

Barraclough, L. Wilson


Carvalho, Dr. A. de, Dental Surgeon H. M. Mann, secretary

—H. & 18570

S. Building, 1% The Bund; Arnhold & Co., Ltd., gen’l. managers


Cathedral Schools (See Educational)

Carvalho, F. R. de—128, Museum

Road; Teleph. 15958; P.O. Box 1870; Cathay Laundry—1178, Pingliang Road;


F. R.Ad: Yincentiniproprietor

de Carvalho, Teleph. 50053

W. D. Wanghan, mgr.

Casa d’Italia—(see Clubs) Cathay Mansions—Rue Cardinal Mercier

Teleph. 70070

Casanova Cafe & Restaurant—545-7,

Avenue Edward YII; Telephs. 81374 Cathay Middle ScHOOL^-(see Educa-

and 86541; Cable Ad: Casanova tional)

Case, J., High-Class Tailor — 72, Sze- Cathay Motors, Ltd.—271, Medhurst

chuen Road; Teleph. 17140 Road

Cathay American Co.—8, Dixwell Road; Cathay Pharmacy, Deutsche Apotheke

—1131, Bubbling Well Road; Te-

P.O. Box 669; Cable Ad: Cameo

H. F. Parks, managing director leph. 32227


Cathay Products Trading Co.—Koom Central Express Co., The, Passenger

314, H. &13024; S. Building, Ticket Agents & General Merchants

Teleph. P.O. Box12, 1210;

The Bund;

Cable —536, Boone Road, North Szechuen

Ad: Caprotco Road; Teleph. 40412; P.O. Box. 849;

Cable Ad: Cenex and 3746

-Cathay Sales Corporation, Importers


Leather, Canton

Metal, Hoad;Hardware and.

Cable Ad: & * Chung Yang

Cathsales Central Insurance Co., Ltd.—81, Jin-

kee Road; Teleph. 11842; P.O. Box

Catholic'' CircLS—(Nee Clubs) 758H.; B.Cable


: Centremost


Catholic Girls’ League—(See Clubs) Agents C. C. Cruttwell, assist, do

C. E. Sparke Insurance Office

m G. D Jack

Central Agency, Ltd., Importers of

J. & P. Coats’ . Threads, etc.—50, Central Pharmacy — 10, Broadway;

•Szechuen Road; Teleph. 13515; P.O. Teleph. 41884

Box 340; Cable Ad : Spool


China andgeneral manager Central Printing Co.—Lane 448, F. 23,


W. Hendry, sub-manager W'oochang Road; Teleph. 42181

G.O. M. Cameron | J. M. Framp

P. Hedley | Mrs. N. J. Becke

Miss S. Ratemopoulos isj a n !M m mm

Wong Tsze King, co.mpradore Kin sin di tsai gin ni kun si

CentralEstate Realty



Central Asia Rug Co., Ltd., Manu- and veyors—Sun Building,


505, Honan Road;

facturers and Exporters of Grass Teleph. 94019 (2 lines)

Carpets, Mats and Matting—201, C. Sun, managing proprietor

Seymour Road; Teleph. 35649 Perkins

Tsu Youe-Nee, proprietor K. Z. Yu,Yue, chiefsecretary


K. F. Loo, assistant

Central China Glass Works, Manu- K. N. Man !|I K.


T.H. Y.S. Yeh K. Y.K. Foo

K. Zee ‘


Tongshan Road; of Bottles

Cable and Jars—957,

Ad: Hargenode D. Wang

K. S. Hoo I K. C. Yeh

Central China Realty Co., Ltd., Es- Saifonn Hsu, architect

tate and Insurance Agents—150, Avenue P. C. Yeh, draughtsman

Edward VII; Teleph. 18549; Cable n[l QvAn wo

Ad: 9441; Radio 2814

Central Trading Co., Merchants and

Central Cold Storage Co., Exporters Road; CommissionTeleph. Agents —150,Ad:Kiukiang

10863; Cable Dartnec

of Egg Products — Office: Hamilton



KiangsiNo.Road; Teleph.

1: 185e, Broad18074

way Central Trust Co.—270, Peking Road;


Dixwell Teleph.


Teleph. 51502; Cable Ad: Teleph. 15200; Cable Ad: Centrustco or

Tyyen; Codes used: Bentley, A.B.C. 6th 1135

T.A. Y.Kogan,

Yen, London


director Cercle Francais—(see Clubs)

J. Brockett, secretary Cercle Sportif Francais—(see Clubs)

I. Zwick, surveyor

A.S.Katz,T. factory

Wan, supervisor

accountant Chalk, M., High Class Furniture

T. T. Sung, cashier Maker and Decorator—131, Museum

L. J. Sung Road; Teleph. 11887



Chairman—J. Donne Madier

American Chamber of Commerce Vice-do.. —E. Sigaut

—Robert Dollar Building, 51, Treasurer—M. Cochain

Canton Road; TelepH. 14742; P.O. E.France


Box 357; Cable Ad: Amchamecm

President—C. S. Franklin Member China, Attach^


Vice-do. —W. H. Plant General Secretary —J. Fredet

Treasurer—A. E. Schumacher Chinese do. Baboud,—S. G.L.Tsu

Secretary—J. M. Howes Members—Ch. J. Bernis,

Assist.-do.—M. Tebbutt F. Bouvier, L. Chevretton, J.

Cochet, R. Courthial, R. Egal,

ir @ & J. Madier and A. Sadoc

Belgian Chamber of Commerce —

Teleph. 16773; P.O. Box 688 German Chamber of Commerce—133,

Brazilian Chamber of Commerce, Yuen Ming Yuen Road; Teleph.

Camara de Comercio Brasilevia—-38, 18567; Cable Ad: Handelskam

Avenue Edward VII; Teleph. 19212;

Cable Ad: Brazilcom # HH #

Ying song hung way Ta I huo Bhang huei

British Chamber of Commerce Italian Chamber of Commerce for

(Shanghai)—17, The Bund; Te- the Far East (Camera di Com-

leph. 12694; Cable Ad: Britiscom mercio

Teleph. 11896; P.O.278,

Italiana)— BoxKiangse Road;

556; CableAd:

Committee—R. Calder Marshall, Cadicoit

c.b.e (chairman), W. S. King President—Chev. Dr. D. Tirinnanzi

(vice-chairman), H. E. Arn- Vice-President—Chev. Dr.V. Fuma-

hold, N. G. Beale, A. S. galli

Secretary—F. Putaturo

Henchman, W. J. Keswick, V.

St. J. Killery, N. Leslie, E.

B. Macnasditen, c.m.g. d.s.o., Japanese Chamber of Commerce—24,

G. E. Mitchell and H. V. Wil- The Bund; Teleph. 14804; Cable

kinson, D.S.O. Ad: Japaniscom

Secretariat — P. Campbell (secre-

tary), P. Ayrton (assistant

secretary), A. Smith, E. Wor- # $t ft # it

by and H. Lang Jao wha wo song hung way

Chinese Language School—J. S.

Lee, principal Netherlands Chamber of Commerce.

— c/p Netherlands Trading Society,

Chinese Chamber of Commerce— Sassoon House, The Bund; Tels.

North Soochow Road; Telephs. 19474-2; P.O. Box 1550

40126-9; Cable Ad: Chambercom Chairman—A. Stokkink

Hon. Secy. Treas.—C. J. Stikkel

Danish Chamber of Commerce —

Wayfoong House, 220, Szechuen Norwegian Chamber of Commerce—

Road; Teleph. 19217; Cable Ad: 220, Szechuen Road


Chairman—C. J. Knipschildt Shanghai General Chamber of Com-

Vice-Chairman—A. Brondal merce—North China Building, 17,

H. S. Poulsen The Bund; Teleph. 10704; P.O.

Box 1049

Le wha fah, kwo song wo tsung way

French Chamber of Commerce of Champ de Courses Francais, Le. — 9,

China—I. S. S. Building, 9, Av. Avenue Edward VII; Telephs. 10028

Edward VII, 2nd floor; Teleph. and 62/454; P.O. Box 371; Cable Ad:

84727; Cable Ad: Francecom Canidrome


'Chang Dah Yuen & Co., Hardware Chen Hua Paint Manufacturing Co.,

Merchants—43, Broadway ; Telephs. Ltd., Manufacturers of Paint and

42852 and 43102;- Cable Ad: Chan- Varnish—478, North Soochow Road;

Telephs. 43116 and 45114

dayuco. C. P. Loh, managing director

n& bmm& m Chen Hwa Lee Kee Cotton Manufac-

Jih dzeng knng kee yoh fang yoh turing Co., Ltd.

hang kung sze Teleph. 14342 ; Mill—4, Lay Road;

Chang' & Co., Ltd., J. D., Chemists Teleph. 50243

Druggists (Wholesale and Retail), Chen, Neeling, Importer and Exporter

Hospital Supplies—166, Nanking —114, Peking Road; Teleph. 176^5;Cable

Road; Telephs. 91140 and 91149; Ad: Neelingchen

Gable Ad: Chemicus Neeling Chen, manager

Chang, K. W., Attorney-at-Law — Chen Shin & Co. (Ken Wah Go.),

Naval and Military Contractors—44,

149, Szechuen Road. Teleph. 16151 Rue du Weikwee; Teleph. 80967

Chang Nieh-yun, Attorney-at-Law— Chen Tah Ziang, Government Con-

7, Fusan Road; Teleph. 46537 tractors—1283, Broadway; Teleph.

■Chang Seng & Co., Woollen Piece Goods 43242 S. K. Woo, general manager

—613, Nanking Road; Teleph. 91332;

Cable Ad: 1670 Cheng Hsing Coal Mining Co. — 21,

Kiangse Road; Teleph. 13701

Chang Sung Construction Co., Cheng Kee Lumber Co.—190, Carter

Building Contractors—33, Szechuen Road; Teleph. 31879

Road; Teleph. 16166

Cheng Kong Co., K. K., Importers,

frfS 5^ Tien hah dicing Exporters and Commission Agents

Chang, T. K. & Co., Manufacturers —A40, Licheng Fang, East Broad-

way; Teleph. 52840

of Metal Ware, Glass Ware, Lamps,

and Stoves—Lane 958, next to 32,

Avenue Road • Teleph. 32126; Cable fg & ^ x

Ad : Shinfoon

T. K. Chang, propr. and general mgr. Cheong Co., W.Foochow

porters—89, Y., Importers

Road; and Ex-


10208; Cable Ad: Lishamco

Chao Tai Fire & Marine Insurance Chase Bank, The—(see Banks)

Co., Ltd.—13a, Canton Road; Te-

leph. 12583; Cable Ads: Shawhsing Chee Hsin Cement Co., Ltd., The.

and 5128 (South China Branch Office), Manu-

Chapeaux & Co., Ltd., M., Importers and facturers v

and Cement Mosaic Tiles—National


82507 French Bund; Teleph. Commercial Bank Bldg., Peking

Road; Telephs. 13812 and 17978;

Charleux, R., Waste Silk Merchant—64, Cable Ad: Cement

Canton Road; P. C. Cheng, gen. supt.

1015; Cable Ad:Teleph.

Charleux15819; P. O. Box D. Y. Chang, manager.

T. S. Liu, sub-mgr.

Charlie & Cq., M., Importers

& Commission Agents — 19, Museum Chee Hsin Pottery—170, Kiangse Road;

Road; Cable Ad: Charco Teleph. 19917; Cable Ad: Potela

Chartered Bank

China (See Banks) of India, Austr. and Chekiang Industrial Bank — (See



■Chellaram, D., Qeneral Silk Expor- Union-Matex (Union of German

Textile Machine Manufacturers),

ter, China Curios—-131, Hankow Berlin

Road; P.O. Box 1266; Teleph. 10271; Schoeller

Cable Ad : Precious

A. D. Gulab, manager Vienna - Bleckmann Steel Works,

M. Sirobmal.' asst. Voigt, Heidepheim and others/,

Chilean Consulate—(see Consulates)

Chemical Research Laboratory — {See

Medical Analysis Laboratory) Chin Shong Printing Cd. — 764-5,

East Yalu Road; Teleph. 51761

Cheh Chih Trading Co., General Im- China Aerocrete Co., Ltd., Manufac-

porters—Pass. 25, 16, Rue Montau- turers of Aerocrete — 220, Szechuen

ban: Teleph. 84125; P.O. Box 1242; Road; Teleph. 11225

Cable Ad : Chenchidye

C!hi Tong Tobacco Co., Ltd.—-75, Soo-

chow Road: Teleph. 65486 China A.B.C. Underwear, Weaving

Robt. Bailey, chairman & Dyeing Mill, Ltd., Weaving,

E. F. Bolitho Dyeing & Bleaching; Manufacturers

L: G Cousins of Underwear and Shirts, Rain-

A. L Dickson coats & Work-clothes; High Class.

Lien Yu Fun Tailors and Outfitters—472, Han-

C. E. Harber king Road ; Teleph. 94431 : Factory :

TST. G. Harris 1099, Connaught Road; Teleph.

Kuo Wen Ko 32920; Cable Ad: Underwear

Brig.-Gen. E. B. Maenaghten, Thomas G. Wong, gen. manager

c.m.g-, r-S.o. James Y. Wong, assist, do.

R. J. E. Price C. H. Tang, sales do. ,

E. S. Savage C. S. Hu, factory do.

H. Y. Tiencken H. S. Wong, accountant

W- B. Walters

Secretary Y-i >C. G. Newson, ft & m m m * 1

f.c.j.s. Cheung mei yen yet hung sze '

Asst. Secy.—K. McKelvie China American Tobacco Co., Leaf

Tobacco Importers—12, The Bund ;

GhIbhnovsky & Co., Heating and Teleph. 13261; P.O. Box 1629; Cable

Plumbing Contractors—133, Yuen Ad: Chimerica

Ming Yuen Road; Teleph. 13145-6;

Cable Ad: Chibunovsky China Arts and VProducts

Manufacturers ExportersTrading Co.,

of Chinese

Art goods—137, Broadway; Cable

Ad: Chinartco

Chien Hsin Engineering Co., China Association (see Associations and

G.m.b.H. (Ltd.). Importers and Con- Societies)


138, Kiangse for all Road:

kinds Telephs.

of Machinery—


13597-8-9; Cable Ad:

W. Thiemann I W. Balzer Ensincomer China Assurance Corporation, Fire,

A.M. J.Sachau

Zernin I| H. Goeters Marine and Accident—40, Ningpo Road;

G. Schneider Teleph. 197,42-4

H. G. Heysen | L. Moebs China Auto Acckssohies- Co.. Dealers

W. Sommer | A. Kreutzfeldt in Automobile Replacement Parts &

Agents for Accessories — 769, Bubbling Well

Humboldt-Deutzmotoren Road; Telephs. 31340 and 31898;

Weise Soebne Halle A. S. A. G. Koeln P.O. Box 805; Cable Ad: Chia-

Demag A.-G., Duisburg utoacco


Directors—K. S. Loh, D. C. Tsu, ^ ® dr/# js 3$ & # *

D. J. Tsu, M. C. Tsu and C. Tsu China Coal Briquette Co., Ltd.,

D. C. Tsu, secretary Manufacturers of Coal Briquettes—

K. S. Loh, treasurer Head Office: Teleph. 15253; Retail

D. J. Tsu, accountant Office: 33, Szechuen Road

K. T. Jeang, : do.

K. T. Wong, do.

H. S. Lee, do.

K. L. Tsu, sales ■ China Coast Forwarding Agency—33,

Szechuen Road; Teleph. 16090

W. I. Pei

Y. F. Chieh

T. C. Tsu China Coast Officers’ Guild — (See

Y. S. Fong Associations)’

Y. L, Woo

Agents for: —

Trico Products 'Corporation, New China Coasters’ Tide Book — N-

China Building, 17, The Bund;

York Teleph. HOoS

General Managefs: — Publishers: North China Daily

China Spraying Lacquer Supply News' *


China Banking Corporation — (see ^ J! W fr

Banks) Hwa song kivong ko kung sze

China Commercial Advertising

China Baptist Book Store—203, Yuen Agency, Advertising and Merchan-

Ming Yuen Road ; P.O. Box 1581; dising—40, Hongkong Road; Teleph

17234; P.O. Box 860; Cable Ad:

Cable Ad : Bapto Chinacomad

China Baptist Publication Society— C. P. Ling, general, manager

(see Missions)


Die Tea Woo dah ho so hou

China Bird Co., Importers and Ex- China Cotton Trading Co.v Cotton

porters of

Yuen Road, Frozen Goods—133, Yu en Ming and Yarn Merchants—260, Avenue

Teleph. 18881;Room


Ad:P.O. Box 472; Edward

Chinabird YII; Teleph. 15962; P.O.

Box 1556; Cable Ad : Chincotrad

H. Dierks, managing proprietor

G. Diercks, assistant

China Brass and Iron Works, Ltd., China Cotton Trading Corporation,

Ltd.—8, Rue du Cohsulat; Telephs.

General. Engineers—Corner Yangchow

and Yenshan Roads; Teleph. 5330!; P.O. 6790 Cable Ad: Cotracorp

82013-4; and

Box 798 ,

China Broadcast Ltd.—269e, Broad-

way; Teleph. 51190; Cable Ad: . Chung kwoh song wo sin toll chung chu


China Credit Information Bureau,.

China Chemical Works, Perfumery Merchants, Credit and Kiangse


and Toilet Soap Manufacturers, Debt Collection—451, Road;

Importers and Exporters of Chemi- Teleph. 16740

H. C. Yarnum

cal Products—C. 257, Honan Road; Miss H. Hyder, secretary

Telephs. 92280 and 94598; Cable Ad:

Chemical and 3210

China Christian Advocate—169, Yuen China “Critic” Publishing Co. — 156,

Peking Road; Teleph. 10976; Cable

Ming Yuen Road Ad: Sinocritic


China Electric Photo Printing Co.

(Incorporated! in Hong Kong) Deep

WelJ Driliitig, ■ Pumping Installa- Qhina Electric Wire W'orks — 55,

Dalny Road; Teleph. 51395

tions—1029, Tongshan Koad; Teleph.

52113; Cable Ad: Artefeian China Embroidery Co.—2o, Broadway;

E.W. Davies, chairman

E. Me Bain, director Teleph. 43054

F. R. Davey, do.

E. Sigaut, do. (Fr.) China Embroidery & Lace Co.—664,

Percy Chu, do. (Chi.) Bubbling Well Road; Teleph. 33359

S. Ezekiel, proprietor

A.A. K.Malcolm,

MacEwan. do. do. ,

M. Freer Kelsey, mgr. China Enamelling

Miss K. David, steno.

K. Chen, asst, Manufacturers of andTungkee & Co.,

Wholesale Dealers

George Chen, clerk in Enamel Ware—228, Avenue Edward

F. C. Sun, stores VII; Teleph. 18262; Cable Ad : 6789

China Dental Supply House—443, Co.—-110,EngineeringChina and Plumbing

Szechune Road; .Teleph.

Kiangse Road ; Teleph.- 94301; Cable 14434 ; Cable Ad : Cepco

Ad: Dentsply

China Engineering Works Organisa-

!rf- [U ^ Chung Teuo ping pao tion Co.—22,1, Ward Road; Teleph.

“The China Digest,” Weekly Political 53338

Literary Review—200, West End

Gardens, Yu Yuen Road; Teleph. i?» m ir s i m ts g «

20384; P.0 Box 1417

Carroll Lunt, editor and proprietor China Engineers, Ltd., The (Incor-

porated in Hong Kong)—88, Museum

Geo. M. Battey, asso.-editor Road;

T. Y. Chao, assistant ChienginerTeleph. 11269; Cable Ad:

China Dyeing Works, Ltd.—349, W. C. Gomersall, a.m.i.e.e., managing

Ningpo Road; Teleph. 93215 director

J. H.W. Diestel,

Brierley, sub-manager


China Educational Supply Association Textile Dept.

Ltd., The, Dealers in Chemicals, Physic- J. W. Brierly


and Scientific Apparatus. Stationery

Foochow Road; Teleph. F. H. Castro I C. M. Yu

91177; Cable Ad: 6427 /. V. Chu | F. P. Soong

China Egg Produce Co., Ltd., Ex- Electrical Dept.

porters and Manufacturers of Egg C. W.Y.Yung

T. Yao

Products and Frozen Eggs — 44, A. R. Poliak R. Wong

Whangpoo Road; Teleph. 41870; Cable F.A. H. F. Tjao

Ad: Chinaprod M. Yu

Raskin Z. S. Chang

China Electric Accessories Co.—65, General & Railway Dept.

Shantung Road; Teleph. 93980 H. Diestel

T. Holdsworth S.C. N.F. Yu Chen

L. Feld mann W. M. Roy

#&mmmm* C.B. C.F. Cheng

Ting E. Carion (Miss)

Chung hua tien cJii kung sze F. K. Chen S,- Souza (Miss)


of andElectric Co.,Telephone,

Agents for Ltd., Manufacturers

Telegraph. Accounts <& Import Dept.,

Radio and Electrical Machinery and E. A. Garcia

Apparatus of all kinds—460. Fokien D. C. Loh C.K. C.'Nee

C.L. Nee

Road; Teleph. M. J. Chu

289; Cable Ad:94006 (6 lines); P.O.

Microphone. Box

Factory: M. P. Yang

K. II. Li

W. Cheng

K.K. L.V. Chu

Tong ,


Lay Road; Teleph. 40547; Head Office: T. K. Liang


China Enterprising

Road ; Teleph. 11828 C' O ; — 1, Szechuen

China Fur Trading Co., Ltd., The, Im-

porters and 'Szechuen

Exporters Road;

of FursTeleph.


China Exchange Co. -- 45, Kiukiang Skms-^-458, 18942; Cable Ad: Pulun

Road; Teleph. 15892 M.L.Marderfeld, agent

B. Grabivker

ft If Chien hsin Mrs. R. S. Koskinen

China Export-Import P. C. Kiang, Salesman

-136-138, KiangseandRoad; Bank Co., Ltd.

Teleph. Y. C. .Tsien

13590 (4 lines); Cable Ad; Lemjus

J.. Grodtraan,

KF. Hille, manager

Gaertner, signsdo. (Hamburg)

.per pro. G E an tih mn tien c/de kung sze

Agents for China General Edison Co.,: Inc.,

I. G. Farbenindustrie A.-G. Leverkusen Manufacturers and Distributors of

Bayerec Pharmac. Dept. Incandescent Lamps, Wiring . Devi-

ces, Electrical ; Porcelains, and

China Express Co., Ltd., Shipping, Electric Fans—140, Robison Road;.

Forwarding and Insurance' Agents— Telephs. 21923, 21924 and 21925;

P.O. Box 1002; CaMe Ad: Amgeco

117, 41612;

and Boundary

Cable Road;

Ad: FohoTblephs. 24180 Distributors for Laftips-^China

United Lamp Company

China Fertiliser Co., Ltd.—105, Kiangse Distributors for Wiring Devices,

Road; Teleph. 10348 Porcelains and Fans—Andersen,

Meyer &.Co., Ltd.

China Fibre Container Ob.,_ Fed. Inc. China General Insurance Co.. Ltd.,

U.S.A., Manufacturers of Fibre Ship- Fire, Motor' Car and Fidelity—40*

ping Containers. Corrugated and Paper Ningpo Road; Teleph. 13273; Cable

Boxes of all kinds, Toilet Paper, Water Ad: 8713


chine Paper,Packing Material,

Hospital Adding(Paper)

Bandages Ma-

—273, Haichow Road; Teleph. ;50556; China General Omnibus Co.. Ltd.—

1171, Connaught Road; Telephs.

P.O. Box 261; Cable. Ad: Chificoi 2186.5-9 (5. lines) !

A. H.E. Klyhn,


president Arnold & Co,, Ltd,, general mgrs,

China Finance Corporation (Fed. Ltd. Handerchief China and Hemming Co.,

(Incorporated in Hongkong)—

Inc. U.S.A.), General Financing

—9, Avenue Edward VII; Teleph. Wayfoong House, 220, Szechuen

80115; P.O. Box 633; Cable Ad: Road; Teleph. 11215; P.O. Box 1199;

Cable Ad: Brubrp

Motorbank Clive R Hargreaves, director

M. D. Purdy, president D. J. Sinclair, do.

H. F. Payne, vice-president & S. Tweediie, secretary


W. B. Harrington, secretary

Directors—C. H. French, W. R. China Import and Export Co., Im-

Johnson, H. F. Payne, M. D. porters and Exporters—269, Broadway;:

Purdy, S. A. Seth, M. Speelman Teleph. 40272; Cable Ad: Chinaieco

and J. A. Turner

V. O. Remedies China Import and Export Lumber

M. Diamant Co., Ltd.—1426, Yangtszepoo Road;

A. K. Figueiredo Teleph. 50068 (4 lines)

W. Nyi

W. P. Z. Wei China Industrialof Corporation, Ltd.,

Manufacturers Silk and Artificial

China Funeral Home—670, Avenue Silk Piece Goods—15, Brenan Road;

Haig; Telephs. 20500, 20093, 20766 Teleph. 20370


^ m ^ m ^ ^ ^ ^ China Land and Investment Co.—20,

China Industries Ltd., The—Registered Yestineand Kiukiang Road; Teleph. 17169; Cable Ad:

Office: 20, Museum Road; Teleph. 13247;

Cable Ad: Joucbina China Land Survey Coi—131, Museum-

A. de C. Sowerby, mainager Road; Teleph. 13806

China Inland Missions—(see Missions T.VG,I,; Leigh, proprietor

China Inland Mission Hospital—(see W. G.T. Li,




n& §m China Life Insurance Institute—19,

Tseang tah mu hong hung sze

China Import & Export Lumber Co., Ltd. Avenue Edward VII; Teleph. 81218

Samuel G. Chang, director

—Head Office, Main Yard and Sawmill;


(Private Yangtszepoo

Exchange Road; Teleph.

to all Depts.). 50068

Ship- j China Manufacturers’ Export Asso

ping Office: 89, Foochow Road; Teleph. ciation, Honan Pongee Silks, Raw,

10831; Cable Ad: Lumberco Tussah, Waste Silks and Hoods—9,

Directors — H. E.H. Arnhold,

M. Mann,Comdr.

C. J. Avenue

F. R. Davey,

Meager, and L. 1. Ovadia Geo. E.Edward VII; managing

Paradissis, Teleph. 84070dir.

Arnhold & Co., Ltd., general agents Louis Pernot, do.

and managers


B. J. Stansfield Office: U. M. Ginsbourg China Medical Association (See


J..E. Gray E. J. Loney

J.J.F. G.A.Thurnher

Collins . M.

Clay W. Naughton . China Match Co., Ltd., The—33, Sze-

i RoyOlausen

Anderson | chueri Chinamatch.Road; Teleph. 15253;at Cable

FactotiesHangchow, Ad:


S.S. “ Tseangtah ” Pootung, Tungkow, Chin-

W. Ross, captain kiang, Tsupoo, Hankow and Kiukiang

W. Bowden, chief engineer . O. S. Lieu, general manager

S.S. “ Hsin Tseangtah” T. E. Hsu, manager

W. D. Rogers, captain S. C. Ling, accountant

F. Drake, chief engineer

Shipping Office—89. Foochow Road China Kiukiang Mercantile

Road; Teleph.Corporation

14049 — 6,

G. H. Yung

China Insurance • Co., Ltd., Fire, ■China Merchants Inland S.S. Co.—544,.

Marine, Accident, Motor. Car and North Soochow Road; Teleph. 40887

Life Insurance—270, Szechuen Rd.;

Telephs. 18091/2 & 18190; P.6. Box ft m ® m m

711; Gable Ad : Chinsurco Kou yin chau shang chok '■ 1

China Jewellery Co.-. Watchmakers, China Merchants’ Steam Navigation

etc.—4, Broadway; Teleph. 42671 Co.—9, The Bund; Telephs; 11584-11598

“China Journal, The”—20, Museum Rd.; Secretariat Q. S. Lieu, general manager

Teleph. 13247; Cable Ad: Jouchina T. Y. Zee

A. de C. Sowerby, editor

Miss C. S. Moise, manager S. F. Loh | S.; Chiang

Shipping Dept:

China Kennel Club—(see Clubs) Molin

T. H.Ho,Chen,


assish manager

Wu Deh Ling I M. J. King

s & a & ® + FeltoH Chow I

ChUng kuo pien kuhg sze Accounting Dept.

China Lace Factory, The, Laces and K. T. Irving Zee, manager


Canton Road; Teleph. 16608; Office: 159-161

Cable Ad: General Dept.

Chinalace P. N. Chen, manager

P. Y. Yao, assist, manager



Marine & Repair Dept. S. F. Char

Henry C. D. Lee

H. K.Chew,

Chow, assist,manager;

do. Y. H. Lee

K. Y. Shen, marine superintendent K. Y. Chao, works mgr.


C. Hewlett, wharf and Oodown F. Melful Kee, Hongkong re-

Lower, Central and Eastern wharves presentative

Capt. G. H.YuPrtiie,| 'aR.fcsifcfe'

Robert Kay•Wharf mgr. m m ® m n <¥

Lower Wharf— China Metallisator

T. W. Ho, godown master

Capt. A. Vangogh, wharfinger and lisator” of every descriptionCo.,hyMetal

the Spraying


warehouseman process—102,

Teleph. 00954, Cable AdEdinburgh

; ErbmohitRoad;

Central Wharf— Eickoff & Co., general managers

J. Capt.

C. Fu, J.godown

Krastin,master wharfinger and


Eastern Wharf— Yung nienje shoupao hsien yuh hen hung sze

S. Capt.

S. King,L. godown master wharfinger China

J. Bergmann, Mutual Life Insurance Co., Ltd.

and warehouseman (Life and Fire Insurance)—Nee Sun Life

Yang Ka-Du Wharf- Assurance Co) of Canada

King Yeh Shu, godown master

Woo Chung Ping, wharfinger and ?! % & n m *

warehou seman Chung ko chi cha hung sze

King-lee-yuen Wharf— China Motors Fed., Inc. U.S.A. — 702,

Y. S. Li, godown master BubblingMainWellOffice

Road;& Telephs. 30042;702,(3

Capt. C. Le Chevalier, wharfinger lines); Showroom:

and warehouseman Bubbling Well Road ; Cable Ad ;

China Merchants StockRoad; Exchange— Mechanic

New Building, Hankow Telephs. Leon Friedman, general

Max. Friedman, sales do. manager

95504, 94261, 39982 C. Campbell, service manager

China Merchant’s Trading Co., Ltd.— K. G. Leong, accountant

391, Kiangse Road; Telephs 19079 China Mutual Steam Nav. Co., Ltd.

and 15938 ; Cable Ad : Chimetraco Butterfield & Swire, agents

Y. S. Yih, manager {See Butterfield & Swire)

K. S. Chien, sub-manager

China Metal Products Co., Ltd.— Federation—(see China National Amateur Athletic

Specialists in Power Presses, Dies and Clubs)

Machine Work—101,

Teleph. 31874 Connaught Road-

China National Aviation Corporation


— 51, Mail


; Teleph- Servicb

12955 (3

IS X §0 @ * lines); Cable Ad: Ohinaoo.

Chung-kuo dong-ti hung-cheong

China Metal Works, Manufacturers of China National Insurance Co., Ltd.,

Steel & Bronze Casements, Doors & Fire Marine, Motor Car, Life, Ac-

Sashes, Mosquito and Fly Screens. cident, Casualty, Transit, Plate-

Metal Ornaments and Engineering glass, Baggage, Hull and Parcel

Works—Shanghai Bank Building Post Insurance—255, Peking Road;

(Room 406), , 40, Ningpo Road; Teleph. 11644; Cable Ad: Chanic or

Teleph. 14391; Cable Ad: Leeand- 7171

sons or 1013 Wong Pah-yuen, chairman

I. Yao Lee, general manager Ho Kou-sung, managing director

Alfred Owen, local mgr. Z. L. Liang, mng. dir. and gen.

Wm. Shih, sales mgr. manager

K. D. Fu, Nanking mgr. Z. Z. Wonn, assist, gen. manager


^3 ^ I& ± Directors—

Ta koo lang zen hung sze Dr. Wm. T. Findley, president

.Chixa Navigation Co., Ltd, Dr. C. Kuangson Young, mang.

Butterfield & Swire, general agents director

Chen Lin Son I Hollington K.

China News Co., Booksellers, News- Dr. E. L. Marsh | Tong

agents, Stationers, Printers, etc.— Editorial Pan Tse Omen | Wei Tao-min

447, Szechuen Road; Teleph. 13510; Department—

P.O. Box 361; Cable Ad: China- Dr. C. Kuangsbn Young, mang. dir..

news and acting editor

S. K. Ing, manager F. T. Durdin, mang. editor

H. S. Chang, asst, manager Dr. M. T. Z.(Tyau. weekly editor

L. Y. Chien, acct. J. P. Hammond, yity editor

R. C. Ying, sales dept. IL S., Chang, sports editor

V. Y. Chun, , do. Miss: Ah Huna Tong, women’s editor

K. L. Chiu, subs. dept. Don Bate, marine editor

Hawthorn© Cheng

China Offset Printing Co., _ Ltd., Max Chaichek

Chromo Lithographers—920, Tsitsihar c. D. Alcott

Road; Teleph. 50050; P.O. Box 5; Cable G. LeOnof

Ad: Ohinaoffset Wm. Fisher, Jr.

L. Fein

China Oil Products Co., Ltd.—Contin- Lawrence'-Chen

ental Bldg. Teleph. 95095 K. S. Koo

C. S. Zee

China Overseas Trading Co.—6,

Rdoa; Teleph. 90874; Cabje-Ad: Honan Stanley E. Young, chief , proof

Tradcoseas reader

Tse Soong Ling, mechanical supt.

China Package Printing Factory— T. H. Ma; mechanical supt.

Lane. 778;- 8& Tongshan Road; Business Dept:— - ; !

Teleph. oI132 E. T. Tsu, manager

D, Y. Lee,, sub-manager

China Palestine Trading Co., Importers, Koo Fob Dong, accountant ‘

Exporters and Road;

Com mission K. S. Zee, cashier

330. Szechuen Teleph.Agents—

15832; Miss Miriam . Holloway

Cable Ad: Judean Serge V. Hvoroff

China Paper Co. (Federal Inc., ILS.A.) Philip D, L. Woo

Importers of Paper, Printing Ink T. P. 'Champion Woo

Printing T. S. Ling

Yuen MingSupplies and Stationery—185,

Yuen Road; Teleph; 14061; Wqo Yai Bei

T. Y. Sze

Cable Ad: Mocapihc P. S. Zee ' .

China Petroleum Co., Ltd.—14, Mu-

seum Road; Teleph 18277; Cable China “Priaiegg” Refrigerating Cor-

Ad: Chipeco poration, Frozen Eggs and Food

Products^T-SS, Szechuen Road; Tel.

13950;, Cable Ad:Primegg

Chung kwo sey nee koo van yu han.kung sze

China Portland Cement Co., . Ltd.

Cement Manufacturers—452, Kiang- Lun-chong ^

se Road; Teleph. 15158 (2 lines)

China Printing and Finishing Co., Ltd.,

^ Dak lo pao (Incorporated in Hongkong), Cotton

China Press Inc. Business Office: 160, Spirmers Dyers,

and. Manufacturers, Printers,

Bleachers and Finishers of


Avenue Edward VH '• Editorial



(all Textiles—Head Office: Wayfoong House,

depts.) and 14787VII;

(managing director); 220, Szechuen Road; Teleph. 11215

P.O. Box 254; Cable Ad: Chinapress P. O. Box 1199; Cable Ad: Celita




(chairman — Clive

andph.d., R.

managing Hargreaves

director); SoleTheRepresentatives in China for-:

D. J. Sinclair, b.so. (Liverpool), Calico Printers’ Association, Ltd.


i c., J.J.Wild


and C. B.sc.F. Liu(London) China Printing Supply Co. — 23, Chao-

tung Road; Teleph. 90909; Cable

S. Tweedie, secretary Ad: Prinsuppli


Mrs. F. Pease China Produce Co.—288, Tiendong

Miss M. E. Barrie Road; Teleph. 43487

Miss H. J. Lindsay

Mrs. N. Mascarenhas China Publications, Ltd., Publishers

Accounts Dept.: and General Agents — Registered

G.E.Hooper, F. assist, acct.

Pereira | Offices: 210, Kiukiang Rd.; Teleph.

F. F. Pereira Henry Y. Feng 17733, Shanghai

R. Marcal | T. K. Lee Directors--G. C. Bruce, E. S.

Sales Department: H. F. Yao Elliston, Carroll Lunt, T. Ban-

ner and S. Cameron Potter

C.H. F.W.LiuPrice T. M. Liu F. Burton, English editor

A. Madar Y. T. Ying P. Kwok, Chinese editor

J. Botelho J. J. Van Miss C.H Bruce, circulation mgr

R. C. S. Ma, (Tientsin) Cameron Potter & Co., secretaries

W. C. Chen, do. and managers

A. Madar, (Canton)

E. G. Wei, do. China Radio Corporation—40, Ningpo

Designing Dept. : Road; Teleph. 10022

Mrs. J. Allen

I. J. O. Grant | S. Feeney China Radio Service Corporation—

Buying Dept. : 115, Hankow Road; Telephs. 14145,

K. Cowan, b.sc. (Vlct.) a.i.c. 14144

Engineering Dept. :

J. F.C. M. Smith, chief engineer

Tootill & m m m *

Printing Works, Pai Lieng King Greek, ChinaChung Realty

kwok ying yih kung sze

Co. (Fed.


Management: Financial, Insurance, LandInc.,andU.S.A.),


J. Ballard, Agents, Architects

b.sc.r (London), A.i.c., mgr. 29; Szechuen Road ; Teleph. and Surveyors —

General Office 15410

M. Benton, cashier (6Directors—

lines); P.O.Box 319; Cable Ad: Realty

G. A. P. Browne M. Speelman, vice-president

Engraving Dept.: G.J. E.Sellett,

J. Wotherspoon | J. Miller

Printing, Bleaching & Dyeing Depts.: Swan,secretary


A. Bell C.

Tse F. Wolsiffer

Tsok Kai

R.O. Booth J. Jackson,

T. J.Borgeest

Buckland T.R. Jackson JacksonJnr. Management:

C. F. Wolsiffer

A. Loonis Dept: | W. A. Adams

J.J.A. Driscoll

Day J.J. S.R. Page

Mitchell Compradors

Tou Yao Ting

F. J.Jackson

Headington J. Roth well

O. Sidebotham Accounting F. C. Ozorio


J. Jackson, Snr.

Cotton Mills, Pootung Point F. Wood Mortgage Dept:

Management H. V. Tigueiredo

C. Ashworth, manager Rent Dept:

M. Tuttleman

R.Ri Ramsbottom

Southworth ’ ~

G. B. Taylor Property Dept.:

S. Isherwood J. W. Carter P. M. Tinkler F. E. Sutterle


J. Hargreaves W. Wood

Sharpies Tax Dept. :

Office: D. K. Wong F. W. Sutterle, III

A. Harding | W. Brankin Insurance Dept:

R. G. Herbert


China Record Co., Ltd,, (Incorporated China Surgical and Dental Sales

under the Ordinances of Hongkong)— Agency—133, Yuen Ming Yuen Rd.:

1099, Teleph. 13384

R. L.Route

Read,de director


R. Degoy, director China State Bank, Ltd.—((See Banks)

H. L. Wiison, do. and secretary

G. J.N.Manning,

L.M. Fedoroff factory.manager

Sannajust ^^®^^#

J. Bendorf Wah cho yu hsien hung sze'

D. G. Martzyn’iuk China Tea Co., Ltd., Tea Producers,

J. J. Yptna Exporters and Importers — Between

Chapoo and Tiendong Roads;


-China Refrigerator 00,—Lane 401, 42495 and 42502;

Ad: Sinocongou

P.O. Box Cable

70, Dent Road; Teleph. 5035,8,

-China IIotogra,vure Co., Rotogravure ® m m m ^

Printing—472, Baikal Road; Teleph.

50512; P.O. Box 1534; Cable Ad: "China Shih-shifi -sm-pao-kuan'

Times,” The, Chinese Daily

Rotogravure Newspaper—224, Shantung Road;

Telephs. 93253 to 93256 (4 lines to

-China & South Sea BANK--(Yee Banks) allSingloh departments) • Cable Ad : 6690

Hsu, chairman

T. B. Chang, managing director

& is m ® 4* K. B. Fan, editor

•China Sales and Service Co, Merchants S. H. Yung, gen. mgr.


Road;Commission Agents—59,

Teleph. 13999; Cable Hongkong

Ad: Sale- China Tobacco Manufacturing Co.,

scdmp; Codes: A.B.C.

J. A. Dissmeyer, 5th and Bentley’s Ltd. — 100, Peking Road; Teleph.

manager 11220; Factory: 591, Baikal Road;

Teleph. 51210; Cable Ad: • China^-

bacco or ,7676

•China Soap Co., Ltd., The, Soap and China Trade Act Registrar, TJ.S.A.—

Glycerine Manufacturers—Reg. Office: Room 802, •Robert Dollar Building,

18, The

poo Bund;

Road; Factory:

Telephs. 173272310, Yangtze-

(Office), 51, Canton Road; Teleph. 15044 and

and 15045;

50240 (Factory); P.O. Box 597 ; Cable Codes: P.O. Box 605; Cable Ad: Amcomat

AdC.; G.Lever Western Union five-letter

W. Robson, chairman A. V. Smith, registrar

P. H. Cobb, director


L. D. Harper, do.

McNicoll, do.

W. G. Braidwood, do. m m Shin yeh

China Trading and Industrial Co., Im-

porters and Exporters—280, Peking

China Society of Science and Arts— Road; Teleph. 12663; Cable Ad: Sun-

shine; Codes: Bentley’s, A.B.C. 5th edn.

.(See Associations) and Private

I?! 3^ ^ jjjl Jang hwa hung sze China Trading Corporation — 119,

China Sports,Wholesale

Cameras, Ltd., Athletic

and Goods, Movie Jinkee


Road; Telephs. 12627, 15780,

17268, 18547; P.O. Box 1127; Cable

Szechuen Road; Teleph. 17959; Cable Ad: Nihcarting

Ad: Chinasport

China Standard Motor Works—99- China Transport & Storage Co., Inc.

Ltd.—1362, Yangtszepoo Road; Teleph.

101, Gordon Road; Teleph. 32788 51185


China Travel Service—420, Szechuen s s m 8f*

Road; Teleph. 13450.; Cable Ad: (Jhun hwa imei yih hung sze

Travelbank and 2464 China United Import and Export Co.,

C. Chen, president Ltd.—61, Museum Road; Teleph. 10864;

S. T. Chow, vice-president Cable Ad: Winking

L. H. Chou, assist, do.

S. Y. Hu, do. do.

P. K. Tsai, do. do. ^ ^

P. C. Ting, asst, vice-president China United Lamp Co., Importers and

and steamer dept. Exporters of Electric Lamps—Main

David Z. V. Hwa, general dept. Office: 140, Robinson Road. Sales

' 0. W. Long, auditor Office: 110, Szechuen Road; P.O.

H. Y. Cheng, railway dept.

K. Y. Pan, -baggage, freight & Box 2076; Cable Ad: Culco

Agents for:

forwarding dept. China General Edison Co., Inc.,

G. S. Yeh, accountant. Shanghai

Z. T. H. Zuhg, cashier O s r a m Kommanditgesellschaft

N. C. Chao, publishing dept. G.m.b.H., Berlin

Philip Chai, tour dept. N. V. Philips’ Gibeilampenfabrie-

ken, Eindhoven

^ m % it n a St

Ge chong pao hsien yue hsien hung sze i&i W ft: Wj


Marine,Underwriters, Ltd., Life,Motor

Accident, Earthquake, Fire, Mee lar sze pin lun pao


Office:and General Insurance — Head “China


Weekly-Review ”'-j(The Millard

Publishing Co., Inc., publishers)—

General Agents — Elliston & Co., 160, Avenue Edward V IT; Teleph.

185, Yuen Ming Yuen Road; Teleph. 14741; Cable Ad : Reviewing

19456; J.Geo.B. W.

Powell, editorsub-editor

and i publisher

KeechongP.O. Box 453; Cable Ad: Hoh


Chxh Hsiang,' assist, editor

China Union Trading Co.,-Ship Chandler Tryphon Y. Kn, advertising manager

—27, Rue du Consulat; Teleph. 81243 . Miss 1. Chow-, secretary

• F. K. Chao, business manager

China United Apartment—104, Bubbl- Pang-Cheng

Miss F. C. Fan Chen, circulation do.

ing Well Road; Teleph. 90010; Cable Correspondents

Ad : Hochun C. Y.Wong W. Meug (Yanking)

M. T. Staudt, manager Hin (Peiping)

S.Wm.Y. Stephen

Leung (Hongkong)

Wang (Tientsin)

Wha on hoa jun vau shou yu hsien Also Publishers of

hung sz “ Who’s Who in China ”

China United Assurance .Society.

Ltd.—104, Bubbling Well Road;


Hochun ■ 94073-4-56 ; Cable Ad: ' Chung kwok cho tnoo hong sze

China Woodworking and Dry and



China United Engineers—Continental dows, Manufacturers

Ltd., of Doors

Building, Nanking Road; Teleph. Teleph.etc..— 1826, Yangtszeppo

50068; Cable Ad: WbodwofEco


. 93711 Directors—H. E. Arnold, C. L.

Tai h n Sfeitz, J. E. Gray and O. H.

it m °9 ' Tong

China United Engineering Corporation


Ming1100; and

Yuen CableContractors—209,

Road ; Ad:

Teleph. 11266 ; Yuen

P.O. China Wool Manufacture Co,, Ltd., (Le

Box Kahncrete .and Leinieu de Chine) Woollen Mill—33, Sze-

Tacon chuen

Chinawool Road;andTeleph.

“ 5904 ”15253; Cable Ad:


'China Woollen Co., Importers—97, H Ta Chang . ,

Jinkee Hoad; Teleph, 17122; Cable Ad: Chinese ]<1ngineering and Development

Wolun Co.—51, Canton Road: Teleph.: 12708;

China Year Book—N. China Build- P. O. Box 1651; Cable Ad: Ceded

ing; 17, The Bund; Teleph. 11055

Publishers—'.North China Chinese Foreign Famine Relief Com-

Daily News and Herald, Ltd. mittee—(^ee Clubs)

H. G. W. Wobdhead, c.b.e , editor

Chinai & Co., J.‘C„:'Silk Merchants-- CHINESE GOVERNMENT

10, Rue du Consulat; Teleph. 81740; OFFICES

Cable Ad: Canon

E. J. Commissariat, mgr. Ministry .of Justice

D. E. Commissariat, asst. Kiangsu High Court (Second

Woo Yao-thing, compradore Branch) — 3, Chekiang Road;

n & m m m * Teleph. 42230

Kiangsu High Court (Third

Chung mei do sze liung sze Branch)—10, Hung An Li, Rue

Chinese American Publishing Co. (The de Sieyes ; Teleph. 72273

American Bookshop), Booksellers and Shanghai District Court—Tin Fan

Stationers—78/ N an king Road: Teleph. Ting Road, Nantao: Teleph.

16844; P. O. Box 256; Cable Ad: 17037

Stationers District Court for. First Special

F. M.D. M.Mortimer, proprietor Area—3, North Chekiang Road;

Magill, signs per.pro. Teleph. 42230

J. W. Templo, acct. District Court for iSebond Special

Mrs. H. Wilhoit, stpno. Area—2, Hua Mei Fang Alley-

w&y, R. Stanislas Chevalier;

Chinese Auctioneering Co,, Ltd., Teleph. 72846

Auctioneers, Valuers, Land, EstateThe,


Commission Agents—151, Peking Road; Ministry for Foreign Affairs—City

Teleph. 17059; Cable Ad: Auctionco Government Road, Off Rte.

Ghisij Teleph.-70104

Hi & Wi Mi rf1

llua chung tie.h lu hung szu

Chinese Central Railways, Ltd.—27, Ministry of Industries

Bureau of Foreigri ’ Trade—Bank


Jarkong Bund; Teleph. 15200; Cable Ad: of China Bldg., 1040, North Soo-

ehow Road; Telephs: 46396-7;

Chinese Chamber of Commerce—(see Cable Ad :- Bureconin

Shanghai Bureau of Inspection

Chambers of Commerce) and Testing of Commercial Com-

modities—Bank of China Bldg.,

Chinese Christian Advocate — 169, 1040, '.-.North Soochow Road;

Yuen Ming Yuen Road Teleph. 42230

Trade Mark Bureau—80‘, Avenue

Chinese Cotton Goods Exchange, Ltd., du Roi Albert; Teleph. 73643

Cotton Merchants—260, Avenue Ed-

ward VII; Teleph. 13971; Cable Ad: 5089 Ministry of Finance

Chinese District Court of Shanghai Central Mint—Gordon Rd. (North

—(See Chinese Government Offices) End), Chapei; }. Cable Ad :


Chinese Government Land Tax

Chinese Electrig .Power Co., Ltd.— Office—100; Peking Road

Loong Hwa Road & 12, The Bund; Shanghai Customs —1531, Sinza

'Telephs. 84800 and 19376 Road


Ministry of Communications H. Moh, chief of general dept.

Chinese Government Radio Ad- j

ministration—I'oO, Jinkee Road; I.P. Tuxford,

Y. Yuan, engineer-in-chief

assist, do.

Cable Ad : Chirataff H.

K. C. Lew, districtdo.engineer

P. Cheng,

Shanghai Telegraph Administra- P.Daniel

Wang,M.locomotive supt.'do.

1 tion—£1, Szeohuen Road; Teleph. Chung, assist,

10131 Hubert P. C.

Bureau of Shipping and Naviga-

tion—6, iSzechuen Road D. C.Shen,

W. assist.inspectordo.mgr.


Yun,traffic traffic

Bureau of International Tele- M. P. Cheng, traffic inspector-in-

graphs^-54, Yu Yuen Road charge (Ningpo section)

Shanghai Radio Central Station— ! J. A. Timons, traffic inspector

565, Minkuo Road F. A. Harris, chief accountant

Shanghai District Telephone Co.— W. Y. Ho, assist. do.

134, Chung Hua Road, Nantao ! W.

Y. S.T. Sun,




Ministry of Railways

N.S. and S.-H.-N. Railway Ad- ! m ft & m w m. & m

Administration—257, Range Rd. | Sung chiang yen wu chi ho fen so

Ministry of Navy Chinese Government Salt Revenue.

Admiralty House—Kaochangmiao ; Office (District Inspectorate of

Hydrographic Dept.—City Gov- j Sungkiang) — 2, Jessfield Road ;

ernment Road, off Route Ghisi j Telephs. 32082-3; Cable Ad: Salt

District Inspector—T. A. Soong

Military and Police Co-District Inspector—P. Loureiro

Woosung and Shanghai Garrison Chief Secretary—F. Tarig

Qommander’s Headquarters— Chief Accountant—T. T. Hu

Lunghua Chinese Secy.—L. M. Cheng

Headquarters of Special Police ! Chief of Revenue Guards—S.K. LI

Force—Municipal Road

Peace Preservation Corps—Chao Js M H Ji * /fr P 4*

Ching Pang, Chung Hwa Road

Chung hto chen fu sui shang

Political yen uni shen chi chu '

Shanghai District Kuomintang— \ Chinese Government Salt. Revenue

Fang Zia Road Department (Revenue Guards Bu-

Shanghai Hsien Government— i reau)—3, Jessfield Road; Teleph.

Boon La Road, Nantao. 32081

District Inspector—T. A. Soong

CHINESE GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS j ;C6-Dist, Inspector—P. Loureiro

Actg. Commanding Officer—Gen-

eral Chang Ohing Chen

® a ® » is « ® Chinese Industrial Bank, Ltd.—(see

King wu tih looikwan li che'uk Banks)

Nanking-Shanghai Railway

Office: 257-259, Range Road — Head ;

Chinese Industrial Gas Co.—537, Liao-

* yang Road; Teleph. 53113; Cable

Ad; Chindusgas," Code: Bentley

Wu hong chierig ti Ibo .Jcwan li chu


Huang - Hangchowmanaging Railway j Chinese

- Ningpodirector {see Clubs)

Jockey Club of Shanghai—

T. T.Pe-tsiau,

Linn, resident comptroller 1

1 Chinese Mission to Lepers—(see Mis-

V.ofC.accounts and audit

Liu, assist, do. sions)


Ching Kee S. N. Co., Ltd.—5, Rue

'Chinese National Electric ■ & Pottery Montauban; Telephs. 85992 and 85753

Co., Ltd., Manlifacturers of Ceramic Ching Kee & Co., Importers and Ex-

Mosaic Tiles, Glazed Tiles, Transformers, porters—49, Yuenchong Road; Teleph.

Electrical Machineries, Porcelain 51865;

Insulators and Lighting Fixtures,

etc.—89, Foochow Koad; Telephs. Ching Tai Ziang Kee Engineering

14408 and 16706; Cable Ad: Chinating Works—13, Tungchow Road; Teleph,


13 & M ^ fit : Ching Wei Ming Kee Cotton Mill —

Ching yi year-ching hung sze

Chinese Optical Co., Ltd., Optometrists Bl, Kiangse Road Teleph. 18428



93895 Nanking Road; Ghing Sau Wah, Dr., Dental Surgeon

—121, Broadway; Teleph, 41927

Chinese Public Isolation Hospital— Ching Zai Fu & Co., Cotton and Woollen

((See Hospitals)' Goods Importers—97, Jinkee Road;

mg m Lau Ling sung Teleph. 18556; Cable Ad: Chingzaifu

“Chinese Recorder, The”—169, Yuen Chisholm & Keifer—83, Peking Road;

Teleph. 13674

Ming Yuen Road; Teleph. 10715

Chinese Red Cross General Hospital Chiu, Franklin,

229, Nanking Road;Attorney-at-Law—

Telephs. 91851 and

{See Hospitals) 92416


PublishersRepublic Publishing

of the “Chinese Co., Chiu Ta Refined Salt Distributor—


—150, Kiukiang Road; Teleph. 18312; 87-93, My burgh Road; Teleph. 30074

Cable Ad: Sinorepub Chiuwa & Co., Customs Brokers—

43, Minghong Road; Teleph. 40615;

ft m u Cable Ad: Chiuwa

Cking chao hung sze . . Chiyo Yoko, Photographic Supplies—80,

Ching Chao Co., Manufacturers and Nanking

Exporters of Art Linen, Lace and 1308 Road; Teleph. 19460; P.O.Box

Embroideries—222, North Soochow

Road (first floor); Teleph. 41268; P.

O. Box 322; Cable Ad: Chingchao Chocolate Shop, Candy and Biscuit

Manufacturers—107, Nanking Rd. ;

Ching Teleph. 15005; Cable Ad: Sulcan

Yates Chong & Co., 31175;

Road; Teleph.



Cable Ad: Chollot, J. J., Civil Engineers, Surveyors

and Architects—85, Rue Marcel Tillot;

Ching Chong, Y., Ship Chandler—300, Teleph. 83671

Broadway; Teleph. 40188 Chong Shung & Co., Woollen Merchants

Ching Chong Chang & Co., Ship —73, Ningpo Road ; Teleph. e9e7e ' /

Chandlers—141, Broadway ; Teleph. Chong Sin Cb., Naval and Military.

42803 Contractors—Ae80, Broadway; Teleph

Ching Fong, J., Naval Tailor and 51774; Cable Ad: Chongsin

General Outfitter—1010, Brodway; Te-j Chong Using Co., Ltd.—906, Point Road;

leph. 51895 Teleph. 52664

Ching Kee & Co., Importers and Ex- Chong Kee Metal Co.—208-9, B. des 2

porters—40, Ningpo Road; Teleph. I Republiques; Teleph. 80805



CHQjfG. Mai Machine Oil Co.' — 1283, Chun YVo & Co., Leather arid Lumber

Hsian Roadj Teleph. 52839 Merchants — 350, Tiendong Road ■

Teleph. 40355; Cable Ad: Chunwohong


and Dollar

Suppliers& Co.,of Stevedores, Dunnage

Chinese Crews—47,

HawkeeHoad; Teleph. 5e5e6 tr ^ + ffi m

Ilwa song ckung foo hong

Christenko, Dr; N. J., Specialist for Chung Foo Co., Kiukiang

General Importers and

Nervous, Mental and Internal Diseases Exporters—22, Road; Teleph.

19827; P.O. Box 167; Cable Ad: Impex-

—150, Rte des Soeurs; Teleph. 71800 chung

Christian Book Boom — English and Chung Foo Union Bank—(see Banks)

Chinese Books and Tracts-^-3, Quin-

san. GardensTeleph. 43730; P.O. Chung Hsing Coal Mining Co., Ltd.—

Box 1723; Cable-Ad : Chrisbook 212, Kiangse Road; Telephs. 17157,

17139, 18363 and 19838

Chu, Ponson C„ Attorney and Counsellor-

at-Law (3! 6, Rue Lafayette; Teleph. a & * T

, 71979 Chung hwa shn chu

Chuang, T., Architect—212, Kiangse Chung Hwa Book Co., 'Ltd., Printers

Road; Teleph 19312; Cable Ad: and Publishers— 221, Honan Road;

Teleph. 93199; Cable Ad: Buchwall


Chue Yip Kee Metal Works, Steel Chung Hwa Shoe Co.—138, Hanking

Rolling Gates, . Metal Windows, Road; Teleph. 12769

Shop Decorations, etc.—846, Efai-

ning Road.; Teleph. 40645; Cable ^ & PS ^ pdd II # ^

Ad: Metal Chung hua kong /ring yn hsien hung sze

Chun Ho Express & Storage Co., Ltd.— Chung Hwa Steel Products Co., Ltd.,

Importers of all kinds

27, The Bund; Teleph. 43243 Buntal Fibre, Hemp,of Manila

Steel Products


Exporter of Chinese Products,

Chun Lee, Wholesale and Retail Pro- Teleph. Straw Hats—89, Foochow Road;

vision Merchant—17, Siking Road; 16888; Cable Ad : Coluehung

Teleph. 13878; Cable Ad: Chunlee

Chung Hwa andTrading Company,Canton


Chun Nieh Realty Investment Co., Importers Road; Teleph.


10626; Cable Ad: Sonyi

Land and Estate Agents—iKincheng or Chungtrade

Building, 212, Kiangse Rd. ; Teleph.

14583; Cable Ad: Chunniehco


Hwa Wharf Road;Co.,Teleph.

Ltd., The—

Chun Tah Cotton Spinning & Weaving 33, 15253;.

Mill—Jessfield .Road, Zau-Ka-Do Cable the Ad Merchant’s

Coal : Chungwharf. WharfManagers

and Theof

Village; Teleph. 20581 Chung Hwa Chow Ka Doo Wharf,


Chun Tai Cotton Spinning & Weaving

Co.—173, Jessfield Road; Teleph. 20581 CHURCHES AND MISSIONS

Chun Tai & Son, Furniture Manufac- AllLafayette Saints’ Church—Corner of Rue

turers, Szechuen

—600, Decorators, Road;Contractors, etc.

Teleph. 12100. Rev.

Rev. H.C.S.andF.Wei,




d.d.,, rector

Factory: KiangwanRoad Emeritus


^ m m mm First Church of Christ

—1647, Avenue' Road: Teleph. Scientist

Mei kwoh tsin lee ivei 34406; Reading Room : 8b’, Central

American Baptist Foreign ' Mission Arcade, 119’' Nanking Road; 'Te-

Society (A.B.F.M.S.)—Missions Build-

ing, 169, Yuen Ming Yuen Hoad; leph. 11.670; Cable Ad : ChrscieT1Pe,

Telephs. 15018 and 18010; ' .Cable ^ i # jf a ifei

Ad: Baptisma Hong hew se yang nui hoh tang

Dr. L. C. Hylbert, . (secretary) and

wife Holy Family, The Institution

Rev. W. R. Taylor, (treas.) and wife.

Rev. F. J. White and wife 224, Quinsan Road; Teleph. 41500 of—

Rev. E. Kelhofer and wife Holy Trinity Cathedral—219, Kiu-

Rev. H. Huizinga and wife kiang Road

Rev. E. H. Cressy and wife Dean—Very Rev. A.7 C. S.uTri-

V. Hanson and -wife vett, m.a., d.d.

Dr. Josephine Lawney

H. D. Lamson and wife ^ m tu lei

Dr. G. Poteat and wife ,


Miss Taylor. ■

H. Bugbee

R. . ■ Way Way Chiaou tang

Miss J?., Knabe Mahomedan Mosque—TO, Chekiang

Miss A. E. Root Road

Imam—Hajee Hilaluddiiu

American. Presbyterian Mission Trustees—H. M. H. Nemazee &

(North)—South Gate Co.

Rev. and Mrs. Wilmot D. Boone

Miss Grace Darling

Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Espey Methodist EpisOoTal Mission, Of-

fices—169; Yuen Mirig Yuen Rd.;

Miss Messie M. Hille Cable Ad : Treasurers

Rev. & Mrs. Paul R. Lindholm

Miss Elsa M. Logan ± Kiau sz hung saw

Miss A. V. Mackeith Missionary Home—4, Quinsan Gar-

Rev. & Mrs. Geo. : : E. Partch den ’Teleph. 46274;' Cable Ad :

Joseph Romig

Rev. fe Mrs. Myroh E. Terry Evangel . ■ ..

Miss E. Spurling,Ybrdpriettess

Mrs.' J. W. Quitaby

^ # Poaitang Miss R. Poynoi-

Beligian Missions or Scheut— Mrs. P. R. Glading

Passage 135, No. 7, Avenue Haig ;

Teleph. 73372;'Cable Ad; Scheut Missions to Lepers (International)

Rev. P. Regaert, procurator —c/6 Chinese

Rev. M. Van Hemelryck, assist. Tzepang Road;Medical

Teleph.Association; 41,

30846; Cable

Rev. G. Schotte, do1. Ad: Lepmission

Dr. J. ■ L. Maxwell, hbn. medical

Community Church—53, Av. Retain adviser for Far East «

Dr. P. L. Gilleth, EXeciitiye secre-

tary & director of Religious edu- Missions to Seamen in Shanghai-

171, Broadway; Teleph,51603

cation—64, Route Dufqur; Teleph.


Mrs. , C, D. Boynton; church sec. ^ Hr Cheou chen tang

Governing Board—Dr. J. C. Procure des Lazaristes—44, Rue

McCracken (chairman), W- H. Chapsal;' Teleph. West 85157;

Staats (vice-chairman), J. E. Cable Ad: Lazaristes

Baker (secretary) and I. S.

Brown (treasurer) # « ic ^ it ®

Danish Church—Av. Joffre Lun tun sheng chiao shu hivei

Deutsche Religious Tract Society, London—

Western Evangelische

Road Kirche—1. Room 212, Missions

Ming Yuen Building,4 23, Yuen

Road; Teleph.


Salvation Army Men’s Hostel—7-8, | Clark Alexander & Co., Ltd.; Man-

Yang Terrace, Weihaiwei Epad; —Sassoon ufacturing.Goldsmiths

House, TheandBund; Silversmiths.


Tel. 30463; Cable Ad: Salvation 10719

Seventh Day Adventist Mission— Alexander Clark, director

526, Ningkuo Eoad; Teleph. 51094; Vernon Clark, do.

Cable Ad‘: Adventist G. J. Wells, managing director

Shanghai Free Christian Church

(Evangelical)—681, Hart Eoad, Clark, Henry [p]J., StockTungand yue


Near Connaught Eoad Broker (Member of Stock Exchange)—

Hon. Secretary—Eev. H. M. Hongkong & Shanghai Bank Building,

Griffin, b.d. 12, The Bund; Teleph. 10488; P.O. Box

Hon. Treasurer—Eev. W. J. 623; Cable Ad: Taeping

Embery Clarkes Inquiry & Protection Agency,

^ DBS .H ^an ian9

flj MLSSIONS-EtRANGERES—50, -24, Nanking Boad ; Teleph. 10092;

SOCIETE Cable Ad : Seer ale

Eoute, Delastre W. G. Clarke, m.b.e., principal

Missions To Seamen Institute

St. Andrew’s Church)—17], Broadway(with

Lee an din chee.yu .han lung sze

Claude Neon Lights, Fed. Inc.,

±Tung%ka doo m Tien

m chun tang ; U.S.A., Neon Lighting—687, East

Broadway; Telephs. 50112-50113, Pri-

St. Francis Xavier’s Church vate Exchange

P.O.M. Box to Ad:

1783; Cable all Neonlite


E. Vittaly, general manager

■f ±Church— M &36,ifEue Mon- J. C. Goodson, do.


St. Joseph’s

tauban M. J. T.Mason,

C. Mason,

asst. secretary

do. '

Et. Eev. B. A. Haouisee, bishop Accounting Department:

Johnson Cheng I K. T. Wong.

Sin Tien an tang C. L. Koo | Y. D. Tsao

Union Church—2, Soochow Eoad Sale Dept.

Eev. H. G. Newsham, pastor W. Krause | L. M. Guedes-

F. W. Poatd, chairman Collection

W. C. TsaoDepartment:

| S. F. Ying

J. Macbeth, vice:do. V. Z. Chen | Y. S. Shih

O. G. E. Eeynon, secretary Shipping Department:

W. M. McLennan, financial secy, Z. J. Chu

Thomson & Co., treasurers ArtC. Department:

* i 3c iB * » L.P. N.Danilevsky,

Chur art supt.

Zi ka wei tien it tang Plant:

D. Service Station

Zi-ka-wei Church Y. C. Kim plant supt.

D. Baldwin,

O. C. Rohde | E. R. Dallas

Church of England Men’s Society Exclusive U.Georges

Licencees of

S. Patents on& J.Neon Tubes forof

{See Associations) ClaudePeninsula

de Beaufort

City Directory of Shanghai—668, Sze- China, Malay and Straits

chuen Eoad; Teleph. 11655 Settlements


City Eeal Estate Co;—299, Szechuen Central China Post, Hankow

Eoad; Teleph. 19534 James McMullan & Co., Tsingtao

and Chefoo .

*!) & gg North China Advertising Co., 113,.

Clair & Eeilly, Exchange Brokers— Rue

Peiping du .Chaylard, Tientsin and

45, Kiukiang Eoad; Teleph. 14327 Siemssen & Krohn, Foochow


CifiBici, Bedonx & Co., S. A., Silk t If ft #

Exporters, Public Silk Inspectors Wah yang yu chun way

Silk Piece Goods Importers and

General Merchants. Electrical Sup- Chinese Foreign Famine Relief

plies, Medicines and Drugs, Wines, Committee — 97> Jinkee Road ;

Provisions, Preserves and Colonial Cable Ad : Famrel

Goods—107. Museum Road; Telephs.

14707 and 12259; P.O. Box 1657 Chinese Jockevt Club of Shanghai—

C. R.Bedoni, president

Caminada, signs(Milan)

per pro. 770, Bubbling Well Road; Teleph.

L. Riggio, do. 30655; Cable Ad : Joclub

Miss S. Dribensky

G. Chiara (Milan)

W. S. Ting, import compradore fT -rt!- ^ Tung fong hung way

T.G. Z.H. Chew

Foch Kao, export compradore Club Lusitano de Shanghai — 26,

Albany Lane; Teleph. 43972

T. K. Chang, accts. dept.

K. C. Chong, do.

t m j m m m

*tj % Keli Mei kou hsiang hsia tsung way

Ceive & Co., Ltd., Paper and Sun- Columbia Country Club—301, Great

dries — 451, Kuikiang Road ; Teleph. Western Rd. Extension; Teleph. 21899

19968; Cable Ad : Clivechina President—U. S. Harkson

Dirs.—W. A. Lisney, chairman (L’don) Vice-President—B. H. Watson

C. H.H. C.Palmer,

F.Dr. Hughes, mangi dir. do.do. Hon. Treasurer—J. J. Mokrejs

F. G. Eickhoff (Shanghai) Hon. Secretary—C. S. Franklin

S. M. Leigh, asst. mgr. do. Secretary—H. W. Pilcher

Y. T. Chen, secretary do.

'ft- IS flu M Chai kin tsung way

CLUBS Country Club—651, Bubbling Well;

American Club—209, Foochow Rd.; Road; Teleph. 34244

Teleph. 15259; Cable Ad: Ameri- Chairman—W. P. Lambe

ciub Secretary—G. F. M. Warner

Amateur Dramatic Club—Between

Bourgeat and Rte. Cardinal Mer- W $§ $3 if-S Hsinlcwan Tsung way

cieif; Teleph. 70414 Customs Club—344, Szechuen Road,

American University Club—P.O. Hall

Box 1982 Teleph. 11709

Deutscher Klub — 299, Szechuen

*& m ® m Road; Teleph. 10138

Mee huo fu lui leung way

American International Recreation Club —





Teleph. 722, Bubbling Well Road ; Teleph.

31856; P.O. Box 202 30072-3; Cable Ad : Irclub

Automobile Club of China—17, The International Sporting Club, Inc.

Bund; Teleph. 10704; P.O. Box —6, Kiukiang Road; Telephs.

1049; Cable Ad : Moorob 16298-9; Cable Ad: Rolyat

Chairman— H. Tiefenbacher

Secretaries—Beck & Swann

China Kennel Club—Bank of Tai- ^ Hi &E Kwei Chu Tsoong way

wan Bldg., 20, Kuikiang Road; Masonic Club—93, Canton Road;.

Teleph. 10202 Teleph. 10471


h'J Da, fu Tsung way Shanghai RowingBath:

and Swimming Club—Boat House

76, SoochowEd.;


—59, PekingMarineRoad; Officers’ Club

Teleph. 10064; Teleph. 10041; Cable Ad: Rowing

Cable Ad: Marinei-s Captain—R. G. Woodhead

President^—E. B.S. Green Vice-do.—A.

Hno. .'C. Sinclair

Secretary—H. T. Robertson


Secretary—H. B. Allison

Clough Hon. Treasurer—R. B. Roach

Race Club, Shanghai--305, Bubbling Shanghai Rugby Union Football Club

Well Road; Teleph. 30109 (4 lines); Teleph.Secretary-H.

15577; CableW.Ad:Carter(S’bai.


Cable Ad: Racing Hon.

Waterworks) ■'

IlOTAKY Club-133,.Yueq Ming Yuen

Road: Teleph. 16450; Calble Ad: S^ngiiai Yacht Road

Foam,” Jinkee Club—Headquarters:



President—G. W. Pldlleo.. .

Vice-do. —W. J. Monk

Hon. Secretary—Dr. Fong Foo Skang hai say sze huo yang chan ta ba_t wei.

# IE # if # !i ±

Hon. Treasurer—H. Schall

Secretary—Mrs. A. Giovannini Swiss^Club-?!, Lucerne Road; Teleph.

Shanghai Athletic Club (Formed for President—A.

the Promotion of Amateur Athletics Hon.- Secy.—R.Juvet Von der Crone

generally) 1 Hon. Treasdrer—L. A. Mottti

Shanghai Club—3, The Bund; P.O.

Box 156; Cable Ad: Kwangho Club Lusitano {See Clubs)

Chairman—E. Lester, Arnold

Vice-do. —W. J. Monk M Hong zing

Secretary —F. S. Ward

Assist, do. —P. Corneek.; :; , & Coates & Son, Thomas, Merchants,

Commission Agents and Manufac-

i® fa M turers—Shanghai

40, 'Ningpo Road ; Teleph.Bank Building

16172; p/

Jiaumo zany na pau few zang ' 9' Ad : Coalescent;

Shanghai Cricket Club—Race Cdurse; A.B.C. 5th and Bentley’s

Teleph. 91318; P.O. Box 497

fi Pah shiny .

Kee wu tsoong way Codsi, J., Exporter of Raw Silk Pongee,

Shanghai Engineers’ • Club — 220 Races, —53, Poochow Road;of Precious

etc., importer Teleph. Stones



P.O. ; Teleph.

Cable s 10305

Ad:i Cable Ad: Codsi

Institute Lt

P-. Henry H., Exporters

Shanghai Football Club — Race &ruen Manufacturers—133,/Yuen

Road, Warehouse and Go-


Course; Teleph. 61318 down; Teleph. 17510; Cable Ad:

Shanghai Golf Club—Kiang Wan and Nehorcroc Proprietors of;

See King Jao Office: 20, Canton “Josephine C,” “Diana Stuart”

Road, Shanghai “Elizabeth Lavan” & “Anne

President—R. Bailey

Secretary—J. B. Woolley Trevor,” Gowns (trademarks


Shanghai Recreation Shanghai Button and Buckle

Course; Teleph. 90745 Club —Race Manufacturing Co.

President-T. W. R. Wilson Palmolive-Peet CantonCo.* Soap and

Vice-President—J. L. Wade

Hon. Secretary—J. A. Brockett TeI oiler

Hon. Treasurer—G. E. Marshall Palmolive eph. Specialities—51,

14204; P.O. Box 1338; CableRoad;Ad:


Columbia Casualty Co. of Nev Yokk Mrs. Esther, Katz Deutsch, president

—Union Building, 17, Canton Rd.; G. M. Neal,

B.Wm.A. Golding,vice-president

Deutsch, gen.

director, & secty.-treas.

Teleph. 13407 (4 lines); Cable Ad: manager

Monsoon N. A. Jacobs, gen. supervisor

Columbia and Great Western Biding Mrs. E. L. Gutierrez, secy & steno..

Academy—470, Great Western Rd.; R.N. Soroka


Teleph. 21425 Accounting Dept.

A.K.R. H.Davis,


[ , C. P.. Chang

Columbia Country Club (See Clubs) Shipping Dept.

B. A. Doron

m F4 w m ^ K. S. Chen | K. E. Tsu

Shun wu in shu soo Trucking Dept-

Comacrib Press, Fed. Inc., U.S.A., The, L. S. Tsu, supervisor

Printers, Publishers, Stationers, Com- K. N. Sung | K. Z. Zing

mercial Job Printers—118, Museum Commercial Finance Co., Ltd: (Incor-

Road; Teleph. 16625; P.O. Box 1002; porated under the Companies Ord-


F. A.Ad:Bowen

Comacribj B. G- Bowen inances of Hong Kong), Loans—398,.

Kiangse Road; Teleph. 17400

Comfort Electric Co., Electrical and

Mechanical Engineering Contractors, Tai ping yang Shang wu Tien pao Kung sze

Purchasing Agents and General Mer-

chants— 287, Avenue Joffre; Teleph. Commercial Pacific Cable Company—

83092; Cable Ad; Oomfortco, 34, Avenue Edward VII.; Teleph.

12233 ; Cable Ad: Compac

JiJr tz m ® fa

Shan wu chen hsin tso n & is mm n mm

Commercial and Credit Information Song wu ying shu kwciii yu hsien kung sit

Bureau, Commercial Agency—118, Commercial Press, Ltd,, The, Publishers,

Museum Road ; Teleph. 17131; P.O. Printers, Booksellers, , and Stationers

Box 1022; Cable Ad : Comacrib —Head Office: 211, Honan Rd.;

F. A. Bowen, general manager Teleph. 92310 (Private Exchange to all

B. G. Bowen, secretary Departments); Cable Ad; Compress

G. A. Arkadieff

Associated with IE & £ £

The Comacrib

The Press, Fed. Inc., U.S.A.

Comacrib publications Law kung maw hong die


Commercial Fire, Life, Marine, Accident, Burglary,

in Office Equipment

Equipment —Co.,303,Specialists

Kiangse FidelityCarGuarantee, Plate Glass and

Road; Teleph. 10670; Cable Ad: Motor 17, Canton


Road; Teleph. 13407


(4 lines);

Comequico P. O. Box 309; Cable Ad: Cuaco

E.G.Lester Arnold, manager forOliviera



Mei song say fong' chun van kung sze R. F.W.Dumbarton

Palmer I A.MissF. M.M. Parker

A. H. Gouda | K. Petigura

Commercial Accident Dept.

Fed. Inc., Express

U.S.A., and Storage

Express and W. J. Gulliver | J. M. Murray

Freight Forwarding Agents, Motor


and BondLiterage Service,

Storage andPublic Storage

Packers and Compagnia ® Nee shing

Customs Clearance Brokers—53, Yuen Italiana d’Estremo Oriente,

Ming Yuen Road; Telephs. 16931-3; P.O. General

Box 1042; Cable Ad: Servizio; All Kiukiang Road; Telephs. Importers and Exporters—190,.

14723 and

Standard Codes 11740; Cable Ad : Cideo



—0/10, French Bund; Telephs. F. Lerosey

15132-4; P.O. Box 301; Cable Ad: R. Bazil

Mesgagerie V. Chevchenko | G. Kalougenine

Traffic Office

jjfji Chiv/n yuen D. Yialy, traffic superintendant

A. Marchina

Compagxie ©’Exportation ©e Prodetits R. Galian I F. J. Lopes

Asiati^ges (O.E.P.A.), Exporters of E. Gontier. D. Zahowsky

Raw Silk, Pongee and General Produce Tramway P. Minet | A. Popoff

—4, French Bund; Teleph. 8Q27Q; P.O. Track and Lines

Box 837; Cable Ad: Cepasia L. Aubert | C. Compton



signs per pro. Electric Power Station

E. Hodayer, superintendant

F. Perret

Compa’gnie Financiers Belgo-Chinoise Alb. Fischer

—P.O. Box 570; Cable Ad: Belgo- A.P. Amettler

Mohceu I| A.D. Evseyeff


chine J. Schmid | A. Sidoroff

Electric Lines


Chine—860-4, Avenue Joffre; Te-EN V. Marinacci j R. Kosloff

leiph. 72923; Cable Ad: Manufac- Electric Installations

P. Bellande, superintendant

ture .. P.J. Canavarro

Vial Jr. |I Seniavin

B. Pouckoft

Electric Meters & Laboratory


Skang hai fa shang tien ch’e tien tung A.X. Jallard

Ng Yelim | F. Colella

kung sze Water Production


©’Eclairage Electriques

hai—249, Avenue Dubail; Teleph. de Shang- E. Gruget

80180 (4 lines) A. K. Delant | H. Muller

R.J. Favret,

Courthial, manager Water Distribution

tech, sub-manager R. M.Vogt, superintendant



L. Perrier,


dept. (waterworks J. Dessart | A. Thibou

Chemical and Analytical Laboratory

M.and construction

Lapeyre, depts.) dept.)

engr. (electricity M. Ducret

J. Mariotti, engineer (tramways and Workshops



Leydon, asst. engr. (electricity Tramways F. Badeau

Repair Dept.

•General Book Office M. Duquesnel I A. Petit

J. Lorenzi, chief accountant Bus and Motor-car Repair Dept.

R.F. Baudoin

Til lard |I N. M. Kisseleff

Raimond H. Danieck | A. Gomas


Purchasing Dept. G. Prario | C. Kluge

C. Robin | A. Allemao

Correspondence Dept. flig Fooh see


J.J. J.dad’Almeida J R.

Rosa | M. Maher dos Remedies HAI), Ltd., Tea Merchants(SHANG-

— 467,

■Consumers’ and Bills Dept. Kiangse Road; Teleph. 18405, P.O.

E. Salembier I V. Yoropai Box.692; Cable Ad: Cifranafri

J. Dolivet A. Mihailoff

J. C. Canavarro J J. Perpetuo F.L. E.G. Canning,



D. M. Mitchell, do.


«COMPAGNIE FrANCO-AmEEICAINE L’ASSU- Consolidated Aircraft Corporation—

rances, Insurance and Reinsurance— 170, Kiangse Road; Teleph. 10640

Head Office:

Executive 7, Avenue

Office: Edward

17, The Bund; VII. Consolldated Finance Co.—(Nee Bank)


10620 and 11040; Gable Ad: Framinsure.

Branches and Agents at Saigon, Hanoi,

Haiphong, Pnompenh, Hankow, Tsing- Consolidated National Advertising

-tao and Tientsin Co., Advertising,

Printing— Merchandising

255, Shantung and

Rd.; Telephs.

E. Sigaut, president 90085-6; P.O. Box 870; Cable Ad: Con-

M. Joukowsky-Wolynsky, vice- solad

A.president Managing Board—

•sC. O.V.A.Starr, J. Donne, R. Fano and Y. N. Zung, General Manager.

Moskowski, directors

M. W. Obrkiewicz, manager Y. Lewis Mason, do. :

C. W. Yao, assist. do.

B. de Borodaewsky, manager SalesS.Department— L. Loh, do. do.

Shanghai Office W. T. Yu, Sales Executive

Ignace K. S. Tsu, asst. mgr. Robert Lim | D. C. Tai

Mrs. N. I. Nikitin, secretary Production Department—

Hcua Pierre, chief clerk P. Y.H. Zee

A. R. Perriau, supevisor of agents

R. Quillet, agent Z. Wang |I i:C.P. C. Z. WooTang

A. D. Terekhin, supervisor of ArtWang Studio— Ing, .


agents T. H. Chang T. Wong

G. Goldberg, agent E. T. Chang T. T. Hou

S. Sakheim, do. S.T. H.

Comp. Generals de Chemins de Fer Y. MaChien C.S. F.Chow


H< S. Department—

Woo T. Z. Wai

et de Tramways En Chine—150, Printing Wang Ing, Director

Kiukiang Road; Teleph. 12198; F. S. Chu | F. L. Chien

Cable Ad: Lambert Order

^ too Y. O.Department—


K. T. Wong I F. K. Sung

'Compagnie Optorg, Importers and Ex- AccouS.nting K. Wop I . S. Y. Lok



Teleph. 84144;Avenue

P.O. BoxEdward

1309; CableVII; L. Z. Tai

Ad: C.T. M.C. Lok

Lu II Z.Y. B.L. Chow


Code Codes: Bentley’s and Y. H. Shao | T. K. Zau


Confederation Life Association^ Life

Insurance — Head Office: Toronto, CONSULATES


ton Road,Far Shanghai;

Eastern Branch:

Teleph.51, 15089;


Cable Ad: Confedlife

P. R. M. Wallis, c.l.u., Far Eastern Austria—330, Ta au ho ling sz ya men

manager Szechuen Road; Teleph.

H. W. Merrick, resident secretary 14957; Cable Ad: Austconsul

Jf\\ Kung Lee pi is « ® n @ m m tt *

sjConnel Bros. Co., Ltd. (Incorporated Ta pe li sz Jcwoh tsung ling shi yamen

in U.S.A.), Importers and Expor- Belgium—1300, Rue Lafayette; Teleph.

ters^—149, Szeohuen Road; Teleph. 70647; Cable Plenipotentiary

Ad: Belsulat — Baron

16832; P.O. Box 342; Cable Ad: Minister

sConnel J. Guillaume

H. W. Brook, manager Actg. Consul-General — J. Delvaux

B. O. Hartman de Fenffe

R. E. Franck, acct. Vice-Consul—Louis G. Delhaye

Miss A. H. Finkelstein, steno. Chancellor—P. Baert

W. Hutchison, sales repres. Secretary—Mrs. P. Crespi

Z. L. Yang, compradore Chinese Secretary & Interpreter

C. Koo, asst. do. —Zung Inrin


Ekazil—206, Dubail Apts., 181, Avenue PI

Dubai!; Teleph.'8d«5S Ta Ying Tsung ling shi Yd men

Chile—265, Hue Bourgeat; P.O. Box Great Britain— 33, The Bund; Teleph„

l'y21; Dabie Ad: Gonchile 11485-9 (5 lines)

%mm x 'Ta Hai Lap Kuo Shu WuLing

Czechoslovakia — Consular Ofiice : , Shi Chu

133. Yuen Ming Yuen. Road; Te-

leph. 17007. Legation: 274, Kiao- GREECE^rl20, Jinkee Road; Teleph-

chow Road; Teleph. 32939; Cable 10312

Ad: Zamini Vice-Consul in charge of Con-

Envoy Extraordinary and Min- sulate General—E. P. Yan- '

ister Plenipotentiary—Dr.'Ro- noulatos

bert Feitscher Secretary—Paul P. Yannoulatos.

Cpunsellor of Legation and Clerk—Y. Stamatelatos

Acting Consul General—J. Max Chinese Secretary and Interpre-

Chancellor—J. Stepan ter—Chow Fu Kwei

Secretary—A. Kolaoek Miss B. Costa ‘

Chinese Secretary—I. G. Hsu

do. —S. T. Wang

® m m mm km*.

. Ta E ta lee Juvph Ling shi Ya men .

Ta tan hwoh tsung ling sz yamen Italy — 555, Bubbling Well Road;;

Teleph. 30063

Dexmark^-26, The Bund; Teleph. 17300;

Cable Ad: Dannebrog

mw&x Ta Jih pen Tsung ling shi Ya men

Ta fun tan ling shih ska Japan—25a,

kew; Teleph.Whangpoo

40051 Road, Houg-

Finland — 301, Route Cardinal Consul-General —Itaro Ishii

Mercier; Teleph. 74244; Cable Ad:


Actg. Consul General—V. Nis- n&mmmmmm *


Translator and Interpr. — Chow TaNetherlands

Ho Lap Kilo T^ng Ling Shi Yanim

J. Chen

Pure, Wei

secretary Teleph. 80110— 25,. Rue du Gonsulat;

Consul-General and President of

the Netherlands . Consular

Court—Gl W. Boissevain

Ta Fg kwoh Tsong ling che Yg-men Consul-General (Clerk and

Netherlands Consular Bailiff,


France—2j Rue 'du Cohsulat; Teleph. M. Byvanck

80080 Chinese Secretary, Acting Clerk

Consul General—M. Baudez and Bailiff, Netherlands Con-

Consul Adjoint—J. Brionval sular Courted an van den

Vice-Consul—Ch. Claudon

Consul Suppleant—P. Francfort Berg

Asst.—J. J. Ypma

Translator-Secretary—K. S. Hsu

i- m m m m m x Typist—Nancy Hsu

Ta te kno tsvng linrf skill shu

Germany — 91,andWhangpoo Norway—2, Peking Road; Teleph.

Teleplis. 40l7l 40172; CableRoad;

Ad: 16295; Codes: A.B.C. 5th edn. and£




Portugal—1050, Rue Lafayettej Teleph. Commercial Office

728-78 . . Consuls—R. P. Butrick, E. F.

Consul-General Stanton and John S. Littell

—Dr. AntonioandJ.Consular

Alves, Judge Vice-Consul—Julius Wadsworth

Chancellor—Augusto S. Braga

Clerks—J. J. Silva and A. R. Xavier Clerks—Chas. A. Robertson,. C. ,H

Chinese Secretary—C. S. Doo Williams, S. E. Williams and J. A.

Collins, jr.

Clerk - stenogr. — Miss Patricia


Clerks—Wm. P. Tsao & Tong Hsing

Ta Jih sze pa ne ya kwoh ling shi Tamen Land Office B. Meinhardt


iSpain—1449, Avenue Joffre; Teleph. do. —Everett F. Drumright

75889 ' ■ ’' ‘ ‘ ' ' Olerk-steiiogr.—Miss R. E. Naylor

, Consul-General—E. Y Ferrer Interpreter—Ting Wei-ping

Vice-Consul—J. de Larracoechea Do. Office—S. M. Milton

Chancellor—V. Vizenzinovich Shipping

Interpreter—J. M. Tsang Consul—Clarke Vyse


B. Clark R. Lynch, and T.

pi if*m m m • Clerk—H. C. Chen'

‘:Z£a Jui tin lewoh Tsuricj ling sJiih ya men Passport Office B. Sawyer


Sweden 169, Yuen M,ing Yuen

Road, Rooms 407-410; Teleph.

10110; Cable Ad: Svensk Clerks—H. —D.J.Pease,

Do. B. Pilcher

J. A. Collins-

Jr., M. S. N. Foo and Lin Wenchao


Vice-Consul and Consular Lindquist

Judge Continental Advertisers, The, Advei-

—A. H. von HartmansdoiTf tising Contractors and Advertisers—89,

‘!, Assist.


Secretary—Tsu E.KyiHenry

Ung Foochow Road (Cor. Szechuen Road);

Tel. 12337; Cable Ad: Conti; P. O. Box


P! © ¥ ® a H ± 3S * Themgrs.

Continental Trading Co., gen.

Ta Jui shi ho. tsung. llng shi yamen L. P. Podpakh, mng. director

^Switzerland—133, Route de Say Zoong;

Telephs. 70109 (2. lines); Gable Ad: Continental Chemical and Drug Sup.


Consul-General & Charge d’Affaires plies Ltd., Road;

,(G. Vaijda & Co.,12550;


Consular Judge, for China— Szechuen

E.andLardy Ad: Vadjaco

Teleph. Cable


Exporters and CommercialCd

Manufacturers’v Importers,


^ ^ m m m m 73, Nanking Road; Teleph. 13609; Cable

Met Icuo Tsung ling sTiih shu Ad: Conteomco

United States Consulate-General— Continental-Construction Co., Ltd.—

248-250, Kiangse Road; Teleph. 33, Szechueu Road; Teleph. 16303

11199 (6 , lines), Same Number

after Office hours (Private Ex- Continental Corporation of China,

change to all Depts.) General Merchants — 33, Szechuen


do. —MonnettS. B.Cunningham

Davis Road; Teleph.. 16303 (2 lines); Cable

Secy.-stenogr.—Miss Lyda Mac- Ad: Koutichine


Clerk-stenogr.—Miss Mayelle Byrd & 31 ft


Consul—ChasOfficeS. Reed | Continental Leaf Tobacco Co., Leaf

Clerk-stenogr.—Miss Tobacco

Nan L. H. Tele^h. 14366 Dealer.—113, Kiukiang Rd;


Clerks—Miss E. Barton, Miss Continental Motors, Automotive Service

Evelyn Varley and Mrs. Ruth and Repairs—565, Avenue Foch;

A. Hedges Teleph. 74489


Continental Trading Co., Export Import

Sole concessionaires for advertising on Cosmopolitan Press—12, Chusan Road;..

French Tramway Co., Advertising Teleph. 53028

Contractors —'89, Foochow Road : Cosmopolitan Trust Co.— 505, Kiaochow

Teleph. 12337; P.O. Box 1473 Road; Teleph. 30173; Cable Ad: Cosm-

L. Podpakh, managing director otrust

j?? M. Tung chi lung Cosmos

— Hamilton Paper House,

Co.-(Fed.Rooms Inc. 240-242)-



Road; Teleph. 15335; Cable Ad: 468; Cable Ad: Papshuster


J. ti. Green, Far Eastern general Country Club—(See Clubs)

manager Country Hospital—(Nee Hospitals)

R. A. Baker, manager

G. Pearson, actg. mgr.

W. E. Williams I D. H. Stewart Credit (See Banks)

Commercial Sino Francaise—

J. H. Turner | S. I. Sheiflan

R. Davie | A. Harvey Credit Foncier D’Extreme Orient—

Misses M. L. Johnston, M. G.

Johnston, E. Kay, A. Bo- (See Under Banks)

jesen, A. Artindale and A.

Soina Credit Franco Chinoise—(Nee Banks)

CookH.& W.SonKingdon,

(Bankers) mgr.Ltd., Thos.— Crone, Erik, Land and Estate Agency—

Miss F. Munro-Smith 294, Szechuen Road; Teleph. 19293

Erik Crone

Cool, Luther Z., Barrister-at-Law— Jos. Crosfield A Sons (China), Ltd.,.

1, Wenchow Road; Teleph. 90782; Soap and Glycerine Manufacturers—

Cable Ad: Lucool Registered Office: 18, The Bund; Fac-

tory: 2.310, Yangtzepoo Road; Teleph.

Cooper & Black, Sworn Surveyors and 17327; C.P. H.

P. O. Box 597; Cable Ad: Lever

G. W.

Weighers, Inspectors of Produce, Arbi-

trators and Adjusters, Publishers of Cobb,Robson, chairman


Time Tables, Shanghai Launch and Wm. Harper, do.

Ferry Service W. G. Braidwood, secretary

Road; Teleph. (Half

11891Yearly)—MO, Jinkee

Corbin Locks & Hardware—61, Yuen ft % % m ® ft

Ming Yuen Road; Telepli. 15786; P.O. Ka loo hwong ho hung sze

Box 576; CableAd: Corbin lock Crow, Carl, Inc.,Agents—81,

AdvertisingJinkee- and!

S. G. Kirland, iaciory repres. Merchandising

Road; Teleph. 15&97; Cable Ad:

*3 £ H H Onapress

Kong tai pao shien hung sze Carl Crow,andpresident

Production Copy depts.

Cornhill Insurance Co., Ltd. (Incor- K. C. Chow, Chinese mgr.

porated in England), Fire, Marine, w. i. woo

MotorCar, War RiskBank

surance—Chartered and General In- Jack Shih

The Bund; Teleph. 15195; Building,Cable Ad18,: Accounting dept.

C. B.C. L.Wolfe,

Cohesible Wang,chief


S. Kuo

Outdoor dept.

M Kong yik

Coruit, A., Consulting Civil Engineer, ' C. K.C. Y.Wolfe, Ling



Kiangse Engineer,

Road; Teleph. Surveyor—278;

14466; Cable

Ad:A. Dancorrit

Corrit, m.i.c.e. (Denmark) Crown Life iNSHRANck Co.—113, Kim

kiang Road; Teleph. 14376



Yung kowj y%n shou pao shien hung sze

Crownchina Co., Inc.—Continental S « 8? «-h ig Vi » « a

Bank Building. 113, Kiukiang Ed.; Shanghai Office of Inspectorate

Telephs. 14384, 14376; Cable Ad: General—421, Hart Road;

Chinacrown 34336, Private Exchange to allTelephs.


Matt W. Axelrood, president Inspector

Maze, k.b.e.General—Sir Frederick

F. J. Schuhl, secretary and director


Lynott, treasurer

directordo.and director

McNeary, m m ^ m- m m m

Tsefang F. Huang, do. Statistical. Department—1711, Sinza

J. Conrad, manager Road; Telepn. 30494

Koo Zung Faw, cashier Statistical Secretary — H. (acting)

Deputy Commissioner G. MacEwan.

— S.

Agents: Hopstock

Miss M. Abraham J. C. Parkin Assist.—Ho Hing Too

Mrs. P. Euyang A. Springborg Manager—J. O. Boundy

W. H. Ferris M. K. Wan jr. Chief Reader—P. S. Godfrey

V. N. de Franck D. K. F. Yapp Printers and Proof Readers — D.

O. B. Klink M. A. Zimmerman Phillips, T. C. Avery, W. G. Cook,.

P. J. Melcet (Tsingtao) G. E. Ellis and R. J. A. Bran well

General Agency for China and Chief Appraiser—N. Travers

Hongkong for: Stenographer—Miss D. G. Foster

Crown Life Insurance Co., Toronto,

Canada §f§ $3: Kiang hai Jciictn

Ctflty Dairy Co., Ltd.- •1567, Avenue ' Custom House—13, The Bund; Te-

ieph. 15529

Joffre; Teleph. 70126 Commissioner—L. H. LawfordCommis-

Acting Administrative

afl ^ King ming sioner—C. , H. B. Joly

Cumine Acting Appraising' Gomnaission-

Civil &Engineers,

Co., Ltd., Architects, Surveyors,

Estate Agents—149, er—C..-A. Pounce,y

Acting Deputy Commissioner

Szechuen Eoad; Telephs. 16151 and (S’hai District Accountant)—

14375; P.O. Box 1457 ; Cable

Columna; Codes: Bentley’s A.B.C., 5th Ad: C. M. Powell

edn., China Republican Acting Deputy Commissioner

(Postal Parcels Office)—J. J.

E.H. B.M.Cumine,


managing director


G.MissG. Cumine,

D. Nissimsecretary Acting Preventive Deputy Com-

J. E. Greaves | Miss F. H. Cumine missioper — R. R. de L.


General Managers and Secretaries for Acting Deputy Commissioner

The West End Estates, Ltd. (General Office)—Chiu Tso Chi

Acting Deputy Commissioner

Gumming, K. M., Stock, Share and (additional) (General Office)—-

General Broker — 16,, Central Road; A. de Cherardi

Telephs. 15285-6 Acting Deputy Commissioner

K. M. Gumming (Accounts

Acting Deputy Office)—Lam Kwok To


L. D. Chow | K. Z. Cheng (Commissioner’s Chinese Se-

Secretary & Treasurer ^ of the cretary)—Ying Hsin Tsi

Hungjao Golf Club Acting Deputy Commissioner

Special Agent of Ocean & Accident & (Appraising Dept). — Woo

Guarantee Corp., Ltd., London Y ao-tchi

Curtiss Wright Corporation—- 170, Deputy Commissioner (Special

Kiangse Road ; Teleph. 13070 List) (Chief Tidesurveyor)—

W. A. Skiise

Commissioner’s Secretary—T. C.

Customs Club—(Ner Cluhs) Germain


Czechoslovakian Consulate , — (See Dah Sun Piece Goods Co.—153-5, Fokien

Road; Teleph. 91591


Dah ' Cheng Rubber : Tyke Co. — 757, Dah Tung Coal Mining. Co. — 83,

Museum Road; Teleph. 18996

Avenue Eward VII; Teleph. 82784

Dah Ching Co. — 421, Ningpo Road; DahCo., Tung Cotton Manufacturing

Ltd.—452, iKiangse Road; Te-

Teleph. 90991 leph. 16022

Dah Chong Transport Co.—373, Kiu- Dah Zih Zung Fur Co.—347, Honan

kiang Road; Teleph. 90362 Road; Teleph. ,90418

Dah Chung Hwa Coal Briquette Cd.— Dah Zung Silk Co.—21, K. Shantung

51-3, Taku Road; Teleph. 32595 Road; Teleph. 90564

Dah Chung Siting Stone Mining Co.

—270, Peking Road; Teleph. 14537 W& # B %

Dah Fah Water and Electric Supply Dai, Nippon Tq, jih peh, be chn kung &z

Co.—142, Rue Hue; Teleph. 82597 Brewery Co., Ltd. — 323,

Woosung Road; Teleph. 42560; P.O.

Dah Foong Printing Paper Co.—456, Box 264(.Cable Ad: Asahibeer

Honan Road; Teleph. 14401

Dah Han Co., Importers—40-42, Rue du m & m x Dah ddng konsu


Dah an Teleph. 80385; Cable Ad : Daido Yoshiten, Ltd., Wholesale Paper,

Dah Hwa Industrial Corporation— PrintingChemical

Pulp, Bleaching

Ink, Commission Powder,


1457, Ferry Road; Teleph. 33275 : Kiangse Road; Teleph. 14492; Cable Ad:


Daintymaid Embroideries,

Dah Kong Cotton Spinning Co.—220, turers of decorative art linens, lace and Manufac-

tSzechuen Road; Telephs. 16750 (Pri- handkerchiefs — 344, Szechuen Road;

vate Exchange)'; P.O. Box 367; , Teleph. 13856; Cable Ad: Daintymaid

Cable Ad: Dah Kong

Dah Kong Shipping Co.—9-10, Rue ®: % m n m *

Montauban ; Teleph, 83^50 Dai ren Id sen kai sha

rJ S’ ^ Dairen Kisen Kaisha—110, Szechuen

Dah Kung Company—Lane 1238, 3 Daiki Teleph. 19646 ; Cabje . Ad:


Avenue Foch. , ,

■ D. K. Hsu, gen. mgi M. Yamazaki, gen. mgr. ■

H. Hayashi, sub-mgr.

Dah Kwang Ming Mirror Factory—54, General Affairs Dept—

Wuhu Road; Teleph, 92890 K. Kamada

S. Daito,

Dah Lee, Co,,Kiangse

Essential Mrs. E. Wheeler

etc.—130, Boad;Oils, perfumes,

Teleph. 17057; Miss T. Gohda

Freight Dept^

Cable Ad : Dahleeco Y. Hirayama,

Dah Loh Machine Factory—299, Rue F, Washizaki

Galle; Teleph / 83867 A. Kawakami

C. Kajiwara

Dah K. Iwase


Froc; Electrical

Teleph. 81897Co.—1, Rue du Passenger Dept—

Dah Sing Chang Metal Qo.—226, Hupeh T. Maruyama

Road; Teleph. 9.3170 Mrs. E. Johannson

K. Q. Chang


Accounting Dept— David, A. E., Importer—330, Szechuen’

O. Kikuchi, acct. Jid.; Teleph. 17441; Cable Ad: Turmemc

H. Nishida

Wharf Office— ^ Bay vee

T. Kotake, sub-manager ' ■ David & Co,, S. J., Merchants, Land and

T. Matsukawa Estate Agents Telephs.

— David10324 House, 320,

R. Fujita KiangseRoad; (General

K. Takata Office) and 12757 (Manager); P.O. Box

E. Hayashida 388 Cable. Ad: Psalmist

J. Kuroda A.Evelyn

J. David

L. Ideta

Miss H. Tara David(London)


Archibald David (Hongkong)

.Chi Yoong Ching, Coinpradore E. A. Sykes, : ihanager

Daihatsu Jidosha Co.-84-86, Chapoo Agents

Eastern United Assurance Corpn., Ld.

Road; Teleph. 43432

jji M Ha ba le ft Sing zay'woo

Dalbey, d.d.s., Dk. W-.-C. General Dental Davies, Brooke &, Gran, .Architects,

Practice 1105, Connaught Road; Tel. Surveyors and Civil Engineers — 81,.

34007 Jinkee Road; (4th floor); Teleph. 16936 ;

Dan Sing Engineering Works —133, Cable Ad: Datum

Wetmore Road; Teleph..511,30 , & m m

Danish Consulate—(Aee, Consulates} Davies, Eric,Engineer

m.i.m.e., m.i.h.v.e., a.m.i.n.a.,

Consulting and Surveyor—214,

m n ® m m Chartered Bank Building, 18, The Bund;

Bah Lee Quai Kee Sze Teleph. 15874

Darre, Marcel, Chartered,

Court Accountant, arid Official

Estate Agent’ Insur- De La Rue & Co., Ltd., Thomas,

;ancs—1, The Bund; Telephs. 15§25 and Engravers and Printers of Bank notes

13054; Cable Ad: Darre —12, The Bund; Teleph. 16771; Cable

Marcel Darxri d.s.c.F. Ad:

Auditing and Accounting Dept.

P. Yigne, chartered accountant ' BunhillDelarue.

Row London Office: 110,.

P. Gregoire, i.c., a.i.c.m. A.Lo-HungNien

J. Avramow, representative


Gutterres, Chinese

accountant acct. E. E. Encarnacao, secretary

Property and Insurance

P. Yigne, chartered acct. Dept. Dearborn School—(S'ee Educational)


Miss T.H. Pestoff


Miss R. Rudlarid Deer, A. F., Manufacturers’ Repre-

W. Goulbourtr

Secretarial Office . - . sentative—24, The Bund; Teleph..

16400; P.O. Box 527; Cable Ad:

Miss H. Gregoire Reedfa

Chinese Office

Tcheo Ko Chou,' ll.b., interpreter Dent A Co., Alfred, Produce Dealers


Tong Sien Tsou,

Pao Long, do.

do. and Importers— 81, Jinkee Road;

Cash Dept. Teleph. 17283


Agents for King Lie, cashier Det Norske Yeritas—HO, Szechuen

“1’Abeille Fire Ins. Co., of Paris” Road; Teleph. iftfesp; Cable Ad:

“The Cornhill Insurande Co.” Veritas

P. C. Rielley

ffij |2j 7 : Loony shing W. J. Milne

L. St. J. Rail | G. Dunlop

Dastoor & Co., F. R.,

Commission Agents- 125, Hankow Merchants and

Road; Teleph. 1470§; P.O. Box 385 Deutsche Asiatische Bank—(See Banks)’


De Fu ifl II jgf P. sze

Deutsche Farben &Handeisg^esell-

Co.) —2S1, Sze Deutsche Stickstofe-H-G.,

schaft (Waibel

chuen Hoad; Teleph. 16388; P.0. Box Manufactured byCo., Importers of Artificial KRAtrcH


1115; Cable Ad: Waidefag the I.G.

dustrie Aktiengesellschaft, Germany— Farbenin-

W. Weber K. Roll

G. Gadow E.H. Bother

C.J. Hildebrandt C. Ruser : e6388; P.0 Box 1390; CableTeleph,

Head Office: 261,Szechuen Road; Ad:

K. Kuehn R, Ulbrich Nitrofoska.

Hankow, BranchandOffices

Tientsin, at Foochow.



W. Severitt

Baelz E. Wagner Paul von Schubert,j general manager

G.W. A.Wilhen

Wehling, W. Balthaser G. Ohland

*0. P. Brenns- cheidt Miss I. Berg J. Saxer Miss M. Schade

Dr. H.Sternberg | Mrs.

Miss K.G. Nimphi

W. Doerner Miss

J. Christoph M. Boedefeld

Miss C.H. Denkhaus E. Brand

H. Burbach I Mrs. M. Stang


C.K. Feldmann Miss Guenther | Mrs. L. Wippel

Flamme Mrs. M. Haeusing- Coellen Dewis Rubber Co.—Lane 266,17, Yochow

O. Hauer C. Hanhe

Leinbke Miss

A.W. Kroeger Miss B. Haupt Road; Teleph. 52298

R. Lenz Miss E. Klein Diamond Knitting Mill Ltd.—601, Sze-

C.L. Leonhardt MisS C. Nauruan

Mrs. Leitbhold chuen Road; Teleph. 12721


P.K Modras

Meyn Miss J.B. Neugebauer Diaward Engineering Works — 41,

Mrs. M. Segel Kiangse Road; Teleph. 16727

G. Neelaaeier Miss M. Sprengerl

Technical Dept.

Mueller Dr. K. Miss

Dr.F. C.Borchardt §i m.m * Fall hwa ti chong

H. Ruediger Diaward Steel Furniture Co., Ltd.,

O. Franz Dr. H. Schoenfelder Manufacturers of Steel Beds, Hospital

P.W.Fritz Furniture,andSteelDoors—Main

Office Equipment,


Hiebricht . F. Brasch Hoelnnann Windows 425,

K. Limann Mi@s Miss E.O. Seidel Nanking Road; Telephs. 945,31-94534;

Sundries Dept. Branch Office: 42, Kiangse Road;

W. Oehm First Factory: 178, Yulip Road;

R.Mrs.flerz Second Factory: 1087, E. Yuhang

L. Schult Road; Cable Ad : 5881

Book-keeping Dept. Dibrell


of LeafInc.,Tobacco—H-

Importers &andS.

R. Hager Bank Building, 12, The Bundi Teiepb.

O. Fi-oessl 10728; Cable Ad: Dibrell


A. L. Thiemann

Miss E. Wyss m f6 eM;

^Representing Dixon & Son, Ltd., H. C., Importers,

I. G. Farbenindustrie Aktienge- Exporters and General Merchants—

“Maitland’s” Building, Lane 126, 10,

sellschaft, Frankfurt (Main) Szechuen Road Teleph. 17488; Cable

Germany : I)yes, ai.' d Chemicals, Ad: Dixon. Head

for the Textile, Paint, Leather, Branch at Manchester Office: London

Rubber and Celluloid Industry Directors—H. A. Stewart, E. H.

I. G. Farbenindustrie Aktienge- Stewart (Manchester),

(Manchester), A. M. Dixon A. McCrea


sellschaft, Berlin, Germany: hai) and A. M. CoBbett (Shanghai)

Artificial Silk F. H. Jewell, representative,

Stickstoff Syndikat, G.m.b.H. Berlin: H. F. Ritchie, Inc.' •


purposes Products for technical A. J. Mooney

Miss N. Peach

Kalle & Co., Aktiengesellschaft, Miss K. Sharp

Biebrich-Wiesbaden: Cellophane, K. S. Zee

Ozalid Ching Tah Bay, compradore


Sole A gents for : — Import and Export Dept.:

Evans Sons.Lescher & Webb Ltd. F. H. Gearey

United Glass Bostle Mfgrs. Ltd. E.R. Y.E. Smith


Duckworth & Co., Ltd. : Essences C. Nielsen

Fulham Grown Cork Co., Ltd. L. Leitao


International Chemical Ltd.Co., Ltd., G Y.F.Assanoff

“ Bismag ” Miss McEuen, stenographer

Thomas Beecham & Co., Ltd. Provision Department:

Harold F. Bitchie & Co., Ltd. D.H.B. Lysse

Rabinovitch | A. F. Remedies

(Fed. Inc. U.S.A.)

Glover’s Dog

Pompeian Medicines

Beauty Preparations Underwood and Office Equipment

Waddie & Co„ Ltd.: Stationery Department:

Motor Union Insur. Co., Ltd. G. S. Dovey

(Fire) G. M.Warpula

W. Goldsack | J.L. DMachado

: Nixon

Sales Representatives for E. W. Pedersen , Miss F. A. Cooley

J. C. Eno, Ltd. Miss E. Hing, stenographer

Machinery Department:

Dodge & Seymour (China), Ltd., Import L. G. S. Dodwell

Merchants and Manufacturers’ Agents F. E. Martin

—51, Canton Road; Teleph. 15495; Cable M.

P. M.Green


Ad: Eximco Miss M. Shelton, stenographer

Jjj| % Tien Zeang Motor Service Dept:

DodweED & Co., Ltd. (British,; Im- Compradores— S. J. Smith | F. F. Kellner

porters and Exporters,

Insurance and Shipping Agents—Main Machinery, C. Z. Ching

Office: Teleph.

Union Building, 17, Canton Y.Y. Chow (Ins.)

Hoad; S. F. Sung (do.)

17, Canton 11369. Road; Machinery

Teleph. Dept.: Yok Sang (tea)

19240; Insurance Agencies

Office Equipment Dept. : 81, Jinkee

Road; Teleph. 13003; Tea Dept. : Thames and Mersey Insurance Co.

185, Yuen Ming Road; Telephs. (Marine)

10281 and 12023 (manager); Motor- Standard Life Assurance Co.

Car Service Station: 153-161, Avenue Union Assurance Society, Ld. (Fire)

Foch; Teleph. 80675; P.O. Box 410; Caledonian Insurance Co.(Fire, Marine

Cable, Ad : Dodwell and Casualty)

Cornhill Insurance Co., Ld. (Fire and

D.R.Morison, managerassist, mgr.

G. MacDonald, Marine)

J. R. Weeks, sub-do. Yorkshire

Pearl Assurance Insurance

Co., Co., Ld. (Fire)

Ld. (Fire)

F. H. Geai-ey, assist. do. Proyidep.ce Washington j Insurance

Accounts and General Co.; (Marine)

A. M. d’Oliveira Liverpool, London and Glpbe In-

F. Xavier surance Co. (Marine)

J.F. A.V. Rivero

Remedies Confederate Life Association of

Mrs. K. Browett, stenographer Canada

Miss S.Mordecai, telephone operator Shipping Agencies

Tea Department: Barber-Wilhelmsen Line


Kay | A. M. Guterres Dodwell-Castle Line

E. M. Guterres Agents for

Shipping Department: Teacher & Sons, Wm. (Whisky)

T 1? Wppks Whitbread

Ferrero, & Co. (Ales

Fill and Stouts)

di , Ricco Torino

’ A.’T. Stubbs | S. A. Remedies (Vermouth)

Insurance Department: Courvoisier Ld. (Brandies)

E. F.Y.H.Rowland

Gearey ' | V. de Carvalho Bols Erven Lucas (Gins and Cocktails)

Cateau Cheese Co.


Washburn Crosby Co. (Flour) Doi & Watanabe, Inc., Marine and Cargo

Sperry Flour Co. (Flour and Cereals)

Libby, McNeill & Libby (Canned Yokohama Surveyors, Specie Consulting Engineers 24,

Bank Building, —

Goods and Milk) The Bund, Telephs. 13923 and 10375;

Page Hersey Export Co., Canada Cable Ad: Kaimusho

(Wrought Iron and Steel Tubes)


Felts)Cork Co., Ld.

Crown ^ ^ y

Kiwi Boot Polishes Dollar Co., The Robert, Lumber and

Valet Auto-Strop RazorsLd.,

andSydney Shipping—Robert Dollar

Blades tan ton Road; Teleph. 15309; Cable Ad: Building, 51,

Glandular Preparations Dollar. Wharf and Godown at Poqtung;

Ashton and Parson; Phost'erine Telephs. 93 and 94 (Dial 04)

Aspro (Nicholas Pty. Ltd.) General Agents for

Asepso Soap; 3% and 1% B. of M. Dollar Steamship

George Robinson, Yokohama (Linens,

Underwear, Curios, Brassware) American Mail LineLines

The Underwood Typewriter Co. Executive Department

General Office Equipment - Corp: O.P. H.G. Bordwell,

Steen, general assist,manager



counting WritingSundstrand

Machines, and Ac- Mrs. A. C. Wallace

Adding Machines) Miss J. Plummer

The Safe Cabinet Co., Ltd. Freight Traffic Department

ThebonsKeelox Manufacturing Co. (Rib- Don Tinling, Oriental Freight Traffic

and Carbons)

Roneo Office Equipment W.manager

T. Goodwin, assistant do.

Original Odhner Calculating Machines GeneralMiss E,.- Saupders

Bates Numbering Machines Passenger Department

Gerrard Industries Ld. ' (Wire and G. J.Traffic McCarthy,

mgr. Oriental Passenger

Tying Machines) W. . 1 . McDonald

Norris, Henty & Gardner (Diesel J. W. Cl ague | Miss A. L. McDonald


Lancashire Dynamo and Crypto, LocalMiss B. von Buren

Passenger Department

Ltd. (Motors and Dynamos) AATise,:':^gentI Miss C. G. Curry


Del co Appliance Corpn. (Lighting

sets and Pumps) G. L. Danzy | Miss A. Chelrhis

American La France and Foamite Operating Department

Industries, Inc. (Firelighting Ap- W. J. AVils'

T on, port engineer.

pliances, Extinguishers, etc.) S.T. WMullen

alker | IT. Harvey

Kockums Mekaniska

(Tyfon Air Whistles) Verkstads

Millers Falls, Ld. (Electric Tools Freight Department

H. F. Kay, agent

and Garage Equipment) R. H. Wallace | A. H. Laidlaw

Singer & Co., Ld. (Motor Cars) K. E. Dabelstein j C.E. Miller

Morris Commercial Ld. (Motor Trucks) F. Bruns j F. Shirazee

Morris Marine Motors, Ld. (Ma- Claims Department

rine Engines) H. E. Gibson

Raleigh Cycle Co., Ld. (Motor Lumber Department

Cycles and Light Delivery Vans) P. H. Bordwell, manager

Ferodo Ltd. (Brake Linings) G. W. Vilas | Miss C. Tavares

C. J. Hampton Ld. (Vices and

Engineering Tools) Accounting Department

International Malleable Iron Co., Ld. E. C. Bogle, assist, comptroller

(Malleable Iron Tube Fittings) J.A. M.Jacobsen

Major, travelling

\ Miss M.auditor


Erskine Heep & Co. (Switchgear)

British Separators Ltd. (Oil General

Separators) A. M. D’Eca, building supt.

British Belting and Asbestos Co. Mrs. D. Turner

(Belting etc.) A. Robinson

Ruberoid Roofings and Floorings Miss

R. 1. Ah Ball Bearings Miss Ivy M. C.Baviau



Wharf mm Downs e sung

H. J. Young, manager & pprt captain Downs, Drs. N. L; & W. H., Dental Sur-

A. Zellensky

C. Miccia | F. X. Baptista geons—Yangtsze

Ba4ioJ. Department ' The Bund; Teleph.Insurance

13029; P.O.Building,

Box 38026,


D. Brown, engineer. Dr. N. L. Downs

Chinn, operat9r Dr. W. H. Downs

n & m m k »ah lay Dbakeford, Davis & Wilson, Ex-

Dollar Steamship Line—Robert Dollar change Bank

Brokers.—Room 307, H. & S.

Building' 12, The Bhnd; Te-

Building, 51, Canton Road; Teleph. leph. 19610; Cable Ad:

15309; Cable Ad: Dollar T. G. Drakeford Behling 1



DollarDollar Co., general

Co., The Robert) agents R. Davis; . ;

L. R. Wilson

Dombey & Son, Ltd., Wholesale and

Retail Provision Du Pau de Marsoulies, Ane EtiJde,

—893, BubblingandWellProduce


Teleph. Law Office^-25, Rue Chu Pao San;

30641; Gable.Ad: Dombey ; Teleph. 82070 (3 lines)

Domson Thermos Bottle Factory—755, C. D. L. de Goth, Premier Hon.

E. Yuhang Road; Teleph. 52294 President .de Cour d’Appel

N. M. Yakovleff,; advocate

Dong Chong Cycle and Motor Co.— Paul Tshu, Docteur-en-Droit, ad-

Corner of Yunnan Road and Nan- vocate

king Road; Teleph. 92587; Cable T. Y. Tsang, ..advocate

Ad:- Dongcheong , Fang S.eng-bing, Chines,e Inter-


Dong Chong & Co.—74-80, Rue du Con- A’. C. Tsantih

sulat; Teleph. 85144 Land & Estate Office

Liou Zeng Ling, mgr.

Dong Fai Yuen Silk Co.—Lane, 255, E.

18, Shanse Road; Teleph. 94492 fff Hung shin

Dong Fong Hung Gold Co.—182, Nan- DuE. Pont de Nemours and Cd., Inc.,

I., Indigo, Dyes and Chemicals

king Road; Teleph. 93926

—51, Canton Road; Telephs. 19509

Dong iShing Spinning and Weaving and 50588 (Godown) ; P.O. Box ,393.;

Co.—2086, Yangtzepoo .Cable Ad: Dupontdyes

50020; P.O. Box 237 Road; Teleph. ; F. shies

A. M.forNoe,Ring, ph.d., director of

Dong Yih Kung Shipping Co.—30‘ Riang- G. W. Hess China

div. manager

se Road; Teleph. 11796 E.K. N. Riose I Mrs.Miss J.A.Qoldenberg



“Door of Hope” Children’s., Refuge F. L. Davidson | Mrs. L. Pale

(See Associations)

Dorman, Long & Cp., Ltd.—26, The Duncan & Cd., Building and Material

Merchants — Hamilton House, 170,

Blind; Teleph '12980) Cable Ad: Kiangse Road; Teleph. 13544 (3 lines);

Dorman CableR.Ad: Struan A. M. Sequeira

Doucakis, Ch. A., Dealers in Cigars' V.

I. M. LohYarrow K. Z. Doo

and Cigarettes—120, Jinkee Road ; I. H. Kerr-Cross A. C. Chen

Teleph. 10212; Cable Ad : Douko I. T. Lok M. L. Harrison

H Dunlop, Ltd., W. & ’ C. (Bradford and

Doughty & Co., C. J., Contractors for Manchester), Woollen and Cotton Piece

Heating and Sanitary Installations Goods, Yarns—185, Yuen Ming Yuen

. —30, Brenan Road; Teleph. 21939; Road; Teleph. 19456; P.O. Bdx 453;

Cable Ad: Doughtyco Cable Ad: Solway


)§ £ M ^ & m Pow lung

Ying Icuo ton loh po c’ pe chong East Asiatic Co., Ltd., The, General

Dunlop Merchants




Ltd.—P.: 89,O. Rd.;

Cable Teleph. 10432; London

Ad: Orient. P. O. Office:

Box 1493;


Box 394; Cable Ad: Pneumatic Fenchurch Street, E.C.; Own Offices:

^ ^ Wha tah Bangkok, Singapore, Shanghai, Tsing-

tao, Weihaiwei, Hankow, Hongkong,

Dunn & Co.,Book

Walter, Ship Chandlers, Harbin, Dairen, Vlaciivostoek, Dur-

Scientific and Nautical Instru- ban, Johannesburg, Seattle, San

Francisco, Madras, Capetown, Kua-

ment Sellers — 569, Szechuen

Teleph. 10805; Cable Ad: Walterdunn Road; la Lumpur, Penang, Rangoon, Cal-

Chen Pao Shu,assistant

managermanager cutta, Vizagapatam, Cocanada, Pon-

W. Hanson, dicherry, CuddalOre, Negapatam

C. Henry, sub-mgr. A. Brondal, manager

D. Charring G.M. Halberg

Jacobsen F.Mrs.C. Marques

Agents for-. C.H. A.H.Wagner L. O. M.

Chinese & British Admiralty

& Nautical tfe Engineering Books Charts, Ottsen Mrs. d’Aquino.


G. Thornton,

and Ltd. Drawing Ma-



S. Heiberg RemediosA. dos


Heath k Co. Nautical Instruments Agents:

James Walker’s Lion Steam and Steamship

Hydraulic Packing CopenhagenCompany Orient, Ltd.

Durst, M. H. R., Consulting Civil Eng- East Asiatic Petroleum Co.--299, Sze-

ineer—30, Foochow Road; Teleph. 18520; chuen Road; Teleph. 17530

Cable Ad: Durst

Durvar Varnish Works—339, Lan East China Coal Mining Co.—,33 Sze-

chuen Road; Telephs. 15253 and li5993

Pao Road; Teleph. 33567


& Indigo


90255 Canton East China Sporting Goods Co., Ltd.—

583, Bubbling Well Road; Teleph.

30232; Cable Ad: Easporting

-Eagle Drug Co., Fed. Inc., U.S.A.

Pharmaceutical and Dispensing Chemist Eastern Asia Architects & Engineers

—639, Szechuen Rd. ; Teleph. 17097; —131, Museum Road; Teleph. 12392

Cable Ad: Puredrugs

1® II $ A E is 3* Eastern China Electric Supply Co.—

Ying kwoh ying lih chiu hang chang 137a, East Broadway; Teleph. 50433

Eagle and Globe Steel Co., Ltd.,


Steel Balfour & Co., Manufacturers

Ltd.), Capital Eastern and Australian Steamship

of Steel, Files,Sheffield,

Saws, Hammers, Picks, Co. — 17, Canton Road; Teleph.

11428 (see Mackinnon, Mackenzie &


Museum and Railway Tools, etc.—34, Co.)

425; CableRoad; Teleph. 11921; P.O.

Ad: Dannemora Box

H.L.Brian Bates, manager

Wright, assist, mgr. for Far East Eastern China Engineering Co., Ltd.

A. Green | V. V. Fasciato —260, Avenue Edward VII; Teleph.

Capt. T. T. Chen, Chinese manager 16783

East Asia Industrial Co., Ltd. — 46, Eastern Coal Co.—689. Avenue Road;

Cherry Terrace, Scott Rd.; Teleph. 46795 Teleph. 30287; Cable Ad : Eastern


'Eastern Engineering Works, Ltd.— *11 M dak hung sze

Shipbuilders, Engineers, Contrac-

tors, Well Borers—149, Yuen Ming Eastman Kodak Co. (S’hai. Branch),

Manufacturers of all Photographic Goods

Yuen Road, Teleph. 15603; Cable Ad: and

Yulca Motion Picture X-Ray

J. Turner, m.i.n.a., m.i.m.e., mang. dir. Rochester,

Accessories, Film — Supplies and

Main Office:

N.Y., U.S.A. Distributing

Office for China and Hongkong: 185,

tn & ® m m * Yuen Ming Yuen Road; Teleph.

17310, (Private Exchange); P.O.

Eastern Extension, Australasia and Box 591; Cable Ad: Kodak and 1169

China Telegraph Co., Ltd.—34, Av. (Chinese)

Edward VII; Teleph.

Box 412; Cable Ad: Eastern 11233; P.O. R. E. O’Bolger, mgr. for China

L. L. Farnsworth, assist mgr.

M. C. Reid

Eastern Ice Manufacturing Co., Ltd. A. Ruf

F. Grandi Mrs. M. Heyenga

— 521, Chining Road; Teleph. 50566 Miss H. L. Prince

F. R. Diebold Miss F. Boyack

A.J.Jurgenssen Miss L. Ryon

m is Pao Using

Eastern Insurance Office, Insurance Ebert & Co., J., Export Merchants—

Agents: Fire, Marine and MotorCar — 66, Kiangse Road; Teleph. 10496; Cable

390, Nanking Road; Telephs. 95546 and Ad: Ebertexpot

95562: Cable Ad: Eastino

W. S. Lonborg | W. C. Yates Economic Transport & Lighter Co.,

S. S. Ziar I C. T. Pao Ltd., Customs. Brokers, Transport-

ing Contractors and Forwarding

Shih pao Agents—150, Kiukiang Road, 3rd

floor; P.O. Box 1606; Telephs. 11874

“Eastern Times,” (Managers), 14474 & 13807 (General);

paper—Head Office:Chinese Daily News-

302, Hankow Road; Cable Ad : Rivulet

Teleph. 92693; P.O. Box 396; Cable Ad : E. Brook, director & gen. mgr.

2514 Y. L. Sheri, dir. & Chinese mgr.

King Shun-shih, director

fr 1C fjf Sing chee hang D. G. M. Aronovsky, operating


Eastern Trading Co., Ltd., Importers, K. H. Loh (trucking dept.)

Exporters & General Merchants—162, T. S. Chen (customs & shipping

Canton Road; Telephs. 10814 and dept.)

14367; P.O. Box 411; Cable Ad: Z. A. Chang (highter dept.)

Terntra ; All usual Codes

G. M. Shoemaker, managing dir.

C. C. Todd, director

Y. C. Woo, do. W S * fC f3 ^

M. Pfenninger Yih li chi say hung sze


turers Aerated

of WaterWaters—Factory:

Aerated Co., Manufac-

m m Lee shing 1568, Ward Road; Teleph. 50372; Office:

Eastern Underwriters, Insurance 74, Broadway; Teleph. 40175; Cable

Agents: Fire, Marine and Motor Car— Ad: Eddie

390, Nanking Road, Telephs. 95562,

95195 and 95196; Cable Ad: Indemnity

W. S. Lonborg Eddie h Co., C., General Storekeepers,


Yates Ship Chandlers and NavyTeleph.


C. T. Pao —74 and 76. Broadway; 40175;

Cable Ad; Eddie


Edible Products Limited (formerly the j it m & m m m

United Margarine Uo., Lm.), Asso- | Van Kb’yee zsrh hok dong

ciated with Unilever Ltd., London : !

Manufacturers of Margarine and ! InternationalNanking Correspondence:

Edible' Oils—Reg. Office: 18, The | Schools—-132,

11927; P.O. BoxW.U.

Road; Teleph.

II; 5-letters

Cable Ad: In-

Bund. Factory: 2310, Yangtszepoo tertext: Codes:

Road; Teleph. 18488‘ P.O. Box 1734:

Cable Ad : Levet Kaiser Wilhelm Sc hulk- -1, Great

C. G. W. Rolison, director Western Road; Teleph. 21936

W. M. Harper, do. Dr. Dietrich Weber, headmaster

P. H. Cobb, do.

L. D. McNicoil, do. Lewis ?


. SchoolSzechuen

of Electric

W. G. Braidwood, secretary Cookery, Road,.

B. C. G. Monypenny, sales mgr. 2ndMrs.floor; Teleph. 14396

D. Van Gelderen J. M. Lewis, proprietress

EDUCATIONAL McTyeire School (Methodist Epis-

Ying hwa Shu lewan copal Missioh)—1113, Edinburgh

Road ; Tel eph. 20800; Cable Ad :

Anglo-Chinese School (Church

sionary Society)—214, Mis- j|

Range Road, McTyeire

Teleph. 41227 it

Tchen Tan Ta Hio J HYan yang yihg wen y'a yda,

Aurora University—223, Avenue Du- | Nanyang Institute—67, Pa Kee Bridge,.

bail; Teleph. 80638 Great East Gate

Loo-ching Yen, acting president

^ ~!c Ta Le pa-tang Kwoh-ching Yen, acting secy.

Cathedral School : (British)—r219, Nieh

Kiukiang Road

Rev. E. K. Quick, m.a., head- Chinese {seeKuei

Chih underPublic School

Municipal for


master h Polytechnic Public School for

Cathedral Girls’ School (British)— Chinese—(tfee under Municipal’

425, Avenue Haig; Teleph. 73121 Council)

|f| Jeu sz ho tang Public School

Municipal for Boys—(&?

Council) - under

Ellis Kadoorie Public School—(^ee

under Municipal Council) Public School for Chinese—(See

under Municipal Council)




20700 Jessfield

Public School for

der Municipal Girls—(Nee un-



oisH—1195,Technique Franco-Chin-

Rue Lafayette; Teleph.

72331 ^ ^ ^ tt isc m i$

Home Study Institute—526, Ning- Remington tan .tsz yueh dong

kiio Road ; Teleph. 53290 Remington

truction inTypewriter

Typewriting,School, Ins-


^ 'Mi ft Mang t'ung hsiao shiao Book-keeping, English .and

cial" Subpe'ets—210, Kiukiang’ Road;Commer-

Institution forRoad;

290. Hungjao the Chinese BliItd—

Teleph. 29569 Teleph, 17733

Geo. B. Fryer, supt. " ' S. C.‘Potter, Y.r.econ.-s., f:f.t.C0m.,,

F.c.i., principal f

iNSTiTiirioN Miss

Miss Greiss, secty;'Viie-brincipat

Cock, M.c.I.,

290. HungjaoforRoad;

the Teleph.



Y.Mrs.S. Linde


to principal

Geo. B. Fryer, hon. supt. ■


Russian School, , First-Coilnge of Officers of Administration

Modern Seiences^27, Yulin Road University

F. L. Hawks Pott, l.h.b. (Cojumb.),

b.d. (Gen. Theo. Sem.), d.P. (Trinity


president Edin.), S.T.T). .(Oolumb.),

vt ± Wm. Z. L. Sung,vice-president

b.a. (St. John’s),

Shang hoi mm Jcuo hsoh hsino m.a. (Columb.),


P. Walker, m.e. (Stevens ’Inst.),

“Shanghai American School—10, Ave. O. Z Li, b.a; (St. John’s), secretary


Amerschool Teleph. 70199; Cable Ad; K. L. Dzung, president’s secy.

Henry H. Welles, principal

Mrs. Nina Hall borne mgr. Y.C. Y.S. Chin,

Tseu, assist,


Miss B. Smith, registrar ' K. T. Feng, Chinese secretary

Ernest M. Hayes, business mgr. School of Arts and Science

and acting vice-principal Wm. Z. L. Sung, b.a.

m.a. (Columbia), dean(St. John’s),


E. Yotaw, b.j., m.a., (Missouri),

■Shanghai Business College. The— Z. secretary

K. Sze, toassist,

dean registrar and

210, Kiukiang Road; Teleph. K. T. Feng, Chinese secretary

17733; P.O. Box 390 School of Theology

S. C. Potter, f.r.econ.s., f.e.t.com., J. W. Nichols, B.A., M.A., B.H.

f.c.i.. principal (Trinity), professor of theology &

Miss Cock, M.c.i., vice-principal new testament

Miss Greiss, secy, to do. School of Civil Engineering

Y. S. Kong J. A. Ely, c.e, (Princeton), dean

Mrs. Linde School of Medicine


the MedicalMedical School ofbeing

■Shanghai Jewish ScH00L-r554, Sey- John’s




mour Road; Teleph. 3524?, J. C. McCracken,' m.a., m.o.,' d.sc.,

Miss M. Solomon, headmistress (Pennsylvania), f.a.c.S:, dean

Miss A. Lamberton, secretary

Middle SchoxMlr ' t

■St. Francis Xavier’s College, conduct- J. R. Norton, m.a., headmaster

ed by Ma,rist Brothers—281. Nanzinp V.of,K.faculty

Yang, b.a., English secretary

Road; Teleph. 40712; Cable Ad: Marist Zung,-B. a.,. Chinese secretary


^ ^ m. m m Tin am W. Loo, b.a., registrar

Slierig yoh hari ta hsio St. John’s Y. M. C. A. School —

St. John’s University (American 181, Jessfield Road; Teleph. 20230

Church Mission)—188-190, Jessfield St. Stephen’s Evening School—

Road; Telephs. 20603 (College), Lane liO,Tsu,



9; Teleph. 40284

20604 (Middle School), 20574 (Pre- P. N. principal

sident’s Office), 20717 (Dean’s

Office); Cable Ad: Amchumiss

Trustees—The Department of Foreign Tung Wen College—100, Hung}an

Road; Teleph. 70147; P.O. Box

Missions of the National Council of 923; Cable Ad; Tungwen

the Protestant Episcopal Church

in the United States of America Thomas IIanbury Schools for Boys

Representative of Trustees in China: and Girls (see under Municipal


—Right Rev. F. R. Graves, d.d.


® m * k m

University of Shanghai (Shanghai 1 ^ M

College)—771, Chung Kung Road ; Zi-ka-wei ZiSt.weiIgnatius jung hok


Telephs. 50012 g,nd 50013; Cable j Rey.

Ad : Coisem

H. C. E. Lin, ph.d., president Rev. E.l. Tsang,



T. K. Van, b.a., m.a., dean

T. C. Ban, ph.d., dean of theo. •t H w Yoh yeng daong


J. B. HippS, M.A., TH.M., S.T.M., Zi-Ka-Wei-T’ou-Se-We Orphanage —

assoc, dean of theo. sem. Teleph. West 70301

Howson Lee* ph.d., principal of

Mid. School

Mrs. C. C. Chen, dean of v/omen j

Dr. S. Cl Wang, college physi- Edwards, EinAr,*jg Manufacturers’ Hong mo


cian presentative, Paper Importer and

Dr. D. G. Lai, consultant

H. M. Shen, prin. of elementary Hardware Agent — 410, Szechuen,

Road; Teleph. 10991; Cable Ad:


E. Kelhofer, m.a., business mgr. Einarius

and treasurer Agent for:

Faculty, College—S. S. Beath, j Aug. Stenman A.-B., Eskilstunar

Mrs. S. S. Beath, Mrs. F. Booth, Sweden (Building Hardware

Miss R. (Bugbee, Miss J. Byrd, j and Screws)

Mrs. G. A. Carver, C. .M. Chao,

C. C. Chen, Miss S. D. Djang, j Jg A Kow

V. Hanson, Mrs. Y. Hanson, J.

B. Hipps, Mrs. J. B. Hipps, C. I

L. Huang, H. Huizinga, E. Egal —709,& Co., Importers

Avenue of French-Products

Joffre;. Teleph. 73013;

Kelhofer, Mrs. E. Kelhofer, Cable Ad: Egalimport

Miss E. Knabe, Mrs. D. G. Lai,

(Dr. Su-chen Wang), H. D. ^ H Me4h

Lamson, Mrs. H. D. Lamson, T.

E. Lew, T. G. Ling, T. L. Ling,

S. Liu, K. F. Lum, Mrs. H. A. Ehlers & 16953;

Co., A.—264, Kiangse Road;,

Nadejdin, Miss M. B. Olive, Ad: Ehlers P.O. Box 426; Cable i


Miss H. J. Plowdpn, J. Podush- R. Brill, partner

ka, G. Poteat, Miss M. S. Ren, J. C.G. Dupuy, do. per pro. .

Miss L. Thomason, R. Tseng, C. Alfes, signs

C. Tsui, T. K. Van, P. C.

Vaughn, T. K. Wang, T. S.

Wang, C. H. Westbrook, F. J.

White, Mrs. F. J. White, J. H. Eickhoff , S is E tai

Wiley, Mrs. J. H. Wiley, C. H. (if Co., General Importers and

Wong, Miss L. O. Wong, Y. F. Exporters—451,

13637; Cable Ad:

Kiangse Road; Telephs..

Erbmohit and Chinese

Wu, S. Yui, T. W. Zee. 0091

Faculty, Middle Sehool—C. S. E. W. Eickhoff

Chen, R, S. Ghen, Y. P. Chen,

D. H. Djang, R. T. Duan, S. .J.

Goddard, Y. S. Hsung, C. G. Ei-Kwa Co., Importers and Exporters—

Hung, Miss A. Root (also secre- 115, Kiangse Road ; Telephs. 11204 (3;

tary to president), H. C. Sie, lines; P.O. Box 224; Cable Ad : Eikwa

Miss O. Surh, Y. P. Tao, P. D.

Wang, F. T. Wu, T. S. Wu, G. ® u m m u

W. Yang, Y. R. Yang, L. Yao, Ying loah ken sze bu

D. H. Ying, G. A. Carver and

G. C. Stockton

Faculty, Elementary ’School-^K. Eikwa Silk andKenshibu, Exporters

Qpcoons—873, iof Waste

goochow Road; j

C. Han, H. M. Shen, Mrs. H. Telephl 9(243;

M. Shen and T. 0. Liu Eikwa KenshibuP.O.;. Box 224; Chblfe Ad: |


^ Mei ton £ II

Eisler, Reeves, Murphy, Naval Ellistqn & Co., General ; Merchants,

Architects, Consulting Engineers, Import and Export, Insurance—185,

Marine and Cargo , Surveyors — 51, Yuepir; Mi.Ug Yuen Road; Teleph.

Canton Road ; Teleph. 16817 ; ' Cable

Ad: Record 19456;

KeechongP-O. Box 453; Cable Ad:

C. Reeves, managing director R. S. Elliston

Eiwa Yoko, Importers and. Exporters—86, Miss M. Bojesen

Canton Rd.; Teleph. 12774; P.O. Box 420 E. A. De Garcia j G. G. Johnston

H H , Vee chon9 H £ Eme

Ekroam Foreign Agencies, Ltd., ElmSanitation—26' & Co., Ltd., Heating, Ventilation,

7, Wei Hai Wei Road and

The, Importers

—170, Kiangse and


Teleph. Agents

11330; 36, Jinkee Road; .Teleph. 30801; Cable

Cable Ad: Ekmans and Bearings Ad: Elmco :

R. Bringert, m.e., manager

E. Brundin, m.e. (!§$?£ An si tuck

O. Jonsspn, e.e.

A. Norrby (shipping) Elster, Dr. K., m.d. (University of

J.M. Guterres Vienna), Specialist in Urinary, Skin

Mrs. R. Dale and MedicalCollege

Dah-hwa Cosmetic;

and Lecturer



Miss E. Eardley graduate School of Medicine—Hamilton

House; Teleph. 13417

® Gi ^!l ^ J*/ U .po .see

Elbaroideries, Manufacturers, Expor- Embassy Theatre—742, Bubbling Well

ters and’ Retailers of Decorative Art Road; Teleph. 31985

Linens, Lace and Handkerchiefs—

119, Nanking Road; T^lepK. 18261':

P.O. Box 1537; Cable Ad; Elbasha Emens & Co., Importers and Exporters—

8, Quai de France; Teleph. 85162; P O.

Elbrook, Inc., Importers. Exporters, Box 246; Cable Ad: Emensco


Peking and EngineersP.Q.— Box

Road; Teleph:.12552; 156,

303; Cable Ad: Koorble ' Empire Theatre — 85, Avenue Joffre;

Teleph. 81062

Elias, R. H., Broker—113, Kiukiang

Road; Teleph. 11616; Cable Ad: Employers’ Federation—;.(5'ee Assoc ns.)


Elite Butchery Co.—636-8, Avenue

Joffre; Teleph. 70404 Employers’ Liability Assurance Corpn.,

Elizalde & Co., Manila Rope Manu- Ltd. — Sassoon House (3rd floor), The

facturers—2, Peking Road; Teleph. Bund; Teleph. 11430; Cable Ad: Barrimon


Elleb Construction CO.—19, Yuen ^ & w m w a

Ming Yuen Road; Teleph. 11835 Pa si ka fee kung sze

Empreza Brasileira de Cafe, (Brazilian

m m±&m% Coffee Emporium) Coffee and Cocoa

Ellis & Hays—137, Peking Road; Teleph. Merchants—433,

83172; Cable Ad:-Avenue Joffre Branch:

Brasileira. Teleph.

15129 (3 lines): Cable Ad: Friancellis 636-8, Avenue Joffre

Arthur Montagu Preston, solicitor C. Mrs.

A. Pereira, manager

Hugh Arthur Reeks, Barrister-at- S. Correa, cashier

law Chen Chia Chi, acct.

G. 0. Chang Chen Yu Ken, salesman

Miss- M. Faithful Wong Kwai Down



±ti Eurasia Aviation Co.—97, Jinkee Road;

Engel, Dr. Desiderius, Surgeon and Teleph. 11785

Orthopedist—Office & Residence : 2a,

Great Western Road - Teleph. 35050 European-Asiatic Trading Co. — 190,

Kiukiang Road; Teleph, 12794

Engineering Society of China (See

Associations) Evan.Jones and Riddell, Drs. Dental


king Road; Teleph. Building,

16524 73, Nan-

fl & HI IT # ft

Ho tai yen yu lisien hung sze

Enterprise Tobacco Co., Ltd., To- B?- E ven se

bacco Manufacturers—175, Soochow

Road; Teleph. 13482 Evans & Sons, Ltd., Edward, Business

Directors—Sir Hugo Cunliffe-Owen,

Bart. (Chairman), Robert Bailey, Equippers: Wholesale and Retail

Stationers and Booksellers,

L. G. Cousins, A. L. Dickson, C. E. and Laboratory Equipment and Print- Educational

Harber, Brig.-General E. B. Mac-, ing, etc.,—200, Kiukiang

naghten, c.m.g., d.s.o., H. E. Parkin- 15015; P. O. Box 970; Cable Ad: Road; Teleph.

son and E. S. Savage Education. Branchmanaging

at Tientsin

C. C. Newson, f.c.i.s., secretary Joseph J. Evans, director

K. McKelvie, assist. do. M. F. R. Leitao, director

C. Y. Sung, director

Epargne Eranco-Chinoise—(Nee Banks)

Erdmann Ever Light Lamp Factory—Lane 577,

Soerabaja& Sielcken, Batavia, Semarang,

(Java'), Exporters of Java 159, Connaught Road; Teleph. 91236

Sugar—China Repres : 320, Kiangse

Road; Teleph. 16737; Cable Ad: Everett, L., Inc., Steamship Agents—

Suite 224, Hamilton House; Teleph.

Javasugar 13555; P.O. Box 1836; Cable Ad:

R. E. Waetjen, China repres. Leverett

Lin nae L.William

Everett, president

P. Hunt, vice-president

Erzinger & Co.—1R, The Bund; Teleph. G.Vincent

P. Bradford, do.

15236 (2 lines) Private Exchange to all Agencies L. Xavier

Departments; 10884 (Silk Office),

(Silk Godown), 10889 (Waste Silk 10881 American Gulf-Orient Line (Lykes

Godown), 10886 and 10757 (Insurance Bros., Ripley S.S. Co., Inc.)


Octagon P.O. Box 399; Cable Ad: United States Salvage Association Inc.

Th.J. Erzinger

Gut. signs per pro.

S. F. Erkku | P. Baldesberger tit *£ m # ft 13

Agents for Eivolancheetaezan

Maritime Insurance Co., Ld. Liver, Ewo Cold Storage Co.—1500, Yangtsze-

pool. Marine pooJardine,

Road; Telephs.

R. M. Matheson50071-2

Nash I &R.Co., Ld., prop.


Eskelund, Dr. N., Dentist—2, Peking C. L. Mathew M. Goldberg

Road (Room 518); Teleph. 19407 J. M. Bear J. Creighton

H Ip] ]§J H Ton9 chong

Esso Co., Manufacturers, Carpet and sEwo a $ ft fs $ &

ko so ts'ang yu hsien kung sze

Hairnets Manufacturers, Merceriz-

ing and Cleaning of Carpets—452, Ewo Cotton Mills, Ltd. (Jardine,


Ad: Road; Teleph. 12170; Cable Matheson & Co., Ltd., General Managers)

Essoco —27, The Bund; Teleph. 15290


l§ & ?T * 'lo Agents for:

E 'wo tan poa chang Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co.

(Billiard Tables, Bowling Alleys


Pkess Packing Co.

Matheson & Co., Ltd., pro- and Equipments)

prietors; 912, North Soochow California, Stucco products Co.

Hoad; Teleph. 46900 (Interior and Exterior'' Stuccos)

G. E. O. Mayne, manager Celotex Company,

(Insulating The Boards)

and Accoustic

J. L. Koo, cornpradore Certain-teed Products Corporation

Exchange Bank of China—(Nee Banks) (Roofing and Wallboard)

Du Pont de Nemours & Co.

Exchange Brokers’1 Association — (Ducov

Varnishes)Dulux, Lacquers and

(See Associations )' Insulite Products Co.

Exporters’ Association of Shanghai (Insulite Mastic Flooring)

—(See Associations) David E. Kennedy, Inc. (Asphalt

Mastic Tile)

Express Vulcanizing & Tyre Co—351, Michael Nairn & Co., Ltd.


Avenue Foch; Teleph. 71726 Mundet & Co., Ltd, and Machinery




^ $T Sing hong Newalls Insulation Co.

Ezra & Co., Edward, Land and Estate (Insulation and Accoustical Mater-

Agents, Supervision and Manage- ials)

ment of Estates, Insurance and Plibrico Jointless Firebrick Co.

General Merchants.—^150, Kiukiang (Furnace Lining)

Road ; Telephs. 10981, 12094 and ! Schlage

13334; Cable Ad: Isaac (LocksLock Co.

& Hardware)

Mrs. Edward Ezra | Cecil Eazr Spalding

(Sporting Goods)Ltd., A. G.

& Bros.,

E-Zung Chong & Co., Metal and Societe LTnvulherabile

(Rolling Shutters)

Hardware Merchants — 273, Broad- Standard Ultramarine Co.

way; Teleph. 42460 (Dyestuffs)

De Vivanco & Co. (Wall and

Floor Tiles)

Fe fioh

Faber, S. E., Consulting Civil En- m % ^ m mmm# m

gineer —12, The Bund; Teleph. Fan wen chdu chin cheo se sue wu so

10723; Cable Ad: Ferikon

S. A.C.G.I.,

E. Faber, a.f.c., (Lond.), Fan,

b.sc. C.E., Robert, Architect and Engineer—

110, Szechuen


E., A.M.AM. SOC. C.E. M.I. Cable Ad: 3564 Road; Teleph. , 19395;




ft m ^ , Y. S. Cheng

Fagan & Co.,Specialists,

Insulation Ltd., Building Supplies,

Asbestos Pro- ; FarandEast Aviation Co.:, Ltd., Aircraft

ducts, Provisions, Hardware and Sun- : 689; Material Specialists—P.O. Box

dries—261, Kiangse Rd.; Telephs. 18020 Cable Ad: Ariel


Kasfag18029; P.O.. Box 592; Cable Ad: FarLtd.,East Oxygen & Acetylene Co.,

E. A. Meyerink, .manager The (S.O.A.E.O.), Manufacturers

M. Sternberg,.’asst. do. and Dealers in Oxygen,

Acetylene and Carbonic Acid, Gases; Dissolved

B. H. Watson,’secy., &. trea. Welding Materials, Blowpipes, Calcium

H. Fruestueck Carbide for Sale—Office and Factory:

A.R. C.T. Nicolachis | J.

Sampson Miss D. T. M. Walsh 200, Route de Zikawei; Teleph. 80064;.

A. A. Solokoff J De Cosier Cable Ad: Oxygene



Far Eastern Bank of Harbin — (See )|C xSl Yuan tung shih pao

Banks) “Far Eastern Review,” Monthly Review

of Engineering, Mines, Railways, Ship-


Teleph. 14069;Finance,P.O.etc.—24, The Bund;

Box 1158; Cable-

!*| #1 ^ if Woo zung far Ad: Farview


Eastern Butchery

TeTeph. 72291 — 624, Avenue G. B. Rea, publisher

C. E.J. Laval, editor cashier

E. Wilson^

Far Eastern Adjusters, Ltd. (Inc. J. P. Fan, secretary

under Hongkong Ord.)—264, Kiang-

'se Hoad (6th floor); Telephs. 11423-22 m ^ it m it

T. F. E. Hopkins, mang. dir. Yuen tung ching chihso

J. W. McCorkindale, dir. (Tien- Far Eastern Sanitary Co., Specialists

tsin) Vacuum House

L. K. Brown, dir. (Tientsin)

B.. L. Hopkins Disinfecting, FloorCleaning,

Waxing Fumigating,

and Polish-

ing, Renovating, Painting, White-

M. J. Hopkins washing, and General Contractors—341,

Szechuen Road (Central Arcade); Teleph.

N. Nicolaeff 12156: P.O. Box 1173; Cable Ad: Fesco.

R. Doo, Chinese mgr. Branch

Nanking Offices: Hankow,

and Tsingtao Changsha,

Far Eastern Auto Agents — 289, Che-

kiang Road; Teleph. 90590

Fashion and Co., Drapers,

Ltd., Tailors, Ladies’ Out-

Far Eastern Credit Co.—568, Avenue fitters Road; Teleph.




Cable Ad:

Joffre; Teleph. 83329 Thefashco

T. C. Zia, managing director

Far Eastern Import & Export Co., C. P. Leung, manager

Import, Export, Engineering and

Distillery — 751, Avenue du Roi Federal Insurance Co. of Zurich—17,

Albert; Teleph. 71207; P.O. Box The Bund; Teleph. 11144; P.O. Box

1195; Cable Ad : Underiters

1008; Cable Ad: Farimex American Asiatic Underwriters

M. Kantzler, manager Fed. Inc. U. S. A., managers

I. Shimko. mgr. (engr. dept.) for the Orient

Proprietors of:

The Farimex Distilling Works Fein, Aaron, Estab. 1914, Dry Goods

Manufacturers of: Store, and

Shirts Wholesale

Underwear and Manufacturers—

Retail, Dealers,

Pure Grain Rectified Alcohol Main

70365; Store:

Cable 893, Arfein.

Ad: Ave. Joffre; Teleph.

Branch: 851,

Absolute Alcohol North Szechuen Road; Teleph. 40683

Technical Alcohol Aaron Fein, proprietor

Distilled Water

Vodka “Snop” Felgate & Co., R.Floor

H., Painting, Decorating,

Vodka “Polianka” Wall Paper, Finishers—22, Nan-

Carbonic Acid king Road: Teleph. 16674

Dry Ice R. H. Felgate

“ Oliveo ” Salad Oil H. L. Boaler

Mrs. M. B. Barr

Far Eastern Insurance Co., Ltd, Fire Ferrostaal A.G., Iron-Steel and Railway

and Marine—Yangtsze

ingM.26.H.The Insurance Build- Material — Hongkong and Shanghai


generalTeleph. 12981

manager Bank Building,

Teleph. 11272; Cable30,Ad:Foochow


R. Otte, director for China

Far Eastern Mercantile Co. —167, H. North

Market Street; Teleph. 52079 G. Kullmann


First Fidelity Insurance Co., Ltd.,

The—40, Ningpo Road; Tel. 15876

Yu ne Jean ta lin sz Yung kwan T. T. Chwang, director

Fessenden & Holcomb—97, Jinkee Head; Y. P. Chen, • do.

Teleph. 12936; Cable Ad: Barfields Z. T. Chu, do.

K. C. Wu, do.

H. A. Pan, director & gen. mgr.

Fette Peiping Rugs, Dealers in Chinese L. C. Fang, accountant

Handmade Rugs—49, Nanking Rd.;

Teleph. 14212; Cable Ad: Fette

1 Tung lee, ' ]

mm* Fittkau, H., Architecture,

Real Estate and Insurance—131,Engineering

Finance & Commerce,” A Weekly j Museum Road; Teleph; 11912: P.O.

Review devoted to the Commercial

and Economic Development of Asia— | Box 1317; Cable Ad: Fittvo


CableSzechuen Road; Teleph. 12279;

Ad: Finance

O. T. Breakspear, editor Follet & Cie.,Bund;

H., General Exporters—

Miss L. Stops, manager 4, French Teleph. 80270; P. O.

Agents for

Directory and Chronicle of BoxH. 1495 Follet, manager

China, Japan, (VlaEaya, etc.

Finance, Commerce and Insurance Tsung ko Men ye di tsai koiig ssu

Office, Insurance Agents: Fire and

Marine—390, Nanking Road; Te- Fonciere et Immobilieee de Chine,

lephs. 95546 and 95562; Cable Ad: 5.

Eastineo struction of Houses, Supervision &

W. S. Lonborg Management of Estates, Mortgages

S.' S. Ziar —Head Office: 9, Avenue Edward

W. C. Yates | C. J. Pao VII; Teleph. 82008

Finnish,Association in China—OSee FooTeleph. An Cotton

13359 Mill—280, Peking Road;

Associations) '

Finnish Consulate—{See Consulates) FooVII;Fong Paper Co.—34, Avenue Edward

Teleph. 90781

Fee nae Foo Kee Paper Co.—34, Avenue Edward

Finocchiaro & Co., G., Monumental VII; Teleph. 92036

Sculptors, Importers of Italian Marble

and Scotch Granite Monuments, Foo Shing Lumber Co.—926, Avenue

Marble Work

Szechuen Road;Contractors—839, North Edward VII; Teleph. 93696

Teleph. North 41340

G.M. Minarolo

Yaltz | Miss Peebles Fooh Shing Tobacco

Newchwang Co. (China),

Road; Teleph. 92873 Ltd.—

Fire Brigade—(See Municipal Coun- Fook Weng & Co., Exporters of Swatow

cil) Drawnwork antj Embroideries;

Handkerchiefs' and Ladies’ Silk

Firestone Tyre & Rubber Export Co. Underwears — 54, Nanking Road;

—17. Canton Road; Teleph. 18669; Teleph. 19102; Cable Ad: Fokeng;

Cable Ad: Firestone Code; Bentley’s


FpQNG Sheng Industrial & Commer- ^ h r s a

cial Development Corporation, In- Toa an sz sze yah

dustrial Enterprises, 'Commercial

Agencies, Finance, Insurance, Real Foster-McClellan Co.—489, Kiangse-

Estate, Trust Service and Import & Road; Teleph. 14420; P.O. Box

Export—160, Avenue Edward VII; 1396; Cable Ad; Fluoric

Teleph. 11133, Private Exchange to D. Ward-Smith, manager

all DepartmentsCable Ad : Aviator H. L. Bridger, accountant

Board of Directors—Edward Y. L.Mrs.A. I.Mottu

Snoad | P. Z. Tong

E. Sheng (chairman), James H.

Lee (managing,, .director), F.

Hsu, M. K. Woo, Yu Tson-ting,

H. Y. ALo, K. C. Chung,. Chen

\ . Cheng-yu, Chi. Chio-mi, Tsiang Foufobng che'ch’e min fun kuftg s2e

Pao-li, Li Shu-nung Fou Foong Flour Mill Co.; Ltd., Flour

Shen I-tsing, supervisor'

Sun Ching Yang, do.

Charles C. Zee, do. Road; Teleph. 10154; Office:

Manufacturers—Head Mill: 25,97,Mokan-


George S. Chen, manager shan Road; Cable Ad: Foufoong or'650&

Y. H. Wu, secretary

Martin 'Feng, chief accountant FoxRoad; Film Fed. Inc., IJ.S.A.—142, Museum

Telephs. 18399 and 17350; P.O.

Jackson,Chen, cashier; Box 1984; Cable Ad: Foxfilm

Chuck S.

Y. P. Chai ,Li L. C. Paulson, manager for China

Y. W. Yen

Tobin Shunn Francis, Dr. Robert B. F.—30'9, Hamil-

Miss C. Mabas ton House; Teleph. 14864

Miss Yao Yun-chuan

K. S. Wang

Foong Yue Rice Mill Co.—56167, Seward n m m m

Road; Teleph. 51687

Francis, R. E.—97, Jinkee Road; Tel.

Foot Ease 4Shoe Co.—277-9, Hoopeh 16591; Cable Ad : Imprimerie

R. E. Francis, agent

Road; Teleph. 92055 S. F. Mead

R. A. Bryan, secretary

Ford Hire Service (Fed. Inc. :U.S.A.)— C. Y. Chen, Chinese mgr.

Teleph. 30189 (9 lines) Chen Ming Shen

Agent for:

Ford Motor Co., Exports, Inc.—Manu- Waterlow & Sons Limited, Bank

facturers of Cars, Trucks & Tractors— Note and Security Engravers,


13100 244,13109;

and Hamilton House;

Plant: Robert Telephs.

Dollar Protective Cheque Specialists,.

Wharf, Pootung; Telephs. 15599 (ext.); Lithographers and General

P.O. Box 1520; Cable Ad Fordmotor Printers, etc.

J. J.V.M.Crowe,


| Rene Prieur

E.E. A.A. Reiniger F. H.J. Lawler Francis Beauty Salon—310-311, Ha-

Richards . W. Moeller milton House; Teleph. 14685

H. Arnold W. F. Wohlters Mrs. Eva Francis, prop.

P.R. A.M. Alonco R.

McDonald Miss E.Wildt

K. H.B.Schlager

R. B. Landis Rich Frankau & Co. (1927) Ltd., Adolph

(London), BBB Briar Pipe Manu-

facturers, Tobacconists and Sundries

—59, Peking Road ; Teleph. 16002 ;

P.O. Box 267; Cable Ad : Tonydodd

Forster A Co., Ltd., G. P.—89, Foo- A. Dodd,, ,nianager

chow Road; Teleph. 16964; P.O. Box R. A. Dodd

1562; Cable Ad : Forsterco B. K. Chepg


J'eanklin ■ & ; Harrington, Attorneys Fukusho & Co., Ship aiid Freight

and Counsellors-at-Law—149, Yuen Agents"-17, Thorne Road; Teleph.

Ming Yuen Road; Teleph. 18042 (2 42711

lines) ; P.O. Box 952; Cable Ad:

Advocate Fl H £ S ± ^ #


W. S. Franklin

B. Harrington Wei len se e shan yar chuk

W. C. Watson Fulford Co., G. T., Ltd., of Canada

T. K. Ting (ChmeseJawyer) (Proprietors of Dr. Williams Medicine

L. Logan Luk, ;* 'do.' Co.)—Hong Yue Building, 451, Kiangse

Mrs. M. E. Thompson, secty- Road; Cable Ad: Fulford

Mrs. I. M. ;Remedies, steno. ,

Miss M. C. MhGregbr do. RS. W. Wolfe,McNair,

Perrin mgr. forassist,

the Far East



F. M. R. Remedios | Zee Vee Kong


ling Plant,Mining

Engineersand—Material Hand-

23-27, Ningpo H. Cohen (Singapore)

Road; Teleph. 16825 (3 lines); Cable Ad: C. Roeper do.




agentsCo.in (of

ChinaChina), Exporters,& Gironi,

Fumagalli C., Raw Silk

Pongees and General—

425, Kiangse Road; Telephs. 16480 and

Fraser Motors, Ltd., Motor Engineers; 19385 '.(compradore’s office); P.O.

Motor Cars and Trucks — 36, Great Box 220;,,Cable Ad: Fumagalli

Western Road; Teleph. 21948; Cable1;:

Ad: Frasermotd : JliJ Koo hoh

Fredericks, Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd., Importers

Broker—16, J.Central A., Share

Road and General ofElectric CopperWires,andCables,

Brass Batteries,’etc.-—


French Chamber of Commerce—(Nee j Box 110, 435;

Jinkee Road;

Cable Ad: Teleph.

Furukawa 12220; P.O.

Chambers of Commerce)

French Consulate—-(Nee Consulates)

French Dock—9, Quai de: France;' Fu song hai shang foo tsqi pao

Teleph. 82034 , hsien kiing szu

Frost, Bland & Co., Engineers and Ltd.,Marine Fuso and Fire

Fire, Marine andInsurance

Transport Co.


Merchants—33, Szechuen Road; Teleph. surance—69,


J.Lloyd Cable

Frost,Bland, Ad: Invincible

a.m.i.e.e., partner 13:551; Cable Ad; Fusokaijo Teleph.

Kiukiang Road;


Alan Tipple

E.N. O.Hasanove

S. Christensen fn Kung Ho

Gabbott & Co., F. E., Exporters of Art and

Miss M. M. Sgmons ';. Manufactured Goods—3, Rue Laguerre;

Teleph. 81211; Cable Ad: Gaboco

f$ zfc m& Co., FuhExporters

Fuhrmeister lai ta • and Gale Cp.,f The, L. E. (Fed. Inc. U.S.A.),




Ad: Gale:Bubbling

Teleph. 10997; P.O. Box 447; CableRoad;

Insurance Agents—66, Museum Ad: WellAcme and Avico. Branches at Hankow,



Fuhrmeister, partner (Hamburg) Tientsin, Nanking, Changsha, Chung-

A. Hartmann, do king and Chengtu

A. Hummel, signs the firm L. E. Gale, president

H. Bombach | U. Fuhrmeister Gallop & Co., Fed. Inc., II.S.A., Im-

E, H. L. E. Sachs, insce. repres. porters qmd Exporters of Office

Fckui Yoko, Paper Dealers—48, Szechuen Utilities, Paper Radio and Food

Supplies, Toilet Products, and Glues

Raod; Teleph.

Ad: Eukuiyoko 17662; P.O. Box 995; Cable —320, Szechuen Rd.; Teleph. 18864 ;

S. Sagi, manager - P.O, Bex 899; Cable Ad: Radiochina


Gallop, H. B.. Representative—185, Coal Dept. (Teleph. 19217)

Yuen Ming Yuen Road; P.O. Box F. Ching I V. L. Chew

1400; Cable Ad: Gallop Miss A. Egle | F. C. Linning

Representative -for-: Secretaries for

American Paper Exports, Inc. TheationAyer

Co., Tawah

Ltd. Rubber Plant-

wo The Sungala Rubber Estates

ft M

Gande, Price, 'Ltd., Wholesale Wine >Kfk ft

Road; Telephs.Merchants

and Spirit 19533-2-1 ;—P.O.31, BoxPeking

308; Genera! Pan chung fu hsien hung sze

Accident, Fire and Life

Cable Ad: Sphinx; Codes: A.B.C. 5th Assurance Corporation,

edn. and Bentley’s

W. J. Gande, managing-director (In which is merged the Bombay Ltd. Fire

W.W.R.M.McBain, director and Marine Insurance Co., Ltd.) (Far

Gande, secretary Eastern Branch),Motor

and Sickness, Fire, Personal

Car, PlateAccident


W. Boanas

E. T. Riley j P. Broacha

Miss A. Lemos Golfers’, Householders’,Teleph.

etc., Insurance—

H. J. Kaman | Li Ching Yu 60,


305; CableRoad;

Ad: Gaflac 17455; P.O.

C.W. D.H.Belton, Far

Droogleever Eastern mgr.

S £ * 3= « B SI K. S. Mackenzie

Gardiner, Dr. W. H., a.b., m.d., c.m., D. W. Howe

Physician and Surgeon—Office and Re- C.M. D.M. Moses

sidence: 17, Canton Road; Teleph. 12015; Cohen

Cable Ad: Gardiner Mrs.

Garland, L. A., High Class Gentlemen’s H. C.J.Chen,



Tailor and Breeches Maker—264, Kiangse Charles

(Teleph. Y.17454).

. Lee, compradore

Road, 1st floor, Room 106; Teleph. 12059 Sub-Branch

Gastronome Store—422, East Broad- Singapore:

Chambers Hong Kong Bank

way ; Teleph. 51250 Agents

Diethelm ifc Co., Ld., Bangkok

Gates, Frank, Cotton and Woollen Denis Freres d’lndochine, Saigon,

Piece Goods—14, Rte. Gamier; Teleph. Haiphong

71076; Cable Ad: Gates O.Hankow

E. Yongehr, (Fed. Inc. U.S.A.),.

GaUNTLETT, E. G., C.B.E., D.S.O., M.B., B.S., Alex. Ross & Co. (China), Ld., Hong-

f.r.c.s., Surgeon—Hong Kong Bank kong

Bldg.; Teleph. 15048 James


Backhouse, Ld.,Ltd.,

& Co., Hongkong

Kuala •

Lumpur and

Caldbeck, Ipoh &, Co., Ld.,


^ Who, chong Singapore,


Ltd., The,Trading and and

Import DairyExport

Farm Mer- Co., Penang Kuala Lumpur and

chants, Importers of Dairy Produce— Y. Yan Ess & Co., Newchwang

61, Yuen Ming Yuen Road; Teleph. Etablissements

Peiping Arnoult, Tientsin and

15500 (3 lines); Cable

T. Hunter, managing directorAd: Geddes China. American Trading Corporation,.

A.T. Cock,

H. Samson, (Fed. Inc.), Tientsin

director do. Cornabe,

G.China RussellCo.& &Co.,


C. F.Realty Co.,Tsingtao


A. C. Leyland, secretary (Fed., Inc. U.S.A.y

F H. Artindale Shanghai


Miss N.C. N.Hunter

Ferguson | L.D. Kingson

C. Kwei China Finance Corporation Fed. Inc.

Frank Ching |Y. C. Wong U.S.A., Shanghai

Factory Y.

JamesC. Ma & Co., Tsinanfu


Co., Tsinanfu

E. H. Waller W. R. LoxleyJz; Ld„ Canton |

Cold Storage Boyd & Co., Amoy

S. C. Luke | C. M. Waung Union Trading Co., Foochow



Ying kwok tung yung din che kung sz

General Electric Company (of China), The General Electric Co., Ltd.,

Limited, The, Electrical Engineers and England and all subsidiary

Contractors, Manufacturers of Elec- G. E. C. Works in London,

trical Supplies, Steam Turbines, Mining Birmingham, - Manchester and

and Electrical23Plants; LeatherRoad;

Belting, Coventry

etc.—Office: to 27, Ningpo Te- The Express & S. M. iS. Lift

leph. 16825 (3 lines), Works: 285, Hochien Co., Ld., London

Road; Teleph. 52332; Cable Ad: Genlec- Pirelli General Cable Works,

tric. Branches; Hongkong, Dairen and 'Ld., 'Southampton

Tientsin. Agents: Canton and Hankow Chamberlain & Hookham, iLd.,

N. G. Beale, managing director Birmingham;

F. H. Shaw, assist, manager Fetters Ld., Yeovil, England

Electrical Engineering, Power Plant and Fraser and Chalmers Engineer-

Construction Dept. Works, Erith, Kent


Calder I| B.M. Janekaln Sanderson Bros, and Newbould

Kocherginsky Ld., Sheffield

Mining, Turbo-Power, Plant and General Chas. A. Schieren Company,

Eng’ing, Dept., etc. New York


A. Clayton special representative Ransoiiies and Rapier, Ld., Ips-

wich, England

Chas. A. Schieren Co, Cochran & Co. (Annan), Ld.,

E. sentative,

R. MacDermot, special repre- Annan, Scotland

Parsons Oil Engine Co., Ld.,

J. Mordecai Ransomes & Rapier, Ld. Southampton

D. H, & G. Haggle, Ld.,'Eng-

Y.C. Tai | C. S. Hsu

Ghinese Engineering and Sales Dept. land


Y. Chang, a.m.i.e.e. Flexible Stfeel Lacings, Ld.,


M. S. Wong General Engineering Co.—452, Kiangse

T. M. Ling Road; Teleph. 10494

lElectrical Supplies ,and Sales Dept.

J.A. Madeira

G. Pereira General Furnishing Bazaar Co.—563-5,

R. F. R. Mackenzie-Grieve Ningpo Road; Teleph. 92769

A. Souza

Accounts and Shipping Dept;-: General Insurance Co., Ltd., of

Trieste and Venice—18, The Bund;

T. W. Chandler, chief accountant

S.N. C. Quin C. Begley I Teleph. 15195; Cable Ad: Chinogeral

L. S. Chang

F. Bruce | H. S. Oweng General Investment Co.—45, Kiu-

Gorrespondence Dept. kiang Road; Teleph. 17270

Miss M. Roza General Motors China, Inc., Manu-

Miss J. Ahwee facturers of Motar. Cars and Trucks

Mrs. R. Gutierrez 201, B. Cardinal

Mrs. L.

MissGNevlerRasmussen Gloucester Gardens;Mgrcier,

Teleph., Apt.70070;


Miss E. Costa Cable Ad: Shanautoex

Hongkong Branch Bruce J. Miles, managing director

A. H.B. P.Raworth, R. H. Larchar, assistant do.

Bailey, branch

assistantmanager B. H. Peake, secretary

E C. Norris, res. lift eng.

Dairen Branch: General Paint in China, Paints, Lac-

P. W. Turner, branch manager quers, etc.. Paint Contractors—

G. E. Kovner 1265, Bubbling Well Road; Teleph.

“Tientsin Branch : 34360; Cable Ad: Pellcamp

W. Eadie H. B. Campbell, prop.

Q. D. Nicholson T. S. Tsze | Z. C. Wu


German Pharmacy, Tea Dept.—

Road; Teleph. 30309 The—374.. Yat«s R. A. Jescelylie

Shipping & Insurance Dept.

German Chamber of Commerce (See H. M. Snow

Chambers .of Commerce) i J. R. Younger

Miss A. J. Momaroff

German Film Distributors, Ltd.—72, Accounts— B. H. M. Broomhall

Szechuen Road; Teleph. 16168 L. A. M. Ozorio

T. B. Ozorio

German Consulate (See Consulates) J. R. Siqueira

Miss P.M. Poskitt

German Film Co.—142, Museum Road; Comprador©—

Teleph. 10896 T. B. Zee

Z. K. Wang


German Machine Co.—7-9, Siking Road; FireBenInsurance— Line, Steamers, Ltd.

Teleph. 14589; Tel. Ad: Gemac China Fir© Insurance Co., Ltd,

Marine Insurance—

m w m & ± & Lloyd’s, London

Gestetner Duplicators—249-251, Hong- Motor-car Insurance-

Motor Union Insurance Co., Ld.

kong and Shanghai Bank Buildings, 12, Baggage Insurance—

The Bund ; Teleph. 14793; Cable Ad: “Al” Baggage Insurance Asso-


P. North

H. Barton, ciation

China sole concessionaire for Salvage Association—

Salvage Association, London

P. C. Walsh I C._W. Lieu General Agencies :

V. de Franck | Miss L. Levy

Shanghai Land Investment Co.,,

Get se Ltd., Shanghai

Rawlplug Co., Ltd., London

Getz Bros. & Co., Importers and Manu; James Neill & Co. (Sheffield),

facturers’ Agents—66, Nanking Ltd., Sheffield


Box 504; Cable 16853, 16852Getzand

Ad: 16851;Road;

P.O. Broder Canning Co., Ltd-,. New

Wiestminster, B.C.

A.Rene P. A.Lazarus,

May, president

vice-do. (San Francisco)

do. Uoo mow

L.C. L.J. Kelly,

Goodman, do. do. dp.

do. Gidumal (O. K.) & Watumull, Silk Ex-

porters and General Commission Agents.

A. F.B.N.Henningsen,

Mollitz manager —131, Hankow Road list’ floor);

K. M. Burck A.J. A."C. Tameson

Row Teleph. 13717; P.O. Box 1603;. Cable

P.F. W.

L. Morphen W. Mandeville Ad: Kamanico

Cody ' Miss Sudka

D. Boyaner C. K. Kao, acct. .M Chi pei

Gillespie Co., A. T., Manufacturers’

ia Zung kee Representative—114, Peking Road;

Gibb, Livingston & Co., Ltd.,--100, Jin- Teleph. 12387; Cable Ad : Atgill

kee Road; Telephs. 16940, 16947 and j Gillespie’s Ltd., Exporters and Im-

19221; Cable Ad: mang.

Gibb dir. (Hongkong) porters and Wine and Spirit Mer-


Johnson, managing

Ball, signs per pro.director chants—133.' Yuen Ming Yuen Rd.;

Teleph. 14528; Cable Ad : Equivocal

Silk Dept.—

F. L. Ball, signs per pro. 1 Pao chong

C. R. Lintilhac Gilson, E. H., Tea Merchant—100,

Import & Export Dept.— Jinkee Road; Teleph. 17378; Cable'

J. R. Hooley Ad: Gilson


fi£ ^ Tien yuh £ m m m Kau teh e sung

Olanzmann, Fco., Merchants — 162, Goddard, Dr. John, Optician—115,Nank-

Canton Road; Teleps. 17569 and ing Road; Telpph. 11928

16795; P.O. Box 1294; Cable Ad:

Glanzmann. Head Office: Trieste Golden Dragon Rug Co., Manufacturer

(Italy) and Exporters of Peking & Tien-

Dr. A. Glanzmann, signs p.p. (Trieste) tsin Carpets and Rugs—417, Bub-

H. E. Lichtenstadt, do. (Trieste) bling Well Road; Teleph. 43943;

C. E.H.Klein,

Ellig, assist,

manager manager Cable Ad: Dragrugco; Code: Bentley’s

V. E. Feimann

Golding, F. W., Cargo and Cotton

« # m m Ya lec yang hong Controller—20, Canton Road; Tel.

17849; P.O. Box 386; Cable Ad:

Qlathe & Witt—410, Szechuen Road; Controler

Telepb. 15e68; P.O. Box 968; Cable Ad:

Safeguard fiiii X H H ii

A. Glathe

L. H.A. Beck,

Witt (absent) Gonda.C. H.,b.a., Architect—142, Museum

B. L. Cheetham Road;

damow Teleph. 10372; Cable Ad: Gon-

Th. Klobertanz

Mrs. E. Hackett


J. Bernstam n & M m & m

G. C. Tai Goo dd yee ziang bee bung isze

Agencies: Goodyear Tire and & Rubber Export Co.,

Sartoriuswerke A.-G., Goettingen Manufacturers ber Produce—51,


Canton Road;

of Rub-



Spindler & Hoyer' G.in.b.H., in15495;United Cable Ad: Goodyear. Factories

States, Canada,


Medizinische Darmbad-Apparate Australia, Argentine and JavaEngland,

Ges.m.b.h.., Pforzheim (Germ.) P. A. Bryan, special representative

J. E. Shultz, office manager

Werkzeugmaschinenfabrik Oerli-

kon, Qerlikon (Switzerland) m %£ M Koo fah lee

' Schweizerische Ihdustrie-'Gesells-

chaft, Neuhausen (Switzerland)

Eabrique Nationale d’Armes de GordonCb., Ltd. , Heating, Venti-

Guerre, Herstal-lez-Liege (Bel- lating, tary

Air Conditioning and Sani-

Engineers—443' . Szechuen Rd.;

gium) Teleph. 16077-8; Cable Ad: Hard-

Western Transformer Co., Oak- ware

land (Cal.) , Directors—C.

'Raufoss Ammuhisjonsfabrikker,

Raufoss (Norway) Bell, and& M.F.v.e.,B.Bainf.i.s.e.,

D.a.m.i.h. Gange,(chairman), A.



and general manager

K. R. Plowright, grad.i.mech.e.,

n Yee tai ■T. A.M.I.H.

Herman& V.E.,| A.M.I.S.E.

Mrs. Fisher

Glen Line Eastern Agencies, Ltd.— A.

“Glen Line” Building, 28, The Bund;

Teleph. 15146: Cable Ad: Glenline; M. V. Spoor

V. Pavloff I S.Y. L.P. Hsu Yu

Codes- A. B. C, 5th edn,, Scott’s and

Bentley’s Gosho' Kabushiki Kaisha, ^ Japanese

Goods Importers (Cotton Yarn, Piece

Goods &18065;

Teleph. Cotton)—223,

P.O. BoxSzechuen 478; CableRoad;


fit ^ Goh pui

Gobhai, Karanjia, Ltd., Silk Merchants . Gosho-

and. Commission Agents—147, Kiangse Goss Engineering C©.—679; - Szechuen

Road; Teleph. 12744; P.O. Box 481; Road; Teleph. 14983 •' -

Cable Ad: Gobhai


Gossage ,& Sons (China;), Ltd., .Wm., j Gray Trading Co., Exporters—57, Peking

Soap manufacturers — Registered Road; Ad:Wm.

Teleph. 10275; P.O. Box 789; Cable


Office: 18, The Bund; Factory:

2310, Yangtzepoo Road; Teleph.

17327; F.O. Box 597; Cable Ad: Lever F. C. N.Gray,

Gray, jr., partner


C. G. W. Robson, chairman Wm. N. Gray, III, signs per pro.

P. H. Cobb, director, Miss R. 1Koenig

Wm. Harper, .do. Operating 'Gray's Yellow Lantern Shops’1

W. G. Braidwood, secretary Astor House Hotel Lobby, Shanghai

Sassoon Arcade, Shanghai

Government Testing Bureau of Cathay

Alexandra Hotel Lobby, Hongkong

Building, Shanghai

Shanghai 'Ministry of Industry)— H. K. Hotel Lobby, Hong Kong

1040, North Soochow Road; Teleph.

42230; Cable Ad : Gotestburu Gray’s Yellow Lantern Shop—Sas-

V. Tsai, commissioner soon Arcade; Teleph. 16573

Diphew T. Chow, secretary

H. H. Chen, accountant Great China Celluloid Goods Manu-

T. S. Miao, chief, Raw Silk Test- facturing Co.—Lane 44, 3, Kiangse

ing Dept.

Y. T. Yih, chief, Farm Crops Road; Teleph. 10401

Testing Dept.

S. Y. Chen, chief, Animal Pro- Great China Chemical Works, Ltd.—

39, Thibet Road; Teleph. 90631

ducts Testing Dept.

W. J. Chang, chief, Chemical Great China Coal Briguette Factory

Products Testing Dept. —26-9, Dixwell Road; Teleph. 50625

Grand Studio—242, Bubbling Well Providers,; Great China Co., Ltd., The, Universal

Road; Teleph. 35825 222, CantonImporters and Exporters—

Road; Teleph. 19590; P.O..

Box 1739; Cable Ad: Tachungwa

Gradow, A. m.d., Specialist in Venereal, Great China Dispensary—313, Foo-

Urinal and

Room, 50: Skin Diseases—24,

Teleph. 11669; The Bund, chow Road; Teleph. 94020


Teleph. 35257

fr * « * a Dah chung hwa peh huh ying pee

you hsien hung sze

Fat dah chi tso hong Great China Electric Co., Ltd., Chinese-

Grand Garage FrancaIs, Motor Car Sel- Moving Picture ProducersWellandRoad;

tributors—1194, Bubbing Dis-

lers, Repairers, Body Builders and Auto- Teleph. 35576. Studio: 201, Connaught


48105; Cable Ad: Avenue

AutosterJoffre; Teleph. Road; Teleph. 34890. Cable Ad: Lilium

Graphic Printing and Publishing Great China Fur Go.—430, Szechuem

Co.—471-3, Rue Cardinal Mercier; Road; Teleph. 19372

Telepfa. 73723 Great China Hardware Co. — 473,

,Avenue; Foch; Teleph. 71523

Gray & Co., C. N., Tailors and Outfitters Great China Motor-Cycle Co.—59,.

-306-310, Kiangse Road; Teleph. 7870; Mohawk Road; Teleph. 32805

Cable Ad: Lewyarg

Gray, John, Consulting Engineer and Great China Paper Mill—391, Kiangse

Surveyor—410, Road; Teleph. 17678

16107; Cable Ad:Szechuen

Yarg Road; Teleph.

J. Gray, m.i.m.e., mj.mech.e., and Great China Trading Co.—12, Rue du.

A.M.I.N.A. Consulat; Teleph. 84978


Great Eastern Dispensary—540, Han- Woosung

kow Road • Teleph. 92T07 A. Pedersen, electrician

A. A. Andersen, foreman

^ a m € 4b ic C:S. “ Pacific"

A. Damsgaard, commander

Ta poh din paw hung sze A. P. Kreutzer, cnief officer

Great Northern Telegraph A.

J. B. F.Tikhomirolf,

J. Ingwersen, 2nd3rd officer

34, Avenue Edward VII. Co.,I/rD.— A. C. Havtorn, chief



General Manager Teleph. 11113 A.W. H.Elmgreen,

Steliensen, actg. 3rd

2nd engineer


Traffic Dept „ 11113

„ 11115 do.

Accounting Dept...v ,, 11115 E. K. Jeppesen, 4th do.

Traffic Acct. &Dept K. Jensen, 5th do.

Engineering Supplies., „„ 11115 11114 C. S. “Store JYoirliske”

E. Nielsen, commander

Workshop „„ 11117


Telegraph Station

Cable Ad: Nordiske T.O. M.V. T.Jensen, actg.actg.

Pedersen, commander

chief officer

H.Far S. Poulsen, general manager in the L. L. R. Hansen, actg. 2nd do.

East S. E.C. Pedersen,

R. Topshoj, acting

chief engineer

chief engr.

Secretariat (Teleph. 11113,) R.K. M. Jensen, 2nd

J. Ibsen-S.Orensen, secretary V. Petersen, 3rd do.do.

I. Behrens, assist, secretary E. Christiansen, 4th do.

H.supt.Brockenhuus Shack, actg. traffic Great Northern Drug Co., Ltd.—20,

O.V. Levald

F. Olesen North Szechuen Road; Teleph. 43706;

Miss E. Mathiasen Cable Ad : Daipuk

Mrs. E. Schou

Cheng Sze Yien, interpreter Great Shanghai Press — Lane 481,

M.M. 2, Myburgh Road; Teleph.

Traffic Department (Teleph. 11115) 35307

H. P. Krogh, traffic mgr.

C. G. C. Kring, traffic agent ^ @ *

C. T.UraHansen

H. Great Shanghai Realty Co., The,

Accounting Dept. (Teleph. 11115) Real Estate, Land, Architect, Law

H. Poulsen, accountant and Commission Agents—24, The

A. T. J. Jensen | F. P. Tomlim Bund; Teleph. 14289; Cable Ad:

Traffic Accounting Dept. (Teleph. 11115) Transocean

E. S. Thellefsen, traffic accountant Great Wall Investment Society—47,

K. F. Fade | R. Hansen

Engineering & Supplies Dept. (Tel. 11114) Ningpo Road; Teleph. 17438

B. E. Jorgensen, actg. engr. in chief Greenhouse Co.—3 (1241), Scott Rd.

H. W. R. Johansen Teleph. 45806

A.J. A.Plesner

S. JensenI N. P. Petersen

Greenhouse, Mme., Millinery and.

S. Hansen | N. P. V. Carlsen Dressmaking—-790, Bubbling Well

Workshop (Teleph. 11117) Road; Teleph. 31459; Cable Ad: Green-

J. A. L. Horn, Superintendent carl

H. Sparrevohn

Telegraph Station (Teleph. 11117) Gregoire, Albert, Importer—Pass. 163,1,

Avenue Dubail ; Teleph. 81008

L. C. C. Anderson, superintendent

J. H. Smart

P. H. L. A,; J. Pedersen P.O. Box 1225; Cable Ad: Vcgaman.

Christensen K. S. J. Sorensen . B.

R.H. C.Bagger

Jensen G.. A. Sangster w mm & Liang chi ya fong.

J. B. Norgaard L. G, J. das Grenard &Co., L.,“Pharmacie Francaise,

A. C. Pedersen B. LarsenCaldas Materials Chemists and Dealers in Photographic

— 619-621, Avenue Joffre;.

V. Johannesen J. M. Xavier Teleph. 80964


M IfjVf Hofung ^1 ^ ^

'Geilk, G. J., Commission Agent—141, Ilai chang lung zieng kung sze

Minghong Hoad; Teleph. 41819; Hai Chang S,S. Co.—79, Rue du Consulat;

Cable Ad; Grilk Teleph. 82393; Cable Ad: Haichang and



4S3 *

Gringut, Dr. B. P., Dental Surgeon Hai Tien News Agency — Lane 9, D. 6,

—Denis Apts., 774, Bubbling Well . Shantung Road; Teleph. 91632

Road; Teleph. 34304

■Grosvenor Trust, Ltd.—Glen Line HallE& Hall, ffi X X It Kinyuen

Building, 2, Peking Road; Teleph. Surveyors—61,Architects, Engineers and

Museum Road; Teleph.

15539; Cable Ad: Explanate . 10864; Cable Ad: Hall & Hall

Guaranty Underwriters, Inc.:—9,

Avenue Edward VII ; Teleph. 80115

•Gubbay, S. M. S., Member of Stock Ex- HallFu &lee.Holtz . Ying gwo Yu eh Rung sze

Ltd., Ladies’ Drapers,

change—16, Central Road; Teleph. 18021 Gentlemen’s Outfitters, Upholsterers,

Guest, ; Keen & Nettlefolds, Ltd., Sports Outfitters, etc.—190, Bubbling

Steel P rod nets and Screw Thread Well Road; Teleph. 30114;

312; Cable Ad : Fuhlee. Branch P.O. Boxat

Materia] — 120, Jinkee Road, 1st Tientsin

floor; P.O. Box 1272; Cable Ad: J. H. R. Faulkner, secty. and gen. mgr.

Nettlefold; Codes: Bentley’s, Bent- A.Mrs.E.M.Simmons, accountant

ley’s Second Acihe and Marconi R. Rignale, stenographer

H. Hobden, (representative for China W.E.H.Noakes


and Japan)

T. H. Hutchinson Miss. Blow

J. Forrest Miss. Oliveira

Gutbezahl Trading Co., Alexander— K. Ohta Miss Morgado

39, Avenue Edward VII; Teleph. 85264 S. Fukuda

J. inada Miss Seletsky

B. Lang Miss Coutts

Miss Whaley

Gutbezahl, M. L., Purs and Skins— Mr. Ho , Miss Pintos

7a, The Bund; Teleph. 18852; P. O. Box Mrs. M.

Mrs,. Cheng Allingtog Miss-Clark

1380; Cable Ad: Gutfur Mrs. Ginsburg Miss .Miss Bah

Mriie. D’Estrees Miss, Chang

Mine. Dedun Viera

£w ± m m Mrs. Poliak Miss

Miss Rezniuk


Gutterres, Dr. Daniel M. R, Medica- Mrs. Henderson


ing, Glen Line

e, Peking Road; Teleph. 15866.Build-

Re- Miss F. Coutts

sidence;. 706, Avenue Rd.; Teleph. 31311 Hall Law (fc'Co., Ltd., Import-Expport

Habibullah Co., H. M., Tea and Silk and Commission Agents, Importers of

Photographic Gdods and Stationery—61,

Exporters—222, NorthBox

Teleph. 41768; _P.O. Soochow

810; Road;

Cable Ad:Museum Road; Teleph. 10864; Cable

Ad: Habibullah Hallaw

Ho Wing Kin, gen. manager

jQj J|£ Hoow ying

Hadjiry Tobacco Co., Tobacconists and WSfffl B Jih yung tsz ruing

Coffee Merchants—416, Szcchuen Road; Hallock’s Chinese

Teleph. 16133 208, Missions’ Building,Almanac —Office:

169, Yuen Ming

Haeusing, W., General Agent—133, Yuen Yuen Road; P.O. Box 1234; Cable Ad:

Ming Yuen Road ; Teleph. 16181 Cable Haloheme

Rev. H. G. C. Hallock, ph.d., edtr. A;

Ad: Jobicum propr.


i* Hang puu kuny sze Hanover Fire Insurance Co., New

York—17, The Bund; Teleph. 11144;

Hamburg-Ameeika Linie — 20, Canton P.O.

Road; Teleph. 18709; Cable Ad: Hapag deritersBox 1195; Cable Ad: Un-

American Asiatic. Underwriters,

Fed. Inc. U.S.A., managers for the-

ft $8 M Han me ten Orient

Hamilton, Ltd., James, General Mer-

chants, Agents, Importers and Export- % m vih

ers, Manufacturers’ Representatives—

160, Avenue Edward VII; Teleph. 0; Hansons—39,

Cable Ad: Hamra P.O. Box 494; Cable Ad: Professo 18605;.

Peking Road; Teleph.

A. J. Turner, managing director


H. Sturrock, director

K. Chen, director Harbin Union Brokers—320, Szechuen

H. V. Hawley, adviser Road; Teleph. 19768

fg Hat mar ^ ^ Teh wei


Hamrah & Co., Inc., A. J., Lace and Exporters—Gallia & Cie., Importers and


Szechuen — Teleph.

Road; c/o JBoutros Bros.,

17968; P. O. 330, chuen Road; Teleph.Building,

Box 13045-4;

668, Sze-

Cable Ad:

421; Cable Ad: Hamrahco Hardi viler; Codes: Acme, Bentley’s

Cogef Lugagne International Lugagne

and National Francais

F.H. Hardivilliers,

Barrion, asst, managing

manager director

F. Bedaride, L.E.G., engr.

Han yeh ping rnei tieh chang E. H.Ousset, dipl. engr.


hwan yu han kung sze M. Du Rivau

Han-Yeh-Ping Iron and Coal Co.) G. Coquelet, o.a.

Ltd.) Constructional

Manufacturers ofShapes—33,

Pig Iron Sze-

and P. Du

M. Rostu, a.fjvl,

Delaquaize, engr.engr.


chuen Road (8th floor); Teleph. 12731; F. Demnard, E.s.c., engr.

P.O. Box 1003; Cable Ad: Hansteel R. Lederhofer (Hongkong)

Fu Siao-en, vice-chairman Mrs.

Mrs. A.Rosenberg


E. Y. Edward Sheng, director and Miss H. Sou mine

general manager Miss H. Korostovzoff


Shah Kaifu,Y.Henry


C. T.Sun


Pao K. S. Tohm, comprador e ,

Shun and James Li Agencies

H. C. Chao, asst, manager Des& Cie.,


Fils de Fois de Wendel

Y. Z. Yang, chief, Chinese Secre- Socie’te Francaise des Charbonnages

tarial Division du Tonkin, Hongay

K. J. Soong, chief, Foreign Se- Comptoir Franco-Beige d’Ex-

cretarial Division portation des Tubes d’Acier, Paris

F. J. Yoen, chief, Purchasing Comptoir Siderurgique de France,

Dept. Paris

S. C. Fei, chief acct. Societe d’Electro-chimie, d’Electro-

H. Sung, chief, cashier metallugie et des Acieries Elec-

Shen Hou-Sun, wharf manager triques d’Ugine, Paris

(Pootung) Societe des Produits Chimiques

Coignet, Paris

Compagnie des Produits Chimiques

is Shui shou fan tien etFroges


& Camargue, Paris Alais,

Hanbury Institute and Sailors’ Home Societe Alsacienne de Constructions

—38, Broadway; Teleph. 41140 Mecaniques Mulhouse


Habgen & Co., C., Importers, Exporters R. W. Peters, partner

and Coal Agents—115, Hankow Road; W. J. Fronk, manager


Havgenode 17086; P.O. Box 375; Cable Ad: M. W. Cardwell '

R. W. Deihl

J. A. MacKinnon

Harris, J. R. Quinn

KiangseH. Road; E., Export


19202; Cable C. Pick

P. Semion

Ad : Harisladen W. E. Tyler

H. E. Harris, manager g H. P. Keyserling

F. S'. Liu E. G. Jordan

K. Ci Liang, compradore J.M. M.Lamzon


Y. C. Woo i M. H. Chow

Miss R. Litvak

Harrisons, KingTeleph.

& Irwin, Miss L. von Buren

Szechuen Rd.; 15510;Ltd.—549,

P.O. Box

311; Cable Ad; Crostield Hattori Trading Co,, Ltd., Import and


B. W.S. King, managing director

Gale, director Export — 22, Siking Road; Teleph.

S.N. W.F. Meyers

Harris, do. 12086; P.O. Box 487; Gamble Ad: Hattori

W. J. Shanahan Havas (Agknce)—9, Avenue, Edward

C.V. C.R. Zimmerman

King VII; Teleph. 84066; Cable Ad: Havas

Hartzenbusch ^!] {$1 Haw lee

Foch; Telephs.Motor 30101-3;Co.—640,

P.O. BoxAvenue


Cable Ad: Repairing; Code: Bentley’s Hawley, H. V., Chemist—Sassoon

and Consulting f.c.s., m.p.s., Analytical


Complete Phrase gen. mgr. tfe'propr. j (3rd floor), 1,Ad:Nanking

J. Hartzenbu.sch,

R. S. King, assist, manager 16688; Cable RetortaxRoad; Teleph.

Miss M. Mauilovsky, secretary

fr rr 't’fc LiriCJ Van9 hon9

M J3L IKai lee Hayashi & Co:, Coal and Shipping Mer-

Harvie, Cooke & Co., Ltd. Merchants * chants—215, Szechuen Road; Teleph.


Road;Commission Agents—659,

Teleph. 18634 Szechuen 17119; Cable Ad: Hachiro

(Private Exchange

to all Departments); Cable Ad:


R.E. G,I). Barnes,

Bell, mang. director $£ Hay sz

director Hayes, J. A. (Member Exchange Brokers

G. R. Coutts, do. Association—Taiwan

Kiukiang Road; Telephs. Bank1178r&

Building, 20,


R. Huntley Davidson, A.C.A., do. Residence: Cathay Mansions

E. S. Hine, do.

O. Hagenstein


A. Young I Miss W. Mooney

A. N. Roche | L. Ponchak i'P Vfe Ha zo te

W. Wittenbecher, representative Hazzard, Elliott, Architect-^33, Sze-

| chuen Road; Teleph. 10117; Cable Ad:


^ ^ ft *

Da mei chai chang ju a 55 YaJi mei

Haskins & Sells, Certified Public Ac- Heacock k Cheek Co., Manufacturer^’

countants—320, Szechuen Road; Te- Representatives—-190, Kiukiang Road;

leph. 169G0; Cable Ad: Hasksells. Teleph. 11904; P.O. Box 1154; Cable Ad:

Head Office: 15' Broad Street, New Heacock

York F. S. Ramplin, director


^ ^ ^ ilr JVai sung hung sze Heng Shun Trust CO.—37, Tientsin

Health Service Intelligence Eureau- Road; Teleph,, 16140

Health Office, House

ing, Fumigating, Cleaning,

Polishing andDisinfect-


—47, 'jg % Hai ning


18510; Road

P.O. Box (Room No. 207);

590; Cable Ad:

Health, Branches: Hongkong, Manila, Henningsen U.S.A.),

Produce Co. (Fed. Inc.,

Exporters of Egg Pro-

andC. Tientsin

L. Slow, F.d.i., a.r.i.p.h. (Eng.), ducts ; Importers of Dairy Products;

founder and managing director Manufacturers of Ice Cream and

Khoo Nun Teh, general manager Confectionery; Distributors for Ha-

zelwood Products—250, West Sawgin

Road; Teleph. 52234-5-6; P.O. Box


1 Cable Ad: Henndam.

7/e ssu yu hsien hung sze U. S. Harkson, managing director

Heath (1927), Ltd., General Import and Egg Dept.—

Export Merchants: Exporters of Tea A. P. Henningseri

Silks, etc.; Importers of Metals, Flour, R. A. Henningsen

Rice, etc.—2, Peking Road ; Teleph. SalesS'. and C. Wang

Manufacturing Dept.— >:

18252; 'Cable Ad : Heathei:; Codes :

A.B.C. 6th edn., Bentley’s, Private Kent

M. BushLutey II H.

T. Y.Shaw


Tea,, Acme, etc. L. Y. Larsen D. P. Shmygin

P. Heath, managing director P. S. Carnes | A.: Kronenberg

F. M. Heath, director Accounting Dept, and General

& m m Office—r

Hedaya Importing Co., Lace and J. P. Baston

Embroideries—25, Rue Chu Pao San; E. C. Rozario

Teleph. 83461; P.O. Box 880; Cable L.M. E.K.Nazario

Chuy JI A.Mrs.M.G.Jesus


Ad : Hedimcom

I. A. Hedaya Henry & Co., Ltd., A. & Si, Importers of

Heimendinger Bros. (Auto Castle)— Teleph. Piece Goods—220, Szechuen Road;

920, Bubbling Well Road; Teleph. Asheen. 12065; P.O. Box 524; Cable Ad;

Head Office: Manchester


Hekkino & Clouth, General Insurance

—169, Yuen Ming Yuen Road; Teleph. Mou-cJien hung--sze

14442; Cable Adh Protection

L. A. Hekking, partner Henry Trading Co,, W., Import and

W. R. Clouth, do. Export Merchants — 280, Peking

L. Milberg Road; Teleph. 19333; P.O. Box 1890;

Cable Ad: Prosper

^ ^^M^ H. H. Henry Wang, manager

Hai ell fen sze ting e seng Harrison Hwrang

;Helfenstein, Dr. S., Specialist in Urin- Edward Chow l M. H. Tung

ary, Skin, Female and Internal Diseases Y. S. Znng | Y. F. Sho

—Office: Residence:

17092. 73, Nanking 828-B, Road; Avenue


J off re; Teleph. 75838 6 JC Ka0 lo shin9

Herlofson tk Reeves, Ship, Coal and


Mill Dah Chong


Brokers—Intersavin Building, 9,


Suppliers—84, Broadway; Teleph. Cable Ad:Edward VII; Teleph. 80521;


.Heng Foong Cotton Manufacturing Hertzka, A. R., Manufacturers’ Repre-

Co.—40, Ningpo Road; Teleph. sentative—410, Szechuen Road; Teleph.

15827 18526; P.O. Box 1374; Cable Ad: Hertzka


& ® mmm& Hi rata Shipping ; and Forwarding

Fa Jcouo sio pi ec sung ; Co.—223, Szechuen Road; Teleph.

Hibekt, Dr. E. P. H., Medical Practi- 17863; Cable Ad: Hiraun

tioner—620, Szechuen

10639 llebidence: Poad; Pettier;

2, Route Teleph. m Yung chang

Teleph. 70318. Cable Ad: Hibert Hirsbrunner & Co., Watchmakers,

Jewellers and Importers — Sassoon

#^^ ^m®^ House, Nanking Road; Teleph. 15138;,

Xing-kuo-j'uny-kang-yeh-chin-litn-ho-hui Cable Ad: Hirsbruner

High Speed Steel Alloys, Ltd. (Widnes, 1Hochang & Co., Exporters and Importers-

Lancs.), OreFerro-Chrome,

Refiners, Wolfram, Buyers

Ferro- —47, Ningpo Road; Teleph. 16057; Cable


Chinese Ore —Eagle etc., and Globe Ad:Molin Hochang

Ho, partnerpartner

Building, 34, Museum Road; Teleph. Yuhan T. Chang,

11921; P.O. Box 425; Cable Ad: S. D. Loh


H. Brian Bates, manager for Far East Hodges, H. M., Manufacturers’ Repre-

sentative—Hongkong Bank Building;

Hillaly & David, Share and Stock P.O. H.BoxM.1371 Hodges i A. S. Hill

Brokers—113, Kiukiang Road; Teleph.

16707; Cable Ad: Coalliance

A. Hillaly

S. David ft ft E m Hoenkee


port— Frithjof.

Wayfoong House,Import and Ex-

220, Szechuen

ft ft ® m Shih pao yang hong Road; Teleph. 18765; P.O. Box 866; Cables

Hilsberg, Wm., Importer of High Grade Ad: Hoehnke

Watches and Electric Clocks

Szechuen Road, Apartment 601; Teleph. — 299, Frithjof Hoehnke

18938; P.O. Box 1313; Cable Ad: Y\ hils- PaperP. Department:



Wm. Hilsberg, proprietor R.M.Olaussen,

Yictal signsJ Miss

per pro.

A. Wilkins

Sole agent for Sole Agent for

“ Elektrozeit ” Electric Clock Union Paper Co., Oslo, Norway


lations and protective instal- John Dewar & Sons, Ltd., London

Hinds and Barr, Turf and' Commis- Hoggard and Sigler, Carpets ana

sion Agents—100, Central Arcade ; Rugs—125, Sassoon House; Teleph.

Teleph. 19222; Cable Ad: Hinds- 17374; Cable Ad: Hosig


Henkel, W. Carl, Hardware Import- Hoki Yoko, fa ^ Pao kee

er—1, Peking Road; Teleph. 19044; 7, HainingImporters Road;

and Exporters —

Cable A d: Hinkelson Box 547; Ckble Ad: Teleph.

Hoki yoko40733;

. ' P.O.

Ya}l zun hun S. Nishimura, proprietor

Til 1$ 9 9 sze

Hip Seng Co., The, Manufacturers of if ; Bou tsz

Decorative Art Linen, Embroideries,

Silk Lingerie, Real Lace, etc,, Wholesales Holland China Trading Co., (Shanghai)

and Retail—61, Nanking Road; Teleph. Ltd.—320, Kiangse Rd.; Telephs.(3Private


T. H.Cable Hipsengproprietor and Exchange

PeterAd:. Chao, 18182,. 18183, to all 18184;

Departments Cable lines)'


general manager

T. W. Chen, assist, mgr. Holchihand

P.A. H.J. La

Klimanek, signs per pro.

Paul P. Chang, retail dept. Paine, signs per pro.

C. S. Chang, wholesale dept. J. C. Klausz


H. Y.L. Tsang

Yang, clerk . C. G. Kien I J. de la Cruz

C. J. Machado f Miss A. White


Holland-East Asia Line—183, Sze- Hoong Chong Metal Go.—36-7, Han-

chuen Road; Teleph. 16247 bury Road; Teleph. 45365 •

Holmes & Co., Ltd., T. H., Electrical Hoong Tai Shing Machine Factory—

Engineers, Electrical Meters and 733-5, Pingliang Road; Teleph.

Machinery, Arc, Welding Machinery 52668

—20, Kiukiang Road; Gable Ad: Hoong Zung Cotton Hong—10, Ave.'

Reyrolle Edward YII; Teleph. 18279

^ ^ fS if Hao pei yi sen Hop Chong & Co., Sail Makers and

Holper, Dr. R., m.d., Specialist in Riggers—1099, Broadway ; Teleph. 41326

Urinary, Skin and Internal Diseases— iti If* Han ta li

Office: 59, Peking Road; Teleph. 10734

Hope■ Brothers & Co., Ltd., Watches,

mm mm w. Clocks and Optical Goods—140-142,

Nanking Road; Teleph. 11802;

Larri yejn diving luitphlutn mar dau Cable Ad : Hopebros

Holt’s Wharf—Teleph. Pootung 76,

77, 78, 79 (4 Nos.) (Private Exchange fii a « H * it

to ail Departments and Residence at Ying shang hop kut kahg ping kimg sze

all hours) Hope Crittall (China) Ltd., Manufac-

Holy Family Institution — {See turers FactoryofSashes,

Steel Steel

and and

Bronze Windows,

Bronze Doors

Churches) —594, Thorburn Road; Teleph. '52220;

Home' Insurance Co. of Nfew York- Cable Ad: Jardeng

51, Canton Road; Teleph.. 17222 Hop Kee Engineering Works—99-101,

Hon Yue Realty Co.—73, Nanking Haining Road; Teleph. 45293

Road; Teleph. 18523 Hop Tsok Metal Manufacturing Co.

—742, Newchwang Road; Teleph.

Honest Advertising Service 1 — 266, 90980

Peking Road; Teleph 158!70

Pih kwang hung sze

Hong Dah Rubber

Tsitsihar Factory—Betwi'en

and : Funing Roads; Te- Horn & Nobbins, Manufacturers’ Repre-

leph. 51303 sentatives — 12, The Bund ; Teleph.

18410 ; Cable Ad: Decofurn

Hong Kong & Shanghai Bakery—507, Zp H £jf Hoh lu bin

Boone Road; Teleph. 51394

Horrobin, S. L. (Resident Representative:

Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank—(Nee Ashton & Co., Ld., Manchester); Piece

Goods—230, Kiukiang Rd.; Teleph.

Banks) 12058; P.C. Box 1098; Cable Ad:

HoNjS Kong & Shanghai Hotel—(Nee Horrobin


Hong Shing Iron Co.—833-5, Soo- HOSPITALS

chow Road; Teleph. 93877 Blue Cross Dog' Hospital—170, Edin-

Hong Shing Sugar Co.—11, Rue de burgh Road; Teleph. 21193; Cable

Ad: Bluecross

Fukien; Teleph. 80607

Hoong Chong Engineering and Ship- China Inland Mission Hospital-

1531,Sinza Road; Teleph. 32226; Cable

building Works—14, Rue Takou; Ad: Inland

Teleph. 84471 J. W/Jibb, M.A., general director


Noll’s Private Hospital—1856, Ave.

Chuny kwok hung sah s‘e v:ei tsong e yuen Joffre; Teleph. 70604

Chinese R k.h Cross General Hospital, Paulun Hospital—415, Burkill Road:


Cable Ad: Avenue

Aledical Haig; Teleph. 70162; Teleph. 34373

Concord Women’s Hospital—36, Hue Sacred Road

Heart Hospitau—41, Ningkuo

Moliere; Teleph. 73868 ;

w m £ gg H fj!| ^ Kung che e yuen

Country Hospital—1/, Great 'Western Shanghai Soochow

General Hospital—190, North

Road; Teleph. 40100

Hoad; Teieph. 21,977 ; Cable Ad:


Board of Governors—S. Fessenden Shanghai Sanitarium and Hospital-

(Chairman), E. Hayim, Dr. E. 150, Rubicon Road; Telephs. 29543-4;

L. Marsh, Dr. J. R,. B. Branch, P.O. BoxTeleph. 1281.,42333.

City Branch: 171, Range

Dr. E. Birt, M. Shimadzu, G. Wuil- Road; City Office:

225, Sassoon House, Nanking Road;


leumier, A Bassettand G.E.Mitchell Teleph. 17036

Administrative—Th’. J. E. Bowen,

res. supdt, & radiologist.-

Miss C. E. Jones, matron Kwang zung e yuen

Miss A. Arnold, assistant do.

J. Cornfield, treasurer St.2-4-11,

Elizabeth’s Hospital—Lane 361, No.

Avenue Road; Teleph. 30921

Foo Ming Hospital—142, North Sze-

chuen Road Extension; Teleph. Itg ft fc IrI D°on9 zun9 e yuen


St. Luke’s Hospital—177, Seward Road>

Great Western Road Hospital —13, Teleph. 42345

Great Western Road; Tpleph. 21219;

Cable Ad: Wongman HOTELS

Hospital Ste. Marie—197, Rte. Pere Astor House Hotel—17, Whangpoo

Robert; Teleph. 70044 Road; Teleph. 42255; Cable

(The Hongkong

Hotels, Ltd., and Ad: Astor



^ if m fi & A. Kiefer, manager


Chim FanVeterinary

off NorthHospital—90, Yu-

Szechun Road;

Teleph. 44586 Banzai Kwan Hotel—119, Seward Rd.

Bickerton’s Private Hotel—282 (10),

Zung ise e kwun Bubbling Well Road; Teleph. 31271'

Lester Chinese Hospital—6. Shantung Cable Ad: Bickertons

Road; Telephs. 60865 and 60866 Burlington Hotel — 1225, Rubbling

Maison Central—149, Rue Dubail; Well Road; Teleph. 34200; Cable

Teleph. 81570; Cable Ad: Visitatrice Ads: Burlington and 3318

J. Bourke, manager


men’s Williamson Hospital (Wo-

and Cathay Hotels, Ltd.

Union Christian Medical CollegeGate;

School of Nursing)—West . Cable Ad; Cathptel

Teleph. 82060; Cable Ad: Woinedicdll Operating: —

Municipal Isolation Hospital — 41, Cathay Hotel

Range Road; Teleph. 42364 Metropole Hotel

Miss E, L. Warren, senior matron Cathay Mansions


Chien Chih Hotel—285, Shanse Road Oriental Hotel.—P. 325, Nanking Rd.

Eastern Hotel—245, Chekiang Road tf* jig Way chung

Embassy Hotel—7, Cai-ter Road; Palace Hotel—19, The Bund, and 23,

Teleph. 34204

Grand Hotel ->20, Thibet.Road Ad: PalaceRoad; Teleph. 18030; Cable



Hongkong &, Shanghai Hotels,


Great Eastern Hotel — Wing On F. Boss, manager

Building, Nanking Road

Hongkong & Shanghai Hotels, Savoy Hotel—96, Broadway

Ltd., The (Incorporated in Hong Sun Sun Hotel—Kweichow Road

Kong)—Astor House Hotel Building;


Central 42322 and 42323; Cable Ad: Tsao Song Hotel—219, Foochow Road

Board of Directors—

J. managing

H. Taggart (chairman and Yokohama Hotel—59, Minghong Road


J. Scott Harston


Kadoorie, k.b.e. Pi & £ ilL

Hon. Mr. W. H. Bell How Sang Co., Manufacturers of Art

Sir Robt. Ho Tung, kt., ll.d. Linens, Laces, Embroideries and Hand-

Hon. Mr. M. K. Lo kerchiefs (Wholesale and Retail)—33,,

Staff:— Rue Montauban, French Concession;

A.G. S.Herzel,

Hersee (Shanghai manager) Teleph. 85217; Cable Ad: Howsang

J. Munfo accountant Hsia Yuen Kee Cotton Yarn Co.—


I. Lubeck 206, Thorne Road; Teleph. 45345

J. H. Gordon, engineer Hsiang Tai Iron and Coal Co.—324-6,

Miss M. Gutterres North Spochow Road; Teleph. 45076

Operating \

Hongkong Hotel, Hongkong

Repulse Bay Hotel, Hongkong Hsin Cheng Leather Co.—>1.7, Ming.

Peninsular Hotel, Hongkong Hong Road; Teleph. 41673

Peak Hotel, Hongkong

Astor House Hotel, Shanghai Hsin Hua Drug- Co.—131, Chaotung

Palace Hotel, “Shanghai Road; Teleph. 92109

Hotel Plaza—Corner Rue Montauban Hsin Hkng & Co:, Building Contractors


(10 Rue duCable Consulat;

Ad: PlazaTeleph. 82040 and Estate Agents —Rooms 144 and

P.L. V.W. Muraour, manager 145, 80, Avenue Edward YII; Teleph.

Woo, treasurer 12734

Alhadef, chief clerk Johan K. Zee, mang. partner

J. Kuijyers, chef K. N. Godfrey Yeh, sub. do,


F. K. Koo Chow

Hsin Kee National Air, Sea and

Land Transportation Co.- 172, Nan-

Liang Chee Hotel—45. Hupeh Road king Road; Teleph. 9280*7

Linam Hotel—9, Woochang Road

m §r Hsin hong


and Fppchow' Hotel Roads;

— Corner Kiangse

Teleph. Hsin Kong & Co., General Store-keepers,

12500; Cable Ad : Methotel Family Grocers, Provision Dealers, Wine-

Cathay Hotels, Ltd., proprietors and —401,Spirit'Merchants

Boone rand Tobacconists

Road (Corner of Ghapoo

E. Arregger, manager and Boone Roads); Teleph. 43149


f? W- fS Hsin yuen hong F. C. Cleary, manager

Hsin Yuen Manufacturers’

Company, Importers J. S. Clark, asst." 4 do.

Exporters, Agents, Miss

Miss M. Encarnacao, secretary


Wholesale Chemists and Druggists, T. D. Toong, Chinese manager

Dealers in Patent MedieiPes, Perfumery

Toilet Goods,ofProvisions

Proprietors the Asia and_ Groceries.


Factory—10, Kiangse Road; Teleph. £ W £ fg H

14371; Cable Ad: Truster Huh teh sung nga e sung

Hudson, Dr. F. B., d.d.s., Dental Surgeon

Hsu Ming Electiuc ,Co.—345, Peking —Sassoon Teleph. 11917House,- 1, Nanking Road;

Road; Teleph. 93406

Hua- Dah Red Brick and Tile Co., Hugh Middleton & Co. (Insurance),

Ltd.—172, Nanking Road; Teleph. Ltd.—{See Middleton, Hugh)


Hugo Reiss & Co

Hua Hai Construction Co. — 55, {See Reiss & Co., Hugo).

Avenue Jpffre; Teleph. 82881

Huh Hsing Works—Avenue

Engineering and..de Ship-

Hua Mei Chemical Printing Co.—137, building zaure, Nantao : Teleph. Nantao 159


Rue Lafayette; Teleph. '8448T

Huai Chi Electrical Supply C6‘.—131, Hume ed

Pipe (Far East), Ltd. (Incorporat-

Kiangse Road; Telepr. 19819 Humein Patent



Pipes’and Humeof

Patent Steel Pipes and Tubes for Water,

Sen yuh Gas, Sewage, Drainage and Culvert


Office: c/o Ad:Malcolm

Humepipee Co., Ltd.—

Huber & Co.-,Succ., s.A.,E.,Si]kMerchants,

General Exporters and Importers—136, Wayfoong House, cf220, Szechuen

Canton Road; Teleph. 16959; Cable Ad: Road


O. Fischer

J. L. Koch | J. Rogalsky Hun Sin Trading Co.—399, Kiangse

Road; Teleph. 10337


209, L. E.,

Yuen Ming b.a., Architect—8th floor, Hundred-in-One

Yuen Road; P.O. Box king Road; Teleph. Oil Co.—604, Nan-

534; Cable Ad: Lashudec 94973; Cable

L. B.E.L.Hudec, b.a. Ad : Oilit


J.A. L.G. Slaschov, draughtsman Hundson Transporting ' Co., Ltd.—

Mrs. H.Marieff,

O. Wegener,do-secretary 164, Honan Road; Teleph. 12122

K. L. Egikoff, snr. supervisor

Hung Chong Bros. Fur Co.—144,

H E Chong Szechuen Road; Teleph. 17432

Hudford Motors, Motor Cars, Accessories

and Repairs—993, Bubbling Well Road; Hung Chong & £o., Gold and Silver

Teleph. 27181 Smiths, Dealers in Ivory Carvings, Lac-

quer Ware and. Propeiains—132, Nan-

Hudnut, Richard, Perfumer—668, Spe- king Road; Teleph. 17476

cimen Road; Teleph. 14345; P.O. Box

1830; Cable Ad: Hudnut. New York Hung Chong Iron Engine Factory—

Office : 113, West Eighteen Street 840, Point Road ; Teleph. 52891


Hung Chong Silk HONG-T374, Nan- Hwa Foqng Paper Manufacturing-

king Road; Teleph. 93690 '(36.—29, Museum Road; Teleoh:


Hung Kong (Share Co.—429, Kiukiang Hwa Tung News Agency—82, Swatow

Road; Teleph. 92745 Road; Teleph. 92231

Hong Teh Trading Co., Exporters and Hwa Tung Tobacco Co.—48-50, Seward

Importers—7, Yuen Ming Yuen Road

(2nd floor); P.O. Box 526; Teleph. 17398; Road; Teleph. 41069

Cable Ad: Hendry

Hwa Wei Trading Co., Ltd.,of Motion,


Hunt’s Wharf — Office: 470, East Equipment and Distribution

Pictures- -119, Jinkee Road; Teleph...

Broadway; Teleph. 51863 19266; Cable Ad: Whaweico

Hunter & Lovatt, Exchange and Bill Hwai Valley Conservancy Board—

Brokers—45, Kuikiang Road; Teleph. 12, Jinkee Road; Teleph. 15845

13953; Cable Ad: Bullbear W. E. Souter, f.r.g.s., gen. secy.

J. E. L. Hunter

W. H. Lovatt yjC —- Ich ilci

Hup Kee Shipbuilding Works—Yu- Ichiki & Co., T.,etc.Musical

Gramophones, — 876, Instruments,

North Sze-

hang Road; Teleph. 52622 chuen Road; Teleph. 42631

m & Hup lee Ideal Co., Ltd.—72', Chung Hwa Road;.

Hup Lee Iron Works, Blockmakers, PiO. Box 888; Cable Ad: Idealow

Woodturners, Engineers, Boilermakers,

Brass and Iron Founders, Marine Motor

Repairers, and General Contractors— IlbertX? & S’Co. (1931),Laou hung mow

Ltd., Merchants—

31-32, Yuen Fong Road; Teleph. 52721 Union Building, 17, Canton Rd.; Teleph.


H. W. P.O.

P. Box 569 mang. director


IS ft Ho Chee E. L. G. Arnold, director

Hutchison & Co., Ltd., John D., ! K.K.G.D.Stephenson, a.c.a., director

Chen, compradore


icals Goods.

and Metals,

General Sundries,

Merchants —Chem-

280, |j L. S. Chen

Peking Road; 1 Li I. Shen | Mrs. M. Tresize

314; Cable Ad :Teleph.

Pentland14800; P.O. Box

Zee Tsu Ying, manager Ilford, Limited, Manufacturers of Photo-

8. C. Chow, sub mgr. graphic Plates, Paperssupplies:—153,

and Films; X-Ray

Zee Tsu Fun, do. and Cinematograph

ton Road; Telepn. 18545-6' ; Cable Can-



Hwa Cheng Coal Briquette Co.—231, I I. J. V. Scott, repres. for Far East

Avenue Foch ; Teleph. 81786 I.G.S.YehSunshine, assist.

Hwa Chi, Consulting Civil Engineer— Illingworth, L. E., Manufacturers-’

40, Ningpo Road; Teleph. 13753

Representative, Linen, Wool and

Hwa Foong Enamelling Co., Ltd.—58- Cotton Piece Goods and Wool and

64, Rue de la Porte du Nood, F. C.; Teleph. Yarns—210,

Cotton Kiukiang Road;.

18304; P.O. Box 1375; Cable-

Telephs. 82036 and 82037 Ad : Holdslooms


m & v&mmwn ft h ^ ^ Property and Publicity Dept.

H. C. Eustacb ' ‘ 1

Ying shang po na men yang kien H. C. F. Aris .

yu shien hung sze Shipping Dept.

Imperial Chemical Industries

Ltd.(Incorporated under the Ordinances (China), R. J. W. Bisshop

of& Co.

Hongkong), Formerly Brunner, Mond W. R. Meath rel

(China), Ltd., Importers of Alkalis, C. C. Young

Dyestuffs, Indigo, Fertilisers, Commer- F. M. F. Gutierez


and and

Sundry Industrial Chemicals, Metals 'Correspondence Cable Dept.

Building, 133, Products—Brunner-Mond

Szechuen Road; Telephs. MbMiss

KatzL. Dalder

15070, 15170-79 and 11622-3 (13 lines); Miss


Box 252; Cable Ad: Alkali Miss S.E. Falkine

McMurray Miss it. w.

McGowan, Directors — Sir HarryV.

k.b.e. (chairman), Mrs. K. M. Getz Miss Thompson

Mrs. G. A. Clark E. M.Grant

St. J. Killery,

Gillespie and G. 0.F. A.R. Jackson

Haley R. D. Mrs. R. J. Hayes Miss D. Stanion

Directors—W. S. Bristowe, W. Boyle; Mrs. M. Ribbons Miss C. Wilson'

and J. W. Gibb ' Miss

Miss J.I. Remedips

Gin ter Miss S.B. Peach

C. B. C6pk,: secretary Miss G. A. Fowler G. Mann

Staff and Establishment Shanghai Division

C.MissB. M.CookPeckham V. J.R.G.Butts

.General Sales Cruichshank

H.R.J. Montague-Smith

Collar, b.a. K. Y. R. Wang

Miss M. A. Figueiredo

D. J. C. Stewart | J. A. Hartvig Godown

B.D. B.M. Joseph

Wheeler I K. N. Mashinsky

A. N. Smirnoff L. J. G. Perry

J. P. C. Master H. C. Collaco Manufacturer^ Representatives

E. J. Muir ) E. A. Cooke R.kL.Lloyds,

Aiton,Ltd.representative, Stewarts

Alkali Development Dept. M.& Lymbery,

H. G. Wale

B. Munro-Sniith Sons, Ltd.,representative,

J. & J. Col man,Reckitt



(Overseas) Ltd. Chiswick Polish Co.,

Ltd., and

Fertiliser Dept.

J. G. Ledwidge, m.a. K.Natal

Duxbury, b.sc.,a.i.c.,

Tanning Extractrepresentative,

Co., Ltd.

G. E. Matthews A.&M.Co.,

Scrimgeour, m.a.,Laboratories)

Joseph Nathan

•8. A. CoUaco Ltd. (Glaxo

Dyes Department Agents and Distributors for the follow-


C. Lay B. Hughes

cock |I I.W.H.J. Kendall

C. Monk ing Constituent and Subsidiary

GashDept. Companies of Imperial

Industries, Ltd., London Chemical

J.G. G.Blown

Forbes British Dyestuffs Corporation, Ltd.

Miss N. Y. Kelly Castner-Kellner Alkali Co., Ltd.

Accounts Dept. Casebourne & Co. (1926) Ltd.

Chance k Hunt, Ltd.


T. W. A. Hogarth,

Gubb c.a. I.C.I.


k Co.,Ltd.

Ltd.)(formerly Brunner,

V. A.O.Youngson

Riley I.C.I. (Fertiliser & Synthelic Products)


F. X. Dibiz I.C.I. (General (Chemicals) Ltd.

A.G; M.N. Hansen I.C.I. (Line) Ltd.

Manley I.C.I. Metals Ltd.

. I.C.I. (Rexine) Ltd.

A.A. Reid

A. da Silva Lightning Fasteners, Ltd.

Mouldrite Ltd.

A. L. Madeira


Agents for ■ Industrial and Commercial Advocate

Boots Pure Drug Co., Ltd..(Saccharin) —311, Shantung Road; Teleph, 94200

Borax Consolidated, Ltd. Industrial Export (China) Co., Ex-

British Glues& Co.,

Brotherton and Ltd.

Chemicals, Ltd. porters of China Produce—4, Av.

China Soap Co., Ltd. (Glycerine)

Chiswick Polish Co., Ltd. (Glycerine) Ad: Edward VIT; Teleph. 13262; Cable


Polish Go.,Ltd.,

Ltd. J.(Overseas) Industrial


Corn Products Defining Co.

& J. Industrial Mission Center—782, ■ Bub-

S. A. des UsinesDestree (Ultramarine) bling Well Road; Teleph. 31071; Cable

Forestal Land, Timber and Railways Ad: Indusmiss

Co., Ltd. Ltd.

Glycerine, Industrial and Trading (Yah-Kee) Co.,


& WoodPowder Co., (Wood Rosins Ltd.,


General Tin Lithographers and

Can Manufacturers—121, KiangseRoad;

Mysore Government Sandalwood Oil Teleph. 17494

Factory, Bangalore Industrial Products—21, .Yuen Ming.


InternationalLiquid GluesCo.,Co.,of Ltd.

Nickel Canada, Yuen Road ; Teleph. 13902


International Nickel Co., Inc. H H Van tui


Mond NickelSoda Co.,

Co., Ltd.


Natal Tanning Extract Co., Ltd. Inniss

porated & under




Nathan & Co., Ltd., Joseph (Glaxo ces of Hongkong), Engineers, Contrac-


Oeresunds Chemiske Febriker Yuen Road; Telephs. 16238/9; P.O.Ming

tors and Importers—34, Yuen

Racine & Cie. Box


J. Percival, A.M.i.E.E.,mang. director

Roura & Forgas J. P. Simoes, secretary


Stewards& Bowne, Ltd. (Scott’s

& Lloyds, Ltd. Emulsion) Power Engineering: —

A. H. Harvey, special repres.

Van den Berghs Ltd.Association, Inc.

U. S. Alkali Export British Thomson-Housto'n Co.,

N. V. Vereenigde Fabrieken van . J. Ltd. F. Pym, special repres. British

Stearine, Kaarsen

Producten (Stearine) en Chemische Thomsen-Houston Co., Ltd,, (Hong

Wiggin & Co., Ltd., Henry Kong)


A. Wallace, b.sc., specialCo.,repres.

Thomson-Houston Ltd.

Imperial Chinese Paper Mill—23, Lifting and Shifting Machinery: —

Rue Corbet; Teleph. 81523 C. A. Sterrey, special repres.

Herbert Morris Ltd.

Impex Trading Co.—59, Peking Road; Mechanical gineering:—-. . and

. Electrical En-

Teleph. 14452 P. N. Jensen

A. A, Roche

Independent Film Exchange of China Machine P. J. Swales,Tools:—special repres. Alfred

Film Distributors—142, Museum Road; Herbert, Ltd.

Teleph. 19715; Cable Ad: Indepfilms Chinese Engineering and Sales: —

L. C. King, m.sc; ,

# ^ H M C.S. C.H. Chang

Tang, B.sc.

In mien yung hua lien yi hui S. C. Chow

Indian Cotton. Importers’ Associa- W. K. Ting

tion of China—Yokohama Specie Showroom:— r

Bank Building, 24, The Bund Teleph' J. J. Eymafd

16657; Cable Ad: Lehin C. Y. Chang'

Accounts: —

Indo China Cargo Superintendent— J. P. Siipoes

Office: Hunt’s Wharf; Teleph, 51862 C. C. Chu


Correspondence: — it n m m m

Mrs. E. Andringa Kwei jue su poo shdn

Miss P. Poligurpe i Miss N. Roche International Booksellers, Ltd., Im-

Agencies porters of Foreign Books and Periodicals

British Thomson Houston Co., Ltd., —131, Museum Road; Teleph. 13806;

Rugby P.OThomas

Box 723; Cablemanager

Ad: Interbooks

Herbert Morris, Ltd., Loughborough S. Woo,


LondonElectrical Storage Co., Ltd.,

Alfred Herbert Ltd., Coventry

Midland Electric Manufacturing Co.,

Ltd., Birmingham Van Kivo Shun Yung Kee 'Chee

W. Canning & Co., Ltd., Birmingham Kung Sze

Carreras Ltd., Etc.

London International Business Machines

,1,Corporation, Hollerith Accounting

and Tabulating Machines, Inter-

Institution for the Chinese Blind— national Time Systems, Master

{See Educational) Clock Systems—263, Kiangse Road;

Teleph. 10083; P.O. Box 1; Cable

Ad: Busequicor

Insurance Company of North America H. W. Bryce, factory repres.

—1:3, Kiukiang Road; Teleph. 12867; Business Equipment Corporation,

Cable Ad: Norama agents

R. A. Kreulen, general manager

International Correspondence School

{See Educational)

International Assurance Go., Ltd.

(Incorporated under the Companies Wu chu la yah vong yu lisien kung sze

Ordinance of Hong Kong), Life, International Dispensary Go., Ltd.,

Fire, Marine, Motor Car, Personal Manufacturing Chemists’, Whole-

Accident, Baggage and Household- sale Druggists, Soap Manufacturers

ers’ Insurance—17, The Bund; and Commission Agents — Head

’Teleph. 16805; Cable Ad: Brintasco Office: 581, Foochow Road; Telephs.

Directors—F. R.

R.sonCalder-Marshall,Smith (chairman),

c.b.e., Sir Shou- 11292-4; Cable Ad: Bloodtonic

Chow, M. Reader Harris, Sing-


c.m.g.,Hsu,E. Sigaut

G. E. Marden,

and C. V.H.Starr

Porter, m n $! i. %

S.W.H.A. Peek, assistant manager

H. Duff, secretary Wo fung chi ch’i t’sang

M. K. Loh, accountant International Dock-—Pootung; Teleph.

Miss M. C. Vezey (Day and Night) Dial 02 and ask for 98

Fire Underwriter:— Shanghai Dock and Engineering Co.,

B. C. Sienkevitch Ltd., proprietors

Life Department:— International Export Co. (KiaStgsu),

H. L. Yung, manager Ltd.—153, Nanking Road; Telephs.

Z. T. Yang, secretary 18682-3

Accident and Health Departments:—

D. L. Gholson, manager International Films (China), Ltd.—

Mrs. E. Newman 160, Avenue Edward VII.; Teleph.

■Casualty Department:— 13771

A. M. Henderson, underwriter International Funeral Directors—

Fire and Marine Local Office:— 207, Kiaochow Road; Teleph. 34220;

S.Y. L.P. Wang, managermanager

Lien, assistant Cable Ad: Chincasket

R. O. Scott, managing director


International Harvester Export Co. iS dze dah

—9, Yuen Ming Yuen Road; Telepn. Isida Association, Blue Book System

17055 Dealers, Patent Consultants, Publishers,

Advertising Consultants, Commission

International Industrial Supply Co. Agents, etc.—216, Szechuen Road;

Teleph. 14632; Cable Ad: Isida

—40, Ningpo Road; Teleph. 18444

International Investment Trust Co. II ft Shuang loong

of China, I/n>.—9, Avenue Edward Ismer & Co., C., Watch and Chronometer

VII; Teleph. 84140 Makers,


Road and Opticians—134,

International Mercantile Co.—233, C. Treppenhauer

Szeehuen Road; Teleph. 15898 P. Halle

H. Thunig I| W.

P. S.F.Lupulescu


International Securities Co. — 50, Italian Bank for China—(Nee Banks)

Nanking Road; Teleph. 18770

Italian Chamber of Commerce — See

International Savings 'Society—(See Chambers of Commerce)


Italian Consulate—(Nee Consulates)

International Tobacco Co.? Leaf To-

bacco Dealers—100, Peking Road; ff! Fee nae

Teleph. 12700; P.O. Box 512; Cable Italian Marble Works (G. Finocchiaro &

Ad: Intertobao Co., proprietors), Interior

International Trading Co., Import- Marble Decorators,

Scotch Granite Italianand



Marble and

and Monu-

ers and Exporters, Laboratory Ap- ment Erectors—-839, North Szechuen

paratus, Stationers, Technical Raw Road;

Materials etc.— 220, Szechuen Road;

Teleph. 19850; Cable Ad: Intradinoo chiaro Teleph. 41340; Cable Ad: Finoc-

G. Minarolo

M. Valtz | Miss A. Peebles

International Underwriters, Ltd. Italy Rubber Goods Mfg. Co.—1062,.

(Incorporated under the Companies East Yuhang Road; Teleph. 51300


Managers Hongkong)Assurance


Co., Ltd.—17, The

Cable Ad: Brintasco Bund; Teleph. 16805;Itoh & Co., (Ltd., C-, Cotton Yarn

F.A. R.M,Smith, managing manager,

director and Cotton Piece . Gpods Dealers—7

J. Wolynsky, Hankow Road; Teleph. 10:393, 13299,r

director 13300; P.O. Box 542; Cable Ad:

W. A-H. Duff, secretary Maruito

T. Hikida, general manage

International Wagons-Lits Co.—57/16, Ivy and Robinson, Drs., Dental

Boundry Road; Teleph. 43229; Cable Surgeons—39, Peking Road; Teleph.

Ad: Sleeping 10101

£ ® PI n % Iwai & Co., Ltd., Importers and Ex-

E se man e sung porters—99, Hankow Road; Telephs.

Isenman, Smith & Wood, .Drs., Dental Cable 19740, 19748 and 19749; P.O. Box 539;

Surgeons—North-China Ad: Iwai

The Bund; Teleph. 11692; P.Building,

O. Box 121617

W. J. Isenman, d.d.s.

W. Rector Smith, d.d.s. Jacks & Co., William—51, Hongkong

V. Parks Woods,: d.d.s. Road; Telephs. 11478-9; Cable Ad:



£ H # 5i Japanese Residents’ Corporation of

JacAson and Partners Shanghai—128, Quinsan Rd. (Quin-

Jackson, Dk. E. D,, & Partners (Drs. . san House) ; Teleph. 42390 (3 lines) ;

Bryson, Parsons, Cameron, Maconie, P.O. Box 3053

Acting President— K. Sugimoto, Com-


M. Customsand MeGolrick),

and BritishSurgeons to C.

Admiralty- missioner of Roan Dept. — T.

Consulting Rooms: 27, Peking Road; , General Matsunaga,Treasurer—Y.Shirasaka

Teleph. 15094.(by appointment);

Also 1157, Bubbling Dept.— '

Well Road Teleph. S. N.Nagata, K. Kikumura,

Hosoki, R. Ohgoshv,

S. Shirahama, Y.

31983 Kuwata, M. Mukai N. Suyeyoshi,

Jacobsen, Axel., Exporters of Cotton TM. Nagasaki, Miss M. Namba,

Tanaka, Miss Y. Mitsumura Miss

Waste and Rags—40, Ningpo Road;

Teleph. 15800; Cable Ad: Ajacobsen LoanandDept.— Miss T. Nishida

K. Matsumoto,- Y. Matsuura, M.

& jit is

Poo kong- kung sze Y.Yoshida, Y. Ishidzu,

Nishikawa, U. Yamanoi,

K. Jinushi, S. Ishino,

Jade Store Co., Chinese Curios and S. Murata, M. Tanaka,

M. Nakamura, S. Hosotani, C. Rimura, Y.

Jewellery, etc.80, Nanking Road: Matsuda, G. Yamamoto,-Y. Awane,

Teleph. 13237 Mrs. S. Matsushima, Miss T.

Matsumoto and M. Nakagawa

Japan-China SpinningRoad;

Ltd.—96, Robison and Teleph.


Co., Accountants’ Dept.—

T. l anabe, president K. Shiomi, and

Igarashi Mrs. Miss

Y. Kaigawa, Miss H.

C. Mizoguchi

Japan Dental Manufacturing Co.> Cashiers’ Dept.—

Dental Instruments and Artificial Teeth T. Watanabe,

K a n n o, M.M.Nagai,


K. Kozaka,M.

—1, Woosung Road; Teleph. 41363 Miss T. Nakaseko, S. Kurozawa

Japan Sugar Co., Ltd.—9, Canton Road; Supplies and Shih Pao Ching

Teleph. 14652; Cable Ad: Sugar Dept.—

H. Takagi, S. Itob and Miss Y. Terau-

Japan Tourist Bureau — 9, Canton chi

Road; Teleph. 15671; P. O. Box 1288; Japanese Cotton Millowners As-

Cable Ad: Tourist. Head Office: Tokyo sociation in China—(Nee Assocns.)

Japanese Chamber of Commerce—(See

Chambers of Commerce) Japanese Telegraph Office—25, Seward

Road; Teleph. 40624

a Jakdine Engineering Corporation,

Jih pen shang wu kuan shih wit eo

Japanese Commercial Counsellor — Ltd., The (Incorporated under the

Room 252, Hamilton House, 170, Companies Ordinances of Hong

Kong)—Head Office : 50, Yuen Ming

Kiangse Road; Teleph. 11234; Cable Yuen Road; Teleph. 151290 (Private

Ad: Shomukan Exchange to all Sections); P.O.

H. Yokotake, Commercial 'Coun- Box 1238; Cable Ad : Jardeng

sellor W.

M. Iwai, Consul

K. Uyetani, J. F.J.Owen,

Keswick, chairman


M. Okazaki, Chancellor

secretary G. Gf. C. Harper, signs per pro

H R. Fielding, secretary

General Engineer’g. & Electrical Section

Japanese Consulate—(see Consulates) B.OttoLooms

Theiler (Schindler lifts)

Japanese Cotton Merchants Associa- Y.MissS. H.Chaplin


tion: of Shanghai—(Nee Associa- R. A. E. Denton (National Gas

tions) Engine Co., Ltd., i epresentative)


C. Telegraph

W. Pennett (W. T. Henley’s

Works, Go., Ld., rep.) ft to E wo

E. K. Womack (Ingersoll-Rand Co., •Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.,


H. Y. Hsu (British), Merchants, Steamship Agents,

Henry H. G Liu General Insurance Agents — 27, The

H. V. Chien, B.sc. Bund; Teleph. 15290; P. O. Box 611;

I.W.C.C.KoChen I C. F. Sun Cable

W. J.Ad:Keswick


T. D. Wang | P. K. Chu F. A. Pollock | R. Gordon

Industrial, Building and Military Correspondence H. Flint


H. Lennox (absent)

Supplies Section: H.

W. H. Way (absent) Miss D. M. Cuthbertson

A. H. Hutchison Miss H. Harrison

A. Wright (Military Supplies) Miss I. M. Hart-Baker

A. W. Peake (Bldg. Supplies) Property and Estate Dept,

Y. J. B. Holland (Lubricating G. E. O. Mayne


H. Box (Industrial Supplies) Tea Department

Y. Schroemo

B. W. Bloomberg | Mrs. E. F.Mancell P. Lachlan, signs p. p.

B.H. E.D. Bolton

A. M. Souza I Mrs. K. Hall M. Barton

■C. Chadderton | Miss G. Eardley R. Bryson | I. D. Bruce

J. Machine-Tool

T. Asquith Makers,(Associated British

Ld., rep.) Indo-China S.N. Co., Ltd.


Brotherton (Henry Hope and W. B. Rigden

Ld.. Representative) E.R. F.Frost


J. D. McLeod (International D. Lyon

Paint and Compositions Co., A. G. Jacobs (absent)

Ld., Representative) A.P. Proby


R. S. Parker (Garlock Packing

Co., Representative) R. P. J. Stewart

D. Russell (Edgar Allen & Co., E.MissG. C.Woodford (Claims)

Ltd., representative) Dunstan

C. J. H. Spraggett, (W. & T. Mrs. A. M. Moodie

Avery, Ld., Representative) Miss R. Yates F. H. E. Skyrme,. r.n.

M. J. Stack (Associated Oil Co., Lieut-Coradr

representative) (retired)

T. H. Zee I Y. S. Knien Indo-China S. N. Co., Ltd., Book Office

F. D. Hsu | S. Mb Chang J. McCaig

Bulk Oil Plant—Pootung G. L. Marshall | G. Lubeck

V. Bocevitch Marine Superintendents

Railway Section Capt. A. R.supt.

Williamson, o.b.e., D.s.c.,

T. F. Liu marine

F. Powell

M. (J. Stone & Co.,do.Ld. rep.)

Saunderson, Capt. R. W. Bateman, d.s.c., assist,

Miss F. Kimnton marine supt.

I). Fraser (The Metropolitan Cammell H. Craig, engineer supt.purser

Carriage, Wagon & Finance Co., J. Palmer, supervisory

Ld., representative) (absent) Capt. W. Hetherington, cargo supt.

“Correspondence Book Office

A.A.P. Leitao

Simoes | Miss L. M. Day H. H. Lennox (absent)

Accounts Section A. H. Merriles

H. R. Fielding L. B. Sackville West

L. F. Lopes | A. P. Zuzarte F. M. Guedes

Ewo Press Packing Co.

G. E. O. Mayne

n m *1 m z wo sze chang Ewo Cold Storage Co.

Jabdine, Matheson

ature—14, Chengtu Road (Sinza) C.R. L.Nelson

Mathew | A.M. Crichton


Ewo Silk Filature


China Produce1. Department The

The Hongkong Fire Insuranee

Canton Insurance Office, Co.;



I). Smith, signs p.p. Alliance Assurance Co., Ltd.

G.D. Raeburn (absent) Triton


InsuranceCo., Co. Ltd.


A.Mi'sJ.. E.HallD. Schafer

f Miss E. H. Ross Queensland Insurance Co., Ltd.

Zee Yue Dong, compradofe Bankers & Traders’ InsuraneeCo.,Ltd-

Imports Liverpool and London and Globe"


and Explosives) (Piece .Goods, Insurance

Atlas Co.*Co..

Assurance Ltd;Ltd.

A.D.Piercy, signs p, p. (absent),

R. Mackenzie I R. J. S, Brandt Jarling & Co.—147,

E.F. W.

J. Tray nor [j A.G; A.J. P.White : Kian^se Road;

Warrington Carey Teleph. 19284 '

C. D. Penney | C. S. King Java-China-Japan L.mn N.Y., Steamship^

Cotton Mills Department Owners

R. J. McNicol Building, and Agents — Road;

41, Szechuen Brunner-Mond



D. Macphail

Campbell A.A.MissW. Robson

H. M.Chambers


16247 (3 lines); P.O. Box 1348; Cables

Ad: Javalijn

W. W. Mackenzie J. H. Warning,, manager

W. E. Wilson

Insurance Department T.A. C.C. Kruyt

Offenberg, signs per pro.

G.G.Bispham R.I. G.G. Allison

Geer J. L. Winkelmann

H. Versluis.

K. A.H. Piercy


(absent) Miss

M. S. Agafuroff

C. Harrop


M. dosta.,,

G.J. A.Gompertz R. E.Witschi

Kendrew H g| Wan lai

Silk and Waste Silk Department Java Sea and Fire Insurance

R. Plattner

Y. D. K. Craddock | A. Brunner (Branch Office)—3, Ezra Road;Co.,Teleph-


(absent) 18709 (2 lines); Cable Ad: Sluytersco

General Compradore Java Sea'and Fire Insurance Co.—A.

Pan Tse Chuen

Ewo Silk Filature—1037, Chengtu Road Edward Cable Ad:Ezra Road; Teleplis. 18768/9;


Z. A. Tsu, compradore. H. C. A. van Someren, manager

S. K. Yoong, waste silk compr.

Proprietors Java Sugar Import Co.-, . Import and

Ewo Press

Ewo Silk Filature

Packing Co. Export—Afnhold Bldgi, i 32Q,Cable

‘ Szechuen

Ewo Cold Storage Co. Road; Teleph. 14658; Ad:


. C.M. N.F. Chiu,

Vee, director

General Managers for do.

Indo-China S.N. Co., Ltd.

Ewo Cotton Mills, Ltd.

General Agents Jean & Co-., Wh., Import and Export—

Shanghai & Hongkew Wharf Co., Ltd. 505, Honan Road, Room 101; Dairyequip



Nobel’s Trading Corpn.; Ltd. Jeansin

Telepk.Piano 82293; Co.—459,

Cable Ad: Avenue

Jean Joflre;

McEwanExplosivesYounger Ltd.Co., Ltd.,


Charles Horse Distillers,

Marchant’s Whisky Ltd. M rse :

Staats Mijnen in Limburg Jetosen 8s. Co., Import, Export^

C. & E. Mortons, Ltd. Machinery, Shipping, and Insurance—

Cadbury-Fry. Export: 110, Hankow Road; Telephs. ’1.1574-5 6;

Dept.Lift, Plate Cable


Glass,Marine, Motor-car,

Life, Personal Accident and tow BranchesAd:: JebsenHongkong, ; AllCanton,

Codes Used.


Sickness Insurance , and Amoy


& m *b jk m it n Ka Yun Shipping Co.—29, Szechuen

.Jexkins Tobacco Co., Tnc.,L. B., Importers Road; Teleph. 17476


American Leaf10591;

Teleph. Tobacco—72, Szechuen

P.O. Box 1264; Kable (D.) Industrial Engineering

Cable Ad: Jenco Co., Consulting, Mechanical

Jensen Chemical Works,, T. K., Manu- chical Engineers—320, KiangseandRoad;


facture insecticide “Killdown”—872, Teleph. 16162; Cable Ad: Kablexport.


484, FongBoad; HsiaTeleph. 91294.GateFactory: HeadD.Office:

Road, West


M. Kable, gen. mgr.

T. D.K. K.Jensen, director Emile Stern, mgr. (Chicago, 111)

Cheng, mgr. A.TaiBandre, sec. & sub-mgr.

Chang Ying, treas.

T. E. Soong, assist, mgr. Miss C. Schuster, sec.

Jensen, G. S., Engineer,

and Merchant—410, Contractor

Szechuen Road;

Teleph. 14215; Cable Ad: Jen- in $ m m ^

senius Kai dou lee hung sze


sayers, Chemical

Analysts Laboratories,

andNanking As- Kadoorie & Sons, Sir Elly, Merchants


Chemical Engineers—50, Rd.; —259, Kiangse Road; Telephs. 18180

& 18189, 20891 (Residence: Marble

Cable Ad: Labo Hall) ; Cable Ad : Kadoorie : Codes :

Jewish Communical Association Bentley’s and Bentley’s Second.

{See Associations) Hongkong Office: St. George’s



(Com. Leg. Hon.), E. S. L.Kadoorie,



Jewish National Fund Commission H. Kadoorie

for China—{See Associations) J. E. Salmon, manager

Johnson Garage Ltd.—800, Peking Road;

Teleph. 40000

S.C. Y.Johnson, managing director

Chow, manager

E. K. II. Chang, secretary Kai lan Kwang wu Kuk

Joseffo Photo Studio—103, Nanking Kailan Coal, MiningCeramics,

Coke, Administration,

Window glass The

Road; Teleph. 12908 and Shipping — H. & S. Bank Bldg.,



12, The Bund:17776

(3 lines), Telephs 11070,

(direct to

m % & ® m Sales Dept.), 19304 (direct to Agent’s

Qu die foo hun de Private Office); P. O. Box 1198; Gable

Joseph Brothers, General Merchants— Ad:F. Kaiping W. G. North, agent G

Hongkong & Shanghai Bank Building, M. Sun, asst, agentShipping & Local

Room 200; Telephs. 16305-6; Cable Ad: A. Purchase

C. Godby,


Ellis Joseph M.gers,

Armstrong and T. S. Wang, mana-

Joseph, Sales Dept.

missionR. Agent—12,

M., General Merchant

The Bund;andTeleph.

Com- L. Dept.

Handley Derry, assistant, Sales

16306; Cable Ad: Rayjos Miss K. L.Macartney,

Miss D. Ralph, secretariat


Miss E. Parkhiil,

Miss D. Parkhiil, do.


m u n ± % m K. F. Chang, accountant

Fah ven shdng hai jih pao N. S. Lieu, asst. do.

Journal de Shanghai, Le —21-23, Rue Genwal Managers for :—

du Consulat; Teleph. 84063; Cable Ad:

Journachan Yao Hua Mechanical Glass Cb., Ltd.


Kailak Sales & Wharf Agencies,

Distributors of Kailan Coal,

Ceramics to the Chinese Market, Coke and £ ^ m m :

Agents for \ ao Hua Mechanical Glass . Wg sze tein E sung

Co Ltd., Chinwangtao, and Managers

of Lootung and Za Whei Kong Whar- Kastein, Mertens,

Dr. J. (Dr. Birt, Rail,

Yirhich and; Schwarzen-

ves—33 Szechuen

Cable Ad: 3497 Road; Teleph.. 15253; burg), Physician—Office: 20, Kiu-

Kailan Mining Admini- jL partners kiang. Road; Teieph. 15579. Resi-

stration -dence: 123,

Teleph. 28302Great Western Road;

Lieu Ong Sung )

T.O. S.S. Wang,

Lieu, joint do.


!i KwtFtN^ K,atkn'39, Avenue Edward

M. Armstrong, do. VII; Teleph. 84745

K. S. Lieu, asst, manager


% Wo ta h ^0 CO-, Electrical Accessories—


Kale & Co., E., Furs, Skins and General ', g Yu Lee; Teleph. J3699

produce Exporters—316, Kiangse Road: Kattwrykel, Max, General Agent for

Teleph. 10291; Cable Ad: Kale

^ /'f Germany,

Elberfeld, Yer-Glanzstoff


Silk and

m m. m ;ii ^ STiTrV'h

10161; ¥^seKattwinkel

Cable'Ad: Tm ]?oad; Teleph.

Kanagawa Engraving Co.—109, Chapoo

Road; Teleph. 41928

T. Kanagawa, manager Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha- -12, Hankow

Kann, E. & Mayaudon E., Exchange Road; Teleph. 17218

Brokers—Na,tional City Bank

York Building, 45, Kiukiang Road ; of New

Telephs. 13235 and 17265; Cable Ad • glj Bih fah

Ekann Kelly & Walsh, Ltd, Printers, Publishers,

Booksellers, Stationers and News Agents

Kapustin & Cc*, G.—374, Kiangse WB d.P.p.Wal sh612; Cable Ad: Nanking

Building, 66,

Box managing-director Kelly

Road; Telepli. 17687 TA.A. E.J. Waller,


Karamelahi & Co., H.andZ. H,Commission

Tea Ex- director

porters, Merchants J. A;H. S.Searle,

de Jesus,do.secretary


Teleph. 12386Yuen

Cable;Ming Yuen Road;

Ad: Ziauddin A.S. O.C. Gregory,

Knaggg manager

Karanjia, N.B.—45, Kiukiang Road; A. -^Bis I C. Mackenzie

Teleph. 17731 N. PMclverMarsoff I| Mrs. Miss. V.B. Whaley

E. Mills

N. H. AWes ' I Miss C. A. Maher

% 3c Tien woo Y S.Pastooheff j Miss

C. Corte Real | Miss K. Baxter H. Taylor


Russian D.Orthodox

J. F., m.d. (President of the Western Braheh—1181, Bubbling Well



Practitioner—453, Ave. Joffre Road

Bearn flat 76; Teleph. 80412 Mrs. G.A. Silnitsky

Mrs. Cifka

Printing Works—400, Ferry Road

M Dispensary,

ii ic Medicines, ® Sur- J. V.H. M.Seaiie, manager

Allington, assist, manager


gical Instrument and Morinaga’s Con- ->• L- Youngmau

fectionery - 539-40, R. W. Rawlinson

T. F. White j;

ielephs. 90412, 90496; P.O.Canton

Box 587Road;

Kassoff, Dr J. F.—219, Hamilton tion KeeCo;—275,

Keng Ocean & Land Transporta-

House; Teleph. 14379 Teleph. 41278 Boundary Road ;


H l*f Kali chong Kiangsh: Chemical Worics—Lane 1501,

Kekmani & Co,, R. S., Silk and Tea Export- 181, Ferry, Road; Teleph. 3-032

ers, Commission Agents — 10, Rue du


Rostamian Teleph. 82792; Cable Ad : Kien Kee Mining Co., Exporters. 'of

R. S. Kermani Wolframite and othbr Mineral" Ores—

P. R. Kermani | Miss H. Kermani 131, Museum Road-; Teleph. 14935;

Cable Ad : > 5776-


and Woollen Piece Goods—17, Canton Kigng nan tsu zuen so

Road; Teleph. 16420; P.O. Box 582 .

Ktangnan Dock and Engineering Works

£ m m m m rs —Arsenal Road; Telephs. 84100,

84108 & 84109 ; Cable Ad : Sinodock ;

Che loh mo e sung Codes: A.B.C. 5th and 6th ^dns.,

Keylock & Pratt, Veterinary Sur- Lieber’s ' Standard, and Acme

geons to the French Municipal Executive P. T. Mar,



Council, Surgery/ and Infinpary — tV F- Chen, assist, do.,

645-651, Gordon ~ Road; Teleph. K. F. Ytr, business mgr.

.*14230; Cable Ad: Keylock; Codes:

A.B.C. 4th an do 5th edns , Bentley’s, Technical dept. Storekeeper

H. Y. Liang,''ehief

Lieber’s Western Union A.,C- Mauclpin, assist.

technical manager

J. Edgar. M.R.C.V.S., D'.V.S.M. T. P. Cranston, do.

D. L. McWhirter,

R. H. b.sc., M,R,c.y,s, .

Robertson, m.r.c.v.s. ,C.1F. Yeh, naval constructor

S.W.F.S. Gewo, do.

Liu, electrical engr.

Keys & Dowdeswell : Architects—326- •I.E. G.Dewar

B. Dewar' I T.T. Phillips’


330, Hamilton House, Kiancise Rd. ; Y. C. Doo I T. Sands

Telephs. 13410 and 1325S W. Houston J. M. Smith

R. Knox i

Keystone Tobacco‘Co., Ltd.—175, Soo-

chow Road; Telenh. 13482


Foster. A. Bailey.

P. A. L.Bassett.

Bune-ey. G,. W. C. Kimatrai


& Co., J., Silk Piecergoods

Exporters—130, Hankow Road; Teleph.

C. E. Harbor. A. L. Dickson, E. E. 40983; Cable Ad: Kimatrai

BoP the. H. - V. Tiencken & W.

D. Walters Kin Wah & Co., Building!

Secretary—C, C. Newport. f.C.J.S^ , ,

Assist. Secretary—K. McKelyie ; 367, Kiarigse Road; Teieph,Contractors—

17706; Cable

Ad: Kinwah.

M ^ Chi nee Kinc . ..Chen Paper Mill, Lip.—2,

Kttawja Commercial

Silk Merchants and Canton Road: Teleph. 105“^

Agency, Tea;Agents

and Commission

—681, Szechuen Road : Telenh. 1053S; King Chong Zee Iron Works—499,

Point Road; Teleph. 51667



E98; Cable Ad: Kha,wja


Mnhampd Shafi, manager King Chong. Chang’s Engineering

Y. H. Lee, compradore' Works, Shipbuilders etc. — 660,

Point Road; Teleph. 52960; Cable

!^l Kiangling. Ad: 7208

KiANGttNG Co., The, Import-Export,

Commission Agents, Photo-Goods, King Kee

Medicine and Drugs. Curios, Station- Engineering Supplies; Contractors and

ries, Provisions,

548. Range Road;andCable

Raw Ad: Materials—

Kiang; Ship Chandlers, Commission Agents—

Codes: Bentley’s and A.B.C. 5th edn. 76. Seward Road; Telephs. 40078-9; Cable

Ad: Kingkee



Kingshill Trading Co., Importers KiuSilks, Cheng Pongee Co., Exporters of Raw

& Dealers of Tobacco, Cigars & Pongees,Honan, NinghaiGoods,

and etc.—472,


Sundries—41, Rue du Consulat; WeihaiweiSilk Piece

Road; Telepb. 33993; Gable

Teleph. 81644; P.O. Box 276; Ad: Ponco

L, Koenigsberger, manager

*1 & % n m & ^ &

Jinn hai mo yi.Je. yu ye lamp tee Kiu Foo & Co., General Importers and

Kinttai Trading Co., Ltd., Importers, Road; Telephs.Head

Exporters — Office: 22. Siking

13393-4; P.O. Box 578;

Exporters, Manufacturers’ Agents—137,

Peking Boad; Teleph. 17691; Cable Ad: Cable Ad: Kiufoworld

Kinhai Kiyohara & Co., Coal Merchants—215,


Choi,manager Szechuen

D. F. Ching, sub-mgr.

export dept. 644; CableRoad; Teleph. 12302; P.O. Box

Ad: Kiyohara

K. C. Cheng, aCct.

Kleinermann’s Sweet Shop—889-91,

Kinnear Piano Manufacturing Oo.—1 Avenue Joffre; Teleph. 72103

876, North Szechuen Road; Teleph.

40612; Cable Ad: Kinpiano

m m m m i®. m * Jar ling bao

Tsong fa kiou sin chi tsao tsang' Klingelnberg & Wieda, Sole Importers

Kiousin Dock (Societe Franco-Chinoise for Klingelnberg

Remscheid — Works:

(Germany) Hamburg-


de Constructions

oues), Metalliques

Shipbuilders, et Mecani-

Engineers and ofMachine

Machine Tools, Small Tools and


Boilermakers, Woodwork Contrac- Road; Teleph. 17942; Cable Ad: Klingeu Yuen Ming Yuen

tors, etc.—-9, Quai de France; Tels. Dr.(Remscheid)

e.h. G. Adolf Klingelnberg

82034 and 21149, 22678 (Nantao);

Cable Ad : Kiousin. Works : Avenue Hermann Wieda (Shanghai)

de Bezaure Martin H. Schulz, signs per pro.

Walter Wittenbecher

Kirkby-Gomes, Dr. S. G.—Ill Wayfoong Mrs. E. Willweber

House; Teleph. 16679 C. W. Ling, compradore

Dr. S. G. Kirkby-Gomes, l.r.f.p. Klink, P. J., Manufacturers’ Representa-

& S. (Glas.), L.R.O P., L.M., F.R.C. tive—3, Edward Ezra Road; Telephs.

s. (Edin.) 12388 and 17842

Y. C. Chang, secretary

Kishida & Co., T., Dealers in Japanese Knipschildt and Eskelund. Importers

Fancy Goods—128, Broadway; Teleph. and Exporters—220, Szechuen Rd. ;


T. Kurita, mgr. Telephs. 19217 and 18222; P.O. Box

459; Cable Ad : Knipco

Kttafuku Yoko, (Paoshan Glass Works), Knit-to-Fit Mills — 35, Rue Stan

Glassware Manufacturers and General Chevalier; Teleph. 71359; Cable Ad:


Teleph. — 205, Minghong

P. O. Box 573 Road; Knitofit


Cheng Kiangsi

Loon Export Import Kobayashi

Road;& Teleph. ters—115, Yoko,

KiangseImporters and Expor-

Road; Teleph. 10182;

13689 P. O. Box 571; Cable Ad: Hats


FengRoad;Engineering Kodak .k Co., Eastman—185, Yuen

Teleph. Works—1011,

51273 Ming Yuen Road; Teleph. 17310


IE M Aowgr kec Kohler, Schulz & Groesser, Exchange

Koenigsbeeger, L., Importer and Expor- Telephs. Brokers—110, Hankow Road (1st floor);

ter— 41, Hue du Consulat; Teleph. Ad: Kursmakler 16176, 18811 and 16627; Cable

87644; P.O. Box 276; Cable Ad: A. Kohler jI H.

Kingshill W. Schulz C. H.Groesser


IS Ko-fa-da-ya-fong Kokusai TJnyu Kaisha (International

Kofa American Drug Co. (Fed. Inc. ing, Express Co.), Shipping, Charter-

Customs Brokers, etc.—9, Can-


and S.A.), Drugs,

Laboratory Chemicals,

Supplies, Hospital

Manufac- ton Road; Telephs. 13603, 18501,

turing Chemists—120-126-130, Nanking Ad: Main 18213, 18310; P.O. Box 1140; Cable

Hoad; P. O. Box 155; Teleph. 18790

(6 lines, Private

partments); Cable exchange

Ad: Kofa;to all de- Komarofe,. C. D., Importer and Exporter


A.B.C. 6th, Mqsse & Bentley’s. —51, Canton Road; Teleph. 15828:

Executive Dept. Cable Ad: Komaroff

E.C. S.H.Franklin, president

Thiel/vice-president' K ± &

F. J. Baven, do. Kong Dah Co., Dealers in All Kinds

C. D. Culbertson, treasurer of Rice, Flour, Grain and Fodder

H. W. Pflug, manager and secretary

Accounting Dept. Head Office83870

Teleph. : 132-138, Route Conty;

G. Schink, chief accountant

I. F. Pei

General Office

Chr. Buroh Mrs. M. Young Kong Tai Hosiery Factory—1080, Ward

Road; Telephs. 50432 and 50455; Cable

W. Haude Mrs. L. Schwaff Ad: Kongtai

Wholesale Dept.

E Walther II O. Hoehmann

M. Stuckgold tionery,

Koreska, Manufacturers of Sta-

K. Tauber } E.H. Lamb Office < Supplies and Paper

Hospital & Laboratory Supply Dept. Goods—133, Yuen Ming Yuen Road ;

L. A.K.Rheinfeldt

G. Roban Teleph. 10219; P.O. Box 1105 : Cable

I F. Frischen Ad : Korescarbo,

Fr. Kamuf | D. T. Lee A. Obefwalder, manager

Chinese Dept. K. Schindler, do.

Dr. T. H. Li | H. I. Lee Koon Ming Electrical Goods Co.—

Advertising Dept. 550, Canton Road,; Teleph. 90691

V. P. Zoong

Factory and Laboratories—1568,

Road; Telephs. 50978 & 51068 Ward B. ■ Kopeliovich & J. ZiTKiN, Whole-

Dr. F. Kupfer I O. Yerfuehrt sale Dealers of all Kind's of Dry

C. Harasim | N. A. Lagoon Goods, Haberdashery, Fancy Hats

Pharmacy (See under American Dis- & Trimmings^-882, Bubbling Well

pensary) Road; Teleph. 31853

Kofa Nanking Branch—9,

Sin Tsung; Teleph. 22246 Mei Yuan

W. Steinbrecher Korean Store, The, Dealers in

Korean Products — 687, Avenue

Joffre; Teleph. 72370

Koh Jai Tse, General Importers, Export-

ers, and Commission Agents—16, Siking Kosloff, L., Importer of French Silk and

Road; Teleph. 15627;Cable Ad: Kohjaitse Woollen Materials and Novelties,

Exporter of Antiques and Curios—107,

Koh Nanking Road; Teleph. 16018; Cable

505,WeiHonan Chi ifc Road;

Co., China Hats, 93947;

Teleph. etc.— Ad: Kosorient

P. M.

O. Box 1497; Cable

T. Kuo, manager Ad: Kohweichi Kou Kwong Enamel Ware Co.—

J. D. Chow, shipping clerk 70, Nanking Road; Teleph. 13847



Kow Kee Timber Co., Ltd., The (Saw. Kung Kee Transportation! Co.—36,

Mill & Match Splints Manufactory) Rue Corbet; Teleph. 82242

—217,- Machinery ' Street, Chinese Kung Ping Steel and Iron Works—

South Bund, Xantao , Manufacturers of Steel Furniture—

KreuCen, R. A., Insurance—113, Kin- 548, Peking Road; Teleph. 94612

Hang Road ; Teleph.

Box 936 ; Cable Ad : X6rama 12S6V; P.O.

iP S 5^ Kun9 Vih sa 6han4

Krijosma-nt .t Co., J., Shin Chandlers— Khng Yik Mirl (EwoandCorton Mills, Ltd.),

141-. Minghong Road; Teleph. 41819; Cotton Spinning Manufacturing—

150, Robison Road, Jessfield

C^ble Ad: Kriigsman Jardine, Mathesbn & Co., Ld., general

/I rtent*G. J.fprGrilk, sole manager W.managers,

K. Smith, 27",manager

The Bund

Van Vollenhoven’s Dutch Pilsner Beer T. H. Hood". I T. Boardman

(Falcon Brand) J. North | R. Sidebottom

u ® m m iz ± ?L Kung sze

K'o lei ssu lih s'ze Kunst & Albers, Importers, Engineers

Krisei. V Krisee, Alttorneys and Counsel- and Contractors: Piecegoods, Sundries,

lors-at-Law — 142, Museum Road; Hardware, Steel and





Teleph. 17372; Cable A d: Lesirk Szechuen Road;CableTelephs. 18736-7-8 9;


and Estate Re arty Co., and

.Aq-ents Architects.

Contractors—Land P.Codes:

O. Box 1179; Ad: Kunstalber;

A. B. C. 6th Rudolf Mosse,

1331, Ayehue Joffre; Bentley’s, Acme,manager,

Alpha and


B. Krivoss, managerTeleph. 73963 K. Schaefer,

Representing among others:

the firm

J. J. Kim, secretary M. A. X. ' M^schinenfabrik Augs-

KtTtrnMANN (Etab.).’ Paris. Dyes, Che- burg-Xiiernberg, Gutehoffnung

micals—68, Szechuen Road: P.O shuette, Oberhausen, Rheinland

Box 1116; Cable Ad': Xaticplor H. Glueckauf | H. Leykauf

M. Cochain, engineer & chemist Roechling-Buderus Steel Works,

Wetzlar •

Kttt Foong Woot.lex Co.- 74, Honan A. Brennecke, works repres.

Road; Teleph. 11695 F. J. Kafka, m.e.

Sun Oil Co., Philadelphia, : Pa.

Kttxg OniS' tRox' Works Co., Manu- W. C- Farnham ,

facturers of Engines, Boilers and ■Kuo Min Xews Agency—53. Foochow

Industrial Machinerv-*- 720, Tsitsihar Rogd; Teleph( 14231; Cable Ad:

Road; Teleph. 52315 Kuomineus

KrMG Dah Co.—2767, Pingliang

Road; Teleph. 51029 Ja « W) Kwang hjp shu clio

Kwang Hsueh Publishing House, Eng-

lish and Chinese Publishers. Agents and

Kttxg IMChexg, X MManufacturers

M ft. M of$Carpets Booksellers—140,' Peking; Road; Cable

and Rugs—319. Bubbling Well Road: Ad:Miss Lesdor

M. Verne McXeely


route (lu PdreEroc; Factory: 100 82248;

Teleph. Passage,Cable

127 Mrs. Griffiths

Ad: Kunicben leuooW

Kifka Kee & Co.—442, ’Kiangse Road ; Kwang Wha Petroleum, Go., , Ltd.—

Teleph. 18553 ■ t 3. Museum Road; Telephs. 11472-6':

K xg Kee Shipping HonG 3, 'Xing^b Cable Ad ; . Kwanpeteoy (Ghifiics *

7 5335). Installation'at Goughi .Island

R6ad;‘Teleph. 91382 ’ ' ' (Pootung)> m ' , : '


KWONG SjHING — 324-^),, IB M m


Road; Teleph. 42461. Lane, Craayford Oo., Ltd., Men’s

Kyetay Engineesisg Corpoeation, Outfitters, Tailors, Drapers, Mil-

Architects and Civil ^Engineers—38. liners, Grocers, Provision, Wine &

Avenue YII; Teleph. 19d34 ■ Spirit Merchants—23-25,

Road; Teleph.. 10263; P.O. Box 659;


Kyoon & Co., K. E., Exporters, Importers A.B.C. 4th and 5th edns. : Al,

Cable Ad: Laneford ; Codes



Teleph. 32706; Agents—1370,

Cable Ad: Avenue

Kekco D. W. Crawford,, managing director

Donna, Silk Salon Modernique—119, Road;Chan

LaNanking Laou Tai Fur Ob.,—332, Honan

Teleph. 13219

Ladonna Road; Teleph. 19821; Cable Ad:

L. Riggio, manager ' Laou Kai FoOk <1; Co., Dealers in all


Y. Grevey* assist, manager

directrice kinds; of Silks—23, Kiukiang Road;

, Telepfi. 13348


—2, Peking Road’ sale and Retail Dealers in Silks,

Lacey &: Cannan, Ltd,, 'Shipping In- Goods—354, Saints, Crepes, Fdrs and Fancy

surance. and Commission Agents, etc.— 93169;'Cable Ad: iNankitrg

: Road; Teleph.

Hongkong and;Shanghai Bank Bldg.; Losilfco



Code:P.O.Box 1602;Scott’s

Bentley’s, Cable Ad:

and Laou Kiu Luen & Co. (“The Lion Silk

BoeN. H. Lacey, director Store ”), Wholesale and Retail Dealers

J. F. Carman, do. inNanking

all kinds

Road;of Teleph.

S^lk Piepe Goods—499,


V.C. Olive, do. .. Lionsilk

S.L:D.G. M.Crank

Beattie | Mrs. Reeves

Lacquers Supply Co.-^186’,: Y/eihaiwei Larsen & Trqc^, # # Losemjteh

Road; Teleph.' 31875 Eleptric'apl^hgiqeeps ^nd

Contractors—178, Avenue ..Edward

Ladow’s Tajern, InY—33^1, Ningpo Trocklar VII; Teioph. 16^38; ■'Cable Ad:

Road; Yeleph. 14498'

Laloaca & Co.,KinkiangI

ExchangeRdad;' arid Ilelephs.

bullion E.IM Larsen,

Trock, partner

do '

BrokArs-^45,. Lauro Films, (A. E. Lauro & do.j, General

10026, 1369(1, 17731, 178:10;

Lalcaea,-, . ii: i.T Cable

ioirci Ad: Pfetufe

B. P. Lalcaca,: partner ; . , ImportersProducers,

and 1 •Exporters,

Film Exchange Motion


Y. K. York 'Suppl’y'of ;'Kaw Fi!m-^142, Mfiseijm

N..P». .KarJijiji.i .. Rbhd," Capitol 'Buildihgd P.O. Box

E. D. Damri ' .q 816; Cable AdrCines

Lambert, P. M.,M.n.,:Specialistin Internal A. E. Lauro ■ ! A. W. Jess

Diseases; Electricity, Radiuto apd X-ray

Treatment—Otfice: 536, Rue Bourgeat;

Teleph, 70019. Residence: 2, Rue Mo- Lavers & Clark, Merchants tT/16 ping

biere; Teleph. 73362 ' sioirAgents--Hoifgkong'Wnd and Cpmmis-



Langdon & Co., E..YY., Fed., Inc., U.S A., 10489; Cable Ad :..IaepingBuild ingp' 1 2,- ‘ The Bund; Teleph.

Importers of American Machinery,

Tools, llatteries and &iypplies-^30,'Route !


•Cable Ad: MerrierU

DonlangcoTeleph. . 74492-4KA'tl ; La/.aro Bros., Sam, Musical Instruments

—130, Nanking Road; TelepH. 1'9525


jjf, m Ming ching Lee Lee Garage Co., Car Hire Service-

Lazarus, N., Optician — 52, Nanking —Main Station: 329, Soochow Rd.;

Road; Teleph. 16626; Cable Ad: Lazarus Teleph. 16200; Cable Ad: Lilee

Le Bris, P., Commission Agents —120, Lee Mei & Co.—396, Foochow Road ;

Jinkee Road; Teleph. 10212; Cable Ad : Teleph. 92076



Champ deFrench Courses Francais Lee Tai Electrical and Hardware

Greyhound Co.—S1307, Woosung Road; Teleph.

Racing 43479

Co.—Office: 9, Avenue Edouard

Teleph. 85028; Cable Ad: Canidrome VII;

Lee Wha Petroleum Co., Ltd.—35,

n & ft & m ffi Jinkee Road; Teleph. 19844

Leather Products Manufacturing Co.,

Manufacturers of High-grade Leather Leede Engineering Corporation, Ra-

Goods—320, Kiangse Road; Teleph. dio, Sound and Electrical En-

12773 ; Cable Ad: Unileather dio, Sound Electrical

Engineers; Importersand& Refrigerating


Lebel (China), General Merchants and ers—395-399, Bubbling Well Road; Tel.

Agents—Wayfoong House, 220, Sze- 34154 : Cable Ad : Leedel

chuen Road; Teleph. 11215; P.O. Directors—M. Chow, ph.d. (Chair-

Box 1199; Cable Ad: Celita man), C. Ede, F. J. Ede, T. H.

Clive R. Hargreaves, manager Chong and Y. H. Sun

S. Tweedie F. J. Ede, manager

K. T.K.Tu,W.refrigerating dept.mgr.

Chang, assist,

Legal & General Assurance Society, K. Y. Yen, acct.

Ltd. , Agents John Wong, stores mgr.

Lee & Co., D. A., Est. 1911, Exporters and Louis Chu, refrigerating salesman

Importers, and Commission and In Y. S. Tung, asist.

surance Agents—20, Canton Road; M. Chow, ph.d., consulting engr.

Teleph. 132C8; Cable Ad: Dalee T. P. Chien, chief engr.

C. K. Lee, general manager Z. L. Pao, assist. do.

Agents for K. P. Own, lab. supt.

Ige Chang, service tech.

Sun Insurance Office, Ltd. (founded D. N. Koo, assist.


Phcenix Insurance Co. of Hartford, Sole Distributors for : —

General Electric Co., U.S.A.

Conn. Full Range Radios

Lee & Co., Ltd., H., Sporting Goods Pilot Radio Corporation, U.S.A.

& Cartridges —132, Nanking Road; Full Range Radios

Teleph. 16788; Cable Ad : Photoleeco Frankart,

Novelty Inc., U.S.A.,

Lamps, Ash-trays, etc.

Fairbanks, Morse & Co., U.S.A.,

Lee Hang Chang, Sailmaker, Rigger and Radio & Refrigerators

Flagmaker; Dealeretc.—24m,

Canvas, Bunting, in all Minghong

kinds of Lionel Corporation, LLS.A,

Road; Teleph. 41897 Toy Trains


Lee Hing Printing Co.—'195, Szechuen Montauban; Dah Flour Mill Co.—1, Rue

Road; Teleph. 13736 Teleph. 85888

Lee Hsin Transportation Oo., Ltd.—

271-2, Boundary Road1; Teleph; Lemarchand, W. R., Stock, Share and

General Broker—12, The Bund; Teleph.

43232 14229


Leonabd-Vey^seyKe-K k uze Architects, LiCo.Kwa 1 Cm:

Surveyors, Decorators, Land and Estate 92865—373, Nanking Road;, Teleph.

Agents—461, Avenue Joffre; Teleph.

83943; Cable Ad: Beauxarts Liang You Printing and Publishing Co.

L’Epargnf Franco-Chxnoise (Societe —851, North Szeclraen Road; Teleph.

44189; P.O. Shanghai

Anonyme Chinoise de Capitalisation)— Liyoprinco, Box 1722; ? Cablp Ad:

41, Canton Road; Teleph. 14765; Cable Loh Kwong Lam, chairman

Ad: Lepargne Yue Hon-shang, gen. mgr.

Les Successeurs i/Ulysse Pila & Cie., if{] Bing.Mgd .

Silk, Waste Silk and Pongees—248,: Liddell Bros. & Co., Ltd., Merchants,

Sassoon .House; Teleph. 10818; P.O. Wool, Hide, Skin and General Produce

Box 1224; Cable Ad: Pila Brokers—Glen Line Building, 4, Peking

R, Durocher Rd.;

Mrs. C. F. Remedies Press Telephs.

downs: Packing 11159;.Cable

Works and Road,

248, Yangtzepoo





Teh v, Wharf

J. H. Liddell, managing director

fn ^ ° P. W. O. Liddell, director (absent)

Lester, Johnson Land

Civil Engineers, & Morriss, Architects,

and Estate Agents W.R.M.H.Howell, do.1 per (Tientsin)

—20, Kiukiang Road; Teleph. 15099; Purcell, signs pro.

Cable Ad: Morriss

Kopeck C.F. F.A.D.Hooley,


Gordon L. H. Richards

J. R. Maughan, a.r.i.b.a. C.E. Portella


F. Bothwell,

E. f.r.i.b.a., m.i. Kagansky , S.A. F.S. Harvey Ahmed

A gency R.A. M.

W. Quinones

Fraser J.J. J.H. Doong


Guardian Assurance Co., Ld. Agents jor n

Lever Brothers (China), Ltd , Soap Mather & Platt, Ltd.

M daturas Ca.sablancas, S.A. :

and Glycerine Manufacturers — Re- High Draft _ Cotton Spinning


gistered Office: 18, The Bund; Teleph. Equitable Fire and Marine Office

17327; P.O. Box 597; Cable Ad;

Factory : 2310, Yangtszepoo Road Lever.

C. G. W. Robson, chairman Liebman and Cumming, Manufactur-

P. H. Cobb, director ers’ Representatives—467, Kiangse

Wm. Harper, do. Road; Teleph. 19275; P, O. Box

W. G. Braidwood, secretary 1364; Cable Ad: Liebmancum

Lewis Lien Shen Trading Co., Importers and


Teleph. 14398The—110, Szechuen Exporters—130,'

Box 981; Teleph.Kiangse 17475; Road; Cable: P.O.



Lewis Ideal School of Cookery—(Nee

Educational) 3 a ss si *

. ■Dah. mei yin hung sze

Lewis & Sons, Inc., W. B.—266, Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co.

Peking Road; Teleph. 12355 (China), Ltd. —175, Soochow Road;

Teleph. 13482; P.O. Box 1203;, Cable

Ad : Ligmytoco

ft H $£ Wj HiP sing chong

Li, S, C., Manufacturer and Exporter of

Embroidery—53, Nanking Road; Teleph. Lih-Teh Oil<§Mill,mCotton m a

Seed Oil, Tech-

10332 niehal or Treble Helmed “White Rose”

Li Dah Investment Co.—1a, Kiukiang and Cocoanut Oil—7, FrenchSaladBund;

and “Three Anchors” Brand Oil

Road; Teleph. 14751 Teleph. 85(16© ' “


Lilling & Co., Manufacturers’ Repre- Ling Kee Lumber Co.—44a, Canton

sentatives—133, Yuen Ming Yuen Road; Teleph. 13646

Road; Teleph. 19846; Cable Ad:

Debrod Lingo Trading Co. — 29, Szechuen Road;

Teleph. 16019; Cable Ad : 3948

^ m m it m m Lingo Trading1 :Oo.—29, Szechuen

Mei Ico lee li ya chang Road; Teleph. 16019; Cable Ad:

Lilly A Co., Eli, Pharmaceutical and 3948

Biological Products—316, Kiangse Road;

Teleph. 10037; Head

Lillyshang. P.O. Box

Office1572;andCable Ad: Linnestad, R. E., Electrical Engineer


tories: Indianopolis, Indiana, U.S.A. and Contractor—149, Yuen Ming

Yuen Road: Teleph. 18443: P.O.

Box 1976

U & ^ it


Lin Nan Co., Ltd., The, Importers, Ex- mu


497, and Well

Manufacturers’ Agents—

36239; Lie no yin chu tz'e chi tseh tsao chang


Ad: Lingnanco Road; Teleph.

Linotype and theMachinery, Ltd.,

T. S. Ling, manager Manufacturers

ing Machine andofHigh Linotype Compos-

Grade Machinery

for Letterpress,

Lincoln Fire Insurance Co., (New paper Printers—160, Avenue Edward Photogravure and News-

York)—17, The Bund; Teleph. 11144; YU; Teleph. 13448; P.O. Box 1152;

P.O. Box 1195: Cable Ad: Underiters

American Asiatic Underwriters Fed. Cable Ad: London;

Kingsway, Linotype.Works:


Office: 9,

Inc. U S.A., managers for the England




Japan for China, Hong

^ ^ J. W. Norton,- assistant manager for

Lindsay, Jean, Chinese Curios—Kelly & China, Hongkong and Japan


Teleph. Building,

12087 22, Nanking Road; A. J. Rozario (Hong Kong)

Lindsay, Linson k. Co., Exporters and Import-

Brokers Darkeford

—^ Hongkong& Davis, Exchange

Shanghai Bank ers—40, Ningpo Road; Teleph.

18874; Cable Ad: Nosnil


12528, 12,

19861, The Bund;

10940, Telephs.

19288, 18597; 11811,


Ad: Behling Lion Co., M., Exporters and Im-


T. G.S. Drakeford

Lindsay porters of Industrial Chemical, etc.

R. Davis 150, Kiukiang Road Teleph. 16143;

Cable Ad: Mothicide

Ling Kee Cotton Factory—206, Mac-

gregor Road; Teleph. 52492 ffl rf» Chung u-o

^ ^ ® Little & Co., Ltd., 1930, William, Silk Ins-

pectors and General Import and Teleph.


Ling Sang Yin Men Rung Sze Merchants—81, Jinkee Road;

Ling Sang Printing Ink Co., Ltd., 14858; Cable Ad: Westall;Codes: A.B.C.

The, Manufacturers and Wholesalers 5thH.edn., Bentley’s

M. Little, and Acme

managing Code


of Printing

—Office: and Road.

38, Chefoo Lithographic


35, A. D. Bell, director

Tientungan Road,Chapei; Zee Chung- Ying, compradore

Cable Ad: Lingsang or 7428Teleph. 93016; Y. E. Ding


Little Folks Garden School Loa Yung Kee, Stevedores, Ship

{See Educational) Painters, Suppliers of Chinese

Crews, Dunnage Materials and

Little Shop, The, Chinese Curios, Black- General Contractors—747-749, Broad-

way East; Teleph. 51605

wood Furniture, Jades, Jewellery, and

Lamp Shades—272, Kiangse Road; London and Provincial Marine and

Teleph., 16580 General Insurance Co., Ltd., The,

Mrs. E. Boyd, proprietor (Marine)—Hong Kong and Shang-

Liu Ho Kou Mining Co., Ltd. — 384, hai Bank: Building, 12, The Bund;

Teleph. 11773 (Marine Office); Cable

Avenue Fodi; Teleph. 34745; Cable Ad!: Yorkshire

Ad: Liuholih H. E. Wright, China repres.

D. L. Davey

Liverpool & London & Globe Insurance London Guarantee and Accident Co.,

Co., Ltd.—81, Jinkee Road; Teleph.

11842; P.O. Box 758; Tel. Ad: Globance Ltd. (Far Eastern Branch), Fire-

H. B. Scott, resident secretary 59, Peking Road; Telephs. 14649 and

C. C. Cruttwell, assist, do. 12300; P.O. Box 719; Cable Ad:

J. E. Brown Phofire


Scott, Harding & Co., Ld. Long Advertising Agency—331, Shan-

Jardine, Matheson&, &Co.Co.,(Ins:)

Hugh Middleton Ld. Ltd. tung Road; Teleph. 91278

Long Chong Foreign Godown—106,

ie m ^ Laou teh che North Sooohow Road; Teleph. 40540


and & Co.,

Retail Chemists Ltd., J.,

and Nanking Wholesale

Manufacturers Long Kee Realty and Engineering

of Aerated Waters—100, Co., Ltd., Merchants, Engineers &

Road; Contractors—288,

Teleph. 10072; P.O. Box 617 Tiendong Road;

Telephs. 40791 and 43082

Lloyd’s Register op Shipping—Glen Lonkomay, Technical and Industrial

Line Building, 2, Peking Road; Te- Supplies, Pumps, Electrical and Mining

leph. 12262; Cable Ad: Register Machinery, Steam Engines, etc.—230,

Rue Porte de 1’Ouest; Teleph. 80454;

LEoycE Triestsreo, Flotte Ruinite Lloyd Cable Ad: Lonkomay

Triestino, Marittima Italiana e “Sitmar” Loo & Bros., Jason—368,; Yates Road;

—Hamilion House, 170, Kiangse Road; Teleph. 31924

Teleph: 1-6885, P.O.

Departments; Private


615; CabletoAd:all


Cav. C. Polesello, general agent LooWorks—462, Yuen Chen Iron and Brass

Cav. B. M. Rizzi Avenue Road; Teleph.

E. Grantsch 34995

Dott. C. Manzitti Loong Dah Engineering Works—604,

Dott. Cav. Uff. V. Chieri Point Road; Teleph. 52770

Loch, J., Hospital Supplies, Physical and fg & w e ig

Labdratdfy Apparatus— 41, Rue du Lao pb to yu hsien kyng sze

Consulat; Teleph. .81974; P.O. Box 212;

Cable Ad: Yenom Lopato, Sons, Ltd., A.—T^5,)j Spochow

Road; Teleph. ,13482 -v

Lon Hop Glass Syndicate—53, Honan Directors—Robert Bailey (chair-

Road; Teleph. 942183 man), A. Bassett; E. F. Bolitho,

L. ,G. Cousins, A. L. Dickson,

Lon Yuen Dah k Co.—644, Ningpio W. C. Foster and A. A. Lopato

Road; Teleph. 91536 - O. C. Newson, f.C.i.s.,. secretary

K. McKelvie, assist. . do.


Louis, Dreyfus & Co.—Hamilton Lewis Brothers, Stevedores, Dunna-

House, 170, Kiangse Road; Tels. ge Materials & Commission Agents

732/4 —747-749, Broadway East; Teleph.

A. Pepes, director 51605

A. Eveleigh, manager

R. M. Lewin, sub-do. Lu Yi C. &l Lee, Poy G., Architects and

Engineers—29, Szechuen Road; Telephs.

Lovatt, W. H., Bill and Bullion Bro- Radio 17880; 1237

P.O. Box 1467; Cable Ad: Genyue;

ker — Room 317, 45, Kiukiang Road;

Telephs. 13050 and 14001; Cable Ad:

Bullbear Luebbert’s American Pharmacy—81,

Nanking Road ;• and 278, Kiangse

Road; Telephs. 12850, 12858 & 12859

H# ^ £ Kah tso tsze M. A. Joffe

Lows, Bingham & Matthews, Chartered Dr. Lansing Ling

Accountants — Glen Line Building Ed. G. Luebbert

(2nd floor); Teleph. 15539; Cable Ad: Pharmacy Dept. :

Explanate (inOffices

(London). FaratEast) and Celestor

Tientsin, Peiping M. G. Arcus

and London Mrs. R.Schiller

Y. G. N. Hasnakin

t’.N. Matthews,,f,c,a. M. J. Miss B. M.Soares-

E. F. Hardman, c.a. Perevosky Miss N. Fu

H. R. Cl eland, c.a. Fried-Zaichick C. Lee

A.W. J.E.Kane,


c.a. (Tientsin) Office: .

A. H. Ballard, f.c.a. (London) V.C.I. S.Nesvadba, accountant

R. L. Read

R.F. IkHuntley-Davidson, a,c.a. K. T. Ling,

Chen do.

in, a.c.a. J. K. Chow | Miss L. Tsang

D. R. Glass, b.a., a.c.a. Godown:

W. J. Richmond, c.a. S. L.P. M.Dobrovolsky

A. P. D. Kennedy, a.c:a. Wong | Miss E. Chang

D. J. Benson, a.c.a,

B. H. Smith

' G. E. Marshall Lustre Fibre,Cable


H. Morgan

T. H. Gwynne The Bund; Fibres Silk—12,

F. S. O’Neill Luthy it Co., C., (S.A.), Consulting. Civil

E. J. Palmer Engineers and Surveyors—17, Canton

T. Rudland Road; Teleph. 11914; P.O. Box 1169;

R.R. W.

Mann Andersen L. C. Kew Cable Ad: Luthyco

T.H. H.A. Gabb A.

M. J. Gast


Calder E. H. Ezekiel A. Aeschbach, c.e.

W.Hetherington L. F.Fabian E. Lenzlinger, b.sc., c.E;

G. A. Kemp T. Buchanan T. F. Yok, acct.

W. J. Darby

A. C. Moore G. I. Froemel

C. J. McCormick Lynn & Tchas Co.—Continental Build-

Miss S. Beskin, stenographer ing, Nanking Road; Teleph. 90936

Miss M. Gowing, do.

Y. Z. Yih (Chinese accounts dent.)

T. T. Zio Maatschappij Tot-Mijm-Bosch en-Land

D. D. Zio, compradore Bouwexploitatie in Langkat—1489,

Correspondents— Ward Road; Cable Ad: Maebain

Hongkong: Lowe, Bingham and


Singapore: Lowe, Bingham and Ma Shing Furnishing Co.—1280, N..

Dunman Szechuen Road ; Teleph. 40421


jH |g£ Mah pin Machado, C. J., f.g.s.l., Advocate —9,

Albury Lane; Teleph. 40568; P.O. Box

McBain, George—1, The Bund; Teleph. 776; Cable Ad: Macaense

11174; P.O. Box 306; Cable Ad: Macbain Miss

L. T.C. Mah,

Marques, secretary

Chinese translator

m m Yung chong PH Loong mow

Macbeth, Gray & Co., Tailors and Mackenzie & Co., Ltd., Hydraulic Press

Gentlemen’s Complete Outfitters — Packers and Commission Agents —8,



MacbethRoad; Teleph. 14247; Cable Canton Road, and at Tientsin, Hankow,

J. Macbeth Chungking

P.O. Box 353and Ichang; Teleph. 10058;

C. Ivery

E. A. Dearn

pj ^ ^ Tai ying hung sue

W H Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co.—17,


McCracken, Dr. J, C., m.d., f.a.c.s., d.sc., P.O. Box 354; CableRoad; Tels. 11428 (3 lines);

—5, Avenue Detain; Teleph. 70466; O. S. N. Co. : Peninsular; Ad: P. &

Also St. Luke’s Hospital M. M.

& Co., B. I. S. N. Co., Ltd. : Mac-

kinnons; E. & A. S.S. Co., Ltd.:

McDonald, Ranald Amatrep; Marine Insurance Co.,

Barrister-at-law andGeorge, b.a., ll.b., Ltd.

Legal Practitioner, : Caminius

H. V. Wilkinson, D.s.o., partner

Registration of Patents and Trade J.

Marks, etc.—169,

Teleph. Yuen Ming

10193; Cable Ad: Yuen Rd.;

“Ranald T. A.Mackinnon,

M. Bone, c.a. signs

| E. per

W. pro.

S. Mc-

Shanghai”; Codes, A.B.C. 5th and 6th Outdoor W. G. L. Dunbar | Gregor

edns., Western Union, Bentley's and Staff

Kime’s H. E. Webber

S. G. Wenman

Macdonald, T. & Co.—1076, Sinza. Maclaine Sugar Co., Ltd., Sugar—12,

Road; Teleph. 30466; Cable Ad: The Bund; Teleph. 10077; Cable Ad:

Undertaker Maclaine

G. E. Mott, China representative


Projects—2, & Gorman,

Peking Inq,;,



17674; Cable Rd: Macdon TO S' IS tl Zung tali hung sze

McMullan & Co. (Shanghai), Ltd., James,

McGregor General Import and Export Merchants

of PorcelainIronEnamelled

Works, IronManufacturers

Ware and —88, Ad: Museum Road; P.O. Box 1525;

gigns—235, Ward Road; Teleph. 50467 Cable Multiple director

D. F. R. McMullan,

H. L Gibson, director and manager

McGregor Mrs. Liesecke

Engineers &to the Co., Enamelling

J. H., Consulting


Import Merchants, Manufacturers of Mactavish, Twigg & Co., Chemists &


Teleph. 50467 Enamels — 235, Ward Road; Druggists—91, Broadway; Teleph.

40433; P.O. Box 206; Cable Ad:


MACGREGORS, Ltd.—44, Foochow

Teleph. 17589; P.O. Box 344; Cable Ad: Road;

Magellan ^ fg Sin fu

J.N. F.C. Macgregor,

Macgregor,governingdo.director Madier, Ribet et Cie. (Shanghai, Canton,

E.W. F.G.Bateman, Yokohama, Lyons), Raw Silk, Waste

Crokam, director

do. and secy. Silk and Straw

Edward VII; HatTeleph.


84070; Aven.


A. H. Parker | H. Whittaker Box 307; Cable Ad: Madiersilk


Han mow : H ^ Ma er hong


porated&under Go.,t,huLt(>.,


(Incor- Malcolm & Company, Ltd. (Incorpor-

Ordinances), Gu.stOiiis Storage,

and Freight ated in Hongkong), Engineers and

Brokers, Transportation, Light- Importers—Head Office : Wayfoong

erage—120, Kiangse lid.; Teleph. 11284 House, 220, Szechuen

11225 (4 lines); Cable Ad: Road;Triplerais


(3 H.lines); Cable Ad: MagilL Hongkong Office: St. George’s Building

T.H. Wyatt,

M. Nee,managing

Martin, director director


A. Malcolm, director

R. S. Mkcmillah, do.

H. Blaiman |- J. Greenberg J. D. Morrison, director (London)

H. Pawelzig | S. J. Wyatt Joseph Brown, f.i.s.a., secretary

Operating Agents for the E. P. Humphreys, assistant secretary

China Transport & Storage Co., Engineering Dept.

Inc. (Lighters & Tugs) R. G. Morrison, a m l.SiECH. a.mh.loco.

Proprietors-. ' i ENG., A.R. AERO. SOC.L, P.R.S.A.

T.F. G.G.Hand,



b.se., a.m.i.

‘ Shanghai Packing Co. mech.e., (J, & E. Hall, Ltd., repre-

Mdnagers fOr sentative)


Whangpob 16622Tug

L. A. Popoif

Mahommedan Mosque—{See Churches) General (S. Tay

Office :

Mai Foong Silk Weaving Faqtoky-t1 17, t C.K. Asuncion j Miss F. E. Kelly

B. Chen I Miss E. Encarnacao

Haichow Road; Teleph. 5b727 Metal and Sundries Department


Hwa Silk F. Large

Road;Weaving Factory—232,

Teleph. 52320 W. F. Chow, compradore

Sika Dept.

Maier & Co., Wilhelm, Importers & A. Yenshow


Box 1165 Edward Ezra Road; P.O. G. M. Unterberger g.m. dipl., ing.

Maison Arcus, tlouse;

Modes; Millinery Man Chung Tobacco Co.—325, Kiangse

—Hamilton Telephs. and14389Furs& Road; Teleph. 17541

14047; Cable Ad : Arcus

m % m & m

IS m It §1 ff* ffif S I® Yi pin chuen ya. tsigng

Maison Lucile, Modes, Furs and Millnery Manufacture Ceramique de Shanghai,

—813, Avenue Joftre; Teleph. 72202; Brick and Tile Factory—100, Brenan

Cable Ad: Lucile Road; Teleph. 27218; Cable Ad:

Maison Regina, Ladies’ Gowns and Manoeroha

Millinery—782, Denis Apts., Bubbling

Well Road; Teleph. 31119; Cable Ad: f3 » Bt« * A *J £



Hamilton HoliSe,Life170,


Kiangse 1 Co.—

3C Yuen fong Telephs. 13182-3-4; P.O. Box 525;1 Road;


MAitland Ad: Manulife; Code: Bentley’s. Head

the LhK.),&Merchants

Co.) Ltd. (Incorporated

and Piece Goodsin Office: Toronto, Canada

Graeme D.; Njcholl, branch mgr,

Auctioneers — 10, -Szechuen Road; F. C. Pollard, resident secretary

Telephs. 10397 (General Manager), G. J. Tharp, assist, secretary

10497 (General Office), 10829 (Chin-

ese Office), 14308 (Compradore’s Agents

■■Office) ; . W. Danielson/ ' - ’ • '

Majestic Realty Co.—603, Continental C.; S.'GilsbiV I K. F: C. Watson

Building; Teleph. 91416 M. II.Howie |

R.R.M’D. Phrr | T. L. ShedH. N. Wienberg


Mao Shun jShin Engineeking^Woek^ - - Maritime Insurance Co., Ltd.-^-IS,

902, E. Yuliang Ed. Telepn! 50549 The Bund; Teleph. 15236; P.O. Box

^ Me. ~kao | 399

r A. W. Slater, agqpt and attorney

F. P. C. Ashe, signs ’pfer pro.

Mae-Kao, Ltd., Importers—110,, Sze- Marsh, Dr. E. L., m.r., c.m. (Glas.), d.p.h.

chuen Eoad ; Telepk 10989; > Cable

Ad: Marco; Codes: Bentley’s, A.B. (.Oxford), Surgeon to Consulate

PhysiciantbH.B.M.’s General Hospital,


C. 5th and 6th edns,, Mosse and Surgeon to Municipal Police Forcfe

,F. Foelster, manager —Residence

Teleph. 20121;: 33,Consulting

Great Western

Booms: Road;

H. Y

S. Bank Building; Teleph.' 15048

^^ ^ ^ Marshad - Marsh, A. V., m.d. — China

Mar cor nee-vm sh ien dien guhg tiu United Assurance.

Maecqni’s Wireless Telegraph Co., (Apartment 308), 104,Society Building,

Bubbling Well

Ltd.—2, Peking Road; Teleph. Boad; Teieph. 9196.5

18953; Cable Ad : Natwirtel Marshall Bolton

Masden & Co., Ltd., G. E., Customs : 621 Brokers—120, Jinkee& Road;

Co., Insurance

P.O. Box

Brokers, Forwarding Agents,

Contractors, Lighter meA Motorboats, Haulage Mr Bblton

Steam Tugs and -Tenders, Removal


kow Road; Telephs.Warehousemen

11000'—125, Han- Marshall^jj Field .&.Cg.—128,

(6 lines);

. Chung ho


Cable Ad: Marden Road; Teleph. 18414; P.O. Box 666;

G. E. Marden, managing director Cable Ad : Drumar

H. E. Arnhold,i- ,v: director


Capt.W R.H. E.Bomsen; do.

Sassoon,, do. 1H W Pa e sun9

V. K. Song, do. ,, Marshall, Marsh, Murray, Gauntlett,.


W. J. Hawkings, manager ConsultingWallRooms:& Hongkong

Squires, cfc Drs.


V.C. J.V. Song

B: Golding . A. D. Middlemiss hai


Bank Bldg. (4th floor); Telephs.

and 15048

S. J. Hall ” J. Groisman

Y. K. Wong J. Kalousek

J. G. Lovik Miss D. Teichert ± w & m mm m

Proprietors of MaAtelliere, J. F., m.d., .Mhdical 1 Practi-


12725) Ferry Service (Teleph. Teleph. 9225!),150', Bubbling Well Road;


Shanghai Household Removing Co;

Teleph. 30000 (3 lines) ^ "gj" Pah tou

Marthoud & Cie., Silk and China Pro-

Margaret Williamson Hospital-(Nee duce Teleph.Exporters—5,

14200; Cable Ad: Foochow Road;


Hospitals) ] L. Marthoud1 (Lyons, France)

P. Marthoud (Shanghai)

m m & N. N. Schroeders

Marderfeld, M., Importer and Exporter & m t m ^ m

of Fur and Skins—458, Szechuen Mei huo ma ting et sung

Road; Teleph. 18942; Cable Ad:

Pulun Martin^ Dr. Paul, b.s.,President,

m.d. (Major,

L. B. Grabivker

Mrs. R. S. Koskiiien Army M.C.Reserves; BoardU.S.of


Y. C. Tsien j P. C. Kiang Examination; Late Assoc. Prof. Surgery

Indiana Univ. School of Med,), Surgeon,

Specialist in Abdominal Surgery,

Marine Engineers’ Guild—(Yfie Asso- Gynecology Hamilton House; and Obstetrics — Office:

Telephs. 10825 and

ciations) Resident: 70760



Hoad Memorial Hall—201, Szechuen

Ma teh fau lan chang

Maruyama & Co., M.—24, The Bund; Mather & Platt, Ltd., Fire protection.

Telephs. 10665, 14993, 14997 Textile, Electrical,— 4,Hydraulic and

General Engineers Peking Road;

jfj HI Mai yue chow kai Telephs. 11159; Cable Ad: Matherplat

Liddell Bros. &representative

F. Fletcher, Co., Ld., agents

Mary Garden Restaurant — 369-372, A. L. Slack

Foochow Road T. Haggard


District Grand Lodge of Scottish & m m Mow dah sung

Freemasonry in North China

F. G. Penfold, distr. grand master Matheson & Co., George, Importers and

Exporters—119, Jinkee Road; Teleph.

S. E. Hill, distr. grand secretary 13017: Cable Ad: Geomath

Masonic Charity Fund

Hon. Secretary—L. R. Wheen, Matsumoto & Co., S.—5, Kiukiang

Road; Teleph. 14363

7-8, French Bund

Masonic Hall—1623, Avenue Road; Mayar Silk Mills—256, Tientsin Road

Teleph. 30702

Northern Lodge of China, N. 570e n m ft £ m

Mei sung yin su kwan

Masonic Club (see Clubs) May Sun & Co., Paper Merchants—159-

161, Honan Road; Teleph. 90916

^ Mei tuck


General Merchants, Importers and Ex- porters—140,

17671 Nanking Road; Teleph.

porters of Silk Peiec Goods—131,Hankow

Road; Teleph. 10923; Cable Ad: Charna

N. J. Karanjia, partner Mayee & Cp.—452, Kiangse Road;

M. 0. Charna, do. Teleph. 13867

Masukow, Co., Ltd., General Impor-

ters;, Exporters and Commission Medical Analysis Laboratory and

Agents—33, Foochow

P.O. Road;

Box 3008Telephs.

Cable Laboratory

16056 and 12763;

Ad: Wokusam boratory of Chemical

Pathalogy,Research, (La-



10, Hankow and RoadX-ray Department—

(1st floor); Teleph.

— ^ Fouh ye 12241

Mataichi Toko, Coal and Shipping

chants — 30c, Nan zing Road; Teleph. Mer-

45625 , :§§ Mei de kin

Medicon, Ltd., S. A., Importers of

Materiel Technique, Le, Railway and 6,Medicines and' Hospital Supplies—

Kiangse Road; Teleph. 10891;

Naval Materials and Textile Ma-

chinery—320, Szechuen Road; Tel. Cable Ad: Nocidem

H.Th.Saegert, manager

14834; Cable Ad: Telint Melbardt


|I& PJtv Me(i yeh H. W. Breuer, signs the firm

Ed. Warneken, signs per pro.

Mee-Yeh Handels Compagnie, Mer- H.K. Dietrich

Dieckmann, W. do.Mayer

chants—137, Canton Koad; Telephs. K. Haifa H. Meyer

18174 (3 lines); P.O. Box 997; Cable A. Hering Mrs. H. Mueller

Ad: Skorsten Miss M. L. Her- H.rt. Schelde

P. Westendorff (Hamburg) ' h , mann Steeneck

C. A.Rieck do.

Cortum, signs per pro. Miss F. Kolkman Miss M. Voyce

W. Leutsche, do. Mrs. N. Mashin Miss I. Widmann

E. Burmeister, do. General Ayewfs—North German Lloyd,.

W. Emmermann Bremen

O. Jurany F. W.Rudloff, signs(freight

per pro.dept.)

K. Ludwig Mascher

P. Reiff

W. Roessler H. Bohlmann

J.H. Rother W. Boettcher I H. Buelow (pas-

Schielsky Mrs. E. Schroeder | sage dept.)

A. Schneider E. Schwartz | MissA.Bruecher

E. Schult C. S. Maschmann

H. Woelken G. Holste, Inspektioh Shanghai

Miss B. Gruenspan Agents—“Maersk Line”'A. P. Mpller,

Miss M. Stohler Copenhagen, The Isbrandtson-Mpiier

Mrs. F. Clauss Co.., Inc., 17, Battery Place, New York

Miss T. Dsirne W. Mascher



Co. Fire

Mehta & Co., Export and Import Mer- O. Schneider

chants—25, Rue du Consulat; Teleph.

83203; P. O. Box 801; Cable Ad: Dogdo Mercantile Bank of India — (Nee

Mei Hwa Chemical Co.—C.C. 51, Banks)

Honan Road; Teleph. 91123 Mercantile Co., The, General Mer-

chants—299, Szechuen Road; Teleph.

17865; Cable Ad :: .Genshoto

*T JIB li 1 H

Mei Shun S.S. Co., Shipping Agents Mercantile Marine OmcERs’ Clue—

and Shipowners — 6, Szechuen Road; (See Clubs)

Teleph. 12903; Cable Ad: Meishun

Hi & m m U1J ft] £ fr

8$ Song van ying chat yu han kuno sze


Melcheks & Co., Import-Export, Ship- Ltd., Printers Printing Go. (1925),

ping, Forwarding & Insurance—210-214, and Lithographers—

Kiukiang Road; Telephs. 16342-45 for Head Office and Works: 255, Wei-

Import, Export, Booking and Insurance haiwei Road; Telephs. 34312-3;

Dept, and 15566 (3 lines) for Shipping Town Office: Room 515, 81, Jinkee

and Forwarding Dept.; P.O. Box 1004; Road; Teleph. 12689,

W. A. White, director

Cable Ad: Melcorp (Export), Melchersco Beck and iSwann, secretaries


and Nordlloyd(Shipping

Maerskline (Shipping—N.D.L.)

— Maersk

Line). Home Office: C. Melchers & Co., A. E. Lockyer, managing director

Bremen. New York Agents: Melchers, Mrs. C. W. Rayden

Inc., P.

Hong New Kong, York,


A. Branches:

Tsing- J. Jacopi | , V. T. Zien



fu Swatow, Peiping and Mercury, Ltd.—14, Museum Road;

Partners:—K. | Teleph, 10052

Ad. WidmannLindemann(Shanghai),(Bremen),

Dr. A. Mercury Trading Co.—6a, Kiukiang,

Korff (Shanghai), C. G. Melchers

(H’kong.j, E. Michaelsen (Bremen) Road; Teleph. 11821


MercuryPjjkss, The, Printers,

Bookbinders, Engravers and Die Publishers, & m m m m^

Stampers andVII;

Advertising Agents—21, To, fah ko hoo, hm zuen kung sz

Ave. Edward Teleph. 84087


Inc., TI.S.A. Co., Fed., Messageries Maritime^, Compagnie

des (French Mail Co.) — 9-10,

George C. Bruce, director and general French Bund; Telephs. 82034 (3

manager lines)

Miss Pauline H. Maher and Miss H. J. Cochet, general agent for the Far

N. Klopfer, stenographers ' i East ’

Printing Dept. Q. Jobard de Gapany, local mgr.

L. J. Mrantz, manager. F. Borteele | 11. A. Harrs

H. K. Sung, production manager P.R, d’Humieres

Ungern | A.Mrs.Yourrieff

F. M. Cooper

A. P. Nikitin, Peter E. Gudzy and Y.


Yeh, supts.

proof-reader Metallisation Co. of China, Ltd., Metal

S. Y. Liang, do. ■. Spraying Process for Structural and

Advertising Dept. Architectural Work, etc. — Wayfoong

Miss C. H. Bruce, manager (absent! House, 220, Szechuen Road, 1st Floor;

G. J. H. Hendriksen, acting mgr. Teleph. 12215, (4 lines); Cable Ad:

: Triplerais

Salesmen—K. Winston, J.

H. C. Cochran, E. W. Katz, J, C. Balis, W. Malcolm & Co., Ltd., general managers

Faers and T. Y. Kong Directors — A. Malcolm, R. S.

Salesladies—Miss S. Geufer, Miss S. Macmillan, Joseph Brown

Laberbis, Miss N. Pickel, Miss F. A. Venshow, manager

Slossman, Miss A. Kadish, Miss A. E. P. Hpmphreys, ,secy.

Garzey, Miss A. Hasanova, Miss G.

Vakulenko, Miss E. Kantorovich Methodist Episcopal Mission (See

and La. Van j Churches)

Publication Dept.

F. Burton, editor Metro

E. T. Gerz, cir. and adv. mgr.

Miss A. S. Garzey Rooms- Goldwyn -Mayer

138 and 141, of China

Embankment —


Miss L. P, Nenclio w ing; Teleph. 40466; Cable Ad: Metrofilms

S. I.B.Greenberg,

Dunlap, manager

Y.K.F. K.Zah,Yangchief accountant C.Z. L.Wong

asst mgr.

Y. K. Zah

K.T. C.S. Zah

T. Y. Wong

I. C. Zee Chu II F.W.Horenstein,

W. Deitz steno.

Zih J. K. Y. Lee

C. Z. Loh

Publisher’s of :— ' H.■ Z. Chang Metro pole HoteS

Shanghai Dollar Directory Ed. Arreger, manager


Tuning China

in Dollar Directory

Marine Telephone Directory Metropolitan Film Distributing Co.

-3-Canton Road; Telepin 19493; P.G.

Shanghai Police Gazette

Foreign Y. M. C. A. Spokesman Box 1045; Cable Ad: Talkie ■

^ H. Me{

M Metropolitan Constructing Co.—112,

Szechuen Road; Teleph. 16003

Merecki, H.—159, Peking Road; Teleph.

15948; P.G. Box 428; Cable Ad: Merfah Metropolitan Land Co., Ltd.—81,

Merritt, Ltd.., Heating and Sani- Ad: Jinkee Road; Teleph. 15455; Cable

tary Engineers and Contractors—8, Metro

Rue de France; Teleph. 81340

Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Ex-

Mertens, Dr. H., Medical Practition- densers port Co., Ltd.,Electrical

Steam Turbines, Con-

er—GUce:, 788,-Bubbling Well Rd.; Room 329,and Sassoon House;


Teleph. 14629;

Teleph. 31222 : r; | !-; >/, Cable Ad: Metrovick


PM & M men loong *£ ,' H Sa.c lee

AlivYKRiNK & Co., VYm., Merchants Import, Mikasa & Co., Japanese Silk and

Export and Insurance—150, Kiukiang Curios; Dry Cleaning and Dyeing,

Road, Rooms 401-405; Teleph. 17882 ; and Shirt Makers;—208, Bubbling

P.O.H. Tiefenbacher

Box 515: Cable Ad: Meyerink Well Road; Teleiph. 31382; Cable

E. W. Schramm Ad : Mikasaco

E.H. Leistner, signs per. pro.

M. H. Tiefenbacher Mik & Co.—48-50, Rue du Consulat;

Teleph. 83127

' Miag Muehlenbau and Industrie A.-G. Millers Co.—106, Peking Road;

Flour, Rice and Oil Mills, Elevators, Teleph. 13846

Cement Plants, Breweries, Bakeries,


24, The Bund; Teleph. Specie17780Bank

; CableBldg.,


Muehlehbau Mi Img ton kwang kow yu hsien kunq sze

Millington, Ltd. (Incorporated in Hong-

m m. x m m kong), Practitioners in Advertising—

Miao, Kay-Pah, Civil Engineer and Gallia Teleph.

Building, 668, Szechuen Rd.;

11655; P.O. Box 750; Cable

Architect, Land and Estate Agents— Ad: Milladvert


33341 733, 31, Connaught Road; Teleph. Board of Directors

E. F. Harris, chairman

N. W. Hickling

S. A. Seth

F. C. Millington, managing director

Pao zung pao foong pao li&ien kung sze Mrs. O. J. Calder, private secretary

.Middleton & Co. (Insurance) Ltd., Studio

Hugh, Managers and Agents for CopyRozenbaum B.


Fire and Marine Insurance Com- Y.advertising

S. Wai, director of Chinese

panies—45, Kiukiang Road. ; Tels.

11962 and 16595; P.O. Box 482; Outdoor Advertising Dept. - j/,

Cable Ad : Humid; Code : Bentley’s B. Rozenbaum, directing manager

Hugh Middleton, director J. Heyman

W. B. O. Middleton, do. Accounting

A. J. Barson, Dept.secretary

J. R Jenkius

General Office accountant

T. H. Chow,

Middleton & Co, Ltd., Merchants, Publishing R. H. Geary, Dgpt.business manager

Commission Agents and Manufacturers’ A.T. S.A. Bao


Agents—20, Canton Road; Teleph.

10893; P. O. Box 967; Cable Ad: Middy Sales Staff

W. B. O. Middleton, director R.J. Fuller

H. Geary, sales manager

Midland Investment

Soochow Road; Teleph. 13842 Co., Ltd.—175, G. U . Todd I| Peter Sung

A.R. J.L. E.Dickson, W. Mendell Office Chas. Chan

Price, director

do. Hongkong

Miss Elma Kelly, B.sc.

H. Moore,. do.

C. Cl Newson, f.c.i.S., sec. Minarolo ifc Co., G., Wine, Spirit and

Provision Merchants —36/8, line ,du

-Mien Wha Thread Co., Ltd., Manu- Consulat; Teleph. 84972 ; Cable Ad :

facturers of Cotton Thread—Office : Minarolo G. Minarolo

50, Szechuen Road; Teleph. 13515;

P.O. Box 1678, Mill: 248, Yang-

tszepoo Road; Teleph. 53099 Ming Foong Paper Manufacturing

H. R. O. Edmonds, mill rrigr. Co., Ltd.—29, Museum Rd.; Teleph.

W. R. S. Roberton, Secretary 19283 > y ■!


Ming Hwa Petroleum Co.—1, Rue ^1) M

Moulin; Teleph. 80372 Miyakoya, Shirts and Pyjamas—Kl8^

Boone Road; Teleph. 40757

Ming Sun EggIncubators,

Matchery,. Farm, Poultry Breeders,

Brooders, and Model Dairy Farm—8, Tifeng Road;


Road, Kiangwan; Teleph. KiangwanYing

u 1 try Supplies—Farm: 514, Ziang 38, Teleph. 21997; Cable Ad : Moshi


, Z. T. 27, The proprietor

Bund; Teleph. 19004 Modern

Tsang, corators,Home (British),

Interior Furnishers,

Woodwork de-

Glass and

Ming Sung Cotton Mill—197, Shanse Bubbling Metal Workers — Showrooms : 8748,.

Road ; Teleph. 80721 Well Road; Teleph.

Avenue Foch, Teleph. 72540. Office and 34310,

Ming Wah Commercial Co. '— 29, Factory : 1110, Gordon Road ; Teleph.

34353; B. O. Box 1509; Cable Ad:

Museum Road; Teleph. 17241 Modernhome

Construction Supplies, Ltd., mgrs.

Ming Wha Weaving Factory—66, Rue | J.J. E.G. Gray, Clay, director


Montauban; Teleph. 84813 China Import & Export Lumber Co.,.

Minutti & Cie, Civil Engineers, | O.Ltd., agents.

K. Malinowski

Reinforced . Concrete Specialists, !

Surveyors, etc.—668, Szechuen Rd. : | Richard Paulick,acct.b.a.

Teleph. 14282; Cable Ad : Betonlemi j V.S. A.Overgaard,

Miorini, Dr. Albert, m.d. (Universiy of ! George P. P. Kovalew, b.a.

Joukoff, sculptor

Vienna), Specialist in Surgery,

vrifery and Women’s Ailments—934, ; A.RudolfMid- I Paulick b.a.


Bubbling We Road; Teleph. 30323 O it

N. 1). Liashenko

Missionary Home—(See Churches & A. Kosch

Missions) M iss E. Tager

Sales Dept.

Missions to Lepers—(See Churches & Miss M. Sinclair

Missions) J.M. A.N. Doff


Mjtford Chemical Works—222, North »*■***#

Soochow Road; Teleph. 40248 Moe lae dei tsai kun'j sze'

-j j: J— Sany r,hint) Moeller

Mortgages, & Co., L. E., Land and Estate,.

Insurance—Szechuen Build-

Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd. (Mitsui & ing, 110, Szechuen

Co., Ltd.)—185, Szechuen Road; Cable Ad: HanseaticRoad; Teleph. 16650;

Teleph. 13570; P.O. Box 3123 L. E. Moeller, manager

E. Richter, signs per pro.

Mitsui Flour Mills — 105, Liping 8. B. Bosack

Road; Teleph. 50782 Mrs.

Miss M.A. Beyersdorff,

Cho, secretary


Mitsubishi Bank—(Yee Banks) David TV S. Tsao

K. C. Chen

s,fu Uv lrun

p] S' ft 3 9 ^ & m ^ m sc


subishr Trading Co.), Ltd.

Shoji Kaisha, (Mit, Mohideen

Importers, Dealers

& Co., P., Jewellers and

in Precious Stones— 24, N ew

Exporters, Shipping Agents and Yu Yuen Road; Cable Ad : Mohideen

Insurance Agents — 86, Canton Road; Hajee II. L. A. Mohideen,

(Lond.),‘ general manager f.R.s.a.


K. Tanaka,8080-7-8-9; Cable Ad: Iwasakisal


S. Iwata, sub-manager H.A.M.P.Usoof, trav. sub-mgr.

Mohideen, inspector

M. M. Hamzah

Moh. Ahyub

Mitsui Bank—(Nee Banks)


Wh 8 c e

^' S.S. “Mary Moller’’—Captain

Moller & 'Co., Merchants, Shipowners, C. Mason

Agents and Freight& Brokers—Rooms S.iS. “Marion Moller”—‘Captain

219/225, Hongkong Shanghai Bank W. J. Anderson

Building, 2nd Floor, 12, The Bund; S.S. “Minnie Moller”—'Captain

Telephs. 10217 & 13427; P.O. Box 1312; J. W. Jones

Cable Ad: Moller; Codes: Boe, Scott’s, S.S. “Nancy Moller”—Captain

A.B.C. 5th and 6th edns.

and Bentley’s complete phr ase S. M. Pearce

Eric Moller, managing director “Petria” Norsk Forsikrings Ak-

Eric B. Moller, sub-manager tieseiskap, Oslo, Norway

Lindsay S.S. “Rosalie Moller”—Captain

Ralph B.B.Moller

Moller W. Finch

S.S. “ Therese Moller ”—Cap-

Chrys. B. Moller tain T. A. Howard

D. E.Steines,

H. Kermode, secretary

accountant S.S. “Winifred Moller”1—Cap-

Helbourgo tain R. Corry

H.M. Spence M.b. “ Anne Moller,” Electric

N Malinovsky Welding Plant

N. Kusherenko Salvage Tug: “Margaret Mol-

H. Witte

Capt. R. A. Young, senior captain ler”

P. Tenisson, supt. engineer Agents at Shanghai for

Mrs. E. B. Carr Mbs I. E. Moller “ Petria ” Norsk Forsikrings Aktiesel-

Miss L.C. Ryan

Collago' MLsN. skap, Oslo, NorwayCentralforening,



Miss S. Gutierrez MissKousnetsova

H. Oslo, Norway (The Central Union

Miss R. Butt Remedios of Marine Underwriters) ,

-Chun “Storebrand ” Oslo, Norway

ChangYung Nai Zan,


booking office Einar Nilsen-moe, Oslo, Norway

Erling Mortensen, Oslo, Norway

assist. “Renee Mine,” Haiphong, Tonkin

S. T. Woo, customs clerk

B.S. “ Alice Moller ”—'Captain

E. P. Coleman

5.5. “Ethel Moller’’—Captain Mondenach, K., Expert Chronometer and

Watchmaker—1163, Bubbling WellRoad;


15.5. “ Hannah Moller ”—Cap- Mondenach P.O. Box 1456; Cable Ad:

Teleph. 33284;

tain S. Haslett

45.5. “ Helen Moller ’’—Captain 'jrj| Mow foo

S. M. Copp

.S.S. “ Hilda Moller ’’—Captain Molnar & Greiner, Paper Makers and

W. P. Learmouth Paper Importers — 330, Szechuen Road;

5.5. “ Daisy Moller ”—'Captain Teleph. 11766; P.O. Box 1074; Cable

(in abeyance) Ad: Greiwis; Codes: A-B.C. 6th, Acme,

S.iS. “ Erica Moller ’’—Captain Bentley’s and Private

B.M. Greiner,

A. R. Baxter

,S.S. “ Elizabeth Moller ’’—Cap- Kars proprietor (Vienna)


tain F. V. Benz E. Kelen, manager

.S.S. “ Isabel Moller ”—Captain

J. R. MacDonald

.S.S. “ Jenny Moller ”—Captain Monique, Dressmakers and Milliners —

810, Avenue Joffre; Teleph. 7185

A. W. Hastings

.S.S. “ Katie Moller ”—^Captain

(in abeyance) 13 & H « 31

S.S. “ Lilian Moller ”—Captain’ IFalb ming you yeh hung sze

G. H. Moss

S.S. “ Louise Moller ”—Captain Monk & Co., A. C. (Inc.), Leaf To-

II. Bell

:S.S. “ Mabel Moller ’’—Captain bacco Dealers—52, Ningpo Road;

Teleph. 12101; Cable Ad: Monkto-

E. Pickmere bac


Morgenstern, O., Agent—81, Jinkee

Mu-no yin chiu Jcee che tsek cho chong Road; Teleph. 17024; Cable Ad:



/Formerly Corporation,

Lanston iVonotype 3 Ltd.,


poration), “Monotype” .• Typesetting Morimura GaIjage Co.—*S.' 98, Fearon


Platens, MillerThompson T’ypecaster,

Cylinder Miller Road « -fele’ph. 41730

Presses, Miller


Bund; Trimmers,

Teleph. Harris

19b30; P.C.Offset—17,

Box 1770,The Morris Motor Cars—694, Bubbling

Cable Ad: Monotype Well Road; Teleph. 30003

, . iFrF. Waliwork, manager

Miss L. Harpham i T. L. X.sau

M6 lih sze

Monroe & Co., Ltd., F. C., Importers Morriss, H. Ernest, Bill and Bullion

Exporters, Shipping Agents and : Broker—17, The Bund; Teleph. 17071;

Coal Merchants •— 128, Museum

Hoad; Teleph. 14627; Cable Ad : Cable Ad: Mohawk


'f. F.J. Engstrom,

Y. M. Low, director

manager Morse, F. S. (Shanghai Branch), Cotton

Controller, Sworn Yv eigherand Measurer

Montgomery Ward & Co., Wholesale Box Peking Road;Ad:Teleph.

1767; Cable Morse 14847; P. (J.

Department — 131, Museum Road;

Teleph. 19286; Cable Ad: Thorn-

ward m JX m Neemoilee

M Moo dee Mortimer Reid & SleE, Chartered Ac-

Moody, Mark L.,of Federal Inc., General countants—18, The Bund; Teleph. 14070;

U.S.A., Cable Ad: Mortmereid

Distributors Motor Cars,


Painting andRepairing, Body Building,

Accessories—80, Avenue Moses, A. E. —83, Peking Road; Teleph.

Edward VII ; Teleph.

Station : 408, Rue Bourgeat; Service 12351; Cable Ad: Fortune ,

15394. Teleph.

72200; Cable Ad: Markmoody

Moon Garage—60, Avenue Edward VII; Moss &, Co., i#j ^ Mo.sz

Teleph 63314. Inc., David L., Exporters

and importers — 70, Szechueu Road;

m m S # Lue'e/sz mo Teleph. 10616; Cable 4Ad: Moscodel;

(Woore & Co.,Adjusters

Ltd., L.,andAuctioneers^ Codes: A.B.C. 5th edn,, Private and Acme

Fire Loss

Expert Appraisers, Land, 'Assessors,

Estate add Motor Management & Finance Co.,


Road; Telephs.Agents—191 16123, 10h64-5199,(FirePeking

Loss Fed. Reliance

Inc. U.S.A., Geheral Manager

dept.), 10153

(Chinese); Cable(Auction

Ad: Mooreco'dept.)', 16126 for Motors—755, Avenue

Foch; Teleph, 70024 ,

E. Q. Cooper, managing director' C. V. Starr, director

S. C.Lord, secretaryc.a.,andchief

general mgr. Clement J. SmifhJ do.

A, Coring, acct, N\ N. Yakoonn ikoff, do,

Fire Loss,Adjusting! and Auctioneering W. A. Hale, do'.

J. A. Duff, gen. mgr.

S. Dept.

Lord C' ‘'

T.M. A.G. Buckley

Feiqke ,n1 ]1 W. C. Valentine

D. Brown Molt Nieh Woollen Manufacturing

' Co.—288, Wayside Road; Teleph.


Toplis & Harding, Assessors and 50450

Marine 1790)

London Surveyors (established in

■ Alberta Assurance, Co., Anvers Mou Sing .Transportation Co.—266-3,,

Avenue Edward VIL ; 'Tffleph. 90420-

(Settling Agents)


M H $ Mowtekle A. B. Separators, ^Centrifugal

Moutrie & Co., Ltd., S?? Piano and Organ Separators, & D ickiipsbh, Ltd.,


Manufacturers, Music and Musical . Weaving Machinery"

Instrument Dealers—SO, Nanking Morse Chain Co., Rocker-Chains

lid.; Teleph- 10112;

Ad: Moutrie; Codes.P.O. Box5th

A.B.C 77p;andCable

6th A. B. , Pentaverken, Stationary &

edns., Bentley’s and Lieber’s Marine Engines

Directors—W. J. Tsenrnan (chairman). A. B. Ltiljehplm^ns Kabelfabrik,


E. Newman; 'and H. W. P, Electric1 Cables, and Insulated

W. S. Watson, managing direetbf Wires'

R. J. Burch, Secretary Hajos Szanto A. G., KW-Hour

Accounting1 Dept. Meters

A. C. Remedies | J. Silva

Sales Dept. m mhmihw-MMm

Miss D. Lim Mei huo mbw foo hua situ shih Isin tsang

Technical Dept. Mulford Co., H. K., Manufacturing and

E. Wellbelove Biological Chemists—161, Museum Rd.;

M. Stibbe Teleph. 17123; P.O. Box 812; Cable Ad:

Factory—Baikal Road

J. Askolin | W. I!. Hepburn Mustard

Mustard &, Co., Ltd., sole, distributors

Mow Lee & Co., Exporters—36, Sik- for China and Hongkong

ing Road; Teleph. 17316; Cable Morris



manager f.c,s.,in China


Ad: Mowbut and Hongkong

Mow Sing Flour Mill—421, Kiangse Plarold G. Howard, M.p.s.

Road; Teleph. 12538 P. S. Wong, PH.G. PHAR. B.

Muller, E. J„, Consulting,. Civii En>-

:1 n & m m m m gineer—SOgi Glen Line Building;

Mou le yu listen hung sze Teleph. 16600; Cable Ad: Solpie

Moysey '& Co., Ltd., H. J., Electrical and

Mechanical Engineers — 452, Kiangse

Road; Telephs. 18331 and 16466; Mullerm nPdSWs’ iffi m _

(ChIna^LtIi., Fed.

Cable Ad: Adasea; Codes;. Western Inc., U.S.A.. Mamifacturers’ Repre-

Union 5-letter, Bentley’s and A.B.C. sentatives—21, The Pinid; Teleph.

6th edn. 10534; P.O. Box 650; Cable Ad:

H. J, Moysey,, director 1 Mulphico. Head Office: 1, Park

G. K. Moysey, do.

G. I. Bergquist, b.so., (Sweden) Avenue, New York

e.e., a.s.e.a., representative

K. G. Lommegren, b.sc., (Swe- MUNIGIPAL GOUNCTLS

den) m.e., s.t.a.l., representa-

tive WfL;/ jla ehu

Mrs. M„ .Schneider Shanghai Municipal’200;Council —Adminis-


Agents for tration Building; Kiangse Road

Asea Electric, Ltd., Sweden, Mo- Teleph. (Chairman)(19340935

Councillors 19992' )du H. E.

tors, Precision Gedrs, and Gear-

■ ed Motors, Generators, Trans- ' Arnhold I'chaihnii'^i), i< Brig.-Gen.

E.•T. W.

B. Macnaghten,

formers, Converters, Rectifiers,

Switch Gear, etc. Carney,’ L’E. H.Y.c.M.g.,

W. P. Lambe, : B. Kiang,

Liddell, T.


Stal (Ljungstrom) Steam Turbine Yamamoto,'C.

Co,, Ltd., Sweden

A. B. de Layals ; Angturbin, Harris, S L. 8.HSn,Franklin,G. Okamoto, E. F.

Pumps, Blow-ers, % Crude Oil Tsuyee

and Yu Pei, F: J. Raven,

Ya-ching - L. T. Yuan

■Engines, etc. Land Commission : 1934-5) - H

Nydquist & Holm, Diesel Engines Berents,

Thos. Robinson & Son, Ltd., Com-

plete Flour Milling Machinery l Ping-nan,J.W..g. T. W.Ko'oBrooke.

, S. H: Feng Peek

and E. A. Long (secretary)


Asst. Masters—E. G. Southerton,

Secretary-General’s Office—Teleph. A.M. a.Spivey

(Edin) and A. H. Candlin,

Cent. 10089 Assist. Mistresses—Mrs.

Secretary General—Stirling Fes-

senden, ll.I). Kirk, Mrs. M. L. Dawa,A. Mrs.


Private Secretary—Mrs. E. E. Ede A. Murphy and Mrs. 0. M.


Chinese Studies and Translation

Department—125, Hankow Eoad ; ^ % it m m ±.

Teleph. 10191

Director—O'has. Kliene Shanghai JYor dung kung hok

Assistant to Director—H. West- Public School for Chinese — 63,

nidge Haskell Eoad; Teleph. 45581

Stenographer and Typist—Mrs. Headmaster—H. B. Lobb, b.sc.

L. D. Goldring

Chief Assistant—Sun Tsu-lieh £ it ® S

Si dung nui Shu yuen,

EDUCATIONAL Public SchoolTeleph.

for 20670

Girls — 70, Yu-

Education Department—Administra- yuen Eoad;

Headmistress—Miss A, S. M. Alex-

tion Building. 180, Foochow Eoad; ander, B.sc.

Teleph. 19416 Assistant Mistresses

Superintendent—L. C. Healey,

B.COM., F.C.T. Aitchison,

Mrs. K. A.Miss P. —M.Mrs.Bourne,



Miss Y.


step, Assistant — H. (London);

b. a. Hons. G. Huck- Cordelle, Miss M. G. Darroch,

Teleph. 14614 Mrs. M. Miss

Duguid, A. Davison, Mrs. M.m.a.,I.

E. M. Darroch,

Assistant—Mrs. E. E. Lane Miss F. I. Harris, b.sc., Mrs. J.

Chinese Education

Chen, m.a., Teleph.Officer—H.

10247 C. Harvey, Mrs. J. K. Kay, Miss

Assist. Chinese Education Office— F.Gregor,


Miss A.MissM.M. Manning,

H. Mac-

H. S. Chen, ph. d. Miss

D. H.M. C.Parrott,



® & * w # -t Eudge, Miss M. Sutherland,

Miss G. B. Warmoth, Miss E.m.a.,


Shanghai Yah chi Rung hoh Vedy, B.sc., Mile J. A. Simonnet

Ellis Kadoorie Shanhaikwan

Public SchoolEoad;

for Art Mistress—Mile A. Haberer


Teleph: 30200 ® m m

Headmaster—A. F. T. Holland Public School for Girls—390, Boone


Head Teleph. 41330

Rung pu chu nieh tsoong zung B.A. Mistress—Miss G. M. Ware,

wha dung hung hoh

Nieh Chih Kuei Public School for ® s a h ® » x

Teleph. 51069 and Baikal Eoads; Rung

Chinese—Kinchow pu chu han peh li kung hsueh tong

Public and Thomas North




F.C.I. Headmaster—L. Kershaw, for Boys—191,

Assist. Masters—G. L. Aitchison, Eoad; Teleph. 46600

H. Eogerson, b.a., D. A. Eushton Headmaster — P. Crow, m.a.

and W. C. Divers (Cantab.), d.s.o,, m.c.

Assist. Mistress—Mrs. I. Adams

Polytechnic Public SchoolTeleph.

for Thomas^ * If ^ il


91055 Pakhoi Eoad; —170, Hanbury

Boone Eoad;School




(Hons.) G. Baillie, b.sc. Acting Head Mistress—Mrs. M. C.

Maher, b.a.


m M Jm X M hI Jlr $S X

Finance Deeaktment—Teleph. 12810 Sz loong kooiig so

Treasurer and Controller—Major

J. T. Ford, o.b.e., a.o.a., Fire Brigade—Office: 309, Honan

F.I.M.T, \ Road; Telephs. 15181-2-3 (Private

Deputy Treasurers—J.

Assist Treasurer—A. W.W.MacphailMorcher, exchange to all depts. for ordin-

A.I.M.T.A., F.S.S., E. F. Oliver, A..C.A. ary purposes)

Accountants—G. O. Jackson and H. Chief Officer—Capt. J. G. Dyson

E. Middleton, m.b.e. . Deputy Chief Officer—Capt H.

Assist. Accountants — A. G. P. G. Reed

Dewing, a.c.i.s., T. A. Aiers, E, Third Officer—B. M. Hunting

Beeching, a.c.a., J. A. Cresswell, Fourth Officer—W. Charters

m.c., b.a., J, D. A. Hutchison, Engineer Officers—H. A. Crick-

a.c.a., and A. F. Sutherland mer & H. R. Powell

Assistants — L. F. Stokes, N. M. Accountant Officer—J. Huxley


Fong, U. C.S.Hsu,

J. Williams,

P. L. Liang S.andJ.

K. S. Tsao District Officers—S. M. Vin-

Secretary—Miss M. D. Smith cent and R. G. Watkins

Correspondence Clerk—Mrs. F. Clerical Assist.—Ghirig Loong-zie

E. Cameron (absent) Station Officers—C. C. Caynes,.

Stenographer and Typist--Miss- G. A. Hardcastle, L. Heap,

E. Hawkings H. H. Miller, T. H. Vickers,

A. E. Villers

Assist. Station Officers—A. G.

Revenue Office — Telephs: Deputy B. Carnell, J. W. Currie, F.

Treas. 10390, Chief Assistant 12084, J. Jones,,; M. M. Louttit, R.

General Office 10777, Licence

10391, Voting, Land Tax and Chinese Office H. Miles, A. H. Morton, G.

Rate Office 10927 II. Mulley, S. C. Pemberton,

Deputy Treasurer (Revenue)—V. H. F. B. Scammell, R. S. Somers

Bourne and E. G. Wheildpn

Asst. Treasurer (Revenue)—R. Sub-Officers—W. C. Allan, J. C.

Middleton Banld, J. Buxton, H. Chris-

Senior Assistants—P. Comery and tensen, J. Goldman, D. F.

A. T. Gray Harris, G. W. Hempsey, J. V.

Assistants—W. Atkins, ' H; M. Hourihan, G. F. R. Jack, A.

Evans, G. A. Johnston, G. Keiss, R. C. Lent, R. T. Lind-

Kliene, M. Kramer, L. F. ley, K. J. Mackenzie, E. C.

Payne, A. Pratt, James Sze, Molineux, D. Murphy,“ J. W.

T. H. Walker, V. H. W. Wat- Robb, E. L. Saunders, R. W.

ton and Woo Yoong Ming Slight, A. A. Smith, W. S.

Office Assistant—E. Perpetuo Spottiswoode, T. E. Stenning,

Chief Inspectors—A. Dahl, E. G. A. Vurm, R, J. Wallace &

Mellows and E. A. Lake T A. Warnes

Inspectors - F. George, H. i,P Chinese ^ub-Offiicers—Paul I Jang,

Hotchkiss, J. H.

Ridgway and T. E. WilsonIn wood, C. H. Woo Sui Ung,, Beacon Yee &

Assistant Inspectors —T. Aiers, G. Zee Lib Zung

Arnovick, W. T. Bartlett, J. A. Inspection Officer—W. E. Dent

Asst. Inspection Officers—A. C.


Cooper, H.G. J.V. Christensen,

Course, W. A.A. Perry and G^ Swan

Dunn, F. .1. Forrest,

A. .7. Griffith, A. T. J.Kemp,


R! Workshops Officer — W. C. Watson

Nishibe, C. P. Saveloff, A. Scheel, Assist Workshops Office—B. J.

P. J. Schluper, W. van Stel- Renacre

lingwerff, W. G. Stone, J. A. Stores Officer—R. O. Jackson

Tibbie, T. Tollefsen, M. Chief Clerk—A. Ozorio ;

Watanabe, T. Watanabe & R. Stores Clerk—G. Ozorio

W right Workshops Clerk—R. Pereira


Legal Department — Continental Assist. Supts.—Loh Lien-kw’e and

Bank Builcling, 113, Kiukiang Road; Chin Shih-ying

Teleph. 13040 (exchange to all depts.) Chief. Inspectors — J.Robertson,

W. Prince,E.

Mun. Advocate—R,. T. Bryan, W. McGillivray,

jr., B.A., LL.B. F.F. C.Walker, W. J. Mac-Dermott,

Stubbings, D. J. Webb, W.

Assistant Advocates—King S. Ginnane,

Kum, b.a., ll.b., Paul P. Y.

Ru, ll.b., Y. D. Wong, ll.b., and C. J. J.BullMason, J, Knight and

ll.m. , T. Y. Chang, ll.b., Inspectors — I. C. Kiloh, H. J.

ll.m., Thomas S. Lea, ll.b., Schmidt,

R. Shellswell, G. C.J. Holt, N. White.

B. Clissold, J. F.

Tsien Sin Kin, ll.b., Tsang Lovell, d.c.m., A. G. W. Groves,

Tsze Tson, ll.b. and Paul E.W.A.Hotchkiss,

Eva, V. Sharman, J. Watson,

Tsiang, ll.b. W. D. McGillivray,

Secretary—Miss Cora E. larger m.m., J. A. Isaacs, J. Barry, m.m.,

Police Liason Officer—Chief 11. J. Jefferson,

Andrew, C. Bishop,R. C.d.c.m.,

Hail, D.R. B,C.

Insp. J. Mason • Ross, J. M. Watson, C. G. Phillips,

Officer-in-eharsre (Recording)— O.Ward, B. Perkins, R. Taylor,E. R.Papp,


SuKXnspr. F. V. 'Oollison C. E. Thurgood,

Officer-in-charge (Tobacco and H.

Stamp Tax)—Sub-Inspr. G. R. R,Wardrop,

Grubb, E.A. J.H. Ling,


T. F. H.

Duncan Robinson, W. ID Pike, F. E.

Court Inspector—S-uh-Inspector

Y. E. Mason A.Dudley,

Teller,F.J.G.A.West, G. J. Bennett,

McFarlane, B. B.

Everest, C. White, A. J. Toon,

m.m., R. F. Tabrum,

B. B. Boddy and H. Brownrigg E C. Stokes,

m m -t m ^ x Clerical

Orchestra and Band—Foochow Market Cook,andAssistants—P.

ton A.C.N.Y.Christie, Tizon, J. A.

Jones L. Steven-


94299 Floor), 398, Foochow Road; Teleph. Stenographer—Miss B. M. Ovens

Conductor—Maestro C. M. Paci Office Assistants C.— T.A. Mense,

T. Kawashima, D. White,

Assist, do.—A. de Kryger

Leader—A. Foa Volsky, C. R. F. Walter, J.A. E.I.

Fairbairn, R. Berglof

Vehicle Inspectors—W. Blyth, A. T.

© s? w Ja as i Roggers & A. G. Reynolds

Police ForceEnquiry Office: 185, Mechanics

Schierhorst —A.andJ. W.Gordeieff,

C. ButteA. J.

Foochow Road; Teleph. 1^380 Motor


Commissioner- F. W. Gerrard, c.i.e. V. P. Tatar inpff Milutin and

Drivers— G. N.

Deputy Commissioners—Major K. Women Assistants — Mrs. L. V.

M. Bourne, M.C., R. C. Aiers, S. C. Issaeff and Miss H. A. Klukin

Young, T. P. Givens, Yao Tseng-

mo and A. Tajima Prison Department

Assistant Commissioners

F. L. Wainwright, M.c., E. C.— Baker,

Major Supt. of Gaols—Capt . D. R.—Wahl

Capt. E. R. Kennedy, H. E. Feck, Deputy

Jackson Supt. of Gaols J. W.

G. W. Gilbert, S. Dyehard m.sc., Head Gaoler—W. C. Grant and A.

Liang Pmgchun, W. E. Fairbairn,

T. Robertson and R. W. Yorke Gaolers—V. G. Westwood

L. Crompton

Superintendents — J. Sinclaii’, A- Assistant

Hogg, W. Gaolers—E. Bouvier,andA. N.B.

R. Chisholm

H. Aiers, R. Condnit, T. Crook- Chadderton

dake, W. Whiting, Tan

Liang, Liu Yung Kuei, J. A. Shao Senior Warders — W. Read, S. S.

. Quayle,

ling, YaoT. Chia


Jui, Yao

Wu Chia-

Keng Wilkinson A. J.Hurry,

Crookdake, J. M

Yuan, R. J. Crouch, F. MitcheJ, J.Ellery,

A. Grubb, E. C. Howe,

B. S. Khambata and

H. D. M. Robertson, J, G. Adams H. J. H. Sampson and C. R. J

and S. Nakazawa Belson


Warders—S. N. Choohlantzeff, W. Dept. Secy.—G. J. Turnbull

C. May, J. Murry, J. Camp- M.R.S.I.

bell, A. S. Whitaker, S. E. Senior Assistants—J. S. Gra-

Cummings, W G Tranter, 1 ,, ham, a.r.s.i. and W. D. Wells

E. Knight J. Hunter. C. B. Senior Clerical Asst.—C. A. E.

C. Cade, J. Black, E. A. Ro- Carr

berts, E. J. Ropei;, M. E. Clerical Assistants—C. N. Brown,

Tomlinson, W G. Francis, R. G. F. Jones, C. H. Mahon and

S. G. Miles, G. E. Clarke, J. C. L. Hindson

Shute, C. Bulter, W. A. E. Office Assists.—B. V. de Senna

Bullen and F. J. Corish and Wang Ching Chuen

Assistant Warders—J. Spaul- Commissioner’s Secretary—Mrs.

ton, E. Markland, G. E. L. Larsen

Mann, T. O’Dwyer' E. Whit- Steno-typist—Miss F. Harran

ley, M. J. O. Connell, T. W. Laboratory Division

i Wylie, V. A. Krapivnitsky, (Pathological)

l| R. E. Heath, R. Scherer, H.

Truhin, A. Wass, D. J. Chis- Director of Medical Laboratory—

holm, J. Stewart, A. R. W. K. Dunscombe, m.d., b.s., (Dur-

Campbell, G. S. R. Hall, R. ham), m.r.c.s. (England), l.r.c.p.

M. Wilson, C. Williams, A. (London), d:t.m. & h. (Eng.)

G, McDiarmid, M. A. Pagel- Pathologist—J. H. Blakelock, m.sc.,

’ la, F. C. Town, I. V. Seri- m.b., ch.b. (Sheffield) .

brinnikoff, E. Eyres,, A. E Assistant Pathologists — W. R.

Seitz, K. C. Parmalee, G. Johnstone,

Wiklund, V. O- Nordling, E. d.p.h., m.d. b.a.,(Trinity,

m.b., b.ch.,Dublin),


P. Szegedi, C. Henton, O. l. Nagai, m.d. (Keio) and W. K.

Berggen, B. P. Northrup, J. Miau, m.d. (Foochow), d.t.m,

Pas© and P. J. Bourmakin (Liverpool)

Matron—Mrs. N. Semevsky Snr. Laborat. Asst.—A.E.P. Grimmo

Wardresses^—Mrs. M. A. Borovsky, Laboratory Assistants — A. H.

Mrs. H. F.M.Tremblinsky

Printer—R. Jordan Heather, R. Baxter and J. Chad-

m.b., B.CHiB. (Camb), d.p.h. derton

Chinese Laboratory Asst.-^S. K,


Press Information Office — Teleph (Chemical)

| 14508

Press Information Chief Analyst— E. O. Wilson, ph.c.

ton Sayer, f.j.i. Officer—G. Bur- Assist. Analyst—L. H. Barton, ph.c.

Pharmacist—A. Fanthorpe, m.p.s.

Chinese Information

14507)—P. Y. ChienOfficer (Teleph.

Japanese Information Asst. Chemists—R. L. Dai, b.a., and

(Teleph. 14507)—N. TatsuokaOfficer H. E. D. Ma, b.s.

School Medical Services

Stenographer—Miss G. F. McKee School


m.d., Officer—Marie

b.a.o. (Trinity, A.

m £ m m 1$ x Dublin), b.a., l.m. (Rotunda)

Pubilic Health Department—223, Asst.


m.d. Med.(Fukien),


Hankow Road; Teleph. 12410 (Liverpool) and J. Y. Woo, m.d.

i Administration! & Vital Statistics (St.


Commissioner of Public Health S.A. Louie Medical College), U.

—J. H. Jordan, M.C., M.A., Hospital Division

M.B., B.CHIR. (Camb), d.p.h. Superintendant of Hospitals—H.

(London) Smith, m.b., b.chir. (Camb.),

Deputy Commissioner of Public m.

Health—E. F. Duck, m.b., Assist.

b.s., (Lond.), m.r.c.s. (Eng.), —D.J.Superintendant of Hospitals

Allan, L.R.c.p.(Edin.),L.R.c.s

l.r.c.p. (Lond.) d.p.h. (Eng.) (Edin.)



— Y. Assistant

J. Cieh, Medical

m.k.c.s., Officers

l.r.c.p., . Venereal Diseases Clinic — C. S.

(London), doctor-in-charge of Marissoff, Y. Lavrdoska and F.

, police Cherepanoff

Chang, and m.b.,gaol(Naval


Med. H.Coll.,

M. Amoy-Koad Gaol—A. I, Kouznetsoff,

male nurse

Tientsin), K. L. Chen, M.E."(Shan- Isolation Hospital — H. E. Baylis,

tung), J. Z.

John^),Med.H. Coll.),U. Foong; m.d.

C. Ho, V.m.d.M. (Hang-(St. custodian

chow Howe, Food,

tion Divisionsand, Markets Sanita-


m.d. (St. John’s), F. T. Ke, m.d. Veterinary Surgeon—H. Pedersen,

'H (McGill).

(Peiyang),W.SvD.SI Kwauk, m.d., c.M.,

P. Lieu, m.d. (St. d.v.m. (Copenhagen), S. P.assist.


John’s), K. W. J. Lieu, m.d. (St. M.sc., D.V.M. (Mich. U.S.A.),

John’s), Z. Z, Nyij M,Dl(St. John’s), ' - vet. surgeoh

d.t.M. m.d.& h.(St. (Liverpool), Clerical Assistant—C. R. Hindson

Ting, John’s), J. Y. S.Woo,

K. Supts.—D. Heathcote, m.r.s.i., F.W.

Ambrose, m.r.sj., m s.i.a.

m.d. (St. Louis Med, College), F.D. Chief Health Inspectors—ft*. Veit,

Zau, m.d. (St. John’s), D.T.M. & H. M.R.S.I., M.S.I.A., DIPL.


Municipal Nursing StaffMiss E. Brewster-Gow, m.r.s.1.,I.H.,m.s.i.a.,

H. G.

L. Warren, senior matron Mun. J. E. Fensham, m.r.s.1., W. W.

Hospital, Police Miss Hospital,

J. M. Martin, Mictmiloff

Health Inspectors — A. W. Allan,

matron Miss a.r.s.i., G. H. Bloom, a.r.s.1,


Daly matron Chinese Isola-

assistant matron

Miss A. Z. Davies,

Police Hospital, r.s.i., J. C.J. Carney,

m.s.i.a., N. Bogomoloff, CERT.

m.m., m.r.s.i.,

Miss M. G. W. Scott, asst, matron A. E. Chariot, H. Cruden, H. R.

T. B. Sanatorium, Miss A. Camp-

bell, assist! . matron Mokanshan A.Dobson,

Gillies,R.S. T.Fowler,

Hirano,G.O. Gauron,


Sanatorium, Miss A. M. Birks R. M. Howells, a.r.sj., A. V.

assist, matron Mun, Isolation Karmiloff, B. Kusakri, J. Lewis,

Hospital, Miss Ml Johnstone, M.E

home r.s.i.,

J.cert,D. H.r.s.i.,

J. Mentor, cert, r.s.i.,

Miss sisterVictoria NursesHome,

A. Reid, Sister-in-charge Morris, I). I.F. J.A. Millership,


King’s Daughters’ Convalescent S. Murakami, W. Noon, P. S.


Nurses—Miss S. A. Barr, Miss N. G.

M. Brown, Miss J. B. Davidson, A. N. Philippoff, A. O. a.r.s.i.,

Page, m.e.s.1., M.Pearce, Pickel,

Miss H. von Gestkowski, Miss a.r.s.1.,

r.s.i., L. V.J. W. Self, Ribbons,

a.r.s.i., W.cert,J.

G. H. Harding, Miss J. R- Kidd, Silvey, cert,J.r.s.i., E. J. Sluis,

Miss E. Kirner,

Gougan, ■ Miss Miss F. M. Mc-

E. MacMillan, cert, r.s.i.. B. Snoad, J. A.

Miss E. M. Miles, Miss M. Milne, Stoddart,

E. T. Sundbad, cert,cert,

B. Stone, r.s.i.,r.s.i.,


Miss. M. L. McPhee, Miss

sey, Miss A. Reid, Miss K. M. P. Morris- Taylor, cert, k.s.i , R. G. Watts,

Rapley, Mrs. J. R. Ross, Miss m.r.s.i., J. A. Weaver, r.s.i., R, G.

L B. Scott, MissMissM.H.Tressider, Wolnizer, a.r.s.i., a.m.i.s.e., J. E.

Miss Whitgot, a.r.s.i., H. J. F.

Miss S.I. ElP.Wech,

Wright, Miss S.William,

Kana- Woolley,Overseers—N.

Sanitary a.r.s.i.

moto. Miss J.

Wong, Miss T. P. Zung Y. Hyui, Miss L. K. G. Gauron, T. Honda, G.Andrianoff,


Staff Nurses—Miss M. H. Mayuzu- E. A. Roche, B. A, Vouich, S.

mi, Miss D. E. McTier, Miss H. E. Koyama, J. McDonald, J. G.

March and Miss F. P. Button Wahlstrom-Lewis,

W. D. Sallis, O. Sheveloff J. J. Surel,

and A.C.


Miss G. H. UdakaMiss M. H. Mayuzumi, WoplcockMechanic—E. S. Ivarsson

Housekeeper, Isolation Hospital— Radiology—Abattoir

Mrs. C. A. Tatlock Chief Radiologist—G. Chambers,


G. H.Attendants,

Flatt, C.Mental

Hillman,Ward— m.b.,. ch.b. (Leeds), d.m.r.e-

Higgs, G. F. R.Liang W. C. (Camb.)

Tuberculosis Clinic

a.r.s.i., inspector — V. gongaillo, .Muninpal'-pim&teries—H. V. Starl-

ing, supt.


Public Library—66, Nanking Road; Architectural Assistants—F. W.

Teleph. 10404 Cook, M. C. Jensen, B. L.

Librarian—A. Avshalomoff Mamysh, J. A. Sokoloff and J.

Assistant Librarian—Mrs. J. H. Senichenko

Levis Land Surveyor—H. F. Lewis,


Senior Assistant Land Surve-

& ® X ffi X yors—L. J. Hughes, R. P. Ro

Public Works Department—Admi- berts, T. W. R. Wilson & E.

nistration Building, 193, Hankow Rd.; McIntyre

Teleph. 13469 (Private exchange to all Assist. Land Surveyor—L. J.

depts.) Farmbrough, p.a.s.i.

Comsnr. of Public Works—C. Building Surveyor — R. C.

Harpur, o.b.e. Young, l.r.I.b.a.

Extra Comsnr. of Public Works Senior Assist. Building Surve-

—J. E. Needham, o.b.e., m. yor—W.J. Bidgood, m.r.san. i.,

inst. mum. and cy.e. A.

Dep. Oomsnr. of Public Works

—A. F. Gimson, b.sc. (lond.), Assist. Building Surveyor—WT.

ASSOC.M., INST.C.E. T. Fulstow

Chief Civil Engineer— N.W.B. Departmental Secretary—G. H.

Clarke, m.eng., assoc.m.inst. Rendall

C.E., M.I., STBUCT.E., A.M.I.W.E. Accountant—W. Harvey

Highways Engineer—W. A. L. Senior Assistants—W. H. Helm,.

Pardoe W. C. Johnstone and H. E.

Sewerage Engineer — H. E. Jones

Denny, assoc.m. inst.c.e. Assistants—G. E. Knight, A. C.

Workshops Engineer — H. C. R. Nash and A. J. Orton

Clements, m.c. Clerical Assistants—E. E. At-

Senior Assistant Engineers—A. kinson, L. Corner, A. Kliene

C. Brennan-Craddock, assoc, W. L. McCann, T. L. Thorpe,v

m., am. soc.c.e. , C. W. Glover, P. J. Wong and S. J. A.

& J. B. Watson, b.sc. (lond.), Woodyatt

A.M-1NST. C.E., A.O.I. STRUCT.E. Correspondence Clerk—Mrs. M.

Assistant Engineers—G. E. Bar- M. Donnelly

ker, W. 0. Barrington, b.eng., Supt. of Parks and Open

A.M.I. STRUCT. E., C. H. Duff, Spaces—W. J. Kerr, m.m.,

b.sc. (London), G. R. Harri- f.r.h.s.

son, f.s.i., Ho Pao*-Chang, Assist. Supt. of Parks and

BSC. (lond.), ASSO. M.INST- Open Spaces—H. Ritchings

C. E., C. H. Hopkins, Supt. ofC.E.,Cleaning—D.

J. E. Har-

A. C. Law, G. H. Mann, bottle

M.c., G. Sinclair, P. Taylor, Senior Clerks of Works—H. P.

a.m.i. mech.e., and P. F. P. Aaschou, H. H. Cox, G. W-

Unterberger, c.e., mil. eng. B. Dainton, W. J. Elliot,

(st. p. bourg) v.d.i. m.r.san.i., and P. E Longden




E. Clerks of Works—G. E. Barker,

Senior Assistant Architects—J. R. G. Brown, J. D. Davies, m.r.

SAN. I., A.M.I.S.E., R. M. Dor-

D. Watt, a.r.i.b.a. and A. C. rance, J. Hempsey, H. Hill,

Wheeler, p.a.s.i., f.i.a.a. R.G. Brown, J.D. Davies, m.r.

Assistant Architects—R. D. Fra- P. Ishikawa, H. F. Miller,

ser, a.r.i.b.a., R. A. Ham- R. E. Phillips, G. A. Pota-

burger, dipl. ing., and D. G. poff, R. A. Thomas, and' W.

Mirams, a.r.i.b.a. D. Williams


Assistant Clarks of Works—J. Municipal Advocate's Dept,

I) Clark, V. A Gavriioff, W. Mun Advocate (13040) — R. T.

Gil Ion, A. Gindper, S. S. Gri- Bryan, jr.

goriev, V. A. H. Gunther, Assistant

Motor Engineers—T. S. Whit- Paul P. Advocates

Ghana, Y. Ru, Y.S.D.—King

Thomas LeaWong,

S. Kum,

T. Y.

and Tsien

field and M. E. Harloe Sin Kin

Heating and Sanitary Engineer— Secretary—Miss Cora. E.,Jagger

H. H- S,wi,tch4vsvsky b-sc., m.e. Press' htfarniaTion '##?<*“-

Assistant f Heating andv (Sanitary Press Information' • Officer^(G.

Engineer—V. A. Essen Burton Sayer, f.j.i.

Chief Inspectors—C Aitkep, A. C. Chinese Press Information Officer—


stone,' E, Hodges,

and H.J. John-

Rose M. C. Chu, b.a.

Japanese Press Information 'Officer

—N. Tatsuoka

. Stenographer

G. F. McKeeand Tvpist—Miss ' '

^ m i§ Fj £f> x

■Secretariat—Telephsi:. General

15349 (General), Secretary’s Room Office Sewage Treatment aSd Disposal

16130,' Deputy Secretary’s Room Chief Sanitation, Chemist—P.

16131 Gaunt , F.i.c., mm.chem.e.


Abbott,Sanitation Chemist—W.a.r.c.E.

f.i.c,, M.sc.^Lond.^

Secretary—J.R. Jones, m.c., m.a. sc.i.


Deputy Secretary—G. G. Phil-

lips,' M.A., LL.M. mmmm^ x

Assist. Secretary—T. K. Ho, Volunteer Corps—180,,Fpoehpw Road;

M.B.A. Telepbs.

m and ;i n tl H.

OOP 8,Q.A dOffice:

j u ta. ntll6l‘84,


rgt. -

Assist. Secretary—H. Ibusuki,

O LL.B. ■ /) Major’s Office 10184, Quarter-master-

Sergeant’s 10J85, Transppib, Office

Chiefs of. Sections—E. T; Nash 10187, Eiile

and, R. W; S; Winter

Chief Assistants—J. . C. Creig, manent CampRange

Cdmmandan t466.11

46581 and Per-

— Colonel F."' R. W.

N M.' Harloe and T. L. Raw- Grabajh; n.s.o., P.m.c.11. Catt


sthorne tw/bo- H

■Committee Cle^k—J. Eee^ ll.b., ■

Corfis Sefgt.-Ma'joi*—H.



T. Rose

DP. A. Siergt.-MajorTnstructor-in-Gunnery

Senior Assistants—J. .WVAllan, —J. J. B. IMvtoav

A. M. Kotenev, and A. B. Regimental Qiitirtennaster—Sergt

Lang A. V. Lee

Assistants—T. Reesley, J. W. ' Accountant—E.'

Battery Sergt,-Major V.1 PattonInstructor—

Fraser,; aiid C. ('. O'Connell G. W. Marsden

Clerical Assistant—M, Q. Liang Q.R.Q.M.S.4-C. W. Cunningham

Office Assistant—S. Hisa Range Warden H. W. Davies

i Secretary—Mrs. D. Brook Stenogr. w Tyiiist—Miss C. P. Allan

; Stenographers and. Typists—

'Miss V. Lachinova, Mrs. P. m x m & -k

rLaroche^ Mrs. E. M. Roach,

. apd G. P. Rj^ed . Dtah fa iko kong fyou ph/ii


Municipal, 176, Rue du Consulatl

& is $tm m % U x Teleph. '80010 (Private .Exchange to

all departmefits)'


Secy. Gen.^&t

Private irl ihgFesseiiden,

Secretary' lr. d. ■ Commission

(Tel.; 10035)— tration

Provisoire d’Adminis-


Mrs. R. E. Ede ' ’ ’ President — E. Koeehlin, ( Consul

General.deiFrance.) i T


Direction—Tel pphs. 80010 & «0l 17 Cor;r.i:oE Mijnicipal Francais (Muni-

Direcfeur (5en«raD-M. Yerdier cipal

82165College)—Route Yallon; Teleph.

. Secretariat—Teleph. 11410. ^ Principal—Ch. Grosbois, m.a.

Secretaire—E. Fauraz Sous-Directeur—G. Sabattie, b.s.

Finances (Firmncd Dept.)—Teleph. 80010 Ecole Municipale Franco-Chinoise



Courtilset dui Contentieux (Franco-Chinese



Directeur—Fr. Jules-Alfred

CVpittabiutk (Accounts Dept.) — Sous-directeuf—Fr.Victorin, Ange Louis-

Teleph. 74490 Professeurs—dPrs.

J. Bigel ; Petrus, P. Chanel Joseph-Bernard,

Perception (Tax Dept.)—Teleph. 11410 Daniel,Emile^

ne, Ricardo,L. Andr



Chef Percepteur —Ch. Magy (Fr. Chinois) Chinois), Adon

‘Services d’Hyoiene et P’Assistance Surveillant—(Fr.

de la Concession Franoaise Direc-

tion des Services d’Hyoiene et Service SlaughterdesHouse)—131,

Abattoirs Boulevard (Municipalde


Telephs. 82054,5 Rue Amiral Rayle: Montigny; Teleph. 81181

Director — Dr. Rabaute, .Chevalier

de la Legion d’Honneur Services G^erBaux, General Services

’S'exaphore ('Signal Statiop)—1', Quai de . ':v -L. .LBerge

Frande; ‘ Teleph, 80431

Directeur General de’ DObser- ‘ Service' • ■& Plan-

vatoire de Zi-Ka-Wei—R. P. tationsdes(PublicParcs,Parks


and Cardens)—

P. Le(i ay Route Frelu.pt; Teleph. 70922

Directeup du Service—R. P. E.

GHerzi ServtjoB'de&I Tkavaux (Publie Works

Chef du Bureau—P. Baron Dept;) — 1212, Avenue Joffre;

Secretaires — Ignace 'pi and Teleph. 74490

Didace Zi Direction


Ingenieur en chef1—L. Louzier

Service d’IngendiIe (Fire Brigade) Ingenieur adjoint principal—

—193, Aventie ' I’oifre CK-i Retnuz^at ■ -•

Appel de’feu Teleoh. 80079 ! 1 Ingenieur adjoijatrGA;..’’ Beren-

gtiihr- - I - I ji-e-gr

Poste Central Telenh. 801 bo

Poste Chateau d’Eau Teleph.

80100 : '


Dibrsion ■ A'dlrr\inistrdtiye

Posjfce B : assai] Teleph. 80100

' Seoretarjatf—

-Capita inet Cnef du Service d’ln- Coniimis.—H. Jacquet - and J.

dehcK^^Vo Rte BtifouP’;''Teleph. Bossuet

. ' 70358.

EA..:R,pyere :■ _ : >; : YotklE fRoa d Dept )- TelCpb. 11410

Lieutenant Chef-Adidint—183: Rte Agdbt-Ypyer : Prinjcdpal — B. de

Remi: Teleph. 80100 Bellefonds . '

A, Brun • laid ,J .A

; Chef- Mecanioien-^Teleph. 80100

E. Bouniveau , . . □ rCAPASTREifLand Officc)-,T

, < ,-jChef > dii Cadastrer-,H. ■ Perinet

Chefs ‘ :de,. Roste-T—Teiepfi. ySOljOO > I.E.T.M.

M. Besrest;

M. Prigent h ' #

M. Bossu , SEifyidBR'E' l/teLECTRiOTTV) ET PES RaBX

. .■ Dept.)-—

: 1

Sdus-Chefs; de Po@te—^Teleph; SOIOO -'■ '(Teleph.



A. :Cddueiet':!■ : 1 ( ;It,n ■; 1U10 aAd - Water

R, Gros Chef du Service—iE. Fail-1


Ateliers (Municipal Workshops)^— Service de la Circulation

Teleph. 30911 Mecanicien — V. Camu, Inspecteur—B. Ynkovieff

Ingenieur Sous-Inspecteur—A.

Sergents—A., Pancrazi,Avazeri


I.A. & M. Brigadiers—E. Gagliardini, C. Julien

Comptabilit£ et Magasin — Teleph. Garde—S.

Brigade Tatarinoff

Speciale Grimaldi

74490 Inspecteur—J.


Brigadiers—H. M. Frachet,

Elard C. Asdrubal

Ecuries (Municipal Stables)—271, Boute Services Divers


Zikawei; Arnhold

Teleph. 32722 Chef du Personnel—E. Gouget

Sous-Inspecteur, Censeur des films-

—M. Riegert

Magasinier (Stores)—Teleph. 71911 Inspecteur Magasinier—H. Dupuy

H. Froquais Commis-Magasiriier—A. Pi

Sergent Artihcier—L. Le Scanff

Services de Police (Municipal Police)— Chef

Chef Armurier—Leon Agnel

Route Chef de Musique—A. Labeille

Mecanicien—L. Moro

70060 Stanislas Chevalier; Teleph. Garde Auxiliaire Armurier — J.

Direction Bartholomeu

Directeur des Services Garde Auxiliaire—V. Oukthomsky

Commandant L. Fahrede Police— Yaguemestre

mond Auxiliaire —M. Ray-

Directeur-Adjoint, Chef de la Garde Services de la Surete

—Captaine P. Gaible Chef de la Surete—A. Plessis

Directeur-Adjoint, Politique-Surete Inspecteur-principal—P. Valentin

—R. Jobez do. Berthier,—J. L.J. Huet

, Chef-Adjoint

Blancnet de la Garde—Lt. P. Inspecteurs—R. Croesi*.

L. Henri, A. Isabel, E. Lambalot

Secretariat & Comptabilite Sous-lnspecteurs — E. Agnel, P.

Secretaire, Chef de Service — L. Bongiardini, J. Gioulis

Sergents—R. Andre, .G. Bykhovsky,.



Brigadier-Comptable—V.Alary Card E. Creston, A. Grell, E. Le

. Cuziat,

Steno-Dactylo Auxiliaire—Nguyen L. ThellierP. Maron, G. Pierre*

Van-Huong Detective—P. Meyer

Service Police Judiciaire Ballerand

Chef Politique

du Service Politique—R. Sous-Inspecteur—F.

Sergent—F. Guenard

Sarly Brigadier—J. Turle

Inspecteurs — R. Saint-Oyant, G. Bureau des Taxes Consolidees

Emelianoff Carbonnier, P. Cros,

Brigadiers—J. Inspecteur—H. Augeard

P. de Beaumont, F. Ribaillier, A.


Detectives Auxillaires—V. Rossi, B.

Appreleff and M. Utujnikoff Mao lai yu hsien hung sze

Secteurs de Police

Inspecteur-principal—J. Cormier Mtjrai Brothers Co., Ltd.—Registered

Inspecteurs—P. Kersulec,

Y. Mesjean, M. Mezergues E. Barbier, Office: 175, Soochow Rd.; Teleph.

Sous-lnspecteurs — I. Petitjean, L. 13482

Vittori, P. Poussardin, J. Magalon, Directors—R.

A. L. Dickson, Bailey, L.Brig.-General

G. Cousins,

P. Guhur Macnaghten, c.m.g., d.s.o., and

Sergents—A. Agnel, J. Cledic, E. C. E. Harber

Ferrat, M. Filippi, C. Franchi, E. C. K.C. McKelvie,

Newson, f.c.i.s.,


G. Gui, F. G.Jaouen,

Gouerec, M. L.Kachler,

Grillon,J. asst. secretary


Kleinbauer, A. Larcelet, Y. Le Murakami

Berre, L. Lollichon, R. Maffre, A. chuen Road; Teleph. 19423; Cable Ad:


F. VittoriA. Pages, A. Villermaux, Murakami




Shanghai: MUSTARD & CO., 161, Museum Road.

Hong Kong: MUSTARD & CO., Alexandra Building.

Singapore: BORNEO CO., LTD., Mercantile Bank Building.

Netherlands India: GEO. WEHRY & CO., Batavia, Semarang, Sourabaya.






± H Chuen shang Mutual Investment Co.—-Gontinental

Murakami, Toyo, Art and Curio Dealers, .91872. Building, Nanking Road; Teleph.

Sliirt Manufacturers,

Exporters—270, KiangseImporters and

Road; Teleph.

T2319; Cable Ad: Murakamito; Code: Mutual


Silk- Manufacturing Co.—

495, Honan Road; Teleph. 93669

Toyo Murakami, proprietor

j. S. Murakami | T. Murakami Mutual Textile Go.—12, Singapore

A. Kusumi Road; Teleph. 34935

Murray, Dr. J. Elliot, m.d., c.H.B. (Edin.), Mutual Trading Cq., Ltd., The, Gen-

Surgeon to General Hospital; Physician eral Importers and Manufacturers’



Consulate-General and 41, Agents—123, Canton Road; Teleph.

Avenue du Roi Albert; Teleph. 73769. 18346; P.O. Box 1721; Cable Ad:

Consulting Room: Hongkong and Shang- Mutualtrade M. L. Wong, general mgr.

hai Bank Building (Entrance Foochow E. C. E. Schneider, mgr.

Road); Telephs., 15047-8 D. Y. Tsao, asst. mgr. & treas.

Fo mu yuen



Road A. S. Building,'6, ffc ® ■$: m ft

A. de C. Sowerby, director Nang no; hen chu silt way ska

E.S. Wilkinison, keeper of ornithologv Naigai Wata Kaisha, Cotton Spinning

Teng-Chien Yen, keeper of cou- and Weaving Mills—General Office: 931,

Gordon Road: Teleph. 34370. Town


Yuanting. T. Chu, keeper of Office: 12211 and130,12221

Hankow Road; Telephs.


E. M. Buchanan, keeper of her- Nan Hwa Amusements Co.—914, Ave.


S. Josetsen-Bernier, keeper of Edward VII.; Teleph. 92147


A. E. Gibson, keener of archeology Nance, Road;

Dr. W. K., Surgeon—51, Canton

and numismatics

S. K. Tang, taxidermist AmherstTeleph.



277‘78 r 51,

S. Y. Tang, asst.

S. L. Tang, caretaker

Ohung kuok nan yang sion aei ert tsoii

m m % m Mo an BU hou fun u hsien hung se

Musso, Fischer & Wilhelm, Law Office, Nanyang Brothers Tobacco Co., Ltd.—

—294. Szechnen Road; Teleph. 15028; 786, East Seward Road; Telephs. 52330;


Dr. O.Ad: Lawcobarrister-at-law

Fischer, Cable Ad: Nanyang Brothers. Hong-

Dr. F. Wilhelm. do. kong Office: 164, Des Voeux Road

Nanyang Butchery,

tail Purveyors Wholesale

of Meat, Game,and Fish


Fruit and Vegetables

Ymg Bhang lao chinq luna yu hsien hung sze de Say Zoong; Teleph. 71319 — 26-30, Route

‘ Mustard

Importers—161. General

Museum Road;Wholesale

Teleph. Nanyang Construction Oo. — 411,

15406; Cable Ad: Mustard Hankow Road; Telegh. 84322

n % & m % & Nanyang Dispensary, Manufacturing

Mutual Advertisers, Ltd., Chemists, Wholesale Druggists,

Advertis-6, Hospital

ing Agents—Arnhold Building, Suppliers, etc.—426, Nan-

Kiukiang Road, 4th floor; Teleph. king Road; Teleph. 93946; Cable

Ad: Nandrug


W. W. Martin I T. Ting. NanyaNO InsstiYute (See Educktibnai)

C. J. Langley | S. Y. Siao


^ # 5R ¥ n # it National 'Commercial Under writers

Nanyang MotorParts,

Supply Go., Automobile —330, Szechuen Road; Teleph. 19524

Replacement Accessories, Tyres,

Motor Oil, Storage Batteries, Painters National Commercial. Bank Ltd. (See

and Body Builders — 846-52, Avenue Banks)

Edward VII ; Teleph. 90664

m m m m ft National 'Construction 'CpmijtssiON

Nan sing nev lav. tsong The, Purchasing Committee—34

National Aniline & Chemical Co., U.S.A. Museum Road; Telephs. 11522 and

—88, Museum Kd.; Teleph. 11335; P. 11523; Cable Ad: Natpurcom

B. L. Chen, Chairman

O.E.Box Bull 653; Cable Ad: Naccoshang L. C. Su, vice-do.

J. Fistere. jr. v L. K. Ku

C. G. Evans M. H. Pai | S. M. Ling ■

F. B. Hillhouse C. Chen (Store & Shipping Dept.)

N. J. Deegan F. S. Wang (Accounting Dept.

N. S. Wong Lin

W. A. Duncan National Electric Co., Electrical En-

Miss L. Willis gineers and Contractors—519, Rue-

C. A. Smith (Tientsin)' du Consulat; Teleph. 93520

J. D. Haynes do.

C.A. M. Gee (Hongkong)

R. Edwards (Hankow.) National Engineering Co.—47, Ning-

National Brewery—4, French Bund; po Road; Teleph. 13884

Telephs. 84060-9; P.O. Box 1104;

Cable Ad : Azadian

J. Azadian Societe Anonyme, > 15J S £ ti & II

C. owners

Kruger, &chief


brewmaster Kouming wei mn kong.vtze

National Carbon Co., Feu. Inc., TJ.S.A.— National


Hygiene Co. (Associated with


Health Co.), Vacuum House

Sales Office: 50, Nanking Road; Cleaning, Disinfecting,

Teleph. 17377; Cable Ad: Rayel- Renovating, Painting, White-washing

bon; Factory: 248, Yangtszepoo General Contractors—313, Continental&

Road ; Teleph. 51431 ; Cable Ad: Bank 18321; Building;

P.O. Box Kiukiang:

1173; CableRoad; Teleph.

Ad: Nathyo

Rayelbon giene. Branch Office: Hankow-

National Cash Registers—74, Nan- T. Zils, assist, service manger

king Road ; Teleph. 18638 T. W. Pao, inspector

National Christian

(See Associations) Council of China National Motor Trading Co. — 169,

S. Chengtu Road; Teleph. 33813


Banks) City Bank of New York (See

National Neon Lights—190, Peking

■pf jji Yuen hang Road; Teleph. 13251

National Commercial Co.. Importers,

Exporters & General Merchants— National Medical Association of

153, Canton Road; Teleph. 18990; China—(See Association)

P.O. Box 213; Cable Ad: Minerva

Y. K.W.T.Lee,Yungmanager National Optical Co.—163, Nanking

T. Z. Moore I Miss A. L Lee Road; Teleph. 91224

H. K. Hu | W. L. Wang


S. K.T. Liu

King II Z.K. S.Y.Yen

Mob National Pharmacy — 643, Nanking

P. N. Shen | P. Z. Chao Road; Teleph. 94349


National Quarantine . Service — 2, Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappy

Peking Road;Headquarters

Porthealth; Cable Ad: —(See Banks)

Teleph. 14626;at Shanghai;

Branch Quarantine Stations at Shang- Nee Tai Shing & Co., Coal Merchants—

hai, Amoy, Hanko’vy, Swatow,

tsin, Tahgku-Taku and Chimvangtao Tien- 182-184, Sihza .Road ; Telephs.'92910 and

Dr. Wu Lien-teh,-director Nee Tai Shing NdRth Wharf—Tung

Ka Dpo, Poptung: Tela. : (through

National Tile C(h, Ltd., Manufac- private exchange Nee Tai Shing

turers of Ceraniic Tiles—505, Honan &South Wharf) Pootung 131, 132, 168

169, Telephs, (Sundays, Holidays

Road; Teleph, 95666; -Gable Ad: & After Office Hours) Pootung 168


Nee Tai . Shing South Wharf—Tung

Ka Doo, Boptung,;, Telephs. rPootung

131, lS2 and 168 (Sundays, Holi-


131 and After Office.Hours),

(Compradore) and 168132 (North


National State Lottery Adminis- Wharf)

tration — 183-189; Avenue Edward Capt. J. M. Hopkins, vharf mgr.

VII; Teleph, 80190 Jason T. Lieu, wharf compfadore

S. S.Y.Sieh,

H. Chen, director general

W. H. secretary

Chow and generalC. S. Wei, Neil & Co.,

—1489, YueJames,


Road; Manufacturers

Telephs. 21596

secretaries and 21046; Cable Ad: Neil :

P. C. Wong & Co., auditors , James Neil, prop. & mgr.

J. advisers

A. Turner and S. A. Seth, W.J.D.G.M.Shand

Neil, gen. mgr.

Lincoln Sun, chief of 1st section : J. A. Lalmanoff

S.G. Sieh,

S. Li,chief


3rd section


S.H. Yun, drawing officer Neill, Faron & Bros., ,.Co., Ltd., Im-

porters; ahd Exporters— 259, Broad-

H. C.C. Ma,


advertising manager way ; Telbph; 40596; Gable Ad:


Lo Him Kiu, issuing officer

J.Y. A.S. Wang,

Koo, cashier

business manager Nemazee &"Co.,- H. M. H., Tea, Silk

Exporters and General Merchants—

National Trading Co., The Importer Box 190, Peking Road; Teleph.

796; Odble 10875; P.O.

Ad: Nemazee

and Exporters—131, Museum Road;

Teleph. 13806; Cable Ad: Natraco

Thomas S. Woo; manager H & 31 4* « £

Yiny sui lien zui kung.sze

NationAt Union Fire Insurance Co. Nestle

(Pittsburgh)—17, The Bund; Teleph.

11144; P.O. Box 1195; Cable Ad: Un- Food and and Co., Milk Milk Products, • Nestle

deriters Lactogen,' Gerber Gruypre

American Asiatib Underwriters Fed. Kohler’s Chocolate,Peter’s,

Cheese, Nestlefe, Cailler’s’ and

Bonbons & Cocoa—

Inc. U. S. A., mgrs. for the Orient Nestle House, 381, Soochow R.oad;

Teleph. 16337;Branches

P.O. Box: 705-Cable Ad:

National United Radio Co.—88, Bub- Nestanglo. Tientsin and

bling Well Road1; Teleph.*; 82436 Hankow. Agfents everywhere.

L. W. Walkinshaw I G.’ O. Large

Nauman, V. F„ m.d., Dental Surgeon—12, BabjrJhLWelfare Mandelert


| L, Cheyalley

The Bund (Room 139); Teleph. 10047 Mrs. 1. Williams, certified nurse

Navy League—(See Associations) Miss

Miss T.Y. E.C, Liu

Lo iI Miss

Miss K.

H. Y.C. Sung


Nederlandsch1 Indische Handels Netherlands Chamber of Commerce—

Bank—(Nee Banks) (See Chambers of Commerce)



Netherlands Consulate—(Ace Con- New Light & Sanitary Co.—474,

sulates) Avenue Foch; Teleph. 32330

Netherlands Syndicate

Amsterdam, (Holland), Financial Enter- for China, New National Electric Co.—333,

prises — Sassoon House; Cable Ad: Avenue Edward VII; Teleph. 85633

Robt. De Vos, general re.pres. for

K.East AsiaChinese

C. Lee, repres. Tlsin Sung Ying Tsao Tsang

K. C. Chang and Robt. De Vos, Jr., New Shanghai Construction Co.,

secretaries General Building Contractors and

Engineers—Head Office: S-12, Con-


Amsterdam, Harbour WorksHouse;

(Holland)—Sassoon Co., naught

SoochowRoad. Creek.Main Yard: Pesingking,

Shanghai. Branch

Cable Ad: Devos Yard: Penang Road,

Road, Shanghai. Teleph. Corner of Ferry

34171; Cable

Robt. De Vos, general representative Ad: Neshaconst

for East Asia N. T. Loh, c.e., general manager

K.K.C.C.Lee, Chinese repres.

Chang and Robt. De Vos, Jr., Engineering Department

secretaries Mechanical Engineering and In-

dustrial Supplies

New Asiatic Chemical Laboratory,

Ltd.—735, Markham Road; Teleph. fr @ X £ # fr

33091 Hsin Sung Wai Sun Kun Zun Kong

New China Book Co.—300, Foochow New Shanghai Heating & Plumbing

Co., Heating, Ventilating, Air Con-

Road; Telephi. 94221 ditioning and Sanitary Installa-

New China Industrial Works—21, erections.—Office tions. Water Tower and Oil Tank

Moulmein Road; Teleph. 35985 cial Bank Bldg., 230,: National

Peking Road Commer-

N. S. Loh, b.s.c., general mgr.

New China Trading Corporation—75, S. Pan,

W. engr. andasst.supt.

M. Waung,

Canton Road; Teleph. 14651

Say yung New State Market—961, Ave. Joffre;

Telephs. 72168 and 72212

New Engineering and Shipbuild-

ing Works, Ltd., The, Engineering, New Zealand Government Depart-


ing Repairing

(Proprietors: and Millwright-

Yangtszepoo Docks ment of Industries and Commerce—

Nos. 1 and 2)—640, Yangtszepoo Road; 42340 384, North Soochow Road; Teleph.

Teleph. 50080 (Private Exchange to all

Depts.); P.O. Box 704;

C. A. Member, a.c.a.,Cabledir.Ad:andSpeedy

secy. N. Z. Perpetual Forests, Ltd.

J.H. C.A. Amour, manager

Livingstone, asst- manager —220, Szechuen Rd. ; Teleph. 19071;

J. Findlay, sub-manager Cable

L. A.Ad:Falkner,


Far Eastern mgr.

W. C. D. Bowen, A. M. Kerr

A.C. A. D.

R. L. Barkus C. McGilvray MacCallum

L.V. N.Beattie Pao hung

Mrs. A. W.

Boyko A.J.G. A.M.





Far Zealand


Branch: Co., 55, Ltd.—


Chapman D. Ramsay Ming Yuen Road; T'elepb. 10118;

C.A. A.Haken

Fromm A.W. G.Simpson P.O. Box 651 Cable Ad: Newzico;

Rutherford Code: Bentley’s

Miss J. B. Logan, manager

A. M.O.Jenkins

M. Hay W. G. Smith

A. . 1 . Sterelny D. W. White

J. Kean T. J. Storey Woo Chee, compradore


Nicot Products Co.—210, Kiukiang. Road; fg Q Seh sing-

Teleph. 15921; P.Q. Box 1316; Cable Ad: Nippon Menkwa Kabushiki Kaisha, Raw

Nicot; Codes: A.B.C. 5th edn. and 6 edn. Cotton, Cotton Yarn; Cotton Piece

Nier Chip Kuei Public School—(Nee Goods, HankowSilk and Sundry

Road; Teleph. Goods

18128; —Cable


under Municipal Council) Ad: Menkwa

m n x m e Nippon Products Co., Inc.—Yoko-

i San yee kung chen se hama Bank Building, 34, The Bund,

Nielsen & Malcolm, Consulting En- Room 31; Telephs. 10647 and 10463;

P.O. Box 1811; Cable Ad: Nipon-

gineers; Assessors and surveyors to busan

the Insurance Offides; Sprinkler Y. iSasau and Y. Takahashi,

Inspectors and Consultants ;:to S’hai managing directors

Fire Insurance Association—Hong-

kong & Shanghai Bank Building,

12, The Bund ; Telephs. 13691, 13309, & t §15 # B

19242 and 17916 ; Cable Ad: Nielcolm

F. Allan, m.i.m.e. Jih pen yew zay way za

C. E. Pinel, m.i.m.e. Nippon Yusen Kaisha (N.Y.K. Line)—

31, The Bund; Teleph. 12842; P.O. Box

m a m n % m 0 3099; Cable Ad: Yusen

Ze Inn tien pao. tong sing.so Nissei Trading Co., Importers and

Nihon Dempo Tsushin-sha, Japanese Exporters of Cotton

News and Advertisement

215, Szecheuen Road; CableAgencyAd:— —33, Szechuen Road;andTeleph.

Cotton Waste


Nihondempo P.O. Box 700; Cable Ad: Sugihara

Nikka Sanshi Kabushiki Kaisha. Ltd., a & « « «? a

Importers and Exporters of Silk, Cocoon Ni (Jfhin Lmi Zue Rung sze



and 'Cocoon

>13354; Waste—24, The

P.O. Box 1159;

Cable Ad: Zuifoong Nisshin Risen Kaisha (The Japan-China

S.S. Co.)—5, The Bund; Teleph. ISIS'7

Ning Yih Finance Syndicate Office—

240, Peking Road; Teleph. 13746 Nisshodo Dispensary—280, Woosung

Road; Telephs. 41057 and 41067

Ningpo Household Removing Co.,

Ltd.—553, B. de Montigny; Telephs.

80000, 80009

Ningpo Insurance Co., Ltd. — 390, Nissim &, Co., Ltd., Edward, Merchants

and Commission Agents — 2, Peking

Nanking Road; . Teleph. 90067 Road; Teleph. 16589

Ningpo-Shaohsing Steam Nav. Co.—63, Nissim, N. Fred., Real Estate—278,

Kiangse Road; Telephs. 18782-3; Cable Kiangse Road; Teleph. 10060; Cable Ad:

Ad: Ningshao Nofrenis

Ningpo Trading. Co., Paper Importers N. Fred Nissim, partner

—4, Tah Ming Lee, Rue Petit; Teleph. N. M. Nissim, do.

81529; Cable Ad. Tracoponia

Nippon Commercial Union—486, Woo- Noel, Murray fn Sffij Tsay wo

sung Road; •Teleph. 42305 & Co., Ltd., Auction-

eers, Share and General Brokers, and

Nippon Kairiku Transport Co., General Commission Agents—160, Canton

Road; Teleph. 10335 (Manager’s


78 83 Miller arid



43894 and Office), 12714 (General Office), and

43069; Cable Ad: Rairiku 10300 (Piece Goods Department)



p] Pi hang -hung tze North-China Daily Neios

Noessler & Co., Max, G.m.b.H.. Book- North-China Herald (Weekly)

sellers—331, Kiangse Boad; Teleph. Directors —H. E. Morriss (chairman),

16180; P.O.Box 771;

E. Obenaus, manager Cable Ad: Noessler , Gordon

R. W.Haward, Morriss, Harold Porter and


H. Koch Edwin editor

Editorial Dept.

^ S’ # TtC # Y a chun R. T. Peyton

A.J. M.P. Finch Griffin

NoMura Lumber Co,, Ltd., The—86, Hoste J.C. Bowerman

H. K. D.Strachan,


Canton Road; Telephs. 16886 and C. S. Hirsh W. E.L. Gee

A. Bates

16671; P.O. Box 1273 W. H. Chen F. Chow

Norasiatic Coal Transports, Ltd.,50089;

A/S., V.F. A.F. Meisling

Sampson Y. Wang

Miss F. R. Russell

—640, Yangtszepoo Road; Teleph. G. Sapojnikoff, artist

Cable Ad: Norasiatic Miss

Mrs. H. Diveley, typistsec.

D. Latimer, edit.


Advokat E.A. W. Nansen, director

Claussen, do. (Oslo)


Mrs. C. L. Halvorsen, do. do. Proofreading

F. ArnoldDept: I G. Honniball

C. Capt.

A. Member, a.c,a., manager

H. Horneman, marine supt. Mrs. G. Carey I C. R. Davis

A. J. Sterelny F. A. Tonnochy | J. S. Ward

Thomson & Co., c.a., secretaries Advertising Dept.

W. J. Mockett | E. R. Mason

Miss Ruth Benedict | M. Post

Norasiatic Steamship Co., Ltd., A/S. Accounts Dept.Morgan, typist

Miss M.

—640, Yangtszepoo Road; Teleph. A.L. J.A. Yung,

Williams, accountant

50089; Cable Ad: Norasiatic

Advokat E. W. _Nansen, director

(Oslo) V. C. Young, cashierdo.

Advokat A. Clausen, dir. (Oslo) E. I. Sequeira

CL A. Member, a.c.a., manager Kong Yung Kwei

S.S. “ Ivanhoe ” (Captain H. Circulation B. M. RuebainDepartment.

| C. F. V. Ribeiro

Hornemann) Printing Dept.

T, D. Davy, manager

Norbury, Natzio & Co.,ChromoLtd. (London A.A. Haslam,

W. Hickey, works manager


and Manchester), Litho- A.Y. L.Mirskoff

Crank |I A.N. Simnitsky


graphers, Trade Marks Registration


15611; Cable Ad:Hankow

PrismaticRoad; Teleph. J. Chagin | Chang Sze-long

China Hong List and Shanghai Directory

fj) £ Poh lar A. W. Sherriff, compiler

Secretary and Mgr.’s Office

North British & Mercantile Insurance Proprietors R. W. Davis [ Mrs. G. M. Everest

Co., Ltd. (Far Eastern Branch) Shang- of

hai—259, Kiangse Road; Teleph. 18054; North

North China China Daily


Cable Ad: Norbrit China HongDirectory

List (every

A. M. Bourne, manager

J. Henry I G. M. Cowe Shanghai (everyJanuary)


J. O. Rae I A. Montgomery Publishers of

Agency. Cihna Coaster’s Tide Book (yearly)

World Marine and Gen. Insce. Co., Ld. Printers China Year Book


Tsz ling Municipal Gazette

Far Eastern Review

North-China Daily News and Herald, British Chamber of Commerce

Ltd.—Printers, Publishers, Advertising Journal

Agents, etc.—North-China Building, 17, Travellers’ Gazette

The Bund; Teleph. 11055; P.O. Box 707; China Architects and Builders

Cable Ad: Herald Compendium (yearly)


tf m {% JPau lea hong Ocean Steamship Co., Ltd.

North China Insurance Co., Ltd.—Head Chinaand Mutual Steam Nay. Co.,' Ltd. >

Office: 26, The Bund; Teleph. 12981; (Blue Funnel Line)


M. H.Ad:Ivy,Mandarin

general, mahager . ■ a (iS'ee alSo Holt’s Wharf)

Butterfield & Swire, agents—Teleph.

North .River Insurance Co. (New.'York) 82020 (Private

Depts. and Exchange

Residences at all tohours)


—17, The Bund; Teleph., 11144: P.Q. Box

1195; Cable Ad: Underwriters

American Asiatic Underwriters Fed. Oceanic & OrientaE Navigation Co.—

Inc. U.S.A., manageMfor the Orient Sassoon ■ House, The. Bund; Teleph.


H Iffii Jni bong Oculists’ Institute Co., Ltd.—136, Nan-

Northern Feather Works, LrD.(Nordisk king. Road; .Teleph. 18500; Cable Ad:


—45, Kiukiang A.S.),Road;

Feather Merchants

Teleph. 10,703; Rakusen

Cable Ad: Chindisk. Head Office and Odeon China Co., Ltd., Importers of


Newark, in Copenhagen. Branches: ? Gmmophone Records, Accessories, etc.,

Shanghai N.J., London, Canton and —' 356, Peking -Road; Teleph. J3244;

P.O. Box 568

A. Jochumsen, manager

S.C. L.F. Yun,



B. Zeleniak do. Office Appliance Co., Ltd., The,

Specialists in. (>fiice equipment, type-

Y. H. Song | Y. C. Dzung writers, adding, listing and calculating

Norwegian Chamber of Commerce— machines, National

Office'furniture Cash Registers,

and supplies—74, Nan-

{See Chambers of Commerce) king Road; Teleph. 18638; P.O. Box

727; Cable Ad: Appliance


S. Widdup, 'managing

E. Marde.n,dir.B. G. Coyle,

H& zK W ffr ^ 1$ J. Kleffel and M. Reader Harris

Nao way yu nin she who pow C. G. Copley, mgr. and secty.

Ksienkung&ze Hongkong

Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society, Central Office: 12a, Des Yoeux Road

Ltd., Fire and Marine Insurance-f-12, E. SKekury, mgr. ’


CableBund; Ad: Teleph.

N ufam 14469; P.O. Box .834;

J. K. Brown, mgr. for China & ^ m m

Er. Ag < ra eh sang

UJ Bing dee O’Hara, Dr, W. E.‘ f.r.c.s.e., Medical

Nose Dragon Co., Silver, Gold and Practitioner— China United Officp




Platinum Smiths, Jewellers and Watch- ding,

makers—245-9, Boone Rd.; Telephs. 91625 104, Bubbling Well Road; Teleph.

45141 and 42766; P.O. Box 414

Oidar Engineering Corporation—24,

m H H Tien wen tai Nanking Road; Teleph. 14243

Observatory—Zi-Ka-Wei; Teleph. 70771

Qji Paper Meg. Co., Ltd., Paper

Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corpn. Manufacturers—123, Canton Road;

Ltd.—Union Building, 17, Canton Telephs. 13900 and, 18558; Cable

Road; Teleph. 13407 (4 lines); P.O. Ad.:S. Iwashita, Ojiseishi; manager

P.O. Box 431

Box 807; Cable Ad : Ocean ; Code : T. Tanaka

Bentleys J. Maesawa

Ocean Shipping Co., Ltd—12, The Bund;

Teleph. 12606 Oka h Co. — 215, Szechuen Road;

C. W. Gordon Teleph; 16663


^ ^ Ta tsang 7TC H Yung shing'

Okura & Co. (Trading), Ltd., Im- Olivier Chine, Importers and Exporters-

port-Export—20, Kiukiang Road; —95, Museum Road; Telephs. 16895

Telephs. 10806 and 13727; P.C. Box and 16538 (Pootung Godown); P.O. Box

3120; Cable Ad: Okuragumi 1114; Cable Ad: Austrasia

K. Ohtaka, manager A. Sadoc, signs per pro.

Export Dept.

M % M M Mi % P. Huet, signs per pro.

Laou zeen au chi chi tsang G. Chariot

Old Dock, Engine Works, Foundry and M. Guyot

Shipyard—378-424, Broadway East; P. Nugue

Teleph. 51807 A. H. Roach

Shanghai Dock and Engineering Co., A. Tassel

Ltd., proprietors E. Tassel

Import Dept. :

Old Yung Chong Coal Co., Goal Mer- G. Martigny

chants—235, Kwong Foh Road, M. Baumgarten

Chapei; Teleph. 15474 H. K. Drazdil

P. Zelenkoff

Miss G. Canavarro

#r §1 fH a Insurance Dept. :

Zay chong che che zung lee soo M. Savitsky

Oliveira Son, H. (Successors to Secretariat:'Miss A. Virsky

T.E.M.A.), Machinery, Tools and Eng-

ineering Supplies—1, Seward Road; Pootung-MPress Packing

Telephs. 40020-8; Cable Ad : Hotema M. Jacob


A. A.I.dosOliveira, proprietress

Remedios, partner

H. C. Lubeck Ollerdessen, A. F., Manufacturers''

E.R. M.

J. Maitland, assist, manager

Oliveira, treasurer Representative; Specialising in

Flour and Cereal Machinery, Power

C. M. Ozorio I Y. Oliveira Plants, Paper, Printing Inks,

A. C. Silva I T. F. Wood Writing Inks, Mucilage, Paste, Car-

Agents for:—

L. cision

S. Starrett

Tools. Co.,Stocks U.S.A.: Pre- bon

Mass.,carried Paper, etc.—10, Siking Road ;

Teleph. 18670; P.O. Box 448; Cable

Dampney & Co., Ltd., London: Ad: Ollerdessen; Codes: Bentley’s,.

“Apexier” Boiler Compound. Stocks Western edns.

Union, A.B.C. 5th and 6th

F. E. Myers & Bro. Co., Ohio, U.S.A.: A. F. Ollerdessen, proprietor

Hand and Power Pumps. Stocks C. E. Ollerdessen, assist.

carried Co., Niagara Falls, U. S. C. 'Wong, compradore


S. A.: Carborundum Wheels and


Syracuse StocksWorks,


U. S.A.: Babbitt Metals and Autocrat Olton Electric Meg. Factory, Manu-

facturers of Electric Lamps andi

Bushing Bronze. Stocks carried Electric Glasses—Office : 488, Ningpo

American Metal Hose Co., Waterbury,

Conn., U.S.A.: Flexible Metal Hose. Road; Teleph. 92156: Cable Ad:

Stocks carried

Schaeffer 8725. Factory: Corner of Ping-;

Germany:k Steam

Budenberg, Magdeburg,

Fittings. Stocks Hang and Fengchow Roads


Albertson k Co., Sioux City, Iowa, OneExporters Price Lace Co., Manufacturers and]

U.S.A.: earned

Elec. Drills, Grinders, etc. of Swatow Drawn Work,

Stocks Mosaic Work, Cross-stitch, Embroi-I

Binks Manufacturing Co., Chicago, deries, Art Novelties—133, Broadway;

U.S.A.: Spray Painting Equipment Teleph. 42500; Cable Ad: Pricelace


Oriental Furnishing Co.—455, Sze-

Oppel Electric Manufacturing Go- chueh Road; Teleph. 12377

Ltd., The, Manufacturers of All kinds

of Electric Lamps, Machinery and Ap- Oriental Hosiery & Co.—Y1606, (520)

pliances—Head Office A Laiiip Factory: North Szechuen Road; Telepln 46968


tricalLiaoyang Road;Factory:

Machinery Teleph. 261,



Road; Teleph. 52394; Sales, Office: 492,

Peking Road; Teleph. 94433; Cable Ad: Oriental International Co.—379, Range

Road; Teleph. 40297

Oppel, Shanghai, 8840 (Chinese)

Z. C. Zing, chairmaft

S. Y. Woo, managing director Oriental Optical Co.—246, Canton Rd.,

J. T. Chwang, manager Teleph. 15456

: C. T. Feng, supt. of works

Oriental Overocean Corporation—L.


Manufacturers & Koppel, Berlin, 340,

A.-G., Material,

of Railway

J. 32, Avenue Edward VII; Teleph.


Locomotives, Exca-vators,

451, Kiangse Road; P.O. Box 337Dredgers—

H H. Bernstein, representative Oriental Purchasing Company, Im-

porters & Exporters—452, Kiangse

Road; Teleph. 15802; Cable Ad:

Oriental Chemical Works-^z186, Miller Orpurcy

Road; Teleph. 43976

Oriental Coke Briquette Co.—29, ^ Hsin wah

Penang Road; Teleph. 33261 Oriental Trading Co., Importers and

Exporters—367, Kiangse Road; Te-

Oriental Construction and Trading leph. 14395; Cable Ad: Sunwaheo

Co.—573, Sezchuen Road; Teleph.

11771 Oriental Vulcanising .Co., Motor Car

Tyres, Accessories, etc.—579, Avenue

Foeh; Teleph. 71949; Cable Ad:

Oriental Cotton Spinning

Co., Ltd.—Sassoon House;Teleph. 11420

Oriental Dispensary, Manufacturing frf; # ® R *

Chemists and Wholesale Druggists, Ta,pan song, viang za

Dealers in Hospital

graphic Goods, etc. —Supplies, Photor

356, Foochow

Road; Teleph. 91777 Osaka Shosen Kaisha, Ltd.—2, Canton

Road; Teleph. 15324; P.O. Box 3040;

Cable Ad: Shosen

Oriental Distilling Co—Pass. 441, 2, M. Inouye, manager

Rue Conty; Teleph. 83961 N. Matsura,'assist, manager

H. Hirose, export dept.

T. Urata, do.

Oriental Electric Co.—180, Nanking M. Matsuda, do.

Road; Teleph. 91336 K. Makino, import dept.

K. Tsuchikane, do.

Oriental Engineering Works —56, K. Makino, gen. & passenger dept.

Kiangse Road; Teleph. 19864 S. Nbtoiyama, do.

T. Uchizaki, wharf dept.

S. Iwatani, do.

Oriental Fur Co.—435,Szechuen Road: K. Yonemoto, accounts dept.

Teleph. 18932 T. Maeda, do.


Overseas Raw Product Import5*Co. —

Ting shang ya sze pan kang tieh 212, Kiangse Road; Telephs. 13921, 13946

yu hsien kung sze

Osborn & Co., Ltd, Samuel m & m m & *

(Clyde Steel Works, Sheffield, England),

Manufacturers of ‘‘Hand & Heart” Brand Oxford NuUniversity tsin do hsu kung sze

Press (China

Files, Tools and Steel of every descrip-

tion. “Titan Manganese Steel” Castings Agency) English and Cable


and Points and Crossings—Koyal Asiatic —140,MissPeking Road;

M. Yerne Me Neely



10104; Cable Bldg.,Ad:

20, Museum

Handheart Road; Teleph. Mrs. Griffiths

J. Scott Finn, mgr.

G.B. Y.K. Tsong

Tsong, asst, manager' Pacific Bobbin 53559'

Co, Ltd—1125, .Broad-

Z. L. Chu way; Teleph.

A. L. Remedies Pacific Drug Co.—119, North Szechuen

Sole Agents for


lington,Stephenson Co, Ltd. Dar- Road; Teleph. 46658

England. &Locomotives

Hurst Nelson & Co., Ltd., Motherwell, Pacific Leaf Tobacco Co.—160, Avenue

Edward VII; Teleph. 13282

Scotland. Rolling Stock


D. Peters & Co., Slough,

Stock Equipment England.

Consolidated Brake & Engineering P. & O. Banking Corporation (Nee Banks)

Co., Ltd., Slough, England. Air Paelz China Co. (Scientific Technical In-

Brakers, Sims

Ransomes, etc. & Jefferies, Ltd., Ips- stitute), Governments - Business, En-

wich, England. Trolley Buses, gineering, Medicines Wholesale and Tea

Electric Motors, Portable Steam Exporters

19980; P. O.—128, Museum

Box .9.73; CableRoad;



Plant and Agricultural Machinery Codes: Mosse, Acme

Also representing

Regson Limited Road

EnglandFurnaces, England & Quaty Plant, Pagoda & Golden Axe Silk Hosiery—

Brayshaw 553, Szechuen Road; Teleph. 18359

Otis Elevator Co. —Office

Sassoonfor House; Pagoda Rug Go. —505, Bubbling Well

Rooms 206-8; Head China. Road; Teleph. 33380

Philippine Islands and Siam; Teleph, Painter & Co., W.L.—668, Szechuen Rd.;


R. E.Cable Ad: Lyndentree

Lunkley, manager Teleph. 11778

Ouskouli, M. H. A,, Tea Exporters and Palace Hotel—(Nee under Hotels)

, General Merchants—-451, Kiangse Road;

Teleph. 10790; P.O. Box 551; Cable Ad:


M. H. A. Ouskouli ^ S *0 fn ^ - Sui ho in kung sze


Cigars, Tobacco



and Smo-of

Ova:nesiah' Goldberg & Co.—133, Yuen kers’

Ming Yuen Road; Teleph. 19675 Teleph. 17020; Cable Ad: PalatostRoad;

Sundries — 24, Nanking

Oversea & Co.^-855, Bubbling Well Road; Palatine Insurance Co., Ltd., of London

Teleph. 35331 —Pinion Building; 17, P,0.


Teleph, 13407 (4 lines) Ppx Road;.


Overland Motors, Ltd. (Incorp. in Cable Ad: Palatinado

Hong Kong)—993, : Bubbling Well


Au topji; laTeleph.

eo . 300Q3;: Cable Ad : Palfreeman, D. C.' (Sir Jacob Behrens &

J. W. P. Marsh, managing dir. Sons,

KiukiangManchester & Bradford)

Road; Teleph. 12278;— P.O.


N. Greenberg, sales mgr. Box 1499; Cable Ad: Elephant


tl iV Rung woo Pao Suing Cotton Spinning. ,& Weaving

Palmer & Turner, Architects, Surveyors MlLL-r-349, Nifigpp Road; Teleph. 93216

j and Civil Engineers—17, Canton Road;

; Teleph.

Pyrotechny 1505&; P. O. Bdx 732; Cable Ad: Paper Products, Ltd.—320, Szechuen,

Road; Teleph. 10385


G.J. A.L, Ritchie,

Wilson, f.r.i.b.a,, e.s.i. .

a.r.i.b.a, (H’kong.) Paramount Films of China, Inc.—

Staff- Capitol , Building 142, - Museum

Road; Teleph. 11660; Cable Ad:

J. W. Williamson, f.r.i.b,A., M.U.s.1. Paramount

G.G. V.D. Bird, a.r.i.b.a.

W. A. Smart, a.r.i.b.a.

Dunn, a.i.a. Paris Theatre, Ltd.—550," Avenue Joffre;

; Teleph, .831 IQ

P. O. G. Wakeham, a.r.i.b.a.

D. MacAlister

V.P. Thoinashevsky

N. Dronnikoff Paris, A., m.d. (Bordeaux) (Drs. Velliot,

| Santelli, ParisDiseases

and Yieron),

E. G. Poskitt

P. E. Soo Practitioner: of Ears,General


J. OToung and Throat—O&ce: 461, Aye. Joffre;

S.S, Y.C.Yuen

Sung Teleph. 8ll69; Residence:

Massenet; Teleph. 71857 99, Rue

Z, T. Wong

Engineering Staff Parke, Davis & Co., Manufacturing Che-

J. Lt Paterson,; b. sc,,.,A.M.i.c.E. mists, Detroit, Michigan, XJ.S.A.—43,

W. T. Tang, m.c.e. Yuen-ming-yuen Road; Teleph. 12590;

J.H. W.D. Young, s.B.

Chang, a.m.i. struct, e. Laboratory: 2, Tung Liang Road; P.O.

I. E. Jacob, b. so. Box 760; Cable Ad: Danica

G. H. Markham

C.W.Y.H.Yih Chien

C. Zia m m

M. H. Hsu; Parker, Rielley & Co., Consulting

Secretariat Engineers and Marine Surveyors—91,

H. W. Brown Peking Road; Teleph. 12267; Cable Ad:


Mrs. M. Anderson W. J. Milne partner

Mrs. W. Carson G. T. Gambling parther

Clerk-of-Works— Y. J. Shah

W. J. Paterson | S. F. Lffsovsky Y. L. Lee

Pan & Co., C. C., Export and Import Mer- u a ffi Wei sen hang

chants—496, Thibet Road; P.O. Box 1818

Parkes & Co., G. H., Vacuum Cleaners

Pao Hwa & Co.—745-7, Avenue Edward Contractors Floor Polishers and General Cleaning

VII; Teleph. 809.23 Box 871 —6/37, Rte. Boissezoh; P.O.

G. H. Parkes, managing proprietor


HwaImport ImportMerchants—53,

Co.-, Ltd., Paper and


Road; Parsons, Dr. W. S., 'm.d. c.m., — British

Teleph. Teleph.

11§71); P.17187;

O. Box(Paper

1350; Dept.: Admiralty Surgeon—Cathay Hotel;

Cable Teleph. 11240

Ad: China Stone

H. Y. T. Tsiang, maiiager

J. Meyer, manager (paper dept:)

F. Steinle, do. (metal dept.)' Pasquier, J. P.; Commission Agent-

39, Av. Edward VII; Teleph. 83939;

Z.K. H.C. Wah,

Yih, stib-manager

do.. - ' Gable Ad: Pasquier


Patons & Baldwins, Ltd.,

Halifax, England), Woollen and Worsted (Alloa and ! tures and Simplex Sound Equipment-

—404, N, Soochow Road; Teleph. 46322;

Yarn Spinners —- Head Office and Cable Ad: Pecofilms

Factory:52320;“B.B.”P.O.Mills,BoxPoyang Leon Britton, gen. mgr.

Teleph. 1524; Hoad;

Cable Miss H. Gregory, secy.

Ad: Beehive Film Distribution Dept.


(Eenyon, gen.

assit.mgr.mgr. R. Fine

J. E. Sifton, a.c.a., acct. A. F. Kerske I C. K. Chao

A. E. Harvey I O. R. Holmes G. Lee | L. M. Poo

H. F. Baptiste | Mrs. M. Walter Equipment Dept.—

R. T. Oates, technical manager Darwin H. Utter

Accounting Dept.—

J. C. Booth, engineer W. Y. Cheng

E.R. Sutcliffe,

Batty head dyer Z. L. Rwok .1 H. L. Chow

F. Bolton I L. Dickinson

A. Bond I E. J. D. Hanson Peacock Necktie Manufacturing Co.,

Wholesale and Retail—639, Nanking

S.K. Burnett

Cartridge | A.G. A.

N. Rolls

Lewis Road; Teleph. 93448; Cable Ad: Rose

E. W. Claxton I W. Sykes

E.S. Denison'

R. Croft. I| J.S. T.‘Wakelin

B. West Peh Yang Carpet Co. — 45-47, Yates

F. Whitaker Road; Teleph. 33602

Local Sales Office — 509, Glen Line Pei Piao Coal Mining Co., Ltd.—33, Sze-


L. Denham Teleph.| 17841H. H.andDong

14318 chuen Rd.; Teleph. 10302; Cable Ad: 3610

Pei Yang Knitting Co.—562, E. Seward

£ g s s # i# « Road; Teleph. 51936

Paw ti li e sung

Patrick & Aylward, Drs.—79, Whang- Peking Teleph.Theatre—239, Kweichow

94110; Cable Ad: SamuscoRoad;

poo Road; Teleph. 40209

Dr. H. C. Patrick | Dr. E. A. Aylward

fj fjj & H 'A 3% *

^ U Pah Ziang Ta ying hoo lun si hung sz hong

Patten, Mackenzie & Co., Exporters and vigation and Peninsular Oriental Steam Na-

Co. — (See Mackinnon,

Importers — Hongkong and Shanghai

Bank Building, Rooms 311 and 313, The Mackenzie & Co.)—17, Canton Road

Bund; Teleph. 16574; P.O. Box 718;

Cable Ad: Macpat Pepsodent Oo. (Chicago)—Room 119,

H. and B. Bank Building; Teleph.

Ifil Polu 18565; P.O. Box 1371

Paul Beauty Parlour, Ladies’ and W.H.S. M.Sherly & Co. (Hong Kong)-

Hodges, Far Eastern mgr.


bling Well Road; Hair-dressing—150,

Teleph. 93001 Bub- Pernot & Cie, L., Pongees, Raw

•flT '$1 Pau lah sang da vee Silks, Waste Silks and Hoods—9,

Paulsen & Bayes - Davy, Marine, Ship Avenue Edouard YII; Teleph. 84070'

Louis Pernot, partner-manager

and Cargo Surveyors and

—2, Peking Road; Teleph. 13550; Gable Consultants Geo. E. Paradissis, partner-mgr.

Ad: Bayesdavy Victor Wang I S. K. Chao .

Andre Woo I K. C. Wang

Peacock Chemical Works—452, Kiangse Bei teh

Road; Teleph. 17768 m *§

Peters & Cq^_ H. K., Exporters of China-

3 & a* m m a Produce—Arnhold Building, 320, Sze-

Rung ch’iao tien ying kung sze chuen Road; Teleph. 17356; P.O. Box

Peacock Motion Picture Company, 1529; Cable

H. K. Ad: Petronel


Inc., Distributors of RKO Radio Pic- R. P. R. Loughnan


Petroff & Co., N.S. Ladies’ and Gentle- H. M. Hind, manager

men’s Readymade Coats Piece

and Goods

Suits; L. A. Smith

Woollen, Silk and Cotton F. Inglis, F.c.ij. | A. A. Lopes

—856, Avenue Joftre; Teleph, 72614 C.F. A.Austin, A.c.x.i.| (Hongkong)

Farnan J. M. Portaria

F. J. Tomiloff, mgr. T. Saito A,

V. N. Lopatin

Y.P. P.F. Sizich


S. S. Chu Phoenix Press, The,Engravers,

shers, Lithographers, Printers, Publi-


Pharmacie Francaise — 619 Avenue binders, Block-makers,

Museum Road; Teleph. 12755 ; Stationers—131,

J offre; Teleph. 80964 Miss

L. C.Georgina A. Fuller,

Ting, assist, proprietress


& m * w m Y.K. S.H. Sung,

Chow clerk

Fa ho dah yah vong


Jofire; Telephs. Generals





Ad: Pharmadrog f£ Pee yi hee hong

Piane & Co., Y. CL, Customs Clear-

Pharmacie Moderne — 455, Avenue ance and Freight Brokers—64, Can-

ton Road; Teleph. 12034

Joff re ; Teleph. 83274

^ H±WM^ ^ Piccadilly

and Dyers—1717,Dry Cleaning



Phi i lip Teleph. 33125

Philipp, Dr. F. G., Veterinary Surgeon

(Formerly Govt.’s Veterinary Surgeon Picking Dampen Nachfolger, General


German and East


: 1001, Yu Yuen Importers — 161, Cantqn Road;

Road; Teleph. 21877 Teleph. 14788; ' Cable Ad : Picking;

Codes: A.B.C. 6th edn., Rudolf

m Phi li po Mosse and Private

Philips’ China Co., Electric Lamps, E. H. Thiel | K. H. Yue

Radio Valves, Cinema Talkie Equip-

ments and Supplies, Fittings

• Lights and X- Ray Apparatus—Brunner- and Neon S P6* keng ton:

Mond Bldg., 133, Szechuen Road; Pilkington Brothers

Teleph. 15126; P. O. Box 794; Cable Ad: tish Glass Merchants and Importers— (China), Ltd., Bri-


W. J ongeneel, managing director 179, Pingliang Road; Teleph. 50000;

Miss D. Johanssonh, secretary P.O. Box 540; Cable Ad: Pilkington

Sales Dept. ' Pilots’Association, Shanghai Licensed

A. Erdman —31, The Bund; Telephs. 16168 and

Y.Y. S.C. Chiang

Li F. H. Young 12071; Cable Ad: Pilot

Technical Dept. S. C. Chow G. Philip, manager

A. G. de Jager ;


Accounting Chen f' R. Cheng Pinnacle Products Co„ Importers,

A. P. van Dept. Os Exporters

—Continental and Bank




V.Wm.Vogt S.

J. Chang C. K. SiuY. Zie»V Kiukiang Road; Teleph. 14500; A.B.C.


Representing Ad : Pinnacle; Codes: Acme,

6th, Bentley’s Duo and Private

N,N. V.V. Philips’

Philips’ Glowlamp

Radio Works N. S. Lim, proprietor

Phcenix Assurance Co., Ltd. (London) Pioneer Knitting Mill, Hosiery Manu-

(Far Eastern Branch), Fire, Life, Acci-

dent and Marine—27, Peking Road; facturers—Head Office: A15, Lane No.

Telephs. 14649 and 12300; P. O. Box 719; 468, Factory:

Szechuen Road; Teleph. 14180.

377, Rangoon Road; Teleph.

■Cable Ad: Phqfire 50245


jg ripi Hah wo tah Pookiang Ferry Service — Kiukiang:

Platt, White*Road;


& Co.*—EwoBuilding, Road; Teleph. 19178

83, Peking

Ad: Retsam and Attorney 19570; Cable Pootung Electric Supply Co., Ltd.—

H. Chang Kah Pang, Pootung

R. F.Lipson Ward,solicitor

C. Master, barrister-at-law S. H. Dong, manager


A. E.Reader

Seddon,Harris, do, . ,

barrister-at-law . Porter Co., Ltd., Electrical Engine-

M. Blumlield Brown, solicitor ers, etc.—180, Canton Road; Teleph.

G. Villas 61- 10570; Cable Ad : Electrical

AgentsG. Wall j ' R. Artindale

wood &inTatham,


18', Old Broad St., Har-

E.C. Porter Photo Studio—258, Bubbling

Agents in Hongkong—Johnson, Stokes Well Road; Teleph. 30246

Plaza Hotel—(Aee Hotels) Associations)

Po Lo Coal Mining Co.—109, Nmgpo Posterine Sugar Refining Co.—1210,.

Hanbury Road; Teleph. 40985

Road; Teleph. 13613

Poh Yei Cotton Spinning Co.—S, POST OFFICES

Robison Road; Teleph. 35814

® 8 E i» S

W H fa h Po wo mon nee Yu cheng Tcuan li chii

Pohoomull Bros., Silk

and Commission ^Merchants,Hankow

Agents—130, Export Post Office—Corner of N. Soochow, N.

: Road;

Cable Ad: Teleph. 10040;1 P.D. Box 4|70; ' Szechuen


and Tiendong Roads; (Open

7 a.m. to 11to p.m.); Telephs10 lines),


(Exchange all Offices

Enquiry Office (Chinese) 40069, ekt. 6;

Poldi Steel Works—451, Kiangse Road; Enquiry Office (Foreign) 40069, ext. 16;

Teleph. 17346; Cable Ad : Poldi; Codes: 40335 (Deputy40341 Commissioner, Dist.

Acme, Bentley’s, Mosse and A.B.C. 6th Accountancy), (Customs Depart-

ment, Parcel Office), 40345 (Despatching

edition and Receiving Office, Shipping&Inform-

PoIlish-Chinese Trading Corpora- atiop), 40358Residence),

(Mechanical Bldg.

tion, Importers of Blankets and Piece Supervisor’s 40418 (Police

Quarters), 42468 (Printed Matter Office,

Goods — 150,' Kiukiang

11604; Cable Ad: Polonia Road; Teleph. Derring Apt.), 43329 (Printed Matter

A. M. Wizanski, managing director Office,

Numbers Head Office Holidays

on Sundays Bldg.); ofOffice


Mrs. D. Dweirin, director (Warsaw) tween Midnight and 6 a.m.,, 40061 (Censor

A. Rodkin, assist,

A. Makarenkoff, accountantmgr. Office), 40062 (Garage), 40063 (Private

Letter Box Office),,40064 (Loading Yard),

Polish Import & Export Co., Woollen 40065 (Local MailOffice), 4006640067

(Railway and

and Piece Goods — 320, Szechuen Steamer Office), 40068.




Office); Cable


Polim Teleph. 11999; Cable Ad: Ad:Commissioner—A. Postos M. Chapelain

District Deputy Commissioner—Wong

Polytechnic Public School - (See Way

Deputy Sun

Municipal Council) —Dao Commissioner

Kong Zung (Local Affairs)

Sectional and Sub-Offices

:H Hi Tstee Her May C.Teleph.


91590 424, Fokien Road;

Poud,. H. M., Commission Agent — P.O. C. Teleph.


Box 1028.' , 83631 Rue du Consulat;

1 W. IV.—601a, Avenue Joffre; Teleph.

f’oo Yih Cotton Yarn Mill—Gordon 72217

Road; Teleph. 31363 C. IV.—83, Chow Chin Road


E.—1170, 1172, 1174, Broadway, East; Accounts Department

' Secretary—Kuan Ching Chu



Carter Road; Teleph. 30328 Assist. Secy.—Chao Tsai Chang

W. II—Bubbling Well Road, 185, Yu- Actg. Deputy Commsr.—G. M.

yuen Road; Teleph. 31437 R. de Sercey

W. HI—105, Rue Marco Polo; Teleph. Actg. Service Acct.—Ro Lock-ping


IV.—853 Avenue J off re Assist. do.—Kao Hung-ch’iian


Nantao Bund—104 Hvvaimalu

Chapel—324 Tatung Road, Chapel Officiating 'Department

Secy., Temporarily and

Kaochangmiao—730 Peisungyuen Rd. Concurrently—H.

Actg. Asst. Secy.—FokY. Poullain

Sik Cheung

Lunghwa—East Street, Lunghwa Actg. Deputy Commsr.—Koh Tsung,

Lannitu—404 Lannitu, Pootung Fei

Sub-Offices Service Bpildings Surveyor — H. J.

Y.—1070-1, North Szechuen Road Fairburn

501, Limaioo—Nantao International




81, ChungRoad

Hwa Road

726, East Seward Road Assist, do;—Kan Wen-sh&ng

Station (N. S. R.)—77, Boundary Rd. Supply Department—322, Kiaochow

West Gate—1132, Avenue

Hoping Petain

Road Road; Telephs. 34330, 34338 and

Siccawei—978-80, 34339; Cable Ad:

Secretary—J .-Stirling Postsupdep


35, Foochow RoadJessffeld Road Assist, secretary—Chau Wan Tung

434, 436 and 438, Route Conty Supt. of Stamps—Lew Ling Sing

125a, Seymour Road

23, Brenan Road Potter & Co., Cameron, Auditors


iversity) Road (Great China Un- and Accountants — 210, Kiukiang

473, Paoting Road Road; Teleph. 17733i; P.O. Box 390;

Civic Centre Cable Ad: Auditor

Lao Peh Men—065,

Szechuen Road—200,Mingkuo


Road S. Y.C. S.Potter,


| F.principal


Yue w

IS 3it M ® it » ffi & 3c jfn °

Chiao t’ung pu yu cheng tstung dm Powell, Sioney J., Civil Engineer,

pan shih chu, Shanghai Architect, and Surveyor, Land, Pro-

perty and Estate Agent;— 410,

Directorate General of Posts — Szechuen Road; Teleph. 10918; Cable

Ad: Esjaypoil

Telephs. 40010, 4Q018 & 40019; Cable Sidney J. Powell, a.m.inst.c.e.


PostgenGeneral—Kuo Hsing-sung C. Edmonds Powell, m.e.

Deputy Director General—Chu

Chang Sing 2: * m %L %



InspectingCommissioner’s Office


V. Poullain Prement,

Law; Land Paul,and



Doctor of

Actg. assist. Inspecting Commis- Avenue Edward VTI; Teleph. 19175

sioners—Wei Sing Ping, Seng Paul Prement, advocate and doctor

Song Tseo,Assist.

Officiating Miao Inspecting

Hong J un Com- of law

missioner—Ko Fei Premier Hair-dressing Saloon, Ladies-

Private Secretariat and Gentlemens Hair Dressing, Mani-

Chief Mi-shu—Tsii Mong-au, con- cure,


Actg. Deputy Qommsr.—Han Road Face


Corner etc.—172,

of PekingSzechuen


Chung-I Teleph. 13548

General Department Prevot, P. H. (Member of Shanghai Stock

First Secretaryt^Tsu Mong-au Exchange), Land and Estate Agent—

Commissioner—Chen Yuan Hai 25, RueExchange

Stock du Consulat;

LinesTelephs. 80657 and

Deputy Commsr.—Hsieh Teh Hsun


m m m m m & Quality Art Embroideries Co. , Ltd.—

Ying kuo pee lee s ye sung 110, Central Arcade; Teleph. 19937

Pkice, Dr. A. C., Medical Practitioner— Qualo Talking Machine Co. — 62,


Teleph. 10265 Dooms: 51, Canton Road; Hupeh Road; Teleph. 93198

Price’s (China), Ltd., Manufacturers of Quest Society—(Nee Associations)


Robinson Night Lights and

Road; Teleph. 30262Tapers—5, Race Club—(See Clubs)

Price’s Soap Co. (China), Ltd., Soap


The Office: 18, Racine J|& Cie. (SocietyLihAnonyme),shing

Road;Bund; Factory:17327

Telephs. 2310, (Office)


and porters, Exporters, Insurance and Im-


Ad: Lever (Factory); P.O. Box 597; Cable Shipping Agencies — Glen Line Bldg.,

2, Peking Road; P.O. Box 859; Cable

C.P. H.

G. \V. Robson

Cobb, (chairman)

director > Ad:A. Racine

Fabre, chairman (absent)

Wm.VV. Harper, do.

G. Braidwood, secretary J. Donne, managing director

C.L. A.Giiillemin, do. pro.

Chollot, signs per

PrIestwood, Victor, b.a., Barrister- R. Louche, do.

at-Law, H.B.M. Crown Advocate

for China,—2, Peking Road (3rd R.G. Rambaud,

Chaillan I L.do. L. Nemirovsky

floor); Teleph. 10061; Cable Ad: E. Marchetti | Si Titorehook

Lasgoud Radiant Electrical Works CO.—664,

Miss O. McKay Ningpo Road; Teleph. 93503

Pristine Trading Co., Manufactur- Radio & Auto Supply Co.—1, Thibet

ers’ & Commission Agents, Export- Road; Teleph. 92585; Cable Ad:

ers of StTaW Hat Bodies — 277, Rasco’

Range Road; Teleph. 42149; P.O. V. M. Krivaroochko, manager

Box 1302 C. Dept.

R. Shekwry,■ ip charge qf' Radio

Procure des Lazaristes et Produce

des Missions Belges—(Nee Churches Radio Chemical Works—592,. Avenue

and Missions) Road; Teleph. 36771

Provision Exchange—15,, Avenue Ed- Radio Corporation of America — 238,

ward VII.; Teleph. 80392 : .Sassoon House; Teleph. 12951, P.O.




15614-,Works—53, Foochow Box 1448; Cable Ad: Radio,cprp

Cable Ad : 9494

C. S. Pien, mgr. R.C.A, Victor Company of China, Radios,


Equipment, RCA. Records, Broadcasting

Radiotrons, Wire-

Pu Yih Cotton Mill—Continental less, Telegraphic and Aircraft Appar-

Building, Nanking Road; Teleph. atus-China State Bank Bldg.,

Peking Road; .Telephs,.. 93301-93305; 356,

92584 Cable Ad:L.Victrola

Public Schools for—Bovs, Frank Hough, managing director

and for Chinese {See for Girls

Municipal C. O.sales)Julian, manager (instrument

Council) Raymond E. Selfridge,

Public Works Dept. — (Nee under A.ingB. products)

Moulton, managerassist, treas.


Municipal Council) Julius M. Shell, mgr. (radiotrons)

Purity Water Distilling Co., Water E.H. M.W. Scott-Russell,

Staats, factoryengineer



14400 Central Arcade; Teleph.

xiik C.

Miss Anita G. Kupsch, dept.

J. Furniss, shipping secretary


Hadio Enghsteering . Go.—445, Race A.Gotlriedjacct.

M. R.Gotiried j Miss

P.MissM.E. Woodhead

B. Pfordten

Course Road; Teleph. 30302 K. Aiers Burgess

Ragi & Go., R. H., Merchants and Com- (Hongkong) | Miss L. Laker

mission Agents—131, Reking Road; J. Smith | Miss K. Taylor

Teleph. 18425; Cable Ad: Phirozi H. C. Woo, compradore

R. H. Ragi Red Letter Circulating Library—48,

Raktjsen’s Eggsell Co. (Excel. Eggs)— Szeohuen Road; Teleph. 16468

136, Nanking Road, Teleph. 18500; Cable Refrigerator Service Co.—253, Ave.

Aa: Rakusen Haig; Teleph. 74078; Cable Ad:


Virnich,Dr. Kastein

A. (Drs. &Birt, Rail, Mertens, Refresco


Office: 20, Kiukiang Road; Teleph. Regal Pharmacy, Wholesale and Re-

15579; Residence:

Teleph. 75529 191, Magniny Road; tail Chemists and Druggists—1180,

Bubbling Well Road; Teleph. 30310;

Ramsay & Co., N. B., Merchants — 24, Cable Ad: Regal

Nanking Road; Teleph. 10139; Cable M Yan un

ff f 9

Ad: Yasmarleon ReiBer, Fr;, Exporter of Feathers — 6,

Rangel, T., Advocate—74, Szechuen Road; Kiukiang Road; Teleph. 17005 P.O. Box;

(2nd floor); Teleph. 14333; Cable Ad: 745; Cable Ad: Reiber

Rangelei. Reid & Slee, Mortimer —18, The

Rawson, McNeice ifc-Co., Manufacturers’’ Bund; Teleph. 14070

Agents and

Teleph. 11546;Brokers—81,

Cable Ad: RawmacJinkee Road; & m 1% & m m

L. H. Rawson Loo se yai pao hsien kung eze

W. O. A. McNeice Reinsurance

Rayden, F., Commission Agent—1040,' (Far EasternCo.Branch),

RossiaFire,of Copenhagen

Marine and

Motor Car

N. Soochow Road ; Teleph. 42111 ; P.O. 14756; Cable Ad : Rossiagen — 24, The Bund; Teleph.

Box 1911 ; Cable Ad: Razon

Razon Trading Co., Coffee Importers Reiss, Frederick, Dr., m.d., (Assist. Pro-

etc.—12, Central Road; Teleph. fessor of Dermatology, National College

10313; Cable Ad: Razon of Medicine) Specialist in Skin and (jkU.

Diseases—Office and Residence: Capitol

Realty Investment Company, Fed. Inc., Building, 142, Museum Road; Teleph.

U.S.A,, Real Estate, Mortgages, Invest- 10181

ments and Insurance—Wayfoong

210 Szechuen Road ; Teleph. 18625;House,

P.O. 13 & ft

Box 1414; Cable Ad: Realinvest Mow woo kung sze

Reiss & Co., Federal Inc., U.S.A., Hugo,

^ & Hoong shiu Importers

Ming Yuen Road; Teleph. 11310; Yuen

and Engineers—185, P.O.

Red Hand Compositions Co., Manufac- A.B.C. Box 1408; CableAd : Hannibal; Codes :

turers of Ship Compositions and Anti- 5th edil., Acme, Bentley’s; and


Road; Teleph. Paints,19540; Szechuen

etc. —c/o320,Dodwell Telegraph

T. Sandor, m.e., b.sc., managing dir.

Co., Ltd.,28021;

Queen’s Th. Kregozy, m.e., b.sc., manager

Teleph. CableBuilding, Hongkong;

Ad: Rahtjens K. Chien, e.e., Chinese mgr.

H. W. Maxted, manager in the Far Agencies


J. T. Hegarty, mgr. for Shanghai Westinghouse Electric International

A. G. Howe, asst. do. Co., Electric Apparatus and Supplies

E.H. W. Loveless (Hongkong) A/S National Industri, Transformers

O. Bramble do. Swiss

Loco’s Railway &Equipment

Locomotive Machine Works,and

N. Evans (Tientsin) Diesel Engines


Sprout Waldron i

Goulds Pumps, Inc. Pumps f e Go., Flour Mills | Remond & Collet, Engineers, Specialists

in Reinforced . Concrete—693-9, Route


Pumps Pump Go.,

1 Deep Well Turbine j de Zikawei; Teleph..-70410

National Steam Pump Co. ^ a fl t

General Machinery Goij' Ammonia

Refrigeration Ren chong Icung sue ; ‘ .

Cleveland Pneumatic

Cleveland Rock Drill Co, • ■ ToM ; Co. Ren & Co., S. D., Exporters, Importers,


Mfg. Co.,Specialty

Boiler Tube Cleaners Metal Yuen

Ming Merchants Road;and Agents—29,

Teleph. Yuen

17660; Cable

The fugal, Separators Co., Centri- Ad: Renstar

U. S. Electric Tool Co. Renault Motor —627,. Avenue Foch;

f[] H Tai wo | Teleph. 71948; Cabll Ad: Autorenos

Rejss,, IB asseyandifeCommission

Exporters Importers, | tioner, Alexander,

Co., Ltd.,Agents—88, Renner,


m.d., General Practi-

Specialist in Women’s

Museum Road; P.O. Box 398; Gable Ad: ! Diseases & Obstetrics—Sassoon

Nanking Road; TelCph. 16726.. Re-


Josstree sidence: 2, i laybrook Estate, Tunsin

Reliance Motors Fed. Inc., U.S.A., Road; Teleph. 21646


Foch; Car Teleph.Distributors—755,

70024; P.O. BoxAvenue 1024; | Si

Cable Ad: Sintung, _ Republic Land Investment Co,, Architects

J. B.A.J.Duff, general mgr.

Chen I H. S. Honigsberg and Real Estate—149, Yuen Ming Yuen

H. H. Howell [ A. W. Horton Road; Teleph. 14356

Sales . , . . V Retired Naval Officers’ Association

A. V. Levin, A. A Bendersky; G. T. —See Associations)

Ito, William Tsai,, L. C. Choung,

M. D, Shao, S. K. Wong, Y. T. $$ Loo ter


G. C. SzeJ. C. Hsu, H. Z. Jui and ! Reuters, Ltd,—34, Avenue Edward VII;

Accounts and Credit I Telephsj.

Manager, News Department,(toAccounts

11375-4 (2 lines) General

T. S. Chang, H. C. Moh, Lewis Carson and Correspondence), 10710 (Com-

and A. J. Orden mercial Department,) 18844 (Commercial

Service Dept. Manager) and 13789 (Ticker

K,A.Staley,, mgr.

L. S. Mike , service); P.O. Box 761;' Cable Ad:

Reuter ,F .

Distributors for, C. Far

J. Chancellor,

East gen. mgr. for the

Cadillac, La .Salle, Buick, Vauxhall,

and Chevrolet motor cars; also [ News:Department !

G.M.C. and Chevrolet Trucks Geoffrey

Par EastImeson, chief editor for the

Reliance Trading Co., Importers and j S.T. J.S. Ald'eguer

Moosa I Mrs. Miss W. Q. Cumine

P.R. Kemp


19289; P.O. Box 266, 1222

Peking Road; Teleph. | J. B. Cheney | Miss Johnson

J. C. Niem, manager and proprietor Chinese Translation Office —

Religious Tract Society.-(Nee Chur- J David T.S. Y.K.C.ISWu,

H> Lu, Chinese editor

ches and' Missions);. . ' i, : , ■ ha, translator


Remington Typewriter Agency, Re- Commercial


R. Mowll,


mington Typewriters,

Adding Machines, Addressographs and Mimeographs, commercialEastern

Far servicemanager,


Office Equipment—22, Museum H. G. Mende,

A H. Hammond office manager


Ad: Mustard 15406; P:0. Box812; Cable J.H.


P. H.




Clark Mrs.


Mrs. T.D. Madar


Remington Typewriter School—{See A. E. Morgan G. R. Gardiner Mrs. S. Sofonoff

Educational) --A ■ « ij< i A. Kooznetsor R. A. E. Watson


Ticker Installation Reynell & (Jo., A. W.v Stock, and Share

D. M'cCrea Martin, engineer Brokers —16, Central Road; Teleph.

J.J. T.Ward

Johns, assist, engineer 13310; Cable Ad: Cromobake-

Mrs. J. J. Ellis I Mrs, F.. C. Martin Reyrolle & Qo., Ltd., A., Electrical

Mrs. M. Collaco | S. L. Chen Engineers, Electrical Mach in e r y,

Statistical Service Switchgear & Vacuum Cleaners—20,

J. A. Coughlin Kiukiang

Accounts and Correspondence'

G. V. Jensen, accountant Ad: ReyrolleRoad;. Teleph. 14300; Cable

C.MissW.V.Olson G.Miss


A. F. Collaco, steno.

V. C. Long A. Peach | H.P.KaO L. T. Chang

^ ^§. Loo ling Rheinmental Calculators—271, Kiangse

Road; Teleph. 12900

Reuter, Brockelmann & Co., Importers,

Exporters—45S, Kiangse Road; Telephs. Rice

18090 (5 lines to all Depts.), 12203 Canton Rd.; Teleph. 16910-9; Cable Ad:


compr.), compr.),(Technical

12204 (Piece

and goods!

Stat. [ Westlife

compr.), 44628 (Godown, 79, Wdbchang I W. R. Rice, gen. mgr.

Road), Cable Ad:

R. Heyn (-Shanghai) Reutbrock

A. Schubert (Canton) [ Richards, J. H., Manufacturers’ Repre-

C. E. Vissering (Shanghai) . j sentatiye, Coal Contractor, Mines Direct

Export Dept. Representative,

j Machinery, Jnght Railways,

t Mining Pumps and Mining


H.W. L.Korrowitz

Ockermueller, signs p.p. Mining Accessories — 2, Peking Rd.;

A. Kemper I A. Korth Teleph. 18935; Cable Ad: Richly

P. Dethleffsen | Miss R. Menzel

Wong Sik Che,-export corripr. £ IS *>J Lee chee son

Import Dept. Richardson & Co., A. J., Auctioneers,,

A. Hesse, signs per pro. Adjusters, Appraisers, Valuers and

Chen Dah Sing, import aompr. Metal Brokers—615, Szechuen Road;

Piecegoods Dept. Teleph. 10352; Cable5th,Ad:Bentley’s


V. W. Vane, compr. Codes: Al, A.B.Cr and

Technical Dept. McNeil’s (1908)

F. Djeu

NetterYung Shung, f A, Bendersky


Electrical Dept. w & m % % fj

F. Fenkl Li ko mao Iwn.clmlan kung ssu

Paper Dept. . Rickmers Linie —9, Av. Edward VIIp

W.Miss SandtA. Kreutzfeldt

| K. Bolloni Cable Suppi.,

Ad: Rickmers; Codes:

Toong Wa Fu, compr. Mosse Scott’s :10th' edn. Mosse,

Builder’s Supply Dept. A. Palm,, manager

O. Dettmann H. Muenter, assist.

Metal Dept.

P. Sandt Ridgway, Dr.. James W., Dentist — 2,

T. C. Tung, compr. Peking Road (Room 518); Teleph. 12078

Produce Dept.

E. Kauffmann

Miss V. Romane | R. Chang, compr. flj Lui he

Meyer Construction Corporation, Inc., Rielley, SimmonsPeking

Engineers—91, & Milne, Contracting

,,Road; Teleph.


Bund; Building13016


- The j 12267;W.Cable Ad: partner

J. Milne, Veritas

A. A. Reyer, president and gen. mgr. G. T, Gambling I S. L M^o

H. D. Rodger, secy. * Y. J. Shah | Y.L. Zee ;


0 H E Wha n ^ & m m

High ini Co., Ltd., Importers—39, Canton Lo pip sun hun hong

Hoad ; Teleph. 14151 ; P.O. Box 1601 Robinson Piano Co., Ltd., Manufacturers,,

Importers, Tuners and Repairers, Music

»#*<**»«* and

and Concert Agents; andSellers,-Theatre

Musical Instrument at Singapore,

Lin hua isang hu chu shi hui shien Penang, Peiping Tientsin, KualaRoad


Rioka Soko Kabushiki Kaisha (Rioka and Hankow — 77, Nanking and

Mitsubishi Building, 24, The Bund; Ad: Pianomaker; Codes: A.B.C.; Cable-

Wharf and Warehouse Co., Ltd.)— 3a, Ezra Road; Teleph. 10868


Telephs. 15963, 18530 (Head Office), 15721 Lieber’s and Bentley’s

and 15984 (Chang Kah-Parig Wharf), J. H. Pearson, general manager


Box 17144

628; Cable (Tung Ad:


Doo Wharf);Codes:

P.O. J. P. Davies, secretary

Kendall’s and Bentley’s J.G. M.Mackenzie

Xavier | . Y. Kolle

Riunione Adriatica di Sicurta (Trieste) ! Roche & Co., Electro-platers, etc.—99-

—17, The Cable


1195; Bund;Ad:Teleph. 11144; P.O. ' 101, Love Lane; Teleph. 33562


Asiatic Underwriters Fed.

Inc. U.S.A., mgrs. for the Orient if!l ^ Ytieh shing

Robertson & Son, Edward T. (Officially j Rohde

Yuen Road; P.O. Box 808; Cable Ad:


American Controllers of Ihe ! Rohdeanus

—HamiltonCotton Shippers

House, CornerAssociation)

Foochow |! O.U. Meuser (Hamburg)



Ad: Lortnoc' Roads; P.O. Box 1719; | W.Streib


H. T. Robertson P. Komor | E. Lazarus

C. H. Hasselman

Roman Catholic Churches—(See un-

ijij } ^ Laou ping sung der Churches and Missions)

Robinson, A. R., Land, Estate and

Mortgages—1522, Bubbling Well Road ; 7?) S' ffl Lung tung hung sze

Teleph. 30745; Cable Ad: Arnosniber Rondon & Co., Ltd., L., Importers, Ex-

^ -m? 0 Shing sheng e sung porters



Edouard VII;

Robinson, Dr. F. A. (Drs. Ivy & Robinson), Telephs. 772; edn.,

82142, 82143, 82144; P.O. Box.

Cable Bentley’s,

Ad: Rondon;Universal

Codes: A.B.C.

Dental Surgeons —39, Peking Road; 5th Trade

Teleph. 10101 andL. Lugagne

Robinson & Co. (China), Ltd., Geo., Rondon, Sr., general manager

Importers and General Merchants—149, L. Rondon, Jr., managing director

Szechuen C. Mey, signs per pro.

876, CableRoad: Ad: Teleph. 16680; P.O. Box

Chinarobin S. Alva

del RiveroM. Tavares

L. Choisat

® m m Jacques

A. Rondon

Lo ger ta lih sze W. P. Schiller

F. Yue, compradore

Rodger & Co. — 320 Szechuen Road ; Thread broidery

& Yarn Dept : “C-B” Em-

Cotton Threads

Teleph. 10631 ; Cable Ad: Roger; Usual

Codes M. Yplkart

H. D. Rodger,.attorney & coimsellor-

at-law Wiener, attorney and Roneo, Ltd. (Dodwell & Co., Ltd.)—81,.


counsellor-at-law Jinkee Road

G. S. Dovey, G. M. Goldsack, E. W.

C.CharC. Woo-ching,

Kung, Chinesedo.lawyer Pedersen, J. Sheridan, J. D. Nixon

ChenTa-hsun, do. A.W. Cooley,

Warpula,MissL. E.Machado,

Y. King Miss-F,


^ Wah che Russian Benevolent Society—(Nee

iRoss & Co. (China), (Ltd., Alex., Associations)

Merchants a-nd Commission Agents Russian Chamber of Commerce—(Nee


P.O. 249; CableRoad; Teleph. 19665;

Ad: Rotunda

Directors—D. Rutherford, N. H., Stock, Share and

D. A. Ross (Shanghai)(Manchester), General

M. Ross Broker—12, The Bund; Teleph.

14229; Cable Ad: Stockford

W. W. Mackenzie (Hongkong)

J. B. Davis, signs per pro.

F.G. A,Madar O. Pettersen S',ingW. Road

Alvares I| J.!F. Fisk

Union Trading . Co.—266, Pek-

; Teleph. 14033 ; Cable Ad :

Fuh Tsun Yuen, compradore Swucotrade

Alex. Ross & Co., Manchester

.Alex. Ross & Co. (China), Ltd., Safety Household Removing Co.—

Hong Kong 336-8, Rue Bourgeat ; Teleph. ,72772

fl Wrt Kafoo Saey Tai General Import Co., Com-

Rossi & Co.-, G., Manufacturers’ Represen- mission Agents—616-618, Nanking

Road; Teleph. 94958; Cable Ad:

tatives—81, Jinkee Road; Teleph. 10492; Wooltai

Cable Ad: Issor

G. Rossi, manager Sat Ski Do Pharmacy—136, geward

Rossia Insurance Co. of America Ad: Road;

: Teleph. 41256; P.O. Box 836;

(Hartford) — 17, The Bund; Teleph. Spinoda


Under! ters P.O. Box 1195; Cable Ad:

American Asiatic Underwriters Fed. Pianos,Shokai,Sakae Gramophones, Records,

Organs and other Musical

Inc. U.S.A., mgrs. for the Orient. Instruments—

Rotary Club—(See Clubs) Teleph. 42406 215, Chapoo Road;

H. Takagi, proprietor

Royal Asiatic Society (see Associations) Sales Corpn. of Bohemian Sheet-Glass

Factories, Ltd. (Formerly “Vitrea”),

j|| Wang chia Flat-Glass

Bund; Manufacturers—12, The

Royal HornTeleph. 18410; CableFarAd: Eastern

& Nobbins, Vitrax

—61, Insurance

Jinkee Road; Co., Teleph.

Ltd. (Branch


P.O. representatives

BoxH. 758; Cableresident

B. Scott, Ad: Royalsecretary

C.J.C.E.Crutt well, assist, do. Sales Promotion Co.—6, Kiukiang

Brown Road; Teleph. 17660

A. J. Berthet

Miss Farquharson

Miss England Tsai cheng pu yen ww chi ho tsung so

Royal Society of St. George—(Nee Salt Revenue pan sfeih chu

Associations) - . Department Chief

Inspectorate (Chinese)—18, The Bund;

Royal Typewriter—74, Nanking Road; Teleph. 11570 and ,11578-9; Cable Ad:

Teleph. 18638 Ciate


Assoc. Inspector—Chu

do. —Dr. F.Ting Chi

A. Cleveland

H Dah chang . Secretariat

Rudolph Jr Co., Charles, Raw, Waste Fei

E. M.Hsiang

Gale, Fan,

EnglishChinese secretary


Silk and Pongees Exporters—58, Hong- Feng Ju Liang, principal assist: to

kong Road; Teleph. 17317; P.O. 853; English sec.

Cable Ad: Rudolphus

Ch. Rudolph (Zurich) General Administration Department:

A. Kobelt, manager Chief of Dept.—MaChien,

Assistants—Bun Tai-chun

.Hu Hsien-

P. Pfanner, signs per pro. sheng, Yoh Te-chi


Chief Of Stall Section—Chen Jnng Sam & Co., L. A.—999, East Broad-


kai Te-chi, Shih Yaun- way; Teleph. 52163

Chief of Correspondence Section—Wu Sam Shing & Co., Provision, Wine &■

• Shih-hsiang Spirit Teleph.


Assistant—Lo Shu Yi Zoong; 71251 Route de Say

Chief of Record and Translation Sec- Jimmy Shing, gen. manager

tion—Chien Hu-ting Sam Joe & Co.,' General Importers—

Assistant—Yang Sung-hua

Assistant District Inspector, attached’ 1114, A, Broadway; Teleph. 41095


RecordShuo and Translation Section Sammann & Co., (China) Paul E., Manu-

Cashier—Chow Chun facturers'Hardware,

Jobbers, Representatives, Importers,.

Tools, Auto Parts-

Finance Department: : ahd Accessories, Shop 12748;


Acting Financial Secretary — Hu Pesam. Hong Kong branch:Cable

Szechuen Road; Teleph. Ad:

6, Des

Hung-yu Voeux Road Central, Represented in

Chief of Secretariat Section — Wu Japan by PaulBuilding,

E. Sammann


Assistant Japan—Kanda Osaka

AccountingChief of Supervisory,

and Auditing Section— PaulH. E.Boese,

Sammann, proprietor

mgr. I V. T. Yang

Wang Jui-lin Snow Yuen | H. C. Yu

Chief of- Budget and

Section—Chang Fiscal Control


Assistant Chief of Budget and Fiscal Samuel Osborne and Co., Ltd. (Yee

Osborne, Samuel)

Control Section—Chu Tsu-hung


Shang-chin Chih-chang, Huang San Loh Agricultural Manufacturing-

, Chief of Accptinting Control Section Go.—655, Ningpo Road; Teleph. 91752:

—Yang Ju-mei

Chief of Post-Audit Section— Lu SantonPeh

Chao-jeng Road;SteamTelephs.

Nav, Go.,11049

Ltd.—93, Can-


Assistant Chief of Post-Audit Section 13280 (General); Cable Ad: Sanpeh

—Wu Tsung-tao San Sing Cotton and Iron Works

Supply and Works Department: Co.—469, Nanking Road; Teleph.

Chief of Dept.—Li

Assistant do. —F. Kuo-chi

J. Chapman 98430


chien to Chiefs of Dept.— Yeh Ta- SanRoad';TaiTeleph. Paper' Co.—131, Ningpo

Chief 14576

chuanof Works Section—Ssu-Tu Fu- Sang Chi Engineering and Ship-

Technical Assistant for Construction building Works—239, Yulin Road;

and Maintenance—Huang Po-tang Teleph. 50729

Ihsp'ectidn and Development Dept:

Travelling Sanger Trading Co., Importers and

Feng Ju Inspector

Liang and Auditor— Commission Agents — 4, Tientsin

Chief Compiler—Tso Shu Chen

Chief iof’Research Section—Wang Ta Ro&d; Teleph. -90792 .

iS. Sanger, manager

Assistant do.’ ’—Wang Chi-chang

Revenue Guards Department: Sanitary Dairy Farm -- 398, Con-


Advisor—RvChief M. ofC. Dept.—Chang

Ruxton Chu naught Road; Teleph. 27576


Chief ofof 1st.


Section- WuTien Chi Sanitary

Shang- Grocers; Provision Co^ Ltd.,IceButchers,,

Ship Compraolores. Manu-

chili . • », 2i , facturers—752,

73218-9 - Avenue Joffre; Telephs.-

Chief of

Assistant 3rd. Section—Sun Pang

Chief of 3rd. Section— Tsao

H. R. Petre Sanitas Mineral Water Go., Ltd.,

Training Officer—M. Andreoni

Chief of Medicaln Section—Hu Lan Manufacturers

Fruit Syrups—220,

«f Aerated Water and’


de Zikawei;.

Sheng h>-o l iioj ' Teleph 73689; Cable Ad:


Sanka & Co., Cotton' and Spinning W. B. Bryden,. c A.;*acct.

Machinery, Looms and Bobbins— J. B.R.Etherington,

W. Lambert | signs per pro.

F. Kendall

53, Szechuen Road; Teleph. 14493; C. Tilburn

P.O. Box 559; Cable Ad: Bobbin G. P. Butteridge | Miss I. Stead


Continental Trading


Ltd.—Room 309, Sato & Co.,’ A.—36, Miller Road;

113, Kiu-

kiang Road; Teleph. 1,4721; Cable Ad: Teleph. 41197


Santelli, Dr. A.— 461, Avenue Joffre; Sator, A-,- Greneral ^ Sung dah

THephs. 81109 (Office), 73408 (Residence Merch aht, Engineer!hg—131, Import and Export


Santos Coffee Store—111, Central Cable Road; Teleph. 19902; P.O. Box1 1377;

Arcade; Teleph. 10425 Ad: Sator *' /

A. Sator

G. Sator | E. Blum

Sanyo Trading Co.^98, ' Chapoo

Road; Teleph. 43677 Saunders & Blix, Exchange Brokers—

3, Kiukiang Road; Teleph. 18240 >

Saou Kee, Woollen Merchants and Com-

mission Agents—111, Broadway; Teleph. Sauvayre, J., Raw Silk and Sundries

40386; Cable Ad: Saoukee Exporter^—50,

11885 and 11913;Kiukiang

Cable Ad: Road; Telephs.



“Sapt” Textile Products, Ltd., Raw Savoy Hotel—(.See Hotels)

Cotton and Cotton Waste Merchants—

190, Iviukiarig

15952 (manager) Road;

and 15844,Telephs.

15'976; 15698,

Cable H Soey cliong

Ad: Textilag.

Switzerland Head OfSce: Zurich, Savul tfe Co., A. I. (British), Importers

M. Neumann of F ur-skins , and General Indian,

G. Hassan I A. Afghanistan and Persian Products;


R. Kunz | Miss'L. Cohn Museum Road; Telephs.Fur-skins—1^8,

Exporters of Tea and 17735 and

51792; P.O. Box 1253; Cable Addtess-

Sarda, Federico, Lawyer—20, Whangpoo hawar, Hajisava. Branches and Agehcies: Pe-

Rdaid; Teleph. 421Q0; Cable Ad: Dasar Bombay (India), London, Ca-

Federico Sarda sablanca, Kashmir, Afghanistan and


Sasaki & Co., T., Industrial Chemicals H. A. R. Savul proprietor

and Medical Drugs, Paints, Exporters A.P. H.A. Lee


manager i


15964Importers—22, Siking Road; Teleph. P. K. Liang

T. Sasaki, manager ’ J. P. Choy ;

, .P. C. Lee .,,,-

W* 4% Lau So Sung Say Kee Shipping Co.—S.A.2, Shan-


259, Kiangse

Box 263 Roads; TeTeYffi. li999; P.O.



Linens, and Exporters

Embroideries* and 12421; of Art


ffi Sin So. Sun

Sassoon & Co., Ltd., E. D.—Sassoon Szechuen Road; Teleph. P.O.

House; Teleph. 11430; P.O. Box 602; BoxA. 61S;-Cable Ad; Saysay

Mogabgab,,gen, mgr. forChipa

Cable Ad:

F. R. Davey, Sassigram manager

r; : A. K. MacEwan, do. Scandinavian Trading Co., Ship-chan-

' 'C.L. J.J. Meager,

Ovadia, ,f do.do, dlers, Provision Merchants—43,;'Bootie

E. G. Smith-Wright* sub.-do. Road; Teleph, 45775; Cable Ad: Ship-



» 0 Whnfong Cha lee

-Schen .& Co., K. H., Importers and Schnabel, Gadmer & Co.> Exporters—294,

Exporters—230, KiukiangRoad; Teleph. Szechuen Road; Telephs. 19981 (mgr.),


K.T.H.P.O. Box 817; CablerAd: Schenco 15893 (general Office); , Cable Ad:



S. C. Fee, Y. Z. Schen, Antimon M. Glied, signs the firm

H. C. Woo and C. P. Yee K.

K. Schinckel,

Veigel signs per pro.

HI Shw ling C. Ragonneau | II. Z. Hou


cals, Medicines, Limited,Photo

Importers of Chemi-

—133, Yuen Ming Yuen Road; Teleph. Schools—(See Educational)

17073; P.O. Box 1357; Cable Ad: Satrap Schuhl, Davies & N.E. Burton, Lawyers

K. Laeuen, manager —330, Szechuen

Schierest Co., Chas. A., Tanners and and 16369; P. O. Road:

Box 864;Telephs.



Belts Manufacturers, Cements, Lacings Schule; Code:

F. J. Schuhl Bentley’s

Dressings, Hydraulic Leather

etc.—c/o The General Electric Co. of Packing J. B. Davies | N. E. Burton


16825 (3Ltd.,lines); 23-25,Cable

NingpoAd:Road; Teleph. Schuster, Ernst, Paper, Stationery and


Factory: 30, Ferry Street, New York use; Manufacturers’

Teleph. 17651;Agent—Hamilton Ho-

P.O. Box 468; Cable


G. Mueller U.S.A. Buchhof, mgr. (China div.) Ad: Papshuster.

Sing sue woo Td & % m m ®


Agents, Coal Inc.,Merchants,

Express and Forwarding

Transportation Koo hok sz wu kung se

and Scientific Service



Teleph.Storage 14791;—Cable


BesserviceRoad; and,


Talking Radio

F. R Palmer, manager Road; Teleph. 12997; P.O. BoxMuseum

Scientific Instrument—142, 1559;

Schink, Georg, Public Auditor and Ac- Cable Ad: Scientific

countant—120, Nanking Road; Teleph.

14390 ; P. 0. Box 1064 ; . Cable Ad : Scientific Tin-Plate Printing Co.—

Chinaudit 74, Shansi Road ; Teleph. 93724


Schink, Georg

Hans, signs p.p.

Representative in China for Scqphen & Co.—Con. Emp., Nanking

Fram, Leipzig, Revisiohs-und Treu- Road; Teleph. 91668

hand-Union Scotch Bakery—23, Nanking Road;

*T ii ft # P Telephs. 12783 and 12784

Schloten, H., Importer of Chemicals, Ziang tai

Drugs and Industrial Supplies—210,

Kiukiang Road; Teleph. 17517; P.O. Box Scott, Harding & Co., Ltd., Merchants,

230; Cable Ad: Schloten Engineers, Insurance and Commission

H.; Schloten Agents—121, Peking Road; P.O. Box

Tf} 5* ^ Jii Hsing hua kung szu 456;

C. Cable

C. Ad: Scothar

Whitehead, director

Schmidt & Co., Optical and Scientific In- N. Denison, a.m.i.e.e. do.

struments and Medical Apparatus— D. M. Butt,Dept.—Teleph. do. 12207


Ad: Schmidtco Building; Teleph. 12114; Cable Engineering

RW. Schick, C. C. Whitehead

Schulze,managerdo. (Peiping)

(Tientsin) , N. Denison,

Hill a.m.i.e.e.

S.R. E.Corker

P.K. Schenk,

Lorenz, manager do. (Canton) j E. F. Jansen

E. Hammon Electrical

F. A. Installations—Teleph.

Naylor | G. H. Lawrence 12223

J:G.H. Kunkel

G. Stoessel K.

Stock Jung Insurance Dept, and Accounts—Teleph.

H. Marcus Miss L. Gorenko

Miss A. Froemel


Scottish Uniox & National Insurance

Co.—Chartered Bank Building, 18, The Educational) Shanghai American School—(See

Bund; Teleph. 15236; Cable Ad: Scot-


F. P. C. Ashe | A. T. M. Pearse Shanghai Amateur Baseball Club—

(See Clubs)

SeuRR, Tanner & Go., Marine Surveyors Shanghai Athletic Club—(Nee Clubs)

and Consultants: Ship Cargo, Engineer,

and General Surveyors, Compass Shanghai Benevolent Industrial


10700; Cableetc.—59,PekingBoad;Teleph.

Ad: Royevrus Institute — 397, Kiaochow Road;

Teleph. 31928

Sea Captains Shop—119, Nanking Road; Shanghai Brick and Tile Co.—-G.14,

Teleph. 10206 Fokien Road; Teleph. 90992

Sean You Zoo & Co., Ltd., Cotton

Shinning, Weaving, Dyeing and Manu- Shanghai Building I® Way. fong

factures of Turkish Towels, Candle 117, Thorne Road; Teleph. Co., Inc., U.S.A.—

Sticks, Bed Sheets, Cotton Piece Goods Ad: Bellbros 40878; Cable

of various descriptions — 497, Nanking

Road; Teleph. 90150; Cable Ad: Towel Shanghai Business College — (See

3 » at a Educational)

Chen hong hung sze ±

Seng Hong Co., Manufacturers of Hand- Shanghai ho sih hung sze

made Swatow

broidery, Lace andDrawn Work,Dealers

Cross-stitch. Em-


Hair NetsTeleph.

and Chinese Goods—18, Shanghai Butchery Co., Ship Chandlers

40723; Cable Ad: and Naval Contractors, Wholesale and

Siangli. Branches at Swatow, Hong- Retail; —90,

Provision and Produce Merchants

Broadway; Teleph. 41009

kong and Singapore

Shanghai Button & Buckle Meg. Co.

$ m Lee Wei ■ Exporters

Ming Yuen&Road;

Manufacturers— 133, 17529;

Telephs. 17510, Vuen


Levy, Freres (Marcel

successors), Heimendinger

Jewellery, Watches& Cable Ad: Nebocroc



10965; P.O.75,BoxNanking

848; CableRoad;

Ad: Shanghai Club—(See Clubs)


M. Heimendinger, partner Shanghai Cement Tile Works Co.—

J. Levy, do.. 549, Range Road ; Teleph. 41645

ShahmOon & Co., S. E., Merchants—142, Shanghai

Museum Road; Telephs. 10622 and 10623; Road; Telephs. Chemical Co.—261, Szechuen

Cable Ad: Season 16388 and 50475

S.J. M.

E. Shahmoon, proprietor K. Kuebn, partner

Kopelman, general manager E. Witt, techn. dept.

Shanghai Chemical Laboratory, Analy-

Hi Shai nin tical and Consulting Chemists — 56,

Shainin & Co., Inc., I., Exporters of Nanking Road; Teleph. 12533

Chinese Art Goods—Purchasing OlRces:

177, Chaoufoong

Cable Ad: Shainin.Road; Teleph. 51899; to & & *

Fifth Avenue, New Head York.Office: 151,

Branch Chung yang ing she hong sze

Office: 268, Market Street, San Francisco Shanghai Cinemas, Ltd.—247, Pakhoi

Road; Teleph. 92780 ’

Shanghai American Leaf Tobacco ; Shanghai C ity Co. — 367, Kiangse

Board of Trade—51, Canton Road ;

Teleph. 15045 Road ; Teleph1;' 18387' ' '


Shanghai Ggaimergial Go.- 280, Pe- tr

king Road; Teleph. 19049 Shanghai Dairy Equipment Qo.,

Everything forHonan


andAd: its

Shanghai Co-Operative Society—611, products—505, Dairy Cquip

Avenue Joffre; Teleph. 83069 Wm. Y. L. Jean, manager

Shanghai Clay Pigeon Clctb—(See Shanghai Dispensary, Ltd., Manufac-

turing Chemists and Druggists, Dealers

Clubs) in Patent Medicines and Photographic

Shanghai College and Middle School 93340; Goods—464-, Cable Nanking Road; andTelephs.

Ad;- Dragon 2088

—{See Educational) (Chinese)

m nm± ^ - Ya soong

Shanghai Cotton Manufacturing Co., Shanghai The Dock

(late S. & Engineering

C. Farnham, BoydGo-,&Ltd,


Ltd;, (The Shanghai Boshoku Kabushiki Ltd.), Dock

Kwaisha), To ^Manufacture, Finish and Engineers, Electricians, Founders, Proprietors, Shipbuilders,

Buy and Sell Cotton, Wpol and Silks Boilermakers, etc.


huen Piecegoods—Town

Road;76Teleph. Office:10019

185, Sze- Docks and Works

13570 (Ext. and 77)/18426, and

jSeneral Office: Old Dock,


Tunkadoo Dock, Cosmo-


International Dock

1970, Yangtszepoo

(Director), 50252, Road;

50350 Telephs.

and 50253

50780 and Pootung

(General); P.O. Box 3065; Cable Ad: Head Office (Old Doqk)—424, Broadway

Shangboh; Codes East;

FarnhamTeleph. 5.1807;.. Cable Ad:

and Bentley’s 2ndused: A.B.O. 6th edn. H. V. Wilkinson, b.s.b.,- chairman of

.Mills directors

W. S. Burns, m.i.n.a, mang. director


1 Mill—1161, Yangtszepoo Road, F. A. Pollock, D. MorisOn, A. Widman

Nos. 2 and50235 3 Mills—1970, Yangtszepoo J. and

Arnold A. D.Dawson,

Bell, directors

a.c.a., secretary

Road; Telephs. 50252,50350 and 50780 J. a.i.N.A.,

A. Bonnymany

No. 4 Mill—15, Lay Road, Teleph. managerm.b.e.,

, m.i. mech. e.,


5 Mill—19, Lay Road, Teleph. C. Trickett, assist, manager

J.J. Andrew

Gilchrist, superintendent

\Y. 1). Johnston

Worsted Mill—45, Linching Road ; T.H. Artindale R. W. Kirby

H. Teleph.

Togawa, 50377

chairman Ashford F. von Lange

H. Brown F. B. Marr

Y.K. Maeda,


managing ailddirector

chief engineer J. C. Charlton W.

R. W. Crosth-

R. McKendrick

D. McMaster

T.Y. Ehjoji,

Noda, do. director waite C. E. Mellanby

T. Kageyama, secretary R. Elder G. P. Murphy •

K. M.Notomi, J.R. Grant J. Nimmo

Ito, S.T. Ebihara,


Beppu, K. Hamilton

G. M. Headley C. RichardsE, Pye

S. Fukui,

Kaya, T.N.Horiba,


Niino, C. W. Johnsford F. Stewart

T.S. Murakami and L Nishijima G. Johnston M. E. H. Wells

The Toyo Menka Kaisha, Ltd. ; Shanghai Engineers’ Club—(Nee Clubs)

Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank ^ ^Shang m ^ ¥ mm

hai chi tsu din cK’e yuh :

(See Banks) sien hung sze s


Shanghai Cricket Club—(Nee Clubs) Ltd., The (Incorporated Electric Construction Co'.,

in Eng-

land)—185, Soophow Road; Teleph.


Building;Dairy Teleph.Farms,

90343 Ltd.—Sincere’s 18199; P.O. Box 793; Cable Ad:



C. Burgess, genera} manager : (Be- Shanghai Equitable Trading Col-

li 73/16, Buffling Well Road; Te-

• sidential Address : 1280, Ave.

Foch) leph. 31327: P.O. Box 1645

A. A.secretary

Ewing, Shanghai manager

(Residential and

1290/100, Avenue Foch) 'Address: ^ Evening ^ . Dai mei ven pao

Pollock, accountant and deputy Shanghai

A.secretary (Post-Mercury Co.,

Post and Mercury,

Fed., Daily

Inc., —U.S.A.,

A. B. Ualder | J. ]\1. Howie Proprietors) Afternoon 17-21,

Traffic Dept.—(Ground floor) Avenue

(6 lines); EdwardAd: VII;

Cable Teleph. {84080;


G.O.Pollock, traffic supt.

Thompson,J. A.Bowie,

M.ackinnon, E. R. T. O. Thackrey, publisher

Buckley, R. Matheson, Randall Gould, editor

L. Bell, N. Macintosh, J. Dunlop, M-Reporters—H.

C. Ford, news editor

O’Neil Lane, L- Z.

J. Galston and J. M. Henderson Yuan, C. Frank Glass


Woo-Tse Yu Dept.—(ground floor) Proof Readers

Records and Ticket Printing Dept.— V. Z. Casino, A. T. Alquiros, L. Hanto

(1st floor) and C. Abbass

J. A. Smith Advertising Department

Statistical Dept.—(1st floor) D. C. Buick, business mgr.

C. Schmidt A. L. Meyer, assist. do.

Claims Dept.—(1st floor) Dorothea Buick

H. N. Muir | R. Fyfe J.

Accounting Chye Department

| C. K. Chen

Accounts Dept.—-(2nd floor) John

A. T.A.W.Remedios

Murray H. N. Liu accountant

Costa, head

A. L. C, d’Aguiar I M. Liang W. Lee I M. K. Lai

F. M. Carneiro | A. S. Wayshing Mechanical H. Yue I H. F. Liang, cashier-

Shares Dept.—(2nd floor) Department

E.A.A.I.Machado George C. Bruce,

L. Mrantz, supt.


d’Assis A. P. Nikitin, do.

Season Tickets Dept —(2nd floor) Circulation

E. G. Morgan

Correspondence A. A. Cruz,Dept.


Miss E. Costa Dept.—(2nd

| Miss G.floor)

Ross Miss G. Barr

C. S. Chen I T. E. Shen

Miss J. Maher S L. Chen I K. F. Wong


J. Hart Dept.—(3rd floor) ,

C.A. B.McLeap

Blaikie II H. Finnigan Shanghai Finance Co., , Ltd. (Society

Financiere de Shanghai), RealInsurance


Purchasing & Stocks Dept.—(3rd floor) Loan —160,



Loans and

Edward YII.; Teleph.

A. H.J. Elias,

R. Sousa . II E.D. G.P. Das

Ross 18469; Cable Ad: Barjeron

Rolling Stock and Works Dept.—(Baikal Shanghai Finance and Real Estate

A., Road

V. TaitDepot) Co., Ltd.—50, Kiukiang Road; Te-

leph. 10361

H. J. Hunt ' | Cl R. Tanner

C. F. Taylor I J. S- Colombi

W. A. Bailey | A. R. M. Johnson Shanghai Fire Insurance Associa-

tion—(See Associations)

General Stotes—(Baikal Road Depot)

W.F. Rankin | L/C!'Souza Shanghai Fire & Marine Insurance Co.,

Shanghai Electric Welding Works, Ltd.—60, Ningpo Road; Teleph. 18000

Ltd.—222, MacGregor RdTeleph. Shanghai Floor-wax Meg., Co., Ltd.,

■50857 Manufacturers of all kinds of Floor-


Polishers. Automobile

ImportersPolish and Polish,

of Metal Wax

Hobn Kong Steel Wool, Glass Soap, etc.—47, Ningpo

Shanghai Electrical (Supply Co.—184,

Nanking Road1; Telephs. 94411-2; Road; Teleph. manager

K. Andrew, 19285

Cable Ad: Shaelsuu K. S. Chow, asst.


Shanghai Food

Bourgeat; Teleph. 72040Supply Co.—323, Rue Secretarial



Officeasst. secy.

A. G. Davies,

Shanghai Football Association—{See A.F. J.Graham

W. Focken

Associations) E.J. Mortinho Marques

Shanghai Football Club (See Clubs) Accountants R. W. Edwards, Officec.a., chief acct.

Shanghai Free Christian Church C. H. Theobald

—(See Churches) J. J. Kilmartin

Miss Office

General G. V. Gater

Shanghai Golf Club—(See Clubs) R. H.A. C.Berthet,

Shanghai Gas Co., Ltd., Davis chief clerk

I. Rozario

Hongkong)—Head Office(Incorporated

: 656, Thibetin A. G. Jones

P. G. Keogh-

G.W. Sadler

J. Taylor


Nanking Teleph 93333.

Boad; Teleph. Showroom: 104, Scott Mrs. E. Cruz

2524, Yangtszepoo Road;10345. Teleph.Works:

50095; Shanghai General Chamber of Com-


DirectorsAd: Gaslight

— L. E.A. Canning, merce—(See Chambers of Commerce)

(chairman;, D. Bell, R.o.b.e.


Joseph, Kadoorie and A. Gray

W. J. Baker, m.inst.gas.e., a.m.i. Hospitals)General Hospital — (See


chem.e., m.am.g.a., engineer-in-

W.chief and manager

J. Brown, secretary Ka ti

Engineering Staff Shanghai General Store, General Im-

Technical porters and Exporters of Coffee,

J. deputy

K. Simpson, b.sc., a.m.i.gas.e., Teleph. Tobacco41165;

and Provisions—15, Broadway;

Cable Ad: Katemnicos

T. Spikins,engineer

b.sc., assist, engineer Shanghai Gold Stock Exchange, Ltd.

A. M. Stiokels, _ do. —69, Kiukiang Road; Teleph. 19626

Mrs. M. I. G. Jennings

Miss E.

Miss D. King B. Bergqueist


W. C. Henry, works superintendant BI 5S ill ^1 S

H. S. Harris, assist, supt. Rung wo chang mo dow

C.D. V.H. W.Davidson

Brook | J. Knox Shanghai and Hongkew Wharf Co.,Ltd.,

The, Wharf

Broadway; Telephs.and Warehousing

52350-52359 — 182,

I). M. Drake I H. C. Knox Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld., gen. agts


Workshop W. Dunk I J. Vaughan G.E.D.N.Grant, supt.assist, supt.

C. J.F.C.King, superintendent Harrison,

Andrews | A. H. Crank C. J. Head,

Hongkew Wharfaccountant

'Stories (Thibet

A. E. Lawrence Road) M. J. Timmins, warehouseman

Distribution W. P. McAllan, wharfinger and

A. A. Gowan,Dept.—Consumers

district supt. F. Gartner, assist.



A.T. H.H. Wood,

White, do.

do. Hunt’s Wharf

A.J. C.Bespalov N. Churchill, wharfinger and

Conder- A. Grozman A. H. Oliver, assist.



J. W. Eatson A. O. Kirsanoff Old Ningpo Wharf

S.V. Emamooden

Evans J. Tajima

Miss B. Mayne E. A. C. Chambers, wharfinger and

i Distribution warehouseman

T. P. Main,Dept.—Mains

district supt. Pootung

W. Le Brun, assist. do.


T. Watson, do. W. F. Tyrer, manager

J. S. K. Oliver A. D. Adams, wharfinger and


J. A.S. Whitney, elect, supt. publicity warehouseman

Sequeira C. Smart, assist. do.


fl Loony’fei' u Managing Agents in Chinafor

British America Assurance Co.

| Shanghai Hoese Bazaak

Ltd., Automobile engineersand Motor Co., Century Insurance Co., Ld., London

j —llegistered Office: 110b,andCardinal

dealers Eagle, Star and British Dom. Ins. Co.,


Fire dept.Company Limited


Autopalace Teleph. 7018O.;

o Cable Ad : Eagle

J. W. Marsh, managing director East India

The Guildhall SeaInsce.

and Fire

Co.,tnsce. Co.

Ld., London

E. A. Berthet, sales mgr. Hamburger Allgemeine Yers.-A.G.

Shanghai Horticultural 'Society— Holland Assurance Society, Ld. of

1841, Amsterdam-

(Nee Associations) Netherlands Fire and Marine Insce.

Shanghai Household Removing Co.,

(Proprietors: G. E. Marden & Co., Ltd.), Magdeburg1842,

Co., Ld., Fire Amsterdam

Insurance Co.

Van owners, Removal Contractors and Netherlands Lloyd

Furniture removers—182, Gordon Road; Norddeutsche

Western Insurance

Assurance Co. London

Cp., Ltd.,

Teleph. 30000; Cable Ad: Marden Agents for

® & §1 it ± Ocean Marine Insce. Co., Ld., London

Claim-Settling Agents for

Shang hai Tcee ch’e ping chong Donau, Allg.

Shanghai Ice & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Average National FireVers’.


Co. of Hartford

(Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Agents

j —Offices: 103, Nanking Road; Teleph. Amsterdam Underwriters Association

18683. Works: 160, Thorne Rd.; Teleph.

i 40663.

R. C. Cable Ad: Frigerabat

Aitkenhead, manager Shanghai Jewish School—(Nee Edu-


L.R. J.P. Barker, assist,worksdo.manager

E. Neilson, Shanghai Journal of Commerce—Lane

T. Y. Wood, accountant 39, 3, Amoy Road; Teleph. 91716. '

Miss N. Seaborn, steno.

Jf§ ^ Ching tah Shanghai Lamp Co—Con. Emp., Nanking

Shanghai Import and Export Co., Ltd. Road; Teleph. 91613

Importers and

Road; P.O. Box 802 Exporters—349, Ningpo

K. D. Chen, managing director 3 a « m *

Yin song yih Jcwong hung sz

Shanghai Importers,Ltd.—410, Szechuen Shanghai Land Investment Co., Ltd.

Road; Teleph. 17655 —100, Jinkee Rbad; Teleph. 187

Shanghai Industrial Co., Ltd., Man- Shanghai Lawn Tennis Association

ufacturers of all Kinds of Jade Products, —(See Associations)


Works—822-28, in Gordon



35225; Cable Ad: Sideo Shanghai Leather Co., Ltd., Tanners,

Shanghai India Rubber Factory—466, Exporters of Hides and Office:

Tanning Materials—Head Dealers320,in

Kungping Road; Teleph. 52628 Kiangse

59, BrenanRoad; Road;Teleph.




^ it « # -h Ad: Rehtael

Shang hai poa hsien hong

Shanghai Insurance Office, Insurance Shanghai Lumber & Goal Co., Lumber

& Coal Merchants—70,

Agents—299, Szechuen Road; Teleph Teleph.

18047 (3 lines); Cable Ad: Reliance 19896, 13773; P.Szechuen

O. Box Road;


L. L.J. Klamer,

Kleijn, partner & manager Cable Ad: Neerbclem

signs per pro. C.T. Z.J. Wang

Breen |I S.H. Radinoff

Y. Wang

B. A. Glebow I Miss M. C. da

G. J. Grilk, jr. | Silva

P. Skobyayeff J Miss J. Maher Shanghai Marine Underwriters’ As-

J. C. Rosatsin, signs p.p. (Tientsin) sociation—(See Associations)


Shanghai Metal Merchants’ Associa- Shanghai Power Company

Office—95, Nanking Road; P.O. Box 404

tion—(iS'ee. Associations) Showrooms:

Shanghai Milk Supply Co. — 145, 95, Nanking Road

Tunsin Road; Teleph. 27407; Cable 429,

772, Boone Road Road

Ad: Separator 424, Bubbling

Chekiang Well Road

Shanghai Morning Post—205, Shantung 440-442,

Teleph. Broadway11010 (PrivateEast Exchange

Road; Telephs. 91494, 92610 and 94632 to all Departments)

Shanghai Motors—1248, Avenue Joffre; President—P.

Vice-President S.andHopkins General Manager

Teleph. 70785 —W. S, Heald, b.s.e.e.

Shanghai Nanking Railway — (See Assist.

Pharis, General Manager

c.E., assoc.m.a — L. M.

Chinese Government Railways) Secretary and Treas.s.c.e.— H. Gordon

Shanghai Native Bankers’ Market—276, WrightSecretary & Assist. Treas.


Ningpo Rpad; Telephs. 92475, 92686 —A. HarmanR, Webb, a.m.i.E.e.


Consumers’Engr.—C. Engr.—W. H. Putnan.

Shanghai Native Products Co.—

Nanking Road; Telephs. 94373, 94436 395, Assist. ConsUmers’ Engineer — J.

A. McKinney, a.m.i.e.e.

Shanghai Neon Light Co.—170, Kiangse Purchasing Agent—A. C. Peake

Road; Teleph. 18074 Distribution

m.i.e.e., Engr.a.i.e.e.

mem. — C. M. Perrin,

Shanghai News Co,—1133, Bubbling Well Assist. Distribution Engr. — W.

Road; Teleph. 34594 Hunter

Generation Engineer—VV. E. Nops

"Shanghai Nichi Nichi Shihbun”, Assist, do. —W. W. Jourdin,

Japanese Daily Paper — 455, Chapoo Engineering A.B.M.E.

Road; Teleph. 41867; P.O. Box 764 Dept. Staff

N. L. Anderson, b.sc., a.m.i.e.e., L. G.

Shanghai Ningpo Railway — (See Bidmead, L. D. Goustoff, E. P. Higgs,

Chinese Government Railways) B.kins, P. P. Kashkadamoff, C.' M.


“Shanghai Nippo,” Japanese Daily, Lockhart,

O. A. .Neves, 'C. -R.H. B.Mellor,


H. W.

Newspaper—3-4, Barchet Road; Telephs. Scott,

46508 and 46509: P.O. Box 780 a.m.i.e.e., and G. Tate F. Southin,

C. W. Smith, O.

Shanghai Oil Mill Co—Jessfield Road; Executivefj.Mrs.J. H.



Teleph. 27688 E. McCann

Shanghai Mrs. C. B. Whyte

kow Road;Paper Industry

Teleph. 10835 Co.—115, Han- Generation Department Staff

E. B. Ackerman, J. C. Baker, H- G.

Shanghai Plumbing and Electrical Beattie,

H. Brownbijl, J. J. Brooks. W. Broom, H.J.


91802 Co --378, Peking Road; Teleph. .Couch, b.s.c., A.R. B.D.Camplin,

Crofton, D.?.sc.,

a.J. O. Drysdale, P. A. Emery, W.

Shanghai Paper Importers’ Associa- Emmerich, E. W. F. R.Fasting, S.D.W.Y.

tion—(See Associations! Griffin, J. Hay, Hayes,

Hsueh, b.sc., m.sc., Mrs. A. V. Jappe,

jg s ® a fa m m ?k C. Jarvis,L. R-Y. V.Lee,Jemchpojin,

b.sc., S. B.sc.,

C. Lee,L.

Hwa shan shanq hai hsui ni ku feng b.Kucei,

F. Livesey, J.S. MacDonald, W. J. W.

yu hsien Jenny sze Manton, P. S. Mark. H. F. Marshall,

Shanghai Portland Cement Works,

Ltd.—33, SzechuenRoad;Teleph. 15253; F. S. McLay, C. ^litchell, S. H.

Works: near Lunghwa Pagoda; Cable W. Paris, A. Parr, W. J.C.

Mungsfeldt, K. C. Nieh, Parr,O’Kane,

W. M.

Ad: Saynikupse Patrick, a.mj.e.E., C. B. Perriam, C.


J. Pleace, A. Rasmussen, I. Rodda, Accountancy and Clerigal Staff;

J. K. Rummel, b.sc., a.c.s., a.s.m., A. Kendal Ward,

a.Scrimgeour, H.s.t.m., Stangaard, C. Y.F. C. Rutherford, D. B. a.c.a“;

R.W. G.T. Bertenshaw,



assist, do, L-. S.

Sung, A. L. Biggs,

D. G. F.Tsai,Taylor, b.cs., H.d.s.,B. Tsiang,

Trevelyan,E. Chen,

L. G. S. E. Clark,

Day, A. J. C.Enright,

R. Clements,

F. C.


H. Warren, J. Turner,

assoc. H. M. Tuttleman,

a.i.i:,e., ;A. Watt, Hale, J. W._G.H. Plarvey, MissV. E.P.

and C. F. Wu Harvey, C. Huggett,

C. Hutton, S. T. King, H. K. Lo,

Distribution Department Staff R. H. Mitchell. H. Moreton, Miss

E. W. Abigail, L. Y. Barrs, L. Beau- A. Pigott, S. Y. Pond, D. Pratt,

T. H.C. Taylor,

Sung, Ph.B.M.A,

J. S. Tow,K.m.a,

Y. Sze,

J.mont, ASSOC.I.E.E.,

Bornholz, ASSOC. A.I.E.E.,

ASSOC.A.I.E.E., N. Burns,F. W.

Y. Wang


Y. Y. Chan, b.sc., S. H. Chen, b.sc., Preferred Stock Office Staff:

m.sc., S. K. Chen,

Chetverikoff, C. Y. Chu, b.sc., Y. M. M.sc., S. A. W. C. Ratcliff and J. Yang, b.s.c.

Chu, b.sc., m.a.t.e.e., S. L. Dong, Stores Staff:

b. sc., G. B. Elliott,W.a.m.i.e.e., J. Russell,T. supervisor

C. of stores .


A.Hvov, G. Finlay,

Ginther, J. F. N.G.S. G.J.Harris,

Fomin,S. J.S. G. W. B. Dudley, T. T. Walker

T. C. Kirby, Kostrome- and J. Withers

tino.ff; H.S. J.N.Li,Kozloff,

antz, V. 1. Krikori-

F. McLennan, A. P. ^ ^ m ^ iiJ pp ^ -t

Medem, T. Oliphant, Pan Lien Fu, Shanghai yincj shua yu hsien Ttung sze

A. Pavlov, H. Perry, A. S. Phillips, Shanghai Press, Ltd., Lithographers,

N. N. Pel shako

Rasjevin, R. R. v,Russell,

W. A. J.Powell, V. I. etc.—33a and 56, Haskell Road ; Telephs.

K. Scobie,

N. 45540 and 45575; P.O. Box. 3037; Cable

Syberg, C. C. Tu, b.sc., F. Y. Wang,L. Ad: Shaipress

A. Shetekoff, Z. Y. Sia. b.sc.,

B. sc.,

' gelminin, G. Wong, b.sc., T. Yang China S. W. Wang, b.sc.,

RadioN. Engineering

A. Wil- Co.—49, Nan-

and F. M. Young king Road; Teleph. 1499,6

Consumers’ Engineering Staff

T. V. Chang, b.sc., Y. Chang, B.sc., Shanghai Radio & Record Co. — 229.

Nanking Road; Teleph. 90776


Y. Chen, Mrs.R. M.L. Chisolm,Evans,

m.i.e.e., assoc.a.i.e.e., N.Raw H. Gray,

N. P. Ivanoff, J. F. Jones, S. Shanghai iSilk Exporters’ As-

sociation—(*S,ee Associations)


Pells, Pan Loh Fung, N. G.

b. Mrs. A. M.sc., Piquet, L. Reierstad, Shanghai

G. Stevenson, Mrs. O;Revolver

P. Tay- Club—^(Nee Clubs)

lor, W. C. Walker, K. Y. Whang

M.sc., and Y. T. Yao Shanghai Rifle Association — {See

Meter and Testing Dept. Staff Associations)

Meter and Testing Engineer — E.

Jacobs, ASSOC.A.I.E.E.

I. A. Atrosheko, M. V. Bogdanoff, Shanghai Rowing Club—(Nee Clubs)


Burgess,M. C.Y. Doutoff,

J. Day, B.K. M.S. Shanghai Rugby Club—(Nee Clubs)


Gericke, A.G.M. Gamkrlidze,

Gerrard, L. B.C. Shanghai Sanitorium and HospjtaL—


J. C. Lane, E.T. H.

assoc.i.e.e., L, Jeu,

W. (Nee Hospitals)


Marshall,A.W. Lingard,

H. McHugh,M.M. D.J. Shanghai Sanitary Cleaning Co.—


j.e.e. H. J. G. Noble,

assoc.a.i.e.e., assoc, 1646, Sinza Road; Teleph. 34839

D. V. Poliak-

off, A. Rodda, A. V. Sennitt, m & n k Tai yueh hung su

assoc.i.e.e., R. Taylor, H. Wal-

lace, ASSOC.I.E.E., ASSOC.A.I.E.E. Shanghai Sanitary k Electric Co.,

Heating, Plumbing and Electrical Con-

Transportation Dept. Staff: tractors—329, Kiangse, Road; Teleph.

E. R. Rodgers and K. L. Swartzell 12336; Cable Ad: Lightsanit


0 li' ^ Kung dah so cheong Secretarial and Comptroller’s Dept.

Shanghai Silk Co.--656, Bubbling Well C.and D. Longhurst,secretary a.c.a., comptroller

Road; Telephs. 35324 Mrs. M.assistantH. Smith l

Shanghai Silver Guild—643, Honan General Accounting Division ,

J. C. R. Henderson, asst, comptroller

Road; Telepb. 92182 , Mrs.S.A.Chang H. Buckley

Shanghai Society for the Preven- M.

tion of Cruelty to Animals—(Nee P. K. Mak

Associations) A. S. Remedies .,

, C. M.Accounting

Revenue B. daSilva Division

Shanghai Spectator, The, A Weekly F. W. Pilbeam, asst. secy.

Sport, Amusement and Social Journal—

126, Bubbling Well Road; Telephs. 95199

and 95559; P. O. Box 604 D.Mrs.L.A.Hayward

L. Cuthbert

B.H. A.W.Thorpe


Shanghai Steam Laundry' Co. — 537, Y. C. Whang

Thorborn Road; Teleph. 50386 Commercial Department

Shanghai Steam NAviGAtiON Co.—119, K. W. Johnstone, general commercial

Jinkee Road ; Teleph. 15675; Cable Commercial manager

Miss T. Setchkin Representative and Sales

Ad: Shasteanav. S.J. W.O. Thorley,

Shanghai Steel Window:s Co.—149, Dearn supt.

Szechuen Road;'Teleph: 18260 J.K. 11.M. Ladd

Pate (Directory)

Shanghai Stevedoring-Cb.—51, Canton K. Shok

Road; Teleph. 11076 G.

Commercial F. Woo, B.sc., c.e.

F. O. Gregory, mgr. L. B. Engineering

Harmer, c.e., a.m.i.e.e.,,

Shanghai Stock Exchange—(Nee As- assoc, a.i.e.e.

sociations) Business S. L. Meilman, a.b., m.b.a.

Office (Central

Shanghai Supply Co., Coffee Merchants, •' Areas)

A-. C. Sinclair, supt.

Grocers, Wholesale and

Broadway, Cable Ad: Katemupoulos Retail — 50, L.Mrs.Ardain Y. C. Ting

N. O. S. Bach A.V. Valent V. T. Tsiang

H. Katem,



do. J.MissC. H.Dunn

Kotake J. L. Wei

Y. F. Woo


Foochow Talking Machine

Road; Teleph. 92126 Co.—367, Business H,Y. D.Shaw


G. Zee

French Office (Wester n Area &■


n n ± H. F. Pringle, supt. R. C. Murray

Shang hai dim hwa hung sze

Shanghai Telephone Co.— 232, Kiangse A.MissDaM.CostaBarretto C. T. Sih

Road (General Offices, Comptroller’s N. Halturin D. Tseu

and Commercial Depts.): 460, Fokien T.C.Hah, H. C. Wang.

Road, (Engr., Plant and Traffic Depts.); i Correspondence,;Y. W. Kwok, P. C. Wu

Teleph. 94090;

Executive— Cable Ad: Shantelco Mrs. C. H. Kelly

J.C. E.W.Fullam, Miss R. Arnsberg

Porter, dir.

c.a.,and do.

vice-president Mrs. B. C. Grainger


Vice-President and

C. W. Porter, c.a. General Mgr;: Mrs. E,Harris

M. Prokopenko .

Vice-President: ’ Credit & Collections

W. H. Tan, b.a. H. M.L.Smith

Miss E. Chun j E. J. Reed


L. A.Gen. Manager:A.b.

Fritehman, Publicity

Executive Office . J. Thompson

Engineering Dept. ":

Miss P. Stewart S.MissFlemOns, a.m.i.e.e., chief engr.

Mrs. F. 0. Smith | Mrs. E. M. Williams G. C. Jack



H. Graham,Engineer a.m.i.e.e., assoc. a.i.e e. Construction Division

C. Y. Tsiang, b.sc. E. H.W.

F. Hartnett, superintendent

Outside Plant Engineering Division O. F. Klovekorn,

Benson a.a.i.e.e.

J. H.T. Rogers, a.m.i.e.e., plant engineer P. Blown

A.L. Chernysh

W. C.H. Lo,Pan,B.S.E.E.,

B.sc. E.E. Drake

S. Karpoushkin j S. A. Nemtzeff

K. Chen, b.sc. B.J. W.Medvedsky

•T. E. Rafen

K. H. Sung Wright T,V. L.A. Chu Nolostvoff

Y. S. Tseng W. N. Schiller | T. D. Yang

Equipment & Bldg. Engr. Division Traffic Department

F. R. Ray, a.m.i.e.e., equip, engr. K. Rothe, R.D., gen. traffic mgr.

Miss F. Sheridan I J. L. Kiang, b.sc. Staff Division

S. F. Liu, I W. C. Ting,

b.sc., m.sc. Y. A. Sokoloff b.sc. Miss K. Trumm, supt.

C. L. Chen, b.sc. B. Beesley Miss A. L. Johns

P. H. Chen | P. L. Shen, b.sc. Traffic Engineering Division

Plant Dept. A. B. Wilkinson, traffic engr.

J. Haynes Wilson, m.c., a.m.i.e.e., gen. Miss

Miss T.E. Robin

A. Bloomfield

Miss plantG. manager

Rand T. Antonio

Miss I. C. Sinclair B. Crapin | G.G. Wong, b.sc.

West Division S.P. P.W.Karanjia

Leon || A.WooJ. Ching


J. L.M.J.Cuthbert.

Chulkoff supt. Service Division

F. W. Cooke, m.m. Miss L. A. E. Mann, service supt.

General Division Aliss M. C. Dunstan

P. M. Streit, supt. Airs.

Aliss I.H.Carnaghan

J.Brock ]| Airs. Airs. E.R. Ling

A.I. I.J.Basdirev

Anderson Streit

E. W. Brambleby K. B. Sheveloff Airs. S. Kagansky I Mrs. F. Watson

C.T. A.Campbell

Britto Airs. E. R. Adams, Mrs. C. Andrews,

Airs. N. Armes, Aliss L. Bailey, Miss

G.W. C.F. Forrestier

Gent E.A. Skreitul



D. Souter

L. Beloin, Airs. W. Bradbeer, Mrs. N.

Bramblebv,Mrs. Airs. A. F. Burke, Mrs.

E.F. G.H. F.Moss

McCann A. Symons

M. K. Vassilief J.B. Child.'

Crank, Airs.E- A.J- Dannenberg,

Costa, Mrs.

Miss E. de Figueiredo, Airs.'C. M.

J.P. J.Petroff

M.Remedies J.M.E.A. VickeryWurm J.Gonsalves,

Hamlin, Airs. Airs.D.ALHorst,


Airs. M.AlissC.

P. K. Shapo- A. L. C.

shnikov A. S. Kolesniek Wells Lang, Airs. A. AlacDougall, Miss

General Plantd.sc.,

Supervisor A.R. Alordecai,

Nastashevsky, Aliss Airs.

L. A1H.vers,.Picozzi,


W. Miles, m.i.min.e., supt. Airs. L. D. Price, Aliss J. Al.

W. J, Doddridge Rozario, Mrs. A. Silva, Miss S.

P. Rayment Simms, Aliss M. Spielmann, Mrs. F.

Lee Sherman,

N. Z. Van b.sc. Stacey, Airs. M.R.M.Woskoff,


P. C. Chuang W. Wiley, Aliss O.

P. A.Aristoff Young and Airs. E. Xavier

J.N. S. Duthie


K. M. Hu, B.SC., E.E. ffi ± »§ S Tahwoosepao

R,G. Loh, B.sc. L

M. Verbitch Shanghai Times” (Daily Alorning Paper),

F. G. Welch and

General the Printers

“ Shanghai and Sunday Times,”


Buildings. Motor Vehicles and Supplies Avenue Edward VII; Telephs. 16867-70;

Division P.O.E.A.BoxNottingham,propr.

797; Cable Ad: Shanghai Times

A. McGregor

M. E. Ashley I F. Dunstan A. Alorley, editor and gen. mgr.

V. M. Baltin L. T. Lawrance R.P. Palamountain,

I. Hope, sub-editor chief reporter

J. D. Campbell | V. P. Salita


Reporters — G. A. Morris, C. W. Miss L. D. I. Ohowjiassist. mgr. -ahe^


L. MoOrad, in charge of; savings dept.

berg, Glassy A.A. A.Y. Gold-

Chia ! B.S. T.Z. Chao, secretary

Lu, sub.-acct. ,

andS.Mrs. S. Lord

Miss Myers, secty.-steno.

E. Livesey, proof-reader T.MissS. Chow,

C. D. Koeh, sub.-acct.i


A.W. Dierks

Business and Printing

F. W. Baker, managerDepartments !M (M It W(,y teh foo'rtg

J.F. Estrada, supt.' Shanghai


and Lighter 0q., Ltd.,.

Operators of

Y. Chow, assist.book-keeper Tugs

Shing Yah-ching,

Advertising Dept. Contractors—2 and 3, Quai de Salvage

and Passenger Tenders and France:

W. A. Mo I Miss L. Measpn Teleph.

Depts.); 82090

Cable(Private Exchange1 to all

Ad: Wheelock

Chi Tso-ching

Circulation Dept. | Miss E. Popova' G.P. A.E. Cox,

Marden, chairman

S. S. Morris | Miss J. Ecaldre director

Agent for: F. R. Davey, 1 do.

“ London Times'”, publications E. Hayim, do.

O. G. WeigaU,

Steen, o.b.e.,

do. general manager

Shanghai Trading Co., Importers of .m J.G. A.S. Anderson*, supt. engineer

Woollen Piece,Goods—613, Nanking

Teleph. 91332 ; Cable Ad : Stradingco Rd.; J. S. Flood

W. H. Pritchard

A. H. Record

Shanghai Tramway Co. (see Shangha, Secretaries :

Wheelock & Co., Ltd.

Electric Construction Co.)

fO & fit 5l ± Shanghai Vacuum Cleaning and-

■:' Shang hai yung sze hung sze Storage Co., Ltd., (Arte; (tOafts, Ld.r

Shanghai Transportation Co., Ltd., Secretaries Cleanersand-andManagers),

Storers, Carpet and

Lighterage Contractors, Stevedores, Fur Warehousemen and



Salvage Operators , and Shipping

Agents—7a, The Bund; Teleph. 11460, Bubbling Well Road; Teleph. '34226;.


Cable Ad: Exchange to all Depts.); Cable

UnyU Kiaocbow

Ad: Esvececo. Depositories: 339,



Y.M. Shimada, presidentdirector

(Kobe) Directors-


. J. Hicks, and Mitchell

Amano, managing

K. Sugimoto, director and manager P.J. E.Skene ■

Woo. i1 Miss Mrs.

Miss K.B,

M. Chaikin


Shanghai Trust Col,:. Trust Services, J. Kershaw Digmanese-

Banking, Savings, Real Estate, •J. Y. Ching I Miss C. F. Lacson

Insurance, ArchitectTeleph.

and Engineering F. S. Chang I Vincent.Chun


C: C.Peking

Yang, Road;

chairman 12923 Shanghai Veneer Wood Co., Manufac-

P. W. Kuo, mng.' director turers of Tea-Chests, Packing Cases and

O.W. M.H. Shu. do. . Veneer Board — 36, Kiukiang- Road;

Chen, director Teleph. 17171

Y. C. Lau, do. Shanghai Wah Ching Fire Insurance

Miss S. W. Nyien,

T. Tche, directotb director

D. Z. Tsang, do. dp, Co., Ltd.—Doong Ding Shan;Lpong off

Bi How, Wei Moo Road; Teleph. 81178

J,T. C. Wu, supervisor;.C.',Liii9q t Ho. t#-t

K. P. Chen, do/ Shanghai Warehousing

K. N. Chang,' do. Ltd., General Storage,

Transportation—1080, Broadway Cold StorageEast;


J. C. Lind, general

A. managed Telephs. 52134,1529] 1.arid 31941

Y. T.T. C.Tsi,Kao,


manager M. Koizumi, manager

Y. Nishinnira, signs, per pro.

C. MV Chen, • do.


wi & 7]<% % m ± Distribution Department—Mains

Shang hai sze le yu haey sui hung sze A.H.Whaley, supt. of mains

d’A. Corte-Real

Shanghai Waterworks Co., Ltd. (Incor- J. F. Whitter

Sorated in England)—Head Office: 484,

dangse Road; Teleph. 15577 (5 lines); Secretary’s Secretarial Office


P.O. Box 798 J. C. Boldero. a.c.i.s., assist, secretary


A W. Burkill,M.o.b.e., LittleL. E.(chairman),

O.B.E., A. J. Welch, S. Fessenden

Canning, E.C. L.P. Geere,

L. Williams, do.

a.c.i.s., asst.

and W. P. Lambe Miss N. C. Almeida, private secy.

Engineer-in-Chief and Manager—C. Miss R. F.L. H.Carey

F. clerks Calder,andsteno-typist

C. Melchers,

D. Pearson, m.inst.c.e., m.i.mech.e.,

M.I.W.E., M.AM.W.A., M.AM.P.H.A. Transfer Office '

Secretary—R. Lock, b.a., ll.b., a.c.a. S. J. Moalem, assist, registrar


Rial, B.SC.,Engineers-in-Chief—W.

A.R.C.SC., f.i.c., m.i.chem.P.

e., assoc.m.inst.c.e. and C. B. Accountant’s H.T.W.G.Carter,



A.M.I.C.E., Staff

A.M.I.MECH.E. Main, a.c.a.,

Revenue chiefacct.


E. A. P. Wood, A.M.I.C.E., A.M.I.W.E. N. M. W. Harris, a.c.a., assist, acct.

a.c.g.i., consumers engineer J.E. J.N. Martin,

Trueman, do.


R. M. Currie, supply engineer A. H. Childs, dept, chief clerk


H. Martin, b.a., assist, supply Clerks — A. C.Almeida, Miss M.E.J. M.d’

D. Webb, b.sc., a.i.c. and W. Almeida, A. Barradas,

Hamilton, b.sc., a.l.c., a.b.t.c., asst, Barradas, P. Blix, A. G. Collaco,

chemists Engineer—S. E. Flory, M. A. Collaeo, T. M. Collace, C. A.

Construction Fernandes, J. C. Fonseca,

Hanson, R. Hennessey, M. P. Maher, J. K.

A.M.I.C.E., A.C.G.I. J. W. McDonald, J. C, Remedies, F.

Chief Draughtsman: H. Rudland and Miss M. Little

V. F. Golubyatnikoff, dip!, engr., (steno-typist)

A.M.I.STRUCT. E. Revenue Office

Stores and Property: H. F. Prytherch, assist, secretary

W. A. Willis, stores superintendent D. W. Leach, assist.


S. F.S. Cock

McGill, assist.

I M. A. Ferras. K. Y. Yao,R. Fernandes,


F. Elahi I C. O. White Clerks—H. J. A. Leon,

A. L. Letchford, F. C. Mallett, F. A.

Clerical: J. R. Villas (chief clerk), S.H. Mori and E. G.

Maula, steno-typist da Silva

D. F. Beare, H. Cadd, G. B. A.

Collaco, Mario A. Ferras, O. P. Chief Cashier’s Office

Pleshkoff and V. B. da Silva A. S. Baskett, chief cashier

Pumping Station: A.J. R.J. Borsbery,

Cooper, assist.


McMahon, superintendent

assist, do. collectors I. Haas and N. Hass,


J. Black, J. A.Colquhoun,

Evans, R.L. M. A.

Johns, V. J. Wilsons. N. Hadden, Shangahaia Sze m w * * a f% -t

lai sui Yu haey Kung sze

M. McVicar,

E. Turner J. S. Mudford and Shanghai Waterworks Fittings Co., Ltd.

Distribution Inspection: The

Sanitary (Incorporated

and Heating in Hongkong),

B. M. W. Grimes, chief inspector

R. Barrie, assist, do. Contractors—Head OfficeEngineers

and Show- and

F. Brewer,

A. Bloomfield, N. V. room:484, Kiangse Road; Teleph. 15577;

Ferras, G.R, Broadley,

C. Hamilton, MiguelC. A.S. P. Directors—H.

O. Box 798 M. Little (chairman), G.

Kemp, V. Lenoise, G. F. C. Mc- P.Shackleton

Forster, C. D. Pearson and C. F.


J. A.Marks.

M. Fonseca,

W. R. G. A.Mack,


Pettit, E. A. Richardson, B. W. ThegeneralShanghai Waterworks Co., Ltd.,


Spiegler, R. C. Veir and R. J. R. Lock, b.a., l.l.b., a.o.a., secretary

Vosper A. Jennings, manager



Technical staff:— *

T. J. Goodman, m.k.san.i... a.m.i.ji.v.k., Mei-kuo-yah-tung~tua-hsueh-


J.•T. McMillan, . ...

assist, engr. ....7 ' , , . . fim^nrcjiing-eha^gj: ,,

Hadden, Supt. Sharp and Dohjvie Inc., Manufactur-

ing and Biological Chemists^l61,



J.H. W.Meston,

Ridley,assist.' Museum Road; Teleph. 17123; P.O.

Box 812; Cable Ad: Mustard

Office Mustard & Co., Ltd.:, sole Distri-

butors for China and Hongkong

A.?ff. Zamrnattio,

Rangel, chief,clerk

assists apct. , Morris W, ;!Stranack, f.c.s , m.p.s.

Clerks—F. A. Tanaka, A. flouza, -(Lond.),‘ 'germral •' manager^ in

A. Silvestri, C. F. Maqain, E. China and Hong Kong

Zammattio and E. August Harold G. Howard, m.p.s.

G. Leriou, stenog. : ’ ‘ ; , PeterS. Wong, ph.g., phar.b.

Stores. Dept. Shp.h Chang Trading Co., Ltd., Im-

M. F. dos Hemedios, storekeeper porters of Paper and Metals—280,

General Manarrers for ■ Peking Road.; Teleph. 10724; Cable

The China Brass

Agents for , ■ < ■ r ,'3 Shen Then Land Investment Co.—7,

Richard Crittal, Ld.: Panel Heating Hashing Road; Teleph. 40722

: Cl&rke System-Vigilant

. ' Sprinkler ./ Jnstalla- i3 Shepherd, G. C., Textile Agent—320,

tions; ./ "hi .'I - mnS Szechuen Road : Teleph. 12229: P.

<3. Box 589; Cable Ad: Unipede

Shanghai Yacht ClItb—-(See Clubs) Sherman & CO.---335, Szechuan Road;

Teleph. 15836

“Shanghai Zaria/’ Russian News- Shih & Co., C. L.—681, Bubbling

paper, Published in the Morning & Well Road; Teleph. 32217

Evening (Established in 1925/ by

M. S. Lembich) —774, Avcmue Joffre; RENGOj 1 The, Associated

Teleph. 74460 (3 lilies, private ex- Shimbun Press of Japan—34, Av. Edward

change to all depts.); Cafcle: Ad: VII.; Tejeph. 14609; Cable Ad:

Zaria Rengo

Mrs. O. V. Lembich, publisher

E. S, Kaufmain,

L. V. Arnoldov, editor managing dir. Shing Chong & Co.—121, Kiangse

N. A. Teplyakoff, manager Road; Teleph. 18542

A.K. T.A.Yeiss, e.ditpjr

T.obacheff, (afternoon

secretary issue) Shing Chong Artificial Silk Hong—

G. A. Averkin, assist, do. 205, Shantung Road ; Teleph: 90628

Y. Y. Drozdoff, sports editor Shing Hwa .Co<—13, .Cunningham

S. S. Aksakoff, mus. do.

Reporters—Y. P. Petrov, M. C. Road; Teleph. 46106


V. , N. Jevlevfi, F.A. Svetloff,E. Brinckman, Mrs. Shing Kfe Construction Co.—Con.

A. G. Panchenk, J. J.: Shlgeff and H. Emp, C Nanking Rd.; Teleph. 93673

KlinghardfC' . Shing Tai Electric Co., Engineers—511,

Shanghai Zionist ; AssooiATioN-’(

Associations) . , SIIINXYO Yoxo Goshi Kaisha, Importers

and Exporters — 131,BoxKiangse

829; CableRoad;

Shanghai Ckcaa{tc Works Ltd.—119. Teleph. 10775; P.O. Ad:

Jinkee Road: Teleph. T2792; Cable Shinkyo

Ad: Iphantobaco, Shinsho Yoko, Manufacturers of Storage

Sharp & Gold Exchange—-371, Chapoo Batteries and Badio

Kianarse Road; Teleph.Apparatus—3'A

19800; Cable

Road; Teleph 41034 Ad: Sinshoyoko


® w ® m. m m M # fFah ha

Hong yih je wu sze pou Siber Hegner & Co., Import Merchants


Glen LineReview,

Buildins:,The”2, —Pekine; 306, —20,

Room Road; Canton Road; Teleph. 18688;

P.O. Box 408; Cable Ad: Pilotus

Teleph. 15854; P. O. Box 971;' Cable Ad: Siberian Fur Store, The (H. Klebanoff)


Geo. T. Lloyd, editor —1172/4, Bubbling Well Road; Teleph.

P. H. King, advt. mgr. 35,656

Nee Ah Ching, cashier Siberian Fur Store (tr. J. Soskin)

Showa Shipping Gd., Ltd., Steamship and —1198, Bubbling Well Road; Teleph.

Marine Insurance Agents—130, Hankow 32041

Road; Teleph. 18650; Cable Ad: Marus

Siberian Furriers Co., Expert and

Shpilberg, Dr. S. S., Medical Prac- Experienced Furriers—1135-37, Bub-

titioner—Cathay Flats-, Apt. '834a. , bling Well Road; Teleph-. 32211

Avenue Joffre; Teleph. 75202

Siberian Jewellery Store, Diamonds,

Shriro Brothers (China), Ltd.. Whole- Precious Stones, Watches, Jewels, Gold


shery— 123, Canton Road; Teleph. and

of Piece Goods, Furs and Haberda- Silver Ware—82, Nanking Road;

Teleph. 11915; Cable: Ad: Lipkovsky

17888; Cable Ad : Shiro

J. A. Shriro, manager Siemens Bros. &, Co. (London), Ltd.

—Manufacturers of ' Telephone, Te-

m legraph and Electrical Signalling

Shroff, P. B., Silk Merchant and Com- Apparatus, Submarine and Land

mission Agent— 120. Jink he ’ Road ; talisators,All etc.—320,

Cables, Electric Racecourse To-'

Szechuen Rd. ;

Teleph. 12057; Cable Ad: Pesee Teleph. 14834; Cable Ad: Telint

Shroff & Co., R. F., Silk Merchants,

etc. — 671, Szeehuen Road: Teleph. !i ft m ^ pi ®


R. F.P.OsBox

Shroff, 241; Cable Ad: Sirin

propr. Hsi men tse dien chi chang , ,;

S. J. Shroff | W. S. Tsao Siemens China Co., (China Branch, Ger-

Shun Chong Sewing Machine Co.— man Siemens

and Works), ElectricalKiangse


309, Avenue Ed'ward VII. ; Teleph. facturers Road; Teleph.


15400;..P.O. Box 1040;

84945; Cable Ad: 1426 Cable



Branches: Nanking,


Shun Kee Road;

& Co.. Teleph.

Iron Merchants—137, Peiping, Tientsin

Foochow 93947

Siemssen & Co., Merchants. Engineers,

“Shun Pao”, Chinese (Daily News- Teleph. . and Insurance

17346; Agents—451,

P.O. Box 406Kiangse


. Rd.;

paper—309, Hankow Road; Teleph. O.H. Struckmeyer, partner

93248; P.O. Box 600 A. Siebs, do. (Hamburg)

Shun Shth News Agency—160, Avenue Siemssen & Krohn, Tea Merchants and

Edward VII; Teleph. 17734 and 15700 ExportersTeleph.

and Importers—66,

Shun Woo Engineering Works, Iron Road; 14957; P.O. BoxMuseum


& Brass Founders, Specializing in Cable Ad : Kronsiem r

Vertically Cast Water & Soil Pines,

Machinery Manufacturers, and En- m m w ® n w ®

gineering Contractors—803, Point Tsze cnap yue pao yin su co

Road. Hougkew; Teleph.

Y. C. Kou, general manager 52082

K. T. Yui, asst. do. Signs of TheofTimes

Publishers Publishing

the “ Shi Djao YuehHouse.

Bao ”

T. W. Chen, accountant and Miscellaneous Religious and Teleph.


K. C. Wong, cashier Literature—515, Ningkuo Road;

T. F. Lu, factory supt. 50551; Cable Ad: Signs



Sikh Store, Importers, Exporters and Sine Pharmacy (Deutsche Apotheke,

Commission Agents, Dealers in Indian operated by Pharmacia Co... Ltd.)—14,

Broadway; Teleph. 40364; P.O. Box 1333

Provisions—63, Miller

40255; Cable Ad: Sikh Road; Teleph.

Silva Trading^ Co., Import-Export and Sing Chong Iron "Works—413, North

Shanse Road; Tlepeh. 41543

Manufacturers’ Representatives—304,

Peking Road; Teleph. 11963; P.O. Box Sing Chong Machinery Co.—171,

1791: Cable

Bentley’s, A.B.C.Ad:6th S waste; Codes: Woochang Road ; Teleph. 43903


H. de Chen,

Silva, typist

manager Sing

Hu Ping Sing, Chinese asst. Road;DahTeleph.


Mill—Qa, Tientsin

A. Salaman, salesman

C. Woo, do. & f'J Hr Sing lee hung sze

^ & m. x Wi Sing Lee Co.,

Museum Road;Chemicals

Teleph. Importers—3,

18940; Cable

Sin chung icun gsze Ad: Singleeco

Sin Chttng Engineering Co., Specializing H. T. Sun, mgr.

R. C. H. Yih, asst. mgr.

in Pumps, Oil Engines, Rice Ma- K. C. King

chines and Steel Structures—378,

Kiangse Road; Works: Pao Chang Sing Tai Furnishing Co.—1192, Bubbling

Road, Chapei; Teleph. 19824; Cable Well Road; Teleph. 33843

Ad: 9824

Sin Sun News Agency—Lane 420, 9, Sing Wah Woollen Co.—143, Hupeh

Road; Teleph. 93860

Foochow Road; Teleph. 94600

Sin Shun Tai & Co., Contractors - and Sing Wha Weaving Machine Co.—3,

North Shanse Road; Teleph. 45414


way; Teleph.Merchants

41545 — 1098, Broad-

“Sin Wan Pao,” Chinese Daily News- 3RA«B*®

paper—274, Hankow Road; Teleph. Singapore Ho lan huo slang pee hu/ng sze

94166; P.O. Box 803 Rubber Works, Manufacturers

of Mechanical and General Rubber and

^ ^ ^ W\ Ebonite GoodsCable

Teleph. 11808; — 107,Ad:Isonandra

Museum Road;

Sin sze hung sze

Sincere Co., Ltd., The, (Head Office: Hong Singer Sewing Machine Co.—12, The

Kong), Universal Providers, Provision Bund J. P. De Berry, agent

and Wine Merchants, Drapers,

ters, Complete House Furnishers and Outfit- A. L. Barrett

Decorators—560, Nanking Road; Teleph. H. H. Look | Miss R. Bloomfield

94226: Cable Ad: Sincere; Codes:

Bentley’s and A.B.C. 5th edn. ^l] H; M.ow lee

Sincere InsuranceChekiang

Ltd., The—403, and Investment Co., Sino-Aryan

Road;Teleph. Exporters andTrading Co., Tea

Commission and Silk


91911; (Head Office: Hong Kong with 10 Museum Road; Teleph. 19935; P.O. Box

other Branches) 1626; Cable Ad: Sinaryan

A. B. Madon, manager and propr.

The Sincere Co., Ltd., genl. managers

Sincere Life Assurance Co., Ltd.—403, Sino-Continental

Exporters—119, Co., Importers and


Office: HongRoad; 11955; P.O. BoxJinkee

Kong)Teleph. 90753; (Head Conteosino 1817;Road;



The Sincere Co., Ltd., genl. managers

Sine Laboratory Co., Ltd.—20, Rue Sino-Foreign Import-Export Co.—190,

Massenet; Teleph. 73294 ' Peking Road; Teleph. 17181


Si no-Swedish Machine Co. — 210, K. V. Pohitonoff, mechanician

Kiukiang Road ; Teleph. 14809 K. H. Lee, clerk

T. Y. Zah, do.

C. Y. Lee, do.

in & m n m m W. H. Fah, do.

-Sintah Mill-Fuenishing Co., Merchants, Arsenals, Artillery and Aviatioii—Te-

leph. 13940; Cable Ad: Delet, Shanghai

Mill Furnishers, No.

Contractors—Y. General Engineers

4, Lane and

139, Lloyd A. V. Obolsky, Commercial rep.

Road; Teleph. 93585; Cable Ad: Millcott. for China

Wine Y. G. Fremr, m.e., technical

Teleph.Dept.— 80455 471, Avenue • Joffre; rep. (Shanghai)

K. S. Ging, prop, and manager Miss A. Gruengut, secretary

V. P. Zung

F. C. Linn | M. S. Chen |g Tien foh

Sole Agettts for:

“Clover Beer” of National Brewery, Slevogt & Co., Importers .and Exporters

—110, Szechuen Road; Teleph. 14499;

Shanghai P.O. Box 514; Cable Ad: Slevogt

io ^ t m if Slovo Printing and Publishing Co.

Sin toon mou yih hung sze —238, Avenue du Roi Albert; . Te-

'Sintoon Overseas Trading Co.', Ltd., lephs. 72798 and 71449

Importers, Engineers and Exporters—

The National Commercial Bank Bldg.,


CablePeking Road; Telephs. 17436-7; Slowe & Co., Ltd.,lljfiMerchants—110,

Shun fah

Ad: Navigatrad kow Road; Teleph. 15611; P.O. BoxHan- 813;

fj- 3H H Vee chong y.ang hong: Cable W. Ad:Monk,

J. Slowedirector

•tSCSEp Ball and Roller Bearings, Split W. Nation, do’.

Belt Pulleys and Line Shafting Accesso- P, D. G. Gain, Ro.

ries—Hamilton House; Teleph. 11330, A. H. Buschman | Miss O. Down

Cable Ad: Bearings Smidth

Ekman Foreign Agencies, Ltd., agents of Cement &.,Co., F. L., Manufacturers

Machinery—30, Foochow

Road; Room 132; Teleph. 10306;

i§ x i§ rt m Cable

Copenhagen, Denmark Head Office:

Ad : Folasmidth.

Su ho tah hung jiang ' Niels Jensen, b.sc., m.i. dan., c.e.

.Skodaworks, Ltd. (Far Eastern En- Mrs. M. Stang-Lund

gineering Offices of the Limited Com- Smith Ltd. (Shanghai), Silk and

pany, formerly the Skodaworks of Plzen, Gen. Produce—9, Avenue Edouard

Czechoslovakia), Steelworks, Builders


all kinds—of 24, Mechanical

The Bund,and Electrical

Suites 38 VII; Teleph. 84076

and 37; Telephs. 13940 and 10318; Cable G. Mexis, partner^

.Ad:F. Skodaworks G- E. Paradissis, do.

L. Pernot, do.

F. Urbanek, genera] rep. for China

Z. K. Tokarjevsky, e.k. (Tientsin)

A. J. G.Vrana, h.e. (Canton)

Pisarevsky, e.e., m.e., mgr. So Brothersff & #Co., HIniporters H

and Ex-'


A. Kusik (Harbin) porters—299, Szechuen Road; Teleph.

19185; Cable Ad: Sobrothers

J. Cermak, m.e.

Y.T„ L.Spacek, m.e. jChinese

Chow,B.sc., A. Recek,


mgr. Societe Belge de Bienfaisance—(see

A.K. Schirmer, secretary Associations)

Sticka, do. Societe Frakcaise pu Haut Yang Tze,

V. Pfeifer, accountant

K. Tomes Import and Export—25,

sulat: P:O.Box 226 j Teleph,Rue

82350'du; Cable


: L. Konichet, steno-tpyist

Y. Y. Chu, Chihesfe stcy. Ad: Chiris


SocTete Francp-Chinoise de Construc- Soochow University Second Middle.

tions Metalliques et Mecaniques School—(Nee Educational)

(Kiousin Docks), Dock Proprietors,

Shipbuilders, Engineers and Boiler Sopher & Co., Theodore, Financing,

makers, Founders, Electric and Gas

Welding and Woodwork Contractors— Real Estates, Industries, Mortgages,

Administration—20, Kiukiang Rd.;


Aye. 9, Quai

Bezaure, de France. Works:

Nantao;Telephs. 80232- Telph. 12800; Cable Ad: Sopher

3-4 (Head Office), (Works) 82032-3-4, Arthur Sopher

21149 and 22678 (Nantao) Theo. Sopher

G. Piai.lippar, chairman of dir. F. C. Chang, chief acct.


SunyuWang, Chu, accountant

M. (Paris)

Litzellmann, director (Paris) do.

A. Berger, do.

Messageries Maritimes) director w m

(Shanghai) A Co., De, Merciiauts, Importer8-

Admiral Wei Han (dir. S’hai.) Sousa and Exporters, etc.—149, Yuen Ming

Fu Siao En, do. Yuen Road; Teleph. 18897; Cable Ad:

Leou Heou Cheng, do. Joaqmsousa

.Seng Yong,do. J. M. C. de Sousa

Li Ming, do. Y.Q. A.S. M. C. de Sousa

Nicholas Tsu, do. Chwang

J. Cochet, managing ' do'. ‘

D. Martinoli, engr.-in-chief and South China S.S. Co., Ltd.—668, Sze-

G. manager

Tiran chuen Road; Teleph. 17526

M. Dubois

S. Zviaguine N. Angelosanti

P. Daumas G. E. Rolliz

H. J. Lubeck ^ ^ Powlai

J.E. M.Muller

E. Lopes Y.P. Guins

Chadoff South British Insurance Co;., Ltd.


18653; P.O. Office)—18,

Box 454; The Bund;

Cable Teleph.

Ad: British;

A. Wloff Mme. Le Bunetel Codes: A.B.C.5th and6th edns.,Bentley’s

N. Nazaroff, dock master W.W.G.J.Dove, manager M. Hayward

Soc. Francaise des Telephone Inter-

urbains—320, Szechuen Road; Te- R. H. Dexter

Wallace H.H. Uyeno

leph. 14834 J. J. Gutierrez A. L. Altshuler

Societe des Missions Etrangeres— South Eastern Trust Co. — 134,

{See Missions) Avenue Edward VII; Teleph. 14332

Societe_ Suisse de Bienfaisance—(tfee South Eastern Trust Co.—1, Szechuen

Associations) Road; Teleph. 12482

£ H &*>« South Manchuria Railway Co. — 24,

Society of Chemical Industry in Basle, The Bund; Teleph. 13480; P.O. Box 455;

Cable Ad: Mantetsu


turers (C.I.B.A.

of Artificial Co.),

Indigo, Manufac-

Aniline Dyes

and Medicines-i-45, Kiukiang Road;


Color; Codes: 12363; Bentley’s,

P.O. Box 840;

A.B.C.Cable Ad: South

5th and

Wales Organisation

Ltd, (Selling Tinplate Corporation

for the lead-

6th edns. and Universal ing British tinplate mills)—Sassoon

House, Nanking Road; Teleph. 10069;

Solar Electrical and Manufacturing P.O. Box 1324; Cable Ad: Tinplacorp

Co.., Ltd.,

Flasks Teleph. Manufacturers

and Glass of Vacuum Southeastern Architectural and En-

Road; 19903;Ware—128,

Cable Ad:Museum

Solar gineering

Teleph. 15619Co. — 451, Kiangse Road;

Sod Sing Kee Cotton Goods Co.—

25, Zung Mei 11, Ningpo Road; Southern Cross Trading Co.—Con.

Teleph. 92768 Emp., Nanking Road; Teleph. 90440


'Southern Leaf . i Tobacco •' Co., Leaf | St. Andrew’s CHURca-^C's'ee Churehes)

Tobacco Exportei's aiisd ImyK rtcrs—11.

Museum Road; Teleph. 17600; Cable Ad: | St. AXURf/yv' s Societi’—(see'. Associa-

. Solea ■ tions) : • yd ;

■Soy Chong, Engineer, Plumber, Brass ; St. Cavid’s. y Sqqiety—{see Associa-

and Iron Founder,.

Blacksmith, GeneralBarss Worker and tions)

Contractor,and .\ ,

Wholesale Hardware Merchant— St. Elizabeth’s RospiTAL-r-(.see. Hospi-

General Officje:

Teleph. 94460. Works:26C r Hankp.w Road;

Yates tals) fj dl d ii,« f.( ; 4 A

^ Road. Gaible; Ad : Souchong ■ • . . St. Francis Xavier’s-Church— (see


Soy'Shng Ziang S.’S. Co.—498, Peking I Churches) " 'd- '

Road; Teleph. g’SGSS ■

I; St.Chemistsand,

' George’s Druggists—;15i9^

Pharmacy. Dispensing Biibbling

Soy Tax Ziang Leather Co.-^-l 36, Well Road; yeljeph. 35183 ‘ ,

Seward Road; Teleph. 43508

Spanish Consulate—(see Consulates) ^ Ta

v j- 'ei she

ivr u

[ft {& l\iol»

Sparke, C. E., Insurance . Office —322, ; St. John’A ylNiversity (Aee Educa-

Kiangse Road; Teleph. TO828; Cable Ad: tional)


s m is. I St. Joseph’s Catholic -Association—

(A.^ Associations) ,

Sparks, D. B., Manufacturers’' Direct

Representatiye—12., The|.pund; Teleph. | St. Joseph’s CiiErch—(Are L'hurChes^

llSoi; F. O. Box 1794; Cable .Ad: Sparks

;% .Hj Mo.hai j St. Luke, Hospital—(Ac'e': Ho:-iptals)

Spence, Robinson Partners; Architects, St. Patrick’s Society- Assooktions)

SurveyorvLand and Estate Ad: Standard '’ ,

Peking Road • (4th floor)Agents—27,

: Teleph.

10021; Cable Ad : Spenfobin ;Standard^ Dairy pARMr—485, Great

Weatttrn Road;1 Telephs. '20755 and

% % I 21815' ■

Spizzica & Co., 6;, Import, Export and .StandaEd DEitg. Co., I-Ti).—11-1.2, Fu-

General Agents—110* SzechUen Road:' : kien R'dad; Teleph. 9086.7;, Ckble Ad:



: P.O. Box 1204; Cable; i-Ad: Standadrug

Sporting World, A Weekly Newspaper (Standard, Life .Assurance Co.—17,

Devoted to World Wide Sports Coverage Canton Road.^ ,Teie|)h. 11369; -Cable


84080; Avenue,

P.O. Box Edward VII;!Ad:Telbph.

2085; Cable Mer-


Frank Burton, editor Mercupress |Standard-Yacuum

Tientsin Branch: ^ ; j Wt Metfoo j'.

Ernest Gertz/cirCfilationMngr. . - Oil Company—94,

Y. F. Zah, business manager ! Canton Road; Telephs,: 12487;’Cable

Miss-A. Garzey,, women’s editor Ad: Standvac -

, General Management

F. ,1 Twogcod,. -general ! - manager

w $ ^ZQ^hing • R. J. Corbett, < i : , J do: j P

■-Squikes, BinghamRoad;Ltd., Sporting-Goods J.W. Carney, : ‘-I do.

—52, ^Nanking. P.O. Box 819; } Refined Oil Division '■


R. W.Ad:-Squib

Squires , . ., ; ’> D. C.F. Seitz

H. Reib II W. A- A.Palmer


C. c. Squires 4 E. Gaiiavarro N. G. Weed . C. E, Harris


Lubricating Oil Division Stab Cinema, Fed. Inc., U.S.A.—301,


Conan t, |assist,

M. A. gen. mgr.

Mitchell Park Road; Teleph. 31897

A.E. Ferguson I| J.H.Robertson

G. B. Perry Star Dairy Farm—111, Great Western

M. Geibel Road; Teleph. 20016

P.R. Klyhn

Gregg II Y.C. Tatlock

T. Sonichenko

Star Film Co., Ltd.—142, Museum

Gasoline Division Road; Teleph. 10896

A. C. Cornish

C.K. H.E. Graham

Sprague | F. Bell J| ^ Poa sing

Legal Division Star Lithographic Co.—19, Boone Road;,

J. A. Bristow Teleph. 40701; Cable Ad: Eligo

Construction Section

F. M.T. Skov

C. Guss | M. L. Hotchkiss Star Motion Picture Co., Ltd.—744,

Installation Section Rue Bourgeat; Teleph. 70096. Busi-

H. F. Merrill | T. C. Graham ness Dept. : 35, Jinkee Road; Teleph.

J. Abbass 15873

W. H. Blackwood | A.B. A.S.deRago Shirazee

Star Photo Engraving Co.—668,

Pootung Szechuen Road; Teleph. 11655


Honnor Instal. A. Supt.

F. Meyer

N. F. Jensen V.E. Williams Star

Tokmakoff Teleph. Trading Co.—64, Canton Road;

E. Lang 12629

Marine Section States Steamship Co., Steamship Opera-

C. H. Carlson tors—Ad: Hamilton House; Teleph. 19444;

E.G. L.Giliberto

Halleland T.G. E.Sevaldson Snellman Cable

G. R.



B.P. Jorgensen E. Smith Agents for


strip^,! Section H. Toft Oceanic



LineNavigation Co-

W. C. Ball

J. P. Hawes ] T. Sayle Sir Wm. Reardon Smith & Sons, Ld.

Accounting Division

J. C.F. A.McMunn,

Crispin accountant n % mi u m

C.D. A.Fernando

Capell R. W. Roche Steel Drums, Ltd., Manufacturers of

Oxygen and Acetylene Gases, Tanks,

A. A. Leitao K.C. Sarkari

R.C. Thompson

M. Smith Drums

Road; and Steel 50314;

Teleph. Work—691,Cable Ward


F.F. A. Leitao

Y. Maher J. Turner Steelarums

C. L. Passes

J. Pettersson R. Wegener Steiner Import Co., General Suppliers to

General Division C. A. Young the Cigarette Manufacturing Industry

—210, Kiukiang Road (4th floor);

F. H. Weber Teleph. 18412; P.O. Box 1087; Cable

J. M. B. Gutierrez Ad : Recomax

Miss M. Ashley Mrs.

Miss C. M. Brown

Miss H. A. Brown T. S. M.Lui,R. Steiner, partner


Miss A. G. Chatham

Mrs. W. Drummond IT JUi # Ig Sai fun

Mrs. P. Renacre Stevens, W. R. M., Average Adjuster-

Miss M. Haimovitcb Rooms 315/319, Wayfoong House, 220,

Mrs. G. L. Hinds Szechuen Road; Teleph. 10033: P.O. Box

Miss Y. M. Mann 943; Cable Ad: Gapastate

Miss A. S. Parsons

Miss V. Pearson Stewardson, R. E., F.R.I.B.A., Architect,

Mies E. Remedios Surveyor, Land and

Miss K. V. Shekury

Mrs. E. F. Stewart 149,


CableMing YuenEstate

Ad: Stewardson Road; Agent—


Mrs. M. V. Travelyn R. E. Stewardson, f.r.i.b,a.

Mrs. E. N. Watton S. Feng, asst.


;Stewakt, Thomson & Co., Ltd—185, O. Meister, manager

i Yuen Ming Yuen Eoad; Teleph. E. Staudt, m.e., assist, mgr.

19456; P.O. Box 453; Cable Ad: H. Harms-Emden, m.e.

Solway A. Diener, erecting engineer

Elliston & Co., agents Chou

Mrs. E.Lun Yuan, m.e.


Stewarts & Lloyds, Ltd., Manufacturers Miss F. Saul


Wrought Ironand

and Bars,

Steel Tubes, Steel Miss J. Lospmasse

Sections Zinc Sheets

and Plates—133, Szachuen Road; Sumitomo Bank, Ltd.—(see Banks)

Teleph. 15170; P.O. Box 839; Cable

Ad: Lapweld Sumitomo Goshi-Kaisha—69, Kiu-

R. L. Alton, resident repres. kiang Road; P.O. Box 3101; Cable

Imperial Chemical

(China), Ltd., agents Industries Ad: Sumityoko

S. T.Tohji, manager

Yanaka, signs per pro.

[ Stey’s Dairy Farm, Grade “A” Pro- K. Iseri I. Kitakawa

| duction—92, Edinburgh Road; Tel. T. Murata M. Kuwada

.20241 K. Kusumoto K. Akino

T. S. Joseph Yaung, mgr. C. S. Chih Y. Sasaki

O. B. Lowe, gen. acct. Lo Ming Shen K. Tsunegoshi

i Stonham & Co., Ltd. — 12, Rue du Sales Office of : —

Sumitomo Steel Tube & Copper Works

(“ Consul at; Teleph. 83389; Cable Ad:

Stonham Sumitomo Electric Wire & Cable

Sumitomo Steel Woit

; Strehlneek, E. A., Strehlneek’s Gallery Sumitomo Chemical Co.


Chinese Art — 260, Kiangse Road; Sumitomo Coal Mine

16529 Sumitomo Copper Mine

^ H Saey fong SunBook-binders

King Printing andCo., General Printers,

Stationers,—G. 80,

Stromwall, Holdo, Agents, Engineers, Tiendong Road; Teleph. 41076

Shipping Agents—391, Kiangse

Teleph. 10364; Cable Ad: Stromtrade Road;

H. Stromwall, managing proprietor

Strong & Co., Exporters — 452, Kiangse Sun Rung yu tai yang ho sha hung sze

Insurance Office, Ltd. — 1, The

Rd.; Teleph. 18090; Cable Ad: Chinaforce Bund; Teleph. 10214; P. O. Box 851;

R. Heyn Cable Ad: Sunfire

C. E.Korrowitz,

W. Yisseringsigns per pro.

Studio D’Akt Inc-—126, Bubbling Yung ming zing siu po hsien leung sze

Well Road; Teleph. 94726

Sun Lifewhich Assurance Co. ofthe Canada

Suhr, K. H., Bda, Ydi. German, Civil (With Mutual Life

is merged

Insurance Co., Ld.,



and Consulting Engineer, Real Estate

— 266, Peking Road; Teleph. 16029; the Shanghai Life Insurance Co., Ld.)

Cable Ad: Suhr —Teleph.

Wayfoong House, 218, Szechuen

15009; P.O. Box 850; Cable Ad: Rd.;

It If H So° er su Sunbeam. Head Office:Montreal,Canada

Sulzer Brothers (Engineering Office of

Sulzer Brothers, Winterthur, Switzer- J. R. Moodie, manager

E. F. Harris, f.f.a., a.a.s., res. scty.

land), Steam Engines and Boilers, Cen- C.E. d’Almeida

A. Costa I| Miss Mrs. M.

T. D.Johns


trifugal Pumps and Fans, Stationary and C. M. Barradas | Miss M. Gitoff

Marine Diesel Engines, Refrigerating Tsao Shang-dao

and Ice-Making Plants, Maag Gears and Medical

Maag Planing Machines—Great

ern Telegraph North-

Building, 34, Avenue Dr. E. Officers

L. Marsh

Edward VII; Teleph. 16512; Cable Ad: Dr. J. H. Porter

Sulzerbros Dr. S. F. Kirkby-Gomes

Dr. A. E. Aylward | Dr. H.C. Patrick



It. E.Staff—(Foreign;

Borden Sung Sing Cotton Mills—421, Kiang-

T.A. B.C. Davis

Brown , J.T. it.Saphiere

Sanderson se Road;; Telfph. 10345 •

F.W.X.J. Gutierrez It, B. Nichols Sung Sing Cotton Spinning and

Kenyon H. S. Openshaw Weaving Co.,—4%1, Kiangse Road;

H. L. Lawler ' it. H. Shrap Teleph. 16565

A. G. Meise B. Widens- Sung Tai Co.—-'280, A venue Edwa-rd

Agency Staff (Chinese) -‘Yili; . Teleph;’ 1672; -

Baihan Chen J Khoo- tjooi Hye

OhowTungVan | Thander Loy1 S UNO' Ta!i Engineeeing Works—253,

Agency Staff (Japanese)

Geo. Baldwin Tungchow Road; Teleph. 52474

S Yomiya

Sung Taj Tviport1 &' Export Co.—159,

Sun Ling & Go.—7«, Bubbling Well Tiendong Road; Teleph. 40543

Road; Teleph. 92879 Sung :^u'en Gil Gp;, Ltd—280, Pe-

Sun Ling & Co.—1008, Avenue Road; ' king Road'; ' Teleph. 1^290; Cable

Ad: Suupy-

Telepb.: 01373

^^ ^® ^ n & m % m m.

J/c? kno pu dao kan kung^ze , Mei Ttuo po dao kdn kung sze

Sun-Maid Raisin Growers’ Association Sunland Sales Association, Inc.—51,

—51, Canton Road; Teleph. 18263; Canton Road; 1Telephs. 16262-3; Cable

Ad:T. Suumaid

Cable Ad: Sumnaid R, Scanlon,‘ general manager


Oil Road;

Co. ofTeleph.

Philadelphia—110, Sze- Mrs.

Miss A.L. Barrera

Caravalhoj A. H. de Carvalho-

18734 K, Nakamoto, (Yokohama)

J. Ree, (Hongkong) ,

js m m ±

Sun Shoe Co., Makers and Vendors of Sunsuntay porters—42,Co., RueCla,ss deand laHardware

Porte Im-du

Boots an"d Shoes, Trunks, Suit Cases and

Bags—490, Szeclmen Road; Teleph. 16048 Sunsuntaco Nord; Teleph. 80510: Cable Ad:

Sun Sun Col,- Ltd., The, Universal Super Storage Battery Co.—291, Tse-

Providers and Department' Store-

570, Nanking Road; Telephs, 94116-8 poo Road; Teleph. 43368

and -Provision Dept. : 90715 ; P.O.

Box 1584; Cable'Ad : Siinsuri mm±

Ta Ying hsing ch’ien shill sze Ya men

Sun Yang Film Co.-mSS?, Avenue Ed- Supreme Court for China, H.B.M.’s—

ward VII. ; Teleph. 82702 33, The Bund; Teleph. 11489

Judge—Allan G. Mossop, M. a.

!H fE Foolung. Assist!

Crown Judge—P.

Advocate—V- Grant Jones, c.b.e.


Sunflower Mercantile

Export and Commission Agents— Co., Import, Registrar, Coroner and Police Court-

19, Jinkee Road; Teleph. 10470: Magistrate—C. H. Haines, m.b.e.

Cable Ad : Sunflower , Chief Clerk, and Official Receiver—L


L. X George Yue, manager .Assistant Clerk—A. Richetts

Judges Clerk—E.

; Marshal—J. C. Abbey

J. McCeown

Shou i mu cFi hao . Typisf—

Usher J.Mrs,,,Oliver

J. Da we

Sung Furniture Co., Furniture Makers,

and Exporters, Decorators and Con-

tractors — 684, Bubblings Well. Road; Suzette—133, Yuen Ming Yuen Road:

Teleph. 33399 Teleph. 11883


M M foon9 Ta Chen Navigation Co.—12, The

•Swan, Culbertson & Fritz, Dealers in Bund; Telephs. 19951-2


The Securities—Sassoon

Bund; Teleph. 11200; P.O. BoxHouse, 457; Tagineering

Chung Hua Shipbuilding and En-

Cable Ad: Swanstock. Offices: Swan, Teleph. Works—47, Ningpo Rd.;

Culbertson and Fritz, Hongkong and 18967

Manila Ta Chung YANg Rubber Industrial Co.,


D. Culbertson,

Fritz, partner

do. Ltd.—26-32, Tong-ge-bae-ka off Aveilue

K. W. Irle, do. Edward YII;Edward

26, Avenue Telephs.YU;15606-7-8—-0.A.

Teleph,. 91412

J. E. Swan,

Tse Tsok

K. L. Yui, Kai, Ta Hua Corporation—30, Foochow

J. R. Briggs jG.Meezenbroek Road; Teleph. 13843

J. R. Brown


O. Gumming : S.J. V.Y. Marco

Marden Ta Hwa Petroleum Co.—29, Szechuen


A. U. Fox ;G. E. Marques Road; Teleph. 1.9502

D. O’Neill ' A . Portaria

L. P. Quincey

Mrs. H. M. Campos .Mrs. Mrs. L.A! Ritter TaHiking Loh Industrial Co., Ltd.,—27,

Road; Teleph. 19237

M. P. Campos

D. K. Chant | Robinson Ta Yu Yue Oil Mill Co.; Ltd., Manu-

Miss E.I. J.Diniz

Drury ! Miss RodriguesA, facturing Bean Oil, Cakes, Cotton Seed

Miss R. Ferguson G. M.7 Ros.se ■• chow Cakes, Peanut Oil, etc.—86, We!st; Soo-


Miss L. B. Gries- ' MissShanovskoi

O. Road ; Teleph. 32222

R. N. Harris bach MissF. U S 'M fl II

Philip Ho Shamlin Fuh wo yin Hung sze

G.A. Killian Miss E. Silva


Mrs. A. G. Lopes V.A. G.Victal Taussig 1 Tabaqueria Filipina, Ltd., Tobacconists,

porters of Cigars,of Manila

Manufacturers Cigars,

Cigarettes, Im-


Swedish Association of China (See Road; Teleph, Sundries—79,

and. Smokers’ Nanking

12245; Cable Ad:

Associations)' Tabaqueria

* ^ Sv/i chung , Tabaqueria Sino Egyptiana., Importer

Swedish-Chinese Export and Import Co., and Exporter of: Macedonian Tobacco

Ltd.—20, Kiukiang Rd.; Teleph. 11250; Leaf, Manufacturers of Macedonian

Flower, Cigarettes and Sole Distribu-

Cable Ad: Matches:• Codes

Edn., Bentley’s And BentleyA Second / torsA.B.C. 6th of Ultra mixture Pipe Tobacco—

•S. Y. Euren . c ■- - ;> o 70, Jinkee

Ad; TabanaRoad; Teleph. 12154; Cable

Swedish Consulate—(see Consulates) Tacoma Oriental Steamship Co.—

Swiss Club—(see Clubs) Sassoon House; Teleph. 18014

Swiss Consulate—(see Consulates) Tah Kee Lumber Co.—1121, Hanbury

Road; Teleph. 43250

Swiss Watch Importing . Co.—34, Tah Teh Sing Oil Mill—172, Markham


! Road; Teleph. 12149; Cable Road; Teleph. 35529 . T

Ad: Swisswatch

D. C. Bang, manager Tah Yiu Art Rug Shop—12, Yates

SYNNERBERGy / G. V., Importei of Road; Teleph. 34892

Paper, Pulp, Veneer,, etc.—218,

Kiangse Road; Teleph. 14077; TaiYII.; Chong & Co.—630,

Teleph. 90950 Avenue

* Edward

Cable Ad: Synfintra

Tai Chong & Co., General 'Building

;Szu Dah Shipping Co.—Passage 15, 2, Contractors—580,! Nanking itoad;

Rue du Consulat; Teleph.' 81977- Teleph. 94132


Tai Chong & Co., Ltd., Complete Tai Shing Flour Co.—166, North*

House Furnishers, Cabinet Makers, Fokien Road; Teleph. 42452

Decorators, Drapers and General

Contractors—580, Nanking Road; Tai Ting Steam Launch Co.—672, N.

Teleph. 94107. Factory: 433, Yu Soochow, Road; Teleph. 41382

Yuen Road; Teleph. 20738

C. P. Loh, gen. mgr. Tai Shan Insurance Company, Ltd.,.

H. N. Wong, sub-mgr. General Insurance: Fire, Marine,

Furnishing Dept.— Life, Accident, Motor-car, War

P. W. Yih, manager Risk, Burglary, Plate-glass, Bag-

S. C. Tong I John Kang gage



Risks—2, CablePeking


C.P. S.K. Loh

Chen | T.P. S.K. Chang

Za Taishan

T. F. Yue, typist

Drapery and Soft Goods Dept:— Taishan facturers

Brick and Tile Co., Ltd., Manu-

of Face, Paving Tiles,

and etc.—


C. S. Zia, manager Bricks, Roofing and Hollow

C. P. Woo , P. S. Ho Continental Emporium; Teleph. 94305

Construction Dept.—•

H. N. Wong, manager

Charinson C. S. Loh, asst. mgr. Taisho IE& Col, ^ Importers

Ddh ching

and Exporters,

Accounts Dept.— of Stationery, Groceries, Surgical

N. L. Za, chief acct.

P. M. Ching, cashier ings, Fire-fighting Pumps, etc.Dress-

— 22,

J. W. Wong, do. Chaotung Road; Teleph. 90716; P.O. Box

Drawing Office— 895; Cable Ad: Osstaisho

Dawson Chang

T. F. Sung \ P. K. Yih Takaiwa & Co., K., Coal, Railway

Materials, General Import and Ex-

Factory : — port Merchants—320, Szechuen Rd.;

S. C. Hsu, manager Teleph. 12182; P.O. Box 1441; .Cable

0. W. Sze Ad : Takaiwa

P. K. Takaiwa, proprietor

Tai Foong & Co.—255, Nanking Road; Tarawa & 'Co.—191, Yates Road;

Telephs. 94109 and 92814

Teleph 35867

Tai Loong & Co.—875, Bubbling Well

Road; Teleph. 35694 Talati, S. M., Merchants and Commis-

sion Agents — 12, Rue du Consulat;

Tai Ping Fire and Marine Insurance Teleph. 81964; Cable Ad : Platform

Co., Ltd. — Kincheng Building 212, Tan Kah Kee

Kiangse Road; Teleph. 18004; Cable every class of Rubber Goods —371,

Ad : Taipinginc Nanking Road; Teleph. 90988

Oei Tjoe, chairman

Y. M. Chien, managing director Tankai & Co., Building Contractors

Y. Hou. do. —80, Bubbling Well Road; Teleph.

S. M. Tong, do. 91212; P.O. Box 890; Cable Ad:

T. M. Chow, do. Tankai

F. B. Hsu, do.

Head Office (Shanghai) Tass News Agency—5th floor, 20, Canton

T. M. Chow, general manager Road; Teleph. 18454; Cable Ad: Tass

H. N. Ting, assistant mgr.

K. P. Wang, do. Kang hsing

Shanghai Branch: Tata & Co., B. D., Merchants and Com-

H. N. Ting, manager

T. S. Tao, sub-manager

H. S. Yang, do. Teleph. 17313; Cable Ad:Ningpo

mission Agents — 20, Road;


S. Y. Wang, do. Directors—B.

B. P. Mehta D. Tata, Woo Zui Yuan,.

R. B. Zau, do. Agencies

H. F. Yang, do. ZoongYihSingCotton



K. C. Sung, business dept. Tung


Taylor Garage, Ltd.—96, Kuo Cardinal Marketing Division ■

Mercier; Teleph. 7005U; Cable Ad: P. F. Le Fevre, general manager

Tayloranco N. F. Xavier, supt.; refined oil dept.

L. A. Scotchmer, supt., lubricating

Ko u lai oil dept.

is M f Wm. B. C.Mayger,

Lawrencesupt. of sales de

Teesdale, Newman & Co. (formerly Tees-

dale, Newman & McDonald), Solicitors Miss E.. M. Collado I[ Mrs. G. Senna,

and Advocates—59, Peking Koad (Ewo J. J. McLachlan | Miss M. C. da


Teleph. Miss J. Raeburn | Silva,

Jeandah; A. B.C.13824;

5 th andCable Ad: Accounting

6th edns., Division

F. H. Sykora, general auditor

Western Union (Universal and 5-letter C.R. B.A. Thomson, asst, accountant

general auditor

edns.), Bentley’s and Kime’s Warren, chief

Kenneth Edward Newman, solicitor M. A. Bach Miss D. Jurgens

E. L. Hartopp, solicitor W.

W. Brockman

G. Chilsen F. J. Kengel-bacher

is m §i s « » # # F. P. Dacanay Mrs. A. M. Lon-

Teli fung ken wu hsien tien pao Miss S. Edgren borg

A. P. Eymard G. E. Luchangco

Telefunken (East Asiatic Telegraph S.F. Feldman

Foyn V. J. Reinhardt

Co.) Wireless Telegraph and Telephone L. H. G. Frost S.B. H.Rowoldt Saunders


Road; Teleph.& Engineers—218,

15400; P.O. BoxKiang-1040; T. M. Graham Jas. Feng

J. F. Griffis W. Taylor Sung

Cable Ad: Motor C.F. Henke

R. Halberg Chas. Tsien

235 S lai

Jas. F. Ho G.E. J.Tuttleman


Telge & Schroeter, Merchants, Eng- P. J. Jennings K. Ziegler

ineers and Contractors—620, Szechuen Terminal-Packing Operations

Road; Telephs. 16233-4, 13709 (En- J. B. Wolston, director of operations

gineering Dept.); P.O. Box 715; F. C. Harrell, gen. supt. of operations

Cabel Ad : Telge A.E. C.R. Stocker, chief engineer

McCoy, terminal supt.


Rix, signs per pro. A. Caldwell, 1st asst. supt.

H. Olters B. F. Johnson, 2nd asst. supt.

W. Neugehauer G. R. Bartolini W. H. Rees-Lee

A. Canetti S.S. D.E. Cull

Gerzo R.R. J.Stephan


A. Raucholz, engineer Miss G. Kew B. J. Verevkin

C.H. Luehr, depl. ing.


H. Ross General

Kud Berg A.H. Bryn, supt.,supt.,

S. Wavell, shipping & marine

shipping dept.

Mrs. Tse Mrs.Mrs.I. R.L. Baker

Bush 1 Miss M. Robinson

^ fjg Be hen Miss E. Collaco | Miss S. Sharp

R. J. Hayes | Miss G. Thomas

Tesdorpf, Han nig & Co., Marine Exports, Shanghai District

Marine and Cargo Surveyors—ll, R. J. Monical, actg. district manager

Studley Avenue; Teleph. 50057 A.H.Jones, district accountant

V. Bernard

E. W. Clements Y.D. L.P. McMillan Liu

n & m ± m Miss L. Carion

Teh sze ku ho you kung sze C.F. H.

M. Chow

Chu J. O. L. Martin

Texas Co. (China), Ltd., The, Petroleum J. C. Davis Miss H. Ones-


Products—H. & S. Bank Building, 12, J. T. Harrison E. L. Reed

The Bund; Teleph. 11566 (7 lines); P.O. Z. S. Kiang V. B. Russakoff

Box 1321; Cable Ad: Texaco G. J. A. Knox Mrs. D. Watts


W. H. Pinckard, managing director Thams, B.( Shipbroker—4, Qai de France;

Miss L. Turner Teleph. 82377; Cable Ad: Chartering


Theatre Supply Co., Ltd.—39, N. Soo- O.B.Thoresen

chow Road; Teleph. 41954

A. W. Enger 1 Miss L. Chu


Thesmar & Jarno—45, Kiukiang Road; R. M. Alarakia \ Miss A. Chu

Telephs. 18596, 19878 and 12310

H tfc Do Dh [gj Koe min


& Co., Ltd., John I., En-

Shipbuilders, Marine Motor

General Produce Merchants — 157,

Peking Road; P. O. Rojc.OOS; .Ca^l§ Ad: and Thorny: Motor VehicleTubeManufacturers,

croft Water Boilers, Coal

Teletype .

Wra. Theoddr, partner1 or Oil Fuel, Thornycroft Oil Fuel System

E.P. W.F. Seymour, —Robert Dollar Building, 51, Can-

Bea.van„ do. do.r ton Road; Teleph. 14270; P.O. Box

; 891; Cable Ad: Thornycroft

A.C.G. M. Hal'Clark

ley, manager'

! C: R. G. Uff ,

Thriftoor Bank—RS'ee Banks)

Thomas, K. IP, Gentlemen’s Tailor and Thunder Electric Works—17, Avenue

Shirt Maker —24, Nanking Road ; Teleph. Eoch; Teleph. 80101

12608; P.O. Bd^c ipi9; tl^ble Ad: Thoma

Thompson cy Co., J.A. —299+ Avenge Joffre; Tien Chang • Paper Mill Co.—Con-

tinental Bldg.; Telephs. 9^802, 92331

Teleph. 10943 , WA ,

p) & e m Tien Chu. Ve-Tsin Manufacturing

Co.—429, Ningpo Road; Telephs.

Thomson it 6b.,‘ Cbarterqd‘

—20, Canton Road;'Teleph; 16355; Cable 92024, 90612' Accountants

Ad: Scrutiny^Codes:

Bentley’s : 1

■ ‘ > ■ a.u.a: A.B.C.

/■■■' .iiortaH ■ < A 5th and Tien Hsien . Electric Supply Co.—

E. S. Wilki&sbn, 829, Peking Road; Teleph. 93876

L. Stedman, a.c.a. (Tientsin)

L. T. Peddow, a.c.A; (Peiping) $$ M IJA — 5C Dien ih' ve trio chang

G.B. O.A. Blaker,

Buyerte,-o.a. a.c.a. - •• ' -

F. G. Maunder (Hongkong) ■ 1 " Tien YeIh Mo

ofvSodium Ye Gourmet

Mo Factory,


I. E.C.Roberts;

M. Hal bon, a.c.A.

c.a. '■ ' '' Glutamate;—Mo. ••1andFactory:


A.C. L.E. Panton,

Millard, a.c.a. a.c.a. — 1060, VVhashing. Road. Mo. 2 Factory:


and Kwenming

50544, SalesRoad;

Oliice:Telephs. 50172

51, Ohefoo

W. Marsay, AlC.A. .. AA • Road; Teieph. 94809

C.H. V.V. F.H. Spink .

Btevver - V • i i - ; « • - ■ . ;

A, C. Kew- . . . . . A Tien Lun Woollen "Goods Co.—1350,

• M. N. Speyer Robison Road; Teleph. 35034

G.W. Campbell

O. Franklin , ■ .i..

K.Miss'W.I).GfeineP Tien Yuan fltf-CTftpCHEM ical Works,

Taylor . . Ltd.—Factory : 420, Bheiian Road ;

Teleph. 29523. OfMce: 176, Rue du

Miss D. Hykes

Mrs. A.

Ldrtdph Agents'; V. - Vellis Marche;T Peiephs.,.8O0SD, 80099.

Vinby Price and Goodyear, C.A.,;8, St. TienP.Zung M . Woo, mah'agiiig director

Yuen Silk Co-—6, North

Martins-Le-Grand, London, E.C.1. Wusieh Rogd; Teleph. 91370

» Jfi fij Teh lee,

Thoresen cfeOb'., O:, Steamship Agehls and


110, Szechuen Agents

Paper Road; Telephs,and Merchants— H881-2; 1 , Tilley, Percy, Architect and Engineer—

Cable Ad: Thoresen • 320, Szechtien Road; Telepb. 15834;

Cable Ad: Tillimb


Titanxa—148,llue; - Gaston Khan'} pj -2; W. # i'A Si

Teleph. 70684.-, g .,-,,’Tong Ching pag isluen,l$yng sze

Tokio Marine And Fire Insurance. Co.,.


Skim a Road; Kaisha,Teleph;

Lti).,Jute' Ltd. Inoorpetated

Motor'’ Car,.inWarJapan), tire.

14473; Mills--93

P.O. Box Marine,

General Insurance — Chartered



897 Building, 18, The Bund; Lchiph. 15i9o^

n & m € CableJ. Ah: Tokmarhieo

Ha’u jee i hung sue ■ J. Auki,. manager | M. Otsuka

A. Laing’Peach

! C. V.. Jensen, accountant

Tobacco Peoducts Cokpo>;atk/N (Chia a), H. Kojima »'do. ,

Importers and Manufacturers of rohaccQ Z.A; V.C. Mo, marine Aept,.

Changv'iiie dept. . '

and Cigarettes - 200, Yulm Road; T. M. Chien do.. .

Teleph*. 50046-7 P.O. Box 905; Cable

Ad: Melachrino

W. R. Johnson, Direcitbrs—


Hunt, vice president 1

G.L. F.P' Tebbutt f^ IS # m


F. Staley | C- C. Chu. Tokwa Boseki Ka;isha, ■ Ltd. (Tokwa

Sales Dept. Cotton



Oiiice; Yarn

168 <,

G.L. F.P. Tebbutt

Hunt | J. S. long Ward Road; Teleph. 51079. Town Oihce:

Accounting Dept A. P. Cruz. 7, Hankow Road; Teleph. 12534

€.D. C.F. Chu K.

PL Yokoo,

Ishida, president

mang. director

C’har Miss N. Diniz S. S.KaWasaki, do.

! Manufacturing Dept. Dan, chief .engineer

F. Staley Tong JLl Kee Fur and Skin Co.—!

Supply Dept. • HT0, Hupeh Road; Teleph,.91884.V

E. Williams

Tobacco Products and Distributors. Rue Colbert Tong Mow : Tobacco Leaf Co.—29,

Inc.—1548, Baikal Road; Teleph. ; Teleph. 84976

51000 Tonyino Silk Trading Co. -- 88,

Museum j Road; Teleph. 13275


Tobacco Trading Corporation,

Merchants—330, Szechuen Leaf

Rd.; Toong ‘Yup; STEAAt ;NAyiGATXON Co.,

Te'ephs. 18283 and 17559,; P.O. Box 1666; Ltd.—498,, Peking Road; Teleph.

Cable Ad: Freebac 91521

^ ^ ^ itii ^ F* ^ Ilsin cheong

Toeg, E. F., Real Estate, Mortgages, Topas Trading Co., B., Manufacturers,

Importers and Exporters—110, teze-

Rentals and Insurances—18-9, Cen- chuen Road; Teleph. 13840; Cable

tral Arcade; Telephs. 13120, 13129; Ad: Topas

P.O. Box 999

E. F. Toeg Toporealty, Surveyors and Civil

C. K. Wong , Engih'eers, Land and Estate

Agents for Agents, Dealers in Surveying In-

British American Assurance Co. ,; struments—4, Quai



Cie. Franeo-American d’Assur- struments’—9, 83306 ; Cable Ad : Topor’ealty


L. A. Yiborelj O.E., e.i.m., manager

|| TfX Tung foh Toryu Yoko, Tools, Importers and Exporters of

Tofuku Trading Co., General Importers Machinery, Supplies and General

and Exporters—110, Szechuen Road; F.U. Hardware-171-3, 41458; P.O. Box

Boone Road;



Cable Ad:


Tofuku1131; Teleph. 15912; Cable Ad: Toryuyoko. Head Office: Osaka, Japan


ft & m m Tou yao kee hong Travel Advisers, The, Passenger

Booking Agents—208, Dollar Build-

Tou Yao Kee &, C., General Mer- ing, 5, Canton Road; Teleph. 11775

chants, Land and Estate Agents— (2 lines); Cable Ad : Adviser

59, Hong Kong Road; Teleph. Seth W. Clark, partner

13999; Cable Ad: Touyaoting J. Hennemann, do.

A. C. Seidel

ft m & ft mm Mrs. E. da Silva

Me thing she who pao hsieri hong Representatives for China

Dean & Dawson, Ltd.

Tocssaint Insurance Office, H.—110, Peck Judah Travel Bureau, San

Szechuen Road; Telephs. 10611 and 14271 Francisco

Parry, Leon & Hayhoe, Ltd.



Yea Ping, Chinese Manager

K. J. Yang, in-charge, signs per pro. Triangle Motors, Fed. Inc., U.S.A.—

99, Route Cardinal Mercier; Teleph.

H. C. Wm. Chu, signs per pro. 70159; Cable Ad : Triangle

Town Syndicate, Mortgage and Real Tsen Sun Yue Kee Lumber Co.—18,


93538: — 495,Ad:Honan Road; Teleph. The Bund; Teleph. 13396; Cable

S. U.Cable Tonsidicat

Zau, managing director Ad: Tsensun.

Jih Whei TongSawnill and Yard: 605

Road, Nantao

S. Pierce I T. C. Chao

C. Soong | Y. C. Chao Tseng & Tang Partners, Real Estate,

Mortgage and Insurance — Con.

$ m Tung mien Emp., Nanking Road; Teleph. 93345

Toyo Menka Kaisha, Ltd. (Oriental Tsung Hwa Embroidery Co.—M4,

Cotton Trading Co., Ld.), Cotton, Cotton Foochow Road; Teleph. 90739

Yarn and

chants and Cotton Piece Agents—185,

Commission Goods Mer-

Szechuen Road; Teleph. 13894; P.O. Box Tu—811, Chin Sheng Silk Weaving Factory

North Szechuen Road; Teleph.

878; Cable Ad: Tohyohwata 43656

Toyo Tobacco Leaf Co., Ltd., Import- Tu Chin Sheng Silk Weaving Fac-

ers of Cigarette Paper and Tobacco tory—472, Hankow Road; Teleph.

Leaf, and Exporters of Cigarettes 93565


race,Tobacco Leaf —2, Road;

North Szechuen MagnoliaTeleph.


46375; Cable Ad: Toyohatabako zeang

Tuck Chang & Co., Ltd., Jewellers,

Gold and Silver

Toyoda Cotton Spinning and Weaving Repairers, Dealers in Precious Smiths, Watch

Co., Ltd.—200, Jessfield Road; Telephs. Stones, Watches and Curios—67,

21929 and 21927; P.O. Box 3070 Broadway; Teleph. 42923

Trachsler, Ltd., J. H., Importers— Tuck Chong Silk Co.—219, Ningpo

133, Yuen Ming Yuen Road; Teleph. Road; Teleph. 94633

19133; P.O. Box 2080; Cable Ad:

Traxleru s. Head Office: Berne, Tuck Foong Paint Co.—4, Canton

Switzerland Road; Teleph. 90661

W. Bolliger

Tuck Loong Chong Paper Co.—32,

Transocean News 22665;

Service—67, Kiangse Road ; Teleph. 11942

Road; Teleph. CableTunsin

Ad: Tuck Tai, Straw-hat Exporters—190,


king, Branches

Hankow, Hongkong in Peiping, Nan- Peking Road; Teleph. 13730; Cable

E. Fuerholzer, general and Manilafor Ad

manager : Tucktai

the Far East

H. Melchers, chief news editor Tuck Tai & Co.—342, Avenue Edward

H. Fries VII.; Teleph. 98046


& M f! g ^ Tunky Engineering Co.—659, Che-

Tuck chong fon chou chong kiang Road; Teleph. 93486

Tuck Chong Weaving Factory, Manu- Turner & Co., J. E. (Bradford), Woollen

facturers of Towels—43, North flaining Piepe Teleph.Goods—128,

19329; Cable Ad:Museum JetpelhamRoad;

Eoad; Teleph. 40290

Turner, StueSrock & Brown, Chartered

m ft ^ m ® mn Accountants—9, Avenue Edward VII.;

Tuh yao sien li sze Telephs. 84140 and 84149; Cable Ad:

Tuck, Joseph, Law and Accounting Office Accuracy J.W.A.H.Turner, c.a.,c.a.partner

—Lane 124, 9, Burkill Road; 'i'eleph. Sturrock, do.

.92570; P.O. Box 480; Cable Ad: Joetuck N. A. Brown, c.a. do.

Joseph Tuck, ll.b., b.b.a., ll.m.c.a., I.T. Galbraith I| G.H. Parfait

attorney and

chartered acct. counsellor-at-law, D. Drysdale L. M. Hansen

T. J. Mci). Rice i Mrs. G.P. Pfeiffer

Tuckson & Co.—291,Foochow Road; General Managers for: R. C. P. Guignard | Miss H. Harvey

Teleph. 90352 Anglo-China Finance, Ld.


(1925), Ld.Kelantan Rubber Estates

Tuck Tai Iron

makers, Works,—Engineers,

Moulders 31, Point Boiler- Taylor Garage, Ld.

Road; Secretaries

Teleph. 51753; Cable Ad; Foundry International for: Investment Trust Co.

Tuckward Co.—152, Canton Road; of China, Ld.

Teleph. 19915 Haig Court, Ltd.


CommercialFinance Co., Ltd.

Investment Co., Ltd.

Tung Hai Insurance Co.—149, Sze- Union Brewery, Ltd.

chuen Road; Teleph. 12363 James Hamilton, Ltd.

China Transport & Storage Co., Inc.

Tung Chang Co., Exporters and Financial Agents for:

N. Z. Perpetual Forests, Ld.

Smelters—356, Peking Road; Te- Share Office

leph. 95289; Cable Ad: Taoli Le Champ de Courses Francais

Tung Mow & Co., Ship Chandlers, Fonciere et Immobiliere de Chine

Hardware Merchants, etc.—129,

Broadway; Teleph. 41587 ^ M 0° ^ man

Ullmann & Co., J., Watch Manufacturers

Tung Tai Trading Co., Importers, Ex- Jewellers, Opticians and Fancy Goods

porters, General

facturers’ Merchants— and

Representatives Manu- Dealers—410,

21, Siking

Szechuen Road; and at

Hankow, Hongkong, Tientsin, Peiping,

Road; Teleph. 19954; Cable

L. W. Chen, managing director Ad: Tungtai Chaux-de-fonds and Paris; Teleph. 10329

C.Y. S.C. Chen, manager

King, asst. mgr. gi Mei Zung

U. G. Shaw, sales mgr. Ultramar Import Co., Importers of

Silk, Art Silk, W^oollen, Cotton

‘Tung Wroo Industrial Co.—49, Hoo- Sundries, Piece Goods and Woollen Yarns,

etc.—Union Building, 17,

peh Road; Teleph. 92668 Canton Road; Teleph. 12316; Cable

Tung Yih Cotton Mill, Ltd.—10, Ad:E. R.Ultramar Stegmaier, mgr.

Mokanshan Road; Teleph. 32067 T. C. Char, compradore

Tung Yih Trust Co., Ltd.—384, Peking ^ Tien Zun

Road; Teleph. 90110; Cable Ad:

Tunyitruco Umrigar Brothers, Cotton Merch-

ants and

Tung Yu Bros.—508, Szechuen Road; Kiangse Road; Teleph. 12705; Commission Agent—264,

Teleph. 10869 Cable

Ad: Umrigar


UNDERWOOD TyPEWpiXER: DEPARTMENT Union UmporS) a ,||.vpogfT| Syndicate,.

Ltd., The, Importers of Provisions and

(Dodwell & Co., G.Ltd.)M.81,Goldsaok,

. G. S- Dov.ey, Jinkee Koad Flour, etc., Exporters of Chinese Manu-

W. E. factured

Pedenseh, J. Sheridan,

W. VVarpUla, L. Machado; Nixon,F. General Goods

J. D. Miss Merchants, and ( and

Natural Produce^


A. Cooley, ’MisS E. V: Hing. Agents 162, Canton Ed; Teteph. 14771:

Cable Ad: Unimppr-syH

Under>vritees F. C.C,Vee,


F. Chang, C. C. Yai, (mgr)F.r.

Far Fast, t'pc.^Savings Bank

igfi'e Bank' s) For the K. J. Char, (sub-mgrs.), K.Woo, C. Wong,

Union Assurance Society, Ltd. — K. S. Vee, A. F. Woo and C. Y. Lee

Union Building, 17,vCanton Road; |t Banavi

Teleph. 13407 (4 lines); F.O, Box

309; Cable Ad : Cuaco Union

Ltd., Insurance

Fire, Marine^, Society, of Canton,

Automobile and

Union Book Store—1124, Bubbling Well surance Householder Insurance—Yangtsze

Building, 20, The.Bund; In-


Road, Teleph. 32248; P.O. Box 15,IQ 12981;

M. H.Cable Ivy, Ad' : Union

branch manager

W & i® i© „h !A. B. D. Wilson"'

Shang hai be chu Jcung sze 'L.G: E. Rato age P. S. Oliveira

• H. E. Orr

Union Brewery, Ltd. (Incorporated in ! J. B. H. -Leek ie E.Mrs.Sanchez B. Bland

Hongkong)—Wayfoong House, 220, Sze- | F. M. Gonsalves- Miss H.M. Millgan

chuen Road; Telenh, 18765; iP.Oi Box Eire Dept.

866; Cable Ad: Unionbeer. Brewery: ! A. C. Hay


J. F.Gordon Road; Teleph. 30209 G.H. RM. More

Macgregor, director Pereira• C. A. Gonsalves/.


R. Hoehnke,


H. B. Roe - o . : Hot'do. | G. M. Silva

Accounting Dept.

Miss Z. M osce-pan

N.B. Symons

B. Ramsay ■ I K. F. Piper,

C. M. Sequeira



G. E. Brockett ... , J.F.A.dos Remedios



T.W. chief brewmaster

Hollmann, assist, do. G.

M. Werner, do. A. A. dos Remedios '

K. von Vacano A Mrs. R. Rhyss - Jdhe.s


A. Moe j S. I. Smith

Sturrock & Brown, secs. I Motor Dept.

G. C. Na^er

Union Church—{See Churches) *3 ^ it W ±

Union Construction Co.,—77, Tunsin Fu nmg sfiu shie hung- sze ■

Road; Teleph. 21827 Union Marine & General Insurance

Co., Ltd., of Livertool1 (Far

Union Dispensary—1313, N. Szochuen Eastern Branch)—27,Peking Road:.

LP.-i CableIPM.Ad .irr!

Road; Teleph. 43612; Cable Ad: 719;

6887 ' .• UnicrOtab j R. x

H. M. Hind, 'manager

Union Electric Service Corporation L. A. Smith - -

419, Ad:Avenue Jofire; Teleph. 84212 Ft.4-

C. Austin,IngRl*'a.c.i.i,

F.ca.i. Ij T.A. ik.Saito.-


—Cable Unelectric Hongkong [ J. M. Portaria

f,.F. A- Larimn . .^


Teleph.Estate91907 Co. - Q9, Tientsin Road; Union Mobiliere (Societe 'Francarse-

Union Food Sales & Co.— 121, Rue deMontauban; Banque et de~Placements)—1, Rue

Telephs. :g2162-82163

Dufour; Teleph. 72856 ' Cable Ad : Mobiliere


Union Motors (Fed. Inc., U.S.AA Motor Unique Film Production, Co., Ltd.,

Cars, Repairs, Body Building, etc.—444, The, (under the|'pianagement of


Gnionmotor Foch; Teleph. 30u(d2; Cable Ad; Shaw Bros.)—232, Route Gaston

Kahn; Telephs. 70566 (Gen. Office),

Union Oil Co. op California, Petroleum 75250 (Manager ’Office); Cable Ads:

Shawbros and 6730, Branch, Offices :

and By-Products; Lubrication and Motor 116, Robinson Road, Singapore;

Oils and19518;

Teleph. Asphalt


UnocoHouse ; Cable Ad : Unfilproco. 21, Brewster

H. R. Greastwood, special representa- Oriental; Road, Ipoh, F.M.S. ; Cable Ad:

tive 361, Bhisthien Bridge,

C. B. Haun, asst. Bangkok, Siam; "Cable Ad: Shaw;

248, Hennessy Road, Hongkong;

Cable Ad: 6730

d M ic m 7%

Un nin dai a von ^ ^ i^ ^ ^ ^


gists—7(50, Pharmacy,

AvenueDispensers and 73632;

Jotfre; Teleph. Drug- United Book and: Stationery Co., Whole-,

Cable Ad: Liosnoff sgle

el, Nanking inRoad;

Dealers Bp6ksTeleph.

rahd Stationery-

16844; P.O.

Union Realty & Investment Co., Inc. Box 256; Cable Ad: Stationers

—114, Peking Road; Teleph. 16743; F. D. Mortimer, proprietor

A. T, Kwee, mgr. stationery

P.O. Box 1502; Cable Ad: Uraic dept.

J. W. TemplO, accountant

Union Stationery Supply Co.—36, Mang T. L. Zia, compradore

Tsing Loong; Teleph. 45713

Unitrd China Syndicate, Ltd.—Sassoon

Union Steamships Agency Shipping, For- 2049; House; Teleph. 13143; P.O. Box

warding Steamship Agents — Robert Cable Ad : Uchis

Dollaf Bldg., 5U Canton Road; Telbplis.'

11706 (3 Hues); Cable Ad: Uhiohships. UNTTED'DguG Co., Ltd., Import and. Ex-

Private Exchange to U. S, A-, Europe, port Druggists, Dea,lers in Surgical


MorrisCoast, and R,iy0rJr.,Ports Instruments,


I. Sdulevich,

Yung Sze, mgr.

agent 410-412, Rue du Photographic

Cdnsulat; Teleph.Goods—


Marry Crossland, secy. United Kingdom Tobacco Co., Ltd.—

Z.DawS. Evans,

Fang, cashier

shipping clerk 620, Szechuen Road; Teleph. ,11930;

C. L. Zung, do. Cable Ad: Darporient

C.K. P.S. Chew, clerk

Chen, do.

Steamer Charter Dept—H. Y. Chen United Leaf Tobacco Co. —12, The

Bund,; Telephv 14|94 . r ^ ^

Agencies : Y

Yah Tai Shipping Co. U nited Leather Goods Co.—320,

Jtload; Cable, Ad: Unileather Kiangse

China AnPassenger

‘ Oriental Go, Service

Freight & Transport Bureau of United Manufacturers Electric Co.,

U.S. S. R. Importers and Exporters—150r Peking

Road; Teleph. Iy391, Cable Ad: Umecos

Union Trading Co., Importers and Ex- K. Lee | S. H. Woo

porters—110, Jinkee Road; Teleph.

17663; Cable Ad: Untraco; Codes used: United Mercantile Co.—378, Peking


Western A.B.C. 5th and 6th edn., and Road; Teleph. 94222

United Motor Co.—855, Avenue Road;

Union A CQ-—24, Nanking Road; Teleph. Teleph. 32449; Cable Ad: NitecRmotor


Union 'Underwriters of China—299, United Petroleum Trust of u.s.s.r.

(Sayuzneft)—20, Canton- Road; Teleph.

Szechuen Road; Teleph. 17742 19978


United Photo-Play Service Ltd.—72, M H H

Hongkong Road; Teleph. 10621 United States Steel Products Co.—


United Press Associations of Teleph. 16329; Cable Ad: Building, 17, Canton Road;

America—147, Sassoon House; Te- Steelyard

leph. 19466; Cable Ad: UnipresS United Theatres, Inc.—Grand Thea-

tre Building, Burkill Road; Teleph.

United Services Association—((See 34260

Associations) United Tobacco Stores, Tobacconists,.

United Shanghai Underwriters, In- Importers of and Dealers in Cigars,,

surance Agents — 390, Nanking Road; Cigarettes,

quisites; Tobacco, and Smokers’ Re-

Teleph. 95562 Nan king Road;Commission

and Agents

Teleph. 12868; P.O.—Box.


424; Cable Ad: Tobacco

United States Court for China— Huh juen ying#nih It H ;§ 3*

yu han hung sze

248, Kiangse Road; Teleph. 11199;

Cable Ad: Uscourt United Trading Co., Ltd., House,

Judge—Milton J. Helmick Land and Estate Agents, Architects

District Attorney—Felthan Watson and Building Contractors and.

Deputy Clerk—1L

Clerk—Wm. T. Collins J. Collins Brokers—162, Canton Road; Teleph.

Assist. Clerk—L. F. Kenake 14771; Cable Ad: 8822

U.S. Marshal—E. L. FaupelPeterson United Trust Society—131, Museum


Clerk to Marshal—Arthur

U. S. Marshall—J. G. Faupel Road; Suite 51e; Teleph. 13617

G. D. Chelmis

Reporter—Helen Wiley

Universal Advertising Agency — 93,,

United States Dept, of Agriculture Avenue Road, Teleph. 90987

—Room 113, Sassoon House; Teleph. Universal Electro Plating Co.—536,,

19093 ; Cable Ad : Shangusda Range Road; Teleph. 41550

O. L. Dawson, commissioner

F. J. Rossiter, assist, do'. Universal


B. Scholen,

Gibbs, stenographer

do. Ming YuenEngineering

Road; Teleph.Co.—209,

15991 Yuen

Mrs. Rowena Burnell, do.

L. E. Tsao, technical assist. Universal Insurance Underwriter-

S. Y. Feng, tech. asst. 33, Szechuen Road; Teleph. 19095

i&mm* m % m m m m

Tamei Ttwoh shih shu slicing wu (s’cm tsan Universal Mai gwok yen yi hung sze

United States Department of Com- Inc, Leaf Leaf Tobacco Co. of China

Tobacco Exporters and Im-


15045; P.O. Canton

Box 605Road;

; CableTeleph.

Ad: porters—

Amcomat (2 J.lines); P. O. Box Bund;

1, The

E. Covington, 913; Teleph.




Ad: Ultoco-

Commercial Attache'—Julean Arnold

Assist. Commercial Attache—A. Bland G. A. Arbogast

Calder C. E. Sutherland

Universal Mercantile Co.—452, Kiangser

United States Fire Insurance Co.—51, Road; Teleph. 16676

Canton Road, Teleph. 17222

United States Navy Purchasing and Universal *1 & yr m m m

Disbursing Office—Rooms 414-6, 3, China — 623, Pictures Corporation of

Canton Road; Teleph. 15102-3 Szechuen Road Teleph.


Capt. L. W. Jennings, jr. (s.c.) Agencies: Hongkong,P. O. Box 565; Cable Ad: Until man.

u.s.n., officer in change Hankow and Harbin Canton, Tientsin,,.


University Press, The, Publishers and Van Reekttm Bros., Ltd., Suppliers


Teleph. 13771; Avenue

Cable Ad; Edward Yll; of Paper to Importers only—12,


and at London and Los Angeles The Bund; Teleph. 15846; Cable

J. A. E. Sander Bates, f.r.s.a., director Ad : Reekupapie

A. S. I.Sanders,

Mrs. U, S.secretary

M. Baxter, representative |1 Tgj Van shing

P.W.L.S. Woo, cashier

Loh, acct. Van ShinQ: & Co., Provision and Wine

Merchants—955, Avenue Joffre; Telephs.

73596, (Retail) and 73595 (Wholesale)

Unkel, H. J.—Lane 660, House No. 11, Vassos & Co., Provision and Wine

Seymour Road; Teleph. 230S8; Cable Merchants, Wholesale and Retail—

Ad: Unkel 561-3, Avenue Jotfre; Teleph. 82689;

H jpg Fuh tai Cable Ad: Vassos

Upson Paint Co., Inc., Importers, Ex- P.B. Ch.

S. Karagrigoris, mgr.

Deliyannis, partner

porters, Contractors, Painters and De- N. S. Karagrigoris

corators—24, The Bund; Teleph. 12008; S. A. Mandalidis

Nestor Woo Zong

Cable Ad: Paintupaco

Used Car

Teleph. 73047 Mart—410, Rue Bourgeat; id & ^ It H i£

Vee Loo Advertising Co., General


I. Auctioneering Co., Ltd. —122, Road; Teleph.Agents—290,

Road; Teleph. 17017




T. L. Wang, manager

Vacuum Oil Co.—(Nee Socony-Vacuum Damian Woo, assist, manager

Corporation) Ven Sing Educational Supply Co.—L7,.

Canton Road; Teleph. 93497

fr ff 3 W Venturi, F., Provision and Wine Mer-

Pao ka sing hong

Vajda & Co., G., Importers and Exporters chant, and


Teieph.Contractor — 430,

—330, Szechuen Road; Teieph. 11766; Szechuen Venturi

10858; Cable Ad:

Cable Ad: Vajdaco U, Azzaretti, signs per pro.

G. Vajda, manager

ExportV. B.Dept.

Podpakh | S. H. Moh Venus Advertising Co. — 413, Hankow

L. Klausner Road; Teleph. 91861

Technical Dept. !H Von lai


Drug Dept. Electric Welding, Berlin-London

P. L.F. Vegh

Bleyer Veritas

Marine Insurance


Ltd., Ezra

Fire Rd.;


Mrs. E. Sprenger | W. T. Chen Telephs. 18769,. (2 lines); Cable Ad:


H. C. A. van Someren, manager

Vakharia & Co., Cotton Merchants—

29, Szechuen Road; Telephs. 10605 ^ Kang sing

and 14056; Cable Ad: Courage ViocAjee & Co., Ltd., F., (Incorporated

Valet Service Co., Chemical Dry Clean- inMerchants Hongkong) Paper and Stationery,

and Commission Agents—

ing and Dyeing Contractors — Head 132, KiangseRoad; Teleph. 14218; Cable


83315. 600, Avenue JofFre; Teleph. Ad:F. Viccajee 1

Viccajee C.

R. V. Solina C. Z. Loh L. Sze

Van Chong Electro Plating Works— R. Viccajee

797, Seward Road; Teleph. 51928 S. R. Solina C.Berlin K. Chang


Van Hu Real Estate Co.—41, Kiuking Victoria Theatre—410, Haining Road;

Road; Teleph. 17396 Teleph. 40864


Victory Manufacturing! Go., Ltd.—47, Sole Representatives:

American Cotton Co-operative

po Road; Teleph. 19033

Association, New Orleans

Vienna Furnishing Sr Decorating Co. Reinhart &; Co., Alexandria,

—1017, Avenue Joffre; Teleph. 70493 Egypt . ' .' .d :

Liverpool Uganda Co., Ltd.,


^ E loong Nichizui Trading Co., Ltd., Osaka

ViLdUDAKi & Co. (Fed. Inc. U.S.A.), and Tokyo

Merchants and Commission Agents— Volta Electric Co.—652-4, Avenue Joffre;


1226; Peking Road; Teleph 12732; P.O. Box Teleph. 72910

N. A.Cable Ad: Viloudaki

Viloudaki, president

R, G. Viloudaki, vice-presdt. and treas. Volunteer Corps—{See under Muni-

P. Miss


S. Roberts do. .secy. cipal Council)

Miss V. Tyrtoff 1 J. N. Kiang ft W

Ma - lea - seng - yang - hong

1% & m ^ m % m O. E. Vongehr,

Importers Federal Inc.,

and Exporters —119,U. Jinkee

‘S. A.,

Wei.-lili-s'gn, Yau Han Kung Qze Road; Teleph. 16776; P. O. Box 1978;•

Vit-Alexin ‘China), Ltd., Importers of Cable. Ad: Alacrity ; and at Hankdw


5th floor; 2, Products—Glen Line 119l0;

Peking Road; Teleph. Bldg., (Head Office), Wanhsien, Chungking

Cable Ad: Vitalexindirector (Hongkong) and Tsingtau

E.F. M. O.C.E.M.Vongehr, president (Hankow)

M. Raymond,

Ellis, do. do. Wong,

J. K.Hsia, manager


A. J. Edgar, do. do. Y. Yen 1 C. A. Kao

. Carl

P. Tester,Bunje, do. (Shanghai)

do. do. T. H. Huang | C. I>. Wong

N. Soroka, clerk : Sole Agents for :

McKesson & Robbins, Inc;

Bauer (b Black

# W fl ^ Smith Bros., Inc.

Vogel & Lorentz, Attorneys-at-law—133, Battle CreekLatex

Seiberling Drugs, Inc. Co. •


Yuen Ming Yuen Road; Teleph, 18567; American Sponge and Chaipois

Cable Ad:

.Dr. W. Vogel Vogel Co., Inc,

Dr.Miss H. A.M. Lorenti • sten. Weidemeyer & Co.


T. Y. Tang, secretary A.Chemische

Smit & ZeenFabrik Steinau

Wah An Fire & Marine Insurance Co.,

J?55 Foh l-a Ltd.—7, The Bund; Teleph. 11790

VolkaHt Btiothers, Raw Cotton Mer- Wah Chong & Co.—260, Avenue Edward

chants, Importers of, Sughr,. Rice, VII; Teleph/17985

Wheat and Other Produce — 34,

Avenue Edward VII.; Telephs. Wah Foong Flour Mill Co.—207, Tien-

15063 (3 lines); P.O. Box 632; Cable tsin Road; Teleph. 93034

Ad: Volkart Wah Fah & Co., Importers and Exporters

0.H. L.Beerli

Wanger, manager, signs per do.pro. -.238-40. Tiendong Road; Teleph. 41911

R. Von der Crone, do. Yen Siclum, manager

C. H. Croll, do. ft m m & m m

W. Hegar (Tientsin)

W. Muller Wah Foung & Co., Machinery, Tools,

C. Weingart Hardware and Metal Merchants; also

S. Takeuchi Railway, Mint, Arsenal, Mill and Mine

J. Pereiria Supplies, and Asbestos—A1296, Broad-

A-J. Mamleff

Kovalenko 1 way; Teleph. 41775; , Radio Ad: 8886;

Cable Ad: 5387





Co., E^tricnl and Walter - Hartmann, Manufacturer^

and Impor- Representative, Inijibffter—133, Yuen

ters of Electrical

-Nanking. Road; 'Teleph.Accessories—48-13,

94182; Cable Ming Yuen Road, *mlr1 fldor, ' Room

Ad: Wameieleco No. 625; Teleph. 10948; P,0. Box

1576; Cable Ad: Hadoman

Waji Yang Printing; Co., lYiiolesa.le Walter. Hartmann

-^1821,,.Miller Road; Teieph. ,4-2121 C. Y. Sung, copiyradpre.’ .

Wah Zxjng Cotton Mill—3, Rue Vincent Fittings, International

Walworth Co., : Pipes

Valves, Tools, etc;—HO,

Mathieu; Teleph. 81425 Szechuen Road; Teleph. 15672-: P.O.

Wap son k Co.. Electric , Factory-^ Box 287 : Cable Ad : Walintco

Qeneral Office: 511/7, Fokien Road; ■g’ Fah ziang

Tel. (Main Line) 95750. Factories:

729 & 999, Point Road; Telephs. Wanamakek, John, Exporters of Chinese

52974 & 52391; Cable Ad : Wahsbrt Manufactured GoodsBb’x— 1742;

12, The

Teleph. 18388; P.O. CableBund:


WaiandTzun Silk Co., Ltd., Manufacturers, Wanamaker

Exporters of Raw Silk, Spun Silk

and Broad Silks—20, Brenan Road; Wang^ Dr. Tomson S^ Incensed Den-

Teleph. 20143; Cable Ad: Waitsun tist.^—

Nanking214,Road Sassoon

and House, Corner

Bund; Teleph.

!!! Foong yiie' 18350

Walker Turner & Co., Ltd, (Successors Wang & Co., S. K., Manufacturers of Egg


China and Japan Trading Co., Ltd.), Products, Hog Casings and General

Bank ■ Produce

Building, 18,andTheAgents^—Chartered

Bund; Teleph. 18862; Dealers—62,Rue Conty;Teieph.


Head Box Office:297; Cable Ad: Cejaytece. 85970; Cable Ad: Wangsunfcee


Richard Markham, manager Wang Tsze Kong A- Co, Public Account-

Agencies ants, LegalLand,

Registrars, Advisers,

Estate andTrade Mark


H. F. Gresham & Co., Ltd., Bradford Agents—114, Wang Tsze Peking Road; Teleph. 16743



Lurgan and Umbrella

Weaving* Co., Ltd.,Cloths)


(Linen, Piece gbpds and Linen Wang Yin Taj — 212, Kiangfte Road;


Frank Slater Ltd., Halifax (Woollen Teleph 13026

Yarns) Wang Vue' Tau Tea Co., Retail and

Wall, Dr. A. D., m.b., b.s., f.r.c.s'. (Eng.) Wholesale Tea Dealers—197, Avenue

Foch; Teleph. ,8,5638; Cable- Ad:

(Dr. Marshall and Partners), Medical Wangtea ■


floor); Teleph. 73124 & S. Bank Bldg. (4th

to m m m foi m !ii ^

#j|' V/ha lun Ying kuo chi hong iu ku'ang vlao e kung se

Wallem & Co:, Shipowners, General Ward, Ltd. Thos. W., (Sheffield), Second-

Brokers and Steamship Agents,

. Contractors and Merchants—93, Canton Rails,Coal hand Machinery, Contractors Plant,

Road; Scrap Metals, Ships’ Engines,


Wallem 19228;| Bernt

Cable Ad:


Frpland, signs per pro.,


(Oslo) Pumps, etc.—34, Museum Road ;

Teleph. 18557; P.O. Box ■ 425 ; .Cable

P. Wilson Ad: Wardsman— .

Agents Jor Norman W. Keyworth,: resident Teph.


T. O. Wang, clerk'

International Composition

vefabrik A/S. Bergen, Norway and Far- Eagle and for Globe Steel and

Co:, China

’ Ld.v

Bell’s managers Hongkong

plies,Asbestos and Engineering Sup-

Ld., London 1

Wallem && Co.,

Wallem Co., A/S., Bergen, Norway Wardoxia Agency—33, Szechuan Road;

Hongkong Teleph. 19404


Waken Trading Co., Importers and It 7j< ft ft E ®

Exporters—Lane 38, 63, My burgh Rd.; Ch’uck zung se chi say chong

Teleph. 32111; Cable Ad: Waren

Watson’s Mineral Water Co., Manu-

Warner facturers of Aerated Waters and

facturing& Co., Inc. William(Established

Pharmaceutists R., Manu- Machine-made Ice — Town Office :

1856)—668, Szechuen Road; P.O. Box Factory: 420, Road; 327, Kiangse Teleph. 19440;

Wayside Road; Tel.


Head Teleph.

Office: 14345;

113, Cable

West Ad:

18th Quickpill.

Street, New 50486; Cable Ad: Popwater


F. C. Cleary, mgr. jg !g Way toong


S. Clark, asst. mgr. secy.

M. Encarnacao,

Miss N. Shoolepova Wattie

and & Co., Ltd.,Agents;

Commission J.A., Financial, General

also at London,

T. D. Toong, Chinese mgr. Soerabaya—93, Canton Road ; Tels.

16640 & 10756; P.O. Box 566; Cable

ij fS War ton Ad: Wavito

A. J. Welch, director

Watanmal C.C. C.F.L.Shackleton,

Fitzwilliams,do.director (London)

Work, SilkBoolchand, Lingerie and Silks,General

Curios, Ex-


W.D.E.Levy Murphy, | Missdo.L. Nesvadba do.

porters—115, Hankow Road; Teleph.


Watanmal P.O. Box 956; Cable Ad:

L. M.Lekhraj, manager Way Cheong & Co., Ltd., Ironfound-

Navalrai, accountant ers, Engineers and Contractors—508,

E. Yuhang Road; Teleph. 52909

Waterlow & Sons, Limited—97, Jinkee Way Chong & Co., Hardware Mer-

Road; Teleph. 16591 chants and General Contractors—

{See R. E. Francis) 109, Kweichow Road; Teleph. 93795

iS E B Wa sun sz Way Tai & Co., Importers of Hat

Materials and Exporters of Straw Hats

Watson & Co., —190, Peking CableRoad;

Ad: Teleph.

Tahsan 13730; P.O.

Pharmacy, Ltd.),A.Wholesale

S. (The and Shanghai

Retail BoxL. 1797; S. Young, general mgr.

Chemists and Druggists; Dealers in T. W. Chang, sub-mgr.


Chemicals; Supplies, Perfumery Mer-

and Cigarettes and

chants— 25, Nanking Road; Telephs. Wayside Engineering and Shipbuilding


10207, and Beauty 10087,Salon:


Teleph. Teleph.

18848; Works

50335 — 401, Wayside Road; Teleph.


D. Mennie,Ad: Dispensary

managing director

J. S. Chisholm, director Wayside Godowns — 61, Yangtszepoo

J, C.S. A.Hay,Mair do, Road; Teleph. 51525

F. R. Barrett Wayside Pharmacy, Chemists and Drug-

C. K. Greaves gists—398,East Broadway; Teleph. 50710


Miss T.P. Steinberg Weber & Co.,

Wholesale Dept. :

I. Ellison Pongees andC.SilkA., Piece

Raw Goods

Silk, Waste Silk,


-8-10, Rue du Consulat; Telephs. 82475

J. S. Hay and

Caweber 82476; P.O. Box 1276; Cable Ad:

Miss K. Anderson

Beauty Salon : Weder,

Mrs. E. L. Boyde

Mrs. H. W. Tamlyn Teleph. August12900; P.O.— 264, Kiangse

Box 1353; CableRoad;


West End Branch—1175-7, Bubbling Awik

Well Road; Teleph. 30885 General Agent for:

J.MissS. Chisholm, Rheinmetall Typewriters, Calculating

E. L. Burakmanager and Adding Machines


Wei Chang Real Estate Co.—264, Kiang- Western Assurance Cb., (Marine)—

81, Jinkee Road; Teleph. 11549

se Road; Teleph. 13439



Waterworks & Electrical Western

Boone Road; Teleph. Museum Road; Electric Co. of Asia—142,

40737 Teleph. 14263

Western Supply Co., Wine and Spirit

Td & ffr $ £ 1 Merchants — 1621, Bubbling Well

Kwui min nei fun kung sze Road; Teleph. 33302

Wei Min Co., Ltd.—414, Kiangse Road; Weu Cheng Wool & Cotton Hong—86,


Yitamilk19130; P.O. Box 464; Cable Ad: Rue Tourane; Teleph. 81730

Wei & Su Law Offices — 40, Ningpo Wha Cheng Silk Weaving Factory—

Road; Teleph. 10256 L. B. 1008, WetmoreRoad; Teleph. 5017

Wei Tong Electrical Co., Engineers, Wha Foong Industrial Chemical Sup-


Teleph. 94955 etc.—486, Chekiang Road; pLY Co.—5, Rue Laguerre; _ Teleph. 82050

Wen Hwa Fine Arts Press, Ltd.— Wha Hsing Electric Welding Co., Ltd.,

Oxy-Acetylene and Electric Welders,

1020, Point Road; Teleph. 50912 Steam—Boiler

Wen Hwa Arts Co., Ltd.—380, Foo- Teleph. 52103 Work Office: Repairers

146, East andBroadwaj


chow Road; Teleph. 92213

H. P. Chu, director Wha Tai Iron Works, Engineers and

B. P. Chen, general manager Contractors — 390, Wayside Road;

H. B. Lai, manager Teleph. 50422

Wentworth and Andrews, Exchange Wha Tung Electrical & Engineering

and Bullion Brokers, Foreign Ex- (Jo.—959, Point Road; Teleph. 53245;


Telephs. Brokers — 36,10283;

16527 and Kiuking Road;

Ad: Cable Ad: 1558


Wentagie-Shanghai; Codes used:

son’s 3rd A.B.C. 5th Impr. Bentleys; ^3 iH} M iif Chiin pu ts’ung ehu

P.O. Box 489 Whangpoo Conservancy Board—Cus-

se toms Building, The Bund; Teleph. 16994

aK (Private Exchange to all Depts.); P.O.

Wessels, H. C., Electrical Installations; BoxDirectors—T.

159; Cable Ad: Consboard or 3449

L. Soong (chairman),

Electro-Plating — 20,

Teleph. 16101; P.O. Box 577Kiukiang Road; L. H. Lawford and E. B. Green

Consultative Board—H. Y. Wilkinson,

West Coast Life Insurance Co.—51,

Canton Road; Telephs. 16910 and J.O. Cochet

G. Steen,O.and T.Thoresen,

Engineer-in-Chief—H. YamatomoL.T. Yuan,

Chatley, D.sc.

16919; Cable Ad: Westlife; Code: (Eng. London), m.inst.c.e.

Bentley’s Senior Engr. Assist.—C. P. Hsueh,.


W. E.Dewar, managermanager

Hebei, assist, M. sc. (m.i.t.) a.m. am. soc. ce.

K. B. Hill Secretary to Engr.-in-Chief—T. H.

L.A. W. McBroom W. Lange Tong

G. Davis N. S. Lepkyroff Clerk—C. T. Yang

J. Kondireff Secretariat

E. D. Alexander D. A. da Cruz

R. J. Eiswaldt D. W. Herzberg Kingston (both Wang,Boards)

b.a., secretary

T.G. Y.Lieu,

Tu head

and H.clerk

S. Ling, clerks

West of Scotland

Ltd.—Union Insurance

Building, Office, Accounts Department

17, Canton

Road; Teleph. 13407 (4 lines); Cable C. Tsur, accountant

T.Y. Y.Z. Dong,

Ad: Cuaco Chow, bookkeeper



f .^yClfirks;—C. K. Han,

N. Nyung.G. 8. Mac, Y. K. SunP. G. Chaijg, A ! GtDirectors—H.

E. Harden, managing director! G.


Assistant D. L. Ting-

Storkeepers—H. Z. Chew, W. H. Boolsen,E.F. Arnhold,B. Davev and

and Y. S. Lrie . ' : ; . Y. K. Hong , , o

Dredging t)ept.' W. J. Hawking,^ ;se;oretary ,


' VjW.engineer

Smith, m.e.,■ m.i.n.a., M.i.E.s.j .dredg, G. E. Marden •& Co., Ltd.

: Ik Machirlarie, workshop . supt.

C. engr. H. Chu, ''juniori inechariicai a a k -H m m w * Wk

T. K, Kwok, assist.B.sc.(,Hongkong)ys,tude?i9 - ; W;ling Poo. Tpo, & Lighter Co., , Ltd...

• -hn li'- , hi uiu-. - i’ , nl. Tclepli.

T. mechanical

S. Chang, B.sc., .engr.student mechanical 11284 f3 lines);director

H. Wyatt, Gable Ad: Lighterage


F.' R.K.I.Law; workshop foreman ; : ! Manaaers’ do.

T. M. Nee,

James Magill & Co., 'Ltd.

F. C.Chang,

Feng,. draftsman

do. " ‘

R. C, Ee®[' g , ship

. , Y. S- Chen, tracer; . ■ draughtsman' ! ,

. @ M ffi ’»

Y. F. Char, timekeeper li hay eking kee mok t’sang ■ ■

P.F. S.C. Yauo,

Woo, do. tracer Whay Ching Lee &'Co., Lumber Mm-

S. T. Dbngt’tiirie'keeper 1 nhants

506, -Ningipo and Road;




Co!:sivuption l)epfc, Y -

Y. Wang,_ b.sc., constr. engineer-

Noni Liu, c.e., assistant constr. I Wheelock ‘ &^ .'Ch.,:VWe?Ltd), tehfoong



Jarldane, supt. of,.works Freight^-.Coal and General Brokers,

Secretaries,. Agents and Managers-—

R.Mi S.Y. Jorgensen,

Kwaukr-jr., eng. overseer

assist. 2-3, Quai de 'France'; Teleph.' 82090;

, , C.1^. S,C, Koop, oy.er/seer. .... ; P.O. Box 963; Cable Ad; Wheelock,

Yehg, draftsman O: E. Harden; chairman

Directors—Y. K. Song, O. G. Steen,

K.K. 1^Y. Wu,


tracer ' ,.



May,and 1 H. E. Arnhold


P. H. Tsau, clerk MiSs T. M. Hare '

K. Y, \ Kong, do. 'tY Y* ?>d f3 ’ SecYetaric-Y of '

Cenerai Survey Dept. Shanghai Tug & Lighter do!, Ltd.

Y. Utnei, chief surveyor G. E. Marden & Co., Ltd.

J. F. Share, assist; do. Bloch sMariiifacturing and Lumber,

Y. K. Chen, ir. surveyor assist. Co., Ltd.

A. C. Chang, ‘draftsman , China Ship-Breakers Ltd- Y ■

Y.T. C,P.Onarig,

Chien,’tracef'/do.'' M ^ - Yvvg tai

L. C. Hong, 'surveyor clerk heen & Sons, Ltd., Ed., Import

Hydromptyic Survey Dept. Merchants—2-3, Quaide France;Te!eph.

Z. W. Chang;- hydrographer ' 80891 ;P.O.Box i04;Cable Ad:Command

S. C. King, assist, do.

H. Hsu, jr. do. Jiff 1 itj; Lo chung yung

P. T. Zing,- draftsman

S. P. Chu, do. ■' Yv hite fc. Co.,. Bill and Exchange Brokers—

P. W. Zing, T. H. Jiu and Y. 60, Kiukiang Road: Telephs. 12760,

Yang/tracers ‘ ‘ ^ 17999, > 15724, 157,17; Gable Ad:


Harry Owen; White • 5

.Vhangpoo Ftimy Service,' Launch & Aug. Victor White-

Ferry Boat Owners, Steam and H.


Road; Launches Telephs. for11007; Hire—125,.


r(Jetty); W. Shibbeth i R. Mofgan)'.

Cable Ad: Marden ;: ’ : / A. G. White C. F. Wong.:

C. Y. Wong I S. L. Yni : /


White, White & Co.—60, Kiukiang Road; Wiedermann, F., Piece Goods and

Teleph. 13150; Cable Ad: Whitewhite Haberdashery—827, Ave. Joffre; Teleph.

H. O. White, partner 73156

A. Y. White, do.

Harold A. Peake, mgr. Wigg, C.—20, Kiukiang Road; Teleph.

18984; P.O. Box .1471; Cable Ad: Dex-

Ki IS St Way lo° liunrJsze trawigg

Whiteaway, Laidlaw ife Co., Ltd.,

Drapers, Tailors

Dealers, Furnishers, Boot and

and General Shoe Wild Shoe Co. — 280, Kiangse Rood;


—30, Nanking Road, corner of Szechuen Teleph. 11995; P.O. Box 982

Road; Telephs. 16753-4-5; P.O. Box 152 Wilkinson, Heywood & Clark, Varnish,

W. J. Ward, manager Paint, Colour, Enamel, &c., Manufac-

W. R,. O’Brien, assist, manager turers, London,P.O.England — 320,Teleph.


L. C. Sung, chief clerk chuen Road; Box 961;

D. S. Edmunds [ Miss W. C.L.Laynes

Shouiri 19540; Cable Ad: Grahamite; c/o Dod-

E. Stephenson Miss F. Sayce well & Co., Ld., Queen’s Buildings,

S.A. A.H.T.Garrett

Turner Mrs. Clara de Hongkong; Tel. 28021; Cable Ad:

J. F. Buckley Miss T. VieiraSilva Myotomy H. W. Maxted, mgr. in the Far East

C.A. Chang

Fating Miss F. J. T. Hegarty, mgr. for Shanghai

F. Toomiya Miss A.Dubosarsky A. G. Howe, asst. do.

G.T. Kiyasu Boole;

Yoshitami Miss O. Granovsky E.H. W. Loveless (Hongkong)

O. Bramble do.

J. Rozario Miss Kopitovsky N. L. Evans (Tientsin) '

V.M. Sangaland Miss F.Berkovitch

J. A. Gotfried,. accountant

Koizumi M. Gotfried

F. Shestakoff Mrs. Petroff K. R. Aiers, I Miss E. Woodhead

F. Muro Miss Kovalsky (Hongkong; | Miss M. Burgess

Miss N. Dunn Miss O. Orloff P. B. Pfordten I Miss L. Laker

Miss M. Dunn Miss Miss E. Xavier J.H.Smith I Miss K. Taylor

C. Woo, compradore

Mrs. A. Silva Miss N.Mikisheva Stakios

Mrs. A. Miss Ikenaga


O’Leary Miss Strelitz /la Hi £ f! ± li #

T. E. Bluck Mrs. Miss Misono

B. Tonnochy Williams’WeiMedicine

lense e shan yar chuk

W. A. Richard- son Miss Wigley Co., Dr.—Hong Yue

Building, 451, Kiangse Road; Teleph.

Jg <¥ % Sing chung yung 12521; Cable Ad: Fulford

See G. T. Fulford Co., Ltd.

Whitsons, Limited, Importers and: Manu-

facturers’ Representatives—209,

Ming Yuen Road; Teleph. 10227; P.O. Yuen m & mwmm

Box 1153; Cable Ad: Angloese; Codes; Liu in yin shu hung sze

A.B.C, 5th End., Acme, Bentleys, Scho- Willow Pattern Press (Operated by

fieldsElectric, Universal Trade, Western Millington, Ltd.), Fine Art Printers—

Union Gallia Ruilding, 668; Szechuen Rd. ;

F. L.J. A.Brand,

Brandmanaging director Teleph. 11655 (4 lines) • Cable Ad:

W. S. Lonborg | C. H. Yiu Wilopatern

B. L. Gabbott, gen’l. mgr.

Mrs. M. L. Stuart-Murray

m & m Hwai teh hong sze K. J. Pang

Whitavoeth, Herbert, Ltd. (Manchester),

Cotton Manufacturers and Merchants—

12, The Bund; P.O. Box 706; Teleph. Road;Kong Wing & Co.—986-8, Bubbling Well

16137; Cable Ad: Her whit Teleph. 31943

Wialuen & Co.—Lane 21, 12, Hoopeh Win Ming Electrical and Waterworks

Rado; Teleph. 90718 Co.—116, Yates Road; Teleph. 35642


Wing On Co. (Shanghai), Ltd., The-- 'Woodcraft Works, Ltd., Timber Mer-

551, Nanking lioad; Teleph. 90L12-3, Chests, chants, Specialists

Manufacturersin ofVeneer,




Codes: Box 567;

A.B.C. Cable

5th andAd:6thWingon,

edns., Flooring and Parquets—12-14, Central

Bentley’s, Western Union Arcade;

Mill: Kwong Telephs.Foh13120-13129.

Road, NearSaw

J. G. Lock, managing director Jessfield Park; Teleph. Chapei 41913

Wm. Gockson,

L. S. Kwok, general do. E. F. Toeg, dir. and gen. mgr.

Edmund Kwok, sub- manager

do A. Aug-Chen, director

Z.J. F.A. Chetvernia,

Abkin, mgr.factory, mgr.

'Wing On Textile Manufacturing

Ltd., Cotton Yarn and Cloth Manufac- Co., N. V. Nikolsky, director of factory

turers—Wing On Building, Nanking M. I. Veinerman,

Toeg acct.

E.J. A.Jacob

Road; Teleph. 95081. No. 1 Mill: 10,


Mill: Road, No. 2 Mill: Woosung, No. 3

491, Markham Road, and No. 4 Sales Dept. Mrs. N.: Weidman, stenO.

Mill: Woosung D. Y. Char, sales mgr.

J. L. Friend

Wing Tai Vo Tobacco Corporation-

784, Kiukiang Road; Teleph. 91154 World Auxiliary Insurance Corpora-

tion, Ltd., London—113, Kiukiang

JpJ Doong foo Road; Teleph. 12867; P.O. Box 936;

•VTsner & Co., Merchants—131, Peking Cable R. A.AdKreulen,

: Noramagen. mgr.

Rd.; Teleph. 10226; P.O. Box 949; Cable

Ad: Wisner

World Book Co., Ltd.—390, Foochow

Won Foong Shipping Co. — 176, Shanse Road; Teleph. 22990

Road; Teleph. 91349



.^4040 Yates Road;


cal &Dyeing

Co., L., Works—559,

Dry CleaningEast and Chemi-


way; Teleph. 51794

Wong, Dr. A, S.—882, Bubbling Well World Range

Pencil Co., Ltd., The — 464,


Road; Teleph. 35550 1260; Cable Lysport42615; P.O. Box

Wong Bros. & Co, Ltd.—Z798, Miller S. W. Wu, manager

Road; Teleph. 45028; P.O. Box 1303;

Cable Ad: Wonbrother Wostwag Fillale Shanghai, Export-

ers and Importers—190, Peking

Wong Co.,. T. O., Importers and Ex- Road; Teleph. 19633; P.O. Box 1754;

porters—222, Canton Road; Teleph. Cable Ad: Wostwag

19599; P.O. Box 1739; Cable Ad: Towco

Woo Brothers Trust Co., Ltd.—294, Wei t’ing tun hi h’i hung sze.

Szechuen Road; Teleph. 19273

Worthington Pump & MachineryCoepn.,


Woo Foong Trading Co., Importers,, ressors, ofCondensers,

Pumps, Air Comp-

Piece Goods—25, Jinkee Road; Te- Heaters. Steam Dieselmeters,

and Feedwater

GasandEngines, Water,

leph. 10123; P.O. Box 1346; Cable Oil and Grease Rock Drilling

Ad: Woofontrad Equipment—48, Yuen-ming-yuen

'Woo Ho Weaving Factory—1013, Wa- Teleph. 12590; Cable Ad: Danica Road;

shing Road; Telephs. 51274 and 51588 H. H. Abeling, manager for China and

special representative

Woo SungTeleph.

Road; Cotton16571

Yarn Co.—67,' Ningpo Wusih Tai Loong Flour Mill Co., Ltd.

—94, Siking, Road; Teleph. 19916 •


Yah Chen & Co., Importers and Dis- Yangtsze Rapidifc S. Bank Building, 12, Inc-

Steamship Co. (Fed.

tributors of Paper, Printing Inks, Print- U.S.A.)—H. fhe

ing Supplies, Photo-Engraving Supplies- Bund; Branches

Teleph. 13433; Cable Ad: Rapidco.

at Hankow, Shasi, Ichang,

etc.— 175, Nanking Hoad; Teleph.

Cable Ad: Yachen, Chinese 7189, Chinese 92884; Wanhsien and Chungking

Wireless 7188 Lansing Hoyt, president


Capt. J. W.Brown, a.c.a.,marine'supt.

Rosenberg, chief acct.,

Yah Kee Shino Construction Factory

—448, Dalny Hoad; Teleph. 51011 Yangtsze Transport Corporation—

115, Yuen Ming Yuen Road; Teleph.

Yah Woh Ice and Cold Storage Co., 18237

Ltd.—8-12-14- Minghong Road ; Te-

leph. 45436 Yangtszepoo

Road; Teleph.Cotton

50205 Mills — Wetmore

Yamaguchi & Co.—317, WoosungRoad; sin

Teleph. 40881 M 51 9

Yannoulatos Bros. (China), China

mmht m Produce and Shipping—120, Jinkee

Yamashita Risen Kaisha,

shita Steamship Co., Ltd.),Ltd.Steamship

(Yama- Yao Yung Li, Dr.—59, Hong Kong Road;

Owners, Chartering Agents, Ship Teleph, 16058

Brokers, Miners, Coal Merchants and

Brokers—220, Szeohuen Road; Telephs. Yates, Thomas Moore (Member of the

17138, 18225 and 17003: Cable Ad: Stock CentralExchange),

Road; Telephs.Share18021/3

Broker — 16,


Yamashita; Codes: Private,

complete phrase and Scott’s. Head Bentley’s 70749 (Residence); Cable Ad: Stock-Yates

Office: Kobe Yee Tsoong Tobacco Co., Ltd.—Head


13482; 175,

PootungSoochow Road; Teleph.

Factories: Teleph.

Yamato & Co., Manufacturers’ Re- Pbotung 8586 ;! Cable Ad : POwhattan

presentatives—8. Central Arcade;

Teleph. 13362 :.P.O. Box 754; Cable Yee Tsoong Tobacco Distributors, Ltd.

Ad : Hakukin —Head Office : 175, Soochow Road ;

Yamato Rubber Manufacturing — 21, Teleph. 13482 ; Cable Ad : Powhattan

Szechuen Road; Teleph. 10680 Yek Hua Trading Corporation—63,

Rue du Consulat; Teleph. 85686

Yang Chien Chee

chants—P. D. 16, Haining Road; Teleph. Yellow Taxicab Co..of China, Inc.,

41590 The—534, Rue Bourgeat; Teleph.

70007; Cable- Ad : Yellowcab

ft ft n rn =P Yien Yieh Commercial Bank—(See

Yangtze Import Co.. The, Chemicals, Banks)

Drugs, Patent Medicine, Perfu- Yien Kong & Co., Importers of Woollen

meries. Stationaries, Sundries (Im- and Cotton Piece Goods—349, Ningpo

port & Export)—12,

Teleph. «17«0 Rue de Consulat; Road; Teleph. 93195; P.O. Box 1472;

N. N. Raihel. nronrietor . Cable Ad: Yienkong

O. S. Goldberg, manager Yih Chung Electrical Fittings and

Plumbing Co.—506, Connaught Rd.;

ul 5V “F fj§ Yang tsze Rung sze Teleph. 35114.

Yangtsze Insurance Association, Ltd , Yih Dah Engineering Works —206,

The (Marine, Fire, Automobile and Hailar Road;Teleph. 52714


Building. 26,—TheYangtsze

Bund; Teleph. Insurance

12981; Yih Dah Iron Merchants — 746,

Cable Ad: Yangtsze

M. H. Ivy, general manager Peking Road; Teleph. 93808


Yih Tai Oil Co.—606, Tsepoo Road; Young; Men’s Trading Corporation,'

Teleph. 43573 General Merchants—34,

Teleph. 18326, 19514 Museum Road;

Yokohama Specie Bank—(See Banks) Young Men’s Christian Association'

—(See Associations)

ft w m Young Women’s Christian Asso-.

May shon yok ko yang hong ciation—(See Associations)

York Shipley Co.. Fed. Inc:,- U.S.A.

Ice-making, Refrigeration and Air Yu Fang Iron Mining Co., Ltd.—154.

conditioning—81, Jinkee Road. Telephs. Canton Road; Teleph. 14312; Cable

11450 and 11459: Cable Ad: Yorshipli: Ad: Yufang


York Acme and Bentley’s. Also New


C. J.B.Carr,

Morrison, Yu Fong Mills (Yu Fong Cotton-

sales gen. mgr.

manager Spinning Co., Ltd50122

Road; Telephs. )—£866,


51027; P.O.

D. E. Fox, engineer

K. Wiegand, do. Box 405; Cable Acl: Toyobo

Y. S. Koh, do. Yu Foong Cotton Mill—266, Avenue

Y. Z. Chu, accountant Edward VII.; Teleph. 16638


York Ice Machinery Corporation Yu Lee Trading Co.—53, Szechuen

National Ammonia Co.

Road; Teleph. 10212; Cable Ad : Road; Teleph. 13010; Cable Ad:

Onneybros. Branches: Chefoo, Kobe, Yuletraco Y. Ban, manage!

Dairen and Athens

E. P. Yannbuiatos, managing dir. Yue Ching & Co., Jv K., Importers-

N. P. Yannoulatos, do. . and Exporters—A. 669-670, Broad-

P. P. Yannoulatos way; Teleph. 51741

Miss M. Carneiro | S. Chow

Miss B. Costa ] E. Bono (Chefoo) Yue Fong Bros. & Co.—AlOOl, East

Broadway; Teleph. 52612

Yin song yih sJiing pow shien hung sze YuHankow Fong Cotton

Road; Spinning Co., Ltd.—110,

Telephs. 15613 and 15902

Yorkshire Insurance Co., Ltd. (China Yue Tah Co., Paper Merchants, etc.

Branch), Fire Life, Marine, Acci- —26, Pakhoi Road; Teleph. 91976:


Plate Burglary,

glass, ThirdFidelity party


and Cable Ad: Yutacoy

Motor-car Insurances

and Shanghai Bank Building. — Hongkong 12, Yuen Chong Sanitary and Electrical.

The Bund; Teleph. 11773 (manager Well Co., Sanitary, Electrical and Artesian

and General Office); Cable Ad: Road Contractors,

(Corner of Ferry etc. —Road);

1250, Avenue


Yorkshire 35727

H. E. Wright, manager

D. L. Davey Yuen Kee & Co., Engineers and Contrac-

S. C. Zee, acting compradore

Dodwell & Co., Ltd., general agents tors—118-120, Rue Hue, French Conces-

sion; Teleph. 84873,

Yoshida & Co., General Merchants—24,

Siking Road: Telephs. 10995 and 14772; Yuen Sung Sugar Co.—13*15, Rue

Cable Ad: Yoshida Taku; Teleph. 83021

Yoshisaki & Co., J.—223, Szechuen Road; Yuen

Teleph. 17189

Tah & Co.—113, Broadway; Te-

leph. 40336

Young Bros. Banking Corporation— Yuen Tai Metal Co. and

(Estab. 1913), Gen-

276, Kiukiang Road; Telephs. 91094 eral Iron

Dealers inMerchants

Hardware, Shipchandlers,

Metals, Oils,

andM. 91095; Cable Ad:

H. Wang, manager Yangbrosbk. Paints. India-rubber, Asbestos Goods—

113-7, North Honan Road ; Teleph. 44009


Yung Dah Chong Leather Co.—112, n & m m

Tiendong Road; Teleph. 45336 Zee Sung Co.. Ltd., High Class Jewellers,

Yung Dah Electric Co.—74, Hupeli . Road Gold 1and ; Silver smiths—164, Szechuesi

Road; Teleph. 93591; Cable Ad:

Dienfoor Zeller, Max (Representing F. Hoffmann-

Yung Koo Paint and Varnish Manu- land), La Roche & Co., Ltd., Basle, Switzer-

facturing Co.—Factory and Office : PatentManufacturers Medicines—119,of Chemicals and

Jinkee Road;

900, Kiangwan Rd. ; Teleph. Chapei Teleph. 14248; P.O. Box 1383; Cable Ad:

42372 ; Cable Ads : Yunlcopaint or 9710 Hofroche. ,

Yung , Shun Chang Shipping Co—21, Ziang Kee'Book Co,, Ltd., F., Booksellers,

Szechuen Road ; Teleph.. 16182 ' Statioriers," Pririterg, Engravers ' and

Yung-Tat Ziang Coke Co.-t-740, Thibet i Rubber Stamp Manufacturers—635;

Szechuen Roatl : Western Branch i

Road : Teleph. 91294 1123, Bubbli,’- Well Road; Telepte.

Zt 'Chong Engineering YVorks -350, ' Cable 13375 and; 31429;' P.O. Box 1339;

Point :Rbad:; Teleph. 52875 Ad :. Ziangkee

V. L. Fohg, managing dir..

? \ Cnoho 'Shun1. Contractors and Y, Y. Fong, gianager •

Metal Merchants—101, Rfoadway; Ziuh Fah Land and Estate Invest-

Teleph.! 40549 ' TENr Co.—25, Rue Chu Pao Han;

fr. w ^ m Telephi 83751

Zais, Steinman (fe po, Tnc., ImporCExport, Zik-Ka-Wei Church—(Nee Churches)

Piece Goods', Leather,

1,10, Szechuen Lead.; rHaberdashery—

Teleph.. 19257:

Cable Ad: Zaistein: Codes: Bentley* Zik-EaYVei Ignatius College—(Nee


Branch: 5, Queen’s Road Llong-kong, Educational)

Union, . and Mosse.

H. Zais, president . ,

M. Steinman, vice president and Zik-Ka-Wei^Qbservatoire de—Magnetic



m & $ m m Mi(^e’’Educational)

Zung tee nw kinfr tigp

Zee tfe-SoNS.i'W. Z. .(Established 1805),'

Merchants,of, Contractors

facturers. Metals, and , Many

Hardware and - 'Zimmerman Co., W:^I.', General T.H met,.


Sundries—IQi, Broadway:

(Private.Exchange Teleph. 46333 and

to all Departments); 215. . Manufacturers’

S' Z < j

chiieri 1


TelBph.. —

Cable Ad: Zungloe Cable Ad: Zihitritririan . . 13233;

T. A; Zee, partner

T. Y. Zee. do. • Zoong Sing Cotton Mill,.—1 Kwong

Management Foo Road; Teleph. 20526-

S: MUZee ! S. D. Zee

' Mnii/yffer^-for: ZurjTG FpoNG ’Weaving and Dyeing

China My t.41 and "Hardware‘Co.; Ltd.' Works—339-43, Riie du -Consulat ;

Ctiir’esie.AyjektsIforpp]' Teleph. 80003

Wilkinson, TToywopd arid'Clark

Proprietor.^ of ■ Zung Lejg V Go., (leimritl Importers—SO,

Ghina 'Real Estate Co.

Agents jor: ! KiangseRdad; Teleph. 13894; Cable Ad:

China Brass and Iron Works, Ltd. Zunli


for.-. - b • ■

: Agents and Distributee's

•Zyngol A Co., K.—123,; Museum Road.;

: 34 Manufacturers . ! Toleph.'14438 ' i.. , . • ' , ,,


w m Su-chau

Soochow, until 1912 the capital of the province of Kiangsu, lies about 80 miles west

by water and 54 by rail and a little north of Shanghai, with which it is connected by


connection. inland water-ways. The Shanghai-Nanking Eailway supplies still better

half miles andTheitscity is a from

width rectangle,

east toits west

lengthtwofromandnorth to south

a half, beingcircumference-

the total three and a

being about 10 miles. It lies not far from the eastern shore of the §-reat Taihu lake.


Chinkiang; its wallsandruns the southern

in every directionsection

spreadofcreeksthe Grand Canal,affording

or canals, which joins easyHangchow


tion with centre,

facturing the numerous towns in theof nearly

with a population surrounding336, 477country.

persons, Itof iswhich

an important

number 192, manu-


were males and 144, 341 females (according to the census taken by the Bureau of Public

Safety inIn1934).

kinds. Its two

addi tion, chief manufactures

it sends out silk goods,arecotton, satins and yarn,silkmatches,




articles in iron, ivorywood, horn, and glass, and rape seed.

being the finest city in China, but it was almost entirely destroyed by the rebels,of

Before the Taiping rebellion Soochow shared with Hangchow the reputation

who captured it on 25th May, 1860. Its recovery by Major (afterwards General)

Gordon on 27th Nov., 1863, was the first effective blow to the rebellion. Since that


flourishing, period thoughitithashas recovered itself togreatly

not yet attained its formerand ispitch

onceof more populousIt was

prosperity. and

declared open to foreign trade on September _ 26,

of the_ Japanese Treaty. The Foreign Settlement is under the southern wall of the 1896, under the provisions-

ofcity,a mile

just broad.

across the TheCanal, and ishasa strip

Government madeofa good land carriage

about 1Jroadmilealong

longtheandCanal a quarter


extending the whole length of the settlement and as far as the railway station, a

distance of five and a half miles. The care of roads has been entrusted to the Bureau of


radical of the Wushien Government, which, in recent years, continued inside thea

to make

city. Theimprovementwork on theinwideningconstruction

of Parkand Roadwidening (-& SIofS&),roads especiallyin September


1931, was completed in December of the same year. The Kong Hong (dJ


part withandthetheadjacent Kan Chiangwas Fong CP if inifi)April was widened in the early

now ofhas,1934 in addition Chung to those Shihroads

Chieh alreadywidenedwidened, about1935.15 Thus, miles the city

of well-


and the Chu roads.

Kung The two(^wooden

Bridge -£■ 1®), bridges,

on the namely,

road leading thefrom

Gordon the Bridge

Custom ( House—at

dc )

the outside south-east corner of the city—to the railway station were reconstructed

with re-inforced concrete and opened to traffic in November and December 1931


traffic The Nan1933,Hsing aBridge of($j $14,000.00.

=Ur Hr) was reconstructed and opened to-

Kuan inBridge December,

(M % fg) at atHeng costT’ang (IS $f) was The old inandDecember,

rebuilt broken Ching


with funds

Tsing Yuan wholly

(5& ^ jg),subscribed

this bridge by being

a gentry of this Tsing

re-named districtYuannamed BridgeMr.(If Chang

jg P)

after its constributor. It forms an important link of the Soo-mu Highway

(H tK

It is much Sf), the construction work

due to the creditSoochow—Kashing of which was

of the Provincialorauthorities consummated in August

concernedwasthatconstructed 1935.

the work


in theMayconstruction

and openedoftothetraffic on 28th June, 1933,Soo-Kah coveringHighway

a total length of 66.8-


Highway and atbusa service

cost offor$700,000. Following roadthewascompletion

inauguratedof and the operated


solely by athemotor Bureau of Construction run on ofthis thenewProvincial Government, to the great-

convenience of the travelling public. The year 1935 witnessed the completion of the


from Changshu toHighway, Soochowcovering

extendinga distance

40 kilometres of 140 inkilometres,

length. The withroad

a branchlinks line



many important towns such as Kiating ^ ^ Taitsang {-&. M ), Cengshu ( ^

i Soochow < M \ and_ Wusih all

and possess rich agricultural products. Construction of this road was of which are densely populated

I*| gust, begancosting

as earlyabout as$1,700,000.

SeptemberA 1933, new Ching and work Fan was Highwaynot finished until namedAu-

! after the local ancient scholar and stateman Fan Chung-yen (jg fit), was constructed

in September, 1933, connecting the Tien Ping Hills (% ^ fii) with the Lin An Hills


hills. Ul),To thusthe providing much facility

added facilities of transport to the ofexcursionists

this port, toa these Soochow two'Kashing


railway was under project and scheduled to be finished before the, end of

1935. It starts from the railway station and passes six major towns e7i route.

The whole line covering a distance,of 80 kilometres, costs, approximately $4,000,000.

i. Thesummated construction

in April,of 1954,

the Chung

costing Shan Memorial

$40,000.00 Hall was

a sum which (th |lltotally contributed

!at) was con- by

f midst of the Yuan Miao K’uan (tc # SI), the commercial centre of the city. Ain new

the citizens of the local community. It is a magnificent building and'situated the

i Y.M.C.A. building was opened in December, 1921. The Chinese and missionary


bazaar date back todomestic

exhibiting 1900. With a viewwastq promoting

products localand

con tern pleted industries,

the new the plan of a


located in Pei Ch’u Ofli M), in the city was completed . and opened to business

i| on September 3 1935. On New Year’s day

“Chin Men” PI), replacing the Hsin , Chang Men and a little to, the south in 1931, a new city gate named

i toof fhe it, newly

was opened

built “Pingto traffic.

Men” (*pThe |*D, city


Soochowinstead has thus,of six incity addition

gates as

j itinstitutions.

had before.Branch Recent^years

offices of Chinese modern banks established inmodern

witnessed thej growth of a great many banking

this city and


commercial to business latelyBatik

and Savings were (_L

the W-Ohingtfl "MCh’eng

® W UBank If); The $$Chinese

IS fr); Manufacturers’

The Shanghai

Bank (ffi @ PI # ^ ff); The Peasants Bank (US® If): The Oriental Bank (fc |5£ ^ If);

The National Industrial Bank of China (th PI W M ® if): and The China South

Sea Bank ('h H ^ if);

, Trade in 193.4

The year opened with a , severe cold spell, causing the freeziflg/up ipf Several

parts on’the Grand and small streams around this district. Very low temperature


inland at thehadendtuof beJanuary and thesuspended.

temporarily launch serviceWithbetween excessivethis city

heat and

"and some


of rainfall, a severe drought threatened this district iix May and June. Thanks to .


and kind efforts ofreliefs

temporary the local


given toancope Apti-Drought Commission wasphenomenon.

with the discomfortable inaugurated '


vear’scocoon crop forThethefresh

production. spring seasonmarket

cocoon was good,

openedyielding 85 perranging

with prices cent, from

of a normal

$33 to

$41 per quintal according to the quality of the product. _ The prices were unpre-

cedentedly low and the farmers usually were not inclined to part with

their stocks on account of the unremuneration quotations obtained and the

first half-month of February with the result that the cocoon crop was a poor

one. market,

silk Its yieldabroad

was asonlywell50% of a anormal

as home, picul ofyear’s. Owingonly

fresh cocoon to the depression

fetched from $30.00of theto

$40.00 according to the quality of the product.

their undertaking had ceased to be a lucrative business as before. The breeders nowadays found that

It is interesting to note that Soochow, although situated in the hinterland,

assumed, in the year 1934, a new status of carrying on direct foreign trade on an

large scale

happy (foreign goodswitharrived fromvigour

abroadforand transhipped toTheSoochow). This

direct incident continued

foreign imports renewed

was $2,640,824 as against the$1,251,844.00

year again. the total value

increase beingof

chiefly due to the increased importation of foreign sugar and to a certain extent



receivedsilka yarn,

seriousliquid fuel and

set-back as akerosene

result ofoil.theTurning

loss of the to the domestic-


market during the year. Business with northern ports and Foochow was relegated

to insignificance. A total quantity of 2,143 quintals was exported as against 3,704

quintals in the preceding year.

50% Owing to theyear’s

of a normal drought

yield.the rice crop had a lean year, averaging only a little over




^ & m Sung hung wei Miss Kate B. Hackney

American Church: Mission — Cable Ad: Miss Nina Troy

Amohumiss Miss Ethel Bost | Miss Annie Price

Miss E. M. A, Cartwright

Kev. F. A Cox and wife

Miss H.A. B.A. Jordan Jg D£ iB H K # *

B,ev. McNulty and wife PostActing

Office Deputy Commissioner in

Mr. D. G. Poston Charge - Pao Yung

Mrs. W. H. Stand ring

55 m 55 Soochow Brick and Tile Co.


A. Snell,



Asiatic Petroleum Co. (North

Ltd.—Teleph. 357; Cable Ad: Doric China),

P. J. Wilson, manager

K. F. B. Pawley B * & -M

Tung woo ta hoh

m m m m Soochow University (Incorporated

Soo chow Hai hwan under the laws of the fStaites of

Tennessee, U.lS.A., 1900) (Register-

Customs, Chinese Maritime ed

August, 1929)—Tien Sse Government,

with Nationalist Tsang

Acting Comr.—Chen Tso-chu

Clerks — Tsui Chih-peng, Wu Chi

Chun and Li Hou-chang

Examiner—Tang Cheuk Nam ^ H Mei foo

Tidewaiters—Ding Dieu Chiu, Standard-Vacuum


Oil Co.—Cable Ad:

Wu and ki Teh Hsien Daniel

K. Y. Ho,



® m m * it

Laura Haygood Normal School Tung Woo Dispensary—West Central,

Miss A. E. Bradshaw Street; Cable Ad: Tungwo

Classified. List of Agents, Merchants

and Manufiactnrers in this

territory, also a List of Cable

Addresses, -will be foand at the

End of the Directory. Classified

List of Far Fastern Engineering

Firms follows Hong Fong.







'he Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank, Ltd.













SHANGHAI 6, Queen s RoadAddress:


Telegraphic Address: Telegraphic



Chin hidng

The port of Chinkiang, which was opened to trade by the Treaty of Tientsin, is


and nearonthethe south bankof ofthethesouthern

Yangtsze andRiver, about 150 miles thefrom its mouth,

Formerly this entrances

position gave it great importance, northern

and sections

it was atof one Grand

time Canal.


that the port must eventually become a serious rival to Shanghai,

of the inland waterways, and especially of the Grand Canal, which is closed to steam but the neglect

ortraffic for some

because months

the wash fromduring

launcheseach during

year, either because

the high watertheseason


is tooinjure



embankments, is causing the trade to be diverted to Fukow, Tsingtao and Nantung-


the A

harbour. further reason for the decline in importance"of the port is the silting up of

slowly, and twoTheadditional


one tostretching

the west north-west

of the harbour




one stretching north-west from Silver Island Bluff, are now forming.

Chinkiang is one of; the pleasantest ports on the fiver. It is mow within five

hours railway

promptly, country journey.

while theis very oi.

Shanghai Shanghai, which enablesthenecessities to be delivered

rounding prettypapers are received

and contains same afternoon.

fair shooting. Road development The sur-is

proceeding apace and motor cars are steadily increasing in numbers. : '

The former

November, British

1929, and Concession was.

all undertakings of theformally

former handed over to China

British Municipal on such

Council, 15th

as electric light and waterworks plants, have been taken over by Chinese eorfipanies

who now supply the cbiicession with electric power and water from their installations

in the city.

The work of road construction at Chinkiang and its suburban places was

done very satisfactorily, though it has been carried bn slowly and steadily

ever since the removal of the Kiangsu Provincial Capital to this port in 1928.

The Chung Shan Road which occupies the former city centre is available' for

motor traffic from the West Gate Railway Station in the west to the various

highways in the east. The Chung Cheng Road is also available for motor

traffic, commencing from the waterfront of the Yangtze River r ear the Pai Ku

Shan and terminating at the South Gate Railway Station, thus linking up the

various highways in the south. The work of the east section of the Chung Hua

Road between the Shih Fi> Chiao1 and the 'Chung Cheng Road has not yet been

started. A new road named Pao T’a Road crossing the West Gate main street

from the Chung Hua Road in the north to the Pao Kai Road in the south, has

just been completed and this is considered as a pivot between the city of

Chinkiang and its business centre outside the West Gate. Bus roads are now

radiated to various places such as Chuyung, Tangyang, Kintan, Liyang and

Kiangyin. It is worthy of note that a Provincial Observatory has been built

on the Pei Ku Shan towards the end of 1934 for.meteorological; purposes.

Trade is 1931 r'

The total value of trade passing through this port during the year reached ■

Standard $14,595,443 (not including foreign imports from Chinese treaty ports).

Although the figure shows' a slight decrease when compared with that of 1933,

yet the trade conditions of the port throughout the year under review were

improved to some extent, especially the sugar merchants who had transacted

enormous business at this port.




® m m m ter (Acting, temporarily'—N. A.


Afei JnvoJt nan chang lao wei Boat Officer—Sung Wan-ying

American Examiners — Au Siu Tuen, Kuan

South Presbyterian Mission, Ching Chih and Shen Yun Sun

S. C. Farrior and wife

55 $3 55 Asia ']'£ E wo

Asiatic Petroleum

Ltd.—Cable Co. (North China), Jardtne,

Ad: Doric and

Matheson & Co., Ltd , Merchants

Steamship Agents^Cable Ad:


Bank of China—Cable Ad: 6892 (For Agencies see Shanghai Section)

British Consulate — fAdministered

H.M. Consul-General in Nanking) by PostActing

OfficeDeputy Postal Commissioner

—Pao Yung

-j*f -fc Tai leoo

Butterfield Swire (John Swire

Sons, Ltd.), Merchants—Cable Ad: Swire

S. P. Chow Standard Vacuum Oil Co. — Telephs.

135 (Office) and 116 (Installation); Cable

ii a m Chin Teiang kwan Ad: Standvac

Customs, Chinese Maritime

Commissioner—Chang Pai Leh Texas Co., The, Petroleum Products—

Assistant—Shih Chins Cable



Tidesurveyor and Harbour Mas-


^ fT Kidng-ning

The city ofowestheitsEmpire,

present the

name, “Southern capital,”

the toremoval

havingtherebeen ofmany

the times

ofthe Government

capital in 1927, being last occasion

in the Mingbefore

dynasty at the commencement Seatof


the prefecture of Kiang Ning, and the seat of government for the provinces groupedof

15th century. Nanking is also known as Kiang Ning Fu, being the chief city

under the designation of Kiang Nan. Besides Kiang Ning Fu, an elegant Chinese

name commonly used is Kin

hasLing Or “goldencitymound.” From the 5th orwas 6th specified


inB.C.theto French

the present Treatythere

of 1858 been

as onea walled at thisports

of the Yangtze place.

to beNanking

opened to trade, but

it was not formally opened until May, 1899. In July, 1915, Pukow, the southern

terminus of the Tientsin-Pukow Railway (lying across

opened to foreign trade as a branch office of the Nanking Customs. the river from Nanking), was


193 bytherailislong

situated on water

the south bank of the Yangtsze, the45river


beyond beChinkiang

itandexcept or line

215 by

of lofty frombrick

grey Shanghai. Fromencircles

walls which it. Thecanwalls seen anof



■elevation varying from 40 to 90 feet, are from 20 to 40 feet in thickness, and 22 mile


circumference. Tiiey

andandincludes enclose

someis several a, vast

pretty tuiles area,

hilly from a large

country. part of which,

The busiest still remains undeve-

the south west, and the banks of the portion

river. lies towardsof


architectural beauty or importance1 belonged to Nanking perished or was reduced

to a ruinous

famous Condition

Porcelain at pi the

Tower, befbrfemost

its dcc'upation by the inTaiping

beautiful pagoda China,rebels. The world

was completely

destroyed during this period of its history, and now nothing remains of the structure

that was once the glory of Nanking. It stood outside the walls oh the south side of

the city. (who

dynasty The celebrated

died in 1398),mausoleum

with other of thetombs

Emperor Hiing Wu, founder

and monuments, known asof the

the Ming


Tombs, is just outside the eastern walls. There are many other interesting ruins in or

near the city, including the remains of Hung Wu’s Palace. Nanking was first brought


China was signed here. During the Taiping rebellion no place sufiered more. Itwith

notice among Europeans in 1842, in which year the first British Treaty was

first taken bysiege

a prolonged assault

was byrecaptured

the Taipings by theonImperial

the 19thforces

March, 1853,19th

oh the andJuly,



a fatal

blow to the rebels. Although Nanking has recovered to a small extent from the

prostration which attended its ill-treatment during the Taiping rebellion, it has never

yet attained any commercial importance, but both coal and iron mines are known to

exist in the neighbourhood

will probably become a great and must eventually

maiyitaicturing. centre.be worked, in which case Nanking

The Naval College, a large pile of bhildings, was opened in 1890. It was closed

during the Revolution, but has, since been re-opened. Later, it was again closed and

the buildings now form the-.: admiralty. The Nanking (Ginleng) University was


now aninimposing

1888 by the

andCentral China Mission

well-appointed school, ofwiththeaMethodist Episcopal There

roll of 500 scholars. Church,is,also,


-a women’s College. In December, 1923, a large quadrangle of the National South-

Eastern University was destroyed by fire, the damage being estimated at 8300,000.

The library, containing 3,000 English and 30,000 Chinese books, was.almost a total loss.

The Arsenal and Powder Mills, for many years in the charge of foreigners, are now

entrusted to native direction. They are situated just outside the South Gate. A

macadamized road has been built from the steamer landing clear through the city to

the Tung Tsi Gate in the south wall, a distance of eight miles, and many similar roads

in other parts of the city have been added during the last few years. A noticeable

improvement to communication between the centre of the'eity and Hsiakwan was the

construction of the Chungshan highway, the opening of which in 1929 greatly

facilitated traffic and has given an impetus to motor transportation. Many new roads

are planned inside the City, where since it became the Capital. Many fine buildings

have been erected, or are in course of'erecthm: notably the ministries of Railways,

Communications, Justice, and a new Eoreign office. Outside the City, Motor roads now

join the Capital both with Hangchow & Wu.hu.

' British and American Consulates were opened in 1900, and since then a

Japanese and French Consulates have also beenestablished. Most of the Legations

-also have established sub-Legations here.

Nanking was the scene of much, fighting in the revolutionary compaign

•during October and November, 1911. The whole city was occupied by the

revolutionaries in the early days of December, the Tartar City was sacked

and burnt, and Nanking became the seat of the Provisional Government

with Dr. Sun Yat-sen as President. Here the; Republican Constitution was

drawn up and promulgated, and the Revolutionary leaders sought to make Nanking

the capital of the Republic. In July, 1.913, a military outbreak occurred which

rapidly developed into an armed rebellion against-the Central Government, and from

the 15th August until the 1st September the city was under a severe bombardment.

All of Hsia-kuan was burnt, and Nanking was looted. The city was made

the seat of government by the Nationalists in 1927. The great event of 1929

was the burial of Dr. Sun Yat iSen in a magnificent mausoleum, specially con-

rstructed for the body of the great leader on a slope of the Purple Mountain.

In 1931 the Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park was developed by the construction

of sports grounds, a stadium and a swimming pool.


Trade in 1934

The available statistics regarding the value of trade coming under Customs,

cognizance during the year under review at the port of Nanking are as follows:

direct foreign imports, 18.5 million dollars as against 21.4 million in 1933 ;

direct exportations to foreign,countries, 166,000 dollars as against 2,000 dollars

in 1933.; coastwise importations of Chinese produce, 3.8 million dollars as

against 5.4 million in 1933; and coastwise exportations of Chinese pro-

duce 13.3 million dollars as against . 15 million in 1933. In


caution statistical

must be comparisons

added that suchthe asfigures these, given


do not the reflect


variations in the whole trade of the port, but only in the Customs-controlled

steamer-borne trade. Some of the crops in the district suffered from the

extensive drought referred to in the introduction to this report, but it will

be realised that the statistics of the port are not now affected by the extent

of the local harvest so much as by the state of affairs in the cast territories

traversed by the Lung-Hai and the Tientsin-Pukow Railways; while the*

requirements of the port itself are almost equally unaffected by the economic

condition of the surrounding country being governed rather by the growing

importance of Nanking as the capital Of China and the seat of National

Government, where, according to one estimate, some 20 million dollars have

been spent on private building construction alone during the 3| years ending

June 1934, this figure taking no account of Government building operations,

nor of municipal road construction, and utility undertakings, nor of factory

construction outside the municipal area. The return of direct foreign imports

discloses conspicuous increases in the arrivals of iron rails (from 31,0000 to

215,000 quintals) and constructional steel (from 15,000 to 27,000 quintals),

largely for the Sian-Tungkwan section of the Lung-Hai Railway; in copper

wire (fi’om 800 to 2,9000 quintals); in ordinary time (from 15,000 to 22,000

cubic metres), largely for building operations in the city, in railway sleepers

(from 398,000 to 619,000 pieces) ; in kerosene oil (from 7.8 to 10.7 million litres);

and in foreign sugar, which has advanced from only 27,OOO'quintals in 1932

to 80,000 quintals in 1933 and to 90,000 quintals in the year under review.

Other important imports included scientific instruments and apparatus:

machinery for the Research Institute of Physics and Chemistry of the P’ing

Kung Shu, the Central Military Academy, and the Tientsin-Pukow Railway;

besides rolling-stock

of foreign and owing

coal declined “railwayto the


direct not


trade to recorded.” Imports

foreign countries.

With the closing down of the International Export Company’s factory

(formerly the mainstay of the direct export trade) direct exportations gradually

dwindled until they reached a value of under 2,000 dollars in 1933, but from

this level the value under this Returns heading rose to 166,000 dollars in the

year under review, chiefly due to the forwarding of five shipments of coal,

aggregating over 13,000 metric tons, to Japan. In addition, the coastwise

exportations of this commodity (mostly from the Chungsing Mines in Shan-

tung), which have grown from only 23,000 metric tons in 1931 to 195,000 tons

in .1932 and to 517,000 tons in 1933, reached a total of 677,000 tons during the

year under comment, requiring (besides much cargo space on river steamers)

the dispatch of 17 coasting vessels direct to Ningpo, Canton, Aomy, and Cheffo

Ibaded soley with coal. With the exception of this article, however, nearly all

the staple exports

principally, of the registered

diversion decreases

of trade toin carriers

the Returns, apparently

not under Customson control.


In March of the year under review the Pacific Alkali Company were authorised

by the Government to manufacture sulphate of ammonia, ammonia, sulphuric

acid, and nitric -acid, etc., in addition to soda ash. To cope with this new

business the company have increased their capital and registered under the

new name of the Yung Lee Chemical Industries Company. The factory for

their new products is to be situated at Hsiehchiatien, about 30 li down-stream

from Pukow. The site covers an area of 1,3000 Wow, on which roads, offices,

and Workmen’s quarters- have been already built, while pontoons have been


placed in position and the necessary machinery ordered for the factory; but

the main buildings await: erection under' the supervision of technical experts


oeingto provided

arrive. Afor,daily

and output

the newoffactory

about will

150 tons

be theof greatest


of ammonia


prise so far undertaken in the Nanking district. In the city itself, 19 munici-

pal roads were completed during the year at a cost of over 209,000 dollars, and

five more roads were put under construction at an estimated cost of 240,000

dollars. The new bund road at Hsiakwan and the Chung Yang Hoad leading

from the Drum Tower to the projected Chung Yang Men railway station are

counted amongst the more important thoroughfares completed. The Kiangnan

Kailway Company have undertaken to, construct a railway from Nanking to

Chaoan, a place near the Kwapgtung border in Fukien. The line is to consist

of five sections, of which the second, running from Wuhu to Sunchiapu, was

opened to traffic in November, and the first, from Nanking to Wuhu, is

expected to be completed early in 1935. According to a census taken by the

Metropolitan Police Headquarters, the population in the Nanking municipal

area increased by 69,824 during the year under review, making a total of

’777,230 persons now resident within the municipality.



National Government State Council

President—Lin Seng

Commander-in-Chief of Army, Navy and Air Forces—General Chiang Kai-shek

The Five Yuan_ Minister of Finance —H. H. Kung

Executive Yuan—Wang Ching Wei do. War—Gen. Ho Ying-ching

Control Yuan—Yu Yue-jen do. Navy—Admiral Chen Shao-Kuan

Judicial Yuan—Chu Cheng Minister of Justice—S.T. Cheng (acting)

Legislative Yuan—Sun Fo

Examination Yuan—Tai Chi-tao do. Communications—Chu Ching-hua

Executive Departments M inis ter of Education—Wong Shih-chieh

do. Industry—Chen Kung-po

do. Interior—Gen.

Minister of Foreign Affairs—Wang Ching Minister Hwang

of Railways—Ku Shao-yun



35 3S Asia ■jfcjf ^ Tq,i Tcoo

1 Asiatic Petroleum Co. (North China), Butterfield

Ad: Swire

&. Swire, Merchants^—Cable

Ltd.—Telephs. 41141 & 41142; Cable / Stuart’Deas, signs per pro.

Ad : Doric A. Conway Evans, assistant

E. E.Wilkinson,

D. Nash manager

I F. C. Poole

V. F. Clarke | Miss. E. S. MacRae Capital Garden Hotel —3, Hu Pei

Chieh, The Bund, Hsiakwan

Bridge House Hotel, Ltd.—Hsiakwan: Gaelowitz & Co.—244, Chung Shan Pei

Lu; P. O. Box 18 '

Cable Ad: Bridge


p] S- ff t'K ^ #

Tseang tah mu Hong hung sze Customs, Chinese Maritime

Inspectorate General of Customs (Head

China Import and Export Lumber Co, Office) General — Sir Frederick


Ltd,, Lumber Merchants—Office & Saw Maze,Assistant

k.b.e. Secretary (addition-

Mill: Chung San Bridge, Hsiakwan ; Acting

Telephs. 41870 and 41630; Cable Ad: al)^—Sun Si Yung


T. L. Wong, manager

m m

Chinese Engineering and Develop- Custom House

ment Co.—8, Fu Hou Fang Commissioner—J. Klubien

C. Y. Wu, manager Actg. Dopy. Comr.—Sun

Assistant—On Yah Foo Si Yung

Tidesurveyor and Harbour Master—


Examiner*—M. H. Fulker

Germany (Embassy)—15, Yeeho Road;

Teleph. 31949; Cable Ad: Diplogerma


man Oskar P. Traut- DrysdALE t £ n

& Co., Insurance Agents,

Counsellor—M. Fischer Import and Export

Chia Wan; Teleph. 41158; Merchants—San

Cable Ad:

Drysdale; Code: Bentley’s

Great Britain

Consul — H. J. Prideaux - Brune, mm s w &

O.B.E. Chiao yu tu su chuo

Acting Consul—M. C. Gillett J Educational Bookstore, Booksellers and


Cypher Officer—C.D. Hodgson

Bryan Stationers, Printers and Publishers—

Clerical Officer, Diplomatic 400,

CableChung Shan Hoad; Teleph. 31968;.

Ad: Education

Mission—Miss A. M. Tomkin Y. F. Mak, manager

Counsellor—R. G. Howe Sole Agents for—

Archivist—T. McDonald Ed. Evans & Sons, Ld., of Shanghai

Stenographer—Mrs. Leslie

Japan Electric & Musical Industries (China),.

Ltd.—10, Wen Shou Lee, Wen Chang

1st. Secretary of Legation and Consul Hong, Tai Ping Road

Y. C. Chang, representative

General—Y. Suma


Elive Consul—K.TanakaAsakai

Chancellors — Y. Oka, German

Y. Kimura, (Nee under Embassy

S.S. Uyemura,

Ichikawa, T. Yanagiwara, Consulates)

and B. Shimizu H. Suzuki, I. lishima

ig £ f2 $} & &

Ying shang ho gee yu hsien hung sze

® ® a « * International

Ltd.—Cable Ad:Export

Inter Co. (Kiangsu),.

United States T. L. Macartney, manager

Consul General and Counsellor W.

F. E. Deeley, chief engr. mgr.

E. Dailey, acting assb.

of Legation—Willys R. Peck E. J. Sanders, factory supt.

Consuls and 2nd Secretaries of Miss K. M. Taylor

Legation—George Atcheson, jr.

and John Carter Vincent

Vice-Consul—Douglas Jenkins, m a* I& 3%

Do. —KennethMills

, Clerk—Miss J. Yearnsjr. Jardine Engineering Corporation, Ltd.,

Do. —MissMarjory

Harriet Crutchfield The—9,

Cable Ad: JardengFu, San Chia Wan;.

Hsia Kung



Jaedine, Matheson & Co., Ltd., Merchants American Church Mission


(Shipping)Ad: Jardine (General), Inchcoy American Presbyterian Mission,

W. D. Fiddes-Wilson, agent North

Kwan-Chu & Co, r Architects and


Dr. J.&l Mrs.


J. H.BuckDaniels

Engineers — Y.M.C-A. Bldg.; Teleph. Miss

23658; Cable Ad : Chitai Dr. &E.Mrs.

L. Drummond

W. P. Fenn



Rev. &MaryMrs.A.W.Leaman

P. Mills

Dikectorate General of Posts, Nan- Miss Anna E. Moffet

king-Teleph. 31131, Cable Ad: Postgen Miss Miriam E. Null

Nanking Mr. &Mrs.

Director General—Kue Hsin-sung

Deputy Rev! Mrs.A.C.T.S. Roy


Sing Director Gjeneral—Chu Chang Dr. & Mrs. J. C. Thomson

Mrs. Lawrence Thurston

Chief Inspecting Commissioner’s

Officiating Chief Inspecting Com-Office- Rev. & Mrs. W. R. Wheeler

missioner—W.W. Ritchie Miss Eleanor

Miss MargaretM.Winslett


Inspecting Commissioners—Woo

Acting Asst. Inspecting Commis- Yoh

sioners — Wei Sing Ping, Seng Son ^ m n m ^ i mei wei

Tseio andAsst,Miao

Officiating Hong JnuCommis-


sioner—Ko Fei Methodist Episcopal Mission

Private Secretariat-

Chief Mi-shu—Yu Siang-lin — Han # ^ Chi tu wei

Acting Deputy Commissioner United Christian Missionary Society

Chung-i Headquarters in United States

General Department— of America—Missions Building,

First Secretary—Tsu Mong-au Indianapolis, Indiana



- Shih-king Headquarters


Secretary, concurrent! y —Tsu Mongan Chia Hsiang,in Nanking;China — 5,Teleph.


Asst. Secretary—Hsieh Teh Heun and Cable Ad : Disciples ; Code:

Business Department- Mission

Secretary—W.W. Ritchie — Fok Sik Stations — Chuchow, Luchowfu,

Acting Asst. Secretary Nanking, Nantungchow, Wuhu




Fei Commissioner — Koh Nanking Hotel, Ltd. — The Bund,

Service Buildings Surveyor — H. J. Hsiakwan; Cable A: Vandee

Fairburn Nanking Pharmacy—203, Hua Pai Lou

Accounts and AuditChing

Secretary—Kuan Department—

Chu Street, City

Asst. Secy.—Chao Tsai Chan

Acting Service Acet.—Ro Lock Ping Nanking Rotary Club

Asst. ServiceDepartment—

International Acct.—Kao Hung-chuan

Secretary—E. Caretti jb a « ® sb it a:

Asst. Secy.—Kan

Supply Department Wen-sheug

— 322, Kiaochew Kiangsu Yu-Cheng Kwan-li Chit

Road, Shanghai; Post Office—Head Office: Hsia-

34338 and 34339; Telephone.

Cable Ad:34330,

Pos- kwan;


Teleph. 41738 (Commission-

(Office), 41827 Commissioner’s

tsupdep Stirling

Secretary—J. Residence) 41726 (Deputy Commis-

•Officiating Asst. Secy. — Chow Zung sioner), 41719 (Deputy Commission-

er District Accountancy), 41722

Sung (Inland Control Office), 41970

Office of

Peiping—Supt. of Stamps, Paichihfang, (Down-Stairs), 41910 1st floor, 41206

Supt. of Stamps—E. Reth (Savings Bank Dept.); Cable Ad:

Asst. do. —Pien Yei Ting Postos


m & m &m ^ ft, && JL%1* Chin Un3 da sh0

Postal Remittances and Savings Bank University of Nanking

—Nanking Branch, Tahsingkung; Cable Chinese Language, Literature, History,

Ad:T. Postalbank

Y. Ho, manager Philosophy, Western Subjects, Agri-

culture and Forestry, etc.

Siemens China Co.—Siao Tao Yuen, San


Motor Yien; Teleph. 31086 ; Cable Ad: Wing Chong Co., Universal Providers—

John H. D. Rabe, repres. 19, Dah Mar Road; Cable Ad : Wing-


££ H Mei foo

Standard-Vacuum Oil Co. Teleph. Yangtse Hotel—Telephs. 41414 and.

41880; Cable Ad: Standvac 41887; Cable Ad: Yangtse

L.A.J. L.Mead, W. Brydon, proprietor


J. B. Sherwood I| I.Miss

D. A.Butler

Radomski Yee Tsoong Tobacco Distributors, Ltd.

Steiner & Co.,—47, Chung Shan Road ; -San Chai Wannking; P.O. Box 4;

Cable Ad: Powhattan

Cable Ad : Maurizio

pi & vft 'X ■£ ± Y.M.C.A.—22, Chung Hua Lu; Cable Ad :

Teh shih leu huo yu hung m Flamingo

Texas Co,, (China) Ltd., The, Texaco

Products—14, Hsin Chieh Kou; Yung Hsing Stationery Co,-144, Tai

Telephs. 22560 and 21295; Cable Ping Road

Ad: Texaco


jj| Wu-hA

This port (the name of which signifies “grass and lakes,” i.e., swamps) was

opened to foreign trade by the “Chefoo Convention” on the 1st April, 1877. It is

situated on the city,

National capital Yangtsze, in the though

and Kiukiang, provinceconsiderably

of Anhwei, nearerbetween

to the Nanking,

former. Ittheis

well located for trade, mainly owing to the excellence of its water

with the interior. A large canal, with a depth of five to six feet of water in the win- communication

ter and more than double that in the summer, connects the port with the, important

city of Hsuancheng (recently known as Ning-kuoh-fu) 80 km. distant. Another

canal runs inland for over 170 km. in a south-westerly direction to Taipipg-hsien an

•extensive tea district.

through Nanling This canal,where

and King-hsien, wliichthe.iscultivation

only navigable

of silk inis carried

the_ summer,

on, andpasses


some day be of importance. These silk districts are situated within 80 km. of Wuhu. .

Besides the canals leading to Hsuancheng and Taiping, there are two others communi-

cating with Ssu-an in Chekiang and Tung-po.

Coal may some day become a considerable article of export from Wuhu, both

Government and private interests having been directed to the great coalfields of the

province. The most important mines now under operation are in Lohochen on the

right bank of theA railway

Commission. Huai river,


fromPengpu, managed

the colliery by the National

to Yuchikou, on the leftReconstruction

bank of the

Yangtze opposite Wuhu, has been built by the Commission and recently opened to

passenger as well as to cargo traffic. Another important mine in Shuitung in south

Anhwei is now operated with private r capital. This mine possesses a light railway

connecting the coalfields with the W uhu-Sunchiapu railway at the latter terminus.

The Mantoushan

position in that thecoalminesmines,

are also

on thea brink

privateof concern,

the Yangtzeoccupya fewa better

km. abovegeographical


Shipments are frequently made by specially chartered steamers to Shanghai for tran-

shipment there.

The export of iron ore, which constitutes the most important direct trade of the

port with foreign

in opening countries,

these mines, increase

namely, yearly.

the Yu Threeof private

Fan1 Co. Tichiang, concerns

the Paoare Hsing

now engaged

Co. of

Manganshan and the Fu Hr Min Co. of Chenciayu. This mineral, so richly produced

in Anhwei, is all shipped to Japan.

Motor roads existbetween Wuhu, Nanking, Tunchi and WuyvejL

The tract of land selected 30 years ago for the Foreign Settlement was definitely



1906, andcompanies,

sites were each

allotted to the then

lot having a riverAnhwei


of 600 toCompany and Into

1,100 feet.

1914 the Ministry of Communications took over the Anhwei Railway Company with

its entire assets and liabilities, the property being transferred to the Kiangnan Rail-



ground ininthe1933. Large godowns

Settlement for storingwererice,built



Butterfield & Swire

Matheson & Co.on

Ltd., and

acquiring the Chinese

property inwere Government

the completed Salt

vicinity. The Administration is said to be on the the bundof


near the Settlement and Customs

occupied inHouse191.9.andThebuildings


of Wuhu and its suburbs was estimated at 328,803 in 1934. A railway has been con-


Sunchiapu.by theTheKiangnan Railway

former line Company

was opened connectingandthisgoods

to passenger porttraffic

with inNanking

May 1935.and

Trade in 1934

The following are the statistics for the value of trade of Wuhu, in so far as they

-against 1.9 million in 1933; coastwise direct

are now recorded by the Customs: foreign ofimports,

importations Chinese2.4produce,

million 12.4



-dollars as against 16.4 million; direct exports to foreign countries, 1.9 million dollars as


against 25.5 million in 1933. It will be seen that both the inward and the outward

sections of the direct

value of imports foreign tradeimportantly

was augmented showed signs hy theof49,000


trade improvement.

in foreign sugar, The


kong, 42,000from 74,000

quintals to 92.000

from Java,quintals,

and the smallof whichreriiainder from quintalsothercame fromarrivals

countries. Hong



however, asgrowth to theinfactthisthat


is notdiie

elected §o mudh

to paytodutyan improvement

at Wuhu instead in consumption,

of at Shang-

hai. Theandother

sleepers important itemsimports

contributing towere

the required

increaseforwere Oregon pine

now in processsteel rails, the large

of construction (vide infra).of The whichdirect exportations the railway coun-

to foreign lines

tries consistedto Japan.

Chenchiayu of iron The ore shipped

increase from in the the minesshipped,

quantity at Manganshan,4.8 millionTichiang,


against only, 3 millioii quintals, entirely accounted for

this section of trade. The number of steamers (chiefly Japanese flag) specially the higher value recorded, for

chartered to transport this Ore to Japan rose from 77 in 1933 to 133 in the year under

reView, while the foreign; trade of the port, therefore, continued to advance, the

statistics quoted above show only top clearly how adversely the coastwise trade was


ments ofbyinterport

local conditions, the combined

cargo declining value ofdollars.

by 15.4 million the inward It wasandveryoutward move-


that just

great floodwhen

in Wuhuthewas

1931, beginning

rice, belt in to show signs

Southern of recovery

Anhwei should from

have the effectstheof full

suffered the

consequences of the disastrous drought, already referred to in the introduction to this


the during

hottest seasonthe ofyear


year, review. The long'spelj

almost entirely ruined the of dryricewhether,

crops incoinciding

the most with, pro-

ductive regions T of the province. As the province is one of the greatest rice-growing

centres and W uhu is the greatest of all points of export in the country for this com-

modity, any untoward occurrence affecting the crops of this cereal becomes a disaster



first magnitude.

whicha sum showequalThisexports

that may be ofgathered

rice tookfrom


fromWuhu this statistics

portof the forvaluetheofpre-20

to aport

year under review (which actually included 1.2 million quintals ef rice shippedforbefore

million dollars, to the value of the whole trade the



rice, ofthere

the were



harvests50 per cent. and

of wheat more.rapeAsseed,regards

so thatexports

70 par other


more of the former and more than double the usual quantity of tbe latter were avail-

able also

coal for shipment.

improved, advancingMost of thefrom rape3,000


goes totonsJapan

in 1933 via-toShanghai.

nearly 14,000 Exportsmetricof

tons during the year under review. Mention has been

now under construction in this district. The one originally designated the Wuhu- made above of the railway lines


running Railway is now to be extended to Chaoan in Fukien, The section of this line

Nankingfrom to Wuhu,Wuhu which

to Sunehiapu

will be was styledcompleted

the Firstduring

Sectionthe year,

of theandNanking-Chaoan

the line from

Railway, is expected to be opened to traffic early in 1935. Still another railway, 230


opposite thelong,

port leading

of Wuhu, fromis the


being built CoalatMines to a pointtime.

the place

present on theInYangtze

addition just


these railway developments, rapid expansion is taking in the matter of motor


linked and nearly

up by a network all the cities in the southern part of the province are already

3,349 kilometres of mud ofroadsroads. Thereforaremotor

available now 768 kilometres

traffic of surfaced

in this province roads and

of Anhwei.

WUHU A375-


f? & m Sung hung wci.. ^ m ^ ^

American Church Mission Whnng Hwa Yu Cheng

Right Rev. D. T. Huntington, d.d., Post Office

and wife Deputy Postal Commissioner in Charge

B. W. Lanphear —Chen Tao


Miss S. CapronAnna

Salt Revenue — Anhui Auditorate

Sister Anna Grace. Office

Sister Louise Magdalene Auditor—Chen

A a Co-auditor—L. P.Chi-chuan Newman

3* ^ Chief Secy.—Liang An

Asiatic Petroleum Co. (North China). Chief,

Huang Revenue

Kai Cheng Guards Dept.—

Lm, The—Cable

G.D.L. W.Hankey, manager ''

Ad : Doric Chief Acct.—Chin Tsu.

Morrison Standard Vacuum Oil: Go.—Cable Ad :

-fc Tai hoo Standvae

Butterpielu & Swire (John Swire & Texas Co, (China), Ltd.,Oils—Cable

The, Petroleum

Sons, Ltd.), Merchants—: Cable Ad: Swire Products, Lubricating Ad :

C. W. Pao, agent Texaco

m m m Wu hu kwan Wuhu General Hospital — Cable Ad:

Customs, Ichisan

ActingChinese Maritime C. Morgan

Commissioner—H. Robt.

HylaE.S.Brown, m.d.m.d.

Watters, supt.


Mun Sing Yu Ching and Leang Y. C. Yin, m.d.


Master— Tidesurveyor and Harbour

T. J. Broderick L.C. S.M.Morgan,Chiu, m.d.

m.d. |I R.E.Morgan,M.D.

S. Petigura, m.d.

Assist. Boat Officer—G. K. Tso F. A. Sayles,

Frances E. r.n. r.n.


Chief Examiner—S. E. Mikulin Mrs.nurses Irene Chu Shih, supt. of

Assist. Examiner—Chang

Dist. River Inspr.—S. G.WeiLoraine-

Grews Y. L. Ching, pharmacist

River Inspr. Assist.— Whong Tse-yue T. T. Liang,asst.

H. C. Kao* supt. tech.


•{£ E wo T. H. Chiang, M.D.

Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd., General T.G.C. C.S.N. Li,

Tu, m.d.

Lu, m.d.


Merchants and Shipping Agents—

Cable Ads: Jardine and Inchcoy (for

Shipping) WuhuCommittee—F.

Recreation Club

Tu Yung-1 uan, agent E. Willis (chairman),

G.D. M. W. Handscomb

Morrison and(hon. secretary),

J. Wharton

jet ^ M n M B

Lih ching lun chuan kung sze Wuhu Roads Improvement Society


NissikisenRisen Kaisha —Cable Ad: Yee—Cable

TsoonoAdiTobacco Distributors, Ltd.

S, Hosokawa, manager Powhattan


-flj Kiu-kiang

was Kiukiang

formerly isprefectural

situated oncity the river

of theYangtsze

provincenear the outlet ofit the

of Kiang-si. Poyang about

is distant Lake, and142

geographical miles from Hankow and 454 miles from Shanghai. Kiukiang, before the

Rebellion, was a busy and populous city; but it was occupied by the Taiping rebels in

1853, and

When thebefore

Foreignit was given upwas

Settlement to the Imperial there,

established troops however,

was almosttheentirely destroyed.

population soon

returned, and has continued to increase rapidly : it is now estimated at 80,000. The

city wall has. been pulled down, and a maloo has been built in its place.'

The city is built close to the river, along the banks of which the walls riln for some


yards. Their circumference

unoccupied. The city containsis. aboutno five miles,ofbutinterest.

feature a portion of thearespace

' There enclosed

several large

lakes to amongst

distant, the northwhich

and west of it, and

is Ruling, someit 3,600

is backed

feet by

high,a noble range of hills

the well-known a fewresort,

summer miles

and thethe

among existence


which,The withinformerhours'

foreignof the port, gives

Settlement liesKiukiang:

to the westa high

of position

the city

and is neatly laid out. It possesses a small bund lined with trees, 2 clubs, and a Roman


control cathedral.

of thetheChinese Since the

authorities, end of 1927 the foreign settlement has been underto

but outside city, is slowly comingandintoa new residential

being. Aeroplanesand on business district, close

the Shanghai-Hankow

run pass thrpugh here daily—up plane about 2 p.m. and down plane about 9 a.m.

chowDuring 1921 a system

now comprises eitherof drainage of approved

in or adjacent to it foreign style wasprominent

the following initiated. buildings:


the railway station and godowns, the electric-light power-house, the Yu Sung Match

Factory, the Kiuhsing Spinning and Weaving Company’s factory, and a large four-

storied hotel.

Trade in 1934

The most striking'feature that adversely affected the trade of Kiukiang for

the year under review was the unusually disastrous droughtwhich lasted

during the whole of summer of 1934. As a result, Kiangsi, one .of the rice-

producing provinces, had to import great quantities of rice of both native-and

foreign origin, instead of making shipments of its over-supply to other places

as is ordinarily the case. The fall in export of this basic commodity should

be held responsible,; to. no' small,extent, for the stagnation of trade. Other

factors that hampered business and trade, such as high local taxation,

stringency of the money market in all parts of China-, 'reduction; in the buying

power of the population and world wide depression in general were still

operative as in the preceding year. With the successful conclusion of the

bandit-suppression campaign, in this province toward the epd of the year,


later date.hope .may be,entertained ;/ , for the resumption of trade at a sooner or

The total value of direct foreign imports amounted to C.G.IT. (Customs

Gold Units) 2,130,529, represetiting an increase of C.G.U. 288,407 as compared

with the figures of the previous year. The total value of direct exports of

Chineseof produce

value Chinese abroad


shipped toto Chinese

1260 as against $1,686 in to1933.$14,801,532

ports amounted The totalas

against $17,182,107 in 1933.



Duff & Co.,

Brand J. L., Manufacturers “Ruling

” Provisions

Ying shang a si a huo yu kung sz J. L. Duff

Asiatic Petroleum

Ltd.—Cable Co. (North China),

Ad: Doric


W. Price manager

Smith, | A. E. Johnson ® S HI Sien ang ka nieu

W. H. Taylor, installation manager Fairy

Ad: FairglenPrivate Hotel—Ruling; Cable


"ti ~k. Ta koo J. L. Duff & Co., managers

Butterfield & Swire (John Swire & Sons,

Ltd.), Merchants—Cable Ad: Swire E wo

I. E. L. Mackay, signs per pro.

Jardine, Maxheson & Co., Ltd., Merchants

©Sitta Chou Shan Shin Chuk —Cable Ad: Jardine

China Merchants’ Steam N a vigation Co. T. S. if. Hoey


Ling YuAd:Sheng,

8969 manager

Lee Chung Ling Riangsi Postal District—Head Office:


CHURCHES & MISSIONS Postal Commissioner—Li

District deputy do.—TsangYao Ting

District Accountant—Ju RemYukFunMing

Hf it Yee ti hui 1st Class Office, Riukiang

China Inland Mission 1stTsao

Class Postmaster — Riang Ming.


R. A. McCulloch and wife

s ± ^ Tien chu fang Riukiang

(CompanyClub & Recreation

Limited by Guarantee) Ground


Rev.Catholic Mission

Louis Morel, proc.(Lazarists) Committee—T. S. H. Hoey (Chairman),


C. Price(hon.(hon.treasurer),

secretary),J. E.E.

Mackay and H. Taylor


Consulate, Japanese — 16, Concession


Acting Consul—N. Nishida Aji i|| Mei foo

Chancellor—C. Hashida Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.

R. C. Jackson, manager

mmiLii Kin kiang hai kuan

Customs, Chinese Maritime R.D. C. Sims [ E. R.supt.

R. Geater,

Y. John,installation



Actg. Commissioner—E.A. MacDonald


Chieh and LiuPaoyuan, Peng Chia

Tidesurveyor andE-tsu

Harbour Master— Yee—Cable

Tsoqng Tobacco Distributors, Ltd.

Ad : Powhattan

Ho Wan Chong


p H| han-kau

Hankow, as its name implies, is located at the .mouth of the Han liver—the

longest tributary of the Yangtsze—in latitude 30 deg.i 32 min. ISL, and longitude 114


North19and min.South

E. ItsChina,



led.to itsstanding as it does

being called the .like a half-way

“ Chicago house between

of China.” It was

formerly regarded merely as a suburb of Hanyang,. which. it immediately adjoins,

but it has since far outstripped the older city in commerce, wealth and in flu once.


is, ofofcourse, the and

territory principal

watersporta hinterland

on the Yangtsze, which, drains

with a population aboutupon

of close 750*000 square


people. Thus situated and environed, it is natural to expect that it will ultimately

become the chief emporium in central China. < Hankow,

Shanghai, and, at the present time 43 regular steamers ply, between ShanghatiHankow, ,is 6Q0 miles distant from


between Shanghai-Hankow-Ichang, 4 between

3 between Hankow-Ichang and 1 between Hankow-Changsha. Shanghai-Harikow-lchang (or Chang-


missionary. was first drawn toin his

Blakiston, Hankow

work “The as a Yangtsze,”

place of tradegives bythe Hue, the French

following correct

description of the place and its surroundings:—“Hankow is situated just where an


egulofarrange of semi-detached low hills crosses a particularly level country on both

Hanyang,. thea spectator

main river looksin down

an east and west

on almost direction.

as much water asStationed

land evenonwhen Pagoda Hill,

the rivers

are low. At his feet sweeps the magnificent Yangtsze, nearly a mile in width; from the

west and skirting the northern edge of the range of hills already mentioned cOmes the

ofrivertheHan, narrowandandto canal-like,

country; the north-west to addand its quota,

north isandanserving

extensive as one of theflat,"so

treeless highways



exception, above

raised the

on river

mounds,that fhe

probably scattered hamlets

artificial works which

of a dot its


age.; Awithout


or two traverse its farther part and flow into the main river. Carrying his 6ye to the


and bank of thesides Yangtsze one sees

of the hills beyond enormous lakes andcity.”

the provincial lagooris'both to the'north-west

Sir) Robert Hart in that year in connection with openingvisited

The port was opened to foreign trade in 1861, and was a branch by Mr.

of the(afterwards


front. On the British Bund, are the outstanding offices . of the Hong the

Customs. The British and other . Bunds have many imposing buildings on Kongwater-



Bank and Bank, extensivethe godowns,

National etc.,Citybelonging

Bank of toNewMessrs, YorkJakdine,

and theMathesqn

Yokohama & Co.Spiece



large premisesButterfield &'Swire and

on the lot.inimmediatelythe Asiatic jP^plgum Company have also constructed

latter was dismantled 1924, and theto oldest the north of theon‘OommiSsibner’s

landmark the British .Bund house. The

has thus

been removed. The British Bund, indeed, was rapidly becoming fhe, banking and


residence, centte of

Inprobably the

many respects Concessions;

the Hankow and was

bund ceasing to

is the finest be a

in the quarter for private



of theisBund—admittedly

year 1922, and unsurpassed.

is located inThe new Custom

ansiteimposing House

position at. wasEast,, and in atpoint

completed the

the British the inest in Hankow—and thethebuilding

Southern is inend


respectbe worthy

may taken ofas the site. The

an index, statesfactthethat it was re-constructed

Commissioner of Customsoninsuch extensiveReport

his Apuual lines

for 1924, of the confidence reposed in,'the future development and prosperity of

Hankow as the foremost trade1 centre of Mid-China.

France, Russia and Japan acquired concessions along the river front in 1895. The


local concessiononwas extended,1st, but

November 1920,theandRussian


under the was takenof the

control over Chinese

by the

chief of police of Hankow. The French, Japanese and British had Municipal Councils.

The China Merchants’ Steam Navigation Company, having completed their new and


these werebunding, completed started to build handsome

in December, 1920. Messrs. new offices for themselves

Butterfield & Swire havein 1919, and

a four-

storey reinforced concrete godown on the site of their old office. Messrs. Jardine,


Matheson & Co., Ltd., put up a very line modern four-storey reinforced concrete

godown, on the site of the buildings destroyed by fire in 1917, the total measurement


the building heing approximately

and consecrated in May, 1904.74,772 A new square


The English

was builtChurch was

in 1916-17


French atConcession, and opened

the end of theAsummer in April,

holidays 1917. The new

in 1920belonging British

and is a vast school



the formerCo.,

Petroleum accommodation.

Ltd., was completed fourth oil

in 1934. installation, to the Kwang Wha,

The native city of Hankow was burnt by the Imperialist array in October, 1911,

and a population of about 800,000 were thereby rendered homeless. At the end of 1914


was unfortunately

estimated thatonfully 80 lines,

the old per cent,

all theof laudable

the burntplans


been reconstructed,

the city

having fallen through, owing to difficulties in obtaining the necessary funds. During

1919 large tracts of land in the back of the native city were reclaimed and several new

roads were

started withconstructed.

the backing of' Athescheme for the development of a Greater Hankow was


The Hankow Bace Club and

developed in a remarkable 1 way. The property Kecreation Ground

of the wasClub

incorporated in 1904,

is extensive and


topool,embrace a racecourse, an 18<-hole golf course, football and cricket

and, in fact, every branch of sport indulged in by the members. Apart from field, swimming



and which is chiefly

the French Club,devoted

which tohave sport,splendid

there are the Hankow

libraries, billiardClub, the bowling

rooms, Russian

alleys, etc. The Hankow Golf Club was instituted in 1878-. There is also a Chinese

Race Club and an International Race Club with courses as good as any in China.


ofchang success cities

Wuhan of theand


in 1926, altered

expedition ofofthetheCanton

t vtneestablishment

position entirely from

Government and the capture


the pointheadquarters

of view of atforeign



ayoid bloodshed, the unarmed British-marines who were,defending the place wereto,

A mob, aroused by agitators, stormed the British concession and, in order

ordered to withdraw and British" women and children were evacuated. All British

-business firms closedofdown

with a Committee for a time andFollowing

Administration. the Nationalist

upon Government took possession

protracted negotiations _ the


tered byconcession

them. Was

The handed

Chen-O’Malley over to the

agreement Chinese Authorities

provided that and

the is now adminis-

municpal adminis.

tration of the former British concession should be taken over by a Sino-British Council-

This arrangement took effect on March 16th, 1927, and the administration of the ex-

British concession has worked with remarkable smoothness and efficiency.

Trade in 1934

The port of Hankow and the province in which it is situated, Hupeh,-

probably have not enjoyed such stable and tranquil conditions since 1926. The

military forces in the province were, swelled by the arrival of several extra

diyisions from Hopeh, and this-may have had something to do with the marked

absence of major disturbances., Weather conditions at the beginning of the




to be desired-from

but these earlyanhopes agricultural point ofbyview

were dissipated the and good


-of a drought in the central and eastern areas during the hottest season of the

year, July and August, and the occurrence of floods in the Han River valley.,

According to an early official estimate,; some 30 million quintals of various

crops, valued at 90 million,- dollars* were ruined by these calamities, while a

population of 3.5 million people were affected by the damage done. As some of

the drought-stricken crops partially recovered under the influence of a provi-

dential rainfali somewhat later, however,.the extent of the harm done may have,

been- overestimated. However that may be, the rice and sweet potato, crqjis

-certainly suffered severely by the long spell of dry weather, while an area of

2CO,000 mou of land'iifidef cotton was imindated and the crop thereon ruined.

The rice harvest was estimated to be only about 30 to 40 per cent, of the normal

yield. As an exeteption, wheat did exceedingly well. The financial market was

undisturbed'by any very untoward events throughout the year, although foreign

exchange rates fluctuated considerably'for a time while the Shanghai market

was adjusting itself to the new Conditions brought about by ’the measures

imposed in October to restrict exports-of silver from the country. The follow-


ing are the trade statistics' teeorded for Hankow in 1933 and the year under

review according to value: direct foreign imports, 32.2 million dollars as-

against 34.3 million in 1933; coastwise importations of Chinese produce, 86.1

million dollars as against 101,2 millioh; direct experts to for’eign countries, 9.8

million dbllats as against'7.6 million; and coastwise'dxporfatibu's of Chinese

produce, 141.1 that

tefid to show million

the dollars

port’s asimport



million appyiEsciahly,

in ]933.' These



combined export statistics (direct exports abroad plusf the' coastwise export

trade, of which latter a great deal eventually finds its w ay abroad via Shanghai)-

appreciated by 8.1 million dollars: it must be remembered, however, that these

figures do not cover the whole trade of the port but only the steamer-borne

trade controlled by the Customs (and actually only that part of the steamer-

borne trade for which Customs statistics are now recorded, i.e., excluding the

coastwise movements of foreign goods). The market for imports was rather

dull and lifeless on the whole, and the statistics for this section of trade would

have looked worse had it not been for the heavy arrivals of metals, and railway

materials, principally for the work going forward on the Canton-Hankow Rail-

way, w7hich are not a normal trade item. Buying power in the interior usually

mayl be judged by the consumption of such staples as sugar and kerosene oil,

both of which commodities registered declines for consumption and importation.

Again it must be stated, however, that the Customs statistics are not a sure

guide in this matter. Particularly in the case of sugar, it should be pointed

out that goods can now be conveniently distributed in Honan by the improved

system of through traffic on the railway, via the Nanking-Pukow train ferry,

from Shanghai: while, in the case of kerosene, the import trade was feeling the-

effects of the cheaper locally distilled product, and demand for the imported'

oil was further reduced by reason of the fact that dealers had laid in extensive-

stocks at the low prices ruling during 1933. A feature of the year in ths-

import trade was the further penetration, of the market by low-priced Japanese

cottons. Business in exports, with the exception of wood oil and tea, was also-

dull during the first half of the year, but it became much brisker in the second

half, due to the substantial reductions in the tariff rates introduced by the

Government in June and to the failure of certain crops abroad. From this

time cargoes began to move in quantity, and this section of trade remained

encouraging for the rest of the year. Attracted by the heavy outward move-

ments of bulk cargo (beans, tea, seeds, and refrigerated products), some extra

shipping visited the port. The total tonnage entering and clearing under

General Regulations amounted to 7 million, an increase of approximately

300,000 tons as compared with the figures for the previous year ; and ocean

tonnage accounted for some 205,000 tons of this increase. River shipping'

increased by some 95,000 tons, but, except for a few short periods, the available

tonnage was in excess of requirements. Conditions on the Yangtze below

Hankow were good throughout the year, and, owing to the enforcement of the

usual draught-limiting regulations, there were few groundings of vessels on-

the lower river. In January and February, however, navigation became very

difficult and at times impossible above the port on account of exceptionally low

water. At one time the draught limit at Sinti was only 4 feet 9 inches, inter-

fering considerably with traffic to Ichang and Changsha, The River Inspec-

torate of the Customs sold 4,235 copies of their survey prints of the Yangtze

during 1934, an increase of 1,460. The Peiping Hankow Railway had a profit-

able year, but several bandit disturbances (insignificant in themselves)

interfered with receipts on the Hupeh-Hunan section of the Canton-Hankow

line. The Hupeh Reconstruction Bureau made considerable progress with,

road-building in the interior, and the province mow possesses ,2.695 kilometres,

of motor highway,- of which 948 kilometres werg constructed during the year

under review. The two main achievements of the year in this, connexion were

the. completion of the I.chang-Hankow road and the opening to traffic of the-

highway between Laohokow and Paiho on the Hupeh-Shensi border. . The maim

road between Wuchang and Tayeh is expected to be finished early in 1935.



.Aird, Skinner & Tatchell, Physicians Sole Agents for: —

& Surgeons—Teleph. 24301 American Radiator Co. (Boilers

.American Asiatic Underwriters (Fed. and Radiation);

Inc. International General Electric

S.A.D.U.S.A.)—A.P.C. Bldg., The Bund,

3; Cable Ad: Underiters Co. (Electrical Equipment and


American Bible Society International Harvester Export

(See Missions) Co. (Agricultural Machinery,

Motor Trucks)

American Chamber of Commerce Worthington

Corporation.Pump & Machinery

(Crude Oil En-

(See Chambers of Commerce) gines, Pumps, Compressors,

American Consulate—Consulates) Feed Water Heaters Conden-

sers, Condensing equipment)

American Church Mission Baldwin Locomotive Works. (Lo-

(See Missions) comotives)

Saco-Lowell Sliops. (Textile ma-

American-Far Eastern Match Co., chinery)

Fed. Inc. U.S.A., Matches & Match Scott and Williams, Inc. (Knit-

Materials—San Peh Building, S.A. ting machinery)

D. 2; Teleph. 21685; Cable Ad: Amfea- Fielding and Platt, Ltd. (Crude


M. Hallberg, manager Oil Engines)

Victor X-Ray Corporation. (X-

American Foreign Insurance Asso- Ray apparatus)

ciation, General Insurance—N.K. Johnson & Johnson. (Hospital

K. Building; Cable Ad: Afiahan- Supplies)

kow. Head Office: 80 Maiden Lane. Agricultural and General Engine-

N.Y. ers, Ltd. (Road Rollers and

H. A. Powell, manager Concrete Mixers)

Hu American Blower Corporation.

V. J.PinDobroliuboff,

Nan, Inspector

asst. mgr. (Blowing, Heating, Ventilating)

Belting & Leather Products Asso-

K. S. Wu, compradore ciation. (Graton & Knight Lea-

(for Agencies see Shanghai) ther Belting, Belt Laces, Round

American Lutheran Mission Leather Belting, Belt Cement,

(See Missions) Hydraulic Packing)

Chapman Valve Manufacturing

Co. (Gat-e Valves, Sluice Gates,

^ ^ m m m ^ Cocks, etc.)

American Mail Line—Teleph. 24932; Corbin, P. & F. (Locks and

Cable Ad : Dollar Builders’ Hardware)

TheRobert Dollar Co., general agents Duraflex Co. (“’Duraflex”—Com-

(See Dollar Co., The Robert) position- flooring)

Edison Storage Battery Co., Inc.

H ‘IH Sun C'heo-ng 1 (Storage Batteries,, jetc.J

.Andersen, Meyer & Co., Ltd., Agencies: —

General Importers, Engineers and Employers Liability Assurance

Contractors Agents—11, Rue Cle- Corporation, Ld.

menceau; F. C. ; Telephs. 21033 (En- South British Insurance Co., Ld.

gineering and Import) and 21133 Yangtsze Insurance Association Ld,

(Accounting Dept.) and 22011 (Ex- Far Eastern Insurance Co.. Ld.

port Godown); Cable Ad: Danica Board of Underwriters of' New

C. W. Corbaley, manager York


Prince Line, Far East Service n & m % m k n &

Blue Star Line, Ld. Yu pang jen shou pao hsien kung szu

Wiih. Wilhelmsen - Norwegian,

Africa and Australia Line Asia Life Insurance Co., Inc., Life In-

Kiaveness Line surance— Asiatic Petroleum Building,

Chevrolet, Pontiac, Oakland, The Bund, S.A.D. 3; Teieph. 24805;

Cable Ad: Aiicoehina;

Food Machinery Corporation, Bentley’s.

(Food Canning Machinery, Alain Office Code:

lor theAcme and


17, The Bund, Shanghai

Kueffel &, Esser Co. (drawing

and Surveying Instruments and T.H. C.B. Fan,

Berntsen, mgr. and adviser,


accessories) Bacon Chang, asst, manager

Koppel : Industrial Car and

equipment Co. (Light Kailway n & nli 1/c 3£ M Si fgi ^

Equipment and Steam Locomo-

tives) Ying sha/ng Ah si a huo yu kung sze

National Kadiator Co. (Boilers Asiatic Petroleum Co. (North China),,

and Radiators) Ltd., The—Cable Ad: Doric

Pels, Henry & Co., Ltd. (Presses, F. J.C.E.Raeburn manager

Lyhne, assist, manager

Shears, Punches, and other C.J. S.Appelboom

Machine Tools) Blanfordinst. asst.

Sherwin-Williams Paint Co. R. Findlay,

Paints, Varnishes and Lacquers) J. K. P. Hadland

Sullivan Machinery Co. (Air J. Hay, installation manager

Compressors, Mining & Quarry R.A. G. Hopwood


Wolf Co. (Flour Mill and Grain- F. P.E. Meakin


Cleaning Machinery) R.MissE. F.Aitken Quack, inst. asst.

G. Ratcliff

G.MissA. G.L. L.Robb

£ fgi J. Watson Rowland

Ying-shahg An Lee

Arnhoid & Co,, Ltd., Merchants, En- H ^ HsinTa

gineers, and Contractors—Anlee

Teieph. 24571-4; Cable Ad: HarchiHouse; Asiatic Trading Corporation, Ltd.,.

A. E. Marker, director The, Tea Merchants and Brick Tea.

Manufacturers, Exporters of China-

General Managers for: — Produce—7, Lanling Road; S.A.D.

2; Teieph. 23203; Cable Ad: Asia-

The Hankow Press Packing Co., Ltd. corpor;

Buick, G. M.C. Motor Cars and Edns. andCodes: A.B.C. 5 th and 6th


Trucks (Products of General S. I. Bodalin, attorney

Motors, Ld.) G. Rinas,, engineer

Austin Cars . V. Y. Dunn, compradore

Bedford Trucks Yeh Tun-ching, clerk

Vauxhall Cars M. P. Ouyang, tea factory repres.

Comptoir Metallurgique Luxem-

bourgeois “Columeta”

De Havilland Aircraft Co.. Ld. M M ife W Wah y*° va f°n9

Henry Simon, Ld., Manchester

Asa Lees & Co., Ld., Oldham Associated

Wholesale Drug Co., Inc.,Szemiug

Druggists—•2,' Retail and


George Keighley Ld., Burnley Special, District No. 2; Teieph. 24007:

Ruston & Hornsby, Ld., Lincoln Cable Ad: Adco

Sole Distributors: —

Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Atjgustinian Procuration

Export Co., Ld. (See Missions)


^ 0 ; Pun Bung '|!f- Mali -ha he

Bahnson & Co., F. W., Share and Produce Chartered Bank of India, Australia


3; Teleph. 21051; Faucheong

Cable Ad: S.A.D. and

Road,Bahnson; Milkmaid

China—Teleph. 21504; Cable Ad:

Codes: Bentley’s, Western Union 5- J. S. McEachran, sub-agent

letter, Acme and Mosse A. Douglas, sub-account.

li\ W. Bah'nson

ft & n ™ m

Si # * * SI * * Credit Foncier d’Extreme Orient,

Bailey & Peeey, Solicitors—16, Fou Architects, Mortgage Bank, Real Estate Agents,

Cheong Road; Telephs. 22905 & 22983; Rue Clemenceau; Fire Insurance Agents—4,


edn., Bailey; Codes: A.B.C. 5th (General Office), 22338Telephs.

Ad:Bentley’s 24104



C. E. Sherwxn, solicitor (Compradbre); Cable Ad:

J. Probyn-Franck, do. Branches: Shanghai, Tientsin, Hong-

kong, Tsinan and Singapore

BANKS Ch. Ancel, acting manager

Z. F. Tsen, compradore

P.P. S.W.N.Tseng,



fT yfi [S3 Chung Itwoh yin hong C. H. Tsi, clerk

Bank of China—Hankow Sub-branch :

I, Pao Hwa Street; Teleph. 23121-2-3 ; ^^ Tehhwa. yin hang

Cable Ad : 6892 or Centrobank Deutsch-Asiatische Bank—S.A.D.

T. W. Chao, manager Bund; Telephs. 21404 (General) <&

K.Z.F.S.Sung, assist. do. 21208 (Mgr.); Cable Ad: Teutonia

Y. C. Tseng,

Cheng, do. do. W.F.Herthel, manager

S.C. K.W. Hong, acet.

S/e, chief, business section Pr.Petzschke


C. section

F. Tsou, chief, correspondence

D. C. Kan, chief, cash, section Hankow

JapaneseBank, Ltd.—19,

Concession Seichu-gai,

; Telephs. 21734,

22228 and 23C08; Cable Ad: Han-

Bank of Taiwan, Ltd.—77, Kiang-Han kowbank

Road ; Telephs. 21121-4; Cable Ad • M. Irie, managing’ director

Taiwangink G. Okada, sub-manager

T. I.Atsuta, agent S. Hosotani, per pro mgr.

Ikegami, p.p. agent T.0. Sasaki

T. Kunii I Y. Imahashi Higashi I1 S.I. Yamanaka


T, Yoshida | S. D. Tien

lgt> jf|g Way faong

ft m ft m Wha pei ying hang

Banque Beige Pour I’Etranger Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corpn.

—Ching Ming Building, 87a, Po- 21304; Bund; —The P.O. Box Telephs.11; 23204



yang Road, S.A.D. No. 3; Telephs. Mapurunga

22308 (mgr.), 22408 (General) 22108 G.R.W.A.Garrett, acting agent

(’Compradore); Cable Ad : Sinobe I. G. R,Green,


ft m m M a % M. A. Glass | Miss Y. Grant

Tong Fang Houi ii ying hang m m &

Banque de l’Indo-Chine — Telephs. Wan Kuo Chu IIsio Jlwei

22738 (Manager’s Office), 22104 (Gen-

eral Office), 21704 (Compradore’s International 7, French

Sayings Society-—

Bund; Cable Ad: Intersavin.

Office) ; Cable Ad : Indochine Paris

J. P. Schindler, manager Office: Office:

7, Avenue 85, Rue St. Lazare.

Edward Head

VII, Shanghai

R. Dillon-Corneck, signs per pro. E. I.A.Trouillet,

Chaudoin, manager

assist, do.

Mrs. G. Guillaume


JMational City Bank o-F New York, British Chamber of Commerce

The—S.A.D. No. 3; Telephs. 23004 (Nee Chambers of Commerce)


22814 (Compradore 21008 (General Office)

Office); P.O. Boxand

25; British Consulate—(See Consulates)

Cable Ad: Citibank

G.L.M.W.Hall, manager

Wade, sub-acct. & pro-mgr. British and Foreign Bible Society,

Y.M. J.C. Johnson, Jr., sub-acct. Central China Bible House—Poyang

Yin, sub-acct. Road, S.A.D. 3; Cable Ad: Bibles

Miss N. Owen, stenographer Rev. R. J. Gould, Provincial Secretary

Mrs. Meiser, do. Mrs. R. J. Gould

W. C. Yu, compradpre C. A. Rao

Fa0 in

ft m m m it m W V

Chekiang hsing ye/i yin hong British Traders’ Insurance Co., Ltd.—

National Commercial Rank, Ltd., The— I 21947; Union Buildings, Tungting Rd.; Teleph.

Kianghan Road; Telephs. 24408, Cable Ad: Union

23908 & 23904; Cable Ad: 8675 R. F. Hall, branch manager

tf k Ta koo


Ltd., The,Commercial & Savings Bank, Butterfield

General Banking—Hankow

& Swire (John Swire &

Sons, Ltd.), Merchants and Steam-


24134; 40, Avenue de Marcilly; Teleph. ship Agents—Cable Ad : Swire

Ad: Nacomsav T. J. Fisher, signs per pro.

R. A. Brown

n- m & iE

Heng pin cheng chin yin hang B.R. S.H. Stephenson

Dader |j A.R. M.C. Macaulay


W. J. R. Carter ! Miss F. L. Webb

Yokohama Specie Bank—10, The Bund; China Navigation Co.. Ltd.

Telephs. 21221-21224,

P.O. Box 18; Cable Ad: Shokin 21226-21228 Capb. Y. N. Campbell, marine supt.

T. Kirnbara, manager K. McIntyre, supt. engineer

P. L.J. M.

Brown, assist,

Burfitt, engineer

godown supt.

JL m Fee Bee J. Liley, assist. do.

Bechler, E., Engineering & Contract- Agencies

ing Machinery, Technical Supplies, China Navigation Co., Ltd.

Photographic Supplies, Office Ap- Taikoo Sugar Refining Co. Ltd.

pliances—Offices and Showrooms: Blue Funnel Line (A. Holt and

3rd Special District, Corner Hunan Co.)

and Co-operation Roads; Teleph. London & Lancashire Insurance

22811; Cable Ad: Bechler Co., Ltd.

. E. Bechler Guardian Insurance _ Co. Ltd.

H. Thiemamn British . Traders Insurance Co.,

F. Lindmeyer Ltd.

Behr & Mathew, Ltd., S., Egg Export Byrne & Co., E. G., Managers of the

Heng Chang Shanghai Coal andBank CokeBuilding,


and Refrigerating—19, Rue Dubail, Hongkong

French Concession; Teleph. 3149; WhacheongandRoad; Teleph. 22542; Cable

Cable Ad: Nollavour Ad:E. Bvrne

Belgian Consulate — (Nee Consulates) G. Byrne

Boone School — (See Educational) Caldbeck, Spirit

Macgregor A Co., Wine and


Bremen Colonial and China Trading No. 3; Teleph. 22101; CableRoad, S.A.D.

Ad: Pearce

Co., Importers and Exporters—6, Han Pearce & Garriock, agents

Chung Road, S.A.D. No. 1; Teleph.

23009; Cable Ad: Hanland Catholic Mission Hospital

E. Bunge, (See Hospitals)'


Catholic Mission 'Procuration Ir ’$! IU I® Teh guo hsiang hui

• (See Missions) German—Teleph. 730; Cable Ad:


IP If L i ILx Chairman—G. Tolle

Carlowitz & Col Merchants, Engineers Hon, Secretary—11. Sobbe

and Contractors—Ta Chi Men; Teleph.

21209; Cable Ads: Carlowitz and

Bonatides; Codes: A.B.C. f>th and 6th Japanese—Taiwan . Building, Taiping

edn., Acme, Mosse and Carlowitz Road; Teleph. 1448

Central China Christian Educational Chartered Bank of India, Australia

Association—(See Educational) & China—(See Banks)

Central China College •China Inland Mission

(See Educational) (See Missions)

M fi * * *

Chung yang dah yoh fang

Central China Dispensary, Ltd., Che- China Import & Export Lumber Co., Ltd.

mists and Druggists—22, Sing Seng —Special Administrative District; Tele-

phs. 21845Office),

(Manager’s Office), 21503

Hoad; Teleph. 24003; Cable Ad: (General andLumberco

23819 (Shipping

Camera; Code: A.B.C. 5th edn. Godown); Cable Ad:

M. A. Li, manager H. C. Lee, manager

Y. S. Cheng

D. C. Sze I K. F. Li :$( Ch‘i Lai

T. F. Kung I C. A. Hu

“Centra! China Post,” Ltd.— I China Inland Motors Fed. Inc.,

U.S.A.—Corner Peking & Hunan

Corner Hunan and Peiping Roads; Roads, S.A.D. 3; Telephs. 21403_ &

P.O. Box 28 ; Teleph. 22005; Cable 23279 (Office) and 22865 (Service

P.O. Box 28; Teleph. 211; Cable Station); Cable Ad: Ford

H. J. Archibald, manag. director arid # j& m m m & m m *


A. C. Burn, business manager it ft M

Central China Teacher’s College China International

Commission CommitteeFamine Relief

for Hupeh

(See Educational) —19, San Kiao Street, S.A.D. 2,

Central Hotel—Teleph. 24214 Hankow; Teleph. 23881; Cable Ad :

Famrel or 2405

Cercle Gaulois Chairman—Bishop


H. Roots

(See Clubs! Hon. Treasurers—R. A. Schilling

and Chambers Chow


Secretary—P. H. HuL. Pickens

American — c/o American Consulate- Accountants—Thomson & Co.

General; Cable Ad: Amchamcom Chief Engineer—O. J. Todd

British—Hongkong & Shanghai

Building; Cable Ad: Britiscom Bank China Merchants’Steam Navigation Co.

—Cable Ad: Merchants

L. S. Thai, manager


Chairman—A. Bosselman China Trading Co., The, Commission


merce —Foreign

HongkongChamber of Com- and

and Shanghai


Lee, Hunan Agents—3,

Road, tS.A.D. 3;Ting Ytt


Bank Building 21357 ; Cable Ad : Alert:


H ^ Ta Chang Hankow International Recreation

Chinese Engineering & Development Club—80, Hwangpei Road; Teleph.

Co., Inc.—19, Huang Pei Road, 23608; Cable Ad: Hire

S.A.D. 2; Teleph. 21527; Cable Ad: m. $ m m m


C. S. Chang, engineer and manager Se shan hau mar zang

Hankow Race Club and Recreation

Ground—Telephs. 22404 (Office) and

Chung hwa kung ping mon-i kung i-ze 21204 (Bar)

Chung Hwa Steel Products and Trad- Committee—C. E. Sherwin, (Chair-

ing Co., Ltd., Importers of metals, paper man), W.C. Bowling (vice-chairman),

and woollen goods, Insurance Agents G.Raeburn,

W. Garrett,

R. A.F. Schilling,

N. Merritt,Dr.F. F.C.

and General Merchants—33, Rue de Wendt and E.B.C.Howell

Fry (secretary)

Paris Extern,. French

Telephs. 24703 and 23257; Cable Ad: Concession; Stewards—L. (chairman),

Chungsteel A. R. Eisenhut (vice-chairman), W.

Wang Chung Yu, manager S.A. Dupree (clerk of the

Bloomfield, W. C. Bowling,course),

H. E.J.

Yang Pak-yuen, assist, mgr. Parkinson,(secretary

R. H. Smith and R.

S.A. Chungking Import China, Casing Cameron to stewards)

Exporters—Djin DjaAd:Tai,Imposica

Ta Chi-men;



' G. Dohr, 21367; Cable

manager Hai-Chwi-Chin-Nien-Huei

M. Stehr, signs per pro. Navy Y.M.C.A.—18, Huangpei Road

P.C. Helbling

Hausammaun S.A.D. 2; Teleph. 24429; Cable Ad:


Church General Hospital H. W. Gibson, executive secy.

. (

Miss K. Gracey, asst.

Church of Immaculate Conception

{Ste Missions) # f§ 13 m

Ngo kuoh tsung dui

sion ; Teleph. 21604

w ffl m m St. Andrew’s Society

Fa kwok tsung huei

Cercle Gaulois (French Club)—32, St. George’s Society

Rue Dautremer, French Concession;

Teleph. 21104 ± « ?L

Chairman—Ch. Ancel

Vice-Chairman and Treasurer—E. Cohn, Dr. A. J.. m.b., Medical Practitioner

—Office: 50, Huang Pei Road, S.A.D. No.

A. Chaudoin 2; Teleph. 24311

Hon. Secretary—E. Gautier

Customs Club—Hangchung Road, S.A.D. COMPAGNIE FrANOO-AmERICAINE d’As-

surances—Head Office : Shanghai

Hankow, A.D.C. Racine & Co., agents

A. E. T. Elliot (hon. ‘ secretary and

treasurer) CONSULATES

IH ^ Fo leu Belgium—147, Han Kiang Road,

S.A.D. No. 1; Cable Ad: Belsulat

Hankow Club—Faucheong Road,

tish Concession,; Telephs. 24804 (Secre-Ex-Bri-

tary) and 21004 (Members) m m m ft *

Chairman—W. Ta den kuo ling tsz Ju

Vice-do. -L. B.E. Howell

Harston Denmark

Secretaries—-Lacey & Cannan, Ldi Acting Consul—A. Bosselman


t¥mwm&* Credit Foncier d’Extreme Orient

Ta Fa lan se ling sz lewan {See Banks)

France—Teleph. 22173; Cable Ad:

Fransulafc m ri a Kiang han kuan

Consul—R. Blondeau Customs, Chinese Maritime—Telephs.

22271, 22272, 22273

% m m m * Revenue Department

Ta tuck kuo ling shih shu Commissioner—W.

Deputy R. MyersE. F. Hall


Germany—Special Administration Dis- Assistants—Chan Man-to, Lei Chung

trict No. 1; Teleph. 21005; Cable Ad: Pin,


Consul General—W. Timann J. H.H.P.J. Perry,

de Garcia, WangKuo

Huang Ki Ming,


Wang Hsue-tsun, Yu I-cheng and

Li Chung Chiang

® M S 3? A Surgeons—Dr.

Skinner and Shu Hou-jen,

Dr. Chow MingDr.YuA. H.

Ta ying tsung ling sz foo Tidesurveyor and Harbour Master—

Great Britain, Consulate-General

Teleph. 22405; Cable Ad: Britain — G. R.Tidesurveyor—A.


Consul General—G. Asst. Officers—Pun ShiE.Yeung,

T. Hansen

Consul-F. A. WallisS. Moss, c.b.e. Boat

G. W. Davis,C. H.Houpt,

Harrison, M.Kim


Yice-Consul—J. P. Beeves Hallums, Chan

Pro-Consul—W. H. Spring Hung and Hwang Kuei T’i

Italy—Teleph. 21505 Appraisers—R. E. Gillmore and B. J.


Assist. Appraisers—C. S: J. Conroy

m m m -%■ 0 * and N. Redder

Ta jih pen ling sz kwan Actg. Inspr. of Examiners—H. Ellis

Japan—Yamasaki Road; Teleph. 24201 Examiners—I. Y. Vylegjanin, E. L.

Hallford, F. Isegawa,

A. A. Kryloff, A. J. Smith,

J. Muir, Y. A.

Netherlands—c/o Italian Consulate Eysymontt & Lam lu Tsang

Asst. Examiners—18

Tidewaiters—46 Chinese Chinese

Ta no wai kiook fu ling ze fu Marine Department

Norway—Anlee House River Inspr.—W. D. Fraser

Yice-Consul—A. E. Marker Assist. River Inspector—R. B. M.


Portugal—Ex-Russian Concession Dis.

River River. Inspr.—R. A.B. A.Ryde,

Officers—R. HarveyR.

Consul—A. T. Beltchenko Camatta, G. F. W. L.Hudson, W. W.

Mortimer, M. H. Wallace and

m m m & m S. W. Thomas

Ta say tin kuok ling sz Second Officer (detailed) — J. F.

Sweden—Teleph. Blackburn

Amfeamatch 21685 ; Cable Ad : River Inspectorate Assts. — Wang

Hua-lung and Kwan Chieh-tze

Vic-Consul—M. Hallberg

Customs Club

JSf « is 18 @ is A {See Clubs)

Ta rmi kuoh tsung ling shih fu Daido BoekiKaisha, Ltd.—Teleph. 22557

United States

General of America

— Teleph. Consulate-

21703; Cable Danish Chamber of Commerce

Ad : Amconsul {See Chambers of Commerce)

Consul-Gen.—P. R. Josselyn

Consul—R. Y. Jarvis Danish Consulate

Vice Consuls—Robert M. Taylor,

Harold E: Montamat and Verne {See Consulates)

G. Staten

Miss E. Barnes Deutsche Asiatische Bank

Interpreter—T. M. Chu {See Banks)


b & m ft Dojin Hospital—(Nee Hospitals)

Teh-foo yang-hong Dojin Medical School


Iin portersFareen, H. G. Chemicals

of Dyes, Waibel & Co., and (See Educational)

Photographic Supplies—S-A-D. No. Ill;


Waidefag22361, 22836; and 22641; Cable ±

H. Krabbel, signs per pro. Dollar Co., The Robert, Lumber

M. Kruse, signs i. v. and Shipping—Wha Ching Kai;

W. Hoelzer Teleph. 24932, Cable Ad: Dollar

■ G. Veth W. G. Holliday, manager

Miss E. KlUssmann General Agents for

Mrs. E. Wolfrum Dollar Steamship Lines

Techn. Dept.: American Mail Line

P. Hess, signs i.v.


if- ^ -k

Teen cheang Dollar Lumber Co., Wholesale and

Oodweil 3l Cc., Ltd., General Teleph. 24932; Cablea Ad:

Retail Lumber—Wh Ching Kai;


Merchants, Shipping and Insurance W. G. Holliday, manager

Agents—5, Tungting Road; Teleph.

23601; P.O. Box 8; Cable Ad: Dod-

well. Branches: Hong Kong. Can- f|| *i^f Heng hsin

ton, Shanghai, Foochow, Tientsin, Du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc., E. I.,

Chungking, Colombo, Yokohama, Manufacturers and Importers of Indigo,

Kobe, Vancouver, Victoria (B.C.), Aniline Dyes and Chemicals—23, Tung-

Seattle (Wash.), San Francisco,

New York Antwerp and London ting DupontRoad; and Teleph.

0114 23182; Cable Ad:

(Head Office)

F. G. Raddon, manager Dutch Consulate — (Nee Consulates)

Agents for

Dodwell-New York Line of Steamers East-Asiatic Co., Ltd., Agency of.

Barber-Wilhelmsen Line The, Steamship Han Owners


Ben LineTriestino , Merchants—-140. KiangandRoad; General


Navagazione Generale Italiana leph. 23105; Cable Ad: Orient

Natal Line of Steamers A. Bosselman, agent

Ocean Transport Co., Ld. S.P. Plesner




& MerseySociety,



Co., Ld. (Marine) Agencies

Liverpool and London and Globe Steamship Co. Orient, Copenhagen


New India Co.,Assurance

Ld. (Marine)

Co., • Ld.,

Bombay. (Marine) EDUCATIONAL

Standard Life Assurance

Kailan Mining Co.


Underwood Typewriter Cb., Inc. 1K

Roneo, Ld. Boone School (American Church


-Central Agency,

Co., Ld. Johnson

Crown Cork

Gerrard Wire Co.


Tying Co., Ld. Yun-Tih C.Wang,Y. Leo,



of studies

Safe Cabinet Robert A.P.Kemp, b.sc.,Jr., do.


■Callender’s Cable & Construction Co., Everard

of English

Miller, supfc.

Ld. (Radio

Wm. TeachersMaterial and Fans

& Sons, only)

Highland. Rev. B. C. L.studies

Yen, m.a., boy-scout

Cream Whisky masterA. S. Yin, bursar


Whitbread & Co., Ld. Ale and Stout Joseph L. Y. Fan, b.a , registrar

Burrells & Co , Ld.


Hu a Chung College (Central China Finnish Consulate (See Consulates)

College)—Wuchang ;Teleph. Wuchang

41962. Co operating Units: Boone Col-

lege, American Church Mission. The French Consulate

(See Consulates)

Collegiate Dept., Grriffith John

London Missionary Society. Huping College,

College, Reformed

The Collegiate Church

Dept., in the

Wesley U. S.

College, H ^ Is Full lai teh

Methodist Missionary Society. College Fuhrmeister & Co., Exporters and

of Yale in China, Yale Foreign Mis- Road, S.A.D.Agents

Insurance Cable—the361,

1;signs Han Chung


sionary Society

Organization of the College: F. W. Titus,


School of Arts (including W. Hummel | A. Peter


School of Science (mcluding ft H D ?J| Me sin

The School of Education Gale Co., The L. E., Motor Cars, Trucks,

Francis Cho-Min Buses and Boats, Road Machinery,

(London) d.c.l., Wei, m.a., ph.d.

President Tires, Airplanes, Motors, Parts and

and Accessories—48, Rue Dautremer, French

Dean of the School of Arts

Paul Y. Taylor, b.a., b.d., ph.d., Concession; Cable Ad; Gale

Dean of Faculty

Paul C. T. Kwei, b.a., m.s., ph.d., fl) 'n ^ Fao glii li

Dean of the School of Science

P’u Hwang, m.a., ph.d., Dean of Geldmacher and

& Lindmeyer, Exchange

the School of Education

Margaret Bleakley, m.a., registrar S.A.D. No. 1; Brokers—Yih

Bullion Cable Ad: Brokers Yuen Road,

John L. Coe, m.a , treasurer P. Geldmacher | H. Lindmeyer

Central China Teachers’ College


and and A.C.M., L.M.S., A.P.M. Ying hwoh tung yung din che kung ze


Central; Codes: C.I.M., Missions Ad: General Electric Co. of China, Ltd.—

10-12, Kai Hsien Road; Teleph. 1880;

£ « C fisi Cable Ad: Tanwu

Tung yen i shao tung German Consulate —(See Consulates)

Dojin Medical School—Yi Yuen Road,

S A.D.; Teleph. 24717 German Chamber of Commerce

T. Fujita, president (See Chambers of Commerce)- .H

PC Fa wen Mo Mao

PI cole Municipale Francais—15, Rue Rue Dubail Lloyd—Racine Building,


Dautremer; Cable Ad: French School F. Allan

Hankow Private School—Corner of Glen Line Eastern Agencies, Ltd.—

Tientsin and Poyang Roads N.K.K. Building, 1, The Bund.

Lutheran Theological Seminary— S.A.D. No. 3; Teleph. 21773/5;

Shekow, Hupeh Cable Ad: Glenline; All Codes

H. Sobbe

m m ^ mm ^ m n m ± ^ m

Seng hsi li ta chung sho shao Ge lien shih piao hong

St. Hilda’s School for Girls (Ameri

can Church Mission)—Wuchang Gracey & Pearson, Exchange Bill and

Miss iD. T. T. Tso, principal Bullion Brokers

Telephs. 21809 and—24709

Union Building;

St. Phoebe’s School for Deaconesses T. C. G. Pearson

(American Church Mission)

Wesley Middle School—Wuchang Guzdar & Co., CommissionA genst

—Hunan Road; Teleph. 23227; Cable

H. P. Tsai, m.s., headmaster Ad: Guzdar


Hankow Bank Ltd. — (See Banks) Hankow Ice Works Ltd., The, (Incor-

porated under the Companies Ordin-

Hankow Chemical Laboratory The, ances Water ofManufacturers—Rue

Hongkong), Ice and Marechal


Analytical Laboratory, Analysts and Joffre; Telephs. 22719 and 21427; Cable

Chemists to the Hankow Committee

Foreign Chambers of Commerce—50, of Ad: Ice

Hue Dautremer, Teleph. 21337; Cable W. H. CorsaWe, director

, ,Ad:

edns.,Labo; Cpdes:

Bentley’s andA.B.G. arid ^th _. E.T. G.H.Sch'weigert

5th Trade


Croueher, do.

S. m.a.s.t.m.

J. F. Jensen, b.sc. & PH.F.s.D.G.E. and Miss V. Orducher

proprietor and director I. E. Roberts, 'secretafy ,

M. Jensen, i.c.t., chem. eng.

S. H. Yeh m & m n m

Hankow Cleb - {See Clubs) Haiikoio tien ten Kv,ng sze

Hankow Light and Power Co., Ltd.—12,

Kai, Hsien Road; Teleph. 21872; Cable

i? ss * o. m Ad: Powercold

Hankow tsan yu ta yao fang V. Tucker, a.m.le.e., chi’ef engineer

Hankow Dispensary, Ltd., Chemists, andG. manager

L.chief Jeffery, m.i.e.e., a.m.i.mech.e.,


ami DealersAerated Water Manufacturers

in Photographic Goods— Agents assist, engr. and assist, mgr.

Corner Rue de Hanoi and Rue Dubail, for Central China for. j

F.C.; Telephs. 23271 (Chemists) and The General

Ltd., Shanghai Electric Co. of China

23272 (Water Factory); Cable Ad:


H. Dewsbury, manager

A.W.W.J. Clear, assist, manager da II 3s Si

Cole, secretary Han ping teh lu cliu

Mrs. A. Averianoff Hankow-Peiping Railway (Formerly the

R. T. Minjoot Kin-Han Railway). Head Office: Han-


Hankow Dyeing Works, Ltd., The—

Office: 154, Ming Chuen Road; Hankow Press Packing Co.

Teleph. 33119; Cable Ad: 5397. Arnhold and Co., agents

Works: Kiangmanaging

H. S. Liu, Kai Ton;director

Teleph. 32109

Hankow Printing Office, Printers, Book-

Hankow Fire Insurance Association— binders and Stationers—13, Sankiao

Street, S.A.D. 2



Building, Rue Dubail;

Ad: Nielcolm Teleph.


{See Educational)

Hankow Dispensary—Corner Rue Clem-

enceau and Rue Dubail; Cable Ad: Hankow Race Club and Recreation

Dispensary Ground— (Nee, Clubs)

Hankow General Hospital

{See Hospitals) a a I®# € * « St M n i*

Hankow song 'pan kee die sui din

fE Bj IeJ Tz yeo si pao yu hien hung Sez

Hankow PIerald, Inc. — 25, Rue Dau- Hankow

tremer; Teleph. 23331; Cable Ad: Herald Co., Ltd.—Head Waterworks & Electric Light

Y. C, Jao, managing editor

Louis Chen, assist, do. Waterworks:

Works: HanOffice:

Ta Wong



Tung: Road;



Charles Hung, treasurer

T. C. Chen, assist, do. Dept,: Water Tower; Cable Ad:



55 M Mti Va ft m m u it

Hanover Fire Jnsurance Cp.—A.P.C. Hwa Chang Company Ltd., The, Im-

Building, The Bund, S.A.D. 3; Teleph. porters Exporters and General Mer-

23529; Cable Ad: fliideriters

National Merchants and Under- chants—9, Dahlia Building, Hunan

Road; Teleph. 24905; Cable Ad:

writers, Fed. Inc., U.S.A. (ap- Great Wall, Code Bentley’s

plied for). Agents T. S. Ilwa, managing diiec'tpr

iS. L. Yue, assist, manager

Ta ping T. C. Wang, accountant

L.L. S-F. Pao

Liu | K. N. Kuo

Harrison, King & Irwin, Ltd.—6, The

Bund; Teleph. 31; Cable Ad: Crosfield . L. T. Woo. - | Y. S. Liu

PR M Ching ming

Hemmings cfe Berkley, Architects and Ying shang po ria men yang kien ,

Civil Engineers—Ching Ming Building, yu ksien hung sz

R.A.I). No. 3; Telenh. e4503: Cable Ad: Imperial

Module; Codes: A.B.C. 5th and Bentley’s

C.B,. O.Q. Hooper, Ltd.—62,Chemical

Hunan Industries (China),

Road : Telephs.


b.a., m.i.st.e. 23307, 23407, 22695, 23379; Cable

Ad: Alkali

K. T. Liu W. Bowling, div. mamager

Hohsin G. R. Horridge j E. S. Giles .

Road. &S.A.D. Co., Metal Dealers—Tungting

3; Teleph. 24603; Cable C. de W. Jansen | W. T. Henley

Ad: Hohsin clii

IE ?u

Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking I International Export Co., Ltd., Ex-

porers—Telephs. 23371 and 23372;

Corporation—(See Banks) I Cable Ad: Natio

i T. L. Macartney, manager

HOSPITALS P. S. Purry, assist, manager

E. W. Hoyle, sub- assist mgr.

^ ® ^ i ^ J. E. Casselle. accountant

Tien chu ■ t’ang i yuen R. B. Page, chief engineer

A. N. Bryden

Catholic Mission Hospital—Poyang

Road, British Condession S.R. .Emmerson

1. Godwin

P. B.Hutchinson

W. Stimpson

Church General Hospital (Ameri- E. Owen

can Church Mission)—Wuchang J. Linford

W. C. Wood

It fc !P1 Tung jen i yen . , C. G. Mayger

Dojin Hospital (Japanese Hospital)— m m * m m

Corner Heyking and Aug. Street, ex-


and 24717:Concession; Telephs. 21405

Cable Ad: Dojinbyoin Wan Icuo ta y ok fang

T. Fujita, director International Pharmacy, General Im-

porters, Wholesale and Retail Chemists

, and Druggists

Buildings; Teleph.— 22027

Lutheran Mission

W M T. S. Tsu, general manager

Hankow General Hospital, The—30,


24011 Road, S.A,D. No. 2; Teleph. International Savings Society

(See Banks)

International Hospital— Ex-Russian Itoh & Co., C., Importers of Cotton Yarn

Concession Teleph. 23001; — 17, Poyang Rd., S.A.D. 3; Teleph. 22211


^ ^ ^ L’Epargne Franco - Chinoise — Panoff

James Tseng Company. Import and Ex- Ad: Building,

Lepargne S.A.D. 2; Teleph. 21814; Cable


Co Merchants—10,

operation Road, Cheng

S A.D. Chong

No. 3; Loo,


leph. 23491; Cable Ad: Nesty; Codes: LiSmelters & Co., T. Y.,Engineers—23,

Importers, Exporters,

A.B.C. 5th edn.,

Commodity Bentley’s and Acme tremer, and

and Phrase French Concession;RueTeleph.


James Y. W. Tsen, manager 21151;

Bentley’sCable Ad: Tyli; Codes: Acme,.

and Universal

Japanese Chamber of Commerce T. Y. Li. manager

{See Chambers of Commerce) J. S. C. Tseng

P. Y.Y. Chang

W. Soong |I T.M. K.I. LiChow

Japanese Consulate — {See Consulates)


Taiping Road,OilS.A.D.;

Refining Co., Ltd.—

Teleph. 22874: ft Zp Binf; Woo

Cable Ad: Nikkaseiyu Liddell Bros.

and General Produce Brokers,—

^1 J7 wo Tungting, Whaeheong and Poyang

Jardine, Roads; Hydraulic Press Packers;

—The Matheson k Co., Ltd.,

Bund, S.A.D. 3; Merchants

Telephs. Ad: Telephs.

Liddell24901, 22407 and 21145; Cable-

23871 & 23873-5

W. S. Dupree, signs per pro.

Agencies Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co (China), *

Hong Kong Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. Ltd.—1, E\vo Road; Teleph. 241491

Cable Ad ■ Ligmytoco

Canton Insurance Co., Ltd.

Indo-China S. N. S.S.

Peninsular & Orient Co.,Co.,LtdLtd. Liu Ho Kow Mining, Co., Ltd.—27, Rue-

Bank Line Dautremer; Cable Ad': Liuholin

m m m m i Lloyd’s

Building,Register of Shipping—Racine^

Rue Dubail

Kai lan hwong wu chu F. Allan

Kailan Mining .Administration — 5,

Tungting Road London Missionary Society

Dodwejl & Co., Ltd., agents {See Missions)

Koon Cheong Engineering Works,

Engineers, Iron Founders, Boilermakers,

etc., and Contractors for all Classes of Lovatt & Byrne, jfC li Loupu


—Yun Chiao and Road,.IronModel

Structural ♦-Hongkong & Bill

DistrictWork Telephs.

and Bullion

Shanghai BankBrokers


Lin Chung, manager 24911 k 21933; Code: 1 Bentley’s

E. G. Byrne ’i .

-|P Kung s'ze

Kunst & Albers, Import, Engineer- Lutheran Theological. Seminary

ing and Shipping—Head Office : {See Educational)

Hamburg. Branches: Shanghai Lutheran Board of Publication — 23,

Harbin and Nanking; 11, The Liangyi Street; Teleph. 23065; Cable-

Bund ; Telephs. 24401 & 22533 ; Cable

Ad: Kunstalber; Codes A.B.C. 6th Ad: Lutherbook

edn. Bentley’s, Rudolf Mosse, Acme

and Private Lutheran Book Concern—23, Liangyi

(For agencies see Shanghai Section) Street; Cable Ad: Lutherbook

Dr. Ralph Mortensen, manager


ping and Insurance, Commission Agents, Lutheran Missions Home & Agency—

Lloyd’s Agents, etc.—Hongkong and S.A.D. No. 2, opposite White away,

Shanghai Bank Building; Teleph. Laidlaw & Co.Cable Ad : Lutherr

22511; Cable Ad: Lacan; Coder Hankow

Bentley’s A. J. Hanse, manager


L’Union (of Paris) Fire Insurance Co., MISSIONS

Ltd.-—4, Rue Olemenceau; Cable- Ad: American Bible Society—Central

Bel fran China Bible House, Poyang Rd.;

Ch. Ancel, manager Teleph. 23217; Cable Ad: Bibles;

Z. F. Tsen, compradore Codes: C.I.M. and Missions

P. W. Tseng, secretary Rev- R- J. Gould, prov. secy.

jrj| Lung mow * Mrs. R. J. Gould

C. A. Rap

Mackenzie & Co., Ltd., (Incorporated American Church Mission—43, Tung-

under the Companies Ordinances of ting Road; Cable Act: Amehumiss

Hong Kong); Hydraulic Press Pack- Bishop— Rt. ' Rev. Logan Her-

ers and Commission Agents—Teleph. bert Roots, D.D.

21909; Cable Ad : Mackenzie, Codes : Suffragan Bishop—Rt. Rev. Al-

Acme and Bentley’s. Branches in fred A, Gilman, s.t.d.

Shanghai, Tientsin, Chungking, Treasurer—Crawford F. Brown

Ichang. London Office: 4, Lloyd’s Secretary to Bishop—Miss C. A.

Avenue, E.C. Couch

Directors—F. W. Poate, (manag- Chaplain to St. John’s English

ing director), W. A. Argent Church—Rev. T. Paul Maslin

arid M. Boniface

H. Wrisdit, manager

F. W. Poate, Jr. Augustinian Procuration — 1, Rue

Dautremer, French Concession

Mee-yeh Handers Oompaonte. Tranorters

—13, Tungting Road, S.A.D. No. 3: ;Catholic Mission Procuration—9,

Cable Ad: Skorsten Rue Clemenceau, F.C.

w, & Tx & m Rev. G. Rossato,. Proc.

Rev. P. Oregna, Yice-Proc.

Met Chano Hardware Co.. Ship Chan- Rev. T. Cahill, Assist. Proc

dlers. Rail wav arid Buildina- Supplies—

Tai Ping Road, S.A.D. 3; Telepb. 23353 # Neitiwei .



Y.M.C.A., S.A.D. Road; Cable Ad: Inland

Lewis Jones and wife

B. K. Ton, manaeer Owen Warren

m m Church


Merchants,.& Co.. ImportandandInsurance

Shipping: Export Ru e of

10,VeryRev. Immaculate

Clemenceau, Conception

French Concession

Fr M. Connaughton, paste

Aeents—S.A.D. Bund No 49: Telephs.

24915, 22779, 22403 (Private Ex- ! London Missionary Society—Teleph.

change to all Departments), and 42005; Cable Ad: Missionary

24617 (Hides Godown); Cable Ad:

Melchers and Nordlloyd (for Ship- Hankow

ping Dept.) Rev. A. J. McFaflarie, m.m.

Miss E. M. Haward

ty n tK Miss H. Martin

Miss M. 1. Moody| Miss J. B. Gillison

Yuen nien hung sze ! Dr. K. Gillison and wife

Middleton, Butterfield &; Co.— 0. W. KnOtt arid wife

Central China Post Building. Hu- Dr. Muriel Garnick

nan Road, S.A.D. No. 3; Telephs. Wuchang -

22009 and 24597; Cable Ad: Humid Rev. E.M. Rowlands

H. S. Butterfield Miss Bleakley and wife

Hermann Li D. F.Dorothy

Dr. AndersonI. and wife


Ming Sons’ Construction Co., Building Miss M. E ,Marten

Contractors—Hunan Road, S.A.D. Rev. Hi Bate and wife

3; Teleph. 24315: Cable Ad: 9888 Miss A. Foster


Hanyang x @ &

Miss E. S. Wills | Miss Ginger Fa kwoh kung pu chu

Hwangpei Conseil d’Administration Municipale

Rev. P. Wallbridge and wife de la Concession Francaise (French-

SiaoJcan Municipal .Council) — Hotel Municipal,.

Rev. H. F. Wickings and wife French Concession

Griffith John Boy*' Middle School President—ConsuP de France

Y.Rev.T. Dr.

Hu T.andGillison

Staff Conseillers—A. Picca, Ancel, Gau-

tier, Chaudoin, Corbaley, R. P.

Rev. S. Withers Green, b.a., b.t>. Sordo, P. Ly, J. Thu.

Secretaire de La Municipalite—J.


Chef de la Police—Broussouloux

St. Joseph’s Chttkch—Ewo Road, S A.D. Sous id.—Massoni

No. 3

Inspecteur Police—Moosevich

Mitsubishi Id. —J acazaires

and ExportSho,ti Kaisha,andLtd.,Insurance

Merchants Import Conducteur Travaux—Guillaume.


Cable Ad:Taipina:

IwasakisalRoad, S.A.D. No. 3;

M M M 0 &

Fa kwoh shun pu fang

5$ ^ San-cMng French

cipal, Municipal

French Police—Hotel Muni-


Mitsui Btjssan Kaisha, Ltd., General F. Broussouloux, chef de la Garde

Import and Export Merchants—Taiping J. Massoni, s/chef de la. Garde

Road, S.A.D. No. 3; Cable Ad: P. Jacazaires, inspecteur

Mitsui J. Moossevitch, do

H JjL Fou-ehong Japanese Municipal Council—Yamasaki

Molchahoff, Properties, Import and Ex- Road; Japanese Concession

port and Tea—9, The Bund: Teleph. 124;

Cable Ad: Molchanoff ^^ 0

Jip pen ching tsah sue

MUNICIPAL COUNCILS Japanese Municipal • Police — Teleph.



Han how, shih tih yih tek hi chu Tnvang li chu Ying shang lao chin lung yu hsien kung sze


District No. 1 District, Special Mustard & Co., Ltd., General Importers-

—18, Faucheong Road; Telephs.

21611 & 24467; Cable Ad: Mustard

H. E. Smith

Han how sze Dec erh Teh big shu Nanyang Brothers Tobacco Co.

Kwan li chu . Ltd., The—Chung Shan Road; Te-

Administration of the Second Special leph. 33703; Cable Ad: 1717

District—57, Szeming St., Special Dist. aY C. Hu, manager

National Aniline and Chemical Co.r

Wai chiao pu Hankow dee san teh pieh Uof S.A:, Manufacturers

Indigo, and Importers

Aniline Dyes, etc. — 9,

chu sze tsen kwan lee chu Bund; Cable Ad; Nacohankow; Codes:

Administrative District No. 3, Muni- Bentley’s and LTniversa! Trade


Road, Bureau of the

S.A.D. No. Special—Poyang

3; Telephs. 4, 50 and National City Bank of New York^

The—(Nee Banks)


National;;,Commercial Bank Ltd., The ffi: # IS B # 0

(See Banks) Nippon Yusen Kaisha—Union

National Commercial and Savings 22773-5; Whacheong Road, S.A.D. 3;Buildings,


Bank Ltd., The—(See Banks) Cable Ad:-Ypsen

Nisshin Kisen Kaisha^-1, The Bund

Mei Sluing Lien Pong Sfiang Tieh S.A.D. No. .3; Telephs. 24143 and

To Hsien Kung Sze 23003

K. (Godown'

Nakanishi,); Cable Ad: Nissikisen


National Merchants’ and Under-

writers, Fed. Ine., .U.S.A.; (Appli-

ed for), General Merchants, Real

Estate and Insurance Agents Nivea MlCo., Fibre & If

Exporters — Union

A.P.C. Bldg.,'The Bund, S.A.D. Building, Paoshan Rd.; Cable Ad: Enryb

No. 3; Telephs. 23529 ; and 24805 ; P, L. Byrne, director

Cable Ad : Underiters

H. B. Berntseh, president ■

North China Insurance Co., Ltd.—

w a & s s! £ , Union Buildings, Tungting Rd.; Teleph.

Ying-jui-lien-ju-Kung-szu 2)947: Cable Ad: Union

R. F. JIall, branch manager

Nestle , and. Anclo-Swiss Condensed

Milk Co., Milk and Milk Pro- Norwegian Consulate

ducts, Chocolates,' Bonbons and Con-

fectionery—Union * Building, Wah (See Consulates): '

Cheong Road; Telepth 23769 ; P.O.

Box 51; Cable Ad: Nestanglo; if; Ping jnn ^ _

Codes: Bentley’s, A.B.C. 5th edn. &

Western Union Official Sworn Measurer—23, Tungting

Road; Teleph. 21811

Official Sworn Freight Measurer


Cable Engine and Iron Works'—S.A.l). 1;

Ad: Hulsemann and Weigher to: ;

Carl Hulsemann, manager China

New York Homeward


Bureau Conference

Niagara Mineral Water Co.—14, Rue Trans-Pacific Freight Bureau

Nouvell,Cable French Concession; Teleph. Bombay Freight Conference

21031; Ad: Niagara Austraiian Freight

C. Baroumis, proprietor H. E. Ramsay

jg San-yi IMl Yung hsin 1

Nielsen Malcolm, onsulting Engi- Olivier-Chine,; General Import, and Ex-

neers, Marine and Cargo Surveyors port, Marine and Fire Insurance Agents

and F ire Loss Assessors—Racine

Building, French Concession; Te- —Peking Road; Teleph. 24861; Cable

lephs. 22771-2; Cable Ad : Nielcolm; Ad: Austrasia

Code: Bentley’s., Secretaries to

Hankow Fire Insurance Associa-

tion. Shanghai Office: 12, The Pearce & Garriock,

Auctioneers, Bill andCommission Agents

General Brokers—

Bund Cable Ad: Pearce

F. Allan

A.C. E.J. Wood

Pinel ]I LW.K.A.Hart Allan W. E. Harston [ C. G. Jack


Nippon Menkwa Kabushiki Kaisha, Aquarius Co.

General Merchants for Cotton, Yarn, Caldbeck, Macgregor & Co., Ld.

Piece Goods, Silk, Rayon,

and Sundries—Taiping Road,Wool,

S.A.D.Jute3; Portuguese Consulate

Cable Ad: Menkwa

T. Tomonaga, manager (See Consulates)



m m w m it m 7%

Hu pe yu chen kwan Li dm Reuters. Ltd.—Central China Post Build-

Post Office—Hupeh Postal District Head Ads: ing, S.A.D. No. 3; Teleph. 22371 ; Cable

Office: Cable Ad: Postos, Hankow Reuter and Markreuter

Commissioner—V. Smith

Dist. Deputy

Chien Ting Commissioner — Tsao fr ^ B 1$ it

Deputy Commissioner, District Ac- Robinson Piano Co., Ltd., Manufacturers

countancy—A. G. Washbrook

Actg. Deputy Commissioner, and Importers of Iron-framed Pianos—

Control—Wong Yoong Mai Inland 35,J.Sankiao S.t; Cable Ad: Pianomaker

Ichang First Class Office

Actg. Deputy Commr.—Chen Lin J. P. Davies, general

H. Pearson, secretarymanager

Shasi First Class Office P. S. Chang, acting agent


Wuchang First Class Office Chen-pong Rohde & Co., Importers and 2Exporters—

Postmaster—Kwok Tsze-ching 70, Huangpei Road, S.A.D.


Eschenbach pro.

signs per

m 'jf Lih shin

Racine et Cie. (Societe Anonyme), Russian Club—(Nee Clubs)

Merchants—'Racine Building, Rue

Dubail: Telephs 22701 (Manager^,

22203 (General Office); Cable Ad': Sachse, R. Architect — S.A.D. Bund;

Racine Teleph. 21753; Cable Ad: Sachse

E. Gautier, signs per pro.

^ fg Hsin fou St. Hilda’s School and St. Phoebe’s

Ramsay & Co.—23, TungtingRoad; Teleph. School—(See Educational)


T. J.Cable Ad: Ramsay

Rowland Salt Revenue, Hupeh Auditorate of

Agencies Hankow—47,

Cable Ad: Salt Yih Yuan Road, s.a.d.i;

Royal Insurance Co., Ld. YaoF. Yuan-lun,

South British Insurance Co., Ld.

NorthDewar China &Insurance E. L. Dobbsauditor


John Sons, Ld.,Co.,Perth


Selling Agents


Far East&(China, Chronicle

Japan, of the nSan&Peh


m % m its.

Steam Navigation Co , Ltd.


lands, India,etc.)Philippine Is- San Peh. On


— Hoong Building; Cable Ad:

Head Office : Shanghai ;

Agents in Hankow: The Hoong On

S. N. Co., Ltd.

P. H. Kao, manager

Chung Kwok Chi Tu Sheng

Chiao Shu hui


Poyang TractS.A.D.

Road, Society,

No. 3.The — 40, St. Joseph’s Church —(Nee Missions)


and Shanghai

Rev. F. G. Onley, general secty. Sassoon

David, Merchants—

12, British Bund Telephs. 22381 and

M IS Ying shan Chu yuen 24807 Cable Ad: Sassoons

Representation for British Manufac- C. E. Minny, sub-agent

turers (Hankow), Ltd., Engineers C. de Luz

and Contractors—23, Tungting Road; Sayama & Co., Importers and Export-

Cable Ad: Rebritman;

5th, Bentley’s, etc. Codes: A.B.C. ers—^3, Poyang Road, S.A.D. 3; Te-

F.A. S.C. Reynolds,

Burn, managing


(England) lephs. 2217i & 22172

S. Sayama, master


m m Spencer, Kellogg & Sons, Inc.—35, Rue

Schnabel, Gaumer & Co., Export, Im- Bentley, Dubail; Cable Ad: Agedol; Codes: Acme,

port and Insurance—6i,

Tachimen; Telephs. 23605Woo Tsu Street, New YorkPrivate, Head Office: Buffalo,.


24943 (Exportsand

(Compradore) and23017


Dept.), 22141 Spencer Kellogg & Sons of Canada


Cable Ad: Antimon, Maximilian and Ltd., Exporters of Wood Oil and other

Klein; Codes: A.B.C. 5th and 6th edns., Vegetable Oils—35, Rue Dubail, French

Concession; Teleph. 23811, Cable Ad:

Bentley’s, Mosse and Acme Agedol; Codes: Acme.NewBentley,

K. Schnabel, proprietor (Hamburg)

O. Klein, signs the firm Head Office: Buffalo, York Private.

R.M.Yolkert, do.

Glied, do. , (Shanghai) ff' H Mei Foo

K. Schinckel, signs per pro. Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.. Petroleum


K. Yeigel and its Products—National City

G. Vogt | W. Linne Bank Building, S.A.D. 3; Teleph.

22971; Cable Ad : Standvac •

Schools (see under Educational) E. R. Hykes, manager

R. A. Schilling, P. H. Benedict,

A. E. Evans, M. L. South-

Shanghai Commerce and Savings wick, J. P. Stalker, R. V.

Bank Ltd., The—(Nee Banks) Sweeny, Mrs. A. Hutchinson,

Mrs. H. Evans, J. L. Poole; C. F.

rtlen Harrs, Mrs. O. Knierim and T.

® tze I C. Malcolm

Siemens China Co., Electrical

Mechanical Engineers and Contractors | an, [ Star Ricksha Co.—6, Rue Paris; Cable

Iron and Steel Merchants—3, Wilson Ad: Starickb

St., S.A.D. 2 Teleph. 23829; Cable

Motor; Code: Alpha, Mosse, A.B.C. 6th, j Ad:


Wilhelm Ziesel, manager Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada—

C. H. Freischutz, techn. manager Central China Post Building, Hunan

Road; S.A.D. 3, Teleph. 22009 and 24597;

Cable Ad : Humid

g m k™-*™ H. S., Butterfield, ag^nfc , ': '

Siemssen & Co., Engineers, Contractors, Sung Sing Cotton Mill No. 4—Chiaokow

Exporters, Importers, and Insurance T. K. Yung, managing director


Bund), S.A.D. Hankiang . Road 23607,

No. 1; Telephs. (The

22261 and 22448; Cable Ad: Siemssen; Swiss Consulate—(See Consulates) '.

All modern Codes

(For Agencies, see Shanghai section) W & vifi i/c ■£ ± m

Singer Sewing Machine Co.—Kiang Han Texas Co., Teh shih hu huo yu htmg sze ;

Road, S.A.D. No, 3; Cable Ad: Singer Petroleum (China),—Ltd.,

Products — N.K.K. The,Building,


Skinner & Appleton, Drs., Physicians Kiang (Manager), Han23415.Road; Telephs.

(General); Cable 22315


and Surgeons—The Asiatic . Petroleum Texaco

Co. Building: Teleph. 23061 and 23209; Hankow Office: , ,

Cable Ad: Skinner Doric 0. A. Flynn, manager ,

H. G. Stewart '

¥ S S.MissK. J.SVensen

Wood ‘

Sobbe, Hankow Installation:

AgentH.,— 1, Shipping

The BundandS.A.D. Commission

No. 3 A. Inch, supt.

N.K.K. Building; Telephs. 21773/5; .Changsha:

. F; E. Schmitt . .

Cable Ad: Sobbe; All Codes

H.R.Sobbe F. A. Abbott

Schraube, partner Chungking:

H. Weber, do. J. W. Powell



IJJf Tong Sung ft & m

Thomson & Co., Chartered Accountants— IJwa-lcee-sheni/ihong ■ .

Union Buildings; Teleph. 21307; Cable Walkie Trading Corporation, Ltd., The,f

Ad: Scrutiny; Codes: A.B.C. 5th and General Importers and Coni mission

Bentley’s Agents—Hunan RoadAd: S.A.D.

Teleph. 21547;Kiukiang,

Shanghai,' Cable Walkie No.

Changsha andandat3;

^ Tien yu Chengchow

Th(trier & Kohr, Provision, Wine and H. C. Tong, managing director

Spirit Merchants, General Importers Charles T. Yab, manager

and•T. Commission Agents C. H. Wong, chief accountant

Thurier Wan Mow &, Co., Coal Merchants and

F.L. Thurier

Thurier Forwarding Agents —123, Hankiang

Road S.A.D.: Teleph. 1997; Cable Ad:


5 1% p™ an

Union Insurance Buildings,

ton, Ltd.—Union Society of Can- Wesley College—(See Educational)


Road: Teleph. 21947; Cable Ad: Union Werner G. Smith Company, The, (of

Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.), Wood Oil

R. F. Hall, branch manager

Telephs. 2117 L andRue21172;

Merchant—46, Dautremer. F.C.;

Cable Ad: Wer-

Union Radio Service, Radio, Sound and smitnco;

Li Jui, Codes; Acme and Bentley’s


Electrical Supplies, Importers and


Tung Jen Li, Representatives—4,

Poyang S.A.D. No. West Coast Life Insurance Co. of San

3; Teleph. 23051; CableRoad,

Ad: Unionradio Francisco—1,

N.K.K. Building;The Bund;21773/5

Teleph. S.A.D. 3;

T. K. Whang, manager H. Sobbe, district mgr.

O. E. Yongehr, Federal InC. U. S. A., H & H E Wey loo kung sze


David Sassoon Import, Building;

Shipping, Insurance—

Cable Ad: Whiteaway, Laidlaw & Co., Ltd., Drapers,

Alacrity; Codes: Acme, Bentley, A.B.C. Outfitters, Glass and China Merchants,

5th edn. and 5th improved. Branches Importers of Boots and Shoes, etc.—

at 119, Jinkee Road, Shanghai, also at Warfield Teleph. 24129; Cable Ad:

S.A.D. 2;

Chungking and Wanhsien,

O. E. Vongehr, president Szechuen

EW. I.Owen

C. Lee gJr fi- t ^ H P M

T.P. L.L. Yao

Yeh Yang & Company, Chinese Chartered Ac-

countants, Auditors, Arbitrators and

C. K.Y. Ting

N. Li Fire Loss Assessors—33, Rue de Paris

Extension, French Concession

P. Y. Yang, c.c.a.

BfJ £§ Teh ming Y. H. Tang, c.c.A.

T. K. Zih, c.e.A.

Wagons Lits Terminus Hotel—French

Con.; Teleph. 21904; Cable Ad: Terminus

Mrs. A. Saint Pol, proprietress

R. Roberts, hotel manager Yee-tsoong-yun-shao-yen-chab-koo-fim

W. Edner, assistant manager yu-hsien king-sze


— Poyang Tobacco

Road, Distributors,

S.A.D. No. 3;

Wah Chang Trading Corporation, Telephs. 22803 (Exchange all Depts.),


Contractors—23, and Exporters,

Rue Engineers

Dautremer, and 24743 (Accounting

French Dept.), 24051 (Traffic


Tyli; Codes:Teleph.

Acme,21151; Cable and

Bentley’s Dept.), 23915 (General), 24743 (After

Ad: Office


T. Y. Li, Hankow representative H. Hours); Cable Ad: Powbattan

E. Parkinson, departmental



W. S. E. James, accountant Young Brothers Trading Co., Ex-

A. S. Newcomb, assist, accountant porters of Hankow China Wood Oil and

P. Shaw, traffic department other Szechuen Products. Importers

T. C. O’Neill, do. and

BankingCommission Agents—Young

Corporation Bros.

Building, Kiang-

L. M. de Luz, do. Kan

J.J. K.

A. Farrell,

Gracie, tax stamp

do. supervisor 22421Road (1st floor),

(general), 22424S.A.D.



G. E. Avasia, order dept. ■installation);

(Codes : Acme, Cable Ad: and

Bentley’s Yangbrosco


L. Loh, advertising dept. Branches at Wanhsien. Chungking,

L.MissJ, Piodrigues,

M. Seagl'ey.1caretaker

stenographer • Changteh, Ichang, Tsingshih and

Miss T. H. O’DriscdlT, do; throughout

T. S. Yang,Szechuen



Miss R. Murray-Kidd, do. C. C. Yang, manager

Miss V. Dewsbury,

Miss P. Mackenzie, mailing clerk do.

Hupeh Division (Hankow) Yung Tai & Outfitters Co., General Drapers

J. A.A.P.Bloomfield,

Groves, s,alesmah inspec- ■ Gentlemen’s

divisionandmgr. and Milliners—

15, Sankiao St.. S.A.D. 2; Teleph. 21166

tor T. P. Yang, manager

Hunan Division (Changsha)

F.G. H.B. King,

Tsang,division manager

asst, division mgr.

Honan Division

F. N. Merritt, division mgr. (Hankow). Hankow Chitu chiao CK'ing nien Kiii


E. Hewlett, assistant manager

J. Small, salesman (Sianfu) Young Men’s Christian

Hankow—Cable Association

Ad: Flamingo; op


Szechuen 'Division

L. Mecklenburgh,, division mgr., Missions and C.I.M.


G. M. Mellin, salesman (Chengtu) Zenith Studio, Portraiture, Enlarg-

Wokohama Specie Bank ing, Developing and Printing—217,

(Nee Banks) Kiarig Han Road, S.A.D. 3, Branch

Office: Kuling Street, Kuling, Kiangsi


Yochow, with a population of some 500,000 is situated in latitude 29° 20' 29" N. and

longitude 113° 11' 6" E. at the outlet of the Tungting Lake. Past it ebbs and flows-

practically the whole of the trade of Hunan, which, however, adds little to the pros-

perity of the place, as it simply passes by after having paid its dues and duties. The-


point beingview

the gateway of the province holds a been

very strategic position from among

a military

warringof factions, andwhenever


there ishasinternicine

always strife> a inbonethis of.centre.

contentionThe openingthe of


between in July, and 1904, Wuchang

took away(Hankow)much of onYochow’s transit trade. Railway

the Hankow-Canton The trains


regularly in normal times. Like most railways in this country, however, this line has

suffered enormously from military movements and, owing to negligence and disrepair,,

is in rather a dangerous condition.

The province of Hunan used to be to foreign commerce what Tibet has been to the

explorer—a Forbidden Land—and it is only two decades ago that foreigners were


attitudeout” toofallYochow.

foreigners,Inwhich 1904,attitude

the people is nowwerewelldescribed

maintained as showing

in spite ofa the



activities of the extremists in this province.

The province is rich in many forms of wealth, though the inhabitants say it


are of “three

rice, raw cotton,partsramie,mountain,

lotus nuts,sixvegetable

water, andtallowone arableand wood soil.”oil.TheInstaple



much rice has been smuggled under the name of “for military use” with the result that

the Hunan people themselves have at times suffered acutely from rice famine.

Steam launches and steamers run through from Hankow to Changsha with cargo-


“Lake passengers,underunderInland



and from YochowItules—principally

to inland places known as the


and Tsingshih. The business Navigation

is increasing, more particularly, with to Changteh-

the last,,

mentioned place.

The city

however, notofadapted

Yochowforis perched

transit on a bluff

trade, and init offers

a verynopicturesque

shelter for way. Its siteTheis

small craft.

port has, therefore, been opened at Chengling, five miles

from the Yangtsze, where a small creek provides the needed shelter for cargo-boatsto the north and only a mile

and other vessels, though the steamer anchorage is bad, being fully exposed to the

frequent northerly gales, while the bottom affords bad holding ground. Here the


they haveGovernment

provided roads, has setpolice,


a place

the for

site acontains

cosmopolitan level settlement,

ground forforbusinesswhich

purposes, well raised, but not too high above flood limits,

good and healthy sites for foreign houses. Work on the formation of the Settlement while higher ground gives


have bunding operations

beenat built. was

It isand

to be commenced

noted, in 1900,

therefore, and a Custom House and Quarters

situated Chengling

British, Japanese and Chinese not shipping

at Yochow thethatname

firmsas maintain

, the would

YochowleadCustomone toHouse

regular communications





ling ‘‘Lake Ports” andonehave

is undoubtedly of thetheir

mostagents stationed

healthy towns atin Chengling.

the YangtszeGiven Valley.peace,Since



occupation of this port by the Cantonese Army in August,

has twice been fortified and the Harbour mined in order to prevent a hostile army 1926, the Chengling Bluff


been thedown causeriverof from Shasi. The by

a bombardment shore-batteries

foreign warships,by firingto onwhich foreign

thisgunboats have

port has been

subjected on no less than five occasions within

be able to record that no casualties have so far been reported. a period of a year. It is fortunate to

A noteworthy feature of 1907 was the connection of Changteh

the high-water season—June to October—the resulting trade being valued at Tls. 617,000, by steamer during

Connectionof the

steamers withriverChangteh

type, andis tugs


lighters. practically

Buoys and lights throughout the year byin

were established


1907 _to mark the channel across the lake. The difficulties and risks of this route are


longer route vidandLulintan;

it is probable that itofwill

on account thebesharp



of the toliiver


Yuan theinsomewhat

its lower

reaches, specially adapted

making Changteh an “opensteamers

port” was will probably

consideredhave to be and

in 1906 used.againThe taken


up inof

the spring of 1915, and Chinese officials visited the place to enquire into the conditions,

but it still

In 1920, remains

a new open onlyfortothevessels

organization undercontrol

technical InlandofWater Steam Yangtsze

the Middle NavigationAids rules.to

Navigation and channels was instituted by the Customs.

The Standard-Vacuum

a point about two miles Oil belowCompany has recently Itestablished

the Settlement. has erected an oilthree


tanks andat

contemplates erecting three more. The first oil tanker direct from California arrived

here during the high water season of 1926. This installation will be the centre of


and Tsingshih.for Although

the upperallYangtsze

oil was and the “Lake

withdrawn fromPorts,” suchinasMay,

the tanks Changteh, Yiyangto

1927, owing

the then disturbed conditions, the use of the tanks has been resumed since June, 1928.

Trade in 1934'

Yochow and the district it serves (principally the city of Changteh on the

Yuan River, and the Tungting Lake markets of Yiyang, Tsingshih, etc.)

enjoyed peaceful conditions for the greater part of the year. The only direct

•foreign trade at Yochow consists of bulk imports of kerosene oil : there are no

direct exports. The statistics for the interport trade show very noticeable

decreases, the value of Chinese merchandise imported being only 3.6 million

dollars as against 8.7 million in 1933, and the value of Chinese exports boing

only .6.6 million dollars as against 9.8 million dollars. While a, certain amount

of unrest in the district towards the end of the year naturally was disturbing

to commerce, there is no doubt that the chief reason for the decline in these

figures for trade under Customs control was the diversion of cargoes, from

steamer to junk transport. During the period under review, to take only one

instance, there were no importations of salt by steamer, w’hile in the previous

year the value of such importations was 2.1 million dollars. On the export side,

the decline in the shipments of wdod oil from 210,262 quintals"valued at 7.7

million dollars to 133,040 quintals valued at 4.3 million dollars was'hiore than

sufficient to cover the whole decrease recorded for the value of the outward

coastal trade. Considerably improved figures, however, were registered for

black tea, ramie,, raw cotton, broad beans, and lotus-nuts,, hut, as has been

indicated already, the available statistics have now become a very poor','guide

to the actual state of trade owing to the fact that the junk traffic (except for

junks trading abroad) does not come, under the cognizance of the Customs. /


m w & Pu Chi Steamship Co.—Cable Ad: 0361

dcrsTOMs, Chinese Maritime Hong Sui Dong, agent

Ta me uh wei

JS WO. tr I# ft It f i*°

Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd., Mer- Reformed


Church Mission — Yochow

Cable Ad; Allenbarth

chants ReV. and Mrs. Karl H. Beck

Chen Surig' Tsun, agent


TfT 'ftp Sha-si

Shasi (the “market on the sands”) roughly 900 miles froth the sea, is one of the

ports opened to foreign trade under the Treaty of Shimonoseki (1895) the official

declaration of the opening being dated the 1st October, 1896. The port is about 85

miles below Ichang. It is reclaimed from the river by a magnificent system of


On July,and4th,canals. Theriver

1935, the district

rosesuffers periodically

to a height of 35.7 fromfeet,

the the


highestof thelevelYangtze.

in the

history of Shasi, and nearly plunged over the dyke

inhabitants, Many lives were lost in surrounding districts and whole into the low-lying roofs of 100,000


disappeared under the waters. On the 9th and 10th

anti-foreign riot occurred at Shasi. The Customs Office and the residence of the May, 1898, a serious


their hulk, thetheoffice Customsof theboats, the premises

Foreign Board, theof theJapanese

China Merchants’

Consulate, Company

the premises and

occupied by the native agents of Messrs. Butterfield

Matneson & Co., and a number of newly-erected Chinese houses were burnt by the& Swire and Messrs. Jardine,

mobs, kerosene oil being used to feed the conflagration, and the foreign residents

were driven out of the port, narrowly escaping with their lives. The Custom-house was


feet on theby 1st

in length, 800July of the

toas 1,200 same year.lyingInalong

in breadth, August, 1898, an areabelow


was assigned to Japan a Japanese Concession but was the riverside

Tiot developed and much oftown,



was on which

withdrawn it would

in January,have stood

1899, has

British since undergone

interests being erosion.

placed The


the Consulate

care of the

Consul at Ichang. A telephone service was introduced in March, 1921. A motor bus



toHankow in theafterShasi

west. and Hankow was compteled in 1933, while bus services andalsoreach


soon 4 p.m.Motor

on thebuses

samenowday.leaveTheShasitripdaily at about

by steamer 7 a m.Hankow

from to

Shasi takes from two to three days, by bus nine hours and by air one and half hours!

The distance by water is nearly 300 miles and by air only one halt as great, the


and passenger serpentine


betweenof the

Hankowriver and


avoided byviatheShasi plane.andThe Air-mail

Ichang was


supplies the in April

Shasi 1931.

public Flights

with are made

electricity. three

The times

Hankow a week.

Press A private

Packing company

Co., Ltd.

(Shasi Branch) started operations in September 1929, while the Shasi Cotton Testing


modities, of Hankow organ,

aandgovernmental Bureaucommenced

of Inspection and

workopened Testing1929.

in October for Commercial

The Shasi Com-



$1,000,000. The Bank of China, Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank and Bank ofof

Spinning Factory was informally in May 1931 with a capital


ments. haveBrothers

branch offices at Shasi,. besides a fewjustotherbuilding

bankinga largeestablish-

office on The

the main Young street. A fineBanking

new bund, Corporation

one of the are best on the Yangtze, was com-new

pleted along the Yang Ma Tou section of the waterfront in 1935.

Trade in 1934

on goods shipped to other ports in isChina

The Customs Revenue of Shasi derivedor mainly

to foreignfromcountries



Ports. In 1934 the Revenue amounted to $478,914.21. Most of the foreign goods


benefit the at Shasi

Shasi have alreadyRaw

Revenue. paid Cotton

Import Duty

Rice, aand

t Shanghai

Beans or Hankow,

are the main so products

they do notof

Shasi, which is a large farming town surrounded by rich agricultural districts.



Arnhold & Co., Ltd.—Cable Ad: Harchi Italian Trading Co.

Butterfield & Swire, Merchants and Wong Han Cheng, agent

Steamship Agents fo ’!& E Wo

Consulate, Great Britain Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.


Ichang) W. P. Mills (resident' at C. J. Wei, agent


Indo-China Steam Nav. Co., Ld.

Hi Chinese

Customs, rfi & Maritime

Shasi Kwan

Acting Deputy Commisr. in Charge— Post Office

A. C. H. Lay Postmaster—Chang Chen-pong

Assistant— Chou Chin Cheng

Asst. Tidesurveyor

Harbour Master—D. M.and

NicollActing The Shanghai Commercial & Savings

Bank, Ltd.—Cable Ad: 0794

K. C. Tsing, manager

Evangelical Lutheran Mission—Cable

Ad: Melchim Standard-Vacuum Oil Company—Cable

E.A. C.C. Zimmermann

Diers and wifeand wife Ad:Austin



Hankow Press Packing Co. (Shasi Branch) Yee Tsoong Distributors, Ltd. — Cable



Co., Ltd., secretaries and Ad: Powhattan

W. A. Price, manager Woo Lien Sung


jy? J| Chaug-sha

city Changsha (or “Long-sands,”

of the province of Hunan. asIt the Chinese

stands on thewords


the Siangisriver, the capital


flows into the Tungting lake, and is about 100 miles south of the opening of the lake

into the Yangtsze

and long. 113.U1 E. at the north-eastern corner of the province. It is in lat. 28.10 N.


manderies name first occurs about B.C. 220 as that of the 36th and last of the com-

used as theintoname whichoftheoneFirst of Emperor

the kingdomsdividedfortheabout

land after100 conquering

years (B.C.it. 202-101)*

It was

during the Han dynasty. Its greatest mark in history was its successful resistance to

the 90 days’

employed siege by

elsewhere, led tothetheTaiping rebelsof the

final defeat in 1852

rebelsbyby methods

Tseng Kuo-fan, which, the afterwards


of all Chinese statesmen in the nineteenth century.

Custom House was established on July 1st, 1904; a Japanese Consulate followedThe

Changsha was opened as a treaty port by the China-Japan treaty of 1903. in


have also sent and arepresentatives.

British ConsulateThese the next


since Since

been then, AmericaandandJapan

withdrawn Germany


Great Britain are the only countries which now maintain Consular posts in the'port.

city The

and (the main


line between

river lying Theonlinethetowards


west). and Wuchangtrains


passes outside

is open as far asrunTiling


daily(about east wall

between of the


40 miles from


Pinghsiang a section

collieries which

(situated was justoriginally

over the part of

Kiangsi the special

border) line

and the built between

Siang river the


Chuchow. Construction on the railway to the south has been in abeyance since 1919,

but plans areChina

the British now Indemnity

being madeFund to complete this section with funds to be advanced by


The surrounding

the river, where the Yoluhshan country isrises hillysome


ft. high. This especially on the“ YowestFoothills,”

hill, called bank of

connected by its name with the great Nan-yo or “ Southern Peak,” is not actually


on its slopewith the Peak

is within in its physical

the Nan-yo diocese. geography,

Near the topthoughridge isthea replica

Buddhistof the monastery


Yu Tablet, which purports to be a monument raised by the Great Yii, in the third


days. B.C.,

Theoforiginal in commemoration of his having redeemed the flooded lands of those

is a range hills 20stands

miles onlong.

the most

The southern

original is,ridgehowever,

of the a“Southern

shameless Peak,” which

fraud which

cannot be dated earlier than the twelfth century A.I). The whole story of anyone in

those verylegend

baseless earlyand daysnothaving any knowledge

historically of the countryTheas far

authenticated south as Hunan retainsis

some sanctity from the legend and has a Confucianfact.college athill,its however,

base, a Buddhist


the “ Hillin ofthethecentreThreeofReligions.”

the slope, and Thea College

Taoist boasts

shrine theon itspossession

ridge—hence of somethevery


Chou dynasty bronzes and also some autograph writings

Hsi, who was connected with the college in the twelfth century. Near the Buddhist of the celebrated scholar, Chu


wooded, and thein the


are exceptionally

(when the tall and

azaleas are large.

in flower)Theor whole

autumn slope




of all tints) view

bird’s-eye view

the scenery is of greatstretches

ofofthethe whole

southern beauty.of the

city of Changsha

FromSiangthe balconyside, of theandTaoist

and ofontheoneintervening thetemple

onisland other



One of the finest buildings inside the city is a memorial

In the beautiful gardens of this temple there is now established a High S chool and temple to Tseng Kuo-fan.


Sc., isfor


greatthe Principal of which,

grand-daughter Miss Tseng, who

of the distinguished holds thehimself.

statesman LondonTheredegreeisofa»


second memorial temple to Tso Tsung-t’ang, one of the most famous

Kuo-fan. There is also a temple oh one of the western streets to Chia I, the most lieutenants of Tseng

•celebrated scholar of his day, who died in: Changsha, B.C. 165. In the temple is a

marble settee which is alleged to have been used by Chia I.


$185,000 by atheformer

city Yale


is a veryforlinethehospital,

use of thewhich was erected

Hunan-Yale at a College

Medical cost of

The direction of the hospital is in the hands of a board, composed equally of repre-

sentatives of the Hunan gentry and the Yale Mission. The Yale School and College

buildings are in the immediate neighbourhood. These are all outside the north gate.


which hasthe branch

south gate officesareinthethefamed antimony

Woolworth works New

Building, of theYork.


are two

electric-lighting companies.

On the island are to be found the British Consulate and the residences of the

indoor Customs and Post-Office staffs and of the managers of the Standard Oil, Asiatic

Petroleum, British-American Tobacco Companies, Butterfield & Swire and many other

mercantile firms.

Many new roads have been built and motor buses now run daily direct to Ning-

siang, Yiyang, Changteh and Taoyuan to the Northwest, Hengchowfu, Leiyang.


from Changsha. and Ichang to the South

Satisfactory and isto being

progress Siangtan madeandwithPacking to the Southwest

the Chuchow-Shuichow

section of the Canton - Hankow Railway. From Canton the line is now open to traffic

as far North as Pingshek where it meets the Changsha-Kuangtung motor road. From

Changsha southward the line is not yet open to traffic beyond Lukow. Bridges and

.tunnels, which involve considerable engineering difficulties, have yet to be constructed

ofat rails




to HengchowLukowhave and Pingshek.

been practically The permanent

completed, way and theThelaying

however. line

may perhaps be open to traffic as far South as Hengchow by the end of 1935, and Dr,


Railway theshould


be completedestimates

by the end thatofthe

1936.entireUpChuchow-Shuichow section ofAvia-

to July, 1935, the Eurasia the

tion Corporation maintained a regular weekly service

between Peking, Hankow, Changsha and Canton. The aerodromes at Hankow andof two flights in each direction

Changsha were flooded in July, however, and the Corporation decided to divert its


hoped that for

the service on a newly

Peking-Canton serviceopened

will beroute between

re-opened Sian and Chengtu. It is


Trade in 1934

Although Changsha, or rather, the province of Hunan of which it is

the capital city, suffered from floods in the early part of the year and from

drought throughout the summer, it is generally agreed that this part of the

country had a prosperous year on the whole. This is borne out by the 36 per

cent, increase registered by the statistics for that part of the trade coming

under Customs cognizance. During April and M ay rain fell persistently,


south theof result that several

the province were districts


Fortunately,Tungting Lake these

however, and ,infloods


were of short duration, and no great damage was done. Following upon the

floods came a long spell of dry wuather that ruined the first rice crop in

many parts of the country. As has been indicated already, however, trade

passing through the port of Changsha was quite the reverse of discouraging.

The Customs statistics were as follows (according to value) : direct imports

from abroad, 4.1 million dollars as against 4.4 million dollars in the previous

year; coastwise importations of Chinese merchandise, 11.4 million dollars as

against 7.4 million; direct exportations abroad,. 1,000 dollars as against 12,000

dollars; and coastwise exportations of Chinese produce (of which much is

actually destined for abroad via Hankow or Shanghai), 15.4 million dollars

as against only 10.9 million dollars. Thus the combined import sections of

trade show an increase of 31 per cent, and the combined exports an increase

of 41 per cent, in comparison with the value figures for 1933. Kerosene oil

is die principal “direct” foreign import into Changsha. Withdrawals from

bond amounted to 20.4 million litres during the year, a decrease of 2.2

million litres. Owing to lack of competition with Russian oil, prices rose


frona $6.80 at the , begiiining of . the ,year to $8.10 per unit of 10 American,

gafloris.at'the close. Sugar,, another; important item, remained fairly steady

at 59,100 quintals as against 60,700 quintals. Japanese cotton goods and sea

products, which had practically disappeared from the import list since 1931,

began to arrive in increasing quantities during the second half of the year

after the local Anti-Japanese Boycott Association and the National Salvation.

Association had been closed down. The chief export staples are. ores (of

which only the antimony, tungsten, manganese, and zinc ores are of great

importance at present to the foreign trade of the country) and rice, followed

by fire-crackers, bristles, and wood oil. Foreign demand and prices for

antimony and tungsten ore were exceedingly good, and the quantities shipped

were as follows: crude antimony, 18,893 quintals as against 16,364 quintals

in the previous. year; antimony regulus, 139,410! quintals as against 16,364

quintals in the previous year; antimony regulus, 139,415 quintals, as against

109,252 quintals; and tungsten ore, 8,892 quintals as against 2,235 quintals.

Manganese ore also did well, registering an increase of 4,355 quintals; but

exports of zinc ore, owing to lack of the former demand from Germany,

declined by 31,592 quintals. For fui;ther 'particulars see the. article “Ores,.

Metals and Metallic Products’’ amongst the general reviews for export com-

modities in this report. In many of the southern districts the rice crops

were a failure owing to the drought, but in the Tungting Lake districts

harvests were good, so that, besides the large quantities leaving by junk and

railway, 659,000 quintals were exported under Customs oognizance as against

only 371,000 quintals in 1933 when demand was not so good. Prices ranged

from $6.40 per SMh at the beginning of the year to $10.40 at the close. The

planting of wood^oil trees in the southern part of the province is being

encouraged by the Flunan Reconstruction Bureau, and an increasing export

trade in this commodity has commenced. In spite of communist raids and

financial difficulties the Hunan Provincial Government pressed on with their

reconstruction programme, concentrating on industrial improvements-

Technical schools of various kinds have been established and skilled workmen

engaged from other provinces to improve the quality of the output from

local factories. Road-building has not been neglected, and, with the aid of

subsidies from the National Government, some 400 kilometres of new high-

ways were opened to traffic during the year. With the completion of the road

section from Ichang (on the southern boundary of the province) to Hsaotang,.

through motor traffic from Changsha' (or Shanghai for that matter) to Can-

ton was established; and the opening of the Liuyarig-WantsavAection, made

through traffic possible from Changsha, the capital of Hunan, to Nanchang,

the capital of Kiangsi. Ferries for the transport of motor-cars across rivers

have been built at Liuyang, Tungtun, Siangtan, Packing and Hengyang. In

May an air service between Peiping and Canton, with stops at Hankow and

Changsha, was successfully inaugurated. There are two planes a week each

way, running regularly to schedule. It is now possible to leave Changsha at

1 p.m. and reach Hongkong the same evening. Four aerodromes (at Heng-

yang, Chenhsien, Packing and Changsha; were completed during the year,

and two more are under Construction (at Hungkiang and Chengchow).



m % m % Ying shang an lee Tidesurveyor—H. Connaughton

Examiner—M. B. Hoffman

ArjS'hold & Co., ijXJJ., Merchants, En- Asst.—Examiiiers^-Li King-kwei


Harchi and Contractors—Cable Ad: and Chen Hwa Piao

H. Hommel Tidewaiters—Wang Hsun Yuan,

(For Agencies, see Shanghai section) Tsai Yuin-i, Woo Sin, Lo Chun

Ao, Bung Sih Tshien, Lung Yu,

Wang Liang and Zien Ts.

£ vHhK IS 3S ]§ 3* Tshang '

Ying shang A si a huo yu kwng si ff # ^

Asiatic Petroleum

Ltd.—Cable AdCDoric;Co. (North China),

Code: Bentley's Czarnetzki A Co. Export and Import

F. S. Crawford, manager Teleph. 410; Cable Ad: Eximport

D. G. Lean A. Czarnetzki, signs the firm

T. II. Loach,', installation mgr. Deutsche Fa rben*H andelsgesellscb a ft

Waibel & Co. — 1, Wha Chang Bldg.,

^ Tai Tcoo SiWaidefag;

Hu Chao; Teleph.

Codes: 106; Cable

Rud. Moss Ad:

and A.B.C.

Butterfield & Swire, Merchants, 6th edns. Head Office: Shanghai

Steamship ahd Insit ranee Agents— Dr. L. H. Mai

Cable Ad : Swire Jardine, Matheson: & Co., Ltd., Mer-

W. F. K. Telfer, signs per pro. chants—Cable Ad: Jardine

T. H. Chen; agent

W M Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. (China),.

Central China Trading Co,, Exporters, Ltd.—Cable. Ad; Ligmytoco

Importers, Engineers and Contractors

—33, Sha Lu Pu Kai; Teleph. 791; Cable

Ad:M.Ceritchina MISSIONS

S. Chang, general manager '§}' H Chang lao ivei

American Presbyterian Mission, North;

Changsha Club S. Mills —Outside North Gate

Chairman—E. Rev.

MissW. H. Clark, ph.d. and wife

Hon. Secretary—W. F. K. Telfer

Hon. Treasurer—E. S. Mills Miss E.E. Davis

McKee I Miss H. Whitaker

Miss G, Bfcjflesw*, | Miss H Oliver


Orphanage Tract Press and Faith

Great Britain—Cable Ad: Britain Allen N. Cameron, supt.

Consul—S. L. Burdett, m.c.

Catholic Convent

Japan M.Sisters

S. Blaise,Valeria,


Sebastinao, Orsola

Consul—S. Takai and del Livin

Customs, Chinese Maritime Catholic Mission

Commissioner—H. St. J. Wilding Fr. Rev. Mgr. G. Stanchi, procurator

Assistant—Bu Lu Chung Fr.

Fr. Prandi


Seminary Mission


Clerks—Yang Chiun Tsang, Tai Fr. Rev.

Ngan Jeh, Lu Von Chang, Tseng director

Yuen Po, Shan Hwan Wen, Br. Bonomo

Chang Tsu-wu, Li Yung Liang, Fr. Negro (Tsing-kang)

and Yuan Chin Kuang F. Valfre’ (Ning-siang)


Fr. Boverio (Yiyang) Nisshin Kisen Kaisha—Teleph. 3; Cable

Fr. Druetto (Siang-yin) , Ad:Y. Nissikisen

Tanaka, manager

Fr. Lacchio (Liu-yang)

Fr. Keng (Anhwa) Post Office (Hunan District Head Office

Fr. Craziai^p (Ta-iu-pin) Acting Commissioner—YeHsiang-i

Ting Shwei

Fr. Calzoiari (Siang-tan) Dist. Accountant—Yeh

Fr. Rubini (Siang-tan)

Fr. Amorotti (Siang-siang)

Fr. Lieou (Heng-shan) m m

Fr. Rossi (Li-ling) Schnabel, Gaumer & Co., Importers and

Fr. Vevucciii (Li-ling) Exporters^Cable Ad: Antimon

Fr. Liao (Yuhsien)

Fr. Lorenzi (Lou-kow) Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.

Fr. Raima (Shanghai) E. Mills

Fr. Menni (Hankow) H. Barton

'China Inland Mission — Cable Ad: J. H. Taylor, inst. supt.


Rev. H. Witt and wife W & Z&c Aa dhen Jcung see

Rev. Chr. Wohlleber and wife Tang & Co., Ltd., W. A., Antimony Pro-



and wife,Blind

treasurer ducers

Girls’School Watangco; Codes and Distributors — Cable Ad:

Miss H. Luginsland, do.' edn., Bentley’s, : Acme, and

Universal A.B.C. 6th


' Miss H. Roller

Miss A. Maisenb&cher

Miss E. Fisher IF WJ & A £ ± *§

Miss H. Ginsberg Texas Co., The, Petroleum Products—

Miss T. Kruth Cable Ad: Texaco

Miss E. Utz F. A. Abbott, manager

Dr. F. Eitel and wife

Mrs. Dr. Lasser Tung

and Chang Co., Exporters,

Smelters—23, Lou Pu Kai;Importers


Hudson Taylor Memorial Hospital— Ad: Taoli; Teleph. 662

Cable Ad: Inland

Dr. F. Eitei and wife Yale-in-China Association, Inc.—


Miss E.A. Fischer

Maisenbacher Changsha: Yali Union Middle

Miss L. Ribstein School, Hsiang - Ya Hospital,

Miss H. Ginsberg Hsiang-Ya Medical School, Hsiang-

Miss T. Krauth Ya Nursing School; Wuchang:

Mrs. Dr. Lasser Yaie-in.-China 'School of Science,

Central China College^Cable Ad:


& m m m 1% m President—Dr. E. H. Hume

Hu nan sheng king hsuoh Yuan . Vice President—Sidney, Loveft,

Hunan Bible Institute—1, Military Do. —Frahcis 8. Hutchins

Road; Treasurer—Lauren Arnold

Rev. Cable

F. A. Ad: Biolam.d., and wife

Keller, Executive Secretary—Richard D.

Rev. C. A. Roberts and wife Weigle

Recording Secretary and. Asst.

% m is m * Treasurer—Raghel A. Dowd

Chung hwa sin i hwei Field Workers—Dr. and Mrs. P. F.

Norwegian Missionary Greene, Dr. K. Y. Wang, Dr. Lois

Norske Missions Selskap)Society

— Cable (Det

Ad: Greene.


M. Edna

Miss Jessie

Victoria P. Norelius,


Hutchinson, Miss



Stavanger, Mission.

Norway Home Office: 1). Rugh and wife, Dr.'C. T, Kwei,

Rev. Einar Smebye (siipt;) and wife S. C. Walke, H. D. Farley.Schuyler

O. Thime and wife Gammon, Oscar Rand, John Cox

Miss Barbra Stabell

Thorm'od Gilje and wife Yee TsOong Tobacco Distributors

Rev. Sam. Samuelsen G. B. King, Div. Manager


g g I-Chang

Ichang is one of the four ports opened to foreign trade on the 1st April,.

1377, in accordance with Clause 1, Section 3, of the Ohefoo Convention. It

is situated in lat. 30° 43.4' N., long. Ill0 12.8' 'E., on the north bank of the

river Yangtze, about 363 miles above Hankow, and some five miles below the

entrance to the great Ichang Gorge, or just about 1,000 miles from the coast.

The navigation of the river to this port is comparatively easy for vessels of

light draught and has in recent years been rendered easier by the labours

of the Customs Eiver Department, which has marked every crossing and

established numerous aids to navigation. The anchorage is off the left bank,,

opposite the foreign residences, and is good, except in freshets, when the an-

chors should be sighted every two or three days. The port is the centre of a

hilly country, the productions of which are rice in the valleys, cotton on the

higher grounds, winter wheat, barley, and also the tungtzu trees, from which

the ordinary wood oil is obtained by pressing the nuts gathered from the'

trees. In the sheltered valleys, amongst the mountain ranges west of the city,

oranges, lemons, pomeloes, pears, plums, and a very superior quality of per-

simmons are grown, and find a ready market in the city and at Shasi. The

importance of Ichang is chiefly that of an emporium for goods in transit to

and from Chungking. Most of the cargo for the latter port is landed here

and transfered to steamers. Steam navigation is now practicable for the lar-

ger vessels from the middle of April to the end of (November and for the

smaller vessels throughout the year. The rates for foreign passengers are

much higher than oh the lower Yangtsze. In view of the enhanced traffic,,

aids to navigation and rules of the road through the gorges have become

urgent, and have been for some years undertaken by the Government, . with

three River Inspectors functioning between Chungking and Ichang. The up-

ward voyage to Chungking now takes between three and four days, and the • return

trip just under two days. The survey of the railway to Chengtu has been completed,

but construction

of Ichang has been postponed indefinitely. The estimated Chinese population

is 112,309.

Trade in 1934

Part of the area served by the port of Ichang lies too close to the troubled

province of Szechwan for comfort. Near the Hupeh-Szechwan frontier, there-

fore, a feeling of insecurity prevailed for a time, and certain of the trade

routes crossing the mountanous region from Szechwan were still considered. to .

be unsafe. Actually, however, there was peace throughout this whole section

of Hupeh during the year under review. The vicinity of the port was well

garrisoned and, after reinforcements had been provided at various strategic


ment ofconfid^npe was restored

direct steamer traffic even in thedown-river

between border districts.

ports and;The -rapid



gradually diminished the importance of Ichang as a port of transhipment and,

for this reason, has begun to tell on the prosperity^ of the city- itself, thus

reducing its import requirements; and this factor, in conjunction with the

present.lack of purchasing power in the interior, is accountable for the decrease

exhibited'in Ahe ret'ux-fis for the inward section of trade. Outward shipments

also made a, poor showing for the first three quarters’ of the year, but this was

more than compensated for by the excellent autumn harvests and better demand


6.4 _down-river

to .6.7during


last quarter, resultingforin the

being recorded a small increasevalue

aggregate (from



the coastwise exportations of Chinese

review. Advances in the figures for varnish produce(from

over 4,347

the towhole6,332period under


vegetable tallow, raw cotton, and nankeens contributed to the improvement in

the export statistics. A further increase is. recorded for the shipping trade:

entrances and clearances numbered 2,435 v6s§els,. aggregating 1,097,000 tons, as



ship vessels, aggregating

plied regularly 1,010,000

.on thg Upper,tons, in thethe previous

Yangtze, first to doyear.so since


1931. Land communications were improved 'by the Completion during the year

of the last of the previously unfinished sections of the Ichang-Hankow motor

highway. The air service between Hankow and Chungking was well main-

tained, •The

week. andlocal

the, aerodrome

number ofis being



from four to six each

considerable ivbrk way

and per


pense in levelling the hilly ground bordering on the briginaLsite.


* 35 18 & -i* IR 2^ l/C 27* Ying ling' shih fn

Ying skang a si a Jiw yu hung .sz

Asiatic Petroleum , Co. (North China), Great BritainBritain—Teleph, 96; Cable Ad:

Ltd.—Cable Ad: Doric - .; , Consul—E. W. P. Mills

Bank of China—Second Hoad; Teleph. 222

Hu Chung lian, manager

H 1MI * B *

^ Ta koo Japan

Butterfield Consul—H. Shibasaki

Sons, Ltd.), &Merchants

Swire (John SwireAd :

— Cable Bon. Secretary—M. Keane

Chancellor—A. Vamamoto


J. C. Fleming, signs per pro.

M. W. Scott

Chau song nee cheuk 11 H 3=£ Ichang kuan

China Merchants’Steam Navigation Co. Customs, Chinese Maritime

Ouyang Beh Dah, manager Commr.—Y. Kurematsu

Assistant—Tung Ping

CLUBS Assist. Tidesurveyor—A. S. Coppin

Ichang Customs Club Chief Exam.—S. R. Ambrose

President-^S. Tsuda .Upper Yangtze River Inspector —

Hon. Secretary—A. S. Goppin S. C. M.Yangtze

Middle Frandsen

Ichang Recreation Club Inspector—J.

District A. BrownAsst.C.River


River Inspector—H. S. C.

Hon. Secretary and Treas.—J. C. Selby


•CONSULATES . {g » « n s « a S£

Ta^fa ling

m shift

?£ fu* Ichang

Revenue Assistant Auditorate of Salt

France Assistant Auditor—Chao Wu-hsien

Consul—(residing at Hankow) Co-do —J. E. Spencer


Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd., Mer- Sever, P. Vercauteren, O. Wiaux, V.

chants. Stolle, E. Delaporte, M. Van

F. M. Ide, Acting Agent Steenwinckel,

der Borght, G.M.VanSmeets, C. Van


Agencies / D. Put, T. ^

Indo-China Steam Xav.'Cfo., Ld. Vyttenbroeek, G. L.Hugelier,

Canton Insurance Office, Ld.

Hongkong Fire Insurance Co., Ld. Libens, P. Diricken, Adams, D.F.

Commercial Union Assur. Co., Ld. S Engelin, A.G.Merchier,

M. Boutsen,

G. vanF.Weert,


Peninsular and Oriental S. N. Co.

Canadian Pacific Ocean Services, Ld. L.Moeseke,

Luypaerts, V. Gyselincks, S. De

J. W. Cameron Cock, L. Callebaut, E. Peirsman, A.

Moerman, R. Daniels and G.

Lee Chong & Co., Provisions Wine & Geosse '

Spirit Merchants ■ Swedish Missionary Society

Miss I.F. Nordkvist

Rev. A. Wenhborg (on furlongh)

MISSIONS Miss E. Isakson


Miss A.Church

E. HyerlyMission

Deaconess E. W. Riebe

Rev. C. Pickens, jr., and wife .Nisshin

kisen Risen Kaisha—Cable Ad: Nissi-

China Inland Mission--Cable Ad: Pitcairn & Co—Cable Ad: Cairn


MissionsJifissipn; .ppdes: C.LAt. and

H. J. Squire and wife 7a iT> ^ ~ ^ &

■Church of Scotland I cluing i teng yu chu

T. Chalmers Borthwick, m.b., ch.b. Post Office—Cable Ad: Postos

. Mass: C. B. MacGill Acting Deputy Postal Commissioner-,

Miss C. A. Maclellan in-charge—phen Lin

Miss M. E. Pirie, .m.a.

Miss M. J. Pirie Societe Francaise.du Hau Yang Tse—

Miss C. A. Slimmon, m.a.

Rev. Forbes Tocher, m.c., c.b.e,, Cable C. C.Ad: Chirismanager



Miss II. I). Wilson'

fr 'W M M 'Ghu.fu.yang-hong

# « t @ Union Franco-Chinoise de Navigation

JEyANGELICAL LUTHERAN MISSION —The Bund of Yang-tsze River. Head

Elmer H. Thode and wife , Office; Chungking, Branches: Shang-

R. J. Muehl and wife hai,C. Hankow,

C. Chiris,.Ichang

generaland Wanhsien


^ ^ 5^ Tien choo tang Yangtsze Rapid Steamship Co. (Fed. Inc.

JRoman Catholic Mission U.S.A.)—Cable

H. E. Case, assist,Ad: Rapidco

genl. mgr.

Rt. Rev. N. Gubbels, apost.

Rev. Fathers M. Vlaminck, A. vie. W.general

Hoyt manager

Lansing, president and

Timmers, H. Adons, R. Van


Hesseling, A.C. Van den M.

Goethals, Bosch,


F. Vrydaghs, E. Adons, U, Van YeE—Cable TsOONG ToBAbbo DlSTRlBUTORS, LTD.

Ad: Powli.attan


JH ^ Chung-king

The city of Chungking, situated in lat. 29 deg. 33 min. 56 sec. N., long. 106 deg..

30 min. E., may well be described as not only the commercial capital of Szechuen but

of the wholeby. ofa smaller

distributed Westernclass China. The foreign

of trading junks upimport trade centres

the various rivers here,

of theandprovince.

is then,

The city

junction of theoccupies

river the end ofwith

Kia-ling a high theinand rocky bluffmiles

Yangtsze, forming a the peninsula, ofat the


latter. The principal streets of the city, which are1,400 many finefrom shops, aremouthon the side

of the Yangtsze, while a new main has now been driven right through the heart of the


Yuan work


continuing uponwith it in different newisdirections, andKoad outtobyChengtu,

way of the overTung

miles distant, which ithasmerges

been completed the and Great

open toEasttraffic. The city is surrounded 285

by a crenelated stone wall which is some five, miles in circumference, pierced with


is nowgates. This wall

electrically was built

lighted, in 1761,being

the service replacing

mow ancontrolled

older one.by Part the ofMunicipality.



raw climate of Chungking

and chilly, with thickis fogs depressing, the summer

from November being hotThe

to March. andordinary

damp, therisewinters

of the


108 ft.,isonabout

22nd 75July,

feet;1920,on to6th95August,

ft. 2 in.,1898, it rose

on 14th July,to 101

1921,ft.,toon10011th August,

ft. and 90 ft.1905,

at theto

beginning of August 1931. In 1908, it only attained a height of 52 feet 4 inches.


the Kialing and facing Chungking, extending below the junction of the two rivers, ofis-

to a Chinese report, the river rose 120 feet in 1878. On the left bank


It iswalled

proposed cityeventually

formerly styled to connectKiangpei Tingtowns

the two and now by aknown as Kiangpei

steel bridge. TheseHsien.


cities and the large villages in their immediate neighbourhood are estimated to-

contain a population of about 700,000.



both in open importsto and foreign tradecarried

exports, in 1891,at since

first inwhich


a large-

junks, but for the last ten years in steam and motor vessels.

, ' Trade li 1934

The Commissioner! of Customs at Chungking reports that the period under


province Was one of the most difficult evermany, experienced byescaping

traders absolute

in the West Coast

were wellofcontented

Szechwan. justFailures

to be ablewereto maintain andthethoseexistence insolvency

of their establishments

pending the return of more prosperous times. The following were the value statistics-

for the portyear: direct

previous foreignimportation

; coastwise imports, 2.4 ofmillion Chinese dollars as against-2.2

products, 27.4 millionmillion in theas



foreign 39countries

million in(almost

the preceding

exclusively yearpostal

(a 30 parcel

per cent, decrease);

traffic), direct exports

78,000 dollars as againstto

30,000 dollars;

as against 30.7 and, coastwise

million dollars exportations

(a 12 per cept.ofdecrease)!

Chinese merchandise,

The total value 27.1 million

of tradedollars


the above headings

therefore, declined (which,

b^- * some however,

21 per bycent,

no means

in cover the whole

comparison with tradefigures

the of theforport),,



the case year,

of notwithstanding

imports by the the facthigh

abnormally thatexchange

the recorded rates values

between were enhancedand


and Shanghai. Of the usual export staples some of those classified locally as

“ mountain

and cowinhides,products ” didrhubarb,

dyestuffs, better than in 1933

sheep’s wool,: intestines.



fungus, bristles, nutgalls,

grasscloth buffaly

(in improve-



ment not value), salted vegetables, and pig’s The considerable

many exhibited by these products,

of the principal however, weresuch

export commodities, in sufficient

as raw tosilk,offset thetheproduction

losses underof


which was reduced owing to lack of cofifidence in the markets?-’wood oit; t!w yield of

which was

partly reducedyield

to reduced owingandtopartly

the harmful effect offrom

to competition thethelongfcouth

drought; sugar, owing

China product; and

salt, owing to the loss (in favour of supplies from other sources) of its usual 'market in

Hupeh province. Exchange rates in Shanghai, of which mention has been made,


ember, atreached

Szechwan $1,156 for

a highest pointShanghai

of $1,640$1,000

on rose

1st. toNovember,

Szechwanand $1,370 earlyatin$1,420.

closed Sept-

There was andueincrease

-Chungking, to an inincrease

the number

in theandtraffic



vessels entering and clearing

for military purposes.at

-Otherwise, the shipping trade had a poor year, freight rates were reduced to an

unprofitable level owing to competition for the lesser quantities of cargo available.

In the case of general cargo, for instance, the rates from Shanghai to Chungking

fell from $.100twopershipping

reductions, ton to $40, $3 , andwithdrew

companies $20 in rapid

theirsuccession. Owing from

vessels altogether to these

the drastic


Yangtze run. A new and very successful venture in the shipping field was spen in the

■extension of the Chungking-Kiating service to Chengtu under Inland Waters Steam

Navigation Regulations. Some very important undertakings in connexion with the

■development of the province are now under consideration. One of these concerns the



project for a ofrailwaya largelinecement

betweenworks on the and

Chungking Kialing River;andanother

Chengtu; a thirdconcerns


includes in its purview the linking-up of this isolated province of Szechwan and

Hupeh in the east, Shensi in the north, and Kweichow in the south by three lines of

motor highway centring on;the Chungking.


13 » l» « S£

Mei-yah pao den kuny szu Barry & Dodwell, Ltd., Importers and

American - Asiatic Underwriters, Fed. Exporters—Cable Ad: Enterprise

Inc., U.S.A.—General Insurance: Fire,

Marine, Motor-car, Life, Accident, Bur- British

glary, Plate-glass, Baggage Hon.Chamber of Commerce

Secretary—B. M. Barry

Risks—124, Peh Hsiang Gai;andP. Special

O. Box

15; Cable Ad: Underiters •jfj ^ Tai koo

C. V.VonStarr,

D. president

Dreyer, (Shanghai)

manager Butterfield & Swire, Merchants—Cable

AdJ.: Kinloch,

Swire signs per pro.

ft ft ft $ An lee Tang hong E. R. Leach

Arnhold &, Co., Ltd., Merchants—Cable

Ad: Tolarnhold m m ^ m Chau shang yu chu

F. L. Harrison, representative

China Merchants’ Steam Nav. Op.

Yi?ig shang a si a huo yu hung sz Chungking Import China

Asiatic Petroleum Co. (North China), B. Morosoff, manager

Ltd.—Cable Ad: Doric

W. H. Bragg, manager CONSULATES

R. H. Ballantyne

C. H. T. Newbronner France

J. Black, installation manager Consul—Marcel Chaloin-


J& m m m m * Indo^China Steam Navigation Co.,

Germany—Cable Ad : Coiisugerma Ltd.

Consul—.f)i\ H. Tra'ut Barry and iDodwell, Ltd., agents

Assistant—W-. Friedrich

1 1r m « a m

i- m m m. % % , Mdn ';^weiU‘ Ise'cliu 'iliay

Ten yin.') ch'ung. ling sz, shu International- Savings Society —

Great Britain Jardine85,. Building, Chungking. Paris

Consul General —: K. W. P. Mills 7,Office: Avenue

Rue St. Lazare.

■ Edouard VII,

Head Office:


(acting) ' Cable Ad: Intersavin

Consul—A. Price (acting), J. Trouillet, manager for Szechuen

^ fl ^ 13 * T6 R wo

Ta yat pun ling sz fn ■ J ARDINE, Matheson & Co., Ltd., Merchants

Japan Barry & Dodwell, Ltd., agents

m m m n ^ H

Ch’ung cliing hai huan Mackenzie & Co , Ltd.

Barry & Dodwell, Ltd., agents

Customs, Chinese Maritime



Commissioner—Li Kway-yoong 1 McKesson & Robbins, Inc. — Cable

Assistants— Tseng Kwang Ch(uh and Ad,:

1 Alacrity

Liu Min Chang P. C. Low, agent


Acting Tidesurveyor and Harbour $1 !I II JM 29

Master (Boat Officer A)—Pun Shi i

Yeung . Szechuen met fung yin hong

Mei Feng Bank of Szechuen, The—

^ m Vef* Gable Ad : Meifengbank

Deutsche H. J. Kang, general manager

Waibel Paeben-Handelsgesellschaft

& Co., Importers of Dyesi, L. C. Kung, manager



Cable etc.—Young Bros. Building; >Cl C. Ling,' do.

Th. TheenWaidefag

Ad: S. H. Peng, do.

R. Baessler ; r 11. M. Chow, acct.

C. T. Ho, Agency dept.

Far Eastern Insurance Co., Ltd.,

The m fr

Arnold & Co., Ltd., agents

L. A. Anderson PhilippidIs Bros. Co., Ltd., General:


Ad: Philippidi; Codes:Merchants-—Cable

and Export A.B.C. 5th edn.

and Bentley’s

Ying shang po nvnaen yang Men C. Ph.

M. M.

Philippidis, manager

Philippidis, assist, manager

yu hsien leung sze


Ltd., Importers ofIndustries

Chemical Alkalis and(China),

Com- m m ^ m m m m

mercial and Industrial Chemicals— • Tung chwgp, yucheng leyodn^ U elm

Peh Hsiang Kai; Cable Ad : Alkali Post OfficeOffice:

(Eastern SzechwanCable


A. L. Hughes —Head Chungking; Ad:

For Agencies (see Shanghai section) Postos


Commissioner^K. J. Holm Strom wall Trading Co. — Cable Ad:

Dist. Depy. (Jommi'ssioner—Hwang Stromtrade

Li-shuang W. Heikel .

Depy. Commissioner, District Acr;

countancy—S. Tomaeff

First Class Postmaster (Wanhsien), Yin kuo kan na da yuen min jen shao

Acting Deputy Commissioner—

DzaO Dzing-lih pao hsan kung sze< '

Sun Barry

Life, &Assurance Co., agents

Dodwell, Ltd., of Canada—

m m <§ m m m ®

Si chwanyu wu liwanli thu n & m m

Post Office (Western Szechwan District) Szechwan Handels-Gesellschaft m.b.H.

—Head Office: Cbengtu;- Cable Ad: —Cable 5th Ausg

Ad: Handgesell; Code: A.B.C.

Postos, Ohengtu


E. A. Cavialiere Texas Co. (China), Ltd., The—Cable


Ad: Texaco

Salt Revenue (Chungking Asst. Dis- @hu fu

trict Inspectorate)

Asst. Distr. Inspector — Lisan Union ,Franco-Chinoise de Navigation,

Tseng (French)—Head

Branches: Shanghai,Office:



English Secretary—C. S, Yang and Wanhsien

E. Charrier, manager

Societe Francaise dtt Haut Yang Tse, E.; Bousquie, do.

Importers and Exporters—Cable Ad: Li






South British Insurance Co, Ltd., Wollheim and ExportersGebrueder & Co., Importers

The F. Jessel, sole proprietor

Arnhold & Co., Ltd., agents

L. A. Anderson ft m m m m

Standard-Yacuum Oil Company — Young tion, Brothers Savings

Banking, BankingandCorpora-


Cable Ad : Stand vac Departments Shipping, Warehouse,

A.D.E. G.Fitzsimmons,

Sanborn manager Safe-keeping, Insurance and Com-

Mrs. C. J. Hughes mission Agents—Head

king, Szecnuen; Cable AdOffice : Chung-

: Yangbrosbk.

J. L. Poole Branches throughout the Yangtze Valley



'The fares prescribed for public vehicles are as follows :—

40 cents for the first mile and 10 cents,for every quarter of a mile thereafter any distances.


The fare

following for the hiring of a motor cab fitted with a taximeter shall be according to the


A.B. Exceeding

For a distance not exceeding

one mile, for each one mile...

quarter of a mile... ...... ...... ...$0.40 ... 0.10 (K’loon.

(K’loon. $0.05) $0.40)

C. Waiting time with meter shutoff for each period of fite minutes ... 0.10 (Kdoon. $0.05)


With 2 Bearers. With 4 Bearers.

Ten minutes

Quarter hour ...

... ... ... ...... 1520 cents

,„ 3040 cents


One hour ... 30 „ 60 „„

Everyhoursubsequent 40 „ 4080 „„ -


I.—In the Island of Hongkong

Caine Road and Lower Levels, and in Kowloon and New Kowloon

(With Single Driver)



hour ... ...... ... ... 2010 cents „ |I EveryOne hour subsequent hour ... ...... 3030 cents ,,


Western the Jinricksha

part of the be engaged

City of within

Victoria the

after City

9 of

p.m., Victoria,

or be and be todischarged

discharged the East outside

of Bay the


Police Station on the Eastern side of the City of Victoria

be chargeable. For 2 or 3 drivers the fare is double or treble respectively. after 9 p.m., an extra half fare shall

II,—IN the Hill District

Quarter hourOne... hour... , ...... ...20 ... cents

... | Half hour ... ... 30 cents

49 cents

III.—In the New Territories

By arrangement with the proprietors throngh the Police.


Class A Per Day of 12 Hours Class B

1st Class boats $3.00

2nd Class boats

All other boats 2.00I I 1st2nd

... 1.50



All other boats


... $2.00

...... 1.00


Per Class A Per Hour or Less Class B

PerForhour with 2 passengers


each extra „

passenger, 10 cents

40 cents


for „ Per


hour with 2 passengers

PerForhalf-hour „ ......5 cents...... for

1020 cents„

an-hour, 2U sunset

cents perandhour. an-hour, each extra

10 sunset passenger

cents forandan sunrise,

hour. 10 cents extra half-


iper passenger. sunrise, 10 cents extra Between

per passenger.

““ 2nd

1st Class Boats ”” are those measuring 30 feet20and to 30overfeetin inlength.

“ All other Boats ” are those of under 20from

Class Boats are those measuring feet in length. length.


Vessels of 10,000 piculs and upwards Per day night of 12 hours. Per Load.

$60 $30

Vessels under—


5,000 piculs and not less

„ than 5,000

4,000 piculs 50 2520

4,000 3,000 40

30 1510


2,1)00 2,000

1,000 2015


800 800 10 5 538


100 piculs 3 2


Classified. List of Agents, AlevcTicunts

and Jdannfac tenders in this

territory, also a List of Cable

Addresses, will ~be fonnd at the

JEnd of the Directory. Classitied

List of Far Eastern Engineering

Firms follows JLong Eong.

— South China =

— Ports =


A Good Company


Sound Protection

Unexcelled Service

Prompt Settlements



(Incorporated in China)



Head Office:


40, Ningpo Boad

Hong Kong Branch:

6, Queen’s Road Central

Branches & Agencies at most

Important Cities in




Hangchow, the capital of the province of Chekiang, is situated 120 miles south-

west of Shanghai,

the ^Green River of and Robert 110Fortune’s

miles south of Soochow,

famous journeys adjacent to the Chien-tang

to the neighbouring River

tea districts),,

at the apex of a bay which is too shallow for the navigation of steamers. The mouth

of the river is, moreover, visited by a bore, or tidal wave, which further endangers


middle of the The eighthhighest

moon, bores occur inis autumn

and Haining the best during

place for the observing

three daysthisafter famousthe


the which is formed by the north-east trade wind heaping up the water of

like Pacific

a funnel,on and

the China

the mass coastof and



up, moretides.and Hangchow Bay is shaped

more concentrated as it

advances, is suddenly confronted by the current of the river. The constriction and


speed with acting in concert,

the immense bankofupthetheocean

pressure rising water.

behind Gathering

it, thus momentum and

the ever-narrowing waterway, the bore occasionally attains, atforcing its volumespring-

a favourable into

tide, a height of as much as 15 feet as it rushes, with a roar like thunder, along the

sea-wall on the northern shore of the Bay, at a rate sometimes reaching 12 miles an


beingBefore the theTaiping rebellion Hangchow shared with ofSoochow theandreputation of

but it onewasofalmost finestdestroyed

cities inbythe theEmpire

rebels.on account

Since thenitsitwealth has recovered splendour,

to a

considerable degree, pitch

regained its former and isofonce more populous

prosperity. and flourishing,

Historically, Hangchowthough it hasthenotmost,

is perhaps yet

interesting city in the Republic. The earliest reference to it

to B.C. 2198. The great Shih huang-ti visited the place in B.C. 210, and the kings of in the annals dates back

the Wu-Yueh dynasty made it their capital. It was, however, under the Sung


Polo spent(circa A.D. 960-1200)

considerable time inthat theHangchow

city, and, tobecame mosthisfamous

this day, imageasmay a capital.

be seen Marco

in the

famous and picturesque Ling-yin Buddhist Monastery. Hangchow is indeed a great,

centre of Buddhism, and its temples include some of

The famous Yo Wang Temple, on the West Lake, which perpetuates the name of a the most remarkable in China.,

revered Chinese

spices patriot Governor,

in the 12th century, has been reconstructed under the au-

meet theofexpenditure

the Military involved. who has been successful in raising; large sums to-

Hangchow was declared open to foreign trade on the 26th September, 1896, in


by the local with the terms

authorities showsof the

thatJapanese Treaty.is The

the population latest census taken in May, 1933 .


One of the sights of Hangchow is the beautiful Western Lake, dotted with islets

crowned with shrines

by causeways. The general aftd memorial

picturesquetemples. Several of the

effect is heightened islands are

by temples, connected

pagodas, and

similar monuments judiciously placed in effective spots; while the slopes of the hills


at various the lake

seasons on the'.west are bright with azaleas, honeysuckle, and peach-blossom-

and camphor trees,ofandthemaple,

yea,r; and clusters

in rich of bamboos,

profusion, severalthekinds

all enhance of conifers,

grandeur of the tallow



scenic road houses

around theandlake villas

has are

been also springing

completed asup


as the

Linyinglake shore,

temple andThea motor


ern wall of the city has been pulled dowh to some extent, and a broad lake shore

fromenade, about two

ndeed, thethoroughfares, miles

whole of this district in length, with' spacious

has beenandlaidwidth, gardens

out with a serieswith has been cofistrudted.

of imposing tree-


streets of any large city inallthe of great

world.length In this area thecomparable

buildings are chiefly the principal


style, many of the Government offices and other premises being well constructed and of

impressive size. Several hotels, in semi-foreign-style, have been opened, including one-


near the City Railway Station and others near the Public Garden on the Lake, besides

one with western accommodation on the lake-shore near the Imperial Island.


numerous building was completed early

and extraordinarily in 1920. andTheanyexcursions

picturesque; person whoaround Hang-a

can allow

month for the trip should not fail tq qxpldrp the rapids

as the Anhwei border. Thfe'green’crystalline water and constant alternationof the Ch’ien-t’ang River as farof

gorges and park-like rolling country, the lofty heights, heavily afforested right down to

the sandy banks with every variety of conifer, camphopvtree, scrub oak, maple, tallow

• tree,

Sportbamboo, etc., combine

of all kinds to form

is to be had a series ofincluding

in profusion; landscapes scarcely

excellent equalled in Japan.


The site selected for the Foreign Settlement extends

bank of the Grand Canal; it covers over half a square mile and is four milesfor half a mile alongfromthe, east


nearest point of the city wall. The Japanese Settlerhent adjoins it on the north and is

about the same size. The Custom-house and Commissioner’s and Assistants’ residences

are built onThetheHangchow

building. Customs Lot, and there

Electric Light isCompany

also a Chinese Policeoutside

has erected Stationthein Ken

a modern


M&ii a large, installation for the’ ktipply of current to thei suburbs'.

Zakow, situated upon the Ch’ien-t’ang River at the railway head. The Socqny-of

Some three or four miles south-west of Hangchow city lies the rising little town

Vacuum Corporation, the Asiatic Petroleum Co., and several missionary establishments

(including a large College) have their headquarters here. For residential purposes,

the hillyafford

breezes, sites far

in the vicinity, overlooking

more;sanitary locations thanthe thebroadlow-lying


and openSettlement

to the sea10

miles away.

Halfway between Hangchow and Shanghai is Kashing, where the Grand Canal

joins the Whangpoo

tion under HangchowRiver andonwaswhich


opened inis situated. Kashing isduties

1898 for collecting a Customs Sta-

on foreign

opium, owing to the fisqal arrangements, being .against the colleetion at >Hangchow.

A railway from the Settlement to the further end of Hangchow City near

the Gh’ien T’ang river was completed in September, 1907. It was built solely by Chineso

and' with Twenty-eight

Kashing. Chinese capital.milesThere northis now railway connection

of Hangchow is situatedwiththeShanghai

well-known vid

summer resort of Mokanshan which is now connected with the motor road leading

from Hangchow to Nanking and it can be reached in one hour’s time from Hangchow.

Special bus service is also maintained along this line during the hot season. It can be

reached arefrom

nowShanghai by way onof the

the railwayof and hilla about'2,250

motor-launchfeetservice inThetenscenery



magnificent overthe

and 500views

housesare very slope

grand. aBamboo forests cover high.

the mountain and


for shade toareallalways

the roads, and clear

available, and mountain

are undersprings abound.

contract withChairs and coolies

the Mokanshan

Association. Houses more or less completely furnished can

in temperature from the plain amounts to 10° F. in the day and ]5° F. at night.be rented. The difference

Save for the prevalence of malaria—which, however, is not of a virulen type—the


are wet ofandHangchow

raw, but isthefairly

autumnsalubrious. Julyand

is delightful, andtheAugust



and sptng


Trade in 1934

Like other Customs districts in the province of Chekiang, the Hangchow

area was much affected by the great drought. Out of the 75 hsien in the

province; 72 were severely stricken, and some five million of the population

stand in urgent need of the relief measures now being undertaken by the pro-

vincial government. The rice crops, to: which some 20 million.of land are

given over in Chekiang', yielded only about 50 per cent, of their normal harvest,

and qtheir cereals suffered, .to a like extent. Faced with the failure of these

cropland with dwindling,prosperity of the silk and the silk piece goods trade,

farmers wereand,

their w’ork, unable to devote

in the Hangchow the usual

are atattention

least, thetococoon

the .sericultural side of

crop was unsatis-

factory, both as regards quantity and quality. In order to revive the once

important silk industry,

a Kiangsu-Chekiang JointtheSilk


Filature, isunder


the auspices the oforganisation

the Nationalof

Economic Council and the Sericulture Improvement Commission, with head-


quarter? at Haagchpw ancL^raaich offices throughput the area. .As regards the

trade of the port cfttriifg the yhar under review, the Customs statistics for

direct foreign imports, for coastwise importations of Chinese merchandise, and

for coastwise exportations of Chinese merchandise all ghow a decline in the

value of the shipments carried by the steam-launch traffic On the Grand Canal,

the only section of trade controlled by the Customs. The remarks m the pre-

ceding of paragraph, as the validity of such statistics as a guide to the trend

trade at SoOchOw, apply equally to Hangchow. In addition, it may be pointed

out that owing to a change in the status of Kashing frpm that of a sub-port

under Hangchow to that of a port of call, the returns for the former port are

no longer included in those for Hangchow. Exportations of tea through the

Customs did not quite reach the same high level as in the previous year (84,000

quintals as against 95,000 quintals), although this product was successfully

harvested before the onset of the drought. Very little of the outward trade in

silk now comes under Customs cognizance. A sugar factory, equipped with

modern machinery, has bepn established at Iwu, where a • good deal of .sugar

cane is produced/ Work on the great bridge which is to carry both the railway

and which will do so much to improve the means of communication in the

province, was commenced in November.


U & 1^ H Mei-ya

Mei-yah pao sien hung sze Hanover Fire InsurXnce Co., New York

—5, Bing Yuen Lee, 1 off Eastern

American - Asiatic Underwriters, Yuen Soo Road; Teleph . 1925; Cable

Fed.,, Inc., U.S.A., General Insur- Ad:American


Asiatic Underwriters, _Fed.

ance : Fire, Marine, Motor-car, Inc.,U.S.A.,managers for theOrient

Life, Accident, Burglary, Plate-

glass, Baggage and Special Risks—

2, Chung Jen Lee, Woo Ping Road,

Hangchow; Teleph. 1925; Cable Ad: American Baptist Mission (North)

Underwriters Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Clayton

C. V. Starr, president (Shanghai) Miss Blanche Edgar

Frank T. P. Chiu, branch mgr. Miss

Miss Gertrude McCulloch

Ellen J. Peterson

American Presbyterian Mission

Ying shang A si a huo yu kung sz (South)

Asiatic Petroleum

Ltd.—Cable Ad: DoricCo. (North China), st IT *

T. F. R Waters, mgr. Catholic Mission—Teleph. 1476

C. Woolhouse Rt. Rev. Monsgr. Paul Faveau,


Rev. M. Bouillet, provicar

M M iHI yi Hangchow-hsin-kuan Rev.

Rev. J.P. J.Legrand

Deymier, procurator

Customs, Chinese Maritime Rev. H. Claessen

Acting Deputy Commissioner in Rev. Jos. Deymier

charge—Liu Ping I Rev. F. Radogna (Kiashing)

Rev. G. Nagy (Pinhu)

B®# H Rev.

Rev. J.McArdle



Consulate, Japan—Cable Ad: Riyoji Rev. Aug. Henault (Lungyu)


# it P3 Nui t i huei t W * fc # S

China Inland Mission Chi tu chao nu ch’ing nien wei

Hauqhsien .

Rev. and Mrs. H. S. Cliff Young Women’s Christian Assocn. —

' Nansingiciao 27,Miss

Kai Katherine

Yuen Lu Lucchini

Rev. and Mrs. C. Fairclough

Ohuegh Missionary Society

Rt. Rev. J. Curtis, d.d. Bishop of National28, Yang General

Par Dur Insurance Office—


Vaughan High School

St.Miss M. Woods

Faith’s School | Miss S. Purchas |

Miss Moule | Miss M. Leathers Chekiang yu cheng kuan li chu

C.M.S. Hospital,

Ad:& Mrs.

Kwangchi, Teleph. 1677; Cable


Dr. S. D. Sturton Post Office—Cable Ad: Postos

Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Sergeant Commissioner^—F.

Deputy Commissioner L. Smith(Acting) —

Dr. Phyllis

Dr. and Mrs.Haddow

T. S. Goodwin Tsong Sing-seng (district account-

Dr. E. S. Curtis ant)

Sisters Morris, Bargrove, Firth, Depy. Commissioner-in-charge (Ning-

Webb, Rogesson, Page and North po)—Lin Si Nan (actg.)

Miss M. Dixon, secretary Postmaster (Shaohing)—Feng Te-kuei

Miss Garnet, pharmacist

Salt Revenue Dept.—Teleph. 3550;

& m k z & Cable Ad: Inspector—T.

District Salt H. Chow

Tze Chiang Wen Li Hsuoh Yuan

Hangchow Christian College

Baen E. Lee, m.a., m.b.a., president, 1$ JS S K il

T. C. Fan, Ph.D., dean Shanghai-Hangchow-Ningpo Railway

Inderendant Baptist Mission Huang Pe-tsiau, managing director,

(N.S.L. and S.H.N.L.)

Maison H. Moh, chiefengineer-in

of generalchief


SistersSt.of Vincent

Charity (Orphan Asylum) I. Tuxford,

H. P. Cheng, dist. engr. (Hangchow)

Sisters Blanchin (superior), Calcagni K. C. Liu, do. (Ningpo)

and seven native sisters

Hospital du Sacre-Coeur (Sacred-

Heart Hospital) — (Tao-mao- ^ H MeiFu if..

hiang No. 222; Teleph. 2296)

Sisters Dorothy Bowlby (super- Standard - Vacuum Oil Co. — Teleph.

ior), Chauvet, Jager, McHugh S? 19

and seven native sisters Paxon Zhee, manager

-ffif ^ Chin nyien wei

Young Men’s

Cable Ad: FlamingoChristian Association— Mik

D. K. Tons, general secretary Wing Tai VoandTobacco

Merchants CigaretteCorp., Tobacco


David Chen,

secretary associate general Selling Agents—Cable Ad: Wingtaivo


IS ^ Ning-po

Ningpo, one of the five ports originally thrown open to foreign commerce by the*

British Treaty of Nanking in 1842, is situated in lat. 29° 55' 12" N. and long. 121° 22 E.


the itconfluence

is the Yung of Rivers

whichYung, runs Fenghua

into the andsea atYuyao in thesome

Chinhai province

13 miles of Chekiang,

away. Theof

foundation of Ningpo as a departmental city dates from the 10th century, but the

principal interest attaching to its early records arises from the fact that the first


point. The place on a waslarge“discovered”

scale of European in A.D.intercourse

1517 by thewith Chinato took

embassy Cantonplace underat this



occurs aboutFern&oA.D. Peres

1522, d’Andrade,

or a few yearsand theafter


notice of Portuguese

expulsion trade at Ningpo

of the Portuguese from


two churches, The

two settlement

hospitals and was hundreds

at Chinhai,of and by 1542private

well-built there were a senatethehouse,

residences, com-

munity then consisting of 3,000 adults, besides women and children, of whom 1,200

were Portuguese. Their lawless acts in plundering the surrounding

led to reprisals being instituted in this year by the Governor of Chekiang, and in five villages, however,


25 of thetheirsettlement

vessels, and was 42utterly

junksdemolished, 8,00 of the

being destroyed by Portuguese

a Chinese forcebeingconsisting


60,000 men and 300 junks. The next attempt

India Company towards the end of the 17th century, when a factory at trade was made by the East



point at the island of Chusan, some 40 miles from Ningpo, the nearest


which foreignandmerchantsthe factorywerewasallowed

abolishedto reside.

in 1703. TheThence,


till 1832however,,


the “Lord Amherst” visited the port, Ningpo was visited only by two or three foreign

vessels. When hostilities broke out between Great Britain and China in 1839, the

fleet moved

with northmen

some 2,200 fromandCanton,

12 fieldcaptured

pieces. Chinhai

On thein13th the October

first weekNingpo

in October

city 1841


peacefully occupied and a garrison stationed there. On 10th March, 1842 an attempt

was made by the Chinese to re-take the city, but the British artillery repulsed them

with great slaughter. Ningpo was, however, evacuated on 7th May, and, on the


trade. For some of peace

time, inhowever,

the following August,practically

there were the port was thrownresidents,

no foreign open to foreign

but in


the portion1843 set the firstforBritish

apart Consulonwastheappointed,

foreigners north bank andoftook up hisYung.

the river .residence

In 1857in

attention was directed to the port through a repetition of the 1542 massacre of


upon themselves whosethe lawless piraticalofacts,

vengeance after a lapse

the injured nativesofonthree centuries,

the 25th June in_ again drew

that year.

From this blow Portuguese prestige and enterprise have never recovered. _ Ningpo

was easily captured by the Taiping rebels on the 9th December, 1861, its garrison then


great anxiety of between

to remain 3,000onandgood4,000terms

men with

with foreigners,

heavy artillery.

and anTheactiverebels


in arms,

rice, and silk at once sprang up. The native population, however,

many of the inhabitants seeking refuge among the foreigners in their _ settlement. deserted the city,

The British and French naval afficers commanding the men-of-war lying in the river

were directed

shots from to protect

a rebel battery thison thetract



from anyatinvasion by insurgents.

this territory and the men-of- Musket

war, however, eventually led to a bombardment of the city on the 10th May, 1862, and

to its capture on the same day by combined British and French forces. It waa

immediately handed over to the Imperial authorities, and eventually a monument on


memorycity bund was built

of those foreignof the materials

troops who had composing

fallen inthethebattery

action. and


monumentto was the

restored in 1906, and in June, 1932, was removed to the Foreign cemetery in the

Campo, as the place set apart foreign residence is called. An official ceremony of re-

dedication was held on May 6,1933.


Ningpo is built on a plain

the city, originally enclosed a space of some which is surrounded

five milesbyin many small hills.theyThe

circumference, werewalls



reputationin 1931 and macadamised

of possessing the fourth,roads now inoccupy

lilyary the entireof site.

the Eepublic whichIStheingpo has was

founder the

Fan Chin ($£ a high officer under the Ming Dynasty.

beautiful temples. The Fukien temple of “ Mother of Heaven” is famous for its carved There are also many


by launches TheorNyo motorWang bus, areI)situated

and Tieniii Dong jg) monasteries,

the hills some forty li fromwhich city.areTheaccessible




for its wealth. The railway to Hangchow is completed only as far asand

for its “Holy Pearl” (<£■ M g&) and “Shining Pine-tree” (Jfc % IS) Pakuanthe


FiverIf) (§g but%there ji) is a motor

some 90 U road toShaohsing

from Hsiao Shan (M»).ill)Four near mainthe bank bus of Chienstarting

routes Dong

from Niiigpo are in operation : (l) The Ning-Feng Public -Road, (ijf ^ 5*5 ^ IS)

which joins Ningpo withPublic

The Ning-Cbin-Tze Fenghua

Road by (Ijl motor

^ ^ ^ transport which ofstartsabout from IfHingpo, hours;passes(2)

Lotdhiad. .(ift Sfc @) arid terminates at Kwei

The Ning-Chuan Motor'Bus Road ^ ^ ^ ^ gl) from JNingpo to Oman >han Hai Wei' - tSI ^ in Tzeki (3)

111) along

Road ( ®and $vice-versa the coast, covering

g5) fromcapNingpo'to a distance of 42 kilometres; (4) TheNing-Huan

Hangchow make theHuangshan journey in Pu. three'Passengers

ways: Up byfromtheNingpo combinedto


Whaohsing 'JH) and Asian '.Shan (f| jli) with the assistance of ferry boats(Wwhen

of rail, ferry and motor bus; (2) by motor bus via Kwei Hai Wei, Tsao-0 M)


Chen the -rivers:

(^ ^),;or Shaohsing’

13) by motorandbusHsiao via Fenghua

Shan. Thereffc),is Hsinchong also a landing g),'


by orderforofaeroplanes

the Ministry in T’uan

of WarTangin 1932, outside but no the south gate,

air traffic has yet whichtaken was place,'


’fije ^population

match factory, anof electric

Ningpolight is gestimated

company, aattelephone 260,000. company,

There area flour a cotton mill,coala

mill, two

ball factories, three" knitting factories, two' cotton weaving and dyeing factories and


imnghuacanned(=$• goods factories. Chi-trig

'ft) by‘General A new Kai-shekstock-breeding at'hisschool

personal has.been

expense.established There areat

ton middle schools (four of which belong to foreign missions) arid about a hundred

primary schools. In all educational institutions girls play their part and co-educatiori



style banks; There nois foreign

ho. cpHesrebankin has the-port

ever beenas yet. There are

established sincesome the ten Chineseof


the port in'1842. Foreign busiriess interests are represented in only four firms:'

Rutterfield and Swire, Standard-Vacuum Oil Company, Asiatic Petroleum Company and

Olivier Chine,

agents. All foreignbut inbusiness

all cases'is the

nowlocal in the management

hands of Chinesehas beenagents,

entrusted to Chinese

the last fofeigri

.agent having left the port in April, 1932. There are fivemain steamship lines, one


which isdailyBritish, the rest being Chinese; and steamers

-except on Sundays. Small launches' ply regularly to inland places proceed to and from


and the coast

where and to the

foreigners may Buddhist

spend island ofduring

holidays Pootoo,thea welbknown

summer. placestaple

The of pilgrimage


of the district are green tea, straw mats, straw and rush hats, samshu, bamboo poles,

cotton yarn and vegetable; medicines. The Ningpo Lakes are very beautiful and


into a good excellent


harbour. There is a proposal to make' San Men Wan (S H W)

Trade in 1934

The Ningpo district was one of those most affected by die extensive drought, in

the ptort. The import of foreign riceeconomy

1934, seriously affecting the internal from Saigon of theand .country-side

Bangkok, andamounting the trade toof

525^000 ■

arrivals from abroad: The purchase of this rice was necessitated by thfe fact value

Quintals, was the principal reason for the heavy increase in the thgt the'of


had partially assisteddestroyed

by the the infiltration

local crops,of sea-water

while theintolongthespiell


of dry weather along thehadcoast,



varieties the cropstoinobtain

difficult other rice-growing

in sufficient provinces quantity. and madeforeign

Other, supplies itemsof the Gbinese

to show an


excessive werestockssugarhaving

and iron


brought forward :

res. Thefromtrade the inprevious



oil was

The poor‘due



phiniesdppwfer produce dedlihedofduring ‘ t'helocal

yearAattributable in' part ; to ; lowered pur-

mow being madeonof account the 'poor

junks as carriers harvest;merchandise,

for interport and in part riotc> thp increasedbeing

bbgnizance use


taken by the Custom^ of the. junk-borne coastwise trado. A noticeable feature s of

the native

and Oanton.import


same ho\fev«r w'as theasgreater

general causes entrygiven

have been of native

for thesugar frominSwatpw

.decline native

imports account for the decrease in the valuh figures recorded for exports abroad

and coastwise:

the diversion poor harvests, owing to the drought and infiltration of Sea-water, and

portion of whichof cargo from steamers

was grown.from .to junks

American seed,for.gage

transport cpastwise.owingCotton,

a poor harvest .to thea

entry of sea-water iuto the plantations; and the exports'of medfifines and of green

teas were

duty considerably

on rush less thanbrought

mats, however, in the anprevious year.improvement

immediate The'abolition of interportof

in shipments

this article. made

governments Despitegreat


general during.the'year

financial stringency,

under the local ancT streetwidening

the municipal the provincial

scheme arid construction of motor highways respectively. .


^ Tai. koo Examiners Ciu Tieng Ling,

Butterfield & Swire, Merchants—Cable Leung Shek Cheun and Inng

Ad: Swire Fok Dien

N. S. Chao Tidewaiters—-13 Chinese

•Chen Siau Pao & Sons, Shipping and

Insurance'-Mao Nun Road; Cam- Hwa-mei Hospital

po; P.O. Box Special (American Baptist Mission)

Chen Siau Pao, managing dir. Dr. Harold Thomas, m.d.

David K. Chen, manager Tin Lih Djen, m.d., supt.

Harold Thomas, m.d.

Raymond E. Stammard, m.d.

^ B IS Chau Shang Yung chuk . John Hong, m.d.

China Merchants Steam Navigation Co. Ma Yin Fang, m.d.

—The Bund Liu Yee Liang, m.d. ,

Chang Sing-fu, manager Miss W. P. Harris, nn.

Miss M. M. Whited, nn.


Da Ing kok Ling ze ya men

Consulate—Great Britain tut’II

(Administered by Consul General in American Society Baptist Foreign Mission

Shanghai) H. R. S. Benjamin and wife

Wi W\ Che hai kwan % % & it m m

Customs, Chinese Maritime

Acting Commissioner—Hup Ch’ih American North' Presbyterian Mission

Oh/ien Miss

Assistants—Liang Ka son, Chen Yung E. M. Smith M.

Esther audGauss


Fan and Yang Hung-kuang

Medical Officers—R. E. Stannard,

m.d., Luke Young and Ying Wen- ® # Gi du do kung wei

chun ‘ and Harbour Master— Christians’ Mission


G. Gosling Miss G. E. Metcalfe

Miss M. J. Shewring:

Boat Officers—H. G. K. Wheeler Miss

Miss E.E. E.Geary


and E. A. 1). Polverino


# ^ Taying chao wei ,p Rev. Father Peter Vonken, c.m.

Church Missionary Society Rev. Father William O’Hara,.

"Right Rev. J. Curtis, d.d. and wife Rev. Joseph Chen, c.m. CtM.


Miss E. J. Clark

Miss M. M. Clark


Rev. A.E. Green

W. Molony| and A. Megson St. Paul’s

Misswife Church

W. A. Willis, Warden

Dr. E. G. Sugg and wife

Miss A. Rogerson # St


Rev. A.Missionary Society

" A. Conibear and wife-

m ± m m (chairman)

Ning po Tien tsu tang H. S. Redfern. M.sc., and wife

Mission Catholique du Xingpo Rev. H. Tomlinson and wife

Rt. Rev. A. Defebvre

A. Buch Miss P.D. E.V.Slater

Coombs, b.a.

D. Nugent McKiernan

Givry Rev.

Miss K. Coombs

L.C. Pruvost

Marques Vonken


C.L. Pech

Delafosse Engels

J. Prost Dontan WJ £ ^ iff ^

O’Hara Ning shao lung sui hung sze


Ningpo-Shaohsing S. N. Co., Ltd., The

Ye Shun Chuen, manager

Petit Seminaire St. Vincent Wu Shih-feng, chief clerk

Rev. Fr. J. Tchao, c.m.

Rev. Fr. P. Sou

Rev. Fr. T. Tcheng Fj m ns

Rev. Fr. J. B. Wang

Rev. Fr, Shu, c.m. Post Office

Rev. Fr. Chow Lin Si Nan, acting deputy

commissioner in charge

SaintRev.Paul’s Catholic Seminary

Father Denis Nugent, c.m.

Rev. Father Leon Marquis, c.m. Standard-Vacuum

T. Y. Li, in-charge

Oil Company


^ Wan-chau


isof Chekiang one ofin the

chief province.

town five

the:The ports opened

department to foreign occupying

of Wenchow,

city is situated

.trade by the Chefoo Convention^

on the south bank ofthethesouth-east

river Ou, cbfner


20 miles from its mouth, in lat. 28 deg. 1 min. 30 see. N.. long. 120 deg. 38 min. 45 sec. E.


said sitehave

to is abeen

well first


erected plain,

during bounded

the on century,

fourth all sides by


they hills.

have The walls

been are


and re-built at various times since. They are formed of stone, diagonally laid at the


The streets and partlyarealsopaved

generally of brick, and measure about

and four milescareful

in circumference.

the. householders. . Many of themwith runbrick

side byor stone

side with kept

small inwaterways, repair

which byin

their turn communicate, with navigable canals intersecting the whole city. There are


North Gate, largevarious.


Yamens, andother

temples in Wenchow.

public offices and theTheFoundling

Custom House, outside

Hospital, the

are also

among the chief buildings. The last-named institution, built in 1748, contains 100


apartments. The Roman Catholic Missionaries have a spacious and imposing chiirch

in the western part of the city. The English Methodist Mission has a church capable

ofcostseating about containing

of $20,000, 1,000 people.sleeping

In 1903accommodation

this Mission erected over aan100tineextensive

college atanda


^substantiallyaccommodation for morewasthanalso

constructed Hospital 200.completed

Early by inforthe

1906, students,

Mission at a further and

outlay of fully $20,000. The , building consists of a central

after the style of Hunt’s Block, Guy’s Hospital, and can accommodate about 200 block and two wirtgs

patients. Among the objects of greatest interest and curiosity are two pagodas

situated on Conquest Island, abreast of the city. They are both of great antiquity,

and the temples

Emperor of the between them were

Sung dynasty, whenforseeking

some time tlie retreat

to escape fromioftheTiMongols

Ping, theunder


Kublai Khan. His Majesty Ti Ping has left behind him autographs preserved to

this day in one of the temples. A few members of the Customs staff occupy foreign-


severalhouses on thebeing

Christians island.murdered,

There inwere1900,Boxer and all troubles in the Pingyang

the missionaries district

left Wenchow,

where, however,

.months some of thethe foreign

officials residents

were ablerepair to maintain order. Hills

to the Northern During( ^ Htheffi summer

), across

he river where several bungalows have been built.

There consisting

handful, is no foreignentirely

settlement at Wenchow,

of officials and and the foreignThere

missionaries. residents is aareconsider-

a mere

able native export trade in tea, bitter oranges, tobacco, timber, charcoal, bamboos and

kittysols, butwork

-cross-stitch manufactures

are produced do not flourish,

by local though The

'factories. somefirms excellent floor-matting

engaged and

in the timber-

trade are located in the west suburb,

quantities of timber and bamboos are kept on hand. where are also the timber yards. Immense


Wenchow August


September of 1912oftwo

destruction abnormal

life and property. freshets

In theoccurred in the

upper reaches

•of the main river the water rose 60 feet above normal level, washing away villages and

carrying away houses bodily.,. Some 30,000 people are reported

in the Yungchia, .Chingtien, Clfuchow and Juian magistracies. Such a calamity was to have been drowned

unprecedented within the memory of the oldest inhabitant. Two particularly severe

typhoons in the summer of 1920 caused enormous damage in the neighbourhood.


estroyeda neighbouring

on July 15th city,by aabout



by seagreat north-east

loss ofoflife;Wenchow,was

while in thepartially


River valley, opposite Wenchow, ah equally large loss

typhoon between September 4th and 6th. In August 1923 and 1926 this, of life was reported in theportsecond


visited by severe typhoons, although they did not cause much damage either afloat or


Trade in 1934

the Generally

year, and speaking, Wenchowwerewasablefreetofrom

the population pursuemajor theirdisturbance^

avocations throughout

in peace.

In this area, climatic conditions were alsp, favourable, and both, the first and

the second rice crops were, satisfactory. Statistics for that part of, the trade

■of the port coming under Customs control, however, show a serious decline,

owing to a continuation of the tendency for merchandise to find its way both

inwards and outwards through near-by places where Customs interpart duty

is not leviable. Juian, in particular, is often described as the; ‘‘back .door” of

Wenchow, as in recent years the former has had its own steamship communi-

cation, under Inland Waters Steam Navigation Regulations, direct with

Shanghai and Foochow. In these circumstances, it is not surprising that

Wenchow is losing much of its former importance as an. entreport for the dis-

trict, and that both its trade and shipping returns are being adversely affected.

The direct foreign trade of the port is inconsiderable, imports consisting of

some, sugar, petroleum

few consignments products,

of salted vegetablesand shipped

sundries,byand junkexports amotinting

to Hongkong fromtoonea

of the junk stations controlled by Wenchow. Chiefly for the reasons given

above regarding the diversion of trade .to, otherplaces, the'.yalue of Chinese

produce imported coastwise during the year under review was only 615. million

dollars as against 10.4 million, in the previous year, while the value of the

coastwise exportations of Chinese produce was only 5.5 million , dollars as


against 6 million dollars. Kittysols,,contributed 19.24 per cent, to ,the total

value of these outward shipments; tea of all kinds contributed 14.90 per cent.;

third quality papery'8.57 per cent. ; -charcoal, 8143 per pent. ; softwood-timber,

6,51 per cent; rush-mats, 13.80 per cent:; ahd :various sundries made up the

balance. Two motor roads of great importance to’ Wenchow Were' completed

during the year axid opene'd to traffic in October. CM'e.&f’thefee was the highway:

which leads from Wenchow through TaicKow and Shaphsipg to Hangchow, thus

connecting the port with various other great motor trunk-roads.. The‘ other1

road was that leading from. Wenchqw to Lishni, from which latter place there

is rail communication to Hangchow and Shanghai.


■si & M fit m MISSIONS

China Merchants’ Steam Navigation Co. . % £ X

—Teleph. J4 Catholic Mission, Wenchow .

Bev. J. Prost

Rev. L. Marques (YungkiatchangJ

III m it olHaiKwan Rev. P. Yon ken

Customs, Chinese Maritime Rev. P. Kurtyka

Acting Commissioner—E. A. Mac- Rev.1 P. Liemata! 1


Indoor Rev .' P.P. Sit


Li Ko Yen ' Rev. ko

Shih Pro.' Prihz

ChangShihShouHan Bro. Cieplak

Wang Te-ch’in

Chen Yau Kuang

Li Fong Sung # ft

Chu Chung T’ao China Inland Mission

Wan (j>uai

Koo Sing MingLing Mrs. Worley

Outdoor Miss M. MToler

Tidesurveyor and Harhour Master— Miss G. I. F. Taylor

J. Elm AtRev.

Pingyangand Mrs. Barling

Chief Examiner—A. Y. Adlington

Asst. Boat Officer— O. E. Seger- MissesF.F.S- Eynon and B. M. Lang


Asst. Examiner—Ling Ce Hung m mw m m m

Tidewaiters—Sung Pak Ping,


Tong,Ping ChenKyuin,

Shen Chin

Tseng Ying

and Founding Hospital

Chow Sheng Jen Sisters

Paul of Charity of St. Vincent do

I * ft Grev Sisters of the Immaculate

Hwang Co., Chiwen W., Embroidery and ception (Pembroke, Ont, Canada.)Con-

'Cross Sr.

Sr. Juletta

Daniel (Superior)

Fang St.; Teleph.Work—19-17,

Stitch 267; Cable Ad:MoChiwen


Sr. Catherine

C. Mrs.

W. Hwang, proprietor Sr. Angela

Z. Y. Y.ChiF. Hwang Sr. Genevive


^ ± ^ m m # b 5cmmmm

Catholic Mission of Chucuou- Seventh day Adventist Mission—

(Canadian .Mission, Scayboro Bluffs, Cable Ad : Adventist

Ontario, Canada) B. F. Gregory and family

Prefect Apostolique—M gr. ,W. Mc- Alfred Fossey and wife


J.Y. E.Morrison

Venini , T. McGillivray 8S « m £ a « ®

. R. Serra . W.'McNab , Soke ns de la Charite St. Vincent de

X. Stringer B. Boudreau Hppital Jean Gabriel

I.A.J. King

Venadam A. Gighac

T. MacDonald J.W.Beal Amyot '

G. Doyle $1 m m m m

C. Strong 'Post Office

H. McGettigan Hsiang Ting, post-master'

Methodist Mission Wen-ch’u. Chief•' , Salt . Revenue

E. T. A. Stedeford, m.d., ch.b.,'D.t.m., Collectoeate

,,Chief Collector—Vang Chi-pu

Rev. and Mrs: Stedfeford

Rev. I.W.Scott and Mrs.

R. Aylott and ScOtt t:

Mrs. Aylott

Rev. R. Hooper and Mrs. Hooper v} %mm&

Wing Tax Vo Tobacco Corporation—

m 7%

Miss E. Simpson (on furlough) Cable Ad: Wingtaivo

Miss D. Doidge,

P. Smith, nurse b.a. D. P. Bow, manager

A. M. Woodman, nurse C. Y. Shiao, assist, manager


Santuao was Voluntarily opened to foreign trade by the Chinese Government

on the 8th May, 1899. The port includes the whole of the magnificent Santu

Inlet, which is situated some.70 miles north of Foochow. The island of Santuao in

the centre of the inlet. The harbour is certainly one of the finest on the

China coast: the approaches to it are well-defined, and vessels of the largest size

may enter at any time, regardless,of-the state of tide. H.M.S. Waterwitch surveyed

the whole cable

telegraph of thewasinletsuccessfully

in 1899, andlaidanfromAdmiralty chart hastobeen

the. .mainland the published.

island July,A

1905, and communication established with all China ports. A new cable connecting

the telegraph office at Santuao with the mainland was laid in May, 1921, and .the


of the harbour,caused


been and dispatching

experienced for all

fourmessages from the other

years previously, side

was thus-



port oftoSantuao


is firstimportant

shipped teafromdistricts

Santuao.as muchVo ofbuilding

the teaoperations-


worth mentioning have been undertaken at the port, and no modern methods

have as yet been introduced in the manufacture of the principal local products

—paper and pottery, though excellent raw material is close at hand, especially


brought ondeposits

the marketof kaolin capable

from this of yielding

district. The ironfarmines


in thepottery

districtsthan©f Kutien,

is now

Fuan, and Siapu, where the deposits were reported in 1918 to

nature, have not yet been properly exploited, and so far no smelting works at be of a promising

Santuao, as then does

valuable mineral anticipated, havehere.

not yet exist been The



that ofa theregular.

districttrade in this-

are Funing,

Fu-an, Ningte and Shouning.



Trade in 1934

Santuao is only some ,75 kilometres distant in a straight line from the

provincial capital, Foochow, and its trade is financed almost entirely through,

the latter port. The Central Bank of China maintains a branch office at

Santuao and there are two banks in the port doing general business for the

public. During the year under review, piracy continued to chase off legitimate

trad'1 from this part of the coast, and communist bandits were roving about in

the. five hsien of Funing, laying waste to things coming in their way and ren-

dering thousands of farmers homeless, with the result that vast tracts of land

were seen uncultivated and people being destitute of subsistence of life had no

alternative but to join the rank of outlaws. With the exception of the walled

cities of these hsien nowhere could a traveller make a trip without military

escort. The island

who, however, of Santuao

did little pillage was

to thevisited twicevisited.

villages by smallWell-tq-^o

bands offarmers



merchants in the neighbouring panic-stricken districts look upon the island as

a place of safety, and immigration in large numbers took place during the

yeat- According to the statistics of the local constabulary," the population

increased by niore than 8,000, and 56 new buildings were put up and registered.

Tea continues to be the principal staple upon which the port of Santuao

depends! The season turned out to be fairly good as far as volume is concerned.

There was a remarkable increase in the export of black tea, while the green

varieties including tea dust, etc. registered only a very slight advance.


1! M ill Fu hai Kwan Standard - Vacuum Oil Co.—Cable Ad


Customs, Chinese Maritime Hsu Pai-hsi, agent

Asst.-in-charge—Sia Ing K’ing

Assistant—K’o Yu-p’ing Telegraph Office

Boat officer—J. E. Read Fee Veng Fiang, manager


jHj jjjg Fuh-chau

min Foochow

24 sec. isN.,theandcapital


Fukien province.

20 min. E. TheItcityis situated

is built; onin alat.plain

26 deg. 20

on the

northern side of the river Min, and is distant about thirty-four miles from the sea,

and,nine miles from Pagoda Island, where foreign vessels anchor.

The attention of foreigners was early attracted to Foochow as a likely place where


which intercourse

is grown largely incould be profitably

the locality. carried

Before on was

the port in theopened,

shipment of Bohea usedTea,

be carried overland to Canton for shipment, a journey which was boththis


and difficult.to

The East India Company, as early as 1830, made representations in favour of the

opening of the port, but nothing definite was done till the conclusion of the Treaty of


what wasinanticipated.

1842. The early years of intercourse

The navigation of the riverwith



werewasanything hut

ho markcf;


of residence for some time. It was not until some ten years after, the,port had beene

imports,; and several attacks by the poptdace rendered the. port , an undesirable plat


opened that there was much done in the export of tea from the interior, but after that



in China.shippedFromincreased largely^ and

1880,'however, whenFoochowthe teabecame,

trade oneof theof port

the principal

reached tea its

highest figure, the prosperity of the place has gradually waned.

The city iS built around three hills, and the circuit of what used to be the walled

portion is between six and seven miles in length. The walls were about thirty feet high

and twelve

years feet wide

remarkable at the top. halve

improvements The streets were narrow.and

heen Carried ouf, the wallsfilthy, but during

being;tbrni downrecent


replaced by a wide motor road the narrow streets have been widened to permit ftiotor

traffic. Motor roads have been bhilt'and rnotbf biises :connect Foochow City with


KienowMamoi on the(Pagoda),

Upper Min and Amoy. A roadtown

River, which is in,iscourse of construction

already connected byfrommotor



and bus services with the Chekiang road system and hence with Shanghai.

The climate of Foochow is mild, and delightful for about nine months of the year,

but in the summer it is rather trying, the range of the thermometer then being from 74

deg. Fahr. to 98 deg.

fromThe thescenery surrounding

sea vessels have to leave Foochow is, very:

the wide beagtiful.

'stream* and enterIn what

sailingis up thetheMinKimpai

called river


presents a very striking appearance. The Pass of Min-ngan is narrower, and with itsit

which is barely half-a-mile across, and, enclosed as it is by bold, rocky walls,

towering cliffs, surmounted by fortifications and cultivated terraces, is extremely - pic-

turesque, and

tributary of thehasMin,

beenalsocompared to some

affords some of the scenes

charming scenery,onthethehills



veryYung Fu, a


from the river most

all occupying bank.romantic

The Minand.beautiful

Monastery, thesites, Moon areTemple, and theofKushan

fine specimens ChineseMonastery,


edifices, and are much resorted/.io by visitors. Game .abounds in all the ravines and

mountains in the vicinity of: Foochow, while tigers and panthers are common in the more

remote hills, and some of dhese beastsJiave been killed within ten,miles,of the city.

Most foreignof the

the shallowness vessels


that point.to anchor

The limitsat: Pagoda

of the portAnchorage

of Foochowowingextendto

from the City Bridgdto thbiKimpai Pass. The Min River Conservancy have^ hqwever,


nav igable years been,notengaged

for vessels exceedingin dredging

I5,feet in anddraught(draining

and 265thefeetriver which right

in length is now up

to the City Bridge. Consequently since 1934 some small coasting vessels from Shanghai

have regularly steamed right up to. Foochow.

There is a Government Naval Yard at Mamoi, with a dock over 30(Gfeet long.

The establishment.includes a training college for naval cadets with British instructors.

The population of Foochow, Comprising Foochow City and the suburbs of Nantai

on the banks of the Min River, amounts to 357, 790 persons (Police census, July 1935).

The trade of Foochow contihues to fall. Imports from abroad fell from $10,621,000


$9,460,000 in1933 1933toand$4,426,000

to $7,534,000

in 1934. in 1934. Exports fell from $4,816,000 in


gj; Ku Liang ji] Oman SMh (Sharp Peak)

A refuge from the heat of summer at Foochow can be gained by a ride of half

an hour bv car

mountain and situated

resort two hoursabout

by chairnineto the


of Kuliang, i.e., “Drum

of Foochow. _ ThePass,thermometer

which is a

indicates an average of 10 degrees cooler on the mountain than it is in .Foochow^ the

nights are always cool and blankets are a necessity for comfort. Dr. Rennie was the first

to build a house of foreign design at Kuliang in 1886. Now there are upwards of one

hundred such are

missionaries, houses, and everyonsummer

in residence between four

the mountain. and five-hundred

According persons, chiefly

to the Admiralty Chart,

Kuliang reaches a height of 2,900 feet. Nearly five miles of stone-paved, roads about

three feet in width have been made under the supervision of a Public Improvement



voluntary contribution. The greatest charmthe

Committee, appointed bv the residents, necessaryarefunds

of Kuliang being provided

the mountain by

walks, and

there are many interesting places within easy walking distance. A Chinese Post Office

and a Telegraph Office are opened at Kuliang every year from the middle of June to



Kuliangof September,

was connectedand daily mail connection

with Foochow with Foochow

by telephone. There isaremaintained.

manv private In

tennis courts and seven public courts on the mountain, also a swimming'

as mountain streams where swimming can be enjoyed. Sharp Peak an Island at the pool, as well

entrance resort

bathing of the Min

whichRiver about appreciated

is much 30 miles frombyFoochow,

_ Foochow also, affords The

residents. a seaside and


missions and the Anglican Mission each have Sanatoria

landing of the E. E., A. & C. Telegraph Co.’s cables. there. It is also the place of


^ & m w & m E. D. Lawrence, manager

Mei yah pao sien kung sze J. A. Cooper, assist, mgr.

Miss Gomes, stenographer

American-Asiatic Underwriters

Inc., U.S.A.—69, Tai Ping Hsiang; Fed.' Up-River Installation

Teleph. 2653; Cable Ad: Underiters. Pagoda H. C. Installation


General Insurance: Fire,

Motor-car, Life, Accident, Bur- Marine, W. Saunders

glary; Plateglass, Baggage and

Special Risks a a ® ± 35

C. Y. Starr, president (Shanghai) Associated Products Co., Ltd., Ex-

Y. K. Lee, manager porters’ and Manufacturers’

Tea, Lumber, Lacquer-ware,Agents of


W> Hi Wo

P Parasols and Curios, etc. Importers’

and Manufacturers’ Agents of Chemica 1

Anderson & Co., Ltd., Robert, Mer- Fertilizers,

and Kerosine Condensed Milk,Flour,Matelt

Oil, etc.—Cable Ad:

chants—Cable Ad: Adamantine Aproco; Codes: A.B.C. 5th and 6th

C. Schlee, director (London) edns., Bentley’s and Private

Aottariijs Company of Shanghai,

Manufacturers of Table Waters BANKS

H. S. Brand, agent

Asia Fire and Marine Insurance Co. fr EH 4* W li

—Cable Ad : Underiters Bank of China, FiObHOw—Cable Ad:

C. C. Jen, agency manager 6892

Tsewei C. S. Ho, manager

Yu bon ren su po shin kung sze iB Elf lt£ ^ai wan yin hong

Asia Life Insurance Co., Insurance Bank of Taiwan, Ltd., The—Cable

-r-69, Tai Pina: Hsiang. Hsiang Ad: Taiwangink

Tan Street ; Cable Ad: Alicochina

Y. K. Lee,' acting manager

H Cha ta

Astatic Petroleum ofCo.Kerosene

(SoutH and

China), Chartered Bank of India, Australia

Ltd.. Distributors By- and China

Products^-Cable Ad: P&trosilex Dodwell & Co.; Ltd., agents


If SI Hivay foong H. F. Li, managing director


i HoNGKONG and Shanghai Banking Cokpn. Agents for:' " C. Cheng, manager -

11. E. Sedgwick, agent ’

Tung Yih Trust Co. (Insurance dept.)

fi, ^ Tai King Shanghai Lamp, Gompatiy

China Dyeing Works, Ltd.

.Bathgate & Co., Merchants TheLtd.China- Wool Manufacturing Co.,


Nippon Yusen Kaisha

Prince Line Far EastLijnService

Java-Chiria-Japan n !& !t ® ^ ®

Furness (Far East), Ld. China Underwriters,


South Traders’

British Insurance

Insurance Co., Ld. —Head Office: HongkongLtd., Insurance

Northern Assurance Co. Co., Ld. M.254;

W. Cable

GreigAd:& Go.,

Greig)agents (Teleph.

Batavia Sea and Fire Insurance Co. I

H Hing eu Chinese Government Salt Adminis-

Brand & Co., H. S., Commission i Ad: tration (Dist. of Fukien)—Cable

Agents, Auctioneers and' Brokers— ! District Salt, Foochow

Cable Ad: Brand Inspectors—Liu

and A. Cunningham Tsung Yi


H. S. Brand Chief Secretary—Hu Shih Cheng

Agencies Chief Accountants—Cheng

Phcenix Assurance Co., Ld.

Caldbeck, Macgregor


Reuter’s Telegram Co., Ld. Han Hui Jung

Chief of Transportation & Con-

British Chamber of Commerce. sumption dept.—Wu Ping Cheng

Hon. Secretary—H. S, Brand English Secy.—Lin Chien Hsien

English Secy.—Lin Chen Hsien

■g ft Hf So lot ket Amoy Assistant Dist. Inspectorate:

Assistant District Inspectors —

Brockett & Co., Forwarding, Shipping, Hung. Cheng Cheng & Michael

Commission Agents and Storekeepers

D. Johnson, partner and business S. Boutourlin, d.s.o.

manager English Secretary—Liang Yung

Agency Hsin

Directory & Chronicle of Assistant District' Inspector atta-

China, Japan, etc. chied to District Inspectorate,

Foochow- l hen Chi Tseng

Bs-ockett’s Boarding House

Mrs.-1 Brockett Chinese • Government Telegraph

- Caldbeck, Macgregor & Co.. Ltd., Administration . .: ; ■

Wine and: Spirit Merchants

H. S. Brand & Co., agents; CLUBS'

China Import and Export Lumber | Foochow Club

s Cp., Ltd-, The Committee—H. S. Brand, E, C. Dy-

Union Trading Co., agents mond. E. D. Lawrence, C, .J,Lloyd

■China Merchants Steam Navigation and K. R. &Quick

Secretary Treasurer—J. W.

Co., Ltd.—Cable Ad: Merchants ' Odell

& Mr M til M Foochow Recreation Club

•China National. Trading Co.... The— Comfnitteey-A.

E.andC.C.Hy' ond,S. Alison, J. Chubb,

Cable Ad: 7162Tau'Street;

141, Hsiang (Chinese) Telenh. ‘265$; J. mLloyd E. D. Lawrence

(English) 1

' and Chination Secy. S^Treas.—J. W. Odell


CONSULATES Directory and Chronicle of the Far

East (China, Japan, Malaya, Philip-

pines, Indo-China, Netherlands India,

Ta ying kwo ling shih ya men etc.)—Foochow agents: Brockett &'Co.

Great Britain

Consul—S. Wyatt-Smith Jfif ^ Tieng 8long

Hiswsia# a x Dodwell &, Co,, Ltd., Merchants—

Tai yut pun Chung ling sz Ta mun Cable Ad: Dodwell

Japan J. G. P. Wilson, managef

, r . Consul-General—T. Nakamura J. Chubb,

Chancellors—K. Okahe, F. Miyasa- Agencies ■

■; ka and N. Odo Chartered Bank of L; Aus. and China

Police Inspector—B,. Kato Dodwell Castle Line

Netherlands Ocean Steam Ship ’Co., Ld.

Acting Consul—E. D. Lawrence ' China Mutual Steam Nav. Co., Ld.

China Navigation Co., Ld.

Australian Oriental Line,, Ld.

Barber-Wilhelmsen Line

Ta mei kuo Ling shih shu ' Messageries Maritimes

United States Of. America Lloyd Triestino Steam Nav. Co.

Vice Consul — Gordon L. Burke, East Asiatic S.N. Co., Ld., Copenhagen

Norwegian, Africa and Australia Line

Vice(in Consul—Raymond

charge) . • O. Richards Natal Line of Steamers

Navigazione Generale Italiana

Glcrks- - 0. B. Tiang,

W. Y. Ting, Y. H. Wu andH. C. Yen, Swedish East Asiatic Co., Ld., Go-

T. E. Wu thenburg

Sun Life Assurance

Standard Life AssuranceCo. ofCo.Canada


Royal Insurance Assurance

Ld. Ld. Co., Ld.


II fill Min Hai wkan Yorkshire Insurance

Customs, Chinese Maritime London & Lancashire Ins.Corporation

Co., Ld.

Nantai Royal Exchange Assur.

Actg. Depy.

Commissioner—E. T. Williams British Traders’ Insurance

Orient Insurance Co. Co., Ld.

Actg. Commr.—Chiao Ju Yung Guardian Insurance Co., Ld.


Hok Gi,— W. Liu A.Chung


Pin, ChenCa Thames & Mersey MarineCo.,Ins.Ld.Co., Ld.

Chen-kuang, Tsai Hsioh Tuan, Hsu North

British China Insurance

& Foreign Marine Ins. Co., Ld,

Ta-chang and Hsieh Min Tai Standard Marine Insurance

Assist. Tidesurveyor and Assist.

Harbour Master—G. Quinn Sea Insurance Co.,

Ocean Marine Insurance Ld. Co.,Co.,Ld.Ld.

Assist. Appraiser—L.

Boat Officer—T.F.G.Dullam

Paget China Mutual Life Insurance


Examiners—F. Shanghai Life Insurance Co. Co.

Chang Chun Jarrett, T. Logvinoff,

Chieh, Lin Tsai Sui, Underwood Typewriter Co., Ld.


PingChenChi Chin Ming and Wong Ailsa

Banque Craig Marine Motors


Surgeons—Li Sheo Yi and E. C. Dy- Gerrard

Norris Henty Tying Machines Ld.


mond Engines and Wires

Pagoda Anchorage

“ A ” Tidesurveyor and Harbour

Master—A. Pedersen

Boat Officer—Ko Ping Chang Eastern Engineering and Trading

Surgeon—J. E. Skinner Co., Ltd., Importers of Machinery^

Leather, Canned Goods, Flour,,

Deutsche Stickstoff Handelsgesells- and Pdfece Goods, Exporters of Tea,

chaft (H. G. Krauch & Go.)—Branch Lacquer Ware, etc.—Shan Hang St.

Office: Foochow; Teleph. 60 Nantai; Cable Ad: Easco


W & 11 ft * m * Fukien Christian University

Ta tong tapak tem po kong &ze, • Administrative

Lin Ching Jun, officerspresident

;Eastern Extension, Australasia and Bishop J. Gowdy, hqh. president

China Telegraph Co., ^Ltd.—Sliarp Theodore H. E.Yu,Chen,

Peak; Cable Ad: Eastern Chang Fang DeanDeanof worben

R. W.M.McClure;

Eva Asher, assoc, treasurer


®t ^ # m Yang Ming Shang, business manager

[Eastern Hotel,

Ding; Cable Ad: The—55:

Odell Mah Huong Ruby Martin, librarian

J. W. Odell, manager FukienEngineers,

Construction Bureau,ofArchitects

Etablissements Chapron, General Im- and Importers Building

port and Export—Teleph. 4824; Materials—Cable

Bentley’s and

Ad: Conbr; Codes:


Cable Ad r Chapron Paul P. Wiant, manager'

SJ fi * K « ^ fO & it a !I

Eoochow Christian Union Hospital — Fukien




V. Lacy, supt. facturersPaperand Meg. Co., ofLtd.,

Exporters paperManu'


Dr. Lora G. Gver Paper Products — Nahtai, Foochow;

Dr. HoraceW.E. Jarvis

Campbell Cable Ad: Fuper

Dr. Bruce Uy Yetco, chairman

Dr. Henry Li Chen Tien-En, mgr. dir.

Dr. C. Y. Liu Suen Se-Tsan, do.

Dr. Helena


E. Tucker Robert H. C. Chen, manger

Dr. ■

Dr. T. Kang

Dr. Dorothy Wu ig & n f£ n n m

Dr. C. T. Kung Fukien Telephone Co., Ltd., Tele-

Dr. S. Y. Chang phone Exchange—Strowger Automa-

Intern. C. T. Chen " , tic System

Hazel Atwood, r.n.


Frieda Jacobs


r.n. (on furlough) General' .Accident,: Fire ANp Life

Alice A. Wilcox, r.n. Assurance Horen., Ltd., The

' Union Trading Co., Agents' "

JFoochow College (Under the A.B.C.

F.M.) IH, Kit.n Ve'e

Donald T. M. Hseuh, president Gibb, LivingstonAd:& Gibb

Co., Ltd., Mer-



m ic it *>K is ' C- H.S.



Foo chow tien chi ku van yu hsien kvng sz Agencies

Foochow Electric Co., Ltd., Electric Ben Line

Light, Power and Wiring Supplies,

Machine Shops, Saw Mill, Oil and Ice- Eastern &ofAustralian


Steamers S.S, Co., Ld.

and Oriental S. N. Co.: .

making—Cable Ad: Electric China Fire Insurance'Co., Ld. Ld.

if ^ if Tah ding Union Insce. Society of Canton,

Foochow Native Hospital British India Steam Nav. Co., Co.,

N. British & Mercantile Ihlce. Ld. Ld.

Trustees—H.B.M. .Consul, Commis- The Central Agency, Ld.

States Steamship Co,. , . •


Moorheadof Customs , and Dr. J.

, Committee—fl.Ev Admiral Sir, Sah ^ Tai ping


Chu Kqn Tiiig.K.C.M.p.,

and Dr.J. J,C.Moorhead

Oswald, Gilman & C

Resident Nu.rses—Miss Barroii, and Duncair

C. YlisldnPaterson (London). , . <



Hon. I. Walters

and Treas-'-W. M. S. Brand J. L. Oswald, agent


M ^ T Tuck king Ling & . Co., D. .G., Auctioneers and

Greig & Co., M. W ., Merchants — Cable Commission Agents—Teleph; 239 South r

Ad: Greig; Codes: A.B.C. 4th and 5th Cable Ad: Norco

edns. Bentley’s and Lieber’s Masonic—Foochow' Lodge, No. 1912 E'C.

C. Skerrett-Kogers,

H. partner W. M.—J.. G. P. Wilson

A.S. M.Brand,

d’Oliveira do. Secretary—W. J, Sutton

Treasurer—A. H. Luders


China Underwriters, Ld.

Koyal Insurance Co., Ld.

Yangtsze Insurance Association, Ld. National Union 55 ^ Mei-ya

Guthrie Memorial High School op Pittsburg — 69,FireTaiInsurance Co.,

Ping Hsiang;

(M.E.F.B.)—Hingwha, Fukien Teleph, 2653; Cable Ad: Underiters

American Asiatic. Underwriters, -

Hanover Fire Insurance Co., New Fed. Inc., U.S.A., managers for

York—69, Tai Ping Hsiang; Teleph. the Orient

2653; Cable Ad:

American ' Underiters

Asiatic Underwriters, Fed. MISSIONS

, . Inc. U.S.A., managers for the Orient

|j^ ^ Eu ckiong 'ft’ S8 Pi §§ -Me7 kuo hung li wei

Harrisons, King & Irwin, Ltd., Mer- American —Foochow

Board Mission (A.B.C.F.M.)

chants—Cable Ad:

A. S. Alison, manager Crosfield Miss B. H. Allen, (furlough)

Miss S. E. Armstrong

Agencies Miss

Dr. W. L.M.Beard

H. Atwood

and wife

Atlas Assurance

Bank Line, Ld. Co., Ld. Miss L. L. Burr

Holland Oost Azie Li j u Dr. H. E. Campbell & wife

Ellerman Line L.

Miss L. G. Dyer, m.d.wife

J. Christian and

Maersk Line

Scottish Union National Insce. Co. Miss L. S. Houston

Assurance Franco-Asiatique Miss

Rev. J.R. Jacobs

W. McClure and wife


West Patent Strapping G.MissM.H.Newell and wife (furlough)


Scotland InsuranceCorpn.,

& Guarantee Office, Ld.


G. A.W.Thelin

H. Smith

and wifeand wife

Palatine Insurance Co., Ld. of London Rev. H. Topping

aa®ssit-nft ms# Miss M. Wiley

Ying shang po na men yang Jcien Associated with the Mission

yu hsien kung S3 Dr. G. W. Hinman and wife

Miss E. S. Hartwell

Imperial Chemical Industries Fukien Ghristian-University

Rev. F. P. Beach

(China), Ltd., Importers of Alkalis Prof. R. Scott and wife

and Commercial and Industrial


2847; Bund,

AlkaliNantai; Teleph Diongloh

K. B.Cable

Quick,Ad:district manager Rev. A. O. Rinden and wife

Miss L. D. Ward

(For Agencies, see Shanghai section) Ingtai


Rev. E.L. H.B. Smith


and (furlough)


ft f6 Ewo Pagoda Anchorage

Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd., Gen- Dr. C. L. Gillette

eral Merchants & Shipping Agents Shaowu

—Cable Ad: Jardine Rev. C. L. Storrs and wife (temp, in

Kate C. Woodhull Hospital (Branch of Ruling, Ki)

Foochow Union Hospital) Miss J. C. Walker (temp, HsienininFoochow)

Dr. Lora G. Dyer, in charge

Leadmen & Co., Ltd., General Importers Rev. G.W.Kienning

Shepherd(temp. Foochow)

and Exporters —Nantai Mrs. G. W. Shepherd, m.d. (temp, in



Catholic Mission m m ft m

Catholic Mission St. Dominic’s f College — Teleph. City

Rt. Rev. Bishop Francis Aguirre 4801; Cable Ad: Domcoli

Catholic Mission, American Dominican


Rev. Fr. F. A. Gordon, Ad: Amdomo.P. St, Joseph Seminary

Rev. Fr. M. A. O’ Conner, o.v. Rev. V. M. Garcia, o.p., rector

Rev. Bro. Jordan Warnock, 6.P. Rev. M, Calvo, o.p., vice-rector

Rienning Fu


J. G.Curran, o.P., o.P.

O’ Donnell, superior Mitsui Bussan Kaisha Ltd., Import-

Rev. Fr. R. S. Gillespie^ o.P. : ers, Exporters, Shipowners and In-

Rev. Bro. James Murphy, o.P. surance Agents


V.Rev.Rev.Fr.B.J. C.F. Werner, o.P., vie. prov. Naval Air Establishment—Mamoi,

Monroe, o.p. Fukien ’ ', J


Rev. Fr.Fr. P.J. R.V. Grace, o.p.o.p. Oriental

Rev. Manning, Street; Engineering

Telfephs. 2237Co.—110,

and 2274;FooCable


Kuaten Ad: 2212; Codes: Acme, Bentley’s

Rev. Fr. W. F. Cassidy, o.p. i A.B.C. 5th Imp. Universal Trade

Rev. Fr. J. G. Joyce, o.p.

Church of England Zenana Mission , ! S.S. Co., Osaka Shosen Kaisha (Osaka Mercantile

2930; CableLtd.)—Nantai;

Ad: Shosen; Teleph. Nantai

Codes: Aland

Church Missionary Society Bentley’s i ■

Foochow Agencies

Miss C. Bryant Osaka

Bishop 4. Hind and wife

Rev. W. P. W. Williams and wife Kobe Marine

Marine an4 Fire Ins.,and

Transport Co., Ld.Fire

Insurance Co., Ld.

F. C. Martin and wife Post

Rev. A. W. Nortorton and wife

Rev. E. M. Ron and wife Office:Office (Fukien

Foochow District)—Head

; Telephs. 2618 2752;

Miss M. E. Mufholland Cable Ad:Rostos

Miss A. Wolfe' Commissioner.—J. A, Greenfield

Acting District Deputy Commissioner . ,

Miss K. Wolfe —Hoo Yiu Tsun

Dr. E. N. Callum & Wife Acting Deputy Commr. (District Ac-

Miss L. B. Craig cpuntancy)—Lin Pu-ying

Miss I. F. Grindley General Supervisor—Li Chm-fu ;

Miss A. C

Miss A. Lugton v Kendall Secretary—Ling, Ga-ting

Miss D. Stubbs ~ Inland Control ' D ept.—Yeh Te-chai

Miss .Deputy

) Cpmmr. in chargeWei of Ping


Miss M. C. M.E. Baldwin

Hopkinson First Class

Sub-Offices — Office—Chen

Narichieh, Tuckikou,

Dr. J. L. A. Webster & wife HungshankuaO,Yangtoukou,Shang-

Miss H. Webster hangehieh, Fufigsinchieh,. Takiao-

Miss A. C. Woods tow, Taikianghsun, Shengfulu and

Independent Mission Tungyao • > .

Miss M. L. S. Ballord Reuter’s Telegram Co., Ltd.—See Brand

Miss L. N. Long & Co.

Mennonite Bretheren Church San Peh S.N. Co.

J. F. Chen, manager

#' n .y n Meii mei huei

Methodist Episcopal Mission — Cable Salt Revenue, Fukien District Inspec-


Ad: Methodist

Paul P. Wiant, secretary {See Chinese Govt. Salt Administration)


Shaw, Robert E., m.e., m.i.m.e., con- Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada

sulting engineer and surveyor— Dodwell & Co., agents

Cable Ad: Shaw, Foochow

g H Sien sing jJc £ ± H

Siemssen ct KroHN, !Merchants—Cable Ad: Texas Co. Teh sze- ku ho you hung sze

Yardarm; (China), Ltd., The, Petro-

Bentley’s andCodes:

Mosse A.B.C. 6th edn., Ad: leum Products—Teleph. 2942; Cable


F. Siemssen, partner (Shanghai) A. F. Brennan, district manager

G. T. Siemssen, partner ( do. )

Agents for

Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen H.(stationed

K. Chang at Amoy)

Hamburg-Amerika Linie, Hamburg Trinity College

Siemens China Co. , Rev. W. P. W. Williams

«i & is * ir ffi Whet kee


Tai KeeExporters,.

& Co., Drapers, General

Storekeepers and Turner & Co,—Cable Ad : Turner

Commission Agents—ISTantai, Foochow C. Skerrett-Rogers

Auiong Yeng, proprietor

S. H. Ou-Yeung, manager H. S. Brand | . A., M. d’Oliveira

Agencies Union Trading Co., The, Merchants,.

Yung Kong Clock Manufacturers,: Insurance porters andExporters—Teleph.

General Agents, Im-


Melchers k, Co,,,Hongkong Cable Ad:andSung; Codes: A.B.C. 6th 2838;


Sonhoshin Brewery, Peiping Bentley’s and manager

Y. P. Sung, 3 letter Code

Ho Hong Soap Manufactures,

K. Hattori Clock Factory, Tokyo S’pore. J. S. Wong, assistant

J. Ullmann & Go., Hongkong

South China Trading Co., Ltd., Im- [jlj Tung clitong

porters of Peanut Oil, Beans, etc., Wilkinson & Co., T. M., Importers,

Marine Insurance Agents and Gen- Exporters, Government Contractors,

eral Commission Agents—69, Me Shipping

158 and 159; South

Cable Ad: Wilco; Codes:

Wu Ting Road ; Teleph. 2932; Cable Acme, Bentley’s and A.B.C. 5th edn.

Ads: 7711 (Chihese), Sochitraco

(English) Y.M.C.A.

C.C. Ling, manager

Standard-Vacuum Oil Company—Cabie Yangtsze The

Insurance Association, Ltd.,

Ad: Standvac Union Trading Corpn., Agents ;

V. W. Davis, manager

T. Chubb, assist.'

T. F. Keating, supt. (Pagoda Yee—Cable Tsoong Tobacco Distributors Ltd.

Ad: Powhattan


Star Ginseng Co.; Merchants—Cable Ad: Yung facturingPaint

Koo Co. and Varnish Manu-

Bucknall '

E. H. Bucknall, proprietor L. Fuwing, agent



Amoy was on© of the five yKirts. open to foreign trade before the ratification of the

Treaty of Tientsin.

Chi; or Dragon Kiver,Itinisiat.situated

24 deg.upon-the

40 min. M. island



118 deg. at the

E. mouth

It wasofthethescene


of trade with Western nations: at a'very early, date. The Portuguese went there in

1544, but, in consequence of their cruelty towards the natives, the Chinese authorities

forcibly expelled, them and burned thirteen of their, vessels. The English had com-

mercial dealings there up to. 1730, when thO' Chinese Government issued an edict

asprohibiting trade with

regards Spanish ships,foreigners

which were at all:allowed

ports except

to tradeCanton.

at Amoy.They made an exception

In describing Amoy, Dr. Williams: says:—“The island upon which Amoy is built

is about forty miles in circumference, and. contains scores of large villages (now 136)


numerous theislands

city. whichThe scenery

define it,within the bay is pagodas

surmounted:.by picturesque, caused and

of temples, partly by the

partly by

the: high barren 1 hills behind the city:-' The entire circuit of the City and suburbs is.

about eight miles .' Phe harbour is bhe'of tbe best on the toast; thfere is good holding



outer, and

harbour, and yeseeJA

be, perfectly secure;cantheanchor

tide risesin and.the falls.from

inner, within a short

fourteen to


sixteen feet. The western side of the harbour, here from

to eight .hundred and forty, yards wide, is. formed by the island of Kulangsu. It is asix hundred and seventy-five


Kinmuir (Golden littleHarbour),

spot. .... presenting Eastward of Amoy

a striking contrastis ,the in theisland

low offoreground

Quemoy onor

its south shore to. the high land pn, Amoy,” The population oh the City and Amoy is;



island ofwith'another

Amoy, 3Q,ppO-.outside, the..- city, making a. total of 20.6^060,for the

Amoy is ranked for Postal purposes as a second-class City. It was formerly

regarded as one of the dirtiest places in China. There has 'been a very remarkable


gress in this

have been respect of recent years and favourably

when modern improvements stilt in pro-

are several placescompleted

of interestittowill compare

foreignefs in the vicinity, with

1 any city in China. There

and excursions can be made

to Changchow-fu, the chief city of the department, of that name, and situated about

35rockmiles from Amoy.

in which The inlandcauses

the'incdMing'tide of Kulaiigsu

a booming‘[“ Drum

Sound]Wave Island,”

is abdut from ofa ahollow

a third mile

from Amoy, and' the residence's of nearly all the foreigners 'are to be found there,

although most of the foreign business’is transacted on the Amoy side. It is a remark-


the 1stpretty


1903. It whs haPded ' ■ over'by China as an International Settlement on


The peace has become,one

andpalatial of

good order the most chaining

which placesinoftfie

residence on the coast of China.

shown by the residences ofaremany preserved

wealthy'Chineses International

residents, mostly Settlement are


emigrants to’ the Straits Settlements, the Netherlands.

and Burmah. The value of land on the island of Kulangsu has advanced 100 per cent, East Indies, the Philippines


neighbourhood with ofthetfieprices ruling Gtound.

Recreation: a decadeAago. neatThere

little are several Church

Anglican good clubs



erected.' ■ 'i-■ :

thatInah1922, the. fate’payers.of

Advisory Comifaittee; oftheChinese


’residents Should

1 beof'elected


the Chinese

residents in the -Sottlement to assist and

in all matters in which Chinese ratepayers were concerned. This advise the members of the Muncipal Council


was approved

payers. ThrelobyChi’nest!

the foreign and Chinese

inembers, affpoihtfedauthorities and adopted

in Decerriber, 1826, bytook,

the over




representation of Chinese ratepayers.


In Amoy electric energy is supplied at 110. a.c. and on Kulangsu at 220. a.c.. •

There is the

through little demandTelegraph

for power. All telegrams orAswireless messages are transmitted

land lines andChinese

are therefore oftenAdministration.

subject to delay, it istelegrams are transmitted

always preferable over

to use Wire-

less, the Radio service being more efficient and more reliable. During 1933 Amoy was

a port of call of passenger and mail planes, a twice weekly service between Shanghai

and Canton being maintained.

There is a dockyard at Amoy, formerly owned by foreigners but now belonging to

the Chinese

tanks Navy. The Standard Vacuum

at Sung-Su close’Td OilCo.

theCompany of thehave erectedof the

several oil

Changchow railway,onandthethemainland,

Asiatic Petroleum site built

have station

a new installationAmoy-on an


In June, 1921,site with oil tankstoand

the proposal a can factory

reconstruct a piercapable



hulkoutof 4,000


a day.


matter& having

Swire and beenthereferred

shore aroused

to Peiping,opposition

no furtheron the part was

trouble of theexperienced.

Amoy public.In The the

late autumn, however, the recommencement of

declared against the steamers of the firm. A settlement was reachedthe work resulted in aandboycott being

the boycott

was withdrawn in March, 1922. In 1932 the firm was requested by the local Chinese


and pier totoa assist in thehalf

site some development

a mile toofthetheSouth port where


theybyhavemoving their hulkat

now acquired

considerable expense a suitable site and obtained permission

The work should be concluded about the end of 1934 and will add considerably to construct two topiers.


loading and unloading facilities of Amoy. This improvement

gressive spirit on the part of the modern Chinese authorities. It is to be hoped is evidence of a that



from firms willand follow this example.

Formosans The foreign

who together numberresidents


20,000 and about 280, apart


Frequent and regular steamer communication

Swatow, Foochow, Formosa and Shanghai, and steamers run direct to the is maintained with Hongkong,

Straits Settlements, Manila, Japan, Rangoon and Calcutta. There has


that thebeentea a trade, comparatively

for whichgoodit tradewas long done famous,

at Amoy,hasand now notwithstanding



has quintupled since the decade 1864-73, and almost trebled since thebydecade

it is significant that the shipping tonnage employed the 1874-


83. Until the shortage of shipping caused by the European

many years topped the million mark. In former times, before the glory of Amoy hadwar the tonnage figures for

departed, the staple export was Tea—the local product as well

brought over from Formosa—but, largely owing to the deterioration of the local pro- as the superior blends


tea has and thelongindifference of the grower

since ceased to beto exported.

the changingBefore


the ofJapanese

the foreignobtained


possession of Formosa the Formosan teas were“ settled” and warehoused:

intea Amoy, whence

is “settled” they and

in Amoy, werewithshipped

Keelungto still

the unimproved

foreign markets. Now no Formosan

to any considerable extent


lung. 50The perforeign

cent, ofteathemerchant

Formosanat product

Amoy hasis practically

being shippedlostdirect to Americaand

his occupation, fromweKee-



hongs on thetheAmoyfulfilment

side, andof many

the prediction

picturesque that “the row

residences on of quaint,will

Kulangsu rambling,

be old


for the occupation of the wealthy returned emigrant or the missionary school.” A

University has been established at Amoy in a fine range of buildings with ample

playing grounds, funds for the purpose having been provided by a native of the district

who made his fortune in British Malaya; and thanks to the civic patriotism of an-

other native of the district who amassed great wealth in Java, a contract was signed in

1922 with the Kellogg Switchboard and Supply Co. for the installation of a complete-

new telephone system. Bunding, drainage, jetties, roads, recreation grounds and similar

public works, are in progress, many of the main streets have been widened and

concrete paved, and a fine public garden has been laid out with facilities for all forms

of sport, including a football ground, running track, and hard tennis courts.

Reclamation work (filling in without bunding) was started in 1922 to, the north of the

city and the Anaoy Dock. A solid stone bund has been completed along the whole-

waterfront of Amoy.

Amoy has an up to date waterworks system, in excellent running order, operating,

by the Amoy Waterworks Co.

AMOY A439*


enough in 1923 the reservoirs are capable of holding 400,000,000 gallons of water,

water. forTheonewater

year’sis consumption.

carried over fromThe Amoy

Company have now provided

to: Kulangsu Kulangsu

in boats and pumpedwithto


very favourably with any supply in the Far East and is extensively used bycompares

on the high points of the Island. The quality of water supplied visiting,


Trade in 1934

The main factors affecting adversely the trade at Amoy during the year

were: —

1. The unsuccessful rebellion of the 19th Rbute Army (suppressed by

Government itreops in January 1934) and its accompany evil, the

prevalence of bandits in the interior; ’

2. The imposition of high tariff rates on cotton, woollen and artificial

silk piece goods, matches, sugar, kerosene oil, etc. and the cpnsequent

increase of smuggling activities;

3. The decrease in remittances from oversea Chinese.

In spite of the adverse conditions to trade enumerated above, there were

three main factors which tended to counteract their effect and even to bring a

slow and gradual recovery of trade to this port: —

1. The success of both the spring and autumn rice crops;

2. The overwhelming victory of the Government troops oyer the Com-

munists in north-western Fukien towards the end of the year;

3. The abolition and: reduction of export duties on -quite a number of


The total value; of foreign imports into Amoy during 1934 amounted to*

some 16 million dollars, only half that of 1933. It must be noted, however, that

the import duty collection for 1934 showed a decrease of about 1.2% only. This

paradoxical phenomenon may t)e attributed to two factors : (1) The imposition,

of an import duty on foreign rice sinfce May 1934-accounts for as much as

21.5% of the total import duty collection. (2) The introduction this year of

true C.I.F. values for returns purposes tends considerably to show a lower value

of trade.

Direct exports to abroad amounted to 3.5 million dollars, showing a slight

increase over that of 1933 (3.3 million dollars.) .

It is worthy of mention that during the year some nine million dollars were

exported, mostly to Hongkong and some to Swatow, and only about six millions

were imported from Shanghai.1 Such a discrepancy helps to explain the strain

exisiting on the local money market which in turn produced an adverse effect

on trade generally.



fT W. fill Hway Song Goon hang

Amoy Pharmacy, Ltd. (Successors to Hongkong


S. Watson Perfumers,

U Co!,' L£(i.)',’Ch(3mists and

Photographic D. A. E.and


agent Banking Corpn.

Supplies, Stationers, Wine and Spirit : I. H. Bradford

Merchants, IceandandCommission

Manufacturers Aerated Agents,

Water NedErlandsch Indische Handelsbank

&c.—Cable Ad: Pharmacy; Codes: N;V. .

A.P>.C. J. M. Morhaus manager.

IT.H.T.5th edn, and




Ong, treasurer

C. A. Melchers, accountant

Oversea Chinese Banking Corporation,

Ltd.—45, TheSingapore

Head Office: Bund;,Cable Ad^Oversea.


works; Waterworks Co.—Cable

Codes: Bentley’s, Ad:Watei’-

and Acme Ang Teqw Huan,; manager

Ng Se Kim, managing director Yeo


BoonChuan, assist.do.

Eng, chief and acct.


Oei Tjoe, do. : Chang Shui'Shao, sub-acct.


Chew C. Ling,

Mui, engineer-in-chief

bu’sineSs manager Ka Chong Teck, assist.

. Wu. Shih-chi, secretary Chang Chuan Fu, do.

:Chang Foh-chung and Yui Tsing-

ling, engr. assistants

IB ft So hee

& m m & Boyd & Co., Ltd., Merchants, Importers,

An glo-Chinese College—Kulangsu Exporters, Shipping and Commission

,S. G. Sh’eh, B.A.; principal Agents, etc.—Cable Ad: Boyd;, Codes:


' Second ' Complete


5th & 6thBentley’s



Asiatic Petroleum Co. ■ (South Branch Office: FoocllOw Universal, Boe Code and Private.

China), Ltd.—The Bund; Teleph. F. B. Smith, managing director

498; Cable Ad : Petrosilex C. T. Evans, manager

H. K. Prossor, manager R. G. Morse

G. SiC. Forster,

H. Humphreysinstallation manager British Chamber of Commerce

Miss G. Arthur, stenographer Chairman ex officio—A.. J. Martin

Hon. Secretary—Q- T- Evans

BANKS •jjff ^ Tai Soo

Bank of China, Offers Complete Bank- Butterfield Sons, Ltd.),

& Swire (John Swire &


ing service for Personal and Business E. H.G. J.Price, signs per pro.

Requirements—Cable Ad: Centrobank;

Codes: Bentley’s, Peterson International Cowie

3rd edition. Branches all over China.


the World and Correspondents Throughout m m m ^ ^ m ^ m

Parkcane C. Hwang, manager Cheong

Pharmacy), & Sons, E. S.Practitioners,

Medical (Kulangsu

Chemists and Druggists, Medical Officers

fj IS if jfl Tai wan gin ho toC. M.Customs,

Teleph. etc.—Kulangsu,

Head Office, KulangsuAmoy;


Bank of Taiwan, Ltd.—18, The Bund; Branch Cheongsons; Office,Codes:


872; Cable Ad:


Cable Ad: Taiwangink;

Y. Harada, manager P. O. Box 14 phrase


Dr. E. S. Cheong, managing prop. H ta # nil ^ ^


M. L. Cheong, B. a., m. d., asst, Ta ying ling sz ya men •;




Giam,b.a., secy. & treasurer Great Britain—Cable Ad : Britain


Lim Kian Ki, do. Consul—A. J. Martin

Thai An Tan, do. (alsoClerk—Ting

in charge of Royal

iSek-ehgDanish interests)


J. (Bark

Serravallo, Trieste,

and Iron Wine)Barcelona, Italy. tmmmm*m±


Lilly & Co., Indianapolis. Tai I tai li Chung ling sz kun

and Biological(U'S.A.

Pro- Italy

ducts) Consul General—(Residing in S’hai).

Albert Mendel A.-G., Chemical

Works, Berlin Netherlands

Kunst & Albers, Shanghai

maceutical Specialities) (Phar- Consul—J. M. Morhaus (acting)


London Burbidges & Co., Ltd., Norway

Vio BayBrothers,

Malt and Laxagar Vice-Consul—A. F. Brennan


Chinferrine (IronLtd., London


L. H. Seller, Samta, Bengal, India m x m wi

Lotus Honey Ta Pou-t’ao-ya Ling-Che-Chou


*r French Consul—Ferhand Roy

Chin Ho Hong, Merchants, Commission (inSecretaire—K. P. Tan interests)

charge of Portuguese

Agents, Importers and Exporters—

Cable Ad: Chinho

m m m ^ m -m -k

Ta Shi-pan-ya , Ling-Che-Chou

China Spain—Kulangsu


Insurance — HeadLtd., Life and:

Office (French Consul—Fernand Roy, in

charge of Spanish Interests)

Hongkong Secretary—T. A. Chow

Agent—P. S. Mah, 75, Sing Kong

Road; Teleph. 28

n is » a * a

CLUBS Tai me kok ling shih yamen

United States of America

Amoy Club Consul—H. H. Dick



Health Service—Dr. R.,


Kulangsu Recreation' Club

M M. Hsia men hai kuan

CONSULATES Customs, Chinese Maritime

% 7$ m m m vc ± Commissioner—A. Casati

Ta Pi-li-che Ling-che-chou Deputy Commissioner— Yeh Yuan


Assistants—Tan Woon Chai, Lai Tsu

Belgium—-Amoy Mou, Chang ChiaPaiPao,


(acting). Consuls-J. M. Morhaus Chow and Chow LingKuo Shao

(in charge of Royal Belgian interests) , Medical Officers—Drs.

Ling, Cheong Eng SoonChangandMao


Denmark h Hofstra

Tidesurveyor and Harbour Master—

H.B.M. Consul—A. J. Martin A. Zanetti

(in charge of Danish interests) Assistant Tidesurveyor—S. Kemp


Boat Officers—A. Lane, X. F. Alexan- .English Presbyterian Mission—Ca-

droff and Feng

Appraiser—V. Kolatchoff Lien ble Ad: Bi'omerus, Amoy

Examiners — L. G. J. VV. Schmitto, Miss D. M. Arrowsmith

A.chi,Emiliano, T. Kodama, Lo Shiu- Mr. & Mrs. J. H. P. Anderson

Lin Jung-O, Wang Ke Chen, Miss M. Clarke

Ho Wai York,. Wang Ting Wen Miss M. Fraser -


Cheng Hsun(Southern

Tien Section) Mrs. H. C. Jett

Lights Miss E. Kameen

C. R.A. T.Watt, G. D. Fuller, T. Clark, Miss H.

Kiev. J. P.MoncrieS


Jenkins,W. J.Howell, S. A.J.Kraal,

W. Jensen, A. E.

H. Cowan, Dr. & Mrs. B. H. Mumford

Miss. D^ Pearce

H. Mitchell, W. Broderick, P. U. Dr. F. C. Bead

Sorensen, M. L. McKenzie,1.Golack,

A. I. Menshikoif, N. F. Anderson, Bey, J. & Mrs. Bpberts

G. W. Wolkoffi Y. S. Shatoff, A. A. B. A. & Mrs. Bogers


and, G.Tender

E. Sand“ Pingching ” Bev. W. Short

Customs Dr. & Mrs. E. J.Strick

Commander—G. H. Buxton Mr. h Mrs, R, Tully (Secy. & Treas.)

Officers—D. L. Campbell, A. H. White,

Chk Tse Yli,

Engineer—W. McLaughlinKu Chiu Kwan ft n m # *

Ta-pak Tin sin hong


Chunhsing ”:Preventive Steamers Great Xorthern Telegraph Co., Ltd.

Commander—E. Krogseth —Kulangsu, Amoy; Teleph. 182; Cable


Storrs, T. W.E.C. Arntzen,

Jones, L E.A. Health,

H. G. Ad: Xordiske

and Dunn Chung Fai L. Vinderslev-Jensen, superintendent

Engineer—J. S, Wilson P. Rosted, electrician

Tehhsing ”

Commander—E. X. H. Sanguinett Hope Co., The, (Keecheong Dispensary),

Officers—W. X. Johnson, D. A. E. M. Druggists,

Spirit Commission

and Tobacco Agents,General

Merchants, Wine,

Bamsay, J. C. Ball and P. W. Silson Storekeepers, etc.—Cable Ad: Hopec


“ Chuentiao " : C. M. Harloe Cheong Kok Eng, managing partner


Commander—A. F. Horden ChebngC.'Whitfield,

Frank Hah Choo,' acct.



Officers—T. Malcolm, A. Gowdy

Engineer—S. H. Morrow Imperial Chemical Industries (China),

Ltd. — 10, The Bundi; Teleph. 782;

± m & ii Tek ki lee see P.O.F. F.BoxHenningsen

6L; Cable Ad: Alkali


Cable Ad: Lapraik

Lapraik; & Co.—The Bund;

Codes: Bentley’s X. K. Crawford


B. H.5th edn.

Murray, andagentPrivate Indo-China Steam Xav. Co., Ltd.

Tan Kim Pong, coinpradore Douglas Lapraik & Co., agents


Douglas Steamship Co.

Jardine, Matheson &, Co., Ld. r Ld. ft m 0® & s*

Jardine Engineering Corporation Insular

: Hotel, The—Kulangsu; Cable


X av. Co., Line

Ld. Ad: Insular; Code used: Bentley’s

Canadian Proprietors—Teng

Kok Eng and TianKaiIanSio'Thiam

ng, Cheong

Ben Line Hou&& MiBagdr—GhaHie Edwatd

Bank Line

Glen Line | Shire LineL Prince Line'

Canton Insurance

Hongkong Office, Ld.Co.

Fire Insurance # ^ ^ ^

Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ld. International Man Kwok Tse Ghu Way

Yangtsze Insurance Savings Society —315,

Green Island CementAssociation,

Go., Ld, Ld. | Chung Shan Bd.; Cable Ad : Intersavin,

Directory and Chronicle of Head Office: 7, Ave. Edward VII,

China, Japan, Malaya, etc. Shanghai. (Agency Controlled by

Xorth British Mercantile Ins. Co., Ld. Canton Branch)

Batons & Baldwins Ltd. It. P. Ho, agent

AMOY A443'

Jaedine, Matheson & €o., Ltd. Post Office—Szeming (Amoy)

Douglas Lapraik & Qo.', agents Deputy Postal Commissioner—Chen

Wei-ping ,

Java-China-Japan Lijn N. V. — Catile . Assistant—Huang Hsing-san

Ad: Javalijn Sin Lee Kee & Co., Ship Chandlers

A. J. Hamondt, agent General Grocers, Wine and Spirit

P.V.C.E. Liebenschutz Merchants, JfajYy Contractors, Auc-

Agencies tioneers and vommissiony Agents —

Royal Packet Navigation Co. British Concession

Holland East Asia Line


Rotterdam Line LloydRoyal


Mail ^ Mei foo .

KLM ’ Royal Dutch Air Lines

Royal Netherlands Indian Airways Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.—Cable Ad:

Standvac; Code: A.B.C. 5th edn.

J. W.

P. Thorntop,

F. Kraal manager ,


Cable Ad: Kesco Michael Duffy, supt. (installation)

Toh Bien Seng, compradore

T Kong pan Jcok

iKuLANGSu Municipal Council Sunwhich

LifeisAssurance Co.the

incorporated of Canada (with

China Mutual

Chairman—Rev. William Short

Members—Ang Teow Huan, D. A. E. LifeC. and Shanghai Life Insurance Co.)

T. Evans, repres.

Bell, Y. Harada, P. C. Huang, J. M.

Morhaus, Oei Ek Siu and R.


Secretary and Chief of Police—G. R. Telegraph Administration, Chinese-

Bass, m.c. 37,K.TheH. Bund

Kan, manager

Inspector of Police—A. G. Olkhovsky

Medical Officer—Dr. D. F. O’Brien

Interpreter—E. K. Chua ft S i§

Chief Clerk—S. S. Ma Teo Kian Huat Co. . (Established

3London Missionary Society 1900), General Merchants, Commis-

Amoy sion Agents, Importers and Export-

L. A.G.F.Phillips andandwifewifis ers — Cable Ad: Heapcheong;

Griffiths ' Codes: Bentley’s and A.B.C. 5th

Miss A. T. Duncan edn.

Changchow ; Teoaging


Huat: proprietor and man-

N. B. Slater and wife TeoTeo.Nai

Nai Chong; asst, manager

Dr. W. A. Busby and wife Kok, assist.


Miss A.F. E.E. Reynolds

Lindsay Rung Chun Khepg, compradore

Miss M. Box

Hweian <3 » jV •£ ± IS

A. Dr.

J. Hutchinson

G. R. Turnerandandwifewife

Miss N. Wheeler Teh skih Jiu huo yu hung szu

Miss G. E. Hewett Texas Co. (China),

Petroleum ProductsLtd., The, Texaco

— Hongkong and

Tingchow Shanghai Bank Bldg.; Cable Ad: Texaco

Mrs. K. H. L. Hutley (Tingchow) A. F. Brennan, district manager ■

San ching' Lei Shi Seng, sales supervisor

Mitsui Bussan

TheR. Bund; Kaisha, Ltd.,

Cable Ad: Mitsui Merchant^— *8 * + £ fcJ

Soda, manager Tung

T. Ota | Y. Hiraide Ad: Wen

TungwenInstitute—Teleph. 311; Cable

Tan Sui-ching, acting principal

Nippon Yusen Kaisha Yeh Ching Hua, dean

Boyd & Co,, Ltd., Agents Daing Sac Hoe, business mgr.


Sia Hong Guan, head, dept, of ffl ^ Eng sin


Shen Chi Joe, dept, of Chinese Whitfield


& Co., P. S., Importers, Ex-

and lioad;



Loo Seng Toh, dept, of English Chong San Ad: Field;.

University of Amoy Codes: A.B.C. 5th edn.rand Bentley’s

Li in Loon tvong, president Yee Tsoong Tobacco Distributors Ltd.,.

L. K. Chan, b.a., university secy.

C. C. Liau, m.o., treasurer

C. T. Kieng, b.ed., actg. Registrar

•Chiu Bien-ming, dr. miL., dean m m

of college ot Arts •

Y. Liu, m.a., dean of College of Science YeoCommission

Swee Swan & Co., Merchants and.

Agents-i-Cable Ad: Chipkee

K. T. Sen, ph.d:, deari of college Yeo Swee Swan, partner and gen. mgr,

of education Yeo Tain Oak, attorney and manager

T. Law

H. Chen, m.a.,

and Commerce dean of college of

E. S. Sy, b.a., principal of senior Y. M. C. A. — Little Running Horse

high school Road: Teleph. 95; Cable Ad: Flamingo


Fit illi Shan-tau

Swatow, wLich was first throwp open: to foreigners by the Treaty of Tien-

tsin (1358-1860), is situated in the motith of the river Han in the Southern most

corner of the delta formed by that river! on its way to the sea. ft lies nefir

the6 eastern border of Kwangtung Province in lat. 23°' 20' 43" ®L and long.

116 39' 3"' E. It is the shipping port and general entrepot for the whole of

eastern Kwangtung and the chief hinterland cities are Oh’ao-chow-fu. (officially,

renamed Ch’ao-an-hsien

yang, Kityang, SamhopabyandtheHingning.

Republic), Mei-hsien (formerly Kayipgchow), Chao-

Swatow is built on the northern shore of an armi of the sea which stretches

about 10 miles inland (and hot on the : north bank of the Han river as is^

commonly supposed). The shore on the opposite side of the harbour known aa-

Kakchioh is bold and striking, the hills stretching away eastward to the coast wheer

they from what is known to sea-going people as “Good Hope Cape”. Pagoda Hill risse

on the .opposite side almost due north of “Good Hope Cape” and in a direct

line from this hill, across a sheltered stretch of water known as 'Clipper Roads,

lies' the large island of Namoa.

The earliest traces of foreign commercial activity are to be found in one-

of the southern bays of Namca Island where there are relics of East India.

Company occupation in the eighteenth icentury, Ip the same .spot in 185Y

am American from Connecticut named Bradley and a Scotsman from Edinj

burgh named Richardson founded the firm of Bradley & Co. Bpth had pre-

viously been trading in the Philippines and both had come to Y amoa Island

from Amoy. Subsequently Bradley & Co. removed to Double Island which is-

situated at the mouth of Swatow Harbour and is 4 miles from Swatow. ft is

interesting.here to record from an old document recently unearthed that at the-


time Bradley and Richardson.,pioved to Double Island Swatow wag “a collect

tion of fishing huts on a “mud-flat” and further to state that it is , now, 70

years; later, a thriving city with nearly a. quarter of a miiiiOi inhabitants.

' Shortly after the signing of the Treaty of Tientsin Bradley & Co. moved

up to Swatow proper, being the first foreign firm to become established there.

In 1862 the British Government was granted a piece of land about a mile out-

side^ iSwatow but so strong were the demonstrations of the populace against

it that 1the settlement project fell through. Foreign residences and offices,

however, began to spring up at Kakchioh on the opposite side of the harbour

and before the decade 1860-1870 was out, opposition had very largely died down

and foreigners were living and trading freely in Swatow itself.

:Tht! climate of Swatow is very salubrious. The town, however, has suffered

from typhoons on many occasions. Fifty thousand lives were lost and very

extensive damage to shipping and property was caused by one of these terrible

storms which accompanied by a tidal wave, struck the port on the night of

August 2hd. 1922. Seismic disturbances, also, have frequently been felt here.

The ffiost serious was, that on February 13th, 1918, when, it is computed, over

2,000 .people

property waswere killed The

immense. and native

several population

thousand injured,

of Swatow whilewastheestimated

damage toat

14033 in 1929 and is now nearly a quarter of a million.

A Chirihse Ayhdicate, with a, capital of $3,000,000, obtained the necessary

sanction for the construction of a railway from Swatow to Ch‘ao-chou-fu, and

wdrk was commenced, on the line in 1904. The line,, 28^ miles m length, was

opened to traffic on November 25th, 1906. The contractors were Japanese, who

supplied all material, the. rails and engines coming from America and the

.carriages from Japan. The construction of the line brought about a great

inflation of land values.

Swatow has an electric light plant and a new water-works was completed

early in 1914, the reservoir being at Ampou, about eight miles inland. In the

middle of 1919 a telephone Service was introduced.

Swatow is by no means slow in the race with other China ports for im-

provement Road making and road widening are being carried out rapidly,

and the public park at the back of Swatow is being gradually improved. Three

Fire Brigades—well equipped with modern apparatus—protect the town, twq of

these being financed by different charitable guilds. An Orphanage, organised

after the Typhoon of 1922, a Poor Peoples Workshop and a Leper Station,

besides the Mission Plospitals, are among the charitable institutions of the

port. . ,

‘ 1 Trade in 1934

Weather conditions were favourable to the production of the principal

.crops in the Swatow area : rice, sugar cane, and oranges. In some other

respects, however, circumstances were not so satisfactory, particularly from the

point of view of the import trade. Owing to the failure of many of the old-

style native banks and lack of confidence in the various bank-note issues owing

to a shortage in silver reserves, marked instability was again a feature of the

local money market. Out of a total of 45 note-issuing banks, 15 became insol-

vent during the year. Naturally, this state of affairs, despite an amelioration

•of the situation towards the end of the year, was neither helpful to local

business nor to the making of contracts with outside markets; and to this

adverse factor must be added the effect of the higher Import Tariff of 1934, plus

the additional measures taken locally to restrict the trade in foreign merchan-

dise in favour of provincial monopolies and native goods in general. The



a 56 peramounting

cent, droptoinover

the 22value

per ofcent,direct foreign

in the total imports

value ofandthata

portion of the trade of the port for which Customs statistics are available.

"The value statistics in question are as follows: direct foreign imports, 26.1


million dollars as against 59.8 million

ations of Chinese merchandise,'156.4 million for thedollars

previousas year;

againstcoastwise import-p

70.9 million

direct exports to foreign countries, 15.9 million dollars as against 17.8 million^,

and coastwise exportation^ of Chinese produce, 16.6 million dollars as against

17.8 million; and cdastwise exportations, of Chinese produce, ,16.6 million

dollars as against 12.6 million dollars. As regards thA first section oh trade

covered by these figures, some of the reasons for the heavy decline in the value

of direct purchases from abroad have been’ indicated already, and it may be

sta,ted at price that much of the reduction was along lin,es that should bring

benefit to the country: for instance, the decreased cost to the. port of foreign

foodstuffs (10 million dollars as. against 42 million .in the preceding year)

represents a saving in the right direction. An important item in this foodstuff


of this'iscereal

rice, adeclined

commodity in which the

quantitatively district

by 150 per iscent,

not self-supporting.

and in value byImports75 per

cent., arrivals from abroad amounting to 1.2 million quintals valued at 8.7

minion dollars as against 2.4 million quintals valued at 35 million dollars in

1933. By the end of February, direct importations of kerosene oil became-

unprofitable owing to high taxation and competition from the products of the

Canton refineries, and, in quick succession, sugar and cement were declared to-

be monopolies, so that interport movements of all three of these important items-

took the place of the previous direct trade from abroad. As will have been

seen, the total value of the direct exportations to foreign countries also-

registered a decrease, but'only to the extent of a little over 10 per cent. ; while

the value of the coastwise shipments, which include a great deal of cargo that

eventually finds its way abroad via - Shanghai,' increased by over 30 per cent.,,

being the only section bf trade to show any improvement at all. In the case

of the direct foreign exports, weakness of the markets in Siam and the Straits

Settlements was responsible for the lesser shipments of fresh eggs, fresh oranges,.,

canned fruit, groundnut oil (against which a heavy duty was imposed in the

StraitsX; garlic, and paper, but <>n the other hand, there was a noteworthy

increase in demand for white alum, fishing nets, and drawn-thread work. This

latter product is the principal handicraft of the port, and the increase from

3.9 to 5.2 million dollars in the value of the foreign business done during the-

year under review was-one of the few gratifying features of the export trade.

Improved coastwise shipments of . this staple to Shanghai, where a large, per-

centage of it is repacked front abroad, also contributed to the increase in the

total value ofthethesugar

the valile coastwise exportations5 already toreferred to, butdollars

the risewas inof

still greaterof significance shipments

in this from millionExchange

connexion. 8.3 million

fluctuations between

Swatuw and liongkong-dollars ranged between- Swatow $1,099 to $1,382 per

Hongkong $1,000, and the rate on Shanghai varied from Swatow $970 to $1,12K>-

per Shanghai $1,000. The development of roads in this district continued to-

make progress. Full details are not yet available, but the following roads are

known bo-have been opened to traffic during the year; the Swatow-Changmutou

highway; the Tsungkow-Chaugmutou highway; the Swatow-Meihsien highway:,

besides seven sections; of various other roadways in the: district.



25 35 Ah si ah J.K. A.S. Plummer

Morrison (London)



AsiaticLtd. Petroleum

(IncorporatedCo. (South

in England) A. Henderson (Shanghai)

—Telephs. 1518-9; .?. O. Box 8; Cable Swatow:

Ad: Petrosilex J. Robinson

P. K. M. Patten, manager K. M. Lee | F. K. Lee

H. F. Russell Agencies , ‘ ‘.

P. Poison, installation manager The Central Agency Ld., (Glasgow)'

Astor House Hotel — Teleph. 1314;. Spence BrysonScott

Carson Pirie & Co.,

& Co.Ld.(Chicago)


Cable Ad: Astor Hongkong & Shanghai BankingCorprr.

S. K.S. Yapp, proprietor MercantileCityBank of India,

W. Lee, manager National Bank of NewLd.York


BANKS China Fire Insurance

Royal Insurance Co. Co., Ld.

Western Assurance Co.

If 4* China Underwriters, Ld.

Bank of China — Teleph. 133; Cable Badische

Comite desAssurance


Ad: Centjobank Cornhill Insurance

Europa Societe Co., Ld.Co.


fr m m m Far Eastern Insurance Co.Ocean (Oceam


Bank of Taiwan, Ltd.—1, Yong Peng Insurance Co., Ld.), of Gothenburg

Road; Cable Ad: Taiwangink Fuso Marine and Fire Insce. Co., Ld.

La Fonciere Insurance Co.

Chartered Bank of India, Australia

and China “Levant1’ Insurance & Reinsurance Co.

John Manners & Co., Ltd., agents Lloyd


Insurance Co. Insurance*

and Fire

New Co., Ld.

India Assurance

Hongkong and Shanghai Banking

Corporation New Zealand InansurceCo.,Co.Ld.

Bradley & Co., Ltd., agents Osaka Marine and Fire Insce. Co., Ld.

Provincial Insurance Co., Ld.

National City Bank of New York South British Insurance Co., Ld.

Bradley & Co., Ltd., agents Swiss National Insce. Co., Ld., Basle

Taiheiyo Marine & Fire Insce. Co.

P. & O. Banking Corporation, Ltd., The Tokyo Marine and Fire Insce. Co., Ld.

Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd., agents United States Salvage Association

Western Australian Insurance Co.

Best & Co., H. C., General Merchants, Yangtsze Insurance Association, Ld.

Constructing and Consulting Engineers, Ben Line of Steamers

Surveyors Furness (Far East), Ld.

Ping Road;andP.O.


Box 38; CableChien Ad: Lloyd Triestino

Nippon Yusen Kaisha


H. C. Best Peninsular & Oriental Steam Nav. Co.

Far East Aviation Co., Ld.

f|j* Teh hee Directory & Chronicle o*f

Bradley China, Japan, etc.

Importers& andCo.,Exporters

Ltd., Merchants,

and Em- Hongkong Daily Press

broidery Manufacturers—Teleph. 1712;

P.O. Box 76; Cable Ad: Bradley. Lon- Brangwin, Dr. C. H., m.r.c.s., l.r.c.p.—

don Agents: Bradley, Richardsons, Ltd.,

Billiter Square Bldgs., E.C. 3. P.O. Box 5


Bkitish Chamber of Commerce

Hon. Secretary—J. Robinson ' China Underwriters, Ltd., Life

and General Insurance — Head

^ Tai hoo Office: Hongkong

Butterfield & Swire (John Swire & Agents: Bradley: A Co., Ltd.—

Sons, Ltd.), Merchants—P.O. Box'78 P. O. Box 76 ; Teleph. 46; Cable

A. V. T. Dean, signs per pro. Ad : Bradley

E. J. Tandy | N. Richardson


SpecialistsCo., inImporters Exporters. CLUBS

Sports AArticles—258, Customs Club—P. O. Box 75


Bentley’s,Road; P. O. Box 96; Codes:

Private' Kialat


•SeereParV" -F. M urer

Capitol Tue.vtrI'; ■■■’.. .H

Proprietors—Kwo}c Ping Amuse- Swatow Club '.'

ment ,Co. . : : • !c ■ •. Hon. Secretary and Treasurer—F.

Loh Hon Chuen, manager E. Lintillrac


Hon. Librarian—E.C.J.H.Tandy


’$! M 'H PS & pj

ying sheung Slum Tai yang hong yau han Taikoo Club (G N.

i c/o Butterfield andCo.Swire

Oncers’ Club)—


Carr RamseyInsurance

Merchants, A Son,andLtd.,Commission




Acme, Ad: Ramsey; 5th Codes : f « ® ® it *

N. R.Bentley’s:

Ramsey, and A; B. C.Director

Governing Tai pek kwok Ling shih kun

C. R. W. Thomson.. Director Belgium

Consul-Genl.—(Residing in H’kong.)

- Chang, T. K.,

of Laces, Manufacturer

Drawn Work and and Exporter


—14, Avenue Republiquej P.O. Box 57; ifr M & *

Cable Ad:andChang;

. Bentley’s Codes: A.B.C. 5th, Tafa kwbk Ling shih fu ,

1 Acme France—Cable

Agent for ;

Alfred Consul—A. Ad:CadolFransulat '

Nan yangKohlberg

Handf. Inc.,



Mabarak Brothers, New York t m m & *

Macksoud Importing Co., New York

Ta ying Ling shih kuan

Chao ‘Chow & Swatow Railway Co., Great Britain—Cable Ad: Britain

Consul—R. S. Pratt

Ltd.—P. O. Box 65; Teleph. 1193 &

1194; Cable Ad: Railway

Z. S. Lira, acting mgr. dir.

W. T. Chin^, secretary ft b

Japan—P.O. Box 26

Chao Co., The T. K.. Manufacturers of

Hand-made Lace, Embroideries, etc.— Netherlands

% 75,

Ad:T. Kialat

Tkchao „ Road; Teleph,

;' , and1227; Cable Actg, Consul—A,, A. J. B. Masseur

K. Chao, proprietor gen. mgr. Norway

China Embroidery Co., Swatow Drawn Yice-Consul—Er. Mfirer


Siang etc., Wholesale and Retail—11, United States of America

Ong Yap

Pek Street

Liang, general manager. Consul—Federick W. Hinke


\M tW ’iH Chao Hai Kwan G.K. E.Hodapp,

Huygen,localpartner (Canton)


Chinese Maritime Customs

Commissioner—C. G. C. 'Asker

Acting Deputy' Commr.—G. N.

Gawler ^ if Pi ft h 18 £


Guong, Kan YuTing Tze Shan.

and YuLiChing

Bing Ying shang po na men yang kien

Lun yu hsien hung sz

Medical Officers—Dr.

Dr. C. H. Brangwin T. C. .Pan and Imperial Chemical Industries (China),


W. Nash and Harbour-master— Ltd., Importers of Alkalis, Fertilisers

Assist. Tidesurveyor—J. Ross and Industrial

Road; Teleph. Chemicals—1,

1187; P.O. HaikwanBox 50;

Boat Officers—

Assist. Boat Officers—A. G. Kezin, Lo Cable Ad: Alkali

F. E. Lintilhac, District manager

Cho Kit, Lu Si Huo and Woo

Chin Ming

Chief Appraiser—S.

Assist. Appraisers—C.R. Shields

A. Cammiade

and P. J. Stoneman E wo

Chief Examiners—T.

W. O’Reilly D. Masters and Jardine, Matheson &

chants—P.O. Box 66; Cable Ad: Co„ Ltd., Mer-


Examiners —H. C. Taylor,_

Chapman and T. Takahashi A. G. G. H. Bowker, agent

Asst. Examiners — Leung Kwok Agencies P. & O. Banking Corporation, Ld.

Cheung, Ho Kwok Wai, Hsu K’ung Douglas Steamship Co., Ld.


kan, andLuiLeung



Tu Kang-


Second Officer—W. VO Molyneux Indo-China Steam Navigation Co., Ld.

“Glen” Line of Steamers

British India Steam Navigation Co.

Directory and Chronicle of thePhilip-

Far Canadian Pacific Steamships, Ld.

East (China, Japan, Malaya, “ Shire ” Line of Steamers

pines, Dutch East Indies, Indo-China, ' The Swedish East Asiatic Co., Ld.

etc.) Canton Insurance Office, Ld.

Swatow Agents—Bradley & Co., Ltd. Hongkong Fire Insurance Co., Ld.

Alliance Assurance Co.

District Inspectorate of Salt Revenue Eastern Insurance Co., Ld. .

(Chaochiao Chief CoJleetorate) — Cable Jardine Engineering Corporation, Ld.



Collector—Tong Wen-fu Green Island Cement Co,, Ed.

Secretary—Sun Han Ewo Cotton Mills, Ld.

Accountant—Ho Jui-pu Messageries Maritimes

Asst. do. —Liu Chill-ping Batons & Baldwins,.Ld. .

E. Chong Co., Manufacturers & Exporters Java-China-Japan Lijn, N V.

of Linens, Lace, etc.-—2, Meng Hui A, A. J. B. Messeur, agent


Ad: Ed:Teleph.

Echon182; P. O. Box 55; Cable Agents :

N. V. Koninklijke PaketVaart Maat-

Eastern Trading Co,, Importers Expor- schappij

ters, Manufacturers of Art Linen, Lace,

etc.—8, East Lian^ Efua

18; Cablfe Ad: Eastemco r "Leg; P.O. Box s- ie m m nu

Lee Brothers & Co.,, Comniission and

|}p] Kai.JKien Shipping Agents, Import and Export

Huygen, G. E., Exporter,: Importer and ofMerchants. Drawn-thread

Manufacturers of all kinds

and EmCrochet



Commission Agent — 123, Seng Peng and HamLinadeTrish

Road; Teleph. 1833; P.O. Box 20;..Cable Laces, etc.’—Yok ShanStreet;

Ad: Huygen; Codes: A.B.C. 6th edn., Leebros; Cable Ad:

Bentley’s Codes: A.B.C. 5th edn. and



Maloof, Fred, -Manufacturer of hand- Miss M. Sollman

made Handkerchiefs and Decorative Miss

Rev. E.G. G.H. Traver

Waters, b.a.,

Linens—P.O. Box 12; Cable Ad: Malfred Miss

Manners & Co.,, Ltd., John, Importers Rev. A.D. F.Campbell,

Groesbackr.n.and wife

and Exporters,SianShipping and Cable

Insurance Miss F. M. Stephens, b.s., m.d.

Agents—18, Ping Road; Ad: Miss

Miss B.E. A.M. Ericson,


edns., Bentley’s and Private and 6th

Manners; Codes: A.B.C. 5th Rev.

Miss Bruro

FannieH. Northcott,

Luebeck, a.b.r.n.




compradore furlough)

Mrs. Anna K. Speicher

Miss and

Rev. Genera Mrs.Dye,




W. M.-r- E, P. B. Lodge,

Kidby No. 3705 E. C.

Secretary— G. St. 'M. Stoeker ^ ^ m m ^

Melchers & Co., Importers and Export- English Presbyterian ‘Mission—Cable

ers, Shipping Ad: Bromerus

28, Yong Ping.andRoad;


P.O. Agents—

Box 56; Swatow '

Cable Ad:

Melchers e Co.,: Bremen.Head Office: C. Rev. Smith, b.A., and wife


sin, Tsingtao, Canton,HankOw,


and Neil Fraser, m.b., Ch.b., d.t.m.,

Tsinanfu E.Harold Worth, m.b., ch.b., and wife

H. Scott

Partners , ,/j .< Miss I. E. Brander

Adalbert Korff, partner Miss M. Paton

Karl Lindemann, do. ((Bremen)

Do. ) *MissG. Burt

Miss J.M.Waddell

L. Martin-and wife

Adolf Widmann, do. (Shanghai) *Rev.

C. G. Melchers, do. (Hongkong) *Miss A. Richards

Dr. A. Korff, do, (Shanghai) Miss

Ed. Michaelsen, do. - ( Do. )

A. Wessel, manager Miss Ruth

E. M- Milne,'


A. Schmidt Wuhingfu

Rev. G. F. Mobbs, b.a., and wife

Miss W. J. Starkey

Miss Jessie Gilchrist, b.a.

MISSIONS Miss A.E. Starkey


Society Baptist

(South ChinaForeign Mission

Mission)—Cable Rev. Hay

Ad: Baptisma : ,

A. A. Crook, l.r.c.p. and B.

Ben L. Baker and -vvife

*Rev. A. S. Adams and wife !l ±

*Mrs. Bruno Luebeck

*Rev. C. E. Bousfield, m.d., and wife Mission Rt.


Rev. Bishop Ch. Yogel

Miss V. Y. Brown, B.S., m.d.

Rev. R. T. Capen, a.b., and wife Rev. A. Lammert

Miss L. Campbell Country

Miss M. R. Culley Revs. J. Le Corre,

Becmeur, H. Yacquerel,

Ch. Rey, A. Yeaux,F.

Miss M. Everham, m.d. P.J. Constancis,

Pencole, L.G. Werner,


*Miss A. Foster

*Kev. E. H. Giedt, m.a., and wife

(on furlough) Favre, L. Coiffard, M. Riviere, G.C.

*Rev. E. S. Burket and wife Ginestet, V. Waguette, M. Ron-

deau, J. Le Page, M. Guesdrin

*Rev. K. G. Hobart, m.a., b.d., & wife and L. Desruelle


Miss A.E.E. P.H. Johnson


Rev. Page, b.a., b.d. and wife Osaka Shosen Kaisha, Ltd.—3, Customs


Miss A.E. G.DeSanderson,

W. Smith b.a. Road; Teleph. 1775; P.O. Box 33; Cable

Ad: Shosen

^Living at Stations inland from Swatow Now Stationed at Chaochowfu


Palace Hotel—Customs Rd; Teleph. 26; Shih Brothers, Import and Export

Merchants—11, Sin Heng Road; Cable

Cable Ad: Palace Ad: Shihbros; Codes: Bentley’s, Univers-

Post Office (First Class Office) al trade

H. and Bentley’s

Shih | Second

H. Y. Shih

C. E. Holland, deputy commis-


Tam Shau-wing, ' accountant ^ ^|‘ Mei foo

Eo Hing-cheung, secretary Standard-Vacultm Oil Co.—P.O. Box

Kuan Te-hui, general supervisor 79; Cable Ad : Standvac

M. H. Yarn, manager

Sing ehiang T. and

A. stenographer

Leonard, general assistant

Roese, Gebrueder (Roese Bros), Mer- F. G. Suter, installation supt.

chants—107, Seng Peng Road; P.O. Box Swatow Pilotage Service


edn.,Cable. Ad: and


Codes: A.B.C. 6th G.Marine

St. M. Surveyor

Stocker (Licensed

J. W.


Thun, partner to Lloyd’sPilot and


Boehl, signs per. pro. P.O. Box 11; Radio Ad: Stocker

Lim Eng Meng, compradore C. Marine

H. Wood (Seniorio H.B.M.

Surveyor LicensedGovern-


Agencies ment and to Lloyd’s Agents, Claims

Caldbeck, Macgregor & Co. Surveyor)—16, Customs Road; Radio


Everett, Inc. Fabrik

Mortoren Ad : Wood

Gehe & Co., A.G.


Maersk Line

Line & m >k # ± m

Lancashire Insurance • Teh shih ku huo yu kung szu

Masch. Fabrik Gritzner Texas Co. (Ghina), Ltd.,

Petroleum Products—12, Koo PengThe,

Netherlands Insurance Co. est. 1845 Road; Teleph. 1175; Cable Ad: Texaco

Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen Ko Man Tat


chaft Coal MineVersicherungsgesells -


Reinsurance Co. “Rpssia,” Copenhagen Chung ying kung sze


Siemens ChinaLinienCo. Tonkin & Co., H., Manufacturers of Hand-

Yereinigte Stahlwerke, Roehrenver- made Cable Ad:Embroidery—59,

Kintonco Kialat Road;

band H. L. Woo, partner

SanineryShing Co., Electrical

and Hardware, Goods,

General Mach- Tshu Sok Che (Mrs.), Manufacturer

Merchants and Exporter of SwatowEmbroideries—

Drawn Work,

Road; Autom. Teleph. 1352; CablePing

and Commission Agents—30, Chi Ad: Hand

11, SinMade

Heng Lace

Road, andKialat; Teleph. 1628;

Sansco. Branch Office: 132, Bonham P.O. Box 36; Codes:

Cable and Radio Ads:

Strand East, Hongkong Tshusokche;

P. S. Chua, proprietor

C. S. Chua, genera,! manager Bentley’s 2nd, UniversalBentley’s and

Trade Code,

G. P. Wang, secretary A.B.C. 5th, 6th

Mrs. Tshu Sok Cheand Private

Seng Hong Co., Ltd., Druggists, Agency: H. W. Shih, K. B. Koh, H. Y. Shih

Chemists—229, Wai Ma Road Samuel

S. C. Li, m.d. LinenLament & Son, Ld. of Belfast.


m ffi Yee Tsoong Tobacco Distributors Ltd.

Shauter, Dayland & Co., Ltd., Importers, —Cable Ad: Powhattan


Commission Agents—P.O.Representatives and

Box 3; Cable jh x

Ad: Shauter; Codes: Rudolph Moss, Yuan Heng Shipping Co.

Bentley’s and Private Chua Siu Hong, manager



To he charged to Buyer and Seller

Minimum Brokerage


Under dealt at Brokerage

Per1 Share. PriceAtdealtor overat

At-5050nr over

cents ...

cents ..'...4^


li cents $ 2.50

3.00 2} cents

$1.00 4.00 24

1.50 . 1*

If „ „ 10.00

2.00 20.00

The scale of brokerage

seller and i% on all Manila Stocks. for Loans and debentures is 1% to he charged to buyer and

By Order of the Committee,




forabove scalewilldoes

whichcancels not applyfrom

betheadjusted to Straits, toShanghai


time1934. and Sterling

as occasion may Stocks,



Hongkong, 15th October, 1934. Scale dated 20th



3.00 „„ for„ amounts

stamp up„to, 10,000

.? 1,000

5.00 „„ „ 20,000 . S7.50 10.00 stamp

„ for„ amounts„ overup to $50,000



To he charged to Buyer and Seller


Up to dealt" at..; ' ... Brokerage.

$34-' 24 cents Price$100.00

dealt and

at over ... 50 cent

Over-. $3? anc(under$7£

and over i $150.00

, $200.00 „„ . „ $1.0075 ’

$20.00' ,.

$35.00 „„ ,,.... „ ... SfSOOOO „

Over $300.10 ... $0.50complete $1.50

more for$100.00


$60.00 ?5

All the above are Straits currency.

By Order of the Committee,

This List cancels all previous issues. VIVIAN BENJAMIN, Secretary.

Hhngkong, 1st January 1935,


To he charged to 'Buyer and Seller


, Rnder. Jl

dealt at Brokerage. | Price or dealt

At100/- over .

: 5/'» V- ... 1/f 1/-

At or over ; 3d. 160/-

200/- 21-

-h- 20/- . I ' ... ■

5/- 6d.

60/- ajwu ..f ... ri

By Order of the Committee,


This List cancels all previous issues.

Hongkong, 1st January, 1985.

Classified List of Agents, Merchants

and Mianafactarevs in this

territony, also a List of Cable

Addresses, will be foiind at the

End of the Directory. Classified

List of Far Eastern Engineering

Firms follows Hong Kong.






The only HOTEL in Canton

under European Management.




« * Kwang eh'au

Early History

Canton, which is one of the most interesting cities in 'pinna, is situated

on the Chu-kiang or Pearl River, in latitude 23 deg. 7 min. 10

sec. N., and longitude 113 deg. 14 min. 30 sec. E. It is the capi-

tal of the province of Kwangtiing. It is sometimes called the City of Rams

and the City of Genii, both of which names are derived from ancient legends.

Canton is a foreign perversion of Kwangtung, its real name. One of the first

cities in China, it is also the seat of government for the province.

Owing to its favoured situation, Canton became at an early date the

Chinese port to which the traffic of European countries was first attracted.

The Portuguese found their way thither in 1516, and Arab navigators had been

making regular voyages between Canton and the ports of Western Asia as

early as the tenth century. The Dutch appeared on the scene about a hundred

years later than the Portuguese, and these in their turn were supplanted by

the English. The later, towards the close of the seventeenth century, founded

the very profitable trade which was conducted for nearly one hundred and

fifty years by the Agents of the East India Company, who established a fac-

tory there in 1684, which was afterwards celebrated throughout the world.

From 1684 the export of tea to England increased rapidly. The Company’s

monopoly terminated

of war against Chinainas1834. In 1839

the result Great Britain

of various disputeswaswhich

led into

arosea declaration

at Canton.

The campaign terminated with the' Treaty of Nanking (Aug. 29th, 1842) as a

result of which the Co-Hong monopoly system at Canton closed and four

additional ports were thrown open to foreign trade. The provision of the

Treaty of Nanking, that foreigners were to be permitted to reside within the

walls of the city of Canton was persistently resisted and illfeeling generally

grew so strong that a minor incident in connection with the nationality uf

a small Hongkong-Chinese vessel the “Arrow,,’ was magnified into an affair

of such importance as to cause a general election at home, and a second China

War. Sir Michael Seymour, with his fleet opened hostilities, and some two

months later an infuriated mob retaliated by burning all the foreign factories

In December, 1857, Sir Charles , Straubenzee, in command of an expe-

dition which had been specially despatched from England, attacked the city,

and it was taken on the 29th of that month. The French also sent out an

expedition, and the city was occupied by the Allied Forces until October, 1861,

a period of nearly four years.

The city which is rapidly expanding now extends along the river front

for a length of some four miles, having a depth of some two miles. It was

formerly enclosed by walls 43 ft. thick at the base and from 25 to 40 ft. in

height. This wall has in recent years been demolished in order that its site

could be used for a motor road some 80 to 100 ft. in width. In January

1921 a service of ommibusses was started running from the Canton-Kowloon

Railway to various parts of the city. This service has been gradually expand-

ing in all directions with the completion of more and more motor roads, the

construction of which is still going on apace. Canton has now four small

parks, the Central Park in the heart of the city, the Hoi Chu Park on the

Bund; the Tung Shan Park in the eastern suburb, and the Yueh Sau Park

on Kan Yin Hill. Within the grounds of the last named park stands the

newly erected memorial tablet dedicated to Dr. Sun Yat Sen, which is the


highest landmark in the city, and from which a complete bird's eye view of

the latter can be obtained. At the foot of the Kan Yin Hill is the Sun Yat

Sen Memorial Hall, a most beautiful piece of architecture for which the same

engineer that planned the Sun Yat Sen Mausoleum at N'king was responsible.

Canton contains great attractions for foreign visitors in its numerous temples,

pagodas, etc., and in the many'curio shops to be found there. The French Mission

have a large and handsome Gothic cathedral, with two lofty towers surmounted

by spires, in the city. The structure is built entiteiy of dressed granite. A Mint,

constructed by the late Viceroy Chang Chih-tung, near the East Gate, and

furnished with a very complete plant, commenced work in 1889, and now issues

'both silver dollars and subsidiary coins, all bearing a picture of the late Dr.

Sun Yat-sen in front and large Chinese characters surrounded by a design of

a crop of grain on the back. The buildings cover a large area. On the opposite



the rivertheis the

across island ofwasHonam which wasearly

linkedin 1933.

with the cityroads


are byalsa


being onriver

this that

island. Theopened to traffic

principal attractions for the Motor

tourist in Honam are

the grounds of Lingnam University (formerly the Canton

Honam Temple Monastery (Hoi Tong Temple). The spacious compound of the Christian College and the

latter, which was well-known as one of the “Five Great Monasteries”—Ng

Tai Chung Sam—has since been turned into a municipal park of exceptional

beauty. In the vicinity one may also see native industries such as the firing,

sorting and sifting of tea, the preserving of ginger, and the picking of rattans,

cassia etc. The founding of bell’s, the manufacture of fire crackers, and the

dyeing of paper and cotton fabrics are three of the chief industries of Fat-

shan, some ten miles from Canton to, which it is connected by rail. Because

of political disturbances in recent years There has been a tendency for many

of these industries to transfer to Hongkong, but now on account of the heavy

import duties into China there is a movement in the opposite direction. There

are large glass-works at Fatci, amd paper-mills—these with up-to-date Euro-

pean machinery—near the village of Impo, At Shekwan, seven miles from

Fatshan, are extensive; potteries. Miich has been done during the past few

years to develop home industries. New factories have sprung up like mush-

rooms. At Honam an up-to-date cotton-spinning factory, equipped with

moilern machinery, has been erected by a local company with a capital, of

$5,000,000. Canton has now five large factories and several hundred workshops

for. producing hosiery and underwear. Locally-made matches are exported

as far as the Straits Settlements, nearly twenty- factories being engaged in

this industry. The population of Canton wTas estimated at 812,241 by the

Customs authorities in 1929.

When the foreign merchants returned to Canton to establish trade after

the capture of the city by the English at the close of 1857, they found the

factory and the buildings along the river in ruins. Recourse for accommoda-

tion was consequently had to warehouses on the Honam side of the river.

Considerable discussion subsequently took place as to the selection of' a site

for a permanent British settlement, and it was. eventually, determined that an


In 1859 anmudartificial

flat knownislandas was



there,bea filled


and appropriated.


the northern side of the site and the city, and solid and extensive embankments

-of masonry built. It took about two years to complete this undertaking, and

cost $325,000. Of this sum four-fifths were defrayed by the British, and one-

fifth by the French Government, to whom one-fifth of the reclaimed land was

given. Up to 1889 most of this French, concession remained Unutilised, but

in that year a number of lots were sold and are now built upon. The French

also received a grant of the old site of th ViceroyV Yamen, on which the

Catholic Cathedral now stands. Shameen ise pleasingly laid out with gardens

and tennis

Church courts,bf and

(Church the'paths

England) stands'areatshaded with well-grown

the western end and closetrees.to Christ

it are

situated the Masonic Hall, Boat House; and^Club. Handsome new premises,

poration were opened in Central Ayenue oil October 29th, 1921. There Cor-

costing half-a-million dollars, for the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking is a


Homan Catholic church on the French Concession. The Settlement has the

Victoria Hotel providing good accommodation. During an anti-foreign riot on

the 10th September, 1383, 16 houses and the Concordia Theatre on the Settle-

ment were burned by the mob.

Modeen Canton.

Ample means of communication exist between Canton and Hongkong, a

distance of 112 miles by railway and about 95 miles by water. British steamers

with luxurious accommodition and a large number of native craft ply daily

•between the ports. There is daily steam communication with Macao and

regular connection with Wuchow and West River ports, and with Shanghai,

Newchwang, and Kwangchauwan. The steam-launch traffic under the Inland

Steam Navigation Regulations has proved a great success, though since rules

were enforced in December, 1901, compelling all Chinese launches to undergo

inspection at the hands of an engineer appointed by the Customs before obtain-

ing licences to ply, the number of launches is not so large as previously. There

is a safe and commodious anchorage within 150 yards of Shameem Canton

was connected by telegraph (an overland line) with Kowloon in 1883, and an-

other overland line was completed from Canton to Lungchau-fu, on the

Kwangsi and Tonkin frontier, in June 1884. An agreement was entered

into with the South China Wireless Co., a British conoern, in the latter part

of 1923, for the installation of a powerful wireless station, to give a continu-

ous commercial service with Hongkong and Shanghai and communications

with Peiping, Japan, the Straits Settlements, etc. The electric light service

of the city since it was placed under government supervision has improved

and leaves little room for complaint. The automatic telephone system, the

installation of which was completed in 1930, is very efficient and the number

of subscribers is steadily increasing and already exceeds, 7,000. A long-

distance telephone service between Hongkong and Canton was opened on

September 1st 1931 and three minutes conversation may now be had between

these two cities for a fee of three dollars. Transport facilities on the Canton-

Kowloon Railway, which consists of 22 miles in British territory and 89

miles in Chinese, and was completed in 1911, have also greatly improved^ in

1931 with the introduction of new locomotives and general reconditioning

of the line. An express train now takes a little

the journey whereas a year ago it took half again as long. Real work has

also begun on the completion of the Canton-Hankow Railway which has already

been extended from Shiukuan. 140 miles north of Canton, to Lokcheong. The

mountains to be traversed to complete the Canton-Hankow Line offer, however,

great engineering difficulties which will involve very heavy expenditure.^ A

branch line of this railway runs from Canton to Samshui on the West River

and therefore brings West River ports within easier reach of Canton. The two

Canton terminii of the railway are situated on opposite banks of the Pearl

River and work has started to link them together by the construction of a

bridge. An extension of the Oanton-Samshui line to Shiu-hing and thence via

the West River ports to Kwangsi is planned by the authorities who also

contemplate the construction

Railway to Swatow of an east

and eventually bound line from the Canton-Kowloon

to Amoy.

In accordance with stipulations in the Supplementary Commercial Treaty

between Great British and China, concluded in 1902, the various barriers or

artificial obstructions to navigation in the Canton River were in 1905 partially

removed. Extensive wharves and godowns have been erected at Peak Hin Hck

on Honam Island, about two miles below Shameen. which enable ocean-going

vessels of considerable draught to proceed up to Canton.

Trade in 1934

For several years in succession Canton has been free of major political or

military disturbances, and for at least two years practically the whole area

within the Liang Kwang provinces has enjoyed Similarly peaceful conditions;

but, unfortunately, ether circumstances have1 coinbined'to prevent trade from


exhibiting any symptoms of the recovery that might have been expected-to’

accrue from such a normally favourable factor as an untroubled country-side.

The following are the value statistics -recorded-'for' the various trade accounts

of this great South China market during the year under review, with compara-

tive figures for the preceding year : direct foreign imports, 33.8 million dollars

as against 62 million in 1933; coastwise importations of Chinese merchandise,.

87.4 million dollars as against 110.1 million: direct exports to foreign countries,

47.1 million dollars as against 68.4 million; and, coastwise exportations of

Chinese merchandise, 23.2 million dollars as against 26- million dollars.: Thus,

decreases are shown to the extent of 45 per cent., 21 per oeht., 19 per cent., and

11 per cent, respectively for the sections of trade for which statistics arc.

available. While it is true that these statistics do not cover the whole: trade

of the port-'in that much of the foreign section is credited to Kowloon and much

of the coastwise section is carried by junks not under Customs1 control, a glance^

at the statistics for Kowloon -(see the special explanation for the increase in '

exports at this particular port) and the other ports in Kwangtimg will show

that-the data given above is probably a fair enough guide to the general'trend

of trade'at Canton during the year under review. It Would 'to be clear, there-

fore, that the'provincial government is meeting with suecess-'in. carrying out'

its pblicy of restricting imports from abroad; and that,'while the'saMp govern-

ments entry into trade under its Three-year Industrial Plan is proceeding

steadily, with results that cann'Ot vet be foreseen in their entirety, private

enterprise is urmble ih the meatitime to make headway 'against the competitive

prjees ruling in markets abrofid and the financial stringency which is handi-

capping efforts at home. A case in point is the' putward trade in silk, foi which

the; records reveal only a very slight quantitative decrease, from 16,362 quintals

in '1933'to 16,138 quintals in the year under review, but a very Heavy; decrease-

in value from 16,6 million to 9.i million dollars. Strenuous'efforts are being

made to resuscitate this industry upon which so much pf She prosperitj; of the

province'uspd to depend. . The silk filature built by the provincial government

to;jserye. as a model is working well, and practical demonstration's and lectures

oii modern sericultural methods are being .given in various parts of the, pro-

vince, but the financhil assistance necessary to a wholesale reconstruction of

the industry is lacking ati,.iheijPresent time. As only the lower-grade Canton

silks (the least profitable), are now able to find a.market, production is rapidly

decreasing and large tracts-mf land formerly given over for the cultivation of

mulberry trees are now being turned into sugar.-oane plantations, paddy fielclsr

or orchards. Prices for the three leading export qualities, were quoted .in'

January »fc-$460,. $370,. -.and - f340, respectively per bale ; and by May, quotations

had receded to 396, $]290, and |260 per bale. At this level, however, buyers were

attracted,, but it was not till near the, end of ,the year that* the demand began

to have an effect on prices, which then rose to $400, $325, and $310 for the-

classifications of silk in question. A reference has been made already, to the

provincial government's Three-year Industrial Plan which was instituted

during 1933, a plan which indicates a marked drift towards governmental

ownership of industry aud a possible modification thereby of the whole economic

situation in the province. The “plan’’ provided', for the establishment of 24

different plants-for , the local manufaeturd of. such commodities, as have been the

principal items of import into the province in the-past. The original, scheme

has been departed from in a few particulars, but 22 factories are already func-

tioning or are under CQnstru,ctipn, and. these, consist pf: twp plants for the

manufacture of cement; four for the refining,bf sugar; one for the’reeling of

silk; one for the weaving of silk; two for generating electric power (one of

these being a hydro-electric plant) ; and one each for the manufacture, respec-

tively, of woollen goods, caustic soda, phosphorus fertiliser, nitrogen fertiliser,

sulphuric acid, paper,, iron and steel, alcohol, beer, cotton yarn, linen, and

charcoal water-gas engines. To prevent competition with, the- government-

manufactured sugar, the importation, distribution, and transport of all supplies

of this commodity is now strictly controlled by an official sales organisation-


Tor financial reasons little was done during the year under review,to expand

-the already extensive network of roadways in the district, but some new air

routes were opened up and Canton is now the terminus for the following

regular air services : Canton to Shanghai via Swatow, Ampy, Foochow, and

Wenchow; Canton to Peiping via Changsha and Hankow ; Canton to Lunchcw

via Wuchow, and Nanning; and Canton tp Pakhoi'vm Mowming and Kiung-




IKwangtijNG Provincial Government Bureau of Public Safety , (Kung An

Chairman—Lin Yunkoy Chu)—Ho Loh

Department of Civil Affairs (Min Bureau of Finance (Ts’ai Cheng

•ling Ting)—Lin Yi-chung Chu)—Liu Peng Kwong r

Department of Finance (Tsai Jing Bureau of Public Works (Kung Wu

Ting)—An Feng-pu Chu)—Man Shue Shing

Denartment of Education (Chiao

Yu Ting)—Huang Lin Shu Bureau of Public Health (Wei

Department of Reconstruction Sheng Chu—Tang Chan Tak

(Chien Sheh Ting)—Ho Chi-li Bureau of Public Utilities—Lee Chung

Canton Municipal Government Kwong

Mayor—Liu Chi-wen Bureau of Education (Chao Yu

Chu)—Luk Yau Kwong

Bureau of Social Affairs (Sheh Hui ' Bureau

Chu)—Cheung Yuen Fung of Land—Lai Kwok Tsoi ,

Acme Code Company, Publishers sions Building. The Bund; Telephs.

Acme Commodity and Phrase Codes. 16044 and 12311; CaMe Ad:

Representative: V. E. Ferrier—2, Underiters

French Concession, Shameen; Te-

leph. 16175 G.C. A.V. Parker,


president. (S’hai.)

S. L. Yang, manager

Agents for:.

A. E. G.f§ China

a Electric Co..isElectri-

National Union FireBritish

Ins. Co.andandCon-2

cal Manufacturers and Engineers Other American,

—Canton Engineering Office: 73, tinental Insurance Companies

British Concession, Shameen; Te-

leph. 14008; Cable Ad: Aegchinaco. American Bank Note Co.—c/o. Na-

Branch Offices: Shanghai, Tientsin, tional City Bank of New York,

Hongkong Shameen; Cable Ad : Banknote

F. W. Rues, Dipl. Ing., engineer, H. G. J. McNeary

in .charge

^ ^ Tt # H American Bible Society (See, Missions)

Mei-yah Pao Sien Kung Sze..

American Asiatic Underwriters, A.MERICAN AND CHINA OlL CO.—32,

Fed. Inc. U.S.A., General Insurance: B.C., Shameen; Teleph. 14009

Fire, , Marine, Motor-Car, .Life,

Accident, Burglary, Pl-ate-glass, American Consulate (See Consulates)

Baggage and Special Risks—Mis-


m & mm m & !B Wing Sing

American Mait, i'.ixe—Cable Ad: .Backhouse, Ltd., rJames, H., Importers,

and Exporters—73, B. C., Shameen;


. The Robert. Dollar Co., general Cable Ad: Jayatchbee

Agents (&e Dollar Co., The Robert)

i m Sun Cheong BANKS

Andersen, Meyer & Co., Ltd., Engineers,


and InsuranceImporters, Manufacturers

Agents—Telephy 10928; : ft m n !M

Cable Ad: Danica ’ ' Kwang tung ngan hong

P.C. M.

J. Ferguson

Markert, (Hongkong)

engineer-in-charge -BankTelephs. of Canton,

16577 andLtd.—16578;West



(for Agencies see Shanghai) . I Cantonese

Chan Sien Ming, manager

fy ^ ^1] ^ On Lee Ying Hong

Arnhold & Co., Ltd., Merchants and Rank of China, Ltd.—13, KwooYee St.r

Sup Sam Hong; Teleph. 14484

Engineers—Cable Ad: Harchi

Asia Hotel 18 ss m

(See Hotel Asia) TheLoong BankRoad;of Cable

East.Ad:Asia,- Ltd.—Hing-


U & Ft « « A £ Chan Shing Mi, manager ...

Yao bong yen sgo b‘o him hong si ft m m m

Asia Life Insurance Co., Life Insurance Toi wan , ngan t hong


Telephs. 16043Building,

and 12311;TheCableBund;

Ad: Bank of Taiwan, Ltd. — British Con-

Alicochina; Code,; Acme and Bent- cession, Shameen; Teleph. 13334; Cabl&


17, TheMain Bund,Office for-th6 Orient: Ad: Taiwangink


Dr. C. S. Liu, resident assist, secretary S. G;Yoshihara,

Sakuma, manager

per pro. manager

C. and medical

L. Chui, refereemanager

district Banque de l’Indo-Chine

O. W. Wong, assist, manager J. C.’Bonenfant

Juge, manager

$33 Ah si ah

Asiatic PetroleumCable

Ltd.—Shameen; Co. Ad:

(South China), Chartered


Bank of Ind., Australia &

China—Tejephs. 13325 (Compradors

J. B. Harrison, manager Dept.), 14233 (Sub-Agent’s' Office);

L. M. S. Lloyd Cable Ad : Comet

C. G.L. Agnew James Myslop, sub-agent

H. F. Ewin | D.G. Remedies W. Watson, sub-accountant

D. H. Perry, installation mgr.

R, H. Potter | J. A. Simpson Cheong Tai Bank—48, Koon Yat Road

East; Teleph. 11961

Ault & Wiborg Co (Far East),

Manufacturers Inks,

Lithographic of Printing

Dry Colours,and Cheong Yik Bank—3, Pak Mai Street,,

Sup Sam Hong; Teleph. 12272

Varnishes, Lacquer and Enamels,

Carbon Paper and Typewriter Rib-

bons and Importers of Papers, China Ping Manufacturers’

Road South; Teleph. Bank—37,


Printers! Supplies and Machinery—

7, Customhouse Right Street; Te- China State Bank, Ltd., The — Sup

leph. 12172; Cable Ad : Aultwiborg Sam

Andrew Lim," manager

J. K. Chwan 13344.Hong; Telephs.The13322,

Sub-Branch: Wai 13366 and

Oi Road;

Teleph. 16947

q&nton A 45!)

fi m m m National Commercial and Savings

Tack Wah Ngan Hong Bank, Ltd.—11, Tai Ping Ma, Loo;

Telephs. 12422 and 12421; Cable

Deutsch - Asiatische Bank — 8, Ad; Nficomsav

British Concession, Sharneen: Tlelephs.


Cable and

Ad:13151; P, O. Box 39 (Canton);


K. H. Fisher, manager ft m m m #i m

A. Dienel, signs per prq. Yien Yieh Commercial Bank—Second

G. Ludewig, cashier 1 West Bund; Teleph. 10300 and

| (manager^''14501; Cable Ad : 7771

Grand Central Sayings Bank, Lm,-— Yokohama Specie Bank—52, Shameen;

82, ..Taiping Pipad S.; Teleph', |3328 TeTeph. 13306; P.O. Box 27

n mm Belgian Consulate—(Ace Consulates)

Heung Jeong sheong hoi ngdn hong

Hongkong and Shanghai 'Banking ± if;!] She la si


J. C. G. Fergusson, agent Delta Bodiker & Co.1,' Importers, Exporters,.

A.L.E.G daLuz

Groves II H. J. M..T. Prata

Soares Commission and Insurance Agents—86,


10912; P.Q,Concession, Shameen;

Box .,9;.Cable Teleph.

Ad: Bodiker;

G. P. da Cruz | L. A. da Roza i All Codes used: , . r.

; ,,._G,. lxj(di‘ker p .

% m m m n BoRNEMANiSr A Co., Import-erg;(Special-

Man Icwok tse chu wag izing in Hospital and Laboratory

Internationa! Supply), Engineers and Insurance

20A; Shameen, Saving’s B.C.; Teleph:'Society—


; S A’gent.s—French,'Concession, ]2,Sha'-

Mail Ad. P.O. Box 27; Cable Ad ; meen f Teleph.' '1686(5; Cable ' Ad :


VII, Head Office:

Shanghai. South 7,China

A ve. EdVard

Branch Pervasion; Codes:-All

Controlling Agency at:—Macao F. Ortlepp, Principal (IT'kong)

< V.H.,E. Feimann,

K. Yau signs per pro.

J. M. X..,1 Chpllot, map^ger, (§puth.

China branch) ... W. S. Ho

C. T. Gomes, sub-manager ■ Agencies:

F.J. D.Noronha

Lui I E. Bemedios Koch & Sterzel A. G.—Dresden:

E. Tossane | M. Prata X-Ray Equipments, Diathermy

and Electro-Medical Apparatus

in General ,.

ft m m m Michael Birk, Ltd.—Tuttlingen:

Kwangtung Provincial Bank, 10232,The Surgical Instruments

/ . of all

—South Bund; Telephs. 10434, 'descriptions

10231; Cable Ad: 2639 Gehe ' & Co., A. G. — Dresden :

iShem Tsai Wo,, president Chemicals and' Pharmaceutical

Pok Po Tsai, vice-president Products Fabrik Promonta


GmbH — Hamburg : Promonta

ft mm m w m Nerve Food, and other Patent

Medicines , , •. , /

Man kwoh bo tung ngan hong Deutsche Telephonwerke & Kabel-

Nationai City Bank of New York, industrie A. CL—Berlin: Tele-

The—Cable Ad: Citibank phone

criptionEquipments of any des-

F. R.C.E.Bailey,


pro-mgr. and sub-acpt- Metrawatt A. G.—Nuernberg: Elec-

W. I. Yeung, sub-accountant tric Measuring Instruments

Chu Lok Ting, compradore West Coast Life Insurance Co.



British & Foreign Bible Society (see Engineering Department: —

Missions) W- M. Stratton, engineer-in-


British Episcopal Church (see Missions) W- andW. Works

Leung, engineer of Ways

Accounts Department: —

British Consulate— (See Consulates) H. P. Harris, chief accountant

Li Sing Wan, assistant chief

■j£jf -fc Tai Jcoo Trafficaccountant

Department: —

Butterfield & Swire (John Swire & H. W. Wong, traffic manager

Sons, Ltd.), Merchants J. T. Smith, chief traffic inspr.

W. F. Johnston, signs per pro. Locomotive Department: —

H. G. Sales Lo Kwong Wun, locomotive

Miss M. Chinn superintendent


Forwarding Co.—49, Chun Yuen


Teleph. 14013;TheCable


HoggShameen; Street; Teleph. 14448

E. A. Hogg, proprietor

California Petroleum Co. of South lljl H Cheong wah

China, (Sole Distributors for Export Canton Overseas Trading Co., Ex-

Petroleum Co. of California, Ltd., porters, Importers, Manufacturers,

Producers of “Red Ball” Petroleum Shipping and Commission Agents—

Products —127, Tai Nam Loo; 99, Sap Sam Hong Road; Teieph.

Teleph. 12581 13722; Cable Ad : Cotco; Codes : A.

B.C. 6th edn., Acme, Bentley’s and

Canton Bankers Association — 14, other Standard Codes

iSai Win® Hong; Teleph. 10098 W. S. Mak, managing director

J. R. Chan

C. K. Wong

Canton Club—Shameen W. H. Mak

Committee—J. C. G. Fergusson

(chairman), J. B. Harrison, F.

A. Nixon, R. D. Wolcott (Hon. Canton Riding Academy & Physical

Treasurer), L. B. Wood (Hon. Culture, Teleph. 18375

The—Tungshan, Canton,

Secretary) Lieut.-Col. D. G. Kosikis, director

and proprietor

Canton Gazette—43. Sai Wu Street E. L. Basargin-Klock, secretary

North; Teleph. 11838 Netravelly, trainer and instr.

A. Chahidze, trainer

Canton-Hankow Railway Administra- Canton Mercantile Co.—B.C., Sha-

tion (Canton-jShiuchow Section)— meen ; Teleph. 10036

Cable Ad: Yuehway; Codes: A.B.C.

5th edition, West Union and

Bentley’s Canton Wireless Manufactory—South

Bund; Teleph. 11403

& m & m. % n


Section)—Tai Sha Railway

Tou (Chinese % If Lai wo

Managing Director’s Office: —

Li Lu Chao, managing director CarlowitzCommission

& Co., Exporters, Importers,

Agents and Contractors—

Chung Nai Jing, chief of Gen. 228. Shakee Road; Cable Ads: Hellmanu

Dept. and Carlowitz Codes: A.B.C.Carlowitz,

5th, 5th

Fung Pak Lai, secretary impr. and 6th edns., Bentley’s,

Tsui Hung, do. Acme and Mosse


R. Lenzmann (Hamburg') CBee Wo Cement Shoe—32, Hoi Chu

R. Laurfinz (Shanffhai) Road; Teleph. 15344

Dr. A. Nolte (Hamburg)

G. Roehreke (Shanghai) Chellaram, D., Silk Merchant

(>. Lord (Hamburg)

H. Lehmann, manager Exporter—20, French Con., &Shameen;


Ch. A. Schneider, signs do.. per pro. Cable Ad ,: Chellaram

G. W.Hardt,

Heitzig IP.H. Seegelken

A. Weiss Weckert Cheong

Chong Kee Street;Paper

Teleph. Store — 88, Loong


J.A. Graner W. Hecke]

Harmssen H. Embden

Agency Cheong Sing Estate Development Co,

Hamburg-Amerika Linie —66, Koong Yat Road C.; Teleph.

(for other agenci^s 'see Shanghai) 13170


Central Agency, Ltd., The, Importers of port—333, : Wo Hong, Import and Ex-

Sewing Cotton Thread — 50. Central ' 16101 Yat Tak Road; Teleph.

Ave., B. C.,

Agency, Shameen Shameen; Cable Ad: Central

Central Hotel—West Bund; Teleph. Chien f* $1 ft it Hym sunt 9e he

10571 and Hsin Engineering Co., Machinery


South; Teleph. SupplibS—81,

14560; P.O.Tai




- Deutz D.- Kuhrt

HumHold Motoren, Koeln

Deutz, Demag, Duisburg

Canton British Chamber of Commerce

Chairman—J. B. Harrison China

Vice-do. —J. C. G. Fergusson

Secretary—W. Roland Farmer of andElectric

Agents forCo.,Telephone,

Ltd., Manufacturers


Committee1—H. F. Campbell, G. Radio and Electrical



Office: Shanghai


E. Matthews, A. E. Smith and

J. N. Owen

fg fjg Hymsiin

Canton Foreign Chamber or Commerce China Export-Import & Bank Co., . Ltd.

Chairman—J. Norrie Owen Importers and Commission Agents—81,

Vice-do. — G. E. Huygen Tai Ping Road South ; Teleph. 13522; P.

Secretary—W. Roland Farmer

Committee—A. Schubert, M. Ga- A.B.C. 5th and 6th edns and Codes:

0. Box 103; Cable Ad: Lemjus;

vin. B. Hasearawa, L. Demeure and Head Office: Shanghai. Branches:Mosse. Can-

E. Huttemeier ton,


Osaka and Tokyo Tientsin, Dairen,

Chambre de Commerce Francaise de I. H.G. Farbenindustrie D. Kuhrt

Chine (Section de Canton)

President—-I. R. Baylin Pharmazeutical Dept.A. G. Leverkusen

Vice-id. —Demeure

Trtisorier et Secretaire—C. Bonenfant

Chap Yik Union Fire Insurance As- Lun Chong

sociaton—16, Tou Lan Sheung Street, China Finishing k Printing Co.,

Sup Sam Hong; Teleph. 13505 Ltd. (Incorporated in Hongkong),

Chark Man Hospital—Ching Hoi ers ; Printers, Dyers,Cotton Spinners and Manufactur-

Road; Teleph. 10526 Bleachers, and:

Finishers ' of Textiles—85, B. C.,

Shameen; Cable Ad : Celita. Head

Chartered Bank of India, Etc. (See Office: hai

220, Szechuen Road, Shang-




Directors (Shanghai) — Clive R. | K. F. Yeung, Life Agency mgr.


ing director),(chairman & manag-

J. Ballard. B.sc. Wai Wong Yue, Fire Agency mgr.

General Agents—She wan Tomes

(London), a.i.c., C. F. Liu, D. Co., Shameen; Teleph. 10937; Cable

J. Sinclair, ph.d., b.sc. (Liverpool), Ad: Keechong

A.x.c., and J. Wild

Secretary (Shanghai)—S. Tweedie China United Assurance Society Ltd.

Canton Office: — —264, Yat Tak Road; Teleph. 12310

A. Madar Lo Po Shue, manager

F. G. Wei

Chun Hing Import and Export—T9,

China Insurance Co.—13, Ku Yee Luen Hing Road; Teleph. 14451

Street; Teleph. 15947

Chung Hing News Agency—32, Wui

S3 i$ is ta Loong Lane, Sze Pad Lou; Teleph.


Lun shunchiu sheung Icuk

China Merchants7 Steam N avigation Co.

—202, Look Yee Sam Road; Teleph. J Chung Mei*7Drug H®H*

Co., Ltd., Druggists

12218 and Chemists — 9, Tai Ping Road

China News Agency—27, Wad Sun South; Teleph. 10627; Cable Ad:

Road North, 2nd floor; Teleph. Chungmei S. Vi. Kwong, manager


China Petroleum Co.—90, Tung Hing Telepth. Shan Chung


Hotel —The Bund;

Street; Teleph. 14521

China and Philippine Trading Co., Chung Wah Aerated Water Co.—1,

Tung Yuen Chin, East Bund;

Exporters of Best Qualitv Bamboo Teleph. 11230

Poles and General Chinese Merchandise

—326, Yat Tak Road, Central Canton, Chung Wah Agriculture and Mining

Teleph. 10934; Cable Ad: Chung Co.—Kai Nam Tong East, Tai Ping

China Products Export Co., Ex- Road South; Teleph. 12473

porters and Importers, Manufac-

turers, General Commission Agents Cinema Trade Co.—Chiu Yam Street,

—Bank of Canton Building, West The Bund; Teieph. 13606

Bund : Teleph. 12354; P.O. Box 52; Commercial Press, Ltd.—196, Wing

Cable Ad: Productsco Hon Road North; Teleph. 1180G

China Safety Match Factory—Tai

Ping Fong, Honam; Teleph. 50037 *#a***t**»fc'

China Steamship Co.—42, Tai Ping Commercial Ltd.

Union Assurance Co.,

Road South; Teleph. 13728, Road;(Canton

Teleph. Agency)—74,

159'95 Tung Man

China Tea Co.—40, Tai Ping Road

South, 2nd floor; Teleph. 10742 CONSULATES


Tai mee kwoh isung ling sz chu

Kee chong po him yarn 'hail hung zb ' America—Shameen

China Underwriters, Ltd., Life, Consul-General—Clarence J. Spiker

Fire, Marine,, Acciclent, Motor CarHong-

and Consul—Samuel J. Fletcher

General Insurance—Head. Office: Do. —Horace H. SmithBragonier,


kong. Branch

1 '()ffiqe: 167-9, ‘The Bund; ' Jr.

Telephs. 1.5028 (Life Dept.\

Accident and Marine Depts.) 17145 (Fire, Do. —W. Leonard Parker


mm t ^ m m to *

Tai peh kwok Ling sz kun Tai wo kivok Ling sz’ kun

Belgium Netherlands

Consul-General for South

Hongkong, Macao, Philippine China, Consul—J. J. Wierink

Islands—H.in Hongkong)

(residing van der Sttaeten

Czechoslovakia—Sharaeen Tai N’o todi kwok ling sz kun

Consul—H. Laffond Norway—Gable Ad: Noreg

Consul-H. Staples Smith


Consul—Kay Neckehpan % ^^m m w ® *

Ta sai ymng ktvok chung ling shw



C., Shameen Portugal—75,

meen; Teleph. British

14291 Concession, Sha-

Consul-Gen.—V. M. Morgado

Vice-Consul—M. H. Gracias

I- m ^ m * ' ' ‘ Chinese Secretary’—(vacant)1

Tai Fat hwok Ling sz elm

France Sweden—Shameen; Teleph. 10937

Consul—L. Eynard Vice-Consul—H. F- Campbell

Germany—No. 4, British Concession IT 3if ffl @ ± S A

Shameen; Cable Ad: Consugerma

Consul General—Dr. F. Altenburg SwitzerlandTavsui shi kwok.ling sis kun

Vice-Consul—Dr. H. Voskamp Consul—U. Spalinger


Steno'ty pist—FrauH. Kan ter

M. Koehler Chanceller—A, lloffmeister

S If M B * Crownchina Company, : Inc. — 33a,

Tai Ting kwok Tsung L ing szchii B.C., Shameen; Teleph. 15208; Cable

-Great Britain—Cable-Ad: Britain Ad : Chinacrown ; All Codes

(In change of British Interests. in General Agents for'

the -provinces of Kwangtung and Crown Life insurance Co.,

Kwangsi—excepting Swatow. Also Toronto, Canada

Consul-General for Macao)


C.M.G., O.B.E. —Herbert Phillips,

- Consul—C. 11 ii$ n* Fuel Hai Ewan

Do. —F. E.S. Whitamore

Gibbs Customs,

Revenue Chinese Maritime—

Depdrirrient- j x 8eo

Acting Consul—B. H. Scott

Vice-Consul—F. G. Garner Commissioner—L. K.' Little - *

Pro-Consul—W. Acting Administrative Deputy Com-


M. T. Edwards !|


Acting Preventive.P. Hamilton

Dop.uty Commr.^t

Constable— W. Bead B. M. P. Bairnsfath.er

Assistants—J. Jayretsky, G. Yoshida,

t m m * m * Chen Shao; Chen Yu Kuan, Ng


Kwan, LeungClru

bung, - Shi Po-lam,

Wai, O.S.iSiuPerth,


Tai I tai li Ling sz lean Liang Chun Yen, Huang Chib



Consul-General—Comm. A. Bianconi . ebung,

Chien, P.B.S-(Walsham, Chung Ta-

(residing in Hongkohg) wa, Veh'Kv^en' In-nun,Chiang

Chariling, :Fek Chong-


heng and Huang Chi Nan v;

K V ffl @ # B * Medical Officers—Dr.

Dr. ,J, E, Bigenbach, B. L. Lancaster,

Dr: Chan.


Japan Chuiig

Consul-Genera]/—T. Kawai arid Dt.gah,

Hsu‘Dr. Hp Tchi

Chi'Eiang • Tcheong



Chief Tidesurveyor—J. C. T, C. Boyd British Traders’ Insurance Co., Ld.

Asst. do. —Chan—P.U Kun,

L. Moreland Union Assurance Society, Ld.

Boat Officers' Ip Yau MarineAssurance

Atlas InsuranceCo.,Co.,Ld.Ld.


Battistuzzi Ng Cho Wu and G. Lloyd’s

Assistant Boat. Officers — Li kwok- Mercantile

Silver LineBank of India, Ld

Wan, Jen Kwang

Tang Sze, Chen andTon,LaiT.Pang

Chi Wa

Fan, Burns-Philp Line

Chief Appraisers—W. Moore and G.


Appraisers—E. A. Silgalw and Jw. Jill M 11 Pai tin dee

Galvin Dent k Co., Ltd. Herbert, Tea Inspectors



and A. F.—Nielsen

So Nim Ko, J. and Commission Agents—Canton

Inspector of Examiners A. Darlinglon Agency

N. Brit. & Mercantile Ins. Co., Ld.

Examiners—H. Owen, Y. Nesvadba,

Y. Yamasumi, Deutsche Asiatische Bank—(ser Banks)


A. Simoes

An InSungCheng,

kai-cwan, Ko U

Y. S. Vinng-

radeff, G. Iwakuma, N g Chi Cheung, Directory and Chronicie of The

Leung Chak Lan, Ng Dikhmann, lippines, Far East (China, Japan, Malaya, Phi-

H. Olsen,Examiners

Assistant and He Wing Yan Ping Indies, etc.)Indo-China, Dutch East.

— Leung

Hon, Wu Kit Sang, Chen Hsiao-

Liang, Ko Kang, Leung Kwok Choy, ^ ^ Teen cheang


TangYuk-shirig, Hsieh Kuo Liang,Chak Dodwell k Co,, Ltd.,

Law, Chung

Woo KokLeung,

Khoon, LiChung

Yu Leung, meen; Telephone 10915.Merchants

Head Office— Sha-

: 24,

Ernest August Tso and Lb Lim Po. St. Hongkong, Shanghai, Hankow, Foo-at

Mary Axe, London, E.C.; and

Harbour Department,

Actg. Harbour Master—B. Longworth chow, Yokohama, Kobe, New York, San

Francisco, Seattle, Vancouver, Colombo,

Berthing Officers—W.

N. Porozotf and ShaoF.ShiO’Farrell,

Mai V. Los Angeles

Junk Office:

Siu Ting Kwan, assist, in charge Dollar *3Co., The & ^ *

Au lu Cheung—examiner Lumber and GeneralEgbert, Importers^!,Shipping,


Danish Consulate—(Nee Consulates) Kee Eoad; Cable Ad: Dollar

S. P. Healey, agent

Dairy Farm Ice and

Ltd.—Shameen; Cold12571

Teleph. Storage Co.,

^ & $8 H $ *

Davie Boag k Co.—20, French Con- DoLLARiSiEAMSHipLiNE—Cable

The Ad:agents-


cession; Teleph. 14008 (SeeKobert

DollarDollar Co., Kobret)

Co., The general

Tilt kin Draco Advertising Service—Ka Kam

Deacon & Co., Ltd., Merchants, Shipping Tong South; Teleph. 10750


H. S. Smith, managing director Ad :Deacon

E. A. Stanton, director Eurasia Aviation Corporation

L. B. Wood, director

D. H. Munro Station), Air Service—24, Wei Oi(Canton


Agencies West; Teleph. 15454; Eadiogram and

Hongkong, C. k M. Steamboat Co., Ld. sha, Cable Ad:

Hankow, 5526; also Stations

Chengchow, at Chang-



Peninsular and Oriental S. N. Co. Lanchow, Nanking and Shanghai

Prince Line

Eastern k Silver Line

k Australian S.S. Co., Ld. Office)

British-India S. N. Co.,

Co. (Apcar Line) H. C. Tang, station master


China FireAssurance

Insurance Co.,Ld.Ld. C.C. W.

S. Liao,

Kao, assist, staff


K. C. Liu, mechanician


Ewart & Co., Ltd., M. D.—64-65, B. C., Agencies:

Shameen; P. O. Box 35; Cable Ad: Gilman & Co., Ltd. (Wine Dept.)

Dillexport. Agents for-The Ben Line Hongkong

Steamers Ltd. Wm. C. Jack & Co., Ltd., Hongkong

S. Moutrie & Co., Ltd., Hongkong

Dutch Consulate—(See Consulates)

Ferrier, V. E. — 2, French Concession

.Fancy Goods Store, The, Importers, Shameen; Cable and

Teleph. 16175; P. O. Box 49;

Ad: Service


Motor 60,CarPakShow

Drapers and Outfitters. Also Groceries, Room Tse

Delicacies and Imported Fruits — 15, Road, Tung Shan; Teleph. 18273

F. C., Shameer. Agencies:

J. A. Gurvich, proprietor Insurance

Far East Chemical Factory—58, Tai The Manufacturers Life Insurance

Hong Road; Teleph. 15785 Company

The Ocean Accident & Guarantee

Corporation, Ltd.

Far East Commercial Co.—202, Look The Palatine Insurance Co., Ltd.

Yee Sam Road; Teleph. 14049 The Halifax, Fire Insurance Co.

The Fire Association of Philadel-

phia .

# a a ic Fa ma wei lum Motor Cars

Farmer & Co., William, Merchants Hillman

and Commission Agents — British Humber


Concession, Shameen; ‘Cable Ad: Hudson

Farmer Terraplane

W. R. Farmer

J. H. Ferguson Finnish Consulate—(see Consulates)

Agents for:

South China Morning Post French Consulate—(see'Consulates)

Hong Kong Telegraph

China Mail Frolich, Tselee & Co., Ltd., General

Hong Kong Sunday Herald Importers, Exporters, Commission

Agents—39, B.O., Shameen; p.O.

B Bo Be Box 86; Teleph. 10918; Cable Ad:

VFeld & Co., F., Engineers, Contractors, Artus : All Staridard Codes

H. J. Ffolich, managing partner

General Merchants —- 52-A, British Tse Chi Nam, do.

Concession, Shameen; Telephs. 10914; Lee Hon Cheung, do.

and 15239; Cable Ad: Feldbobe; Codes:


Carlowitz 5thGalland-Ingenieur,

and 6th edns., Engineer-

Bentley’s, Foo Kwok Coal Mining Co.,, Ltd.,

ing,Th.Mosse and dipl.-ing.

Mosse Suppl. Miners for Ahthricites and Soft

Janssen, manager Coal—Chung Kwai Road • Teleph.

O.M. Frese 12801; Radio: 6226

Hanke, Dipl-Ing.

Lam Tak Chui, compradore Fook Lee & Co.—-8, Luen Hing Road;

Teleph. 15601

ft # # ^ Fook Sing—33, ■ Sin Kee; Teleph.

Ferguson, Farmer & Co., Manufacturers 13491


Shameen; Teleph. — Victoria

13501 andBuilding,

12037; 1 Franco-Chinese , Savings Society—


VV. R.Ad:Farmer,

“Fergyce” or “Farmer”

partner 33, King Loong Road; Teleph.

J. H. Ferguson, do. 14702 i;

M. KorshoonofF

S. Smirnoff * French Mission—(see Missions) !«


'General Electric Co. of China, Ltd.

—.Mission Building, The; Bund, | Hogg (fe*


Teleph. 12783 j and Importers,'Commission Agents—19,

German Consulate—^ Consulates). jI British Hogg, Concession,Codes:

Shameen; Shameen;


5th edn.,,

Bentley’s, Acme, .etc..

A. V. Hogg, proprietor

m^ ^ m^®wm

Kwong Chow Sai Tai, Tack Kwok : Agents for.-

Tai Tuek Fong Acme Code Co., New York, U.S.A.

German Dispensary, Ltd', The (Deut-

sche Apotheke), Chemists k Drug- ilo see

gists, Certified Dispensers—38, West

Bund: Teleph. 10477 Holland - China ...Handelscompagnie,.

M. Muller, manager i .(Canton) N.Y.(Holland-China Trading

Agencies: II British

Co., (Canton}, Ltd.)Shameen;

Concession, MerchantsTeleph.

— 65,

K. Engelhard, Frankfurt 13867; Cable Ad: Holehihand

Dr. L. Oestreicher, Berlin W. Kien, (Rotterdam)

Dr. Kade, Berlin H. E. Bodde, do.

Luitpold-Werke, Muenchen J. Lam

J. Wierink,Wan;signscompradore

per pro.

Golden City Investment Co.—26, Sup Agencies She .

Pat Po; Teleph. 12744 Java-China Japatr Line

Great China Insurance Co., Ltd.— Holland Cost-Azie Lijn’’ (Holland-

35, New Bund; Teleph. 15429 East Asia

“ Philips ” Line)

Glowlamps, Eindhoven.

Great Eastern Hotel—226, The Bund; (Holland)

Teleph. 12400 - Hongkong & Shanghai Bank (See Banks)-

Group Chine k Qo. 9. French Con-

cession, Shameen; Teleph. 14355 ^!j San-chee-lee

lH J|3f See chegng Hongkong

Expopt, CantonInsurance,.

Import, Export Shipping—

Co. Ltd.,

Griffith (1932), Ltd., T. E., Raw Silk Ex- 33, British Concession, Shameen; Teleph.

13630; Cable Ad: Hocanexco

porters, General

and Insurance Merchants,

Agents Coble Ad:Shipping

Griffith C. Arnulphy, manager

M. A. Annett, director

P. Nipkow, do. (absent) fg m $ij & m

M. M. Annett, do. Ma la sai po

W. Seiffert, signs per pro.

D. Noronha “ Hongkong Daily Press,” Morning

Newspaper (Estab.

11, lee House Street (1st 1857)—Hongkong:

floor) and 480,

fl ^ Hing sing Hennessy Road; Telephs. 30251 and

Hannibal & Co., W. A., Export Merchants (night)

and Shippers—73,

Office: Hongkong B.C., Shameen. Head Press. London Agency: 53,1;Fleet

24511; P.O. Box CableStreet,




Man,Ipcompra. and mgr. E.C.Hongkong

4; Cable Ad:Weekly

SocotrinePress and


port Overland Trade Re-

Hanover Fire Insurance Co., New York Directory and Chronicle of

—-Missions Building, The Bund; China, Japan, Malaya, etc.

Telephs. 12311 and 16044; Cable Ad: Hongkong Daily Press, Ltd., &proprs.

Underiters Canton Agents: Koehler Co.—

American Asiatic

Inc., U.S.A., mgrs.Underwriters,

for the OrientFed. 19, British Concession, Shameen

Hing Yip Shipping Co.—68, Ngow 12407 “Asia”—West Bund; Teleph.


Chow Ngoi Street, Honam; Teleph. Under the management of the Sun

50107 Co., Ltd.


Hoi Chu Hoxti,—The.

J r ikmd; Teieph. \ Italian Consulate ($qe 'Consulates)

12941 * - “* 1 V-

Japanese Consulate (See Consulates)

Hop Chung : Electric Supplies—26.

Wai Oi Road, C.; TefepE. 12018 ']£ Ewo

Hup Chung Investment and Savings Jardine, chants

Matheson 4' Co., Ltd,, Mer-

Co.—Second West Bund; Teieph. Alex. E. Smith, agent

12342 A. M. da Luz |; R. D. Baptista

Hup ' Kwan Navigation .Col—0, Sam Tai Chung Haw Wharves

Hong, Po Shufen, Street^ West ^und; R. T. -Crowe, godown supt. ]

Teieph. 10660 ■ - ■ Agents for-.

Hutchison Indo-China S...N. Co., Ltd.

Building, &Shameen;

Cq;, JohUD.—Victoria Hotel

Cable Ad: Spero; .Canadian Pacific Steamships,, Ltd.

‘ •‘Gien” Line, Ltd.

Teieph. 12389 American & Manchurian Line .

P. C. Mooney Canton Iiisurarice 0fficevH

Wai Chun Ling I Kwok Hang Chiu HongWng Fire Tnsce. Co.

Chau Yui Chi [ Chow Chung Man

fi ?/f! Hiii gen

Huygen, G. E., Export, Iipport, Insurance Jardine Ltd.,

Engineering Corporation,

and Commission

cession; Teieph. Agent—2,

11495, French

P.O. Bpx s.Con-

112; JardengThe—Teieph/ 17171',: Cable Ad:

Cable Ad: Huygen; Codes used: A.B.C. Alex. E. Smith, signs per pro.

6th edn., Bentley’s, Acme aHd Private . Alex. Kidd, branch mahager


G. E. Huygeri, principal " Conant LeeJ salesdo.engiheet :

(I T. Feng,

O.H. Hechtel, signs the firm (Hongkong)

F.Meier, do.

Huygon (Svvatow) 'do.


^ m


TamHodapp Sui Topg, compradore . porters, &Machinery,

Go., I importers

Shipping and and Ex- In-

W. Huygen, engineer.' surance

Box 18 Agents—Shameen,

; Cable Ad : Jebsen B. C.;

; Codes P. O.:

A.B.C. 6th edn., Bentley’s

J. Jebsen, partner and(Aabenraa,

Acme ,j

' Yiiig sh(inf//pd na nify'yatig liteH'./ s 'Denmark) . ...

J. H. Jessen, do. (Hongkong)

■ t: j yu litien kuruj. nz , C. Offersen, signs per pro. .

Imperial Chemical Industries'(ChiiSta), H Schneider

Ltd. (Formerly Brunner, Mond cb Co. W. Nogaitzik | A. Andersem

China, Ltd.), Importers of Alkalies and Machinery Dept

Commercial and Industrial Chemicals— H. W. Henke



k 15978Avenue,

(Office);Shameen; Telephs. Dyes

5&)51-(Godown); Department

1 H.R.Pielcke,..

P. H.O. J.BoxD. 24;Lowe,


Ad: Alkali

manager Schiffler !| H. Langensiepen


C. A. Wright ■ iShippmg Dept.' . •■u.'frijje..)*

W, Nogaitzik ■ i . ■

International Assurance Co. Ltd.

(Incorporated under the Companies’ Johnson 1 Engineering Co. — 4,

Ordinances of Hongkong),

Marine, Life,House-

Fire, British I Con cession; Shameen; Tele$h.

holders.’ Motor-Car,

Insurance s-Baggage

MissionandBuilding; 11002; P.Codes:

engine; O. BoxA.B.C.

104; (.'able

6thAdedn.,: .Jolin-


The Bund; Teieph. 13760; Cable Ad: tley’s Covnplete jihrasej1 Universal Trade,

Brintasco Mosse and-Acme. '

F. Kraemer f:

International Savings Society CSee- . Leung Him >' >

Ijeung Yat Mup



|jt Sui Kee 5t •db

Johnson & Co., K., Import-Export— Kunst & Albers, General Merchants,,.

64-65, British Concession, Shameen; Engineers and Contractors—39, French

P.O. Box 35; Cable Ad: Luxoriens Concession,andShameen;

E. Dillner (Manager TechnicalTelephs. 15825

Dept.), 15825

E.L. A.Werner

Harneik (Extension: Bookkeeping Dept.),

(General Office and Compradore Dept.); 13414

P.HeadO. Office:

Box 3;Kunst

Cable& Albers,

Ad: Kunstalber.

Ka Wah Savings Bank, Ltd. (See Banks) Offices at: Shanghai, Nanking,Hamburg. Hankow,

Taiyuanfu, Hongkong.

Kailan Mining

Him Tai & Co., agentsAdministration Dr. Ing. K. L. Klingbiel signs ppa.

(Private Teleph. 11882)

H. R. Baist, signs i.V.

Karanjia, & Co., C. M., General Silk (Private Teleph. 70182)

Merchants C.E. H.

H. Yath

porters andand CommissionFrench

Importers—22, Agents,Con-

Ex- Baker

C.D. Y.Y. Fung

cession, Shameen: Teleph. 14006; Cable Ling

Ad: Patell K.K. Chow

H. Kwok

Kavarana, S. F., Merchant and Com- Lee Kwan Kon, Chinese sales-

,mission Agent

H. S. Kavarana

Agents for:

Kentwell, Lawrence K., —b.a.4, (Oxon), M.Nuernberg

A. N. Maschinenfabrik

A. G. Augsburg

ll.b., Barrister - at - Law Shakee G H H Gutehoffnungshuette,

Road; Teleph. 13842; P.O. Bex 26; Cable Oberhausen Rhld. A. G.

Ad: Kentwell Roechling Buderus Steel Works,,

Kin Shing Investment & Construc- Wetzlar

tion Co.—142, Tai Tak Road; Teleph. Flottmann A. G., Herne

14098 Messer & Co., Frankfurt a.M.

Sun Oil Company, Philadelphia

and many others.

K. D. Petroleum Co. of China, Importers


Petroleum Teleph.Products

10079; —P.86,O.B.BoxC., Sha-

105; Kwangtung, Silk Agency, Raw Silk

Cable Ad: Macmilpet Exporters

E. Ammann

Kwan Kwok Sze Shameen; —Teleph. 33a, British

15208; Commission,

Cable Ad:

S. H. Lai Silkagent

S.MaK.HungLai P. Servanin manager

Poon Hook Chee

M. P. Koo

Kwangtung Provincial Bank

m (Nee Banks)

Koehler & Co., Importers and Ex- Kwok Man Advertising and Fine


meen; Teleph.British 13238; Concession,

P. O. Box Sha- 39; Arts Go.—41, Tai Ping Road South,


A.Trade Ad

B. and : Koehlerco

C- Private ; used : 2nd floor ; Teleplh. 15407

6th edn., Acme,CodesUniversal

Agents for: Kwong Chow Hotel—161, Wing Hon

The Hong; Kong; Daily Press, Road North; Teleph, 15070


Directory and Chronicle of Kwong How University — 19, Man

China, Japan, Malaga, etc. Tak Road; Teleph. 10735


Xwong » Nam vakd—T'irtg Lon , ® * m & m K

Teleph;. 12032

Lingnan University (Cantop Christian


Amerfound iCablja Ad: Lingnanuni or

f? # ±

Lam & Co. J., Importers, Exporters, W. K. Chung, i.L.i)., and wife, president

Shipping and Commission Agents—23a, J. M. Henry, d.d., and wife, provost

B. C., Shameen; Teleph. 13624 P.O. Box W.tional

T. Chan, ph.d., and wife, educa-



Lam Ad: Jameslam


F. Koo,of agriculture

m.a., and wife, dean,

Lam Mat C.' college

N. Laird’ M.a.,andandsciences

of arts wife, dean,

Lammert & Son,' C. H., Fire and Marine K. H. Lee, m.sc., and wife, dean,

Loss Adjusters and Appraisers—British college of engineering


mert; Code: Shameen;

Bentley’s Cable Ad: Lam- K. Y. Wu, b.a., and wife, dean,

C.F. E.H. W.

Lammert college of business administration

Lammert Pauline Aiken, ph.D;, English

Loi Lip Mun, assistant Helen C. Banta, m.a., and wife,


Special Representatives H.history

C. Brownell, m.a., and wife,

Sun Life Assurance Co., of Canada W.college

W. Cadbury,

physician m.d., and wife,


W *1! J. D. Campos, ph.d., plant physiology

Li & Fung, Exporters, Importers, Geheral H. S. Frak, PH.D.,and wife, chemistry

Merchants and Insurance Agents—186- B. Fuson, m.a., Lingnan Science

188, Luk Yee Sam Road; Teleph. 12804; Journal

Cable Ad: Lifung; Codes:A.B.C.

Western GraceWesternGladstone,

school b.a., principal,

Union Telegraph, 5th edn., 5th G.tureW. Groff,.m.s., and wife, horticul-

& 6th & Improved Edition, Commercial

Telegraph & Cable Code: International Arthur C. Hayes, sericulture

Lugagne, Bentley’s, Private, Universal

Trade, Acme and Supplement, New Wm. E. Hoffmann, m.a., and wife,


Li To-ming, managing partner survey and entomology

Fung Pak-liu, do. A.R. Knipp, ph.d., and wife, physics

Fung Mrs. J. S. Kunkle, ph.d., English

Fung Hon-wai,

Hon-chu, signs do.

per pro. Baldwin Lee, p.h.d., and wife,

Western languages and literature

Leung Hung Piu, Au Kaison, Mrs. R. McCullough Mack, m.a.,




MissKwan Lun Ki,

Fung Lai-wa English


E. MacDonald, m.a.,“and wife,

s * m 1 A. McClure, ph.d., and wife,;

F. botany

Liang, Y. W., Architect and Civil F. botany

P. Metcalf, ph.d., and wife,

Engineer — 252, Yat Tak Road;

Teleph. 15464 H. B. Refo,sciene

m.a., and wife,. Middle

Y. W. Liang, b.sc., c.e., m.c.l.e. Sdhool

W. Schlapfer, German

Liang Hwang JVIotor Trading Co. Rudland

physicsShowell, B.sc., and wife,

—94-96, Fung Ning Road; Telephs. Ingeborg Stoles, b.a., secretary

13246 and

Ad: Liangmotor 14833; P. O. Box 108; Cable Ernest R. Tinkham, m.a., biology

K.C.C.Y.Chick, manager Franklin G. Wallace, ph.d., biology

Ma, asst, manager Mrs. Martha Hynes Wallace, b.a.,


D. C. Kwan, accountant

Distributors for : Frank S. Wilson, and wife, execu-

“ Chevrolet ” cars and trucks tive secretary for exchange

“ Goodyear ” tires and tubes students


m ± m Lok se li n Am %

Loxley & Co., (China)^ Ltd., W. E., Manufacturers Co., The—2,

Life Insurance

French Concession, Sha-

Merchants — Loxley House,

Teleph. 13557; Cable Ad: Loxley Shameen; meen; Teleph. 16175; P.O. Box 49; Cable

C.F. Meyer,

Nissen, asst.

manager Ad:

Canada Manulife.' Head-Office: Toronto,.

mgr. Y. E. Ferrier, Canton representative

H. F. Sze } Miss L. Tossan

Agencies: Masonic Club, Canton—Shameen

Wilh. Wilhelmsen Line President—A. Hoffmeister .

Royal Insurance Co., Ltd. Hon. Secretary and Treasurer—

Queen Insurance Co., Ltd. W. Roland Farmer

General Accident Life Assurance

Corpn., Ltd. McDonnell & Gorman, Inc., . En-

gineering Projects—268, The Bund;

£ n & H US Teleph. 12190; Cable Ad: Macdon

Luen Fung 3c Co-, Manufacturers and R.N. T.A. McDonnell,

Gorman, asst.gen.do.mgr.

General Exporters—13, Sun King Street;

Teleph. 11715; Cable AdTrade,

Codes: Acme,.Universal : Luenfung;

Bentley’s Melchers & Co., Importers, Export-

andFungPrivate ers, Shipping and Insurance

Yau Yan, managing partner Agents-—3% British Concession, Sha-

meen ; Teleph. 12841; Cable Ad:

Melchersco. Head ^Office: C. Mel-

Lyon, G. Edward, Attorney-at-Law chers & Co.. Bremen. Branches:

Shanghai, Hankow, Tientsin, Tsing-

(American) — 80, British Concession, tao, Swatowand Melchers, Inc.


Lyopco Teleph. 11285 ; Cable Ad: New York

Madier, Ribet et Cie., Raw Silk and MISSIONS


silk Code: Silk Exporters—Cable Ad: Madier-

Bentley’s. Shanghai, Can- American Bible Society—202 Municipal

ton,H.Yokohama and Lyons Bank Building; Cable Ad : Burkwall,


Madier, partner

A.J. Madier,

Ribet, doi do. . < \ British Episcopal Church Establish-

ment, Christ Church—Shameen

L.H. Laffond,

Demeure,signs, do.

per pro. Trustees

H.B.M.—The Bishop of Victoria,.

Consul-General, H.B.M.

Vice-Consul P. Jenkins, V. P.


#f$ Men na Waters

Manners Hon. Secy, and Treas.—L. B. Wood

porters and& Exporters,

Co., Ltd.,Shipping

John, andIm-


sion, Agents—62,

Shameen ; Cable British Conces- French

Ad : Manners;


Rt. Rev. Mgr. Fourquet, Bishop

Codes: A.B.C. 5th and 6th edns., Acme, A.R. R.Jarreau

F. F. C. Robert, Pro-vicar

Bentley’s and Universal Trade

John Manners, director (Hongkong) P.P. Fabre

Frayssinet A. Veyres

Wallace J. Hansen,, do, do. J. Lerestif

K. Kastmann, dp. do. C. Favreau P. Le Baron

L. Muhle, manager P. Chatelain.

■ C. Pierrat P. Seznec

F. L. Morel

R. Lasala

B. Herschend

N. O. Christensen

Agencies — Samchzng

East Asiatic Co., Ld. of Copenhagen Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd., Genera!


States Steamship

Andrew Weir & Co.Go, (Bank Line) Concession, Shameen; Cable Ad: Mitsui.

Head Office: Tokyo


IS ^5 Kip kee New Asia Underwriters—West Bund y

Mogra. 3c Co., E. R., Merchants Telepk 13541

and Commission Agents, Exporters New China Hotel—501, Tai Ping Road

and Importers, Jade a Speciality,

Oriental Art Wares, Antiques, South; Teleph. 15243

Chinese Old and Modern Em-

broideries—Shameen; P.O: Box 44; National City Bank op New York {See

Cable Ad: Mogra; Codes A.B.'G. Banks)

5th and 6th edns., Bentley’s and


E. li. Mogra National Commercial & Savings

Bank, Ltd.—(Nee Banks)

a X ® ^ Sha min Kung po Nielsen & Malcolm, Fire Loss Asses-;

Municipal Council—Shameen (B.G.) sors—3, Victoria Bldgs., Shameen;

Chairman—Y. P. Waters Cable Ad : Nielcolm, Victoria, Sha-

Yice-do. —J. B. Harrison meen

J. C. G. Fergusson

A. E. Smith

H. Staples Smith

Secretary, D.P.W. & ( C.S.P.- t fls iI5 * B

Comdr. E. M. Hunt, U.s.o., r.n. Nippon Yusen Kaisha—69, British Con-

(retd.) cession, Shameen; Teleph. 11004; Cable


Chief S.N.H.—Miss

LeongD. M. Brewster Ad: Yuen

Municipal Council, French Conces- M ^ ^ 'k


M. L. Eynard, Consul de France, Northern Feather Works, Ltd. (Nordisk

President Fjerfabrik A/S), Feather Merchants and

Members—M.M. H. S. Kavarana cession, Hydraulic Presspackers—British Con-

and J. Baylin Tai ShaShameen;

Tau, EastWorks andCable

Bund; Godowns:


Nam Ying Insurance Co.—42, Tai field’s, Chinaimport; Codes: Bentley’s, Scho-

Ping Eoad South; Teleph. 12450 Lieber’s, A.B.C., 5th edn. and




Wing Ip,manager


M. Bielunski

Nan yang Brothers Tobacco Co., Ltd.—

—The Bund; Teleph. 12009; Cable Ad: Norwegian Consulate (Nee Consulates


& m Mei-ya Olivecrona, G. W. D., Major (Royal

Swedish Corps of Engineers), c.e.,

National Union Fire Ins. Co.—Missions Engineer-in-Chief

Building, The Bund; Telephs. 16044 vancy Commission toforRiver Conser-



12311; Cable Ad:

Asiatic Underiters

Underwriters, Fed. Province, National Government

Inc.,U.S.A., managers for the Orient

Oriental Hotel—The Bund

Nestle & Anglo-Swiss Condensed

Milk Co.—19, French Concession,

Shameen; Teleph. 12255; Cable Ad: ,H » *6 @ IK *

Nestles Ta pan sheung shun hung sue

W. L. Thompson, managOr

New Asia Hotel—Tai Ping Road Osaka cessionShosen Kaisha—31,

Shameen; British Cable

Teleph. 12235; Con-

South; Teleph. 12602 Ad: Shosen. Head Office: Osaka


Pavri, K. S., and Sons, Merchants ft ^ H [PI 3T

and Commission Agents—Shameen; Rafeek & Co., Shipowners, Manufac-

P.O. Box 329 (Hongkong); Cable turers, Importers and Exporters, Com-

Ad: Kasopa mission Agents and Manufacturers'

K.J S. Pavri | J. K. Pavri Representatives—27-28, French Con.,

j . K. Pavri j S. K. Pavri

Bustom K. Pavri, signs per pro. Shameen;


Cable Ad: Rafeek; Codes;

A.B.C, 5th edn., Bentley’s and

Peter Music Co., Manufacturers of Private

Pianos, Organs, and Musical In- A. E. M. Rafeek

struments—214, Wing Hon Road; Agencies S. Rafeek

Teleph. 14605; Cable Ad; Petermusic; Slazengers, Ltd.

Code used: Bentley's Stafford Allen & Spns,^Ltd.

Ping On Custom Broker Oo.—ip, M. Naef & Co., Ltd.

Luen Hing Road; Teleph. 11383 Leslies Ltd.

Dubarry Perfumery Co., Ltd.

Portuguese Consulate—(Nee Consu- Walter M. Lowney;& Oo., Ltd.

lates) United States Rubber Export Co.,


is & ts m m m fa ^ Tai wo

Post Office

Kwangtung Dist. — Head Office: Reiss, chants,

Massey &. Co., Ltd., Silk Mer-

Importers, Exporters and

Canton; Cable Ad: Postos

Telephs. Mail Dept, and Enquiries Engineers—Cable

W. J. Scotcher,'

Ad: Josstree

manager (signs

11401, Savings Bank 13814, Admin- per pro.)

istrative Depts. 13816 and District F. L. Lees, acting manager

Accountant’s Office 17313 J. H. O’Brien

Commissioner—F.1 A. Nixon Chan Hin Shu

District Deputy Coinmissibner— Lam,' Hing Yan

Lai Ki Hong Lam Wai Wood

Acting Deputy Commissioner (Dis-

trict Accountancy)—G. W. R. :

de Sercey . f| Looling

Acting Deputy Commissioner (In- Reuter, Brockelmann & Co., Importers,

land Control Office)—Fog Bong Exporters, Shipping, Machinery, In-


General Supervisor—Chung Tat- surance37,

and Commission Agents—Office:



Secretaries—Li Po-chi & Lee Tsz Wa Ad: Heyn; AllBritish


Codes Cable

Postmasters — Tang Chak-cheung H. Rothkehl,

O. Plate, signs

per pro.pro., mgr.


(Shameen) ■ H. Griem,signs do.

Deputy Commissioner — C., E. C. Hey sen j H. Wenzle



(Namhoi, Fatshan) Reuters, Ltd.—85., B.C., Shameen;

Chan Hing (Kiungshan, Kiung- Telephs. 11.221, 12233, 14679 (Office),

15474 (Manager); Cable Ad: Reuter

chow; , Wilfred Ling, manager

Progress Company, The—Shameen;

Teleph. 14005; P.O. Box 42. Head

Office; Gloucester Building, Hong River tConservancy

« 31 m © * se

Commission for

Kong Kwangtung Province, National

Radio Electrons, Ltd.—72. S'up Pat Government. (Formerly Board of

Conservancy Works of Kwangtung)

Po, Sun Street; Teleph. 11171 —White Cloud Road (opposite Oan-

Retail Sellers of ton-Kowlpon Railway Station);

Majestic Radio Teleph. 11437; Cable Ad: Conser-

R. O. A. Radiotrons vanc ; Code used : Bentley’s


Residential Members^—Lum Wan m m

Koi. Lum Yick Chung & Woo Schmidt & Co., Microscopes, Optical

Ngnai Sang

Members—Sun Fo', Chan Chak, and Electro-medical Apparatus, Hos-

Shia Fa Tseng, Lo Yick Kuan, pital, Supplies.

U niversity and Laboratory

Chemicals and Pharmaceutical

Chan Chai Tong, Chan Yung, Preparations— 0/24, Ching Yuen Maloo;

Woo Kai Yin, Liu Chi Wen and P.O. Box 47; Teleph. 13793;

Tang ,Ching Young Schmidtco

Acme, Codes:

Mosse A.B.C.

Supplement 6th,Cable Ad:


Chief of General Department— P. Schmidt, proprietor (Tokyo)

Tam Hon P. A, Schenk, manager

Chief of Engineering Department L.A. O.Genrich

Rohrbacher| Mrs. G. Krasselt

—James C. Huang

Engineer-in-Chief — Major G. W. Agencies :

D. Olivecrona, C.E.

Assts.—T. H. Fan and W. S. To E. Leitz—Optical Works, Wetzlar

Harbour Engineer—W. P. Lee, Microscopes, Optical Instru-

B.S., C.E. ments, etc.

Sanitas, Berlin—Electromedical


Sacred Heart College (College du Sacr^ Jetter & Scheerer — Tuttlingen

Coeur)—Tai San Street, New City Surgical Instruments

F. W. Breithaupt & Sohn—Cassel

Salt Revenue, District Inspectorate Surveying Instruments



Telephs. of 11052,


13446 and The Shameen Lawn Tennis Club


Cable Ad: Inspector—Tang

Diate President—H. Phillips, o.m.g.,o.b.e.

District Hsuan Chairman—C, E. Whitamore

Co- do. —R. D. Wolcott Hon. Secretary—C. A. Wright

Chief Secretary—Li Kai Tsung Hon. Treasurer—J. C. G. Fergus-

Chief Accountant—Chen Pao Jui son

First Accountant—Cheng

First Secretary—Cheng Shao Hsi

Tsung-yung Shameen Telegraph Station—98, B.O.,

Shameen; Telephi. 16208

fir # #r OJ §| ^ Kee chong

Sander Wieler & Co., Importers and Shewan, Tomes & Co., Merchants—B.C.,


British Commission

Concession, Agents —^71,

Shameen; Teleph. Shameen; Teleph. 10937; Cable Ad:

14005 ; Cable Ad : Sanderdo; Codes : Keechong

A.B.C. 6th and Acme Siemens

A. Sander, partner

H. Dobernecker, manager Branch),China Co., Ltd.

Electrical (Canton

Engineers and

Machinery Department: Contractors—17, B.C., Shameen;

E. L. Greyer, Dipl. Ing. Telephs. 16726 and 10929

Agents for: Siemssen & Co., Import and Export Mer-

Magdeburger Feuer Yersicherungs- —75 chants, Insurance and Shipping Agents-

gesellschaft and 75a, B. C., Shameen; Codes:

N.“ Brabantia

Y. Amsterdamsche Leder Mij. All Standard

W. Eckert, signsI perA.pro.

” H.

R. Ditmar Bruenner Bros. Ltd.


Demonand ” andLamps

“ Maxim ” Heaters, W. Rode

Brunke | G. Arndt Helmold


Lamp-Glass Lausitzer Glaswerke

& Domestic A. G. Sincere


Co., Ltd., The—The Bund;

Teleph. 12702; Cable and Radio Ad::

“ Olympia ” Portable Typewriters Sincere; Head Office: Hongkong;.

“Hansa Lloyd” Diesel Trucks Capital $10,000,000.

Ma Man Chung, manager

“Magirus” Small Motor Fire Ma Ting Yui, sub. manager

Engines “Goliath” Lo Tai Yue, do.


Sincere Insurance & InvesmentCo.,Ltd.. Appareillage Gardy S.A.,

Installation Material < Electric

. The—1,

Head Office:SincereHoiigko'

First nStreet,

g, and'The10 iiund;

^Other Landis & Gyr, Electric Meters

Branches; Capital $l,ti00,0b'0\' Swiss Car & Elevator Manufac-

turing Corpn., Ltd.

Sinci+re Life Insurance; Lq.,. Xto., The Swiss Locomotive and

Establissements Machine S.Works

Benninger A.,

— 1, Sincere First Street, The Bund;Head Textile Machinery

Office: Hongkong; Capital $3,000,000

The Sincere Cc>., Ltd.;,-general pigrs. Adolphe. Saurer Ltd/; Textile

Machihery and ' Diesel Busses

Societe Commercials Asiatique, Im-

porters and Exporters

Shameen; • T'eleph. 10930; Cable,. Ad: B.C., ^ || Mei Foo

Socom. Branches: 'Paris & H’kong., Standard-VactJum Gil Company—Cable

F. Sireyjol, manager

. . Chan Abk Ekm, manager (Paris)' ' ' ’' ' ‘ A,d: Standvae ,,

B:'B. Anthony, manager

South China ChristiaIn Book i Co.— H. de V. Booten

2, ©Mu Yam Street; Teleph. 11802 S. B. Winram

C. E. Sandstrom, accountant

. „ A. E. Osmund

L. E.yde Sousa '

South China Estate Investment Co. H. W. Mills, sUpt., installation

—Man • Fdok' Hoad; Teleph. ‘127!L4 A. F. McCormick, asst. do.

South China News Agency — 257, Strong & Co., Exporters and Commission

Chung Wah- Load; C-; Teleph. 12661 Agents-r-rOffice: Shameen; Cable8,- Ad:British Concession,

Chinaforce,; all

South China v Oil TIefinI'nG Co.—Ka Standard H. Codes manager. , ■ ■ *


NanP Tohg, , Tai Ping Road; Teleph. G. Plate, signs per pro. •

14017' H. .Griem, do.

South China, Trading po,.—17, F.C., Studt i &' Co., Export-Imjwirt-J’ln-

Shameen'; Teleph; 10959 gineering — 16, F. C., Shameen;

Hongkong: China Building: Cable

Southern Dispensary—58, Po Wah Ad: Sudcp; Cpdes-::' Acme, Mosse,

Mai op; Toleph, 12689: A.B.C. StM'edri-.; Bentley'& Private

J. Schaebt, managing partner

fll fhl ' Tung wo : D.-Sohacht, do. :

H. Yollmers, signs per pro.

Spaiinger & Co., s.a., U., Silk Mer- K. P. Hui, do.

i chants,

ters, CenerafMachinery,

General • Ex porters and Impor-

Mechanical Chan. Wai Yin, do.

(joint signature)

and Ele.ctric—t-Tfeleph. • 10814;. Cable Ad:

Spalinger, Shameen H. Tbhg, ■ do.

U. Spalinger, director Hamburg Office: Bavkhof Haus I.

• A. M.Hoffn leister,

Gavin, signsdo.per pro., , , Sun Co., Ltd., The—Department

sR.-Gatternigg, engipeer Store, West Bund and Wai Gil Road;

General Agents : Telephs. 12704 & 10590; Cable Ad:

Baloise Fire Insurande Co., Basle . Taisun .

A gents:

“ Helvetia ’ Swiss Fire Insurance Co., Sun Hing Steamship Co.—The Btfnd;


.-St, Gall,, Switzerland

Machinery^ Agents -. • ... .

Ateliers de Construction ' Oerlikon, Sun Wah Hotel—Ka Naam Tong,

Tai Ping Road South; Teleph. 12981

Turbines &

Electric Machines Turbo Generators,

Escher Wyss Engineering Sun Y'at Sen University—Man Ming

Ltd., Hydro-Electric & SteamWorks,Plants Road!


yj'C. Wing Ming is m m % m

,Sun Life Assurance Co., of Canada— Wic tor li Tsau tim

86, British Concession, Shameen

"(Special Representatives: ! C. , H. Victoria Teleph.

Hotei—British Con., Shameen;

ijioOl;' C^ld Ad.: Victoria

Lammevt & Soil)

F. E. \V. Lampaert, special re- ; W. R.

11 Farmer, proprietor

J. Jones, manager

presentative Yeuhg Yde Sdn^dcompradore

Miss F. Y. C. Wu, James Hum,'

David R. Ong, Ho Kin Hon, &

Miss T, Wong, agents m m * & & u

Swiss Consulate {See Consulates) Wat sun sz tai yeuk fong

Sworn Measurer’s Office—54, Shatueen; Watson & Co., Ltd., A. S., “The Can-

Cable Ad: Measurer ton Dispensary,”,

gists, , Acrater! Water.Cheniists and Drug-


T. Lineker , ' Wine and Spirit Merchants. . . .

Tavauia' & FutakIa, Bill, Bullion, Share, Y. P. Waters,.uianager .

Stock aiid'General ErdReri—•Shameen; J. Jones j Miss A. Prata. '.

Cable 'Ad : TavaB,ia;; Telephs. 11300, . Agencies A. Li. Inkster j Mias A. Lee .

■. j, Js,

5th and (5th edhs., ' Bentley’s Al, ■ Dewars . ■-

iigO'S' and / JlOSb-; C.dKes: A.B’.C. (White Label)'

Leiber’s and Private Coca Cola

B. C. Tavadia I E. C. Tavadia Western Hotel—The Bund; Teleph.

N. B, Futakia | J. N. Patel j 12430 , ■ E

^ ^ ^ A * i ti ,i: Wo Hing "Hong Silk Corporation

Tih- tee-kw- ho -you- haig '-sze Raw

B.C., and Waste Silk

Shameen; Teleph.Dealers—32, B.C.,

-13624; Cable

Texas Co. (China), Ltd., ThE, Petroleum' 1 Ad: Wohingsilk

and 'its Products,'' Ker' d setidi

Lubric'atiDg Oils, ’ 'Roofing ' MateH'fils; , ’ . and

Wax, Asphalts'

Shanghai Batik, etc.-

Bldg.;-Hong Kong13558;

TelepR. and World Trading Co. -18, Sup Pat Po,

Cable Ad: Texaco,1 Shameen " North; Teleph. 12044'

II. S. Chuck, in-charge ' .

E. J. M. Rozario, accduntant YeeLtd.—Telephs,. Tsoong : Tobacco Distributors^

M)213 & 15819; Cable Ad;

Tung - Shan Recreation Club —Tung- Powhattan J. p.. Maedemortt,; division mgr.

shan; Teleph.-18076

£ ^ % A & ® # £: J* Yien Banks)

Yieh Commercial Bank—{See

n & Wt ® m

TJnion. Insurance Society of. Canton, Yokohama Specie Bank—(Yee Banks)

Ltd., Fire and Marine ln.sp.rR.uce-

Lpxley Building, 50, British Gohcpss^pn,

Shameen, .Cable Ad: Union

E. A. Brodie, Acting Bran,ch Mgr. Young Men’sCable


Bund; Christian Association—


, 1, .. :


Treasuter—N. CIChueLinn . ' , '

Raw Silk, Silk Piece Grodds, Fire- ' Recording Secretary—K. M. Wong

crackers,, Matting & all Products

54, French Concession,' Tel. 14181 j .Secretaries—E, H. Lockwood, U. K-

Cable Ads: Piroshah & Yasiunia Chu and Y. L. Lee




This is the inclusive name given to the Chinese Maritime Customs stations,

adjacent to Hongkong and established in 1887 in accordance with the Chefoo-

Agreement of 1876 and its Additional Article of 1885 for the purpose of recording,

the movement

junks betweenofHongkong

opium andandof Chinese


duty on the trade

In 1899, whencarried on byTerritory

the New Chinese

was taken over by Hongkong, the Customs stations were removed from

former locations, which had been brought within the British boundary, and the present their

Samun (Tooniang), besides which there are a number of frontier patrol posts on and

stations are situated at Taishan, Lin tin, iShumchiin, Shatowkok, Shaiichung, the=-

north shores of Deep and Mirs Bays and between the two bays.

Trade in 1934

The following are the figures for the value of the direct foreign trade of

Kowloon during the year under review, with comparative statistics for the

preceding year: imports, 75.1 million dollars as against 96.6 million in 1933;,

exports, 5.5 million dollars as against 3.9 million dollars. Owing to its proxi-

mity of Hongkong, Kowloon ranks in importance next to Shanghai and Tientsin

in regard to the volume of direct importations from abroad, and it might be


in the valuethat ofa decline amounting

this section of thetoport’s

21.5 million dollars,

trade must haveor some

over serious

22, per cent.,,


mercial significance, yet it can be accounted for with something to spare simply


the previous year. Both crops in the area served by the port were good,in

the fact that one commodity, rice, was imported in lesser quantity than

particularly the second one, which was considered to be the finest for many

years, and this circumstance, in combination with the extra taxation imposed

on foreign rice by the provincial authorities, had the natural effect of curtailing,

purchases from abroad. In consequence, only 2.7 million quintals valued at 27

million dollars entered the port as compared with 5.3 million, quintals valued

at 51.4 million dollars in the previous year, a net. saving of 24.4 million dollars...

There was a downward trend in the trade in other items besides rice, and one

of the most important of these items was kerosene, which registered a further

decline in value amounting to 2.9 million dollars. The development of the

kerosene-distilling industry in Kwangtung was commented upon at some length

inby the last report,

provincial Thisasindustry

taxation has high

well as the now import

grown tariff,

to suchthat


there is noprotected


any market for the imported article in the Liang Kwang provinces. The

gradual strangulation of this trade is best illustrated by the following quan-

titative statistics for importations at Kowloon during the past three years :■

1932, 45.4 million litres; 1933, 19.7 million litres; and the year Under .review,.

0.2 million litres. Extensive purchases of machinery for three of the new

sugar refineries established by the provincial authorities of Kwangtung, and

greater arrivals than usual of textile and various other classes of machinery,

liquid fuel, and salt fish helped to offset some of thfe losses sustained by the

import account. Exchange rates were favourable (in the immediate sense) to

the import trade in that Canton silver currency (bank-notes continued to fall

in value until May, but thereafter recovered to some extent) appreciated con-

siderably vU-a-vis the Hongkong dollar, and the latter currency steadily



appreciated in turn -Ms-a-fis sterling, European moneys in» general, the United

States dollar, and the Japanese'yen. The rate of Hongkong dollars in Canton

silver money rose from Civnton $1.50 in January to $1.30 in September,.'closing

in December at about $1,368... The; average T. T. rate between Hongkong and

Shanghai was Shanghai $112 3/16 per Hongkong $100; and the average Hong-

kong dollar T.T. rates for foreign currencies were: sterling, Is. 6 3/16d; French

francs, 581 3/8; U.S. dollars, 38 3/16; and yen, ; 128 1/S. The 41 per cent,

increase in the not very significant export statistics was due chiefly to. the

reversion of the Swabue station.to the control of the Kowloon Commissioner and

the consequent inclusion of the shipments from that district in the returns for

Kowloon. The trade of the Colony of Hongkong declined still further during

the year under review, the val ue of imports, including cargoes originating in

China, being declared at $415.9 million, as against $500.9 million in 1933,

$624 million in 1932, and $737.7 million in 1931; while the declarejl .value of

exports was $325.1 million, as .against $403.1 million in 1933, $471.9 million in

1932, and 542 million in 1931.


II H Kow loon kwan Shroffs—Chou Yueh-chih, Pao Yao-

-Chinese Maritime Customs (Kowloon & ch’ien,

Hui-ch’uCh’en YaO-tsu and Hsieh

Floor, York Building, Address:

District)—Hong Kong Chater Third

Road Medical

Wan ChikOfficers—G.

Hing D._ R. Black

' and

Central;Telephs.28491/6;Cable Ad: Code Chief Tidesurveyor—W. J. Fulker

Hongkong Boat Officers—J. H. Gibbons and

Commissioner—A. S. Campbell C. W. E. Furey

Deputy Commissioner—E. Bathurst Appraiser—C. H. Fuller


Kwok Ching, Chanlii LeungShang, Sing,

Pun Examiners—C. Finch, J. G. Foot,


S. Archer, HuangTeh

Wen, Gong Hsi Siang

Ch'i, Chin

and , Cheung Shui FuSun

Lo Shiu


Chi, Feng Hgiang,


Ho TakJ. FaiL,

Lui Shiu Sai Boyes, R. G. Ward, F. K. Turner,

.Stenographer—Miss M. J. Pearl J. C. Townsend, A. J. Mgnn, G. W.

Clerks—Chan Tung,Chung

Tsao Kwok-lum,

Shih Wen, Chisham, T. R. Kennedy,

Ts’oi Yam Shu,

Chan Shiu Man, Fong Young, J. R. Haddock, L. A. E.Mullett,


Chang, Li Min-an, Tsang Chia E. Maxwell-Hoiroyd and

Southern Commander: Main Area51 Chinese.


Kin-woo, Fung Ki Sheung,

I, ChanWong No. 4—G.

Tang Kwei

Shau, Wong Chit Chiu, Tang Kuo

Yik Second OfficerFindsen

“B” (on special duty)

Chun, Chen Ching Hao, Kwan —A. Pittendrigh S. Russell

Marine Surveyor—A.

Ping-cho, Chang Ping-nan,

Si-ling, Tong Koon Chu, Cheung Liang Engineer on Special Duty—H. Cairns

King Marine

CheungClerks — Ip Kun Im and

Kwok Chiu, David Shou-hwo,

Chu, Hwang Tim Hung,Fan Ip King San

Wireless Supervisors—R. Wrorthing-

Chung Nga, Ma Kwok Wing and ton and Loh Sier Hao

Leung Wai-Dak Wireless Operator at Head Office—


Do-yuan Chin-hsun and Feng Tso Pee Hong

Copyists—Wang Chien-lun, Tseng

Tung Preventive Vessels:

Yen-nien, Ho-shui-yuan, “ Likin ”

Lien-i, Ch’en Feng-sheng, Feng Ju- Commander—Liu Cheng Moo

ching, Teng Ch’ung-po, Ko Chung- 1st Officer—J. M. Ovans

Oming, HuangYu-ch’ing, Liang I- 2nd Officer—J. F. C. Bartley

p’eng and Shih Chung-1 u Wireless Operator—Lo Ping Sun


' Chuentiao ” “ Cheongkeng ”

Officer—R. Wolfenden

Commander—A. E. Arntzen “ Kwanlui ”

..1st Officer—T. Malcolm

2nd Officers—J. Douglas and Fei | Officers-in-charge

Andersen — P. H. E. H.-

Chao Chi “ Hsunkuan"

1 Wireless Operator—Ong Sze Chin Officer-in-charge—R. S. Taylor

Soohsing ” “ Hsunhai ”

Officer-in-charge—D. L. Campbell Officer in-charge—Tsa Poo Hang


Yuan D. Barrett and Wong “ Kowloontsai”

Wireless Operator—Keh Chong Sui Officer-in-charge---A. J. Mann

Chahsing” “ Haikuan No. 49 ” R. Kennedy


Officer-in-charge — G. Cook “ Haikuan No. 51 ” K. Turner


Officers Officer-in-charge—F.

Lau — J. H. Davis and Lai “Haikuan No. 57”

Wireless Operator—Fong Tse Yang Officer-in-charge—L. A. Mullett


Lappa is the large, hilly island which shelters the inner harbour of Macao on its

western side. It is also called by the Chinese Kung Pak of Tui Lien Shan, and by the

Portuguese Patera Island.

Chungshan Magistrate The island

(at Shekki) itself,no which

possesses featuresis ofwithin the jurisdiction

interest; but it has ofgiven


its name to the chain of stations under the control of the Chinese Maritime Customs

which were established around Macao, by agreement with the Portuguese Government,

in the year 1887. Of these stations the two principal—from a revenue collecting point


view—are at Malowchow, an islet close to Lappa and Chienshan, north of Green

The net

3,592,588 value ofandtheSt.trade

for Imports passingfor the

$1,297,705 Lappa The

Exports. stations in 1934 wasfigures

corresponding C. G. for


the year 1933 were C. G. U. 9,336,426 and St. $1,051,616 respectively



Gate toby Shekki,

the Ki-Kwan Highway business

a flourishing Companycentreof the ofmaintheroad fromShan

Chung the

District was completed during the beginning of the year 1932. Through traffic was

officially inaugurated, and excellent services have been maintained.


1ft Kanj pak ktcan Tidesuryeyor—R. E. McNeale

Chinese Maritime Customs (Lappa Boat Officers — P. E. Pogodin, W.


Macao Avenida Republicas, P.Uttirig,

Lee andJ. S.Cheung


Lee Tak

So Hung,

Commissioner—Y. Examiners — L, V. Coates, Lin Lai

Assists.—Yu Kwai,H.HoJ.Chan


Hua, Ho Twan, D. Mazzararella,

Chuen, Chuen, Chang ChiuIpandLai


Pao Shen,

Lan Hsueh Li Chao Yuan and Kuan Shiu Yeung

Clerk of Works—M. V. Budnitsky


PJ ^ Kong moon

Kongmoon was added to the list of treaty ports on 7th March, 1904, in accordance

with the stipulations

established, of Article

but withdrawn X. of the

in 1905. Mackay Treaty.

Kongmoon is locatedA some

British Consulate

three miles upwasa


in Lat.on22°the WestX. River,

34' 49" and Long. in the113Kwangchow

8' 53" E., andPrefecture

is about 45ofmiles

the Kwangtung

distant fromProvince


70 from Canton and 87 from Hongkong. The creek on which it is built connects the

West River with the sea at Gaemoon, and is a narrow and tortuous stream, the lower

reaches of which, near the main river, are lined with rafts, while further up in the

vicinity of the

navigation for town it is difficult

steamers crowdedatwith all native

times, craft of every description,

but especially so when thethuscurrent



fast during the summer months. The steamer anchorage is in the West River at the

mouth of the Creek, opposite the- Chinese Maritime Customs, but

in the port limits. The population of Kongmoon is about 55,000, and it has the the town is Included

appearance of being a more populous centre, as it extends for a considerable distance

on both banks of the stream. Formerly it was a business centre of considerable

importance, but various causes have arisen which appear to have lessened its com-

mercial standing and interfered adversely with the general prosperity of the port.

It was generally considered that the proximity of Kongmoon to Hongkong and

Macao andprefectures

southern its favourable

of thesituation


an outletwellandfordistributing centre for and

its future prosperity the

development. 'This was, to some extent, true, but it should be remembered that

facts have arisen which have tended to diminish rather than increase its commercial


and was the real Formerly

outlet itandenjoyed direct communication

distributing With Shanghaidistrict

centre for the south-western and Foochow

of the

delta and the Southern prefectures of the 'province. The development of Hongkong

and the opening of Kiungchow and Pakhoi as treaty ports,, however, have seriously

interfered with the junk trade and general welfare of the port, and have:,, besides,

opened up otherAttrade

their supplies. presentroutes

thereto are

districts hitherto that

no indications dependent upon Kongmoon

the sanguine for ,


based upon imperfect knowledge, entertained concerning the over-estimated commer-

cial possibilities of the place will be speedily, if ever, realized. There is daily steam


inland Waterswith Hpngkong,

Steam and considerable

Regulations arrive andnumbers

departof daily.

vessels trading

There under the

are also--

several large junks trading regularly to Hong Kong, Macao, and,the Island

of Hainan. A railway from Kongmoon to Tpushan on the( coast,, a disfanpe--,

of; about 80 miles, was constructed in 1909-10 under the supervision of native’


take the line trained




it stops shortoutsixamiles,

laying from pn

new town the,th©


as. to

front and

means ,of adredgiirg operations.

pontoon ferry at NgauwanThe train nowbutcross

(H- i®). tlm the South-Westof River

construction by

a bridge-

across the river between Tanshuihau (m/jcnj and Kungyikfou ( &-@^L )was

commenced in 1931. t>-

Due to financial difficulties, the construction work of this bridge was

delayed and could not be finished at the end' of 1934 as was anticipated.

Though report has it that the work will be completed in June 1936 simultane-

ously with the loop line from Suchin ( t] $1 ) to Tanshuihau ( 1^. zk 0 ), it,

however, remains to be sepm The completion, of, the bridge will enable

freight trains to,be run between Kongmoon. and Toushan, which the present

light pontoon ferry does not admit of. A branch line of the/Sunning Railway

was opened in 1920 from Toishan ( ■& (Jj ) to Raksha ( Q ). The Company

maintained a. regular. Service between Pakkai and'Toushan during 1934 and

declared to, have made a profit of $93,000 on the year’s working.


With unremitting efforts of the provincial authorities and the co-operation

of the people in the interior, a few hundred miles of highways have been

completed during recent years in the districts around Kongmoon. Places a

journey to which took one to travel in many days formerly can now be* reached

within a few hours. Of all hhe highways that connect with Kongmoon, the

most important one is that which links up this port with Fatshan known as

Kongmoon—Fatshan Highway ( jl # fa' ). This road runs through

populous and richly cultivated districts. Regular motor-bus services are

maintained throughout fhe year. A journey from Kongmoon to Fatshan takes

5 hours only which might again be shortened to less than hours, should the different

sections of the road be linked up by bridges instead of by ferry boats which are being

employed in crossing fevulets transversing the districts in which the road is


A telegraph office was opened on the 8th December 1907 in the town, arid

in November 1911, in the Settlement, and telegraphic communication is now

possible with the Fatshan office. Long distance telephones on the overland

telegraph lines between Kongmoon aiitl Canton, Shekki (7T ft) and Yeung-

kong ( l^- ) were completed in the early part of 1933 and have been open to

communication. In order to bring this port into closer touch with Canton,

itof isradiophone

reported that contemplations

system will bewithmade

linking Canton before longTheforestimated

Kongmoon. the installation

cost of

ihe project is reported to be $100,000.

Trade in 1934

Due to continued unemployment in Canada, America, etc., and to the

anti-Chinese movements in Mexico, remittances from Chinese emigrants

aggregated 1 or 2% of the amount in a normal year. Farmers, in their

constant efforts to . obtain cash, were obliged under unsaleable conditions, to

market their goods at low selling prices. The returns for silk and for general

agricultural products fell short, in most cases, of the outlay incurred in their

production: thus the rural population were reduced to poverty. As the

outcome of decreased receipts from the&e principal sources, the general pur-

chasing power became further weakened, trade was further paralysed and the

already stringent financial situation was more acute throughout the year.

Trade advances are extremely difficult to be obtained, the rate of interest fori

which appreciated from 7% per mensem in May and June to 12% in November

and December. Deposits in native banks were withdrawn either for distrust,

or for supplying personal needs necessitated on account of the non-receipt of

remittances from abroad, resulting in the failure of most of the native banks

in the hinterland. By the end of the year, business in all lines was reported

to have been losing. These being the state of affairs, direct foreign imports

fell off in value from 17.8 million dollars, or approximately 60%. Owing to

the economic depression abroad, exports of native produce, too, although

offered at cheap prices revealed no improvements. With this adverse factor

remaining, matters were not ameliorated by the introduction,, in June, of a

new Export Tariff with duties on certain articles reduced or exempted, as the

case may be. Based on the export statistics of foreign trade for 1933, the

annual loss to the export duty at this port, in consequence of the working of

the new Export Tariff, is computed at approximately $83,000.

The total value of the port’s trade in 1934 was Standard $15,009,000, as

compared with $25,134,000 in 1933, Standard $28,734,000 in 1932, and Standard

$26,912,000 in 1931.

The principal articles of export consist of prepared tobacco, joss-sticks,


are largely paper, palm-leaf

represented fans, wheat

by rice, fresh flour,


and fresh vegetables;

sulphate imports

of ammonia,

and foreign sundries. Large quantities of softwood poles are floated down

in the form of rafts, which are dismantled here. These mostly come from

beyond Wuchow and also from North River. The yearly value of this branch


of the trade is quite considerable. Paper is manufactured by the

Kongmoon Paper Mill. The unique opportunities presented for transport by'

the unrivalled waterways of the delta have been well developed by native

enterprise, and there is a large and lucrative passenger trade with Canton,

Fatshan, Sancheong, Hongkong, Macao, etc. Large roomy native passenger

boats of modern types equipped with electric lights and towed by powerful

launches are engaged in this trade. The surrounding country is picturesque,,

fertile and highly cultivated, and the inhabitants are prosperous and indus-

trious. Rice is, of course, the principal crop, and it is milled locally, but

mulberry shoots are extensively cultivated for sale in the silk-producing

centres, and large quantities of fresh vegetables are exported to supply the

Hongkong market.


Asiatic Petroleum Co. (South China), PostPostmaster—Su


Hsiieh Jen

Ltd., The—Cable Ad: Petrosilex

A. Prismall, manager

Yuen Chan Fai, chief asst. Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.—Cable Ad:.

Lo Pak Keung, chief clerk Standvac

Seung Kai Hong, manager

^ & mm m ^ Texas Co. (China), Ltd., The, Petroleum

China Underwriters, Ltd., Life and Products—Cable Ad: Texaco

General Insurance — 120, Sheong On Ho Heung On

Road. Head Office: Hong Kong

Agent—Lui Seng Yoon United Church of Canada Mission

Rev. T. A. Broadfoot, b.a., b.d.,

Customs, Chinese Maritime secty. and treas.

Commissioner—Yang Ming Hsin Mrs. T. A. Broadfoot, r.n.

Assistants—Lo Man-chung, Leung Miss F>. M. Cairns

Im and Chen Kan Sze Rev. W. R. McKay, m.a., b.d. and

Medical Officers—V. Cheung and J. R. wife (on leave)

Lind Dr, V. Cheung (on leave)

Tidesurveyor and Harbour Master— Miss M. Carroll (Canton)

G. H. White Miss R.I). N.McRae,

Isaac, r.n.

Boat Officers—Chiao Tung

Wong Hop Wo, Wu Hai Chun Chin, Rev. b.a., b.d. (Shek Kei^

and Shih U Chuen Mrs. McRae (Shek Kei)

Examiners—D. A. Carlos, Li Sui Dr. J.

(Canton)O. Thomson M. D. and wife

Nan and Li Ka-ii Dr. J. R. Lind, m.d.

Mrs. J. R. Lind, r.n.

Dr. R. L. Cockfield, m.d., c.m-

t ^ ia m (Shek Kei)

Mrs. R. L. Cockfield, r.n. (Shek

Man Kwok Tse Chu Way Kei)

International Savings Society (Tark Yee Tsoong Tobacco Distributors Ltd.,

Yee Co.)—Sun Year Road; Cable Ad: —Cable Ad : Powhattan


Yee Gin Wah, agent So Man Hung


UK. H . .Sam-shui

The Treaty

40 years port ofHarry

Samshui, opened in 189.7 under the Burmah Convention—nearly

tion of theafterWestConsul Parkes’

and North Rivers, inEast


23 deg.Expedition'—is

6 min. 30 sec. N., situated

and long. near112thedeg.


min. and 48 sec. E. The anchorage known as Hokow, at which foreigners reside, was

formerly an ordinary Chinese fishing village, with boat-building as its leading industry,


a busya village

flooded state

mart. situated in summer

According to the as its characteristic peculiarity, but itandis fastKongkun


small among theConvention,

hills oppositetheHokow) town oftogether

Samshui constitute the port

area. The formal opening took place on 4th June, 1897, since which date the trade of

the port increased steadily until July, IQJN when the strike and boycott inaugurated


traffic large, andshipping caused ofan the

the abolition unprlikin


stationfalling off inportimports.

at this and at the Thestage


ports—Shiuhing and Dosing—from the beginning of 1931 was undoubtedly a great


have tosince merchants.

increasedThis was evidenced

remarkably. Thebydistrict

the factcitythatoftheSamshui numberitselfof cargo




(about A.D. by an the

1560), imposing

year wall the

after builtplace

in theattained

6th year to of Ohia

the Ching

dignity of aofmagistracy.

tho; Mings

This wall was completely

was transformed demolished

into a circular maloo,in arid


and the. tractbricks

of the of land


used for the thereby


struction of a public garden, known ris the Chung Shan Garden, which was formally

opened by the Magistrate on the 28th June, 1930. In the town, where dwell the


by and the commander of thesmall,

few street

local troops, the space is butshopsU-'

half ;occupied

the poor


Gate which hasandnowonedisappeared containing

stands, provision

an imposing temple temp. Outside


Ch’ing of the Ch’ing Dynasty (Circa 1800). Between the town and thfe river Is a fine-

nine-storied pagoda, rebuilt during the reign of Chia Ch’ing, some TOO years, a£b. .

The business focus of the district is Sainam, a large well-built town.of no great

antiquity, three miles distant, on the creek leading to Fatshan. At Sainam there is

established an electric plant which supplies Samshui with light.' :


of steamship

in Chinalinescanconverge

do manyhere worsefromthings

Cantonthanandvisit Hongkong,

the Westrespec-River

which presents more beautiful scenery than is to be found on any steamer route in

China—the Yangtsze gorges, perhaps, excepted. Since

been made a port of entry for foreign steamers going up the West River. Numerous 1st May, 1905, Samshui has


shui andlaunches carrying cities’

neighbouring passengers

on theor Westtowingandpassenger-boats

North Rivers ply and between.Sam-

on the creek

leading to FatshanOnandtheCanton.

was inaugurated A railway 1904,

26th September, line fromand Canton

six trains to Samshui

run dailyviaeach Fatshan


delta. In the summer, frequent squalls cool the air, and it is seldom that there isinnotthea

between Canton and Samshui. The climate of the port is as healthy as any

breeze of some kind; in winter, the air is fresh and clear. The waterways and


Excursions ofcountry

one or aretwopicturesque,

days enableHuandone theclimb

adjacent heights offer(,2000 pleasant walks.

mouth ofto the Samshui Reach; or Ting Shantois(4,000 Mt. behind

ft.), McCleverty the celebrated ft.),temple

at the

and fall ; or the hills forming the first gorge, from which used to .be quarried pool

known foreigners as “Howlik,” near which to be found the

1 popular bathing the


interestingink-stone knownin throughout

of the sights the neighbourhoodChina are as Tuan

the Seven Yen. StarPerhaps

Hills, whichthe mostare


These hills,close to

formed the

of pleasant

pure white town

marble of Shiu

rising to King,

a height someof 30


400 from

feet the

from port.


plain, hold many temples—some apparently clinging to the sides of the cliffs—and

caves and grottoes. The fine bronze figures of more than life-size in one of these

temples are well worthy of attention*. Fair snipe shooting can be obtained in the


winter, and an occasional pheasant, partridge, quail or duck may be added to

Tlie attractions of good sport and pleasing, surroundings have made Samshui a week- the bag.

end/resort for some of the Canton community confined to the, small island of Shameen.

Office,A telegraph service isthemaintained

situated alongside from from

'road leading Sainam.the railway-station

A nice buildingtoforthethestone


jetty, was completed and opened to'the public on September 9th, 1921.

no Consulates established; the Consuls within whose districts Samshui libs reside;There are

either in Canton or Hongkong.

Thabe in 1934

As in 1933, the trade of the year under review has been far from satisfac-

tory. The continued stringency of the money market and the lack, of confidence ;

in the business world were among the main factors tending to retard an early

recovery of trade. Furthermore, with the development of highways ird 'thb

North Jdiver districts’, which permits of the area being served by Canton, the

importance of Samshui as a distributing, cente fop foreign goods from" Hong-

kong is diminishing. The principal items coiltrihuting to the ; decline were;

rice, wheat flour, cement, salt fish, metals and kerosene. . There was an advance,

in the total value of export trade due almost entirely to an increase in the.

shipments of tin, fhe other staples of the outward trade making a poor .showing;

on the whole. The steamer-borne interport trade controlled., by : the Customs

remained on an insignificant level. The total value of imports from, and

exports to. abroad coming under the cognizance of the Customs during 1934 were i

G.U. 1,061,000 and Standard $1,230,000 respectively as against G.U. 3.533,000";

for imports and St. $840,000 for exports in 1933.


ss m © Assistant—Chan I-kan

Asiatic Petroleum Co. (South I Acting Tidesurvcyor and Harbour

China), Ltd.—Cable Ad: Petrosilex; Master—T. Thoresen

Code: 6th edn. A.B.C. Examiner—A. R. Kimber

Asst. Examiner—Shi Man Chung

H $ H

Customs, Chinese Maritime

Asst.-in-charge—Chan Pak Hong 1 Yat Kee, Commission Agents



Wuchow, opened to foreign trade on June 4th, 1897, by the Special Article of the

Burmah Convention, is situated on the Sikiang or West River at its junction with the


about Kuei

or (Cassia)

220 miles fromRiver. By the

Hongkong andsteamer


Wuchowat present

is the authorised it is distant

limit of navigation for


than 3* feetsteamers;

can reachbut,Kueihsien

during eight


miles inbeyond

the year, vessels drawing

Wuchow), not 'm(360

and Nanning ore

miles from here) can be reached almost all the year round by boats drawing 2^ ft.

The population of the city, according to a recent census taken by the local Police


an averageisdifference

81, 658. The

of 60annual inundations

feet between causedandby summer

the winter the rise levels—are

in the river—there

a source


of great inconvenience to the inhabitants and at times bring about a total cessation


Office areTolocated





on pontoons), offices, the Custom

moored alongsideHouse and

the river

bank .In July, 1924, Wuchow was visited by a very high flood—73 feet

is the second highest on record. The highest record—79 feet 6 inches—occurred in 1915. 9 inches—which

In winter the only local industry worthy of mention is boat building; when

the descriptions

all river falls theare foreshore

constructed.is linedThewithsituation

matsheds, where native

of Wuchow makescraft

it theof.

^natural distributing centre for the trade between Kweichow, Eastern Yunnan,

Kwangsi, and Hongkong

bold bidandforCanton. The future islargest

full of trade

promise, and inWuchow is

ofsure to make

China. Locala merchants are second

making place as theefforts

strenuous to divert

Liuchow and West Hivers, the trade of south-eastern Kweichow, which is principally


to Wuchow, theviasouth


supplied viacopper,

antimony, the and


tin minesAttempts are being

which abound in themadeKwangsi to Province.

work the manganese,

Conditions in the province were entirely peaceful throughout the year,

chiefly owing to the existence of a well-organised militia. The Kwangsi Pro-

vincial Government were able to extend their system of modern highways

considerably. The whole province can now traversed from the vicinity of

Wuchow by motor car north-westwards into Kweichow, the capital of which

province (Kweiyang) can be reached in some 24 hours as against the many

weeks which such a journey would have occupied in the days before motor

highways came into existence. Owing to barrier formed by the West River,

the road system terminates at Yunghu—about 14 kilometres above Wuchow—

instead of at Wuchow itself; but a launch service connects these two places

and, from the former town, almost any important city in the province can

now be reached by car. Communications in the province have been further

improved by the inauguration during the year of a regular aeroplane service

for mails and passengers between Canton, Wuchow, Nanning and Lungchow

which operates three times weekly‘(subject to weather conditions) and accom-

plishes the entire journey either way in one day.

Trade in 1934

Ah important feature of the year 1934 was the further, decrease in direct

foreign imports counterbalanced by an increase in direct exports, resulting

in a preponderance of nearly 50 per cent, in favour of the outward trade.

Statistics are as follows: direct foreign imports, 5.2 million.dollars as against

6.8 million in the preceding year (a 24 per cent, decrease) : and direct

exports to foreign countries, 10 million dollars against A.G, million (a 16 per

cent, increase). Provincial taxation contributed largely to the decrease in

imports. The increase in the total value of exports was attributable to in-

creased shipments of such as staple products as wood oil, tea oil, paper, tin

and poultry.


® 10 iS A}l 8ai Ah ffl Teen Woo


Ltd. Petroleum Co. (South China), Banker & Co., Merchants and Com-

R. Y. Frost mission Agents—Shipping Office:

G. Thomorson . Bankers’ Pontoon; Teleph. 264;

E. B. Gammell (at Nanning) •Cable Ad : Banker


W S' M ft B M M Miss B. M. Tonkin (Liuchow,


Kee ckom/ po him yau kan kung sze Miss M. E. Turley (Liuchow,


Fire,in aMarine

Underwriters, Ltd., Life

and General Insurance— Kwangsi)

Agent: Lam Kuk Cho, 11.3, Kau Fong Rev. R. M. Clemmer and wife

Street; Teleph. 10 (Changan, Kwangsi

Miss N. E. Jones (Kweilin,


CONSULATE Miss M. K. Oppelt (Kweilin,

tTai ^ m Ling

m szstkun* Kwangsi)

peh kwoh Baptist Mission

BelgiumConsuLGeneral (residinginH’kong.) Dr. Robt. E. Beddoe and wife

Miss Rex

Rev. MollieRayJ. and



Customs, Chinese Maritime Rev.

Dr. F. T.L.Woodward

Wm. Wallace and wife

Commissioner—C. B. W. Moore

Assistants—Chiu Shai Wong, Au Shih

She and Harry

Tidesurveyor andMoHarbour Master— m & m &

F. Stormes Stout Memorial Hospital (Baptist

Assist. Boat Officer—Lau Chik

Examiners — E. M. E. Gallo, Chao Chi Mission)

Chun ChiehMakLuiWing

Man Hoi,

Pan, A.Chan

Y. Dr. Robert E. Beddoe, m.d., supt.

Blumberg, Dr. Wm. L. Wallace

Lam and Hui Kwei Yuen

Post Office

® m m & Acting Deputy Postal Commissioner—

Man Kwok Tse Chu Way Hsu Shao Ming, (in charge)

International Savings Society—Kau

Fong Street; Cable Ad: Intersa- Mei foo

vin. Head Office: 7, Avenue Ed-

ward VII, Shanghai, (Agency con- Standard-Vacuum


Oil Co.—Cable Ad:

trolled by Canton Branch)

MISSIONS Texas Co., The, Petroleum Products

Alliance Mission —Cable Ad : Texaco

Wuchow— Kai Ip Yung, in-charge

Rev. W. H. Oldfield and wife

Rev. Philip Hinkey and wife

Rev. Gustave Woerner and wife ft m w m ft &

Rev. T. P. Worsnip and wife United Trading Co., The, General

Miss H. J. Thompson Importers, Exporters and Commission

Rev. John Bechtel and wife (26 Agents—66, Sui Nam Road; Teleph. 87.

Canton Branch: Ching Hoi Road; P.O.

Mody Rd., Kowloon, Hongkong)

Rev. H. E. Lang and wife (Lung- Box 77; Cable Ad: 1122

chow, Kwangsi)

Rev. J. A. Poole and wife (King- Yeetors,Tsoong Tobacco Tobacco Distribu-

Ltd.—Cable Ad: Pewhattan

yuen, Kwangsi)


American Baptist Mission (Southern) BE H * ft Sf # a B K B +

Miss Hattie Stallings Kweilin Baptist Hospital (South

Robert L. Bausum and wife China Mission, American Southern

J. Mansfield Bailey, m.d. and wife Baptist Convention)

J. Mansfield Bailey, m.d., supt.

Miss Reba Stewart (on furlough) Mrs.Training

Ethel S.School

Bailey, director, Nurse’s

Miss Mattie Vie Summer (on furlough)


* ,Nan-ning

Nanning, the capital of Kwangsi, is situated, in tiie southern part of the province,

on the steep left bank of the Yukiang, the most important tributary flowing into the

West River from the south. It lies in the centre of a wide and fertile plain which is


of summer400 feetseldom


sea-level. 96The climate

degree (F.) isandmoderate, the temperature

in the winter hardly fallingin the height

below 40.

In 1907 Nanning was voluntarily opened to foreign trade in accordance with the

Imperial Edict issued in 1899, whereby an area about a mile south of the walled city

(with the old wall city on the east, the obsblete city tower on the south, the river on

the west, and the Yi-Ching-Fong Road on the north as the four limits) has beery set


chantsasare the allowed

trading part.

to buildWithin



and godowns;both foreign

but onand the Chinese

part ofmer-the


on expiry the landleasecannotmaybe bepurchased,

renewed itonce canmore.

only beDuring

leased for



of 30 years,

the and


ministration within the said area was in the hands of a Commissioner, titled “Tso-


ning the establishment of the Republic, the Commissioner of the Nan-

ity atMaritime

the sameCustoms

time. Inwas1914 appbintet!to

the management serve aswas thetaken


over by theof that Municipal-


Headquarters which has recently been transformed into the Public Safety Bureau.

1932 ThewhenSuburb of the city was office

the administration formerly

of theveryGovernor

scarcely waspopulated

movedandfromit was thenotcityuntil


the several imposing buildings newly completed somewhere south of the said area,

which later

ment,thethat in January,

the suburb 1933. also

has government accommodated

evolved fromoffice solitude the many departments

to prosperity. of

Immediately the govern-


ing construction of the buildings number of premises for various

institutions, public utility enterprises, etc., were erected. In addition to the Customs


a Government

PostOflice already founded ina Government


the past years there aye at present

Press, a Waterworks, a refrigeratingObservatory,

in thestation,

a broadcast

plant, a Botanical


Garden, a

public library, a park, and an army hosipital. Arrangements

the government to establish a residential quarter in the southeastern part of the suburbhave also been made by

where lodges for the homes of government officials are already on the increase. There



cars and buses.alreadySuffice

completed, thereby

it to say, linkingpoint

all aspects thistosection

the lightwith


city by

and well-being are forthcoming to this ever progressing city.

very few foreign firms in this part of the town except a branch office or the Asiatic There are, however


located Co.,the

inside andcity.

the Standard Qil Go. Military and police headquarters are still

With the rapid

1935, 6,443 li of motor improvement of the provincial

road? constructed highway system

by the provincial Kwangsi

authorities andpossesses,

5,898 li


capital by the district authorities,-amounting A total'of 12,341 li. Nanning being

linking up city

withofthethe Hunan


is the iscentre

to pass<1 through

all motorLiuchow

roads. andThe Kwelin





with its near

terminal at Chuen-Hsien.

the border of KweichowAnother goesAthrough

in the West. third passesChing-Yuan



Kwangsi, to Wuchow,

eastward theto;most,

the important

province ofcommerical

Kwangtung. partAand the iseastconnected

fourth gate of

with Wu-Ming and Pe-Se near Yunnan, and a fifth goes in the southwest to Lungchbw


on to the border

the highways of Indo-China.

to facilitate movements,There are aboutand

of passengers '25 freight.

buses running daily

In Nanning

there are 13 garages or private-owned motor car companies with more than' 30


automobiles and buses for highway transportation. In addition, there are 6 buses

running within city limits, which are owned by the government. All highway traffic

and bus companies are under the control of the Bureau of Highway Traffic


As for Communication on water Nanning is connected with the outside world also

by way toof Liuchow

stream Yukiang (or Yuksouthwest,

in the River) which or upleads down-stream

stream to Pe-Se toin Wuchow in the east,

the northwest. up


boats sailing daily from Nanning to these three cities. Concerning Communication

by telephone, the dial system is adopted in the city of Nanning. The excellent tele-


sent systemtelephones

recently completed




station) even orders

to the tomade



distant districts in the province. Besides, transportation has been lately

possible by establishment of the Nanning-Canton and Nanning-Lungchow air lines

which, carrying both passengers and mail, are run by the South Western Aviation Co.

In order to meet the rapid-growing demand of industry and trade the Kwangsi

Province Bank has issued notes for circulation in the province against which the cash

reserve is alwaysThesoBank

seldom occur. carefully keptheadthatofficeserious

with its and arunsboardorofdepreciation

Directors in ofNanning

the notess


threeofmain branches, (oneandinexchange

Hongkong,storesone situated

in Canton,in different

one in Kweichow) andSince

a num-

establishment the Bank has been yielding steady interests and attractive profits. its

ber smaller branches districts.

ing As good

for commerce and trade. Nanning being

by ,landtheandcapital of theisprovincenextand

to hav-

chow.the Public communication

utility and small facilities bothenterprises

industrial inbyNanning

water, areonlybeing Wu-


-ed very rapidly. During the past few years there hsve been established, in addition

toa bonegraining

those mentioned andabove, a leather-manufacturing

a button-making factory. With factory,


dyeing andeffort

textile mill,

of mark-

ing progress, they are all assured with a promising future and brilliant success.

Trade in 1934.

The net value of the trade of the port in 1934 was $2,062,000 as compared with

$2,165,000 in 1933. A great effort is being made by the Provincial Government to

foster the mining industry of which tin and coal are abound. Arrangements have also

been made to blast away all the dangerous rocks which obstruct navigation along the

West River. ofPeace

organization and quiet

the Militia forcereignwhich

throughout the province,

contributes no little thanks

to the toachievement

the excellentof

the Provincial Government.


Asiatic Petroleum Company (South m m m m m ^

China) Ltd.—Cable Ad: Petrosilex French Consulate


Lam Kwok Kon Tobacco Co. Consul—P. Simon (resides at Lung


Customs, Chinese Maritime—Cable

Ad: Custos

Asst, in Charge—T. Manuel Wong MISSIONS.



WingHuaHoi Emmanuel Mission Hospital-


Missions ETRANofeREs Rev* Billaud,

Rev. Maillot (Tai

( id.Ping))

Mgr. Albouy, eveque (Nanning). Rev. Bacon

Kerouanton (Luchay)

Rev. Pere Costenoble, provicaire („) Rev. (Kweihsien)

Rev. Pere Labully (Nanning)

Rev. Pere Cnenot (Lieon Chow) Kwangsi Mission

Rev. Pere Dalle (Nanning) Adventists, The of Seventh - Day

Rev. J. M. Epalle (Silin) J. P. Anderson, director

Rev. L. Crocq (Kweihsien) D. D. Coffin, M.D., medical secretary

Rev. Teissier (Siang Chqw) H. S. Lei, assist, treasurer

i Rev. Seosse (Kweihsien)


V. M. Hansen, evangelist (Wuchow)&

Rev. Courant (Silin) PostToOffice—Yungning (Nanning)

Rev. Seguret (Silting) Im-Kien, . commissioner,

Rev. Rigal (Siangchow)

Rev. Caysac (Lungchow) n\ Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.—Cable

Rev. Heraud (Kweihsien) Ad:Hung

StandSauvacSun. manager

Rev. Peyrat (Lieon Chow)

Rev. Madeore (Nanning) Shek Chung Wah, inspr.


» *H * Kwdny-chau-w an


bay of inKwangchau

the province(orofaccording

Kwangtung,to thewas


cededofficial spelling,

on lease with theKouang-Tcheout


territories by a Convention between France and China,

on the 22nd of April, 1898. It is situated between 20 deg. 45 min. and and occupied by the French17

21 deg.

min. north latitude, and 107 deg. 55 min. and 108 deg.

at a distance more or less 230 miles west-south-west of Hongkong. The two- 16 min. east longitude

islands of Nao-tcheou

an excellent closed portand into Tang-hai placed isatbythetwoentrance

which entrance of the bayThemake

narrow passages. port

measures about 15 miles long, and for about half of its

in breadth. The depth of anchorage of 20 metres extends over a length length it is three ofor more

four miles-


10 miles and borders on the extremity of the junk port of Tchekam, an important

commercial centre in constant communication with Macao, Hongkong, Hainan and

beds will The

Pakhoi. neighbouring

be found. The newdistricts are well iscultivated,

French territory and itfrom

only separated is believed

the valleymineral

of the


16th of November, 1899, between Marshal Sou and Admiral Courrejolles, signed

River by chains of hills. Following the Convention of delimitation on the

the territory



The chief place of the territory is the town of Fort Bayard, which is atof

was placed under the authority of the Governor-General

commercial port,thewithinterior

the entrance of port on the right

the establishments of thebank


the river Ma military

Tche. Itservice

is the-

and the special offices.

The area of the territory is about‘200 square miles and its population about

230,000 inhabitants including 120 French and 600 Annamites.

Kouang Tcheou-Wan is a free port in which all commercial operations can be

carried on without paying

Kouang-tcheou-wan any duty.

to'Haiphong A regular bi-monthly

and Hongkong. Four steamers line ofofFrench-Chinese-

steamers Joins

Portuguese-English ownership run between Kouang-Tcheou-Wan and Hongkong.


restrained which

by thehad largelyCustoms

Chinese extendedsince

during the last

the last two few

years.years has considerably


A regular service of automobiles runs between Fort Bayard (12,000 inhabitants)

•and the towns of Tchekam (35,000 inhabitants), Potsi, Sin-Tchi, Taiping,

Teou-Soc, Poteou and the Chinese towns of Soui-Kay, Onpou, Lim-kong, Wat-Lam, Tchimoun,

Wou-Tcheou, Wampo, Ou-Tcheou, Moui-Loc, Lei-Tcheou, Pakhoi.

75 km. of new roads run in the island of Tanghai between the little towns of

Tongsan, Sui-lao-kao, No-kan, Phi-leou, Cao-my-sao.

5 km. of roads run in the island of Nao-Tchao which includes the port of Tam-soui

and Pac-Kong.

Fort Bayard and Tchekam are provided with electric light; a telephone between

these two localities for private and commercial purposes is working daily; every dis-


An iceinfactory

the interior

existsisatconnected with the

Fort Bayard. chieftwo

About townhundred

either with telegraphareor intelephone.

motor-cars circula-


Trade in 1934

Import $2,640,8.17

Export $2,366,086

Total (Indochinese) $5,006,903

Governor—Sir Henry de Tastes, Chevalier de la Legion d’Honneur. Assistant

‘Governor—Sir Charles de Coataudon de Kerdu.


Administration Superikure Justice de Paix

Administrateur en chef du Territoire de 1° luge de Paix a Competence etendue—

Kouang-Tcheou-Wan—M. H. de Tastes M. Tustes, administrateur des services

civils de I’Indochine

Cabinet de ljAdministrateur en chef Greffier-Notaire —Siret

2° Tribunal Mixte, President du Tribunal

Administrateur Adjoint—M. Ch. de —M. Tustes

Coataudon de Kerdu 2 Assesseurs

Service de la Surete et des les trimestresChinois

sur unetireslisteau desortdouze


Renseignements notabilites

Chef de Service—M Ch. de Coataudon de Tresor


Bureaux du Territoire Payeur du Territoire—Siret

Administrateur Adjoint — M. Ch. de Enseignement

Coataudon de Kerdu, administrateur

adjoint de 2e classe des services civils

de Plndochine Dir. du College “Albert Sarraut”—

Receveur de 1’Enregistrement—Darnaud, M. Larcher


chef de Bureau de lere cl. des services

civils dTstria Adjointe — Mme. Colonna

-Chef de la Comptabilite—Darnaud

Service Sanitaire

Police Maritime Docteur Bouron, medicon commandant

Charge du Port—Cerati des troupes coloniales, medecin chef

Travaux Publics de rhdpital

services a Fort-Bayard,

exterieursetde charge des


Ing^nieur Docteur Tsin

Minh des Travaux Publics—Claverin Nguyen-Ngoc-Thien,

Andr^ Wong,

medecin indochinois

medecin id.

Maitre de Phare—Couapel


.Service Militaire Administrateur ;en chef du, Territoire de-

Kouang TcheouCharge

Oomdt. d’Arnles—Fduptaux, GJS,pitaine •< Administrafeur Wan—M. H. de Tastes

du Centre Urbain

Station de Teljegraphie Sans Fie Garde —M. Ck. de Coataudpn. de Kerdu

Indigene—Lathoumetie, mspecteur

Chef de Station—M. Coste de lere cl,asse rebereur


PoSTES ET 'T^LioRAPHES *' Enregistrement—Catpn, receveu r

Instruction Publique—Larcher, directeur


postes ,et teiegraj)iTjes,_ a 2Fort

bureaux de Juge

Bayard, d;? Faix—Tustes,

Medeciri—Dr. Boui-dh

Tchekam Payeur—Si ret

Postes et Tdlegraplies—Cezard, receveur

Gendarmerie Koiigkoc' de Fort-Bayard—Tsang-Tsbc-

Commandant la Brigade—Cerati Tsoi _

Gendarmes—Grange et Bordes Societe Indochinpis d’Electricite

Garde Indigene Banque de lTndochine

Inspr., de 1'ere cl. Comdt. la - Brig.—


Grades Principaux. Chefs de Poste _ (C.I.N.)

Potsi: Stalter,

Taiping: garde ppal. deid.Stagiaire

Housty, Sam-Tai-Lee, agent

Potao: Dedon,

Tanghai: gardeInspectuer

Desrioux, ppal. de Iddeclasse

3e cl. StandARD-Yacuu m Oil Co.—Foster

Nao-Tcheou: Rondeaux,garde ppal.de 2e cl.


Resident-Maire an^d Administrateur Administrateur


des Services Civils de-

Resident-Maire—M. Tustes

des . Services Civils—M. Tustes Resident-Maire de Tchekarn—M. Fourcade

Medecins Contractuel — Dr. Tsin Kongkoc de la Yille—Tsang-Hoc-Tam

President de la Chambre de Commerce-

FORT-BAYARD —Tsang Sy Tsing


wan, en duTerritoirede


avec Hanoi et Texas Co. (China), Ltd., The, Petroleum

Hongkong, Mission Catholique and its Products

P A K II O 1

& Pak-hoi


situated wasGulf

on the opened to foreign

of Tongking tradeE. hy109the

in long. deg.Chefoo

7 min. Convention

and lat: N. 21indeg.

1877.29 min.

It is

The Chinese town is situated on a peninsula, at the western

are a few low hills (Kuantao Head fiS *£)• It faces nearly due north, and in extremity of which


timesis much

as to exposed


the force ofwith

the N.E. monsoon and

the shipment winds.discharge


cargoso from


ofsteamers in theandharbour,

the town the anchorage

a mile and a half fromforthewhich

Customis situated

House atopposite the western

the eastern end of endthe

oftown. The foreign residences are situated on slightly higher ground to the south

the town.


the Extending to the south

country gradually risesand east is a plain

towards-the north.which is level for

Attempts many miles,have

at cultivation although


made rough

Very upon this



intersect thetocountry

the south of the

in the town,ofbutthewith

vicinity portvarying

and are success.


for bringing in some of the produce from the surrounding district. The carts in use

for this purpose are tipayy, unwieldy vehicles of an almost pre-historic type. They

are drawnbylargely

pattern, by oxen and havethehuge, solid: woodencutwheels of theweather.

most primitive

the pastf twowhich,


an extensive rottd roads'are

building badlyprogramme up inhaswet

been carried outDuring


there is now-a' mOfor service between Pakhoi and Limchow (‘j+| ^), Limchow and

Shekhong (^J.),...and- Limchow and Paksba ('!!> &). Another service connects

Pakhoi with

erected acrossthethelargePaksha





1 (St gf).

; connects PakhoiA bridge

by motorhas finally been

road with

Kwangchowwan, a distance of 180 miles. Sportsmen will find

the vicinity of Pakhoi: quails, snipe, partridges, wild pigeons, wild ducks, and some- the following game in

woodcocks and pheasants. Tigers can still bo found in the hills, some 25 miles to the

N.E. of Limchow. Grobd 'cross-country riding is obtainable. The Paklioi-Limchow

motor-road is being kept in an excellent condition, and the pleasure of cycling and

motor-cycling is afforded. The-climate of the port during at least six months of the

year is a tfiying (one for Ehropeans, though

able tothe statenights are, question

for ther tropica, com-

is receivingcool.

paratively It is.satisfactory

increasing attention as the to bemodernisation psfthat the

thevtown of Sanitation

progresses. >Accura,te


but .thefornumber

the population

of inhabitants’.bS the may.


as elsewhere

be putinat China, are difficult

some h5,000. to obtain,

Fishing is one

of the most important r of the Iqcal industries, and a large number of vessels are-

employed in it. * f'he manganese ore mines in the1 district of Ch’inchbw (Yamchdw

W ik) have developed'a

through.Pakhoi increases great from dealyear ofto year.

late years, and the' export of this minera

■ Trade ijsr 1934

Trade of Pakhoi took much the same course as the other ports in Kwangiung

during the year under ; review, being influenced -in general by the provincial

government’s restrictions on imports frm abroad (in addition to the high

tariff uniformly applicable atnall ports in China) "and also, in the way of local

conditions, by thfe extensive smuggling through the territory of Kwangchowwgn

and the'adverse: effect on the market of - the dearth of silver coins, the high

prices obtainable for silver having led to the illicit exodus of coins from the

district. The statistics fbr-the port were as follows, according to value: direct

foreign imports. LB million dollars as against 3:4 million in the preceding

year; coastwisc'irppbrtatiofis? q| Chinese merchandise^,3.6.million dollars as

against 3 million; direct exportations tb foreign countries,••8.5 million dollars

as against 4t4 million ; and-coastwise exportations of Chinese merchandise,. 3.5

million dollars as against 1.9 million do! larp. It. will lie seen that transactions'

in Chinese merchandise imprdvecT at the .expeiises. .of the • foreign^.trade—-a

change for the better in the case of injports, ; Again -it.- may be hotpd, in

comparing jPakhoi with other Kwangtung .ports, that much of the 53 per cent,

decline in the value of the inward movement of foreign goods was due to a

severe curtailment of the purchases of rice, wheat flour, kerosene, and cement.

The following staples of the port contributed .largely to the 20 per .pent, decline

recorded for the value of expoi:t^,ta.:foi"eign countries,: pigs, poultry, fishery

products, aniseed star, c,assia lignea, groundnut oil, wood oil, rush mats, and

garlic. The manganese ore mines near Yanchow have ceased operations, and

some 3,000 tons of the mineral remain unsold at Pakhoi. The port has been

brought into closer touch with Mowming, Kiungchow, and Canton .by the

inauguration during the year under review of a regular airway service between

these cities.




Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.C.), Ltd. *n g H

Ming Kwong Co., Pakhoi agents Kwong CHeong Wo


Central Bankof China—Cable Ad: 2639 China Navigation Co., Ltd.

Ma Kwong Wing, director


^^®M m


Mission Society Hospital

GATION —Cable Ad: C.M.S. Pakhoi

Dr. S. Y. Sing

Dr. P. Z. Sun, m.d.

CONSULATES Major Wright, secretary

iff « m 0 a * ± 55

Tai fat Tcwoh Ling sz fu

France (temporarily under the French Missions

Catholic Mission (Foreign

of Paris)

charge of the French Consulate at Rev. Fathers— bishop

Canton) L. Penicaud,

Annexe Secy.—M. P’an Chao A.Y. Tsiu,


assist, and steward

of seminary

pan H. Cotto, do.

R.J. Lebas,

Rossillondirector of seminary

■g « m @ 3s *

Tai ying Tcvcok Ling sz Teun

Great Britain ® m m m ® &

Consul General (residing in Pentecostal

Rev. G. C.Holiness Church Mission

Legge, supt.

Canton) Mrs. G. C. Legge

Rev. C. H. Herndon

m m & Mrs. C. H. Herndon

Miss Laura M. Hylton

Customs, Chinese Maritime

Acting Comr.—C. M. Petterson Osaka Shosen Kaisha

Assistants—Chiu Shai Wong, Fung

Kee Yuen and Yeh Shu Lien

Clerks—Lo Pik-fai, Li Wei Seng,

Kwok Chi Hoi and Su Yan Ko Post Officeft M M it

Medical Officers—Drs. S. Y. Sing Postmaster—Au Nai Lung

and Ngo

Acting Si Quy and Harbour


Master—J. D. Spencer Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.

Examiner—F. J. Matthes Ching Tai & Co., agents

Tidewaiters—Feng Han Yee, Luk Yee Tsoong Tobacco Distributors, Ltd.

Yee and Poon Chor On Shok Kwan Shang


w m Kiung-chau p Hoi-hau

Hoihow is the seapQft; of the prefectural city of Kiungchow, the capital of the

Islandhillsof Hainan.

low dotted with Thegraves;

Wp, townsandareacross


these liesby aadistance of some three

semi-macadamised road.fnilesThisof

highway was originally constructed by the Kiungchow Horse Carriage Co. in 1915,

it was considerably improved by General Lung Chi-kwang during his rule over

Hainan in the middle pf 1918, and was kept in good repair by several motor Car Cos.

which ofmaintained

miles motor road a continuous motor connecting

open to traffic car service Hoihowbetweenwith the Wenchang,

two towns. Chingmai,

Over 500


were running Kaehek, on and Chuenyai,

the Island. Moreandnewatroads

one aretimeexpected

nearlyto900be opened

cars, buses and trucks

foi* traffic! in the

near future. A, pew bund running along the Hoihow river on the northern part of the

town, 60 feet wide, was'built in 1924 and the principal streets were widened so as to

ofpermit motor

its own buttraffic. Hoihow is1925,

since February, lighted

the byIsland


has beenandoccupied

possessesbya Cantonese

telephone systemtroops

and many projected improvements have not been carried out owing to general unsettled


The port

Maritime 'of ftoihow

Customs, in April,was1876.

Opened b^ the'fest'aislishment

During the latter nine months of a branch

of thatofyear

the Chines©



representing to the.54extent

British,of 36i672 tons entered

10‘'German. 2 French andandcleared

4 at thesteamers

Danish Custom1 that House, this


from, and, clearecl f° »- Singapore, ■ Bangkok, Saigon, Annam,_ Hongkong, etc. _ The


situation of the port of Hoihow before and at its opening in 1876 was Considered


view as themore fromConsuls’

Foreign the political than would

at Hoihow the geographical

then be in closeor topographical

touch with thepoint Taotaiof

at Kiungchow.

The harbour of Hoihow is an open rogdstead, unprotected against the North-east

monsoon, which blows here with undisturbed vigour from September to April, The

working of cargo is, therefore, normally difficult during those months, and at times im-


when noRiver, In addition

rain to the,above disadvantages those

no months are alsodown

the dry months

Chung tofalls upTCOuntry,,and

the sea. consequently

• Again, the. tides are more erratic water comes

in the winter thanbythey the areJ’o

in the summer: sometimes there are two tides during the 24 hours, sometimes one,


boat sometimes

alongside the none.importipg

Cargo then,


has . tobeenfaceloaded

a stormywith passage

difficultyof into

t>yo afocargOT


miles to the, spit, which runs parallel to the town of Hoihow, and a mile distant froip it.

Once at

water which the spit the cargo-boat.may be,able to, pole up the two miles of shallow muddy

dredged on theseparates

Hoihowitriver frombetweeii

Hoihow. theIf neighbourhood

a canal, 7 feet deep of and

the 300 feet House

Custom wide were and


all tides, it would be sufficient to meet present requirements of the trade andat

spit, thus permitting junks, cargo boats and motor launches to navigdte

would ofnotthebeport

traffic an expensive

is hearing undertaking. This A newjetty,jetty for theto 500

use feet

of thein passenger

situated in the vicinity of thecompletion.

Harbour Light station some

and 400will be approachablg length,

at allis


now under construction. Several suggestions have been made for the improvementare

of tide. Two mOtbr-boats to be used in landing and embarking passengers of


Pochin portbutofallHoihow

these and some even

suggestions were advocated

impracticable the transfer

both from ofthe


port to. Chinglan

and fromor

the financial points of view. Chinglan, for instance, which has been much spoken of


the past,

to beislined

situated on thereefs

with coral EastandCoast,

is muchwhich,exposed

thoughto not properly

typhoons andsurveyed,

S.W. mon-is

soons in the Summer months. And it is far more expensive to open a new port than



a change an would

old established

create fromone,localwithout

vestedtaking intoHoihow

interests. consideration the opposition

will therefore remain




principal towns in the island and, when connected

port of Hainan and it is now being by good motor

financial conditions permit,roads with all may

the harbour the

be improved. A motor road girding the island is almost completed.

As regards health, there is less feyer'in Hoihow than an^iyherelelse in Hainan.

There is inexcellent

already existencewater bothto inbe the


by the sinking

Quartersofand artesian

in thewells,

Qhinese"aba several

City. The are

water in the actual wells at Hoihow is brackish, partly from Seawater that filters

into the wells and partly from the alkiline condition of the soil.

munityTheoftradeHoihowof Hoihowis oneremains

that is morealwaysor less


drawn in The nativedirections

different commercialbycom- op-


with the Five Guilds, representing the merchants of Canton, Swatow,in Kochow,

interests. There is a Chamber of Commerce, which works conjunction Fuh-

kien and Hainan.

No foreign settlement has been formed at Hoihow for the very excellent reason that


way tois nodisburse

space forlarge suchsums

a settlement,

of money unless, the foreigners

in reclaiming Concerned

the swamp on thewere vergeto ofseewhich


Te Bheng Sha, or Victory Spit, runs westward for a distance of about a mile untiltheit

the town of Hoihow stands. From Hoihow itself a tongue of dry land, known as


dry itselfis inverythenarrow

morassandwhich has there encompasses

been entirely takenitup.on three

The sides.

consequenceThis stripis thatof

any future development, if any, must be out into the marshy ground that borders the

Victory Spit.

With the exception of the Koman Catholic Orphanage, erected in 1895, the

American Presbyterian Mission Hospital and doctor’s residence, the Customs Indoor

and Outdoor Staff quarters, the French School for Chinese, the French doctor’s re-


Chinese and the French

converted into Hospital,

European thehabitations

houses occupied by the foreign

by alterations residents are

and improvements.

H.B.M. Consulate obtained a site after 14 years’ negotiations, and a Consulate building

was erected in 1899. This was closed in 1925 and the property sold to the Chinese


French Consulatein 1927;hastowards

been built theonendtheofNorthern

1897 a pieceofoftheland riverwas

andgranted, and a

town. Since the beginning of 1899 a free school side has been conducted facing

by the Hoihow



the_ Tonkin for teaching the French language to the Chinese, and an officer from

natives and Medical

others freeStaffattendance

was detailedand tomedicine.

this portTheforforeign

the purpose

residents of giving

in Hainan the

number about 60 including children. A large export

eggs, bullocks and provisions is carried on with Hongkong. There has been some talk trade in pigs, poultry,


from natives of opening mines, constructing

It has beenrailways, and bringing out are timber

ginning to exploreforests of theand

the island, interior.

the Commissioner ofnoticed

Customsthatis some people

of opinion that the be-

searchlight of modern civilisation will reveal much that

as to commerce. “Perhaps,” he added, “when this is accomplished it will be seen is of value to science as well

that this ‘Island of Palms’ is not the least rich nor the least fertile of China’s


and if the initialA Company

experimentwith foreign capital

is successful quite has recently

a large started

industry maytodevelope.

plant up jute The

island of Hainan is described as a terra incognita to the world.

Besides, the military Wireless Station, the Board of Communications

mercial station operating at Hoihow. A harbour light, and a light at Lamko (western, have a com-


lower tip of the theHainan Straits)1895.wereAnopened in 1894;apparatus

also one atwasCape' Cami onon the the

bour Fortofneeds

West badly close peninsula

the cityinbut

todredging, at the Aga Lantern


is not of 1916. until

likely to be dredged



native tomerchants

the har-

of Hoihow develop a more public spirit, and conditions in China improve generally.



Asiatic Petroleum Co. (South At Nodoa

China), Ltd. Rev. and Mrs. P. C. Melrose

Y. T. Kong Miss Mary H. Taylor

Dr. and Mrs. S. P. Seaton

Customs, Chinese Maritime — Kiung- Dr. and Mrs. H. F. Burkwall

chow (Hoihow)

Commissioner—P. B. Joly (acting)

Assists.—Doo King Ki and Luk Roman Catholic Mission

At Hoihow

Wing Kue Rev. Father P. Julliotte, sup.

Medical Officers — N. Bercovitz and Rev. Father, Dt, Desperben

H. C. Chang

Tidesurveyor and Harbour Master— At Bangcao Rev. Father C. Bernard

F. A. Strandig

Boat Officers—W. H. P. Weston and At Tingan Rev. Father E. Morvan

Sz-to Kon

Examiners—H. S. Markham, Lin At Seangto

Jung-o, Liu Mun Pane. Lian At LimkuFather F. Manac’h


Kwe lung and Tsu Sic Ping Rev. Father F. Jieyer


Hoihom Harbour Light—A. G. Post Office

Mihailoff Postmaster—Chan King

Lamko—H. G. I. Cowlam

Cape Cami—M. C. McKenzie Standard-Yacuum

Ad: Stand vac Oil Company—Cable

t? & # n m n Leung Fung Lam, manager

•Hainan Motor Company, Authorized Wing Fat Hong, Merchants, Importers


HainanDealer—66, Bok Oy Road,

Island; Teleph. Hoihow,

43; Cable Ad: and Exporters, Shipping and Insurance

Hainanmotor Agents — Chungshan Ed; Cable Ad:

Leung Yin Tung, manager Wingfathong;

Chau .Sing Mui,Code: Bentley’s .


Wong Sin Shek, assist, manager

MISSIONS Assistants—Chau King Wei, Chau

King Shiang & Chau Sing Kiu

Agents for:

* £ ;ft Wo Fat Shing S.S. Co,„ Ltd.


/ China L Co/ Ltd., Marine


American Presbyterian Mission Settling Agent



and Mrs. J. F. Steiner

Dr. and Mrs. N. Bercovitz n & m m u n m

Miss Grace Macdonald

Miss. Caroline McCreery, r.n. Yuen Fat Lee Co., General Merchants

Miss M. Burkwall, r.n. Shipping & Insurance Agents—Chung-

At Kiungchow shan



Mui, Ad: Wingfathong


Rev. and Mrs. D, S. Tappan Wong Siu Shek, assist, manager

Miss Alice H. Skinner Assistants—

Miss M. M. Moninger 4Chau King Wei, Chau

At Kachek King Shiang & Ch&u Sing Kiu

Rev. and Mrs. D. H. Thomas Agent# for <

Miss Esther M. Morse, m.d. China Navigation Co.,1 Ltd.

Rev. and Mrs. A. E. French B. & S. Marine & Fire Insurance


JH ffi Lung-chow

This city is situated at the junction of the Sung-chi and Kao-ping rivers in lat. 22

deg. 21 min. N., and long. 106 deg. 45 min. E., near the South-western border of the


with Tonkin. of Kwapgsfi, and was selected

The continuation the asabove-named

the seat of the frontier istrade of that province

chiang or left branch of the Westof River, and it enterstwotheriversmain streamknown as the

some Tso-

,?0 miles

above Nanning. The town is prettily situated amongst the mountains, having exits



last mainly,

repairedandin lies


elevation of somerapidly

demolished 300 feetto above

make aseacircular,

level. road


round the city proper. A census taken in 1929 showed the Lungchoiv population as

consisting of 3,500 families, in, all 14,796 persons, there

in 1931. From a military point of view Lungchow is considered tb be a place of being no foreign residents

importance. Troops areallstationed

Pingerh, and Shuikou, roughly therethirtyandmiles

at thedistant

three frontier stationsdirection.

in a Westerly of Namkuan,The


a valuable back door into China when strikes obstruct trade elsewherehasWithout

was opened to Franco-Annamese trade on the 1st June, 1889, and. proved



likely to ofbe the slow,Hanoi-Langson

though the linerailway,now runsanythrough markedto development

Nasham, whereof

stocks of kerosene were kept on hand during 1924, 1925 and 1926 fot importation into


Port de The Chinefrontier road runsandfrom:

to Lungchow, Dongdang

carries on the railway,

at the present through Namkuan

date a considerable amount orof

motor traffic, the distance of 54 kilometres taking bn an average of about three hours.


between Lungchow, Shuikon (a frontier mart) as well as Langson in Tonkin. traffic

are several motor-car Companies—all Chinese owned—engaged in regular The


several motor cars engaged motor road in thehasregular

been run opened

betweento traffic"since

the two cities, March,

taking1932,8 hours


to cover the whole journey of about 200 miles. The intervening Country is very


rock caves,andformerly

runs through very mountainous

the habitat of natives areas, indigenous in which

to theareneighbourhood.

a number of


River, communication

with Mbngtsz in Yunnan existsvia with

Pose, Canton

and withand pilacesother places onThetheChinese

in Tonkin. West

Post .Office temporarily maintains their mail service between

in Tonkin by regular couriers instead of by motor under contract as before owing to Lungchow and Langson


by airregular

motor driven runningmail-car

of trans-frontier

run by themotor cars, and sends mails

Lungchow-Nanning Publicto Nanning daily

Road Control

Bureau since December, 1932. An establishment of the Chinese Maritime


Consulsis maintained

resident onat the the portWestwhere Riverforeign

and ininterests are inThere

Hongkong. the charge

was a

Catholic Church on the South side of the Tso-chiang, the small orphanage


having been removed to Hong Kong since February, 1930. The Consulate, Gate

by the Emanuel Mission in the suburbs outside the East Cus-

toms buildings and Missionary Church were completely looted and badly damaged

during, a Comrhunist uprising in February, 1930.

on the part of the Kwangsi troops under General Wei Yun Tsung to restore Through the prompt action

peace and order

chow, though in the deserted

practically district towards

after thethecommunistend of 1930, the city’

uprising, has ofgradually


returned to its former prosperity, with a

of new shops, The trip up from Nanning usually takes from three to fourlarge population and a number

days, and thethatlevel'of

the river, .down which

to Nanningabout

is liable to very30 suddenhours, fluctuations

according toduring the thewaterrainyin

season of July and August. It has been known to rise as high as 75 feet, when the iron


most ofjunks cargo acrossandthe toriverWest

from is only

River two feet above the flood. tradeMotorisboats carry

small and rafts, and by carts on the ports,

overland whilst


which usually .carried

travel by


convoys of some number as in Tonkin. The River scenery between Lungchow and


Nanning with its succession of gorges and rapids is well worth seeing but accommo-

dation for Europeans on the motor boats is not of a luxurious type though each vessel

has one special cabin for official travellers. The climate of the port is damp and very

hot for some eight months of the year, but the winter is cold enough to be very

pleasantamid such picturesque surroundings.

Trade in 1934

The city of Lungchow, situated though it is in the very south-west corner

of the province of Kwangsi, no longer holds the isolated position it once did.

Since 1932 the district has been brought into closer touch with Nanning and

Wuchow by the completion of a motor highway on that route, and, by the

inauguration of a regular airplane service during the year under review, mails

and passengers can now be carried between Lungchow and Canton "(w?'a Nanning

and Wuchow) in the space of about five hours. The trade 'across the China-

Tonkin border is unimportant, and the long-establ ished Custom House at

Lungchow fuctions chiefly as a frontier preventive post.' Such trade as there

is would ,appear to be oii the decline, the value of the inward section amounting

to only 36,000 dollars as against 57,000 dollars during 1933 and the value of

the outward movements, of cargo amounting to only 108,000 dollars as against

119,000 dollars.


ffliBLE Church Men’s Missionary Society French Hospital

Dr. Ch’en Ting-wok

II fi Lung chow huan

Customs, Chinese Maritime

Acting * as w si

WilliamsCommissioner—C,. A. S. •Post Office (Chinese)

Clerk—Ho Shun Kin Shu Kwan Luen, postmaster

French Consulate— Cable Ad: Fransulat,


P. A. Simon, Consul for Longtcheou Roman Catholic Mission

& Nanning with residence in Rev. Father G. Caysac,)Sqbiete des

Longtcheou Mission Etrangeres de Paris

J. V F. Tseng, Chinese Clerk


a w. Meng-isz,

This is a district city in. south-east Yunnan, and together with Man-hao, a village--

on the left bank of the Red River, was opened to trade by the Additional Convention

to the1887.

June, FrenchThe



two days’of journey

the 25thfrom


1886? signed

and atabout

Pekingsix ondays’

the from,


the frontier of Tonkin at Laokay, and beautifully situated, being built on a cultivated

plateau 20 and

mountains, milesis 4,280

long feet

by above

about thedevel

12 milesof inthebreadth,

sea. , It encircled by picturesque

has a Chinese population,



the numerous welPbuiR temples., many of them now ip. ruins,Mahommedan

was a plape. of much,, morp importance before the still testify.

It is, however,

important ■ a considerable

centre commercial

for the distribution emporiumoodseven

of foreigng now, and

imported vid isTonkin.

becomingThe an

French Consul hoisted his flag at

station was opened in the following August.Mengtsz on the 30th April, 1889, and the Customs

The climate of Yunnanfu (altitude 6,400 feet) is temperate and good. From

October and

August to April, there iswhich

September very little

is therain andseason

rainy a goodthedealrainfall

of wind, but in49June,

is about inchesJuly,

in a

year of heavy rain, and as low as 24 inches when the rains are poor. When the rainfall

is as low as the latter figure, there is a drought and the harvests are poor, and when as

the first figure there are floods, and the harvest is similarly poor.

Tkade in 1934

Yunnanfu, where the headquarters of the Mengtsz Customs is now

established, is the distributing point for a large hinterland into which long

caravans of pack-animals laden with merchandise wind their way over difficult

mountain trails. Until Yunnanfu became the “rail-head” of the Yunnan-

Tonkin Railway and the terminus for cargo from the interior most of this was

handled from the treaty port of Mengtsz itself, but the latter centre is now-

losing muchmf it§ importance in favour of the provincial capital. In addition

to the old trade routes, all the new motor highways radiate from Yunnanfu,

bringing this city, into closer relationship than ever before with, the; province

adjoining Yunnanfu. During the year under review peace and order were maintained

throughout the province, with the exception of one or two minor disturbances; and the

crops were excellent on the whole. The trade statistics recorded for the Mengtsz

Customs were as follows, according to the value: direct importation from abroad, 8.5

million dollars as against 12.6 million in the preceding year (a 33 per cent, decrease);

coastwise importations of Chinese Merchandise, 15.4 million dollars against 15.7 million

(a 2 per cent, decrease); direct exportations to foreign countries, 12.7 million dollars as

against 20.4 million (a 38 per cent, decrease); and coastwise exportations of

Chinese produce, 3.3 million dollars as against 4.2 million (a 21 per cent,

decrease). The straightened financial situation and the monetary exchange

difficulties of the province hampered the inward trade in high-duty-paying

articles; while the lesser production of tin was the principal cause of the

considerable decline registered for the value of the outward trade, the

important position held by tin in the list of exports may be deduced from the-

fact that out of a total value of 16 million dollars for the combined (coastwise

and foreign) figures for the outward trade, the commodity in question contri-

buted 14.3 million dollars. The combined statistics (coastwise and foreign) for

exports of tin during the year under review and the preceding year were 68,087


‘quintals valued at 14.3 million dollars as against 106,4.28, quintals valued at

22;2 million dollars in [1933..^Unfavourable weather and sickness amongst the

labourers at the Kochiu. mines, rather; than lack of demand,. were responsible

for the decreased output and shipment. Other staple exports include medicinal

substances, hides,.skins, leather, bristles, tea, and musk. In this -province also

fhe provipQial authorities were.exhibiting a tendency towards establishing ne»w

industries' entirely'or partly with official funds, and the following enterprises

■were, projected : ap enamelledf irare factory, the ihachinery for ^ which has been

purchased; a tool factory; a cotton mill, part of the spindage- fcri' which has

been contracted, for; a cement factory; jand a medicine factory.' Amongst other

activities, .fhe provincial Government have opened experimental tea plantations

at Puerh andf in.other less famous tea districts, and: have made considerable

progress during the year in the construction, of th^ six main motor-highway

systems described in the last of these renorts.


M E N G T ft Z

Eanqi'e de r.'IxnOr-CiiiXE Yunnanfu Office of the Mengtsz Cus-

J. P. Munie, directeur toms:— R. H. Chohnondeley, Hui


Sung Kai, and

Examiners — F.PengJ. ‘Tsing-kai

Byrnes, P. P.


FEE DE l’InDQ-ChINE ET DU YUN-NAN Pishihchai Sub-office:

dU Q ^ Meng tsz Jewan Assist.-in-charge—Kim

Examiner—Ko Loi-piu Lai Hung

Customs, Chinese Maritime—Cable Ad: Hokow Sub-office :

Gustos, Yunnanfu Assist.-in-charge—Kim Lai Hung

Commissioner—R. M. Talbot (residing (residing at Pishihchai)

at Yunnanfu) ; Officer-in-charge—C. J. Gallot

Assistant-in-charge (Pishihchai)—i Resident

Kim Lai Hung MurphyProperty Caretaker—J. Y.


Alliance Feancaise Commercial Press, Ltd. (Yunnan


Banque de l’Indo-Chine Compagnie Feanco-Asjatique des

J. Munie, manager Pktroi.es

L. Ezeghelian, accountant J. Legreze


Compagnie Optorg, Import arid Ex- MISSIONS British & Foreign Bible Society

port Merchants

J. Oudin, signs per pro. (Yunnan Sub-Agency)

Rev. A. Evans, acting sub-agent

CONSULATES Catholique, Vicariat Apostolique de

British—Cable Ad : Britain Yunnanfu

Vicaire Apostolique—Mgr. G. M.

Consul-General—H. I. Harding J. de Jonghe d’Ardoye bveque

Clerical Officer—C. E. A. Carney d’Amathonte P.1933Louis Michel


French—Yunnanfu and Mengtsz Procureur—Jean Savin


AffairesDelegue du Ministere

Etrangeres au Yunnan—des

Marcel Baudez Church Missionary Society

United States Poinsard & Veyret (Societd Anonyme)

Hardware and Provision Merchants

Vice-Consul—Arthur R. Ringwalt

Vice-Consul—John S. Service Standard-Vacuum Oil Co. Cable Ad:

Interpreter—J. N. Hwang Standvac

Chinese Writer—Sun Chung Leng ‘ Ngoi Do-ciong, manager

Customs, Texas Company (China) Ltd., The

District) Chinese Maritime (Mengtsz Ho Hao, in charge

Commissioner—R. M. Talbot iff m m

Yunnanfu Office ofSub-Office:

& Yunnanfu the Mengtsz Customs Subira Freres, Import and Exports—

Commissioner—R. M. Talbot Cable Ad: Subira; Codes: A.B.C. 5th

Assistants — R. H. Cholmondeley, edn., and Bentley’s

Hui Sung Kai, Ling Chan Ngau Y.M.C.A.

and Peng —Tsing

Examiners F. Kai

T. Byrnes, P. P. R. D. Arnold, b.a., secretary

Kozloff and Yick Wang Mrs. R. D. Arnold

Mengtsz Office :


Murphy Property Caretaker —J. Y. Yee Tsoong Tobacco DiSTRiBUTORSr,

Pishihchai Sub-Office: Limited

Kung Hsiang, in charge


Examiner—Ko Loi Piu Lai Hung

Hokow Sub-Office: Yunnan District Inspectorate of

Officer-in-charge—C. J. Gallot Salt Revenue

Dist. Inspr.—Tang Shih-wan

Oo-Dist. Inspr—A. Padovani

French Chamber of Commerce Chief Secretary—Li Wen-hsiang


Chief Sub-district— Chang Pei-hsuan

# # ft Gi m ChiefSub-district

Mohei Collector—Chang Chin-jun

Man kwok tse chu way Chief Collector—Chow-Feng-chang

International Savings Society — Yunnan Postal District — Head Office:


Head Office: 85,

Office:Cable Rue

7, Avenue St. Lazare.

Edward VII. Kunming (Yunnanfu); Cable Ad:

Shanghai. Ad: Intersavin Postos

Lloyd, C. F., Importer and Exporter Yunnanfu Club (Cercle de Yunnanfu)

—Cable Ad: Lloyd; Codes: A.B.C. President—A.Hon.


Secretary—L. Ezeghelian

5th and 6th, Bentley’s, Libber’s

Kendall’s and Private Yunnanfu Wireless Station '


Hokow was opened to foreign trade by the Supplementary Convention between

China and France of 20th June, 1895. By the terms of the agreement France was to

establish a Vice-Consulate and China a Customs House at Hokow, these (stipulations

bein^ carried out in August, 1896, and July, 189.7, respectively. The Vice:Consulate is

subordinate to the Mengtsz Consulate and the Hokow Customs are under the control

of the Mengtsz Commissioner, and the value of the trade is not separately Stated in

the Mengtsz Customs returns.

Hokow is picturesquely situated on the left bank of the Red River at its confluence

with the Nanhsi River—commonly called the Namti—and lies immediately opposite

Laokay; an important garrison town in Tonkin. The native town has a population

of about 4,000, mostly living in bamboo houses and thatched huts; some good semi-

foreign style buildings have, however, been built during the last few' years. An iron

railway bridge across the Nanhsi River was completed in 1902, and connects Hokow

and Laokay. Hokow is about 420 by land from Mengtsz, which can be reached

after a train journey of about 8| hours through magnificent country.

The climate is very unhealthy and new residents soon feel its undermining effects.

In summer, when it does not rain it is hot and trying, whereas rain is accompanied by

a damp, uncomfortable atmosphere which becomes even .more disagreeable as soon

as the sun reappears. The main climatic feature, by no means a pleasant one, is

a thin, fever-carrying drizzle, which falls in winter and spring. The thick, tropical

vegetation is kept moist, and a light and extremely dangerous mist overhangs

everything. Malaria is rampant and claims numerous victims amongst the natives.

Foreigners manage to recover by taking large quantities of quinine. During the

summer, foreigners go to Chapa, a summer resort in Tonkin (Altitude: about 1,700

metres; distance from Laokay : 37 kilometres). Since the bridge over the Red River

has been finished, a regular motor service is working between Chapa and Laokay:

2 companies (Veyrenc et Cie. and Schneider et Cie.) maintain this service.


liH U M Ho how fen hwan

Inese Maritime Customs (Sub-Office of Mengtz Customs

Officer-in-charge—A. T. Powell


^ Teng yueh

The trade mart Tengyueh—situated near the southwestern frontier of Yunnan, in

lat, 24 deg. 45 min N., and long. 98 deg. 30 min. E.—was opened to. foreign trade hnder

the Burma Agreement of 1897 inodifying the Convention of 1894 relative to Burma

and Thibet, and the Custom House was opened by the Hon. Charles ^safrier, under

instructions from Sir Bober Hart, Bart, g. o. m. g., on the 8th, May, 190,2. Tengyueh

is a walled town situated in a fertile valley at an altitude of 5,356 feet, with mountains

fifteen miles to the north of the town reaching a height of 12,000 feet. The, valley is

watered by the Tieh Shui river, a small tributary of the Tai Ping, which itself flows

into the Irrawaddy a few miles above BJiamo, a town which has been the principal,

emporium of Chinese goods in Upper Burma for many years. From Bhamo, there is a

good motor road for the first seventeen miles,, and in fact motor cars have once or

twice actually gone about twenty miles farther, but caravans usually ,<^b the last 120

miles of the journey to Tengyueh in six easy stages. On the Burma side of the

frontier are two dak bungalows, but once the Sino-Burmese frontier is crossed, at

Milestone 56 at the Kulika Bridge, inns, unfortunately none too clean, have to be

relied upon—though camping grounds can be found at most stages. The main route

now runs through Manhsien and Hsiaohsinkai. There is a telegraph office, at the

latter place and although the official in charge cannot read English he can despatch

telegrams. The old route via Manwyne is now seldon used. Here it was that A. B.

Margary, of H. B. M. Consular Service in China, was murdered. His memorial stands

in the Bund Gardens in Shanghai. Pack animals and porters constitute the sole

means of transport, but freights are fairly cheap between May 1, and the

November 1, when travelling is delightful, and expensive during the monsoon, season,

when some 70 inches of rain fall. Mails always travel by train from Bangoon to

Myitkyina and from thence they go through Sadon and Niuchuanho to Tengyueh.

The total time taken being only six days. It is easy to travel over this route,, but

camping gear is essential owing to the lack of inns. Namkhan, a town some twelve

days south of Tengyueh, is now joined to Lashio (a rail-head in Burma) by motor road

and will be connected with Bhamo later. The road between Tengyueh and Yunnanfu

is in a very poor state indeed. The journey by caravan takes some twenty-four days,

the last part being done by bus. The mail couriers take only twelve days. Owing to

the prohibitive cost, there can ndvef be any question of building a railway between

the two towns, though it would be a comparatively easy matter to build either a road

or a railway between Tengyueh and Bhamo. -The climate of Tengyueh is for the most

part excellent. The temperature hardly ever rises above 80° or falls below freezing

point. The climate of the valleys to the; south of the to\Vn, however, is very malarial.

Travellers without adequate money are npt permitted to enter Burma and they

would do well not to make the journey from Yunnanfu.

Letters from Tengyueh should be marked Via Rangoon & Myitkyina, Burma

(foreign postage).

Telegrams should be sent Via Madras.

Parcels can only be sent as far as Bhamo, from which town they could be sent on

by caravan by an agent (e.g. Messrs. Nanak Chand, Bhamo), or they could, be

sent via Yunnanfu, but by that route they take several months.


'Trade in 1934

It is only the foreign trade with Burma that is of any importance at

Tengyueh, and it has to be recorded, that the value of the inward section of

this trade decline by 28 per cent, (from 2.5 million dollars in 1933 to 1.8

million in the year under review) and the value of the outward section by

nearly 20 per cent, (from 3.1 million dollars to 2;5 million). The district

enjoyed yet another year of good harvests -and was again free of bandit distur-

bances, while exchange against the trupee improved from Yunnan #230 per 100

rupees to Yunnan #205. The decline in the import trade, half the value of

which is Contributed by grey cotton yarn, was fairly general in character; but

the whole of the loss on export account was due to a decrease under one item,

yellow silk, the outward movements of which were value at only 2.2 million

dollars as compared with 2J9'million dollars in the preceding year. All other

export items did better than usual on account of the reduced export tariff.

The roads leading from Tengyueh to Bhamo and Myitkyina respectively were-

in poor condition througout the year; but those in the Shan States are good,

and it is now possible to reach Rangoon in two days and Mandalay in three

days by motor-car from Mangshih, a place situated at a distance of about three-

days’ journey from Tengyueh.


Chinese Maritime Customs MISSIONS

Assistant - in - charge—llolla House American Ladies’ Mission

Assistant—Chen Kuan-soon

Senior Out-door Officer—R. West Swedish Mission

Medical Officer—IT. Pee

Consulate, Great Britain—Cable Ad: PosT

^ .. FFICE

Britain °

Consul—W. Stark Toller Postmaster—Chu Chia jui


fp, Sz-mdu

Szemao, opened to the Tonkin frontier trade by the Gerard Convention of

189i5 and to British trade by the Burmah Convention of 1896, is situated in

the south-western part of the Province of Yunnan in latitude 22 deg. 47 min.

29 sec. N. and longitude 100 deg. 46 min. E. It is a sub-prefectual walled

town built on gently rising ground overlooking a well-cultivated plain. The

elevation is 4,700 feet above the sea-level, and the population is estimated

to be about 10,000. The climate is moderate, the temperature rarely exceeding

80 degrees (Fahr.) during the summer, and seldom falling below 40 degrees in

the winter months. The place is distant from both Yunnan-fu (the capital

of the province) and Mengtsz 18 days, from the French Laos frontier 6 days.


and from British territory about 12 days. It was opened in the early part of

1897, and so far has not fulfilled the expectation of its potential importance

as a trading centre.

Trade in 1834

There was no very noticeable change in the character of the rather meagre

trade carried on with Burma and Indo-China fropr: Sgemao. The;tptal value

of the foreign imports increased by 25 per cent,, it is true, but the relative

figures, 647,000 dollars as compared with 519,000 dollars in the preceding year,

are still somewhat unimposing. Against this improvement (which was. largely

due to effective work on the part of the. new frontier patrols) must be set a

small decline in the foreign export trade, the value figures. for which were

178,000 dollars as compared with 192,000 dollars in ,1933. This sparsely peopled

and very isolated district has no domestic trade worth speaking of: during the

yehr unden review some 25,000 dollars’ worth of tea was the only item passed

outward under this heading and no domestic imports whatsoever were recorded.


American Presbyterian Mission Chinese Maritime Customs

Kiulungkiang Assistant-in-charge — Kwok Yun-


Bev. and Mrs. L. J. Beebe Clerks—Chen Hsiao Feng and Chan

Rev. and Mrs, E. C. Goodenberger Sheung Yook

Tide waiter—Kao Fu Ching

Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Galt Chinese Post Office

Mrs. Chas. E. Park Postmaster—Itang Peng

ClcLssiJted Z/ist of Agents, ACerch cLTtts

cured, Afct re nfete tizre rs ire this

territory, also a List of Cable

Addresses, will be found cut the

JEnd of the Directory, Classified

List of Dar Das tern Dng ineerin g

Dirrns follows Hong Hong.





Papers of all Grades for the Far East,

Including Powell River News.











^ Heung-lcong

The Island of Hongkong (which gives its name to the British Colony in

South China) is situated off the coast of the Kwangtung province, near the

mouth of the Canton river. It is distant about 40 miles from Macao and 90

from Canton, and lies, between 22 deg. 9 min. and 22 deg. 17 min. N. lat. and

114 deg. 5 min. and 114 deg. 18 min. E. long. The Chinese characters repre-

senting the name of the island (Heung Kong) may be read as signifying either

(loqu Harbour of Eragant Streams. By Conventions dated, respectively,

1860 and 1898, further territory was ceded by China, consisting of upwards

of 280 square miles oh the opposite mainland together with the islands of

tLantao, Lamma, Cheungchow and others. The last concession is by way of a

lease for ninety-nine years.

History and Government

Before the British ensign was hoisted on Possession Point in the City of

Victoria in the year 1840 the island can hardly be said to have had any history,

and what little' attaches to it is very obscure. iScantily peopled by fishermen

and agriculturists, it was never the scene of stirring events, and was little-

affected by dynastic or political changes. It is alleged, however, that after the

fall of the Ming dynasty in 1028, some of the Emperor’s followers found shel-

ter in the forests of Hongkong from the fury of the Manchus. The peninsula

of British Kowloon has more claim to association with Chinese history. In

the year a.d. 1287 it is recorded that the last Emperor of the Sung dynasty,

when flying from Kublai Khan, the Mohgol conqueror, took refuge in a cave

in Kowloon, and an inscription on the rock above is said to record the fact.

The inscription consists of the characters Sung Wong Tot, meaning the Sung

Emperor’s Pavilion; On the cession of the territory to Great Britain the

natives petitioned the Hongkong Government that the rock might not be blasted

or otherwise injured, on account of the tradition connecting it with the Im-

perial personage above mentioned. In 1898, during the administration of

Major-General Wilsone Black, a resolution was passed by the Legislative

Council preserving the land on which the rock stands for the benefit of the

public in perpetuity.

Hongkong is a Crown Colony and was ceded to Great Britain by the

Chinese Government in 1841. In the troubles which preceded the first war

with China the necessity of having some place oh the coast whence British

trade might be protected and controlled, and where officials and merchants

might be free from the insulting and humiliating requirements of the Chinese

Authorities, became painfully evident. As early as 1834 Lord Napier, smarts

ing under his insolent treatment by the Viceroy at Canton, urged the .Home-

Government to send a fdree from India'to support the dignity of his com-

mission. “A little armament,” he wrote, “should enter the China seas with

the first of the south-west inohsooh, and on arriving should take possession of

the island of Hongkong, in the eastern entrance of the Canton river, which

is admirably adapted for every purpose.” Two years later Sir George Bobin-

son, endorsing the opinion of Lord Napier that nothing but force could better

the British position in China, advised “the occupation of one of the islands

in this neighbourhood, so singularly adapted by nature in every respect for

commercial purposes.” In the early part of 1839 affairs approached a crisis,,

and on the 22nd March, Captain Elliot, the Chief Superintendent of Trade, re-

quired that all the ships of Her Majesty’s subjects at the outer anchorages of

Canton should proceed forthwith to Hongkong, and, hoisting their national

colours, be prepared to resist every act of aggression on the part of the Chinese

Government. When the British community left Canton, Macao afforded them


a temporary asylum, but their presence there was made the occasion by the

Chinese Government of threatening deinonstrations against that settlement.

In a despatch dated 6th May; 1639, Captain Elliot wrote +o Lord Palmerston : —

“The safety of Macao is, in point of fact, an object of secondary moment to

the Portuguese Government, but to that of Her Majesty it may be said to be

of indispensable necessity, and most particularly at this moment”; and he

urged upon his Lordship “the strong necessity of concluding some immediate

arrangement with the Government of His Most Faithful Majesty, either for

the cession of the Portuguese rights at Macao, or for the effectful defence of

the place, and its appropriation to British uses by means of a subsidiary Con-

vention.” Happily for the permanent interests of British trade in China

this suggestion came to nothing, and Great Britain found a much superior

lodgment at Hongkong.

On the 20th January, 1841, H.M.’s Plenipotentiary issued a circular to

British subjects: announcing the conclusion of preliminary arrangements be-

tween .the Imperial Commissioner, Ke-shen, and himself. One of the terms

was stated in the circular as follows: —

1.—“ The cession or the island and harbour of Hongkong to the British

■Crown. All just charges and duties to■ the Empire upon the commerce carried

on there to be paid as if the trade were conducted at Whampoa.”

On the 26th January, the island was accordingly taken formal possession of

in the name of H.M- Queen Victoria.; The treaty was subsequently repudiated

hy both parties, and it was not until the conclusion of the Nanking Treaty

in 1842 that the Chinese Government formally recognised the cession of the

island. In the meantime it was held by the British—who had come to stay

—and on *he 1st May, 1841, the Public Notice and Declaration regardipg the

occupation of Hqugkong was promulgated. On the 7th May of the same

year, 1841, the first number of the Bungkm'g Gazette was published, printed

at the American Mission Press, Macao. This first number contained the

notification of the appointment (dated 30th April) of Captain William Caine,

of the 26th (Cameronian) Regiment of Infantry, as Chief Magistrate,. the

warrant being under the hand of Charles, Elliot, Esquire, Her Majesty’s

Plenipotentiary, etc., etc., “charged with the Government of the Island of,

Hongkong.” Captain Elliot’s idea frag ;that the island should be, held, on

similar terms to those; on which Macao was at that time he'd by the Portu-

guese, and the Chief Magistrate, instead of being charged to administer

British law, was authorised and required “to exercise authority, according

to the laws, customs, and usages of China, as near as may be (every desprip-

tion of torture excepted), for the preservation of the. peace and the protec-

tion of, life, and property, over all the; hative inhabitants in the said island

and the harbours thereof”; and over other persons ,according tci British police

law. The first land sale took place on the 14th June, and building, thereafter

proceeded rapidly,at the

being estimated 15,000.population

On the qf

6th theFebruary,

new town1842,at Hongkong

the end ofwasthe form-


ally declared a free port by Sir Henry Pottinger, who had succeeded Captain

Elliot ’ as Plenipotentiary. Until the signing of the treaty, however, the

ultimate fate of the new settlement remained in doubt. Sir Robert-Peel, when

asked in the House of Commons whether it was the intention of Her Majesty's

■Government properly to colonise the place or give it up, declined to answer

what he deemed an unparliamentary questioii during a period of open war

with the country by whom the cession of the island \yas both made and re-

pudiated. The Treaty of Nanking, however, settled all doubts- On the 23rd

June, 1843, Ke-ying, the Chinese Imperial Commissioner, arrived in Hopg-

kong for the exchange of the ratifications of the treaty, and the .ceremony took

place in the Council Room on the 26th of fhat month, and immediately after-

wards the Royal 'Charter, dated 5fh April,. 1543, erecting the island into a

separate Colony, was read, and Sir Henry Pottinger took the oaths of office

as Governor. At first progress was rapid. The 'Queen’s Road, was laid out

for a length of, between three and four miles, and buildings rose rapidly.


jBut a check was received awing to the unhealthy conditions which were

•developed by “ the breaking of the ‘ malarious ’ soil,” and in 1844, soon after

the arrival of iSir John Havie, who assumed the government in June, the

advisability of abandoning the island altogether as a colony , was seriously

discussed. Mr. Montgomery Martin, H.M.'s Treasurer, drew up, a long re-

port, :in which he earnestly recommended the : abandonment of a place which,

he believed; would11'never he: habitable for Europeans. Sir John Davis,

in a despatch dated April, 1845, strongly combatted Mr. Martin’s pessimistic

oohclu'sions and expressed a firm belief that time alone was required for the

development of the colony and for the correction of some of the evils which

hindered its early progress. .Sir John (who’died in November, 1690, in his

ninety-sixth year) lived to see his predictions most amply verified, and in

after years must have reflected with satisfaction on the fact that his views

had prevailed, in Downing Street. On the 26th May, 1846, the Hongkong Club

.house, situated in Queen’s Road 'Central., at its junction with

Wyndham Street, was opened with a ball, and was occupied

by ; the lOlub for: oyer fifty years, being vacated in July, 1897, when

the Club iuoved into new and more commodious premises ,on the New Praya.

Sir John Davfs resigned in January, 1848, and left the colony on the 30th

March of that year. On the 13th April, 1854, Sir John Bowring took the oaths

as iGuvernor,^ and held the rejns . until May, 1859. Sir John Bowring was the

last, GOiVernor who united that office with that of Minister Plenipotentiary and

Superintendent of British;Trade in China. During his administration various

public works were carried, outi and the Bowrington Canal was constructed. On

October 1st, 1857, The Rpng Kong Daily Dress made its appearance. In


tion. In 18601.859,theSir Herculesof Robinson

peninsula Kowloon was arrived andunder

placed assumed the: administra-

British-control, and

soon afterwards became a great, camp, the English and French troops of the

Allied Expeditionary Force being' for some time quartered there. In Novem-

ber, 1867, a great fit-e occurred* which swept the whole district between the

Queen’s Road and the Praya, from the Cross Road to the Harbour Master’s

'Office., During1 Sir Richard MacDpnjlell’s vigorous administration the revenue

-of the Colony, which had fallen1 much below the expenditure, was augmented

by the iippositipn of the sthmp duties and other measures. One of His Excel-

lency’s last official acts .was to preside at the opening, in February* 1872, of .

The Tttng Wah '(Chinese)' Hospital. By March, 1882 the trade of the Colony

increased great afid Governor Hehnessy accumulated a large surplus,

but public works made little progress, the Breakwater at Causeway'

Bay being the principal work completed during his administration, while

the Observatory was1 projected. On Christmas Day, .1878, a fire broke out in

the 'Central District of Victoria which destroyed 368 houses and entailed

'enormous loss on the community. March,,‘1883 was the signal for great activity

in the prosecution of public works, amongst others being the Tytam Waterworks,


the Victoria

enlargement(nowofQueen’s) College,. the‘Civil

the Government Lunatic Asylum,also-the

Hospital: the Observatory,

residents were and

given the privilege of nominating two of the unofficial iriembers of the Legisla-

tive-Council. A petition addressed to the House of Commons in favour of

Constitutional Reform resulted, in .1894, . in the addition of a second Chinese

member to the Legislative Council, in return for an increase in the Official

element' by the inclusion of .the General Officer Commanding the Troops, and

the . introduction of two nominated Unofficial members into the . Executive

'CounciL The year 1894 yyill be memorable, also ; in the annals of the Colpny


on thempst7thdisastrous

of. June,year;when

of -the 1.0plague.

:7 deathsThe and disease69 reached

new cases its climax


reported. After that date its virulence decreased, and on the 3rd

September the proclamation declariug the Colony infected was withdrawn. The

total number

•Colony of dpatha

had suffered recorded'Large.

severely.. was .2;547.

numbersIn ofthethemeantime

nativesthefled,tradeit ofbeing


•estimated tha,t the; population'iy:as reduced at..one time by mo less tbau 80,000*


and the usually busy Queen’s Road appeared almost deserted. As the disease-

waned the population returned, business was gradually'resumed, and with the-

withdrawal of the quarantine imposed at the other ports’, vessels resumed their

reguiar calls at Hongkong. In 1896 the disease again made its appearance^

but was much less virulent than in 1894, and in 1893 there was another-

visitation. In .every succeeding year there was a recurrence of the epidemicr

notwithstanding the expenditure of millions of dollars and the prosecution

of a vigorous policy of sanitation carried out on the advice of special com-

missioners (Mr. Osbert Chadwick and t)r. .Siippson) ..sent, put from England

to advise on the best means of improving the health of the city of Victoria-

An outbreak of‘cerebrospinal meningitis occurred early in 1918, 1,232 cases being;

recorded. In consequence of the popular alarm that was felt, the Rockefeller-


the of New ofYork

best methods was asked

prevention andtotreatment.

send Am expert ih the disease

Hr. Olitsky, to advise

Lieutenant, oh


Army, arrived in the Colony on May 5th and he strongly condemned the con-

gestion prevailing in the Western part of Victoria. On his advice the systematic-

manufacture of anti-meningococcic serum was undertaken.

In 1900, in the despatch of the Chinese Expeditionary Force from India,

Hongkong became the base from which troops and supplies were sent forward.

Prior to the arrival of these troops, a force drawn from the Garrison was des-

patched to the front, and the Hongkong Regiment were retained for service in

North China during the whole of the campaign, only returning to the Colony in;

December, 1901. In October, 1902, the Hongkong Regiment were paraded for

the last time in the Colony, handed over their colours to be placed in St. John’s

Cathedral, and embarked a few days later for India, where they were-

disbanded. Owing to a very short rainfall in 1901, and a prolonged drought-

lasting until May, 1902, a serious water famihe-'bccurred, reducing the'


the urgent needto great straits, andwater

for increased forcibly bringing

storage. Large•home to the have

reservoirs Administration

since been


valley on the mainland first mooted in 1922 has now been begun. Shing Mum

on the island and a big scheme for securing' wate'r' from the

ami Sirhis Matthew

regime Nathan, k.c.m.g., reached

was distinguished by thethe‘Colony on the 29th

commencement, of July, 1904,

the long-

projected railway., from Kowloon,to Canton. The British section, from Kow-

loon ' to the frontier, a distance of 22 miles, was opened on October 1st, 1910,.

by Sir Henry May, who was then administering the Government in the


miles in ohlength,

leavew@s of completed

H.E. Sir atFrederick

the end Lugard. The Chinese

of September, 1911, whensection,


railway communication was established., The year 1906 will be remembered

in the history of the Colony by the typhoon which struck the Colony on

.September 18th with terrific force and with such disastrous results as to-

give'ft rank as the worst typhoon that the Colony had ever Experienced. The

Observatory was able to give but very short notice of its approach. The

typhoon lasted only two hours, and it was roughly estimated that in that

sho'rt space of time 10,000 persons lost their lives in the vicinity’, 'of the

Colony, while the damage- done to shipping and property ashore ran into

many millions of dollars. A list, admittedly iiicoihplete, ‘compiled by . the

Harbour Authorities, showed sunk or damaged 67 large vessels, 652 junks,

64 lighters, and 70 launches. No account is taken in this list of the hundreds

of sampans which were sunk or battfered to pieces, against the seai, walls, The

Colony was visited

July 27-28, 1908, bybutanother typhoon of gave

the Observatory greatertimely

force warning

bn the night of theof

: 1

approach, and shipping consequently did not buffer

1906 typhoon, but much more extensive damage was ' didne to piropefty so badly* as in the-

ashore. The most serious shipping casualty whs the' foundering of the


there was with a loss offorsomethe 424provision

an agitation’ liyes. Arising

of piorebutadbqtiate

of thesE’catastrophes

^pi'dteCtion for

small shipping than was afforded by the typhoon shelter

and, as a consequence, a new refuge was constructed at Mongkdktsui. at Causeway Bay, This,

was completed in 1915. The worst typhoon since' 1908 was that which struck


Ahe Colony on August 18th, 1923, when the wind attained the record veloeity

•of 130 miles an hour. Considerable damage was done to shipping and to

property on shore, especially at the Peak, but the loss of life was, fortunately,

.small. But for the faet, that the typhoon was travelling very rapidly the

results must have been much more, serious. In the Spring of 1918 some 600

lives were lost in a fire v/hich occurred during the race meeting at Happy

Valley. The mat sheds a.ccommodating', thousands of Chinese spectators ..col-

lapsed and flames spread so rapidly that the people were burned to death

hefore the eyes .of their friends, who . wer,ev powerless to render assistance.

Brigadier-General Sir Frederick Lugard, k.c,m.g., arrived on July 28th,

1907, and his chief monument in the Colony may be said to be

the1 University. Mr. H. N. Mody generously offered to provide buildings at an

estimated eost of $280,000,i and Sir Frederick Lugard Avorked indefatigably to

secure an endowment fund of a million and a quarter dollars. When this

fund was in sight, in 1909, building operations were commenced’ on a site

in Bonham Road. Sir Frederick Lugard had the felicity of seeing the build-

ing opened in March, 1912, just before he left on promotion to become Governor

•of Nigeria. Mr. Mody\ received .a knighthood in recognition of his benefac-

tions to the Colony.

The third decade of the century was marked by immense development of

the Colony and also by many striking public events. As elsewhere, there has

beep in Hong .Kong..a surprising increase in the facilities for public enter-

tainment and recreation. .In 1921 no fewer than 500 motor vehicles were licensed

in 1931 the number Avas well over 3,000. Rickshas and chairs are accordingly

reduced in number.. Movingl picture theatres, of modern type have also in-

creased, apd considerably, extended hotel,;accommodation (including provision

for music and dancing) attracts many mpre people into the centres of popula-

tion than was formerly the case. Wireless developments have advanced the

science of meteorology and increased the valuable Services of the Hong Kong

Observatory to navigation; the public also has now the advantage of radio

•broadcasting. In the period under review the Chinese first : developed a keen

interest in football and bathing. Chinese > football• teams now frequently defeat

■such practised exponents of the game as members of the. garrison, New motor

roads have developed, ektensive building areas on which innumerable single

residences and streets of houses have been built. A motor road to the Peak

was the largest of these enterprises subsequent to the road round the Island

and the New Territories. Building development has occurred especially in

Kowloon Avthere town-planning schemes have attracted a population shown by

the 1931 census to be more than double that of 192.1. Numerous services of

motor buses serve the transport needs of the population, leading to the con-

struction of the first reinforced concrete roads in the Colony. Development

has'been accelerated by pressure of arrivals from China where, disturbed con-

ditions have prevailed practically throughout the decade. The Chinese realised

that the 'Colony afforded a safe refuge for person and property : they came

in such numbers as to cause a considerable advance in the cost of living and a

land boom from 1921 to 1924 ( 3£ million dollars worth of land; was sold by the

'Government on long lease in 1923 alone, and 9^ millions in four years). In

times of drought there have been acute water shortages, notably in 1929 when

water had to be imported by steamer and supplied to the public from tanks on

.the water-front. Waterworks Extension, referred to eRewhereV should make

.shortages a thing of the past. On the island the most notable: achievement

was the completion of the Praya East Reclamation Scheme, which doubles the

area of Wanchai, while in Kowloon the construction of Avhat Avill be a model

city of vast dimensions progressed year by year as hill after hill was cut down

.and used to level up insanitary depressions and extend the deep sea frontage.

Private Another

Kong. enterpriseprivate

has alsoreclamation

added to the

wasreclaimed areatheat Government

resumed by North Point,inHong


ifor an Air Port (Kai Tak Aerodrome).


In 1921 the Hong Kong War Memorial CYoss was unveiled, and

Captain (afterwards Admiral) E.it'.G.K. Evans distinguished ‘ himself in

rescue work when the s.s. Horig Moh v/etit ashore on the Earhipocks. Oil ApriK

6 and 7, 1922, H.R.H. the Prince, of Wales visited the tSpldhy on his way to

Japan. An endowment of $500,000 for Chairs of medicine and surgery at the

University by the Rockfeffdler' Foundation was amiouncgd'at this t(me. In

1923 the Industrial Employment of Children Ordinance came into force, and

a Mui Tsai Abolition Bill was passed by the Legislative 'Council. The Ceno-

taph was unveiled on M ay '24‘. A very ’ severe typhoon in Aligust sank tha-

Loong Sung and H.M.S.. Submarine Ll9 in the harbour, besides doing much

other damage. In 1924 the Tytam Gap-Shekko Road was completed. In 1925’

the Hong Kong Government contributed £250,000 towards the cost of the

Singapore Base. In 1926 a great part of the. Hong Kong Hotel was

destroyed by fire. The Pratas Wireless. Station, striven for during many

years, was opened. The new Government Building on the water front in

Hong Kong, King’s College and a hospital in Kowloon, were completed.

In 1929 the King Edward Hotel was burnt Out, with: loss of life. This-

was a year of grave water shortage arid special measures had to be adopted

to cope with it. H.R.H. the Duke of Gloucester visited the Colony

in April. The 90 acres of, Praya East Reclamation were i completed,,


Club,"several large and

the Seamen’s imposing

Iristittrte, and the buildings

Luk Kok including

Hotel, theone Chinaof the Fleet best

and largest Chinese hotels in the Colony. A large mifiibbr of houses for' the

middle classes were also built on this site. In this year it* was proposed by the-

Chiriese Maritime Customs that, iri order to stop the increasing smuggling:

from Hoftg Kong into China which followed upon Tariff 'Autonomy and higher

import tariffs, the Chinese Customs be allowed to functiori in Hong Kong.

An agreement to this effect was discussed but came to' nothing because China

could hot agree to grant Hong Kong a quid pro quo in respect of iriland

water navigation privileges.

The following is a list of those who have administered the Government from the-

date on which the Island was erected into a Colony:—

1843 Sir Henry P.ottmger, Bart., g.c.b. I 18$(J,Sir GeorggG.William Des Yceux, c.b.k.c.m.g.

1844 Sir John Pranqis Davis, Bart., k.c.b,! 1891' 1891 Maj.-Gen.

Sir Digby Barker,


Robinson, g.c.m.g, (Adm.)»

1848 Samuel George Bonham, c.b.

1851 Major-General W. Jervois (Lt.-Governor) 1898 Sir Henry Arthur Blake, G.c.m.g.(Adminr.)'

1898 Maj.-Gen. Black, c.b.

1851 Sir S. George Bonham, Bart., k.c.b. 1902 Maj.-Gen. SirW.Gascoigne,k.c.m.g.(Adr.)-

1852 John B.owring, Lri.D.y(Acting) • :; 1902 Sir Henry Arthur Blake, g.c.m.g.


1854 Sir

Sir S.John

George Bonham,

Bowriug, Kt,Bart.,

ni,b. k.c.b. 1903 Francis H. May, c.m.g.k.c.m.g.



1855 Lieut.-Colonel

Sir John Win,Kt.,'ll.d.

Bowring, Caine (L,t.-Governor)' 1.904 Sir Matthew

1906-7Hpn Nathan,

Mr. F.H.May,c.M.G.,Admr.(lmonth)

1859 1907 Sir Matthew Nathan, k.c.m.g.

1859 Colonel

1862 Sir




Thomas B.Mercer

Robinson; Kt.



19(7 Bngadier'

1909-10Hon.SirMr.H. F.Gen.

H: Sri-E

May, May D.Tiggard,




\ Adminis.).


1864 Sir

1865 Sir Hercules

William, ThomasG. R. Robinson,

Mercer Kt.

(Acting)Kt., c.B. 1912 Hon. Mr. Claud Sever,(Administ c.m.g.

lOlChlS Brigi-Geh. Sir F. D. Lugardj -K

1866 Richard Graves MaeBonnell, 1912 Sir Henyy .May,, Severn rator)

k,c.m.g.i Administrator!


1871 Maj,-Gen.

Sir H. W. Whitfield

RichardE'G.. Kennedy,

MacDonnell. (Lt^G.overnor)

K.c.M.m, 1913 Hop. Mr, ;CJaud


1875 Sir Arthur

John Gardiner k.c.m.g.,

Austin (Administrator) c.b. c.b. 1914-i9-Sirl,-|ei)ry

1917- May, k.c.m:,a,. .

1876 Sir Arthur E. Kennedy, K.c.ai.G., c.b. 1918-



1882 Sir

Win.John Hy. Rope

Marsh,Hennessy, k’.c.m.g.

c.m.g. (Administrator) ' 1922 Hon. M-r.. Claud Severn,:c,M.G.; (.j:dmr.)

1883 Wm.

1885 Sir George Kerguson

Hy. Marsh, c.m.g.Bowen,- o.c.m.g. 1025.

(Administrator) 1927; H'SironvMn

Cecil 'CW.leinenti, K.e.MiG. c.mig. (Adrnr,))

T. Southorcii,

1887 Maj.-Gen.W.G,Cameron,c.b. (Adminis.) 1928-30 $ir Cepif Clementi, fork.c.m.g,

three, months. .


1890 Sir George

Francis Williamc.m.g.

Fleming, Des (Administrator)

Vceux, k.c.m g. 1 1930-34 Sin William Peel, k.b.k., k^c.m.g.

1935' Sir Andrew Caldecott, k.c.m.g., c.b’k.


The Government is administerhel :by a Governor, aided by an Executive Council


six officials and three unofficials. The Legislative Council

and is composed of the Officer Commanding the Troops, the Colonial is presided overby the

Secretary, the Attorney-General, the Treasurer, the Secretary for Chinese Affairs, the

Director of Public Works, the Inspector-General of Police, the Director of Medical and


eclby the Services

Chambertheof Commerce

Harbour Master, and eight

arid another unofficial

by the Justices’niembers, one ofThe

of the Peace. whom is eleet-


six, three of whom are of Chinese race but British natiohaliEy, are appointed by the-

Government. Demands for a greater measure of popular representation were made by



times residents to the Secretary

unsuccessfully. In 1922 ofa State for the Coloniespetition

numerously-signed in 1916onandtheagain in 1919,

subject was

presented to the House of Commons.


The island of Hongkong is about 11 miles long and from 2 to 5 miles broad; its


few valleys of isanyabout 27 miles.

extent and scarcelyIt consists of a broken

any ground availableridgefor ofcultivation.

lofty hills; withTbO-

only valleys worthy of the name are those of Wong Nei Cheong, Tytam, and Little

Hongkong, 9,11 of which are remarkably beautiful and well wooded, being in fact the

only parts where any considerable arborescent vegetation was formerly to be, found.


city island is welland

of Victoria watered

suburbsby , numerous

are Supplied streams,

with many


perennial,Tyfam, The

and Wong-nai Chung reservoirs. The first-named, constructed in 1866-69, has a


in rage capacity

188-388, of sixty-sixin million

and extended 1896, hasgallons, whileoftheabout

an area Tytam 31 reservoir,

acres 1 andconstructed

a: storage


the water is conveyed into town by means of a tunnel a miletheandTytam

of about three hundred and 84 million gallons. From reservoir

one-third in

enarly four miles in length, on which a fine road—called the Bowen Road — and

length and a conduit along the hillside some 400 feet above the sea level has

been formed,

district, which cpinmands

and isthea ravines the

favouriteandresort most charming views of the city and the eastern

carried Over rocksof bypedestrians.

ornamental Instone' manybridges,

parts'one the conduit

of which,is

above Wanchai, has twenty-three arches. The Wong-nai Chephg resef voir, cbmpleted

in 1899, has a capacity of 30 million gallons. A bye-wash reseiVoir of about 22


reservoir,gallons capacity, insituated immediately below the overilbw of the Tytam

gallons waswascompleted

completed 1903, and

in 1909. A. afurther

dam atextension

Tytam Tuk to'impound

of these 194 million

waterworks was

completed in 1917 at a cost of about $2,400,000, making provision ; for impounding an


the Colony for another fifteen years but experience in dry seasons shewed tliat ofit

1,419 million gallons of water. This was expected to meet the'heeds

was barely adequate and a project was started to dam the Shing Mun river

and to tap practically the whole of the Eastern and Southern slopes pf Tai

Mo Shan. This scheme was sanctioned by the'’Secretary of .‘State in June,

1924, and the work slowly progressed. The newly developed datchmefit area

includes 8,500 acres, or 13 square miles. It was proposed originally to build

njlne storage reservoirs, varying in size from 55. million to 1,700 million gallons

apd haying an. aggregate capacity of .4,500 million . gallons, . of ■ which 2,400“

million gallons, or rather more than the whole storage capacity in the Island


Hgngkong, would The

reservoir., .be stored

water will in gravity, and the

be conveyed remainder

through would behills-

the Kowloon in

by; open conduit and two tunnels, the latter being 2,400 and 4,350 feet in length,

respectively. It was.intended that the water should be brought, down from the

Filtered Water Beservoir by 24-ineh trunk mains,; which were to be laid. in.

the bed ofprobably

servoir, the harbour

under from Kowloon

the Public Point and

^Gardens. The discharge

scheme wasintosomewhat a Servicemodi-Re-

fied but no very great difficulties were experienced

as to the best method of conveying the water across the harbour. Early. in?until the question arose

1929 Mr. Henderspn, the assistant director of Public Works, went Home to

consult engineering authorities ah tb the bbst;;ihethbi£l :'of, with a

result that his own scheme was approved and he hurried bifik to put.the wbrk

in hand. The water is conveyed across to Hongkong in a'pipe line laid, on

the bed of the harbour. The total length of this pipe is nharly milts. The


pipe, of Lap welded stpel, has an internal diameter of 12.265 and is 7/16" thick.

It; is protected by a. double hessian wrapping impregnated with bitumastic

solution. It has a discharging capacity of million gallons per day at 280

feet above sea level. The pipe line was formally opened on 31st March, 1930.

In 1929 the construction, of the Kowloon Eyewash Reservoir, immediately

below the Kowloon Reservoir, was begun and will be finished in 1931, thereby

adding a further 180 million gallons to Kowloon’s storage. This dam will

have, a maximum height of over 100 feet.

In 1926

for . the the Aberdeen

Island Valley,andwasin investigated

of Hongkong 1929 work was as a commenced.

further sourceTheof Scheme


included the construction of a dam 110 ft. in height impounding about 180

million gallons. The existing Aberdeen Paper works dam having a capacity

of about 90 million gallons was purchased by Government and was incor-

porated in the Scheme.

' The Shing Mun Valley dam, one of the largest in the Far East, is now under


enormous: quantityand will be completed

of water in 1938.runsIttowill

which annually wastebe from

used that

as aValley.

storage for the

The approaches to the port are well lighted. The western entrance has the

following' lights f

‘ ? Gapport,,

RbekbyLight—El. every, 3 seconds, visible .18 miles. 'Connected to the

Wireless Telegraphy.

^ Creen Island Lighto-Fl. W. R. every 8 seconds, visible 16 miles. Connected

to the: Port by Telephone.

'"'Central Fairway—North Buoy: FI. every 3 seconds. South Buoy: FI.

every 3 seconds.

Atithe eastern entrance there are: —

Waglan Island Light-^Group : FI. every 10 seconds, visible 21 miles. Con-

nected to the Port by Telephone, Telegraph and Wireless Telegraphy

Diaphdhe Fog Signal.

, Cape D’Aguiiar—Wireless Telegraphy Station.

Tathong Point Light—FI. Wj R. every 5 seconds, visible 2 miles. Fog

Bells ,every 30 seconds.

'Cape Collihson Light—'Double FI. W. R. every 10 seconds, visible 16 miles.

Lyeemoon Pass. Lights—North Side: FI. R. every 5 seconds. South Side:

Fl. R. every 5 seconds.

' Channel Rocks—Fl. every 5 seconds.

' Cust Rock Beacon—Fl. every 3 seconds.

^hin Sal Chiu Point Light—Fl. W. R. every 3 seconds, visible 10 miles.

The harbour of Hongkong is one of the finest and most beautiful in the

world/ having an area of ten Square miles, and, with its diversified scenery and

varied shipping, presents ‘ an animated and imposing spectacle. It consists

of the sheet of water between the island and the mainland, and is enclosed

on all sides by lofty hills, formerly destitute of foliage, but now becoming

clothed, especially: on the island, with young forests, the result of the affore-

station scheme of the Government. The city of Victoria is magnificently

situated, the houses’, many of them large and handsome, rising, tier upon tier,

from the water’s edge to a height of over five hundred feet on the face of the

Peak, while many buildings are visible on the very summit of the hills. Seen

from the water at night, when lights twinkle among the trees and houses, the

^ify, spreading along the shore for five miles, affords a sight not readily to

be forgotten.

Nor on landing are the favourable impressions of the stranger dissipated

or lessened. The city is well built, the roads and streets are for the most

part admirably naade and kept,, and a few of the thoroughfares delightfully

shaded with well-grown trees. The European business quarter occupies the


middle of the city, from Pofctinger Street to the Naval Yard. Almost all the

lower levels, especially the Western District, are covered by a mass of Ohinese

shops and tenements, in recent years a large number of the older of these have

been pulled down and replaced by more modern buildings of ferroconcrete,

many of them well designed and fine looking edifices. The Botanic Gardens

are situated ju^t above Government House, and ^re tastefully laid nut in

terraces, slopes, and walks, with parterres of flowers. A handsome fountain

adorns the second terrace. There is a bandstand, presented by the Parsec

community and op.en air concerts are given in the gardens during the summer

months which prove a .great, attraction. Aviaries, orchid houses, and fer-

neries are attractive features, and seats are provided in every spot wheye.a

view is, obtainable nr shade afforded by the varied foliage. A fine bronze

statue of Sir Arthur Kennedy, Governor of the Colony, 1872-6, erected by public

subscription, stands above the second terrace looking down on the fountain.

It was unveiled in November, 1887, by Governor Sir William iDes Voeux. A

pilau erected to the memory of the Chinese who gave their lives in the great

war of 1914-1918, was unveiled on 7th May, 1928, by Sir Cecil 'dementi, k.c.m.g.

It stands just above the flight of steps giving entrance tp the gardens from

Albert Road, and is in every way a fitting memorial. The City Hall, erected

in 1866-9 by subscription, contains, a theatre, numerous large rooms used for

balls and public meetings (in one of which, known as St. George’s Hall, is

a fine portrait of the late Queen Victoria, presented by the late Sir Thomas

Jackson, Bart., in 1900), a Library and a Museum—both of which howeyer, have

a neglected appearance. Eastward of the City Hall is a fine open space or

lung, in the shape :bf the Parade Ground, sorith of the ;road, and the Cricket

Ground on the north. Here a new pavilion whs erected in 1923 and extended

in 1927.

The Post Office,' an imposing building in which several other Government

departments are accommodated, occupies aS site'with frontages on. the Praya,

Redder Street and Des Voeux Road. The Court of Justice were designed by

the late Sir Aston Webb and Mr. E. Ingress-Belli consulting architects to the

Government of Great Britain. The foundation stone was laid in 1903 and the

building was completed at a cost of -$856,310 and opened in January, 1912.

Immediately opposite on the seaward side and appropriately occupying what

was long .known as “the finest site,” stands the Colony’s War Memorial—a

replica of the Cenotaph in Whitehall, London—which Was unveiled' byuPLEi

Sir R. E. Stubbs and dedicated to “The Gipridus. Dead” on Empire Day'," 19281

The monuments, which is of granite, sftods 35 ft. high. Occupying, a site in

the centre of Statue Square to the west of the;-Courts of Justice stands the

Jubilee statue of H.M. Queen Victoria, the. erection of which was postponed

until this site became available; it was unveiled on the 28th May, 1896. The

statue represents Queen Victoria seated on her throne, and, is of bronze under

a stone canopy. Close by, there was-formerly a fine bronze statue of the Duke

ofby Connaught,

Sir Williampresented

GascoignetoonthetheColony by Sir

5th July, 1902.PaulThis('(hater.

statue Itwaswasremoved


Pebruary, 1907, to a site on the waterfront near! Blake Pier, and H.R.H. the-

Duke of Connaught, who paid a second visit to the’Colony, this time as. In-

spector-General of the Force's, on February 6th. 1907, unveiled, in what is now

designated the Royal Square, a fine bronze, statue-of the late King Edward,

presented by Sir Paul Chater, c.m.g., and one-of H.M. King George, presented

by Mr. James Jardine Rell-Irving. A statue of H.M. Queen..Alexandra, sub-

scribed for by the Community as a memorial of the Coronation of their Majesties

in 1902, and one (of H.M. Queen Mary, presented by the late'Sir 1L N. Mody,

were placed in the same Square in 1909. Sir Paul Chater: desired to add a

statue of the Priftce of Wales in comrhemonation of His Royal Highness’s visit

in April, 1922, but, at the Prince’s request, the money ($50,090) was invested

instead tor the local branch of the British Legion and the Ex-Active Service

Men’s Association. Government House occupies a commanding situation, in

picturesque grounds pleasirtgly laid out, a little above the European business

centre. Victoria GdoT is a large structure, v7itfi its main - entrance' 'from'



1920. The Road. A branch and

Police Barracks, prison

newwas openedStation'

* Central at Lai-chi-kok, Kowloon,Gaol,in

adjoin Victoria,'

as does .the Magistracy, the reconstruction of which was: practically completed

at the close of 1914. An additional Magistracy was opened at Kowloon in

1924. ;

The Runatic Asylum cdnsists of two small building^'b9ie;fof Europeans and

the bthdr for Chinese, below Bonham Road in the wfesEern part of the town.

Adjacent' is the Government Civil Hospital. The Alice Memorial Hospital is a

useful and philanthropic institution ; affiliated with it is the Nethersole Hospital

on'■BOnham Road. The Royal Naval Hospital occupies a small eminence near


in ;19d7, Occupies a,hd athe..Military


site abovea BOwenfine range

Road.of buildings,

The Hongkong completed


vefffity, a large and handsome building erected in a commanding position at

the west end of the city, was opened in 1912. Queen’s College, a commodious

structure, which stands on a site having its chief frontage on Hollyw'bod Road

is dhe 'home Of the chief Government educational institution in the/'Colony.

King's'College, . a fine building accommodating nearly a thousand' students


in Gough ' openedStreet,

in 1R26is the

in Bonham RbacL Thecentre

chief Government Belilios Publideducation.

of female School for Exten-


sive, new buildings for iSt. Stephen’s Girls’ College, however, have been erected

on a site between Park Road and Lyttleton Road. The foundation stone was

laid by H.R.H. The Prince of Wales during his visit to the Colony in April,

1922, and the building was opened by Lady Stubbs in January, 1924. The Turtg

WaR Hospital, a Chinese institution, which has been dl great utility in the

Co;lony, was considerably enlarged in 1903, and new plague wards were added

in'1909. A new wing; to provide accommodation for 120 patients, whs com-

pleted in 1921. A Tung Wah Eastern Hospital was opened in 1929 by Sit

Cecil, Clementi at the Caroline Hill Road. A well-designed Plague. Hospital

for Chinese, situated at Kennedy Town, was also built at the expense of the

Chinese community. In April 1930, Mrs. Southorn (wife of the then Acting

Governor, the Hon. Mr. W. T. Southorn) presided at the laying of the founda-

tion stone of the Hongkong War Memorial Hospital on Mount Kellet, which was

completed in 1932. There is accomodation for about 80 European patients. An

up-to-date X Ray department and two excellent operating: theatres are features

of the new hospital. The Barracks for the garrison are extensive, and the

buildings belonging to the Naval Establishment are spacious if not substantial*.

The chief cantonments lie on both sides of the Queen’s Road, between the

Cricket Ground and. Arsenal Street, Wanchai. Representations have ; been

made to the Imperial authorities to relinquish* this area in order that it may

be available for the constantly growing needs of the commercial community:

Terms for the surrender of the property have been offered to and accepted’by the local


ters’ Island. andTheittown

is understood

has spreadthatto the

the East

1 ew site for new

on the the Pray

arsenal willbuilding

a, and be Stonecut-



district, in the Eastern part of the city. The original scheme, on whichthriving

are proceeding so rapidly there that it promises to become the most work

started in 1923, was to level Morrison Hill and build the new reclamation from

it, the site of the former hill to have been used as playing, fields. As the work

progressed, however, the plan altered somewhat. As the core of Morrison Hill

was found to be of hard rock, and sufficient earth had been* obtained from it

already for the reclamation, the base of the hill was left standing and


signed erected onlines,its the

slopes. The roads on being the, reclaimedfeet area areothers


alreadyonformodern the. reclamation, themainbasethoroughfare

of the hill was left100standing and

and build-

ings are already being erected on its slopes. The roads on the reclaimed area

.are designed on modern lines, the main thoroughfare being 100 feet and others


in already

width. beenGodowns

built and oyer scarcely

and were a thousand Chinesebefore

completed housesbeing

of ferro-con-



likely to continue on the new reclamation for another couple of Building

two sites have been booked for the building of new theatres. years. Notis

the, least of the benefits conferred on the Colony by the addition of, this, new


territory,' is that it has entailed the filling up of Bowrington cfieek formerly

a most insanitary and unsavoury—if picturesque feature of the east end of

the city. There are also extensive Barracks at iKowloon, in which the Indian

regiments (and lately a European regiment) ..re quartered; and a magnificent

sanatorium (formerly the Mount Austin Hotel) at the Peak for the European

troops. Head-quarter House, the residence of the General in Command :of

thQ Troops, occupies a pleasant elevation overlooking the cantonments in

Victoria. The Central Market, situated between Queen’s Boad Central and

(Des Voeux Road, was opened in 1895, and in 1906 another fine market was

opened further west, and is known as the- Western Market. The building of

the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank is large, handsome and massive, and would

do credit to any-large city. It occupies a fine site next to the Ciiy Mall,’ a,nd

has frontages on Queen’s Road and Des Y

elegant fluted pillars are of dressed granite, and the offices on the Queen’s

Road frontage are "crowned with a large dome. Opposite the! Dtes Voeux Road

entrafiee to the Bank stands a broiize statue of the late Sif ThoMas Jhckton,

Bart., who from 1876 to 1902 was chief manager of the institution. The statue

was unveiled by Governor Sir Matthew Nathan on February 24th, 1906. At the

opposite end of the Bank garden, facing the Praya, a memorial has been

erected to the 42 members of the Bank’s staff who made the supreme sacrifice

in the Great War. It takes the form of a female figure of “Fame,” in bronze,

8 feet high, holding in her hand a wreath, while in front is a smaller statue

of a soldier with kit and rifle. The Memorial was unveiled by H.E. the

Governor (Sir R. E. Stubbs) on May 24th, 1923. An extensive reclamation

along the city water frontage from West Point to Murray Road, initiated by

Sir C. P. Chater, c.m.g., was completed in 1903, the total area reclaimed from

the sea being approximately 65 acres. Of this area 33.73 acres constitute

building land, the remainder being occupied by roads and open spaces. The

total cost, including reconstruction of Government piers, was $3,362,325. The

varmus sections as they were ready were rapidly built upon and some of the

finest buildings in the Colony have been erected on the reclaimed land. On the

eastern section a handsome building for the Hongkong Club was finished in

1897, and was occupied in July of that year. The Pier at the foot of Pedder

Street was opened on the 29th December, 1900, and named Blake Pier in honour

of Governor Sir Henry Blake. A hundred yards to the East is Queen’s2 Pier,

a handsome structure now used on all official occasions. Further west is the

Harbour Master’s Office, a commodious building completed in 1906.

The chief religious buildings are :—St. John’s Cathedral (Anglican), which

was erected in the year 1842, occupies a commanding site above the Parade

Ground, and is a Gothic church of considerable size but with few pretensions-

to architecture. It has a square tower, with pinnacles, over the western pofch,

and possesses a peal of bells. A new chancel was built in, 1869-70, the four!da

tioh stone of which was laid by the late Duke of Edinburgh on the 16th

(November, 1869. A handsome stained glass window in the east end, ;over

the altar, to the memory of the. late Mr. Douglas ILapraik, another in the

north transept erected in 1892 to the memory of the late iDr. F. - Stewart,

formerly Colonial Secretary, one in the south transept to the memory .of those

who perished in the wreck of the P. & O. str. Bokhara, another to the memory

of the Hospital Sisters who died in 1898 while in execution of their duty

during an outbreak of plague, and the stained clerestory windows of the

chancel, presented by Lady Jackson in 1900, and one to the memory of Bishop

Hoare, who lost his life in the typhoon of 1906, are the chief adornments, of

the interior. . The choir stalls, pulpit and Bishop’s throne are fin© samples

of Chinese carving in teakwood. It also possesses a fine three-manual organ.

A Church Hall adjacent to the Cathedral was opened on January $lst., 1921,.

and on the previous day a Memorial, in the form of a granite cross, to those

who fell in St.

Governor. the Stephen’s

Great WarChurch,

was unveiled in the was

for Chinese, compound

built, by the H.E.It isThea

in 1892.

neat building in red brick with white facings, with a tower and spire about

80 feet high, standing on the Pokfolum Road side of the Church Mission com-


pound. Union ChuFfih, a rather pleasing edifice in the Italian style of archi-

tecture, with a spire,, and containing accommodation for about 500 persons,

formerly stood in Staunton street, but was rebuilt in 1890, on the plan of the

old building, on a new site above the Kennedy Road. This church possesses

an organ, and the three rose windows are filled with stained glass. A second

Union Church was opened in Kowloon in 1931. A Wesleyan ohapel stands at

the junction of Queen’s Road and Kennedy Road; this was enlarged in 1904.

A Wesleyan Sailors Home stands on Praya East next to 'Sailors’ and Soldiers’

Home, it is a fine, well planned building and was opened on 30th January,

1929, by Sir Cecil Clementi. The Roman Catholic Cathedral situated, in

Glenealy, near the Botanic Gardens, is a large structure in the Gothic style >

it wasV opened for worship in 1888. A campanile tower with a small spire

surmounting it was completed in 1904 to receive a new peal of five bells. St.

Joseph’s Church, in Garden Road, is a neat edifice erected in 1876 on the site

of one destroyed by the great typhoon of 1874; St. Anthony’s Church on the

Bonham Road, hear West Point, is an ugly structure, erected in 1892 by the


and the ,Churchpf a oflate,

thePortuguese resident;

Sacred Heart, at WestSt. Point,

Francis’areChurch, at Wanchai,

small and unattrac-

tive structures. St. Margaret’s Church, Happy Valley was erected a few

years ago in order to meet the growing needs of the Catholic Community. It

is a fine handsome building. A new Chinese Church, Church of. Christ in

China, w*as opened at the junction of Bonham Road and Caine Road in 1926.

The Jewish_ Synagogue was erected in 1901, and is situated on the northern

side of Robinson Road. It is a plain but roomy edifice with two squat towers

surmounted by, spirets. The entire cost of - the Church was borne by Mr.


Shelley StreetSir)andJacob Sassoon.

the other There are.thetwo

■ at Kowloon, Mahomedan

latter being for Mosques, one in

the accommoda-

tion of the men of the Indian Mahomedan regiments quartered on the penin-

sula. A Sikh temple was, in 1902, erected near the Wanohai Road approach

to the Happy Valley. There are also several Protestant mission chapels. A

Christian Science Church was built on Macdonnell Road in 1911. St. Joseph’s

College, a school for boys managed by the Christian Brothers (Roman Catho-

lic), occupies a large and handsome building on a prominent site below Mac-

donnel Road'. LaSalle College, the biggest educational institution in the Colony

was built in 1932. The Italian Convent, in Caine Road, educates a large number

of girls, and brings up many orphans gratuitously. Other denominations

likewise support charitable establishments, conspicuous among which are the

Diocesan Home and Orphanage, the Baxter Vernacular School, the Victoria

Female Home arid Orphanage, $c., St. Paul’s College, situated between Ped-

der’s Hill and Glenealy Ravine, was erected in 1859, and was originally found-,

ed for the purpose of giving a theological training to young Chinese and

others intended for the ministry of the Anglican Church, but is now an

ordinary , school. A small chapel is attached.

The Protestant, Roman Catholic, Parsee, Jewish, and Mahomedan Ceme-

teries occupy sites in Wong-nei Chung Valley .and are kept in good order..

The Protestant Cemetery is almost a rival to the Public Gardens, being char-

mingly situated and admirably laid out with fountains, flower beds, and

ornamental shrubs. The principal Chinese cemetery is on the slopes of Mount

Davies, near the Pokfolum Road, and is injudiciously crowded and dismally

bare, but it is a Confucian maxim that ^'places of burial should not be made

to resemble pleasure-gardens.”

( The Hongkong Tramways, Limited, operate electric tramway services in

the City of Victoria, the total route length being 10£ miles and extends along

practically the whole length of the Northern Waterfront of Hongkong, i.e.,

from Kennedy Town to the village of ShaUkiwan as well as Happy Valley.

The first car ran through the City in-1904 amidst great excitement among

the Chinese.

•second; class. The fares are at the flat rate of 10 cents first class and 5 cents


There are also bus services both in the Colony and on the mainland, the' former

run by the South China Motor Bus Co. and the latter by the Kowloon Motor Bus

Co. In the Colony the fare is IQ cents but in Kowloon, it is somewhat different, at

being tobased

Ferry on differentfaresections

Yaumati—the for firstofclass

the isjourney.

10 cents For

and the first forsection—fron?

5 cents .third class. Stat


the subsequent section the fares for both classes are increased by 5 cents, and sO

on. A motor bus service to Repulse Bay is maintained by the Hong Kong


A cable tramway has since 1888 given access to the Peak and is worked

with ,great success, both financially and otherwise. The City terminus Of this

interesting little line is at St. John’s Place.


There are numerous Clubs in the Colony. The principal are the Hongkong

Club on the Praya, the Club Lusitano in Ice House Street,: the Sport Club

and the China Fleet Club On the Praya. The Hongkong. Club is, a handsome

building replete with .every modern comfort; a large, annexe was

completed in 1902. The Peak Club is domiciled in a, pretty building at

Plunkett- Gap, and, possesses .tennis and croquet lawns on land adjoining.

There are also the Hong Kong Jockey Club, United Services Recreation Club

(Kowloon), the Club de Recreio, the Craigengower Cricket Club, the Civil Service


Club, theClub,

Ladiesthe Recreation

Deutsche Cliub,

Club, thethe South



the Indian Recreation

Association, the

• Chinese!' Athletio;Association,- the'Chinese Recreation iClub, the Victoria 1 Recrea-

tion. Club, the Royal Hong Kong Yacht, Club and the-Hong Kong Ridilo Club.

The Royal Hongkohg Golf Club has four courses, Happy Valley and Deep

Water Bay (9 holes each) and Fanlihg (two 18 holes courses; the “new” and

the “old”). There are also Hockey Clubs, a Chess Club; and- a Yacht Club. In

1928 the Sports theClubGovernment,

Administering housed in King’s

the Hon.Building

Mr. (nowwas Sir)

opened by H.Southorn

Wilfrid E. the Officer


main object of this Club was that residents of all nationalities eould meet socially.

It has proved to be a great success. The Ladies’ Recreation Club haye several

prettily laid-out tennis courts and a pavilion in their grounds on'the Peak;Road.

The Hongkong General Chamber of Commerce have -rooms in the Char-

tered Bank Building. The Committee form its executive, and ’ the Chamber

is frequently asked by the Government for its opinion on questions affecting

commerce. There is .a branch of the China Association, with its separate

Committee. A Chinese Chamber of Commerce was established in 1920 and

has since been of great service, not only to the Chinese merchants of Hong-

kong but to - Chinese merchants overseas. The Freemasons’ Hall., erected in

1865, is situated in Zetland Street, and, by an arrangement concluded in 1922

at the suggestion of the parent Lodge, has, now become the joint property of

all the Lodges in the Colony. The Institution of Marine Engineers watphes

over the interests of that profession. The Hongkong Benevplent, Society does

good work among those who are occasionally cast destitute on the Colony.

The Helena May Institute for Women, named after Lady May, situated in

Garden Road, was opened on September 12th, 1916, and extended in 1922. In

January, 1930, a branch was opened in Kowloon by Lady Cl omen ti. Among


the institutions are theof St.

celebration the Andrew’s

anniversitySociety, primarilypatron

of Scotland’s established





George’s Society, started in 1927; .St. David’s Society, St. Patrick’s Society,

the Kowloon Residents’ Association, the English Association, the Mid-Levels

Residents Association and the Peak Residents’ Association.

' Under the auspices of the Hongkong Jockey Club pony: racing is con-

ducted in the Colony. The annual meeting which lasts five days is generally

arranged to take place about a fortnight after Chinese New Year. After the

annual meeting a number of “extra” meetings are held, there being about

twenty race days in the year not including the annual meeting. Steeple-

chasing was introduced into the Colony a few years ago and the meetings of

the Fanling Hunt Club are now very popular. One meeting a month is held

jexcept during July and August when it is too hot for racing.


Athletic sports are held every year by the residents, schools, and the garrison

and great interest is shown by the public. Football, is far and away the’ most

popular form of sport as it has in recent years got a grip on the Chinese

public. In summer swimming sports are held at regular intervals at the Vic-

toria Kecrhation Club and at a nurhber of Chinese swimming clubs at North

Point. Water Polo is fast becoming the tnost popular fbr'm of summer sport.

There is a Philharmonic Society (resuscitated in 1922) and also an Aipateur

Dramatic piub, the members of which give occasional performances in the

Theatre Royal during the season. SeveraF large and well equipped cinema

theatres snowing talking pictures and three large Chinese Theatres, where the

Chinese drama is almost constantly "on view, are always well attended.

There are four daily papers published in English: the Hongkong Daily

Press and t\iQ South China Mdming Post, which appear in the morning; the

Ching Mail and tb.& Hongkong Telegraph, issued in the evening. There are

three weekly papers—the Hongkong Weekly Press and China- Overland

Trade Report, the Overland China Mail, and' the Sunday Herald.

The ‘ Directory and Chronicle for China, Japan, Malaya, dc., has

been issued annually since 1863 from the Daily Press Office. The native Press

consists of about a dozen papers. The Government Gazette is published once

a week. ■ . .: ■ ; ,,, ,)

There are several good hotels in Victoria, the. leading ones, in the city being

the Hong Kong Hotel and The Gloucester, a fine modern building opened, in

1932. The Peak Hotel is situated about 1,400 feet above sea-level,

and provides considerable accommodation. On the other side , of the

island ia hotel at Repulse Bay was opened on New Year’s Day, 192G-, by the

H.E. Sir Reginald Stubbs. In Kowloon there are the Station Hotel, the

Palace Hotel, and the Kowloon Hotel, while the erection on Salisbury Road,

by the Hongkong-Shanghai Hotels Co., Ltd., of a hotel on the most up-to-

date lines and containing extensive accommodation, called the Peninsula

Hotel, gives Hongkong the honour of having the largest hotel in the Orient.

The Peninsula Hotel was opened in December, 1928, by the Hon. Mr. W. T.

Southorn, at that time the acting governor.


The Colony possesses a large sugar refinery, shipbuilding yards (described

below), a cement works, a rope works, many Chinese knitting factories, a soap

and perfumery, factory, glass blowing establishments, cigar and cigarette fac-

tories of modern

lion, soy, basketstype,

and native

rattan factories for the preparation

ware, numerous native boat forbuilding

export yards

of Vermil-


granite quarries, etc.. A Dairy Farm Company, under European supervision,

also controls an extensive ice factory; The

British section of a single line railway to Canton. Colonial Government owns the

The works of the Hongkong and China Gas Company are situated.,at West

Point and at Yaumati, and those of the Hongkong Electric Company at North

Point. A new power-station for the Electric Company was built on a site

reclaimed from the sea for this purpose. The city is illuminated by electric

light, which was introduced, at the end of 1890. . Electricity is supplied in

Kowloon by the China Light and Power Co., Ltd.

Docks and ShipbuiIdIng Yards

. Excellent dock accommodation and shipbuilding facilities exist in the

Colony. The Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Co., Ltd., a British Company, in-


ber, 1866, hasunder


Hongkong Companies Ordinance

establishments. 1865, establishment

The principal on the Uth Octo-


Head Office is situated at Kowloon Docks, Hung Horn, one known as Cosmopo-

litan Dock at Tai. Kok Tsui, and two Dry Docks at Aberdeen, on the south

eide of;Hongkong Island. The establishments of this Company are fitted with

all the best and latest applidnees for‘engineering and; shipbuilding work- No.


! 1 pock at Kowloon can accommodate the largest vessel in H.M. Navy on the

I "China Station, and also the largest merchant vessel calling at Hongkong.

Tlhe Do6ks and 'Slips are of the following dimensions: —

Kowloon Docks, Hung Hom—

No. 1 {Admiralty) Dock—700 feet, in length, 95 feet in breadth at

•entrance at top and §8 feet at bottom, and 30 feet depth of water over

sill at ordinary spring tides.

No. ^ Doe^T—Length, on keel blocks, 371 feet; breadth at entrance),

74 feet; depth of water over sill at ordinary spring tides, 14 feet.

Patent Slips,. No. on: keel blocks 240 feet; breadth at

entrance 60 feet; depth on the blocks 14 feet.

No. 2—Length on keel blocks 230 feet; breadth at entrance 60 feet;

-depth of water on the blocks at ordinary spring tides, 12 feet.

Tai Kok Tsui

Cosmopolitan Z)oc&—Length on keel blocks, 466 feet; breadth at en-

trance 85 feet 6 inches; depth of water over sill at ordinary spring tides,

20 feet.


Hope Dock—Length on, keel blocks, 430 feet; breadth at entrance, 84

feet; depth of water over sill at ordinary spring tides, 23 feet.

Lamont Dock—Length on keel blocks, 333 feet; breadth at entrance,

64 feet; depth of water over sill at ordinary spring tides, 16 feet.

The Sheers at Hung Horn, are capable of lifting 100 tons and the depth

of water alongside is 24 ft. 6 ins. at low tide. There are nine building berths

-at Hung Hom ranging from 450 ft. to 900 ft. and the Dock is capable of build-

ing vessels up to 700 ft. in length.

Taikoo :—In 1908 docks constructed by the Taikoo Dockyard and En-

gineering Co., Ltd., at Quarry Bay, just inside Lyeemun Pass, were completed.

The dock has. been built to British Admiralty requirements, and has been

•designed to permit of further increasing its length should it become necessary

at some future time to do so. The dimensions of the dock are: 787 feet ex-

treme length; 750 feet on the blocks; 120 feet wide at coping; 77 feet 6 inches

wide at bottom; 88^ feet width of entrance at top ; 82 feet width ’ of' entrance

at bottom; 34 feet 6 inches depth over centre of sill at high spring tides; 31

feet depth over sides of sill at H.W.O.S.T. A feature of the dock is the

caisson, of the box-sliding type, weighing 400 tons and electrically controlled.

There are three slipways: —

No. 1 Slipway is 1,030 feet long and 80 feet wide, capable of taking

steamers up to 335 feet long having a displacement of 3,000 tons.

No. 2 Slipway is 1,053^ feet long and 60 feet wide, capable of taking

steamers up to 370 feet long having a displacement of 4,000 tons.

No. 3 Slipway is 993i feet long by 60 feet wide, capable of taking

steamers up to 300 feet long having a displacement of 2,000 tons.

The building yard is 600 feet long, and 500 feet wide, and has been

^equipped with a view to the construction of passenger and cargo vessels, turbine

The engine shops, are most extensive and complete, capable of undertaking

the building of all classes of steam engines, including geared turbines. The

'establishment, throughout has. been fi-tted with the latent timersaving a,ppliances

procurable. The electric crane situated on the sea-wall lifts 100. tons at a

radius of 70 feet, and waggon and crane roads run the full length from end

to end.

Wharves and Godowns

Cargo is handled both in midstream and at wharves. In the former case

transit by means of lighter or native junk is the rule. Steamers surrounded

rfive deep on either side by native craft are consequently a normal feature of

Hongkong Harbour.


The Hongkong and Kowloon Wharf and Godown Company, Limited, own®

a water frontage 2,000 feet in length at Kowloon, the total area of its pro-

perty being 1,201,350 square feet. It has nine berths: capable of berthing:

steamers 650 feet in length with a draught of 32 feet fit lowest spring tides.

A new wharf, 800 feet in length, and 60 feet in breadth, is in course of con-

struction. Light railway lines facilitate the transfer of cargo to or from

transit godowns or from steamer to steamer at the wharves/ A railway siding

connects the premises with the Kowloon-Canton Kailway. The Company

maintains a fleet of eleven steam and motor tugs and launches and 114 lighter®

of from '50 to 200 tons capacity; its godowns (including separate buildings

for extra hazardous, hazardous and non-hazardous goods- and bonded ware-

house for storage of dutiable goods) have a total capacity of about 300,000'

measurement tons. An-open space (313.3-13 sq. ft.) is also provided for' storage

of timber and other cargoes not requiring cover. The newer - godowns are-

equipped with electric conveyors and electric: cranes, v: Sixteen cargb- crane®

are operated on shore and five afloat, with a lifting capacity up to 2i5 tons.

There is additional accommodation at West Point, the principal Chinese'

business quarter. A large staff of Swatow coolies, trained to handle cargo,

is employed and housed by the Company, which also maintains' an effective

force of detectives and'.watchmen to prevent robberies and pilferage.

Holt’s Wharf has a frontage of 1,660 ft. and an , area of 108,000 sq. ft.

The storage accommodation comprises, five, four and 'two^storey warehouse®

with a capacity of 25,000 measurement tons. A large fleet of tugs and lighters

is also maintained. Both these wharves are connected by special siding with

the railway.

With cargo delivered from transit godown, the- system is for consignees

to obtain Agents’, countersignature to their Bills of Lading, after which the

Bills of Lading are. stamped off for delivery at the Godown Office, and con--

signees go to the godbwns where their cargo is delivered to them, seven days’

free storage, (hot-cdunting, date of arrival)' being allowed, after which overtime

is charged. Only a portion of a steamer’s cargo is taken direct by, consignee®'

from transit

under godowns,fromthe the

instructions balance usually the

consignees, beinggreater


part ofto the

storage godowns;


being held under lien to the various banks. Warrants are issued for such

cargo and the merchants, issue, Delivery Orders as and when required.

The Peak District

A well-made but steeply-graded mountain road leads up from tfie centre

of the city to the summit of Victoria Peak, with numerous other paths branch-

ing off from it at Victoria Gap along the adjoining hills. A tramway, on the

wire rope system, runs to the Victoria Gap, the lower terminus being close

to St. John’s Cathedral. It was opened to traffic on the 30th May, ,1888.

The Victoria (Jubilee) Hospital occupying a breezy, site on Barker Road, was

opened by Sir Henry Blakt on .November 7th, 1903, partly as the result of public

subscription. A new' block was added to it in 1923. Yet another hospital, named

“The Matilda Hospital,” is situated at the.southern corner of Mount Kellett. It

was built at a cost of about $35:0,C00‘and opened in 1006. The expense of erectoin

and maintenance are borne By the estate of the late Mr. Granville ShUrp, who

devoted the bulk of his fortune to provide such an institution for the benefit

of persons needing it who are of European or American birth. Another

hospital, the War Memorial Nursing Home, was' opened in 1932 on Mount

Kellett Road.

The road from Victoria Gap westward leads to Victoria Peak, which is

1,823 feet above the sea and rises almost abruptly behind the centre of the

city of Victoria. Not far from the summit of the Peak, on a most commanding

site, stands Mountain Lodge, the summer residence of H.E. the Goyernor, which

was erected in 1901. Another road northward from Victoria Gap and known as

I-ugard Road was completed in 1920, and, with Harlech Road, encircles Victoria


Peak. From there a road leads down to the "West of the City. Another road

’n a directly opposite direction leads from Victoria Gap to Magazine Gap,

where a second hill village of foreign residences has been formed on the southern

side of the hills at an area of about 900 feet above the sea. There is also a road

from Victoria Gap down to. Pokfulum and Aberdeen

A second road to the Peak district was completed in 1922. Starting from

Morrison Hill Road, it runs, from Happy Valley and traverses the face of the

hills to Wanchai Gap and Magazine Gap to the south of the cemetery. From

Wanchai Gap, also, it has been continued, along the southern face of the

hills, to the Peak. It has an easy gradient and was constructed for motor

"traffic. A branch of. it runs in an opposite direction to Wong-Nei-Cheong Gap

and along the South side of the hills until it joins the motor road which en-

circles the island. Houses are springing up rapidly along the road, and

adjacent to it.

Magazine Gap is also approached from the lower levels by an excellent

nnd well-graded road, commencing on the Bowen Road, which is now a motor

road as far as May road.

The Rubal Districts

There are several villages on the island, the largest of which is Shau-ki

Wan, situate in a bay in the Ly-ee-mun Pass, a centre for 'Chinese fishing

craft. Aberdeen, known to the Chinese as ighek-pai-wan, on the south of the

island, possesses a well sheltered little harbour, also much frequented by fishing

craft. Two large docks of the Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Company are

situated there. Pokfolum, on the road to Aberdeen, about four miles from

Victoria, is also a residential district and many residences have been erected

in pleasant and picturesque situations, commanding fine sea views and cool

breezes, but for some years after the development of the Peak district Pok-

fulum remained comparatively neglected, when the difficulty of finding addi-

tional sites on the higher levels again brought it into notice. The sanitorium

of the French Missions is located at Pokfulum, and is a fine building with

an elegant chapel attached. The Dairy Farm is also situated there. Some

distance beyond Aberdeen are two excellent bathing beaches known as Deep

Water Bay (where there is a 9-hole golf-course and club-house) and Repulse

Bay (where a popular hotel has been erected by the HongkongnShanghai Hotels

Oo., Ltd.). WongJNei-cheong is located at the head of the valley of that

name. A motor-road has been constructed from the Morrison Hill district

via Wanchai Gap to Wong-Nei-cheong Gap and to the Peak, and a tramway

was considered for the purpose of rendering building sites in the Mt. Gameron

district accessible to residents. Stanley, situated in a small bay on the south-

east of the island, was once the site of a military station, but the barrack

buildings have been pulled down, and the village is now stationary. A modern

school named St. Stephen’s College has been erected nearby. A cemetery on

the point contains numerous graves of British officers and soldiers. There is

an excellent motor road round the Island by way of Pokfolum, Aberdeen,

Stanley, Tytam and Shaukiwan. This was commended as a memorial of the

Jubilee of Queen Victoria and completed at the end of 1919. Saiwan is a

small village picturesquely situated in Saiwan Bay, just outside the Ly-ee-

mun Pass, and is much frequented by picnic parties. In the belief that it

was a healthy locality, small barracks were erected there early in the forties,

but the experiment proved most disastrous, for in five weeks out of a detach-

ment of 20 English soldiers five died and three more were removed in a dan-

gerous condition. The buildings were therefore soon abandoned. Shek O is

a small but prettily-located village occupying a small valley shut in from

the water on the eastern coast, not far from Cape D’Aguilar. This district is

being developed as a European summer resort and a Country Club has been

•established. Near here a wireless station has been erected.


Kowloon and other Dependencies -

Across the harbour is the dependency of British Kowloon, which is deve-

loping very rapidly-along lines laid down by the Town Plarining O'omtnittee.

iSome four square miles of the11peninsula were fitst granted in perpetual lease-

by the Kwangtung, jGrovemme ^ /to Sir. Harry , (then Mr.) Parkes, but were*

definitely ceded to Great Britain in 1S60 by Article YI. of the Peking Con-

vention. Yau-ma-ti, the principal village, has greatly increased in population,

and has become an important town. There is a considerable Chinese junk

trade to this district and amongst other industries is a preserved ginger fac-

tory. Gas Works we're erected thete in IS9S,- arid the settled portion of the

peninsula is lighted with gas; 'electricity, is also now largely used, the gen-

erating station being at Hunghom. Three regiments Of. Indian; infantry are

usually stationed at Tsim-tsa -Tsui, • where barracks and bffipers : quarters are-


a . large and a Mahommedan

number, of ^Europeanmosque houseshasand.beenflatserected. At Tsim-tsa

have, .fieen erepted. Tsui, too.,

and this*

portion of the peninsula, which faces Victoria, has 1 gradually developed into-

a pripuloOsIfesidehtial settlement. It ’is approached By Nathan Roaq,* a fine

wide thoroughfare running at right angles to the water-front. A fine bund,

with a massive granite wall, has been constructed here, and an extensive range

of godowns built and several fine wharves 1 made for discharging cargo and

coaling. Here, also, is situated the handsorbe terminal; station of the Cariton-

Kowlcon Railway, During 1905 and 1906 extensive,,reclamation works were-

carried, put extending eastward from the. godown company’s property ,tq'

Hunghom. Messrs. Butterfield & Swire have erected extensive godown ao-,


by the building,on.ofthetwo-reclamation.

churches at The same period

Kowloon—St. will alsoin beNathan

.Andrew’s, remembered


being the gift of the Hon. Sir Paul Chater, o.m.g., and the Roman Catholic

Church, in Chatharn Road, the gift of Dr. S. A. Gomes. Sir Paul Chater also


branch ofthethefunds



a third

Kong.place of are

There! worship

severalon hotels'

the Peninsula—a

, the largest

and newest being the Peninsula. The Central British School was erected in

1901 on Nathan Road at the expense of Mr. (noW Sir)-Robert Ho Tung. The-

Navy iriaintains a -small naval yard, subsidiary to the principal establishment

on the Hongkong side. The Royal Observatory is situated on Mount Elgin-;

and a large and handsome Police Station for the Water Pblice occupies an-

eminence just above the Praya. A fine building for a European Y.M.C.A.

was opened in November, 1925. A steam ferry plies regularly between' Tsim*-

tsa Tsui and Victoria) ferry boats also run between Victoria and (Sham Shui

Po, Mongkok, Yau-ma-ti and Hunghom; - where the principal docks of the

Hongkong and Whampoa : Dock Co/ are situated.' . The Cosmopolitan Dock

and works, also belonging to the same Company, are situated at Sham Shui1

Po. At Hok-iin are also situated the extensive works of the Green Island

Cement Co., Ltd., and the patent slip and' shipbuilding yard of Messrs. W.

S. Bailey & Co., Ltd. At Kowloon Tong a very extensive area has been*

levelled and a charming garden city has sprung up.

In 1898 an agreement was entered into whereby China ceded to Great Bri-




Mirs Bayyears the territory

to Deep Water BaybehindandKowloon Peninsula, up including

the adjacent.islands, to a line

Lantao, the extent of the New Territory being about 376 square miles, namely,

286 square miles on the mainland and 90 square miles on the islands. The

ceremony of formally taking over the territory was fixed for the 17th April,

1899, when the British flag was to have been .hoisted at Taipohu, and the day

was declared a general holiday. Attacks, however, having been made on the

parties engaged On the preliminary arrangements, . the mat-sheds erected for

the accommodation of the police having been burnt, and other' evidences of

organised opposition

full jurisdiction on thehaving been given,

16th April, on which it wasdatedeeined

the flagadvisable

was hoisted to assume

by the

Hon. Mr. (afterwards Sir) J. H. Stewart Uocikhatt, C.M.G., Colonial'Secretary.

Military operations were found necessary to overcome the opposition, and on


the 18th April the rebels were completely routed in an action fought at Sheung

Tsun, their .force numbering some 2,600 men. On the British side there were

no fatalities and only one or two slight casualties; a number of Chinese were

killed and wounded, but the exact figures were not ascertained,. those, who fell

being carried away by their friends. In the Convention it wag provided that

Kowloon City was to remajin Chinese, but,, owing to the difficulties in admini-

stration and in. respect pf the disturbances which occurred on the .taking over

of the leased area, the Home Gpyernment determined to take over this area

and orders were issued to the military authorities to seize Kowloon walled

city and Shamchun. This was done on the 16th May, 1899, no opposition being

encountered at either place. The Hongkong Volunteer Corps took part in the

expedition to Kowloon City. Shamchun, the other place seized, is an important

town on the river of the same name, just beyond the boundary originally agreed

upon. It was, however, restored to the Chinese authorities in November, 1899.

The construction,,

the New Territory under one

of roads.; British jurisdiction

pf/these* running isfrom


rapidlyto developed

Castle Peak,by

affording magnificent sea-scapes to .the motorist, who can return by way' of

Fan Ling and Taipo, the total distance'being about sixty miles. Police stations

have been established!, .'and a system of administration by means of tillage

communities orgahifeed.

pohu. The railway fromThe headquarters

Kowloon of the

to Canton, whichadministration

passes throughare theat New


Territory to Shamchun, has already done much to develop it. The Hongkong

Golf Club acquired an area of 55.62 acres in the valley stretchihg West from

Fanling and have converted it into a Golf Course of 18 holes, with two relief

Courses of'9 holes each, which are now being extended, the whole promising

to be the best in the East. The neighbourhood and Taipo are coming into-

favour with Europeans for residental purposes by reason of the picturesque

scenery. The principal islands and their populations are as follows:—Lantao,

5,844; Cheung Chau, 5,035; Lamma, 1,256. These figures do not include the

floating population. The islands to the west of Hongkong contain 1,925; those

to the cast 1,169. The Chinese population of the New Territories is 05,503.

Of the islands and islets in the waters of the Colony (exclusive of the above

acquisitions) the most important is Stonecutter’s Island, formerly known as

Wong Chune-chbw, opposite to and about three-quarters of a mile from the

north-west extremity' of the Kowloon peninsula. The island is an irregular

ridge about a mile in length, and a little*over a quarter of a mile broad; the

principal eminences ai'e occupied by batteries, and no one is allowed to land

without a permit. The Quarantine Station also is located here. After the

great typhoon of September, 1874, two or three thousand bodies of the victims

found afloat were interred on Stonecutter’s Island. Kellet’s Island is a small

rock near East Point, on which formerly stood a fort, now replaced by a small

magazine. Green Island, at the western entrance of the harbour, has been

planted with trees and now justifies its name all the year round. A lighthouse

has been placed on its south-western extremity. One Tree Island is a tiny rock

near the entrance to Aberdeen. Aplichau, a considerable island opposite

Aberdeen, of which harbour it forms part, has a populous fishing village on

its northern shore facing Aberdeen. Lantao and Lamma Islands were brought

under British jurisdiction by the Kowloon Convention of 1898, The former

has a considerably larger area than Hongkong, but both this island and Lamma

are very sparsely populated by agriculturists and fishermen. Cheung Chau

is becoming popular as a summer resort for Europeans, numerous bungalows

having been erected in the European reservation by missionaries and others.

Population and Defences

A census taken in April, 1931, showed the total population of the Colony

to be 852,932, as compared with 625,166 ten years ago. Kowloon, which had a

population of 74,698 in 1921 doubled its figures, while the Island inhabitants

have increased in numbers from 347,000 to 424,000, an increase of about 77,000.

The wffiole population may be summed up as follows:—City of Victoria, 424,522



(as compared with 347,401 in 1921); Kowloon, 262,899 (as compared with

123,488); New Territories, 95,503 (as compared with 83,163) ; and the floating

population, 69,008 (as compared with 71,154).

The Garrison consists of British and Indian troops. There is also a local

Volunteer Defence Corps. The approaches to the harbour are strongly forti-

fied, the batteries consisting of well-constructed earthworks. The western

entrance is protected by guns on Mount Davis, Stonecutters Island and Belcher

Point. The Lyee-Mim Pass is defended by forts on the Hongkong side and

another on Devil’s Peak on the mainland.

The Naval Yard consists of a large dock, an extensive range of workshops

and offices east of the Artillery Barracks, and the Naval Authorities have an-

other large establishm nt on the Kowloon side near to Yaumati.


As intimated in earlier paragraphs, Hongkong formerly possessed a most

unenviable notoriety for unhealthiness, and in years past the troops garrisoned

here suffered grievously from malarial fevers. At the present time, however,

the Colony is one of the healthiest spots in the world in the same latitude.

The influence of the young pine forests created by the Afforestation Department

and the draining of nullahs on the slopes have no doubt been beneficial in

checking malaria, and the attention latterly bestowed on sanitation has not

been without its due effect. The number of deaths from malaria during the

past six years were: 1921, 332; 1922, 454; 1923, 674; 1924, 707; 1925. 702;" 1926,

587. The last number represents 0,89 per thousand of population. The general

death-rate per 1,000 in 1926 was 15.9 (19.0' in 1925). Among the Chinese com-

munity the death-rate was 16.01 per 1,000, compared with 19.12 in 1925.

Amongst the non-Chinese civilian community the death-rate per 1,000 was 10.9

as against 14.6 in 1925.

Four successive years of comparative drought, 1898-1901, led to the assump-

tion that the rainfall of Hongkong was decreasing. But such is not the case;

the mean annual rainfall for the period 1902-11 was 84.21 inches against 68.29

inches for the period 1895-1901. Until 1918 the rainfall was never so heavy

as in the period 1888-1894, when the mean annual fall was 101.08 inches.

Trade in 1935

According to official trade statistics issued by the Statistical Office of the

Imports and Exports Department the combined values of imports and exports

of merchandise during the first eleven months of 1935 amounted to $576.4

millions (£57.5 millions), as compared with $674.4 millions (£50.8 millions) in

the corresponding period of 1934, representing a decrease of 14.5%, in terms of

Hong Kong currency and an increase of 13.2% in terms of sterling values.

Imports of merchandise during the first eleven months of 1935 totalled

$330.7 millions (£33.1 millions), as compared with $377.7 millions (£28.4.

millions) in the corresponding period of 1934: a decrease of 12.4'% in Hong

Kong dollar values and an increase of 16.5% in sterling values.

Exports of merchandise during the first eleven months of 1935 totalled

$245.6' millions (£24.4 millions), as compared with $296.7 millions (£22.3

millions) in the corresponding period of 1934: a decrease of 17.2% in Hong

Kong dollar values and an increase of 9.4%, in sterling values.

During the month of November, 1935 imports of merchandise amounted to

a total of $28.4 millions (£2.1 millions), as compared with $38.8 millions (£3.2


of 34.4% ; inwhilst


exports1934: a dollar

totalled $23.5decrease

millionsof (£l.7

26,8% millions),

and a sterling decrease

as compared

with $29.5 millions (£2.4 millions) : a dollar decrease of 20.3% and a sterling

decrease of 29.2%.


The following table shows comparative figures of imports and exports of

Merchandise and Treasure during the months of November, 1935 and November,.

1934: —


Nov. 1935 Nov. 1934

Merchandise $28,410,709 $38,817,414

Treasure 4,851,212 8,538,035

Total $33,261,921 $47,355,449

Nov. 1935 Nov. 1934

Merchandise $23,541,998 $29,474,552

Treasure 33,232,844 14,605,313

' Total .7.7. $56,774,S42 ' $44,079,665

Monthly Fluctuations

Since November, 1934, mbbthly values of imports of merchandise into Hong'

Kong fluctuated from a low Hong Kong.dollar value _(26.1 millions) ip August,

1935, to a high (38.8 millions) in Noyember, 1934 : whilst export values fluctuated

from a low, of. $18.0 millions in July, 1935, to a high of $29.5 millions in

November, 1934. Details are given below, with the sterling equivalents, at

monthly average rates of exchange, in brackets: —

Imports Exports

November 1934 $38,817,414 $29,474,552

(£ 3,164,024) (£ 2,402,483)

December 1934 ( $38,253,151

S 3.227,610) ' (£$28,405,160


Januarv 1935 " •(£ ■ 2,990,059) ' (£$26,842,125

$34,274,109 2,341,696)

Februarv 1935 $28,800,844 $20,584,724

. (£ 2,587,576). (£ 1,849,409)

March' 1935 i. ...... (£$34,175,095

.3,390,810) $27,368,852

(£ 2,715,503)

April' 1935 (£$32,005,052

3,433,875) (£$25,563,192


Mav 1935 .7 '$3o;5'60',8o4 -$23,266,674

(£ 4,259,894) (£ 2,787,154)

June 1935 !.! 7.V. (£$26,423,997

3,041,512) • (£$19,059,866


Julv 1935 (£ 2,841,662)..

$26,745,053 (£$18,028,990


August :1935 • , (£$26,145,130

2,621,322) (£$19,234,196


September 1935 $26,620,165 $19,355,346

(£ 2,662,017) (£ 1,935,535)

October 1935 !C/. •• •<£$31,564,844

3,140,044) (£$22,782,098


Noveihbi:r 1935 $28,410,709

. (£ 2,108,607) (£$23,541,998


Mean rate of Exchange for November, 1935, H.K.$=ls. 5 d.




The total values of Imports and Exports of merchandise for the month of Novem-

ber, 1935 are shown below by countries, the figures for November, 1934 being given

in brackets: —

Import's Exports

$ $

United Kingdom ‘ 1,635,210 1,131,130

(2,416,191) (612,898)

Australia 445,756 118.875

(661,495) (152,978)

Burma 25,254 160,907

(47,718) (142,798)

Canada 255,060 146,608

(294,335) (148,601)

Ceylon 30,308 85,772

(12,191) (99,808)

East Africa ...— 31,227 13,377

(40,033) (26,833)

India 323,431 447,567

(1,497,953) (327,440)

Malaya (British) 581,395 1,640,733

(567,011) (2,185,254)

New Zealand ...• 7,978 30,227

(18,420) (28,175)

B. N. Borneo ... 193,048 55,287

(150,206) (91,257)

South Africa ...... 66,570 32,148

(38,936) (41,101)

West Africa 24,749

(-) (5,190)

West Indies 195,911

(495) (100,635)

B. E. Other 57,659 94,976

(134,812) (231,500)

Belgium 250,023 11,739

(391,484) (48,995)

China, North .... 4,671,797 1,914,415

(7,456,205) (3,924,827)

China, Middle .... 315,012 993,723

(459,765) (1,414,767)

China, South 6,196,374 6,427,133

(6,176,451) (8,572,653)

Cuba 6,723

(-> (12,227)

Central America . 94,584

(2,182) (148,376)

Denmark 10,595

(6,850) (300)

Egypt 8,990 1,488

(41,915) (4,152)


France 211,437 164,194

(184,034) (332,868)

indo-Cnina 1,801,116 929,397

(1,261,726) (1,780,097)

Germany 1,324,887 223,234

(1,162,160) (136,482)

Holland 328,904 97,558

(3:36,309) (30,435)

Italy 215,826 3,500

( 166,854) (19,994)

Japan 3,662,680 1.086.865

(3,928,091) (1.533.754)

Kwong Chow Wan 437,253 655,160

(421,238) (839,447)

Macao 567,275 934,413

(647,720) (1,365,896)

Norway 67,186 91

(40,316) (895)

N. E. Indies 1,110,337 944,723

(4,260,185) (942,103)

Philippines 92,252 1,0.87,291

(80,434) (417,464)

Siam 1,382,727 1,030,139

(2,672,576) (1.523.754)

South America 7,932 57,435

(8,665) (75,764)

Swden 170,257 4,290

(161,035) (740)

Switzerland 17,822

(42,865) "(5)

.'Spain 27,662 34,313

(3,039) (70,743)

U. S. A 1,648,616 2,555,621

(2,932,629) (1,969,631)

Others 221,844 105,702

(92,890) (113,706)


Intoxicating Liquor Duties.


European Type Liquor. per gallon.

On all liqueurs, and on all champagnes and other sparkling wines $10.00

Oh allEmpire

brandy consigned froin and grown or produced in the British 3.00

On all other brandy and on gin, rum whisky & other spirituous liquors, 6.00

On all port, sherry and madeira 4.00

On all other still wines 3.00

On cider and perry 0.60

On beer

not (as defined1055

exceiding in thedegrees

Ordinance but exclusive

original gravity, ofthatcideris toandsay,perry)

the q,

specific gravity of the worts before fermentation 0.60

with the the addition of $0.01ofperthe gallon for such


if brew-by


orthemade original

in the gravity

Oolony, exceeds

“Bates” standard saccharometer.


1055fordegrees as measured

On allandother

perry) beerimported

(as defined

in a inconcentrated

the Ordinance form,butorexclusive

as ale basis, of eideror 0.60

malt and hops concentrate

with the addition of $0.01 per gallon for every degree by

bywhichthe the original

“Bates’’ gravitysaccharometer.

standard exceeds 1045 degrees as measured

On allfor intoxicating

everydutydegree liquors

above such strength, ofin 18addition

above strength degreestounder proof,

the appro-

priate as above 0.07


Chinese Type Liquor.

On all Chinese type spirits containing not more than 24 per cent.

of alcohol by weight 1.20

For every one per cent, of additional alcoholic strength by weight... o.u5


Japanese Type Liquor.

On all sake containing not more than 24 per cent, of alcohol by weight 1.20

For every one per cent, of additional alcoholic strength by weight... 0.05


Other Liquors.

On all spirituous liquors other than intoxicating liquors, but including spirits of

wine or arrack, containing not more than 24 per cent, of alcohol by weight $1.20

For every one per cent, of additional alcoholic strength by weight 0.05


discretion, to thatthe

assess it shall

duty beon lawful

any for the Superintendent

intoxicating liquor not of Imports and

specifically Exports,in inParts

mentioned his

I, II, and III above at such rate as is provided in such parts for the liquor which the Super-

intendent shall

also spirituous deem to approximate most nearly to such intoxicating

that it shall be lawful for the said Superintendent, in his discretion, to assess the duty on liquor; and provided


per gallon. liquors imported in a consignment of less than two gallons at one time at $5 00

NOTE:—“Spirituous two Liquors”

of proofmeans

spirit,liquors containing moredena-



cent, but shall not include


Imported Tobacco.

A.—On unmanufactured tobacco:

(1) If unstripped: p«r lb.

(a) containing

weight thereof: 10 pounds or more of moisture per 100 pounds

II.I. Other

If of Empire

tobaccoOrigin 7063 cents


(b) containing

weight thereof: less than 10 pounds of moisture per 100 pounds

II.I. IfOther of Empire

tobaccoOrigin 7280 cents


(2) If stripped:

(a) weight

containing 10

thereof: pounds or more of moisture per 100 pounds

II.I. IfOther of Empire

tobaccoOrigin 7684 cents


(b) containing

weight thereof: less than 10 pounds of moisture per 100 pounds

II.I. Other

If of Empireto.baccoOrigin 8493 cents


33.—On manufactured tobacco:

(L) Cigars:

II.I. IfIfOther

III. ofof Empire

Empire manufacture


Origin & manufacture

only $1.60



(2) Cigarettes:

III.II.I. Other

IfIf ofof Empire

Empire manufacture

Origin & manufacture

cigarettes only 0.80



(3) cuttings:

Other manufactured tobacco, including snuff and cigar

II.I. IfOn


If ofof Empire

Empire manufacture


Origin & manufacture

prepared only





IV. Other varieties 1.00 (

The following tobacco shall be exempt from duty:—

(a) ships stores

(b) private

tobacco usewhich andtheiswhich imported in . broken

does not exceed packages

sUeh in passengers’

quantify, weight, baggage

or value for



be allowed by

under this Ordinance. Superintendent or as may be appointed by regulations

Motor Cars

Oh all foreign madeC.I.F. motorvalue.vehicles on first registration 20% of the

Motor Spirit Duties. 2>er gallon

Motor Spirit (all kinds) •- 25 cepts


The duties to be paid upon intoxicating or spirituous liquors infported into, or

distilled, made or prepared in, the Colony and all tobacco imported into the Colony

shall be assessed as stated in the tariff: Provided that the dollars and decimals thereof





be conventional dollars reckoned

; and that consequently as the

to arrive equivalent

at the actual amountof one

payable in Hong Kong currency the conventional dollar

multiplied by 20 and divided by a figure settled by the Colonial Treasurer from timestated in the tariff shall be



representing the average opening selling rates

and Shanghai Banking Corporation for demand drafts on London. for the preyiqus month of the




Governor, Comdr.-in-Chief, and Vice-Admiral—H. E. .Sir Andrew Caldecott, Kt.,.

C.M.G., C.B.E.

Aide-de^Camp—Captain W. J. R. Cragg, 1st. Btn. The Lincolnshire Rgt.

Private Secretary—J. H. B. Lee

ffi Wt m 1 tying Kuk

Executive Council

His Excellency the General Officer Hon. the Colonial Treasurer

Commanding the Troops Hon. Mr. R. M. Henderson, Director of

Hon. the Colonial Secretary Public Works

Hon. the Attorney-General Hon. Sir H. E. Pollock, Kt., k.c., ll.d.


Hon. Sir

Sir Shou-son Chow, Kt.,Kt.ll.d.

W. E. L. Shenton,

Hon. the Secretary for Chinese Affairs

Clerk of Councils—R. A. D. Forrest

Deputy Clerk of Councils—H. R. Butters

jgl $l] Jj? Ting Lai Kuk

Legislative Council

President: His Excellency The Governor

Official Members: Hon. Dr. A. R. Wellington, c.m.g., Director

His Excellency the General Officer Hon. of Medical and Sanitary Services

Commanding the Troops Mr. T. H. King, Inspector General

Hon. the Colonial 'Secretary of Police

Hon. the Attorney General Unofficial Members:

Hon. Sir H. E. Pollock, Kt., K.c.

Hon. the Secretary for Chinese Affairs Hon. Sir W. E. L. Shenton, Kt.

Hon. the Colonial Treasurer Hon. Mr. J. P. Braga, o.b.e.

Hon. Commander G. F. Hole, r.n. Hon. Hon. Mr. Ts’o Seen Wan, c.b.e., ll.d.

Mr. Chau Tsun Nin

(Retired), Harbour Master Hon. Mr. J. J. Paterson

Hon Mr. R. M. Henderson, Director of Hon. Mr. W. H. Bell

Public Works Hon. Mr. Lo Man Kam

Clerk of Councils—R. A. D. Forrest

Deputy Clerk of Councils—H. R. Butters



Attorney General’s Office—Court of Clerks—H. A. Angus, T. S. D.B. A.Whitley,


Attorney-General — Hon. Mr. C. G- E.F. D.L. Angus,

Strange,A. L.B. Cole,

I. BickfordBates,and

Alabaster, K.c., o.b.e. R. B. Wood

Assistant Attorney - General — S. H. . ; Confidential

MIs's,;C. Angus Assist, and Stenogr.—

Williams, b.a. Stenographer—Miss L. Lock

Stenographer and Clerk — Miss B.

Budden Junior Clerical Service

Sr. Chinese Clerk—Au Kwok-leung

H 1$; HauShbShu Crown Solicitor’s Office — Supreme

Audit Office—New Post Office Build- Court

T.M. Hazlerigg, m.c.,Crown Solicitor

ing (1st floor) W- Lockhart-Smith, assist, do.

Auditor—-P. L . Collisson, o.b.e.

Assistant Auditors—T. Dallin, P. J. A.

Hamilton and C. H. G. Bradley Kan yuk sze shii

Chief Clerk—B. E. Maughan Epucation Department— Fire Brigade

Examiner—H. M. Cockle Building

Director of Education —G. R.

s « ® w a Sayer, b.a.

Yuen lam ham tuk shu Inspectors of English Schools—A. O.

Brawn and J. Ralston, m.a.

Botanical and Forestry Department— Inspectors of Vernacular Schools—

Peak Boad; Teleph. 39 (ask for 106) Y.Wan,P, b.sc.,

Law, and

b.a.,S.W.W.Yu, b.a.,b.a.I. S.

Superintendent—H. Green Liang,

Assist, do. —G. B. Twemlow Board of Education

Supervisor—J. R. Carr Director of Education (chairman)

Assist. Supervisor—K. W. Forrow Inspector of English Schools

Inspector of Vernacular Schools

Hon. Mr. S: W. Tso, c:b.e., pL.b.

S ® K « iS S & St ^ * Leo d’Almada e Castro, Jr., b.a.

Tai Ying Yam Ming Heung Kong A. el Arculli

Po Ohing Sze Shii, H. B. L. Dowbiggin, o.b.e.

Rev. Fr. Byrne, s.J., ph.d.

'■Colonial Secretariat—Albert Road Li Tsz Fong

Colonial Secretary—Hon. Sir W. T. Rev. F. Short

Southern, k.b.e., c.m.g. Sir Wm. W. Hornell, kt. c.i.e., m.a.,

Principal Assistant Colonial Secretary ll.d.

and Clerk of Councils—R. A. C. Capt. G. W. P. Kimm, a.e.c.

• North Rev. C. B. R. Sargent, m.a.

Second Assist. Colonial Secy. & Deputy Rev. J. R. Higgs

Clerk of Councils—R. A. D. Forrest J. Ralston, m.a. (secretary)

Third Assistant Colonial Secy.—H. J. Belilios Public School


Extra Asst. Colonial Secy. — D. M. Headmistress—Mrs. P. Y. Stark

MacDougall Assistant Mistresses — Miss F.S. M.


■Senior Clerical & Accounting Staff Hughes,Mrs.

Swift, MissMcRobbie,

L. Heang, MissThom-


Chief Clerk—D. Davies son, Mme. Marty, Miss Whitley, 9

First Clerk-—W. F. Stone assist, mistresses, 12 vernacular

Librarian-in-charge—H. E. Strange mistresses


Central British School (For Boys, Quarry Bay Junior Government

Girls and Infants of European School (For Children of British.

British Parentage) Parents only)—Teleph. 23778

Headmaster — Rev. G. E. S. Upsdell, Headmistress—Miss

Assist. G. M. Cotton

M.A., H.C.F., C.I.E.E.

Second Headmaster—T. R. Rowell Miss E.Mistresses—Mrs.

M. Beavis andA.Miss G. Jefford,

S. M.

Masters—A. St. G. Walton, G. Fergus- Jeffries

son (Manual Instruction), P. S. Lee


Mistresses F. Rees W.and Bascombe,

D. Orr Queen’s College—Aberdeen Street;

Miss M. B. Hall,N.Miss Knill, Mrs. Teleph. 33128 J. de Rome, M.B.E.,


O’Connor, Miss Curtin, Miss Brown, B.sc. (London)

Mrs. M. Cooper, Miss M. Heap,

Hill, Miss Sinclair, Miss Marsh and Mrs. Assistant Masters—D. M. Richards,

Miss Tasarty b.a. (Oxon), K. L. Ch’au, m.a.

(Durham), Dip. Ed. (London), H-

G. Wallington,


O’Connor m.a. (Cantab.), M.

Ellis Kadoorie School

Headmaster—E. J. Edwards M.a., b.a.

b.sc. (T.O.D.),

(London), L.R. H.


Assist. Mistress — Mrs. B. Church & Griffiths,

H. N. L. B. Holmes,

Williamson, b.a.(London)

B.se. (Oxon),

Mrs. E. A.Chinese


Anglo- VagnoneMasters and 5 and W. J.Mistresses—Miss

Dyer, m.a., Dip. Ed.F. K.

Masters Assistant

Clerk—Luk Hok King Walker, Mrs.

Paterson, MiSsM. Julia

J. Fpwlie,

Lam, Missb.a.

(Hongkong) and Miss Hung Lai

Ellis Kadoorie School for Indians Kwan

Headmaster—A. Anglo-Chinese MastersLi—Tse

Lun Ching

8 Anglo-Chihese T.MastersHamilton Fong, Kung Hon,

Hung Yuk (Sang, Cheung Wai Fung,


King’s College—Teleph. 33127 b.a.,

Kwok Huen, b.a., Pun Shiu Yuen

Chan Cheuk Wa, b.a., Lun,

Headmaster—W. Kay, m.a. b.a., Leung Ping Hin, b.a., Chan

Second Master—A. White


B.sc. Hons.Masters—H.

(Wales), T. J.H.Price,Beddow,

b.sc. b.a., M. A. Khan, b.a. and S. In,

Fung Kee, b.a., Wbng Kwok A.

(Sheffield), Dip. Ed., J. M. Wilson, Broadbridge,

Vernacular b.a.

Masters—Liu Hoi Tung,

b.sc. (Lond.), Dip. Ed., J,. Ferguson,

m.a. (Cantab.), G. Sims, b.a. Hons. Leung Cheuk U, Li Tat Hang, Li

(OxonX Ching Yat,

c YungPingKwokKi,Cheung^


(Cantab.),G.D. P.J. Ferguson,

S. Crozier, b.a. b.a. Kwan Chak

(Belfast) and

Hons. Mistresses D. McLellan,

(Cantab.) — Miss E. G. b.a. Hongkong Evening Institute

Assist. Group I (General)

Stephen, B.a. (Hons. Lond.), Miss Supervisors — G. E. S. Upsdell, m.a.,

E. M. Gray, b.a. (Lond.), Mrs. R. h.c.f., c.i.e.e. (Kowloon Centre) and

Langley, Mrs. E. L.b.a.

Phillips and Miss Ng Fung Chau (Vernacular)

M. S. MacGuffog, (Glasgow) Group II (Technical)

Supervisor — G. White, b.sc. (Eng.)

Kowloon (Junior) British School (Glas.)

Clerk—LeungA. M. Tak

I. Mech.

Wa. E.

(For Infants of British Parents) Sta ff of Lecturers

Head Mistress—Miss M. Cooper, b.a. Group I. (General)

Assist., Mistresses—Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Bookkeeping

Hudson, Misses A. E. E. Steel, K. F. Accountancy—B. E. Maughan.


Stuart M. L. Whitley, M. J. Chemistry—J. M. Wilson, b.sc.


French—MissG.M.Walton,Heap, m.a.

b.a. (Hons.)

Peak School Physics—T. J. Price, b.sc.

Headmistress—Miss M. W. Newsholme Shorthand—Miss Y. B. Whitestone.

Teachers’ - “ English ” — T. R. Rowell,

Assist. Mistresses—Miss

son, Bicheno,

Miss K. M.Miss

J. W.MissBuckwell, Ander-B. B.sc.


E. V. Hooper Swift and Mrs. m.a., (Hons.) Dip. Ed.,H.L. G.G. Walling-

B.sc. (London), Morgan,

ton, M.A.


Teachers’-“Vernacular ” — Ng

Chau (supervisor), Li Tsz Sung, Liu Fung Senior Ship Surveyor—G. Swan

Hoi Tung, Pak Chik Pot Leung Ship Surveyors — B. H. Church, N.

Cheuk U, Ng Pak Keung, Kung Garland,

Col lings ? W. Sprsigue and R. K.

Hon, Lo Yuk Lun, Li Lun Kwai, Nautical Surveyors Lieut. Comdr. T.

Tsui Yak Yuet (Sau Tsoi),

Hung Miu Chi, Miss Kwong Sui Ha Miss C. Stiff, r.n.r., and Capt. Ji Hunter

Hygiene Chief Clerk—H. H. Andrews

M.B., B.s.,(Teachers’)

Dr. Wong—HokDr. Nin,

Au King,

m.b., ' Clerks—Chan

Law Po Yung Fo POj and

V.V. Soonderam,

Mok Ping

B.S. Cheung

Physical Instruction — Miss S. Swift Draughtsmen—Cheung Van Kuk and

(Member of Chartered Society of Toi Yew Fui

Massage and Medical Gymnastics),

Miss Knill, assisted by Miss J. Government Slipway—Yaumati

Baker and Miss L. Poon Surveyor-in-Charg^—R. Hall

Group II, (Technical) Boatswain—V. Chittenden

Architecture —S. D. Igglesden, a.r.i. Clerk—Li Kam Chak




chartered architect,Clark,

Bond, A.R.I.B.A.

G.H. SI ' ©£ ’■ M Shun thing sze

Electrical Engineering—I. Day, a.m.i. Harbour Department — Connaught Rd.

e.e., R, S. Tissington, b.sc. Harbour Master, Marine Magistrate,


G. H.Surveying—Lieut-

Gandy, r.n. (Retd.)Commander Director of Air Services, Emigration

Officer and Registrar of Shipping—


assisted for Apprentices

by Un Chau — A.


and Comdr. G. F. Hole; R.N. (retired)

Leung Sui Sang Deputy Harbour Master—Comdr. J.

Mechanics — (Taikoo Dock) Mr. D. B. Newill, D.s.o., r.n.

Munro,Mr. R. M. Keown, Mr. A. Assist. Harbour

Hosegood Master—T. W. H.


Dock) Mr.Mr.0, R.E.B.Fingalsen,

Bell; (Kowloon

Mr. Office Assistant—F. P. Lenfestey

J. B. Sturgeon, Mr. Yeung Shiu Accountant—T. Parkinson

Hong, b.sc.Course—B.

(Hons.) London Boarding Officers — C. J. Thomson,

Carpenter’s Pengelly, J. S. J. R. G. Wyatt, A. G. Cooke, D. G.

FergusOn, W. L. Walker, Tang Shu. Cairns,

Morrison T. B. Low and W. L.

sham, b.a. (H.K.), Mak Kam

b.a. (H.K.), Mak Chun Poy, b.sc. Chuen, Inspectors of J unks and Cargo Boats

- W, R. Hillyer, F. Brett, F.

Wanchai English School Andrade, A. Karim, M. L. Lourenqo,

Headmaster—G. J. L. Noronha, E. F. Brown and

and 7 Anglo W.Chinese Reeve, b.a. F; A. Robertson

assistant ; Shipping Office

masters and 2 Vernacular masters Deputy Shipping Master — G. W.

Taumati English School Coysh

Headmaster—C. Mycock— Mrs.-'E. S. Assist. Shipping Master — C. H.

Assistant Mistresses Thompson

Murphy, L. M. Humphreys, and 7 Govt. Marine Surveyor’s Office

Government Marine Surveyor—W. O.


masters Chinese and 3 Vdnracular Lambert



T. E. Jackson, G.Hall,

Swan,P. B.J.

Government Marine Surveyor’s H.

Dept. — Harbour Office (2nd floor);

Teleph. 39 (ask for 44); Cable Ad: Ships K C. Hamilton, T.C. Stiff, J.L.Hunter,

Church, N. Garland, E. Jones,

Govt. Marine Surveyor and Chief Ex- W. Sprague, J. G. Charlton, W.R.K.

aminer of Engineers—W. 0. Lambert Collings,

Kossick W. S.- Smith and D.


minerEngineer SurveyorJ. and

of Engineers—P. TaylorExa- Gunpowder

Senior Clerk—H. H. Andrews

Engineer Surveyors and Examiners Depot—Green Island

ofson,Engineers—R. Supt.—Comdr. G. F. Hole, r.n.

E. Lloyd Jones,Hall,

K. C.T.Hamilton,

E. Jack- Officer-in-charge—W. H. Bailey

J. G. Charlton, W. S. Smith and D. Government Rescue Tug'Jumping

Kossick Master—W. L. Morrison


Lighthouses Licensing Board

Collector of Light Dues—Comdr. G. Chairman — Sir Wilfrid Thomas !


Hole, r.n. of Lighthouses — Southern, k.b.e., c.m.g.

Vice-Chairman — C. G. Alabaster, !

J. P. Whitefield K.C., O.B.E.Members—J. A. Plummer


Lighthouse Keeper (Green Island)— and J. M. Wong

E. da Silva Elected

Lighthouse Keepers (Gap Rock)—H.

C.MaherBrown, W. J. White, D. V. Lt.-Col.Members—J. Owen Hughes.

H. B. L. Dowbiggin, o.b.e, Jj

and S. Bamsey and W. H. Bell

Secretary—S. F. Balfour


—R. Roskruge, KeepersR. P.(Waglan

Brown, Island)


Kai Chung, Leung Chiu Tung and ® a « Tsoi pun si shu

A. W. McGrann Magistrates’ Court—Arbuthnot Rd.

Signal Stations: First Magistrate—W. Schofield

Blackhead— Second

MacfadyenMagistrate — Q. A. A..

Green Island—

Govt. First Clerk and Magistrate — S. F.


Marine Surveyor-in-charge— Balfour

Correspondence Clerk — Kong Man

R. Hall Tsun

Boatswain—Y. H. W\ Chittenden Clerks

Chun, andLeung





— Li Chow


Wah Tong,



Wing On, Rattan Singh and Ham

Tai ying Heung hong Hoi kwan Din

Interpreters—Lau Wing Shum and

Kam tuk shu Yeung Man Yuk

Imports and Exports Office—Connaught Ushers—So Kam Shing, Sim Pen Kiat

Road Central Shroff—Chan Lan Pan

Superintendent—E. W. Hamilton

Assist, do. —J. Barrow Magistrates’ Court—Kowloon

2nd Asst. Supt.—C. B. Burgess First Magistrate—E.

Assist. Supt. and Monopoly Analyst

—H. A. Taylor Second Magistrate andI. First



W. M. Thomson

Clerks—J. E. Ward, U. Kam Ping, P.

A. Xavier, Ng Tat Sam and J. Medical Board

Conception Hon. Director of Medical and Sanitary

Chief Preventive Officer—W. J. Buller Services

European Revenue Officers — Senior Naval Medical Officer

A. W. Grimmitt, W. Ward, Senior Army Medical Officer

J.T. W. M. P.Brown, H. V. Pearse, Prof. Kenelm Hutchinson Digby, M.B.,

Tallon, J. O’Neill, A. L. B. John Cecil Macgown, m.d., C;H.b.



Warden, R.E. Tluck,

A. Trengove, E. G.T.

J. Davidson,

Merriman, J. C. Dunlop, W. G. Dr.F.R.C.S.

Li Shu Fan, M.B., ch.b., d.t.m. & H.,

Humphreys, T. A. Ellis, H. R. Major Dr.

and W. Y. Ahern Mr. Tseung

MauriceFat-im, m.b., Watson

Murray b.s. (Hon.


H i £0 Tin to tang Dr. George Duncan Ralph Black,

Land Office—"Law Courts M.D.

Land Officer—T. S. Whyte-Smith Medical Department—Post Office Build-

Assist, do. —J. B. Prentis ing (Top floor)

District Officer (Northern District, Director, Medical and Sanitary

Tai Po)—E. H. Williams Services—Dr. A. R. Wellington,

District Officer (Southern District)— C.

D. M. MacDougall (London), d.t.m. & H., d.p.h.

Land Bailiff—J. D. Bickerstaff (Camb.)


Deputy Director, Medical and 3 Asst. Radiographer—J, G. Ro-

teanitary Services—Dr. W. B. bertson

A. Moore, l.r.c.p.i., l.r.c.s.i., Masseuses—Miss L. M.A. R.Siggins,

L.M. (Hot. Dub.), D.T.M.

(London) and Miss M. H. Hughes,

Secretary—J. H. Gelling C.S.M.M.G., B.P.A.

Assistant Secy.—J. J. Barnes, X-Ray Sister—Miss I. Warbrick

m.r.s.i. S.N.R. S.C.M.

Stenographer—Miss A. M. Fowler Drugs arid Dispensing

Accountant—T. M. Sung Apothecary—R. N. Cable, f.c.s.

Clerical Staff-—Tang Yau Ming, Assistant Apothecaries—L. J.

Chiu Hong U, Ip Yuk Lun, Morley, m.p.s. and Mrs. K. N,

Yeung Kai Hi, Un Hak Yeung, Hill, m.p.s.

Wai Tak Him, V. L. Lau, D. M. Charge Dispensers—Chan Ping.

Khan, Siu Chun Sing, Li Yew Fai, Mak Man Lee, Wai Woon

Chuen, Leung Nai Kuen, Or Man and Au Kwok Lum

Yu Hin, Pang Kam Hung, Staff Dispensers—Leung Yiu»

Edward Lee, Wong Tai Ho, Arthur Bing Jan Chow, Ya-

Leung Chung Kan and A. J. cob Hassan and Lau Wing

Suffiad Kwong

Consultant Staff—Prof. W. I. Clerks—Fung Hok Ling and

Gerrarci, o.b.e., m.d., m.r.c.p. Chan Tung Sing

(London), d.p.h., Prof. K. H. S teward

Digby, m.b., b.s. (London), f.e. Steward—F.

c. s. (England), Assist, L. P.J. F.Anslow

Prof. do.—J. McGowan

Davis, m.d,, m.r.c.p. (Edin.)

Hospital Division (General) Nursing Staff {General)

Senior Medical Officer—Dr. J. T. Principal Matron—(vacant)

Smalley, m.r.c.s. (England), Matron, Civil Hospital—Miss-

L.R.C.P. (London) S. I. Summerskil!

Medical Officers—Dr. D. J. Valen- Matron, Kowloon Hospital—

tine, m.c., m.b., b.s. (London), Miss J. A. Davis

d. p.h., d.t.m. & Matron, Victoria Hospital—


B. E. Elliott

Dr. I. Newton, f.r.c.s., (Edin.), Home Sister, Civil Hospital-

m.r.o.s. (Eng.), l.r.c.p. (Lend.), Miss E. C. Maclaren

Dr. J. E. Dovey, m.b., ch e. Home Sister, Kowloon Hospital

(Edin.), d.Am.&h. (Edin.), Dr. —Miss S. F. Sutton

G. V. A. Griffith, b.a., m.b., Tutor Sister—Miss I. N. Wat-

b.ch., R.A.O., Dr. P. F. S. Court’ kins

f.r.c.s. (Edin.), m.r.c.s. (Eng- Nursing Sisters—L. Lace, D. P,

land), l.r.c.p. (London), Dr. J. Geen, A. M. Davies, A. M.

B. Mackie, m.b., ch.b. (Edin.), Cullman, M. A. Wilson, F.

D.T.M. (L’pool.), Dr. L. D. A. Cranfield, E. Riley, D.

Pringle, m.r.c.s., l.r.c.p., Dr. Robinson, C. I. Watson, A..

G. I. Shaw, m.b., ch.b. and Dr. I. Smith, J. N. Edwards, K.

G. H. Henry, l.m., l.ch., l.a.o. E. Gordon, A. S. Rogers, C. B.

Chinese Medical Officers—G. H. Robinson, A. Williams, N.

Thomas, m.d., b.s. (H.K.), Luk Chandler, O. Patchett, C.

Chuen Hsgen, Dipl. Govt, Col- McNevin, M. J. Staple, M. L.

lege (Tientsin), Yu Chiu Everett, F. M. Wills, H. G.

Kwong. m.b. , b.s. (H.K.) and Grant, R Spry V. N. Brett,

Dr Cheung Shin Fin, m.b., F. Berkeley, H. M. Griffiths,

b.s. (H.K.) J E, Robson, S. M. Harper,.

Radiology H. C. Fisher, B. M. Lockh*rt-

Radiologist-^Dr. F. J. Farr, Smith, M. W. Ward, E. O.

M.B., CH.B., L.D.S., D.M.R. & E. Davies, L. M. Passey, F.

Radiographer — J. Skinner, Bouliin, A. Munro A. Webs-

M.S.R., B.P.A, ter, M. B. N. Mustill, K. M..


Moore, I. Russell, E. M. Maternity awl Child Welfare

Rogers, J. Lenaghan, V. P. Lady Medical Officer—Dr. (Mrs.)

C. Weightman, E. M. Noble, L. O. Hunter, m.r/c.s. (Eng-

H. G. Mickel, N. K. Johnson land), l.r.c.p. (London)

and H. Prescott Chinese Lady Medical ' Officer—

Staff Nurses—T: Chen and Dr. Pail: Choi Chile, ai.B., b.s.

Betty Y. J. Yung (H.K.) ' '

Charge Dressers — Cheuk Sui Infant Welfare NursCs-^Misses

Bun, Li U Cheung, Chan Shi A. Lowcock, A. V. M. M ow

Yuen, Liu Pok, Wong Chak Fung Chung, G. Mak and M.

Sang, Chan Kom Fook and - Ng;

.Chak Kun Interpreter—Miss Sung Ngan

Staff Dresser—Sham Kwok Fai Tsing

■Nursing Staff {Mental) ' Chinese Hospital and Dispensaries

Head Attendant—(vacant) Visiting Health Cfficer—Dr. T.

Assist. do. —L. A. Col Iyer W. Ware, m.b., ch.b. (Brist.),

Mental Nurses—Mrs. K Grant > d.p.h. (LohdonV

Mrs. M. Long and Mrs. K. Lady Visiting Medical Officer—

Gbnzalez Dr. (Mrs.)' G. R. NasHj. m.b.,

Health Division b. s.. (Sydney University)' .

Health Officers — Dr. G. W. Chinese Resident Medical Offi-

Pope, L.L.M.a.c.p., s.i. (Ire- ‘cers—Ur. Bau Tsu ‘Zung,

land), d.p.h., R.c.r., s.i:,' Dr. M i)., ks-. (H.K.), Dr. Phoon

J. M. Gray, l.r.c.p., r.c.s. Seek Wah,. m.s.; m.b.s. (H.K.)

(Ireland), d.p.h. (Dublin) and and Dr. Phong 'f?h:eck Weng,

Dr. J. C. Jones, m.b., ch.b., M.

M.R.as'. (England), l.r.c.p. Chinese Lady Medical Officers—

(London), d.p.h., r.o.p.s. Urs. Lai Po Chuen, ,m.b., b.s.

(England) (ILK.),.' B. Ruttbniee, M.B.,BiS.

Chinese Health Officer—Dr. K. (H.K.) and: Chepg , Siu Yue,

C. Yeo, m.d., b.s. (Uni. H.K.), M.B., B.S. (H.K.)

d.t.m. & H. (London), d.p.h. Stehcigrapher—Miss A. Gill

(Camb.) Dis!pen'sai*y " Nufse' — Miss M.

Veneral Diseases Leung

Venereal Diseases Officer—Dr. J. j Vort Health \

Port Health Officer and. Inspec-

A. R. Selby, m.b., ch.b. (Edin.)

Chinese Venereal Diseases Offi- tor of Emigrants—1Dr. J. P.

cer—Dr. Fehily, M.hj' . b.ch., b.a.o.,

M.B., b.s. Cheung

(H.K.) Kung Leung, f.a.gs., d.p.h.


Veneral Diseases Technical Asst.

—A. Stevens Inspector ■ ofHealth

Port Officer1—(va-

Emigrants and

. Clerk—Lo So Lun cant)

Staff Dressers—Lau Kwok lu Chinese Medical Oficers—Drs.

and Lau Lai San Tsoi' Teng ’Ming, m b., b.s.

V. D. Nurse-Miss I. Soong (H.K.), and Cheah Keng

'Seng, m.b.,' b.s.', (H.K.)

School Hygiene Health Inpectpr—Leong Yuen

Medical Officer for Schools—Dr. Lok, CERT. R. SAN.I.

G. M. Hargreaves, m.b., ch.b., Public Vaccinators —Chan Ping

m.r.c.p. (Edin.), d.p.h. (Eng- Kwong, Choi Yap Nam, Sham

land), D.O.M.S. Ying Tai, Fung Yue Lam, Li

Chinese Medical Officers—Dr. Chan Lun, Cheung Ching

Au King, m.b. b.s. (H.K). and Chi, Wong Tb Pui, Mui

Wong Hok Nin, m.b. , b.s. Cheong Yin, Chan Wai Lam,

(H.K.) _ Chui Ki and Chiu Kong Yung

School Nurses—Misses Sham Fumigating and Disinfecting Bureau

Yan Lin, I. Anderson, L. Clerk Interpreter—Yow Ting

Poon, May Li Pak and P. Chun Fumigator—A. A. D’al-

Chun mida


Kew Territories Radiologist—Dr. F. J. Farr, m.b., ch.b.,

Medicjal Officer—Dr. K. H. L.D.S., D.M.R. —& E.J. Skinner, M.S.R.,


Uttley, M.A., M.D., oh.b. (Cam- B.P.A.Radiographer—J. G. Robertson

bridge), m.r.c.S:, l.r.c.p., d.t.m. Asst.

& H. (London) Physician — Dr. I. Gerraid, o.b.e.,

Chinese Medica.1 Officers—Dr. m.r.c.p. (London),

Surgeon—Dr. d.p.h.

K. H.(England)

Digby, m.b., b.s.

Lam Chi Wie, m.b., b.s. (H.K.) (London), f.r.c.s.

and Dr. Lam Shin Kwong, Obstetric Physician—(vacant)

M.B., B.S. (H.K.) Yisiting Chaplains — The Dean,


King George. V Dam Union Church; The St.

Chinese Medical Officers—Drs. John’s Cathedral; The Chaplain,

Mok King Fai, m.b., b.s. (H.K.) Roman Catholic Cathedral

& Yeoh Guan Erig, m.b.,b.s. (H.K.) Assist. Apothecary — Miss K. N.

Bacteriology and Pathology Hill, m.p.s. Woon Man and An


Bacteriologist — Dr. A. "V. Kwok Lum

Greaves, m.b. (Tor.), m.c.p. & s. Steward—F. P. Anslow

(Ont.), d.t.m. (Liverpool) Asst. do.—J. F. McGowan

Assistant i Bacteriologist—Dr. B. Matron—(vacant)


Begbie, M.n., d.p.h., d.t.m. & h. Masseuses — Miss L. M. Siggins,' c.s.m.

Senior Laboratory Assistant— m.g.,

H. b.p.a., c.s.m.m.g.,

Hughes, a.r.san. I.b.p.a.

and Miss M.

Leung KwokAssistants—Lee

Laboratory Tai Yu X-Ray Sister—Miss 1. Warbrick,

Him, Lam,

SzetoLeungYan KwokFui, Tok Cheong S.R.N., S.C.M.

Shiu and Home Sister—Miss E. C.List

(For Nursing Maclaren

Chan King Hong

Clerks—Tam Po and Chan Hing MedicalStaff—/See

Department) under

Man Clerks — Chau

and Ngai Kwong Fook Tin, Tam Sun

Malaria Bureau Shroff—Tsui Wai PuiChung

Malariologisit^-Dr. R. B. Jack-

son, M.D., b.ch., d.p.h. (Dublin)

Assist, to Malariolqgist—M. R. Mental Medical



Deb, a.r.s.i.

Inspectors — Ha,Kam So Nai Fai, Newton, f.r.c.s., (Edin.),—m.r.c.s.,

Dr. I.

Ngan Kang Ping Yin, L.

Chiu Yuen Hang and So Chinese


m.d., b.s.Officer—Dr.

(H.K.) G. H.

Ohing Wing Head Attendant—(vacant)

Clerk—Wong Chor Tung Assist.

Analytical and Chemistry Mental Attendant—L.

Nurses—Mrs. K.A.Grant, CollyerMrs..

Analyst — V. C. Branson, m.c., M. Long and Mrs. K.YiuGonzalez


A.E.C.S., B.SC., D.I.C., A.I.C.

Assistant Analysts—A. Jackson,

b.sc., ph.d., J. L. Tetley, b.a. Central Medical Store

(Camb.), a.i.c., A. Kurrik, D. Apothecary—R. E. Cable, f.c.s.

Loie, A.W.M.C., A.A.O.I., A.A.I.M.M. Assist, do. —L.Hok J. Morley,

and P. Edwards

Sampler—L. D. Leonard Clerks—Fung Ling andm.p.s.Chan

Clerk—Chan Kwok Leung Tung Sing

Dispensers—Arthur Bing Jan and

Yacob Hassan

& m % m

Civil Hospital Kennedy Town Hospital

Medical Officer-in-cllarge — Dr. Medical Officer in Charge—Dr. G-

Newton, f.b.c.s., (Edin.), m.r.c.s.,I. I. Shaw, M.B., C.H.B.Chuen


LR.C.S. Staff Nurse—F. M. Wong

Chinese Medical Officers—Drs. G. H. Charge Dresser—NgTick Nai Yu



Cheung Shui m.d.,Fan,ils.m.b.,(H.K.) and

b.s. (H.K.) Staff'Dresser—Woo


Victoria Hospital Malaria Bureau

Medical Officer in-charge—Dr. J. E. Malariologist-- Dr. 11. B. Jackson


h. (Edin.)m.b., ch.b. (Edin.), d.t.m. & m.d., d.p.h. (Dub.)

Matron—Mrs. B. E. Elliott Malaria Inspectors—Kam Nai Fai,

• Clerk—Lee Po Tin Ngan

Chiu YuenKeng HengHa, So and Ping Yin,

So Shing

Kowloon Hospital Wing

. Medical Officer-in-charge — Dr. J. Assist,

Clerk—Wong to Malariologist—M,

Chor 1'ung R. Deb

T. Smalley, m.r.c.s. (England),


Medical (London)

Griffith,Officer — Dr.B.CH.,G.B.A.O.

B.A., M.D., V. A.

Government Laboratory

Part-time Asst. Med. Officers—Drs.

K. II, Uttley, M.A., M.D., CH.B. Analyst—V.C. Branson; M.c., a.r.c.s.

(Camb.), m.r.c.s,, B.SC.j D.I.C., AJ,C.,

h. (London) and Dr.L.R.C.P.,

G. H. j.t.m.

Henry,& Assistant, Analysts — A. Jackson,

L. M., Laj[.c., b.sc.,A.i.c.,

CH„ L.A.O. ph.d.,U.J. Loie,

L. Tetley, b.a.


Luk Clmen MedicalHsuen,Officers

Dip. —Govt.

Drs. : (Camb.),

a.a.c.i., a.a.i.m.m., P. Edwards;a.m.t.c.,


College, m.b.,

(Tientsin) and in Chin A. Kurrick, ,cand. chem.

Kwong, b.s. (H.K.) Sampler—F. D. Leonard


M. Officer—Dr. Bee Hoat Teck,

B., B.s., (H.K.) Kwok Leung


Matron—Miss J. A. Davis

Masseuse — Miss M. H. Hughes,

C.S.M.M.G., D.P.A. % & m m King chat kung chu

Clerks — Pang Kui Ching and G. Police Headquarters—Hollywood

E. RoylanceChik Wun

Shroff—Tang Inspector-General—T. H. King Road


ham Deputy do. . —D. Burling-

Tsan Yuk Hospital

Medical Officer in Charge—Dr.

Newton, f.r.c.s. .(Edin.), m.r,c.s., I. Supts.—C. G. Perdues, L. H. V. Booth

and W. R. Scott

Matron—Leung Sheung Chi Assist.

H. C, Calthrop, T. Murphy, A. R.L.

Supts.—W. la P>. Sparrow,

Assistant Matron—Chan Sui Wing S.Bidmead,

Major, W.P. Grant,

P. Thompson, K. A.

Clerk-Kwok Hon Ying G. S: Wilson

Office of Health Officer of Port and H. W. E. Heath

Health Officer of Port and Inspector Probationer—(.vacant) ^.

ofM.B.,Emigrants—Dr. J. P. Eehily, Accountant—T. G. Stokes

CH.B., B.A.O., F.A.C.S., D.P.H. Chief Assist, do. — J. Hargreaves

Second Health Officer of Port and Store Supervisor—W. G. Harrison

Inspector of Emigrants^—(vacant) Secretary—R. W. H. Maynard

Chinese Medical Officers—Dr. Tso . Stenographers—Miss

Teng Ming, m.b., b.s. and Dr.

Cheah Keng Seng, m.b., b.s. K. C. Clark and MissA.I. M. Hirst, Miss


Chief Inspectors—R. H. E. Marks and

^ £ mm # F. E. E. Booker

Bacteriological Institute Chief

Shannon Detective Inspectors — W.

and J. Murphy

Bacteriologist—Dr. A. V. Greaves, Chief Inspector (Principal, Police


(Liv.) (Tor.), m.c.p. & s. (Ont.), d.t.m. Training School)—E. W- Shaftain

Assist. Bacteriologist — Dr. B. S. Inspectors—L. P. Lane, J. Brennan,

Begbie, M.n.j d.p.h., d.t.m. &' H. G.K. W.A. Andrew,

Stimson, R.C. Shannon,

F. Alexander,


Laboratory Assistants — Leung Hourihah, E. J. ■ Ellis, A. J.M. W. H.

Kwok Tai, Lee Yuk Him, Szeto Dorling, F. Hoare,

Murphy, S. Logan, A. H. Elston, A. Nicoll, M.



and Shiu



Hong A. W. Smith, J. and C. S. C.Fender, W. R.

Clerks—Chan HingMan and Tam Po Chester-Woods Rozeskwy


Wl >X. Wl Mit Fo Kuk Compradors—Ho Ming Hin

Shroii' s—Chan Ming,Yeung

Ho , Yuk

FireChief Brigade—Victoria; Teleph. 30303 Ng Tim, Lai Ying, Hap,Man,




King of Police) Fook Tseung and Chiu Tong

Launch Officers—Miro Khan, Gopal


Deputy Supt. T. Brooks

and Inspection Officer Chand, Mohamed Hassan and Har-

—J. C. Fitz Henry, m.i. fire. e. kisen l)as

■Consulting Engr.—B. Hall (assist. Begistration Branch

Assist. Supt.—D. A. Hynes

Government Marine Surveryor) Clerks — L. G. Fai,

de Sousa,

Fourth Officer—G. C, Moss

Station Officer—G. Saunders Hing, Lo Pirig Wu KiTso Dep


Assist. Station Officers—W. Mcl. Cheng Cheung Hing, Tin Lap

Smith (grad, i.fire.e, ), J. W. Tsueng, Chan Tak Fan, Lo Kam

Woollard (a.m.i.fire.e ), A. .1. Cash Wa, Tang Man Kit, Ng Shiu Man,

(a.m.i.fire.e.), C. yfr Brand and ChungKwok

Tso Chai Fai,


Lai Wai



R. H. J. Brooks Mohamed


W. Brown Asst. Station Officer— Yeung Kwok Ying, Leung Sang,

Sheriff, Chan Kai Yew

Mechanical Engineer—E. F. Brown Cheung, Cheung Shu Sum, Cheuug

Assist. do. —E. Greenwood Kan and Ling r Ying Man

Shroff—Au W ai Shum

' , Chinese

Store Foreman—M. S. Dillon

Staff—283 ratings Parcel Branch


Clerks Supt.—S.

— Bishan Bundle

Das, Chung Man

urns Shil sun. hun Wing, So Sing Woon, Hung Kam

Post Office, General—Pedder Street Tong, Leung Man Wai, A. Concep-

Postmaster-General—M. J. Breen tion, Chiu Chung Man, Lam Sing

Correspondence Clerk — Kwan U, H.

Kwai WahSingh, M. Y. Khan and Yip

San Shroff—Au Kit


Man Sheung Tsuk Clior arid Fung Post Bestante

Accounts Office Asst. Supt.—D.

Clerks—F. Hynes arid Goh Konh

B. Osborne

Chief Accountant—H. A. Mills Hooi

Clerks—E. A. Bibeiro, H. E. Marriott, Chinese Branch

B.T. J.M.Bibeiro

Castilho, M. G. Lenz and Clerk-in-charge—Lo Pak Wai

Clerk—Lai Hon Kun

Money Order

Asst. Supt.—J. OfficeC. Barros Sheung Wan Branch P.O.

Clerks—J. A. dAlmeida, Feroz Ali, Clerk-in-charge—Chan

Clerk—Sum Kam WingFuk Chi

A. P. BarrosTing

Shroffs—Chan andHing


Fat SaiShroffs—Leung Foo and Tse Hoh

•General Office Ying Pun Branch

Supt. of Mails—T. Hynes Clerk-in-charge—Lo Hi Nin

Sr. Asst. do. —T. Lay

Inspector of Postmen—J. H. Woodier Wanchai Branch

Clerk-in-charge—Lam Ling


Clerks—Lau Tsoi Fan Kowloon Central Post Office

Huen, ChanKam Chi Yung, Lau Chuen

Hing, Woo Woon Asst. Supt.—W\ H.^Whittaker

Clerks—D. J. M. Fernandez, Ahmed

Luen, Ko Chin Son, Mohamed Khan and Cheng Ching Wai


Li CheTang Chiu,YunFungCho,Ying

Ho TakShang,

Fan, Kowloon City Branch P.O.

Chung Chiu Ki, Wong King Wai, Clerk-in-charge—J: Garcia

Li Yun Wai, So Yan Kit, Wu Hon Kowloon Tong Branch P.O.

Clerk in-charge—E. M. Ali

Pui, Tam To Ming, Cheng Chun Yaumati Branch P.O.

Ming, Fan Hau tu, Tam Tsoi, G. Clerk-in-charge—Ng Ping He


Chan Kai TseNing,

Shiu Tang


F. A.Kong,

Santos, Shroff—Un Tsung

Wu Sham

Man Hau, Leung Yui Kwong, Chan Shui Po Branch P.O.

Wai Choi, Chan Yu Wai, Lau Cheuk Clerk-in-charge—Ho Leung Shang

Narii and Ma Tak Leung Un Long Branch P.O.

Learners—Liang Kuan Chung, Fung Clerk-in-charge—Au Tse Tsau


Ma SikSing, LeungM. Gile Ha Bun and TaiClerk-in-charge—Au

Po Branch P.O. Yeung Fan


Government Kamo

Floor, F.

Administrative Head of Department Public Works Department—Lower

—Postmaster General Albert Road; Teleph. 39

Traffic Supt.—F. A. Kemp (Public Director of Public Works—Hon. Mr.

Teleph. 39 ask for 204)

Assist. Traffic Supt.—(vacant) MECH. E., M.INST. W.E.m. inst. c.e., m.i.

R. M. Henderson,

Administrative Assist. Directors of Public Works—

F. J. F. Elms &clerks- J. S. .Grewal,

J. H. Tavares A.E. Newhouse,

G. W. Tickle,p.a.s.j.f.r.i.b.a., f.s.i. and

Technical Engineer—H. It. A. Wood General Secy.—W. G. Fitz-Gibbon, b.a.

Counter Supervisors — A. M. Costa Technical Secretary—R.

son, ofM.C.Accounts and Stores—W. S. W. Pater-

and W. P. Ayock Supt. J.

(Accounts—H. Bux) Anderson

Supervisor—Thum Hee Wai Deputy Supt. of Accounts

Asst. Supervisors—SurjinSingh,

Hassan, M. Sheriff. Lung Chiu Kit M.H. C. E.' Davis

and Karnail Singh Executive

M.H. inst. Engineers

c.e., C.: —Lowick,

P. D. Wilson,

H.a.m.inst.c.e., P.A.S.I.,

Kowloon Kadio Office (KojTal Observa- S. Rouse, A. B.

tory Grounds) Purves, m. inst. c.e., H. J. Pearce,

Supervisor—A. E. P. Guest H.C., M. INST. STRUCT. E., L.R.I.B.A.,

Adam Anderson, b.e., b.a. and H.

ffi !£ A«m fong H. Pegg

Prison Department Architects — R. P. Shaw, a.r.i.b.a.,,


B. Robertson, S. C. Feltham, a.r.

Superintendent—J. W. Franks, o.b.e- Bottomley,J. a.m.i.

R. B. Clark,


e., A. W.J.

Assist, do. —F. A. Hopkins Plodges, a.r.i.b.a., W. H. Owen, b.sc.

Storekeeper—Ko Ha Chun tech., a.r.i.b.a., Dip. Towna.r.i.b.a.,.



ChongandWahInterpreters—To Yee,, U. ing,


and Tai Kam Cheung

Cheuk Hang, 13. Ming, k. S.r.i.b.a.,

Robertson, R. J.b.eng.,

Yernall,C. E. Moore,.

Fung Poon

Shu Sang, b. arch. (Liverpool), a.r.i.b.a.,

Chan Peng Au Wai Ming and m.r.s.i.,Abdn.,

Arch. W. W. C. Shewan,

a.r.i.b.a., Dip.

G. H. Bond,

Victoria Gaol A.R.I.B.A., C. C. and

a.m.i.struct.E. A. Hobbs,

D. F.B.I.B.A.^


Medical Officer—Dr. G. I. Shaw A.


Teruzzi and Cheung H. W. ChukBaines,

Ling- E. Engineers—E. S. Carter, A. Nicol, a.m.-

Chief Warder—H. Barrett inst, c.e., a.m.' struct, e., W. Wood-

Assist, do. —J. W. Fitzgerald ward,

B. b.sc. (eng.), C-W. E. Bishop,

Princ. Printg. Officer—A. B. Didsbury A.CY. E.e., Lissaman, f.s.i.,A.M.

m. INST,


Assist. Princ. do. —S. W. Cressey W. J. S'. Key,

Printing Officers—P.

F. C. Jenner and E. Mason Gillespie, . W. a.

Proof i.c.e., D. S. Edward, a.m.i. struct.

Yan Reader

t.p.i., S. O. Hill,

a.r.s.i., L.R.I.B. A.,B.sc.


Hospital Supervisor— 1). E. Wood A.M.i.c.E., A. H.C.McBride,

J. Waddell,B.sc., a.m.r

Principal Warders — A. Paiee, W. J. i.c.e.,- N. K. Littlejohn, a.m.i.c.e.,

Bagley, J. W. Hudson, H. Merriman, A.m.

b. INST. STRUCT. E., R. M. Wood,.

W. R. Dedear and B. Plumb b.sc., a.m.i.c.e., F. J. T. Locke, a.m.

Lai Chi Kok Branch Prison i.c.e., m.i.struct, e., E. F. Buttress,

Medical Officer—Dr. G. H. Henry b.sc. (eng.), B.sc. a.m. (eng.)

inst. cande., R.J. H.G.

Chief Warder—G. L. Buchanan Woodman,

Principal Warders—F. R. Fuggle and Campbell, a.m. inst. c.e.

A. Jillotc ‘ Chief Elect.Engineer—R.

Engr,—L. H.Cryan King, m.i.e.e.

Female 1'rison Electrical

Wireless Engineer—G. Madgwick

Matron—Mrs. J. G. Pearson Asst.

Assist. Matron—B. Chan ,

Principal Wardress—G. dos Remedios andWireless



R. P. Morris, R. A.m.i.r.e.

a.mj.e.e., Wood


Valuation & Resumption Officer—J. Telegraph Sub-engineers—G. W.

E. Richardson, f.s.i. R. Griggs, F. K. Garton, A.

Supt, Brailsford, and T. B. Rolland

E. B.ofReed,


Landsf.eandg.s.Surveys— Wireless

A. E. E.Technicians

Jeffries) R.J.J.S.Boast


Assist. Supt.

West, p.a.s,i. of Crown Lands—H. A. V. Harbottle

Assistant Chief Draughtsmen—W. Smith,

Lambert,Supt. of Surveys — E. B.

F.E.G.S., L. E. Longbottom and C. A.



b.a:, Surveyors—B. H. C.J.Hallowes,

b.a.i., F. W. Wood, Angwin, Senior Land Bailiffs—G. J. Cham-

C. H. M. M. Douglas, O. C. Womack, bers and W. E. Hollands

p.a.s.i!, ,C. H. Lamb and M. I. de Land Bail iffs-S, H. Peplow, W.

Ville, p.a.s.i. G. Routley* R. E. Stott and

Hydrographic Surveyor • Lt.- Comdr. A. G. Martin

G. H. Gandy, k.n, (retd.) Clerk, Crown Lands and Surveys

Mechanical Engineer—E. P. Fletcher -R. G. Whitchell i

Quantity Clerks, Water Works Office—c/o

M.Q.S.A., Surveyor—F.

A.Jl.S.I. J. Ling,, f.s.i., J. A. Bendall A N. Broadbridge

' ‘'Clerk, Accountants , and Stores

Diver—F. A. Cheesmah Office—11. Dormer

.'Senior Inspectors of Works—A. W. J. Pay' Clerk, Accounts Office—W. F.


i/e. e, W..1. Dickson, A. E. Clarke,

H. Edmonds, m. b. e., Kerp

Office Assistant, B.O.O.—W. F.

a.r.s.i. and P. D. Keyser Stone

Inspectors of Works —R. J. Stenographers—Miss I. F. Ritchie

Everest, m.b.e., O. J. Tacchi, and Miss C. M. Ferguson

(1st Class B.O.T. Certificate), Assist. Storekeepers — B. E. Su-

W. Pryde, T. Bolt, J. T. Ewing, gars and J. T. K. Gilchrist

J. A. Howe and F. Neville Inspector of Stores—W. G. Clark

5lh?erseers—W. Shaw, H. Hall (1st Inspector of Furniture—T. V.

Class B.O.T. Certificate), A. J. Harmon

Wadmpre, J. S. Beach, A. Engineering Assist.—Ng Ping Un

Spary, F. P. R. .Janies, m.c., Junior Assist, ' Engineer—S. B.

A.M.I. STRUCT., A. P. Glanville. Ahmed, m.so. (Eng.), ‘ (Hong

A. Brooksbank, C. S, Coom, Kong), A.M.I.STRUCT.!:.

A. M. Hollands, F. Baker,

A. Thomson, L; J. F. Grif- Higher Class Clerk—Yung Yuk

fiths, T. W. Carr, R, C. Tong

Keen, H. 5. Best, J. Fraser, P. Clerks, Class I—Ho Kwai Fong,

*C. Morgan, F.: E. Lawrence, G. Tang Shing Cheung, Chan To

E. Stephens^ J. S. Dinnen, J. Sui and Badan Singh

W. Wells, W. L. Walker, H. H. Clerks,

Rose, R. S. Bell, W. Bruce, W.

Sayers, J. Barnet, A. H. Ho- Bhai Class

Tit, Wong II—A.YauH. Fattydad,

.Ming, Ho Lam


ward, G. E. L. Johnson, J. M. Fong, Lai Ming Kai, Chik Yam

Purvis, G. P. Murphy, T. Arm- Kw.ong, Chan Tin Fuk and Leung

;Strong M.R., SAK.I., A.M.I. SAN.E., Bui Bang

T. S. Fraser, J. Dobson, J. A. 1stWong


Ng KaLand

Pui, Surveyors—

Lum Kwok

Kennard,’ J. S. Flegg, N. J. Tung, Liang Hseuh Hai, Chan Pui

Bebbingtqn, F. C. Manning, Sil. Lau and Kai Chuen Ting

Med. j.o.b.j.A., J. MacFadyen, 2ndChanClassIt si Asst.

E. Casey, B. Pengelly, B. A.

Mansell, H. W. Leyden, Joseph Fung, Land

Ng WaiSurveyors—>•

Pun, Lau

Fraser, T. Henderson and W. Ming Cheung, Chan, Chung Ping

W. Green burg and Chang (I Bui

Inspectors of Wireless & Tele- 1stHam



Tam Chiu Cheung Kui,and


graphs—J. Key and D. W. Leung Hi Cheong

Water ton Head Storeman-yHo Yuk


Qffk ial Keceiver & Hegistrar of Assist. Secy., Sanitary Board — Im>

Ping Tseung



Court and Patents Office—

Official Receiver and Registrar of Medical Officer

r.c.p. &ofs.i.




Trade Marks and Patents—James

J. HaydenA. Drysdale, Tsang Kun- r.c.p. & s.i.

Clerks—M. Assist. Medical Officer of Health—J.

fu, Fok Ping-fai and Cheung Man M. Gray,

d.p.h. l.r.c.p., m.r.c.S; (Ireland),


Piu Chinese Assist. Medical

Shroff—Wong Kun Chi Health—K. C. Yeo, m.d., Officer of

b.s. (h.k.)^

d.p.h. (Camb.), d.t.m. & h. (London)

Port Development Department, The— Veterinary Surgeon—Major W. J. E-

18, Johnston

Teleph. GeneralHoad, Wanchai

Office: 39 (ask(2ndforfloor);

139) Mackenzie, m.c., m.r.c.v.s., d.t.v.m.

Engr.-in-charge—Adam Anderson Assist. Veterinary Surgeon—Captain

Engineers—Andrew Nicol, W. J. S. M. J. Reidy, m.r.c.v.s.,

Key, A. H. McBride, N. K. Littlejohn, Chief Inspectors—A.

L. Brewer K. Taylor and


H. Gandy and S. B. Ahmed

Overseers—W. Shaw, A. M. Senior Inspectors — W. Old, R. R.

Wood, H. L. Lockhart, J. Reid and

Holland, W. Bruce, J. Fraser and

W. W. Greenburg J. G. Hooper

Sanitary Inspectors—S. Eccleshall, C.

Strange, E. C. Kerrison, F. W.

» ffi H K £ Bradley,

W. Hill, P.E.E. N.Knight, A. T. Braley,.

Ponsford, D. W.

Registration of Births and Deaths Phillips, M. Blake, G. H. Miles, G.

Registrar General—Hon. Dr. A. R. H. Sherriff,H. T.G. Seddon, W. C. R.

Wellington, c.M.G. Lamprill,

Deputy Registrars — Dr. W. B. A.

Moore, Dr. K. H. Uttley, J. H. J. J. Gregory, T. H. W. King,Frost,

Stevens, G. S. G.

Gelling andYukJ. Lun,

J. Barnes Poole, A. W. T. White, A. Foster,

Clerks—Ip Un Hak Yeung, W.

Clark, Fogwill,

J. G. W. J.Gunn,

Gellatly, T. T. S-


Li Yew Chuen and Leung Nai Kuen


B. Frost,E.W.L. E.Powell,

Woolley, Allen, H...

E. A. Chater, C.E. T.. F.

t m m m m Champelovier, R. A. J. Simpson,

Fan yan Chw Chak Kun V.Hodgin,

M. BenH.well,F.G. W.


L. W.J. R. R.

Registration of Marriages Macey, E. C.M.Drown, J. M. M.Boyd,E.

Registrar - The Land Officer

Deputy—The Assist. Land Officer B. Williams, D. Watson,

Purvis, Yuk

Chung W. T.Mui,Bilson,

Ki luLiWoou,

Wai Hon,.


Ip Yuen.

Wing Kwong, LukYeung

Shiu KamKau, On,


& X H TinvMi Hong Yat, Tsang Yan Kit, Tsang

Royal Observatory, H’kong. — K’loon. Shiu Cheung, Leung Sik Hung and


Asst. do.—B. D.W. Evans,


f.r.a.s. Lai Kee Leung

Professional Assistant — G. S. P. Accountant—Fok Tung Hun

Heywood, m.a., b.sc. (Oxon ) Storekeeper—Tsin Yiu San

Office Assistant—Miss M. L. Smith Staff —YAing Kai U, Chan Ping Sham,

Chong Cheung Shing, Chan Yat

U ® if Tsing chiny kuk Chiu, Chan Lai Kong, Un Ting

Fan, Sun Shek Yung, Lam Yeung,

Sanitary Department — Post Office Chi, Lo Moon Fuk, A. J. Lewis,.

Building, Des Yoeux Road Central Li Yun Sun, Shi Man Tsun, Cheung

Head of Sanitary Dept, and President

of Board—W. J. Carrie, m.a., b.sc. Hoi Tung, Kwok Wai Yin, Leung

(Edin.) Kara Shing, Sung Fook Tin, Am

Assistant Head of Sanitary Dept. Wai Sum, Lau Ho Chuen, Lo-

—E. Himsworth Chung

Wing Sui, Kan,KongLukSauKingLai, Chi, Lam

Lee Suejr

Secy., Sanitary Board—C. J. Roe Wing and Hui Sau Tin


% W & 3 £ Deputy Registrar—L. R. Andrewes

Wa man c/ring mo sze chu Accountant—W. R. IS. Andrews

Clerk to Chief Justice — W. H. G.

Secretariat for Chinese Affairs— Hirst

New Fire Brigade Building Clerk

First to Puisne Judge—W.

Bailiff—H. C. Low

Secretary for Chinese Affairs—N.L.,

Smith Bailiff—W. H- C. J.Bourchier


Assistants—B. C. K. Hawkins, A. G. Second Bailiff—J. R. Castilho

Bailiff—L. Alltree (temporary)

Clarke and lx. Edwards Clerks and Ushers — H. F. Westlake

First Clerk—Tsoi Kin-yung and S. Fowler

Inspectors of Factories and Workshops

W. Elliott and D. W. Phillips Interpreters—Ng ChakChong,

Wing, Awtar



W. Detective Inspector—K. W. Tat Hung, Pau Shiu

Singh and Mehdi Khan

Translator—Chan Kwok Ying

Inspector of Mui-tsai —W. H. Fraser Shroff—Tsang Ling Chiu

Emigration Officer—A. Wallingford Librarian—Chan Ling Hin

Clerks — Lui Wan Fat, Wong Chee

Bun, Ho Kwan Pang, So Shing Hon

Statistical Office—Imports and Ex- and Chiu Se Hon

ports Department — Head Office: 18,

Johnston Road; Telephs. 39, Chief Clerk


330. General

CentralOffice 329, Receiving

Receiving Office: Office

Fire -Ett wo shii

Brigade Bldg,

Road Central (ground floor), Connaught Treasury—Post Office Buildings

Chief Clerk—W. T. Lewis Treasurer, Assessor, Collector of Stamp

Chief. Supervisor—She I On Revenue and Commissioner of

Estate Duties—E. Taylor

Assist. Treasurers— J. S. MacLaren

and D. Kelvin-Stark

§ Nip shu Assist. Assessors — J. Ring, S. Hamer

Supreme Court—Statue Square and G. Polglose

Chief Justice — His Honour Sir. Accountant—T. Black

A. D. A. MacGregor, k.c. Cashier—L. A. Barton

Puisne Judge — His Honour Mr. Assist. Accountants — H. S. Martin,,

Justice Roger Edward Lindsell G. H. Fowler and T. R. Ingram

Registrar, Official Administrator Stamp Revenue Office

Superintendent—P. D. Crawley

Official Trustee, and Registrar of

Companies—E. P. H. Lang Actg. Supt.—B. J. F. Murray

A. E. G. China Electric Co.—14, fj M 7^C

Queen’s Road C.; Teleph. 27230 A Kwai & Co. (Wing Yuen Hqng),.

Ship Chandlers, Provision Mer-

A. Fong’s Studio, Photographers—!, chants, Stevedores and General

Store Keepers—15, Connaught Rd.

D’Aguilar Street; Teleph. 20679 Central; Teleph. 25338Cable Ad :

it 3S m m Winner; Codes: A.B.C. 5th and-

A Hong, Ship and House Painter, Car- 6thCheung edns. and Bentley’s

Kwai, manager

penter and Building Contractor —29, Cheung Chiu, signs per pro.

Chinese Street; Teleph. 22714


A. Kingm Slipway,

Sit Yacht,j 9 tee

Motor-boat ! Hi JS 3S

and Boat Builder, Rigger,

and Flag Maker—Shaukiwan Painter,Road,

Sail A. Man, Hing Cheong, Tailors, Drapers and

Causeway Bay; Teleph. 20307 Outfitters—54, Queen’s Road Central;

Teleph. 23336; Cable Ad: Lucky-Lucky


ail- >

| Ship Chandlery, Mining, Rail-

\ A. Ming & Co. ies S

way and Engineering Supplies

1147 }

& 105 Des Voeux Rd. Tel. 26147

m m m Acme Code Company,

Acme Commodity and PhrasePublishers


A Ming & Co., Ship-Chatidlers, A.cme

Hardware and Metal Merchants— Acme Supplement

106, Des Voeux Road Central; Te-

leph. 26147; Cable Ad: Aming- Representatives: Fung Tang, V,Pedder

Complete 7 Figure Code

metal : :; : Building

Advertising 8t Publicity Bureau,

Ltd., The Queen’s Building; Cable

A Sek & Co., Photo Supplies, Cameras Ad:C. Toad vert

J. B.Church, managing director

and Cine-Cameras-, Films, Cinefilms, Mrs.N. Thompson, do.

Plates and Papers of every description D. Parsons, office manager

—26a, Des Voeux Road Cent.; Teleph. A.A. Ney, art director

23459. Canton Branch:

Road N.: Teleph 13801 2-3, Wing Hon N. Betts, production manager

San Mih, manager Marketing

John A. CalvinDepartment

and T. Y.& Chong



Ta.ck& Co., Photo Supplies—29, Des C. translators

H. Wang and Mrs. G. Lee,

Road Central; Teleph. 20945 Publications—Miss Mary Knight

A Ying & Co., Printers, Book- Accounts—Miss

Art Department—,F. M. L.P.Gooey

Y.ung, K. F.

binders, Stationers and Rubber Ho, C. I. Chuang, A. Savitsky and

Stamp Makers—12,. Pottinger- Street; MissO.A.daLui

Teleph. 23212 Mrs. Luz, secretary

Stenographers—Miss M. Gutierrez,

Miss H. Alarakia, Miss Ch E.

A. Yuen & Chee Cheong Co., Mendes,

Frank Yang Miss E. Anslow and L


74-75,' G ob naughtand Metal

Road Merchants

Central; Cable Despatch—K. S. Leung

Ad: Locomotive; Teleph. 22124 (See also’ 'Singap&)-e)





asst. mgr.director Aero Trading Co. — 8a, Des Voeux

Abbas Khan Road Central; Teleph. 30404; P.O, Box

Teleph. 22962& Co.—61, Hollywood Boad; 299;A. Cable Ad: Aerotra

A. S.C. Yau,


Abraham, E. S., Exchange and Bullion Y. asst.manager


Broker—10, Ignace Tsa

22098; Cable Ice

Ad: House

TamashaStreet; Teleph. “ Agfa ” Photo — Prince’s Building,

Chater Road; Teleph. 25297

?*] IfH] US Ap too la lee

Ardoolally Ebrahim & Co., Mer- ^ « ft ^ Ai char chu mai sou

chants and ■ Commission Agents—20,

Stanley St.; Teleph. 21041; Cable

Ad: Abdoolally; Codes: A.B.C. 6th Agips BuildingTea(2ndSales — Bank

floor); Teleph.of3.1383;Canton


edn.. A1 and Private. Head Office: Box 831; Cable Ad: Ersel

Ebrahim, Noordin & Co., 119,

Bazaar Gate Street, Fort, Bombay. ib m


E. Heptulla,Canton

managerand Shanghai

Abbas A. Chinwalla, assistant Ah Crack, Ship and House Painter,Gilder,

Tsui Yeung Ping, compradore Grainer

Street; 2148 and Scraper—25, Chiu Lung


^ # ib ?s mm A3 !en Com party, The, Flashlight Torch

Ah Shiu, Tailors and Outfitters, Best teries Battery Manufacturers; Torches Bat-

Cutter and Guaranteed Perfect fit—52, “Pagoda” of and

all Sizes. Trade Lockhart

“Paul”—282-6,' Marks—

Wellington Street; Teleph. 26149 Road, Wanchai; Cable Ad: Cells: ;

NgKTse Shak, sole proprietor

wok Cho Hay, secretary

Ah Sing & Co.—33, Connaught Road

C.; Teleph. 20461 Our Sole Selling Agents :

Handelsvereeniging “ Oost - Indie ”

Ah Wing & Co.—28, Connaught Road N.Y., for Dutch East Indies

C.; Teleph. 21101 The

K. S.East


& Sons, forforCeylon


^!j Yiny lee

Ah Ying & Co., Ltd., C., Commission Alliance Insurance Co., of Philadel-

Agents, Import-Export, Coal and phia—South of East

China Branch Office: Bank

Asia Building, Teleph. 21174.


Stevedores, Merchants, Shipchandlers,

Naval and Military Chinese Branch Office: 46 Wing! Lok

Con- Street;

tractors, Tenants of H.M. Ships’ Can- Norama Teleph. 30567 ; Cable ' Ad :

teen, Suppliers of Labour and Junks for A. L. Sullivan, manager

Coaling, and of Chinese Crews for Phoon Hyim, Chinese manager

Merchant Ships—22 and 23, Connaught Staff—G.

Rd. Cent.;

Ahying. Teleph.

Agents 20784; Cable

in Singapore, Ad:

Shanghai Wong, H. Y. Oliver,

S. Ng, Paul

W. 0.Vim,Yu T.andS.

and Japan P. L. Lo

Weihaiwei Branch—24, Seymour St-

Ahana Co., W. W. (H. K.) Ltd. — 31, ‘•WHITE HOUSE”

Des Vceux Road Central; Teleph. 26356; WHISKY ll^y FLASKS

Cable Ad: Ahanaco

Airckaft (China) Limited — Registered Just right for the hip pocket

Office: 81, Jinkee Road, Shanghai. P.O. Teleph 30311

Box 401, Hongkong; Cable Ad: Ariel

(Shanghai), Spin (Hongkongl

Directors—Denys Reiss, F. R. Smith jardine, Malheson & Co,, Lid

(chairman), G. G. N. Tinson and S. Sole Agents.


D. Bennett, manager

Airlie Hoted—(6'ee Hotels) Alves, A. A., Freight, Share and General.

Broker—Hongkong Stock Cable


Alhambra Cafe —1, Woo Sung St.; . Building; Teleph. 23578.;

Scarteen: Codes: Bentley’s it Private


Teleph. 57969 A. A. Alves

Alexandra, James

Rolled Oats, Jam & Provision Merchants


Box 735; Buildings; Teleph. 2Q374; P.O. Alves & Co., Ltd.,mJ.M., Produce

Cable Ad: A)ltd



A. Kwang, managing director Manufacturers’ Representatives ' and

Passantt Lynn and Ng Hai Fu, dir. Road; Teleph. 20808; P.O. BoxChater

Shipping Agents—Office: 1A,


Cable. Ad: Ageratum

vz m % J. M. Alves, governing director

Alhambra Theatre (Controlled by Gen- C.A.S. Alves

Soares, director



56856 Co.) — Nathan Rd.: E.Yeung

AlvesYik |I B.K. Young

C. S. Rosselet, manager P. Young

Alice Memorial and Affiliated Hos- American Asiatic Co. —149, Lockharfc-

pitals—(See Hospitals) Road; Teleph. 27849


n & m & & m m & m %

: Jlfei-yqhpao sienkung sze Ancient Co., The, Dealers in Art

American Asiatic Underwriters, Curios, Furniture, Stationery and

Fed Marine,

Inc. U.S.A., Electric Supplies~-39, Nathan Rd.


Burglary, Motor1General Life,Insurance:

car, Baggage

Plate-glass, Accident


(Wing Lok Building); Teleph. 56570


Central, Risks-—12-14,

Asia Life Queen’s

Building; Road


30234-5; Cable. Ad: Amerriters Sun choncj .

C. V.ImStarr;

Lai Tong,president

Hongkong (Shanghai)

manager Andersen, Meyer & Co., Ltd.,

Staff—S. Engineers and Contractors, General

Chung ImK. Kwan,

Leung,K. LoS. Kong,

Ying P.Kan,C. Merchants,Manufacturei’s

—67-89, and Importers


. Wong R, Y. H. Chui and T. S. Cable Ad:Des


Yceux Road;





Avenue, for



Hanover Fire Insce. Co., New York Road, Shanghai

North River Insce. Co., New York D. D. Forbes, manager for Hongkong

Adriatica Insurance Co., Trieste, and

Mrs. Canton


Agricultural Insurance' Co., Water- Miss D.G. D’Assumpcao


town, N.Y. Miss T. Prata

Engineering & Import Depts.:

^National Union Fire Insurance Co.,

Pittsburg, Pa. L.A. Landau

J. Kew | Chan Yuk In

American Club—(Nee Clubs) General Electric Refrigerator Dept :

W. J. Grant

American Consulate {See Consulates) Li Cheuk | Tsang Fat '


Thomas SueDept. :

American Express Co., Inc.—{See Chan Hung Cho, cashier

under Banks) Shipping & Insurance Dept.:

F. William

H. de Carvalho


13 & » is @ it

American Flour Co., The, Flour Irapor-

J ters — David House, Des Yceux Road Anderson & Ashe, Consulting and


E.LeungTeleph. 21062;

Christensen, Cable Ad: Fishrich

King Sau,partner

do. Superintending Engineers and Marine

Surveyors—1st floor, Queeri’s

(Entrance Connaught Road); Building


American Lloyd, Ltd., General Tourist 24063; Cable Ad: Canello

Office — Shell House, 27:32, Queen’s Anderson & Co., J., Undertakers—2,

Road Central;Head

Palestloyd. Teleph.

Office:33542; Cable

7, Rue Ad:

Auber, Caroline Road; Teleph. 30669


EdwardRoad, Far

Ezra Road,Eastern

Shanghai; Offices: 13,

65, Con-

sular Tientsin; 64, Robinson fj £ PS # f g ^

Road, Singapore; 1, Konnaya Street, Yeung Kam Hong '

Harbin Anderson Music Co., Ltd., The,

M. Talan, manager Pianoforte, Organ and Music Dealers;

P. Kwong, assistant Tuners,

George’s Regulators and House

Building, Ice Repairers—St.


^ ^ ^ Teleph.

Bentley’s21322; Cable Ad: Music; Code:

.American Mail Line — Teleph. 28171; Wm.

Cable Ad: Mailine John Anderson, managing

E. Anderson, directordirector



Co., TheCo.,Robert)

general agents H. Soares

M. J. Fountain |I Miss

Miss Aileen

Souza Woods

-Amoy Canning Corporation, Ltd.— Agencies

K.N.I.L. 53, Ngau Tau Kok; Teleph. Linguaphone Language Records

Columbia Graphophone Co., Ld.

56556 Mullard Eddystone, E.K.C.O. Radios


Andre’s Beauty Parlour — Gloucester % ^ M m Ma y Ne\

Building; Teleph.,27973 Arts & Crafts, Ltd., Furnishets and

Anglo-American Stevedoring Co.— Decorators Factory: 330,— Shaukiwan

Showrooms,Road; OfficesTeleph.


Queen’s Building; Teleph. 24068 24173; Cable Ad: Artcrafts

Directors—S. J.

Berry, A.c.i,p. • Hicks, and Mitchell

Apostleship of Prayer—(See Churches) G. Randall, acting manager

O.M. B.Palmer

Payne; designer

m & m m M G.C. F.W.Sing

Chan, bookkeeper • j

Ha ho tee lut se

Arcitlli, A. el, Solicitor — Hongkong Miss

Stock Exchange Building; Teleph. 26500; Miss E.K. C.TsangCheng

Cable Ad: Curly; Code: A.B.C. 5th edn.

Asger, Dr. M. E., Dental Surgeon,.

f* /u' -ffop tuck Dental X. Ray—Kayamally Building, 20,

Arculli Brothers, Merchants and (Office); Queen’s Road Central; Teleph. 21952

Commission Agents—Hong Kong Stock P.O. Box

M. E. Asger, d.d.s.210.(111., U.S.A.), Mem-

Exchange Building, 10, Ice House ber of Psi Omega Dental Fraternity,


OmarTeleph. 20409; ICable

el Arculli A. H.Ad:Madar

Curly U.S.A.

Abdul Curreem | M. P. Madar Mrs. L. A. Rose, secy. & dental asst.

Arculli, Dr. H. el, Medical Practitioner « MARCH ANTS”


22882 Des Ycetix Hoad Central; Teleph. LABEL WHISKY

Arculli & Sons, A. F., Army Contractors Our Excellent Whisky at a cheaper price

—Hong Kong Stock Exchange Building, Teleph. 30311

10, Ice House Street; Teleph. 20409;

Cable Ad: Arculli

O. el Arculli

Abdul Curreem I A. H. Madar Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.

Abbas Khan | M. P. Madar Sole Agents.

ft % ffl £ Hi & m 35

On Lee Ying Hong Asia Co.,and The,

Arnhold & Co., Ltd., Import and Ex- Naval

port Merchants, Engineers and Con- porters, Exporters MilitaryGrocers, Butchers,

Contractors, Im-

Agents—63-65, Des Voeux and Commission

Road Cen-

tractors—Marina House, 3rd A.,

Road Central; Head Office: Shanghai Queen’s

tral; Telephs. 20416 and 22338; Cable

Sole Distributors for Ads : Ashpit


port Co., Vickers

Ltd. Electrical

Turbines and Ex-

Electri- Asia Drug Co.—China Building; Teleph.

cal Plant 27839

Agents for:— Asia Lands, Ltd.—14, Queen’s Road C.;.

Employers’ Liability Assurance Teleph. 26631

Corporation, Ltd., Fire and

General Insurance fl £ ^ S A £

Merchants’ Marine Insurance Co., Asia Life Insurance Co., Inc., Insurance

Ltd., Marine Insurance —12, Queen’s Road; Teleph. 30234 ;

Arthur & Co. (Export) Ltd.—Pedder P.O. Code: Box

Acme 456;andCable

Bentley’sAd: Alicochina;

Building; Teleph. 20785 ; Cable Ad :

Arthur Asiatic Commercial Co. —11, Pottinger

J. Watson, representative Street; Teleph. 23532


Asiatic Commercial Corporation — 6, Correspondence Deportment

Des Yoeux Iloan C.; Teleph. 26859 G. Lee | Miss V. Remedies


Miss G. Ablong

n & m 'X ® m ® Miss E.D. D.Begdon

AndersonMrs. R. Kew

A mi a fo yau kung sze Mrs.

Asiatic Petroleum Co. (South Miss

Miss D. Capell MMrs.

S. Browning rs. L.S. Lewis

da Rocha

China), Ltd., The (Incorporated in Mrs. H. G. Elliott Miss W. Robinson

England) — Shell House, Queens Miss N. D.Gibson Mrs. D.M. MFardel


Road Central; Teleph. 28041; P.O. Miss F. Gomes Miss

Box 22b ; Cable Ad : Petrosilex Office Caretaker—C. C. Hancox

W. H. Bell, genera] manager North Point Installation

J. K. Bousfield, assist, do.

W. J. Roberts, operations mgr. D. J. Keogh, manager

JSenziue Department L. Blair I F. P. Kennedy

G. Marseille H. Gosby | J. Macdonald

Kerosene Dept. C. F. J. Simpson | T. O’Neill

G. M. D. D. Wolf Taikcktsui Installation

Fuel Oil Dept. D. H. Perry, manager

W. Wooding W. Matthews

Fvlricants Dept.

R, L Cherrill Assembly of God Mission—(Nee Mis-

G. A. Gutterres sions)

Miscellaneous Products Dept.

L. M.A. M.R. Duncan

Silva ft w m m & m ^

Hong Kong Branch Asiatic Trading (T.L.) Co.,

J. H.L. Ilsley, manager

W. Hew etc | A. J. Bursley Merchants

Teleph. — 6,Cable

23904; VoeuxThe,

Des Ad: General



J. E. L. Parry- | C. M. Xavier Hongkong

Wingfieid | Cheung Lam

Engineering Department

W. A.'Butterfield, supt. engineer Assao 5935,1 Store—6,

. Jordan Road; Teleph.

Mechanical Division

R. J.G.K.M.Walker

W. Wilson Associated Merchandising Corporation

Construction Division . —6, Queen's Road Central; Teleph. 23392


E.'AtkinsU. Pui | C. T. Yang


H.D.E.G.Bunje / Associaqao

Mutuos (Sede, Portuguesa de Socoorros

Club Lusitano)

McAvoy I M. J. Bull

C. Powell I T. C. Jex

Marine Department Boy Scouts Association ("Hongkong

J. Yan Seventer Branch)—Headquarters:

Accounts Department

R. N.Young, chief accountant bert Road; Teleph. 24825 Lower Al-

S. Ellis , Chief Scout for Hongkong—H. E.

T. Lindars Sir Andrew Caldecott, k.c.m.g.,

R.J. Gardner

Lee 1 Miss E. S. de Biere C.R.E.

Commissioner & Depy. Camp Chief

H. Bullock I A.MissE. O.Ablong A. Dalziel —Rev.Commissioper

Acting N. V. Halward, —C.M.c.Champ-

Miss W. M. D. E. Santos

Sutton I S. A. Rumjahn Distncf Commissioner


W. E. Hunt | F. Ozorio Leader—R. Dormer "and Akela

Fables Department District

Booker Cubmaster—Mrs. F. E. E.

Miss B. Helbling President—E. Cock, m.b.e.

Miss F. N. Cooper | Miss B. Walker Vice-President—Hon. Mr.T.N. Chau


18 th Hong Kong (Cheung Chau

; Pockson and G. S. Dunkley A.

Join. Hon. Secretaries —P. Government

Cheung ChauSchool); Headquarters:

Government School,

Joint Hon. Badge Secretaries

E. S. Cunningham and M. It. Deb — Cheung Chau

Joint Hon. Treasurers—Lo Koon Scoutmaster—Cheung King Pak

Mang and Lo Koon Kan 19th Hong Kong (St. Stephen’s College)

Accountants—Thomson & Co. —Headquarters: St. Stephen’s Col-

Hongkong & Southern District Association lege, Stanley

Scout Groups (Hong Kong) Scoutmaster—C. H. Tam _


Hong Seamen’s

Kong SeaInstitute,

Scouts—Head- Kowloon & Northern District Association

Glouces- Scout Groups {Kowloon)

ter Boad 1st Kowloon (St. Andrew’s Church)—

G. Scoutmaster—D. A. Brown Headquarters: St. Andrew’s Church


son, K.Scoutmasters—D.

C. Wong and H. K.A. Chak

Pock- Hall, Nathan Road

1 Cubmaster—Mrs. G. M. Brown G. Scoutmaster—R. Dormer

1st Hong Kong (St. Joseph’s College) Scoutmaster—R. Wong

—Headquarters: St. Joseph’s College, Cubmaster—-Miss F. Wong

Kennedy Road 2nd Kowloon (Kowloon College) —

Scoutmaster—Quah Headquarters: Kowloon, College,

Cubmaster—Lim KimCheow HuanCheang Nathan Road

Scoutmaster—S-A, Lau


Hong Kong (Catholic

R. C. Cathedral)—

Mission, Caine 3rd Kowloon (Shamshuipo Catholic)—

Road Headquarters:

3rd Floor, Shamshuipo Wing Street,

130, Fuk


R. S.Scoutmaster

L.—Rev. Fr.-I).E.W.Tqruzzi

Luke Scoutmaster—Lui Wing Sing

Scoutmaster—L. Tiu 4th Kowloon (Garrison)—Headquarters:

Cubmaster—A. Lock Garrison School, Gun Club Hill


Hong Scandal

Kong Point(Murray) — Head- G. Sfcoutmaster—G. R. Ross

Scoutmaster—W. H. F. Goyns

Scoutmaster—Wm. C. Low Cubmaster—G. F. H. Maddick


Hong— Kong (Johnda English 5th Kowloon (Roving Fifth) -- Head-

Headquarters : Road

Johnda quarters: Foothill, Kowloon Tong

English College, 90, Kennedy Scoutmaster—W. M. Gittihs

Scoutmaster—Li Shiu Kan 6th Kowloon (Diocesan Boys School)-—


Hong Kong King’s ( King’sCollege,

College)— Headquarters: Diocesan

Scoutmaster—Rev. C. BlBoys School

R. Sargent


ham Road

Scoutmaster—J. J. Ferguson 7th Kowloon—Headquarters:

Kung Road, Kowloon City 223, Tam

10th Hong Kong (St. Paul’s College)— Scoutmaster—F. Kwok"


Lower Albert Road St. Paul’s College, 8th Kowloon—Headquarters: Cheuk Yin

Scoutmaster—Shum Yu Kum College, Mongkok


Hong Kong (Peak School)—Head- Scoutmaster—Si C. Wu

Peak SchoolE. Strahan 9th Kowloon — Hekd'quahthrs: Hmion

Scoutmaster—Miss Church Hall


Hong KongQueen’s'

(Queen’s College)— Cubmaster—Mrs. Goyris '

College, Holly- 10th Kowloon (Tsung Tak School)—

Headquarters: Tsung Tak School,

wood Road

Scoutmaster—R. Aston Hill TaiPo

13th Hong Kong (Central Chinese)— 11th Kowloon (Wah Yan Ying

Scoutmaster—Lee Kam


Headquarters: B. S. Association Headquarters: Wah Yan College,

G. Scoutmaster—Laing Eai Nelson Street, KowloonFook Hong

Scoutmaster—Wong Yat Hung Scoutmaster—Chan

15th Hong Kong (Wah

Headquarters: Wah Yan YanCollege)

College,— 12thTOngKowloon—Headquarters: Kowloon

Robinson Road Anglican Church

G. Scoutmaster—S. J. Martin Cubmaster—Mrs. A. M. Easterbrook

Scoutmaster—Ng Tse Tat Deep

17th Hong Kong (Chung

—Headquarters: ChungNam Nam College)

College, Seamen’sScputs

Sea Troop—Headquarters:

Institute, Gloucester Road

78, Peel Street Liason Officers—Rev. J. N. Cham-

berlain and Rev. Cyril Brown


British & Foreign Bible Society—2, Hon. Presidents—Hon. Sir Shou-son

Wyndham St.; Gable Ad: Testaments Chow, Kt., Hon. Dr. R. H. Kote-

wall, c.m.g., ll.d., Hon. S. W. Tso,

British Medical Association O.B.E., ll.d., Hon. Mr. T. N. Chau,

(Hong Kong and China Branch) Wong Kwong

Cheng Ngan Tin,



and Mok Ying Kwai

Buddhist Association—Lee Garden; President—Chan Kam Po

Vice-President—Chan Lan Fong

Teleph. 22244 Hon. Treasurer—Wong

Secretary—Yuen Hong Liu

Hon. Man Tat

Hon. Secretaries, Bathing Pavilion—

# M T§ # Lo Kwok Min and Chan Siu Tong

Chamber of Commerce, Chinese Fire Insurance Association of Hong-

General—<64 and 65, Connaught kong—Office: Mercantile Bank Bldg.

Eoad Central; Teleph. 20279. Committee—G. S. Archbutt (deputy(chair-

Cable Ad: Chichacom raan), T. R. Macdonald

Chairman—Wong Kwong-tin, j.p. chairman), W.C. Bailey, T. N. Chau,

Vice-do. —Li Sing Kui

Treasurer—Chan Kara Po A. C. Ellis, Lau Yuk Wan, T. A.

Assist. Treasurer—Au Mitchell, H.R. Sturt, R.L.S. Webb

Secretary—Chan Ping Chak

Au Sum and R.H. Wild

Secs.—Lowe, Bingham & Matthews

ft # ^ ^ Helena


21423Institute—Garden Road:

Ying seung wui kiln

Chamber of Commerce, Hongkong Hongkong Automobile Association


Secretary—M. F. KeyBank Building (Federated with the Automobile

Assist. Secretary—E. B,. Price and Association),(Members of the(Affiliated

International de Tourisme), Alliance

Treasurers — Lowe, Bingham with the Royal Automobile Club),

Matthews (Affiliated with the A. A. of Malaya),

—c/o Linstead

Building; Road), and Davis,

Telephs.57664 Gloucester


(office), 25574

China Association (Hongkong Branch) (Charter Car

—Chartered Bank Building Park); Cable Ad: Farnum

Hon Secretary—M. F. Key

Hon. Treasurers — Lowe, Bingham Patron—U. E- The Governor, Sir

and Matthews Wm. Peel, k.c.m.g., k.b.e.

President—T.B. Wilson

China Coast Officers’ Guild—67, Vice-do. —Dr. Wan—Yik

Hon. Secretary Rev.Shing

G. E. S.

Des Vceux Road Central; Cable Upsdell, M.A., H.C.F., C.I.E.E.

Ad: Chicoguis Treasurers—Linstead & Davis

Secretary—W. E. Kirby Committee—L. C. F. Bellamy,



Maj. C.B.D.M.Evans, H. Hong

Manners, G.

Chinese Manufacturers’ Union—46, Miskin, J. Smith, A. Stevenson, H.

Des Voeux Rd. C.; Teleph. 33343 G. Williams and G.H. Wilson

Chinese Press Association—9, Sin Hongkong Benevolent Society

Hing Street; Teleph. 23096 “Daily Press'’ Building, Ice House



The Peak) G. R.F.Sayer (154

It t B ^ M Vice-President—Mrs. D. Tracy

Chung Sing Benevolent Society—127,

Des Voeux, Road Central; Teleph. (300 Treasurer—Mrs.

The Peak)

23648. Branches Hon. I. de Ville

Victoria IJoad, : Bathing


Town; (265 The Peak)

Hon. Secretarv—Mrs. L. B. Holmes

Teleph. 28^07 ' ' (182 The Peak)


Hongkong Boxing Association — 7, Hongkong Ministering League &

Ministering Children’s League

Queen’s Road C., Teleph. 28009

Vice-Presidents—H. E. Admiral

Sir Frederick C. Dreyer,

c.b.e., r.n.. Sir W. Thomas Southorn,k.c.b., Hongkong Philharmonic Society

K.B.E., Chairman — G.G.N. Tinson, (Affiliated

and to the Association)

Dramatic National Operatic

M.C., J.P. Patron—H. E. Sir Andrew Caldecott,

Committe—C. Bond, E. C. Frederick, K.C.M.G., C.B.E.

A. W. Grimmitt, F. G Hall, j.p., President—Dr. D. J. Valentine., M.c.,

H.U. Sheldon,


B. Wilson, W. Ward, T. Murphy, M.B., B.S.

r.n., Lt.Comdr,

Comdr.,W.J. A.S. Vice Presidents—J. T. Bagram, H. E.

Major-General A. W.Hon.Bartholomew,

Dalison, r.n. and Lt. Comdr. R.F.A. c.b., c.m.g., c.b.e., Mr. W. H.

Redmam, r.n. Bell, L. C. F. Bellamy, m.c., Dr.

Official Referee—A. Murdoch G. D. R. Black, o.b.e., m.d., A.

Manager—J. Brook Brearley,

Medical Officers—Drs. J.W. Anderson,


Bunje, J.C. MaCgown and M. E. Cock, Professor

m.b.e., L.W.Carter,



Dowbiggin, Lt. Col.

o.b.e., D. H. B. L.


Timekeepers—A. B. Allan and C. V.Mr.M.R. Grayburn, F. C. SirHall,YViliiam


Bond M. Henderson,

Hon. Secretary and Treasurer— Hornell, Kt.. c.i.e., m.a., A. W.

R. J. Shrigly Hughes,(Edin.),

f.r.c.s. Dr.' C.E. C.W.Knight,

Kirk, V.m.d.,C.

Labrum, T. A. Martin, a.s.a.a.,

Hongkong Broadcasting Committee Hon. Mr. J. J. Paterson, T. E.


Hon. Mr. M.Hotel Building

J. Breen (Postmaster Pearce, Pollock,

Henry A. R. H.Kt.,


K.c., Hon.

H. H. SirH.

General) (chairman), L. H.

(Electrical Engineer), Hon. Sir King Priestley, Dr. L. T. Ride, m.a.,

m.b, b.ch., M.R.C.S., Professor

Robertson, m a., Commodore C. G. R.

William Shenton, Hon. Mr. J. P.

Braga, Hon. Mr.

A. L. Shields. H. C.J. Macnamara,

J. Paterson, Sedgwick,Kt.,r.n.,R. Hon.

Shenton, Sir William

J. Shrigley, Hon.

A. T. Lay, B. Wylie, Professor R. Sir Thomas Southorn, c.m.g., k.b.e.,

K. M. Simpson, T. O. T’so and R.Mr.A.Edwin


Taylor,H. A.R. G.Sturt, Hon.

W. Tickle,

Chan Heung Pak Dr. T. W. Ware, m.b., b.ch., Hon. Dr.

Secretary—Miss I. M. Dunnett A. R. Wellington m.r.o.s., l.r'c.p.,

Assist do.—Miss B. M. Billing S. T. Williamson and B Wylie

Chinese Staff—Mrs. Ho Tak Fan, Committee — Mrs. Neil Mathieson,

S. C. Lau and Miss Amy Wong Mrs

Announcers—Mrs. C. Brown,

C. A. L. Rickett, K. Stuart- Mrs. and R.R. S.A. Spencelayh

Starling, R. A. Starling

Smith, W. Keith Hon. Conductor—A.B.

Producer—Rev. Yule

Waterton. F. K.Robinson,

Garton, D.Miss

W. Hon.


Cyril Brown,


Hung Wong and Chan Ying Deputy Conductor—Lindsay A. Laf-

ford, F.R.C.O., etc.

Hongkong Horticultural Society

—Hon. Secretary’s Office: Stock Ex- “WHITE HORSE”


Street Building (4th floor), Ice Hous

President—Sir William Hornell WHISKY

Hon. Secretary—J. T. Bagram The finest Whisky obtainable

Hon. Treasurer—Andrew Tse

Committee—Lt.-Col. H. B. L. Teleph. 30311

Dowbiggin, H. Green, J. F.

Grose, Mrs. F. C. Hall, Dr. JFardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.

G. A C. Herklots, Ho Kom

Tong, Mrs. R. E. Hoare, V. Sole Agents.

H. C. Jarrett, J. P. Robinson

and G. G. N. Tihson


Hongkong Sharebrokers’ Association Marine Engineers’ Guild of China

—Hongkong Sharebrokers’

8, Des Voeux Road; Telephs. Building,

26658-8 —David House, 67, Des Vceux

Chairman—W. J.L.Carroll Road

JointCentral; Cable, Ad;E. Chicpguis

Secretarv—W. Kirby

Secretary—CA. Rickett Secretary—J. Watson (Shanghai)

Members—A.H. Carroll, J, F. Grose,

A. P. Greaves, W. J. Carroll, Sen Marine Insurance Association of



H. M.A. H.A.

G. A. Harriman, Chan YatIvinFung,

Esmail, Soo Pui Chen, Lo Fai, : Hong Kong and ICanton—7, Queen’s

Road Central

Yeung Committe' e—W. C. Bailey (chairman),.

Rickett,Yau, S. Howard,Tong

E. Rouillon, C. A. FuL. T. N. Chau, A. C. Ellis, H.C. Gray,.

Lau Yuk Wan; T. R. Macdonald, H.

Sam, AA. R. Botelho, F.L.; Silva, R. Sturt, R, L, S. Webb and R. H,


Man Ying Kie, Y. C. Lau, Ling Wild.

DasturI, M. E. Politi and R. A. Secs.—Lowe, Bingham 6z Matthews

t n. irt m ® & # m yk

Navy League (Hong Kong Branch)

Hongkong Stock Exchange-rio, Ice

House Street; Telephs. 25204/25207, Q.C.O.B.A.—’-Queen’s College ’

25213, 25224; CableH. Ad;

Chairman—G. PottsStocks

Secretary—Vivian Benjamin Society for Prevention of Cruelty

to Animals—York Bdilding, Cha-

ft t 6® H 8! ter Road

Ki hi si wui Jchn Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Institution of Engineers and

Shipbuilders —King’s

President—Edward Cock, Buildings St. George’s Society

Hon. Vice-Presidents — Hon. Sir.

Wilfrid T. Southern, k.b.k.,

Hon. Mr. R. M. Henderson and c.m.g..

Prof. C. A. Middleton-Smith t W H # it

Vice-Presidents—B. D. Evans and J. Nam vSah tai yuk wui

M. Jack South China Athletic Association

Chairman—E. Mitford —Caroline Hill ; Telephs. 24696

Vice- do. —H. Rea. R.Latham

Hon. Treasurer—F. Smyth (Billiards Section, China Building),

Hon. Librarian—H. Reg. Latham

Hon. Secretary—W. F. Simpson ing Pavilion,. Section),

26596 (Ladies' 26272 (Bath-

North Point), 56566

(Tennis Pavilion, King’s Park), 23066

(Stadium, Caroline Hill) y Cable Ad :

Kowloon Residents’ Association Athletes

Hon. Presidents-—Hon. Sir Shou-

President—Li Chor Chi son Chow, Kt., Hon. Dr. R. H.

Vice-do—T. B. Wilson Kotewall,

Hon. Treasurer—R. P. Phillips

Hon. Secretary—J.H. Shaw T.S. W. Tso, o.m.g.,‘ll.d.,

N. Chau, o;b.e.,


Hon. Mr.

Yin Hon.


Ting, Li

, Yau Tsun, c.b.e.,

and Hon. Mr. M. K. Lo Mok Wing U.

Liga Portuguesa de Honokgng—41, President—Lo Yiik Tong

Peking Road, Kowloon; Teleph. Vice-Presidents—Chan Kara Po and

58706; Cable Ad : Liga P. H. Sin


Secretary—.!. A.H. dede Almeida

Almeida Chairman—NganShing

j KwanAn

Treasurer—F. Vice Chairman—Chan Ping

Vogais—P. M.J.Xavier,

G. D’Aquino,

T. Silva-Loureiro

F. Pereira,

F. G. Barros, Max. A.E.

Hon. Treasurer—Yip Kwong Hung

Hon. Gen. Secy.—Kwong Ka Tsun

Gomes and P. A. Xavier (acting)

Hon, Secretary—C. W. Cheung

Clerk—A. M. Xavier


St. Andrew’s Society, Hong Kong in & m & K 7k ±

President —Hr. J. Macgown

Vice-do. —R. 1\1. McLayD. Drum- Assurance

M. Currie, Franco-Asiatique, Fire,

Marine Building

and Motor

Committee—N. China

mond, D. J. Gilmore, Sir Atholl 23583; Cable Ad: Francasia (firstCarfloor);



MacGregor, J. F. MacGregor, A. C. G. Anderson, branch manager


B. Wylie T. S. Whyte-Smith and

Joint Hon. Secretaries & Treasurers Atienza, Vicente & Co., Importers

and Commission Agents—54, Nathan

—E. M. Bryden and D. S. Robb Road, Kowloon; Teleph. 75155;

St. David’s Society Cable Ad: Atienzaco; Codes; A.B.

C.W.5thC. edn. and Bentley’s

Lee, partner

St. Patrick’s Society W. T. Lee, do.

Chan Chew Kwong, manager


® m m m Grimault

Pa ris

Theosophical Society, The V. Rigaud, Perfumers, Paris

Presidental Agent for China—John.


President of Manuk Lodge—J. P. SILVER SLIPPER” GIN


The Honstkon?

Manuk Lodge, Hongkong

Club Annex, Chater— For the Perfect Gimlet

Road; P.O. Aox 632; Cable Ad:

Theosophy Teleph. 30311

Tictoria Diocesan and Missionary jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.

Association. Hong Kong and

South China Sole Agents.

President—The Bishop of Victoria


Young Men’s Christian Association Atienza, Dr. V. N., m.b., b.s., Physician

and Surgeon—York Building; Telephs.

(Chinese)—51 and 70, Bridges

(Hongkong); Telenh. 26618. Waterloo Street 21177 (Office) and 56423 (Residence)

Road (Kowloon); Teleph. 57741; Cable Au Petit Louvre, Dressmakers, Milliners

Ad: Flamingo

President—David W. K. Au and Dealers in Dainty Dresses—J.

Vice- do. Yin Tai Chins; Ullmann Entrance; Cable Ad: Louvre;

Treasurer^—Mann. K. Wong Code: Bentley’s

Recording Secy.—P. C. Kwok C. T. Forbes, manageress

Secretaries — S. W. Ko, J. L. Mc-

Pherson, Wm. C. H. Chen, S.S. fr dt


Lo, C.K. K.S. Cheung,

Chuns, T.K.F.O. Lee,

Ho, L.C. K.F. Au Siu Cho, Import,Building;

Export andTeleph.


Chung. W. F. Chan. C. L. Chow, Merchant 25546;

— China

M. C. Wong and N. Y. Ho Codes: P.O.

A.B.C.Box6th449;edn.,Cable Ad: Kysun;

Bentley’s, Acme

and Private

Young Men’s Christian Association, Au Siu Cho, principal

European— Salisbury Au Tsz Shiu,

Hin,signsdo.per pro.

loon; Teleph: 58023; CableRoad, Kow-

Ad: Triangle Au Long


K.C. ' Sir H.E. Pollock,

Vice-President—P. & m m m m

Hon. Treasurer—H.S.A.Cassidy Greig Au Sze Cham, Dr., General Medical

Secy, in Charge—A. W. Ingram Practitioner—41, Kai Yan Road; Teh ph.

Assist. Secretary—E: F. Selk 57398


it tF'J Bakilly Co., Ltd., Dealers in Patent

Ault & Wiboru Co., (Far East), The, Medicines, Surgical Instruments:

Optical, Toilet Articles, Blankets-

Manufacturers of Printing and Litho- Umbrellas,

graphic Inks, Dry Colours, Varnishes, Goods;

etc. Importers of Printing Papers, Manufacturersandof Sundry

Hosiery Sof,

Toilet Pre-

Printers’ Supplies and Machinery— parations and Perfumery—Office:

Des Voeux Road Central: Teleph. 155r

17, Connaught

23357; Cable KoadAultwiborg;

Ad:. Central; Teleph.

Code: | 22565; Factory: I.L. 2416, Shaukiwan

Bentley’s phrase Road; Teleph. 20757; Codes: A.B.C. 5tb

K. H. Tan, manager edn. and Bentley’s

Australian Sandalwood Co., Ltd., BALEAK; Dr. H.—Union Building; Te-

Sandalwood Merchants—4a, Des Voeux leph. 28002

Road Central; Teleph. 28847; Cable Ad:


E. J. T. Warren, manager Hi £ fr §*

Auw Pit Sano’s Tradinq Co.—2, Sun Ngun hpng lun shuen hung sze

Wui Road; Teleph. 25258 Bank Line (China) Ltd., Shipowners A

Brokers—King’s Building; TeleSph.

0 & 27791; P.O. Box 110; Cable Ad:

Backhouse, Ltd., James H., Import Bankline

, and Export Merchants—Marina House. A.D. H. Penn, director

15/19, Queen’s Road Central; Teleph, Forbes, do.

: 21733; Cable Ad: Jayatchbee: Codes: J. R. Collis J.M.A.e

A.B.C. 5th and 6th edhs..

Acme, Private and Schofield’s Electric Bentley’s, H. C. Meeke M. A. deCastro


Phrase Code J. Smith Miss Gutierrez

Miss McGrann

J. H.Harrop, managing director , T . J. Gutierrez

S. Dinsdale, C. A. Lopes Miss Silva

K. W. Pedersendirector

| Miss P. Cresswell AgenciesAndrew Weir & Co.

Agencies Ellerman & Bucknall


Assurance Accident, Fire Ld.and Life

Corporation, Isthmian S:S. Lines S.S. Co., Ld.

General Accident, Fire and Life Assce. Klaveness Line (Pacific Coast-Asiatic-

Corporation, Ld. Marine Dept. Service)Airways Ltd. .


Baggage Transfer Service--171, Con- UnionIndia

New Marine Insurance

Insurance Co.,Co..

Ld. Ld.

naught Road West; Teleph. 27761

m ft Tf # fa 5C Teen Wo

Bagram, J. T., Share and General Broker Banker & Co., Ltd., Import and Ex-

—Stock Exchange Building, Ice House port Merchants


Cable Bagram20441; P.O. Box 454; presentatiyes—4^and Manufacturers’

Queen’s Re-

Road Central;:

J. E.T. Sadick

Bagram | K. C. Lau Teleph. 20662; Cable Ad: Banker

flj Bay U BANKS

Bailey & Co., Ltd.,

and Shipbuilders W. S.,and

— Works Engineers


Kowloon Bay; Teleph. 58021; Cable Ad: fr 3® iS lil H


D. A. Goodwin, assist, managing dir. American Mei Kwok Wan Tung Ngan Hong

G.G. E.B. Witchell,

Dudley, secretary Express Co., Inc., The, In-

harbour engineer ternational Banking, Shipping and

A.MissA. C.Dand. chief draughtsman Travel—4, Des Voeux Road Central;

Miss D. N.Noronha,

Hyndman,typistassist. Telephs. 22089 (General), 24624

(Manager); 24626 (Travel Dept.),

Agents for and 21814 (Compradore Dept.);

Kelvin Motors Cable Ad: Amexco


C.E. H. Benson, gen.

W. Duggan, manager mgr. for Far East

P. A.A. Schulz,


assist, do. Bank of' East Asia, Ltd., The-10,

Des Voeux Road Central; Telephs.

W. .Robertson, accountant General 27746, 27747, 27748, 27749 and

W. G. Williams, travel dept. ' 27740; Manager’s Room 22890, 33080,

Parkin Wong, compradore 'and

30726 22435;

and 31971,

P.O. Broker’s

Box 31;Booth




D. Buchanan, D. Smith, L. R. Complete Phrase, Bentley’s Bentley’s

Bankeasia, Hong Kong; Codes:



A.Ng G.Wai C. Kew,Chan

de Jesus, M. S.ChiMaurice,

Man, Peterson’s International 2nd and 3rd

Yan, A- K. Ismail, A. edns.Kaji and


Po, chief manager

Tye, L. J. Castilho, Law Chung LiChow

Tse Fong, manager

Chi Nam, sub-manager

Ping, E. E. Roy Gosamkee, Chan

Shau Hok,HoLi Wo

Kit Sang, Ching Fun, Cheung

on Cheung, Mok Ling Man Lai, do.

K. K. Lee, per pro. manager


Ying Wing.WongMakChong

Fai Tong, Pun Li Tung, chief accountant

Ki Sui.Sun,Liang Tin Wai,Hau,L. Do

K. Wong Yin Nin, per pro. acct.


Kwok, PunYuk Luen,

Fung, Cheng Ming Ki, Tse Kam Lam York ChengKLin,wai Kan, do. do.

Li Po Tin, cashier

Shu, and

Hau LeungSo Fook

Hung Chao, Lo Tsi Lung Tin Tong, assist, cashier

Ho Ping Tin,

Li Chak Nam, do.


Banco Nacional Ultramarino'

Roza Bros., agents BRANDY

s The Brandy with a Pedigree

5*t S 4

Chung-Kwok. Nggn Hong, Teleph. 30311

Bank of China—4, Queen’s Road Ctl. -

Telephs. 20590 & 22503: Cable Ad: jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.


Shou J. Chen, sub-manager

S. F. Lam, manager

S. L. Pan, do. do. Sole Agents.

C.S. N.H. Mah,

Chang, assist, do.

do. do.

C. C. Shen, accountant fr is m *

Nei Chen, cashier Tot wan ngan hong

Bank of Taiwan, Ltd.—Prince’s Building,

5t m im . ; 3,wanDes Yceux Road; Cable Ad: Tai-

Bank of Commtmieataons, Hon^ Y.gink

Ohno, manager

Konjg S. H.Doi,Ishihara,

per pro. T.manager

All Kinds(Head Office:

of Ranking Shanghai),

Business Transact- C.M. Koike,

Tanaka, H. Yoshida,

H. Ishikawa,

ed—5, Ice

(manager’s House Street; Telephs. 32484to Shiga and M. F. Pun,Y. clerks


all dents.);,office),

Cable34101-2 (exchange

Ad : Commubank.

Over Correspondents

and 100 branches throughout China,

in all principal

cities of the world *r f& W M

T. N. Lee, manager Bank


Kwangsi—30, Bonham

30112,' 30113 and Strand


S. O. Au, sub-manager Cable Ad: 2306

H. S, Howe, assist, manager

L. M. Chen, asst. mgr. and concur- Tsang Chi Sun, manager

L. rently accountant

H. Wang, assistant manager C. C. Huang, sub-manager

Chang Shish Whong, chief acct



fr m ]r& Staff—

Fat Tcouo ngan hong J.E. P.M.Xavier

Ozorio | H. C. dos Remedios

Banque de I’lndo-Chine French H. M. Campos j V. A. Sousa

Bank Building, 5, Onfi^n’s Boad ; A.J. M.L. Silva

Pinna IJ G.R. A.F. RozaCampos


20710; 22569,"27583, 27584, 27585 and

Ad: Indochine .7. H. Roza ' A. A. Razack

P. de Roux, manager C. M. Sousa ; J. S. Silva

S. de Champeaux, sub-mgr. C. L. Alarakia

Pinna F.L. A.H. Barros Lopes

H. Evelie, accountant L.J.I. M.

Z. Alarques

M. Neves ; C.A. MV.. Roza

! Dias Azedo

C. de Precourt, cashier C.F. N. V. Roza

Kwok Chan, compradore

Kwok On, assist, do. Cunha !! E.A. M. Xavier

A. Roza

H. M. F. Xavier I. M. A. Razack

C.L. H.G. Rodrigues]

Sousa E.M. M.B. GuterreReyes

Banque Beige Pour I’Etranger

(Extreme-Orient) S.A.—4a, Des Yoeux G. A7. Remediosl Y. P. doe Reiss

Road Central: Telenhs. 33352 (Manager), Chase Bank, The—Marina House, 15,

34131 (General Office), 33354 (Compra- Queen’s Road Central; Telephs. 26638/9,

dore); Cable Ad: Sinobe Cable Ad: Chasebank. Head Office: 18;

Pine Street, New York City. Affiliated

with the Chase National Bank of the j

7T" itS. jeFj 3u ^ CityD. ofM.New Yorkmanager


Chung fat hung skeung ngan hong Ballantyne, assist, manager ■

D.F. A.L. Howard

Banque Franco-Chinoise oour le W. E. Denison I D. A. O’Kieffe


ment Franco-Chi nois, Capital Frs. Chan Ngan Ting, compradore


Geranehine; nee’s Buildi28175

n g; Cable Ad:


Office) and 21930 (manager) China & South Sea Bank, Ltd., The


Head Office: 110, in China)

Hankow Road, Shang-

H. Jesserand, manager hai

P. L. Lorsignol, accountant Board of Directors—Oei Tjoe (Chair-

Choa Wing King, compradore man)

General Manager—Y. Hou

Asst. General Manager—Oei Yok Kie

ft m m Hong

Central; KongP.O.

Branch: 24, Des

Box 144, Voeux33565-

Telephs. Rd.,

Cha ta ngan hong 69; Cable Ad: Chinasosea

Chartered BankoFIndia, Australia General Banking Business


China1853)—3 (Incornorated

Queen’s Road by Cent.;

Royal Manager — Sou Z. Chang

Teleph. 30376; P.O. Box 21; Cable Ad: SubHsien Managers—Uy

M. Tao Teng Yiu and


London, E.C.2. Head Office: 38, Bishopsgate, Asst. Manager—Oei Voe Tjing

Officials— Cook

ing {See also under “C”) Ltd.—Queen’s Build-

A. Brearley, manager

H. C. Hopkins, sub-manager fx UC & 5?. ft

H. F. Morford, accountant Yee pun fong fun ngan hong

Sub-Accountants— Credit Foncier d’Extreme-Orient,

C.C. B.C. Rait

W. Willson F. C. Mudie Mortgages, Real Estate, Architects and

R. H. McGregor F. G. Wernham Insurance—French

floor), 5 Queen’s RoadBank Building

Central; (4th


T.R. C.J. Mackny A. J.

M. Darnley K. W. Jones Least: 21063 and 21064; P.O. Box 207; Cable

Ad: Belfran


G. van Wylick acting manager A. »S. Adamson L. J. A. Fielden

L. May, signs per. pro. A. G. Cameron G. S. Chambers

J. M. Noronha, do. O.J. Shannon F. C. B. Black

J. D. McClatchie

A. F. Noronha Morrison A.R. K.

J.W.A.T.D.Voxall Forsyth

P. Edwards

Mrs. O. Robinson • R. S. Harrison F. H. King

Mrs. F. L. Webber, stenographer G. S. Dnnkley W. A. Stewart

Architect’s Office H. A. Greig F.R.R.McGilchrist-

.1. McGugan

G. van Wylick, architect, s.c;a.b. L. G. Robertson

G. A. Stewart H. L. Tudor

P. B. Allen, supervisor of H. A. Browning B.J. S.D.Dunnett G. Barlow

works A. H. R. Butcher

Agents Miss N. Stone, stenographer

L’Union Fire Ins. Co. Ld. of Paris Miss D. Woods A.L. V.E. Antonio

Miss Xavier

Miss D. M. Dunnett

Sleap D.C. A.V. R.Lopes


Equitable Eastern Banking Corpora- F.J. C.B. Y.Silva

Ribeiro A.F. A.Neves

tion—(See Chase Bank) F.H. X.Hyndman

Soares Praia

S. R. Silva

Hongkong Savings Bank at Hongkong A. F. Remedios L.H. F.J. Leon Graga

and Shanghai Banking Corporation L. G. Cordeiro M. Oliveira

C.L. C.A. R.LeonSouza J.L. M.J. Silva


C.F. A. Baptista L. A. R.J. Remedios

O. Lom-eiro Xavier

WHITE O. A. de Carvalho F. J.Silva

J. S. Loureiro

WHS SHY F.L. A.C. Collado

Remedios J.V. P.G. Baleros


M. Franco Xavier

The Choice of the Gonhoisseur Remedios, B. Gosano ,

C. H. V. Remedios J.L. B.J. Guterres

Teleph Alvesde J. G. Xavier

C.F. X.F. X.Lobato Rocha

Jardine, Matlieson &‘Go., Ltd. Faria P. A.da Silva

E. Rosario G. F. Victor

Sole Agents. C.H. Gosano S. Lobato deFaria

A Rosario

L. G. Marques L.F. A.A. Silva Sequeira

H. F. Gonsalves

m% A. M. Remedios L.A. R.M.Campos P. Souza

C.L. L.G. Lopes

V. Ribeiro R. M. Silva

Hong hang Shang hai Way foong Ngan hong J. A. Remedios L. Osmund.


Corporation & —Shanghai

1, Queen’s Banking

Road C.; C. A. Botelho R.L. A.Silva

Teleph. 30221; Cable Ad: Wardley L.V. F.H. Y.Xavier So uza

Ribeiro S. F. Rozario

Board of Directors—S. H. Dodwell J. M. Oliveira T.H. Cruz J. Guterres

(chairman), C. C. Mr.

Knight L. Elarte

chairman), Hon. W. H.(deputy

Bell, A.D. J.J. Cordeiro



V. A.G. Sequ

P. Souza



H. Compton,

Hon. M.

Mr. J.T.

.1. Johnson,

Paterson, G.

T. E. A. Souza L.A. M.M.V.Ro/.a

E. Pearce, J. A. Plummer and A. L. J. O. Sequeira G. de Silva

Shields Mrs. D. Luz, teleph. operator

Y. M. Grayburn, chief manager KovAoon Sub-Agency

E. J. Davies, manager R. L. Moncrieff, sub-agent

G. de la P. B. Fitzgerald, asst, sub mgr.

A. Morse, chief acct.

S. A. Gray | T. J. j. Fenwick J.P. M.

H. Scoones

Reis 1 E. F. Passes

C.E. L.E. Cunha

Xavier || J.L. E.Remedios


J. Me I. Brown, sub-accountant



Kwa.ngtJ.mg Provincial Bank, The Sub-accountants—

—Queen’s Kuildiner, 5, Chater Hoad;

Telephs. 20112-3; Cable Ad: Provincial

S. In. Szto, manager L.K. K.R. Rounds


Lau Hey Chee, accountant R. M. Henry

C. P. Wu, cashier A-Chas.C. Rozario


Lee Kiang Po, secretary S. H. Ismail

Assistants—Szto Po, Y. S.

Szto Yung, N. S. Tam. Tang Ping Chan, lu Ku Un, compradore

Kin, Chan Chung Fai, Ng Sik lu

T. M. TakPereira

Cheuk, assist, do.

Ling and Fan Kang Sang H. C. Chow

C.F.M.E. Xavier

R. Pereira


47. Fung

Wing Ranking

Lok Co.,

Street Ltd.—45,

East; and

Telephs. S. C. Lai

23255 and 300RR; Cable Ad: Kwohbank; E. Rux

Radio Ad: 0022; Chinese Telegraph: Y.S CW.Wn Fung


S. K. Mo

/fT ^ Y°w le ngan hong L.H. Y.A. Mak

Mercantile Bank ofTelephs.

India, 28109,

Ltd., W. T. Noronha


The—Queen’s Road; C.L. S.L. Wong


Cable Ad: Paradise C.E. L.A. Cheng

R. Kennedy, manager Alves

E. W. G. Malcolm, accountant C. W. Chow

J.R R.O’M.Swales, assist. do.


J. O. Remedies, chief clerk

do. J. Lau Lee Fook


C.L. M.

V. Castro Y.J. A.K. Chen


Y. Ribeiro J.M.C.GaanK. Wong

A. A. Mattos

L. C. Silva Miss A.M. de Souza

C.S. P.A. Lau

da Roza Miss J. A. Xavier

S. S. Souza Miss E.. Eckert

T.A. Y.P. Souza

Ho A. J. Manton, building supt.

H. A, da Roza

C.J. M.E. Soares

Pinto IS i§ 3c HI ^

O.C. H. Rocha

Gutierrez Ho KwoTc On Tat Ngan Hong

S. L. Ozorio Nederlandsch Sndische Handels-

J.D. A.J. Pereira bank N. V. (Netherlands India Com-

Noronha mercial Bank)—5, Des Voeux Road


Ho S.Chnen Central; Telephs. 23157 (General Office),

24870 (Manager’s Office), 20593, 2735ft

F. ElarteWong and Handel

Ad: 23826 (Compradore’s

bank Dept.); Cable

Horace Lo, compradore

C.E.Stigter, manager

ft ® m '-m m m D. F.F. Wuthrich,

Boomsma, accountant


Man kwok pao tung ngan hong T. Classen

J.P. F.G. J.Buie

de Kok


The City Bank of

(Incorporated New

inTeleph. York,

U. S. A.)—2, J. G. Buis

Queen’s Road Central;

P.O. Box 14; Cable Ad: Citibank 30321; Y. M. Barradas

R.S.M.S.McLay. acting manager C.C. A.E. Barros


W. A.Church,

Staley, sub-manager

accountant S.F. M.

M. Garcia,

Cruz, jr.jr.

W. H. Morgan, do. H. O. Marcal


J- M. dos llemedios P. Sc O. Banking Corporation,

F.E. P. Souza J.M. Rodrigues Ltd. — Chater Road; Telephs. 20056

(Manager’s Office), 26636 (General

S. E. Sousa Office), 23555 (Coinpradore Office) and

L.L. A.M. daSilva

Xavier 23626

Cable (Compradore

Ad: Penorbahca; Dept.); P.O.Bentley’s

Codes: Box 273;

A. A. Xavier and Private.Street,

Leadenhall Head Office:

London;117 Branch:

to 122,

C.A. A.A. Coelho

Guterres ~ West End, 14-16, Cockspur Street,

N. A. Beltrao London, S.W. 1. Branches: Bombay,

. Calcutta, Madras, Colombo, Calicut,

G.L. G.T. Yaz

Rosario Singapore and Shanghai

W. J. Waddington, manager

Mrs. Y. M. Pinna W. G. Lorimer, accountant

Miss E. A. Britto R. A. McKenny, assist, do,


N. Y. (Netherlands Trading Society)—

12, Des Voeux Road Central; Telephs. “ WtiiTE HOUSE”

23589 (Agent’s20578

tant’s Office), Office), 20598Office)

(General (Accoun-


21552 (Conapradore’s Office); Cable Ad: WHiSSiY

•Gardona. Head Office: Amsterdam Easily distinguishable by its aroma!

J. Hoven, accountant

J. P. Schlotter, cashier Teieph. 30311

Sub-accountants— Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.

B. H. Nijhoff i Th. W. de Jong

Assistants— Sole Agents.

A. A. d’Azevedo H. Barretto

A. A. Tavares Miss S. C.

A.F. X.E. H. Castro

M. da Silvf C. L. Santos Remedies Hi Sun set, soon

Sassoon Banking Co., Ltd., E. D.

J.G. A.A. daPinna

Luz C. P.M. daXavier

L. Silva —3rd Floor,

Teieph. 28141; P.Queen’s

Marina House, O. BoxRoad

A. F. da Luz

A. S. Ward Miss C. M. Silva Central; Cable Ad: Edsbankcoy; and


at Shang-

A. M. Xavier hai,Directors--Sir

London and Manchester

Lo Chung \V; l, compradore Victor Sassoon, Bart.

(Governing), Albert Raymond,


Gubbay, Hon. Sir F.William

Fit zgerald, B. Davey, A. S.


Oversea-Chinese Banking: Corpor- kt. and H. H. Turner

ation, Ltd.—Incorporated in the j Agents for

Straits Settlements, (Successors to The | The Eastern Bank, Ld.

Ho Hong

mercial Bank, Ltd.,

Bank, Ltd.)—18, The Chinese

Ltd., and Queen’s Com-

the Oversea- j

Chinese Bank, Road j|

■Central; Telephs. (Manager) 23371,(Asst.

Manager) 28919 and (Office) 30216/8; 5t dP ^


edn., Ad: Oversea;2ndCodes:

Peterson’s edn., A.B.C. 6th Shanghai

Bentley’s Commercial & Savings

and Private. Head Office: Singapore Telephs. Bank, Ltd.—% Queen’s Road Central;

Authorised Capital: Straits $40,000,000 (manager), 31483 (Domestic dept.)31482

31481 (Foreign dept.),


Paid-Up Capital: Straits $10,000,000 30451 (Brokers); P.O. Box 139; Cable

Hooi Yip Beng, manager Ad: Shacombank

Khong Keng Pho, assist, manager David W. K. Au, manager

K. C. Chen, accountant H-

Ho Quee Him, cashier

Chan Kwan Yuen, sub-acct. J. S;M.Tsu, assist,

Chen, manager


Li Chor Chi, do. M. S. Chit, accountant

.Lo Sek Tean, do. T. M. Yao, assist, do.

Nathaii L, YoPng, savings TJeiJt.


Lambert Gockchin and Li Shu

Sincere Banking &. Trust Co., Ltd., Fong, asst, managers

The -144, Des Voeux Road C.; Li Shu Fong, chief accountant

Telephs. 28936 and 21385; R.O. Box Thomas Gock Young, sub-acct.

1550; Cable Ad: Sincetrust Gock Hin Man, chief cashier

Board of Directors Kwok Man Chiu, asst, cashier

(Chairman), Ma Ying—Pin, ChoyMa Wing

King Kan Yam Chin, secretary

Chan, Jan Con Sang, Cheng Wen


Ma JoeJamesYoung,


The, MaSincere

Man Fai,


Ltd., The Sincere Life Assurance y~r ■fill iSt Ik

Co., Ltd., Ma Luck Pun and The

Sincere Insurance and Investment Yien Yieh Commercia! Bank 236.

Co., Ltd. 238, Des Yoeux Road Central; Telephs-

Gen. Mgrs.—The Sincere Co., Ltd. 21129 and 21922; Cable Ad: Saltbank

Chief Manager—Katt Chiu Wong Ngai

K. S.SzeTung,



Sub-Managers—Fung Wai Sun and Pupin

Ma Man Hing

Actg. Chief Cashier—Ma Shiu Leung Y. H. Hsiao, cashieraccountant

C. FoP; chief

Accountants—Yim Tze Sou and Li Ka Head Office and Branches: Shang-

hai (Head Office), Tientsin, Pei-

Man ping, Hankow, Nanking, Hong-

kong, Hangchow, Canton and Tsingtao

m m m xm Agencies in all thePorts

otherofCapital Cities

Tang Tin Fuk Bank—171, Queen’s and Commercial the Different

Road Central Teleph. 20338; Cable Provinces in China.

Ad : Tienfopk Authorized Capital ...$10,000,000.00'

Paid-Up Capital $ 7,500,000.00

Underwriters Savings Bank for Reserve Funds $ 5,647,870.07

the Assets... $117,829,770.03

underFarthe East,

laws of Inc. (Incorporated

the State of Con- Every description of Banking Busi-

necticut, (J.S.A.)—Asia Life

14, Queen’s Road Central; Telephs. Building, ness transacted. Issuing Drafts

30234-6: Cable Ad: Savings and making Telegraphic Transfer.

President—C. V. Starr (S’hai) Allowing interest on Fixed Depo-

Supervisor—W. T. Sullivan sits, Current accounts and Savings

Manager—R. Shim accounts.

for rent in Safe KeepingShanghai

our Tientsin, Boxes

Secretary—Im Mok and Hongkong Offices. Catalo-

Cashier—K. F. Cheng gues concerning the details of

Accountant—K. Y. Pun Savings and safe keeping may be

Tellers—F. S. Yau and Chan obtained on request by letter.

Yuen On

&^ *7 £ * ft £ m m m

Wing On Bank, Ltd., The—26, Des IFang pun ching kurn ngan hong

Vceux Road Central; Telephs. 31121 and Yokohama SpecieTeleph.


31122; P.O. Box 141; Cable Ad: Prince’s Building;

“ Wingonbank,” Hongkong Ad: Shokin 20538;Ltd. —


Board of Directors—James Gock G. Kishinami, manager

Lock (managing director and S. Oku, sub-manager

chairman), Philip Gockchin, Y. Uneme, per pro. manager

Gock Gon Ilin, D. Jackman, T. Takase I S.Tnoue

Gock Ilin Man, F. T. Young, L.

S. Kwok, Lee Gunn, M. Shun

Gee Hing, Kwok Sui Cheung K.H.Okumura

Itoh | Y.M. Iguchi


and William Gockson H. Doi

Y. Yamato | R.T. Matsubara


Philip Gockchin, chief manager T. Takahiro | G. A. Yas


Barnes, E. F. V., Belgian Plate Glass— Benjamin & Potts, Share and General

Prince’s Building (second floor); Brokers — Stock Exchange Building,

Telephs. 25913 & 23609; Cable Ad : 4th floor; Telephs. 21152 and 24371 ;

Cable Ad: Broker

Famarods G. C.H. Potts,

Potts, partner

Agent for P. do.

Union Commercial des Glaceries R. Pestonji, do.

Beiges (S.A.), Brussels

J. L. Litton II J.P. A.A. Fisher

B. C. Randall Waller

Basa, R., Merchant and Commission Beraha,M.,General Merchants,Diamonds,

Agent — 587. Nathan Road; Teleph. Pearls, Cold, Watches, Carbons, Cigars,

56552; Cable Ad: Basa; Codes: A.B.C. etc.—Asia Life Building, 14, Queen’s

5th and 6th edns. and Bentley’s Road Central; Teleph. 32661; P.O. Box

778; Cable Ad: Beraha

Basto, C. H., Architect, Engineer and Agents for:

Surveyor—York Building, 1st Floor; Omega Watch Co., Switzerland—

Teleph. 31600 Watches


La LorraineManila—Cigars

de Charbons—Carbons

Basto, L. E., d.c., ph.c., n.d. (Los Angeles),

Chiropractor — 18, Ice House Street;

Teleph. 24925; Cable Ad: Lebasto 66


Basto, De. R. A. de Castro, m.b. (Lau- WBSiS&Y

sanne), M.S.,Hon.

(London), B.S., M.E.C.S.,

Eye, Ear,L.E.C.P.,NoseD.O.M.S.

and Renowned tor its fine Liqneur Quality

Throat Specialist to the Kwong Wah Teleph. 30311

Hospital ; Member, Sanitary Board—


26545. Lane Crawford

Residence: Building;

‘Beau Sejour”, Teleph.


loon ; Teleph. 59100 Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.

Sole Agents.

Jit H ffe $

Bata Shoe Co., Ltd. — Cable Ad: Berg & Co., Ltd., Steamship Agents

Batove, Hongkong

Pedder Building; Teleph. 31644 Ship Brokers and General Merchants—

China Building; Teleph. 27945 6,Cable

DesAd: Voeux Road Codes:

Bergship; C.; Teleph.




57341 Building, Kowloon; Teleph. and edn., A.B.C. 5th edns, Bentley’s, Boe’s


Sverre Berg, managing director

n & m a

-Batten & Co., Import and Export Mer- p] & m 'fT fr

chants—China Building; Teleph. 25234; Berlin Co., Ltd., The, # #1 m Tt

Wholesale and

Cable Ad: Batten Retail Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet

Baxter & Co.—12, Des Voeux Road Requisites and Druggist Sundries—161,

Des Voeux Road Cent.; Teleph. 23541

Central; Teleph. 28402

Bernards of Harwich (Admiralty Con-

Bejonjee & Co., Milliners and Drapers- • tractors), Tailors and Outfitters—

128, Wellington Street; Teleph. 23787 Gloucester Building, Des Voeux

Teleph. 28365; Cable Ad: Senserve. Also


N. Bejonjee, principal atDevonport,

London,Malta,Portsmouth, Chatham,

Bermuda, etc.

Belgian Consulate—(Nee Consulates) Beten’s Beauty Salon, Mrs. J., Per-

Belilios Public School foe Gikls— celling manent Waving, Finger Waving, Mar-

(See under Government) and Manicuring

Hotel; Telepb. 58081 — Peninsula


Bible Book and Tract Depot, Ltd.-—2, Blair & Co., Import and Export Mer-

Wyndham Street; Telepli. 23695; Cable chants — F rench Bank Building, f>.


Ad: Testaments P.O. 327;Central;

Cable Teleph. 26309;

Ad: Madrigal;

Bishop & Lacey, Ltd, (Establisbed 1881) Codes: A.B.C. 6th edn., Bentley’s and

Importers, Exporters, Commission Acme

Agents and Manufacturers’ Repre-

sentatives—Head Office: London. Hong Blue Bird Cafj5:, Ice-cream and Confec-

Kong Office:

Teleph. 27628; CableExchange

Ad: Bisly— Building; tionery-Corner of Pedder Street and

ADA. Stearns, (London) director Queen’s Road Central; Teleph. 24583

G. Miss

E. Wetton, manager

J. Langley,

Cheong Tze Chuen,stenotypist

coinpradore V - Blue Taxicabs, Ltd., The — Head

Bitzer & Co., Importers, Exporters and Market Office: Corner Nathan Road and

Commission Street, Yaumati; Teleph.

Teleph. 24655;Agents—1,

P.O. BoxIce360;House CableStreet;

Ad: 57417. Taxicab Stand at Star

Granitoid; Codes: A.B.C. 6th ed., Ferry Pier

Acme, Bentley’s, Rudolf Mosse and Bodiker

Private CommissionHouse,and 167-169,

InsuranceDes Agents

C. Bitzer, proprietor —David Voeux •

Black, Balkan and Skinn, Medical Road; Teleph. 24226; P.O. Box 81;

Practitioners—Union Building; Te- Cable O. May

Ad: Bodiker; Codes: All

| B. Soltau .

, lephs. 28002-3

G.H. D.Balean,

R. Black,


b.s. m.d., c.m.f.r.c.s.

(Lond.), (Toil) Sole Agents for

The Netherlands Insurance Co. (Est.


J. Skinn,l.r.c.p.


ch.b. (Edin.) 1845),Accident

Fatum Ld., TheInsce.


The Hague I

A. Nelson Jones, m.b., b.s. (London),

M.R.C.S. (Eng.), l.r.c.p. (London)

J. (Eng.),

Croot, l.r.c.p. (London), m.r.c.s. Bolivian Consulate—(Nee Consulates)

m.b., b.s.(London).


Talbot, m.r.c.s. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. AT m m M M

Bombay Silk Store (Hasaram Gianchand),

Black more, Contractors

Engineers, Basto St Shank, Ltd., —2, D’Aguilar and



Silk ^Merchants Commission

Street; Teleph.Agents


Agents, Reinforced Concrete P.O. Box 502; Cable Ad: Gianchand

Building Construction and Repairs,


Teleph. 22588; Cable Floor,Ad York Bldg.;

: Blacktox; % SI WL


E. W.Bentley’s,

Blackmore,Acme M.sc. Bornemann &. Co., andImporters and

C-C. L.H. Shank

Basto | J. M. Abraham Exporters, Engineers Insurance


Road — Prince’s

Central; Codes:Building, Des Yoeux

Teleph. All24512; Cable

Agencies: Ad: Pervasion;

Yibro Piling Co., Ltd., Hongkong F, Ortlepp, principal

British Agency

Cargo Steel Fleet Piling

Iron Co., Co.,Ltd.,


Mid- West Coast Life Ins. Co., San

Francisco, California


Clayton & Shuttle worth, Ltd., Lincoln

Cellactite & British Uralite Co., Ltd., fU $n If# San s\iiu wo

R.LondonA. Skelton & Co., (Steel and Botelho and ck Co., A. Agents—French

G., General Merchants

Engineering, Ltd.)

Toch Bros., New York and London London Building; Teleph. 28687; Cable Bank

Shipping Ad:

West Disinfecting Co., New York and BoA.tagG. Botelho, manager


William Street ct Son (White Ant P.P. V.P. Botelho

Botelho, jr.

Cure), Brisbane

P. C. Henderson Ltd., London Miss I. M. Botelho


Agencies The Hoyt Metal Co. of Great

CompaniaTransatlantica de Barcelona Britain Ltd., London

(Spanish Royal Mail Line) M.C . Thomson & Co., Ltd., Glas-

Manufacturas de Corcho Armstrong, gow (Canvas)

Palamas, Spain,Cork

London and New J. Dampney b Co., Ltd., New-

York. Corks, Products and castle-on-Tyne (“Apexior”)

Insulation Corkboard Wailes Dove Bitumastic, Ltd.,

Newcastle-o n-Tyne

Boy Scouts’ Association—(Nee Asso*- Gandy Belt Manufacturing Co.,

ciations) Ld., England (Belting and


The Ironite Co., Ld., London

(Cement Waterproofing)

James Hardie b Co., Sydney

Ho kee (“Fibrolite” Asbestos Sheets)

BoycS & Company, Ltd., Merchants, Price Brothers Sales Corp. Que-

Importers, Exporters, Shipping & bec (“Donnacona” Insulating

Commission Agents, etc. — Gloucester Boards)

Building; Teleph. 28367. Offices at The Paraffine. Co., Inc., San Francisco


Amoy, Foochow & Shanghai; Cable Ad:

Boyd (Hong Kong, Amoy, Foochow, Representatives-.—

Boydcotd (Shanghai); Codes: Bentley, The London Steamship Owners

Boe, Mutual, Insurance Association,


A.B.C.Lugagne, Cogef Lugagne,

6th and Acme Ld.

The American Steamship Owners

Tuk ltee Mutual Protection b Indemnity

IE Association Inc., New York

Bradley & Co., Ltd., General Merchants—

Prince’s Buildings, Chater Road; also at

Shanghai & Swatow.

26645 (2 lines), EasternTelephs.


Co. V.S.O.P.

20501, and Godown: 21196; Cable Ad BRANDY

Bradley; Codes: A.B.C. 5th and 6th edns.,

Watkins Tel. and Appendix 1884, Scott’s A Fine Old Liqueur Brandy

10th edn., A.l. 1888, Leiber’s, Western

Union Universal, 5-letter edns., Bent-

ley’s, complete Phrase and 2nd Phrase, Teleph. 30311

Acme, Ross-Moss

Directors — J. and

A. Private

Plummer, K. S. jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.

Morrison, (Hong Kong), A. Hender-

son (Shanghai) and J. Robinson

(Swatow) Sole Agents.

J. (London)

A. Plumfner, mang. director

K. S. Morrison, director (Hongkong) Braga, J. P. — St. George’s Building

' N. C. Barber J. M. S. Rosario (1st A garbtlopr); Teleph. 20583; Cable Ad:

S. P. Langley A.J. L.V. Alves

Barros Hon. Mr. J. P. Braga

G. T. Palmer

Miss K. M. Regan A. M. Tavares

•General Managers for W. W) Hung fat

Eastern Asbestos Co. Brewers Bookshop, Booksellers, Station-

Agencies: —

La Cie. de Commerce et de . 20696; (oppositeNewsagentsr—10-

ers and RedderTeleph.

Hong Kong Hotel): Street

Navigation d’Extreme Orient BO. box 1'2; Cable Ad: Brewer

Northern Assurance Co., Ltd., ChasbE. Watson, proprietor

London Mrs, P. D. Lammert, manager

Essex & Suffolk Equitable Insur- Mrs. E. Grant, assist. do.

ance Society, Ltd., London

The Beldam Packing and Rubber Brazilian Consulate — (See Consu-

Co., Ltd., London lates)


*3 & m Brothers & Co., T. S. —195, Des Vceux

Bright Sun Co., Importers, Export- j Road C.; Teleph. 26010

ers and Refiners of Coffee, Whole-

sale and Retail—12, Queen Victoria j

Street: Teleph. 25858; Cable Ad: ! dt © Pong long chun se

Brisun Brown, Jones & Co., Undertakers and


Britannia Aerated Water Factory— ble and Granite Dealers, and Monumental Masons, Mar-


49, 51, 53, Waterloo Road, Kowloon; of Government Cemetery Fees—Office,

Teleph. 57990 Show Rooms and Marble Yard: 45,

Morrison Hill Road; Teleph. 20423;

m & ® m % m is Cable Ad : Spenav

C. Brown, manager

Ying mee yin hung sz

British American Tobacco Co. ft m J,!r; m $*- ft

(China), Ltd.—Head Office : 6, Soo- Po lut tun chong sze hong

chow Road, Shanghai; Local Office:

R & O.Cable

27701; Building (eth door); Teleph. Brutton & Co., Geo. K. Hall, Solicitors,.

Ad: Powhattan Notaries Public, Proctors, Patent and


Asia Marks 10,Agents—Bank

Des Voeux Roadof East C.;.

British Bicycle Co., Bicycle Importers Telephs.

and Exporters—16, Hehnessy Road; Brutton; 26695 Codes: andBentley,

26696; A.Cable

B. C. Ad:


Teleph. 23979; Cable Ad: Racers; Code: edn. and Western LTnion

Bentley’s Geo. K. Hall Brutton, principal,

Agents for-. solicitor and notary public

B. S. A. Motor Cycle and Bicycle David L.public

Strellett, solicitor and

British Cigarette Co., Ltd.—Gloucester notary

Road : Teleph. 26741 R. PI. Cole & S. Ng Quinn, solicitors

British & Foreign Bible Society— for Renovating andService,

Building Cleaning Contractors

Maintaining Offices,

(See Associations) Buildings and Residences—14, Queen’s

Road C.; Teleph. 28841


ping and Corporation

Aircraft—3,Register of Ship- Bunje, Dr. F.—Office: Alexandra

Queen’s Building; Bldg.; Teleph. 28030; Residence: 2,.

Teleph. 30231 (2 lines); Cable Ad: Veritas Link Road, Sookunpoo; Teleph. 22165


andunder Apcar Steam


(See Mackinnon, Mackenzie Ltd.

& Co.) Bureau Veritas International Re-

gister for the Classification of


(2 lines);Queen’s Building;


Chung ngoi Yeung mein kupfo him Po ning 30231 Surveyor—T.

Cable Ad:

H. G. Brayfield, m.i.n.a.,

Yau han Rung sze m.i.mech.e.

British Traders’ Insurance Co., Ltd. Assist. Surveyor— A. W. Black,

—Ad:Union Building; Teleph. 28081; Cable

Traders A.M.I.N.A., A.M.I.MECH.E.

Directors —S. H. J.Dodwell Clerk—S. Y. Yan

M. T. Johnson, Owen (chairman),

Hughes, G.

Miskin, T. A. Mitchell and J. A. Bukkhardt,

14, Queen’s Buchan & Co. (1934)

Road Central; Teleph.Ltd.—



A.H. \V. H ughes, general manager

C. Gray, sub manager Burton,

G. S. Archbutt, fire manager (Penn.), Dr.Dental

C. H.,Surgeon

b.d.s., and

syd., Dr.d.d.s.J.

Brothers. G. S. (See under “G”) Thomas, b.d.s. (Syd.), d.d.s. (Toronto)—

Pinion Building, Top FL; Teleph. 20391


^ Tai Icoo J. F. Macgregor, resident director

Butterfield & Swire (John Swire & T.J.A.K.Martin, acting manager

R. Macgregor




Shipping Road and C.F. J.F. M. Pereira

Central; Teieph. 30331 da

L. A. SequeiraCruz

G. W. Swire (London) Miss A. Alves

Colin C. Scott do.

H. W. Robertson do. C. & W. Co.—11, Queen’s Road C.;

John K. Swire do. Teieph. 26971

J. S. Scott do.

C. C. Knight (Hongkong)

C. C. Roberts, signs per pro. fit Wi Kal hu link

J. Thayer, do.

Assistants— Callender’s Cable & Construction

L. R. Billing-hurst xx.E. Jones

o. joimsun Co., Ltd.—17, St. George’s Building


Callender door); Teieph. 25602; Cable Ad:

L. A. Calcraft J.P. B.C. Lanyon

Kwok A. chief

H. Gordon,

T.D. R.de Chassels

S. Carey J.N. F.Mathieson

Lawrie engineera.m.i.e.e.,

J. E.a.m.i.e.k.,

Barnes, (Shanghai) manager and

G. R. Cheape

J. G. Cotesworth R.H. Millar branch mgr. m.i.mech.e.,


H. F. C. Cohnan G. K.K. Mok G. W. Cockburn, m.i.mecu.e.

M. S. Gumming Oliver

B. E. Fielder A.M.W. J. F. Robinson



P.R. C.C. Frost

Harley H. B. Williamson plus

A. E. Herdman C.A.’Wood P. Wong ‘SiLVER SLIPPER’ GIN

H. U. Ireland equals

Mrs. M. E. Donaldson, Miss E. Finlay,


M. G. I).Clarke,

R. Frost, Misses

V. J.E. M.Gordon-

Frow, The Perfect Gimlet

Smith, H. E. Hance, W. Lawson, Teieph. 30311

A. Parke.?, M. Rattey, F. M. Rolson, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.

M. Whimster, Mrs. M. H. Wright

Capt. W. Lumsden, marine supt. Sole Agents.

F. W. James, supt. engineer

Assistant Supt. Engineers—J. R.

Kinghorn and R. V. Cameron Cameo Beauty Salon—Gloucester Bldg.;

E. W. Fielding, cost clerk Teieph. 33622

F. H. Neale, wireless supt.

Works Dept.— n & m m * ^ in

H. F. C. Colman

T. E. Grimes Canadian Confectionery, Imported

and Home-made Chocolates and

Candies, and American Soda Foun-

r^ro M tain—30,

27495 Queen’s Road Central; Teieph.

Kioong Wo

Caldbeck, Wlacgregor Ja K IS * £ S:

(Incorporated under the& Companies

Co., Ltd.

Ordinances of Hongkong), Wholesale CanadianConGovernment na ta e men Tigao



—Teieph.Retail Wine

Prince’s and Spirit

Building (groundMerchants

door). Department—China Building; Teieph.

20075; Cable Ad: Caldbeck 24638; P.O. Box 247; CableE.S.Ad:Doughty,

Commissioner—Lt.-Col. Beaver

Head Office: 44, Foochow Road, Shang- D.S.O.

haiMacgregors, Ltd., Shanghai, general Stenographer—Miss R. Judah

managers Interpreter—Fung Chau-chip


Canadian Government Trade

missioner—Office: Gloucester Building-; Com- ji Cannossian Institute—(Nee Educa-


Canadian 26322 ; P.O. Box 80; Cable Ad: tional)

Trade Coramr.—Major

Assist, do. —K. F. NobleV. E. Duclos Canton Bros. Rubber Co.—Factory: Hai

Tan St,; Teleph. 57992

Chief Clerk—Wm. G. Poy

Canadian National Railways -a & it % t m

Shell House, Queen’s Hoad Central; Canton po him hung sze

Teleph. 22004; Cable Ad : Lemorb; Canton Insurance Office, Ltd., The

Jardine,Matheson &Co., Ld.,gen. agts.

Code: Bentley’s Consulting

A. Brostedt, Asiatic Traffic Manager

C. M.I. Barr, J. PatersonCommittee—Hon.

(chairman), D. E. Mr. Clark,J.

ChengGeneral Agent A. H. Compton, L. Dunbar, F. A.

Joseph, T. E. Pearce,

S. T. Williamson and J.SirH.Robert



^ H® M Tung

Gheong king lun sh un kung-sze

Canadian Pacific Steamships, E-td- Canton Trading Association, Ltd.,

The. General Merchants—224, Hen-

Canadian Pacific Bail way Co. nesxy Road; Teleph. 24610; P.O.

Canadian Pacific Express Co.

— Union Building (ground floor); Box 580; Cable Ad: Catrass; All


ht); Cable20752 Ads:(Passenger),

Gacanpac20042 (Freig- Codes



David (Freight) Oriental manager Capell, Miss Violet (from Miss

Geo. E.Drummond,

Costelho, general passenger . Florrie Lewis’s Academy, Cone

(School of Dancing, and1 Max

agents for Orient River’s

T. C. Monaghan, purchasing agent for Dancing Instructress Scho' ol of Dancing, London),

Orient E.andN.catering supt. in all Child-

Agent—L. Ryan ren’s Dances Boys and Girls),

General Agent, Passenger Dept.— Ballet, Classical, Clog, National,

E. Hospes Character, etc.—9, Torres Buildings,

Freight Agent—J. Oram Sheppard Kowloon; Teleph. 57117


Agent W. SkeetPassenger and

for Chinese Capital Co., DesThe,Vceux Importers

Road and Ex-

Asst. Catering Supt. Yook

Freight Traffic—Lee and Tong

Agent for porter—6,

Teleph. 23904


Chinese Crews—P. P. Quon Gong

Stgf :- Caravan, Tha—Gloucester Building;

Passenger Dept.— Teleph. 21450; , and Arcade, Peninsula

S. H. Garrod Hotel;

Caravan Teleph. 53081; Cable Ad:

P.E. S.F. Robertson

SheaSouza II Cheung

F. E. de Cheung Kara

Kwai Sing


Proprietors—Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hall

Freight Dept.— ?11 If Lai woo

D. C. Miller

E.W. T.J. McMullen

Howard A.G. L.Cunningham Cariowitz 8t Co., Merchants, Engineers

F. J. Neves Kelly and Contractors—4, Queen’s20873;

Rd. (Bank

F. J. Brown Yeung Hon Ming of China Bldg.); Teleph.

Ewan Sit Kwan Box 93; Cable Ad:5thCariowitz; P.O.


General— Cariowitz A.B.C. and 6th, Rudolf

W. H. Peters j Miss J. Harris- Mosse and Acme


J. S. Landolt f Miss A. Garcia Walker A. Nolte, partnerdo. (Hamburg)do

J. M. Mackenzi | V. F. d’Azevedo O. Lord,

R. Laurenz, do. do. (Shanghai)


Canaval, Drs. G. C. A Helen L.— G. Roehreke, do.

R. Schmidt, signs per pro. do.

Shell House; Teleph. 31100 R. Ritter


Ayetides Central Commercial Co.—King’s

Carl Zeiss, Jena B.uil ding; Teleph. 23743; Cable Ad :

Zeiss Ikon,& A.FireG.Insurance

Dresden Co., Ld. Cencomco; Codes: Bentley’s, A.B.C.

Java Sea 6th, Universal Trade and Private


Merck, Krupp, A. G. Essen


The International B. F. Goodrich Central Road G; 20618

Electrical Co.— Ill, Des Vceux

Corp., Akron

B* S (8 M Pi; $ Central News Agency — Chung Tin

Carmichaei & Clarke, Consulting Building; Teleph. 21434

Engineers, Naval Architects and Marine


30231 (2 lines);Queen’s

Cable.Ad:Building; Teleph. Central Printing Office, The, Print-


T. H. G. Brayfieid, m.i.n.a., m.t.mech.k. 23, ers, Stationers and Bookbinders—

A. W. Black, A.M.I.N.A., A.M.I. MECH. E. D’Aguilar St. : Teleph. 22220


Henry Clark & Sons, Ld., Anti-Corro- “ Bf AHCf«ANTS **

sive and Anti-Fouling

Smooth-On Manufacturing Compositions

Co., Inc., B_A^£L WHBSI4Y

Iron Cements

Charles McNeil Ltd., Patent Boiler Not a bite in the whole bottle

and Tank Doors

Rawlings Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Teleph. 30311


sively onWindow

Road, RailLiftsandusedSeaexten-

' Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd

Cakroll & Co., ImportBuilding;

Merchants—Exchange and , Export

Cable Sole Agents.

Ad: Carroll; Codes: Bentley's, Scott’s,

A.B.C. 5th and 6th edns. Central

O. R. Benson of RadioRadio Service,

Accessories, Distributors

Receiving Sets,

Carroll Bros., Share and General Electrical Transmitters, Sound & Talkie Systems,

BrokersCable — Exchange Goods—King’s

Building; Teleph. Teleph. 23743; Cable Ad : Cenrad Building;

20652; Ad: Carroll J.J. T.J. Cotton,

W. J. Carroll

A. H. Carroll Alvares,jr., mang.do.partner

O.N. R.L. Benson, signs per pro. A. E. Fisher, assistant


P. W. Grant Cameron Central

Central; Theatre—270,

Telephs. 25720Queen’s(Ticket)Road&

Castle Peak Ceramic Co.— 32, Con- 25280 (Office)

naught Road C., Teleph. 21231

Catholic Union Club—(Nee Clubs) « # Ks 4* * ®

Chung Yuen Yang Hong

Cecilia Beauty Salon—Ho Tung Man- Central Trading Co., The, General

Export, Import and Commission Mer-

sions, Teleph. 56213 chants—Bank of 21357;


Telephs. 22113 and Box 322;

n mmm Cable Ad: Central; Codes: A.B.C. 5th &

Central Agency, Ltd., The, Importers of 6thC.edns., Bentley’s and Acme

C. Chen, managingdo.director

Sewing Cotton Thread—2, Connaught N.


Spool Cent.; Teleph. 20657; Cable Ad: D. E.K. Allaye,

Wong, general manager

Central British School (-,SVe Gov- Chambers of Commerce—{See Associa-

ernment) tions)


Champkin, C., Exchange and Bullion m i

Broker—10, Ice House Street; Teleph. Chau Yue Texg, Import and Export

22098; Cable Ad: Tamasha Merchants and Ship Agents—China

Chan & Co., C. -312, Nathan Road; Building,

22332; P. Queen’s

O. Box Road

544; Central;

Cable Ad:Teleph.


Teleph. 57819 bogina; Codes: Acme, Bentley’s and


n & mui tan

Tunylcing m Kung

* Jg.sze

Chaun, & Chaun, Drs., Dental Sur-

Charbonnages du Tonkin, Societe-Fran- . geons—Marina House,2; Teleph.

15-19, 2ol26


CAiSE res (Paris, Hongay, Hongkong, Road Central, Room

Dr. K. W. Chaun

Haiphong and Shanghai)—Head

64, Rue de la Chauss^e dAntin, Paris, Office: D. D. S. Penn

Mines atdeHongay, Tonkin. Anonyme au Miss C. Wu, secy, and asst.

capital Francs 39,925,000

Directors—Henri Thelier (chairman), 13 ^ IS:


Deschamp (vice-chairman),

de Monplanet, Ray- Che Sa.i-v &. Co., Printers, Stationers

mond Ferrant, Henri Girot, and Importers oi Paper and Ink—Office

Albert Show Room: 58, Des Vceux

Henri deLuc, Robert Rene

Monplanet, Thoumyre,


de la Chaume and Georges Vesier Road Chesan. Central; Teleph. 22857; Cable

A. Marcheix, general manager Ad: Pottinger

Printing Works: 16,


(signs per pro.)

M. Bonnevay, technical manager Sole Agents for:—- manager

Fung Sui Cheung,

(Hongay) (signs per pro.) California Ink Co., Inc., San Francisco

E. (signs

Bougon, commercial

per pro.) (Haiphong) manager

Agents at Haiphong (for Indochina) and Che Wen Weaving Co.—76, Queen’s Road

Hongkong and Shanghai (for outports) Central; Tbleph. 28226


14, Queen’sOffice—Asia Life Building,

Road Central; Teleph.

21024; P.O. Box 281; Cable Ad: Chee & Co.,ftT. ftY. General ®


Charlicot; Codes: Bentley’s, A.B.C. 5th and Manufacturers’ Representatives

edn. and Universal Trade

F. Geneaud, Agent for Hongkong —34-36, Hing Lung Street; Teleph.

S. and South China

K. Lee 30256; P.O. Box 626

Chau, Dr. S. N., Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat if m m *£

Specialist—China Bldg.; Teleph. 25441 Chee King, Paper Merchants, Gen-

eral Imports and Stationery iSup-

mmm m*m plies, Printing Machines, Printing

Chau and Lee, Architects and Civil Teleph. Inks—51, Des Voeux Road Central;

Engineers—Stock Exchange Build- 22743.

ing, Ice House Street; Teleph. 31640;

Cable Ad: lunin.

189, The Bund; Teleph. 16773 Canton Office : %

Principals—I. Chee Wing & Co., Metal Merchants—27-

I. STRUCT.E. N. Chau, b.sc., a.m. Road; 29, LeeTeleph.

Yuen 20769;


West Ad:

otl' Queen’s


R. E. Lee, a.r.i.b.a., a.a. dip. (Lond).

Chau Tsun Nin, Hon. Mr., Barrister-at-law CheiEaram, D„, Jewellers, Silk & Curio

Merchants—Export Department: China

—8, Queen’s Road West; Teleph. 27308 Building, 3rd floor; Teleph. 24727; P. O.

Chau Wai&Cheung, w nDr., it is) General Box


340; Cable Ad: Chellaram.

Chinese Art Wares and other Oriental



Practitioner — 24, 20942.

Des Vceux Goods). Main Store: Popular Silk Store,

Road Teleph. Re- Opposite Hongkong Hotel; Teleph.

sidence : 35, Leighton Hill Road; 21960 G. N.G.Nanik,

Sakh rani, general(export


Teleph. 22726 manager Office)


if- K. Demag. Cranes, Compressors, Mining

Cheng & Co., William H., General Machinery

Merchants & Commission A merits— Unionmatex. All kinds of Textile

20-22 Queen’s Road C.; Teleph. Machines

Halvor Breda. Plants for Water

26964; Cable Ad: Willicheng PurificationsFire engines, etc., etc.

Principals—William H. Cheng & Rosenbauer.

I. G. Howlett. Weise Soehne, lialle-Saale Centrifugal


Cheong King Co. — 25, Gilman Street; J. M. Yoith, Paper-making Machinery

Teleph. 24843 and Water Turbines

1% m m m Chiffon, Ltd., Modiste and Costu-

Cheong Lok Theatre—Tai Hong Street, mier—Gloucester Building; Teleph.

Saiwanho; Teleph. 24834 23337; P.O. Box 2; Cable Ad:


Miss J. Masseboeuff, managing dir.

sit m M m


Sail and Wo &FlagCo., Makers,



Hardware and General Store Keep- “SILVER SLIPPER” GIN

ers—133, Des Yceux Road Central; Gives the requisite “Kick” to a Cocktail

Telephs. 21625 & 24803; Godown: 25229

Cherry & Co., Importers and Exporters Teieph. 30311



22055Road CentralP.O.(2nd

and 20491; Boxfloor);

504 Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd


Dealers inHing Toilet&Requisites.

Co., Druggists and

Our Prices Sole Agents.

Always the Lowest—263, Des Yceux

Road; Teleph. 25877

Chik Fung Co., Import and Export

Cheung Chau Government School Merchants—Prince’s 22658; P.O.

Building; Teleph.

(See Government)., fango; Code:Box

Acme274; Cable Ad: Chik-

P. Y. Fok, manager

£ m m m

Cheung Wing Tai, Dr., m.b., b.s., General Chilean Consulate—(See Consulates)


Central (1stPractitioner— 45, Queen’s

floor); Telephs. 20819Road

and China Assurance Corporation,,

22430 (Residence) Ltd., General Insurance—6, Queen’s

Chevrolet Sales & Service — 26, Road Central; Teleph. 31116; Cable Ad:

Paofoong. Head Office: Shanghai

Nathan Road; Teleph. 59101 David W. K. Au, supervisor

C. H. T. Suen, manager

n&wtm mm m


ImportersHsinofEngineering Co., Ltd.,

all kinds of Machinery- Lr ?£ # 4*

Shell House (1st floor); Teleph. Chung liua yea luen hong

21221; Cable Ad; Engincomer. Head China Auction Rooms, Auctioneers,

Valuers and General Brokers—5, Queen’s-

Office: Shanghai Road 0., Basement of French

V. R.Singer

Umnuss Building; Teleph. 24.453; Cable Bank


H. Partier Riovale

Agencies E. V. M. R. de Sousa, proprietor

Motorenfabrik Deutz. Kerosene, Gas China Camphorwood Trunk Co.—29,

and Crude Oil Engines, Lighting, Johnston Road; Teleph. 25197

Pumping and Compressor Sets


China Entertainment

Co., Ltd.,- Cinetta&. Theatres

Land Inves-

China Tin Co., Ltd., Hong

Tin Lithographers Branch, ment


and Can Land Investment—Proprietors of King’s


turers—Head OfficeTown.

and Works: Theatre, King’s Theatre Building,

Street, Kennedy Teleph.2, 20304.

Davis Queen’s Road Central; Telephs. 25330,

25313, 25332 and 25433; Cable Ad:

.Radiogram : Chinacanco Enterland


Chow of Directors—Sir Shouson

China Coast Officers’ Guild—((See Managing Directors—Liang Chi Hao

Associations) and Chang Fat

Treasurer—Li Jowson

China Commercial Co., Ltd., General Secretary—George Y. Sun

Merchants—12, Tung Choi Street, Theatre

Liang & Publicity,Manager— C. S.

Kowloon; Teleph. 57437

fg | f{ Him shun

M M ± ^ ^ China Export-Import and Bank Co.,

Chung hwa dak yah fohg

China Dispensary, The (Y. C Wong Agents—AsiaticExporters*

A.G., Importers, Commission

Building, Queen’s Road

& Co., Ltd.), ChemistsandDruggists—82, jus Central; Teieph. 23256; Cable Ads: Lem-

Queen’s Road Cent.; Teleph. 2^598; Cable A.B.C. A Hymsun; Codes: Carlowitz, Mosse,

Ad: Druggists; All Codes : Hankow, 6th edn.,

Office: Shanghai. and Private. Head

A. Rowan, m.p.s., manager Hongkong,Branches:

Tientsin, Canton,


Harbin, Osaka and Tokyo

fa & m # nt w # * J. Grodtmann, director

a nd Ham burg ) (Shanghai

China Emporium, Ltd.,Exporters—

Universal R.K.Uinnuss,

Providers, importers and

62a-68, Queen’s Road Central; Telephs. Haase manager

28065, 28C66, 28067 (General), 20911 G. Sommer

(Manager’s Office); P.O. Box 130; Mrs. C, Bonhoff

Cable Ad: Chinempo; Code: Bent- Agents for

I. »G. Farbenindustrie Aktiengesells-

ley ehaft, Pharmaceutical

Board of Directors—Hon. Sir

Shouson Chow, kt., (chairman), Leverkusen (Germany),Department,


Hon. Mr. T. N. Chau, Fung

Fook Tien, Kan Tong Po, Li fir ^ @ ^ +

Tse Fong, P. K. Kwok, Chau . Chung wa Fo chulc Po him, Hong

Chi Nam, Chau Man Che, Chan China FireBuilding;

insurance Co.,28081;



Lina Pak, Chan Tze Kei and — Union Teleph.

Fung Ping Fan Ad:Directors—S.

Chincough H. Dodwell, (chair

M. Chan Harr, general mgr.

J. M. Wong, manager man), J. Owen Hughes, M. T.

K. T. Chung, asst. mgr. Johnson, G. Miskin, T. A. Mit-

chell and J. A. Plummer

A.H.W.C.Hughes, general manager

Gray, sub-manager

China Engineers Ltd. (Incorporated Agency G. S. Archbutt,•' nre mgr.

in Hongkong)—Registered Office: 15, Atlas Assurance Co., Ltd. of London-

Museum Road, Shanghai; Hongkong

Office : Gloucester Bldg.; Telephone

28367 ; Cable Ad : Chienginer ; China Fleet Club—(see under Clubs)

W. C. Gomersall, a.m.i.e.e., managing

director (Shanghai) China Import and Export Co. — 28,

Hongkong Branch Office— Connaught Road West;Codes:



W. F. Blake, manager

K. P. Chau & H. M. Kew, assts. ACable Ad: Chinimexco;

B.C. 6th and Private


China Import & Export Lumber pJ ft !& 4i h m

Co-r Ltd.,andLambei'

pofters impurters anciiiard-

r.x- Chung hwolc tin lick 'yau'han kilng szb


and Interioror Wood-

work-—Factory: To Kwa-Wau, Kow- China Light Power Co., Lto., The

loon ; Teleph. 59306. Office : Glouces- —Head Teiephs.

Office : tot. Georges Bldg.;

z8o37 and £8538

ter Bldg.; Teleph. 30830; Cable Ad : Generating Station: Tai Wan Kd.,

Lumberco fiok-Un; Teieph. 58059 Kowloon

J. G. Clay, branch manager Administrative Offices:

J. F. Smedley, factory mgr. Tong; lelephs.. 58044

Sales Agent: B. J. Lacon—Brince’s Sub-OtUces: Kowloon Tong, Teiephs.

Bldg. (Boom No. 305), Hongkong 56005 and 57005; Tsim toha Tsui.

Teielph. 57677; Sham Shui To,


5637o; Kau 57448;PuiYaumati, Teleph,

Shek, Teieph.

•China Ink Mfg. Go.-—To Ka Wan; 56155; Hok-Un,. Teleph. 58059;

Teleph. 58946 T'aipo Market,. Dial 91 and a»k

lor £021


*WS1I¥E HeiESI; * 5 Board of Directors — Lawrence

Kadoorie (chairman), A. H.

wumm m ftA'SKS Compton, (3. A. da Boza, Sir

Elly Kadoorie, k.b.e., Hon.

Just right for the hip pocket Mr. J. P. Braga, Felix A.

Joseph and Hon. Mr. M. K.

Teleph. 30311 Lo

Manager’s Office

Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd,



manager manager

Sole Agents. Miss L. Dunn, steno-typist

Miss M. G. Alves,' :do.

Head Office

xxoel Braga, secretary

vl ft % m * J. V. JOraga, assistant

■China Lace Co., Manufacturers and C. M. da toilva, assistant (shares)

P. M. A. da Silva, do. do.

Exporters of China Lace, Swatow Chan Fook Chov, do.

Drawn Work, Household Linens, Mrs. V. Loureiro, steno-typist.

Handkerchiefs, Silk Embroideries, Airs. A. Mills, uo.

Lingerie, Jackets, Pyjamas, Shawls,

Kimonoes, also Canton Chinaware, Generating Station

Earthenware, Jade, Agate,

Pewter, Lacquer, Pearl, Crystal, Ivory, F. C. Clemo, Station supt.'

C.J. E.Crofton,

Barrow,asst. do: engineer


Silver and Amber Ware* Black- H.

wood Furniture and Camphorwood

Chests, W. Taylor, charge engineerdo.

Wong, asst.


Wholesale and BetailOffice:

Service—Head also G.J. W.

1. Angus,

Bertram, do. do.

Ho HongTeleph.

‘Central; Building,3.4046;Queen’s

Cable Hoad

Ad: G. A. NichoJls. do.

Ohinalace. N. Ellis E. Jofte,do. R. J. McNeill, A.

mercial StreetSwatow Branch: 3, Com- J. Grady,

Bolton, assist, charge engineers

Ng Keng Ching, general mgr. Miss I. Carvalho, sieno-typist.

Distribution Department


Swain, asst.distributiondo. e.ngr.

Chins. KJirswasres SVlfg. Co., Ltd., A.F. Hamblin,

C. Tin son,districtdp; engineer .

Manufacturers of Vitreous Enamel and A. J. V. Smith, do.

Aluminium Wares — 544, Foo Wah C.D. F.Lyon,

Wood, do.


Street; Teleph. 58595; Cable Ad: C. it. Burton, , do.



C. B. Easterbrook,

K.J. Pancey,

J. Master,clerk workshop

junior engineer engr.

5r- ££ K 5^^

Miss D. Buntzen, steno-typist China

China SViercantile

Buildings, 6th Company

Ploor; —


Meter Department 21504; P. O. Box 650; Cable Ad: Wading-

, 11. Murray, meter supt. & con Bentley’s, bird; Codes:Universal

A.B.C. Trade.

5th edn., Acme.

sumers’ engineer Phillip S. Lee, manager


P. H.A. Clark,

White, general

asst, meter



J. Young, installation engr. m m m

L. V. deTillery,

W. Souza,insp.

asst. do.

P. D.C.Alves, asst. insp.engineer

engr. Lun shun chiu sheung kuk

China Merchants’ Steam Navigation


A. It.Y. Lee,

M. Samy,

asst. chief meter

do. insp. Co.—15 and 16, Connaught Road West ;.

A. Smith, outside overseer Cable Ad: Merchants


iiibeiro, chiefsteno-typist.

tester U. Sz Wing, manager

(Por Tong Hin

Officers Pong,seechief

of Strs. Endclerk

of Directory)

Accounts Department

W. J. Brown,

A.O. B.P. Clemo, chief accountant


acct. ^ m ^ ifi ft # *

Remedios, China iVioior Bus Co., Ltd. Cause-


G.L. A.A. Noronha,

Rocha, do.

do. Coach Services—120, Whitfield,

1'. P. Barros, do. way Bay; Teleph. 26868 (manager’s-

J.A. C.R. deDeSouza, office), 26867 (general office), and 26862

Pinna, do. do. (workshop); Cable Ad: Silicify; Code:.


M. L. da Roza, clerk Ngan ShingNam,



H Samuel, do. Wong

M. B. Gutierrez steno-typist. Hew Yiu

Ah Lan, secretary do.

J. Alvares, do. Chan Fat Cho, cashier

Wong Sek, accountant

Meter Records Section H. K.

W. J. Brown, jr. Ip YanSien, do. supt.

Shau, traffic

Time-Keeper iv. C. Ngan, workshop-in-charge

F. J. da Luz Lai Hing, do.

Stores tfl & # & ^ Tfc

J.H. H.P. Shaw,


asst. supt.

do. Wing nin po shau hung sze

James Tye, storekeeper China Mutual Life Insurance Co.,.

A. A. Samy, clerk of works Ltd. (Under Management of Sun.

Showroom Life Assurance Co. of Canada)—

A. A. Reed Gloucester Building

‘China Mail ” (Evening Newspaper) China NavigationSwire

Butterfield Co., (John

Ltd. Swire &

“Overland China Mail” (Weekly);

published by The Newspaper Enterprise, Sons, Ltd.),

Ltd.,— General Printers,Street;

Bookbinders, (For Steamers see End of Directory)

etc. 3a, Wyndham Teleph. China-New Guinea Mercantile Co.—

20022 ; Cable Ad:

D. C. Wilson, manager Mail 36, Connaught Road Cen.; Teleph.

Editorial Department 26417; Cable Ad: Chigatile

G. C. Burnett Andrew N. Wong, manager

R. Goldman, A. N. Macfadyen, M. Y. Fox, assistant

H. S. Whiteside China Paint IVlfg. Co., Ltd.--Factory-

Business Department and General Office: 1, Arran Street,.

L. K. Cheung Kowloon

Chipaintco; Teleph. 56815 ; Cable Ad :

G. 'Fong | Miss Rozario


China Phonograph & Radio, Ltd., China Supply Corporation j—63, Des

The—Office : York Building; Teleph. Voeux Road Central;'Teleph. 25097

27738; Cable Ad: Brunswick

S. M. Churn, managing director China Tea Co., The, Tea Merchants—1b,

Pottinger Street; Teleph. 24697; Cable

Ad: Siuocongo. Head Office: Shanghai

China Trading Co.—China Building;

China Provident Loan And iVIort- Teleph. 22581

gage Go., Ltd., General Bonded

Warehouse Licensees, Motor Transport China Trading Corporation—225,


Connaught Road West Office and and Godowns:

Kennedy Queen’s Road C.; Teleph. 23940

Town; Teleph. 27761; Cable Ad: Relyat. China Transport Co.—China Building;

Board of Directors—C.

(chairman), Sir Robert Ho Tung, A. da Roza, Teleph. 30193

N. V. Croucher, S. if. Churn, P. M.


P. Braga,T. LiB.TseWilson,

Fong Hon. Mr.

JHead Office HABEL WliiSBiY

D. L. King, secretary arid manager

•J. 0. Guterres

. F.Y. K.A. Lee E.

Machado J. H. Tam M. da Rocha Our Excellent Whisky at a cheaper price

L. A. Roza G.V\r. Waller

Maher Teleph. 30311

H. Botelho ClioyWing WingKeeLok jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.

M. S. Chan

A. W- Johnsford Ng Miss I. Guimgam

Agents Sole Agents.

Yorkshire Insurance Co., Ltd.

fti: Lf $$ H! 4*

China Rubber Tyre Co., Ltd., Tyre, China Travel Service, General Tou-

Wheel & Rim Specialists—13U, Johnston rist Office—6, Queen’s Road Cent.;

Telephs. 22823 and 26176; Cable Ad:

Rd.; Teleph. 25813; Cable Ad: Ohinatyre Travelbank; Codes: Bentley’s and

China Sanitary Utilities Manufactur- Private

ing Co. — 245, Queen's Road Central;

Teleph. 20352 n & mm m & m

China Soap Co., Ltd., The, Soap and Kee ckong po him yau han hung sze

Glycerine Manufacturers—Reg. Office:

Chartered Bank Building, 18, The Bund, Marine,Underwriters,

China. Ltd., Life, Fire,

Shanghai; Accident, Sickness,


Office: ChinaCable Ad: Lever.tioor);

Building(4th Hongkong

Teleph. Typhoon,



Jnsuranee — Head

Glass and



22433; P.O. Box 530 Des Yoeux Road Central; Teleph.

China Sports, P.O. Box 245; Cable Ad: Underwrite

—16, D’AguilarDealers in Athletic

St.; Teleph. 268.48;Goods

Cable Directors—A.

Li L.Mok

Shields (chairman),

Ad: Chinasport A. daTseRoza

Fong,and H. R.Ching

StmtKong, C.

Shewan, Tomes & Co., general agents

?y b h m m H.

E. R.R. Sturt,


a.i.a., secretarydirector

“ Weekly

China Star,” The (Chinese

on Wednesdays and Satur- Semi- E. D. Labrousse, accountant

days)—50, Wellington Street Staff—W. E. Hale, J. R. L. Stan-

Leung Siu Hoi, publisher ton, D. C. Alves, F. M. Britto,

Tsang Chi Nam, manager F. G. Barros, H. A. de Figueiredo,

Mong Lo, Nei Lak arid Tang R. M. Silva, L. A. Y. Soares,

Pui Rung, editors Miss L. M. de Sousa. Miss H.

Lam ,Ching-un, advertising mgr. M. de Sousa and Chan Shiu



Spec. Representative—E. 1. Leitao m Li ^ m


Principal Wong Ngai

Medical Tong

Oiiicer — J. C. ‘•Chinese Mail” Chinese Morning:

Macgown, m.d., < h.h. (Edin.) Paper—(Nee Wah Tsz Yat Po)

Fire and Marine Agents for \M fit A Kmo luon kuan

Yangtsze Insurance Association, Ld. Chinese Maritime Customs (Kowloon

North British and Mercantile. In-

surance Co., Ld. Frontier

Queen's Hoad District)

Central,— Marina House,.

Teieph. 48491-6

Marine Settling Agents for (Tor staff see Kowloon Frontier section).

London Assurance >:

Insurance Officeinsurance

Ocean Marine oi Australia, Ld.

Co., Ld. (Chinese Merchants’ Club — (see


^ ^ ii ^ HS vili | Chinese Manufacturebs’ Union—(see

C'hinkse Bazaae;

Exporters The Manufacturers

of Ewatow Drawn Work and Associations)


Canton Embroidery, Furcoats, Pajamas, Chinese Press Association — (see

Underwears, Manuarin Coats, Hand- Associations)

made Filet, Crochet, Thread or

{Linen Laces, Grass Linen, Silks, n ^ u ns ^ # m 4*

Shantung Pongee, Ivory-ware, Pew- Chinese

ter-ware, Amber-ware, Fancy Goods, Central;Optical Co.—67, Queen’s Road


23368; Cable Adi

etc.—China Building, (Queen’s Hoad Optician ; Code:

Central; Teieph. 24744; P.O. Box 336;

Caole Ad- Bazaar;

edn. and Bentley’s Codes: A.B.C. 5th Jgl fg Yau King

Chinese Produce Shippers, Exporters of

Chinese Chambek of Commerce—{see Chinese Products—(4th floor;, China-

Building; Teieph. 24828; Cable Ad:

Associations) . Shippers. All Codes

Chinese Club—(see Clubs) W. T. Sun, secretary

Chinese Embroidery Co., The, Manu- m m*. -m m

facturers of Embroideries — China Chung kvjok din po kuk

Buildings; Teieph. 26829; P.O. Box

371; Cable Ad: Ohemco Factories: Chinese Telegraph Administra-

Swatow, Chiu-chao-fu, .Kit-yang & li’kong. 3,Club)

tion— Connaught Hoad (next to-

Chiu Yang LiP.Sheung Ming, manager

T. S. Yang, manager L. Liang,

C. B. Chang, export mgr.

S. K. Yau, secretary Chang Kun, superintendant

traffic controller

Chen Shi Jang, account

m m m m a m Ching Kee S. iS8. Co., Ltd,—Head

Hua zun tse tit yn hsien Inlng $se

Chinese Estates, Ltd., Land Investment Office: Chefoo, Hongkong Office:

156, Wing Lok Street, West; Teieph.

—China Buildings,.(5th

Hoad Cent.; Teieph. 2404Floor),

7 Queen’s 23230; Cable Ad: Chingkee; Codes:

Leung KwaiFan,

Fung Ping Tin,director directors Phrase and edn.,

chairmanandofsecretary A.B.C. 5th Bentley’s iComplete

Private. Branch Offices :

Antung, Canton, Dalny, Foochow,

Haichow, Lungkow, Newell wan g,

m § .ft [i K 4* Shanghai, Tientsin and Tsingtao


Chinese Invoice Office—French Bank Chiu Chu San, Dr., m.b., b.s..

General Medical Practitioner —

Building; Teieph. 27026; Cable Ad; Office; 81, Queen’s Road Central

Chinose Telephs. 20242 and 20251 (Residence)-


Chiu & Ho—6, Des Voeux Road C.; Chung Hsino Cloisonne Company—17,

Teleph. 20529 Wyndham Street; Teleph. 26991

Chiu Oh Steamship Co., Ltd., Steam- Chung Hwa Book Co., Ltd., (Incorporated

ship Merchants—205, Wing Lok Street; inHongkong China), Publishers and Stationers—

Sales Office: 6!), Queen’s R ad

TelepK 21208

Tsoi Tsz Wing, Tung Chung Wai, Lau Central; Teleph.

Yu Fook, KwokShamr,

Lai Pan, Tai Street, Ma ;2Q635. Works:Kowloon;

Tau Kok, 40, Pak

Kun, Tp Lam WongKwok Tso Teleph. 59027

Ting and Sun Wai Bun

Chocolate Shop,Made

Delicious Home The,Cakes,


Coconutin “WHITE HOUSE 99

Custards and Confectionery.

Cups Mocca Coffee Served Daily. Excellent WHBSi&Y

Wedding, Birthday and Christmas Cakes The finest Whisky obtainable

Made to Order. Picnic and Private

Parties Catered for—31, Nathan Road, Teleph. -50311

Kowloon; Teleph. 56792

Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.

% m & Sole Agents.


Importers of Silk Goods and Curios, and

Commission Agents—37, Wyndham

Street; Teleph. 22805; P.O. Box 317 Chung Sax Drug Co.- 69a, Des Voeux

Road C.; Teleph. 20192

fs m Chung WahLtd.—17,


Bag Manufactur-


Teleph. 22733

Strand E.;


C.;E.Teleph. 21062; House,

Cable, Des

Ad: Voeux


Christensen, partner Chung Wah Soap Factory—22, Davis

Leung King Sau, do. Street; Teleph. 25188

Chuen Lee Shipping , Co.—4, Con- CHURCHES AND MISSIONS

naught Road W., Teleph. 26930

Chuen On Steamboat Co., Ltd.—131, AleKowloon; Saints’ Church — Homan tin,,

Teleph. 56329

Bonham Strand East; Teleph 26061

Chun Hing «fc Co.—2b, Pottinger Street; Catholic Cathedral—16, Caine Road

Teleph. 20565 Right Rev. Mgr. Henry Valtorta,

Chun On Fire Insurance Co., Ltd — Bishopof ofHongkong

tolic Leros and Vicar Apos-

8, Queen’s Road West; Teleph. 27308 Very Rev. Fr. A. Riganti, Pro-Vicar

Hon. Mr. T. N. Chau, secretary Delegate, and Rector of St.

Chun King Co—261, Queen’s Road Joseph’s

Rev. FathersChurch

Spada, D. Arvat, J.

W. ; Teleph. 27295


Teruzzi, A.L. Grampa,

Rossi, M,D.Robba,


Chung Chi-Nam, Commission Agent, B. Pilenga, U. Galbiati, P. Maglio,

Exporter and Representative of R. S. Brookes, Lawrence Bianchi,

“Wellenstein, Krause & Co.,” Java J. Zilioli, M. Cantore, A. Granelli,.

— 6, Des, Voeux Rd., C. (5th floor); D. D’Ayala Valya, A. Cometti, E.

Teleph. 24709; Cable Ad : Cultured Bruzzone, A. Rossello, O. Libera-

tore, O. De-Angelis,

A.Nina,Feroldi, R. Maglioni,

A. Poletti, R. Della-

Chung Hing Co., Exporters—Kai C. Orlando, N. Maestrini,

Ming Building (2nd floor); 6, G. Caruso, G. AleSsio, Bazzo, Q.


Box Road Central;

Ad: Teleph. 20719; ' I)e-Ascanus,A.Aletta,

P.O. 447; Cable Chembalis Pulit and F. Ricciardi A Zago, L..


Chinese Anglican Church Body, Missions Addresses :

The (Incorporated under Ordi- Kongmoon—Rt. Rev. J. E. Walsh, Vic.

nance No. Bishopof

18 of 3 902)Victoria, chairman Aposotolic,


Rev. Church—Pokfulam Rd. of Seminary,Rev.

Rev.A.J. Paulhus,

J. Toomey,Rector


St. Paul’s Church—Glenealy Road E. Ashness, Rev. C. Walker, Rev.

Holy TrinityChurch—Homuntin

Church—Kowloon City M. Burke, Bros. Michael, Hogan

All Saints’ and Jude Donnelly

St. Mary’s Church—Causeway Bay Sun Chong—Rev. .1. Heemskerk


Island) R. J. Cairns (Samoan

Church Missionary Society, South Chikkai—Rev. J. J. Tierney

China Mission—Cable Ad: Testimony Kocliow—Rev. A. .1. Paschang, Rev.

Secretary—Rev. G. K. Carpen- J. A. McGinn and Rev. M. Feeney

ter, St. John’s Hall, Hong- Tungchen—Rev. J. P. McGinn

kong University Tung On—Rev. M. A. Churchill (Tel.

Financial Secretary—H. C. J. Asche, Office Yuieshing)

St. Stephen’s College, Hongkong Sunning

Dr. H. City—Rev.

Blaber McDermott and

Fachow—Rev. O. A. Rauschenbach

Confraternity of the Blessed Doting—Rev. R. Kennelly, Rev. J.

i Sacrament > Lavin

Chiklung—Rev. G. Bauer

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Yeungkong—Rev. T. A. O’Melia, Rev.

PIong Kong—MaoDonnell Road J. Stiiith

(Refer all Enquiries to P.O. Box 586) Wuchow—Rev. J. P. Rejan, Rev. F.


Pingnam-Rev. Rev.B.P. F.Donnelly,

V. Kiernan,Rev. F.MacRae,

Meyer, Rev.

Rev. F.T.J.

Hildesheim Mission, “ Eben - Ezer Cunneen, Bro.

House”, Industrial Home

Girls (Hand-knitted Goods for Sale)— for Blind Wempe

Pokfulam; Teleph. 22523 To-Pong—Rev. A. F. Dempsey

S. Moritz, matron Watlam—Rev. L. J. Jones

O. Hacker, asst, matron Jung Yun-Rev. W. P. Mulcahy, Rev.

M. C. Tong, asst. Schulz, Rev.and

Rev. VVeber Gilieran, Rev.ence

Bro. Lawr Kupfer,

Kwei Lin—Rev. J. RomanielloV

E. A. Toomey and Rev. J. L. Foley Rev.

London Mission —4-6, Bonham Road Ping Lo—Rev. J. W. Regan and Rev.

and 78-80, Robinson Road;

2778(1 it 23421; Cable Ad: Missionary Telephs. A. Lecroix

Dr. Kaying—Rev.

Rhodes, Rev.M.F. Ahern,Donnelly,Rev.Rev.R. B.P.

Dr. F.R.Annie


R.M. Ashton


Sydenham Chu and Bro. A. Boyd

Miss M. Ward Moi Yen—Mgr. F. X. Ford,.Rev. J. D.

Mrs. Hughes Gallagher and Rev. R. Quinn

Miss D. Hutchinson, b.a. Saiolok—Rev.

J. Downs, Rev.G. P.J.Hilbert, Rev.Rev.

O’Donnell, W.

Miss V. D. A. Silcocks, b.sc. Chai, Rev. Bush- and Bro. A. Mc-


1, Rev. D. M.

Knight Street, Shilston, b.sc. Kernan

Mrs. F.Kowloon

MorrisonandHall—UniversityShort Tong Chongpu— Rev. J. J. Driscoll

Pet Ten Tshai—Rev. .1. M. Murphy

S. V. Boxer, b.sc. and Mrs. Boxer Sak Tsen -Rev. P. Malone,.,•;

Tungshek—Rev. T. Donovan and Rev.

M. Gleason

$ a ± 35 @ a Limcbai—Rey,

J. Callan and VC


O’Brien, Rev.

Maryknoll IN South China

the direction of The Catholic Foreign (Under Tsung Kow—Rev.

Haotshi—Rev. J. O’Day Donaghy

Mission Society of America, Seminary Hingning—Rev.

and Administration:

U.S.A.)—160, Austin




Kowloon Hokshika—Rev. C.C. Lim Eckstein X Rev.

Rev. C. F. Burns, procurator P. Hon

Sam-HoPa—Rev. J. A. McCormick


“ Ohae Leah, ” Synagogue—70, Eo- g M 1$ % & X

• binson Eoad Tai lui sung chun kau tong

Spanish Dominican Procuration for

^ it f# ® ^ fife Missions—2, Seymour Road; Teleph.

Fat lan sai chun kau tony 20721; P.O. Box 432; Cable Ad:


Procure Generale des Missions Procurator—Rev. Fr. F. R. Noval,o.p.

Etkangeres dk 1’aris Assistant—Fr. H. Suarez, o.p.

Procureur G4n. — L. Yircondelet

Assistants—Revs. A. Vigtial, V. St. Andrew’s Church— Nathan Road,,

Samson and M. Duval Kowloon

Vicar—Rev. J. R. —Higgs,


Superior—Rev. P. Eos Church Wardens W. H.b.a.Robson

House of Nazareth—Pokfulam and F. W. Stapleton

Hon. Secretary—E. C. Thomas

Superior—Bishon Deswaziere

Assistants—F. Monnier, G. Bober,

E. Karrer, L. Etienne, A. St. Anthony’s Church—179, Third.

Biotteau, A. Cador and J. Street, West Point; Teleph. 21226

Chambonnier Salesian Fathers in charge

Rector—Fr. John Pedrazzi

Rosary Church—Chatham Road, Kow-

loon ^W Tai lai pai to'tiy

Rector—Rev. Fr. L. M. Rossi

Assistant—Rev. Father H. de Angelis St. John’s Cathedral—Garden Road

Acting Dean—Rt. Rev. R. O; Hall

Chaplain-in-Charge — Rev. H. W.

Baines — L. A. Lafford, f.r.c.o.,,


Rj? A.R.C.M., L.R.A.M.

Rosaeyhill, Dominican House of Hon. Secretary—G. A. Mil bank

Studies—43, Stubbs Road ; Teleph. Hon. Treasurer—B. !i. Maughan

30666; Cable Ad: Yeritas Secretary—Miss M. McCaw

Rev. Father Marcelinus Sanchez, Verger and Clerk—R. J. Poye


Rev. Father John Ortega, mas- St. Joseph’s Church—G Garden Road

ter of students near Peak Tramway Station

Five Professors

Students of Theology arid Several Rector— Fr. A. Riganti




22226.School — West


m ® z 7k 179, Third Street; Salesian Insitute

Sailors’ Home and Missions to Seamen

—Sailors’ Home and Seamen’s Insti- St. Margaret Mary’s Church—Broad-

tute, Gloucester Road, VYanchai wood

Chaplain—Rev. Cyril Brown, b.a,

Hon. Treasurer—G. S. Archbutt Rev.Road,

Fr. I).Happy

Page, Valley




Manager—H. Watt it m m & ft *

Tai shek ch’a Lai pai tong

Sailors’ and Soldiers’ Home — 22, Union Church—Kennedy Road

Hennessy Road, Wanchai; Teleph. Services—10.30 a.m. and 6 p.m.

24620 Hon.

President and Treasurer — Rev:

Erris C. H. Tribbeck PeakSecretary—E.

Mansions tlimsworth, 23,

Resident Secretary—Wm. H. Smith Hon. Treasurer—N. Drummond, c/o*

Hon. Secretary to the Committee— Davie Boag & Co.


Wm. Sayers m.a., 400, The K.PeakMackenzie Dow,.


m mm®m % & m % Catholic


Tack Club—12, TungKowloon

Hing Street, Cheng

Victoria Home and Orphanage— Patron—Bishop H. Yaltorta

Kowloon City; Teleph. 57040 Spiritual Adviser—Rev. L. M. Rossi


Hon. Secretary—A. DixonJ. Osmund

Wesleyan Methodist Garrison and Hon. Treasurer—A. F. Remedios

Nayal Church—Queen’s Road East, Committee—E. L. Barros, F. A. Gill,

Wanchai, opposite Naval Hospital U. A. Santos

Clerk—E- LhS. Alves

Ohuwa Trading Co.—1a, Chater Road; China Fleet Club—Gloucester Road;

Teleph. 32000 '

Teleph, 20706

Chinese Bathing Club—North Point:


(China)of CliT.td.end cal

(General Agents for Teleph. 23652


Switzerland), Manufacturers of Arti- in Basle-

: ficial Indigo, Aniline Dyes, Chemicals Chinese wClub—6, ® m m

Des Vceux Road

and Pharmaceutical Specialities

French Bank Building, 5, Queen’s — Central ; TeMphs. 26677 and 26678;

Road ■.Central; Teleph. 32246: Cable Cable Ad: Sinoclu

Chairman—Kwan b Sum Yin


PhraseColor; Codes: Bentley’s

and Universal Trade 2nd Vice-do.Secretary—Lau

—Chau lu Lin

W. Naef, agent for Hongkong and PTon. Yam Shan;

South China . Hon. Treasurer

Committee—H. —

K. Ma Sau

Lee, Y. S.Nam


Miss L. J. Cheung, secretary Kwan Cho Yiu, Fung Man Tak,

Wong Tak Kwong, Chinese repre- Lung

sentative . Tin Ding Tong and Leung Fat

Civil Hospital (»S

Building Merchants

(5th door); Club China


Chairman—Sir Shou-son Chow,24671


Civil Service Cricket ClO b (See Clubs) Vice-Chairman—Dr. R. H. Kote-

wall, C.M.G., PL.D.

Hon. Secretary—W. N. Thomas

Claremont Private Hotel (See Hotels) Tara,Treasurer—Li

Hon. J.p. Hoi Tung, j.p.

Secretary—Lo Siu Tong

mmxm ^ m m mMmur Chinese Recreation

Bay; Teleph. 21165 Club—Causeway

Clark and Iu, Architects and Civil


Queens Road — Kayamally

C.; Teleph.Building,

21401 20, fU |]} Sat yeurig Kimg sze

J.lu Caer Clark,b.sc., partner

Tak Lam, do. ClubPresident—Dr.

Lu sita no — Cable Ad: Lusitano

F. M. Graca Ozorio


Hon. Secretary—F.

Treasurer—D. L.P. Silva

J. Lopes

Ci over Flower Shop, Florists, Seedsmen Committee—A.

and Nurserymen—Gloucester Arcade;

Cable Ad: Goldfinch M. Costa F A.C.Remedios

Botelho, andF. G.S.

F. X. Binna

Clerk—S. M. Rozario ' .

CLUBS Club de Recreio—King’s

Kowloon; Teleph. 57483; CablePark, and

American Club, The—Hongkong & Radio Ad: Recreio


Teleph. Bank Building (5th door); Presidt.—F. PI. Barnes

President—Capt. Geo. Anderson Hon. Secretary—H.A.V. deV. B.Ribeiro

Hon. Treasurer—F. Botelho


General O. Sheppard

Committee—Myron (acting)

Simon, Committee—G. A. Noronha, A. M.

L. N. Johnson and G. Duclos Xavier, F X. Soares,

O. P. Remedios and C.M.S. Alves,

J. L. Xavier



{Jraiusngowkr Cricket Club Committee—Dr.

B. Robertson, A. L. Bonnar, R.C.

J. H. McElney,

President—B. W. Bradbury M. Keown, S. H. Garrod and A.

Yice-do. —D. K. Kharas McKellar

Hon. Secretary—U. E.M.Coates

Hon. Treasurer—A. Omar

Committee—R. Basa. Dr. V. N. Hongkong Jockey Club, The—Exchan-

ge Building, (1st floor); Teleph. 27794

Atienza, H. Beer, W. J. Howard, Stewards—M. T. Johnson,Dr.(chair-


S. Landolt,

and A.W.Kitchell K. Way, J. man), V. M. Grayburn, J. C.

Macgown, His Honour Sir Atholl

Filipino Club—King’s Park, Kowloon; MacGregor,

(clerk k.c., T. E. Pearce

»' Teleph. 57142 H. G. ofSheldon,

the course),

k.c., E.Hon.

B. Reed,


^ % M William Shenton and P. Tester

Hollandsche Club (Netherlands Ten- Secretary—C. B. Brown

> Treasurers—Linstead & Davis

nis Club)—King’s Park Stables—Village Road; Teleph. 27996

Hongkong Amateur Dramatic A. V. Kinchin, manager

President—Cyril Charnpkin Club— J. Walker

Hon. Secretary—E. S. C. Brooks

Hon. Treasurer—John Robertson


Berton, E. G. E.Snath-Wright

Lindsell, W. and M. “SILVER SLIPPER” GIN

Cyril Brown For the Perfect Gimlet

Hongkong Civil Service Cricket Club,


Ground : Happy Valley ; Teleph. Teleph. 30311

fij San Teung sze Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.



Committee—M. Ad: H.Hongclub


' (chairman), Sole Agents.

chairman), J.G.A. Pentreathm.c.,

K. Bousfield, (vice-


de la P. B. Fitz-Gerald, F. W. Hongkong Hockey Club

James, Hon. Mr. Justice R. E. President—A. A. Dand

Lindsell, A. Mundoch, G. G. N. Hon. Secretary—G. Sommer

Tinson, m.c. R.andKerr

Secretary—S. G.G. Wood Hon. Treasurer—E. V. E.Reed

Captain “A” Team—J. Potter

m Hong% hongm tattpo hung m sz® Vice-Capt.—W. A. Reed

Captain “B” Team—W. W. C.


Hongkong Cricket

Office: Cricket Club,—Secretary’s

Pavilion; Teleph. 20497 Indian Recreation Club—Sookunpoo

President—K, Hancock Valley; Teleph. 23534

Committed-1-'!'. E. Pearce, P. M. President—A. el Arculli


Mitchell,A. A.C. W'I. . Bowker,

Hayward,E. H.J. Kowloon Bowling Green Club

President—W. E. Hale


Robertson ami J.V. R.R. Collis,

Gordon L. G. Vice-do. —J. C. Brown

Hon. Secretary—A K. Mackenzie Hon. Secretary—D. W. Waterton

Treas,—Percy Smith, Seth & Fleming Hon. Treasurer^—J. L. Tetley

Hongkong Football Club Kowloon Chess Club—Central British

President—G. H. Potts School. Nathan Road, Kowloon


Chairman—J. —H. Ralston

R. Forsyth President—G. E. S. Upsdell

Capt., Assocn. XI—G. S. Rodger Vice- do.—J. S. Smith

Hon. Secretary—A. Kurrik

Capt., Rugby XV—L.L.G.Railton

Hon. Secretary—M. Robertson Hon. Treasurer—Dr. H.D. Matthews

Treasurers—Percy Smith, Seth & Captain—C. M. Sequeira

Fleming Committee — B. Soltau, A. D.

Sequeira and B. D. Evans



57018; CableCkicket Club — Teleph.

Ad: Kowcriclub Sailing Committee—Commodore C.

President—It. E. Lindsell G. Sedgwick,

Croucher, r.n., N. H.V. W.

L. F. Nicholson, A.

Vice-do. —E. Abraham

Captain —F. Goodwin Dulley, B. Naess and Major B. E.

Hon. Secretary—K. P. Phillips C. Dixon, M.c., k.e. (Hon.


Hon Treasurer—F. G. Maunder Rowing Committee—Lieut. P. de N.

General Committee—J. Fraser, E. J.Ramus, r.a., K.G. Knud,sen,

E. Potter, S. P. Heywood,G. B.

C.G. Fincher,

Lee, J. S.H.Smith,

Overy,F.F.A.E. Munn,

Nash Easterbrook

and C. J. Tacchi (Hon. Secretar3') A. G. Dalziel


Bowls Committee—J. Bentley,'G. E.

Ladies Recreation Club—Peak Road; Costello and B. E. Maughan

Teleph. 20451 House Committee—E.

T. Padgett and S. C. S.Feltman

Carter, G.

President—Mrs. A. Sommerfelt

Hon. Secretary—Mrs. H. A. Pearson Hon. Librarian—Mrs. H. S. Rouse.

Hon. Treasurer—Mrs. T. A. Martin Sports Club, The —King’s Building;

m>ON Club—Des Voeux Road Cable Ad: Sportsclub

President—Y.— M.Kishinami Chairman—T.

Vice-do. —LamA. Ming


Committee Kitayama,

Fujieda, K. Ito, T. Ishiwatari, S. T. Hon. Secretary—V. E. Duclos

Odagiri, M. Kunihiro and T. Assist, (io.

Commit,tee—T. —PI. Bitter

A. V.Mitchell,


Secretary—H. Miura Ming Fan, Major E. Duclos.Lam H.


Fung, H. K. Lee, Major C.Y. M.T.

Pitming M. Cheng,

Peak Club Manners, Pau Yin Wai, H.H.H.

Chairman—A. S. Mackichan Priestley,

Wong W. T. Stanton and

Sik Chung.

Vice-Chairman—E. J. Davies

Hon. Secretary—E. A. Jenkinson

General Committee—L. C. F. Taikoo Club—Quarry Bay

A.Bellamy, E. J. W.

Jenkinson, Davis, F. C. Hall,

Tratman, c.m.g.,E. United


Services Recreation Club—

Club Hill, Kowloon


C. Roberts, A. C. J. n.N.,

A. Orr-Ewing, Bowker,

H. President—Col. J. H. Morris, n.s.o.

C. B. Way Hon. Secretary—Capt. L. J. Walcb,

R.A.S.C. ■

Polo Club—Mongkok

Patron—H. R. H. The Prince of Wales Victoria Recreation Club—Corner of

Murray 2068O and Connaught Roads;

President—H.E. The Governor Teleph.


Chairman-Sir The Governor

Thomas Southern,

Royal Hongkong Golf Club, The— K.


Happy York

Valley: Building,

9 holes; 4th

Deep floor;

Water Vice-Chairman- E. W. T. Ross

Bay: Hon. Secretary—!). F. Lopes

18 holes9 holes;

each andFanling:

one of 2nine


holes of Hon. Treasurer— H. Hyndman


Royal Hongkong Yacht Club, The Hunt, S.F.A.P. M.


M. Alves,


Lenfestey, C. L.E. R.Roza



Vice-do. L. Shields, j p. Pereira, F. X. D’Almada e Castro

Rear Com. —H.

—G. G.S. Rouse

Wood and Dr. D. Laing

Joint Hon. Secretaries—K. S.


Treasurers M. I.Bingham

de Ville and m m * $

Matthews On ning tai yeuk fong

General Committee — Commodore

C. G. Sedgwick, r.n., Major B. E. Colonial Dispensary (Colin Mackenzie

C. Dixon, m.c., r.k., N. G. A. &Gloucester Co., Ltd.), Building,

Chemists and Druggists—

Croucher, L. F. Nicholson, Lt. P. Teleph. 21877; Cable Ad;Pedder CblmaeoStreet;

de N. Ramus, G. S. P.

J E. Potter and A. G. Dalziel Heywood, Mrs. E. Mary Harmon, m.p.s,, manager

H. Q. Hunt, secretary


Colonial Elkotkio Co.,

Coritractor.s -2k Ice House St.; Teleph. Electrical Managing Director—Henry Graye

24635; Cable Ad: Amperage Directors—G.

L. Kadoorie,W. A.Greene (chairman),.

S. Gubbay, G.

Miskin, Ko Leong Hoe and E. M.

Cqlonial Mercantile Co., Importers, Ex- Raymond

Ed. C. Lee, compradore

porters and Manufacturers’ Represent-


G; Teleph. floor, 63-65,

28709; P. O. Des


392; Road


Ad: Colonmerco; Codes: Acme, Bentley’s, Confederation ^ ^ It « « A ^ ^

A.B.C. 5th edn. Life Association, Life

Insurance—701, Bank of East Asia Bldg;

Commercial & Credit Information Teleph. 31913; Cable Ad: Confedlife

Bureau—9, Queen’s Road Central (top P. for China c.L.U., divisional mgr.

R. M. Wallis,

floor); Teleph. 21072 H.forW. Hongkong

Merrick, acting distinct mgr.

S3 & ffi U t£ * PP # iS Miss M. Young, stenographer

Commercial Press, Ltd., The (Inc. in


Paper, PrintingPrinters,Machinery,


Dealers in

hic Supplies, Athletic Goods, etc.—Sales


Printing 35,Works: Queen’sShaukivvan

Road Central.

Road; The Brandy with a Pedigree

(Printing Works); Cable Ad: and

Telephs. 21631 (Sales Office) 24777


Printing Works: Teleph. 30311

Y.C. C.S. Ting,


managermgr. Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.


H. M.Office:Cheng, manager

N. T. Chang, acct. Sole Agents.

« n A it #

Com ma su yii yan in sor

Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd. Connaught Aerated Water Co., Ltd.—

57, Queen’s Rd. East; Teleph. 20737

and Sickness,Marine,

(Fire, Life, Fidelity,Typhoon,



•Glass) —2, Queen's Buildings; Teleph. Connaught Electric Supplies—255,


R. L.Cable Ad: local

8. Webb, Cuacomanager Queen’s Road West; Teleph. 27166

Compagnie Optoro, Import Connaught Printing Press, Commercial

French Building, Queen’sandRoad

Export—C.; and Job-printers, General Stationers,

Book-binders, Engravers, Block-makers

Teleph. 24522 and Rubber-stamp Makers—1a, Stanley

Compradores’ Association {See Asso- Street; Teleph. 21779

ciations) TplJ Kung tee

n & m m m w Connell Bros. Company, Ltd.—David

Concrete Products Limited, Man- House; Cable Ad: Connell

J. R. Jones, manager (Hong Kong)

r ufacturers of Grayeblock, the light-


Gran coloured , concretepolished





roof tiles and slabs, and Klinkabricks. if w m a:

Importerspolishing of white Kiang Lee Yang Kong

colours, and cement,

grinding cement

stones Connell & Co., Ltd., H., Exporters of


Office:high St. grade building materials—

George’s Ginger, Wood Oil, Aniseed and Cassia

25505. Casting Yard:Building;

Ma TauTeleph.

Kok, Oils, Soy Beans, Seagrass and Rattan

Core, SplitImporters—China

Bamboos, Palm Fibres and;

Kowloon; Teleph. 58676; Cable Ad: General Buildings

Grayeblock; Codes: General, Bentley’s, Teleph. 24828; Cable Ad: Typhoon ; All

A.B.C. 5th and 6th edns. Popular Codes


H. Connell, managing director

Directors—Wong Shun Fai and IT. ^ M ^ ^

Tat Chee Tai fat ku

N.H.C. C.Horne, secretary

Kiang I S. K. Shum France—13, Peak Road; Chancery

S. L. Shum | Chan Ka Muk of the Consulate: Alexandra

Building, Des Voeux Road; Cable

Agencies Ad: Fransulat

“Wardonia” Kazors and Blades Consul

Teissierde France—ly Souiangc-

"Salca ” for dogs, etc. Secretaire

Barros Dactylographe—Mme. H.


Tuorig etdeClement


Lo Van

Akgentine—Office: 3, Queen’s Building; Medecin

Strahan du Consulat — Dr. S. S.

Residence: 9, Stubbs Road;

Teleph. 26651 (Office ) and 24989 Germany — Pedder Building; Teleph.

(Residence) 24728; P.O. Box 112; Cable Ad:

Vice-Consul—R. Ohl Consugerma

Consul—H . Gipperich

Chancellor—A. Gelewsky

t ^ m m it * Secretary—Otto NeidtB. Nocht

Tai peh kwolc ling sze kun Stenographer—Mrs.

Bei.cium—Pedder Building, Pedder St. Interpreter— Fung V'ing hai

Consul-General (South China, Hong-


Islands)-Macao and Philippine Guatemala — 72 74, Waterloo Road;

H. Vanderstraeten

Clerk—Chu Dat Hien Teleph. 50267; P.O. Box 157; Cable

Ad: Consulguat

f -I? m n w a * t ^mmm±a*

Tai pa sai Icwolc Ling sz kun Tai I tai li chung ling sz kun

Brazil—8, Des Vceux Road Central; Italy—Exchange Building (2nd floor);

P.O. Box 527 Teleph. 21139; Cable Ad: Italconsul

Vice-Consul—Faustino A. Xavier Consul-General—Comm, A. D. Bian-

Costa Rica—Bank of East Asia Bldg.; coni

Teleph. 22277 Chancellor

CuniettiSecretary— W. H. Shiu— M.

and Secretary

Consul—J. M. da Rocha Chinese

Cuba—Bank of East Asia Bldg., 2nd fl.; m m & s

Teleph. 24402

Consul—G. D. R. Black Yat pim chung Lug sz kun

Japan—5, Ice House Street; Teleph.

t m m m ft 20579

Consul-General—K. Mizdusawa

Tan mak Ling sz kiin Vice-Consul—H. Okamoto

Denmark—York Building (2nd floor); , Chancellors—T. and T. Miura

11 yemura, O. Okuda


29004 20998 and Peak Residence: Clerks—S. Fujita and S Nakata

Consul—Karsten Larssen Maiine Inspectors—K. Kagami and

T. Shoji

El Salvador — 49, Granville Road,

Kowloon; Teleph. 58301 i- m ft m m * a

Consul—Trinidad E. Lacayo Tai wo kwolc tsung liny sz chii

Finland—7, Queen’s Road Central; Netherlands—Asiatic Building (6th

Teleph. 24721 floor), Queen’s RoadforCentral

Consul-General Hongkong and

Consul—Wallace J. Hansen South China - M. J.Quist(on leave)


Acting Consul-General—G. M. By- Tum T a Lun

van ck P 9 * i 9

Consul—D. G. E. Middelburg Cook

Vice(absent) & Son, Ltd., Thos., Tourist,

Steamship, Banking and Forwarding

Secretary-Interpreter—Li Tsan Fan Agents, site Staretc.—Queen’s Building

Ferry Pier); Cable (oppo-

Ad: Coupon

Asst. Secy.—Li Hon Wing J. manager

H. Green,(Shanghai)

Far Eastern general

# * s» Granville

Nicaragua—49, « as * Koad, Kow- N. J. Perrin, manager (Teleph. 21363)

loon; Teleph. 58301 Tourist Dept.—Teleph. 20524

Consul—Trinidad E. Lacayo A.D. Wheeler

K. Hislop W. C. Kwok

G. H.K. Brett

W. Lam Miss A. M. Williams

i: m ^ pi Miss C. Gill

Tai Nor Wei Kwok Ling Sz Kun S. L. Wong Miss L. Lee

Norway—York Building (2nd floor) Banking Dept.—Teleph. 23201

Telephs. 20998 and Peak Resi- W. A. Weight

dence : 29004 H. C. Woo | S. C. Chan

Consul—Karsten Larssen Freight Dept.—Teleph. 20525

Peru — 0. Macdonnell Road: Telepb. Accounts A. D’Azevedo j R. E. Hyndmann

22156; P.O. Box 480; Cable Ad: Conper Dept.—Teieph. 20525

Consul-General —M. Rivera-Iglesias Mail K.Dept.—Teleph.

Y. Chan i H. K. Chan


Secretary—M. Rivera-Zapata T. C. Tang

Doctors—J. W. Anderson and J. C.



t Pomtu gamkwok m ling^ sz ®kriv m WHITE HOUSE 59


Consul—Alvaro of East Asia Building

Brilhante Labor WHISKY

inho The Choice of the Connoisseur

Secretary—F. P. de V. Soares

Stenographer—Miss A. M. Gomes Teleph 39311

Hf ^ ® H 51 Chim Ling sz Icon

Siam — Stock Exchange Building, Ice Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.

House Street; Teleph. T.20441

Consul-General—J. Bagrara Sole Agents.

■g :?ir M @3 T Iff. w * Cooper & Co., I). H., Merchants, Com-

Tay say pa ga kwok Lin si bin

Spain—453, The Peak; Teleph. mission and Estate Agents—Princes

Building,20332;1, Des

29333; Cable Ad: Conispania Teleph. P. O.Vceux RoadCable

Box 231; Central;


Sni lewole Ling sz kun Khordad

D. H. Cooper, principal

Sweden—4a, DpsCable

VreuxAd:Road Central; Chan Man Shek | Ng Hin Chiu

Teleph. 30988: Svensk

Vice-Consul—G. Miskin

ITTa,i ¥mei kivolc

If Lingti m 13 G |f& Koo par kimg zse

sz khn* Cooper & Son, Merchants and Commission

Agents, Importers and Exporters—132,

United States of America—2, Queen’s Wellington Street; Teleph. 22881; Cable

Road Central; Teleph. 27741L. Hoover Ad : Draper


Consul—Louis H. Gourley Co-operative SancSaiwood Co.

Vice-Consul—John C. Pool' (South Australia), Ltd., Sandal-


Do. —Merritt

—Robt. C.N.Coudray

Cootes wood Merchants—4a, DesA«ool

Voeux Road;

United States Public Health Surgeon Teleph.' 28847; Cable Ad:

E. J. T. Warpen, manager ,

—Dr. E. M. Gordon


ft # SD IS m & m m A m 7% m

Co-Operative Trading Co., The, Crownchina Company, Incorporated.—


Engineering ami Commission Agents, Gloucester Bldg.; Teleph. '28400; Cable

Exporters — Contractors,

Bank of CantonImporters and Ad: Chinacrown;

Building; all Codes used

General Agents for The Crown

Teleph. 24288; P.O. Box 514; Cable Life Insurance Company, Toronto,.

Ad: Cooperates

S. K.P. Tong, manager T. Canada

Saythiere;, manager

S. Yeung, assist. K Simonsen, cashier

S. W. Lo, ' do. ; Sun Kai Yin, assist, cashier



Shanghai Overseas Trading Co., Ltd. Cuban Consul {See Consulates)

Higgs Motors, Witton, Birmingham Customs, Chinese Maritime (See Kowloon*.



ExportersCo.,of The,


Work and Ladies'and


—35, Underwear,

Nathan Road, Wholesale


Betail Til ^ US' it llL 7^

57983; Cable Ad; Cordial; Codes:'Ben- Dai lin hay shueh hung sze

tley’s and Private

Dairen Kisen Kalsha—King’s Build-

Cornell, ing: Teleph. 34065; Cable Ad; Daiki

ArchitectW.A.,and f.r.i.b.a.,




and Valuer. Proprietor

Ram and Gibbs — Hongkong Stock of Denison,

Exchange, to, Ice House Street; Teleph.

20986; Cable Ad: Wac, Hongkong; ffgau Nai Ping Chong Yau Han Rung Sze

Code : Bentley’s Dairy Farm, Ice and Cold Storage

Co., Ltd,, The—Dairy and Farmers,


Corney k Co., Ltd., R., Glass Merchants chers, Poultrymen

Australian Frozen Food; Ice and Cold

and Mirror Manufacturers—127, Des

Central; Teleph. 22037; Storage and Ice2Cream


Cable Ad: RoadCorney Town Office: LowerManufacturers-—

Albert Road,

Corner of Wyndham

20118; Cable Ad: Milkmaid; Street; Teleph.Town

Coxort & Co., C., Importers & Exporters Branch and Soda Fountain: 13, Queen’s-

Road C.; Kowloon Branch: 74, Nathan

—China Building; Teleph. 31643 Ed.; Kowloon Tong Branch: 188, Prince

C. Coxon, manager Edward Road; Quarry Bay Branch: 20,.

Sole Agents for China : Bridge Row;Street; East Peak



Diamond Lubricating Oil Pennington

Garage Building; Canton Branch:

Craigenoower Cricket Club {See Clubs Shameen. Factory and Farms at Pokfulum.

Cold Stores at East Point,.Ice

38, Connaught

Road, Road Central & Canton

KowloonS. H. Dodwell (chairman),.


Teleph. 32173& Co. — China Building; Directors—

T. E. Pearce, J. Owen-Hughes and

Ckoot, Dr. H. J.—Union Bldg.; Teleph. W. G. Goggin

28002 A.J.Stevenson,

D. Thomson, manager


Crouches- & Co., Stock, Share & General G. Milne, assist, do.

Brokers (Member Hong Kong Stock Office Staff

Exchange)—Chartered BankCrostock;

Build- E. W. Coulson F. J. Wilkinson

ing; Teleph. 20211; Cable Ad: C. L. Gregory J.D. Wolfe Paul

Codes: Broomhall, Bentley, A.B.C. 6th, J.H. C.Kew

Gill Mrs. A-P. E.Ken-

H. Castro

etc.N. V. A. Croucher. principal F. Linennen Miss

Wong Ah Kow, book-keeper C. Andrews Miss D. Murray


Farm Staff Danish Consulate (See Consulates)

T.H. Ltmson,

C. Watson, m.r.c.v.s.

stock supt. Danish, Portrait & Art Photography—

A. D. Wyllie, diary supt. Gloucester Arcade; Teleph. 33188

C.R. S.Jackson

Meadows I D. MeFerran

A. G. Dalziel I N. Kouznetzoff ± m & ft ft

Butchery and Shipping Department Dartlby & Hance,

presentatives Manufacturers’Re-

& Commission Agents—

B. W. Bradbury, supt. Alexandra Building (4th floor); Teleph.

E.R. S.B. Cutcher I T.

Brown I W. Muir Patou 32562; Cable Ad: Hanby

W.W. Miles | G. J. Grover j Partners—' J. D. Danby and J. H. R. Hance

| Ice and Cold Storage Department j Agents for: —

E. M. Hanlon Kino


W. Macfarlane, supt. Carr &Brothers & Co., Ltd.

Co., Ltd.—Carlisle

Handelshuis “Insu 1 inde”—Amsterdam

A. Macfarlane The

Canton Branch—Shameen; Cable Ad:

Milkmaid John MackintoshLtd.—London

Lovault Co., & Sons Ltd.—Nor-

Directors—S.H.Dodvvell (chairman), wich

T. E. Pearce, R. E. Coxon, Ho Maxam Cheese Products Pty.—Bris


C. Kom Tong and

C. Nelson, Lau Tick Cheuk

engr.-in-charge Purnell



Sons Ltd.—London

J. D. Thomson, secretary


|[ O’ASmada

Conveyancers, 8t Co.,

Trade Mark Agents



— David


and ||j

House; WHBSI4Y

| Hirst floor); A.R.C

Leo; Code: Teleph.5th20949;

edn. Cable Ad: Easily distinguishable by its aroma

Leo d’Almada e Castro, solicitor Teleph. 30311

C. D’Almada

H. A. de Barrose Castro, do.



F. V.Wai

Ribeiro, Jardine, Matheson

Cho, cashier

Lee Keang Chee,

Lam Kwok Choi, Ng Tat Sang and Sole Agents.

Mok Tsze Fung, interpreters

1 D’Almada e Castro, .tr., Leo, Barrister-at- n m #i5 ± n

law—Prince’s Building; Teleph. 20333 Dastur, R. A., Share, Freight Insurance

and General. Broker—Exchange Bldg;

m t s n & n m m §5 (3rd floor); Telepb. 32565; P.O. Box 523;

A le ma ta Kap Mason Chong sze Cable Ad: Dastur

t D’Almada

ancers, Patent and Trade

—33, Queen’s Mark Teleph.


20S97: Cable Ad:Road Central;

Dahlia David & Co., S. J., Merchants, Property


F. X. D’Almada e Castro, principal

Frank X. D’Almada e Castro,Lam

jr., do. House, 67-69, Des YoeuxAgents:—David

and Estate Road Central;

Staff—Tso Kwai Pang, Tan Teleph.

Psalmist20060; P.O. Box 257; Cable Ad;

Chiu, Wong Lin Hon, Liu

Chau To Shang. Tso7 Woon Kin, Kam Wa, A. J. David (London)

Wong Kan Wai, Au l ang Kim Sing Evelyn David (Shanghai)

and Chau Chun Pong Archibald Davidmanager


G.Frank T.Austin,

H.Y. Jephson

Marshall, sub-do.

I Pun Tat Ming

, D’Almada Remedtos & Co., Solicitors— F.MissE.

H. Donald

i Teleph.

York Building, ChaterAd:RoadDalrem

284.r>8; Cable (2nd Floor); Carvalho | Au LamShin



J. M. D’Almada Remedios, solicitor Agents for

J. M. G. Silva, cashier South British Insurance Co., Ld.


*8 Sv fits 7'a7c wai po j| Davies, Queen’sBrooke

Road C.;& Gran,


26250; Cable

Davie, Boag: & Co., Ltd.,

Mannfaeturers. Hydraulic Brass Backers, Sa.ck


tered General Merchants—Offices:

Bank Building; Factory: Char-


Bay. Telephs. Office: 28116

Factory: 26542; Cable. Ad: Davisack; Deacons, Solicitors,

and Conveyancers, Bro-

Codes: Bentley’s complete phrase, ctors, Mark Notai’ies LatentVoeux

and Trade


Eclectic, secondA.B.C.phrase,

5th gridSchofield’s Central;Agents—1,

6th, and tery;


Teleph. 30287: Cable Ad:RoadOt-

Brivate Codes: A.B.C. 4th and 5th edns.,

W. A. Stewart, managing director Bentley’s, Broomhall’s Imperial Com-

Directors—J. Betrie <1- J. D. Kinnaird bination and Western Union

Hon. Sir. William Edward Leonard'

A.A. L.R. S.Brown

Bead I N. Mrs.Drummond

M, White Shenton, Kt., solicitor and notary

A. M. La-rcin.a ! F. D. Cartwright public

Li Sui Wing,; compradore Michael


public Turner, solicitor and

General Managers H. J. Armstrong, solicitor and notary

China Corporation, Ltd. public

Agencies ,,- R.public

A. Wadeson;

- solicitor and notary


Thos. Boag A Co.; -Ltd.; Greenock.

Sail Canvas,,,Fine. public

O. E. C. Marton, do.

A. Decatur.

E. StaleyCorn Manufacturing


Syrup. W. A. MacKinlay, do.

J. H. Yavassejir Ltd., Colombo. Desic- J. A. Chue, Cashier

cated Coconut.


Tea. Bond (Ceylon) Ltd., Ceylon Dennys ?T ± M

Campbells Manufacturing Co., —National & Co.,Bank Solicitors

Building,& Notaries


Toronto. Sport,s Goods. door, 8a, Des Vceux Road Central;

Irish Linen

Manufactures. Mills Ltd., Belfast. Linen Teleph. 28319; Cable Ad: Synned, Hong-

BUILDING SUPPLIES DEPARTMENT kong; Codes: A.B.C. 5th edn. & Western


British Re-inforeed Concrete Eng. Henry Lardner Dennys, solicitor-

Co., Ltd.,Fabric. Stafford. Concrete Re- and notary-public

inforcing Charles Edwin Lo.vve, solicitor


H. Robertson Co.. Ellesmere

Brotected Metal Roofing Bort. Charles Yine, managing clerk

and Ventilators. Miss W. Kew, stenotypist 1

Montgomerie. Stobo & Co., Ltd., Ip Cho Bong, cashier and acct.

Glasgow. Baints. Chan Kang Yat, do.

Ocean Oil Co., Ltd., London. Marine Staff Ho Shin Ming, Ip Chin Shek

Oils. and Li Tat Hung

Quasi-Arc Co., Ltd., London. Electric Wong

Li SiuKinCheong,

Wo, Hointerpreters

Wai King and

Welding Blant. London Agents — Church Adams

Rolscreen Co., Bella., IJ.S.A. Mosquito Tatham & Co.

Screens. Shanghai Agents—Ellis & Hays


Felts. Co., Ltd., London.

‘/jV Roofing Benang Agents—Adams & Allan


Ltd.,1 Duffryn

Timber and Associated

Metal Collieries


ti-ves etc. a n h

H. Lauritzen, London. Boiler Feed DerMerchants, A Wing Stationers,

& Co. (1923).Brinters,

Ltd., General

Water Treatment.

Horseley Bridge


d’Aguilar Street Teleph. 21676; AgentsBook-

— 9,


Tipton. Steelwork,

holders, Tanks etc. Bridges, Gas- Box 443


Dksai, R.

Agent—Ghina E., Merchant arid (Jomrriission

Box 396; Gable Building (5th floor),;

Ad: Godhelp , P.O. “WHITE


^ ^ Takfu Renowned for its One Liqueur Quality


Waibel&Co. Farben- 1 Iakdet.sgeseu.scttaft

(Defag)—Prince’s Building

Teleph. 20032; P.O. Box 77; Cable Teleph. 30311

Ad: Waidefag Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.

F.L. Svendsen


A.M. Hess

Wiiest I O.MissSimon Sole Agents.

T Bitzer

FT. Lneer I Miss G. Engel

Mrs. E. Scbroeder-Weinlarid

Technical Department

Dr. B. AdamczeWski

Agencies Teen, Cheang

I. chaft

G. Farbenindustrie

.Frankfurt/Main Akti' e ngesells- Dodwell 8t Co., andLtd., GeneralAgents


Agfa China Co., Otto & Co.; Shanghai —Hongkong chants, Shipping Insurance

ing (3rd andTeleph,

floor); Shanghai

28021; BankP.O.Build-


Suh Agents in Cant-on" 36; Cable Ad: Drid^ell; and at Tientsin,


Jebsen & Co.. i Shanghai, Hankow, Foochow,

H. Pielcke Chungking (Barry & Dodwell, Ltd.),

O. E. Liell | H, Larigehsiepen Colombo, Tokyo, Yokohama,Sari Kobe,

Technical Dept, Vancouver, Seattle (Wash,), Fran-

It. Schiflier cisco, Los Angeles, New York arid Lon-

Ding Sun ENcrNEERiNO Factory -a- 5, don (Head Office)

Chang: Sha Street, Kowloon; Teleph. S. H.- Dodwell, managing director

58438 ■ R. K. Yaleritirie, acting sub-pianager

W, Wright, assist, sub-manager

A. C. L Bowker, do.

Diocesan K. Aires

EducationalBoys’ School, The (See R.R.W. Ashby F. S. vy. omirn

W. M. Barton A.H. A.J. Silva

' C.V. Bond Silva

J. R. Soares

Diocesan Girls’ School and Orphanage Bond

(See Educational) H. W. Brown A.F. Took R. Tavares

M. M; A. Cairns B. Si Viera

Directory and Chronicle of China

Japan, Malaya, etc., Published by G.H. TV. Campos

Carr A.H.'F.G. Walkden


the Hongkong Daily Press, Ltd.—11, A. J.

F. EdwardsDennis V. Yvanovitch


Box House Street; Teleph. 30251; P.O. A. W. Hayward Miss E. Barros

Office:1;53,Cable Ad: Press.

Fleet Street, E.C. 4 Loridon J.D. S.Harvey

Howell Missmada

Miss CvOaineron

M. d’Al-

Lt.-Col. H.L.

editor Murrow, d.s.o., managing M. A- Johnson Miss A, eDodwell Castro

Mrs. R. Ramsey, advertising manager A.R.Kulp

C. Johnstone Miss F. Dunn

A. R. Markar A. Hyde Lay Miss P. Rapp

Tse Shu Man E.H. W. Miss M. Griffiths

H. Loveless

Mtindy Miss M.G. Rodrigue Malabar

E. F. Nuttall Miss Miss G. Smedleys

S @ W. Orr Miss A. Steel

Dodge & Seymour (China). Ltd.,

facturers’Agents—Fterich Bank Manu-

Bldg.; A.C. I.W.daW.Roza

Salter Mrs. A. M. Stone

Teleph. 24518; CableAd: EximCd; Codes: E. Graiit Smith Miss T. Scott

Acme, Bentley’s and Private. New York General Managers for:-—

Office; Dodge and Seymour, Ld., 53, Park The Union Waterboat Co.





SHIPPING Asbestos Cement Building Product/;

Dodwell Castle Line Ltd.

Barber-Wilhelmsen Line Bells Asbestos and Engineering Sup-


Briggs & Sons Ltd. Asphaltic “Tenax”

COAL Cement

The Kailan Mining Administration Cement Marketing Co, “Ferrocrete”

Yao Hua Mechanical Glass Co. and “Snowcrete”

INSURANCE Delco Light Appliance Co. Generating

The Liverpool and London and Globe Sets, Batteries Pumps

Insurance Co., Ltd. Dixon,Corbitt Ltd. Wire Ropes for all

Caledonian Insurance Co. purposes

Pearl Assurance Co. Electromatic Fuel Burners

{Settling Agents for :—) TheHollow


Drills Steel Co., Ltd.

Thames & Mersey Marine Insce. Co. George Ellisson & Co., Ltd. Electrical


National Washington

Ins. Insurance

Co. of Co.

America Switchgear

New India Assurance Co., Ltd. Frick Corporation. Refrigerating

Connecticut Machinery

St. Paul FireFireand Insurance Co. Co.

Marine Insce. TheFuelFarRanges

Eastern Range Co. Ingle Oil

Universal Fire and General Insurance Foamite Firefoam, Ltd. Fire Ex-

Co., Ltd. of Bombay (India) tinguishers and Generators

IMPORT AND EXPORT DEPT. G. Freeman and Sons Co., Ltd.

Stratton & Sons, Sydney. Flour “Cementone”Ltd. Household and



FlourFlour Co., California, U. S. A.

Crown Gerrard Industries Ltd. Wire Tying

land. Cork


Ltd., Southall, Eng-



L. Heinke & Co. Diving

Huntley & Palmers, Ltd., Heading and

London. Biscuits Kay & Co. “Kontite” CopperApparatus


H. Jones & Co. Pty. Ltd., Tasmania. Kerner Greenwood & Co., Ltd.

I. X. L. Jams and Fruits “Pudlo” Cement Waterproofing

Page-Hersev Export Co.. Ltd.,Products

Toronto, Lancashire DynamoGenerators

Ltd. Electric and Crypto ami


Canada, Wrought Tubular Switchgear

J. C. Hutton Pty. Ltd., Brisbane. The Mulcott Belting Co., Ltd.

“Pineapple” Hams

Stationary Gardners,

Marine Ltd.

Oil Engines

W. S. Kempton & Sons, Melbourne. Parrafine Cos. Inc. Durable Roofing

Flour Wm.

Glandular Preparations Ltd.,

Sydney. Gland Preparations. MorrisJacks & Co.,Ltd.

Motors, Expanded

Small Metal


Stevenson & Howell Ltd., London. Marine and Industrial Engines

Essences, Essential Oils, etc. Waygood-Otis,

purposes Ltd. Elevators for all

Joseph Terry & Sons Ltd., York. Otis Elevator Co.

Chocolates & Sweets. Woodite Co. Woodite Products

James Neill & Co. (Sheffield) PAINT DEPARTMENT

Ltd., Sheffield. Hacksaw and Wilkinson, Heywood & Clark

Razor Blades Red Hand Compositions Ltd.

Plaimar Limited, Perth, West Red Hand Paints

Australia. Essences & Oils


Manila. Hemp Rope. Morris Commercial

Motors Ltd. Cowley

Shalimar Rope Works Ltd., Cal- Morris Cars, Ltd. Birm-

cutta. Coir Rope ingham

Francis Webster & Sons, Ar- Wolseley Motors (1927) Ltd. Birm-

broath. Canvas & Twines ingham

Libby, McNeill


FruitsFrancisco. Cammed Mea.ts and Joseph Lucas Ltd., Birmingham

Lodge Plugs Ltd., Birmingham


Avon India Rubber :Go., ■ Ltd. Dolly Vahdon Hat Shop, Hats, Gowns

Melksham, Wilts. Sports Wear, Bathing Suits, Wash-

Stockport Motors Ltd, dresses—-Stt George’s Building, Corner

Ferodo Ltd.Skldeley

Armstrongs- ofTeleph.


Road and Ice House Street;


Wine and Spirits Department


•Tames Building) & Co , Ltd.

Buchanam Domestic

Wiring, ElectroEngineers,Platers.Ltd.,Specialising


Tanquery Gordon & Co., Ltd. in Elecfric Refrigerating—Office: 8,

Veuve Chiquot & Cp. Des Vdeux23504;

'RoadCableCentral,Ad: 1stYulan.


Courvbisier Ltd. Tejeph.

Works : 98-99, Gloucester Road, Wan-

Hunt Roope and Teague & Co. chai;

McEwan-Younger Ltd.

W. A. Rose <1 Co.,.Ltd. VV. Teleph.

S. Cheang,33817acting manager

Geo. G. Sandemaii cionsCigarettes)

ifc Co., Ltd. K. S. Ho, secretary

Carreras Ltd. (Craven H. C. Kwok, accountant


Nicholls Pty. Ltd., Melbourne Kelvinator Corporation of U.S.A.


' BUILDING) Leland Electric Co., U.S.A.

Roneo Ltd., London Gilffilan Brothers Inc. U.S.A.


York Elliott-Fisher Co., New

Safe-Cabinet Victor Safe, Marietta, OTARDS” V.S.O.P.


Original Odhner, Goteborg BRANDY

Kee Lox

Lombard Code Manufacturing Co.

A Fine Old Liqueur Brandy

Doi Kwong & CcL—193, Queen’s Road Teleph. 30311

W.; Teleph. 25221

Dollar Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.

WyndbamDirectory. Hongkong

Street; Teleph. 29022; —Cable

3 a,

Sole Agents.

Ad: Mail

tt) ic Dominican Procuration for Missions,

Dollar Co., The Robert, Shipping, Spanish — (See, under Churches add

Lumber and General Importers—12, Missions)


Dollar Street; Teleph. 28171; Cable, Ad:

T. B. Wilson, general agent SH

W. F. Arndt

.T. W. Morris Dor Po Co., Ths (Estabished 1919), Im-


S. Harris

W. H. Thomas porters, Exporters and Manufacturers

W G. Richards of Mosquito Destroyers. Trade Mark

E. R. Hearther “Five Bats”—404, Prince Edward Rd.;

S.P. Healey | S. L. O’Hoy Teleph. 59902.

General Agents for it >flj Talc Ice le se

Dollar Steamship Line Douglas, Lapraik & Co., Merchants!—

American Mail Line P.

v] & Wi m & * Telephs. 28037-8; Cable Ad: Lapraik

S. T. Williamson, principal

Dollar Steamship Line—12, Pedder St.; C.R. L.Murray

Farmer Mrs. E. Martin

Telephs. 28171; Cable Ad: Dollar J. M. Sunley

The Robert Dollar Co., general agents J. T. Cook G. Gilmore

(See Dollar Co., The Robert) G. Gilmore Miss Remedies



Durran, Dr. J.—Alexandra Bldg.;

Teleph. 27728

Tak hi lee si lun shilit kung sze


Teleph. 28037;Steamship Co. Ltd,— Dykes, J. S., Dr., l.d.s.. Dental Surgeon—

Cable Ad: Lapraik

Douglas Lapraik & Co., genl. managers Alexandra Building; Teleph. 23171


Ho Tung, Committee—Sir

Sir William Shenton Robert

and E. Shipchandlers

Hing & Company (Established 1867),

M. T. Johnson keepers. and General

Iron, Steel, Store-

(For Steamers see End of Directory) Merchants—25, Wing Metal & Hardware

Wo Street; Telepb.

26946; Cable Ad: Eidograph

DpwNiB, A. P.—Chung Tin Bldg.; Teleph.

33067 Eagle Garage, Motor Cars for Hi re (Day

and Night)—27. Canton Road, Tsimsha-

Dozon Co., General Storekeepers, Ship tsui, Kowloon; Teleph. 56436

and Family Compradores, Petroleum

and Cigarette Merchants—109, Laichi- East Asia Lithographic Works—

kok Road, Shumshuipo; Teleph. 57861 North Point; Teleph. 30459

Dragon Motor CarRoad.

Co.. Happy

Ltd., The—33, East Asia Coal and Motor Transporta-

Wong Nei Chung Valley; tion24609

Co.—11, Fleming Road; Teleph

Teleph. 31261; Cable Ad: Autoimport

C.P. M.

Lauritsen, managing

Davis, director director East Asiatic Co., Ltd., The, Import,

M. B. King, do. Export, Shipping — Queen’s Building;


Orienteak33166 and 33266; Cable Ads :

and Orient

n & .6 * H.M.E.Pagh

Nielsen, mgr.


Drapery Emporium,

Road, Kowloon; Teleph.The—64, Nathan

57004; Cable Ad;

Gassum m $1 si m

Dunbar & Co., L.—Hongkong & Shanghai East Asiatic Trading Co., Import,

Bank Building (3rd floor); Teleph. Export,

21168; Art Objects, Specialists in ofLinen

Manufacturers Chinese



Box 282;Dunbar

Cable Ad: Dunbar broideries, Silk Garments, Blackwood

and Teakwood Furniture,

and Retail—Asiatic Building;Wholesale



China Rubber


Post Building,Ltd.—South

1 and 3, 22545; Cable Ad : Antilace

Wyndham Street; Teleph. 24554; P.O. LeongTin Po, general manager

BoxF. 478; Cable Ad: Pneumatic Y. W. Wong, manager

S. Gibbings, mang. dir. (Shanghai) East Point Garage—Yee Wo Street;

F. C. Young, director do. Teleph. 23422

R. D.C. S.Webb,


| Mrs.(Hongkong)

C, S. Rosselet Eastern Asbestos Co., The — prince’s


Moonstone, Stone Copying Manufacturersandof Building

Co., Composition Cable

Chater Road; Teleph. 20501;


Hecktograph Ink, etc.—22, Cochrane Bradley c Cq., Ltd., gen. managers

J. F. Miller

Street; Teleph. 24330 S. P. Langley 1 A. Howarth

Mok Man Sum, manager G. T. Palmer | J, L. Alves

Duro Motor Co., Ltd., The, General Agencies

Garage Business and Filling Station— TheLd..Beldam

London Packirig and Rubber Co.,

132, Nathan Rd., Kowloon; Teleph. 57226’ TheLd.,


Duro Pump and Engineering Co., London Co. of Great Britain,


Hydro-Electrical Engineers, and• Nathan

Manu- M. C. Thomson & Co., Ld., Glasgow



R oad, Kowloon;Distributors—430,

Teleph. 56226; J. on*Tyne

Danlpney & Co., Ld., Newcastle-


W. S. Ad: CurfinB.sc.,

V. Curtis, ; Code:

E.E.j mgr.Bentley’s

Si engr. Wailes Dove Bitumastic, Ld., New-



Easteen and Austbadian Steamship Co.,

Ltd.—(Seq Maekinnon, Mackenzie & Co.) “MONTSERRAT” LIME JUICE


Easteen Deugs Co.—78, Wing Lok ‘SILVER SLIPPER’ GIN

Street; Teleph. 24587 equals

Easteen Expoet Co.- 753, Nathan Road; The Perfect Gimlet

Teleph. 58935 Teleph. 30311

jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.

&#ji t sgm m m&m ^ m Sole Agents.

Tung po chau leap o se li a tin po hung sze

Easteen Extension,Company,

China Telegeaph Austealasia and -a ^ Jr

(Associated ^

with Cable and Wireless, Ltd. —Con- King chai mow yik hung sze

naught Road Central; (next to Hong-

kong Club); Teleph. 28035; P.O. Box Economical Trading Co., Import

597; Cable Ad: Eastern. Sub-Office; 67, and Export Merchants and Manu-

Jervois Electra

Street; House,

Teleph. Victoria

21481. Head Em- facturers’ Representatives—14,

Office: Road; Teleph. 56814; P.O. Box 285;Hankow


bankment, London,

L. Carter, manager W.C. 2 Ad:* Mottoes

R.N. G.Lampard,

Grigor, deputy

engr. andengineer

assist, mgr.

A. L. Barlow, assistant engineer j EDUCATIONAL


Nash, L. C. PayneV. Williams,

and W.D. R.J. li* H §i T Ha wan yin9 ton9

Lynn Robinson

A. W. B. Blackford, traffic agent | Aside de la Sainte Enfance (S't. Paul’s

A.F. A.L. Rosario,

de Souza,accountant

assist, do. Institution)—Chuseway Bay

| Super’s.—Rev. Sr. Auguste Marie,

L.S. A.M. MOzorio, in-charge

areal manager’sPereira

clerk | Anglo-French School

J. F. da Silva A.R. S*.P. Silva j Head Mistress—Rev. Sr. Beatrice

Teaching Staff

C. F.M.Vas

M. Roza R. F. da Luz Higher Classes — Sr. Henri and


E. F. Medina H. F. Pi res R. Castro Sr. AlikClasses —Sisters Eliza-

J.J. V.W. Cordeiro Miss P. Rosario Remove

Leonard Miss E. J. Rocha beth, Sr.

Lower Sfc Louis & 1,.assistant

(passes—Sister St. Jean


E. M. Oliveira Miss B. D. Rodri- and 2 assistants

gues 1 nfants’; Class— Sister Lawrence

and 1 assistant

ISasteen Teading Co. — 4, Queen’s Englisb Preparatory Clhs(| for Chi-

Road C.; Teleph. 32940 Sr. Students—;Sr. St. Leon and


1 Mqsic'

and —Vincent

Sisters Beatrice, St- Rpuis

& m m ffi m Diawing and Painting—Sisters

Eastman Kodak Co., U.S.A. (Hong- Beatrice and Alix

kong,Branch), Manufacturers and Im- NeedleM’ork—

Shorthand SisterTypewriting—

and Cecile

porters of Photographic Materials Mrs. O’Sullivan

Including X-Ray and Motion Picture Boarding School


Distributing Cine Office

Kodak Processing—

for South China: Sister-in-charge—Sr. Auguste Marie

Asia Life Bldg.; 14, Queen’s Road C.; Assistantsr-Sisters

and Jean Elizabeth, Louis

Teleph. 21937; Cable Ad: Kodak

G. E. Frisque, manager Chinesie School (Orphanage) ' and

L-M. S.C.Liu

Wong |: Miss B. Allen ' Sisters. Valentine, Ehgenie

Josephine ; . . I;'


f Yoruaonl;u- Day Scliopl Escola Portuguesa

Sisters I’iiilomene, (jerbiielle, Director—J. A. d’Almeida

Joseph, Madeleine, Maria,

and eleven .^eiQular teachers Azathe Teachers—J. A. d’Almeida, J. A.

Gonsalves, MissClemencia Gonsalves

Needlework Bepat^ment Assistants—Mrs. J. A. d’Almeida,,

Sisters Marie Suzanne, Sr. Lucia and Miss Angelina Cunha and Mrs

Sr. Clemence J. Belard

Home for the Blind and Nursery

Sister-in-charge—Sister Helene and Hung Yuen English Shorthand and

Typewriting School — 316, Nathan

. 2 assistants Road, Kowloon

“Le Calvaire”—Wong-Xei-Chong

Sister-in-charge—BfevI Sr. Agnes

Vernacular Day School L m

'° 9

Sisters Xavier, -Dominique and Italian Convent (Canossian Institute)-

Amelie —38, Caine Road

Home for Incurables and Aged Women Sup’s.—Rev.MotherTeresaMartinoia

Sister-in-charge—Sister Aloysia Vice-Superioress—^Mother Virginia

Laundry Carati

Sister-in-charge—Sister Eulalie English School

Headmistress—Sister Erminia

SJ: jajg Pat sui shu shat Teaching Staff Upper and Remove

Diocesan Boys’ School, The—Ho Classes—Mothers,

Angelica, Annie and Mary, Beatrice,,


Mun Tin, Kowloon; Teleph. 57777; Lower Classes and Kindergarten—

P.O. Box 33 Mothers

Committee; Carla andElvira, Maria, Cristina,



Rev. Thechairman

Bishop of Victoria, Sewing Teachers—Mothers Assunta

and Margherita

A. H. Compton, vice-chairman French Teacher—Mother Francesca


P. S. Cassidy, hon. correspondent Special Classes for Chinese—

Rev. C. B. R. Sargent, headmaster Mothers Olive and Gina

G. S. Archbutt | C. Blaker, m.c. Special Subjects

Rev. H. W. Baines Music ( Piano and Singing )—

H. B. L. Dowbiggin Mothers Guglielmina, Beaticer

J. Fleming I E. Cock, m.b.e. and Dorothy

Rev. J.R.Higgs | ProfessorL. Forster Italian and French — Mother

Hon. Dr. R. H. Kotewall, c.m.g., lld. Francis

English Lessons

Hon. Sir H. E. Pollock, k.c.

G. Mother Frances for Ladies—

Hon.SheSir William Shenton Typewriting

Miss Nunesand Stenography—

P.H. H.

C. B.SinWay JI J.E. M.H. Wong

Williams Commission Orders — Mother


Diocesan Girls’ School and Chinese School for Orphans—Miss Yik,

Orphanage — King’s Park, Kow- Miss Lam and assistants

loon : Teleph. 57172 Chinese School Pin Chin


Rev. theof committee

Bishop of Victoria, Headmistress—Mother Mabel

H. C. B. Way, hon. secretary Canossa Chinese School for poor

Miss Sawyer, head mistress children

Miss Allen

Wentworth Mother-in-charge

qualina — Mother Pas-

Miss St. Agnes' College

Miss Cox | Mrs.

Miss Bedford I Miss Batalha Thomas 1stDirectress—Mother

Class Boarding School

Miss Armstrong

Mrs. Kirby |I Miss Holland

Miss Turbett Ida

Miss Nash | Miss Smith Assists.— Mothers

Antonietta, MaryAngela, Carla

and Pantina


2nd Class Boarding School Assistants—Mothers Modesta and

Directress—Mother Giulia

Assistants — Mothers Elvira, Elisa

Margherita and Rose Foundling Home (Sacred Heart


Point. High Street, West

Destitute and Aged

Directress—Mother Dorina Maria Sister-in-charge — Mother Caro-

Convent Branches lina.

Canossa Hospital—3, Peak Road Assistants — Mothers Elisabeth,

Private Hospital—Matron: Mother Rosario and Regina

Amabile Home for the Blind—Pokfulum,

Staff—Mothers Guiseppina and Honey vi lie.

Virginia and Nurses Sister-in-charge—Mother Mari.

Home for the Poor—18, St. Francis’ Assistants—Mother Maria, Mother

Street, Wanchai Cirilla and Helpers.

Sister-in-charge—Mother Lisetta Weichow—St. Joseph’s Hospital.

43t. Francis’ Hospital — Mother Sister-in-charge— Mother Bifli.

Wuriex, Miss Bautista and nurses Nurses—Mothers Erminia, Angela

English School—21-23, Kennedy Rd. and assistants.

Headmistress—Mother MaryMary, Narntao Foundling Home.

, Teaching Staff—Mothers Sister-in-charge—Mother Maria

Cipriana, Giacomina, Regina Nurses—Mother Linda and Maria

and assistants Chinese School — Pui Chin—30-36,


TeachingSchoolStaff — Misses Wong, Caine Road

Chow and Tsang Head Misti’ess—Mother Mabel

Special Class for Chinese—Miss Teaching Staff — Misses Wong,

Tam and assistants Cheng, Lau, Lam, Chun and

Needlework—Mother Cipriana Pang

Canossa Free School — Mosque

.'St. Mary’s School—21, Chatham

Road, Kowloon Street : ■

Sister-in-charge—Mother Regina Directress-Mother Clerici

Headmistress—Mother Louise Teaching Staff—Miss Ram, Miss

Teaching Staff', Upper and Re- Ching and Miss Lau

move Classes—Mothers Louise, Pui Ching School

Agnes, Mary and assistants Head Misstress—Mother Mabel

LowerClasses and Kindergarten— Teaching Staff—Mr. Mack, Misses

Mothers Giannira, Teresina. Wong, Cheug,


assistants Rose, Adolfa and Pang, PIo, Lo,Lam,

Tom,Tang, Shun,

Ho, Leang

Needlework—Mothers Agnes and and Ip


Special Subjects: Music (Piano, Central British School—(Nee under


Mandolin and Violin)—Mother


Typewriting—Mother Agnes

Chinese School — Gillies Avenue, Queen’s College—;(Nee under Govt.)



pina Giusep- Sacred Heart English College —Ki

Assistant—Mother Romana Cheng -Building, Nathan Road,

Chinese Kowloon Telephi 57455; Cable Ad:

and School—Miss

assistants Lei Hoe-chen Sacredo

Mgr. and Headmaster—J. S. Shak

Chinese School—Aberdeen Staffs—C. C. Ma b.a. (H.K.U.),

Sister-in-charge—Mother Emilia M. C. Yatskin b.sc. (H.K.U.),

Assistant—Mother Rosalie V. Grunherg, P. J. I. Neubron-

Teaching Staff— Misses Beatrice , ner, Mak Ki Fan, Li Shin

and Wong Kwan, Luk Kong Cheong. Shum


1 Orphanage Kuen Hoi and Wong Yeuk

Sister- in - charge -^ Mother King,

Vittorina . Sportsmaster—W. T. Leong



and BonhamofRds.; Hongkong



Sing yeuk gut ying mun shu yun Chancellor — H. E. Sir' Andrew

St. Joseph’s College—Kennedy Road; Caldecott, k.c.M.g.

Cable Ad: Brothers, Hongkong Vice-Chancellor — Sir - William

Director—Rev. Bro. Matthias Hornell, kt., c.i.e., lljdI, m.a.

Registrar—W. B. Finnigan

& w m {% M Librarian—Mrs. M. Ring, m.sc.

Shing po lo shu'-yun Prillor—Miss

vate Secretary

E. D.toWitchell


St. Paul’s College—Lower Albert Rd. Accountants—Percy Smith, Seth

Warden—Rt. Rev. Bishop of H’kong

Principal—E. G. Stewart, l.c.p. Hon. Solicitors—Messrs. Deacons

Auditors—'rhomson & Co. '

s#ra±s General Office-r

Sing sz tai fan hok tong Clerk to the Registrar—Miss E.D^

St. Stephen’s Colleo e—Stanley; Teleph. Witchell

26264; Cable Ad: Stephencol Accounts Clerk—F. A. Gill

Warden—Rev. E. W. L. Martin, m.a. Cashier—M. K. Cheng

Staff: General ClFrk —Y. K. Chan

F. A. Britton, m.a. Dea,ns—

Tang Ying L&m, B.sc. Medical Faculty—Prof. L. T. Ride,.


H. C.Cheung

J. Asche,Huen,

m.sc.b.a. M.A., M.B., ch.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.

J.Dr.A.P.Gaunt, m.a. Engineering

Roffey, Facility—Prof.

i).s.o., M. H.

m.sc., m.i.e.e.,

S. Stewart,

F. C. Martin, m.sc.m.b., b.s. MEM. A.I.E.E.

Wong Nai Chun, m.a. Arts

M.A.Faculty—Prof. R. Robertson,

C. E.Kuo

Lin T. Moore,

Kuong,b.a.b.a. Professors—


ChanHoKaiTing Medicine—W.

R. Woo (bursar)

Ling M.D., M.R.C.P., LD.P.H.

Gerrard, o.b.e.,

D. Chan (clerk) Physiology—L. T, Ride, m.a., m.b.,

B.eh., M.R.O.S., L.R.C.P.


M.R.O.P. Davis, m.d., ch.B.,

±m Anatomy—J. L. Shellshear, n.s.o.,

St. Stephen’s Girls’ College—Lytte- M.D., OH.M.

lton Road; Teleph. 21551 Surgery—K. H. Digby, m.b., b.s.,


Staff—Miss D. E.

Wise,S. Atkins

b.a., Miss M.N, f.r>c,s.


b.a., MissMiss

Blanchett, B.sc., Obstetrics

W. C. Nixon, Gynaecology

and m.d., f.r.c.s.,—

Miss Buckland. L.

Miss Westcott, Mrs.

M. K. Sanh, Mrs. Li, b.a., Miss Fok, Mrs. Economics and Political Science—

Cheung, MissMiss

Leung,Or,Miss R. Robertson, m.a.

Miss Veung, MissLeung,

Tang, Education—L. Forster, MiA.

English—R. K. M. Simpson, M.c.,

Miss J. Sanh, Miss Lo, Miss M.

Braga, Mrs.Chun

Foo, Walton, YungNgKung Chemistry — G. T. Byrne, M.sc.,

Ming,Tse Miss P. Hall,Woon, To

Mrs. Chinn, FIX'.

Physics—W. Faid, M.sc.

Miss Ue and Miss Chue Mathematics—W. Brown, M.A.,

To Man Wax English School (Estab- B.SC., F.R.S.E.,Engineering—C.

Mechanical A.M.I.E.E. A.

lished 1905)—58-60, Staunton Street Middleton


Assist. Masters —Man Wai Jn and

To Shiu mech.e:, A.M.I.E.E. M.sc., m.i.


Leung Yuet Kue Chun Sang Civil Engineering—F. A. Red-

Mandarin Master—Lam mond, B.SC.,Engineering—M.

Electrical D.I.C;, F.G.S. H.


Shung Master—Cheting Shau Roffey,

MEM.A.I.E.E.b.s.o.,; m.sc., m.i.e.e.,,


Readers— Prof, of Medicine—Tan Hee Choo,

CMnfese Literatui-e.— Dr, An Tai m.b.,

M.B.,’ b.s.

B.S. and Lee Khopn Shin,

Tin v Prof, of Obstetrics and Gynaeco-


M.SC., F.L.S. A. C. Herklots, i h.i>., logy—Yang Lin, m.b., b.s., l.m.,

History—N. H. France, m.a. d.g.o., F.R.c.Pjj. apd Eva Ho

Tung, M.B., B.S., L:M., D.P.M. &

H., D.G.O., M.R.C.P.I.

Lecturers— ,

Medical Jurisprudence — A. V. Prof, of Physiology—Ling

Dieh, m.b., b.s. Ke

Greaves, m.b., m.c.p. & s., d.t.m. Prof, of Pathology—J. S. Guzdar,

Public Health — Major, T. F. M.B., B.S.

Kennedy, o.b.k, r.a.m.c., m.b.,

B.ch., B.A.O. Tutors and Demonstrators—

Therapeutics—J. Valentine, M.c., Anatomy —R.J. Ah Wong,

M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.T.M.

& H., D.P.H. Histology—Tsai Le, m.b’/ch.m.


Ophthalmology — G. M. Har- Physiology — Kbo Khong Kha,

greaves, MB., Cb.B., M.R.C.P., m.b., b.s., and Lim Ek Quee,

D.P.H., D.O.M.S. M.B.B.S.

Tropical Medicine—G. H. Thomas, Patholoy—F.

Biology—Ng Ching S. Fernando, m.b.,B.s.

Sum, B.sc.m.d.,

M.D., L.M.S. Vaccination—G. H. Thomas,

Civil Engineering — A. H. Fen- b.s.

wick, B.SC., A.M.I.C.E. Materia Medica and Pharmacy—

Mechanical Engineering—D. W. Mrs. K. N.Engineering—I.

Hill, m.p.s. Day,

Morley, m.a.

Engineering—S. V. Boxer, b.sc., Electrical


English—B. G. Birch, m.a., A. B. Civil Engineering—Pao Yue Lum,

Reynolds, b.a. and A. Paterson, B.

b.a. (Oxon) Mechanical Engineering—Li Kai

Chemistry—R. A. Hill, m.sc., a.i.c. Yeung, b.sc.

Physics—D. F. Davies, m.a. Materials and Applied Mechanics

Commerce— M. A.Business


B.com. —R. S. Tissington, b.sc.

Accounting and Physics—Un Po, b.sc. and Hu Pak

—T. A. Martin, a.s.a.a. Mi, B.A.

Logic Chemistry — Chan Chow Lam,

B.A. and Ethics—G. W. Reeve, Miss Hu Wai Harm, b.a.


Master of Method — W. L.

Handyside, m.a., b.sc. (Ecom.) tor-F. C.Foreman

Weller and Instruc-

Chinese Philosophy and Litera- University

(Hostels conductedfordirectly

Hostels Students— by

ture—Tsui Pak Yuet

Geography—Rev. Fr. D. J. Finn, the University)

S.J., M.A.

Philosophy^—(vacant) Wardens

Hygiene—Dr. G. Me. Hargreaves, Lugard

Eliot Hall—W.

Hall—R. Faid,M.sc.,

M.sc. a.i.c.

M.B., ch.B., M.R.C.P., D.P.H., D.O.

M.S. May Hall—A- B-A. Reynolds,

Hill, b.a.

Chinese History—Lo Hei Tong (In connection with the Uni versit y

Anaesthetics — G. H. Thomas, and maintained by outside

M.D., L M.S. organizations)

Radiology—F. St. John’s Hall—41, Bonham Road

D.M.R. & E. J. Farr, m.b., ch.b. (Church Missionary

Warden—Rev. Society)

G. K. Carpenter,

Venereal Disease—J. A. R. Selby, b.sc.

M.B., ch.T\ Morrison

Mathematics -Mrs. J. E. Faid,

B;SC. (LondonHallMissionary

— HattonSociety)


Chinese Translator— Chan Kwan Po, Warden—Stanley V. Boxer, B.sc.

B.A. Ricci Hall (Jesuit Order)—Pokfu-

Assistants to— lum Road

Warden—Rev. Fr. Macdonald,s.j.

Prof, of Surgery-e-Lien

Kya, m.b., B.s. and Wm. Lai Tsoong St. Stephen’s Hall—for Women

Fookj M.B.,.B.S. (Church Missionary Society)

Warden—Miss W. I. Griffin


Edward Dispkxsary, The (C. Kamming Eurasia Trading Co., The, Importers-

i51,fc Co., Ltd.)Road

Queen’s Druggists



20876 and Exporters — China Building;

Cheng Kam Ming, managing director Teleph. 20781: Cable Ad : Eurasia;

Codes: A.B.C. 5th & 6th edns. and


m & m & Ever-new Cleaning and Dyeing Co.,

Elite Styles, Ladies’ Outfi tters and Eancy The, Dyeing, Cleaning and Steam

Goods—Shell House, 26, Queen’s Road laundry—303, Main

Central; Teleph* 22432; Cable Ad: Elite West; Teleph. 26005 Street;. Shaukiwan

Yuen Hung Everlasting

Elizalde & Co. Rope(formerly Ynchausti & The, GeneralElectrical Supply Co.,

Mechanical Contractors—

Co.), Manila Manufacturers— 102, Johnston Road; Teleph. 24510

Hongkong & Shanghai Bank

(2nd Floor); Teleph. 23165 ; Cable Building


Elizalde; Code : Bentleys’ ff ft & m

Lien Hop Yang Hong

Ellis Kadoorie Indian School (Under Exporters and Importers Co-opera-

Government) tive Co., Exporters and Importers


6, Des31383 Vceux

: P.O,Road

Box C.831:(2nd


Ad :

m m Ersel

Ellis 4Edgar, Stock and General Brokers

and Estate Agents —- Marina House, Faith and Company — 77, Des Yoeux


B O. Box Road Central;

599; Cable Ad: Teleph.

Elledga 20136 ; Road C.; Teleph. 24953; P.O. Box 224;

F.A. M. Ellis, principal Cable Ad: Facbrn

J. Edgar, do. ■' Far East Aviation Co., Ltd., The—

J. J. Edgar, signs' per pro. Registered

S. E. Edgar I Chan Chung Nga

R. M. Omar HMiSs L. A. Paterson (third floor),Office:




(all depts.); Cable

Bentley's and Private. Ad: Airco; Codes:

Empire Printing' Press Ltd. — 50, Directors—G.G.N. Tinson (chairman),

Wellington Street; Teleph. 26002 A. Ritchie and F. R. Smith

Empress- IIoted—(^ee Hotels) Staff—


R. R.F. deDudmau


Empress Lodge—(/See Hotels) Mrs. M. M. Panizzi

L. Roza Pereira

•££*«** S, 0. Ldo

Eng Aun Tong (The Tiger Medical Hall), Far East Flying Training School

Dealers in

cine—26,Cable Tiger Balm

Bonham StrandandEast;


Medi- Ltd.,Building

The—Registered Office:Hongkong;


26368; Ad: Hawpar ter (3rd floor),


Kai Aerodrome and Seaplane Base:

Escola Poftg'LGUESA (See Educational) 31101Tak (HeadAerodrome, Kowloon;

Office), 59282 (School),Teleph.


Esmail, H. M. H., Share and General (Hangar); Cable Ad: Airco; Codes :

Broker, Commission Bentley’s and Private

and Exporter (MemberAgent, Importer

of the Hongkong Directors — G. G. N. Tinson

(chairman), A. Ritchie and F. R.

Sharebrokers’ Association ) 551

— China

Building (6th floor); P.O.

H. M. H. Esmail, proprietor Box W,Sniith

F. Murray, commandant

A.E. R.H. H.Esmail

Esmail,I A.signsH. per pro. P. H. Smith, instructor

Esmail C. cocks

A. C. and


K. C.V. T.J. Marshall,

Neyle, H.engrs.


W. S. Zon | U. H. Esmail Staff—Hung Tsi Ming, Wat Hew

“ Eunice Hiu, Fung Tin Yau, Miss L. D.

Teleph. 58081Peninsula Hotel Arcade; C. H. Silva-Netto

Blake, accountant


1 ffi Ping.fong # *18 #

Far East Mercantile Co., importers, Ex- Feld & Co., F., General Importers and

porters and General

change Building; Merchants—Ex-

Teleph. 21453; P.O. * (2ndEngineers — French Bank Building

BoxT. 574; Cable Ad : Femco floor); Teleph. 28447; Cable' Ad:


H. Sze, general manager O.M.Heehtel,

M. A. Ragusini, asst, manager Hanke,manager

dipl. engineer'

Agents for:


Casa Itliana Geiiefi: Nutritivi Orien- York Building, Chater Hat Shop, Hats anti Gowns-r

taliE. Macpherson

• ' ife-Sons Road: Teleph.

John ! 26294; Cable Ad: Felix ,!

J. & R. Tennent, Ltd.

Far East Motors—26, Nathan Road;

Teleph. 59101,; Cable Ad: Femor ! Fernandez,mM., Property m m

Broker—10, Ice

iJ Fernanding;

House St. (9th Code: floor); Cgble ; Ad:


ii ^ m

FarLtd.,EastTheOxygen and Acetylene

(SteV d’Oxygene Co.,

et dtAcety.

lene d’Extreme-Orient)—Office, Work- “ MERCHANTS ” GOSJD


Teleph. and 57789;Factories:

Code: A.B.C. To-Kwa-Wan;

5th edn., B ASEL WHISKY

Lugagne, and Natio Not a bite in the whole bottle

Far East Shipping Co., Steamship Teleph. 3031)

Agents and Ship, Freight and Coal


Teleph. 30471; Connaught

Cable Ad:Rd.Farshipco;

Central; Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd

Codes Bentley’S,

edn., used; A.B.C.Bentley's

5th edn.,Second,

Scott’s 10th

Boe Sole Agents

and Private

Far East Superintendence Co., Ltd., Ferranti Ltd.

General Cargo and Cotton Controllers Represented in Hongkong and China

—Alexandra Building; Cable Ad: by Callender’s

Supervise. Head Office:

Goddard and Douglas, agents . Kobe. (Japan) tion Co., Ltd. Cable & Construc-

Finegy Motor Car Co.; Ltd.—75,

Wong Nei Chong Road: Teleph.

$1 /i « it It II m it 23551

Far Eastern Grocers’ Advocate, In-

corporating the Provisidner, Fruiter Finnish CoNSULATB>-^-'(Nee Consulates)

and Liquor Dealer—6, Des Vceux Road


., 2nd P.O.


; Teleph.

747 31383 ; Cable Ad : Fire Insurance Association of Hong

Kong—(See Associations)

Farrell, P. T., Consulting Engineer—

King’s Building; Teleph. 24422 ; Cable First Church of Christ, Scientist—

Ad: Farseeing; Code: Bentley’s (See Churches)


Kee {Commercial

31006 Oo.^T-China Bldg.; M ^ ® ^

Chung sai Tm yeuk fong

Federation of British Industries—67 Fletcher ifc Co., Ltd. (The Pharmacy),

and 69, Des Voeux Road Central; Teleph. Chemists, Druggists, Patent Medicine

21746 Vendors and Commission Agents —


W. Sewell in South China-rG. Shell House, 26, Queen’s Road Cent,;

Teleph. 20345


Fly (The! New) Garage, Motor Gars for K.partner

Caudroa, resident managing

Hire Day

and and—Night,

Repairs Motor Accessories

59, Gloucester Road;

Teleph. 22077 (K. Caudron, Hongkong)

(R. Lelouvier, Paris)






Fogden, Brisbane & Co., Ltd. (In-


Peninsula in Straits

Hotel Cable Settlements)

Arcade,Ad:Kowloon; — Franklin Laboratory, Metallurgists and

Teleph. 51106; Fogbane; Analysts—13

Teleph. 22824; to 17,BoxPercival

P.O. 482 Street;


LocalBentley’s — V. E. Kingsbury, D. G. Glenn Allen, m.a. , a.i.c.


(Aust.) Staff—Chu Po-yan and T. Showpan,

B.SC., A.A.C.I.


c.e. F. Brelsford, a.m.inst.

Accountant—J. T. L. Giff’Ening French Consulate (dee Consulates)

Fok, Dr. W. K., m.b., b.s. — Office: 36, French Store, ® &

Queen’s Road Central; Teleph. 24341, eral Store-keepers, Commission Agents, Gen-

Residence: 48, Bomham Road; Confectionary and Provision French Bakers,

Teleph. 22793 Dealers,

Wine and Spirits,

Central; Teleph.etc.—97,

20794; Queen’s

Cable Road


m ii£ Frenstor

Fongkey & Co., F., Importers & Exporters C. C. Chen, manager

—18, Connaught Road Central; Teleph. Fuji Motor Car Co-.—58, Gloucester

24027 ; Cable Ad : Effective

Road; Teleph. 22133

Fook On S. S. Co.—155, Connaught Road

C.; Teleph. 25547

3i ^ m Fung Keong Rubber Manufactory,

Fook On Wing, Ltd., Leather, Hide and lington Manufacturers of Rubber Shoes, Wel-

Canvas Merchants—40, Hing Lung St.; Rubber Boots and Other Rubber

Teleph. 20302; Cable Ad: Fookonwing Articles—Head Office & Works: Main

Street, Shaukiwan; Telephs. 22952 and

26764; Cable Ad : Rubber

Fook Weng & Co., Manufacturers and Showrooms:

Central; 243, 21346;

Teleph. Des Yceux

and 335,Road


Exporters of Swatow Handmade Drawn- than Road, Kowloon; Teleph. 57718.


Silk Embroidery

Shawls, and Lace,

Underwear, Dealers in

Mandarin Branch Office and Works: Chong Chin

Costumes, Ivory, Cloisonne, Pewter and Street, Showroom:

50070. Honam, Canton; TaipingTeleph.


Brass Ware, Tientsin Carpets, Curios South,

and all Fancy Goods, etc.—37, Nathan

Road; Teleph. 58762; Cable Ad: Curios; Fung Keong, managing15917

Canton; Teleph. proprietor

Code: Bentley’s FungKam

Fok Yat Shek,

Hing, works

manager manager

Fook Wing & Co.—26, Pottinger Street; Tang Tze Nam, sales manager

Teleph. 21656 Au Kai Ming, export

Pang Kam Wing, accountant manager

Fox Film Fed. Inc., U.S.A. — King’s iff Fung tang Jcee

Theatre Building (4th floor); Te- Fung Tang, Importers,

leph. 26966; Cable Ad: Foxfilm. General Merchants and Exporters Owners


of Tin

Branches: Shanghai & Tientsin. Agents: Hing Tin Refinery—Peddei-

Harbin, Dairen Building;

Telephs. 20495 and 21704; Cable Ad:


6th edns. Codes: Acme,Lieber’s,

improved, A.B.C. Bentley’s

5th and

Franco Eastern Trading Co., General and Duo

Merchants—5, Des Vbeux Road; Teleph.

21657; P. O. Box 52; Cable Ad: Fetcol. Fung Kong Un, principal

Associated with:Paris,

Rue de Paradis, FelixFrance

Fribourg—50, Agency

Acme Commodity and Phrase Code


1'ui tsze Gay Kee, Building Materials and Sanitary

Furness (Far East), Ltd., Shipping Goods Merchant

— 69a, Des Voaux and




Agents—Hongkong & Shanghai Bank 21482 (Office), 56866 (Branch)

Building (2nd Floor); Teleph. 23165; Lee Kwok Cheung, sole proprietor

Cable Ad : Furnprince Canton Branch—22, Ching Yuen


W, F.Board—C.

G. HarrisC.and


T. K(chairman),

Hobson Street

A. Me G. Mitchell Swatow Branch—17, Tung Ping,

Cheng Kwong Street

Cheng Chung Choy

Mrs. M. Houghton | Mrs. C. Nunes General Accident, Fire and Life As-

surance Corporation, Ltd.

Agencies James H. Backhouse, Ltd., agents


Furness,Liile Silver

Withy LineLd.

& Co., Alex. Ross & Co. (China), Ltd., do.

Economic Insurance Co., Ld.

Fukniture Studio, The Interior General Construction Co., Engineers

Decoration, Furniture and Rugs— and Contractors — 8th floor, Pedder

Gloucester Bldg. Arcade; Teleph. Building; Teleph. 28301

26438; Cable Ad : Furstudio

Mrs. M. K. Boyd, proprietress

R. Poinsot mapager “SILVER SLIPPER” GIN

Gives the requisite “Kick” to a Cocktail


S. Brothers, Sports Outfitters;

in Restringing, Specia-of

Manufacturers Teieph. 30311

Tropical Guts—II, Ho Tung Mansions,

Hankow Road, Kowloon ; Teleph. 56641. Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.

Factory at Sialkot, India

Sole Agents.

ft Wi Yuen wo


and CigarPrice & Co., Ltd.,George’s

Merchants—St. Wine, Spirit

Bldg., Ying kwok tung yung din he hung sze

Ice House

SphinxStreet; Teleph. 20135; Cable General


Directors — J. F. Shea (chairman), facturers Ltd., The,Electric

ElectricalCo. of China,

Engineers, Manu-

Kenneth Chan & Wong Sik Chung and Contractors — Queen’s

J. N. Wong, secretary Buildings; Teleph. 30247; Cable Ad:

R. P. Phillips, manager Spark less. Head Office: Shanghai.

D. Rumjahn, accountant Branches:andHongkong,

Canton Tientsin Hankow, Dairen,

Tsu Ho Tseung A. B. Raworth, a.m.i.e.e., director and

Lam Shiu Wan | Lam Yuk Ching branch manager

Lai Hok Ping | Li Shiu Wing H.P. Bailey | E. C. Norris

R. S. Capell

Gap Road English School — {See Agencies F. X. Almada Remedios, accountant

Government) TheWitton,

General Electric Co.,

Manchester and Ld., London,


TT 39= Fraser & Chalmers

Osram-Robertsort Lamp Works

Gauthier & Co., Manufacturers’ Agents Pirelli-General Cable Works, South-

—14, Queen’s Road C.; Teleph. 33866; ampton

Cable Ad: Gauthier; Codes: Bentley’s, Chamberlain & Hookham

A.R.C. 5th and 6th etlns. and Private on Express Lift Co.

request Salford Electrical Instruments, Ld.

Agents for: Rawplugs,

Ransomes Ld. Bapier, Ltd.


Gavage Aruiand Liege, Belgium. Petter’s, Ltd.


General Film Exchange, Ino., Northern Assurance^lo.,Ltd./London)

Queensland Insurance Co., Ltd.

Agents for United Artists Corporation (Sydney) Mutual Insurance Co.,

—King’s Theatre Building; Teleph. Manufacturers

26995; Cable Ad : Lesirk. Ltd. (Sydney)

German Consulate—(Nee Consulates) Mercantile

(Sydney) Mutual Insurance Ltd.

Ocean Insurance Co. of Gothenburg


Gerondal, A. E., Ship Broker—Bank of Imperial Chemical Industries Metals

East Ltd. (Birmingham)

33337;Asia CableBuilding (5th floor);

Ad: Gerondal; Codes:Teleph.

Boe’s, Compagnie

de L’Oceanie Francaise

(Paris) des Phosphates

Bentley’s and Private i “Lafarge” Extra White Cement

Gestetner ( Eastern ), Ltd., D. (Marseilles)


Duplicators and inSupplies^-Typewriting

England), ..Gestetner

and Copying Office and Showroom: 10, Gibbs &jfljCo., J., Importers, Yat lee



leph. 25358; Arcade,Cable


Ad: Bldg.; Te- and Commission Merchants—85,

Gestetners Jafie

Hongkong. Head Office for Far East: and Road;6thCable


Yip; Codes: A-B.C.Union

Western 5th

9, J.Cecil

B. Street,

Dunne, Singapore

general mgr;, Far East and Bentley’s

A. W. Martin, manager


Whi teaJ.way’s

S., Architect

Building, and

20, Surveyor—

Des Vceux

[Jg) ' Gibb hong

Gibb, Livingston & Co., Ltd.— Road Central; Teleph. 21891

Principal Assistants—Lo Man Chuen,

P. & O. Building; Teleph; 28031; Cable Lai Shiu Wing and T. Y. Chiu

Ad:M.GibbT. Johnson, director

L. J. Davies,-director (Shanghai) ZJ5 Tai ping

N. M. Currie, signs per pro.

C. Austin Gilman & Co., Ltd., Merchants (Es-

E.J. G.L. Haigh

Groome 1[ A.F. X.J. Castro

Mendes tablished 1842)—4a, Des VceuxCable


A.L. J.V. Ribeiro I! J.C. V.M.daC. Luz

Victor Teleph. 30965; P.O. Bbx 56;

A. Rosario Gilman

A.H. J.A. Brown Directors—D uncan Paterson (London),

Ribeiro I Miss

Chan A.SiuM.Hung Xavier Hubert Wigzell (London), G. Miskin

and C. Blaker

G. F. Santos | Lo Thack Man Export Dept.

Agencies Miss R. Mow Fung


British North Electric Co., Ltd.

Borneo Government, Insurance Dept.

L. Goldman


British Phosphate Commissioners, Hardware K. A.




British Borneo Timber Co., Ltd. Refrigerator Dept.

(Borneo) E. F. Fincher

Harrisons & Crosfield (Borneo), Ltd., Shipping Dept.

K. A. Munro | M. U. Razack


Borneo Co., Ltd. (Bangkok) Sundries Dept.

W. E. Broadbridge


(Apia) of Western Samoa Sports Goods

Levers Pacific Plantations Pty. Ltd. Accounts L. Goldman Dept.


Burns, Philp


chester) Haworth & Co., Ltd. (Man- Stenographers—Miss P. E. Gittins and

James Kenyon & Son, Ltd., (Bury) L. H.Dept.

Motor To

North China Insurance Co., Ltd. L. Nagel (sales)

(Shanghai) A.MissMann

Phoenix Assurance Co., Ltd,, (London) E. L.and C. Sloan

Rogers (service)



Aycntsfor : Kruschen Salts

Lloyd’s Clarke’s

Troponweke BloodDinklage

Mixturek Co.

The Salvage

The Ocean Association,

Accident & London

Guarantee Tom Smith (Xmas Crackers)

Corpn., Ltd. Owbridge’s Lung Tonic

Law Union k Rook Insurance Go., Walter’s

PhyllosanPalin Toffee Ltd.


Western Assurance Co. Hudson’s Eumenthol Jujubes

Gresham Fire '& Accident Insurance Whitefield’s Ltd. (bonbons)

Society Ltd. Macfarlane Lang (Biscuits)

Palatine Insurance Co., Ltd. Iron Jelloids

Shipping Department ‘Glen” Line—14, Redder Str.; Teleph.

The Swedish East Asiatic Co., Ltd. 23696

Motor Department

Humber k Hillman Cars Globe Electric Supply Co.— 57, Des.

Hudson k Terraplane Cars Vceux Road C.; Teleph. 27688

Willys Cars

Commer Trucks

Federal Trucks Globe Trading Co., The, Importers

H- Dorman k Co., Ltd,, (Disesel oftives—37,

W.Engines) Steel andDes Manufacturers’

. Voeux RoadRepresenta-


Fisk Tyres Cable Ad: Genuinely

Norge Corporation i. C. Lee, proprietor

Staff—T. G. Shum, P. S. Leung, K.

Commerical Refrigerator Mfg. Co., C.ChanChiu,


Wines & Spirits Department and K.

F. C.K.Mow



Distiller’s Agency Limited (King

George IVMackie

Findlater, Whisky)Todd k Co., Ltd. **WHITE

(Wines and Spirits) WiSISiCY m EE4SMS


BrandiesSeward, , Bordeaux-Beehive

Duminy et Cie. Champagnes Just right for the Hip pocket

St. Marceaux Reims (Champagnes) Teleph. 39311

Whitmore k Bailey, London (Cigaret-

tes) Fabrica de Tabacos Inc., j^rdine, Matheson & Ccn, Ltd


Manila (Cigars)

Archipelago Brewery Co„ .Ltd., Sole Agents.

Singapore (Anchor Beer)

B. (Chateau

Seppelt Tanunda

& Sons, Ltd., Melbourne


General Gloucester, The—((See Hotels)

Commercial Pacific Cable Co.

A.MawG. kSpalding <£ Bros.

Co., Ltd.—Tiles (British) Ltd. ± IS m ZMT ^

James Gibbons, Ltd.—Hardware Ko tah kap t uck ki le se

Wright’s Goddard k Douglas, Marine Surveyors

Kowntree’sCoalCocoaTar &Soap Productsetc.

Chocolates, and Consulting Engineers. Surveyors

Blyth & Platt, Ltd. (“ Cobra ” Brand toPrincipal Local Shipping

Insurance Lines,


and and


Boot, Floor & Metal Polishes) Surveyors to Det Norske Veritas,

Irving’s “ Yeast-Vite ” Surveyors to Germanischer Lloyds—

Stephen Smith’s Hall’s Wine

C. F. Fulford, Ltd. (Zambuk & Peps) Alexandra Bldg. (1st floor), Des Vceux

Fassett k Johnson (California Syrup Road; R. H.Teleph.

Douglas,2Q122; Cablepartner

a.i.n.a., Ad; Goddard

of Figs, etc.)

Simpson Bros. Pty., Ltd. (Self Raising J.S. W. Bundred, do., do.

Flour) Miss G. S. Blyth

Dania Products

Coleman’s Co. (Milk)

“ Vitacup ” Agencies

Phillip’s Patents Ltd. (Rubber Heels Toplis k Harding, Assessors, London

«fe Bathing Shoes) Far East Superintendence Co., Ld.



tJi % vt w m e a

A. Goeke & Co., (1935) Export, Ex- Graeco-Egyptian Tobacco Store,

High Class, Cigarettes, Cigars and


Teleph. 20463; Building

Cable. Ad : , (4tb iloor);

Glueckauf; Tobaccos, Freshly Ground Turkish and

• Codes: A.B.C. 5th and 6th edn., Bentley, inMocca-Java—Coffee roasted daily,4, Red-



Trade Schofield’s,

and Private ’ Mosse,, Universal derHongkong—China

Street; Teleph. 22801


B.W. N.Foraita,

Tong, partner


A- Goeke i m ^ ^

UiOLDEN Star Co.—261, Lockhart Road; The Grand Dispensary, Ltd., Manu-

facturing Chemists, VV hoi'esale and

Teleph. 27574 Retail Druggists. Dealers in Surgical In-

struments and Appliances,

cines, Perfumes, ToiletriesPatent Medi-

and Drug-

Goon Hong Tobacco Co., The—Shell House, gists’ Sundries—China Building, Queen’s

26, Queen’s Road Central; Teleph. 26158; Rd. Central; Telephs. 20606 and 21616;


tonK. E.Ad:Tsao,Goodhong. Head Office: Can- Gable Ad : Apothecary

gen. mgr. (Canton) Chan Yin, managing director

T. S. Tsao, branch mgr. YauPing

Au Tak Ying,


general manager


Wong Hong Ming (staff) J.LikH.G.Chandler, chemist

Poon, advertising

Golf Club, The Royal Hong Kong—

(See Under Clubs)

^ ^ -x m %

± «s * Grand Theatre — Queen’s Road East;

Gordon’s Ltd., Ladies’ Footwear Special- Teleph. 23694; P. O. Box 82

ists—Kayamally Building, 22, Queen’s

Road Central; Teleph. 24052 Gray’s

W. S. Drake, manag ng director andraYellow

Building;Lantern Shops — Alex-

Teleph. 24566

Gosho Kabushiki Kaisha — 5, Queen’s Great China Chemical Works, Ltd.

Road Central; Teleph. 22908 (South China 27664.

Brench)—167, Johnston

Road; Teleph. Head Office: 39,

Thibet Road, Shanghai

& m m m £

Gotla & Co., P. D., General Merchants Great Eastern Tobacco Manufactory,


and Commission Agents and Importers Ltd. — 234, Queen’s Road Central;


23084; P.O. BoxWyndham

800; CableStreet;

Ad: Teleph. 24605

Gotla Great Eastern Trading Co., The—

Gourdin, Dr. Allston, m.b., b.s., Medical 37, Connaught Road C.; Teleph. 30420

Practitioner—Kayamally Building; Te-

leph. 33508. Residence; 27, Ho Mun Tin Great Eastern Hotel—(Aee Hotels)

Street, Kowloon; Teleph. 69405

GRAgA & Co., Importers and Exporters of Great Northern Telegraph Gq.—(See

Foreign and Colonial Postage Stamps, Telegraphs)

Pictorial Post Cards, Toys, Seeds, etc.—


Craga Street; P.O. Box 620 m m M


M. Graga I Miss D. Leao Greaves, A. P., Share and General Broker,

Miss Land and Estate Agent—11, Queen’sCable


Miss F.1. Eca

Gragada Silva

| Mrs. A. P. Rocha Cent. (2nd floor); Teleph. 21955;

Ad: Grease


n & St m m t ufi M M Ki. Uvi po

Cking chow Yihg rtai Rung szg Grimble COf,Passage Geo., Ship,

Green Island Cement Co., Ltd.— Emigration, and Fre%ht,

kers—!, Prince’s Buildings;




Head Office: Exchange Building;

at Hok Un, Kowloon, and Green Island, 20342; Works Cable’Ad : Elbmir-g

Macao E. Grimble

Board of Directors — ■!.- H. Taggart,

(chairman) J. Scott Ha,rston,. Li Tse

Fong, A. L. Shields, T. E. Beacce & General& Brokers-

Grose Co., J. F., Share and

Sir liobert Ho Tung and Estate Agents

Head Office Staff —Bank of Canton Building, 6, Des

T. C. T. Beck, secretary Voeux Boad Central; Teleph 22400

M.A.Eigueiredo, Cable Ad: Groserihs

C. H. Osmund accountant J. Francis Grose

Lam Shuk Him j Lo Kin Ping

F.M. E.F. Silva

Baptista II E.Mrs.A. A.Noronha


Hok Un Works Grossman, E., Bill and Bullion Broker—

B.S.Taylor, workschief

I'. Bishop, manager

engineer Hongkong Stock Exchange; Teleph.

S. S. Harris, chemist 20077

J.F. J.J. Neill,

Cameron, engineerdo.

H. Iteason, chief burner | « MARCH ANTS” GOLD

W. Jockisch, burner LABEL WHISKY

P.O. B.M. Carnac, electrician

S. Oliveira, chief clerk

C. A. C.unha, L. G. Lima and J. Our Excelient Whisky at a cheaper price

Mrs.Gonsalves, clerks steno-typist

G. M. Sclater, Teleph. 30311

Macao Works

A. J. Taylor, acting superintendent Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.

J.M. M.A. Hood,


clerk Sole Agents.

‘Great Northern Telegraph .Co., Ltd.

—{See Under Telegraphs) Guterres,

Building;Dr. A. P.,32405

Teleph. m.b., (office)

b.s.—Chung Tin

and 58952

Greene & Company, G. W., Import and (Besidence)


Building, 10, Des floor),Voeux

BankBoadof East Asia


G. W. Greene, manager Guatemala Consulate {See Consulates)


Sia E. Thomas, stenographer


Staff—J. H. Lao and Ng Pui Chung H.Kong M. Trade Commissioner

and Commercial at Hong

Secretary for

South China—Asiatic Building (Fourth

Floor), Queen’s Boad Central; Teleph.

m % 23252;

B. H.Cable



Trade Commis-

Gregory & Co., T. (VI., Import and sioner

Exporc Merchants—Queen’s Building;

Teleph. 21360; P.O. Box 296; Cable Ad: H. & Y. Trading Co.—31, Dos Voeux

Gregorian; Codes: A.B.C. 6th edn., Boad C.; Teleph. 2Q182

Bentley’s and Acme

T. M. Gregory, principal

H. M. Gregory, signs per pro. Habade, Ltd., Import of Provisions and

Miss Gubbay

N. Lee | Chii Tak Cheung Delicacies, Specialists in Continental

.Sole Agents Delikatessen Ships-Supplies — French

Ipekdjian Bros., Ltd. Wholesale Braco; Bank Bldg.; Teleph. 30460; Cable Ad:

Diamond Merchants Codes: A.B.C., Acme and Mosse

H. Liermann, manager ,


*r B. II R.J.V.Guerineau,


m.e., B.ke.,adviser


Hall Law Company, Importers, E. E. Much, asst. mgr.

Exporters and

♦stationery andPhotographic

CommissionSupplies— Agents, J. M. Chan du Loy


CableQueen’s Road C.; Teleph. i3217;

Ad: Hallaw

Vl & W: m & M

Hamburg-Amerika Lin! l - - 12, Pedder Harper & Co., Ltd., Wallace, Authorized

Street; Teleph. 2S363; Cable Ad: Ford Dealers—Head Office: 223, Nathan


Jebsen &' Co , agejits Road, Kowloon; Telephs. 59245, 59246-

and 59247; P. O. Box 1618; Cable

Ad: Fordear

Hamet & Co., A. iL. Genera! Mer- \Y. Harper, marlg. director

chants and Commission Agents—10, S. Jex, acting secretary

Queen’s Road Central; Cable Ad: F. Yee, service mgr.

Hamet; Codes: A.B.C. & Bentley’s W. Kailey, assembly mgr.

A. H.

T. Hamet Hamet J. F. Shea, mgr. (Canton office)

E. L. Rocha, travelling representative

Hancock, Staff

Brokers —A. ^took, & S,,Exchange

Bill andBuilding:Bullion A.Chan

J. Bush

Kai Sin j| G.1). M.lioylance


Teleph. 27980; Cable Ad: Jonquil M. Eum I Li Hon Yung

Handicraft Dl^StftroTl^rr Cd;, Stanufac- Miss R. Rumjahn | K. S. Lau

turers and ExportersArt of Swatow Hand- Mrs.

Mrs. S.C. Maklezoff

Franco jI K.U. C.SingWorig


made Drawn-work, Embroideries, A. L. Jorge I Y. L. Cheung

Ladies’ Silk and Cotton Underwear.

Ivory, Amber and Mother-of-Pearl Ware. ! . Salesmen

Jade Stones, Curios and'H- all8„,Qn,

kindsRingot ;! Eil. L. Rocha ’ '

Oriental Fancy- .Goods Liu Yan | Yin* Chun Lok

Terrace; Teleph. 21()69’;

Chansgoods., Cod® used: Bentley’s ! Cable ' Ad: | Wai Slmi Hung | Chung Lam Yiu

nl£ Hint] sing' Hariram First Class Silk Store

Hamiba.1 & Co., Ltd., %V. A., 56845; 51, Nathan

P.O. BoxRoad, Kowloon;

689; Cable Teleph.

Ad: Hariram

Export Merchants and

Marina House, 15/19, Queen’s Road j Shippers— !

Central; Teleph: 20252; B. O. Box 7; | Haeiram, S. K., Indian Silk Store—48,



at CantonCodes: Acme, ! Queen’s Road Central; Teleph. 26485;

F.J. Harrop,

Lobel, director Cable Ad: Kewalshewa

H.K.S. W.

Hinsdale, do.


Lo Tsok Man I Tan Kai Hung j Harriman General

& Co., G.A., Stock, Share &


(Members of Hongkong

Ko Chi Chung | Miss Hi Scott Sharebrokers’ Queen’s-

Harking Import & ExpoRt Co.—199- Harriman; Road Central; Teleph.

Codes: 26333;apd.Cable

Bentley’s Ad:


203, Johnston Road, Wahchai; Te- G A. Harriman, principal

leph. 28921; Cable Ad: Harking Ling Man-1, accountant

Leung Yau Cheong, authorised clerk

if 3^ BH S Lam Hang Chuen, interpreter

Hardivilliers & Cie, S. A., Selling Agents Leung Yin Cheung, clerk

for Metals, Machinery, Chemicals, Lam Wan Ngok, ' do.

etc.—Asia Life Teleph.

Building, 14, P.O.

Queen’s Au Hoi Chow, assist.

Road Central; 33400; Box

266; Cable Ad: Hard!viler; Codes: Harston, J. Scott—1, Des Vbeux Rd.


F rancaisCdgef Lugagne and National C.; Teleph. 22895


ti m m ± -a pit5 m a n m


Dennys and tk ;Co.Bowley)

(Foemekly Hastings,

Solicitors, Con- Hewlitt, Hew 'iit wah tsaJc sue

veyancers, Proctors, Notaries Public, Engineer—16, A. G., Architect and Civil

Patent and (1st

Tradefloor),Mark Queen’s Road Central;

Marina House 15-19,Agents—

Queen’s Teleph. 21375

A. G. Hewlitt, l.r.i.b.a., principal

Road Central; Telephs. 28071-2;

Ad: Selmish; Codes: A.B.C., 5th edn. Cable

and Western Union Him Yue & Co., Coal Merchants—China

Edgar Davidson, b.a., notary solicitorpublic

and Building (1st floor); Teleph. 21319;

C. Bulmer Johnson, do. Cable5th,Ad:iScotts

and Himyu; Codes: A.B.C, 4th

JOtli edn.


Brooks,b.a., solicitordo.

Miss Mooney, stenographer mm

Miss Lee, do. Himly Ltd., General Import and Ex-

port MercDants—32, Connaught Road

j Central;

24322; P. O.Telephs.

Box 213;20401,

Cable20934 and

Ad: Himly

Hattori Trading Co., Ltd., Dealers in SoleOban Agents

Yin, managing director

Watches, Clocks and Sundry Goods— Farleigh Nettheim

Chung Tin Building; Teleph. . 20853; (Sydney, N.S.W.) “King

5 of Mimosa,”

P.O. Box 292; Cable Ad: Hattori “Tree,”Brands“Butterfly” and “Open

Hand” of Leather

B # 2k ft if: #

Hazeland and Gonella, Civil En-

gineers, Architects and Surveyors— « WHITE HORSE”

Kayamally Buildings, 20, Queen’s WHISHT

Road Central; Teleph. 23564 Cable

Ad: Hazelearth ,

E. M. Hazeland j. XJgo Gonella The finest Whisky obtainable

Hazell, Denis H.—China Building Teleph. 30311

(1st floor); Teleph. 28489; Cable Ad: Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.


Sole Agents.

Health Service Intelligence Bu- It # ^ IS

reau (Established 1st May, 1922),

Health Oflice, House and Telephone Hin Cheong Trading Co., Importers,

Exporters and Commission Agents—

Cleaning, Disinfecting and Fumigat- Powell Building, 12, Des Voeux

ing Contractors—216,

Teleph. 28466; Cable Ad:Hennessy. Road; Road Central;

Health Bureau Teleph. 21386; Gable

Ad: Hintrade

Helena May Institute (^Associations) ^ m -4i m m

Henry Sales Company, Exporters, HinShipping Fat «k Co., Ltd., Coal Merchants,

Agents tfc Stevedores,, Ship,

Importers and Box


863; Teleph. 27488; Freight,

Building; P.O.

Cable Ad: Hensales; Codes: Acme, naught Brokers — Passenger

Registered and Office: Insurance

17, Con-

Bentley’s and Private 22489; Cable Ad: Diligent;2348.3and

Koad Central; Telephs. Codes:

i Bentley’s

Kwok Hincomplete

Wang, phrase

directorand Private

Heung On Insurance Co., Ltd.—86, Wing KwokChak

ChungSon,King Yuk, manager


Lok Street: Teleph, 21721; Cable Chiu general

Ad: Honico Kwok Tai King, secretary


Shipping Dept. 0 Ho see

Wong Kwong Tai, manager (Canton) Holland China Handelscompagnie N.V..

Chan Hon Kong (Holland - China Trading Co., Ltd.),.

Tsai Sing Po Merchants — 67 and 09, Des Vceux

Coal Department Road Cent.; Teleph. 30343 Cable: Ad::

Lung Yuen Hblchihand

Mole Kain In W. Kien (Rotterdam)

Wong Shiu Hei H. E. Bodde (Rotterham)

Insurance Dept. P. J.Stuyfbergen,

J. Walk: manager

Kwok Yau Yin

Li Kong Ping

Lo Ying Pew C. E.P. Tavares

C. Pintos jI C.H. G.D. Markar


Stevedoring Dept. Agencies

Ip Woo, chief clerk Century Insurance Co., Ld., of London:

Wong Yan

Siu Ngan

Wong Kwong Yee it K $ IS il *0 M

Pun Biu Lam yin tung Ixln skmn fo chong

Kwdng Shun Holt’s Wharf — Kowloon; Teleph. 58066;

Butterfield & Swire, agents

Capt. R. Henderson, wharf manager

Hin Suing Lo, m.a. (Cantab.), Barrister- H. P. AllgOod, assist, do.

at-Law—Chung Tin Building; Teleph.

23.952 A. Wood, accountant manager

J. G. Jones, asst, wharf

Hoahino, Ds. 26325.

Martha H—China44, Build- T.H. F.F. Bradford,


clerk engineer

ing; Teleph, Residence: Caine G. E. Thomas and J. Cuthbertson,,

Road; Teleph. 22977 Chanwharfingers

Kui, asst, wharfinger

Hoashoo, Dr. Yit Hop, m.b., ch,b. M. Ramzan

E. Butler, Blue Funnel supt. engr.


(2nd LadyTeleph.

Doctor—China30634. Buildings

Residence: —Teleph. 58993 !

36, Fort Street, North Point; Teleph. J. C. J. L. Wong, assist do.


Holy Cross Church-M&cc Churches)

Ho Hong Bank—(See Banks)

Honda, H., Importers and Exporters,.

Ho Ko Tsun, Dr., General Medical Practi- Johnston Ham and Bacon Specialist—40 and 42,.

tioner—55, Queen’s RoUd Cent.; Teleph. Ad: Ho'ndayoko Road; TelepL 20720; Cables


Ho Thong Co.—48a, Bonham Strand Home for Blind Girls and Home for

the Poor—(Nee Italian Convent

West-; Teleph. 26127 Under Educational)

Ho Tung, Sir Robert, Merchant and Hong Kong Amateur Dramatic Club


Cent.; Telephs. 24217, 4a, De^20059


Road ; —{See Clubs)


Residence) and 29008 and 29105 (Peak Hongkong American Trading Co.,

S.C.LekSun,PakWeiTo,Tat,K.Kwan Yau Kwong,

C. Wong, S. 0. Importers, and Exporters, Wholesale

Leung and Lai Fong, assists. Provisions,

Building; Hardware

Teleph. Metals

24161; — China

Cable Ad:


HoiLokYeung Shipping Co., The—171, Wing

Street, 2nd floor; Cable Ad: Hong Kong Automobile Association—

Prosperous {See Associations)


Hong Kong Brewers & Distillers, p3 5* Mai hi kdntj sze

Ltd. Registered Office: 7, Duddell Hongkong & China Gas Co., Ltd.—


Tseng Hutton

Bay, NewBuilding; Brewery:Telephs.

Sham Office: West Point; Teleph. 28181.

254G (Office), 56625Territories;

(Brewery); Cable Central Showrooms: 2, Gloucester Bldg.;

Teleph. 24704. Works: West Point and

Ad: Brury Yaumati

Hong Kong Broadcasting Committee H. E. Stone, a.m.i.mech.e., m.i.c.e.,

—{See Assoeiatioins) F. engineer

Goodwin,and general

assist, engr.manager

and mgr.

G. E. F. Thompson, accountant

“Hongkong and South China Builder, F.L. F.L. Nicholson,egr.

Rapley, assistant do. Works.)


The, A Quarterly Magazine Published F. Tyndall, assist, engineer


the Interests of theBuilding;

George’s Building Teleph.

Indus- D. Marshall, do.

25505 T. C. Ellacott, do.

E.J. W.

Hunter, supt. (distribution

Simmonds, assistant do.dept.)>

fr if m Hr

San chee lee yeuny homy Hongkong Ceub & Hong Kong Cricket

Hong Kong Canton Export Co., Export, Club—{See Clubs)

Import, Insurance—French Bank

Teleph. 20114; Cable Ad: Hocanexco. Bldg.;

C. Arnulphy, manager “SILVER SLIPPER” GIN

SM M # For the Perfect Gimlet

Hongkong & Canton Ice Manufacturing

Co., Ltd., The, Ice and Cold Storage Teleph. 30311

The Dairy Farm, Ice & Cold Storage

Co., Ltd.28185),

Teleph. (2, Lower

genera Albert Road;

'managers jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.

a & * « « « Sole Agents.

Shang Kong 0 Lun shun Kung sze


boat Co., Canton and MacaoOwners—

Ltd., Steamship Steam- Hongkong Commercial (Jo., The, Gen-

Queen’s Building; Teleph. 20101; Cable mission eral Importers, Exporters and Com-

Ad: Steamboat Agents—4a, Des Yreux Road

Directors — Hon. Mr. M. K. Lo Central (2nd fl.)Teleph. -4631; P.O.Box

(chairman), Hon. Mr. J. P.

Li Tse Fong, C. A. da Roza, Tung-Braga, 71 j Cable Ad : Hongcomco

fan Lo (Alternate Director for Sir Ho Hung Kwan, manager

Robert Ho Tung, kt.) and H. Chow Nim Tong, asst. mgr.

Staples Smith Staff—Ho Hung Pong, Lok Man

11. da Luz, secretary In, and Miss K. K. Ho

Deacon & Co., Ltd., Canton Agent Hongkong Commercial College and'

A. A. de Mello, Macao Agent Stenog R ap hig S er viee (See Educational)

HoisrGKONG, Canton & Macao Trans-

portation Co.—26, Connaught Road n W m FF it fr

C: ; Teleph. 28471 Md la mi po

Hongkong & Canton Sanitary Service “Hongkong Daily Press,” -Morning

—22, Wyndham St.; Teleph. 22450 Street (1st floor) 1857)—11,

Newspaper(Estab. and 408, ice House


Road; Telephs: 30251 and (night) 24511;.

Hongkong China Dock Co., Ltd., Office P.O. Box : 53,1;Fleiet


Ad: Press.

E.C. 4;London


The, Engineers and Shipbuilders, Ad: Soootrine


Brass & Iron Foundry—Marine Lot 86. “ Hongkong Weekly Press and 1

To-Kwa-Wan, Kowloon; Teleph. 57101 China Overland Trade Report”


Directory and Chronicle of China, Workshop and Stores

Japan, iVialaya, etc. (Annually) R. A. Starling

“China Wlerchant” C. R. Slattery

Wilson L. M. Gomes

Hungkohg Daily Hress,(Quarterly).

Ld., proprietors A.R. J.E. Coelho A. Hassan

C. E.I. liazack


. Lt.editor

Qol, Li. L. Murrow, n.s.o., managing I. Hassan 1 M.

Editorial Dept.. Meter Department

0. D,Clarke; ; A. T. Lee S. L.Longfield

de Rome

G.0. H.

M. Blok

Omar ! Tse.Shu

I A. R. Markai' Man G. G. S. Thomson, a.m.i.e.e.

S. MaeNider J. H. Franco R. C. Butler

' C. A. Aiegus j N. Laurenciano Showroom G. W. K. Crawford i A. A. Abbas

General Office W.H.E.M.Orchard

Mrs. R. Ramsfey, adyertising mapager Marshall A. P. Maher

E.C. 0.C. Lai

Fincher I| ' Mrs.

N. A.V.E.Baker

Mackay A. F. Ferreira.. . Y. Franco

Office Staff

S. Jarvis; M.ci, a.s;A.a.

namm J. R. Way | F. A. Joanilho

Hong hong tin tang yau lum kvng sze S.T. J.P. O.Stanesby

Saunderson S.S. A.H. R.BuxBux

Hongkong Electric Co., Ltd., The— J.

Work's: jSlrowraom:

Bldg.; North Point;Gloucester

Office: P.Arcade;

& O. W.H. B. Muskettj' M.

C. Dunbar H. M.SabhanBritto

J. C. Santos

Telephs. 277T2; ilnTlnr(Power Station), H. S. Jones G. M. Butt


(Meter dept.), 30054 Mb Stoker

and (Complaints, Day(Showroom),

and Nig-ht); F. A. M. Rosario S.I. Haroon

C.A. G.K Silva M. Rumjahn

Cable Ad: Electric; Code: Bentley’s Rahumed M. Hussain


Co., Ld. Livingston & A.A. G.K. Mohammed

Minu E.R. U. S. Alves

; Directors—AI. T. Johpson .(chairman), H. Costa

A. V. Ribeiro

Sir Robert Ho Tung, Kt., Hon. Sir S. O. Bux

H. N. Mehal H.


The Hon. Chow,

Mr. J. Kt., T. E. Pearce,

J. Paterson and M. Y. Adal A.M. C.T.H.Jono



Stanley H. Dodwell L. A. Peres

J.Y. F.A. E.Neves

Rozario S. A. Jabbar

Manager—V. Sorbyr m.i.k.k. S.R. Yusuf

Generating Station A. R. Minu M. Xavier

A. G. Langston, a.m.i.mech.e. H. E. Vieira E. A. Souza

F.A. Webster

F. Duckworth W. E. Peers M. Rumjahn J. A. Santos

A.T. Ali

'S.A. Deacdh H. M.

M. V.HassanNeves A.A.M. M. M.Adem Quinn


F. Paul H. S.HatchMcKay S. Abbas H. E. E. Silva

R.R. P.W.Dunlop,

Smith b.sc. J.A. F.P. Barron

Tar buck S. Moosa G. A. Souza

V. G. Kerley J. H.SloanMaycock R. Gomes A. S. Xavier

•J.D. F.'Lumny J. N. Ahmed S. A. Gafoor

S. Hill G.J. Evans

H. Silva K. M. Omar F. J. Collaco

G. Hailey, W.M. Sousae U. A, Rumjahn

A. R. CoxA.M.I.E.E. S.H. K.H. Wang Blyth M. T. Nunes C. F. Nunes

C. Y. Marques R. M. V. Ribeiro

Mains Department

Capt. F. L. Brown, o.b.e. (Mil.)) Hong Kong Engineering and Cons-


E. Thompson D. Ribeiro truction Co., Ltd., Civil Engineers

G.E. T.Thompson

Padgett, m.b.i G:A. Neves and

for Building

China Contractors;

of the Franki Sole Licencees


C.M. E.H.Gahagan A. J. Ablong Compressed Concrete Piling System for

Arnold, J.A. A.I. Ribeiro

Gonzales Foundations;

Centrifugal Manufacturers

Concrete Pipes of—Patent


A.M.I.E.E. L.Y. G.C. Chan

Morales Office:

A. G. Everett, Teleph.St.30309; George’s

CableBuilding (1st floor);

Ad: Ferroconco.

J. L. KingA.M.I.E.E. A.C. Y.H. Lam. Ismail Workshop

Road, Kowloon; and Stores—Prince

Teleph, 50212 Edward


Chairman and Managing Director— -k

Hon. J. P. Braga

Directors — J. Scott Harston, Sir Hongkong import and Export

Robert Ho Tung, Kt., Sir Elly Co., —China Merchants


Commission 24724;Agents


Kadoorie, k.b.e. & M. H. Lo

H. Braga, B.sc., general works mgr. 469;

B. Alves, secretary Bentley’s A.B.C. 6th end,, AcmeCodes

Cable Ad: llokineco; and

E. Sahmet | E. A. B. Alves Private

Hong Kong Iron Mining Co., Ltd.—

3, Chater Road

‘ Hong hong fo chuk po him hung sze Directors—Hon.

A, IL Compton,Mr,A. J.Raymond J. Paterson,.


Hongkong Fire insurance

Ltd., The, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Co., E: K. Coxon

Ld., general managers A. Eager, Secretary

Consulting Committee—J. J. Pater-

A.son H.


Compton,C. BernardDunbar,Brown,


Robert Ho Tung, Kt., T.

F. A. Joseph, J. H. Taggart E. Pearce,


S. T. Williamson The Brandy with a Pedigree

p] 5V m m m m Teleph. 30311

Hongkong Fish Store Co., Sea Food

Exporters, Cold Storage Operators,

High Class Fish Restaurant—59, Des Jardine, Matheson 8t Co., Ltd.

Voeux Road Central; Teleph. 20234;

Cable Ad; Fishstoye Sole Agents.

Hong Kong Football Club — (See

Clubs) m&m a % m m M % m #

Hongkong Fresh Fruits and Canned HbnXf IccM^Asom hung ehi rr> on 'kit-

Goods Store—35, gau han- koity ' '■

Teleph. 32816 Des Yoeux Road C.; Hongkong and Kowloon Land and Loan

Co., Ltd. — 8, vQueen’s Road. West;

Hongkong Furniture Co., Ltd., Con- Teiepb., 27308

directors — Chau

. , •

tractors and Furnishers of High-class

Furniture—8, Queen’s Road Central: Fong Kuk Tse Cbeuk

Kwiiii.Fan, LukKwanand

Teleph. 22634; Cable Ad: Furniture; Chiu Leupg Hapg

Code: Bentley’s Hon: Mr. T. N. Chau, manager


504, BankFuelof & East


Asia Co.—Room

Buitdipg: Hong Kong Jockey Club—(Nee Clubs)

Teleph. 30504; Cable Ad: Ftielco;

Codes: Bentley, Boe

G. T. Anderson, manager

Hong Kong General Chamber of Hung koug kino loon nia t

Koncj. KongCo.,and.KovyuopN Wharf.and-

., Commerce—(See Associations) Godown Ltd.—Teleph. 58001;

Hong Kong Horticultural Society Cable Ad: Go downs

—(See Associations) Directors—Hon. Mr. J. J. Paterson

(chairman),; Ml. T.'Johnson; S. H-


Joseph, A.FrankH. Austin,Compton,F. IF A.

Hong Kong Hotel—(Nee Hotels) Drummond, T. B. Wilson, J. H.

Hong Kong Hotel Garage — (See Jessen and Lawrence Kadoorie

F. H. Crapneli, secretary and manager

Hotels) C. M. Manners,- assist, manager


G. B. S. Thomsony^Bccountant T. L. Knight, permanent managing

•T.C. Ho ben son Juman E. Khan Terry

director J.' .J. Maxwell

J. C: Power, director

W. M. Groves E. Da Costa O. Hallburn, manager


Eastman J. A.

Smalley Miss'A. SouzaRainey John S. Knight, secretary

J. K. F. June Mils G. E. Maxwell Assistants—Mrs, L. F. Knight, Miss

D. Mackenzie, supt. engineer S. Rose,C. Mites'

Kwan, L. J. Knight,

Choy, C. T.

A:L. Chan,

A. N. Mackenzie, assist, supt. engr.

G.W. Castle, cargo supt. Sing,

Kow, ToMiss

Kam C.Hung,Bernado, Kwai,Mrs.L.T.

C.’ Excell, assist- cargo supt. Bernados, D. Chan,Lo Mrs.


T. F. Harris Miss Y. Hallburn, Yuk Sousa,


H. M. Miller I Y. Petfierick , Tam Cheung Tit and L, So.o

H. H. Fantham I L. Bones


W. Hyde, clerkcraft supt.

of works

W. G. Schnabel, inspector m &

Hongkong Optical Co., The .(Successors

Hongkong Lace Co., Manufacturers of tofacturing Clark &Opticians—53,

Co.), Importing and Manu-

Swatow Drawn Work, Embroideries Cent.; Teleph. 22232; CableQueen’s Road




all kinds of Laces,


Dealers hager;Codes: A.B.C. 6th edn. and


50, Queen’s

Teleph. 24552;Road

CableCentral (1st floor).

Ad: Lacewingd American Optometric Association),of

K. Cheney, opt. d. (Member

Branches : — 20-21, Kong Ho Road, optometrist

Kialat, Swatow. 49, NankingStreet,

Rd., Y.Jack

K. Lai, assist,

Chan, chiefoptician



Hankow 56, Samkiau

Hong Kong Philharmonic Society—

m t (See Clubs)

Hong kong chi ti hup toi lee yau han hung sze

Hongkong Land Investment and Agency

Co., Ltd.—Queen’s Building, 3, Chater Hongkong Polo Club (See Clubs)

Road; Teleph. 20117; Cable Ad: Lands


(chairman), — Hon.A. Mr.H. J.Compton,

J. Paterson

Sir Hongkong Preview Studio—20, Queen’s

Road Central; Teleph. 32884

A. Joseph, S. T. Williamson Felix

Robert Ho Tung. T. E. Pearce, and

A. Raymond

O.B.Eager, secretary

F. C.O. Field, assist, secretary

Reed, accountant Hong kony yan tsz koon


W. W.

J. Grey, f.r.i.b.a.,

Morris, overseer f.s.i., architect Hongkong Printing Press, Ltd., Litho-

W. R. Brumwell, assist, overseer graphers — Bank of China Building,

4, Queen’s Road; Teleph. 20437. Works:

3, P.Bowring Street,

A. Xavier, Kowloon

Hongkong Metal Window Mfg. Co.—

227, Fuk Wing Street; Teleph. Miss Leungprincipal

58644 Antonio A. Rodrigues, secretary

Hongkong Public Stenography Bureau

Hongkong Motor Accessory

The, Importers of and Dealers Co., Ltd.,in —Exchange Building; Teleph. 31512


ment Parts. Accessories

Specialists andin Replace-

Storage Hongkong Realty and Trust Co.,


Bldg., Ice HouseRadios

and Street —(ground

St. George’s Ltd.,Yoeux

floor); Des Real Road

Estate—Exchange Building,

Telephs. 2G577 & 28544;} P.O. Box 575; Central; Teleph. 26291;

Cable Ad: Homac. Kowloon Branches: Cable

J. H.Ad: Real


managing director

-55 and 132, Nathan Road F. C. Barry, secretary


n & m w m % “HoNGjonte Sunday Herald;” Sunday

Hong konsj Mm kung sze ^ Newspaper, published by the Newspaper

Hong Kong Rope Manufacturing Co., Enterprise Ltdi^SAj Wyridham

Mail Street;

Ltd., The-—Factories: Kennedy Town Teleph. D. C.



Cable Ad:


and Ma Tau Kok; Telephs. -27781

(Office), 20045 (Works)'Cable Ad:

Ro’pework tt m ^ if m ±


Sir Robt. L.Ho Shields.,

Fung, (chairman),

Sir Elly “Hongkong Sz mit min mun chi Icoon

Kadoorie, Telegraph,” Evening Street;


Braga, o.b.e.k.b.e.,

and S.Hon. Mr. J. r. paper — 1 and

T. Williamson Teleph. 26615

3* Wyndham

Office Staff- F.Alfred

P. Franklin, manager

F. J. Tavares (secretary), J. Toppin Hicks, editor

and Miss D. Blackstone

Works Staff— S. A. Gray, reporter 1 .

John Shaw '

E. J. Spradbery (works manager), J.G. R.W.Luke, do.

Giffen, do.


C.E. W. L. Spradbery, P. N.

M. Castro

K. C. Tsang, accountant

Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking W. Sue, assistant

Corporation—(,?«« Banks)

Hong Kong and 'Shanghai Hotels— “WHITE HOUSE 99

{See Hotels) WHISKY

n&rnfimK ± mmm The Choice of the Connoisseur

Hong Kong and Shanghai Taxi-Cab Teleph. 30311

Co., Taxicabs for Hire—St. George’s

Building, Chater Road; Teleph. jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.


Hongkong Sharebrokers’ Association Sole Agents.

: —(See Associations)

m% m nm ^

Hong Kong Silk Store, The, Silk Hongkong tin wa yau hdn kuhg sze

Merchants, Wholesale and Retail— Hong Kong Telephone Co., Ltd.,—

60, Queen’s Road Central; Teleph. 23847 Registered Offices: Exchange Build-

ing, Des Vceux Road Central;

j® # * s Teleph. 26601 (Ex. : Cent. Kowloon,

Hongkong Sporting Arms & Ammunition Cable Peak, Taipo, Fanling and Tsun Wan);

Store, Ad: Telephonco; Code: Bentley’s

SportingDealers in Arms,

and Athletic Ammunition,

Goods; Cameras, Board of Directors—J. H,, Taggart,

(chairman and mapaging director),

Field Glasses, etc.—20, Pottinger Street; J.Chow,


Teleph. 23312; Cable Ad: Sporting;

Codes: Acme, A.B,C. 6th and Bentley’s Hop. Dr. Hon.R. H,SirKotewall,


c.m.g., D. H. Blake, A. L. Shields,

Hongkong Stevedoring and Supply

Co., General Shipping J. S.P. H.Sherry,

Dodwell and M. T. Johnson


and Contracting StevedoresAgents

and W. C. Clark, assist, manager

W. L. McKenzie, a.c.a,, secretary

Ship Suppliers—4, Mosque Junction Staff

(1st floor) ; Teleph. 22561; P.O. Box A. N. Braude, J. M. Dalziel, T.

455; Cable Ad: Stevepling Davis, R. E. Farrell, W. J. Geall,

W. G. Griffin, C. fiktt, A. L. Fisher,B.

A. C. - Jeffreys, R. Kirkwood,

Hongkong Stock Exchange —. (See W. Simmons, D. Tollan and L. D.

Associations) Skinner


Chief Manager—E. Cock, m.b.e..

Hong Kong Trading Co., (1931) Secretary—E. L. Hosie, c.a.

Ltd., Importers,

mission Exporters

Merchants—6, and Com-

Des Voeux Road Chief Clerk-W. J. Battey

Central; Teleph. VOIGb; P.O. Box Staff—A.

Logan, W. Hedley, R.V. Lapsley,

S. Bliss, Hast, C.K. R.R.

505; Cable Ad: Hooppoles Maeaskill, J. Re vie, P. E. F. Stone,

J. P. White, J. Antioquia, A. Ahmed,

m % n. Tien che hung sze H. Ahmed,J. A.G. E.Ozorio,

Marques, Gutierrez, J. 1).

M. Ozorio,

Hongkong Tramways, Ltd.—Office and E. M. Remedios, J. M. V. Remedies,

Depot: Canal Road East and Rusell Mrs. G. A. Blandford, Mrs.


Ad Bowrington;

: Tramways; Code:Teleph. 26654; Cable

Bentley’s Cotton,

MacNider Mrs.



M. Adam Miss M.


Directors—Hon. Mr. J. J. Paterson Store Department

(chairman), A. H. Compton,

Mr. C. G. S. Mackie, F, A. Joseph, Hon. Superintendent—R. J. Goodman

Choa Po Sien, Hon. Sir Shou-son Staff —C. J.E. H.Millard,

Maher, Lawrence F. Cullen,

and J. V.A.

Chow, Kt. and M. T. Johnson Gomes

L. m.inst.t.,

C. F. general


m.c., a.m.i.e.e., Drawing Office

F. H. Glover, a.m.i.e.e., asst, general Chief Ship Draughtsman—R. G. Craig

manager Staff—J. V. Ramsay, A. E. Pearson,

W. F. Simmons, f c.i.s., secretary and O.Draughtsman—M.

Engine E. Fingalsen, R. Bell

V. Walker, chief assist, engineer J. B. Sturgeon | L. Burn

G.W. S.S. Rodger, workshop supt.

Glendinning, outside supt. Engineering Department

A.H. Gillard,

W. Hammond, trafficassist.

chief traffic supt. Engineer Manager—H. H. Scott

Staff—J- Crookdake, D. Anderson,

J. K. Leghorn, chief motor traffic W. C. Tillery, G. N. Mitchell, J. D.

inspector Provan, W. H. C. Robson, S. Gray,

Office Staff- A. Duncan and J. G. R. Humble

V. R. Gordon* assist- secretary Boilermakers Department

K. M. Xavier, A. E. Coates, M. J. R.C. Morrison

Brown ! J. McKelvie

J. Medina, J. H. Xavier, G. Ozorio, Electricians—J. Kempton, M. Ferguson

Miss V. C. Williams and Miss E. and B. G. Clark DunCan, m.b.e. and

Xavier Coppersmiths—G.

Hongkong Tyre Co.*The, Tvre and J. A. Lindsay Coleman



Rd.; Teleph.Importers—39?,

2S539; Cable Ad:, Hennessy

Hktyreco Moulder—J. I. M. Brewin

Shipbuilding Department

Superintendent—H. G. Cooper

Hongkong Weed Boring Co., Ltd.—: Staff—A. M. Caiman, J. N. Sweeney,

Prince Edward Road; Teleph. 51244 and A. Marshall

Shipwright Department


Staff—J.Manager—D. Keith W. Greig

Adam, C. Atkinson,

Hong horig Wong po Shun o Rung sze and J. Wood

Hongkong and Whampoa Dock

The — Head Office : KowldOii Docks, Co., Ltd., Diver—W. J. Maher

Hongkong.Chater BranchRoad;


: 2, Queen’s Carpenter—G. Henderson

Building, 58053 Metallurg. Chemist—P. B. Parks

(Kowloon Docks), 56310 (chief mgr. and Master of Salvage Tug Henri/ Keswick

secy.), 56822 (engr. mgr.),, 50443 (yard Time , —Capt. H. H Williams

manger), for28020

Sub-Exchange see Teleph. Office

Directory, (Hongkong Office); W. C. K. Mackie

Boatswain—F. | W. R. Forsy th

J, Jenner

P.O. Box 41; Cable Ad: Manifesto Sergeant of Police—H. Marriott


(chairman), Mr.

Sir Robert W. H. Bell Hongkong Branch Office




Drummond, Hon.HoMr.Tung, W. F. Ford

J. J. Cosmopolitan Dock; Teleph. 57214

Joseph, Kadoorie,FelixJ. H.A. Superintendent—R, E. Hoare

Staff—C. E. Stewart and A. J. Mendes

Jessen and S. T. Williamson


J. Mayine, managing director

M. Kitayama, assist, manager

-si -'A' PIL ^ Staff—S.

ma, M.Saito* Z. Hara,T.H. Kodaka,

Nishihira, Hi raya-

The Hongkong & Yaumati Ferry H. Nakagawa, S„ Qhtsuka, Y.

Co., . Negishi,

Sato, K. Uyegama, T. Tomaru,S.

T. Miki, I. Kumada,



26113 Office:

(Head Jubilee

Office), Y. W. Li and C. T. Chan

57616 (Marine Dept.), ,57106 (Jordan

Road Wharf), 56001 (Mongkok), 56002

(Shamshuipo), 56748 (Hunghom) and



The Hongkong 4 Whampoa Dock

Company, Limited.

Shipbuilders and Engineers, Iron, Steel

and Brass Founders, and Salvors.



Hong Kong.

Telegraphic Address Manifesto—Hongkong.

hop ieick S. S.. Co. —216, Wing Lok Sole Agents.

Street; Teleph. 30495 ;

Civil Hospital (Govt. )—West Point



Trawlers’Co., Ltd.,andMotor

Fisheries and

Dealers, Ho Mur Ling Hospital—Breezy Path

Exporters of Fresh, Frozen, Cured Fish off Bonham Road

a (See under Alice Memorial Hospital)

and iV °*'*ier Sea

j Exporters Foods.

of ~Fish

4 Meal, Manufacturers


RoadFertilizers '~ ~ Fowel

Central; , Telephs.

ere.—TH-y, ^ voeux


Food Kennedy Town Hospital—West Point

Cable 22849, 24148;

Private.Ad :Hortt

Head dan; Codes: Bentley’s and

Office—Keelung, Taiw Kowloon Hospital (See under Govern-





M.I.N.A. Cock, m.b.e.,

Hong Kong Trading Co., (1931) Secretary—E. L. Hosie, c.a.

Ltd., Importers,

mission Exporters

Merchants—6, and Road

Des Voeux Com- Chief Clerk—W. J. Rattey

Central; Teleph. 20765; P.O. Box Staff-A. S. Bliss, V. Hast, C.K. R.R.

Logan, W. Hedley, R. Lapsley,

505; Cable Ad: Hooppoles Macaskill, J. Re vie, P. E. F. Stone,

J. P. White, J. Antioquia, A. Ahmed,

n ^ ^ n. Tien che hung sze H. Ahmed,J. A.G. E.Ozorio,

Maroues. Gutierrez, J. 1).

M. Ozorio,

Hong kong Wong po tynun <> n u/vy and J. Wood


The — Head and WPampoa Dock Co.,Docks,

Office : Kowldoh Ltd., Diver—W. J. Maher

Hongkong. Branch Office : 2, Queen’s Carpenter—G. HendersonB. Parks

Metallurg. Chemist—P.

Building, Chater Road; Telephs. 58053 Master of Salvage Tug Henry Keswick

(Kowloon Docks),

secy.), 56822 (engr.56810



and —Capt. H. H Williams

manger), for Sub-Exchange see Teieph. Time Office

Directory, W. C. K. Mackie | W. R. Forsy th

P.O. Box 41;28020

Cable (Hongkong

Ad: ManifestoOffice); Boatswain—F. J. Jenner

Sergeant of Police— H. Marriott


(chairman), Sir Mr.Robert W. HoH. Tung,

Bell Hongkong Branch Office

Stanley H.D.Dodwell, Hon. Mr. J. A.J. W. F. Ford

Paterson, Drummond, Felix Cosmopolitan Dock; Teleph.

Superintendent—R, 57214

E. Hoare

Joseph, and

Jessen Lawrence Kadoorie, J. H.

S. T. Williamson Staff—C. E. Stewart and A. J. Mendes


-feli£r>K 5^^ J. Mayine, managing director

M. Kitayama, assist, manager

-Sl W-~ ^ Staff—S. Saito; Z. Hara, H. Hiraya-

ma, M. jNishihira, T. . Kodaka,

The Hongkong & Yaumati Ferry H. Nakagawa, S., Ohtsuka, Y.

Co., Ltd.^Registered Office: Jubilee . Negishi,

Sato, K. T.Uyegama,

Miki, I. Kumada,

T. Tomaru,S.

Wharf; Telephs. 26113 (Head Office), Y. W. Li and C. T. Chan

57616 (Marine Dept.), ,57106 (Jordan

Road Wharf), 56001

(Shamshuipo), 56748 (Mongkok),

(Hunghom) 56002


56749 (Kowloon


Tak Po, City) Director.


Tsun Dart, Secretary #im

Hong N in Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Ngalaise&yueriki'vityfiolchopyueri

—188, Des Voeux Road C.; Teleph Alice Memorial & Affiliated Hospi-

20890 tals—Teleph. 27786 (Sub-Exchange)

Alice MemorialRoad;

10, Bonham Maternity



Honour Manufacturing Co.

Yoeux Road West; Teleph. 24286 —17, Des Nethersole Hospital—10, Bonham Rd.;

Teleph. 27786

Honwan Trading Co.—China Building; Ho Miu Ling Hospital—Breezy Path,

Teleph. 24608 Bonham Road; Teleph. 27786

Alice Memorial Hospital—8, Bonham

Hong On S. N. Co.—77, Connaught Road Road of Gen. and Executive Com-


Mb; Teleph. 21983 mittee—Hon. Dr. S. W. T’so, o.b.e.

Hong On S.22771

S. Co.—210, Wing Lok Street; Treasurers—Linstead & Davis

Teleph. Medical Supt.—Dr. F. R.. Ashton

Resident Medical and Surgical Staff—

ip i m Dr. F. R. Ashton, Dr. A. Sydenham

and Dr. R. M. Alderton

Hoo Cheong Wo (k Co., Ship-Chandlers, Nursing Staff—Miss M. Ward (matron),,

Metals andLifeHardware Merchants, Re- and Mrs. A. Hughes

gulation Jackets and Life Buoys . Secretary—Dr. R. M, Alderton

Makers and General Storekeepers—51

and 52, Connaught Road Cent.; Teleph.

20591; Cable Ad: Hoocheongwo “WHITE HOUSE 99

Hoong Fat & Co.—286, Des Voeux WHISKY

Road C.; Teleph. 26721

Hop Hing Shipping Co.—1, Shang Easily distinguishable by its aroma

Tung Street; Tdeph. 58657 Teleph. 30311

Hop Sing Typewriter Co.—28, Pottinger Jardine, Mathegon & Co., Ltd.

Street; Teleph. 21420

Hop Yick S. S.. Co. —216, Wing Lok Sole Agents.

Street; Teleph. 30495

Civil Hospital (Govt. )—West Point



Trawlers’Co., Ltd.,and

Fisheries Motor and

Dealers, Ho Miu Ling Hospital—Breezy Path

Exporters of Fresh, Frozen, Cured Fish off Bonham

{See RoadMemorial Hospital)

under Alice

and Exporters

and all other Sea Foods.Meal,

of Fish Manufacturers

Fowel Food

and Kennedy Town Hospital—West Point

RoadFertilizers, etc.—67-9,22849,

Central; Telephs. Des Yoeux


Cable Ad :Hortulan; Codes: Bentley’s and Kowloon Hospital {See under Govern-

Private. Head Office—Keelung, Taiwan ment)


Majima Hospital (Japanese) —191, Superintending Sister — Miss A.

Wanchai Road; Teleph. 20548 Ralph, Sister—Miss

a.r.r.c. B. G. Sibson


Matilda Hospital—186 to 189, Mount and Miss

Senior H. B. DureyL. H. Shute


KeHet, The Peak; Teleph. 29026 Pharmacist—W. A. Chidlow

Trustees: Y. M. Grayburn and E. J. Warrant


Governing R.N. Wardmaster—W. English,


J.(Bishop : Rev.

V. M.Ronald

Rt.Victoria), Grayburn,

O. E.


Dean of St.

Clerks—Y. S. Toe and M. Law


Dow, Cathedral

(Minister (Vacant),

of theRev. N. Sanatorium des Missions Etrangeres


Church), A. W. Hughes, M. T. BEthanie—Pokfulum

Johnson, C. C. Kinght and His St. Paul’s Hospital (French Gen-

Honour the Chief Justice, Sir eral Hospital)—Causeway Bay

A. D. A. MacGregor, k.c. Superioress—Rev. Mother Paul

Secretary^—C. B. Brown Residt. Med. Officer—Dr. S. Strachan

Staff : General Staff — Sisters Marguerite,

Dr. J. Howard Montgomery, Odile, Ambroise, Eusebe, Pauline,

medical supt. Therese,Monique, Cecilia, Emilien-


Miss M. Drury, matron Marerarita, Augusta,Rita,

Miss A. Senior, assist, matron ne, Marie Auguste

Sisters—Miss C. D. Ferguson, Nurses—Nativrdad, S. Bellies, J.

Miss M. A. Wood, Miss E. Nolasco, B. Guillen, L. Somera, N.

Townsend, Miss M. Wilson, Miss Abuyen, M. Carreon, B. Camero

H. K. Legge-Willis, Miss M.


Mrs. Lee Miss J. K. Trounson and Tung Wah Hospital—(Nee under

Mrs A. L. Barlow, secretary Government)

Mental Hospital —(See under Gov- Victoria ernment)

Hospital—(Nee under Gov-


Military Hospital — (See under War Memorial Nursing Home—

Government) Mount Kellet, The Peak; Teleph.


Military Hospital (Kowloon)—(Nee

under Government)

Nethersole: Hospital—10, Bonham HOTELS , “Bow Bells” Private Hotel—10, Middle


(See Teleph.

under Alice27786

Memorial Hospital) Road; Teleph. 58520


(See under &Alice Ho Memorial Hospitals Claremont

Mur Lino Hospital) Austin Road,Private Hotel—107-113,

Kowloon; Telepb. 57389

•Queen Alexandra’s Imperial NursinO

Service (Nee under Government) /£ m * /h m

Royal Naval Hospital Empress Hotel (Yat Tung Co., Ltd.)—

159-161, Connaught Road Central;

Teleph; 30391

Surgeon Capt.—G. D. G. Fergusson,


Surgeon L.R.C.P.

Lieut.-Comdr. (S) — R. C. ■ Empress Lodge Annex—1, Minden

May, M.c.j m.r.c.s., l.r.c.p. Avenue, Kowloon; Teleph. 57217;


Graff, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. — R. A.

Lieut.-Comdr. (G) Cable Ad: Empresloge

Surgeon Lieut.-Comdr. (G) F. W.


Surgeon m.r.c.s.,

Liout.-Comdr. l.r.c.p. Empress LodgeKowloon;

(Private Teleph.


L. Brigham, l.d.s. (D) W^ E. Mody Road,

Cable Ad: Empresloge



Hong Kong’s latest and most modern residential

and commercial centre

The Gloucester Hotel

Cable Address HOnG KOHG P. CHESSEX

Gloucester Manager



Gloucester HoteS Gloucester Peninsula

and Hotel (The Hongkong

Teleph. 28409 (Manager’s

Office); Cable Ad: Gloucester 58081;Shanghai

Cable Ad:Hotels, Ltd.)—Teleph.

Penhote, Hongkong

P.H. Chessex, manager A. K. Dimond, manager

A. Allen,, reception clerk


Mrs. M. Drake,housekeeper

accountant Repulse


Au Lum, Chinese supt. kong andBay HotelHotels,

Shanghai (The Ltd.)—


Teleph. 27775; Cable Ad: Repulse,

Haboue View Hotel—9, Chatham Hongkong

Koad, Kowloon; Teleph. 56734 J. Semmler, acting manager

Peak Hotel (The Hongkong and


Cable Ad:Hotels, Ltd.)—Teleph.

Peaceful, Hongkong 29071;


Ltd., The—Head Office: Ex- Hotels, Aliss H. Harry, manageress


Des Voeux BuildingCent.; (2nd floor),

20220 (Mr. J.Road H. Taggart),Telephs.


(General Manager & Secretary), 24417 WHISKY

('Accountant) and 28405 (Purchasing

Dept, and Catering Dept.); Cable Ad: Renowned for its flue Liqneur Quality

Kremoffice, Hongkong

Board of Directors—J. H. Taggart Teleph. 30311


Scott Harston, andmanaging director),

E. M. Raymond,

Sir Elly Kadoorie, Sir Robert Ho jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.

Tung, Hon. Mr. W. H. Bell and

Hon. Air. M. K. Lo Sole Agents.

P. F.H.C.Suckling, general manager

Barry, secretary

E. O. Murphy, accountant

Staff:—E. H. P. White, W. J.

Burling,MissU. M.M.G.Omar,

Triggs, White, C.MissJ. Hongkong Hotel Garage, The

R.AlissC. P.B. Xavier, (The Hongkong andRoad;Shanghai


Tillman andI. Woollev,

Aliss Miss O. Ltd.)—Stubbs

T. R.-Parsyns, manager


King S. Green, sales manager

Proprietors of:— K. W. Cheung, accountant


Peninsula Hotel Hotel B. Gorla, engineer

Repulse Bay Hotel 1 A. Drummond, do.

Peak Hotel Agencies

Hongkong Hotel.Garage Rolls Royce Cars


kong andDepartment—(The

Shanghai Hotels, Ltd.) Hong-— Vauxhall Cars

Bedford Trucks

Teleph. 30281; Cable Ad: Kremoffice, Studehaker Trucks

Hongkong Gep.

S. E; Green Dunlop Rubber Co. and La Salle


Mok Yee Lick Prestoiite Batteries

Agents for


and Tours) & Whitcomb

: Co, (Cruises Hotel Asia—126, Connaught Road C.;

Hamburg-Amerika Line Teleph. 281-91

Allen Tours Hotel

D. F. Robertson Travel Bureau

James Boring Co. Inc. 26664 Cecil—Royal Building; Teleph.


and ShanghaiHotel Hotels,(The Hongkong

Ltd.)—Teleph. m zh mem


A. G. PiovAnMli, resident Hongkong

Cable Ad: Kremlin, manager Hotel Nathan—Nathan Road, Yau-

mati, Kowloon; Telepls’56660 T


Kingsclere, Private Hotel—Carnarvon

Road, Kowloon; Teleph. 58001 ± m Hu se

Hughes & Hough, Ltd,, Importers, .Ex-

Kingsville Private porters, Coal Contractors and General

Carnarvon Auctioneers—6,

Road. Kowloon; Telepti. 58821 Teleph., ,20208; P:0, Des Vceux

Box 655;Rd,CableCentral;:


Kngtseori) Hotel' — Chatham Road; Meiriori;

edn., Acme Codes:'

and Bentley’s,

Private A.B.C. 5th

Teleph: 56986 E. J. de Figueiredq, managing director

, J.H. A.J. S.M.Alves, signs per pro.

de 'Figueiredo

Kowloon Hotel — Hankow Road; ' E. J. de Figueiredo,(jr.

Teleph. 58008; Cable Ad: Kowlbtel J. H. de Figueiredo

Marble Hall, Private

on “Observatory Hill”Hotel,‘Mitnated

(well above Hume Pipe (Far East), Ltd.,

(and; at Singapore

sea-levell, Kimberley Road, Kowloon. Manufacturers: under andHUMEShanghai)Patents

, Single, DoubleAutomatic

Bathrooms. and Suites,,


Cool, offor Electric. Weld Steel Pipes and Tubes

quiet, select Ipbalifev. Ideal summer Water, .Gas,-: Sewage; “Humeogene-

Residence with panoramic view of ous” Sewage

Spun Concrete Pipes for . Water.


Mrs. M.


proprietress 59010 Poles forand Drainage; Steel

all Transmission Tubular

Line Purposes

and also Concrete

Factory : Tsun Wan (9L mile—

Building Blocks

Metropolf, Hotel, First Class Resi- Hongkong Castle Peak Road); Cable Ad: “Hume-

dential and Tourist Hotel—22, Ice pipe, Hongkong”

House Street; Teleph. 24413; General Manager—C. H. Unbehaun

Cable Ad : Metropole Engineer—G. Robertson, b.sc.,fora.i.c.e.

P. H. Leong, manager Business

Palace Hotel -Corner of Hankow and China (to& whom SellingallAgents

enquiries South


Haiphong Roads, Kowloon; Teleph. be addressed)—Malcolm

St. George’s & Co.. Ltd.r

57003; Cable Ad: Palace . Teleph. 30444Building, Chater Road;


NathanCourt” (PrivateTelepk

Rd., Kowloon; Hotel)—21,

58813; Hum fu li se che chan yauthan mtm

Cable Ad: Pamcourt hung sze

Humphreys’ Estate & Finance Co.,

jg m x ® m Ltd. — Alexandra Building, Des


FrancisandHotel Tourist(1933) Ltd., Yoeux


Road; Teleph. 20068

John D. Humphreys .t Son, gen. rngrs.

Queen’s Road Central;. Teleph. 26684 Directors—J.

ston and M. M.T. Alves,JohnsonJ. Scott-Har-

and 26635 ; Radio and Cable Ad: J. L. Quie, secretary


Bentley’s Codes: A.B.C. 5th edn. and

it f'j Hum fu li se

r£ m m m Humphreys & Son, John D., General

Tokyo Hotel—38, Connaught Road ding, Managers and Agents—Alexandra Buil-

Central; Teleph. 20978 Des Office)

Vceux Road



Mrs. Y. Kobayashi, proprietress (General 21331; Cable Ad: Fencibles Office)

T. Miho, manager John A. Jupp, partner (London)

D. E. Clafk. do.

J. J.D.E.Humphreys,

Jupp I do.W. C. Lee

Howah & Co., Importers, Exporters J, L. Quie I P. S Sham

and Manufacturers’ representatives General Managers

—1st floor, China Building; Teleph. Peak Tramways Co., Ld.

33084: P.O. Box 707; Cable Ad: Humphreys’ Estate ik Finance Co., Ld.

Howahco A. S. Watson & Co., Ld.

Hoy Yuen, Contractors—38, Tung Street; Agency Canton Insurance Office, Ld.

Teleph. 26543


Huno Cheono, General Storekeeper, Wine Hwamer 23083

Co.—4, Wyndham'Sl ; Teleph-

and SpiritTeleph.

Kowloon; Merchant—66,

57108 Nathan Road,

Li Wing Tang, proprietor m & m & % %

T. C. Watt, signs per. pro. I On Po Him Rung Sze

Williams A. Lau, do.

t On Marine and Fire Insurance Co,

Hung Ming Electric Co., Electric Dealers Ltd.—24 and 26, Bonham Strand

and Contractors—157,

Central; Teleph. 25163 Des Yceux Road West; Teleph. 20260

Directors — Chan Shu ming ( chair-

Hung On Insurance Co.—23, Des man), Li Pok-kwan, Tang Siu-kin

Voeux Road W. ; Teleph. 23894 and Chan Kim-toug

Chan Kung-po, acting secretary

Icehouse Tobacconists,

Tobacconists, Tennis Rackets The,Restrung


HcL —9, Ice House Street

Wo Icee

Mutchison & Co., John D., Merchants Ideal Radio Services, Radio & Electrical


SperoBuilding; Teleph. 20063; Cable Repairs,


T. E. Pearce, partner WyndhamTransformer

Street; Teleph.Specialists — 3,

27806; Cable

Ad: Ideal

P. T.S. A.Cassidy,

Pearce do.

E. Manning

P. A. Yvanovich L.F.A.Martin Broadbridge ©TAROS” V.S.O.P.

P.H. Mooney

A. Alves Miss H. Santos BRANDY

Mrs. Vieira

Agencies A Fine Old Liqueur Brandy

Belfast Ropeworks Co., Ld., Ireland


Stanley Works, File Co,,


York & GermanyR.I. Teleph. 30311

Sussman, Wormser «f

D. & W. Gibbs, (Soaps etc.) e Co., San F’cisco Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.

Crosse & Blackwell, Ld.

Corbin Lock Co., New Britain, Conn. Sole Agents.

Sharp’s Toffee

Cadbury Bros., Ld., Bournville Ilford Limited, Manufacturers Photogra-

J. S. Fry Sons, Ld., Bristol

Godfrey Phillips, Ld., Lond., Cigarettes phic Sensitized Materials—Chung Tin


(1st floor); Teleph. 33067; Cable

Crescent Manufacturing Co., Seattle Ad:

(Baking Powder, Coffee, etc.)

Golden State Co.. Ld., San Francisco A. P. Downie, manager

(Evaporated G. C. Lau, staff Far East—I. J. Y.

London VarnishMilk,

& Enameletc.) Co., Ld. General Manager

Scott, (Shanghai)

Slazengers, Ld., London Head Office: Ilford, London, E.

Huygen, G. E., Exporters, Importers and

Commission Agents ^ French

Building (2nd floor), 5, Queen’s Road Bank ® tf- inJ ft MS &

Central; Teleph. 28447; Cable Ad: Yinff sJiang po na men yang- Men

Huygen; Codes: A.B.C. 6th edn. and yau han hung sa


O. Hechtel, signs the firm Imperial Chemical Industries

Agencies (China), Ltd. — Pedder Building,

12, Pedder Street; Telephs. 26658,

The World Auxiliary Insurance ;.27513 and 22972; Cable Ad; Alkali

R. D.,(South

Qillespie. divisional gianager „


Home InsuranceLtd.

Co. China)

N.V. Polak

ken, Zaandam (Holland) N, Sykes , Pereira

Dollfus-Mieg, & Cie, S.A., Mulhouse A. G. Hargreave Miss M iss A.M.Noronha

B. Iteinedios

(France) Mrs. J. L. Fraser



H. J. D. Lowe, district manager ’ f nInternational & s, m % a m n

C. A. Wright ~ Motor Supply Co.—

Swatovv ! Chater

492. Road; Teleph. 23377; P.O. Box

F. E. Lintilhac, district manager


E. B. C. Riemer, district manager

Foochow International Savings SoGiETY-^^ee-,

K. R. Quick, district manager Banks)

Indian Stores, The, General Pro- Hi ^ fi. ^ ® ^

viders (Indian Provisions) and Govern- International Furniture Co., The,

ment Contractors—46, Queen’s Road Interior Decorators, Manufacturers,.

East; Teleph. 24266; Cable Ad: Indiadem Contractors, Electrical and Sanitary

Engineers ‘ and General Furnishers of"

Indo-China Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. High-class

67a and23546; 67b,Furniture

Des — David Central;


Jardine, Matheson.& Co., Ld., gen.mgrs.

Capt. R. W. Bateman, DiS.c., marine A.B.C. 5th Teleph. CableYo^ux

Ad: .Road.

Furuic; Codes::

and 6th ediis., Bentley’s]and


Sanderson, supt. engineer Private.

Godown: Works: 8, CrossRoad,

4, "Wood Lane, Wancliai;


W. .T. Lawson, assist, do. Teleph. 27874

G. Hill, stores depP. J.S. AYarley

B. Chap,Chuh,


(EW.Officers of Strs. See End of Directory) assist, do. .

K. F. Leung,Secretary

^ Van Tai

Inniss & Contractors

Engineers, Riddle (China),

and Importers— Ltd., # "I: »

67-69, Des Voelix Road Central; Teleph. International Traping Co., Importers,.

Exporters^ Insurance Agents, Cement

2809L Cable Ad: Powerful

A. T. Percfival, A.m'.t.e'E,,' manag- and Lumber Merchants—China Build-

ing director (Shanghai) ing, Queen’s Road Central; TeDph..

D. D. Forbes, manager 23542: Cable Ad: Potun

J. F. Pym ' ' mi K. K. Kan, manager


Wong Tso Tzseyeng,

Wing, sub-mgr.


Institution of Engineers and Ship- S. H. Liang, secretary

buildersAssociations) Shum Sin Po, assistant

Insurance Co. of North America— Ipekdjian Bros. Ltd., Wholesale Diamond


East AsiaChinaBuilding;

Branch Office

Telfeph.: Bank

21174;of Merchants — Queen’s Building;1^ Cables

Cable - Ad : Norama. Chinese Branch

Ad: Ipekdjian

Office : 46 Wing Lok Street; Teleph. Directors—

30567 J.T. B.M. Ipekdjian

Gregory (Hongkong)


A. L. Sullivan, manager

Phbon Hyim,H. Chinese

Staffi-6. Oliver, manager.

F. A. Yim, 11. M. Gregory

Mibran do.

Ipekdjian (Antwerp)

Paul Yim, T. S. Wong, Y. S. Ng, Jean Kwek Ipekdjian do.

Kiam Seng, accountant

W. O. Yu and P. L. Lo

ig & pr # is m


(Incorporated Assurance

under thte Co., Ltd. Ip Tak Co., Ltd., Importers and Expor-


Ordinances’of Hong Kong)—14, Queen’s Street; Telephs. Building,

ters — Prince’s


Ice House

and 24612; Cable

Road Central; Teleph. 27707; Cable Ad:

Rrintasjc6. Head Office : 17, The Bund, Ad: Iptak; All Codes

Shanghai Ip Ting

Ip Yuk San,

Leung, manager

assist, do.


Isack & Go.. Art Jewellers, Wholesale Jardirce

Ltd., Rd., Engmeer-mg-Corporation,


and lletail etc.,

Diamonds, Dealers in Precious Stones,

and Commission Agents Yuen Shanghai.Office: 50, FuenBranch:

HongKong Ming

—Hongkong Hotel Building; Teleph. 30310; 14, Redder Street; Telephs. 30319 and

21797; Cable Ad: Sapphire Cable Ad: Jardcng0,.YA

E. G. Wilkinson, branch manager

Italian Consulate—(See Consulates) A. Kiddper(Canton

(signs pro.) )

Italian Convent—(See Edueaticnal) ’ E. Y. Searle

S.H. A.J. Hunt

Tremlett A.J. Gomes,

P; Rosario

ft ffi M f? E teng slicing hong O Guttinge.' Yeungi Sum

Pro & Co., Ltd., G.. Importers, Exporters I .G.M.

W. Gillies da Costa T

f^; Pf. Cheung


and Commission Agents—4a, Des Vceux F. S. Nicholls Kap

Road Central; Teleph. 23346; P.Q. ,Box R, Robaf'ts Miss L. Carvalho

206; Cable Ad: Itoshpko. 'Head Office:

Shanghai. E. C. Olaes Mrs. C. M.

Q. Castilho Christensen

> Wdi lum se jack din he yau him kntig'sze “MONTSERRAT” LIME JUSCE

Jack & Co., Ltd., WiHiam C., Elec- plus

! trical Engineers and Merchants — St. ‘SILVER SLIPPER’ 0111

1’ 20358 George’sandBuiTdiiig, 3rd ' ftpbr;'474;Telephs

57827; Codes:

P.O.Box equals

1 Ad: Marinewotk; A.B.C, 5thCable and The Perfect Gimlet

i 6th Bentley's.' ’ Broomhall’s Imperial Teleph. 30311

i Code Universal Trade, and Private

J. M. Jack, b,sc. (Eng.), a.m.i.e.e., jardine, Matheson & Go., Ltd.

| ....W.managing

M. Gittins,director

B.sc. (Eng.)

L. Jack Sole Agents.



Atlas MetalMetals

and Alloys Co., Ltd.

|if Callenders Cable

Co., Ltd.,..Electric and


and E wo

Ferranti Ld.. Transforfhers andCableMeters Jardine,

J. H. Tucker & Cp., Ltd., Wiring

ij ‘ Accessories General SVIatheson

Merchants^—14-18,& Co., Redder Ltd.,

Sissons Bros.Hall’s

& Co.,Distemper

Ltd., Paints and Street; Teleph. 30311; Cable Ad: Jardine

Varnishes, J. J. Paterson, mang. dir. (Hongkong)

Germ W. J. Keswick, director (Shanghai)

Oils Lubricants Ltd., Lubricating K.

F. A. Pollock, do. (Shanghai)

j Stuart Turner Ltd., Lighting Plants R.F. C.Gordon, do. pro. (Hongkong)


Marine Motors

Sika Ltd., Waterproofing Compounds

Holophane Ltd.,Switchgear

Electrical Fittings W. S. Hall, signs per

Dupree, do. (Hankow)

Prentice Ltd., F. P. Lachlan, do. (Shanghai)

A. Piercy, do. do.


D. Smith, do. do. (Hongkong)


: Jade Tree, Jade

Famous Ltd., Chinese

Tree Rugs,Art, Antiques

Linens, Hong Kong Staff

| —21, Hankow Road; Kowloon;Pyjamas

Lingerie, Beach and Whoonee Teleph. Book Department

| 58538 A. Murdoch 1 A. S. Gomes

Japanese Bazaar, Silk, Cotton & Fancy R.R. J.M.D.G.C.daGrieve

Silva || G.M. A.A. Ribejro


;) Goods Store, Kimono Speciality—7, Correspondence Department

D’Aguilar Street; Teleph. 22919

Miss D. Cavanagh

Japanese Consulate—{See Consulates) Miss Y. Blackburn | A. M. da Silva



Import Department Eastern Insurance Co., Ltd.

M. L. Kail ton I H. F. Hopkins Guardian Assurance Co., Ltd.

P.A. Morrison I H A. Gaubert Queensland

Bankers’ andInsurance Co., Ltd.

Traders’ Insce. Co., Ltd. \

R. J. White j V. Nunes Atlas Assurance Co., Ltd.


F. C Hall Department Ewq Cotton Mills, Ltd.

T. K. MacDonald G. A. Carvalho Horrockses, Crewdson

Bombay-Burmah Trading & Co, Ltd.Ltd.

Corpn., :

E.H. W. A. Jenkinson

N. Dulley C. A. de JRibeiro V. Nobel’s Explosives Co., Ltd.

P.P. L.V. White

Leefe Peugeot et Cie., Pont-de-Roide


orth Borneo Trading

ClothCo., Ltd.

Miss Brooks F.A. A.C. Silva

V. Ribeiro The


Erasmic Co., Ltd.

Miss Saunders A.A.L.V. A. Olaes

Remedies White Horse Distillers, Ltd.

. •T.E.F. Baptista


E. Osmund

M. Silva Ribeiro



Chi versValley

in Limberg

& Sons,Milk


F. M. Pereira A.C. L.L. Rocha Rocha Fraser Producers Associa- |

J. B. Pomeroy tion Ltd., Vancouver

Property Department Otard

Charles Dupuy & Co., Cognac

R. J. D. C. Grieve

Produce Department CanadianMarchant, Glasgow


A. Urquhart United Distillers Ltd., Vancouver

Miss I. E. Rogers Olivier Chine (Patent Medicines)

Shipping Department T. M. Parsons Maconochie

A. C. Fincken Bros.

& Ltd.Ltd. (Montserrat)


P.N. TodL. H. Railton Miss O’Hagan Newton Chambers & Co., Ltd. (Cat’s j

M. J. Henderson J.MissP. Xavier Head Disinfectant)

L.E. G.O. Butler

Frost P. Cooper Clarke

nico Nicholls & Combs, Ltd. (Ciar-

Products) !

Mrs. Osmund Supersilk Hosiery Mills, Ltd. (Canada)

J. Gardiner H. H. Remedios Patons & Baldwins, Ltd.

Indo-China Book Department C. Sherries)

N. Kopke & Co., Ltd, (Ports |

A. C. Wilcox Shelltox Insecticide

D.O. McLennan | A. A.dos Remedios Tootals

Marine Superintendent’s Department

Capt. R. W. Bateman, marine supt. Millars’ Pyramid

Timber &Handkerchiefs

Trading Co., Ltd.

W. Sanderson, supt. ene’ineer The General Veneer Factory (Tientsin) I

F.Mrs.F. Remedios

Clarke, assist. do. Secretaries for:

Stores Department TheLtd.Rawang Mining Co. (Hongkong) I

G. Hill The Anglo-Chinese Proprietary Syn- jj

Preventive Department dicate, Ltd.

L. J. Stevenson Southern Ports Stop

Coal Dept.

A. Urquhart Foochow—A.E.M.Smith

Canton—A. Scott Morris. -C

General Manager* A. R. Stafford >; I

Indo-China Steam Navigation Co., Kobe—A.O. McDonald (on leave)


Hongkong Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. Swatow — W. H. Tindal King'

V. Lamning ’ ;

General Agents : (on leave)

The Canton Insurance Office, Ltd. Taipeh—B.G.E.H.Bolton

Bowker(on leave)

Agen's for : J. D. Bruce

Glen Line, Ltd. C- Griffin

Asiatic Steam Navigation Co., Ltd.

Royal Mail Steam Packet

West Australian Steam Nav. Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd.

British 0M+


Shanghai &

Chinese Corporation, Ltd.


Hongkew Wharf Co., Ltd.

Ja wa chung Jcwok yat poon ho lan

lun suen kung sze

Shanghai Dock & Engineering Co.,Ltd. Java-China-Japan Lijn — York Bldgs ;

Teleph. 28015; Cable Ad: Jayalijn ;

Triton Insurance

Alliance AssuranceCo.,Go.,Ltd.

Ltd. W. H. Lebert, manager


Jean Beauty Parlour—Hankow Road;

Telepli. 59340 Chun sun se tuk se Imp ma se ta chong sze

Johnson, Stokes &. Master,

Solicitors, Proctors and Notaries Public

ft & —Office:

Building Hongkong

(4th Floor);& Shanghai Bank

Teleph. 20392;

Tze zing yang hong Cable Ad:

Platt Retsam. Agents


Co., Peking

Jetosen & Co., Tmnortersand Exporters, Road. Agents in London: Stephenson,

Machinery and Shipping Agents—12, Plarwood & Tatham, 16, Qld Broad St.,


Box 97; Street:

Cable Ad:Telephs.

Jebsen;26661-2-3; P.O. E.C.

Codes: Acme,

A. B. C. 6th edn., Bentley’s, Mosse, G.M. G.M. N.Watson,

Tinson, M.c. 1i solicitor and

notary public

Private, etc. F. H. Kwok, solicitor

J. Jebsen,,partner (Aabenraa, TVmark.) D. B.S. Evans,

H. m.a. (Oxon) do.

Y. Mossop, do.

J. H. Jessen, do. (Hongkong) F.G. Nigel, do.

A. v. Haenisch, signs per pro. H. N. Chau, do.

H. Wiele, do F. M. Xavier

<1. v. Ehren, import A. Tate

H. Lange, do. A. Rauf

E. Funck, export Mrs. Jeffreys

B. Schreiber. fertiliser Mrs. Taylor

K. Gerloff, shipping

H. Fiebig, do.

M. Jebsen, do. « INARCH ANTS ” €*©*_» !

F. Kuelps, booking LABEL WliBSSiT

H. Lenz, machinery

Miss I. Lafrenz Nor a bite in the whole bottle j

Wong Sikkay, compradore

Agents for Teleph. 30314

Stickstoff-Syndikat O.m.b. H., Berlin

Hamburg-Amerika Linie Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd \

Maersk Linie

Rhederi M. Jebsen A. S., Aabenraa Sole Agents.

Corn. Heyl A, G„ Worms

Motorenwerke, Mannheim, vorm.

Benz & Co. tu & i: @2 m ^ (n m

Daimler-Benz A. O., Gaggenau Mee dick kung kief

Robert Bosch A. G., Stuttgart Jones’ Furniture (Jones Wong Nathan & Co.)

Kabelwerk Rheydt A. G., Rheidt Furnishers and Decorators—184,

Georg Dralle, Germany and Java

The Coleman Export Corporation, Road, Ad:Paken

Kowloon; Teleph. 5144:;;' Cable


Chicago Wong, principal

Bleistift-Fabrik vorm. Johann Faber Jones Wong, manager

G. A., Nuernberg Mrs.D.Jones Wong

W. Cheung

Jf.bshun Shipping Co.—70, Connaught Miss Helen Leung

Road West; Teleph. 24553 K. C. Wong

Jordan & Co.—14, Jordan Road;

Jenkin, F. C., c.b.e., K.q.. Barrister-at-law Teleph. 59170

—Prince’s Buildings, Des Yoeux Road; Jordan House (Nee Hotels)

Teleph. 23147

Jimmy’s Kitchen — China Building; Joseph, Felix A. — Prince’s Building,

(2nd floor); Telephs. 20916 and 20910

Teleph. 30126 (Property Dept.); Cable Ad: Camelot



Joseph, J. E.—Prince’s Building,

floor); Telephs. 20916 c-ind 20-910 (Pro- (2nd A.W.M. Thomson

G. W. Tickle T.A. W. Ware

R. Wellington,

perty Dept.); Cable Ad: Exchange R. R. Todd C.M.G.

D. W. Tratman, T.E. S.H.Whyte-Smith Williams

-Joseph & Co., H. B., . Share and General D. J.Valentine, C.M.G.


Brokers—Exchange Building; Teleph. R. D. Walker, M.c. E,P. T).I. Wynne Wilson Jones

28882; Cable Ad: Josec

Principal—H. B. Joseph (Mem- Non-official

ber of Hongkong Stock Ex-

change) E. Abraham A.H. S,TJicks


Jum Kee, Sewing Machines and Acces- G.A.J. T.elS. Bagrarn Archbutt

Arculli Ho Kom tong,O.B.E.

sories-—7, Pottinger St.; Teleph. 22377 W. H. Bell Ho Sing Chau

L. C. F. Bellamy, Sir Robert Tung,Ho Kt.

M.C. Ho Wing

Justices of the Peace L. G. Bird, o.b.e.,

d.s.o. P. M. Hodgson

Official G.O.B.E., Black,V.D. Sir W. W. HornelJ,

D. R.(Mil.),

C. G. Alabaster, D. H. Blake Kt-, C.I.E.

A.J. O.W.Hughes


L. R. Andrewes K.C., O.B.E G. S. Kennedy- Skipton J.C. W.Blaker,C. m.c.

Bonnar Hung Hing-kam


S.J. F. Balfour ' T. H. King J. P. Braga, o.b.e. Ip Lan-chuen

C.W. D,O. Lambert

Barrow A. Brearley

Lambert F. W: James

L.K. H.A. Y.BidBooth

mead E. P. H. Lang

J. TL B. Lee

C. B. Brown

G. T. Byrne

C.M. B.T. Johnson


F. A. Joseph

A.M. O.J. Breen

Brawn R.H. E.0. Lind sell A. H. Carroll

H. Lowicki P. S. Cassidy J. E. Joseph

L. H.R. C.Rutters

Calthrop W. J. Lockhart- C. Charapkin

Smith Chan Tin-son


Kan Tong-poKan Tat Tsoi

W. .1. Carrie D. Chau Tsun-nin M R. Kennedy

A.P. L.G. Collisson,

Clarke Q. A. A. Macfadyen Chow, Sirson, Shou- M. F. Key

Kt. D. L. King

O.B.E. (Mil.) W. J. E. Mackenzie, S. M. Churn W. E. Kirby

T.D. Dallin J. S. MacLaren M.C. D. E. Clark C.Kong

C. Knight

Davies A. R. S. Major E. Cock, M.B.E. I-sun

H. Dixon, x.s. T.W. Megarry A.F. H.

H. Crapnell

Compton R. H. KotewalT,

J.B. E.D Dovey

Evans B. A. Moore N. V. A. Crouch^r Kwok C.M.G., Siu-lauDD.D.

J.W.P.G.Fehily E. Newhouse E. Davidson G. P. Lammert

Fitz-Gibbon I. Newton J. B. Newill, d.s.o. H. L. Dennys

J.R. W.

A. D.FranksForrest R. A. C. North K. H. Digby / Lau Ping-chai

D. J, Lewis

J.A. A.W.Fraser, m.c. C. G. Perdue H. Dixon, i.s o. LiLi Jowson,

iloi-tiing ,

G. H. Gran- J. Ralston G. W. Pope R. H. Douglas

H.B. L. Dowbiggin, LiLi Ping Kwun-ch’un


H.E. W.Green E. R. Reed D. Drummond O.B.E,

Hamilton F. J. de Rome, Li Po-kvvai

W. L. Hondyside M.B.E. Y.W. E.Faid Duclos Li Shu-fan

Li Sing-kui

B. C. K. Hawkins H. G.

S. Rouse

R. Sayer W. B. Finnigan Li Tsz-fong

J.T. J-M.Hayden

Hazlerigg, W. W. Schofield J.FooFleming' Li Yau-tsun, C.B.E

R. Scott Sik

R.McN. HendersonM.C. J. T. Smalley Fung

H. C. Heung-tsun Li

Gray A. C.Yik-mui


E.G. Himsworth N. L. Smith V. M. Gray burn J. H. Little

Sir W.T. Southern, Lo Man-kam

F. A.F. Hopkins


LaK.B.E., C.M.G. L.K. S'E.. Greenhill Lo Man-wai

T. W.

C.W. Hosegood E.W. Taylor



B. Sparrow Greig

A. S. Gubbay Lo

Ma Yuk-tbng


: - H. A. Taylor F.

H. C..

R. Hall

B. Hancock Ma Tsui chiu

G. H. Thomas

D. Kelvin-Stark WAP. Thompson J. Scott Harston A. S: Macgregor

J. F! Mackichan


T. A. Mahtani Sir W. E. L. v) m

C. M. Manners Shentoh, Kt.

G. P. de Martin, A. L. Shields etto KaiCommission

Tai &.Co., Importers, Exporters and

Agents—66,. Connaught

M.B.E. A.C. F.A.B.M.Silva-N

Smith Road Central; Teleph. 21570; P.O. Box

R. M. McLay A. M. de L. Soares 211; Cable A d: K napsack; All Codes used

G.MokMiskinKon-sang V. D. Sorby

A.K. J.S. Morris A. Stevenson Kai Tack Chemical & Industrial Co.

Morrison A. B. Stewart —China Bldg.; Telephs. 28872 and

F.NgC.Wah Mowfuna S. S. Strahan 25234

_ J. Stuart

Ngart Shing kwan J.SumH. Pak-ming Taggart

R. E. H. Oliver

■ J. J. Paterson M.

W. P.N. Talati

T. Tam m %

T.J. A.E. Pearce

Plummer Tam Woon-toiig Kaihong port TradingandCo.,Commission

Merchants Import and Ex-


8ir H. E. Pollock, Tang Shiu-kin,M.B.E. —Alexandra Building; Telephs. 20801

Kt., K.C . Tester m.c. and

L. K.c. P.G.G.N.Tinson,

F. P. E.Potter,

23556; Cable Ad: Kaihongco; Codes:

Acme, A.B.C. 5th Bentley’s and Private

Tong Yat-chun Lo Kai Hong, managing proprietor

G.P. C.H. H.Potts Tso S<3en-wan, Lo Chi Ki, assist.rtnanager

Potts O.B.E., LL.D

H.A. B.H. Raworth

H. Priestley M. H. Turner

E. M. Raymond W. J. White


. A.L.R. T.J.'Keed,

Ride i.s.o. , A.S. T.H.Williamson

Robertson Wong Xu-tung Gives the requisite “Kick” to a Cocktail

.1. B. Ross Wong Kwong-tin

:S.C. Ti. Boss Wong Mau-lam Teleph. 30311

Wong Ping-sun

U: A.Rumjabn

da Roza Wong Tak-kwong

B. Wong Tape Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.

1).W. O.Russell

Russell G. G. Wood, v.n.

H. Ruttonjee, 6nr. B. Wylie Sole Agents.

J. H. Seth Yung Tsze ming

The K D Petroleum Co. ©f China, js * « «r i»

Importers of all Petroleum Products-G

4th floor, China Building; Teleph. 33004;

Cable Ad: Macmilpet; All Codes and Kail^nKai la.n haanij rrm tsung fvh

Mining Administration, Colliery


W. A. Codes

Shea and Steamship Owners; Coal, CokeBank


Chiu Chun Chiu Ceramics—Hong Kong & Shanghai

E. Kong Buildings; Teleph.'202M ; Cable Ad:

R. Oheong Maisban

DodWell A Co., Ltd., agents '

Hole Distributor of: General Mon(ujers


products ; j Petroleum Corporation , Yao Hua Mechanical Glass Co., Ld.

Ka Wo Shipping Co.—189, Wing Lok Lf # £ n

Street; Teleph. 32744

Kapqqrijs & Sons, Sir Elly—St. Kam ChuenMerchants—63,

mission & C5,, Importers and Com-

Queen’s Road

George’s Building; Teleph. 27127; Cable Central; Cable Ad : Bhdsnest; Code:

Ad: “ Kadoorie,” Shanghai

kong; Codes : Bentley’s and Bentley’s and'Hong- Bentley’s

Second Yue'nKani-chuen, managing proprietor

Partners—Sir E. S. Kadoorie,


k.b,e., com. leg. HON., Lawrence Street: Teleph. & Cd.,21051

C. ;M.—52,

‘ Wyiidham


Kadoorie and Horace Kadoorie


Karsten Larssest & Co. (Hongkong), Ltd. Ernest Kern, resident,do.manager

E. Hausammann,

Merchants, Commission and Shipping, W. Saenger j E. Wolf

Agents—York Building (2nd

Teleph. 20998; P.O. Box 60b; Cable Ad: floor); T. P. Ue, compradore

Norseman; Codes: Scott’s

Watkin’s and Appendix, A.B.C. 5th and 10th edn., Head Office :

6th edns., and improved, Bentley’s, Ed. A. Keller & Co., S. A., Zurich,

Lieber’s, Western Union imp., director

Boe Code Switzerland

Karsten Larssen, managing

B. Naess

S.A. G.Odland Keller cLr Co., Ed. A. (Inc. in Switzerland),

dos Remedios

Remedies General Merchants, Importers of Tex-

E. E. dos tiles, Foodstuffs, Watches, Perfumeries,

F. A. Gutierrez Essential Oils,RoadSundries,

Connaught Central;etc. —17-19,


Settling Agents for 23120;

“Edakeller” P. O. andBox 659;. Head

“Keler”. CableOffice:

Ad :

Central Union of Marine Under- 31, Bahnhofstrasse, Zurich, Switzerland

writers in Oslo H. A. Keller, director

A/S Haugesunds Sjoforsikringsselskap E. Kern and E. Hausammann, resident


W. Saenger | E. Wolf

m im T. P. Ue, Chinese dept..'

Kato & Co., S., Piece Goods, Porcelain

Ware, Electrical

Merchants—16, Supplies

Queen’s and General


Central; m m.

Teleph. 21935; P.O. Box 468; Ad: Kelley & Co., Ltd., General Importers


M. Nakao, manager and Exporters and Commissiou Agents.

M. Cheung, assist, manager Import:

Textiles, Steel, Iron,Paint

Glass, Machinery,

and Paper,


Y. Nakao, accountant

all kinds — 9, Queen’s RoadProducts

Products. Export: Chinese Central;of

Teleph. 2!671; Cable Ad: Kinly

m m Kelly Bro. Manufacturing Works.

Katoh & Co., Ltd. (Tong Seng

General Exporters and Importers— 14, —169, & Co.), Cheungshawau Road; Teleph.

Queen’s Road Central; Teleph. 20976 57149

P.O. Box 648; Cable Ad: Toshoyoko;


edn., A.B.C.Bentley’s

6th edn.,andScott’s

Acme 10th Kelly n& Walsh, Ltd. (Established 1876),

Agents /or Publishers, Booksellers,' Stationers and


Kobe Marine Transport Printers—York Building, Chater Road;.

Co., Ld. (Kobe) and Teleph. 20185; Cable

A. E. Glover, mang.Ad:dir.Publishing


Kayamally & Co. (Established 1885), A. J. Waller, director (Shanghai)

General Drapers — 20, Queen’s Road J. H. Searle, do.

A. S. de Jesus, secretary do. do.


KayamallyTeleph. 20724 ; Cable Ad : A.S. Abbott, manager

Principals—K. Hoosenally, G. Abdool- E.A. A.Popple

dos Remedios,

I Mrs.accountant

C. Albers

carim, F. and Hoosenally, G. Abdool- M. J. Rouban

carim, Jr., A. Hoosenally K. H. Louis j| Miss M. EcaSilva da

H ifc Kennedy Town Hospital (See Hospitals)


chants, Kern & Co., Ltd., General Mer- £H Ku nga e sang

Watches,Importers of Textiles,

Perfumeries, Foodstuffs,

Essential Oils, Kew


Brothers, Drs., Dental Surgeons—

andand 7, Alexandra


19, Connaught etc.


Teleph. 23120; PRoad Central

O. Box (2nd floor);

659; Cable Ads: Principals—



H. A. Keller,” anddirector

“ Keler” Dr. I.F. W.

H. Kew

Kew | Dr. C .T. Kew


Kew & Co., Fred, Land, Share and KEink, P. J., Hongkong & Shanghai,

General Brokers — Stock Exchange Manufacturers’ Representatives—Stock

Building, 10, Ice House Street, Top floor; ExchangeStreet;

Building, 10, Ice House


Teleph. 20732; Cable Ad: Frcdkew

F. H. Kew, principal (Member of Klincotran. Head 32160; Cable Ad:

Ofiiee: Shanghai

Hongkong Stock Exchange) G. J. Hennephof, manager

Staff—W. H. Choy (Member of Knight & Co., T. L., Direct Factory


FergusonStock Exchange), Mrs. Bepresentatives, Import-Export — 55,

Nathan Road, Kowloon ; Teleph. 57894 ;

Kew Estate Agency, Fred., Property P.O.T. L.BoxKnight,

575 manager

Brokers, Appraisers, House and Estate L. F. Knight, secretary

Agents—10. ice House Street

Teleph. 20732; Cable Ad : Fredkew (9th floor);

F. H. Kew, principal Korza Art Studios Ltd.-—Shell House;

Teleph. 27867

| Kian Gwan Co. (India), Ltd., Exporters Kodak Co.—(N


floor),Importers — Pedder

Telephs. 22619 Building (1st

and 20040

Dr. Tong Sian Hok, manager WHITE HOUSE**


Kin. Yip Construction & Investment

Co., Ltd.—China Bldg, ; Teleph. Just right for the hip pocket

* 25656

Teleph. 39311

M H * 35 m

King’s Dispensary (The Oriental Drug jardine, Matheson & Co,, Ltd.

Co., Ltd.)

Telephs. 21200 — King’s

and Theatre Building;

20300; Cable Ad: Sale Agents.

Chemist: Codes: Bentley’s, A.B.C. 5th

and,6th Ed.

Kojima & Co., M., Fine Art Curios, Manu-

King’s College- (Nee Government) facture! b!f'TearSets—21, Canton Road;

Teleph. 56518*’

Kingsclere Hotel--(Nee Hotels) n&t

'King Shun Knitting Factory, Singlet Komor & Komor (Kuhn & Co.),' Art

Manufacturers—2{)8'a, Portland Street, Teleph. 21427;Dealers-^York

and Curio Building;

Cable Ad: Komor; Codes:

Morigkok, Kowloon ; Teleph. • 56489;

Cable Ad: Singlet; Code: Bentley’s Bentley’s G. F. and A.B.C.| 5thILS.

Koiiibr edn.Komor

and Private

King’s m f: m m &

ing, 34,Theatre—King’s TheatreTelephs.

Queen’s Hoad Central; Build- Kuiig ’Tai * Leung Kaon Tai

25313 and 25332; Cable Ad : Enterland Koon Tai & Co., Stevedores, Coal Mer-

chants, Freight Brokers, Commission

Kino Bros. & Co., Ltd., Diamond Agents, General Contractors, Import and

Merchants,—Bank of Canton Bldg.; Export—24, Teleph. 20417;DesCable Vceux

Ad: Road Central;


Teleph. 20700; Cable Ad: Kino Leung Koon Tai, proprietor

Ivitchell & Co., O., Share and General


Cable Ad : Des Voeux Hoad Central;


A. Kitchell , ' . i Kotewall & Go., R. H., I mpoi ters, Ex-

Fan HooiGhiuen ; ■ porters



P.O. j—China

Box 252;

Lok Chun ivow ..Cable Ad: Keystone; All'Codes used


Hon. Mr. R. H. Kotewall, c.m.g., ll.d., Kowloon Furniture and Electric Store,


Shin Kai, manager Manufacturers

Dealers in HighSupplies—*5,

in Electrical Grade Furniture,


Ho Man Kai I Fok Wai Lok Building, 43, Nathan Road,

Harry Chewlung P.

Chan Hon Hing | Lee Shiu Yuen H. Larken Kowloon Teleph. 57504


The Economic Insurance Co., Ltd., w & ps $ n ii %

London Kowloon Motor Bus Co., (1933), Ltd., The,

Kot Bus Services, Motor Cars, Trucks and

^ff W<>r Accessories,

Building, Nathan etc.—HeadRoad, Office:Kowloon;


Kotwall & Co., E. D., Cotton, Yarn Teleph. 58036-7; Cable Ad: Busses ;

Freight, Insurance and General

—5, Queen’s Road Central; French Code: Brokers Bentley’s

Bank Bldg.; Teleph. 20862; Cable Ad: Tang Shiu Kin,

Tam Woon Tong,- do. mang. director

Lawtok W. S- T. Louey, manager


Kotwall | T. E. Yeoh Louie Leung,Fan,treasurer

Lam Ming secretary

KowloOs Bowling‘GnEEiSr Club — (See -

Clubs) , , , Kowloon Rattan Ware Co. — 4,.

Kowloon-Canton Railway (British Hankow Road, Kowloon (next tp-

Kowloon Hotel); Teleph. 58516;


(Exch. 526); CableKowloon;

Ad: Teleph.

Railways 58071 Cable Ad: Rattanware

R. D. Walker, M.O., manager and chief


B. Trevor, traffic manager and Kowloon

I. storekeeper Store, The, General Providers

—78, Nathan Road, K’loon; Teleph. 57258

A. J. C. Taylor, chief accountant

J. Smith, acting chief mech. engr.

A. E. Perry, traffic assist. fi 1*f


R. S.L. Beven,

Hu, assist, engineerway inspr; Kruse & Co., Import and Export—Chung


D.ChauC. Cathie, trafficdo.inspector Tin

462; Cable Ad: Wahtack;23196;

Building; Teleph. Codes:P.O.A.B.C.


Pun ChiYuk,Fan, do. 6th, Bentley’s and Mosse

T. F. Wong, chief clerk

Kowloon Chess Club—(Nee Clubs) Kung .Sumff Chai Hi P &

(Controlled by C. P.

Young & Co.),

Kowloon Confectionery and Bakery killers, Ointments, Decocted Medicines, Manufacturers of Pain-

Co., Ice Cream Parlour, American Soda Pills, Powders, etc.

Fountain, :Pastries, Chocolates and Cbn-

fectionery —68, Nathan Road, Kowloon; Yeung King Tong, proprietor

Teleph. 57312 Retailers :

Kowloon Hospital—(Nee Govt.) South China Drug Co., 53, Wing Lok


Kowloon Hotel—(See Hotels)

Kowloon Dairy, Fresh Milk (Deliveries ff # ± ?L Kung-si

Twice Daily)—Farm:

57113 and 56418Saikung Road; Kunst & Albers,

Telephs. Shipping — RedderImport, Engineering,

Building; Teleph.

23121; P.O. Box 79; Cable Ad: Kunstal-

ber. Codes:

and Bentley’s Acme, Mosse, A.B.C. 6th edn. ,


Co., Ltd.),Dispensary

Chemists, (A.WineS. Watson

and Spirit& W.V.Egge, manager

Merchants, AeratedRoad; Water Manufac- Treskin, engineer

turers—80, Nathan Teleph.

JohnD. Humphreys & Son, gen’l. mgrs.

57019 T.H. M.H. V.Mueller,



Tai Pak Choi, shipping


Agencies : Kwong Sang A Co., Importers, Exporters,

Maschinenfabrik Augsburg Nuern- and Shipchandlers,

Engineers, Hardware

Suppliers —Merchants

59, Con-

berg—(MAN)—Kunst & Albers naught Road Central; P.O. Box 664

Rickmers Linie—Kunst & Albers

Sun Oil Co., Philadelphia—Kunst & Teleph. 22554j Cable Ad: Yeung


Atlas Preservative

Kunst & Albers (Jo., Ltd., Ertith— fil a I® H 54= 8?


& Albers Steel Works, Ltd.— Kunst Kwong Kwong sang hong yow han hung sze

Gute Hoffnungs

—Kunst Huette, Oberhausen Exporters ofHong,

& Alberrs

Sang Ltd., Importers and

Druggists’ Sunclrfes. and

; Commission AgentSr-250 and 2'52, Des

Kvangtung Provincial Bank, The— Voeux P.O. Box

Road Central; Telephs. 28052;

320; Cable Ad : Chat

(See Banks) Fung Wei Shing, managing director


Fung Wo YingIn,Kun,



Kwan, C. Y., ll.b., Solicitor —- 4a, i)es

Voeux Road Central; Teleph. 25921;

Cable Ad: Advocatus. Agents in Kwong Sing Cheung —220, Des Voeux

London: Ellis Bickersteth Aglionby Road Central; Teleph. 22788:

and Hazel

C. Y. Kwan, solicitor


Kwan Sum Yin, Dr.,

Practitioner—74, Medical

Queen’s Road; Central; LABEL WISISI4Y

Telephs. 20743 (Office) and 56145

(Residence) , Our Excellent Whisky at a cheaper price

Kwok Eung Banking Co. (See Banks) Teleph. 30311

Kwong Fung Metal Importing Co.— jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.

31, Bonham Strand East; Teleph. 26965 Sole Agents.

Kwong Hing Shipchandlers—15, Wing

Kut Street; Teleph. 23089 P ^ M

Kwong Hip and

Engineers LungShipbuilders

Co. (1932) —Ltd., The, Kwong


Tai Cheong, Rattan Furniture,

Grass Mats, Bamboo Sunblinds—58,

Office: 43, Bonham Strand East; Ship- Queen’s Road Central; Teleph. 22982;

yard: 57, Chung Hing Street, Sham Cable Ad: Kennets

Shui Po;

(Shipyard) Telephs. 21587 (Office),' 57009

^ /M

Kwong Hop Yuen, Dealers in Medicines Kwong Tai Hong, Import-Export Mer-

chants—27, Connaught Road Central;


21388 Bonham Street East; Teleph. Teleph. 20840; Cable Ad: Konda


Kwong Kwui Co., L’fD., The (Photo- , Sun-maid Raisin Growers Ass’n.

graphers’ Association),

Supplies-^-157, Des VoeuxDealers

Road inCentral;

Photo Railan Confectionery Co., Ld.

.Teleph. 22170 Kwong Tai Loy, Exporters and Manu-


Furniture, ofBamboo


and etc.Seagrass

— 61a,

* m %

-Kwong Ming Theatre (Controlled by Connaught Road Central; Teleph. 21548

Hong Kong Amusements Ltd.) —

Public Square Street, Yaumati; Teleph. Kwong Tai Shipping Co,—54, Connaught

58312; P.O. Box 82 Road C.; Teleph. 28805


KwoNii Tat & Co,, Supplies of All Laing, Dr. Douglas—Gloucester Bldg.;;

Photographic Goods—China

Teleph. 25656; Cable Ad: KatatcoraBuilding; Teleph. 30928

Laing, J. T., Pilot for China Sea and

Kwong Tat Yuen, Dentist—8'3, Queen’s Hainan Straits—761, Nathan Road,

Road Central; Teleph. 22125 Kowloon Teleph. 58765

fr a m Lam Construction Cp.—18, Luen Fat

Kwongtin & Co., Ltd.—Prince’s Building; Street; conco Teleph. 26125; Cable Ad: Lam-

Teleph. 26520; Cable Ad: Ktwon





cashier anddir.clerk

S. N. Fan, W. L. Yeung and F. W. Lamtractors—32, Woo & Co., Engineers and Con-

Johnston Road; Teleph.

Yeung, clerks 20385; Cable Ad: Lamwoo

Agencies Lam Chik Ho

P. E. Scrivener and Co., Sydney Lam Chik Suen

Michelson and Sternberg, America

Kwong Tung Sugar Refinery —3, Burn

St.; Teleph. 28210 Lammert Bros., Auctioneers, Apprai-

La Mode Beauty Shop—39a, Queen’s Rd. sers, Goods Brokers and General

Surveyors — 4 and 4a, Duddell

Central; Teleph. 25551 Street; Teleph. 20224; Cable Ad:


Lacon, B. J., m.i.mech.e., Manufac- L. E. Lammert

turers’ Representative for Engineering L. E. Lammert, jr. | J. A. M. de Graca

and Building trades—Prince’s Building,

3rd floor, Chater Road; Teleph. 34042; Land Office—(Nee under Government


and Ad: Lacon. Branches at Canton Departments)

B. Staff—C.,

J. Lacon,R.m.i.C.mech.e.,

Ham, K.principal

K. Ip and

_ Cheung Wo 0* ® J! ?£ M

Lane, Alfred, J., Architect, Civil

Engineer and

Lai, Dr, K. Y.—China Building; Teleph. (7th floor); Teleph. 23859 Surveyor—China Building,

24515 A. J. Lane, principal

Laid win & Co.—13. Ash Street; Teleph. $1 35 5S Lin ha Id fat


Lane, Crawford, Ltd., Grocers, Wine

Lai Heung Distillery—165, Des Voeux and Spirit

tlemen’s Merchants,House

Ladies’and and Gen-

Road West; Teleph. 23942 Furnishers,Outfitters,

SportsDealers, Ironmongers, Ship

Ship Chandlers and General Store-

® ¥ % ft m keepers—Exchange Building, Des Yoeux

Lai Shiu Wing & Co., Architects, Road; Teleph. 28151 (6 lines); Cable Ad:

Draughtsmen and Designers, Importers, Laneford . Directors—Hon. Sir William Shenton,

Exporters and General Commission Kt. (chairman),


Teleph. —China

20165; CableBuilding, 3rd floor;

Ad: Birdsnest Raymond and J. E.H. J.Taggart

Davies, E. M.

A W. Brown, manager and secretary

^ ji Ei /US E. F. S. Baker j E. H. Watts

Lai To Construction Co., Civil Engineers H. Burson- D. A. Webb

and Building Contractors—Head Office: W. S. Hillier H. AY. Bonner

217, E. Quinlan Gi A. Bond

ton Hennessy

Office: 134,Road;

WaiTeleph. 23401;South;

Sun Road Can- R. P.A. Seabourne

T. Stride A.G. E.D. Bertram

Teleph. 12068 A. C. Wilkinson 1 D. L. Cartwright



A. E. Mantanin Miss M.G. Johnson Ming tsing ^

W. C. Ogley Miss Osmund Lazaeus, & Co., N., Optician—6, Redder

P. M. Piankoff Mrs. Mrs. Penny Street; Teleph. 22203

* M. Pincottjr. Miss Peacock

O.F.P.Riberio, Passos

A.H. H. Riberio Miss Quinn L’Eclat,

Hankow Ladies Dress ; Makers

Road, Kowloon Teleph. —58836


W. Randall Miss Remedies

B. M. Vieira Miss A. Remedies

A. L. Wood Miss R. G.Razavette ft m m % w

A.Mrs.P. Moodie-

P. Xavier Miss M. Russell Lee Bkos., Manufacturing Opticians

Heddle Mrs. Sequeira —8, D’Aguilar Street ; Teleph. 2766S

Mrs. E. E. Aris Mrs. B. S. Rogers W. Lee, manager

Mrs. G. A. Bond Miss Miss J.Soares

Smirke Lee Jim Kee, Jewellers, Watchmakers

Mrs. D.Chapman

Miss Ellis Mrs. G. B. Sykes and 'Chronometer Adjusters — Plead

Mrs. Fowler Miss Smith Otfice:

21659 9, Bonham Strand East; Teleph.

Miss A. Garth Miss Turner

Miss Hallett Miss K. L. Turner

Mrs. Harris Miss Winch

Miss Xavier

Miss Johannsen


Miss L. Xavier WfiSSKT

ft ft m ± m

Langston, S. H.—Exchange Building; The finest Whisky obtainable

Teleph. 28895; Cable Ad: Burgoyne Xeleph. 30311

Bepresentative for:

Burgoyne, Burbidges & Co., Ltd. jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.


Cow As Limited

Gate, Ltd., etc., etc. Sole Agents.

£ m x ® m w ^ m m m ^

Lau Pak Wai, Dentist — Hongkong Lee, Joseph J. A Co., General Building-

Coptractors—17, Thomson-Road

Office: Gloucester Building (1st floor); ; chai);

Teleph. Teleph. 24303; P.O. Box(Wan-682;

Rd. (1st 20488;

floor), K’loon Office:

Yaumati; 337, Nathan

Teleph. 57423 Cable

Private Ad: Leeco; Codes: Bentley’s and

Joseph J. Lee, manager

# n ! ® J. P. Lee, secretary

Law, Dk. E., m.b., ch.b. (Edin.), General p a s a * ^

Medical Practitioner — 16, D’Aguilar Lee & Co,,

Street; Telephs. Office: 26555 and Re- ; SuppliersJoseph S., Monumental Masons,

of Granite and Marble Monu-

sidence: 22807'\ ments—10, Morrison Hill Road; Teleph.

Lay & Co., S. C., General Merchants— 21511; Cable Ad: Joseleeco

Alexandra Buildings; Teleph. 20763; m m n & m ^



Nam, director

K.M.T. Leung, manager LeeSanitary

Ping Earthenware

Hong, Building Hardware


L. Chang and H. Y. Chung, Goods—52, Des Vceux and Road Centra

assistants Teleph. 20600

La yang &, Co. — 2,, Wyndham Street; ft ft m z

Teleph. 28963 Leeson & Co., D., Importers, Connaught


and, Produce'Merchants—27,

Lay. tun igj jgg Road Central; Teleph. 20840;

762; Cable Ad : Leson, Hongkong;P.O. BOx

Layton & Co., Bill and Bullion Brokers— Codes

5, Queen’s Road Central; Teleph. 20089; edn. : Acme, Bentley’s and A.B.C. 5th


Sole A gients . Members.: New York Cotton Exchange

TheLtd.Hongkong Confectionary Co., Commodity Exchange Inc., N.Y.

Chicago Board of Trade (Canadian)

The China Produce Co. of Canton, Commodity Exchange Inc. (Shanghai)

Stock Exchange

Ltd. Foreign Correspondents:

Lee22452Theatre—Percival Street; Teleph. White, Weld & Co., New York

Mocatta & Gdldsmid, London



Wo, Land Lewtqn Co., The, Importers and Exporters

Iron andFounders

Marine Engineers,

— 131-137, —China Building; Telephs. 24897 and

26573; Cable Ad: Lewfcon, Hongkong

Portland Street; Teleph. 57285

LeeTeleph. Ltd.—30, Wing Lok Street; Li: (3rd

Tick,28205 Clinic Bank of East Asia Building

floor); Telephs. 20963 and 20363

Dr. Li Shu Fan, m.b., ch.b., d.t.m.&h.,

Lee Yu Kee, Building Materials, Sani- f.k.c.s.

Dr. Li Shu (Edin.),Pui,j.p.m.b., b.s., f.r.c.s..

tary Earthenv/are and Hardware Goods (Edin)

i—37, Des Vceux Road Central; Teleph. Dr. K. S. Shin, m.b., b.s. (H, K.)

28177; Cable Ad: Building Dr. T. P. Woo, m.b., ch.b. (Edin.)

Li kap o lan che ki hi sze kwui to Li & Fung, nExporters m

Leigh & Orange, Civil Engineer, Archi- Merchants — 10, Chiu and Lung General


tects and Surveyors—P.

Des Vceux Road Central; Teleph. 20167; Li To-ming, managing partner

Cable Ad: Orange Fung Pak liu, do.


Huen PoHungTin .

Leighton Garage—75, Leighton Hill Rd.; Lai Wai Sum

Teleph. 24488

Leite, Madame S., Ladies’ Wear Specialist LiManufacturing

Man Hing Kwok Weaving and

Co., Ltd.—Offices arid

— Gloucester Building Arcade No. 1, Works: 15, Saigon Street, Kowloon,

Teleph. 24474 Teleph. 58030; Cable Ad: Liman

Principal—Mrs. S. Leite

Miss Cynthia Savard Remedies

Miss M. Chau LiPractitioner—82,

Sung, Dr., m.b., Queen’s

b,s., General Medical

Lepack Road'Central


—YorkImporit and Teleph.

Building; ExporthiMer-

123; (1st floor); Teleph. 23603

P.O. Box 114; Cable Ad: Textilian Li Tsoo Yiu,andDr.,Int.

Specialist in Children

Leung Kwok Ying (Hongkohg-Cantbn- Diseases Medicine — China

Shanghai), Newspaper Agent and Patent Building; Teleph. 25441

Medicine Dealer—32, Bonham Strand

East, and 160, Reclamation Street, Yau- Liang & Co., J. D.—China Bldg.; Teleph.

mati; Teleph. <21645 24161

Lever Bros. (China), Ltd.—China Build- Liang Kwang Trading Co.—China Bldg.;

ing; Teleph. 22433 Teleph. 23907

Levy & Co., S. Ei-i-7, Ice House Street; Liang You Beauty Shop—King’s Theatre


Selco. 30101; P.O.113,

Office.- BoxKiukiang

142; CableRoad;

Ad: Bldg.; Teleph. 30619


M. David,Bldg.,


I J. Greenberg Liberty Silk Store—China Building;

B.I. Agafuroff

Agafuroff | lWoo ongYing

Man Pan

Tai Teleph. 24760; P.O. Box 567

M. Lokoomull, proprietor


Lincoln & Co., Ltd., W., Importers Lloyd’s Gilman & Co., Ltd., agents

and Exporters—17, Ues Yoeux Itoad C.;

Teleph. 24295'i' Cable Ad: Lineage

& t £

Linotype and Machinery Ltd., Manu- Nui si Li shun win she

facturers of the Linotype Composing Lloyd’s Register of Shipping—Alexan-

Machine, The Miehle and Centurette

Two-Revolutibri Presses, Lithogra- dra Buildings; Teleph. 20179; P.O. Box

463;T. Cable Ad: Marine

phic Machines and General

Machinery—20, Ice House Street; Printers’ S. Morrison, m.i.mar.e., surveyor

Peter Lee, clerk

Teleph. 20768; Cable Ad: Linotype

fj§ i lE Am se tuk m m mr

Lloyd Triesxino (Flotte Riunite“Sitmar”)


ant—Exchange Building (1st floor); —Queen’s Building (groundefloor);

LinStead & Davis, Chartered Account Triestino Marittima Italiana


Teleph. 27794; Cable Ad: Linstead lephs. 32982-3; P.O. Box 143; Cable Ad’.

C.H. B.R. Brown, a.C.a., partner Lloydiano

Forsyth, c.a., do. G. Russo, agent

A.S. T.Sommerfelt,

Butlin, a.c.a.

a.c.a. C. Mose

U. Azzolini

D. L. Prophet, c.a.

A.Y. H.Santos.

da Silva I Mrs. B. Jack

J. A. Gutterres Miss J. Smalley SILVER SLIPPER ” GIN

P. C. Chung. , j Mrs. R. F. Franco

For the Perfect Gimlot

m m m m

Little, Adams & Wood, Architects Teieph. 30311

and Civil Engineers—York Build-

ing, Chater Road; Teleph. 21026; jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.

Cable Ad: Upstairs

Principal—Colbourne Little, f.r.i.b.a. Sole Agents.

Wm. C. Felshow

A. Mylo


Mclnnes I| W.

K. Wang, B.sc.


G. Smith, secretary LoBrokers—8,

Kin Fai &DesCo.,Vceux Share and Central;


Little Beauty Parlour—26, Hankow Teleph. 26015; Cable Ad: Road


Road; Teleph. 58776 Lo Kin Fai, principal

Little Sh5p, The, Chinese Curios, at-law, Lo Tung-Fan, B.A., LL.B.; Barrister-


Lamp ShadesFurniture,

and Interior Jewellery, Bar—4a,and

Jades, Decorators member of the Canton

Des Voeux Road Ceritral.

—Gloucester Building; Teleph. 26438; West Canton Office: 26, ~ Wai Oi Road

CableAd: Littleshop

Mrs. M. K. Boyd, proprietress

Mrs. E. Meffan,

(See Also manageress

Shanghai Section) m & x m


& Lo, Des Solicitors &c.—Alexandra

m m m m Teleph, 28034; Cable- Ad:Road

Yceux DeodandCentral;

Liverpool and London and Globe Insur- M. K. Lo, solicitor

M. W. Lo, do. and notary do.public

ance Co., Ltd., The (represented by Lui Wai Chan

Dodwell & Co., Ltd.)—Queen’s

Teleph. 28021; P.O. Box 36; Cable Ad: Building; Wong Ka Tsun

Globe Mrs. E. C. Fincher


Local Printing Press, Ld., The, Printers, w & m fi ± m m

Publishers, Bookbinders & Stationers—

9a, Duddell Street; Teleph. 24677; Cable Lopes & Alves Ltd., Import and Ex-

Ad: Lockoo port Merchants—Hongkong Stock Ex-


Box 121;Building;

Cable!Ad: Teleph. 25442;

1 , P.O.

A.LeeY.Yat Ngok,secretary

Wong, managing director Lopesalves'

m m Lowcock & Co. (Tung

trical Engineers Y7ick Plong), Elec-

and Contractors—China

Lock HJng, Exporters, Gold and Silver- Building (1st floor); Teleph. 26492; Cable

smiths, Blackwood

facturers and Curio Furniture

Dealers— Manu- Ad: Lowcock

33, Locking


Bd.C.; Teleph. 26718; Cable Ad: H. Lowcock, a.m.i.e.b.

Shiu Yat Him, manager

Shiu Yam Lun | Shiu Kam To

IHi # $£ $1 Hutspsze

Lockhart Lowe, Bingham & Matthews,

Ybeux Bd.& C.;Co.,Teleph. Charles

27294 U.—6,. Des Chartered

Bank Building, 7, Queen’s RoadMercahtile

Accountants Central;

Logan & Amps, Chartered Civil En- Ad: Explanate Teleph s. 28,106, 28 lu7 and 28108 , Cable


Yoeux Road Cen. Bank Teleph.Bldg.,


Des Staff:—

Ad: Loam John Fleming, C.a. ;

Principals — Lt. Col. M. H. Logan, A. Ritchie, c.a. ' I .

O.B.E., M.c., M.INST.C.E., F.s.i., and E. M. Bryden, c.a., signs per pro

L. W. Amps, O.B.E., M.INST.C.E. E. D. da Roza,

D. S. Robb, c.a. a.s.a.a.

Office Stall:—

S.R. G.A. Smith,




clerk A.A. Drummond,

A. Bremner, c.a. c.a.

R. A. Young, transportation mgr. E. R. Walch, A. E.FaridGutierrez


C. Rodrigues, acct.M.B.E., secy. D.W. G.J. Woolley

Wilson M. K.H.M.P. Chan


Y. Chen A. Abbas Chan

G.R. F.H . Jones


W. LeeKwok: Choi I. S. Forbes

T. O. Chan

Mrs. A.Silva-Netto

Cheng Fook Choi T. Swan Miss C. U. Mitchell

Y. K. Ng, timekeeper F. F. A. Dunnett Miss O. Gill


ir M Lowe, Bingham & Matthews, Shanghai,

Loke Yung Cheong, Real Estate Tientsin and London

Owner—Hongkong and Shanghai Bank Lowe, Bingham ct Dunman, Singapore

Building (2nd floor); Teleph. 24437;

Cable Ad: Rentcharge

Leong Ngai Pooi, Power of Attorney

Lejng Check Sung and Wong Yu vt Lok si li

-±r £§-

Kong, assistants


General &Importers,

Co. (China),

Exporters Ltd.,andW.Ship-


ping Agents—rRegisteied Office : York

Long Hing

Dealers—9, Office) «& 21566 tCompradore);

Teleph. 34046 Queen’s Road Central; R.Cable Ad: itLoxley.

Loxley London Office:

Co., (London) W.

Ltd., 106,

Loo Bros. Silk and Embroidery Co.—8, Shameen, Canton Fenchurch Street, E. C. 3. Branch:


Ad: LoobrosStreet; Teleph. 24209'; Cable Registered Office of (Loxley

Perrin Cooper House)ds

Co., Ltd., Tientsin

Loong Shing—30, Pottinger Street; D. O. Russell, permanent

T. A. Mitchell, director director

Teleph. 25028 F. G. Herridge, secretary


8taff-r r General Managers for :

G.D. Duman |

E. Gore SC. T. ChiuK. L. V, ong F. Campbell & Co., Importers of Paper

G. B.W. BrownAgencies; ; K.Boards

8. Chen

H. A. Castro

P. A. Elms ! Miss Gill Miss Lysaught

T.K. Wong H. Brourdey & Co., Ltd., London

C. Chen' ji Miss Miss Arnold

Best The New Zealand Co Operative Dairy

Co., Ltd. (“Anchor” Butter)

Wong Hok Yan, Corupradore


Ben Line Steamers

' Champagne HeidseikLtd.& Co. BHANirtr


Genatosan Ltd. Ltd.


Richard The Brandy with a Pedigree

India TyreHudnutand Rubber Co. Teleph. 30311

International Chemical Co.—Bismag


KenrickRobin, S. A. Ltd,

and Jefferson,

Kiwi Boot Polish Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.

Lewis Berger & Sons, Ltd. Sole Agents.


Meccano Mason & Co., Ltd.—O. K.

Ltd.General Exporters, Ltd. Sauce

Medical and

Joseph Nathan & Co., Ltd.—Glaxo Luk Hoi Tong Co., Ltd., Banking,

Northarn Warren Sales Co.—Cutex Assurance


Queen Insurance L. T. Piver

Insurance Wholesale (Life), Hotel, Drugs—293-299,

and Retail Restaurant and

Royal Co.Co. Des VoeuxRoad Central; Teleph. 26795;

P. O. Box 1324; Cable Ad: Lukrance

Wm. Sanderson Son, Ltd.—Yat 69 Chan Fu Cheung, president

Spratts’ Patent Ltd. C, Y. Chan, vice-do.


Treetex ” Wallboarding

Houten & Zoon Chan Yee Cheung, treasurermanager

Chan Yarn Kwock, banking


Wall &Combe,Sons Reid &, Go., Ltd. Yeung Kam Tim, life assur. do.

Chan Hung Tack, restaurant

W. Woodward

Jas. WilliamsonLtd.& Son, Ltd. manager

Wm. R. Warner & Co,, Inc. T. K. Cheung, drugs manager

C. Y. Chan, Po,

Au hotelsecretary


Luex Cheong & Co., Wholsale and Retail

Paper and Stationery Dealers—74, Des ChanSheung

Ku Cheung, chief acct.

Vceux Road Central; Teleph. 23036 Chan Chung Kwong, assist, do. •

Barnch Managers :

Lukn Fat Shipping Co. - 16, Des Vceux Mui Man (Hotel Nathan, Kowloon)

Road W. j Teleph. 23417 and (Life Ass. Dept., Kowloon)

Chan Chor Tack (Luk Kwok Hotel,

Luen King Motor Car, Motor Cars for Wanchai)

Hire, Day and Night Service—7, Canton W. S. Pang (Life ass. dept. do. dp. )

Road (opposite to. Water Police Station), Y' . N. Chan (Banking dept. do. do. )

Kowloon; Teleph. 56522 Y. H. Chan (Life Ass. Dept., Canton)

F. N. Chan (Banking dept., Toy Shan


Luen Yick Hong—32, Bonham Strand N. N. Chan (Life Assur. dept., do. )

W.; Teleph. 21202 Chan Yip Ching (Sham Hop Market.,

Toy Shan District)

Luhring & Smith, (Successors to Chan Ming Ngan (Norgum Market,

"Radecker & Co.), Importers and Com- Toy Shan District)

mission Agents—12, Des Vceux LiCheong,

Kut Tong (Banking Dept., Sun

Central; Teleph. 23169; Cable Road Ad: Toy Shan District)

Ringsmith Luk Tin Ming ( Macao agency—

Partners—E. Liihring and J. S. Smith Avenida Almeida Ribeiro)


Lun Sang Sc Co., Civil and Structural v] & m p ^


French Buildingand Building Contractors—

(3rd floor); Teleph. Tit hong lun shun hung sze

23524; P:0. Box 506; Cable Ad: Lunsang Mackirmon, Mackenzie & Co.,

Shipping Agents—P. & O. Building,

Lun Tax Mutual Fike and Marine In- Connaught Road Central; Teleph.‘27721;

surance Co., Ltd.—272, Des Yceux Road P.O.M. T.BoxJohnson, 113 B; Cable

partnerAd: Mackinnons

Central; Teleph. 21131; Cable Ad: Lun- T. G. S. Alexander, signs per pro.


Tam Woon Tong, general manager C.B. T.Black

Flanagan | !). \VAlacEwen

Lun Yick Fire and Marine Insurance A.W. Hay-Edie ] A. Mc-Kellar, c.a.

Co.—313, Des Voeux Road Central; Outdoor Staff

Teleph. 21330 J. Lowrie | Ji Hoare

Lunatic Asylum—(See Medical Dept., Agencies P. & O. S. N. Co.

Government) British-India and Apcar Lines

Eastern and Australian S.S. Co., Ld.

m m m w n s m Marine Insurance Co'„ Ld.

Lyson & Hall, Solicitors — 6, Queen’s!

Road Central; Teleph 23665; Cable Ad: iL 'a fk 0 ^ac ^ se


J. M. Hall, solicitor Mackintosh’s,

Specialists—Alexandra Ltd., Building,

Men’s Wear Des


Dr. C. K., m.b., b.s., with

General Voeux

Medical Ad: Outfit Road; Teleph. 20029 Cable

Partner Ma Clinic,— F. A. Mackintosh | L. Glendenning


28888 Building; Telephs. 26504 J.R. G.R. Meyer

and Davies jI Lai J. Hickman

Ivi Kwong

Agents for

Sc H E ife “Summit” Collars and Shirts

Ala , Clinic Scotts Hats

Ma Luk, C. K. Ma & T. C. Wong & K. F. Henry Heath Hats

Ko, Drs., Medical Practitioners—Offices: Aquascutum

“K” Shoes Coats ;

King’s Theatre Building, Queen’s Road

Central; Telephs. 26504 and 28888; Cable Mac’s Cafe — Hongkong'Hotel, Pedder

Ad: Fir House Street; Teleph. 24801

Macao Green Island Brickwork Co. Macnamara, H. C., Barrister-at-law—

—224, Jaffee Road; Teleph. 30624 Stock Exchange Building (5th floor);

Macgown, Anderson & Durran, Medical Teleph. 21225

Practitioners — Hong Kong Office: Al-

exandra Building (3rd floor), Des Voeux Maizee’s Ladies Speciality Shop,

Road Central; Teleph. Gowns, Hats, andSuits and Frocks, Costume,

Office: 80, Nathan Road;27728.


57029 Jewellery Helena Rubinstein

parations— Chater Road ; P. O. Box 710



Dr. J. C. Macgown, m.d., ch.b. (Edin.), Mrs. D. J. Brybe, manageress

Friston Cottage, May Road;

Dr.Teleph. 26846 m.b., ch.b., f.r.c.s. Maison F. Mathieu, S. A., General

J. W. Anderson, Merchants—Prince’s

(Edin.), 517, The Peak; Teleph. floor);

■ <: Dr.29277 , Telephs. 25913, Building

23609 and(second


J. Durran, m.b., ch.b. (Edin.), (godown); Cable Ad:

E. F. V. Barnes, manager Famarods


J. H.(Ophthal.),

McElney,D.o. m.b.,

(Oxon.)ch.b. , . J. E.A. M.Victor, signs per pro, . .

E. Stirling

./Edin.), d.t.m. (Liv.), 1, Chatham C. L. Aris

Dr.Road, Kpwloon;

D. Hope Teleph.

Gill, m.b., ch.b.56744

(Edin.), S.

Mrs. C. Basto


0, Nathan

57029 Road, Kowloon; Tel- Cheung Hung

T. H. Cheng

















P. & 0. Building, Connaught Road, HONGKONG

27, The Bund, SHANGHAI


72, KyoMachi, KOBE.

75, Yamashita Cho, YOKOHAMA.


Oompradore Dept.: Man San S. S. Co —25, Connaught Road

Ip Yuk Leung, compradore W., Teleph. 20325 ,

IpLoTing San,Chuendo.


Cheung Tim Man Ying, Importers, Exporter's, Book-


God own Chuen Road Central; sellers,

: 7,WaiQueen’s

Stationers, Printers' and Book-

binders—100; Hollywood Road; Teleph.

Teleph. 31064 21354

R. Chan, warehouseman

General Agents for: Manners &. Co., Ltd., John, General Im-

“La Corbeille”—Wespelaer (B.elgium) &portInsuranceand Export Merchants, Shipping

Yos-Lemmens — Hoboken (Ant- Building, 7, Agents—Mercantile

Dewerp) Queen’s Road Central;


Zwanenberg’s Rabrieken-Oss (Hol- Telep.hs. Cable Ad: Manners; and at Canton33581

24721, 2280<), 24071-2 and and

land ) Swatow.

Biscuiteries Gevers (Antwerp)

Cimenteries & Briqueteries Reunies E.C. 4. London Olfice: 37, Walbrook,

(Antwerp) John

W. J. Manners,

Hansen, director.,


Leonis Works (Antwerp) K.R.Kastmann, do.'

S. A. UnionCommerci'ale’des'Glaceries Lasala f J. B. Kooter

Beiges (Brussels, Belgium) B. Herschend | N. O. Kring

S. A. Papeteries de Belgique (Brussels,

Belgium) Agencies

•S. quez-lez-

A. des' Yerreries

Virgi nal)de Rauquez , (Fau- Societe desCiments-Portland

•S. (Jumet)

A. des Yerreries de Hamendes de )’ Indo-Chine, Haiphongartiiiciels

Sun Insurance Office, Lcl.

•S. A. da Bleu d’Gutremer & Prqdu ts Great Eastern Life Assurance Co.

11 Nakar (Mont. St. Amand)

-S. A. Tanneries de Saventhem

(Saventhem, Belgium) ' « WHITE HOUSE”

'General Agents for the. Far East for:

Bestovall Canning Co. Will §14 Y

Hedlunds Ltd.

Famous Foods Ltd. (Gladiator Brand The Choice of the Connoisseur


Nootka Canning

Broder Packing Co.,

Co., Ltd.

Ltd. Teleph. 39311

Agents for Hong Kong and South China for: Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.

National Brewery, Shanghai.

Destilerias Ayala Inc., Manila Sole Agents.

Majestic Theatre, Talking Picture

Cinema—Nathan Road, Yaumati, Kow- tt?

loon ; Teleph. 57222 A A. 5N $z

Majima Hospital—(Nee Hospitals) AUL iSL 35.

Manufacturers LifeTeleppS.'

Insurance Co.,

Malcolm Ltd.—St. George's Build- 26691. Head Office: Toronto, Canadaand

& Co.,30444

ing; Teleph.

The—Shell House; 26601

E. J. R. Mitchell, branch manager

Mamak & Co.—10, Peking Road; Teleph. W. Sharp, resident Secretary

56469 L. E. Lammert, Jr., cashiet

Stenographers—Miss C. B. Rodri-

n % m fa % gues, Miss E. M. Ford and Miss J.

Man on po him hung spe . Seath

Man On Insurance Co., Ltd.—4, Clerks—A. M. Rumjahn, W. Sprinkle,

Queen’s Road West; Teleph. 27309 T.So HManMan-

Ying, So Yuet Wall and S.


. jtieprescntatives: Cathay Chapter, No. 1165 E.O.

S. P.Y. E.Gittins, Z.-J. W. Franks ,

Basketfc,J. C.H. M.A. Grenharo,

Laiumert, H.


A-, M. G. Philippens, Liang

Ohih, Yip Bank iiipy, L. Gardner Han Scribe B.E.—E.BrownJ. It. Mitchell

and A. W. E. Ledng Scribe N.—H, F.) Sommers

it. K. Bacheior, district manager Treasurer-G.

P.1stS.—S. Jarvis A. Stewart

(Canton) Asst. S,—J. Gardner

V.F. Murer

E. Ferrier (Canton)

(Bwato.vy) 2nd Asst. S.—E. R. Duckitt

J. J. Ggterres (Macao),! r’; Organist—S. H. Ross

i>. of G.—S. S. Strahan

Stewards—F. Buiij'e and J. E,

Marcoxi International Marine Com- Potter

jujKibATioN Co., Ltd.-^-S; CorittaugDt Janitor—R; A. Donaldson

' Road C.; Teleph. 24320

Cathay’ Lodol, No. 4373, E.O.

Marine Engineers’ Guild of China W. M.-W. W. Hirst

—(See Associations) I. P. M.—E. R. Newnham

S.J. W.—VV.

W.—R. Baldwin

J. Burling

Marine Insurance Association of .... Treasurer—H. Chaplain—H. GE. Anniss Budden

Hong Kong—(See Associations) Secretary—E. Thompson

D. of C —B. E.

S. JD.— H. E. Harper Maughan

Martin & Co., T. A.— H.K. Stock Ex- J. D.—A.—A.P. Andrews

change; Teleph. 307&5, Almoner B. Crawley

I. G.-G. A. White


1 Shoten, Goldsmith, • Jade Stewards—A. E. E. Jefferies, Y. H~

Jewels, Precious

; Road; Teleph. 2427,9 Stones—39, Heimes^y W. Fraser C. Jeffreys and H,

Freeman, A.

Tyler—R. A. Donaldson

Maryknoll Mission—(Nee Churches Concordia Lodge of M. M. M. No. 72lr

and Missions) E.C.





J. W.-H. Nissim

B. L. Dowbiggin

Yim an wui

IS #■ fn $1 9V kwoon M. O. -N. S. Ellis

Masonic Hall—Zetland Street J.S. O.—H.

O.-^S. S.PLStrahan


Caretaker—O. A. Smith Chaplain—J

Treasurer—H. . T.G.Bugram


Secretary—B. F1. Davies

Ararat Lodge of Royal Ark Mari- ' Reg.

D. of Marks—J.

C.—M. J. B. H. Boftomley


Ners, No. 264, E.C. , S.J. D.-r C. B v Brown

W. C..N.—A. E. Clarke 1). 11. S'. Mok

I. P. C. N,- W. B. A. Moore Organise—L. D. Skinner

J.S.—J. Smith —E. M. Raymond, 1.Stewards—J.

G.—E. I. Wynne-Jones

Chaplain—H. S.-Mok Tyler—O. A. Smith E. Potter and F. Bunje-


Scribe—VV. H. Heacon

Whiteley Diligentia Lodge of Instruction

J.S. I).—J.G.


Mycock Preceptors—J.

Jeffries, A.’ E.L. Clarke


and C.P. W.



C. H. E. Budden

S. Wan Cravvley


and A. T. ME.7hitePaul, P. I. Newman Treasurer- H. S. Mok


Steward—A. A. Andrews C. Excell

Warder—O. A. Smith


Distiuct Grasd Lodge op Hongkong & Lodge Eastern Scotia, No. 923, S.C.

South China (English Constitution) Officers for . 1934 : —

Officers for 1935-6 R. W. M.-E. S. Carter

D. I). G. M.—J. L. McPherson I. P.

D. M.-F. M.—J.Cullen

C. Ferguson

,S. W.-F A. Kedmond S.W.M.-D.

J. W.—G. E. Wetton

•Chaplains—G. E. Cross and G. R. S. W.— A. Hill

S. A. Dand

Bass W. J. W.-J. J. Whyte

Treasurer—B. i). Evans Secretary—J. J. Cameron

Registrar—L. Forster Treasure^—C.

Chaplain—A. E.W.Man E Bishop


President Board of G. P—M. J. B. Bible Bearer—S. Hodge

Montargis S. D.—E. P. White

J. D.—F. T. J. Locke

Secretary-Alfred Morris . D. C —A. Stalker

D. of C.—E. W. Hamilton Stewards—S.

S. D.— E. Thompson

J. D.—A. Nissim J. J. Whyte W. Cbleman and R.

Hup. of Works—A. Hollmeister I. G.—F. H.A.W.Donaldson

Tyler—R. Haynes

A. D. of C.— H. E. Stone

S. B.—R. W. Smith Lodge Naval & Military

S. B.—N. Richardson

S. B.—H. K. Prossor

Organist—R. Baldwin WHITE |

Assist. Secy.—J. Smith

Pursuivant—G. W. Reeve WHISKY

Asst. Pursuivant—J. P. McDermott Easily distinguishable by its aroma]

Stewards—A. F. Paul, W. F.

Simmonds, E. McNay, E. I. Teleph. 30311

Wynne-Jones, W. J. Burling

District Grand Lodge op Socttish Jar dine. Math eson & Co., ltd

Freemasonry in Hongkong & South Sole Agents.


District Grand Royal Arch Chapter Lodge, St. John, 618, S.O.—Second

of Hongkong and South China Tuesday in Each Month

Officers for 1935-6 :— Officers for 1935-6:—

S. G. P.—A. Morris R.I. PW.M.-J.



T. G. P. —J. Bentley

S. E.-G. R. Holloway D. M.—W. P.'Seath

.S. N.—O. A. Smith

P. of C. of G.P.-W. B. A. Moore S.S. M.—F.

W.-E. W. K. Garton


D. G. T.—F. A. Redmond J.Chaplain—H.

W.-J. A. R.Hong SelbySling

Registrar—W. E. Hollands Treasurer—W. H. Bailey

D. G. S.-C. S. Coom Secretary - J. Skinner

D. of C.—C. Champkin

F. A. S—J. W. Franks

S. A. S.—G. Hooper J.S.D. D.-J.


of C.-G.

G. Poy

F. Hole

Sword Bearer—G. F. Hole Organist—H. Oittins

Standard Bearer—H. P. Harris Bible Bearer—S. V. Gittins

A. D. of C.-W. Paid Stewards—F.

J. H. Green B.andBlake,y,

F. W. W.Kendall

K. Way,

Organist—G. W. Reeve I.Tyler—A.

G. —P. H.O.Sabrani

A. S. E.—J. Smith Smith

D. G. J -R. A. L. Donaldson

Eothen Mark Lodge 264 E.C. Naval and Military Boyal Arch

' Chapter, No. 302, S.C.


Paul Chatel Lqdgk .of. Installed Banner Bearer—F. F, Duckworth

Masters, No. 5391, e.c. Sword Bearer—VV. B.J. A.Edwards

Aide-de-Camps—E. Moore and.

Officers for 1934: — W. J. Davey

Master—J. Owen Hughes,

I. P. M.—W. T. Southorh, I'.n.u.w. d.g.m. Warden of Begalia—J. T. Bagrain

S.J. W.—J. L. McPherson, u.d.o.m. Chamberlain—A. V. Hal ward

W.—C, W. Jeffries, p.d.g.w. Captains of Guards—A. P- Suthei -

Chaplain—G. T. Waldergrave, land and S.J,S.Bird

Organist—A. Straihm

p n.o. CH.

Treasurer — M. J. B. Montargis, St. Mary Magdalene Chapter of Bosh

Pres. p.E. of g.p.; P.O. Box 451 Croix of H. B. D. M., No. 73, E.C.


D. of C. — D. Stokes,p.u.c.d.

Crawley, p.d.g.w.,of C.

N. China United Chapter, No. 1341, E.C.

J.S. D.D.—P.

-H. Tester,

E. Budden, p.p.g.w.

p.d.g.w. Officers for 1934 : —


VhnonerD. of—C.—J.

O. A. Bentley, p.o.g. Trea.

Smith, p.d.g.w. 2nd do. --P. S:D. Coom

1st Principal—C. Crawley

Organist—G. P. Lam inert, p.d.g.w. 3rd do. — E.J. G.Budden

Treasurer—H. Hooper

Asst. Secretary — J. W.

d.j.g.d. c/o Naval Yard, H’kong. Baldwin, Scribe E.—S. B. Barlow


G.—C.G. Alabaster, p.d.g.r.p.d.g.r., Do. N.—C. Baysting

A. M. Smith, P.1stS.—J.


S.—G. E. Li Johnson

T. A. Mitchell, p.d.g.r. 2nd do. S.—B. A. Trengrove

Inner Tyler—C. 8 E. Watson, P. Pres. D.

DIB. 6f G.P. Stewards — B.E. J.Hollands

of C.—W. Soufbutts J. F.

Wilhnott, W. S. Brewer, T. E.:


Perseverance Lodge, No. 1165, E.C. Janitor—R. A. Donaldson


I. P.M.-S.

M.—W.S. F.Strahan


S. W.—J. T. Bagram f i nited Mark Lodge, Nd. 419, E.C.

J W. -H. G. Williams,

‘Chaplain-^E. Bunje: „ Officers for 1934 : —

Treasurer—F. H. Crapnell W. M.—W. E. Hollands

Secretary—E. J. B. Mitchell L P. M.--C. S. Coom

D of C.—C.Jarvis

. S.T1.—S. G. Alabaster J.S.M.W.—C.

W.—J. G.Crofton




J. D.-J. R. WayBoss


Assist. Seciiitary—J. E. Potter J.S. O.—A.

O.—J. Smith

E. Jeffries


G.-E. G Dale D. Coppin, H. J. Arm- Treasurer—W.O.Books

Chaplain—E. White-

strong and'G. A. Stewart, Secretary—G. E. L. Johhsori -c/o P.

Tyler—O. A. Smith W. D.

B. of M.-T. W. Carr

D. of C.—H. E. Budden

Provincial Priory oe China S.J. D.—B.

D.—C. Baysting

Officers ,for 1934 : — G,-J. B.A. Willmptt

I.Stewards—B. Trengi-ove ‘

Brett and, B. J. Boast

Prior—A. Morris

Sub-Prior—Sir \V. T. Southorn Tyler—B. A. Donaldson

Prelate—J. E./Watson

Chancellor—G. F. Nightingale

1st Constable — Sir W. E. L. Shenton United Service Lodge No : 134L

2nd do. ! -—1. Watson E.C.

Treasurer—G..E. Wetton OmMr's; for 1934 : —

ilegistrai-—G. T. Waldegrave VV. M. F. J. Ramskill

Vice ( haneellur—W. A. E. Gardner I. P. M.—J. B. Hooper


Almoner—J. L.B.G.McPherson

L. Dowbiggiri J.s. W.—C.




W. Can-


1st Standard H. Brayfield Treasurer—W. E. Hollands

2nd StandardBearer—A.

Bearer—H.Hoff ineister

V. Hawley Secretary—S- IB Farlow


S.D. D.—E.

ef G.-H. E. Buddcn.

McNay ^ flj Lcefoong

Maxim & Go., Merchants and Commis-


D.—J.D.Hargreaves sion Agents—

of C.—R. A. Trengrove

I. G.-tiG. E. L. Johnson Teleph. 22175; French

Cable Ad: BankMaxim;



Steward—C. Baysting, P. Knight, A. Codes TLed

R. Francis and R. i ionnftr

Tyler—R.’A. Donaldson Mayen & Co., — 37, Queen’s Road C.;

Teleph. 27891.

University Lodge of Hongkong,

No. 3666, E.C. n & m m m m

Victoria Chapter, No. 525, E.C. Mayfair Co.,; The, Ladies’ & Gentlemen’s


25563; Cable—China Ad: MayfairBuilding; Teleph.

Victoria Lodge, No. 1026, E.C

Victoria Preceptory, No. 78 ** WHITE If OUSE”

Officers for 1935-6:— WHISKY

E. Preceptor—F. F. Duckworth

1st C.—W. R. Farmer Renowned for its tine Liqueur Quality

2nd C.—A. Ploffmeister

Chap.—E. J. Edwards

Treas.—T. A. Mitchell Teleph. 30311

Regist.—C. Mycock jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.

1st Herald—S. S. Strahan


1st St.Herald—H.

Br.—H. Owen H. Beddow


2nd St, Br.—H. F. Sommers Sole Agents.

Organist—D. F. Daires

Capt. of Guard—F. J. Farr Mayo’s Shoppe, “Manila’s Leading

•j Serving Frater— O. A. Smith Hat Makers,’’Milliners and Haiti Makers

Zetland Lodge,' No.( 525, E.C. ofStraws,


Felts,;European andTrade

Braids, etc,; American


W. M, -A. F. Paul

I. P. M.—R. W. Smith, Did. Std. Export; Dresses and Philippine C,ur,ios.

S.J. W.—B.

W.- F. P.PascoR. James Manila Hats our .Speciality for local


Gloucester and Export—1, South. Arcade,

Building; Teleph. 24935;

Chaplain—H. J. Fountain Cable Ad: May hat . .

Treasurer—F. L. Rapley

Secretary—A. E. Clarke, p.d.g. Pur. E. J. Porter, general manager

D. of C.—F. F. Duckworth, p.d.g.a.

Sec. Mayeda & Co., S., Dealers in Curios,.

Assist. D. of C.—L. A. Tobias Gold, Silver and Teleph.



S. D.—W. J. Geall D’Aguilar Street; Gable


D.—P. I. NewmanT. N'elson Ad: Mayeda

Stewards—H. H.

Neale and J.E.E.WettonMundy,

Barrow F. H. McDonnell tfc Gorman, Ltd., Engineer-

Almone.r—G. ing


Teleph. 25686- Building (3rd

I. G.—W. Stoker Directors—R. T. McDonnell and N. A.

Tyler—O. A. Smith Gorman

Resident Engineer—F. W. Kendall,

M.E., A.I.M.M.E.

Matilda Hospital—(S'ec Hospitals) Asst. Res.1 Engr.-^‘.Vl. Cliihg, m.e., b.sc.

; >Secretary'



Rnd W.

■ L. Butt

Mats hear a Hotel—{See Hotels) Clerk—L. C. Sun


Teleph. 20962

J. Matsumoto, manager McNeill,

Building;Duncan, Barrister Princes’"

Tojoph. 30413.


Mee Cheong, First Class Photographer, Metro - Goldwyn - M ayer of China —

Special Dept, for Developing and Print- Shell House; Teleph. 24586

ing for Amateurs—23,

Teleph. 26379 Ice House Street; |

& m w ^ an ‘is 18 3$

m n m Metropolitan Land Co., Ltd. (Incor-

Mei Chvd See porated under the Companies Ordinance

Melchers & Co., Importers, Exporters, of Hong Kong) — 14, Queen’s Road

Shipping and Insurance Agents -— 3. Head Office: Central; Teleph. 30234; Cable Ad: Metro.

Queen’s Building, Chater Road; Telephs. Directors—F. 81, Jinkee

R. Smith,Road,(chairman),



Cable (Import) and 26378

Melchersco and (Shipping);

Nordlloyd R. Calder-Marshall, Yuson Yeo,

(Shipping). Head Office:Shanghai,

C. Melchers & C.

Harris and G. E. Marden Reader

Y. Starr, O. Okamoto, M.

Co., Bremen. Branches:

kow, Tientsin. Tsingtao, Canton, Hongkong Han- F. R. Smith, managing director

Swatow, and Melchers Inc., New York Office

Adalbert Korff, partner (Bremen) G. A. Parker, manager

Karl Lindemann, dp. do.

Adolf Widmann, do. (Shanghai) Mikasa & Co., Japanese Fine Art Curios,

Lacquer Ware, etc.—26-28, Hennessy

C.Dr.G.A.Melchers, do. (Hongkong)

Korff, do. (Shanghai) Road; Teleph. 26503

Ed. Michaelsen, do. do. Military Hospital, Hong Kong and

G.W. Schuldt, signs per pro. Kowloon (See Government) /


Leopoldt do.I E.AVelsing

FI. Schmidt | S. 'Lohmarm

Miss A. Schuette MILITARY

Agencies G.O.C., the BritishA.Troops in China—

Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen Major-General W. Bartholomew,

Germanischer Lloyd, Berlin C.B., C.M.G., C.B.E., D.S.O. ' ';

Mental Hospital—{See Government) A.D.C.—Lieut. W. S. A. Clotigh-Tay-

lor, R. W. Fus.

Mercantile Bank of India — {See Staff: -

Banks) General Staff-—

G. C.S. O. I-Colonel G. R. Y. Steward,

Fat lan sai fo shun kung sze G.S.O. I—Colonel H.C. Harrison, d.s.o.

Messageries IVIaritimes (Com- G.S.O. 11—(vacant)R. L. K. Allen, R.

G.S.O. Ill-Capt.

pagnie des), French Mail Steamers W. Fus.


and 21560Queen’s Building; Telephs. 26651 Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster-

R. J.Old, agent 1 C.K. P.K. Ho GeneraVs Staff-—

G. Gabeur T’sa A.A. »fe Q.M.G. in chargeH. ofG.Admin-

istration—Brigadier Seth-

Y. F. Chan | K. T. Wan Smith, D.s.o.

Agencies D.A.A. & Q.M.G.— Major H. H.

Cie. Indo-Chinoise

Chargeurs Reunis de Navigation Dempsey, r.a.s.c. J. D. Milne,

Cie. Generale Transatlantique Staff Captain—Capt.

Cie. Air Orient R. Scots.

Attached to the Staff :—

% W- Officer Commanding, Royal Artillery

Meton Hong, Import, Export and Lum- —(vacant)

Major Instructor in Gunnery—Major <’>

ber Merchants—China Building (7th J. S.Engr.—Col.

Drennan, m.c., r.a.G. Kirke,d.s.o.

Floor), Room No. 14a, Queen’s

Central; Cable Ad: Metonhong; Code Road Chief E. St.

Used: Staff Officer, Royal Engineers—Major.

K. S.AcmeKan, manager D. H. Steers, o.b.e., r.e.

Command SignalM.c.,Officer—Major

Y. H. Leung, assistant F. M. Parkes, Royal Signals M.


Services Engineer .Company

Assist. Dir. of Supplies and Transport Major—M. A. Johnson, m.m».


Assist. J. H. Morris, d.s.o.,Services—

of Medical o.b.e. Lt, - F. W. T. Ross

(vacant) Corps Signals

.Depy. Assist. Lieutenant—J. H. Botfomley

' Lt. Col. W. A.Director

Frost, ofk.a.m.c.

Pathology— Machine Cun Battalion HeqdqiM'rters


T. "F.Assist,


of Hygiene

r.a.m.c.—Major Major E. J. R. Mitchell, d.B.E.

Lt. C. de S, Robertson

Assist. Dir.

(vacant) of Ordnance Services— Troop |

Deputy Assist. Director of Ordnance Capt. A. H. Potts, ;

Services—Bt. Lt.-Col. J. F. Johnson, Armoured Car Section

n.A.o.c. 2/Lt. G» C. Moutrie

Chief Ordnance Mechanical Engr.—

(vacant) Motor M. G. Platoon

Veterinary Officer—(vacant) Lieut, H. G. Williams

Command Paymaster—(vacant) JSfo. 1 {Machine Gun) Company

Assist. Command Paymaster—Major Captain —H. Owen-Hughes

R. H. Smyth, M.C., R.A.P.C*. Captain—E. G. Stewart

Command Education Officer— Capt. Lieutenants — D; M. Richards and.

G. W.Clerk;,

P. Kimm, a.e.c.Staff—S.S. M.C. V. C. Branson, M.c.

Chief General 2/Lts.—R. M. Wood and L. B. Holmes

Shaw, r.a.s.c. 1 No'. % {Scottish) Company)

Chief Clerk, Administrative—S.S.M. Captain—H. R. Forsyth.

W. S. Daley, r.a.s.c. Lieuts. — A. W. Brown and T. P.


LAN. R. Adjutant—Lt. J. Drury, e. Saunderson

Garrison Sergt.-Major — G. S. M. E. iVa. o {M: G.) Company

Harrison LieUt.—A. Urquhai t

M. G. Br. Signals

2/Lt.—A. N. Brande

•‘OTASms” V.S.O.P. Corp Infantry

Major—S. Jarvis, Mlc.

Captain—3. S. Rodrigues

BRAIMDY Captain—J. Vr. V. Dos Remedies

A Fine Old Liqueur Brandy Lts.—H. J Silva and F. P. Sequeira

2nd Lt.—H. A. de B. Botolho

Teleph. 30311 Medical Section

Major—J. C. Macgown, M h.,. ch.b.

Jardine, Mathespn & Co., Ltd. Gaptaiti—J. Durran, M.P., ch.b.

Lieutenants—L. T. Ride, m.a., M b.,.

Sole Agents. B.CH., M R.C.S., L.Ric.P., J. A. R.


CrpOt, M.B.,m.b.,B.S.,b.oii. (Edm.),

M.R.C.S., L.Ii.C.P.H. J.

: Reserve ,Company

Hongkong Volunteer Defence Corps Lieut,—D. L. StreUett

Corps Headquarters Lieut. — J, .C. Dumbar

Commandant — Lt.-Col. H. B. L. Reserve of Officers

Dowbiggin, o.b.e. Colonel —L. G. Bird, u.s.o., o.b.e.

2nd-in-Command — Major E. J. K. Lieut-Col.—G, D. R. Black, o.b.e., v.h.,

Mitchell, o.b.e.tain R.C.B.- Anderson, M.H., C.M.

Adjutant—Cap Captains—W. Brackenridge, m.c.,

m.c. (Argyll & Sutherland High-

. lapders) J. B. Ross, K. S. Morrison, A.

Mackenzie, R. R. Davies and A. M.

Quartermaster — Lieut. H. WesL Thornhill

lake, d.c.m. Lieutenants—Rrja. Moncrietf, A. H.

1st Battery Penn, G^ Duncan, M.B.E., R. K.

Captain—T. A. Martin Valentine, J H. Lawrence and

Lieutenant—M. I. De Ville A. E. Stone

2/Lieut.—A. E. Bates


Auxiliaky ' Units Missions (/S'ee Churches)

Army Service Corps Cadre

Major—a M. Manners, o.b.e. wl 5V ^ Sam hhg hung sze

Captain—U K. Bousiield, m.c. Mitsubishi ShojiCo.,Kaisha,

Lieutenants—K. P. Fletcher, N. bishi Trading

V, Halward, m.c., m.a., R.P. Phillips, porters and Exporters, Ltd.), Ltd. (Mitsu-

General Im-


Blaker,L.A.c.i?. Shipping

m.c., G. ^liskin, F. Bunje, surance agents — 14,/ Pedder Street; & In-

Telephs. (Office) Mess)

57052, (Hongkong 26681-3,

205,28 (Godown)

& (Kow-

Railway Operating Detachment Cadre loon Mess) 57083; Cable Ads: Iwasakisal,

Major—R. D. Walker, M.c. Iwasakipro, Iwasakimet, Iwasakizat,

Capt.—I. B. Trevor.


L. C. Tathain.Smith, A. E. Perry and jwasakicol, Box 111Twasakimac

P. K.O. Manda, & Iwasakifer;

Nursing Detachment manager

Commandant—Mrs. J. Durran.M. M. K. Shimoda, signs per por.

Acting Commandant—Miss K. Shinohara, do.

Mel lor. T. Ishiwatari, do.

Lady Superintendent—Mrs. E. G.

Stewart. # H

Quartermaster—Mrs. M. E. Bolt: Sam Citing

Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd., Mer-

chants, Insurance and General Agents,

Mee Un ion kwan kao yu han hmg sze Importers and Exporters — Prince’s


Printers and Ltd., Advertising

Publishers — Agents, Buildings,

Hongkong 30271-5 andIce24294;HouseCable


Ad: Telephs.


Branch: French Bank Building, 5, Head S.

Office: Tokyo

Yamanaka, manager

Queen’s Road Central; Teleph. 25187; Y. Hayasaki, S. Ajito and H. Mori,


F. C.Ad:Millington,,

Milladyertmang. dir. (S’hai.) assistant managers

Miss Elma Kelly, B.s.c., a.i.c., manager Agencies Tokyo

for South China

General Office: Taisho Marine

Marine && Fire

Fire Insce,

Insce. Co.,

Co., Ld.


B.K. M. Vieira, account. Nippon Fire Insurance Co., Ld. '

W. Fok, chief clerk Meji Fire Insurance Co., Ld.

Y. F. Lewe, shroff Nippon Salvage Co., Ltd.

Dai Nippon Brewery Co., Ltd.

Miss M.L. Vieira | Miss R. Moosdeen


Y. W. Liu | C. W. Liu Miura & Co.—61, Wing Lok Street;

Salesmen: Teleph. 21144

C. I.Tak

Ho ReadMing |I C.MissP. Bessie

Wong Kwan Modern Art Furniture Co., The —244,

Nathan Road, Kowloon; Teleph. 58414

Ming Kwonu Chan Kee, Electrical Con-

tractor—30, Hillier Street; Teleph. 21618 ft m n & m


—54a, Silk Store,

Queen’s RoadSilks of allTeleph.

Central; kinds

® M 31851

Ming Sing Theatre (Controlled by Hong-

kongRoad,Amusements, Ltd.)—153,

Teleph. Lai-chi-

56183 Modi, F. K„ Merchant

kok Shamshuipo; Agent-46, Wyndham and Commission

Street; Teleph.

Ming Sun Film Exchange—517, Nathan 236J5;Cable Ad:Behemen , .

Road, Kowloon; Teleph. 58822 Mody, F. H., Bill and Exchange Broker—

Ming Tai Hong—349, Hennessy Road: 5,Cable Queen’s Road Central; Teleph. 24363;

Ad: Expressly [

Teleph. 24223

Ming Yuen Photographers—17, Queen’s Mody House, a select residential hoarding

house (all enquiries to Mrs. Kella)-^2fi-30,

Road Central; Teleph. 24310 Mody Rd., Kowloon ; Teleph. 58882 1


ir # IS & 19 5V ^ Hi Mow tah, lee

Mohamedally; N., General Merchant and Moutrie & Co., Ltd!., S., Pianoforte and

Commission Agent—27, Wyndham St.; Organ Manufacturers,

MusicalRepairers, Tuners

Teleph.’^031.8 ■ and Importers, Instrument

Music Dealers—York Buildings, Chater


A. T. Barma, b.sc. (Eng.), manager Rd.; Teleph. 20527; Cable Ad: Moutrie.

H. T. Barriia, accountant Head Office: Shanghai. Branches:

Mok, Dr. T. T., m.b., b.s., General Medical Tientsin, Singapore,manager

A. E. Silkstone, Penang and London

Practitioner—Office: 40, Des Vceux Hoad J. R. Canning | Mrs. N. Kanis

Cent.; Teleph. 24856

Montargis, M. J. B., Exchange, Bullion Agencies

Patterson Radio Corporation

and Bill Broker—French Bldg.; Telephs. Garrard Engineering & Mfg. Co., Ltd.


Ad: and 34273; P. O. Box 451; Cable,

w & m ft m m % k Mowing

Ship andCompany,

Freight Steamship



Moonrakee Motorboat Co., Ltd.—21, Building, 14, Queen's Road Central;

Canton Koad; Kowloon, Hongkong Cable Ad: Mowin; Codes: The Boe,


Kowloonat Blake



Teleph. Station

57376 Bentley’s and Private

M. K. Ng, manager

Moore & Co., it.—580, Nathan Road; S. L. Man, clerk

Teleph. 50762

Morton Bros. & Co., Charles, Genera, “MONTSERRAT” LIME JUICEl

Merchants—China Bldg.; Teleph. 23590;


Box 256; Cableprincipal

Morton, Ad: Charmorco ‘SILVER SLIPPER’ GIN

S. C. Chan, assist, mgr. equals

Moeita & Co., T., Cloth, Provision, Wine The Perfect Gimlet

and Spirit Teleph. 30311

Teleph. 21059Merchant—19, Luard Road: Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.

Moses Marble Works & Co.—6, Mor- Sole Agents.

rison Hill Road; Teleph. 34362

M -7k Wing lee &mmmu®m

Moses & Co., Ltd., N. S., Importers and Moxon & TaySor, Share and General

Exporters, Merchants and Commission Brokers—Exchange Building20990;

(3rd floor),.

Agents — 9, Queen’s Road Central; Des 412;


Road;Ad:Teleph. P.O.


Diver 21072; P.O.Box 347; Cable Ad: Box Rialto

W. Goldenberg, manager A. Nissim, principal

C.E. A.S. Goldenberg Agency

Moses II H.

P. C.C. Yang

S. Chan Smith, Bell & Co., Ld., Manila

j|[ Tung lee ^ H

Moulder & Co., (1934) Ltd., A. B., Muller & Phipps (China), Ltd., Fed.,


Queen’s Road & Importers—China

Central; Teleph.Building,

20381; Inc., U,S.A., Manufacturers’ Representa-

P.O. Box 386; Cable A.B.C.

Ad: Moulder; tives—Kayamally Bldg., 20-22, Queen’s-

Codes: Acme, Bentley’s, 5th and Road Central; Teleph. 23298 ; Cable

6th edns. and Private Ad: Mulphico;

Bentley’s. Head Codes:

Office: Acme and

One Park

Directors—Li Jowson, Li Po Kwai, Avenue, New York City, U.S.A.

Li Yick Mui and Wong Oi Kut

S. K. Chung, secretary

Staff—Wong Kwan Pui, Ma Chee

Hung and Au Young Kan Music World Co.—24b, Des Voeux Road

Central; Teleph. 25721


Mustard 8c. Co., General.Whole- Nathan Rattan Furniture Co. — 23;

sale Importers,and Distributors — 67, Nathan Road; Teleph. 56846

Des Vceux Road

Cabje Ad: Mustard CenRi Teleph. 21186;

m n m m is


V. OVERZEESCHE KALI EXPORT MlJ— Nan sin hsien liu chong

1, Chater Road; Teleph. 30124; National


Aniline and Chemical

U.S.A., Manufacturers andDyes,


Cable Ad: Naveokali porters

Fertilizers andIndigo,

of ChemicalsAniline

— Hongkong

fa m w m it .tDesShanghai BankCentral;

Voeux Road BuildingTeleph.

(4th Flour),


Mam Bund I’imntino

StationersPress, Printers, Cable Ad:

Bookbinders, and Embossers

etc.—15, On Lan Street; Teleph. Rector Street, New York Office: 40;

Naccokong. Head

22466 C. Liu

M. Gee,

In Tsomanager

Staff—Wong Long Chi, Chiu Tze

^ ^ PS ^ fS 4* it Ping, Leung Pak Kon and Fong

Nam Chung Po, Ltd., The, Proprietors of Chun Luk

“The Nam Chung- Po” (Evening

Newspaper) — Office: 110, Hollywood Banks) City 'Bank of New York (See


Road; Teleph. 21864; Cable Ad: News-


a Wai-yau, managing-director National Commercial and Savings


Wai-man, do. Bank, Ltd.—(See Banks)

Man-shing, manager

Nam Hing Hong, Sole Agents for National n&wt a

Nanyang Brothers Tobacco Co., Co., Ltd.,Lacquer and Paint Products

The, Manufacturers of

Ltd., Hong Kong Division—144, Des Paints, Enamels,

Voeux Road, Central; Teleph. 21370; Cellulose Lacquers — Varnishes I. L. Cable

No. 3536


Cable 6th

A.B.C. Ads:edn.Nahiho and 0589;etc.Codes: North Point; Teleph. 31601;

and Bentley’s, Ad:


Nam Hing Loong (Established 1870), A. Van

J. Ben,

Man general

Leung, manager

assist, mgr.

General Storekeepers and Druggists

—4, Pottinger Street; Teleph. 20351 National Motor Car Co., The—71-75,

Nam Sing Shipping Co.—69, Con- Ad: Hennessy Road;

Chryscar, Teleph. Code:

Hongkong; 27914; Acme


naught Road W.; Teleph. 22766 Sole Distributors for

Nanking Flash Light F itAoliv, Manuf- Chrysler Motor Cars

acturers of Flashlights tfe Batteries—70, De Soto Motor Cars

Main St., Shaukiwan; Telepli, 23877 Plymouth Motor Gars

to & # it National

AustralasiaMutual Ltd.,LifeTheAssociation

— Kai Ming of

Nanyang Bros. Tobacco Co., Ltd., Building, 5, floor, 6, Queen’s Road,

Cigarettes Manufacturers—Factory & Central; Cable. Ad: Nonforfeit

II. R. Wells, secretary

General Office: 271, Wanchai Road; L. T. Lau, clerk

Teleph. 20480; Cable Ad: Nanyang V. K. Ng, representative

?T © # & » National Publishers Ltd., The (Incor-

Nash & Cq.,,E. E., Solicitprs &c.— Bank porated in Hongkong), Proprietors of

of East Asia Building, Des Vceux Road “TheCantonCanton

Truth Daily Sun.” and

”—Hongkong “The8,


Central, Teleph, 31314; Cable Ad: Des Vdeux Road Central; Teleph. 26310;


F. E. Nash, solicitor P.O. Box B.C.;

714. Teleph.

Canton14003;Office: 83,

B. J. Wong J P. K. Lai Shameen, P.O.Box

' 26; Cable Ad: “ Cantonsun,” Hongknog

Nathan Hotel—CAe Hotels) and Canton .




For andfull particulars

all otherbyofThomas



cards manufactured

lie La Goodall

Rue & &Co.,Son,Ltd.,Ltd.,



apply to our Agents:—

Shanghai: MUSTARD & CO., 161, Museum Road.

Hong Kong: MUSTARD & CO., Alexandra Building.

Singapore: BORNEO CO., LTD., Mercantile Bank Building.

Netherlands India: GEO. WEHRY & CO., Batavia, Semarang, Sourabaya.




; Board of Directors—K. R. Sakhrani, ForR. S.special

Barry duties—Lieut.-Comdr


K. B, Vaidya Singh,(managing

J. A. Pereira

director)and Staff Officer (Intelligence)—Capt.

..Editorial Staff— F. M.Secretary

Civil Bramall,and

r.m.Cashier—E. W.

'• - K. B. Yaidya, editor-in-chief C. Corry

Associate Editor—S. Tseu Assist.

Jose Ligaya, secy, and accountant Comdr. Cashier—F. A. Munn— Cdr.

of the Dockyard

National Trading Corpn., Importers,' E. F. Disbrowe

Exporters, and General Merchants— Chief Constructor—A. W. IVatson,

China Bldgs. (6th floor); Teleph. 33807; M.B.E.

P.O. Box 497; Cable Ad; Kwokwah; Constructor — WT. H. Wallond,

Codes: Acme, Bentley’s and Private R.C.N.C., M.I.N.A.

H. K. Chang, manager Assistant; Constructor—V.

Chief Engineer—Eng. Capt.W. A.Hall



Leung, compradore

secretary Dibley

First Assistant — Commander (E)

National Trading Co., The—7th floor, G. L. M. Salter

China Bldg., Room 14; P.O. Box 1479 Second

H. MoyAssistant—Engr. Commr.

ft M Assist, for Gun Mountings—Engr.

Commr. H. J. White

National United Company, General Superintending Civil Engineer—

Merchants — Asia Life Building, 14, J. F. Ardron

Civil Engr. r— W. A. Laing, b.sc.,

Queen’s Road Central, 4th floor, Rooms A.M.I.C.E.

415/417; Teleph. 34340; Cable & Radio Assist. Civiland


Ad: Nated; Codes: Bentley’s, Acme &

Private a.m.i.c.e. C. W.—G.N. McGowan,

L. Wilson,

S. P.U.Y.Chiu, general manager A.M.I.C.E. •

Mok Asst.


and J. ConnelyT. Williams,.

C.J. J.L. Richard

Wong (Outport)

[ K. Lau Superintending Electrical Engineer

S. S. Cheah (Singapore) —H. Martin, m.i.e.e., m.i.e. (sa.)

C.T. M.

T. Luk Electrical Engineer — H. P. Blake,

Yao (Canton)

(Swatow) A.M.I.E.E.

Naval Store Officer—W. Guy Luke

Deputy do. —R. Henderson

0& §|s Dockyard Asst.

and J. A.do.Riach —C. D. Bartlett

NAYAL Expense Accts. Officer—H. C. Tyson

As from March 1933 Assist. do. —E.R.C. May

Commander-In-Chief Chap, — Rev. P. N. Chamberlain,

Vice-Admiral — Sir Frederic C. A.K.C. Officer—Surg. Comdr. G. L.


Dreyer, k.c.b., c.b.e. Ritchie, M.c., m.b., ch.b.

Personal Staff Assist, to Cdr. of ofDockyard and

Secretary — Payr. Capt. H. M. Superintandant Chart and

Flag Horne Lieut. — Lieut. A. H. C. Chronometer Depot—Lt.-Comdr.

Gordon-Lennox M. V. Keogh

Naval Establishments at Hongkong “ IHARCHANTS ”


charge of Naval G. Sedgwick

Est. at H’kong.) LABEL WHISKY

{Broad Pendant in “ Tamar ”)

Personal Staff Not a bite in the whole bottle

Secretary—Payr. Lt. Cdr. M. A. W. Teleph. 30311



Staff Officer

D. Orr-Ewing (Operations)—Comdr. Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd

Paymr. Lieut.—A. A.E.Loveridge

Pay. Sub-Lieut.—L. Wright Sole Agents.

(For duty in Commodore’s Office)


Naval OrdnAnck Inspection Depot A. M. Leuenberger and E. A. R. New-

Naval Ortliiance Insp. Officer— ton, Joint managers for Hong Kong

Lieut.-Comdr. It. C. Hoverden, and South China

. Jt.N. W. A. Simpson I Miss B. Bone

D. F. Kilby | Mists G. Swan

11. N. Armament Depot

Senior Naval Armament Supply Netherlands Consulate; (&?r Consulates)

Officer—G. B. McCormick

Deputy NavalJ. Rafferty

Officer—P. Armament Supply Netherlands Harbour Works sCo.—

67-69, Des Vceux Road; Tpleph. 24211;

Cable Ad:

Edn., andDredgers;




H.M. Victualling Yako Amsterdam, Holland

Superintendent—H. F. Procter

Assistant—H. G. Tilley Netherlands Trading Society—(Nee

R. N. Torpedo Depot Banks)

Torpedo Engineer Officer — Lieut.- Nethers ole Hospital—(Ss'/T- Hospi tals)

Oomdr. (E);4;.rB. Coventry

Navy League—(6>e Associations) mm mm&m

New . Asia Artistic Advertising


Teleph. 27516Co. — 52, fiennessy Road;


. (See Banks). , IndIsuhe

. . ■ . Handels Bank New Kowloon Theatre—;95, Kai Van

jVj ^ JSfirti ma tse Road; Teleph. 58712

Nemazee, SV!., Merchant— 1, DOS Vceux New Yorker Cleaners — 1.49, <. Prince

lioad; Teleph. i:09:iu; P.O. Box 411; Edward Rd.; Teleph. 51461 .'


M.H.NAd: Nemazen



signs per pro. New Zealand Insurance Co.'Ltd., Fire,

Marine and Central;

General Teleph.


R.M. Silva

Mehdi Nemazee Queen’s Road 28008;

Lui Cheong Kwong P.O. Box

Bentley’s 783; Cable Ad: NeWzico; Code:

A. 0. Ellis, manager.

Theand Nest,

Seeds; Fruits, Flowers^Road,

— 25, Nathan Vegetables

Kow- N- Z. Perpetual Forests, Ltd.—York

loon; Teleph. 59422 Building, Chater Road; Teleph. 24616;

Cable Ad: Enzed’timgai


% & W * fe charteredAgents - Thomson & Co.,


Kei Kvmg Ngau Nai Rung Sze

Nestle & Anqlq-Swtss Condensed Milk Newspaper Enterprise, Ltd.; Publishers,

Co.—Chung Tin Building (2nd floor) 5, Printers, Book-binders and Stationers—

DesVoeux Road Central: Telephs. 30328, Chin# Mail Building, 3a, f Wyndbam

30327 and 21115

351; Cabla Ad: (Godown);

NestangloAP.O.BranchBox Street; Teleph. 20022; Cable Ad: Mail;

I Offices: Canton, Kongmoon, Code: Bentley’s

Amoy & Foochow. , : , Swatow,

. ... D.C. Wilson, manager


Nas of “Milkmaid” Milks and Ng. Shun, Soap Dealers—China Building



Milk Food,Peter’s


and Kohlers, Cocoa

Malted (fourth floor);

and 530;K. Cable

Teleph. 22433; P.O.

Ad: Shunlever Box

•Chocolates; Gfetber’s Petit Gruyere T. Chung, mana.ger

Cheese, Nestle’s Cheddar Cheese Chan Yue-tung, accounts, and sales

Distributors forMilk,


CondensedEvaporated Eagle Brand


Charles and Ng Wah—Pedder Building;: : Teleph.

Peerless 25636 ' ' .


Nicaraguan Consulate—(Nee Consu- Nocht, Helmut—St. George’s Bldg.;

Teleph. 21291



suranceBritish and Fire

Co., Ltd., Mercantile

and Marine In-

is B

Nippon Menkwa Kabushiki Kaisha Insurance Agents: China Underwriters Ltd.

("Japan Cotton Piece

Yarn, Cotton TradingGoods,

Co., Ld.),


and .—4a, Des Voeux Road Central


Merchants Goods

—2, and

Con General

naught Commission

Road; Teleph. North China Insurance Co., Ltd.—

28087: Cable Ad: Menkwa UnionMandarin

Ad: Building; Teleph. 28081; Cable




m % m m e

Yat pun yau shuen hung sze Gives the requisite “Kick” to a Cocktai!

Nippon Yusen Kaisha (Japan Mail


Connaught Cci,' Road)—King’s

Central;Building; 8-10,

Teleph. 30291 Teieph. 30311


Ad: Yusen Exchange to all depts.); Cable

K.T. Watana.be. manager Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.

Takei, sub-do.

1 Sole Agents.

S. Yamamoto, sUb-supt.


K. Hi rota S.E. Okawa fp 4 s m

S. Tshibashi Kawai

Y. Hachiuma

R.V. Mu


rata . Lo long ya yan tip hoon

H. Kimura

F. Gomes Noronha & Qp!., Government & Genera,

E.M. Katsuki

Tshizaka Kwok Lun Hi Printers and Publishers—Office: 18, Ice-

G. Misawa

K. Fukune Wong Kai Ming Street; Teleph. Workshop:

House Street; 6, Duddell

21004 (OfficeGazette”),

of The


Wong Wai SinMan Chu Hongkong “Government

M.H. Hata

Tsuaki Lam Man CableandAd:Bentley’^


Codes: Phrase

A.B.O. 5th

K. Matsukuma Chow ShunCheong edn.

Y. Kojima Ting J. F.J. X.Basto and B. Basto,. joint mgrs.


S.Y. Kawakatsu

Takeshima II| Lai Worn Mrs. C; Remedios

E.K. A.Asano



ChowPinYuen Foo Miss

A. M.M.Silva Basto ||| L.A.L. Santos

A.M. Rozario


Chiu Kin Chuen

H. Kamimura i Li Kom Hung Norwegian’;1 Consulate—(Yee Consu-

Canton Office lates)

B. Hasegawa, resident repres. U

M. Ishigami Ocean Accident and Guarantee

Agencies for poration (of London), Ltd,-t-4a, Cor-


Cunard White Star Line Voeux Road; Teleph: 30967; Cable Ad:

Kinkai Yusen Kaisha Ocean

Nisshin Kisen;Kaisha Gilman

The Fuso Marine Fire Insce. Co., Ld. Office Cleaning Bureau, The, Con-

tractors for Renovating & Maintaining

ll rfi IIS No po/e sang , Offices & Buildings, Building,.

Repolishing—China Terrazzo &7thMarble


Noble & Co., Dr, — Uriioh Building; Teleph. Officebureau 32400; P.O. BoN' 74l; Cable Ad:

Teleph. 20391; Cable Ad: DocBurton


SuccessorH. Burton,

to JosephB.i).s..W.n,p.s,

Not)le, p4).:s. Office Appliance Co., Pro. -12, Des

and J. Thomas, b.d.s.. n.n.s. A Yoeux Road 0.; Teleph.'28607*


Ot Kwan Life Assurance Co., Ltd.— Oriental Trading. Co., Importers and

63, Des Voeux Road C.; Teleph. Exporters (South China Produce) —

Prince’s Building; Teleph. 26528;.

26510 Cable Ad : Kunihiro

Oceanic Sales, Ltd.—China Building; M. Kunihiro, manager

Teleph. 32644

H # ^ # M M m x

Oji Paper Manufacturing Co., Ltd. — Tai.pan sheung shun chii sik wui sh6

Prince’s Building; Teleph.23452 Osaka



floor); Teleph.George’s



K. & Co.—11. Queen’s Road C.; Teleph. Japan Cable Ad: Shosen. Head Office: Osaka,.

T. Nakamura, manager


Fat & Co.,HardwareCommission Agents,

Dealers, Ship-

Importers Y.S. Kusumoto,

Ebihara ssist.T.mgr.Nakajima

, and General Storekeepers—25 and 27, S.A. Iwata

Fujii S. Odagiri

K. Sakai

Wing Kut Street; Teleph. 20631; Cable Y. Kitao T. Suzuki

Ad: Onfat Agent for \

On Lee & Cov — 358, Lockhart Road; Nanyo Kaiun Kabushiki Kaisha

Teleph. 20107 Outdoor Sports Equipment Co., Dealers;


ArmsCable and Ad:Ammunition—^

Outdoors; Teleph,


t?i & m m m % Bentley’s and A.B.C. 6th edn. Canton

On Lok Yuen Co., Ltd., Manufacturers Branch: 15, Sai Woo Road

of Confectionery. Biscuits and Ice

Cream, Modern Soda Fountains and Overland China Mail—China Mai

Restaurants - -25, Deg Voenx Road Cen- Building, 3a, Wyndham Street


looker; Teleph.

; Codes 21022 ; Cable AdWestern

: Bentley’s, : On-

Union, A.B.C. 5th Edition OverseasFireAssurance Corporation Ltd.,.

Cheung Kat Shing, managing director The., Central; Insurance—7,

Teleph. 28008; Queen’s

P. O. Box Road


Peter Cheung, manager Cable,Ad: Newzico;Insurance

Code: Bentley’s

New Zealand Co., Ltd.,

Orient Photoplay, Ltd. —16, Queen’s managing agents

Road C.; Teleph. 32263

^a^ ^^ u mm

M 'fist "ft % Tung fong in chong Overseas

(Proprietors Chinese

of the Daily News,

“ Wah Kiu Yat Ltd,

Po ’r

Orient Tobacco SVIanuFactory,

ing-enohl, Ltd., The—582, Nathan and C. South China Lithographic Press).

Road, Newspaper Publishers and Lithographic-

Box 69; Kowloon;

Cable Ad: Teleph.

Moderator58039; P.O. Printers—Editorial

Offices: 1 and 2,Hollywood

and Publishing

Yuen On Lane,

E.IT. deSauerbeck,

Chaffoy, managing

asst. do. director Dept: 106-1!0, Road;Business


J. M. d’Almeida, accountant' 21864; Cable Ad: Oerseahews; Code:


Shum Wai Yau, managing director

Oriental Film Productions—Exchange and


Chi-ting editor

Bldg.; Teleph. 32285

Oriental Motor Car Co., The — 365, ExportersTradingOverseas Co., Importers,

— 23, Cable

Old and




Ad: Oriemocar Road; Teleph. 20406; Cable Teleph. 20824; Ad:

Codes: Acme, Bentley’s and Private

Oriental Silk Palace—55, Queen’s Road Ozorio, Dr. F. M. Gra

Central; Teleph. 33783 —St. George’s Building; Telephs. 21300

(Office) and 57557 (Residence)


Teleph. Theatre

30015 — Fleming Road;

Yic. Hugo, manager P. & O. Banking Corporation—((See



Palace Hotel (See tinder Hotels) . Paul Rennet et Cie, The largest and

most exclusive Ladies’ Wear House

^ ^ M ffl Pa ma tan na in the Colony. Gowns, Mantles,

Corsets and Foot-wear particularly


veyors &

and Turner,

Civil Architects,

Engineers—Hongkong Sur- j

j featured—York Building; Teleph. 26294

and Shanghai Bank Building, Hong- and Corner of Nathan and Austin

Roads, Kowloon; Teleph. 52619

kong and31983

Telephs. Union Building,20176

(partners), Shanghai

(Staff);; !;

OableAd: Pyrotechny m ®


G. L. Wilson, f.k.i.b.a., F.s.i. (S’hai.), I Pavri and

A Sons, K. S., Merchants, Importers

Exporters, Commission Agents—and


Staff— A. Ritchie, a.k.i.b.a. (H’kong) Manufacturers’ Representatives 32,

H. J. Tebbutt, a.r.i.b.a. Wyndham Street;

Box 329; Cable Ad: Kasopa Teleph. 20898; P.O,

V. T. Low Principals :

D. IVfacAKster K. S. Pavri (Bombay)

F. Grose J.P. K.K. Pavri do.

P. A. Cordeiro Pavri (Hongkong)

L.H. A.S. L.Tam,

da b.sc.

Silva, b.sc. S.R. K.K. Pavri

S. J. Houghton Pavri, signsdo.per pro.

P. Archipoff Agents for

Miss .1. Crerar The Kwong Alan Loong Fire

Miss R. Pinna Cracker Manufacturing Co.

Panama Consulate (See Consulates) 1 The(Hong Kong), Ld.

Kwong King Tai Fire Cracker

Manufacturing Co. (Macao)

ft # ft lo The Chun Thai Yick Fire Cracker

Pang Co., S. K.. Wholesale and Import ; Chinese Alailufacturing Co., (Macao)

& Export Druggists. Commission Agents ; Foreign Knitting. Co. of

and Manufacturers’ Representatives— i China, Ltd., Hong Kong

China Building (7th floor); Teleph. j -The Paul Torch and Battery Factory

33766; Cable Ad: Pangston; Codes: Ben- ;


PangandShiu A.B.C. 5th edn.

Kwong, manager “WHITE I

Paramount Fu.ms .ok China, 1 Inc,—6th WHISKY m FLASKS 1

floor, Shell House; Teleph'. 26487;’P.O.

Box 120; Cable Ad: Paramount; Just right for the hip pocket |

B. C.A.V.Proulx, manager

Lumsdaine, asst, manager

C.A. K.M. Chiok, chief clerk Teleph. 30311

Alves, typist

K. C. Lau, film inspector clerk Jardine, Matheson & Co-, Ltd.

So Kwong Sheung, shipper Sole Agents.


Silk Manufacturers. S.A.—Lyons,

Umbrellas and


French Bank Building; Teleph. 20114; Peacock Motion Picture Co., Inc.,

Agents: RKO-Radio

Cable Ad: Revel

Hong Kong Manager—C. Arnulphy tributors of all kinds; Pictures

of TheatreandEquip-


ment—14, Queen’s Road Central; Teleph.

ft m m x m m 25667

W. K. Way, district;


Pow-se wu-sow A. C. Chan, sound engr.

Parsee Zoroastrjan Charity Funds— D. McKenzie, clerk

Zoroastian Building, Leighton Hill P. Lee, do.


Board of Trustees—

D. Peak Club—(Nee Clubs)

F. K.K. Modi




P. K. Pavri | N. B. Futtakia Peak Hotel—(See Hotels) ;


Peak ScHOOL-^See under Govt.) W. L. Alexandery c.a.

Donald Black, c.a.


F. Walker,

Ping Fan c.a. ]! Mrs. .A V.Anderson

a a m W * * ® iii J.R. M.G. Walker

Shan ting lun die yau han hung sze

Peak Tramways Co., Ltd.—Office: Alex- Laurel | Miss WongC.KwokAbbasTung

andra Buildings, Des Vceux Road Cent. Miss

Miss D. Cheung j Kan Yuet Lat

E. Fox [ Khoo Soo Hing

John D. Humphreys & Son, genl. mgrs. Treasurers—


Scott HaTston,Robert Ho Tung,

L. Kadoorie, M. T.J. Hongkong Cricket Club

Hongkong Football Association


L.G. Quie, and R. E.- Cox,on


supt. engineer •

Hongkong Football Club

Jewish Recreation Club

A. A. Andrews, inspector Perry, S. S., Bill and Exchange Broker-


20951 Buildingand(ground




Peking Art Rug Co.—32, Nathan dence); Cable Ad: Platinum

Road, Kowloon; Teleph, 56981 Pun Siu Ting, assistant

Peking Embroidery House, General Peruvian Consulate — {See Consu-

Exporters, Road,

Salisbury Wholesale and P.-Retail—5,

Kowloon; O. Box lates)

1626: Cable Ad: Samlbluke ; Codes : j Pestonji, R., Share and General Broker—


Samuel and Acmemanager

B. Luke, i 8, Humphrey’s Building. Cornwall

| Avenue, Kowloon: Teleph. 57243

Peninsula Hotel—(Nee Hotels) J Petersen & Co., Importers, Exporters^

|i Buildipg,

CommissionChater Agents,Road;Insurance—York

Teleph. 27922;

^ & IS fit *T IS ! P.O. Box 672; Cable Ad: Arpet; Codes:

Tit hong lun shun hung sze | Acme, Universal Trade, Bentley’s, A.B.C.

Peninsular and Oriental Steam | 6th edn.,

H. Arfas Private


non, MackenzieCo.—(Nee

^ Co.) under Mackin- Agencies: F. Petersen

Pentecostal Holiness Mission—-(Nee The Lancashire Insurance Co.,

Missions) Liverpool

TheCo.,Dominion Oilcloth & Linoleum

Ltd., Montreal,

(In Pun lee & Linoleum, etc.). Canada

, (Oilcloth-

Pentreath & Co.. Sugar Merchants and The Viceroy Mfg. Co., Ltd., West

Importers and Exporters —Cable

Alexandra Toronto, Canada (Soft Rubber

Buildings; Teleph. 21159; A,d: Goods.)

Pentreath L. Leichner (London) Ltd., London


Frost A* Pentreath and T. N. A.(Beauty Preparations)

Mascnmeijer Jr., Amsterdam (Es-

Staff—Tsoi Wing Kai, Tsoi Wai King, sential Oils, etc.)

Lau Jim, Leung Sole Distributors for Hong Kong

Fan, Chang

D. Gorachenko TsinWan Ku, and

Hung TsoiMiss

Sai and South China:

“ Elephant ” Brand Sulphate of

Ammonia (The Consolidated

Peralta’s, Mining and Smelting Company

Nathan Road;Millinery Shoppe — 60,

Teleph. 57845' of Canada,, Ltd., Trail B.C.

Agents for China: A. Caremon &

Co. (China), Ltd., Shanghai)

Percy Smith, Seth & Fleming, Incor- PfisteR, Dr. M. O., m.d. (Germany),.

porated Accountants--6, Des Vorux Road

Telephs, 20700 and 31900: Cable M.R.C.S.


Ad: Accuracy. Physician( Engl.),

and Surgeon F.R.c.p. ( London

— Pedder Build-),.

J. Hennessey Seth, f.s.a.a. ing;

ConduitTeleph. 27068. 23591

Road; Teleph. Residence: 3,

S. Hampden Ross, a.c.a., f.s.a.a.


m & m m mm m ft & m

Phakm^ceutipals.. (Ear East),.

Brokers in Pharmaceutical Ltd. PoGeneral


Sang & Co., Importers, Pixporters and

Merchants—King’s Building;

Distributing Agents for Medicinal Spe- Teleph. 28262; Gable i Ad: Posanooy;

cialities and Proprietary Lines — Suiet Codes: A.B.C. 5th edition, Universal

306, Gloucester Building; Teleph. 32193; Trade, Private

Bentley’s 2nd. phrase, Acme and

Cable Ad: F^jsmaebpe

, , Sole Distributors in the Orient for;.—■ Pohoomhll Bros., (India), Wholesale arid

“Polisex” Retail Merchants ' and i Commission

Agents^-29e, Wyndham> Street; Teleph.

25031; P.O. Box 459; Cable Ad:

Sr HI If 4* Pohoomuli


Chemists, The (Fletcher

Druggists, Patent & Co., Ltd.),

Medicines, Pollock, Hon. Sir H. E., k.c., Barrister-

Surgical Instruments, Perfumes & Pho- at-law —Queen’s Building; Teleph. 27964

tographic Supplies, Vendors & Com-

mission Agents—Shell House; Teleph. latesj* Portuguese Consulate—(Net ' Cbnsul-

20346. Kowloon Branch: 220, Nathan '

Road; Teleph: 50345

J. R. Suiter, manager and chemist

D. Walker, chemist LAS^L WHISKY

Philadelphia Fire & Marine Insurance Our Excellent Whisky at a cheaper, price


of East AsiaChinn BranchTeleph.

Building; Office: 21174.


Chinese Branch Office: 46 Wing Lok Teleph, 30311

Street; Teleph. 30667 Cable Ad: Norama

A. L. Sullivan, manager

, Phbon Uyim, Chinese manager Jardine, Matbeson &,Co., Ltd.

Staff—G. H. Oliver, Paul Tim,

Wong, Y. S. Ng, W. C. Yu and T r S. Sole Agents.

P. L. Lo Portland iCinema 'i'liuATRE—214, Port-

Phoebus Neon Light Co., Ltd., land Street; Telephv 56896

Manufacturers of Neon Light Tub-

ing and Signs—Head Office:;St. George’s Prince’sEldon,

Potter, k.c., ” Barrister-at-law—

Building, 3rd floor; Teleph. 20358; Cable Building;. Teleph. 20255

Ad: Marine-work. Factory: 37, Hankow

Road, Kowloon; Telephs. 59723 (Day) Potts, A. H., Share-and General Broker

and 57941 (Night) —Stock Exchange .Budding (7th floor),

.10, Ice House Street; Teleph. 20077;

Cable Ad: Haylof t

Id » » « ± H m it

Phoenix Assurance Co., Ltd.— New P. Poweil, Ltd., Wm., Gentleroen’s Tailors


GibletBuilding; Teleph. 28631; .Cable Ad: and Breeches Makers,

Gibb, Livingston & Co., Lcl., general Shoe Specialists—IQ, Tee;Outfitters and

Horise Street;


' agents, Hongkong and South China Cable Ad: Polo -24578 (Store) and 20,706 (Office);

C. Austin, representative H.-W.Overy, managingsecretary


Pile, L. Alexander,

Des A.Vceux



Teleph. 21003 H. P. Rees , , :

Chan Chiu Ting, assistant Premier. Silk,, Palace, Silk Merchants

Staff—Lum Fook, Yau -Fook, Lum (Wholesale Road

and Retail)—92, Queen’s

Central; Tefeph. 27545; Cable

Ching Mun and Tsang Ping Premsilk . - Ad:

Pinpin United Studio Co.—75, Des Prince’s Cafe, The—18a, Queen’s . Road

Voeux Road O.; Teleph. 22975 Central; Teleph. 21707



Prince’s Theatre — 1, Nullah Road; fr m n b m

Teleph. 58536 Queen’s Silk Store, Silks of all kinds—

Procure des Missions Etrangeres— 32840 78, Queen’s Road Central; Teleph.

{See Missions)

fr! £ ® * tS ft lF m

Pure Cane Molasses Co. (Hong- Queen’s Theatre (controlled by Cinemas,

kong), Ltd., The, Importers and Ltd.)—Queen’s Road Central; Teleph.

Distributors of Molasses — Asia Life 24636


Teleph. 14, Queen’s

Cable Ad: RoadCanemola.


F. K. C.Kielberg,

Chas Chairman (London)

Byers, director do.

H. R. C. A. Communication, Inc., Subsidiary

H. P.T. Schierwater,

Coles, do.

do. do.

do. of Radio Corporation of America —

French Bank Building (Room 68-70);

W. G. Robertson,

D. H. Blake, do.

do. (Hongkong)

do. Teleph. 30692; Cable Ad: “Radiocorp,

W. G. Robertson, general manager Hongkong”

Commercial Representative for Hong-

F. M. Silva, secretary kong, Macao and South China— |

Staff— John R. A. Pearne

A. Y. Remedies. Cheng Kit Wan

and R. Chan Johnson (Canton)

Installation— Shan

tory; Teleph. 51930 Tseng, New Terri- Radiant Silk Mart. Direct Importers



Teleph. —30S81;

70a, Queen’s

P.O. BoxRoad


J. Guerineau, manager

Staff-W. J. Ochsendorff, Fu Hin Cable Ad: Jethanand

Bun and Cheong Pun

Subsidiary of

The United Molasses Co., Ltd., Radio & Electric Service—Kai Ming

Bldg., 6,32904Queen’s Road Central, 3rd FI.,

London Teleoh.

111 & * ^ & if


FrenchDrinking Water Co.—Room

Bank Building; 68, Radio

Teleph. 30692;

Telegraph Office—OSee General

Post Office Under Government)

Cable Ad: Purity

John R. A. Pearne, manager Radio (Supplies and Service—28, Des

J. F. Bishop, asst. mgr. Voeux Road C.; Teleph. 28581

F. Mack

Simonsen, secy.-treas.

Mon Yan, clerk Rahim & Son, C., Exporters &Commission


Purves, D. A., Consulting Engineer — General Agents—43a, Merchants

WyndhamandStreet; Teleph.

Prince’s Building (2nd floor), Ice House

Street; Teleph. 24902; Cable Ad: Bapco- 25830; Cable Ad: Tajmahal

paint; Codes: A.B.C 4th and 5th edns., C.M. Rahim, partner

C. Rahim,A. do.

Western Union and Bentley’s Staff—A. Somji ,

Queen’s Cafeteria, Cafe and Restaurants


28601 2, Fleming Road; Teleph. Rafeek & Co—China Building; Teleph.


Queen’s College — {See Educational

Under Government) ^ a ± ffl:

m Wai kin tai yeukmfong^ Ramsey & Co., Adding,

Typewriters, RepairersCalculating

and Dealersandin

Queen’s Dispensary, Chemists, Gramophone Machines—18, Ice House

Druggists, Patent Medicine Vendors and Street; Teleph. 21683

Commission N. J.F. Vessoona, proprietor

Road Central;Agents


22, Des Vceux M.Chan Bellimoria,

Pik Man, manager



I Ml] ft i! i E £ & 1 % Tai wo

Raven & B asto, Architects and Engineers

—Prince’s Buildings, Ice House Street; Reiss, Massey & Co., Ltd., Mer-

Teleph. 21164 chants—Mercantile Bank Building,

Partners—A. R. F. Raven, m.r.san.i., 7, Queen’s Road Central; Cable

O. B. Raven, A. H.

M.S.A., M.I.STRUC.E., Basto, a.r.i.b.a.,

M.R.SAN.I. Ad: Josstree; Codes: Bentley’s, Acme

Cheng Chiu Nam and Schofield’s

Mrs. S. Pinna S. de Sulerzyski, director (S’hai.)

Y. C. Mok, b.sc. Denys Reiss, do. do.

L. W. Hutton, director

Raymond & Co., W.—China Building; A. T. Lay, signs per pro.

Teleph. 28873; Cable Ad: Rayin Engineering Dept.—Teleph. 28009

J. Ormiston, a.m.i.n.a., m.i.m.e.,

Recreation Clubs—(See Clubs) manager (signs per pro.)

D. Latimer

R. J. Shrigley F. LeeChia

Red Rose Barber and Beauty Shop W. J. Scotcher C.P. H.

—8a Des Voeux Road Central, 2nd

floor; Teleph. 27889 (Canton) W.

W. Tansley P. S.P.S.Choy



Geo. Y. C. Ko H. H. Tam

Lo Pak-him N. P. Wong

“ WHBTE tmUSt” Agencies

WH8!§!4Y Platt Bros. & Co., Ltd., Oldham.

Textile Machinery

The finest Whisky obtainable James Mackie & Sons Ltd.,


Teleph. 30311 Ruston & Hornsby, Ltd., Lincoln.

Jartline, Matlieson & Co., Ltd. Vertical and Horizontal Oil

and Gas Engines, Oil and

Sole Agents. Steam Road Rollers, Pumps

and Boilers, Marine Diesel


R. A. Lister & Co., Ltd., Dursley.

Registro Italiano Navale ed Aero- High Speed Oil Engines,

nautico—3, Queen’s Building; Teleph. Kerosene Engines, Lighting

30231 (2 lines); Cable Ad: Veritas Plants, Auto Trucks, Marine

Surveyor—T. H. G. Brayfield, M.I.N.A., Diesel Engines

m.i.mech.e. Broom

Assist. Surveyor — A. W. Black, Wycornbe. All types of Com-

A.M.I.N.A., A.M.I.MECH.II. pressors

Clerk—S. Y. Yan Crompton, Parkinson Ltd.

Reid, Edmund Lewis, M. C., Ear, Nose G. N. Haden & Sons, Ltd., Lon-

& Throat Surgeon—5, Queen’s Road don. Heating & Ventilating

Central; Teleph. 30691 Plants

Nobel Chemical Finishes, Ltd.,

Reiss, Slough. “Dulux” and “Duco”

Page)Massey & Co., Ltd. (See Opposite and Naylor’s Paints

Samuel Osborn & Co., Ltd.,

Sheffield. Tool Steels, Files,

Republic Motorboat Co., Ltd., The, Drills, etc.

Motor 21257

Boats for Hire—Blake Pier; Liner Concrete Machinery Co.,

Teleph. Ltd., Newcastle-upon-Tyne

Priestman Bros, Ltd., Hull.

Repulse Bay Hotel—(See Hotels) Dredging Machinery



James H. Lampat f & Co., Ltd., Rennet, Paul, et Ciis- Rennet. House,

Edinburgh. ‘:Secur&x” Pipe June, of : Austin and Nathan Rds. J

Fittings Teleph. 56210; and St, .George’s Bldg. ;

Teleph. 32S63

Falkirk Iron Co, Ltd. Falkirk.

Light Iron

Kangiss, etc. Castings, Stoves,

Szerelmey, Ltd, London. Stone Reuter, Brockelmann ^ Loo ling

Liquid & Co, Importers

National Yulca.nized Fibre Co, ing (5th floor) 6, Des ofYpeux

| and Exporters—Bank Cantori Build-

Ltd, U.S.A. Fibre

W. S. Ray Manufacturing Co.. tral; Teleph. 28163; P.O. BoxRoad Cen-

91; Cable

San Francisco; U.S.A. “ Ray ” Ad: Reutbrock. Head Office :

Branches: Canton, Tientsin, Tsipgtao Shanghai;

Oil Burners and Peiping

Gypsum, Lime & Alabastine, H.F.Heitirieyer,


“AlfrescoLd, Toronto,'Canada.

"Distemper J. Sulzbachmanager

Burn1 &r. Co.. Ltd, Calcutta. Miss A. Remedios

StOpe-ware Pipes and'Fireclay Reuters Financial and Commercial

Products Service—2, Connaught

Raoul Bigazzi, Florence, . Italy.

Italian Marbles Teleph. Manager 23956, Road



Grotjnhn &' Co., Hambu rg. P.O. Box 430; Cable Ad: Reuter

Hardware, Leather and Sun- Rhenish Missionary Society — (Nee


Office Eq uipment ‘Churches and Missions)

B. S. Rogers

Agencies dtz


bury. SafesSafe and

Co, Strong

Ltd, Shews-

Room Tai Hing


Imperial Typewriter Co, Ltd, Robertson, Wilson & Co., Ltd., Im

port and Export Merchants and,

Leicester. Typewriters

Burroughs Adding Machine Co,


Michigan Yceux Road Central;Agents

Manufacturers’ Teleph.— 21746;

67-69, Cable


Shannon London Ad: Overdale; Codes: A.B.C. 5th edn,

Lieber’s and Bentley’s

Import Department Gordon H. Wilson, permanent director

F. K. Wong G.W.W.Buehner

Sewell, do.

Agencies D. M. Vieira

A. Wander, Ltd, London.(“Oval- B. Everest

tine”) , Miss F. Castilho ,,

, Goodall Backhouse

Leeds. (Wholesale Druggists) Agencies

General Office—Teleph. 28007 James & JohnGlasgow.

G. Scott,Paints,

Crown Oils, Col

J. F. Tavares our Works,

L.H. E.W,Rosario

Pomeroy Varnishes

Peak, Frean & Co, Ld, London. Bis-

Miss D. B. Sousa cuits and Chocolates

Export Department Roxburgh Morgan & Co, Ld, Glasgow.

H. H. Xavier | Miss C.M. Xavier DisinfectantsLc(, L’don, Christmas


Paper Depaif niant . Crackers and Table Decorations

J. M. X. Souza TheCo, Magnolia Anti-Friction


Samuel Jones & Co. (Export) of Great Britain, Metals Metal

Ltd, Londoh Norwich Union Fire Insurance

Society,Ld,Ld. Bedford

Meltis, Fire andand

Marine London.

InSi(,rCbnce Agendies'.; Chocolates' arid Confectionery

Scottish Union arid National C.House,

C. Wakefield :

& Co.OilLd,Specialists:


Insurance & Co. London.

Overseas Assurance Corpn, Ltd. Castrol Motor Oils


JR. Hood Haggiev.ife Sons, Newcastle- Koval Hongkong Golf Cleb—(.See

on -Tyne,. England. Wire Rones


HingesStenman, AvE., Sweden; Screws, Clubs)

Carl Schlieper, Ilemscheid,. Germany, Royal Hongkong Yacht , Club—{See.

C:\ibs) ^ /

Cutlery-Hardware& Tools.! - jO

Royal Naval Canteen—(.SVu Clubs)

s m

I Hocha&Co., J. M. n a, Importers, Exporters, RpyAL Naval Hospital—(.See Ilospi-,

Commission, Shipping and Insurance . tills)

Agents—Teleph. 22277; - P,0.: Box I■ 400; Rosary Church—(^ei Churches).


J. B.M.Ad: Boda. Branch: San Francisco



signs per pro. Roza, Dr. C. F. X. da—China Building

J. Ackber

Mo Kung Ting [ S. Y. Sung . ■ (4th floor); Teleph. 24515

| Rodgers, R. A., Exchange Broker— Exchahge :R6za, Cl A. DA, Incorporated Accountant—

i. Queen’s Rd. Central; Teleph. 33802 i Teleph. 20420; Building,

Cable .Ad:


Yoeux Road;

I Roman Catholic Cathedeah—(,5ee un- C. J.A.,A.dadeRoza,

Y, a.sJa.A., principal


der Churches and Missions) ' Mrs. H. Reis; steho-typist

i Rondon & Co., Ltd., L.—5, Queen’s Miss Remcdios

Road C.; 'Teleph. 32923

Ross, Leslie, f.r.i.b.a., Chartered “SILVER SLIPPER” GIN


Building; Teleph.and Surveyor—St.

26111 George’s

Leslie Ross, p.r.i.b.a., principal For the Perfect' Gimlet

Staff:—Mali Chun Po, b.sc., engineer

■ Chiu Yat Foo Telepb. 30311

Wong Ting Yim I Pau Kit Hing jardiiie, Matheson & Co., Ltd.

Leung Kok Wah | Lee Yin Chuen.

± % Side Agents,

; Lo sze-’

i Ro A . ';Co., (China), Ltd., Alex.> ROzabSros., Exchange -Brokers—Ex-

' Merehh.rfts—l A, Chater Iload; Telephs- change Building, Des Voeux Road;1

20027 and 22487:;-CaRle'Ad: Rotunda Teleph. 20420 ; Cable Ad: Dragom-

Directors—D. M. Rbss (Manchester)

ahd W. W. ,like; dCodes ; A.B.'C:.--. oth :Jddn. and

D. A. Ross (Shanghai)

MacKenzie (Hongkong) Bentley’s

Principals—C. ’ ' A. da Roza, . ; a.s.a.a.

I* -Staff-:- and A. W. da 'Roza

J. K. Ross, signs per pro. J. A, de V. ,Soares,' accpuntan't

A.H. E.A. Tavares

Barros j| - Miss

Miss I.M.Bemedios

Remedies Mrs, II. Reis, stenortypist .

Miss Remedios

t. Machinery Dept. — 1a, Chater Road; Ayenr;!/

Teleph. 26730 ■ ;•

W. F. Webb Bancq Nacional. tlltramarino., ^

| Ayents for : ^ ^ M iM

Centra] Insurance

General Accident,Co.,Fire

Ld. and Life

Assurance Corporation V Rudolf' W

|j Austin chants, fmporters and Exporters and

MotorMotor Cars . Co:, Ld., Bi rmingham.



Rqad Commission

Central; Agents—54,

Teleph. 221,73; Queen’s

1Cabie Ad:

Demiis Broi;., LfL. Guildford. Motor Occasion ' 7'

Trucks A. Miss


U. S. Rubber Export Co., Ltd. Kewinahaging1 Y.direct' o'r.

A.' Novikoff


Rumford Printing Press—38, D’Aguilar u mm n m

Street; Teleph. 20717 ^ ^ ^ ^ ii* -)

Ritmjahn & Co., U., Importers, Exporters Sandakan LightNational

—Head Office: & Power BankCo. (1922), Ltd.



Manufacturers—4, Queen’s

20751; Cable Ad: Rd. Cent.; Teleph.

Ramadan 27781; Cable Ad: Powerhouse

' U. Rumjahn, principal General Managers — Shewan, Tomes

& Co.

Board of Directors — A. L. Shields

Russ Ss. Co., Solicitors, Proctors, Patent (chairman),

C. A. da RozaHon.and S.Mr.M.J.Churn

P. Braga,,


RoadTrade MarkTelephs.


27743,Des27744Vceux Managing


27745; Cable Ad: Quotation

and North Borneo Trading Co.,— Ltd.

Agents, Sandakan The


H. Sanderson,

Loseby, solicitor (Cable Ad:

Manager andPowerhouse,

Resident Sandakan)


Staff—K. K. Wong, do. Lo Kwok Min, G. H. Mavor

Sung Kang Pak, A. V. Young, Sander, Wieler & Co., Importers, Ex-

Fung Kit Ling, Chow Kin Fan, porters & Commission Agents—King’s-

Ma Kai

Pak Min,Wa,ChiuYuenSze Hi Lam,Loong

Ming, Lai Building, 8, Connaught Road; Teleph.

Ting Cheung, Leung Ting Chan, 24411; P.O. Box 325; Cable Ad: “San

Cheung Kwok Wing, Ng Kam derdo” A. Sander partner

Chuen, Young Tsun Chung, Tsang R.A. Sander, signsexport

per pro.


Chi Ching,

Kwong,LamLeung KwokShing

Hing, Sai

Ho H. Roeske, dept.

and Miss Janie Lee. W. Sander, import dept.

E. L. Geyer, dipl. ing., machinery


fii Sfc Luitonjee

Ruttonjee & Son, H., Wine and Spirit Sang Fat & Co.—17, Queen’s Street;

Merchants—3-5, Duddell Street; Teleph. Teleph. 31703

20190; Cable Ad : RubyH. Waller Sang Kee—4a, Des Voeux Road Central;

J. H.H. H.


Remedies M. Barkat Teleph. 24217

Miss M. Waller M.John

N. D. Kapadia S. Jokhi Sang

W. F. Funnel

A. Gomozo


Ping Yuen 2, TinLeeLok& Lane;

Co., Building

Teleph. Contractors—


R. M. Shroff YaqubAli Khan Sang tai

Sacred Heart College—(Nee Educa- Sang Tai, Native Bank, Gold and

Money Ohanger—112, Queen’s Road

tional) Central; Telephs. 25349 and 20904;

Sailors’ Home & Missions to Seamen Cable Ad: Santa; Code: Bentley’s

and Private

— (Nee Churches and Missions)

Sales & Co., R. C-, Importers and Sarrault, Rolande—20, Queen’s Road


22892; P.O. Box 177; Cable Building; Teleph, Central; Teleph. 32165

Ad: Diana Sassoon Banking Co., Ltd., E. D.

Salon de Modes, Direct Importers of (Nee Under Banks)

Dresses, Fur Coats, Evening Coats,

Bags, Ladies Wear and all kinds of

Novelties; also Goldware, Silverware, JeI ijJ? IS Kau sa soon

Jewellery, etc.—Gloucester Building Sassoon & Co., Ltd., David, General


Cable Ad: Arcade No. 3; Teleph. 28832; Merchants—12,

Salonmode Telephs. 20828andDes20698 Vceux(Private

Rd. Central;


P.O. Box9, 89;

Office: King Cable Ad: Sassoons.

William Street, Head


Samy, Dr. D. K., Specialist in Obstetrics E.C.4. Branches: Bombay, Calcutta^

& Gynaecology

Teleph. 24695 — 47, Bonham Road; Karachi, Persian Gulf and Shang-



A. H. Compton, manager Seu Kon Chi, Share and General Broker

Robt. —8, Des Yceux Road Central (3rd floor);

L. A.Stock, sub- do.

Gutierrez, accountant Teleph. 21962

M. A. dos Remedies

Miss K. E. Glendenning Seventh Day Adventist Mission—

(See Churches and Missions)

Savarjn House {See Hotels)

fr w m ® Sham Mow Saw Mill Co., Ltd., Timber

Iling wah yang hong Merchants—271, Lockhart Road; Teleph.


Teleph.Main Works:

57309. Hunghom,

Branch: Kowloon;

6, Yuat Sou


Instruments & Co., Importers ofChemicals,

and Apparatus, Scientific Road South, Canton; Teleph. 11267

Hospital and Laboratory Supplies—

Gloucester Building, Des Vceux Road; Shanghai Furniture Co.—333, Hen-

Teleph. 27430; Cable Ad: Schmidtco; nessey Road; Teleph. 20587

Codes: A.B.C. (Tokyo),

P. Schmidt 6th, Acmeproprietor

and Mosse

W.H.Prang, manager

C. Leong | Miss K. Fisher *A# Jt

Agencies Sheung hoi wah yeung yan shao

E. Camera,

Leitz, Wetzlar. yin shaw hung sze

Optical Microscopes,

Instruments Leica Shanghai Life Insurance Co., Ltd., The

(Under Management of the Sun Life


Apparatus X-Ray Electro-Medical Assurance Co. of Canada)—Gloucester

-letter h Scheerer, Tuttlingen. Sur- Bldg.

gical Instruments

F. Brethaupt k Sohn, Kassel, Survey-

ing Instruments

August Sauter,

Surveying Ebingen. Balances,


R. Fuess, Berlin. Meteorological The Brandy with a Pedigree




Ltd., Wilwyn Darden City Teleph. 30311

I Schools {See Under Educational and jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.

Government Departments)

Sole Agents.

^ ^Scottish Insurance Corpn., Ltd.—4a,

: Des Voeux Road C.; Teleph. 25921

Sheldon, H. G., K. C., Barrister-at-law—

I :Sedick & Co., Importers, Exporters Prince’s Building; Teleph. 20222

and General Merchants — China

Building; Teleph. 21089; P.O. Box SherEy & Co., W. S., Importers, Ex-

594; Cable Ad : Secular porters

amally and Commission Agents—Kay-

^i] Lee wai Central;Building,

Teleph. 20-22,


Cable Road


Shrewdly; Codes: A.B.C. 6th, Bentley’s

^Sennet Freres (Marcel Heimendinger and Acme


Levy,and Successors), Jewellers, Watch- T. Wong, managing director

Diamond M. K. Wong, manager

cester Building, PedderMerchants—Glou-

Street; Teleph. Agents for •.

20634; P.O. Box 238; Cable Ad: Sennet The Pepsodent Co., Chicago

Monsanto Chemical Works, St. Louis

cSephee, Dr. S. A. M., m.b., b.s. (Hongkong), Vicks Chemical Co., Philadelphia

f.r.f.p.s. (Glasgow)— !4, Queems Road Horlick’s Malted Milk Co., London

Matth. Hohner A. Y., Trossingen

Central; Telephs. 20943 and 22412 Tokalon Ltd., Paris



Salescorporation of Bohemian, Sheet

Glass Factories Ltd. (Vitrca

Kee Chong Glass)

Shewan Tomes & Co., Merchants, Truscon Steel Co. (SteOl Win-

Shipping, Insurance and Manufacturers' dows, Metal Lath, etc.) -

Agents—National'Bank Building, Des Certain-teed Products Corp.

Voeux Road;Ad:Teleph. 27781; P.O. Box (Roofing Products, Linoleum)

115; Cable Keechong, York Safe

Principals—A. Xi. Shields and I. W. Bitulac Ltd. (Paints, etc.)

Shewan • Union Oil Co. of California (Oils, etc.)

General Department Compagnie de Produits Chimi-

Mrs. M. Steel ques et Electrometallurgiques,

Accounts Department : alais

cals) Froges .et Camargue (Chemi-

A.J.A.F.Botelho | Mrs. E.'Silva

Souza I George A. Low Societe Chimiques , de Produits


Chemical Building

Depts.Supplies, Marble and L. Coignet


& Co, . (Perfumes) ,

J. Dick, signs per pro Machinrey Department

H. Draper, departmental manager British Insulated Cables, Ltd.

Import (Electrical Cables’ and Acces-

J. Pereira I LeeWah Chue sories)

Miss R. Cole | Yip "Chung Kay Century Electric Co. (Fans, Motors

Building Supplies and Electrical Supplies)

: G W. L. Cole Fairbanks, Morse & - Co. (Diesel

Miss M. Xavier | Lee Wah Fun Engines, Pumps, Electrical

Chemicals Plant, etc.)

W.NgMcLean Moffats Ltd. (Electric-Cookers)

Kang Ching Veritys Ltd. (A. C. and D. C..

Machinery Department Motors,

Fans, A. C.Fittings,

Light ifc D. C. Radiators)

Switch Gear,


Gittins |I Wei WingTsun

Cheung ChakHing Thomas Ths. Sabroe & Co., Ltd.

Carl F. Liu, m.e. (Cornell) (Refrigerating Machinery)

Export Gibson Electric Refrigerator Cor-

poration. (Refrigerators)

H. T. Buxton Electrolux, Ltd. (Refrigerators^

| M. A. Gomes | A. Sarny etc.)

General Managers of: : Red Wing Motor Co. (Marine

The Hong Kong Rope Manufac- Ehgines)

turing Co., Ltd. Wingets Ltd. (Concrete Mixers)

The Sandakan Light- & Power Co. Yates Improved Rail Anchors

(1922), Ltd. Ltd. (Railway Track Materials)

General Agents for: Gregg Co., Ltd. (Cars & Railway

China Underwriters, Ltd. Equipment)-

Agencies: Birdsboro Foundry .Co. (Rolling

Mill Machinery)

Import Department Kellogg Switchboard & Supply

A. C. Lawrence Leather Co. Co. (Telephones) 1

(Leather) Bruntons

(Wire Rope)(Musselburgh), Ltd.

The United States Leather Selling W. T. Lambourne & Co. (Belting)

Corp. (Sole Leather) British

Dynamit-Actien-Gesellschaft (Dy-

namite, -etc.) ■ bestos,Belting

Brake and Asbestos Co. (As-


Aluminium Union Ltd.- (Alumi- Cleveland Pneumatic Tool Co.

nium Products) (Pneumatic

Cleveland Tools)

Rock Drill Co.

Angio-Siam Corporation Ltd.

(Teakwood) Davey Compressor Go. (Rock

(Air Drill)


“Italit” Products, Ltd. (Asbestos pressors)

Cement . Sheets) Airetool

Cleaners) Manufacturing Co. (Tube

The Celotex Co. (Celotex Plaster BellPlants)

Brothers, Ltd. (Water Filtering



Shi Man Wai, Du., General Practi- G. A. de Figu&iredo, engineer

oioner—68,; Village Road; Teleph. 28383 H. G. Lange, assistant

Miss O. Barrettbyst'enodypist •

Shing Mun Valley Water Soheme Gorge S.H. T.C. Tsiang


DAM- Head Office: “ Saltash.”, King’s A. C, Barretto

Park, Kowloon; Teleph. 59002. : and Kampoh Nyien

59003; , Cable Ad: Binwater. Head

Works: Shing Mun; Teleph,'58071 (ask Steel'Department

for 579) A ■ German Steel Syndicate

G- Besident

B. GiffordEngineer

Hull, o.b.i;,,, m. inst. c.e., German Tube Syndicate

Assistant _ Resident Engineer—L. W. R. Ganz | Miss P. Choa

Innes, B.sC., A.M.I.C.E. Siemssen & Co., . Import and Exportof


A.Ta.i.c.E.Engineers—j. G. Caihpbell,

and H. M. Finlay, Merchants,

m.a., China Insurance Agents—Bank

A.M.T.C.K. Building, 6, Queen’s Road.'Cent.;

Engineer Surveyor—G. M. Binnie, b,a. All Standard Codes used; Teleph. 27718

Mechanical Supt.—A. G. Hills

Assist. Mechanical'Supt.

' Assist. do. —R. E. (Electrical)—


W. II. Wilson ie is ^ it m n

” Junior Assist. Enginebrs—R.

S. Bercovitch Barnett, Silva,

and C. G. Chatham Broker—P. Hongkong

M. N. da, . ShareStockandExchange



M. INST. C.E'. Engineer—J. E. Bach, Teleph.: 20131; Cable Ad: NolascoStreet;

Building (8th floor),. Ice House

Medical Officer—Dr. H. F. Mok B. M. H. da Silva, principal

General Horn;Offibed-Chatham

Teleffii.! 56471 andRoad,58071Hung


for 578) r Paymaster—J. Pem-




berton English',']-’. [NT. a.c. WlilSSiY

'Assist, AOebuntant—R:' Buchia'nan . J

The Choice of the Connoisseur j

S t ^ ^ H » Teleph. 39311

Shou Sai Toa Drug Store, Inventors

of Pure Chinese Medicinal < Cough Jardine, Mathesoli & Co., Ltd.

Tonic—Office & . Distributors: 80,

Queen’s Road Central; Teleph. Sole Agents.'

25275. Factory and MesS:

haft Road;

it; Queen’s Road C-V Wholesale Department,


P.O. Box 592; Qable Ad f ShpUsai- |fj5 £ Ne to

tea, Hongkong , Silva-Netto & Go., Import and Export

S. T. Henry . Marr, nnanager Mercbapts—Alexandra Building {4th

. Dr, Shek Chit Chai, ;dp. floor); Teleph. 21829; P.07 Box 397;

! Cable Ad: Silvanetto

A. F. B. Silva-Hetto . \ .

Shun Yick cfe- ofGb.,Canton

tors—^Bank EngineersBuilding'

& Contrac-


floor); Teleph. 31821

Ho Shun Hinfg, manager

Harold Chan, assistant manager

Staff—B. Chan and Wong. Shing Simplex Gypsum Products, Ltd.,

Manufacturers of Fibireu^ Gypsum

Siamese Consulate—(Abe - Consulates) "Plaster, Piaster, Gypsum

Plaster of Paris'^ Casting


Hiemens China Co,--(Hongkong Branch), ' Board andGypsum Cement, Blo«&Sj.' .Plaster


Electrical Engineers and Contractors— terefl Office; Dental Plaster-^-Regis-

Gloucester Building;

12t Redder'

fltior); Street,

Telepb. 24883Pedder'Buildin'g

- i ■ (4-th j Teleph: 28367; Cable Ad : Siinplex;

K. Schwob, branch manager Codes: Acme, Bentley’s 1st and '2nd


ft m m m m ft General Managers for

Sin & Go., P. H., Solicitors—Asia Life Sincere

Co., Ld.Insurance and Investment

Building, 14, Queen’s Hoad Central Sincere Life Assurance Co., Ld.


Sindon. 2666S and 26669; Cable Ad: Sincere Co. (Perfumery Manufac-

Peter H.H. Sin, solicitor, principal tures), Ld.

Peter Kwok, solicitor, managing Sincere Banking and Trust Co., Ltd.

clerk Sole Agents for

Tam Wing Kwong, chief clerk

J. Esmail

W. A. Thomson Norton

(Motor Motors,

Cycles) Ld., Birmingham

Miss P. M. Yvanovich Atwater Kent Manufacturing Co.,

Tam Chak Yin

Tang Shing Tung Philadelphia, U.S.A. (Radio Re-

Tam ceivers)

Miss Chak

Sin MiuLamChing, Chinese sec- Wahl

PensCompany, New York (Eversharp

and Pencils)


Vivian Shaw

Sincere Life Assurance Co., Ltd., The

Sincere Co., Ltd.—2,

The (Perfumery —144, Des Vceux Road Central; Teleph.

facturers), Davis Load,Manu- Ken- 25079; Cable Ad : Branches

Sinalive. Authorised

nedy Town; Teleph. 20229; Cable Ad: Capital $2,000,000. at Canton,.

Sinperfact. Capital $1,300,000. Branches Shanghai and Shekki


Canton, Shanghai, Nanking,

Tientsin, Tsinan, HankowPeiping, Board of Directors—Choy Hing (chair-

and Changsha man), Ma Wing Chan, Hong Sling,

Ma Joe Yung, Jan Con Sang, Chak




Tai Wan,

Wen Harr


a s ® tr ss ft Kwong MingKwan,

Kok, Chau To Chong,

Sin ze yau han hung se Lam Pak Ma Hok Tong,

Sincere Co.,Stores—173,

Ltd,, The, Departmental The Sincere

and The Ins. Co.,

Sincere & Invest.

Ltd. Co., Ltd.,

and Dollar

Central; Telephs. 27767 Des (11 Vceux

lines); Road

P.O. Gen. Managers—The Sincere Co., Ltd.

Box 9; Cable and Wireless Ad: Sincere Manager—C. Lun Ku

Board of Directors — Choy King Fong Fulson, treasurer

(chairman), Ma Wing

Con Sang, James O’Chew, Cheng Chan, Jan Wong Hiu Kwong, acccountant

Man Yiu, Ma Man Chung, Harr


Sling, Jowe, Ma Cho Yung, Hong

Ming, Lee Ku Yuen

Chok Chan,Lun, Chan

Choy TinChi

Yat, Ma Hoon Bew, Ma Wai Man Sincere Ltd., Insurance

The—144, andDesInvestment

Vmux Road Co.,.

and Li Fu Chong Central; Teleph. 21821; Cable Ad:

Head Office Staff Sininvest.

sin, Canton, Branches:

Shekki andShanghai,


Ma YingChee,

Piu, managing

do. director Board


Local Staff

(North) man), Ma Ying Piu, Ma Hing(chair-

of Directors—Choy Wing Chan,

Ma Man Fai, manager Jon Con Sang,

Chi Ming, WongMaKinHoon


Ma Chan


Ma Luck Pun, sub-manager Pun,

Ma Ping Yep,

Hui Fung Hoi, treasurer

do. Hong Sling, Choy Tin Yat, MaYung,

James O’Chew, Ma Joe Man

Branches at Canton, Shanghai and Chung, Ma Man Fai and Harr

Macao Choong Jowe

London Office — 2, White Hart St., Gen. Managers—The Sincere Co., Ltd.

Paternoster Square, E.C. 4 Manager—Cheng Wen Yao

Operating: 'Oriental Hotels and Sincere’s Secretary—Kwok Chau Yee


ShanghaiWater Factory, Canton and

Agents at New York, San Francisco, Sing Chow Leather Bag Mfg. Co.—

33, Bonham Strand E.; Teleph.

Hamburg Paris,Milan,

Genoa, Vienna, Leipzig,


etc. 33703


m & m m Sing lea hung see Soares, A.M.S., Sharebroker—Exchange

Singer Sewing Machine Co.—Central, Building; Teleph. 21030

Agency for

Pedder South China

Building; andIndo-China:

Teleph. 24642; Cable Societe des Ciments Portland Arti-

Ad; Singer. Shops at: 72,

Cent., Teleph. 21608; 424, Queen’s Road ficiels de l’Indo-chine, Haiphong


Street, Yaumati, Teleph. 56039 Sole Agent-.

G.F.Duclos, agent

H. Barnes, chief clerk John Manners & Co., Ltd., 7,

Jenevin K. Ming, supervisee Queen’s Road Central

Mrs. M. F. de Pinna, stenographer

Societes — {See Under Association and

Sing Hing & Co., Feather Purifiers Societies)

and General Exporters of China Produce

—Works: 9, Shum Chun Street, Sommers, Dr. H, F., Dental Surgeon —

Mongkok, Kowloon; Teleph. 57346. Union Building (top flr.); Teleph. 20540

Office: Prince’s Building; Teleph.

24512; Cable Ad: Selfeather;

Codes: Acme, A.B.C. 6th edn., Sousa, Dr. Bernardo de, l.m. & s., l.m.

Bentley’s and Private d.t.m., d.p.h. (Camb.), MedicalRoad,


tioner—Office: 5, Des Voeux C.;

Sing Kee & Co., Ship Chandlers, Teleph. 28323. Residence: 13, Waterloo

Compradores and Stevedores—21, Con- Road, Kowloon; Teleph. 58433

naught Road Central; Teleph. 20746

Sing Wo Tong—99, Bonham Strand •‘WHITE HORSE’*

E.; Teleph. 24481


“3 & £ l£ Sing on hung see

Singon & Co., Metal Merchants and Gen- Easily distinguishable by its aroma

eral Importers — 35 and 37, Hing Lung Teleph. 30311

Street; Teleph. 20515; Cable Ad: Kwok;

Codes: A.B.C. 5th edn. and Bentley’s Jardine, Matheson ik. Co., Ltd.

P. Kingson Kwok, signs the firm

Sino American Optical Go.—238, So/e Agents.

Queen’s Road C.; Teleph. 22461

Sino-German Medical Co. —- 8a, Wing South British insurance Co., Ltd.—

Prince’s Building (top floor): Teleph.

Lok Street; Teleph. 27419 21134; Cable Ad: British

Siu, H. M., Architect—Exchange R. H. Wild, manager

Building (3rd floor); Teleph. 21223 G. S. Gamble, assistant

f) ^ Sun chung wo South China Athletic Association

Skott & Co., Ltd., H., Merchants — (See Associations)


Road Bank

Central; Building,

Teleph. 24652 7, Queen’s

Cable Ad:

Vatican us South China Brick & Tile Co.—Bank


Hansen,—K.John Manners, W. J. of28212;



Cable Bldg., 4th floor, Teleph.

Ad: Brickworks. Works:

H. L. Fox | T. F. See Castle Peak

H. K. Lee, manager

Lee Ching, works manager

Societe Commerciale Asiatique, Im-

porters and Exporters—21, Connaught South China Drug Co. — 53, Wing Lok


BuddhaC.; Teleph. 21288; Cable Ad: * Street; Teleph. 25400


m b m 1$ . Nam wah ijat.pao Business Dept.-

South R. H.SekWong,


wood China Road; Daily'Telephs.Nev^s—^9-5l,'

25612 and Holly- 28284; Tam

..Cable Ad: Swenonis or,5473 and Radio

Ad:R. Swenonis SatShiu King’ jj Lun

Thomas Cheung ChanYin™-

Kai Fai

W. Chen,editor-in-chief

managing director ; .Chan See; cashier’” . •

S. Leung, l

r C. T. Kwong, general manager B & * ft # iS

A.'Eli Seemin, advertising naanager :! South China Motor! Car Co.; Sole Dis-

tributbrs of Dodgb Brother^ 1 Cars, Truck

South China Furniture Co.—23, Ice and RoadMotor Buse's^Office:

Central; Teleph. 25644;33, Des


House Street; Teleph. 22407 Dodgecars. M'iorkshop and Garage: 484

and 486,. Queen’s Road: West ■

South China Knitting

Manufacturers—Shantung Street, Mong Factory, Hosiery-

kok, Kowloon;

Souchiknit; Teleph.

Codes;. 57593; Cable

Bentley’s Ad:

& Private

Chan Yeuk Man, mang. partner South China Njeayspapers, Ltd; (Oper-

Kam Cheung Fai, adviser ating

South Newspapers in'Hongkong

China)—Registered and

Office: 106-

110, Hollywood Road; Telephs. 23767 and

South China Leather Goodsand Manu- 21864; Cable Ad: Newsroom. Canton

facturing Go., Wholesale Re- Officp:


33, Tai Chat Po Road

tail, Manufaeturers of Leather

Suitcases Purses, Belts, Bags and Shumof’ Wai-yau


and Wu Hip-fong,

Wai man

: all kinds of Leather Articles— Wai(managing

Kwok directors)

Lubn, secretary

Office: 17, Ppttinger Street; Teleph.

24404.1 Factory: , 34-40, Yat Tack

Road , Kowloon City; Teleph. 57680

South China Mfg.

China Oil Refining & Enter-


Fuel Oil,andGasoline, GasMer-Oil,

Building; Telepln 28991 Kerosene Light Oil

chants—63-65, Des Vceux Road

Teleph. 26000; Cable Ad:, Score;; Codes:Central;

J|L l|g ]^j Nam'icah c'ho po Acme and Private

South China Morning Post, Ltd., Representatives for;

Publishers “South China Morning Post,” Ching

“Hongkong"Official Law Reports” and

“ Hongkong Directory”—Morning Post Canton GarlandWah Petroleum

Petroleum Co.,Co.,



Building,' 1. and \3, Wyndharo ' Street; Branch —504, Ka - Nam - Tong

. Teleph. (West) Building, Taiping Road - South;

London 26615; Agents:: Cable-Ad:

Reuters Limited, : Postscript.

i 24, Teleph. 14017

Old Jewry 4S S * S


L. Shields Scott Harston and A.

B.F. P.Wylie, director and gen’l. manager Nam Wall 'Sing Ki, Po

Franklin, usst. gen’l. mgr. South ChinaRoad;

Hollywood Sunday News — 49-51,

Telephs.'25612 and

Newspaper Dept.—Editorial 28284; CableSwehonis

Ad: Swenonis

H.Y.Ching,H. C. editor

Jarrett Radio Ad: or 5478or 5478 and

N. Stockton Mrs. E, H, K- W. Chen,

S. Leong, managing director


L. S. leBrereton Gay Miss H.' Wylie Batalha‘ C. T. Kwong, general manager

A. H. Seemin, advertising do.

F.C. E.D.R. Pereira



Abbas - '

S.A. Y.M. Leung

Omar South China Trading Co. — 4, Queen’s

1 C. A. Allen '

E. MacNidbr H. W. Smith Road Central, Teleph. 27366

R. T. Barrett, night sub-editor

C.C. N. Faure I Cheang Wyb Sbiin South

M. Dragon China

doring Co.—12a, Transporting

Des Ybeux, &Road Steve-


K. C. Lum I Ng Sato Tau Teleph. 30552


Spaling-er & Co., s. a., U., General St. John’s Ambulance Brigade :Over-

Exporters & Importer,s—lfe, Queen’s Ed. seas, Theof(The Venerable Order , of the

C.; Teleph. 26774; ■Cablfe' Ad: Spalinger Hospital


St. John of Jersualem)


Head and Patron . of

Spanish Consulate—(Nee Consulates) the Order

Majesty —

King His,


S e Gracious

' $ >

Tnfspeetor of 'Ainbnlai^h — Capt-

Spanish Dominican Procuration—(Nee A. N. Cahusac, M.c.

Churches) Chief Cbriimissioner—Cel.

, Sleeman, C'.M.Gl,;p.i.E., m.v.o."J. L.

99 Hongkong and Ckina. District,

« WHITE HOUSE Patrons- H. E. SirSouthorri,

c.ii.G. and’Lady 'rhomas Southorn,

o b.e.

WHISKY Director of Ambulance — Alfred

fienoiBed [or its fine Liqneur Quality Morris

President—HohyDr. A: R. Wellington,

Teleph. 30311 CM.O.

Hon. Secretary—Mrs. R. Langley

Jardine, Matheson & Go., Ltd. Vice


Shiu Kin, m.b.e KongJ.p., Hn, Chau j.p.,

Tung Sang,Chow,

Show-son lii Kt.,

Yik Hon.

Muj, Dr. j.p.,S. Sir


Sole Agents. Tso, LL.b.‘’ c.m.g.,

c.b.E., LL.D.,

Hon. Dr. R.Kon H.


, Sang, ‘j.p., Hga Wah, J.p,, Li Jow Mok

Sports Club—(Nee Clubs) Son, j.p., Sum Pak Ming, j.p., Ngan


Fung Kwan,

Ki Cheuk, j.p., Kwok

Ip KwaiChan, Chung, Li

St. Andrew’s Church—(Nee Churches Yau Tsun, c.b.e.,

and Missions) Sir William Hornell,KoKt.,LCong c.i.e., Hoe,


Lady Southorn, Sir Ejly Kadoorie,

St. Andrew’s. Society—(Nee Associa- L. Kadoorie/Mok Hing Shuhg, Wai

tions) Shiu

Haw,Pak, Kwok P. K.RinKwok,

Wang,j.p.,Chan Au BoonMan

Chi knd Tang Pak K’au

St. Francis Hotel—(Nee Hotels) Finance Com'mittee—Tang Shiu Kin,

1 M.

St. George’s Riding Academy, The— Chubb, J.p., Dr. Ma Luk, l.m.s.,

Ma Tau Wai Road, Kowloon City; Fung KongT.Ub,'N.'j.p.,

j.p., Hon. Chau,Kwokj.p.,SinO.Lau, w.

Teleph. 58754 Luke, Chau Man Chi, Ho Kom

- Tong, O.B.E., J,p,,,Kt.,.Hqn.

Shentqn? Dr. A. Woo, f)r. Ip Kam Sir Wm.

St. Anthony’s Church Wah,'

Kwokm.b.,Hin B.s.,

Wang,A. Morris,

Ip Kwai.!.]•.,Cheung,


St. John’s Cathedral ISTg Kara Man and Fung Ping Fan

St. Joseph’s Church Represent., in England — E., Ralphs,

St. Louis Industrial School Kt, of Grace,

St. Jotin Venerable (formerly

of ^Jerusalem Order of

St. Margaret Mary’s Cbprch AssistabtGommissioner, HobgKong

St. Peter’s Church . and; China District) ,

(Nee Churches and Missions) District StalF

Commissioner—^A. Morris,- j.p.,a.c.p.,.

m.r.s.i. (Member.of Finance Com-

St. Joseph’s College mittee and Hob. Treasurer) Officer,

St. Mary’s School Venerable Order of, SB John

District- Surgeon.-—Dr. W. B. A.

St. Paul’s Institution . Moore,

d.t.m. k H., (Ebg.),l.r,o.s.

• l.r.gp., (Dub.),

J.p. (Serving

St. Stephen’s College Brother/ Venerable Order of St.

(Nee Educational) John),


District Supt.—J. Kalston, m.a. Kowloon Division

District Officers — Dr.m.s., Ma Luk, Divisional


Mrs. Langley (Serving Sister of B.s. Surgeons—Dr.Y.K.Wong,

m.b.,Wong Kwong

and Tin, j.p.,

Y. Y. Tang, m.b., b.s.

Venerable Order of St. John of Divisional Supt.—Chan Man Kai

Jerusalem), and Hon. Sir William Anbulance Officer—Kwan Si tKwan

Shenton (Commander, Venerable Mong Kok Division


of St. John of Jerusalen) Divisional

Wong, m.b.,Surgeons

b.s., Dr.—IpDr.KamK.Wa, K.

Hon. Advisers — Hon. Sir M.B., B.S.

Wm. Shenton and Hin

Hon. Architect — H. M. Siu, b.sc. Shing Lo Divisional Supt.—Fan Shiu Nam

A. M.I. Ambulance

STRUCT. Officer—Ng

E. Sum Fook

Corps Surgeons—Dr. J. Valentine., Shaukiwan Division

M.C., M.B., B.S. (Lond.), D.T.M. & H, Divisional

(Eng.), j.p.; Dr. S. F. Li, m.b., ch.b.,

D.T.M. & H., f.r.c.s. ; Dr. T. P. Woo. Cheah, m.b., b.s. (H.K.), Dr. K.K. S.S.

Surgeons — Dr.

M.B., b.ch. (Edin.); Dr. B. C. Shin, m.b., B.s. (H.K.) and Dr. Yue

Wong, m.b., b.s. (Hongkong) Dr. Chiu Kwong,

Divisional Supt.—m.b.,

U Kaib.s. Cheung



A. A.de L.Castro Basto, and

J. Dovey, m.b., ch.b. Dr. Ambulance Officer — Chung Ying

Corps Supt.—T. K. Chak (Associate Ping

Serving Brother of Venerable Motor Drivers’ Division

Order of St. John of Jerusalem) Divisional Surgeons—Dr. L. S. Shin,

Corps Secretary—Mrs. R. Langley m.b., b.s. (H.K.) and Tseung Fat

Corps Officers—Leung Siu Sang, In, m.b., b.s.Officer—Chan

Ambulance (H.K.) Ngoi


B. Trevor, Chan Yuk lu, Szeto Chinese Athletic Association

D. LopesA. H. Rumjahn and Miss Divisional Surgeons — Drs. Chow


Hon. Ambulance Officer — Kwok Fai,


Divisions in the Colony Shingm.b.,




Shu, Officer and Chan


Chan Ping

Chinese Y.M.C.A. Division Kwong

Div. Surgeons—Dr. Yip Tai Clung. King’s College Division (Present Boys)

M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., (Eng.), L.R.C.P, Divisional Surgeons — Dr. T. C.

(Lon.), Wong, m.b., b.s. (H.K.), Dr. Ko

b.s., Dr. Dr. Ma Wai

Tai Hon Hang,Man, m.b.,

m.b., ch.b. King Fan,Supt.—Leung

Divisional m.b., b.s. Sui Sang


Amb. Supt.—Szeto

Officers—Wong KamChung Cheung

and Chan Wing Fat Kowloon Y.M.C.A. Division

Divisional Patron—Fung Ping Fan Div.


m.b., b.s.,— Dr.

Dr. Cheung

Lai Kwong Shiu

King’s College Division (Old Boys) Fan, m.b., b.s. and Dr. K. C. Yeo,

Divisional Surgeons — Drs. T. W. m.b., b.s. (H.K.),

D.P.H. (Camb.) d.t.m. & h. (Lond.),

Ware, M.B., b.s. (Brist.),b.,

m.M.B., C. M. Ma, DivisionalWanSupt.—Ho Siew Um

CH.B., D.T.M. & H. (Edin.), Southb.s.,China Chik King,

Athletic f.r.c.s.,


p.p.H. (Camb.) Divisional Surgeons—Dr. Arthur

Divisional Supt.—Chan Yuk In Woo, m.b., b.s.(Lon.)

(Eng.), (Lon.), m.b. c.s.

Ambulance Officer—Tse Long Chiu

Kowloon-Canton Railway Division Man Wai,l.r.c.p.m.b., b.s. and Dr. Shi

Divisional Surgeon — Dr. J. E. Divisional Supt.—Lam Sing U

Dovey, m.b., ch.b. (Edin.) Hon. Divisional Supt.—H. S. Mok,

Divisional Supt.—I. B. Trevor m.a.

Ambulance Officer—A. E. Perry Nursing Divisions

Indian Division Y.W.C.A. Division

Divisional Surgeons —(Hongkong),

Dr. D. K. Divisional

ChumM. Ha, Surgeons

m.b., b.s.— (H.K.)

Dr. Leung and

l.Samy Pillai, m.d., b.s. m. Dr.





s.g.Dr. H.



el Arculli,l.r.c.s.,

m. b.,Divisional ch.b. (Liverpool)

Supt.—Miss Alice

Divisional Supt.—A. H. Rumjahn

Ambulance Officer—M.A. Khan, m.a. Nursing Officer—Mrs. WongKwok Yim



Central Nursing Division

Divisional Surgeon — Dr. Lai Po “OTAUBS” V.S.O.P.

Chuen, Officer—Miss

Nursing m.b., b.s. (H.K.)Chan Yuet

King BSt&NDY

Kowloon Nursing Division A Fine Old Liqueur Brandy

Divisional Surgeon—Dr. P. Kutton-

jee, m.b., b.s. (H.K,) Teleph. 30311

Nursing Officer—Miss Sophie Tsang

Mui Fong Nursing Division Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.


m.d., ch.b.Surgeon—Dr.

(Edin.) Hoashoo,

King’s College Nursing Division Sole Agents.


Nursing Surgeon—(vacant)

Julia Lee

Man Shuen Nursing Division fy ^ Mei foo hong


Cheng, m.b., B.s. (ILK.)Dr. H. S. Standard

Surgeon — - Vacuum Oil Co. (South,

Nursing Officer—Miss Hung Choi 30203: China Dept.)—Union Building; Teleph.

Han P.O. Box 86; Cable Ads: Standvac

Hon. Secy.—Mrs. Leung Yik Yu and Vacuum

Florence Nightingale Division Executive Department

Divisional Surgeon — Dr. S. Y. H. L. Schultz, general manager

Cheng, m.b., B.s. (H.K.) W. L. Marshall, asist. do.

Divisional Supt.—Mrs. Dunlop

Nursing Officer—(vacant) F, D. Tracy, do.

Mong Kok Nursing Division Attorneys

Emmert, —H.B.H. Pethick,

G. Butler,R. Sanger

J. B.

Divisional Surgeon—(vacant) and T. B. Williams

Nursing Officers — Miss. Fan and Agencies

Miss Gene Tang Oceanic and Oriental Navigation Co.,,

Motor Transport San Francisco,

Mrs. Dunlop, Sergt. Hyder American PioneerCalifornia

Line, New York

Miss Tse B.sc. Pte. (Indian


Kwok States Steamship Co., Portland-.


Miss Choa Fung (Y.M.C.A. Accounting Department

Miss Zimmern Division)

New Territories Medical Benevolent J. F. Richmond

Branch L. C. Dennis

Advisory Committee C. J. Stellingwerff

Pres.—Hon. Mrs. M. C. Franks

Director andSirViceWilliam Shenton— A.

President J.A. H.J. D’Almeida

J. Martin

Morris, j.p., commissioner Miss L Pestonji

Vice President—Dr. A. W. Woo

Members — Professor Gerrard, Dr. Refined Oil Department


Dr. B.MaA.Luk,


Fan, L.D. A.A. daAlonso


E. A. Figueiredo A.L, G.E. Remedies

J. Ralston and E. M. Raymond J. M. Fonseca, A. D. Ribeiro

Joint Secretaries—Dr. F. I. Tseung

and Mrs. R. Langley A. Mackenzie YeungSequeira Shuk Ping

Entertainments C. E. Marques Leung Fuk Ting

Wai Chow, Ip Committee

Kwai Chung— and Lui

Operating Department

L i Chor Chi J. N.A. Volkoff

Shaw I J. J. Figueiredo

D. F. Lopes | A. P. Castro

St. Francis Hotel {See Under Hotels) N. E. Johnson (Laichikok)

C. M. Larson do.

Order & Shipping Department

Standard Chemical Works — 658, F. H. Tyson, attorney

Nathan Road; Teleph. 57197 S. S. Sequeira


Lubricating' Oil Department Steam Laundry Co., The—Sanitary

I. H. Geare, assist, general'mgr. Laundrymen, Dyers, Drycleaners and

O. C. 'Stark, local manager Carpet Cleaners — Head Office and

G. W. Arnold Works: Mongkok, Tel. 57032; Kayamally

, Miss E. R. Bliss Bldg., 22a, Queen’s Road Central; Tel.

. N: U. Botelho 21279; Cable Ad: Sanitarily; 27, Nathan

J. Brook Road, Teh.,58545;

Tel. 58906; 336, Nathan

Gloucester BuildingRoad,


Miss A. Hamilton sidents only), Tel. 28938; Peak Hotel

Miss G. Lakeman Depot, Teh 29071 and' Peninsula Hotel,

A. J. Osmund (Visitors Only), Hong' Kong Hotel

C. F. Osmund (Visitors only)

C. M. Sequeira Manager—W W. Hirst, Teleph. 57770

. • E. X. Seoueira

Stellar Publicity Service—210, Prince’s

Stanee Co.—5, Queen’s Road C.; Te- 24902; Building (2ndii.), Ice House'St.; Teleph.

leph. 26303 ; ,, : : , Cable

Roland M. Ad: Stelpubse

Pearce, manager,

^‘Star” Ferry Co-., Ltd., The—Telephs. Stephen & Co., Ltd.—Queen’s Build-

58001 (Office), 21236 (Hongkong Wharf) ing, Ice House Street: Teleph.


57143 (KowlOOh Mr. Wharf)

J. J. Paterson, 30106; Cgble Ad : Stephign

,Compton, S. H. Dodwell and A.T. H.B.

(chairman^ M. T. Johnson,

i Ri tsut Jling tai


■'Staff : ; Stewart Brothers, Bill and Bullion

Brokers^—1b, Chater Road

F. H. Crapnell, secretary H. R.B. B.L. Dow biggin : ■ : .

: G. B. S. Thomson, accountant H. Hancock

D. Mackenzie, siipt. engineer

A. E. Ainsworth, inspectof 1 Strahan, Kirk, Nicolson,1 ; Bunje &,

M. H. Large,. &0. / Matthews,

Teleph. 28080Doctors—Alexandra Bldg.;

Star Store (Carlos Chan) -- 312, Dr. S. Seguin Strahan, m.a.,m.b., ch.b.

Nathan Road, Kowloon; ,Teieph. (Oxon), l.r.c.p. (bond.), m.r.c.s.

59819 (Eng.),

29152) (Res: . 336, The Peak, Teleph.

Dr. E. W. Kirk, m.d., ch.b. (Edin.),

e.r.o,s.e., (Res:23623)

Road, Teleph. Hopefield,. , Po Shan

w & ± m m m Dr. M. Nicoison, m.b., b.,ch.. (Glas.),

Star Taxicab Co., Ltd., The—l^Ewo (Res: 8,. Tak Shing St., Teleph.


Stands Telephs.

at Star 23456:Pier,

Ferry andRedder

26748. Street

Taxi .. 58829) . ,'V'


Upper , < f c Lower Peak Stationg Dr. E. Runje, l.r.o.p. (Lonci;), M.R.C.S.

Wing Chiu, secretary (Eng.), (Res : 1, Sookunpop Villas,

. Teleph. 22165).


H, D.89Mattliews, m,.b., ;ch.m.

, Waterloo Road, Teleph. (Syd.),

K »■'»-M & . , i 57150) . r , .

Star Theatre—Peking Rbad, Kowloon; : Strong & Co. Exporters—6, Des Voeux

Teleph. 57795 Road. C.; Teleph. 28163; Cable Ad:


States Steamship Co.—ASiaitic Building;


David 30371-2;

J.A.Fraser, Cable Ad: Statesline

general agent Stri H’eong" Yuen GodoWn ‘Ch., The,

Donald! Obrlett, Warehousing,M.Stevedoring

’■: ’ i Agents—K. & Insurance

M. S. Chan, mgr.assist;

(Chinesedo. Branch Mongkok;

Lot 57, Nelson

Telephs; 57998 (Godhwn)



office) 30256 (Office)


Hun Co., Ltd., Department Stores— Des Sun Sun & Co., Universal Providers;—222,

VceuN Road, Wing Wo Street

nanght Road; Teleph. 28134; P.O. Box-and L’on- Des Vocu' x Rbad';0.; Teleph. 2&292


ton; CableWest Ad:


and WaiBranches;

On Road.Can- Sunley & Co.,, Importers., Exporters and

Proprietors of G^negaU Merchapt^—R.O. Box 232

The Hotel “Asia”, Canton

Affiliated ivith

The Sun Co. (Shanghai), Ltd., S’hai Swan, Culbertson & Britz, Investment



Company,— BankImport

of and Ex- Bankers


and Brokers in Securities and

Commodities. Daily Ne?v York Ex-

Building; Teleph. 24288 P. O. Box 514; change Bank Service—Hongkong

Bldgl & Shanghai

(1st ffobr); Telephs. 30244,

Cable Ad: Sunfat 30245, 30246; P.O. Box 767, Cable Ad:

H. S. Tong, manager Swanstock. Offices- also at Shanghai,

K. S. Yeung, assistant New York and Manila ,,

Agency : Myron Simon, manager

MacWhyte Company, Kenosha, Wis„ C. M. Correa "

Wire Ropes C.M. E.A.. Carvalho

Carneiro . :

:Sun Insurance Office Ltd. (London), Mrs.

H. Odell•Lammert -


Fire, Marine, Raggage and Geperal Mrs. O.M. Remedios'

N. Raku§en. .


Teleph. 24071 Queen’s Road Central; Miss' ;

General Agents—John Manners & M. Ste'ger

Co., Ltd., Hongkong & Canton S. H. Yip

.Bun Lee Sugar Works—S.L. 551,

Shaukiwan E.; Teleph. 24539-. 1


iif] ^ Wing Ming plus

Bun Life Assurance Co. of Canada ‘SILVER SLIPPER’ G1H

(Head Office; Montreal)—Sbuth

Branch; Gloucester Building, Des Voeux China equals;. , .

Rd.; Teleph. 21245; Cable Ad: Sunbeam; The Perfect' Gimlet ■

■Codes: Bentley’s, A.B C. 5tk edn. Teleph. 30311

J. R. Paton, manager

Lam Tit Hong, accountant j ardine, M a the Son & Co., Ltd.

Chan Ping Shu, chief clerk

Wong Yat Chuen &'Ng'Yee 'Chihg,

clerks Sole Agents.

Miss H- Noronha,

B. _W. Tape, local adviserstenographer.

Agency Staff Bwatow ChemicalCCo.—85, Wing Lok

D. O. de Silva Street; Teleph.. 32444 ‘ '

Albert K. M.

J.F. P.R. Whitham Chan

Zimmern fyj gjf '.[Ij : Son tcgu k-ung, sze

A. H. Lammert

G.F. E.P. W.


Lammert Rwatow Drawn-Work Co., Manufacturers

B.F. R.C. Tavadja (Canton)

Smith (Amoy) ; and

Linens,Exporters of all kinds

Handkerchiefs; Art ofEmbro-


i ideries,

wear, FancySilk Shawls,


and fSitk Under-


^ m n n 14; Pedder St.; Teleph. "2280Q; P.O. Box

Dei yih di ehe yu han hung sze ; 445; Cable Ad: Sw^towAyork; • }Code:

Bun Light Co., Ltd., The, Electric Light Bentley’s


137, Des “Edison” & “Osram”

Vorux Road Central;Lamps—


22255; P.O. Box 248; Cable Ad: Inalada Bwatow Embroidery CqkWBS, Queen’s

Road C.; Teleph. 25539 ’ ‘i •'


m mih m vm -sj'TN- mi Sff,

Swatow Lace Co. Ltd., Manufacturers “Swie

ana Exporters of all kinds of Art SwieHono” Hong

Handel Maatschappij N.Y,

Trading Co., Ltd., (In-

Linens, Silk Lingerie, Handker- corporated in Dutch East Indies)

chiefs, Chinese rugs and carpets, Shipping & General Merchants, Coal,. Im-

furnitures and many Chinese art porters & Exporters and Commission

objects. Wholesale and Retail— Agents—20, Connaught Road Central:,

Head Office: 16, Redder Street;

P.O. Box 475; Cable Ad: Sanscrit. Teleph. 28331;5thCable

Codes: A.B.C. & 6th Ad:



Factories: 6, Morrison Street, supplement, Complete Phrase,Indonesia, Hoa Boewith

Oeymohoats and

Peiping; 56, Love Lane, Bubbling

Wei! Road, Shanghai; 207, Kailat Private, Coal Head

Mines, Loa Office: Borneo,

Teboe, Sam a D.E.I.

rind a;.

Road, Swatow S. Anson

K. Go, Yao,



Swedish Consulate—(See Consulates) Woon Hong Chiang, cashier

Sworn Measurers and Weighers to-

m & m m China-Japan Homeward Freight

Swedish-Chinese Export & Import Co., Conference—St. George’s Building (1st

Ltd. — Asiatic Building (2nd floor); floor); Telephs. 20860 and 34368

H. Nish

Teleph. 24929; Cable Ad: Matches; Codes: H. A. Kekwick

A.B.C. 5th and 6th edns., Bentley’s Com- T. C.Office:



and Phrase, Bentley’s

Trade CodeSecond Phrase Canton

H. A. Pearson, manager J. Linaker

Wong Tat, compradore Sze Hai Tong Bank & Insurance Co.

Representing —36, Bonham Strand E.; Teleph. -23593-

The Swedish Match Co., Ld.

Sze Wai & Co.—42, Bonham Strand

Sni Din Yang Kong W.; Teleph. 25009

Swedish Trading Co, Ltd., The, Sze Woo Water Boats —179, Wing.

General Merchants,

Exporters, Insurance Importers

Agents—Chinaand Lok Street; Teleph. 21519


20171 Queen’s Road Central; Telephs.


23640;5thCableedn.,Ad: Scott’s


10th Sze Yap S.S. Co., Ltd,—61, Wing Lok

edn. and Western Union, Schofield’s & Street; Teleph. 20837


H. Hallgren, manager

Paper & Telephone Depts. Ta On Accident Insurance Co., Ltd.„

Leung Cho U The—236 and 238, Des Vceux Road

Lee Wai Tong Central; Teleph. 26419; Cable Ad:

Leung Wing Kwong Toaic

S. K. F. (Ball Bearings), Machinery &

Gas Station Depts.

Lok I ^ & *0 lii fa if §


Hung Tabaqueria

acconists in Filipina,

the Far East Leading Tob-


Tang Tsang and Retail)—Shell House, 26,18,Hankow


Accounting & Insurance Depts. Road Central; Teleph. 22559;


Kai Cheung

Kwong Yui Road, Kowloon; Teleph. 58862; Cabl&

Ad: Tabaqueria; Codes: A.B.C. 5th edn.r

Sundries Dept. Bentley’s. Head general

T. S. Canning, Office: Shanghai

manager (S’hai.>

So Po Lam

So Po Kam Y. M. Liu, branch manager

H. C. Wood, sub-manager


Tack Lee Co., General Merchants and A.W. R.R. Osborne G. H. Stewart

Commission Agents—China Bldg.; Oswald C.T. H. Summers


Teleph. 33332; P. O. Box 744; Cable Ad: H.

F. K.T. Palmer

Pattinson J.R. T.C. Thirl well

Trico W. J. Pendergast J. A. Watson Wallace

Lo Cheung Nin, manager D. Peoples W. Weir

TaxersFook Trading Co., Queen’s

and Exporters—33, General Road


C.; J.S. C.J. Pollock

Poison J. J. Whyte

Teleph. 20456; P.O. Box 431; Cable Ad: A. B. Ramsay E.R. Wilson Wright

Tadorna S. bimpson T. Young

A. Stalker


Ming22426 — 146 Connaught Road C.; Tai koo tong fong

Taikoo Sugar Repining Co., Ltd.—

Quarry Bay, Shaukiwan Road

Butterfield & Swire (John Swire &


ShanRoad Insurance Co., Ltd.—14, Sons, Ltd.), general agents

Central; Teleph. 24743; A. R. H. Phillips, manager

Cable Ad: Taishinsur G. W. Tate, assist, manager

D. W. Hume, chief engineer

Tax Tung Leather Goods Meg. Co.— D. H. Clark, chief chemist

69, Bonham , Strand E.; Teleph J. F. Anderson j N. Drummond

.27576 D,

T. C.Austin

Barclay G.C. B.Mitchell


T. J. McC. Beattie F. L. Parton

Tax Wah Land Investment Co.—Bank E. Beck A. Park

of Canton Building, (1st floor); Teleph. G.R. E.F. Clark

Brown !i T.W. F.P. Stainton


.21003 B. T. Cunningham i J. Waid

C.K. T.H.Chan, manager

Chan, secretary

'Taikoo Club—(See Clubs) “ IHAitCHAIMTS** GOLD


Taikoo Dockyard and Engineering Co.

op Hongkong, Ltd., The—Quarry Bay; Not a bite in the whole bottle

Teleph. 30211; Cable Ad: Taikoo-

dock Teleph. 36311

Butterfield & Swire, agents

K. E. Greig, manager Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.

J.B. Finnie,

E. Fielder, localsub-manager

acting secretary

Sole Agents.

A. B. Moir, assist, manager

A.worksM. M. Stephen, assist, e

E. Jones,manager

accountant if m m m *

W. B. Adams

H. G. Babbidge S.R.D. Hope M.

LyleKeown Tajmahal Silk Store, The—King’s


‘G. B.

BirdBell A. McArthur Theatre Building, D’Aguilar Street;

D. B. Bone N. Macarthur Teleph. 26136; P.O. Box 477; Cable Ad:

W. Brown D. McColgan Nar Silk; Codes:

edn. and Bentley’s A.B.C. 5th and 6th

uS. Boulton J. McCormack S. Narain, proprietor


Chalmers A.MacIndoe D. S. Mohan, manager

J.A. C.C. Ferguson T.N. D. Meffan J.B.

R.P. N.H. Kishin

Shamdas Ma

Ford E, Moore Gulabrai

A. D. Fraser D. Munro B.LamboO,

Gourdan, salesman

G. Gerrard

J. M. Gordon A.G. Nisbet W. Norrie Ah Cham, do.



^ m & m m Accounting Dept.

Tak Cheong, Gentlemen’s Tailors and J E. F.D.X.Pope, district accountant

V. Ribeiro

Oattittei's—50f Queen’s Koadi Central, E. Eymard i A-C. Y, Ribeiro


Bqnt.on 21317; P.O. Box 1515;

, . Cable Ad: M. T. Gonsalves | 0. M. Rozario

: General Office

Talati, M. P., Import and Expprt Mer Miss E. M. Xavier I Miss E. Kinola

chant—; i 8, IceAd: House

Tulip Street; Peleph. Miss

20511; Cable Miss E.C. daI. Roza

Lee |j Q.H. M. A. Xavier


Tam, W. N. Thomas, Barrister-at-law—4, Installation Miss M. A. Remedios .

Queen’s Road Ceht.TTeleph. 24756 , J. 0.C.Drager

Pyeatt, installation supt. ,

Tanaka & Co., Amateur Photographic J. Flores

Service, Photographic Studio accessory

of all kinds—12, Peking Road, Kowloon: West Point Godowh j

Teleph. 57Q72. Branch: 31a, Nathan ;

Road, Kowjoon 1

Tat Kuan & Co., General Import and Ex- Theatre Royal (see'Qity fiall)

port and Commission Agents—Bank of Theosophical Society— (see Associations^

China Building, (5th door); Teleph.

23107; Cable Ad: Totickpedo

Thio Sing Liong Handel Maatschap-

% % ® m it * py—26, Des Yoeux Road W.; Te-

Tai pale teen polcung sze leph. 22492

Telegra ph .Co., Ltd., Great Northern


Club), Sub-Office:‘ Road (next 67Box to Hongkong j m a m

r Jervois Street; Thom & Go., W. C., Importers, Ex-


Nordiske 20442; P.O. 441; Cable Ad: | porters and General Merchants—Head

P. V. Jensen, supt. Office: Branch:

kong Honolulu, 27,Hawaii,

Des U.S.A.

Voeux Hong-


O. A: HanSon. electrician Central; Teleph. 25934: Cable Ad: Thom

E..C,: Traerup L. M. Silva Partners—

E.B.' 'L.A; 'Barros

AndeVsetf R. J. dos Santos ,

C. A. Noronha W. G. Thom (Honolulu)

' EiL. A.A. Carvalho

Baptista A.V. F.J. MAC Marques 1.W.W,K.C.Thom

Thom do. do. m

S. E. Carvalho A. F. V. Ribeiro Barretto W. D. Thom (Hongkong)

A. A. Gill W. D. Fisher W.F. Thom do. ;,j

Tester & Abraham, Stockbrokers—Ex-j JFeTheOwnNu-Enamei and Operate:

Co:, "of Hawaii

: change Buil^mg.iDe^ A^ceux Roadi Thom’s Groceteria, Hongkong

\' Teleph.

t l 20323'; Oafeie Ad: Rectitude

‘~'PrR.E estpr f-—FrAbrTtham

Abraham, signs per pro.

S m

Tester’s Beauty Parlour-- Thomson tfe.Cb,,.Chartered Accountants—

' .Building;Teleph. 22103 . Kayam&lly. York Building, :


24616; Cable Ad: Scrutiny; Road; Teleph.


Bentlby’s ..

^ Sr ti ± % Pkrtnfers—

The Texas and

Petroleum Companv: (China),Queen’s

its. Products—14, Ltd,, E. S. Wilkjnson, a.c,a. (Shanghai)

Road Centra]; Telephs. 25094-5^6 (Office), L- T. Beddow, a.c.a. (Tientsin)

51920 (Installation, Tsuh vWan) G..

B, A.O. Buyers,,c.A.

Btaker, a.c.a. (Shanghai)


J. G. Willia/ms, assist, geppf^jtjmnager F.

Sales Depar^jmqpt,' .

H. L. Decker , I G. O. Rockholtz,. o') Staff—L. Hinds, A.e.A., MissS. Arnold,

L.E. Stone . . | H. M. Blake Miss S. Bander, F. V. Wong and

Tsui Shu Hung .


|g Shiln heng Tien Sau Tong; Makers* of.Chinese Medi-

Thoresen & Co., Ltd,, Steamship Queen’s cirial Pills and Agents for.

Agents' and Records of Chinese and ForeignGramophones

and General Merchants—2, Makes—168, Des Vceux Road Central

Building; Telephs. 30237-8; P.O. Box' 6; . Teleph. 20298


Co., Ad:

&Branch Over.

Ltd. Home'

(Oslo) A/S.,-Office:

Oslo, Thorfesen


Offices: Bangkok and Canton. dicinal, Tong,

Tin Hee Pills —• Makers of Chinese. Road;

64^ HoRywood Me-

Head Office,: China Siam Lipe-. Teleph. 25407

B. Owrum AndreseD1, maiiage‘rv

Nils Smeby ■ ! Fok

Johandphnsen Litman

J. Chan. Tin Sang,'Jewellers, Gold and Silversmiths

S. Angeles ■ .J| Miss

G,I. S.'Castro Mrs. iA.C. M.Brown

Xftyier —178, Queen’s Road Cent.; Tefeph. 23335

L. Castro | Mrs. D. Hollands To, Herbert, Denial Burgeon—Hohgk6ng

Lam Fai Ting, compradore ■ & Shanghai Bank; Telephs. 22064 and

Agents for: 22031 (residence). , (Residence: 24, Con-

Bruusgaard Kiosterud & Co., Drammen duit Road)


Ltd. River To wage' and Lighter To,Road Drs. : Coxon & Ernest—22, Queen’s

Wilh. Wilhelmsen, Oslo 1 Central; Teleph. 21380 ,

A. near

F. Klaveness'£

Oslo Co., A/S., Lysaker

Nordisk Skibsrederforening, Oslo

Skibsassuranceforeningen Yidar, Oslo “SILVER SLIPPER” GIN

Assuranceforeningen Skuld, Oslo . /, Gives the requisite “KieL’ to a Cocktail

Bergens Dampskibs-Assurancefore ^

ing, Bergen

Assuranceforeningeh Card, Ttrendal Teieph. 30311

Bergens Assuranceforening, Bergen


Arendal i. Arendal,

Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.


tiania, Oslo • i Chris-

Den gjensidige Dampskibsassuraiiee- Sole Agents.

forening Skjold,.Porsgrund

A/S.Oslo Wiskborgs Assuranceselskab,

.Danish. Shipowners’, Defence . As- TokwaI.Co.—‘509;.

' 56090

Nathan Road ; Teleph.

' ' novii red ,

sociation, Copenhagen

Van Gelder Zonen, Amsterdam r

Cyrcamo Export N/V., The Hague Torbor 25964

& Co.—Prince’s Building; Teleph.


StoopenPaper 06., Ld.,Antwerp

and Mucus, Oslo

Billeruds A/B.,; Saffle Tokyo Hotel—(Nee Hotels)

ft ft m. m

Thornycr-oft Co., Lid., Mafine

gineers and Shipbuilders, En- ' y-r

John h,'Motor 1

. ■ 'Tung Min Yang. 'Hong

and Motor Yehifcle /Manufacturers—

Pioneer Building, Nathan Road; Teleph. CottonMenTrading

Toyo its* Kaisha, LicJ.—(Oriental

56752; Cable Ad: Thorny . Ca, Ltd.) Prince’s

R. R. Roxburgh, mahaget for China Buildipg. He House St.; Telephs. 26515

S. D. Begg, secretary and 23730; .P.O>' i Bok 98b; CaMe Ad:

,. ; S.0, Howard,

Chan, assist.,

chief clerkmanager , > , TphyohitO; Hend Office: Osaka

Mrs. B. Elder, stejn>typist Trust Industrie!

National Beige -3rd

Band Building, Francais—

Floor, 8a

Thye On—27, : BonhamTStrand W.; Teleph. P. O. Box.299; Cable Ad: AerotraTeleph.

Des Voeux Road Central 30404; ;


3.4264 • Marant, manager Y. S. Yau, assist.


Tsa.ng Foo & Co., Ltd., Coal

chants—39b. Queen’s Road C.; Teleph. Mer- Tung Nam & Co.—10, Queen’s Rd. C.;

Teleph. 33001


Tung Nam Construction Co., Building

Tsang Hin lu, Dr., d.d.s , f.h.n.l.s.' Contractor—160, Lockhart Rd.; Teleph.

(Member of Epsolonalpha Dental Hon- 24861

our Society), Dental Surgeon, Dental


22366 Des Voeux Road C.; Teleph.

Tung on fo chuk po him yau han kung sze

tr W ft m It Tung On Fire Insurance Co., Ltd.—15,

Tsang Fook Piano Co., Manufactur- Queen’s Road West; Teleph. 27136

ers of the “Morrison” Piano, Tuners Tung On S.S. Co.—122, Queen’s Road

and Repairers,

Records, Music Radiogramophones

and Musical Instru-and



Cable Ad:Ice House Teleph. C.; Teleph. 30004



TsangRd.;FookTeleph. 2212F. A. Griggs Tung

I Mrs.

Sang, Jewellers and Dealers in Jade

and Precious Stones—196, Queen’s Road

R.M. Griggs | Mrs. M. Portallion Central; Teleph. 24231

Ball j Miss TsangM.Kay


Tung Wah Hospital (See Hospitals)


Cheong— 20, Suing, Jewellers and

Lyndhurst Terrace; Turner & Co., A. W. V.—Bank of East

Teleph. 22643 Asia Bldg.; Teleph. 26738

Tseung Fat Im, Dr., m.b., b.s., General a & % sism

Medical Practitioner — Office: 60-62, T. S. Brothers

Queen’s Road Central; Residence: 73, plies—195, Des& Co., Dental Sup-

Voeux Road C.;

Bonham Road; Telephs. 24196 (Office) Teleph, 20010; Cable and Radio Ad:

and 21635 (Residence) Tonghoe. Head-Office : 55-56, Upper

Hokien St., Singapore.

05 tUc W Ts° chon9 sze

Tso & Hodgson, Solicitors—8, Des Voeux

Road C.; Teleph. 28148; Cable Ad:


S. W. Tso Tv Suing, Wine and Spirit Stores—108,

P. M.Keith

Hodgson Queen’s Road Central; Teleph. 21858

W. Robinson Tye & Brothers, N. A., Importers,

Tso, Dr. T. M., m.d., ch.b. (Edin.), Exporters andStreet;


Cable Ad:Agents

Tyes —

d.m.r.e. (Liv.)—63, Des Voeux Road 15,N.Pottinger A. Tye, managing proprietor

Central; Teleph. 28282 L. S. Tye and H. S. Tye, assistants

^ m Agencies

Tsurutani & Co., Ltd., Importers and Wrigley’s Chewing Gums, “ Spear-

Exporters—3, Prince’s Building; Teleph. mint” “P. K’s” and “Juicy Fruit”

21329; Cable Ad : Tsurutani Carter’s

Paste, Inks,


Paper andand Inked


Ribbons, Fountain

chanical Pencils Pens and Me-

m w n & m m

Tung Hing Co., Tailors, Drapers and Tyeb & Co., Drapers, General Merchants


Teleph. 24037 Queen’s Road Central; and HotelCommission Agents 20648;

Building; Teleph. —Hongkong


Tung Lee, Sauce Manufacturers — 357, Ad: Tyeb


and 20449 Road Central; Telephs. 20149 U.S.A. Consulate—(See Consulates)


W II ^ ^ Colin

TorontoE. Sword, mgr. for Canada,


Hongkong Stock & Exchange

o.. Machineries—

Building, Ice T. B. Dean, mgr., San Francisco

House Street; Te eph. 32682 ; Cable Ad: F. R. Clayton,

Africa, gen. mgr. for South


Feilun Branch Managers:—

J. P. Ulderup, manager M. (Shanghai)

H. C. Tsu, assistant R. H.H.IvyWhittall (Singapore)


u li man C. L. Slater, acting (Kobe)

C.H. D.G. Gardner

Wales (Tokyo)

Ullmann & Co., J., Jewellers^

makers, General Merchants—Alexandra Watch- R. L. 1). Wodehouse (Tientsin)

Building, Chater Road; Teleph. 21133; E.L. B.A. Stone,


acting (Canton)

Cable Ad: Ullmann. Branches at: (Peiping)


Paris, Shanghai, Peping, Tientsin and E.J. G.

C. Hudson,

Slater acting (Bombay)

Chaux-de-fonds E.R. R.F. Thomas (Manila)

L. J.D.Dubois

Walch, manager Hall (Hankow)

M. Berruex | Chan Fai (Yokohama)

J. PI. M. Andrew, acting (Batavia)

S. M. Garrard, acting

Union Church — {See under Churhes Union Motor Supply Co. Importers of

and Missions) Automobile partsWanchai;

and Accessories—311

Hennessy Road, Teleph. 21532,r

Cable Ad: Enilosag


ton, Insurance

Ltd.—Union Society


28081; Cable Ad:H.Union

Directors—S. Dodwell (chairman), “WHITE HORSE"


Owen T.Hughes, M. T. Johnson,

A. Mitchell and J. G.A. WHISKY IN ELASKS

Plummer Just right for the hip pocket

A. W. Hughes, general manager

H. C. Gray, sub-manager Teleph. 30311

G. S. Archbutt, fire manager


J. W. Alabaster L. A. Osmund jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd

John Bentley R. J. Reed

J. W. Bonnar H. Remedies Sole Agents.


W. N. Buyers J. A. Remedies

F. Leckie

H. N. Laver L.V. Remedios

R. Y. Ribeiro Union Motors—19 and 21, Caroline Hill

L. P. Ralph Y. Rocha Road; Teleph.

D.R. L.R. Stewart

Ryde A. A. Rodrigues Branch Office:30913; Cable Ad:

584, Fung NingTractor,


H. C. B. Way O.S. R.R. Salleh Sadick Canton; Teleph. 17459

A.F. A.A. Castro

Alves A. A. Silva A. E. Kew, managing partner

P. Brown, do.


A.P. H.

R. Dallah V.M. H.A. White

M.C. R. Souza da Cunha

Sole Distributors for Hong Kong, Macao-

and South China for:

Fame A. G. Xavier

J.H.C.L. Gardner Miss H. Ezra International Motor Trucks and.

Gooey Miss

Mrs. M. B. A.C. Gill

O. Lee Tractors


O. Hoosen Miss A. da Roza

O. Hoosen

A. Hussain m M Jit ]cee

E. G. da Luz W. J. lies Union Trading Co., Ltd., General Im-

F. L. Marques porters, Exporters andTeleph.


H. G. Simms, London mgr., (London) Agents—York Building; 27738;


C. Langker, P.O. Box 95; CaWe Ad: Hardware;.

Sydneygeneral mgr. for Aus- All Standard Codes used


S. M. Chiirn,'ma.n%in^ director' : Universal Drug Co., All kinds of Foreign

and Chinese Patent Medicines —171,

F. E. A. ilemeclios, signs per pro.. ; Johh^toii Road, Wahchai; Teleph. 22774

W. Dorabjee

Miss M. Churn 1

A.Wm.M.LauS. ItosEtrib' '’ Universal Pictures Corporation of

M rs..C.M.Xavier, China—Local Office: (4th floor), King’s

Miss Churn, steno.

do, . Theatre Building,.

Teleph. 33288; Queen’s

Cable Road Central:

Ad: Unfilman.

Agencies'.— C. tive

L. Chung,

■ South China representa-

Motor Union Insurance Co'., Ld.

The Home Insurance Co. of New Universal Radio Co.—,28, ties Vceux

The Yorkshire Ipsurance Co., Ld. ■ Road C.; Teleph. 28581


Elders Insu nince-.Co., Ld, Universal Trauing Co,, The, Polishing

Wax Manufacturers and Commission

Union Waterboat Co., Ltii. • 2, Qheen’s

! Agents—Room 1-2 (4th floor'),. China

Buildings; Tel^ph. 28021 ; Building; Teleph. 26746; Cable Ad:

; Unitarian

U.S. Public Health Service (American University of HoNGKONG—(b’ee Under


Central; Teleph. Service)—-2,

27741 Queen’s .Koad Educational)

E. M, Gordop, surgeon in charge Utoomall and . Ass odamai, Co., Silk and

United Manufacturing Co.—74, Des Curio Exporters

Batteries, " CanvasFlashShoes; Light,'etfc,TorObes,

— 25,

Voeux Road C.; Teleph. 20639 Wyhdbam St.; Teleph.' 2,1614; ,P.*:0.

Box 355;

United Photoplay Service, Ltd., Film A.B.C: '6th edn.j BeritleyT, Acme,Cable Ad: Premmafk; Codes:

ProducerRoad& C.;

Voeux Theatre

Telephs. Owner—12,.

$0580 (Manag- J^es Universal Trade and Oriental 3-letter

ing Director and Secretary), 24203 Vaidya & Co., Ltd., K. B. (Incorporated

(General Office). Branch Offices: Shang- In Hongkong), Coal and Coke Mer-

5 hai, Canton and Peiping; Cable Ad: Ups

Sir Robt. Ho Tung, chairman of the chants, Exporters and Importers and

Shipping Agents —Hongkong Office :




secretary 26310; P. O. Road

8, Des Voeux Box, Central;

714; /CableTeleph.Ad:

Amrak. Branches: In China — 83,

Shameen, B. C., Canton;

Shanghai and Macao. In India—Bom- Tejeph. 14003,

ms ® « bay, Calcutta, and Rangoon. In Ceylon


United Publicity and

Co., Ltu.; Commercial Publicity and Advertising Pirectors-AK. B. Vaidya; managing

Advertising Agents director and Jose Ligaya

China—Des Vceuxin Hbngkong

Road Central; and

Teleph. 28387; Cablfe Adr Upaco, . • Van Reekum Bras. (Amsterdam)

Cheng Tsi-man, manager

Staff-Li Ltd., Hongkong Agency, Paper 419- and

Chi Pok,VanNg,Ma, KumS.Chuen,,,Shum

L, Wong. Li Boards—Asia

23; Teleph. Life Building,-Rooms

33503 ■ ( '

Wall, Lo Kwok Yee and, Chan

Chak Ming ’ ■ • W & U * £ M S

United Services Recreation Club— Vanhini & Co., Terrazzb &■ Terrazzo

TfleS,’Tfalian: Marble

(See Clubs) arid Architectural Work,for etc.—Factory


United States Treasury Dept.—Hong- TelepH: 26831; & Qffice: I. L. 1393, Shaukiwan, GableRoad;

kong & Shanghai Bank. Building, (3rd Vannini; Cgdes:P.O.Acnie, Box 133;Bentley’s Ad:


floor); Toloph. 33240 , :

Arthur J. Campbell, ‘ treasury repre- Private • ■'

sentative . clerk A. Vannini,. proprietor

Wm. K. S: Mok, secretary and- manager

Wong Quan Ng, Chung Yung Ping, store-keeper


Vasunia. &, ,Gq., J. P., Import and Export

Merchants .arid Commission Agents —38, “Wah Kiu Yat Po,” published by Over-


Box 406; Cable.Street;

Ad: TolepJp

Vasunia21,077; P.O. seas Chinese Daily News, Ltd.: Chinese

Principals—E. P. Yasunia,: Daily

Offices:Ne wspaper

1 and (Morning)—Publishing

Vasunia, P. P. Yasunia and, F.H. P.P. Editorial 2, Yuen On Lane

and Business Dept.: 1Q6-110



Mehta D. - Gotla and M. N. Hollywood Road; Telephs. 21864,

K. H. Shroff, senior asst. 23767 and 28984; Cable Ad: Oer-

Allen Lai, Chinese clerk seanews; Code : Bentley’s

Shum Wai Yau, managing director

and publisher

Victor Trading Co. — Pedder Building; Chan Chi-ting editor

Teleph. 27854

Victoria Diocesan and Missionary Wah pliersMeiandElectric Co., Electric

Contractors—135,. Sup-x

Des Verm

Association—(Ne'e Associations) Road Central; Teleph. 23792: Cable

Victoria. Female Home and Orphanage and Radio Ad: Wame'ieleco, All

Standard Codes used

—(See Under Churches and Missions)

Victoria Hospital—(Nee Hospitals) MARCHAIVrS ** GOLD


m psj m % m

Victoria . Printing Press, Printers, Our Excellent Whisky at a cheaper price

Publishers, Bookbinders, Stationers and

Rubber Stamp Makers—8a, Des Voeux Teleph. 30311

Boad Central, 1st floor; Teleph. 26514;

Workshop: 41-51, Leighton Hill Road; Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.


A..H. 30723;

Roberts,Cable Ad: Robvic

proprietor Sole Agents.

Victoria Recreation Cltjb — (See

Clubs) m u % m

Vit-ASexin (China) Ltd, —Exchange “Wah Tsz Yat Po” (Chinese Morning

Building (3rd floor); Teleph. 28587; Newspaper)—BusinessDept.: 5, Welling-

Cable Ad: Vitalexin. Shanghai Branch: ton Street; Teleph. 20227. -Editorial

Glen Line Building, Room 501, 2, Peking Dept.: 8, Wellington Street; Teleph.

Road; Teleph. 11910

Directors—E. M. Raymond, F. M. 30249;P.O. Box 1Q0;-Cab]e Ad: Wahtszpo

Ellis, A.

P. Tester J. Edgar, Carl Bunje and

D.W.Ellis, manager and actg. secty. m e

C. Wong Wai Kee, Tent, Flag and Shilmakers,

Agency: General Contractors—129, Des Vceux

The Bowsher Laboratories Ltd,, Pons- Road 21833

Central (fop floor)'; Teleph.

bourne Manor, Hertford, England

Volunteer Defence Corps (See Military) Wai Loong, Ship and Family Compradore

. and general Storekeeper—72, Ces Vfoux

Road Cent.; Teleph, 22119

Wah Hing26267

Teleph. & Co.—148, Queen’s Road C.;

Wai On Tseung, Ltd., Exporters, Im-

Wah Kee—Gloucester Building; Teleph. porters Connaught andRoad


C.; Teleph.Agents — 24,

20711; Cable

27660 Ad; Waionseung


W'allem & Co., Shipowners & Steamship Wassiahull Assomull & Co., Silk Mer-


Merchants Coal— Hongkong General chants—46,

Contractors &andShanghai Queen’s Road Central;

P.O. Box 533; Teleph. 24529; Cable Ad:

Bank Building (1st floor); Teleph. 21876; Worthy

Cable Ad: Wallem;

edn., Scotts Codes;

10th edn., A.B.C. Boe,

Bentley’s, 5th T. Harumal, manager

Penta and Private P. Lachiram, accountant

H. J. Wallem (Bergen, Norway) U. Karmchand, salesman

R. K.Johannessen, manager

Knudsen | Ho Shiu-que Watanmal Boolchanu, Silk Goods

Agencies Specialists, Curios and General Goods

Wallem & Co. A/S., Exporters 23259; P.O, Box 644;LanCable

— 18-20, On Street;

International FarveBergen, Norway

fabrik A/S., Teleph.

Watanmal Ad:


Wan, Dr. C. H., f.r.c.s., m.b., ch.b., d.t.m. & Waters & Watson, Chartered Quantity

Surveyors andLinstead

insurance& Loss Assessors

H. (Edin.), d.p.h. (Camb.) —China Bldg. —c/o

(2nd floor); Telephs. 20069 and 24732 cesterMessrs. Davies,

Building; Teleph. 27794


(residence) Partners—

D. R. Waters, p.a.s.i.,- a.i.a.s., m.r.

& n m n ft m

Wanchai Auto Accessories Co.—250- E. SAN. I. f.s.l, a.f.a.s.

C. Watson,

254, Hennessey Road, Wanchai; Teleph.


Wanchai School—(See Government) ® n * .r e a

Wat sun sz tai yeuk Jong

Wang Bros. & Co., Typewriter Merchants Dispensing<& andCo.,General

Watson Limited, A. S.,

Chemists, Wine

and General Importers—10, Pottinger and Spirit Merchants, Cigar,

Street; Teleph.

Ad: Wangbrot 23580; P.O. Box 589 Cable and Tobacco Importers and Cigarette Aerated


Alexandra Buildings ; Teleph. Office:

Manufacturers—Head 20469;

Wang Hing, Jewellers, Gold and Silver

Ware Manufacturers and Jade Stone P.O.JohnBoxD.105; Cable Ad:& Son,


Dealers—10, Queen’s Road Central; Humphreys gen. mgrs.

Teleph. 22085; Cable Ad: Jadestone. J. A. Tarrant,

W. Paterson secretary

Canton Branch: 2, Sai Hing Street; G.L. Guy

Teleph. 11782 j Thomas Lock

Wang Keeand & Stevedores—36,

Co., Shipchandlers, Com- H. G. Mancell I AV.

P. Wong H. F.Cunningham


pradores Connaught W. F. Simpson j Miss K. Grose

Road Central;

Ad: Wangkee Teleph. 26611-3; Cable C. N. S. Burns | Miss M. Bryson

Warner Bros. First National Pic= Watson, Charles E., m. t. mech. e.,

tures (China) Inc.—King’s Theatre (Chartered Loco. E.,Mechanical

ConsultingEngineer) Mech.

Bldg.; Teleph. 31940; P. O. Box 46; I.Pedder Street; Telephs.


20696 & 33165;

Cable Ad: Firnatex P. O. Box 12; Cable Ad: Brewer

C. K.S. Tso,

W. Tsui,branch

accc. mgr.

Way & Hall—20, Queen’s Road C.;

^ ^ War Lun Teleph. 21078


and Heating & Co.,Engineers,

Ltd., C. Tile,

E., Sanitary

Granite Weill & Co.,' Ltd., L. Sharebrokers—

Terrazzo and Marble Merchants, Monu- Teleph. Hongkong' Stock Exchange Building;

mentalists — China Building (facing 23164


24406; Theatre);

Ad: Telephs.Codes:

Warren; 20269A.B.C.


-5th edn. and Bentley’s Welted

26, Fleming Road; Teleph.Go.*28457;

Manufacturing Ltd.—24-


L. B. Warren, managing director Ad: Weltedco

J. Russell, works manager K. H. Shiu, chief manager.

J. G. d’Aquino | P. M. Xavier T. K. Wong, asst. mgr.


Wesleyan Mission iSchools—{See un-

der Educational) * m.

West River Transportation & Trading Wicking & Co.,Wic king

Co.—43, Queen’s Road C.; Teleph. 25814 and CommissionLtd., Harry,Merchants

Agents—Prince’s Build-

Western Electric Co. of Asia—3, ings; Teleph. 30241; Cable Ad: Wicking.

J.H. Owen

Wyndham Street; Teleph. 20611 OwenHughes,

Hughes, director


A. K. Mackenzie, signs per pro.

Western Trading Co. — Alexandra G. A. Burn | D. Hassan

Bldg.; Teleph. 34002

R.S. Pinna

Nazarin |I Miss Miss A.

N. Owen Hughes

Z. Nazarin

Westinghogse Electric International Agents for-.—

Co., Manufacturers

paratus of ElectricalOffice:

and Machinery—Head Ap- F. H. Ayres, Ltd., London. (Sporting

30, Rockefeller Plaza, New York City, Goods)

U.S.A. George Banks Composition)

(Anti-fouling & Co., Liverpool.

Reiss, Massey & Co., Ltd., 7, Queen’s S. A. Bourjois-Paris. (Perfumery)

Road Cent.; Teleph. 28009,

kong, distributors for Hongkong Hong- Barrow, Hepburn and Gale, Ltd.

and South China (Leather Belting, Bags, etc.)


& John Burke, Ltd., Liverpool.

W. J. Bush & Co., Ltd. (Essences)

« WHSYE fiOKSE ** Guiseppe

Hat Hoods) Cambiaghi. (Felt Hats and

WHISKY ThePipes,CarronBaths

Co. ofStoves,


(Cast Iron


The finest Whisky obtainable Castings)

Darragh, Smail & Co., Ltd.

Matting and Ropes Yarn, etc.) (Coir Mats,,

Teleph. 30311 J. C. Eno Ltd., London. (Fruit Salt)

Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd. J. & R. Howie Ltd. (Sanitary Fireclay-

ware) Hubbuck & Son, Ltd. (Paints


Sole Agents.

H. & R.Varnishes)

and Johnson, Ltd. (Tiles)

John Kidd & Co., Ltd., London.

Weston, Capt. Walter C., m.m.o.c., (Printinglnks & Colours, Varnishes

and Roller Compositions)

London. (Late Surveyor

Agents, Yokohama), to General

Marine and Lloyd’s The(Crucibles,


Crucibleetc.)Co., Ltd.

Surveyor, Sworn Weigher


Building, Adjuster & Oil Gauger—China

1st floor, Queen’s Road Central; and Engineers’ Papers, Cloths and

Teleph. 31300 Equipment)




Sons Ltd.Requisites)


Wha Wei Trading Co., Ltd.—20, Queen’s

Rd. C.; Teleph. 28646 Daniel PlattSage& Sons Ltd.Ltd.


Frederick & Co., (Interior

White Star Co., Importers and Exporters and Exterior Shop Fittings)

—25, Des Vceux Road Central; Teleph. Chas.

(Tanners & ManufacturersYork.of

A. Schieren Co., New

23536; Cable Ad: Starlike Superior Leather Belting)

White-Chao Co., Inc.—China Bldg.; Solignum, Ltd. (Solignum and Norusto)

Teleph. 27962 SteelPlates,Co.etc.)of Scotland, Ltd. (Ship’s

Union Assce. Society,Ltd.(Fire Insce.)

ff M Wei Lo Thetralia.“Vesta” Battery Co.;

(“Plate-Lock” Ltd., Aus-


Whiteaway , Laidlaw & Co., Ltd., Drapers, Wiggins, Teape & Alex. Pirie (Export)

Milliners, Outfitters—20, Des Vceux Rd. Ltd. (Paper)

Cent.; Teleph. 20092; Cable Ad: Warfield. Harold F. Ritchie & Co., Inc.


Hepresentiam'.— Williamson, S. J., Honorary Agent for


('iaj- Glover Co.,Cure,

Inc., New the Government of New Zealand—P. &

Mange ScalpYork. and P.O. Building (5th floor); Teleph. 23755;

Dog Medicines)

: ,

.JameS'‘Pieb6rtson Ss Son Ltd., Paisley.•’ 'Wilson Construction' Co.—11, Queen’s

(Jams and Marmalade) Road C.; Telepb.,21002;

Hi # ± M'{$i Wilson & Co., A.C. China Building;

(m $ m m A) Teleph. 2,1116

Wai hiri Khaki Ic&tp hi lai&z lut sze

Wilkmson & Grist, Solicitor^,

Queen’sProctors Load |Windsor Brothers (Established

and Notaries


Public—2, Manufacturing Jewellers, Gem and1902),Dia-

Wilgrist; Codes: A.B.C, 4th andCable

Teleph. 27731; Ad: mond

5th edns., Merchants,

Platers—56, Nathan ‘Watch-makers

Road and

Bentley’s, Lombard’s & Western Union. C. H. Windsor, proprietor

London Agents: Markby,

Wadeso'ns, 5, Bishopsgate,. EtC^SS. ) Stewart & G. M. Arthur, manager

Denis Henry Blake, and notary, public W. G.,S.Marshall,

- Martin, assistant

G.L. Dharmasena, do,

, solicitor,

J. T. Prior,, LL.B., do. : , ! do.

G, S.'Hugh-Jones, ’ do. ,; i G. A. < "hiirles; chief foreman of the


C.H. E.C. L,Lee,Grist,'. , solicitor

,do, , ,:;o * , Agents-. . • ■ •.

G. VvS.TfiiFord, “Lanka Rrand”No.choicest

1 ■puts, Ceylon ,

Po Cheung, - Qhan, do , Heung Pak tea.-Quality *

and Ho Kit Shan, interpreters


Jewellers,& Gem Co,, T.andA., Diamond

Manufacturing .Mer-j

M ^ Knt.nuj

Wilkinson, Hey wood & Clark, Var- chants, ‘Watchmakers and High and Class Electroplaters,

Engravers—9, HanJ

nish, Paint and Colour Manufacturers kow Road. Kowloon

—Hongkong &

: Shanghai Batik-’Bldg.;


Teleph. 2802C Cable Ad: Myotomy

H.inW.theMaxted Douglas,proprietor


Far East(Shanghai), manager Assistants—L. G. H. Denister

Silva, T. H. Piyadasa and G. H. de

E. K.W.B,Loveless,

Aiers Hongkong

■ ' manager . . Samiel .. , J

Agents—Dodwell & Co:,- Ltd'. D. A. Paulishamy (work shop)

William Motors Company—199, John-

ston Road, Wanchai; Teleph. 24307; -n

Cable Ad : Wilrho ; Wis^g; Retai)


Williamson & Co., Ship Agehts,' Coal ami Coffee- Wholesale


Importers &, Contractors, General Mer- Importers Voeux Road; and Exporters—A19,

Teleph. 25869; Cable Des



Teleph. 23755&‘ 0.(Office); Building,


;fc>x 615; .Wing Coffee. Head Office: . Honolulu.

Cable Branch: San Ptanciscd'

^S. T.T.Ad: Williamson




! W. G. Ham ' , Wing


Fat & Co., General Printers. Book-

W. J, Thoipiisb.n | J.H. K.F.Ng. JasOn binders,, Account Book Manufacturers

A-.Chapman and . Stationers, Engrayers and India

General Managers ■. ,> • Rubber Stamp

Road, Central; Teleph. Makers—47,


es VceuxAd:

Wing Hong

Shun Co., Ld. Col,.: Ld.

Hong Steamship ' Bookfeat .

Ling Nam Steamship Co., Ld.:

Kin HongHong S.SLGo.,

S-H. Co., Ld. Ld. , ■WPrinters,

ing FatBookbindersPrinting Cfe). Ltd., The

and Stationers—

Foo 149, Wing Lok Street; Teleph. 22257;

Wing Ning S.S. Co., Ld. Cable Ad : Witchery. FactoryOffices:

: 22a,

'Goal Storage Whitfield;Teleph,' 21910. Branch’

Chingkee 74,/Upper Hokkien Street, Singapore;

Yaumati Gpdowns, ■ :dWatfet .'i !>1 oStreet, 22, Tai Chung 'Road,.-Wuokow


Wing Hing Hong—46, Bonham Strand

W.; Teleph. 24574 The Wing 'On Life Assurance Co.,

Wing Lee Wai, Chinese Wine and Spirit I Ltd. — 26,; Des Voeu'x Road Central;

23307; Cable Ad: W7ingon,

Distillers—124, Wing Lok Street; Teleph. Ho’ngkohg

Teleph. 21094; Cable Ad: Wingleewai Board of Directors—JamesGockLock

Wing Mow, Dealer and Exporter in (Managing'Directbr),

Lee Gunn, Mok KonP. Gockchin, Sang, D.

Chinese Tea—181, Queen’s Road West; Jackman,

Teleph. 23042 Gon Hin,-LooLee.: Chung;Wan, Gock

Yuen .Chong,

Wing On & Co.—59, Connaught Road , Shun

Kwok - GeeLum Hing,Shong,'O’Young

- Gock Pun,


C.; Teleph. 24666 Man, Lum Bott Nam, LauKuiigSam

and Kwok Tit'Chiu

m & m m % 7% Superintefiddjits

Kwok Chan Fong — Gock Yuen Fii,

Wing On Co., Ltd., The, Departmehtal General Managers — The. Wing On

Store, ^Universal Providers, Importers Co.HoLtd.

Chow,' manager



Central and to104225,: to Des

114, Vceux

Con- Kwok Tim Tai, cashier

naught Road Central; Telephs. 26671-5 Accountant—G,hm

Sub-accountant—Au Book Bui


(With; Sub-Exchanges to all Depts.);

22898 (Provisions I)ept.), 25994 (Wines : b 'SPremium Dept—Chui

eeretarj’-—K. Y. Whang Cbeiik Sang

& SpiritsP.Dept.),

down); O. Box215181508;(WingCable

On Ad:

Go- Clerks—S. H. Chiu and M. K. Pang


edn., NewCodes:


ChineseA.B.O. 5th

and Pri-

vate. Branches

(Australia) : Shanghai,

ahd London, E. C. 2 Sydney SILVER SLIPPER” GIN

Board of Directors—James

(Managing 1 Gock Lock

Director), (Jock Gon For the Perfect Gimlet

Hin, Gock Hin Man, M. Shun Gee

Hing, J. Lee Gunn, Lambert-Gock- Teleph. 30211

chin, Lau Kung Sam, Lum Butt

Nam, Gock Yuen Fai, F. T. Young, Jardine, Matheson & Cp., Ltd.

Wilkie, Lum, O’Young Pun, Lee

Kwok Chiu, Choi Wing Hang and

P. J.Gockchin,

Philip Komi' chief manager " : Sole Agents.

D. Jackman, sub-manager

Proprietor's Wing On Tat, Merchants, Importers,

The Wing On Fire and Marine Insce. , Exporters -and - Comm ision -Agents—130,

Cq„ Ld. (Head Office: Hongkong) Des YceuxRoad West; Teleph. 23464 ,

The Wing On Textile Manufacturing

' Co., Ld., Yangtszpoo, Shanghai



On Life Assurance Co., Ld. Wpngn, Sang & ® jr; £ 7%

Hongkong) Lyp., Importers,

The Wing Oh Bank, Ld. i Exporters! and, General Merchants—

The Great Eastern Hotel, Canton, 3,BoxWing 1539. Branch Office at22227;

Wo Street: Teleph, P.O.


TheHongkong and Shanghai

Wei San Knitting Factory, Cause- Australa

way Bay, Hongkong :WiNG Sing Li:iy.-91, Bonham Strand

Agencies | E.; Teleph. 28S16

Conklin’s Pens and Pencils

Elbschloss . Beer (German) / WING Wp Slwsro,.. Packing Specialist, and

Manufacturer , of Packing Boxes — 19,

Lee. Yueh Street West; Teleph. 22189.

Wing On Fire and Marine Insurance Wing Yee Fung,' Merchants and: Com-

Co., Ltd., The—225, Des Voeux Road mission, Agents Dealers in Beche de-mer,

Central; Teleph. 22017; Cable Ad: Sandalwood, -etc.—55y06nnaught Road

■“Woass,” Hongkong Central; Teleph. 25033 v


Wing Yick & Co., Building Contractors Wong, T. C., Architect—4, Queen’s Road-

—25, Gage Street; Teleph. 22269 Central; Teleph. 23563

Wingly &, Co,, Inporters and Exporters, Wong Tong Kee, Timber Merchant and

Commission Agents and Coal Con- Sawmill Owner, Importers, Exporters


Teleph. 25960; DesCableVoeux Road Central;

Ad: Wingly com and Commission Agents—Head Office:

32, Canton Road,' Kowloon. Sawmill:

To Kwa Wan, Kowloon. Telephs. 57138

SI II *0 (Office), 57342 (Sawmill) Cable Ad:

Wo Fat & Co., Ship-chandlers, Metal Timberyard

Merchants and General Storekeepers—

34-36, Des Vceux Road C.; Teleph. 20661 m m w- n 11 $

Wo Hop Land Investment Co.—33. Woo & Woo, Solicitors, Proctors, Con-

veyancers, Patentof andChinaTradeBuilding,


Queen’s Road C.; Teleph. 25194 Agents — Bank

Wo Hop Shipping Co.—90, Queen’s 4,23409Queen’s Road Central; Telephs.

Road W.; Teleph. 27397 Codes:and 28959;

A.B.C. 5th Cable Ad: Gladness;.

edn., Western Union


Bentleys phrase K. Woo, ll.b. (Lond.)r

al & ^ M fa D’Arcy S. Curtis, m.a. (Cantab.),,

Wo Shing Co., Ltd., The—China Building assistant solicitor

(5th floor); Teleph. 20218; Cable Ad:


Hon. Dr. R. H. Kotewall, c.m.g., ll.d.,

managing director m w m m m

Agents for-.— Woo, Dr. Arthur,

M.R.C.s. (Eng.), m.b.,

l.r.c.p.b.s. (London),




(4th floor); Telepbs. 24151 and

Dr. F. I. Tseung, m.b., b.s. (H.K.) 24196

Wolfe Bros. & Co.—Prince’s Building; Dr. K. Y. Lai, m.b, b.s. (H.K.)

Teleph. 25989 Dr. C. F. X. da Roza, m.b, b.s. (H.K.)>

Wong, Dr. B. C., m.b., b.s., l.m.s.,—

Office: 466, Nathan Road, Yaumati; Woo, Dr. T.Practitioner

P, m.b, ch.b.—(Edin.),

Residence: 325, Prince Edward Road, Medical

Kowloon; Telephs. (Office) 57224 (Re- Asia Bank ofGeneral East

sidence) 56165 Building (3rd floor); Teleph. 20963;

and 20160 (Residence)

Wong, Dr. R.andJ„ Lecturer

Practitioner m.b., ch.m., Medical

in Anatomy, ^ ^ ^ m-

Road Cent.; Telephs. 23579 (Office)Voeux

Hongkong University—63-65, Des and World Auxiliary Insurance Corpora-

tion—South China Branch Office: Bank

20483 (Residence)


yor andS. Engineer—199,

L., s.c.a., Architect, Surve- ofCable

Prince Edward

East Asia Building; Teleph. 21174;

Ad: Norama. Chinese Branch

Road, Kowloon Office:


Wing Chinese

Lok St.:manager

Teleph. 30567

Wong, Dr. T. C., m.b., b.s.—King’s Theatre Staff—G.

Wong, Y. S. Ng, W. C.Yim,

H. Oliver, Paul Yu T.andS.

Building, Teleph. 26504. Residence: 1, P. L. Lo

Ning Yang Terrace; Teleph. 23628 Fire Agents: Messrs. G. E. Huygen

Wong Siu Woon, General Importer and World Drug Co, The,

Exporter, Boot and

Coal Merchant, Shoe Manufacturer,

Contractor to H.M. Gov- Retail Medicines, Drugs,Wholesale

Toilet andRe-

ernment—271. Hennessy Road; Teleph. quisites

Hongkong and Druggists’

Office: Sundries,

160, Des Yoeux etc. —


21474; Cable Ad: Compass C.; Teleph. 22584; Kowloon Office: 370,.

Agency Nathan Road; Teleph. 56994; Canton


U.S.A. Motor Cars & Trucks of Ad: Branch: 56, Tai Ping Nam Road; Cable



"World Motor Supply Co., Importers of Yaumati School—(iSTe Government)

Motor Accessories, Tools, etc. — 312,

Hennessy Road; Teleph. 24258

mm E 0 Yan sze hoon

Ye Olde Printerie, Ltd., Printers, Book-

"World Pencil Co., Ltd., The—Castle binders and Stationers—China Building

Peak Read; Teleph. 58766; Cable Ad: (Basement), CableQueen’s

Ad: Road Cent.; Teleph.

Chinalead. Branches: Canton and 23797; Bentley’s

Printerie; Code:


World Silk Store, The, Silks, Hosiery, Yee, K. C., Dentist—Alexandra Builping;

Ladies’ outfitters, gentlemen’s shirts, Teleph. 21934

pyjamas, dressing gowns—70, Queen’s

Road Central; Teleph. 28966; Cable Ad: Yee Fat & Co., Ship Chandlers, Sail

Meiwa Makers, Iron, Des BrassVoeux

and Road

Steel Cent.;



^ m m ^ n m Teleph. 20705

World Theatre — Des Voeux Road

Central; Teleph. 21337; P.O. Box 82 “OTARDS”

World Tobacco Co—Ho Tung Bldg.;

Teleph. 27904 1 he Brandy with a Pedigree

Wrright & Co., Share and General Brokers Teleph. 30311

—Chung Tin Building; Teleph 23519;

Cable Ad: Altarpiece

Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.

W f# rm Sole Agents.

Fu loong yu han hung se

Xavier Bros., Ltd., General Exporters


P.O. Des

BoxVoeux Road C.;

527; Cable Ad:Teleph. 23216;

Ticia; Codes: m

Yee King, Coal Merchants, Stevedores,


A. Xavier Codes used ■ S uppliers of Sand and Stone Ballast

Fred. A. Xavier j J. Xavier —29, Des Vceux Road Cent. (2nd floor);

Teleph. 21438


Engineer!Yi. —A.,8,B.sc.,

DesArchitect and Civil

Voeux Road C.; Yee On, Street;

Iron and Steel Merchants—19,

Telepb. 23216; Cable Ad; Ticia. Re- Hillier (Godown)Telephs. 21318 (Store) and

sidence: “Waterford,” 16, Macdonnell 57304 Lau Cho-Hang, manager

Road; Teleph. 22722 Staff—Au Wing Yan, Chung Siu-fong,

Yacht Club—(See Clubs) Lau Ki and Leung Hon-chun

Yamasaki. T., Dentist—Gloucester Buil- Yee Sang Fat—King’s Theatre Building;

ding, 3rd. floor; Teleph. 21362 Teleph. 21355

Y.M.C.A., Chinese and European— Yee Sang Tai & Company, Furniture

(See Associations) Manufacturers

Yan Fat & Co. —56, Connaught Road —Head Office: and Interior

353 357, Decorators

Hennessy Road,

C. ; Teleph. 23623 Wanchai. Works: 323, 360, Hennessy

Road; Teleph. 27895

Yangtsze Insurance Association, Ltd.,

Fire and Marine Insurance Yeung, S, C., Dentist — King’s Theatre


4a, DesChina


Road Central Ld.,— 22983Building, Queen’s Road Central; Teleph.


^ ffl II Fat Lee h #• ® M

Yeung Fat S& Company, General Young Merchants& Co.,;andC. P.,Manufacturers’

Import and.Repres-


Bjiilding Contractors, Road-makers,

Turfing Experts &c. Term Contractors entatives — 233, Queen’s Road Central;


War Department and Public Office P.Ql Box 676; Cable Ad: Zizel;.;Codes

Works: .Used:

Hongkong.—Head Bentleys and Private

Kayamally Buildings (3rd floor); Teleph. ; C.' P. Young, chief manager

23989. Hongkong Branch Office: SI'assistants

C. Yeung and S. C, Wong,

Queen’s Road East (Opposite Naval


Branch Office Teleph..

: Austin.33119. Kowloon Young Bros. & Co., Hat Manufacturers—

Barracks North); Teleph,Road

59052(Whitfield 306, Ad : Nathan

YounbrosRoad; P. O. Box 221; Cable

W. H. Yeung, managing partner Poo Sun Young, manager

P. K.

■ " ' - managers So and W. K. Yeung,..assist.

Y, Seto and W. S. Yeung* works Yours Truly Tobacco @ i S

managers ’ Store, Importers,

H. C. Pih, secretary Exporters, ‘Wholesalers and Retailers,.

Specialising in Cigars, Cigarettes, Smo-

Y-NJLau„Q- N- Laii, C.

and T. C. Wbn'g, assistants W. Chan king Tobacco, Pipes, Cigarette Holders,

S. Lam

B. Kifechetl, Mak Kara Chuen, Tobacco Pouches, Smokers’ Requisites,

Yeung Siu, Tsoi Luen, .Liu &p, — 22,21856; ,pes Cabte

YoeilxAd:Road^, Central;.

Yat Chuen, Chan Ping Kai and Teleph. Chow Pak Tim,

Pak Tim

managing proprietor

Ip Ping- Kwan. clerks Chow Chick Kwong, manager

K. C., Chau, W. N. Siu and C. S. Ip,

store-keepers . .

: P. works H. Hu and C. W. Wong, clerks of YuQueen’s ChongRoad Suing; Tea Teieph.

Centra!; Merchants'—B5

22122 r


Foremen ef'Works—N. B. Kitchellj

Lam cHong

Pang, Yeung> Woo, Yuk Cheuk

Mui, Choi Tam Yue Sang^ & ^Co., Engineers and

Chepngv .Cheung...Sheungj . Yue Contractors26705;—146-1.48,

Cable Ad:Lockhart

Lavolta Roadf

Hoi, fam Hing,

Hu Sing, Chiu Chau Tong, Teleph,

Nang,CliakCheung A. Leong, manager

Kau and Heung Loy

Foremen—^-Cheung Siu, T. S. Wongj YueN, Dr. William, m.b., b.s., d.t.m.

& h. (London), Radiologist—China

Yue Sam, Yeung Chun, Chau Buildings, Second Floor.; Residence :

1 Hung, Wong > Kwok, Wong To,

Tai Hing, Wong 'Sihgv- Leung 36, Fort Street, l^orth Point; Te-

Hoi, Tam Yin, Kwong King, Yue . lephs. 30634 (Office), 20695 (Resid-

Siu, Lam

Sin, Woon,Tang

Tso Ling, Pun Ngo,

Tak, TamTsui ence)

Wing, Ybung ‘Cheung, Yeung I; 'Yue1884), Shing Printing Office (Established


Mok So

Pak,Ping Yeung,

Wong Shu Tang

and Hiing, Queen’sBookRoadBinders


and Stationers—47,

Central; Teleph. 21890;

Shun Cable Ad: Pristine

Yien Yieh Commercial Bank—{See Yuen ; West;

On S.S. Co., Ltd.—8, Queen’s Road’

Teleph. 27308 Cheuk Fan, Kwan

Banks) Directors—Chau

Ying Tak Kee—44; ' Pottinger Street; Fong

N.Ohau Kuk, Chow Ping-un and T.

. .Teleph.- 22604 Hon. Mr. T. N. Chau, gen. manager

S.S. “Kwong Tung”—Capt. R. H. Rule

Ying Wa College—(S-ee Educational) j Yuen Wo Store, The, Shipchandlers'and

Sail-Makers, Engineering and Building

Yokohama Specie Bank {See Banks) Contractors,

Chinese CrewHarbour Agents —Repairs. Also

Offices: 36-38


Young & Co.—China Building; Te- shop and' Yard: Canton Road, Kowloon; Man St.; Teleph. 22329. Work-

leph. 27639 Teleph. 57731



1 Kwarn-me or 1,000 Momme 8.2817077001 lbs. avoir., or 3.7565217 kilogrammes

1 Hiyaku-me or 100 Momme 0.8281707700 lb. avoir., or 37.565217 grammes

1 Momme or 10 Fun 0.0082817077 lb. avoir., or 3.756521 grammes

1 Fun or 10 Kin 0.0008281708 lb. avoir., or 0.375652 gramme

1 Kin or 10 Mo 0.0000828171 lb. avoir., or 0.037565 gramme

1 Mo or 10 Shi 0.0000082817 lb. avoir., or 0.003756 gramme

1 Shi = 0.0000008282 lb. avoir., or 0.000375 gramme

1 Hiyak-kin or 100 Kin = 132.5073232011 lbs. avoir., or 60.1043472 kilogrammes

1 Kin or 160 Momme — 1.3250732320 lbs. avoir., or 601.043472 grammes

Apothecaries Weight—1 Kiyo or 4 Momme equal 0.0402583013 lb. troy.


1 Jo make 10 Shaku about 3.314 yards English

1 Shaku make 10 Sun about 1 foot English

1 Sun make 10 Bu about 1.18 inches English


1 Ki make 36 Cho = 2.4403 English miles

1 Cho make 60 Ken = 119.305 English yards

1 Ken make 6 Shaku = 59.653 English feet



Amended Invoice Charges Adopted 1st April, 1925

Hemp.—Fire StoreInsurance,

Kent 8f cents

per cent,

per bale plusper20 month.

per cent, per montli on first cost, plus screwage

cents Charges

cost of for delivering

receiving into hemp ex-godown

godown from lighter20 orcentscascomadeandup10ascents


for re-10


Dry Sugar.—Boat

| per and cent,coolie

plus 20hire,perreceiving

cent, perand shipping,

month. Store25Bent,

cents3 per

centspicul: Fire per

per picul Insurance


Wet Sugar.—Landing,

cent, plus shipping,

20 per cent,bagsperand bagging,

month on 75

first cents

cost. per picul.

Store Bent, Fire

3 Insurance,

cents per g per

picul per



picul. and weighing, 40 cents per picul. Bags, packing and shipping, 40 cents per

Bent, 12Fire centsInsurance,

per piculiper cent, plus 20 per cent, per month on first cost. Store

per month.

Coprax.—Receiving, weighing and shipping, 35 cents |perperpicul, including

20 per lighterage, or 25


cost. lighterage.

Store Bent, Fire6 centsInsurance, cent, plus

per picul per month. cent, per month

Sapanwood.—Receiving, loading, and shipping, 40 cents per picul.

Hide Cuttings.—Loading and shipping, 30 cents per picul.

Cordage.—Loading and shipping, 50 cents per picul.


per quintal. and packing

Loadinginand pitched cases,50P.2.50

shipping, cents perperquintal.

quintal. Classification, P.1.00

Leaf Tobacco.—Beceiving,

bale packing and shipping, P.2.50 per bale of 2 quintals and P.4.50 per

Bent,of104 quintals.

cents per baleFire.ofInsurance,

3 quintalsJ per

per cent,

month.plus 20 per cent, per month. Store

Cigars.—Beceiving, packing and shipping, P.7.50 per case of 10,000.

Bulbs Covering


Size,Damage in Godown,

Beconditioning Shortand/or

Broken, Weight,Bejected

and Bales


the That damage done byin “anay” to ofhemp




shallbebeforforthe risk and accountafterof

expiryoriginal depositor,

of three monthsbut, theofevent

from date purchase. account of buyer

For reconditioning broken bales, P.1,00 per bale.

For re-classifying, packing and pressing damaged or rejected bales, P.1.50 per bale.

For sundrying,

per bale. re-classifying, packing and pressing damaged or rejected bales, P.2.53

Payable by seller to buyer.

long Pong gailj) Jim \

11, Ice House Street, Hong Hong


53, Fleet Street, London, H.C. 1.




Section |





Capital Paid Up $5,000,000.00

Reserves $7,500,000.00




Anking Kaifeng Shasi Tsintung

Canton Kian Shenchow Tungchin

Changchow Kiukiang Shihkiachwang Tungkwan

Changsha Linchwan Sian Tungtai

Changte Lingpao Siangshuikow Weihsien

Chengchow Linhueikwan Soochow Weinan

Chenkiakiang Liyang Suancheng Wuchang

Chinkiang Mingkwang Tanyang Wuho

Chuhsien Nanchang Taihsien Wuhu

Chumatien Nanking Tatung Wusih

Hankow Nantungchow Tientsin Yangchow

Hengyang Panpu Tsinanfu Yencheng

Hofei Peiping Tsingkiangpu Yokow

Hongkong Pengpu Tsinin

Ichang Pukow Tsingtao


At Principal Cities Throughout China


At Principal Cities Throughout the World


No. 6, Queen's Road, Central

Telegraphic Address: Telephone:

“shacombank” No. 3iii6



Aluminium Factories B2 Match Factories B24

Bleaching and Dyeing Factories B 2 Oil Mills B25-26

Brass, Copper & Tin Factories B 2 Paint Factories B27

Bricks & Tiles Factories' B3 Paper Box Factories B27

Button Factories B3 Paper Mills B28

Can Factories B3 Pharmaceutical Factories ...B28

Canned Goods Factories B4 Piper-Organ Factories B28

Chemical Factories B5 Power Plants B29-41

Cigar Factories... B5 Printing Houses, B41

Coal Briquette Factories B6 Printing Ink Factories B43

Comb Factories B6 Rice Mills B43

Cosmetic Factories B6 Shipbuilding B43.

Cotton Mills -B 7-10 Silk Filatures B44-47

Elastic Factories BlO Silk Weaving Mills B47-4&

Electric Plants (See Power Plants) Soap and Candle Factories B49-51

Electric Supplies Factories BlO Stationery Supplies Factories..B51

Enamelware Factories Bll Sugar Centrals (Philippine

Flour Mills Bll-13 Islands) B51-53

Foundries Bl3 Tanneries B53

Ginning Mills B13 Tea-firing Factories .....B51

Glass Factories .Bl4 Ti-Weaving Factories ..B54-59

Gourmet Powder Factories Bl5 Tin Mines (Malaya) B59-63

Hardware Factories Bl5 Tobacco Factories I............ :B63

Hat Factories B17 Toothbrush Factories B64,,

Ice Factories B17 Towel Factories B65

Laboratory Equipment Toy Factories B66

Factories ....i. B18 Vacuum Flask Factories ......B66

Lace Factories Bl8 Waterworks B66

Machine Factories ..B18-23 Wire Nail Factories B67

Mahjongg Engraving Factories B23 Wool Factories B67






Kiangsu Province Kuang Hua—Shanghai

Chin Hua—-Shanghai Ta Hsing—Shanghai :

Hua Chang—Shanghai Ta Hua—Shanghai

I Chang—Shanghai Ta Lu—Shanghai

I Tai—Shanghai Ti Tung—Shanghai

Pag Hsing--Shanghai Ta Yuan—.Shanghai

Yih Chang—Shanghai Lao Cheng Ho—Shanghai



Kiangsu Province San Lu—Shanghai

Chein Ta—Shanghai Sen Tai—Shanghai

Cheng Ho—Shanghai Ta Ho—Shanghai

Chi Ming—Shanghai Tai Ho—Shanghai

Chin Feng—Shanghai Tung I—Shanghai

Chin Hua—Shanghai Tung Teh—Shanghai

China Dyeing Works—Shanghai Wan Sheng—Shanghai

Chiu I—Shanghai Wu Ho—Shanghai

Chun Chang—Shanghai Ying Chow—Shanghai

Chung Hua—Shanghai Yu Chang—Shanghai

Feng Ho—Shanghai Yu Lun Ting Chi—Shanghai

Ho Feng—Shanghai Yuan Sheng Hsieh Chi—Shanghai

Hsiang Yu-—Shanghai Yung Yu—Shanghai

Hsieh Chi—Shanghai Yung Yuan—Shanghai

Hsieh Hsin Hsin Chi—SEangHai BRASS, COPPER & TIN!

Hsing Mou—.Shanghai FACTORIES

Hua Chang—Shanghai Kiangsu Province

Hung Chang—Shanghai Chang Yuan Li—^Shanghai

Hung Hsin—Shanghai Chang Wan Sheng—Shanghai

Hung Yu—Shanghai Chien Tai Feng—Shanghai

Jen Feng—Shanghai Feng Yung Chang—Shanghai



Hsi I Feng—Shanghai Kin Hua Ti I—Kiangning

i Hsieh Ching Lung—Shanghai Kung Dah—Wusih

Hsu Shun Ta—^Shanghai Li Nung—Wusih

I Hsing Jen—Shanghai Sin Dah—Shanghai

' Ju I Hsiang—Shanghai Southeastern—Nanhui

Lo Chin Chang—Shanghai Tai Shan, No. 2—Shanghai

1 Lo Ta Chang—'Shanghai Ying Li—Wusih

| Lou Shuang Cheng—Shanghai BUTTON FACTORIES

‘ Lou TEh Tai—(Shanghai Kiangsu Province

Mao Shang—Shanghai Chung Kuo—Shanghai

Teh Chang—Shanghai Ching Sin—Shanghai

[ Tien Yuan—Shanghai Feng Chi—Chinkiang

■ Tung Chang—Shanghai Hsieh Lung—Shanghai

Wan Chu—Shanghai Hui Chun—Shanghai

Wan Feng—Shanghai Jih Hsin—Sungkiang ■

Wan Yu—Shanghai Lung Kuang—Sungkiang

Wong Lung Hsing—^Shanghai Tien Fu—Shanghai

WIong Ta Yu—Shanghai Tsu Chiu—Shanghai

Yu Feng Jen—Shanghai Yung Jun—Chinkiang

Yung Chang—Shanghai



Kiangsu Province Chen Chu Hsing—Shanghai

Chen Su—Kunshan Chia Mei—Shanghai

i Chih Chang—Wusih Chin Lung Mao—Shanghai


Chien Hua—Kuyung Chen Teh Hsing—Shanghai

Dah Chung—Nanhui Chu Chang—(Shanghai

Hsin Chien—Kun^shan Chun Kang—Shanghai

Hua Dah Hsing Chi—Shanghai Chung Yang—Shanghai

Hua Hsing—Kungshan Fu Hsing—Shanghai

Kin Cheng—Kiangning Han Chang—Shanghai




Ho Hsin ChanShanghai j Chung Hua Shieh Chi & Co.—Hwa

An Terrace, North Chekiang Road,

Hsieh Chang—Shanghai Shanghai

Hsieh Lung—Shanghai Ho Tsi Biscuit & Canned Goods

Factory—22, Yu Tung Road, iS’hai

Hsin Chang—Shanghai Hsin Hua Biscuit-Co.—West of Old

Hua Cheng—Shanghai North Gate, (Shanghai

I Chang—^Shanghai Hsin Teh Lung Yu Chi Biscuit

Factory—652, Chung Hsing Road,

I Chang Shen Chi—Shanghai Chapei, (Shanghai

Industrial and Trading Co., Ltd.— Hua Foo Chen Chi Biscuit Factory

—Kung Shing Road, Chapei, S’hai


JuN Yu—Shanghai Hua Mei jShen Chi Candy Co.—4, Ju

I Li, Route Capitaine Rabier, S’hai

Li Cheng Hsing—Shanghai

Hui Tai Bakery and Biscuit Factory

Sheng Teh Chang—'Shanghai —273, Pao Yuan Rd., Chapei, S‘hai

Scientific Tin-Plate Printing Co.— Kwan Hwa Biscuit Factory—43, Sin

Shanghai Loh Li, Boulevard de Montigny,


Tai Hsing—^Shanghai

Kwan Sun Yuan Canned Goods Co.,

Tung Chang—Shanghai Ltd.—Kiu Meng Road, Outside of

West Gate, Shanghai

Tung I Ho—'Shanghai Lao Tse Yang Kwan Canned Vege-

Victor—Shanghai tables Co.—506, Shantung Road,


Yuan Fa—Shanghai Mai Lu Canned Goods Co.—Shao

Chia Road, West Gate, (S’hai City

CANNED GOODS FACTORIES Mei Ling Canned Goods Factory—

Riangsu Province 13, Teh Tsiang Li, Route Capitaine

Rabier, Shanghai

Chen Hua Hsin Chi Biscuit Factory Ming Shen iShieh Chi Candy Factory

—Sin Loh Li, Boulevard de Mon- —67, Wu Ming Nan Tso Road,

tigny, Shanghai Nantao, Shanghai

Chen Ting Yang Kwan Canned Pi Shai & Co.—13., Hwang Ho Road,

Vegetables Co.—265-266, Hsiu Chin French Concession, Shanghai

Li, Hankow Road, Shanghai,

China Canned Food Co., Ltd.—Ning PuLiLiMaw Candy Co. -Chi Tsiang Lane,

Road, Shanghai

Kong Li, Fan Shia Road, S’hai

Chun Shen Canned Goods Co., Ltd. Shiang Hai Minced Meat Factory—

—Fan Pan Road, Nantao, S’hai 168, Chen An Li, Keng Ho Road,

Chapei, Shanghai

Chung Hua Chong Chi Candy Co.—

25, Teh Kong Li, Fu Shen Road, Shen Shou Chang Candy Co.—Li

Shanghai Hai Ko St , Nantao, Shanghai



Lu Canned Food Co../ Ltd.—West Kai Yuan.—Shanghai

Shia Tu Boad, Sjianghai

Kiangsu 'Chemical Works—Shanghai

Ta Chen Candy Oo.—Id, Rue Lafa-

yette, .French .Cqncpssiqn, S’hai ; Li'Tal—Shanghai ' , ’ r!


Ta Da Canned GooDg Co—Po An Li, Lung Mao'Soda Factory—Shanghai

BbuTevai’d de Mbntighy, Shanghai

| Shun Ta iSoda Factory—Shanghai

Ta Feng Biscuit Factory—13, Rue

Lafayette, F. C., Shanghai Tai Kang Soda Factory—Shanghai

Ta I Candy Co.—4, Ghia Ping. Li, Tien Yuan Electro-Chemical Works

Boulevard de Montigny, Shanghai Shanghai

Ta Kong Canned Goods Co., Ltd.— Tung Mao Soap Factory—Nanking

Arsenal Road, Xantao, Shanghai

Ta Loo Ling Chin Canned Goods Yung Ta Soda < Factory—Shanghai ■

Factory—Yong Yih Li Hui Kung i Yung Tai Soda Factory—Shanghai

Road, Chapei, Shanghai

Tai Foong Canned Goods Co., Ltd.— Yung Mao Hsiang Factory—S’hai

Sian iSa Tu, Shanghai CIGAR FACTORIES

Tai Lai & Co.—Ping An Li, Shia Tu Kiangsu Province

Ro'ad, Nantao, Shanghai

Teh Li Candy Co.—Wei Hai Ko St., ; Chi. Chang—21, Kin-Ta St.:, Arsenal

Nantao, Shanghai Road, Shanghai

Teh Lung Biscuit Factory—1, Chiu , Pao—557, Jen Teh Terrace,

Hwang Ho ;Road, . French Con., West Wuchang Road,". Shanghai


| Chu YuANr—Jui Feng. Terrace, East

Tien Hua Biscuit Factory-1.3, Rue j Kashing Road, Shanghai

d.e Pere Froe, F. C., Shanghai : Ho' CFung—Wayside Ter face, East

Ting Yang Kvan Li quo# and Canned i Broadway, Shanghai

Vegetables , Co.—Shantung Road, Jen Ho—32, Lane-280,' Bubbling Well


| Road, Shanghai

Wang Shiang Fu Chi Candy Co.— Lao Yu Tai Yun Chi Tung Chang

12, Shen Teh Li, Dah Sun Lane, Terrace, Range Road, Shanghai


Tang Yu Shing Ho Chi Bakery


Road, Yun Terrace,


Biscuit Factory—512-5il4,i Hai

Chong Road, Shanghai ; Lo Ke—742, Hung Hsin Terrace,

. CHEMICAL FACTORIES Haining Road, Shanghai

Kiangsu Province Pao Kee—107, Su Wen Terrace, Foo-

I chow. Road, Shanghai

Heng Li Candle, Soap and Soda San Dah—47, Chin An Terrace, Tong

Works—Shanghai Kia Wan, Shanghai

Kai Cheng Acids Manufacturing'Co. Sen., Ctii—154, Tung Hua Terrace,

—Shanghai 'Foochowi Road, , Sliaughhi



Shang Lin Chang Chi—557, Eu Jen COMB FACTORIES

Terrace, East Yuhang Rd., S’hai

Kiangsu Province

Yin Feng—Hanbury Road, Shanghai

Chen Lao Pu Heng Shun—Wuchin

Yu Chi—Hung Fu Terrace, Dent Chen Lao Wang Ta Chang Yumg Chs

Road, Shanghai —Wuchin

Yu Feng Tai—3291, Hsin Teh Terrace, Wang I Ta—Wuchin

Point Road, Shanghai

Yuan Tai—16, Hung An Terrace, Wang Ta Chang—Wuchin

Haining Road, Shanghai

Yung Tai—659, Hongkong Rd., S’hai COSMETIC FACTORIES

Yung Yih—1, Elgin Road, Shanghai Kiangsu Province

Asia Industry Co.—Shanghai

COAL-BRIQUETTE FACTORIES Association for Domestic Industries.

Kiangsu Erovince —Shanghai

Chung Hua, No. 1 Factory—Tung Chi Sheng Co.—Shanghai

Chia Tu, Pootung, Shanghai Chin Chang Powder Mfg. Co.—S’hai

Chung Hua, No. 2 Factory—Chou China Brothers Company—Shanghai

Chia Tu, Pootung, Shanghai

China Chemical Works—Shanghai


Dalny Hua, No. 3 Factory—49,

Road, Shanghai Cheng I Industrial Co.—.Shanghai

Chung Kuo—Hongkew, Shanghai Chang Ling Kee—Shanghai

Hua Cheng—301, Lay Road, Si’hai Chiu Sung Cosmetics Mfg. Co.—

Kuo Hua—West of Ping Yin Chiao, Cosmetics Department of the Talow


Hsia Tu Road, Shanghai

Li Min—Feng Huang Chia, Han Hsi Great China Dispensary—Shanghai

Gate, Nanking Great Eastern Dispensary—S’hai

Nanyang—620, Hsia Hsu Road, S’hai H. A. Manufacturing Co.—Shanghai

Si Chang Hsieh Chi—Ching Men, Hsia Fu Chun—Kiangtu

Wuhsien, Shanghai Hu Fang Chemical Works—(S’hai

Ta Chung Hua—700, Lay Road, .S’hai Hua Nan Chemical Industry Co.—

Ta Chung Kuo—Wai Hung Ohiao, .Shanghai

Hongkew, Shanghai Hua Sing Co.—Shanghai

Ta Hua—963, Kuang Fu Road, S’hai Kiang Sung Chemical Works—Sun-

Yuan Tung—North Hu Tang Road, kiang

Pootung. Shanghai Kwong Sang Hong—Shanghai



Lo An Cosmetic^ Mfg. Co.—S’hai Shen Hsin Np. 4—Tsupg Kwan,


Mei Ling Co.—Skanghai The Hankow No. 1—Wm Shen Men,

Mei Sing Co.—Shanghai Wuchang

Ming Sung Chemical Woeks—Sun- YuShen Wah—Shang Sin Ho. Outside Wu

Men, Wuchang


New Asiatic Chemical Works—S’hai Japanese

New China Industrial Co;-—S’hai Dah Kong Cotton Spinning Co.—


Oriental Chemical Works—S’hai Dah Kong Cotton Spinning and

Pag Chiang Co.—Shanghai Weaving Co.—Shanghai

Peacock Chemical: Industry Co.— Dong Shing Spinning and Weaving



■Sincere Perfumery Factory—S’hai Fuji Cotton Spinning Co.—Tsingtao.

Ta Chang Company—Shanghai Fukubo Cotton Mill —Chowsuitzu

(near Dairen)

Tien Jan Chemical Works—S’hai Hankow Mill (Taian Boseki Kaisha)

Wu Cheng Tai—Kiangtu —Hankow

Yung Woo Industrial Co.t—S’hai Japan Chinese Spinning and Weaving


COTTON MILLS Kanegafuchi Cotton Spinning Co.—



Lung Hsin Cotton Mill—Tsingtao

■Dah Sin—tShihkiachwang

Manshu Fuku Boseki Kaisha—Liao-

Heng Yuan—Tientsin yang

Hwa Sin—Siao Yu Chwang, Tientsin Naigai Wata Kaisha—Chinohiow

Pao Chen No. 3—Yen To Ti, Tientsin Naigai Wata Kaisha, Ltd.—Shanghai

Pei Yang Commercial—Kou Kia Ssu, Naigai Wata Kaisha—Tsingtao

Hai Ho, Tientsin

Yu Ta—Lao Yen To Ti, Ta Chih Ku Pao Lai Cotton Mill—Tsingtao

Hsia, Tientsin Shanghai Cotton Manufacturing Co.


Yu Yuan—Siao Lou Chwang, Tientsin

Shanghai Silk Spinning Co.—Shang-

Hupeh hai

Hupeh GovEiterMENT Mill (Rented to Tokwa Boseki Kaisha, Ltd.—Shang-

Fu Yuen Company)—Wen Chang hai

Men, Wuchang

Yu Fong Cotton Spinning Co., Ltd.—

•Shasi Cotton Mill—Shasi Shanghai



Kiangsu Province Ming Shun Textile Mfg, Co.—

Warren Road, Shanghai

Chen Hwa Lee Kee Cotton Mfg. Co.,

Ltd.—4, Lay Road, Shanghai Ming Feng Textile Mfg. Co.—Out-

side of Small South Gate, 'Chang-

Chen Sing Textile Meg. Co., Ltd.— chow

Ta Pao Tang, Outside of West

Gate, Wusih Pao Hsing Cotton Mill—Kochiaza,

Pao Shan Hsien

Cheng Tai Textile Mfg. Co.,—West

of Brenan Road, Shanghai Pu Yi Spinning & Weaving Co.—8,

Robinson Road, Shanghai

Dah Feng Chin Kee Textile Mfg.

Oo., Ltd.—Tuntzewan, Soochow Pu Yi Spinning & Weaving Co. Mill

Creek, Shanghai No. 1—37, West Soochow Rd., S’hai

Fu Dah Cotton Mill—Outside of Pu Yi Spinning & Weaving Co. Mill,

East Gate, Changchow No. 2—8, Robinson Road, S’hai

Fit Shun Spinning & Weaving Co. Shen Hsin Cotton Mill No. 1—

—Tse Tang, Changchu Chow Chia Chiao, Brenan Road,

Heng Dah Sing Kee Cotton Mill— Shanghai

Yang Shih Chiao, Pootung, S’hai Shen Hsin Cotton Mill No. 2—2,,

Heng Feng Textile Mfg. Co.—1-6, Ichang Road, Shanghai

Whashing Road, Shanghai Shen Sing Cotton Mill No. 3—Out-

Hsieh Feng Yi Kee Cotton Mill— side of West Gate, Wusih

223, Penang Road, Shanghai Shen Hsin Cotton Mill No. 5—Ward

Hung Chang Spinning & Weaving & Road, Shanghai

Dyeing Co., Ltd.—53, Markham Shen Hsin Cotton Mill No. 6—Lay

Road, Shanghai Road, Yangtszepoo, Shanghai

King Feng Textile Mfg. Co.—Chow Shen Hsin Cotton . Mill No. 7^468,

San Pang, Kwang Cheng Road, Yangtszepoo Road, Shanghai


King Wei Ming Kee Cotton Mill— Shen Hsin Cotton Mill No. 8—Chen

Yochow Road, Corner Kungping Chia Tu, Brenan Road, Shanghai

Road, Shanghai Shen Hsin Cotton Mill No. 9—1690,.

Kwang Ching Yuan

Textile Mfg.Kwang

Co., Yangtszepoo Road, Shanghai

Ltd.—Chang Bridge,

Cheng Road, Wusih Sr Lun Cotton Mill—Yu Tang

Bridge, Outside of Pan Men,

Li Sing Spinning, Weaging and Wuhsien

Dyeing Co.—Li Bin Road, Wusih Ta Cheng Spinning, Weaving &

Lt Tai Textile Mfg. Cbi, Ltd.—Sha Dyeing Co. (Nos. 1 & 2)—Ten An

Chi Village, Taichang Street, Outsidd of Great South

Gate, Beh Chia Chiao, Outside of

Li Yun Textile Mfg. Co., Ltd.—Za East Gate, Changchow

Si Pao, Outside of North Gate,

Kiangyin Ta Shen Cotton Mill No. 1A—Tang

Chia Za, Nantung

Lung Mon Textile Mfg. Co., Ltd.—

Ward Rd., Corner Linching Road, Ta S>hen Cotton Mill No. 2—South

Shanghai of Kiu Lung Village, Chitung



Ta Shen Cotton Mill No. 3—Loh Ta Yih Chen—Shansi

' Village, Haimen Tung Hui—(Shiao Shan, Chekiang

; Tsung Sin Textile Mfg. Co., Ltd.— Yu Chung—Wuhu, Anhwei

1, Tang Chia Du, Shanghai

! Tung Chang Sheh Kee—Chee Tsang Yu Feng—Cheng Hsien, Honan

Kai, Nantao, Shanghai Yu Hsin—Railway Station, Anyang

Tung Cheng Cotton Mill—Tsi-Shi- Hsien

t en, Changchow. Shanghai

i Tung Yi /Spinning & Weaving Co., Cheng Tai—Tsao Chia Tu

Ltd.—10, Mokanshan Road, S’hai

Wei Tung Ho Kee Textile Mfg. Co., Dah Foong—Dai Tse Wyan, Soochow

Ltd. —Yangtszepoo Road and Pin- Creek

, Hang Road, Shanghai Ewo Cotton Mills, Ltd.—Yangtsze-

Wing On Textile & Mfg. Co., Mill pooi (British)

No. 3—55, Markham Rd., S’hai Heng Dah—Yangssuchiao, Pootung

I Wing On Textile & Mfg. Co., Mill Heng Foong—1, Hua Shen Road,

5 No. 1—Lay Road, Yangtszepoo, Yangtszepoo


Yung Yu Ho Kee Textile Mfg. Co., Hong Chang—53, Markham Road!

—Kwang Fu Road, Chapei, S’hai Hou Sun—22, Western Lake Road,

Yieh Ching Cotton Mill—Shing Yangtszepoo

i Lung Chiao, Outside of East Gate, Hsih Foong—Ping Lan Road


| Yu Kong Textile Mfg. Co., Ltd.— Lung Mou (formerly Tung Hwa No.

1)—Hua Teh Road

Hwa Chiang, Wusih

Other Provinces Min SEN^Hua Jen Road

Pao Hsin—Hou Tai Road, Chapei

Chen Hsin—Wu Lin Hsien, Honan

Poh Yih No. 1—37, West Soochow

Chin Hua No. 1 and 2—Shansi Road

| Chiu Hsin—Wuhu, Anhwei Poh Yih No. 2—8, Robinson Road

| Fou Min—Sinkiang San Sing—87, Yangtszepoo

,/ Ho Feng—Chin Hsien, Chekiang Shen Hsin No. 1—Brenan Road

| Hua Hsin—Honan Shen Hsin No. 2—2, Ichang Road

Hui Hskn—Tsaiigkow, Tsingtao Shen Hsin No. 5—Hua Teh Road

Hunan—Changsha, Hunan Shen Hsin No. .7 (formerly Tung

Fang)—36, Yangtszepoo Road'

| Liaoning—Shenyang, Liaoning

Shen Hsin No. 8-^Brenan Road

Lou Feng—Lin Chia Bridge, Tsinaii

Shan You—Hangchow, Chekiang Sheng Hua—4, Lay Road, Yangtsze-




Tsin Wei—31, Yochow Road Chen Hsin—Shanghai

Tsung Hsin—Tan Kia Tu Pin Pei Chen Hua—Shanghai

Tung Chang—Chi Chang Chier, Nan- Chien Cha'ng—Shanghai


Chien Hsing—^Shanghai

Tung Yih—10, Mokanshan Road

Wei Tung—12, Lay Road, Yangtaze- Chin Hsin—Shanghai

poo Chin Ta—(Shanghai

Wing On No. 1—Lay Road, Yangtsze- Chinese National Engineebing & |

poo Meg. , Co., Ltd.—Shanghai

Wing Oo No. 2 (formerly Great Chung, IIua Sa.n She'jui Tien Co.— I

China)—Wen Tsao Pin, Woosung Shanghai j'" ,, 1

Wing On No. 3 (formerly Hong Yu)— Chui)TG Kuo—Shanghai

Markham Road

Yung Yue—Siao Sha Tu j Chung Yang—Shanghai

Dai Ke Sheng—Shanghai i

ELASTIC FACTORIES- Eastern Neon Light Co.—Shanghai

Kiangsu Province Fu Lai T’o—Shanghai ■!

Chang Cheng—Shanghai Hua ! Cheng—Shanghai

Chang Cheng—Shanghai Hua Ming—Shanghai

Ching Mei—Shanghai Hua; Tung—Shanghai i

Hsien Sze—Shanghai Hui Ming—Shanghai

Hut Chang—Shanghai : I Chang—Shanghai

Mei Lun—Wuhsien I Feng—Shanghai

Mei. Teh—Shanghai Jeh Yu Tung Chi—Shanghai

Teh Lung—Shanghai Jih Kuang—Shanghai

Tien I—Shanghai Jung Hua—Shanghai

Kuan Chu—Shanghai , •


FACTORLES Kuang Hua—.Shanghai,

Kiangsu Province Kung M ing—.Shanghai

Anglo=Chinese—Shanghai Ta Ming—Shanghai

Asia—Shanghai Li Hua—Shanghai

Chang Ming—Shanghai Opel Factory—Shanghai



Opel Factory Company, Ltd.—S’hai Ta Lu—Shanghai

I Olton Electric Mfg. Factory—S’hai Wei Wei—Shanghai

Shun Chang—Shanghai Yung Feng—Shanghai

I :Solor Electric & Manufacturing

Co., Ltd.—Shanghai FLOUR MILLS

Ta Cheng—Shanghai Kiangsu Province

Ta Kuang Ming Pai Chi—Shanghai Chung Hwa—Shanghai

I Tanpon Storage Battery Co.—S’hai Foh Sing, No. 1—^Shanghai

Wahson—Shanghai Foh Sing, No. 2—Shanghai

Wu Hsing—Shanghai Foh Sing, No. 3—Shanghai

Ya Ke Lin—^Shanghai Foh Sing, No. 4—Shanghai

' Yao Hua Fu Chi—Shanghai Foh Sing, No. 7--Shanghai

j: Yu Chang—Shanghai Foh Sing, No. 8—Shanghai

I Yuan Hsing—^Shanghai Fou Foong—Shanghai

Yung Chang Hsing—Shanghai Fu Sing—Nantung

Ying Feng—.Shanghai Hai Foong—Tunghai

Yung Feng—Shanghai Heng Foong—Wuchin


Kiangsu Province Li Dah—Shanghai

fc Chao Feng—Shanghai Mow Slng, No. 1-r-Wusih

i Chu Feng—Shanghai Mow Sing, No. 2—Wusih

Chiu Sin—Shanghai Pao Hsin—Tungshan

Chung Hua—Shanghai Seng Dah—Shanghai

Chung Nan—Shanghai Sing Dah—Shanghai

Heng Feng—Shanghai. Ta Foong—Huaiyen

Hsieh Feng—Shanghai Ta Tung—Nanking

Hua Feng—Shanghai Tai Lai—Taichow

I Feng—Shanghai Tai Lung—Wusih

Jih Sin Ho Chi—Shanghai , ■ Tai Tsang—Nanking

Lien Ying—Shanghai Wah Foong—Shanghai



Yeb Cheng—Chinkiang ■ H WEiFENG^-Tsinan

Yui Tung—Shanghai : Hweishing—Fuchiatien

Yangtse—Nanking Kinglung—Hankow

Ziang Sing—Shanghai Kwangchi—Heilungkiang

Other Places Rwanghsin—Harbin

Anyu—Fuchiatien Kwangta—Harbin

Csanglin—Lin-Ku-Tar Han Chow—'Changchun

Ohefoo—Chefoo :Ming-an—Tsinan

Ohenchon—Tsitsihar Mingfeng—Tientsin

Chenfeng—Tsinan Moulanfu—Fushan

Chenlihou—Tsinan Mowsing No. 4—Tsinan

Ohentien—Fuchiatien :Shen glee—Hankow

Chentungyi—Fuchmtien /Shuan-Ho-Sheng—Harbin

Chiahsiu—Tientsin Shwanghochan—Changchun

Chinfeng—Taiyuan Shwang-Ho-Sheng—Shwangchenpao

Chingfeng—Tientsin 'Singhua—Linkuta

Chunghua—Changchun iSiNGYi—Shasi

Fenglien—Tsinan Sousing—Tientsin

Fu Sing—Tungohow Tafeng—Chinkiangpu

Fusing No. 5—Hankow Tafeng—Tientsin

Fusing—Tientsin Tafengyin—Kwei Ying

Hai Feng—Haichow Tailai—Taichow

Han Feng—Hankow Tatong—Tatong (Shansi)

Hengfeng—Changchow Teh Chang—Heilungkiang

Hengfeng—Hankow Tehtseng—Tsitsihar

Ho Foong—Hankow Tienming—Peiping

Houkang—Harbin Tiensing—Harbin

Hsingtai—Chinshui Tongfeng—Tsinan

Huaching—Tsinan Tsifeng—Tsinan

Hunan—Changsha Tung Sing—Fuchiatien



Tungfeng—Hsinhsiarig ' Hsieh Shun—Shanghai

TuNGsuiNCH-Harbin. Hsin Ta—Shanghai

TlJNGSiNGHE}fG—Kuhsiangteng ; Hsing Yung CHANG^Shanghai

Wangfengyi—Heiho Hua Fa—Shanghai

Wangfusing—Fuchiatien Hung Ta—Shanghai

Yah-hsi-yah—Kaiyung I Chang—'Shanghai

Yichen—Chenkiang I Hsing Shen—Shanghai

Yichontai—Harbin I Jen Hsing—Shanghai

Yu Lun—Hankow Kao Chang—(Shanghai

Y itchang—Chaungch a n Li Tai—Shanghai

Y uenkwangyi—Harbin Shun Chang—Shanghai

Yun Yuen—Ashiho Tsao Hui HsiNG-?Shanghai

Yungyuen—Tientsin Wan Chang—Shanghai

Yunyehkwang—Htilan Wan Hsing Hsieh Ohi—Shanghai

Yunyung—Hulan Wong Chin Chi—Shanghai

Yusheng—Lin-Ku-Tar Wong Fu Chi—Shnghai

Yu-shun—Lin-Ku-Tar Yang Shen Chi—Shanghai

Yushunko—Kirin Yu Shen—Shanghai

FOUNDRIES Yuan Chi—Shanghai

Kiangsu Province Yuan Shen Hsing Ching Chi—S’hai

Yuan Tai—Shanghai

Chen Hsing—Shanghai

Yung Chang—Shanghai

Chi Cheng—Shanghai

Yung Hsing Hsiang—Shanghai

Chiu Ta—Shanghai

Yung Shen Hsing—Shanghai

Fa Hsing-—Shanghai

Fu Chang—Shanghai GINNIKG MILLS

Hsi Chang—Shanghai Kiangsu Province

Hsiang Hsing—Shanghai Chang Hsin Ho Jen Chi—Shanghai

Hsiang Shun—Shanghai Chen Hsing—Nanhui

Hsieh Cheng Yuan—Shanghai Cheng Heng Chang—Fenghsien

Hsieh Hsing—Shanghai Chin Chang Chung Chi—Paoshan



Chung Chi Mill—Shanghai GLASS FACTORIES

Heng Feng Ho Chi Mill—S’hai Kiangsu Province

Heng Hsing Mill—Shanghai Chen Ho—.Chi Mei Road, Shanghai

Heng Ta—Nanhui Chien I. Hsing Chi—Chung Shan

Road, Shanghai

Heng Yuan Fu Mill—Shanghai

Heng Yuan Hsing Chi—Shanghai China Glass Factory—San Yang

Road, Chapei, Shanghai

Ho Hsing Chang—Nanhui Chua Hua Feng Chi—W. Paohsing

Ho Hsing—Nanhui Road, Chapei, Shanghai

Hsia Chi—Chinshan Chung Han—Tang Shan Road

Hsiang Shun—Shanghai Chung Hsing—Chi Chiang Rd., S’hai

Han Chong—Chapei, Shanghai

Hsieh Lung Mill—Shanghai

Ho Hsing—Au Yang Road, S’hai

Hsieh Chi—Chuansha

Hsien Tai Mill—(Shanghai Hsieh Chang—Hsiang Yen Bridge,

Chapei, Shanghai

Hua Feng Mill—Shanghai Hsieh Hsin—Penang Road, S’hai

Huang Yung Shen Mill—Shanghai Hsieh Lung—Chi Mei Road, S’hai

Ko Hsiang Chi—Wuchin. Hua Feng—Chi Mei Road, Shanghai

Yuan Hsing Te Mill—Shanghai Hua Hsin—Ta Ku Road, Shanghai

Ku Hsieh Tai—Chuansha Hua Kuo—W. Pao Hsing Rd., S’hai

Ku Tien Sheng Mill—Shanghai Hung Fu—Wuchow Road, Shanghai

Kung Ho Mill—Nanhui Kuang MiNG-^-Ching Yun Road,

Chapei, .Shanghai

Lee Woo Mill—Shanghai

Kuang Tai Hsing—Tien Tung An

Ta Chang Ho—Taitsang Road, Shanghai

Ta Tung—Chuansha Kung Chi—Chi Mei Road, Shanghai

Tang Yuan Hsing—Chuansha Kung Hsing—Chi Mei Road, S’hai

Teh Chang—Taitsang Kung I—Yung Hsing Road, Chapei,

Teh Feng Hsing Chi Mili>—S’hai Shanghai

Ting Hq Tai—Fenghsien Liang I—Shang Yen Bridge, S’hai

Wang Hsieh Hsing—Nanhui Ming Tsing—San Yang Rd., S’hai

Yu Feng—Paoshan Pootung No. 1—Heng Feng Road,

Chapei, Shanghai

Yung Hsing—Chuansha San Sing—Heng Feng Road, S’hai




Tien Chen—Kao Long Chiao, S’hai Kiangsu Province

Tsing Hsing—Ferry Road, Shanghai .China Chemical Works—83, Penang

Road, Shanghai ■

Tsing Hita—Brehan Road, Shanghai Hung Fu—207, Hung Jen, Shanghai

Tsing Ming—Kiaochow Road, S!hai Ken Tai—Ching Chi Chiao, Siccawei,.

Tan Chen—Chung Shan Road, S’hai Shanghai

Tung Chi—Koo Chia Road, S’hai Tai I No. 1—Hai Chang Road, Cha-

pei, Shanghai

Tung Ho—Koo Chia Road, S’hai Tai I No. 2—ttlue-ehi Bayle, S’hai

Tze Kang—Chi Mei Road, Shanghai Tien Chu No .1—453, Rue Hue, S’hai

Yao Yeh—Kiaochow. Road, Shanghai Tien Chu No. a—176, Ilue de Marche,

Yi Tsing—San Yang Road, S’hai Shanghai

Yu Lien—San Yang Road, Shanghai Tien I No. 1—1060, Whashing Road,,


Other Places Tien I No. 2—832, Kwenining Road,


Chi Chen Glass Factory—Shanghai

Tien Sun—f, Chang Chia Chee, Hung

Chung Hua Glass Factory—Penghsien Jao Road, Shanghai

Chung Hwa Fen Kee Glass Factory— VeShanghai.

Chung—Au Yang Road, Ohapei,,


Fu How Glass Factory—Poshan HARDWARE FACTORIES

Kungyi Glass Factory—(Shanghai Kiangsu Province

Kwang Ming Glass, . Manufacturing Chang Chien Heng—Kiangning


Lo Soong Glass Factory—Chiungking Chang Tah Chang—Wusih

Pao Hua Glass Factory—Changsha Chang Teh Hsing—Wusih

Poshan Glass Manufacturing Co.— Chen Hsing Lung—Huaiying

Poshan Cheng YuAN^-Shanghai

Shanghai Glass Manufacturing Co.— Chi Sheng—Nantung


Sin Hsing Glass Factory—Harbin Chia Fu—Shanghai

Su Hsing Glass Factory—Yingkow Chia Hsien Chang—Shanghai

Tung Ming Glass Factory—Yingkow Chiao I Hsing—Shanghai

Ch’ien Shun Hsing—Shanghai

;Yao Hua Mechanical Glass Co.—Chin-

wangtao China Metal Works—Shanghai



Ching Chang Hsiang—Shanghai Ku Wan Hsing—Shanghai

Chiu Ching—Shanghai Kung Chin—Shanghai

Chiu Lien—Shanghai Kung Ping Steel & Ikon Wohks—


Chou Yu Chang—Shanghai Li Mao Chang—Shanghai

Chu Lung Hsing—Shanghai

Li Chung—Shanghai

Chung Hsin Chang—Tungshan

Lin Teh Hsing—Shanghai

Chung Hsing—rShanghai

Lo Lien Chang—Shanghai

Dah Wha—Shanghai

Lu Yung Kang—Shanghai

Dah Wha Shun Chi—Shanghai

San Hsin—Shanghai

Fa Chang—Shanghai

Sen Tai Chang—Wusih

Fu Hsing Kung—Tungshan Sheng Fu Chang—Shanghai

Fu Kang—Shanghai Sheng Li—Shanghai

Fu Shun K’un Chi—Shanghai Shun Mao—Shanghai

Ho Chi—Shanghai Shun Yu—Wusih

Ho Cho—Kiating Sung Pang Chi—iShanghai

Ho Ping—Kiangning Tai Fu Hsung—Shanghai

Hou Chang Hwang—Shanghai Tai Yuan—Tanyang

Hsia I Hsing--Shanghai Teng Pao Chang—Shanghai

Hsiang Feng— Jhanghai Ting Tai Yuan—Wuchih

Hsieh Chen** Shanghai TSai Jen Cao—Shanghai

Hsin Cheng—f nanghai Tung I Hsiang—Shanghai

Hsin Ta—icTnanghai Tung I Kung—Tungshan

Hsu Shun Hsing—iShanghai Tung Yuan Chi—Wuchin

Hua Hsing CHANG^Shanghai Wong Shun Tai—Shanghai

Huang Fa Chi—Shanghai Wong Ying Chang—Shanghai

I Chu Hsing—Tungshan Wong Yu Chi—Shanghai

Jen Hsin—Shanghai Wong Yuan Chi—Wusih

Jui Chang iShun—Shanghai Wu Shun Hsing—Shanghai

Jung Sheng—Wuchin Yeh Chang Sen—Shanghai

Ku Shun Chi—Shanghai Yu I Chang—Shanghai



HAT FACTORIES Hung Yuan Tai—Shanghai

Kiangsu Province I Hsing Hsiang—Shanghai

■Chen I C!hi—Shanghai I Tseng Fu—Shanghai

Cheng Yu Chi—Shanghai Kuan Chiu—Shanghai

Chin Chang Chi—Shanghai Kuan I—Shanghai

Chiu Chi—Shanghai Kuan Mei—Shanghai

Chou Chuan Chi—Shanghai Kuo Hua—Shanghai

Chu Chang Hsiang—Shanghai Lau Fu—Shanghai

Ta Ming—Shanghai

Chung Yuan Chi—Shanghai

Te Hsing Ming Chi—Shanghai

Fu Chi—Shanghai Te Tai Ho—Shanghai

Fu Hsing Tai—Shanghai Tsao Cheng Chi—Shanghai

Fu Li—Shanghai Wan Cheng—Shanghai

Fu Yuan—Shanghai Wan Lung—Shanghai

Ho Feng—Shanghai Wang Yung Chang—Shanghai

Hsieh Kang—Shanghai Yeh Shun Chi—Shanghai

Hsin Chang—Shanghai Yu Jung Hsing—Shanghai

Hsin Chen Kang—Shanghai Yu Sheng—Shanghai

Hsin Hsin—Shanghai Yuan Chang I—Shanghai

Hsin Hua—Shanghai Yueh Jui Chi—Shanghai

Hsu I Yuan—Shanghai Yung Hua Cheng—Shanghai

Hsu Wei Chi—Shanghai Yung Mao Chang—Shanghai

Hu'A An Ho Chi—Shanghai


Hua Cheng—Shanghai

Kiangsu Province

Hua Fu—Shanghai , Centkal—Shanghai

Hua Hsiang—Shanghai Drum Tower^—Nanking

Hua Hsing—Shanghai Kiu Lung—Nanking

Hua Kuo—Shanghai Yah Lung—Shanghai

Huang Shao Chi—Shanghai Yah Won—Shanghai

Hua Sheng—Shanghai , Yuang I—Shanghai

Hua Tung—Sharfghai Yung Sing—Shanghai




FACTORIES, Kung Hsi ’ GhAng—Ghangkiangsan,

Kiangsu Province Nanhui

Asia Model Factory—’Shanghai ,Lin Chun YuNG-^-Tsingpu City

China Industrial Factory—S’hai Lu I Fu—Chaochen,- - Chuansha

Ching I—Shanghai Lu Wen Shen—Hochingchen, C’sha

Chung Hua Medical Equipment— Shen hsien

Tsu Kang—Hanchiao, Feng-

,, ,v . ■


Chung Hua—Shanghai : Shi I—Sungkiang

i Sung Chin Pijy—Kiangchia Road,.

Chung Kuo—Shanghai Nanhui1

Hsieh Hsing—Shanghai ; Tai Chu Chi—Sicchwei, Shanghai


Hsing Ya—Shanghai Tu Yun HsIAng — Chenchiachiao,


Hua Kuo—Shanghai Yang Waung Ken—Chukiako, Tsingpu

Ta Li Sporting Goods ' Co.^S’Jaai Yen I Chi—Wusih-- -



Kiangsu Province

Chekiang Province

Chang Chin Mei—Kungchen, C’sha

Cheng Tai Iron WoIiks—Hangchow

Chang Ken Chuan—Siccawei, S’hai

Chin Chang Iron Works—‘H’chow

Chang Po Hsun—Kunchen, Chuansha

Ching I—Wuhsing

Chen Ping Ho—Kiangchia Road,

Nahui , Chuan Tung—Ninghsien

Cheng Wen Ming—Siccawei, .S’hai Hsin Chang—Ninghsieu

Chiang Shao Feng—Chuansha City Hsin CHENd—Wuhsing

Chu Keng Tao—Ghfjohochin Hua Chang—Juian

Ohu Shen Po—Siccawei, Shanghai Hui Chang—Ninghsien

Chu Yun Chuan—Kungchen, C’sha Hui Feng Factory^—Ninghsierv

Huang Shen San — Chaochiachiao, Jui Chang—Wuhsihg


Huang Shi Chin — Chaochiachiao, Jui Li Factory—Juian

Changshu Li Yo Meng—Yungchia

I You—Wusih Ningpo Works—Ninghsien

Jih Hsin—Wusih Shan Yu Iron Works—Hangchow



Shun Chi—Ninghsien Cheng Hsing—Shanghai

Ta Lai Iron Works—Hangchow Cheng Jiu Chang—Wusih

Ta Yeh Iron Works—Hangchow Cheng Tai Ho Chi—Shanghai

Ta Yu Yu4,n Iron Works—H’chow Chi Wen—Shanghai

Tai Kang—Ninghsien Chiang Chang Hsing—Shanghai

Wuling Iron Works—Hangchow Chiang Shun Chang—Shanghai

Chien Yeh—Shanghai

Ya Teh—Wuhsing

Ch’ien Hsin—Shanghai

Ting Chen Chang—Hangchow Chih Feng—Shanghai

To Meng Factory—Yungchi-a Chih Hsin—Shanghai

Yung Hsijjg Iron Works—H’chow Chin Chang Hsiang—Shanghai

Kiangsu Province Chin Chang—Shanghai

.An Tai—Shanghai Chin Hua—Shanghai

■Chiu CHiNG- Wuchin Chin Yu—Shanghai

■Chang Hsin—Shanghai Ching Chang—Shanghai

■Chang Hung Chang—Shanghai Chino Chang Tai Chi—Shanghai

Chang Yuan Hsiang—Shanghai Ching Hsing—Shanghai

Chang Wan Hsing^—Shanghai Chiu Hsing—Shanghai

Chen Chang—Shanghai Cho Chun—Shanghai

Chin Chang—Shanghai Chou Shun Hsing—Wusih

•Chen Hsing An CHi—Shanghai Chow I Hsing—Shanghai

Chen Hsing—Wusih Chow Mow Hsing—Shanghai

Chen Hua—Shanghai Chu Ya—Shanghai

Chen I Shun—Huaiyang Ch’u Shun Hsing—Shanghai

Chen Ping Chi—Shanghai Chuan Chang—Nantung

•Chen Lung Fu Chi-^Shanghai , Chun Chang—Shanghai

Chen Sen Chang—Wusih Chun Yuan—Wuchin

Chen Ta Shing—Shanghai Chung Using Chang—Shanghai

Chen Tan—Wusih . Chung Hua—Shanghai


Chen Yung Chang—Wusih Chung Hua—Wuchin

Cheng Chang—Shanghai * Chung Kuo—Shanghai



Fa Chang—Shanghai Hsien Sheng—Shanghai

Fa Hsing—-Wusih Hsin ...Chang—N auvgng

Fa Ti:N<&~Sharrghai- Hsin, CHA^qr^Shaughai

Fu Chang—Shanghai Hsin , Hq Chung—Shanghai

Fu HsiNiV SffENH> -Wusih Hsin Hsiang—Shanghai .

Fu LAi^Shhh'ghai- - Hsin Hua—Shanghai

Fow Hsing—Shanghai Hsin Kang—Shanghai

Engineer Sectihn Twelve '! Hsin Li Chiu Chi—Shanghai

Heng Chang—Shanghai' i Hsin Ming—Chinkiang

Heng Hsi-n Chi Chi—Shanghai Hsin Ming—(Shanghai

Heng Ta—Shanghai • Hsin Ta—Shanghai .

Ho Chang—Shanghai Hsin Tai—Shanghai

Ho Chi1—Shanghai Hsing Chang—Shanghai

Ho Chung—Shanghai Hsing Chi—Shanghai

Ho Chung—Wusih ' ■ Hsiang Chi—Shanghai

Ho Hsing—Chinkiang Hsing Ho—Shanghai

Ho Hsing Hsiang—Shanghai Hsiang Hsing—Wusih

Ho Hsing—Shanghai Hsing Hua Shun Chi—Shanghar

Ho Hsing—Shanghai Hsing Ta—Wuchin

Ho HsiNG-^-Wusih Hung Tai—Shanghai

Hou Sheng^—Wuchih Hsing Li-^iShanghai

Hsia Chung Chang—Shanghai Hsing Sheng—Wuehin

Hsiao Ch’ih Chang—Wusih Hua Cheng—Shanghai

Hsieh Chang—Nanking Hua Feng—Shanghai

Hsieh Chang—Shanghai Hua Hsing—Wusih

Hsieh Chang—Wusih Hua Kee—Shanghai

Hsieh Chu HsiNG^-Wusih Hua Sheng—Shanghai

Hsieh HsinO—Shanghai Hua Sih—Wusih

Hsieh Hsing—Wusih Hua Ta—Wuchin

Hsieh TAH -Shanghai Hua Tai—Shanghai

Hsieh Tai—Shanghai Hua Tung—Shanghai



Huang Teh Tai—Shanghai Kung Hsing Hsieh' Chi—Shanghai

Hui Chang Hsiang—Shanghai Kuo Yuan Lung—Shahghai

Hui Chang—Shanghai . Lee Hsing ('mi—Shanghai ‘

Hung Hsing—Shanghai i Lee Ming Chi—Shanghai

I Chang—Shanghai 'Lee Ta Ch’uan—Hua'iyhig' '

I Chi—Shanghai Li Chang—Shanghai

I Hsin—Shanghai ' Li Hsing—Shanghai ‘

I Hsing Sheng—Shanghai ! Li Hua—Shanghai

I Shun Hsing—Shanghai ; Li Mao—Wusih

I Tai Using—Shanghai Lien Chang—Shanghai

I Tai—Shanghai , Lin Chang—Shanghai

I Ta—Shanghai- * Lin P’ei Chi—Shanghai

I Tai—Wusih Liu Yuan Chang Kung. Chi—S’hai

Jui Chang—Shanghai ‘ Lo Heng Hsing—Wusih

Jui Chang—Wusih Lou Chen Hsin—Shanghai

Jui Tai—.Shanghai Lou Chia Hsin—Shanghai .

Jui Tung Hsing—Shanghai Lu Hsin Hsiang—Shanghai

Jui Yuan—Wusih S Ma Shun HsiNGf-rShanghai

Jung Chang—Wusih

Jung Hsing—Wusih i Ma Yuan Shun—Shanghai


Ka Hia Hsing—Shanghai Mao Chang—Chinkiang

Kao Chang Lung Chi—Shanghai Mao Chang—Shanghai

Kao Yung Hsing—Shanghai Mao Hsing—Shanghai

Ku Wan Hsing—Shanghai Mei ChaN'G—Shahghai

Kuan Chiu—Shanghai ; Ming Sheng—Shanghai

Kuang Chin—Wusih Ming Chang—Shanghai


Kuang Tai—Shanghai Ming Ching—Shahghai

Kung I—Wusih Ming Hsin—Shanghai

Kung Wu—Wuchin ; Ming Hsing Ho Cm—Shanghai

Kung Mao—Shanghai Ming Tai—Shanghai

Kung Sheng—Shanghai Pai Li—Shahghai



Pao CHANG—Chinkiang Tai Chu Yuan—Shanghai

Pao Tung—Shanghai Tai Huai Yuan—Wusih

Pei Sheng—-Shanghai Tai Yuang—Shanghai .

Ping Ming—Wuchin Tao Hsing—Shanghai

Pu Ming—Wusih Teh Chang—Shanghai

San Hsing—Shanghai Teh Chi—Shanghai

San Pei—Shanghai Teh Hsiang—Shanghai

San Yu—Shanghai Teh Hsing—Shanghai

Teh Tai—Shanghai

Shan Kung—^Shanghai

Teng Shun Chang—Shanghai

Shen Chang—Shanghai Tien I Ho Chi—Shanghai

Shen Fu—Shanghai Tien Li Cheng—Shanghai

Shen Ho—Shanghai Tsai Chi—Shanghai.

Shen Hsing Chi—Wusih Tsai Tao—Shanghai

Sheng Chang—Nanking Tung Hsin—Shanghai

Sheng Hsiang—Shanghai Tung Hsing—Shanghai

Sheng Yeh Hsiang—Shanghai Tung Hua—Shanghai

Shih Heng Mao—Shanghai Tung I Chang—Wusih

Shih Yeh—Shanghai Tung I—Shanghai

Shih Yeh—Wusih Tung Sheng—Shanghai

Shun Chang—Shanghai Tzu Feng Shen Chi—Shanghai

Shun Hua—Shanghai Tzu Sheng—Nantung

Ta Chang—Shanghai Tzu Yu—Shanghai

Ta Cheng Yu Chi—Shanghai Wan Chang—Shanghai

Ta Hsin—Wusih Wan Cheng—Wuchin

Ta Ko—Wuchin Wan Hsing—Shanghai

Ta Lung—iShanghai Wan Hsing Hsieh Chi—Shanghai

Ta Ming—Shanghai Wan Shun Huai Chi—Shanghai

Ta Sheng—Shanghai Wan Sun—Wuchin

Ta Sheng—Wuchin Wei Chu Cheng—Shanghai

Ta Yung Chang—Wuchin Wei Hsing—Wusih



Wong Chin Chi—Shanghai. MAHJONGG ENGRAVING

Wong Yun Lung—Wusih FACTORIES

Wong Yung Chang—Wusih Kiangsu Province

Wong Yung Hsing—Shanghai [Chang Yi Hsin—Shanghai

Wu Hsiang Tai—Shanghai I Chen Lung Hsin—Shanghai

Yao Hsing Chang—Shanghai ; Chiang Tai Chang1-Shanghai

Yao Kung Chi—Shanghai .Chin I She—Shanghai

Yu Chang Sheng—Shanghai : Chow Yi Chi—Shanghai

Yu Hsing—Shanghai ! Chu Heng Shen—Shanghai

Yu Hua—Shanghai

Heng Yu Chang—Shanghai

Yu Pao ChaNfe—Wusih

Yu Sen—Shanghai . Hsieh Tai—Shanghai

Yu Shun—Shanghai ; Hsieh Yuan Hsin—Shanghai

Yuan Chang Tai—Shanghai . Hsu Chin Hsin—Shanghai

Yuan Chang—Shanghai Hsu Yung S.Hkn,--Shanghgi

Yuan Hsing CnANG-iShanghai j Lao Yung Hsin—Shanghai

Yuan Tai—Shanghai Ling Shun; /Feng—Shanghai

Yuan Ta—Shanghai • Ling Yung HsiN-^Shanghai

Yun Chang—Shanghai Mao Yung HsiN*=Shanghai

Yung Chang Fa—Shanghai ! She Mou CHANG-rrShanghai

Yung Chang—Xantuhg | Shen Tai—Shanghai

Yung Chang—Shanghai I Sing Yuan Shen—Shanghai

Yung Hsing—Nanking

Ting Hsin Co.-r-Shanghai

Yung HsiNG—Shanghai

Yung Hsing—Wusih- Tien Shun Hsiang—Shanghai

Yung I—Shanghai Tien Yi Sheng—Shanghai

Yung Sheng—Shanghai Tung Chen Ta—Shanghai

Yung Ta Chang—Wuchin ; Tung Feng Chang - Shanghai

Yung Tai—Shanghai Tung Heng Shen—Shanghai

Yung Tai—Shanghai Tung Jen Ho—Shanghai

Yung Yuan—Shanghai Tung Mou Chang—Shanghai



Wang Feng Hsiang—Shanghai Chang Sui—Hokiang

Wang Shun Hsin—Shanghai Chen Ta—Ningpo

Wu Wan Chen—Shanghai Chen Tung—Tsingtao

Yi Cheng Chang—Shanghai Chen Yieh—Tsinan

Yx Shen Hsiang—Shanghai Chen Yieh—Tsingtao

Yi Tai Hsiang—Shanghai Chen Yieh—Tsining

Yu Chang Hsiang—Shanghai Ohi Chang—iSwatow

Yu Sing Chen—Shanghai Chiao Min—Fatshan

Yu Tai Lung—Shanghai Chiao Tung Chen—Tsingchow

Yung Chi Hsiang—Shanghai Chin Tsin—Pingyao, Shansi

Yung Hsin Chang—Shanghai Chu Kwang—Toishan

Chung Chi—Kirin


Chung Hwa—Nanhwei

Kiangsu Province Chung Kuo Match Factory—Canton

Chung Hua Factoky—Nanhui Ho Kee—Changchow

Ohung Kuo Match Co.—Chapei, Hsin Yieh—Tsingtao


Hua Ming Match Co.—Kiangwan, Hung Sen—Soochow

Hung Sheng Factory—Wuhsien Hung Tai—Tsingtao

Kiang Pei Match Factory—T’shan Hwa Hsin—Tsingtao

Kung Hsing Match Factory— Hwa Pei—Tsingtao

Kangyu Hwa Shen—Tsingtao

Ta Hua Match Co.—Pootung, S’hai Hwai iShang No. 1 FACTORY-Linh-

Tung Sui Chen Chi Match Factory kwaikwam

—Nantung Hwei Lin—Shenyang, Liaoning

Yung Chang Factory—Chinkiang Kiang Pei—Hsuchow

Yung Chang Factory—Pootung, S’hai Kin Hwa—Kirin

Other Places Kwang Hwa—Hangchow

Chang Hsin—Chefoo Kwang Min—Sun Wei

Chang Min—Macao Kwang Min—Wenchow



Kwang Ta Match Factory—Canton OIL MILLS

Hwang Tung—Yingkow An Tung Heng—Tung Chiang Chieh,

Kwangtung Match Factory—Canton Antung

Lu Tung—Tsingtao Chen Ta Oil Mjill—Tsitsihar

Min Hsin—Chingyuan Chen Te Hao—Newchwang

Min Hwa—Tsingtao Cheng Feng—Hou Chu Pao Chieh,


Min Sen—Namhoi Cheng Yi Seng—Newchwang

Pei Yang—Peiyang Cheng Yu Hao—Hou Chu Pao Chieh,


San Min—Yingkow

Sen Sen—Yingkiow Ohu Shun Yuan—Pei Ohieh, Nungan


Si Nan—Samshui Feng Tai I—Pa Chan, Nan Ma Lu,

Sin Chang—Tsingtao Harbin

SjUi Chang—Lishui, Chekiang Feng Yu Tung—Chien Chu Pao Chieh,


Ta Chung—Kaifeng Fu Shun Ho Brewery—Nan Chieh,

Tan Hwa—Antung Nungan Hsien

Tan Hwa—Peiping Fu Tseng Shun—Hsing Tung Chieh,


Tan Hwa—Tientsin Heng Hsiang Tung—Hsiang Fang,

Tung Ho Ytj—Sinhsiang Harbin

Tung Hsin—Macao Heng Sheng Tai—Tien Hou Keng

Chieh, Antung

Tung Sui Chen Kee—Nantung Heng iShun Ho—Pei Ma Lau, Harbin

Tungshan Match Factory—Canton Ho Chu Kung—Hsiang Fang, Harbin

Wen Min Match Factory—Canton

Hou Fa Shu Yu Chee—Newchwang

Wen Yi Hsin Kee—Canton

Hsi Yi Shun—Newchwang

Wuchow Match Factory—Wuchow

Yen Chang—Hankow Hsieh Ch’ang Yuan—Ku Hsiang

T'un, Harbin

Yu' Sen—Kiukiang Hsing Lung Yuan—Pei Kwan, Muk-


Yung Chang—Chinkiang

Yung Chang—Tientsin Hsing Mao Tung—Newchwang

Hsing iSheng Tsan—Hsing Lung

Yung Hwa—Chiaoho Chieh, Antung



Hsing Yuan Ch’ang—Newchwang Swang Ho Yi—Chien Chu Chieh, Au-

! tung

Hui Chuan Chang—Hsiao Pei Kwan,

Mukden ! T’ai Fa Ho—Naii „ Chieh, Nungan


Hung Ch’ang Hou—Newchwang

: T’ai Fa Ho—Nan Chieh, Nungan

Hung Hsing Chang—Newchwang Hsien

Hung Sheng Yuan—Hsi Men, Wai, TeAntung Che Chang—Tuiig Ohiang Chieh,

Nungan Hsien

I Ch’ang Shen—Newchwang Te Chu Chang—Tung Chiang Chieh,


1 Fa Ho Oil and Flour Mill—T’ou Te Feng—T’ai Ku Shih Erh Tao

Tao Kun, Chang6hun Chieh, Harbin

I Hh’ang Hsin—Pa Chan, Harbin Te Tseng Oil Mill—Tsitsihar

I Sheng Ch’ang—Pa Chan, Harbin Tien Seng Hou—Newchwang

,Jih Hsin Ch’ang—Newchwang Tung Ch’eng Ho—Pa Chan, Harbin

Jui Ho Yu—Nan Ma Lau, Harbin T’ung Chi—Pachan, Nan Ma Lu,

Ki Chang Yung—Chien Chu Pao Harbin :,

Chieh, Antung ; Tung Chu Fo—Tung Chiang Chieh:,

Ktr'ANG Chu Yung—Hsi Chieh, Nungan Antung

Hsien T’ung Chu Hsiang—Pa Chan, Harbin

Kuang Hsin Feng—Hsiang Fang, Tung Chu Tung—Kuan Tien Chieh,

Harbin Antung

Kuang Tai Chang—Tung Chiang Tung Ho—Tieh Tao Chieh, Harbin

Ohieh, Antung

Kuang Tai—Hsien Chien Chieh, An- Tung Hsiang Hsing—Tsai Shen Miao

Chieh, Antung


Kua'ng Yuan Ta—Nan Chieh, Nungan Tung Jen Heng—Ta Nan Kwang,



Tung Kee—NewohWang

Kung Hsing Tsai—Hsiao Tung

Kwan, Mukden Tung Shing Yung—Newchwang

Li Feng Te—Newchwang Tung Yi Tseng Yuan—Chung Fu

Li Sheng Hsing—Hsiao Tung Kwan, Chieh, Antung

Mukden Tung Yung Mao—Newchwang.

Li Tseng—Ta Hsi Kwan, Mukden Wan Tseng Fu—Pei Chieh, Nungan

Shang Hsing—Pa Chan, Harbin Hsien

Shih Gh’ang Te—Newchwang Yi Tsang Tsen—Tung Chi Chieh,


Swang Ho Tsan—Chien Chu Pan Yi Tseng Yuan—Chien Chu Pao

Chieh, Antung Chieh, Antung



Yi Tseng Yuan Oil Mill—Tsitsihar PAPER BOX FACTORIES

Yu-Ch’ing Grains Store—Newchwang Kiangsu Province

Yu Ho Lung—Hou Chu Pao Chieh, Chen Hua—Hung Yun Terrace, Ward

Antung Road, Shanghai

Yu Hsing 'Chang—Newchwang Chiu Chi—11, Sun Yuan Li, Arsenal

Yu Hsing I—Hsiang Fang, Harbin Road, Shanghai

Yu iSheng Fa—Newchwang Chow Tung Hsing—775, West Pao

Hsing Road, Shanghai

Yu 'Shun Hsiang—Pa Chan, Harbin Chung Fa—433, Rue du Marche,,

Yu Shun Tung—Kuan Tan Chieh, Shanghai

Antung Chung Hua—Chen Hou Li, Tong-

Yu Ta—Pa Chan, Harbin shan Road, Shanghai

Yu Te Lung Oil Factory—Kirin Chung Kuo—246, Shou Chun Li,

Miller Road, Shanghai

Yuan Chu Hsiang—Ku Hsiang T’un, Feng Tai—1068, Chin Fu Li, Baikal

Harbin Road, Shanghai

Yuan Fu—Pa Chan, Nan Ma Lau, Harbin Han Fang—101, Ferry Road, S’hai

Yuan Hsing I—Hsiang Fang, Harbin

Yuan Sheng Ho—Ku Hsiang Tun, Hsing Chang—450, Singapore Road,



Yung Ch'eng Hsing—Newchwang Hua An—13, Hwakee Road, S’hai

Yung Chuan Yi—Ta Hsi Kwan, Hua Hsin—63, Shuan Kwei Li, Rue

Pere Dugout, Shanghai


Yung Heng T’ang—Hsaing Fang, Hua Lun—288, Nan Hsing Li, Pao-

ting Road, Shanghai


Yung Ho Hsiang—Newchwang Li Tai Hsing Chi—20, Jui Chang

Li, Route Capitain Rabier, S’hai

Yung Seng Te—Newchwang Mao Tai Hsiang—23, Rue de la Porte

Yung Sheng Kung—Pei Chieh, Nun- du Nord, Shanghai

gan Hsien Mei Hua—lj Yu Cheng Li, Rue de

PAINT FACTORIES Pere Froc., Shanghai

Kiangsu Province Min Hsing—4, Chai Hua Li, Chung

Hwa Road, Shanghai

Chen Hua—Tan Tzu Wan, Shanghai Mo Yung Hsing—056, Shuang Hsing

Durvar—Che Tai Chiao, Shanghai Li, Hsieh Hsu Road, Shanghai

Kailum—Kiangwan Road, Shanghai TaShanghai

Cheng Hua—196, Tongshan Road,

Wan Li—Hsieh Tu Road, Shanghai Ta Chung Hua—Hen Chang Li, Rue

Yung Ku—Kiangwan Road, S’hai Amiral Bayle, Shanghai



Wu Feng-t-Corner of Ward Road Fu Kang Pharmacy—Hun Chiao-,

and Paoting "Road, Shanghai Shanghai City, Shanghai

Yung Chi—15i, Chuan Hsin Chieh, Great China Dispensary Works —

: Old NQr.th fGate; Shaughai Foochow.- Road, Shanghai

PAPER MILLS Hai Pit Pharmacy—Avenue Road,


Kiaiigsu Province International Dispensary Works—

Cuing CMeng Pape!k Mile—Shanghai Ziccawei Road, Shanghai

Ho Feng Tjn Foil Meg. Co.—S’hai KiuShanghai . Eoo, Chemists—Burk ill Road*

Hua Sheng Yih Chi Cakdboaed Meg. New Asiatic Chemical Works—

Co.—Wuhsien Markham Road,- Shanghai

Kiangnan Paper Mill—Shanghai

Sine Laboratory Co., Ltd.—Rue

Kuang Hua Wax PapEb Mill—S’hai Massenet, Shanghai

Kung Hsing Photo Cakd Meg. Co. Tong Shi-i Son Co.—Avenue

'—Shanghai ' Edward VII, Shanghai

Rung Ping,{ Tin FoiL Meg. Co.— PIPE ORGAN FACTORIES


Lei Yung Paper' Mill—Wusih Kiangsu Province

Lung Chang Paper Mill—Shanghai Hua Ching Hsiang Co.—Shanghai

Ming Sun Paper Mill—Shanghai Hua Hsing Go.—Shanghai-

Pao Shang Paper Mill—Shanghai Lu Chen Co.—Shanghai

Ta Hua Paper Mill—Wuhsien Min Feng Co.,—Shanghai

Tien Chang Paper Mill—Shanghai Pei Ya Co.—Shanghai

V. I.-Paper Mill—Shanghai Shanghai Pipe Organ Co.—S’hai

Yuet Cheqng Photo Card Meg. Co. Ta Hua Go.—Shanghai

—Shanghai .

Yuen Tai Paper MiLi>-Shanghai POWER PLANTS..;

Yung Liang0 - Blue Drawing Paper

Anhwei Province

Mpq. C * Shanghai An Hwei Electric Co.—Anking


Kiangsu Province i Chih Hsin Electric Co.—Suancheng

Chung Fah Chemists—Great Western Hsin Kiang Electric Co.^-Wuyuan

Road, Shanghai

Kwan Hwei Electric Co.—Hwaiyuan

Chung Kuo GhaRet-,

Shanghai ' , , i Hw-a Sun .Electric Cp-—Kwieshih



Hwang Ming Ei-eotric Co.—Kwangteh Hsin Yeh Electric Co.‘-tSiaofeng

Ming Hsin Electric Co’—Langki Hwa Kwan Electric Co.'—Chinhai

Ming Yuan Electric Co.—Wuhu I Wu ElectricCo.—Iwa

Shu Ming Electric Co.—Wuwei Kai Ming Electric Co.—Chenghsien

Shu Yao Electric' Co.—Shucheng Kien Teh Electric Co.—Kienteh

Sin Ming Electric .Co.—Shentu. Kwan Ming Electric Co.—Saoshan

Suan Cheng Electric Co.—Suan Kwei Pin Electric Co:—Shunan

Cheng ; . Kwon Ming Electric Co.—Siaoshan

Sun Ping Electric Co.—Shucheng Han Chi Ku Ming Electric Co.—

Yao Hwei EiECTRio Co.—Pengpu ' Lanchi

Yao Yuan Electric Co.—Hofei ! Lin Ping Hsin Jee Electric Co.—


Yuan Ta Electric Co.—Hofei

iMing Hwa Electric Co.—Pinghu

Pueh Ping Electric Co.—Tangtu Ming Ming Electric Co.—Hashan

Chekiang Province

Ming Teh Electric Co.—Siaoshan

Chang An Electric. Co.—Haining Nan Tie Electric Co.—Juian

Chang Ming Electric Co.—Changhing

Ping Lee Electric Co.—Fuyang

Chang Ming Electric Co.—Haiyen

Ping Yan Electric Co.—Pingyang

Chang Shan Electric Co.—Changshan Pu Hwa Electric Co.—Yungkia

Chang Ta Electric Co.—Haining Pu Ming Electric Co.—Suian

Chang Yao Electric Co.—Kashan Shan Pai Electric Co.—Wukahg

Chao Sze Electric Co.—Hanghsien Shuang Lin Electric Co.—Washing

•Chen Chuen Electric Co-- Washing Sin Ming Electric Co.—Hanghsien

A Chen Hsin Electric Co.—Hashing Shun Yang Electric C#r—Hanghsien

I Cheng Ta Electric Co.—Shangyu ; Sung- Ch ia Men Elrctr i c; Co. -Ti ng-

hai ’

Feng Chiao Electric Co. Chuki

Teh Tsing Electric Cp*—Tehtsing

Fu Tan Electric Co.—Anchi

Wei Fu Rice Grinding Electrical

Hai Ning ELECTRic Co.—Haining Cq.—Washing '

Hangchow Electric Co.—Hangchow Wu Shing Electric-Co.—Washing

Ho Feng Electric Co.—Ningpo Wu Tsin Electric Co.—Tnnghkiahg



Wtr Yi Electric Co.—Wuyi Honan Province

Ya Chen Electric Co.—Lotsing Chao Lin Electric Co.—Loyang

Yao Ming Electric Co.—Linhai China Electric Co.—Sinsiang

Yu Yao Electric Co.—Yuyao Chun Hsin Electric Co.—Changte'

Yueh Ming Electric Co.—Kashing Hwa Ming Electric Co.—Shamgkiu'

Yttn Yao Electric Co.—Ningpo Kwan Hwa Electric Co.—Sinyang

Yitng Kang Electric Co.—Yungkang Kwan Ming Electric Co.—Siuwu

Yung Ming Electric Co.—Chunteh Ming Yuan Electric Co.—Chengchow

Fukien Pu Lru Electric Oo.—Kaifeng

Amoy Electric Co.—Amoy Hopei Province

Cfuan Chow Electric Co.—Chuan —Tienstin Pu Chu Electrical Co:

British Kun


Foochow Electric Co.—Foochow Cheng Hwa Electric Co.—Chenghwa

Fu Tsing Electric Co.—Futsing Chien Hwa Electrical Co.—Tung-


Fu Yuen Electric Co.—Shangshan French Electrical Plant—Tientsin

Kwang Kwa Electric Co.—Lungyen Hai Ping Water & Electric Co.—

Le Chang Electric Co.—Amoy Peitaiho

Japanese Electrical Plant—Tientsin

Lungki Electric Co.—Lungki

Kai-Kwan Electrical Plant—Ching-

Pu Tien Electric Co.—Pu Tien wantao

Sien Yu Electric Co.—Sienyu Kao Yang Electric Co.—Kaoyang

Yen Ping Electric Co.—Yenping Kin-yeh Electric Co.—Ningho

Yung Chun Electric Co.—Yungchun Pao Ting Electric Co.—Pacting

Heilungkiang Pei-Ping=Hwa-Son; Electrical Co.—


Heng Yueh Electrical Co.—Heiho-

chen Peking Electrical Co.—Peiping

Kwangshin Electrical Co.—Peh- Shanhaikwan Electric Co.—Shan-

twanlingtzo (Suihwa) haikwan

Kwangshin Electric Co.—Tsitsihar Shihkiachwang Electric Co.—Shih-


Yun Yeh-Kwang-Che Electrical Co. Shin Che Electric Co.—Shulu




Shun Fan Electric . Co.—Wenan , . Ting Hsin Electric Co.-r-Changteh

Shun Teh Electric Co.--—Shurtteh Tung Hai Electric Co.—Yochow

Sin Je Electrical , Co.—Paoti . Tung IIai Electric Co.—Yoehow

Ta Peu Chu Electrical Plant—Tien- Tung Ming; Electric Co,—Hengchow

tsin Hupeh Province

; Ta Sun Lee Electrical Co.—Peiping Chi.. Tsi Water and Electric Co.-t*

j Taku Electric Co — Taku Hankow

s Tang Shan Electricity Co.- - Tang- Han Yan Electric Co.—Hanyang

shan Hankow Electric Co.—Hankow

! Tientsin Electricity and Gas Co.— Kwang Hwa Electric Co.—Kwangha

i Tientsin

| Tientsin Sze-siang' Electrical Plant Kwang Ming Electrigc Co.—H’yang

^ —Tientsin Kwang Ming Electric Co.—Ichang

>1 Tientsin Tramway and Electricity Kwang Ming Electric CO.—Kwangtsi

[ Co.—Tientsin

i; Tsang Hsien Electric . Co.—Tsang- Pu Chao Electric Co. —Shasi

j{ hsien Pu Sin Electric Co.—Mienyang

I Tsi Chow Electric Co.—Ankwo Sien Tao Cheng Electric Co.—

| Tsing Cheng Electricity Co.—Yang- Mienyang

' liutsing Ta Cheng Electric Co.—Hankow

Tung An Electrical Plant—Peiping Teh Peh Chi Electric Co.—Hankow

| Tung Hsien Electrical Plant—Tung- Wan Hsing Electric Co.—Kienli

hsien Wtx Chan King Chen Electric Co.—

Hunan Province Wuchang

Hunan Electric'Co.—Changsha Yih Chang Electric Co..—Kingmen

Hwan Hwa Electric Co—Changsha Yo Cheng Electric Co.—Yocheng

> Ewan Jee Electric Co,—Filing Jehol Province

| Ewan Yun Electric Co.—Hungkiang Chih Feng Electrical Co.—Chihfeitg

Li Tsi Water Electrity Co. —Chang- Jbhol Electrical Co.—Jehol

I sha North China Electrical Co.—iKal-

|> Pu Ming Electric Co.—Yiyang gan

Shao Hwei Electric Qo.—Yuanking Kansu Province

Ta Ming Electric Co.—Siangtan San Su Sun Electrical Co.—Lan-




Kiangsi Province Chen Ta Electric Co.—Wuhsien

Kai Ming Electric Co.—Nanchang Chen Tai Electric Co.—Tai Hsien

Kx Chow Electric Co.—Kian Cheng Heng Chang Electric Co.^—


Kin Yueh Electric Co.—Kintehcheng

Cheng Yan Electric Co.—Kiangtu

Kwan Yu Electric Co.—Linchuen

Chenju Electric Co.—Shanghai

Kwan Yueh Electric Co.—Yuanshan

Chi Hsin Electric Co.—Liyang

Kwon Hwa Electric Co.—Kanhsien

Chi Hsing Electric Co.—Tsingkiang

Lo Yueh Electric Co.—Loping

Chin Cheng Electric Co.—Wukiang,,.

Sin Ming Electric Ob.—Sinkien Chentseh

Yang Lu Electric Co.—Kiukiang Chin Hsing Electric Co.—Nantung

Kiangsu Province Chinese Electric Power Co.—S’hai

Chan Hwa Electric Co.—Nanhweei Ching MiNG Electric Co.—Wusih

Chang Hua Electric Co.—Nanhui Ching Yang Electric Co.—Kiangyins

Chang Hwa Electric Co.—Tai-Hsien Chingchi Electric Co.—Sungkiang

Chang Ming Electric Co.—Changshu Chintung Electric Co.—Tungtai

Chang Ming Electric Co.—Tsingpu Chiochuyen Electrical Plant—Wu~

Chang Shu Electric Co.—Ihing chin

Chang Wan Electric Co.—Kiangtu Chuanpei Electrtc-Co.—Chuansha-

Changshu Electric Co.—Changshu Chucking Electric -Co.—Chinshan

Chao Ming Electric Co.—Tangyang Chiu Ming Electric Co.—Chitung

Chapei Electric Co.—Shanghai Chupu Electric. Co.—Tsingpu

Chwan Peh Electric Co.—Chwang-

Che Shiv Electric Co.—Liyang sha ;

Chen Heng Electric Co.—Liyang Fen Kin Electric Co.—Sungkiang

Chen Ho Electric Co.—Wukiang Feng Sheng Electric Co.—Sungkiang

Chen Hsin Electric Co.—Ihing Fo Hsin Electric Co.—Wukiang

Chen Hsin Electric Co’—Kinshan French Electric Co.—Shanghai

Chen Hsing Electric Co.—Chinshan Hai An Shih Electric Co.—Taihsien

Chen Hu Electric Co.—Wukiang Hai Ming Electric Co.—Haimen

Chen Hung Electric Co.—Liyang Heng Chi Electric Co.—Wuhsien

Chen Pu Electric Co.—Jukao Heng Le Electric Co.—Sungkiang



King Hing Electric Co.—Hinghwa Kao Chao Chen Electric Co.—Pao-


Ho Chiao Yao I—Ihsing Kaoyu Electric Co.—Kaoyu

Ho Hsien Electric Co—.Eemghsien

Kin iSing Electric Co.—Nantung

Hsiang Hua Electric Co.—Shanghai Kuang Chin Electric Co.—Wusih

Hsieh Feng Electric Co.—Changshu Kuang Hua Electric Co.—Wuhsien

Hsien Ming Electric Co.—Taihsien Kung Hsing Electric Co.—Wukiang

Hsin Fu Electric Co.—Chinshan Kwan Hwa Electric Co.—Kinshan

Hsin Hsin Electric Co.—Hsinghua Kwan Yun Electric Co.—Kwanyun

Hsin Htta Cheng Chi Electric Co.— Kwang Ming Electric Co.—Tsingpu


Hsin Hwa Electric Co.—Hwaian Kwang Hwa Electric Co.—Kiangtu

Hsin Ming Electric Co.—Wuhsien Li Huai Electric Co.—Huaiyin

Hsin Tung Electric Co.—Tunghai Li Heng Electric Co.—Fenghsien

Hsing Chung Hua Electric Co.— Le Huai Electric Co.—Tsingkiangpu


Hsing Ming Electric Co.—Wukiang Le Sen Electric Co.—Sungkiang

Using Yeh Electric Co.—Wukiang Li Heng Electric Co.—Fenghsien

Hsing Yeh Electric Co.—Yencheng Loshe Electric Co.—Wusih

Hsu Ming Electric Co.—Taihsing Lotien Hsing Chi Electric Co.-^-


Hsu She Yao I—Ihsing

Ma Tang Electric Co.—Jukao

Huangtu Electric Co.—Kiating

Hung Ming Electric Co.—TaLHsien Mao Hsing Chang . Electric Co.—


Hwa Ming Electric Co.—Kiangyin Mao Hsing Chang Electric Co.—

Hwa Hwa Electric Co.—Wusih Sungkiang

Hwa Shin Electric Co.—Kiating Metropolitan Electrical Plant—


Hwa Shan Electric Co.—Shanghai Min Hong Shen Chih Electric Co.

PIwei Tung Electric Co.—Fowning —Shanghai

I Feng Electric Co.—Tungtai Ming Hsing Ei^ctric Co.—Wukiang

I Li Electric Co.—Chintan Ming Hwa Electric Co.—Kinshan.

Jung Hsing Electric Co.—Wuhsien Ming Sin Electrical Co.—Kingpu

Kai Yuan Electric Co.—Wusih Ming Sin Electric Co.—Wuhsien




Muchi Kai Ei/ECtric • Co.— Ta Ming Electric Co.—Nanhwsi,

Lishui 1 Chowpu

Nan Chiao Electric1 Co.—Fonghsien Ta Ming Electric Go.—Wusih

Nan Stta Electric :Co.—Nanhwei Ta Pu Electric Go.—Wukiang

Nanhstang Electric Co.—Kiating Ta Sin Electrical Co.—Kaoyu

PaO Ming" Electric Co.—Paoying Ta Yao Yu Chi Electric Co.—Pao-


Pao' Ming Electric Co.—Woosung Tai Chi Electric Go.^—Kunshan

Pien Ming Electric Co.—Tangyang Tat Ming Electric Co.—Wusih

Poo Tung Electric Co.—Shanghai Teng Ming Electric Co.—Tsungming

Pu Ming Electrical Plant—Wuchin Tsin-Pu Railway and Railway Elec-

San Yang Shun Chi Electric Co.— tricity—Kiangpu

Kaoshun Tseng Yang Electric Co.—Kiang-

Sha Ki Electric Co.—Taitsang yin, Tsingyang

Shanghai Power Co.—Shanghai Tsung Ming Electric Co.—Tsung-


Show Tu Electric Plant—Nanfcing Tung Ming Electric Co.—Nantung

Shu Po Electric Co.—Tsingpu Tung Yang Electric Co.—Taihsing

Shu Shan Chen Hsing Electric Co. Tung Yao Electric Co.—Tungtai


Sin Feng—Changsha Tungshan Electric Co.—Wuhsien

Sin Ming Electric Co.—Kiangning Wuchin Electric Plant—Wuchin

Soochow Electric Co.—Sbochow Yang Hsiang Yao. I—Ihsing

Sung Kiang Electric Co.—Sung- yungKia-Chin Electric Oo.-r-Kwan-



Sung Ping Electric Co.—Paoshan Yao Chung Electric Co.—Tsung-


Sung Yin Electric Co.—Kiangpu Yao I Electric Co.—Ihsing

Ta Chao Electric Co.—Chinkiang Yao Chang Electric Co.—Nanhui

Ta Che Electric Co.—Kungshan Yao Chin Electric . Co.—Wuhsien

Ta Hsin Electric Co.—Icheng Yao Huang Electric Co.—Taihsing

Ta Hein Electric Co.—Kaoyu Yao Ju Electric Co.—Jukao

Ta Chwan Electric Co.—Chwangsha Yao Lou Electric Co.—Taitsang

Ta Ming Electric Co.—Ki an gtu Yao Ping Electric Co.—Jukao



Yao Pu Electric Co.—Changslm Kwangsi

Yao Ming Electric Co.—Taihsing Chen Hwa Electric Co.—Wat lam

Yao Tang Electric Co.—Luho Kwei Lin Electric Co.—Kweilin

Yi Ming Electric Go.—Tsingkiang Liuchow Electric Co.—Liuchow

Yu Hwa Electric Co.—Taitsang Lungchow Electric Co.—Lungchow

Yueh Chan Electric Go.—Nanhwei Nanning Electric Co.—Nanning

Yiteh Hwa Electric Co.—Sushow Pinglo Electric Co.—Pinglo

Yueh Pu Electric Co.—Changshu Po She Electric. Co.- Poseh

Yueh Wan Electric Co.—Taihing Taiping Electric Co.—Taiping

Yun Ming Electric Co.—Suchow Wuchow Electric Co.—Wuchow

Yung Ming Electric Co.—Tangyang Kwangtung

Ziang Hwa Electric Co.—Shanghai

Ai Tsien Electric Co;—Yingtak


Chang Ming Electric Co.—Chaochow

C. E. R. Electrical Plant—Harbin

Fai Ming. Electric 'Co.—Hoping

Chen Fai Ho Electric Co.—Ning-

an Kai Ming Electric Co.—Swatow

Harbin Electrical. Co.-^Harbin Kai Ming Electric Co.—Yaanhsien

Hun Chun Electrical Go.—Hunshun Kun Cheng Electric Co.—Tungkun

Municipal Electrical Plant—Chang- Kwan Hwa Electric Co.—Haiyang


N. Manchuria Electrical Co.— Kwan Lee Electric Co.—Chaoyang

Changchun Kwan Yun Electric Co.—Tsingyun

Nung An Electrical Co.—Nungan

Kwangtung Electric Co.—Canton

Pao Chen Electrical Co.—Saifenho

Lee An Electric Cp.—Namhai

\ S-M-R-Electric Plant—Changchun

T-F'F, Hwa Electric Co.—iShuhteh

| Shwangcheng Electric Co.—Shwang-

I cheng Lee Tai Electric Co.—Tungkun

Ta Ku Shan Electrical Co.—Taku- Pao Chao Electric'Co.—-Shunteh

shan, Itung

Ta-Shin Electrical Co.—Yenki Shiu Kwan Electric Co.—Shiuchow

- Yueh Pin-Chin-Chi—Harbin Ta Kwan Electric Co.—Chungshan

, Yun-Hen Electrical Plant—Kirin Tien Feng Electric Co.—Panyu

* B2



Tse Kwan Electric Co.—Waiyang Ministry of Army.

Yueh Hwa Electric Co.—Loting Hanyang jArsenal—Hanyang

Yueh Hwa Electric Co.—Namyung Military Equipment Factory—Pei-


Yueh Hwa Electric Co.—Samshui Military Knitting Factory—Pei-

Yueh Nan Electric Co.—Samshui ping

Yun Kwei Electric Co.—Shunteh Shanghai Arsenal—TKiou-Chang-miao,


Yun M«ing Electric Co.—Taishan Szechuen Arsenal—Chengtu

Kweichow Province

Teh Hsien Arsenal—Teh-Hsien

Kwei Yang Electric Co.—Kweiyang Ministry of Finance Dept.


Hunan Copper Mint—Hunan

Chin Hsien Electrical Co.—Chin-

hsien Nanking Mint—Nanking

Fan Chia Tun Electrical Plant— Paper Manufacturing of The Minis-

Fankiatuni try of Finance—Hupeh

Hwa-Hing Electrical Co.—Liaoyuan Printing Office of The Ministry

of Finance—Peiping

Kung Chu Lin—Kungchuling

Liaoyang Electrical Plant—Liao- Tientsin Mint—Tientsin

yang Wuchang Munt—Wuchang

Ming Cheng Shu—Port Arthur Ministry of Navy

Pei Sze On Electrical Co.—Peiszeon Foochow Dockyard—Foochow

Pu Kwan Electrical Co.—Changtu Kiangnan Dock & Engine Works—

Pu Nan Tien Electrical Co.—Pulan- Kou-Chang-Miao, Shanghai

tien Taiku Shipbuilding Yard—Tientsin

S. Manchuria Electrical Co.—Shen- Ministry of Railways.


S. Manchuria Electrical Plant— chang Canton-Hankow Work Shop—Wu-


Shenyang Electrical Co.-^Shenyang Chen-ta Workshop — Shih Chia

Chuang, Taiyuan

Shih Pin Kai—Ezepingkai IKowloon-Canton Work Snop-^Can-

Ta Shih Chiao—Yinkow ton

Tieh Lin Electrical Plant—Tiehling Kwangshin


Electrical Co.—Tsitsi-

Wah Feng Tien Electrical Co.—

F uhsien Lung Hai Workshop—Hsuchow



Pki-ning Work Shop—Tapgshan Tai-An Electric Co. —Taian

Pin Lo Workshop—iLoyang Teng Hsien Electric Co.—Tenghsien

Railway Repairing ' • Shop—Cheng- Tsao Chow Electric Co.—Chaochow

chow Tsi Ning Electric Co.—Tsining

Railway Repairing Shop—Hankow Tsinan Electric Co —Tsinan

Railway Repairing Shops—Chang- Tsow Hsien Electric Co.—Tsow-

shintien, Peiping hsien

Railway Station — Chang-Shin-Tien, Wei Fong ElKctrjc Co.—Weihsien


Shanghai-Nanking-Hangchow Work Suiyuan Province

Shop—Zah-kow Kwei Sui Electrical Co.—Kweisui

Tao-Tsin Work Shop—Honan Pao Tow Electrical Co.—Paotow-

Tsing-pu Work Shop—Tientsin chen

Tsing-pu Work Shop—Tsinan Szechuan Province

Shansi Province Che Ming Electric Co.—Chengtu

King Kin Electrical Co.—Pingyao Kwong Ming Electric Co.—Wanhsien

Ta Tung Electrical Co.—Tatung Lu Chow Electric Co.—Luhsien

Tai Ku Electrical Co.—Taiku Tso Chuan Electric Co.—Chungking

Tai Yuan Sin Jee • Electrical Co.— Water Power Electric Station—



Wei Yu Electrical- Co.—Yutse Yu Pei Electric Co.—Kiangpeh

Shantung Province Yunnan Province

Kiao Ao Electric Co.—Tsingtao Ami Electric Co.—Ami

Kwan Chao Electric Co.—Linitsing Ho Kow Electric Co.—Kakwan

Kwan Yueh Electric .. Co’.—Chang- Lin An Electric Co-—Linan


Ta Kwan Electric Co.—Mengtsz

Luke Kow Electric Co.—Lungkow

Yao Lung Electric Co.—Yunnan

Pao Chiu So Electric Co. —Jinchao

Peo Yo Electric Co.—Wenteng PHILIPPINE ISLANDS

Po Shan Electric Co.—Poshan, Aboitiz & Co.—Palompon, Leyte

Pu Chao Electric Co.—Penglai Abuyen, Espiridion—Carigara., Leyte

Alvarez, Manuel—Kabankalan, Ne-

,St;n Ming Electric Co.—Chefoo gros



Andres, A.—Norzagaray, Bulacan Camon Electric—La Carlotta, Occi- (

dental Negros

Araneta, Romualdo, M.—Maas and

Bago, Occidental Negros Campos, Adriano—Himgaran, Ooci- 1

dental Negros

Attad—Juan, Davao Candaleria Electric Co.—Jacu and «

Balanga Power Plant Co.—Pilar and San Isidro, N. Ecija

Samal, Bataan Carcar Electric Light Co.—Carcar 1

Balayan Light and Power Co.— Cebu.

Balayan, Batangas Caring, Patrocinio—Buguey, Caga-

Baliwag Electric Co. — Baliwag, yan


Catarman Electric Co.—Catarman^.

Baluyat, Roman—San Simon, Maca- Samar

bebe and San Luis, Pampango Cavite Electric Light Franchise—

Baluyat, Sotero — San Fernando, Cavite

Pampanga Centenera, J.—Goa, Camarines Sur.

Banes, Urbano,—Bangued, Abra Central Electric de Sorsogon—

Bantayan Electric (Service Co., Inc. Sorsogon

—Baoitayan, Cebu Compania Luz Electric—Concepcion,

Bataan Electric Light Co., Inc.— Tarlac

Bataan Confessor, Valentin—Libmanan, Ca-

Batangas Electric Co.—Batangas marines Sur.

Benito, Saturnino—Legaspi, Albay Cotobato Investment Co.—Cbtobato

Biool Electric Co.—Naga and Maga- Dagupan Light Power Co.—Dagupan,

rao, Carmarines iSur. Asingan

Boae Electric Co.—Boae, Marinduque David, Raymundo—Talavera, N. Ecija

Borja, Oonsenlo—Iligan, Lando Diaz, Anselmo—Bacalod and Talisay,

Bulan Electric Oo.—Bulan, S'orsogon Occidental Negros

Butuan Sawmill—Butuan, Agusan Digal, Natalio—Orognieta, Misamis

Borromeo, S. R.—Rambajao, Misamis Dionibio;

Nueva Ecija

Victorio —. Bangalbon,!

Cabales, Montano, S'.—La Castellana, Domingo, Luis—iSan Quintin, Pan-

Occidental Negros gasinan

'Cacho & Hidalgo—Tarlac, Lumban Donato, Mariano — Candon, I locos,

Cagayan Electric Co. — Cagayan, Sur

Misamis Donsol, Municipal Council of—Don-:

Calapan Electric Co.—Calapan, Min- sol, Sorsogon

doro Electra Lipena, Inc.—Batangas

Calompit Electric Co.—Calumpit,

Bulacan Encarnaoion, Irineo—Pola, Mindorof.



Eboude.ro Elegteic Light Co.- San Ilagan Electric Light Plant Co.—

Hagan, Isabela

Pablo, Laguna

Fajardo, Anselmo—Bacolod and Santa Ilocas Norte Electric Light Power

, Co.—Lapag, I locas Norte

Rita, Pampanga

Fajardo, Dem et ico—O abi cao, Nueva Imus Electric Co., Inc.—Imus and

and Bacoor, Cavite


Festejo, Evaristo—Sta. Lucia, Ilocas Ingle, F.—Buraneu, Leyte


I Florencio, Esteban—San Mateo, Isabela, Municipal Council of—

Isabela, Occidental, Negros


Iturable, Moises—Passi, Iloilo

I Fortich, Fidel—Inabangan, Bahol

Jagna Electric ' Service — Jagna,

Francisco, Jacinto—Cabuyao and Bohal

I Sta. Basa, Laguna

Jayme, Carlos—Bogo, Occidental

I tjARCiA, Silverio—Irasin, Sorsogon Negros

I Gatmaitan, Juana—Calumpit, Bula- Johnson, Geo. W.—Lubao, Pampanga

Juban, Municipal Council of—Juban,

1 Geronimon, Jacinto—Can daba, Pam- Sorogon

K panga

I Giron, Pedro—Silang, Cavite Jumamoy, Jose—Laon, Bahol



I 'Gomez de Nepomuchno, Teresa—Porac Occidental Electra Castellana—Castellana,

I Pampanga Negros

I Gomire, Alfonso—Estancia, Iloilo LahOz, R.—E eh ague, Isabela

| Guaycong, Manuel—iSaravia, Ocei- Lamson, Ecija

Mariano—San Antonio, N.

I dental Negros

1 Guiuan Electric Co.—Guiuan, Samar LAkAd Electric and Power Supply

Co.—Dansalan, Ramao

I Gumaca Electric System—Gumaca, Lee Pat—San Fernando, Masbate

I Tayahas

I Gurrea, Ricardo—Calivo, Capiz Lejano, Artemio and Abierra—Rafael,

CalivO', Capiz

|i Hebro Electric Plant, Inc.—Aparri, Leon, Jose de—San Miguel, Bulacan

| Cagayan

f Hernandez, Jose—Capiz, Capiz Li wag & bo.—Pablo, Noveleta, Cavite

l Huos de F. Esano, Inc.—Malitbog, Lloren, Calixto—Agoo, La Union

1. Leyte

Lopez, Eduardo—Villaba, Leyte and

1 House, J. V.—Dulag, Leyte : Moalboal, Cebu



Mabalacat Hydro Electric Light Philippine Power and Development f

Oo. — Mabalacat, Pampanga and Co.—Rizal, Bay

Bamban, Tarlac

Plaridel Electric Light—Plaridel, ;

Manila Electric Co.—Bigaa, Marilao Occidental Misamis

Masbate Cinema and Light Co.— Pilar, Municipal Government of—

Pilar, iSdrsogon

Masbate, Masbate

McGuire, T.—Borongan, iSamar Provincial Government of San Per- !

nando—La Union

Mesa, C. de—Banang, La Union PULUPANDAN POWER PLANT Oo.—Pulu-

Meycanayan Electric — Paombong, pandan Negros

and Pilar, Occidental


Missamis Lumber Co. — Cagayan, | Racaza, Vicente — Dumanjug and

Sibonga, Cebu



Morato, T. B.—Oalanag, Tayabas Rimando, P.—Naguilian, La Union

Moraza, Manuel—Baybay, Leyte Rodriguez, Eduardo—Cuyapo, N. ;


Mossegeld, Pedro Santiago—San Romblon, Municipal Council of—

Idelfonso, Bulacan Romblon

Naujan Light and Power Plant, Inc. Rosario Electric Light CO., Inc.—

—Naipfan Mindoro Rosario, Batangas

Nepumucbno, Teresa G.—Magalan and Samahang Majsasaka—Cabanatuan, N.

Angeles, Pampanga Ecija )

North Electric Co.—Tanza, Cavite Samar Electric Light and Power

Orense, Encarnacion — Guinobatan, Co.—C'atobogan, Samar


Samson, Jose Imperial—Iriga, Buhi

Orion Electric Light Co.—Orion,

Bataan San Carlos Electric Co.—San Carlos,

Occidental Negros

Ormoc Electric Light Co.—Qrmoc,

Leyte San Fernando Electric Co.—San

Fernando and Mexico, Pampanga

Ortigas, Julian—Janinay, Iloilo

San Jose, Electric—San Jose N. .

Panay Electric Co., Inc.—Iloilo Ecija

Pelaz, G. and B.—Talisayan, Misamis San Jose, Lucila—Paniqui, Tarlac

Perreyra, Teofilo M.—Tangub, Occi- Sandejas, Jose P.—Sta, Maria, Pan- |

dental Misamis gasinan

Philippine Lumber Co., Inc.—Abuyog, Santa Cruz Electric—Sta, Cruz, ^

Leyte Laguna



Santiago, Pedro M.—San Idlefonso, Vano, Jose—Davis, Bohol

i Bulacan

Velasco, Sixto—Naic, Cavite

Sariyaya, Municipal Council of—

Sariyaya, Tayabas Vergara, D.—Guimba, N. Ecija

| Sevilla, etc., Maria — Sta. Rosa, Vergara, F.—Talavera, Nueva Ecija

Nueva, Ecija

Silva, Elisco—iSto. Tomas Batangas Vigan


Electric Light—Vigan, Ilooos

j, Solano-Bayombong Light Co.—Solano, Visayan Electric—Bogo, Cebu

i N. Viscaya

Soler Electric Light Co.—Pototan, Zabarte, Jose C.—Nasugbu, Batangas

\ Iloilo' Zalamea Electric Co. — Pagsanjan,

| Sugintan, Andes — San Nicholas, Laguna

f I locos Norte Zarraga, Jose O.—Loay, Bohol

i Surigao Electric Light Co.—Sarigao, Zayco Hector—Himanaylan, Occi-

Surigao dental Negros

Taal Electric and Water Service—


Tanauan Electric Co.—Tanauan, Kiangsu Province


i Tanel Plant—Tanauan, Leyte Asia Lithographic Press—Shanghai

; Tango, Basilio—Cadiz and Victorias, Central Printing Co.—Shanghai

I Occidental Negros Chai Chang Offset Printing Co.—

i Tanjay Electric Co., Inc.—Tanjay, Shanghai

! Oriental Negros Chen Hsien Printing Co.—Shanghai

Telmo, Teodoro—Tayug, Pangasinan Chen Hsin Printing Co.—Shanghai

I, Tengco, J.—Guijulugan, Oriental Chen Ta Offset Printing Factory—

I Negros Shanghai

f Teves, Julian—Guihulungan, Mangu- Cheng Chung Printing Co.—Wuchin

; yod and Bais, Oriental Negros

f Toral, Consuelo Vola de—Tigaon, Chi Chen Printing Co.—Shanghai

C'amarines Sur

Chi Hua Printing Co.—Nanking

Tubigan Electric Service Co.—

Tubigan, Bahol Chin Hsing—Shanghai

Valenciano, Jose S.—Camalig, Albay Chin Mei—Shanghai

I Vane, Jesus—Cal ape, Bohol China Embossed Clock Co.—S’hai



Chun I & Li Kuo—Shanghai Hua Ta Offset Printing Co.—S’hai

Chung Hsing Printing Co.—WusiK Hua Tung Printing Co.—Nanking

Chung Hsing Printing Co.-^Wuhsien Hung Wen—Shanghai

Chung Hi;a Book Co.—Shanghai Jen Teh Printing Co.—Nanking

Chung Hua Printing Co.—Shanghai Kiang. Nan pRiNTiNGr-Co.-p-Chinkiang

Chung Hua Printing Co.—Wiusih Koo Kuang Printing ,Co,—-S’hai

Chung Yuan Book Co.—Shanghai Li Li Printing -Co.—Shanghai

Continental Printing Co.—Nanking Li Su Printing Co.—Wuhsien

Far East Printing Oo.—Shanghai Liang Yu C©v LTi>.~«Shanghai

Fu Hua Oo.—Shanghai Lu Shan Plate-MAkIng Co.—'S’hai

Great Eastern1 Book Co.—Shanghai Mei Feng Hsiang Printing Factory

Hsieh Hsin Printing Co.—Shanghai —Nanking

Mei Shing Printing Co:—Shanghai

Hsieh Chi Printing Co.—S’hai

Hsieh Shun Printing Co.—Shanghai Ming Kuang—Shanghai

Hsin Fa Printing Co.—Shanghai Ming Seng Printing rpo.—Wusih

Hsing Chung Hua Printing Co.— Nanking. Printing Co.—Nanking

Tungshan Nanyang Printing Co.—Shanghai

Hsing Hsu Printing Co.—Tungshan New China Offset Printing Co.—

Hsing Su Printing Co.—Chinkiang Shanghai

Hsing Yih Printing Co.—Shanghai Pacific Printing Co.—Shanghai

Hsu Shun Chi—Shanghai San I Print Co.—Shanghai

Hua Feng Printing & Streatype Co. Scientific Printing. Factory—S’hai

—Shanghai Sen Sen Art Co.—Shanghai

Hua Kuo Printing Oo.—Shanghai Shan Wen—Shanghai '

Hua Mei Printing Co.—Shanghai Shanghai I 'Chen Printing Co.—

Hua Bhang Offset Printing Oo.— Shanghai

Shanghai Shkn Hua Printing Co.—Shanghai

Hua Sheng Lithographic Press—

(Shanghai Sheng Chou Kuo Kuang Shai—Si’hai



Shi Hsing Book Co.—Shanghai Yuan Chang Printing Factory—


Shi Mei Feinting Factoey—S’hai Yuan I Printing Co.—Shanghai

Shih Tai Feinting Co.—Shanghai Yuan Li Printing Co., Ltd.—S’hai

Shing Kuo Ming Feinting Co.— PRINTING INK FACTORIES


'Sih Chen Feinting Co.—Wusih Kiangsu Province

Ta Feng Offset Feinting Co.—S’hai Chun Ta—Shanghai

Ta Shen Feinting Co.—Shanghai Chung Yuan Shao Chi—Shanghai

Ta Su Feinting Co.—Wuhsien He Yung—Shanghai

Ta Yeh Feinting Co., Ltd.—S’hai Heng Sheng—Shanghai

The Commeecial Peess—Shanghai Hua Chiang—Shanghai

The Eastee Plate-Making Co.— I Hua—Shanghai


The Geeat Shanghai Feinting Co.— Kung Sheng—Shanghai


Ling Sheng Co.—Shanghai

The Woeld Book Co.—Shanghai

Tung Wen—Shanghai

Thomas Chu & Sons—Shanghai

World Book Co.—Shanghai

Tien I Co., Ltd.—Shanghai

Yung Woo Industrial Co.—S’hai

Tung Shang Lithogeaphic Peess—


Wen Hsing Feinting Co.—Wuhsien MANILA (P.I.)

Wen Hua Aet Feinting Co.—S’hai Aguado Hermanos—103j Balmas, Quia^


Wen Pao—Shanghai

Bayambang Rice Mill—813, O’Donnel

Woeld Offset Feinting Co.—S’hai

Cheng Ban Yek &~Co.—523, M. de

Wu Chen Chi—Shanghai Binondo

Ti Hsin PeintinG'-Oo.—Shanghai Oheng Siong Lam & Co.—1000, Dagu-

pan, Tondo

Yu Wen Commeecial Feinting Co.—

Shanghai iChua Chiaco & Co.—253, Juan Luna



Kwong Ah Phoy & Co.—283, M. de Kung Mao—Shanghai


Manila Rice Mill Coeporation—817, Ming Chang—Shanghai

Dagupan, Tondo Nanyang—Shanghai

San Jose Rice Mill—253, Juan Luna New Engineering & Shipbuilding

Siy Cong Bieng & (jo.—123, Juan Works, Ltd. (British)—Shanghai

Luna San Pei—Shanghai

Sy Kian & Co.—731, Sto. Cristo Shanghai Dock & Engineering Co.,

Ltd. (British)—Shanghai

Sy Yoco & Sons, Inc.—6, Ingreso,

Binondo Shen Cht—Shanghai

Tan Sio & Co.—812, . Jaboneros, San : Shun Chang—Shanghai


Tecson Rice Mill Co.—926, A. Rivera, Societe Franco-ChineSe de Con-

structions Metallequis et Mecani-

Tondo. quis (French)—Shanghai

SHIPBUILDING Sung Shun Chang—Shanghai

Kiangsu Province Ta Chung Hua—Shanghai

Chao Shang—Shanghai Wu Shun Hsin—Shanghai

Chuen Chang—Shanghai SILK FILATURES

Heng Mao—Shanghai Kiangsu Province

Ho Hsing Eng. & Shipbuilding An Yu—Shanghai

Works, Ltd.—Shanghai

Hsieh Shun Chang—Shanghai Che Sheng—Wusih

Hsu Shun Hsin—Shanghai Chen Feng—Shentseh

Chen Feng—Shanghai

Hua Tai—Shanghai

Chen Foong—Wusih

Huai Chang—Shanghai

Chen I Hsieh—Shanghai

Hung Chang Hsiang—Shanghai

Chen I—Shanghai

Hung Chang—Shanghai

Chen Lun—Shanghai

I Hsin—Shanghai

Chen Ta—Shanghai

Kiangnan Dock & Engineering

Works—Shanghai Chen Lung—Wusih



Chin Tai—Shanghai Chin Yun Teh Chi—Shanghai

Cheng Hsiang—Shanghai Ching Lun—Shanghai

Cheng Hsing—Shanghai Ching Wei—Shanghai

Cheng I—Wusih Chiu Shun—Shanghai

Cheng Tai—Shanghai Chiu Tai—Shanghai

Chun Sheng Fu—Shanghai Chu Hsin—Shanghai

Chi Chang Tai—Shanghai Chu Using—Shanghai

Chi Chang Yung—Shanghai Chui Lun—Chinkiang

Chi Ta Yung Chi—Shanghai Chun Hsin—Shanghai

Chia Heng Chi—Shanghai Feng Tai Shun—Shanghai

Chi a Tai—Shanghai Fu Chang Kung—Shanghai

Chien Chen—Wusih Fu Chang—Shanghai

Chien Fong No 2—Wusih Fu Cheng—Shanghai

Chien Feng—Shanghai Fu Ho—Shanghai

Chien Lung—Wusih Fu Hsing—Shanghai

Chien Sheng—Shanghai Fu Lun—Shanghai

Chien Sheng—Wusih Heng Chin—Shanghai

Chien Tai—Shanghai Heng Cheng Hsin—Shanghai

Chien Yuan—Shanghai Heng Shang—Shanghai

Chin Chang Kun—Shanghai Heng Yu—Shanghai

Chin Chi—Wusih Ho Chi Hsin—Shanghai

Chin Feng—Shanghai Ho Feng—Shanghai

Chin Lun—Shanghai Ho Foong—Wusih

Chin Ta Yu Chi—Shanghai Hou Shang—Shanghai

Chin Tai—Shanghai Hsia Tai—Shanghai

Chin Tai—Wusih Hsiang Cheng—Shanghai



Hsiang Feng—Shanghai I Chang Kung Chi—Shanghai

Hsiang Ho—Shanghai I Chang—Shanghai

Hsiang Yuan—Shanghai I Feng Chen—Shanghai

Hsieh Chi—Shanghai I Feng—Shanghai

Hsieh Feng—Shanghai I Foong—Wusib

Hsieh Hsing—Shanghai I Sheng—Wusih

Hsieh Sheng—Shanghai I Ho Chin Chi—Shanghai

Hsieh Tai—Shanghai I Shano—Shanghai

Hsieh Yuan Cheng—Shanghai I Sheng—Shanghai

Hsieh Yuan—Shanghai Jen Chang—Shanghai

Hsin Chang—Shanghai Jui Chang—Wusih

Hsin Hsin—Shanghai Jui Feng Yu—Shanghai

Hsin Hua—Shanghai Jui Foong—Wusih

Hsing Lun—Shanghai Jui Fu—Wusih

Hsing Yeh—Wuhsien. Jui Ho—Shanghai

Hsu Hsiang—Shanghai Jui Ho—Wusih

Hu Sheng No. 1—Shanghai Jui Lun—Shanghai

Hui Yuan—Shanghai Jun Chang—Shanghai

Hung Ta—Shanghai Jun Teh—Shanghai

Hung Lun—Shanghai Kai Tai—Shanghai

Hung Yu—Shanghai Kuang Yuan—Shanghai

I Chang 3rd—Shanghai Kung Chi—Shanghai

I Chang 4th—Shanghai Kung I—Shanghai

I Chang 5th—Shanghai Kung Yuan;—Shanghai

I Chang Heng—Shanghai Lun Ta—Shanghai

I Chang Kun—Shanghai Lun Yuan—Shanghai



| Lung Chang—Shanghai Teh Sheng—WTusih

! Lung Chi—Shanghai Teh Ta Yu Chen Chi—Shanghai

Lung Yuan—ShaiTghai I Teh Yuan—Shanghai*'

Min Feng—Shanghai Teng Feng—Shitnghai

Min Foong—Wusih Teng FdN'G—Wusih

; Ning Hsing—Shanghai Tien I—Shanghai

Pad Ching—Shanghai Tien Lung—WTusih

Pag Foong—Wusih Tin Sheng—Wusih

Pao Tai Shun—Shanghai Ting Chang Hspng Chi—Shanghai

j Pao Tai Shun—Shanghai Ting Chang Shen—Shanghai

f San Tai -Shanghai Ting Chi—Shanghai

Shesn Chang—Wusih Ting I—Shanghai

Shen Yuan Hsin OhI—Shanghai Ting Yuan—Shanghai

Sheng Yu—Shanghai Tung Chang Tai—Shanghai

Shu Chang Fu—Shanghai Tung Feng—Shanghai

Shu Shang Shen—Shanghai Tung I—Shanghai

Ta Cheng—Shanghai Wan I—Wusih

Ta Feng—Shanghai Wei Chen—Wusih

Ta Lun Company—Shanghai Wei Lun—Wuhsien

Ta Lun—Shanghai Yeh Chin—Shanghai

; Ta Sheng—Shanghai Yen Ching IIsiahgt—Wuhsien

Tai Chi—Shanghai Ying I—Shanghai

Tai Feng—Shanghai Yu Chang Jen—Shanghai

Tai Hu Yuen—Wusih Yu Chang—Shanghai

Teh Feng—Shanghai Yu Chang—Wusih

Teh Fu—Wusib Yu Feng—Shanghai


B48 SIJjK weaving mills


Yu Lun—Shanghai Kiangsu Province

Yu Lung—Wusih

An Li—Shanghai

Yu Sheng Feng—Shanghai

Chen Huan—Shanghai

Yu Yuan Cheng Chi—Shanghai

Chen Nan—Shanghai

Yuan Chi—Shanghai

Chen Ya—Shanghai

Yuan Feng—Shanghai Chen Yeh—Shanghai

Yuan Ho—Shanghai Chen Yu—Shanghai

Yuan Ho—Shanghai Chi Chang—Shanghai

Yuan I—Shanghai Chia Cheng—Shanghai

Yuan Kang—Shanghai Chia Ling—Shanghai

Yuan Kong—Wusih Chia Lun—Shanghai

Yuan Ta—Shanghai Chih Cheng—Shanghai

Puen Foong—Wusih Chih Ta—Shanghai

Yuen Ta—Wusib Chin Cheng—Shanghai

Fuen Tai—Wusih Chin Feng—Shanghai

Yuen Yu—Wusih Chin Hsia—Shanghai

Yun Lun Chun Chi—Shanghai Chin I—Shanghai

Yung Cheng—Shanghai Chin Kung—Shanghai

Yung Chi—Shanghai Chin Lun—Shanghai

Yung Lun—Shanghai Chin Lung—Shanghai

Yung Ta—Shanghai Chin Yun—Shanghai

Yung Tai Hsing—Shanghai Ching Yeh—Shanghai

Yung Tai No. 1—Shanghai Chiu Ju—Shanghai

Yung Tai No. 2—Shanghai Chiu Shun—Shanghai

Yung Yu—Shanghai Chung Hua—Shanghai

Yung Yuan—Shanghai Chung Yang—Shanghai



Fou Chang—Shanghai Li Hsing—Shanghai

Eu Hsing—Shanghai Li Kang—Shanghai

Eu Li—Shanghai Li Yu—Shanghai

Eu Tan—Shanghai Lieh Feng—Shanghai

Heng Fu—Shanghai Lung Hua—Shanghai

Hens Hsing—Shanghai Mei Cheng—Shanghai

Ho Chang—Shanghai Mei Feng—Shanghai

Hsiang Hsing—Shanghai Mei Li—Shanghai

Hsiang Mao—Shanghai Mei Lun—Shanghai

Hsieh Chi—Shanghai Mei Sheng—Shanghai

Hsieh Feng—Shanghai Mei Wen—Shanghai

Hsieh Yuan—Shanghai Mei Ya—Shanghai

Hsin Hsing—Shanghai Min Feng—Shanghai

Hsin Ta—Shanghai Ming Ya—Shanghai

Hsin Wei—Shanghai Nan Feng—Shanghai

Hsing Ya—Shanghai Nan Yan—Shanghai

Hua Chiang—Shanghai Nan Yang—Shanghai

Hua Feng—Shanghai Pao Hua—Shanghai

Hua Lun—Shanghai San Yuan—Shanghai

Hua Tung—Shanghai Shanghai Ching Wei Co.—Shanghai

Hui Feng—Snanghai Shanghai—Shanghai

Hui Lun—Shanghai Sheng Chang—Shanghai

I Yu—Shanghai Sheng Hua—Shanghai

Jih Hsing—Shanghai Sheng Mei—Shanghai

Kuang Hua—Shanghai Sheng Tan—Shanghai

Kuang Ming—Shanghai Sheng Sheng—Shanghai

Kuo Hua—Shanghai Sheng Teh;—Shanghai

Li Hsin—Shanghai Sheng Ya—Shanghai



Shih Hsin—Shanghai Yu Hsin—Shanghai

Ta Cheng—Shanghai ! Yu Kuang—Shanghai

Ta Feng—Shanghai ; Yu Sheng—Shanghai ' : ':

Ta Hua—Shanghai ! Yu Tsun—Shanghai i:*•<;.•

Ta Lu—Shanghai Yu Tung—Shanghai

Ta Mei—Shanghai ■ Yuan Chi—Shanghai

Ta Tung—Shanghai Yuan Feng—Shangnai

Ta Wei—Shanghai | Yueh Hua—Shanghai

Tag Hua—Shanghai Yun Chang—Shanghai

Teh Chang—Shanghai Yung Feng—Shanghai

Teh Hsin—Shanghai Yung HsiANG-^Shanghai

Teh Shih—Shanghai i Yung Tai I—Shanghai


Tien Chin—Shanghai Kiangsa Province

Tien Fu—Shanghai Ai Hua Sui Chi Toilet Soap Factors

Tien Hsing—Shanghai —Shanghai

Tien I—Shanghai Central Soap1 Factory, The—S’hai

Tien Wei—Shanghai Chen Chi Soap' FactOry—Shanghai

Ting Hua—Shanghai Chen Hsin Soap Factory—Shanghai.

Tung Hua No. 1—Shanghai Chen Hua Soap1 and Candle Factory


Tung Hua No. 2—Shanghai Chen Hua Soap Factory—Chinkiang

Tung Ya—Shanghai ' Chen Hua Soap Factory—Kiangyin.

Wan Pao—Shanghai Chen Hua Soap Factorx—Shanghai

Wei Feng—Shanghai Chenshin Toilet Soap Factory—


Wen Hua—Shanghai

Chien Tai Sing Candle Factory—

Yu Chang—Shanghai Shanghai

Yu Hou—Shanghai Chin Chang Candle Factory—S’haii



China Chemical Society—Shanghai International Dispensary—S’hai

China Chemical Works—Shanghai Jen Mou Candle and Soap Factory


•Chung Hsing Soap Factory—S’hai

Kuang Hua Chemical Industry So-

•Chung Hsin Soap Factory—T’shan ciety—Shanghai

•Chung Hua Soap Factory—Shanghai Kuang Hua Chemical Industry So-


•Chung Hua Soap Factory—T’shan Kuang Hua Soap Factory—Shanghai

•Chung Hua Soap Factory—Tanyang

Kuang Hua Soap Factory—Wuchin

•Chung Kuo Soap Factory—Shanghai

Kupen Soap Factory—Shanghai

•Chung Kuo Soap Factory—T’shan

Kung Mou Soap Factory—Shanghai

•Chung Yang Soap Factory—S’hai

Li Hsin Soap Factory—Wuchin

Fu Chang Soap Factory—Shanghai

Li Hsing Soap Factory—Shanghai

Fu Li Soap Factory—Shanghai

Li Ta Factory—Shanghai

Fu Li Soap Factory—Wusih

Hang Lee Toilet Soap Factory— Mou Kang Soap Factory—Shanghai

Shanghai Mou Kang Soap Factory—Tanyang

Hang Li Soap and Candle Factory— Nan Hsieh Hsing Soap Factory—

Shanghai Shanghai

Heng Hsin Yu Candle Factory— Nan Yi Hsing Candle Factory—S’hai


Heng Hsing Yu Factory—Shanghai NanShanghai

yang Soap and Candle Factory—

Ho Mou Sin Soap Factory—S’hai Nan yang Soap and Candle Factory—

Ho Mou Hsin Soap Factory—K’yin Shanghai

Hsing Hua Soap Factory—Shanghai Ni Ching Soap Factory—Wuchin

Hsian© Min Soap Factory—Shanghai Shin Hua Soap Factory—Kiangyin

Hua Chang Soap Factory—Shanghai Shin Mou Soap and Candle—C’kiang

Hua Feng Soap Factory—Shanghai Shun Chang Soap Factory—S’hai

Hua Feng Toilet Soap Factory— Shun Chang Soap Factory—Wusih


Siang Min Soap Factory—Shanghai

Hua Li Candle Factory—Shanghai


Hui Kung Soap Factory—Tanyang i Shanghai Tai Candle & Soap Factory—



Siang Tai Soap and Candle Factorv Yi Mou Soap Factory—Shanghai


Yu Ching Feng Candle Factory’—

Sin Chano Soap Factory—Shanghai Shanghai

Sin Hua Factory—Shanghai Yu Kang Heng Soap Factory—S’hai

Sin Hua Soap and Candle Factory. Yu Kang Soap Factory—Tanyang

—Nanking Yu Mou Soap Factory—Shanghai

Sin Hua Soap Factory—Shanghai Yuan Ho Factory—Shanghai

Ta Chung Hua Soap Factory—S’hai Yuan Ho Soap and Candle Factory

Ta Chung Hua Soap Factory—Wusih Chinkiang

Ta Chung Soap Factory—Chinkiang Yun Mou Factory—Shanghai

Ta Chung Soap Factory—Shanghai Yung Mou Candle and Soap Factory

; Chinkiang

Ta Hua Soap Factory—Shanghai Yung Woo Industrial:'Co.—S’hai

Ta Teh Soap Factory—Shanghai

Ting Chang Soap Factory—Shanghai STATIONERY SUPPLIES


Ting Chang Soap Factory—Wusih Kiangsu Province

Ting Feng Soap Factory—Shanghai Chia Ting Envelope Co.—Shanghai.

Tung Mou Soap Factory—Kiangyin Chin Chen Co.—Shanghai

Tung Mou Soap Factory—Shanghai Chin Yeh Co.—Shanghai

Tuistg Tai Sing Candle Factory— Cho Hsin Waxed Paper Co.—S’hai

Shanghai Chung Hua Industrial Factory—

Tung Yao. Factory—Shanghai Shanghai

Tung Yao Soap and Candle Factory Chung I Chemical Co.—Shanghai

—Nanking Eastern Chemical Co.—Shanghai

Wan Li Hsiang Soap Factory—S’hai Eastern Industrial Co.—Shanghai

Wan Li Hsiang Soap Factory— Han Lai Company—Shanghai


Wei Rung Soap Factory—Shanghai Hou: Sheng Co.—Shanghai

Yen Li Yuan Candle Factory— Hsing Feng Waxed Paper Co.—S’hai

Tungshan Using Yeh Co.—Shanghai

Yen Li Yuan Soap Factory—S’hai Hua Fu Golden Pen Factory—S’hai

Yi Ching Soap Factory—Shanghai Hua Kai Min Ink Co;—Shanghai



Kang Shen Ink Co.—Shanghai Cebu Sugar Co.—25, Plaza Goito, Sta:


Kuan Le Min Fountain Pen Co.—

Shanghai Central Azucar'era de BaiS—21'2, Mar-

ques de Comillas, Paco

Kuang, Hua Industrial Cp.—S hni

Li Chung Co.—Shanghai Central Azcucarera'de Pilar—801; M.

de la Industria

Li Wen Co.—Shanghai Central Azucarera de Tarlao—212, M.

Li Wen Ink Co.—Shanghai de la Industria

Ma Kiang Co.—Shanghai Central Azcarera del Norte—203, Cu

Unjieng Building

Ma Li Co.—Shanghai Central Azucarera don Pedro—719,.

Min Shen Ink Co—Shanghai Eehague

Min Sheng Industrial Co.—S’hai Central Azuparera Sara Ajuy—801,.

Ml de la Industria

Ming Li Co.—Shanghai Central Cotabato, Inc.—514, Chaco-

Pao Chuan Co.—Shanghai Building

Ta Chung Hua Fountain Pen Co.— Central Leonor—Negros

Shanghai ■o . fCh/Blaiuua-mvX r-

Central Luzon Milling Co.—315, Luiz

Ta Hua Industrial" Co.—Shanghai Perez Samanillo Building

Ta Hua Industrial Co.—Shanghai Central San Isidre—Negros

Tien Jan Ink Co.—Shanghai Central Sara Ajuy—Panay

Yung Liang Co.^Shanghai Compania Azucarera de Bais—212, M.

de Comillas, Pace


De la Rama Centrals—Bago, Talisay

Manila (P.I.) and Negros

Asturias Sugar Central, Inc.— Hawaiian Philippine Co.—316, Regina

Dumalog, Capiz Building

Baoolod-Murcia Milling Co., Inp.— Hawaiian Sugar1 Planters Association

304, Masonic Temple —1246, Arlegui, Quiapo

Bataan Sugar Co.—202, Masonic Hind Sugar Company—Luzon

Temple, Binondo

Binalbagan Estate, Inc.—304, Masonic Isabela


Sugar Co.—304, Masonic


Bcge Medellin Milling Co.—Bogo, Kabanaklan

Hogar Building

Sugar Co., Inc.—32,


Calamba Sugar Estate—407, National Lalota,

Carlota Sugar Central—La Car-


City Bank Building



Laguna Sugar Corporation —155, Victoria Milling Co., Inc.—Chaco

Building, Binondo

Aviles (San Miguel

Lizarraga Hnos.—32, Hogsur Filipino Welch-Fairchild,


Ltd.—321, Regina


Lopez Sugar Central Mill Co.— Ynchausti tria

& Co.—801, M. de la Indus-

Fabrica, Negros

Luzon Sugar Co.—25, Plaza Goito TANNERIES

Ma-ao Sugar Central Co., Ino.—304, Kiangsu Province

Masonic Temple

Mabalacay Sugar Co.—34, Escolta Chiang Wan Shun—Nanking

Malabon (Sugar Co.—Hong Kong and Chueh Yi Hsing—Shanghai

Shanghai Bank Building Chung Yuen—Tungshan

Mount Arayat Sugar Co.—31, Hogar Hsiang Sien—Shanghai


North Negros Sugar Co.—Chaco Hsieh Yuen Chang—Shanghai

Building, Binondo Hsin Chi—Shanghai

Nueva Ecija Sugar Mills.—408, Luiz Hsin Hsin—Tungshan

Perez tSamanille Building Hsin Hua—Tungshan

Ormoc Sugar Co.—Omoc, Leyte

Ifl4.—National City Bank Building Hsu Liang Chi—Nanking

Pampanga Sugar Development Co., Hsu Yung Chi—Shangnai

Ltd.—Masonic Temple Lao Yung Sen—iShanghai

Pampanga Sugar Mills—407, National Ta Hua Chang Chi—Shanghai

City Bank Building

Tai Ping Yang—Shanghai

Philippine Milling Co.—218, Luiz Tsing I—Shanghai . ( ,

Perez Samanillo Building

Philippine Sugar Association—316, Tu Yung Chi—Nanking

Regina Building Yuen Hsing—Shanghai

Philippine Sugar Estates Develop- Yuen Ta—Shanghai

ment Co.—246, Anda, Intr.

Roxas y Compania—719, Echague Wu Ching Lung—Nanking

San Carlos Milling Co.—Chaco Other Places

Building, Binondo

Sugar Centrals Agency—Masonic Canton Canton Tannery and Leather Works—


Chung Ya Tannery—Tientsin

Talisay-Silay Milling

Masonic Temple, Co., Inc.-^3, '

Binondb Fukien Industrial Co.—Foochow



Goverwmext Leather FACTORY'—eheug- JenShanghai

Chi—Yu Shun Li, “Chen Ta Tung,.


Government Tannery—Yunnanfu Kui Yean Lari Yien Li, Wuchovv

Road,. Shanghai

Hua Pei Factory—Tientsin

Rung Shen—Teh An Fang, N. Che-

Hung Chi Tannery—Tientsin kiang , Road, Shanghai

Hung Lee Tannery—Tientsin . Pao ( Jiang .Bivvnch Tong Kia Lung,

' ’Shanghai' ’

Suahozen Leather Manufacturing Co. Pao Chang—Juk’ong Road, Shanghai


Ta Yeh Leather Co. Tsinan Pao Ta Hsiang—Yu '^hun Li, Chen

Ta Lung, Shanghai

Tung Ye Tannery—Shenyang ’ Pei Hsin—N. Shansi Road, S’hai.

Wanshenho Tannery—Tientsin San Yi—Teh An Li, N. Shansi Road,.

Yih Ta Tannery—Tientsin Shanghai

Yu Chuen Tannery—Chungking ■ San Yuan—Elgin Road, Shanghai

Teh Jen—Sin Chang Li, N. Chekiang.


Tien Chang—North ■ Shansi Roadr

Kiangsu Province Shanghai

Chang Chi—Lane 6, Tao Yuan Fang, Tien Sheng Kung—N. Shansi Roadr



Chien Chi Hsiang—Tong Kia Lung, j Tung Chun Fu--Tung Chang Li,

Haining Road,- Shanghai


Chu Sheng—Elgin Road, Shanghai ! Tung Chung Fo^-Yung Hsin Road,


Chun Yuan—Jukong Road, S’hai Tung I—Paotung Road, Shanghai

Fu Hsing—Elgin Road, Shanghai Tung Yi Fung—N.; Honart Road,

Heng Fung—Teh,. An Li, N. Shansi Shanghai

Road, Shanghai Tung Yu Tai—Yu Shun Li, Chen Ta

Hsing Using—Chung Shoii Li. Lung, Shanghai

Burkill Road, .Shanghai Wan Cheng Hsiang!—Fu Shou , Li,

Hsing Yuan—Tai Yuan Fang, Rai- Elgin Road, Shanghai

ning Road, Shanghai ‘ Wu Shen Chi—N. Shansi Road,

Ho Hsing Lung—Woosung Road, Shanghai ■ j > H


Yi Cheng Hsiang—Teh An Li, N.

Hsing Chi—Chen Ta Lung, N. ,.Soo- Shansi Road, Shanghai

chow Road, 'Shanghai

Hui Chi—Yalu Rbad, Shanghai Yi Tai Lung—rWuchang Road, S’hai

Hung Chang—Elgin Road, Shanghai Yi Tung Hsing—Yu Hsiang Li,

Tong Kia Lung, Shanghai



Ytt Li—Tai Yuan Fang, Haining Chien Yuan—Shanghai

Road, Shanghai

Yuan Ho—Elgin Road, Shanghai Chih Cheng—Shanghai

Yuan Hsing Ho—W. Tong Kia Lung, Chih Tung—Shanghai

Shanghai Chin Chang Hsiang—Shanghai

Yuan Li—Tong Kia Lung, Shanghai Chin Chang—Shanghai

Yuan Tai Ho—Tong Kia Lung,, S’hai Chin Feng—Shanghai

Yung Hsiang—W. Tong Kia Lung, Chin Hsia—Shanghai


Yung Sheng—Tu Nan Li, N. Honan Chin Hsin—Shanghai

Road, Shanghai Chin Hua—Shanghai


Kiangsu Province Chin Lun—Shanghai

Chang Ching Tang—Shanghai Chin Mei—Shanghai

Chang Ming—Shanghai Chin Ming—Shanghai

Chao Feng—Shanghai Chin Sun—Shanghai

Chen Chang—Shanghai Chin Yuan—Shanghai

Chen Hsia—Shanghai Ching Chang—Shanghai

Chen Hua—Shanghai Ching Cheng—Shanghai

Chen I Lin—Shanghai Ching Feng—Shanghai

Chen Yeh—Shanghai Ching Lun—Shanghai

Cheng Feng—Shanghai Ching Ta—Shanghai

Cheng Kang—Shanghai Ching YuH—Shanghai

Cheng Kung—Shanghai Chiu Cheng Jen—Shanghai

Cheng Mei—Shanghai Chiu Cheng—Shanghai

Cheng Sheng—Shanghai Chiu Hsing—Shanghai

Cheng Yeh—Shanghai Chiu Lun—Shanghai

Chi Hsin—Shanghai Chh Pao Chi—Shanghai

Chi Lin—Shanghai Chuan Cheng—Shanghai

Chien Chung—Shanghai Chung Kuo—Shanghai

Chien Shun—Shanghai Fei Hsia—Shanghai

Chien Ya—Shanghai Feng Tai—Shanghai



Fu Cheng—Shanghai Hsin Mei—Shanghai

Fu Hsin—Shanghai Hsin Tai—Shanghai

Fu Htia—Shanghai Hsin Ya—Shanghai

Fu Yeh—Shanghai Hsin Yu—Shanghai

i Heng Feng—Shanghai Hsin Yuan—Shanghai

Heng Hsin—Shanghai Hsing Cheng—Shanghai

Heng Teh—Shanghai Hsing Hua—Shanghai

| Heng Yu—Shanghai Hsing Yeh—Shanghai

: Ho Sheng—Shanghai Hsu Chung Hsiang—Shanghai

Hsia Hsing—Shanghai Hua Chang—Shanghai

Hsia Yun Tang—Shanghai Hua Cheng—Shanghai

i; Hsiang Cheng Chi—Shanghai Hua Chiang—Shanghai

Hsiang Chin—Shanghai Hua Feng—Shanghai

Hsiang Lun—Shanghai Hua Hsin—Shanghai

Hsieh Chang Sheng—Shanghai Hua Hsing—Shanghai

Hsieh Chang—Shanghai Hua Lai—Shanghai

, Hsieh Chi—Shanghai Hua Li—Shanghai

Hsieh Cheng—Shanghai Hua Ming—Shanghai

; Hsieh Hsing—Shanghai Hua Sheng—Shanghai

Hsieh Hua—Shanghai Hua Ta—Shanghai

( Hsieh Kang—Shanghai Huan Chiu—Shanghai

Hsieh Lun—Shanghai Hui Hua—Shanghai

Hsien Ming—Shanghai Hung Hsiang—Shanghai

Hsin An—Shanghai Hung Hsing—Shanghai

Hsin Chang—Shanghai Hung Yuan—Shanghai

Hsin Cheng—Shanghai I Cheng—Shanghai

Hsin Hsing—Shanghai I Hsin—Shanghai

Hsin Hua—Shanghai I Hua—Shanghai

Hsin I—Shanghai Jen Ho—Shanghai

Hsin Lun—Shanghai Jen Tai—Shanghai



Jih Shkng—Shanghai Luek Hua—Shanghai

Jui Fejtg Hsiang—Shanghai Lung Hsing—Shanghai

Jui Feng—Shanghai Lun I—Shanghai

J ui Ltjn—Shanghai Lun Ta—Shanghai

Jui Lung—Shanghai Lung Hua—Shanghai

Jung Chang—Shanghai Mai Fa—Shanghai

Jung Fa—Shanghai Mei Cheng—Shanghai

Jung Hsing—Shanghai Mei Hsin—Shanghai

Jung Sheng—Shanghai Mei Hua— Shanghai

Jung Tan—Shanghai Mei I—Shanghai

Kai Tai—Shanghai J Mei Jen—Shanghai

Keng Chang—Shanghai Mei Li—Shanghai

Kuan Ya—Shanghai Mei Lin—Shanghai

Kuang Chang—Shanghai Mei Mei—Shanghai

Huang Hsing—Shanghai Mei Sheng—Shanghai

Kuang Hua—Shanghai Mei Ta—Shanghai

Kuang Mei—Shanghai Min Hsin—Shanghai

Kuang Ya—Shanghai Ming Cheng—Shanghai

Kun Ming—Shanghai Ming Hsing—Shanghai

Kung Chang—Shanghai Ming Hua—Shanghai

Kuo Ho Lin—Shanghai Ming Ming—Shanghai

Kuo Wei—Shanghai Ming Sheng—Shanghai

Li Ho—Shanghai i Nan Hua—Shanghai

Li Hsing—Shanghai Ni Shang—Shanghai

Li Hua—Shanghai Pao Hsin—Shanghai

Li Ta—Shanghai Pao Hua—Shanghai

Li Ya—Shanghai ; Pei Yang—Shanghai

Lieh Chi—Shanghai Pu I—Shanghai

Lien Hua—Shanghai ^ San Hsing—Shanghai

Lu Tai—Shanghai 1 San I— Shanghai



San I Hsin—Shanghai Ta Tung—Shanghai

San Li—Shanghai Ta Wei—Shanghai

San Yu—Shanghai Ta Yu—Shanghai

San Yuan—Shanghai Tai Chiu—Shanghai

Shen Chang—Shanghai Tai Feng—Shanghai

Shen I—Shanghai Tai Lai—Shanghai

Sheng Hua—Shanghai Teh Chi—Shanghai

Sheng Li—Shanghai Teh Chang—Shanghai

Sheng Ya—Shanghai Teh Hua—Shanghai

Shih Li—Shanghai Teh Hua—Shanghai

Shun Chang—Shanghai Tein Hua—Shanghai

Shun Hsing Tai—Shanghai Tien Chan—Shanghai

Shun Li—Shanghai Tien Chang—Shanghai

Shun Ta Hsing—Shanghai Tien Cheng—Shanghai

Ssu Cheng—Shanghai Tien Chi—Shanghai

Sun Chia Chi—Shanghai Tien Feng—Shanghai

Sun Fu Tai—Shanghai Tien Fu—Shanghai

Son Yao Ting—Shanghai Tien Hsiang—Shanghai

Sun Yu—Shanghii Tien Hsin—Shanghai

Ta Chang—Shanghai Tien Hsing—Shanghai

Ta Chin—Shanghai Tien Jan—Shanghai

Ta Ching—Shanghai Tien Lun—Shanghai

Ta Chung Hua—Shanghai Tien Lun—Shanghai

Ta Chung—Shanghai Tien Pag—Shanghai

Ta Feng—Shanghai Tien Sheng—Shanghai

Ta Hsin—Shanghai Tien Shun—Shanghai

Ta Hua—Shanghai Tien Sun—Shanghai

Ta Li—Shanghai Tien Tien—Shanghai

Ta Lun—Shanghai Tien Wen—Shanghai

Ta Sheng—Shanghai Tung I—Shanghai



Tien Yen—Shanghai Yu Lun—Shanghai

Tien Yuan—Shanghai Yu Mao—Shanghai

Ting Ya—Shanghai Yu Min—Shanghai

Tung Chang—Shanghai Yu Sheng—Shanghai

Tung Cheng—Shanghai Yu Yuan—Shanghai

Tung Fang—Shanghai Yuan A Mao—Shanghai

Tung Hua—Shanghai Yuan Li—Shanghai

Tung Mei—Shanghai Yueh Hua—Shanghai

Yun Hsia—Shanghai

Tung Sheng—Shanghai

Yun Hsin—Shanghai

Tung Teh—Shanghai Yun Hsing—Shanghai

Tung Ya—Shanghai Yun Hua—Shanghai

Wan Chang—Shanghai Yun Tan—Shanghai

Wan Hsing—Shanghai Yung Chang—Shanghai

Wei Hsin—Shanghai Yung Feng—Shanghai

Wei Lo—Shanghai Yung Hsing—Shanghai

Wen Lung—Shanghai Yung Hua—Shanghai

Ya Chou—Shanghai Yung I—Shanghai'

Ya Hsi Ya—Shanghai Yung Sheng—Shanghai

Yao Hua—Shanghai Yung Yu—Shanghai

Yen Tung—Shanghai

YYn Wen—Shanghai TIN MINES

Yu Chang—Shanghai Malaya

Yu Cheng—Shanghai Ampang Tin Co., Ltd., The—4th

Mile, Ampang Road, Ampang

Yu Ching—Shanghai Anglo-Malayan Tin, Ltd.—Rawang,

Yu Feng—Shanghai Selangor

Yu Hsin—Shanghai Anglo-Siamese Tin Syndicate—South


Yu Hsing—Shanghai Asam Kumbang Tin Derdging, Ltd.

Yu Hua—Shanghai —Taiping, Perak; Cable Ad: Aust-


Yu I—Shanghai

Austral Malay Tin, Ltd.—Taiping,

Yu Li—Shanghai ,!>: ■ ; - Perak



Ayer Hangat Syndicate, Ltd.—Ben- Consolidated Tin Mines, of Burma,

Ltd.—P.O. Box 199, Rangoon;

tong, Pahang Cable Ad: Stannicbur

Ayer Weng (Rahman) Development Fan Fatt Tin Mine—Tronoh, Perak

and Prospecting Co., Ltd.—Belong,

Siam Foo Nyit Tse Hydraulic Mine—3rd

Bakatt Tin, Ltd.—Kuala Kubu, Ulu F.M.S Mile, Jelapang Road, Chemor,


Ban Sen Kongsi—Postal Ad: Foo Fook Hum Nam Kongsi—Foo Nyit

Nyit Tse, 321 and 323, Lahat Road, Tse, 3211 and 323, Lahat Roal,

Fa,lim Village, Ipoh

Falim Village, Ipon, Perak

Bangrin Tin Dredging Co., Ltd.— Freda Tin Mining; Co., Ltd.—Bundi,


Renong, West Coast, Siam

Batang Padang Dredging Co., Ltd. Glimau Sembilan

Tin, Ltd.—Jelebu, Negri

—Bidor, Perak

Bate Caves Tin Dredging Co., Ltd.— Gopeng Consolidated, Ltd.—Gopeng,

Batu Caves, Selangor Perak

Batu Selangor Tin Dredging Co., Heawood Tin and Rubber Estate,

Ltd.—Batu, Selangor; Cable Ad: Ltd.—Sungei Siput, Perak


Hitam Tin, Ltd.—Kroh, Upper

Benang Star Tin, Ltd.—P.O. Box Perak

136, Ipoh, Perak

Hong Kong Tin, Ltd.—Puchong,

Bukit Arang Tin, Ltd.—Ulu Langat, Selangor

Selangor Idris Hydraulic, Ltd. — Kampar,

Bukit Ibu (Bandar) Tin, Ltd.— Perak

Baling, Kedah Ipoii Tin Dredging, Ltd.—Lahat,

Bukit Kandan Tin Syndicate, Ltd Perak

—Tronoh, Perak Jelapang Tin Dredging, Led.—Tap-

Burma Malaya Tin, Ltd.—c/o Evatt ping, Perak

& Co., Kuala Lumpur Jeiebu Tin Dredging, Ltd.—Kuala

Changket Tin Dredging, Ltd.— Klawang, Negri Sembilan

Rawang, Selangor Johan Tin Dredging, Ltd.—Papan,

Chemor River Tin, Ltd.—Chemor, Perak

Kinta, Perak Kajang Kemaman (1925), Ltd.—

•Chendai Consolidated, Ltd.—Meng- Kemaman, Trengganu

kmbu, Perak Kampar Kiri Coalfields Midden

Chenderiang Tin Dredging, Ltd.— Sumatra H. M.—Pakan Baroe,

i Obenderiang, Perak Sumatra

•Chim Lee Tin Mining Co.—254, Batu KaparmMalaya



Tin Dredging, Ltd.

Road, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor.

•Chin Chin Tin, Ltd.—Jasin, Malacca Kampong Kamunting Tin Dredging,

Ltd.—Taiping, Perak; Cable Ad :



Kampong Lanjut Tin Dredging, Ltd. Larut Tin Fields, Ltd.—Taiping™

—Kawang, Selangor Perak

Kamra Tin Dredging, Ltd.—Pukefc, Lean Fatt Mining Kongsi—Kampar,


West Siam: Cable Ad: Kamra

Kamunting Tin Dredging, Ltd.— Lingui Johore

Tin, Ltd.—Kota Tinggir

K am unt i n g

Katu Tin Dredging, Ltd.—Buket, Lower Perak Tin Dredging, Ltd.—

Tanjong Tuakong, Perak

West Siam; Cable Ad: Katudre

Kay (Kinta) Ltd. Tin Mines - Lukut Dickson

Tin Dredging, Ltd.—Port

Menglembu, Perak

Kent (F.M.S.) Tin Dredging, Ltd. Malay States Tin, Ltd.—4th Mile,..

Ampang Road, Ampang, Selangor

—’Batu Caves, Selangor

Kepong Dredging Co., Ltd.—Kepong, Malaya Consolidated Tin Dredging

Co., Ltd.—Selangor


'Kepong Tin, Ltd.—Kepong, Selangor Malayan Collieries, Ltd.—Hong.

Kong & Shanghai Bank Buildings,


Kinta Kellas Tin Dredging Co., Kuala Lumpur; Cable Ad: Arang

Ltd.—Batu GajaJh, Perak Malayan Tin Dredging, Ltd.—Batm

Kinta Tin Dredging Co., Ltd.—Ba- Gajah, Perak

tu Gajah, Perak Malayan Tinfields, Ltd.—c/o Guth-

Kinta Tin Mines, Ltd.—Gopeng, rie & Co., Kuala Lumpur

Perak Malaysiam Tin, Ltd.—Tanjong Ram-

Klang River Tin Dredging Co., butan, Perak

Ltd.—Petaling, Selangor Malim Nawar Tin, Ltd.—Rawang,.


Kopah Tin, N. L.—Takuapa, Siam

Mambau Tin, Ltd.—Mambau, Negri

Kramat Pulai, Ltd.—Ipob, Perak Sembilan

IKramat Tin Dredging, Ltd.— Man Yik Hydraulic Mines (Sempan)

—Sempan Valley, Tras.

Rawang, Selangor

Kuala Kampar Tin Fields, Ltd.— Menglempu Lode Mining Co., Ltd.—

Menglembu, Perak

Rawang, Selangor

Kuala Kerling Tin Dredging—iKer- Murai Tin, Ltd.—Bentong, Pahang

ling, Ulu Eelangor

Kuala Lumpur Tin N. L.—Kuala Nawang Pet Tin, Ltd.—Rompibonr

Southern Siam

Lumpur (Kalumpang)

Kuchai Tin Dredging Co., Ltd.— New Chendrong Wolfram Mines—

Kemaman, Trengganu

Petaling, Selangor

Kundang Tin Dredging, Ltd.— Nippon Mining Co., Ltd.—Dunigan,.


Rawang, Selangor

Lahat Mines, Ltd., The—Lahat, North Taiping Tin Dredging Co.

Ltd.—Belau Valley, Negri Sembilan:t

Perak lan



Fahaxq Consolidated Co., Ltd.— Rav.tau Tin . Dredging Co., Ltd.—

Kuala Sawah, via Seremban, Negri

Pahang | Sembilan

Panaga River Tin Concessions, Ltd. Ratrut Basin Tin Dredging Co.,

—Kamunting, Perak N. L.—Sichon, Southern Siam

Paeoi Tin Dredging, Ltd —Sere'm-

ban, Negri Sembilan Rawang Concessions, Ltd.—Rawang,


Pattani Tin, Ltd.—Na Pradu, South Rawang Tin Fields, Ltd.—Rawahg,

Siam Selangor

Pegang Prospecting Co., Ltd.—Flora Renong Tin Dredging Co., Ltd.—

Villa, Lahat Road, Ipoh,. Perak Rasa, Selangor

Pelarit Tin Ltd.—Perlis; Cable Ad: Renong Valley Mining Co., Ltd.—


Renong, Siam

Penawat (Malaya) Tin Dredging

Co., Ltd.—Tanjong Tualang, Perak Ronpijon


Tin, N. L.—■Ronpibon, via

Pengkalen, Ltd.—Lahat, Perak Belangor Tin, Ltd.—Kuala Lumpur,

Pertang Mines—Pertang, Jelefeu, Splangor

Negri Sembilan

Seminyih Tin Dredging, Ltd.—

Petaling Tin, Ltd.—Petaling, Selan- Seminyih, Selangor


Seremban, Ltd.—Seremban, Negri

Poh Tuck Koktgsi (Sungei Besi)— Sembilan

Chop Tuck Heng Loong, 29, Birch

Road, ’Kuala Lumpur Siamese Tin Syndicate, Ltd.—

Penang; Cable Ad : Sitinsind

Pong Mine—Takuapa Siam; Cable

Ad: Asiatic Sione Tin (F.M.S.), Ltd.—Batu

Puchong Tin Dredging, Ltd.—Tai- Caves, .Selangor

ping, Perak Siput Tin Co., Ltd.—Sungei Siput,

Pungah Tin Dredging, Ltd.—Tai- Perak

ping, Perak South Siam Mining Co., Ltd.—1-3,

Pusing Rubber and Tin, Ltd.— Cahroen Kruhg Road, Bangkok

Fusing Mines, Pusing, Perak South Taiping Tin Dredging Co..

PuTEH Tin Dredging Co., Ltd.— Panang (1922), Ltd.—33, Beach Street,

Ampang, Selangor

Rahman Hydraulic Tin, Ltd.—Intan, Southern Kampar Tin Dredging,

Ltd.—Tanjong Tualang, Perak

Upper Perak

Rajah Perak Tin, Ltd.—98, Belfield Southern Malayan Tin Dredging,

Ltd.—Batu Gajah, Perak

Street, Ipoh

Ramasamy Tin Mines—Ampang, Southern Perak Dredging, Ltd.—

Kuala Lumpur Temoh, Perak

Rambutan, Ltd.—Tanjong Rambutan, Southern Tronoh Tin Dredging,

Perak , Ltd.—Tanjong Tualang, Perak



Sitngei Ayam Tin Mines—Kuala Ulu Klang Tin, Ltd.—Ulu Klangr

Kemaman, Trengganu Selangor, F.M.S.

Sitngei Kinta Tin Dredging, Ltd.— Ulu Pahang, Ltd.—Baub, Pahang

P.0. Box 106, Ipoh

Sungei Merbah Mine—Sungei Besi, Ulu Piah Co., Ltd.—Tambun, Perak

Selangor Ulu Yam Tin Dredging, Ltd.—Tai-

Sungei Muntoh Mines—Titi, Jelebu, ping, Perak

Negri Semibilan

Sungei Way Dredging, Ltd.—Sungei TOBACCO FACTORIES

Way, Selangor Kiangsu Province

Taiping Tin Dredging Co., Ltd.— An Li Hua Lai Chi Tobacco Co.—

Taiping, Perak Tseng Ching Li, Sinza Rd., S’hai

Takuapa Valley Tin Dredging, N. L. Chang Hsin Tobacco Co.—120,, Point-

—Takuapa, Western Siam Road, Shanghai

Talam Mines, Ltd.—Kampar, Perak Chang Ming Tobacco Co.—12, Win-

chester Road, Shanghai

Talerng Tin Dredging, Ltd.—Ron-

pibom, Soutihem Siam Chen Hua Tobacco Co.—395-397,.

Route Lafayette, Shanghai

Tanjong Tin Dredging, Ltd.—Batu

Gajah, Perak Chin Sha Tai Chin Tobacco Co.—99,.

Rue Chapsal, Shanghai

Tarua Tin, Ltd.—Banna Station,

Bandon, Siam China & South Tobacco Co.—941.

Ward Road, Shanghai

Tavoy Tin Dredging Corpn., Ltd.— Chiu Hsing Tobacco Co.—13, Run

Tavoy, Lower Burma Shing Li, Kuenming Road, S’hai

Tekka, Ltd.—Kampong iKepayang, Chung Ho Tobacco Co.—40, Tong-

Perak shan Road, Shanghai

Tekka Taiping, Ltd.—Taiping, Perak Chung Yuan Tobacco Co.—30, Tong-

Temengor Tin Mining Co., Ltd.— shan Road, Shanghai

Grik, Upper Perak Chu Cheng Tobacco Co.—Yung Jen

Temoh Tin Dredging, Ltd.—Temoh, Li, Route de Siccawei, Shanghai

Batang Padang, Perak East Sea Tobacco Co.—25, Route

Thabawleik Tin Dredging, Ltd.— Soeur Allegre, Shanghai

Taiping, Perak Fu Chang Tobacco Co.—10, Wuting

Telok Kruin Tin, Ltd.—Ipoh, Perak Road, Shanghai

Tong Chow Tin Mining Co.—Chen- ChengFu Hsing Tobacco Co.—27, Yuir

■deriang, Perak Li, Rue du Marche, S’hai

Ho Cheng

Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Road, Shanghai Tobacco Co.—460, Urga

Co., N. L.—Perak

Ho Hsin Tobacco Co.—200, Tung

Tronoh Mines, Ltd.—Tronoh, Perak Chow Road, Shanghai



Hsing Ming TobacOo Co.—151, Wha- Mei414,Sin Ming Chin Tobacco Co.—

Tai Yuan Li, Tsepoo Rd., S’hai

shing Road, Shanghai

Hua Ching Tobacco Co.—Wayside Ming Shen Sing Chi Tobacco Co.—

A4, Tongshan Road, Shanghai

Road, Shanghai

Hua Pi Tobacco Co.—33, Route Nanyang Brothers Tobacco Co., Lid.

—144, East Seward Road, Shanghai

Stanislas Chevalier, Shanghai

Hua Ping Tobacco Co.—91, Baikal Ning Shao Tobacco‘ Co.—103, Chang

Lien Li, North Thibet Rd., S’hai

Road, Shanghai

Hua Ming Tobacco Co.—433, Rue du People’s Tobacco Co.—151, East Yu-

hang Road, Shanghai

Marche, Shanghai

Hua iShen Tobacco Co.—H, Dixwell |SanRoad, Hsin Tobacco Co.—23, Yulin


Road, Shanghai

Seven Star Tobacco Co.—Tsepoo

Hua Suing Tobacco Co.—25, Kuen- Road, Shanghai

ming Road, Shanghai

Shanghai Tobacco—Co.—634, East

Hua Ta Tobacco Co.—11, , Kinchow Yuhang Road, 'Shanghai

Road, Shanghai

Shiang Chin Tobacco Co.—Fuh

Hua Teh Tobacco Cq.—East Yuhang Shung Terrace, Rue Brenier de

Road, Shanghai Montmorand, Shanghai

Hua Tung Tobacco Co.—902, Paoting SiRoad, Men Tobacco Co.—689, Yiin Shi'ng'


Road, Shanghai

Jut Ltin Tobacco Co.—Dix’wel! Road, ' SinChi Yuen Tobacco Co.—435, Yuan

Li, Tongshan Road; Shanghai


Keh Fu Tobacco. Co.—Baikal Road, TaRoad, Dah Tobacco ' Co;—30B, Tongshan



Kiang Chi Tob,vcco Co.—91, Rue TaChen, Tung Nan Tobacco Co.—Chin Dun

Route de Siccawe-i, Shanghai

Bluntscnli, Shanghai

Kiang Han Tobacco—3, Jen Chin :TaRoad, Tung Tobacco Co.-—150, Kungping


Terrfice, Ward Road, Shanghai

Kuen Lun Tobacco .Co.—Yung Hua TaLloyd Yu Tobacco Co.—291, Fuh Loh Li,

Road, Shanghai

Li,' Rue Millot, Shanghai

Kuo Chang Tobacco Co.—397, Tung. TaiLi,Ping Tobacco-Co-.—1, Teh Tsiang

Tongkawan, Shanghai

Sun Li, Route Lafayette, S’hai

Kung Hbin Tobacco Co.—32, Macgre- TehHonan.Lung Tobacco Cdi—North

Road, Shanghai

gor Road, Shanghai

Li Hsin Tobacco Co.—1364, Boone Tsui ' Chun Tobacco Co.—Ching

Chang Li, Elgin Road, Shanghai

Road, Shanghai -

Li Hua Tobacco Co.—2033, L-ier Yin Wen Chi Lien Yi Tobacco Co.—11,

Li, East' Yuhang Road, Shanghai Sing Loh Li, Boulevard de Mon-

tigny, S’hai

Mei Dah Tobacco Co.^-Yuan Ho Wei I Pu Chi Tobacco Co.-16,

Terrace, East Yalu Road, S’hai North Chengtu Road, Shanghai




Yu Hsing Tobacco Co.—Chin An Chiu Tsi Yuan—Peihsien

Terrace, Rue Bluntschli, S’hai

Cotton Weaving Factoey No. 1,

Yu Lee Pao Chi Tobacco Co.- 5, Rue China Peoduct Co.—Chuansha

Bluntschi, Shanghai Craft Office for Poor People—

Yu Yr Feng Cut Tobacco Co. —Yun Kiangpu

Jei Li, Route de Siccawei, S’hai Orphan’s Towel Factory—Luho

Yung Ho Tobacco Co.—Route Conty, Fing Hua Weaving Factory—N’tung


Dah Feng Towel Factory—Tsung-


Kiangsu Province Dah Lun Cotton Weaving Factory—


Chang Yi Hsin—Kiangtu Den I Factory—Chuansha

Chen Sin Chi—Kiangtu Hen Yu Towel Factory—Yeneheng—

Chia Ting—Shanghai Heng Hua Cotton Weaving Factory

Chen Yu—Shanghai —Nantung

Han Shun Hsin—Kiangtu Ho Chi Towel Factory—Chuansha

Hua Shang—Shanghai Ho Shing Cotton Weaving Factory


Liang Sin Chi—Shanghai Hsieh Chin Towel Factory—Wuchin

Liu Wan Shun—Kiangtu Huang San Tai Towel Factory—

Ma Yung Mou—Kiaiigtu Luhp

Shuan Lun—Shanghai Hui Li Towel Factory—Wuchin

Tien Lun—Shanghai Hui Ming Factory—Paoshan

Yang Shen Hsin—Kiangtu I Dah Towel Factory—Wuchin

Yi Sin—Shanghai In Chin Chow Towel Factory—


TOWEL FACTORIES Kiu Chang Towel Factory—Luho

Kiangsu Province Koo Lan Chi Towel Factory—


Chen Hsing Towel Factoey— Lien An Weaving Factory—C’sha


Chen Tsi Towel Factoey—Tsung- LinLuhoKuo Siang Towel Factory—


Chi Lun Cotton Weaving Factoey— Lun Hua Towel Factory—Nanhui


Lung Yuan Towel Factory—C’kiang

Chin I Towel Factoey—Sungkiang

Chin Lun Factory Ho. 11—C’sha Mei Hua Cotton Weaving Factory




Ming Htja Branch Factory—Chuan- TOY FACTORIES


Kiangsu Province

Ming Hua Branch Factory—C’sha

Ai Kuo Mechanical Toys Co.—S’hai


Great China Chemical Co.—S’hai

Pao Ying People’s Factory—Paoying Chiao Heng Kang Co.—Shanghai

Paoshan Cotton Weaving Factory— Chinese Mechanical Toys Co.—S’hai


; People’s Factory—Founing China Ping-Pong Co.—Shanghai

People’s Factory—Lienshui Chinese Checker Co.—Shanghai

People’s Factory—Tungtai Great China Celluloid Co.—S’hai

San Shing Towel Factory—C’kiang Hsin I Co.—Shanghai

i San Sin Factory—Shanghai Kuo Kuang Artificial Ivory Co.—

. Shanghai

| San Yuan Towel Factory—Wuchin Shanghai Celluloid Co.—Shanghai

Sean You Zoo—Shanghai Wei Shun Chi Co.—Shanghai

Shun Chang Cotton Weaving Fac-


Sin Sin Industrial Association— Kiangsu Province

I —Wusih

Tai Show Chang Towel Factory— Chao .Chin Chi—Urga Road, S’hai

Chinkiang Chin Lung—Kiu Keng Li, Fearon

Teh Chang Weaving Factory — Road, Shanghai

Nantung Chung Kuo—405, Heng Pan Road,

Tien Hua Branch Factory, No. 11— Chapei, Shanghai

Chuansha Chung Yiang—Shanghai

Tien Hua Towel Factory—Nanhui Hang Chang—443, Paochang Road,

Tsai Lan Chi Factory—Nantung Chapei, Shanghai

Tsen Hsin Cotton Weaving Factory Chapei,Ming—Ching



Lung Road,

, No. 1—Chuansha

Tsen Yuan Towel Factory—C’kiang LiYuhangHsing—Yung Chang Li, East

Road, Shanghai

Yee Chang Fu Weaving Factory— Pootung Factory No. 1—Ting Hsing

Nantung Li, North Szechuen Road, S’hai

Yeh Chin Towel Factory—Wuchin San Sin—Chang Kang Li, Alabaster

Yt Mou Ho Towel Factory—S’kiang Road, Shanghai

Yun Yu Towel Factory—Nantung TaChapei, Kuang—543, Chiao Tung Road,






Tien Tai—Lu- San Li , EdSt Yuhang I Hsing Nail Works—Kwemning

Road, Shanghai Road, Shanghai

Tung Chang—2.,"Si Tze Lung, Native Kung Chin Iron Works Co.—53,

City, Shanghai Linching Road" Yangtszepoo, S’hai

Tung HsingI—Shanghai Tsang Hai Nail Works—Thqrburn

Road, Yangtszepbo, Shanghai

Yu Tai Ho dm—40^, Urga Road,

Shanghai Wang Fu Nail Manufacturer—

Penang Road, Shanghai

Yung Li—Qhiang Mou Li, Paoan

Road, Chapei,,Shanghai Yeh Tai Nail Works—Thorburn

Road, Shanghai


Kiangsu Province WOOL FACTORIES

Chapei Water and Electricity Kiangsu Province


Chang Hua—Shanghai

Chinkiang Waterworks—Chinkiang

Chung Kuo Wei I—Shanghai


d’Eclairage Electriques de Water- Heng Feng Yung—Shanghai


Shanghai Inland Waterworks—S’hai Hsien Ta—Shanghai

Shanghai Waterworks—Shanghai Hung Fa—Shanghai

Hua Tung—Shanghai


Kiangsu Province Kung I Chen—Shanghai

M. Bloch & Co., Ltd.—Brenan Rd., Sheng Ta—Shanghai

Shanghai Ta Chang—Shanghai

Chen Yu Nail Manufacturer—Ward Ta Chung Kuo—Shanghai

Road, Shanghai

Chia Fu Nail Works—Feng Kee Ta Hua—Shanghai

Wharf, Nantao, Shanghai Tien 1—Shanghai

China Wire Products Co., Ltd.— Ta Nan—Shanghai

Funing Road, Yangtszepoo, S’hai

General Forge Products Ltd.—30, Ta Pei—Shanghai

Linching Road, Yangtszepoo, S’hai

Wei Lun Mill No. 1—Shanghai

Hua Tung Iron Works—No. 90,

Passage 713, Kwenming Rd., S’hai Wei Lun Mill No. 2—Shanghai



arranged under various classifications


CIVIL ENGINEER:? . British Thoms6n:Houston Co., Ltd.

—3, Hon-cho; Cable Ad : Asteroidal,

Shimizu-Gumi Compact—1, Nichbme, Tokyo

Takara-cho; Telephs. 4180-4] 89 and Chiyoda ' GuMi^-810, Marunduchi

5180-5189, Cable Ad: QSimizimri; Building; Cable Ad: Chiyoda,

Codes: Bentley’s and Acme, Tokyo Tokyo

•CONSTRUCTIONAL ENGINEERS Teleph. Denki Dai-Icm Stt oka I—50, Irue-tho;

Hyogo 6-2166, Kobe

.Shimizu-Gum! Company—1, Nichorae, Daido Denryoku K.K.—Tokyo Kaiho

Takara-eho,, Tokyo Building; Cable Ad: DaidoeleCt,


CONSULTING ENGINEERS Denki Tcxsht K.K.—5, Minami Den-

man-cho, Kyobashi-ku, Tokyo

IMannesmanneoeheen-Werke,. Duessel-

dohf -Asahi Building, Tokyo Ebara Denki Shoki—-56; Sannomiya-

cho; Teleph; -San; 3-4454, Kobe

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS English Electric-Co.', Ltd., The—14,

Nichome; Marunouchi;: Cable Ad:

.Allen Sons & .Co., Ltd,, . W, H. (Steam Erielectico, Tokyo ' ‘

E. Lewis, representative

' "i • -

Turbines, Steam Engines, Diesel En-

gines, Electric Generators, Surfage FU.i i Denki KoGYO^KAisHA—65, Yoban-

Condensers, All kinds of Pumps, and cho; Teleph. Minatogawa 5-0338,

Marine Auxiliaries)—6,

Kojimachi-ku; Teleph. (23) Marunouchi,

3763; Cable Kobe

Ad: Manifesto, Tokyo

.Ando Electric Co.—2-36, Miya-machi; Furukawa 'Electric Industry Co.—6,

Marunouchi; Cable Ad: Furueleco,

Teleph. Amagasaki 0685, Kobe Tokyo

.Asahi Dengyojo—6^35, Kikusui-cho; 'Gojimaya Electric Works—Karkoji-

Teleph. Minatogawa 5-2404, Kobe machi; Teleph. Shimo. 5-2931, Kyoto

Automatic Telephones, Limiied, of Gumi Katsuhiro—94, Yokai-chb; Te-

Japan, Automatic and Manual Tele-

phone Equipment, Telegraph In- leph. Nishinomiya 1765, Kobe

struments, Dynamos, Motors, Elec- HashImoto. JiroSichI—232, Sannoini-

trical Supplies Toyo

talisator—508, and Building,


To- ya-cfio:; Tfele^li. San. '3-4729, Kobe

Yamashita-cho, Kojimachi-ku ; Tele-

phone Ginza 467-7 ; Cable Ad : Strow- Inoue.. Electric Engineering .Works,

ger, Tokyo Ltd-—

Gapt. R. G; Cavell, president. Teleph.]Nishikiyo- Kitahjouchi-m^ichi,

Shiiino 5.919, Kyoto.:



International General Electric Co.— Nippon Gaishi K.K.—Takegahana

1, Koraibashi;

Ad: Ingenetric,Teleph.


Cable Atsuta, Minami-ku; Teleph. Minami

Bldg.; P,0. Box 453; Cable Ad: 0370, Nagoya

Ingenetrie, Tokyo Nippon Kogke Kogyo Kaisha—89,

Shiota, Tsurumi, Yokohama

Ishiwatari Electric Co.—6, Fujima-

cho, Azabu-ku; Teleph. 5271 (44) Oki Denki K.K.—Iwai-machi, Naka-

Tokyo ku; Teleph. Minami 3608, Nagoya

Iwabuchi Denki Kogyo K.K.—2, Ko- Okumura Electric Co.—Kishoin Nis-

hinaka Higashi-machi; TelepR

bikicho, Kyobashi-ku, Tokyo Shimo 5-4300, Kyoto

Kanagawa Denki K.K.—Nakamongen- Sanden Denki Shokai—18, Yoshida-

cho, Shiba-ku, Tokyo machi, Yokohama

Kawakita Denki Kigyo-sha—700, Kai- Shibaura Engineering Works — 1,

jo Building, Marunouchi; Cable -Shinhama-cho, Kanagasu; Shiba-ku,

Ad: Kawakita, Tokyo. Kawara- Tokyo

machi, Sanjo Sagara, Kyoto

Kobe Electric Works—60, AioLcho; Shinzaike Engine and Iron Works—

Shinzaike Nada; Telephs. 1840-3;

Teleph. Moto. 4^0298, Kobe (Sunn.); P.O. Box 358; Cable Ad:

Landing, Kobe

Mar uni Denki Shokai—10, Ishikawa- Owned and Controlled by Nickel

machi, Yokohama and Lyons, Ld.

G. H. Jones, manager

Matsui Denki Shokai K.K.—21, Sa- Tokai Electric Co—Minami Otsu-

kuragi-cho, Yokohama machi, Naka-ku, Teleph. 0729,

Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Ex- N agoya

ports Co.—702, Yaesu Building, Tokyo Electric. Co.—1303, Sakigo-

Kojimachi-ku; Cable Ad: Metro- hara, Ohi, Ebara-gun, Tokyo, and

vick, Tokyo 72, Norikawa-cho, Yokohama

Minato Denki Shokai G.K.—7, Hiro- Toyo Babcock Kabushiki Kaisha—

numa-cho, Yokohama Manufacturers of Steam Boilers and

Power House Plant—5, Naka-dori;

Mitsubishi Denki K.K.—18, Yada- Marunouchi, Tokyo,Yokohama

and 1, Isogomachi;

cho, Higashi-ku; Teleph. Higashi Cable Ad: Babcock,

Directors—K. Nanjo. S. Toba, F. G.

6600, Nagoya Britton and F. G. Blyth

Moriya & Co.—Miyuki Hon-machi, Toyo Denki Seizo K.K.—3, Sakura-

Nishi-ku; Teleph. Hon. 1482, Nago- dahongo-cho, Shiba-ku, Tokyo


Toyo Electric Machine Manufactur-

Motoi Shoten—184, Moto-machi, Yo- ing Co.—197, Kubo-cho, Naka-ku,

kohama Yokohama

Nippon Denchi K.K. — Imedagawa- Westinghouse Electric International

agaru Shimachi-dori; Teleph. Nishi- CableCo.—784, Marunouchi Building;

jin 4-3060; Cable Ad: Denct, Kyoto Ad: Wemcoexpo, Tokyo

W. L. Newmeyer, special repres.

Nippon Electric Co.—2, Mita Shiko-

ku-machi; Cable Ad : Microphone, Yokohama Electric Industry—88, Ni-

Tokyo shi Hiranuma-machi, Yokohama


Harbour Cranes

Loading Bridges



Plantsand Equipments

for all industrial purposes

We are represented in:

CHINA :—Ch.ien Hsin

JAPAN:—Demag - JapanEngineering Co., Ltd.,Yusen

- Office, Marunouchi, 138, Building,

Kiangse Road,RoomShanghai.

612, Tokyo.

DUTCH INDIES :—Techn. Bureau v/h. Kaumanns & Co., Bragaweg 76, Bandoeng.

BRIT. INDIA:—Mr. A. Liibke, 19, King Edward Court; 55, Chowringhee Road; Calcutta.

MALAY:—W. V.Messrs.


O’Hara Murray

Trading Co.,&Singapore,

Co., 100, P.Clive0. Box


THE PHILIPPINESPhilippine Engineering Co., 109, Plaza St. Cruz, Manila.



GENERAL ENGINEERS Gadelius j & Co. — Osaka Building;

Teleph. (57) 5257; Cable Ad: Goti-

cus, Tokyo

.Aida Tekkosho (Iron Works)—12,

Yoshiharaa-oho, Ybkohama Goko Tekkosho Goshi Kaisha—31,

Sakuragi-cho, Yokohama (Iron

American Japanese Commercial Co.— works)

1663, Kaijo Building; Cable Ad: Hasimoto Shokai K.K. (Hardware)—

Ambarwa, Tokyo 1-84, Sakae-machi; Teleph San. 3-

S. Tominaga, manager 2820 Kobe

.Adachi Tekkosho (Iron and Steel Hatsudoki S. K. Kaisha—63, Dani

Works)—67, Honden-cho; Teleph. Higashi; Teleph.. Tosabori 44-0585;

Nishi) 43-2645, Osaka Cable Ad : Hatsudoki, Osaka (Iron

& Steel Works)

.Akamatsu ' Ryutaro—10-109, Bessbo- Healing & Co.—Shisei Kaigan, Hibi-

machi; Teleph. Amgasaki 0271, Kobe ya Park; Cable Ad: Healing; Tokyo

(Hardware) L. J. Healing

Balfour & Co., Arthur—6, Marunou- Hirai & Co., G. K. (Hardware and

chi; Cable Ad: Arbour, Tokyo Machinery) — Tera-machi; Teleph.

(Steel works) Shimo 5-0842, Kyoto

J. Storer, manager

Chuo Iron Works—Toyoda-oho, Nina- Hoshino Kogyo Kaisha (Iron Works)

mi-ku; Teleph. Minami 1818, Nago- —209, Higashikawa-niachi; Teleph.

672, Hakodate


Daido Seiko K.K. (Iron and Steel Hunter & Co-, E. H.—511, Yusen

Works)—32, Fuku-machi; Teleph. Building, Marunouchi, Tokyo

Sakuragawa 64-1185, Osaka Inoue Seisakusho—23, Edobori Kita-

dori; Teleph, Tosabori 44-7325,

Escher, Wyss Engineering Works, Osaka

Ltd.—320/322, Marunouchi Build-

ing; Teleph. 1665; Cable Ad: Ishikawajima Aircraft Co., Ltd.

Eswysoo, Tokyo (Aero ■ Engines,! Aeroplanes, and

^ocefgories); — 6, MTarunpuchi; Te-

.Frazar & Co.—Yaesu Building, Maru- leph. (23), 0686. and';27l0; Cable Ad :

nouchi; P.O. Box 158, (Central); Ishiairco,.. Tokyo

T. IShibausawa, manager

Teleph. (23) 1650, Tokyo and 7,

Ndhon-odori, Yokohama

E. W. Frazar, partner Kobe Engineering Works (Iron and

Brass founders)—28, Sannomiya-

cho; Teleph. 2920; Cable Ad:

Fujita Shokai Goshi Kaisha (Hard- Goodridge.

ware)—56, Sakae-machi; Teleph. Kobe

Moto. 4-1144, Kobe T. R. Goodridge, director

LeybOld Shokwan, L.—Nihon Kaijo

Fcshimiya Kanamonten (Machinery Building, Nishi-ku; Teleph. 1174;

and Hardware)—17, Izesaki-ciho, ..Cable,Ad: Leyshokwan, Osaka

■ Naka-ku; Teleph. Chpjamaehi 3- S. Hiramatsu

4946, Yokohama H. W. Beyreuther j



Linotype and Machinery, Ltd.—Im- MECHANICAL ENGINEERS

perial Hotel, Tokyo-

Matsui Iron Works—12, Nagare-cho, Allen, Sons & Co., W.H. (Steam Tur-

Naka-ku; Teleph. Minami 1349, bines, Steam Engines, Diesel En-

Nagoya gines, Electrical Generators, Sur-

face Cbndepsers, All Kinds , of

Megura Iron Works—7, Masago-cho; Pumps and Marine Auxiliaries)—6,

Marunouchi, Kojimachi-ku; Teleph.

Teleph. 221, Hakodate (23) 3763; , Cable Ad : Manifesto^


Nagasaki Iron Works—Asahi-machi; G. B. Slater, representative

Teleph. 1622, Nagasaki

Escher Wyss Engineering Works,.

Osaka Iron Works—Eno-ura, Hiko- Ltd., (Manufacturers; of Turbines,.

Pumps, etc.) — 320/22, Marumouchi

shima; Teleph. 22, Shimonseki Building, Kojimachi-ku; Cable Ad:

Osaka Takao Tekkosho—9, Urae Kita- Eswysco, Tokyo

H. E. Leicher

machi; Teleph. Tosabori 44-1280,

Osaka (Iron and Steel Works) Kikat Boeki K.K. (Machinery)—3^

Osaka Tampan Seizo (Iron and Steel Dojima Hama-dori; Teleph. Fuku-

Works)—44, Sakuraj'ma-cho; Te- shima 45-0664, Osaka

leph. Tosabori 44-2088, Osaka Kjellref.gs Successors, Ltd.—San-

Foldi Steel Works—7/2, Sawaicho- bergs,shin Building; Cable Ad: Kjells-

dori; Cable Ad: Poldisteel, Osaka Tokyo

B. Johansom, m.e.

Sabroe Oq. of Japan, Ltd., The — 8, Nagoya Kikai Seizo Kaisha—Higashi

Marunouchi; P.O. Box 140 (Cen-

tral) ; Cable'“ Ad: TSTinonsabroe, Furuwataru, Naka-ku, Nagoya


Union Mechancial and_ Automobile

Sato Tobei—705, Hodogaya-machi; Ad Engineers—30, Isogami-dori; Cable

Teleph. Chojamachi 3-4141, Yokoha- : Duns, Kobe

ma (Machinery and hardware)

Skoda Works, Ltd.—1814, Kaijo MOTOR ENGINEERS

Building, Marunouchi; Cable Ad:

Skodaworks, Tokyo

Baron O', de Fuchs, manager FujiTa Shokai—129, Nakayamate-

dbn; Tejeph. Fukiai 2-3887; Kobe

Sulzer Brothers—72 Kyomachi Kobe-

ku; Cable Ad: Sulzer, Kobe Ikeda Shokai—iTl, Kusunoki-cho; Te-

J. Gastpar, m.e., manager leph. Moto- 4-3436, Kobe

Toyo Babcock K.K.—5,' Naka-dori; ISHIKAWAJIMA HlKOKI SEISAKUSHO—7,

MarunouchT; Teleph. (23) 1885; Tsukijima Nishinakadori, Kyobashi-

Cable Ad: Babcock, Tokyo, ku, Tokyo

. . S. Kurdda, branch manager

Yokohama Tekkosho (Iron Works)—1, Japan Automobile Co.—3, Tameike-

Chiwaka-cho; Teleph. Hon. 2-0031, machi, Akasaka-ku; Cable Ad:

Yokohama Japanauto, Tokyo



Kansei Jidosha Shoten1 K.K.—44, Buga & Co., T.—129, Kitanagasa-

Shiriike Kita-machi; Teleph. Mina- dori; Teleph. Fukiai 2-1805, Kobe

togawa 5-1237, Kobe

Tominaga Seisakusho—123, Moto-

Okumitra Shoten—41, Shimoyamate- maohi; Teleph. Moto. 4-0314, Kobe

dori; Teleph. 2^-2627, Kobe

Yamagdichi Shoten—38, Kano-ciho;

Union Mechanical and Automobile Teleph. Fukiai 2-2578, Kobe

Engineers—30, Isogami-dori 5-chome;

Cable Ad: Duus, Kobe Yamaoka Motojiro—5, Hasaka-dori;

Teleph. Minatqgawa 5-3288, Kobe



Honetsuban Seizo K.K.—^60, Shiriike Mitsubishi Shipbuilding and En-

Suguhara-dori; Teleph. Minatogawa gineering Co.:, Ltd.—4, Marunou-

5-3512, Kobe ehi; Telephs. 2131-2170 (Maruno-

uc,hi); Ad:

P.O. Iwasakisip;

Box 61 (Central);

Nippon Suido Eisei Koji K.K.-~60, Cable Codes:

Korai-bashi-zume, Higashi-ku; Te- Bentley’s, Kendall’s, etc-, Tokyo'

H. Hamada, chairman

leph, Higashi 94-1422, Osaka K. Shiba, managing director ;

Okada Kosaku-jo—153, Kamitachi- Shinzaike Engine and Iron Works—

bana-dori; Teleph. Mipatogawa 5- —Shinzai Nftda; P.O. Box 358;

3853. Kobe 'Telephs. 1840-3 ('Sann.); Cable Ad:

Landing, Kobe

"Okano Shokai—35-, Kitanaka-machi; Owned and Controlled by Nickel

Teleph. .HypgO'6x25.08; P.O. Box and Lyons; Ltd.

Hyogo 1, Kobe G. H. Jones, manager




Teleph.A 16936-5;


Cable Jinkee.Road;

Ad: Datum,

Atkinson & Dallas, Ltd.—26, Peking Shanghai

Road; Teleph. 10012; Cable Ad: Deh Dji Construction Co. — 43,

Section, Shanghai Kuansi Road; Teleph. 3640; Cable

Baker, Henry, E.—Ruling, Kiangsi Ad : Boebnert, Tsingtao

Blackmore & Blackburn, Ltd. Denison,

Building,Ram & Gibbs—Alexandra

Des Vqeux Road Central;

— Alexandra Building; Teleph. Teleph. 20986, Hong Kong

22588; P.O. Box 8; Cable Ad:

Blacktox, Hongkong Faber, S. E.—130a, Hong Kong and

Berents, Hans—oil, Glen Line Build- Shanghai Bank Building; Teleph.

ing, The Bund; Teleph. 12099; Cable 10723; Cable Ad: Ferikon, Shang-

Ad: Berents, Shanghai hai

Central China Realty Co.—36a, Farrell & Co.,24422;

ing; Teleph. P. T.—King’s

Cable Ad:Build-


Avenue Edward VII; Teleph. 18549, seeing, Hongkong


Chau & Lee — 57, Tai Ping Maloo ' Fittkau, H.—20, Museum Road; Te-

South; Teleph 14520; Canton and leph. 11912; P.O. Box 1317; Cable-

9, Queen’s Road Central; Teleph. Ad : Fittwo, Shanghai

21671; Cable r Ad: Kinly, Hong Fukusho Co.—213, Yamagata-dori;

Kong Cable Ad: Fukusho, iDairen

Chollot, J. J.—85, Rue Marcal Tillot; Fukien Construction Bureau—Cable

Teleph. 30971, Shanghai Ad: Conbr, Foochow

City Realty Co.—12, The Bund; Te- Hazeland & Gonella—20, Queen’s

leph. 14118, Cable Ad: Cityrealty, Road Central; Teleph. 23564; Cable

Shanghai Ad: Hazgo, Hongkong

Clark & lu—10, Des Voeux Road E. M. Hazeland

Central; Teleph. 21041; Cable Ad: U. Gonella

Caerclark, Hongkong Hall & Hall—25, Museum Road;

Continental Teleph. 15373, Shanghai

5, SzechuenCorporation

Road; Teleph.of China—


Cable Ad: Kontichina, Shanghai Hanley & Co.—Bank of Canton

Building; Teleph. 26279; P.O. Box

Corritt, A.—64, Route des Sceurs; 380; Cable Ad: Yelnah, Hongkong

Teleph. 34699; Cable Ad: Dan- Hemming & Parkin—73, Consular

corrit, Shanghai Road; Teleph. 31495; Cable Ad:

Dah Module, Tientsin

tionYaoCo.,Engineering & Construc-

Architects and Reinforced

Concrete Experts—3, Museum

Telephs. 16216-7, Shanghai Road; Hempel, G. H.—75, Yih Yuan Road,




Hongkong Engineering & Construc- Lun Sang & Co. — French Build-

tion Co.—Chung Tin Building; ing; Teleph. 23524; P.O. Box 506;

Teleph. 30309; Cable Ad: Eerro- Cable Ad: Lunsang, Hongkong

conco, Hongkong J. Guerineau

A. R. F. Raven

Hua Sheng Co.—80, Kutoboki Road; Teleph.& Co.,

Luthy C.—212, Kiangse Road;

11914; P.O. Box 1169, Cable

Teleph. 20456; Cable Ad: Hua^ Ad: Luthy, Shanghai

sheng, Tientsin

Jensen, G. S.—106, Szechuen Road; 33631, Shanghai Hart Road; Teleph.

Luthy, Emil—70,

Teleph. 14215; Cable Ad: Jenseni-

cis, Shanghai Marcks, Lothar—International Set-

Kay-Pah, M.-h2b, Kiukiang Road; Road; lement, Great West Outer Gate

Teleph. 18260, Shanghai Teleph. 4534; Cable Ad:

Marcksing, Mukden

W A. Kirk—5, Rue Chapsal; Teleph.

33960; Cable Ad: Wilykirk, Shang- Minutti & Co.—25, Rue Chu Pao

hai San, Shanghai

Kun Lee Engineering Co.—9, Foo- Muller, E. J.—Teleph. 16600; Cable Ad:

chow Road; Teleph. 13683, Shang- Soloji, Shanghai


Lai To Construction Co.—217, Hen- Netherlands Harbour Works — 67,

Des Voeux Road Central; Teleph.

nessy Road; Teleph. 23401, Hong 24211; Cable Ad: Dredgers, Hong

Kong Kong

Lane, Alfred J.—China Building; Te- K. A. Bilkviat, c.e., manager

leph. 23859, Hongkong Olivecrona, Major G.W.D.—Kwang-

Leigh & Orange—P. & O. Building; tung River Conservancy Commis-

Teleph. 20167; Cable Ad: Orange, sion, Canton

Hongkong Palmer & Turner—Hongkong and

Lee, Poy G.—29, Szechuen Road; Te- Shanghai20176; and

Bank Buildings; Teleph.

Cable1, AdCanton

: Pyrotechny, Hong-

leph. 14849; Cable Ad: Genyue, kong. Road ; Teleph.

Shanghai 15059 ; P.O. Box 732, Shanghai

Lester, Johnson & Morriss—1, Kiu- Powell, Sidney J.—10, Kiukiang

kiang Road; Teleph. 15039, Shang- Road; Teleph. 10918;. Cable Ad: Es-

hai jaypoil, Shanghai

Liang, Y. W.—252. Yat Tak Road; Raven & Basto—Prince’s Buildings;

Teleph. 15464, Canton Teleph. 21164, Hongkong

Lindskog, B. J.—20, Yuen Ming Roubin & Co., M.L.—3, Canton Road;

Yuen Road; Teleph. 19781, Shang- Teleph. 13980; Cable Ad: Roubincp,

hai Shanghai

Little, Adams-.& Wood—York Build-

ing: Teleph. 21026; Cable Ad : Up- ! Sirtori, Ing. L.—Race Course Road;

stairs, Hongkong Teleph. 32204, Tientsin

Logan & Amps—8a, Des Voeux Road ' Sunn, K.H.—266, Peking Road;

Central; Teleph. 27796; Cable Ad: Teleph. 16029; Cable Ad : Suhr,

Loam, Hongkong Shanghai



Tiliey, Peecy-^, Eiukiaag! Road j Logan

Teleph. 125^7 ; Cable Ad : Tillimb, Central ; Telajlh. 27796 ; Cable Ad :

Shanghai | Loam, Horfgkoht;. •

Topoeealty—31, Rue iJu Consulat; Te- New Shanghai Construction Co.—

J&ph. 18289 ; Cable Ad: Toporealty; 681, Connaught 'Road; Teleph.

Shanghai 34171, Shanghai

Union Land Investment Co.—74, Sze- Quoika, A. — 21, jvfuseum Road;

chuen Road; Teleph. 10918; Shang- Teleph. 1()518:; Cable Ad : , Quoika,

hai - : j Shanghai , . .•

Xaviee, M. A.^-Powell’s Building; South China Motor Shipbuilding

Teleph. 23216; Cable , Ad: Ticia, and Repairing Works—St. Geo

Hongkong Building; Teleph. .20772; P.O. Box

272; Cable Ad: Mbtyard, Hong

Yaeon, A. J.—770, Rue Bourgeat; Kong . t .

Teleph. 70420, Shanghai

Yeung Fat & Co—5, Duddell CONSULTING ENGINEERS

■ Street; Teleph.. 20989, Hongkong

W. H. Yeung, manag. partner Archer' Ct'. -S. Sankiang Road;

Teleph. 1880, Hankow

CON STRUCT IONAL ENGINEERS Anderson & Ash,e—Queen/s Building;

i’eTeph'.' 24663; Cable Ad: ' Can ell,

American Trading Cot-1—Si, .’Canton Hongkong Captain G. Anderson

Road ; Cable Ad-:-Amtraco; S’hai

Baieey & Co:, W.S.—Kowloon Bay; Hutung; Basel & Frey—63a, Ta Fang Chia

Teleph. 58021; Cable' Ad • Sey Teleph. 140 (East); Cable

bourne, Hongkong Ad: Basel, Peiping

\Y. S. Bailey . \ - ~ / Behrendt, K.—42, Woodrow Wilson

Beeents, Hans—Booms Si 1/3, Glen Street; Teleph. 32080, Tientsin

Line Building, The Band; Teleph. Blakeney & Co., J. D.—143, Elgin

12099; Cable Ad: Berents, Shang- Avenue; Teleph. 33245; Cable Ad :

hai Justa, Tientsin

Eastern Engineering

4, London Road; Cable Works, Ltd.— Calatroni, Hsieh & Co.—14, Kiukiang

Ad: Vulca,

Tientsin Road; Teleph. 10355; Cable Ad:

N. F. Kelsey Calatroni, Shanghai

Fukien Constructional Bureau — Carmichael & Clark — 3, Queen’s-

Buildiiig; Teleph. 30231 (2 lines);

Cable Ad: Gdnbr, Foochow Cable Ad: Carmichael, Hongkong

Hazeland and Gonella—20, Queen’s

Road Central; Teleph. 28664; Cable China United Engineering Corpora-

Ad: Hazgo, Hoffig Kong tion—19, Kiukiang Road; Teleph.

11266 ; Cable Ad : Kahncrete, Shang-

Hongkong Engineering and Con- hai


Building; Co.,

Teleph.Ltd.—Chung Tin

30309; Cable

Ad: Ferroconco, Hongkong Davies, Eric—18, The Bund; Teleph.

15874, Shanghai



Doi, Akaki Watanabe—24, , The Parker Rielly .& , Qfi.—25, Peking;

Bu^id; Teleph. 13923; Cable Ad: Road; Teleph. 12267; Cable Ad:

j Kaimusho, Shanghai Veritas, Shanghai

P. C. Rielly

Captain M. Doi

Eisler, Reeves, Mtjrphy & (Lyle—3, PurveIs & ‘ Co., I). A. —pxinee’s Build-

ing; Teleph. 24902; P-O. Box 2$8;

Canton Road; Teleph. 168-17; Cable i Cable Ad ; Bapcopaint, Hprigkpng

Ad : Seaworthy, Shanghai

Frost, J.—6,- Szechuen Road; Teleph. Reiss & Go-, Eld. Inc., Hugo—9,.

Foochow Road; Telephs. 11310,

1,’7592; Cable Ad: Frbst, Shaiaghai j 11318-9; P.O. Boix. 1408; Cable Ad:

i Gray, John—106, Szechuen Road; Te- Hannibal, Shanghai. ,

lepi. 16107j . Cable Ad: Uarg, Shatohin. G. P. — Sassoon House-

Shanghai Cable Ad : Atracom, Shanghai

i German Machine Co.—7, Siking Road; SiRTORiV Ing. L.—Ka«e Course Road ;

| Teleph. 14580; Cable Ad: Gamac, Teleph. 32204, Tientsin


IGeyling, R,-^49, Bromley Road; I. Suhr, K H. — 266; Peking Road;

Teleph. 16029, Cable Ad: Suhr,

Pin Building, Tientsin ; Shanghai

I Goddard & Douglas—Alexandra Bldg, VA's^tLiiV;'C. Gi——9a, Hankow.'Road;

Des Vdeux Road Central;, Teleph.

S 20122; Cable’Ad : Goddard, H’kohg Teleph. K)!)33. Shanghai '

Hohn, Theodor—35, Avenue Haig; ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS

Teleph. 70963,, Shanghai


Hudson & Co.—462, Kiangse Road; Peking Road; .& Co--> Ltd.., W. H.—25,^

| Cable Ad: Hudson, Shanghai Teleph. 101721.; P.-O-.

Box 456, Shanghai

Leth-Moller & Co., V.—23, Hsi Callender’s < Ca'bLe and Construction

Hsung Hutung; Teleph. 2319, East; Co.—-St. George’s Building, Hong

Cable Ad; Leth, Peiping Kong; 368, Kiangse Road; Teleph.

15365; Cable Ad: Callender, Shang-

Malcolm, A.—Waylbbng House (1st hai

floor), 56, , Szechuen Road ; Teleph.

11225 (4 lines); Cable Ad: Tripfe- Central China Trading Co..—33, Sha.

rais, Shanghai Lu Pu Kia; Teleph. 791, Cable

Ad: Centchina, Changsha

McGregor & Co., J. H.—235, Ward China Engineers,, Ltd.—15, Museum

“ Road; Teleph. 50467. Shanghai Road, Shanghai;f 14, Queen’s'Road,

Miller, Thomas N. ~ (Mining)—Comer Central, Hong Kong

Tangshan and Barrack Roads;

Teleph. 30335; Cable Ad: Rellim, China Electric Co.—212, Kiangse

Tientsin Road; Teleph. 11210;. P.O. Box 289;

Cable Ad: Microphoine, Shanghai

Nielsen and Canton

ing, Rue& Malcolm—1, Racine245Build-

Dubail; Telephs. and

241; Cable Ad: Nielcolm, Hankow Comfort Electric Co.—175, Avenue

and . 12, The Bund; Teleph. 13691,. Joffre; Telpph. 83092; Cable Ad:

Shanghai .Comfortco. Shanghai



Duko Pdmp and Engineering Co.— Larsen & Trock—44, Avenue Edward

430, Nathan Road; Teleph. 66226; VII; Teleph. 16838; Cable Ad:

Cable Ad : Curfin, Hongkong Trocklar, Shanghai

Enssle, K.—17, Soochow Road; Te- L’Energie Electriqde de Tientsin—

211, Rue du Marechal Foch (F.C.);

leph. 18269; Shanghai Teleph. 2840; Gable Ad: Bourgery,

Fraser & Chalmers Engineering Tientsin C. Bourgery

Works—23, Ningpo Road; Teleph.

16825; Cable Ad: Genelectric, Lonkomay—4, Quai de France; Te-

Shanghai leph. 61254; Cable Ad: Lonkomay,

Far Eastern Electric Co.—44, Nani- Shanghai

wa-dori; Teleph. 2837; Cable Ad:

Ogata, Mukden Loavcock & Co.—China Building;

Teleph. 26492; Cable Ad: Lowcock,

Fcrukawa Electric Co.—113, Yama- Hongkong

gata-dori; Cable Ad: Furukawa, Mather and Platt—4, Peking Road;


Teleph. 11159, Shanghai

General Electric Co. of China, Ltd.,

The—Queen’s Bldg.; Teleph. 30247; Moysey & Co., H. J.—452, Kiangse

P.O. Box 15; Cable Ad: Sparkless, Road; Telephs. 18331 and 16466;

Hongkong and 23, Ningpo Road; Cable Ad: Adasea, _ Shanghai

Teleph. 1682S; P.O. Box 603; Cable

Ad : Genelectric, Shanghai National Electric Co.—601, Nanking

Road; Teleph. 15120, Shanghai

Goss & Co., A. I.—233, Szechuen

Road; Teleph. 13565, Shanghai North Manchurian Electric Co.—.

Corner Uchastikovaya & Squozana-

Gray, John—106, Szechuen Road; ya; Teleph. 3513 and 4013, Harbin

Teleph. 16107; Cable Ad: Yarg,

Shanghai Oriental Trading and Engineering

Co.—49, Taku Road; Teleph. 32963;

Hong Kong Electric Co., Ltd., The— ! Cable Ad: Foahsiang, Tientsin

P. & O. Building; Teleph. 27711;

Cable Ad: Electric, Hongkong Porter & Co.—42 Canton Road; Te-

leph. 10570; Cable Ad: Electrical,

Innis & Riddle (China) Ltd.—67, Des Shanghai

Voeux Road Central; P.O. Box 73;

Cable Ad: Powerful, Hongkong and Philip’s China Co.—-41, Szechuen

7, Yuen Ming Yuen Road; Teleph. Road; Teleph. 15124; P.O. Box 794;

Cable Ad: Halfwatt, Shanghai

16238, Shanghai A. Masseurs, managing director

A. J. Percival, managing director


Reiss & Co., Hugo—9, Foochow Road;

Jack & Co., Ltd., William C.—St. Teleph. 11310, 11318-9; P.O. Box

George’s Building (3rd floor); 1408; Cable Ad: Hannibal, Shang-

Telephs. 20358 and 57827; P.O. Box hai

474; Cable Ad: Marinework, Hong

Kong Representation for British Manufac-

turers—23, Tungting Road; Teleph.

Jardine Engineering Corporation, 1880; Cable Ad: Rebritman, Han-


hai Yuen Ming Road, Shang- kow

Kawakita Electric42357,Co.—108,

Road; Teleph. Chappo Shanghai


Electric Construction Co.

—7, Foochow Road; Teleph. 60601;

P.O. Box 793; Cable Ad: Eskimo,




wan, Tomes &, Co.—National Bank American Trading Co. — 5, Canton

Teleph. 27781; P.O.Box 115; Road; Teleph. 15077; Cable Ad:

Cable Ad: Keecheong, Hongkong Amtraco, Shanghai

Siemens China ..Co.—41, Teng Shi Anderson, Meyer & Co., Ltd.—67, Des

Row; Cable Ad. Motor, Peiping Voeux Road Central; Teleph. 28091,

and 218 Kiangse 'Road; Teleph. P.O. Box 73; Cable Ad: Danica,


Street, Shanghai

Hongkong and and 17,12, B.Pedder Hongkong and 4, Yuen Ming Yuen

Con., Road;

Canton P.O. Box 265, Shanghai an<^

96, Rue de Takou; Teleph. 30374,

Scott, Harding & Co.—35, Peking Hutung; Tientsin and 1, Ta Yuen Fu

Road; Teleph, 10173; P.O. Box 456; ping Teleph. 1935, E. O. Pei-

Cable Ad : Scothar, Shanghai

Shanghai Electric Supply Co.—184, A.Kiangse E. G. China Electric .

Road; Teleph. 17472; Cable

Nanking Road; Teleph. 17709; Cable Ad: Aegchinaco, Shanghai

Ad: Shallsup, Shanghai


Sintoon Overseas Trading Co.—22, gata-dori; Teleph 8320; & George' Ca—54, Yama-

Kiukiang Road; Teleph. 16519; Yadzu, Dairen Cable Ad :

Cable Ad: Navigatrad, Shanghai

Skodaworks, Ltd.—24, The Bund; Arnhold & Co., Ltd.—1 Nanking

Road; Teleph. 11430; Cable Ad: Harchi,

Teleph. 13940; Cable Ad: Skoida- Shanghai; 3, Queen’s Road Central;

works, Shanghai Teleph. 2»141, Hongkong and The Bund

San Shing Co.—30, Chi Ping Road; S A.D. 1; Cable Ad: Harcbi, Hankow

Teleph. 394; Cable Ad: Sansco, Asia Commercial Co.—62, Kiangse

Swatow Road; Teleph. 12873, Shanghai

Telefunken East . Asiatic Wireless Babcocs and WYlcox, Ltd.—1, The

Telegraph Co.—218,

Teleph. 67456; P.O. BoxKiangse

1040; Road;

Cable haiBund; Cable Ad: Babcock, Shang-

Ad : Motor, Shanghai and 173, Victoria Road; Cable Ad:

Babcock, Tientsin

H. C. Wessels—24, Nanking Road; J. E. Hargreaves, manager for China

Teleph. 16101; P.O. Box 577, Shang- Bailey & Co., Ltd., W. S,—Kowloon

hai Bay; Teleph. 58021; Cable Ad:

Westinghouse Electric International Seybourne, Hongkong

Co.—9, Foochow Road; Teleph. Baisun Engineering Works (Boiler-

11310; P.O. Box 359; Cable Ad: makers)—734, Point Bead; Teleph.

Wenooexpo, Shanghai 45300, Shanghai

Wei Tong Electrical Co.—P.587, Nan- Behn, Meyer China Co.—421, Kiangse

king Road; Teleph. 13955, Shanghai Road; Teleph. 18076; P.O. Box 568;

Cable Ad: Meychina, Shanghai


Black & Co., J. F.—32, Ta Juan Fu

Aerostyle, Ltd.—19, Museum Road; Ad Hutung; Teleph. 3213 East; Cable

Teleph. 19473; P.O. Box 697; : Engineer, Peiping

Shanghai Bournemann & Co;—12, French Con.,

American Engineering Corporation- Shameen; Cable Ad: Pervasion,

Canton; Prince’s Building, Des

583, Bubbling Well Road; Teleph.

35105; Cable Ad: Amengoo, Shang- Voeux Road Central; Teleph. 24512;

hai Cable Ad: Pervasion, Hong Kong



Carlowitz & Co.—4, Queen’s Road Domestic Engineers, Ltd.—8, Des

Central (Bank of China Bldg.); Teleph. Voeux Road Central (1st floor);


Hong P.O. Box 73;

Kong; 220,CableSzechuen

Ad: Carlowitz,

Road; Teleph. 23504; Cable Ad: Yulan,

Teleph. 15796; P.O. Box 1274; Cable Hong Kong

Ad: Carlowitz, Shanghai; 140-144, Eastern Engineering Works, Ltd.—

Taku Road, Tientsin 4, Loin don Road; Cable Ad: Vulca,


Central China Commercial Co.—25,

Jinkee Road; Teleph. 63511; Cable Elbrook, Inc.—50, Peking Road; Te-

Ad: Ceneomchin, Shanghai ieph. 12552; P.O. Box 303; Cable

Ad : Koorble, Shanghai

Chien Hsin Engineering Co., Feld & Co., F.—52-A, B.C., Shameen;

(Ltd.) Diesel Engines, Suction

Gas Engines, Printing Machinery, Teleph. 10914; Cable Ad : Feldbobe,

Textile Machinery, Pumps, Cranes, Canton and Pedder Building;

Steelworks, Furnaces and Lifting Teleph. 26650, Hongkong

Appliances—'Shanghai; 138, Kiangse

Road; Teleph. 13599; Cable Ad: Fukien CoNSTRucTLok Bureau—Cable

Engincomer. Hong Kong: Shell Ad: Cbnbr, Foochow

House (1st floor), 26-32, Queen’g P. P. Wiant, manager

Road Central; Cable Ad: Engin-

comer. Canton: Taiping Mialoo Gale & Co., L. E. (Aviation)—12, The

South; Cable Ad: Lemjus Bund; Teleph. 16352; Cable Ad :

Gale, Shanghai

China American Engineering Cor-

poration—Rue de France; Teleph. Glathe & Witt—106, Szechuen Road;

31423; Cable Ad: Caeng, Tientsin Teleph. 15337; Cable Ad: Safe-

guard, Shanghai

China Brass and Iron Works—484,

Kiangse Road; Teleph. 60721, Gran, A. L.—Hsing-Hsuan Li; Cable

Shanghai Ad : Algran, Mukden

China Engineers, Ltd.—Gloucester Hayes Engineering Corporation—49,

Bldg., Hong Kong; 88, Museum Taku Road; Teleph. 30250; Cable

Road, Shanghai Ad: Jehayes, Tientsin

Chinese Engineering and Develop- Horie Engineering Co.—343, East

ment Co.—1, Jui Ching Li, San jin Broadway; Teleph. 50655, Shanghai

Loo; Teleph. 5198; P.O. Box 14;

Cable Ad: Cedco, Mukden and 29, Honwan Trading Co., The — 16,

Szechuen Road; Teleph. 12708, P.O. French Concession; Cable: 4-d : Hon-

Box 1651, Shanghai and 49, Chung wan, Canton

Lin'Fang, Sin Chia Kou, Nanking

and 19, Kuangsi Road, Tsingtao Inniss Riddle (China), Ltd. (In-

and 75, Nan Chih Tze, Peping corporated under the, Companies

H. A. Ra-ider, manager (Shanghai)


Ming Yuen ofRoad;


P.O. Bq* Yuen


Dairen Engineering Works—23, Dai- ■ Cable Ad : Powerful ; Shanghai; 67-

san-cho; Teleph. 9151; Cable Ad: 6§, Des'^oeux Road Central, H’kong

Dairenkikai, Dairen

International Harvester Export Co.

Dehtsch^ Asiatische Kompag-Nie—12, •'(Agricultural maohinery)—52, Dia-

Diagonaliiaya Street; P. O. Box gonalnaya Street; P.O. Box 462;

131; Cable Ad: Baku, -Harbin Cable Ad: Interha, Harbin



.Jardine Engineering Corporation Mather and Platt—4, Peking Road;

Ltd.—Ewo Rd.; Teleph. 31294; Cable Teieph. 11159, Shanghai

j Ad: Jardeng, Tientsin and 2 Mah

Lu Wan; Teleph. 4756, Mukden and McDonnell & Gorman—Ta Hsi Pien

48, Chiao Chuang Yuan Hsiang: Men Wai; Cable Ad: Macdon, Mukden

Teleph. 31019, Nanking & 50, Yuen

Ming Yuen Road; Teleph. 15290; P. McGregor & Co., J.H. — 235, Ward

S O. Box 1238, Shanghai and 14, Red- Road; Teleph. 50467, Shanghai

der Street; Teleph. 30319, Hongkong (Ceramic)

1 Johnson Engineering Co.—4, British Oliveira & Son, H.—5, North Soo-

Concession, Shameen; Teleph. 11002 ; chow Road: Teleph. 40461; Cable

P.O. Box 104; Cable Ad: Johnen- Ad: Hotema, Shanghai


Kiangnan Dock & Engineering Oriental Engineering Co. — Cable

Ad: Orimp, Foochow

Works — Arsenal Road; Teleph.

61661; Pable Ad: Sinodock S’hai Perrin’s (China), Ltd.-<-14, Queen’s

I IKoon Cheong Engineering Works- Ad: Road Central; Teleph. 28332; Cable

72, Yun Chiao Road; Teleph. 1028, Lunperchin, Hongkong

s LLankow Reiss & Co., Fed. Inc.,.U.S.A., Hugo

l Kunst & Albers—39, F. C., Shameen, —185,"Yuen Ming Yuen Road; Tele-

phone 1131(1, P.O. Box 1408; Cable

P..O. Box 33, Canton; 29, Szechuen Ad: Hannibal; Shanghai

Rd. ; Teleph. 18737-9; P.O. Box-1179; T. Sandor, m.e., .b.sc., managing

‘Cable Ad: Kunstalber, Shanghai director

and 11, The Bund, S. A. D. 3; Th. Kregczy, m.e., b.Sc., manager

Teleph. 71 and 1557; Cable Ad:

Kunstalber, Hankow

t Kwong Hip Lung Cq. (1932), Ltd., The— Reiss, Massey & Co.—7, Queen’s Road

Central; Teleph. 28009; Cable Ad:

i General

Shipyard:Office: 43, Bonham Strand East, Josstree, Hongkong

:Shiu Po; 57, Chung 21587

Telephs. Hing Street,


and Remond & Collet—693, Route de

57009 (Shipyard) Zikawei; Teleph. 70410, Shanghai

Kwong Sang & Co.—59, Connaught

Road Central; Teleph. 22554; P.O. Rielly, Simmons and Milne—25, Pe-

Box 664;'Cable Ad: Yueng, Hong- king Road; Teleph, 12267; Cable

kong Ad: Veritas, Shanghai

j Leyseco China 11274;

Road; Teleph. Co.—138, Kiangse

Cable Ad: En- Sator, A. (Printing., machinery)—20,

gincomer, Shanghai Museum Road; Teleph. 19902; P.O.

Box 1377; Cable Ad : Sator, Shang-

iLinotype Sc Machinery, Ltd. (Prin- hai

) ters’ Engineers)—18, Ice House Shanghai Dock and Engineering Co^

Street; Teleph. 20768; Cable Ad •

t Linotype, Hongkong and 38, Avenue —150,,: Broadway; 40QQ7;

(Edward VII; Teleph. 13448; P.O. Cable Ad: Farnharn, Shanghai ',

Box 1152, Shanghai Shin : Tai. Qo.—3, Foochow Road;

Lim Co., T. Y.—at, Rue Dautremer; yoko, Teleph. 16647; Cable Ad : Shintai-

Teleph. 2650; Cable Ad: Tyli, Han- Shanghai


i Manufacturers’ Sales A gency—55, machinery)Co.,—F.23,L. Hsi

Smidth & (Cement making

Tsung; Pu

Victoria Road; Teleph. 30335; Cable Hutung; Teleph. 3319, East,;.,Cable

Ad: Rellifn, Tientsin Ad: Folasmidth, Peiping



Stbomwall, Holdo—17, Yuen; Ming Inniss & Riddle (China), Ltd.—67,.

Yuen Road ; Teleph. 61623; Cable j iDes Voeux Road Central; P.O. Box.

73; Cable Ad: Powerful, Hongkong,

Ad: Stromtrade, Shanghai and 34, Yuen Ming Yueti Road'; P.O.

Telge & Scheoetee—212, Szechuen Box 787 ; Shanghai ■

Road; Teleph. 16233; P.O. Box 715;

Cable Ad : Telge, Shanghai Kien Cheong Engineering Iron

A. Berg - Works—5, North Honan Road; Te-

leph, 40402, Shanghai

Tientsin Steeldrum & Engineeeing

WoEK'S—13, Via Torino; Teleph. Malayan Motors, Ltd.—14-20, Orchard

’40851; Cable Ad : Telge, ’ Shanghai Road, Singapore

Wah Chang Trading Corporation— Moysey & Co.—452, Kiangse Road;,

23, Rue Dautremer; Teleph. 26501; Telephs. 18331 and 16466; Cable Ad :

Cable Ad : Tyli, Hankow Adasea, Shanghai

Yang & Co., Ltd., I. C.—Tung Tan Reiss & Co., Fed. Inc., Hugo—9, Foo-

Piao Lou; Teleph. 4388; Cable Ad: chow Road; Telephs. 11310, 11318-9;.

Yangco, Peiping P.O. Box 1408; Cable Ad: Han-

nibal, Shanghai

York Shipley, Inc. (Ice Making and

Refrigerating machinery)—21, Jin- Rose Downs & Thompson, Ltd.—29^

kee Road; Teleph. 11450; Cable Ad: Canton Road; Teleph. 13497; P.O.

Yorkshipli, Shanghai Box 759; Cable Ad: Rbsedowns,.


Yue Sang Teleph.

Building; & Co. 26705;

— King’sCableTheatre

Ad : Ross & Co., AleN.—Prince’s Building;

Lavolta, Hongkong Teleph. 20027; Cable Ad: Rotunda,


Zee & Sons, W. Z.—A. 1299 Broad-

way; Teleph. 41468; Cable Ad: San Shing Co.—30, Chi Ping Road;

Zungli, Shanghai Teleph. 394; Cable Ad: Sanscor


MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Siemens China Co, — 218, Kiangse-

Road; Teleph. 67456-9; P.O. Box

Babcock cfc Wilcox, Ltd.—1, The 1040, Shanghai and 41, Teng Shib

Kou Cable Ad : Motor, Peiping

Bund; Teleph. 12558; Cable Ad:

Babcock, Shanghai Sin Chun Engineering Co.—378r

Kiangse Road; Teleph. 19824; Cable-

Bailey & Co., W. S.—Kowloon Bay; Ad: Sinchung, Shanghai

Teleph. 58021; Cable Ad : Seybourne

Hcngkong Sulzer Brothers—4, Avenue Edward

W. S. Bailey VII; Teleph. 16512; Cable Ad: SuL

zerbros, Shanghai

Central China Trading Co.—33, Sha

Lu Pu Kia; Teleph. 791; Cable Ad: Tuck Tai Iron Works—Ra.733, Point

Centohina, Changsha Road; Teleph. 41735; Cable Ad:

Foundry, Shanghai

Gray, John—106, Szechuen Road;

Teleph. 16107; Cable Ad: Yarg;

Codes: A.B.C. 6bh and Bentley’s, MOTOR ENGINEERS


Great Central Foundry — Beach Anderson & Ferrogiaro—497, Bub-

Street, Kowloon; Teleph. 57859, bling Well Road; Teleph. 30400

Kowloon, Hongkong Cable Ad: Anferco, Shanghai



Auto. Castle—242, Avenue:

leph. 34002,' Shanghai «Ioffre,?^Te- Hudford Motors—36, Great Western

Street; Teleph.. 27181, Shanghai

Auto Doctor Service—1214, Avenue International Motor Supply Co.—

Joffre; Teleph., 70829, Shanghai City Hall Square; Teleph. 23377;

P.O. Box 492, Hongkong

Auto Ralace Co.—694, Bubbling Well

Road; Teleph. 30005; Cable Ad : Au- Malayan Motors, Ltd.—14-20, Orchard

topalace, Shanghai Road; Teleph. 5485; Cable Ad:


Auto Palace Cd.;, Ltd.—100, Rte.' du

Cardinal Mercier; Teleph. 70180; Nahmmacker, Carl—563, Avenue Foch;

...Cable Ad: Autopalace; Shapghai Teleph. 36320, Shanghai

Baychee Motor Car Co.—3a, Yates Nanyang Motor Supply Co.—202,

Road; Teleph. 33784, Shanghai Avenue Edward VII; Teleph. 19664,


China . Motors, Inc.-t702, . The Bub- Neuborg Motor Service—162, Med-

bling Well Road; Teleph. 30271;

Cable Ad: Mechanic, Shanghai hurst Road, Shanghai

Duro Motor Car Co.'—132, Nathan Teleph. Ross & Co., Alex.^—Prince’s Building;

Road; Teleph. 5722i6; Kowloon, 20027; Cablfe Ad: Rotunda,

Hongkong Hongkong

Dragon Motor Car Co.—33, Wong Shanghai Horse Bazaar and Motor

Nei Chung Road; Teleph. 30228; Co.—694, Bubbling Well Road; Te-

leph. 30005, Shanghai

Cable Ad: Autoimport, Hongkong

Frazar, Fed. Inc., U.S.A.—154, Yama- Shun Woo Engineering Works —

gata-dori; .Teleph. 54f73; Cable Ad: Point and Chusan Roads; Teleph.

52082, Shanghai

Frazar, Dairen and Tsinan

W. A. Morgan, manager

Thornycroit: & Co., Ltd., John I.,

Gascon Motor Co.—2, Kwopg Wah Marine Engines,

and Boilers Motor,Building,

— Pioneer Vehicles

Road; Teleph. 56242; P.O. Box 635; Nathan Road; Kowloon;, Teleph.

, Cable Ad: Gascqpbabs, Kowloon.,

Hongkong 56752; Cable Ad: Thorny, Hong

Kong ;

Hainan Motor Co.—Iklain Road; Te- Union Motors, Inc.—192, Avenue

leph. 43; Cable Ad: Hainanmotor,

Hoihow •Foch; Teleph. 30062; Cable Ad:

Unionmotors, Shanghai

Hartzenbusch Motor Co.—131, Avenue

Foch; Teleph. 35202; P.O. Box 1814; SANITARY ENGINEERS .?

Cable Ad: Repairing, Shanghai


Hongkong Hotel Garage (The Ho ng Associated Agencies (Far East), Ltd.

. Kong & Shanghai Hotels; Ltd.) — —114, Kiangse Road; Teleph. 10597;

Foot of Stubbs Road; Teleph. • Cable Ad : Assags, Shanghai

23124; Cable Ad: Kremoffice, Hong

Komg Societe EtablisSements Arnoult—81,

Teng She Kou; Teleph. 952 (East);

Honigsberg & Son, Fed. Inc., U.S.A. ■ Cable ; Ad : Arnoult, Peiping and

— 271, Medhurst Road; Teleph. Akiyama- Road, Tientsin

30030; Cable Ad: Madsyl, Shanghai E. Arnoult (Peiping)



China Radiator Co.—279; Chao Yang Reiss, Massey & Co.—7, Queen’s Road

Min (Street; Teleph. 4638 (East), Central; Teleph. 28009; Cable Ad:

Peiping Jostree, Hongkong

Chee Hsin Pottery—48, Szechuen Reyer & Co., A. A.—1506, Avenue

Road; Teleph. 17471; Cable Ad: Joffre; Teleph. 80849, Shanghai

Cement, Shanghai

Doughty & Co., C. J.—30, Brenan Sargeant, P. A.—24, The Bund; Te-

leph. 19790; P.O. Box 1777; Cable

Road; Teleph. 27203; Cable Ad: Ad: Asenco, Shanghai

Doughtyoo, Shanghai

Eastern China Engineering Co.—80, Shanghai Sanitary & Electric Co.—

Avenue Edward VII; Teleph. 16783, 329, Kiangse Road; Teleph. 12336;

Cable Ad: iKightsanit, Shanghai


Eastern Engineering Works—4, Lon- Shanghai Waterworks Fittings Co.,

don Road; Teleph. 31195; Cable Ad: Ltd.—484, Kiangse Road; Teleph.

Vulca, Tientsin and 12, Szechuen 60721, Shanghai

Road, Shanghai

Elm & Co.—36, Jinkee Road; Teleph. Twyford Engineering Co.—113, Rue

du Chaylard; Teleph. 30810, Cable

60801; Cable Ad: Elmco, Shanghai Ad: Twyford, Tientsin

Fan, Robert—20, Szechuen Road; Te- Warren & Co., C. E.—China Build-

leph. 19395; Cable Ad: Rofan, ing; Teleph. 20269; Cable Ad: War-

Shanghai ren, Hongkong

Gordon & Co., Ltd.—137, Szechuen

Road; Teleph. 61107; Cable Ad:

Hardware, Shanghai SHIPBUILDING

Great Light Electric Co.—440, North ROAD MACHINERY MANUFACTURERS

Szeehuen Road; Teleph. 43256;

Cable Ad: Greatlight, Shanghai The Austin-Western Road Machinery Co.

King Aurora, Illinois, U.S.A.


Shin Teleph.



Cable Cable Address: “ Awco,” Aurora.

Ad: Kingpaoshu, Shanghai

Bailey & Co., W. IS.—Kowloon Bay;

Langdqn & Co., E. W.—151, Avenue Teleph. 58021; Cable Ad: Seybourn,

Foch; Teleph. 31545; Cable Ad: Hongkong

Domlangco, Shanghai

Eastern Engineering Works, Ltd.—

Lee Yu Kee — 24c, Des Voeux Road 4, 'London Road; Telephs. 31349 and

Central; Teleph. 28177; Cable Ad : 31195; Cable Ad: Vulca, Tientsin

Building, Hong Kong

Orientajs. Engineering & Electro- Heng Chong Chang & Co.—147a, \

Plating Works—85, Baikal Road, Broadway; Teleph. 42447, Shanghai

Teleph. 50542, Shanghai Hongkong & Whampoa Dock Co.—2, 1

Queen’s Building & Kowloon jl

Piumring Supply Ca—1206, Bubbling

Well Road; Teleph. 34802; Cable Docks; Teleph. 28020 and 58033;

Ad: Plumbaupcom, Shanghai P.O. Bose 41; Cable Ad : Manifesto, iI




Huh Ilsi:>to Engineering and Ship- I New Engineering and Shipbuild-

BuiuiiNG : WoRKS^-:A,Yen.U#"‘ de Beza,; j ing Works,

Road; Ltd.,


--.ii to,P.O.Yang,

ure; Teleph. Nantao 159; Shanghai ' tszepoo704; Cable Ad: Speedy, Shanghai


Italchina Engineering and Ship- Sang Chin Engineering and Ship-

building Work's—24,1 The Bund; building Works—300, Yulin Road-,

Teleph. 1071? • Cable Ad ; Italchina,

Shanghai Teleph. 50729, Shanghai


Jiangnan Dock and Engineering —150, Broadway; Dock and Engineering Co.

Works — Arsenal Road;. Tel$ph. Teleph. 51807;

61661; Cable Ad; Sinodock, Shang- Cable Ad : Farnham, Shanghai


King Chong Chang & Co.—RA. 6G9, South China Motor Shipbuilding &

Point Road; Teleph. 43360, Shang- Repairing Works — St. George’s

Building; Teleph. 23772; P.O. Box

hai 272; t 'Cable Ad: Motyard, d Hong


Koon Cheng Engineering Works—Ta

Chi .Men.; Teleph. 1028, Hankow Taikoo Dockyard " and Engineering

Co.—Quarry Bay, Hongkong,

Kwong Hip Lung Co. (1932), Ltd.

The— General Office: 43, Bonham

Strand East. Shipyard: 5:7,' Chung Hing Wayside’s Iron Works—LR. 222,

Macgregor 1 Road ; Teleph. 50335;

Street, Sham Shiu Po; Telephsf. 21587 Shanghai

(Office) and 57009 (Shipyard) . ■



BOILERS Gammon & Hall (F.M.S.), Ltd.—

Hon Kong Bank Chambers; Teleph.

Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd.—Bl,2&3 683; P.O. Box 49; Cable Ad: Struc-

Hongkong Bank Chambers; Teleph. tural, Ipoh, Perak

6261; Cable Ad: Babcock; Codes: Acme, Hood, T. C.—34, Meyer Chambers,

Bentley’s and Private, Singapore Singapore

CIVIL ENGINEERS International Engineer Co.—P.O.

Box 39, Bangkok, Siam; Cable Ad:


Akbenz and Brewer—Union Building; Jackson, J. M—7, Malacca Street:

Teleph. 6071; Cable Ad: Arbenz, Teleph. 6493; Cable Ad: Jackson,

Singapore Singapore

Addas—J. V.—Perak Langenberg & Son, T. C. van—19, Old

Bangkok Dock & Co.—Teleph. 184; Market Square, Kuala Lumpur,

Cable Ad : Progress, Bangkok, Siam Selangor

Booty & Edwards—165, High Street, LimTeleph. & Seah—13b, Change Alley;

6594; Cable Ad: Keng-

Kuala Lumpur, Selangor seng, Singapore

Brossard Mopin—French Bank Build- McIntyre & Co., Ltd., Stewart—45,

ing, Raffles Place: Cable Ad: Orchard Road, Singapore and Bukit

Brosezploi, Singapore Palah, Malacca

Chan Sow Lin & Co.—74a, Ampang Pratt, H. W.—P.O. Box 41, Seremban

Road; Teleph. 235; Cable Ad :

Meelee, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

Redpath Brown Co., Ltd. (Glas-

Chung & Wong—Union Building; gow), Structural Steel Work for

Teleph. 7257, Singapore Buildings, etc. — Hongkong Bank

Buildings; P.O. Bax 416; Teleph.

Craig & Co., James—Klang 6098; Cable Ad: Colum, Singapore

Evans & Co., H.W.—Setul Road; Robb & Nilsson—Sungei Patani;

Teleph. 137; P.O. Box 13; Cable Cable Ad: Nilrob, Kedah and 2,



Building; Teleph.

Ad: Evansco; Seremban, Negri 1318; & Bentleys,

Sembilan Penang

Federated Engineering Co.—246, Simplex Concrete Piles — Union

High Street; Teleph. 186; Kuala Building, Singapore

Lumpur, Selangor

Fog den, Brisbane & Co., Ltd. —550, Swan & Dunn, Ltd.—23, Java Street,

Havelock Road ; Telephs. 5867 and Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

5868; Cable Ad : Fogbane, Singapore

■Gammon (Malaya), Ltd.—11, Ocean Swan and Maclaren—Hongkong Bank


233; CableTeleph. Box Chambers;

5331/2; P.O.Singa-

Ad: Gammon,

Teleph. 4317; Cable Ad:

Framboise, Singapore and Straits

pore Trading Building, Kuala Lumpur,




Thomas & Hornidge—23, Hale Street; Mackie, D.

1 D.—18, Winchester House;-.

Teleph. 215; Cable Ad: Taponga, Teleph. 78li; Cable Ad: Mackie,

Ipoh, Perak Singapore

United Engineers, Limited — River Osborne k Chapped—Teleph. 510;-

Valley Road; Cable Ad: Uriiteers, Cable Ad: Felspar, Ipoh, Perak

Singapore and 87, Bishop Street,

Teleph. 31, Malacca and Lahat Pollard, Thomas H.—Teleph. 5394;

Road; Teleph. 21, Ipoh, Perak and Cable Ad: Pollard, Bangkok, Siam

Banmai; P.O. Box 72, Bangkok

J. A. P. Strachan (Singapore) Thomas ; & Hornidge—23, Hale

Van Langenberg A Son, T.C.—19, Old Street; Teleph. 215; C£(,ble Ad:

Market Square; Teleph. .3803; Taponga, Ipoh, Perak

Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

T. C. van Langenberg, f.i.a.a., Van Cuylenburg, C. M.—2, Raffles

l.r.i.b.a,, partner Place, Singapore

V. S. van Langenberg, f.i.a.a.

l.r.i.b.a., partner" Waters, David L.—98, Robinson Road,

Wong & Co., S'. Y.—44, Raffles Cham- Singapore

bers: Telephs. 6737, Singapore Wakeford & Lowndes—98, Robinson

Young & Co., Ltd., R.—1, Penang Cable Road; P.O. Box 669; Teleph. 3412;

Road; Teleph. 542; P.O. Box 359;

Cable Ad: Loco, Penang L. T.Ad: Jipco, Singapore



Young & Co., Ltd., R.—1, Penang Beng Swee &>Cq., Ltd.—41, Bishop

Road; Teleph. 542; 'P.O. Box 359: Street; Teleph. 697;1 Cable Ad :

Cable Ad : Loco; Penang Bengswee, Reuang

Chan Sow Lin &,Co.—74a, Ampang

CONSULTING ENGINEERS Road; Teleph. 235; Cable Ad:

Meelee, Kuala Lumpur

i Christiani and Nielsen (Siam), Ltd. Crompton, Parkinson, Ltd.—8, Sta-

—Cable Ad: Concrete, Bangkok tion Road; Teleph. 21; Cable Ad:

) Flowerdew &; Co., A.H.—P.O. Box Acmotor, Ipoh, Perak

| 156, Teleph. 3630; Cable Ad : Flower-

- . dew, Kuala Lumpur, iSelangor English Electriq-Co., Ltd.—3, Hale

Hannay & Steedman—P.O. Box -64, Street; Teleph. 305; P.O. Box 69;

I Ipoh, Perak Cable Ad: Enelectico, Ipoh, Perak

I Henggler

Teleph. 3136, P.O. Box 140; Cable High Street; Teleph. 186; Kuala

Ad: Henggler, Kuala Lumpur, Lumpur, Selangor

; Selangor Fonghin & Watts—64, Wallich Street;

Hindhede & Co., Ltd.—P.O. Box 276; Teleph. 7582, Cable Ad : Seeben-

Teleph. 6107; Cable Ad: Naiti, gong, Singapore

1 Singapore

Fraser & Chalmers Engineering-

; Jngersoll-Rand (India), Ltd.—66, Works—12, Battery Road, Singa-

Choon Guan Street, Singapore pore



General Electric Co.—12, Battery United Engineers, Limited—River

Road ; Teleph. 5858; P.O. Box 203; Valley Road; Cable Ad: Uniteers,

Cable Ad: Vanner, Singapore; and Singapore; 87, Bishop Street;

4, Market Street; Teleph. 1901; Teleph. 731, Penang; 1, River Side;

Teleph. 31, Malacca and Lahiat

Hoe Boon Leong—60, Selegie Road, Road; Teleph. 21, Ipoh, Perak and

Banmai; P.O. Box 72, Bangkok


JTuttenbach, Lazarus & Sons—1, Wakeford & Lowndes—98, Robinson

Holland Road; Teleph. 4246; P.O. Road;Jipco,

Teleph. 3412; Cable Ad:


Box 255; Cable Ad: Agentship,

Kuala Lumpur, Selangor and Brew-

ster Road; Teleph. 54; P.O. Box GENERAL ENGINEERS

124; Cable Ad: Huttenbach, Ipoh,

Perak Babcock St Wilcox, Ltd.—Hongkong

International Engineering Co.— Ad: Bank Chambers; Teleph. 6261; Cable

Chartered Bank Lane, Bangkok, Babcock, Singapore

Siam W. H. Menzies, -manager

Jacks & Co. (Malaya), Ltd., Wm.— Baker, Perkins, Ltd.—Union Build-

ing; Teleph. 3570; P.O. Box 236;

Ocean Building, Singapore Cable Ad: Uniwash, Singapore

.Johnson & Philips, Ltd., London- Barrow, Brown & Co., Ltd.—Tapan

39, Hale Street; Cable Ad: Simit, Ad: Hua Takay; Teleph. 435; Cable

Ipoh, Perak Leather, Bangkok, Siam

Kee Huat Company—24, Beach St.; Butler & Webster—Seekak Phya Sri;

Cable. Ad: Kikophone,Penang; 223, Teleph. 600; Cable Ad: Autos, Bangkok

G. E. Brew

Batu Road, Selangor; 404, North

Bridge Rd.. Singapore Craig & Co., James—Teleph. 58;

Morey & Co., John—98, Robinson langor Cable Ad: Experience, Klang, Se-

Road: Teleph. 7558; Cable Ad: C. J. K. Grieve

Johnmorey, Singapore

Diethelm & Co., Ltd.—117, Market

Nathan, M. & E.—96, North Bridge Street; Cable Ad: Diethelmco,

Road, Singapore Singapore and P.O. Box 14; Cable

Ad: Diethelm, Bangkok

National Electrae, The>—59, Or- Guthrie & Co.—24, Battery Road;

chard Road; Teleph. 7001; Cable Teleph. 5133; Cable Ad: Guthrie,

Ad; Elec-trade, Singapore Singapore

Siam Architects (Import)—Asdang Hume Steel, Ltd.—6th Mile, Bukit

Road, Bangkok, Siam Timah Road, Singapore.


Siam Electric Corporation, Ltd.— Market Street; Lazarus & Sons—14,

Bangkok, Siam Teleph. 4226; P.O.

Box 255; Cable Ad: Agentship,

Kuala Lumpur and 5, Beach Street,

Standard Telephones & Cables, Ltd. Cable Ad: Habiture, Penang


P.O. Robinson

Box 553; Road;

Cable Teleph. 5069;

Ad: Micro-

phone, Singapore Ingersoll-Rand (India), Ltd.—69,

Chuan Guan r(Street, Singapore



International Engineering Co., Inc. Cumming, Charles E.—Floral Villa,.

—Chartered Bank Lane; P,0. Box Lahat Road; Teleph. 44; Cable Ad:

I 39; Cable Ad: Gysom, Bangkok, Cumming, Ipoh, Perak


Irving, John H.— Kuala Kangsar, Perak Evans & Co., H. W—Seremban, Negri


Jacks & Co. (Malaya), Ltd., William Federated Engineering Co., Ltd.—

Co.—Ocean Building; Teleph. 5216;

Cable Ad: Expanded, Singapore; 246, High Street; Kuala Lumpur,


and 8, Beach Street; Teleph. 351,

Penang and 120, Belfield iStreet: Fraser & Chalmers Engineering

Teleph. 114; Ipoh, Perak and 23,

Java Street; Teleph. 625, Kuala Works—12, Battery Road, Singa-

Lumpur pore

Macintosh Cable Co., Ltd.—142, Fleming Brothers—Lahat Road; Te-

Robinson Road, Singapore leph. 152; Cable Ad : Fleming, Ipoh,

S Paterson, Simons & Oo., Ltd.— Perak

I Prince Street, Singapore; 9, Weld Hume Steel, Ltd.—6th Mile, Bukit

i Quay, Penang; 1, Old Market Timah Road, Singapore

{ Square, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

Siam Architects (Import)—Asdang Malayan Mechanical Equipment Co.—

14, Robinson Road, Singapore

| Road; Teleph. 646; Cable Ad:

Healey, Bangkok, Siam

| E. Healy, manager Morey & Co., John—98, Robinson

Road, Singapore

[ Simplex Concrete Piles (Malaya),

Ltd.—Union Building; Teleph. 4902; United Engineers, Limited — River

P.O. Box 533; Cable Ad: Simplex- Valley Road; Cable Ad: Uniteers,.

co, Singapore Singapore and 87, Bishop Street;

Teleph. 731, Penang and 1, River

MARINE ENGINEERS Side; Teleph. 31, Malacca and Lahat

Road; Teleph. 21, Ipoh, Perak and

Banmai, ;P.O. Box 72, Bangkok

Singapore Slipway and Engineering

Co., Ltd.—Tanjong Pagar; Cable Wearne Brothers, Ltd. — Gopeng.

Ad: Slipway, ' Singapore Road; Teleph. 782; Cable Ad:

Wearne, Ipoh, Perak

: Thornycroft (Singapore), Ltd.—Tank

Road, Singapore

United Engineers, Ltd.—River Valley MINING ENGINEERS

Road, Singapore;-87, Bishop Street. Anglo-Oriental (Malaya), Ltd.—94

(i Penang; 1, Riverside, Malacca; and

l Seremban, Negri Sembilan Brewster Road, Ipoh, Perak

Audas, J. V.—Cable Ad: Audas, Ipoh,


■ Bangkok Dock Co., LiD.-^Cable Ad: Brash & Smith—110, Belfield Street;

Teleph. Iil6; Cable Ad: Granite,

Progress, Bangkok, Siam Ipoh, Perak

Chan Sow Lin & Co., Ltd.—74a, Am- Corbett, M.C.—Teleph. 6; Cable Ad:

pang Road; Teleph. 235; Cable Ad :

Melee, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor Corbett, Ipoh, Perak



De Villa, E.M.—P.O. Box 634' Cable Wong & Co., S. Y.—44, Raffles Cham-

Ad: Geologist; Codes: Acme, Bent- bers; Teleph. 6787 ; Singapore

ley’s Broomhall’s, Singapore and

118, Immeuble du Credit Foncier,


Flowebdew & Co!, A. H.—Oriental Bangkok Dock Co., Ltd.—Cable Ad :

Buildings; Teleph. 3630; P.O. Box Progress, Bangkok, Siam

156; Cable Ad': Flowerdew, Kuala

Lumpur, Selangor

Borneo Motors, Ltd. & Borneo Chev-

Hannay and Steedman—Gopeng Road, Cable rolet, Ltd.—68, Orchard Road;

Ipoh, Perak Ad: Borneoear, Singapore

and Farquhar Street; Teleph. 668,

Penang and Brewster Road; Teleph.

Henggeler & Martin, Ltd.—8, Java 475; Ipoh, Perak and Setul Road;

Street; Teleph. 3136; P.O. Box 140; Teleph. 302, Seremban, Negri Sem-

Cable Ad: Henggeler, Kuala Lum- bilan

pur, Selangor

Holman Bros., Ltd.—Ocean Building, Cycle & Carriage Co. (1926), Ltd.—

41, Orchard Road;. Teleph. 5944;

Singapore Cable Ad: Cyclecarri, Singapore

Ingersoll-Rand (India), Ltd.—69, Federated Motors, Ltd.—48, Orchard

Choon Guan Street, Singapore Road, Singapore

Liddelow, C. C. W.—P.O. Box 269, Hup Hin & Co.—3-2, Yap Ah Ley

Cable Ad : Liddelow, Penang Street, Kuala Lumpur, 'Selangor

Malaya Mining and General Agency, Klang Cycle and Motor Works—

Ltd.—10, Malacca Street, Singa- Klyne Street, Kuala Lumpur, Selan-

pore gor

Morrison, W.L.H. — Ipoh, Perak; Lyons Motors, Ltd.—92, Orchard

Code: A.B.C. 5th Bromhall’s Im- Road; Teleph.. 5811; Cable Ad:

perial Centramoto, Singapore

Osborne & Chappkl — Teleph. Ipoh Malacca Motor Garage—Al, Jonker

510-11; Cable Ad: Felspar, Ipoh, Street; Teleph. 192: Cable Ad:

Perak Motorgarage, Malacca t.

Park & Francis, Ltd. — ife, Old Malayan Motors, Ltd.—14/20, Or-

Market Street; Teleph. 1499; P.O.

Box 66; Cable Ad: Parkvale, chard Road: Teleph.

Ad : Malaymotor 5921; Cable


Kuala LumpUr, Selangor E. W. Slight

Thomas & Hornidge—21, Hale Street, Martin & Co., Wm.—34, Winchester

Ipoh, Perak House, Singapore

Vaughan & Co., L.—P.O. Box 331; Metcalfe’s — 60, Brewster Road;

Teleph. 31.88; ■ Cable Ad: Vaughan, Teleph. 350; Cable Ad: Metmotors,

Kuala Lumpur, Selangor Ipoh, Perak



National Motors—2842, Batu Road, SANITARY ENGINEERS

Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

Penang Auto Service Co.—55, Pitt Central Engine Works, Ltd.—65,

Geyland Road; Teleph. 5814; Cable

Street, Penang Ad: Central, Singapore; and 48,

Lahat Road; Teleph. 378; Ipoh,

Siam Motors, Ltd.—Bangkok, Siam Perak; and 7, McArthur Street;

L. E. Heather Teleph. 241, Kuala Lumpur

Straits Motor Garage—41, Orchard Federated Engineering Co. — 246,,

High Street; Teleph. 186; Kuala

Road; Teleph. 4210; Cable Ad: Lumpur

iStramoto, Singapore

F. A. Jones Fonghin & Watts Co.—64, WallicR

Thornycroft (Singapore) Ltd. — Street; Teleph. 7558; Cable Ad:

Thornycroft House; Teleph. 5501; Seebengong, Singapore

Cable Ad : Thornycroft, Singapore; Hill & Co., W.—122, Orchard Road 4

Codes: Bentley and Lombard Teleph. 7450; Cable Ad: Sprays,

Merton H. Brown Singapore

tlNiTED Motor Works, Ltd.—89, Or- HoeTeleph.Boon Leong—60, Selegie Street;.

3633; Cable Ad: Hoeboon-

chard Road; Teleph. 7142; Gable leong, Singapore

Ad : Yeesoh, Singapore

Wearne Brothers, Ltd.—45, Orchard International Engineering Co., Lid.

Road; Cable Ad: Wearne, Singa- —Bangkok, Siam

pore ; and 30, Anson Road; Teleph. United Engineers Limited — River

258, Penang; and Teleph. 782. Ipoh, Yalley Road; Cable Ad: Uniteers,

Perak; and Rodger Street; Teleph. Singapore; and 87, Bishop Street,

295; Kuala Lumpur, Selangor Teleph. 731, Penang; and 1, River

Side; Teleph. 31, Malacca; and

RADIO ENGINEERS and Lahat Road; Teleph. 21, Ipoh,

Perak; and Banmai; P.O. Box 72,


Kee Huat Radio Co.—Penang: 24, Young & Co., Ltd., R.—1, Penang

Beach St.; Cable Ad: Kikophone. Road; Teleph. 542; P.O. Box 359 4

Selangor: 223, Batu Road. Singa- Cable Ad: Loco, Penang

pore : 404, North Bridge Road



CIVIL ENGINEERS Enrique, C., S.t-0. Tomas--Seacock

Building: Teleph. 2-14-75; PO-

Atlantic Gulf & : Pacif'ic Co. - of Box 2988; Cable Ad': Costmas,

Manila—71, M. de la Industria, Manila

San Nioolas; Teleph. 22051; P.O.

Box 626; Cable Ad: Dredging, Findlay Engineering and Construc-

Manila tion Co.—425, Seacock Building

BorromeS & CO;.—162, Riza!, Sta. Cruz Genera! Machinery Co., !nc.—P.O.

Cranston, H. D^428, Kneedler Bldg. Box 2879; Teleph. 23196; Cable Ad:

Gemaco, Manila

J. W. Karsten i

Del Monte Construction, Inc.—204,

Regina Building Honolulu Iron Works Co.—60-118, Se-

cond Street, Port Area; Teleph.

Marinina Valley Construction Co., 23213, Manila

Inc.—502. Rizal Avenue; Teleph.

26572, Manila. Moreta’s Consulting, Designing

Moreta’s Consulting, Designing and Engineering Office — .37, Florida,&

Engineering Office—37, Florida; Ermita ;, Teleph,.''55504, Manila

Ermita; Teleph. 55504, Manila

Philippine Engineering' Co. , iNp.—

Myers, Buck Co.1, Inc.—316, Car- 936, Raon, Quiapd;;, P:.0. Box 786;

Teleph.: 22305 ; Cable Ad : Philehco,

riedo; Teleph. 21610, Manila Manila

J. L. Myers F. Bauma,n

Odom Engineering J’Co.—Insular Life

Building; Binondo. Manila .Sjdler, A.—627, Rizal Avenue, Santa

W. J. Odom Cruz; Teleph. 21841; P.O. Box 251,


Soler, C.—311, Perez Samanillo

Building, Escolta, Binondo; Te-


■Vulcano Engineering Co.—521, M. de Enrique, C;, iSto. Tomas—Seacock

la Industria; San Nicolas; Teleph. Building; Telephs. 2-14-75; P.O.

22826, Manila Box 2988; Cable Ad: Costmas,



Manila Builders Corporation, The—

.Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific Co.—17, 411, Seacock Building; Teleph.

M. de la Industria 2-14-75; P.O. Box 2988, Manila

Cranston, H.D.—428,

ing, Sant/a Cruz; Kneedler Build- Nell

Teleph. 2-42-62,

Co., Edward J.—680, Dasmarin-

das, Binondo; Teleph. 22975; P.O.

Manila Box 1640; Cable Ad: Neled, Manila



Philippine Engineering Co., Inc. — Engineering' i J Equipment and ' Supply

93i6, Raon, Quiapo; P.O. Box 786; Co:, lN0. - Corner >of Thirteenth- &

Teleph. 22305; Cable Ad: Philenco, Atlanta Streets, Port Area; Teleph.

Manila 2-41-42; Cable Ad: Rapah, Manila

P. Baumann, generaL manager

General Machinery Co., Inc.

Raymond Concrete Piles—Room 402, 132, Juan Luna, ...Binondo; Teleph.

China Bank Building; Teleph 2-10- 23196; P.O. Box } <2879; Cable Ad:

20, Manila

C. Russell, Manila representative Gemaco, Manila '

Rosario Electric . Co.—458, Legarda, MARINE -ENGINEERS

Sampoloc; Teleph. 23261, Manila

Visayan Electric Co^—P.O. Earnshaws" Dock and, . Honolulu Iron

Cable Ad: Electric, Cebu Box 134; Works—60-118, Second Street, Port

Area; Teleph. 23123; P.O. Box 082;

Cable Ad: Mearnshaw, Manila

Western Equipment and Supply Co.

—119, T. Pinpin, Binondo; Teleph.

22468; Cable Ad: Weandsco, Manila ElLuna; Yaradkro de Manila—109, Juan

Teleph. 23232: P. Oi Box

A. C. Brunner 805; Cable Ad: Elvadema, Manila

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Vulcano Engineering Co.,—521, M.

de la Industria; San Nicolas; Te-

American Electrical Co.—72, Escolta,

Binondo; Teleph. 21337; Cable Ad: MECHANICAL ENGINEERS

Powerlite, Manila

Elmac, Inc.—627, Rizal Avenue; P.O. Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific -Co. of

Box 625; Teleph. 2-35-31; Cable Ad : Manila—71, M. de la Industria;

Tehaselmac, Manila San Nicolas, Manila; Teleph. 22051;

W. Tuecher P.O. Box 626; Cable Ad: Dredging,


General Machinery Co., Inc.—132,

Juan Luna, Binondo; P.O. Box Earnshaws (Dock and Honolulu

2879; Teleph. 23196; Cable Ad: Iron Works—118, Second Street,

Gemaco, Manila Port Area; Teleph. 23213; P.O. Box

282; Cable Ad: Mearnshaw, Manila

Manila Machinery & Supply Co.—

675, Dasmarindas, Binondo; P.O. General Machinery Co., Inc.—P.O.

Box 607; Teleph. 22458'; Cable Ad: Box 2879; Teleph. 23196; Cable Ad:

Machy, Manila Gemaco, Manila

Mora Electric Co.—7, Soda, Binon- J. W. Karsten

do ; Teleph. 23240; Cable Ad : Meco.,

Manila Manila Machinery and Supply Co.—

675, Dasmarindas, Binondo; P.O.

Box 607; Teleph. 22458; Cable Ad:


Atlantic Gulf & Pacific Co. of Philippine Engineering Co.—936,

Manila—71-77, Muelle de la Indus- Raon, Quiapo; P.O. Box 786; Te-

tria; Teleph. 22051; Cable Ad: leph. 22305; Cable Ad: Philenco,

Dredging, Manila Manila



Wilson & Co., Inc., Fred—55, Barraca Ideal Auto Repaib Shop—1424, Azcar-

San Nicolas; Teleph. 49831; P.O. Box raga, Binondo; Teleph. 48609, Manila

276; Cable Ad: Fredwilco, Manila Karl & Co.—707, Tayuman, Santa

• Cruz; Teleph. 22911, Manila

MOTOR ENGINEERS Manila Oveeland Sales Co.—805,

Echague, San Miguel; Teleph.

Bacheach Motoe Co., Inc. — 25th 21288; P.O. Box 1159; Cable Ad:

Overland, Manila

Street, Port District; Teleph. 21544;

P.O. Box 420; Cable Ad : Emba, Manila SHIPBUILDING

Cabo Motoe and Electeic Woeks— Earnshaw Docks and Honolulu Ikon

934, R. Hildago, Quiapo; Teleph. Works, The—118, Second treet,,

Port Area; P.O. Box 282; Cable

21187, Manila Ad: Mearshaws, Manila

Esteella Auto Palace—536, Gandara, ElLuna, Varadero de Manila—109, Juan

Binondo: Teleph. 23237; P.O.

Santa Cruz; Teleph. 21425; P.O. Box 805; Cable Ad: Elvadema.

Box 273; Cable Ad: Evely, Manila Manila

ClgssifLecL List of Agents, MercKcunts

and. J\la,nufa.ctm^ers In tTzis

territory, also a List of Cattle

Addresses, 'will be foand at t7ze

Lnd of tTce Directory. Classified

List of Far Lastern Engineering

Firms follows Fong Fong.



China Assurance Corporation Ltd.














Agencies at




PHONE No. 31116


Pj ^ Ou-rnun ^ ^ Ma-lcau

Macao is situated in 22 deg. 11. min. 30 sec. N. latitude, and 113 deg. 32 min. 30 sec.

![. forE. longitude, on a rocky

its safe harbour for peninsula,

junks and renowned,

small vessels.long before the Portuguese

The Portuguese, who settled on it,

had already

| settled on ,the island of Lampacao, and frequented for trading purposes Chin-chew,

(Liampo, missionary, Tamao,

died),and were

San-choan (St. John’s

conceded the use Island,

of where


in 1557.Xavier,

Shortlythe after



arrival in this part of the world, the Viceroy of Canton, powerless himself to perform

the task, offered to present the barren peninsula to the

I' succeed in subduing the notorious pirate. Shan-si-lau, who styled himself “King of Portuguese if they should

I the islands of Canton” and, with his force of 12,000 men and 100 armed junks and

;' lorchas, levied tributeofasCanton.



far as the

raising the blockade Themouth of themanned


of Canton and

Yangtszeandandarmedeven went so vessels

clearing the seas.a few

far as

The town

, of Macao soon afterwards began to rise, and during the seventeenth and eighteenth

, centuries trade flourished there, the difficulty of residence at Canton greatly

| contributing towards it. The East India Company and the Dutch Company had

|: establishments in Macao.

The Portuguese

I: the occupation paid until

of Macao the mandarin

Governor ofFerreira

Heungshan a rentalin of1848500refused

do Amaral Taels toa year for

pay the

rental any longer, and forcibly drove out the Chinese Custom-house, and with it every

I for vestige of Chinese authority. This bold stroke cost him his life

he was waylaid and barbarously murdered near the Barrier of Porta do Cerco, and on 22nd August, 1849,

I attack his headon wasMacaotaken to Canton.

by the mandarin’sThis political

troops who were assassination

repulsed synchronised

by Amaral’s doughtywith an

I lieutenant Mesquita. Eventually the Sovereignty of Portugal over Macao was formally

1 recognised by China in the Treaty signed with I’ortugal in 1887.

In November,

; to arrange with the1901,an EnvoyGovernment

Chinese Extraordinary for aarrived from Portugal,

delimitation his missionofbeing

of the boundary the

1 Colony. The line of demarcation submitted by the Envoy included certain islands

which the Chinese Government refused to acknowledge

I Portuguese colony, and the Envoy, while not successful in gaining this point, secured as being part of the

i a concession for a railway from Macao to Canton. The convention, however, did

not meet with the approval of the Cortes at Lisbon, and Senhpr Branco came

1 to the East again in 1904. In November a new agreement was arranged with the

Chinese Government, but the Government at Lisbon regarded the terms as far from

I; satisfactory, and refused ratification. In accordance with the Treaty of 1887 the


boundaries ofMacao

ChinaandanditsPortugal in 1909butappointed Commissioners

not admittointerrupted


to half theofterritory Dependencies,

claimed, and the Portuguese China would

Commissioner Portugal’s the

1 negotiations after they had been in progress nearly four months and proposed referring

L the dispute to The Hague Arbitration Tribunal. China definitively

to this, and so the position, remains as it has always been. In 1910 the Portuguese refused to agree

| authorities

of a piraticalasserted their had

horde which jurisdiction


island of Colo wan by clearing the place


I the The year 1870, at the end of the narrow, connecting Heung-shan

colony is Separated from the large island of sandy isthmus. by anarch, built in

The principal

topographical features of Macao are two principal ranges of hills,

to north, the other from east to west which may be considered as forming an angle, one running from south

the base of which leans upon the river or anchoring place. On the lofty mount east

ward, called Carfilha, is a fort, enclosing the hermitage

I westward is Lilian, on the top of which stands the hermitage of Nai Sra. da Penha; of Na. Sra. de Guia, and

| entering a wide semi-circular bay, called Praia Grande, which faces the east, on the


right from

Seen hand the

standsroadsthe orfortfrom

San Francisco;

any of theand fortson crowning

the left, that of N. Sra.lowdehills,

the several Bom Macao-


is extremely picturesque. The public and private buildings are gaily painted and the-

streets are kept very clean.

In the town there are several places of interest. The Gardens and Grotto of


as, also, areoncethe thenobleresort


ancient JesuitPortuguese poet CarnOes,

church which used toareform wortha part



crusading ardour of the Portuguese in all their voyages of discovery in the EastTheis1

college of San Paulo, burnt in 1835, and the Avenida Yasco da Gama.


is a large atplain Macao by thehaving

structure large number of Churches

no architectural which stilland

pretensions, exist.the various

The Cathedral


churches are stucco edifices, simple without and unassuming within.

Owing to its being open to the south-west breezes

prevailing, Macao has become a frequent retreat for invalids and business, men from and to the quietude always-

Hongkong and other neighbouring ports and there are Several good modern hotels.

After the cession of Hongkong to the British, the trade of Ma,cao declined rapidly



coolie trafficwithsubsequently developedinthere

abuses, was abolished 1874. gave

Fish,it fresh

a certain notoriety. isThis

and px-eserved, the-

tea and matting are also exported to some extent. Brick and cementEssential

principal article of export, as well as fire-crackers, tobacco and preserves. works, oils,,



as far asfactories have beenareestablished.

the Portuguese concerned, isThea thing

commercial activity of the place, however,,

of the past.

As the harbour has long shown signs of silting up, various projects have been


a very bigforscheme its improvement,

was preparedbut30until recently

years ago bylittleSenhor

has been done. Loureiro,

Adolpho A detailedbutplanwasof

pigeon-holed by the home Government. The matter was raised again, however,

was some

to10 orMacao12 years

to make later,investigations.

and another expert

He madeengineer, Senhor Gastello

a few emendations Branco,

to the original plan, sent


his report suffered the same fate as its predecessor. Then came the great constitutional

change in Portugal with the promise of a greater measure of autonomy for the Colonies,,


Hugothedeneed of harbour improvement

Lacerda, wassuperintended

pressed again,thewith the result that works


Lourenco .Marques,whowashadsent planned

out toandmake a report. Heimportant has introduced harbour importantat


the improvement in the original

of the innerscheme.

harbour, Whereas

Admiral the earlierscheme,

Lacerda’s schemaswhile contemplated only

provides, as its main feature, for the creation of a harbour for large embracing thisr

vessels in front

of the city. The work for making the inner harbour better fitted for the accommoda-

tion of the considerable fleet of junks which trade between Macao and neighbouring ports-

and engage in the important fisliing industry is now in a very advanced state of progress^


tion. . have been ofextensive

By means ainner reclamations,

Deauville railway and some

running substantial

across necksideofsea-walls are nowthe in posi-

excavated from the harbour was dumped on thethe other the


the Barrier. mud


main feature of the outer harbour works is a protected anchorage to'accommodate vessels

drawing up to 23 feet, and a long deep-water channel of approach,

at low tides and 23 ft. at high tides. Owing, however, to the nature of the mud used giving a depth of 14 ft.

in the reclamations of the Outer Harbour it has not been possible to build on the

extensive tract of land, but a Hongkong syndicate has made a proposal to the-


scheme Government,

has been taking over the entire reclamations for development. The

Goyernment willsubmitted

not opposetoit.Lisbon for approval, and there are hopes that the Central

in ofAnother

a large part reclamation

of the oldscheme has in theBay,meanwhile

Praia Grande as the means been for


the linking by the filling

of the old

town with the reclamations of the Outer Harbour. It is being carried out by a Macao

Chinese syndicate.

water Thehave needall for good drinking fromwater hasIsland

long beenand felt, forwells

the Colony’s supplies of

and latterly inbeen


small quantities Lappafrom a reservoir from

constructed withinat Guiathe Colony,,

Hill. A

concession has been granted

and boring operations are being carried out.by the Municipal Council for the supply of potable water,,

were Expert engineers were invited1932.to draw


a comprehensiveof the scheme, andscheme

the works

colonyputwillin behand in November,

supplied with an abundance completion Company’s the


The new Macao-Shekki motor road, started in 1928 has been completed.

country opened up by the new highway is an interesting one, and is likely to be of The

great commercial value.

The installation of automatic telephones was inaugurated in December, l92'9.

The Hongkong, Canton and Macao Steamboat Company and a Chinese Company

maintain a regular

regular service serviceMacao

also between between Macao The

and Canton. and distance


Macaothere is a

to Hong-

kong is 40| miles, and to Canton .88 miles. Macao is connected with Hongkong by

telegraph and wireless. The population of Macao, with its dependencies of Taipa and

Colowan, is, according to the Census taken in 1927, Chinese, 152,738; non-Chinese,

mostly of Portuguese extraction, 4,437—a total of 157,175. Macao is garrisoned with

Portuguese troops.


lif P*] 0U mun t°c

Governador da Colo.nia—Tenente Coronel de Artilharia, Coin © curse do Estado

Maior, Antonio .Jose.Pernardes lie Miranda

Ajudante de Campo, Capita© Jose da Cruz Pdbeiro .

RepauticXo no Gabinete

Chefe da Reparticao do Gabinete—Tenente Filipe Augusto do D’Costa

Em.' (Jommissdo

1° Oficial dos Servicos de Administracao Civil—Paulino Antonio da Silva

Amanuense dos Servicos de administracao Civil—Raul Bartolomeu do Rosario

Palacio do Governo

Fiel do Palacib—Joaquim da Silva Ferraz

GOVERNO DE MACAU 0 Director dos Serviijos de Saude e


Conselho no Govern© O President© do Leal Senado da Camara

President©—Sua Exa. o Governador Secretario—O

Vogais— Servicos dasSecretario da Dirreccao

Obras Publicas — M. dos


Director dos Servicos de Administracao C. Nery

Civil Conselho Tecnico de Obras P. iiblicas

Director dos Services de Fazenda e Presidente—Sua Exa. O Governador da

Contabilidade Colonia

Director dos Servicos das Obras Publicas Vice-do. —O Engenheiro Director dos


Dr. Haraciodo Laranjeira

Procurador da Republica Serviijos das Obras Publicas

Dr. Joao Vila Franca Vogais—

Dr. Americo A. Pacheco Jorge Todos os incluindo

engenheiros ao servigo da-

Lu Him Chong ColOnia, os hidrOgrafos

Conselho de Administra5ao das Obras O Delegado Procurador da Republica

Publicas O daoficial mais em

armada, graduado, do Colonia

service na exercito ou

President©— Sua Exa. o Governador da O Fazenda

Sub-Director dos Serv^os de

Colonia e Contabilidade

Vogais— O Higiene.

Director dos Serviijos de Saude e

Administrador Delegado—O Director

O dos

ChefeServicos das Obras

dos Serviijos Publicas

de Marinha Secretorio—O Secretario da D. S. A. P.



Consielho Inspector de In tru<;do Publico, Aspirantes—Alberto

Fernandes e Numa Antonio Angelo, Jose

Luis Marques

Presidente—-Sua Exa; o Governador da Porteiro—Jose Maria da Costa


Vice-do. —Inspector de deInstruQ&o Continuos — Chek Issuf e Joao Filipe

Publica —Dr. Jose Ferreira Castro Rodrigues

Voeais —

Reitor do Liceu—Dr. Josd Ferreira de S' III I Kung cheng hung so

Castro DlRECglO DOS SERVigos das Obras

Presidente do Leal Serado da Oliveira

de Macau—albanoRodriguesde Camara Publicas,

Director dos Services

—Dr. Antonio Damasde Mora

Saude e Higiene Direccao

Presidente da Junta de Inspeccao Engenheiro Director—A. J. Ferreira da

Escolas Chinesas—Antbnio Maria das Silva, jr.

da Engenbeiro-Adjunto—Joao M. R. V. de


Professor Carvalho

Palmeira primario

de Carvalho— Francisco

e Rego Ernesto Secretaria {Expedients Gerai)


Portusues nodasExtreme

Escolas Oriente

do Padroado Chefe-Secretario—Mario de Campos Nbry

— Pe. Amanuense

Raul Camacho de la classe—J. BaptistaA. de

President da Assoeiacao

! Promotora da Siqueira e J.deM. Franco

Amanuenses 2a classe—A.

Instrucab dbs Macaenses

Gonzaga —Nolasco — Dr. Luiz Amanuense-Arquivista—A. A. de Britto

da Silva Borbosa

Secretario Dr. Adeline da Ajudante do Arquivista—L. F. Gomes

Dactilografas—B. M. B. da Silva, F. M.

Conceicao Lopes e J. F. Guerreiro

Tribunal Administrative Continuo—T. do Rosario,

Presidente— {Obras Municipals e Particulares')


Dr. Joao Pereira Barbosa Oficial de la classe—Luiz A. Nogueira

Dr. Mestre de Obras—S. S. S. O.Siqueira

Dr. Horacio

Jose AlvesPaisFerreira

de Laranjeira Fiscais—E.

V. M.

A. Siqueira,

Batalha e A.

de Noronha,

B. Ferreira

Secretario—D. Joao Carlos da Costa de Contabilidgde e Tesouraria

Sousa de Macedo Chefe-contabilista—J. C. de A. Several,

Amanuense—Carlos Vicente de Barros (contratado)

Official, interino — Raul Bartolomeu do Sub-chefe (Oficial de 2a Classe)—C. E.

Rosario Gracias Pagador—(vago)

Aspirante—Vago Tesoureiro

Pessoal menor Ajudante

Porteiro—Carlos Maria de O liveira Amanuensede Cbntabilista—P. T. Carion

(Ajudahte do Pagador)—A.

Continuo—Vagc dos S. Valbom


Nogueira — Oscar Marques e M. IL

m $m m Arrpazens, e Oficinas

Ou mun Ts’oi ching ling . Chefe—Carlos dA. JorgeFerreira

Pinto; (cbntratado)

DirecqIo pos SERVigos de Fazenda e Sub-chefe—J. Fiel—J. M. JVdos Santos ■ .

CONTABILIDADE DA COLONIA la Seccao {Obras Maritimas, pontes,

de Macau Cais, Quebrantares etc.)

Director—Fernando Castanha Dias Costa Chefe, Auxiliar Tecnico—M.

Sub-director —

coneelos Raposo Antdnio Augusto de Vas- Auxlar Tecnico—A. P. MarcalA. T. Borges

los. Oficia—Luis Jose Martins Apontadores de 2a classe — S. L- de

2os. Oficiais — Vicente Ferrer da , C. Noronha e E. V. de, Burros


Rozario, Carlos Luis

Americo Jose dos Passos e 2a seccgo {consepvgcao de fundos do

Maria Tarroso Gomes Marques,

e Angelo Adolfo

A. F. mar, equipamento do Porto e

Rodrigues ■ - ^ t material Flutuante)



Xavier. Clemente

Ferreira, e , Cordeiro,

Eraiicisco Chefe—Carles Jorge Pinto

X.' Antunes •' Auxiliar de dragagens—M. Porfirio

Capitao da draga Macau—F. de P. Ferreira


3d Seteao {Ediftcios publicos) •' Aspirantes--F. M. de Mendopca,,Frederico

Chefe, Nogueira e Luis

Conductor de lS, classe—Jose F. C. Telefonistas da laPossollo de, SousaA., ,^os


do Vale Ilemedios e M. C- dos Remedies

Conductor de 2a classe—R.

Auxilar Tecnico—A. G. Dias G. B. Borges Telefonistas da 2a classe—E N A? Cgilaco

Apontadores de 2a classe--A. B. P. dos Aspirante e E. L. d’Almeida

Santos e A. A. de Almeida auxiliar

C. Marcal w.ta de''ia'blasse—J.

I M.,• do. :


Silva e P. Ouerreiro,

Z. de Souza,F. Xavier, A. R. da Aspirante

: auxiliar

1 de 2a ;

classe^-L. L. da

Jffl Seccao ( Viacao, San'earnento Costa' •


Antunes letrado — Artur Aeacio

Conservacao Agtms) Desenhador—Louremjo

Chefe, Apontador

M. d e Carvallio de la classe — J. IT. Alamos subsidiados—JoseLiuTeodoro' Boyol,

Apontador de la classe—S. Dias e A. M. de Carvalho

Apontador de 2a cl.—A. F. X. de Sousa AuxiiiaresPraticante—A. M. dos Remedios

s. c. rye: m. . da E. C6utsdase AdaoIndustrias

E. SantoElectricas—M.


Ghefe, Conductor do 2a clanse—D. F. Continuo—1° Distribuidor—Afoc

de Vilhena EsigQgoiCentral^'s'Cprrei6Sfv i

Apontador de la D.classe—A.

Desenhador—E. M. Carvalhosa Chefe—2o. Oficial, Fernando de Carvalho

Desenhadores de 2a.Freireclass$—JfsClian, L. 3o.e Oficial—Joao

I Ago -

Lei, A. Lei A. da'Rosa Rodrigues e R. Aspirantes—AlatiaBatista



H6, Horacio Nogueira,

A. da Roza O.

RaquelGracias, Maria Estela

A! aria Drumond e Pompilio da Rocha, da

Silva Pedruco

AlunO Subsidiado-^Meinardo Pedrucov

li Sc K . Man cheng teng > Estacdo Telegraficu .

RkpakticIo Central nds SERVicdS de Chefe 2o. Oficial—Joaquim Estrela . de

Admintstracao ,x‘ Oliveira


Civil >o . u kwy.o ' Telefonista MariansMldeDias

de 2a classe—A. Carvalho

Director dos Servicos — Dr. Jo&o Pereira Aspirante auxiliar de la classe—Antonio

Barbosa Lau

l Secfdo—Servicos Civics e Politicos Aspirante auxiliar de 2a . classe—

Chefa de Scccjao, interinb-4Pe(lro Paula Simplicio Brigida;Batalha

Lopes, Jorge Estorninho e


Official —Raul da Rocha Xavier Aspirante auxiliar—M. A. Gomes V

Aspirante —;Roberto Antonio Fernandes 2p.. Praticante—P. J. da Luz

Amante Distribuidor—E. M. de Assis

Do. —VagoJ Estdcdo


Central Telefonica Automdticd

Aspirante auxiliare de la d.

Do. —Vago —Gastao Jose, Demeel.

Seer-do—Negocios Externos e Aorquivo Telefonista


Silvade Seccao — Paulino Antdnio da Guardo-fios—J. Pereira de 2a classe — Pedro Jose

(qoines^ Luis F, Gracia^ , ’

Caixa EcMwirnica Postal ■

m ^ ^ lec mu chu. ’ {Comissdo Adniinistratiba)■■■

Reparticao dos Correias e Teleg- Presidente— da Republica

0 Delegado do Procurad'or

ra-Fos da Colonia de Macau Vogais—0 Chefe da Repartigao dos

Chefe da Reparticao—L. B, da C. Martins dos Correios e Telegrafos e O suit-Director

Secretaria Serv^os de Fazenda e Contabilidade

Chefe—lo. Oficial—Americo Valente Secretario—O Gerente da Caixa Economica

lo. Oficial—Jose ChavesCarlos de Jesus Postal

Gerente—1° official Americo J.Valente

2o. do. —Sebastiao Tesoureiro—O Fiel pagador A. da Rosa

Fiel-pagador—J ose Aleixo da

So. Oficial—Julio Antonio de Assis Rosa Aspirante—Wenceslau Nogueira

Fiel de Deposit©—Luis Pedro Gois Encarregado

da Luz da Contabilidade—J. M. L.



Operadores—A. Batalha, A. do Rosario e Observatorio Meteorologico

F. Ramalho.Lopes

Auxiliar—L. de Macau

Director — O Capitao dos Portos 1°

Repartiqao de Fazenda Concelhia Observers- -J. Chaves tenente S. da C. Vieira

and H. A. Hyndxnan

de Macau


Adjunto—A. M. T. GomesJose Martins Secretaria da Camara

Recebedor—J. da C. E. P. de Carvalho e Secretario—Verissimo

do Rozario Francisco Xavier


2os. Aspirantes — J. X. Azinheira, H. |

3os.d’Ayala de S. Pimentel

Aspirantes—G. e H. C.E.Braga

J. da Silva, A. F. de || SEcglo Permanente Governo

do Conselho do

Bega, J.

Barreiros A. E. de P. Morais e L. D.

Informadores-Avaliadores—H. da Con- Vogais Natos—DelegadoGovernador

Presidente—Sua Exa. o


Rocha B. E. da Silva e F. X. R. da Republica e Director dosdo Services Procurador


Escreventes-Chineses—S. Con e J. Hy Fazenda e Contabilidade

Eseolhedores de prata—A. Foe e Lai Sio ! Vogal de

Nomeado — Director dos Servioes

Administracao Civil

Eei das Execugoes Fiscais—J. F. da j


Silva Margal e R. H. da Rosa € # D£ ®

Oficiais de Diligencias—F. X. Rodrigues e j Sai ieong cheng mou tian


Fiscal J. dos Remedies

de Liupun em Macau—F. X. dos i Administracao do Conselho de Macao


Fiscal de Liupun em Coloane—J. M. de | Administrador Artilharia A. dosdo Conselho—Capitao

S. Majer de

Borgesde Liupun da Taipa

Fiscal _ — A. P. B. |j Secretario—Angelo C. do Rosario

Duarte e Cordova Aspirante—Estanislau C. Lopes


ReparticIo Tecnica Comissario de Policia—O

Capitao deAdministrador

Sinicodo Expedients do Concelho,

Alexandre dos Santos Majer



Silva da Repartigao—Antonio Maria da Policia de Seguranca

Sub-Chefe da Repartigao—Abilio Maria Comandante

da Silva Baste Tenente da Policia Rodrigo

de Infantaria, de Seguranga—


Interpretes-tradutores de la. classe— Oficiais Guedes Pinto

Antonio Ferreira Batalha e Vicente Jos4 subalternosdo deO.P.F.O

ranga—Teneute PoliciaHaratio

de Segu-de


Internretes-tradutores de 2a. classe— Camalho Q.(azendo Service)) Tenente do

Mario Horacio Gracias (em comissao de Extinto Sousa. Tenente P. F. do

C., Jouo TavaresJoao

Infantaria, de

servigo no Consulado Geral de Portugal Maria

em Cantao), Raul August© Nunes e commissaio no Concelho das Simoes Pereira de Brito (em

Antonio Herculano de Mello I lhas)

Aluno-Interprete—J. J. Lopes Chefes de Esquadras—Estevao

da Rosa, Paulo Avelino Jose Maria

Pedro, daJose

Linguas—Ignacio Maria Baptista, Vicente Estevam, Firmino

Jos<5 Fernandes, Evaristo Baptista, Luiz sargentos, Romeu Alves Teixeira, Rosa,Maria


Ayres da Silva, Carlos Maria de Siqueira Coelho Jose


Canavarro — Miss Tulia Amarante

Letrado Pequinense—Ho-shu Secretaria do,(Jomissariado e Arquivo

Letrado Cantonense—Chii Pui-chi Encarregado da Secretaria Tenente do

Amanuenses Chineses—Vong Seng-h6n, P.F.C., Haracib de Carvalho


Chin Chan-pong e Chdng Siu-heng Maneiras, Chefesargento, Jose dos Santos

de Esquadra, Jaime

SlJPERINTENDENCIA DO CORPO DE FlSCAIS i Victor Hugo, sub-chefe de esquadva

Municipais Avelino Souza e Antonio

(i Escrevente—Eiiclides M. dos Santos

da Conceigao.Iiod-

Supte.—Jose Maria Xavier de Siqueira -1 rigues Viapa


Conselho Administrativo NAVAL E MI.LITAR

Presidente—O Comissario de Policia DelegAgio Maritima da Taira

Vogal —O Comandante da Policia do Delegado—Joao M. S. Pereira de Brito


Tesoureiro—O Oficial subalterno daPolicia Escrivao na Taipa—Francisco Guintao

de Seguranca, tenente do Q. P. F. C. Joao Escrivao


em Coloane—A.. A. Assis


Tavares de Sousa

‘Secretario—2o. sargento Cai-los, Exposto M. Simoes, jr. da Taipa—Tenento

Amanuenses—2o. sargentos Carlos

Vieira de Azevedo, e alfredo da Silva Jose

Martins sub-Cbefes de Esquadra, Aeministracao do Concelho das Ilhas

Lauren^o Ivaso Nantes

Policias Administrative!, e de Investigacdo Administrador—Joao

Brito M. S. Pereira de

Criminal Secretario—Jose M. S. Rodrigues

Encarregado — O Oficialtenente

Policia de Seguranga, subalterno da Escrivao Chinez—Jose Francisco d’Assis

de Infan-

taria Rodrigo B. Guedes Pinto Quarter General

Policia Administrativa-. Chefe dos Estado Maior e da com la.

'Chefe—O Chefe de Esquadra, Carlos Jose oReparticao—Capitao de artilharia

Curso do Estado Maior, Joao Carlos da

Augusto da Silva Sa Nogueira

•Sub-chefe—Pinto Morais Adjunto—tenente


Policia de Investi/jardo Criminal:

(provisoriq) — Carlos Maria de Jose Miranda da de Costaartilharia, Firmino

Sequeira Chefe da 2a. Reparticao—Tenente do

-Sub-chefes—Alvaro Servrgo de Administracao Militar,

Luz e Leong Mao Augusto Xavier da Adjuntos, Vasco Gongalves Branco reformado,


Arnanuense chines^—Chang Chong Hang Mario Cortigo Paz e Alferes reformados

Antonio de Almeida

I”] fS ^ $ Companeia de M etralii a DORA s

On ch’at sze nga mun Comandante—Cajjitao do Q. E. O. M. I.

REPARTICAO JUDICIAL Manuel Caseiro Marques Alves


Mario Cunha— Tenentes

Antonio deSanta



.Juizo de Dieeito da Comarca de Macau Ferreira e Joaquim, Jose Bastos Antunes

Juiz de Direito—Dr. Antonio A. Miranda Ferreira

Delegado do Procurador da Republican- A didos, Subalternos—Tenentes de infant-

Dr. Jose Alves Ferreira. aria, Antonio Maria Freire da Costa, e

Escrivaes: do Q.P.F.C., Horacio dos Reis, Gonealves

1°2° OjicAo — Joao da

Oficio—Dr. FeanandoSilva de Oficiais de de Cavalho

AlcambarVictorino Pereira., CoMPANHIA DE ARTILHARIA

de diligencias—Joao da Cruz Rodrigues,

Teodoricb Julio Xavier dos Santos e Comandante—Capitao Antonio Marques

Joap Crisostomo do Espirito Santo da Costa

Subalternos—Tenentes A. P. de Balsenao

M IE ^ Tang Ki Koh Canhoto, doY.M.S.

Tenente Q. A.Lopes,

S. A.F.J.M. de Costa,

Aniadeu E.,

Conservatoria do Registo Predial de C. B. Ferreira Viana

'Conservador—O. Delegado

da Republica do Juizo Criminal do Procurador Capitania dos Portos de-Macau ,

Capitdo dos Portos—1° tenente, Samuel C.

Almoxarifado de Fazenda Vieira

Adjunto-r-] °.tpnevte, Manuel B. C. Real

.Almoxarife—L; J. Sales Escriiav^-Arth ur Ti Borges

1° A manuense^ A1 berto B. Rosa


Imprensa Nacipnal 3.

Director—Alex, de Noronha Intdrjyrete—Sto&o' l.eitfio ■ •



Chefe , de

de Contabilidade ■

Secrdo. — l.° tenente . >h A || 1 ien iun tfong

(Senior) 'MCapella

Administra^ao Naval, Joao M. Mar Encatregado—Conego Do Hospital de S. Raphael

Adjunto—Francisco X. Remediessarg. artil- J. C. do Rosario V '

Fiel do paiol da Capitania—1° Lun SU

beiro Domingos

Oficinas Navais da Fonseca ^ * fl 9 M VoW

Director—\.° Igreja de Sto. AgostiNho

nista naval tenente

Yergilio eugenbeiro-maqui-

Lopes Correia Capelao—Rev. A. Barretto

Contabilista—Jose de Fernandes S. Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Monte

Lancha Canhoxeira “Macau” do Carmo—Taipa

Gomandante — 1° tenente Albano Ro- O Paroco-Missionario—L. Mabn

drigues Oliveira (2.°' tenente engenbeiro Igreja de S. Domingos

hidrografo) Capelao—Conego J. M. T. da Luz

Oficinas Navais

Dir.Eng.dasMaq.Oficinas Navais Lopes

Nav. Yirgilio Tenente 51 Escola

— Jo. Correia ili 7$ ' Cho hoc ngni soe

Primaria Municipal

Contabilista—Jos<$ de Senna Fernandes Director—Francisco’ “ Pedro Nolasco da Silva ”

Carvalho e Rego Ernesto Palmeira de

GOYERNO ECCLESIASTICO Associaqao Promotora da InstrucqIo

Bispo—D. J. da Costa Nunes DOS MaCAENSES .v .

Secretario ‘ da Camara Ecclesiastica Presidente—Dr,


Luiz Nolasco . ; :

interino—Conego J. M. T, da Luz Tesoureiro—E. J.L. Gracias

da Silva

Vogais — Arthur Gracias,

^ ^ Tai t'-dng B. de Senna Fernandes, M. A. da Silva

Se Cathedral e P. J. Lobo

Cura—Conego J. C. do Rosario fg a ir if a 5

Sacristao—A. Lopes Sam pd tsai Saa to uen

‘Semin akio de Sao Jose

fn J! Fung son t‘ong Superior—-Rev. A. M. Alves

Igreja de S. LoiiRENgo Vice-Reitor—Rev. A. Barreto

Paroco—F. X. Soares Director

Prefeito Espiritual—Rev.

Geral—Rev. M. Ferreira

E. Margal

Sacristao—A. Cordova Economo—Rev. A. Barreto

^ I ^ Fd vong t‘6ng K***w#9

Igreja de Sto. Antonio Lo sa li ma nu sui un


Sacristao—Jose Alon Comissao Directora


Secretario—R. Bispo de Macau

J. M. T. da Luz

m mm® m Seng mu tong mong tak Vogaes—Dr. Jose, C. Soares, Pedro Josb

Igreja be S. Lazaro Lobo e Artur Tristao Borges

Paroco—Conego Domingos

Sacristao—Tomas Yeong Yim Liceu Central de Macau

Prof, da Escola Mong Tak—Pedro Lam-

Yu-Knan Quadro do Pessoal Permanente

Reitor—Dr. Jose Ferreira de Castro

Pessoal da Secretaria

^ c? !§j $i Chefe—Fernando de Lara Reie.

Md koc plao tloi siu t(6ng 3o. Oficial—Julio Jos^ Gracias

Capella do S. Thiaco da Barra Pessoal Menor

Continuos—Carmen Maria da Silva, E. V,

Encarregado—Pe. F. X. Soares A. D. Xavier e Mario Duarte


Escola Comeecial “ Pedkq Nolasco ”, Baohoo^ C. M., Silk & Curio Dealer-

{Maintained by Associacao Promotora da 45-47, Rua Ceptral

InstrucS,o dos Macaenses). Estabd. 1871

(No. 4, Calcada

Telepb. do2240Gamboa) ^ ^ ^ KM W W k

Tai sdi going KoingoiJan cuckngan h6ng

School foe Eueoeean and 1 Banco Nacional Ulteamaeino — En-

Chinese Youths dereco Telegrapbico: Colonial

(5, Pateo de Palha) J. C. Montalvao e Silva, manager

Director—M. M. E. d’A'sois, G. Qutterres Pedro Jose Pereira, accountant

, Ed. de Sena Fernandes, cashier

t & m i 'M ^ w n Basto,

chant andJuSboManufacturers’

Altoerio, General Mer-


Aim li ioc irig t‘ori,g mat ip hung hwi ative—“A. Cabana,” Avenida Coronel

I Santa Casa da Miseeicoedia Mesquita, 56 e 58;

Box 24; Cable Ad: JotaabeTelepli. 601; P. O.

Mesa Directora

Provcdor—Dr. A. D. Mora Boa Yista Hotel—Cable Ad: Boavista


I'Tesoureiro^F. L.Y. Miirqdes


Adjuntos—A. A. Teiyeira e A. F. T. angelo Beaga, J. M., Press Correspondent and

News Agent—6, Rua de St. Antonio;

A. L. MarquesL. G. Nolasco da Silva

| Advogado—Dr. Cable Ad: Braga

Escriturario—E. L. da Silva

Adjudante d’Escriturario—F,

I Amanuense—A. A. da Rosa de P. Barros Chang ^ m - Chang pale tung

PCobrador-Continuo—A. F. Nantes Pak Tung,Ruados

sion Agent—5, Merchant and Comrnsi-


Auto. 2382;

Agencies P.O. Box 16

m m !t m t Heung OnSeaInsurance

Hospital de S. Rafael Batavia and Fire Co.,

Insce.Ld.Co., Ld.

| A Cargo da Santa Casa da Misericbrdia Globe & Ru'tg'efe Fire Insce. Co., Ld.

de Macau

Pessoal Tecnico Chee Cheong

surance .Bank, ruaBanking

Agents—25, and In-

dos Mercadores:,

jaDirectoi* clihico^Dr. J. C. Soares . ' Teleph. Ill; Cable Ad: Cheecheong;

Codes; Bentjey’il, and Acine ' ;xJl-

m -k A m -k M

I ta li cheng nu iun j

B Casa de Beneficencia, Azylo de

Santa Infancia e Mongha 3L -si PE ^ dq

teuperior—Madre Carolina Bjarros . China E^etal R/tanufacturing;

Ltd., The, Manufacturers and Co.,


! .Aoencia Meecantil Economiqa, Ltd., porters Avehida

of- Electric Torch ^Lights—

Almirante Larecda, Nos. 65 to

KK Sporting

etc.— in Goods,

and li,Musical Instruments, 79; Teleph.

■ Ribeiro; Cable Ad: Ciatilica

Avenida Almeida Head Office:589;

BankCable Ad: Everbright.

of Canton Building,


,Wehry ,.^C1357. Agents inin

; .AopNCIA


and Edealers

CoMliEilCI-AL, Ltda., Java:

in ' sanitary

Geqi. Batavia,

Sipgapore, & ,.Co. Agents

Sourabaya, Semar-

; material, and buildipg supplies^’P. 0. ang,


Ping Kau, and

gep. Bombay.

mgr- and chief

jj Box 84; Gable Ad': Atcdlda engr. i '-J \

| AssuiIipcao, J. C.; ‘ P. peJ: 1 1

m&mmm^ m

Rua Central'; Teleph 89; Cable Ad : Ree chong po him ya7i ham fcniig sze .

r Jocorpadas ' ,

u China

j ‘Auto Palace,” The,: Automobile Dealers, and General Underwriters, Ltd, 1 Life, Fire

E Motor Tyres and- Accessories — 1c, Hongkong Insurance— ‘ A - Headr Office: .;'

| Avenida Almeida Ribeiro 1 Dr.Avenida

C. M. AlmeidaRibeirojTeleph.

Leitao, agent—19, and 627 21,

L O. C. Moosa, proptrietdr v.mJ


Chinese Maritime Customs (Lappa Installations Jorge Rosario : I Leung Tai Shan

District)—Office: Avenida Republica Cheng Hung | Paulo Wong

Commissioner—Y. H. J. Cloarec

Assistants—Yu Kwai, Ho Chan Hua, Stores :

Ho Carlos deandConceigao



Shen, Li Chao Yuan and Drawings

E. McNeale J. A. Basto Plans :

Boat Officers — P. Eogedin, W. 0. Chemical J. Bailares | Lucas Kwan

tting, Laboratory :

CheungLee KwaiSoTakHung, P; Lee and C. Jeronimo

Y. Chue, chief chemist


D. mazzarella,V.IpCoates, Twan, Pump & FilterOsorio

Lin Lia Cheng

Lai Chuen, Station :

ChungChiu Clerk

and LiofShiu YeungV. Rudnitsky

Works—M. A. de Mello I Francisco Assis

Commissioner—Y. H. J. C. oarec Joap Simoes | Yung Yan Sang:

Chinese Optical Co., Opticians—1e, Rua CONSULATES

6651S. Domingos; Teleph. 661; Cable Ad: t % m m tt *

Y.K.P. Y.Fu,Liang,

manager Tai peh hwok Ling sz kun

acct. Belgium


Kong Gen’l. residing in Hong.

!$C ]I !$ Kong tiang hi iun

Club de Macau t m m m m *

Presidente—Julio Celestenino Mon- Tai fat k/iok leng sz kun

talvao e —Silva

Secretario Alexandre Majer France

Teeoureiro—Pedro Nolasco da Silva Consul—Soulange

in Hongkong) Teissier (residing

Yogaes—Mario de Barros Pereira e

Yirgilio L. Correira

B ' Tat pun leng sz kiin '


il 5^. Consul General—(residing in Hong-

Companhia Das Aguas De Macau, ’ kong)

S.A.R.L. — Capital: 81,000,000

Office: 39-41, Rua da Praia Grande; — Head

Telephs.Green 961, Island:

962 andTeleph.

2222; Installa- % m m m tn ±

tions: 964 and Netherlands— Tai wo kwok ling sz chu

Siac Pai Van (Colowan Island); Work- Consul 57, Praia Grande

shops: Mongha in Macao; Teleph. 963.

Directors—A. P. Jorge, K. M. Chow, ing inGeneral—M.

Hongkong) J. Quist (resid-

G. L. Wong, F. J. Gellion, A. A. de Consul—Henrique Nolasco daSilva


Man Lee,Warren

O. A. Wong

K. Wong, and

Au Yueng

J. M.

Braga Siam—11, Praia Grande

Consul—B. de Senna Fernandes


J.H. M.

W. Braga, generalconsulting

Hirschherg, managerengineer

Wong Goon Let, mgr. (Installations DeeandAWing & Co. (1932),

Stationers—18, Ltd., Almeida

Avenida Printers


Warren A. Wong, engineer Ribeiro

J. F. de Senna, representante

General Office : Directory and Chronicle of the Far

H. V. Pinheiro, secretary

J. V. Jorge, chief accountant East—(China, Japan, Malaya, Philip-


Miss M. G.F. do


Rosario pine

Macao Islands, Dutch

agent—A. A. East Indies,22etc.)

de Mello, and

Chow Lan

Chow Kwong Wing Koi 24, Praga Lobo d’Avila


R. M.WahFerreira

Kwan Drogar, A. (Macao Dispensary)—6, 8 and

10, Largo de S. Domin


ft! £ il t H JC Firma Rainia, Dealers in Socks,:Scarfs,

Perfumes, Underwears of European

Tai Tung Tin pou hung sze Manufacture—29, Avenida Almeida

Eastern Extension, Australasia and Ribeiro

China Telegraph Co., Ltd.—Macao

Branch : Post Office Building; Tel'eph.

609 Head Office: Electra House Firma Tantino, Commission Agent—3,

Victoria Embankment, London, W. C. 2 Travessa Tantino

de Misericordia; Cable Ad:

C. M. de Souza, manager

mm mm

Empresa Comercial Lusitana, (Property ^ m m ® fi'is n gi

of the Economical Trading Co., Hong

Kong) Import and Export Merchants Foo Yau Investment & Savings

and Manufacturers’

1e and 821;If, Avenida Representatives— Co., Ltd., Every Description of Invest-

Teleph. P. O. BoxAlmeida Ribeiro;

175; Cable mentsand

Ad: , Loan' Savings

Granted on Business




•1. M. d’Almeida, manager —Foo Yau Building No. 1-0 Avenida

J. A. Corderio, assistant Almeida Ribeiro

Loc Tin Meng and Luk Yee .

Yau, managers

Empresa Lusitana de Trans- Garage Lusitana (Property of the

portes, Lda, General Transport Economical 1e and If, Trading

Avenida Co., Hongkong)—

Almeida Ribeiro;

Transhipment and Warehousing—1;

Avenida Almeida Ribeiro (2nd floor), i Teleph. 821; P. O. Box 175; Cable Ad:

Telephs. Office 601, Garage 478; P.O. Box Mottoes

493; Cable, Ad: Eltelda; Code: A.B.C. J. M. d’Almeida, manager

5th edn. J. A. Cordeiro, assistant

Julio Alberto Basto, manag. partner

Empresa Oriental, Curios, Porcelain and

Lacquer Ware—Rua Central Ching chow hung mo nai yauhan hung sz

M.J.Almeida Green

Almeida OfficeIsland Cement Co., Ltd.—Head

: Hongkong

m m

Wai San joh fong

Farmacia EViodernaChemists,

Ltd., Manufacturing & Co., Green

Jorge Analysts Island Brickworks Co., Ltd.,

Manufacturers and Exporters of Clay

andDispensingDruggists,Bacterologists Bricksf—Green

32 Island; Telephs. 480-10;

—Avenida Almeida Ribeiro Nos, 43,45,47, P.O. Ko Box

Ho Ming, managing director

Teleph. 215; P.O. Box 19; Cable Ad: Wong Sho, gen. mgr. and chief engr.

Moderna MacauJorgo, Technical Dir.

Sara Pacheco

Maria Correa Nunes Him Yuen Yick Kee, Firecrackers—

Dr. A. P’ Jorge, manager 14, Rue da Miguel Aires

Farmacia Popular, Dispensary and


Teleph. 739; P.O.RuaBoxde223;

' S. Cable


Ad: Hingkee

H if

. Popular Importers

. H- N. da Silva, proprietor and Exporters—32, Avenida Almeida

Staff: Ribeiro;

A. Leong Hingkee, proprietofHingkee

Teleph. 104; Cable Ad: '

C. de Sousa I Jose Xavier P. Leong Hingkee, do.

Andr^ Hui I Jose Hui

Jose Castilho I Geraldo, Portaria A gency

Francisco Barros,assist,

Izabel de Sousa, bookkeeper

do. Dairy Farm, Ice & Cold Storage Co.,

Ld., Hongkong


W & ffli Hil} wo cdng sze

Hip Wo


Agents, Stores—29

Almeida Ribeiro; and and

Office Avenida —Macao

50, Godown: Shek-ki Office: Ming Sing Pei Road; d


4l, Travessa do Paralelo; Teleph. 232; 2264 Telephs.(traffic2265manager),

(managing2226 director),

(general j|

Cable Ad: Hipwo office) and 2214 (garage & works); Cable i

Wong Sho, managing proprietor Ad: Kekwanroad

Lam Huen, chief accountant


A. S. Watson & Co., Ld. Aerated frfi #:

Waters and Wines (European pro- Larangeira, H. e$ij P., Advogado

prietors) Avenida Almeida Ribeiro No. 1q; Te-— JI

lefone No. 949

Jli ii? M

Hotel Riviera, First Class Up-to-date Lima, M. A., Civil Engineer, Archi-

tect and Surveyor—16, Travessa de


Hotel—Praia Grande; Cable

W. S. Lo, acting manager Ad: Riviera Sto. Agostinho

Lisbon Bazar, Silk Merchants—32, Rua J

Hou Hing Dancing; Club, Every Central; Teleph, 2206; P. O. Box 48; 1

Night Partners

Best Dancing,—-Refreshments,

Central and Cable Ad: Shamdas

Bar Top


Floor, Avenida Almeida Ribeiro Lobato, Pedro, Licencido

Advogado—Avenida Almeidaem Ribeiro,


® ® ^ @ p1? a 1-Q. l.°; Telefone 740

Imprensa Nacional de Macau Loja “A Portuguesa,” Merchants,

Direccao—Alexandre Wine Dealers and Commission

Secretaria — Olivia deStelca


dir Agents—SO,

Cable Ad: Ferro

Rua do Campoai;


Maria Marques (auxiiiar de Luisa

escrituraQao) da Revisao—Eugenio

Encarregados s* Dr., * Barrister-at-law

± i§

Jose Cordeiro

Oficina e Jaime RobartsMaria Luiz

de Compospao—Josd


Notary 735; Public —53, Praia Grande;.


Gouveia Luis (chefe da oficina) Teleph. Cable Ad: L«c6

Oficina de Impressao—Henrique Dr.


A. JorgeNolasco

Borges, secretary

Castillo (chefe de oficina) Au Sec, interpreter

® w m m n Au Kuong, typist

Arthur Gracias, clerk

Man Kwok Tse Gku Way

International Savings Society—20a,

Largo do Senado; P.O. Box 27; Macao Electric Lighting Co., Ltd., The

Cable Ad: Intersavin. Head

Office: 7 Ave. Edward VII, Shang- —General Telephs.Station:(Office: 2(2a, Rua Central;

800/809Cable Ad:Bela


hai (Agency Controlled by Canton Power F.B. J.deGellion,

Estrada da

a.m.i.e.e., mang.



Wing Woo, agent Senna engineer

J. Herkoff, assist,dir.

Fernandas,in charge mgr.

Iong Moo Tong, Knitting Manufac- G.assist,

F. daengineers

Silva and A. Manturoff,

turers—4-17, Travessa de Maria J. Ribeifo,' 1:cfiief (acct. dept.) and


Lucinda; Cables.Ad : Mocto

L. M. Sequeira, assist.

Ant. J. de B. Pereira, chief (corres-

Jorge, Adolfo, Barrister-at-Law — 50, Mrs.pondent dept.)

G. V.Machado,

da Silva,andasst.


Avenida Almeida Ribeiro; Teleph. 876 Mrs. M. typist

Jorge & Co., Merchants, Importers and

Exporters A.Paulo Quan, chief

J. Ribeiro, (filing dept.)


Ribeiro — 43-47, Avenida Almeida Ismael da Silva, chief (consumers:



Lam Chiu, 1st assist. M; m Mk.

E. B. da Silva, 2nd assist.

Alb. M. de B. Pereira, chief (meter I Nolascc, H!„, Commission and Shipping


Mrs. Mr de F. Gonsalves, assist. Agent—20, Avenida Almeida Ribeiro;

M. Baptista, chief meter inspector Teleph. 738f.P.O.Box

Popular;''Codes: A. B. C.223;5thCable

& 6thAd:&

A. Mendonga, Juan J. Lee, A. Bentley’s

Zuniga, J. da Luz, J. Pereira,

A. Shargorodsky, D. Rosairo and • Agent for:

Luis G. Place, asst, inspectors Dollar

can MailSteam5 Lines, Inc', Ltd. (Ameri-

Line. The Robert Dollar

A. Boyol, net draughtsman Co.) ‘

Miss C. Rodrigues (showroom) Java China Japan Lijn, N.Y. (Holland

, Ho Ying Kwong, chief (adjustment East Asia Line Steamship Co.

dept.)Man Ki, chief (new bus. dept.)

Wong “ Netherlahd ” and “ Rotterdam


Manufacturers Life Insurance Com Standard Vacuum Oil Co.

pany Nolasco & Co., H., Importers and Ex-

A. Borges, agent porters, Commission Agents—20,

Almeida Ribeiro; Telephs. 2418 and Av.


# {£& H Me lo chai Cable Ad: Popular. Branch Office: 18,

Mello, A. A. de, Merchant and Commis- Ice House Street, Hongkong

sion Agent—22 and 24, Praga Lobo H. Nolasco

Export da Silva, general manager


d’Avila (Praia Grande); Teleph. 540; G.E.Azedo, manager

Cable Ad: Mello

A. A. de Mello G, Eusebio

L. A. dei Mello, signs per pro. Import Dept.:

A. H. de Mello, do. E. A. Oliveira, in charge

Miss Lau> Peng RonSan

Miss L.O. de

de Mello;

Mello, do.

do. Leong

Booking Dept. :


A. Tack J. A. Remedies

Agencies James Wong

China Fire Insurance Co., Ld.


& A. Steamship Co., Ld.

Linie Oriental Silk Store, (Drapers, Mil-

H’kong., Canton & Macao liners and Silks—>-39, Rua Central;

Hongkong Daily PressS. B. Co., Ld. Teleph. 2332

Directory and Chronicle of Oriental Co., The, Importers and Ex-


Nippon Japan,

Kaisha Malaya, etc. porters^ Merchants and Commission

Norddeutscher Lloyd Agents, Importers of Optical Goods—

I 23, Rua dos Mercardores; Telephs. Ill

Mello, A. A. l>e, Accountant and Cargo and 11 1 a; and

Bentley’s CableAcme.

Ad: Yuentung;

Branches: Codes;


Surveyor—Praca Lobo Avila, No. 24; kong, Canton and Shanghai

Cable Ad : Mello

A. A. de Mello Po Man La u, Bookseller, Stationery,

J. de Mello, clerk I PrinterSupplier—2,

and Photographer,

Moosa <8c Co., O. C., Merchants, Ship- Films Largo doPlates and

S. Domin-

ping and Insurance Agents, Importers, gos;

Code: Telgph.

Bentley’s 793; Cable Ad: Pomanlau;

Exporters and Commission Agents, (Lo Chuk Hoi, manager

Auctioneers and Contractors—1c.

In. Avenida D’Almeida Ribeiro; Cableand

Ad: Khetani

O. G. Moosa, principal Poon & Co., K, C„ Importers and

J. C. Modsa, do. (India) Exporters, .Shoe Ribeiro;



Kamchuen;AlmeidaCodes: Bentley’s Cable Ad:

W & ?§ & 1 fa K. Q. :PQQn,.mang. proprietor

Netherlands Harbour Works Co.,

Head Office: Amsterdam (Holland),

—Cable Ad: Dredgers; Codes Used: President Hotel, The—Telepn 188;

A.B.C. 6th edn., Bentleys' Cable Ad: Macao Hee Cheong


Remedios, F. X. dos—2, Rua da Prata; Sam Wa Co., Importers, Exporters and

Cable Ad: Cobaschi Commission Agents — 2, Rua Central;

Teleph. 2313

-Ife iM M Silva, Francisco A. da, Solicitor and

Notary Public—l, Avenida Almeida-


General Merchant,F. (Established 1916), Ribeiro;

Importer, Exporter, Teleph. 167; Cable Ad: Anacleto

Insurance and Shipping agents—8

10, Avenida Almeida Ribeiro; Telephs. and Soares, Dr. Jose Caetano; Medical Prac-

636 and 637; P.O. Box 2; Cable Ad: titioner—1, Rua da Cadeia; Teleph. 914

Rodrigues; Codes: A.B.C. 5th edn., Sociedade de Abastecimento de Agua


letters edn.,Complete

Lieber’s, Western

Acme andUnion,Scott’s5 de Macau Ltdo. (The Macao Water

10th edn. and Gueddes SupplyCentral.

Rua Co. Ltd.)—General

Tel. 800/809; Office:

Cable 2-2a


Manager and Proprietor:

Senna Fernandes Rodrigues Fernando de Triplerais. Pumping Station: Estrada

Managing Director of— da Ilha Verde

Chung Wah Petroleum Co7 Ld. General Managers: Macao Electric

Sole Agent for; Lighting Co. Ltd.

Garland Petroleum Co., Inc. S. Fran- Tabaqueria Filipina, Tobacconists

cisco, California, U.S.A. (Wholesale and Retail)—Ip, Avenida-

Agents for: Almeida Ribeiro Teleph. 2221; Cable

Union Insurance Society of Canton, Ad : Tabaqueria

Ld., Fire, Marine, etc. Tackson Medicine Co., Importers and

Lloyd’s, Insurance

Midello SurveyingCo., Ld. dealers in Chemicals, Patent medicines,.

C. ting

C. Wakefield & Co., Ltd., Lubrica- Hospital supplies, surgical instruments,

products etc.—33b,

Ad: Tason; Rua dos Mercadores; Cable


dos vinhos Agricola

do porto (A.e Commercial

A. Ferreira, andC. 5th edns.Codes: Bentley, A.B.C. 4th

Sucers.), Porto, Portugal: H. Hu, manager

Francesco Cinzano & Cia,PortTorino,



Gross VermouthMalaga, Spain & f& H

E. Chicago. Radio Laboratories, Inc., ThompsonSamLooRing& Kwng

H. Scott Radios Sze

Co. (Est. 1930),

Dealers in Periodicals,

Usines de L’Allondon S.A., La Plaine, Albums, Annuals, Art-Pictures, Books, Post Music-


T. Geneva

E. Plum, Denmark (Butter) Sheets, Photographic and Philatelic

Supplies, Commission Agents—1a, Rua

The Oriental

, The Ocean Steam Ship Co.,

Steamship Co. Ld. Central

Tung On S.S. Co. and other agencies W. H. Thompson Loo, executive

Banker's References manager

Banco National Ultramarine: Macau, Ja *8 If ED M

TheLisbon and London

Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Keng hoi yan mu chung coc

Corporation, Hongkong

The National City Bank of New York, Typographia Mercantil de N. T. Fer-

Hongkong nandes Filhos, Ltd.,

and Publishers—26 andGeneral Printers

28, Rua Central;.

Cable Ad: Mercantil;

edn. and Bentley’s Codes: A.B.C. 5th


1a, AvenidaDamio, AlmeidaNotary

Ribeiro; Public—

Teleph. Wad a, Dr. S., Dentist—2d, Rua Central,

756, Cable Ad: Damrod top floor; Teleph. 2313

Antonio do Rosario, interpreter

Warren & Co., C. E., Sanitary and

, Rozario, L F. do,- Shipchandlef, and Heating Agents—27, Avenida Al-


das Storekeeper—13

Cable Ad: andAdo15, Calcada meida Ribeiro; Cable Ad: Clan-


F. do Rozario disil

G. V. da Silva, agent

ClcLSsi/teci List of Agents, Merchants

and. AfcunufcLctoLvers in this

territory, also a. List of Cable

Addresses, -will be fonnd at the

End of the Directory. Classified

List of Far Eastern Engineering

Firms follows Dong Fong.

= IndoChina =

= Ports =


i to




The Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank Ltd.








Capital paid up $5,000,000.00

Reserves $7,500,000.00


6, Queens Road, Central

Telegraphic Address: TELEPHONE:




min.The French

N. lat. andpossession

97 deg. 40of min. Indo-China

and 107liesdeg.

between 8 deg.

E. long. 30 min.

(Paris), andand 23 deg. the-

comprises 23-

colonies of Cochin-China, and Laos (except the Kingdom of Luang-Prabang), the


Wan leased from of Cambodia,

China. TheAnnam, and Tonkin,

total area and tbeis 310,000

of Indo-China territorysquare

of Kwang

miles Cheou

and is

| of Colonies” represents the French Kepublic and has all the powers of the“Minister

under the direction of a Governor-General who, under the authority of the French

Government. The Governor-General is assisted by two councils :

; French 1. The “ Grand

members andConseil

23 nativedesmembers,

Interets Economiques

elected by localet assemblies

Financiers”or appointed

including by28

the Governor General. The Grand Conseil is compulsorily consulted on the budget

and every other questions that the Governor General may design.

2. The “Conseil de Gouvernement de ITndochine”, a body which includes the

chiefs of leading services of the administration and live native members whose

IJ business

represent.is toThetakeCouncil

care ofoftheGovernment

interest of each colony

and the or protectorate

Grand Conseil arethey respectively

movable bodies,

j meeting in any of the chief towns according to the summons of the Governor General

3 who keeps two official residences: Hanoi and Saigon; the former remains, however,

the seat of the administration.

The Governor General is assisted also by the “Secretaire General du Gouvernement

| General de 1’Indochine” who has a special and permanent delegation to settle every

| question that the Governor General has not reserved to himself.

a longThemountainous

deltas of Cochin-China

tract, with and Tonkinlittoral

a narrow are fertile;

on oneAnnam,

side, and connecting them, is

a wild sparsely


seeds, hill tract

tobacco, and stretching

spice are to theprincipal

the Mekongproducts

river on the

of other.alluvial

the Kice,districts.

cotton, sugar,


, principal mineral production is coal, which is mined almost exclusively in Tonkin

(in districts such as Ke-Bao, Hongay, Dong-Trieu, Campha, Thai-Nguyen, Ninh-Binh,.

• Tuyen-Quang,

Nong-Son, nearetc.) Touraneand (Annam).

some otherThesmall mineaverages

output works 2,000,000

which aretonstoa year,

be found


i pfincluding

which are used in the country and the remainder is exported.

gold, silver, tin, copper, lead and antimony, exist in the Protectorate and, Other minerals,

are more or less mined. Zinc mines are worked on a large scale and the annual

output amounts to nearly 50,000 tons.

' The principal harbours are Haiphong and Campha in Tonkin, Tourane, Vinh-Ben-

■. Thuy,Ream

and Cam-Ranh and Quinhon

in Cambodia. in Annam,is warm

The weather Saigonand in Cochin-China,

humid year long and inPhnom-Penh

the South,

|* and

Cochin-China—dry and wet—one can enjoy, from October to April, like

in the_ North (that is in Tonkin) although summer days are very a truethosefresh.


season a winter, during which a very thin rain sometimes falls. As to the centre—

, Annam,—the

between thoseweather of Tonkin canand be called an intermediary one, which varies insensibly


4 _ There are 2,400 kilometers of railway completed and opened to traffic in Indo-

China. The

Chinese population

number is estimatedEuropeans

at 20,000,000, mosttoof 38,500.

whom are Annamites. The

larger and more350,000,

robustandthanthe the amount

Cochin-Chinese, and moreTheintelligent

Tonkinese and are

:. industrious.

Cochin-China, The Chinese have immigrated in large number to the South of

and commerce. where But, they


the worldalmost



especiallyof those



come from the North (that are the Tonkinese), have

ability in trade and industries, and the Chinese find a hard time owing to begun to make use of their


economic crisis. The find Cambodians

from the natives and owingapathetic,

are naturally principallyand tohavethe given



the Chinese and Annamites. The Laotians and Mois, authochtones of the fort sts



who occupy grounds

all theoppressed

basins of bythetheir

Blackneighbours, are lazy

River (Riviere Noire)andand

timid. The



Chineseareandhandsomer and strpnger

the Thos belong tp the Kmetthan race.

the Annamites.

'• The Nungs look like the

The total force of the French Army in Indo-China in normal time is composed as


five 14 battalions

squadrons of Europeans,

of airplanes, and sundry19units—altogether

battalions of natives,


batteries of artillery,

Europeans and

15,000 natives.

,The trade of the Colony is rapidly increasing and nearly 50% of the imports are of

French origin.- Less than 4% of. the remainder comes from Europe, as much of the


own customsconsisttariff

;of natural products

governed by an from neighbouring

Act signed countries,,of the

by the President Indo-China

Republic has ite

on ths

29th of June, 1929 and the amount of the duties charged may by said to be;sbmewhat

the same as: that nf France. , By far, the largest export is rice;. .

Indo-China should attract the attention of travellers from all parts of the world,


it is isanwidely,

ddeal field

famedforfortourists. . The bay

its scenery. of Along

Running along(Baiethed’Alpng),

Anhamesein coast

the gulfby ofa

motor road, the tourist reaches Hue, the residence of tpe Emperor of Armam, and

finds the sepulchres of Emperors Gia-Long, Ming-Jlang, Thieu-Tri, etc., a mine of


forest land.From Nhatrang

Express trainsthe rail way runs

starting down

Saigonto every

frommotor-cars SaigonMonday,

through Wednesday

the mysteriousand


after a splendid trip of three hours, amid fir-clad hills,- to Oalat Station, aboutto4,000

run to Plianrang Station, where are waiting for travellers go,

feet, above pea-level. They can find there a large Hotel bfferihg excellent accommoda-

tions. Inorganised,

specially the neighbburhoodof Dalatjin,sport

niay be indlilged of every

as well kind, including

as excursions big-game

and motor trips.hunting


must reference

with those of thebeancient


to the famous

of theruins of Angkor, which will bear comparison




the first the seat ofofAnnam

Emperor the actualKingdom underthe

Dynasty, the Nguyen,

Les, but since 1802 enthroned.

had been when Gia

Tonkin has become a part of Annam Empire under a Vice-Roy. But, in 1897, the

Emperor suppressed the Vice-Roy (Kinh-Luoc) and all the powers of this Great Man-


19 deg.have

andbeen givenN. toandthelong.

23 deg. French102 “Resident

deg. and 108 Superieur

deg. 30 aumin.Tonkin.” It liesonbetween

E. bounded lat.

the North,

by China, on west by Labs, on the South by Annam, and on the East by the gulf of


rivers, it The countrylarge

produces nearcrops

the.seaof isricea rice


mai^e, plainpwell-watered by numerous

while sugar, cotton, spices, indigo,

silk, areequier, coffee and yarious other articles are jalsq raised. It possesses valuable

mines of silver, lead, antimony, phosphates, coal and zinc, and gold and copper are


knownandto Hongay,

exist. Concessions

and 800,000were tons granted

of coal ofin,1887 for tbe from

good quality workingtheoflastnamed

coal minesis

now exported annually. By the .Treaty of Hue, dated June 6th, 1884, the Annamite


under theTonkin placed

supervisionTonkin under

of French French Protectorate, and its.affairs are administered

Colony. is divided intoResidents.

21 provinces, It is,namely:

in fact, Bac-Giang.

now practically a French

Bac-Kan,' Bac-


Bing, Ha-Dong,

Phuc-Yen, HaPhu-Tho,

TNam, Hoa-Binh, Hung-Yen, Kien-An, Lang-Son, Lao-Kay, Ninh-

Quang-Yen, Son-La, Son-Tay, Thai-Binh, Thai-Nguyen,


Dinh, Haiduong,Tinh-Yen, Yeribay;cefcles:

and 4 military 4 municipalities


Cao-Bang,Hanoi, Haiphong,

Ha-Giang, Nam-


Hanoi, the .capital, is the Chief-Town of the province of same name and appears oh

old maps as Ke-Sho.

the jmanufactures

Although,a; country newly colonised, Tonkin has several modern plants,.such as

leather and spirits,ofetc.cement,

., glass-ware, cotton spinning and rice mills, match, soap,


Hanoi, Capital of Tonkin, is situated on the right bank of the Song-Koi (lied

Uiver), about 72 miles from its mouth. The city is built close to the river and extends


Haiphong than byonetrainmile oralong the bank. is The

by river-boat, not first aspect forone,visitors

an imposing as thecoming from


portion of the town, the principal European centre, is situated further back. , Here,

broad and well-kept streets under the shade of trees of all kinds, numerous imposing

public and private buildings, present a very nice European town of modern style. The

city is lighted

enormous by electricity

waterworks. and abundantly

Five electric tramcar lines supplied with good

run through drinkable

the town oyer awater


ofmileeight miles. A special attraction is the “ Petit lac,” a

in the middle of the town, rendered picturesque by the quaint pagodas occupy-lake of nearly half a square


lake thetheresmall

is theislands

Squarewhich adornwith

Paul Bert, it, anda finesurrounded

bronze statue by promenades! Facing the

of Paul Bert unveiled on

the 14th July, 1890, arid a bandstand in the middle. Close

City Hall, Treasury, Post Office, Union Club, Bank of Indo-China, Besidence Superieur to the square there are the

and the Hotel Metropole. Other public buildings, as the residence of the Commander

of the Troops, the Hospital, etc., are situated on what was formerly the “Concession, ”


some tosmallthe river bank. church.

Protestant There areThetwoimposing

large BomanpalaceCatholic Cathedrals and a stands

of the Governor-General hand-

at the entrance of. the Botanic Garden, and other fine buildings in the town arridhe


tow Museum,

first-class Palais deHotel

hotels—the Justice, Terminus,

Metropole, withIdeo, Creditof nearly

a front Foncier,300etc.feet,There

and theare

Splendid Hotels—as well as some smaller ones. The

Socffite Philharmonique possess their own buildings. A racecourse, opened in 1890, “'Cercle de 1’Union,” and


situated just outside

are published the new

at Hanoi. Thetown. Daily and periodical

“citadelle”—formerly French

the fortress of theandMandarin


Governor of Tonkin is now occupied by the French troops

headquarters. However, many interesting and historic buildings. remain within the as the barracks and general

compound, including the Boyal Pagoda.

The ancient city is situated between the citadel and the river and presents a novel


by the Frenchowing greattoimprovements

the singular have architecture of theinhouses.

been effected Since theofoccupation

the laying-out the town,

and the formation of roads and streets, of which over 50 miles have already been

drained, electrically lighted, and, even in the native city, well kept and very


pagodas, as compared

that of tnewith “Grand thoseBuddha,”

of othersituated

Easternoncities. Of the

the shore numerous

of the templesis and

Grand Lake, the

most important and interesting for visitors on account of its colossal bronze statue.

Steel built halls, each 160 by 60 feet, for the native markets have been erected in

different quarters.

Trade, both export and import, is steadily increasing, and besides many important


spinning mill, housesicethere is alsomatch

factory, a development

factory, paper of industries

manufactory,in thissome


a cotton

furniture-shops and a brewery are among the number.

linesThe havet transit tradewhich

been opened has connect


considerably since with

and Tonkin the Yunnan

different Province.



enters the capital by a magnificent steel bridge, 5,100 feet in length, over thethe Bed

first part, connecting Haiphong with Hanoi, was opened in July, 1902, and line


the The BotanicItGardencontainsofchange,


varioustoa species

very fine site and The is one of thehasbest in

goneFara East.

very favourable river thanks many ofsanitary

plants. works climate

executed byunder- the


up pools,such as laying

marshes, etc. drains

There isthrough

distinction the whole European

of seasrin: and native

the summer beginscity,in April,



the winter about October. The highest degree of temperature in summer is 40° cen-


135,000, the

6,500lowest in winterareabout

of whom 8° centigrade.

Europeans (Army The men population

included), oftheHanoi

restis about


Annamites, Chinese, Japanese and Indians. The first meeting of

tive Assembly elected on a narrow sufirage was held at Hanoi on Novembera Native Delibera-


1907, and was addressed by M. Paul Beat!,.the Governor-General.





Gouverneur General de ITndochine — Direction

Rene Robin


Yves ChatelGeneral de I’lndpchine -- Directeur p.i. de Professeurde

ITnstruction 1’Ensei-


que—M. Bernard,

, gnement superieur en Indochine

Direction du Cabinet ler Bureau


lere classe desPrevost,


civils de Chef de Bureau:—M. Gailliat, professeur

Chef de Cabinet—Haelewyn de I’enseignement primaire en Indo-

Officier d’Ordonnance—Lieutenant Gaetan chine

Chef de Bureau—M. Giraud, chef de bu-

Bureau des Archives reau des services civils

dhef du Bureau — Guigves, attache au Gerant de Caisse: — M. Thh-ion, sous-

econome des cadres Indochinoise


Cabinet Militaire Secretariat de l’Universite


'Chef de Cabinet—le Capitaine Gasset Secretaire—M. Deverede, commis de

TAcademie de Paris

Direction des Affaires Politiques, de Gerant des Publications de

la Police et de la Sorete Generals lTnSTRUCTION PUBLIQUE

Directeur Grandjeap,

lere classe des servicesadministrateur

civils de M. Laferranderie, Professeur de 1’enseig-

nement superieur en Indochine

Service Des Affaires Ext^rieures ENSEIGNEMENT SUPERIEUR


classe desadministrateur-adjoint

Services Civils, chargede lere



Surveillance GenIrale

Direction du Personnel Surveillant General des Internals—

Direeteur — Domec, administrateur de Lataste, prof licencie des mathe matiques

lere classe des services civils Ecole de Medecine et de Pharmacie

de Plein Exercice de l’Indochine

Direction Les Affairs Economiquee et Directeur—M. le Dr.. Toullec, medecin

It.-coh, en service hors-cadres a I’hopital

Administratives de hanesspn professeur

Directeur — Guillemain,

de 1 <£re classe des.Servicesadministrateur

Civils lYcole d’application du serviceagrege de

de saten

colon iale


Section de Medecine Directeur p. i. — Ceb^, veterinaire in-

I Professeurs--Drs. Toullec et Huaird specteur

i (professeurs agreges de l ecole d’ap- Ecole des Hautes Etudes

| plication du service de Sante colo- Indochinoises

niale) Drs. Polidori, •Naudin, Kel-

ler, De Penis de Lacombe, Cartoux Directeur


— Roze, conseiller a la Cour

de Hanoi, docteur en droit

j (en conge), Daleas, Sollier, Grenier Professeur—Le-van-Kim, docteur eslettres

Boley,; Theron et Mayer May

i! Chlinigues—Drs. Hoard, Polidori, et docteur en droit

Naudin, Cartoux (en conge), Da- Ecole Superieure de Pedagogie

leas, Sollier, Keller, 'Grenier Boley, Directeur—Houlie, agrege de philosophie

f et Theron Professeur—Bouault, agrege d’histoir^

, Charges- de Cpurs—Sept

Section de pharuiacie de ,'plain ’Ecole Superieure d’AgricuLture

exermce. et de Sylviculture

! Prolesseur s—-M. Peirier (pharmacien Directeur—Lan,

superieur pfofesseur de 1’Enseignt.

| It.-col. en retraite), Dr. De Penis Directeur p.i.—Regere, ingr. agronome;

•de Lacombe (professeur de 1’enseig-

nement superieur indochinoise), Ecole et Cours Superieur des

f M. M. Wefts (agrege ties Sciences Travaux Publics

phy^igues), ‘et Magalon docteur es-

| sciences maturelles) .' Directeur—Connan, ingenieur des travaux

[ Charges' de cours—Six publics de 1’Etat

Section da P.C.B. Ecole Superieure de Commerce

■ Professeurs—M. M. Werts (agrege Directeur — Henry Pourquier, ancien

des sciences physiques) Bourret directeur de banque

| ((docteur es-sciences naturelles, cor- Directeur p.i. — Cabanes, inspecteur des

i respondant du museum), Petelot Services Commercians

(.(Hcencie es-sciences naturelles, cor-

S respondant, du museum), Perucca Ecqle des Beaux-Arts

((agrege des sciences physiques-en Directeur—Tardieu, artiste-peintre, pfix

p conge) du salon, hors concours

‘ iffcole Superienre de Droit de Hanoi Directeur p. i.—Kruze, architect

l Directeur—M. Camerlynck, professeur Etablissements d’Enseignement

agrege de la faculte de droit de Secondaire

Strasbourg Lycee Albert Sarraut—Hanoi

: Professeurs—M. M. Couzinet, aggrege Proviseur—Loubet, agrege es lettres

des facultes dte droit de titulaires Lyme Chassdoup Laubat—Saigon

I’Etat, detache a 1’Ecole superieure

j xle droit de Hanoi; Andt, docteur Proviseur—Yenet, agrege de grammaire

Lycee Yersin Dalat

| en droit, professeur titulaire du Proviseur—Neveu, agrege es-lettres

cadre local de 1’ecole superieure de

droit de Hanoi

Professeurs^—M. M. Kherian et La- Service de l’Enseignement

Direction Locale

au Tonkin

\ bourquere (docteurs en droit) , Con- Chef de Service—Lafferranderie, certihe

1 tractuels des Ecoles Normales, prof, de 1’enseigne-

; Charges d’enseignement—quafre ment superieur Indochinois

Ecole des Beaux-Arts de VIndochina Chef de Bureau -Laures, prof, des cadres

■ Directeur—M. Roger, architects D.P. Indochinois, B.S. C.A.P.

; L.G. architecte des batiments civils Etablissements Primaiees Superieurs

du Tonkin

Ecole Veterinaire Ecole Primaire Superieure Lrancaise

- Directeur—Roussel, veterinaire-inspecteur de Garcons a Hanoi


veterinaire chef de clinique, docteur Directeur — Houllier, prof, certifie de

(en conge) YE. P. S.


Eeole Primaire Supcrienre Frangaise' Boulangerie Gia-long

Thano — 28/30, Boulevard’

de Filies de Hanoi


NormalesRaspoil, prof, certifie Cie des Eaux de Hanoi


Ly,pe$ dn Frotectprat , M.Descours,

Bedat, directeur


Proviseur — Auticon, prof. Licencie des Bruueau, chef, des Travaux de-

cadres IndorChinoise Canalisation

Ecole Normale, d’ [mtilutevra de Hanoi Lutz, Service, des Abonnes

Directeur—Irabert, prof, certifie desEcoles

Normal es '(left res) COMPAGNIE d’ExPORTATION d’ExTREME-

Ecole Normale d’Instituirides 'it Institution laOrient, Chaux:Import



Cable Ad:Rue de


des Jeunes Filled Annamites de Hanoi deoba. Direction g^nerale: 43, Boulevard

Directrice—Mme. Dioque,

Ecoies Normales (lettres) prof, certifib des Haussmann, Paris

Ecole Frimaire Superieure Henri COMPAGNIE FrANCAISE DES CHEMINS DE

Riviere de Haiphong ,' ^ . . Fer de l’Indochink et du Yunnan

Directeur—De Fautereau, prof, du 2eme Direction Generale — 89, Rue de

deg re (licencie es-lettres) Miromesnil—Paris

Hours Primaire Superieur Franco-Indigene Direction A. Bodin, directeur general

de ilaiphong de FExploitation a Hanoi

Direi teur — Carre, professeur des cadres A. Hilaire, directeur de I’exploitation

indochinois, B.S., C.A.P. M. PExploitation director adjoint de-


Asia Life Insurance Co., Life Insurance J. Boidot, ingeneur attach^ a la

—I'assage du Credit Foncier, Rue Paul Secretariat direction,de

de la 1’Direction—Hanoi'


Bert; Cable Ad: Larrive; Code: Acme J. Petit, chef du'secretariat

and Bentley’s. Main office for the Agence Principals au Yunnan

Orient: 17, The Bund, Shanghai. P. Yunnan—Yunnanfou

Clemensat, agent principal an

“Avenir Du Tonkin ” L’, Journal quoi Service

tidien, Direction-Redaction-Administra

Medical au Yunnan


Lanzalavi, chef du service medical


M. H. deRueMassiac,


directeur admin. Services Administratifs—Hanoi

J. Siffray, chef de service

Banpue de l’Indo-Chine—47, 49 et 51, Service Hanoi Traffic, pt du Mouvement—


Boulevard Amiral Cou,rbet; Telephs. A. Patoux, ingemeur

85Direction 497, Bureau

et 561; Cable et Compradore Service

Ad: Indochihe du Materiel et deen.chef

la Traction-—


E. Preclaire, ingtmieur eh chef/;

Banque de Saigon (Societe Anonyme au Service


Social: de26 39a 32,

millions de francs)—Siege

Rue Lefebvre, Saigon Hanoide la Voie et des Batiments—

Bureau Administrate: 1,3, Rue N.D. des P. Clerget, ingffiiieur en- chef

Victoires a Paris. Agence a Hanoi: 5,

Boulevard Henri Riviere;

phong: 64-68, Rue Paul Bert Agence a Hai- COMPAGNIE FrANCAISE d’ExPLOSIFS EN


Cable Ad; Orient—7,

Chedotau Boulevard

’ Bobillot:

Banque Franco Chinoise Pour Le Com-

merce et IndustSik, General Banking Compagnie Franco - Americaine

Business Transacted. Capital Paid tip: o’Assurances, General Insurance: Fire,


0,000,000; Reserve: Frs. 33,514,000- Marine, Motor-car, Life, Accident, Bur-

Paris Ad: Geranchine. Head Office: glary, Plate-glass, Baggage and Special

Risks—Rue PaulAd:


passage du Credit

Biedermann & Co., Merchants —3, Foncier; Cable Head'.

Boulevard Carnot; CableAdlBiederihann Office: Shanghai

Agents Jar:

Boillot, Ch., Agent General—1, Rue Paul Asia Life Insurance Co.

Bert; Cable Ad: Ch. Boillot American Asiatic Underwriters



Orxent (Etablissement Officie] du graphes, Appareils, Fournitures pour , : cniemato-.

Films Radio,

en vente

e ■Qouvernement General de l lndochine), location; Editeur de films, touteset

[. .Enseigndtnent Musical complet .pour les fournitures 33,

appareils et accessoires—

I|; nationalites.

Eurppeens etEtudes Indigenes de toutes

sanGtionnees 85; Boulevard

par International Cable’ Ad:Henri Riviere; Teleph.

Lapomeraye Code:

|; des Dipldmes—17, Avenue Puginier; Lugagne

Teleph, 522

Albert Poincignon, directeur Imprimerie Tonkinoise Lk-Van-Phuc—

80-82, Rue du Chauvre

'Deleule & Detouillon, Automobiles,

Cycles et Armes—76, Hue Jules Ferry Larrive C.—Rue Paul Bert, Passage

Jules Detouillon, directeur du Credit Fonoier

i Denis, Freres, de l’Indochine (SooMte Directeur : ParticuMer :

Cie Franco-Americaine dAssurances

Anonyme), Import and Export Merchants

—16, Hue Paul Bert; Cable Ad: Referendis Asia Life Insurance Co. <

Denis, Freres, d’Indochine, Tous produits Agent for\

American Asiatic Underwriters,

metallurgiques et tous articles ,de Guin-

\ caillerie—77,. Boulevard Francis Gamier La Perle, Passignat, M., Antiquites

i Deutsches Konsulat-60, Rue Paul Bert; Chinoise’s et Annamites, Meubles et

Objets dArt d’Extreme-Orient

|] Teleph.,508; Cable

W. Stoller. Consul Ad: Consugerma

■: R. Luneburg, Secretary Le Guern, Mme. J., Marchande de Meu-

bles d’Occasion et Hotel Garni, Machines

DrogueRiK du Tonkin, Representation, a Coudre—70, Rue Jules Ferry

Commission, Import Produits Chimiques

S Pierre Domart, pharmacien droguiste Librairie Imprimerie Z. Chano — 108,

Rue Jules Ferry; Telephs. 315 el. 8ll

^Garage Bobiluot, Societe Francais de Z. E.Thano

Kalos j Mme. Limongi

Transports (Societe a non y me au Capi tal S. Yiannoulatos [ Mile. Genesi

|’ de 1,8000,000 frs.)—Boulevard

(Automabiles et Pousse Pousse) Bobillot

Lloyd, C. F., Importer-Exporter—Cable

[‘Great Britain, Vice Consulate Ad: Lloyd; Codes: A.B.C. 5th edn.,

! Vice-Consul—T. L. Christie, Chartered Benfley’s, Lieber’s, Kendall’s and Private

Bank Building 17, Rue Paul Bert,

I Haiphong Magasins Chaffanjon, S. A., Alimen-

tation-Arms. Munitions-Nouveantes-

Hongkong, and Shanghai Banking tes Arficies de Menage-Cigars, Cigaret- ,

ij Corporation—; 16, Rue Paul Bert — Photographie — Sports-Per-

Denis Freres, agents . : fumerie. Magasins A Hanoi-Hai-


j,‘ Hoteliers de l’Indo-Chine, Syndicat

[! Hoteliers

de ITndustfie Hoteliere,

Francais et a laAffine aux M aron, Pa ul, ExpertComptable Ecritures


\ Rationale et Syndic

Assurances—46, Bd. Henri Riviere

Siege Social;deHotel

1 Hotellerie


a Hanoi deFailliteliquidateurjudiciaife

jTmprimerie d’Extreme Orient, Librairie, Mourlan, Pierre et Docteurs

Avocats-Defenseurs, Marcel Pasoalis,

en Droit

Papieterie (Societe anonyme:

' de 4,000,000 frs )-Cable Ad: Ideo; Siege Capital —40, Boulevard Gambetta

i| Haiphong

social: 28, Rue Paul Bert. Succursale a Office Du Tourisme Indochinois, Sub-

ventronnd par leGouvernement General

; Indochine Films & Cinemas (Societe an- Hotel —Agence de Hanoi, Immeuble du Grand

, onyme au Capital de 10,000,000 frs.), Siege Riviere; Metropole, Boulevard

Teleph. 776; P.O. Box 60; Henri


I: Etablissernents

social a Saigon, deCochinchine (Anciens Ad: Tourisme. Tous Renseignements

la Pommeraye & Touristignes, Itineraires, Excursions


OoLTAsrRo (Louis Ogliastro

Jti. L. —104, Rue Jules Ferry & Co.) S. A. Societe


d’Enseignement Mutuel du

L. Arnaud, manager

Agencies Societe Francaise des Distilleries de

Peninsular & Oriental Steam Nav. Co. lTndochine’A. R. Fontaine (Anciens

& Cie.)Etablissements

— Usines a

Central Agency Yapeur: Hanoi, Nam-Dinh, Haiduong et

Anglo French Textile Co., Madras

California Packing Corp., San Paris Cholon. Siege Social: 10,Rue la Bobtie,

FranciscoCigar Mfg. Co., Manila (8e Arrondisement). Direction pour

Alhambra levard

Tonkin et le Nord-Annam:

Gambetta, 55, Boule-

Hanoi; Cable Ad:

Haig and Haig, Markinch Distamy

Jacob & Co., Dublin

Tanqueray, Gordon & Co., Ltd. G.Conseil Schwob d’Hericourt, President du


Pharmacie, J. Blanc—31, Rue Paul Bert P. Tonkin Bernhard, directeur general pour le

et ie Nord Annam

Pharmacie Montes—54, Rue Paul Bert F. Lupiax, ing^nieur, Directeur-adjoint

Societe Agricole Franco-Tonkinoise a SocikTE Financiere Francaise de Colo-

Con-Voi par

Rizieres, Phu-Tho, Tonkin, Caferies, nial—51,


Rue d’Anjou (Paris) Agences a.

Saigon: 32 rue Lamme. Agences a Hanoi:

! 89 Boulevard Francis Farrier

Societe Anonyme des Charbonnages Society Industrielle et Commercialk

de Nuyen Quang(Capital: 2,000,000 frs.) d’Annam—55, Boulevard Gambetta


Rue Social: Nuyen Quang. Bureaux:

des Teintueriers Societe

d’Extreme Industrielle et Forestierr

Orient—Societe Anonyme:

Societe d’Application

Fit ” (E. le Bougnec des& Cie.),

Procedes 135, Route Mandarine; T

Re- ji Ad:

caoutchoutage et Reparation de Pneus j Indusfores


he (Brevetsa enAirFrance

par Cure de Yapeur

et a 1’Etranger)

—21, Boulevard Rollandes; Teleph. 466; | Taupin & Co.,deG.,Journaux

Messageries Librairie, Papeterie


Cable Ad: Pneufit i 50, Rue Paul Bert; Cable Ad: Taupin


Cua Cam, one of the numerous capital

Haiphong, the commercial divisionsof ofTonkin, is built

the Song Khoion(Red the River),

right bank

whichof the river


Yunnan with

106 deg. 42tomin. the Tonkin

long. Gulf.

E. isAlthough Its geographical

the river situation

is somewhat is 20 deg. 51 min. lat. N.r


date system the harbour

of lights. as accessible

The channel, by night

constantly as it isandbyobstructed

dredged day, thanksbybytoathe

supervised anbar,up-to-




Public The

Works, allows the

lighthouse on the biggest

islandliners of the Messageries

of Hondau shows a light Maritimes

visible to20call

navalat miles


distant, while that on the Norway islands, indicating the entrance to Hongay, the

coaling.station, is visible at 25 miles. Vessels anchor in front of the

of the l iver, a quarter-of-a-mile from the shore, while a wharf of 2,000 feet gives ample- city, in the middle

space for the accommodation of live big ocean-going liners at one time. This wharf is-


rail with

and all modern

light.appliances—2-ton electric cranes,

may10-and 20-ton steam cranes,,

withtrack, electric

the telephone and thusShips

get inarriving

touch alongside

with any point bein immediately

the city. Large connected


houses, covering

been erected an area

on the of 9 acresandandarehaving

water-front a storage

connected capacity

by rail with ofthe100,000




the Compagnie des Chemins de Fer de ITndo-Chine et du Yunnan.

for the quick handling of goods destined for the dillereht centres of Tonkin There is thus every


the the Chinese

railway line.province


Yunnan, and to which

the Haiphong

wharf areis the the gateway,

property byof means-

the Portof


ready to givewhich owns toalsoanythevessel,

assistance s.s. whether

Amiral- deat sea


or in thea powerful


A floating.tug,


dock, capable of lifting vessels up to 330 feet in length and 2,500 tons displacement, is-

attached to a modern shipbuilding and repairing yard, where the most extensive

■ repairs can be undertaken.

Haiphong proper is in the midst of an extensive rice swamp with low-lying swampy

j land all around it for miles, having in the distance the monotony relieved by rugged

I ranges of low limestone hills, and beyond these to the northward, at a distance

f of some 16 miles, is a range of mountains, the loftiest, known as the Grand

• Summit, being about 5,000 feet high. Though at the time of its origin in 1884 Hai-

• phong was but

has rapidly a mere native

developed village

into the mostin important

the midst ofcommercial

rice fields and

andmuddy streams,

industrial centreit

1: of Tonkin andaccording

the port toformodern

all home

has been built ideas.andTheforeign

streetstraffic. Being a arenewwide,

and boulevards town,


and well-shaded, and constructed for the most part at right angles. The town

1; has a cosy

chief and pleasing

commercial appearance, mostbuildings

and administrative of the houses beingCentral

are the of the cottage type. City

Post Office, The

I Hall, Banque Franco Chinoise, Banque de ITndochine, Municipal Theatre, and Ous-

E tom-house. There is a Roman Catholic Cathedral

in theattached

town.du toCommerce

the Spanish Mission,

|s and a Protestant

theatre, built in church,

1900 byalso,

the has been erected

Municipality. The Hotel There is aisvery

a largepretty


[\ The Cercle du Commerce, which is a well-managed club, has its domicile intown.

handsome structure, its lofty mansard roof dominating every building in the the-

| boulevard Paul Bert. The racecourse is about a mile from the town on the Do

( Son Road. The year 1922 saw the opening of the “ Cercle Sportif Haiphonnais, ’ with

i a large and handsome building and extensive grounds for all forms of sport.

J Haiphong has two public gardens, where military concerts are given on Sundays-

| and Thursdays. The small Botanical Garden of the Lach Tray, two miles out of town,

! is one of the evening promenades.

The appearance of this city, agreeably disposed among trees and tropical vegeta-

[ tion, appeals to the eye of the traveller arriving by sea on a sunny day.

j[ The city,canal,

the Bonnal originally comprised

soon spread beyondwithin




to theBacdevelopment

rivers and

Ii ofconcerns

its commerce and industry, foreign and indigenous. The

are cement works (whose products are known all over the Far East), principal industrial


; mills, rice mills, brick, tile and ceramic factories, foundries, shipbuilding yards, and

1 an important factory (opened in the beginning of 1922) for the making of all sorts

; of chemical products.

The total population is about 80,000.

Haiphong is connected with Hanoi by rail, passenger-trains'running five times a

; day each way, and is in communication by landline with Saigon and by radio with.

? Hongkong.


Maikie de Haiphong lore Adjoint—M. le D. Fesquet

Administrateur-Maire—M. L. Lotzer 2eme Adjoint—M. Lavergne

Conseillers Municipaux—M. M. Go-

Administration Municipalk delu, Paquin, Dr. Forest, Javo’uray,

I Administrateur-Maire—M. L. Lotzer Boe, Peraldi, Bouchard, Brun

Ghef du Secretariat—M. Belpy

a Chef Buisson, Lagauzere:et Rochat

des Travaux Munieipaux—Gautier, PresidentM. Chenude la,Chambre de Commerce—

ingenieur Ingenieuf Chef dfi. Sefvice Maritime—

Commissaire de Police—M

Payeur Receveur Roumanet

Municipal—M. Toustou M. Gauthier ,

Commissaire Special—BoubaL ‘ S /Directeur, des Dopahes pt Regies—

M. Castanet.

^onseil Municipal Directeur du Popf, Autonome — jVL

Administrateur ResidentiM?*4fe:—M. A. Gauthier

Bouchet | ' Gpnsulat d’Angletepre—M. Moon


Posted et Telegeaphes Asia Life Insurance Co., Life Insurance

JSiii’kttu d?Haiphong —59, Boulevard Henri Riviere; Cable

Receveur—M. Andrieu Ad: Asialife; Code: Acme and Bentley’s.

Ooritfoleur—Billod ’ Main ; Shanghai

Bund, Office for. the Orient: 17, The


Hoareau Pritrdpaiix—Ai.

et Goudettiant M.' Urbain,

dbm'niis—]V1 .M. Cha^^CesSird,' Quancard, BANKS

Nguyen Due Hung, Pham Van Bao,

Nguyeiri -Khac Kien, Tnlpng Tuan PHat

Mdcanicien—AuBbuy . Banque

Brigadier-facteu r-r-Jaeob

Survcillant -Delioulle merce et lTndustrie pour le Com-


28 Telephohist' 6 g M. Laborne, directeur

I)ames-1e1ephonistes Muller, Perrin,

Cutiol, Schir, Martin, Mondoloni, Banque de lTndochine—Agence d’Hai-

La verging, Herat, H. Miannay,

1 Hamelle, phong: Telephs. |2,6 et 219; Cable Ad:

J. Miannay,

;garde,' Ohemilly,

Cbldnip, Gervais,

Carlos, Puyla- Indochine-

Soulolimiad Haiphong

E. de Dfeux Brbze, direeteur

Genot, Yve. Oudin et Perretti. R. Cleopatre, contrbleur


Gardan, G.Ch.Dard Sahot,deR.Gannes,


Teavai.x Publxos ; fohdes de pouyoirs

Circonscription Territoriale du Tonkin Charles Chong, compradore

Service Maritime


Chef de,d'e ServiceT-FilQche,

Bureau IT. Bessel, ingenieuradjoint

prin. Banque de Saigon (Societe Anonyme au

technique. capital de 50 millions de francs)—Siege

Social: 26 a 32, Rue Lefebvre, Saigon.

Sub-divis ionn aires Bureau Administratif: 13, Rue N.D. des

Chef de la Sub-division du Port de Victoires 64-68, Ruea Paul

Paris.Bert.Ageiice a Haiphong:

Agence a Hanoi:

Haiphong—Vi nay, ingenieur

Chef de la Sub-division des Dragages— 5, Boulevard Henris Riviere

P. Filoche

Chef de la Sub-division des Pharos et Chartered Bank of India, Australia

Balises -Martinet andR. Moon,

China—17, Rue Paul Bert

Port de Commerce sub-agent

Capitaine de Port—Hulin A. S. M. Young, sub-Etccquntant •

Lieut, de Port—Wursthorn

Services Sanitaires Credit Foncier de lTndochine—1, Rue

Marechal Joffre

Agent Principal de la Sante—Dr. Martin


Lanzalavi du Lazaret du Cua-Cam—Dr. Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Cor-

Hopital Colonial poration—3, Rue Jules Ferry; Teleph.

Medecin Chef—Dr. Martin 37;E.Cable Ad: Mekong

J. Oakshott, Agent


Lanzalavi Traitants — Drs. Goinet and A. G. Cameron

Oilicier dAdministration—M. Laffargue Tching Sam Vou, compradore

Inlirmier-Chef-Adjudant—Tramblay P. Briffaud & CiE.j Shipping Agent

and Warehousekeeper, Stevedore of

n& » f ^ m Cie. Messageries

Reunis, ContractorMaritimes, Chargeurs

for Commissariat—

Mei-yah Pao Sien Rung Sze

A m erican-Asiatic Underwriters, Ltd., Codes: LugagneCogef

P. Briffaud, partner 1


car, Insurance: Fire,Burglary,

Marine, Motor- E. Vidry, do.

glass,Life, Accident,

Baggage and Special Plate-

Risks—59, P. Desol, do.


Cable Henri Riviere; Teleph. 451;

Ad: Underiters.

Agents fqr\ British Vice-Consulate—Chartered

Cie. Franco-Americane d’Assurances Bank Building, 17, Bd. Paul Bert

Vice-consul—R. Moon (acting) ! •


Chambke de Commerce Engineering Dept.

Bureau: Head—J. Soler, V. Gable

President—Chenu Correspondence Dept.

ler Vice-president—Gpillon D.E.Mouttapa,

,2e id. — BletOn ,

Secretaire—Desjardins Soubrier Mile. A. Burle and Mme.

Tresorier—Monthuis Thuongly

: Installation

Membres — Clave, Guny, Femes, C. J.Veybel, installation mgr.


Girard, Godelu, HossenlOpp, Husson, M. Mattei

Javouray, Lapicque, Lavergne,,

Marcheix, Hoang-Ngoc-Bach, Bach- Candle Factory—A. Leroy

Thai-Tong, Nguyen-Ngoc-Hien et Tourane—J. H. Desplats,

Inspectors—R. manager

Aud-ibert and A. A.


Chet' du Secretariat—M. L. J. Paquin Mauboussin

Secretaire-Administrafeif — Paul R. A. Stanislas, accts. and shipping

Paquin J. dept.

Frances, engineering

Mile. Joly, correspondence


Navigation aReunis Vapeur),(Gie. Franqaise

Service de Yunnanfou—J. Lagreze, manager


Europe-Haiphong et Cabotage des Mers Compagnie des Messageries Maritimes—

de Chine—31,

Teleph. 49; CableRueAd:diiChargeurs;

ilarechal Codes:

Joffre; 57, Boulevard Paul Bert; Telephs. 39;

A.B.C. 5th edn., Bentley’s, A.Z. Cable Ad : Messagerie -

L. H. M. Husson, agent

H. Collin | J. Oelloye Denis FreresImport d’Indochine

COMPAGNIE DE COMMERCE ET DE NAVIGA- Anonyme), and Export(Societe


TION d’Extreme-Orient (Societe Ano- chants Insurance

Ferry; Cable Ad: Agents—19,

Referendis Rue Jules

nyme au Capital de 30,000,000 de francs)

—Siege Social 12,en Rue

Paris. Agences BoissyMarseille,

Europe: d’Anglais,


Havre et Londres. Agences en Extreme- Descours et Cabaud, Produits Metal-

lurgiques (Ste. Anonyme au Capital de


Ohier, Pnom 21, Rue!

Penh; Vannier,

36, RueSaigon; Rue ; Cent

Harmand, Millions)—Cable Ad: Descourfer

Haiphong; Teleph. 218 (Haiphong), L. Ratinet, directeur general

Cable Ad:d’Administration

Alacrity P. Desjadins, directeur

Conseil a Paris Diethelm &Co., Merchants, Commission


de Vogue, president

a Paris du conseil and Shipping Agents — 46, Avenue

L.Ch.Launay, admr.-delegue

Perret, directeur a Paris

a Haiphong Clemenceau. Head Office: Zurich.

Branches: Saigon, Singapore, Bangkok

C. Fanovard andR. Penang

Blattner, manager

Melle. A. Alaux

Ah-You, compradore W. Bosslusrdt, signs per pro.

H. Burkhaidt

Compagnie Franco :Asiatique des Pet- 'Agencies


Oils, LiquidKerosene,


,Asphalt, Lubricating Norddeutscher LloydLinie:

Paraffin Wax, Turpehe (Mineral Candles,

Turpen- Hamburg-Amerika

States Steamship Co. My.

tine), Shell Marine Oils,

Briere de Tlhle;' Cable Ad: Asiatic; etc.—5, Rue Koninklijke Paketvaart

Codes: Netherlands

The New Zealand InsuranceCo.

iFire Insurance

O. L. Private

Claviez,and A. Hip. 6th edn.

‘manager Philips Glowlampworks,

Co., Ltd

Sales Dept.

Head—M. Bouchet Anglo-French Textile Co.,Ld.Ld.

Inspectors —P. Aqlas, R, Grenard, E. Palmolive-Colgate



Hanoi and J.—LeM.Sachede (Lub. oil)


inspector Docks de 210 la and

Chambre .de Ad:


Accounts Dept.

1*., Guerin, E. Nosmas, R Mazieres and Telephs. Vidry, manager

46; Cable Vidry

R. F. Lazaroo Antoni

, Shqjping.Dept.—M. Perinaud, Mariani, Lesimple et

Vinay, chief magazine




et les Generales: Centre


Etablissements Charriere, Dufotjrg, Queensland Insurance Co., Sydney

Garriguenc & Cie., Importations-Ex- Le Not'd, Paris


Social: Rue du Commerce; Siege Anglo-French TextileLd., Co.,Glasgow


phong etSaigon; Hanoi;Maisons

Cable aAd:Paris, Hai- • The

Berthar; Central Agency,

California Pkg. Con., San Francisco

Codes: A.B.C. Lieber’s, Bentley’s, A2, Alhambra Cigar & Cig. Mfg. Co.,

Acme, Cogef-Lugagne


R. Jacob & Co.

Fauvel, M .—12 bis, Boulevard Amiral de John Haig & Co., Markinch

Beaumont Cognac Jules Robin & Cie.

Directeur Particulier pour 1’Annam Societe des Chaux Hydrauiiques


le Tonkin de (Incendie,

de Paris la Compagnie du Langtho (Anciens Etablisse-

Acci- ments

dents & Bisques divers) Bogaert)—Direction Generale a

Agent de “TUnion Insurance Society Haiphong. Usine au Langtbo pres

of Canton Limited”. Assurances deG.Hue (Arinam)

Maritimes et cohtre ITncendie. L. Galloy, directeur general

Chenu, directeur de 1’usine

D. Capelle, chef comptable

Lmprimerie d’Extreme Orient, Librairie- E. Roche, mecanicien


de 4,000,000(Societe Anonyme au Capital

francs)—Succursale: Paul Societe des Ciments Portland

Bert Artificiels

Social: 1, Rue dedeStockholm,


Paris. Usine

Lloyd, C. F., Importers-Exporters—Cable a Haiphong: Conseil

Cable Ad: Ciportin

Ad: Lloyd; Codes: A.B.C. 5th and 6th

edns., Bentley’s, Kendall and Private myre d’Administration — R. Thou-

(president), R. Ferrant, N.


du Comite deA. Marchegay

Direction), Ch. (Membres



et Africaine,Commerctale Indo-Chinoise

Importation, Exporta- F. Lebreton, R. Thion de la Chaume

tion and Shipping (Capital 35,000,000 de ExploitationP. Thomann, secretaire general

frs.)—Siege de Haiphong:

Ville 1’Eveque,Social:

Paris. 25Agence

Bis, Rue de laa

Generale G.J.Chenu, directeur

Le Boterf, general general-



Ucindo Telephs. 24 et 244; Cable Ad: adjoint

C.L. Barthas,



Magasins Chaffanjon, S. A. (Capital A. chef

Vidal,de secretaire


7,000,000 francs dont 2,000,000 rachetes), C. Martel, agent commercial

Approvisionnement General — D. Capelle,

Boulevards Amiral Courbet,

Ri viere et Admiral de Beaumont;


Teleph. M. Jacquier,chef

M. Rostaing, chef




■80;L.Cable Ad: Chaffanion

J. Chaffanjon, administr. delegue M. Lemaire, magasinier

G.PuytLacombe, fonde de pouvoirs J. Jousique,

J.L. deSinnou, aide-magasihier

Faria Peyre, trahsitaire

E.F. Giudicelli

Giudicelli I| Mme. id. ’.

Mme. Lacombe

Act^ L. Leymarie, mecanicien

C. Cadiere, id.

Mme. Chaffanjon j Mile. Carmagnolas A. Gauthier, chef electricien

P.F. Rampony,

Guttin Veysin, cuiseuraide-cuiseur

Ogliastro & Co., Louis, Importation, A. Grivot, id.


Teleph. Ad: Haiphong,

68; Cablemanager Ogliastro Hanoi; R. Baril, chef tOnnelier ' 1

L. Arnaud, J.E. Meusnier,



L. Moreau

Agencies Society Cotonniere du Tonkin, Filature,


Eastern andkAustralian

Oriental Steam

S.S. Nav.

Co. Co. Tissage, Bknchisement Couvertures—

Etablissements a Nam-Dinh et Haiphong



du • Tonkin—Direction Commerciale

r et Agence pour 1’Indochine; 2, Rue SocieteYuen tung bo lai kung sze

Francis Gamier* Haiphong (Ton- Orientides Verreries d’Extreme-

kin); Teleph. 372; Ad, Tel. ?■ Clmr- 20,000,000 Digue? francs),duBottles

Cua-Camand (Capital:


licot; Codes: Bentley’s et Universal Glass — Cable Ad: and


Trade. Siege d’Exploitation : Hon- Bentley’s, Lugagne

gay; Teleph. 2; Ad. T^l. : Mines, Acme Codes:

Hongay Code; Bentley’s. Agence L. T. Galloy, general manager

i Commerciale, Hongkong: 310 Asia ’ i C. E. Anthony, commercial manager

Life Bldg., 14, Queen’s Rd. Central; Standard-Yacuum Oil Company —13^

P.O. Box 281; Ad. Tel: CharlicR,

Hongkong; Codes: Bentley’s et RueA. Jules Ferry; Cable Ad: Stand vac

O. Glass, manager

[ Universal Trade. Agence Commer- Attorneys—C.

1 dale, Shanghai: 20, Canton Road;

Ad. Tel: Charlicot, Shanghai; H. Hoyt, H. E.K.Rea, Mc-Clelland,

A. GrougrouE.

Codes: Bentley’s et Universal and Oh. Guilliod

S Trade. Siege Social: 64, Rue de la Geo. McGrane, accountant

Chaussee d’Antm, Paris; Ad. Tel: A.assistants

M. Xavier and A. Trouder

Charlicot, Paris; Codes: Bentley’s R. de los Santos, stenographer

| and A.B.C. 5eme .edn. A. B. Myhre, installation supt.

Society Commerciale Franqaise de J. F. Lefebvre, mgr. (Tourane)

M. Loubiere, assist. do.

Il l’IndoChine—Haly; Cable Ad:

Codes: A.B.C. 5th edn. and Bentley’s Rauzy; V. A. Beliaeff, supt. (Tourane.)

Ngoi Do Cipng, local mgr. (Yunnanfu)


chine—Siege DES

Social c Bureaux:d’InDO-


de C6ng-My pres de Haiphong (Tonkin) Texas Company (China) Ltd. Th, e—23,.

RueL. Jules Ferrymarketing assist.

| A.J.Granval, administrateur

Carlier, chef Mecanicien delegue A. Muschi,

P. L. Boutron, do.

Lau Chi Cheung, accountant

Sooietk Immobiliere Rauzy et Ville—

Saigon and Haiphong Transports Maritimes & Fluviaux

Ginouvier, manager de l’Indochine

Salvage), Cabotage(Anciennement

et transports fluvi-F.

Societe Indochinoise du Ciment aux. Consignations de Navires —

Fortdu Lafarge — Siege Social: 1, Transit Assurances. Agent General de

1 Rue de Stockholm, Paris; Usine a Hai- la Compagnie d’Assurance Generate de

* phong; Cable Ad: Ciportin, Haiphong Paris writers et—deTeleph


121; Asiatic

Cable Ad:Under-


G. Chenu, directeur general

J. Le Boterf, directeur-adjoint Sauvage, Haiphong

C. C.Barthas,

Marvel,directeur technique

agenkcommercial Union Insurance Society of Canton,

D. Capelle, chef comptable Ltd., Assurances Maritimes et Contre

R.L. Hapchette,

Morilleau,chef de fabrication ITncendie

mecanicien-electrieien M. Fauvel, Agent


BAG-GIAN G NGUYEN VAN Chung (Petroies et essences)

— Dap-Can


Resident— Fowenier 'Societe

—Usines desaPaPeteries

Dap-Cauet deYietri



Administr.-adjoint—Removille Siege Social: 51, Rue d’Anjou, Paris

Garde-indigene—Lnspecteur Estibal Esteve directeur general (Dap Cau)

Garde Principal

Tresorerie,' comptable—Jourdan

payeur—de Montarlot

Douanes, controleur—Philippe Societe de Pyrotechnic de l’Indochine

Travaux publics,

division—Masse ingenieur, chef de sub- —Usine a Dap-Cau, Siege Social a Hanoi

Postes et Telega secretaire . charge du Directeur—Esteve (Rene


Enseignernent—Neant Manh Ta

Forets—Ohu: Forget.; Baclict * Pho-Vic : Societe Indosjuinoise d’Electricite—

Castets Bo Ha: GibvahnpHi Usine a Hanoi-Siege,

Industrie indigene: Social a Paris

Sericulture—Blanc , Nguyen Van Toai, Fabrit de meubles


decin de Assistance—Dr.

1’assistance Grinsard me- Thonet a Tu-Son (Bac-Ninh)

.Do-Van-Tu, sculpteur sur hois Bac-

Chesnay. Exploitation agricole des Pins Ninh)

Nguyen-The-Kam, brodeur

et du Yen-Thea Les Pins Bac-giang D6:I)ung dit Narn-Quat, brodeur

De Monpezat, Societe Frangaise de Col-

onisation a Luc-Nam Transports Automobiles—Hanoi, Bac,

Etabpissemknt . '.de(Bacgi^hg)

0 rainage a soie a Ninh et Phu-Lang-Thuong:

Dao-Thi-Yficb, Jean Bayle-

Nguyen-Thi-Ca, Da<'.g-

Phulangthuohg. Phong et Nguyen-Thi-Hien


Bac-giang Mme. Yye., CerAs Manoir— . cao bang .

Deuxieme Territoire Militaire

BAG - NINH Commandant. du Territoire — Lt.-Col.

Resident—Henry Wintrebert Labbe

Tobg-Dfic—Phan-van-Dai Capitaine-Adjoint—Onofri

Adtuinistrateur-adjoint—Maurace Vaflat Service Sahte—.Lotte, m^decin capitaine

Cadastre—Ho-Trong-Nghia Postes

| r.epe\(euret , Telegraphes—

'■ ’ Nguyen-Kiem,

Assistance Medicate—Dr.

Tresorerie—Victor Martinde Fajole Douanes et Regies—rlarrere a Caobang,

Garde Indigene—Benausse Maron, Jean a Nguyen Cinh, Raynard

Gendarmerie a Ta-Luog, Casanova a Bao Lac

Berger — Chamaleix, Liberati et Tresor—Sainte Colombo, Payeur

Delegation de Quang-Uyen:Leguay,



Nghiem — Le Mineur Do-dinh- 'Raymond, Nguyen-Binh:

s/inspecteur de G. T., Bao-Lac: Capt.

Cafe-Restaurant—Bazin L e b e r t Trung - Khanh - Phu: Capt.


Hotel des Nations—de Stefani Greffier Notaire—Sergent Chef Masson

Huissiers—Philipon a Caobang, Bordier

Mission a Nguyen-Binh

Mgr. Espagnole

Artaraz, missionnaire aposto- Gardien-Chef de Penitencier et Commis.

lique de Bac-Ninh saire dePolice—Vallois


Fbrkiere Cao-Banig.. , IIppi,/ Caf^, Postes Greffier Tribunal—Vu Van Chi

Restaurant, Service Transports Auto- Kiem-Hoc—Nguyenet Teleg.—N g u y e n - D an g - T u y en



That Binh,

Khe, Rhu-Tay


Tinh Tuc, Quang-Pyeh;? /Trung-Khaah- Bach-Van-Lam,COMMERCANTS:



Phu Societe Marbres et Calcaires a Ke-So

Sociistis Des Etains et Wolfram ntr

Tonkin—-Tinh-Tuc (Gao-Bang) Planteurs:

Ernest BorelFreres

Guillaumes a Co-Na ghia


HADONG Guyot de Salins a Chine

ii Administrateur

Resident de France—M. P. Delsalle Leconte a Dong-Lahg

Adjoint —,M. M. Machelot Marius Boi;el a Dai-D6ng

!' Inspecteur Gommandant la Brigade de

Garde Indigene—M. M.ontheard

i Ingenieur Subdivisionnaire des Travaux HAI-DUONG

!I Ingcinieur

Publics—M. Perdriau

Geometre du Gadastre—M. De- Administr.-Resident-Maire—J. Massimi

j champs Administrateur-Ad joint—Dillemann

; Medecin de 1’Assistance Medicale—Docteur Tresorerie—Monnet, payeur

Douanes et Regies—Maillet, controleur

i|I Controleur


Percepteur—Le Gac h.cl. Receveur Agents—R.

Principal Chef

Girard Tual, Paulus

de Poste Ninh-Giang—Vinson

t| Receveur


desD. & R.a aVan-Dinh

Hanoi—Virgitti Garde-Indigene — Heinschild, inspecteur

commandant la brigade

— M. Assistance

I Vtasse medicale—Hezard

| Chef du 3e Sectur Veter, a Hanoi—Perrin sident suppleant tribunalOia-Delc,^

Justice Indigene—Hoang

2e degre


5 Chef


Poste de Gendarmerie de Hadong Service Veterinaire — N guyen-van-Hoan,

veterinaire Indochinois

Directeur de la Banque Agricole de Had- Postes et Telegraphes — Tran-van-Li6n

I 6ng—M. Maydell-Legras receveur


divisionPublics—Puissant, chef de D6c- sub-

Mandarins Provinciaux Enseignement—Nguyen-Hoai-Dinh

T6ng-D6c—M. Hoang-Trong-Phu Hoc

Thuong-Ta (Adjoint)—M. Dang-Quoc- Gendarmerie

Giam, Bo Chanh — Arhaud, commissaire de

President Suppliant du Tribunal Provin- police

cial—M. Nguyen-van-Dao, Bo-Chanh Exploitation de Kaolin par la Society

Juge dTnstruction—M. Bui-Bang-Phan, Hop-Loi-Hanoi


Doc-Hoc—M. Nguyem-Van-Ngoc , SocifiTf: Anonyme des Charbonnages du


HA-NAM Societe Francaise desa Haiduong

Distilleries de


Percepteur—Le Larivine

Brunde G. I.—Martin lTndochine—Usine

Inspr. Ct. la Brigade Banque Credit Agrioole

Chef Posteet Chine—Heurin

Douanes Regies, Receveur—Claicon M. Bureau

Brigadier—Daurel-Apostoli Ingenieur du Cadastre

Commissariat, de Police—-Thiennaud M. Godot


Medecin—Dr. Ly Van Moen

Paroisse Catholique -R. P. Souvignet HAININH-MONCAY

Administration Indigene: Comdt Territoire—Lt. Col. Maffre

Capitaine Adjoint—Samuel

Administrateur Adjoint—Filleau de St-


An-Sat—Vu Thien Dam Hilaire

Vetdrinaire auxiliaire—Tran Van Nga Officier de Renseignem’ts.—Lt. Baneau


Inspectedr Delegues de Police Frontiere :

la Garde Indigene—TessarechBrigade de Binhi

Commandant la Chima—Lieutenant

— Lieutenant Ferre


:Sub-division des Travaux Publics — Surete—M. Rouge, commissaire Special de

Marconnet Surety Generale

Receveur des Douanes—Andouard

Chef du Poste Radioteleg. — Tran-Manh- Douanes—M. Duvert,

Gillet Controleur de 3e cl.

receveur auxiliaire


•Commis’e. Bonnemann, id aaNacham

Dong Dang

Gauchy de Police—Gendarme Vermot Postes Haag,

et auxiliaire

id a That-Khe

Telegraphes — Cao - Dac - Do,


Tresor—Moreau, payeur

HONGAY Assistance Medicale—Medecin Comman-

dant M. Martial


7,000,000 Chaffanjon,

dont 1,250,000 S.rachete'

A. (Capital Cadastre—D6

s), Ap- See Tiep,—agent technique

provisionnemeut Veterinaire

General — Teleph. 4; veterinaire Inddchinois Nguyen van Ba,

Cable Ad: Chatfanjon de 2e elasse ;

A. Navarre Commissaire de Police—Canioni

Garde Indigene—Bailee, impecteur ppal.

de 3e cl. de(Langson)—Forgeron,

inspecteur, la G.I.—Thomas, Sous- sous-

HUNG-YEN inspecteur, (Nalang) Civeit, Garde

Resident—Riviere principal (Banxam) Deschanips (Than-

Adjoint—LeclerNguyen-Mac Moi,) Puylagarda (Diem-He)

Chemins de Fer — Platre, Controleur,

Tribunal—Tu et Coumarin Chef de district (traiic et

Payeur—Jrancony mouvemen).'

Garde Indigene—Francois Commercants—M. M. A-Kiem, son-bien

Douanes et Regies — Gros. receveur; freres,

Susini, et De Ponlevoy, brigadiers

Medecin—Dr. Hoang-Thuy-Ba si-Linh,Yon-ngo-Thong,

Ngx>quang-Loi,Banh-hao, Tran-


Travaux Publics—Dulmn Duong Long,

Vo-Chiong, Le-duc-Hinh,




•Commissaire de Police—Sisc Robert

Commercarits—Dong-Loi, Hdtels—Hotel des 3 Marechaux

M. Delphinet Hdtel

hau-Long, Tam-ich Dong Fat, Duc- Transports de France-Directeur:

automobiles—Detail*, Nguycn-

Cadastre —Godot van-Duoc, (Langson),

Banque Agricole—Gravereaud

Tuanphu—Nguyen-hun thu lua), Ferriere (Nacham),WalyNguyen-Khac-

& Cie, (Ky-

Tinh (That-ke) Zranbichngoc Nguyen

van Chue (Langcon )

Societe d’EIectricite de Langson—Ad-

KIEN-AN ministrateur-Delegue: M. Dlihan

Resident—Vincent! Cinema

Directeur:sonoreM.etE. Retif

parlant Chantecler—

Adjoint—Grignon Dumoulin Etablissemen.ts Antoine Chiris (Produits

Percepteur—Le Priol

Travaux Publics—Nguyen-Du aromatiques, chimiques et medicaux)

Gardes indig. a Kien An—Vives Directeur: Drouet

Douanes et Regies—Gautier


PROVINCE DE LANG-SON Emile Leconte, Exploitations Agricoles

Resident — M. L. Gidicelli, administra- Giau, (Cafe) de Dbng-Lang, Cho-Cay et Vuon-

teur de lere classe des Services Civils BureauCoc-Thon

de Posteparet Phu-Ly



Adjoint — M. P. Tuyaa, administrateur- Leconte, Chi-nc


Civils r de 2eme classe

_ i ; ;, des Services

Ernest Borel, Exploitations Agricoles

D elId.egue(Tha t^Kl^e)—Capiid.'

(Na-Chain)— taineGhu billed u. de



Chine Hanam.et Nhuong, Lao (Cafe) par


Id. (Dong-Dang)—

(Loc-Binh)— id. Peltier


Babel SoUs- E. C bouquet, Exploitation Agricdls

Id. Tnspr.


H. C. de la—Garde Indigene (Caie) de Phue Luong par Nhoquan—

Nihh Binh ;


.Society Anonyme Francaise de Colonisa- DELEGATION DE MUONG-

; tion en Annam, Tonkin (de Monpezat), KHUONG


(Cafks) Agricoles deBinh

par Nhoquan~Ninh Chau Son Delegue—Correard, Capitaine; Tes-

ton, Lieutenant


.Administrateur-Resident—-De Maynard DELEGATION DE PAKHA

Id. -Adjoint—Rouilloy

Assistance Medicale—Medecin Com- Delegue—Remery,


Capitaine; Chalnot

Genest, Lieutenants

mandant Laney

Garde Indigene—(Inspecteur)

tucci, (Garde Principal) Kugeler San-

f Douanes et Regies—(Receveur des) NAM-DINH

Padovant; Servant, Mondoloni, Residence

Graziani, Labeye, GreneSj Agents

Travaux Publics (Ingenieur des)— Resident Maire —Rocca


Marguet Secretaire General de la Municipality—

Tresor (Payeur)—Dore

Postes et Telegraphes (Receveur des)— Vedrenne


Forets (Chef de Division forestiers)— Payeur—BernardTresor

Hieu Com mis—Ponnau

Missionnaire apostolique—Pere De Porteurde contraintes—Barcarel


Troupes coloniales—Gros Coissy, chef Poste et Telegraphes

de Bataillor Marty, Capitaine; Pa- Receveur—Simoneau

jot, Tiffon et Thin, lieutenants;

Caillard, medecin lieutenant.

'Commissariat de Police: —Daugreilh Tribunal

Hotel—Touring Hotel •luge de Paix—Guillaume

Entreprises de Transports—Viand; President Le Dinh Tran Tribunal Provincial—


Due-Tin Greffier Notaire—Tabouillot

Oommis Greffier—David

CHAPA Huissier—Hainoz

Garde Indigene et Commissariat de Travaux Publics


Assistance Medicale—MedeCin Lieu- Ingenieur—Borde


tenant Mistrot


Troupes coloniales — Reuxibillion, Inspecteur—DeGarde Sumeur


Capitaine; Galibert, Lieutenant

Hotels—Grand Hotel Metropole, Pro- Garde Principal—Lagier

prietair Compagnie Francaise Tm- Enregistrement

mobiliere; Hotel du Centre, Pro- Receveur—Coquet

prietaire Vaumousse; Chapa-Hotel,

Proprietaire Sourdain Assistance Medicale

Medecin chef—Qu^ Nardel


"Delegue — Fourmachqt;,. ; Capitaine; Receveur—Butel

' Menet, Lieutenant Brigadiers—Sauret, Courtesolle, De Box


Delegue—Cazalaa,* Capitaine; Bonnet Directeur,

Agard Ecole Primaire Superieure,—

- et Seri eye, Lieutenants Ecole Mixte—M. Breant,; Mine. Breant ■ :


Gaee Pharmacien—Tournier

Capitaine en Retraite—Zimmermann

Controleur—Noel Boucher —Casier

Chef de district—Ngo van Duong


Soeur Donatien | Soeur Celina

Regisseur—Delsol Distillerie

. Cadastre Directeur—Sinn

Ingenieur G^ometre—Vittori Ingenieur-chimistes—Le

Mecanicien—Vienoe Gall

Gendarmerie Surveillant — Samy

Chef de Brigade—PatrouiHault Usine Electrique

Officiers 1*tt 4e Tonkinois: Directeur—Hoang-Oung

Agent commercial—Dupont


Commandants—Laurent, Tanguy, e' >• Eerrie

n> ;

Medecin-Capitaine—Coste Filature de Soie

Capitaines—Leca, Buchet, Pierraggi, Hes- Directeur—Robert

Chefs de Tissage—Peititpierre, Delevaux

se, Jaboin

Lieutenants—Dnbau-, Geollot,

Pons, Gravil, Bournonville Salvattori, SoCIETE COTONNIERE DU TONKTN

Sous-Lieuts. — Nguyen Dang, Lavitrg, Direction et Service Commercial—G.Bayle-

Service Technique—B. Kuppel,

Surete J. Fohrer Costa, Feustel

Commissaire—Piigal, Cre Adjoint Tisseyre Comptabilite et Secretariat—P. Romano

Tnspecteurs—Delorge, Faussaud Ste. Comerciale Aoiatique Directeur—

Sireyjol Ingenieur—Francois Eglinger

Sous Officiers Maries Employ^— Letuffe

Adjudants chefs-— Dubreuil,

Bassail, Mazzoler, Maroselli, Tabu ret,

Leveau, PIIU-THO


Neu, Roussel, Dellier, Phu-Tho (chef-lieu) a 99 km de Hanoi

Sergents chefs—Orsini Pibouleu,

Sergents—Jacot, Nbdee, Legere. Salaun Administratenr,Residence

Blondee, Tanguy, Gaucke, Gauthrer, M. Guiriec Resident de France—

Caristan Administrateur Adjoint—M. Th^ric. .

Missions C'atholiques Tribunal Residentiel .

Pere Tardy, Pere Vacquier—Pere Casado Resident-Juge—M.



Pere Guarde—Frere Constantin Greffier—M. Rieul, inspectur dela_G. I. —

Veterinaire Huissier et Porteur de Contraintes

Veterinaire Inspecteur—Pham van Huyen M. AriAteau garde ppl. de la G. I.

Pftson Centre Administratif de Hung-hoa

Gardien-chef—Guillaud-Bataille Chef de Porte—M. Andreani

Garde Indigene

Banque de lTndo-Chine Commandant la Brigade — M. Ricul,,

Directeur—Becker Inspecteur de la G.I.


Colons Phu Tho, Hung Hoa

Medicin—Rougier Travaux Publics

Entrepreneu r—Luzet

Hotelier—Baudon Chef Subdivisionnaire — Nyugen-nhu-Loi


Cadastre Legion Etrangere — Rocher, : Chef de

Chef de DivisionCadastTale—M. Delousta! Garde Bataillion


ppal.; Reinert, — Vippi.

ves, inspecteur

Assistance Medicare Enseignement — Nguyen-Quang - Xuong,

edecin indochinois a Phutho—D6-Xuan- Mandarin

Giu Gendarmerie—Keyser, Chochard

Medecin indochinois a Vietri—Vudinh- Planteurs—Sete. Boreil et Cie a M.v-Kho,


Tuong indochinois a llunghoa — Tran Cie. Indochinoise des Plantations a Phn-

Lam Bao Man, Verneuil, Mine. Veuve Thibaut,

Henri Thibaut, Leopold, Robert, Cot

Douanes ck Regies Derepas, Duquesne, Calandruccio, Le


Recette subordonnee a Phutho:

Fteceveur subordonh&—M. Martin

^ous-brigadier—M. Savaldori THAI-BINH

id. et R. a Hung Hoa—M. David Administrateur - Resident, Chef de la

PoSTES ET TeLEGRAPHES Province de Thai-Binh—Vinay

Administrateur Adjoint—Eerlande ' .

Phu-Tho, Hung-Hoa,

uri secretaire Vietri, Phu-Doan:

telegPaphiste Payeur—Pernes

charg^ de President

chaque bureau du Tribunal provincial—Duong-

Thieu Tuong

Ingerreur Suh-divisionnaire des. Travaiix

Station Experimental Aegricole, Publics—Bertin

de Phu-Ho Inspecteur,

I Comt. la Brigade de Garde


pirecteur—M. Jacquet Garde Principal—Glovannangeli

Magnanerie de Thanh-H6 Surveillant

—Estelle de la Leproserie de Van-M6n

phef—M. Amblet Ropital—Docteur Vu Ngoc Anh

Service Forestier Cohtroleur des Donanes et RegisHillion—


Ref i. Division Foresti&re a Vietri — Coramissaire

Rodouin special de la Surety —

M. M. Tambour

Dhef Division

Dumaisoh Forestiere a Phudoan —

Jhef Division Forestiere a Don-Vang— THAI NGUYEN

[ Nguyen Yen Gy Resident—Echinard

Service Veterinaire Adj oint—Jonj on


N guyen dacindochinois

Ky a Phu-Tho — Greffier Notaire—Archier

Payeur—Casa brianca

Garde Indigene—Lausent

Gendarmerie Postes & Telegraphes—Nguyem van Binh


Sarde principal de la Garde Indigene Comdt. For^t—Bruncau Sanluls

ffons de Commissaire de Police a Phutho Mtklecind’Armes—Schwob

de I’Assistance—Dinh van Ty —

—M. Arreteaux trinh hui loi


Vietri—M. Commissaire

Viguie de Police a Travaux Publics—Tran-trung-Hien

Service Penitentiaire—Lebon Giovannelli

Service Veterinaire—Nguyen Ngoc Chat

SON-TAY Gendarmerie—Arnaud

lesident—P. Allemand, admr. de 2e

i/ijoint—Le Ray, administrateur adjoint cl.

'ravaux Publics—Roussel TUYfiN-QUANG


t Sivelle, etbrigadier

Regies—.Jacquet, controleur; Resident—Le Gminedal, chef de la prov.

Resident adjoint—Filipecki

rledecin—Dr. Bouisset comdt. la brigade: Bouscaren, Garde

et^rinaire—Hilsont v^terinaire

iomdt. d’Armes a Tong—Colonel Chaivin ppl. Brigade

adjoint au Commandant de la

irtillerie Colon iale -Lagadel, comdt. Garde-Indigene—Grimaux, Inspecteur


Travaux Publics—Trirh Huy Cuong, Socifcri;

Le RoyAgricole de Binh-Ri

des Barres, direteura Kimxuyfn


Tresor—Sard a. payeur

Posteset Telegraphes — Nguyen - Ngoc-

Hieu charge

Service Sante —Dr. Soulier, Medecin- Societe Anon, des Mines de Trang-Da 1

capitaine charge de 1’Assistance de la (MinedeZinc et dePlomb aTuyenQuang)

province Gatle, directeur

chiiiois Tran

adjointVan-Xuan, Medecin indo- Roustant, ingeneur

Carpano, Gallus, Batchevitch, Pioli

Service Eorestier — Gouget, chef can- Brahic, Gergelics et Katsavas, chefs

tonhement; Sort, Cortie, Trinh Van Luc

chefs de division de service

Services Agricoles—Bedaride,

Enseignement ingenieur

franqais — Mile. Giret,

Directrice de Tecole Francaise Societe des Charbonnages de Tuyen

Enseignement F. I.—Dang-Dinh-Giau, Quang

Huang-Dao,f. i. deinspecteur Bellenge, directeur

primaires la province.des ecoels Lapina, employ^


D. et R.—Chavanon, brigadier; Laneque

Sousbrigadier Societe Miniere de Yen-Linh—(a Tuyen


mandant de BataillonlesBourion, Com- Quang)


Merrien, Marine,Capitaines

Les Manpetit, surveillant

Lieutenants Azema, Pierre, D’Herbes

Police—Bitaille, Gendarme Societes de Transports Gache,


Phu-Tho-Tuyen-Qnang, Thank..

COLONS So, Huong,

Quang Canh, Dieu, Hanoi, Tuyen-


Guiguen et Sauguet, Approvisionnement


Societes de Transports Fluviaux Cies—

Missions Sauvage

M. de (Service:

Villarey, Hanoi-Tuyen-Quang)


missionnaire (Tuyen-quang) Settlement

representant de la

Metallwigique de ITndo-

Gautier, id. (Phu-yen-Binh) chine

Gonzalez, . id. (Bile)


The Kingdom of Annam is, under French, protection. It extends along the Eastern

i coast of the large Indo-Chinese peninsula,, lietween Cochin-China on the south, Caih-

hodge and Laos on the west, Tonkin on the north, and the China Sea on the east,

f It is an extensive territory hordered By a chain of granite mountains covered with forests

I and having well-watered and fertile plateaux.

The kingdom is administered by a Privy Council whose members are nominated by

j the Sovereign. Each Ministry has the assistance of a Council. Since the Treaty of 6th


tives of1884,theFrance


a Residentin-1926.

SuperieurForat administrative

Hue and a Chamber of Representa-

purposes Annam is

|; divided

Quang-Binh into (Dong-Hoi),

17 provinces:Quang-Tri

Thanh-Hoa (Q-T),(Th-H), Nghe-An

Thiia-Thien (Vinh),

(Hue), Ha-Tinh (Faifo),

Quang-Nam (H-T),

| Quang-Hgai (Q-Ngai), Binh-Dinh (Qui-Nhon), Phu-Yen (Sopg-Cau),-Kon-Toum (K.T.),

|I Darlac


riiiet), (Ban-Methuot),Khanh-Hoa

Haut-Donnai (Dalat), I'loi-Kn (Nh-Tg), Nin.hChuan(Phanrang),

and the .Residences-Mairies ofBinh-Thuan

Thanhhoa, (Phan-


)| Benthuy,

bordering on the coastis almost exclusively devoted to the culture of rice, of which land

Hue, Tourane, Quinhqn, Phan-Tliiet, Dalat. The agricultural two

lI wine,

crops aliquors,

year are

rice,raised. Imports consist

spice, also-iron of products

manufactures, for co.nsutuption

all kinds of hard wood,sucharticles

as flour,


*s luxe,

and wastecotton silk,


etc. Exports

cotton,, comprise silk, rawgummed

lace, cinnamon, and filatured,



I precious woods, ox hides and horns, dried and salt fish, etc.


Hue, the capital Of the kingdom of Annam, and the seat of government, is situated

1 about 12 km. from the sea on a large but scarcely navigable river named Huong-giang,

I and called by the French the Hue river or Riviere des Parfums, which debouches

| on the coast in about lat. 16 deg. 29 min H., and long. _ 10^. deg. 38 min. E.

|l the The coast



and chain

South, offorming,


an immense lines, beltapproaches


? only by the sea, giving to the city a smiling and picturesque speet. Hue

| consists of two distinct parts bn each side of the river. On the left bank is the

l citadel, an immense quadrilateral, measuring on each side 2,400 metres with the

•j\ front

of the bastioned

King andafter the type

the offices of theofAnnamite

the fortifications

Ministers,at Vauban.

TouristsWithin are thetopalace

are allowed visit

the palace on obtaining a pass from the French administration. Inside the palace is a

■i} jewellery).

very interesting

In themuseum

citadel ofareancient

also two Annamite works of artM.(chiefly

other museums—S. Khai Dinhgold and jade


[f (ancient

order andAnnamite worksfindofitart)veryandinteresting;

visitors will CommefcihlOnMuseum.

the rightThe


of theisriver

kept arein good


| official buildings of the French government, and the houses of the European officials and

• Annamites,

merchants. 300TheEuropeans,

populationandof 938 the Chinese.

city is estimated to be composed

The environs of Hue are picturesque of 30,000


some pleasing. A favourite

few miles from Hue. The excursion is toarethemagnificent

buildings tombs of inthetheoldstylekings

of theof tombs


the Chinese Emperors.


B130 ANNAM: Hull


RESIDENCE SUPETIIEURE EN Bureaux des Conseillers aupres des

ANNAM Ministeres

M.M. Craffeuil, resident siip^riour en Annam M. Du Basty, administrateur adjoint de

Patau, adminisrraleur de 2eme 2e classe des services civils, conseiller

classe aupres

des •. services civils, directeur des de ministeres de 1'intCrieure

bureaux M. Philipp, administrateur adjoint de

le classe des , sex-vices* civils," conseiller

INSPECTION DES AFFAIRES aupres du ministere de la .justice et ties



M. Dupuy, inspecteur . III.—See vice, de la Surete en Annam


M. Ducrest, administrateur de 3e classe M.classe, Sogny, controleur general de lere

chef local des services de police

des services civils, chef du cabinet et de SuretC en Annam

Secretariat Particnlier

M. de Redon, administrateur adjoint de IV.—Inspection du Travail


classe des services civils, secretaire M. Cinel, administrateur adjoint de 3e.

classe des services civils, inspecteur

Section cTordre

M. Baux, Redacteur de 2e classe des

services civile, chef de'Section TRAVAUX PUBLICS

Section de La, Garde Indigene

M.de Grethen, inspecteur

la garde indigene, comman- des lere ClRCONSCRIPTION DES TRAVAUX PUBLICS

dant la brigade de la residence de l’Annam

superieure Bourgoin, ingenieur de ordinaii-e lere

Bureau du Personnel classe des p. & ch., ingenieur en chef

M.3&declasseRedon,desadministrateur adjoint de de la circonscription des T. P. de

services civils, chef du 1’AnnamBureau Administratif


Rautureau, ingenieur de lere classe, chef

IT.— Bureaux de bureau administratif

M. Patau, admiro'stratern- de 2e class des Bureau de la Gomptahil.M et du Personel

services civils, directeur des bureaux Jouffrey, adjoint technique ppal., chef tie

ler Bureau

M. Gaudart, administrateur adjoint de lere bureau

classe des services

M. Colonua, sous chef civils,de chef de bureau

bureau de 2e Subdivision des Batiments Civils

classe des services civils, chef de section i Direction

It me Bureau Lagisguet, architebte adjoint de lere

M. Chiollier, administrateijr adjoint, de classe

3e des services civils, chef de bureau

Section de la solde et des fruis de transport Arrondissement de Nord

M. Biros, adrtimsttateur: adjoint de classe (Siege a Vinli)

des' services civil's/ chef de section Direction

Bureau du Pfinristge et des Archives Boulyrand, ingeniCur ordinain de 3e

M.dePeyssormaux; !

1 commissaire .principal classe, chef d’arvondissement ■ ^

3C classe-des Policesrde: ITndochipe Michelot, adjoint technique ppl. hors

Hors cadres, chef de bureau • I classe, chef de bure^jj^ . ,, -U-v . , ; .



ARRONDISSEMENT DU SUD Direction Locale de la Sante

(Siege a Nhatrang) EN ANNAM

Direction/: ^ <: T ^|(

( '■ : lierand, ingvni . i 5,11

Dr. Le Nestour, Medecin Principal,

cl. chef d’arrondissement . ..Directeur local de la Sante

Quin, adjoint technique' de 2e cl. chef

de bureau Mairie de Dalat

2e. Arrondisement d’Eydraulic^ue Auger, administrateur

servicps de lere classe

civils,iresident-maire.de Dalatde

;• ' • ' AcricolI': . _

. , (Siege. A V'inh)!:- ' nrnd:- classo secretaire municipal ■: i 3eme

Ginouves, administrateuT-adjoint de

Arndux, d’lng-r. ordinaire'de'3er0'cl. chef ! f .fresgr '


Fanova'rd, adj.bint .techniq,u e .de iere.classe, Begoc, > payeun •

chef de. hurteai;. ;■ 'Cdxde Jindigme

Subdivision de Thua Thien Dos Fontaines, inspeeteur, comdt. la

Desmarets. ingenieur de cl. chef de * brigade t r,.c h: ■ - :

subdivision Service Forestier

De Villepre, chef du canton nemeht-

J Services Agriaoles et Commerciaun forestier

Gilbert, ihgenieur ;principtil de lere. clasge, Assistance Medicale .

chef de service.

Roule, ingenieun-adjoiiit de- lene classe . Dr. Fourneyron ' iS>er.vice Teterinaire

Service de l’Enseignement Annam Yaucel, veterinaire-inspecteur Gendarmerie

lo. Direction de Hud Faure, marechal chef de logis; !

Del^tie, professeiir princxpaide I’enseigne-

raent superieqr,.chefrlocal du ^eyvice. de , Po/es et . Telegraph e,s‘, ,

• rense'ignemept on. Annam

} Antoine, prpfe’s^eur. dq. I’ehseighenyent. Sauvage, receveur Lycee de palat ~


.College Qu6c-Moe a Hue : Tullie, proviseur

Dioudonnat, profesSeur, principal de'


Leguen, professeursecbrtdaire,

princinal dirOcteur

Pehseighe- Service Veterinaire 'ZooTECHNiquE et

ment secondaire, surveillantdegeneral DES EPlZbOVlES DE l’AjsTNAM

3o. College Ddng-Khanh a Hue Evanno, veterinaire-inspecteur de 2eme-

1 Mile. Muarege, professeur principal de classe, chef de service

| 1’enseignement secondaire, directrice

Do. Ecole Franchise de Hud Service Forestier de l’Annam

\ Mme. Monsarrat, professeur principal de Fangeaux, inspecteur principal des foret

i 1’enseigneraent primaire, directrice chef de service

l Mile. Pretou, professeur de I’enseignement

primaire Mousse,

des inspecteur-adjoint

forets,'chef de section de 3e classe

So. Ecoles Frimaires de Thua Thien

Pihet, professeur principal de 1’enseigne-

| ment primaire Societe des Chaux Hydrauliques

6o. ‘Ecole Frari^aise de tourane du Langtho (AnciensGenerale Etablissements

Mme. Spick, prbfesseur de I’enseignement Bogaert)—Direction

phong. Usine au Lang-Tho pres ade Hai-

Hud .

primaire, directrice

Mme. Vuillame, professeur de 1’enseigne- (Annam)

ment primaire G. Chenu, directeur general




capital Theofport

Annam,of Tourane is situated

but on account of theabout 40 miles

Thuan-an Bartoit isthe,accessible

south-eastby sea of Hue, the

for large


September. From Hue to Tourane there is a very comfortable railway along the sea-of

during only six months of the year—from the end of March to the end

shore or passing through the mountains and woods, for a distance of 68 miles


practicable is alsofora very


and foot road

trafficpassing over the Nuages

and motor-cars. range of bay

The'extensive hillsof which


is surrounded by hills and affords anchorage to the largest vessels. The Government

transports and the steamers of the Messageries Maritimes and the Chargeurs Reunis

find an anchorage here at all states of the tide and in all weathers. The Tourane

ItofRiver, which rises


navigable onlyinQuang-ngai

and forthesmall


mountains of thebyinterior,

and junks,

is carried on. The which

town, the


which traffic itself into provinces

with built,

is well the the bay.


for a length of nearly two miles along the left bank of the river. It possesses many

well-ventilated Barracks, the Custom-house, the Treasury, the Post Office, and and

public buildings, including the French Residency, a fine Military Hospital, spacious the


which mayOffices, also a number

be mentioned the Bankofdewell-appointed

ITndo-Chine, the business





several Hotel Morin,stalls.

hundred etc. The the Markets, built ofof the



stone,therearearelargea fewandbuildings


which are included in theOn French rightconcession.

bank A quarter of an hour’s walk from this

district is the village

much frequented by theof European

My-kh^, which has given

population. The its tradename to a magnificent

of Tourane beach

is considerable,

canella sugar, rattan, bamboo, areca nuts, silk, cassia, etc. The Messageries Maritimesof

and several steamers a month arrive from Hongkong, taking full return cargpes

and the Compagnie

Companies, togetherChargeurs

with thoseReunis havefrom

arriving agencies at Tourane,

Hongkong, give aand totaltheofvessels

about ofa dozen


entering the port every month in normal times. Besides these vessels a large number


large sea going carryjunks

on anfromactiveChina, Hainan, andtrade

and considerable the ports

in the ofproducts

Annam,ofTonkin, and

the country.

Tea, coffee, and the mulberry tree are cultivated on a large scale in the neighbourhood.

Less than one hour’s journey by motor-car from the town

an object of interest for travellers, who should not pass through Tourane without are the Marble Mountains,

paying them a visit.


VILLE DE TOURANE Enregistrement


M. Yalette, administrateur de lere

resident-maire Mas, receveur de'2ejne classe

Gentes, secretaire-municipal Commission Municipale

Garde Indigene Yalette (rdsident-maire),

Cuenin, vice-president president

Gentes, sous-inspeeteur hors classe, chef Chauvin,

dedetachementourane Thai et NgRay,Binh-Ng6

Vacherot, Layras, Tran-




'M. Brasguet ingenieur des Travaux Maupin, receveur



Tresorerie Antoine, directeur du groupe scolaire

Baylongue Hondaa, payeur de 2ere classe, Mme. Spick, directrice ecole Francaise

i receveur municipal

Chemins de Fer

Service Medical Chaalons, controleur

. Escale, rnedecin Principal de Passistance

medicale Service Forestier

Spick, chef de cantonnement


DE TOURANE Service Militaire

r Escale, medecin Principal de 1’assistance Leopold capitaine Commandant-d’Armes

! medicale

Douanes et Risgies Compagnie Franco- Asiatique

» Rivett, inspr. de lere classe, sous-dir. des Petroles

J. H. Desplats, manager

R.T. Willemetz

Drogoz inspector


Justice J, Frances, engineer

Tribunal de Paix de Tourane J. Vieillard, accountant

I Oorsset, juge-president Mile. S. Joly, correspondence


Chef Lieu: Quinhon

Quinhon was opened to foreign trade upon the conclusion of the Treaty between

j France and Annam signed in March, 1874. It is situated on the coast of Annam in

Uabout lat. 13 deg. 54 min. N., long. 109 deg. 02 min. E. The entrance to the port is

i1| not



by a bar,towhich


oil and16cakes,

may beThecrossed,


feet. however,ofbyexport


etc. The articles any vessel withsilk,

are salt,

of the province

a draught


is, 600,000—1,300

:>r The

Chinese, 200 Europeans that of the port 6,0Q0, of whom about 201 are French civilians.

country is well cultivated, and the commercial prospects of the port are improving

every year. A considerabl e trade is carried on, chiefly with Hongkong, Haiphong, Saigon,

* :-Singapore, and Bangkok. The trade is at present chiefly in the hands of the Chinese.




Gauthier, aaministrateur de classb, cnei : Truong-van-Hug, adjpint tlec'hhigue, ’ chef

de province siibdivisionaire

Gaede i Enjolras, ingeneur-adjoint chef de la sub-

division des irrigations ,,

Grannec, inspecteur_ principal com-

mandant la brigade Service Veterinaiee


chef de poste veterinaire

" '' inddchinois-


Posies et Tebegraphes

Administration Feancaise Buu-Uyen,, receveur

Jeannin, Adm. 2e cL Resident de France


d^fegu^ anadministratif

resident LeaVilain, capitaine

Linh Cam Commerce

Casanova, delegu^ administratif a ehu-le Hong-Ky, negociants

Vo-Qpng-Hoa, Due Thinh,

Bui-Huy-Tin, Chauvet, Monier, Ferey,

A DMINISTEATION In DIONN E Pyne, Frossara, Cpudoux, S.A.N.A.


E. Ha-Thuc-Tuan—Tuan Phu Succession Bordet, Girard, Bayle, et-

Thanh D6n^—rBo-Chanh Paoli, planteurs

Phan Vo An-Sat


Subdivision iSecondaiee Chef Lieu : Dong-Hoi

Boudet, capitaine commandant d’armes (7,800 Km. 2—200,000 habitants)

Douanes et Reoies Residence

Rabut, receveur subordonne Pierrot,


civils, residentde Seme class des-

Perception Lecourtier, administrateur adjoint de

Simon, Red. f. fons de percepteu lere ciasse, adjoint au resident

Ozanne, administrateur adjoint de lere

ciasse, percepteur

Assistance Medicale Garde Indigene

Dang Van Du, medecin chef

Bui Xuan Dieu, medicin adjoint Velasque, Inspecteur de lere ciasse, com-

mandant la brigade

Enseignement Peimaiee Justice

Nguyen-Manh-Trung, professeur,

teiir des ecolesv,lnspecteur premairedirec-

adj. Le aResident, president du tribunal de paid.

Courant, garde principala Dong-Hoi

competence etendue de la G. ’I.y

Garde Indigene greffier-notaire

Penalver, inspecteur de lere cl. comman- Forets

dant la garde

Filipecki, brigade

principal journalier ffons Laurent, garde general, chef de la-

de commissaire de police division forestiere

Canioni, garde principal,de Dong-Hoi

chef de la

Sue6te division

Tren-Sinh, de Minh-Cam

agent technigue des foreta

Rouan, inspecteur principal chef de la division de Ouang-Khe


TeavaVx 1 Publics' Travaux Publics

Raymond Lang, ingenieur des Travaux Desmairets, ingenieur Subdivisionnaire des

Publics, Chef de Subdivision ,de Donghoi Travaux Publics

Dot;axes et Regies EnSkignement

.Abadie Commis principal, receveur sub- Antoine, directeur des.ecoles primaires

ordonnea Dong-Hoi


Assistance Medicale

Dr. Cao-Xuan-Cam medecin contractuel, Residence de Fatfo

chef de 1’ambulance a Dbnghoi Jerusalemy, administrateur de le classe


province ciyils, resident chef de


Chemin de Fee

Le Van Thinh, controleur trafic et Barbe, administrateur-adjoint de 3d classe

mouvemen ■ 1

des services civils, adjoint au resident

Briand. agent contra'ctuel,

district Voie et Bati chef du 9e Gaedb Indigene

Saint-Peron, inspecteur de lere classe,

Insteuction Publique i commandant de ■laprincipal

brigade de lere cl.,

Nguyen-To-Dieh, DocrHoc,, Ffons de Azincourt, adjoiiit au


Kiem-Hoc de la Province du Quang- Arreteau,

Binh s/inspecteur horsdeclasse,

commandant bregade

chef de

poste de Tam-Kyi

Condominas, s/inspector de Seme classe,

PROVINCE DE QUANG-TRI chef de postede Tra-My

Vinay, garde principal, stagiaire, chef de

Philip, administrateur adjoint de le cl. poste d’An-Diem

des S. C. resident chef de province, juge de postegarde'principal,

Bertrand, de Ben-Giang- • stagiaire, chef


de paix Massoni, garde principal journalier,

Riain, adjoint au Resident de poste de BandfcteuCde 26 classe de la

Pierne, sous-inSpfe'

Garde Indigene : Garde

Tam-Ivy Indigene, chef de poste de

De Piolant, inspecteur principal de lere Condominas,

cl. commandant ,1a brigade de la garde chef de.positesous-inspecteurda Bana

de 3e classe,

indigene, a Quang-Tri

Laurent, garde principal de Seme classe> chef deposte de Ah-Diem lere classe,

Azincourt, garde principal de

chef de poste a Dong-Ha Dumora, garde principal stagiaire, chef

Audigier, garde principal stagiaire, chef de poste de.Tra-JVIy

de poste a Lao-Bao

Lafargue, garde principal journalier a Travaux Publics

Lao-Bao Brasquet ingenieur des travaux publics

i chef de la subdivision

PROVINCE DE THL'A TT1IEN . Assistance Medicale ,

M. M. Lavigne, administrateur !de 2eme. Jouin, medicin lieutenant des Troupesr

classe des S. O. Chef de’ province et : Coloniales, hors cadre, chef de 1’Hospital

Maire de la Ville de Hue de Eaifoo

iSurcouf administrateur-adjoint de’ 2eme Do.yANEs et Regies

! classe, adjoint au resident Brenot, .recayeur ,si}.bor(lonph Eaifoo


M^raiid Rpcpveuydeauxiliaire

brigadier tere classea Tam

a Faifop'

Ky '

Garde Jnd*igen e

Vfibhiial;" iilspecteut/pfihcipkl! hbrs plasse, • PhamVCcin' g, . receyeur auxiliaife .a Biep-

Hoa chef de la distillerie a Cho-Ciii

1 commandant la brigade ' Rossignol,


Eksexgnement , Institut Pasteur ;

Tran-Thuoc, Dr. Yersin, directeur des institute pasteur

Faifoo Doc-hoc du Quang Nan a Dr.dTndochine Jacotot, directeur de 1’institut pasteur

Gendarmerie deLeroux,


Donval gendarme faisant fonctions de Dr. Dr. Coison, id.veterinaire inspecteur

commissaire de police a Faifoo

Port de Faifoo Institut Oceanographique

(pas de changement) Dr. Chevey, directeur p. i.

Serene, assistant

Durand, econome


Gey, administrateur, resident de France

Saigne, administrateur adjoint, adjoint au Dr. Martin, medecin de 1’Assistance

Resident Travaux Publics

Garde Indigene (Constructions du Chemin de Fer>


Le inspecteur,

Pichon, garde ppal. comdt. la brigade Bourgoin,

a Quangngai

ingenieur en chef

Guy, ingenieur.

Oppenheim, a Thu Xa Jehenne,

Gillet, id.id.

Mege, id. a My-Thanh Cure, ingenieur-adjoint


Arnaud, id. a Duc-Pb6


Rouzade, a Cauchay

id. a Gi-Lang Travaux Publics

Brutus, id. a Bato (ClRCON SCRIPTION)

Corberand, ingenieur

Garat, ingenieur principal


Assistance Medicale

Hoang-Su, medecin chef

Douanes et Regies

Travaux Publics Munsch, inspecteur des douanes et regies-

Antoine, ingenieur, chef de subdivision


Phare de Poulo-Canton Bila, inspecteur des Forets

Agostini, maitre de phare


Service Forestier Grand Hotel \ Directeur—Van

Nguyen-Hoai-Hdi, chef de la division Hotel Beau-Rivage J Breuseghem


Chemin de fer Saigon-Nhatrang

Chef Lieu: Nhatrang Route(Baie

Ports NCI


Destenay, administrateur de 2e classe

services civils, Resident de France des (Baie de Cau-Da

Auphelle, administrat.-adjoint au II existe un terrain deviation en bon etat



Sauvigon, inspecteur de lere classe, com-

mandant la brigade

Cotin, garde principal a Nhatrang Penot, Gregoire,Guilleminet,

M. M. Paul Philibert,

garde principal chef de poste de Ninh- Services Civils, Administrateur 2e classe des

floa Resident de France et

Resident-Juge a Kontum


Ageli, Piere, chef de Bureau de lere classe PROVINCE DE NGHE AN (VINH)

des Services Civils, ffons d’Adjoint au Resident—Antoine

Besident et Percepteur

Dereymez, Inspecteur ppal de le classe de teur de lere classe,Lagreze, administra-

resident Maire Vinh-

la Garde Indigene, Commandant de Administrateur Benthuy

Brigade - adjoint—Moll

Dr. Queihnee, Medecin-chef d’Assistance Payeur—De Marans

Medicale a Kontum

La Societe Agricole du Kontum a Dak-Doa Petit, inspecteur Gakde Indigene

principal, commandant

La Soci^te Anonyme des Etablissements de la Brigade

L. Delignon (Concession a Dak Jappau, Posts et Telegraphes

par AnKhe)

M. Imatz, concession de cafeiers a Landros, receveur


R. P. Stutzmann, Missionnaire Travaux Publics

agriculteur Arrondissement du JSTord Annarn

Soubeyrand, ingenieur des Fonts et

; PROVINCE DE BINH-THUAN Chaussees, chef de PArrondissement

Chef Lieu: PHANTHiiT Subdivision de Vinh

*• Residence

Administrateur-Resident—Levadoux Aubry, Ingenieur Chef de Sub division

i Administrateur-Adjoint—Agostini

<; Garde Indigene—Kirsch Subdivision Maritime


: Travaux Medicale—Esteve Baptiste, adjoint technique

I Douanes—Nillot De Monestrol, 8, agents

Europeens du—service

i Enseignement actif indigene

1 instituteur Irrigations

'? Tresor—Gautier

directeur des ecoles primaires Arnoux, Ingenieur des Fonts et Chaussees,

chef de PArrondissement d’ H. A.

> Forets—Phily, Yerney

[ Postes et Telegraphes—1 Recev. secondaire Forets


I: Service charge de bureau.maitre

Maritime—Tacussel, Mousse, inspecteur, chef du Cantonnement

de phare a Kega Forestier du Nghe-Tinh

i Cheniins de fer—Lert

! Gendarmerie—Rey, gendarme Tribunal

|| Colons—Llaurensy,

G. Gasset, Pouzenc,R. Monand,

Guidon Lavallee

Defosse, ' Leibenguth, juge de paix


j Garages—Wullamie, Motte Police Municipale

Grand H6tel—Lecat Groupierre, Commissaire de Police

; Hotel Nagc-tarn—Mondin

Entrepreneurs—G. Motte

; Banque—Langlet Assistance Sociale

Missions—P. Bnigidou Dr. Mathieu, Medeein-chef de PHospital

de Vinh


Chef Lieu: Songcau.

Fugier Garrel, administrateur de Seme Evanno, sectuer

Docfeur, veterinaire chefdu l^r

classe des services civils, resident

■Corue, Chef deetBureau

au Resident Percepteurdes S. C., adjoint Douanes

Landreville, ingenieur

Ravier, inspecteur de ledescl.,travaux publics Colas, inspecteur


de laBoat,

!Ung brigade de laIndochinois,

roedecin garde indigene rnedecin- Chemins de Fer

chef de 1’ambulance Petit, Inspecteur


Enseignement Gendarmerie

Plumet, Inspecteur de I’Enseigneinent H.missaire Faure, marichal des logis chief cbm-

de police a Dalat


Jean Bacquey, gendarme, chef de poste-



T. Soulier, receveur d Dalat

Residence et Delegation Tr’esor

1)K Djiring E. Couderc, payeur

Lucien Auger, administrateur de lere

classe des services civils, Maire de Dalat A. Neveu, proviseurYersin Lygei

et resident

Edmond de France

Ginouves, administrateur-ad,ioint

de 3emeauclasse,

adjoint resdt. des' servicesdu civil

de France Hauts, H. Colas,


Donnai ' ' :_ des services administrateur

civils, chefdede2eine classe


P. classe


services civils, de


a resident-maire

Djiring Michel

de leredefelsts^e

Boiobonel, administr.

dhs1 services ciVils, adjoint


Garde Indigene au resident

Francois Grilhaut des Fontaines, In- C. indigene

Stoeckel, inspecteur ppal. de la garde-

specteur de la 2eme classe de la garde-

indigene, comdt. ,1a brigade


Sam Picard, ingenieur de lere cl. des T. P.


du 1’Etat, chef de la subdivision des T. P. Gerbiriis,Chef


Lieu: BANMETitudT'

administrateur-adjoint de lere-


France au Darlac civils, Resident

des services , de

Assistance Medicale Kerrest, administrateur _ adjoint de 3ere

L. deTournier, Medecin classe ' d es jS.ervice^ civijls, adjoint au

I’assistance medicaldeH.lereD. classe, chef Simoni,

residentinspecteur principal de la garde-

Service ' Veterinaire indigene, Commandant la brigade de

A. v^terinaire

Gillon, achefI )alat du , 4eme secteur garde Indigene

Service Forestier

Cliquet de Villepre, garde general de 2eme PROVINCE DE PHANRANG


Langbiandua Dalat

chef cantonnement forestier du Aurillac, administrateur adjoint de lere

classe des services civils; chef de province

Service. Aoricole Bacon, chefcivils,

de bureau

Robert services adjoint de'lere classe, dek


travauxBisson, ingenieur

d’agriculture, chef deadjoint des Annet,

la station inspecteur r de 3e classe de la

garde indigne, commandant la brigade

du Haut-Donnai k Blao


- CQchin-.Chi»a is a French Colony . The: province Giaclinli . of which Saigon is

| the,, chief porC. w^s-conquered by the Fracnco-Spanigh fleeii pn the 17th February, 1859,

! but Lower: Cochin-China (comprising thedefinitely


,of CriatdinhjBienhQaj ahd Mythb,

i formally surrendered by Treaty ; in 1867,three more, provinces,until

and the Islands of Fulo. Condor)! was not. were1§,conquered

&2, . when itby was


French. and added to their possessions, viz., Chaudoc, Hafien, and Vinhlong. The

f actual boundariesf of GochinrChina now 1are: on the North, the. .bingdp^ns of Ahnam,' and

JI Cambodia..

Cambodia;; • on, the ;Fast and South, the China.'gea; on the ,We^t,: the'Gulf of. Sianj and

;i ;; ... ';

The Colony of Cochin-China is divided intb: seven; .large ..(provinces, comprising it

r( all 21 inspections.

the'Same time ' Except Saigon,- which is‘the;capital of/.Cochin-China and an

; Of'the province Of Ciadinh; the other chief townsbear the names of-their

|‘ vast'plain

re^hoctive' 'provinces,

With small hillsBienhoa,

oft theMytho,


some; mountains and Hatiten. on theThe.Eastcountry

and North; is a

the three highest are Batlen 884 metres, Baria 493 metres, and the Mai Mountains, 95<>

| and 600 metres in height. The principal rivers are the two Yaico, the Saigon River,

1 and the Donnai river. The lower parts of Cochin-China are wrinkled with small

|; late


or arroyos,

canalsgiving easy and

have been rapid The

opened. communicationtoraH

magnificent riverparts of thewhich

Mekong, country.

descends Of

ie Cambodia,

from the Thibetan

enters themountains,

lower after running

provinces,pf throughbydifferent

Cochin-China, two territories,

branches, and crosses


| itself into the China Sea by five IdfrgeWtH'tl called, respectively, Cua Tien, Cua Balai,

' Cua Cochien, Cua Dinh-an, and Cua Bassac.

The principal product of Cochin-China ts rice. It is planted in almost every

I: ofprovince except some has

Hectares'cultivated of thealmostnorthern


After rice, In . the


years thearenumber


,j: rubber, fish,Brasiliensig

The '"'Hevek. fiShbil, hides, h&s'pepper,

heeti timber, kapok,

extensively cultivated ■ dried the

cotton,•during shrimps,

last and copra

ten years.'


ii saffron,The acreage

rubber is,ne&ringplanted ! amounts approximately to 250,000 acreS, and the average export of


tbns per

gum-laic; sapan andannum.

tiiffehonaChiba grass, insesamum,

also»exist palma-christi,

fairly large' quantities,indigo, with

| several other'nfinbrproductions: .

The principal salt pits a,re in tllev province

i quantities, of fine timber, and abound with game of nearly eVely description, ;' o f 'Baria. The forests contain large


; eland, which may bethenamed

amongst feathered:ble'phaints,'

game the rhinoceros,

peaebck, tiger, partridge, deer,snipe,

wild jungle

boar, fowl and

I (or wildcock),,'pheasant, etc., may be mentioned. The rivers and..creeks swarm with

; fish^of every, description, and alligators abofind in some.

not The

only country

in Saigonbeing but very

also intranquil, the garrisons

the proyinnesj and now havea been few •hundred

considerably reduced

French and

native soldiers suffice to maintain the security of the inhabitants of Cochin-China

and Cambodia. The Annamites are,a race (leyoted principally to agriculture; theys e


f havenot- so industrious

the largest proportionas ofthe, theChinese,

trade inand theirareLands. indifferent traders. ,Thp. phirie .

The whole of the French possessions are now comprised Under the title of Indo-China

and consist of the Colony of Cochin-China, the protectorates of Tonkin, Laos, Annam,

and Cambodia, and the leased; territory of Quoang-tschou-wan, and are under the control

| . isof administered

a Governor-General, who usually

by a Governor, whoresides in Tonkin.

is assisted by a Privy The Government

Council composed of Cochin-China

of all the

Heads of Departments as official members' and

Council of Cochin-China, some of the members of Which ate elected-by the several unofficials. The,Colonial




24 members, ten ofintroduced

have been whom arecomposed natives.entirely In theofvariousnatives.arrondissements,

The towns of'

Saigon and Chdlon ate ruled'by MuhicipalCouncils, the members of which bodies are


partly French and partly native. The Chamber of Commerce at Saigon is also an officia,

body electedandbyChinese,

foreigners, the merchants

but in 1896and traders ; formerlywasit altered

its constitution was composed

and it isof nowFrench,,


exclusively French and native body.

Following on irrigation works a great number of concessions have been granted,

especially in 1899 and 1900, by the Colonial Council of Cochin-China, some to-


according some to settlers.

to their The fields granted

progress, commencing to European

by one-fifth at the end settlers

of thearefifth



which is added another one-fifth at the end of each of the following four years. The

Conseil Superieur, in November, 1900, adopted a scheme for the improvement

Harbour which involved an estimated expenditure of f10,394,000 (£415,760). A quay of Saigon

1,091 metres (3,578 feet) long was constructed on the right bank of the river, and a series

of 11 warehouses 25 metres (82 feet) broad and 90 metres (290 feet) long was erected,


were making

built inafront

total and


at theof back

24,225of square metres (250,600

the warehouses, and thesquare

line offeet).



thereto was connected with the Mytho and Cholon Railways. About 20 buoys wero


side as well onas the

on left

the bank

right ofbank,

the river

and ain bridge,

order that


with might be moored

the ground,, on thatin

was built


been of the street called rue d’Adran. A postal line of French steamers has

ment established

of Indo-China.between Bangkok

A big wirelessandplant

Singapore, with ina subsidy

was erected from are

1923. There the six



towers each 780 feet high, and 4 smaller ones,, each 390 feet high. This plant, replete

with the latest apparatus, is one of the most powerful in the world.


of theSaigon, the capital

Donnai, in lat. of10 Cochin-China,

deg. 50 min. isN.,situated on the104Saigon

and long. deg 22river,

min.a tributary

E. It is

about 40 miles from Cape St. James and is accessible to the largest vessels.

Since its occupation by the French the climate has undergone a very favourable


pools, owing toetc.sanitary

The townworks in thea town,

presents such as drains,

fine appearance, the roadsthe and

filling up of:


fares being broad and regular. Amongst the public buildings the Government

House is the most remarkable; several millions of francs have been spent upon its

construction and decoration. The other prominent public buildings are the Palace


the Lieutenant-Governor,

the Custom House, the handsome and imposing

the “ Direction Post Office the

de ITnterieur,” on the Place dethela.


Land Office, Public Works Department, the Schools, the Supreme Court and the


Military de Ville”is(Town

Hospital Hall),

a fine and the costbuilding,

handsome of whichas arewasalsoover

the Francs


Barracks, The and

Artillery Park. and

de ITndo-Chine TwothefineHong


Konghave and lately


erected, these being theThere

Corporation. Banqueis

also a stately

the statue Gothic Cathedral

of Monseigneur Pigneauof large proportions,

de Behaine, bishopinoffront

Adran,of which

one of has


first erected


missionaries who came to Cochin-China in the last century. A fine bronze statue of

Gambetta stands in the “ Jardin de la Ville.” There are two other statues—one

Gamier on the Boulevard Bonnard in front of the theatre, and. another, that of Amiral of Francis-

Rigault detheGenouilly,

gardens, “Jardin ondethelaRondVille,”Pointwhich

Rigault de Genouilly.at Saigon

is maintained has two ofpublic

the expense the

Municipality, and the Botanic and Zoological Garden. The

was inaugurated in 1900, is a remarkable building erected at a cost of over municipal theatre, which

2,000,000 fr.


largest ismen-of-war,

good docking accommodation.

is one of thebyfinest TheinBassin

docks thearede Radoub,

world, and there capable, of receiving

are Doi,

two floating the


Two petroleum godowns built the Government situated at Rach

of the Saigon River (half-way to the town). They are said to be large enough to receiyo on the banks

over 400,000 cases. The agents of Messrs. Samuel & Co., of London, have built two petro-


leura tanks at Nhabe, at the point where the Saigon River flows into the Donnai. The

largestof these is estimated to receive 2,300 cubic metres (81,190 cubic feet) of oil. There

are (without reckoning the troops) over 8,000 Europeans and over 160,000 Asiatic s or




steamers call twice a monthwith

is afforded at Saigon on their homeward

the principal towns of the and territory


either by subsidized mail steamers or railway. There is a railway with

Hoa and beyond, and with Hoc Mon and Laithien. The bridge of Binh-Loi was inaugurated Mytho, Bien

on the 8th of March, 19Q2, over the river of Saigon, putting in direct communication the

two rives des fleurs. It is a swing

by 6 piles (era ma^onnerie et & 2-culees).bridge and is of a total length of 276 metres, supported

All the principal towns of Cochin-China possess telegraphic and telephonic

communication, and a submarine cable unites the Colony with Singapore, Haiphong,

Saigon and Amoy,

Hongkong, Cholon,etc.is oneTheofWireless

the mostStation, situated

important in the

in the Earvillage

East ofandRhu-To, between


directly with Paris. The postal organization of the Colony is very complete and

eificient; correspondence can be sent daily to almost all parts of the country.


M.M. Rene Robin, Gouverneur General de ITndochine

Yves Chatel, secretaire general

Le Prevost, directeur du cabinet

Domec, directeur du personnel

Gaetan, Lieutenant dTnfanterie Coloniale, officier d’ordonnance

Turpaud, attache au cabinet

Nicolai, chef du Secretariat Particular

COCHIN CHINE Conseii. Colonial

Membres Titulaires Francais—M. M. De

i M.deM.l&rePierre

classeAndre Pages, Gouverneur

des Colonies, Gouverneur Lachevrotiere,

Ardin, Ballous, BiailleLamorte,

de Langibaudiere,


de la Cochinchine

Bary, Administrateur de lere classe des

Services Membres Suppleants FrancaiseNeumann

Lefebvre, Guillemet, Combot, — M. M.

specteur desCivils de Politiques

Affaires ITndochine, In- Franchini, Haasz, Scotto, Desrioux,


Striedter, Administrateur de lere classe Membres Titulaires Annamites—M. M.

des ServicedesCivils

Inspecteur de Politiques

ITndochine,et Huynh-ngoc-Nhuan, Bui-quang-Chieu,

administratives etAffaires

du Travail Le-quang-Liem die Bay,Vo-ha-Tri,


Brasey, Administrateur de lere classe des Duoc, Tran-trinh-Huy, Tran-

Services Civils de ITndochine, Directeur van-Kha, Nguyen-phan-Long, Thuong-

des Bureaux du Gouvernement dong-Thuan, H uynh-van-Ohinh

Membres suppleants Annamites—M. M.

Cabinet du Gouverneur Pham-van-Tiec, Tran-van-Sang, Duong-

. Chef de Cabinet—M. M. Maurice Lari viere, van-Giao, Nguyen-dang-Lieng, Truong-

!>. Chef

administrateur dai-Luong,

de Cabinet deadjoint—M.

2eme classeMonvoisin, Delegues de la Ghambre d'Agriculture

Titulaires—M. M. Mariani, Huynh-ngoc-

' administrateur adjoint de 2^me classe Binh

Secretaire Particulier — M. Yiala, Ad- Suppleants—M, M. Lagarde, Tran-quang-

, Chef ministrateur

du Bureauadjoint de 2eme classe

du Personnel—M. Rouys, Chieu

administrateur adjoint de l^re classe Delegues de la Chambre de Commerce

Chef du Bureau de la Presse—M. E.

Marquis Titulaires—M. M. Jean Comte, Truong-


Deputation Suppleants—M. Seurin Begat, adminis-


D^put4—M. E. Outrey trateur-adjoint de Seme classe


" ’//'CoSseil'Peiv^^ /.j ; , binaisOnL’ Kendall Y et; '“General Telegram-Corn--

■President — M. Le (JouVertieur de la tionar. Pubiicatidhs:' Pierrpn, Acme, et Na-

Coehinchine ■ dbs Charigbs/Badib'tJUbtidien

Badio Quotidien


Membres :

M. M. Le General de-di vision'Commandant cial, Bulletin Quotidien, Bulletin An- Bi-

la division de Coehinchine-Cambodge; mensuelyStatistiques nuellesj Proces-Verbaux


de sbance

Le Procureur-.general, pres la -Courid’appel Ducroisety-A. Darles et A. Martini

de. Saigon id President—AUdin'

Le Direeteiir'des Bureaux du-Godveamieht' 2er ler Vice-PrbsidCht—Baflous

Id, —Truong-van-Ben

ririgenieur bn Chef db lia 'Cireonseriptioh Tresdrier—SeUrin . .

de Cochinchine /SetU’etfaireTT-Crsini

Conseillers' titulaireS'—M. M.

Tran-Trinh-Trach et LuOng-KbaC-Linh Guiffray, Mewbr.es: Titulaires,, j .Frappais ;,

— M. M.


Corifeeiihu^ suppleAliLs A. . Yielle et : LaCiUze,

Berthctj ;J ; oly,

Bobprt, , Souhaite,

Cqmte; - Brunet,


Bruno 1 Darrigfvdes Lu'ei;ini,;Gnerini, Courtial


Cabinet du' Areblviste—M.


'Go’uVbtnebrrdele,! la1cbef

CbeHin-'du Membres. Titulaiics uk-mamites—M.



chine i' ruong - van - Ben Tran-van - Sang


Bureaux du Gouvernement ' ■ Mewhres


Courtinat, —Messner M. M. Cuny,

Local Membres Correspondants—H. Reich, J.

Mazet, A. Brunet, L. Berthet et C.

Directeur des AeBur.^px^-M.,,

administrateur B.rasey^, rjii , Cl^ap,ell(e; j j ]/ y

te classe des services,

civils . m. . ■ S^ORETARIAT

ler Bureau !

S:ecret4irbiGbh'eral-—J.: 'Madon

Chef djg, Ilureau-rs^C; Pr^y^apjnge,, admin? SSbretairbs'

istrateur adjt.Section—M.

de le cl. Fraisse ■ , ; Aicfjhihts—M.

•b-ui q t rt Thomachot

I et L.

Chef de la lere

Chef dela 2b Section—M. Tran’ThifenTy ' Stbiib-dact'^ldgraphe—Mime. Gott-Chatel

2eme Bureau

Chef de Bureau—M. Chevalier, chef de AdMINISTIJATIQN DE gA JUSTICE EN


Kerjeaih, chef decl,?hureau d;e ,lere.;classe Directeur'^Guiselin

de 1,ere Indochine

Chef de

Tai ’ ( la lere ^Sbctibh—Mi

.• ri Duqhg

: Tan

Cmr, d’Aj)j)el 4c Saigon

Seme Bureau : ler President—-Motais de Narbonne

Chef de Bureau — M. : Bohn, admiu- Presidents dq Chambre—Boyer, Garrigues


Chef de Section—M.deJude, clasbede bureau Consbillers

lere chef' — Pierre,

J a lade, Legay, HerveFiJatruiu,

du Penhoat, Sice,

de Ibie 7classe • Brosius, PUjos, Yol

. , J^bne Bureau . / , > Greffier



Chef de Bureau -e? M. Begat, admin- Avocats 'Genbraux— Lafriqub, Walraud,


Chef de Section—M.deCrevost Seme classe Leger i . 1 ■•- iov. ■ ii /in;-. ; ■ .■

Substitute Generaux—Cappin, Faurie

Chef Secretariat—Cabaones ■ . ; .

PlBLIOTHtQUE ET ARCHIVES • • Tribunal de lere Instance de Saigon

ConserVateur — M. Saint Marty, Con- President - Weil

Vice-id.; —Bruni, Lavau

servateur, hors claSae . des; Archives et Juge dTnstrucfion — Tran-van-Ty,

Bibliotheques Capcleviljede la/ Republique.T-Serruau


Chambre be , Commerce de Saigoe—

Telephs. 74 et 444; P. Q. Box 196;, Cable Dumont — Bouin: Yidil;■ G,r

Substituts e ifi e r :

AdiChammerce, Saigon; Codes:A.Z,edn. .:

Francaise, Lugagne Justicede de Paix de Saigon

uagne, Veslpt, A.B.C. 1929,

4e, 5e,Cogef Lu-

6b edn.,

Bentley’s, Lieber’s, Scott’s, Watkins’, Juge de Paix p.i.—Rieus

Greffier—Godefroy . , .. ;


Avocats a la Coue Region He Saigon-Chol ).n

M. Mes Garros, Gremazy, Girard, Ferrand, M. BivoaI,—Administrateur de la Region


Petin, Lefeyre,F Condamy,

Vabois; Kspinfit, r e z o u 1 s, ■ Oonseil ; d?Administration

Lambert, Fortat-Jaeob, Vivies, Pages, Membres Darigade

titulaires franyais — M. M.

De Ligondes,

Beziat, Dubreuil, Gallet, Gonbn,

Fleury, Jaequeinai-t, Anh-A-Par, Membres Paris, suppleants — M.Lemoult, Coiite

M. Audouit^

Regnier, Bla< i uiere,' Uoaget, Giacobbi, Membres Bardouillet, Joly Lucinani

Reveille, Lalung - bonnaire, Saaraut, Nguyen -titulaires annamites — M. M.

Minh - Chieu, Nguyen-Dang-

Bernard, Zevaco, Huynh-van-Chin, Lieng, Truohg-Van-Ben, Truong-van-

Limefc, Loye, Trinhdin-Thao, Fetlande, Ben suppleants annamites — M. M.

' Pinaud, Duong-van-Giao, Le-van-Kirn, Membres

Nguyen-van-Dan Nguyen-van-Vang Tran-Van-Kiem, H6-

Secretaire d’avocat—Me Seminel van-Kinh, N guyen-Khap-.N

Avocats' Stagiaires—Mes'Biijbn,

Oanb, Hinh-thai-Tbobg, Huynh-quan- Membre

Yubng^ Membre titulaires Chihois—M.uong

Du Xuong

quang-Nh suppleant Ghinois—M. Luu-Canh,

de N a r buong,

o n n Ng

e nXavier,

j^en- van-Phan-kien-

Vo, Motais

Khuong, Truong- m inh - Chieu, Carpane tti Ville de Saigon

Huissiers—Sicot, Cocogne et' Oazenave M. Boy-Landry Maire de la Ville

Notaires—Fays, Leservoisier Braille

Chambre d’Agriculture de la Pinaud, 2eme Adjoint ler Adjoint

de LangibaUdiere;

CoCHIKCHINE....(InDOCHINe) Nguyen-Minh-Chieu, 3etne Adjoint

Bureau—M.M. Chbnq (presideat),Nguyen- Ville de Cuolon

Tan-Duoc, (vice - presideirt), Haasz

(tresorier), Truong-Van-Ben (secretaire) Mazet, President de la Commission

MembresFrancais—M. M. Barthe, Oaussin, Municipale

Gombot, Lagarde, Mariani, Newman, Bardouillet, ler Adjoint

Pham et Philip Tran-van-iviem, 2eme Adjoint

Membres Indigenes — Ml M. Le-Thuan-

Dan, Huynh-Ngoc-Binh, Dang-Van- Du-Xuong, 3eme Adjoint

Hoa, Le - Van -

et Truong-Dai-LuongTo, Tran-Quang Chieu CoNSEILL MtlNIC'fPAL DE SAIGON

Membres Suppleants—^M. M. Boy, Conty, Maire—Boy-Landry ler Adjoint—Biaille de Langibaudiere

Ballous qt Gressier

Secretariat—M. Miermont 2me Adjoint—Pmaud

3me Adjoint—Nguyen-Minh-Chieu , ;

Ajjministration des Provinces Membres titulaires franyais—Lorenzi,

B ac 1 ie u —; Schneyder, administr. de Darrigade, Seurin,

Didier, Sbyer, Audouit,

.Marque . Bele. Bee,,

Baria—Esquivillbn, administr. de ;5e classe

Ibre Membres- suppieants franyais — Bpeuf,

Vidal, Gay,

classe Membres Bonvicini— Tran-yan-Thach,


Bentre—Giraud-Gilliet, Nguyen-van-Tao, Nguyen-minh-Chieu,

Bienhoa—Butel, admipr, de 2e classe

id. ge id. Ta-thu-Thiu, Nguyen-van-Vang.Duong-

Cantho—Nevailhetas, id. 2e id. Membres Bach - . T! A

Chaudoc—Belisaire, id. 3e id. suppleants

dinh-Tri, annamites—Nguyen-


Cholon —Buissiere,

Giadinh—Berland, id. lele id.

id. id.

Gocqng—Gri maid, id., le id. Services Agricoles de Cochinchine

Hatien—Millies-Lacrqix, id. 3e id. Ingenieur de 3em'e classe—Goubeaux

Longxuyen—Maillard, id. 2e id.

Mytho—Pom'miez, id. 2e id.

Rachgia—Le Strat, id.. 2e id. Cadastre et Topographie


Soctrang—Parisot, id. 3elere id.

id. id.

Tanan—Bonnemain, id. , lere id. Chef de Service^

principal—D upont Ingenieur-Geptnetres

Tayninh—Estebe, , id.

Thudaumot—Erard, 2e id. Verificateur,

id., 2emeid. et D^riaud

Ing.-Geom. principal^ildrit

Travinh—Dufour, . id. 3e id. Ingenieurs-Geometres hors' classe, —.


Cap St. Jacques—Vallat,• id. id. 2e2e id. id. Gregoire, Peysson A. et Pham-ngoc,

Chieu 'i


Ingenieurs - Geometres d,e Ire qlasse — Cadre Local

Susini, Lautret, Pham 7 ngoc - Thuan- Mme Dubois, prof. ppal. de 2me cL du ler

Mihel, Yrot degre

Ingenieurs-Gtometres de 2eme classe—C. Ourgaud, prof. lie. ppal. hors cl.

de Villenoisy, Mazot, Thomas, Nicolas, Nguydn-Thanh-Giung, prof. lie. de2mecl.


Ingenieurs-Geometres adjoints —Rous- Le-Van-Kiem, prof.prof.lie.lie.de 3eImecl.cl.

selat (2eme classe); Symphorien. Gef- D&ng-Minh-Tni, Dubois prof. ppal. hors cl. du ler deg.


Pham-kim-Ban (stagiaire) (3e classe); Gros,

et Nguyen-van-Thoi prof,prof,


de leredecl.leme

du ler

Service des Bureaux—Marie Mignon, cl. deg.

Vo Van

Cudenet, Lua, prof. lie.

prof, technique de 3e cl.

Nguyen-Van-Duyen, prof.deppal.

leredecl.2me cL



Loupy, surveillant

surveillant d’internat

d’internat 4ede cl.4me cl.

Direction Locale Persorvnel Contractuel et Subaltern e

Georges Taboulet, professeur de lere classe Titus, Mme.


Domenjool, Lingiere ournalier

de I’enseignement

du service superieur, enchefCochin-

de 1’enseignement local

chine Ecole Primaire Supperieure

Revertaget, Inspecteur titulaire de 2e cl. Francaise de Garcons

Inspecteur en chef de 1’Enseignement


Vittori, en Cochinchide ppah hors cl. de Cadre Metropolitain


Bureau) Primaire (chef de Rivertigat, prof, certifid ppl. de directeur

(en conge)

Talbot, prof, de 2eme classe de I’Enst.

Bourit, primaire


Section)InstiteUr de lere cl. (chef de Mile. primaire

de leme classe de I’Enst.

Bizot, proffesseur ppak 2ere cl. de 1’Enseigt. Coste, prof. d’E.N. de le ch, integrecomme

Primaire (chef de Section) prof, certibe ppal. hors. cl.

Lycee Petrus'Truong Vinh Ky Cadre Local

Valen50t, Prof, agrege Ppal. hors el Mme. Teylin,Pradeau,

institutuer prof,delicencid 3e cl. comme

3d cl. integfe


Gioan, Louis, prof, liceneie ppal. hors, Luciani, prof, ppal, 3d cl. de 1’Enseigt

cl.—Censeur personnel ! enseignant instituteur de 4e cl., integre

Lacombe, prof. ppal. 3 cl. de 1’Enserg. comme prof, de 2e cl. de d’Enseigt

Primaire - Surveillant general — Mahe, 1’Enseigt Mme. Bonnadieu, prof. ppal. hors. cl. de

sous-Econome ppal. 2e cl. Econome Boeuf, prof. ppl. de Lors cl. de 1’Enst.

Cadre Metropolitain primaire

Mme. Gioan, prof, de Dessin de 3me classe Mmes. Dejean De La Batie, prof. ppal. de

3e cl. deprof,I’Enst. primaire

des Lyceesde des

fie ppal. 2meJean'es

cl. Filles prof, certi- Barrel Martin, de eeme classse (en conge)

Mme. Tissot, prof, adjoint d’E.P.S-.de 4me et, surveillant

Personnel Contractual d’internat 4e ol.

et Subalteme

cl., Prof. lie. de lere cl. Boulle, prof, deprof,chant et musique

Gaudry, Inst. 3d cl. initegre

ppal. 2d cl. de PEnseigt. Primaire cpmme prof, Mile. Croyal, de stdno-dactylo


Vo prof.prof.

Van Lua, lie. delie.lere

3d cl.cl.

Fougeront, College de Mytho

(ler ordre), prof. lie. ppal. dedelerecl.

prof, de college 2me cl. Preton, prof, de College de 3e cl. integre


lere cl. prof. d’E.P.S. de. la Seine de directeur licencie ppal. de lere cl.

comme prof,

Marquis, prof. ppal. deppal. loredecl.lere,cl. Personnel Enseignant

Cadillon, prof, certifi Ylzer, repetiteur de 5e cl. des Lycees

Tboeik, prof. cert. ppal. de 3d cl, integre commeRepetiteur

prof. lie. 3e,cl,,


Gaudry, prof.prof,

ppal.dedelere 2e cl.cl, Cuillard, maitre de 3e’ cl, (en



College de Cantho Ecole Pratique d’Industrie de

‘Talat, Gabriel, prof d’E.N. de 2e cl.- Saigon

Directeur Rosel, ingenieur mepanicien en chef de la

marine, directeur

Ecoee Normals D’lxsTiruTEi’Rs Etienblad, Garre, Legoff, Robert et Yicart,

Revertegat, Insp. primaire 3e cl. integre ! provost


directeur prof, certifie ppal. Lors cl., | Ecole Maternelle de Saigon

Mm. Tailk.de, Malleret, Torreilles, Mine. | Mme. Baudet, instutrice de Ire eiasse,

Casanova directrice

Eoole Normals d’Insituteurs Ecoles Primaires de Saigon

Fillies Francaises Hoaran, prof, principal hors cl. directeur

Administration M. Martin, prof. ppal. 2e classe

'Mme. Baudrit, directrice Ecoles Primaires Provinciales

Mine. I’.speriquette, surveillante gdikrale

^Melie, Paulmar, econome a cOntrat ■ Baclieu

(ler degre) Guirand, instituteur de 4e classe

IMmes. Baria et Cap St. Jacques

Hattior,Lemaire, Bourguet, Fontaine,

Aspar, Rasario Louis, prof. ppal. 3ere classe, directeur

Enseignements SpecLaux Mme. Boisson, prof. ppal. 2e classe

! Mines. Boulle (musique), Gott (steno-!



Mines. Bougeard, Melles. Reynaud, Leper- i ET REGIES DE LTNDOCHINE

vanche, De Luxer Buard, Cadet

Subalterns Sous-Direction de Cochinchine

Mmes. Besseyre des Horts (lingerp) Sous-Directeur—M. Chauvin

mand (femme de charge) Inspecteur sedentarie—H. Borland


DeslysLebrum (infirmiere)

(concierge) Inspccteurs divisiormaries — Tollard et


Chef du Bureau Central et du personnel—

Applique Collet

Chef du ler Bureau (Douahes)—Montan

J. G. Besson, directeur-inspecteur de ISarbonne

Huynh-dink-Tuu, chef d’Ateleir Chef du 3e Bur.id,(Comptabilite)—Delaunay

M. et Mine. Balick Sous-Chefs —Rochon et Gambini

.Delafosse, directeuer Chef du 4e Bureau (Contentieux) —

Ecole des Mecaniciens Asiatiques Receveur Pantalacci

.Rosel, ingenieur

marine, directeurm^canicien en chef de la Chef de laComptable—Deyme


Favier, surveillant general Verificateurs—A. Poulain, Jacob de Cor-


Goff, premier-maitre demoy, Rouscaren et Duchamp

prof, techniquemecanicien de la Veriticatears adjoints-intemaires—Dusol,

Riolacci (Jacques), L’Admiral, Ferchaud,

Noy^, maitre ppl.

chef d’atelier mecanicien de la marine, Citrate - Prouchandy,

Haberlay, Moulin, Robert,

Lagarde, chef d’atelier Isidore, Blanc, Sabatier,

Coullet, premier-maitre mecanicien de la Mathieu


Toullec, de forge de la, marine Brigade des Xom-chieu

d’atelierelectricien Ecors des Magasine de .

chef d’atelier d’electrcite Chef de

Constantin, Ing. Mecanician Charge de Chef Magasin No. 1-—LebelBrigade—Levezai

Cours directeur usine Electrique

Lauthier, Id. 3—Pignolet de Fi'esne

Id. 5—Nedel

Saigon, charge de Cours Electricite

Therene, ler. maitre mecanicien (machine Id. 7-—Ricord

Id. 8—Michelot

et vapeur) Id.

Id. 9—Dettis


-Corre, ler. maitre journalier, surveillant 1

d’lnternat Id 11—Valmont

li! 46 SAIGON

Brigade dies Bears des Magassins des J. Comp. Leandri, ad}, teclin. ppal. chef de la.


Messageries-Maritimes H. Cournier, commis piincipal, com-

Clief des Ecnrs-^Rozier

Chef.de la Section A. - Claude ' - L.iquasse, suryedlant. . ppal., comptabilite

ptabilite centrale..


Id. ' B.—AndreC.—Gueret R.centrale

Hot-nu, adj. teebn. ppal. regissem-

Chef de la Brigade Active—Yet

Chef de la Brigade du Port—Vallerim ■ • compt’able

Sous-Chef Id. ^Jautfret F. des


Autos ing., chef de •See. de control©

Chef de la BrigadeId.des Riz—Laurette

Sous-Chef —Ploute C. Tufernet, surveillant ppal.


Opium—De General de la Manufacture d

Dexempele Arrosdissement du Cgntrole

Chef des Ateliers de la Mottile—L. Clerc C. chef Autonelli,

de serviceingenieur adjoint T.P.E.


DIRECTION DES POSTES TELE- P. de'Martin, ingenieur adjoint, verification,

s projets

GRAPHES ET TELEPHONES Nguyen-van-Chien, ingenieur

DE PINDOCHINE charge du contrdle des D.E.E. adjoint

ClRCONSCEIPTION DU StJP DE Arrondissement de l’Est

l’Indochine Luu-van-lang, ing. ppal. chef de service

Spus-directeur, Chef de Service—Peyret L. subdivision

Ciavaldim,de adjoint

Bienhoa tech, chef de

Inspecteur—Medard M. Lataste, ingenieur des T.P.E., chef de

Chefs de Bureaux— subdiv. de materiel a Giadiuh

Personnel—Valery A.subdivision

Autonetti, surveillant principal chef de

Service Central Budget—Madon

Exploitation Postale—Maurel de Tayninh

Exploitation Electrique—Theron A. Roth, ingenieut chef de subdivision de?


Service Articles d’argent

technique—Insp. Digo —Miran Tnudaumot



R. Cros, ing., chefing.de sub.

ppl. chef, de service

de Cholon

Bureau de Poste G. Maury, mg. adjt. des T.P.E. cii.ef de

Saigon—Central subdivision de Mytho

Rece veur- Com ptab] e.—Gros - Bu rde t P. Tagnet, sUrvt. ppal.

Tang-diec-Thanh, adjt. sub



de sub-

Oholon de Bentre

Rece veur—Timmermans L. Rousseau, survt. ppal. chef sub de

Mytho Traninh

Rece veur—Trioreau Luong-van-My,

Sadec ing. adjt, chef de sub de

Cap St. Jacques Berhonague, ing. cHef dp’

P. Racligia

Rece veur—Bouchon



Vinhlnng ClVILS

Receveiir—Gu^zen'e'c ' L. Craste architecte ppal. chef de service

Cantho A. Belfort, adjt. tech., chef de bureau


A.H. Friche,


surveillant ppal., eomptable

redaction des projets-


arch.'adjt,, do.


PUBLICS DE COCHINCHINE Nguyen , Duy Kiem, adjoint technique,,

redaction: des projets r:

Bureau de l’Ingenieur en Chef A.surll.'des

Blanc, surVeillant

triivaux pphh exticution et

L.J. Jumeau, ingenieur enprincipal,

Baillif, surveillnnt chef chef de F. Ciavaldini, do.

M. ^avery, surveillan, do.

bureau Nguyen van Due, adj-tech., dd.K

SAIGON Bl.47;',

, A«K,ONpigSHENT, DU - PORT P,E .,, ,,, t/ ■ .

- ‘ Sa'ioon-^OhoEon ' i ’; ■ ’ Senes, Capitaine Jo/C(9rypl’^h; commandant

31. Loustaii, Ing. adjt. des T.P.E. chef de j Dela Rodellec' “Marne”

du Pqrtic,l’1-lieutenant

Bureau e't chef de Subdiv.

L. Claude, surveill ant principal Vaisseaq, ceiumandant AlerteiM de' ;

G.A. Le,villain,

Poggj, chefcapitainp

mecanicine, chef

de port , d’atelier

F. Pelletiep Mission Hydrograpiuque

N. Lemaitre,maitrc de port do. principar Robhe,

i JAaperyuse . ri ;

capitaine, de lafregate,

Y.A. Le Guyader, Jjt. de port

Uodoniri, maitre de port principal. .le “LaperouseUbt missioncommandant)

J.H. Pepino, maitre.,de’port principal, Legrand, Ingenieur Hydrographe princi-

Hez, do,, . ' collec- pal, directeur technique tie la Mission

teur des,taxes1''' ’, Mouphez,


1’'“' Astroableue ” Vaisseau,, Com-

K. Pedet,,Lt,.de port

J. Morin, ruaifre de port Douguet, Lieutenant de Vaidseaffi; Com- *

mandant 1’“ Octant”


Commerce de Saigon

Madamp A. Tourniaire, steno-dactylo- Warned, directeur ingenieur en chef de Seme classe, a A

graphc , ; ; . Waeselynck, inghnieur de lere. claSse sous-

• directeur >

MARINE :EN JNL>OCHINE, Maria, ingenieur de Seme classe >

Demotes-Mairiard, Cap taine , Tra va;ux Maeitimes , . „

|de Yaisseau Pavin,' Ingenieur

commandant' la marine eh Indocliine directeur : 5 des I ' Fonts et Chaussees,

Etatb-MaJor du Commandant^' IntendancE Maritime

de la Marine

Robert, capitaine de Frhgatej chef,d’etat Alessandri, classe,

commissaire en che, .de Seme


Major Denille, commissaire de -lere classe, chef

, Blanchard, Capitaine de Coryette,‘ Sous- des approvisionnementS de la flotte et

[[ Gousset,

chef delieutenant

Etat Majorde vaisseau charge du subsistanchs-


[ service transmissions Masselot, commissaire

du service de la soWe ‘ de rlehe 'elasse, chef

Minot, ingenieur

chef du service mecancien

machines de lere classe,

Leroy, officier de lere clause ,de§

de la Flotte, chef' du secretariat' equipages j ; Service de. Sante

Dupin, medpein en chef de Seme classe,


Unite Marine a Saigon Giiyuder, ihedbein dedere classe,; adjoint

Andreis, pharmacien . chimiste de lere

?j Faucon, capitaine

dant 1’unite marinede etcorvette


du port biased

Thibaud,' officier de -l^re classe', des

equipages de la Flotte,1 adjoint ■ SERVICES .MILITAIRES

Canonnieres de Riviere

Il' Boulay,

dant leCapitaine

Group desdecanonvieres


Tonkin Division de Cochin-chine— , ^

■ et la‘‘Vigilante” Gambodge

!! JDemandant lieutenant de, vaisseau, com- General

Goulet, PAvalanche Commandant—General Philipppt,

Chef d’etat-Major—Comdt., Fichepam

t ^Stourm, Commandant le ,“ Rourdais ” ,

; Barriere,


le “Mythode” Vaisseau, Com- ‘ Service de Sante

Lover, lieutenant de Vaisseau, coinman- Directeur du Service (Jp Sah.ie—^ledecin

L dant le “Tourane” , ; Colonel Rousseau


Heme Kbgiment d’Infantekie Commandants de Groupe—Groupe: Sondaz,

Colonials et Carrel (chefs d’escadron), Hescormes

Colonel Commandant—Colonel Corbel (lieut.-col. commandant de la place de

Commandants, de Bataillon —Mace

Cadence guerre dii Cap-toaint-Jacques)

(chef deComdts.—Perreaux,

Medecins bataillon), Krieger etFrancois Aviation—Escadrille No. 2

Capitaine Commandant—Capitaine Picard.

Regiment de Trailleurs Annamites Major



interim — CapitaineLe-Meut


Colonel Commandant—Colonel Landais Directeur

Commandants de Bataillon — Quilichin Sous-Directeur—Lieut.-Cblonel Poinat

(chef de bataillon) et Marotel Directeur des Services de I’lntendance—

Intendant Militaire Copin

5o. Regiment d’Artillerie Coloniale Chef—Dorangeon, int. milit. de le classe

Colonel Commandant—Colonel Perney Id. —Leduc, intendt. milit. de 2e classe

Asia Life Insurance Co., Life Insurance Chartered Bank of India, Australia

—11-13, Rue Lefebvre; Cable Ad: and China—3, Rue Georges Cuynemer;

Asialife; Code:for Acme and Bentley’s. Cable

P. M.Ad:Tanneld,



Main Office the Orient: 17, the J. H. Kortright, acct.

Bund, Shanghai

G. E. Watson, sub-acct.


de Riz DEdesSaigon


(Chambre Francais

de Com- F.A. E.O. H.Small, do.

Goddard, do.

merce)—P.O. Box 14; Ad: Tel. Assexporiz

BANKS Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Cor-

poration—No. 9, Quai de Belgique;

Bank of East Asia, Ltd., The —4, Rue Teleph. 52; Cable Ad: Himalaya

Georges Guynemer C. A. W. Ferrier, agent

Huynh G. F. Stringfellow, accountant

Sg KaTai,Kuen,

agent sub-agent M. C. Duncan

B. C. Allan

P. K. Shek, do. G. Vernay

Kain E. Lee, do.

Wong Koon Wah do.

Bangui*: de l’Indochine (Succursale de Berthet & Cie., Lucien, Importateurs—

Saigon) 165, Rue Catinat; Cable Ad: Lucebert;.

P. Gannay, Inspecteur General des Codes: Bentley’s,A.Z.3e., Cogef Lugagne


de ITndochineet Agence de le Banque Office in Paris: 32, Bd. Haussmann

E. Bruno, Directeur p i. de la

Succursale Biedermann & Co., (Societe de Respons-

Agence de Battambang abilite Limitee au Capital du Fr. 500,000)

J. Chantrel, directeur p.i. Merchants—

Associes—MaxSaigon and Hanoi

Agence de Cant

H. Gros, ho p.i.

directeur Speck Biedermann et Othmar

Agence de Pnompenh Employ^:

fl. Dick W. Neuenschwander et-

V. Labes, directeur, p.i.

BanQue de deSaigon

au Capital Francs(Societe Anonyme

50.000,000)—Siege Brasseries & Glacieresaude Capital


Social: 26 a 32, Rue Lefebvren, Saigon. (Societe

Bureau Administratif: 13, Rue Notre- $1,650,000)—Anonyme

Usines: a Saigon, Cholonde


Haiphong et Hanoi. Paris. Agences

Cable Ad: Saigon-a Cautho (Cochinchine); Pnom-Penh

bank (Cambodge); Tourane (Annam); Hanoi


British Consulate (see Consulates) Mansfield & Co., Ltd.

Nippon Yusen Kaisha

Chotirmall & Co., K.A.J. (Estab. 1875), Sussman, Wormser ife Co.

Silk Merchants, Drapers and Ladies’ Parfumerie Gelle Pieces

Dressmakers — 28 - 30 - 32, New Rue Cigarettes

Asano Nationales

Bussan Co. (Ciment)

Catinant; Cable Ad: Chotirmall; Codes: Courroies J. Lechat

Acme, Bentley’sSingapore;

Head Office: and A.B.C.Branches

5th Edition.in Philips & Pain (extincteiirs Pyrene)

Batavia, Sourabaya, Hongkong, Canton Etablissements

Titan) Sulitzer (remorques

and Kobe Compagnie Lilloise de moteurs

CiaEstAsiatique et Africaine Etablissements Bozel Maletra

Asiatique Erancais], Siam[Dept.—

Teak Davey, Bickford & Smith

Dunlop RubberRenault Co.

Wood, Cochinchina Woods,

Factory—Quai de la Marne (Saigon); Plywood Automobiles

Telephs. 223 & 777; Cable Ad: Estasiatic Society du Domaine de Kebao.

A. Champanhet, manager (Anthracite, Coal Mine)

R. Lemarie, assist, do. Societe des Garages Charner

Cie. des Bauts Plateaux Indochinois

Societe Tutela d’Extreme-Orient

Compagnie du Cambodge (Capital:

100,000,000 Francs)—Siege Social: 45, Compagnie Fonciere d’Indo-chine (Cap-

Rue Barbet ital: 4,000,000 Francs)Correspondant

— Siege Social:a

Compagnie des Chargeurs Reunis—15, 79-81, rue Richaud;

Paris, 282, Bd Saint Germaim

16A.et Brunet,

17, Quaiagent

Le Myre de Yilers

F. M. Toby, chefgeneral

services maritimes

R. Bigault, chef service trafic et Compagnie Forestiere Indochinoise

Timber Merchants — 43, Boulevard


R. Schmit, chef service passages Bonnard

C. Fichet, managing director

M ^ ffi Allatini


Navigationded’Extreme Commerce- Orient, et de Compagnie Franqaise de Tramways—


PaulBlanchy; ingenieury

Ad: Tel. Tramindo

Societe AnOnyme au Capital de 30,000,000 e.c.p.,.

de francs (Anciens Etablissements directeur

Allatini et Cie., et Cie. de Cabotage dee

Mers de Chine)—Siege Social: 12, Rue Compagnie Franco.-Asiatique des Pe-

Boissy d’Anglas, Paris. Agences: troles, Petroleum Products — 15,.


Saigon Havre, Bordeaux, Haiphong, Boulevard Norodom

et Pnompenh

Robert de Vogue, president du conseil Indochina Area—

M. J. Jansen, general manager


Launay, administrateur-delegue J. G. Tricon, assist, do.

Lis, administrateur

F.D. Waespe, L. Mme.

BarmeH. Mignot, private secretary

Jessula, administrateur

id. H. L. Barue (on leave)

Mme. Th. Julienne

H. de Ligondes, directeur general M. Barbier, chief acct.

H. Drouin, fonde de pouvoirs M. Letessier, asst. acct. f


Directory and Chronicle of Saigon Division—


North Brit.Japan,

MercantileMalaya, etc.Ld. Sales Dept.

Insce. Co.,

Union Insurance Socy. of Canton, H. Litou, manager

Ld R. Dot (oh leave)'

Phoenix Assurance Co.,Co.,

Ld.Ld. J.L. Marlin, head(onsalesleave)

de la Porte


Ocean Insurance

Steamship Co,,Nav.

Ld. Co., Ld. Inspectors — P. Repiton-I’reneuf, N.

China Mutual Steam Hope, R.E. Bolton

Salles, MuUeman,and G.J, Manceron

Repot, R.

Cunard Steamship Co., Ld. Pnom Penh Inspectors—Y. Coroller

IndOtChina Steam Navigation Co., Ld. and J. Durbise


Statistics—L. Baude de Buimetat and Correspondence Department 1 ;

Mme. P. Rinaldo Mile. A. Burle -


J. Vally 1 Mme- E. Sopbrier

Mme. Dept. M. Feraud■ • • ■Tomxtne Division—

Shipping J. Desplats, manager •

A.M. Atdeni

Cremazy tsdoa i d do-tTwo') Sales Department

1; Inspectdrs--R. DrpgOz ‘ and Th.


L. Guerin, I )ept.

accountant 'Willemetz

P.Expert(otl lea^) ! : Accounts /Shipping ' Departments.

R.M. Cote'de Soux (fon leave) J. Vieillard

lliotte • IS. Mattiny

•T.L, Lefranc Mme. M, Gampcros Engineei'ingt^je^rfeinqiit

Langlet J. !G.Mile.


H. Erhlich


: ;

Engiheerihg Dept' . ; Yunnan Division— : ’ ’ ::' 1

F. N,Gaultier, :

c(nefengihe’er '' ' ' , •J. Lagtdfe, 'rtiairager ■ ' -

A.. Griffin,'

I tidier a((in


.";phgF• y | ' ';


RJ. ,.;Quirins

Dabatt'er1. fj‘noo< et de TRANSPORT~(15‘6effite

('apilal Anonyme

do l.r.no.OOM .).• I’i.istros au


P.P. Sassibbt

Chabert (on : V' f leave) - Chinoises)—Siege Social et Direction

TExploitation: Saigon: 5, Quai. le Myre de

Mme. C. Pi(|uel, de Vilers;Myth© Ad. , Tel: Postage-Saigon.

Correspondence Dept. . ; -Agences: gt, Cantho, ^Cpcbin-,

Mme. A. Mauboussih chine),Plmom-Penb,Battambang,

Stung-Treng (Cambadge); KbipnepPakes, ;Eratie,

J. Lop'

■ : ibme,,M* Bottier,j . Savannakek, . Yien-Tiaue et, Luang-


Mine. C. Ma'Robertson ,. ‘ - Prabang

d’Atbenes,(Laos). . Siege rSocial: Rue

Paris (9e)

Mlle.’M. lin

Phumy Ins.tal,lation—A Legros COMPTOIRS

Nhabe Installation—

C. Veybel. installation manager (Anciens GeNERAUX.

Etablissem§nts DE . lTnDOCHINE

Jacque et

M. Barthelet; ! ; 1 : , Daurelle Reunis)) 'Societe Anoiiyitic au

Ch. Tur'sah ' ’ 'M . Capital

ation de 20,000,.000

tousarticles: de franG%

Alimentation, Im.p<)rt-


M. G'risvard

R. Bonnot (marine dept.) Metallurgie, Quincaillerie, Ferronnerie,

Hydrotberapie, Menage, Machines El-

Haiphong Division— ectricite—Siege Social:Tel:56Cogepindo

a 69,- Bucet

: ■

O. Claviez, manager Catinat, Saigon;.;Ad.

Sales' Depattmerit'' Yorbaud. Administration Central©

Bureau d’achat a Paris: 17, Rue d’Astorg. .et

R. Grenard, hea'd Sales Succursales: Saigon, Pnom-Penli, Hanoi,

M. Bouchet (on leave)- ■ ' ' Haiphong,


R. Fournier,. Aulas, PI Rault, J. Dubourg,J. le Nam Dinh, Tourane. Agences,et Battam-

Cantho, Kampot a Vinh,

Sadie (on leave) i bang '

Hanoi Inspector—M.

Accounts Department de Villemandy Compagnie Franco-Amerioaine ©’Assur-

J.L. Bayer

Mitchell,i accountant ances, General Insurance—Rue

*■ idu e id w,M. Lefebvre; Teleph. 667; Gable Ad:


S. Nosmas

P. Mazieres

-. . i 1/

•' Shanghai Main office: 17, The Bund,

Shipping Department Charles. Martin,, gene/al manager

Ch. Poggiale : , , ; ; for.-xL^qgfiffqAjsq&b 1

:Q. H. Fung, chief clerk

Engineering Department

■T. Soler, chief engineer Truong Hao, chief comprador© :

Y. Gable , ; ■ . : . Y. S. Yeung, agent

Th uongly Installation— ■ Agents for ;.

Asia Life


Insurance Company

A. Stock, installation manager American. Internationa;! Under-

F. Bland in

F. Lesage writers i . ■

.American Asiatic Underwriters



Industrie!-Siege Social: Rue Turc Insurance:—

Compagnie Generale d’Assurances,



Belgium—26, Rue Lagrafidie South Andean Rail ways it Harbours,

Denmark BenJohannesburg

Line Steamships, Ltd., Leith

Consul — H. Thieullet, c/o Denis Prince Line

Freres dTndochine

Denis Freres dTndochine (Soci^te

Espagne - Rue Arairal Page Anonyme.: . Capital $2,000,000), Import

and Export—Cable Ad: Referendis.

Great Britain—Cable Ad: Britain Head Office: Saigon. Agencies: Hai-

Consul-General — J. D. Hogg, phong, Hanoi,; Tourane, Pnom-Penh

phdng, Hanoi, Tourane, Pnomlenh

m.b.e. Agencies

Vice-Consul—L. A. Slopes Llody's J

Italy La Societe Francaise des Char-

Vice Consul—Renzo Erancescnini Labonnages

Soci^te “duLe Tonkin

Tabac du Globe”

Japan La Socffite Indocbinoise des Allumet-

tes de Benthuy

Remington Typewriter (Annam)

Co., New Yprk

Netherlands—29, .Quai .de Belgique, ComitRdes

Paris, Assureurs

Bordeaux, Mari times de

Le Havre

Teleph. 79 Compagnie Cotiere de PAnnam

Norway—23b, Rue Georges Guynemer General Accident, Eire and Life

Consul —R. L. Ducliateau /iasurahee. CdTjidrafion, Ld.

Royal; Eichan'ge Assurance Cor-

Portugal—Rue Amiral Page RoTation

South BritishMarine

Mitsubishi Insurance

& FCo.,

ire Ld.


Siam Co., Ld. ,

L’ Union InceHtife, Auto, Vie

Sweden Yamashita Kisen Kaisha

'Herman &■ Bueknall Steamship

United States ok America —26, Rue ft: ' Stdhdard CO. ' ■0G •

Lagrandiere; Teleph.'88^ : VhcCuum Oil Go.

Consul—Quiucy F. Roberts

Vice-Consul—Donh Paul Medalie Descours et Cabaud, Produits Metal-

lurgiques (SocMte ; Anpnyme au

1‘Courrier de Saigon” Le, Journal Social: Capital de Frs. 100,000,000)—Siege

quotidien —121, Rue Catinat; Teleph. Saigon:Lyon1 Ubtfuce). Succursale de

Quai de Belgique;

143;,P 0-Box 141

Jean Faget, directeur Telephs. 83, 481. et 616; Cable Ad:


David St Co., Ltd., A. B.—Exporters of j Diethelm & Co., Merchants/ Commis-


of Jute bagsriceandandgeneha.1

produce; Importers sion and Chartering Agents—29,


Shipping and Insurance Agents—43/45 Quai de Belgique. Head Office:

Zurich. Branches: Singapore, Bang-

Rue Chaigneau, Saigon; Cable Ad: kok, Penang & Haiphong


A.F. H.B. Jerrard,

David, managing ■’ WrR.

E. F. Diethelrn, partnei

do. (Zurich)

director director W.


Fullemann, do.

G. A. Cacace, do. H. Hirsbrunnei*

B. Morbini • M. J. Sauer |I P;W.W.GudlerTroiiwdorst-

L. Trisch islr/'!>'! A. MTdmer | Y. Frey :


Agencies Nippon Marine Insurance Co.,

Java-China-Japan Line Ld. (Tokip)

Royal Packet Steam Navigation Cunard Steamship Co., Ld. (London)

Co. (IK.P.M.) Eastern and Australian S.S. Co.,

“Nederland” Royal Mail Line Ld.

Holland-Oost-Azie Lijn Furness, Withy & Co., Ld.

Nord-Deutscher Lloyd Bank Line (China), Ld.

Hamburg-Amerika Linie Rickmers



Bois dTndochine

States Steamship Company

Rotterdam Lloyd

Netherlands Fire Insurance Co., Etablissements Jean Comte, Impor-

(est. 1875) teurs; Automobiles, Cycles, Pousse

New Zealand Insurance Co., Ld. Pousse—34-38, Boulevard Norodom;

Telephs. 148 and 149; Cable Ad:

Draguerie Pharmacie Principale Sal- Lyteca. Bureau d’ Achat; 17 Rue

irene (Depot: Kodak-Path4), Opti- Daru. Paris

que Medicale, Lunetterie, Fourni-

tures Dentaires, Import, Export Succursale a Pnom-Penh — 95, Rue

and Commission—Place du Thea- raire

tre; Codes; Natio; Lugagne, Cogef, M. Auzenda, directeur


Drillien, Francis M. M., French extra Forges Ateliers et Chantiers d’In-


Steamshipmarine Surveyor

Owners’ and adviser.

Agent—148, do-chine (Capital: 3,000,000 Francs)

Rue —Siegh

Richaud Social: 2, Quai de la


Eastern Extension Australasia and Gestetner Duplicators, Concession-

China Telegraph, Ltd. (Incorpor- aries for Indo-China: Soci^te Indo-

ated in London)—Cape St. James chinoise de Materiel M4canique

Station (Anciens Etablissements A; Den-

A. Stevens, Manager-Engineer holm)—22-24, Rue C'antinat, Sai-

F. S. Coote gon; and 1, Quai du Canal Trans-

The Export and Import Co., Ltd. versal, Cholon; Teleph. Cholon 247

of Cochinchine, General Merch-

ants, Shipping and Insurance

Agents, etc.—39 Quai de Belgique; Hale & Co.,

RiceWm. G. (Societe. Com-

Teleph. 278; Cable Ad: Rice; merciale), and Produce Exporters,

Shipping, Insurance — 7, Quai de


A. M.Bentley’s, Acme.director

da Cruz, etc. Belgique; Cable Ad: Hale

A. D. Barretto

Indocfine Films et Cinemas, Ste.—

A.F. M.M.daBailey (Paris)

Cruz, jnr. Location: Achat-Yente de Films et

C. G. Rozario d’Appareils des Meilleurs Maisons,

Y. A. da Cruz Exploitation et Gerance directe de

A. Roger Cinemas et Theatres edition de

J. Gueit Films

A gencies

Union Insurance Society Keller, J., Importation-^72, Rue Mac-

Ltd. (Hongkong) (Fireof& Canton,

Marine) Mahon; Teleph. 740; Cable Ad:

Royal Exchange Assurance (London) Jikel




(Fire, Insurance

Marine andCo.,Motor)

Ltd. “L’Impartial,” Journal . quotidien—

Compagnie d’Assurances Generales 26, Rue Lagrandi^re; Teleph. 239

(Paris) (Marine)

Asahi Marine and Fire Co., Ld. “L’Opinion,” Journal quotidien—146,

(Tokio) Rue Pellerin

L’Union CoMmetuiiale Indochinoise Mission- de

180, Saigon (Cochinchine)—

et Afbicaine, Agence de Saigon, Eveche, Rue Richaud

Vicar Apostolic—Mgr. I. Dumoftier

Importation, Exportation, Consign- Pro.-Vicar General—E. Soullard

ation de Navires, Agence de Com- Secy, to the Bishop—A. De Qoopman

pagnies d’Assurances—34, Boulevard Saigon Cathedral '

Charner; Cable Ad : Ucindo E. Soullard, R. Thommeret. & J. Yen

L. Oberlinder, directeur de Saigon Seminary—6, Boulevard Luro

Tagence Superior—A. Delagnes


F. Parrel Seininel, R. Detry and

MASONIC Procure des Missions Etrangeres—4, rue

Ancient & Accepted Scottish Bite Colombert

—Temple: 153, rue MacMahon; P. Moreau

P.O. BoxCouncil

Supreme 139. Jurisdiction

for France and of her


Colonies: Areopage: “La Frat'ernite Ogliasteo & Co., Louis, Merchants—50,

Quai de Belgique; Cable Ad: Oghastro;


Bose-Croix ChapterNo.No.579431: “Con- Codes: A.B.C. 5th and 6th edns., Lieber’s

fucius”of Perfection No. 555 “ Les Bentley’s, Scott’s, Acme


Abeilles d’Orient” Agencies

Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of The Peninsular & Oriental Steam

France: Lodge No. 401: “La Ruche Navigation CO., London

d’Orient” The Dollar Steamship Line and

American Mail Line

Central Agency,

California Ld,, Glasgow

Corrugated Culvert Co.,

Abeopage Le Reveil de l’Obient West Berkely, California

(Grand Orient de France)—38, Jules Robin S. A., Cognac

Rue Taberd Parc’s Confectionery Works, Ld., La


Aeeopage Le Reveil de l’Obient W. R. Jacob & Co., Dublin

(Grand Orient de France)—30, John Haig & Co.,

Anglo-French London

Textile Co., Madras

Rue Taberd Cie. d’Assurance Generaies contre


Royal & lesCo.,

Insurance Explosions,

Ltd., Paris


Loge Le Reveil de l’Obient (et les Union Insurance Society of Canton,

Fervents du Proges reunis)—30, Ltd.

Rue Taberd Cie d’Assurances General sur la


Rite Ecossais Ancian Accepte, Loge Cie d’Assurances “Le Nord” contre

—No. 401, “La RuchOrient” i’Incendie et les Accidents

Loge Khong Phu Ts

Pathe Oeient, Phonographs and Re-


Chine (Capital: Fleviales Cochin- cords,

10,000,000de Francs)—

Cinematograph Apparatus &

Moving Pictures—10, Boulevard

Siege Social: 5, Rue d’Athenes, Paris Charner; Teleph. 336; Cable Ad:

Chinphono, Code : Bentley’s

Messageries Maritimes —Khan-hoi M. Lepicard, manager

E. Pascalis, agent general for French J. Fadhot

Indo-China and the Strails

M. Brodbecker, agent for Saigon

L. Challiol and A. Jouve, sub-agents MagasinAlbert—Imprimeur,

Poetail, Libraire,

de Vente et Bureau: 185 a 189,

Agencies Rue Catinat.

Kipling Ateliers: 1, Rue Rudyard

British India S.N.

Osaka Shosen Co., (Europe)

Kaisha Ltd.

Cie. Gen. Transatlantique (Passages) Rizeeies d’Extreme Orient—Bureaux et

Cie. Gle. Transatlantique (French Siege Social: 301, Quai des Jonques,

Line) Cholon; Cable Ad: Rizorien, Cholon


ftiZERiES MeridiojStales jion(Societe Ay me L’Urbaine

Capital: 12,000,000 francs), Bice Millers

and Shippers—Head Office: Marseille. cident) it La Seme, Paris (Ac-

Saigon Branch: P.O. Box 554; Cable Ad: L’Urbaine,

L’Urbaine, Paris (Life)

Baris (Eire)


D.F. B.i

Bellas, mang. dir. . The Union Insurance Society of Can-

Bellas, manager ton, Ltd.-(Fire and Marine)

V. Bellas, do. Societe des Corps Gras d:Extreme

C. Bellas, do. Orient

B.O. Fiehefc

Franceschini I A. Mialhe Bue Paul(Capital:

Blanehy2,300,000 Francs)—20,

Miss M. Ac-hard ; M. Mut Societe d’Exploitation

Sincere Insurance & Investment Co., ments Bro!3sard-Mopin,desEnterprises


Ltd., The—19 Me Pellerin, Head Office: Generales—Siege

Ad: Brosexpioi. Social:

Agences: Saigon.

Saigon, Cable


Hong Kong with 10 other branches, Penh, Singapore, Tientsin J. Fontaine,

Capital $1,200,000

The Siricere Co.,-Ltd., general mgr. directeur general

Agepce de Saigon:

Teleph. 94 48, Bue Bichaud-

Societe Agricole & Industrielle ‘ de

Cam-Ttem (Societe Anony me)—Siege Society Franpaise des Distilleries de


202. Agence a Saigon:generale

19, Bue aVannier;

Baris: Tel^ph.

12, Bue A.lTndochtni: (Anciens Etablissements

Boissy d’Anglas. . B. Fontaine &. ,Co )—Siege, Social:

! pour

10, Bue, La Boetie,

Le Tonkin Paris.Annam:

et le Nord Direction


Societe Anonyme Etablissements pour Boulevard Gambetta, Hanoi. Direction,

la Cochinchine et ,le Cambodge :

DuMarest d'Tndo-Chine 117, Bu;e Bichaud, Saigon; Cable Ad:

Sqciete Anonyme Bliouterie Barisienne Distamy

J. Giuntoli (an Capital de $180,000, Societe PIavraise Indochinoise (Societe


Catinat verses)—135 a 143, Bue Anonyme,') Rice and Export Produce,

A. Guysunet, administrateur-delegue I Cable Shipping Insurance—17, Rue Lefebvie;

M. Cham bon, directeur prede de Ad: Havraise: Usual Codes


L. Boca | M. Heger Sqciete,Indochinoise


Commerce, Lyp.,&


Societe Anonyme pour l’Exploitation Guynemer; Insurance Agents23— bis, Rue Georges

ot la Maison • L. Caffort (Capital: j Socinco. Teleph. 792 Cable ' Ad:

2,500,000 Francs)—125, Bue Catinat Managing Direct ors—R. L. Duchateau

Societe Anonyme des: Biz dTndochine- Agents and G. M. Duchateau -

Denis Freres, Ex-portateurs de Biz et Jor\Assurance Co., London


Mais^-4, Rue Catinat; Telephs.136 et 667; “Alpina'” Marine Insurance Co. .

Cable Ad: Compafinch. Agence : de la Cie.


Ffiy, ParisIndochinoise'

(V111°). ' 28, : Bue General feociETf: Indochinoise de Materiel

Coriseil d’Admiriistration ' Mecanique (Anciens Etablissements A1

Denholm), Societe-Aoonyme au Capita,

S icieteCommerctale Franpaise de, lTn- de 180)000 . Piastres, Consulting En-


15, Quai de Society Belgique;Anohyme—Bureau:

Cable Ad: Rauzy I! gineei’st-Siege Social,:'22-24, Bue Catihatl,

E. Mille, administrateur-d^l^gue , : Saigon;

1, Quai pirectiori

du Canal Technique

Transversal,& Ateliers:


Agencies' ': • ■ : Teleph. Choi on 247 P.O,. Box 248, Saigon;

Cable Ad: Dengin, Saigon; Cockn

Danish East Asiatic Go., Ltd. . ■ Bentley’s Second


Wilh. East Asiatic

Wilhelmsen, OsloCo., Ltd; "

. . Austra

Klavenpss Line ;

1 ian-Orieptal Line,' Ltd; / , ', , , v: < Societe Im.mob,ilie!:e dk l’Indo,-Ciiine,

T^\e; Siam, ^te^ih; jNavAggtiqn, Cq.,'jAd- t —Siege Societe Anonyme Gcvauce dTmmeubles

Social: 42, Boulevard BonUrd


SociiTit Indochinoise de Transports, Automobiles, Canots, Velos-Motos Ac-

cessoires et Piece D^tachees. Services,

Automobiles et Electricite—4, Rue? Filip- • Journaliers

pini; Cable Ad: Sit CochinchineSubventionnes

et au Cambodge—37Voyageursa 41,


Societe Nestle, Laits Condenses Sucre, kan^Pnom, Rue d’Espagne; Teleph. 132. Rue Hassa-

Pgnh (Cainbodge); Teleph 54

Non-sucre, Sterilise; Creme,' Farine

Lactee, Fromages, Chocolats et Bonbons

—35 & 37, Hue Mac-Mahon; T41eph. 162; Societe —Siege

Urbaine Fonciere Indo-chinoise


P.O. Box 29; Cable Ad: Nestis ;

J. Kassel, directeur Teleph. 619; Cable, 24,Ad:Rue Legrandiere;

S.U.F. 1

P. (Gletaz | J. Deslex Socony- Vacuum Corporation—Banque

Society Marseillaise d’Outre-Mer, Im- de : ITndochine: Building; Cable ; .Ad:

port and Export—2, Rue Ohier, Saigon. Standvac C. fj.J. E.LaSerty, maiiager '

180, Hue Armand Russean, Pnom Penh. Rea, attorney

21, Rue Harmand; Haiphong. Cable E.D. M.

W. Branela,

Nelson, d.>.do.

Ad: Smo

Societe d’Oxygene et d’Acetylene de J. F. Lefebvre (Tourane)

Extreme Orient—Siege Social: 48, Reu M. G.L. Pretre

A.Bietrix Ulrich (Pnompenh)' •

St. Lazare, Paris du Villars

Societe des Plantations, d’An-loc (So-

ciete anonyme)—Siege Social: 12 Rue R.C- T.Marinho

Bauman, accountant

| F. X. da Luz

Boissy d’Anglas, Paris. Direction pour W. Turner (supt.) Nhabe

Flndochine: a Anloc. Teleph. No. 3 a Union Commercials Indochinoise &

Xuanloc: Aericaine, Grands Magasins Charner—

Comte R. de Vogue, president Angle Boulevard Charner et Bonard

Arnaud de. Vogue, administrature (Grands Magasins de Nouveautes)


SociETE Texas Company (China) Ltd., The—9,




Francs)de— Rue H.Georges Guynemer

Siege Social: 213, Rue Catinat, Service H. K.Corra, dist. mgr.

Dupouy, marketing assist.

financier et Administratif: Agence F. Goubert, acct.

financiere d’L C. Miss

WilsonC. Lo Filipetti

Societe des Transports et Messageries

de lTndochine (Anciennement V. Tramways, Compagnte FsANgAisK de

Ippolito and Grand

Capital 6,500,000 francs.Garage


General l’Indochine—Siege Social: 1, Rue de

des Automobiles Peugeot, Grand Garage Stockholm,

tion: 138,

Paris. Direction Exploitai

Rue Paul Blanchy; Cable Ad:

et Atelier de Constructions Mecaniques. Tramindo


This town, distant four miles from Saigon, with which it is connected by one


Colony. and two steam

Cholon may betramways,

said to beis thethe granary

seat of most of the Chinese

of Cochin-China, and istrade

the ofcenter


of much commercial activity. Most of the rice mills are located in this place, there

being no fewer than 10, of which five are owned by a French society. The town

is administered by a Municipal Council, composed partly of French, partly of


buildings areandthepartly

Mairieof (Town


Inspectionis (Provincial

about 200,000.Government),

The principalthe

Maternity, and the Hdpital. There are also a fair number of gorgeous Chinese

pagodas in the city.

Bl 58 '€HOLON


President de la Commission Municipale: J.eak Mazet

VILLE DE CHOLON Comptabilite regionale: Joseph Le

Commission Munigipale de Cholon Phat-Tinh, ,de Bureau

President—Jean Mazet Hygiene: Dr. fiamijean, medecin ppal

Membres Titulaires Fran§ais: Bar- de 2e cl. de 1’Assistance medicale

douillet (ler adjoint), Chante et De chef de Service

Ligondes Regies des Halles et Marches: Coppo-

Membres Titul lires Annamites : Tran- lani, Regisseur .(en conge)

Yan-Kiem (2e adjoint), NgO-Van- Santucci, controleur ppal de lere cl.

Hue, Nguyen-Van-Sam, Nguyen- ffons de Regisseur

Dang-Lieng Regies des Abattoirs: Gualino, Regisseur

Membres Titulaires Chinois: Du- h. cl., regisseur

Xuong (3e adjoint) Luu-Canh, Services Techniques Legris, Ingenieur

Trung-Hiep de 3e cl. des Cadres regionaux, chef

Membres Supleants Frs: Souhaite, du Service des batinents

Chaliamel Meslier, Ingenieur-adjoint de lere cl.

Membres Supleants Chinois: Lau- des Cadres regionaux. Chef du ser-

Tsang, Tao-Dien-Tuong vice du Plan et Extensions

Tournier, Ingenieur-ad joint de alhre

Administration Municipale cl. des Cadres regionaux, charge du

Secretariat General: Elie Pommez, See. des Eaux et de 1’Electrique

administrateur de 3e classe des S: Regies des Abattoirs: Gualino, regis-

C., Chef du Secretariat seur h. cl., regisseur

Comptabilite Regies d’Ebouages et Vidanges: lance,

Batie, chef: deRobert


de 2e declassela controleur .ppal de lere cl., ffohs de


detache de la Region de Saigon-Cholon, Commissariat du’‘4e Arondissement:

chef de bureau (en conge) Phaure, commissaire de 2e cl., com-

Joseph Le-Phat-Tinh, chef de Bureau missaire

d’Etat-civil, cumulant les fonctions Commissariat du 5e Arrondissement:

de Chef du Bureau de la Comptabite Carpentier, commissaire de lere,cl.,

Etat-civil : Joseph Le-PhaETinh, chef commissaire

de Bureau de 14re cl. de la Munici- Surete: Alexandre, inspecteur ppal

palite, Chef de Bureau de 2e cl., ffons de Commissaire

Enseignement : Marie Decler, Inspecteur

h. cl. de Penseignement, professeur

des ecoles municipales Epizooties: Dr. Lebon, docteur veter-

Recette inaire

de leremunicipale: Rochet Raoul,

classe, rpceveur payeur

municipal Service Medical: Dr. Fabry, mede-

cine-chef d FHopital Lalung-Bon-


REGION DE SAIGON-CHOLON Contributions Directes: Cordier, chef

Secteur de Cholon du Bureau de lere, cl. des S.C., ffons

de controleur

Delegation de Cholon: Pommez^ Ad- • Conservation Fonciere: Rollin, con-

ministrateur de 3e cl. des: Services- servateur ppal de -3e -cl., conserva-

Civils, Delegue Special teur


*deg Cambodia,

30 min. the kingdom

longitude of the and

Khmer,fromextends deg.from 101 deg.

to 1430 deg.

min. latitude.

to 104

It was reduced to itsE.present

of Paris,proportions in10 1300 by30 the

min. annexation of its two


ichest provinces,

It is bounded Angkor

on theand Battambang,

south-west by thetoGulf

Siam.of Siam,

Its area

on theissouth-east

about 62,000 square

by French

j. Cochin-China, on the north by the French Laos, and on the north-west and west

by Angkor

and, and Battambang.

after passing through French The noble river Mekong

Cochin-China, flowsitself,

empties throughbythea kingdom,'


of mouths, into the sea. The Mekong is the grand waterway of Cambodia, and,

like the Nile in Egypt, lays the greater part of the country

greatly increasing its fertility. The soil of Cambodia is rich and productive, and ricr, under water annually,

pepper, indigo, cotton, tobacco, sugar, maize and cardamoms are cultivated. Coffee

and spices of all sorts could be grown. Among woods, ebony, rose, sapan, pine,

inandtheother valuable

forests. Ironsorts exist,quality

of good no fewer

has than

been 80discovered,

different kinds

and it ofis timber

affirmedbeingthat found


are gold, silver, and lead mines in the mountains. The fisheries of Cambodia are very

productive, and salt fish forms one of the chief articles of export. Large quantities

•of fish oil are also produced.

muchCambodia was once anthan

higher civilisation extensive

that and

whichpowerful State, andin proofs

now prevails that it possessed

the country are to bea

/found in the architectural remnants of former grandeur. The noble ruins of the

ancient city of Angkor are monuments of : a people much superior to the feeble race

which now inhabits Cambodia. The Cambodians differ entirely from their neighbours,

the Annamites, both in features and customs. Polygamy is practised among them.


have prevailing

allowed thereligion

trade tois fall

Buddhism. The people

into the hands are apathetic

of Chinese. Slavery, andsinceindolent, and

its abolition

by the French Treaty of 1884, has almost entirely disappeared.

The Government of Cambodia is a monarchy under French protection. In June

1884, King Norodom signed a new Treaty with France, by which the administration of

the country was handed over to French Residents. Since the Convention of 1892

the native functionaries have been appointed, by the King, under "the control of the

French Administration, and paid from the treasury of this kingdom.

Phnom-penh, the Mekong,

present nearly

capitalinoftheCambodia andkingdom.

seat of theTheGovernment, palaceis


a large onbuilding,

the riverand the portion devoted toI heart

his useofisthe

built and furnished king’s

in European

style. French functionaries have charge of the Treasury, Sanitary Board, administration

of justice, customs, public works and taxes. Phnom-penh has been considerably improv-

j-ed under the present rule, especially since the year 1889. Many roads have been made

and numerous sanitary works carried out in the town, such as drainage works,

the filling up of pools, marshes, etc. The town has also been provided with

waterworks and electric light. The Treasury, in the ancient Khmer style of


a>'e the Post Office, is a most


Hospital, building.

Personnel The and other prominent

Registration Office,public buddings


of Police, barracks for Marine Infantry, Public Works Office, Commercial Museum,

Harbour Superieur

I; Resident Office, andhasthea handsome


Bank and in theMessageries

city. Though Fluviales agencies.is asThe

the country yet


Lportance, and trade

the is


and considerably.

export trade passes Cambodia

through has

the no

port seaports

of baigon. of Customs

any im-

dues have been imposed since July, 1887, with exemptions in favour of French


in certain and shipping.

points. TheTheporttariffof Kampot

is based canon theonlygeneral tariff of France,

be frequented by smallmodified


coasting vessels from Siam and by Chinese junks. Easy communication is afforded


with theandprincipal towns of the interior, Saigon, Angkor, and

Khone, in the Laos, by subsidized mail steamers of the MessageriesBattambang, and Stung-

Fiuyiales. Telegraphic communication exists between the principal towns of Cam-


with Bangkokland

and a wire passing

and Tavoy (Burmah).through Cambodia and Laos connects Cochin-Chiea






de l’Indochixe. Biz-AlcoDls--Direc- Exportation, Lotih'A manager ■ v


tion pour la .Cpchinchjne et 'le

Caroboclge—117,.rue Richard Saigon ' La’caze, Freysspnge, assistant



240: Cablede l’Indochin i?—T^lephs.

Ad: Indochirie, 61 et


Code: Bentley’s Etarlissements Dumarest d’Indochine,


mportation-Expof tatjpViCable

Phnoinpenh; — 72^Ad: Dum-


Brousse, Alix, Magasiiis Modernes arest. • Siege’Social:'Saigon ;

Coiffeur, Parfumerie, Chapellerie,

Chaussures, Nouveautes, Articles pour Exploitation, Forestiere ,bu Mekono

Homme et de Sport,—14, 15, 16 et 17, Phnom-Penh, Toutes essences de hois—

Quai Lagrandierei Teleph. 104' Usine a Chrui; Chana-vvar; Teleph. 8;

, ' Cable Ad: Forestiere,‘Phnom-Penh


TION, d’ExTREME, Orient, Importation- Mont-de-Piete en Beg ib Indirecte

Exportation, Assurance Le Secr^taire-Genl. de la Mairie, contr.

I Pi Heng

Blacconi, fpnde de pouypirs

Yi, compradore



Des Rizeries dij Bassac


de ;

Frcs.et 7,000-,000)’

d’Indo-Chine — (Au


Ad: Riz, Angre)—Teleph.

brisures, hois de375luxe et de con-

Cosofrindo Phnompeuh; Code: Interna- struction

tional Lugagne.Lyon

Place Tolozan, Direction Generale: 19,

Soies Cambodge & Cqchinchine (Son. An,

au Capital de 6,000.000 de Francs)*—


Pnom-Penh; Telbph.Usineset Bureaux:

32;- Cable. /Ad:

et de Transports—Teieph. 52 Cosofrindo, Pnom-Penh; CodgkRugagne

Lienart, hon. agent-principal

Agent ■ ^ International. Agent en’

, France: Cie,


chine (19, de.s

PlaceSoies dp Fi ance

Tolozan, Lyon;et,,dTndo-


Messageries Maritimes Barre 9-57; Cable Ad: CQsforindq, Lynn

Chargeurs Pieunis

Classified. List of Agents, Merchants

and fl anafact aiders in this

territory, also a List of Ca~ble

Addresses, -will be fonnd at the

Lnd of the Directory. Classided

List of Far Fastern Engineering

Firms follows Fong Fong.



Shanghai Commercial &

Savings Bank Ltd.

Capital paid up $5,000,000.00

Reserves $7,500,000.00

With 70 Branches at principal cities and correspondents

in all other important centres in China and throughout the

world. Provides for a complete banking service. It is well

equipped for the transaction of all classes of domestic and

foreign business including the purchase and collection of com-

mercial bills, purchase and sale of drafts, cable transfers, and

financing shipments of merchandise.



Telegraphic Address; “COMSAVBANK ”


6, Queen’s Road, Central

Telegraphic Address: Telephone:

“Shacombank” 31116


The kingdom of Siam, of wliich Bangkok is the capita], extends from' the latitude of

| about 20 deg. north to the Gulf called after itself. It is bounded on the west by

| Burmah and the Bay of Bengal, and on the east by the Mekong and the French

J:| claimed


as theof Luang


in 1893 theFormerly


Lai Mountains

the claimswereof

I;l. were


to the territory

to retire. The most important part of the kingdom the

between the mountains and the river, and lies Siamese

in the

|I! on valley of the

the Bay Menam,reach

of Bengal, the from


Burmahof thein atrue Siamese.lineThe

southerly boundaries

to the northernoffrontier


|i of Kelantan and Kedah in the Malayan Peninsula in the latitude of about 7 deg. north,

1:t 1 The island ofof Siam.

the territories Puket, The containing

boundaryenormous deposits offromtintheore,mouth

line runs south-east is included

of the Perilsin

River across the Peninsula slightly to the north of Kota Bharu, the capital of Kelantan.

i Kedah, Under theKelantan

Treaty ofand. 1909Trengganu,

Siam cededand to Great Britain herwas

the boundary Malaydelimitated

dependenciesofin thePerils,


! '.'•weather of 1909-10.

of Lao, hut the rich andThevaluable


also comprises a great partonceofa the

of Battambang, partancient domain

of thA kingdom

I of Camoudia, was coded Co France in 1907. A Treaty concluded between France and

| Siam in 1904 settled some disputed points with regard to the frontier between Siam and

r -Cambodia and Siam and French Indo-Ohina. By a further treaty in 1907 the

1<1: exchange

territoriesforof Battambang,

the.district ofSiKrat eh-reap and'Angkor

and some were cededin byLansai

slight concessions Siam(Laos).

to France


| at the same time, agreed to the’ gradual abandonment of the extra-territorial privileges

| hitherto enjoyed by French-Asiatic subjects and proteges in; Siam. During the second

11;fl decade

nearly allof this century

countries withSiam concluded

which' she has new GeneralByandthese

relations. Commercial

treaties SiamTreaties with


-complete fiscal a’nd'jurisdictional autonomy,: subject to certain

and safeguards. The various dependencies and out-skirts are peopled by a variety of temporary- limitations

! races, some sui generis, otlxSrs illustrating every form and shade of the transition

1| between the original race and the; Annamites on the east, and the Malays and

Si Burmese on ' the south and west. The- former capital of Siam was Ayuthia,

J situated - on: theof Menam Chad-Phya-river, about 90between miles from its mouth. In

jl| Burmese

1767 a series culminated, bloody

in the and .capture

desperate andcombats destruction ofthethatSiamese city and by the


i|if i victorious

moved , downBurmese general

tlie river aboutand66 miles,

the consequent

and there exodus

founded ofthethepresent conquered.


ir flourishing city of Bangkok. The chief of the Siamese Army rallied the scattered

»nf the troops, and, building a . walled city at, Dhonburi (i.e., Bangkok on the west bank


i|| underriver,,the the

title mo^f-m,

Pya T^ik.capital beingP’yamainly

In 1782 on the insane,

Tak became east bank),

and thedeclared

kingdom himself


iu. his most distinguished general,, named Chao P’ya Chakkri, who founded the present

■■ dynasty.

sterling. PriorThe actual

to 1896revenue

when ofa Siam

Europeanis howfinancial


seven was

and eight million pounds

first engaged for the

purpose of reorganising.' the national finances, the revenue accounted for was little

HH more than Ticals i-8;00q,000 but‘the amount steadily" increased, and

March 31st. 1930; reached Ticals 1-06,'439.946. Since then Siam has felt the effects-of for the year ending

II the world depression. In-the year 1931-1932 the actual revenue amounted to Ticak


78,948,232.laterForby the year 1932-33 Ticals

approximately- the budget estimates

3 milUon.,, of revenue were'Ticals 74,864,000.

Budget:—1933-34—Actual Revenue:

jjB TicalsTicals 83,400,000;

74,467,088; Actual Expenditure:

Eapanditure Estimates: Tio>als 74,000,000.

,79,250^614. 1634:35:—Bevehue Estimates:

193r>-36—Ptevenue Estimates:;

■ Ticals 85.961,462; Expenditure Esfimates.: . Ticals . Si«aih floated'her first

I: Internal Loan (of Ticals-10 million), ip, May, 1033. A proposal to. adbpP the gold


standard was mooted in 1899, but did not come to anything till November, 1902,, !'

when the by

abandoned Mintforcewasofclosed

economicto thepressure

free coinage

on Mayof11th, silver.1932The

andgold standard was

the currency was |f

linked to Sterling. A triennial poll-tax used to be

now been changed to an annual capitation-tax paid by all under Siamese jurisdic-imposed upon Chinese, but this has !f

tion. In 1933 income and business taxes were introduced. Siam entered the Universal S

Postal Union on the 1st July, 1885.

the The

any 11thfirst



April, 1893.line,Itmentioning,

traffic worth


is a Bangkok

purely to Paknam,line,washaving

but passenger

the dividend

openedbeenby unable

averages about

the Kingget

seven pertocent.

on Ji



line railway, The

completed. a Government

firstthesection, line from

via Ayuthia

Bangkok totoKorat,

Ayuthia, was athedistance

first important

of about 1

50 miles, was opened on 26th March, 1897. Another section, to Gengkoi, was 1I


whole line on November

was opened1st,to 1897, traffic ainthird,

November, to Hinlap,

1900. onTheApril 1st, 1898,ofand

construction the 1I

a line

branching off the Korat line near Ayuthia and intended to open up the country to I


Lopburi was commenced in June, 1898, and the first section (42 kilometres) to' 1

(118 km.),waswasopened openedto traffic

to trafficon 1stin April,

November, 1901. 1905,



to Pitsanulok in 1907, JI

and the last section

to1903.Petchaburi, to Chiengmai

via construction

Katburi, 152 ofkm. on January was1st,opened;

1922. Thetraffic line running south-west

part of .jl||I

In 1909 the thislong,

Southern line wastocontinued in from

the early


and has now been completed to the Kedah frontier at Padang Besar and to the ll


Penang was frontier

openedat Sungei

on JulyGolok. A through

1st, 1918, and therail journey

service between

only takes Bangkok and |ljl

26 hours,


been continued to Aranya Prades near the Cambodian frontier. The Korat- : I|

Eastern line from Bangkok to Petriew was completed^ in 1908. It has now

line is beingin continued

was opened November, to1908,Ubon. and aAsection

furtherto section

Utaraditof andthe North

Pang Tonline,Phung,

to Ban with

Dara,a II


to traffic as far as Pak Tha, and the survey of the route to Chiengmai had made open

line to Sawankalok, at the end of 1909. By November, 1913, the line was good j!|K


was opened Theto war delayed

Chiengmai the completion

towards the end of of the The

1921. Northern

total line, butof through

length State traffic IIj|


open to traffic on January 1st, 1933, was 2,995 kms. A line from Kon Kaen to Nong J||

Kai is at present under

Paknam, construction. The private A fleetrailway companies comprise the ]|'I

runs fromMeklong and Phrabad

the metropolis Companies.

in all directions up-country toofthesteam and west.

east gmd motor launches-

In 1933-34, the total value of all imports into Siam was Ticals 92,963,376, and of J:

exports, Ticals 144,079,012.(Ticals The figures for11/32).


were the Ticals 88,523,017

year,,theand mainTicals-

ex- I(-||: i?

ports were: respectively.

167,745,595 Rice—Ticals 96,258,445; 1=1/10Tin—Ticals 24,231,634; latter

Teak—Ticals 4,552,094.


by 14% andexport teak is3^rice

. which in 1934-35 constituted 57 of total exports, followed -jjl

militaryThe Army is small, but forces

in recent of theyears great progressdividedhasinto been achieved ofin I di

infantry, matters.

4 battalionsTheof Cavalry,

land 8 groups ofKingdom

artillery, are 2 battalions 18 battalions

of Engineers and 2


contingent of volunteers,

of Signallers. consisting

At the ofinvitation

aviators of the

and motor Allied Powers

transport Siamto France-

troops, sent a Kj - i

in June. 1918. A form of conscription is in force throughout the country. The- Is

Royal Military College in Bangkok has been one of the principal factors in the


being made to effected in thefrom

its strength Army.time toThetime.Navy is small, but additions are constantly |jh

The last

found to379,618, census

be madeCambodianswas taken

up as follow:—Siameseon July 15th,10,493,304,

1929, when the population of Siam wasand /Id:’s

Malays 60,668, Annamites 5.321, Chinese 445,274,Burmese

Shans 27.505, Indians 4,880,


1935, the total andestimated


1,920, Japanese 295, Others 87,422—Total 11,506,207. In a

was 13,266,000.

On June 24th 1932 a successful coup d’etat took place in Bangkok, the result of r>

which was the acceptance by the King of a form of constitutional government. I|


bloodless coupthat with ontheJune

detat policy

20thof1933, the headed

new Ministers ledPhya

to aBahol,

secondwhoandhasequally ^

Premier since date. In October of the samebyyear, Colonel

an armed revolt organisedbeen by j; p(y



reactionary elements was suppressed' by the government. The .Gohsitutio-ri^ provides

that the King is the Head of the State; he exercises'legislative;

1 power By and- with

the advice(which

Council, and ednsent of the Beople’s

. correspondsjto'a' Assembly,

Cabinet), and'executive power< thVbugh'

judicial power through: the



duly established by law. 1

On MarchKing,

proclaimed 2, 1935, King Prajadhipok

a Council Of Regencyabdicated,

; and H;M.

heihg appointed Ananda

to act duringMahidol

the Kih'was




s .The, city pf. Bangkok is ^i(tua,te4 pji,]>o^h si^les.of the Menam about 25 .mites from


river city, proper,stieam unntus

enclosed itselfbyinto

partly, a wall,tlie Gu

. Thef Royal On thephlactes

left and'Govern-

bank of the

ment, Offices,

beingl adjacentaretp,within

thp thp,, wall,,orthe’mainforeign

principal street fnopgs’

bf the and,the'

cityk prihcipal-.'rice 'mills

eipally occupied By Siamese,'Oh’iiiese and'Maiiommedan' ;

residents. The bulkisofprin-

The right bank tBfe

business is transacted on the left. Here a road, called New Road—in Siame&hOhafurh


along from theof aboutrsix

it for a distance Palace walls to Bangkolemj

miles. Another-eleetric and thetramway electrictotramway

Sam sen has runsa

length of four miles. Other lines opened in 1906, traverse the city and its environs in

various directions, the total length being about 12 miles. All the tramway services


roadsin have

the hands

been madeof therecently,

Siam Electric Cffip'orationj

and its immediate Ltd. have

suburbs Various

now somenew 400 streets



cipal trade of Bangkok, and the foundation on which not only its prosperity butprin-

roads. Bangkok is in direct wireless-communication with Europe. The its


only from existence mainly rests,fields

the innumerable is rice.


the fertileis drawn

valleyin ofimmense

the Menam, quantities,

but from not



crescent rivers

which which

fringesflow into the Gjalf.fram

the northern extremitythe enormous

of the kingdom. watershed of the ofmoun-

The output this

graip,in fayourahkpiears is, soaregi-y fo be calculated, (k not only, fi^rpi^hys support tp ,.

the native population of Siaip/ind, the,Malay! PeninsfjBb ^f‘:|arg^ly

supply of China, Manila, tb© Straits, Java, andSniijatra; fijl^i’ge ampuntis also (sent p d9hjtH.buf' e s' t p;' the


Europe and, even to


many South Aineriya.

other minor& Swire There is! also a large trade ,in teal:-wood' and


b f hhtiv^

China and ! Butterfield rs givepj-pflUGe

ayegul^b vffiicli ar© e^ipb^tbd

Weekly connfectiQiilio

with Hbngkbfig and Swatow; and the Straits Steamship Op. has a;deekly service With


Singapore andTheBangkok. British-India TheS.Osaka

N. Co.Shosen

also mhifitains

Kaisha maintainsa-‘freduehta connhctibn

service'between y'ith

Singapore and NethCrlands-India. There are always1 a’ number of Notwegiah and

Japanese steamers chartered by Bangkok

provides regular connection wi'tli the' coast ports. firms. TlnP ' S iaih' Steam Navigation Co.

in the TheWang

publicNu, buildings

Bangkok,and institutions

and consistsinclude of twothebuildings*—that!

Royal Museum,onwhich is situated

the left of 'the

approach contains the natural history collections and ethnological exhibits from

Japan, China, Java, etc.; that ,oh the right (fromerly a royal ; building)

1 contains the


and St. ethnological

Mary’s. Mission; collectibh.

four Roman There Catholic

are two 'Protestant

OfAirches; 1Churches

nine Hospitals —Christ(two.being


maintained by and for the^ aCCommoilation of Europfeans,

nurses). Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, maintained by the Siamese Red Cross , with! a staff of European

Society, is one of the finest and best equipped hospitals in the East. The Society has

also under ' building,

a spacious its chargewas the opened


1899,‘thefirst openedCharity

Sister#-bt* in 1905.being St. inLouis’ Hospital,

chfirge. The


French Roman Catholic

Americanof Presbyterian Mission maintains two £fihdqls.for boys and two fot girls. The

system education is Mission,

thoroughly also,uphastoadate'and

school, foktheboysUniversity

and orid for girls. The

comprises State


of Medicine, Political Science, Engineering, and Literature and Science. An Act was


girls alike. Itinis 1921 making

in force ih only elementary

a few places,education

but these compulsory

are beingand free forextended.

gradually boys and

W hong = a large shop or store


There are Railways

the State four first-class hotels—the

Department, and Oriental, the Royal, the

the Trocadero—and Rajdhani,

several smallerbelonging

ones; andto


Club and the Royal Turf Club. The King’s palaces and the temples are magnificentSilom

clubs including—the British Club, the Royal Bangkok Sports Club, The and

on a large scale; the architecture is of a kind peculiar to the country; and there is much

of novelty and interst to be witnessed by the passing traveller. The roads have been


principal improved. The citywith

shops, inis July,

lighted throughout its principal streets, as well as allpopulation

hotels andof

Siam was taken 1929 (no electricity.

separate figures Thewere

last census

preparedof fortheBangkok itself).

‘(General figures given under Siam).

The average

February, March, mean

April temperature

and May when at Bangkok

the highest is 82°. The hottest

temperature monthsin the

recorded are

shade averages over 100°. The lowest temperature averages 61° Fahr.


strait sea

and island


from of Koh-si-chang,

Bangkok, are places

between islands,

which lie some The

offersof aimportance.

20 miles from formed

fine anchorage forharbour,

the bar and

vessels loadingbyricea

and teak. The largest ships can load there. A lighthouse aids vessels to make the

entrance. A project for dredging the bar at the North of the Bangkok river is under



H.M. Pkajadhipok, King of Siam

Anglo-Siam Corporation, Ltd., The, Petroatic; Codes: A.B.C. 5th edn.,

Teak Concessionaires, Rice and Pro- Bentley’s (with Oil Supplement) and

A.P.C.’s Private

duce Merchants, Agents for various G. B. Adams, branch repres.

Shipping and Insurance Compan-

ies, and numerous Manufacturers—

Bangkok, Siam. Head Office: London. ASSOCIATIONS, CLUBS AND


Bombay andBangkok,

KarachiSingapore, Penang, SOCIETIES, &c.

E. J.D.G.Atkins,


signs permanager


A. L. McMyn, do. American

Laos, Bible Society; Siam, French

Proprietors of and theBritish Shan

Tai sectionsStates to theChina—

of South North

The Bangkok Saw Mills Cable Ad: Bibles

Agency Secy.—Rev. R. O. Franklin

(703, Sathorn Road, Bangkok,

Apothecaries’ Hall, Chemists and Siam)

Druggists—73 and 75, New Road;

Teleph. 5199; Cable Ad : Apothall; Assumption

O. B.Road Association,19C3—901,

A.), Established The (lateWind-

A. C.

Code: Bentley’s mill

Astatic Petroleum Co. (Siam). Ltd., The Bangkok St. Andrew’s Society


ters of Fuel in Oils, England),Lubricating


Oils Spirit,

and Grease, Chiengmai Gymkhana Club

tor MineralKerosene; Mo-

Turpentine, Committee—W. Bain, P. A. R. Barron,

R.andA.J.N.A. Hillyer,

Candles, Petroleum Jelly and

Asphaltr—Bantawi, Bangkok, Siam; Russell E. W. Hutchinson

Telephs. 5506-7 (Office) and 5480 Chairman

N. Hillyerand Hon. Secretary—R. A.

(Bangpakok Installation); Cable Ad: Hon. Treas.—E. W. Hutchinson


Fire Insurance’Association of Siam Agency and Sales Department

J. P. Hall

Motor: Insurance Association of Siam Store Department

W. Aitchison

Neilson Hay’s Library Association Garage

F. H. Cooke

Eoyal Bangkok Sports Club—Teleph.

58a Rangkok House Furnishing5'CVepn.,

Eoyal Public Health Institute— I Ltd.—Phya Thai Road ; TJ'eleph.

5797; Cable Ad : Furbishing

Windmill Koad W. T. Lee, managing- dir.

Chung Pu, do.

Siam Society (Founded 1904), For the W. Ming For, general mgr.

Investigation and Encouragement S. W. Swing Woo, sub-mgr. and

of Arts, Science and Literature in cashier

relation to Siam and Neighbouring

Countries Bangkok Times Press, Ltd., Proprie-

tors of “Bangkok Times,” Illus-

trated Edition Daily; “Bangkok

Badman & , Co., Harry A., Naval, Bangkok Times Weekly Mail,” Directory for

Military and Civil Tailors, Court Agency—Cable and Siam, and Reuter’s

Dressmakers, Furnishers, Upholster- Bentley’s.'5 figure A:d : Times; Codes!

ers, Outfitters and General Stores— figure and A.B.C. 5

Cable Ad: Badman; Codes: A.B.C. W. H. Mundie, m.a.

5th and 6th editions, and Bentley’s

Baguley & Tooth. Advocates and Bangkok Manufacturing Co., Proyi-

Solicitors, Trade Mark and Patent i sions—383, New Road; Cable 1 Apt:

Agents—Cable Ad : Baguley ; Cpde : ! Namkehg

A.B.C. 5th edn. H. Swce Ho, proprietor

G. C- H. Culley. solicitor W. H. Cochrane, manager

A. H. Duke, barrister-at-law

!Bangkok Trading Co., Importers of

Bangkok Auctioneering Society, Au- Cycles, Tyres and Accessories, Hard-

ctioneers, Estate Agents. Brokers, Com- ware, Wireless Sets, Accessories and

Electrical Goods—Pitstien Bridge p.

mission Agents—New Road

Cable Ad: Rurep; Codes: A.B.C.

Bangkok Dock Co., Ltd., The (Estab- 5thS. edn., Bentley’s and Schofield’s

K. Lean, proprietor

lished 1865), Contractors to H.S.M. 0. Sibunruang, manager

and other Governments, Civil, Me-

chanical and Motor Engineers,

Shipbuilders, Importers, Graving BANKS

Docks, Slipways, Machine Shop,

Motor Garage—Teleph. 184 (3 lines);

Cable Ad: Progress; Codes : Bent- Banque de l’Indo-Chine—-Head Office:

ley’s, Acme and Western Union 5 letter 96, Boulevard Haussmann, Paris.

T. Finnie, manager ; (8); Cable Ad: Indochine

M. C. Shaw, c.a. M. Barrau, manager

Shipbuilding and Docking Dept. J. de la Rocque, accountant

A. Dudgeon, m.i.n.a., m.i.e.s., L. Pitrat, cashier

supt. and dockmaster Lau Bak Thong, compradore

Engineering Dept.

J. Findlay, supt. engineer

J. R. Griffin

C. Knott and Construction Chartered

CivilD.Engineering and China

Bank of India, Australia

Department J. Cairncross, Agent

A. Y. Mitchell J. M. Stuart, Accountant


Davies, Sub-aceountants

A. A. Hamilton and D.

James Swanson



Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Cor- Berli.Jucker & Co., Importers and

poration — East Bank of Biver Exporters—Cable Ad : Berlijuker;

Menam, corner of Klong Kut Mai Codes: Bentley’s and A.B.G. 5-

Canal figure



agent Herbert Berli, partner

A. Berli

•T.G. Kindness

H. Cautherley

M. F. L. Hayines Bernam Oil Palms, Ltd.—Registered

H. Hinch Office: Ulu Bernam Estates, U tan

A. L. Johnston Melintang, Perak. Acreage: 8345 (cul-

tivated Oil Palms 6045) Copenhagen

Lim Chun Beng, compradore Office: Ny Kongensgade 4, Copen-

hagen, K., Denmark. Bangkok

Mercantile Rank oe India. Ltd.. The— Office: Siam Electric Corporation

Rush Lane CWater Front): Telephs. 5457 Ltd.’s Building

(General OfficeV, 5336 (Compradore’s Th. Mayntz Clausen mgr.

DeptJ ; Cable Ad : Paradise; Code :

Bentley’s Bombay-Burmah Trading Corpora-

tion Ltd., Teak Merchants—Head

Oversea-Chinf.se Banking Corpora- goon Office:andBombay.Moulmein. Branches:

Cable Ran-


tion, Ltd. (Incorporated in Straits Romford; Code : Bentley’s

Settlements) — 184-190, Sam Yaek S. C. Peake, Manager

New Road; Cable Ad: Oversebank; A. 0. Pointon, Upbountry Mgr.

Codes: Bentley, Peterson’s and Pri-

vate. Nominal Capital: $40,000,000; Bangkok—W. C. Streatfield, J. G.

Shelley and J. Q. Wood

Paid Up Capital : $10,000,000. Head Up-Country—C. C. Allen, T. W.

Office: Singapore. Branches at: Bevan, D. M. N. Oavidsort, C. J.

Hongkong, S’hai, Amoy, Penang, Huxtable, D. R. Michael and E.

Muar, Seremban, Kuala Lumpur, F. M. van Millingen

Batu Pahat, Malacca, Keiantan,

Rangoon, Batavia, Ipoh, Bangkok,

Palembang and Djambi (Dutch East Borneo Co., Ltd., The (Incorporated in

Indies) England), Rice and Teak and Merchants,

Ong Thye Ghee, manager Textiles,




Sng Cheng Hee, acct. 143-9, Fenchurch St., London, E.G. 3;

Siam Commercial Bank, Ltd., The— etc. Branches: Siam: Bangkok, Chiengmai.

Cable Ad : Siambank Lumpur, Malaya:etc.Singapore,

Sarawak: Penang,



J. A.H. J.Brett,

Halls,manager Managers:


accountant Managing Agents: Siam MatchSyndicate,

Bangkok Wharf Factory.

C. W. Taylor Cable Ad: 1stBorneo;

Bentley’s, and 2nd,Codes;National,


Nai Abhorn Krishnamra Schofield’s, etc.

W. P. Chapman G.R. W\

A. C.S. Preston, manager

Luang Siri Sombat

Chiengmai Branch Ogle, forest, manager ,

E. W. Hutchinson, agent ,/bl. .Lingard, asst.. manager . ; -

Lampang Branch K. H. •Simpson, signs per pro

F. K. Exell, agent C. L. Crawhall-Wilsop;

Assistants—D. H Carey. S. F.

Carruthers, N. J. Daviesx a.jb.i.

e.c., E, G. England, H. E. A.

Barrow, Brown &. Co., Ltd., (Incor- Ford,I. E.L. P.MacEwen,

bey, Heath, G.A. H.Tanner,


porated in Siarn) 'Engineers and

Merchants — Tapan Hua Takay; G. Watts, K. G. Wilson, a.c.a.

Teleph./ 435;. Cable. Ad: Leather. and J. D. A. Woodroffe i

London: 72-74 Victoria Street, Stenographers—Miss,: V. f^ukanil

Westminster, S.W.l. Paris ;: 12, .Rue -and Misjs E. Barrit

Edward VII Forest Assistants—P. A. R.: Bar-

ron, R. B. Byyce'Smi'th,; A. R.

Belgian Legation (£tee Legations) Buchanan, A. N,. -Gpidd,; P. D.


Harrisson, C. t. Miles and*- C. Nielsen, Copenhagen, Aarhus, Oslo,

H. Monro Stockholm, Helsingfors, Hamburg,

Siam Match Factory: The Hague, Paris, London, Rio de

B. Astingtpn, F. G. Enstedt, P. Janeiro, Buenos Aires Wellington

H. Hopkins, R. B. Mace and —Cable Ad : Concrete

A. V. Underhill Dr. Rud Christiani, m.i.c.e., director

Whaid Manager—S. S. Marr H. Christiansen, do.

jBritish American Tobacco Co., (Siam) A. Kann Rasmussen, mgr;

Limited (Incorporated in the Straits P. Y. Chu, engineer

Settlements), Cigarette, Tobacco and Peter Seng, chief clerk

Cigar Importers. Cigarette Manufac- Th. Rasmussen, foreman

turers^—Oriental Avenue; Teleph. Nai Phong Boon Tham, do.

Bangrak 5298P.O. Box 8; Cable

Ad: Bramtoco. Singapore Office:

11, Keppel Road

Local DirectoTs—F. A. P. Skiving- CHURCHES and MISSIONS

ton, Reginald Paulger, L. Hin- American Presbyterian Mission in

Siam—717, Sathorn Rcl. ; Bangkok

shelwood and Leslie Taylor Station (Founded 1840) ; Cable

Assistants—F. H. Burden, D. J. Ad : Inculcate

Vint, F. A. Collett, S. B. Par- Honorably Retired—Mrs. W. B.

nall and Y. Asavaraksh McClure and Mrs. John A.

Accountant—A. H. Won- Eakin

Chief Clerk—Koh Sat Bay Bangkok Christian College for

Ban Mai Factory—Teleph. Bangrak Boys:

5405 Rev. M. B. Palmer, prim, and

L. Hinshelwood, factory manager wife

A. H. Wright, assistant do. Rev. Allen Bassett, m.sc., and

British Legation {see Legations) wife

Rev. E. M. Tate, ph.d., and

“Buan Hoa Seng & Co., Ltd. (Established wife

1883), Shipchandlers, Rice Mill Stores, Wattana Wittiya Academy and

Metal and General Hardware Merchants Jane Hays Memorial School:


Ad: Buanhoaseng; Codes: Ben- Miss Alice J. Ellinwood

tley Phrase Bentley’s 2nd It Miss. J. Faye Kilpatrick; m.a.

Miss Mable L. Jordan

Phrase, Acme and Private. Branch at

Samyek, Bangkok Miss E. Twelker (U.S.A.)

Evangelistic Work:

Butler & Webster, Engineers and Rev. Graham. Fuller, th.m.

Importers — Seekak Phya Sri Rev. A. G. Seigle

“City”; Teleph. 600; Cable Ad: Miss' Margaret C. McCord


Private Codes: Bentley’s, Acme and Rev. and Mrs.- P. H. Fuller


A. G. Davy Loyal School (Chinese) :

W., O. Deacon Mrs. A. G. Seigle, principal

Matcinily Home:

China Underwriters, Ltd., Marine, Miss J, H. Christensen^ r.n. .

Life and General Insurance—Head . Mismbri TrChsuVer—

Office: Hongkong Mrs.

Executive Graham Fuller

Thoresen & Co, Ltd., agents—966,

Suriwongse Road; Cable Ad: Rev. and Secretary-

Mrs. Paul A. Eakin

Thoresen General Work1 &-Language :

T. A. Wergeni,-sub agent—Bandon, Asher Bi C’^se1 •'(Mrs. "Case,

South Siam U.S.A.) '

Rev, & Mrs. W, Ihan'klin

••CinusTiANi & Nielsen (Siam), Ltd. Petchabui'i Station (Founded 1861)

(Incorporated in iSiam), ; Consulting Rev. & Mrs. R. W. Post

Engineers and Contractors; Specia- Miss dfeertha M. Mercer

lity : Reinforced Concrete. Affi- Rev. J. L. Eakin. & Mrs. Eakin,

liated CdmpariiesL' Christikni & ■ •' R.N.


Chiengmai Station (Founded 1867): Roman Catholic Church (Bangkok-

Evangelistic Work: Siam-Mission)

Rev. H. Campbell, d.d., and wife Vicar Apostolic—

Rev. J. S. Holladay & wife Right Rev. Rene Marie Joseph

The Prince Royal’s College: Perros, Bishop of Zoara

Rev. William Harris, m.a., d.d. Rev.

E. A.Fathers—

Guillou, pro Vicar Apostolic

princ., and Mrs. Harris L. A. Chorin, Procurator of Mission

Rev. Kenneth E. Wells, m.a. and Gastal. Victor, Michel, and

Mrs. Wells, m.a. Aenslme (Assumption Church).

H. G. Deignan (special term Guillou, Philippe Chaneliere,

teacher) Theological Training

McGilvary Richard, Mathias and Joa-

School: chim (Holy Rosary Church)

Rev. N. Carl Elder .& Mrs. Elder Gulielmo

Tapie (St. (Sancta Cruz Church)

Francis Xavier Church,.

Dara Wittiya Academy: Samsen)

Miss Lucy Niblock Antoine (Church of Kojai)

Miss Winnie Burr Broizat Augusteino and Celes-

Asylum for Lepers: tin (Church of Banplaina).

Mr. and Mrs. J. Hugh McKean Simon (Church of Chantaboun)

McCormick Hospital and Medical

Work : Henri and Bernard, (Ch. of

Edwin C. Cort, m.d., d.sc., Banpeng)

f.a.c.s. & Mrs. Cort Raymond (Church of Paknam-

Douglass R. Collier,

M. Collier, m.d. m.d. and Mary pho)

W. Harding Kneedler, m.d. and Pio and Vincent (Church, of

Mrs. Kneedler, r.n. Songphinong)

Miss Helene W. Newman, r.n. Carrie Ferlay, Theoplile and

Lampang Station (Founded 1885): Robert (St. Paul’s Church,

Miss Lucy Starling (U.S.A.) Petriu)

Rev. and Mrs. L. S. Hanna Perroy, Martin and Boniface

Miss Helen F. McClure Percy and Martin (Church of

Prae Station (Founded 1893): Pachim)

Rev. and Mrs. H. G. Knox Jacob and Joseph (Church of

Nan Station (Founded 1894) : Huaphai)

Chas. H. Crooks, m.d. and Mrs. Durand and Samuel (Church of

Crooks Lamsai)

Rev. & Mrs. H. W Stewart Gabriel (Church of Huakrabu)

Chiengrai Station (Founded 1897): Gabriel (Church of Nakhonna-

Rev. Ray W. Bachtell and Mrs. jok)

BachtellH. Beach, m.d. and Mrs. Ambrosio (Church of Banhan)

William Emile (Church of Bangplasoi)

Beach, r.n. Theophane (Church of Vanjao)

Pitsanuloke Station (Founded 1899): Eugene (Loetscher (Church of

S. Benthoon Boon Itt, m.d. Nakhonxaisri)

Sritamarat Station (Founded 1900) Andre (Church of Concepsang)

Edwin B. McDaniel, m.d. and Mrs. Carton, Fraix, Larque and Noel

(Clerial Seminary Siraxa)

TrangMcDaniel, r.n. 1910):

Station (Founded Rochereau, Niclas, Athanese and

L. C. Bulkley, m d. and Mrs. Nickel (Chiengmai)


Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Landon

Kiulungkiang Station, Yunnan, Consulates (see Legations)

South China (Founded 1917):

Curtis M. Galt, m.d. and Mrs. Couper-Johnson & Co., D., Importers


Rev. and Mrs. E. C. Goodenber- &Insurance Exporters, Steamship Agents and

Agents. Offices: Banmai;

ger (U.S.A.)

Rev. and Mrs. L. J. Beebe Cable Ad: Mundara


Mrs. Chas. E. Park (U.S.A.) Danish Legation (see Legations)


De Cruze Publicity Bureau, News- H‘ Christiansen, manager

paper, Cinema and Direct-by-mail Accounts A. Holm,


chief acct.

Advertising Specialists, Service Export Dept.

Managers, Advertising Consultants, Axel Nielsen

Publishers, etc. Lantern Slide and Import Dept.

Block Makers—Daily Mail Build-

ing; Teleph. 5358; Cable Ad: De- TheEmil Nielsen

Oriental Stores, Ltd.

er uze ; Code: Bentley’s Emil Nielsen

J. de Cruze, general manager Oriental Machinery Stores ,

S. Hoyrup

Diethelm & Co., Ltd. (Incorporated Internationale

in Switzerland), Merchants and Continentale Caout-

Commission Agents, General Im- choue Compagnie

porters, Engineers, Shipping, In- E. Linnemann and O. Narjes, fac-

surance and Tourist Agents.—Head Imperial tory repres.

Ofhe: Diethelm & Co., S.-A. Zurich. Chemical Industries (Malaya),

Branches: Singapore, Penang, Kua- Ltd.

la Lumpur, Bangkok, Saigon and Shipping R. Wilson


Haiphong; Cable Ad: Diethelinco; H. Andreasen

Codes: Bentley’s, Bentley’s Second G. Laugesen

A.B.C. 6th edn., and Scott’s, Rudolf Technical Dept.

E. Underdahl

Mosse, Oriental three letter Code, Godowns & Wharves Dept.

BOE Code Capt. H. Olsen | Capt. W. Nielsen

W. Siegenthaler, manager

F. G. van Leuven, signs jer pro. Workshop Dept.

E. Underdahl | J. Faber

A. F. Somm, do. Sawmill Dept.

K. Vogelsanger, do. C Holm

M. Boogerman, asst. Forests at Prae and Bandon

W. Salzmann, do. A. Gredsted, forest manager

J. N. Wurtz, do. Lampang & Chiengmai Agency

W. Kriesemer, do. P. Chang

F. Heller, engineer Singora Agency

;Donaldson & Lowden, Chartered Ac- Rubber Captain J. vosbein

countants—9, Chartered Bank Lane; Estate at Chantaboon

Teleph. 5876; Cable Ad: Lowden J. H. Dept.

Mining Hee (Takuapa, Western Siam)

P. N. Cox, mine manager

iEast Asiatic Co., Ltd., The (Incor- Mi'S “Faistria”

porated in Denmark), Ship Owners, E. Broholm Jensen, captain

Ship Builders, Saw Millers, Oil M/S “ Bintang ”

Millers, Rice Millers, Rubber and Cocoa- P. Ravnsnaes, captain

nut Estate

aires, Tin Owners, Teak Concession-

Mine Owners, Exporters

and M/S “ Muinam ’

—HeadImporters, General Merchants

Office: Copenhagen. Bran- V. L. Relster, captain

S/L '‘Bull”

ches : Bangkok, Bombay, Calcutta, K F. Ivors

Capetown, Dalny, Durban, Hankow,

Harbin, Hongkong, Johannesburg,

London, Kuala Lumpur, Madria, Eastern Agencies, Lert

Ltd., Building;

Wine & Spirit

Penang, Rangoon, Sah Francisco, Merchants—Nai P.O.

Seattle, Shanghai, Singapore, Tsihg- Box 10; Cable Ad: Beehive

tao. and Vladivostock. Cable Ads.

in Bangkok: Pyramide’ (Confiden- Eastern Smeltino Co., Ltd. (Incor-

tial), Asiatic (General and Ship- porated in England), Tin Smelters

ping), Orienteak (Sawmill, Kakai —Bhuket, West Siam; Cable Ad:

(Import), Corporal (Export), Bir- Smelter;Office: Code: A.B.C. 5th edn.

ma (Rice); and at Prae, Lampang, Head Princes House, 95,

Chiengmai, Bandon, Singora and Gresham Street, London ^ E.C. 2.

Head Office in the East: Penang.

Takuapa, “Asiatic”


Ellerman’s Areacan Bice- and Trad- |GeYer, HaNS, Importer and Exporter

ing Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in ; —SikakPhya Sri; Cable Ad : Geyer

England), Rice Millers and General Hans Geyer, proprietor

Merchants—Cable Ad : Arrac'an. " ■ F. Mueller, assistant

Head Office: 37/39, Lime St., Lon-

don. Branches: Bangoph, Akyab,. Hamburg-Siam Co. (Inc. in Siam),

Bassein and Moulmein Importers, Painting and Sanitary

M. A. B. Duncan, manager i Specialists—Mahachai Rd.; Teleph.

S. B. Bateman 732; Cabie Ad: Siamkis

J. A. Arthur ' '


Sun Insurance , Office. (Fire) Gar mm k Co., B., Merchants, General

Ellerman Bucknall. S. iS. fCo. ernment, Import, Contractors to H.M.’s Gov

Ltd. Vl Engineers, Opticians,' - Che-

mises; Telephs. 1222 &" 2077 ; P.O.

Far East Oxygen & Acetylene Co.,- Codes Box 66; Cable Ad : ; Siamgrimm; - kll

Ltd., Oxygen, Acetylene, Carbonic Used - 1 "' ;

Acid, Welding Equipments & Ac-

cessories and Electrodes—962, Suri- , HoNGkoNg and Shanghai Bank (See

wongse Road; Cable Ad ; Oxygene ;

P.O. Box 47; Head" Office: Quai Banks) ,

d’Orsay, Paris.

Lji.Minh, Agent j Hotel Royal, Ltd.—Cable Ad: Royal-

hotel ; Code : Bentley. Proprietors :

Fraser -Ji-.Neave, and

Manufacturers Aerated Waterof Hotel

Ltd:,Distributors Royal, Limited

Hans. Reichardt, mgr:

“Tiger Beer.” —Si Phya Rogd} Teieph. N. D. Rangan- (reception)

5262; Cable Ad: Atlas. Head Office:

S’pore. Branches: throughout Malaya, IHua Yoo Heng, Importers—Songvad Rd.

Java, Sumatra and Indo-China

H. L. Skinner

Imperial CiiEMrcAL Industries (Malaya)

Franco-Eastern Trading Co., General Chemicals, Ltd., Importers -and Exporters of

Importers—Rajawongse Road; Teleph. Fertilizers, Dyestuffs and

348; P.O. Box 90; Cable Ad: Fetco; Manufacturers’



Raw Materials—Cable


Private A.B.C. 6th edn., Bentley’s and Representative: R. Wilson,

rfijo East Asiatic Co., Ld.

French Legation (see Legations)

International Crediet-en Handels-

General Accident, Fire and Life As- Vereeniging “Rotterdam’-’, N. Y.

Importers and Exporters—B.M.C.

surance Corporation, Ltd. Bldg., New Rd.; Teleph. 1356; P.O.

Diethelm & Co., Ltd.,'agents

Box 49; Cable Ad: Internatio;

German Legation (see Legations) Codes: Acme, Bentley’s, A.B.O. 5th

and 6th, Private. Head Office:

Gestetner (Eastern) Ltd., D. (Incor- Rotterdam

porated in England), Manufactur- International Engineering Co., Inc.,

ers and Retailers of Duplicating Engineers, Contractors and Importers,.

Machines, Accessories and Supplies

—38, New Road; P.O. Box 27; Cable Shipping Lane;andP.O.Insurance—Chartered

Ad: Gestetners. Head Office for the Bank Box 39; Cable Ad:

Far East: 26-30A, .Cecil Street, Sin- Gysom H. F. ScbOltz, manager


j J. B. Dunne, gen. mgr. (Far East)

D. P. Dunne, mgr. (Siam) International Siam Rice Co., Ltd.,

L. R. Cacace, ■ Senior repres. in The, Rice Merchants—Offices: Ban-

Bangkok mai; Cable Ad: Int'ercorice


Ipekdjian Brothers, Btd., Geiiferal LEGATIONS AND CONSULATES


sale & Exporters,

Diamond and Whole- Belghum, Lpgatjon and , Oonsulate-


2731 P.O. Box 60 • Cable Ad : Ipekd- Geiieral—Cable Ad: Legabelge,

jiap. Head Office: Queen’s' Bldg., Bangkok

P.O. Box ^9&, Hongkong. Branches. Charge d Affaires—Marcel Polain

Agents and Representatives in all Secretaire-Interprete—Paul Phong

the important cities of the world Denmark, Legation

Directors—J. B. Ipekdjian, T. M. Envoy Extraordinary arid Mini-

Gregory and H. M. Gregory ster Plenipotentiary—0;L.

O’Neill de Oxholm F. A.

^Bangkok Branch— Oonsril-Genl.—H. M. Christiansen

M. M. David, manager Interpreter—Miss' L; ate


M. A. Stephen, assistant (The

Ally M. Nana, compradore

Ismail Dulsany,. shipping clerk is Royal

also inDanish Consul

charge, General

of Spanish in-

Jacob Dulsany, cashier i • terests) a

Brahhm Kader’ clerk France—Teleph. 5376 ; (jable Ad :

Jaffer Binjunus, clerk Legafrance ;

Agencies: - ’ Eriyoye Extraordinaire et Mi-

Insurance nistr'e Plenipot.—M. Ray

The South British Insurance Co., Secretaire d’Amhassade — W.

Ltd. (Fire and Marine) Georges Picot .

Royal Exchange Assurance Cor- Premier Secretaire-interprete—

Samarang Sea and Fire Insurance R. Plion

Co., Ltd. (Claim Settling Vice-Consul and Chancellor—G.

Agents) Valadier

Flour Vice-Consul and Secretaire-in-

terprete-—P. Fuchs

W. S. Kinipton & Sons, Melbourne Attache’ Militaire—Col. Roux

Mungo Scott, Ltd,, Sydney Med


la Legation—Dr. Via-

Consul de France a Xiengmai—

Japanese Legation. (,*See Legations) 0. Notton

Agehce Ctfhsulaire a Xiengrai—

Kiam Hoa Heng & Co., Ltd., Import- M. Decamps

ers and Exporters-—East Bank, Vice-Consulats a Korat et k

River Menam Chantaboun

Low Kwang Seng, manager Germany, Legation

Envoy Extraordinary and Mi-

Kwong Koh Long, Bankers and Mer- Envoy Extraordinary & Minis-

chants, Teak Concessionaire®; Saw ter Plenipotentiary—(vacant)

Millers and Exporters; General Im- Charge d’Affaires—W. Stoller

porters, and Exporters, Rice Millers Chancellor—O. Losch

and Rice Exporters Secretary—O. Sandreczki

Ng Cho Nam, sole proprietor. Typist—Miss E. Otzen— Dr. O.

Medical Attendant

Ng Pek Lim, mgr., signs the firm Schwend

Chu Lind Lam Sam, assist, mgr., The Legation is also in -charge

signs per pro of Austrian and Turkish in-

J. R. Braga,; foreign manager ' terests An Siam).— dr' ’

Branch Finns : ;

Kwong Kim Long, Saw Mills, Great Britain, Legation and Con-

Bangkok sulate-General

Kwoug Kim Long Chan, Singapore Minister-r-rSir

.Kwong Kam Long, Hongkong

Kwong: Ghi Long, Shanghai K.B.E., C.I.E. Josiab. Crosby,

Kwong Wah Long, Canton . Consul-General—John Bailey

Kwong Kim Long, Batavia Naval A ttache-?—Comdr. G. R. C.

Allen, o.b.e., r.n.


Cpnsul, Grade II—E. W. Meik- Portugal Consulate

lereid Consul in charge—Dr. Joaquim

Vice-Consuls—W. K. Smith, R. Campos

"Whittington, A. C. S. Adams, Acting Interpreter—J. O. Engel

G. C. Whitteridge, A. G. Gil- Chinese Interpreters — Ung

chist Choon Kick & Lam Ngee Sang

Probationary Vice-Consul — A.

H. Ballantyne Spain (Danish Consulate-General in

Archivist—W. C. Brayne charge of the Spanish Consulate)

Consul (Chiengmai) — W. W.


Consul, Grade II (Senggora)— Sweden

W. H. Newbould Envoy Extraordinary and J.Minister

Itai,y, Lega,tion and Consulate Gen- Plenipotentiary—Dr. E. E.

eral—522, Poen Chitr Road; Te- Hultman

Consul-General—W L. Grut

leph, 5591 5081; Cable Ad: Italia-


Envoy Extraordinary and Min- United States of America, Legation

(Established May 29tn, 1856)—

ister Plenipotentiary—Count 1762, Sathorn Road; Teleph. 5247;

Vittorio Negri Cable Ad: Amlegation

Consul General—Comm. Goffre- Envoy Extraordinary and

do Bovo Minister Plenipotentiary—

Acting Inerpreter—G. Cacace James M. Baker

Japan, Legation and Consulate—Te- Second Secretary—Arthur F.

leph. 5355 Tower

Envoy Extraordinary and Min- Third Secretary — H. Gordon

ister Plenipotentiary—Yasuki- Minningerode

chi Yatabe Military Attache—Lieut.Eol.

1st Secretary of Legation and Joseph W. Stillwell (Residing

. Consul—Ehinro Miyazaki in Peiping)

3rd Secretary of Legation and Clerk—Halvern L. Norris

Vice-Consul—Shinichi Sano

Chancellor—Rokuro Amada U.S.A. Consulate-General, also in

Do. —Guenichi Momose charge of the Consular interest of

Dd. —Kazuo Ichihashi Cuba and Panama—1760, Sathorn

Student Attache—Shohei Kata- Road; Teleph. 5168; Cable. Ad:

yanagi American Consul

Archivist—Shiro Naito Consul—Arthur F. Tower

Naval Attache—Comdr. Yoshita- Vice-Consul—H. Gordon Min-

ka Ohno ningerdoe

Military Attache—Major Seiji V ice-Consul (non-career)—Hal-

Moriya vern L. Norris

Netherlands, Royal, Legation

Charge d’Affaires — F. A. van Leonowens, Ltd., Louis T., Teak


Secretary-Interpreter—F. Rut- Forest

Timber Concessionaires, Saw Millers,

Merchants, General Im-

gers porters, Exporters, Mining and In-

Clerk—A. Hertzka surance Agents—Branches: Bang-

kok and Nakon Lampang; Stations

Norway, Legation & Consulate- at Sukotai, Paknampo, Raheng and

General—Bush Lane Them* Cable Ad: Leonowens

Envoy Extraordinary and Mi- Secretaries—Denny, Mott & Dick-

nister Plenipotentiary to son, Ld., Adelaide House, King

Siam, China and Japan—L. William Street, London, E.C.

' C. M. Aubert C. T. Cox, general manager for

ConsuLGeneral—H. G. Monod Siam


D. Budding, assist, mgr., signs Menam Motor Boat Co., Ltd. (Sia-

mese Co.)—Telephs. 5540 and 489;

per pro. Cable Ad : MenamotOr; Codes : A.

E. J. Stather B.C. 5th and 6th edtisf.

R. H. St. Amory

W. Mottershead

W. G. Davis Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd. (Incor-

Up Country— porated in .lapan), General Import-

F. Frere, 'Up-Country mgr. ers and Exporters—Hongkong Bank

P. Page

R. R. F. Gill f G. E. Higgins Lane; Telephs. 5413, 5421, 5422 and

5423; Cable Ad : Mitsui: Codes :•

Bentley’s and Private

Lejs Suooesseurs de E.C. (Establish-

ed 1900), Monod & Co., Importers Mojdara Typewriter Co.; Dealers in

and Exporters—Bush Lane; Cable Typewriters, Calculating Machine,

Ad : Monod Cash Registers, Duplicating Ma-

chines, Visible Filing Supplies,

London and Lancashire ,, Insurance —CornerSteel, Furnitures, Office Appliances

Co,, Ltd., The of Windmill and New

"Diethelm & Co., Ltd., agents Road; Teleph. 5775; Cable Ad:

Markmodara; Code: Bentley’s

Complete Phrase.

Luang Raksa & Co., Auctioneers and Moona Thambi Saib,qo Marican (M.

Valuers, Land, Estate, House and T. S. Marican), Cloth and Diamond

General, Commission Agents and Merchant and General Commission

Share Brokers Agent—2615-17, Rachawangse Road;

Luang Raksa Naves ' Cable

0. D. . de Witt

l). E. S. Jaya KarikalAd (French

: Thambisa.India).HeadBranch:

Office :

L. U Ale Witt Madras

Thftnorm Vardithee

MooNa Yousuf SaibooExporters,

Marican),Importers, Marican General


Mark’s Tyre Store, Importers and Cloth, Silk, Woollen Merchants and

Motor Car Merchants, Dealers in Manufacturers’ Agents'— 892-8, Wat

Automobile Tyres,. Tubes, Gasoline, Koh Street;Codes:

Yousufsa; Teleph.Bentley’s

2083; Cable Ad:

1st and

Oils, Chevrolet and Ford Parts, Ac-

cessories, V ulcanizing Equipment, and 2nd Phrase, A.B.C. 5th and 6th edns.

Vulcanizing Material, Used Cars, Oriental 3-letter Code.

etc.—Corner of Windmill and New

Roads, Bangkok. Siam; Teleph. 5775; MuEti-ER Motor Agency—Sikak Phya

Cable Ad: Markmodara-Barigkok;

Code: Bentley’s Complete Phrase Sri: Cable Ad: Emueller

Mark Mojdara, proprietor Hans Geyer, proprietor.

Agents for: ’

Seiberling. Rubber Co., Akron, NaiBoatLert,Builders,

Ice Manufacturers. Motor

Hardware Merch-

Ohio, U. S. A. ants, Importers and Exporters—Cabel

Ad: Lert; Codes: A.B.C .6th edn. and

Meklong Railway Co., Ltd., Siamese Bentley’s Phya Bhakdi Norasresth, pro-

Company (registered at Bangkok) prietor

Directors—Comdr. W. L. Grut, C. S. Richardson, manager

Chao Phya Sribibadhana, S.

Brighouse and 'J. Knudtzon

T. A. Ericsson, manager NaiOffices

Lert atMotorChalerm


J. Kerr, assist, manager LokeServices—


G. R. Brooks, secretary Petchaburi Road via Klong San Sap


Nestle and Anglo-Hwiss Condensed Staff-

Milk Co. (Ovesseas), Ltd,—2876, Emil Nielsen, manager

Oriental Avenue; P.O. Box j ; Cab!*! L. Rossel

Ad : Nestanglo Tyre Department—

O. Narjes

Netherlands Insurance Co., The (E«- E. Linnemann

tablished 1845) Oriental Machinery Stores—,

Diethelm & Co., Ltd., agents S. Hoyrup, manager

C. E. Olsen

Netherlands Legation {see Legations)

Paknam Railway Co., Ltd.

New Zealand Insurance Co., Ltd., Directors—Comdr. W. L. Grut

Head Office: Auckland, N. Z. (chairman), Chao Phya Sribi-

Fire & General Insurance: The badhana, S. Brighouse, J.

Borneo Co., Ltd., Agents— Knudtzon and T. A. Gottsche

Cable Ad : Borneo E. Grut, secretary

Marine Insurance:


Suriwongse Road; Cable Ad: Pisal Panite Trading Co., Importers,

Thoresen Exporters and Commission Agents—

Bush Lane; Teleph. 5629; Cable Ad:

North British and Mercantile In- Pisalnite

surance Co., Ltd.

Diethelm & Co., Ltd., agents Portuguese Consulate {see Legations)’

Norwegian Legation {see Legations) Pollard, Thomas H., Consulting En-

ter, Ship and Engineer Surveyor

Oriental Bakery, Established in June toat Bangkok—^Chartered

Lloyd’s Register of Shipping

1887-2872, Oriental Avenue; Teleph. Teleph. 5394; Cable Ad:BankPollard; Lane;

5077. The Only Bakery in Siam Codes: A.B.C. 5th edn., Scott’s, Bentley’s

installed with

electrically driven up-to-date machinery and Western Union

Leo C. de Jesus, mgr.

Hock Kui Trankanho, assist. Princes, Sport Outfitters—Nai Lert

Oriental Hotel—Cable Ad : Orien- IJuilding;Beehive

P.O. Box 10; Cable Ad:


Oriental Machinery Stores (East Roman Catholic Church {see under

Asiatic Co., Ltd., Machinery Dept.) Churches)

Importers of All Kinds of Machin-

ery—Worachak Road; Cable Ad : Royal State Railways of Siam, The—


S. Hoyrup, manager Krojn Rot Fai Krung Haeng Sayam

,C, E. Olsen, asst, manager Central Administration

Sia Thiantrakul, chief clerk Director General — Col. Phra

L. M. Pook, book-keeper Udom Yodhadhiyut

Praphai Leesukudom, engineer Asst.-Do.

chong — Phya Srishtikar Ban-

Nai Ngim, assist, engineer General Secy. — Phra Bhadrakich

Oriental Stores, Ltd., The, Whole- Kosol

Statistician—Luang Siddhi Durit-

sale Importers—Cable Ad : Oriental bhas, a.com.

Directors — H. Christiansen, Chief Medical Officer—Luang

Emil Nielsen, A. Holm and Suriyabongse Bisudhibaedhya,

E. M. Hansen M,n.


Traffic Dept. In charge of Carriage and Wagon

Traffic Supt.—Lt.-Col. Luang Shop, MachineRoth

Shop—Luang ShopRathavichan

and Electric

Chan Songgram

Asst.-Traffic Supt.—Major Khun Ways and Works

Udom Sorgyudhi Superintending Engineer for Ways

Secretary—Luang Arthorn Dha- and Works—Luang Charan Snid-

masakdhi wongse, b.sc.

Operating Branch Engineer in charge of Technical

Operating Manager—Luang Vi- Office—Luang Videt Yontrakich,

dura Vidhikol, s.b. S.M.

Assistant—Pong Viryasiri_ B.sc Architect — M. C. Vodhayakara

Varavarn, b.a. (Cantab.)

In charge of Mechanicel Divi- Asst. — M. b.a.

C. (Cantab.)

Prasomsyasdi Suk-

sion-Pong Viryasiri, b.sc. savasdhi,

In charge of Time-table Section Staff

—Khun Vichitr Rothakar hanaEngineers—Luang

Sundara, b.sc. Sukhavad-

and Sern

Traffic Branch Mungaradi, B. eng.

Commercial Mgr.—Kashem Shi- Telegraph and Signal Engineer—

bayaga, b.com. Hons. (Actg.) Luang Prasiddhi Kolamaya, E.E.

Assist. Commercial Mgr. —(va- Assistant—Swai Habanananda, b.sc.

cant) Hons.

In chargeof ofPassenger

Goods Division— Central Division

In charge Division— Division Engineer—Luang Kulach-

Charoon Vimolsiri, b.a.(com.) andra Rathayadara, b.sc.


charge —of Joti


and Catering

Kashem, Maintenance Engineers Kungdeb:

B.COM. Luang

Prachin:Bhisit Markvidharn,

M. C.Cert, s.b.;.


In charge of Information Bureau— Suksavasdhi, e.c.l.; Petch-

Khem Na Pombejra (Actg.) aburi Luang Baichitra Punya-

Central Division manop, B. ENG.

Division Supt. — Luang Sathol Engineer i/c Double Line Construc-

Thong vicharan a tion an Yard Vivadhana,

Yuktasevi Alteration — m.eng.,.


Assistant Do.—(vacant) a.

Northern Division Northern Division

Division Supt. — Luang Bibul Division Engineer—Luang Prasert

Rathayan Vithirata, s.b.

Assistant Do.—Luang Tnavil Sresh- Maintenance Engineers — Pakna-

thabanijkar, b.b.a. mpoh: Samran Sakarinda; Utar,

Northern Eastern Division adit: Luang Vidit Yontrakar-

Division Supt. — Luang Mahit b.

Rathakar (acting) Chakrabandh (actg.)

Assistant Do.—Chamras Yindava-

mara (actg) Southern Division

Southern Division Division Engineer — Luang Silpa

Vidharn Kovit, b.s.

Division Supt.—Chalerm Jayasutr,

b.s. (econ.) Maintenance Engineers — Chum-

Assistant-Do. — Archava Kunjara, phon: LuangTung

vakam, b.s.c.; Samridhi Visa-

Song: Luang

Cert, e.c.l. Lavasut ( Yantrasilpa, b.es.sc.,

Engineering Department dipl. ing.e.c.l.; Haad Yai: Luang

Chief Engineer—M. C. Serm Savasti Bisal Markvidura, s.B.; Yala:

Kridakara, b.a. (Canta^.) Snid Dhasnabairochana, b.s.c.

Secretary—Phol Dhannasaroj Nprth Eastern Division

Workshops Division Engineer—Luang Kam-

Engineer i/c Workshops— Luang chorn Chaturong

Roth Rathavichan Maintenance Engineers—Gengkoi:


In charge of Erecting Shop—M. C. M. C. Praimakara Varavarn, c.e.;

Sidhyakara Yaravarn, s.b. Lamchee: Khon Kaen: Phisit



Construction: Khon Kaen-i-Kumpawapi P. Rasquin, secretary

Line L. Thao, chief clerk

Engineer in charge of Construction A. Lau Chin Sieng and J. M. Tooh,

—Phra Kamchon Chaturong shorthand typists

Assistants — M. C. Charoen Chai Accounts Department

Chitrabongse, b.a. (Cantab.), J: Aage Hjartved, a'ccountaht

and Luang Bejrakashem Yithis- E. Seidenfaden, assist, accountant

awasdi, b. bnq. (Liverpool) N. A. Landgren, }• do. •

Stores , P. van Horen, do.

' : Stores

' B.S.C.^Supt.—Proon Sakuntanaga, Luang ChanyaLul Bodi, do.

Wee TeckPaq, cashier

. Chief Store-keeper—Kimsua Malila, H. Boon Tin, acting cashier

B.s.C. Hohs.

Secretary—Thip Manisark (Acting) PowerChang Ah Cheen, chief clerk


Accounts Department E. Lacroix, siipt. 1

Comptroller^- Phya Jaiyas Sompati,

■ a:o.a. E. Reuterberg, K. Heminingsen,

and O. Johansson, engineers

’ Deputy

Rukich Comptroller — Luang Rob H. van Cuylenberg, asst. engr.

Accountant Electrical Department


C. Varavirakorn

J. Delacharlerip, supt.

: Auditor —r “ Luajpg Sakdhi Samreut- C. Y. Endhlil, J. Richard and Mom

lekha Rajawongs Paodeb DevakuL assist,

; ...Cashier— Luang Cliaroeh Rpthasin Naiengineers

Heng (Bfdos.akul

1 and Nai Charoen

Angswahont ,'6hief bvergeers

Siam Architects (Import) Importers Workshop ft!

and Engineers —Asdang Road, City; Supt. (vacant.)

Cable Ad: Healey; Codes:

Acme; BroomhaH’s, Bentley’s & Private A.B.C. 6th, Wang Tzu Row, assist, supt.

E.,Healey, a.r.c.a., manager L. S. San, chief clerk

T. B. Huat, assistant Tramways Department

Clerks—T. B. Seng, Nai Phayune Edm. Grut; supt.

and Nai Sanguan Phra Sudasna Bongs Bisuddhi, asst.

■ : SUpt.

K. Gottsche,

Nai Thieng engineer

aud Nai Cjioom, . . Nai

Siam Cement Co., Ltd., The Nitr, chief inspectors

Chairman—Comdr. W. IL. Grut S. M. Ebrahim, cashier'


T. Ericsson and Phya;H.S.H.


Prince Store Section

Sessiri A. Jonsen,in charge . . ■

C. Friis Jesperseii, c.e., General u . Nai Lek Dongraksh, chief c.lerk

T. A.Manager

Haastrup &Nielsen,


Bay Nielsen, Engineer Manager

G. Hansen, Accountant Siam Free Press Co., Ltd., Printers

and Publishers, Proprietors of “ The

Bangkok Daily Mail ” (English),

Siam Commercial Bank (See Ranks) “ Krungdeb Daily Mail (Siamese)

—Cable Ad: Free press, Bangkok

Siam Electric. Corporation, Ltd. (In- Siam Industries, , ,(1932), Ltd!, Soap

corporated by Royal Charter)—Cable Makers, Gil Millers' and Candle Makers

AdW.: Gaelic

L. Grut, vice-chairman and —P.O. Box 50 Private,

; Cable Ad: Industries;

managing director Codes: Lever’s all Public Codes

R. G. Macmorran, managing director

J. Knudtzon, general manager

E. Ronlez, vice-manager and chief T. W.

N. F. Kinsey, accountant

Nicholson, factory ■


engineer E. C. Cook


Siam Steam Navigation Co., Ltd., Stationees’ Hall, Stationers and


Charter) in Siam by Boyal Printers—230,

Stationers; CodeNew Road; Cable Ad :

: Bentley’s

The East Asiatic Co., Ltd., managing G. D. P. Weeraratne, proprietor

agents; Cable Ad: Kuafai, Bangkok

Agents at Singapore—The Straits

, Steamship Co., Ltd.; Cable Ad: Steel Beds. & Co. (Siam) Ltd., Mer-

Kapal, Singapore chants, Insurance and Shipping Agents-

Vessels—S/S “Asdang”, M/S “Bhanu- —1, Chartered Bank Lane; Teleph. 5165


S/S S/S “Boribat”,

“Naris”, S/S M/S

S/S “Nibha”, “Malini”,

M/S W. S. Chapman, manager

“Pakpanang”, “Prachatipok”, A. A. Conway asst. mgr.

S/S “Redang”, S/S “Suddhadib” and R. E. Haines, do.

S/S “Valaya”

Sun Life Assueance Co. of Canada—

Siam Steam Packet Co., Ltd., The— Head Office for Siam: New Road

Airway House; Cable Ad: Ruadeng (opposite ings);

British Dispensary Build-

Teleph. 5319; Cable Ad: Sun-

Board of Directors

(chairman), — S. Brighouse beam

Carson, Wm.R.DuncanD. Atkinson,

and C. A.S.

Richardson Swedish Consulate (see Legations)

Head Office :

R. Combe, manager

G. R. Brooks, secretary Syme & Co., Merchants—2637, Racha-


Thong Thavisri,Hean J. Cheng,

Kularb, Seng

Th. wongseSyme; Road; Teleph. 543; Cable

Prida, D. Heggie, Prabandh Ad: Codes: A.B.C. 5th and

6th edns., and Bentley’s. London


Ibrahim and Karim bin and Glasgow: Ker, Bolton & Co.

Wan Hean Liang, cashier Branches: Syme & Co., Singapore;

Up-Country Staff Pitcairn, Syme & Co., Batavia,

H. Ford Samarang and Sourabaya (Java);.

O. Tratnik Ker & Co., Manila, Iloilo, Cebu &

James Kerr Davao (P.i.)

S. R. Tisseman

G. Jorgensen

Agencies at: Paknampho,

Tatien, Bangsai, Ayuthia, SwiTZEELAND GeNEEAL InSUEANCE Co.>

Angthong, Petrieu and Ltd.—iliethelm & Co., Cta., agems


Thoeesen & Co., Ltd., Chartering,

Siamese Tin Syndicate, Ltd.—Cable Sale and Purchase of Ships, Insurance

Ad: Sitinsind at Penang, Renong. Brokers and Agents and General Mer-

Takuapa and in London. Head chants—966, Sunwongse Road; Cable-

Office: Capel House, New Broad Ad: Thoresen

Street, London, E.C. Eastern Office: R. Rose-Anderssen, manager

Penang. Codes : Broomhairslm perial


Societe Anonyme Belge poue le Com-

Standaed-Vaccum Oil Co.—Hongkong meece et l’Industeie au Siam (S.

Bank Lane; Teleph. 5155 and 5156; A.B.), Court Watchmakers, Jewel-

lers, Gold and Silversmiths, General

Cable Ad : Standvac Importers—Bangkok New Road; Te-

S. M. Kirkman, manager leph. 436; Cable Ad : Belgosiam;

R. Hill, attoney

A. Linbird, lubricating oil dept. Codes: A.B.C. 5th & 6th edns.

W. E. Kriekenbeek, accountant Branch Office: Antwerp, Belgium

13*176 BANGKOK

Tillekb & Gibbins, Advocates and Waugh & Co.,Ltd.),




SolMtdrs—Teleph. 5173; Cable Ad: Katz Mines


and Insurance Agents,



5Brigson, f Bangkok; Codes: A.B.C. 6th Import and Export Merchants—Nai

edil;alid Bentley’s

Samuel Brighouse, solicitor, partner Lert Buildings;Office:

Teleph. 245;; Chainbers,

.Cable Ad:

R. O. Atkinson, solicitor, partner Katz, HeadBranches: Raffias

I V. H. Jaques, barrister-in-law, partner : Singapore.

Medan, Bangkok,

Kuala1-2,Lumpur andPenang,


Lopdon Office: Pepys Street, Beeth-

ing Lane. Hamburg Agehtsk-Katz Ex-

United Engineers, Ltd., Civil, Struc- port and Import Geselischaft ni.b.h.

tural, Mechahidal and Elfefctrical

Engineers, Ironfouncfers, Shipbuild-

ers and Contractors, Importers of Whiteaway, Laidlaw & Co,,Ltd., General

Drapers, Outfitters, Boot and- Shoe Im-

Machinery : and General Hardware porters, Glass and China Merchants,

Agents J. ' : , (,

Stationers and Perfumers—New Road;

The BangEOit Docks, Ltd. Teleph. 5662; Cable Ad: WarReld

Windsor & Co.—Telephs. 5721 and 5701;

United PlantATiONSr Ltd. (Incorpo- Cable Ad: Sita.proprietor

W. Fuhrhop,

rated in F.M.S,)-—Registered Office : H. Paschkewitz, signs per. pro.

Jendarata Estate, Teliik Anson, Hardware H. R. Hermanns | A- Ulrich

Perak, , E.M.S. Copenhagen Office: Store

Ny Kongensgade, 4, Copenhagen K. Technical R. Christians


Denmark. Rubber, Oil Palm and Cocoa- Th. Ziegler', c.e.

nut Plantations’ in .Lower Perak: and H. Th. M. Graf, C.E.

Selangor,'E.M.S. , T. Dr.

G. Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft

, E. B. Hfeilmanh, general ihanager W.- Schmidt,' representative


Classzftecl List of Agents, Merchants

and flanufactarers in this

territory, also a List of Cattle

Addresses, will be foand at the

Lnd of the Directory. Classified

List of Far Fastern Engineering

Firms follows Fong Fong.




Malaya9s Premier

THE Newspapers



READ Straits Himes







Singapore jfree



Straits ffiubget




Head Office: EVERY


PHONES 5 4 71



Branch Office: London Office:




The Grown Colony of the Straits Settlements dates from 1867. It comprises

sthe four Settlements of Singapore, Penang, Malacca, and Labuan, Singapore

including Christmas Island and the Cocos Islands, and Penang including

Province Wellesley.,

Malacca was in the 13th century the seat of a Malay Sultanate which

exercised suzerainty over. the Peninsula and had diplomatic relations with

iOhiria: ancl Siam. Being {situated midway in, the: Straits connecting the Pacific

with the Indian Ocean, it was the emporium of trade between East and West

just as Singapore is to-day. For this reason, it was taken by.the Portuguese

in 1511 and retained by them till 1641 when it fell to the Dutch. In 1795, it

was captured by the British who were at war with the 'Pu'tcjh. as allies of

the French, Republic,, and restored to the Hutch in 1818. It. finally was ex-

changed for Bencooleq. in Sumatra, under the terms of the Anglo-Hutch treaty

•of 1824.

Penang, the oldest of the British Settlements, was founded as Prince of


-of KedahIsland'by Captain Feancis

on a perpetual lease forLight in 1786. payment

an annual It was ceded by thepartly

of $6,000, Sultanas

a trading settlement and partly as a base for the English fleet in the Bay' of ,

Bengal.' Province Wellesley was similarly ceded in 1800, for a refit ,of $4,000



in Penang

1874, forfrom attack by land,

the suppression and the Bindings, by the Chiefs of

of piracy.

. Singapore was in the 13th and 14th centuries a Malay city of importance

till it was destroyed by the Javah'ese about 1377. It then remained waste till

the present Settlement was .founded on January 30, ifilfi, by Sir Stamfokd

Raffles, then Lieutenant-Governor of Bencoolen, Sumatra. Singapore remain-

ed a dependency of Fort Malborough, Bencoolen, till 1823, when it was placed

•directly under the Government of India. The original lease by the iSultan of

Johore and the Dato Temenggong, 'Chief of Singapore, of the site of a factory,

in 1819, was followed in 1824 by the cession of the Island in perpetuity, this

'being accepted by the Dutch in the Anglo-Dutch Treaty of the same year.

In 1805, Penang became an Indian Presidency and in 1807 was granted,

hy the Crown, a Charter of Justice, the first Court of Judicature sitting in

1808. In 1826, the three Settlements were united to form a single Presidency,

with headquarters at Penang. The same year, a second Charter of Justice

was granted, establishing the Court of Judicature of Prince, of Wales’ Island,

Singapore and Malacca, the first Court sitting at Penang in 1827. In 1830, the

Presidency was abolished, the Settlements becoming part of the Presidency of

Bengal. In 1836, the seat of local Government was moved from Penang to

Singapore. On April 1, 1867, the Settlements were transferred, on the request

of their inhabitants, from the control of the Government of India to that of

the Secretary of State for the Colonies, in London. The Cficos Islands were

inincorporated in thewhich

1889- Labuan, Settlement of Singapore

had itself been a Crownin 1886,


Christinas Island

1848, was in-

corporated in the Straits Settlements and declared part of the Settlement of

Singapore in 1907, and was constituted a separate Settlement in 1912.

The Constitution of the Colony consists of Letters Patent, passed under

the Great Seal

by Letters of thedated

Patent UnitedtheKingdom, dated the

18th August, 1924,17thconstituting

February, 1911, amended

the office of

•Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Straits Settlements and their Depen-

dencies, and Instructions to the Governor passed under the Royal Sign Manual

and Signet, dated 18th August, 1924, amended by additional Instructions dated

:23rd February, 1931.


The administration of the Colony is in the hands of the Governor, aided

by an Executive Council and a Legislative Council. The Executive Council

consists of six Members ex-officio, such other official Members as the Governor i

on His Majesty’s Instructions may appoint, and unofficial Members not ex- :

ceeding three in number. The Legislative Council consists of thirteen official. U

Members, excluding the Governor who presides, and thirteen unofficial Mem-

bers, business being transacted under Standing Rules and Orders dated 1st. d

J une, 1925. In the Governor’s absence from the Straits Settlements the officer

performing the duties of Colonial Secretary becomes his Deputy.

The Governor, or other Officer for the time being Administering the Gov- |

ernments of the Straits Settlements, is His Majesty’s High Commissioner for

the Federated Malay States of Perak, Selangor, Negri Sembilan, and Pahang,

and the Malay States of Johore, Kedah, Kelantan, Trengganu and Perils,. :

which are under His Majesty’s Protection, and is empowered to appoint any

person to be his Deputy in this Office during his pleasure and in the exercise-

of such powers as he may deem necessary.

the The Governor

Lornean State ofof Brunei

the Straits Settlements

and British Agent isforalso High Commissioner

the Bornean for

States of North

Borneo and Sarawak which, in common with the Malay States in the Malay

Peninsula, are in treaty relationship with Great Britain.

There is railway communication between Singapore, Penang ajnd all the

principal ports and towns in the Peninsula. Direct communication by rail

was opened in 1919 with Bangkok, the capital of Siam. The towns of Singapore-

and George Town, Penang, continue to extend, and the value of town property

has enormously increased. Concurrently, the cost of living is high. House-

rents both in Singapore and Penang have risen greatly since 1914 and the

constructional trades continue to be active.

The output of tin in the Federated Malay States, the bulk of which finds-

its way to the smelting works in the Colony, has largely contributed to the

wealth of the Peninsula.

There has been extensive planting of Para rubber, in many cases to the-

detriment of other forms of Agriculture.



Governor and Commander-in-Chief—Sir

Aide-de-Camp—W. J. Parks, S. S. Police Shehton Thomas, k.c.m.g , o.b.e..

Private Secretary—G. A. G. Walker, m.c.s.

Office Assistant—W.

Senior Stenographer—G. H. Especkerman

E. Bogaars

Guardian—J. E. Farwell

Honorary Aides-de-Camp :

Straits Settlements—Capt. A. C. Gilbert, s.s.v.f., Lieut. 0, Goldstnitli,,

Wiltshire Regt., Lieut. C. F. Hutt, R.A.

Honorary Extra Aides-de-Camp :

Perak—Raja Haji Sfiahar Shah bin Raja Harun al-Bashid

Selangor—Tengku' Abdul Aziz

Negri Sembilan—Tengku NasirbinbinSultan Suleiman

Yam Tuan Shiih



(East) Dato’Hussain

Tengku Mohamed bin Mohamed

ibni Al-Marhum SultanTaib, M.c.s.,m.b.e.

Ahmad, M.SSC.p

Perlis—Tuan Syed Abubakar

Kelantan—Tengku Yacob bin Tengku Chik

Trengganu—Tengku Mohamed bin Besar



H.E. Sir Sfyenton Thomas, k.c.m.g., o.b.e., Governor and ;Coifimaiid^r'in-Chief


Major-General W. G. S. Dobbie. cib., c.m.g., c.s'.b., The General Officer

the Troops

Hon. Sir A. Caldecdtt, o.m.g., C;B.e., polonial Secretary

Hon. Mr. A. M. Goodman. Resident Councillor (Penang)

Hon. Mr. P. A. McElwaine, k.g, Attorney-General

Hori. Mr. A. S. Small, Treasurer

Hon. Mr.

Hon. R. L.A.Nunn,

B. Jordan,


Directorforof Public



Hon. Mr. G. W. Bryant, Resident Councillor (Malacca)


Hon. Sir.

Mr. J.A Bagnall

P. Robinson


Clerk of Councils—S,-N. King-


H.E. Sjr Sbenton Thomas, K.c.ihG,,.o.b.e., Governor and Commanddr-in-Chief

Members of the Executive Council, The Hon. the Director of Education (F. J. Morten),

the flon. theServices

of Medical Secretary.for

(Dr. R.Chinese Affairs (A.

D. Fitzgerald, m.c.B.), Jordan)-

the Hon. thetheHon. the Directorof


Lands (W. the

of Police), S. Ebden),.

Hon. Mr.theJ.Kon. Mr. R.(Commissioner

J. Warren H. de S. Onraetof Customs

(Acting TnspectOr-General

and Excise), the

Hon. Mr. J.P. Bagnall,

Hon. Mr. Simpson,the Hon. Mr.Dr.H.N.S.L.Russell

the-Hon;' Clarke,thetheHon.


P. Robinson,

Han Hoe, the


Hon. Mr. H. H. Abdoolcader, the Hon. Mr. W. A. Fell, the, Hon. Mr. Khoo Sian


Mr. the Lian

Hon.- Teck,

Mr. J.the


Htm. Mr.theG. Hon. Mr. Mohamed Rouse bin Chee, the Hon.


Clerk of Councils—S. N. King


.Audit Office—Singapore, , Assistant to Attorney-General —

Auditor (Kuala .Lumpur), :S.‘ '.Si and (vacant)

F.M.S.—G. Po Bradney, b.a. (on Office Assistant—Lee Kwee Siew

leave, Auditor

Acting prior to retirement)

(Kuala Lumpur), S. Botanic Gardens—Singapore.

• S. and F. M. S.—L. G, Corney, b.a. Director—R. E. Holttum, m.a.,;f.l.s.

Senior Assis. Auditor (Singapore) Assist. Director—E. j. H. Corner, m.a.

—H. T. Hedley, a.s.a.a, .. Curator

derson,ofF.L.S.Herbarium—M. R. Hen-

Actg. Sr. Asst, Auditor , (Singa- Assist.

pore)—R. Macdonald, m.c.

Assistant Auditors—W. D. Charl- AssistantBotanist—C.

Curators X.— F.Furtado, b.ag.


ton and G. E. PaRdoni a.c.a. (Waterfall Gardens, Penang), G.

(Singapore) and "G. , 0. Roberts A. Best( Botanic Garden, Singapore),

(Penang) .). C.' Nauen

Field Assistant(Parks) Singapore

— Abdul Kadir

Junior Assistant Auditor — H. (Penang)

Rodrigues (Malacca)


pore • Secretarial—- Malaya-Singa-


. Attorney-General—P. Dept.—Singapore

A. McElwaine,

K.C‘. ! Secretary for Chinese' 1Affairs,

Solicitor-General—J. H. Pedlow, M. Malaya—Hon.

M.C.S. • . i , Mr. A. B. Jordan,

C. S. (A. J. Clark, acting) Assistant Secretary for Chinese

Deputy Public Prosecutor, Singapore Affairs, S.S. & F.M.S.—Capt.

N. A. Worley (acting) J. Jeff, M.c.s. (acting)

Deputy Public (acting)

W. C. Taylor Prosecutor, Penang— Assistant Protector of- , Chinese—

T. P. F. McNeice, M.C.s.-(acting)


2nd Assist. Protector of Chinese— Department of Statistics, S.S. &.

T. P. Cromwell m.c.s. (acting) F.M.S.—Singapore; Telephs. 5294,.

Lady Assist. Protector of Chinese, 52S5 and 5295; Cable Ad : Statistics,

—Mrs. M. Eollinson (acting) Registrar-General of Statistics,

Chief Clerk—-Soo Ah Lim fc.S. A: F.M.S.—Captain H. North

C.A.S.C.A.—Sng Choon Yee Hunt, m.c.s.

Japanese Interpreter—K. Kirin Assist. Registrar of Statistics,

Assist. Inspector—Lee Thuan Khek

Assist. Boarding Officers — Tan B.S.S.

SC. & F.M.S.—E. J. Phillips,

Hock Kee and E. C. Armstrong Asst. Registrar, Imports & Ex-

ports, Singapore—D.Sturrock

Colonial Teeasury—Singapore Asst. Supts., Rubber Control—A.

Treasurer, Collector of Stamp H. Pearsall & W- M. Edwards,

Duties and Accountant-General F.C.A.S., F.B.A.S., S.F. INT. A.C.

—Hon. Mr. A. S. Small Asst. Registrar of Textiles Quotas—

Acting J. N. C. Hancock

Stamp Deputy Treasurer—R.

and Probate Bird L.

Officer—A. District Court, Civil—Singapore

Birse L. V. J. Lav die

Treasury Branch Assistant District Judge—M. H.

Currency Officer—E. Fernandez BlctcJkci*

Chief Oashier—A. Pillay Chief Clerk—Mohd. Saleh bin

Stamp Office Ismail

Clerk-in-Oharge—A. S. Pereira Chief Bailiff—A. de Costa

Accountant’s Branch

Assist. Accountant — Low Leng District and Police Courts—Singa-


Secretary, Widows’ and Orphans’ pore District Judge, First Magistrate

Pensions—Lim Tebng Ghee and Senior Marriage Registrar*

Department of Excise, Opium, — H. A. Eorrer, m.c.s.

Liquors and Tobacco—Head Office : 2nd Magistrate and Marriage Re-

Maxwell gistrar—N. Grice, m.c.s.

5253, 5254 &Road, Singapore;

5255; Cable Telephs.

Ad: Excise 3rdM.C.S.

Magistrate —C. H. Whitton,

Commissioner—Hon. J. J. Warren 4th Magistrate—J.

(actg.)Deputy Commissioner,

Senior ... Singa-

5thBrown, m.c.s. S.E.H.Coleman



pore—Hon. J. J. Warren Chief Clerk—Chan Joo Chua

Deputy Commissioners—S G. H.


Giimour J. G. O’Reilly and G- J. Education Department—Singapore

Superintendent and Asst. Supts.— Director of Education, S.S. and


K. Auten, A. G. Baker, H. R. F.M.S.—F. J. Morten, m.c.s.

G. C. C. Blakstad, P. H. Assist. Director of Education for-

Burgess, ,P.N.H.B.Elkins, C. Delmar- Chinese Schools—E. C. S. Ad-

Morgan. C. Freud, W. Gor- kins, M.c.s.

don, O R. T. Henman, K. S. Hill- Personal Assistant to Director of

rich, J. H. Johnston. Hducatioii—j. M. Dorai Raj

m.c., d.s.o., J, J.C. M.W. H.K.Kemp,

G. Kett,P. Group

Primary Supervisor—J. B. Can-

D. Lawson,

J. A. Parker, F. P. H. Hast, Everson Supervisor-D-Miss R. M.

Pearse, G. T. W. Perkins, R. Chief Clefk—Bong Kim Cheong

L. Pim, G. J. G. Pitt, J. R, Inspector of Schools, Singapore

Pyper, m.c., b.a., F. S. Rickard, and Labuan—H. A. R. Cheese-

H. N. D. Russell, F. Stanley, man

A. E. S. Talbot, 1). H. Trumble, R. Assistant Inspector of Schools—E.

S. Tufnell, A. H. L. Wheeler R. Davies

Supervisors—J. Byrne, A. H. Chief Clerk to Inspeetcr of

Capel, C. V. Ganno and G. C. Schools- -Gan Eng Thiam

Hide ■ Malay Assistant Inspector of

Engineer—P. Wilbraham Schools — A. Hamid bin H.

Assistant Engineer—J. Salter Abdul


Geylang English School Indian Immigration Dept.—Labour

! Headmistress—Mrs. A. M. Waddell Office: Singapore

, McNair Road English School Assist. Controller—J. T. N.

Headmistress—Mrs. K. McNeish Handy

I Outram Road School Inspector—M. V. Raj an

Headmaster—C. W. Bloomfield Chief Clerk—K. Chelvadurai

IPasir Panjang English School—

1 Mrs. D. Downe Land Office—Singapore

Pearl’s Hill School Commissioner of Lands—W. S.

j Headmistress—Mrs. M. W. Pater Ebden

i . Radio Mas School Deputy Collectors of Land Revenue

Headmaster—S. (i. Mohd. Ghows —A. J. Newby,

Gon Dol and LowH. Kim

D. Yin

Klass, Wee

KRaffles Girls’ School Investigation Officer — A. N.

Principal—Miss D. M. Buckle, Symons


I Raffles Institution Marine Department—Singapore

j Principal—D. W. McLeod Master Attendant, S.S., and ofShip-

! Senior Assistants—G. L. Bayliss, ping Master, Conservator the

E. F Pearson, E. S. Tiddeman Port, Receiver of Wrecks, etc.—

and E. W.

Rangoon Road SchoolReeve Capt., G. H. Freyberg, o.b.e.,

j \ Headmaster—G. Ambler r.n. (retired)

[ Reformatory School Deputy Master Attendant—Com-

I Superintendent—F. C. Johnson mander C. C. Dix, c.m.g.,

1 l Assist. do. —P. H. Fernande* D.s.p., r.n. (retired)

Teluk Kurau English School Engineer—E. J. Shading

Headmaster—M. Ignatius Assist. Engineer—W. A. Muller

if Serangoon English School Senior Boarding Officer, Observer

Headmistress—Miss M. D. Gibbs for Time Balls and Emigration

Victoria Bridge School ' Officer- J. C. MacLeofl. f.r.g.s.

: Headmaster—0. R. H. Jacobs, acting Boarding Officers—G. R. Wise-

: Bukit Panjang English School man, J. E., McDonnell, J. A.

I Headmistress—Mrs.' L. Alvia Quehtal, 0. H. Armstrong, D.

/ Trade School Lazaroo and J. Sandosham

j Acting Principal—J. V. T. Campbell Deputy Registrar of Shipping—

I' Chief Instructor—F. B. Goude , Comdr. C. 0. Dix, c.m.g., d.s.o.,

Government Analyst’s Department— j R.N. . .

[. Sepoy Lines, Singapore Financial Clerk—L. Joseph

| Govt. Analyst, S.S. and Deputy Correspondence Clerk—Tan. Teng

Commissioner of Excise—M. Ban

i SOn, B.S:C., A.R.O.S., a-.i.c: Jamie- ! Deputy Shipping M.aster—E. H.


Acting Deputy Government ; Inspector of Craft—,T. E. ,,Mon-

i Analyst,A.R.C.S.I., Penang—A.

A.I.C. C. Brooks, j teiro

Senior Assist. Government Analyst ! .Graft—J. Assistant Inspector pf Native

• : —(vacant)

ji. Assistant Govt. Analyst—G. L. . ' ■ , j E. ManeP

Lightkeepers.—A./ Gomes, W. Flet-

|r;; Southall, b.sc., a.Ec.v F. H. j cher, A. Monteiro, C. Davis, E.

Geake, m.sc., A.r.a and A. W. ! • Signal Neubronner and At de Cotta

Burtt, m.sc., p.i.o. Sergeants—C. T. Anderton

3 ; Laboratory Assistants—Thng Soon j and F. J. de Cruz

Tee, Chow Weng Sing, Pwee Board of Examiners for Masters’

jy Sye Cheow, Tang Chwee Hoe and Mates’. .Certificates se- The

I.r ; and Sng Seng Heng . Master Attendant, S.'S. * the

Laboratory Assistant, Penang—R. | Deputy Master Attendant, De-

L. Dawson - piity. / Registrar ■ of '-Shipping

Clerks (Singapore) — Tan Beng I Commander .Governmeint Steam.

Seng and B. P. de Souza

; Clerk (Penang)—C. E. Theseira 1

J.Yacht “Sea Belle II” and Capt.

C. MacLeod


Marine Magistrates’ Court—Singa- Pathological Branch—

pore Government Pathologist —• J. C.D.

' Magistrates-'-Capt. G. H. Frey- Tull, M.D., C.M., f.r.c.p. :j|-

berg, o.b.e., r.n. (retd.), Comdr. Bacteriologist—H; 0. Hopkinsln

C. C. Dix, C.M.G., D.S.O., R.N. M.R.C.S., L.R-C.P.

(retired), Comdr. J. T. B. Assistant Pathol'ogist—C.' Subraman-j|

Notley, r.n. (retired) yam, l.m.s:

Court Usher—B. G. Sahai Assist. Bacteriologist—Chee Chinji

Hai, m.b., b.s. (Hong Kong)

Medicar Uepaptment, S- S.', Health Branch— 1

Director Chief


D.PH. Officer—J. W. Scharffi,

R. D. ofFitzgerald,

Medical ServicejSj

m.c., b.a.,S.S.—

m.d., , Health Officer, Quarantine—(vacant)

b.ch., b.a.o. (Univ. Dublin), d.t.m. | Lady Health Officer, Schools—C.

Dy.& H. Director of Medical and H. Duke, m.b., d.ph.

Health Officer, Rural—(vacant)

Health Services, S. S. — W.

Chambers, m.o. (Brux) l.r.c.p. & s. M. Health Officer, Port—W. D’Cruz, l

(Edin), h.F.p. & s. (Glasgow) L.

Secretary to Director — J. W. Assistant Health Officer, Rural—W. >

Hoflin A. Nicholas, l.m.s.

Accountant, Medical Department, Assistant. Health Officer, Schools])

S. S.-L. COX, A.S.A.A, ■ — S. Sinnadorai, l.m.s.

Assistant Health' Officer, Port—J.

College of Medicine— U. Karunaratne, l.m.s.

Principar-r-Gj V. Allen, m.d. Public

Professor of Physiology—J- R.

Kay-Mouat, m.b., ch.b., d.ph. mensHealth Matron—I. M. M. Sim-;

Professor of Medicine— R. B. Health Sister—X. H. Jones

Hawes, f.r.c.p. Chief Sanitary Inspector—H. S.

Professor of ‘ Midwifery-M. S. Hopkins

Lady Superintendent, Quarantine 1

English, m.d. Station—G. D. Frost

Professor of Anatomy—J. G. nar-

rower, M.B., CH.B., D.SC.

Professor of Surgery—J. K. Monro, Social Chief

Hygiene Branch—

Medical Officer—R. W. C- j

f.r.c.s. (Eng.)

Profefesor of Bacteriology—W. A. Kelly, m.r.g.s., l.r.c.p.

Young, m.b. Assistant Medical Officers—Tan ]

Professor of Bio-Chemistry—J. Eng Han, l.m.s. and S. W. Ponnap-

L. Rosedale, ph.d., d.sc. pah, l.m.s.

Professor of' Clinical Sufgery—B. Hospitals &, QispenBaries— ;

M. Johns, f.r.c.s. Chief

Professor of Biology—B. A. R. M. Medical Officers—H. R. Dive,

Gatfer, M.A., Dip. Agric. Senior Surgeon—R. M. Dannatt, 1

Professor, of Dental Surgery—E. f.r.c.s.,'acting

K. Tratman; m.d.s. Radiologist—J. S. Webster, d.m.re. |

Dental Officer and Lecturer in Dental Anaesthetist—E. B. Murrell, m.a., 1

Mechanics—(vacant) M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.,. B.CHIR.

Assistant to Professor

m.b., b.s.of Medicine— Medical Officers—T.

E. C. Vardy,

Dental Mechanic—J. H. Stephens m.b., ch.b. l.m., R. A. C.Pallister.


m.d., i;

Janitor—J. A. Spencer B.

m.d., rs., d.p.h., A. H. Lowther, j

Assistant in Physiology--K. C. m.b., ch.b., d.o.m-s., J. H. Hudson, !

Ghosh, l.m.s. b.sc.,, CH.B.,

M.B., ch.b.

Assistant in Bio-Chemistry—C. J. m.b. F.R.C.S.and(Edin.)

D. E. Q. Mekie, j

Oliveiro, l.m.s. Assistant

; 'Assistant in Bacteriology^N. K. Soon, Lau. Peck Hiong, L-M^s.,Kek

Medical Officers—Lee N.

Sen,, m.k., b.s. Rasiah, l.m.s,, P.E.l.m.s.,

A. Balhetchet, Pereira,G.l.m.s.,


Assistant in Biology—A. A. San- das, l.m.s., m.r.c.p., K. Vellar

dosham, l.m.s. samy, l.m.s., R. Apparajoo,

Assistant in Pathology--T. Balasing- L.M.S., B. J: Ess, L.M.S., L.R.C.P.

ham, L.M.S.


& s., L.K.i'.r. & s., Hannah Tan, l.m.s., Hospitals & Dispensaries

Surgeon—J. W. Adams, F.R.C.s.

C. E. Smith,

l.m.s-, A. M. l.m.s., G. Rainalingam,

A. Jenkins, L.M.S., An Medical Officers—Y. H. Norris, l.m.s.,.

Kee Hock, l.m.s., R.C.Oehlers, l.m.s., ' C.b.s.A.andStanley, m.r.c.s.,m.b.,

O. E. Fisher, L.R.C.P.,


M. Saravanamuthu, l.m.s., TehNya

Sim, (Miss), l.m.s., Abdul Samat B. Deputy Medical Officers—S. Mohamed

H. Bagak, l.m.s., Ou Kbk Boo, Baboo, l.m.s. and E. de Cruz, l.m.s.

l.m.s., B. H. Sheares, l.m.s., E. Assistant Medical Officers — R.

S. Monteiro, l.m.s., R. G. Guna- Letchmanasamy, l.m.s., Goh

tilaka, l.m.s., Benjamin Chew, Kok Kee, l.m.s., d.p.h., S. V.

l.m.s., S. L. l.m.s.,

Seenivasan, Oehlers,G. A.

l.m.s., B. R.

da Silva, Murthyj l.m.s., J. E. Seevarat-

l. m.s. and A. C. Sinha, l.m.s. l.m.s., l.m.s.,

nam, R. K. Ponniah,

Chong Tat Seong, l.m.s.,

Secretary; General Hospital—H. S. G. Rajahtam, l.m.s., A. Soma-

L. Hosking sundram, l.m.s.

Dispensing Chemist—T. Roebuck Matron, Class I.—E. M. Howas-

Dental Officer—J. M. Coutts, Roberts

L. D.S., K.C.S. Matron, Class II.—X. Stewart, (acting)

Matron, General Hospital — R. Maternity Hospital—

Fenoulhet Matron, Class II.—C. M. Hardy

Matrons, Class II.—A. Jones and Assistant Medical Officer — Lee

M. M. Pickup Keng Soon, l.m.s., l.m.

Maternity Leper Settlement, Pulau Jerejak—



Officer — B. H. Deputy Medical Officer—K. V.

Sheares, l.m.s. Yeerasingham, l.m.s.

Matron, Class II.—M. B. Thompson Assistant Medical Officer—Tan

Mental Hospital— Hot Kee, l.m.s.

Medical Superintendent—(vacant), B. Lay Superintendent—H. Lander

F. Home, acting

Assist. Medical Superintendent— Malacca: General—

Chief Medical Officer—W. Young,M.B.,

B. F. Home, l.r.c.p.&s., l.r.f.p.&s. C M B.

Deputy Medical Officers—G. B. Lei- Pathological Branch—

cester, l.m.s.

Assistant and H.Officer

Medical Mehta,—l.m.s.

Tham Deputy Pathologist—J. ,R. Jacob,

Ying Khow L.

Matron, Class I.—H. F. Priestley Health Branch—

Penang : General— Health Officer—W. L. Blakemore,

Chief Medical Officer—J. C. Carson, M.

m. b., b.ch., acting D.P.H.

Deputy Health Officer — D. C.

Pathological Branch— Richards, l.m.s.

Pathologist—J. A. Cowan, mb., B.s. Assistant

Lok. l.m.s.Health Officer—Oui Keng

Assistant Pathologist—L. S. Da Health Sister—A. McNeill

Silva, l.m.s. Social Hygiene Branch—

Health Branch- Assistant Medical Officer — S.

Senior Health Officer—S. W. Eveson, Thambipillai, l.m.s.

M.R.C.S., l.r.c.p., D.PH., acting Hospitals and. Dispensaries—

Health Officer—G. H. Lowe, m.b., Medical Officer-rMiss T. M. Matthews

ch.b., D.P.H.

Senior Deputy Health Officer—P. M.B., CH.B.’

M. Mehta, l.m.s. Senior Deputy Medical Officer—A.

Deputy Health Officer—H. R. Sa- C. Dutta, l.m.s. (Calcutta)

ravanamuthu, L.M.S. Assistant Medical Officers—F. X.

Assistant Oliveiro, L.R.C.P. & s., LiR.f.p. &

nayagam,Health l.m.s. Officer—S. Rasa- s., M. Doraisingharn. l.m.s.,

Chong Siong Jo6n,‘ l.m.s.,''A. X.

i Health Sister—E. W. Darville Pakiam, l.ms.-and Y. F. Xavier.

Chief Sanitary Inspector—J. S. L.M.S.

de Villiers Matron, Grade II-—M. H. Sanders-

l Penang: Social Hygiene Branch— Labuan—

Assistant Medical Officer—V. K. Medical Officer—F. Di Gillespie;'M.B.r

Thambipillai, l.m.s. CH.B.'


Medical Department—Singapore Assistant Medical. Officer—Tann

■ Director of Medicalm.c.Service, S. S.—

E. Di Fitzgerald, Eng Han -■

Dy. Director of Medical Service S. S. Venereal Street

Disease Clinic—Ben'coolen;!


. 'r+rWi M. Ghambers Assistant Medical Officer— S. W.

Se«y. to Director—J. W. Hoflin Ponnappall ,

' Accountant, Medical Department Out-Door.

' L. Gbx AssistantDispensary—Bt. Timah

Eng ■ Assistant — Kiong

Medical Officer — N.'

7 Financial ■- ■■ Chin Rasiah

’Chief Clerk—Voe Koon Guan Out-door Dispensary—Paya Debar '

Chief Medical Officer—H. R. Dive, Assistant

Chief Health Officer-J. W. Scharff, Hiong Medical Officer—Lam Peck

M.D.n.P.H. .. . Police Depot—Thompson Road

Port Assist Medical-Officers—R. C, Oehlersj


HealthOfficer—W. D’Cruz

Officer—(Yacant) and S; D. Guriatilaka ,. j

C.M.O. Social

C. Kelly ; Hygiene,, ,;S.—R. W. Mental Hospital—Trafalgar


(acting)Superintendent—B. F. Homej


! Hospital --^epoy Lines Assistant Medical Superintendent

Medical 1 Officers—J.' V. Laridal, A. j —B. F. Home

H. Lo

D. E. C. Makie

Anaesthetist—E. B. .Murrell LeicesterMedical

Assistant and H. Officers.—

Medical Mehra

Officer — Tham

Dental Officer—J. M. Coutts. Ying Xho\| V

Dispensing Chemist—J. Roebuck Matron—H. F. Priestley

Secretary General Hospital—H. L. Maternity Hospital—Sepoy


Assistant Medical Officers—G. Ha- Matron—R. Fenoulhet Line’s

ridas, R. Apparajoo, K. Vella- Lady Assistant Mtedica! Offioer—

samy, Benjamin Chew, B. R. Free Maternity G. A. da Silya

Srunivasan, E. S. Monteiro; G. Hospital—K. Kerbam

H. da Silva, Au K>e Hock, A. Matron—Mist M. 0.- Thompson

C. Sinha, Hannah Tan and S. Assistant Obstetrician—B. H. Sheares;

L. Oehlers Quarantine Station — St. John

Matron—Miss R. Fenoulhet Island

Assistant Matron— M. Brebner Health Officer—(vacant)

Tan Tock Seng’s Hospital—Moul- Lay Superintendent—G. D. Frost

mein Road Government Plealth Office

Medical Officer—T. C. Wakefield Deputy Health Officer.-'— W. A.

Assistant Medical Officers—W. A. Nicholas

Balhetchet, C. E. Smith, B. J. Assistant Health Officers—S- Sin-,

Ess, Ou Kok Boo, Abdul Samatbin

Payabi,A. nadorai and J. LT. Karanaratne

muthu andM.S.Jenkins,

L. OehlersM. Saravana- Lady Plealth Officer, Schools—C. |

H. Duke

Matron—M. M. Pickurp Chief Sapitary Inspector—H. S.

Prison Hospital—Pearl’s Hill Hopkins;

In-charge—R. A. Pallister Medical College


lingam Medical Officer -G. Rama- Principal—Dr. G. V. Allen, m.d. i

Govt. Dispensary—Kandang Kerbau Prof, ofofAnatomy—J.

Prof, Physiology—JG.R.Harrower


Lady Assistant Medical Officers— Do. Medicine—R. B. Hawes

R. G. Gunakilaka, Teh Nya Sim Do. Clinical’ Surg.—B. M.

Assistant Medical Officer—N. Rasiah Johns

Out-Door Dispensary—North Canal Do. Midwifery—J.

Surgery—J. K. Monro

Road Do. S. Eng-


Soon Medical Officer—Lee Kek lish

Venereal Disease Clinic—Tanjong Do. Biochemistry—J. L.. Rose-

Pagar dale

Do. Biology—B A. R. Gater


*’ Prof,Do.(if Bacteriology—W. A.

'’Dental Surg'y-—E. K. Young .iBaughan .(Seconded for service

Tratman with

lard, Johore

J. E. S.'Govt.), R. F. E.Mal-

Alexander, V.

■ Assist, to1 Pl’ofe's'sor Ojf Medicine—E. Fowler, E. Tongue, J. C. Bar-

ry, L. F. Knight. R. E. Hope-

C. Yardy Falkner, H. G.' BeFerley, A. C.

, Dental Mechanic—G: H. Stephens C. Perdriau, H. J. Spinks, C.

Janitor—'J. A. Spencer M. J. Kirke, R. C. B. Wilt-

Assist, in Physiology—K. C. Ghosh shire, W. J. Parks, N. G. Mor-

Do. Bio-chemistry —.0. J.

Oliveiro ris, E. A. G. Blades, H. B.

Do. Bacteriology—1ST. K. Sen Synj, D. K. Broadhurst, J. G.

Do. Biology—A. A. ISando- H. BrMt, A. R. Anderson, H.

sham . Gerhold,;.; A E„,. Gowan, F. A..

Do. , Pathdlpgy York, F. I. .Tremlett, and' L. C.

ham Y, ’ —T.

• , ' Balasing- ; , Finch

Pathologist—J. 'C'. Tull Chief Inspectors—J G Barret,

Assist. Pathologist—0. Subraman- A. V. Cockle, C. Dyas, T. E.

. yam Murphy M. McQuarrie, F. G.

Bacteriologist—H. O. Hopkins

Assistant Bacteriologist — Ghee King, L.) Bostock, F. T. Clif-

' Chiii Hai T ton, V.’ >R. Lisaaaer,i. R. J.

Stewart, W. Dawson, G. L.

General Hospital Livingstone, E. Hr rTunn and

i Senior Surgeom — R. M. Dannatt F. J. Dale

f.r.c.s. (acting) Senior Inspectors—K. L. Johu-

Radiologist—J. S. Webster soh, J. J. Higgins; R. Higgins,

Tutor for Dressefs—T. C. Wakefield C. F. Sullivan, R. H. Yorks,

W. < Martin, E. C. Smith, C.

Official ’ Censor of Cinematograph Uphill, R. Nunn, T. F. Brown,

Films—2nd Floor, Maxwell Road, B. Sioott, J. Lyons, D. W. Dale,

Singapore; Teleph. 5221 E, V. Smith, P. J. Shamion,

Acting Official Censor of Cinemato- H. L. Poulain, C W. Roberts,

graph Films, S. S., F.M.S., Johore T. E. Wray, E. Moule, E. J.

—E. Strickland Wight, H. Gray and H. Astin

Assistant Censor—W. W. Dean Insppotors*-E. Earqnharsont D.

Police Department—Singapore R. Cowie,' J. E. Sharp, L. G.

Inspector-General of Police, S.S. B lakes ley, T. W. A. Huggkis,

—R. H. Onraet (acting) W. G. Trewin, A. H. Frew, J.

Personal Assistant to I.G.P.—S. E. Jeans, A. Mclennan, R. D.

R. Franklin Wightman, L. W. C. Byrde, ^A.

Chief Clerk to I.G.P.-P..]Ws R. McEwan, F. G. Minns, J. L.

■Chief Police Officer, , Singapore— J. Haxworth, C. J. R. Bern-

R. H. Onraet broke, A. B. Roche,' J. A.

Y. A. M. Griffin (acting) Evans, A D. Reddick, A. H.

Personal Assistant to C.P.O.—E. Hunt, J. Tolmie, S. A, J.

D. W. McIntosh Woosey, P. S. Gordon, B.

Chief Clerk to C. P. O.-B. de Souza Lewis, W. Hamiltqn, LG. W.

Director. Special Branch — J. P. Jackson, S. Dodds, J. C. Mat-

Pennefather-Evans thewson, W. C. Alexander, J.

Commandant, Police Depot—J. D. ; A. Embury, F. Sharp, J.’ D.

Dailey-B. W. Allen and E. E. H. Beck Nicholson, F. J. Patton, H. 0.

Supts. Ballard, C. W. Such, H. Hall,

Assistant Superintendents — D. D. E. Nickels, M. Boyle, T. H.

Hillary (Seconded for service Allen, W. Ingham, T. M. Smel-

with Kelantan Govt.), K.W.H. lie, G. D. Hunter-Gray, C. J.

Austin, I. O. MacMillan (Se- A. Haines, A. A N. Rodway,

conded for service with Kedah P. Balls, A. J. A. Blake, M.

Govt.), H. L. Mitchell, B. F. M. Whittles. S. W. R. Marsden,

Oakeshoott (Seconded for service H. 0. MacKenzie, J. W. Chil-

with Trangganu Gott.), G. E. ton, L. R. Prynn, F. H. E.


Goodship, G. C. Ripley, R. C. I H. J. Shepherd, H. E. Steel] ei

, Caldwell, A. C. Good and S. A. | J. S. McCall, B. Seymour, A;

Hagger ! H. Burchell, A. K. Reade, G. J.

Official Censor of Cinematograph | Merrifield, W. Mitchell, Ai M

Films—Capt. T. M. Hussey | Spurgeon, G. Groom, A. EJI

Confidential Clerk, Special Branch | Pickering, C. E. Hopkins, J.t

—Mrs. M. Gilchrist Prescott, H. E. Baguley, S.

Financial Officer, S. S. Police—W. R. j Cork, S. C. Smith. H. Moses]

M. Haxworth M. Hunt, R. L. 1. id stone, P.


Kiang Assistant — Lim Seng | Murphy,

T C. J. S. Macdonald^

Chief Clerk to Financial Officer—E. ! W . Sawyer,. D. Thompson, F.

J. Vaas Twissell, E. S. Stevens, C. P.

Constable, F. M. Love, C. L. J.j



Bahadur Special


Singh j! Ayres, W. J. Smith, C. Short,!

and Rai Bahadur Mehta Prithvi | F. J. Smith, M. Walker, G.

Chand Aust, W. Reeves, S. Bur ret, A.

F. Johnson, H. G. Gorton, H.H

Posts and Telegraphs Department— ; Mansfield, C. F. Clark, F. A.

Singapore; Telephs. 5461 (5 lines) : Hamilton, N. Minty, F. Hut-

Controller of Posts and Tele- j chinson, R. V. Williams, A.

graphs — F. Blackwell, B. J. I Barcock, J. W. Smelling, J.

Freeman (acting) Carr, A. Turvey, H. Bennett

Superintendents—T. H. Newey, A. ; and C. H. Crabb

W. Perry, B. Neyland, W. G. Penang

Griffiths and F. A. Thomson Gaoler—J. Taylor (acting)


Asst. WirelessL. Spooner-Lillingston

Engineer — W. G. jI European Warders—F. A. Har-

Oakes wood, W. Seel, W. A. Martin,

A. T. Harris, J. S. McCall, 0.

Printing Office, Government (Office j1 Malacca H. Squire and E. J. Goldsmith

of Straits Settlements Government Gaoler—N. T. King

Gazette')—Singapore S. Wright (acting)

Superintendent—W. T. Cherry

Deputy Su perintenden t—(vacant)

Assist. Superintendent—V. O. G. ; Public Works, Department ok

Gatrell Administration—Singapore

Machine Room Supervisor—F. Vine Director of Public Works, S.S.;

Press Room Supervisor—F. S. | and Adviser, Malay States—!

Horslin Hon. Major R. L. Nunn,

Binding Supervisor—A. G. Banfield j m.inst.c.e., m.inst.w.e. (acting)d.s.o.,;

Warehouse Supervisor—A. B. Taylor j Deputy

m.inst.c.e. (officiating) Parker, m.c.,

Director—C. J.

Office Assistant—F. C. Pereira Personal Assistant to Director-

Chief Clerk—J. E. Fernandez Adviser—J. W. S. A.R


Prison Department—Singapore ASSOC. M.INST.C.E., SAN. I. b.sc.,

Inspector of Prisons, S.S., F.M.S. | Executive Engineer (Headquar-

—Capt. O. L. Hancock, o.b.e. ters) — J. V. T. Campbell, b.sc.

Supt. H. M. Prison,—Capt. H. F. Architectural (acting)

Bloxham Branch

Gaolers—N. T. King, R. A. Page j Government Architect;— F. D.

and A. Adcock (acting) Ward, F.R.I.B.A., M.R.SAN.i.

European Warders—S. Wright, Assistant Architect—C. H. Short,

A. Adcock, H. E. Humphriess, j a.r.i.b.a. (on leave)

J. Bolton, B. Nichol, J. C. j “Central” Branch

Pratt, W. Lindsay, A. R. Page, Senior Executive Engineer—W. G.

W7. E. Jenkins, W. Nolon, W.

G. Clout, F. A. Blundell, P. C.

Russell, S. H. Roberts, G. Car- ■(Stewart,

acting) b.sc., assoc, m.inst.c.e.

ter, G. E. Pockney, F: J. Puller, 1 Executive

Hember, Engineer, South—M.

assoc.m.inst.c.e.; • assoc.B.

E. J. Venables, W). Gritchlow, : M.INST. M. & CY. E. (acting)


Executive Engineer, North — F. A1 Savings Bank (S.S. Govt.)—Singapore

Controller—F. Blackwell (B. J. Free-

Mallard, f.r.i.b.a. (Officiating) man, acting)

“ Rural and Marine ” Branch,

Senior Executive Engineer

Machachlan, M.c., MSC., B. ENG., — J. B. Assist. Supts. — LeeNeyland

Superintendent—R. Tian Yew and

: ASSOC. M.INST. C.E. Lim Poon Soh


Roberts Engineer, Rural—W. H. Supreme Court—Singapore

Executive Engineer assoc,

(Marine)—S. A. Chief Justice—Sir

Huggard, Walter Clarence

k.c., ll.d.

Jordan, c.a.b.a.i.,^ m. inst.

k ■ c.E. (acting) Puisne

arid Judges—A.

F. Gordon K. Beckett Terrell


| Executive

G. Edwards,Engineer

assoc, (Changi Prison)

m. inst. c.E. Private Secretary to .Chief Justice—

> Assist. Engineer (Changi Prison)— J. M. Rappa

Private Secretary to Puisne judge—

i.,>i.: A.c.e.B. Paterson, b.sc., assoc., m. inst. W. Piyanage

Engineer Surveyor—(vacant) Private

A. T. Fernandez tp Puisne Judge—


Civil Aerodrome Registrar—W. A. Noel Davies

Resident Deputy Registrar and Sheriff—Lim

field Enginees—R. St. G. Caul- Koon Teck

Deputy Registrar—C. F. J. Ess

Assistant Resident Engineer—F. Y. Chief Clerk and


Assistant b.a„ b.a.i.(Reclamation) Oaths—Tan Ong Commissioner

Seng for

— H. G. Thorpe (Temporary) Surveyor-General of Ships’ Depart-

F. C. Jones (Temporary) ment—Singapore; Telephs. 5193 and

Penang & Province Wellesley

Executive Engineer, Penang Town— 5194 Ships

Surveyor-General of Ships, Chief

E. B. Nisbet, assoc.m inst.c.e. Examiner of Engineers 'and Chief

Executive Engineer, Penang Country Inspector of Machinery,

—E. T. F. Elbury, b.sc. (acting)

Executive Engineer, Aerodrome—J. G. Heron, m.i.mar.e., m.i.n.a. S.S.—

J. Bryan, b.sc., assoc.m.inst.c.e. Surveryors of Ships, Examiners of

(acting) Engineers

Machinery, S.S. and— A.Inspectors

C. Macnab,of

Executive Engineer, Province Wel- m.i.mar.e., m.liv.k.s., A. Graham,


Assistant Harpur, assoc.m.inst.c.e.

Province Wel- m.i.mar.e., a.m.i.n.a., J. McGuffin,

lesley North—(vacant) m.i.mar.e., m.i.n.a. and J. Cock-

Assistant Engineer, P. W. South— burn, A.M.I.MECHE.

F. S. Wayman, b.sc. Surveyors of Ships, Examiners ot

Senior Executive Engineer —F. G. Engine-drivers and Inspectors

Coales, M. inst. c.e. of Machinery, S.tS.—J. J. Vans-

Malacca ton, m.i.mar.e., E. Watt, a.m.i.

Executive Engineer — G. R. Percy, mech.e. and C. E. Hall, m.i.

m.c., assoc.m.inst. c.e , F.s.i. (acting) MAR E., A.M.I.E.S.

Executive Surveyor of Ships — C. E. C.

ASSOC. M.Engineer—R.

INST. C.E. E. Pitt, b.sc., Stapledon, a.m.i.n.a.

Chief Clerk—H. E. de Souza


Settlement Engineer—O. L. Step- YeterGovernment inary Dept. —

Veterinary Surgeon

hens, B.SC. —G. Rocker, m.r.c.v.s.

Verterinary Inspectors—Thos da

&egistrak of Deeds’ Office—Singapore Costa, g.b.v.c., V. R. Kale,

Registrar of Deeds—W. S. Ebden g.b.v.c. and E. T. Joseph,

Deputy do. —H. D. Klass G.B.V.C.


name,Thein lat.

town1 deg.

of Singapore,

17 min. N.situated

and long.onT03!deg.

the southern

50 min.shore of anseatisland

E., is the of the samic

of government

the Straits Settlements.


the Island

adjacent of Singapore is 27 miles

islets, 22Q square miles,longandbyis14separated

wide, containing

by a narrow an areastrait

of 206, on



extremity of

of the and a mile

Malay wide from the territory of Johore, which occupies the Southern

Stamford Raffles, was Peninsula.

formerly ceded Originally taken Government

to the British possession ofbyinthe1819Sultan by Silq .

Johofe in 1824. Init that

which condition year ituntil

remained became

1867, anwhenappanage of theunder

it was placed IndiantheGovernment,

Colonial Officiii

in conjunction with Penang and Malacca.


island, town proper extends

inland for afordistance

about four miles along

of about a mile,thethough

south-eastern shore ofof tlh

the majority tin |

residences of Europeans lie further back, within a circle with a

miles from the heart of the town. The island is almost entirely level,, the highest hill it i radius of four to five!

the island, Bukit Timah, is about seven miles from the town, rising to a height of onlj

500 feet. The roads are well kept,; and, thanks to the luxuriance of tropical vegetation

abound in shade. The town streets are wide and well metalled. bronze statue of Sii |


on Rafflesofstands

the occasion the in front of the TownonHall, 6th toFebruary,

which position

1919. Ait men was removed;

imposing cenotaph has Singapore

been erectedCentenary

on> the esplanade to commemorate dignified

from ami tW

Settlement who fell in the Great War. This memorial was unveiled by H.R.H. The

Prince of Wales on the occasion of his visit in 1922.


Tennis, Recreation^

Art, andSporting,


Clubs. There Swimming,

is also Shotting,

a well equipped Cricket,LibraryLawn

and Museum.


are theare best,

severalThegood dailyhotels,

press ofis which the Raffles,

represented by thetheStraits

Adelphi. andSingupon the Seal

l<\ee Pres$vincl Malqya'TribiMe. The

are also several Japanese, Chinese and Malay papers. Government GazetU-i& published weekly. I There

on alcoholic liquors, opium, tobacco and petroleum. The Harbour is practically levied)}

Singapore is a free port,,there being no Customs Duties, but EkciseDuties a re landjf

locked joy islands,

the ipajority and the rise

of oceangoing and fallareof berthed

steamers ordinaryatspring tides is nBoard’s

the Harbour feet. Aithougha



being vessels- discharge and load in the Inner and Outer Harbour, the Inner H'arbourj

long. protected

The Singaporefrom the north-east

Harbour monsoon

Board, by a mole

constituted underof granite

Ordinance rubbleNo.nearly a milel

130, (Ports).j

now control all the wharves and commercial, dry docks in Singapore, their premises;}


wharves, including. Empire Dbek (24| acres) with 30 feet depth of water atof1

about a mile to the, westward

1 of the town. There are 11,077 lineal feet


150,-000 tons ofThere coal,isthestorage

stocks capacity t'or* about

being chiefly Natal,150,000


of cargo, and some

and Welsh; but

there is a variety of supplies from local sources such

Sarawak. The Board own steam tugs with complete fire and salvage plant,-shear legs as Borneo, Sumatra and;

with lifting

lighters capacityappliances

and;other to 60 tons,forcranes, Railways Gl handling

the expeditious miles), launhes,

of cargo.and Thereover 10Ois

andnstallation foronetheof bunkering withKing’s”)

fuel, oil isof divided

ships, atbytheanWharves. There are

into two docks of 486 and 325 feet each, and its equipment includes a 30-toncaisson;

five dry docks, which (‘fThe intermediate .electic i

travelling crane. The machines and tools in the Board’s workshops have recently been j


effecting replaced with ofup-to-date

to vessels the largestappliances

class and theirelectrically


and capable

and for-of r

gings of the largest size can be made on Hie' Board’s premises. The power of the );

electric plant

driven. The totals

Crown5,000 k.w. forAlmost

Agents all the machinery

the Colonies, London, are on the


Board’s soleis electrically;

agents in



The climate of Singapore is remarkable for its salubrity, and the island has been

' described by medical writers as the “ paradise of children,” infantile diseases seldom

being at all malignant. Despite its proximity to the equator, tinder normal circumstan

•ces a dailyhowever,

Droughts, rainfall tempers-the heat so thoroughly

have been experienced thattomany

of from one sleep beneath

six months. blankets.

The climate of the

island is thus described by Mr. Thomson, in the “Journal of the.Indian Archipelago,” his

remarks still holding good ^“Singapore, though within 80 miles of the equa-

tor, has an abundance of moisture, either deposited by the dews or gentle

[ refreshing showers, which keep its atmosphere cool, prevent the parching, effects

of the sun, and promote continual verdure. It seldom experience furious gales.

If more than ordinary heat has accumulated moisture and electricity a squall

generally sets in, followed by a heavy shower of rain, such squalls seldom

! -exceeding one or two hours in duration. According as the monsoon blows, you

will have the squalls coming from tha-t direction. But the most severe and

i numerous are from the west, called “Sumaitras,” and these occur most frequently

. between 1 and 5 o’clock in the morning. The north-east monsoon blows from

I November to March; after which the wind veers round to the south-east and

gradually sets in the south-west, at which point it continues to September.

The north-east blows more steadily than the south-west monsoon. The tem-

[ perature is by one or two degrees cooler in the first than in the last. The

; average fall of rain is found, from the observation of a series of years, to

[ be 92.697 inches; and the average number of days in the year in which rain

I falls is found to be 180, thus dividing the year almost equally between wet

1 and dry; the rain is not continuous, but is pretty equally distributed through

[ the year, January being the month in which the greatest quantity falls. The

8 mean temperature of (Singapore is 81°24, the lowest being 79°,55 and the highest

j 82°31, so that the range is not more than 2°.76. It would appear from this

[ that the temperature of the island is by 9°.90 lower than that of many other

| localities in the same latitude. Comparing the temperature now stated with

-that which was ascertained 20 years earlier, and in the infancy of the Settle-

' ment, it would appear that it had increased by 2°.48—a fact ascribed, no doubt,

[to the increase of buildings, and to the country having been cleared of forest

| for three miles inland from the town, the site of the observations. The general

[ character of the climate as to temperature is that the heat is great and con-

J tinuous, but never excessive, and that there is little distinction of seasons.

I summer and winter differing from each other only by one or two degrees of

| the thermometer. Thunder-showers are of frequent occurrence, but the thunder

e is by no means as severe as I have experienced it in Java, and seldom destruc-

rtive to life or property.”

For some years there was a great development of pineapple cultivation in

I Singapore. Extensive areas of waste ground covered with secondary jungle

S were cleared and planted with pineapple for tinning. Considerable interest has


also beencultivation

shown in the c-ultivation

increased of rubber,

rapidly oil-gi’asses,

for a time, but thelemon-grass and citronelin..

rubber booms of 1920

land 1926 induced a tendency to substitute rubber for coconut, which has been

[ officially declared to be “not an advisable policy.”

!The principal show places^ in Singapore are the Botanical Gardens at Tanglin,

[(' the Waterworks'

various Chinese andin Indian

Thomson Itead, The

terriples. the harbour

Raffles isLibrary

among tbeandmost


beautifulandin the


'world. A railway across the island was Opened On "1st January, 1993.

i.Aia extensian to the Tanjong Pagar Docks

[ runs as far as Pasir Panjang. This liine of 14 miles was- the first and neighbourhood now

I section, of a projected Malay Peninsula and India Railway, passing

through : and>i opening up the countries of Johore, Malacca, the Malay

nyway States',nowsome

runs Siamese, territory

direct, from Singaporeand toBurma,"

Penang;dnit tohas‘ Calcutta. The on' Rail-

been extended the

flf'West -Coast through Kedah and Perils and connected. ;with the Siamese-

railway system. The journey from Singapore to Bangkok can be made in

ir2^ days, and from Penang in 36';hours. The railway/has, aDo been -canstr

■rfrom a junction at Cefiias, .near the 4orthern boundary, of Jqhor.e, through


the eastern States of Pahang aud KelaWtau, ,to. form another link with the

Siamese railway system on the East Goast. The Singapore Railway was ?

purchased in 1913 for £482,533 by the Federated Malay States Government !

from the Colonial Government in order t'd unify thte British Malayan rail-

way system under one management. A causeway across the Straits of Johore-

carrying a double line of rails and a 26 ft. roadway, connects the Island

with the mainland., The first train crossed over it bn October 1st, 1923. The

length of the causeway is 3,465 ft. There is a lock-^176 ft. long and 32 ft.

broad, widening inside the gates to 45 ft.—for small craft at the Johore end.

The carfseway cuts off the site of the ■naval bai^e from'sea Obmmunieation fromr

the West.


{For'Government Departments see Straits Settlements section, pages QS-Cltt)'

Abdeen & Co., Ltd. (Established 1914), Adeiphi Hotel (New1 and

Ltd., Proprietors)’— Adelphi Hotel,

2, Coleman

Merchants, Translators, Brokers & :Street; Teleph; 506! (4 r

lines); Cable Adr


Coast Road; Agents

Cable Xd: — siAbdeen'

& 83A, East

; Codes: Adelphi; Codes: A.BiC. 5th edhl and

A.'HiB.C. Abdeen,

5th edn., Bentley’s and Private Bentley’s

e.f.f., managing dir. Rennie Lowick & Co., secretaries-

Directors — J. M. Meyer, J. Lay-

Abdeen, PL, Translator, Broker and cock, R. M.’ Meyer, D. M.

Commission David and B. Lowick

Coast Road;Agents—83

Cable Ad:& Egyptian;

83A, East H. O. Waser, general manager

Codes: A.B.O. 5th edn., and Private Adrian Limited (Incorporated in thew

Abdulla & Go., E. M., Importers S. S.), Agents,

—12, and Exporters and Importers-

Exporters, Commission Agents and

Manufacturers’ Representatives — 27, Teleph.14 .3528; 16,CableJiakAd: KimAdrianco;


Robinson Road;Codes:

Teleph. 4719; A.B.C.

Cable Codes: A.B.C. 6th edn., Acme, Bentley’s.

Ad: Eaglegold; Bentley’s, & A.Private

5thE.edn. I. N.A.Benjamin

Yan der Harst,

and C. D.Cox,managing dir.


E. M.

M. Mohamed Abdulla, partner

A. Abdul Hameed, mang. prop. W.K.S.M,Zaccheus,


b.a., office assistant

E. K. Mohamed Ismail, do.

Abdullah Sahib & Co., A. M. (Established Advertising’and Publicity

1908), ofImport-Export

Kinds Produce, raw and Merchants in all

cured Reptile Ltd., The—Publicity House, 4,Bureau,


skins and Commission Agents—66 & 68-a, Road; Teleph. 6668; Cable Ad: Toad vert.

Market Head Office: Queen’s Building, Hong-


19;Senior Teleph. 2149; P.O. Box

Ad: Amah

Partner—A. M. Abdullah Sahib


Mrs. B. Thompson, director ,

Managing Partners—N. M. Mohamed C. J. Church, do.

Abdullah and A.A. Mohd. Mohiadin A.P. O’Neill Dunne,

Hill-Reid, manager

art director

Acme Code Company, Publishers, Acme J. Darnell, sales mgr.

Commodity and Phrase W. L. Collins,

, Accounts Dept.—publication

Representatives: — J. Lee

Kelly & Walsh, Ld., 32, Raffles C. Alwis

Place Records Dept.— | Chan King Soon

Adamson & Co., A.,Preserved

Distributors of “Taj Miss G. Siddons ] Miss M. Gareh

Mahal Brand” Pineapples— Art Y.Dept.—

Filinoff | Miss H. Master*

17,M.Cecil Street; Cable

P. Hebut, manager Ad: Tajpines Y. Bourlin I Lee Siew Chat

Miss L. Schwittau | Hon Leong


Chew YewTipSeng Allen, van Ingen & Co., Exporters and

Foo Wah Importers — Temporary Office : 62,

A. H. Jeeris Meyer Road; Cable Ad: Vanallen

!’ Kid W. Chubby

S. David, production Alliance Engineering Co., Ltd., En-

, C. Leong Law, Chinese translator gineers, Merchants and Contractors

Khoo Nui Kira, propagandist —6 and 7, Telegraph St.; P.O. Box

P. Bracken 669; Teleph. 3412; Cable Ad: Jipco

i Agents in Malaya, for: —

Directory and Chronicle of Ally

China, Japan, ftflalaya, etc. chants—6, Battery Road; Teleph. 6891;

Published by Hongkong Daily Cable Ad: Bismilla

Press, Ltd., Hongkong J. M. Mohamed Yussoff, managing

Aitken & Ong Siang, Barristers-at-

Law, Advocates and Solicitors—9, ; M.partner

S. Mohamed Abdullah, manager

I Bonham Building

Song r Ong Siang, m.a., ll.m., c.b.e., Alsagoff, S. O., Landowner, Mer-

A .D., Barrister-.at-Law (Middle chant, Commission and Estate

Agent—13a, Battery Road; Teleph.

Temple), partner

I. Hunter Hoahing, advocate 7232; Cable Ad: Omaralsagoff;

and solicitor Codes: A.B.C. 4th and 5th edns.,

C. J. Koh, b.a., advocate and and Private

solicitor Syed Ibrahim Omar Alsagoff, manag-

3 Kohsolicitor

Choon Hong, b.a., advocate and ing partner

..Aldens' Successors (Eastern), Ltd., Robinson Road;Publicity

Amalgamated Services—94,

Cable Ad: Sregor

i Merchants—6, Teluk Ayer Reclama-

t tion, Prince Edward Road ; Telephs. Amalgamated Siamese Industries Ltd.,

! 2905 Office, 5838 (Godown); Cable General Merchants, Inporters and Ex-

! Ad: Aldens; Codes: A.B.C. 5th and porters—58, Orchard Road; Cable Ad:

\ 6th edns., Bentley’s and Broomhall’s Amasil

, C. H.G. M.Mawson, Wyllie,managing

director director Amalgamated Theatres Ltd,,

F. M. Curties, assist. Operating and Controlling the Capitol,

jAlexandra Brick-Works, Manufac- Theatres—P. Pavilion, Alhambra, and Malborough

i turers of Bricks, Tiles and Pipes Amcapav O. Box 145; Cable Ad:

Secretaries—The Borneo Co., Ltd. J. Directors—E.

A. Elias, chairman

■Alhambra and Malborough Theatres— A. Elias, S. A. H.

Shirazee, M. J. Namazie, Joe

76, Beach Road; Cable Ad: Alhambra Fisher, A. L. Schiesser and

LAlkaff & Co., House and Landowners M. Baker

Secretary—M. Y, Namazie

^| Office:

and 70Commission

and 70a, TheAgents—Head

Arcade; P.O. Manager, Capitol Theatre—Ju-

lius Fisher

| Box 3 Manager, Pavilion Theatre—W.

.Allen & Gledhill, Advocates, Solici- D. Lambert

tors and Notaries5954Public—22-a, Raffles Manager, Alhambra Theatre—

i Place ; Teleph. (and at Malacca S. Davis

> and MuaO ; Cable Ad: Gledhill; Codes:

A.B.C. 5th and 6th edns., Broomhall’s American & Co., Importers and Exporters

and Bentley’s Complete and 2nd

i.4 Partners:— —67, Victoria Street; Cable Ad: Mecn.

Richard Page b.a:, (Oxoh.)

E.D. A.K. Stevens

Walters American Asiatic Uuderwritees, Ltd ,

W. Munro, m.a., ll.b. -(Glasgow) General Insurance (Represented in

L. H. Chidson, b.a. (Cantab.) Malaya by International Assurance Co.,

E. Thornton-Jones, b.a. (Cantab.) . Ltd.)—Cl2,

P.O. Box 10;Hongkong

Cable Ad: Batik Chambers;



American Express Go., Inc;., The (Inter- Anglo-Swiss : ^ —:Co.—21,, ; Chulisfh -.4 U

national •Banking, Travel, - Shipping)— Street; CableWatch Ad: Brisk

1, Collyer Quay; T.elephs: 3444 and 3660; A. W. Brisk, proprietor

Cable Ad;andAmexco;

Bentley’s Private Codes:

, Angullia & Co., M. S. E., General j

Merchants and Commission Agents

' M.A.£.P.Merriman,

Jodhi, chiefhiaiiage'

clerk r —4, Robinson Road; Teleph. 1171;

Cable Ad: Angullia; Codes: A.B.C.

" ' Ehbo Eim Ldottg,; cashier 5th and 6th edns. and Bentley-s

American Foreign" Insurance Asso- ApvtjEXX, .’H. R., e.p'£',k Architeifi, Civil'

ciation, Fire, Marine & . Motor Gar Engineer ’and Yalixer-Unidh: Building

Insurance—11, Ocean Bldg. ; Teleph.

4105; Cable Ad: Afiamalaya; GodOS: '(s'na fldBT);.‘Tel'eph. .'6QVi ; Ca,ble Ad:

•Beiitley’s and Private. Head Office • Arbenzp Code :‘ A.B.C. 5th edn.

80, Maiden Lane^ New York ARCHjEPPLAGoGBREWERy Co.. Ltd

F. T. "Wyokof?, inariager ' 366, Alexandra Road,; Teleph. 3)327 ' 365-


American : .Lloyd Agency; Ltd.—64,'

Robinsoir:Road; iGable Ad : Palesbloyd, Ard^tR ToRACdoGou Ltd. (Incorporated1

in England) Terri'tsq 7 iu )

American Trade Commissioner—7a, DhtvibutQ'rs for Malaya

Ocean Building; Teleph; 2739; Cable Malaya Tobacco Distributors, Ltd.

Ad: Amcomat; Code: Western

Union Art Furniture Depot, House Fur-

Anglo-French & Bendixsens, Ltd., riisbets

—32/34, 'Orchard

& Furhiture Manufacturers-

Road; Tbleph. 7848 —-

•’ (Incorporated' in, :Straits : Settle- H. S. Finck,.manager

ments), Crude Rubber 1 Dealers h-

Union Building, Collyer Quay;

Teleph. 5855t6 (Office). .Store: Go- Asia Insurance

and Motor,Co.Car , Ltd.,- Fire,.

down Noo 10, Prince, Edward Road : ^Marine and E Ohulia ^treet; Teleph, 2097


Telepb. 7972; P:0.-- Box • 17 ; i-Cable : Hi 3/eung Ki' general manager.

Ad: Anglosing

Directors—Mau-riee Alcan, "Walter Asia Life Insurance .Cd.- (Incorjldrated

L. Burton. Emil Bendixsen, in the States of Delaware, G,8.A.)— ]

Harold S. Godwin and Redyets C-16, Hongkong Bank Chambers; Te- 1

Prior , ;

Assistants—R. A. Barbour, C. P- leph, 2221; Cable Ad: Amerriteps; p..O.

Liston, W. Nisbet, C. A. Rail- Box; The 10, MainShanghai

Bund, Office for; Kuala

the Orient:

Lumpur 17,

ton, L. Richards, .C. C. Dalgas Office: 13, Holland.Road;

and W. G. Jackson Penang: Office:

33, Beach-Road -

Av,,A. attorney

Goss^vsky; , byaiicn manager,

Anglo-Chinese Dispensary, Ltd..

Wholesale and Retail Chemists, , T. rand

U. Tay. ,asst, manager • „

Druggists and Opticians—303, North

Bridge'Road; Tejeph. 6918; Cable

- H. ,1U, Ling, resident medical ■j :

Ad: Sinphew

Asiatic Petroleum Ltd., TheCo.. (Incorporated

(Straits Settle-in i

Anglo-Siam Cgrporation, Ltd., The ments),

(Incorporated in England), Mer- England)—Shell House, Collyer Quay;

chants—37b, Robinson Road; Te- Cable andAd: 6th Petroatic; Codes:(withA.B.C.

Oil |j

lephs. .5817 (2 lines) (Office), 2494 5th Supplement)

edns., Bentley’s

and Bentley’s 2nd, Scott’s;;

(Godown) ; .Cable A<3 : Anglo-siam ; and AJP.Cb.’jS Private

Codes: New Standard, Bentley’s H. Wylly, representative

Second Phrase and Acme. Head E. N. C.’ Woollerton, assist, do.

Office: 5 and 7, St, Helen’s Place,

London, E.C. Branch Offices: Bang- iAsiatic Steam Navigation Co., Ltd.

kok, Bombay, Karachi and Penang (Incorporated in England)— Hongkong

C. D. Miller, manager Bank, Chambers

R. H. Smith, signs per pro. Harper, Gilfillan & Co., Ltd,, agents


Asiatic Universal Trading Co., British andAgency

Eoreign BibleHouse:


Merchants and Commission Agents, Malayan Street —Bible 8076;Cable Ad:7,

Dealers of Eastern Products and Armenian ; Teleph.

Manufacturers’ Agents — 60, The “ Testaments” Singapore

Arcade; pable A,d >' Unitrasia; | Secretary—Ernest Tipswi ''

Codes: Bentley’s, Complete Phrase Eurasian Association, The (Exempted

Code, A. I. & Private ; 3rd September, 1919)—c/o RaffieS Dis-

pensary, 22, Hill Street

Asoka Printing Works, The, Printers,

Rubber Stamp and* Account Book- Eire Insurance Association ,of Malays

makers— 152,, Selegie Road; Teleph, 497$ . Cmpmatteei—A.*

A* H. AndersonC..(deputy

Potts (chairman),


0.E Lee,

don Gibson,

R, D.R.Henly,

H, Godfrey,

P- W.A. Holt,



G. Johnson,andW. R.R.TeSsbiisphn

Mansfield,' F.

Automobile Association' of Malaya, ‘ Secretaries—Gattey & Batem'an

The, Affiliated with the R.A.C.,

London, Eederated with the A. A., League of Nations

tion (Eastern HkaiIthRiver

Bureau)—336, Organisa-


Great Britain,


Allianceof the Teleph.

Inter- Road;


5007; Branches at Kuala Lumpur, and Dialto. Codes: Bentley’s; 2ndLeague

Teleph. 6331; Cable Ads:

! edn.

Seremban, Tpoh and Penang and Private, _ ‘y j

General.Secretaries,: Messrs. Har- Dr. C. L. Park, director (

risons, Barker & Co., Ltd.—A. Dr. T. Ouchi, deputy director

A. M. Central Office. Chartered E. G. Scharenguive], fihi. assistant

Bank Chambers, Singapore A. G. Mehph, director’s secretary

Patron — H. E. Sir Shenton Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic

Thomas Society, The ,

Singapore Branch Secretaries—

Messrs. Harrisons,'Barker & Co., Malayan Poip Association. The

Ltd. Hon. Secretary—T. M. Wirisley (c/o

A. P. C., Singapore), 1

Association of Engineers—11, Raffles Members—, The Penang Pol o. Club,' Penang

Quay; Teleph. 6130; Cable Ad: Engine The Selangor

Code: A.B.C.and

Secretary 5th Treasurer—H.

edn. Butcher Iskandar PoloPolo Club,Kuala

Club, KualaKangsar


The Singapore Polo Club, Singapore

Board of Examiners for Engineers’ Cer- , The Batavia

TheBangkok, PoloRiding

BangkokSiam Club,JkBalavia, Java

Fold . Club,

tificates — Telephs. 5193 and 5194:

Cable Ad: Ships

Surveyor General of Ships, S. S. and : Stewards—

Chief Examiner of Engineers, S. S. A.BuiG.ford.Donald, (president),

Major Lindsay Years E. H.

! and

—G. Heron, m.i.mar.e., m.i.n.a.

Surveyors of Ships, S. S. and Exam- T. M. Winsley (bon. secy;) '

iners of Engineers—A.

m.i.mar.e., m.liv.e.s., J.A.C.McGuffin,

Macnab, Motor Insurance Association qf Ma la ya


m.i.mar.e., a.m.i.n.a., Chairman—R. B. Henly

m.i.mar.e., m.i.n.a. and J. Cockburn, Deputy Chairman—H.

Secretaries—Gattey E. Wilson

W Bateman


(The Certificates issued by the Board Motor Traders Association of Malaya

are Board

the equivalent to those

of Trade issued by —70, Orchard Road

in London) Chairman— L. W. Geddes

Vice-do. —A. Corbet Motors, Ld.

Hon. Secretaries—Borneo

Board of Examiners for Masters and

Mates’ Certificates (equivalent to cer- Philharmonic Society of St. Cecilia of


Mastergranted by theS.S.Board of Trade) the Cathedral of The “Good Shepherd”


Deputy Master Attendant Committee :—

Senior Boarding Officer and Observer President—Rev. N. Maury



Vice-President—Rev, R. Dubois London AgentsLd., 11, Tokenhouse Yard,


Choirmaster and Hon. Secretary—W. and 5, Copthall Chambers, London,

F. Mosbergen E.C.

Asst. Choirmaster—H.

Organist—VV. H. MosbergenS. Eber

Asst. Organist—C.VV Mosbergen Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber

L. P. de Souza I A. V. Peralta, Association—Auction

Rooms: Fullerton Building Room and Sample

A. J. D’ceicao

Con- I| S..C. H.I. Richards

Bateman Secretaries and Offices — Gattey &


Ad: (Fullerton Building; Cable


Pilot Board

President—Capt. G. H. Freyberg, Singapore Chinese Chamber of Com-

Deputy Chairman—R. B. Henly merce—47, Hill Street; Teleph. 655?);

O.B.E., R.N. Cable Ad: Sianghwe; Codes: (Chinese!

Committee—Harbour Board : R. Second Commercial Press: (English) Bentley’s

V. Harris (chairman), C. E. President—Lim

Wurtzburg, m.c. and Capt. A.

H. Barnes, D.s.c. Vice-do. —Lum Keng Lian m.c.h.

Mun Thien,

General Secretary—Chung Tok Teng

Clerk—B. G. Sahai Secretary—Tang Peng Yan


Pang, Chen Lye Chiang, ChewKhye

Min Tong, Ang Hian

Rqyal Asiatic Society (Malayan Branch) Swee,

—Raffles Museum

President— Sir Richard Winstedt, Ki Hu,Ching

Chua HanKee Leong,

Sun, j.p.,Chua



C.M.G., D.LITT. Chua, Gan Say Hong, Goh Yong

Vice-Presidents, S. S,—Sir Andrew Hong, Koh Bon Chua,

Seng, Lee Chin Tian, Lee ChoonKoh Kiat

Caldecott and C E. Wurtzbursr Eng, Lee Kong Chian, Lee Teck

Vice-Presidents, F. M. S.—Hon. Choe,

Mr. C. C. Brown and O. T. Dussek

Vice-Presidents, U. M. S.—Engku Li SooLiSiam,






Abdul Aziz and W. Linehan Choy, j.p.,

Cheng OngTanPiahHaiTeng,Thew,

Kiat, Tan

Councillors—E. J. H. Corner, R. E. Tan Hoon Tze, Tan Khye Kok, Tan

Holttum, Hon. Mr. Justice J. V. Kwee Twee,

Chian, j.p.





Rev. Mr. onS. W. Jones and

R. Card Geok Yit Yap


Hon. Treasurer—M. W. T. Tweedie Special Committee — Aw Boon Haw,

Hon. Secretary—F. X. Chasen m.c.h., Lee Choon Seng,

Nam, Tan Ean Khiam, S. Q. Wong,Lee Wee

J.P. and Yeo Chang Boon

Singapore Bar Committee

Roland St. J. Brad dell, S. J. Chan, P. Singapore Government

Sammy, P. H. BattisMll, R. William- operative Thrift & LoanServants’ Co-

Society, Ltd.

son, T. C. Spenser Wil 1 iamson and —Fullerton President—A.


W. Grant, m.c.s.

G. M. Col tart Vice-Presidents^—W.

Hon. Secretary—Dr. C. H. Withers

Payne W. W. Bachelor Birtwistle and


Secretary A. Joseph

Singapore Chamber oe Commerce, The pathy and Treasurer—M. Thana-

—Offipes: Fullerton Building; Cable Ad: Committee—A.

Sabapathy, C.S. Kathigesu,

Ponnambalam, M. K.T.

Accountant Pillay, N. Kasturi, Michael Leong

Committee—C. E. Wurtzburg

man), A. P. Cameron (deputy chair- (chair- and Fong Peck Yew

man), Hon. Mr. John

Baxter,Mr.E.W.J. A.Bannett, Bagnall, H. G. Singapore Marine Insurance Associa-

Hon. Fell, J.C.W.R. Cherry,

de Piro tion Chairman—W. H. Mansfield

and Hon. Mr. James Robertson Deputy Chairman—W. Swithinbank

Secretaries—Gattey ahd Bateman Committee — A. Gordon Lee, A. C.

Publications Potts, A. D, Anderson, R. B. Henly,

Daily Import and Export List C. E. Gibson, L. C. Margoliouth and

Weekly Market

Daily Shipping Report Report R. Tessensphn

Secretaries—Gattey & Bateman


Singapore Riior Association,

1 Licensed Representing Selangor Turf Club—T.

H. Menzies, A. A. Hengeler and E.


Wharf for( Section

the Port2),of Taniong



Pagar; L. Watson

Teleph. 6050; Cable Ad: Pilots Representing Perak Turf Club -E. C.

A.W.H.L. Barnes,

Gardnerp.s.c. Watson, S. D. Scott and Hon. Air.

H. J. Abbey Chung Ah Ming

H.E. Gilroy, o.B.E. Representing, Taipiug , Turf Club —

D. Hon Mr. S. B. Palmer

R. McAlister

1). King Harman . D.S.C. Secrfetary—A. H. Todd

.1. L. Sinclair, D.s.o, r.d.

R. J. J. Hnsddon Straits Settlements (Singapore) Assoc.

Singapore .Saieors’ Institute—Anson

Road; Teleph. 6365; Cable Ad: Sailors, Aurely, G., Import and Export : Aler-

Codes: A.B.C. and Bentley’s

Attendant, S. S. chant—2,


(Capt. G. H. Freyherg,O.B.E., R.N.) Cable Ad: ' Aurely

Raffles Quay; Teleph? 6046;

Supt.—Capt. O. S. Abraham G. Aurely, proprietor


Admiralty M. Haroon&c—Chart Depot, Australian Primary Producers

Sailors’InstituteO. ,S.. Abraham Society, Dairy Produce


Clerk—N. M. Haroon Merchants—Hongkong BankandOhanibers,


Sailors’ Institute Nautical Academy 4th door; Teleph1. 49'40; P: O. Box 43.

Principal—Capt. Plead Haymarket.

Office: C. Geo.Sydney,

Kell away & Sons,

Chaplain, Mission toO. S.Seamen—Rev.

Abraham A. Ltd.,

W. A. RpllinsQn, manager Australia

Y. Wardie Aliss H. Lewis,

Singapore Sinhalese Association, The Low lYng

Goh Eng Boon,stenographer

Chong, salesman

clerk ,

—61, .Waterloo Road

Singapore Rifle Association — Head- Ayurveda Siddha OushAdhA Sala,

Manufacturers of High-class Gen-

quarters: Drill Hall, S.V.C.

President—Lieut. Col. R.H.L. Fink, uine Sastrid'' preparations — 171-a,

Selgie Road ■


Hon. Secy, and Treasurer — Capt. W.

T. Cberry Babcock & Wilcox, Ltd., Engineers

Society of St. Vincent he Paul and Alamifacturefs,

Steamboilers, Patent

All Sizes WaterRaising

Steam Tube

President-Secy.—L. J. Shepherdson. Plants and Electric Cranes —Bl, 2 and

Vice-do. —W. Mosbergen

Treasurer—Rev. N. Maury 3, Hongkong Bank Chambers ; Teleph.

6261;W.Cable Ad: Bglicpck

H. Menzies, manager


Anhrew’s 1908VSociety, Singapore (Es-


Vice-do. —G. Marshall Robertson BANKS

Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer—

D. Stark Bank Of Taiwan, Ltd. (Incorporated in


(General 3!,Dept.),





Straits Ractng Association—Mprcantil e

Bank Building; Teleph. 2451; Cable Ad: j (Compradore); Gable Ad: Taiwangink;

Racing Code: Bentley’s complete phrase, Lie-

Renresenting ber’s Standard and A.B.C. 5th edn.Inter-


Hon. Air. R.Sinsranore TurfDr.Club—

Williamson, J. C. Imperial combination, Paterson’s

national Banking. Head Office: Taipeh,

Tull, f.r.c.p., E.S. Manasseh and C. Formosa (Taiwan). London Office: 40-41,

A. Niven

Representing Penang Turf Club— Old Broad Street, E.C. 2. New York

Office: City Broadway Building, 165,


D. Kemp, H. S. Russell and F. M. Broadway



Basque de l’Indo-Chine—Raffles Place; Eastern Bank, Ltd., The (Incorporated in

Teleph. 5138; Cable Ad: Indoehine. England)—4, d’Almeida Street; Telephs.


Paris. Office: 96, Boulevard Haussmann,

Branches: 4510 (Manager) and 5128 (General); Cable

Canton, Hankow, Hongkong,

Tientsin, Shanghai,

Peiping, Ad:W.Eastertide

Steel, manager

Saigon, Haiphong, Hanoi, Tourane, H. Barden, accountant


Pondichery, Battambang,

Noumea, Pa Peete,Bangkok,


Abeba, Djibouti, Fort Bayard, Oantho, Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Cor-

poration—Collyer Quay; Cable Ad:


Ren4 Busson, Yinh,manager

Quinhon and Hue Pacific

Georges Doat, accountant H. E. D. Hancock, manager

Paul Anthoine- Yfithomme, cashier L. H. Hitchcock, sub-manager

R. Peuvergne, bills department W. C. Murray, accountant

C. H. Eldridge, sub-accountant

The Chartered Bank of India,in N. deH. P.Matthews

A.W. Fuzzey


EnglandRoad; & China

by Royal (Incorporated

Charter, 1853)— W. Rae

Battery Cable Ad: Sladang I. R. Cameron

H.R.G.A.Baxter, manager M.

F. H.E. H.G. Mills

F. Swayne

Camidge, sub-manager B. P. Massey

M. W. Tipler, accountant H. C. Peterson


J. C. Macpherson J. E. B. Thomson

L.W. Gregory L. M. Wylie

C. Mackay I.J .0. Cruickshank

G.E. P.Dodds R. Cameron G. T. Gillespie

Adam C. W. Macpherson Kwong Lee Bank Co., (Established

R. J.Park

W. S. Davies G.R. O.Davidson

Cruicksbank 1905) — 76, South Bridge Road.

H. A. Short

N. Nian Chin, chiefA. clerk

G. Mitchell Head Office: Kuching, Sarawak;

Tan Ong Seng, chief cashier Teleph. 7317; Cable Ad: Kwole-

banco, Singapore

China and Southern Bank, Ltd. (Incor- Lee Wah Bank, Ltd.—18, South Canal


Formosa.in Japan)—Head

Singapore Branch: Office:31,Taipeh.

Raffles Road; Cable Ad: Bankleewah

Place; Teleph. 3165; Cable Ad: Kanan-

ginko; Codes: Bentley’s complete phrase, Mercantile Bank of India, Ltd., Thk

Branches: Canton and Semarang (Incorporated in England)

Place; Telephs. 5018-9 —and21, Raffles


Cook & Son (Bankers), Ltd., Thos. (Manager ; Cable Ad : Paradise.

Office3 : 15, Gracechurch Street, London, Head

—39, Robinson Road; Teleph. 5908; E.C.

Cable Ad : Coupon T. McDowall, manager

John C. Walker, manager C. R. Wardle,.actg. accountant

Credit Foncier D’Extreme Orient Assistant Accountants—

(Incorporated in Belgium, 1907), C.

S. R.N. Shepherd



floor; Bank—Meyer CabledeChambers, 3rd S. J.N.Elgar

W. Black

Head Teleph.

Office: 2083;

13, Rue Ad:Br^derode,


R. Wyett

Brussels. Branches at Shanghai,

Hankow, Hongkong, Peiping and Tsinan Tientsin, Pahang Agency—Kuantan

H. Sarton, manager A. B. S. Richardson

H. J. Brassine, signs per pro Kota Bahru Agency

F. Glineur,

Miss V. Y. Scott, secretary

do, KualaC.Lipis

F. StocksAgency

Miss J. Campbell, stenographer R. H.Lumpur

Kuala Cowan

Li C. Pen, chief clerk H. Provis, manager

Lye Boon Hong, cashier S. L. Stocks, accountant

Chow Shi Lin, clerk J. H. Moore, assist, do.


National City Bank of New York, The Kobe,

Hamburg, London,Vienna,


Paris, Berlin,


—9, Collyer Quay; Teleph. 5826; Cable Lyons, Marseilles, Amsterdam,

Ad: edn.,

Citibank; Codes:

UnionBentley’s A.B.C. Madrid,

j 5th

2nd and


3rd edns. Head

and Peterson

Office: New Port Said,Lisbon, NewCairo,

York Alexandria,

and San

York Francisco

D. S. S. Douglas, manager

R. W. French, sub-manager P. & O. Banking Corporation, Ltd.

R. P. Newell, acct. (Incorporated

Quay; Cable Ad: in England)—10, Collyer

Penorbanca; Teleph.

| Sub-accountants—

L. D. Callings L Dow Kay Dim

Ho KimLianSengSeng,| Thong 2528 (Manager),

Foong Loon 7177 (Compradore). Head Office: 5394 (Gen. Office),

Chew compradore 117-122, Leadenhall Street, London,

| Nederlandsch Indische Handelsbank, E.C. 3. Branches: Bombay, Cal-

cutta, Calicut, Colombo, Hongkong,

t ' N. Y.

Handelbank— 1, Cecil Street; Cable Ad: Madras, Shanghai, Singapore

B. N.N. Bess


Hammersweil, manager H. R. C. Booth, manager

H. J. M. Zeegers, sub-accountant United Teleph.

Chinese Bank, Ltd—Chulia St.;

5182 (5 lines); Cable- Ad:


der Mey, assist.

do. Tyehuabank

\ 'Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij, Yokohama Specie Bank, Ltd. (In-

i N. V. (Netherlands Trading Society)—2, corporated in Japan)—Head Office:

[ 4, 6, Cecil Street; Cable Ad: Gardona. Yokohama, Meyer Chambers Japan.; Teleph.




fi Head

J. Th. Office:

van Amsterdam

Rossum, manager eral Office), 6049 (Manager); 6472 (Com-

P. H. Bonnerman, acct. pradore); 7842 (Manager's Residence),

6215 (Residence No. 4); Cable Ad: Sho-

A. Rutgers, cashier

G.W.A.Funke,Coppens,C. J.Stortenbeker

C. Driessen,andC. kingink; Codes: A.B.C. 5th edn.,

Lieoer’s Standard and Bentley’s

I. Wisse, assistants H. Unagami, manager

R. Nagao, sub-manager

Oversea-Chinese Banking inCor- M. Sugata, per pro. manager

poration, Ltd. (Incorporated the

Straits Settlements), Successors to The Ban Leong & Co,, Dealers in Milk,

Ho Hong Bank Limited, The Oversea- Tobacco, Cigars. Cigarettes and Matches

Chinese BankBankLtd.Ltd.andCapital

| Commercial The (Author-

Chinese —229, Rochore Roak

ised) : $40,000,000, (paid u p): $ 10.000,000—

China Building. Head Office : Chulia St, Bankers and Traders Insurance Co.,


Penang, Hongkong, Shanghai,Lumpur,

Malacca,, Kuala Amoy. Ltd. (Incorporated, in Australia), Fire,

I 'Seremoan, Batu .Pahat, Muar, Kota Battery Marine and Motor Car—Gresham House,

Bharu, Ipoh, Rangoon, Bangkok, Road

;> Batavia, Palembang and Djambi McAlister & Co., Ltd., general agents

| Chee Swee Cheng, chairman C. E. Gibson, resident officer

Tan Ean Kiam, managing director Banque de l’Indochine—(See Banks)

Kwa Siew Tee, general manager

j) DimAccounts)

Bock Kee, mgr. (Head Office

Chew Hock Leong, mgr. in change Barbour, porters—

Ltd., E. A., Crude Rubber Ex-


of branches

Kwa Siew Cable Ad: Barbour Bank Chambers;

Tan Chin Tee,


mgr. ofmanager

property E. R.A. V.BarN.bour and C.secy.

Shutte, A. Hare, directors

I dept.

Yap Phenk Geek, secretary BarBow & Co., Merchants and Estate

Agencies: Canton, Swatow, Foochow, Agents—Ocean Building, Collyer Quay;

Tientsin, Peiping (Peking), Sourabaya, Teleph. G. H. 5831;Bowen,Cable Ad: Sandbach



Padang, Menado, Pakalongan, Bandjermasin,

Cheribon, Medan, F. H. Curtis

Poritianak, Bombay,Calcutta, Manila, A. F. L. Barrow, assistant


Bakretto Shipping and

Chartering Agents and Ship Brokers—Trading Co., and Cycle Tyres, Provisions, etc. —

121, Beach Road; Teleph. 7807; Cable


Ad:F. The

BarrettoArcade; Teleph. 7784; Cable ■ Co., Ad: Provision

Beehuat. Merchants—217-219,

Branch: Lee HuatNew&

D. Barretto Bridge Road; Teleph. 2821, Singapore

F. J. Barretto

Bartholomeusz, Ltd., F. A., Importers Bell & Co., Sharebrokers24, Raffles

Place; Teleph. 6920; Cable Ad: Bellco;

and Exporters,Robinson

Agents—12-a, and Manufacturers’

Road; Teleph. Codes: Bentley’s, A.B.C. 5th and 6th

2234; Cable. Ad: Bartolomez; Codes: M. B. Bell, proprietor

A.B.C. 5th edn. and Bentley’s 1

F. A. Bartholomeusz, mang. director Belgian Consulate—(See Consulates)

C. W. Mitchell, director and secretary ;Bell,e Vue Hotel—60, Telok Blangah

E.L. Van

C. KeatJans/. Road

S.Z. V.Joachim


N. Kunjan Bell’s Asbestos and Engineering (S. S.)

E.C. G.V. Mitchell

Bracken Ltd. (Incorporated in England), Impor-

ters and

Teleph. 6427; Stockists—6,

Cable Bonham Bldg.;

Ad: Asbestos;

Branch Offices: 11j, Bukit

Kuala Lumpur and 204, Brewster Bintang Road, Codes : Bentley’s and A.B.C. 5th edn.

Road, Ipoh L. J. Reeves, manager


Yap Kim





Bata Shoe Co., Ltd., (Incorporated in H. M. Rais, cashier and collector

- Straits Settlements)—Head Bales Dept.:

Capitol Building, Singapore with Bran-

ches throughout Malaya; Cable Ad: “ Bethesda” Gospel Hall (see Churches)

Batashoe BinMerchants,

& Co., S. I.,andPiece Goods and General

i Paul Robitsche, sales manager Manufacturers’ Agents

Batavia Sea & Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. Meyer Chambers; Cable Ad: Sibinandco


Motorcar in Java), Fire, Marine and

Insurance—rTeleph.5326;Cable Blau, Robert (Malaya), Perfumery Busi-

Ad: Sluytersco ness (representing 4711 Eau de Cologne,,

Hooglandt & Go., agents etc.)—C.

R. Blau,14,proprietor

Hongkong Bank Chambers.

(139-149b, Market Street)

A. Wolfe, resident manager Lo Kam Woon, manager

(Chartered Bank Chambers)

Battenberg & Talma, Advocates and Blom & Van Der Aa, Insurance and Claim


TanM.Tee Raffles

Cheng, Place;

chief clerk Teleph. 7965 Agents


— Chartered Bank Chambers;

7714; Cable Ad:Amsterdam

Bloma. Head

Osman, conveyancing clerk Office: 5, Beursplein,

Alan Wolfe, resident manager


ImporterP. ofA. GermanF., General


and Bluntschli, H. C., General Agent—P.O.

son Green; P.O. Box 65; Cable Ad: Box 53. Also at Pakan-Baroe, Sumatra


P. A. F. Becker Board of Examiners for Engineers’

Bee & Company, WIS., Dubasher, Ship- Certificates—(Vee Associations)


Raffles Place; and Teleph.


Cable Ad: Board of Examiners for Masters’ and

Beestore; Code: Bentley’s Mates’ Certificates (see Associations)

Tay Kim Soon, managing partner Bolter & Co., H., Importers of Wines

Lye Eng Hong, do. & Provisions, Exporters of Coconut Bye-

Bee Huat & Co., Ltd., Importers and products, Shipchandlers to Soviet Mer-

Exporters and General Suppliers to Tin Collyer cantile Marine—$3,Cable Winchester

Ad: House,


Foundries, Rubberetc.;Factories,

Socony Estates and London Quay;

Lubricating Address : H. Bolter & Co.—


Products, Handware, Chemicals, Motor f 08c, Goldhurst Terrace, Hampstead





Fr andfull particulars

all otherbyofThomas





ttue & Co. , Ltd., and

apply toCoodall & Son, Ltd.,

our Agents:—

Shanghai: MUSTARD & CO., 161, Museum Road.

Hong Kong: MUSTARD & CO., Alexandra Building.

Singapore: BORNEO CO., LTD., Mercantile Bank Building.

Netherlands India: GEO. WEHRY & CO., Batavia, Semarang, Sourabaya.



Boon Seng & Co., Ltd., Established Borneo Teleph.

Motors, Ltd.—70, Orchard Road;

5088; Cable Ad: Borneocar.

1907 (Incorporated

chandlers, in Singapore),

Sailmakers and GeneralShip- Branches . at Penang, Ipoh, Kuala

Merchants; Manufacturers’ Agents; Lumpur, A. Corbet,Seremban



Stockists of Brass and Ironmongery,

Yacht Fittings, Cutlery, Crockery,



Implementsand and Enamel wares, Boustead & Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in

Fancy Sundry

Goods and Dealers in Talkie Equipment Collyer F.M.S.), Quay;

Merchants—Union Building,

Cable Ad: Boustead.

—Office : 36 and 38, Robinson Road;

Teleph. 7268; Cable Ad: Sailor; Codes: Swettenham, Ipoh,. Teluk Anson Port

Branches: Penang, Kuala Lumpur,

A.B.C. 5th edn. and Bentley’s and

Tumpat (Kelantan)

Chua Boon Im, managing director Directors—C. R. Cherry, H. O.

B. G. H. Johnson, E. H. H. Everest, Maas,

Kee Yew Hock, manager C. Graham Brown ai)d R. N. B.

Tan Koh Keng, asst, manager Byatt

Chan Siew Ghee, secretary C. E. R. M. Brooke, Secretary

Agencies Assistants—

Eugen Bauer Gmbh — Stuttgart — W. A. Ball

Talkie Equipment J. L. M. Boyd

Aktiebolaget Archimedes, Stockholm A. P. Craigie

' ; ^Outboard Motors W. T. Crosley, (p.p.)

“Rocklight” Cleansing and Boiler W. H. Esson, (p.p.)

Fluid Co., Liverpool—Boiler L. C. Hayton

Carbolic Soap—Creosote Fluid— Disin- H. L. Marshall, (p.p.)

J. M. Mason

fectant W. J. Henman


—Varnish&andCompany, New York J.N.P.

D. Morrison,

Paint Films

Associated Talking Pictures and Roberts (p.p.)| J. P. Wood

British Lion Corporation Ltd.—Films Braddell Bros., Advocates & Solicitors

Hungarian Lamp and Metal Goods —Meyer Ad:Chambers;

lines);A.B.C. Braddell; Teleph 5291 (2

Mfg. Co., Ltd.—Perfect Kerosene and

Gas Cooker 5th edn. Codes: Bentley’s

Peter Lunt & ,Co., Ltd., Liverpool— Partners:

Soap Boland St. John Braddell, b.a.


V.D,, barrister-at-law

Knowles, barrister-at-law

Borneo Co., Ltd., The, Merchants— John Laycock,

Solicitor b.aL (London),

Mercantile Bank Buildings; Teleph. 5037


Codes: A.B.C. exchange);



Borneo; Brjnkmann & Co., Merchants — French

National. Head Office: 143/149, Bank Building: Teleph. 5935; Cable Ad:

Fenchurch Street, London, E. C. 3. Brinkmann. Head Office: Hiltermann

Branches: Bangkok, Chiengmai, Lakon, Bros.,J. Manchester

Raheng, Paknampho, Penang, Ipoh,

Kuala Lumpur, Kuching, Sibu and Miri J. B. Gates . : signs

F. A. Swallow, do.per pro.

Sir Adam B. Ritchie, chairman (Lon- N. H. H. Greaves


R. Malcolm, general manager (Lon- British-American Tobacco, Co. (Straits),

Ltd. (Incorporated in England),

don) Cigarette and Tobacco Importers and

C.T. Jackson, manager (Malaya)

C. Martine, agent (Penang) Exporters—11, Keppel Road; Teleph.

R. A. Ashworth 5821 (3 A.B.C.

lines).; Cable, Ad: 6th



G. C. Ashworth J.H. E.J. Harvey M. Hesketh Codes:

Codes: Bentley’s

5th and

& Private. Head Office:

A. Allen H. J. Hinde Westminster House, 7, Millbank. Lon-

J. Bennett,persignspro. W.R. L. Moir don, S. W. 1

T.H. G.C. Coombes McBride H. C. Luetchford | F. C, J. Moore

Faxon C. L. P. Matheson

Pennefather Kuala Lumppr . (Cigarette Manu-

J. G. H. Grey G.G. F.Thomson facturers) — Sungei Besi Road;

Teleph. 2874; Cable , Ad : Ciga-

J. Grant MissO. K. Barrett rette, Pudu

W. S. Hogg Miss H. Rutledge


British Dispensary, Ltd.—33, Raffles British Trade CoMMissioNEfe1—Fullertotn

Place; Teleph. 6118 Building; Teleph. 4830

David Turner, m.pIs., mang. director

British East Indies Co., Produce (Incorporated British Traders’in Insurance



and General Merchants—Hongkong Fire and Workmen’s Compensation—

Bank Chambers, 2nd floor Union Building, Collyer Quay; Telfeph.

W. Deighton Kellaway, manager 5981; Cable Ad: Union

Low Peng Boon, salesman W. R. Mansfield, branch manager

A. S. Mitchell

[British Electro Plating Works, G.R. A.

C. M.L. Plummer


Chromium Plating, Nickel

Silver Plating — 31, Penang Road; Plating and Boustead & Co., Ltd., agents

Teleph. 7247 Brossard Mopin,

Alfred Sheffield, proprietor

Civil in the Malaya,

poratedEngineers, Straits Ltd. (Incor-


Reinforced Concrete

British Equitable Assurance Co., Ltd. Specialists andRoad;

General Contractors—

(Incorporated in England A.D. 1854;, 69 E, Geylang

Eire Insurance — Head Office: Royal Box 62; Cable Ad: Brosexploi; Codes: Teleph. 2240; P.O.



A.Eastern Lee, supervisor of agencies, A.B.C. 5th and 6th edns., Bentley’s,

Archipelago (6, Chartered ,Cogef, Lugagne andmanaging

J. Patrovilleau, Private director

Bank Chambers; Teleph. 2599; Cable E. Richter, civil engineer

Ad: Foxhound; Codes: A.B.C. 5th

edn. and Bentley’s) Brown &>Co., E.D’Almeida

A., Exchange and General

British and Foreign Bible Society (see Brokers—10, Street; Teleph.

under Associations and Societies) 6224;

5th edn. Cable Axi: Adis; Code: A.B.C.

British General Insurance Co., Ltd. Bruce Petrie, Ltd., Secretaries and

(Incorporated inUnion England),



Ad : Eistate AgenciesBuilding,

and Rubber


Cuaco Agents—Union CollyerSelling


Teleph. 7869; Godown: 359, Havelock

Roaa; Teleph. 4417; Cable Ad: Petrie;

British India Steamin Navigation Codes:edn.Bentley’s and Broomhall’s Rub-

Ltd. (Incorporated England) Co., berDirectors—Bruce Petrie and George

Boustead & Co., Ltd., agents Parbury

British Malaya Trustee and Executor Bun Bee & Co., General Importers and

Co., Ltd.


M. Meyer, David Galloway,H. R.C. Exporters,

Merchants, Provision, Wine and

Green Grocers and Spirit


Reilly, J. E.O. Cookson,

R. S. Bateman,

L. C. Mar- Storage


Proprietors—111 and 113, Beach

Teleph. 6460; Cable Ad: Bunbeeco;

goliouth and L. G. Johnson Codes: A.6.0. 5th edn., Bentley’s and


British Pharmacy, The, Wholesale and Burlington Private Hotel—3, Coleman

Retail Chemists and Druggists and Street; Teleph. 7108.

Manufacturers’ Agents — 440-2, North Thio Sam It, manager


Britarmacy; Road;Code:Teleph. 6182; Cable

Bentley’s Ad:


phrase Butter, W., Agent ManufacturersSignode

Signode Steel Strap-

Consulting m.b.,Physicians—Dr.

Souza, l.r.c.p. c.M., F. O. de ping Co.,Chicago

Souza, & s. and Dr. B. N. de System—137-139,

3166; Cable Ad: Signode Cecil Street; Teleph.

F.C. L.C. Thong,

Wong, principal

manager Butter, Mrs. W., m.b. lond., d.o.

K.J. G.E.Tan,


chief assistant oxon, (Dr. Dexter Allen), The

C. C. Low, do. Clinic—4, Oxley Rise; Teleph. 6700


CaSdbeck, tViacgregor & Co., Ltd. Chan & Ebeh, Advocates and Solicitors


Ordinances ofunder . the Companies’

Hongkong), —Raffles Chambers; Teleph. 6816; Cable

, (Incor- Ad:

porated in Shanghai), Wholesale and Edn. Chaneber;

& Bentley’sCodes used: A.B.C. 5th

Retail Wine and Spirit Merchants—201, Partners—

Cantonment Road; Telephs. 5371 and S. barrister-at-law

J. Chan, b.a., ll.b. (Cantab),

5372; Cable Ad: Caldbeck; Codes: A.B.C. (Gray’s Inn)

5th edn. & atBentley’s

Branches 2nd Phrase

Shanghai, Code.

Hongkong, R. L. Eber, b.a. (Cantab.), bar-

Tientsin, Singapore, Penang, Ipoh and rister-at-law (Inner Temple)

Kuala Lumpur. Head Office: 4, Foochow E. R. Kock, barrister-at-law

Road, ShanghaiLd., Shanghai, general (Middle Temple)

Macgregors, K. I. Tap, barrister-at-law

managers (Middle Temple), assist, advo-

K. R. Stevens, Manager cate and solicitor

S. R. Burstall, Assistant London Agents: Tamplin, Joseph,

L. A. H. Stevens, European travelling Ponsonby,

church RydeLondon,

Street, & Flux,

E.C.165, Fen-



L. Bornemann, Manager (Kuala Chan Szi?-Onn & Co., Accountants and

E. G. Bird, Manager (Penang) Estate Agents—96, Market Street;

Cable Ad: Chanszeonn

California Sandwiche Shoppe- Change Alley Rubber Communication

235, Orchard Road; Teleph. 4181; (open Office, Rubber Brokers and Market

l■ until 2 a.m. daily)proprietor

A. McKnight, Reporters—14a, Change Alley; Telephs.

7532, 7534, 7536 and 2481


Poh Geok,

Hood, president

Gwee Peng Kwee,

I’XIampbell & Co., John G., Advocates

5 Solicitors—8, Raffles Place; Telephs. and Yeo Boon Yat, Chan Kee Leng

(j 5956-7; Cable Ad: Cambeul;Codes: A.B.C. and

brokers Lim Kian Hock, Rubber

5th and 6th edns., Bentley’s' complete

[! tion

phrase, Broomliall’s

(Rubber edn.) Imperial Combina- Chartered Bank of India, Australia

* C..advocate P. Burke (barrister-at-law), and China—rtNee Banks)

and solicitor:

Cheong Koon Valuers, Seng &Receivers

Co., Ltd.,

Oampbell & Co., Outfitters — 6, The Auctioneers Trustees


Arcade; Cable Ad:proprietor

J. L. Campbell, Unique Insurance Agents—30 andEstate

of Estates, Real and

31, Chulia

Street, near Raffles Place; Teleph. 7998;

Cable Ad: Koonseng; Code: A.B.C. 5th

i ’Canadian N ational Railways (Canadian edn. Bahru

Branch Offices: Malacca and Johore


i gerNational Steamships), Railway, Passen-

f) Ad:

and Freight—4th floor, Hongkong


Chambers; Teleph. 3497; Cable Wee SinHock

Cheong Choe,Chye, managing director


Code: Bentley’s KiOng Chai Woon, secretary

S L.J. L.H.Lawler, general agent

Middlecoat, travelling re- Cheong, Ong & Co. Commission Agents

presentative Texaco

North Lubricating

Bridge Products.—


Teleph. 7078) )375,

j N. . Carl Schliepper Handel Mij Cheong E. Peng,

i (Incorporated in Bafavia) —160,

| Cecil Street; Teleph. 4657; Cable Chesnot, M. H. L.,-Rubber Dealer—173,

173a, 173b, Cecil Street

I Ad : Tj apmata H. Villevaud, manager

I Carmichael and Co., Rubber Brokers— Chia & Co., Stock & Share brokers—34,

f 12, Laidlaw Building; Cable Ad: Hevea The Arcade; Cable Ad: Chiaco

Chia Lee Clinic—64, New Bridge Road

fcf Cathedral, Church of the Good Shep-

herd—(See Churches and Missions) Chilian Consulate—(Nee Consulates)


Chin Ho & Co., Merchants, Commission Chotirmall & Co., Drapers

Silk Merchants, K.A.J. (Estb. 1875),--”

and Ladies’

Agents andPhillip

tives—5, Manufacturers’ Representa-

Street; Teleph: 7546; Dressmakers—41, and 43, High Street;

Cable Ad: Chinho Teleph. 7957; Cable Ad: Chotirmall;

Codes: Acme, Bentley’s and A.B.C. 5th

Chin Huat Hin Oil Trading _ Co., edn. Branches: Batavia, Sourabaya,

General Merchants and Commission Saigon, Hong Kong,proprietor

D. A. Chotirmall, Canton & Kobe

Agents—-7, Upper Circular Road;Teleph. R. Shewakram, manag. partner

6437; Cable Ad: Selatae

China Fire Insurance Co., Ltd., The, Chung & Wong, Architects and Survey-

Marine and Fire

Collyer Quay; — Union

Teleph. Building,

5981; Cable ors, Designers of Steel Structures and

Ad: j Re-inforced

Union. Head Office: Hongkong Concrete

6th floor, Union Buildings—Office:

Building; Teleph. 7257


Mitchell branch mgr. Chung Hong Woot, proprietor

G. A. L. Plummer | R. C. M. Swan

China Mutual Steamin England)

Ltd. (Incorporated Navigation Co., CHURCHES, MISSIONS, &c.

Mansfield & Co., Ltd. (Ocean Building, Armenian Church of St. Gregory—



Collyer Quay) agents

China Navigation Committee—George Edgar, H. S.

corporated in England) Co., Ltd. (In- Arathoon, S. M. Arathoon, M. C.

Gasper & M. M. Catchatoor

Mansfield & Co., Ltd.

Collyer Quay) agents (Ocean Building,

Bethel Church of England School

China & Southern Bank—(Nee Banks) —Tanjdng Katong

Manager—Yen. Graham White,

China Underwriters, Ltd. (In- M.A,

Principal—Tan Choi Chip

corporated in Hongkong and Registered

in England), Life, Fire, Marine, “ Bethesda”—Bras Basah Road

Accident, Motor Car and

surance—Head Office: Hongkong General In- Ministers of the Gospel—L. J.

London Office—A.

Ltd., 71/2, .!. Collins

King William St.,

c Co.,4 Donaldson; and S. S. Adams

Chief Office (Southern Agencies)—3 Trustees — A. J. Turner, E.

(Second floor), Hongkong Bank Tipson and R. Austin

Chambers; Teleph. 4276; Cable Ad: Cathedral (Roman Catholic) of “ The


Resident Secretary — A. J. Frank Good Shepherd”—Bras Basah Road

LifeLeeAgency Staff—Teo Ka Thiam, andVicar—Rt.

Queen Street

Rev. P.M. Ruaudel

Vaz Siew, Poon Yew and D. E. N. R. Assistant—Rev. Deredec

General Agents—J. Evans & Co.; 28, C.ment E. Z. M. S. School—Govern-


The Arcade (A day school with . boarding

CHing Keng Lee & Co., Ltd. (Incorpor- accommodation for girls.)

ated in the Raffles

Straits Place;

Settlements)—Raffles Principal—Miss Kilgour

Chambers, Teleph. 6243

Kam Swee Siew, manager Chapel of St. Anthony—Mandai

Vicar—Rev. S. Lee

Chong Suing Dispensary, Ltd , Whole-


Bridge andRoad;



6342; Cable Nbrth

Ad: I Church of St. Joseph — Buket

China Timah

Chairman—Dr. S: F.KuoPhoon Vicar—Rev. S. Lee


F. Ho Ping and S. Church of St. Teresea—Kampong.

Manager—Wee Nam Watt Bahru

Secretaries—Jee Ah Chian & Co. Vicar—Rev, S. Lee


Diocese- of Singapore Portuguese Mission, Church of “St.

' Lord Bishop of SingapoVe— Joseph” (Under the jurisdiction of

Right- Rev. B.‘C. Roberts, m.a. the

VicarBishop of Macao)

ArChdeacon': of S i n gapOre—-Rev. GOn’l—Very


Rev. M. H. Cardoso

G. White, m.a.

Diocesan Registrar—N. A. Wor- Rev. J. Dias A.-Gonsalves and

ley, m.c.s. Vicar-Rev. A. Rego

Diocesan Secretary and Trea- Portuguese Mission, in -’-China

surer, and Bishop’s, Secretary Procurator—Very Rev. M. A.'Cardoso

—Geo. O. Daniel

-French Roman Catholic Mission Procure des. Valley

MissionsRoad; Etkanoeres—

Rt. Rev. Dr. A. Devals, Bishop of 334, River Cable. Ad:


Rev. L. Lambert, procurator Adexteros

Rev. N. Murrayj : acting vicar Procurator.—Rev;

Assistant—Rev. F! MorinJ. M. Ouillon

general, Cathedral of the Good


R. Dubois, assistant Romanis House—Stamford Road


Hostel for ChineseYipBoys)

Rev. J. Sy, vidar (The Sacred Heart) Cho Sang


Rev, E.S‘.Becheras,

S. Peter acting

and Paulvicar

Rev. L. Biirghoffer, vicar, Our Lady ■ Sacred Heart CHURCiiT^Tank Road


Rev. Lourdes Vicar—Rev, J. Sy

Rev. S.R.Lee,Garden,

vicar, St.editor,

TeresaMalaya Rev.

: R. Garden (Editor of the

“Malaya Catholic Leader;'”)


Rev. M. Koh Leader

(Serangoon) -

Rev. L. A.uriol, superior, St. Singapore Bishopsbournc

Diocesan A^3o6iation—



Rev. S. LeeSeminary (Serangoon)

(Bukit Timah) (Objects—To further the work

Rev. H. Diivelle (Johore) of the Anglican .Church,

in the Diocese) '

Garr i son Church—Tan glin President—The Lord Bishop of

Chaplain to-the'Forces—Rev. A. the Diocese

F.j Gatehouse Vice-President — The Venerable

The Archdeacon

Secretary of Singapore 0.

&, Treasurer—Geo.

Methodist Episcopal Church, Wesley Daniel

Church (English)—Ft. Canning Rd.

Rev. Hobart B. Amstutz, pastor Singapore Diocesan Magazine

Methodist Episcopal Mission — Cable (A quarterly record of the work of

Ad:Rev.Methodist the Anglican Church in the

Edwin F. Lee, d.d., resdt. Bishop Diocese)

Honorary Editor—r c/o Bishops-

Rev; Raymond L. Archer, Mission boUrne, Tan glin


Rev. Robert E. Blasdell, secretary St. Andrew’s Cathedral

(Building and .Location board, Chaplain—Ven. Graham White,


Raymond L. Archer, District M.A.

Assistant Chaplain—Rev. D. E.

Superintendent, & Fort Canning J. Hodge

Road ’

Missions to Seamen—Sailors’ In- St.Committee—The Andrew’s Church Missionin-charge

Chaplain 1

i stitute

Chaplain—Rev. A. V. Wardle (StlVlndTew’s Cathedral) chairman,

Rev. R. Richards, Dr. Elliott

(Portuguese Mission, St. Anthony’s— (medical officer in charge of St.

Andrew’s Mission Hospital),

Kilgour (C.E.Z.M.S. School) Miss


Boys’ School

(Jorrespdt.— Rev. M. A. Cardoso Mr. F. G. Bourne;

Director—Rev. A. Gonsalves sentatives: Major Cathedral

Keet, MissRepre-


Headmistress—Mrs. H. Beavis henson, all Clergy of the Mission



and Representatives — Tan Pong St.Queen

Hon. Treasurer, J. F. L. Cowin Peter’s and(TieSt.Tsiu);

Street Paul’sTeleph.



Guan (Babas), Giam May Hong Vicar—Rt. Rev. E. Becheras

(Foochows), Kiong Woon Kiew Assistant—Rev. R. Laurent

(Hokkiens), Chen Keng Swee, Chan


HandyTeng (Cantonese) and J. T. N. St. Peter’s Church—Stamford Rd.

(Tamils) Priests—Rev. R. K. S. Adams,

St. Andrew’s Church Mission m.a. (English), Rev. Dong

Supt.—Rev. R. K. S. Adams, Bing Seng (Foochow), Rev.

M.A. Ng Ho Le (Hokkien) and Rev.

C. D. Gnanamani (Tamil)

St. Andrew’s House — Armenian


(A boarding house for English- St.Church Teresa of the Child Jssusd

of—Kampong Bahru

speaking Christian boys) Vicar—Rev. S. Lee

House-Master—Rev. R. K. S.

Adams, m.a.

St. Andrew’s Mission Hospital— Chye Hin Sawmills, Exporters of

Malayan Timber—416, Beach Road;

Maxwell Road

. Chairman of Board of Manage- Teldph. 7878; Bentley’s,,

Codes used: Cable Ad:A.B.C. Chyehin5th;

ment—The Right Rev. Lord edn. Branches: Singapore, Malacca,

Bishop of Singapore , Kemaman, Hongkong and Amoy

Vice-Chairman—The Venerable Tan Beng


sole manager


Archdeacon of Singapore Tan

Doctor in Charge—Miss Patri- Tan Beng Thong, assist, manager

cia R. Elliott, M.B., B.S.

Assist. Doctor—Miss Ivy Tong Clarke, H. Harley, l.d.s., Surgeon Dentist

St. Andrew’s School for Boys— and —5, 6000

Battery Road; Telephs. 3407 (Office)


Stamford Road H. Harley Clarke, principal

Chairman of Board of Managers

—The Chaplain, St. Andrew’s


Chaplain — Rev. R. K. S. Clouet & Co., Ltd., A., Merchants and


Adams, m.a. Teleph. 6240; Agents—8, Raffles Codes:

Cable Ad: Clouet; Quay;

A.B.C. 6th edn., Bentley’s and Acme

St. John’s Church—Jurong


Adams R, K. S.


St. Joseph’s Institution, conducted by Hollandsche

Cairn Hill Road;ClubTeleph.

(Dutch2039 Club)—

the Brothers of the Christian Schools Hon. Secretary—C. de Wit

—Teleph. 6725; Cable Ad: Brothers’


Visitor —Rev. Br. James, o.b.e. Keppel Golf Club


Sub-do. —Rev. Br.Br. V.Loran

Augustus President—G. W. A. Trimmer



Bald Jones

St. Matthew’s Church—Neil Road Vice-do.—A. Farahar

Rev. Yip Cho Sang Hon. Secretary—G. V. Andrews

Hon. Treasurer—S. J. Church

Priests—The Clergy, St. An- Committee — J. S. Clarkson, H.

drew’s Cathedral (English), Fancott,

and Cantonese MacLeod W. Jones and J. C.

St. Paul’s Church (Church of Eng-

land)—931 Upper Serangoon j

Chaplain—The Chaplain, St. An- * Masonic

drew’s Cathedral

Club—Coleman (Street

H.E. Wootton, secretary and treasurer

—Teleph. 6210


Singapore Catholic Club—73, Bras Singapore Recreation Club

Basah Road President


Vice-do. —Rev.Rev. P. Ruaudel

N. Deredec (on leave)— Hon. Dr. N. L. Clarke

Committee—L. Vice-do. —R. Tessensohn

P. de Souza, R.J.Tessensohn,

Shepherdson,W. L.F. Hon. Secretary—W. A. Aeria

Hon. Treasurer—C. W. Mitchell


Eber, S. C. de Souza, H. S.

W. H. C.Mosbergen,

H. da Silva, A. J.Prins,

T. W. Braga,

A. Singapore Swimming Club—Tanjong.

V. Peralta and C. I. Richards

Hon. Secretary—W. F. Mosbergen Rhu

Assist, do. —W. H. Mosbergen President—W. C. Hill

Vice-do. —F. B. Sewell

Singapore Club Secretary—Vaughan Jones

Chairman—G. W. A. Trimmer Treasurer—H. M. Cantrell

J. A. Clark

J. E. Cookson


Dr. W. A. Fell || J.H.W.Raper

S. Hunter C. Rash Singapore Turf Club

Hon. Mr. James Robertson Chairman—Hon. Mr. R. Williamson

H. Wylly J. Mayson Secretary—A. H. Todd

Secretary—W. Assist. Secretary—P. S. Laing


gard, —k.g,


Kt.,Tull, Hug-

S.P. Uriffith-


Singapore Cricket Club—Teleph. 6679; Dr. J. C. F.R.c.p., O.

Cable Ad: Cricket

President—J. M. Sime Jones, G. W. A. Trimmer and E. S.

Vice-President—B. E. Ashworth,

Ablitt A. Manasseh

Committee — R. A.

H. Assiter, J. A. Dean, E. B. Tanglin Club, The

Evans, R. F. M.W. Warded,

Leonard, R.F. V.J. President—Sir

L. Mayger,

Welch C.M.G., C.B.E. Andrew Caldecott,.

Secretary and Treasurer —W. H. Vice-do. —GvC. Meredith

Stuart-Clark, Teleph. 6055 Hon. Secretary—V. A. Burton

Hon. Treasurer—B. M. Kauiimann

Singapore Garrison Golf Club— General Committee—F. E. Rowland,

Tanglin Barracks; Teleph. A. C. Gilbert, F. J. Kemlo, T. L.

Hon. Secy.—Capt. S. W.6178

Jones Palmer and D. R. Howgili

Steward—F. V. Curreem

Singapore Golf Club Union Jack Club—Teleph. 7231


Captain—W. red President—H.E. The Governor

Vice-do.—E. F. Pretty Vice-Presidents—H.E. the Com-

Hon. Secretary—E. G. Staunton mander-in-Chief (China Station),.

Treasurers—Derrick & Co. H.E. the General Olhcer Comman-

Committee — W. ding Malaya; Hon. the Chief Jus-

D. Phillip, F. Bartley,

J. Morton, R. Renten,

M. M. tice; Hon. the Colonial

the Chairman, SingaporeSecretary;


Paterson, J. C. Rash Board

Singapore Polo Club—Ground: Committee—H. E. Major-General

Balestier W. G. (chairman;,

S. Dobbie, Commodore

c.b., c.m.g.,

Patron — H.Road;

R. H.Teleph.

The 4870

Prince of n.s-o.

\V. P- Mark-Wardiaw, d.s.o., r.n.,

Wales, k.g. Air-Commodore

President—H. E. Major

Lewin, c.b., c.m.g., d.s.o.General O. E. Smith, o.b.e., r.a.f.,Sydney W.


Captain—Dr. J. S. Slofev, o.b.e. A. T. Shakespear, d.s.o., m.c., G.

Hon. Secretary—T. M. Winsley W. A. Trimmer, F. G. Lundon,

Treasurers—Gattey and Bateman W. E. and

Jones Russell,

R. F. A.Palmer

£. Thorniey-

Committee—President, Captain,

Secretary, J. T. Forbes, P. S. Liang, Hon. Resident Manager—H. E. Wootton

J. Dailey

son, R.A. and Lt. G. W. W. Nichol- Hon. Secretaries

Singapore & Treasurers—

Cold Storage Co., Ltd.


Coastal Tkansport Company. Ship- ; Consuls—S. Sugita and Ichitaro

chandlers, Stevedores, .Lighter, k Ateam Shibata

Launch Owners & Suppliers, Importers,

Exporters, Provision Dealers, General Chancellors—So.tosliige Nogai, Shi-

Contractors and Manufacturers’ Repre- zuo Shimada, liiroyashi'Tsuschiya

sentatives-—-' and Kitaro Kunihara.

4626;' Cable58,Ad:CecilCoastaleo;

Street; 11Teteph.

Lodes: NetherlaNds — K. P. \ Chambers

Bentley’s & A.B.C.-5th edn. Teleph. 6073; Cable Ad: Hollandia

Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd., Consul-Gen’l.—W.G.A.L.A.VanM. Dorp

Vice-Consul—J. Daniels

Eastern Branch (Incorporated in Eng- Chancellor—F. H. van Uaelon

land)—Robinson Road andAd:Telegraph

Street; Teleph: 66(56;Cable Guaco Norway—

Arthur C'. Putts,, manager ; Hon. Consul— W. A. Vennin


(Incorporated in France)—122, Robinson Chancellor (in charge)'—J. B. My Its


Codes: A.B.C, 5th edn.Cable^,nd


Messagerie; Portugal—Union Building > ’

Consul-General—R.G. Alvds Gueria

Connell Bros. Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Secretkries—C.

Bonamis F. Silva ! and


' J. E.


facturers’ Agents--lExporters


87, 187a! ahd'Manu-

and 1;87b, Siam—7, Mt. Elizabeth; Teleph. 7441


ConnellStreet; Teleph.; 7133; Cable Ad:

S. T. Erickson Spain—Ocean Building; Collyer Quay

Hon. Vice-Consul—G. H. Bowen

CONSULATES •Swedish, Royal i(Consulate) — 20-21,

Belgium—Meyer' Chambers: Teleph. Meyer Chambers,

Consul—E. Raffles Place


2083 iVice-' O ohsul-r-C. G. Windle

Consul—H. Safton

China (Consulate-General)—2, Cairnhill Switzerland*—^Union

2661 Building; Teleph.

Circle; Teieplr. 6067; Cable Ad: Sino- Consul—H. R. Arbenz

eonsul Secretary—J. Piflaretti

Consul-General—P. K. C. Tyau

Counsul—Sze Zau-tsung United States op America—Union

Vice-Consul—Li Yen

Eleve Consuls—T. C. Wang and Building; Teleph. 5066; Cable Ad:

C. T. Kwong American Consulate General

Secretaries—Chan-shu Wu and T. P. Consul-General of the U.S.A.Malay

the Straits Settlements; for

Wang : States, North Borheo and Sara-

wak. In charge: ! of Consular

Denmark—12, RafRes Quay Interests of the Repubiie of

France—41,.. Robinson Road: Teleph. Panania—WilburMcEneily

Consul—Thomas Keblinger

2275 -Vice-Consuls

Patrick Mai Ion andAllen

— R. W. D. Haden,


Consul—P. A. Ballereau

Vice-Consul—Y. A. Revelli

Secretaire—-L. Raphael

Germany—1e, Union Building Cook, & Son, Ltd.,

Forwarding Agents,Thos.,! Passenger

etc.—39, and


Consul General—W. Maenss Road; Telpphs. 5907 and 5908; Cable Ad:

.Chancellor— W. I)wars Coupon. W.Head Office: Berkeley Street,

Italy—E6, Hongkong Bank Chambers; London, 1

John C. Walker, manager

Cable Ad: Italconsul

Consul—E. Mattoli. Corona Flower Shop, Florists — 9,

Japan—Union Building Gunji Orchard Road; Teleph, 2990; Cable Ad:

Consul General—Kiiclii Corona; Code: proprietor

Job Jansen, Fleurop . . >


Credit Foncier d’Extreme Orient— Derrick & Co., Chartered Accountants and

Auditors—Hongkong Bank Chambers,

(Nee Banks) Collyer Quay

Craig & Co., Ltd., Builders’ Merchants

—Mercantile Bank Building; Cable Ad: J.S. E.H.Cookson,

Moss, a.c.a.,

a.c.a., partner


Giarc M. N. Wardeil :a.o.a. (Aust.), partner

Crosse & Blackwell, Ltd. (Crosse & Diamond Metal Products Co., Ltd.—601,.

Blackwell Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Kampong Bahru Road; Cable Ad:

Jas. Keiller & Son, Ltd.); Manufacturer; Diaducts


High Class Provisions and Con-

Sime, Darby &, Co, Ltd. (5, Malacca Dickinson & Co., Ltd., John (Incor-


Douglas Branches

Wilson, representative for porated in Englandj, Paper Makers,

Far East Manufacturing and Export,andStationers,

Card, Board, Envelope Account

Book Makers

Crosfield & Sons, Ltd., Joseph, Soad Materials and Sundries and Printing Machinery,

Manufacturers — 5, Malacca Street; Trade—Dunlop House, Robinson toRoad; Suppliers the

Teleph. 5144; Cable Ad: Simit Teleph. 7970; Cable Ad: Lionbrand;

Codes: Pantelegraphy, Bentley’s and

Crown Life Insup.ance Co., of Toronto A.B.C. 6th edn.

W.andR. forNew,Malaya,Manager, Singapore

—E4, Hongkong Bank Chambers ; Siam, Ceylon,

Teleph. 4251; Cable Ad:

V. R. Vick, chief agent Crownlife D.E.I., Philippines and Far East

Ang Kay Guan, a.c.r.a., cashier Head Office—65, Old Bailey, L’don., E.O.3.


Rangoon,— Calcutta,

Cape Town, Bombay, Madras,


Cycle & Carriage Co. (1926), Ltd. (In- Durban, East London, Sydney, Port

corporated in the >S.S,), Motor

and Engineers—Registered Office: 43,Importers Elizabeth, Melbourne, Wellington,

Orchard Road; Teleph. 5944; Cable Ad: Auckland, Christchurch, Buenos Aires

Cyclecarri and Cairo

Mills and Manufactories — Croxley,

David, J. B., Broker, Mine and Estate Apsley, Nash, Home Park, Tottenham,

Owner—10, Malacca Street; Teleph. London,Johannesburg,

Town, Bristol, Manchester,

Sydney, Cape


7968; Cable Ad: David;

5th edn., Bentley’s and PrivateCodes; A.B.C. bourne and Wellington


Dawood & Co., Dubashes, Ship Chandlers; Dawson, Payne & Elliott, Ld., Otley,

Stevedores, Naval and Lighter Suppliers Yorks


Quay,General Contractors—57, Raffles

Teleph. 6‘810;OableAd:.Lathiphia; Waite & Saville, Ld., Otltey, Yorks

Codes: A.B.C. 6th edn. and Bentley’s John Ratelille & Sons, Leeds

T. K. Shaik Dawood, sole proprietor H. W. Qaslon '& Co., London


Manchester, Book Cloth Co., Ld.,

De Silva, Ltd., B. P. (Incorporated in

Ceylon), Jewellers, Diamond Merchants

and Dealers in Precious Stones—19-21, Coates Bros., London

High Street. Registered Office: Galle, TheOhio,Chandler

U.S.A.& Price

- Co., Cleveland,

Ceylon. Branch at: 1, Bishop Street, Intertype

] Penang; Teleph. 3364; Cable Ad: Silva;

Code: and London Brooklyn, U.S.A.


B. T.A.B.C- 5th manager

de Silva, edn. American Miehle,. Chicago .

Bates Manufacturing

: B. L. Martin, assist, manager Machines, New YorkCo.’s Numbering

De Souza Bros., (Established 1918), Williams Engineering Co. (Nodis &

Wholesale Stationers, Hats,


and Davis Typecasters), London

General Importers. Karl Krause, ^Leipzig

Novelties, Bouquets, Floral Baskets, Gebruder Brehmer, Leipzig

etc.—42, High Street; Teleph. 3188; Waite & Sheard, Honley, Hudders-

Cable Ad: Kennels field, England


Diethklm & Cq., Ltd. (Incorporated , in Drew & Napier, Advocates, Solicitors and

. Switzerland), Merchants and Commis- Notaries Public—TO, Collyer Quay;



Ad: Diethelmco.Market Head Street;

Office: Teleph. 5879; Cable Ad: Drew

Diethelm & Co., S.A. Zurich. Branch Sir Arnold Robinson, advocate, solici-

Houses at Saigon, Haiphong, Bangkok tor and notary public, partner

andP. Penang Richard Williamson, advocate,


Kohler, manager J. torC. and notary

Rash, public,

advocate, solicitor and


Schmid do., I M.

H. Voellm

Huerlimann notary public, partner 1

Ch. Klaiber | A. Wetzel Dreyfus Co.‘ Ltd. L.A. (Incorporated in

the Straits Settlements), Exporters of

Directory and Chronicle of China, G.uttaGutta

and Jelutong, Gutta Siak,Cecil

Katiau—115, Gutta Soh


Japan, Malaya, etc. Teleph. 6253; Cable Ad: Ladcomp;

Singapore Agents—The Advertising

and Publicity Bureau, Ltd., Publicity Codes: Acme and Bentley’s .

House, 4, Battery Road Representing

L. A. Dreyfus Qo., New York

Dobb & Co., A.G,—57, Robinson Road; Duke, John, Manufacturing Optician—

Teleph. 3967 21, Battery Road; Teleph. 2682; Cable Ad:

Dodge ife'Seymour, Ltd., Manufacturers’ Spectacles.Building,

Branch Office:

KualaFederal .Dis-

Representatives—5, Laidlaw Building; pensarySelangor


Teleph. 3253; Cable Ad: Eximco

Duncan Roberts, Ltd., Manufacturers’

Dollar Steamship Lines, Inc., .Ltd. Agents &Cable

and General Merchants — 112

114,Ad:Robinson Road;Codes:

Teleph. 7040;

(Incorporated in U.S.A.), Shipping

Lumber Agents for American Mail Line A.B.C. and, Dunroberts; Bentley’s,

—Hongkong Bank Chambers (third 5th edn., Lieber’s and Private

floor); Teleph. 5931; Cable Ad: Dollar; J. Duncan Roberts, managing director

Codes: Tan Chin Yong, secretary -

B. V.R.B.Bentley’s,




General Agent and Private London

Co., 146,Agents — Edward

Bishopsgate, Tayler

London, E.C. 2&

J. R. Kracht

B. C. van Buren . Dunlop Rubber Co. ('Straits Settle-

ments!, Ltd., Tyre Manufacturers—

Donaldson & Burkinshaw, Advocates, and 142, Robinson Road; Telephs. 6635

Solicitors and Notaries Public—3, De 5034-5; Cable Ad : Dunlop

Souza Street;, Telephs. 5829 and 5830; F. A. W. Handley, managing dir.

Cable Ad: Denotation;

edn., Broomhall’s and Bentley’s Codes:-A.B.C. 5th R. Johnson, secretary

H. R. L. Dyne, advocate, solicitor and E. H. Hanson (Service & Gen-

eral Rubber Gobds) T

C. notary

H. Smith, public, partnerdo. G. C. Miller (Tyre Sales)

H. P. B&con, assistant

J.T. C.T. Spenser

Haydon,Wilkinson, do. advocate and Chua Hung Tong, chief clerk

solicitor, partner Heng Ah Leng,'chief Mlerk (Pe-

Assistants— nang Depot)

Chua Yam Seah, chief clerk

S.N. B.N.Tan, advocate

Leicester, do. and

do. solicitor (Kuala Lumpur Dept:)

A. F. Thorne, K. B. H. Stevens, resident re-

E. N. Griffith-Jones prcsehtative' (Siaip) . )

London Agents: DU|PIre Morrell, Ltd., Rubber and

Speedily, Mumford & Craig—TO, New General Telephs. Brokers—

5204, 5205 4-1,

and Collyer Quay;

3638-9; Cable


W. C. 2. ' Lincolns

• Inn, London, Ad: Dupirub; jpodes: A.B.C. 5th, &

Parker Garret & Co.—St. Michael’s 6th edns., and Bentley’s complete

Rectory, Corn hill, E. C. phrase


R. ,:E. Prentis, managing direotor Eastern Extension Ay stual asia

J. L.Bright;, director Telegraph Co., L’pd^—35, Robinson Rd.

R. Blake

P. I). Chiap

Tan Cork Choon and Lim Kee Eastern Import-Export Co., General

Fook, Chinese brokers Merchants and Manufacturers’ Re-

E. Ov ,Jacobs presentatives—1,

ings ; Teleph. 2757; BonhamCable Build-


East Asiatic Co., Ltd.—Ehtate agents, Bentley's Eastimexco; Codes: A.B.C. eth end. and

shipowners and merchants—12, Raffles E. W. Diamond, manager

Quay; Cable Ad: Orient; Head Office: A. L. Pereira, do.


don, S&gora,Agencies: Bangkok,

Shanghai, Ban-


Tsingtab, Tientsin, Harbin, Dalny, Eastern Mining and Rubber Co., Ltd.,

VladivoStOck, Penang, Kuala Lumpur, and Diamond and Coal Merchants, Shipping

Madras, Rangoon, Calcutta, Durban, Building, General Agents — 22, Bonham

Johannesburg, San Francisco,

etc. London Office: United Baltic Cor- edn. Seattle, Cable Ad: Chuiia





poration,’ Ltd., 158, Fenchurch St.,-E.C. 3 and Bentley’s

E. Koch, manager P. E. Ming, secretary

A. Elvin, signs per pko Eastern Pharmacy — 149, New Bridge

E. Strandberg, do. Road, Teleph:

:, O. S. Norgaard, do.

A.‘ Larspn Dr. Chia Keng6691

Hoe, mang. proprietor

J.K. Brath ] A. Rhode Yeo Tian Eng, compounder and

Bossing' P. Lange assist, mgr.

, HorCn Hansen H. Michelgen Low .Cheok Wall, assist: com-

M. Poulsen H. Olsen pounder

iK. Madsen E. Madsen Chan Ah Koh, assist ■

.Eastern Agencies, Ltd., The, (Incor-

porated in the S.S.), Wholesale

Wine and Spirit Merchants-i—Head Eastern Optical Co., Manufacturing

Office: Corner of Cecil Street and and Refracting Opticians —15, South

Canal Road; TCleph. 6463; Cable Ad:

Market Street, Singapore. Bran- Eastoptico

ches: Kuala Lumpur and Bangkok ■

Representatives : Ipbh and Penang ; V. P. Young, Jr., Opt.d. (Phila.)

(Cable Ad: Beehive ; optometrist, managing partner

U. H. Markham, manager

E. W. Deane, branch ■ manager Eastern Realty

ing, Chuiia Cq:,Teleph.

Street; Ltd.—China

2842 Build-



"Eastern Auto Co., Ltd., Motor Im- Eastern Rubber Coh Ltd., Merchants—

porters and Exporters—69-79, Or- Chartered Bank Chambers; Teleph.

chard Road, Workshop: Penang 5846; Cable Ad: Eastruco

Road; Teleph. 7605; Cable Ad: • C.E. A.A. Hare, Barbour, director.


Autoco; Code: Bentley’s G. M. Druery, secretary

Tan Teck Yew, managing director

Teo Koon Lim, manager

Seah Siow Kneab, secretary Eastern United Assurance "Corpora-

Lau Peng Sia, accountant tion, Ltd., The, Fire, Marine, Motor,

Chia Cheow Eng, assistant Personal, Accident, Earthquake, Riot

Sob Lye Nguan, cashier and Civil Commotion,

pensation, etxC—l 6b,CecilWorkmen’s com-


Eastern Dental Supply Co. (Established A.B.C. 5918; Cable Ad: Unitedeast; Codes:

1923), Wholesale and Retail in Dental Bentley’s5th and 6th edns., Scott’s and


Teleph. 7078;375,5thCable

NorthAd:Bridge Road;


•Codes: A.B.C. edn. and Bentley’s

Cheong E. Peng, managing partner Ebata & Co., Y„ Importers and Exporters

— 33, Coleman Street; Teleph: 7489;

•Cheong Tai Poh, manager Cable Ad: Ebataco


Edoah Bkothbrs, Ltd. (Incorporated in j Prof, B.SC.,ofM.B.,


B.S., D.T.M. & H.,A. M.R.C.S...




Ad: Edgar; Codes 44&46,usedThe ' L.

A.B.C. 6th edn. & Bentley’s. Branch : ; Assist.—N. K. Sen, m.b.

Manchester, , Sourabaya and Bangkok Prof, of Biology—B.

Dip-Agric., d.t.c., A.f.r,m.s.,

R. Gater,f.e.s.m.a.,

Lecturer—E. J. H. Corner, b.a.

EDUCATIONAL (see also under Govt. Assist.—A. A. Sandosham,

Prof, of Biochemistry—J. L, Rose- L.M s.

Depts., Straits Settlements section), dale, PH.D., D,SC., F I.C, :

Anqlo-Chin ese School — Secondary: Assist.—C. ofJ. Oliveiro,

Professor Chemistry—G l.m.s. Mac-

Cairnhill Road. - Middle: Coleman Owan, ph. d.t m.a., b. sc.

Street. Primary:W.Coleman

Hinch Street, j Lecturer—C. T. T. Owen,

Principal—T. (By Arrangement withb.sc.,Raffles


C.E.Z.M.S. Girls’ School—Govern- j Prof, College)


Covenants Hill; Teleph. 2280;' Cable Ad: man,of b.d.s.,


Surgery—E. K. Trat-

Miss Thackrah, B.sc., principal Instructor in Dental Mechanics —

Miss Lane | Miss Kilgour G. H. Stephens

Professor of Medicine—R.

m.b., m.r.c.p. (Lond) B. Hawes,

Fairfield Girls’ School—178, Nei Lecturer—E. C. Yardy, m.B.b.s.

Hoad; Teleph. 6827

Principal—Miss C. C. Kenyon Tutor in Clinic Medicine — G.

Miss C. E. Jackson Haridas, M.R.CP., l.m.s.

Lecturer in Infectious diseases—

Gan Eng Seng SchoolTeluk Ayer, R. B. Hawes, m.b., m.e.cp., F.r.c.p.

and Cecil Street Lecturer in Mental

Home, l.r.c.p., Diseases—B. F.



Hon. Secretary—H. Tiang A. Kwee

L, Orchard | Lecturer in Venereal Diseases—R.

Hon. Treasurer— S. B. Tan W. C. Kelly, m.r.c.s.,

Prof, of Midwifery & Gynaecology^ l.r.c.p.

Principal—H. A- Orchard —B.A.O.,

J. S.L.M.,English, b.a., m.d., b.ch.t

H. H. Markham, assistant

, Teachers—Mrs. Daly, G. C. S. Tutor—B. H. Sheares, l.m.s.

Kock, V. Ramaiya, S. S: Varum, Professor,of Pathology—J. C. Tull,

Y.berg,M. Lam,

Mrs. T.Goh,

T. Tan,Mrs.

Mrs. James,

Holm- ; M.

Miss Misawa and Mrs, Sullivan Assistant—T.

Lecturer in Balasingham, Pharmacology;l.m.s.and

I NSchools

T E R N, A T(CoLoNiAL),


Pro, (Incor-! j M.B., B.CH., D.P.H.,R. M.SC.,

Pharmacy—J. Kay-Mouat,M.A.,


jorated in England)—lulernational Lecturer in Pharmacy—T. Roebuck,

Suildings, Kings way, London. Head | PH.C., M.P.S.

Professor of Physics—E. Madgwickr

Office for Straits Sett emehts, Fede- ; M SC.. PH.D.


Sumatra, MalayJava,States,theBorneo,


Siam, Lecturer -r- C.' G.withWebb, p, s.c. (By

etc.: 112 & 114, Robinson Rd., Teleph. ; ! arrangement Raffles

1 College)*

7040; Cable Ad: Intertext; Codes: ; Professor of Physiology —J. R. Kay-


J. Duncan and Western

Roberts, Uniori (5 letter

director and j MMouat,

SC., M.A.M.A' -., M.B.', B.CH., D.P.H.,

general manager Assistant—K. C. Ghosh,

Professor—J. K. Monroe,: m.b.b.ch.,. l/m.s.

1 O. C, HcOi,, assist, manager ' j M.D.„ F.R.C.S.

King Edward . VII. College , of j Professor of Clinical Surgery and

Medicine -Teleph. 5421, Lecturer

and in Otology,M.Laryngology


■ Principal—G. V. AlleDy;M.D., B,CH.,

R.A.O., D.T.M. & JI. _ G. Jiarrawer, j , Tutor in Clinica;!D.T.M.SUrgery—W.

, , CPJB.. F.R.C.S., & H.Johns, m.b., A.

Prof, of Anatomy—J. Balliatchet, l.m.s.


(Edin.l D^SC, , F.R.S.E.,

y F.R.C.S. ! •Lecturer in Radiology—J.

ter, J4.B.B.S., D.P.H., D.M.R.E. S. W-fe^s-



Lecturer in ’ Aiikesthetics — E-l.m.s. ,B. Lecturer in Ophthalmology—A. H.

Murrell, b.ch., m.R’.c.s., l.r.c.p. Lbwther,'

Cert: Lond.m.b.,

k.T.M.,cH.p., D.t.m.(Loud.)’

Dio.si.s. &H.,


Rawles Institution • Victoria Bridge School—Jaian : 1Besar

Principal—Capt. D. R. Swaine, M.c., Headmaster—C. E. H.ed. Jacobs, b.sc.

m.a. (Wales)

Senior Assistants—G.


L. Bayliss, (Viet.), l.c.T. dip. ■

m.a. (Oxon), E. F. Pearson,^ m.a., | Senior Master—E. M-. F. Payn,- b.a.

(Cantab.) :

b.sc. (T.C.D.),

(Oxon), E. S. Tiddeman,

E. W. Reeves,b.a. b.a. i!

(Bristol), Assistant Masters—K. Murugafeu,

At F. Hunter, B,sc. (St. Andrew’s) Wee

Wong Thiam

Qwyk Slew, Boon, S.A. Alwee, Uetmim, V.


and J. XleConigley, j b.com. Paramsothy,

, (Dublin) ■. ; D’Silya,'S. R. Y/illiams, A.Liip,

Low Kong HamidC.

B. Omar,

Ban tfoe, RamU. Balakrisiman,

Foong Hee,Soo D.

Romanis House — Stamford Road K, Tweg, Tan Choop Lee, Ong

(Church of England

1 Boarding House

for"'Chinese School Boys)

Masters—ReV.‘Yip Arumugam,' Tharam Singh, LimS.

Eng Lian, Timothy Chew,'

Tan Lye Watt Cho S&iig• Md Hock Tian, F. K. T. Menon, A. N.


v arid S. N N hir

'Shorthand Uorrbsponden£*| School,— Cleff td‘HStdiilkste r—A. Rahim

Postal jJlasses in Bookkeeping and i

Shorthand—P. O. Box 503; Cable Ad: ’ Elder & Heron, Medifal Practitidners—


Principal —Code: E. A.B.C, edn. I Consulting Rootfis: 33, Raffies1 Place1,;

R. A. 5thFernando,

f.s.d.s., f.c.i.' (Birmingham) ‘ ’ E.J. A.Heron,



,’ at .b. , ch. b., b . Sc., F.R.C.S.


P. V. MacGarry, m.r.cA,.,' 1 : Ebgland,

l.r.c.p., Londdn

. t.(Church

Andrew’s House—^Armenian

of England Street Ij

Boarding House

for school boys) ,

President r— Rt. Rev. Ilishop of | poration, Liability

Employers^ Ltd. (IncorporatedAssuranceiq Eng- Cor-

Singapore jj/ - land), Fire, Mari tie, Motor Car and


Andrew’s Cathedralin Charge St. Vehicles,

-Committee—T. W. Stubbs and P. C. Boiler andPersonal

Machinery,Accident,,Lift, DredgerBurglary,


Sands Workmen’s Compensation

Wm. Jacks & Co. (Malaya), Ltd., insurance

Hon. Treas.—G. M. Walker general agents R.’B. Tuxfbrd and

House Master —F. Thomas ( Reptesehtatives—L

G. A. Moser

• ;St. Andrew’s ScppojL—Stamford, Road j Associated Companies—

Yisitor—Rt. Rev. Bishop of S’pore. The Merchants’ Marine Insurance Co.,

Managers — Chaplain ip. p Charge, Ld.Yorkshire Insurance Cp., Ltd.

St. Andrew’s. Cathedral,

Sewell, Dr. Lim Han Hoe, T. P. F- B. The

McNiece, Lim Koon Teck and J. Eng Aun Tong, The Tiger Medical

T. N.Treas.—J.

Hon. Handy H. Scott-Taggart Hall—87, Neil Road; Cable Ad: Haw par

Principal—Rev. R. K. Si Adams, m.a. Proprietors:

Assistant Masters—F. Thomas, b.a. Haw Par Brothers, Ltd.

and Tan Ah Hung

Erasmic * Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in

■ St. Anthony’s Boys’ School—Teleph. j England), Requisites—'Soap, Perfumery

5, Malacca Street) andTeleph.


7893; Cable Ad: Portuguese

Director—Rev. A.rsGonsalvesMission ! Sole 5144; Cable Ad: Simit . .

Headmistress—!Vl - R- Beavi§ j Agents-.

Sime, Darby & Co., Ld., Singapore


Anthony’s Convent School and Branches

Mission)—Middle Road (Portu-1 D. Gilruth, representative ;

The Lady Superior and 16 Sisters Estate & Trust Agencies,(1927),, Ltd.—


Patrick’s5615, Boarding Raffles.Chambers, Raffles Place; Teleph.

Siglap & Day School 6243; J. W.Cable Ad: Statetrust

Wotherspoop, acting general mgr.

Director—Rev. Bro. Stephen Yap Gim Cheong; manager


Etlin k Co., B., Sharp Brokers—31 A.e.i.o.

M. Ezekiel,

and 33, The Arcade; Telephs. 7953 (London),o.d.,r.c.s.e.p.o.c. (Phila.)„.

and 2093; Tel. Ad: Etlin; Cable Miss


J. Isaac,Ezekiel, assistant

Ad: Shaelto; Codes: A.B.C. 5th &

6th edns., Broomhall’s Imperial Office:—35,-do.Noordwijk, Bata-

Combination, Bentley’s, Utility and via, Java



Boon Guan, manager

do. Far East Oxygen and Acetylene Co.T

Tan Peng Eng, assistant Ltd., (incorporated

Acetylene, CarbonicinAcid,France)Hydrogen,.


Tan Peng Hoe, do. Compressed Air, Nitrous Oxide,

Anhydrous Ammonia, Welding

Cutting Appliances—452, and

Pasir Pan-

Eu Tong Sen; Ltd.—Registered Office: 271, jang Road;Code: Teleph..Bentley’s

81003; Cable Ad:

South Bridge Road; Teleph. 6459; Oxygne; 5th edn.,.

Cable Ad : Huge

Hon. Mr. Eu Tong Sen, governing dir. Lugagne Office:

National Francais. Head

75, Quai d’Orsay, Paris (France)

K. C. Eu, managing director F. Tatin, general manager

Evatt ife Co., Chartered Accountants — Technical P. N. Beedle,


French Bank Buildings, Raffles Place;

Cable Ad: Evatt; Codes: A.R.C. 5th edn., Trading Dept. signs per pro.

Broomhall’s Rubber edn., Western Union Mrs.MissC. 0.H.0.Stanley-Jones


and Bentley’s •

C.J. A.Y. Clarke,

Bailey, a.c.a., partner Far Eastern

R. H.Burns, c.a.,a.c.a., partner

partner (Incorporated

Building, Collyer inInsurance Co., Ltd.-


Quay; Teleph/ 0981;.

Gibson, a.s.a.a. Cable

G. V. Neubronner, a.s.a.a.

T. Aiken, c.a W.A.Ad: Union.

R.S. Mitchall


Office: Shanghai


A.- S. Gispert, a.c.a. G. A. L. Plummer

H. B. Noon, a.c.a, R. C. M. Swan

L. H. Eastman, a.c.a.

R. Bennett, a.c.a.

Federal Dispensary, Ltd., Wholesale and

Eye Clinic, The—65, Stamford Road; Te- Retail Chemists and Druggists—8,.

Raffles Chambers, Singapore


Ophthalmic Surgeon and Consultant

—Dr. S. H. Tan, l.r.c.p. & s. (Edin.), Federal Rubber Stamp Co., Booksellers,.

f.k.o.s. (Edin.) ■ Stationers and News agents—Collyer

Quay: Tsleph. 6442; Cable Ad: Vulcanite

Eye Hospital, The—Selfe'gie Road; AngSunChai Ho Ban, acting manager

Sai, assistant

Teleph. 4311

Ophthalmic Surgeon and Consultant

—Dr. S. H. Tan, f.r.c.s. (Ediu.) Federated Motors, Ltd., Motor Engineers

Eye Surgery, The—9, Hill Street; Teleph. and Teleph.Importers

5487; Cable — 48,Ad: Orchard


2022 T. P. M auger, manager

Dr. LimEng Hae, m.b.b.s. (Hongkong), G. H. Kraal, accountant

D.o.M.s. (r.c.p. & s.ENG.), Ophthalmic Agents for

Diploma (Vienna), j,p. (Singapore), Yauxhall and Buick

ophthalmic surgeon

Miss M. Fung, Nurse-in-charge


6556 Oxley Road; Teleph. Fiat, S. A. (Incorporated in Italy)—60-66,,

Orchard Road; Teleph. 5148; Cable Ad:

Ezekiel & Sons, M. (Established over 20 Fiat, Singapore and Penang; Codes:

years), Qualified Ophthalmic Opticians Bentley’s R. F.

and Fiat’s.

Manchisio, general manager

—9 RafflesOpticians;

Ezekiel Place; Teleph. 3949; Cable Ad: G. Mariani, manager

edn. and Bentley’s Codes: A.B.C. 5th G. Bruni,

T. Vigano, assistant do.

E. M. Ezekiel, R.o., o.d., f.p.o.c,, O. Luca, workshop manager

managing partner G. Shelley, accountant


Penang Branch: 22, Northam Road Manager, Joinery Works—J. A. Daker

E. Mariotti, manager Manager, Steel Works—W. L. Kinlock

Dealers in: Foremen—T. Rogers, D. R. Evans, O.

Fiat Motor Cars, Lorries and R.L. Visser

Owen, and

A. Thorne, J. P. Peterson,.

A. E. Greenway

Spare Parts Draftsman—Chin Too Min

Fiat Marine Engines Agencies:

Fiat Diesel Engines

Fiat Aeroplanes and Seaplanes Horseley

Fiat Railcars and Railway Mate-

rials Ltd. Bridge


& Thomas Piggott,

for West’s Rotinoff Piling

Fiat Motor Boats & Construction Co., Ltd.

Fiat Fire Fighting Appliances

Fiat Agricultural and Military Fonghin & Co., Singapore, Sanitary and

Tractors, etc. Electrical Engineers, Contractors and

General Importers—Office: 64, Wallich

Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. (S.S.), Ltd. gong; Street; Teleph. 7557; Cable Ad: Seeben-

The—20, Geylang Road; Cable Ads: 6th editions Codes: Bentley’s, A.B.C. 5th and

Firestone and Stonefire

F. D. Thompson, managing director

F. W. Vermeulen, directin' Ford Motor Co. of Malaya, Ltd., Dist-

D. E. Clutter, do. ributors of Ford Products—15, Prince

EdwardAcme Road;andCable Ad: Fordmalaya;

Fishers, Ltd., Publicity Specialists and Codes: Bentley’s

B. O. Stevenson, managing director

General Commission Agents—4, Capitol D. Milne, secretary

Buildings, Stamford Road


(Editor S. Fisher,Malayan

managing director

Annual’') H H .K % Tou-an-tze

Flinter Ltd., A., Diamonds, Pearls and |j Foster-McClellan Chemists—42,

& Co., Manufacturing

Mosque Street; P.O.


Telephs. 6197 Stones

and—2358 0, (Private);

Raffles Place;

Cable | BoxFock 630; Cable Ad: Fluoric

Ad: Adolter; Codes: A.B.C. 5th and 6th Ying Ming, representative for

edns. and Bentley’s. S.S., F.M.S., D.E.I. and Siam

A.M. Flinter, managing

Flinter, director director i Fowlie

Poh Tiang Swee, secretary [ Surgeons—11,

M. C. Bain, m.b.,Battery Road; Teleph.

ch.b., partner

S. Lewis, assistant E. Glenny, F.R.C.S., do.

Rennie Lowick & Co., auditors

Fogdhn, Brisbane & Co., Ltd. (Incor- Fox Film Corporation (East), Ltd.—

porated in S. S.), Civil Engineers and , 76, Orchard Road; Teleph. 3323;


Road, Singapore; Telephs. 550, 5867 Havelock

artd 5868. I! Cable Ad: Foxfilm

Branch Office: b. peninsula Arcade, j L. B. Steed man, .manager

Kowloon, Hongkong. London Agents: j Ft: am ROE

Peirce1; & Cable

W. Williams,

Ad:1, Victoria

Fogbane;Street, Codes:S. facturers — 292, Teluk Ayer Street;

Bentley’s Complete & 2nd Phrase. Teleph. 6354; Cable Ad: Framroz

Managing Director—H. W. T. Fogden P. M. Framroz, proprietor


A.M. INST. C.E.,Caseley,

M.I. STRUCT. b.sc., (Lond.),

E. and |

Baile,E. b.sc., a.m.i. mech. e., | Franco

C.M.I. J.STRUCT. M4414;

Eastern Trading Co., General


ts—2b, FinlayFetcol.

son Green;Branches


Engineers—V. E. Kingsbury, R. F. and Agencies:Ad:Hongkong, Bangkok,


b.sc. (Eng.),a.m.i.

A.c.Gii.,c.e.,J. Gallinagh

M. P. Wright,

and Saigon and Batavia

A. S. Bull Associated

Rue with: Felix

de Paradis,- Paris, Fribourg,

France 59,„

Building Assistant—N. Taylor A Poitevin, resident manager

Accountant—L. W. Choy (K. Caiidron, Hongkong)

Storekeeper—P. M. Sirisena (R. Lelouvier, Paris)


Fkankel Bkos;, Eurnikirfe

(Joimnission Agents---’ Head Office: .-Pealeis and Gammon


(Malaya), Ltd., Civil Engineers

Contractors, Reinforced Concrete

101, Ylotpria Street; Telgpb. 6j53l.; Cable Specialists. Piling Expert ofand Sole

Ad: Julian, Singapore. Branch.,Office: Manufacturers Reinforced

in Malaya

Concrete Pipes—63,



5, Rafflfes Place; Telepli. 2500 Road; Telephs. 5331 apd 5332; Cable

Julian Frankel, partpdr

David Frahtel, do: Ad: Gammon; Codes-. Bentley’s and

A.B.C. 6t.h edn,

Fraser & Cb., Exchahfeb and Share H. .W.syruct.e.,


B.SC., M.and


C.E., M.I.

Brokers—Union Building, Collyer

Teleph. 5095 (3 lines); Cable Ad: Frkser; Quay; Engineer

Codes: A.B.C. 5th and 6th, Al, tieher’s, H. Fancott, Sgcy.

Bentley’s all issues, Broomhall’s, H,a.m.i.c.e.

E. WrighD: A.C.p.I., B.SQ.,’ b.i.C.,

and Peterson’s ■ , , , Utility. H. M. Alexander,

. Leonard J. Hayes, partner; London, a.m.i.c.e. b:sc. (Eng.),

, T.T. G.H. Treadgold,

Stone, do.

do. ... J. D. Swan, B.s.e., a.m.i. struct, e.

J. Wilson, do, ,.

C. B.P.E. Am bier, signs per

Ablitt, do.. pro. 1 •; Gammeter \Vatches? Cloclis,& Co.' Jewellery,

E: O., Importers

Pens, etc.—of


R. N.EldHamilton,

red, do.

do, Winchester'House, 1 : CollyerQuay; Teleph.

■ S.T. E.J. Newbery, 7892; Cable Ad: Gain'meter; Code:) A.B.C.

L. Watkins do. 5th edn.

C. 0).E. Richard

Richard, managing parnter

A. Mathieson

Fraser & Co., Exchange & Sharebrokers Garcia, W.. J.) Manufacturer of Garcia’s

—LTnion Building; Teleph. 5095 (3 lines); All-Teak Pianos, .Pianoforte and Music

Cable Ad: Fraser Dealer/Tuner and Repairer, Proprietor

of Garcia’s Motor Amber Transport


Fraser & Neave, Ltd., Aerated Water Showrooms: Orchard

Manufacturers and Merchants — Road; 6586; Factory:

Cable Ad: Holland

Garcia Road; Teleph.

Registered Offices: 4-10, Trafalgar W. J. Garcia, proprietor


Ad: Atlas.Telephs.

Branches5886at ( Bangkok,

3 lines);'" Cable

Pen- Mrs. Garcia, secretary

ang, Ipph, Kuala Lumpur and Malacca

Directors—W. H. Macgregor, C. V. Gattey & Bateman, Inc., Accountants—

Bailey, J. A. Clarke and R. L. Fullerton Building; Telephs. 595.0-5959;

R. L.Hastie

Hastie, general manager Cable

4th, 5thAd:and-Accountant;

6th edns., Codes:



C-H. M.L. Vincent,

McNair, manager

secretary Broomhalls

E.D. B.C. Evans, m.b.l., O.R. S. Bateman, c.a., a.s.a.a., partner

Meathrel, salessales manager H. C. Reilly, a.s.a.a., partner

A. T.M.Black,Pearson,

O.W. M.D.Lee, chemistR. G. Maples and

Vincent, c.A. a.c.a., a.s.a.a., partner

N. V, Jackson, assts. H. L. Davies, a.c.A.

Misses A. Massabni, E. Stephen Secretaries The


Singapore Chamber

and C. Thompson TheRubberSingapore Chamber ofof Commerce

Association Commerce

Fulford Co., Ltd., G. T. (Incorporated in Brit.

Canada), Proprietors of Dr. Wnlliams’

Medicine Jimah Rubber Estates, Ltd. Co., Ld.

Malava Trustee & Exectr.

Head OfficeCo. for — 3a-3b,

S. S., F.Malacca Street,

M. S., Burma. Punggor Rubber Estates, Ltd.

The Fire Insurance Assocm of Malaya

Ceylon, D. E. I. and Siam; Teleph. 7750; Singapore MarineAssocn.




edn. Ad:Bentley’s

Fulford; Codes.: A, B. C..,5th Motor

Workmen’s Insurance

Compensationof Insurance

H. Cohen, manager Association of Malaya

S. C.Far

W.Roeper, signs


East generalpermanager

pro. for the



Cameron S. Packet Co., Ld.

Highlands Hotel(Local Secs.)

Co., Ltd.

Singapore Dairy Farm, Ltd.


Glami Ltd. E. W. Dunhill

Master Contractors’ Association of

Malaya D.W.S.C. Loncraine

Blogg I| D.Y. T.S. Lee Burke


British Ltd.

Malay Broadcasting F. Shaw | S. Mabert

, Lee

WesternKira Oriental

Soo, Ltd.Ltd. Getz Bros. & Co., Importers and Ex-

Ban Hin Gold Mines Ltd. porters—53, Robinson Road; Teleph.

Milk Importers Association! * 5041; Cable Ad : Getz


LionelL. Goodman,

M. Mordantvice-presdt. & mgr.

Gaw Brothers, Ltd., General Merchants, Cliua Seng Quec

Engineering, Building,Chulia

and Ships’ Stores—59, Mine, Estate

St.; Teleph. Too Cheon Kneab

7829; Cable Add: Gawbros; Codes: Gian Singh & Co., General Mer-

Bentley’s, A.B.C. 5th and 6th edps. chants, Drapers, Tailors & Outfit-

GeneraS Accident, Fire and Life ters, Estate & Hospital Supplies,

House Furnishers, Sports, Games,

Assurance Corporation,

Hongkong Bank Chambers; Teleph. —4, Ltd.— Silks, Cottons, Woollens and Curios

6480; Cable Ad: Gaflac; Code: Bentley’s CableBattery Road; Teleph. 2483;

D. Belton, acting Far Eastern OrientalAd: Three

C. manager Bajaj; Codes: Bentley’s,

letter Code and

W. H. Droogleever, resdt. repres,. Private

D. W. Howe, assistant Hardial Singh, manager

General Contracting Co., Building Gillespie, A. T., Manufacturers’ Repre-

sentative—47, The Arcade; Teleph.3796;

Contractors, Mechanical

Engineers—28f, and Electrical

Chulia Street; Teleph. P.O. Box 217; Cable Ad: Atgill


Partners—Goon Swee Cheong and D. Glenny, Dr. E., f.r.c.s. (c'o Drs. Fbwlie &

Silberman Black)—11, Battery Road; Teleph.


General Electric Co., Ltd., The (Incor- Goessele, R. F., Importer of Jewelry,

porated in England)—Magnet House, Watches, Clocks, etc. — 2a, Robinson

12, Battery Road; Teleph. 5858; Cable Road; Teleph. 3780; Cabin Ad: Gpssele;

Ad: Vanner; Codes:Standard.

Cole,' Hamilton,

London Codes: and 6th edns., 5L)sse

Bentley’s and New

Office: Magnet House Kings way, W.C. 2 R. F. A.B.C. 5thproprietor


R. C. Giggins, general mgr. for Malaya A. Kiefer, attorney

General Rubber Company (Incorp. in : Go.op! Books Pictures and Works of

U.S.A.) — Teluk Ayer Reclamation; Art, Ltd., Mail-Order . Etbuse, ’for the

Telephs. 5964, 5965 cA pOtrf}; Okble Ad: Distribution . of Good Books-— Depot at

Rubcogen; Codes: Bentley’s, General and Chong’s Street;

“Eton” Building, 56, Short

Cable Ad:


Ayer. HeadStores:


South Rubber

Pier, Teluk

Co., Directors— Petei;Goodbooks

CiFiong and Geo. O.

1790, Broadway, New York Danipl

H. W. Hawkeswood, manager T. M. Si'Vasoi’i, secretary

J. D. Laing, signs per pro.

Goodrich Co. (S.S.), Ltd., Crude Rubber

German ‘ Consulate—(Nee'1 ’’Consulate^) Buyey? — H. 16 18. Union Building;,

Telepli.15865; Cabler Ad: Mossgood

m W % ± & H.“E.C,A.fBugbee,,


director director

Gestetner (Eastern), , Lm, . 1).''In-

corporated in England), Duplica-

tors Manufacturers—Corner House, • Goodwood Park Hotel—Scotts Road!

H. W. .Versteeven, manager

26-30A, Cecil Street ^ > Teleph.: 399L;

Cable Ad: Gestetner; Branch Office:

Kuala: Lumpur, Hong’ Kong; Bata- Goodyear Orient Co.. Ltd., The, Re-

gresentatives of The Goodyear Tire and

via-Centrum, Sourabaya, Manila and


J. B. Dunne, manager Trafalgar ^Street);EastCableAd:’

uliber Co.-—2x, Reclamation (off


Code: Bentley’s


Grafton Laboratories^ ^Wholesale Assistants ,*

Manufacturing Chemists and Druggists Singapore — D. Alexander, H. W. E.


Collyer Manufacturers’

Quay; Cable Ad: and Obat

Agents—20B, Hill, B. S. Kinder, V. I. Horne (signs

per pro.), J. A. Seward (signs per

Grant & Co., D. M. (Kramat Motor J.pro.),

N. J.Wainright,

B. Pickering, N:. R.D. Wilson

M. Stevenson,


Garage),—15-b, Cavanagh Rd.; Teleph. per pro.), M. W. Yates, J. 0. Gransdem

7125 (engineer) and P. W.

Kuala Lumpur—J. S. Anderson, G. D. Holt

I). M. Grant, mang. prop. Cameron

Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. Gulland, D.(signs per pro.),C.- G.D. Fry,R.

S. Davidson,

—Head Office: Great Eastern Life Build- D. M. M. Hawes, Y. I. Horne (sighs

ing, 4, Cecil Street; Teleph. 5202; Cable per

H. pro.),Turbitt,J. S. J.Potter, A. E. Chadwick,

C. Horn (signs per



M. Sime,-chairman of directors pro.), H. W. Esson (signs per pro.),

Horace W. Raper, managing director Penang—J. A. F. Taylor and

A'. Bines C.-Thornton

A.G. Robinson,

C. Knox, sepretary

f.i.a., actuary Ipoh—(vacant)

Medan-E. Hardman and N. W. Taylor

J.P. D.C.P.B.Nisbet,F.i.A.,F.F.A., asst.

Newington inspector of secy.

F. agents

H. Brooks Gwinnell, J. K., Manufacturers’ Re-

W. N. Robbery J J. B.rStevenson presentative—Gresham

Road; P.O. Box 223; Cable

House, Battery

Ad: Private


win; Codes: Bentley’s, Morton’s

Green ci Corliet:, Ltd.. Rubber Brokers R. C-R-Land

—TJnion Buildi ng; Telephs. 5161-3 Hackmeier, L., Shipchandler, Stevedore


Green, E. Directors

G. Collier — John E. K. and

Assistants—W. H. Day; Chua Cheng Road;General

Teleph. 2158; Merchant—8, Robinson

Cable Ad: Hackmeier

Kee, S. Daniel

Grosvenor Hotel — Stamford Road; Hagemeyer Trading Co., Ltd.—74,

Robinson Road; Teleiph. 6966; Cable

Teleph. 2586; Cable Ad: Grosvenor Ad: Dupire; 'Codes: A.B.C 5th


Exporters& Schumacher,

and InsuranceH. Mu., Ltd., edn.,


fLieber’s, Beutley’s, Acme

G. Loostergp,, manager

Telegraph Street Hammer & Co., Ltd., W., Water Sup-

Guthrie & Co., Ltd. (Founded 1821 pliers—B, Cable Ad:Fullerton Hammer;Road; Code:Teleph.



Incorporated in Singapore, 1903), Gen-

eral Merchants, Agents and Engineers— edn.P. B. Purvis, manager

Head Office: 24, Battery

5131; Branches at Penang, Kuala Road; Teleph. G.J. G.H. Stewart



Ipoh and atMedan London(Sumatra), Malacca, Derrick

Directors — James Robertson and Bank Chambers

J. I. Dawson


Gunn, c. a.and Registrar — G. G. Hanaya Suppliers, Shokai, Importers & Exporters,

Manager at Penang—H. S. Hay, sighs Estate Car Hirers—55-57,

Book Sellers and Motor



Manager pro. 7513; P.O. Box 264; CableRoad; Teleph.

Ad: Hanaya

signs petatpro.Medan — E. Hardman, edns. Codes: Bentley’s arid A'.B.G, 5th and 6th


per pro. atat Ipoh—J. McLeod, signs S. Kashio, managing proprietor

Manager Malacca—E. C. Cooper,

signs per pro Handelsvereeniging

London Office — 52-54, Gracechurch ing Company “Holland,” ‘’Holland” (Trad-

E.C. 3 Incorporated

Managingdo.Director—J. in Holland), Merchants—137, 137a and

Assist, —C. G.K. Hay 139, Cecil St.; Teleph. 6932; Cable Ad:

Morrison ! Holsing. Head Office: Amsterdam

Director—C. Mann C. de Wit, mgr.


Hanna; Dr. J. G., Dentist—Hon^konj$ HasanaSi Jivabhai, proprietor of The


J. G.Chambers; Teleph. 3582

Hanna, d.d.s. Straits Settlement Flour Mills, General

T. M. Calhaem; Merchants and 'Commission Agents,

Exporters, Importers and Flour Millers

C.R. T.J. Miles, d.d.s.'

Draycott, l.d.s. —36, Wallich

Cable Ad: Street;Codes:

Rehmatally; Teleph. 2064;


Private and Acme

Hardy, Chas. J., Nature Cure Practi-

tioner—via Paya Debar Post Office, Hay & Cb., T. C.—2, Robinson Road,

Serangoon Teleph. 4042; Cable Ad: Tomay


m. J. Hardy, m.n,c,a:.,

i.a.n.t. m.p.c. (Lond.), (Lond.

n. d;, etc. (t'.S.A.) IJeap & Eng

N. Y.),Moh

d.o., Steamship

d.c., Co., Ltd.

Mrs. C. J. Bardjy, iri collaboration (Incorporated in S.S.), Regular and


Services from Freight and toPassenger

Singapore Batavia.

Harrisons, Barker & Co., Ltd., Import Cheribon and Semarang and vice

and Export Merchants, Managing Agents Singapore to Tandjong Pandan versa, and

and Secretaries for Estate, Mining

Industrial Companies, Rubber Selling 35, and Banka and vice versa—Registered Office:

Agents and Insurance and Shipping CableTeluk Ayer Street; Teleph. 6704;

Agents — Chartered Bank Chambers, A.B.C. Ad: Hemssco; Codes: Bentley’s,

6th edn., Acme and Private'


Anson and at Kuala

and Penang, LondonLumpur,



Great Tower Street, E.C. 3. Cable Ad: Henry


edn.), Codes: Broomhall’s

A.B.C. (5th(Rubberedn.), inMerchants

England), Textile and General

Western Union and Private — 112/214, Robinson Road;

H. B. E. Hake, director Teleph. 3649; Cable Ad: Ashenry; Codes:

H. O. Wallis,.

Peake, do. Bentley’s and Private. Head Office:

W.E. do. Manchester

A. Thomson, signs per pro. John G. Chantler, mgr.

W. B. Cruickshank, do. Hindhede & Co., Ltd., Engineers ‘ and


F. R.G Horridge

Gumming I| A.F. J.D. Kemlo

Macfarlane Contractors—Bukit

W.L. Kitserow | G. Martin 6104; Cable Ad: NaitiTimah Rd.; Teleph.

Agencies Hinnam & Little Dispensary, Ltd.—


Commercial Union Lloyd, Bremen

Assur.Co.,Ld.(Mar.) 309 and 311, North Bridge Road; Teleph.

Royal Exchange Assurance. (Marine) 6745 (2 lines); Cable Ad: Hinnam

Atlas Assurance Co., Ld. (Fire)

Ocean Accident and Guar. Cprpn., Ld. Ho Ho Biscuit Factory, Ltd., Manu-

Scottish Amicable Life Assurance facturers of Biscuits and Confectionery

Society —Registered Office: 33, Chin Swee Road;

Teleph. 6358; Swee,

Gaw Khek Cable managing

Ad: Hoho dir.

Harper, Gilfillan & Co., Ltd., (In-

corporated in the Federated Malay

States), General Merchants, Estate

Mining Secretaries, Insurance Agents, Mills at 315, Havelock Road and


and Piece GoodsAgents, Produce Agents,

Merchants—P.O. Box 5911;1001, North Bridge Road; Teleph.

100, Singapore; Penang, Malacca, Kuala Cable Ad: HoHongoil;

Lumpur, Ipoh, Klang, Port Dickson, 6th edns Bentley’s Codes: A.B.C. 5th and

and Sootts 10th! edh.

Port Swettenham, Taiping and Teluk Directors—dim Peng Siang, j.p.

Anson. (chairman), Lim Peng Mau,

W. A. Fell, director Dr. Lim Boon Keng, o.b e. (on

E. C. H. Charlwood, director leave), Lim Hock iSeng, Lim


ox on, signs perdo.pro Seow Eng, and Tay Lian Teck j.p,

F. H. Atkinson Lee Boon Beck, manager

W. M. Innes-Ker William C. Hill, a.m.i. mech.e.,

London Agents: Blytb, Greene, m.i.m.e. works manager and chie

Jourdaine & Co., Ltd.—4751, King engineer

William Street, London, E. C. 4 Ho Hong Co., managing agents


Ho Hong Soap Factory, Ltd., Toilet Managing Partners—Chan Jin

and Household High Class Soap Hee and Lye Eng Hong.

Manufacturers—61, Chulia Street; Partner—Chan Jim Lee.

Cable Ad : Hohongsoap ; Codes: Ail Manager—Ng Leong Pow

codes and' private Agencies;

Ho Hong Steamship Go., (1&32) Ltd. China

HongkongCan Co.,

(TinLtd v Shanghai and

Lithographers and


Rangoon, Penang, in Singapore), Services (a)

Port Swpttenham, Cah Manufacturers)

Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy; (b- Marsh Bros’., Ltd., Sheffield (Engineer-

Neigh bouring Islands—Singapore Office: V; ColdweB ing tools, Twist Drills, etc.)

61, Chulia Street; Teleph. 5914-5; Cable Lawn Mower ‘Co.,‘ New

Ad: Hohong « York (“ English Special ” and

Directors—Lim Peng Siang, (Chair- Metropolitan ” Lawn Mowers)

man), Hon.Mr.Mr.TayTanLianCheng Putsch ck Co. (Engineer’s Files)

c.b.e., Hon. Teck, Lok,

Lim Branch:


64, Jalan Ibrahim, Johore

Hock Seng, Lee Kong Chian, C. E. Lye Nam Hong, branch manager

Wurtzburg, F. S. Gibson and W. W.


Kian Beng, manager Hume Pipe (Ear, East), Ltd. (Incor-

porated in Australia), Manufactur-

J. Crichton, secretary ers of Hume Patent Concrete Pipes

Ritchie & Bisset, marine supts.

Hock Ann & Co., Ltd.—3a, Teluk Ayer and Hume Patent Steel Pipes and

Tubes for.. Water, Gas, Sew age.

Street; Teleph. 7941 Drainage and Culvert Usese-Office

HoeandBoon Leong, Gas, Electric, & Works: GthArnPe

5278; Bukit

Cable Timah

Sanitary Installation EngineersWater

and Road; Teleph. Ad:

Contractors—60, Selegie Road; Teleph. and Bentley’s Second Phra.se6'thedn.

Humesinga; Codes: A.B.C.

3633; Cable Ad: Hoeboonleong

Hoe Boon Leong, proprietor C. H. Unbehaun, general manager

R. B. Krishnan, manager Rv B. Lewis, • b.c.e,, b.m.e., b.sc.,

a,m. i.m.e,, branch manager


Kwong Yew, a.i. struct e. Regis- W. L Crick, office manager

Architect —63M, China Building, A. E. Hughes, asst, mgr. (Singapore


Chulia Street R.poreC. Simmons,

Holden & Co., Ltd , A. R., Manufacturers’ Branch) asst. engf. (Singa-

Agents—157, Cecil St.; Cable Ad: Nedloh Hussain

Hooglandt & Co. (Established 1860), port Teleph.Merchants

3508 ’ — 13, Battery Road;

Merchants and Commission

139-1 49a. Market Street; Telephs.Agents—

5326-8; Huttenbachs, Limited (Incorporated


and Hooglandt;

and Codes: A.B.C.

Bentley’s 5th in S.S.), (formerly Huttenbach, Lazarus


Broomhall’s, Birchwood and Acme ik Sons, Ltd.),

Mechanical Merchants; Electrical,

and Contracting Engineers

W. R. Diethelm, partner (Zurich) —5, Malacca Street; Cable Ad: Habiture;

W.J.H.G.Leuthold, do. (Singapore)

W. Kiela, signs per pro. Codes : Acmo, Beritley’s, Bentley's; 2nd

A.E. Wernli, Phrase, Lombard and others

Bruestlein do. Directors—

H. S. Bussell (Singapore)

G.duCellieeMuller | MissF. Schaller J. M. Sime (Singapore)

Hoon Seck Trading Company, Ship- A.L. M.

M. Evans,

Sollar (London)

M.i.E.E, (Penang)


Sail-makers, Estate and Mine Suppliers,

Manufacturers’Agents and F, M. Shafrock (Penang)

General Merchants—Office and Show- New York Agents—Carl M. Loeb & Co.,

48, Wall

room: 1, Rafflek Place ; Teleph. 3858 ; A.ssociatid with— , Street

Cable Ad: Shipestmin; Codes' :

and Private. Depts: Ship chandlers and Bentley’s Shaw Darby

Dubashers; Crockery, Cutlery, House, Leadenhall St., London,

Brass and Ironmongery; Building etc.;


terials and Provisions Si E.C. 3 ik Cp., Ltd., Malaya

me. Darby


Hye Seng & Co., Ship ^ chandlers, Sail Ishihara Sangyo Koishi, Ltd., Mining

makers, Estate Suppliers^ Hard- and Shipping Company—4 and 5, Union

ware and General- Merchants—35 and Building; Ca,ble Ad: Kozan or Ishihara

36, Chulia Street j Ca

shhgcio; Code : A.BiC; SthAmI Bent- (Incorporated in Straits Settlements),

ley’s; Teleph. 4817 Engineers and General Merchants —

Chan Hye Seng, sole proprietor Head Office: Ocean Building, Prince

Imperial Chemical Industries (Malaya) Expanded; Street; Teleph.'5216 (4 lines); Cable. Ad:

Ltd., Importers and Exporters of Codes:-New

Bentley’s, Acme,' A. B.Standard

C. 5th edn.,


Chemicals, Fertilisers, Dyestuffs and Private.

Manufacturers’ Haw Materials—144, LumpurBranches and Port

at Penang,


Ipoh, Kuala

Bobinson Hoad; Teleph. 5476; Cable

Ad: Impkemix.

and Kuala LumpurBranches at Penang Jackson & Co., Ltd., Merchants and

O. D. Eustace, managing director Manufacturers’

spn. Road; Cable

Agents—55, Robin-

Ad. Jackco...

R. D. Shrimptoh, a.c.a., secy. -

M. F. CutleT, b.sc. ' (Hon^;), Jackson, J. M., Architect, Valuer and


P. J. R. Butler, M.sc., a.i.c., chemist Fire Assessor—7, Malacca Street;

G. E. M. Jonesl B.a. (Hons.),' chemist Cable Ad : Jackson

J. A. Allen, assistant Jaeger Co., Merchants—6c, D’Almeida

Institute of Architects of Malaya Street; Teleph. 6235; Cable Ad: Jaeger;

Codes: A.B.C. 6th edh., BentleyV, Acme

(Allied to the R.LA.B.) — 12D, Union and Kendall’s


Architrave Teleph. 7304: Cable Ad: O.H. Burkhardt,

Fuller, partner


International Assurance Co., Ltd., W. Southam, do.

Life, . Fire, Marine, Motor Car,

Personal Accident, Baggage and Java Sea and Fire Insurance Co., Ltd.

Householders’ Insurance — Hong (Incorporated in Java), Fire, Marine,

Kong Bank. Chambers; Teleph. Motor Branch:

Car Insurance — Singapore

Chartered Bank Chambers;

4411’; Cable Ad: Brintasco .

A. A. Gossevsky, district managex Teleph. Office:

7714; Cable Ad: Sluytersco. Head

for Malaya .


C. Low, manager (General Insur- Alan Wolfe,, manager 10, Batavia

Kali Besar Oost,

Dept.) Jee Ah Chian & Co., Secretaries and

International Pharmacy—1, Robinson , Accountants—59,

Ad: Jeeachian

Chulia Street; Cable

Road; Teleph. 6151

Jitts & Co., Ltd., Printers and, Stationers

Internationale Crediet-en Handels- Ad: —96,Jitts;


Code:Road; Teleph. 6829; Cable


vereeniging “Rotterdam”; (Incor- Siow Siew Kim, managing director

porated in Holland),

Export, Shipping—37a, General Import

Robinson and

Road; Siow Siew Guan, director

Teleph. 5071: Cable Ad: Internatio;

Codes: Acme, A.B.C. 5th and6thedns„ Johannes & Sammy, Advocates and

Scott’s and Bentley’s Solicitors—2, A 5 Bonham Bldg.; .Teleph.

7111; Cable Ad; Parchment; Codes: A’. B.C.

Irving Jones & Co., Merchants and Com- 5thM.edn. and Bentley’s

C. Johafines, coffiplete phrase

barrister-at-law (Lin-

mission Agents—127-127a, Cecil Street: coln’s Inn), partner

Teleph. 6879; Cable Ad: Irvinjones; All P. Sammy, baxrister-at-law (Gray’s

Codes Inn), partner

H. Irving Jones, managing owner

Isaac & Co., E. S., Electrical and Radio Johnson

(Incorporated Ltd.Engineers

in England), (London)

Importers, Manufacturers’ Representa- Sole Agents in Malaya

tives, General Merchants and Electrical

Contractors—6, Malacca Street; Telephs, William Jacks & Co. (Malaya) Ltd.

7433 & 5734; Cable Ad: Isaacnco; Codes: Representative—H. E. W. Bryning

A.B.C. 5th edn., Bentley’s and Private


Jong Thye Heng, Chop, General Teak-1 Chew Keow Bock, partner

Chew Keow Chim, do.

wood Merchants— 150-152, Lavender Chew

Street; Cable Ad: Jongthyeheng ChewKeow

KeowSeong, do.

Bock, manager

Jubilee Silk Store, Wholesale and Re-1 Lee Nam Hai, bookkeeper & cashier

tail Merchants, Dressmakers and


7732; Cable North Bridge Road;Teleph. I Keng Seng & Co., Import, Export and

Ad : Dayaloo

Proprietors : Dharamdas & Sons Rattan Merchants

RoadjTeleph. — 23,Used:

4945; Code RiverBentley’s


Judah & Co., S. J., Merchants and Com- Ng Gek Chwee, partner

mission Agents—Teleph: 7108, Cable

Ad: Judah; Code: A.B.C. 5th edn.



Islands),Rubber Estate (Kari- Kerala


Dispensary — 193, Middle Road

Teleph, 7966

Jumabhoy & Co., M., Importers, Exporters Khoo Dispensary — 281, Geylang



Teleph. 3126;Agents —17,321;Malacca

P.O. Box Cable Road; Teleph. 3031

Ad: Jumabhoy

Mahomed Jumabhoy, proprietor Kian Gwan (Malaya), Ltd., Sugar,

Rubber Produce, Hardware and

Keat Cheang & Cov Ltd., General Street Sundries Importers—13, Teluk Ayer

Merchants in Manila Ropes, Oiled

Coir Ropes, Wire Ropes, Beldam’s

Packings, and other Ship’s Chand-

lery iStores, Manufacturers’ Repre- Kiat & Co., Ltd., A. H. Printers, Book-

sentatives and Commission Agents sellers, Stationers and Collyer

General Quay;


—100 and 102, Robinson Road; Teleph. chants—15 Teleph. 6506;

and 15a,

Cable Ad: Service

2269; Cable Ad: Keatcheang Goh Hoori Kiat, managing director


Koh Ah Fong,Ann,manager

Chong secretary

KeeRoadHuat ; Radio

Teleph. Co.—404,

4566. North

Head Bridge

Office : 24, Koh Hua Quee, accountant

Beach Road, Penang


Printers,& WBookbinders, Publishers, Kizar

alsh, Ltd., Booksellers, Mohamed & Co., C. II.. Manu -

facturers of “ Chop Krusi ” Pulicat

Stationers and Newsagents—32, Raffles Sarongs—Head

Naick Office: 239,

Street, Madras. Angappah

Branches: 241,

Place; Teleph: 6244; Cable Ad: Kelly Beach Road, Singapore; 85, Jalan

A. (Shanghai)

E. Glover, managing director Ibrahim, Johore Bahru and 228,

J. H. Searle, director (Shanghai) Chulia Street, Penang

A.A. J.S. Waller, Purchase

de Jesus,(Shanghai)

secretary Chop Krusi Kain Kizar

G. C.H. C.Davis, manager

Meredith C. H. Kisar ; Mohamed & Co.—241,

Beach Road, Singapore

P. A. Finlayoh

Selling Agents See

Directory and Chronicle of Chop


Acme Japan, Malaya, etc.

New Code

York Co., 93, Front Street, | Krusi


Keng Lee & Co., Importers-and Export- each

ers, Shipchandlers, Sail-makers, Du- Sarong

bashes, Engineering

pliers, Estates and andMiningBuildingSup- When

Requisites, Hospital Equipments and you

Furniture, Government and Municipal Purchase


3466 (2 lines); Cable Robinson Road;Teleph.

Ad: Foremost Beware of Imitations


-Klasr & Sons, F. V., General "Merchants ! Outdoor Department

A. A, Monti | J. U. van Ketwich


Moulmein Agents’

Road, Representatives

Singapore; Cable—163, Ad: Providoring Department

Klasons; Codes: Acme, A.B.C. 5th edn., t Accounts F. H. Seipgens

Universal and Private and Statistic Department

J. A. A. Sprengers

Knttdsen, A., Ore Buyer and Seller, j Engineering A. L. van den Bosch

Miner and Trader in Engines and | Department

Machinery — 307, N. Bridge Road; Penang J. L. van

Officeder Meerendonk

Teleph. 7033; Cable Ad: Knudsen P. J. M. Poelman | P. Maasland

Kodak, Ltd. (Incorporated in England), j

Manufacturers of Photographic Ap-

paratus and Materials — Office, Ware- KoshinoStreet| Smotest, Japanese Shop — 45,

house and Plant: 130, Robinson Road; High E. Koshino, proprietor

Retail Department: 8, Battery Road;

Teleph. 7711; Cable Ad: Kodak; Code: Kow Soon Kim, Advocate and Solicitor

Bentley’s —4a,

E.C. Donald, manager

.1. Skinner, mgr’s. assist. KowChange Alley;barrister-at-law

Soon Kim, Teleph. 6469

Retail Dept.

E. F. Nicholas


N. C. Francis Dept.


Road; Association, Ltd.—29,Codes:

Cable Ad: Labour; Palembang


Stock Room 5th edn., Bentley’s, Private and Broom-

E. A. Eplinius hall’s

R. E. Prentice and J. Bright, directors

O. H. Samat, manager

IE £ fr E. D. Jacob, secy.

Koh Yew Hean Eno Kee Press. Printers

Bookbinders, Stationers, Paper Merch- facturers Lam Soon Cannery Co., Soap Manu-

ants and Proprietors and Distribu-

Northand Rubber

Bridge Road;Stamp


4536; Cable tors of “ Labour ” Brand Tea, Tea Dust,

Chinese Tea, Coffee, Milk,

Curry InkPowder,

Ad: Kohyewhean

Partners — Cheong Tai Woo and Pepper. Condensed

Almond Syrup—49, Norfolk Road;


Cheong Tai Yew

Wong Choon Sek, manager Cable Ad: Cannery

Kohyei Sr Co., Rubber Exporters—8b, Lee Bros., Photographers — 61, Hill

Raffles Quay; Teleph. 4106 Street; Teleph. 7070

Lee Poh Yan, managing partner

Koninklyke Paketvaart Maatrchabpij |

(Royal Packet Navigation Cod, Incor- | Lee Choon Giran, Estate of (Chop “Chin


Green; in Holland

Teleph. fS —lines);

5451 A.B.C. 1, Cable

Finlayson ;j Joo”)—10, Malacca Street: Teleph. 141;

Paketvaart; Codes: 5th and Ad:6th Codes: A.B.C. 5th and 6th edns. and

Western Union



Phrase, Complete

Scott’s (10and


K.P.M, 1 Trustees—Lee

Private. Head Offices: Batavia Centrum Choon Guan, Chim m.b.e.,Tuan, Mrs. Wan

Choa Eng Lee

(Java,). Amsterdam (Holland) and Lee Pang Soo

R. Pronk. agent Secretary—Lee Chim Huk

Freight W. M.andHens, acting sub-agent

Transhipment Department ;

J. W. van de Stadt I G. H. Stroobach j m & w m

C. J. Levie ! J. M. van Lee & Co.jC. M. (Chin Meng Kong See),

D. J. Pronk van 1

Hoogeveen I J. Haalebos Suylekom | .Importers and Exporters,

Wholesalers-"39, Photographic

l High Street; Teleph.

Inward, Outward Cargo and Claim J 6389; Cable Ad: Sarastuaio; Code^:

Department used; A.B.C. 6th edn. and Bentley’s

PassageG. Knijpenga

Department C. M. Lee, proprietor

A. M. den Boer Agentsfor

G. van der Sande | Th. A. vanYliet Mimosa Photo Plates, Pape^Sj 4 S’ihns


n & m m $ & & Board of Directors—Lee Kortg.Chiarr

Lee Pineapple Company, Limited i, (chairman), Lee Seng Chong'

Tan Chay Bing and

(Incorporated in Singapore, ; Lim ’ Chong Kuo, secretary

Pineapple Qrowprs, Packers

Exporters —Officd : R3 J-K, Rubber and Works at Seletar, Thompson

China Building,*'Chulia Street and Road and Kallang Road, Singa-

Represented by Agents Throughout . pore, - Kuala Lumpur (Selaugorb'

Kiang, Seremban, Ipoh, Sitiawan,

the World; Cable Ad: Leeavda: baFUM.' S;, Penang S.'S, and Muar,

Codes: Bentley’s, A.B.C, 5th and (Johore)

6th edns., Commercial, Universal.

New Standard, Acme and Private

Board of Directors—Lee Kong Lewis. .& Beat (Singapore),' Ltd., Rubber

Chiari (chairman), Lam Chong Brokers—5, Prince Stffeet; Telephs. '54U1

Kuo and George E. Lee ■ tO'Sib&'tS lihes); Gable Ad: Devifctj.Cdde^:

Lee Seng Oh ongC secr etary A.13.C. 6th


.; .an(L Srengeiat Scudar,

Pan dan Johore Bahru Rubber edn.hdn.,; Beiitlhyh;' Brbomhall’s

Directors—A. W. W. Kef, W. T.

Lee Kim Soo; Ltd. (Incorporated in S.S.), Houghton and E. G. Holiday

Merchants and Manufacturers — 89, W. T. Houghton,'secretary . ..

High Street;andTeleoh. O. E. H. Cutler | V. G ,Bath

Leekirhsoo Olkso; 2063;

Code:Cable Ads :


Sole ■ Proprietors of:

The Elkayes Match, Nail, Concrete Lianqui Trading Co., Merchants -ami

BoardandofPottery Works Chye Fong, Commission


Agents, Produce Exporters

—64, Robinson Road; Teleph. 7259;


Tan Guan Char. O. R. S. Bateman, 6th .ec^n., Beptley’s Ad: Lianqui; Codes: A.B.C.

C.A. and L. C. Margoliouth complete phrase,

General Manager—Chin Cal'^ack, Universal Trade arid Fri-

Secretaries—Gattey and Chye

Bateman Fong .yate ^ ' fj

Lim Siew Jin, sole proprietor



■ ’ Chin Clerk and Cashier—Too Boon Assistants—Pang Chiap Soqg,

Chief I Book-keeper—Ee Chian

Wah Heng Hong and Low Seng

Assistants — Tan ' PengChengChuanLockand

Lim Song Kiang

Chief Assistant, Chinese Dept.—Tan Lim Khoon Heng, General Importers and

Yew Phuay MerchantsFresh in fruits

Provision, Wine and

Manager, Port Swettenham Factory Liquors, and Vegetables,

—Tan Guan

Manager, CharMatch Factory— and Frozen

Jdhcire Meats and Dairy Produce

Tan Tua Tee — —245 and 247, Orchard

7003; Cable Ad: Frozen Road; Teleph.

Supdt., McNair

Low Swee Ann Road Factories- Lim Seng Khobn, proprietor 1

Trustees for the Estate* of \ Lim Joo Chiang, attorney

Lee Kim

The Sop (deceased)

British Malaya Trustee and

Executor Co., Ltd. Lj.m Nee Soon (Chop Thong Bee),

Rubber and Pineapple Planter,

n % mm m Estate and Land Owner—Marsiling,

Lee Rubber Company, Limited RoadrCable Building, 112 and 114, Robinson

Ad: Limneesoon

(Incorporated in Singapore,

Rubber .Planters. Millers, Importers S.S.), Attorneys—Lim Chong Kuo, Lim

and Chong Pang, Lim Chong Min,


Building, ChtiliaOffice:

Street. 63.t and K,

Branches Chan Loon Leong and Tay Sek Tin

throughout Malaya. Agents in Pontia-

na,k, Bandjermasin, Palembang and Lim & Seah, Civil Engineers, Architects

Djambi ; Cable Ad: Leeavia ; Codes: and Surveyors—13b. Change, Alley;

Bentley’s, A.B.C. 5th and 6th edns., Teleph. 6594: Cable Ad: Kengseng; Code:


Acme and Private Universal, New Standard, A.B.C. 5th edn.


ILinotype and Machinery, Ltd.,. Manu- T. J. Hume, manag. dir. and chairman

facturers of the Linotype Composing (London)

Machine and High

for Letterpress, Grade Machinery

Lithographic and News- C. W. Banks, director do.

paper O.A. T.G. Cousins, do. do.

Teleph. Printers—128,

1226; Cable Ad: Robinson

Linotype. Road; Head H. P.

Meggy, do.

Bedells, secretary



Office: 9, Kingsway, London. Works: A. E. Bond, manag. dir. (in the East)

Altrincham, England A.F. Hammond,

Robertson, director

W. Kenworthy, manager do. (in tnp do’, East)

C.W. G.Somerville,

Fugler, secretary

depot mgr. (Penang) do. 1

ILithogsaphers, Ltd., Printers, Sta- W. Somerville, do. (Ipoh)

tioners, Lithographers and Engra- Assistants—K. A. Albert, C. H.

vers—Registered Office: 20 and 21, Bone, Chan

Raffles Chambers; Teleph. 2114. Darlow (headKim Tong, W.G. H.

cashier), G.

Works: 36, 37 & 38, Wallich Street; Davis, F. Dobson, A. J. Downe,

Teleph. 6318. Litho Works : 38, Hill U. L. Drew (cutter,

pur), Miss D. A. Eber, Mrs. S. Kuala Lum-

Street; Teleph. 7656; Cable Ad:

Ribeiro; Codes: Bentley’s and Felsingen

Miss E. M.H.Eraser,F. Fincher, E. Fozard,

Goh Boh Teck,

A.B.C; 5th edn. C. J. A. Green, Mrs. M. A. Hall,

K. C. Eu (chairman), Khoo Wee J.M. B.C. Hodgins, R. N. Jack, Mrs.

Tong, J. Israel, W. McMullan Metherhall, H. G. Parsons,

and Wong Tien Choh, directors L. R. Parsons (cutter; Singapore),

F. R. Martens, secretary Mrs. L. Pascall, Miss R. Peters,

W. M-cMullan, manager A. A. Ross, Seet Chye Leng, C.

Wong Thit Park, production mgr. Smith, Tam Kim Hock, H. R. H.

R. S. S. Iyer, assistant; Temple,S. K.Warner

R. (Tohnie, C. R. Yen-

ning, and Wong Ah

Hittle & Co., Ltd.. John (Incorporated Yew

in England), Wholesale and Retail Liverpool & London & Globe Insurance

Wine, Spirit and

Cold Storage ProvisionTobacconists,

Suppliers, Merchants, Co , Ltd. (Incorporated in Great

Manufacturers of Furniture, Complete Britain), Office:Cable

all Classes of Insurance—Local

French Bank Building; Telepb.

House Furnishers, Tailors, Stationers,

Drapers, 5935;

Milliners, General Outfitters,

Book-sellers, BrinkmannAd:& Brinkmann

Co., general agents

Jewellers andWatch and Clock

Silversmiths, Makers,

Commission .Resident Officer—Wb Sw'ithinbank

Agents, Crockery, and Hardware Mer-


Motor CycleEstate Requisite

Engineers Suppliers, Liverpool Victoria Insurance Corpora-

and Importers,

Sports Outfitters, Licensed Dealers in tion, Merged'in the CormUercia). Union

AssuranceCo., Ltd.

Arms and Ammunition. Suppliers of land)-*-Teleph.

Electrical and Wireless Goods—Singa- 6686;(Incorporated-in

Cable Ad: Cuaco Eng-

pore, Kuala Lumpur, Penang and Ipoh. A. C. Potts, manager

Head Office (LondbnY, 10, Pancras Lane, Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, Classifica-

E;Q. 4;Raffles

East), Head Place,

Office Singapore:

and Store Telephs.

fin the tion and Registration of Mercantile

5167, 5168.and 5169; Cable Ad: Littles, Shipping—2,


LaidiavOBuilding; Teleph.


Furniture Factory (in the East), JohnCable Ad: Surveyor

Wormald, B.sc., ship and engr.

Cavanagh Road,East),

Singapore. surveyor

Store (in the AmpangBranchStreet London Tan Teck Guan, cashier and clerk

Ofiice'—Lloyd’s Register of

and New Embankment Road, Kuala Shipping,

Lumpur; Cable Ad: Littles, Kuala

Lumpur; Telephs. 3305 apd 3306. Andrew 71,Scott, Fenchurch


Branch Store (in the East)— 1, Pitt

Street, Penang; Cable’ Ad: Littles Lohmann & Co., Ltd.,, Importers, Expor-

Penang; Teleph. 982, ters and Passage Agents of the Nord-

Branch Store (in- the East)—Belfield ; deutscher

Street, Ipoh, Perak; Teleph. 684; Teleph, 7012Lloyd—124, Robinson libad;

; Cable Ads : Progress and

Cable Ad: Littles, Ipoh; , Codes: Nordpass (Shinping) .

A.B.C. 5th edn. and Bentley’s Directors—:G. Bpsse and R, Eypestucck


Loh’s Dispensary—257, South Bridge Assistants — B. N. Bintley, R.

Road; Teleph. 6159; Cab!« Ad: Craik, A. G. Hay ' (signs per

Lohs pro), D. W. Holder,' G; John-

ston, D. A. Johnston, W. C.

London Assurance, Marine and Accident .Juniper, G. S. Keyser, G. M.

—Mercantile Bank Bldg. Koenitz, G. L. Littledyke, H. J.

Ahglo-Siam Corpoifation, Ltd., general Rae, R. F. Smith, W. McG.

agents Watt (signs per pro.) & J, H. Wood?

Ellerman & Bucknall S. S’.'Co.. Ltd.

London & Eastern Printing Co., Ltd. Queensland Capt. H. Lynes, marine supt.

■(Incorporated in the ‘Straits Settle- Insurance Co., Ltd..

C- E. Electrical

Gibson, representative.

ments), Printers and Lithographers Met-Vick

—Registered Office: 11, Keppel Ex. Co., Ltd. .

Road; Teleph. 58§1 (3 lines):; Codes: London E. C. Whiteley, representative

A.B.C. 5th and 6th edns., Bentley's , ings, E.C.3. Office :—Billiter .Sq. Build-

Private -i + .j

H. E. Darvilkr A. 1). Allan and T. N. G. Jen-

J. M. Fyfe — W. T. Mulvey ings,. general attorneys

A. Reid and D.iCiW. Reid, mgrs.

London and Lancashire Insurance Co., Ag'eneies *

Ltd. (Incorporated in Greajb Britain)— ’ United States Steel'' Corpn.

Union Building United. Staigs Steel S.S. Products



Co., Ltd.,inspectdr

agents Ellerman & Bucknall Co,, Ld.Co.

Isthmian Steamship Company

Lowe, Bingham

Accountants for Orient)

Teleph. 6382;— 4,CableLaidlaw Building;

Ad: Explanate; Mcllwraith McEacharn Ltd., Aus-


Codes: A.B.C. 5th

Bentley’s and Bentley’s 2nd edn., Western Union, Dutch East Indies Government Coal«

• C;H.C. H.Dunman. Lambert Bros., Ltd., London


a.c.a. Queensland Insurance Co., - Ltd.

Bankers.& Traders Insurance Co.,Ltd.

Lya.ll & Evatt, Alfa-Laval Co., Ltd.

General BrokersExchange,

— 23, RafflesSharePlace;

and Carron Company

Teleph. 6254 and 7796; Cable Ad: Cedar; . Boulton & Co., Ltd. .

Green Island Cement Co., Ltd.

Codes: Bentley’s, Broomhall’s Imp.

Combination, A.B.C: 5th and 6th edns. Hongkong Rope Mfg. Co.,, Ltd.

F.R. B.T. B.S. Donnell,

Newell, partnerdo. Lewis Berger &' Sons, Ltd.

W. R. King, signs per pro. 'Metropolitan Vickers ETectrical.

S. Webb | C. W. Auchmuty Export Co., Ltd.


Co., Ltd. Asphalt Operating


Lyons Motors, Ltd.—Registered

Showrooms and Service Station: 92-100, Office,

Orchard Road; Teleph. 5485; Cable Ad: McAuliffe, Davis & Hope—Union

and Private Codes: Bentley’s General Batavia

Centramoto; Building(Java),

and atMedan



J. R.F. Brislin,

r manager

V . Hanson, service engr. don Firm: McAuliffe, Davis & Hope,


E.C. Accountants,

2. Teleph. 6378;80, Bishopsgate,

Cable Ad:

McAlister &, Co., Ltd. (Established McAuliffe Sirpartner

Henry (London)

Thomas McAuliffe, F.c.A.r

1857). General Import,

and Produce Merchants, Shipping and Export, Coal

Insurance AgentsBattery

— Registered F. H. Grumitt, A.c.a.,partner (Penang)

Gresham House, Road; Office:

Cable A. Dobson, a.s.a.a., do. (Singapore)-

Ad: McAlister

Kuala Lumpur .fc London and at Penang, Ipoh, T.N. G.G. Laffan,

Bishop, a.c.a.

a.c.a., signs the firm

Directors—J. W. de Piro (chairman), G.R. N.

M. Hill,




A. Niven, E. J. Riches and T. H.

(secretary) T. A. Horsfield, a.c.a.

A. Tindall, secretary L. A. Hygate, a.c.a.


Mackie, 1). ' 'Directors—Horn Date

('chairman), Ong Boon Tat. E. A.S.bQ, -Wong'

ineer and Marine Surveyor-^l8, Win- Elias,

chester House ;-Teleph. 7877 (Office);

Cable Ad: Mackie; Codes: A.B.Ci 4th Cheng LeeLock,Chim

■ iorB.EJ Titan

(Malacca) and Tan

and 5th edns., Kendall’s and Bentley’s E. secretary

Maurice Glover,!general

)Y!,e.. ni . mgr.• .7/


' George A. Watt’, A.kiMEcn.E.

' Yeo FI ink Chin, clerk Malayan Arts’ and ' Crafts ’ Society—

MACP.HAiL,(fe Co., Ltd,,—Rubber Exporters Selling Centre :■ Raffles Hotel; Teleph.

General Brokers Mgrcantil e . Ban&k ; 5381

Building; Telepji. 3306,; Cable

Mapphails; .Codes; A-BA.'. ,5th and. 6th Malayan Ad: Breweries', Ljp,—O^.ce ; . 7,

edns* Trafalgar Street; Brewery : 478,

Bentkiy’sBroomhall’s (i^nperial),',, and Road) Pasir Paiijang (off Alexandra

; Cable .Ad : Breweries. .

A, A. A. Paterson, nianagmg, d|irector •Directors—W.,H. Macgregor, : C. Y. ;

■ S.C. Frey,

Creswick, secretary

assistant : Bailey, Hon. MrAY.yan^.Ro§suan

Keila and-J.|Bh. Eell. J. G..\Y.

Malacoa K. Weller,; ■ ; .H.ipl- ;


GeneratorsElectetc LWhtino,

and'Distributors Ltd.,

of Electri- technical manager

R. M. Falwasser, assist, irigr; i,

city for Power arid llighh

•Registered Omee: French "Bapk Btrild- in Malacca— J. M. Van Liempt, engineer ' ;

ings; H. M. Smael, assistant '

Station:Peleph. Kribri 5043,

Road,; 5044;

Malacca; Generating

Teleph. M. Melville, sales do. n

Secretaries and Mariagingi A^fents

52. Codes:'A.B.O. 5th edn,And‘Beritley’s —Fraser & Neave, Ltd. ‘ ••

Malay Peninsula Agency, Exporters and ! Malayan

Importers, Manufacturers’ Agents—-.PiO. ] chants , arid Commission Agents, ColniiERciiL Agency, .Mer-

Box 503; Cable Adc ; Fernando; ! Dealers'of Tectona Graridis, Siam

Code: Bentley’s i t

E. R. A. Fernando, managing, director j : and . Burma Teak, Singapore. Saw it

Hard' hrid "Soft Wo'dif' = Plonks,

! Squares ’ari'd .1 Railway 'O'Sihepers,

Malaya _ Publishino St'rJife arid .‘Hitteh Ea^tylndiigk ^ho-

Engravers, BooksellersHouse, sPrinters, i duc'

rand; Stationers fs, %nd M'anufactu're'rS’-'A^etTts—

The Arcade, Raffles Place1- Gable':,

—Stamford Road and. Armenian Street: f 60, i .AgenCyCo; '!CodeS : A.B'.’C. 6th

Teleph. 5929; Cable Ad: Em press; Cedes: A>d edition, Beritldd’s- ^briiplete ' phrase,

A.B.C. 5th edn-.Arhriagjpg]

F, .C.'^apds; and Ppntley’s Director r A. I.' and ’Private. ' :.

“Malaya Tribune,” & “Suniday Tribune,” Malayan Law Journal — 24, Raffles

Place; Teleph. .'EOlh; Qhble Ad: t


& 6110; Cable Anson

Ad: Road; Thlephsii6l71 Malriol

Tribune ; Cbde ri Behtldy^s .

Malaya Tribune Press, Ld., proprs. MECH.ANidAL1 if'ouiPMENT ‘bo.'—

E. Maurice Glover, general mgr. ck stc, | Malayan 14,Rp’.bhison.Rc),.; ,Qablq^L,d': Mechanical

H.C,L. H.Hopkin, editor !

G. S. Stanley

Hammonds; Jones,W.assist, editor Malayan Midioal,Journal, Tue,Journal

P, Paterson,

A.E. E.Hunter,

Moreira,H.LimM.Kerig Hor,

’Rappa,; Ng N. ofMedical the Majaya .brai'-fh

Association; of theq uarterly

Published British

. Took Yoon, iVoon..Seali Woon, —London


Office: Office:

Australia P.House,

.G. ; Box,


N. F. Modder, T. W. Armstrong, W.C. 2

Ng Yook Fong, E- P-

chet, L. C. Hoffman. A. S. Rajah B. Balbet-

and J; V. Alorais, editorial staff Malayan Flour , Milling Co,, The,

Millers of Eagle Brand atta—50/54

Malaya Tribune Press, Ltd., The, Pub- Box Peck Scab Road : .Teleph. 7328; P.O,

lishers, Printers,Stationers -Proprietors Codes:540;A.B.iCb , Oable Ad:. Pheasant;

and Bentley’s


“Theand Malaya Tribune” (Daily

“Sunday Triburie”—56^60, News- S. M. Nathan, manager

Anson Road Harding Lee; bookkeeper



Malayan Motors, Ltd., Automobile Mansfield & Co., Ltd., Shipping,

Distributors and Service Specialists— Passenger, Forwarding and Insurance

Agents—Ocean Building, Collyer Quay;

14-20, Orchard Road ; Teleph. 5484; Teleph. 5154 (7 lines); Cable Ad:

Cable Ad:

Bentley’s, Acme,Malaymotor;

Private etc. Codes: Mansfield

W. .T. Wearne, manager Directors—C. E. Wurtzburg, A. E

R. Jackson, accb. and sales manager Thornley JonesPenrice,

Managers—W. and F. G.S. Gibson

S. Miller

J. C. Allan, stores mgr. and W. W. Jenkins

C. W. Watson, service mgr. Penang Manager — W. A. Kimpster

A ae71ci.es (signs per pro.)F. Brodie, c.a.

Morris Cars and Commercial Vehicles Secretary—W.

Wolseley Cars Assist.

Malayan Tobacco Distributors, a.c.a.,Accountants—G. V. Andrews

J. Crichton, a.l.a.a., C. Q.

Ltd. (Incorporated in the Straits Settle- Starkey, c.a., S. L. McNee, c.a.


ments) Cigarette and Tobacco Importers Assistants—B\ M. Adam, K. N. Black,

—11, Keppel Road; Teleph. 5821 (3 lines); J. R. Bryant, G. H. Daly, W. R.

Cable Ad: Tobacco: Codes: A.B.C. 5th & Dobbs, E. J. C. Gardner, F. E. E.

6th, Bentley’s and Private Bindley,

Local Directors:

H. Isherwood,R. F.O. L.Holt,


G. Lee,R.W.J.

F.E. C.D.C.J.Smith


Moore I. L. Legg, R. F. W. Leonard (signs

p.p.), A. McLellan, W. H. McNeill,

Secretary: R.Messenger,

S. MacTier, M. T.M. E.Millar,

Mason,J. E.J. C.S.

J. C. Hosgood

Assistants: Mitchell, W. D.M. Peterkin,

Oak-Rhind,M. A.Reid D.

W. J. Burgess S.R. G.B. Ingram Pearson, W.

D. Tattle (signs p.p.), D. Richardson, N. C.

W. B.H.DowlingGarcia C. F. Porter Roberts,

Rushworth,D.H. L.J. C.Rothera,

K. Toms,E.A. D.T.

N. F. Grose J.F. J.N.Richardson

Robinson Wedgwood, Miss H. M. Parker, Miss

J.H. D.E. Hawley

Hall I.R. Scott-Dalgleish

D. Wilkie

I. R. Quitzow, Miss N. Clements and

Miss I. Waddell

H. Hunter Cargo

Penang Branch—48,

Teleph. 1475; Cable Ad: Tobacco Church Street; T. BellEngineer, O.S.S. Co., Ltd.—G.

Supt. Engineer, O. S. S. Co., Ltd.—

Distributors for: Tobacco Co., Ltd. H. A. Exley

British American Supt. Engineer, S. S. Co., Ltd. —P.

and Associated Companies S. A.Georgeson

Ardath Tobacco Co., Ltd. and As- Assistant

Ltd.—L.Supt. Engineers,

Froggatt, H. B. S.Knox,

S. Co.,J.

sociated Companies R. Watson and A. Risoe (Penang)

Malayan Sions Marine Supt., S.S. Co., Ltd.—Cant.


Ad: Adventist Road;Press

Teleph.— 399, 7085; Upper

Cable H. A. Weldon

Branch House: Mansfield & Co., Ltd.,

L. I. Bowers, manager Penang

Manasseh & Elias, Rupert, Exchange General Managers:

Straits Steamship Co., Ltd.

and General Brokers—12, D’Almeida Singapore Steam Laundry, Ltd.


Codes:Teleph. A.B.C.6227;5thCable

edn., Ad: Rupmanel;

Bentley’s and General Agents:

Scott’s Blue Funnel Line

Isaac A. Elias Imperial Airways, Ltd.

Raphael A. Elias Indian Trans-Continental Air-

ways, Ltd.

Manasseh & Co., S., Merchants and Qantas Empire Airways, Ltd.

Commission Agents—5-2. Malacca Street; Macrobertson-Miller

Ltd. Aviation Co.,

Teleph.6869;Cable Ad :Manasseh; Codes: Butler Air Transport Co.

Al,Ez.A.B.C. 5th edn., Bentley’s,

S. Manasseh, proprietor Private Agencies:

E. J. Ellis, signs per pro. China Navigation Co., Ltd.

Chua Seng, clerk Hua Khiow Steamship Co., (1932),

Jaganath Singh, clerk Ltd.


Cunard White Star, Ltd. Master’s, Ltd., Associated Advertising

Canada Services, Consultants on newspaper

Anstra! Steamship


Line n advertising,publishers,

market analysis' , outdoor

Saraivak Steamship Go'., (192#), , , display, etc.—30-b,

Street; .P.Q, ..Box 383;, Telepb. 2341;


^ Ltd. Cable Ad: Masteradsf.Qode: Bentley’s

Sun Shipping~^o., Ltd.

Sub-Agencies : !".

E. L. M. (Royal Dutch'Airways) Mavfield Kennels k Zoo, Dealers in wild

K.N.I.L.M. (Royal ' .Netherlands animals, pheasants and birds of every

variety—42, High Street; Teleph. 3188;

Indian Airvy^ys)^ Cab)e Ad: Kennels

Royal State Railways of' Siam

Australian .Commonwealth , Rail- Animal Depot: 589, East Coast Road


F. .M.S. Railways .Maynard 1 k. Co., Ltd., Wholesale and

detail' Chemists' ' and Druggists—11,

Liverpool & London & ,Globe In- Battery. Ro^d;

surance Go., Ltd.

Thames & Mersey . Marine! Jnsur- Maynard; Code:Teleph,

ABIC. 5th 6115;edn:'

Cable• Ad:

J.H. W,R. E,17. Adgms, director

Dyimo, do.

, ance Cq. , Ltd. H. Rehton,

R, Raper, . . dp.

Manufactueees Life Insurance Co., -•'R.J. McRae do. V'., *F.s.M.c:,mgr.


The—Singapore Branch,, Office: Hong- . S.Mrs.Barnwell, assist, manager

kong Bank Chambers (2nd ‘ floor), J. M. Jackson;' assistant (Eliz.


Western7775; Cable(5-letter

Union Ad: Manulife,

edn.). ’Codes:

Head . Arden Dept.) , :


Office: foronto, Canada. London Office:

British' Columbia Hdhse, 1, Regent McIntyre&Co.,Ltd., Stewart, Engineers

Street, S.W. 1 and. Contractors 45< Orchard Bpad;

Agents pn Caible-AdnConstrupt : .

Penang & Medan,—Guthrie

Bangkok—AngknSiam £.Cn.,

Corpn., ,Ld.Ld. Medical Hall, Ltd,, Chemists1 and

Rangoon—William Jacks tb Coi Druggists — Wholesale Dept.: Collyer

Sourabaya—L. f. Johnson, manager, Quay, Teleph. Retail Dept.:Ad:3, Obat

6117; Cable Battery Road;

Java Geo. W. Crawford, m.p.s., m;urg. dir.

Marconi ' Interna ti6nae Marine •' Com- Alex. J. Turner, m:p.s., retail manager

munication Co., Ltd., The (Incorporat- J. Dyed, ivnp.s,, wholesale manager

ed in England), MaYine Wireless Tele- J. Dutbie, m.p.s. ] J. Welsh, m.f.s.

graph and Telephone Apparatus— 35, Medical Office—-Corner of North Bridge

Robinson Road; Teleph. 3707; Cable Ad: and Bras Basah-Roads; Teleph. 6706;

Thulium; Coder Marconi International Cable Ad: Medicinp .,, „ , .

Marconi Sounding Device Co.. Ltd., Medical Sxouet—24'i, Teluk Blangah Road;

The, DepthSystem

Echometer Sounding

— 35, Apparatus,

Robinson ..Tpleph.6885. , : ’ ‘

Road; Teleph. 3707 ; Cable Ad: Messager'ies Maritimes,' Compagnie des

Thulium —122, hpbiiison Road; Telephi 51$1;

Cab|e Ad: kfessagerie

Marine and General Mutual Life

Assurance Society (Incorporated ‘in Metropole Hotel Cp., Ltd., The—76

Englapd)—Collyer Quay and !T7,; Bras Bas'ah Road; Tdleph.

R. V. Harris, agent 7986

H. Twegv manager

Marine Insurance Co., Ltd. (Incorpor- II. S. Tweg, ’secretary

atedR. inV. England)—Collyer

Harris, agent . Quay Metro - G oldwyn - M ay er Oriental Inc.


Metro-G°lbwyn-Mayer in U.S.A.).Pictures—144-b,


Massage Hall, Massage and Manicure— Robinson Road; Teleph. 3255; Cable Ad:

60, Waterloo Street; Teleph. 7467 : Metrofilms; Code: Bentley’s

E. F. O’Connor, manager

Mrs. Hafu, proprietress



Meyer Bros., Merchants and Commission Moheideen & Co., K. Syed, Bullion Mer-

Agents—14, CollyerQuay; Teleph. 6203; chants, Money Changers, Exchange

Cable Ad: Aamoona Brokers and Commissions Agents—23,

Chulia Street; Teleph. 7547; Cable Ad;

Mtcret.in & Co., M. (Clermont Ferrand, Hassel; Code: Bentley’s and Private

France)—P. O. Box 302

Warehousemen: The Successors of Moine cessors

Comte & Co., Ltd., The Suc-

Moine Comte & Co., Ltd. en 1894), ofMerchants,

(Maison Francaise



Military Insurance

Building, Agents—Head

Collyer Quay; Office: Union

Teleph. 5996;


MalayaOfficer Comandingthe Troops,

— Major-General Cable Ad: Moine; Codes: Bentley’s,

W. G. A.B.C.

S. Dobbie.House, c.b., Teleph.

c.m.g., d.s.o. 6th and Lugagne. Branch in

(Flagstaff Civil Penang

Directors—C. de Saint Ceran and M.

6009) Lejeune


S. O.R.A.2—Major H. R. Hall, d.s.o., W. Warden, signs per pro.

G. S. O. 2-Major R. H. A. Kellie, Shipping and Insurance

Compagnie des Chargeurs Reunis


S.A. O.A.R.A.3—Major G. A. Fenton,

& Q. M. G.— Brigadier A. T. r.a. Soci^ti: les Affreteurs Maritime


Shakespear, d.s.o., m.c. Soci^tti des Affreteurs Indochinois

Staff Captain — Capt. S. W. Jones, Messageries Maritimes (Penang)

Union Fire Insurance Co., of Paris

S. Wore. R.

O. L. F.—Major E. J. Nettlefold Agencies

Parfume ieRevel,

Parapluie RogerLyon

& Gallet, Paris

Millar & Co., Ltd., W. P., Rubber Produce Favier Freres, Lyon

e General Merchants—Hongkong

Cable Ad: Rallim Bank Fromy Rogee & Co., Cognac

W. P. Millar, managing director Est


Watch Co. Fran^ais, Paris, etc.

Miyako Hotel—15a, Beach Road; Teleph. Vulcian Watch Co.

7451; Cable Ad: Miyako Mohideen & Co., B. S., Wholesale and

Mogul, M. A., Merchant and Commission Estate Retail Dealers, Importers and Exporters,


Mogul Cecil Street; Cable Ad: tractors Suppliers, Shipchandlers,

and Commission Agents—39,


Taker K. Hoosein, manager Chulia Street; Cable Ad: Rosebrand

Mohamed Dulfakir & Co., Book- Morey & Co., John, Electrical Engineers

sellers, British and American News- and Teleph.Contractors—98,

7558; P.O. BoxRobinson

374; CableRoad;


agents, Stationers, Wholesale and Morey J. J. Morey

Retail Dealers, Rubber Stamp

Makers, Book-binders, etc.—Head

Office: 34, North Bridge Road; Motion, Smith & Son, Ltd., Marine

Branches: 163, Victoria Street, Opticians, Ophthalmic Opticians, Watch

Singapore and Market Street, Kuala and Clockmakers, Dealers in Surveying

Lumpur ; Cable1 Ad : Dulfakirs

M. Mohamed Dulfakir, proprietor Instruments 15, Battery Road;and Drawing

Teleph: Materials—

7769; Cable

Ad: Motion; Code: A.B.C. 5th edn.

M ii amed Kassim Company, R. E., L. E. Fry, f.b.o.a., f.s.m.c., manager

Produce and Piece Goods Mer-

chants, General Importers and Ex- Motiwalla & Co.T E. J., Stationers, Paper

porters—12/13, Boat Quay; Piece Merchants and Commission Agents—

Goods Dept.: 17/18, Chulia Street; 6Cable and 8, D’Almeida Street; Teleph. 4570;

Ad: Motiwalla; Codes: Bentley’s,

Teleph. 5191 ; Cable Ad: Mohamed A.R.C,

Kassim; Codes: Bentley’s Phrase and Chulia 5th and 6th edns. Branch at 35,


India Branches all over Malaya and K. A.St., Penang

Mamajiwalla, manager


Motor Traders Finance Co., Ltd., Auto- Jones, j.p., S- B. Tan, Dr. Cheong

motive Financiers—45, Orchard Road; Chee Hai, j.p., J. Laycock, A. E.

Teleph. 5484; Union,


Ad: Wearne; Thornley-Jon^s, j.p. and R.

Codes: Western Private Tessensohn, c.h., j.p.

and Motor Traders

Motor UnioninInsurance

corporated England), MotorCo., Ltd. , (In- Secretariat

Vehicles, Secretary—C. H. Goldie

Fire, Marine 1st Asst.

2nd Asst.Secy.—J.

Secy.—AY.C.W.S. Duncan


Sime, Darby & Co., Ltd.

(Singapore arid Branches) general agents Office Assistant—E. Galistan

1st Clerk—M. Murugasu

Motte & Co.j O. (Registered in Belgium) Treasurer’s Department

—10, Prinsep Street; Cable'Ad: Mot-


Bentley’s. Codes:

Head A.B.C.

Office: 5th/9,edn.Avenue

and Treasurer—J.

F.I.M.T.A.. J.P.Stone, F.s.s., a.s.a.a.,

Cogels, Antwerp; Cable Ad: Mottimport Deputy

Antwerp chester, Treasurer

A.I.M.T.A. — H. L. Man-

Assist. Treasurers—A.

R. Brown, J. R. Hill, H. Assiter,


Moutrie & Co., Ltd., S-, Pianoforte and a.i.m.t.a., J. H. Scott Taggart,

Organ Manufacturers, Repairers, Tuners, a.i.m.t. a ., f.s.s. and J. H. Donoghue

Music and Musical

24-1, Raffles Instrument

Place (Arcade); Dealers—

'Teleph. 6422; Office Assistant —A. E. Smith

Cable Stocktaker—Abdul Rahman bin Aziz

edns. Ad: Moutrie; Codes: A.B.C. 6th Rates

T. L.Hemsley,

E. Tolleymanager Clerk-in-charge—Tan Gek Joon

Chief Bailiff-J.

MiscellaneousV. Moss

Muar Vulcanising Company, The, Re- Clerk-in-charge—P. C. Marcus, a.c.a.

treading Motor Tyres—21, Selegie Accounts

Road; Town Office: 24, Chulia Clerk-in-charge—Tan Theang Seang

Street; Teleph. 2742 Water, Gas and Electricity

B. J. Leerdam, manager Clerk-in-charge—Chan Kim Chwee

Muller & Phipps (Malaya), Ltd., Audit

Manufacturers’ Representatives—Union 1st Clerk—Sng Teck Hoe

Building; Teleph. 2579; Cable Ad:

Mulphico; Codes: Acme, Bentley’s Com- Assessment Dept.

plete Phrase. New York Office: Muller Assessor— C. F. Snell, f.s.tvr


York(Asia), Ld., One Park Avenue;

City, U.S.A. 1stf.a.l.p.a.

Assist. Assessor—A. AA . Ellison,

E. G. Sellers, managing director 2ndF.A.L.P.A.

do. —E. S. Pickering,

C. Guidon, mgr., Batavia Office


Dolder, F.M.S. and Siam repre- 3rd do. —A. Cullen, p.a.s.i.

Chief Clerk—Osman bin Abbass

Mun Dispensary—442, North Bridge Road Engineer’s Dept., Municipal

MUNICIPALITY Municipal Engr.—K. G. M. Fraser,

B. ENG., M. INST. C.E., M. INST. M. &

Commissioners — W. Bartley, m.b.e., CY. E. Municipal Engineer—A. R.


m.c.S. (president). Dr. H. S.

c.h., j.p., T. Naraindas, j.p,, S. Q.Moonshi Fyfe, a.m.i.c.e.

Wong, j.p., Dr. H. T. Wee, j.p., Dr. Assist. Municipal

Gihnour, N. H.Engineers—

Taylor andO. W.G.

K. K. Pathy, j.p., C. C.

j.p., C. H. da Silva, H. AV. Raper, Dunman, Edmond

j.p., D. Frankel, Dato Mohamed Engineer Surveyor—R. Pearse

Ghazaly bin Mohamed Ariffin, j.p., Assist. Sewerage Engineers—K. V.

Lee J.Chim Tuan, j.p.,

j.p.,E.G.A.Parbury, Cuthbe, A.M.I.C.E., A. W. B. Gill

.j.p., A. Elias, Brown, and H. Price

o.b.e., v.d., j.p., Hon. Mr. Tay Lian Actg-


Sanitary Engineer—J.


— G.

Teck, j.p., Ng Sen Choy, J.P., C. D- Pritchett

Miller, A. J. Braga, O. R, Griffith-


Manager, SteWage Disposal Works—; Asst. Supt. of Machinery W.

R. Harrison L. Kerr

Supt., Machinery,

shop—C. P. Lee Stores nf e Work- Storekeeper, Municipal 'Stores—

; T. Nadaison

Deputy Supt., Stores & Workshop—

N. Coulson . 1st Clerk, Municipal ■ Stores—

Supt., Tr.gnspt. Gent.—P. L. Barclay Lim Mefig Quee

1st Clerk, Municipal Workshops-

Firb BrigAde/ Munigipal —G. Kathamuthu


A. E. "Stevens,

M.I.MECK.fe., Municipal Architect

M.I.PIRE and

E. I Building

Second Officer—A. Newberry, a.m.i. Surveyor’s Department

fire e. Municipal.

. Surveyor-T-D. C- Rae,and.f.r.i.b.a.

Architect Building



Officer—A. L G.Platt

Shaw/' * ‘ . Chief Assistant—J. Scott, a.r.i.b.a.

Sub-Officers—J. Angus, L. F. Phipps 2ndstruct,

Assistant — A- Cannell, a.m.i.

e., a.m.r.s.i.


fire e.B. C. J. Buckeridge, a.m.i' 3rd Assistant — R. R. Gardiner,

Prob. Jun. Sub-Officers — C. Li L.R.I.B.A., A.M.T.P.I., M.I.STRUCT.E.

Teskey Chief Building Inspector—F. T.

Clerk andand Vj G. Donoiigh

Cashier—Spah Keok Seng Ephraums, a.m.i. struct.e.

Chief Draftsman—C. M. S. Nathan


Spaces—L. of Playground

A. Rappa and Open

Gas Department, Municipal Chief Clerk—R. Seenivasan

Gas. Engineer.—F. Bedford, m. inst.

GAS. .%•


Assist. Gas Engr.—M. M. Paterson

do.. —G. C. R. Franks, Municipal Electricity Department

ASSOC. 1. GAlS.ddiE. —W.

' W. Patersop Municipal


Engr.—E. W. P. Fulcher,

Distribution M.B.E.^ A M.I.E.E.

Assist. ' d6.

Chief Clerk —Wee'Lye Whatt—W. H. Swan Deputy Electrical Engineer—S. S>

Wilson, A.M.I.E.E.

Financial Assist.—T. M. Stevens,

Health Department, Municipal Chief Clerk—Tan Sira Hong, a.c.c.s.

Health Officer—P.

M.B., CH.R., D.P.H. S. Hunter, m.a.,

Deputy Officer—W. Dawson, d.s.o., Distribution Department

M.B., CH.B., D.P.H., D.T.M. Distribution Engineer—F, Horsfall


A.M.I.E.E.Engineer—W. A. Phipps,

. , Assist. Officers-andW.

, d.p.h.,b.ch., N. A.E.Canton,

Hutchinson, m.b.,

District Engineer —W. C.A. D.Waddle,


M.A., m.d. '

Bacteriologist—0. District Engineer—R.

M.A., M.B., CH.B. C. B. Gilmour, ’


Assist. Dist. Engr.—E. Kent, F. H.


B. E. Willgress,

SC., a.r.c.s., Harris

F.I.C. and P. C. Sands,: a.m.i.e.e.

Deputy Analyst—J. F. Clark M. Sc., Power Station (St. James)

F.I.C., A.R.C.S., D.I.C. Power^fation Supt.—S.R. IJrquhart,.

Chief Sanitary Inspector'—H. J. a.m.i.Station

Assist. mech. e.,Supt.—A.

assoc. I.e.e.

E. Garden


Deputy Chief o.b.e., m.r.&.l

Sanitary Inspector— Boiler House Supt.—A. T. Cameron

J. B. McMorine, c.r. (San Inst.) Maintenance Engr.— A. G. Bourhill

Market Inspector—M. N. McMahon, . Charge

son, T.Engineers

E. Hodgson,- A, M. William-

. A.R.S.I.

Supt.j Slaughter Houses—D. Wilson, Hendefson and C. A.G. Bundy,



Office Assistant—O. L. Velge . Hiring Department

. Installation Engineer—E.G. Vaugh-

Machinery, Stores and Workshops, ton Engr.—V. de Souza, assoc.


Municipal—River Valley Road I.E.E..; ,

Supt., Machinery,

Workshops—C. P. Lee Stores and Meter Department

Deputy Supt., Stores & Work- Meter Superintendent—B. Murcott

shops—N. Coulsoii Assist. do. —S. W. H. Parker



Department of Cruelty to Animals, Supt. (Woodleigh Pumping Station)

Municipal Yet. Surgeon and Supt,— —J. Johore

Supt., B. Best Works—S. W. Bryden

Jas. T. Forbes, m.r.c.v.s. Financial and Office Assist.—K. J.

Assist Municipal Vet. Surgeon—K. O’Dell

S. Nair, g.b.v.c.

Chief Inspector—Y. I. Bracken


Inspector—V. —N. D.V Rozario

Jansen N.Z. Perpetual Forests, Ltd. (Incor-

Chief Clerk—Chye Yeok Hon porated in New Zealand)

Senior Dresser—K. A. Pillay Financial Agents—Derrick & Co.,

Hong Kong Bank Chambers,


iSiNGAPORE Improvement Trust—Muni-

cipal Building; Cable Ad: Itrust Naina Mohamed & Sons, General Mer-

Board of Trustees chants, Importers, Exporters and Manu-

Ex Officio facturers’

tailers in Agents, Wholesalers

Provisions, and Re-

Patent Medicines



Municipal Com-

(chairman) : Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobacco, Toilet Re-

The quisites, etc.—22, Battery Road; Teleph.

The Hon.Hon. Col. Treasurer,

Director of S.S.

Public 2669;

4th &Cable Ad: Salamat;

5th edns., Bentley’sCodes: A.B.C.

and Private.

Works, S.S.

The Hon.Commissioner of Lands Branches: Lumpur; 26,Jalan

3, Old Market Square,

Kedein, Pulau Kuala


The Municipal

Manager — L. Langdon Health Williams,

Officer boe; 17, Jalan Kedeih, Pulau Bukom

L.R.I.B.A., M. 1.STRUCT. E., F.S.I., Proprietors—Adam N. Abdul Rahiman,

Adam N. Mohd. Ebrahim and Adam

WT'A.I’Fell I J. A. Elias N. Abdul Salam

S. Q. Wong I W. J.

Legal Advisers—Braddell Bros. Wilcoxson Najmee, G. E., Exchange Brokers and

^Secretary—L. G. Logan Commission Agents—(Room No. A6);

Assists.—James M. Fraser, a.r.i.b.a., 7,Ad:Malacca Street;

Codes:Teleph. 7969;andCable

A.M.T.P.I.. A.M.I.STRUCT.E., V. P. edns.Najmee; and A1

A.B.C, 5th 6th

Barbat, F. E. A.B.

and A. Church, a.r.i.b.a.Sewell, i.m.t.p.i.

Surveyors—D. Nelson (surveyor in Nan Sin Optical House, Manufacturing

Opticians—Office: 325, North Bridge

charge), S. J. Beattie Road; Teleph. 6363; Cable Ad: Nan-

Chief Clerk—Seah Nghee Khay chintra

P. proprietor

S. Dzing, o.d. (Phila), managing

'Vehicles Department

Registrar—Lt. Col. G. C. Meredith, Nang Heng & Co., Musical Instrument

O.B.E., M.c. ■ Dealers—103-105, Selegie Road

Depy. do.—Capt.

Assist. G. A. Clements



Chief Inspector—E.

Machinery G-. Staunton

Inspector—P. Wilson Nanyang Bros. Tobacco Co., Ltd. (In-

Chief Clerk—D. Sundram corporated in China) — 30, Wallich

Street; Teleph. 2880; Cable Ad:

' 'Water Department, Municipal Nytob; Codes: A.B.C. 5th edition,

Water Engineer—D. J. Murnane, Bentley’s and Private

M.C., B.E.Water

(Eng.), M.I.C.E. S. Reason Lee Joo Poh, attorney

Deputy Engineer- Loo Yau Ching, do.

Distribution Engineer (Water)— Nanyang Dispensary—232, South Bridge

F. G. Hill, B.SC., A.M.I.C.E.

Assistant Water Engineers — G. Road


Cessford, a.m.i.c.e.

a.m.lc.e.,and A.S. K.C.

Kelly, b.sc., a.m.i.c.e. Nanyo Printing Office, Printers and

.Supt. Stationers2680;

— 162-164,

Cable Ad: Cecil

Koguti Street;

A.R.S.I.(Waste Dept.)—J. D. Mair, Teleph. K. Koguti, managing proprietor


Nathan, M.. & E., Electrical Radio Nestle & Anglq-Swiss Condensed Milk

Bridge Mansions; Teleph.1 4856;,t Gable ■ Company,

and Sound Engineers, — 2Si29 'North CondensedNatural

or Unsweetened, Milk, Sweetened


Ad: Emin Milk, Cream, Infants’. .Foods, Chbcolate


Milk Cocoa,

and Proprietors

“Lactogen of “Milkmaid”

”-^129,:lA,133 and

National Employers Mutual General Ad: 135, Cecil Street; Telephs. 5495-6; Cable,

Insurance Association, Jmy. (Incor- Nestanglo; Code: A.B.C. Western

porated in ; England), Official In- Union, Bentley’s and Liebers

H.forC. Shrubsole,

surers, to The Automobile Associa-

tion,, ,of Malaya, ^Moitpr,/;Fire, Burg- Malaya, B.(Singapore),

N.. Borneo manager


lary, Workmen’s ’ Compensation. Sarawak

S. J. Wilson, manager for Singapore

Every Risk Rated on its Merits— R. .S. Sawyer, AA,A.a., accountant

Meyer Chambers, Ra,files Place; P.O.

Box 414; Tele^h. ;2845:;: Oablfe Ad: , C. possessions Gorai, manager forJP- H ,1. Outer


Nemgial B. de F. Garland, assist

N. S. Wise, manager for Malaya P. Flury | J. Zeehandelaar

1 Advertising Dept. -(Malaya J and Dutch)


S. S.Indies):

Franklin; i

National Gity Bane of New York—

{"See Banks) ■ • • •;

Nw Singapore Ice Works, Ltd. (Incor-

porated in Batayia), Ic,e Manufacturers


(see Banks)Commercial

■ & SaVings Bank —10, Larut Road; A-B.G.

Ad:,Petodjo;Code.: Teleph.5th6418;


National Mutual EIF£ Association.,of New World Electrical Service, Con-

tractors for supplyandof modernelbctricallighting


Australasia Ltd. , hold appliances

General agents: ■ t : , , • , , . ' installation—128; Cecil Street;

■■ U Teleph.

Boustead A, Co., Ltd.’, tPnioh Building - -6666.

New Zealand Insurance Co., Ltd. (In-

Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij, corporated in New Zealand), Bank :Fire,

N. V. (Netherlands Trading Socie- Marine and Accident—Hongkong

Chambers; Teleph. 5861; P.O. Box 411;

ty)—2, 4 and 6, Cecil Street; Cable Ad: Cable Ad: Newzico

Gardona. Head Office: Amsterdam | Harper,

J. Th. van Rossum, manager

P. H. Bonnerman, accountant agentsGilfillan W Co., Ltd., general


P. Boekestein, cashier , A- O, Anderson, mgr. (Ipsc(e,;dept.)

Assistants,—G. A. Coppens,. J. O. Nippon BaHaku Kaisha, Ltd. - 49, North

Driessen, C. H..de Veer, C. W. Bridge Road; Teleph: 7241

Eupke and I. Wisse

Nippon Yusen Kaisha (Incorporated in


(N. V. Stoomvaart Line Royal Dutch Neder-

Maatschappij ftlaii , Place;


— Meyer5841-3; Chambers,

Cable Ad:16 Yusen;.



5801-2;— Cable

41, Robinson Road; Telephs.

Ad: Suezboot; Codes: Codes: Bentley’s 2nd edn.

Scott’s 10th edm, A.B.C. 6th edn. K. Morino, manager



Singapore, passenger service General

Genoa, England,


B. T.Mineo 1

■ '/ ' ; - r !

Holland) Yoshida

Omar bin Abdul Rahman

B. C.Th.vanKleyn, manager

Burken, asst, manager Miss D. Wales -

P. E. H. Bodel Bienfait Export Department ’ ; ,

Miss D. M: Giles | Miss N. Benjafield T. K.Akaeda

Yamanato ' II Teo,Seng



Tin Seng

Agents : T. Nakajima Bee

Holland and East Asia Line K. Fujiki | Tain Hock Seng


'Import Departrp,ent ’ ’ Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society,

M. Kobayaslii • Ltd. (Incorporated in; Great Britain)

..Y,iK. Katsashima Singapore, Teleph.Branch: 2691; Mercantile

Cable Bank

Fuk-umaru|J Ahxnad Chib bip Awang Building;Nufaiiit CbdO: B'entl' e1 y’s. Head Office:


; Wee Eng L

Passage Department ' , B. L. Mi.tselbihok, manager

S.F. Tsuyismir~~t

I washima | H. WeG.AikA. Hock


Account and Supplies" Department ^ ^ 1^ ^ II ¥

T. Shimazaki. Ocean' A<3cii)knt and Guarantee

H. Masuda C L. Mjnjoot Corporation,’ Ltd., The (Incorporat-

F. Vamaguclii | Yen Eng Wall ed in Great Britain), General Insurance

N'bBLE, Db.. Joseph W.,,<^jGoij. American Bank Business—Malayan Branch;.'Chartered

ChamlaM’s; Teleph. 231.0; Cable

Dental Surgeoils-rrdT, Bonham. Building, Ad: Naeco; Code: Bentley’s

Bonham Street; Teleph. 6824; Cable Ad: C. Norman Bennett, mgr. for Malaya

Carbon; Code: Bentley's, ; j ., i P. Assistants-~P.

W. F. Mills/assist.

Noordin & Co., F. M., General Merchants, J. Wright,do. B. ,H.

Exporters, Importers and Commission Peall, A. L. Hill, S. van Gelderen

Agents—189, Cecil Street; (Java),

Berveling (Java), E..(Java),

W. Baay J. M-

Cable Ad: Noordin. AgenciesTeleph. .7950;

at Bombay, J. Abendanon,

(Java) W.-C. Knipers and H. F.

Calcutta, Madras, Rangoon,

Tuticorin, Karachi, Bussra, Bahrein, Colombo, Willemse (Medan)


Suez, Port Jaffa,Said, Port Sudan,

Bangkok, Alexandria,

Spurabaya,, Lon- Ocean Steam Ship-Co., Ltd. (Incorpor-

don, Kobe,,Hongkong and Shanghai atedMansfield

in. England)

Nobddeutscher Llo.vo, Bremen & Ool‘', Ld., agents (Ocean

Freight—Harrisons,, Barter & Co., Building, Collyer Quay)

Ltd. (Chartered

Teleph. 5009.nCableBank Chambers;

Ad: Nordlloyd),

. agents ,} . _ .

Passenger—Lohmann A Cio., Ltd. (124, Orientai, Bill Posting Co., Ltd.,

Advertising Contractors—7, Malacca

Robinson RoadyTelpphv.7.565;

Ad: Nordpass), agehts CJable Street; Teleph. 3613; Cable Ad:

A. Wgrthmann Orbipo

M. L. Mkrcus, managing director

.North British & Merc an tire Insurance

Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Great Bri- Oriental Telephone and Electric Co.,'

tain)—Branch Office: Meyer1.Chambers, Ltd. (Incorporated in the United King-


Norbrit;Place; CorffirTeleph. 251d; Cablb Ad: dom)-^Offices and Exchange: Telephone


R. B. Henly, manager House, Hill,Street; Cable Ad : Oakenpin

W. S, Hosbasoh, assistant ' J. F.D.V,Pierrepont,"manager

Boardman, assist, manager

Associated 'Companies— : : ' R. W. Stainforth, exchange engineer


. Ocean Passengers AssurancO; Co. J. Phillip, assist-' . do.

Fine ArtMarine Insurance

and General Co-,Co.,

Ipsce, Ld. Ld. A. Buchanan, lines engineer

I.F. Maclachlan,

The Insurance pffipe of .Australia, Ld. A. Bickerdike,cable do.

instal. do.

A. J. Thursfield, maintenance engr.

North China Insurance Go., Ltd. ■H. L. King, assist, engineer

(Incorporated in.China under

, panies OrdinancesofHongkong), Marine, the Com-

Fire and

Union Workmen's

Building, CollyerCompensation—

Quay; Teleph. Overseas Assurance Corporation,

5981; Cable Ad: Mandarin. Head Office: Ltd., The, Fire,

Compensation and Marine, Workmen’s

! Motoir Car Insurance

Shanghai . ■ ■ - — Head Office: China Building, Chulia

W. R. Mansfield, brandh; mgr.

A.G. S.A. Mitchell

L. Pldmmer | R. C:’ M; Swan ■ ii ary;


5808; Cableand Ad: Centen-

A.B.C. 6th



Board of Directors—Hon. Mr. S. Q. M. Buchanan, J. W. Brookes C. E! |

Wong (chairman), Dr. S. O. Yin (de- Courtenay, B. H. Carson, W. S. S. It

puty chairman), Lim Kim Seng, Daniel,

Ong Boon Tat, Chua Poh Siang, Yeo

Ban Keng, Lee Kong (Jhiag, K. C. Rowland,D. R.S.R.L.D.Godfrey

Rumcker, Stephen,F.J. H.



H. ii; |

Eu, LeeLock,

Chim Tuan,ChongHon. Mr. Lim

Tan Willmott, Capt. W. H. Palmer fj


Liat Boon andLimChee GuanPang,Chiang (Coal Hulk)

J. W. Harries, managing director Pattara, Z., Cigars & Cigarettes Importer, 1



Hean,general manager

fire manager Coffee and Hats—49, High Street; Cable I'

Goh Tong Liang, accident mgr. Ad: Pattara

Yeo Peng Kiat, compradore Peek & Co., Ltd., Francis, (Incorp. in

England),General Merchants, Exporters,

Overseas Insurance Agents and Estate Agents |

ExportersStore, General Building,

— Victoria Importers and

55, —E-2, Hongkong

leph. 6384; Cable Ad:Bank Chambers;Head

Franpekoe. Te-

Victoria Street Office: 5 and 7, Eastcheap, London, E.C.

2. Branches at Batavia and Sourabaya

Overseas Chinese Bank (see Banks) J. Baillie, manager

Paglar Pharmacy—325, North Bridge Rd. Silent,Biograph

Penang Co., Distributors of

Talkies and Equipment—68, j

Prinsep Street; Teleph. 4308; Cable !

Palatine Insurance Co., Ltd., Fire Ad: Biograph; Codes: A.B.C. 4th

and Accident — Commercial Union and 5th edns.

Bldgs.; Cable Ad: Palatinado Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navi-

P. & O. Ranking Corpn. (see Banks) gation

byR.Royal Co.Charter)—Office:


in EnglandQuay ■

V. Harris, agent

Paramount Film Service Ltd., Para- H. F. Hammond I C. M. Jenkin

mount Pictures (Incorporated in Austra- P. C. Barnes | O. L. Bugge

lia), Cinematograph

51, Robinson Film Distributors—

Road; Teleph. 7206; Cable Pennefather, J. P., f.s.i., Chartered

Ad: Paramount; Universal Code and Surveyor

Bentley’s Pasir Panjang and Road;



— 370-1,

J. A. Groves, general manager for Far Peoples Dispensary—82, Rochore Road


P. Verdayne, manager Peruvian Consulate—(See Consulates)

Paterson, Simons


Street in England),

& CollyerOffice Merchants—Prince


Cable Ad: Pater- Agents—Union Building, Collyer Quay


Co., Ld.,London

London House, Simons

Crutched Friars,& Pharmacy Branch Office Ltd., Chemists

E.C. Port

and 3; and at Penang, Kuala Lumpur and



Teleph. 7033 North Bridge Road; '

William Heard Shelford, managing Dr. E. McMullan, consultant


and Chairman (London) Dr. S. P. Chan, m.b., b.c. (Cantab), ,

William consultant

ging director Wellwood

(London) Ker, mana- Goh Sam Yong, manager

Chua Ydow Tock, assistant

Arthur Patrick Cameron, director Chua Yoow Long, do.


Wm. Paterson, do. (London) Philharmonic Society of St. Cecilia (see


Frederick Pool Harris,,.do. do.

Henry Temperley, director Associations)

(Kuala Lumpur)

Ronald Walter McKerro\f, director Phoenix Aerated Water Works—63, !


J. per Myles,° C. G. Windle, sign Anson

B. pro. Road;Teleph.


Ad: Phoenix; Code:


N. R. Mistri,, manager


Phf Yik & 'Oo1,'Lti>., Paper Merchants— Queen’s, High Class* Athletic Goods—3,

38, Hill Street Prince

Tennis Street; Teleph. 7634; Cable Ad:

Pichon & Co.; Y., General Merchants—

166, Neil

Code: Road; Cable Ad: Yipichon; Queensland Insurance Co., Ltd. (Incor-

Marconi’s porated in Australia), Fire, Marine and

{Pilot Board—(Nee Associations) Accident

Road; Cable — Gresham House, Battery

Ad: Macalister

Poak Chae Dispenary—83, North Bridge McAlister & Co., Ltd., chief

Road agents

C. E. Gibson, resident officer

Portuguese Consulate (Nee1 Consulates)

Radio Communication Co., Ltd., Ma-

Portuguese Mission and Procure des —35, rine Wireless Telegraph Apparatus

Missions—(See under Churches) Robinson Road; Teleph. 3707;

Cable Ad: Thulium; Code: Mar-

Powell & Co., Ltd., Auctioneers, Valuers coni International

and Estate

Teleph. 6206;Agents—2,

Cable Ads:Raffles

Powell; Place;

Code: Radio Service Co., of Malaya (1934), Ltd.,

A.B.C. 5th edn. and Bentley’s Sole Agents and Representatives of

Prager, M., Importer and Manufacturers’ Leading Wireless Manufacturers—

Singapore Headquarters: Broad-

Representative—159, Cecil St.; Cable cast House (Station “Z.H.I.”),

Ad: Prager; Code: Mosse Road; Teleph. 7399; Cable Ad:2,Radserco;


Prince Line (Incorporated in England) dells Codes: Bentley’s, A.B.C.'5th edn., Ken-

—Hong etc.'

Agents:Kong —Harper,Bank Gilfillan

Chambers& Co;, Ltd. J. Brit.),

Douglas-Newton, a.m.tech.i. (Gt.

managing director

Prinsep Dispensary—72, Prinsep Street E. C. Yates, technical director

W. J. Wright and H. F. Mason,


Printers Limited (Incorporated in S.S.), Singapore Retail & Service Depot —

4, Orchard Road

Printers, Lithographers, Publishers, J. engineers

Howard and E. E. Gblightly,

Bookbinders and Merchants—Registered

Office: 10, CollyerQuay; Works: Tra-

falgar Street and Siak Street; Telephs. Kuala Lumpur Branch—6-8, Java

Street; Teleph. 3388; Cable Ad :


(Office) and 5886 H. (3Macgregor,

lines) (Works).

C. V. Radserco


W. and R.manager


A. Fooks,

L. Hastie


T. A. Dineen, mgr. & engineer

G. F. Comper, engineer

W. Gunstone, factory manager Seremban Branch—96, Birch Road;

Cable Ad: Radserco

E.L. Owsiak,

Willis, assistant

do. < Ipoh

A. Hill, engineer and manager

F.W. G.Williams,


lithographer 428;Branch—41, Station Road; Teleph.

Cable Ad: RaRserco

L. F. Lambert, engineer & manager

Provincial Insurance Co., Ltd. (In- Penang N. E. Carvill, engineer

corporated in England) Teleph. Branch — 14,Ad: Beach

722; Cable RadsercoStreet;

Stephens Paul & Co., genl. agts. R. M. Brown, engineer and manager

J. ton,

F. Barraclough

engineers and M. H. Coul-


Limited, The Assurance Company,in Malacca Branch—34,

(Incorporated Riverside; Teleph.

England), Life,, and

Fire, Personal

Marine, Motor Car, 365; Cable Ad: Radserco

Motor Cycle' Accident,

Burglary Insurance and Workmen’s

Corporation — 17-18, Mercantile Bank Raffles Bakery and Confectionery —


L. A.Teleph.3314;

Williams, branch Cablemanager

Ad: Prudasco Proprietors: Raffles Hotel, Ltd., Briis

Basah Road


Raffles Hotel, Ltd.—2, Beach Road; Rennie, Lowick & Co.,Bank Chartered Ac-


ing; Teleph.Offices:

5381; French

Cable Bank Build- countants—Hongkong

Ad: Raffles; Cable Ad: Renlowick; Codes: Bentley’s


Codes: 5th edn., Western Union andBaldwyn


T. Troller,

A.B.C. 5th and 6th

Lowick, edns.partner


Evatt ifc Co.-, secretaries R. W. S. Drummond, c.A„ do.

Associated with E. & O. Hotel, Ltd. D.D.Phillip, c.a.,

Stark, c.a,., assistant do.

Penang J. Beeton, c.a., do.

Raffles Motor Garau e- Raffles Hotel, J. F. L. Cowin, a.c.a., do.

Beach Road; Teleph. 5381

Raffles Hotel, Ltd., proprietors Reuben Bros, Ltd., Share and General

Rah amin Penhas, Merchants and Com- Cable Brokers—7-a,De Souza St.; Teleph. 4547:

mission Agents—86, Robinson Road; 6th, edns. Ad: Hayoo; Codes: A.B.C. 5th and

Teleph. 6233; Cable Ad: Pehhas; Codes: R. N. Reuben,and Bentleys


A.B.C. 5th and 6th edns., Bentley’s,

Bentley’s' Second, Lieber’s, Universal C.M. N.N. Reuben, do.

Trade, Tanner’s Council, Reuben, do.

and Supplement, KaytexRudolf




Rahamin Penhas, Abraham Penhas Reuter’s, Ltd., Reuter’s Commercial Ser-

and-Isaac Penhas, managers vice (Incorporated

Arcade; in England)—39,

Teleph. 5357; Cable Ad: Reut- The-

Raffles Institution (See Educational) singa

F. Reynold Jones, manager

See Gim Hock, chief clerk

Raub Australian

Ltd.—Head Office: Gold

“Empire Mining Co.,


corner of Queen and Wharf Streets; Ritchie & Bisset, Consulting Engineers,

P.O. Box 277D, Brisbane Marine Surveyors, and Naval Architects

Secretaries—Cha$. A. Clarke & Sonand —G-3, Union Building;

Local Directors James

J. E. Cookson

Robertson Cable Ad

edn., Bentley’s,: Ritchie ; Codes:Teleph.

Bentley’s C.7165;

A. B.Phrase,,

2nd 5th

Local Secretaries—Derrick & Co. andF. Western Union

G. Ritchie,

m.i.mar.e., m.i.meoh.e., m.i.n.A;,


Recreation Clubs (See under Clubs) S. partner

A. Anderson, a.m.i.n.a., m.i.mar.e.,


chants— HorseAmberRepository,

Mansions, Grain Mer-

4) Penang Assistants—T. W. G. Knowles, a.m.i.

Road; Teleph. 6311;Cable Ad: Red fearn; mech.e., W. T. Mathieson, m.i.mar.e.,

Code: A.B.C, 5th edn. and BehtleV’s A. Brown, m.i.mar.e., J. G. M. Millar,

W. W. Redfearn m.i.mar.e., J. A. Piepers,

(Naval Architect), K. G.D. Scott


Redpatu Brown & Co., Ltd. ( Glasgow ), (Naval Architect), J. Pedroza, G. L.

Structural Steelwork for Buildings etc. F. Willis and T. R. Heigh

—Singapore Branch K. L. Wong, cashier and bookkeeper

Bank Chambers; P.O. Office:

Box 416;Hongkong

Teleph. Mrs. N. S. Hogan, stenographer

6098; Cable Ad: Colum Survej/er's to :


gineers and General ping and Aircraft

Chulia Street; P.O. BoxMerchants

461; Cable—Ad:28, Bureau Veritas Registry of Shipping

Germanischer. Lloyd

Redskin; All Commercial Codes used.

Also at Sarawak “ Registro Italiano ”

Teikoku Kani

Japanese Marine Kyokai (The Imperial



in U.S.A.)Rand Inc.. (Incorporated Dot Norske.Veritas

Wikborgs Assuranceselskab

Rennie & Co., J. S. M., Incorporatedf Assuranceforeningen. Sk uld

Accountants : Chartered Secretaries 5 Skibsassurancefareningen Vidar

Rubber Estate Agents—Cecil House, Sjoassuratidorenes Centralforening,

9, De Souza Street Bergens Assuranceforening



Straits Settlements),

Athletic and Ltd.,

General Dress-

Outiitters, Drapers, postingThe,andAdvertising Specialists, Bill

painting contractors—163-

makers, Tailors and Complete House Moulmein

F. V. Klass, manager Klasroyal

Road; Cable Ad:

Furnishers, Wine and Provision

Merchants & General Caterers—Rallies


London:and atBalfour

Java Street, KualaFinsbury

House, Lumpur. Royal Air Force—Seletar

Pavement, E.C. 2. Cable Ads: Robinson, R. A. F. Chaplain — Rev. J. V..

Sinagore; Robco,Page,

KualaW.Lumpur Jagoe, M.A., T.C.D.

Directors—R. r H. MacGregor,

Royal Asiatic Society (see Associations)'

A. Dobson and W . A. Fell


C. Hutchings

managers and A. J. Donald, Royal Drug Industries, The, Man-



signs perassist,

pro.manager ufacturers of Toilet and Medicinal

F. A. Hare, do. Soaps,*

Cream, Painbalm,

Toilet andHair-oil, Hair Cold


V. C. Cox, do. Specialities — 163, Moulmein Road,.

Singapore; Cable Ad: Klasdaug; Codes:

Robinson Piano Co. (S.S.), Ltd. (Incor- A.B.C. 5th edn., Bentley’s, bniversal,.

Acme and Private

porated in S.S.), Piano, Musical

ment and Radio Importers, Repairers Instru-

and Tuners; Sole Agents in Straits Set- Royal Exchange Assurance (Incor-

tlements for Columbia

Records, Marconi Radio Grafonolas and porated by Royal Charter a.d. 1720),

receiving sets,

etc.—Winchester House, Collyer Quay; Workmen’s Fire, Marine,Compensation,

Motor Car,Fidelity,


Cable Ad: Pianomaker Guarantee and Administration Bonds—

F.W. Beech,

A. Strevens,


(Penang)director Chief Office for the Eastern Archipelago:

6,2599;Chartered Bank Foxhound;

Chambers; Teleph..

Cable Ad: Codes:

Bentley’s and A.B.C. 5th edn. Head

Rodyk & Davidson, Advocates, Solicitors Office: Royal Exchange, London

A. Gordon Lee, resident manager


Ad: Rodyk, Singapore Raffles Place; Cable W. D. Brooks, assistant

Charles.V. Miles, b.a., solicitor, partner General Agents

J. C. Cobbett, do., do. Singapore -^ Jee Ah Chian & Co.

H.E.Dyne,b.a.,(Cantab) do., do. Kuala Lumpur—J. A. Russell & Co.,

Ltd. and Sungei Patani—G. W.


Roe & Co., R. E., Manufacturers’ Re- Wilson Co., IaI.

presentatives and Commissiom

Agents — 8, Bonham Building; Marine Agents

Teleph, 2457; Cable Ad: Romal Singapore, Kuala Lumpnr and Penang

R. E. Roe, managing proprietor —Harrisons, Barkers & Co., Ltd.

Penang—Wm. Jacks & Cu. (Mala-

Roneo, Ltd. (Incorporated in England), Fire,ya), Ltd.

and Motor Gar Agents

Modern Office Equipment—3,

Street; Teleph. 6275; Cable Ad; Roneo; Malacca Penang—Ching Keng Lee'& Co., Ltd.

Codes: A.B.C. 5th.edn. and Bentley’s. Kuala Lumpur—Watts Co,, Ltd.

Penang Branch: 19, Beach Street;

Teleph. 551. Kuala Lumpur Branch: Royal Insurance Co., Ltd. (Inc° rporate

Java Street; Teleph. 2624; Ipoh Branch: in Great Britain)

110-112, Belfield Street; Teleph. 229,



W.C. 17, Southampton Row, Roysons (The Malayan Sports Depot),

A. V. Goodale, manager Wholesale and Retail Sports dealers—

111, North Bridge Road; Teleph.

Royal Air Force—Seletar 2938; Cable Ad: Sportsman


A. F.T.C.D.

Chaplain— Rev. J. A. Jagoe, Proprietors—D.

Mahajan, M. R. R.Mahajan


and B.R. R.S.



Rubber Estates and Other Plantations, Scotia ImportFinlay




ETC.r--(fe Rubber Estate Section) ■ porters—2,

7602; Cable Ad: Scotiaoil; Codes: A.B-C.

Sacred Heart CnyBCN - (See Churclies) 5th and Bentley’s ,

F. J. L. Maygeir, manager

N. Fyfe, assist; mgr.

Saiboo Marican. i & Co., K., Dubashes, Miss. O. Klassen, steno.

Shipchandlers and , Stevedores — 2b,

Raffles Quay; TelephJ 7645; C^ble Ad: Scotia Lubricating Oil Co., The,—2,


Bentley’s Codes: A.B.C. 5tn edn. and Ad: Finlayson Green; Teleph. 7602; Cable

Scotiaoil; Codes: A.B.C. 5th and

Bentley’s ■ '

Sakura Hotel — F. N.J. Fyfe,

L. Mayger,



Miss O. Klassen, steno.

Sandilands, Buttery 4 Co.,

Meyer Chambers; Cable-Ad: Sandilands Merchants— Distributors of the Products of

A. E. Goodrich, partner (London) The Burmah Oil Co., Ld., Rangoon

G, R- K.Street, Mugliston, do.

do. do. do. The “ Lauritzen ” Brick Boiler

Water Purifier

J.Pi.A.R.C.C.Bennett, do.

Smith, signs, per (Penang) Sea View Hotel (Sea View Hotel, Ltd.,

D. J. Armstrong, do. pro. Proprietors)—Tanjong Katong; Teleph.

5566; Cable Ad: Seaview; Codes: A.B.C.

E. A. Fairlie, do.

: 5thMessrs.

edn. andRennie

Bentley’sLowiok & Co.,

Satake & Cp., T., Importers, Exporters secretaries

and General Merchants*—18 and 18-2, Directors—Messrs. G. Lay

Prinsep Street; Teleph. 6874; Cable Ad:

Satake Meyer, D. M. David andcock, R. M.

B. Lowick

T. Satake, proprietor H. O. Waser, general manager

Y. Yamashita, manager Season Co., Ltd., Pianoforte and Musical

T. Suhara, assistant Instrument

T. Kamaya, accountant

A. Sujak, general clerk Road; Teleph.Dealers—115,

6761; Cable Ad:NorthSeasonco;


Code: Bentley’s

Cheong Chew Lan, director

Saunders & Macphail, Exchange Brokers Ho Siak

Tay LianKwan,

Teck, m.b.e.,

j.p., do.do.

—Mercantile Bank Chambers; Teleph. J. Chang

Y. W. Seek, manager and secretary

2972; Cable Ad: Dashwood Chee Ngan, accountant

L. R. Macphail P.LauM.Fook

Wong, piano tuner

Seng, book-keeper

Sayers, M., Merchant and Commission Senda 4 Co., Ltd., Export and Coal

Agent—10, Malacca Street; Cable Ad: Merchants—Raffles Chambers, Raffles

Sayers; Codes: Bentley’s, Western Union Place; Teleph. 3719; Cable Ad: Senda

and Acme ■' M. Senda

Shee u na

Hi i'A f Shelley-Thompson 4 DemutH, Advocates

ScHiFFNER 4 Co., Commission,. Ag.ents.7-6, and Solicitors — 26a, Change Alley,


Ad: Bridge; Rd.;

CodesTeleph. Cable Singapore,


: Bentley’s, Pahat; Telephs.and 82,6026Jalan Soga, Batu

(Singapore), 127

Mosse, Universal Trade and A.B.C. (Batu

Thompson; Codes: A.B.C. 5thShelley-

Pahat); Cable Ad: edn.

5th edn. and Bentley’s complete phrade

O. Schiffner . . W.at-law

E. Demuth, m.a. (Oxon ), barrister-

Schupf Brothers, Wholesale Diamond


Bullion2770 Merchants—10,

; - Cable AdJalan Pisang; Shorthand Correspondence School (see

: Sohamos. Educational)

nesburg, Kuala Lumpur, PenangJohan-

Offices at Antwerp, Amsterdam, and

Batavia Siamese Consulate (see Consulates)


Simk, Darby it Co., Ltd. Plantation, M ft M £

Rubber Estate and Tin Mine Agents and Sin Chew Jit Poh, Ltd., Chinese


MerchantsImport, Exportand

and Shipping andInsurance

Produce Leading Daily News m Malaya—59-61

Agents—Head Office: 5, Malacca Street; Robinson 2108 (manager's

Road; Teleph. 3283 (office),,


Registered Office: 4, Fort Road, Malacca; (editor’s

Cable Ad: Simit; Codes: Acme, Lom- Aw Boonresidence);

Haw, Cable Ad: and





and Bentley's, Bentley’s

Branches: Malacca, 2nd Penang,

Phrase Ling Ai Ming, general manager

Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Seremban, Muar Fu Wu Mun, editor

and Kuching (Sarawak). London

Agents—Shaw Darby & Co., Ld., Royal Sincere Dispensary, Ltd — 59, Hill Street

Mail House, Leadenhall Branch: 1.1, Chulia Street, Wholesale

Directors—J. M. Sime,St., (Chairman),

E. C. 3 and Retail Chemists and Druggists;


Ad: Sincere,ofSingapore.

Major W. M. Sime, o.b.e., A. M. and

Sellar, Lee Chim Tuan, H. S. Surgical Drugs, Importers,


Russell, Hon. Mr. Tan Cheng Lock, Appliances and Patents of

c.b.e., F. M. Edmonds and D. Famous Manufacturers


E. Lambert, accountant and Singapore Automobile Club (see Clubs)


Rubber and Produce Department Singapore Cricket Club—(Nee Clubs)

C. G. Osborne | K. R. Grautoff Singapore Bar Committee (see Associa-

Insurance Department tions)

M. H. Carr

Import Department Singapore Chamber op Commerce (see

R. Johnstone I M. W. Hunt Associations)

G. G. Lewis | S. J. Rand Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rub-

Building Materials & Engineering Dept. ber Association—(Nee Associations)

G.G. W.

R. L.Piercy

Moger |I| H. G. P.G. Wilson


T. Carter A. G.Murray

Riches Singapore Chinese Chamber of Com-

merce—(See Associations)

Union Oil and

K. B. Grautoff Asphalt Dept. Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd.,

Cold Storage Proprietors

facturers—Registered andand

Office Ice Stores:


Simoda & Co., B. S., Importers and Ex- Borneo Wharf; Teleph. 5241 (5 lines);

Cable Ad: Storage; Codes: A.B.C. 5th

porters — 88, Robinson; Road Teleph. edn.,


6th edn.Cable

andAd; Simoda; Codes: A.B.C. vate. Western


Union, Bentley’s and Pri-

Retail Depots: 176, 178, 18U, 182

N. Shimoda and

telegraphic addressRoad;

184, Orchard (See heading

under Special

Retail Depot) also at Selegie Road;

Grange Road Market, Keppel Harbour

Simplex Concrete Piles (Malaya), Ltd., and Katong.Klang,

Seremban, Branches:

Ipoh, Kuala



Engineers (5th

Building and Contractors—G-10,

floor); P.O. BoxUnion 533; Anson, Taiping, Penang, Bagan Luar,

Cable Ad: Simplexco; Code: Bentley’s. Sungei Patani, Kuantan, Malacca and

London Office: 137, Victoria Street, Kota Johore

Bahru, Kelantan. Selling Agencies:

Bahru, Muar, Medan (Deli),

Westminster, S.W.l. Bangkok, Kutching,

H. P. Lancaster, m.i.struct.e.,

J. K. Lancaster, a.m.i. struct, e., dir. dir. akan (B.N.B.), etc. (Sarawak), Sand-

Teo Kim W ate, acting manager Directors—C. R. Cherry (chairman),

W. H.Mr.Macgregor,

Hon. C. V. Bailey and

James Robertson

Sin Chye Hin, Timber Merchants and G. A. Potts,

R.Assistants—H. general

F. Palmer, secretary manager


off Kallang Road; Teleph. Padang7479.Jeringau

Head C. Allen, A.C.A., J. E.

Office: Chop Chye Hin, 416, Beach Road D. Graham,T.J. McLachlan,

McKinlay, R. McDougall,E. F.J.

Tan Chian Monk, o.b.e. and N. W. Smart


Miss F.; Pullen, stgnogi?aj)her Foggitt Jones Pty, Lyd., Perth, W.

J. J. Q.‘Ijine§', supt. en^r. A.—“Eehpse” Hams ■. ! . I;,../,

! W. Sharpe., erigineei*' J. C. Hutton, Pty, Ltd., Brisbane—

! E. H . Golemah, ITai'bcjpr representa- , - “Piueapple”. Hams ife Bacon .

A.V tive,


Telepli. chifef

Fergustm, 7977

' •■■■■ > storeman,

' Teleph.


Henry Whiteway ifeCider



Cq., Ltd,,

Ltd., Knightsbridgp, j ,, Lon- lon-

B. Brunner, assist,1 ^cfreniaii v i: / don, By W., ,L—Confectionery, ,ptc.

€.' Booth, ' ' •' 'd:o;; ■ ' ' ;; Maypole Dairy Co,, Ltd., London—

“Maypole” Margarine


J. Weir (milk and ifee cryath'dept.)

Bakery—Serangoon Road; Teleph. N.Assn,,

Z. Co-Opt. Honey.,, Producers

Ltd., Auckland,

, :.

N. Z.—


^J. S. HaPiiltbfl; :

ttiaster baker . “Imperial Bee”Honey; :

Straits Ice,r Factory • ’-^-Merbah

: . S. Parkinson (Doncaster)

Bfv >k.' Road; : f Paterson Dqncaster—Toffee


1 Teleph.7911


T. Wandyn, A.

1 M. L M: K C H. E., ife Co,, Ltd.,&PerDi,

SweetsW. A.—

ewgiiieer ..Fresh11. Fruit

Wm. Priceand.Ltd.,Vegetables




5378 (2 lilies); CableOrchardAd:Road; Cold Fruit and Vegetables., /

W. Y. Semple, branch manager The Producers Co Opt. Distributing

A.G. ■ K. Smith, assistant Society Ltd.,

and Vegetables ' Sydney—rFresh . , Fruit

Hoi t, shop assist.

E. F. Horsup; ■ do. Queensland Meat 'Export; Co., Ltd.,

Brisbane—Frozeri Meat' and'Can-

Keppel Harbour Depot-—Teleph. 3880 ned Goods. , ■ • ■, ■: ;; i

D. C. Morgan, shop asst. . • Quinette ProductsDrinks,


Kuala Lumpurbranch

F. Dettmar, - manager Surrey—Fruit

W. Bridges, shop assist. Sydney Meat Preserving Co., Ltd.,

Ipoh, Perak Sydney, 1— Canned , Meats ■ and

J. Kerr Hill, c.a., branch manager

J. P< Alilne, shop asst. ,, ,/ ,B. Tongues

Seppelt & Sons, : Ltd., Adelaide

Penang and


Brandy and — “Chateau

“Great West- Ta-

Elliot, branch mgr. ern” Sparkling Wines

j.* A1 .jSchiess, assistant

Malacca—H.W. Cornell, sho'p assistant Silbert, Sharp Bishop Ltd.,

SerembaiP-—:J-.H.ud^pn Adelaide—Fresh Fruit and Vege-

Kuantan' E. W. rBen . tables

Sunrise Preserving Co., Ltd., London

Kelantan—L. M. Berenger —“Atlas” Nougattoftee Caramels

Agencies . Taikoo Sugar Refining. Co., Ltd.,,

Aihslie & Heilbron (Distillers' ) ' Ltd., Hongkong—Packed Sugar

64, Waterloo St., Glasgow, C.2— The Western Farmers Ltd., Free-

“King William IV” Scbtch Whisky inantle, W. A.—Fresh Fruit and

Amalgamated Dajifies ltd., Auckland, Vegetables ' ! 'i’i, .

N. Z;—“Anchdr” Butter, “Acorn” Wm. Teacher & Son Ltd., Glasgow—

Evaporated Milk and “Anchor” i “Highland Cream” Whisky

Fiill Cream'Milk Powder Van den Bergs Ltd., London—“Blue-

Aimotts Ltd.,

Biscuits and Cakes Homebush, N. S. W.— band” Margarine

British Brands ltd., Drayton House, Singapore Fertilizer Co^ Fertilizer

Easton, Road, London, W.C. .1— . Insectimde;Manufacturers—P,Q.

“Wye Yalley”' Canned Fruit and Boxand77

Vegetables .


& A. Crawford, Leith, Scotland— Singapore Free Press, Lt'd,, A Daily

Daw Sen it Co. .(Condiments), 29, Cable Morning Newspaper46, Cecil Street;

South .Boad, Ihtally; .Calcutta—

Indian Condiments A. S.Ad: Advertiser

Banks, manager

Fred Walker & Co. .Pty.: Ltd., Mel- F. Stefani, editor

bourne-r* “Kraft” Cheese Staff- / ' ...'


Pty. Ltd., &507-527,Nielson FreshStreet,

Flinders Food A. R.Hall,

Melbourne^- ‘/Iceberg” Bntter A. Humphreys I F. Martinus

C. H. W. Goult | M. Bolter'


iSiNGAPO'EE HaebguARoaep—Head Office: Singapore Rubber Mil:g,, Ltd.—Bukit

Tanjong Pagar, Town

Ayer P-eplamation) t^at§ Ho..Office: l(>k Timah Road

2; CableT'eAd: ;

TanjbOfiS:Codes: Govt., St^v^n’s' Eng- Singapore Rubber Works,1 Ltd.,

ineering, A.B.C. 5th edn. and B^htley’s Manufacturers’ of all Hinds of Rub-


man), H. K. W.Rodgers A. Trimmer(Ipcal (chair-

chair- ber Goods—Head Office' and Works :

man), Hon.‘ Sir A. Cald6cpp, c.m.g., Office: 451, Pasir Parjang Road. Town

14, Cpll'yer Quay. Agents for

. , c.b.}5.,

Mr. M.p.ji.,


C. R. Cherry, Hon.

A. Fell,'R.

Hon. Mr,V. C.Harris, Lim the

JP. Wurtz- van Netherlands

den Berg ifc Co. EastAgencies

Indies:. inJacobsen


burg and. H. Wylly , India, Shanghai, Siam aiid F. M. S.;

^Executive— Telephs. 6320 and 81062“; Cable Ad:


W. A. Trimmer, c.e., Ispnand.ra;

. m.inst.t.jm.inst.general

Codes: BehpeyV Second

Phrase'arid A.B.C.Atli and feth Aditions


raanager and chief’ dAgineei- C. J.Huiskpn, gepefaGmgnageF

M. "van Essen, accountant

• H. 1 K. Rodgers,

a.m.i.n.a., m.n:e.c. a.m. inst. 'c.e.,

'Inst.,'assistant W.J.v.d.Mulder,



' general manager j,.

^Secretariat— E. J. Asmus, . do.

J. J.R.Tryher,

Wiggs, a.c.a., secy, and treas. J.L. H.Cresson,


‘ po,(tech. & sc.),

chief accountant

! technical mahager

Wharf Dept. '

W. E. Russett,‘A'-M. inst. t., manager Tj. Schuringa, engineer

Dockyard Dept. Works Supts. —G. de ’ Graaf, A.

R. Bald, manager Middendorp,

Yersluys, H.F. J. M.. Terlien,

Bleeker, P. M. J; van A.

Electrical Dept. Krieken and F. E. Winters’

F. H. Robinson*

mech.e., chief electricala.m.i.e.e., . a.m.i.


Estate and Civil Engineer Dept. Singapore Sailors’ Institute (See Asso-

F. mgr.

G. Ridout,

and civilm.i.struct.e.,

engr. estate ciations)

Singapore Sinhalese Association (See

".Singapore Joinery Works, ' Conirac- Associations)

tprs. for Woodwork-of all Descrip- Singapore Slipway and Engineering

tions—32-34, Orchard Road; Teleph. Co., Ltd., Ship Builders,

7848 ■ Ship Repairers

and Engineers—1Works: Tanjorig Rhu;

J. R. Brown, manager Registered Office: Tanjong Pagar; Cable

Singapore Marine Insurance Asso- Ad:E. Slipway G. James, works manager

ciation—(See Associations) J. Tryner, secretary & accountant

Yeo Siew Cbuan, chief clerk


Exporters—315, Motors,317Motor and Importers

319, Orchardand Singapore Society - of Architects—

Road; Teleph. 3128; Cable Ad:’ Sing- (See Associations) .

motors .

“Singapore Soda” Fraser & Heave,,

.Singapore Photo Co., Wholesale Import- Registered Ltd., Aerated Water Manufacturers—

ers and Exporters of all Photographic Office: 4-10,’Trafalgar St.

goods—39, High Street; Teleph. 6389 Depots Branch atfactory

Tebing atTiriggi

Medan, Sumatra.

and Tandjong

Cable Ad: Sarastudio Balei,

C, M. Lee, proprietor P. J. Sumatra

W.- Yaseg, general manager

Singapore Pilot Association - (See H. L. Vincent, secretary

Associations) R. A. Cessford, manager In' Sumatra

Singapore Polo Club—(.See Clubs) Singapore Steam ' Laundry Ltd.— 18,

, Alexandra

Ad:,LaundryRoad; P* O. Box 2)79; Cable

Singapore Recreation Club ~ (See

Club) Singapore-Swimming Club (See Clubs)


Singapore Traction Co.,

corporated in the United Kingdom)— Ltd. (In- ^ & ffi * to

Bins Shed and Offices: MacKenzie Road; Siong Lim Saw Mill Co., Sawmillers^

Telephs. 5408 (alines); Cable Ad: Timber Merchants, Tongkang and.

Traction; Code: Bentley’s. London Building tractors—Head

Owners and General Con-

Office: 2 and 3, Syed

Office: Basildon

London, E.C. 2 House, 7-11, Moorgate, Alwi Road; Teleph. 6852'; Cable Ad:

G. W.Marshall, Meranti; Codes: A.B.C. 5th edn. and


(Singapore) Bentley

Chew Kee

G. G. Wilson, Cho depy.Tow,do.general manager

J. Ryder,

A. S. Henderson, do.

line dept. ChingYokKimHean, Huat,mgr. (building dept.)

do. (shipping do. )>

R.H. Bateman, do. rolling Lim Soon Bee, manager

Proud & A. R. Cameron, Tan Keng Seng, assist, manager

stock dept.

W. Milroy, tiaffic supt.

J. G. Malcolm, L. Pattison,J. I Sisson

Barbour, D.J. Maclnnes, Notaries & Delay,PublicAdvocates,

— Union Solicitors


McNeish, Collyer Quay; Telephs. 5011-2; Cable Ad:

Piper, trafficE. inspectors

L. Williams and A. Delay; Codes: A.B.C. 5th edn., Bentley’s

and Broomhall’s

Lau YanSic, 1 storekeeper Partners—

T.A. T.Pang,

Simper , ticket dept.dept.

correspondence Howell Dawson Mundell

Philip Henry Battishill

Seah Peng Wbye, compradore

Singapore Trading Co., General Mer- tioners—The Sloper & Smith, Drs., Medical Practi-


RobinsonandRoad Commission Agents —19, Road; Teleph. Medical 6242 Hall, 3, Battery

Lim Boon Seng, partner J.

Hugh Smith,M.D.,

S. Sloper, M.R.C.P.


Kho Nain Khye, do.

Singapore Turf Club—(See Clubs). . Slot & Co., Ltd., G. H. (Penang and

Singapore)—2, Weld Quay, Penang, and

Singapore Volunteer Rifle Association Cable Ad:5, Robinson 3 and Road, Singapore;

Slot, Penang and Netbenco,

(See Associations) Singapore; Codes: A.B.C. 5th and 6th


Union, Bentley’s,

Universal TradeKendall’s, Western

and Oriental

Singer Sewing Machine Co.—Chartered 5-letters


Ad: Singer Chambers; Teleph. 7267; Cable J.E. J.P. Bennett,

Martin, director

O. O. Bill, manager do.

J. Armstrong | L. H. Gassam


Laidlaw-& Building;

Co., PublicTeleph.


3877; Cabler


V. Singkep (TinTinMine)—P.O.

ExploitatieBoxMaat-548; Ad: Ocsmalley; Codes: Bentley’s-

Cable Ad: Singkep preferred

Directors— O. C. Smalley, f i.c.a., etc.

Billiton Maatschappy, (The Haeue,

Holland) Societa

Ir. E. A. R. Ronunling, general mgr. E Di Importazione, Commissionaria di Esportazione

Ir. E, A. C. Krajenbrink, elec. engr. mission Agents—175-A-179, Merchants and Com-

; ■ H.

C. G.Labrie,

J. v. d-M.Wnikel, asst. secretary

de Roos, E, Meinders, CableM.Ad: Exporter Cecil Street;

J. Nikkels, P.P. Bruggeman, C. O. J. Van Koesveld, manager

H. M. H. Baan, G. G. Netto and A,

J.derDrees, G. Michel, A.A.W. W.N. van

Ballegooyen, A. V. D’Cruz, assts.

Moalhuijsen and M. B. M.


J. C.v. Paans, engineers

Ballegooyen, . Society of St. Vincent de Paul—(Nee

G. de A.Yager,


PrinsJ. Association) -


masters T. P. Meetsma, dredge-

J. E. Boumeester, doctor SooBan Soon, Radio, Sound and Electrical

Engineer—174, Geylang Road


-Soon Tecjk & Co,, S.hipchandlers, Estate, St. Helen’s Court (Singapore), Ltd.,

Mill' and Mine Suppliers, Suppliers

of General Engineering Goods—127, Estate Quay;

Owners—Shell House, Collyer

Teleph. 5281Wylly (chairman), O.

Market Street Directors—H.

E. Wurtzburg and E. J. Sturgess

•South British Insurance Co, Ltd.—2, The Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.S.), Ltd.,


son British;

Green; Teleph. 5926 (25thlines); secretaries

Cable Codes: A.B.C.

6th edns.; Bentley’s I. and M. London and St. Joseph’s Institution (See Churches)

Office: lo/ll, Lime Street, E. 0. 3 St. Mary’s Home—(See Educational)

Local Board—J Th. van Rossum, E. S.

L. Manasseh and Limmanager

C. Margoliouth, Song Kee 'St. Peter’s & St. Paul’s Church —

(See Churches)

R. R. Coombs, assistant

Standard Telephones and Cables, Ltd.

Spanish Consulate—(&e Consulates) Sole Agent : •


Street andSimons & Co.Quay;

Collyer Ltd., Teleph.


Spicers (Export;, Ltd., Paper 5991 (4 lines), .

Makers, Manufacturing Stationers,

Printers’ Machinery and Sundries Standard-Vacuum Oil Company —

Suppliers — P.O. Box 572. Head Union Bldg. (5th floor); Teleph. 5027;

London,; E.19, G. 4.New

Office: Bridge

Colonial Street, Cable Ads: Stand vac and Vacuum

and Foreign A. W. Bourne, jr., manager

Branches: Melbourne, Adelaide, Fre- F. X. Lee, assist, manager

mantle, Sydney,Durban,

Johannesburg, Wellington

Cape (N.Z.),

Town, Staff—

Toronto, Buenos Aires, etc.; Teleph. J. A. McQuilkiu

4761; P.O. Box 572; Cable Ad: L. B. Howey

iSpieers H. C. Reed

V. C. Teasdale, Eastern repre- W. A. Merkel

sentative and attorney L. C. Bergquist

B. Fox

F. S. Sole

Sportsman,” The, Journal

Malaya’s— Oldest and E. C. M. Gyllensvard

Leading Sports 23, Ra,files W. H. Heytman


E. Anderson, editor

P. T.Anderson, advertising manager A. Leach

W. G. Lawson, jr.

H. N.Ahmad,

Seng, circulation

business ipgr.

mgr. J. J. Robertson, installation supt.,

Pulo Sebarok

W. Bit Chay, official photographer L. D. Harris, asst, installation supt.,

Pulo Sebarok

I Spot Radio Limited, Radio and Electri- Stanley, Ltd. (Incorporated in India),

cal Importers and Contractors — 58, Manufacturers of Sports Material—107,

f; Orchard Road; Cable Ad: Spotradio North Bridge Road; Teleph. 3725; Cable

;, Soon Siong Poh, manager Ad: Katyal; Codes: A.B.C. 5th edn. and

A. C. Tidbury, engineer Bentley’s

‘ St. Andrew’s Cathedral (See Churches) Stanton, Merchants

Nelson & Co., Ltd., General

and 5874-5-6;

Brokers—4, Collyer

Quay; Telephs. . Cable

A.B.C. Ad:

St. Andrew’s School — (See Educa- Stanelco; Bentley’s

Codes: Broomhall’s and

tional) R. S.. Nelson, managing director

R. Renton, director

St. Andrew’s Society—(Ace Assoc.) E. Gregory-Jones, do.

St. Anthony’s School—(

tional) RobinsonOffice

Road; and


Box 552 128a,


Stephen J3kos., Translators and Interpre- Straits Settlements Flour Mills, The

ters, Authentic Translators for Govern-i

ineiit, Municipality!, Sanitary Board

.and firms in Malaya and S.S., etc.


books. of Laws, documents and

English, Translations

French, Dutch*fromPortuguese,

or into


Arabic, Siamese,Malay,

Bengali, Hindustani,

Chinese, Tamil,

Telugu and Malayalam—1006, Flower

Road; P.O. Box567; Cable Ad: Interprete


TelegraphPaul Street;& Cable

Co., Merchants

Ad: Arathoon —1,

H. S. Arathoon, sole partner Proprietors:

Sternberg & Co., Manufacturers’ Re- Hasanali


2064; CableAd: Wallich Street;


presentatives, Importers - Exporters, Codes used: A.B.C. 6th Edition

Specialists in Building Materials. Insu-

latidtr - Accoustics - Roofings—Office and Straits Settlements Association (see


2819; P.O. Box2S, 568;

Raffles Chambers;Teleph.

Cable Ad: Sternberg; Associations)


Standard Codesmanaging

Sternberg, used proprietor Straits Steamship Co., Ltd.—Ocean


Codes: A.B.C., CollyerAl,Quay

and ;CableAd

Bentley’s :Kapal;

Straits Cattleand Trading Co., Cattle Directors—C.


Telephs. 6416 and

24, Sungei



Butcher man), Hon. Mr. W. A. Fell, rJL'(chair-

E. Wurtzburg, an Soo

Department: Bin, E. S. Gibson, J. Bagnall, R. F.

6191; Cable Ad:24,Trading;

Mayo Street;

Codes: Teleph.

A.B.C. !j W.W.F. Leonard


and Gaw


Khek Khiam


5th edn. and Bentley’s P. L.S. Froggatt,

A. Georgeson,

Straits Javain Trading Co., N.V. and

(In- |! H. B.supt.


and J. R.

corporated Batavia), Importers Watson, asst. supt. engrs.

Exporters, Shipping and Insurance Agency (See Singapore) marine supt.

Capt H. A. Weldon,


Straitjava— forP.O.Import-Export

Box 800; Cable Dept.;Ad:& Straits Times Press, Ltd., The—Re-

Hapag for Shipping; Codes: A.B.C.

edn., Acme, Bentley’s, Mosse and Privaet 6th ; gistered Offices: French Bank Buildings,

W. A. L. Schaub, manager G. von Baffles Place


Assistants — F. Akkermans.

Daggenhausen and P. N. Erichsen gregor and H.Y. B.Bailey; W. H. Mac-


(joint per pro); H.■ U. Kiteper and Evatt ifc Go. secretaries


W. Maul (signs per pro), “ Straits Times,” Daily Newspaper (After-

Factory noon)—140, Cecil Street and.44, Stanley

Lim Teck Jin, Dr. A. —Peters

Representatives G. Garn,

and StreetThe Straits Times Press, Ltd.,

W. Schmidt

Agenis for: ' , ■ G.proprietors.

W. Seabridge,

Hamburg-Amerika Liiiie

I. G. Farbenindustrie, a.g., Indigo- W. Smith, generaleditor


Apiline Dyes - Chemicals - Pharma-

ceOticals-Photographii- Materials Straits Trading Co., Ltd., Tin Smelters

and Refirief s—Ocean Building; Cable Ad:



of Tooth Co., Ltd.,

Pastes, Manu- ! Sword



Teieph. Shoe3311;


Cable—If, Kallapg Road; Straits

Ad: Ardjoono

Typewriter Agency, TypeWTitei'

Repairers, Dealers in Typewriters, Office

A. R. Holden, managing director Stationery and General

14a,- Change Alley; Telephs. 7770,'


Straits Motor Garage—41, Orchard Rd. j Ad 7532, 7534 and .7536; F.M.S. Tel.

: Straits Typewriter; Cable Ad :

Straits Racing Association {See

tions) ' M J Cl '■ < ;h ;• ill noHniilollAssocia- Repai r ty pe; 'Codes: Dentley’s atid PH vate-

Lim Leong Geok, manager


* ' Stkickland & Co;,. Stock and Share Sze Hai Tong Banking and Insurance

Brokers, Manufacturers’ Agents and Co., Ltd.Office: (Incorporated in Singapore)

i, Estate Dealers—56, The Arcade; Teleph. —Ad:Head Szehaitong

58, Chulia Street; Cable

|J | 6263; Cable

and Bentley’s Ad: Strik; Codes: A.B.C. 6th Board of Directors—Lee Wee Nam

G. E. Strickland, proprietor (chairman), Tan Yeow Thuan (de-

puty chairman), Ong Chow Keng,

| Sulbina & Company, Merchants and Com- Nah Siam Tong, Tan Chin Hean,

mission Agents, suppliers of Malayan Tan Chin Joo

Goh Yong Tiat,andKoh



Arts and Crafts, Malacca Canes, Damar, Lee Wee Nam, managing director

Gum Copal, Rattans and

i|> jungle produce from the Malay States— all kinds of Tan Chin Hean, manager

| Registered Office: ‘28, Gliulia Street; Ee Beng Hian, secretary

i,i Cable Ad: Penink; Codes: A.B.C. 5th Branches and Agencies—Bangkok,

IP; edu. Hongkong, Swatow, Shanghai

Sulaiman bin Ahmad, manager and London

I Sun(Incorporated

Life Assurance Co.' : of Canada T. M. A. Music House, Importers &

in Canada 1865).—Chief


Office for South-Eastern Asia : Hong- WholesalersGramophones, of Musical Instru-

: kong Bank Chambers; Cable Ad: Sun- ments, Radio, etc.—Head


Office 61-63, High

l beam; Code: Bentley’s. Head Office: Street; Retail Branches: 167, Sele-

t) Cockspur

Montreal, Canada. 1 London Office: gie Road and 854. Geyland Road;

j W. AllanSt.,Eley, S.W.Manager Cable Ad: Miselaneous,; Code:


f H. Meehan, Resident Secretary Tan Siew Kuah, managing proprietor

i District Offices :—

Bangkok and Medan Tan Boon Liat, Rattan, Malacca Cane

Merchant and Commission Agent — 4,

:J Sun(Incorporated

Insurance inOffice, Great Ltd. (London)

Britain), Outram Road;Codes:

Fire, Tanb

7577; Cable Ad:


Marine and Motor Car—Local Office:

; French Bank Building; Telephs. 5935-6; 6thTanedn., Lieber’s, Standard

Cable Ad: Brinkman Boon Liat, sole proprietor

Brinkmann & Co., general agents Teo Tong Kwang, salesman & mgr.

W. Swithinbank, resident officer Tan Kim Cheng & Co., Rattan,' Cane and

|j Sun Wah Co., The, Furniture Makers— General Agents

Merchants and Commission


66, Mohamed

|| 83, Victoria St.; Teleph.

Bentley’s and Schofield’s ; 2425 ; Codes: Teleph. Cable Ad:Sultan Road;



edns., Bentley’s, A. B.C. 5th and 6th

J Sungei Bagan Rubber Co., LtD.—Office: Tan Kim Cheng, managi ng proprietor

\ Chartered

DirectorsBank— H.Chambers

O. Atkin Berry and Chua Poh.Choon, manager

C. V. Bailey

F. Burden, manager TaKoi.in Club,—(5>c Clubs)


and secretaBarker

ries &■ •Co., Ld., agents Telegraph Co;,' Eastern Extension,

H. C. Cummins, Wsiting agent Australasia and China (Incorporated

in England), Associated with Cable and

Swan & Maclaren,.._.Civil Engineers Wireless, Ltd:

Architects and Surveyors — Hongkong Tels Co.’s Trading Society, L. E.


Bangkok: Chambers;

OrientalCable' Ad: Framboise. Cotton Piece Goods & General Importers

Avenue. & Manufacturers’ Representatives—90,

F. G. Lundon, architect, f.s.i,, partner

H. C.Atkin-Berry, D.s.o., do. Robinson Road: Teleph. 4365; Cable Ad:

Letels. Amsterdam,-N-ew York, Batavia,

C. D.J. Stephen, a.r.i.a., architect, do. Semarang,

S. Petrovitch, a.r.i.b.a.,

A. J. Rodyk, suia‘eyor Macassar Sourabaya, Padang, Medan,

D- B.c.Y.Ktuys.muldfer,

Zuiden manager:

Swedish 'Consulate—(Nee Consulates) T. T. M. Verhuel

Swiss Consulate—(Vee Consuiates) ' L. Jv J. SchOfabrts, Pehang repres-

entative I" MB.! BUT . t. 'A


Temple House—Tank Road Travers & Sons, Ltd., Joseph (Incor-

Headquarters for Toe H. porated in England), MerchantsCham- and


bers; Cable Ad: Traverser. Bank Head Office:

Texas Company (China) Ltd., The, 119, Cannon Street, London, E.C.


Building and its Products — Ocean (Established 1666)

H. A. Frendrichs C. P.E.T.Collinge, manager

Hutchings, (Penang) -

J. P. de C. Hamilton

Thong Aik Co., General Import, Export, J. H. J. Dredge j R. A. B. Wills :

Shipping & Commission Agents, Estate Tyebally, N., General Merchant and


Pineapple & Contractors, Rubber & Commission Agent, Exporter of Tinned

112 & 114,Planters-^-Marsiling

Robinson Road; Cable Building,

Ad: Pineapples and all Straits, Java and

Marsiling; Codes: Bentley’s,

5th & 6th Editions, B. C.& ; China

CommercialA. Tel.


755e; Cable (Cecil St.; Teleph.

Ad: Nazarally; Codes: A.B.C.

Cable, China Republican & Universal 5th edn., Bentley’s'and Private

Lim Chong Pang, general manager H. M. Peerbhoy (Limbdiwala),


A. A. Husain (DohadwalajT,

Thornycroft (Singapore), ;; Ltd. ' (In assistant

Association with JohnManufacturers

Cd., Ltd., London), I. Thornycroft of& Ullmann, Rene, Watchmaker, Jeweller,

Commercial Vehicles’ and

Marine Diamond Merchant, Wholesale and

Motors, Retail

Motor Boats, Engineers Shipbuilders General Importer —Raffles Place;

—Office and Works: Tank Road; Cable Teleph. Rene

2464; Cable


Ad: Ullmann

sole proprietor

Ad: Thornycroft — Cyma Watch Agency—Cable Ad: Cyma-


Tiong Hoa Hotel—123, North Bridge Parfumerie d;orsay


Ulster Ban* (See Banks

Toin Trading Co., Exporters of Tropical Ulu Pandan (Singapore) Rubber

Produce and


and Goods, and Automobile of Electrical Estates,BankLtd.

Parts French — Registered Office:

and Waterloo Street; Buildings, Raffles Place

Teleph. 7467; Cable Ad : Tointraid Directors—J. A. Elias (chairman), Lee

Chim Tuan,and J.S.manager

A.Q. ClarKe

Wong, Rev. J. M.

Tong Lam & Co., Hardware Merchants, OhOuillon

Keat Guan,

Estate Eyatt & Co., secretaries


ImportersFodder Contractors,—

and Exporters

46-48, Peck Seah Street; Teleph. 7328; Union Assurance Society, Ltd. (Incor-

porated in England), Fire and Accident


5th Bentley’sCodes Used: A.B.C. —Eastern Branch: Commercial Union

Seah Ghoon Lim, manag. partner Buildings: A. C. Potts, manager

$. M. (Nathan, partner

Lim Geok Chuan, accountant

Low Kim Cheng and Lim Ek Union Dispensary—347, N.•Bridge Road

Seng, assistants

Union (Marine,


Motor ofCar,Canton,

Town Dispensary, The — 300, South Ltd. men’s,


Bridge Road Union Compensation,

Building,,CollyerandQuay; Burglary)—


5981; Cable Ad: Union Head Office:

Trading Co. “Holland” (Handels- Hongkong W. R. Mansfield, branch mgr.

vereeniging “ Holland ”), Importers

General Merchants—137, 137a and 139 and A. S. Mitchell

Cecil Street; Teleph. 6932; Cable Ad: G. A. L. Plummer | R, C. M. Swan

Holsing; Head Office: Amsterdam

C. de Wit, manager Union Jack Club..(Nee Clubs)


Union OsS Co. of California., Produ- Accounts Department

cers, Refiners,

Oil, Fuel, Road and Marketers

Oil and

and Asphalt,of Union

Crude A. C. Binnie

Gasoline, Kerosene Distillate, “ Red C. H. Bono j J.E.S. Ellis

Line” Lubricating Oils and Greases— Works Stores

Union Building; Teleph. 4702; Cable Ad: W. Saxelby | P. Sturges

Unacal; Codes: Acme, Bentley’s and Duo Shipping Department

J. W. Graham, manager, asphalt G. A. Nunn

and lubricating engineer Dredge and Mechanical Dept-

G. M. Clark 1 C. Smith .

Union Times Press, Ltd., The, Chinese G. McGuffin I J. L. Desson

Daily Newspaper (Established in 1898) Works Staff

—157, Cecil Street; P.O. Box 644 H. B. Freeman, manager

P. Hay, engineer

Union Trading Co., Import and Export A. D. Knowles, assistant manager

Merchants—72, Robinson Road; Teleph. Steel, Iron and Brass Foundries

6465; Cable Ad: Battleaxe; Codes: Bent- A.R.A.McNab,

B. Menzies, metallurgist


ley’s, A.B.C.

and Private 5th edn., Century Standard

Khoo Wee Tong, proprietor Civil Engineering Department

W. McLatchie I J. T. Chester,

United Engineers, Ltd. (Incorporated G. F. Clifford a.m.inst.c.E-


the Straits Settlements), Civil, E. Sims I W. W. Morton

Mechanical, Electrical, San- Cement Spinning Factory

itary and Marine Engineers, Dredge and L. T. Vanderput

Ship Builders, Steel, Iron and Brass Outside Staff

Founders — Registered Office: River G. P.D.D.McKellar



mar Roads Road;andWorks:

Mohamed MerbauSultanandRoad;

Da- Structural Department


Ad: Uniteers;A.B.C. Codes: A. J. Nairn, m.i.strcjct.e.

H. Farr,

edn., 6th A.B.C. 5th

edn., Wes- Shipyard—Tanjong Rhu


tern Union, 5-letter edn.,

Broomhall’s and General Telegraphic. Bentley’s, T. E. Edmott, a.m.i.n.a., manager

Branches: Ipoh, Penang, Malacca and A. Ilyine

Seremban Electrical Dept.—17-19, Battery Road

Agents in Great Britain-. J.G. A. Sutherland,

chief electrical a.m.i.e.e.,

engr. m.i.r.e.,,

Arthur Pollock & Co., Ltd., 4, A. Hinds

Lloyd’s Avenue, London, E.C. e J.B. M.

M. D.Payne

Cordiner, b.sc.

Directors — J. A. P. Strachau, R. B. Brown

M.i.MECH.E. (chairman), W. H.

Macgregor, R. H. Robins, Hon. Mr.

W. A. Fell and F. G. Ritchie, United Exporters, Ltd. (Incorporated in

M.I.MECH. E., M.I.N.A., M.I. MAR.E. England)—8,1 Battery Road, 1st floor;

J. A.gingP. Strachan,

director m.i.mech.e., mana- Teleph. 7122; Cable Ad: Unitexpor;

R. M. Duff | P. R. Davison Codes: A.B.C.

Bentley’s, 4th andUnion

Western 5th edns., Lieber’s,

and Private

K. M. Jopp, acting secy. E. Fletcher, manager for Malaya,

Agency, Publicity and Sales Dept. British North Borneo, Indo-China


Colemansales manager andL. Philippine Islands

E.L. T.L. A.Truby

Ruff || W. A J.G.Boynton

Harris H. R.E. Woods,

Hughes,signs perdo. pro.

W. F. S. Shuter | C. H. Taylor

Ruston-Bucyrus, Ltd. Repres: W. R. United Motor Works Ltd. (Incorporated

Boyes, m.i.c.e., m.i.m.e


Welborn, a.m.f. mar.e. Ltd. Repres: T. inRoad; the Teleph.

Straits 7142;


Cable Ad: Yeesoh

Purchasing Department Garage and Show Room: 15 Grange-

E. J. Cassels | R. J. Fennie Road

Chia: Teleph. 6317

Order Department

G. Cockburn Seow YeeSoh,

Poh Quee,managing director

director and manager

Ong Keng Wah, secretary


United Pharmacy,, ^Chemists, Druggists

and Opticians, Wholesale and Retail— Wah Heng^ <&,&, Co„mLtd. m m

(incorporated in

305,OilNorth Bridge Hoad; Teleph. 1114 Singapore), 'Photographic

Chong GheeFogk Choo,Uoy,partper

dp. Importers and: Exporters

phic Goods—95, North Bridge of.Stores : and


Road; Te-

K. F. Chong, m.p.s.,‘ chemist'jW, leph. 7445; Cahle Ad: Photostore; Codes:

United Vulcanising Company, ' Repair- A.BfC. ©th edn. and Bentley’s

ing and De'alihg in Motor Car Tyres



.and Commission


Cable Ad: Wakefield & Co., Ltd., C- C. (Incorpor-

Vulcaniser; Code: A.B.G, 6th edp. ated

Marketersin Ehgland), Refiners, Blenders &

Toh Spah Hwee, managing .partner 1 of High Quality Lubricants,

Wee Cliwee Quaii, partner including Castrol Motor Oils—Head

Tan Rhaly

Tiong Wee, Swee, ' do. Office: 41/43, RobinsonChartered

Penang Road, Singapore.


Toh Quee Sea' h , dB.* ' '

assistant Chambers. Branch: Shanghai Branch: 12,Bank The

Toh Qtiee Seng ' ; Bund. Cable Ad: Castrol; Codes: Ben-

tley’s & Private . ' :

Siam Agents—Barrow, Brown & Co.,

Universal Cabs, LTDl, Ford, Humber and Ltd., Bangkok


and Show 1 listributors—:

Rooms: 45, Hegistered

Orchard Office

Road; Hongkong Agents — Pjobertson,

Service Station and Works: 14-20, Wilson & , Co., Ltd.


Universal;Lane; Teleph.Acme,,5804;, Cablers Ad: French

pagnie Indo-China

de Commerce . Agents — Com-

Motor Traders.

Codes: Bentley and tion d’Extreme Orient,et Saigon

de Naviga-and

W. Simms, manager Hanoi

Sales Dept. P. I: Agents—Wise &. Co., Manila'

J. R. A. Bidwell,. Sales piapager. :- Japan Agents

Co:, 'Ltd., Tokyo—Japan Automobile


J. MilneDept. ..Dutch East Indies .Agents—

Represented N. V. Internationale CredieUen

and Malaccain by—Wearne

Pertanq, Kuala Bros.,Lumpur

Ld. HandelsSpmarang,

dam”, - ypreeniging, Batavia,“ Rotter-


Represented in Ipoh Universal Cars, baya, etc.

Harrisons 4 Crosfield Ltd., Medan


S’pore.— Orchard PicturesRoad; Corporation

Cable Ad: of

Unfilman. . , j \( Wakeford

chanical 4andLowndes, ElectricalConsulting,


K. H. Taiin, attorney an^ manager 6P.O.

andBox7, Telegraph Street; Teleph. 3412;

669; Cable

L.T. Wakeford, Ad- Jipcp a.m.i.e.e.,

a m.i.mech.e.,

Universal Trade Co., The, General a.r.i. a. (Eng.), chartered elect, engr.

Merchants, Importers

Agents—332, fGeylang and Road;Commission

Cable Ad: C. electric

S. Ashbrook, a.m.i.e.e., chartered


edm,. CommercialUodes:Telegraph

Bentley’s, and A.B.C.Cable

6th R. WRkef:orengineer

d>B-sc.,G i.E-E.jG.LMEGH.E-.

P. Wang

C. Wang, manager

Ching Hui, mgr. Wassiamull'Assomull 4 Co., : Jewellers,

Vick & Co., V. R., General Merchants and and Drapers, Silk and Curio Merchants—31

Agents—E 4, Hongkong Bank Cham- 33, High Street;

Ad: Wa'ssiamull; Teleph.

Codes: A.B.C. 7144;5thCable


bers; Cable Ad: Poihsetta Branch: 42,Arab Street

Victoria Bridge ScHooL(

J. S. Tarachand, head salesman proprietor

VicTopiA Confectionery,— 71, and Victoria

Store, D. J. Dadlani, accountant

Bakers, Confectioners

Street; Teleph. 7843

Joseph Chong Sin Tong, sole proprietor Waterhouse Factors—6£

CB., Ltd., Fred., Rubber

Wai Son Hotel—204a, Pasir Panyang Rd. Teleph. 4374; Miles,

Cable Ad: BukitRubber.

Timah Road;

F. L. Waterhouse, director


Waters &! Watson, (Jhiartered'' Quantity Wee Seng' Moh, Produce Merchant and


—98, Robinson and Insurance! Loss Assessors General Commission Agent 42, Cecil

Road (IstJluor). Street; Cable A.B.C.

5208;' Codes; Ad: WeesehgiPoh; Teleph.

5th: edn:, Bentley’s


D. R. Waters, p.4,s.t^ iA.t’.^.s., CommercialPrivate ' Telegraph ’ anti Cable ' and


E. C. Watson, F*s-.n, a.f.a.s., a.i.a.s

Wee Swee Tkow

Watts & Co., Ltd., Merchants and Com- Solicitors — 4, Bonham Building,

mission Agents — 45, Robinson Road; Bonham Street; Teleph. 2556


P.O. Box 657 Wee Swee Yeow, barrister-at-law

Moham’ed Ismail, do.

j;1 Waugh & Co., Ltd., Henry,

Katz Bros., Ltd. (Incorporated in the formerly

[ S. |S.), Rubber Estates,.Tin Mines, and Weill & Montor„: Ltda General: Importers

\ Insurance Agents, General

Export Chambers;

Merchant? —Cable

Begistered and ‘ —Office:

ImportOffice: 37, Arcade,

A. Montor, Raffles

managing Place


i Raffles Ad: Uakatz:

f; Edns.,Codes: Al, A.B.C.- Bentley’s

Bentley’s, 4th, 5th; complete

and 6th Western...Electric Company of Asia

!t phrase


phrase, and’

Broom hall’s, (Incorporated


,in jU.S.A.)—Capitol

I Teleph. 5904 (3 lines). Head' Office: Building; Box 690;

28, Stamford: Road; P.O.

Cable Ad : Weoop.hones;

1I Singapore" ■ Codes: Western' Electric Private.

Branch Office of the D. E. I.:

^Branches:— , Batavia-CentrumP.O, Box 52‘ •

Penang—33, BeacB Street J. S. Frewen, manager

Bangkok—Nai Left Buildings ;

(j Kuala Lumpur—Hasten:

Building, Smelting

Ipoli -82, BelHigh


Street Westminster Bank (See Banks)

i London—Port of London Authority

New Building, 1-2, Pepys Street, Whiteaway, Laidlaw & Co., Ltd., Dra-

Seething Lane, E.C. 3.

\ Hamburg Export and pers,


Import Gesellschaft

Milliners, Furnishers and Gentle-

men’s Outfitters—Battery Road; Teleph.

s O. N. Greg, London manager;. 6907; Cable Ad: Warfield

L.H. E.E.Slowe,

Nixon,managing dir. (Penang) '

director (Penang)

| L.S. E.A. Travis,

Davies, do. (Singapore) Wilson, Oscar, f.r.i.b.a., Consulting

do. ( do. . ) _ Architect—16, Mercantile Bank Build-

I Yice-Coti^til for Brazil—L. A. Davies ing; writerTeleph. .3580; Cable Ad: Hand-

Assistants;— .

^[[ i . J.R. P.K.Learney,-

Buchanan I] H. Burckhard■

signs p.p. I. A.-ElswortE


Wing Loong (Singapore. Tailoring ,Go.)-p

98, 100 and 10:2, High Street.;

1 A. Cromarty, c.a., secretary,.. ; Teleph. 7627; Cable Ads: Tailoring

and Wingloong; Codes: A. B.C, 5tfi

t Wearnk Bros., Ltd., Merchants, Autp-, edn. and Bentley’s

mobile; Importers

i Orchard Road; Teleph. 5485 and Financiers—45,

Winter, H. B., Tailor

Specialist—2u,: BatteryandRoad;



Wee Bros., (Undertakers), Monumental 6188;;Cable Ad: Wintering

H. B, Winter; managing proprietor

Masons and Marble Merchants—155,


Weebros. Road; Teleph. 3869; Cable Ad:

Manager—Wee Hong Heng Witt, F. J. — “Borsumij” Building; 41,

Assistants—Clarence Rozario, Mrs. Ho Borsumij; Robinson Road;

Code:Teleph. 6356; Cable and

Acme'Commodity Ad:

Poh Choon and Wee Hong Kiat Phrase Code, Bentley’s Complete Phrase

Archibald Pinto


Wood A Co.. R. J.

Exporters—Union Building. Head Importers and Yeo Hock Ann, Merchants and Tongkang *

Office, John Bolton & Co., Ltd., 34, Owners—81, Clyde Terrace ; Teleph.

4333; Cable Ad: Yeohockann; Code:

Princess St. Manchester.

India at Delhi, Bombay, Cawnpore, Branches in Bentley’s

Amritsar, Rawalpindi and at Penang; Yeo Ee

Yeo ArkHan

P.O.T. Box

S. 651; Cable

Pearson, Ad: Cotillon


Low Kim Wah, salesman Yin, S. C., m.r.c.s.,

P. N. Menon Dispensary, 99, Hill l.r.c.p.—Khong

Street Jin

Yang-Tsze Insurance Association, Ltd.,



Fire and Motor in Car


— Union !j Yokohama Specie Bank—(See Banks)

Building, Collyer Quay; Teleph. 5981; 1|


W.A.R.Ad: Union. Head Office: Shanghai


Mitchell branch manager Yoong Cheong Shoe Co., Fashion Shoe


R.G. C.A. M.

L. Plummer

Swan Road; Teleph.3564293;

and Cable

358, North Bridge

Ad: Fasuco;

Code: Bentley’s

Yaw Cheong, Buttons, Sewing Silks,


ters.other Tailoring

Woollen, Silk,Smallwares Impor-

Rayon, Linen and ZehnderChuliaBros., Advocates and Solicitors

Cotton Piece Goods Merchants and —26a, Street, Singapore;


Manufacturers’ Agents — 89, North 6246. 9, Church


F. Zehnder,


Bridge Road; Cable Ad: Textural;Codes:

A.B.C. 5th Lieber’s

Edn., Bentley’s Complete Inn.), Malacca - at - law


Phrase and 5-Letter Edition H.law,

R. S.(Gray’s


Inn.),o.b.e., barrister-at-


Fong Yaw, sole proprietor H. A. R. Paulusz, assistant, barrister-

Fong Kum Poey, manager at-law, (Middle Temple), Singapore

Fong Kum Seng, assistant manager


Penang—or Prince of Wales Island, as it was formerly called—is situated on the !

west coast of the Malay Peninsula in 5 deg. north latitude. With the Dindings and a

strip of land on the opposite coast known as Province Wellesley, from which it is sepa-

rated by a strait

importance of theofvarying from two

three 110

areas to 11asmiles

known thein“Straits

width, itSettlements.”

constitutes theThe second in

contains an area about square miles, being 15 miles long and eleven broad island at its |

widest portion, while Province Wellesley extends for a distance of 45 miles along the


Dindings andcontains

has an average

about 180width of eight

square miles. miles, containing

The chief town of280Penang

squareis miles,

GeorgeandTown, the |

identified with the town that the specific designation has almost dropped out of use. so

but the name of the island (which signifies “Betel-nut Island”) has become

Penang was ceded to the famous Captain Francis Light for the East India Company

in the year 1786 for an annual payment of §6,000 which was later increased to §10,000


the Rajah of Kedah,In athestepyearwhich

Wellesley. was followed,

1805 Penang 13 yearsto the

was elevated later,rankby ofthea presidency,

cession of


was rising fortunes


yet unknown even then bidding fair to eclipse those of Malacca, while Singapore


fortunes and theasthree

of Singapore

a settlement.


In 1826 Singapore

were designated

those of byPenang

the titleand


declined, stilluntilwere incorporated

retain. But, asquite

the former the

overshadowed her older sister, and in 1836 the seat of government was transferred

to Singapore.


The Settlement of Penang is governel by a Resident Councillor, and has

four unofficial representatives in the Legislative Council, which sits at Singapore.

An important''• department of its trade lies in the business transacted with

the Dutch settlements in. Sumatra; and recently it has become an emporium and

port of shipment for the Malayan Rubber supplies. As it is now the railway terminus for

the southern

Rangkpk. Siam Malay

itsmommer States andis likely

nai importance the port of disembarkation

to develop considerably.of Itpassengers,

is a conven- for

ient coaling and man-of war station, and is the seat of government for Province

Wellesley, which must always be an important centre of British influence. The

Government in 1906 acquired the graving dock at Prye River in Province Wellesley,

250 feet in length and 50 feet broad at entrance also a slip for vessels 100 feet long.

The Prai Dock and Wharves were purchased in 1914 by the Federated Malay States

Railway Department from the Colonial Government but have not been a great success

owing to silting. Now proposals for better wharfage facilities are now being discussed.

George Town is; built qn a plain, at the back of which rises the hill which,, as Penarigites

declare, renders life op the island more enjoyable than in any other part of the

Colony. The construction of a Hull Railway by the F.M.S. Railways Department is

completed and there;i.s an excellent hotel at the top. A proposal to make a road up

the Hill is unjJer,consideration.

The formation of Penang is granitic, being covered in many places with a sharp

sand or.^tifl1 clay, tire, produce of the decomposition of the granite. Above this, again

a plainaabput’three

comes coat qf. vegetable

miles inmould



which or lesser


the town and , Withenvirons,

the .exception

the wholeof

of the island consists of hills with narrow valleys. No minerals of commercial value

are found in Penang.

The influence of the regular monsoon is more distinctly felt at Penang than in the

most easterly part of the Straits of Malacca, owing to the wideness of the latter to the

west and vicinity to the Bay of Bengal. During the north-easterly monsoon, from

November toMarch inclusive, clear settled weather prevails, and in the south-westerly,

from April to October, the rains take place. But neither rain nor drought is of long


height of 2,500 The feet, average

the highest heatinhabited

of the year point,pit ’70°,

the the


of therange sea isbeing

83°, and

aboutat 20°.


Where there

tropical one. is free ventilation the climate is superior in salubrity to that of any other

Of mammals, the principal species are monkeys, and two species of viverrida —

the musang and binturong. The ornithology calls for no special remarks. The

island is a happy hunting ground for the entomologist, numerous fine species of


than that of any frequenting

part of thethe Peninsula,

hills. Theand, botany

for theof area

Penang is perhaps

involved, better known

is particularly rich.

Palms, bamboos, banana and other fruit-trees, and nutmegs clothe the hillsides, while

other plants which will not thrive iivthe flat level lands of Singapore or Malacca. and

ferns are also plentiful. The high land permits of the cultivation .of many flowers,

Betel-nut, with copra and fruits and nutmegs, are the indigenous articles of trade.

Nutmegs were at one time a most important branch of industry, but the blight, which

simultaneously affected the whole Peninsula, destroyed it. Their cultivation has, how-

ever, now been

agriculture resume.^

properly and Penang

so-called. Peppernutmegs

was at stand

one period high inof itstheearly


historyThere is no



the extent of three and a half million pounds annually; but

notably of Netherlands- India, proved fatal, and it is now only cultivated the competition of otherin

small patches, and is not classed as an article of export trade. Tapioca, coconuts,

gutta, rubber and citronella are also among the products cultivated.

The Singapore-Penang railway has its terminus at Prai, which is connected with

the island by a ferry service.

The town ofpossesses

the George’s

exception few attractions, and the block

public buildings are mediocre, with

St. ChurchtheisGovernment

ah unpretending Offices,edifice

a fine

of 80 years’erected

standing, in 1889 near the

centrally jetty


There are also a Roman Catholic Church and several mission chapels. The Botanical

Gardens and Waterfall are well worthy of a visit, and another place of interest at



little from the round

beaches town isthethecoast

Chineseof theTemple

Islandat; Ayer

the round Itam. tripThere are many

by motor car


1934 about

of Penang 2£ hours and is well worth while. The estimated population on June 30,

as compared withand Province

359,851 in April,Wellesley

1931. (including Dindings) was 340,626 persons,


Penang is a free port with the exception of duties levied on Alcoholic

Liquors, Tobacco and Cigars, Opium and Petroleum. There are no port or

harbour dues. The Harbour is sheltered from the monsoons by Penang Island

on the West and Province Wellesley on the East. The rise and fall of ordinary

spring tides is 7'3". The rise or ordinary neap tides L.W.O.S.T. is 4'6". A

constant depth of water alongside Swettenham Wharf, which is 1200 ft. long,

is maintained 30' L.W.O.S.T. The total area of the Penang Harbour Board

has a godown area of 186,000 square feet, and owns 9 steam tugs of varying

capacity, 5 steam cranes with a lifting capacity irpm 3 to 7 tons, one 15 ton

steam crane at Prye Dock, & one 10 ton, steam crane at Bagan Dalam Slip-

way, 14 electric cranes with a lifting capacity from 1 ton up to 3 tons, and

one 3 ton overhead

ocean-going steamerselectric

within crane. Theofharbour

easy reach the quay.can Aaccomodate

good supplyfrom 15 to 20

of excellent

water is available. A regular ferry service for passengers, motor cars and Ion

ries between Penang and Butterworth is maintained by the Penang Harbour

Board and regular ferry service is also run between Penang and Prai Railway

Station in connection with the F.M.S. Railways. The Penang Harbour Board

operates a graving dock on the left bank of Prai River near the entrance,

31 O' long by 50' wide at entrance with a depth on sill of 14;' at spring tides.

The workshop is fitted with up-to-date machinery electrically driven for small

ship repairs. Also a slipway on the right bank of Prai River beybnd Prye

River Dock with a patent flip 450’ long by 76’ wide, carriage, 151’x 26’. Goal

is stored on the E.M.S. railways premises at Prai and is handled by them.



Analyst’s Department, Government Coroner’s Department, Penang

Deputy Government Analyst — A. Coroner—L P. Biddulph

C. Brooks, a.r.c. sc. i., a.i.c. Clerk—C. S. Lessler .

Laboratory Assist.—R. L. Dawson

Clerk—C. E. Theseira Department of Excise, Penang

Audit Department DeputyAsst.-Acct.

Senior Commissioner—J. G. O’Reilly—

& Sub-Treasurer

' Assist. Auditor—G G. Roberts N. M. Kennedy, a.c.a.


C. Del mar-Morgen, asst.-supt. supt.

Branch—W. Gordon, G. •).

Bankruptcy Office G. Pitt, Brasst-supt.

Official Assignee and Registrar of ; Preventive nch & Rubber

Companies—R. Moor

Chief Clerk—P. A. Gregory Import Officer — J. A. Parker, asst,

2nd Clerk—L. J. Massang supt.

Revenue Branch

lin, asst. supt. — J. E. MacLaugh-

Chinese Protectorate Officer - in - —charge

Branches H. N,Chandu & Todoy

D. Russell, asst

Protector of Chinese—W.

M.c:s. (acting) L. Blythe, supt,

Assist. Protector of Chinese—R. N. Rubber Export Officer, Mitchell Pi r,

Broome, M.c.s. P. Wellesley — F. S. Bickered, asst,

Chief Clerk—Lim Ewe Lee Choong supt.

Translator & Interpr.—Leong Rubber Export Officer, Prai, P.

Poon Wellesley—H. A. F. Brooke.


Depfiy Puplic Prosecutok’s Office Prye River Dock

Deputy Public Prosecutor—W. C. Dockyard Supt.—A. X. G. Andrews

Taylor Assistant Engineer—H.

Bagan Dalam. Slipway D. Black

District Court Superintendent—A. N. G. Andrews

Dist. Judge—P. F. Bridge

Assist, do. —J. P. Biddulph Imports Exports and Statistics

Registrar of Imports and Exports-—Lt.

District Offices Comdr. J. H. Owen, d.s.c., r.n.r.

Balik Pulau Officer-in-Charge,

ports—S. Saravanan and Im-


Collector of Laud Revenue—A V. Chief Clerk — M’hd. Hussain Bin

Aston Mohd. Mydin

Assist. Collector of Land Revenue —

Mohamed Hussain bin Abdul Halim

Labour Department

Education Department Penang — Sub-Offices (Teleph. 531);

Inspr. of Schools—T. A. O’Sullivan Cable Controller

Deputy Ad : Deconlab

Assist, do. —L. R. Wheeler

Malay Assist. Inspector of Schools— —C. M. Barron of Labour, Malaya

Raja Mohammad Noordin Assist. Controller of Labour—R. C. S.

Chief Clerk—S. Yusoff Harris

Extra Assist. Controller of Labour—

Gardens Department G. N. Pillai

Director—R. E. Holttum Assessment

Accountant—R. Officer—M.

G. Nathan B. Enthuray

Assist. Curator—F. Flippance, local Chief Clerk—Toh Kim Kheng

head of depl..

Committee—Hon. Resident Councillor 2nd AssessmentClerk—Y.

Officer—W. H. Jambu

(chairman'). H. R. S. Law, D. A. Immigration S. Thaver

Mackay, Keppel Gamier Senior Immigration Fund Inspectors—R. C.

Executive Engineerof Gardens Rasanayagam (Penang)

Secretary—Director Boarding Officer—A. Arputham

Harbour Board, Penang—Cable Ad: LandCollector Office and Registry

of Land of Deeds

Revenue and Re-

Wharves; Codes: Bentley’s, A.B.C. 5th gistrar of Deeds—R. J. F. Curtis

edn. and Engineering Assist. Collector of Land Revenue and

Member of the Board Deputy Registrar of Deeds—H. V.


m.inst.c.e.,— m.i.mech.e.,

G. W. A. m.inst.t.Trimmer, d’Araujo

Local Chairman—H. Parry

Members — Hon. A. M. Goodman, Marine Department


Beng Kee,Dick,

o.b.e.H.andO. H.Maa«. Quah

S. Russell Harbour Master—Lieut. Comdr. 'J. H.

General Manager—G. W. A. Trimmer Owen, D.S.C., R.N.R.

Assist, do. —H. Parry Deputy Harbour Master and Senior

Secretariat Boardg. Officer—J. W. T. Saunders

Secretary—J. Cooper 2nd Boarding

Signal Officer—T.

Sergeant—L. W. Moore

M. Nieukey


son A. J. Shelley Thomp- Light Keepers—R. Richards and P.

Assistant—A. F. Gray Pasqual

Chief Clerk—P. C. Dias

Chief Book-keeper—Lim Guan Chuan Medical Department

Wharf Department 1 Chief Medical Officer — J. C. Carson,

m.b., ch.b. (acting)

Wharf Manager — G. R. Brownie Surgeon—J. W. Adams, f.r.c.s., m.b.

Wharf Engineer—T. Dearling c.s., L.R.C.P., m.b.. b.c.

Warehousemen — R. G. King. J. Financial Assistant—G. B. Baptist

Wright, A. J. Hercombe and J. S. Chief Clerk—Lee Kok Thun

Bun tin General Hospital

Ferry Service Medical Officers — C. A. Stanley, m.

Supt.—A. Shipwright R.c.s.,

Assistants — T. E. Bailey, H. Conn and

J. G. Wambeck Fisher l.r.c.p., m.b., B.s. and O. E.



Asst. Medical Officers — R. Letch-

manasany, l.m.s. (Singapore) Tan ! Staff Nurses—Teo YeokA.Kiang, R. P

Hor Kee, l.m.s.(Singapore), S. Mohd. David;

Mrs. Ethel S. Pasley, Mrs.

de Alwis andBraunstein,.

Jee Suan

Baboo, l.m.s. (Singapore) D. T. M. & Kee

H. and Chong Tat Seong, l.m.s. Quarantine Station—Pulau Jerejak ,


Matron—Miss E.M.H.Roberts Assist.

gam, Health Officer'—S. Rasanaya-


Nursing Sisters — P. M. E. Briggs, 'W. Pathological


Duthrie,andH.E.M.K. Cochrane,

Cprkhill D. M. Govt.

M.B., B.S.Pathologist — J. A. Cowan,,

Senior Staff Nurse—A. Mollett Asst. Pathologist—L.S. da Silva, l.m.s.


Hua, Nurses — Mary Ng Lim Chai

Siew Yap Siew Kim and Ten On Pouch Court

1st Magistrate—L-

Assist. Matron—K.

Maternity Hospital ,Stewart, (acting) 2nd Magistrate—D.F-Wills Bridge'

Lady Medical Officer—Dr. (Miss) H. I. Chief Clerk—S. Manikram

Robertson, m.b., c.h.b.

Asst. Medical Officei,’1—Lee Kehg Soon, Police'' ' Department —Menang ani>

L.M.S. Proving^


Nursing SistersC.—M.W.HardyBrennan and Supt. of Wellesley

Police -B. W. Allen

G. M. Wavish Assistant Supts. —R. E. Hope Falkner

Senior Staff Nurse—Song Siok Neoh A.F. A.C. C.York

Perdriau, C.-M. J. Kirke and

Staff Nurses—C,. R. Isaac Financial Assist-— Mohamud Hashira

Out-Ddor Dispensary— Chowrasta bin Secunder

Deputy Medical Officer —E. W. de Chief Clerk—Tan Hong Kpng

Cruz, L.M.sl Chief


, Asst.

Kolam Clinic. Chief Inspector—Y.'R.

Court—Inspector—R. Lisapaer

J. Stewart


l.m.s. O^cer—Y. K. Thgmbi Inspectors R. H. Yorke, W.

J. Lyons, J.. E. Sharp, A, H- Frew,


Gaol Hospital J.. E. Jeans. A. D, lieddick, A. H.

Assistant. Medical

manasany, L.M.S.‘ OfficdRYfL Letch- Hunt, P. S. Gordon, B. Lewis, W.

Pulau Jerejak Settlement Hamilton, S. Dodds, W.

der, J. A. Embury; H. Hall, W. C. Alexan-

Deputy Medical Officer - K. Y. Yeera- Ingham, C. J. Haines,!and A. A. : N.


Asst. Medicall.m.s, (acting).G. Rajahram

Officer—S. Rodway. . '

Layundaram, l.m.s.

Superintendent—H. Lander Posts and Telegraphs



Officer-in-charge — V. H. Controller, Posts & Tels. • EjA. Staines-

Morris, l.m.s. Accountant—J. Macintosh

Asst. Medical Office, Butterworth Supt. of Mails—R.(Mails)—Mun

Assistant'Supts. D. Eowswell Soon


Deputy MedicalSomasundaram, l.m.s.

Officer, Bukit Merta- Hoong and Boey Swee Kong

jath Supt.

W. H. Oliver and Telegraphs—

of Telephones


l.m.s. — H. R. Saravana- Senior Engineer, Posts &, Telegraphs

Asst. Medical Officer, Sungei Bakap —A. Posts A. Strachan


Health Branch—Penang V. Murthy, l.m.s. Engr., and Telegs.—J. C. Dallow

Engineer, Posts and Telegraphs (Bukit

Senior Health Officer and Port Health

Officer —D.P.H.

S. W. Eves,on, Mertajam) ■

L.E.C.P., ' R , m.r,c.s., Engineer,

J. W. Nachan Penang Wireless Station—

Health Officer, P. Wellesley—C. H.

Lowe, Deputy

Senior M.B., CH.B..Health

P.P.H. Officer—P.

Mehta, L.M.S. Post Office Savings Bank


Poimiah, Health

L.M.S.Officer, (Rural)—R. K. j Supt.—J. Macintosh

Asst. Health Officer—Goh Kok Kee, Prisons Department

L.M.S. D.T.M.

Health & H; D.P.H. Supt.—B. F. Bridge, M.c.s.

K. W. Sisters—E.

Howard W. Darville and Gaoler—N.

Senr. Warder—F. T. KingA. Harwood


Public Works Dept.—General Branch Supreme Court

Senior Executive Engineer — F. G. Sr. Puis. Judge—Hon. N.H.P. Whitley

Ooales, m. inst., c.e.

Exec. Engr.C.E.— E. B. Nisbet, assoc. Survey Department


Asst. Engr.—E. T. F. Elbury, B.sc. Supt. of Surveys—H. C. Abraham

Chief Clerk—F. D. C Aeria Assist. Supt.—G.Appoudray

Office Asst.—S. L. Jerram

Financial Clerk—V. Boudville Chief Clerk—S. Arokia Dass

Public Works Branch Surveyor

Tech. Subordinate—O.

Inspr. of Works—F. J. G.Scharenguivel

Aeria Cable Ad:of Ships

Ships’ Office—Teleph. 503;

Surveyor of Ships, Inspector of

Machinery and Examiner of Engi-

Besident Councillor’s Office neers and Engine

Ordinances Drivers Shipp-

125 (Merchant Under


Goodman Councillor — Hon. A. M. ing) 42 (Machinery) A. Graham,

Office Assistant—C. C. Stewart mar. e.a.m.i.n.a., acting surveyor

Chief Clerk—Ewe Kung Lim to Lloyds Register of Shipping

Veterinary Department

Sheriff’s Department Govt. Veterinary Surgeon—Capt. D.

Sheriff—Tan Hock Ann P. White, m.r.c.v.s.

Bailiff—Mohamed Daroos Assist. Govt. g.b.v.G.

D. Mehta, Veterinary Surgeon—B.

Sheriff’s Clerk—Yeoh Tiang Kheng

A.I.” Aerated Water Co., Ltd.—He, Anglo-French and Bendixsens Ltd.,

Northam Road; Cable Ad: Aera- Rubber Exporters — 35, China Street;

Cable Ad : Anglosing

tion C. P. Liston, manager

Abdoolcader, H. H., Barrister-at-law- Anthony & Co., A. A., Exchange and

Advocate and Solicitor, S.S. and F.M.S. Share Brokers, Estate, Mining and


Telephs. Chambers,

630 (Office) and 82939,(Residence);

Beach St.; Insurance Agents—9, Beach Street;

j Cable Ad: Abdoolcader; Codes; A.B.C. Telephs. 417 & 1121; Cable Ad: Anthony;

5th edn., Butterworth’s Legal and Codes: and

edn., Bentley’s, A.B.C. 5th and 6th


Broomhall’s New Standard, Utility, etc.Combination,

J. G. Brown, partner

' Adamson, Gilfillan & Co., Ltd. (Incor- E. H. Bulford, do.

porated in Gt. Britain) — Hongkong A.T.Clark,

S. Anthony,do.assistant

and Shanghai

* Ad: Gilfillan Bank Building; Cable C. N. Reed (insurance)

Anglo-Siam Corporation, Ltd., The,

IAlexandra Brickworks, Ltd. — Sungei Merchants—15, Weld Quay; Teleph.

j; Dua, Province Wellesley; Teleph. But- 1343; Cable Ad: Anglosiam.

| terworth 50; Cable Ad: Borneo

| Secretaries—Borneo Co., Ltd., Penang Anthony & Co., A. A., Share and Exchange

Brokers, Estate and Mining Agents—9,

American Consulate (see Consulates) Beach Street; Cable Ad : Anthony

Ariff, Dr. Kamil M., Physician and Sur-

i Anglo-Chinese School (see Schools) geon—Consulting Rooms: 47, Leith

Street; Teleph. 905

caw ’ PENANG;

ASSOCIATIONS AND SQCIETIESi &e.; Penang .Library The Resdt, Councillor


Automobile Association of ,!Malaya, Committee—Mrs.

• The ;Rev.: Keng, F. N. .King.

Colin; C. Durege,

Penang and Kedah Branch : Dr.

President—J. A. N6Evdy Ong Chong B. P. Bridge,

Secretaries' and Treasurers—A: -A. J, B. M. Wilson and B. R. Shar.ma 1

Anthony ids’ Co. , 9, Beach 'Slyefet, (Hon. Treasurer)

Pen ah g h>.t Hon. Librariani*—C. R: Samuel i i


.. Malaya, Insurance Association oe PEyANp.

AsSogjatIon,MarineThe— Tnsu

I a,:sange

Penang'Vi Agents’

Street ;



: Q. E. Black Telepn. 603; Cable Ad: Audit; ‘Codes:

A.B.C. and Broomhall’s

• M (chairman), D.. J, Armstrong Brown, PhilbpA Ste.wart„secs.,

• (deputy chairman),

J. H. AVood, E. A. M.C. AVilspn,

N. ,,Keed,J.

,, .Secretaries—Evatt

A, Bines and R. C.,

Godown;Pilot Association—3,

Toleph. t7-3;.Cable Ad;P.H.B.Pilots

Co., Chartered

Bank Chambers Penang Pilot Board

Presdt.—Harbour Master (ex-officio)

M)alay Peninsula Agricultural Asso- Penang Rubber Exchange—14, China

ciation—Teleph. 444; Cable Ad: Ken-

burk Street; Telephs. 1444, and 1445'; Cable


Vice-do. —A. F.F. H.


BruceAVardlaw, AAr. Ad:

phrase 'Para; Code': 'Ben'tley’s complete-

Committee—H. Chairman—Lee Gnat Cheow

Vice-Chairman—Heah Joo Seang

Murray Thomson, S. E. Smith Hon. Secretary—Chew Hup Khim

and G. Phillips

Secretaries—Kennedy, Burkill & Asst. do. —Lee Gnoh Heang

Co., Ltd. Hon. Treasurer—Eu Hong Sob

Hon. Auditor —Low Ee Beng


DowningChamber of Commerce

Street, Teleph. 363; Cable — 1, Penang St. Andrew’s Society


Evatt Penang, Urban Co-operative


H. Grumitt,’ (chair- Ltd.,,-The

Hon. Mr.and' RussellT. c/o Hon. (Founded

H. •eX'S.Officjh, February .3, Union,


(vice-chairman) Dundas Court Secretary and Treasurer,. 3,


Martine, C. R. I. Kent, R. Patren—Hon.


H. OrAfeas and G. D. A.

■ Vice-Patren—J.Mr)A;A.Rlahk M. Goodman

, •

Secretaries—Evatt & Co.,-Chartered President—Fl

Vice-Presidents—tDi H.

A. 1 T.: A.


Bank- Chambers 1 O'Sullivan, A. T. Dougai and N.

Publications Coulsen . SeharengUivelV -[, ‘ -hk

“ Penang'Daily fynports & Exports,” Chairman—O;


‘Penang daily

Market’ C '

Repoit,” ‘ ’

issued" Committee Members — Tan Cbye

fortnightly ,' Thuan, Raja Md. Nordin, F. Raja-

“ Monthly Summary of , !Imports,” Hqu."nayagapi and and

Secretary D.D.Treasurer

Chelliah — P. J.

issued monthly , . Mor Singh,

Penang Chinese A ffiliatect Societies '' ’

merce—2, PenangChamber of Com-

Street; Teleph.TRO The Government Servants’ Co-oper-


Thrift & Loan Society, Ltd.1

, President—Hon. Mr. Khoo Sian Ewe The


Hoii. do.—Ng Sui CamSaik Cheong

"Treasurer—Sail Co-operativeMunicipal

Thrift Employees

and. Loan

Hpn. Auditor—CHevir Society, Ltd.

Secretary—Lee Boon BuanJin Tong., Theative



& Loan Gurus’_ Cooper-

Society, Ltd.



Thrift & Employees’

Loan Society,Co-oper-


Penang Choral

President—J. anb Dramatic Society Theoperative


School& LoanTeachers’ Co-

Hon. SecretaryP. and SouterTreasurer—G.



E. Black


Ban Poh Co., General Importers—212 and Mercantile Bank of India,

(Incorporated in England) — 11, Beach Ltd.


BeachWorStreet; Teleph. manager

Lok, general 1077 Street. Head Office: 15, Gracechurch

Street, London,Manager

' D.LBenson, E. C. 3

Ban Poh Medicax, Hall, Importers of C. R. Mackenzie, Accountant

W. S. W. Parsons, Assist. Acct.

Chinese DrugsGoods—216,

Manufactured and otherBeachChinese

Street W. K. Gilmour, do.

Lee Cheong Ann,

Cheah Peng Foon, asst.manager

N ederlandsche Handel-Maatschappi.i

(NetherlandsTrading Society), Bankers

Ban Teik Bee Co., -Copra, Oil and —9,S. Beach Street ; ,

J. Baukema, sub-agent

Oil Cake producers—Office : 170,

Beach Street; Teleph. 591 ; Cable

Ad: Banteikee O ve rse a -Chin f.s e Banking Corporation^


751, 752 andgnd‘3Q,


CableStreet; Telephs.

Ad: Oversea;


tors to: Furnishing Company,

P. W. D. Penang & P.Contrac-

W. and Codes: Bentley’s, Peterson’s 3rd edn.

Municipality, Penang. High Class and Private. Head Office: Singapore

Furniture Polishers,

Makers, i^Upholsterers,

House Decorators, Lim Kho Leng, manager

Painters, Im- Khoo Eng Cheang, assist, mgr, and


porters and Exporters—Showroom and

Workshop: 7, Leith Street; Teleph. 1137; . Lee Tan Chim Earn, asst- mgr.

Cable Ad: Furnishing Teow Eng, chief cashier,. ,;,

W. Ming Doa, managing propr.

C.Y. C.M. Chang, assist,

Tung, secretary manager

Belgian Consulate (see Consulates)

BANKS Beng Swee & Co., Ltd., Electrical Eng-

ineers, Contractors.Bishop

& Exporters—41, Suppliers,



Chartered Bank of India, Australia 697;


Hong Ad: Behgswee

Seng, managing director

and China (Incorporated in England Lee Hong Chai, secretery




manager Ooi Yeow Tong, bookkeeper

P. R. Wait, accountant Lim



general clerk

Sub-Accountants— Cheah Inn Kiong & Co. (corporate

G. Sim I W. A. Young accountants), auditors

E. W; Hare W. J. Mowat



| L.chief

K. James

clerk Benito, Ladies Hairdresser—4, Penang

Yeo Choon Eng, chief cashier Road

Bhuket Sub-Agency Cluede St. Ouen, proprietor

H. F. N. Pauli, sub-agent

Lee Swee Cheng, cashier Boon Hak Co., General Merchants and

Alor Star Sub-Agency Commission Agents—25, Bishop Street;

W. S. Dakin, sub-agent Cable Ad: Boonhak

Yeoh Cheow Bang, cashier .

Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corpn. RetailPharmacy,

Boon The, Wholesale and

Chemists, Druggists and Opti-

—Cable Ad: Potomac cians—182-186-188, Penang Road;


Clark, agent

accountant Ad: Boonpharmy; Telegrams: BoonCable

C.A. B.B. Jones, asst. Lee Tiang Keng, _m.b.,b.s. (Edin) and

Kelly, do. (on leave) J. practitioners

Emile Smith, m.c., medical


L. W.W. R.Brady,

McLaren, do.do. (on leave) Thos. G. A. Scully, pharmacist

Chew Boon Ee, managing partner



Borneo Co., Ltd., Merchants—7a, Weld Chin Chin Co., General Merohants—


Fenchurch HeadSt.,Office: Sackville

London. House, 18, and 20, Beach Street; Teleph. 1029;

E.C. Branch


Lakon, Bangkok, Chiengmai,Penang, Ipoh, Cable Ad : Chinchin.

Kuching,Rahene, Sibu, MiriSingapore,

and Kuala Lumpur China Underwriters, Ltd., Life, Fire,

Marine, Motor-car

T.O. tory


C. Martine,manager, agent, Malaya

Northern Terri- ance—Head Office: and


Kong . Insur-


Building, Beach Street;22,Teleph.



Agency Staff—Tan Beng Hock


Chevrolet, Motors,Ltd.Ltd.(Incorporated

and Borneo-in

Straits Telephs.

Settlements)—Office: Chinese Consulate (see Consulates)

Street; 517 and 518 Farquhar

R. Y. Patterson, manager for Penang Chinese National Film Co.—31, Phee

Choon Road; Teleph. 1179; Cable Ad:



F.M.S.) Merchants—1, Weld Quay Majestic,

Cinemas Windsor, 8 Liberty

Boutcher & Co., Chartered Architects,

Surveyors and Licensed Appraisers— Ch’ing Eng Joo «fe Co., General Import and

19, Beach St.; Cable Ad: Boutcher Export Merchants—121,

Teleph. 1061; Beach Street;

Cable Ad: Hithermost

Brown, Phillips & Stewart, Accountants, Chong Kee Co., General Importers, Com-

Auditors and Estate Agents—1a, Penang mission Agents, Wine, Spirit, Provision


kong CableBuildings,

Ad: Audit.Ipoh,


F.M.S.Hong- Merchants & Tobacconists—35a, Beach

R.A. P.S. Phillips, f.s.a.a., F.c.i.s.,

Brown, c.a., partner (Ipoh) partner StreetLira Joo Chong, proprietor

L. S. Wallace, assistant Chop Hen Choon Tong, Estate of Tye

A.C. H.M. K.McKerrell,

Cormac, c.a., do. do. (Ipoh) Kee Yoon1009;

Teleph. (deceased)—37,

Cableexecutor Chulia Street;

Ad: Henchoontong

Caldbeck, Macgregor & Co., Ltd. Tye Chee Tean,

(Incorporated under the Companies Tye Shook Yuen, do.

Khoo Chye Hean, gen. manager


ated in Shanghai), of Hongkong

Wholesale andandincorpor-

Retail Khoo Thay Jin, attorney

Wine and Spirit Merchants—31c, Beach Cheang Ah Toong, clerk

Street; Teleph. 587; Cable Ad: Caldbeck;

Codes: A.B.C. 5th edn. and Bentley’s,


Head Bentley’s Second Road

Office: 4, Foochow PhraseShanghai



Church of England: St. George’s

Chartered Bank of India, Australia & Colonial

China- (See Banks) Gamier,Chaplain — Rev. Keppel

m.a. (Surrogate)

Oheah Inn Kiong & Co., Corporate Organist—R. E. G. Long

Accountants, Incorporated Secretaries, Methodist Episcopal Mission


Secretaries—18, Auditors

Bishop and Street;Company

Cable Rev. Abel Eklund, district supt.

Ad: Cheahinnkiong Miss Mabel Marsh, headmistress


Rev. L. Proebstel, d.d., principal

Cheng Ean

Law, Advocates and Solicitors — 33, Barrister-at- (a.c.s.)

Beach Street; Teleph. 735; Cable Ad: Miss

(Anglo Stella

E- ChineseCass, Middleheadmistress


Limchengean Miss Dorothy More ton, headmistress

Partners— (Anglo Chinese Primary School)



Ean, b.a.,andll.b., barrister-1

solicitor Khoo ChengContinuation

Chinese Hoe,headmaster(Anglo

School) (A.

Khoo Rev. L. Proebstel, d.d., manager




C- S. Branch Schools)


Miss Lydia, tlrech, principal (Win- Penang Recreation Club


Eev. Home)Eklund, pastor (Wesley President—J. W. B. Ogle

Vice-do. —F. J. G. Aeria


Burr H. Baughman, asst, pastor Penang Swimming Club — Tanjong


Rev. Church) Huang, pastor

M. Timothy Bungah

(Chinese President—D. Benson

Rev. T. M.Church)

Kurien, pastor (Tamil Vice-do.

Captain —M. —D. A.J. B.Mackay



Miss Hazel M. Depler, headmistress Hon. Secretary-—F. J. Atkins

(a.c.g.s.), Bukit Martajam Treasurers—Evatt & Co.


Danson, ofE. Committee

A. Fisher,— H.J. R.F.

Mission Chapel—35, Farquhar Street Clements, J. M. Barron and H.

A. Hardwidge and wife J. Lewis

Miss M. Lindsey Election Committee -C. P. Purcell,

P.F. E.L. Wraight,

Cooper, T.F. 0.A. Barraclough


Roman Catholic Mission — Penang and J. H. Reid

Rev. J. B. Souhait (for Europeans


Rev. Ribout (for Indians) Penang Turf ClubD. Kemp

Rev. R. de Souza (for Chinese) President—J.

Committee,—Hon. Mr. H. S. Russell,


M. Sharrock,

and Lee D.ToonBenson,

Boon M. J.

St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church— S. Kemp,

R. A. Hon.Representatives — J. and


Northam Road Mr. H. S. Russell

F. M. Sharrock

CLUBS Secretary and Clerk of Course—S.

C. Vickers

Penang Club Treasurers—Evatt & Co.

Trustees—D. A. M-

Hume and J. R. Bennett Brown, R. D. TownChairman—D.

Club—Downing St.

President—B. G. H. Johnson McLeod'Craik

Committee — J. R. Bennett, H. Committee—J.

Sharrock, B. G.Bennett,

R. F. M.

H. Johnson,

Parry. S. C. Vickers, J. Dick, E. New bold and Executive

B. E. Ross Engineer

Hon. Secretary—N. M. Kennedy Hon. Secretary—B. E. Ross

Asst. Secy, and Treas.—J. W. Callan Treasurers—Evatt & Co.

Penang Cricket Club—Teleph. 460;

Cable Ad: Cricket Coconut Products Co.

President—M. J. Thorpe


Committee—H.—T. S. Anthony

W. Brady, G. R. Colonial Dispensary—104, Prangin Road


Harper,I)r.H. H.Macneice,

O. Hopkins, D. R.

S. L. McNee

and J. A. McEvoy Commercial Advertising Agency,

Treasurers—Evatt & Co.. Commercial Artists, Signwriters, Label

Secretary—E. James i Designers, Wall Advertising Designers

Penang Golf Club . and PaintersPoster

Licensed and Cinema

Station Slide Makers.


President—J. A. Black China Street; Teleph. 693* Branch :

Vice-President—B. F. Bridge 59,LaiHaleChuck



Captain—H. R. S. Law

Hon. Secretary—R. Victor Patterson Consolidated Tin Smelters Ltd. (In-


Brodie, T. W.H. Kent, Dr. W.

Douglas, C. H.R. corporated in England)—Head Office:

Samuel and C. C. Watson Princes House, 95, Gresham Street,



€84, PENANG,

Directors — His Excellency Senor Sweden

Rim on I. Patino (president), Ernest Vice-Consul—C. B. Redway

Y. Pearce, a.i.m.m. (chairman and

managing director). Sir Cecil Lind- United States of America—5, Pangkor

It.say Martinez

Budd, k.b.t?.,


John C.Patino,

Budd, Road

Vice-Consul—Forrest K. Geerken


C. E. Howeson and J. Van


Local C. Bell, secretary Crag Hotel (see Hotels)


Kramat, Office — Birch

Penang; CableHouse,


Smelter Craik, D. McLeod, Chartered Architect—

Local Registrar—E. Newbold 8, Penang Hill; Teleph. 656; Cable Ad:

Subsidiary Companies^ Framboise

Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd. D. McLeod Craik, f.r.i.b.a.


Cornish Harvey & Co.,Co.,Ltd.Ltd.

Smelting Creative Advertising Service, Press,

Penpoll Tin Smelting Co., Ltd. Poster, Electrical Advertising, Window


painted Road & Shop Signs, etc.Street

Penang Signs

CONSULATES Criterion Press, Ltd., Printers, Publishers

Belgium and Stationers—Id, Penang Street

Consul—F. H. Grumitt Lim Cheng Kung, mang. dir.

Assistant—C. Grumitt Lim Eng Hock, secretary

Toh Teow Poon, manager

China—86, Beach

Consul—Yen-Kai Huang Street Cycle & Carriage Co. (1926), Ltd., Cycle

Eleve Consul—A. C.Chih ShuHsiang

Tuense and MotorStreet;

17, Leith Importers—Temporary Office:

Cable Ad: Cyclecarri;

Chancellor—Yang Teleph. 376

Secretary—Choong Min Fatt

Denmark—F.M.S. Danish Consulate {See Consulates)

Vice-Consul, a.i.Railways Building

(ad interim) — W. Dennys & Co., A., General Merchants,

Gjodesen Land, Estate, Shipping, Insurance and

France—Cable Ad: Fransulat Commission Agents, Contractors,

of Estates, Rece-

Consular Agent — Roland Mange, ivers Licensed

and Trustees

Appraisers and Auctioneers—


c/o The Successors of Moine Comte 22a, Beach Street; Teleph. 308; Cable

& Co., Ld. Ad: Dennys; Codes: Bentley’s, A.B.C.

Italy—22, Northam Road 6th and Rudolf Mosse

Consular Agent—Enrico Mariotti Dietheim <§t Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in


sion MerchantsChurch

Agents—12-14-16, and Commis-

. Street;

Netherlands Teleph. 317; Cable Ad: Diethelmco

Consul—S J. Baukema P. Lienhard, manager


Vice-Consul—J. Dick M H W E 3E

Portugal Dispensary (1929), Ltd., The, Chemists

Acting Vice-Consul— John G. Brown and Opticians—2,

Ad:F. Chemoptist Bishop Street; Cable

J. Smith, m.p.s., manager

Siam—F.M.S.R. Buildings; Teleph. 993; Agents for:


Codes: A. B. C. 5th and 6th edns.

Residence: 7, Pangkor Road; Teleph. Doulatram & Co., B.H.T., Silk and


H. S. M.’s Vice-Consul—Yim Phung Lotton Goods Merchants—8a, Beach

Phrakhun i Street; Cable Ad: Dovecot


Durege & Thomas, Ltd. (Incorporated

in the Straits^ .Settlements), Merchants E.C. V.Y. Bailey, A.e.A, partner

C. Thomson, f.s.a.a., partner

and Engineers—P. O. BOx 392; Cable J. A. Clarke; a.c.a., partner

j Ad:F. Duregeco ) Y. C. Nolan, a.g.a. (Aust.), partner

N. Ch. Durege, managing director , I. Noble, < .a., assistant

E. L. Peake, a.c.a., do.

East Asiatic Co., Ltd., Shipowners and L. M. Norris, a.s.a.a., do.

Merchants—F. M. S. Bail ways Building;

Telephs. 1301 (Office) and 871 (Godown); Federal Rubber Stamp Co, Book-

Cable Ad:



& Boe'A.B.C.' 5th i 6.sellers,


W.V.Gjodesen, manager BeachW Street;


an d B etail

598;Stati oners—

Cable Ad:

Hansen, M.. Steincke, C. J. Vulcanite; Codes: A.B.C. 5th & 6th edns.

Frederiksen and G. Kude, assists. Foo Wha Cheng, senior partner

Tan Chin Hean, general manager

i Eastern Extension, Australasia and Tan Chin Kim, manager

■ Telegraph)

China Telegraph Co., Ltd.—(See under “Film News,” The, Publishers, Advertis-

ing Service—Top Floor, Criterion Press

i Eastern Smelting

in England), Co., Ltd. (Incorporated Co,TohLtd,

Tin Smelters—Head.Office:

ID, Penang Street)

Teow Poon, advertising mgr.

Princes House, 95,, Gresham Street,

i London, E. C. 2; Penang Office: Birch

i House, Dato Kramat; Teleph. 1360 Fiat S. A. (Incorporated in Italy)—22,

Northam Road

I (Penang);

London Cable Ad:

Directors Smelter, Penang

— S.L. C.Budd,

Ambrose E. Mariotti, manager

(chairman), Sir Cecil k.b.e., 1 Fire Insurance Association of Malaya



and SirPenny,

ArthurB. bart., m.p., Wm. (See Associations) •


. F. E.C. Newbold,

Bell, secretary

gen. mgr. in the East Fraser & Neave, Ltd, Aerated Water

W. T. Francis, acct. Manufacturers—190-4, Argyll Road;


N. Walter,

Dept. Ore Buying and Tin > Teleph. 107. Head Office: Singapore.

J. N. Cooley, assist, acct. Branches: KuaJaLumpur, Ipph, Malacca,

A.E.B.H.Jones, F. J.assists.

Steggall and Seremban and Bangkok

A. Brooke, ! French CoNSULATE-tx^e Consulates)


A. Mackay,

manager a.r.s m., a.i.m.m.,

G. works

B. Bixby, a.r.s.m., a.i.m.m., assist, Fun Health ResoRt, Swimming, Golf,


A. Fisher, a..r.s.m., a.i.m.m., chief Boating,

E.chemist Bungalows—8thSailing,-Mile

etc. Tanjong

Restaurant' and



W. Scarlett, b. sc. & F. E. Wraight, Teleph. 200; Cable Ad: Fun

tech, assts. AT- V. Templeton, mgr. and proprietor

A. E. Hembrow, ore room supt.

Agents—D. J. Fleming (Ipoh), J. M. Ganksh Printing, Works, printers,

O’C. George (Kampar), E. A. Davies Stationers, and Book-binders — 99,


Lumpur), C.B.M.J. McDonald (Kuala Penang Stneet;;l!eleph. Cable Ad:

Evans (acting),

(Puket), & Fraser & Co.- (Singapore) Ganesh P. Abamed, soje •proprietor

N. A. Bamanathan, manager

^ Eastern & Oriental Hotel (See Hotels) S.M.Thangavc


1'illay, chief clerk


Evans & Co , J., Importers—13, Church :

l ■ Street; Cable Ad: Crusader General Accident, Fire and Life Assur-

t .Evatt & Co, Accountants and Auditors— ance Corporation., Ltd.


Chartered Bank Chambers; Teleph. 492;

Cable Ad: Evatt; Codes: A.B.C. 5th Swee Tin &Macgrhgiot

Co,'agents& Co,Ld, agents


Union Broomhall’s

and Bentley’s,(Rubber),

CompleteWestern& 2nd General College of the Mission

Phrase Etrangeres (see Sbhoelfe)


General Produce Agency, Ltd., Rubber Handel Maatschappij Guentzel

Brokers and Commission

China Street; Teleph. 474 Agents —33, Schumacher, Ltd., Importers and Ex- „

porters and Steamship Agents—9, China |

Street Ghaut

George Town Dispensary, Ltd., The,

Wholesale Chemists—39, Beach Street; Hanna, Dr. J. G., Dentists—Chartered


Ad: 362; Cable

Elixir. BranchesAd: atGeeteedee;

Station Cable

Road Bank Chambers; Teleph. 974

and Belfield Street, Ipoh, Perak, and 9, J. G. Hanna, d.d.s., f.i.c.d.

11 Herbert

and 13, Riverside, Malacca C.T, M.

T. Miles, d.d.s.,l.d.s.

Calhaem, f.i.c.d.

J. Lewis, f.s.m.c., d.b.o.a., A. Ganly, b.d.sc.

director and general manager

T. McKinstery, m.p.s., f.c.o., assist.

S. Wadsworth, m.p.s., do. Harrisons, Barker & Co., Ltd., Estate and

Mine Agents and Merchants (Head

Georgetown Motor Garage, Ltd. — 1, 23, Office: Singapore)—British

Beach Street; Telephs. India 681 andHouse,


China Street; Telephs 694 and 1285 Cable Ad: Barkers; Codes: Western

Union, A. B.(Rubber

C. 5th edn.),and 6 thBentley’s


Georgetown Traders, The, Importers, Broomhall’s andH.Private


China Streetand Commission Agents—1, B. Egmont Hake, dir. (K. Lumpur)

1285; Cable Ad:andHokimiteik

Beach Street; Teleph. W. E. Wallis, director (Kuala Lumpur)

H. O. Peake, do. (London)

Georgetown Motor Garage, Ld., proprs. G.A.D.E.A.M.Fletcher,

Lim Eng Hooi, manager Mitchell,manager

signs per pro.

Gopal Dass & Co., Importers, Ex- D. R. Harper, do.

porters and! Manufacturers’ repre-

sentatives—37, Ceylon Lane; Cable Hertz, Dr. C. b,Henry,

Surgeon—17 Northam Consulting Dental

Road; Teleph.

Ad: Hisah. 555; Cable Ad: Hertz

Gramophone & Music Store—175,

Campbell Street; Gable Ad: Music HinBeach GiapStreet

Co., Rubber Exporters — 86,



Ltd., The—21,EasternBeach LifeStreet

Assurance Co., Hongkong & Shanghai Bank (See Banks)

Sime, Darby & Co., Ld., financial agts.

J. H. Baring Gould, dist. manager Hogan, Adams & Allan (late Hogan &

Ivens and Adams & Allan), Advocates

Guthrie & Co., Ltd.—35 and 36, Weld and Notaries

Solicitors, S.S. and F.M.S. and


Quay; Telephs.

Guthrie.S’pore. 357

Registeredand 734; Cable Ad: Beach Street; Teleph.Logan’s Buildings,

316 ; Cable Ad :

Road, Branch Office:


Kuala Advocate

4th and 5thoredns.,



and A.B.C.


Lumpur, Ipoh, Medan (Sumatra)

Malacca. London Office: 52-54, Grace- worth and Legal

church Partners—

H. S. Street, E. C. 3

Hay, manager Claude D. D. Hogan, b.a., ll.b

J.E. A.S. Bines,

Ladds, asst.

do. (Cantab.), barrister-at-law, advo-

cate and solicitor, Hume,

Raymond Delaforce S.S. andsolicitor,


Habrakol Syndicate, Ltd. (Incorporated Supreme Court (England), advo-


the ofStraits Settlements), Insulation

Manufac- cate and solicitor, S.S.

Percy Norman Knight, solicitor, and F.M.S.

for Electric Habrakol

Cables, Patent

Habrakol Patent Supreme Court (Engnand), advo-

Box Compound, etc.—8, Beach Street; cate Heng

Khoo and solicitor,

Kok, ll.b.S.S. (London),

Cable Ad: Habrakol

Durege & Thomas, Ld., mang. agents solicitor, S.S. advocate and



Assistants— Huttenbachs, Ltd., General Merchants*

Paul John Dinsmore Kegester, j Engineers and Contractors—21, Beach

solicitor, Supreme Court (Eng, I Street; Cable Ad : Habiture ; Codes:

A.B,C, 5th edn., A, 1, Bentley’s 2nd

land), advocate

and F.M.S. and solicitor, S.S- ; Phrase, Acme, Lubin’s, Western Union,

Lim Huck Aik, barrister-at-law, | Lombard and Engineering

Associated with Sime Darby & Co.,

advocate and solicitor, S.S. Ltd., Malaya,Royal

and Shaw,

Gurcharan Singh,

solicitor, S.S. advocate and Co., Ltd., Mail Darby


Chan Soon Nean, managing clerk Leadenhall Street, London, E.C. 3

London Agents: Shelton Cobb & Co. Directors—A. M. Sellar (London), J.M.

—3, New Court, Lincoln’s Inn, Sirne (Singapore), H. S. Russell

L mdon (Singapore), L. M. Evans and F. M.

Sharrock (Penang)

Hong Seng &andCo.,Distributors

Java and Ceylon C. F. Smith,

Tea Engineering Department secy, and accountant

Merchants of “ Pea- F. M. Sharrock

cock” Brand—387, Beach Street; Teleph. F. R. Jew ! G. A. Maltby

671Peh Kim Seng, proprietor

Electrical Department

L. M. Evans, a.m.i.e.

H. A. Phillips

HOTELS L. W. Hodges

Resident Engineers—

•Crag Hotel—Teleph. 29 (Penang Hill) Alor Star—K. H. Robinson


Teluk Patani—J. J. Jones

P. Davies

Eastern and Oriental Hotel Ltd.,

Modern in Every Way: Orchestra,

Garage—8, Farquhar Street; Telephs. Imperial Chemical Industries (Malaya),

322 and 1440; Cable Ad: Hoteleando; j Ltd., micals,

Importers and Exporters of Che-

Codes: A.B.C. 4th and

ley’s and Western Union 5th edns.. Bent- | facturers’Fertilisers, Dyestuffs—and

Raw Materials 48, Manu-


A. R. Jennings, manager Quay; Teleph. 405; Cable Ad: Impke-

H. Klass, chef mix. Head Office: 144, Robinson Road,

Affiliated with Raffles Hotel Ltd., Sing- Singapore J. B. Wood, manager

•apore ;

Miami Beach Hotel—8th Mile Tanjong Inn & Co., K. S. Printers, Booksellers and


T. Y. Teleph. 200; Cable

Templeton, Ad: Fun

manager and Stationers—12, Beach Street , and Id,

proprietor Penang Street (Works)

Nippon Hotel—22,

480; Cable Leith Street; Teleph. International Hotel (see Hotels)

Ad. Nipponkan

U. Ichise, proprietor Italian Consulate (see Consulates)

Runnymcdc Hotel, Ltd. (Lessees of

Crag HotelHills)—40-42,

—Penang and Refreshment


Road; Islay Kerr & Co., Ltd., Steamship Agents

Telephs. 544; Cable Ad: Runny- —23,

543 &Bentley’s

mede; Code:

Beach Street; Cable Ad: Bison

J. Dick, manager


Frank Duxbury B. Redway,

and R. P.J. Brash


F. S. Castle, general manager Jacks

(Incorporated in StraitsLtd., William


W. Heaney, hotel secretary

L. Humbert, chief-in-charge Engineers and General Merchants—15,


Expanded. StreetHead

: Teleph. 351; CableBuild-

Office:Ocean Ad:


H. W.Johnson,


mgr. (Crag Hotel) ing,

^Secretaries and Registered Prince Street, Singapore. Branches

nedy, Burkill Co., Ltd., Office: Ken- at Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Port Swet-

Georgetown tenham: Codes:

Chambers, Penang tley’s, Acme, NewA.B.C. 5thafid

Standard edn.,Private





inches ter House, Old JacksStreet,

Broad & Co., ISl & Jl!§ 3$

E.C. 2 Keong Lay & Co., Merchants—9, Pang-

H.Elphick,managing director(S’pore.) kor Road; Teleph. 429; Cable Ad: Keong-

B. N. Holmes, asst. do. ( do. ) lay; Code: Bentley’s, Complete and

R. C. Stewart, o.a., director and secy. Second Phrase, A.B.C. 5th & 6th edns.


J. Whyte, director (Ipoh)

H. F. Clements, mgr. (signs per pro.) Key Cycle

porters and &.Exporters—24,

Motor Co., BeachGeneralStreet;


James, Teleph. 1013

TrinityMbs. M. L,of Certificated

College Piahiste

Music, London—87, Kee Huat

Lim Radiomanager

Sin Hock, Co., proprietors

Cantonment Road teacher

Mrs. M. I. James,

Johnson & Philips, Ltd., London Khie Heng Bee & Co., Rice Millers—

Head Office and Mills: 294, Brick Kiln

(Incorporated in England), Elec- Road; Teleph. 651; CableAd: Chiehengbe

trical Engineers—Agents: William Part ners—Lim

Jacks & Cb. (Malaya), Ltd.—Singa- Law, Lim HooiCheng


Ho Lim



pore, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh land Penang

Representative—H. E. W. Bryning Kim Keng Leong & Co. (Chop Gim

(Ipoh) Cheang), Ironmongers, Hardware

Kee Huat Radio Company, Radio and and Sanitary Earthenware Importers,.

KeroseneAgents Oil —127,

MerchantsBeachand Street;


Electrical Engineers—24, Beach Street; mission

Cable Ad: Kikophone Teleph. 387; Cable Ad: Kimkengleong;

Kennedy & Co., Exchange and —Share Codes A.B.C. 5th and 6th edns.

Brokers and Insurance Agents 2n, Lee


Boon Saik, mang. proprietor

Beach Street, (opposite

Bank of India, Ltd.); Cable Ad: Ken Mercantile BoonSuan,


Lee Chin Boo, Koh

nedy; Codes: A.B.C. 5th and 6th edns., Choo Hean and Tan Guan Tong,


c Bentley’sBroomhall’s, Western Union Kong & Co., Managing Agents and

Partners—F. N. Syer, J. F. Arthur Secretaries for Estates and Industrial

and A. J. L. Donaldson Companies, Merchants and Commission

Agents for

National Employers’ Mutual General Agents—10, Cable Ad : Kongco

Penang Street; Teleph. 264;


and Fire Association, Ltd.—Motor

Prudential Assurance Co., Ltd.—Life Koninklijke(Royal

Paketvaart Maatschappij


Navigation Co.) —31,

Sub-Agents for Beach Street; 582; Cable Ad:


Co., British & Mercantile

Ltd.—Burglary, Insurance

Accident etc. Paketvaart

P. P.M.Maasland,

J. Poelmann, agent


Kennedy, Burkill & Co., Ltd. (In- Agents for

corporated inAgents

the Straits Settlements), Nederland

Managing and Secretaries

Agricultural, Mining and Industrial for Royal Dutch MailRotterdam Lloyd


Companies; and Insurance Agente— Holland-East Asia Line (from Europe)

Georgetown Chambers, 39, Beach Street, Straits-Java-Australia Line


Penang; Codes:

Kenburk; Teleph. Broomhall’s

444; Cable(Rubber

Ad: Java-Maritius-AfricaLine Line

edn.) Bentley’s, Birch wood’s and Private Pacific-Java-Bengal

Pacific) Line (from the

Directors—A. W. Burkill (Shanghai),

F. Duxbury (London), C. R. Burkill Royal Dutch Air LinesIndian


(Shanghai), M. K. Whitlock (Lon- Royal Netherlands

(K.N.I.L.M.) Airways

don), F. N. Syer & L. H.

C. B. Redway, managing director Holds worth Netherlands—Indian Tourist Bureau

A.J.C.R.Buckle, a.c.a., secretary The(N.I.J.O.U.R.)

Travellers’ Official Information

H. C. Hirzel

Pinching,| technical

K. J. Cassy

adviser Bureau of Netherlands India



1 Ross & Samuel, Advocates and

Kwong Wah Yit Poh Press, Ltd., Solicitors—5, Union Street; Teleph. 497;

Code: A.B.C. 5th edn.

The (Est. 1910),Stationers

lithographers, Printers, andPublishers,

Book- B. E. Ross, partner

binders— 16 and 18, Malay Street; ; C. R. Samuel, do.


Kwongwahpoh 559; P.O. Box 34; Cable Ad: Long Kee & Co., Importers of Sugar,

Printers & Publishers of the “Kwong dise—197, Safety Matches and General Merchan-

Wah Yit Poh”, the Leading Chinese Beach Street

Daily in North Malay

Low Ee Beng, managing director Look Brothers, General Merchants and


Kiew, Tan HunKeng Seng,Khoo

Geok, Seng j Commission

Saw Beng Penang; Cable Agents—211-13,

Ad: Lookers;Penang Rd.,


Cheang, Khaw Seng Lee, Lee Guat A.B.C. 5th edn. and Bentley’s phrases

Cheow, Tan Bin Cheng and Low Mrs. Chin Look Seong, proprietress

Geok Sooi M. E. Anglo-Chinese Girls’ School

Lean & Co., Exchange, Share and Contan- (see Schools)

goM.Brokers—-3a, Union Street Majestic Cinema,Road;

Cinema Exhibitors—31,

S.J.L.B. Potter,

Watt, partner

do. Phee Choon Teleph.

Box 22; Cable Ad: Majestic; Codes:

1179; P.O.

E. E. Scully, bookkeeper j Bentley’s and A.B.C. 5th edn.

B. O. Scully, clerk Ong Keng.Seng, managing partner ,

A. C. D. Aeria, do. Ooi Sim Hoe,' manager

LeeandSan & Co., K., General Merchant^ 1 Ooh Kee Keng, asst. mgr.

Manufacturers’ Agents. Importers' Singapore Representative —R. R. Shaw

of Motor Accessories, Tyres, Lubricating (16, Robimson Road, Singapore)

Oil and Grease.

—79-81, BicyclesTeleph.

Beach Street; and Accessories

765; Cable ,Malay Peninsula Agricultural As-



WesternCodes:Union,A.B.C. 5th sociATiQN (§ee AsiocibtionS)

4th andAcme



Universal Malayan &, General Trust (1932), Ltd,,

Soo Jin,Trade Go'de

partner —Cable Ad: 'Nhnce; London

Khoo Soo Ghee, do, Malaya Co., Ltd.; Stock and Share Bro-


Brokers, FeeTin& Co.,

and (1933)

RubberLtd., Rubber kers


and Commission

Street;Telephs. 1180-1 Agents—55, Beach

;CableAd: Ayalam;

4, Church Street; Cab 1 e A d:. Leongfee; Codes: A.B.C. 5th

Bentley’s and Private edn., Broomhall’s,

Codes: Bentley’s and Private Lim Huck See, managing


Yin Khean, Yeo Eng BoonKhean>

Wan a,ndLeong

Y.eo Lim Chin Guan, director director

Wee Yang, managing director,; Lim Chin Ooh, do.


Cheah Hong Seang,& secretary

Inn Kiong Co.^auditors j Malayan Tobacco . Distributors, Ltd.,

(Incorporated jin tlpe Straits Settle-


Cheng Teik, 170, Planter, Mill and Land ments), Cigarette and Tobacco


Beach Street aha jj ters—48, Church Street;

Cable Ad: Tobacco


House: 52, Larut Road; Teleph.- 591

Distributors for:

Little & Co., Ltd.;, John (IneOrp,orated in , British American Companies

Tobacco Co., Ltd.


Merchants,Wihe, SpiritOffifce,

etc. Head and (London):

Provision and Associated

10, Pancras Lane, E.C. 4. Head 'Office Ardath

ciated Companies Ltd. and Asso-

Tobacco Co.,

and Store (in the East):',Raffles-Place,


Street; Teleph.Branch Depot:

982: Cable Bishop Mansfield A Co., Ltd.,- iShipping ■ and

Ad; Littles,

Penang; Forwarding Agents—Chartered Bank

Bentley’s Codes: A.B.C: 5th edn. .and Mansfield Chambers, Beach Stree Cable Ad:

Lock & Co., General Store-keepers—51, Directors

Wurtzburg,in A,Singapore — C.Jones

E. Thornley E.

Beach Street and F. S. Gibson


W. A. Kimpster, mgr. (signs per pro.) Assistants (sign the firm)—

S. L. McNee, c.a.,


Assistants—W. (Bhuket), L. G.

Lee, T. E. Mason, A. McLellan and J.N. H.G. Phillips,

Bishop, a.c.a..




W. W. Speid, a.c.a. (Penang)

H. Reid, a.s.a.a.



supt. engr. A. G. H. Reason,


a.s.a.a. (K.Lumpur)

H. E. Ward, dockyard

Assistants—W. G. Pricemanager

and J. A. G. A. Murphy, a.c.a. (Medan)

Liang Assistants—

{Agencies: see Singapore) C. F.E. Harrison,

Firkins, R.a.s.a.a.,

S. Jennings, a.c.a.,

P. G. Clark,.

a.c.a., J. S. Howkins, a.c.a., A. S.

Manufacturers Life Insurance Co. Watson, a.c.a., W.

a.c.a. and A. Guild, a.c.a.R. Metherell,

Guthrie & Co., Ltd., general agents

H. R. Weller, special representative

Marine Insurance Association {see McNeill & MillerArchitects,

and McNeill), (SuccessorsSurveyors,,

to Stark

Associations) and Licensed Property Valuators—29,

Beach Street; Teleph. 538; Cable Ad r

Argyll; Code: Bentley’s 1st edn.

MASONIC—Masonic Temples Western Partners—

Road John McNeill

James T. McNeill, l.r.i.b.a.

Gottlieb Mark Lodge, No. 382 E.C. J. C. Miller, a.r.i.b.a.

Lodge Royal Prince of Wales, No. 1555 Mercantile Bank of India {see Banks)’

Wor. M.—Wor. Bro. F. H. Gibson Methodist Episcopal Mission {See

.S.1. W.—Bro.

W.-Bro. W.H. J.F. Lewis

Flight Churches)

Secretary—Bro. S. Mortimer

Lodge Scotia, No. 1003 S. C. Mission Chapel {see Churches)

Scotia Royal Arch Chapter, No. 408 Mohamed & Co., Ali Sahib, General Mer-

chants—10, Ah Quee Street

S.C. ■ .

Victoria Moine China


& Ltd.Ghaut:

(The Successors of)

No. 1555Jubilee

E.C. Royal Arch Chapter, —9, Cable Ad: Moine. Head Office:

Teleph. 1192;


R. Mange,

: branch manager

McAlister & Co., Ltd. (Established 1857. Agents MessageriesReunisMaritimes Coy.


Beach Street; 1903),

and at Merchants—19,

Singapore, Ipoh Chargeurs

Kuala Lumpur and London. Registered


Singapore Gresham House, Battery Road, MUNICIPALITY

W. Juniper, branch manager Commissioners—J. A. Black (president).

G. S. Keyzer, assistant Dr. J. E. Smith, Hon. Mr. Khoo Sian


Ong HuckHon.Mr. H. H.Capt.

AbdoolS.C. S.R.Cader, Dr.

McAuliffe, Davis & Hope, Chartered

Accountants—Chartered Bank Building; m.b.e., Lim Chye,

Eow Thoon, Alsagoff,


Teleph 377; Cable Ad: McAuliffe; Codes: Koh Sin Hock, D. A. Mackay, W. L.

Bentley’s, Broomhall’s (Rubber edn.) and Blythe and F. H. Grumitt

A.B.C. 5th edn.

Sir H.T. McAuliffe, r.c.a., Secretariat

Secretary, Treasurer & Assessor—T.

F. H. Grumitt, a.c.a., partner (L’don.)

do. (Penang) W. Douglas, F.c.c.s.

A. H.Dobson, a.s.a.a., do. (S’pore.) Assistant

E. Collins, a.c.a., do. (Penang) A C.A. Secretary—J. E. A. Clark,

C. Grumitt, a.c.a., do. (Penang) Assist. Acct.—S. V. Adams, a.i.m.t.a.


Electric Supply Department Penang Hill Government

Engineer & Manager—Thomas Rogers,Railway

Electrical Engineer—Thomas Rogers, M.I.E.E., A.M.I.MECH.E , A.I.STRUCT.E.

M.I.E.E., A.M.I.MECH.E., A.I.STRtTCT.E. Financial Assistant^—J. Cairns

Deputy Electrical

Danson, a.m.i.e.e. Engineer — J. R.

Chief Assist. Electrical Engineer—A. Registration of Births anp Deaths

S. Gosling,

Financial a.m.i.e.e. Cairns

Assistant—J. Registrar—Dr. W. H. Brodie

Distribution Engineer — S. Mortimer, Depy.



Graham T.

A.M.I.E.E. P. Khoo

Assistant Distribution Engrs.—F. H.

Gibson, a.m.i.e.e., J. H. Dodd, a.m. Yehicles Registration Dept.

i.E.e. and J. M. Mankin Registrar—J. A. McEvoy

Station Supt.—R. C. MacMillan Chief Inspector—F. W. Stewart

Shift Engineers—J. Buntin, A. C.


F. S. R. Thomson,

Ogle R. J. Hutton and

Show Room Veterinary Dept.

Demonstrator—Miss D. Mitchell Supt. &Supt.

Assist. Yeter’y. Surg.—A. T.G. Paul

Abattoirs—S. McCrea


EngineerTramways Dept. Rogers, Water Department

& Manager—Thomas

M.I.E.E., A.M.I.MECH.E., A.I.STRUCT.E. Water Engineer—A. P. H. Holmes

Deputy M.C., BWater

SC., A.MEngineer—A.T.



a.m.i.e.e.and Manager—J. R. Deputy

B.SC., A.M.I.C.E,


Assist. Engr.—K. Coombs, a.m.i.e.e.

Workshop Supt.—W. R. Cairns

Financial Assistant—J. Wells

Nagata Bros., T„ Dentists—4, Bishop

Street; Cable Ad: Nagata. Branch Office:

Engineer’s Department, Municipal 52, Leith Street

Municipal Engineer—M. J. Thorpe, T. Nagata, l.p. | Takeo Nagata, l.b,

M.I.M. & CY.E., F.I.S.E.

Deputy Municipal

Fletcher, a.m.i.c.e. Engineer—W. F. Nanking Hotel (see Hotels)


a.m.i.c.e., Engineers—J,

a.m.i.m. & cy.e., G.W.R. Evans,

Clark, Nestle & Anglo-Swiss Conpensep Milk

a.mj.m, Co., Condensed and Sterilised Milk,

A.M.I.C.E.& cy.e., and H. G. Moulding, Milk Products, Chocolate and Cocoa,

Infants’ Foods—39c, Weld Quay; Cable

Office Assist.—J. D. Petrie

Mechanical Engineer—J. M. C. Sharp, Ad:R. Nestanglo

A.M.I.MECH.E., A.M.I.A.E. Gunter

R, McintoshSmith, actingassistant

Whyte, manager

Assist. Mechanical

Pentney. a.m.i.a.e.Engineer—O. G.

Building Surveyor — D. A. Coupar, Netherlanps Traping Society (see

Town Supt.—A. E. M. Dennys Banks)

Fire Brigape Netherlanps & Norwegian Consu-

Supt. — L. E. Coleman, m.i.pire,e. lates (see Consulates)

2nd Officer—A. J. Brown, a.i.p.t. New Dispensary, Chemists, Druggists



Officer—W. Dept.H. Brodie, m.b., and Opticians—47, Leith Street

ch.b., d.p.h. New Ice Works Co., Ice Manufacturers—

Deputy Health Officer — E. W. 292, Brick Kiln Road

Graham, m.b., ch.b. Northam Pharmacy, The, Wholesale and


Miller,Sanitary Inspector

m.s.i.a., Cert. r.s.i. — J. E. Retail Chemists, Druggists & Opticians

Health Sisters—Miss H. Flint, S.R.N., —168, Campbell Street; Teleph. 615;

c.m.b., a.r.san.i. and Miss F. M. Sloan Cable Ad: Northampharmacy

■S.R.N., C.MJB. Lo Yew Kee, managing proprietor


Ong Huck Chye, Dit„. j.p , m.b., b.s.—The Penang Rubber Exchange—14, China ■

Universal Pharmacy, 118, AcheenStreet; Street; Telephs. 1444 and 1445; Cable !,j

Teleph. 76S. Residence;

Road; Night Teleph. 857228, Macalister Ad: Para

Phoenix Press, The, Printers, Publishers,.

Oversea Chinese Rank, (see Banks) Book-binders and Stationers^—6,

Church Street; Cable Ad: Phoenix j

Overseas Trading Syndicate, News- Pieot Association and Board (see As- ;

agents, Sports Dealers and general sociations)

Merchants—2c, Burmah Road; Teleph.

1047; P.O. Box 341; Cable Ad: Trico. Pinang Gazette Press, Ltd. (Established

Parmanand 1833),Penang


and'Sunday Newspapers— j

and Curio Brothers,

Merchants, Jewellers,

Ladies’ Silk

and 1a,Directors—R. P. Phillips, L. E. Slowe !


Bishop Tailors-and

Street; Outfitters —14, and P. N. Syer

313; Cable Ad: Teleph,

Parmanand 1199; P.O, Box C. G. Barnes, editor and secy.

Paterson, Simons &- Co., Ltd. (Incor- PoRtuGUESE Consulate (see Consulates)-

porated in England),

Quay,- Teleph. Merchants--9,

568; .Cable,Ad: Weld Presgrave & Matthews, Advocates, Soli-


London Office: Paterson, Simons &' Co., citors and Notaries Public—9, Beach

Ltd., London House,, Crutclied Eriars, ■BStreet; entley’s, Cable Ad: Presg.rave;

and A.B.C. 5th edn. Codes:


Port and at Singapore,

Swettenham Kuala Lumpur,

and Ipbh Pritchard & Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in

S.S.), Wine,Tobacconists,

Spirit andLadies’


Penang Auto, Service Co., Motor Merchants, and

Car Dealers—65, Pitt Street; Cable Gentlemen’s Outfitters, Milliners,

Tailors, Furniture Manufacturers,

Ad: Autoservis , Athletic

Penang Casket Cq^, Undertakers—193, Street; Gentlemen’sDealers and Ladies’Union

Hairdressing—9, and

Macalister .Riad; Cable Ad : Casket tions; Cable Telephs.

Ad: 335-6 withCodes:

Peancos; sub-connec-


Penang Premier Press, General Printers, 5th edn. and Bentleys. Branches: Ipoh

and Butterworth

Stationers, Bookbinders, Engravers

Printers, Die-Stampers, Copper Plate

and J. P.J. Everitt,

Souter, managing director

Rubber - Stamp Manufacturers — 34, A. signs per pro.*

Beach Street; Teleph. 642; Cable Ad: Assistants—

Premier PressSaik Inn, sole proprietress

Mrs. KhoO E.H. J.W.Dooley

Sanders G. Longley(Ipoh)

T. H. Dutton Miss E. M. Tull

Penang Sales Room (Koh Eng Hin) (Ipoh) Miss G. Hurst

(Established 1892), Auctioneers, Brokers, Quah

Valuers, House and Land Agents, Merchant and Commission Beng Kee, Import and Export

Import Merchants, Sale of Pawnbrokers’ Church Street; Teieph. 378 Agent—36,

Forfeited Pledges

Beach Street ' : Held Monthly - 38,

Rasiklal Vadilal, Import and Export

Penang Chamber of Commerce (see Merchant—97, King Street; Teleph.

452; Cable Ad: Mirthful

Associations) Vadilal Purshotumdas, sole proprietor

Penang Choral and Dramatic Society Rawther A. Mohamed, Tongkang and

(see Associations) Sampan

Supplier, Owner,

Landing, Contractor,



Penang Library (see Associations) Commission

Teleph 404 Agent—37, Bishop Street;.

Penang Recreation Club (see Clubs) A. Mohd. Rawther, proprietor

Yeoh Eng Soon, manager

Penang Free School (see Schools) Recreation Clubs (see under Clubs)


Hobb & Nilsson, Civil Engineers and General College of The Missions

Contractors, Reinforced, Concrete Etrangeres—Pulo Tikus

specialists—23, Beach Street; 'CaBle Superior—Very.

Directors—Revs.Rev. M. Rouhan

H. Michelj G. D£n-

Ad: Nilroh arie, ti.i Monjean; P. Piffaut, P.

L. T. A. Robb, partner : Lobez and P. Meissonier

F. L. Nilsson, O.E., b.so., partner

Robinson Piano Co., Ltd. (Incorporated M.E. AnglotChinese Girls’ School-


Anson Road <— Miss C. L. Rea,

in Hongkong), Piano and Organ Manu-

facturers, Repairers, Tuners,

and Musical-Instrument Music

Sellers—Beach M.SC. Mistresses — Mrs. Dorothy

Street English

Deacon and Miss Doris Mullins

Supt. (Winchell

B. Cravan, b.a.Home)—Miss

, Norma

Roman Catholic Mission (Ner Churches)

Roneo, Ltd., Office Penang

Teleph. Free

1292 School — Green Lane;

—19, Beach StreetEquipment Specialists Head Master—Major J. B. Neilson,

J. R. E. Lawson, manager M.c., and 2 bars, m.a. (Oxon. and


Rubber Exchange (see Associations) Assistants—C-

p.t. (Dunelm),Forster, m. sc., D.King,

Rev. Colin th.

Runnymede Hotel (see Hotels) m.a. (Oxon.), C.b.P.litt.

(Birmingham), Purcell, b.a.




T . Laidlaw,

Ng Cheong m.a.,Weng,

KoayS.Kye M.

Sandilands, Buttery & Co., Merchants— Zainul Abidin, b.a. (London), Tan

29, Beach Street; Teleph. 644; Codes: Kiar Lew, Ooi Khay Bian, b.a.

Bentley’s, Broomhall’s, Birchwood and (Hong Kong),

Universal Yeo Slew Kiat,LimOng Khean Seng,.

Teong Guan

San Hai Bros., Rubber Healers—Office: (Raffles

18 other College Diplomas),

assistant local masters and

59, Beach Street; Teleph. 867; Cable Ad:


Choong Eng Kim, partner St. George’s Girls’ School

Miss Richardson, headmistress (on

Choong Eng Hye, do. leave)

Mrs. Law, acting

SCHOOLS Miss Parfitt . | Miss Perry

Anglo - Chinese

Episcopal School, Methodist

Mission L. Proebstel, ll.d. St. Xavier’s Branch School—Pulau

Principal—Rev. Tikus

Visitor—Rev. Bro. James, o.b.e.

Vice-do.—D. D. Chelliah, b.a. Do. —Rev. Bro. Bro, Paul Finan and

Headmistress, Middle School—Miss Supervisor—Rev;

E. Stella Cass ( on leave) 10 teachers


Miss D. MoretonPrimary School —

European Masters—H. F. Clancy, St.Brothers; Xavier’s Telephs.



and 211. Ad:

B. H. Baughman and Noel A. Branch School at Pulau

Horleyof the Branch Schools—

Manager Visitor—Rev. Bro. James, o.b.e.

Rev. L. Proebstel, ll.d. Director—Rev. Bro. Paul; assisted

by 19 Brothers and 35 assist,



copal ScHOOL(Methodist

Mission)—Dato Kramat Epis-


Manager and Correspondent—Dr. Seng Lee & Co., General Import and Ex-

L- Proebstel N. Jacob

Headmaster—S. port Merchants and Commission Agents

Asst. Masters—Tan Cheng Guan, —26, Kampong Kolam; Cable Ad: Seng-

lee; Code: A.R.C. 5th edn., Bentley’s and

Khoo Kay

Thean Chou Hock and Chuah Private

Ong Chooi Beng, manager


Siamese Consulate (See Consulates) Solomon

mission & Agents

Co., S„—Merchants

44, BeachandStreet;


Silva Ltd., B. P. de, Jewellers and Teleph. 922; Cable Ad: Solomon


Teleph. 92;Merchants—1,

Cable Ad: BishopSilva; Street;

Code: Soon Theam & Co., Stock and Share

A.B.C. 5th edn. Brokers — 30,Ad:


Street; Telephs.

1411; Cable (.lodes:

Sime, Darby & Co., Ltd., Plantation A.B.C. 5th and 6th edns., Bentley’s,

Rubber and Tin Mine Agents and Broomhall’s and Private

Neoh Say Eng, managing partner

Valuers, General Import, Export, and Seet Cheng Swi, do. ' ■>

Produce Merchants, Shipping and In-


Ad: Agents—21,

Simit; Codes: Beach

A.B.C. Street;

5th Cable

edition, Specialties Agency Co. of Malaya,

Bentley’s Broomhall’s Combination, 41, Speciality

Abusiti Products

Lane, Cable& Novelty Goods—

Ad: Jeramer

Broom hall’s Rubber, Western Union J. J. Jeremiah, managing partner


Acme Letter),

and Private. Marconi International,

Fort Road, Malacca.Registered Office: 5,4,

Head Office: Standard-Vacuum Oil Co,—F.M.S.


Singapore, Street, Singapore

Malacca,Muar Branches:

Ipoh,andKuala Lum- way Building; Teleph. 624, CableRail-


pur, Seremban, Kuching, Stand

L. vac jr., manager


Sarawak. A. H. Coiyer, assistant

London Agents—Shaw, Darby & Co., A. F. Moiiat, -installation supt.

Ltd., Winchester House, Old Broad

Street, E. C. 2.

H. S. Russell, director St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church

W. H. Findlay, manager (see Churches)

A. E,F. Black,

Baughan,andE. H.Mitchell,

O. Baker,G.

assistants St. Andrew’s Society (see Associa-

Darby & Co., Ltd., Singapore) St. George’s Girls’ School (see

Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd.—30, Schools)


Cable Ad:Road;Storage.Telephs.



1501; St. Xavier’s School and Institution

Wharf, Singapore (see Schools)


E. A.Y. Schiess,


branch manager

H. W. Cornell, shop assist. Storch Brothers, Ltd., Jewellers, Gold


and Silversmiths,

Complete House General Merchants

Furnishers — 4,

Singer Beach Street;



5th Cable

edn. Ad:

quhar Sewing

St. Branches Machine Co.—11,F.M.S.

throughout Far- Storch; and

andA. the wholesupervising

Nunn, world agent Bentley’s.

M. Grand,Head Office at Kuala Lumpur



Ong Hock

Eng Buan,Seng, manager

district manager C. Y. Fong, bookkeeper

Lee Rang Teik, bookkeeper “Straits Echo, The”Road;

(Morning News57;

Slot & Co., Ltd., G. H., Import and Export paper—216, Cable Ad: Penang

Echo; Code: A.B.C.Teleph.

5th edn.


537 and5th453; Weld Ad:

Cable QuaySlot;

; Telephs.


A.B.C. and 6th edns., Rendall’s and Straits Java Trading Co., N.V. (Incor-

porated in Batavia), General Importers



Teleph. Singapore:

7962; Cable 375,

Ad: Robinson

Netbenco and Exporters—3, Weld Quay

Martin, director

E. J. Bennett, do. Straits Trading Co., Ltd., The —


e pi Importazione, Merchants — 7, Buildings; Teleph. 539; Cable Ad: Sword

L. A.D.C.Wood,

China Street Ghaut;

L. A. J. Blaauw, manager Cable Ad: Tariale Stone,manager


H. D. Nicholas, do.


Sun Wo Loong Oil Mill Co., Coconut Travers & Sons, Ltd., Joseph (Incor-

Oil and Cake Millers—Office and Works: porated in England),China

Merchants and

51, Madras Lane;

Sunwoloong; Teleph.

Codes: 215; Cable

Bentley’s Ad: Manufacturers—13,

and Pri-

St. Ghaut;

Cable Ad: Traverser. London Office: 119,

vate Cannon Street, London, E.C. 4 (Esta-

Ng Sui Cam, b.sc., mgr. and engineer blished 1666)

C. E. Collinge, manager (Malaya)

Assist, managers—H. Y. Moey, G. L. P. T. Hutchings (Penang)

Lee and C. H. Cheah

Swedish Consulate {See Consulates) United Engineers, Ltd., Engineers and

Shipbuilders—Town Office: 87, Bishop

Swkk Co., Ltd., L. Y. (Incorporated in Street; Pinang.

Teleph. 732; Works: Sungei,

Teleph. 271; Cable Ad: Un-

F.M.S.), General Merchants, Insurance

and Commission Agents—64 and 66, pore. Branches: iteers; Head Office and Works: Singa-

Beach Street lacca, Bangkok andIpoh, Seremban, Ma-


D. McKinnon, actg. mgr.

Syn Thong Coy., Rubber Exporters, (Codes and agencies see Singapore)

General Merchants

Agts.—1, and Manufacturers’

Penang 1082;

Harbour Go- United

Board Ad: Kingdom Tobacco Co., (1929)

down; Teleph. Cable Ltd. — 37a, Beach Street; P. O. Box

Synthong; Codes: Bentley’s, Broomhall’s 268; Cable Ad: Fumerolle


Saw Choo edn.)Theng, partner

Saw Seng Kew, do. U.S. 'Consulate {see Consulates)

Telegraph Co., Ltd., Eastern Extension, Teleph. 768Pharmacy—118, Acheen St.;


Australasia and China, (Associated

with Cable & Wireless, Ltd.)—Beach

Street and Northam Road Victor & Co., Ltd., Managing Proprietors

H. G. Battiscombe, manager ofBakery,



Aerated WaterEuropean


L. Y. Rolfe. deputy engineer —18 and 33, Leith Street

Supervisors— J. V. Chelliah, proprietor

D. A. Murdoch Cheah Inn Kiong & Co., Secretaries

F. J. Atkins I E. E. Story and Treasurers

L.M. C.T. Payne | G. A. Kirby

P. Rule, accountant Volunteer Corps, Penang and Province

Thean Huat & Co., General Merchants Wellesley— Nominal Roll of Officers


ChinaEstate Requisites

Street Ghaut; Suppliers

Teleph. — 4, Headquarters—

548; Cable

Ad: Theanhuat; Codes: A.B.C. 5th edn., Lt. Col. G. D. A. Fletcher, m.c., officer


Bentley’s, Schofield’s Electric phrase Major H. W. Esson, m.c., 2nd-in-comd.

and Private (on leave)

Tiang Lee & Co., Manufacturers’ Agents Major E. A. de Buriatte, v.d. (on leave)

and Genera] Merchants—Office: 158, Capt. D. G. B. Ridout, (k.o.y.l.i.).


Beach Street; Teleph. 489 Capt.

Lieut. W. H. Brodie, medical

F. Flippance, quarter officer


Tourist Agency-Information Bureau, Capts. Revd. K. Gamier and J.

The—Victoria Pier and Swettenham Headquarter Wing B. Souhait, chaplains

Pier; Cable Ad: Bureau 1st Croup—Lieut. H. C. Abraham,

C. Danker, managing partner intelligence officer (on leave)

S. G.H. Laing,

Danker,office assist.

do. “A” (European) Coy.

W. Danker, do. A/Capt.

Lieuts. W.H. F.MacNeice,

Fletcher O.andC.J.Coy.

W. Boyd

Town Club {see Clubs) Walker (on leave).

2/Lieut. H. F. A. Jackson (on leave)


“B” (Machine Gun) Coy. Wassiamull Assomull & Co., Drapers, I

A/Major P. T. Hutchings, O. C. Coy. Jewellers Street; Teleph. & Silk626;


Branch at 42, BishopChulia f1

and 2nd-in-c6mmand P. &

A/Capt. J. A. McEvoy, second-in- Street; P. W. V. C. Teleph. 1488; Cable Ad: Was- j

command. siamullT. Assomull, managing proprietor

Lieuts. E. A. Fisher, H. Oke, and SoleM.agents and distributors for


J. E. A. Clark (on leave). Krementz & Co., New York


Gun Platoon, P. W.

A. R. Craig, O. C. Platoon.

“C” (Malay)'Coy. Waugh & Co., Ltd., Henry, General I

A/Capt. A. T. Dougal, O. C. Coy. Merchants, Estates and Mines Office: Secre- /\

A/Capt. S. A. Mohamed Noor, second- taries


and Agents—Registered

Singapore.Ipoh Branches: London, Penang, i‘j

Lieuts. S. M.Mohamed

Osman, Mohamed Bangkok, and Kuala Lumpur

sain and Noor bin Hus-

Mo- Directors—

L. E. Slowe, mang. director

hamed ... H. E. Nixon

2nd-Lieut. Pawan bin Bab E. Waugh

“D” (Chinese) Coy. , S.

Captain A. C. Trotter, O. C. Coy. L. E.A. Travis


Captain G. H. Goh, second-inTCom-

mand Wearne, Bros., Ltd., Automobile Engi-

Lient. Leong Sin Kwee neers

2nd-Lieut. Ong Chong Keng Teleph.and258;Importers—14,

Cable Ad: Wearne; Anson Codes:


■“E” (Eurasian) Coy. r . A.B.C.

Head Office: 45, Orchard Road, S’pore. j

5th.edn., Bentley’s and Private,

A/Capt. S.J. Mortimer, O.second-in-comd.

C. Coy.

A/Capt, W. Clark,

Lieuts. W. H. Findlay, m.c. (on leave) A.Harry

Milne, Oke,engineer



W. D. Harding (on leave) and S. Toh Hooi Choon, sales-manager ;

Lini Swee Kheng, chief-clerk

2nd-Lieuts, W. A. Theseira and J. W. Weguelin, J. B., Planter—Jarak, Province

Boyle Wellesley

“G” (Malay) Coy, (P.W.)

A/Capt. G. W. Somerville, 0. C. poy. Whiteaway, Laidlaw & Cd., Ld., Drapers

(M.S.Y.R. attached)

A/Capt. R. M. Nordin, second-in- and

command. 8, 10,Complete

12 and 14,House Furnishers—4,

Bishop iStrefet; Cable6,

Lieut. Mohn. Ghouse bin Mohd. Ad: Warfifeld; Codes: A.B.C. 5th edn., !

Hussain Bentley’s

lishments: ; and private.

Taiping, . . Branch

F.M.S. Estab- i


2/Lieut. E.H.S.

to M.S.V.R.) Bretherton (attached J. A. Goetzee, general

W. Price, manager

Reserve of Officers B.C. Ritson

E. Pegler, branch manager (Ipoh) l

Capts. P. N. Knight, C. D. D. Hogan T.H. McGowan, (actg.) do. (Ipoh)

(on leave), Lim Eow Thoop, C/New- M. Orlotf, branch mgr. (Taiping)

, bold, o.b.e., S. S. AlsagofF, m.b.e., j.r. Mrs. E. J. Wake

and Baba Ahmed

Lieuts. H. R.Cruz,

S, Law, v.d., j. W.PoB.Jung,

Ogle, Wreford & Thornton, Advocates and

A.C. A-

O. deMerican, R.J. D.Chang

Hume, m.c., J. Solicitors

BeachCable and Teleph.

Street; Notaries. Publip —Box

29, |

A, Cowan G., L>. Taylor, R. L. 356;

Cuscaden, C. E. Uobless, P. R, Wait, Ad: Wrefofd;432;Code/ P. O.A.B.C. |

M.c., J. H. Baring-Gould, C. G. 5th edn.

, Principal —- Thomas' Edwa,rd Con-

Sollis, J,, Fair weather;.

Merican and G. E. Angier S. M. O. aghan, b.a., advocate and, solicitor

2ndde:Lieuts. Assists.—Herbert Macneice, advocate

Cruz ,C. A. Rbutehs and A' A. and solicitor and Notary ,Public,

Ong Huck Hong, barrister-at-law

Wakefieed & Co., Ltd., C. G, Refiners of and

law Lim Kheng Kooi, barrister-at-


Teleph. 1023; Cable Ad: Castrol; chambers;

Code; London agents — Herbert Z. Dean

Bentley’s2nd phrase & Co., London,

Strand, Dane's ' \Y'

InnC., 2.House,

• 265,


'Young, L, J., Forwarding and General and Showroom: 1, Penang Road; Works:

Agency—305a, Perak Load; Cable Ad: Sungei, Finang; Quarry and Tileworks:

Diadem Ayer

C. D. Young, sole propr. and mgr. Codes:Itam


Teleph. and


2nd 5th

542; Cable Ad: Loco;

6th edns.,

ed., Broomhall’s Eng-


Young & Co., Ltd., R., Civil, Construc- Bentley’s phrase,

tional & Sanitary Engineers, Specialists Directors — J. W. Hunt ( chairman)

in Reinforced Concrete — Registered and E. Y. C. Thomson

Office: Chartered Bank Chambers; Office J. W. Hunt


_ The Settlement of Malacca excites tnore interest from a historical point of view than

,| -either of its sister towns. Commercially, it fell completely to the rear after the

•f; converted the ofSettlement

establishment Penang andintoSingapore,;but

a flourishingtheagricultural

advent of the rubber industry

province. Originallyin 1906


' tied by the Portuguese in 1511, it was for many years the one foreign entrepdt in

, the East, and the fact that it has given its name to the Peninsula and that it was

|Ij the cradle of Anglo-Chinese study attest its former importance.

by boundaries some 42 miles in length, with a' breadth of from eight to 25 miles. It is Its area is embraced

governed by a Resident Councillor in subordination to Singapore.

The geological formation of the

redterritory of Malacca consists chiefly of granite rock,

ij'i -overlaid

Many ofintheseveral places by

low plains arethealluvial,cellular clay

the soil iron-stone

composed ofcalled by geologists

decayed vegetablelaterits.


li interlaced with sand. The metallic ores are iron and a little tin. The surface generally

: isof undulating, consisting of low round ridges and narrow valleys,

considerable elevation being the Ophir of the Portuguese, which is just over the the only mountain

ij border in Jdhore territory, 4,187 feet, above the level of the sea. It is called by the

j Malays “ Gunong Ledang.’’

|j iprospects.


The mineral

conflnes Gold

of toproducts

the theoxteut


of, Malacca

of i '^PQ were

territory, ounces




one time

yield waslooked




to such


an justvaluable



it is no longer worked. Tin, about the same period, assumed Considerable importance.

j| ’The first mines were opened an 1793, but no great enterprise was displayed until 1848.

Ij number

when some 5,000 cwt. was the annual product. This increased

of Chinese were employed in the industry. The superior yield of the Native until 1858, and a large

i. States, however, combined with thfe exhaustion of the surface workings, resulted in

mining enterprise in Malacca being virtually abandoned. A little tin mining still

11 goes on in the Jasin district, andigbld may possibly exist in very sniall quantities.

not Themuchclimate

more ofthanMalacca

100 asmiles to temperature is such aslying

from the equator, mightalong be expected

the seainshore—hot

a country,

j| and moist. The thermometer in the shade , ranges frpm 72° to' 88° Fahrenheit,

-| Theseldomrangebeingof th,e

so low as the isfirstonlyof, from

barometer these, 29.8

and tonot'30.3ofteninches.


than the latter.

| -constant heat, much moisture, and many swamps, the' tbwn at least is remarkable for

* its salubrity, and, with the exception of the early period of its occupation by the

I Portuguese, has always enjoyed this reputation.

I dess Malacca offers numerous

rich in mammals than many attractions to the ornithologist

other tropical districts. Nine andspecies

entomologist, but it is

of quadrumana,

i the tiger, black

binturong), leopard, wild

the elephant, cat, several

one-horned speciestapir,

rhinoceros, of viverrida (suchofasdeer,

six species the musang

and twoandof

the wild ox comprise a nearly complete list and, no doubt, at one time could be found,

j but no rhinoceros

not been heard oforforelephant over 30has years.

been seen Fairforsport

manycan years( be and wild oxen

obtained have

by those

fond unknown

-was of shooting,untilfrom1816,tigeralthough

to snipe.European

It is noteworthy

intercoursethatdatesthe existence

back to ofsome the three


| -centuries before. Tigers in the early days of Portuguese occupation were so plentiful


thafc the want of inhabitants was seriously attributed to this cause. As with the birds-

and insects, so with the reptiles. The snakes, lizards, and crocodiles are, as a rule,,

those of the peninsula generally, the birds alone presenting a rather larger variety than


that ofoftheother districts. States.

surrounding Nor doesThethecoast


line is present

poor inany exclusive

shells, features,

and the being,

absence of

jhnestone accounts for the few species of land shells found within the district.

Beyond its interest to the sportsman or naturalist, Malacca possesses

tions except to those who like to visit scenes famous in the annals of discovery for no attrac-

the bloody fights they have witnessed between the natives and the European nations-

who contended for their possession. Its population in 1931 was estimated at 186,711.


quartersarearesome 460 European residents in the Settlement, of whom at least three-


is shipped fortnightly bywithJapanese

The trade is largely Singapore


the Federated Malay The

to Europe. States,cultivation

but rubberof

tapioca was formerly the principal industry, but rubber is now extensively planted,


tion of large

tapiocacompanies having istaken

and gambier over rapidly

declining a number of smallof estates.

in favour coconuts andThe cultiva-


there being 200,000 acres under rubber and 48,133 acres growing coconuts, pineapple

and other fruits. The total value of foreign

for the year 1934 were $2,942,450 & $17,573,950 respectively.imports and exports of Malacca



Resident Councillor’s Office |

Resident Councillor—G. W. Bryant ; District Alor Gajah


Otfice Assistant—V. E.

Chief Clerk—Goh Kay Swee Dias District Officer—M. C. ff. Sheppard.

Assist. Collector

Yeo Seng Whatt,of J.M.

Land Revenue—

Bankruptcy Department Chief Clerk—R. de Rozario

Assist. Official Assignee—The A. P. of j Second Clerk—Lim Keng Jo

Land Bailiff—Ali H. Puteh

C. for the time being

Clerk—Woo Poh Meng Education Department

Chinese Protectorate Inspector of Schools—M. R. Holgate,

m.a. (N.Z)

Assist. Protr. of Chin.—G. W. Webb Malay

Clerk and Interpr.—Chan Choon Guan Haji OthmanInspr.—-Abdul Jalil bin


Coroner’s Department Chinese Assist. Inspr.—Huang Yang

Coroners—Harbour Master, Magistrate, YhigClerk—R. R. Spykerman


District Officer (Alor Gajah), Second Clerk—C. P. Retty

District Officer (Jasin), the District High School

Headmaster—L. A. S. Jennyn, b.a.


Revenue and the Collector of Land (Oxon) Masters—R. W. Watson-


Department of Excise Hyatt, b.a. (Hon.)

F. Bomford, b.a. (Oxon)(London) and R.

Supt. of Excise—F. Stanley Bandar Hilir English School

Senior Supervisor—E. V. Rodrigues I

Assist. Supervisors—K. Thambiah | Headmistress—Mrs. W. Richards

and Clerk—Chan

Jasmy b H. AbTeong

Hamid (acting)

Chief Hock Tranquerah English School

Headmaster—P. W. Tambyah

District Court (Civil) Principal, MalayN. Women’s

Centre— Miss Purdom Training

District Judge—A. Williams Headmaster, Trade School—B. V. F„.

Chief Clerk—A. Thomazios Richards


Harbour Department—Teleph. 98 Health Officer’s Clerkandand Deputy

Harbour Master — Lt. Comdr. J. C. Registrar of Births Deaths—A.

Derrick, r.n.r. J. Minjoot

Import and Export Office Deputy Health

Registrar Officer and Deputy

of Deaths—Dr. D. C.

Kegistrar—Lt. Comdr. J. O. Derrick, Richards

R.N.R. Lady Medical Officer—Dr. (Miss) J.

M. Mathews

Hand Office Matron—Miss M. H. Sanders

Collector of Land Revenue—J. R. Police Court (Criminal)


Assist. District Judge & 1st Magistrate—A.

F. M. Collector

Reins of Land Revenue— Williams

Police Magistrate—Lt.-Comdr. J. C.

Settlement Officers—G.

W. Sherrington Beatty and C. Derrick, r.n.r.

Chief Clerk—J. M. Shepherdson

Second do. — H. E. Sequerah

Land Bailiff—Abdul Kadir bin T. Police Department

Mahmood Supt.

Chief ofInspector—F.

Police—E. E.J. H.DaleBeck

Chief Detective Inspector—E. H. Tunn

Licensing Justices Inspectors — Central Division: R.

Chairman—District Judge Higgins,

Chota; Alor M. Boyle


Majid binE.

Members—Collector of Land Revenue, C. Smith and G. C. Ripley; Jasin

Senior Executive Engineer,

Chong Lek, E. Kong Guan, H. M. de Tan Divison Ibrahim bin Omar

Souza and Dr. B. H. Ong Chief Clerk—P. Piliay

Secy.—Controller, Govt. Monopolies Post Office, Malacca General


Curranof Sharp

Posts and Telegs.—W. J.

Malacca Agricultural Medical Board Engineer of P. & T.—C. G. R. Phillips

Chairman—J. F. S. Carmichael Assist. Supt.—S. Emmanuel

Members — Dr. E. V. Lupprian,

Seymour Williams, A. McKenzie,

Koh Keng Bock, m.b.e. and Loh Ad: Gaol Prison Department—Teleph. 219: Cable

Kim Swi Supt.—A. Williams

Secretaries—Sime, Darby & Co., Ltd. Medical Officer—Dr. E. V. Lupprian

Acting Gaoler—B. Nichol

Marine Department European Warder—W. H. C. Critchlow

Harbour Chief Clerk cfe Interpr.—Chia Kow Boon


r.n.r. — Lt. Comdr. J. C. Public Works Department

Steam Launch—Lady Evelyn Settlement Engineer—G. R. Percy


Fathom Bank, PulauRachado, Undan One

and Executive Engineer—R. E. Pitt

St. Paul’s Hill Chief Clerk—V. A. Sta Maria

Techn. Sub: Works—Anthony K. K.


1 .Medical Department

Clerk of Works—Khoo

Storekeeper— M. M. MenonKeng Poe

Chief Medical Officer, Supt. of Vac- Supt. of Furniture—Pang Teck Swee

cination, Inspector under Petroleum Draughtsman—Choo Ah Leong


Health W. Young

Officer and Registrar of Births Techn. Sub: Grade II—FernandoLeon

and Deaths—Dr. W. L. Blakemore Workshop Foreman—D. A. Smith


Specialist—Dr. A. C. Dutta Overseers—R. A. Gonzales, H. J. L.

i Assist. Officers—Drs. V. F. Dorville, F. H. Fernandis, S. B. K.

Xavier, Ooi Keng Lok, F. X. Oliver© Samy, Neo Cheng Liang and A. G.

Chong Paulus

ham Siong Joon and M. Doraising- Electrical Overseer—S. A. Laxman

Chief Wireman—Aziz bin Asari

Asst. Radiologist—Dr. B. J.

Dy. Pathologist—Dr. J. R. Jacob Ess Financial Clerk—Felix Leong

Chief Clerk—Cho Kim Tian Corres. Clerk—Mah Kim Yong

Contract Clerk—Yeo Tiong Hoe


Justices of the Peace The Settlement Engineer

A.■I. S.H.F.C.Carmichael

Allen, m.c, i, Mohamed bin The Health Officer

C- Milne The

The Drainage

Hon’ble Mr. andTanIrrigation Engineer

Uheng Lock

Haji Abdul H. E. Nixon The Hon’ble Mr. G. VViseman

Chan Rahnian | Ong

Kang Swi S. M. Peralta Bah Hin Mr. J. J. Johniston

L. A. ChitCy G. T.Kim

W. Per'kins Mr. Chi Sun Cheng

Demang Said bin i Pbh Tleoug Mr. Mohamed Alibin Maidin

Do! F. D. Sime Sheriff’s Department

A. H. Dickinson 1 H. M. de Souza Sheriff—A. Williams

F. M.Kong

Ee Edmonds

Guan Tan M. Striveus Bailitf—C. Ponnamblam Pillay

A. Gould Tan Cheng

Cheng Lock


Haji Abdul Ghani Tan Chong Lek Supreme Court

Registrar—A. Williams

bin Haji Abdul I Tan Seng Tee

Manan Chief Clerk and Deputy Registrar—

Tan Soo Hock

Ham Ah Yew

A. Hoops Teoh Tiang Chye ■ Lee Teck Chang

A.KohH.Keng KeunBock; j,,E.Yeow Kim Swee

G. Weir | Survey Department

N. L.K. Linden G. Wiseman

H. G. Kut Supt. of Surveys — Capt. C. T. M

‘ H. Lung W. J. 0. Sharp . Husband

Alex. Mackenzie X. C. Macmillan Assist. Supts. of Revenue Surveys—

Loh Kim Swi Lieut.-Col. A. A, Lermit, o.b.e., v.d.f

and G.‘C. Irving-

A. C. Wollaston Chief Clerk—Loh Chow Eng

Registration Office Tech. Sub.



Registrar Births and Deaths— ;I Techs.

Dr. W. L.ofBlakemore S. Muttiah,andTamby


bin Abdullah

Deputy Registrar of Deaths—Dr. D. ■ Techs. Sub. Gr. II.—K. Chittaiiipalam,

V. S. Chittampalam, Y. Thainbiah

C. Richards'

Deputy Registrar of Births and | C. Rajaratnam, Mohd. Salleh binr

Deaths—A. J. Minjoot Hamid, Baddr binKimMenuang,

Elyathamby, N. V..B.S.

Registrar’s Clerk—Chan Ah Ngin j Chandrapala, Ong Ong Bian Keat,Eng,

Rural Board, Malacca Ponnampalam

parapillai and M. Sitham-

Members of the Board :—

The Hon’ble Resident Councillor Treasury and Stamp Office



of LandAlorGajah

Revenue Assist. Treas.—J. R. Neave, m.c.s.

The District Office Clerk—Goh

Chief Assistant—Tan Tan Yew


The District Officer, Jasin

Allen & Gledhill, Advocates, Solicitors j ASSOCIATIONS, CLUBS AND


hill, Notaries

Malacca; Public—Cable Ad:. Gled-

Also at Singapore and j SOCIETIES, &c.

Muar Alor Gajah Recreation Club

President—M. C. ff. Sheppard

Anglo-Chinese School—l, Kubu Road: Secretary—A. Anthony

Affiliated Institutions:MethodistEnglish Jasin Recreation Club

School (Private) and Methodist Boys’ President— H. G.andHammett

Hon. Secretary Treasurer—E. M..

Boarding School at '461-463, Tranquerah de Rosario

Ho Seng Ong, b.a. (Lond.), f.r.g.s., Hon.

principal, and 15 assistants Hon. Auditor—JvF.



Tennis Captain—Yip Bin Sahak

Anglo French' and Bendixens, Ltd., Hockey do. —Yasawa Singh

Football do. —L. H. Danapala


290, Exporters —Godown

Pengkalan Rama; and Office:

Cable Ad : Billiard do.Captain--!.

—LeonardF. Theseira

Anglofing Badminton

Basketball do. —JamesdeCarvalho


C. A. Ttailton, manager Hon. Asst. Secretary—Lee Kee Siew


Malacca Chinese Chamber of Commerce Bata Rama;

Shoe Co., Ltd.—^Ta; Pengkalan

Cable Ad: Batabuy

—20, Tranquerah

Malacca Club—Teleph. 291 Borneo . Motors,Ltd.Ltd., and Borneo

President—E. C. Martin

Hon. Treasurer—E. F. G. Anderson Chevrolkt, — VVolferston Road.

Committee—C. T. M. Husband, C. V. Head Office: 68-70, Orchard Road

Singapore. Branches

Brandon, A.M. Drysdale, G. R. Percy Kuala Lumpur, Seremban and Malacca; at Penang,. Ipoh,

Hon. Secretary—V; Anderson Cable Ad: Borneocar ahd Borneochev

Malacca Golf Club—Links at Lereh, Cadet Corps (Recruited exclusively from

six miles from Malacca and one mile the High School) ,

front Tanjong Kling (Nine Holes)

j President—Hon. Mr. G. W. Bryant Chin Lkong, Chop, Rubber Merchants—

Captain—J. R. NeaveC. Irving 22,

Hon. Secretary—G.

Hon. Treasurer—E. F. G. Anderson ChinRiverside;

Leong Teleph. 355; Cable Ad:

Committee — E. C. Martin, P. McNee, YeoChanChiew





F. J. McAra and E. Nicoll

China Underwriters,

Malacca Govt. & Mun icipalServants’ Co- Marine, Accident, Motor Car and Gen- Ltd., Life, Fire,

operative Thrift & Loax Society, Ltd. eral Insurance—Head Office: Hongkong

Chairman — Hashim bin Hj, Abdul Chief Office, Bank

Southern Agencies


Hon. Secretary—Daniel K. C. Lim Hongkong Chambers, Singa-—

Hon. Treasurer—Gob Tan Teng pore

General Agents—Koh Keng Bock &

Malacca Library Co., 11, Blacksmith Street, Malacca

Chairman—Resident Councillor Chinese Kindergarten School (Church

Hon. Secretary

Chan ■ : and Treasurer—S. C. of Supt.—Rev.

England)—545S. ,Tranquerah;Teleph.

Committee—P. G. Pamadasa, Joseph, W. G. Elvins, b.a. 55

Mrs. H. Pallister Clarke. Mrs. D.


Jin Hyatt,R. C.S. Gould

Hoe, Mrs. H. Chia,and TanTan Cuing Keng Lee & Co., Ltd., Auctioneers

Eng Chye. , and

StreetFire Loss Assessors—21; First Cross

Malacca Planters’ Association. (Founded Chuan tfe Co., General Rubber Merchants

December, 1908) — 88; First Cross Street;

Chairman—W. A. Wilken

Vice-do.—J. F. S. Carmichael CuwT Chuan & Co.. Shipping

Committee—A. W. Coles,

Owen, A. McKenzie, J. J.R, Johnston

C. Lloyd mission

Teleph. Agents—No.

103;« able Ad: HeerenandStreet;

A, Chvvichuan Com-

and Hon. Mr. Tan Cheng Lock, Agents — S. S.. “ Marosa ” and S. S.


, Secretary—A. 31. Easson ‘‘Mabella ”


Branch)Society of St. George (Malacca, CHURCHES AND MISSIONS

President—G, Wiseman

St. Andrew’s Society, Malacca: (Con- Christ Church (Church of England)

Rev. L.Huang

St. G. Yang

Fetter Ying,


stituted 10th December, 1911) , Rev.

Priest (Honorary)

S. M. Raja Rethinam, Catechist

Atlas Ice Co., Ltd., The, Aerated Water,

Rice Millers, Ice and Rubber Manu- Con vent of the Holy Infant Jesus


Street, and Factory at Office: 18, Jonker

Bukit Gedong The Lady Superior—Sister St.. John

Baptist, and 24 Nuns .

Barbour, Ltd., E. A., Rubber Exporters— Convent —Banda,ofHilirthe Sacred Heart of Jesus-

Pengkalan Rama; Teleph. 335 Rev. Mother M. Rodrigues

C. V. Brandon, manager


1' jvKNCH Roman

iSt. Francis J. P. Frani^ois High

Catholic Mission

Church—Rev. School—Teleph. 163

St. Mary’s Church (Ayer Salak)—Rev. Head Master—L.

(Oxon), m.r.s.t., A.andS. 18Jermyn, b.a.



Muar, P. Francois

State of P.Johore (St. Andrew’s Masters

Chapel)—Rev. J. Francois m & m m

Segamat, State of Johore (St. Philip’s,


Labis, State of J.Johore

P. Francois

(St. Simon’s Hong Hin & Co., (Established in 1914),

Chapel)—Rev. J, P. Francois General Merchants, Commission and

Insurance Agents,

Auctioneers. General Estate Suppliers and

Class Stationery, SchoolDealers in: High

and Office Re-

Fkaser & Neave, Ltd., Aerated Water quisites, Electric Bulbs, Malacca Canes,

Manufacturers—Bukit Gedong; Teleph. Cartridges, Agents for Newspapers and


G. C.A.B.C. edn. branch mgr. Publications


Webster, Teleph. 74; —Cable 27, FirstAd:Cross Street;


Codes: Bentley’s Complete Phrase, and

George town Dispensary, Ltd., The, Second Phrase Code managing partner


gists and and Retail Chemists,

Opticians—9 Drug-

and 11, Rivei- EChua


. do.

side; Teleph. 70; Cable' Ad: Geeteedee Cheak


KuanTeck, do.

Hye, office assistant

E. Ivor Parrish, m.p.s., f.s.m.c., mgr. Chan Yee

Koh Korn,

Hin, salesmando. ; ; :

Gomes & Co., C. F.,andCompanies’ Secretary, Yong

Rubber Planter Commission Agent Goh Eng Kiat, collector

—137, Heeren Street; Teleph. 67; Cable

Ad: Cyrilgomes Hongkong

CorporationandRoad Shanghai inBanking

(Incorporated Hong-

Gould & Co., Ralph C., Advocates and kong)—Fort

Solicitors—36, Riverside; Teleph. 44 H. B. Willan, agent

Guthrie & Co., Ltd. (Established 1821, P. A. MacDougall, assist.

Incorporated in 1903 in Straits Settle- E. A. Mathews, do.

ments), East India and General Mer- Koh Keng Bock & Cd., Insurance and Com-

chants Agents branch manager mission

J. O. Wilson, Cable Agents—11,

Ad: Kohkengbok; Blacksmith Codes:


Harper, Gilfillan & Co., Ltd. (Incor- Bentley’s Koh KengandBock,


Code 5th Edition

porated in F.M.S.),

and Insurance Agents,Merchants,


Agents Agents for :

and The Liverpool and London and Globe

Mines. Head Office: KualaEstates

Secretaries to Rubber Lumpur.and

TheInsurance Co., Ltd.Office,, Ltd.

Branches atPortMalacca,

Seremban, Port Dickson,

Swettenham, Klang, The Sun


Underwriters, Ltd.


Ragan Anson,


and Taiping, Port Weld,

Utan Melintang.

Teleph. 50; Cable Ad: manager

Achan Malacca Commercial Press, Printers and

J. Paterson, acting Stationers—3,

Tay Hong Seng, Second Cross Street

managing proprietor

T3 & £ H MalaccaandElectric Lighting, Ltd., Gener-


ber Agency, (Established

Merchants, Commission Rub- ators

1919),Agents, for Power and Distributors

Light in ofMalacca—Re-


gistered Office:

Buying Agents and Shippers—Office : Singapore. Generating Station: Kubu French Bank Buildings,

27, First Cross Street; Godowns: 26, Road, Malacca; Cable Ad: Melco; Code:


Ad Street; Teleph.

: Chyecheng, Malacca;74; Codes:Cable Bentley’s

Bentley’s Complete Phrase and Second Directors—P.

a.m.i. mech. M. Robinson,andm.i.e.e.,

e. (chairman Con-


Hong CodeHin & Co., proprietors

Singapore Agency and C. Y. Bailey W. H. Macgregor

sulting Engineer),

Wee Chin Kam & Co.—14a, Change Resdt. Engr. & Manager—V. Chase

Alley Currier

Secretaries—Evatt & Co,


Malacca Guardian, Ltd., The—3, Ong 232

Dispensary—10, Riverside; Teleph.

Jonker Street; Cable Ad: Guardian Dr. B. H, Ong, proprietor

Proprietors of Yan Kee Leong, manager

“The Malacca Guardian,” Malacca’s

only Paper

Lee Sau Choon, manager

Woo Swee Mun, secretary Pitchay Bros., N. N., General Merchants

Wah Seong Press, Malacca’s Leading and Rice Importers—P.O. Box 83

Printers and Stationers

Yam Sye Choon, manager Rogers & Son, Advocates and Solicitors—

| Malacca Garage192 Co., Ltd.—81, 40,


Jonker Sreet; Code:FirstA.B.C.


edn. Cable Ad: Rogers;

1j Malacca Pharmacy

Road; Teleph. 202 —100, Bunga Ray Sime, Darby & Co., Ltd., Rubber Estate


General TinMerchants,

Mine Agents Importersand and Valuers,


MUNICIPALITY porters—4, Fort Road; Branches: Singa-

President—Hon. Mr. G. W. Bryant, Muar pore, and Penang

(State of (StraitsKuala

Johore), Settlements),


M.A., M.C.S. Seremban and Ipoh (F.M.S.), and Ku-

Commissioners—Tan Chong Lek, L. ching, Sarawak; Cable Ad: Simit

A. Chi tty, E. C. Martin, M.C., Chan London Agents—Shaw,

Teck Chye, J. R. Neave,M.c. and Haji

Mohamed Arshad bin Haji Omar Ltd., Winchester House,Darby & Co.,.

Old Broad

Secretariat— Street, London, E.C. 2

Directors—J. M. Sime, (Chairman),

Secretary, Assessor and Registrar of Major W. M. Sime, o.b.e., Lee Chim

Vehicles—H. Pallister Clarke, M.c., Tuan, T. F. Anderson Pole, c.A., A.

LL.B. M. Sellar, H. S. Russell, The Hon.

Chief Clerk—Chan Goek Eng Mr. Tan Cheng Lock, c b.e., and F.

Licensing Inspector—Lee Chee Sian M. Edmonds

Assistant Registrar of Vehicles— Secretary & Accounts—A. E. Lambert

Koh Guan Boo Visiting Agents—F. M. Edmunds and

Health Dept.— D. Anderson


CH.B.,Officer—W. L. Blakemore,

M.R.C.S , L.R.C.P., M.B.,

D.P.H., D.T.M. Manager—E. C. Martin

Estates Dept.—C. F. Smith, G. J.

Deputy Health Officer — D. C. Dickson,

McAra, g.a.D. A. Parrott and F. J.


Chief Sanitaryl.m.s.

Inspector—Choe Soon D. R.A. Burnham,

Parrot, import dept.dept.

Tee, a.r.s.i. J. shipping

Engineer’s Department— Souza & Co.,


E.S.I., A.M.Engineer—G.

INST. C.E. R. Percy, m.c., mission andH.Forwarding

M. de, Auctioneers, Com-

Agents, Valuers,

Asst, to Muni. Engi .— V. L. Batemen Street; Planters, Contractors, etc.—27, Church

Chief Clerk—L. H. de Costo Cable Ad: Herman Desouza

Building Inspector—Lok Kye Seah H.W.M.H.deMachado,

Souza, proprietor


Conservancy Overseer—E. D. Dass Agencies

Road Overseer—A. K. Nair

Town Overseer (Water Dept.)—S. S.

Vein Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada

Guardian (Fire) Assurance Co., Ld.

Veterinary Dept.— Ocean Accident and Guarantee Cor-

Veterinary Surgeon—C. W. Wells, poration, Ld.

B. S.C., North

suranceBritish and Mercantile In-

Inspector—W. Perejra, g.b.v.c.M.R.C.V.S^ Alliance

Co., Ltd.

Abattoir Dept.—

Supt.—Ong Kim Bock Dunlop Rubber Co. Co.,

Assurance (S.S.),Ltd.Ltd.

Fire Brigade Dept.— Ho Seng

New Giap Estate

Selandor Estate

Supt.—E. E. II. Beck (chief police Senang Hati Estate



Auditor—L. G. Corney m.c.s. (auditor, Stationery and News Supply Co., Ltd.

S.S; and F.M.S.) '—18, Riverside


Stkaits Ltd. — South Wah Seong, Press (Proprietors: Malacca

Reclamation Ground,Co.,Malacca


Sime Darby & Co., Ltd.,agents Guardian,

Printers andLtd.),Stationers—16,

Wholesale and Jonker


Ho Kim Toon, Chinese agent Street •


—TelephSoo Hock & Co.,Ad:General

185; Cable Merchants Yan Kee Leong, Designing, Cartooning

Tansoohock and Illustrating—10, Riverside

United Engineers, Limited (Incorporated


the Straits Settlements), Civil,

Mechanical, Electrical, Zehnder Bros., Advocates and Solicitors

Sanitary and Marine Engineers, —27, Church Street


Dredge and Founders—Office

Brass and Iron Ship Builders,:1, River-

Steel, H. R. S. Zehnder, barrister-at-law

side; Teleph. 31; Works: Banda

Teleph. 94; Cable Ad: TTniteers Hillir; W.(Gray’s

F. Inn.)

Zehnder, barrister-at-law

(Gray’s Inn.)


'1'he Protected States comprise four Residencies, namely, Perak, Selangor, : Negri

Sembilan and isPahang.

administration presidedThese

bvfer byhalvea British

been federated since the

Officer styled JulyChief

1st, 1896, and theto


Govelmment, who is subject to the High Commissioner to the Malay States, who is


nativeGovernor of the their

rulers retain Straitstitled


and dignity. EachThe StateFederal

has its Offices

own Resident

are atandKualathe

Lumpur, Selahgbi. The Federal Council was inaugurated,on DecoPther; 10th, 1909.

The record of these States is one of progress and prosperity. The States have over


ing milesincome;

of railway in the2,780

they have Malay


of metalled(paidroads,

for out

156 ofmiles

currentlrevenue), yield-

of upmetalled roads,

1,850 miles of bridle roads and paths; and the wire mileage

telephones is 25,491 (of which 13,293 miles of wire is in underground cables). Water- of telegraphs and

works, wharves, hospitals, prisons, schools, and maiiy other public, buildings have been

constructed, while the Government of Perak has carried out an important scheme


irrigation attheaalluvial

cost of about £200,000.

and theofThe principalrubber

sources of revenue and

producing are one-third of thetinworld’s

deposits,supply plantation

rubber. Tin has industry,

been worked the country

in the

Malay States for centuries and the F.M.S. have been for many years now the

largest producers of tin ore in the world. The deposits worked are for the most

part alluvial but the country also possesses lode deposits.



but the inintroduction

the Federatedof Malay

rubberStates for many

cultivation years hadtransformed

completely not proved


100 acres and over is approximately 1,650,000 acres,'of which 920,112 acres estates

agricultural prospects of the country. The area now in possession in are underof

ment is endeavouring to revive the industry by offering land on special terms.Govern-

cultivation for rubber. Sugar has practically gone out of cultivation, but the Over


are acres ofwell

peculiarly land suited,

are under

andcoconuts, for whichof the

the cultivation rice soil and aclimate

is only questionof these States

of irrigation

and labour. The success of every form of agriculture and of all the efforts of the


public works,toanddepends

develop the country by meanssupply

of railways, irrigation, and other greatof

the Colony of theupon an adequate

Federated Malay States, ofsupported

labour. byThetheGovernments

planters, have


recruiting and by offering higher wages and other advantages. AnnewAgricultural

in securing an adequate supply of Indian labour, by a system,.-of

ducts, to conduct experiments and to be a general source of information for new

Department to foster agricultural interests, to encourage the cultivation of pro-


is doing useful work.

In the Federated

English Malay conducted

States there are approximately 57,161 childrenInattending

to these and Malay

schools thereSchools

are a number- oforChinese

supported by the Government.

vernacular schools; supported;addition

by the


Ohinese themselves. In the three western States there is a law compelling the attend-

ance ofthere

years Malayhaschildren

been anatwho live within

increased reasonable

demand distance

by Malays of a school.andInEnglish


education. All, scholars schools under the supervision offorthevernacular

Education Department

are allowed to travel free of charge on the railways.

The population of the Federated Malay States was ascertained at the,census of 1921

to10 beyears


by 27.7compared

per cent,withand 1,036,999 in 1911.

the female The male

population population,

by 53.4 per cent.increased

Of theintotal


5,686 were Europeans, 3,188 Eurasians, 510,821 Malays, 494,548 Chinese

Indians. The returns for the bigger towns are as follows, the figures in parenthesis and 305,219

relating to 1911:—Kuala Lumpur, 80,356 (46,718); Ipoh, 36,872 (23,978); Taiping, 21,839-


Anson, 10,858Seremban,

(6,927).17,264 (8,667); Kampar, 12,335 (11,604): Klang, 11,656 (7,657) Telok



i High Commissioner—H.E. Sir Shenton Thomas, k.c.m.g., o.b.e.

H.H. the Sultan of Perak—Paduka Sri Sultan Iskandar Shah, o.c.m.g., K.c.v.o.r

ibni al-Marhum Sultan. Idris Rahmat-u’llah Shah

'i H.H. the Sultan of Selangor—H.H. Sultan Ala’idin Sulaiman Shah, g.c.m.g., ibni

al-Marhum Raja Muda Musa

H.H. the Yang di Pertuan Besar of Negri Sembilan—H.H. Tuanku Abdul Rahman

K.C.M.G., ibni al-Marhum Tuanku Muhammad

I H.H.Shah,

the c.m.g.,


of Pahang — H.H. Abual-Mu’tasim

ibni al-Marhum Baker Ri’ayatu’d-Din al-Mu’adzdzarn

Bi’llah al-Sul tan Abdu’llah

Chief Secretary to Government—Hon. Mr. M. Rex, m.c.s. (acting)

British Residents—

Hon. Mr.

Hon. Mr. T.G. S.E. Adams,

Cator, M.c.s.

M.c.s. (Perak)


Hon. Mr. J. W. W. Hughes, M.c.s. (Negri Sembilan)

Hon. Mr. C. C. Brown, M.c.s. (Pahang) (acting)

Official Members Unofficial Members

! President—H.E. the High Commissioner Hon. Mtr. H. B. Egmont Hake

jI!: (ex-officio)


Hon. the

the Chief


Residentsto Government

Hon. Daito Sedia Raja abdullah bin

Hon. the Legal Adviser Haji Dahan, c.b.e. (Undang of Rembau)

h Hon. the Financial Adviser Hon. Tengku Sulaiman ibni Al-marhum

Hon. the Controller of Labour Al-Sultan Ahmad al-Maazam Shah,

| Hon. the Commissioner, Customs & c.m.g. (Tengku Besar of Pahang)

| Excise Hon. Mr. S. N. Veerasamy

i) Hon. the Adviser on Education, Ma- Hon. Colonel C. Rae

lay States Hon. Mr. T. R. A. Windeatt

- Hon. the Secretary for Chinese Affairs Hon. Raja Abdul Aziz ibni al-Marhum

Hon. the General Manager, F.M.S. Raja Muda Musa, c.m.g. (Rajah

Railways Muda of Perak)

I Hon. the Adviser on Agriculture, Hon. Raja Uda bin Raja Muhammed,

\ Malay States M.C.S.

Hon. the Adviser, Medical Services, Hon. Mr. Chung Ah Ming

Malay States Hon. Mr. Lai Tet Loke

1 Hon. Major R. L. Nunn, D.s.o. (advi-

ser, Public Works, Malay States) Hon. Mr. E. D. Shearn

(acting) Hon. Mr. S. B. Palmer


Federal Secretariat Entomology

Under Secretary to Govt. F. M. S.— Entomologist—G.


H. Corbett, b.so.,

H. Weisberg, m.c.s. (acting) Asst. Entomologist—N. C. E. Miller,

1stL.Assistant Secretary to Government—

H. Gorsuch, M.c.s. (acting) F.

2nd Assistant Secretary to Govern- Rice Research Entomologist—H. T.

Pagden, m.a., f.r.e.i.

ment—A. J. Gracie, m.c.s. (acting)

3rd Assistant Secretary to Govern- Mycology

ment—A. H. P. Humphrey, m.c.s. Mycologist — A. Thompson, B.SCU


European Council Reporter—A. D. Assistant Mycologist—R,

B.SC., A.R.C.S. A. Altson,


Office Assistant—S. Sinnadurai

Clerk-in-charge—S. Arumugan Soils and Plant Physiology

Stenographers—Mohammed bin Sheikh Rice Soils Chemist—J. H. Dennett, b.sc.

Eusope and S. Setraduria .Research Chemist—R. G. H.

Wilshaw, b.a., b.sc., a.i.c.t.a.


WahidResearch Officer — Haji Abdul

bin Haji Jafar

Agriculture Dept., S.S. & F.M.S. Field Branch

Director of Agriculture, S.S., and

Adviser on Agriculture, Malay Chief Field Officer—F. W. South, m.a.

States—H. A. Tempany, c.b.e., m.f. State Agricultural Officers—F. Bir-

c., D.S.C., F.I.O., f.c.s. kinshaw, A. E. Coleman-Doscas,

Personal Assistant—H. D. Meads Dip. Agr. w.a., F. R. Mason, Dip

■Office Asst. & Acct.—Moung Choo Yah Agr. (H.A.A.C.), J. W. Jolly, Dip.

Research Branch Agr. (Hawkesbury), H. J. Simpson,

Chief Research Officer—W. N. C. Bel- b.sc. (Agr.) Dip Agr. (Wye) and J.

A. Baker, b.sc., a.r.c.s.

gfave, b.a., Cam. Dip. Agr. Principal. Agricultural Officers—J. A.

Agriculture Craig, n.d.a., c.d.a., a.i.c.t.a., H. H.

Agriculturist — B. Bunting, n.d.a., Tungku Hamid, b.a.

Yacob bin Suita;: Abdul


Senior Assist. Agriculturist—J. N. Agricultural Officers — J. Fair-

weather, N.D.A., U.D.A., E. A.

Milsum, f.l.s. Curtler, m.a., Cam. Dip; Agr., C. L.

Assist. Agriculturists—T. D. Marsh, Newman, b.sc., (Agr.)

n.d.a., J. Lambourne and J. L. G. Heath, b.sc. (Agr.) a.i.c.t.a., R.

a.i.g.t.a., G.

Greig, b.sc., b.sc., (Agr.) D. P. Olds, b.sc., a.i.c.t.a.. A. de K.

Chemistry Frampton, c.d.a., C. H. Burgess,

Chemist—B. J. Eaton, o.b.e., f.i.c., b.sc., a.i.c.t.a., H. K. Ashby, b.a.,

f.c.s., f.i.r.i. (Seconded to the SandsAgr.,

Dip. J. Cook, b.sc., N. H.

Rubber Research Institute of Mala- porary)and W. G. Higgins (Tem-

ya) ; C. D. Y. Georgi, o.b.e., b.sc., Malay Agricultural Officers — Raja

f.i.c. (acting)

Assistant Chemist—T. A. Buckley, Mohamed bin Raja Aman, Raja

Mahmud bin Raja Ali

m.sc., ph.d., f.i.c. . Economics, Publications and

Assist. Analyst—Gunn Lay Teik, b.a. Statistics Branch


Copra Investigations Agricultural Economist, Editor and

Officer in Charge of Copra Investiga- —D. Deputy Registrar-General of Statistics

tions—F. C. Cooke, a.r.c.s., b.sc., AssistantH. toGrist, Cam. Dip. Agr.

the Agricultural Econo-

A.M.I., CHEM.E. mist and Editor — H. L. Barnett

Economic Botany Agricultural Education Branch

Assistant Botanist—R. B. Jagoe, b.sc. Principal—G. E. Mann, m.c.,, m.a.

Rice Research Botanist—B. G. A. (McGill) Senior Lecturer V. Dawson, B.BG.

Lowe, m.a., Cam. Dip. Agr. Junior Lecturer—Mohamed Noor bin


Public Gardens Committee Senior Deputy Gommr.—J. Hobbs


Adviser on Agriculture, Malay States (acting) Assistant — S. Eliatamby

(Chairman), District Officer, Kuala

Lumpur and Ulu Langat, E. D.

Butler, Choo Kia Peng, j.p., c.b.e., Perak

C. R. Thurston, C* V. Van Dort Cable Ad: Decustoms; Teleph. 31

and B. Bunting (hon. secretary)

Audit Department Ipoh

' Auditor, S.S. and F.M.S.—G. P. Deputy Commissioner—F. J. Huett

Bradney, b.a., (on leave); L. G.

Corney, b.a., acting (Kuala Lum- Selangor and Pahang

S Deputy

pur) Auditor, S.S. & F.M.S.—-L. G.

Corney (Kuala Lumpur); H. T. CableandAd2213 : Decustoms; Teleph. 2212:

Hedley, a.s.a.a., acting (Kuala

Lumpur) Kuala Lumpur

- Senior Asst. Auditor—H. T. Hedley, Deputy Commissioner—H. W. Pheat

a.s.a.a. (Singapore); R. Macdonald,

1 M.c., acting (Singapore)

Assist Auditors—R. Macdonald, m.c. Negri Sembilan

(Singapore), G. G. Roberts (Pe-

\ nang), W. D. Charlton (Singapore), Cable Ad: Decustoms; Teleph. 85

S C. E. Pad don, a.c.a (Singapore), Seremban

(! J. H. Belderson (Kuala Lumpur)

and R. P. Green, b.a. (Singapore) Deputy Commissioner—S. G. H. Leyh

Subordinate Staff, S.S. - Senior Superintendents—R. M. Levinge,

T. R. Binnie, J. O. Connell, F. G.

Verification Officer—W. W. Bachelor Aplin,

1 (Singapore) m.c., E. H. Hime and H. de C.

Elton, v.d.

Junior Assist. Auditor—A. D’Aranjo Superintendents—A.

(Penang) W. Greaves, R. L.

J Junior Asst. Auditor—H. Rodrigues Cuscaden, L. R. Barnett-Smith, C. O.

t (Malacca) Williams, H. M. Trower, m.c., F. L.

Skilton, M.c., J. D. G. Morice, J. R.

Audit Office, F.M.S. M. Pickthall, G. Grubb, E. C. S.

\ Asst. Auditor Grade B—S. Kandiah Reid, Sichel, H. S. J. Lloyd, C. MacLaren

(Kuala Lumpur) R. S. Clemons, E. M. Sykes,

, Asst. Auditor Grade B—S. K. Tham- W. J. Walsh, D. P. Stokes, H. W.

H. Hannigan and W. H. Mac-

biah (Kuala Lumpur) Laughlin

Audit Office, Singapore.

Senior Asst. Auditor—H. T. Hedley, Assistant Superintendents—J. E. Mac-

a.s.a.a., R. Macdonald, m.o., acting Laughlin, I. I. Jeffries, M. B. Hol-

■ Asst. Auditors—R. Macdonald, m.c., land, J. , S. A. Lewis, D. G. W.

i C. E. Paddon, a.c.a., W. D. Charl- G. Rivez, H. R.A. Baker,

Montgomery, C.. Jeavons, G. F.

P. H. M.

ton and R. P. Green, b.a. Cooper, A. H. Gridley, D. G. Hall,

J Chief Clerk—A, V. de Souza T. G. D. A. Cooper, R. L N. Har-

Audit Office, Penang. ward, L. D. Darby and E. P. C.

i' Assistant Auditor—G. G. Roberts Langdon

Audit Office, Malacca. Customs Probationers—D. B. Palmer,

Junior Assist. Auditor—H. P. F. Whinney, D. J. Allen, Carr-

Chief Clerk—C. M. Lopez. Rodrigues Archer, A. W. S. Sim, A. D. Daw-

son, D. B. Coney, W. F. M. Avor

Customs and Excise and E, M. W. Wood

Head Office : Kuala Lumpur Chemist—H. Marsden

Teleph. 2212 and 2213; Cable Ad: —R. Matthews of Imports and Exporta

Assist. Registrar

Comcust Technical Adviser on Piece Goods —A.

Commissioner—(vacant) Boyd Officer—R. E. Bogle


Do. —J. Hobbs (acting)


Education Engineers, Signal and Telegraph—F. R.

Director:of Educ.,Malay

S.t S.-.and.•Adviser., Mahoney, m.i.r.s.e., Capb. R. Knight,

on Edvication, States—R- J. Financial m.i.r.s.e.

Morten Officer—F. WayA. Inspectors—A.

Smithers H.


E. C.Dir.

S. for Chinese

Adkins, m.c.' s . Schools, S.S.— Short,Permanent


H.J T.Guntrip,

Hack wortH.by,E:A.Girt,Dodd, L.

Assist. Director for Chinese Schools, F. Stilton, J; Collier* R. Anderson andP. E.F.


M. S.—S. M. Middlehrook, M.c.s.

Persona] Assist, to Director of Education G. E. Aggett


Chief M. Dorai RajKim Cheong ' Transportation Transportation Dept.

Chief Inspector of English Schools, S.S. m.i.t., Manager—

a.m.i.c.e., J. O.Civil

Cnartered Sanders,


and F. M. S.—J, Watson

Financial Clerk—Lim Boon Hoe gineer

Principal, Sultan Idris Training College Divisional

o.b!e. and Supts.—Major

A. Allan, W. H. Elkins,


for Teachers—O. T. Dussek

Head Master, Malay College (Kuala Kang- Traffic Assistants—W. D. H.A.Dillow,

Griffin, G. W.

sar)—C. Bazell

Art Superintendent—G. Burgess J.Bell,M. S.Bell,

J. Millen,

b.a. (Hons.), Cantab.,a.m.i.t,

A. F.

Technical School, Kuala Lumpur Bidhell,

Speaknian, A. H.

C. L. Lanman,

Murray, H. a.m.i.t..

E. T. P


Principal—H. T. M. Kent J.

Trade School, Kuala Lilmpur

Acting Principal—J. M. Fordbaun Goodrick Running Assists.—G. H.H.



Human, H. Davies, and G.

Motor Instructor—H. Geary Day-Lewis, E. Hibberd, H. P.

Yates, V; Beck and E. M. Rowland,

Federated Malay States Railways— b.

Kuala Lumpur c.

General Manager’s Department FinancialInspectors—W.

Traffic Officer—W. C,R,P.Brearley,


General Manager—D. H. Elias*

Secretary to- General Manager — G. L- A.Draper;m.c. G. S. Warren, I. H. AlsopE.andE-

Miller Lockey

Assist. Secretary—T. E Wells Locomotive

a.m.i.l.e., A.Foremen


J. Wenman, J. Trevett,

Chief Accountant’s Dept.

Chief Acct.—P. H.: Forbes: Latham,

L. A. G. Newman H. A. W. MineF. and


Depy. do. —D, Phi!p (acting)

Asst. Accountants—D. Philp, Majors Carriage Foreman—J. Holland

E. J. Soper, L. A. McGowan and Locomotive Nelson, andInspectors

J. Smith — A. Wilson, B.

W. L. Mussett Wharf Supt.— R. S. B. Unwin


Test Cashier—J. G. McGregorW. Shaw, C.

Inspectors—W. Mechanical Department

A. Dinnage, A. F. Long and R. U. J. Chief Mechanical Engineer — A. W. S.

Coppage Graeme,do.m.i.m.e.

Engineering Department Assist.' —W.F. Wegener, a.m.i.c.e.,

Chief Engineer, Way and Works- Financial ’c.c.e. Officer—P. W. Redfearn

Major J. C. G. Spooner, m.c. Mechanical Engineer—H.


J. W. Lewis,anda.m.i.c.e.

New Works Engineer—

(chartered m.a. (Cantab.),

civil Carriage a.m.i.l.e. M. Le Fleming,

engineer) and Wagon Assist.—H. B. Gifford,

Divisional Engineer—R. H. A. Jeff Works, A.M.I.M.E. ,

(Senior District Engineer;—G, S. Workshop Assist.—J. F. Edington a.m.em.e.

Helps (acting) , . !

District Engineers — Capt. ' E. G. J.O. Matheson, , ’ . Hallard,Foremen—S. Dew,C.W.

H.A. C.J. Ives, L.Fowies,



J. E.



Brpwn, b.sc,* a.jij’.c.e. (g.c.E,-), H;B. J. Poynton and H. Foster

Allison, Capt. A, E. Fawcett,: b.a., b.a.i., Electrical Assist.— J. W. Dunlop

a.c.e. (c.c.E.), J. m.i.c.e.

L. F. Fenwick, a.m.i.c.e. (c.c.E.), J. Cruikshank, a.m.i.

(c.c.e.), Stores Department

b. J. P. Dockray, a:, G. C. Wahnsley, Stores Supt.—W.

b.a.i., J. Mahony,

Asst. do. b.sc.,—W. E. Williams (acting)


E. Williams

e. (c.c.e.), D. G, Mack, b.c.e.

(Melb.), H. S. Haskins, m.o., a.m.i. Financial Officer—L. Richardson

n.E. and W. N. C.‘ Steele;'B.a., b.a.i* Store-keeper—L. R,E. Curram

Stores Assist.—C. Jackson


Railway Police Deportment Deputy Game Warden,/ Pahang—H. J.

Assist. Kitchener

W. D.Coramissioner,

Hall Railway Police—C. Game Warden, Perak—A. H. Fether-


'European Police Inspectors—D. O’Mahony Hon. Deputy Game Wardens, Selangor—

| and R. P. J. Rycroft H. M. Pendlebury and 0. E. Jackson

Health Department Geological Survey

Health Officer,B.A.O.Railways—C.

M.B., B.CH. J. Boyd.

(Betfast) D.P.H., Cable Ad: Geology, Batu Gajah

D.T.M. Director—E. S. Willbourn

Forest Department Mining Geologist—F.

Chemist—J. C. jS,hentonT. Ingham

(F.M.S. & S.S.)

TDirector of Forestry, S. S. and Adviser on Government Printing Dept , F.M.S. >

[ Forestry, Malay States—.1. P. Mead Superintendent—W. H. Wyatt

| (Kuala Lumpur') AssistantPrinter—H.

Printer— H. T. Ross(acting)


[ Deputy Director of Forestry, S. S. and Second Holland

[; States—J.

Deputy Adviser on Forestry,

1ST. Olinhant. m.b.e. Malay Binding Foreman—H. Holland

[ Conservators of Forests—A. E. San- Machine Foreman—N. Richardson ' '

Chief Clerk—Pat. Sta. Maria

JI Watson,

srer-Davies.D. A.H.E. Hodgson

Rambaut,andJ. G.C.

s. Smith . Judicial

(Deputy Conservators of Forests—T. Judges Chief Justice—L. H. Elphinstone,N.k.c.H. P.

ij A. Strong, A. B. S. Boswell, G. Whitley, m.c., W.Farrer-Manby,

— P. A.

? Wilkinson, H. C. Dolman, J. P. Prichard, k.c. H. Thorne and H. W.

I Edwards. H. J. T. Bonar. G. W.

Somerville, E. J. Strugnell, E. J.

I Shrubshall, D. B. Arnot, C; C. L. Labour Department, S.S. & F.M S

Head Office : Kuala Lumpur

f Durant and J. S. Addison

.Asst. Conservators of Forests—A. B. Contr. of Labour, Malaya—C. D. Aheame

j Walton, M. L. Webber, D. S. P. Stenographer—Miss Chief Clerk—R. Murugasu ,

A. Dumaresq

[ Noakes, C. F. Symington, J. S.

» Smith, J. C. K. Marshall, F. G. Sub-Offices:—

I Browne, C. Cairns, F. S. Walker, Kuala Lumpur

i; A. J. Fyfe, R. C. Barnard; C. O. Deputy Controller of Labour—E. A Ross

Flemmich, P. E. Carcenac and F. Extra Assist. Controller: pf Labour—R.

; H. Landon

I Forest Engineer—W. F. Chipp, d.s.o., ; Gopalayer Klang

| M.C. Assist. Controller of Labour—T. F. Carey

| Asst. Engineer—A. Y. Thomas

Timber Purchase Officer—B. S. Mee Extra Assist. Controller of Labour—T. P.


1 Wood Technologist—H. E. Desch Seremban

Extra-Asst. Conservators of Forests,--

| C. Foston, V. L. Bain and E. C. Assist! Controller of Labour, Negri Sem-

bilan—H. W. Nightingale

| Foenander Ipoh

Sub-Asst. Conservators of Forests—

ji Chan Gin Ghee, Mohamed Alwy b. Assist. Controller of Labour—K.A. Blacker

Suleiman, P. J. Johnson, Mohd. Extra Contr. of Labour—N. A. Appan

I Harun b. Taib, Mahidin b. Moha- Singapore

j med Rashad, Alii b. Hussain, Tan Extra Assist. Controller of Labour—

| Seng Teong and C. L. Carrier J. T. N. Handy


!( . Game Department Assist. Controller of Labour — H. W.

(Wild Life Preservation) N ightingale Penang

jP H onorary Chief Game Warden, F. M. S. Depy. Contr. of Labour—J. M. Barron

|| Si S. S., and Game Warden of Perak, Assist. Controller of Labour— R. C. S

I; Selangor, Negri Sembilan and Pahang Harris

-T. R. Hubback


Madras Central Menial Hospital

Emigration Commissioner for Malaya— Tanjong Rambutan

C. Wilson Medical Supt.—Dr. J. W. Murdoch

Negapatam Selangor

Assist. Emigration Comr.—W. J. K. Stark State Medical & Health Officer—Dr.

R. B. MacGregor

Mines Department, F.M.S. Deputy State Medical. & Health Offi-

cer—Dr. J. H. Bowyer (acting)

Warden of Mines, F. M. S.—H. G. B. Surgeon

Sr.Harris (acting)

— Dr. J. A. P. Cameron

Warden of Mines, Perak—G. T. Holford Anaesthetist—C. P. Allen


Macdonaldof Mines, Selangor — A. G. Medical Superintendents Sungei Bu-

Warden of Mines, Pahang—A. E. Kershaw W. loh Settlement—Drs. G. A. Ryrie & :

Hughes (acting)

Sr.L.Inspectors of Mines—A. T. Bennetts,

A. Smith and Capt. C. F. S. Jameson ter andOfficers—Drs.

Medical J. W. Winches-

Inspectors of Mines — A. Bean, J. San- M. L. Bynoe

derson, R. F. Shutes, A. H. M. Cretch, Were and Miss C. B. Smith M. J.

Lady Medical Officers—Mrs.

G. F. Gripper, C. T. Thomas, Ian L. Health Officers—Drs. R. D. Cross, J.


Inspectors G. S. Mottram

Ma chinery—J. P. C. Grey and R. C. Burgess

H. A. Trowell, Dental

T. Parker, H. Lawson, W. O. Hunt, Pharmaceutical Surgeon—Dr. C. F. Mummery


W. Ridley, R. P. Cooke and A. E. lard Chemist—A. H. Mil-

I. M. O., F. M. S. — Capt. S. Ramplen European Steward, Quarantine Camp.

I. Jones

M. O., Perak—Capt. G.'A. Bentinck Port Swettenham—C. H. Hewat

F.M.S. Railways

Health Officer—Dr. C. J. Boyd

Selangor Museum Negri Sembilan

Curator and Systematic Entomologist- State Medical & Health Officer—Dr..

H. M. Pendlebury W. J. Moir (acting)

Perak Museum Medical Officers—Drs. L. E. Vine and

Field Ethnographer—H. D. Noone G. M. Graham

Lady Medical Officer—Mrs. W. H.


Medical & Health Department, Health Officers—Drs. C. H. Williams

F.M.S.. and R. F. Pinson

Perak Pahang

State Medical & Health Officer—Dr.

State Medical & Health Officer—Dr. Medical H. P. Hodge (acting)

J. I. Baeza Officers—Drs. J. E. McMahon

Deputy State Medical and Health Health and L. F. Day

Officer—J. P. Fitzpatrick (acting) Officers—Drs. R. E. Anderson

Surgeons—Drs. C. S. Wilson (on and E. D. B. Wolfe

leave) and F. S. Lgwrie (acting)

Medical Officers—Drs. D. M. McSwan, Police, F.M.S.

J. J. O’Grady, C. T. MacCarthy, Commissioner—C; .H. Sansom

A. Bearblock, R. A. MacNab, H. Deputy Commissioners — H. A. M.

Scrimgeour and P. E. F. Routley

Lady Medical Officers—Mrs. L. J. Thomas, M. LI. Wynne, N. L.M. A.L.

Griffin (on deputation),

Bentinck, Mrs. I. A. M. Smallwood, Lindon, E. Bagot, J. Parke, J. D.

Miss E. A. Robertson and Miss E. Hussey and J. D. Dailey (on de-

M. O. Will putation)

Health Officers—Drs. R. S. Johnston, Assistant Commissioners—L. H. Hartr

W. E. Holmes, R. G. Spink, T. G. B. Linford, L. A. G. Morriss, H.

Evans and I. D. Gebbie B. Langworthy (on deputation), G.

Pharmaceutical Chemist—A. Y. Hitch W. Lawes, T. F. H, Kemp, C. W.


D. Hall (on deputation), C. S. Director of Telegraphs & Telephones

Kinder, B. M. B. O’Connell, W. A. & Engineer-in-Chief—V. H. Winson

C. Haines, C. R. Morrish, E. W. Controller, Singapore—F. Blackwell

Mumforcl, E. C. Tidy, J. Gardiner,

D. P. Macnamara, R. Burns, J, B. Accountant .General—11. Graham

J. Birch, E. P. Colgan, R. Kingsley- Assistant


Engineer-in-Chief — W. R.

Bell (on deputation), H. G. Bever- Deputy Accountant Gen.—T. Mb!ley

ley, J. N. M. A. Nicholls, G. R. Controllers—E. A. Staines. G. Savage,

Livett, K. J. N. Duthie, E. M. Mac- B. J. Freeman and E. W. Hide

Donald, C. T. W. Dobree (on depu-

tation), L. G. Valpy, L. H. Pearce Senior Engineers—B. W. B. Powell,

(on deputation\ R. W. E. Harper, W. A.

C. G. Galloway, G. F. Morice,

H. Carson and J. P. Morton

R. O. W. M. Davis, G. B. Folliot. Superintendents

A. C. Maxwell, J. A. Cresswell, T. Ford. W. J. C.— Sharp. J. Green, G. J.

W. Gilliam,

Q. Gaffikin (on deputation), H. P. K. MacLennan, A. C. Wollaston, A.

Armstrong (on deputation), I. D. E. Ashton, G. C. Allen, W. B. Hall,

MacDonald. I. S. Wylie, J. M. M. R. D. Rowswell, T. H. Newey, L.

Maclean, G. E. Devonshire, H. J.

Barnard, L. D. E. Cullen (on depu- Isaacs, A. W. Perry, B. N. Flavin,

tation), R. H. Harrison, E. A. G. J.Flight,

Macintosh, W. H. Olive!', W. F.

R. F. B. Gurr, J. G. Evans,

' Anderson. J. R. C. Denny, P. H. D.T R. P. Whyte,

Jackson, R. C. R. Humphrv, R. W . Bowden. W. A.H.Cooper, W. Mitchell, C. B,

B. Nevland,

i Calderwood, J. L. H. Davis, F. A. W. G. Griffiths, D. Smith,

S. Caldwell, G. C. Madoc, P. H. Edyvean and F. A. Thomson. R. C.

i O’Flvnn, F. Wallace. H. F. Ridley, Engineers—A. A. Strachan, C. G. R.

P. H. Andrews, F. K. MacNamara,

G. Denison-Smith. M. Foster, C. FT. Phillips, G, Wilde, E. E. Sproul,

R. Gibson, L. F. Wilkinson, G. C.

Godwin, V. W. Powell-Evans and O’Farrell, O. F. J. Watkins, H. E.

I J. R. Cole

; Assist. Commissioners (Malay)—Raja Cornish, E. L. Spooner-Liliingston,

C. FI. Parnell, R. E. Roberts, G. W.

Abas bin Raja Tahir. Syed Chik Bristow, J. C. Dallow & W. Stubbs

Mohamed bin Syed Abdullah, Lamin

bin Kassim and Abu Bakar bin Engineer, Wireless—J. W. Machan.

Superintendent, Stores & Workshops

Baginda —H. Miles

l Probationary' Assist. Commissioners Assistant

—N. G. Halsey, D. W. Yates, J. N. Watts, P.Engineers, Wireless—L. R.

D. Harrison, R. C. Ehrke, D. J. Oakes and W.H. C.F.GeeGeorge, W. G.

Hargreaves, A. J. W. Slater, W. L.

R. Carbonell and C. S. K. Bovell Assistant Stores Superintendent—J.

■Chief Inspectors—D. O’Mahony (on T. Avery

| deputation), S. E. Smith and D. R,

! L. P. Matheson Public Works Service, Malaya

l Inspectors and Probationary Inspec- Civil Engineering Establishment

tors—T. A. Chilcott, A. Pearce, A.

i E. Jakeman, D. FT. Livingstone, Y. Director of Public Works, S. S., and

J C. Seedwell, R. P. H. Rycroft (on Adviser, Public Works, Malay

i deputation), W. Elphinstone, N. B. States—Major R. L. Nunn, d.s.o.,

Thomas, R. Ackrill and H. B. J. M. INST. C.E., M. INST. W.E. (acting)

(' Donaldson /

, Chief Drill Instructor—G. C. Grace Deputy Director of Public Works, S.

S.—C. J. Parker, m.c. inst. c.e.

f Armourer—W. H. J. Talbot (officiating)

State Engineer, Perak—A. V. Gib-

j Posts and Telegraphs, Malaya bings, a.m.i.c.e.

State Engineer, Selangor—H. T. N t-

i! Fleadquarters—Kuala Lumpur cholas, M.I. STRUCT. E.

| Director-Gen. of Posts & Telegraphs, State Engineer, Negri Sembilan—W.

Malaya (Civil Service, Class IA)— J. Smith

T. P. Coe, m.c., m.c.s. (acting) State Engineer, Pahang--E. D. Kib-

Director of Posts—H. J. Harris ble, M.I. C.E.


State Engineer, Johore—F. M. G. C.e., ■ N. G. Ferguson, B.sb., G.

McConechy, b.so. : R. Pape, b.eng., (Hons.), H. A.

State Engineer, Kelantan—E. O’D. ciate Rote, a.c.g.i., L. R. Davies, Asso-

Burke Gaffney, b.eng. (acting)' in Engineering, (Sheffield), J

Senior Executive Engineers—S. J. &cv.e., M. Billing, b.sc., a.m.i.c.e., a.m.i.m.

W. Gooch, a.m.i.c.e., A. V. Gibbings, C. Williams, O. L. Stephens* b,sc., E. R.

a.m.i.c.e., F.M.G. McConechy, b.sc.. b. a.m.i.c.e., J. J. Bryan,

a.m.i.c.e., F. G. Coales, m.i.c.e.. c. e., P. O. Connell, b.eng.,

m.i.s.e., J. F. Roberts, b.a.. (Can- cott. b.sc. and E. T. S. King, B.EttG.

tab.), R.’ C. W. Drew. b.a.. b.a.i., Electrical

a.m.i.c.e., R. H. McCleland,; l.c.e. A.M.I.E.E. Erigjn^er-^G. H. N. Reay,.

(Dub.), T. G: Husband, b.sc.,

m.i.c.e., P. A. Molloy, M.I.C.E., Assistant Thomas

Electrical Engineer—A. O.

m.i.w.e., G. C. Bedington, m.i.c.e., Government ArcKitect—F. .Dorrington

F. S.I., M.I.M. & Cy.E., Ward, F.R.I.B.A., W.


W. Davidson, m.c., m.a. (Cantab.), Assistant

m.i.c.e., a.m.i.m.e., I. D. Robertson, A.R.I.B.A.,Architects—T.


W. Y. May,

F. A. Mallard,

A. M.i.c.E., G. C. W,f.r.i.b.a. Davson,anda.m.i.o.e.

C. H. Short, a.r.i.b.a.

and J. B. MacLachlan, M.c., m.sc., Mechanical Engineer—R. Austin* a

B. ENG., A.M.I.C.E. ■I.M.E.

Executive Engineers—W. H. Hipwell, Assist. Mechanical Engineer—J. M,

G. R. Percy, m.c., a.m.i.c.e., f.s.i., Fordham, b.a,, a.m.i.m.e.

H. M. S. Haughtoh, b.sc., m.i.c.e.,

T. R. Hutton, a.m.i.c.e., J. M. Factory M. Duncan

Foremen—W. Taylor and T_

Noble, a.m.i.c.e., F. W. M. Burr. Superintendent, Stores & Furniture,

a. m.i.c.e., E. O’D.Singapore—F. Burke Gaffney, W. Couch

b. eng., O. S. Webb, m.c., M.i.M.&cy.

e., m.i.s.e., J. O. Plunkett, m.i.c.e., Workshop Foreman, Kedah—W. L.

F. J. Button, W. Laurie, a.m.i.m. Davison

& cy.E., S. Tonkin, b.eng., a.m.i.c.e.,

a.m.i.m.e., W. H. Roberts, J. S. Survey Department, F.M.S. & S.S.

Boissier, b.sc., m.i.w.e., L. C. Cha-

sey, M.c., W. G. Stewart, b.sc., Office—Kuala Lumpur

a. m.i.o.e., W. A. Kirk, a.m.i.c.e., W.F.M.S.

M. McCrae, I. Harpur, a.m.i.c.e., Surveyor General, and S.S.—J.

F. C. Holland, b.sc;, a.m.i.c.e., J. B. DewarSurveyor General, F.M.S. & S.S.—

W. Fairchild, b.sc., W. H. Lindsay, Deputy

b. sc., a.m.i.m. &W. F. N. R.Bridges


White (acting)Hide,

(on leave); A. R.

a.m.i.c.e., !R. H. Steed, a.m.i.c.e,, Assist. Surveyor General, F. M. S. &

G. Edwards, a.m.i.c.e., E. A.

Gardiner, b.sc., a.k.c., a.m.i.o.e., S. S.—C. E. Bone

a. m.i.s.e., D, Accountant—R, M. McDiarmid, C.b.sc.,Lemmon

b. sc., A. E. Fallows,

G. S. Thatcher, a.m.i.c.e., J. H. Senior Superintendents—Perak: A. R

West, a.m.i.c.e., F. Keir, b.sc., G. bington (acting);D.S.G.),

White (acting R. A. Stu-

Singapore: C. Y.

C. Hesketh, b.sc , E. N. Dimmock, B. Sewell

b.eng., a.m.i.e., J. W. S. Anderson, Superintendents—Selangor & Negri

B.SC., a.m.i.c.e., A.R.S.I., K. Nanki- Sembilan : J. A. Spowers; Pahang:

vell, b.sc., a.m.i.c.e., R. E, Pitt, b.sc., P. M. Leckie (acting); Penang : IT.

a. m.i.c.e., J. G. Davies, b.so,. a.c.g.i.,

E. B. Nisbet, a.m.i.c.e., A.G. Cooke, C. Abraham;Johore: Malacca: C. T. M.

B.ENG., a.m.i.c.e. and E. E. Hodges, Husband; H. H. Cobon

(acting); Kedah: T. Kitching; Ke-

B.SC. lantan : G. D. Barron (on leave),

Assistant ( Engineers — G. Morgan, W. H. E. Neil (actg.); L. D. Meyer

b. sc., a.m.i.c.e., A. Wear,Asst.b.sc.,Supts.—Kinta

J. A

T. Horsley, b.eng., a.m.i.e., (Aust.), Senior : W. H. E.

A. H. Couser, b.sc., a.m.i.c.e., F. E. Neil Watson

(acting Supt. Kelantan), O,

(acting) ; Singapore: F. A.

B. Murphy, b.sc., a.m.i.w.e., a.m.i. Fendall


Asst, SuRts.—Headquarters : C. Noble, Office ray

Assistant, Penang—S. Appudo-

R. A. Simcock; Topo Branch: I. C. Technical

Booth, R. H. Williams; Rerdk: G. Perak: V.Subordinates (’Special) —

Kanapathypillai, S. Aya-

L. Gibson, C. T. L. Goodchihl,b F. 1 dorai; Headquarters:, S. Srinivasa

E. G. Caswell; Selango] r G. H. Iyer; Pahang: N. Sabapathy; Sin-

Sworder, W. P. Ayilward, A. Gra- gapore : A. Elayathamby Penang:

ham] Negri Sembilan; J. K. ] Ram- S. Murugasoe,, J, A., Navaratnasin-

say; Pahang: L. S. Himely ; Singa- gam, K. Arumugam; Malacca: U.

pore : J. H. C. Read, H. L. Ward, Thuriappah

E. T. F. Elbury, b.so., L. A.

Laffan, b.sc., J. V. T. CamPbell,

b.sc., R. P. Kelly, b.a,, b.a.i., J. L. Town Planning Department

Chambers, b.a,, b.eng. , R. H. A. Selangor Perak and Negri Senibilan—

Johnson, b.a.t., R, D. McIntyre,

B. sq.. W. L. Midford, B^SC., Office—Kunla

R. P. Lumpur

Bradley, b.sc., a.c.g.i., a.m.i.c.e.. R, Town

M.T.P.I., M.'fe.&I. P, Davis, m.i.m, & c.E.r


G.. lies, b.sc., a.m.i.c.e., M. T B. Hem- Chief Clerk—A. S. Ra jaratriam

ber, A.M.I.C.E., A.M.I.M. & GA .E., J. R, Chief Draftsman—A. Manuelpillay

Spence, b.sc., H. W. Begbie, b.sc.,

a. m,i c.e., G. J. O’Grady,. b.eng., H.

L. D. Tucker, b.sc.y a.m.i.c.e., F. S. Treasury . Department,, F. M. S.

Wayman, B.sc., A. B. Paterson, Financial Adyiserand Treasurer, E,M,S.—

b. sc., a.m.i.c.e., E. W. Houston, L. Raymau. (acting)

b.sc., A. D. Campbell, • b.sc., R. J. Assist.

Bee, b.a., a.m.i.c.e., a.c.g.i., S. A. (act ing)Treasurer, F.M.S.—A., Slc?P

Jordan, b.sc., b.a.i., a.m.i.c.e., D. J.

Davies, b.eng.. A. L. McCltire, B.sc., A ccounting Office

A.M.f.c.E., F. Y. Murdock, b.a., b.a.i.,

A. Inglis, a.m.i.o.e.. C. R. Hawkins, Accountant^—M.

Clerk i c Agency


Accts. — S. Kandiah

m.a., A.M.I.C.E., E. T. Dean, b.sc., A. , (acting) ■. , : Kathirayelq,

P. Mayne, b.a., b.a t., G. IT. Caldi-{ Clerks,Class I—M.-Apa,qhv,V. "■

R. E. Gray, G. C. Stubbs : Penang: ! and S. Kanapath^pilia^ •

G. L. Jerram; Malacca : A. A. Ler- Assistant Treasurer's Office and

mit,, G. ^C. Irving; Johqre : A. G. State 7Vea,swry—Selangor

Billing, C. D. Pearson, A. H. W.

Lilly, B. P. Walker-Taylor, R. A. State Treasurer—A, Sleep (acting) ,

Terry, H. W. Flamilton, A. McG. Officer i/c Checking Branch—M. Nunis

Clark-Walker, A. G, Robb,. J. D. Chief Clerk, Federal Treasy.—J. T.

Richardson, T. R. Blackman; Ke- Tlnunby Dorai , ,

dah : B. Cooper, P. H. Bonnet, P. State Treasury—I’erak

H. Goss, R. K. A. Bruce; Kelantan :

R. Wilson; Trengganu: J. A. Tul- State Treasurer—K. R." Blackwell (W.

loch; G. M. R. J ackson (on leave), J. Peel,'acting)

C. C. Best, E. G. Farrington, J. W. Clerks, Class 'I — Lim Kin Yin and Soo

Morphett, R. B. Horner, K. L. Ah Kheng

Bedlington, W. K. Wilton State Treasury—Negri Sembilan

Chief Draftsman—E. Shadgett

! Chief Photo ^Lithographer — W. H. State Clerk,,

Treasurer—K.”A. Suppiah

.ClassI—Tan,Eng Khoou

I, Noble

j Lithographic Draftsman—J. Moir State 7Veas«ry—Palumg

■ Instrument Repairer—M. F. Cameron State Treas.-r-Y- Kanapathy Pillay

(acting) |Clerk, : f , J—K.: Arunasglain


! MeteorologicaX Breineli Cotps' of Accountants

Superintendent—C. D. Stewart

;( Meteorological Offieers^A. Grimes, C. Accountant, Elefetrical Dept.--G. G.

A. Lea and S. G- G- Kelliher T. Browne

Survey Depqrtjjient

Asst. Surveyor-i n-charge, Pahang—P. Accountant,

Lemmon •; Survey. Dept. — R. C.

Sinnappu Accountant, P.W.D., F.M.S.—K. Reed



Chamber of Commerce, F.M.S. Co operative

Auditor Marketing Officer—M.

and Accountant—R. E. CoxDukes

Kuala Lumpur, Selangor; Superintendent.—M. Thambinathan

Cable Ad: Commerce Urban Co-operation Officer, F.M.S.—

General A. K. Isaac

LutnpurSecretaries—Evatt & Oo„ Kuala Perak

General Committee—W. G. O. Blunn Senior Co-operative Officer, Perak—

(president)’ J. L. Hope, E. H. H. (vacant)

Everest, L. J. Peace, H. W. Hughes,

Hon. Col. C. Rae, and R. E. Malay Buntar — Abdul Majid Krian,

Co-operative Officer. bin Parit


Lancaster Mohamed

IpoJi Branch Malay Co-operative Officer, Bagan Serai—

Committee—J. L. Hope (chairman), Malay Haji Abdul Rauf

Hon. Col. C. Rae, R. E. Lancaster, North,Co-operative Officer, Taiping

Taiping—Wan Zarazillah bin

M. B. Oliver, J. McLeod, D. J. Haji Wan Ismail

Flembing, S. T. Rees, B. N. Bintley Malay Co-operative Officer, Dalai


and A. C. Godding South, Taiping—Mohamed bin

Secretaries—Evatt & Co., Ipoh Haji Suboh

Selangor Branch Malay Co-operative Officer, Lower Perak,

Committee—W. G. C. Blunn (chair- Teluk Mahadi

Anson—Raja Musa bin Raja

man), L. J. Peace, H. W, Hughes, Malay

E. H. H. Everest, D. Sear and D. Mohamed Hussein binOfficer,




W. Henderson Selangor


Malay Co-operative Officer, Selangor

—Pateh Akhir bin Mohamed Sah

Chamber of Mines, F.M.S. Indian Co-operative Officer, Selangor I—

Towers Chambers—Ipoh P. S. Lourdes

Indian Co-operative Officer, Selangor IX

President—Hon. Mr. C. L. Green —M. Rajaratnam

Vice-do. —A. J. Kelman Negri Sembilan

Council:— Malay Co-operative Officer, N. Sembi-

Perak—J. T. Chappel, Colonel G. M. bin Tengku Mohamed Syed Ahmad

lan, Seremban—Tangku

P. Hornidge, o.b.e., m.c., v.d., E. E.

G. Boyd, Leong Sin Ham, m.s.c., Indian Co-operative Officer, N. Sem-

j.p., m.c.h., Lee Sw^e Hoe, J. H. bilan, Seremban—G. V. Thaver

Rich, J. Ranc and C. S. Kneebone Pahang

Selangor—C. J. Rowe, H. A. Coates, Malay Co-operative

Chao Kia Peng, c.b.e., Major L. Tahir bin Stia RajaOfficer—Mohamed

Vaughan and A. A. Henggeler

Negri Sembilan—E. F. Harris Penang

Pahang—V. B. C. Baker

Secy.—A. C. J. Towers, f.l.a.a., f.o.t.s. Assist. Director of Co-operation (North)

—G. Hawkins, M.c.s.

Chief Clerk—M.

Malay A. Bakar Officer — Abdul


Co-operative Societies Department, Indian WahabCo-operative

bin ArshadOfficer—P. T. Nathan


Head Office: Kuala Lumpur Singapore

Director of Co-operation and Registrar, Assist. Auditor and Acct.—Goh Wee Pah

Co-operative Officer—T. Sivapragasam

F.M.S. and S.S.—R. Boyd, m.c.s.


Assist. Assist, toofDirector—V.J.H. Brunt

Co operation (South) Malacca

—G. L. F. Bird, m.c.s. Malay Co-operative Officer, Alor Gajah—

Assist. Registrar of Co-onerative Societies’ Baba biii Jaiidin

F. M. S. — Haji Moh^med Eusoff, Indian Co-operative Officer—C. Aru!

M.C.S. susai


Perak is the most northerly: of the Federated States on the' west coast,

touching Province Wellesley on the north and Selangor on the south and

having an area of 8,000 square mij,es. About 1850 the discovery of tin in

Larut was followed by the immigration of Chinese in great numbers- Since

the appointment of a British Resident in 1874, the record-of the state has'

been one bf remarkable progress.

The State is well watered, the Perak (with its tributaries, the Singor,

the Temengor, the Rui,, the Plus, the Kinta, Satang Padang, Bider and Sting-

kai), being the most important rivers. Other rivers of importance are the !

Krian, the KuraU, and the- Bernam (with its. tributary, the 'Slim). The

mountains' on the east boundary which are part of the main range of the1

peninsula, rise to a :height of over 7,000 feet.

Sanatoria .have been established on the Larut Hills and on Gunong

IKledang, at heights varying from 3,300 to 4,500 feet. Experimental gardens;

With English flowers and vegetables are to be found oh the Larut Hills.

i The chief exports are tin and rubber. Coconuts aind rice are extensively

grown. In the Krian district- the Government fraS completed' an , extensive

'scheme for the irrigation of more than 74,102, acres-, of land, the larger pro-

portion of which is already under cultivation for rice A similar'scheme is in

bourse of development in the Sungei Manik area in Lower Perak; District.

Larut, Kinta, ' Bgtang Padang and Klian Intan are the chief mining

[districts. The District of Batang Padang lies between the Kinta Valley and

{the Selangor boundary, ahdf Contains a little gold and wolfram mixed with

^ts tin.

The total mileage,of-completed roads in Perak is (a) 968 of metalled and

■b) 69 of. unmetalled, cart rpads, 950 miles pf bridle,, and other, paths.

The British'Resident has residences at Taiping, ifhe headquarters hf Gov^

■rnmerit, and at Ipoh, the chief commercial Centre. The chief towns are

poh, Taiping, Kuala Kangsar, K ampar and Tapah. The chief port is Teluk


; Since, the Anglo-Siamese treaty of 1909 the territory claimed by Perak

r>or many years, and held by Patani since 1826, has been formally ceded to

erak, and the State now includes the whole water-shed pf .the river that

jives it its name. The new territory which was taken'over in 1909 and in-

corporated in the Upper Perak District, exceeds 1,000 square milef? of area.

't’n extends

mines offrom

KlianKedah , on and

Intan the much

West togood

Legeh Pn the East,

stannifero'us a,nd contains

country. the ,

This tervi-

ry is well watered, and the rolling plains of the Kroh plateau,,,1,000 feet

ikbove the sea, afford a healthy Government statiori. At Tasek on the Kedah;

border there is a smalt natural lake. At the time when the territory was

taken over the population was about 3,000 of various nationalities.

■Cl 16 PERAK



State Council Chinese Peoteotorate—Ipoh

President—His Highness . the Sultan Prpt. of Chinese—W. H. Gatfield,:

of Perak (Paduka Sri Sultan M.c.s, (acting)'

Iskandar Shah, g.c.m.g., k.c.V.o.) Assist. Protector of Chinese^— Jt 0.|

Victe-President—The Raja Muda (The Clerk McEvett, M.c.s. (acting) Wai Weng!

and Translator—Chong

Hon’ble Raja Abdul Aziz-ibni-al- Chief Clerk —Saw Seong Peck

Marhum Raja Muda Musa, c.m.g.,


Hon’ble the British Resident Education


RajaSecretary to Resident

Bendahara—Raja Yusuf ibni Sultan Asst.Inspector of Schools—A. Keir, m.a.

Abdul Jalil al-Marhum Rathi’ Allah. Inspectors of Schools —A. W. Frisby,

Hon’ble the Legal Adviser, F.Abdul b.a. (Oxon) and J. L. Nichol, m.a.

M. S._Rashid Office

Raja Kechtl Tengah—Raja Assistant—E.

Chief Clerk—D. Thamby Kamaluddin



Raja al-Marhum Sultan Idris

Bongsu—RajaKamaralzaman Malay Inspectors of Schools — Raja

ibni al-Marhum Raja Mansur Kamaral

Inspector of Schools—G. Salleh

Bahrain and Mohd.

Drang Kaya Besar — Haji Ahmad bin Tamil Chief Visiting Teacher—Che Mohamed


Haji Abdul

Orang Kaya RaofTemenggong—Wan Abdul AliClifford bin H, Sulaiman

Jalil Kaya

bin Wan School—K.

Hussain, j.p.Ahmad Rasdi Head Master—B. Preedy, b.a., m.c. Kangsar

Orang Mentri—Wan Govt. English, School—Batu Gajah

bin Wan Muhammad Isa, j.p.

Orang Kaya Kaya Panglima Kinta—Che HeadGovt. Master.—Syed Shaidali

English School—Kamunting

Wan bin Muhammad Yusuf, .r.p., m.o.h.

Orang Kaya Kaya Stia Bijaya di-Raja— Head Govt. Master—E. A. Moissinac

Che Muhammad Noordin, bin Jeragan Head Master—D. English School—Gopeng

Abdul KayaShukorKaya Laksamana—Che G. R. Peters

Orang Govt. English School—Tronoh

Lope Bahaudin bin Muhammad Head Master—M. Fernandez

Noh, j.p. Govt. English School—Tapah

The State Engineer Head Master—Dayal Singh

The State Medical and Health Officer Director—Rev. St. George's Institution—'Ya.vprng

The Chief Police Officer Bro. Henry

G. A. de C. de Moubray, M.c.s. King Edward, YII School—Taiping

Hon’ble Lt.-Col. Cecil Rae. j.p. m.f.c. Principal—R. P. S. Walker, b.a. (Oxon)

Sheikh Abdur Rahman bin Sheikh Anderson School—Ipoh

Abdul Kadir, j.p. Hpad Master-^C. F. C. Ayre

Towkay Leong Sin Nam, m.o.h., j.p.

Hon. Mr. Chung Ah Ming, M.F.C., J.p. FoiIest Department

Hon’ble Mr, C. L. Green, m.f.c.

Hon’ble Perak South ■

Toh EngMr. Hoe,S. j.p.

B. Palmer, m.f.c., j.p. State Forest Officer (actgij—T. A. Strong

(Dy. Conservator.)

S. Seenivas^gam District

DolmanForest Officer, Kinta — H. C.

(Dy. Consvr.)

District Forest Officer, Tapah — J. S.

Resident’s Office Addison (Dy. Consvr.)

Taiping—British Resident—G. E. Gator, District Forest Officer, T. Malim—A. J.

Fyfe (Consvr.)

M.C.S. Attached

—Alii bintoHussain

Dist. Forest Office,

(Sub Asst. Kinta



M.C.S. to Resident—E. T. Williams, Attached to Dist. Forest Office, Tapah

Assistant Secretary to Resident—S. S. —Mohd. Harun bin Taib (Sub Assist.

Rawlings, M.c.s. (acting) Consvr.)



Prisons Infant Welfare Ipoh

Convict Establishment— Lady Medical Officer —Dr.; (Mrs. L. J*

Taiping ' Bentinck

Teleph. 20; Cable'Ad: Convicts Sister—Miss E. James

Superintendent, Convict Establishment^— LadyInfant Medical

Welfare Taiping

Officer —Dr. (Mrs.) E. B.

Capt. E. S. Lilley Jacques

“Gaoler, GradeIII—T.

Gaoler, Grade I—C. Godden

Chowns (acting) Sister—Miss M. Mooreby

European Warders—F. C. Roff, C. IP. Infant Welfare Centre—Teluk Anson

Clarke, C. H. Cox. H. W. Reed, A. E. Sister in-chai-ge—Miss E. Augarde

Rowland, H. W. T.Tillyer,

F. J. Sheffield. Hill,W.A.H.Gwynn,


A. District Hospital—Taiping

H. Ward, J. Weston. J. Mather, Jones,

Hall, S. W. F. Bedwell, E. A. B". Medical Officer—Dr. F. D, Gillespie

W. J. Assist,

Brind, J. H. Pink, E. W. Carey, F. katesan,do. Y. —R.Y-N.Thambar, G. S. Yen-

Tallant and W. J. Hampton Khas bin, Omar Menon and Meg

. General Hospital—Taiping

“Government1 Gardens and Plantations Medical Matron—Miss

Officer—Dr. H. Scrimgeour

A. Boyd

- Land Hill, Taiping Sisters — Misses R. E.andYeomans, K. W

Superintendent—H. G. H. Bartlett ’ Lupton, I. B. Stone M. Timmins

■Chief Clerk—K. Ayadurai District Hospital—-Parit Buntar


JumeauxMedical Officer- — Dr. E. L. S.

Marine Department—

Teluk Anson District Hospital—YLxfffa Kangsar

Harbour Medical Officer—Dr. S. H. Swift


m.c., r.a..Perak

(r) — Capt. F. L. Assist. do. —Husin bin Ibrahim

Chief Clerk—Chin

Technical Thutt How

Subordinate—P. C. Baptist Women’* Jloepital—Kuala Kangsar

Lady Medical Officer — Dr. (Miss) S- M.


Sisters—Misses C. Ambrose and E. Mercer

Medical District Hospital^QiAW ;

Office of the State Medical and Assist. Medical Officer—P. Varatharajah

Health Officer

'State Medical and Health Officer, Perak— Assist.Distnct Hospital—Elian Intan

Medical Officer—A, R. Miittiah

Dr. W. 11, Hart

Deputy State Medical and Health'Officer,

Perak—Dr. F. V. Jacques District Ipoh

Financial Secretary—Qua Gong Kow Medical Officer—Dr. T. C. WTakefield

Chief Gletfk— K. Subramaniam MddfcaPOfficer in charge of Radiological

Pharmaceutical Chemist—A. Y. Hitch Branch—Dr.

Siirgeon— Dr. E.J.C.J. Chi



Health Inspector—Ng Teik Swee Assist.

i Medical Officers—K. Rajaratnam,

Health Office—¥&ra\s. North 'S. Kanapathipillai, Lim 'Eng Cheang

Health Officer—Dr. J. C. Milne arid R.' MisM

Matron— S. DhiC. lion

M. Hardy !

Health Kuala Kangsar Sister—Miss E. W. Cgse

Health Officer—Dr. E. D. B. Wolfe

Health Office—Kinta Sanitary Board MedicalDistrict Hospital.—Baitu Gajah

Officer—Dr. P. D. Johnson

Health Officer—Dr. R. S. Johnston Deputy do. —M. E Tiruchelvam

Assist, do. — Y. R. Gabriel Assist.


Kinta Districi :'V Sisters

W. E. Mdieira-

Health Officer—Dr. W. E. Holmes . — Misses; K, M. Fosdike, L. G.

Culleton, H. V. Fisher; F. Holgate, Ei M.

Health Office—Batang Padang and Colville, D. Clarke and J. Quinn

Lower Perak' . *, District: Hospital—TS-afapav

Health Officer- Dr. .C. H. Williams : Assist. Medical Officer—A. O, Jumeaux


District Hospital—Tapah Tapah —W.

LumAnson—R. Eiphinstone,

and Suleiman Chan Yoon

bin Idris

Medical Officer—Dr. 0. T. MacCarthy Telok H. Harrison and Mohd.

Assist, do. —G. S. Arulpragasam Ramli bin Haji Rashid

District Tanjong Malim Clerical Service: Chief Police Office, Perak:

Assist. Med. Officer—N. C. Manicavasagar Financial Chief Clerk—S. Ponnampalam

Clerk—Neoh Boon Chew

District Hospital—Teluk Arison

Medical Officer—Dr. A. Bearbloek Post and Telegraph Department

Assist, do- —C. Murugiah

do. do. M.—S.H.Subramaniara

Matron—Miss Armour Administrative Branch—Perak

Contr., Posts k Telegraphs—E. W. Hide



and H.andW. Telegraphs—R.

Mitchell F. B.

Mines Department Chief Clerk, Controller’s Office—Mong

Warden—A. G. Macdonald Seng Kee

Assist. Warden—L. A. Smith Head Postmaster—Ipoh: Lim Tee Ee

Inspectors of Machinery — J- H. A. Postmaster—Taiping: Y. Yalu

Trowell, H. Lawson and J. W.

Ridley Public Works Department—

Inspectors of Mines—A. II. Cretch, J. Head Office: Taiping

Sanderson, I. L. Patterson and G.

S. Mottram State Engineer—S. J. W. Gooch (acting)/

Executive Engr.—E. R,Arulampalam

Financial Assist.—K. C. Williams do.

Chief Police Office, Perak Larut, Matang and Krian

Chief Police Officer, Perak—R. H. de S. Sen. Exec. Engr.—W. W. Davidson

Onraet Executive Engr.—J. G. Davies


—H. Commissioner,

Bendle (actg.) Headquarters: Ipoh Senior Executive Kuala Kangsar

Assist. Commrs.

Detectives, of Police

Ipoh—K. chargeandof ton (acting) Engr.—H. M. S. Haugh

J. N.inDuthie

C. N. Godwin Assistant Engineer—R. J. Bee

Assist. Commissioners-in-charge of Traffic, do. — W. L. Midford (Bindings).


Chief Court R. Livett

Inspectorand — Mohd.

S. E. Yacob

Smith Kinta

Assist. Commrs. of Police—Ipoh: L. H. Senior Exec.Engineers

Assistant Engr.—P.— A.D.Molloy

J. Davies, A.


Kangsar:Taiping:F. H.F. Kemp;

L. Riley; Kuala Inglis .and

Burns; BatuT. Gajah: Kampar:

C. S. Kinder; TelukR Senior Exec.E. T.Engr.

S. King(Waterworks) —

Anson; A. C. Maxwell J. S. Boissier


Kroh—Alii bin Tuah of Police Districts — Chief Inspector, Waterwords, Kinta

—W. A. Turnnidge

Parit Buntar—Mohd. Bakish bin Haji Technical State .Store Keeper—W. E. Pearce

Mohd. Ali Asst., Special Grade—Ipoh :

Bagan Serai — Samsudin bin Haji R. R. Skelehy


Taiping. (including Matang)—A. Pearce, Batang Padang

H. Bhagat Singh and Lee Kiat Siong Executive Engr.—K. Nankivell

Grik — Sub-Inspector Abdul Hamid Executive Engr.—A. Lower Perak

(actg.)Kangsar — R. Calderwood and C. Wilson (acting)

Kuala Mech. Engr.—Changkat Jong: C. R.

Shamsudin bin Haji Hamid

Sungei Siput North—K. B. Naidu Wales


Ipoh—D. Ampat—Low

N. Livingstone,GheeMohd.

BengNoor, Registry of Christian Marriages

Mohd. Din and

Lahat—V. Powell-Evans Isher Singh Senior Registr.—Secy, to . Resdt., Perak

Batu Gajah—Sarmukh Singh and Tung Registrar, Larut,andKuala

Perak, Krian Kangsar, Upper


Kwun Kun to Resident,Kinta—The

Perak Magistrate, Ipoh

Tronoh—Raja Yahaya bin Raja Mahdi Registrar,

Kampar—R. Ackrill, Abdul Karim bin Registrar, Lower Perak and Batang Padang:

Abdul Latiff and Fakir Chand —District Officer, Lower Perak


Sanitary Board—Kinta, I poll Supreme Court—Ipoh

Chairman—G. H. Nash, M.c.s.' Judge, Perak—Mr.

Secretary to Judge—S.Justice A. B. Howes

S. Duray

Secretary—A. E. Perera Assist. Registrar—C. W. Shorland

Accountant—Cheah Keng Hoon

Chief Sanitary Inspector—E. G. Montford Deputy Registrar—S..S. Duray

Senior Sanitaiy Inspector —K. Kana- Chief Clerk—S. .loseph


Building Inspector—R. Adamson, m.c. Survey Department

Assist, do. — P. E. Choo Acting Senior Supt. Revenue Surveys,

Assist. Veter. Surg.—G. Thiagarajan Perak—R. A. Stubington (Taiping)

; Assist. Supt. Revenue Surveys (Office)—

Abattoir Assistants—M. Cornelius,

Nadason Pillay and K. Kathirgasu T. V. C. T. L. Goodchild (Taiping)

: Assist. Supt, Revenue Surveys, Revision

Veterinary Inspector—E. Ca,ssini Branch—F. E. G. Caswell (Taiping)

Assessment Assist. Supt. Revenue Surveys, Perak

Mohammed Officers

Wallie, D.—W.P. Attygalle


and ^en.North—F.E. G. Caswell (Taiping)

H. H. Armstrong Kinta, Perak South—G. H. Surveys,

Assist. Supt. Revenue Sworder

. State Treasury—Taiping (Batu Gajahl

Chief Clerk, Revenue

M. Gregory (Taiping) Survey Office—J.

Btate Treasurer—K. R. Blackwell, m.c.s.


District' Office | Lady Medical . Officer — Dr. (Mrs.)

District Officer—P. S. Williams, M.c.s. McMiehael

Chief plerk—Pars Ram : Assistant Conservator of Forest —G.

Assist. District Officers —G. F. Staynes, Wilkinson

m.c.s., Kamarudin bin Idris and Datoh Malay College

Muda Mohd. Razalli Head M aster—C. Bazell


Datoh Assist.

Stia Officer — Abdullah bin Assist. Masters — G. Woods and D. B.

Asst. District Officer—Othman bin J. Ambler



Executive-Engineer—H. M. S. Haughton Chairman—P. S. ‘William^ Board Office

.Assistant do. —R. J. Bee m.c.s.

Medical Officer—A. Bearblock Chief Clerk—Ditt Singh



District : Kamaralzaman ibhi Asst. Medical Officer — Dr. t V. Thambar


Mansur, m.c.s. O.C. P. K., Krian North—Low Ghee Beng


Murphy.and Irrigation Engineer—M. P. 0. C. P. D. Krian South—Samsudin


District Office—Grik Chief Clerk—Dhian Singh

'District Officer—Abdul Malak bin Yusof, Dresser-in-charge, Kroh—A. Rajah

Mlc.s. Assist- Medical. Officer, Klian Intan—

A. C. Jumeaux


Baksh Shatar bin Khoda Dresser - in-charge, Grik—Che Teh

.Asst. Dist. Officer, Kroh—Megat Yunus bin Do., Lenggong — Abdul

Megat Molid. Isa Rabah bin Haji Kamaldin


Lenggong—Ja’al bin Jaman

- officer - in - charge of Public Works Department


bin BagooDistricts—(Kroh)

(Grik) Abdul Hamid Mbhd. Yusof

i Head OverseeTi Grik—Sardar Khan

0120 PERAK


District Officer—G. A.

Asst. do. —J. F. Hannyngbon de C. de Moubray I Magistrate—Raja Abdul Hamid bin Raja-

TahirOfficer—Dr. W. E. Holmes"

Deputy Asst. Dist. Officer—Raja Abdul Healtli

Hamid bin Raja Tahir Executive Drainage and C.Irrigation—DfiS^

Engineer—A. Wilson

Supts., Customs

and W. and Excise—F. L. Skilton Engineer,

J. Walsh Ferguson

Asst. Supt.—D. G. W. Montgomery District Forest Officer—J. S. Addison

Customs Probationer—E. O.S.P.C., Lower Perak—A. C. Maxwell

Medical Officer—Dr. R. A.M.Maonab

W. Wood O.C.P.D.,

HumphryTelok Anson — R. C. R.

Deputy and AsSt. Medical Officers—Dr.

H. P. Samuel and Dr. Megat Khas bin Inspector A. C. R—R.of C.Police—Mohamed


‘ Omar Ramli


Batu Gajah Division Sisters — Misses E. Mercer, H. V. Fisher,

District F. Holgate, I.. Youngs, A. Simpson, J,

—W. R.Officer

Boyd,andm.c.s.Dist. Supt. of Prisons H. M. Nicolson and J. M. McIntyre

Chief Asst. District Officer—H.

man, M.C.SDistrict Officer, Lands—MeorJ. Cock- Mines Department

Assistant Warden—A. G. Macdonald


Senior bin Mohamed Said Revenue Assist,

Superintendent, do. —L. A.Patterson,

Inspectors—Ian Smith A. H. Cretcb,


Medical H.

Officer—Dr. Sworder J. Sanderson and G S. Mottram

Matron Miss—M. BeggD. M. McSwan Inspectors of Machinery — J. H. A.

Trowell, H. Lawson and J. W. Ridley


District Office—Larut, Taiping


AssistantOfficer—W. A. Ward, M.c., m.c.s.

District Officer—Sulaiman bin Mohamed Drus

Deputy Assistant District Officer — Wan Ahmad Rasdi bin Wan


Settlement Isa (Orang Abdul

Officers—Megat Kaya Mentri)

Rahman and Burhanuddin

Mohamed Jan

Malay Officer—Tunko Mohamed bin Tunku Besar


Dist. Officer—Raja Haji Ahmad, m.c.s. Settlement bin Daud andOfficers,

SuleimanTapah—Mohd. Zam

bin Ahmad Tasir

Assist. District Officer—Ismail bin Mat Sah Settlement

Assist. District Officer, Tanjong Malim— Haji Mohd.Officer, Salleh binTanjong

Haji Malim—

Mohd. Daud

Pawan Teh bin Haji Mohd., m.c.s.

2nd Assist. Dist. Officer—Raja, Haji Chief Clerk—S. Ponniah

Shahar Shah Sanitary Board

Inspector of Mines, B. Padang—I. L. Chairman—The District Officer

Pattersen Secretary—S. F. Meerwald



ForestB. Officer—J.

Padang—K.S. Nankivell

Addison Members — Executive Engineer, Chief

Medical Officer—Dr. H. Scrimgeour Police Officer

Assistant (Perak),Officer

District Medical(Tanjong


Assist, do.

Agricultural —Dr. A. Kanapathipillai Malim), Health Officer (Batang Padang),

Deputy Assist.Field Officer—Vacant

District Officer, Tapah— Dussek,R. P. Hunter, T. M. Philson, O. T.

Principal SultanChuan,

Idris Training

Abdul Aziz bin Haji Mat Jabar

Malay Officer (m.a.s.), Tanjong Malim— Sr.College and Lim Cheng j.p.

Inspector, Tapah—A. T. Suppiah

O.Mohd. Ariffin

C P. D., bin Sulaiman

Tapah—W. Elphinstone Inspector, TanjongRoch

Chief Clerk-J. Malim—K. Kathirga.su


Judge—Hon. Mr. Justice N. D. Mudie Government Health Officers, Ipoh

Secretary to Judge—S. S. Duray Chairman, Mosquito Destruction Com-

Registrar of Courts—Tengku Ismail mittee, Kinta . Sanitary Board — Dr.

I. J ohnstone


Gray Public Prosecutor'—L. C. Simpson Health

Assist. District Officer—K. H. Bancroft Holrpes Kinta District—Dr. W. E.


Chairman, Sanitary Board, Kinta—B. S. Lady Medical Officer, Infant Welfare

Walton McSwan Centre, Ipoh—Dr.

Lady Medical (Mrs.)of Schools-,

Inspector L. J. Bentinck


Chief Surgeon—Dr. C. Wilson —(vacant)

Protector of Chinese—W. H. Gatefield

Assist, Warden of Mines—R. O. Madew Labour Department, Ipoh

Senior Executive Engineer, Kinta—F. G. Asst. Contr. of Labour—K. H. Blacker

Coales (on leave)

Executive Engineer, Kinta — A. ;C. Extra Assist. Controller of Labour—N. A.

Wilson AppanImmigration Fund Inspector —

Assist. Engineers—Ipoh: E. R. C. Williams; Indian

Waterworks, Ipoh: J. H. T. Horsley P. D. Moses

AiNslie Agency, Importers and. Manu- Kinta Club—BatuAGajah

President—G. deC.C.Shenton

de Moubray

facturers’ Agents—Tenik’ Anson Hon. Secretary—J.

Ally & Co., M. S;—13j' Market' Street, New Club — Teleph. 24; P. O. Box.,8,

Ipoh ; Cable Ad: Arrahman Taiping, F.M.S.

Anglo-French & Bendixsens,

Batak Rabit Road, .Teluk Anson Ltd.— Perak Club—Taipimg

Asiatic Petroleum Co. (F.M.S.), Ltd, PfeRAK Golf Club—Taiping, F.M.S.

The—Station Road President—G. E. Cator, m.u.s.

Captain—G. A. Howard

Hon. Secretary—C. T. L. Goodchild

Hon. Treasurer—A. E. Wootton


•PniiAK Turf Club

Federated Malay States Chamber of Chairman—E. C. Watson

Commerce (Perak Branch) 1: Secretary—C. R. Byers

: Secretaries—Evatt & Go., : Chartered , , Treas.—-BPown, Phillips and "SteW^rt

Accountants, Ipoh

Taiping Turf Club

Jpoh Club—Telephs. 15 and' 442; Cable ,, President—Hon. Mr. S. B. Palmer

Vicq-dq, —Major Lindsay Vears


Ipon Club Lt.-Ool. C. Rae , (.Gommittqe—(j)- H. M. Sturges,, H.

Vice-do. —C. W. H.A. Sennett Parker,. Raga AJadui

P. FitzPatvick and Hamid,

Capt. Pr.

D. A.J.

Committee—Dr. W. Navin, M. B. Bullard

Oliver, J. F. Nalder, F. R. Ormston, Secretary and Treasurer—E. Cory Lee

J. M. Lewis, K. H. Bancroft, D. J.

* Fleming and S. T. Rees >


Stewart — Browti, / Phillips• / Gand Young Men’s Christian Assooiation—

Brewster Road, Ipoh

0122 PJSHA.K

Austral Malay Tin, Ltd., (Incorporated Barbour, Ltd., E. A., Rubber Merchants-

—Kota Road, Taiping; Teleph. 160;


the F.F.M.S.)—Registered Office:

M. S.; Teleph. 34; Cable Ad: Cable Ad: Barbour

Austmalay. Auth. Capital £ 200,000

Issued £ 100,000 inLeverrier,

Directors—F. £1 sharesk.fully paid Borneo Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Great

c. (chair-

man), H. Huntsman, (deputy Britain), EngineersRoad,andIpoh;

General Merch-


McGregor, R.W.J. A.D. Richardson, R. ants—Brewster

Freeman, J. B.E., Cable Ad:

Teleph. 660;

(Syd.) m. INST. m. m., F. V. Stanley, National, Private and Bentley’s. Acme,

Borneb, Ipoh; Codes: Head

b.k. (Syd.) and Office: 143-149, Fenchurch Street, Lon-

(Syd.) ■ C. C. Nardin,


. b.e.

' ' don, E.Penang,C. 3. Branch Houses at Sing-

, E. E. G. Boyd, b.e. (Syd.), a. inst. apore, Kuala Lumpur,

kok, Sarawak-' Chfengmai, KuchingBang-


m. M., general manager Sibu

G. T. Dawes, secretary

Offices in Australia—Challis House,

' Sydney jsJ • .mio Aw A Borneo Motors, Ltd., and Borneo-

Miss L. B. White, secretary (Sydney) Chevrolet, Ltd.—Brewster Road, Ipoh;

A Projecting and Holding Company Telephs. 475 (Borneo Motor) and 475


which acts, as General Managers and

Secretaries for: K.N. W.

G. Reddish, branchworkshop

M. Campbell, manager

Kampong Kamunting Tin Dredging


Asam Kumbang Tin Dredging Ltd,_ Botly & Co., Stock and Share Brokers—

Shaik Adam Building 1st floor, Ipoh;

Ulu Yam Tin Dredging Ltd. Telephs.

Thabawleik Tin Dredging Ltd. Cable Ad:311 and 494; P.Ipoh;

Transfer, O. Box 96,


Puchong Tin Dredging Ltd. A.B.C. 6th Edn., Broomhall’s Imperial,

PungaR Tin Dredging Ltd. Bentley’s,

C. W. G.Sprague’s

Botly, soleUtility

partnerand Private

AwandBros., Bqustead ife, Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in

MusicSports Outfitters,

Dealers, Newsagents

Booksellers, Station- F.M.S.),

Kuala Merchants—Ipoh,

Lumpur, Port Teluk Anson,


ers—23, Market Street, Ipoh Singapore and Penang; Cable Ad:

Boustead; Codes:

Bentley’s. LondonA.B.C. 5th edn.

Agents: and



Guan Hin Co., General Merchants.

of Estates and Mining Requ- Boustead & Co.

isites k Commission

long Street, Gopeng Agents—20, Kay- Brash & Smith, Mining Engineers and

Surveyors—Pusing; Heleph. 2 (Pusing);

Cable Ad: Smith Fusing; Codes:

Ban Hoe Hin Co., General Merchants, Bentley’s, Broomhall’s 3rd edn., Bedford

Provisions, Wine and Spirit Merchants, and McNeill (1908)


&Gopeng, of Estate

Commission & Mining Requisites

Agents —37; 61, Jalan Brown, Phillips & Stewart, Accountants




A. B.Ad:C. and


5th edn. Ipoh,Auditors—Hongkong

and at Penang ; Teleph. Bank90;Bldgs.,


Ad: Audit,Bentley’s

Imperial, Ipoh; andCodes:


5th edn.

Ban Seng Leong (founded in 1901), R. P. Phillips,

(Penang) f.s.a.a., F.CLs.j partner

Rubber Merchants, Tin Ore Dealers— A.C.S. H.Brown, c.a., partner


Cable Jalan Gopeng,Codes:

Ad: Profit;' Kampar;

A. B.Teleph.

C. 5th K. Cormac,

L. S. Wallace c. a. (Ipoh)


edn. and Private

Bank of Malaya, Ltd.—26, Hale Street, Bryant and Taylor,

Solicitors—21, Hale Street,Advocates and

Ipoh; Teleph.

Ipoh; Teleph. 243 102; Cable Ad: Bryant


(Incorporated under the Companies ers—15, Panglima Street; Teleph. 157


porated of HongkongWholesale

in Shanghai), and incor-


Retail Wine and Spirit Merchants— 165, Corbett, M. C,, assoo.inst.m.m., Mining

Brewster Road; Teleph. 302; P.O. Box 68 and Metallurgical Engineer — Ipoh;

(Ipoh); Cable Ad: Caldbeck. Head Office: Teleph. 6 (Ipoh); Cable Ad: Corbett,

4, Foochow Road, Shanghai. Branches:

London, Hong Kong, Peiping, Tientsin, Ipoh; Codes: Bentley’s,




Ipoh general

managers Cowdy & Jones, Advocates and Solicitors

—15 and 17, Hale Street, Ipoh; Teleph.

Agency _ 82: Cable Ad: Coyrdy, Ipoh; Codes:

The X)cean Accident and Guarantee A.B.C. 5th edn.

J. Edgar Jones,andsolicitor,


Corporation, Ld. John L. Woods, b.a.partner

(Sen. Mod.), t.c.d.,

Caxton Press—130, Belfield Street, Ipoh barrister-at-law,

Trustees of the Estate of the late G. O. H.G. Nelson,m.c.,b.a., solicitor, partner


Rode, proprietors


anager Gumming, C.Engineer—Floral

E., Mechanical Steam, I. C.;

■Chartered Bank of India, Australia Planting Villa, Lahat

and China (Incorporated in England Road, Ipoh; Teleph. 44, Ipoh

by Royal

385; Cable Charter, 1853)—Ipoh;

Ad: Italics, Ipoh Teleph. Cycle & Carriage Co. (1926), Ltd., Motor


T. M.B. Oliver, agentaccountant

(actg.) Car Importers and Teleph.



Sub-accouh'tants— . Brewster Road, Ipoh; 273 — 68,

T. H. Gwvther

J. .Miller DasKota

& Co., Advocates and Solicitors—16,

R. Simpson Road,

E. H. Moffat 7 Taiping


G. E. Pow, sub-agent Dunfqrd-Wood, J., Barrister-at-Law, Ad-

J. G. Churchill, subtacconntant vocate andStreet,



F. P. L. Fickling,' sub-agent —29,Hale Ipoh;(S.S. and59;F.M.S.),

Teleph. Cable

Ad: Dunford, Ipoh; Codes: A.B.C. 5th

Teluk Anson edn., Unicode and Broomhall’s (Rubber

Boustead & ,Co-r Ltd., agents - i edn.)

London Agents— Godden, Holme &

Chenderiang Tin Dredging^ Ltd. (Incor- Ward,


Old Jewry, E.C. Curtis &

porated in England)—Chenderiang, Pe- Burrill, Leeds, Yorks

rak, F.M.S.; Tmeph. Temoh ft; Railway


Chendering Temoh; Cable Ad: Dredging,

R. V. Darge, manager Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd.;, !,(Incorpor-

W. M. Hardy, dredge, staff' ated in England) — Connolly Road,


Fusing Telephs,

4; Cable IpbhAd : 65,Smelter;


China Underwriters, Ltd., Life, Fire, A.B.C. 5thHead

edn. Head Office in the East:

Marine, Motor Car and General Insur- 95, Gresham Street, London, E. C.House,

Penang. Office: Princes


Chief Office:

Office, Hongkong Ipoh—D. J. Fleming, agent 2

ll'kong. BankSouthern

Chambers, Agencies—

Singapore Kampar—J. M. O’C. George, agent

Fusing—E. A. Davies, agent v


Khuan and LeeYeeChiew Poh,Jlorig

Teoh Ho


■(Incorporated Union Assurance Co., Ltd. Eastern

in England)—Hongkong

United Assurance Corpora-

tion, Ltd., The, Fire, Motor Car,

Bank Chambers, Ipoh; Teleph. 99; Cable Station Road,Accident and Ipoh;

Marine Insurance—35,

Teleph. 288; Cable

Ad: Cuaco, Ipoh Ad: Whacheilg, Ipoh; Code: A.B.C. 5th

L A. M. Smallwood, local manager edn.

$124 PERAK

English Electric Co., Ltd., The (In- Fraser & Neave, Ltd., Aerated Water

eorporated in England), Manufacturers

of Electrical and Allied Plant and Manufacturers—Connolly Road, Ipoiu

Apparatus—Registered Office: Queen’s Teleph. 87

G. A. Thimsen, branch manager

House, Kingsway, . London, W. 0. :2. SecretuH^ ' aiod' stilp distributors ' for-

Works: Dick

Phoenix Works,KerrBradford

Works,; Siemens

Pres,ton; Malayan Breweries,. Ltd., Singapore

Works, Stafford; Willans Works; Rugby.

Head Office

Ipoh; Teleph.for305Malaya:

(Ipoh);3,P.Hale Street,

O. Box 69; General Accident, Fire and Life.

Cable Ad: Enelectico, Ipoh Assurance

1 Corporation,

Harper Gilfillan Ltd.,agents

k, Co., Ltd., The

r lt. E. Lancaster, jpanager

George Town Dispensary, Ltd.,


Chartered Chambers,Accouhtarfts—

Ipoh; and at Druggists,

Optical Straht,

in Photographic

Goods,; etc.—Station Road and.

Singapore, Penang and Kuala Lumpur; Belfield Ipoh; TeleptH. 64; Cable


B. C. 5th129; edn.Cable Ad: Evatt; Code: A. Ad: Gceteedee, Ipoh; Code: A.B.C. 5th

and Bentley’s edn. Head Office: Penang

J.Gr.C. A.G.V. Duddell,

Bailey, a.c.a

Clarke, a.c.a. partner


A.O.A. do.

John Sinclair, m.P.s., manager

Gibb & Co., Advocates and Solicitors—

Federal Rubber Stamp Co., The, Book- Hong Kong Bank Buildings, Ipoh; Cable

Ad: Hope, Ipoh'

sellers, Stationers, Printers, Rubber Partners— '

Stamp Makers, Hews Agents

Importers—35, Station Rd., Ipoh; Cable and Gehl. L. Trevor Williams (solicitor, Supreme

Ad: Vulcanite; Codes: A.B.C. 5th edn. 1 solicitor England),

Court, (F.M.S.) advocate and

and Bentley’s.

Lumpur. Branches: HeadIpoh,Office;


and J. H. B. Will fenrolled Law Agent,

Singapore I (F.M.S.) advocate and solicitor


Federated Malay States Chamber of Assistant—

■ Commerce Associations) J. Court

M. M. England)

Lewis (Solicitor



solicitor (F.M.S.)

Fleming Brothers, Mechanical and

Structural Engineers, Brass and Hon Grand Hotel—Ipbh; Teleph. 591

Directors — R.andP. Hon.

Brash Col.



ing Pipe BoilermakersMakers—Works and and


Office: F. N. Syer, C, Rae,

Lahat Road, Ipoh; Teleph. 152; Cable M.F.C.

Brown, Phillips and Stewart, Ipoh,

Ad: Fleming, Ipoh;

edn., Bentley’s and Engineering Codes:' A.B.C. 5th secretaries

Alexander Fleming,, proprietor! and Felix" Ingold, manager

general manager

Peter Campbell, manager k Grenier k Co:, Ltd., Charles,Stationers,

E. A. Stewart, a.c.w.a., accouritafit Printers, Publishers and General Import

S.YeeA.Soon Kay,works

Jesudas, office clerk

clerk . Merchants — 37 . and 39, Station Roack

Ipoh; Tefeplv 119j Cable Ad: Grenier

Wobg Khong‘Sen, asst! clerk

Fletcher Trading Co., Ltd., General Guan i:;,Co.,!‘ L. Y., Import and Export

Merchants, Merchants and Street;

Commission Agents 1—

103, BrewsterImporters and Exporters—

Road, Ipoh; Cable Ad: 66, Hugh Low Store: 36, Lahat

Benta Lawyewguan, Ipoh; Codes: A.B.C. 5th.:

Road, 'Ipoh ; Teleph. 488 ; Cable Ad


Guan, managing proprietor


and Steel Hup Founders—Lahat

Sengs Foundry, Road, Brass, Ipoh;

Iron Lee Ewe Huat, assistant

P. O. Box 74; Cable Ad: Foonghupseng Chia Kam,

Law Jop Leong, canvasser



Ora\ Moh Co., General Merchants, Com- Jacks k Co. (Malaya), Ltd., William

mission Agents and Transport Agfents | (Incorporated in Straits Settlements)

Engineers and , General Merchants—

—3 & 4, 20,Jalan

KualaPatani, Kuala'Kangsar;

Cable Ad : 1: 94, Brewster.Road,Ipoh;



Kangsar, 115 GablC Ad: Expanded.Telephs.



Ocean Building, Prince Street, Singa-

Guthrie & Co.,Engineers^§9

Ltd., General& Merchants, pore. Branches Rt Penang, Kuala Lum-

Agents and 91, Bellield I1 pur and Port Swettenham

Street, Xpoh; Teleph.: 630;. Cable Ad:


E. C, 'Cooper, manager (signs per pro.) ! Johnson & Phillips, Ltd. (London),

J. C. Gransden, (engineer) asst. Electrical

Manufacturers—CableEngineers Adand Cable

: Expanded

Hall & Co., Ltd., Peter. Caterers, Im- H. E. W. Bryning, resdt. repres.

porters, General Merchants, Wine and I William Khoo Kee Chye, stenographer

Spirit Merchants, Mineral Water Manu- j Jacks &, Co., Ltd., agents

facturers—15, Kota Road, Taipihg | Kampong Kamunting Tin Dredging, Ltd.

Hannay and SteedMan, Mining En- ; (Incorporated Dredging,F.M.S.;

in F.M.S.), Bucket


gineers—Gopeng Road, Ipoh; P.O. 64; Perak,

Cable Ad : Hansted Teleph.Kedah—Taiping,.

34; Cable Ad:

' Amstmalay

H.C. Hannay, m.i.m.m., m.i.min.e., f.g.s. : Directors:

R. S. Steedmen3.j.p., m.i.m.m.F. Leyerrier, K-C. (Chairman)

Harper Gilfillan & Co.;-'Ltd., General H. Huntsman (deputy Chairman)

Importers and Merchants, Shipping and i W. A. Freeman

R. J. D. Richardson, b.e. (Sydney)


and Estates. Agents,

Lloyd’s Agents

Agents.—P.for Mines

O. Box '

; E.F. E.V. G.Stanley,

Boyd, bIe.

b.e. (Sydney)


115, Ipoh. OtSoes also at Taiping and :C.- Ci Nardin, b.e. (Sydney)

Teluk Anson

General Managers and Secretaries:

Harrisons, Barker & Co., Ltd., Import Austral Malay Tin, Ltd., Taiping,.

and Export Merchants—Teluk Anson F.M.S.

Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Cor- Kim Ching Si Dispensary—25, Jalan Idris

poration—Ipoh; Cable Ad: Tinstone

F. R. Ormston, agent

R. W. LeeChee |Chepng,P. G. compradore

Rynd KimProvision,

Seng &WineCo.,andGeneral

Cheong Spirit Importers,


Hup Heng Loong Foundry, Brass, Iron | urers, General and GovernmentManufact-

High Class Coffee Powder


Founders, Boiler Makers, etc.—Lahat Contractors and Commission Agents—

Lane, Ipoh 98, Main Road, Taiping

Huttenbachs Ltd. (Incorporated in King Edward YII School—Taiping



Engineers, Mechanical and Principal- H. P. S. Walker,

General Mer-

chants—94, Brewster Road, Ipoh; Teleph. Assistant Masters—E. H. S.B.a.(Oxoh)


198, Ipoh; Cable Ad; Habiture, Ipoh; ton, B.A., (Oxon), R. E. Ince, M.a.

Code: A.B.C. 5th edn. (Cantab.): S.-

Chin Goon,’Surjan Selvanayagam, Gnoh

S. R.T. K.Rees, branchassistant

Bullock, manager Singh, E. A. Badsha,Singh,

AlladadK. Khan,


Wan Ghik Bakar, D. G. Doral, Khoo

Ipoh Club—{See Associations) Kie

Teng Huat, Khoo, KhooKaramKaiSingh,

Bee, Yeoh


Ipoh Ice Co., Ltd.—Lahat Road, Ipoh Ismail B. Md. Sutan and Khoo

Heng Peng :

Ipoh Marble and Lime Works, Quarry | Assistant Mistresses — Miss- N. F.

Masters, Marble and Lirfie Merchants, I Careless, Mrs. G. Koenitz and Miss

Architectural and' Monumental Masons j Gi Xavier


Codes; Box 55, Ipoh;

Bentley^ andCable Ad: Permata;

Private Kinta Club—(uS’ee Associations)

€126 PERAK

Kinta Electrical Distribution -Co., McAlister & Co., Ltd., Merchants—43,

Ltd., The—43, Station Road, Ipoh Station Road, Ipoh;

Ad: McAlister, Ipoh Teleph. 4; Cable

Agents for Perak for the {Agencies: see Singapore')

(Jonenil Electric Co., Ltd., England

Kinta Ice,'Aerated Water and Bakery Macphail & Co. (Ipoh), Ltd. (Incorporat-

Co, Ice and Aerated Water Manufac- ed in F.M.S.), Stock and Share Brokers



Street, and


Teleph. 35; Cable —Station

Ad: Ipoh; P.O.Road, Ipoh;

BoxCodes: Teleph.

134; A.B.C. 202

Cable5th Ad:

' S. Adam, Ipoh.Jaun,


Sahib Branch:Teluk

manager Anson Macphails,

admin- 6th Ipoh; and

edns., Bentley’s, Broomhall’s Im-

W; J. Kilner, administrator perial and Rubber Editions and Private

Kinta Rubber Works, Manufacturers of Malaysian Tin, Ltd., Rambun Mines—

all Rubber Goods—Lahat Road, Ipoh Tanjong

H, S. Rambutan

Scrivener, manager

Kyle, ' Palmer & Co.', Ltd. (Incorporated A.' L. Blackburn, assistant


the F.M.S.), Engineers, Agents—S. I. P. E. F., Kuala Lumpur

BelfieldMerchants and

Street, Ipoh, Head Office

Westminster, — 3,London

Central Buildings,


Teleph. 560/561 Kuala;Cable

Lumpur and Penang);

Ad: Kylpa; Codes:

Bentley’s Second and Kendall’s

F. W. Palmer Masonic Lodge, Kinta, No. 3212 E.C.




c,a. c.a/' W.

I. P.M.-Wor.



Livett p.d.g.

Lahat Mines, Ltd,, The—Kinta, Perak. S. W. Bro.—G. Bayley

Registered J.Treasurer—Bro.

W.—Bro. F. A. Schuler

Basinghall ,Street,

Office: London,


^ 73, D. C. McDougall

Secretary—Wor. Bro. J. Sinclair,

Lee Brothers, General Merchants— p.d.g.w.—P.O. Box 58, Ipoh


T. F. Lee Road, Ipoh ,

P. G. Lee Mathieu A Co., F. S. (Successors to Nevill

Stevens & Co.,) Estate Management

and Visiting

Teleph; Agents—P.O.

29; Cable Box 3, Ipoh;


Lindeteves-Stokvis (Inc., D.E.L), Impor-

ters of Alining and Estate Supplies,in Codes: A.B.C. 5th Ad:



Building Materials (Rubber edn.) and Bentley’s

General—Ipoh Office:and Machinery

60, Brewster Road;

Teleph. 172; Cable Ad: Lindeteves

J. Van der Noordaa, manager Mattjsews k Webb/

tioners—The GeorgeDks.,Town

Medical Practi-


Little •fe'bo.,! Ltd./John (Incorporat- Ltd-, Ipoh, F.M.S.

ed, in England), Wine, Spirit and

Provision Merchants, etc.:—Head Maxwell & Kenton,

Office (London) 10, Pancras lane,

E(.C. 4. HeadRaffles

Office Square,

and StoreSinga-

(in citors—Station Rbad,Advocates and Soli-

Ipph; Teleph. 14;

the; East):. Cable Ad: Kenibn,Ipoh; Codes: A.B.C.5th

pore; Branch' Depot: 109, : Belfield edn., Broomhall’s Imperial Combination

(Rubber edn.), and via Eastern Codes

Street; Teleph. 684; Cable Ad: A. N. Kenion, ' partner

Littles, Ipoh Harold Huntsman”"



way Rix, chiefdo.

Woo, do.& conveyg. clerk

Lobnitz & Co., Ltd., Renfrew, Scotland, Abdul Manaf, cashier and book-


Agency: 2, and Edgar Dredge Builders581;—

Poad; Teleph. keeper

P.O.Box 111; Cable Ad: Lobnitz, Ipoh; ChongAgents—Nisbet,

London Mun Siew, court clerkLough-


Code: Bentley’s complete phrase boroguh, 23, Austin F ’ars, L’don., E.C.

A. G, Faber, representative


Metcalfe’s, Nestle and Anglo-Swiss Pondensed

Rrewster Rd.,Automobile Engineers—60,

Ipoh; Teleph. 350; Cable Milk and

Co., Condensed Milk, Swbecened

Ad: Metmotors

A. Metcalfe . Milk, Unsweetened,

Cream, Infants’Natural



Agencies Chocolate and CoCoa; (Proprietors, of

Rockne Cars “Milkmaid”

House,” FryerMilkifc


Teleph. 476; Cable

Standard Cars Ad: N estangio

Renault Cars R. G. Cranford, actg. mgr.

Thomycroft Lorries J. C. Parsons, assistant .

New Club—(Nee Associations)

MISSIONS Osborne kEngineers—Ipoh;

Chappel, Mining Cable and Con-

Catholic Missions, Perak

Church of Our Lady of the Sacred sulting Felspar, Ipoh; Telephs. 510, 511



Vicar—Rev. O. Dupoirieux

Paul’s Church—Krian Road, near Perak Club


Vicar—Rev. O. Dupoirieux Perak Golf Club and Perak Turf Clur

Chapel of St. Patrick—Kuala Kangsar (see Associations)

Vicar—Rev. O. Dupoirieux


Perak)of Sb Wolstan—Grik (upper Pritchard & Co., Ltd., General Mer-

chants, Complete House Furnishers,

Vicar—Rev. O. Dupoirieux Oufitters, Dressmakers,

Drapers, Tailors, Breeches Wine,"Makers,


Church of St. Louis—Taiping

Vicar—Rev. M. Ilcomendy and Provision Merchants, Jewellers,

Church of St. Joseph—Ragan Serai Booksellers and Stationers — Market

Vicar—Rev. L. Ashness Street, ipoh; Teleph. 432; Cable Ad:

Chapel of Our Lady of Good Help— Peanco. Head Office: Penang

J. P. Souter, mang. director (Penang)

Parit Buntar

Vicar—Rev. L. Ashness G.R.Longley, manager (Ipoh)

Church of St. Joseph—Batu W. Cornell, assistant

Vicar—Rev. L. Cordeiro Gajah F.Wong

Ogden, do.

Ah Lang, chief clerk

Church of the Sacred Heart—Kampar Lee Chin Guam, cashier

Vicar—Rev. L. Cordeiro

Church of St. Louis—Gopeng

Vicar—Rev. L. Cordeiro Robinson Piano Co., Ltd.; The—3* .Post

Church of St. Michael—Ipoh Office Road, Ipoh -

Vicar—Rev. J. S. Fourgs' Saunders & Co., J. H., Tailors, Out-

Church of

Sumgei SiputSt. John the Baptist— fitters and General Merchathts—126,

Vicar—Rev. J. S. Fourgs Belfield Street, Ipoh; Teleph. 781

Chapel of Our Lady—Chemor C. H. La Brooy, managing direc-

Vicar—Rev. J. S. Fourgs tor

Church of Our Lady of Lourdes—Ipoh Fung Yew Him

Vicar—Rev. Edmund Miss J. La Brooy \ Miss D. La Brooy

Church of St. Anthony—Telok

Vicar—Rev. J. Aloysius Anson Sime, Darby & Co., Ltd., Plantation Rub-

Church of theNativity of the B.V.M.— Valuers, ber Estate and Tin Mine. Agents and

Tapah General Import, Export and

Vicar—Rev. J. Aloysius Produce Merchants and Shipping and

Insurance Agents—94,

198; CableBrewster

Ad: SimitRoad,


andIpoh—Miss Episcopal Mission—Ipoh ! Ipoh;



S. T. Rees, manager

T. E. Bunce, Mr. & Mrs. Assistant^—R.. K. Bulloch.

(for fuller details,,see Sime, Darby

P. B. Bell,MissMr.V.& Lake

selring, Mrs. R.andA.H-Kes-

H- & Co., Ltd., Malacca and S’pore)

Peterson Singapore Cold Storage

Taiping—A. Pugh and Miss D. Olsen 3 k 5, Clare Street, Ipoh; Teleph. Co., Ltd. — l,

Teluk Anson—Rev. C. D. and Mrs. Cable Ad:, Storage Ill;

Patterson J. Kerr Hill, c:a., branch manager

Sitiawan— Rev. and Mrs. P. D. Coole J. P. Milne, shop manager


Sinhalese Hotel—Jaef Road, Ipoh and Bentley’s. Head Office at Kuala

Lumpur. Branch at Penang

Societe Anonyme des Etains de Kinta D. Storch, managing director

(Incorporated in Paris)*^Head Office in Van Yew Sun | Kang Kheng Sing

the F.M.S.: Kampar; Telephs, 7 and 25

(Teraoh); Cable Ad: Kintaperak, Kampar; Straits Trading Co., Ltd.—Cathie Ad:


Codes: A.-Z., Bedford - McNeill and J. Baird Matthews, manager

A.B.C. 5th edn. mgr, and attorney

J. L.Ranc,'gen’l. Swee Hock & Co., Merchants and Com-




mech’l. engr. mission

Low Street,Agents—180, 186 and389188,(Office)

Ipoh; Telephs. Hugh

R. Valette, mining engineer

P. Robert and A. Lapierre, mine and 642 (Painting Dept.;

assistants Suen - Sui Road,


Brewster Ipoh;Film Co. e-.Ad:

Cable 44,

Societe Anonyme Francaise, Siam et Suensufilm

M alaisie—Kampar Taik Ho & Co., General Importers, Store-

. Lompn^,. m,anaaer keepers,

. Van Leempoel, as^igtp,ht

L. Garrard, ele.c. engr. sion andWine

MotorAgents—80Cycleand SpiritandMerchant,


and 82, MainCommis-Road,

M. J. A..Currier, do. Taiping; Cable Ad: Taikho; Codes: A.B.C.

Managers for-. j 5th edn. and Bentley’s > i

Ste. d'es.Etains de' BayaS Tudjah TohEngHoe, j.p., m.s.c., sole proprietor

Tatam Mines Ltd. Branches

i Ste. Civile Miniere de Chang Kat Guan Ho Distillery—Assain Kumbang

Papari. Road, Motor

TaipingGarage—4, Cross Street,


Societe Francaise- des Mines-d’Etain de Taiping

Motor Show Rooms—121,123, 125 and

Tekkah (French'Tekkah Mines Ltd.) 127, Barrack Road, Taipirig

R. A. Dillon-Corneck, genl. manager

Soon Bee & Go,, General Merchants and Taiping Turf Club—(See Assocps.)

Commission Agents—100, Main Road, Teluk Anson Cash Chemists,

Taiping; Cable Ad: Soonbee . Wholesale andAnson

RetailRoad,Chemists and


D. Graham, M.P.S., Teluk Anson


St. Michael’s iNSTiTUTioN—Ipoh K. Appacutty, clerk

Rev. Bro. Dositheus,' director Agents for

Standard-Vacuum Oil Company (Incor- Manufa'ctiirers Mobile Oils

porated in IT.S.A.), Petroleum Products of

—Shaik Adam Building, 2nd floor, Ipoh; Grahams "White

Grahams Antimalarial Oil , -

Ant Poison

Teleph. 23D; P.O. Box 119; Cable Ad: Grahams Palm Brand Honseho]d.Soap


Stark McNeill, Architects and Sur- Texas Cojupany ( China ), Ltd,, The—

Head Office: Cheng Bok Building,


326; Cable Hale

Ad: Street,.

Stark, Ipoh;.Ipoh;.

Code: Teleph.

zV.B.C. Ipoh; Cable Ad: Texaco.,;, y

5th edn,. , , ' . Thabawleik

Station Hotel-^F.M.S. Railway Sta- dging—Thabawleik corporated inTinthe Dredging,

F. via

M. S.), Ltd. .Dre-





tion; Teleph. 397, Ipoh Burma. Reg. Office: Taiping, F: M. S.

Capital inAuthorised

Ll00,066 £'200,(MO

Cl shares fully paid issued


and Silversmiths, Ltd., Jewellers,

General Gold

Merchants Directors: —

and Complete House Furnishers — F. Leverrie-r, k.c., chairman


Ad: Road,Codes:

Storch; Ipoh; Teleph;

A.B.C. 567;

5th. C&ble

edn. H. Huntsman, deputy chairman

W. A. Freeman


R. J. D. Richardson, b.e. (Syd.) All-Nu Products Co., Camden,

M.INST.M.M. N.J., U.S.A. All-Nu Polishes

E. E. G. Boyd, b.e. (Syd.), Sanitte Rubber Corporation, Ohio,

ASSOC. INST. M.M. U.S.A. Prophylactic Rubbers

F. V. Stanley, b.e. (Syd.)* : Easy Washing Co., Syracuse,

G-eneral Managers & Secretaries: VV. H. Holmes & Sons, Ltd.,

Austral Malay Tin, Ltd., Tai- Newcastle-on-Tyne. Paints

ping, F.M.S. Stanley-Earle & Co., Ltd., Hull,

England. Linseed Oil

'Thomas & Hoknidge, ' Consulting Civil Young & Co., Sydney. Flour

and Mining Engineers—1, Shaik Adam Automatic Wafer Filter Co., Mil.

Street, Ipoh; Teleph. 215 Wis, U.S.A. Water Filters ,,

Times of Malaya Press. Ltd. (In- United Motors Co.—3, Jalan Patani,


Publishers F.M.S.), Printers, Kuala

in theStationers—Brewster


Kangsar; Teleph. 20 (extension

from Guah Moh Co.)


Cable Ipoh; Telephs.Ipoh;

Ad: Times,, 37 and 268, A.B.C.

Codes: Ipoh; Watson

5th edn,, Western Union and Bentley’s -^33, O: Station

Box 105;Road,Cable

Ipoh;Ad:Teleph. 367;

Publication — “Times of Malaya P.Code: A. B. C. 5th edn


(Daily and Weekly editions) E. G. Watson, Barrister-at-law, Advoc-

'Towers & C6., Chartered Secretaries, ate and Solicitor, S.’ S. and F. M. S.

Accountants and Auditors — Towers Wearne Brothers^ Ltd. (Registered and

Chambers, Ipoh; Teleph. 89; Cable

Towers, Ipoh; Codes: A.B.O. 5th edn. Head Ad: Office: Orchard Road, Singapore),,

andA. Broomhall’s MotorCar Distributors and Engineers—

C. J. Towers, f.i.a.a., f.c.i.sI, propr. Gopeng' Road, Ipoh; Telephs. 782 and

783 Ipoh; Cable Ad: Wearne, Ipoh; Codes:

A. R. M. Towers, assistant A.B.C. 5th edn., Bentley’s, Western

United Engineers, Ltd. (Incorporated Union and Private

in the Straits Settlements-), Civil, Struc-

tural, Mechanical, Electrical, Sanitary Whiteaway, Laidlaw & Co., Ltd., High

and Marine Engineers, Dredge and Ship Importers Class Drapers, and Footwear and Hardware

General Merchants—12,


and Steel, BrassandandHardware

Contractors Iron Founders

Mer- 14 and 16, Station Road, Ipoh; Teleph.


Town Office: Stationand Works:

Road;Lahat Road;23 104; Cable Ad: Warfield; CodeS: Bentley’s


(Works Office), 21 (Office and Electrical and Private. London Office: 5, Cripple-

Dept.); Cable Ad: Uniteers; Codes: (See gateC. E.Buildings, Wood Street, E.C.

Pegler, manager


J. W.

M. Barron,


manager M. H. Orloff, assistant

F. W. Dibden and J. O. Sutherland, Wilson & Co., Ltd., G. Wr. (Incorporated

engineers in F.M.S.), Merchants and Agents—

J. W. L. Kirkman, sales traveller

T. Welborn, a.m.i.mar.e., representa- fIpoh), Teleph. 116 and

Ipoh, Penang Sungei

(Ipoh); Patani,

Cable Ad:Kedah;


tive,: Ruston Hornsby Ltd. Wilsons (Sungei Patani and


Broomhall’s Codes:

3rd A.B.C.

edn. and 5th edn.,


SUniied Importers, Ltd. (Incorporated R.B. Somerset,

P. Brash, managing director

in F.M.S.), Manufacturers’ Repre- director (Ipoh, Perak)

sentatives and Commission Agents — Q. Brown, do. (Sungei Patani)

154, Brewster Rd., Ipoh; Cable Ad: Chili

Lo Sin Ewe, managing director Ying Wah Khoo Hotel—30, Jalan, Idris'

Lo Sin Poh, secretary Kampar

Agencies-. *‘y

Ayrton Saunders <& Ck>., Ltd., Y.M.C.A.—(See Associations)

Liverpool, Pharmaceutical Pro-

ducts Young, C. H., .Sanitary Engineer and

The Allen Company, Hongkong. Building Contraetor—7, Hale Street,

“ Pagoda ” Batteries Ipoh; Teleph. 316


This ‘protected native State, containing ah area of 3,150. square miles, lies--

on the western coast of the Malay Peninsula, and is bounded by the protected

native States of Perak on the north and of Negri Sembilan on the south,,

extending inland to the mountains in the q'entre of the peninsula, which divide

it from Pahang arid Negri Sembilan.

The byGovernment

assisted consists The

the State Council. of the

StateSultan, advised

is divided by the

into the BritishsixResident,

following districtsand

1. Kuala Lumpur, the central district where the Residency 1 and principal

Government Offices are situated, and which* also contains the richest tin mines

that have yet been developed. V.—Klaucj. This district Contains the Sultan’s

residency and also Port Swettenham, the principal port, which lies at the

mouth of the Klang river. 3.—Kuala Langat, an agricultural district. 4.—

Kuala Selangor, containing the most important fisheries in the State. b.—Ulu



districtniiping district-on

adjoining the borders much

Perak, containing bf Negri Sembilan.

valuable mining6.--Ulu<


Each district is under the charge of a District Officer, from whom the Native

Penghulus (in charge of the mukims into which each district is sub-divided) receive


The-Police Force consists of 32 gazetted and superior officers, 880 subordinate

police officers and men, and 681 detectives.

but at thepopulation

-The of Selangor

last census, in 1884/when

in 1931, the returns gavethe afirst

totalcensus was taken,

of 533,197, of whomwas 46,568


were Chinese, 122,868 Malays, 185,924 natives of India, 2,723 Europeans, 2,137 Eurasians

and 8,194 others.

The principal industries of the State, and thqse from which it derives the largest

portion of its revenue, are alluvial tin mining and rubber cultivation.

In addition to its rich mineral, resources, the State possesses large tracts of

land well adapted'for agricultural purposes, arid the free importation of Ipdian

labourers into the Protected Native States, rendered it possible for European

planters to obtain cheap labour and to open estates on a large scale. Small

plantations of coffee and pepper have been successfully conducted. -Rice and,

other products of the Peninsula under native cultivation are doing well in

various parts of the State; and to encourage pioneer planters, grants of land

have in recent years been made, on special terms, for the planting of African

oil palm and nipah palm. But the principal agricultural product here, as in

the other Malay States, is rubber. 743,050 acres of land-were alienated for

agricultural and building purposes'by the end of the year 1934, comprising

508,300 acres under rubber, 111,5C0 acres under ■ coconuts, ' 8,500 acres under

coffee, 21,000 acres under padi, 21,600 acres under African oil palm and 22,500

acres under cultivation by native small-holders. The value of rubber exported

in 1934 was $48,573,671.

The principal ^exports are rubber, tin, tapioca, canes, copra and spices.

The principal imports are machinery,, cotton piecei goqds, rice, oil, tobacco and

tea. The principal import duties are on opium, spirituous, liquors, matches,

petroleum, motor Spirit, tobacco and alum, while export duties are payable

on minerals, agricultural products, ivory, fish, horns and hides, a few kinds

of jungle produce and gutta-percha.

. There were 40,967 acres alienated ,'for tin mining at the end of 1934. The-

recorded output of tin concentrate from the State amounted to 244,374 pikuls

as compared with 158*733 pikuls in 1933. The value of this output at the average-


local price of . tin of $114.41 per pikul was $20,619,113- as against a total value

«of $11,351,415 at an average price of $99.99 for 1933. The Malayan Collieries,

Limited, turned out 276,970 tons of eoal against 218,250 tons in 1933. The

quality of the coal is reported to: be excellent. A branch railway has been

constructed to the mine.

There is frequent and regular communication, by means of coasting steamers,

between the Straits aSettlements

on the mainland, and Selangor.

system of cart and bridleFrom

roadsKuala Lumpur

extends to thetheboundaries

chief town

«of Perak, Negri Sembilan and Pahang. Branch lines of railway now extend in

,-all directions, and the main trunk line passes throqgli Selangor.



rSultan^—H.H. AlaTdin Suleiman Shah ibni Almerhum Raja Mud a Musa, g.o.m.g.

British Resident —Ron. Mr. T. S. Adams, M.c.s.

State Council

IPresident ■— His Highness the Sultan Hon. Mr. S. N. Veerasamy, m.f.c., j.p.

(Sultan Ala’idin Sulaiman Shah, Hon. Mr. Lai Tet Loke, m.f.c., j.p.

g.c.m.g., ibni Almarhum Raja Muda Hon. Lt.-Col. E. A. Ash, d.s.o., m.f.c.


Vice-President — The Raja Muda, of Hon. Raja Uda, m.c.s., m.f.c., bin

Raj a M uh aman ad

Selangor (Yang ter-amat Mulia Raja Hon. Mr. E. D. Shearn, m.f.c.

Musa Udin

man Shah) ibn Sultan Ala’idih Sulai- Dato’ Haji Hasan bin Sheikh Moham-

The British Resident (Hon. Mr. Tj S. ed Zin Orang Kaya Mahan Kurnie

Adams, m.c.s.) Bijaya Di-Raja

The Tengku Panglima Besar (Raja Badar Baduk, Dato’ Abdul Hamid bin Dato’ Kaya

Shah bin Sultan Ala’idin Sulaiman Yong ShockOrang Lin

Kaya Maha Bijaya

Shah) The Hon. the Legal Adviser, Federat-

dhief Kathi (Raja

Almarhum Raja Haji

Yahya)Othman, j.p., bin ed Malay States

Raja Haji Abdullah, j.p., bin Almar- The Secretary to Resident

hum Raja Yahya The Hon. Treasurer

Jlon. Mr. H. B. Egmont Hake. Clerk of Council — The Assistant

M.F.C., J.P. Secretary to Resident


Residency and Secretariat | Agent of the Govt, of India in British

British Resident — Hon. Mr. T. S. Adams, Malaya

M.C.S. 1, Market Street, Kuala

Lumpur; P. O. Box 59;

Secretary to Resident—W. A. Gordon- Teleph. 2646; Cable

Ad: Zurofiladi

Hall, M.c.s. (acting) Agent—Rao Sahib K. A. Mukundan, b.a.

Assist. Secretary—R. W. Jakeman, M.c.s. Chief Clerk—T, G. Nataraja Pillai


Audit Department, SiS. & F.M.S. European Mastefs—*G. G. L. McLeod,.

Auditor, S.S. & F.M.S. - G. F. Bradriey Superscale—M.F. Cobb, E. H: Bromley & Ff Daniel

'•'<|dn leave) Valliptirain, L. F. Koch,

Acting and Deputty Auditor, S.S. &' andBatu H. V.' Ponniali




F.M.S.—L. G. Corney (Kuala Lum- Headmaster—M. Wheatley


Acting Deputy and Senior Assist. FirstPamr Assistant—MuA. Akbar .

Road Bchool (Government)

Auditor t Kuala LiunpurD-H. T. Headmaster—T. Ri Abraham

fled ley. a.s.a.a.

Acting Senior Asst. Auditor—R. Mac- Kajaiig IIigli School (Government)

donald (Singapore) Headmaster—C. E. Gates, m.a. (Cant.)

Assistant Auditors—it.

(Singapore) ; G. G. Macdonald, M.c.

Roberts (Pe- Xiang High School (Government)

nang); W. D. Charlton (Singapore,; ■ ub.) Headmaster—II.

1 : R. Carey, m.a. (Can-

on leave); C. E. Paddon, a.c.a.

(Singapore); J. H. Belderson (Kua- Electrical Department, Federated

la Lumpur); R. P. Green (Singa- ' ' Malay States


Verification Officer — W. W. Bachelor Director, Chairman, Electrical


Board — W.and-. J..


Junior Assist. Auditors — A. D’aranjo Williams, m.i.e.e., m.i. mBCH. e.,‘ M.T.

(Penang), H. Rodrigues (Malacca) strict, e.

Chief Clerk—A. V. de Souza (S’pore) Chief J. E.Electrical Engineer and Inspector—

Catt, m.i.e.e.

Assist. Auditors, Grade B.—S. Kait- . ElectT,ioal Engineer, Kuala Lumpur—

diah (Kuala Lumpur) and S, K, H. R. ,Sparrow, a.m.i.e.e.

Thumbiah (Kuala Lumpur) Executive Electrical Engineers — E. F.

Stephensop, a.m.i.e.e.,

Arnold, Electrical

a.m.i.e.e. Engineers,m.a.m.i.e.e., L.

Chinese Protectorate, Selangor.: Assistant Gra4c:I—

and Pahang—Kuala Lumpur

Protector of Chinese-+C. H. linkers. a.m.i.e.e., a.m.c.t., T. E. RR. ; M'

C. Harry, A.I.E.E., F. Kgerton,


m.c.s. (acting) a.m.i E.E., R.' W.'Joh.es, a.i^.i.e.e., 4:m.

Assist. , Protector; of; Chinese-^ J. T. inst. m. & cy. u, J. Hoddei-, mech.

Rea, m.c.s. (acting) e.,,R. H. Jones, m. sc., a.m.i.e.e., a.m.i.

mech. e., L. G. W. Ward, r.sc., G.'S.

Chapman, M.a.i.e.e,,

A.M.I.E.E., F. L. Lle^ellyh,;

Magistrates’ Court—Kuala Lumpur

1st Magistrate—J. Calder . and H. E. Doel,Jackson,-A.M.I.

a.m.i.e e. MECH. E.,

2nd do. —Che Ma’arof bin Haji H. H. Ewens, G. Harris and D.Grade

Assistant Electrical Engineers, II—

E. Martin

Zakariah Power Station Superintendent—P. A. Bray

Bailiff and Auctioneer—Mohd. Sudin bin Assistant Power Station Superintendent

Haji Hussin —W. Berry

Chief Clerk—S. Mui*agasu Charge Engineers—G.

Jones, G. E. Vickers,W.W. Leedpr,

T. G. Blofeld H, LakeL.and K.

Education Dept.—Kuala Lumpur Temporary Engineer—P. H. McLeod


. (Oxon) of Schools—C. G. Sollis, m.a. Accountant—Gilliam Browne, a.c.a.


Malay Asst.Inspr.—Mohd. Yusof bin Ahmad 1 Forest Department

Malay Visiting

Group Teacher—Haji



State Forest


Officer—H. J. T. Bonar

bin H. M. Avis, Yub bin Taut, Md.

Ali b. H. Ahmad, Mohd. Sari b. Assist. Conservators—F. S. Walker

Hassan, Md. Ali b. Jabar & Ismail (Klang) and-A, J. Fyfe (Rawang),

b. Haji No rdf rt Gaols, Kuala Lumpur

Tamil Assist.EdivcaticSrp-Office—J.

Chief Clerk, Inspector— K. V. S. Gargar

M. Lee District Supt. of Prisons—J. ’ V. Cowgill-

, Victoria Institution ;(Government) . Gaoler—J. A. Starks

Chief Warder—H. Bailey

Headmaster—F. L. Shaw; R.A.(Hons.) Ldnd Chief Clerk—K. Thambiah


, . Labour Department 1st Inspector of Police, K. Lumpur

Kuala Lumpur North—iG. B. FolIiott '(A.o.p.)

i Controller ofi: Labour, Malaya — C. D. i!ndNorth—Chong Inspector of Police. K. Lumpur

Tuck Yew (a.i.)

I Ahearne

| Deputy Controller of Labour, F.M.S.— 3rdNorth—yahaya Inspbctor of Police, K. Lumpur

bin! Ja.naludin (a.i.)

;;I Stenographer—Miss

'E. A. Ross A. Dumaresq

i Chief Clerk—R. Murugvisu Cfffi c e r- i n-Ch a r ge of Police District,

K. Lumpur South—J. N. M. A.

Nicholls (a.c.p.) j

,■ M/.laya Agricultural Settlement !

1st Inspector of Police, K. Lumpur

South—H. F. Ridley (a.c.p.)

Board of Management 2nd Inspector of Police, K. Lumpur

President—Raja Muda, Selangor

Vice-do.—W. A. Gurdon-Hall, m.c.s. South d)an Singh (a.i.) .

Hon. Secretary—Ahmad bin Haji Husin 3rdSouth~K. Inspector of Police, K. Lumpur

Ghelvanayagam (A.i.)

Members — John Hands, m.c.h., E. L. Officer-in-Charge of Police District,


Abdul J.P., Fateh

bin Akhir bin Mat

Idris and Sah, Sungei Besi—Osman

Mahmud Bashah (c^a.i.)

bin Haji Abdul Rahman Officer-iniCharge of Police District,

Kajang—G. EL Devonshire (a.o.p.)

Mines Department, Selangor Asiatic Inspector, Kajang—Mohamed

Warden of Mines—A. G. Macdonald Yiisoef (a.i.)

Acting Warden of Mines—A. T. Ben- Officer Suptdg. Police: Circle, Coast—

E. C: Tidy (a:c.p.)

netts Ofhcer-in-Charge of Police District,.

Assist. Warden of Mines—JR.

Inspector of Mines—G. F. Gripper 3f. Shutes Klang—I. S. Wylie (a'.c.p.)

s Inspector of Minesr—G. F. Gripper 1st Inspector, Klang—Fakir Chand

and R. P. Cooke (a.i;)' ' -,'LT. ./'"Vbn .

2nd Inspector qf. Police, Klang—

Passport Office—Police Head- Gani bin Date) Abtlul Razak (a.i.)

quarters, F.M.S., Bluff Road, Inspector,. Port Swettenliam—iHussain

Kuala Lumpur bin Abdul Sidik (a.i.)

Passport Offieer—J. Parke Ofiicer-imCharge . of Police District,

Kuala,- .Siejangpr ,—G., C. Madoc

Police Ofiicer-.in-Charge i of Police-; District,

I; Deputy Commissioner Kuala Langat—Talip bin Lisut

and Chief -Police (a.i.)

Officer—A. H. Dickinso^

jj Assistant Commissioner.—

Kassim (m.a.c.p.) Lamin'' bin Officer Suptdg. 'Police Circle, Ulu

|j Officer-in-Charge of Detectives, Selsu- Officer-in-Charge Selapgor—K. J. N. Duthie (a.c.p.)

gor—R. O. W. M. Davis - (a.o.p.)' i of' Police District,

tf Asst, to Officer-in-Charge of Detec- Kuala Kubu Bharu—F. A. S, Cald

well . ( Ar’CVP,

tives, Selangor — D, W. Ya^e* Assistant, Kuala Kuhu Bharu—G. E. ) ) , ;

j (p.p. A.c.p.) Pavee (a.i.)

Detective Inspector—Ceong Boon Swee, Officer-in-Charge' of Police District,

t, (a.i.) . Tanjong M-aum—Syed, Yusoef, (a.i.)

^'Officer-imCharge, of Traffic Branch, Officer-in-ChRrge,

a Kuala Lumpur—L. A. G.-M or risk' Rawang—Aordiu-qfbinPolice:/ District,.

Nawi (c.a.i.)

) Assistant to Officer-in-Charge, Traffic

Branch, Kuala Lumpur—I. D. Mac- Posts and Telegraphs

j. Donald (a.c.p.)

■♦Officer. Suptdg. Police Circle, Ku^Ia , M aluya

Lumpur—T. F. H. Kemp '(a.c.p..) Headquarters—Kuala Lumpur

] Court Chief Inspedfol, K. Luffipur—

II. B. J. Donaldson (b.i.) Director-General of Posts andf Tele-

Officer-m-Charge of Police District, ; graphs, Malaya ('Civil Service/Class

K. Lumpur North—R. Burns (a.g.p.) ' lA)—T. Fj Goe, if.c., M.C.s: (acting)


Director of Posts^H. J. Harris District Nto/f—Kuala Lumpur

Director of Telegraphs & Telephones Executive Engineer—G. R. Pape

and Engineer-in-chief—V. H. Win- Town and Watenvorks


■Controller, Singapore—F. Blackwell Snr. Exec. Engr.—(vacant)

Account General—R. Graham Assistant Engineers—H. A. Rofe and R.

Assistant Engineer-in-chief—W. R. D. McIntyre


Deputy Assistant Engr.-in-chief—T. Snr. Executive Engr.—Q. S. Lumpur

Works and Buildings—Kuala



Controllers—E. A. Staines, G. Savage, Assist. G.

Engineers—E. W. Houston &

H. Caldicott

B. J. Freeman and E. W. Hide

Senior Engineers—B. W. B. Powell, Klang

W. C. G:. Galloway, G. F. Morice,

A. H. Carson and S. P. Morton Exec. Engr.—W.Kuala M. MoCrae


Superintendents — J. Green, G. J.

Ford, W. J, C. Sharp, W. Gilliam, Executive Engineer—H. W. Begbie

K. MacLennan, A. C, Wollaston,

A. ,E. Ashton, G. ■; C. Allen, W. Executive Engineer—A. Wear Ulu Langat

B. Hall, R. D. Row swell, T. H.

Newey, L. Isaacs, A W. Perry, Kuala Selangor

B. N. .Flavin, J. Macintosh, W. Executive Engineer—E. B. Nisbet

H. Oliver, W. F. Flight, R. F. B.

Gurr, J. G. Evans, R. P. Whyte, Ulu Selangor

H. W. Mitchell, C. R. Bowden, W. Executive Engineer—R. G. lies

A. Cooper, B. Heyland, W. G. State Store—Kuala Lumpur

Griffiths, D. Smith, R, C. Edyvean

and F. A. Thomson State Storekeeper—W. G. Smith

Engineers—A. A. Strachan, C. G. R.

Phillips, G. Wilde, E. E. Sproul,

R. Gibson, L. F. Wilkinson, G. C. Sanitary Board—Kuala Lumpur

O’Farrell, O. F. J. Watkins, H. E. Committee — Major G. M. Kidd,

Cornish, E. L. Spooner-Lillingston, Health Officer, Town Engineer, Chief

C. H. Parnell, R. E. Roberts, G. W. Police Officer, Protector

Bristow, J. C. Dallow & W. Stubbs lector of Land Revenue,of Chinese, John Col-


Wireless Engineer-^-J. W. Machan D. Sear, J. R. Yethavanam, H. S. Leei

Supt., Stores and Workshops—H. Dr. H. M. Soo, Che Ahmad bin Haj,


Wireless Assist. Engineers—L. R. Ibrahim, F. W. Palmer, Kaw Yao

Swee and Che Abdul Rahman bin

Watts, P. H. F. George, W. G. Idris

Oakes and W. C. Gee Secretary—R. N. Thamby-Thurai

Asst. Stores Supt.—J. T. Avery Accountant—Yap Fon Cheong

Office Assistant—Chong Sin Yew Chief Clerk—S. K. Cheiliah

Public Gardens Health Officer—R. D. Gross

Town Engineer—G. C. W. Davson


and F. M. S. Ghoo of Agriculture,

(chairman), Lt.-Col. B.S. S.J. Town

Building Inspector—C. O. Jennings

Eaton, o.b.e., Kia Peng, j.p., c.b.e., Superintendent—W. Rodger

E. D. Butler, C. R. Thurstan, C. V. van Chief Sanitary Inspector — J. S.


Dort, B. Bunting (Hon: Secretary)

Inspector of Weights and Measures—

Public Works Department Abdullah bin Mohd Ariff

Assessment Officer—A. G. Knight

Head-QuarUrs Yta#—Kuala Lumpur Rgeistrar of Yehicles—Che Ali bin

State Engr.—H. T. Nicholas Hitan

Executive Engr.—E. B.E.Howe

Hodges Supt. of Abattoirs—R. MacGregor

•Supt. of Quarters—R. Supt. of Fire Brigade—W. Rodger



District Officer—R. Irvine, m.c.s. 1st Inspector (Police)—F. Chand

Assist, do. —Tunku

bin Turiku Syed (acting)

Syed Ismail Abu Baker 2nd do. do. —Gani bin Ab-

2nd Asst. District Officer—Osman bin Chief dul Razak

Ujang Clerk, District and Land Offices—

S. Manuel Pillay

Deputy Asst. District Officer— Abdul Chief Clerk, P.W.D.—K. Yallipuram

Rahman bin Mat Labour Department

Harbour Master—Commander A. C.

Bucknell Assistant Controller of Labour—T. F.

Slipway Engineer—E. E. Tucker , Carey, m.c.s

Executive Engr.—W.C.M.Burgess

McCrae Extra Assist. Controller of Labour—T. P.


Medical Officer—R.

Assist. Commr. of Police—E. C. Tidy Indian Immigration Fund Inspector—A.

O.C.P.D., Klang-I. S. Wylie Rengam


District Officer — Raja Araan Shah bin Raja Harun

Deputy Assist. District Officer1— Che Abdul Aziz bin Mohd. Tahir

Assistant District Officer—Dato’ Ujang bin Menuahg

Executive Engineer—H. W. Begbie


Assistant District Officer—Dato bjang Penghu lu, Sepang—Abdul Rani bin

bin Menuang

Settlement Officer—Zakaria bin Abdul Othman Do:; Labu—Raja' Jaffar bin

Wahab Raja Salleh


District Officer—Che Samah bin Haji Ali Chief Clerk—K. W. Sinnadufai

Assist, do. —Che Ibrahim bin Ab- Headmaster—,C. E. Gates

dul Karim | Executive Engineer—A. Wear


AbdulCollector of Land

Wahab bin MaasulRevenue!—Che j Police Officer—G. E. Devonshire


Kuala Kubu Bahru

|1 District Officer—Hamzah Dresser in Charge, Serendah Hispital

I Assistant District Officer—Mustapha -‘-A. Kylashpilluy

( Albakri Inspector '6f Mines—G. F. Gripper

2nd District -Officer—Raja Rastam Oi.S.F.C.—K. J. N. Duthie

■} Shahromo

! Deputy Assist. Dist. Officer—Abdullah O.C.P.D., S.

Kuala Kubu Bharu—F. A.


I Chief Clerk—W. Rasathuray O-C.P.D., Rawang—Nordin

?t Health

Bahru; Inspectors — Kuala Kubu

K. Chithamparapillay; Ra- Post . Masters—Kualh

wang: S. Arumukham S. Chelliah; Rawang:Kubu Bharu;

M. Ayadurai

I Executive' Engineer—R, G. lies Chief ; Penghulu—Dato Abdul. Hamid,

J Chief j.p., Orang Kaya Mahabij aya

Assist. Clerk, P.WOfficer,

Medical D.—S. Kuala


Kubu Chief Clerk, Sub-Treasury—Ledng Ah

Bharu—Dr. S. Sanmugam Loon




bin RajaOfficer—Raja

MohammadUda || Asst.

Aziz Dist.

bin HajiOfficer


Abdul I| Executive Engineer

—F. C. Holland


Assist, fi'istrict Officer—Mokhtar bin Mat Sah

Ally & Co., M.S., General Provision ASSOCNS., CLUBS, SOCIETIES, &c.


Lumpur; Teleph.High2283;Street, P.O.Kuala


169; Cable Ad: Arrahman; t Codes : Automobile Association of Malaya,

A.B.C. 5th, Bentley’s and Private The

Ipoh—13, Market Street; Teleph. General Secretaries—-Messrs. Har-

710; P.O. Box 7; Cable Ad: risons, Barker & Co., Ltd.,

Arrahman; Codes: A.B.C. 5th Chartered Bank Chambers, Sin-

edn., Bentley’s and Private gapore ; Teleph. 5007; Cable Ad :

Penang—Beach St.; Teleph. 1306;P.O. Barkers

Box 223; Cable Ad: Bismilla; Codes: Selangor Branch (Selangor and


Head 5th, 6,Bentley’s

Office: Batteryand Private.

Road, Singa- Pahang)''

pore; Teleph. 6891; Cable‘ Ad: . /Secretary—Rex Duncan (acting)

Bismilla; Codes: A.B.C. 5th, Bent- —12, Barrack Road, Kuala

ley’s and Private Lumpur; Teleph. 2188

Anglo-French and Bendixsens, Ltd., Batu Gajah Tennis Club—Batu Bajaii

Rubber Merchants’—1, High Street PresidenU-Meor Ahmad bin Mo-^

Lane, Kuala Lumpur; Telephs. fjlSl hamed Said

(Office), 3152 (Godown), 3841 Vice-President—Leong ChoW Kam

(House) ff - i i Hon. Secretary—Ewe Chee Seng

R. A. Barbour,’ mgr.

Anglo - Oriental (Malaya) Limited

{See “Addenda” Section) Chamber of Commerce, SelangorChinese

—Petaling Street; Kuala Lumpur,F.M.S



Street, Klang Dr. W.m.r.c,s.,

— 14, Station President—Hon. Mr. Lai Tet

W. Ansley-Young, l.r.c.p. Loke, .t.p., m.f.c., m.s.c.

(London)— Telephs. Klang 169 Vice-Presidents—H. S. Lee and

(Office), 265’(Nursing) Home) & 62 Ng Teong Kiat

(Residence) Hon. Treasurer—San Ah Wing,

Consulting-Hours—Monday to Friday: J.p.

9-11.30, 2. 30-4; Saturday: 9-12 Hon. Secretary—Cbo Yew Fai

Hon. Auditors—Tan Poon Choi*

and Yap Yong Khean



— 80, Works, Printers,

Am pang. andKuala

Street, Pub- Members of ■ Committee—Ang Chin

Lumpur; Chong, Cheong Yoke Choy, j.p.,

Cable Ad; Teleph. 2057; A.B.C.

Arya; Codes: P.O. Box 299;

6th edn.^ Wong Siew Chong, j.p., Yap

Loong Hin, ! j.p., Choo Kia

andK. Bentleys’ Complete Phrase

N. lyenger, managing proprietor Peng, j.p., c.b.e.,, Chan Wing,

S. Rajam, works manager .; J.p., Dato Low Leong Gan, j.p.,


m.C-h., Chong Kin. Woon, Yong Royal Society of St. George (Selangor

Shook Lin, j.p., m.s.c., Ho Min, Branch)—P.O. Box 240, Kuala Lumpur

Alan Loke, Chong Khoon Lin,

Wong Poh Chee, Teh Chak Rubber Growers’ Association (In-

Ming, Chan Kam Ming, Tail corporated in England)—P.O. Box 272

Jin Luan, Low Tee Kok, j.p., (Kuala Lumpur) Teleph. 2389 (Kuala

Loke Yung Hong. Kwok Hoong, Lumpur); Cable Ad: Servitude, Kuala

Tan Hoon Cheng, Gan Pong Lumpur. London Office: 19, Fenchurch

Hor, L. Y. Swee, j p., Cheong Street, Eastcheap, E.C. 3

Swee Yue and Hiu Mon

Secretary—Chin Kok Thun Selangor Club—Kuala Lumpur

Federated Malay States Chamber of Telephs. 2901 & 2902 (Members);

Commerce P.O. Box 137; Cable Ad: Club

General Committee — W. G. C. President—The Hon. the British

Blunn (President), J. L. Hope, Resident (ex-officio)

J. Whyte, Hon. Col. C. Rae, J. Vice-President—

L. Peace, R. E. Lancaster, H. Cimmittee—A. F. Taylor, C. J.

W. Hughes, and E. H. H. Chisholm, G. O. Hovil, A. Sleep,

Everest Branch Committee—W- J. A. Clery, C. Mills and E. N.

Selangor T. Cummins

G. C. Blunn (chairman), E. H. Secretary—J. Wilson

H. Everest, J. L Peace, D. Treasurers—Evatt & Co.

Sear, H. W. Hughes, D. W. Colours—Blue, Scarlet and Yellow

Henderson and E. C. H. Chari- Selangor Coast Club

wood President—T. P. Sunderam

Perak Branch Committee—J. L. Hon. Secretary—Ngoh Siong Thye

Hope (chairman), Hon. Col. C.

Rae, R. E. Lancaster, M. O. ' Asst. Hon. Secy.—A. Ramanathan

Committee Members — Li Kim

Oliver, S. T. Rees, J. McLeod Chuan, D. A. Amahasekera, Dr.

and D. J. Fleming M. A. Gabriel, V. Thambiah, S.

Secretaries—Evatt & Co., Chartered M. Martin, S. R. Sabapathy

Accountants, Kuala Lumpur and A. Ramanathan

Incorporated Society of Planters (A Hon. Auditors—D. K. Rajakariar

Society founded “ to secure and promote and G. S. Arumugam

the personal and professional interests Sports Members—


all Planters in Malaya”)—Registered

I.S.P. Buildings, Kuala Lumpur. Football—A. Ramanathan

Official Journal: “The Planter,” an Tennis—A. D. Lazarus

illustrated Billiards—Tay Boon Soon

Monthly Planters’ Paper, published Cricket—G. S. Arumugam

Hockey—M. Saminathen

Kampong Kuantan Club—Kuala Selangor Badminton—Cheong Jin Hoe

President—E. J. C. Edwards Selangor Golf Club—Kuala Lumpur

Vice-do. —C. P. H. Duncan President—C. H. Sansom

Committee—R. D. Gillett, T. W. Captain—J. M. Fordham

Carey, O. R- Ransom, H. G. L. Secretary—F. R. Twiss

Richards, E. M. Allen and R.

P. Broome Selangor Polo Club—Racecourse: Kuala

Hon. Secretary—A. G. R. Cowe Lumpur

Lake Club—Kuala Lumpur President and Captain—Lt. Col

President—E. J. Williams R. H. A. D. Love

Committee—H. M Pendlebury, E Hon. Secretary—E. R. Guest

J. Vallentine, H. L. Linnell, G. Hon. Treasurer-—C. H. Tilley

Shelton Agar, I. C. G. Spooner Colours—Black and White

and Secretary—A.

Hon. J. V. CowgillJ. Gracia

Selangor St. Andrew’s Society—Kuala

Hon. Treasurer—T. D. Ensor Lumpur


Selangor Turf Clu,b — Kuala Lumpur;

Teleph. 2926 (Racecourse); Cable Ad: Klang—Cable Ad: Kunphi u

Racing D.S.Reid,

Young,acting sub-agent


\ Secretary—P.

President—A. A.\\. Henggeler

Gleeson M. W. Whyte, do.

Olerk.of Course—Ren6 Proust Seremban—Cable Ad: Sambot

C. F. Maltby, sub-agent

United Railway Employees’ Benefit C. P. M. Jenkin, sub-apet.

Society, The, F.M.S.— Kuala Lumpur S., C. R, Northcote, do.


Yice-do. —K. E. J. Soper

Chellaturai Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Cor-

Hon. Secretary—S. Arumugam P.O. Box 244: CableSt.,Ad:Kuala

poration—Ampang Lumpur:


Young Men’s Christian Association of j Kuala Lumpur

Kuala Lumpur M. B. Mathews, acting agent

Patrons—Sir , Shenton Thomas., A.C. H.C. Meredith


k.c.m.g., o.b.e. and Hon. Mr. T. R. H. D. Wade

)S. Adams,' m.c.s. , Lim Cheng Wee/compradore

Hon. Vice-Presidents—Chan Wing,

j.p., San Ah Wiixg, j.'p., Dr. W. A. Kwong Yik Banking Corporation—2,


j.p., andj.p.,

Choof.r.g.s., A. Van

Kia Ben£, c.B.E.Tooren, Cross Street, Kuala Lumpur

Directors—Capt. T. P. Coe (president,- Mercantile Bank of India, Ltd.—

pres.), V. Rajaratnam (hoii. (vice)

Lt.-Col. B. J; Eaton, o.b.e. sec- Kuala Lumpur Branch: 12, Market

retary), J. R. Vethavanam (hon. Street; Telephs.’2306 and 2195; Cable

treasurer), Rev. J. G. Hall, Ad:H. Paradise Pr'ovis. manager

Rev. P- L. Peach, Rev. G. T. S. L. Stocks, accountant '

Vedamanickam, C. W. . de Sil- R. Wyeth, asst. do.

va, K K Benjamin M. Man- Chia Hood Lyej hdad shroff .

uel, W. H. T Abraham, D. M. !

Vander Holt, K. O. Koshy, | Oversea-Chi nese Banking Cor-

Chan Hung Chin, A. George, | S.poration, Ltci. (Incorporated

S.) — (Successors to The Chinese


Soong Hong Meng and Rev. A. ' Commercial Bank. Ltd., The Ho Hong

H. Pringle Bank,

Bank, Ltd., and TheHighOversea

Ltd.)—113, Street,Chinese


Baker, Morgan & Co., Exchange and A.B.C. Lumpur; Cable Ad: Oversea; Codes:

6th edn..

Share Brokers (Established 1913)—11, Bentley’s and Private. Head Office: Peter son’s 3rd edn.,


Teleph.Yew 3111;Buildings,

Cable Ad:Kuala


Codes: Singapore. Nominal$10,000,000.

Capita,]: .f40,000,000.

Broomhall’s and Bentley’s Paid-up Capital: Branches:

Amoy, Bangkok, Batavia, Batu Pahat,

Djambi, Hongkong,

(Kelantan), Ipoh,

Muar, Kota

Malacca,Seremban, Bahru


BANKS Penang, Rangoon,

Ng Tiong Swee, acting manager Shanghai

Chartered Bank of India, inAustralia (Kuala Lumpur branch)

and China (Incorporated England

by Royal Charter)—Cable Ad: Kunckle, Bannon & Bailev Advocates, Solicitors

Kuala Lumpur and

JavaNotaries Public-—Laidlaw Building,

Street, KualaLumpur;Teleph. 2202;

D.A.W.D.Henderson, acting agent

Mackintosh, accountant Cable Ad:Bannon,KualaLumpur;Codes:

Sub-accountants— BroomhalTs Bubber, Bentley’s

W. V. D, Skrine, advocate and so-

A. W. Hughes licitor, S.S. and F.M.S,, and notary

M. G. Gordon public, partner

G. Taylor Paul

L. C. Harding

J as. Rae S.S. Storr, advocate and solicitor,

and F.M.S.

H. G. Banham C.and


advocate and solicitor, F.M.S.,


W. N. Dickson G C. Macaulay, accountant.

S. G. Williamson J. A. Sarny, chief clerk


Barlock Typewriter Agency, Sole Borneo Motors, Ltd., and Borneo

Chevrolet,Teleph.Ltd.—Ampang Road, Kuala

Distributors for the all British Barlock Lumpur; 2984; Cable Ad:


apore, Penang,Selling Malaccaagencies in Sing- Borneocar

and throughout

the Federated Malay States—8, Market O. Bellingham-Smith, branch mgr.

Street, Kuala Lumpur

Boustead & Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in

Barlow & Co., Estate Agents and Mer- F.M.S.)—1, pur; and PortEmbankment, KualaAnson,

Swettenham, Teluk Lum-

chants—Eastern Smelting Building, Ipoh, Singapore, Penang, Tumpat,

Kuala Lumpur; Teleph. 2146; P.O. Box (Kelantan) E. H. H. Everest, dir. (K. Lumpur''

260; Cable Ad: Barlow; Codes: A.B.C. 5th Assistants (Kuala Lumpur)—

and 6 th Complete

edns., Phrase,

Lieber’s Broomhall’s



Imperial Combination (Rubber edn.) G.F. Percival

E. Wiseman | N. Fyfe

F. W. Walker | L. Strachan

Barnabas & Co., Architects, Civil Eng- Port J. M.Swettenham



1st Floor,andKuala

Surveyors—5, Klyne 3286;

Lumpur; Teleph. St., J. C. Walker J E. M. Scoular


, 5th edn. Ad: Yethavanam; Code: A.B.C. Bradburne & Co. (1930), Ltd., Charles,

J. R. Vethavanam, partner Share Brokers—1/3, Old Market Square,

A. Barnabas, do. Kuala Lumpur; Telephs. 3355 and 3356;.

f Wong Kim Hone, do. Cable

Codes: Ad: Tallyho,

A.B.C. 6th edn.,KualaBroomhall’s,


| Chung Heng ehoon | Tan Sim Wah Broomhall’s Arbitrage, Bentley’s and


G. O. Hovil, secretary

Barrowman, Doctors, & Sir Malcolm A. J. Daly, assistant

Watson, Medical Practitioners,

| Medical and Sanitary Officers—Federal Estate H. J. Sinclair, do.

} Dispensary Building, Klang, F.M.S.; Bricks, Ltd., Brick Manufacturers—

Teleph. 36; Cable Ad: Barrowman, Oriental Buildings, Kuala Lumpur

Klang; Codes: A.B.C. 5th edition and Evatt & Co., Secretaries

> Broomhall’s

; Principals—

| Sir Malcolm Watson, ll.d„ m.d., c.m., 7, KlynePharmacy

British and Medical Hall—


Teleph. 3219

- Barclay D.f.H., Barrowman,

J?.R. SAN.I. M.B., CH.B., D.T.M., P. A. Peries,

i D.T.H., F.C.O., M.R. SAN.I.

| Assistants — Lawrence A. Watson, Caldbeck, Macgregor & Co., Ltd. (Incor-

porated under the Companies Ordin-

B-SC., M.B., CH.B.

N. Menon, a.R.san.l, chief sanitary ances

T. inspector. Shanghai), Wholesaleandand

of Hongkong incorporated

Retail Winnin

and Spirit Merchants—12, Batu

Kuala Lumpur; Teleph. 2906; Cable Ad: Road,

Blunn, George & Co., Ltd. (Incorporated Caldbeck; Codes: A.B.C. 5th edn. and

Bentley’s. Head Office: 44, Foochow

|i inStreet,

the F.M.B.), Merchants—120,

Kuala Lumpur; Teleph. 2586, Java Road, Shanghai

' Kuala Lumpur; Cable Ad: Blunnco; Macgregors,

managers Ltd., Shanghai, general

} Codes: Bentley’s, Birch wood, Chemical O. L. Borneman, manager

Y andW.Duo G. C. Blunn, managing director Agency

i R. L. Leach, assistant General Accident, Fire and Life

Yeo Poh Kiew,

Chan Sit Chow, clerksalesman Assurance Corporation

H. La Fontaine (Port Swettenham) Caxton Press, Ltd., Printers, Sta-


munition—4 Dealersandin 6,Firearms



•J'ioRNEO Company, Ltd.; The, Merchants— Kuala Lumpur and 20, Station Street,.

Borneo Motors Building, Ampang Road,

Kuala Lumpur; Teleph. 2631; Cable Ad: KlangAgents

Borneo. Head Office: 143-149, Fenchurch

p Street, London E.C. 3. All British Bar-Lock Typewriters


Central .D-ispensary,

Opticians—4§- Chemists , and' Church

Java Street Road,

of St. Anthony - Robertson*’

Tamil Mission

Vicar—Rev. V. Hermann

Ceylon & Foreign Travel Service, Assistant—L. Guittat j

Travel Agents and Luggage Transport

Contractors—Railway Building, Kuala Church of the Holy 'Rosary—Br ickfield

Lumpur Road, Chinese Mission

Ceylon Bakery and Confectionery, Vicar—Rev. R. Girard


Malay Bakers and Lumpur

Street, Kuala Confectioners!— 7,

P. H. Hendry> proprietor Methodist Girls’ School, Day, Boarding, 1

and Music

near School

Rail way for Girls—High

Station, Street i

Kuala Lumpur

Chan Sow Lin & Co., Ltd., Engineers— Miss Mabel Marsh, principal

74-a, Am pang Road, Kuala Lumpur; Miss Emma Olson, superintendent, '

Teleph. 3235 Boarding School

Chartered Bank of India Australia & Si-. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church,

China (see Banks) Selangor—Weld Road, Kuala Lumpur;

Chin Choon & Co,, General Menchants Teleph. 2580 (Kuala Lumpur)

and Agents—58, Meru Road, Klang; Minister—Rev. Alan H. Pringle, m.a.

Outstation Services:

Cable Ad : Chinohoon Selangor—Klang, Banting, Carey

Ghana Underwriters, Ltd., Life, Island, Kuala Kubu, Kajang

Fire, Negri Sembilain—iSeremban, Kuala

GeneralMarine, Accident,— Motor

Insurance. Head CarOffice:

;a.nd Pilah, Bahau

Pahang—Raub, Kuala Lipis, Bentong


Chief Office:Bank

Hongkong . Southern Agencies—

Chambers, fcvpore. St. John’s Institutioii—Bukit Nanas Rd.,

Agents—Chow Thye & Co.. 4. Church Kuala Lumpur; Teleph. 3977

Street, Kuala Lumpur, Rev. Brother Janies, visitor .,

Agent—Yap Tai Chi, 124, High Rev. BrQ. Canice,



Street, Kuala Lumpur Rev. Bro.

'Chow Kit A and

Merchants Co., Manufacturers’

Ltd., Wholesale Repres-

Import St. Mary’s School, A Church of

entatives—4 and 6, Market Street; England School — Middle Road, Weld

Hill, Kuala Lumpur; Teleph. 2647

Cable Ad: Kit

CHURCHES and MISSIONS' College of Divine Metaphysics Inc. (of

Indianapolis, Ind., U.S.A.), Schools of

Catholic Church of St. John Psychology,

Post-graduateMetaphysics and Theology.

Degrees—P.O. Box 180,

Vicar—Ret. Father t). Perrissoud; m.a. Kuala Lumpur, F.M.S.

Chinese Gospel Hall—Golf Road C. F. Lam, ph.d., d.d., representative

Missionaries — T. R. Angus, D. A.




Shirtliff; Miss H. E. Commercial Press, Stationers, Printers,

M. Gibson

Ma Tham Shun Advertising Contractors, etc. —117,

High Street, Kuala Lumpur: Teleph.

Church, of England 2112;'

Codes: Cable Ad: 5thCommercial , sPetsa

Rev. J. G. Hall, m.a., Chaplain

Rev. S. Charles, Tamil Priest Bentley’s,A.B.G. and- 6thUnion

Lieber’s and Westeril edns.,

Rev. Chan Wing Chuen,, Chinese priest Yuen Ka Tseiing, managing

Yuen C. Foon, manager ! proprietor


St. Mary, the Virgin—Kuala Lumpur Miss N. Yuen, assist.

St. Barnabas—Klang Miss I. Yuen, • dp,. - : • ;'<

St. Katherine—Kajang

St. Thomas—Banting

Church of the Ascension Kuala Kubii LumpurCoronation Dispensary, Chemists

Druggists—137, Petaling Street, Kuala and



‘Craig, Ltd., James. (Incorporated in Sel- Directors—C. J, Chisholm,

S. Wagner, Tong Wing Wai and E. A.

angor), Engineers, Iron and Brassfoun- H. L. Johnson

ders, Specialist in Oil Palin Machinery

and General Contractors—Head

and Works: Klang, F.M.S.; Teleph. 58; Office Kuala Lumpur—Telephs. 3177 and 3178

Cable H. L. Johnson, gen’l. mgr.

5th edn.,Ad:Bentley’s

Experience: Codes: A.B.C.

and Marconi D. Timms | J. Dick

Klang Branch—Teleph. 46 .

W. H. Adam, acting manager F. J. Foulds


H. ProctorBranch—Teleph. 24

'Cpmberbatch & Co., Ltd., Merchants, Singapore Brartch—Teleph. 2615

Estate Agents

Lumpur andand Port

Accountants- Kuala

Swettenham; T. A. Palmer'

Telephs. 3191/2 (Kuala Lumpur) and 10

(Port Swettenham); Cable Ad: Lanka,

Kuala Lumpur;Rubber

Broomhall’s Codes:edn!,

A.B.C-5th edn.. FFederal Rubber Stamp Co., Printers,


and Bentley’s Wholesale and Retail Stationers,

sellers, Newsagents, Rubber Stamp Book-

Manufacturers, Brass Seal Engravers,

‘Cycle and Carriage Co. (1926), Ltd., General Printers, Post Card Publishers and

The, Importers—Head Office: 23, Old



Singapore.and Engineers—

Branches: Market Square ; Printing Works: Batu

Kuala Road,

Lumpur, Penang and Ipoh: Teleph. Vulcanite;Kuala Lumpur. Cable Ad:


A.B.C. and5th'edn.

5944: Cable Ad: Cyclecarri; Codes: Branches: Ipoh, Singapore

A.B.C. 5th edn., Acme and Bentley’s Foo

Chua Cheng Liat, manager Tan Chin Hean, general partner

Wha Cheng, senior mgr.

East Asiatic Co., Ltd., Shipowners and

General Merchants—58, A m pang Road pFederated Engineering Co., Ltd., The

(Incorporated in the F.M.S.), Civil,

Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd. (Incorpor- Structural, Mechanical, Electrical,

Sanitary and Marine Engineers, Dredge

ated in England) Tin Smelters

Eastern Smelting Building, 165-167, and — Ship Builders, Steel, Iron and

High Street, Kuala Lumpur; Teleph. Brass Founders, Rubber Merchants



5th CableHeadAd; Office:

Smelter;Princes A.B.C. Specialists

Code: House, and Hardware

— Head Office and Works: 246, HighjSta

95, Gresham Street, London, E.C. 2. I 2994; Kuala Cable

Lumpur; Ad:Teleph. Kuala-Lumpur

Federated; Codes: At,

Head Office in the East: Penang A.B.C. 5th and 6th edns. (5-letters).

C. M. McDonald, agent Western Union Universal edn., Western

Estate & Hospital Supply A.gency, The, ! Union Board

5-letter edn.

of Directors—J. A. P. Strachan,

Suppliers of Estate Hospital Requisites, m.i.meoh.e.

Bungalow Chicks, Household Beddings,

Mattress, Curtains, etc.—Kuala Lum- gregor, H. (chairman),

H. Robbins W.andH. F..Mac- <3.

pur; Teleph. 731; P. O. Box 14; Cable Ritchie,,

MAR. E. m.i. mech. e., m.ln.a., mi.

Ad: Bui’tonco K. M. Jopp, acting_s§cretary

J. R. Burton, managing proprietor E. W.W. J.Savege,;A.M.i.MECH.E.,

Evatt & Co.,, Chartered Accountants F. Wave, accountantmanager

—Oriental Buildings, Kuala Lum- C- ; AliboftUl:pch

A. Hamilton, asst. nicalengr.

assist. /

pur ; Cable Ad: Evatt; Code:

A.B.C. 5th• ‘edn. ; and at Singapore T.E. Wblborn,

H.' Glovef,A,works

M. supt.

Mar. E., repre-

and Penang, 1 S.S. and Ipoh, F.M.S. sentative for Rustpn HortiSby Ltd.

J. L.Ford

H. , Eastman,

c.a., manager


. FFederated Malay States Chamber of

Federal Dispensary, Ltd., (Incor- Commerce (jS’ce Associations)

porated in FALS.), Wholesale;and Retail

Chemists- Kuala Lumpur, Klang,

Seremban i and’, SingapoTe; Cable: Ad: FFederal

Federal , : :1 batch &, Oil Co , Mills, LTD.-^c/o/OuiqbgE-

Ltd,, .Kuala Lumpur


Fletcher Trading Go., Ltd. (Incorporated Kuala Lumpur Office

in F.M.S.X General Merchants—Head E. D. Butler, a.c.a., partner

Office: 21-23,

Lumpur: Old 3377;

Teleph. MarketCable


Ad: Kuala

Benta; A. Arbuthnott,

Codes: A.B.C. 5th and 6th edns. and H.

H. MunroScott, a.c.a.,assist.

R. Villiers, a.c.a., do.

Bentley’s. Branch: Ipoh. Birmingham Glasgow Office—124, St. Vincent Street..

Office: 51, .Edgbaston Street

Flowerdew & Co., A. H., Consulting Gleeson & Co., Appraisers, Auctioneers,

Mining Engineers—Oriental Buildings, Commission and Land Agents—Kuala.


Lumpur; Street: P. O. 3630;

Box Cable

156, Kuala

Ad: Lumpur


Kuala Lumpur; Code:

Broomhall’s Imperial Combination

A. H. Flowerdew, m.inst.m.m., e.g.s. Government


Printing OFFlck — Brick-

Road, Kuala Lumpur

Ford & Delamore, A,dvocates, Solicitors Superintendent—W. H. Wyatt

and Notaries Public—60, Klyne Street, Assist.

actg.)Printer—(vacarit), (H. T, RoSs,.

Kuala Lumpur: and 22, Station

Klang;Telephs.2109(Kuala Lumpur) and Street, 2nd Assist. Printer—PI. T. Ross

49 (Klang); Cable Ad: Ford.; Code; Binding Foreman—PI. Holland

A.B.C. 5th edn. Machine do. —N. Richardson

P. Barnard Ford

A. W. Delamore, ll.m. Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd.

Fraser & Neave, Ltd., Aerated Water (Incorporated 1-3, Old MarketinSquare,Straits Kuala



Manufacturers arid Distributors for Ma- Teleph.

layan Breweries, Ltd.—Kuala Lumpur. A.B.C. 5th edn. 2465; Cable Ad: Greateast Code:

Head Office: Singapore. Branches M. T. Stanley, District Manager!


Sumatra Malaya, Siam, Java and C. K.Representatives—G.

Foster, Inspector ofM.Agents

J. N. Becker, manager Special Notley,.

E. J. Roberts, assist. Lim Kok Gim, R. H. Bain K. E

Wong Kyeam Soon, chief clerk Frugtniet and D. Scully

Freeman & Madge, Advocates, Solicitors Grenier & Son, Ltd., Charles, Printers,

and Notaries Public—54, Klyne Street, Publishers and Stationers—27, Old

Kuala Lumpur; Cable Ad: Freeman Market Street, Kuala Lumpur; Teleph.


AssuranceAccident, FireLtd.and Life 2183; Cable Ad: Grenier


Caldbeck, Macgregor & Co., Ld., agents Grenier & Co., Walter, Accountants, Au-

General Electric Co,, Ltd., Electrical ditors Yik Bank & Company

Bldgs. (2ndSecretaries—Kwong

floor), K. Lumpur;


Street, Kuala House, 1, Java Tqleph. 2278

1 Lumpur; Teleph. 4291; W. J. P. Grenier, f.l.a.a., f.i.s.a., sole

Cable Ad: ‘ Magnet ” proprietor

Gian Singh & Co., Merchants, Dra-

pers, Tailors and Outfitters, House Guthrie & Co., Ltd., Merchants—Kuala

Furnishers, Silk, Cotton, Woollen

and Curios—20, Java Street, Kuala Lumpur G.P.D.J.Cameron, manager

Lumpur; Teleph. 2428 ; Cable Ad :


Surjeet Singh, manager A. P. Roy Waugh,

Cranna, plantingdo.adviser

Pritam Singh, asst, manager P.H. A.W.Rogers,

Esson, import manager do.

Gibson, Anderson, Butler & Co., Char- Assistants—

tered Accountants—12, Market Street, J.D. S.S. Anderson


2232; Lumpur; P. O. Box

Ad: Edbut, 276;Lumpur;

Kuala Teleph. Davidson I| A.C. F.Thornton


Codes: A.B.C. 5th edn., Broomhall’s A. G. Chadwick I D. R. Gulland?

(Imperial Rubber edn.) L.D. D.M. Elliott

M. Hawes |I J.G. S.B. Potter



lI Hallam

19, Old Market Diamond Merchant, Engraver, Watch

Teleph. SSSfi; Square,

Cable Kuala

Halco,Lumpur; Maker, Dealer in Silverware, Precious

Kuala | Stones, Ceylon Lace and Curios—2 and

Lumpur; Codes:Western



5-letter 4,240;BatuCable


(Rubber edn.),

edn.), A.B.C. 5th and 6th edns., Utility edn. Hewa;Lumpur; P.O. Box

Code: A.B.C. 5th

and Private P. H. Hendry, propfieipf; , :

Partners—7Colin J. Chisholm, T. D. S. K. B. de Silva, manager

Betteridge and A. N. Farquharson , G. M. Denister, assist.

L. F. Hopkinson, aSst. X. L. Hewa, do.

D. C. P. M. Wijeydoru, do. J

Harper, Gilfillan &, Co., Ltd. (Incor- G. K. V. Somananda, r d,q.;

porated F.M.S.), Merchants, Shipping Henggeler & Martin, Ltd, (Incorporat-

and Insurance Agents, Managing Agents ed in the F.M.S.), Consulting and Mining



— Head Office:to Rubber

KualaEstates and Engineers—6-8, Java Street, Kuala


Teleph. 2943 (with private Branch Anglomaya, Lumpur; Teleph. 3136;. Cable

K. Lumpur. Ad:


Exchange); Cable Ad:Broomhall’s,

A.B.C. 5th edn.,Scott’s, Achan; Codes: Ben- Authorised : $200,000 (m shares);

tley’s and Private.- Issued : $80,000

pore, Penang, Port Branches

Swettenham, at Singa-

Port Directors—A.

man), H. A.A." Coates,

’ Henggeler



Dickson, Malacca, Klang, Telok Anson, Waring, L. T. Williams

Jpoh, Taiping, Port Weld and Bagan B. M. Cameron, secretary


Directors—Hon. Mr. W, A. Wells, E. ; General Managers—

Bacu Selangor Tin Dredging Co.. Ltd.

C.D. H.St.Charlwood,

Leger ParsonsH. W. and Moxon,J. Klang River Tin Dredging Co., Ltd.

McGlymont TheLtd.North Taiping Tin Dredging Co.,

A. A. Baker W. H. McLean, Rantau Tin Dredging Co., Ltd.

W. Brownlie C. R. M. Stutely General The Taiping Tin Dredging Co., Ltd.

H. B. Hussey C. A. Whitchurch, EasternManagers



J. F. Keay A. W. Youtman Murai Tin Ltd.

London Agents Blyth, Greene, Puteh Tin Dredging Co., Ltd.

Jourdain Co., Ltd., 47-51, King- Holman Brothers, Ltd. — 23, Java

William Street, E.C-4. Street, Kuala Lumpur; Cable Ad:


Harrisons, Barker & Co., Lid. (In- ■Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking

corporated in the Straits Settlements),- ! Corporation—(See Banks) ■

Merchants, Estate and Insu ranee Agents

—Kuala Lumpur; Teleph. 2251 (3 lines);

Cable Ad: Barkers, Kuala Lumpur;

Codes: Bro.omhali’s, Bentley’s, and

Private HOTELS

Hon. Mr. H. B. Egmont Hake, director Central Hotel, The—25, Junken Udin

W.(Kuala Lumpur)

E. Wallis, director (Kuala Lumpur) Street, Klang

1 Haydn O. Peake, director (London) Eastern Hotel, The — Ampang Road,

Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur

J. Brown

L.H. Clarke G. M. Knocker Empire Hotel,The (TheEmpire Hotel Co.,

Ld., Incorporated in F.M.S.)—Facing

J. C. Cuthbert R. P. Leadbetter the Padang

') U. G. Gumming

E. J. Douglas C. H. Lee

D. M. Milne, ; 2135; Cable and SelangorKuala

Ad: Empire, Club;Lumpur;


C.R. St.

J. GOW A.M.I.C.E. Code: A.B.C. 5th edn.

J. E. King, G. Johnston

a.c. a. R.R. B.H. R.White

Todd 1

Empire Hotel—Kuala Lumpur; Tele-

Port Swettenham—J. Tainsh phone 2135' ,

Teluk Anson—J. B. Leask Han Keng Fong, manager


Hotel Majestic Limited—Opposite the Jacks & Co. (Malaya), Ltd., William,.

Railway Station, Kuala Lumpur: (Incorporated Engineers and inGeneral StraitsMerchants—23,


Telephs. 3131 and 3132 ;■ Gable Ad : Java Street, Kuala Lumpur; Telephs.

Majestic 3335 and 3336; Cable Ad: Expanded;

Lim Hee Kung, managing director Codes:

Himomaru Hotel—129, Petaling Street, New Standard and Private. Acme,.

A.B.C. 5th edn., Bentley's, Head

Kuala Lumpur Office: Ocean Building. Prince Street,

Singapore Branches at Penang, Ipoh,.

Kashima Hotel—164, Petaling Street, andLondon

Kuala Lumpur

Port Swettenham

Agents—William Jacks & Co.,.

Masnya Hotel—407, Batu Rd.,K. Lumpur London, E.C.House,

Winchester 2 Old Broad Street,,

New Shirayama Hotel — 20, Rembau Jag’s Agency, General Merchants and

Street, Klang Commission

Popular Hotel —125, Petaling Street, Trading Co.Agents—(1st

Bldg., 21-23,floor).Old Fletcher


Kuala Lumpur Square, Kuala Lumpur; Teleph. 3232

J. E.A. L.G.Hunter


Ritz, The—121, Petaling Street A. K. Lai, clerk

Savoy Hotel,, The—123, Petaling Street, Johnson & Phillips, Ltd. (London),.

Kuala Lumpur Electrical Engineers—Kuala

Station Hotel—F.M.S. William Jacks & Op., Ltd., soleLumpuragents

Kuala Lumpur; Teleph.Railway

3233 Station, Kean Leqng & Co., General Merchants,

Station Hotels,

Lim AhOffice: Ltd.,

Tau, manager lessees and Importers of Motor Car Accessories

Branch —44, Batu Road, Kuala Lumpur; Teleph.

Station Hotel, Ipoh 3887Yeoh Cheow Chong, partner

Tamaya Hotel—72, Batu Road, Kuala

Lumpur Keat SengandCo.,Commission

General Merchants, Im-

Tin Suan Mwee Hotel—126, Petaling porters Batu Road, Kuala Lum]. ur;


Teleph. 2577,

Street, Kuala Lumpur Cable Ad: Keatseng; P.O. Box 372,

Branch No. 61 Main Street, Kuala Lipis,


Hup Hin & Co., Motor and Cycle Fittings,

Tyres and Accessories Merchants—5, Kee Huat Radio Co., Radio and Elec-

Yap Ah Loy Street, Kuala Lumpur trical Equipment—223, :Batu Road;

Cable Ad: Kikophone,

Huttenbachs, Ltd., Electrical, Mechanical Singapore

and Contracting Engineers—14, Market

Street, Cable Ad: Simit; Code: A.B.C. 404, North Bridge Road; Cable Ad:

5th edn Kikophope

Imperial Chemical Industries (Ma- Keys &, Dowdeswell, Architects and

laya), Ltd., Importers and Ex- Surveyors — 9, Holland Road, Kuala.

porters of Chemicals, Fertilisers, Lumpur; Teleph. 2263

Dyestuffs and Manufacturers’ Raw P.F. H. Keys, d.s.o.,f.r.i.b.a.



Stkeet, Kuala Lumpur; Office : 120,Teleph.

Java Dowdesdell,

3792; Cable Ad: Impkemix. Also Kiiee Menu Press, rinters, Stationers,

Agricultural Advisory Department and Importers — 2 4, High Street;

E.R. Guest, b,sc. (Hons.)L’don., a.r.c.^., Teleph. 2443


C. H. Tilley, m.a., (agric.) Cantab.

King Chong & Co., Old General Merchants

Tncorported Society of Planters {See and KualaImporters—29,

Lumpur; Cable Market

Ad: Square,




Kinsey & Co., J. B., Manufacturers’ Agent A. E. Bond, mang, dir. in the East

and Exporters—85, Campbell Road, F. Hamond, director in charge

Kuala Lumpur; Cable Ad: Kinsey; W.H.G.R.Davis, office manager

H. Temple

P. O. Box 101 Teleph. 2033 C Smith | U. L* Drew

Proprietor of:

Radio Malaya Lovelace & Hastings, Advocates and

Agents for; | Solicitors — 56, Klyne Street, Kuala

N. V. Philips Radio for whole Lumpur William

of British Malaya (Oxon),George Warren Hastings,

barrister-at-law, partnerb.a.


J. Bostock Hill, barrister-at-law,

. Klang Cycle and Motor Works—Klyne

‘ Street, Kuala Lumpur; Teleph. 2609;

l Cable Ad: Teonghoe McAlister Co., Ltd., Merchants—

I Kuala Lumpur Dispensary—114, High High Street,Ad:Kuala

3127; Cable Lumpur; Teleph-


| Street (Agencies:, See Singapore)

; Kuala Lumpur

Co.—61a, Drain

Rodger PipeKuala

Street, and Lumpur;

Pottery Macaskill & Cameron, Drs,—Federal

Dispensary Building, Kuala Lumpur;

| Teleph. 2313 Teleph.

i.■i Kyle, Palmer & Co., Ltd. (Inc. in the Dr. D.Office: 2136 m.d., d.t.m. & H.

C. Macaskill,

F.M.S.), Importers, Printers, Merchants (Edin.), partner

and Contractors to F.M.S, Government, Dr. L G. Cameron, m.b., ch.b. (Edin.),

‘ etc.—Registered partner

Kuala Lumpur. Office: 235, Batu

Branches: IpohRoad,


; Penang (S.S.). Cable Ad: Kylpa (All Malaya Dispensary—30, Batu Road

| i Kendall’s


Kuala Lumpur

Bentley’s (2nd edn.),

Hamilton’s A. M. Soosay, l.m.s. (S’pore) and

J. Selvam, l.r.o.p. & s. (Edin.),

Frederick W. Palmer, v.c., director l.r.f.p. & s. (Glasgow), consul-

a;I James L. Ross, e.A., do. tants

H. P. Anderson, c.a., do. “Malaya Mail” Press Co., Ltd.—Re-

1j IpohG. H. Foenander, (printg, dept.) gistered Office: 25, Pudu Road;

Frederick W. Palmer, v.c.,m.m., director Kuala Lumpur

ji Penang Directors—J.

H. P. Anderson, c. a., director (chairman), D.H.H.M.Hampshire,

Robson, D.c.b.d.


L. Parsons, F. L. Jones and C.

JLal'l Singh & Co., Sports Outfitters—25, J. Chisholm

Java Street, Kuala Lumpur

Lall Singh “Malay Mail,” Published Daily in the

.sLangenberg & Son, T. C. van, Architects, Afternoon at 25, Pudu Rd., K. Lumpur;

| Civil

MarketEngineers and Appraisers:—19, Old Telephs.


3114-3115; Cable Ad: Mail.

mail published

3803; P.

Street, Kuala

O. Box 64

Lumpur; Teleph. Proprietors: The Malayevery MailFaiday.


t T. C. van Langenberg, f.i.a.a., l.r. J. Co.,

H. M. Ltd.

Robson, c.b.e. mang. dir.

, i.b.a., partner F. L. Jones, editor

Y i.b.a.,

S. van Langenberg, f.i.a.a., l.r.

partner Editorial Staff

P.M. H.I. Ardizzone

Romney I F. F. Cooray

. Dim’s Press, Printers, Stationers,

binders and Newsagents—150, High St.; Book- A. Gunasekera | E. J. Galvin

Kuala Lumpur; P.O. Box 214 R. N. Stephenson, works mgr.

G. Radcliffe, office assistant

J Little & Co., John—Ampang Street Khoo Hong Tat, cashier

and The Embankment, Kuala Lumpur:

Cable Ad: Little; Codes: A.B.C. 5th edn. Malayan American Plantations, Ltd.—

and Bentley’s Laidlaw Building, Kuala Lumpur

I C5


Malayan Collieries Limited , (Inqor- A.T. D.S. Ensor,


C.A., partner


porated in F.M.S.)^-Hcad Office: L. R. Mackness, c.a., do.

Hongkong &.Shanghai Bank Build- ' A.‘ Gi Robertson, c.a., do.

ings, Kuala Lumpur; T^leph. 4265

(2 lines) with private line to Batu

Arang Colliery; Cable Ad: Arang;

:Cpdes: ^eptley’s, Boe ^ (Shipping) Nestle Co.

& Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk

and. Acme Managers

General , and, Secretaries

. '■ , Milk,(London), CondensedChocolate

Milk Products, and Sterilised


—J. A. Russell Co., Kuala Bohgsar Road; Kuala Lumpur;Building,

Cocoa, Infants’ Foods—Nestle Teleph.

■ Lumpur - 2284; Cable Ad: Nestles

Malayan Pineapple Co.,’ The, Pine- F. B. Roberts, manager

apple Canners — Harper Street, , C. L. Boumphrey, assistant

Klang; Teleph. 195 Klang; P.O. Tan Koh Chong, chief clerk

Box 42; Cable Ad: Hockhuat;

Codes: A.B.C. 5th edn. & Bentley’s Java Street, Nicholas Sons, B. P. (Bankers)—22-24>

Goh Hock Hunt, sole proprietor Kuala Lumpur; Teleph.

Tan Kee Sin, manager 3346;

A.B.C. Cable

5tb Ad: Peoplebank; Code:


Goh Tiang Chin, assist, mgr. B. Ed.

P. Nicholas, managing

Ong Hock Seng, chief clerk

P. M.T. Thamboe,

Nicholas, managerproprietor


MASONIC D. Selvadurai, clerk

Lodge Tullibardine in the East, 1118 A. Nicholas, do.


Kuala Scottish

Lumpur; P.O. Masonic

Box 174 Temple— Onn Yin & Co., Importers and High

Secretary—G. C. Macaulay Class Complete House Furnishers—

145 and 147, High Street, Kuala

Bead Lodge, No. 2337 (E.C.)—Kuala Lumpur; Teleph. 2300; P.O. Box


W. P.O. Box 9

M.—S. E.J. Paulussy

Chamier(Kuala Lumpur) 343; Cable Ad: Onyico

S. W.—W. Tham Choong, senr. partner

J. W.—B. S. Mee C. T. Wong, manager

Secretary—I. Storch Lee Loong Heng, secretary

Assist. Secretarv—J. G. Clemetson Low Mow Yoon, accountant

Treasurer—R. Matthews Bankers: The Mercantile Bank

of India, Ltd.

Forwarding Agents: Tan Chai

Mercantile Bank of India, Ltd.—(See E & Sons

Banks) Oriental

Methodist Girls’ School—(Nee Chur- India, AssuranceGovernment Sechrity Ljffkin

Co.. Ltd. (Incorporated

chesr;and Missions) 1874)—Branch Office:

Building, Java Street, Kuala Lumpur; Oriental

Miners and Builders Stores (1927) Ltd., Cable Ad: Oriental

Y. W. Thambiaiah, Branch Secretary

Hardware Merchants and General Im- S. Rainier, b. com.. Asst. Branch Secy.


pur; High Cable

Teleph. 2269; Street,Ad:Kuala Lum-

Universal V. K. Subramanian, Chief Asst.

Mohamed Kassim & Co., R. E., General A.S. G.M. Santhapam, Tnspr. (Penang)

Y. Izzudin, Tnspr. (Singapore)

Merchants and Importers — Station P. K. Nambyar, Actg. Inspr., Central

Street, Klantr; Telephs. 221-2 Malaya (Kuala Lumpur)

Branches: Singapore,

Inoh, Kuala Lumpur, Penang,


Anson, Park & Francis. Ltd., Mining Engineer?

Rangoon, Calcutta, Madras and —15, Old Market Square, Kuala

Negapatam Lumpur; Teleph. 3931; P.O. Box 66;

Neill & Bell, Chartered Accountants— ! Codes: Cable Ad: Park vale, Kuala Lumpur;

Bentley’s, McNeil 1908

1-3, Old Market3144:Square, Kuala Lum- Mungo Park, a.r.s.m.,

pur; Teleph.

Ad: Neill

P. O. Box 184; Cable M. A. Francis, A.R.S.M.,director

M. INST., M.M.,



Paterson, Simons & Co., Ltd., Merchants, Radio Malaya, Radio and Sound Engin-

Agents and Engineers—Head Office: 1-3, eers, Dealers in Radio Components,

Old Market Square, Kuala Lumpur; Wholesale Road, Kualaand LumpurRetail—85, Campbell

and at

Swettenham Singapore, Penang and Port J. B. Kinsey & Co., proprietor

Agents of:—

Payne, Davis & Co.,Lumpur

countants—Kuala Incorporated Ac- N.British

V. Philips

MalayaRadio for whole of

H. Davis, a.s.a.a.

Richards & Co., D., Insurance

of MalayanandProduce


Peninsular Lights (1930) Ltd. (Incorpor- Agents, Exporters

ated in F.M.S.) Suppliers of Petrol and and General Importers—Klang; Teleph.

172, Klang; P. O. Box 28, Klang; Cable

Kerosene Lighting Installations Ad: Amrasekera, Klang

Throughout Malaya. Also Ky Ko R. Amarasekera, J.P., mang. proprietor

Non Electric

Cable Ad: Peninsular Fans and Oscillators —

E. A. S. Wagner, chairman of directors Robinson & Co., Ltd., General and

N. Y. Visualingam, managing director Athletic and CompleteOutfitters,

HouseDrapers, Tailors—


Java Street, Kuala Lumpur. Principal

Peninsular Publicity Service, Ltd., Establishment: Raffles Place,


Advertising Consultants and Publicity London Office: Balfour Finsbury

Experts, Publishers and General Adver- Pavement, London, H'C.i 2

Directors—Rc Page (chairman), W.

tising Literature Writers—45,

Kuala Lumpur; Teleph. 2560; F. 0. Box Java St., H. MacGregor, Hon. Mr. W. A. Fell

305; CableandAd:Bentley’s

Publicity; Codes: A.B.C and A. Dobson

5th edn. F." Hale ^ } ioint mana8ers

Advt. Agents and Publishers of—

“Malayan Motor Guide” Robinson Piano Co., Ltd. (Incorporated


Malay States Desk Directory

Sportsmen’s Annua!”” in Hongkong), Importers of Pianos,

“ M.A.H.A. Schedules and Exhibition Musical Instruments and Radio Appar-

Handbook” atus—17, Old Market



“F.M-S. & Penang Teleph. Directories” Lumpur; Pianomaker

Teleph. Ad:


(Incorporated Storesin England,

& Agency1878), Ltd. Tallala & Son), Florist, NurseryS.

Co.,Estate Rohini Gardens (Proprietors H.

Agents and Suppliers, General Import and Seedsmen—3rd Mile Klang

Road, Kuala Lumpur; Flower Shop

and Export Merchants

and Insurance Agents—Headand Shipping

Office in at John Little &; Co., Ltd., Kuala


M. S.: Kuala London Lumpur.Office:


St. Lumpur

Helen’s Place, E.C. 3; & at Calcutta,

Chittagong, Dibrugarh, etc. Cable Ad: Ross & Co., James L., Chartered Ac-

Bandit; Codes:and

A.B.C. 5th edn., countants —12, Barrack Road, Kuala

hall’s (Rubber General edn.),Broom-

Bent- Lumpur; P.O. Box 323

ley’s, Lieber’s Royal Press, The, Printers, Station-

L. J. Peace, general manager ers, Bookbinders and Newsagents

S.K. J.G.Clark

Sinclair | L. R. T. Edmett —35, Java Street, Kuala Lumpur ;

Teleph. 3447

Pooley & Co., Advocates, Solicitors Rubber Planters’ Association

and Notaries—

Lumpur; Cable 68,




Lum- {See Associations)

pur; Codes: Western Union and A.B.C. Russell & Co., J. A.—Hongkong and

E.B. J.D. P.Shearn,

Joaquim, adv. &do.sol., partner Shanghai Bank Buildings, Kuala

F. G. Charlesworth, adv. & sol., Lumpur; Cable Ad: Jar; Codes:

Private, Boe (Shipping), Imperial

assist. Combination (Mining), Acme, Bent-

ley’s (General), and New Standard

Popular Dispensary—19, Pudu Road R. C. Russell


Selangor Baling Co., Ltd.—12, Barrack I.Dr.Sibiriakoff,

A. L. Dunlop,engineering adviser

medical adviser

Road, Kuala Lumnur W. W. Marsh, engr., workshop

Sentul T) ispkxsa rv—303a , 1 >at u Road; Estates Staff:

B. T. Foss, head planting manager

Shanmggam & Co., Ltd., Wine and Pro- Estates

DTribarne, Mgrs. — S.Maclnerny,

T. Rhodes, C. A.J.

vision and Produce Merchants — 93,

Fort Street, Kuala Selangor. Branch Roels,

A. E. W. M.G. Iversen,

Brooker, H. A. j. Nicoll,

Campbell, J.

at Batang Berjuntai Sketchley,

Maria SubeM. C. Tollemache and L.

^ ^ iu Estates Assts.R.— D.Aubert,

D. P. F.Rule,Hine,



at-Law),S. M. (of Lincoln's

Advocate Inn, Barrister-

and Solicitor, S.S., C.Schalbart,

Beau cement, G. Tostee, J.


Street. and KualaJohore — Office:

Lurapur; 71, Klyne

Telephs. 3846 P.D’Augustin,

Tatham L. A. Henville and T.


Sharma,andKuala 3670 Lumpur;

(residence); Cable

Code: Ad: Society Internationale d,e Plantations


5th edn. House: Raisina, 9, Golf View- et de Finance (Straits Agency), Estate

Agents—Laidlaw Buildings,Teleph.

Java Street,

Road, Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur, F.M.S.; 2050

Sime, Darby & Co.. Ltd., Plantation (Kuala Lumpur;

Lumpur); Cable Ad: Sipef, Kuala

Codes: Broomhall’s Imperial

Rubber and Tin Mine Agents and Combination (Rubber edn.), Bentley’s


Produce General Merchants,Import,Shipping

Export andand A.B.C. 5th edns. Head Office: 2, Marche

Insurance Agents—14, Market Street, Aux Grains, Antwerp

Kuala Lumpur; Cable Ad: Simit Solignum, Ltd. (Inc., England), Manu-

Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd.—1, facturers of Solignum


Coal Preserva-

2 & 3, McArthur Street, Kuala Lum' tive, Agrisol Tar Dis-

pur; Teleph. 3331; Cable Ad: tillers Federated

and Chemical Manufacturers—

Buildings, Kuala Lumpur;

Storage. Registered Office and Teleph. 4283


F. Dettmar, Borneo Wharf,

branch managerSingapore Sime, Darby & Co., Ltd., agents

W. Bridges St. John’s Dispensary—223, High Street

Kuala Lumpur

Singer Sewin,g Machine Co. (Incorporated


NewKuala Jersev,Lumpur;

U.S.A.)—10, McArthur

Teleph. 4026 St. Mary’s School—{See Churches

Lim KeonffChan,

Leang, supervisor and Missions)

Fon Hee manager Standard-Vacuum Oil Company,ofRefiner-

Vong Chin Onn, assist, mgr. and Marketers ofSmelting

all Products

Tang Kow Kan, book-keeper leum—Eastern Building,Petros


Sooetn Co.. Ltd. (Incorporated in the Street, Kuala Lumpur; Teleph. 2677; P.

F.M.S.\ Estate Agents A- Secretaries— O.J.Box 72; Cable Ad: Standvac

M. McQuilkin manager & attorney


pur;Mile Damansara

Telephs. 2165 andRoad,2166;Kuala

P. O.Lum-

Box W. Hewitt, assistant

330; Cable Ad: Rubberbank: Codes:

Cogef Lug'agne 1929, Broomhall’s Imp- Station Hotel—(*S'e« Hotels)

erial ("Rubber Edn.), Lieber’s, Bentley’s Storch Brothers, Ltd. (Inc. in the F.MS.),


Private.- Phrase,-Bentley’s second and Jewellers, Gold and

Headquarter* Sta,f: eral Merchants and Silversmiths,

Complete House Gen-


Kuala —37Teleph.

Lumpur; and 39,2795;JavaCable



R. S.M.T.E.Rhodes,


and gen.mgr.mgr. Storch; Codes: A. B. C. 5th edn, and

•I. Macarez, secretary to geri. mgr. Penang Bentley’s. Branches at Ipoh and

P.R. Michaux.

Leonard, scientific adviser dept.

mgr., commercial Isidore Stdrch, managing director

F. dept.

de Langlade, manager, technical S.R. P. D. Perera j A. L. Hewa

F. Gain, assist, research officer Lim Gim Gin, book keeper



Branch)Trading Co., Ltd.

Kuala Lumpur (Selangor United Railway Employees’ Benefit


Ad: Straits, Kuala Lumpur Society, F.M.S.—(Nee •Afe$6eiations)

'UniversalLumpur Cars, Ltd.—Robertson Road,

Sun Pharmacy — 35, Sultan Street, Kuala H. Oke, manager

Kuala Lumpur ; Teleph. 2169

Swee ifc Co., Ltd., L. Y., General Im- Vaughan, L., m.inst.m.m., Mining En-

porters Street.,

Rodger and Commission

Kuala Lumpur; — 2, gineer—Kuala Lumpur; P.O. Box 331


Ad: Zenobia W. T. & L. Trading Co., General Mer-

Swef. HeNg Leong & Co., Crude Rubber chants and Commission Ageutsr—.139,

Exporters—Klang; Teleph. 108; Cable High Teleph.

'Street, Kuala Lumpur;

3239; Cable Ad : Hingkee

Ad: Hockhuat Wong Cho Yew, manag'. partner

Gob Hock Huat, manager ' K . H. Lim, manager

Gob Chong Hong, cashier

“Tamil Nesan”, The only tri-weekly Tamil ^ Wei: na


Ampang Street,Published in Malaya—80,

Kuala Lumpur: Teleph. Wagner, E. A. Stockwell (Barrister-at-

2057; Law), Advocate and Solicitor—5, Old


O. Box6th299;edm


Arya; Pudu Road, Kuala Lumpur

Complete Phrase managing editor and Wax Fong, Cabinet -Makers, Consult-


N. Iyengar, ing Decqrators and Pu,ilding Con-

S. Rajam, works manager tractors—Office and Showroom: 229,

Batu Road; Building Workshop:

Tan & Co., S. G., Tailor—18, Station Lot. No. 10822, Ultf Klang Road;

Street, Klang (late of McDougall) tuCabinet Road

Making Workshop: 178 ‘Ba-

Tan Swee, Guan, managing pro. Chew Lan Fong, proprietor

Thomas, Ong & Co.—(1st floor of Chew Chee Kin, manager

old Moutrie’s Xg Sin Tuck, assist, do.

Kuala Lummir,Ltd.), 4, Ampang

Teleph, 2792 Street, 'Click Choc Kan, works supt.

A. N. Thomas, manager Wearne Brothers, Ltd., Automobile En-

Wong Har Ong, secretary gineers and Importers—Robertson

Branch Offices :

, 38. Bibbc Road, Raub, Pahang , Kuala Lumpur; Teleph. P95; GableRoad, Ad :

K. C. Wong, manager Wearne,; Kuala Lumpur7/ Code: A.B.C.

and 44, Station Street, Kuala . 5thW.edn. Low son, manager- ~ ’

, Selangor' F. W. Hall, works manager

A. N. Thomas, manager

Gewral Merchants

Agents faxand'■General Whittall & Co., Estate Agents and Coni-

Singer Sewing Machine Co., and panyKlang, Secretaries - Kuala

Selangor. F.M'.'S.; Lumpur,


Kuala Lumpur K.L. 3361, Klang 230; Cab!e Ad: Whittall;

Asia Life Insurance Co., Inc. in Codes: Broomhall’s (Rubber edn.),

U.S.A. Broomhall’s Imperial Combination,

International Assurance Co., Lieber’s, A.B.C. 5th and 6th edns., Bent-

Ltd., in Hongkong ley’s, 2nd Lieber’s 5-letter and Birch-

Fine Art and General Insurance wood.-Head Office: Colombo, Ceylon.

Co., Ltd., Inc. in Great Britain London& Co., Correspondents: Thomson,

American Lloyd Agency, Ltd. Alston Eastcheap,

Ltd., 2, 3 and 4, Idol Lane,


(Book passages for all parts) Partners— C. H. Figg, A. S. Collett,

Thye Hong & Co., General Merchants I. L. Cameron, L. P. Samson, H. W.

—18, Tunku Dia Udin Street, Klang; Urquhart, C. E Hawes (Colombo)

Teleph. 61; P.O. Box 21; Cable Ad: and F. A. R.Warded

Assists.—J. (Kualac.a.Lumpur)

W. Collett, ( signs

Thyehong per pro.), W. M. James, D. De Marco,

Tin Suan Mwee Hotel—(Nee Hotels) c.a. and R. G. Macpherson


Whiteaway,Laidlaw& Co., Ltd., Drapers, ese Daily Paper in the F.M.S.—

Milliners, Men’s Outfitters, etc.— Java 127, Petaling Street, Kuala Lumpur ;

Street, Kuala Lumpur; Cable Ad: Teleph. 2314; P.O. Box 49; Cabin

Warfield Ad : Yikkhuan


J. Wright, manager

Tian Guan, assistant Chairman of Directors— Chan

H. L. Richard, clerk Chim Mooi

Vice-Chairman of Directors—San

How Chee

Wilkinson Process Rubber Co., Ltd., Managerial Dept. :

The, Manufacturers under Patents of

“Linatex” Sieh Wen Tsin, manager

General Office, Sales Office and How Slew Pak, asst. mgr.

Factory — Batu Caves, Selangor, Lai Yew Meng, managing clerk

F.M.S.; Lam Hoy Chow, accountant

Cable Ad:Teleph. 2, Batu

Wilproco, Batu Caves;

Caves Wong Chu Cheng,' Chinese clerk

G. B. Walker, manager

Registered Office: 9-11, Old Market Editorial Dept. :

Square, Kuala Lumpur, F.M.S. Chau Hen Tiang, editor

Directors—Hon. Mr. H. B. Egmont Sing Ying Cheng, asst, editor

Hake, (chairman), C. C. Dunman, Translators—Wong Kwok Yoon

W. E. Wallis and B. Wilkinson and H. P. Loh

(managing director) Reporters—Loh Hong Piew,

Cheng Sing Ng, Kon Yok

AVpnq Kee & Co., Wholesales and Re- Ping and Yoong Fai

tails Wine, Spirit and Provision

Merchants—203, High Street, Kuala Yong Shook Lin, m.a., ll.b. (Cant.>

Lumpur; Cable Ad : Wongkee Advocate, Solicitor, F.M.S. & S.S.,

Tay Kwong Ooi, manager Notary Public—47,

Lumpur; Teleph. Cross

2574; Street,

Cable Kuala


World’s End Estate—Postal Add: Shooklin, Kuala Lumpur

Lumut, Bindings, S. S. Distance

from Railway Station: (Taiping)

43 miles Young Men’s Christian Association

Proprietor—E. L. Watson, j.p. {See Associations)

Acreage—Total 100, cultivated

(Rubber) 50

E. L. Watson also at 3| Mile Yukon Gold Co. (Incorporated in U.SA.>

Ampang Road, Kuala Lumpur; —Head Office for Malaya: 4th Mile,

Teleph. 62, Ampang Ampang Road, Ampang; Teleph. 54;

Cable Ad: Yukon, Ampang. Head Office:

Yik Khuan Press Co. Ltd., The (In- 120,G. Broadway, New York

corporated in F.M.S.), Proprietors F.W.S.Coffey, resident

Holzapfel, manager

secretary to mgr.

of Yik Khuan Poh, the only Chin- F. W. Gurr, accountant


The State of Negri Sembilan, the smallest of the Malay States, lies on the West

isOoast of the

in fact Malay Peninsula

a federation of “Nineto States”,

the southconsisting

of the States

of theoffour


majorand StatesPahang;

of SungciIt

Ujong, Jelebu, Johol and Rembau, and the five minor States of Dlu Muar, Jempui,

Terachi, Gunong Pasir and Inas. Sungei Ujong is mentioned in a Javanese .poem in

1365 A.D., as Being subject to the Javanese Empire of Majapahit. In the 15th century

itof was

the ruled


descendedof thefrom

old kingdom

immigrants of Malacca. Most of thein Sumatra,

from Menangkabau Malay inhabitants

and have

an interesting exogamous, tribal ami matriarchal social organisation.

This immigration appears to have begun in the 16th century.

federation seems to have consisted of Sungei Ujong, Klang (now in Selangor),. Jelebu, The original Malay

Rembau, Naning (now in Malacca), Segamat (now in Johore), Pasir Besar (now in


partly initstheplace having been taken by Jelai), After

Jelai, (nowcapture

Inas) and Ulu Pahang from(now

Portuguese byTemerloh

the DutchDistrict of Pahang).

and Johore Malays in 1641theA.D., Johoreof took

Malaccaa leading the


in Negri Sembilan politics until 1773 A.D., when the Undang'or Chiefs of the present

four major States invited a Sumatra prince Raja Melewar, ancestor of the present

Yang Di-pertuan Besar to preside over the federation.

In 1874 the Dato’ Klana, Undang of Sungei Ujong, the most important of the nine

States invited the assistance of the British Government to maintain his rule, and a

British Resident was appointed.

In‘ 1883, 'Jelebu applied for a British Officer, and Rembau',agreed to refer all its

disputes to the British Governmeiit, and in 1887 accepted a British Adviser.1 In 1889,

the Yang Di-pertuan of Sri Menanti who,nplogger effectively presided over the whole


Negri Sembilan, easttheofasRulers

to theknown Rembau) of Tam pinRembau(a smallaskedprincipality which_ and had agreed

come into

confederation “The Old and Negri Sembilan”. Infor1-895,

a Resident

the Resident to a

of this con-

federation took charge of Sungei Ujong and of Jelebu, and the modern,Negri.Sembi-


titularwas Ruler


of the Finally

whole in 1898,The

State. the .Yang;

presentDi-pertuan of Sri Menanti

Yang Di-pertuan is HiswasHighness


Tuanku Abdulrahman, k.o.m.g., ibni Al-Marhum Muhammad, Yang:Di-pertuan Besar,

Negri Sembilan. : . j.o : . ; ?, ■ A

southThebyarea of theandState

Malacca is approximately

Johore, on the north by2,550Selangor,

square onmiles.

the eastIt byis bordered on the

Pahang, and on

the west by the Straits of Malacca.

The main mountain range of the Feninsufa ends in Negri Sembilan, and. the


longer between theTheEast

mountainous. and mountain

highest West Coast in the southern

is Telapak Burok (3,915 part feet).

of the State is no

There are no latgfe rivers, and the State does notbiuffer from disastrous floods

which sometimes cause such great loss in''the lafgef river vklleysof Malaya.

annual Therange,

glimateandis averages

hot, moist81°f.and Itequable. The shade92temperature

seldom rises’above c

o r falls below has68°.

but a small

The average monthly rainfall throughout ?he year whs 7.54 inches,- the highest re-


Port being

Dickson15.04 withinches at Kuala

0.89 inches Pilah for the'month of May, and the

in June. lowest

Govhismkxt. •

At the

•two. Chambers. beginning of 1933

, the S'tkte CShnbirivas. reconstituted - and'now > comprises


The Council of the Yang Di-pertuan

Highness the Yang Di-pertuan Besar as President, Besar and the

Undang which

British consistedtheoffour

Resident, His


Tengku or Ruling

of SriChiefs

Menantiof the four the

formed majorUpper

divisions of Negri

Chamber. The Sembilan, and the

Lower Chamber, or

State Council,

Unofficial consistedLegislation

Members. of the British

is Resident into

introduced as president,

the State and six Official,

Council and if and fiveis


submitted to His Highness and the Undang in their Council for confirmation or

amendment and assent is finally given by His Highness and the Undang.

withMatters which concern

by the Upper Chamberonly andthethatMuhammadan

Chamber canreligion

legislateoronMalay custom by

such matters aremeans


of Orders in Council. The Upper Chamber also exercises the statutory executive

powers vested in the former State Council.


State is Jelebu

dividedandinto Port

five administrative

Dickson, in chargedistricts, namely,

of officers Seremban,

responsible to theKuala


sident. There are State Heads of Departments in charge of the Public Works, Medical,

Police, Mines, Surveys, Agricultural and Forest Departments in the State.


principal towns of-andSanitary

the charge villagesBoards

in eachover



for officer

local Government

in charge ofpur-


district presides. The Boards include unofficial members nominated by the Resident.

The work of these Boards is regulated by the (Federal) Sanitary Boards Enactment of 1929.


The estimated population is 230,000


The State is served by the F.M.S. Railways with a total length of lines amounting

to about 130 miles.


The total length of metalled roads in the Statetreated.

miles 21 chains of which 363 miles were bituminously at the end of the year was 533


The only port of any importance is Port Dickson. 347 steam vessels entered this

and other ofsmall

a tonnage ports of the State, with a total tonnage of 37,912 and 347 cleared with



The revenue for 1933 was $ 6,418,625 and the expenditure was $ 6,755,122. Imports

in 1933 were valued at $ 5,835,737 and exports at $ 13,539,557.


Mejlis Highness

Meshuaratthe Ka’adilan dan Undang

Yang Di-pertuan of Negri

Besar and UndangSembilan, Council Of His

His Highness the Yang Di-pertuan Besar—Tuanku Abdulrahman, k.c.m.g.

Britishibni AlmerhumW.YamW.Tuan

Resident—J. Muhammad

Hughes, m.c.s.

Dato’ Klana Putra, Sungei Ujong—Ma’amor bin Inche Kassim, c.b.e.

Dato’ Penghulu of Jelebu, Mendika Mentri Akhirzaman, c.b.e. (Abdullah bin


Dato’ Penghulu Johol, Johan PahlawanLelaPerkasa Setiawan—Kamat bin Leman

Dato’ C.B.E.,

Penghulu of Rembau, Sedia Raja—Hon. Inche Abdullah bin Haji Dahan,,


The Tunku Besar Burhanu’ud-din c.m.g. ibni Almerhum Yam Tuan Antah


State Council

(Mejlis Meshuarat Keraja’an)

The British Resident—J. W. W. Hughes (President), m.c.s.

Secretary to Resident—R. E. Wilson, M.c.s.

State Medical and Health Officer—Dr. W. J. Moir

The Inspector of Schools

State Forest Officer—D. H. Hodgson

The District Officer, Serembar

Agricultural Field Officer—J. W. Jolly

State Engineer—A. C. Bedingtan

Date’s Wong Yick Tong, j.p., c.h.

D. Farquharson

Tuan Sheikh Ahmad bin Sheikh Mustapha, j.p.

Towkay Chang Seng Long, j.p.

Dr. S.R. Krishnan, j.p.

W. G. Howse

Che Abdul Aziz bin Ahmad

British Resident’s Office Seremban

Resident—J. W. W. Hughes, m.c.s. Cable Ad: No.

Teleph. “ Customs,”

85 Seremban

Secy, to Resident—R. E. Wilson,

Chief Clerk—J. R. Sta. Maria m.c.s.


Assist, do. , —H. R.Grubb


Stenographer—D. J. Michael Assist, do. —D. B. Palmer (actg.)

Chinese Protectorate Port Dickson

Seremban Cable Ad: “Customs,” Port Dickson

Teleph No. 5


m.c.s. of Chinese—B. S. Davies, Supt.—W. J. Walsh

Clerk & Translator—Tan Tuan Boon Cable Ad: “Customs,” Gemas


Teleph. No. 11

Court, Magistrate’s Superintendent—C. McLaren Reid

Magistrate—J. Calder, m.c.s.bin Punjab Cable Ad: “Customs”Tampin

Clerk, Class I—Rahim Bakhash Tampin: Teleph.

No. 43

Assist. Supt.—E. P. C. Langdon

Registry, Supreme Cojltrt Singapore

Seremban (F.M.S. Export Duties Office)

Judge—R. C. Cussen (acting)

Private Secretary to Judge—Sim Lian Cable Ad: “Dutiable,” Singapore

Teleph. No. 6093



Clerk,Registrar—Osman bin Haji Dahat Senior

Class I—E. T. Selvaratnam

Supt<., F.M.S. Customs and

Excise; Supervisor of Export Du-

Do. II—B. Gostelow ties (F.M.S.) ; Asst. Supt of Rubber

Do. Ill—Husain bin Indrus Control, Singapore

Bailiff—Che Noh bin Chee Chief Clerk Special)—C. B. Francis

•Chinese Interpreter—Siew Khai Wye 3rd 2nd Clerk—Hong Chew Ki

Indian Interpreter—P. Valuppillai 4th Clerk—J. Clerk—S. Anugraham

Malay Interpreter—Abu Hassa'n bin 5th Clerk—Vacant G. Reutens

Ujang F.M.S. (Temporary) European Rup-

Trade and Customs Department ber Regulation Officer—B. P. Grant

Negri Sembilan F.M.S. Rubber Regulation Clerk—tG.

N. Carroll

Cable Ad: “ Decustoms,” Seremban S. S. Rubber Regulation Clerks—(Job

Teleph. No. 85. Teck Chye, Tay Keng Liat and H.

Deputy Commissioner—T.R. Binnie (actg.) A. Skadiang


Malacca Grade


M. B—Miss

de Souza I. van Geyzel and.

(F.M.S. Export Duties Office),,

Cable Ad: “Dutiable/7 Malacca ' GovertvaeM Trade School—Rembau

Teleph. No. l&D- Headmaster—J. A. Luis

Supervisor, Export Duties—H. G,‘ Instructors—E. Visvaiingam,

Keet bin Maji Mohd and Che Haji Teh Basri



District Land Office—Port Dickson Head Government English School—Port Dickson

Collector of Land Revenue and District Teachers Master,


I—P.I—S. P. Swamikannu


Officer—Mohd. Idris binHajiMohd.Noor TeachecGrade III A—L. De Souza

Chief Clerk—K. Ponniah

Government English School—Kuala Pilah

District Office—Port Dickson Headmaster—E.

Actg. District Officer—Mohd. Idris bin Cheah Aik S. Redfearn and Lim

Haji Mohd. Noor European Mistress—Mrs. E. W. Llewllyne-

2nd Magistrate & A. C. L. R. —Abdul Nadason,Grade Teachers, L. vanI Geysel,

— S. Muttiah,

S. S. M. R.P.


Chief Abdul Rais A. Fredericks Muthurajalu, Mohd. Taha, T. S. Jong,.


bin Md.YuYusoffand

son, R. Seniveratne,

V. MurugasuLokman

District i -Qhnmr^ Seremban Teacher;Grade III A—A: S. Sandram

Teleph. 204 Government English School—Tampin, j

District Officer, Serepiban and Regis- Headmaster, Grade I—P.Sitmathamby,

K. Raman Hew

trar of Title's, Negri’ Sembilan— Teachers, Grade I—P.

William Linehan, M.c.s.

Asst. District Officer—Che Wan Ha- Kong Raj oo

Nyim, M.Kurasamy, and A. M. J.

marudin bill Abdul Jalil

Malay Officer—Che Shanlsudin bin Forest Department


2nd Officer—Che Mohd. Ismail bin StateNegri Sembilah and Malaca

Forest Officer, Negri Sembilan

Abdul Latiff and Malacca — D. H. Hodgsbn

Settlement Officer—Che Mohd. bin (Headquarters: Seremban) of Forests,

Abu Extra Assist. Conservator

Chief Clerk—V. Manikkam Seremban, Coast and Sepang—C. Foston

Clerk, Class Il-t—Chong Teck Quee

do. —Hiew Swee Nam Deputy Conservator of Forests. Kuala

Clerks, Class II—Che Hussim bin Pilah Jelebu and Tampin—C. C. L.

Hassan, M. Arumugam and S. Durant

Manickavasagar Sub-Assist.

Seng TeongConservator of Forests—Tan

.Education ‘ Department Damar Supervising Officer—C. A. Pinto

Inspector of Schools, N. (S.^-Cl A. Scoff lacca Conservator

m.a. (Edin.)


D. B. Arnot

, of Forests, Ma-

Chief Clerk, Special Class—C- A. Pinto



Siew Hinof Schools— Clerk, Class II—M- Chinniah

Haji Ahmad bin Haji Abdul Rahman

Tamil Asst. Insp.of Schools—K. Vallipuram Labour Department

King George V AcAooZ—Seremban Negri Sembilan and Malacca — Teleph,

Headmaster— F. Cobb, b.a.Huddie,

(Oxob)b.a. 104; Cable Ad: Aconlab



ElementaryJ,Mistress—Mrs. K. Assist. Controller—H. W.. , Nightin-

gale, M.C.S.

Pykett Grade I—Chin Meow Cheong, Immigration Fund Inspector—K. G.

Teachers, Naidu

. ,P.Francis,


S. B..H.Ponniah,

R. H. W.Stafford., V. M. Chief Clerk—V. Velayuthan

O. E. Fernandez, Putelr Seneviratne,

bin . Mohd. Licensing Board—Seremban

Tahir, N. Rajah, J. E. Edmonds, Maima

' Singh, S. K. Paramasivam and H. R. H. (under : the “ Excise Enactment, 1932 ”)


Grade III A—L. A. Nonis" Teleph. 204

Chairman—The District Officer, Seremban


Members — The Protector of Chinese, m.d. c.s. (Eng.), l.r.c.p. (Lond.),

Negri Sembilan (vice-chairman), The d.p.h., Cert Lond. s.t.m.

Assist. Controller

bilan and Malacca),of Labour (NegriOfficer

The. Health Sem- Assist. Medical Officer, Tampin—I. P. L.

Seremban, Jelebu andCoast),D.Gilchrist Assist. Sabapathy, l.m.s. (S’pore.)

and Dr. Eu Khay Hoe Medicall.m.s.

Murugasu, Officer, Port Dickson—K.


Assist. Medical Officer, Jelebu — M.

Vaithialingam, l.m.s. (S’pore.)

Marine Office

Harbour Master—A. W. Greaves Mines Department

Boarding Officer—B. H. Moreira Warden of Mines—(vacant)

Inspector of Machinery-—W. 0. Hunt

Chief Clerk—F. R. Stephens

Medical and Health

'State Medical and Health Officer, Mosquito Sub-Committee of the

Negri Sembilan—W. J. Moir, m.b., Sanitary Board—

ch.b, (Aberdeen), d.p.h. (London),

d.t.m. & H. (Eng.), Cert. London Port Dickson

S.T.M. (acting)

Medical Officers—L. E. Vine, m.b., Chairman—District Officer

b. s. (Lond.), l.r.c.p. (Lond.), Members—Health

m.r. Officer (Seremban and

c. s. (Eng.), d.t.m. & h. Coast), Executive Engineer (Coast and


Cert. Lond. s.t.m., f.r.c.p.s.. (Glas.) Seremoan), Health Officer (Railways

South), Assist. Medical Officer (Port

and Dr. G. M. Graham, b.a., m.d., Dickson) and Dr. S. C. Howard


‘Infant Welfare Centre—Miss Chong

Kee Neo, l.m.s. (Singapore)

Health Officer, Seremban, Jelebu and Police Department, Seremban

Coast—C. H. Williams, m.b., ch.b. Acting Deputy Commissioner—B. M.

(N.Z.), d.t.m. &.h. (Lond.), Cert. B. O’Connell

Lond. s.t.m., d.p.h. (Lond.) Assist. Commissioners—Abu Bakar

Chief Sanitary Inspector—J. Wishart bin Baginda, Raja Abas bin Raja

Senior Deputy Medical. Officer, Seremban Tahir and F. Wallace

—A. Saravanamuthu, l..M.s.‘(S’pore.) Chief Inspector—D. R. L. P. Mathe-

Assist. Medical Officers—Chong Ah son

Khoon, l.m.s. (S’pore.), Tara Singh, Inspectors—R. Ackrill, N. B. Thomas,

L. M.S. (S’pore.), V. M. B. Abdul Panniker,

Jalil, Pin bin Jusoh, Wong

m.b.b.s. (Madras) and S. ; Ramamri- Sze Kim Raja Abas bin Raja Omar,

tham,’ m.b.b.s. (Madras) Abdul Karim, Mohamed Noor and

Assist Health Officer—B. C. Majunder Chief Yunus

Matron, Grade I—Miss V. Wallis Clerk-S, R. S. Naidu


Nursing Sisters—Misses E. M. Smith, Prison Department

M. Winton, G. Cameron, M. Sparks

and M. E. Timms Supt.—H. B.J. Langworthy

Nursing Sister, Infant Welfare Centre Gaoler—J. Larkworthy

Chief Clerk—V. Kandaratram

—Mrs. J. C. M. Raiders

Deputy Medical Officer, Kuala Piiah—S. S. Senior Hospital Assistant—P. S. Muthu

Rajanayagam, L.M,s.(S pore..), d.t.m. (Cal.

Lady Med. Officer, Kuala Piiah—Mrs.

W. H. Corke, m.d. (Manch.), d.t.m. Public Works Department

and h. (Liverpool) Head Office—Seremban

Matron, Grade II,

K. Fosdike (acting) Kuala Piiah—Miss State Engineer—Walter J. Smith


Medical and Health: Officer,- Tampin Chief Clerk—T. Assistant—P. Ardy Pillay

and Kuala Piiah—R. F. Pinson, Typist—Miss M. Mylvaganam Reutens


District Offices (Port Dickson), Penghulu (Tort Dickson,)

Seremban and Coast Toh Kee Kah, Teh Chye Bee, F.

Sr. Execu. Engr.—J. M. Noble (actg. Cunningham and O. O. P. D. (Port

Assist. Engineer—J. L. Chambers Dickson)

Building Inspector—B. A. Peris Lady Supervisor of Government Bungalows

Head Overseer—A, Kanapathipillai —Mrs. C. Gerrard

Chief Clerk—K. Muttuknmaru Sanitary Inspector—Y. Sinnathambu

Chief Overseer—S'. K. Mukherjee

Kuala Pilah and Jelebu State Treasury

Executive Engineer—E.

Chief Clerk—N. A. LagarT. E. Elbury State Treasurer and Collector of Stamp

Chief Overseer—Nand Lall Duties—K. A. Suppiah

Chief Clerk—Tan Eng Khoon


Executive Engineer—E.

Chief Clerk—J. Gomes E. Hodges Survey Department

Supt., Revenue Surv., Selangor and N. S.

Sanitary Board —G. M. Ross Jackson (Kuala Lum-


Port Dickson Asst. Supt., Office,. Kuala Lumpur—

Chairman—District K. L. Bedlington

Clerk—S. AppaduraiOfficer Asst. Supt., Field, Kuala Lumpur—

Members — Health Officer (Seremban, A. Graham

Jelebu and and

Coast), Executive Assistant Superintendant, Negri Sem-

(Seremban Coast), Supt. of Engineer

Customs bilan—J. K. Ramsay


District Office Assistant Collector—Inche’ Zainal Abidin

Disfc Officer—Raja Hitam bin Raja Yunus bin Kasahatan

(acting) Chief Clerk—K. Kandiah

Chief Clerk — Mohamed Noordin bin


Land Office Sanitary Board

Collector—Raja Hitain bin Raja Yunus | Chairman—Raja Hitam bin Raja Yunus


District Office Court

District Officer—J. J. Sheehan Magistrate—Abdul Rani bin Haji Hussin

Asst. do. —Abdul Aziz bin Mohd. Chinese Interpreter—Moi Ah Pak

Khamis Indian Interpreter—A. Sreedharan

Chief Clerk and Sub-Treasurer—R.

Kunaratnam Sub-Treasury

Land Office Chief Clerk—A. Nagalingam

Assist. Collector of Land Revenue— Sanitary Board

Tengku Hussin bin Tengku Yahya

Chief Clerk—N. M. Vasagam Chairman—District Officer



District do.

Assist, Ofl&cer— m.c.s. Medical

J. E. Pepper,Abidin


and Health Officer)—Dr. R. F.

Pinson. i

bin Haji Abas Assist. Medical Officer — Dr. I. P. L.

Assist. District Officer, Tampin — Sabapathy

Ahmad Zainudin bin Karun


E. P. C.Supt. of Trade and Customs—

Langdon Sanitary Board

Executive Engr.—G. 0. Hesketch Chairman—District Officer, Tampin



The— Association of Malaya, Church of England—Negri. Sembilan

St. Mark’s Church—Sefem ban

Hon. Secretary—F. Hilton, (Kua- Chaplain—Rev. B. Stokes, l.th. (St.

la Sawah) Mark’s Parsonage), Seremban, F.M.b.

(on leave)

Negri Sembilan Eurasian Association— Chaplain’s Warden—A. Edmonds,

Seremban J.P., C.H.r


M.B.E.Treasurer, ChurchW.Committee—

W arden—Mrs. L. Braddon,

Negri Sembilan Planters’ Association Hon.

—Postal Ad: Port Dickson; Teleph. 6 Stafford Northcote

Hon. Secretary, Church Committee—

(Port Dickson); Cable Ad: Achan (Port Mrs. Chambers

Dickson) Church Committee—The above with

Mess. Gubbin and Milner;

Negri Sembilan Sporting Club—Cable

Ad: Phillips, Seremban Hon. Mr. J. W.s W. Hughes, Lt.

Col. Outsell; Messrs. C. F.

Maltby and H. R. H. Stafford

St. Paul’s Old Boys’ Association St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church

President—S. Ponnampalam (Services:

Vioe-do. —Goh Eng Thye

Secretary—J. R,. Sta. Maria Seremban;Monthly

Quarterlyin theinMasonic

Bahau Hall,


Treasurer—Chong Teck Que Kuala Pilah; and elsewhere by arrange-

Sports Secretary—C. A. Pinto ment with the Minister)

Minister-in-charge—Rev. Alan H.

Sungei Ujong Club—Seremban; Teleph. Pringle (Kuala Lumpirr)

’t 30 (Seremban); Cable Ad: Club, Elder—N.

Hon. Secy, B.andFrazer

Treas.—D. Ewan


Secretary and Treas.— J. F. Walker St. Paul’s Institution— Seremban

Director—Rev. Bro. Joseph

Borneo Motors, Ltd. — 68-70, Setul Assistant Teachers—Sylvester, Bros.

Road, Seremban; Teleph. 302; Cable Ad:


M. Pecchioni, manager Commercial Press, Printers, Stationers,

Booksellers Bookbinders, Newsagents,

Rubber Stamp Makers, Photographic

Chartered Bank of India, Australia Birch Dealers and Sports Outfitters —125,

and China—127a, Birch Road, Serem- Road, Seremban

ban; Teleph. 19; Cable Ad: Sambot

C. F. Maltby, sub-agent Cross & Wright, Advocates and Solicitors,

J C. P. M. Jenkin, sub-accountant F.M.S.—93, Birch Road, Seremban

S. C.1 R. Northeote, do. Francis Wright, m.a., barrister-at-law


Egan, Eugene, m.b., d.p.h. d.t.m., & h.— Negri Sembilan Eurasian Association j

Egerton Road, Seremban; Teleph. 76 —(See Associations)

Evans & Co., H. W., Mechanical, Civil

Structural Engineers and General Con- Negri and Sembilan Planters’ Associa-

tractors—Works: tion—(See Associations)

Teleph. 137; CableSetul Road,Seremban;

Ad:_Evansco _

H. W. Evans, managing proprietor Negri Sembilan Sporting Club—(Nee

A. Sta. Maria | Leong Yew Soong Associations)

Fraser A Neave, Ltd. (Incorporated in Negri Sembilan Press—147, Birch Road

Straits Settlements), Aerated Water


ban; Teleph. 109. Head Birch Office:

Road, Serem-


pore. Branches:

Siam, Java and Sumatra Throughout Malaya; Oversea-Chinese

Ltd. (SerembanBanking


— 63, Birch

A. Donald, manager (Kuala Lum- Ad: Road,Oversea;

Seremban; Teleph. 237; Cable


Lin Ah Chong, Clerk-in-charge ley’s. Head Office: China Bldg.,andChulia

Codes: Private Bent-

Street, Singapore

Grenier &Son, Ltd., Charles, Stationers,


Seremban;& Publishers—69,

Teleph. 177; Birch

Cable Road,

Ad: Pratt, W. H., Engineer and Contractor

Grenier; London Office: 20, Billiter —(Seremban); Seremban;

P.O. Box 41; Cable Ad: Pratt,Teleph. 36;


Street, London E.C. 3 W. fl. Pratt, managing proprietor

L. T. Mutikisna, manager C. H. Pratt, office asst.

F. A. Marsh, assistant S. B. Omar, asst. engr.

R. T. Fredericks, chief clerk

Harper, Gilftllan & Co., Ltd. (Incor- Yan Sin Min, storekeeper


Ad: Achan, in F.M.S.)—Port

Port DicksonDickson; Cable St. Paul’s Old Boys’ Association


& 103,& Birch

Co., Road; Merchants — —(See Associations)


Koh Lian Chin, sole propr. & mgr. Seremban Trading Co., The, Estate Sup-

pliers. and Genera] Merchants—117,

Mansergh & Tayler, Visiting) Agents Birch Road, Seremban; Teleph. 120

and Estate Agents—Seremban; Teleph. Codes: A.B.C.Cable

(Seremban); Ad; Khongsoochin;

5th edn., Bentley’s and

128; edn.,

5th CableBroomhall’s

Ad: Visiting;Imperial

Codes: A.B.C.

Com- Private

bination Rubber edn., Birchwood,

Kendall’s and Bentley’s K. Vaithilingam, partner partner

Khong Soo Chin, managing

V.W. A.H. Tayler, partner

W. Gubbins, partner Agencies

A. B. S. Morton, do. International

Standard-Vacuum Assurance

Oi Co;Co.,■ Ltd.

W. G. Howse, acct.,' signs p.p.

Mercantile Co. (F.M.S.), Ltd., Estate Shimaya Hotel—83, Birch lloajl.

Suppliers Road,

Cameron and General


Cable Ad: Sime, Darby & Co., Ltd. (Incorporated

Mercom in S.S.), Plantation Rubber Estate and

Tin Mine Agents and Valuers, General

Motorists’ Stores & Agency Co., Motor Import,

Shipping .Export and Produce

and Insurance .Merchants,

Dealers and Commission

Birch Road; Cable Ad: Motoagency;Agents—87-89, Road, Seremban; Cable Ad:Agents,—Birch


Codes: [A.B.C.Kon5thand

edn. Chia

and Bentley’s H. R. Mackay, manager

Lee (Kin Shin Siew, (for fuller details,, see Si me, Darby

joint managers Co., Ltd., Malacca, and Singapore)


.Straits Trading Co., Ltd., The (Serein ban Hon. Dr. S. R. Krishuan, m.b.,

Agency) B.S., L.M.S., J.P., M.F.C., M.S.C.,

G. G.

Port Maclennan, agent

Svvettenham sole proprietor and consulting

Boustead & Co., Ld., forwarding agents physician and surgeon

StJNGiR Ujong Club— (See Associations) United Engineers, Ltd. (Incorporated in

^ Straitsand

Settlements), Engineers, Foun-

Town Despensary. The, Chemists and ders Contractors — Seremban,

Druggists— 9, Jalan Tunku Hassan, Office and Works: Birch Road; Teleph.

Seremban; Teleph. 240;Cable Ad: Radha, 16; Cable Ad: Uniteers

Seremban; Code: A.B.C. 5th edn. J. Gardner- actg. mgr.



eastern Stateof ofthePahang



2 deg.27Trengganu

min. to 4 and


47 min. and

N., itsextends

coast along the

line being

about 130 miles in length. The area of the State is estimated at 14,000

its principal river, which drains a large extent of country, is known by the same name, square miles, and


The river Pahang is, however, owing tothere,its shallowness, navigable .to for



of only.

180,811country is sparsely

inhabitants, populated,

as compared with 146,064 being, according

in 1921. 1931,

The capital of the State is Kuala Lipis, situated at the mouth of the Lipis river

where is 1888,

August, also thetheseat of Government.

Sultan, acting underThe the State

adviceisofunder Britishofprotection,

the Sultan and in

Johore, applied

for a British Resident to assist in the administration of the country, which request

was acceded to in October of that year.

The predominant rock is slate, but granite, sandstone, limestone, quartz, and schist


of basalt,while tracesetc.of volcanic

trachyte, As regardsactionits atmineralogy

some remotetheage are has

State shown by thepossessed

always presencea

high reputation for its product of gold and tin. Though during recent periods

these have been but little sought,, the wonderful old gold workings discovered by

Messrs. Knaggs and Gower show that the State must, at some very remote time, have

been well known and populated. Gold is worked on a large scale at Raub by the Raub

Australian Mining Company, and on a small scale elsewhere by Chinese and Malays.

The Pahang Consolidated

the Kuantan district, andCompany, Ltd., have

there is much large tinin mines

tin mining at Sungei Lembing

the Bentong-Raub districtsin

and at Gambang in the Kuantan district.

The The

Staterevenue for 1933 1934,

on 1st January, amounted to $3,881,559to the

owed $25,643,577 andother

the expenditure

States of thetoFederation.



are indebtedness incurred by the State is represented by public improvements that

beengoing to proveopening

constructed, of a remunerative

up land forcharacter

planting inandyears to come.

aiding Excellent

prospecting roads have

for minerals.

_ Allconnects

which principalthetowns F. M.areS- now connected

Railways and thebySiamese


and thehasnewbeen trunk railway


It is now possible to travel by rail from Singapore to Bangkok through Kelantan.


exportsofofcopra riibberexported in 1933at amounted

were .valued $1,396,261 toas 869 tons as$842,858

against againstin3891932.in

in quantity of 378 tons and an increase in value of $149,186 as compared awith

The quantity of tin-ore exported was: 1,297 tons valued at $1,541,312 being decrease


The total gold from the State placed :on the market in 1933

estimated value of $1^384,716. The Raub'Australian Gold Mining Company is respon- was 27,826 ounces of an

sible for 95 per cent, of this total output.

of 6 The total value of trade for 1933 was $6,2.93,054 as against $5,942,903, an increase

per cent.




Members op State Council

President—H. H. Al-Sultan Abu Bakar Ri’Ayatu’d-din al-mu’adzdzam

Shah ibni al-Marhum al-Mu’tasim Bi’llah al-Sultan Abdullah,


British Resident—Hon. Mr. H. G. R. Leonard, M.c.s.

Hon. TheBesar ofAdviser,


Tengku al-Sultan FederatedTengku

Pahang—Hon. Malay States


Ahmad al-Mu’adzdzam Shah, c.m.g. ibni al-Marhum

Tengku Arif Bendahara—Tengku

Bi’llah al-Sultan Abdullah Mahmud ibni al-Marhum al-Mu’tasim

Tengku Arif Temenggong—Tengku Abdul-Aziz ibni al-Marhum al-

Mu’ta-Sim Bi’ llah al-Sultan Abdu’ llah

Tengku Ahmad

Panglima Perang—Tengku

al-Mu’adzum Shah Yusuf ibni al-marhum al-Sultan

Dato’ Orang Kaya

Mohamad Indera Maharaja Perba Jelai—Wan Tanjong bin Wan

Orang Kaya Indera Pahlawan—Che’ Wan Haji Abdu’llah bin Engku


Orang Kaya Indera Segara—Che’ Engku Abdul Jamal bin Engku Muda

Orang Kaya Indera Shahbandar—Dato’ Hussain bin Mohamad Taib

Chief Kathi Pahang—Haji Mohamad Daud bin Haji Zainal-Abidin

Unofficial Members—A. de B. Haughton and V. B. C. Baker

Household of H.H. the Sultan

Comptroller of the Household

Malay Secretary—Tengku and Private

Mohamad Secretaryal-Sultan

ibni al-Marhum — A. E. Mullaly


al-Mu’adzdzam Shah, m.b.e.

Aide-de-Camp—Che’ Engku Muda Mohamad bin Che’ Engku Bendahara

Tengku Panglima Besar—Tengku Haji Jaafar bin al-Marhum Tengku

Muda Ali

Dato’ Setia Lela—Tengku Kudin bin Tengku Samat

Dato’ Dalam—Che’ Mohamad Taib bin Haji Mamat

British Residency j|i Clerks, Class III—V. Arumugam, M.

Resident—Hon. Mr. C.C. Brown, M.c.s. Kathiravelu, N. Senathirajah

Mohamed Ramly and

Secretary to Resident—A. J. Gracie, M.c.s, ' Malay Writer—Mahaf bin Haji Mo-

Office Assistant—A. Mahalingham

Clerks, Class L—T. A. Soosaipillai and N. hamed Taib


Clerk, Class II—M. Nadarajah

Clerks, Class III — M. Kathiravelu, District Offices

Mohamed Ramly and N. Senathirajah Lipis

•Secretariat District Officer—W. F. N. Churchill, m.c.s.

Assist, do. —Ahmad bin Mamood

Secretary to Resident—H. G. Turner, Deputy Assist. District Officer—Mohamed

m.c.s. (acting) Zulkifli bin Abdul Tahrim

Office Assist.—A. Mahalingham

Clerk, Special Class—Lee Kim Swee Assist. District Officer, Cameron High-

lands—J. K. Creer, m.c.s.

do. Class I—N. Sundrampillai Malay Officer—Raja Anor Shah bin

do. Class II—M. Nadarajah Raja Ha run


.Assist. Collector of Land Revenue— Pekan

Mohamed Taib bin Haji Mohamed District Officer—G. L. F. Bird, m.c.s.

Amin Asst. District Officer—Osman bin Ujang

Sanitary Inspector—Lee Ah Leong (actg.) Officers — Abdul Rahman bin

..Settlement Officers—Che Abdul Rahim Settlement Sohor and Awang bin Tab

; bin Mohd. Jamil Chief Clerk—Lee Kim Swee



Deputy Officer—R. Y. Brant Officer—Che Chief Clerk,Clerk—Kehar

Assistant District

Treasury Singh

Land Office—Wong Ah Chong

Mohd. Bazain bin Mond Talhah Land Office Clerk—Mohamed bin Jusoh

Chief Clerk—K. Yisagaperumal Correspondence Clerk—T. Supramaniam

Settlement Officers—Che’ Chinese Interpreter—Ong Hock LamJohar

and Che’ Mohamed SallehMohamed Taib Sanitary


Inspector—Abdul Rahman


1st Land Clerk—S.

Financial Clerk—Phung Kok Yoong


Correspondence Clerk—S. Murukeso Education

Sanitary Inspector—H. D. Long Inspector of Schools—E. 0. Hicks, m.a.

Sanitary Board Clerk—Santa Singh Malay Assist. Inspector of Schools—



bin Mohamed

Dept. — Gurbachan

i Low Wah Heng Singh

Temerloh Second Clerk, Educ. Dept.—Keong

District Officer—W. C. S. Corry, M.c.s. Hean Bee


Omar District Officer—Kamarvdin bin Headmaster—A. Clifford School—Kuala Lipis

Deputy Assist. District Officer—Abdullah Ramalingam

bin Sahat Assistant Teachers — R, Somasundaram,

Chief Clerk—A. Mayilvanhanam Lian Ah Shin, R. K, Selvanayagam,

Land Clerk—V. Veluppillai Chan Ho Kai, V. Chellappah and

Malay Writer—Che Hindon bin Hassan K. Thurairatnam

i ^Settlement Officers—Awang

Imam Isa and Adi bin Budin Mustaffa bin Government English aS'cAoo/—Kuantan

Sanitary Inspr.—R. Sattanathan Headmaster—V.

Assistant Teachers Rasiah

— T. C. Chelliah,

'Chinese Interpreter—Lim Ee Say Gurbachan Singh Kaulsi, Kok Swee

Kuantan PI ong, S. T. R. Singam and S.


Officer—W. N. Gourlay,binm.c.s. Selva rate am

Asst. Officer—Ibrahim Abdul Government English Scho'dl—Raub

Karim, m.a.s.

Malay Assistant—Tungku Abdul Majid Assistant Headmaster—J. S. Saini, b. SC;

Chief Clerk, Dist. Office—C. S. Kandiah Teachers—S. Mail vaganam, 0 •

: Correspond. Clerk—A. Murugasu Sivapakiam,

Chee Onn T, Sinnappu and Chan

Treasury Clerk—Tan Chin Beng

Sanitary Board Clerk—S. Seenivasagam Headmaster—N. Government English iS'cAno/—Bentong

Sanitary Inspector—S. Nagalingam Appudurai

Settlement Officer—Salleh Udin bin Mat Assistant Teachers—M. Thambipillai,

Lela T. K. Nadaraj ah, P. Gunaratnam,

'I 2nd

1st Landdo.Clerk—S. S. Sivagurunathan and Tan Eng

—V. Nalliah

Vaithilingam Seng

Malay Writer—Mohamed Ali bin Tahir Government English School—Pekan

Clerk of Court and Indian Interpreter— Headmaster—S. Kandiah

t S. Chelliah Temporary European Mistress—Mrs.

jChinese Interpreter—Chia Kah Sek R. A. Mullaly


I District Officer—Ibrahim bin Abdul P'orest Department

Karim (acting) State Forest Officer (Pahang)—A. B. S.

^Deputy Assistant Officer—Ibrahim bin Boswell

s Abdul Karim District Forest Officers—J. C. K.

Chief Clerk—Stephen Perera Marshall (Lipis), M. L. Webber

| Settlement Officers — Abdul Manan and (Betong and Raub), F. H. Landon

Mohamed Bin Mohd. Jamil (Kuantan), E. C. Foenander (Te-

; Sanitary Inspector—E. Sibert merloh)

Assist. District Forest Officers—Chan I Assistant' Medical Officers—Dr. S..

Oiu Ghee (Rant)},'' C. L’. Carrier I Sivaganam, l.m.s. (Singapore) and

(Rompin) Dr. P. K. Parasurama Iyer, M.B.r

Forest Rangers—Mat Said bin Yaha- Sister—(Vacant)B,s, (Madras)

ya (Robir)iii), Pand’ak bin Khatib ! j

Man (Lip,is) , District Hospital—Mentakab

Chief Clerk—K. Sivaguru Cable Ad: Medical, Mentakab

Medical and Health Department Asst. Medica) Officer — Dr. P. K..


Cable Ad: Senmfed, Eaub Menon, m.b., b.s. (Madras)

State Medical & Health Officer—Dr. | District Hospital—Pekan

A. K. Cosgrave, m.c!, v.d., b.a., m.b., ; Cable Ad: Medical,; Pekan

b.ch., b.a.o., d.p.h. (Dublin), d.t.m. | Assist. 1 Med. Officer—Dr. P. Yaratha-

and H. (England), l.m. (Rotunda I rajah , l.m.s. . (Singapore)

Hospital Dublin), Major M.S.V.R. Sister—Vacant

(bn leave) Health, Branch

Dr. H. P. Hodge, Captain R.A.M.C., Health Office, ■ Pahang West—Kuala

b. a. (Oxon.), Lipis l.m.s.s.a. (London) j

(acting) Cable Ad : Health, Kuala Lipis

Chief Clerk—R. Arulappen Health Officer—Dr. R. E. Anderson,

Medical Branch: Hospitals, Govern- b.s.c,, ch.b. (St. Andrew’s), d.t.m. &

ment Dispensaries, Infant Welfare H. (Liverpool)

Centres and Asylums Health Office, Pahang East—Kuantan

General Hospital—Kuala Lipis Cable Ad: Health, Kuantan

Cable Ad: Medical, Kuala Lipis Health Officer—Dr. E. D. B. Wolfe,.

Med. Officer—Dr. L. F. Day, m.r.c.s. m.b., ch.B’. (St. Andrew's)

(England), l.r.cjp. (London), e.r.

c. s. (Edim.), b.s. (London) Police

Assist. Medical Officers—Dr. K. Na- Chief Police Officer,Pahang—GordonLawe,.

tarajan and Dr. W. J. Jesudasan, Assistant Commissioner of Police, Kuala

l.m s (Singapore) . Lipis—Syed Chik Mohamed

Matron—Miss G. Ambrose

Sister—Miss H. G. Lacey Public Works Dept., Pahang

District Hospital—R&xxh State Engineer, Pahang — E. D. Kibbles-

Cable Ad: Medical, Raub M.I.C.E

Assist. Med. Officer—Dr. J. Samuel, l.m.s, Senior Executive Engineer,'' Kuantan- T-

(Singapore) R. Hutton

District Hospital—Bentobg Executive Engineers—Kuala Lipis : J. H.

Cable Ad: Medical, Ben tong West; Bentong: R. Hide; Cameron*


Assist. Med. Officer—Dr. P. Ponliampalam, Financial : J. B. W. Fairchild

Assistant—K. Kandiah

l.m.s. (Singapore) Chief Draftsman—R. Rajaratnam

District Hospital-- Kuantan Storekeeper—V. Thambipillai

Cable Ad: Medical, Kuantan /

Medical Officer—Dr. J. E, MacMahon, State Treasury

b.a. (t.c.d ), m.b./’b.cA., b.a.o., l.m., | State Treasurer-^V. Kanapathy Pillai

d. t.aj, & h., Trinity College, Arunasalam

Chief Clerk—K. Dublin j


-Central Pahang Planters’ Association Derrick & Co., Singapore, local secs.

§ Chairman—R. G. Young J. C.(y. Coldham,

( Tl.Tfi general

b.e., crAripirfl.l m^nacrpT


!jj<; Hon. Secretary—H. Simpson H. M. Thomas, B.h., under-

ground manager

R. C. Beavis, mechanical engr.

Pahang Club—Kuala Lipis J. Collet, electrical engineer

President—British Resident {ex-officio) L. T.Mt Moore, battery manager— engr.

Hon. Secretory—H. G. Turner C. M. Willington, mining

G. M. Harral, assayer

J. Donlevy^ surveyor

Raub A. Josephsen, surface supt.

Ltd. Australian

(IncorporatedGoldin Mining Co.,

Queensland) S. A. Pascoe, mine foreman

—Raub, Pahang, F.M.S. ; Cable Ad: D. Pascoe, do.

Raubaust; Codes: A.B.C, 5th edn. T. J. Mclnerney, do.

and Broomhalls E. R. Thomas, do.

Chas. A, Clarke Son,, Empire A. Macdonald, acct.

Chambers, Queen Street, Bris- H. Heale,. secretary

bane, secretaries R. G. Krishnan, storekeeper


The Malay States not included, in the Federation are Johore, Kedah, Perlis,

Xelantan and Trengganu.

( Article 3 of the Johore Treaty of the 11th December, 1885, provided for the ap-


; this of a British

was altered so as toAgent

provideinforJohore. By an agreement

the appointment dated the

of a British officer12thtoMay, 1914,

be called

the General Adviser, whose advice must be asked and acted upon in all matters affect-

v: touching

ing the general administration

Malay religion and custom. of the country and on all questions other than those

) tion On the 9th July, 1909, when,Kelantan

The States of Kedah, Perlis, in executionand Trengganu

of the Treaty cameof under

the 10thBritish



|i the Siamese Government transferred to the British Government all suzerainty, protec-

I took over from Siamese Advisers in Kedah, Perlis and Kelantan. In Trengganu,day

tion, administration and control over these four States. British Advisers on that an

1 officer styled the British Agent assumed duty.

I; administrated The Sultanupon of Trenggahu, later, expressed a desire that

an improved basis, and, by a Treaty with His Majesty’s Govern- his State should be

, ment dated the 24th May, 1919, agreed to receive a British Adviser (in place of the

1j and Britishfollow

Agenthis provided for byall anmatters

earlier Treaty the of the 22nd April, 1910) and ofto ask

/-country and all advice

questionsuponother than thoseaffectingtouching the general

Mohammedan administration

religion. the

) The Treaty of 1909 also provided for the loan of £4,600,000 by the F.M.S. Govern-

I ment to Siam for the purpose of building a railway southward from Bangkok to connect

I|. increased

up with the F.M.S. Railways

to £4,750,000, system via

in consequence a Kelantan.

decisiontheto1stThis sum upwasalsosubsequently

' The railway

passenger serviceKedah


opened and to oftraffic

Penangon was


July, 1918.


via Kedah.

on A2ndfastJanuary,


|ji at1922.midday

_ The and

International Express leaves Bangkok every Wednesday and Saturday

i Hunday evenings.arrives at PraiPraittheevery

It leaves mainland

Mondaystation for Penang)

and Friday morning on and

Thursday arrivesand


j Bangkok on Tuesday and Saturday mornings.

■Malay In general

States inStates. terms,

the lastTheir

decadeit may

has beenbe said that the development of the Unfederated Malay

revenue, for even

instance,morein remarkable

JO years hasthan more that

than ofquadrupled.

the Federated


Although each of the five

with the greatest solicitude, thereTJnfederated Malay States

is the friendliest feeling,preserves'

not onlyitsindividuality

amongst them,,


Settlements; and in any matter which tends to their common the

also between tHeml and the Federated Malay States and Colony ofyetthedoes

advantage, Straits



anothertheir individuality, there

in many-respeOts, is ready

both great and co-operation.

small. As examples The States differ fromin one

of the difference the



it may bewhereas

mentioned that and

Johore Kedah,Kelantan

Perlis and


adopted adhere to the-

the Christian


however, theTheresemblance

system of internal

between administration differs very

the States is strong. Theygreatly;

are all onMohammedan

broad lines.,

countries, and are governed by a Ruler who is advised by a State Council.

separate Legislative and Executive Councils; in the other States the Councils are both (Johore has

Legislative and Executive.) They use the coinage and the currency notes of the

Straits Settlements.,^ Their European officials are British officers, almost all of

whom areFederated

and lent,,on deputation, to them by the Governments of the

andStraits Settlements

theirtheseparate issuesMalay States.

of stamps. TheJohore,

small Kedah,

State of Kelantan

Perlis (which inTrengganu

earlier dayshave


a part of. Kedah) still uses the Kedah stamps.


This 7,678

of about Statesquare


the southern

The State portion of thebyMalay

is ruled Peninsula,

a Sultan, who andis has an area


independent, but politically under the protection of the British

present Sultan, Ibrahim, was born in 1873, and succeeded his father, the late, Government. The

Sultan Abubakar,

the 1stDistinguished in

January, 1916, 1895, being crowned on the 2nd of November of that year. On

Most Ordertheofdignity of an and

St. Michael Honorary KnightwasGrand

St. George Cross onof His

conferred thu


Johore the


on Mayby 11th,

His 1916.


King, and the investiture

His Highness has beentook place-


with the Order of the British Empire in further recognition of his services during

the Great War. Since 1910, the Sultan has had the services

Civil Service as General Adviser, and other members of that service are of an officer of the Malayan

seconded to control

now on a sound footingvarious departments,

and financially one ofwith the resultofthat

the wealthier the government

the Malay States withis-


gress in material prosperity, and has attracted a good deal of Europeangreat

savings to meet the present fall in revenue. The country has made pro-


invested in planting enterprises.

The revenue for 1934 amounted to $16,660,594, against $11,806,152 in 1933,

and the expenditure to $11,692,115 in 1934 against $11,589,496 in 1933. Surplus

assets at the end of 1934 amounted to $42,548,736. The railway, which connects-

Singapore with the F.M.S. system, was completed in 1909. Along its 120 miles

it provides-access to the extensive areas of valuable forest land not conveniently

reached by the natural waterways. It is operated and leased by the F.M.S.

Railways Department, which now controls the whole of the railways in the

Malay Peninsula. A causeway has been constructed over the Straits of Johore,

between the mainland of Johore and ■ the Island of Singapore, carrying a

railway track and a roadway. It was opened for passenger trains on 1st-

October, 1923. . The roadway was opened to vehicular traffic on 28th June, 1924.

The Lama,

Johore capitaloris oldthe Jtown

oho re,oftheJohore


seat orof new Johore, asof distinguished

the Sultans Johore, whichfrom was-


flourishinga little

few miles

placeupOn the

the wide


point ofof the


Jbhore river. The newisland,

to Singapore town and

is a

lying about 14 miles to the north-east of Singapore city, in

some 103,000 inhabitants, mostly Chinese. Public Works have received a good deal of1° 26' N. It contains

attention in recent years and $3,642,989 was spent on them in 1934. There are'

now about 869 miles oif roads in the State, and new roads are being constructed..

joWork 0165

I ' Thei population Of the State at the census in 1931 was ascertained to be 505,309 (as


iDhinese, with 282,234

Indians,in 290


of whom and 719 were

3803 Europeans,

others. The235,019 Malays,

Chinese are 214,401


Ijbund as cultivators of rubber,

‘Jeinaluang tin-field near Mersing. but there is also a large Chinese population on the

1933 ' 1934

Imports 122,561,488 $31,213,739

Exports ... $35,985(800' $61,077,703

$58,547,288 $92,291,442

|! ,| European and Chinese have taken, up large areas for planting, chiefly

pibberC pineapples arid docpiliits. The'export of tapioca was 163,535 piculs in

11934, as compared with 201,590 piculs in 1933, and the values were $552,747 and

j$681,373 respectively. The export of rubber in 1934 amounted to 1,747,099 piculs,

I gained at $47,563,787 against 1,626,175 piculs in 1933, valued at $22,622,970. A

Remarkable feature of the rubber industry in‘this State is the large amount of

iand taken up by the Japanese. In 1934, 701,154 piculs of copra, valued at

pi,895,997 and 273,;508 piculs of areca-nuts, valued at $623,003,- were exported,

i At the present time the principal exports of Johore are the carefully cultivated

lubber, copra,damar.

ftttans and gambier,Forpepper

almostand all areca-nuts,

such produceandSingapore

the naturalis the


port ofofshipmnt.

tin, timber,

t Johore is rich in iron ore, and a mine is being successfully worked by Japanese in

»atu Pahat and 578,180 tons of ore worth #2,890,900 were, exporetd in 1934.

the export of tin ore in 1934 amounted to 521 tons.




Darjah Karabat (Family Order)g.c.m.g.,

Highness Sir Ibrahim, and thek.b.e.,

MostSovereign of theDarjah

Honourable Most Esteemed.


Ir Johore

Order of the Crown of Rumania, and Fir^t Class Order of the WhiteFirst

(Order of the Crown of Jbhore), First Class Osmanieh Order, Class


of Siam; “Grand Croix” of the Ordre Royal du Cambodge and “Grand Croix” of

j the OrderOrdreof theImperial du Dragon

Rising Sun de 1’Annam;

of Japan; Fellow ofFirst Class Grand

the Royal Cordon

Zoological of theof


• Scotland (Hon.); Colonel Commandant, Johore Military and Volunteer Forces

and Hon. Col. Johore Volunteer Engineers Born 17th Sept., 1873. Proclaimed

I. 7th Sept., 1895; crowned 2nd November, 1895

rivute Secretaries—Major Dato H. Md. Said, d.p.m.j., p.i.s, and Capt. S. Abdullah,

S.M.J., P.I.S.


Council of State Clerk of Councils—Inche Esa bin Abdullah

resident—Dato Meritri Besar (acting)

ice do.. .■!—Deputy Merit ri Besar

General Adviser’s Office

[p Office of Mentei Besae Gent Adviser—W.

Personal E. PepysAhmad

Assistant^—Inche , bin

Andak, s.m.j., p.i.s.

tentri Besar—Dato A. Hamid bin Yousof, Stenographer—Inche

b.p M.J.P.I.S. Clerks—Sheikh Ahmad Atanbinbin A.Mohd.Yasin



■ UngkuMentri

Abdul Besar—The

Aziz, d.k. Hon. Y. M. and A. Majid bin Awaldin


Secretariat Assist.

Bidi Supts.—A.

bin H. YusofRahman bin Awang andj 3

State Secretary—Hon. Dato Mohd. Salleh, Supt.,

D.P.M.J. Preventhe Branch—P. H. Mil

Deputy Assist.s.m.j.,

Secretary—Inche . Cooper (acting)

A. Kadir Assist.

bin Daud, p.i.s. Supts., Preventive Branch—A.|i

Office Assist.—M. Eunus bin Noordin Aziz bin H. Taib & Wan Abdullah;!1

bin H. Hussein

Agricultural Department Batu Pahat

Principal Supt.—Mohamed bin Awang

weather Agricultural Officer—J. Fair- Assist. Supt.—Ahmad bin Awang

Agricultural Officer—B. A. Lowe (Muar) Supt., Preventive Branch — K. D.M

Mackay (acting)

Audit Office Assist. Supt., Preventive. Branch—A. L

Auditor—Wan Jusoh bin Ali Ra’of bin Aman .

Actg. Assist. Auditor—Abdul Aziz bin Endau

Hi. Shukor Assist. Supt.—Ahmad bin Ibrahim |

•Clerk, Grade I—Abu Bakar bin Hj. Segamat

Idris ih «[ , Supt.—Ismail bin Osman

Chandu Monopoly— Kota Tingg

Customs Building, Johore Bahru; Supt.—Ibrahim

Assist. Supt.-—Ja’afarbin A. Rahman

bin Ali ft|

Teleph. 92232 (Johore) Pontain Kechil I

Johore Bahru

Supt.—Commissioner of Trade & Customs Assist, Assist.

Supt., Preventive Branch—A."i

Supt., Preventive Branch—A. ..

Deputy Supt.—Omar

Assist, do. —Ismailbin binUda

Suleiman Razak bin H Mohamed

Storekeeper—Ahmad bin Sendot

Chief Clerk— A. Aziz bin Abdullah Education Department

Inspr. of Chandu Shops—G. B. Gardner Supreme Court Buildings; Telephoned

Muar No. 14,Education—J.


Assist. Supt.—H. Omar bin Mentol Supt. of M. Meade

Do. Pahat,

Batu —Safar

Endau, binSegamat,

Morja Kota Assist. Inspector, Malay Schools — A.ffl

Tinggi and Kukob Shukor

Mohamedoon bin Md. TaibEsa bin Alwee, t

bin Ismail, Syed

Assist. Supts.—The Supts. of Customs Visiting Teacher, Religious ^Schools—Uaji

Ali bin

Chief ClerkHaji-WanDaudMohamed bin Ibrahim;!

Customs Department—

Customs Building, Johore Bahru; English, College—Johbre Bahru

Teleph. 92232 (Johore Bahru Headmaster—J. Bain

Jphore Bahru European Masters—W.’ H, Little, b.a., L

Commissioner.—kelson Jones, m.c.s. Assistant W. S. Morgan, b.a


Office Assist.—Ismail bin Ariffin Treusein,Masters — George Low'F.d, A.'F. LeJ.|

S. Subramaniam,

Deputy Comm ssioner — Hon. Dato Vos, Ahmad bin Suleiman, So Hoo Kum.

Awang bin Omar,bin d.p.m.g. Chin, G. J. Stephens. Ng Ah Ow, b.a.,'

Supt.—Mahmood Hussein (actg.) Tan and

Chong Chew, Wee Hye Kwce

Md. Salleh bin Hassan

Assist. Superintendents—Hussein bin Bukit Zahrnh School—Johore Bahru

Hj. Sulong and Abdul Kadir bin

Abdullah Headmaster—H. B. Man by

Senior Supt., Preventive Branch— Assistant Masters—R. A. Logan, C. L;

W. H. MacLaughlin (acting) Joseph, T. V. Sundaram, b.a., Md.i

Supt.—J. Tolmie (acting) Nor bin Abdul Gani, T. H. Anna-|

Assist. Supts., Preventive Branch—Wan

Ibrahim bin Uda, Orman bin Ahmad durai Aiyer, Khoo Peng Hock, J.

A. David, Chen Slew Suan, Chiangi

and Ungku Ahmad bin Omar Mong Hoe, V. Krishna, M. Mad-.1

Muar havaniar, b.a., Goh Teik Chow,.

Deputy Commissioner'—Ilrahim bin Zainal Abidin bin Tamby and Kohi

Abu Baker Gim Chuan


Nge Heng Primary School— Government Printing Office

Johore Bahru Superintendent—K. C. David

I Headmistress—Miss, C. Renton Asst. Printer—Markom B. H. M. Said

I Assistants Mistresses—Mrs. J. Lowe, Miss Chief Clerk—McL Amin B. Idris

r M. Pereira, Mrs. B. de Souza, Mrs. L.

; ,-"MoOre, Mrs. H. K Wee and Tan Kiong LfND Office - '

; FHee'

wjk>sGovcrnnient English School—Muar Commissioner, -K. /Coupe

Lands and Mines—A-

Headmaster—J. R. Taylor, m.a. Ollice Assistant — Abu Bakar bin Ahmad

1 European Master—J. D. Joseph, b.a., Collector, Land Revenue, Muar—W.

European Mistress—Mrs. 0. E. Milne LinehanLand Revenue, Batu Pahat—

| Assistant Masters — 0. D. Westwood, A. Collector, J. Falconer

f- M3innathaihby,''P. L. Sarny, T. Sivagur-

upillay, N. A. Hannay, Chelliah John, Collector, Land Revenue, Segamat—

b.a., K. P. Chaly, P. L. Machado, H. P. Bryson

l|!Y.P- Lingam,C, Joseph, Hans Raj Bangah, K Collector, Land Revenue, Kota Tinggi —

Azman bin A. Hamid, A. K N. WardLand Revenue, Kukup — J. A.

I Pillai, Ibrahim bin Haji Salam,-S. P’ Collector, A. Faith

' ' Johnston. Md. Hashim bin Mat' Collector, Land Revenue, Kluang—L-

j/j| Piah, Nasir. bin ;Haji Bakar, L. R. F. Earl

fB S Gawthorne,

Tajudin bin K.Tek A.andChaly,

R. A. Yusoff

Mon- Collector, Land Revenue, Johore Bahru—

|| teiro Wan Idris bin Ibrahim

Assist. Mistress—Mrs. E. Hannay Collector,

bin BuangLand Revenue, Endau—Osman

Government English School—

Segamat Legal Adviser’s Department

Headmaster—A. Q. Starhan, m.a. Legal Adviser—M. C. Hay (acting)

Assistant Masters—Gurdial Singh, Y. K. 1 Deputy Public Prosecutor—Abdul Hamid-

i » Jesudason, Y. A. Mathew, b..a., Lim Teck I bin Mustapha (acting)

1 Siang. K. Cartygesu, Khor Beng Hoe, Office Assistant—Abdullah bin Haji

W Ang Kean Kah, A. K. Mahaa^y, Hatim Suleiman


I bin Puteh and Halim bin

Mistresses—Miss Hj. A.Someren

M. Yan Rahim

: and Miss K. Aeria Medical Department

Central Medical Administration

j Government English School—Batu Pahat ; Bureau

i| Headmaster—H. L. Hodge, b.a. Principal Medical Officer, Johore and

'JI Assistant

! Masters—Lee Kong Boon, S. A. Registrar Geneial of Births and Deaths

Mon teiro, M. E. Mathews, R. A. Alfred, -ML 11. Garlick

I |.| S. N. Chopra, b.a., C. R. Krishnan, G. Personal Assist, to Principal Medical

|',i| sekaram, B. N.T.Chatterjee,

Devasagayam, Moreira, M.HandGnana-

bin b.Officer, Johore—Imffier Abdul Rashid

i Md. Amin, Koe Ewe Teik, M. Aruha- Chief Ismail

Juke salam and Toh Boon Chin ■

Store Keeper, Central Medical

s Assist. Mistresses f~ Mrs, E. A. Mon- Store—J. H. Oehlers

Hospitais and Dispensaries

Mi teiro and Miss D. S. Alfred Medical Officer-m-charge, Gen i. Hospital,

. Trade, School—15chore Bahru Johore Bahru—J. M. A. Lowson

! Headmaster—J. W. Moore Medical Officer,Walkingshaw

Bahru—R. General Hospital, Johpte

Asst. Masters—A.- Wahid , bin Sulaimap Lady Medical Officer (part time) in

,I’j • Md. IsmailZin bin Sha’ari and Omar bin Lowson charge Children—Mrs. W. N. D.


M uar—Officer-in-charge,

(vacant) Govt. Hospital,

Fobest Department Deputy Bacteriologist—H. L. Car-

•! Conservator—C. Smith, m.f.s. valho

J] Assist, do., Kluang—C. Cairns, m.f.s. Deputy Pathologist—S. Luther

i|'Sub-Assist. Conservator, “Johore Bahru — Deputy Medical Officer i/c Govern-

; Kosai bin Haji Md. Salleh ment Hospital, Batu Pahat—C.


Deputy -Medical Officers i/c—Sega- Health Inspectors.—

mat: S. T. Aiyathurai; Kota Ting- Johore Bahru Senior Health Inspe<

gi: K. Coomaraswamy tor Grade I—M. B. Leicester

Assistant Medical Officers ij/c-—Tang- Health Inspectors Grade II—R.

kak: V. J. John, Kluang: A. N. Ramsay and Tan Swe© Tee

Gangully, Mersing: P. J. Joseph, Probationers—Ungku Mohd. Sallaj^

Pontian Kechil: A. B. Doray bin Ismail.. Tan Ah Bah and Tal|

Assistant Medical Officers, General Yong Chua

Hospital, Johore Bahru — N. S.

Nather, A. Murugesu, G. S. Wood- Muar: Health Inspector Grade II-|

hull, K. Damodaran, Mohd. Sail ah Senior Hj. Mohamed bin Hj. Hassan

bin Abdul Hamid (on leave)

Assistant Medical Officers, Govern- Health James

Inspectors Grade I—'

and Goh Meng Cheh (Tangj

ment Hospital, Muar—N. K. Shar- kak)

ma, Koshy Eapen, Awang bin Has- Batu Pahat: !

Deputy Medical Officer i/c Govt. Senior Health Inspector Grade II

—N. K. Krishnan

Officials, Johore Bahru — H. C. Health Inspector Grade II—Ismai

Samuel bin Hassan

Chief Dispenser—Tan Swee Chiang Women &: Children’s Clinics,

Apothecary i/c J. M. F. Hospital,

Johore Bahru—Lieut. Omar bin Johore Bahru


Nursing Sisters, General Hospital, Lady E.

Medical Officer i/c—Dr. (Mrs.®

B. Jacques

Johore Bahru—Miss M. H. Amour Maternity Nurse—Mrs. F. M. King •

(Matron), G. L. Pigott, B. A. M.

Davidson, M. B. Penman, L. H. Muar: ]

Parkins. E. E. Castle, F. N. Mit- Lady Medical Officer—Mrs. Harley

Clarke (Temporary)

chell, M. C. Ouin, L. A. Hough Maternity Nurse—Mrs. M. Carvalhc

(Temporary), M. A. Jensen (Tem-

porary) Batu Pahat:

Maternity Nurses, Govt. Hospital, Asst. Lady Medical Officer—Mrs. Li

N. P. Doray

Muar—Mrs. N. W. Harvey and Mrs. Maternity Nurse—Mrs. C. Wintle

L. A. Bezel

Medical Officer i/c Gaol Hospital, Military Department

Johore Bahru—J. M. A. Lowson

Dy. Medical Officer—H. C. Samue] (Johore Forces)

Dresser in charge—Kukup Narat bin Headquarters: The Fort, Bukit Timbalai,

Tendot Johore Bahru

Asylums, Lunatic and Lepers Col. Comdt. — Col. H. H. Sir Ibrahim;

Sultan of Johore, d.k., s.p.m.j., g.c.m.g.,

G.B.E., etc.

Assist Medical Officer i/c—J. D. 2nd-in-Command^—Lieut.

Perinbam Col. Datq

Hon. Yahya bin A. Talib, d.p.m.j. i

Health Department Military Adviser and Chief Instructor-

Major D. M. Noyes-Lewis

Senior Health Officer, Johore—F. V. Adjutant—Major

Quarter-Master Mohd. Tahir,


Jacques Ahmad — Capt.

bin Officer—Maj.

Health Officer, Johore South, Johore Staff


Hon. Dato Haji Mohd.

Bahru—P. G. Currid Said bin Haji Sulieman, d.p.m.j., p.i.s. I

Health Officer, Johore North, Muar—

(vacant) Mines Department

Dental Surgeon—J. D. Pinkerton Warden of Mines—A. Bean

Lady Dental Surgeon—Mrs. Hilda

Xilo (Temporary) ■- J

Dy. Health Officer, Johore Bahru—J. Office of Registrar-General

and Deaths of Births

R. Gwynne, Registrar-General—G. H. Garlick 1


Police Second Inspector, Kluang—Sub-Inspector

r State Headquarters—Johore Bahru Hashim bin Mahat

jpommissioner of Polioe^-H. B. Lang- O.C.P.D., Renggam—Sub-Insp. Kha-

mis bin Ba’adon

| worthy

Adjutant—-J. R. C. Denny Johore Bahru Circle

a jihcer-in-charge, Depot—J. R. C. Denny Chief Police Officer—L. H. Pearce

ti). C. "A'"’ Company—Inspector Sal- Malay Assist. Commissioners—Musa

leh bin Haji Omar bin Yusof and Wan Mohamed bin

robationary Inspectors—Haron bin Uda

Taslim: Yahya bin Ahmad and Q.C.P.D., Johore Bahru—lilsp. Ah-

I Mahbob bin Armad mad bin Haji Hussin

i). C .“B” Company—Sub-Inspector Court Inspector, Johore Bahru—Abdul

f Hazard Singh bin Siman

Detective Branch Second Inspector—Othman bin Mo-

hamed Yassin

IChief bin Detective Officer—Dato’

Buang, d.p.m.j., p.i.s. Abu Bakar Traffic

Inspector—Yusof bin Hassan

Inspector, Weights and Measures—Ahmad O.C.P.D.,Inspector—Tik Kulai—InspectorbinAbdul


I bin Pandak bin Abdul Kadir

Segamat Circle O.O.P.D., Pontian—Sub-Inspr. Mohamed

uhief Police Officer—H. P. Armstrong bin Salim

dal ay Assist. Commissioner—( vacan t) O.C.P.D., bin Kassin

ITentong—Insp-. Abdullah

D.C.P.D., Segamat—Insp. Mohamed bin Inspector—Alahi Bakhsh


. AbdulInspector,

Jamal Segamat—Ibrahim bin

: Hitam Kota Tinggi Circle

Chief Police Officer—L.

j.C.P.D., Labis—Insp. Abdul Khalid O.C.P.D., Kota Tinggi—Inspector E. Cullen

Muar Circle Hashim

bin Maridan

' phief Police Officer—C. G. E. Baughan O-C.P.D., bin Hussein

Mersing—Sub-Insp. Sulong

I Ralay Assist. Commr.—Ahmad bin

Haji Tahir O.C.P.D., Mawai—Inspector Elia«

jf.C.P.D., Muar—Inspector Hashim bin O.C.P.D., bin Haji Ali

: Mohee Pengerang — Inspector Haji

JJourt Inspector, Muar—Abdul Rahman Mohamed Salleh bin Haji Mohamed

bin Mohamed Noor

I Second Inspector, Muar—Sub-Inspec-

I tor Shapie bin Adam Police Court

'I’raffic Officer, Muar—Mohd. Yusof First Magistrate—J. B. Weiss

} bin Ibrahim

* J.C.: Khan P.D., Tangkak—Sub-Inspector Tawas Third do. —AhmadAbubin

Second do. —Sheikh Bakar b. Yahya


!,b.C.P.D., Panchor—Inspector Ali bin Mahmood Chief Clerk—Tungku A. Rahman bin

., Haji Hassan

Patu Pahat Circle Posts and Telegraghs Dept.

5hief Police Officer—R. K. Bell (Johore)

Ralay Assist. Commr.—Abdul Samad Postmaster General (actg.)—K. MacLen-

1 > bin Puteh nan


?i^ourt P.D.,

! bin Haji Batu

Omar Pahat — Inspector Ismail Superintendent—D. Smith

Chief Telegraph Engineer—A. H. Carson

Inspector, Batu Pahat—Mohamed Telegraph

J ■ Noor bin Hamid Engineer—R. Gibson

Johore Bahru

' Second Inspector, Batu Pahat—Hatim

l bin Lamit Postmaster

inspector—Haron bin Abu Bakar Ibrahim (acting) — A. Ranee bin

3.C.P.D., Senggarang — Sub - Insp. Muar

Munap bin Nawar

J.C.P.D., Yong Peng—Inspector Othman Postmaster (actg.)—IbrahimBatu Pahat

bin H. Ismail

bin Haji Samad

J.C.P.D., Kluang—A. C. P. Haron bin Postmaster (actg.)—Mohamed bin Ab-

Hassan dullah


I Prisons, Department Batu Pahat District

Inspr. Telephs. 7 (Executive Engineer’s Office)^!!

Prisonsof (Johore

Prisons Bahru)—Major

(Johore) and Supt.D. M-of (81 P.W.D. Store)

Noyes-Lewis Executive Engineer—A. E. Fallows

Johore Bahru Assist. Engineers—C. R. Hawkins anct c

Gaoler, Grade III—W. W. Marsh Ismail bin Mohamedori


District Supt.—Major G. M. Kidd, Clerk Chief

of Works—G: A. Barthelot. ,j

Overseer—S. Vythilingam - ,


Gaoler, Grade III—J. Bolton Chief Clerk—Annuar bin Haji Malik j

Segamat District

' Public Works Department Teleph. 16 (P.W.D. Office)

(Johore Bahru) lExeCjUtive Engineer—R. P. Kelly

Telephs. 163 (Head Office), 163 (District j Clerk of Works—Hashim bin Hussein

Office), 27and(Electrical

Works) Dept.)*

44 (Store and 43 (Water Chief Overseer—K. S. Maniam


Headquarters Staff—Johore Bahru Kluang District

State Engineer—F. M. G. McConechy ExecutiveTeleph. 18 (P.W.D. Office)

Engineer—G. S. Thatcher

Executive Engineer—E. A. Gardiner | Kota Tinggi and Mersittg District

Asst-. 'Engineer—H.

.Accountant—F. L. D. Tucker

Chief Clerk - C. S.M. Subramania

Still Iyer Teleph. 4 (P.W.D. Office) '

Executive Engineer—R. H. A. Johnson

Drawing Office .

Architectural Assist.—T. W. v.May Supreme Court

Electrical Engineer

Chief Eleot’l. Engr. & Inspr.—A. L. Birch Judge—The G. Mills

Hon. • Mr .Justice J. V.i

Executive Electrical Engineer—F. H. Registrar—J. B. Weiss

Turrel Assistant Registrar—Iriche Mohd Nassii

Station Supt.—T. G. Laver bin Haji Salleh

Wiring Foreman—Hadji Abdul Azis

Clerk-in-charge—Siew Kang Hye

Mechanical Depa ftrheni '■ Survey Office’

Head Office—Johore Bahru

Mechanical Engineer—R. Eves

1. Inspector of Machinery—IT.

of Machinery—R. H. Brown Supt. of Surveys—H. H. Cobon • •

Foreman—W. C. Zuzartee Meldrum’ Assist.

A. H. Supts. (Office)—A. G. Billing and



Assist.Executive Engr.—F. J. Button

Enarineers—Arriffin bin II.(acting) Office assistant—Satimeri.bin Amran

Alias, Chief Clerk—R. Omar

Head Draftsman-- T. M.b Chik (acting)


E T. Olan and P. O’Connell Head Computer—N. K. PiJlai


Keyt of Works—J. A. H. Reid and W. A.

Supt., Anti-Malarial Works—R. District Office—.Johore Bahru

Chief Overseer—Musa bin Taib Rajangam Assist. Supt.—A. G. Robb

Chief Clerk— Syed Hassan Alkadri District Office-—Muar

\Y rter Works Assist. Supt.—B. P. Walker Taylor , >

Department Inspector^—J. A. Danker District Office—Batu Pahat |

District Office Staff—3(Move Bahru Assist. Supt.—J. D. Richardson

Muar District District Office—Segamat

Telephs. 22 (Executive

64 (P.W.D. Workshop)Engineer’s Office), Assist. Supt.—R. A. Teri;y

Senior Execufive Engineer — J. O. District Office—Kuku.p


Assist. Engineer—A. D. Campbell Assist. Supt.—C. D. Pearson

Assist. Electrical Engr.—J. Hardman . District Office—Wota Tinggi ,

Clerks Assist. Supt.—A. G. Robb

and J.of,H.,Works—F.

CarvalhoA. van Schoonbeck Kluang District. Office


Chief Overseer—K. Velu Pillay

Clerk—Y. L. Joshua Assist. Supt.—T. R. Blackman

Water Works Inspectors—D. O. Gib- Mersing District.Office ' .4

son and C. G. Scully Assist. Supt.—A. McG. Clark Walker |

Town Board—Johore Bahru Fire Brigade

)/ : Members

President—R. P. Clegg,

of Town m.c.s.

Board—Protector of Officer-in-charge—R. Eves

I Chinese, Johore (Deputy President), Clerk- do. —K. Sitarama Ayer

■i|’ Engineer,

Chief PoliceHealth



Executiveof Treasury

I Land

P.W.D.,Revenue, Architectural assistant, Financial Commissioner and Auditor

Lam Siew,Senior

Dr. T.Health

E. Cheah Officer,

and J.Seah

N. General—N. A. Sedwick (actg.)

State Treasurer &binCollector of Stamp

i;f Dugdale,

Abdullah binP. Hassan

V. Charry

Alattas and Syed Duties—Ibrahim Abu Bakar

III Secretary—Inche

Financial Inspector MohamedGimbinKoey

Assistant—Oh Omar Assist. Treasurer and Collector of Stamp

; Building and Deputy Registrar Duties—Ismail bin Abu Bakar (acting)


of Jinrishas—G. A. MarshallE. Webb Accountant—H. Amin bin Ahmad (acting)

Health Inspector—K. Probate Examiner—Ng Yook Fong


*State Commissioner—Ungku

bin Mohd. Kalid, d.k., d.p.m.j.,Mohamad

p.i.s. I First

2nd Assist. Adviser—K. G. A. Dohoo

Magistrate—J. Falconer

Secretary—Syed Omar bin Abdul Rahman Second Magistrate—Ahmad bin Abas

; ; Al-atas

lAssistant Adviser—J. Falconer I Harbour Master—Ooyob bin Haji Abas


District Office Hospital Office

|District Officer — Inche Othman bin Assistant Surgeon—P. J. Joseph

j Buang, s.m.j. Sub-Treasury Office

Chief Clerk—Inclie Ibrahim bin Awang


Daud Bin Mahmud Padang Endau—Ungku Treas.—Inche Othman bin

Clerk—Inche Ibrahim bin Othman

Buang, s.m.j.

Town Board Office Kathi Office

Kathi—Haji Hasbollah bin Haji Hassan

; President,

bin Buang,Town

s.m.j.Board—Inche Othman Chief Clerk—Shiekh Ubit bin Ahmad

jChief Clerk—Inche A. Aziz B. A. Hamid Public Works Dept.

Land Office Assistant Engineer—W. D. Tucker

Collector of Land Revenue—Inche Oth- Chief Clerk—Tan Jee Tee


man bin Collector

Buang, s.m.j. Forest Office

" Inche Mohd. Noah ofbin Land

OmarRevenue— Forest Ranger—Mohd. bin Mohd. Saman

Chief Clerk—Inche Adon bin M. Yatim Post and Telegraph

Court Office Post Master—Raja Halim b. Mohamed

(1st Magistrate—Inche Mohd. Noah bin Malay Teachers

i Omar Senior



s.m.j. — Inche Othman bin Haji Group

AhmadTeacher—Inche Hashim bin

Chief Teachers (Boys’ School) — Abdullah bin

Majid — Inche Haron bin Abdul

Clerk Othman,binAbas

Yusuf HajibinAbdullah



Court Interpreter—Chong Ah Poi in Haji Ali

Cu&toms Office Marine

Supt.—Ahmad bin Ibrahim Port Officer—Abdul Azz bin Ismail bi

Chief Clerk—Wan Mustaffa . bin Abdul

Hahman Endau Club—Mersing

Police Office President—‘Inche Othman bin Buang, s.mJ

O.C.P.D.—Inche Sulong bin Omar Vice President—inche

bin Omar Mohamad Noal

■Secretary—UngkaJaffar bin Ali

J oh ore' Military Forces . •Assist.'Secretary—Inche Hassan bin Ha;

Officer Cbmdg.T-Capt. : Musa bin Yufeuf, Abubakar

P.LS. ' . ■ Treasurer—Inche

Assist, i Treasurer—InchebinIbrahim

Ahmad Ibrahim blf

2nd Lieut.—Abdul Hamid bin Daud

J ohore Volunteer Forcee Auditor—Inche Haronbin Abdul Majid Ij


Officer Commanding—Othman b. Buang Asst. Auditor—Inche

Committee Abdullah

—Inche Abdul GanibinbinOsnuti


Sergt. Major—Abdul Aziz bin Ismail nan, Inche Abdul Aziz bin Ismail, Inch

Keling bin Shukor and Inch Ha-

Licensing Board ; shim, -bin Haji Ahmad

Chairman—Inche Othman bin Buang, ‘ Foreman Member—Capt. Musa bid

S.M.J. - Yusof, S.M.J., P.I.S.

Vice-Chairman—Tnche Mohd. Yoah bi.n —


■Committee—Assistant o of

Surgeon, Supt. Treasury Department

Custom. Towkay Chang Yik. Towkay Treasurer—Syed:'Abdullah bin A.!Majid

Chong Kara and Inspector of Police (Kluang)


State Commissioner’s Office

State' Commissioner — II. H. Tu-ngku Deputy


Cbramissioher of Customs —;

Bin Abu Bakar

Temenggong Ahmad, d.k., p.i.s.


S.M.J. Abu Bakar bin Andak, Taylor* of Surveys—B. P. L. Walkej*

Assist. Supt.

Assist. Adviser and 1st Magistrate—W. bin Mohamed Board—Syed Abdul KadA

Secretary, Town

Lineham InspectorExecutive

of Schools—H. L. Hodge

Second, Assist. Adviser—W. W. M. Lennox Senior Engineer of Public.

Works—R. C. W. Drew

1st Class Magistrate—Inche Mahmood bin Postmaster

Mohamad Shah Hj. Ismail(acting) — Inche Ibrahim bid•

Deputy Commissioner of Police—C. G. E. Harbour

Baughan Master—Ungku A. Rahman bii

Medical Officer—Dr. T. E. Marshall Ahmad

District Officer, Chphong—Inche: ITassan

bin Abdullah (Buang) ^ |

Treasurer—Inche,'Abu Bakar bin Cda

Allen & Gledhill, Advocates, Solicitors Chsna. Underwriters, Ltd., Life, Fire-


Muar; Cable Ad:Public•«-23,

Gledhill Jalan Majidi, Marine, Accident, Motor CarHongkong;

and Gem

Solicitox-in-eharge—F. R. N. H. eralChief Insurance—Head



Southern Agencies—|


M.assey, ll.b. tL’pool)-,. advooate : General Bank Chambers, Singapore:|

Agents-—Chop Eng Hock Hin,,)

and solicitor • uJA r , d' 6, Jalan Haji Abu, Muar : • J

Bakri and. Saaban, Auctioneers and Crawford Dr. R., m.b., ch.b., d.t.m. & hJ

Appraisers—Cable Ad: Hajibakri (Lond.),' Estate Medical Officer —Muart


Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Ong Huck Chye, Dr., .t.p., m.b., b.s. (The

Corporation—Johore Bahru; Tele- Universal Pharmacy) — 118, Acheen

phone 92482, Johore Street; Teleph. 768. Residence: 228,

A. C. Putley. sub agent Macalister Road; Night Teleph. 857

L. H. G. Humfrey

Johore Civil Service Club — Johore Ltd.—1 and!NESK3, BANKING


Jalan Sayang, Muar;

Bahru; Teleph. 47 Teleph. 2L; Cable Ad: Oversea; Codes:


Johore H. The Sultan: of Bentley’s and Private

President—Hon. Mr. M. C. Hay, M.c.s. People’s Dispensary, The — 34, Jalan


Salleh bin—Ali,Hon.Capt.Dato Mohamed

Jones, Ibrahim,



M.C.s.,C. J.Ritchie

M. Meade, K.S. Mc- Dr. H.Johore Bahrum.b.b.s., Medical

S. Yeoh,

Lennan, and M. consultant

Staff—Y. Liang Soo, R. Gdspal, P.

Kirkpatrick Samy, S. C. Wong and S. Sivam

Hon. Treasurer—L. H. G. Humfrey

Hon. Secretary—Dr. P. G. Currid

Regent Poultry

Leghorn, Farm,Turkeys,

Aust ralorp, Specialists:

C. &White

S. L.

Johore Planters’ Association Wyandottes, R. I. Reds, etc., and

Rennie Lowick & Co., secretaries,

(Hong Kong Bank Chambers, Breeders of High Class Cattle—Sedenak,

Singapore) Johore; Cable Ad: Warrior

Manager—M. G. Warrior, f. inst. a.c,,

Leerdam, D. J., Licensed Auctioneer F.C.lREng.), F. INST.COM. A.

1st Class Appraiser, Commission, Insur-

ance and Forwarding Agent—Office and Shelley-Thompson & Demuth, Advocates

Sale Room : 22, Jalan Maharani, Muar and Solicitors of S.S. and Johore —82,

Agent for: Jalan Soga, Batu Paliat.; Teleph. 127

The Commercial Union Assurance W. E. Demuth, m.a. (Oxon.)

Co., Ld.

The Asia Life Insurance Co., Ltd.,, Sime, Darby & Co., Ltd. (Incorporated

Masonic Johore Royal, No. 3946, inTinS.S.),



Plantation Rubber Estate and

Mine Agents and Valuers, Geheral

Treasurer—S.ReasonfWaterEngineer’s Import, Export and ProdAgents—Muar,

uce Merchants,

Office, Municipality, Singapore) . , , Shipping


and Insurance

Cable Ad: Simit

Secretary—;A. R. I¥hysen (Naval Ba$e, (For . fuller details, see Sime, Darby & Co.,

Singapore), Utd., Malacca and Singapore)

Muar Civil Service Club—Muar, Johore Sing Loh Dispensary—52, Jalan Ah Rook,

Mcar Planters’ Association' : Johore E.Bahru;

J. (Paris), Teleph.m.b.,

Thomson, 72 Jphpre

„ M.CH., p.T.M.

Chairman—O. G. A. Fraser d.p.h. (Cantab.)

Vice do. —J. H.

Secretary—A. W. PorterW. Godfree J. N.[ Dugdalp m.b., b.ch. (Edin.)

Committee — W. G. Wallace, R. D. Town Pharmacy—1, Jalan Bakri, Muar

J. Wallace and J. F. Green

Norris, H. H., Barrister-at-law (Grays Warrior, M. G., f. inst. a.c., f.c.i. (Eng.),

F. inst. com. a., Accountant (Inc.)—


Inn), for the and StateSolicitor,

of JohoreNotary

—10, J c/o Indo Malayan& Thacker,

| Bijpok, Brown Agencies,L’don.



Jalan Petrie, Johore


4 deg.This35 min.

State and

lies 6ondeg.the 15Eastern Coastand

min. North of longitudes

the Malay 101 Peninsula

deg. 22 between

min. andlatitudes

102 deg.


East, miles.

with a Southern

coast lineKelantan

of 60 milesis onmountainous

the China Sea. It embraces

but Northern Kelantan an areaisofa

rich alluvial plain, drained by the Kelantan and Golok Rivers and their tributaries.

According to the Census of 1931 the population was 369,411 as compared with 309,300r

in 1921.

Tumpat KotaatBharu, six miles

its mouth. His up the Kelantan

Highness the SultanRiver,resides

is theatcapital,

Kota andBharuthewhich

chief port

is theis

capital and administrative headquarters of the State.

The chief

textiles. exports isarehealthier

The climate copra, rubber,

than inbetulnut,

other parts poultry,

of the cattle, driedthere

Peninsula, fish and


distinct cold season from October to February. The temperature seldom exceeds 90

deg. and sometimes falls to 62 deg., while the average rainfall is about 120 inches a year_

Mr. J. Scott Mason, as British Adviser, took over the supervision of affairs from

Mr. W. A. Graham, the Siamese Commissioner, on July 15th, 1909.


the revenue

had risenamounted to $419,327

to $2,220,769 and theand expenditure

the expenditure to $403,552. The

to $1,710,790. In

public debt at the transference of the suzerainty was $150,000, upon which

Siam charged 9 per cent. This debt was taken oner by the F.M.S>. Government,

interest being reduced to 4 per cent. The debit balance of the State at the

end of 1934 was $4,301,525. The value of the imports in 1934 was $5,571,181

against $4,036,021 in 1933. The principal imports were:—Fish, rice, benzine,

petroleum, tertiles, machinery, motor vehicles, cement, timbers and planks. The

tonnage of the steamers using Kelantan ports was 250,929 in 1934 against 184,762

i nl933. There is regular steamship communication with Bangkok and Singapore.


mainStateroadshad beingat those

the endfromof Kota

1934, Bharu

211 miles of roadKraiopen(45tomiles)

to Kuala wheeled

and traffic,

to PasirthePuteh


(26 miles). The latter has been extended to give connection to Kuala Besut in the

State of Trengganu. There is daily connection by rail (except Sundays and Wednes-

days) between

traffic,with a daily Tumpatbetween

service and Pahang,Tumnat and thethelinePerils

to theboundary,

Siamese making

border communica-

is open for

tion Penang an easy matter. Kotaand

Bharu is in direct telegraphic communication

with Kuala Lumpur, Haadyai and Trengganu. It is also connected by telegraph and


Puteh Temangan, with theSungai

two chief

Nal ports, Tumpat

and Pasir Mas.and Bachok, and with Kuala Krai, Pasir



Ruler—H.H. The Sultan Sir Ismail ibni Almeehum Sultan Mohamed, IV, k.c.m.g. ]

British Adviser to the Govt, of Kelantan—Capt. A. C. Baker, m.c., m.c.s., b.a. (Oxon) J

Assistant British Adviser to the Government of Kelantan—J. S. Macphersonr jl

M.c.s., m.a., Edin. (acting)


State Council Conservancy Board

Members—H. H. The Raja Kelantan Disandtrict Officer Registrar, of Vehicles

—Jj A. Harvey,' m.c.s.


K.C.M.G.Almerhum Saltan Mohamed, IV., Deputy Registrar of Vehicles, Licens-

Members — H. H. the Raja Kelantan —Tengku ing Officer and Municipal Secretary

(Tengku Ibrahim ibni Almerhum Sultan Perkerma Ismail Raja

bin Tepgku Seri

Mohamed, IV, c.m.g.), British

•{Capt. A. C. Baker, M.c., M.cis., b.a. Adviser


mmissioner Legal(•!.Adviser and Judicial

D. M. Smith, Co-

m.c.s., m.a., p Courts

Aberdeen); Assist. British Adviser Legal Adviser High Court

(J. S. Macpherson, 1 m.c.s., m.a.. J. D. M. Suith,& Judicial m.c.s.


Edin. (acting ), H. H, the Raj)a

Muda (Tengku Zainal Abidin ibni ! Registrar Mohamed

and Official Translator — Che’

bin Baba

Almerhum Sultan Mohamed III), j Central Court

Tengku Sri Ismara Raja (Tengku

Abdul Rahman ibni Almerhum Sul- j Magistrate—Tengku Zainal Abidin Hamzah bin Tengku

tan Ahmad), Tengku Sri Utama R'a- I Chief Clerk and Interpr.—Kung King Sun

ja (Tengku Mohamed bin Tengku Ecclesiastical Court

Petera Semerak), Tengku Yusoff Chief.Kathi—Haji Wan Hassan

ibni Almerhum Sultan Mohamed j Assist, do. —Haji Wan Ahmad

IV, Tengku Abdul Majid bin Teng- !

ku Besar Tuan Yusoff, Dato’ Per- i , . : Customs

dama Mentri Paduka Raja (Haji

Nik Mahmobd bin Haji Ismail, | Supt. of Marine and Customs^-H. A. L.

•c.b.e., Dato’ Sri Stia Raja (Nik ! Harbour Luckham, Master m.c.s.and Assist. Supt. of Cus-

Ahmad Kamil bin Haji Mahmood, toms (Kota

Barr.-at-Law). Dato’ Sir De’ Raja, ; Assistant Supt.Bahru)—William of Customs


(Kota Bahru)

(Haji Mohamed Sa’aid bin Hail

Jamal, i.s.o.), Dato’ Mufti (Haji) j —A. V. Kandiah

Ibrahim bin Haji Ynsoff). Dato’ Kaya ! District Offices

Pati (Towkay Yeap Hong Ghee)

Clerk of Council—Nik Hassan bin Issa District Officer,—A. Ulu Kelantan

Gilmour, m.c.s.



District Officer—Che Mohamed

British Adviser’s Office

British Adviser to the Government of 2ndOsman, Assist. District Officer — Megat

Dato’ Megat Lila Deraja


b.a. (Oxon) A. C. Baker, M.c., M.c.s., j Chief Clerk—Mohamed Hussein

Basil- Buteh

Assist. British Adviser to the Government j District 1st Asst.

Officer—J. S. W. Reid, M.c.s.

dq« —Nik —Che AhmadNik Ahmad KamilNik

of Kelantan—Mr. J. S. Macpherson, 2nd do. dol b. Haji

M.c.s., m.a. Edin. (acting) Mamood

Personal Assist, to the British Adviser I Chief Clerk—Che Omar

& Chief Clerk—Che’ Abdul Hamid Pasir Mas

bin Abdul Aziz Assist. DistrictTemengongOfficer—Tengku Ahmad

bin Tengku

Audit Office Magistrate,

Mara Raja District Court—Tengku Sri

j Auditor—J. McP. Brander, m.c.s. Assist. Collector of Land Revenue—

f Chief Clerk—M. K. Sabapathy Che Mat bin Osman (acting)

Chief Clerk—Nik Abdul

Second-Clerk—Yee Tha Swa Rahman

Chandu Department Bachok

Supt. of Chandu—F. G. Aplin Assistant District Officer—Che Abdullah

Chandu Inspeetor—Soh Kee lyan bin Dato Kaya Bakti

C’handu Clerk—Mohammed Kassim bin ] A.Tengku C. L. R. Abdullah

— Tengku Abdul Hamid bin

Pachik Chief Clerk—Che Yacob bin Musa

Mentri Deputy Commr. of Police

Dato’ lice

.K., sOfficer — Tengku


to H. E.Yusoff,,

Nik Perdana

MahraoodM'-ntri Paduka

bin Haji Ismail,Raja—Haji

c.b.e. m.k., Extra

High Commissioner



Desa Clerk—Che’ Mohanied Salleh bin Assist. Commr.—Tengku Yaacob

Stia Usaha Keraja-an Chief Inspector—Hamzah bin Mahrnood

Sfcia Usaha Keraja-an—Nik Ahmad Kamil, Court (acting)Inspector — Abdul Rahman

Barrister-at-law, bin Haji Nik Mahmood

(Date’ Perdana Mentri Paduka Raja) Detective —Inspector—(Vacant)

Adjutant Inspector Mohamed Sharri

Gaols 0- Mohd. Tahir; P. Mas:

C. P. Ds.—Pasir OsmanMohd.

Puteh: bin

Supt.of Gaols—Capt. H.A. Anderson, i.s.o.

Assist, do. —Wan Hussein bin Wan sain bin H. Omar Nasir bin Yaacob; K. Krai: Hus-


Chief Clerk—Mohd Hussein bin Ahmed Bandmaster M. S. Menezies

Proby : Inspector—Ahmad bin Kassim

Land Office—Kota Bharu Nik Mohd bin Dato Amar

Chief Clerk—Awalludin bin Sikin

Snpt. of Lands and Registrar of Titles,

Kelantan—J. S. Macpherson, m.c.s.

Assist. Supt. of Lands—A. C. Boyd, Supt. ofPosts and Telegraphs

Posts and Telegraphs—J. M.

M.C.S. Brender, m.c.s.

Assist, Collectors of Land Revenue— Postmaster, Kota Bharu—Tam Kim Man

Dato’ Adika Raja, Chi Mohamed Do., Tumpat—Kam Teek Hoe

Yosof bin Mohamed and M. K. Do., Kuala Krai—S. Kandavanam

Mustappa Fathil bin Flaji Nik Do., Pasir Puteh—V. T. Vengkadam

Mahmood Telegraph Master.

Chief Clerk—Wee Tiong Yang Sithamparam PillaiKota Bharu—A. V.

Medical Department Public Works Department

Chief Medical Officer—Dr. L. W. Evans State Engineer — E. M. O’D. Burke-

Med. Officer, Ulu Kelantan—Dr.W. J. Geale Gaffney

Matron—Miss M. M. Pickup

Staff Nurses-—Mrs. J. Pestana and Miss Inspector of Works — P. A. V. Royan:

Chief Clerk—N. W. Idris

A. Oliveiro

Infant Welfare Nurse—Miss Lin Kim Electrical Department


Chief Hospital Assistants, Kota Bharu Eectrical Engineer—F. J. Larard

—E. P. Canagasaby & G. K. Pillay

Chief Hospital Assistant, Ulu Kelan- Survey Department

tan—Sie Sing Chang

Chief Clerk—Wan Omar bin Wan Supt. Assist.

of Surveys—W. H. E. Nei]

Supt. of Sudveys—R. Wilson-

Awang Head Computer—T. Sinnathurai

Chief Clerk—M. Ariyaretnam

Military Police

Commr. of Police—Capt. D. Hillary Treasury

i.s.o., s.k., Hon. A.D.C: to H. H. the State Treasurer—J. A. Harvey m.c.s.

Sultan Assist. do. —Che Hassan bin Sulaiman-


Bottstead «fe Oo.,Estate,

Shipping;, Ltd. , General Merchants,

Insurance and Kelantan St. Andrew Society

Forwarding Agents—Tumpat; Cable Chieftain — W. Graeme Anderson,

Manek Urai

Ad: Boustead. Hea,d Office; Sin- Hon. Secy.—J. McNieol, Kuala Pertang


Cycle Trading, Co.—Kota Bharu; Cable, Mercantile Bank of India, Ltd.—Kota

Ad: Cycle, Kelantan; Codes: A.B.C, 5th Bharu; Cable Ad: Paradise; Codes:


6th edns. andthe

for all Bentley’s

Leading. makes of Bentley’s A.B.C. 5th edn. and Private

Bicycles and Motor Cycles F. C. Stocks, agent

Embak Concrete

Building Brick Manufacturers'

Contractors, and Tile Works,of Soon Thye Chop, The, Durian Cake

Concrete Manufacturers — Works : Kampong

Krai, UluBlocks, etc. —Works:

Kelantan. Office: Sungie

Kuala China, Kota Bharu,

Ad '• Lempok

Kelantan; Cable



With a territory of about 5,680 square miles, an extensive sea-board, and a

population at the 1931 census of 179,789, Trengganu is the least developed of

all the Malay States. It lies between latitude 4° and 5° 55' North latitude and

the meridians of 102° 23' and 163° SO' East Longitude. The capital is Kuala

Trengganu situated on both banks of the mouth of the Trengganu' River, with

a population of 13,972.

There are 145 miles of road open to traffic. Communication with the interior ia

by good point

certain nativefrom


owing The latter, however,

to rapids. There arearenonotrailways

navigable, beyond

(except for a3

light railways on Mines).

A sixty six-mile trunk road from Kuala Trengganu to the Northern boundary of

the State has been completed and opened to traffic.

Regular steamship communication is maintained with Singapore and Bangkok,


coast.locally built motor-boats maintain a passenger service along the Trengganu

During the North-East Monsoon, from November till March, the weather is at

times such as to ©lose the coast to shipping for short periods. The rainfall and

temperature, conditions are similar to those in the other Malay States.

officesTelegraph communication

are at Kuala Trengganu, was.Kretai,

established with Singapore

Diingun, Kemaman inand1922. Besut.Telegraph


are small local telephone exchanges at Kuala Trengganu, Kemaman and Besut.

■ The total net value of trade of the State in 1934 was $9,366,758 as against

’ $6,696,330 in 1933.

The chief exports in 1934 were: —

Copra ... ... .. $ 62,772

Dried Fish ... ... ... C-i 791,223

Tin Ore. -... ... 653,309

J Haematite ... ... ... .. 2,102,124

Manganese 77,451

Para Rubber IV 1,722,323

Arecanttis ... ... ... ... ;.. ... .. 55,268

I The chief , imports in 1934 were : —

'■ Rice... ....; .f,. ... ./. $1,021,343

Sugar ... ... ... -Eh 102,593

Tobacco, Cigarettes and Cigars; .. 171,073

Cotton Stuffs 295,063

Petroleum ... . u. ;... ... .i 162,900



The Malays are ingenious and industrious, and excel as boat-builders and

fishermen. They also engage in silk weaving, net making, and iron,

brass and nickel manufacturing.

The revenue of the State for the year 1934 A.D. amounted to f 1,699,319 and

the expenditure to $1,405,157, the corresponding figures being as above.

By an agreement

Trengganu, dated 24thbetween His Majesty’s

May, 1919, the then Government

Sultan agreedandtothereceive


a Britishof

Adviser affecting

matters in place the

of angeneral


whose advice ofmust be asked and acted upon in all

the country.

The indebtedness of the State at the end of 1934 stood at $4,060,000. This

sum represents $3,600,000 principal and $460,000 arrears of interest owed to the

Government of the Straits Settlements. The State obtained a loan of $1,000,000

development purposes, and this was followed by further loans of $1,000,000 in 1925,

Si,500,000 in 1928, $100,000 in 1932. These have enabled the State (by resumption

of concessions) to recover control of important natural resources, and to incur large


roads. on essential works of development—surveys, machinery, buildings and

The reigning

ibni almerhum SultanSultan is His Highness

Zainalabidin. He wasSirinstalled


Badru’l-alam Shah,1920

on 26th May, K.C.M.G.


he governs the State in consultation with his State Council.



Sultan—His Highness Sir Sulaiman

Sultan Zainalabidin Badaru’l-alam Shah, k.c.m.g., ibni Almarhum

Mentri Besar—Haji Ngah bin Yusof Dato’ Seri Amar Diraja, c.B.E.

State Secretary—Tengku Omar bin Osman (Tengku Seri Setia Raja)

Office Of British Adviser Official Assignee’s Department

British Adviser—Hon. Mr. C. O. Official T.C.S.

Assignee — Inche’ Busu bin Nob,

Brown, m.c.s. Clerk—Inche’ da Abdul-Rahim bin Dafcok

Office Assistant-^K. P. Pillai Biji Sura

Official Translator—Abdullah bin Taib

Audit Office Education Department

State Auditor—Tunku Seriakar Raja Board of Education—Dato Bentara

(Tunku Woh Mahmood bin Mustaf- , Luar Raja,

(chairman), Dato Nara de

Dato Kamal Wahgsa and A.

fa), M.c.g. T. Newboult''

First Assistant Auditor—Inche Ab- Supt.—Dato Bentara Luar (Acting

dul roh Mar bin Awang

Second Assistant Auditor—(Vacant) Assist. Supt. • Inche 1 Abdul Aziz bin

Mohamed Kasim

Chief Clerk—Inche Abdulrahman bin

Awang Government English School

Head Master—G. M. Nayar, b.a.

Supreme Court (Madras)

Judge—Tneh« Nik Mohammad bin Hitam Assistant Teachers—rSayed Osman bin

Musa and Wee Bian Leng

(Dato BijS‘ Shra)

Registrar—Inche Busu bin Nob

Clerk Tarikah—Tnche Osman Bin Ali Head Master—Haji Government Arab School

Financial Clerk—Inche Awang Abdul- bin Daud Wan Abdul-Rahman

lah bin Haji Da Mohamed Assist, Teachers—Shaikh Mohamed A:-

Conying Clerk — Wan. Omar- bin Amin bin Mohamed Ali Al-Abassy

Datol Panglima .Dalam (Wan Mo- Haji Wan Momhaed Zin bin Noor and


Malay Vernacular Schools ' Marine, CtrstoMs, Chandu and

Group Teacher (E. Trengganu Districts) Supt.—Dato’ Imports and Exports Dept.

and Jaya Perkasa '

—CheHead MasterLong

Tengku (PayabinBunga School) Assist. Supt.—Inche

Mohamed Busu bin Noh, t.c.s.

Group Teacher (Eastern Districts) and

Head Master (Kemaman Malay State PijBLtc Works Department

Engineer—W. H. Lindsay, b.sc.

School)—Che Mohd. bin Ismail ’ (Eng.)


Head Teacher

Master (Western Distr>cts)

(Kuala Besut and Financial

School)— Assist.—Wan Muda bin Ali

Che Wan Abu Bakar bin Chik Religious Affairs

Mufti—Haji Wan Sulieman (Dato

Kamal Wangsa)

Land Offick

Commissioner of Lands, and Mines— Supt. of Survey Department

Surveysr—J. A. Tulloch

A. T. Newboult, M.c.S. (keting) Chief Clerk—Che Shamsudin bin Haji

Collector of Land Revenue-—W. G. Talib

Reeves, m.c.s.

Assistant Collector of Abdullah

Land Revenue Treasury Department

I. —Wan bin Dato’State


Treasurer—Dato’ Seri Andika

(acting) di Raja

Assistant Collector of Land Revenue Assist; Treasurer—Inche Abu Bakar

II. —Tengku Peduka Raja bin Abdul Rahman


State Commissidnef—Tengku Watig^k District Offices

Tengku Hitam bin Ali Kemasik

Assist. British Adviser—Y. A. B. District Officer—Che Khalid bin H.

Abdul Rahman

Cobden Ramsay, M.c.s. District Officer—Haji

Dungun Long

Magistrate II—Che’ Khamsah bin H. District Officer—Che’


Omar Hashim bin Dato


State Commissioner, West—Tengku Sulong (Musa) bin Ali (Tengku

Lela Segara)

Assist. State

LuarCommissioner—Che Mohamed Khalid bin Dato Bentara

Assist. British Adviser, Besut—A. N. Ross, m.c.s.



Fernandez Chukai,Poh

Kemaman; Ca,ble Ad: Gashstores

director ?j

Commission Agents—Cable Ad: Fernand TohChiaSeah

Bros., General Merchants Heng, managing

Hwee. Tan 'Thong Sweet

P. A. Fernandez

and Phua Ah Wah, directors |

O. O. Smalley, secretary

Hin Leong

Steam Saw Millers—Kemaman; Cable Chia Choon Kiat and Soh Kee,

Ad : Hinleong. Head Office : Chop Seng, assistants

Phye Hin, 416, Beach Boad,

Tan Chian, sole proprietor Singapore

United Trading Co*, General Merchants j

and Commission Agents—Kemaman, ‘


Kemaman Cash Stores, Ltd. (Incorpor- Agents Cycle


ated in Singapore),

Commission Agents,General Merchants,

Importers and Ex- Kodak,andLd.Carriage Co. (1926), Ld. !

orters—Head Office- 148, Selegie Koad, Danish Islands Preserved Butter Co.

ingapore; Business Office: Jalan Pasar, Denmark


5 deg.Situated

50 min.onandthe6 north-w‘est

deg. 40 min.coast

Northof and

the Malay Peninsula,of between

the meridians 99 deg. 40themin.


and 100of


the country is hilly, but the plains along the coast are well-watered and fertile. east

55 min. E., Kedah has an area of about 3,648 square miles. In the north and In



the rubberpartindustry

of the State the chief

has grown agricultural

to large dimensions. produce


rice. Inis favourable

the southern


cattle raising.



came making,

under British


building inand1909,canal

and extension

since thenaregreatfeatures


of has


present regime, and the railway from Bukit Mertajam, in Province Wellesley, has been

extended through Alor Star, the capital of Kedah, to connect with the Siamese


railway on the frontierbetween

communication of Perlis.Singapore

This connection

and the has been

Bangkok completed

has and

been and regular

established. The

money order system has been introduced and telegraph telephone systems

have been extended. The telephone system is connected with Penang and southwards

as far as Seremban. The towns of Alor Star, Sungei Patani and Kulim are lighted by.


At the 1931 census the population was 429,691, of whom 286,262 were Malays, 78,415

Chinese, 50,824 Indians and 411 Europeans.



Sultan—H,H. Sir Abdul Hamid Halimshah ibni Sultan Ahmad

Tajudin, k.c.m.g.

Uegent^-H. 11. Tunku Mahmood, c.m.g.

Aide-de-Camp, to H. H. Sultan—H. H. Tunku Badlishah, H. H.

Tunku Kassind

Private Secretary to H. H. Sultan—Wan Md. Amin

State Council Office Sheriah Court—Alor Star ,

Presdfc.—H. H. Tunku Mahmood, k.b. Board Ul-Islam

to perforin functions of Sheikh-

:—Haji Ismail bin Haji

E-, C.M.G. Salleh (chairman), Haj i Abdul

Vice-Presdt.—H. H. Tunku Badlishah Ghani bin Haji Awang and Haji

(Bajamuda) Yaacob bin Haji Ahmad

British Adviser—Hon. Mr. J. ‘ D. Chief

Hall, M.c.8., Hon. Mr. S. W. Jones, , Salleh (acting) Ismail bin Haji


M.c.3. (acting)

'Secy, to Govt.—Hon. Che Md. Sheriff District. Officers

Assist. British Adviser—P.A.B. McKerron, Kubang Pa.su—Che Awang Jaafar


TJnder-Secretary to Govt.—Che Ismail bin nulabiden(asst.)—H. H. Tunku Zai-


Haji Put eh

'2nd Under-Secretary—Syed Hussain Padang Terap—Che Ismail bin Harun

bin Syed Indrus Jamalulail (actg.) Padang Aziz

Terap (Asst..)—Tunku Abdlul

Assist.' Uttdor-Secretiary & Clerk oi Langkawi—II. H. Tunku Abdul Rah-

Council—Che Shuib bin Che Awaiig Langkawi man

Osman (asst.)—Syed O^man

Yen—Tunku Thiaudin

Yen (asst.)—Che Sofi

Audit Office Baling—Che Abdul Daim

A.11ditorTGenera 1—Syed Omar! Shaba Sikdo. (asst;)—Che (asst.)—Che Zakaria


budin Kuala Mu da—(lie Abdul Rahman

Assist. AuditornGenl.—F. E. •Ivej.y. •do. (asst.)—H. H. Tunku, Ahmad

Tajpdin Har^ bin Wa n Lin


Courts "Kufiin (aSst.l—^uan Syed Abdul Rah-

ffligh Court—-Alor Star man

Bandar Bahru—Syed Makthir

European Judge—Hon. Mr. Justice G. B. Bandar Bahru (asst.)—Syed Sheh

Kellagher, m.c.s. Shahabudih: ' ■

Chief Malay Judge—Hon. Tuan Syed /-, Education

Md. I did

Registrar—Che Azmi Supt. of Education—E. de la M-Stowell,

Sheriff-Che Md. Salleh 'Head

/is.A. Master.

(Cantab.)Govt. English School, A-Star

Deputy Registrar—Sheik Md. Hashim —E. H Wilson,

Legal Adviser—Cj W. Dawson, m.o.s.

.Assistant’ Legal Adviser — Che Ismail European Master,m.a.Govt



Merican School, Alor Star—W. H. Davcy

Head Mistress, Girls’ School,

Baharti and Lady Supervisor MalayKampong

. flower Court—Klor Star Girls’ Schools—Miss M. B. Lewis, b.a.

Chief Magistrate—H.H. Tunku Md. Jiwa Assist. Mistress, Girls’ School, Kampong

2nd dp. —Syed ’Abu Bakar Baharu—Che Torn bt. Dato’ Stia Abdul

:3rd dp. —H. H. Tunku Ozair Razak


Head Master, Sultan Abdul Hamid Monopolies and Customs

School, Sungei Petani—Syad Jan Supt.—Che’ Kassim bin Ismail

bin S. A. Ali Adviser—L. Forbes


Ali b.Clerk

Md. Education

Hassan Office—Che Mohd. 1stYahya

Assist. Supt.—Tunku Ismail bin Tunku

Malay Assistant Inspector of

Che Mohamed Darns b. A. RahmanSchools— Assistant Supt. of Customs, Northern

Division—Che Mohd. Akib bin Yaacob

Chief Visiting Teacher-TT^Qhe -Qhik bin? Assist.

him bin WanCentral

Supt.. Salim Kedah—Wan Ibra-

A. Rahman Assist. Supt., South Kedah—Syed Abdul

Visiting Teacher North—(vacant) , Rahman bin Syed Abdullah Aljaffree


HassanTeacher South—Che Walad bin Financial Assistant Syed Mohamed bin

Syed ZainofAljaffree

Visiting Teacher Koran North—Mohamed Inspector Customs, North Kedah—

Zain bin Abu Bakar

Visiting Teacher Koran South—Ahmed Syed din Ali bin Syed Abu Bakar Shahabu-

bin H. Shariff Inspector of Customs, Central Kedah—

Che’ Hussin

Inspector bin Mohd.South

of Customs, SaadKedah—Che-

Forests. Din bin Mohd% Sidik

Conservator of Forests—G. W. Somerville


Land Department Commr.—1. C. Macmillan

Alor Star Adjutant—H. 11. Tunku Yahya

Director—Syed Ahmad Aljaffree Officer Superintending Police Circle,.

Alor Star—C. T. W. Dobree;

1st Assist. Director—Che La Edin bin Haji Officer

Abdul Manan Superintending Police Circle,

Sungei Patani—G. B. Folliott

Officer Superintending Police , Circle,

Labour Department Kulim- V. W. Powell-Evans

Protector of Labour—H. T. W. Oswell

Pos^s, and Telegraphs

Marine Department Supt.—Che

Assist. Mohamad

Supt.—Che Arshad

Mohd. bin Osman

bin Abu Bakar

Fisheries Officer—Che Bahrom bin Accountant—M. Thumbusamy

Ahmad Engineer—H. E. Cornish

Assistant—H. H. Tenku Abdullah

Chief Clerk—Che Mohamad Daras bin

Saidugani (acting) Prisons

Superintendent—P. A. B. McKerron

Medical Department Assist. do. —Che A. Rahman

Chiefs Gaoler—T. B. Bresnahan

State Surgeon—Dr. J. Gray

Medical Officers—Dr. S. J. Campbell, Public Works Department

and Dr. H. J. Latvson

Senior Health Officer—Dr. W. J. Vic- —Cable Ad: Statewprks


Health Officer—Dr. J. H. Strahan State Engineer—C. E. Jenkins

Lady Med. Officer—Dr. (Mrs.) M. G. Execu. Engr., Irrigation,

Execu. Engr., Kedah and

North —Lt.-Col. L. C.

Brodie Chasey

Pathologist—Dr. Mustapa Bin Osman Exceu. Engr., Central—L. A. Laffan


South—W. Laurieand Water-

Head Office

Mines Department works—R. P. Bradley

Assist. Engineer, Irrigation—J. R. Spence

Superintendent—H. S. Paterson, M.c.s. Workshop Foreman—W. L. Davison


Sanitaey Board—Alor Star Survey Department

Ohairman—H.H. Tunku Mohamed Jewa Assist. Supt. of Surveys—T. Kitching

Senior Health Officer Supts. of Surveys—B. Cooper,

Executive Engineer, N.K. P. H. Goss, P. II. Bonnet & R, K. A. Bruce

Officer Superintdg. Police Circle, N.K.

Medical Officer, N. K. Treasury

Land Officer, Kota Star State Treasurer—H. H. Tunku Kas-

W. D. Sheffield san

Dr. Cheah Toon Lock Financial Commissioner—F. E. Ivery

Lira Ewe Siang

Che Md. Sutan Veterinary Department

Haji All

'Secretary—Che Mohamed Zain Ariffin State Vet. Surgeon—J . J. Fleury, m.r.c.v.s.

^Chartered Bank of India, Australia —Sungei Patani; Teleph. 70: Cable Ad:

and China—Alor Star, Kedah; Cable Nilrob L. T. A. Robb, partner

Ad: Ascendant, Alor Star. Head Office: F. L. Nilsson, c.e., b.sc., partner

38,P.Bishopsgate, London, E.C. 2

R. Wait, sub-agent

W. S. Dakin Seng Cheong & Co., General Merchants

& Commission Agents—52, Jalan Pekan

Mourin & Co., Ltd., Arthur (Incor- China, Alor Star, Kedah Teleph. 121;

Cable Ad: Sengcheong; Code: A.B.C.

porated in F. M. S.) Merchants and

Shipping Agents—Bandar Bharu, South 5th edn.

Kedah; Teleph. 12, Bandar Bharu; Cable


Mourin Mourin (Chairman) Singh Sardar Sahib, Matab Planter—

and E- James Baling, Kedah


Association Group Hospital

Whatt & Go., General Merchants—125-

127, Pekan Malayu, Alor Star, Kedah;

ItoBB & Nilsson, Civil Concrete and Con- Teleph.

EngineersSpecialists A.B.C. 125; Cable—Ad: Whatt; Code:

tractors, Reinfprced Low 5th


, proprietor


This is the smallest of the Malay States, the area being about 316 square miles. It

is situated to the north of Kedah, and its conditions are practically identical with those

ofin the

Kedah. The British

Federated Malay Advisers havethefollowed

States, and the policy which

active co-operation of themarks British

Raja and control

his Council


Britishled suzerainty

to a great improvement

in 1909. TheinFederated

the internal administration

Malay States have since the assumption

completed the extensionof


f their railway system

communication withthrough

BangkokPerlis to link

has been up with since

maintained the Siamese railway

the 1st July, 1918.system.

The population at the census of 1931 comprised 29,279 persons, of whom 400,21

were Malays,

British 6,500 was

Protection Chinese and about

$102,522. 1,790Mohammedan

For the Siamese. Theyearrevenue in the first

1352(1934-35) year of

the revenue



previous year. With the transference ofas suzerainty

$582,382 and expenditure $487,130, compared with

a debt$513of ;874 and was

$495,394 $416,574



hy the F.M.S. The debt has since been repaid.

Kangar, the' Government Headquarters, is a bu.sy little town of about 2,000

inhabitants. The shop-keepers besides selling sundry goods also export padi—the

staple product are

chief imports of thecottons

country—as well clothing,

for native as ducks and fowls tobacco

kerosene, for the Penang market.

and sundry odds The



Kangar, usedonby'thetheMain





the Raja tolivesBangkok.

at Arau, In0 miles



State Council abolished the general duty of 3 per cent, on imported goods. Till 1932

(A. H. 1351) the only goods on which imported duties were levied

wine, tobacco, kerosene, petroleum, matches, sugar and cartridges. At the end of 1932 were spirits, beer,


a resulttheof the

chiefOttawa Conference,

of which additional

are cotton goods, duties

milk, were


a number goods.of

Articles manufactured within the British Empire are entitled to preferential rates of

duty. The general duty of 5 per cent, on exports has been abolished and replaced by

duties on rice, reckoning),

(Mahommedan tin-ore, rubber,

8,640 jungle

pikuls produce

of tin-oreandwere


specific products.

Many of theIn lime-


hills of Perlis contain caves rich in guano deposits. The chief native cultivation is

padi. Rubber is represented by a few native plantations. [Note: 1 doljar~2s. 4d. 1

pikul—133J lbs.]


Members of State Council Commissioner of Lands—Che Mahmud


H. Thepresident

Raja, Tuan Syed Alwi, c.m.g., bin Mat, m.c:s.

Judges—Haji Ahmad, Syed Hussin and

Tuan Syed Hamzah, vice-president Syed Hassan


TuanBritish Adviser

Syed Idrus Collector of Customs and Supt., Chandu

Tuan Monopoly—Syed Bakar Aljaffrie

Tuan Haji Ahmad Nor

Haji Muhammad Treasurer—Haji Ismail

Chief of Police—Che Matt

Government Officials Chief Kathi—Haji Muhammad Nor

Adviser—C. R. Howitt, m.c.s. Clerk of Councils—Zainal Abidin









The Advertising Publicity House,

and Publicity Bureau, Ltd. 4, Battery Road, Singapore

Rubber Estates


The Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank Ltd.

CAPITAL PAID UP $5,000,000.00

RESERVES $7,500,000.00













CHASE NATIONAL BANK of the City of New York






6, Queen's Road, Central


“SHACOMBANK” No. 31116



A. & M. Rubber Syndicate, Ltd.— Commissie van het Algemeen Proef-

Victoria Point, Lower Burma station der A.V.R.O.S.

|f' S. Booth Russell, gen. manager President—Dr. J. F. A. M. BUf-

Whittall & Co., Kuala Ltimpur, fart

I agents Commissie van Controle op de

I Secretaries and Registered Office— Toewijzing

A. B. Simson, 33, Eastcheap,

Londpn, E.O. 3. Aanvragen van



i Acreage — Total 1,000, cultivated beiders

(rubber) 699 Allagar Rubber Plantations, Ltd.—

i Abaco (Selangor) Rubber, LTD.--Sem- Trong, Perak (F.M-S.)

R. J. Strong, manager

'] enyih P.O.i manager

W. Roche, Selangor Registered Office—Planters’' Stores

and Agency Co., Ld., 17, ’ St.

Registered Office—Bright & Gal- Helen’s Place, London, E.C.

braith, Ld., 7, Martin’s Lane, Acreage—Total: 1,804,cultivated

London, E.C. (rubber) 1,717. v


Agents—Cumberbatoh & Co., Ltd.,

Kuala Lumpur

Acreage—Total: 1,010. Cultivated Allen by Rubber Co., Ltd.—Epg Kee

(rubber) 1,010 Estate, Johore; Tankah P.O. via

I, Algemeene Vereeniging van Rubber- Malacca


Registered Office—Harrisons,


Bestuur & Co., Ld., Kuala LumpurBarker

President—Dr. H. Kolkman Acreage—Total: 1,827, Cultivated

Vice-President—J. Morton 1,548 (coconuts) 31.

Secretaris—Dr. M. Haisma

Seeretariaat (A.V.R.O.S.) Alma Estates, Ltd.—Bukit Mertajam,

I Seoretaris—Dr. M. Haisma P. W., Straits Settlements

•Java Immigranten Bureau der H. E. Sparke, j.p., manager

J A.V.R.O.S. Registered .Office—JY A. Wattle &

H Directeur—Dr. M. Haisma Co., Shanghai

Admihistrateur—Ch. H. Paris Local Agents—Kennedy, Burkill &

Algemeen Proefstation der Co., Ltd., Penang

A.V.R.O.S. Acreage^—Total : ' 2,279/ cultivated

Directeur—Dr. A. W. K. de (rUbber) 1,954, (coconuts) 20 ;

J ong

Seoretaris—Dr. M. Haisma

Dagelijksch Bestuur Alor Gajah Rubber Estate, Ltd.—

I Directeur—Dr. H. Kolkman Alor Gajah, Malacca

Secretaris—Dr. M. Haisnaa

I: Commissie van Toezicht op. het Sime, Darby & Co., Ltd., Malacca,


Java Immigranten Bureau der .Secretaries & Registered Office—Der-

A.V.R.O.S. rick &. Co., Singapore

jj President-—Dr.

Directeur, H. Kolkman

Botanicus — Dr. A. . Acreage — Total: 765, cultivated

d’Angremond (rubber), 758


Aloe Pongsu Amalgamated Estates, Amherst Estates (Selangor) Rubber

Ltd.—Bagan Serai, Perak Co., Ltd.—Amherst Estate, Selan-

E. Baker, manager, Alor Pongsu gor ; P.O. Box 132, Kuala Lumpur

and Brieh Estates Acreage—Total; 1020, cultivated

Registered Office—R. L. Spicer & (rubber) 1,001

Co., 3 and 4, Great Winchester D. McIntosh Whyte, general mgr,

Street, London, E.C. , Leonardo Estate—P.O. Box 132,

Acreage—Planted : 1,295 Kuala Lumpur

Agents'—A. A. Anthony & Co,, Acreage — Total: 513, cultivated

Penang (rubber) 505|

J. H. Morley, assist, manager

Alpha Bernam Estate—Utan Melin- Registered Office!—Kennaway, Neame

tang, Lower Perak & Co., 6, Lloyd’s Avenue, Lon-

A. Wiberg, manager don, E.C. 3.

Acreage — Total : 1,600, cultivated

(rubber) 950, (coconuts) 330 Amherst Estates (Selangor) Rubber

Co., Ltd., St. Ives and Pedro

Amalgamated-Malay Estates, Ltd.— Estates—Retnbau, Negri Sembilan

Jinjang Estate, Kepong, Selangor ‘ G. R. S. Whittle, general manager

A. A. Roberts, manager The Planters Store and Agency

Serdang Estate—Sungei Besi, Se- Co., Kuala Lumpur, agents

langor Acreage—Total: 512, cultivated

A. A. Roberts, manager (rubber) 490

Registered Office—Boustead & Co., Secretaries and Registered Office—

Ld., 1, Embankment, Kuala Kennaway, Neame & Co., 6,

Lumpur Lloyd’s Avenue, London, E-C.

Acreage—Total: 2,541, cultivated

(rubber) 1,955 Amherst Estate (Sel) Rubber Co.,

Amalgamated Rubbee & GenekAL Ltd. Jenderak Estate, Gong Halt,

Estates, Ltd. Pahang via Gemas

Dolok Estates—P.O.—Lima Poeloeh, F. C. Anderson, manager

Sumatra. Teleph. 33, Parlanaan. Secretaries—Kennaway Neame &

Station—Lima Poeloeh. Co., Lloyd’s Avenue, London,

P. Winiger, general manager E.C. 3

Dolok Taloen Saragih Estates Acreage—Total: 3,665, -cultivated

A. H. Schonfield, manager (rubber) 600

Besar Maligas “ B ” Estate Ampat '(Sumatra) Rubber Estate, Ltd.,

'Chr. J. H. van d'er iScheer, acting Ramboeng Estate—Sumatra ; Postal


Maligas “ B ” Estate Ad: Rampah, Deli, S;O.K.

Secretaries—Guthrie & Co., Ltd.,

E. Wohlgemuth, manager London

Bahilang Estate—Teleph. 106, Tebing Acreage—Total: 3,140, cultivated

Tinggi (rubber) 1,977

K. Hohermut, manager

Nagodang Estate Guthrie &' Co., Ld., Medan, agents

L. H. Nahapiet, manager N. F. M. Burns, manager

Goenoeng Malajoe Estate (Gambier

and Oil Palms). Postal address : Anglo-Java Rubber and Produce Co.,

Tanjong Balei Ltd.

A. Bouvard, head manager Nam Heng Estate, Kota Tinggi,

Negara Estate Johore

H. Senn, manager C. F. Stilwell, manager

Amber Rubber Estate—Johore Bahru A. K. D. Neilson, sr. asst.

J. J. Mathews, manager H. E. Mackenzie, asst.

Secretaries and Agents—Sime, Dar- R. A. Coles, asst.

by & Co., Ltd., Malacca Acreage—Total: 8,425, cultivated,

(rubber) 6,250


Sungei Koug Kong Estate, Kota ber edition), A.B.C. 5th edn.

Tinggi G. R. Shaw, acting manager

C. F. Stilwell, manager Secretaries and Registered Office—

Acreage—Total : 1,994, cultivated Brewis, Rainie & Boyd, 6, Dar-

(rubber) 1,971 naway Street, Edinburgh

Simpang Papan Estate—P.O. Box Agentsi—Harrisons & Crosfield, Ltd.,

648, Singapore Medan

C, F. Stilwell, manager Acreage—Total: 4,590, cultivated

C. M Botten, sr. asst. (rubber) 2,548

W. B. Martin, asst. Antara Estate—Sabak Bernam, Lower

R. W. Gray, asst.

Acreage—Total: 7,484, cultivated Perak

(rubber; 6,813 G. Kylberg, manager

,Sandilands, Buttery & Co., Singa- Acreage — Total: 267, cultivated

pore, agents (rubber) 100, (coconuts) 35

Secretaries and Registered Office—

Eastern Industries, Ltd., King Arcadia Coconut Estates, Ltd.—

William St. House, London, Bagan Datoh, Lower Perak

E.O. 4 R. Nutt, manager

Registered Office—Lewis, Brown &

; Anglo-Jofiore Rubber Estates, Ltd. Co., Colombo, Ceylon

1 (Great Britain)—Mersing, Johore, Agents—Whittall & Co., Kuala

via Singapore Lumpur

\ C. T. M.Hinde, Acreage—Total: 3,070, cultivated

Dr. H. manager

Kapadia f.R.c.s.e., (coconuts) 2,260

visiting medical officer

Agents: Mansefgh and Taylor, Asahan Rubber Estates, Ltd.—Suma-

| Seremban tra

Registered Office—Henry Gunter, D. B. Milne, manager

37-38. Fenchurch Street, London, L.' A. R. Lindau, G. J. Schiete-

E.C. 3 catte, R Kern and L. G.

Acreage—Total : 1,964'J, cultivated Hokanson, assistants

(rubber) 1,408 Secretaries' and Registered Office—

Anglo-Malay Rubber Co., Ltd.—Lin- Harrisons & Crosfield, Ltd., 1-4,

sum Estate, Bantau, Negri Sembilan Great Tower Street, London

Agents—Harrisons Crosfiel d's.

Acreage—planted 1,649 Ltd., Medan

W. A. Millner,. manager

Terentang Estate—Sungei Gadut Ascot Estates, Ltd.—Port Dickson,

Acreage—planted 1,518 Negri Sembilan .

Wl A. Millner, manager R. M. Robertson, manager

! Ayer Angat Estate—Pedas, Ntegri Registered Office—Gibson, Andersonj

Sembilan Butler & Co., 12, Market Street;

E Acreage—planted.. 804 Kuala Lumpur

W. A. Millner, manager

St. Holier Estate—Bahau ,.oD ;? joiru-G o‘)f?v 1 : • =. ■ u

| D. J. Fraser, manager Avondale

' Selangor Estate—Kuala Selangor,

)„ Registered

field. Ld.,Office—Harrisons «fe Cros-

1-4, Great Tower St., F. B. O’Malley,' manager

■\ London. E.O. Cumberbatch & Co., Ltd., Kuala

Agents—Harrisons, Barkei & Go., Lumpur, agents

Ltd., Kuala Lumpur > ' Acreage—Total: . 359, , cultivated

Acreage^—Total: 5,739 (rubber) 222.

Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate,

Anglo-Sumatra Rubber Co., Ltd. Ltd.—Selangor

(Incorporated in Scotland),

han Estate Sumatra; Postal Grea-

Ad: J. Miller, manager

Bangqen Poerbab Deli; Teleph. 3 Registered Office—Whittall & Co.,

fCpglang).; Cable Ad: Anglo-stra, Kuala Lumpur

Medan; Codes: Broombiall’s (Rub- Acreage—Total: 1,524, cultivated

(rubber) 1,493


A-yer KUNffNG Estate — Tai'ping, Ayer Tawah Rubber Plantation Co.,

Perak Ltd.—Sitiawan, Lower Perak

Tan Eng Seng, manager H. E. RobertOn, manager

Secretaries an d Registered Office— Acreage—Total: 1,518, cultivated

85, Heeren Street, Malacca,

Acreage—Total: 352, cultivated Registered 1,463

(rubber) Office—‘Geddes Trading

(rubber) 331. and Dairy Farm Co., Ld., 8, Yuen

Ming Yuen Road, Shanghai

Agents—Harrisons, Barker & Co.,

Aye® Kunnra Estate-—Taiping* Perak Ltd., Penang

Ooi Ean Chye, manager Ayer Tengah Rubber Estates, Ltd.—

Negri Sembilan


(rubber)— 4V9

Total : 485, cultivated A. Murchie, manager

Secretaries and Registered Office^—

Sime, Darby & Co., Ld., 4, Fort

Road, Malacca

Ayer Kuning (F.M.S.) Rubber Co., Acreage—total : 1,970, cultivated

Ltd.—Batu Tiga, Selangor (rubber) 901

M. A. P. Gilman, manager

Registered Office—Thoriias Barlow & Badek Rubber Estate, Ltd—Mantin,

Bro., Ceylon House, 49-51, East- Negri Sembilan, F.M.S.

cheap, London, E.C. V. C. Cowan, manager

. Agents—Barlow & Co., Kuala Lum- Secretaries and Registered Office—

pur Thos. Barlow & Bros., 49-51, East-

Acreage—Total: 6,206, planted (rub- cheap, London, E.C. 3.

ber) 3,080, (oil palms) 794 Agents—Barlow & Co., Kuala Lum-


Acreage — Total: 816, cultivated

Ayer Molek Rubber Go.-, Ltd.—137, (rubber) 783

Heeisen - Street, Malacca

P. Gomes, manager Bagan Serai Co., Ltd.—Soon Lee and

Cheo Eng Yam and Yap Swee Hai Kee Estates, Eagan Serai,

Li an, assistants Perak, F.M.S.

C. S. Neiker, runner R. L. Parker, manager

Registered Office—C. F. Gomes & Boustead & Co., Ltd, Penang,

Co., 137, Heeren Street, Malacca agents

Acreage—Total: 1,411, cultivated Secretary and Registered Office—

(rubber) 997 F. E. Maguire, Pinner’s Hall,

8 andl 9, Austin Friars, London,

Ayer Panas Rubber Estate, Ltd.— E.C.

Jasin Malacca Acreage—Total: 1,387, cultivated

C. C. Curran, manager (rubber) 1,231, (coconuts) 130.

Registered Office—Derrick & Co.,

Acreage—Total: : 3,165, cultivated

-Singapore ■. Bah Lias Rubber Estates, Ltd.—Bah

Lias, Deli, Sumatra

(rubber) 2,894, (cocbnUts) .40. Secretaries & Registered Office—

Harrisons & Crosfield, Ltd., 1-4,

Great Tower Street, London

Ayer Puteh Estate—Kulah Pilah, Acreage — Total: 816, cultivated

Negri Sembilan 1,361

Proprietors—B. J. P. Joaquim

and E. D. Shern Bahru Selangor Rubber Co., Ltd.—-

A. I. Owen, assistant . Jo ram, Selangor

Secretaries arid Registered Office— . C. A. Farebrother, manager

Cumberbatch & Co., Kuala Lurh- Registered Offive—A. B. Simon, 33,

pur Eastcheap, London, E.C. 3.

Acreage—Total: 211, cultivated Acreage—Total: 635, cultivated

(rubber) 187 (rubber) 633.


Bajau Rubber and Produce Estates, Banir Rubber Estate, Ltd.—Banir,

Ltd.—J upong Road, Bukit Timah, Perak r

Singapore P. W . Hatfield, manager

Secretary &; Registered Office—H.P. Secretaries and Registered Office—

Carter, 6, Queen Street, Cheap- Kennaway, Neame & Co., 6,

side, London Lloyd’s Avenue,- London, E.C.

Acreage—Total: 1,026 Planters’ Stores and Agency Co.,

Guthrie & Co., Ltd., Singapore, 'Ltd., Ruala Lumpur* agents

agents Acreage—Total: 1,620, cultivated

(rubber) 1,170

Balgownie Rubber Estates, Ltd,—

Kajang, Ulu Langat, Selangor Banjar' Estates* Ltd., Banjar Estate-—

Acreage—Total : 871, cultivated Kuala Selangor

(rubber) 784 S. B Thambo, manager

J. B. Sullivan, manager J. M. Ferguson, visiting manager

Paroi Estate—Sungei Gadut, N.S. Registered Cilice—The Secretary,

Acreage—Total: 1,217, cultivated Banjar Estates Ltd,, Kuala Se-

(rubber) 888 langor, F.M.S.

V. E. H. Rhodes, manager Acreage—Total: 563 (coconuts)

Registered Office—Derrick & Co.,

Hongkong Bank Chambers, Singa- Banopdane Rubber Estate,, Ltd., Bi-

pore. dbr, Perak

* Bandar (Sumatra) Rubber Co., Ltd.— B. W. Adams, manager

t Galang Serdang, Sumatra J. SI Ferguson, visiting agent

I. C. Hennessy, manager Secretaries and Registered Office—

M. H. M. van Rosmalen, asst. Oumberbatch & Co., Ltd., Kuala

Registered Office—Bunge House, 31st Lumpur

| Mary’s Axe, London Acreage—Total: 1,163, cultivated

Acreage—Total: 3,727, cultivated (rubber) 774|

(rubber) 2,432.20 Banteng (Selangor) Rubber Estates,

Anglo-Dutch Estates Agency, Ltd., Ltd.—Banting, Selangor

Medan, agents H. C- D’Arcy Irvine, manager

| Bang Nara Rubber Co., Ltd.—Bang- Acreage—Total: 1,261, cultivated

nara (Naradhivas), South Siam (rubber) 967

A. E. C. Gereke, manager Puchong Estate, Puchong

i Secretaries—The Bangkok Times V. G. A. Reeve, manager

Press, Ltd., Bangkok Acreage—Total: 2,219, cultivated

Registered Office—Bagueley and (rubber) 1,950

Tooth, New Road, Bangkok Registered Office—Guthrie & Co.,

Acreage — Total: 1,280 cultivated Ld., 5, Whittington Avenue,

(rubber) 492, (coconuts) 80 LeadenhalJ Street, London, E.C.

Guthrie & Co., Ltd., Kuala Lumpur,

Bangawan Rubber, Ltd.—Bangawan agents

Estate vid Jesselton, B. N. Borneo Bassett Rubber Co., Ltd-—Ragan

A. Thomson, manager Serai, .Perak

F. G. Driskell, W. K. Bennett, A. V. Tyack, manager

G. A. Holdsworth, F. W. Registered Office—Boustead & Co.,

Garner, L. J. John and F. E. Ld., 1, Weld Quay, Penang

Short, assistants Acreage—Total: 1,771, cultivated

Loo Fen Chung, bookkeeper (rubber 1,003, (coconuts) 155

Dr. J. P. Taylor, medical officer

Jesselton Agents—Harrisons &

1 Crosfield (Borneo), Ld. Batak Rabit Rubber Estvte, Ltd.—

London Office—R. Lawrence Spicer Teluk Anson, Perak

& Co., Secretaries; 3 and 4, R. B. Kennedy, manager

Great Winchester Street, Lon- J. O. limes, planting adviser

don, E.C. 2. A. F. Bruce, assist. do.

Acreage—Total : 6,530, cultivated Agents—Messrs. Boustead & Co.,

(rubber) 5,1500 •Ltd., Penang


Registered Office—H- S, Pichthall G. S. Reis, j.p., b.sc., Manager

Pinner’s Hall, 8 and 9, Austin Conductors—Teoh Guan Chiang,

Eriars, London, E.C. C S. N. Ratinam and V-

Acreage—Total: 1407.4, cultivated Coomorasany

0 (rubber) 1393.6 Lim Jin Kooi, chief clerk

Visiting Agent — J. Melville,

Batang OolisoLiDATteD Rubber Estates, Carey Island

Ltd.—Batang Malaka, Negri Sem- Secretaries and Registered Office-

bil'an' Rubber Estate Agency, Ltd., 71,

W. E. Vowler, manager St. Mary Axe, London, E.C. 3.

Registered Office—Sharpe, Estall & S.I.P.E.E., Kuala Lumpur, agents

Co., 1 and 2, Gracechurch Street, Acreage—Total: 5,622, cultivated

London, E.C. 3. (rubber) 1^047.01, (coconuts)

Cumber batchagents

& Co., Ltd., Kuala 2091.81

Lumpur, Bate Lima Rubber Co., Ltd. (Incor-

Acr'eage—total • 2,892, • cultivated porated at Sandakan, B.N.

' (rubber) 2,670 Borneo), Batu Lima Estates

Secretaries and Registered Office—

Batang Padang Estate—1st Mile, Harrisons & Crosfield (Borneo),

Pahang Road, Tapah, Perak; Cable Ld., Sandakan, B.N. Borneo

Ad: Reid, Tapah; Code: Bentley’s Bate .Lintang Rubber Qq., Ltd.—

H. W. Reid, proprietor Bagan Samak, Kedah

W. A. ' Hellow, gssistan^ P. A. McDougall, manager

Acreage^-total: 446, cultivated 418 Registered Office—Henry Waugh &

(rubber, etc.) Go., Ld., Beach Street, Penang

Acreage—Total: 3,378, cultivated

Bate Anam (Johore) Rubber Estates, (rubber) 2,178

Ltd.—Batu Anam, Johore

H. J. Ridgewell, manager Bate Matang Rubber Plantations,

General Managers and Secretaries-:- Ltd., Batu Matang Estate—Tai-

J. A. Wattie & Co., Ld., 10, Can- ping, Perak. Arras Estate, Enggor,

ton Road, Shanghai Perak

Kennedy, Burkill & Co , Ltd1., Ipoh, S„ Bayley,


Acreage—Total: 2,313, cultivated Henry Waughmanager

& Co., Ltd., Penang,

(rubber) l,4f76 • agents.!

Secretaries and Registered Office—

: Lyall Anderson & Co., 16, Philpot

Bate Caves Rubber Co., Ltd, (Eng- Lane, London, E.C.

land)—Batu Caves,manager

Kuala Lumpur Acreage—Total: 1,340, cultivated

H. J. Stehnitt, (rubber) 1,321

Registered Office—McKeekin & Co., Bate Rata (Sumatra) Rubber Planta-

10 and 11, Liffie Street, London, tions; Ltd , Batu Rata Si Mahe

E.C. 3. and

Barlow & Co., Kuala : Lumpur,

agents1 .7 L tra : Bangoen

Postal AdPberba .Estates—Suma-

: Galahg : Cable Ad :

Acreage —Total: 3,378, cultivated Loeboteq

1 Pakam

(rubber) 3,237 F. A. Mofatix, manager

J. B. F. Yates,' asst.

L. A. Worley, dd.

Bate Kawan Rubber and Coconut Hooglandt & Co., agbnts; Singapore

Plantations/ Ltd. (Incorporated in

England), Batu Kav.an Estate— Bate Sembilan Estate — Kajang,

Bukit Tambun, Province Wellesley; Selangor


Ad : Reis,17, Bukit

Simpatig Ampat;4J Cable

Tambun. miles K. Si,nnathamby, (proprietor

from Simpung Ampat Rly. Station S. Tharmalingam, manager:

and If miles from P..Q.<; Acreage—Total: 117, cultivated

(rubber) 114


Batu Tiga (Selangok) Rubber Co., Acreage—Total : 1,352, planted

Ltd. (Incorporated in England) with rubber 1,013, planted with

—Batu Tiga, Selangor tea 12

Gieninarie Estate (Penmelagu Thot-

tam)—Postal Ad: Batu Tiga; Batu Village Rubber Estates, Ltd.—

Teleph. 14, Petaling; Cable Ad: Batu Caves, Kuala Lumpur, Selan-

Batutiga. 2^ miles from Railway gor

Station G. B. Walker, manager

R. H. Ashdown, acting manager Secretaries and Registered Office—

W. A. Stanton, visiting agent Harrisons, Barker & Co., Singa-

Harrisons, Barker & Co., Ltd., pore

Kuala Lumpur, agents Acreage—Total: 62, cultivated (rub-

Acreage—Total: 2,000.20, planted ber) 52

with rubber 1,818.91

Batu Estate (Moonancuttay Thot-

tam—Postal Ad: Sentul, Kuala Bearwell Estate—Klang, Selangor

Lumpur; Teleph. 2115. 4 miles P. W. Parkinson, proprietor

from Kuala Lumpur Railway Sta- G. M. Browne, manager

tion Commercial Agents—Harper, Gil-

R. H. Ashdown, acting manager fillan & Co., Kuala Lumpur

W. A. Stanton, visiting agent Acreagn—Total (rubber) : 182

Harrisons. Barker & Co., Ltd.,

Kuala Lumpur, agents

Acreage—Total : 900, planted with Beaufort Borneo Rubber Co., Ltd.,

rubber 865 Planting Companies, etc., Woodford

Bukit Kiara Estate (Abran Cuttay Estate—Beaufort, -aid Jesselton, B.

Thottam) — Postal Ad : Bukit N. Borneo

Kiara ; P.O. Box 206, Old Daman- J. S. Morris, manager

sara Rd., Kuala Lumpur; Teleph. Eastern Agents—Guthrie & Co.,

2331. 6j miles from Kuala Lum- Ld., Kuala Lumpur, F.M.S.

pur Railway Station

W. J. Corney, manager

~W. A. Stanton, visiting agent Beaumont Estate—Klang, Selangor

Harrisons, Barker & Co., Ltd., Goh Hock Huat,. sole proprietor

Kuala Lumpur, agents Chew Yoke Choon, assist, mgr.

Acreage—Total : 1,443, planted G. T. Chin, visiting agent

with rubber 1,237 Acreage — Total: 402, cultivated

Sungei Gumut Estate — Postal Ad: with rubber

Kalumpang Station, 2 miles from

Kalumpang Rly. Station, Teleph.

14 (Tanjong Malim Exchange) Bedford Plantations, Ltd. (F.M.S.)

H. A. Parsons, manager —Slim River, Perak; Teleph. Slim

W. A. Stanton, visiting agent River 28; Cable Ad : Callard, Slim

Harrisions, Barker & Co., Ltd., River

Kuala Lumpur, Agents E. M. R. Callard, manager

Acreage — Total: 1,239, planted Secretaries and Agents—Harper,

with rubber 1,200

Rinching Estate-Postal Ad: Se~ Gilfillan & Co., Ltd1., Kuala

menyih, Kajang; Teleph. 22, Se- Lumpur

menyih, ' 8j miles from Kajang Acreage — Total: 956, cultivated

Railway Station and 2| miles (rubber) 920

from Post Office

P. H. Fripp, manager Behrang Estate — Tanj ong Mai in,

W. A. Stanton, visiting agent Perak

Agents—Cumber batch & Co., C. T. de B. Whitehouse, managing

Ltd., Kuala Lumpur director

Secretaries—The Batu Tiga (Se- C.Dr.L. Baillie,


supt. officer

langor) Rubber Co., Ltd

Registered Office^—95a, Chancer} Acreage — Total: 500, cultivated

Lane, London, W.C. 2 (rubber) 497


Behran-g Mxjda Estate — Tanj on g Bengal Estate—13th Mile Coast

M.al im, P^rat Road, Port Dickson

Mrs. C. T. de B. Whitehorse, pro- B. B. Sen Gupta, manager

prietor ■ Secretaries and Registered Office—

C. L. Edmonds, supdt.

Acreage—Total: 425, cultivated 13th Mile Coast Road1, Port Dick-

(rubber) 40 son .

Acreage — Total: 273, cultivated

(rubber and coconuts) 269, rubber

Behrang River . Estate — Tanjong (all matuie) 246

Maiim, Perak

W. P, Wilson, manager

Acreage--Total: 1,215, cultivated Beranang (Selangor) Rubber Planta-

(rubber) 1,215 tions, Ltd.—Bapgi, Selangor j Tel.

No, 24 Kajang; Cable Ad: Buxtop,

Bekoh Consolidated Rubber Estate, Bangi

Ltd. (Incorporated in England), C. A. Buxton, manager

Johore and Malacca. Estates—Postal Registered Office — Boustead Bros.,

Ad : Bokok Estate, Asaham, Malacca, Walsingham House, Seething Lane,

S.S.; Cable Ad: McKerrow, Asaham London, E.C, 3 .. :

W. M. McKerrow, manager Boustead & Co., Ltd., Kuala Lum-

Acreage—Total: 3,63l, planted 2,671 pur, agents

(Johore 2,307, Malacca 364)

Registered Office—Sharpe, Estall &

CoV, Ld., 1 and 2, Gracechurch Bernam-Perak Rubber Plantations,

Street, London, E.C. Ltd.—Teluk Anson, Perak

Oumberbatch & Co,, Ltd., Kuala C'apt. J. E. Staley, manager

Lumpur, agents Acreage — Total: 2660, cultivated

(rubber) 2,060

Belata River (Sel) Rubber Estates,

Ltd.—Kerling, Selangor

R. D. Bingley, manager Bernam Oil Palms, Ltd.—Ulu Bemam

C. W. S. Gardner, Kuala Selangor Estate, Perak; Postal Ad: Teluk

Acreage—Total: 1,750, cultivated Anson, Perak; Cable Ad: Palmo,

(rubber) 1013 Utan Melintang. Railway Station:

Teluk Anson Town

Belian Wangi Estate—Sungei Gadut, W. O. Grut, general mgr:

Negri Semibilan L. K. Pay, senior asst.

Mrs. I. Battishill, owner A. Lindquist, assistant

Acreage — Total: 139, cultivated P. Bedey, do.

(rubber) J. J. van Aken. chief engineer

A. Lehmann, asst. engr.

Acreage—Total 8,345, Cultivated (Oil-

Beng Kong Seng Estate—90, Jonker palms) 6,038, (TeaV'5, (Rubber) 10

Street, Malacca and (Coconuts) 15

Secretaries and Registered, Office—

90, Jonker Street, Malacca

Acreage — Total: 231, cultivated Bertam Consolidated Rubber Co.,

(rubber) 231 Ltd.-—Negri Sembilan

W. R. Stothard, manager

Benta Rubber Estate, Ltd.—Raub, Boustead & Co., Ld., agents,

Pahang Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

W. G. Ashford, manager Registered Office—H. Read Smith,

Registered Office—Harrisons, Barker 4, London Wall Buildings, Lon-

& Cp., Ltd,,'Penahg . don, E.C. 2.

Areage—Total : 3,353.39, ^cultivated Acreage — Total: = 3,144, planted

(rubber) 1,796.20. •. (rubber) 2,028


Reetam Consolidated Robber Co., Bila . (SUmATR.)), Rijibber Lands . kTP-—

Ltd.—K^pala Bat as, Butterworth, Kota Pinang, Sumatra ,

D. G. Gray, manager

Province Wellesley K. G. Jung, assistant

H, E. Robertson, general, mgr.

Secretaries and Registered , Ortice— Registered Office—11, Great Tower

Strpet, London

Read Smitb & Co., Ltd., 4, Lon- Harrisons

don Wall Buildings, London, & Crosfieid., Ltd., Medan,

E. C. 2 agents

p.OjLjLstead & Co., Ltd., Penang, Bintang Rubber Estates—Seremban,


Acreage—Total: 13,326, cultivated Negri Sembilan

Truuber) 7,708, (coconuts) 469 R. F. Mesney, manager

Harper Gilfillan & Co., Ltd.,

Bi OLU:.; Rubber Estate Postal Ad: Registered Kuala Lumpur, managing agts.

RdUglcalan Kempas, Port Dickson, Office—Queensland Bldg.,

Npgri Scmbilan 84 William Street, Melbourne

A. T. M. Lane, proprietor,. Acreage — Total: 260, cultivated

F. R. ,Poole, do. (rubber) 232

Agents -; Harper, Gilfillan & Co., Ltd.

Kuala Lumpur Bintan Estate—Riouw Archipelago,

Acreage — Total • 200, cultivated N. E. I. Postal Ad: P.O. Box 83,

friibber) 200 Singapore

Beverlac (Selangor) Rubber Co., Ltd. N. V..E. Mij "Bintan Plantar

—Beverlac, Klangy Selangor tions, Ltd.,” proprietors

R. F. Richardson, manager Acreage—2,069 hectares, cultivated

(rubber) 1,356 ha, (coconuts) 24

Secretaries & Registered Office—Lee- bouws

chman & Co., Colombo, Ceylon

Whitt-all & Co., Kuala Lumpur, Blackwater Estate (Klang) Rubber

Co., Ltd.—Klang, Selangor

agents C. E. Bernard, supt.

Acreage—Total: 312, cultivated Registered Office—Skrine & Co.,

(rubber) 295 Colombo ;

Bidor Rubber Estate, Ltd.—Bidor, Whittall agents

& Co., Kuala' Lumpur,

Perak Acreage—Total: 1,371, cultivated

A. E. Gourlay, manager (rubber) 687

Registered Office—Bosanquet, Traill

Mincing Lane, London, E.C. 3 (Incorporated in England), Bode

Acreage—Total: 1,658, cultivated Estate—Postal Ad: Sandakan,

(rubber) 1,295

Cumberbatch & Co., Ltd., Kuala B.N.B.; Cable Ad: Tentubode

C. B. Brewer, manager

Lumpur, agents H. E. Hopkins, assistant

Bieam Rubber Estates, Ltd.—Victoria W. H. Hall, do.

Estate, Kedah Wilde & Co., Ld., visiting agents

John Jaffray, manager Harrisons & Crbsfield (Borneo),

Registered Office^—Harrisons & Oros- Secretary Ltd., Sandakan, agents

field, Ld., 1-4, Great Tower St., and Registered Office—J.

London, E.C. R. Phillips, 20, Copthall Avenue.

London, E.C. 2

Bikam Rubber Estate, Ltd.—Sungkai, Acreage—Total: 8,120, Cultivated

Perak (rubber) 1,136

Acrea-ge—1,310 (rubber) Bona,we Estate—Port Dickson, Negri

A. R. Winton, manager:

Registered Office—Harrisons & Cros- Sembilan

Mrs. G. W. R. Millar, proprietress

field, Ld., 1-4, Great Tower St., Agents—Harrisons, Barker & Co..

London, E.C. Ld., Kuala Lumpur

.Harrisons, Barker & Co., Ltd., Acreage — Total: 531, cultivated

Kuala Lumpur, agents (rubber) 505


Boonoon Esta'pk—Sepang, Selangor [ Broadwater Estate—Sungei Siput„

J. H. Bagnall, proprietor Perak; Cable Ad: Trevor, Sungei

Planters Loans Board, managers j Siput, Perak

Acreage—Total : 99 T. Trevor, proprietor and mgr.

1 Acreage — Total : 200, cultivated

Bokelli Rubber Co., Lxn., the (Incor- | (rubber) 180,'’(toco nut) 15.

porated in F.M.S.), Bukit Kledek [

Estate—Negri Sembilan ; Postal and j

Cable Ad : . Ayer .Ktining South j Broga Rubber Hstates, Ltd.—Selangor

A. Mu Maxwell, manager .H„ W. E. King, manager

Wilde & Co., Ld., Seremban, visit- ; Registered Office—No. 1, Embank-

, ing agtmtd * ment, Kuala Lumpur

Secretaries and Registered Office— j Agents and Secretaries—Cumber-

Boustead & Co., Ld., Kuala Lum- j batch & Co., Ld., Kuala Lumpur

pur Acreage—Kingsland Estate, Semen-

Acreage—Total : 1,535, cultivated yih, (Selangor: Total 1068, culti-

(rubber) 1,354 vated (rubber) 1,065

Brad wall (F.M.S.) Rubber Estate, : Bukit Batu Estate, Tampin, Negri

Ltd.,-The—Negri Sembilan Sembilan: Total 1,029, cultivated

A. Fraser, manager (rubber) 622

Registered Office—Thomas Barlow & ! Labugama Estate, Kuala Pilah,

Bro., 49 51, Eastcheap, London, i N.S. : Total 335, cultivated (lub-

E.C. 3 ber) 335

Acreage — Total : 3,504, cultivated1 !

(rubber) 2,915 Brooklands (Selangor) Rubber Co.,,

Barlow & Co., Kuala umpur, agents | Ltd.—Banting, Selangor

Brauntson . (Malay) Rubber W. A. Stanton, manager

Ltd., Brauntson Estate —Estates.

Jeram, I Registered Office — Boustead Bro-

thers, Ltd., Seething Lane, Lon-

Selangor don

H. C. Mustard, manager Boustead & Co., Kuala Lumpur,

Registered Office—Naftel,

ford & Marshall, Ruther- |

20, Eastcheap, agents

London, E.C. 3. Acreage—Total: 5,657, cultivated^

Acreage—Total: 1,485, cultivated 5,0921 (rubber), 564| (coconuts)

(rubber) 1,447

British; . Borneo Para Rubber Co., j Broome Rubber Plantations, Ltd. 1

Ltd., The, Beaufort Estate— B • (Incorporated in England)—Broome

N. Borneo; Postal Ad: Beau- j Estate and Balau Estate, Bangi

fort via Jesselton; Cable Ad: Bin- \ Selangor

F. J. Pratt, general manager

tang, Beaufort; Codes : A.B.C. 5th j L. J. P. Carey and T. M. P. Dale,

edn.. ana Broomhall’s

■I. S. Tuxford, manager assistants

Registered Office—98, Great Tower-

M. P. Anderson, visiting agent Street, London, E.C. 3

Registered Office—Macdonald, Ste- | Acreage—Total: 3,397, . cultivated

wart & Co., 8T,' West Regent St., I (rubber) 3,013


Acreage—Total : 3,188, cultivated

.(rubber) 1,430 : Bruas Perak Rubber Estate, Ltd.—

British-MalAy Bruas, Perak

Negri SembilanRubber1

CO.; Ltd.— E. J. Mackie, manager

Registered Office—McDonald, Ste-

A. R. Thompson, general manager wart k Co,, West Regent Street,

Registered Office—H. L. Turner, 2a, Glasgow


Acreage London,Estate

— Kubang E.C. : Total

Cumberbatch & Go., Ltd., Kuala

Lumpur, agents.

3,000, cultivated (rubber) 2,320.

Jurdasam Estate: Total 2,000, Acreage — Total : ■ * 768, • cultivated’

cultivated (rubber) 1,200 (rubber) 768


Bruas Rubber Co., Ltd., Bruas and Registered Office—Planters’ Stores

Gelang Gajah Estates—Postal Ad: ' and Agency ■ Co., Ltd., 17, St.

Bruas, Perak Helen’s Place, Bishopsgate, Lon-

S. B. Palmer, general manager don, E.C. 3

Secretaries—Evatt & Co., Penang Planters’ Stores and Agency Co.,

Ltd., agents

Acreage—Total: 1,843, cultivated

(rubber) 1,538 Acreage—Total: 1,130, cultivated

: • (rubber) 1,122

JBrunei (Borneo) Rubber and Land

Co., Ltd., Labu Estate—Postal Ad: Bukit Badong Rubber Estate Syndi-

Brunei via Labuan, S.S. cate, Ltd. — Bukit Badong Estate,

F. B. Giffening, manager Batang Berjunta!, Selangor

G. H. Philipson, acting mgr. J. Samuels, in-charge

Registered Office—42-43, Broad St. Secretaries and Registered Office—

House, Old Broad Street, London, Cumberbatch & Co., Ltd., Kuala

E.C. 2 Lumper

| .Brunei United Plantations, Ltd. Acreage — Total: 1.112, cultivated

(Incorporated in Straits Settlements) ' (rubber),1976

' S.S.; Cable Ad: Lynn, Brunei Bukit Cloh Rubber CO., Ltd.—Jeram,

s U. P. Lynn, manager Selangor

| A. J. Hylkema ass stant

f Secretaries and Registered Office— C. A. Farebrother, manager

Evatt & Co., French Bank Build- Registered Office—A. B. Simon, 33,

ing, Singapore Eastcheap, London, E.C. 3.

Acreage — Total : 1,1 Ik, cultivated

: IBruseh Rubber Estates, Ltd., Bruseh (rubber) 1,091

Estate—Bidor, Perak

R. P. Hunter, manager Bukit Darah (Selangor) Rubber Co.,

H. G. Jennings, asst. Ltd.—Sungei Buloh, Selangor

I ^Registered Office—Borneo iCo., Ld., A. M. Macphail, manager

28, Fenchurch Street, London, Acreage—1,000, cultivated (rubber)

j E.C. 3 1,000

Borneo;'Co., Ltd., Singapore, agents Secretaries and Registered Office—

.Acreage^-Total: 1,418, f,cultivated Cumberbatch & Qo., Ltd., Kuala

(rubber) 1,362 Lumpur, agents.

i: Bua Bua Estate—Klang, Selangor

Goh Hock Huat, proprietor Bukit Gajah Rubber Co., Ltd.—Peta-

Acreage—Total: 190, cultivated lirig; P.O. 316; Kuala Lumpur

(rubber) 180, pineapple and fruits H. B. Wilkinson,, manager

10 Sebretaries and Registered Office—

Cumberbatah & Go., Ltd., Kuala

1 Bukit Badong Rubber Estate. Syndi- Lumpur

cate, Ltd.—Batang Berjuntai, Se- Acreage — Total: 500' ; cultivated

# lalngor (rubber) 494

) J. Samuels, in charge

j Secretaries

Cumberbatch& &Registered

Co., Ltd., Office—

Kuala Bukit I.tok (Selangor) !iRubber Co.,

Ltd.—Jeram, Selangor; Cable Ad:

Lumpur Ijokrubco, Jeram

Acreage — Total: 1142, cultivated N. Fish, manager

(rubber) 926 Acreage—Total: 1,500, cultivated

(rubber) 1,500

Bukit Badang Rubber Co., Ltd.— Harper, Gilfillan Co.-, Kuala

Merbau Estate, Jeram, Selangor Lumpur, agents

‘ Distance from Post Office and Tele- Registered Office—Shaw, Darby *&

graph Office : 9 miles) Co., Ld., Winchester House, Lon-

W. H. Gilliland, manager don


Bukit Kajang Rubber Estates, Ltd., Bukit Tijiah Rubber Estates, Ltd.—

Rengo Malay Estate — Kluang, Salama, Perak

Johore E. W. Jacques, manager


E. Clarke,Barker

manager Secretary and. Registered Office—E~

& Co„, Ld., T. Jacques, Matang,. Perak

Kuala Lumpur, agents Acreage — Total: 796, cultivated

Secretaries and Registered Office— (rubber) 555

Bright and Galbraith Ltd., 7,

Martin’s Lane, Cannon Street,

London, E.C. 4 .Bukit Kubu Rubber Estates, Ltd.—

Acreage—Total: 2,492,' cultivated Negri Sembilan

.(rubber)-4,499 M. L. Phillips, manager

Registered Office—S. J. Warnock,.

Bukit Kajang Rubber Estate, Ltd.— 84-88, William Street, Melbourne,

Malacca Australia

W. E. Ainger, manager Derrick & Co., Singapore, agents

Registered Office—Bright and Gal-

braith, Ltd., 7, Martin’s Lane,

Cannon Street, E.C. 4. Bukit Lintang Rubber Estates, Ltd.

Acreage—Total: 3,636, cultivated —Malacca

(rubber) 3,271 F. D. Sime, m.a., manager

Registered Office—Greenhill & Clap-

Bukit Kamuning Rubber Estates, perton, c.a., 31, George Street,

Ltd.!—Selangor Edinburgh

S. M. Martin, manager Sime, Darby & Co., Ltd., Malacca,

Leong Peng Khoon, asst. mgr. agents

M. Kaishnasamy, asst.

Lee Sem Kee, clerk

Agents and Secretaries—Cumber- Bukit Mertajam Rubber Co., Ltd.—

batch & Co., Ltd., Kuala Lumpur Kedah

Acreage—Total: 1,837, cultivated A. J. Foirbes, general manager

(rubber), 1,753 • . G. E. Augier, H. W. Randle,.

Bukit Katil Rubber Estates, Ltd.— T. M. B. Williams, C. H.

Malacca Margan and E. Leggatt, assts.

Cho Seow Lim, manager Registered Office — R. Lawrence

Koh Cheng Kee, assist, mahager, Spicer & Co., 3 and 4, Great Win-

Panchor Division chester Street, London E.C.


1 & Registered Office—C. F. Acreage—Total: 11,214, cultivated

Gomes & Co., 137, PIUereiL'Street (rubberX 7,497, (coconuts) 81

Malacca Sandilands, Buttery

Acreage — Total: 167^, ‘ cultivated agents

(rubber) 1140

Bukit Kefong Rubber Estates, Ltd., Bukit Nilai Rubber Estates, Ltd.—

Bukit Kepong and Bolton Estates— Negri Sembilan

Selangor E. L. Hunter, manager

W. Leggatt, manager Registered Office—Planters’ Stores-

Secretaries—Bomstead & Co,, Ld., and Agency Co., Ld., London

Kuala Lumpur

Bukit K. B. Rubber Co., Ltd.—Postal Bukit Palong Syndicate, Ltd.—Port

Ad: 3, First Cross .Street, Malacca Dickson, Negri Sembilan

G..C. S. Rabjohn, Chairman M. H. Cocke, manager

Loh Kim Swi, Director Secretaries and Registered Office —

Secretaries and& Registered' Office — Mansergffi and Taylfer, 50, Birch

Sime, Darby Co,, Ltd;, Malacca Road, Seremban

Acreage — Total : ' 230, Cultivated Acreage — Total: 51-, Cultivated

(rubber) 224 (rabbet) 515


Bukit Panjong, Ltd.—Jeram, Selan- Bukit Rimau Estate, Ltd.—Batu Tiga,

gor Selangor

Capt. E. C. Rossell, m.c., manager S. M. Martin, manager

Local Agents—Harper Gilfillan & Agents and Secretaries—Cumber-

Co., (Ltd., Kuala Lumpur batch &'!Co., Kuala Lumpur

Registered Office^—Taylor, Noble & Acreage — Total: 421, cultivated

Co., Ld., 481-484, Salisbury House, (rubber) 401

London Wall, E.C. 2

Acreage—Total: l,'98o,' cultivated Bukit Selangor Rubber Estates-

(rubber) 1,961 (1920), Ltd.—Selangor

Bukit Rotan Estate

I Bitkit Pflai Rubber Estate, Ltd.— Acreage—Total: 917, cultivated,

t J oho re; Postal Ad: c/o P. O. Masai, (rubber.) 905

Johore; P.O. Box 501, Singapore Java Selangor Estate

W. K. Davy, manager Acreage—Total: 848 (rubber)

M. A Innes, assistant Tanjong Pasir Estate

^ Sandilands Buttery & Co., Singa- Acreage—Total: 1,550, cultivated

pore, agents (rubber) 755.

I Secretaries and Registered Office— C. P. H. Duncan, manager

Industries and General Invest- Registered Office—Boustead Bros.,

Ir ment Trust, Ltd.—104, Winchester Walsingham House, London, E.C.

House, London, E.C. 2 Whittail & Co., Kuala Lumpur,

t Acreage—Total: 6,186, cultivated agents

! (rubber) 3,647

Buktt Sem’bawang Rubber Co.,/Ltd.—

B ukit Putus Estate—Tebong, Malacca Solerar Post Office, Singapore

Alex. McKenzie, manager R. F. Goodman, geberar manager

Acreage — Total: 432, cultivated Secretaries and Registered Offipe—

(rUbber) 355 British Industries and General

Investment Trust; Ltd.,' 104,' Win-

|J Bukit Rajah Rubber Co., Ltd., (In chester House, London, E.C.

| cooperated in England)—Western Acreage — Total: , jp,95,l,, m.u^tivated

Division :—Bukit Rajah, Boon Hean, (rubbo);)/ 5,ol !'

New Eskdale & Sungei Binjai Es- Commercial/’ AgeiRs — ^‘andlland's,

| tates Buttery ^ ^iRgapore

!l Eastern Division:—Sungei Rasa ffi Bukit Seton^kol Estate—Postal Ad:

Delabole Estate; Postal Address— ’ Bukit'Setdrig'kol; Kuantah, Pahang

i Klang, Selangor; Cable Add: Mrs. E. H. Lawrence, proprietress

Rajah; Telephone 44; Distance E. H. Lawrence, manager

from Klang Railway Station—3

| miles, Distance from Klang Teie-

ij graph E. A.Office—3 miles manager Bukit Tambun Estates, Ltd.—Bukit

Ash, general

Koh Sien Hin, head clerk ■Mertajam, Province''Wellesley

< Western Division • R. Q. Ladell, manager

3li Y. T.V. ,Gleeson,

T. McGann, divisidhal Registered Office—^Bnkit Tambun

do. assist, Estates, Ld’., 149, Leadenhall St.,

London, E.C. 3-

1 Eastern Division : , FjnanpiaL.Agpnts—McAuliffe, Davis

y. J. Davidson, divisional assist: & Hope, Penang


Kuala Lumpur & Co., Ltd.,

Acreage—Western Division Total BukIJ TEisiPuROTtGi EstatePostal • A d :

k 3,54I7-J, cultivated (Rubber) 2,727 Reinbau; N'e^ri •Senibilari

Eastern Division Total 2,438 culti- W. H. W. G.ubbins, proprietor

vated' (Rubber) 1,698 Secretaries and Registered Office—

Secretary & Registered Officb—Geo.

F. Woods, 37-38, Fenchurch Street, . iMa'hiie¥^h-:;&';Tayler, Seremban

London, E.C. 3 Acreage <— Total: 105;' cultivated

(rubber) 92


Bukit Timah Rubber Estates, Ltd.—I Buloh River Rubber Estate— Johore;

Postal Ad: c/o Post Office Masai,


Tan Fiah Eng, manager S. Johore

Secretaries & Registered Office— J, L. Gorddard, manager

Evatt & Co., Singapore Societe Internationale , do Planta-

Acreage — Total: 522, cultivated tions^ et de Finance, Kuala Lum-

(rubber) 461 pur, agents

Acreage — Total: J 1,662, cultivated

Bukit Toh Alang Rubber Estates, .(rubber) 1,609

Ltd.—Jarak Station, Province Wel-

lesley Buntar Rubber Estates, Ltd., Buntar

D. Noble, manager ;

Local Agents—Kennedy, Burkill & Estate, Serdang, iSouth Kedah

F. Densham, manager

Co., Ltd., Pepang :

Registered Office—iJ,; A. Wattie & S.I.P.E.F., Kuala Lumpur, agents

. Co., 10, Cantpn Roady ^banghai Secretaries and Registered Office—

The Rubber Estate Agency, Bunge

Bukit Tupah Rubber ' EsTl-rks, . Ltd.— House, St. Mary Axe, London,

Kedah E.C. 3

R’.' St, J. Gore, mhiiager Acreage—Total: 1,1351, cultivated

Registered Office — Rubber Estate (rubber) 1,002.1

Agency, B'rfnge House, 71, St.

Mary’s Axe, London, E.C 3

S.I.P.E.F., Kuala Lumpur, agents Bute Plantations (1913), Ltd.—Nilai,

Acreage—Total: 2,278, cultivated Negri Sembilan

C. H. O. Strettell, manager

(rubber) 1,529, (coconuts) 82 Kennedy, Burkill & Co., Agents

Chempedak Estate

0. H. Pauamor, manager Secretaries & Registered Office—

Acreage—Total: 1,351, cultivated A. R. Burkill & Sons, Shanghai

(rubber) 1,192 . Acreage

(rubber)— 1673

Total: 1922, cultivated

Bukit Untong Rubber Co., Ltd.—

Postal Ad : Ulu Puting Estate, Cairo (Malay) Rubber Syndicate,

Sill an, Negri Setnbilan Ltd.—Negri Sembilan

C. A. S. Dewar, manager J. T. Smith, manager

Agents & Secretaries — Mensergh & Registered Office—Gardiner,

Tayler, Seremban

Acreage—Total: 514, planted 434 & Co., 40-41, Old Broad Hunter


London, E.C. °

Buloh Akar 'Estates (1921), Ltd.— Planters’ Stores and Agency Co.,

Ltd., Kuala Lumpur, agents

Postal Ad : Parit, Perak Acreage—Total: 1,205," cultivated

George Huntsman, manager (rubber) 1,187

Registered Office—Brown, Phillips &

Stewart, Ipoh .

Acreage—Total: 1,198, cultivated Caledonian (Sel) Rubber Co., Ltd.—

(rubber) 812 , Caledonian Estate, Bukit Arang

and Bukit Moyong Divisions, Ba'tu

Buloh Kasap Rubber Plantations, 4-rang, Selangor

,A. P. Atkins, manager

Ltd.—Buloh Kaspar Estate, Sega- J. Void, assistant

mat Johore Whittall & Co., Kuala Lumpur,

R. A. M. Stradling, manager agents

Hon. Mr. H. E. Nixon, visiting Secretaries and Registered Office—

agent Dickson, Anderson & 'Co.,. Ltd.,

Bpustead & Co., Ltd., No. 1, The Cannon St., London

Enbankment, Kuala Lumpur

Acreage—Total: , 2,710, cultivated Acreage—Total

(rubber) 1,699

: 1,784, cultivated

(rubber) 1,633


Carnarvon (Selangor) Rubber Co., Central Perak Rubber Co., Lid.—

lire.—Kuala Selangor; Teleph. 37 Dovenby, Krian Road, Simpang and

Pad a rig Piol Estate's

Carnarvon Estate

T. W. Carey, general manager E. St. Clair Morford, manager

Registered Office—The Planters’ (Dovenby Estate) and visiting

Stores and Agency Co., Ld., 17, mgr. (Krian Road Estate)

St. Helen’s Place, Bishopsgate, P. II. Begby, mgr. (Simpeng

London, E.C. Estate)

Planter’ Stores and Agency Co., F. Girdler, visiting mgr. (Padang

Ltd., Kuala Lumpur, agents , Piol . jEstate)

Harper/ Gilfillan & Co., Kuala

Lumpur, agents

I Castlefield (Klang) Rubber Estate, Secretaries


and Registered Office —

Eastern Industries, Ltd., King

| R. Battiscombe, manager ■ William Street, London, E.C. 4

D. W. Allen, assistant Acreage — Total: 6,314, cultivated


Registered Office—Bright

braith, Ld., 7, Martin’s Lane, Central Sumatra Rubber Estates.

|: Cannon Street, : London, E.C. 4.

j Acreage—Total : 3,472, cultivated Ltd.—Bah Boelian Estate, Tehing

Tinggi, Deli, Sumatra

I (rubber) 3,324

1 Commercial 1 Agents — Cumberbatch Harrisons &Meenwesen,

H. A. J. manager

Crosfield, Ltd., Medan,

| & Co., Ltd., Kuala Lumpur agents

s i Secretaries and Registered Office—

Harrisons & Crosfield', Ltd., 1-4,

I Central Johore Rubber Estate, Ltd. Gt. Tower St., London, W.O. 3

; —Niyor, Johore

W. A. Wilken, manager

Registered Office—Shaw, Darby & Cetor Estate—Postal Acl. Rantau,

F.M.S.; Cable Ad: Rasmussen,

Co., Ld., Winchester House, Old Rentau Railway Station, Seremban

; Broad Street, London, E.C. 2 F. O. Rasmussen, proprietor

Sirne, Darby & Co., Ltd., Malacca, Acreage — Total: 292|-, cultivated

'( agents (rubber) 290

Acreage—Total: 4,858, ; cultivated

(rubber) 2,333 Ceylon Planters’ Rubber Syndicate,

Ltd. — Pendamaran Estate, Port

Central Perak Rubber Co., Ltd.— Swettenham . E. N. W. Oliver, manager . .

Simpang Estate, Simpang Ampat, Cumberbatch & Co., Ltd., Kuala

Province Wellesley Lumpur

G- Michelsen, manager Secretaries

[i Secretaries and. Registered Ltd., .Colombo,; Ceylon & Co.,

— Cumberbatch

Eastern Industries, Ld. Office — Acreage — Total: .928, 806 cultivated

Acreage — Total: 1255, cultivated (rubber ,and coccmuts)

(rubber) MS, (coconuts) 281

Changkat Kongsi, Ltd. — Changkat

Central Perak Rubber Co., Ltd.— Estate, Banting, Selangor

E. H. Mustard’, manager

Padang Piol Estate, via Kuala Whiltall & "'Go.* Kuala Lumpur,

Lipis, Pahang agents

Harper Gilfillan & Co., Ltd., Kuala Acreage — Total : 503," cultivated

Lumpur, agents (rubber) 503

Secretaries and Registered

Eastern Industries, Ltd., Office—


William St. House, London* E.C. Chan Yee SenM Estate—S'alark North,.

Acreage—Total: 5,395, cultivated Perak Madam' Mak Lin Sin, proprietor

(rubber) 279. Chan Tuck Hot,' manager


ClIANGKAT SALAK RiIBBER & TlN, LTD.— Cheaior United Rubber Co., Ltd.—.

Salak. North, Perak Chemor,

A. Harman Orr, general manager T. ‘ G. Perak

McChea.ne, manager., (eJo

Registered Oftice—Gil-son A Ander- Shanghai&Klebang

Secretaries Estate,Office—

Registered Ipdh)

son, 124, St. Vincent St., Glasgow J. A. Wattie & Co., Shanghai

Acreage—Total: 3,991, cultivated

(rubber) 3,500

Chempedak Rubber & Gambier Estate,

Ltd.—Postal Ad: Masjid Tanah,

Ceangkat Serdang Estates, Ltd.—

Taiping, Perak Malacca ' 1 1

W. de B. MacLaren, manager L. S. Harland

Secretaries & Registered Office— Secretaries and Registered Office—

Evatt & Oo., Singapore J. A. Wattie ,& Co., Ld., 10, Gan,-

ton Road, Shanghai

Acreage — Total: 1035, cultivated Kennedy, Burkill & Oo., Ltd,,

(rubber) 997 Penang, agents

Cheng Rubber Estates, Ltd., Cheng

Estate—Postal Ad : Malacca

Charlesland Estate—Bagan Serai, L. S. Harland, manager

Perak Kennedy, Burkill & Co.,, Ld.,

Mrs. Symons, proprietress Penang, agents

S. B. Palmer, Eruas, Perak, Secretaries—J, A. Wattie. k Co., 10,

attorney, Cantom Road, Shanghai, Chinese

M. Asaipillai, manager P.O. Box 566

Ferguson & Palmer, Bruas, manag-

ing agents Chendrong, Ltd.—Batu Gajah, Perak

Acreage — Total: 213, cultivated Andrew Buchanan,. manager

(rubber) 208 Acreage — Total: 480, cultivated

(rubber) 448

Chembong Malay Rubber Co. (1.920), Cherang Tuli Estate—Pasir Puteh,

Ltd.—Negri Sembilan Kelantan; Cable Ad: Rennedy,

Acreage—Total: 2,981, cultivated Pasir Puteh

(rubber) 2,660 E. L. Kennedy, manager

J. S. Johnstone, manager London Office—83, Cannon Street,

Registered Office—Boustead Bros., London, E.C. 4

Walsingham House, Seething Lane,

London, E.C. 3

Boustead bfc Co., Ltd., Kuala Lum- Cheras Rubber Estates. LtI).—Ka-

pur, commercial agents jang, Ulu Langat, Selangor

T. P. Warin, manager

Secretaries & Registered Office—

Chemor United Rubber Co., Ltd., Boustead & Co , 149, Leadenhall

The, (Incorporated in iLongkong), Street,—London

Acreage Total: 1,770, cultivated

Batu Dua Estate—Postal Address : (rubber) 1,517

Batu Dua Estate, c/o Kota Bahroe Boustead

Estate, Kota Bharu, via Batu Qas

jah, Perak; Cable Add: Dawson, pur, agentsCo., Ltd., Kuala Lum-


Kota Bharu, Perak. Distance'from

Railway Station : 2 miles, Telegraph 'Oeeraiang Development, Ltd.—Lan-

Office: 2 miles, acreage—Total 587- chang Estate, Mentakftb, Pahang

3-25, cultivated (rubber) 565 4-00 R. A. Rainnie, manager

Raymund M. Dawson, manager Secretaries and Registered Office—

Local Agents—Kennedy, Burkill Evatt & Co., French Bank Build-

-& Co., Ltd., Penang. ing, Singapore

H. C. Pinching, visiting agent Hon. H. E. Nixon, visiting agent

Secretaries—rJ. A. Wattie & Co., Acreage—Total: 3,760, cultivated

Ltd., Shanghai. 7, (rubber) 1,386


ChkrSonese (F.M.S.), .Estate, Ltd. ChONglOon Rubber Estate (1932) Ltd.,

(England), Rubber and CdconUts— The--Chungloon


Estate, Jitra, Ke-

Kuala Kurau, Perak L. R. S. RbgerS, manager

H. H, AVardlaw, j.p., a.m.i.e.e., McAuliffe, Davis & Hope, Penang,

manager and engineer agefrts ;

W. H. Bruce, A. S. P. Percival, Secretaries and Registered Offic^—

and N. du B onlay, assistants E. B. Ridtedel & Co., 411-419,

Acreage—Total: 7,138, cultivated Salisbury Hoiise, London Wall,

(rubber) 2.86,5, (coconuts),. 3,755 London, E.C.

Secretaries and Registered Office— Acreage — Total: 884.74 cultivated

Thomas Barlow & Bro., Ceylon (rubber) 803.66

House, Eastcheapi, London, E.C.

Barlow & Co., Kuala Lumpur,

agents Chulsa‘(Selangor) Rubber Co., Ltd.—

Selangor -

L Cheviot Rubber, Ltd.—Labu, Negri Registered G. L. O’Hara Hickson, manager

Sembilan Office—(C. A. Goodricke &

Cheviot Estate , Co., 9, Billiter Square, London,

A. Burgess, manager E.C. 3

R. S. Reid, assistant Mansergh & Tayler, Seremban,

A. M. Goldsworth, assistant agents

Middleton Estate Acreage — Total: 2,023, cultivated

| H. T. Graves, manager (rubber) 1,523^

F. J. Hamilton Moore, resident


Secretaries and Registered Office— Cicely Rubber Estates Co., Ltd.—

| Guthrie & Co., Ltd., 52-54rGrace- Teluk Anson, Lower Perak, F.M.S.

church Street, London, E.C. 3. H. de H. Smith, manager

Guthrie & Co., Ltd., Kuala Lumpur, Registered Office—Rowe, White &

agents Co., Ld., 4, Lloyd’s Avenue, Fen-

Acreage—Total: 3,534, cultivated church Street, London, E.C. 3

(rubber) 3,057 Acreage—Cicely Estate, Tanson :

Total 4,280, cultivated (rubber)

3,307 ; Kampar Estate, Kampar :

Chimpul (F.M.S.) Rubber Estates, Total 1867, cultivated (rubber)

Ltd.—Tampin, Negri Sembilan 1565

W. J. Wallace, manager

A. Wallace and W. Murray, Clovelly Rubber Estates, Ltd.—


Sime, Darby & Co., Malacca, Toroi, Negri Sembilan

H. D. Furze, resdt. manager

agents J. S. M. Rennie & Co., 6, Battery

Secretaries and Registered Office—

Shaw, Darby & Co., Old Broad Secretary Road, Singapore, agents

Street, (London and Registered Office —

Acreage—Total: 2,545, cultivated R. D. ’ Saw, Moorgate Station

(rubber) 1,476 Chambers, London, E.C.

Acreage—Total: 1,732, cultivated

(rubber) 1,187

Chota Rubber Estates, Ltd.—Sentul

P. O., Selangor

D. S. Ainger, manager, Segambut Cluny Rubber Estates, Ltd.—Slim

River, Perak

Estate J. M. P. Landon, manager

Cumberbatch & Co., Ltd., Kuala Registered Office—Harrisons & Cros-

Lumpur, agentsi field, Ld., 1-4, Great Tower St.,

Secretaries & Registered Office- London, E.C.

Bright and Galbraith, Ld., 7, Mar- Harrisons, Barker & Co., Ltd.,

tin’s Lane, Gannon Street, Lon- Kuala Lumpur, agents


Coconut Estates of Perak, Ltd.— Consolidated Eastern Plantations,

Teluk Anson, Lower Perak Ltd.—Rengam, Johore, Teleph. 3

Cap't. A. Prichard J.P., manager Rengam; Cable Ad : Consols Ren-

Registered Office—Whittall & Co., gam

Colombo, Ceylon A. Gould, m.a., manager

Whittal & Co., Kuala Lumpur, K. J. Anderson

agents 11. J. McCarry

Acreage—Total: 2,463, cultivated C. A. Dayiclson

(coconuts) 2,332 A. G. Graham

Dr. R. Hall, m.b., ch.b., medical

Compagnie du Cambodge—Kedah officer

Sungei Ular Estate Secretaries and Registered Office—

H. A. Campbell, manager Shawy Darby & Oo., Ltd., Win-

K. Aubert, assistant chester House, London, E.C. 2

Messrs. Socfin.A Co., Ltd., Kuala Sime, Darby & Co., Ltd., Malacca,

Lumpur, agents agents

Acreage—Total: 4,977, cultivated Acreage — Total: 9,407, cultivated

(rubber) 4,831 ‘ ■ 8,824

■Compagnie des Caoutchoucs de Padang

—Nigel, Gardner Estate, Batting Consolidated Malay Rubber Estates,

Berjuntai Ltd. —Negri S embil an

Murray C. Tollemache, manage^ Atherton and Leigh Estates

J. A. SketcHley and J. d’Augus- G. H. Wood, manager

tine, assistants H. P. Pilkington and R. E.

Socfin Co., Ltd.,. Kuala Lumpur, Royston, assistants

agents Ainsdale Estate

Acreage — Total: 7,609, cultivated II. S. Brown, mgr.

(rubber) 7-,598 Registered Office—Shand, : Haldane

Gompagnie du Selangor—Bungsar '■ -E.O. & Co., 24, Rood Lane, London,

Estate, Kuala Lumpur 3.

J. D’lribarne, manager Mbnsergh & Tayler, Ser'erhban,

Socfin Co1|: Ltd., Kuala; ; Lumpur. agents

' agents' . ' ' ’' '

Acreage—Total : lr905, : ; cultivated Consolidated Rubber Estates (1914),

(rubber)'T>,&50'- ' iatoT Ltd.—Postal Ad : Sitiawan, Perak

Sungei Rambai Estate—Postal Ad :

Batang Berjuntai Estates : Sitiawan; Estate ' and Lu-

G. Maclnerny, manager mut Estate ’ .1 .W

'Siocfin Go., Ltd., Kuala Lumpur, D. Carmichael, manager

agents Kennedy, Burkiil &" Go., Ld.,

Acreage—Total: 3)572S, bultiiated Secretaries Penang, agents

grubber) 3,-498 d .?• J» and Registered: Office—A.

R.< Burkill & Sons, Shanghai

ComTagnte du Selangor -P>udu Estate,

Raub, Pahang i hO^NTlNENTAL PlAntation-TCoo , ( Incor-

A. E. Bropker, manager1 porated in U.S.A.dU Hoeta Padang

G. IS. Craik, assistant

Messrs. Socfin Co., Ltd., Kuala Estate—Sumatra;



Postal Ad : Kisa-

Asahan; Teleph. 21 (Kisaran);

Lumpur, agents Cable Ad : Con rub, Kisaran Asa-

Acreage—Total: 4,309 han. Head Office: 1775, Broadway,

' ' 'New1. York

Connmeara, Ltd.—Bangi,’'Selangor ‘ Hoeta Padang Estate

J. E. S. Godtter, manager . Acreage—Total: 11,9^5, planted

Secretaries "and Registered Office — 4,760 (rubber)

' Boustead: ■& Co., Ltd., Kuala 1

W, Ha,nsen, general lyanager and

Lumpur ' attorney, -

Acreage—Total: L543, cultivated .^Soengei N*adpr^s Estate y

(rubber) 1,391 C. J. Berkson, manager


Cosmos Estate—Kuala Kangsar; Pe- Damansara '‘(Selangor) Rubber Co.,

rak Ltd.—Selangor

H. P. Kendall, manager H. V. Puckridge manager.

* Or'E. Henning, pro. R. S. Dyer, assistant

Acreage — Total: 150, cultivated Registered Office—Morrison, Ruther-

(rubber) 150 ford A Co., 20, Eastcheap,

Oraioielea Rubber ..Plantations, Ltd. Cumberbatdh

Lumpur, agents

& Coi, Ltd., Kuala

—Johore, Postal Ad: Craigielea Acreage—Total: 4,247',' bultivated

Estate, Muar, Johore (rubber) 3.782 ' /

W. J. Wallace, manager

Registered Office—Shaw, Darby & Deli Batavia Rubber Maatschappij,

Co., Ld., Winchester House, Old Rubber — Postal , Ad: Pematang

Broad Street, London, E.G. 2

Sime, Darby & Co., Ltd., Malacca, Siantar, E.C., Sumatra; Cable An .

Bamyruh Pematang Siantar


Acreage—Total-: 6,582, cultivated

(rubber) 6,072 Deli Planters Vereeniging (Associa-

Cromlix Rubber Estate and Produce tion of Tobacco Companies)—Medan

Sumatra; Cable Ad: Planterscomite

! Syndicate, Ltd.—Selangor President—J. H. Bitters

Bukit Jalil Estate— Secretary—Dr. G. van der Veen

Andrew Mustard, manager Deli

i Registered Office—Walker Bros., 36, Station for Tobacco)(Experimental

Proef station

j Basinghall Street, London, E.C. Director—J. C. va» der Meer

| Cumberbatch & Co., Ltd., Kuala Mohr

: Lumpur, local agents Secretary—Ce H. ten Cate

, Members: of the Deli Planters

t Cultuur Maatschappij ‘'de OoSTkusT’ Vereeniging:

| —Postal Ad: Goenoeng Pamela, N. V.Oostkust”

Cultuur (1Maatschappij

Tebing Tinggi, Deli, Sumatra rubber-estate)“De

A. Jeppe, general manager Headman age r—A. Jeppe

L. van Drooge, book-keeper Secretary—L. van Drooge

Rubber Estate—Goenoeng Pamela N. V.(8 Deli Batavia Maatschappij

with divisions: Goenoeng Monaco tobacco-estates)

'j and Goenoeng Para Headmanager—C.

Secretary—P. E. voii G. J.Oven


Cultuur Maats, Leidong West— N. V. Deli Maatschappij (20 to-

; Sumatra bacco, 2 rubber-estates and 1

Kanopan Oelse Estate r oilpalm-estate)

Y. Grondhout, acting mgr. Headmanager—J. H. Bittesrs

Ledong West Estate Secretary—A. J. van Houten

Y. Grondhout; manager N. V. Deli Spoorweg Maatschap-

H. A. T. Jansen, assisatnt pij (Railway company) ‘A

Manager — Ir. A. Baron van

I Cycle Estate—Nilai, Negri Sembilan S ty rum

Lye Chan Lim, manager Secretary—Ir. A. H. van Assen

Chua Cheng Bok & Son, Kuala N. V. Senembah Maatschappij (11

I Lumpur, agents tobacco, 2 rubber-estates and

, Acreage — Total: 646, cultivated 1 cocoa-estate)

(rubber) 588.) Headmanager—A. F. W. Dels-


f Dahan Rubber Estates, Ltd.—Dahan Secretary—J. Monje

Estate, Upper Sarawak N. V. Serdang Cultuur Maats-

! Borneo Cb., Ltd., Kuching, Sara- chappij (l tobacco-estate)

wak, agents Headmanager—L. R. Koolemans

Secretaries and Registered Office— Beijnen

Robertson Bois & Co., Ltd., 12, N. Y. Soengei Lipoet Oultuur

Fenchurch St., London, E.C. 3 Maatschappj (1 rubber and

Acreage—Total: 2,046, cultivated 1 oilpalm-estate)

(rubber) 1,544 Headinspector—J. J. Ruelle


,N. V. Tabak Maatschappij Dingwall oil an

Estate—Silian, Negri Sem-.

"Ai endsburg” , (4 toliacco

2 rubber-estates) , C. A. S. Dewar, manager

Headmanager—W. H.. van Emb- Mansergh & Tayler, Seremban, .

den . •/. i agents

Secretary—P. Leezenberg ; Acreage—Total: 341, cultivated

N. V. Tabak Maatschappij ‘ Tjjn- (rubber) 315 ~

ta Radja’’Tj(l rtoRa^co r^ind 1

rubber-estate)., - 'TIjapolka Rubber Estates. Ltd.

IT(iad man ager— 0. Schwa rz Sumatra r . -

Secretary—A. Meyer H. von Rabenau, supt.

Dennistown IU'BREk Estates, Ltd., Secretaries and Registered Office— j

Kim Seng Estate—Kedah; Postal M. P. Evans & Co., 30, Mincing |

Ad: Kuala KetiT; Teleph. 19 (Kua- Hooglandt Lane, London, E.C. 3

la Ketil) & Co., Singapore, agents

W. D. Magill, "manager

G. P. Ailken,: assistant Djember Rubber Estates, Ltd. (In-

Tan Boon Chooi, bookkeeper corporated in England)—Pahang;

Jerantut ‘Estate, Jerantut

Devon Estates . ^(Malacca), Ltd.— R. M. A. Maycock, manager

Malacca; Secretaries—Begg, Roberts & Co.,:

Commander F. W. F. Fegen, e.n. 138, Leadenhall Street, London,

(retired), resident director E.C.

J. A. St. C. Stewart, gen; mgr. Acreage—Total: 3,628, cultivated

Registered Office^—Evatt & Co., P.O. (rubber) 1,111

Box 166, Singapore - ’ Boustead & Co., Ltd., Singapore,

Acreage:—Total : 5,516, • cultivated Agents

(rubber) 4,880 ugu 1

Semanton Estate—Me ntakab, Pa- Dominion Rubber Co., Ltd. of N.Z.

hang, F.M.S1. (Registered

G. D. Treble, manager

Acreage —• Total: 4,834,. • cultivated bing Tinggiin New

EstateZealand), Te-j

— Kelantan;


rubber) 1,384 Postal Ad: Tehing Tinggi Esfate,

Supgei Kgsial: Cable Ad: Dom-

Digwarrah 'Rtt.bber Co., Ltd.., (Cal- inion ' . • r ; . ,... : ) S:: r ■:

cutta)—Sungkai, Perak L. E. White, manager

H. J. Manso.n, manager Boustead &.Co., Singapore, agents

Secretaries and Registered Office— Secretaries and Registered Office—

Andrew Yule & Co., Calcutta Wm. Brown & Co-, Crawford St.,

Ugher & iCo., Hong Kong Bank Acreage—Total: Dunedin, New Zealand

Building, Singapore, commercial 1,875, cultivated!

agents . /; (rubber) 1,111

Acreage—Total: 900, cultivated

(rubber) . 842 Dominion Rubber Co., Ltd., Hendon ;

Dindings tRubber Estates, Ltd.— ' Estate—Sungkai, Perak

L. A. Blackball; manager

Sitiawan, Perak Kennedy, Burkill & Co., Penang,

A. T. Edgar, manager, agent

G. W. Rand, ,assistant

Registered Office^—\R. .Sunderland 'Seerbtarif s and Registered Office—

A. R. Burkill & Sons, Shanghai

Taylor, 10, Queen Street,,. Ipswich, Acreage—Total: 825J cultivated

England (rubber). 801

Harrisons, Barker & Go., Ltd.,

Penang, agents

Dominion Rubber Op., .Ltd. (Incor-

t)iNGKiLL Estate—Kajang, .Selangor porated in Hongkong), Dominion

V. E. H. Rhodes, proprietor Estate — Selangor; Postal ' Ad :

C. K. Paul, do. Semenyih, F.M.S. ; Te.lcph. S9 (Se-

Acreage — Total: ri 100, pultivated menyih); Cable Ad : Rkyum, Semen-

(rubber) 100 yih ■ ;,.


N. J. .Skyum, manager Segamat Estate,

: Segamat, Johore

H. 0. Pinching, visiting agent J. F. Clarkson, manager (on

Kennedy, Burkill & Go., Ld., leave)

19, Beach Street, Penang, agents A. B. Fowler, manager (acting)

Secretaries and Registered Office — E, B. Holte, G. H. Deightbn,

A. R. Burkill & Sons, 20, Canton A. E, M. Morgan and C. K.

Road, Shanghai Wilson, assistants

Dorset Estate—Sungei Bakap, Pro- Acreage—Total: 7,681, cultivated

(rubber), 6,919

vince Wellesley Sagil Estate, Tangkah, via Muar,

O. A. S. Sellers, proprietor Johore

F. W. Petrie Hay, manager D. E. Webster, manager.(on leave)

Acreage--Total: 92^, cultivated H. A. Longland, manager (actg.l

(rubber) 92^ A. S. T. Maddams, A. E.

Howell and J. T. McElfrish,

Dour Estate—Batu Caves P.O., Se- assistants.

langor, Federated Malay (States Acreage—Total: 6,579, cultivated

H. M. S. Wagner, manager for the (rubber). 5,894

Estate of C. Wagner (deceased) Bukit Serampang Estate, Tangkah,

| Acreage—Total: 225 via Muar, Johore

I Duff Development Co., Ltd., The— H. L. Despard, manager

! Kelantan E. L.1 6. Partridge, H. Brown

' W. A. Allan, general manager and E. R. Rodgers, assistants

C. P. Gregory, senior assistant Acreage—Total: 6,412,,, cultivated

Planting Assistants—;G. G. Da- (rubber) 6,264

vision, L. Feeny, R. D. Pin- Dunlop Plantations, Ltd.—Malacca

chin, A. H. Robinson and C. Jasin Lalang Estate, Malacca

G. Young R. 0. Lloyd-Owen, acting mgr.

Registered Office—24, Rood Lane, E. J. .Coper and B. C. Garfit,

London, E.C. 3 assistants

Acreage—Total: 19,855, cultivated Nayar B. Nedungat, chiefgderk

(rubber't 7943.7 . Acreage—Total : ; 5,970, r cultivated

' Dunlop Plantations, Ltd.—Postal (rubber) 5,1)8

' Ad: Bastion House, Malacca Dunlop PLANTATioNSj Ltd. :(Negri

Headquarters Staff—

G. Wiseman, resident director and UluSembilan) Kanchong Estate, Sungei Gadut,

general manager N.S.

P. M. Williams, deputy gen. mgr. E. M. Hawes, manager

R. B. Carey, assist, general mgr. R. A. S. Shotter ;(Hillsid'e

A. H. C. Allen, commercial mgr. Division)

T. A- Barnes, secretary to D. Gates (Bukit Bertram Divi-

general manager sion)

E. F. G. Anderson, accountant M. E. L. Robey and A. G.

V. Anderson, do. Rodgers, assistants

1L Dunlop Plantations, Ltd. (Johore) Acregge-^TQtal:, 8,016,, cultivated

Paya Lang Estate, Batu Anam, Ladang (rubber) 7,218

johore Geddes Estate, Bab^u, N.S.

A. V. Ames, manager R. B. Carey, manager

R. C. Lloyd Owen, W. A. L. G. Lee, G. Y. Bolton, E.

Logan,, R. H. Macniven, P. G. Blomfield, A. W. Goode, K. R.

Jones, H. I. Thornton-Jones, Yates, B. J. Lavers,' W. Wall


I. Davidson apd H, J. and L. D;.a1:Elliot,

Acr eage—Tot 22,035,assistants


assistants (rubber) 13,618

J. Ansell, engineer Legong Ulu Estate, Kendong, N.S.

D. MLSimmons;'chemist

Acreage—Total: 15,318, cultivated ■ R. C. Lloyd-Owen, manager (on

(rubber) 14,459 leave)


J. H. Vallender, manager, acting Dusun Durian Rubber Estates, Ltd.—

C. G D. 'Williamson, assistant Bilham Estate,-o^Sitiawan, Lower

Acreage—Total: 2,366, cultivated ■ Perak G. D. Sansom, manager

(rubber) 2,181

Babau Estate, Bahau, N.S. Secretaries & Registered Office—

! G. B. W. Gray, manager Cripplegate Buildings, Wood St.,


W. J. Donaldson, R. B. Perkins, Acreage—Total:

A. W. Mitchell, T. D. Moore 1,662, cultivated

and G. F. Sibary, assistants (rubber) 605.

Acreage—Total: 8,201, cultivated

(rubber) 7,106 Dusun Durian Rubber Estate, Ltd.—

Kuala Jelei Estate, Bahau, N.S. Walbrook Estate, Sitiawan, Perak

L Seaton, manager G. D. Sansom, manager '

Acreage—Total: 1,678, pultivated Registered Office—Wr. Harvie, 5,.

(rubber) 1629 Cripplegate Buildings, Wood St.,

Johol Estate, Tampin, N.S. London, E.C.

A. R. Woodhouse, manager ' D usUN Durian Rubber Estate, Ltd.—

J. R. Dunn, F. G. Jones, R. H. Selangor and Perak

MaeNiven and J. N. Hughes, Duson Durian Estate

assistants 0. D. Sansom, manager

Acreage—Total: 6,512, cultivated Walbrook Estate

(rubber) 6,014

Beruntong Estates, Ayer Kuning BilhamEagle W. Bott, manager


South, N.'S. W. E. Eaton, manager

G. Perkins, manager

T. G. McAlpine & B. C. Garfit, Registered Office—W. Harvie, 5,

Cripplegate Buildings, Wood St.,

assistant London, E.C.

Acreage—Total: 4,543, cultivated Whittall & Co., Kuala Lumpur,

(rubber) 3,800 agents

Regent Estate, Batang Malaka P.O.,

N.S. Eaglehurst Rubber Estates, Ltd.—

J. D. O’Toole, manager Pondok Tanjong, Perak

N. McLeod, W. iS. Roe and C. E. T. I. Wilkie, manager

C. Berridge, assistants McAuliffe, Davis & Hope, Penang,

Acreage—Total: 5,753, cultivated agents

(rubber) 5,186 Secretaries and Registered Office --

Townsend and Ridssl, 411, Salis-

Durian Sabatang Rubber Estates Acreage—Total: bury House, London Wall

1,629, cultivated

(1931), Ltd.—Durian Sabatang Es- (rubber) 1,217

tate, Johore Bahru

B. J. R. Barton, manager

McAuliffe, Davis & Hope, Penang, East Asiatic Rubber Estates, Ltd.—


accountants H. L. Jeppesen, manager

Secretaries and Reeristered Office— East Asiatic Co., Singapore, agents

E. B. Ridsdel & Qo., Ltd., Salis- Acreage — Total: 3,045, cultivated

bury House, London, E.C. 2 (rubber) 2,520

Acreage—Total: 1,170, cultivated Registered Office-^H. Gunter, Orient

House, London, E.C. 2

(rubber) 945

East Asiatic Rubber Estates, Ltd.—

Dusun Besar Estate—Ipoh, Perak Kedah, Padang Mecha Estate

Mrs. D. M. Sympthe, Lady Woods, C. O. Jorgensen, manager

and Mrs. F. C. Cowdy, proprie- East Asiatic Co., Ltd., Singapore,

tors agents

John L. Woods, manager Registered Office—H. Gunter, Orient

Acreage — Total: 123, cultivated House, 42-45, New Broad Street,

(rubber) 123 London, E.C, 2


East Asiatic Rubber Estates, Ltd.— ! Emerald Rubber and Coconut Co.,

Trengganu, Postal Ad: Kretay via Ltd. (Incorporated in .Scotland),

Singapore Bukit Slarong & Sungei Sluang

East Asiatic Rubber Estates, Ld., Estates —• Postal and Telegraphic

proprietors Ad : Padang Serai, South Kedah

N. Tuul, manager Railway Station—Tassek Glugor.

Registered Office^-H. Gunter, Orient Distance from Post Office: 5 miles

House, 42-45, New Broad Street, Distance from Railway Station : 11

London, E.C. 2 miles

Acreage—Total : 4,516, cultivated i V. R. Conolly, manager

(rubber) 4,343 C. R. Little, assistant

K. K. How, do.

Eastern Sumatra Rubber Estates, I Acreage—Total: 5,012.2, cultivated

Ltd. (Incorporated in London), | (rubber, African Oil Palms and

coconuts) 3,168.3

Boekit Maradja Estate—Sumatra ; Registered Office—Gibson & Ander-

P.O. : Pematang Siantar; Teleph. 9 son (Glasgow) Ltd., 124, St. Vin-

(Siantar) cent Street, Glasgow, Scotland

E. P. Barnett, manager

Registered Office — The Rubber Eastern Correspondents — Gibson,

Anderson, Butler & . Co., Kuala,

Estates Agency, Ld., Bunge Lumpur

House, 71, St. Mary’s Axe, Lon-

don, E.C. 3

Anglo-Dutch Estate Agency, Ltd., Eow Seng Rubber Co.,r, Ltd,—Parit

Medan, agents

AcreagA—Total: 8,761, cultivated Buntar, Perak

O. C. H.‘ Beaman, manager

(rubber). 7,550 Paya Besar, Estate, Luna’s, Kedah

R. C. Tyndale-Powell, actg. mgr.

Edensor Rubber Estate, Ltd.—Su'ngei Registered Office—Kennaway, Neame

&,Co., 6, Lloyd’s Avenue, Fen-

Semantan Estate, Mentakaib, Pahang church Stteet, London, E.C. 3

D. S. Ainger (Segambut), visiting

. manager

'O. Hermon, assistant-in-eharge !

Oumberbatch & Co., Ltd.,' Kuala ! Eow Seng Rubber Co.—Sungei Duri

Estate, Nibong Tebal, Province Wel-

Lumpur, agents

Secretaries and. Registered Office- lesley C. C. H. Beaman, manager

Bright & Galbraith, London

Acreage—.Total: 4,808, cultivated McAuliffe, Wavis & Hope', Penang,

(rubber) 1,011 agents

(Secretaries), fian,d Rf^gistpred' Office- -

Edinburgh Rubber Estates, Ltd.— ... Kennaway,,

Lloyd’s Avenue,Neame, & ''Go,, St.,6,


Selangor London, E.C. 3

C. J. Arnold, general manager

Registered Office—McDonald, Ste- Acreage—Total (ruibber) 269 , .

:.. . 272, cultivated


Regent Street*! Glasgow

Equatorial I’uopuak Co , Ltd., (Incor-

Elaeis Plantations,Johore IKirated m FAl-S.), Ranlau »f’anajang

Ltd.—EJaeis Es- Estate—Postal

tate, Mengkibol, Selangor AcR Batang.Railway

2|-3y jmleS'from Berjuntai,


E.r W. Gruer, manager tion and Post Office,. ,

Secretaries and Registered. Office— NicolL(ma(nager| .‘ .

Guthrie ,Cot., 52754, Gracechurch Cyril Beautenient, kupt.

. i Strept, London,' E.'C. ,3. Dr. A. L. Dunlop, medical officer

Guthrie' ; h Co., Ltd,, Kuala Lum-

pur, agents'; ,,, ■ . .V ' ’ ,s' Soyfin

agentsCo,," . Ltd,,

\ Kiiala Lunipur,

Acreage—Total.: 3,091, cultivated Acreage—Total: l’5?.4,guttivatied (rubber)

(oil palms) 3,000.10 .1 i- ; . l,.44l|,.doil palpis| , ' >


Equatorial Produce Co., Ltd.—KTapa Eu Tong Sen Estate (Pahang)—8th -

Bali Estate, Trolak, Perak Mile Bentong-Tras Road; Postal |

W. N. Iversen, manager Ad: 148, High. St., Kuala .Lumpur |

E. J. Talou, Supt. Secretaries and Registered Office— a

Acreage—Total: 2,060, cultivated Chop Yan Woh, Kuala Lumpur |

(Oil Palm) 1,700 Acreage—Total: 1,100, cultivated 1

Socfin Co., Ltd., Kuala Lumpur, (rubber) 1, ICO


Eu Tong Sen Estate—Negri Sembilan j

Errol Estate, Ltd.—Parit Buntar, Secretaries and Registered Office— 1

Perak Chop Yan Look, 148/ High Street, a

V. Ambalavanar, manager Kuala Lumpur

Secretaries and Registered Office—

Harrisons, Barker & Co., Penang

Acreage—Total: 329, cultivated E.porated)—Kuala Lumpur. Selangor 1

(rubber) 323, (coconuts)' 2 E. H„ B. Nobbs, manager ;

(Eastern division, Kajang):-

Escot Rubber Estates, Ltd., The— D. J. Kibby. manager (Western I

Slim River, Perak division, Kajang)

iSlim River Estate Dr. W. T. Quaife, medical officer |

H. F. de C. Lucy, manager Registered Office—Societe Interna- J

Registered Office—Kennaway, Neame tionale des Plantations et. de j

& Co., 6, Lloyd’s Avenue, Fen- Finance, 2, Marche aux Grains, 1

church Street, London, E.C. 3 Antwerp, Belgium

Planters’ Store and Agency Co., Agents—S. I. P. E. F., P.O. Box

145, Kuala Lumpur Sdlangor,



Ltd., Kuala Lumpur, agents


Escot Rubber Estates, Ltd.—Selangor Acreage—Total:

(rubber) 5,898

7,621, cultivated I

M. J. Kennaway, general manager

Registered Office—Kennaway, Neame F.

& Co., 6, Lloyd’s Avenue, Fen- Ltd. (Incorporated < in England), 1

church Street, London, E.C. 2 Jemima Estate—Postal Ad: Mam- i

Estate of Khoo Heng Pan (Deceased) bau, Negri Sembilan; Cable Ad: j

—Waterfall Estate, Bedong P.O., Jemima

Kedah J. S. Laird, manager

Estate of Khoo , Heng Pan, pro- Registered Office — Lyall, Anderson j1

prietor, 178, Victoria Street, & Co.', 16, Philpdt Lane, London,

Penang E.

O. A. Panicker, manager & P/A Guthrie & Co., Ltd., Kuala Lumpur, |

Acreage—Total: 1,600 relongs, agents

planted (rubber) 1,594, (coconuts) Acreage—Total: 6,465, cultivated

5 (rubber) 4,606

Estate of Lore YEw(Deceased)Residuary Federated (Selangor) Rubber Co., |

Estate Ltd.—Vallambrosa, Klang

Lumpur,Office: 12, Market

Selangor: P. O.Street,


276; H. Case, manager

Registered Office—Naftel, Ruther- |

Teleph. 2232 (Kuala Lumpur); ford &; Marshall, 20, Eastcheap, |

Cable Ad : Edbut, Kuala Lumpur London, E.C.

Trustees—Loo Yew Hoi, Lee Nam,

Khoo Wee Tat, Alan Loke and Foothills (Malaya) Rubber Estate, !

Khoo Teik Ee

Secretaries — Gibson, Anderson, Ltd.—Kedah

A. V. Perrin, manager

Butler & Co., chartered accts. Registered Office—Edward, Bou-

Estate of Loke Wan Tho (Minor)— stead & Co., Ld., 149, Leadenhall

Office: 2, Church Street, Kuala Street, London, E.C. 3

Lumpur; Teleph. 2534 (K.L.)

Trustees—Khoo Teik Ee, Liew Boustead & Cb., Ltd., Penang,

Weng Chee and San Ah Wing agents


G^dek Rubbee Estate, Ltd.—Tampin, ' Cumberbatch & Co., Ltd., Kuala

Negri Sembilan Lumpur, agents

I. M. Shaw, manager

Boustead &, Go., Ltd., Singapore, Gedong (Perak) Rubber Estate, Ltd.—

agents Bidor, Perak

Secretaries and Registered Office— W. Watters, manager

Begg, Roberts & Co., 138, Leaden- Registered Office—Lyall, Anderson

hall Street, London & Co., 16, Philphot Lane, London,

Acreage—Total : 1,419, cultivated EC.

(rubber) 1,323 Cumberbatcih S Co., Ltd., Kuala

! Lumpur, agents

Gadong Coconut Plantations, Ltd.—

Batu Laut, Selangor Glasgow Rubber Estates, Ltd.—Ka-

T. Nielson, manager (on leave) lim, Kedah

D. G. Robertson, acting mgr. T., E. Upton, manager

| Registered Office—Pinner’s Hall, 8 Harrisons, Barker & Co., Kuala

l & 9 Austin Friars, London, E.O. Lumpur, agents

2 | Secretaries and Registered Office—•

. Harrisons, Barker . & Co., Ltd., Gibson and Anderson (Glasgow)

Kuala Lump.ur, agents Ltd., 124, St. Vincent Street, Glas-

gow ‘ ;

I Galang Besae Rubber Plantations, Acreage--Total: 3,7.36 cultivated

] Ltd. (Incorporated , in England)— (rubber) 2,044| (coconuts) 8

• Postal Ad: Poeloe Galang; P.O.

| Box 230; Cable Ad : Galang, Singa- Glen Bervie Rubber Co.—Tandjong

pore Poera, Langkat, Sumatra

A. Mitchell, manager G. B. Peafold, manager

Guthrie & Co., Ltd., Kuala Lum- Secretaries and Registered Office:—

' pur, agents Bunge House, St. Mary’s Axe

I Secretaries and Registered Office— Acreage — Total: 920, cultivated


\ church Street, London, E.C.

I Acreage—Total: 22,489, cultivated Glen Muar Rubber Estates, Ltd. (In-

(rabber) 2,314 corporated in Great Britain) —

|f Guthrie & Co., Ltd., Kuala Lumpur, Johore, Ban Heng Estate; Postal

visiting agents Address: Panchor P.O. vid Muar,

IGali Estate—Raub, Pahang Johore; Cable Ad: Banheng, Pan-

A. N. Dumareso, manager ; chor. Distance from Railway Sta-

I Secretaries and Registered Office— tion: Malacca 54 miles. Distance,

c/o A. N. Dumaresq, Raub from Telegraph Office: Panchor 17

|! Acreage—Total: 1,058, cultivated miles

J. F. Green, manager

i (rubber) 550 Hon. Mr. S. B. Palmer, visiting

, agent

I Gan Kee Rubber Estates, Ltd.—Ba- Registered Office—Dickson Anderson

tang Malaka, Negri Sembilan & Co., Ltd., 1/9, Cannon Street,

W. E. Yowler, manager London. E.C. 4.

K. R. W. Vowler, assistant Cumberbatch & Co., Ltd., Kuala

! Secretaries and Registered Office— Lumpur, agents

Bright & Galbraith. Ltd., 7, Mar- Acreage Total: 1615, cultivated

tin’s Lane, Cannon Street, London (rubber) 1501

’ Cumberbatch & Co., Ltd., Kuala

Lumpur, agents r Glenealy Plantations, Ltd.—Parit,


) Garing ^Malacca) Rubber Estates, J. Scott, manager

Ltd.—Malacca Registered Office—Derrick & Go.,

F. A. Trollope, manager Hongkong Bank Chambers, Singa-

Secretaries and Registered Office— pore

Basanquet, Trail & Co., 4, Harper, Gilfillan & Co., Ltd., Kuala

Market Buildings, London, E.C. 3 Lumpur, agents



Glengowrie Rubber Co.^Ltd., The— Goldkenep Estate—c/o G. Huntsman,

Selangor Parit, Perak

M. B. Longmore, manager A. N. Kenion, proprietor

SeerrtarieS—McAuliffe, Da-vis & G. Huntsman, visiting, manager

Hope, Penang Acreage — Total: 268, cultivated

(rubber) 261

Gi.enshiel Rubber Estates Co.,'Ltd.— Good Hope ( Selai^gor) Rubber r Co.,

Selangor Ltd.—Telok, Selangor

J. H. H. Bailie, manager L. G. Hutton, manager

W. A. D. AVyneh, assistant Secretaries — Cumberbatch & Co.,

Frank Trenouth, secretary Colombo, Ceylon

Registered Office—85, Gracechurch Cumberbatch & Co., 'Ltd., Kuala

St., London, E.C. 3 Lumpur, agents

Boustead & Co., Ltd.,1 Kuala Lum- Acreage—919, cultivated (rubber &

pur, agents coconuts) 903 '

Acreage—Total: 2,261, cultivated

(rubber) 2,123 Goodyear Rubber Plantations Co.,

The—Postal Ad: Serbalawan, E.C.

Glugor Estates—Penang Sumatra; Cable Ad: Goodyear,

Miss H. M. Brown, proprietress Dolok Merangir, Deli

D. A. M. Brown, general manager Head Administration

J. V. Boothby and H. R. Watts, J. B. Inglej resident director

assistants and manager (General Ad-

Acreage — Total: 3,387, cultivated ministration)

rubber, coconuts and fruit) 3247 P. S. Shoaff, asst. mgr. (Gen-

eral Administration)

C. L. Marsh, auditor

Goeconda (Malay) Rubber Co., Ltd.— W. N. Bangham, geneticist

Selangor Dr. W. T. L Ten Broeck, re-

H. B. Clifton, manager search chemist

Registered Office—Bosanquet, Trail Dolok Merangir Estate

& Co., Ld., Market Buildings, P. S. Shoaff, manager

London, E.C. 3 L. RieHhorst, field manager

CumberbatcH & Co., Ltd., Kuala Wingfoot Estate—Postal Address:

Lumpur, agents Pangkattan, Bila, E.C. Sumatra;

Teleph: Rantau Prapat No. 7;

Golden Hope (Rubber Estate, Ltd., Cable Ad : Rantauprapat

F. S. Weida, manager

The, Bukit Pilah Estate—Selangor R. C. Arnold, manager (Finan

A. P. H. le Prevost, manager cial Dept.)

Secretaries and Registered Office— W. E. Klippert (Financial

Harrisons & Crosfield, Ltd., 1-4, Dept.)

Great . Tower St., Londn, D. G. Bonamy, inspector

Harrisons. Barker & Co.,E.C.Ltd.,3 Ch. Darnutzer, field manager

Kuala Lumpur, agents J. H. K. M. de Smit, acting

field manager

J. Horstiirg, field manager

Golden Hope Rubber Estates, Ltd.— J. W. F. Meijer, engineering

Teluk Anson, Lower Perak manager

J. T. Pickering, manager Dr. A. Goudberg, medical officer

J. L. Milne, assistant

R. D. Brown, do. Goodyear Rubber Plantations Co.,

Secretaries and Registered Office— the, Wingfoot Estate—Postal Ad:

Harrison® and Crosfield, Ltd., 1-4, Pangkattan, Bila; Cable Ad: Good-

Great Tower Street, London

Acreage—Total: > 2,757, cultivated year, Rantau Prapat, Bila; Code:

Bentley’s Phrase

(rubber) 2,479 F. S. Weida, manager , .

Harrisons, Barker & Co., Ltd., R, Ci Arnold, mgr.-financial dept.

Kuala Lumpur, agents ' ■ W. E. Klipfpert, acting do.


C. Darnutzer, field mgr., Wft. N. Estate, via Parit Buntar, Perak,

J. Horsting, field mgr., Wft. S. F.M.S.; Cable Ad: Gula, Bagan

J. W. F. Meijer, engineer Serai; Teleph. 5, Kuala Kurau

Dr. A. Goudberg, medical officer D. F. Grierson, general manager

Wft. hospital A. H. Dougles, manager (Gula

D: G. Bonamy, forester Estate)

James Kennedy, manager (Ka-

Goodwyn Estate—Sitiawan, Perak lumpong)

H. Goodwyn, manager Acreage—Total: 10,656, cultivated

Acreage — Total: 340, cultivated (rubber) 4,728, (coconuts) 5,045

(rubber) 330 Secretaries—85, Gracechurch St.,

London, E.C. 3

Gopeng (Perak) Rubber Estates, Ltd.

—Kampong Kepayang, Perak Gunong Kroh Estate — Kampong

A. F. Carter, manager Kapayang, Perak; Teleph. 238;

R. A. Coles, assistant Cable

Harper, Gilfillan & Co., Ltd.,

Kuala Lumpur, agents W. J.Ad:Caldwell,


R. Connell and

,; Secretaries and Registered V. H. Pearson, proprietors

Eastern ' Industries, Ld.,Office—

King 0. C. Footner, manager

Brown, :Philips & Stewart, Ipoh,

William St. House, Arthur St., agents

! London E.C. 4

J Acreage—Total : 2,152, cultivated

| (rubber) 1,829 Gunonq Panjang Rubber Estate—

Gunong Paniang, Gopeng, Perak

• Gordon (Malaya) Rubber Estates, W. L. H. Morrison, proprietor

Ltd. (Incorporated in Great Bri- Managing Agents—F. S. Mathieu

tain)—Gordon Estate, Kedah Co., Ipoh, Perak

B. M. Walls, manager

[ Secretary and Registered Office — Gunong Pari Rubber Estates, Ltd.—

W. B. Gauld, 149, Lehdenliali Chemor, Perak

| Street, London, E.C. C. V. Doe, general manager

; McAuliffe, Davis & Hope, Penang, J. C. Osborne, visiting agent

| Eastern agents & accts. Secretaries and Registered Office—

I Gordon (Malaya) Rubber Estates, H. Gunter, 37 & 38 Fenchurch

Ltd.—Tampin, Negri’ Sembilan Street, London

E. A. Mgrtin, general manager

| Registered Office—H. Gould, 149, Hamilton "(F.M.S.) Rubber Co., Ltd.

Leadenhall Street, London, E.O. 3 (Incorporated in F.M.S.)—Negri

Acreage — Total: 5071, cultivated Bembilan; Postal Ad: Nilai; Rail-

(rubber) 4054 way Station: Nilai and Sepang

Gula-KalumpoNg Rubber Estates, Ltd. Road; Teleph. 2, Nilai

;> —Kedah W. J. Dqughty, manager

D. F. Grierson, general manager E. N. T. Cummins, visiting agent

Sungei Tawar Estate, P.O. Kuala Secretaries and Registered Office —

iKetil Cumberbatch & Co., Ltd., Kuala

» ,Tas. McCardle, manager Lumpur

1 E. T. Boyd, J. Davenport, J. . A.

McLauchlin and G. T. Came- Han Yang Plantations, Ltd.—Masai

ron, assistants Johore Bahru, Johiore

| Secretaries—85, Gracechurch Street, Bruce Petrie, manager

London, E.C.3 H. V. H. Pery, assistant

1 Acreage—Total: 4,590, cultivated E. C. Crosse

(rubber) 4,341 M. Van der Gucht

: Secretaries and Registered Office —

t Gula-Kalumpong Rubber Estates, Ltd. Bruce Petrie, Ltd., Singapore

(Incorporated in England), Gula Acreage—Total: 5,369, cultivated

and Kalumpong Estates — Gula (rubber) 4,750



Harcroft Rubber Estates, Ltd.— Henrietta Rubber Estates, Ltd.—

Ayer Tawar, via Ipoh, Perak Kedah

Acreage—Total: l,755j, .cultivated J. W. Pinley, manager

(rubber) 1,7451, (coconuts) 9| Registered Office—Paterson, Simons

& Co., Ld., London House, New

Harewood Rubber Estates, Ltd.— London; Street, London, E-C. 3.

Batu Acreage—Total: 6,454!, cultivated

O. H.Ga-jah, Perakmanager

Barber, (rubber) 3691

Registered Office—E. B. Ridsdel & Hessa

Co., 411-419, Salisbury House,

London Wall, E.C. 2 HessaRubber

Estate, Maatschappij,

Tandjong, Balei,N.V.—


McAuliffe, Davis & Hope, Penang, matra.

agents J. - A. Hijner, manager

Acreage—Total: 1,3431, cultivated Acreage—Total: 1,930, cultivated

(rubber). 1,184! (rubber) 1,658

Harimau Rubber Estates — Kota Hevea (Burma) Co., Ltd., Hevea

Tinggi, Jobore. Postal Ad: c/o (Burma), Estate—Victoria Point,

Permai Estate, Johore Bahru Lower Burma, via Penang

C. Eldon Scott, visiting manager S. Booth Russell, general manager

Secretaries and . Registered Office—■' Whittall & Co.,’ Kuala Lumpur,

Thomas Barlow and Brother, London agents

Barlow & Co., Singapore, agents Secretaries and Registered Office—

Acreage—Total: 1,036.6, cultivated A. B. Simson, 33, Eastcheap,

(rubber) 970 London, E.C. 3

Acreage—Total: 1,500, cultivated

Hawaiian Sumatra Plantations, Ltd. (rubber) 1,036!

—Langkat, East Coast Sumatra Hevea (Johore) Rubber Plantations,

J. F. M. Ophol, manager Ltd., (Incorporated in England.)—

G. Veeman and G. Christensen, Sungei Burong Estate, Kukoh,

assistants 12,415, cultivated

Acreage—Total: Johore; Postal Ad: Pontian Ket-

(rubber) 3,987 chil, Johore

A. K. Wilkie, manager

HawthorndEn RubberKuala


Ltd.— Ferguson & Palmer, Bruas, Perak,

P.O. Box 171, agents.

Selangor. Secretaries and Registered Office —

F. H. Riches; manager Dickson, Anderson & Cq., Ltd..

Secretaries — Cumberbatch & Co., 20, Abchurch Lane, London, E.C.

Ltd., Kuala Lumpur Acreage—Total: 1,794, Cultivate l

Acreage—Total: 2,440, cultivated (Rubber) 1,700

(rubber) 2,281 Hevea Rubber Trust, (1933), Ltd.—

Haytor Rubber Estates, Ltd—Kapar, , Sungei Choh, Rawang, Selangor

Klang. Selangor R. B. G. Forbes, manager

. Secretaries and Registered Office —

C. R. Hamerton, manager A. B. Simson, 33, Eastcheap,

Secretaries and Registered Office— London. E.C. 3

Evatt & Co., Singapore Acreage—Total: 1,571.74, cultivated

Acreage Total: 507, cultivated (rubber) 348.58, (Oil Palms) 581.74

(rubber) 507 Whittall & Co., Kuala Lumpur,


Heawood Tin anr Rubber Estate, Ltd.

—Sungei Siput, Perak Hibernia Rubber Estates, Ltd.—

•T. S. McGrow, manager Pondok Taniong, Perak


son, Ld., Office--Gibson

124,'St. Vincent& Ander-

Street, M. G. Corbet Singleton, manager

Glasgow Registered Office^-McAuliffe, Davis

Acreage—Total : 3,412, . . cultivated & Hope, Penang

(rubber) 2,293 Acreage — Total: 711, cultivated

;(rubber) 700


Hidden Streams. Rubber, Si'n'dicate, Cable Ad: .rEstafe-ttB, .Kisaran;

Ltd —Bruas, Perak iCodes: A.B.C. ■ 6th jedn., Bentley’s

J. F. N. Bach, manager and Genera!

Registered Oigce—Oeo. Williamson M. D. Krapp, head inanager

& Co., 138, Leadenhall.« Street, L. M. Reuvers, secretary

London,: E.C., H. I. Pakenhaipj.-assist, sec.

Harrisons, Barker A Co., Ltd., F. J. Farrington, chief acct.

Kuala- Lumpur, agents ; P. Purnell, accfc.

Acreage—Total: -1,211, cultivated E. M. Blair and N. W. L. Stof-

(rubber) 800 koper, inspectors

Dr. W. R. O. Goslings, chief

Highlands & Lowlands" Para Rubber medical officer

Co., Ltd.—Selangor; Cable Ad: J. van Eijsbergen, factory mgr.

Highlands, Klartg W. El Cake, director (plant,

R. M. Bousfield, managbr research: dept.)

Secretaries—Thomas Barlow: & Bro.,

49-51, Eastcheap, London, E.C. 3 Holyrood Rubber, Ltd. (Incorporated

Barlow A Co., Kuala Lumpur, in England), Holyrood and Bukit

agents Rhona Estates—Postal Ad : Po.ndek

Highlands Estate Tanjong, Pebak; Cable Ad: Holy-

Total: 4,370J, cultivated (rubber) rood

2,324-o, . (oil palms) 1,044-| James Neilson, manager

I Mi(Hands Estate

Total: 3,601 J, cultivated (rubber) R, G. C. Hill, assistant

3,249!, (oil palms) 208 N. F. Coelho, book-keeper

J. Murray, Kuala Lumpur,

Highwood Estate—Batu Caves,' Se- agent1 •

langpr Oumberbatch A Cd, Ltd., Kuala

Acreage — Total : 101, cultivated Lumpur, agents

(rubber) 101 Registered Office—bright A -Gal-

braith, 7, Martin’s Lane, Cannon

ILillrise Estate—Tanjong Tohaiang Street, London, E.C.

Road, Batu Cajah, Perak- V Acreage—Total: ,3,3(10, cultivated

H. R. Baxter, manager (rubber) 2,410

Harper, 1 Gilfillan A Co., Ltd.,

agents HonaK ' ' Estate — Sungei Malayu,

Acreage — Total: 510, ' cultivated Joliore : Postal Ad: 112/114, Robin-

(rubber) 441 son' Road, Si ngapore

Lim Chong Pang, bisltirig agent

Hock Seng Co., Hock, Seng Estate- Acreage—Total: 2,968, cultivated

Postal Ad: 28, Ab Chong St., Teluk (rubber) 2,SCO

Anson, Perak

Lim Ah Mok, manager Hongkong (Selangor) Rubber, Ltd.—

Secretaries and Registered. Offibe— , Selangor

28, Ah'Chong Street, Teliik Anson, •S. W. Harper, .rpanager

Perak Roistered Offibe—Bright A Gal-

Acreage — Total: 318,’ eilftivated braith,’ Ld., 7, Martin’s, ‘ Lane,

(rubber) 318 . LQn(lpn, : E.C.. ■ , *

i IIqlland Sumatra (Tabak Maatsohappi.i CiHiilpferbatcb. A Co,, Ltd., ^uala

(Tobacco and Riiibber) Lumpur, agents ;

Soengei Bamban Estate, Ramp ah, Acreage—Total: 1,508, cultivated

Sumatra (rubber) 817

. ' C. Balbach, manager '

A. G. Besier;- assistaiit PIoscote RuTpBER^ RsfArKS, Ltd. (In-

Hollandsch-Amerikaansche . Plantage ,C0»P0rated ip England), Kemayan

Mu., N.V.—Kisaran, Asahan, S.E. Estate—Postal Ad : Kemayan Es-

C.; Telephs. Kisaran 7, 8 and 9; taffi,, . Kemayan. Pahang. Distance

from Railway Station ; i Mile"


A. A. Brown, manager Indragiri Rubber, Ltd., Sungei Lala

V. R. Ratnam, conductor-in- and Sungei Parit Estates—Indra- -

charge giri, Sumatra

R. O. Jenkins, visiting agent W. H. J. Frahm, general manager |

Acreage—Total: 1,104, cultivated B. Montgomery, supt. (Lala)

(rubber) 5791, L. A. Emerson, assist. (Parit)

Harrisons, Barker & 'Co., Ltd., Secretaries and Registered Office— •

Kuala Lumpur, agents Evatt & Co., Singapore

Hoscote Malay Rubber Estates, Ltd.— Insulinde Sumatra Rubber Estates,

Negri Sembilan Ltd.—Namoe Oengas, Tandjong, i

A. A. Brown, manager Poera, Sumatra

O. E. Moriaty, manager

Registered Office—Harrisons & Cros- Registered Office — King William

field, Ld., London Street, London

Acreage—Total: 3,978 Sandilands, Buttery & Co., Medan, j


Hoscote Rubber Estates, Ltd. (Incor- Acreage—Total: 10,857, cultivated j

porated in Great Britain) (rubber) 2,351

Benut Estate—Cable Ad: Benut Ipoh Rubber Estates, Ltd.—Ipoh, !

Estate Ren gam Perak

G. T. Lyford, manager J. Nalder, acting manager

Harrisons. Barker & Go., Ltd., Brown, Philips & Stewart, Ipoh, j

Kuala Lumpur, agents agents

Secretaries and Registered Office— Secretaries

Harrisons & Crosfield, Ltd., 1-4,

Great McLean, and BrodieRegistered Office—7, 1

& Forgie,

3. Tower Street, London, E.C. Royal Bank Place, Glasgow

Acreage—Total: 1,064, cultivated j

Acreage—Total: 1,748 (rubber) 951

Jabi Rubber Plantations, Ltd. (In-

Inch Kenneth Rubber Estates, Ltd.— corporated in England)—Postal Ad :

Kajang, Selangor Jabi Estate, Alor Star, Kedah;

R. J. Watson Cable Ad : Tuke, Alorstar

Secretaries and Registered Office— C. M. Tuke, manager (on leave) 1

Greenhill & Clapperton, 31, R. J. Augustin, assistant

George Street, Edinburgh Secretaries—E. B. Ridsdel & Co.,

Acreage—Total: 1,731, cultivated Ltd., 411-419, Salisbury House,

(rubber) 1,481 London Wall, London, E.C. 2

McAulilfe, Davis &Hope, Penang, agents j

Inchong Rubber Estate, Inchong Acreage—Total : 1,301

Estate—Kedah; Postal Ad : Serdang, Jalan Kebun Rubber Co., Ltd. —

Kedah Klang, Selangor

K. Brown, manager T. M. Latimer, manager

Secretaries—Thos. Barlow & Bro., W. F. O. Stephens, assistant

49-51, Eastcheap, London, E.O. Derrick & Co., Singapore, agents

Barlow & Co., Kuala Lumpur, Acreage


W. Miller Mackay, visiting agent (rubber)— 383Total: 383, cultivated !

Acreage — Total: 1,335, cultivated Jasin (Malacca) Rubber Estates, Ltd. j

(rubber) 1,219 —Malacca

A. Murchie, manager j

Indo-Malay Estates, Ltd. — Batang Registered Office—Shaw, Darby & \

Berjuntai, Kuala Selangor Co., Ltd., Winchester House, Old |

R. P. Broome, manager Broad Street, London, E.C.

Secretaries and Registered Office — Sime, Darby & Co., Ltd., Malacca,

Cumberbatch & Co., Colombo agents

Acreage — Total: 806, cultivated Acreage —- Total: 1,963, cultivated

(rubber) 701 (rubber) 1,719


Jebong '(Perak) Rubber Co., : Ltd.-- Bukit Tunjang Estate'-^Postal Ad:

Matang, Perak Jitra Kedah

M. 8. Mc-Gahev, manag'er Acreage—Total : 162, Cultivated

C. J. McDermot, assistant (rubber) 162

Secretaries and Registered Office— Sandilands,- Buttery &. Co.,


bo, Ceyl’on Secretaries—M. P. Evans & Co., 30,

; Acreage—Total: 1,703, cultivated Mincing Lane, London, E.C- 3

(rubber) 1;62G * Joco Coconut- Estate—Pontian, Jo-

Jeram Kttantan Rubber Estate, Ltd.— hore A. J. G. Crosse/visting: mgr.

I Ituantan, Pahang. 9 ' miles irom Acreage—Total: 1,607, “cultivated

j Telegraph Office and 111 miles from (coconuts) 1,361, (areca nuts) 60

Railway Station

H. M, Shepton, manager

I Registered Office—Harrisons, Barker Johore Para Rubber Co., Ltd.—7

J chore—Gunong Pulai Estate

& Co., Lcl., Chartered Bank Cham- Registered Office—A. B. Simson, 139,

bers, Singapore Cannon Street, London, E.C.

I Acreage—Total: 2,005, cultivated Whittall & Co., Kuala Lumpur,

(rubber) 1,334 agents

I Ceram Rubber Estates, Ltd.—Selangor Acreage—Total:

(rubber) 1,630

1,660, cultivated

< J. I). Smart, manager

i- Registered Office—The Rubber Estate : Johore River Rubber Plantations,

Agency, Ld., Bunge House, 71, St. Ltd,—Johore

Mary Axe, London, E.C. 3 A. W. Wallace, manager

I S.I.P.E.F., Kuala Lumpur, agents

Acreage—Total: 2,087, cultivated Registered Office—The Anglo-Orieu-

tal and General Investment Trust,

(rubber) .2,024. Ld., 55-61 Moorgate, London, E.

.Jimah Rubber Estates, -Ltd.—Port Sime, C. 2

Dickson, Negri Sembilan' Darby &; Co., Ltd., Malacca,

A. C. Mulioy, manager agents

| Secretaries and Registered Office— Acreage—Total: 3,715, cultivated

1 Gattey & Bateman, Singapore (rubber) 3,307

| Acreage — Total: 1,030;' - cultivated Johore Rubber Lands, Ltd.—Johore

I (rubber) 987 B. J. R. Barton, manager

Registered Office—E.E.C.

Co., Ld., London, B. 2Ridsdel &

LJimtai Development, - Co., Ltd.—Kua- McAuliffc. Davis & Hope,, Penang,

I la Pilah, Negri Spmbilan ■ accountants

| G. Q. Lancaster, manager

• Secretaries and Registered Office :— Acreage — Total; 2,082, cultivated

(rubber) 1,916

Harper Gilfillan & Co., Ltd.,

f Port Dickson

| Acreage—Total: 8Q0, planted 457 ! Jong Landor Rubber Estates, Ltd.

(Incorporated in England)—Perak.

JIJitra Rubber Plantations, Ltd., Bukit Postal. * Ad : Tapah j : TelCph. 7 ;

j Karangan Estates—Postal Ad: Cable-Ad : Landor: 9 miles from

il Padang Serai, South Kedah Tapah.;Road Station and 8 miles

I Titi Karangan Estal<‘—Po tal Ad : • from Post Office, Situated: 3rd

Mile Tapah, Chenderiang Road

Padang Serai, South Kedah Arthur Tinker, manager

r Acreage—Total:

(rubber). 562 900,. cultivated', W. Adamson and D. F. Grant,

assists:'; ■ b.fi

!■ Jitra Estate—Postal Ad : Jitra N. V. S. Panniker, chief clerk

] Kedah v . Dr. R. L: Symes, medical officer

Acreagb—Total:. . 753, y cultivated Secretaries and, Registered' Office —

(rubber) 553 Geo. Williairvsoo & Co., 138. Lea-

J. C. H. Aitken,:.general manager denhall Street; Lohdon, E.C. 3.


Acreage—Total: 2,834, cultivated Acreage—Total: 28,733^, cultivated

(rubber) 2,515 (rubber) 9,970, (coconuts) 6,898,

Harrisons, Barker & Co., Kuala (tea) 87f, (coffee) 102

Lumpur, agents Paradise Estate

Postal Address—Kajang, F.M.S.

Jong Produce Co., Ltd.—Teluk An- Cable

son, Lower Perak DistanceAddress—“Coutts/’ Kajang.

from Railway Station—

A. Fraser, director 1 mile

O. T. de B. Whitehouse, director Distance from Telegraphic Office

L. H. Ghee, secretary —miles

Registered Office —10, Dennison Acreage—Total: 574^

Road, Teluk Anson Secretaries and Registered Office—

Acreage—Total: 708, cultivated Macdonald, Stewart

87, West Regent Street,& Co., c.a.,



C. 2, Scotland

Jugra Estate—Banting, Selangor Juntai Development, Ltd., Junta!

M. S. Killick, manager Estate—Kuala Pilah, Negri Sem-

Registered Office—24, Coleman St., bilan

London, E.C. G. C. Lancaster, manager

Acreage—Total: 2,681^, cultivated Secretaries and Agents—Harper

(rubber, coconut and coffee) 2,637| Gilfillan & -Co., Ltd., Kuala

Jugra Land and Carey, Ltd. (Incor- Lumpur

porated in Scotland)—Tamil name Acreage—Total: 800, planted 458 acres

“Teluk Gunjing” : Postal Address: Junun Rubber Estates, Ltd., Junun

Carey Island, Port Swettenham, Estate—Gurun P.O., Kedah

F.M.S. ; Cable Ad: “ Loquat,” H. W. Rickeard, manager

Port Swettenhain: Teleph. 53, Port S.I.P.E.F., Kuala Lumpur, agents.

Swettenham Secretaries and Registered Office—

Distance from Railway Station— The Rubber Estate Agency, Ltd.,

Port Swettenham, 9 miles by Bunge House, 71, St. Mary Axe,

Company’s launch London, E.C. 3

Distance from Telegraphic Office Acreage—Total: 2,122, cultivated

—9 miles. (Special arrange- (rubber) 2,019.

ments for sending

telegrams from Portand receiving


ham by telephones) Juru Estates, Ltd.—Province Welles-

Forwarding and Enquiry Office— ley

Carey Island Agency, Port J. M. Arbuckle, manager

Swettenham, Telephone 4, Port Registered Office—McLean, Brodie

Swettenham & Forgie, 7, Royal Bank Place,

James Melville, resident general Buchanan Street, Glasgow

manager Brown, Phillips & Stewart, Penang,

H. S. Bryce, office manager agents

W. A. B. Smith, factory superin- Acreage—Total: 2.093, cultivated

tendent (rubber and coconuts) 1,836

I. T. Coutts, superintendent Kampong Guron Estate — Sungei

R. J. MacLachlan, do. Bakap, Province Wellesley

O. F. Mangin, do. Chua Guan Hup, manager

J. T. Nixon, do. Cheah Chin Yean, owner

D. S. Thomson, do. Acreage—Total: 244

C. E. Waits, do.

C. S. Allan, assistant K. H Syndicate, Ltd., Kuala Hau

W. N. Allan, do. Estate—Kelantan ; Postal Ad : Te-

S. J. Halkett, do.

A. J. Hunter, do. mangan; Cable Ad : Kualahau

J. G. Martin, do. G. Holderness, manager

A. N. Moncur, do. Kennedy Burkill & Co., Ltd.,

I. A. N. McClew, do.. agents

M. G. S. Parker, do. H. C. Pinching, visiting agent


K. M. S. (Malay States) Rubber J. D. Richardson, b.e. (Syd.),

Plantations, Ltd—Sungei Petani, m.inst.m.m., E. E. G. Boyd, B.E.

Kedah (Syd.), a.m. inst.m.m. , F. V.

Sungei Patam and Bukit Lembu Stanley, b.e. (Syd.) and C. C.

Divisions Nardin, b.e. (Syd.), directors

R. Ohrystal, manager Sydney Office—Challis House, Mar-

D. O. Wright, assistant tin Place, Sydney

Secretaries and Registered Office —

Guthrie & Co., Ltd., 52-54, Grace- Kampong Lima Rubber Estate, Ltd.—

church Street, London Sungei Bakap, Province Wellesley

Acreage—Total: 4,536, cultivated F. W. Petri Hay, manager

(rubber) 3,666, (coconuts): 16 Agents, Secretaries

I Kajang Rubber Estates, Ltd.— Office—Sime, Darbyand& Registered

Co., Ltd.,

i Selangor Penang

R. J. Watson, manager Acreage—308, cultivated (rubber) 308

) Registered Office—D. A. Clapperton, Kamunting (Perak) Rubber and Tin

31, George Street, Edinburgh Co., Ltd.—Sungei Siput, Perak

Harrisons, Barker & Co., Ltd., H. C. Butler, general manager

1 Kuala Lumpur, agents R. S. Cole, senior assistant

| Acreage—Total: 2,177, cultivated Registered Office—Guthrie & Co.,

I (rubber) 1,787 Ld., 5, Whittington Avenue,

1/ Kamasan Rubber . Co., Ltd.—Kuala Leadenhall Street, London, E.C. 3

Selangor, Selangor Guthrie & Co., Ltd., Kuala Lum-

A. G. R, Gowe, manager pum, agents

Secretaries and Registered Office — Acreage—Total: 6,136, cultivated

( Boustead & Co., Kuala Lumpur (rubber) 4,046

? Acreage — Total: 763, cultivated Kapala Islands Estate, Kapala

(rubber) 750 Djerei—c/o Harrisons, Barker &

| Kampong Batu Estate, Lid.—Eembau, Co., Ltd., Singapore, local agents

Negri Sembilan R. Wodschow Pyne, manager

1 Agents & Secretaries—Mansergh & Head Office^—J. A. Wattie & Co.,

Tayler, Seremban Ltd., Shanghai

Acreage — Total: 187, cultivated Acreage—Total

(rubber) 2,170

: 5,250, cultivated

(rubber) 185

: Kampong Kuantan Rubber Co;, Ltd.— Kapar Para Rubber Estates Co., Ltd.


Selangor * Whittall Kuala Lumpur,

V. N. B. Were, general manager

E. W. Fesq, assistant

Registered Office—Boustead Bros., 5, W.agents

S. Leslie, manager

i Fenchurch Street, London, E.C., 3 J. D. Moss, assistant

Cumberbatch & Co., Ltd., Kuala Registered Office—Win. Nevett &

Co., 3, Salter’s Hall Court, Can-

? Lumpur, commercial agents . lion Street, London, E.C .

Acreage—Total: 4,049, cultivated Acreage—Total; 3,619, .cultivated

) (rubber) 3,506 (rubber) 3,566

1 Kampong Kamunting Tin Dredging Kapayang: ! Rubber Estates, Ltd.—

Ltd., (Incorporated! in the F.M.S.)—

Registered Office: Taiping Perak; Seremban, Negri iSembilan

D. -Gilchrist, manager

" Cable Ad: “Austmalay," Taiping; Kennedy, Burkill & Co., Penang,

Telephone 34, Taiping. Auth. Cap. agents

i .£140,000 in shares of 5/- each. Capi- Secretaries and Registered Office—

tal fully paid - F. C. Heffer & Co., 62, Kiangse

Austral Malay Tin Ltd., general Road, Shanghai

managers and secretaries -

F. Leverrier, K.c. (chairman), W. Acreage—Total:

grubber) 494

529, cultivated

- -!

A. Freeman, H. Huntsman, R.


Karak Rubber Co., Ltd.—Pahang Kelton, Rubber Estates, Ltd., Kelton-

R. G. Young', manager Estate—Serdang Selangor

Registered Officer-Geo. Williamson Secretaries and Registered Office-

& Co., Ld., 138, Leadenhall Street, Planters’ Stores and Agency Co.,.

London, E.C. Ltd., Kuala Lumpur

Harrisons, Barker & Co., Ltd., J. A. G. Wharton, manager .

Kuala Lumpur, local agents Acreage—Total: 160

Acreage—Total: 1,347, cultivated

(rubber) 1,173 Kemasul Rubber Estates, Ltd., Kema-

Karmen Rubber, Ltd.—Pahang sul Estate, Mcngkarak, Pahang

A. Burleigh, manager J. Anderson, manager

Registered Office—Guthrie & Co., Harrisons, Barker & Co., Ltd.,

Kuala Lumpur, agents

Ld., 5, Whittington Avenue, Lon- Secretaries and Registered Office^—

don, E.O., 3 Greenhill & Clapperton, 31,

Guthrie & Co., Ltd., Kuala Lumpur, George St, Edinburgh


Acreage—Total: 2,980, cultivated Acreage — Total: 1,140, cultivated

(rubber) 715

(rubber) 2,131

Katoyang (Bahru) Rubber Estate, Kempas, Ltd.—Masjid Tanah* Malacca

E. E. C. Lacey, manager

Ltd. (Registered in F.M.S.)—Postal I. Ogg and J. B. Gould, assists.

Ad: Katoyang Estate,' Tanjong Sime, Darby & Co., Ltd., Malacca,

Malim, Perak agents

L. W. Tivy, resident manager Secretaries and Registered Office—

G. C. Bailey, visiting agent Sime, Darby & Co., Ltd., Malacca

Secretaries andKuala

Neill & Bell, Registered

LumpurOffice— Acreage—Total: 2,567, cultivated

(rubber) 2,440

Kayan (F.M.S.) Coconut Co., Ltd.— Kempas, Ltd.—Postal Ad : Tenth Mile

Bagan Datoh, Lower Perak Estate Tangkah via Malacca

P, C. Fisher, manager F. P. Marshall, manager

Secretary and Registered Office—A.

S. R. Bruce,Sime, 12,



Dee & Co.,

Street, Aber-Ltd., Malacca,

deen, Scotland Acreage—Total: 1,365, cultivated

Boustead & Co.,. Ltd., Penang, (rubber) 1,302


Acreage-—Total: 2,233, cultivated Kepayang Estate—Ipoh, Perak

(coconuts) 1,867 H. Rodway Rix, manager

Kedah Rubber Co., Ltd.—Bagan Acreage -— Total: 172, cultivated-

Samak, South Kedah rubber) 172

J. W. Wilson, manager

S. L. Roberts, L. Lockyear & G. Kepong (Malay) Rubber

(Incorporated Estates, Ltd.

in England)—Selan-

M. Clark, assistants

Secretaries and Registered Office— gor , '

Henry Waugh & Co., Penang A. Y. Beith, general manager

Acreage—Total: 4,442, cultivated Kepong Estate

(rubber) 2,197, (coconuts) 1811 Postal Address—Kepong, Selan-

Kelantan Rubber Estates (1933), Ltd., gor

Estates: Chaning, Pasir Jinggi and A. V. Berth, manager

Lepan Kabu Estates — Kelantan; A. L. Prance, 17l8i,

Acreage—Total: asst. mgr.


Postal Ad : Pahi; Cable Ad : Chan- (rubber) 1577

ing Paid, Kelantan Bujong Estate

F. W. B. Sergeant, manager

E. J. Goldman, assistant Postal Address—Sungei Buloh,

Boustead . & Co., Ltd., Tumpat, Selangor

agents A.Acreage—Total:

G. Donald, manager

1407|, cultivated

Acreage — Total: 7,328, cultivated

(rubber) 2,290 (rubber) 1350i


Sungei Gapi Estate Kiamsam Plantation and Ranch—

Postal Address—Sungei Tam- Labuan, S. S.

peian, Ulu Selangor W. W. Boyd, j.p., general mgr.

H. H. Bell, manager and proprietor

Acreage—Total: 2273^, cultivated D. G. Boyd, assistant

(rubber) 1807 Acreage — Total: 1278, cultivated

Buhit Lanchong Estate (coconuts) 400, (fruits) 50, cattle

Postal Address—Batu Tiga, Selan- Ranch, 828

gor Kiangnan Estate—Sungei Krinking,

S. Y. Turner, mgr. (on leave) Johore; Postal Ad: 112, Robinson

Acreage—Total: 1184, cultivated Road, Singapore

(rubber) 1015 Acreage—Total: 417, cultivated

‘ Katoyang Estate (rubber only) 417

Postal Address—Tanjong Malim

L. W. Tivy, manager

Acreage—Total: 1057J, cultivated Killinghall (Rubber) Development

(rubber) 949i Syndicate, Ltd.—Selangor

Viyiy Estate F. C. Cox, manager

Postal Address—Pengkalan Kun- Registered Office—Bright & Gal-

dang braith, 7, Martin’s Lane, Cannon

N. H. Dakeyne, mgr. (acting) Street, London, E.C.

Acreage—Total: 1452J, cultivated O'umberbatch & Co., Ltd., Kuala

(rubber) 949J Lumpur, agents

; Bukit Prang Estate Acreage—Total : 1,807, cultivated

Postal Addrfess: Dingkil, Kajong (rubber) 1,312

B. J. Woodcock, manager Kim Po Estate, Rhio—Postal Ad: N.

Acreage—Total: 1000|, cultivated Y. Landbouw Mij. Slipi, Batavia

(rubber) 892 J. G. Sehilpzand, manager

Corscan Estate Acreage—Total: 2,200, cultivated

Postal Address—Sungei Choh

Acreage — Total planted with (rubber and1 pineapple) 1,000

(rubber) 466 Kim Seng Estate

Agents—Boustead & Co., Ltd., W. D. Magill, manager

Kuala Lumpur G. P. Aitken, assistant

Secretary and Registered Office— J. Murray, Kuala Lumpur,

W. B. Gauld, 149, Leadenhall visiting agent

Street, London, E.C. 3 Secretaries and Registered Office—

) Acreage—Total: 10559 j, cultivat- Shaw, Darby & Go., Winchester

ed (rubber) 9065| House, Old Broad Street, London,

Khota Tampax Rubber Co., Ltd.— E.0. 2

| Lenggong, 'IT. Perak; Postal Add : Henry Waugh & Co., Ltd., Penang,

i Lenggong, Upper Perak; Cable agents

Ad: “Khota Tampan” Lenggong; Kim Seng Land Co., Ltd. — Pasir

i Distance from Railway Station Pajang, Singapore

i) Kuala Kangsar, 30 miles Goh Leng Inn, estate manager

Khota Tampan Estate Acreage — Total: 2,530, cultivated

D. B. Mowat, manager (rubber) 2,000

T. P. S. Nayar, chief dresser

Agents—Brown, Phillips & Stewart, Kimanis Rubber, Ltd. (Incorporated

!f Secretaries

IP°h and Registered Office— in England), Kimanis Estate—

Maclean, Brodie & Forgie, C.A., Postal Ad: Jesselton, B.N. Borneo;

7, Royal Bank Place, Buchanan Tel. Ad: Kimanis, Jesselton

Street, Glasgow, Scotland W. Riddel, manager

Acreage—Cultivated (rubber) 948, Guthrie & Co., Ld., Kuala Lum-

other cultivation 2.5 pur, agents


Secretaries "andf Registered Office— River 23; “Klalim,” Slim River:

Guthrie St.l

& Co., Ld., 'E.C.

52-9L 3Gr'*’ade- Teleph. Railway Station and PX).

6fiurch London,' (Slim River)’ 6 miles :

Acreage^—Total : 5,314. cultivated : K’Lapa Bali Esttify

(rubber) 3,253 W. M. Ivorseh, manager

Kikofya ’ RufiBEPv Estate SY^'nlc^i'E, J. Taku, superihtonderit"

Changkat Kinding Estate^Postal Acreage Planted—Rubber, 1,103^,.

Ad: Changkat • Kinding Estate, Oil Palnis, . 3,398

Tanjong Rauibutan, Perak ; Teleph. Total Acreage, 5,895 acres

18, Chemor. Distance irom Railway Agents—Messrs. Socfin Cop' Ld.,.

Station and Telegraph Qfficg— Lumpur

miles B. T. Foss, headplanting mgr.

J. S. Ferguson, P. McGaul and Dr. R. Symes, visiting medical

J. Booth, proprietors officer

J. S. Ferguson & Co., Ltd., Klabang Rubber Co., Ltd. (Incorpor-

managing agents ated in England)—Postal Ad : Kla-

Acreage—Total: l,202i, cultivated bang Estate, Chemor, Perak. Dis-

(rubber) 700, (tea) 130 , tance from Railway Station and

Kings Mead Estate — Postal Ad: Telegraph Office : Klabang 2j miles,

Jerantut. Pahang ! S. Prah and Ulu Pari 5 mips

N. G. Pillay, manager J. F. McCurdy, manager

Acreage—Total: 200, culivated (rub- C‘. K. Sukiimar’ chief clerk

ber) 200 Klabang Estate

Kinta Kellas Rubber'Estates, Ltd.- Acreage—Total: L,476, cultivated

Batu Gajah, Perak (rubber). l,309j .(coconuts), 28

R. Carswell general manager . Sungei prah.Estate:

Registered Office—Taylor, Noble & Acreage—Total : ,5.75,- cultivated

Co., Adelaide Housej King Wil- (rubber) 554

liam Street, London, E.C. 4. Ulu Pari Estate

Harrisop, Barker & Co., Ltd., Acreage — Total: 211,' cultivated

Penang, agents (rubber < 208

Total plaritied with (rubber) 2,071

Kinta Vat,ley Estate, Ltd.—Postal acres, (coconuts) ^8 acres

Ad: Batu Gajah, Perak Total acreage—2,262

H. F. Hutcheson,, manager Dr. Alex. Scott, medical officer

Registered Office—Brown, Phillips Kamiri Estate—Postal Address:

& Stewart, Ipoh £>ungei Siput, ! Perak. Distance

Acreage—Total: 3,165, cultivated : from Railway Station & Tele-

(rubber) 2,298 graph Office: 3 miles

•J. B. Middleton, manager

Kirby Rubber Estates, Ltd.—Negri M. J. Mathews,

Acreage — Total: clerk

1,376 .cultivated

Sembilan :

Kirby, Carrotina,


Georgia Khatoum Karai Estate954

(rubber) — Postal Address: _Eng-

D. .Farquharson, general manager gor. Distance from Railway

Registered Office — The Planters’ Station

Stores and Agency Co., Ld., j?, nines — Total: 533, cultivated


St. Helen’s Place, Bishopsgate, (rubber) 515

London, E.C. 3 Padang Rengas Division

Planters’ 'Stores and Agency Co., Acreage — 150

Total: 161 Y cultivated

Ltd., Kuala Lumpur, agents

Acreage—Total: 3,594, cultivated t Dr.(rubber)

G. Waugh Scott, medical

(rubber) 2,804 officer & Co,, Kuala Lumpur,


K’lapa Balt ' Estates. Plantations agents

Fauconnier & Posh Ltd., (Incor- Secretaries and Registered Office—

porated in Belgium)—Postal Ad: Thomas, 49-5),

Barlow jfe : Bro., Ceylon

Slim River, Perak; Cable Ad : Slim don, E.C. 3. EaStcheap, Lon-



Ki.aKakg Produce Co., Lrr.—Selangor Perak. Distance from Railway

Vi Gregory, manager Station : 4|- miles*, Telegraph Office :

! J. M. Barkway 4| miles

Registered Office—Messrs.. . Walker

tiros. (London) Ltd., 3, London Kota Bahroe* Estate

Wall Buildings, London, E.C. Acreage—Total: 2353-0-06, culti-

Agents—Cumberbatch & Co., Ltd., Gunong vated (rubber) li 01-0-00

Kuala Lumpily Rapat Estate /

, Acreage—Total: 258-2-23, Culti-

Klian Kellas, Ltd.—Padang Rengas, Canning vated (rubber) 240-2-00 p.

Perak Estate

[ R. W. Low, manager Acreage—Total: 554-1-16, clulti-

Registered Office—E. B. Ridsdel and s vated 451-2-06

I Co., Ltd., 411-419, Salisburg Raymund M. Dawson, manager

House, London Wall, E.C. 2 H. C. Pinching visiting, agent

Secretaries—A. R. Burkill & Sons,

j Kluang Rubber Co., Ltd.—Rluang Shanghai

" Estate, Johore Kennedy, Burkill & .Co., Ltd.,

H. B, Constable, manager Penang, local agents

Secretaries and Registered Office— Kota Tinggi (Johore) Rubber Go.,

Derrick & Go., Singapore

Afci-eage—Total: 1,892, cultivated Ltd.—JohoreR. W. C. Welch, manager

I (rubber) 1,566 Registered Office—R.. D. Saw, Moor-

* Kombok (F.M.S.) Rubber Co., Ltd.— gate Station Chambers, London,

Sungei Gadut, Negri Sembilan E.C. . , .

H. A. Smith, manager J. S. M. Rennie, 9, de Souza Street,

Singapore, agents . ; ;

Registered Office—Guthrie & Co., Acreage—Total:

? Ltd., 52-54; Gracechurch Street, 1,871, cultivated

London, E.O. (rubber) 1,767L

Guthrie & Cd., Ltd., Kuala Lumpur, Kramat Rubber Estate, Ltd., Kramat

| agents Estate, Lumut, Din dings, ;S.S

Acreage — Total: 2,802, cultivated E. C. E. Ashby, manager

trubber) 2,484— j Secretaries—Boustead & Go., Ltd1.,

j Ipoh

Kong Lee (Perak) Plantations, Ltd. Acreage' — Total: ‘431, cultivatioh

—Bagan Serai, Perak (rubber. and coconuts)

J. M. Arbuckle, manager

Secretaries and Registered Office— Kretay Plantations — Trengganu,

McLean, Brodie & Forgie, Royal Postal Ad : Kretay -aid Singapore

Bank Place, Glasgow N. Tuul, manager

Brown, Phillips & Stewart, Penang, Secretaries ahd Registered Office—

agents H. Gunter, 42/45. New Broad St.,

Acreage — Total: 753, cultivated London, E.C. 2 . .

t (coconuts) 710, (Rubber) 33 East Asiatic1 Co., Ltd.,1 ''Singapore,

' agents

Kongsi Rubber Co., Ltd.—Padang Acreage—Total: .3,925, Cultivated

K\ Gajah

H. B.Estate,

Dudley,Kapar Selangor

manager (coconuts). 3,352, (rubber) 474

Secretaries and Registered Office— Krian Rubber Plantations^'Co., Ltd.

f Leechman & Co., Colombo

Acreage—Total: 1,433, cultivated —Subang gor

Estate, Batu Tiga, Selan-

(rubber) 1,403 P. M. Geering, manager

' Kota Ba-hroe Rubber Estates (1921), ^Secretaries and Registered Office—

Ltd., The (Incorporated in Shang- Thomas Barlow & Bro., 49, East-

hai), Kota Bahroe Estate—Postal Barlow cheap, London, E. C. 3

& Co., Kuala Lumpur,

Ad: Kota Bahru Estate, Kota agents

Bahru, via Batu ' Gajah, Perak; Acreage — Total: 1,315, cultivated

Cable Ad: Dawson, Kota Bahru, ' (rubber) 1,235


Keian Rubber Plantations Co., Ltd., Registered Office—Dickson, Ander-

The—Jin Seng Estate, Bagan Serai, son & Co., Abchuroh Lane, Lon-

Perak don, E.C. 4

H. Forrest, manager Harrisons, Barker & Co., Ltd.,

Registered Office—Thomas Barlow & Penang, agents

Brother, Ceylon House, 49-51, Kuala Krau Rubber Go., Ltd.—

Eastcheap, London, E.C. Jeransong Estate, Pahang

Barlow & Co., Kuala Lumpur, J. R. Donald, manager

agents Registered Office—Harrisons & Cros-

field, Ld., London

Krubong (Malacca) Rubber Planta- Harrisons,

tions, Ltd.—Alor Gajah, Malacca Barker & Co., Ltd.,

Cbas. Milne, manager Kuala Lumpur, agents

Sime, Darby & Co., Ltd., Malacca, Acreage—Total:

agents (rubber) 628 1,416.25, cultivated

Secretaries and Registered Office— Kuala Kubu Rubber Estate, Ltd.—

Rowe, White & Co., 4, Lloyd’s

Avenue, London, E. C. UluB. Yam P.O. Selangor

Acreage—Total: 751 cultivated ; Secretaries A. Woodmansee, manager

and Registered Office-

(rubber) 735 Geo. Will'amson & Co., 138 Leaden-

Kuala Geh Estates, Ltd.—Kelantan; hall Street, London

Postal Ad: Sungei Nal; Cable Ad: Harrisons, Barker & Ca, Ltd.,

Kualageh Kuala Lumpur, agents

W. H. P. Hall, manager Acreage—Total: 983, cultivated

A. F. Thody, assist. (rubber) 955

Acreage—Total: 3,277, cultivated

(rubber) 2,860 Kuala Lumpur Rubber Co., Ltd.

Guthrie & Co., Ld., Kuala Lum- Wardieburn Estate—dP.O. Box No.

pur, agents 17, Kuala Lumpur

Secretaries and Registered Office-^ H. L. Linnell, manager

172, Great Winchester Street, Acreaged—Total: 2,636, cultivated

London Wall, E.C. 2 (rubber) 2,333f

Kent Estate, Batu Caves P.O.

Kuala Kangsar Plantations, Ltd.— C. K. Paul, manager

Perak Acreage—Total : 1,4464, cultivated

Gapis Estate, Pad'ang Rengas (rubber) 1,2154

O. H. M. Sturges, general mgr. Kundang and Rawang Estates,

J. G, Butcher, assistant Pengkalan Kundang, Selangor

Acreage—Total: 1,706, cultivated H. G. Thomson, manager

(rubber and coconuts) 1,393 Acreage—Total: 2,3244, cultivated

Sungei Biong Estate, Kuala Kang- (rubber) 1,9414

sar Gemas Estate, Gemas, Johore

R. O.: Phillips, resident mgr. B. Burr, manager

Acreage—Total; 956, cultivated Acreage—Total: 1,7064, cultivated

(rubber) 9134 (rubber) 1,416

Padang Gajah Estate, Trong S.I.P.E.F., Kuala Lumpur, agents

Jas. Craig, assistant-in-charge Secretaries and Registered Office—

Acreage—Total:, 677, cultivated W. Hector Thompson, 9, Arundel

(rubber) 516 Street, Strand, E.C.

Batu Balai Estate, Jerantut, Pa-

hang Kuala Muda Rubber Estates, Ltd.

P. R. Spicer, resident manager (Incorporated in England)—Postal

Acreage—Total: 2,492 • cultivated Ad: Sungei Patani, Kedah; Cable

(rubber) 639 Ad: Kumuda, S. Patani; Teleph:

Meranti Lapan Estate, Lahat Sungei Patani No. 4

W. A. McMichael, resident mgr. M. E. Barrett, general mgr.

Acreage—Total: 806, cultivated J. Downes and R. D. Mitchell, divi-

(rubber) 791 sional managers


-J- Agents—Bonstead

O. Tyndale Powell, . Registered Office—Dicksqn, Ander-

& Co.,assistant

Ltd., son ’ ’ Co., Ld., Abchurch Lane,

Penang London, E.C. 4

Secretary and Registered Office— Cumberbatch & Co., Ltd., Kuala

E. D. Roberts, 149, Leadenhall Lumpur, agents

SL, London, E.C. 3 Acreage Total: 1,066; ’ cultivated

Acreage—Total: 9,604, cultivated (rubber) 1,023

(rubber) 7,280, (coconuts) 5

Kuala Nal Kelantan Rubber Co., Ltd. Kuala Reman Rubber Estates, Ltd,,

(Incorporated in England), Kuala The—Pahang

Nal Estate — Postal Ad : Sungei A. de B. Haughton, general mgr.

Nal, Kelantan Cable Ad: Nal W. M. Mills, superintendent

J. W. Hope, manager Registered’ Office—Arthur Giffard,

Whittall & Co., Kuala Lumpur, Blomfield House, London Wall,

agents London, E.C. 2

Boustead & Co., Ld., Tump at, for- Borneo Co., Ltd., Singapore, local

warding' agents agents

Secretaries and Registered Office— Acreage—Total: 12,837, cultivated

A. B. Simson, 33, Eastcheap, (rubber) 6,810

London, E.C. 3. Kuala .Sawah Rubber Co., Ltd. (In-

Acreage—Total: 3,975, cultivated corporated in Singapore), Kuala

(rubber) 2,176 Sawah Estate—Postal Ad : Serem-

Kuala Padah Estate—Bentong, Pa- ban, Negri Sembilan

hang J. A, Jansen, manager

G. Barraclough, Company’s Re- Registered Officer—J. M. Jansen, 3,.

presentative in the East Coleman Street, Singapore

W. M. Phillips, mapager Kuala Selangor Rubber _Co., Ltd.—

Registered Office—Cooper, McDou- Sblangor

gall & Robertson, Ltd., Berk- R. D. Gillett; manager

hamsted, Herts P. S. Ransom, assist.

Acreage — Total : 2,000, cultivated Secretary and Registered Office—

(insecticidal crop) 1,050 S. L. Thompson, 276, Winchester

Kuala Pergau Rubber Plantations, House, Old Broad Street, London,

Ltd., Kuala Pergau and Balah E.

Estates—Ulu Kelantan; Postal Ad : Cumberbatch & Co., Ltd., Kuala

Kuala Pergau, Ulu Kelantan Lumpur, agents

T. W. T. Bangs, mgr.

Cumberbatch & Co., Ltd., Kuala Kuala Sepang Estate—Sepang, Sel-

Lumpur, local agents angor

Acreage—Total: 3,982, cultivated C. J. Taylor and R. V. Ross,

(rubber) 1,205 proprietors

Kuala Pertang Syndicate, Ltd., The, Planters Loans Board, managers

Tasang, Sladang and Pertang , Secretaries and Registered Office-

Estates—"Kelantan; Postal Ad : Planters’ Loans Board, Kuala

Kuala Pertang; Cable Ad: Kuaia- Lumpur

pertang, Nal. Kuala Sidim Rubber Co., Ltd., Batu

J. McNicol, manager Pekaka Estate—Kedah ; Postal Ad :

Secretaries and Registered Office— Kuala Ketil P.O.; Teleph. 10 (Kuala

Lyle, Leckie & Co., 48, West Ketil)

Regent Street, Glasgow F. C. Meyrick, manager

Acreage—Total: 5,400, cultivated H. N. W. Bulford, assistant

(rubber) 2,300. Secretaries and Registered Office—

Kuala Pilah Rubber Estates, Ltd.— Boustead & Co., Ltd., 1, Weld

Negri Sembilan Quay, Penang

E. W. Waterfield, manager Acreage—Total: 3,382, cultivated

(rubber) 2,503


Kuantan Rubber Co., Ltd.—Sembilan Kurau Rubber Estate, Ltd.—Postal

Estate, Kuantan, Pahang Ad: Bagan Serai, Perak

J. S. Ganter, manager R. L. Parker, manager

Harrisons, Barker & Co., Kuala Registered Office—F. E. Maguire,

Lumpur, agents and secretaries Pinner’s Hall, 8, Austin Friars,

Acreage — Total: 1,551, cultivated London, E.C.

(rubber) 981.72 Boustead1 & Co., Ltd., Penang,


Kukub Rubber Estates, Ltd.—Johore;

Postal Ad: Kukub Rubber Estates, Kwaloe Rubber Estates, Ltd. (Lon-

Ltd., Cucob via Singapore don)—Sumatra; Postal Ad: Mem-

A. J. G. Crosse, manager bang Moeda; Tel. Membang Moeda

Secretary and Registered Office— 4: Cable Ad: Kwaloe, Membang

Roger Wright, 69, Old Broad Mopda; Code: A.B.C. 5th edition

Street, London:.•, Tanjang Pasir and Si Toengir

Bruce Petrie, Ltd., Singapore,

agents L. Estates

H. Sturgess, manager

Acreage—Total: 2,7.06, cultivated J. R. Frith, assistant

(rubber, coconut and sago) Secretaries and Registered Office—

J. A. Henderson & Co., Ld., Ocean

House, Great Toyver Street, Lon-

Kulai Rubber Estate—Kulai, Johore

W. P. Millar, proprietor don, E.C. 4 ■ ■ :

Guthrie & Co.,-Ltd., Medan, agents

Rennie Lowick & Co., Hongkong Acreage^-Total: 13,023, cultivated

Bank Chamber, Singapore, agents (rubber) 2,382

Acreage — Total: 780 cultivated

(rubber) 700 Labu (F.M.S.) Rubber Co., Ltd.—

Kulim Rubber Plantations, Ltd.— Labu, Negri (Sembilan

A. Burgess, manager

Kedah B. N. Smitlilaing, assistant

J. G. Wood, general manager A. Mitchell, assistant

Bukit Genting .Estate Registered Office—Guthrie & Co.,

Acreage—Total: 1,841, cultivated Ltd., 52-54, Gracechurch Street,

(rubber) 1,608 London, E.O. 3.

Ghim Khoon Estate Guthrie'

Acreage—Total1,277, cultivated jmr, &agents

Co., Ltd., Kuala Lum-

(rubber) 1,171 Acreage—Total: 3,268,,, cultivated

Sandilands, Buttery &j: Co., Penang, (rubber) 3,004

locat agents. . Glendale Estate, Gemas

Registered Office—Eaistern Indus- H. T. Graves, manager

tries, Ld., King William Street Acreage—Total: - 5,06.1, cultivated

House, London, R.C. 2 (rubber) 2,502

Kundong Rubber Estate, Ltd.—Jo- Labuan Bileh, Ltd.—Port Dickson,

hore Negri Sembilan

A. W. Porter, manager C. K. Campbell, manager

Secretaries—Harrisons, Barker & Secretaries—Boustead & Co., Ld.,

Co., Ld., Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur

Acreage—Total: 560, cultivated


—Postal Ad : Kuraman Island,

Labuan, S.S. Lalang Rabat Kiri Estate—Ipoh,

W. W. Boyd,' proprietor and Perak

A. N. Kenion, proprietor and

D.general manager

G. Boyd, assistant manager

Acreage —.Total: 440, cultivated Acreage—Total: 490, cultivated

(coconuts) 440 (rubber) 490


Lam Chong Estate—Kampar, Perak; Secretaries and Registered' Office—

* Cable Ad : Lame hong The British North Borneo (Char-

Cham Ying Tit, manager tered) Co., Staple Hall : Stone

Acreage — Total: 270, cultivated House Court, Bishopsgate, Lon-

(rubber) 260 don, E.C. 3

Guthrie & Co., Ltd.. Singapore,

Lambas Rubber, Ltd.—Johore commercial agents

F. A. F. Johnstone,, manager Langsa Rubber Onderneming (Hot*

H. L. Page, a,sst.

Registered : Office—Guthrie &. .Co., land) N. Vt.—Langsa, Sumatra

Ltd., 52-54, Gracechurch Street, P. Chr. Van Staveren, manager

London, E.O. 3 McAuliffe, Davis & Hope, Medan,

. agents

Guthrie & Co,, Ltd., Kuala Lumpur, Acreage—Total: 2;081, cultivated

agents (rubber) 2,081

Acreage --Total: 3,175.25, . cultivated

(rubber) 8,045.65 Lankat Rubber Co., Ltd., Soengei

Pendjara Estate—Sumatra. Sta-

Hanadron Rubber Estates, :Ltd. — tions Kwala and Selesseh; Telephs.

14 and 15 Kwala

Johore D. Mc.L. Munro, manager

Lanadron Estate, Muar Harrisons & Crosfield, Ltd., Medan,

Acreage—Total: 4,201, cultivated agents

(rubber) 3,128

Jementah Estate, 1 Segamat Lapan Utan Rubber Co., Ltd.—Kuala

A. W. Williams, manager Selangor

Acreage-^Total’: 7,507,' cultivated E. J. C. Edwards, manager

(rubber) 2,262 K. P. Sarathy, book-keeper

Harrisons, Barker & Co., Ltd.. Secretaries and Registered Office—

Kuala Lumpur, agents Boustead Bros., Colombo, Ceylon

D. M. Tibbs, visiting agent Cumberbatch & Co.. Ltd., Kuala

W. L. Harvey, assistant Lumpur, agents,"

C. A. Gray, do. Acreage—Total : 454, cultivated

Registered Office—Harrisons

field, Ld., 1-4, Great Tower St., Laras (Sumatra) . Rubber Estates,

London, E.C. Ltd.—Head Office : Kerasaan Estate,

Langat River (Selangor) Rubber Co., Pematang Siantar, E.C. Sumatra

R. M. Skeet,. general manager

Ltd., Sungei Sedu Estate-^-Selan- Kerassan & Bah Bajoe Estates,

gor ; Postal Ad : Banting : Pematahg Siantar

C. B. Wheeler, manager , A. V. Vahscdlina, L. van Es,

Whittall fo Co., Kuala Lumpur, H. A. Roddis, J. Pamplin,

agents assistants

Secretaries and Registered Office-— Acreage—Total8,021, cultivated

Lewis, Brown & Co., Ld., The (rubber) 4,871,; (coffee) 2,144 (oil

Fort, Colombo palms) 55

Acreage—Total: 3,283.58, ■ cultivated Petatel Estates, Soengei Bedjanker

C. W. picks, manager

(rubber) 2,027.50, (coconuts) 351. Acreage—Total : 5,500, cultivated

50, (Rubber in bearing 1,877.50), (rubber) 2,201

(Coconuts in bearing 351.50) Sandilands, Buttery Co., Me-

jLangkon North Borneo Rubber, Ltd. dan, Cable Ad: "LarastAt,”

—Kudat, B. .N. Borneo; Cable Ad: Medan, agents

Langkon, Ranau Aer Temam Estate, Moeara Biliti,

R. McGechan, manager Palembang

S. T. Bell, acting mgr. H. van Heutsz, manager

Acreage—Total: 7,665, cultivated

Acreage—Total : 10;662, cultivated (rubber) 2,372

(rubber) 1,633 Sandilands, Buttery & Co., Medan agents


La was (Sarawak) Estates, Ltd., Batu Lee Mong Chye Estate (Yee Hee

i Apoi and Biang

Incorporated Estates, —Brunei.

in London Postal Kongsi), Yee Hee Estate—Postal

Ad : Brunei via Labuan ; Cable Ad : Ad: 55, Jalan Maharani, Muar,

Thomson, Temburong J chore

G. F. W. Clifford, general mgr. Secretaries and Registered Office— '

J. F. Thomson, manager c/o 168, Jalan Abdullah, Muar, I

Harrisons & - Crosfield (Borneo), Johore

, Ltd., Labuan, agents Acreage —- Total: 721, cultivated

(rubber) 721

Secretaries—Rowe, White & Oo.,

Ltd.,, London Lendu Rubber Co., Ltd.—Tembeling,.


Lawas (Sarawak) Estates, Ltd., Lu- W. H. C. Horn, manager

madan Estate — B. N. Borneo; Sime, Darby & Co., Ld., Malacca,,

Cable Ad: Lawasarel Beaufort. agents

Registered Offices—4, Lloyds Avenue, Secretaries and Registered Office—

Fenchurch Street-, London, E.C. 3; Rowe, White & Co., 4, Lloyd’s

Cable Ad: Skyscraper Avenue, London

Directors — A.T. H.Parker Acreage—Total: 1,864, cultivated

(chairman), B. Owen,Smith

Rt. (rubber) 668

Hon. Lord Hawaiian and G. D. Lendu Rubber Cq., Ltd.—Malacca

F. Sinclair

Charles Milne, j.p., manager

Layang Rubber Plantations, Ltd.— Registered Office—Rowe, White &

Johore Co., Ld., 4, Lloyd’s Avenue, Lon-

S. Harper Ball, manager don, E.C.

W. O. Woodford, assistant Sime, Darby & Co., Ltd., Malacca,

(Northern Division) agents

Sime, Darby & Co., Ltd., Malacca, Acreage—Total: 2,408, cultivated

agents (rubber) 2,242, .(coconuts) 2

Acreage — Total: 6,047, Cultivated Lenggeng Rubber Co., Ltd. (Incor-

(rubber) 3,575 porated in England), Lenggeng

Registered Office—Anglo-Oriental & Estate and Bener Estate—Negri

General Investment Trust Ltd.— Sembilan; Postal Ad: Semenyih,

31-33 Bishopsgate, London, E.C. 2


Ledang Rubber Plantations, Ltd.— C. H. Miller, manager

Tangkah, Johore Registered Office—Paterson, Simons-

J. H. W. Godfree, manager &; Co., Ld., New London Street,

J. L. Gray, assistant London, E.C.

Guthrie & Co., Ld., Kuala Lum- Paterson, Simons & Co., Ltd., Kuala

pur, agents Lumpur, agents

Secretaries and Registered Office— Acreage—Total: 2,664, cultivated

Guthrie & Co., Ltd., 5. Whitting- (rubber) 2471

ton Avenue, London, E.C. 3 Leong Bee Estate—23! Mile Stone,

Acreage—Total: 2,231, cultivated Scudai, Johore Bahru

1,945 Koh Toon Hor, estate manager

Ledbury Rubber Estates, Ltd.— Secretaries and Registered Office—

Selangor c/o 10, Mohamed Sultan Road,

Ledbury, Kurara and Slone Estates Singapore

Acreage—Total: 2,727!, . cultivated Acreage — Total: 178, cultivated

(rubber) 2,407! (rubber and bananas) 145

W. S. Godward, manager Lesong Tujoh Rubber Estates, Ltd.,

Secretaries and Registered Office— Lesong Tujoh Estate — Kedah;

Harrisons & Crosfield, Ltd., 1-4, Postal Ad: Padang Serai

Great Tower Street, London,’E.C. B. H. Symes, visiting manager

Agents—Harrisons, Barker & Co., Registered Office—Harrisons, Barker

Ltd., Kuala Lumpur & Co., Ltd , Penang


Ligertwood Rubber Estate, Ltd.— Sembrong Estate, Johor© Bahru

Krian Road, Perak M. G. F. Moffatt, manager

Secretaries and Registered Office— Acreage—Total: 3,319, cultivated

Harrisons, Barker & Co., Penang (rubber) 3,024

Acreage—Total: 675, cultivated Guthrie & Co., Ltd., Kuala Lumpur,

(rubber) 473 agents

Secretaries and Registered Office—

Lilford Estate -Sungei Besi, Selan- Guthrie & Co., Ltd., 5, Whitting-

gor ton Avenue, London, E.C. 3

H. S. Talalla, manager

Acreage—Total: 278, cultivated Linda

Pe.rfl.lrRubber Estate—Teluk Anson,

(para rubber) 278

B. H. Lewis and Dr. C. F. Giddy,

Lima Blas Estate, Malayan Cultures proprietors

I Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in F.M.S.) B. H. Lewis, manager

; —Postal Ad: Slim River, Perak; Acreage—Total: 256, planted (rub-

H Cable Ad: “Klalim”, Slim River; ber) 200

i: Teleph. 23, Slim River; Railway

[? Station and P. O. (Slim River) 6 Lindores Estate — Kuala Selangor,

miles Selangor

W. M. Iversen, manager E. J. C.. Edwards, director and

G. Tostee, superintendent manager

1 G. Deloche, engineer K. P. Sarathy, book-keeper

i Acreage—Total: 7146, planted (oil Secretaries and Registered Office—

| palm) 5000 E. J. C. Edwards, Kuala Selan-

Agents—Messrs. Socfin Co., Ltd., gor, Selangor

Kuala Lumpur Acreage — Total: 228, cultivated

B. T. Foss, head planting mgr. (rubber) 228

Dr. R. Symes, visiting medical Lipis River Rubber Syndicate, Ltd.—

officer Lipis River Estate, Kuala Lipis,

;; Linggi Plantations, Ltd. Pahang

Seremban Division—c/o Manager, J. S. Ganter, manager

, Mantin Estate, Mantin Acreage — Total: 640, cultivated

J. 0. Peskett, manager (rubber) 515

Acreage—Total: 1,449|, cultivated Lok Kawi Rubber, Ltd.—Postal Ad :

(rubber) 979^ Putatan Estate, Jesselton, B.N.

; Rantau Division, Rantau, P.O. Borneo; Cable Ad: Lokkawi, Jessel-

N. J. A. Foster, superintendent ton; Codes: A.B.C. 5th edition and

Acreage—Total: 3,325, cultivated Bentley’s complete phrase. Distance

(rubber) 2,568-^ from Railway Station: 2 miles.

I Ulu Sawah Division, Kuala Sawah, Distance from Telegraph Office: 11

P. O. miles

M. G. Clarke, superintendent H. Read, manager (acting)

Acreage—Total: 2,070; cultivated Tan Soo Kim, m.b., b.s., visiting

(rubber) 1,622 medical officer

'Siliau Division, Siliau, P.O. Harrisons & Crosfield (Borneo),

, H. de B. Millions, supdt. (on Ltd., forwarding agents

leave) Agents and Secretaries—The Borneo

M. B. F. Moffat (acting) Co., Ltd., 143-149, Fenchurch St.,

Acreage—Total: 2,305, cultivated London, E.C. 3.

(rubber) 1,938 Acreage—Total: 1826. Rubber 1791,

Mantin Division, Mantin, P.O. Coconuts 35

|; J. 0. Peskett, manager

Acreage—Total: 1,272, cultivated Lomawang Rubber Co., Ltd.—Jessel-

(rubber) l,19l£ ton, B. N. Borneo

Haron Estate, Klang H. J. Walker, managing director

E. M. Pennefather, manager Secretaries and Registered Office—

Acreage—Total: 1,916, cultivated Harrisons & Crosfield Ltd., San-

(rubber) 1,795 dakan, (Borneo)


London Asiatic ■ Ruubeb• '-and- Produce Sfepang Estate, .Sepang, Selangor

Co., Ltd., The- -(Incorporated - i'n Gt. F. H. Bruhtoh, mgr. (on leave)

B-pitain); Telemo-iVg Estate

: Jas. Mariba'll (acting)

i'eleiuong Ren] ok and Timah W.'Winch',

M. Henderson

Division^ Postal Ad: Ben-

tong, Pahang. E.M.S.; Teleph. assistants and T. G.

4 Karak: Cable Ad: Telemong, Acreage—Total : 11,2)6, cumvafed

Bentbng. Distance from Rail- Harrisons, (rubbeiv) (i,247, (coconuts) 36

way Sta-tadm—Knala Lumpur: Barker & Ob., Ltd.,

69 miles;, Mentajsab: 3_2„miles Kuala Lumpur, agents

" W. Edea'r: nrAri'ager Secretaries and Registered Office—

R. J. Rnbardson, assistant. Harrisons & Crosfield, Ltd., 1-4,.

Harrisohs. BarkerJ & Cts, Ltd., Great Tower St., Liondon, E.C.

Kuala Lumpur, agents

Visiting Agent: F. IP. Brunton Londsdau. Estate—Sypang, Selangor

AcreageTotal : 8,'511, cultivated K. S. Marsb, .proprietor

(rubber) 3,804 W. F. Brown^. manager

London, Asiatic. Rubber k. Produce Lower Perak Coconut Co., Ltd.—

Co., Ltd. Blenheim Estate, Teluk Anson,

Diamond Jubilee Estate, Jasin, Perak

Malacca L. F. Tribe, manager

H. F. Cardwell, manager Boustead & Co., Ltd1., Teluk Anson,,

E. G. Robertson, assistant agents.

Acreage—Total : 5,350, cultivated Secretaries and Registered Office—

(rubber) 4,091 Gordon, Frazer; ^ Co., Ltd.,

Batang Benar Estate, Nilai, . Colombo*.'Ceylon

P.O.N.S. Acreage—Total: 1,985, cultivated

B. G. Chalmers, manager ; (coconuts) 1,585_

Acreage—Total : 1,362, cultivated

f rubber) 1,300 Lower Perak Rubber Estates, Ltd.—

irangkah Estate, Tangkah P.O., Teluk Anson, Perak

Johore R. J. Mortoh, manager

H. L. Lamqtte, mgr. (on leave) Registered Office—British Industries

G- A.: Chalmers (acting) and General Investment Trust,

Acreage - Total : 3,296, cultivated Ltd., 104, Winchester House, Old

(rubber) 2.429, (coconuts) 9 Broad Street, Lpiicion, E.C. 2

Elphil & Plang Estates, -Sungei McAuTiffe, Davis & Hope, Penang,

Si put, Perak financial agents: . ,

J. M. Ross, manager Acreage—Total: 1,77A cultivated

Acreage—Total: ; 2,368, .cultivated (rubber) 1,420

(rubber) ' 1,539 ;

Simpang Estate, Taiping, ,Perak Lower Segama PiUb-ber Estates, Ltd.-—

J. M. Rossv nianager Lahad Datu, B. N. Borneo

Acreage—Total:, ,._,f>37,- cultivated S. T. Bell, manager

(rubber) 624 . Registered Office — 41, Eastcheap,;

Braemar Estate—Semenyih, P.O., London

Selangor Acreage—Total: ’.*709, all cultivated

B. G. Chalhi'ers, manager ' (rubber) '

Acreage—Total : 1,0S2, cultivated'

(rubber) 933

Semenyih Estate, L Semenyih, Selan- Lowin Estate Co., Ltd,—Kuala Kang-

f gor ! sar, Perak ; Telep.h. K. K. 33

B. G. -Chalmers, manager F. C. Van renCn, manager

Acreage—Total: 1,014, cultivated Secretaries and Registered Office—

(rubber) 943 ( Brown Phillips & Stewart, Ipoh


Lubok Rubber Estate, Ltd.—Kuala Majedie (Johore) Rubber Estates,

Ketii, Kedah Ltd.— Majedie Estate, Johore Bahru

R. 1 ley wood, manager C. Eldon Scott, visiting mgr.

Registered Office—D. Laing, 3, Lon- Barlow & Co., Singapore, agents

don Sbreet, London, E.C. 3 Secretaries and Registered Office—

* Mansergh & Taylev, Seremban, Thomas Barlow & Bros., Ceylon

agents House, Eastcheap, London, E.C. 3

Acreage—Total: 2,465, cultivated Acreage—Total : 970.42,. cultivated

(rubber) 1,967 (rubber)'770

Lumboh Kluang (1926) Rubber Estate Malacca Rubber Plantations, , Ltd.

—Pstal Ad: Simpaog. Selama, Bukit Asahan Estate, Asahan

: Perak K. W. Taylor, manager

Ong Hook Tbye, managing partner W. G. Ross and R. A. I. Bell,

Leong Fee & Co., Ltd., 4, Church assistants

, Street, Penang, agents Acreage—Total : 8,136, cultivated

Penang, agents (rubber) 6175

I Secretaries and Registered Office— Bertam Division, Malacca

4, Church Street, Penang A. E. Bennett, manager

l Acreage—Total: 818f, cultivated Acreage—Total: 4,266, cultivated

l (rubber) 569| (rubber) 3,617

Lumut Rubber Estates Ltd., (Sungei Serkam Division, M'erlimau, P.O.

Wangi Estate)—Postal Ad: Sungei J. F. S. Carmichael, manager

Wangi. ; D. McHardy, assistant

Teleph. Estate, Sitiawan.

9 Sitiawan; CablePerak;

Ad: ' Acreage—Total: 4,669, cultivated

I Lumut, Sitiawan (rubber) 4,142

H. W. Steele, manager Fortrose Division, Gemas

C. D. Ritchie, superintendent R. H. Fortescue, manager

Dr. Keng Sim Lhn, m.r.c.s. (Eng- Acreage —Total : 2,442, cultivated

land), l.r.c.p. (Londop), visiting (rubber) 2,3724

mOdieal officer Kemuning Division, Tebong via

T. A. P. Menoh, chief clerk and Tampin

book-keeper B. Goldma/i. manager

T. H. Menzis, visiting* agent R. L. Smith and A. J. Hutchi-

Agents—Messrs Harrisons, Barker son, assistants

& Co., Ltd., Kuala Lumpur Acreage—Total: 7,100, cultivated

1 Secretaries and Registered Office— (rubber) 5,538

Harrisons & Crosfields Ltd.,—1-4, Guthrie & Co., Ltd., Kuala Lumpur,

Great Tower Street, Londdn* E.C. agents

Acreage—Total : 4,018.5, cultivated Secretaries and Registered Office—

(rubber) 3,900 Guthrie A Co., Ltd.. 5. Whitting-

Lunas Rubber Estates, Ltd., Lunas ton Avenue, Leadenhall Street,

Estates—Kedah; Postal Ad: Lunas; London, E.O.

Cable Ad: Mackay, Lunas Malaka Pinda Rubber Estates, Ltd.—

f C. H. Mackay, manager 96, First Cross Street, Malacca, S.S.

Secretaries and Registered Office— Hon. Mr. Tan Chchg Lbck,''c:b.e.,

, Evatt & Co.,. Singapore

Acreage—Total: 1,472,. cultivated r managing director 51 1

(rubber), 1,349 Maiaka Pinda. Division -

Chan Tuarj Giap. manager

Madingley (Mala:ya) Rubber' Estates, To oh Teong Joo, asst. (Bukit

Ltd. —Selangor Brbang Di vision)

1 R. B. Wyatt-Smitb, manager Fain Swee Nyen j.asst. (Tampin-

Registered Offict—Kerin,a wav, Neame Division

& Co.. London. E.C. Secretaries and Registered Office—

Cumberbatch & Co., Ltd., Kuala Chan Sze Onn. & Co., 64-66, Market'

Lumpur, agents Street, Singapore

Acreage—Total: 1,417, cultivated Acreage—Total: 2,647, cultivated'

(rubber) 1,239 (rubber) 2,463 * ’ 1


Malakoff Rubber Estates, Ltd. G. W. Husband, manager

Malakoff Estate, Kepala Batas, R. 0. D. Oliver, assistant

Prov. Wellesley C. T. Williams do.

W. M. Thomson, manager E. A. J. Brooks, do.

G. Halliclay and S. D. Lam- D. F. Pratt, do.

bert, assistants2,464^, cultivated D. B. T. Scott, do.

Acreage—Total: O. B. Swain, do.

(rubber) 2,16lj, (coconuts) 86 C. Farquharson,

Brown, engineer Kuala

Tough & Menzies,

Mayfield Estate, Tassek Glugor, Lumpur, visiting agents

P.W. Agents—The Anglo-Siam Corpora-

A. R. Craig, division manager tion, Ltd., 37b, Robinson Road,

Acreage—Total 2,638|, cultivated

(rubber) 2,224, (coconuts) 11 Singapore

Stothard Division, Kuala Ketil, Secretaries and Registered Office—

Ked'ah Yule, Catto & Co., Finsbury

J. E. Gauld division mgr. House, Blomfield Street, London

Acreage—Total: 2,449, cultivated E.C.

(rubber) 1,072, (Piqui-A) 62.40 Acreage—Total: 7,850, cultivated

Boustead & Co., Ltd., Penang, (rubber) 5,376


Secretaries and Registered1 Office— Malayan American Plantations, Ltd.,

Ed. Boustead & Co., 149, Leaden- —P.O. Box 350, Penang; Cable Ad:

hall Street, London, E.C. 3 Maplaing, Penang

Malay Coconut Estates, Ltd.—Teluk J. W. Bicknell, president and

Anson, Perak managing director

Capt. D. Owen Jones, M.C., mgr. M. D. Knapp, general manager

Registered Office—Thomson, Alston U. A. N. Laing, inspector

& Co., 2-4, Idol Lane, Lond., E.C. R. B. Wallace, m.b., ch.b., etc.,

medical officer

Malay Coconut Estates (21st Mile Harvard

Syndicatei, Ltd.

Caipt. D. Owen Jones, manager H. R,Estate,

Walden,Bedong, Kedah


Whittall & Co., Kuala Lumpur, Scarboro Division

agents F. B. Pratti and T. J. Herriott,

Secretaries and Registered! Office— assistants 5,063, cultivated



Lane, Alston &London,

Eastcheap, Co., 2-4,E.C.Idol

3 (rubber) 4,500

Acreage — Total: 707, cultivated Harvard Division

(coconuts) 703 J. C. Pratt, P. S. Sherwood and

B. B. Duke, assistants

Malay Queen Rubber Plantations, Acreage—Total: 6,300, cultivated

Ltd.—Perak (rubber) 6,224j

K. V. Rasiah, clerk-in-charge Dublin Estate, Karangan, Kedah

Harper, Gdlfillan & Co., Ltd., Kuala R. S. C. Herring, manager

Lumpur, agents J. D. Green, R. B. Duke,

Perak L. J. Thompson and J-

R. W. Kendall, manager O’Callaghan, assistants

Acreage—Total: 10,820, cultivated

Malay Rubber Planters, Ltd.—Lahat, (rubber) 10,560

Secretary and Registered Office— Bristol Estate, Kuang, Selangor

H. Cossins, 835, Salisbury House, A. Lament, manager

London Wall, London, E. C. 2 Dr. B. Barrowman, med. officer

Acreage—Total: 3,097, cultivated Acreage—Total 2,357, cultivated

(rubber) 2,770 (rubber) 2,248J

Wessyngton Estate, Rengam, Johore

Malaya General Co., Ltd., (Incorpor- J. H. Winter, manager

ated in England)—Rengam Estate, Dr. R. Hall, visiting med. officer

Postal Acreage—Total: 3,096, cultivated

leph. 5, Ad:

RengamRengam, Johore; Te- (rubber) 3,045


Linden Estate, Sendai, Johore Mambau (F.M.S.) Rubber Co., Ltd.—

I). S. Inglis, manager Negri Sembilan

Acreage—Total: 2,583, cultivated W. A. Outsell, manager

(rubber) 2,557 Registered Office—Lyall, Anderson &

Co., 16, Philpot Lane, Lond., E.C.

Malayan Cultures Co., Ltd.—Trolaks Mansergh & Tayler, Seremban,

Perak agents

W. M. Iversen, manager A. B. S. Morton, visiting agent

F. G. Mine, assistant Acreage—Total: 2,077, cultivated

i Socfin Co., Ltd., Kuala Selangor, (rubber) 1,612


| Acreage—Total 7,500, eultivated (Oil Manchester North Borneo Rubber,

Palms) 5,000 Ltd., Melalap Estate—Postal Ad:

Johore Labis Estate, Labis, Johore Melalap Estate, Jesselton, B. N.

S. T. Rhodes, general manager Borneo; Cable Ad: Melalap Post

D. D. P, Ruler, superintendent Tenom

Socfin & C6., Ltd., Kuala Lumpur, H. D. Lack, manager

agents B. I. Iversen, assistant

Acreage—Total: 25,831, cultivated Kinarut Estate

(oil palms) 10,248 R. E. J ones, manager

Kong Hiap Hin & Oo., Jesselton,

'i Malayan Para Rubber Co., Ltd., Wel- agents

j lesley Estate—Sungi Bakap, Pro- Secretary and Registered Office—

| vinoe Wellesley John Hall, 24, Mosley Street,

* R. T. N. Kitchewer, manager, Manchester

Bakap Estate Acreage—Total: 18,000, cultivated

Agents and Secretaries — Henry (rubber) 3,552

j Waugh <& Co., Ltd,., 33, Beach

f Street, Penang MandadTekong (Singapore) Rubber

Acreage — Total: 933), cultivated Estates, Ltd.—96, Market Street,

I (rubber) 900, (coconuts) 14 Singapore

| Malayan Tea, Ltd. — Malayan Tea Ong Song Quee, manager

1 Estate—Banting, Selangor Secretaries—Chan Sze Onn & Co.

C. Grant, manager Acreage — Total: 807, cultivated

Whittall & Co., Kuala Lumpur, (rubber) 590,,

agents and secretaries Marsiling Estate—Woodlands Road,

| Acreage — Total: 800, cultivated Singapore, S.S. ; Postal Ad: 112-

(tea) 400 114, Robinson Road, iSingapore S.S.

5 Malaysia Rubber Co., Ltd.—Sungkai, ' Lim Chong Pang, visiting agent.

[ Perak Acreage — Total: 573, cultivated

? C. B. Graburn, j.p., manager (rubber) 553

^ Registered Office—Harrisons & Cros- Marudu, Consolidated Estates, Ltd.—

field, Ld., 1-4, Great Tower Street, Kudat, B. N. Borneo

S London, E.C. H. A. Somerville, manager

Harrisons, Barker & Co., Ltd., Francis Peek & Co., Ltd., Singa-

) Lumpur, agents pore, agents

1 Maliwan Rubber Co., Ltd., Maliwan Marudu Rubber, Ltd, — Taritipan

Estate — Victoria Point, Lower Estate, Kudat, B, N. Borneo

Burma, via Penang G. J. Brand, manager

| S. Booth Russell, general manager Harrisons & Crosfield, Ltd., Sanda-

Whittall & Co., Kuala Lumpur, kan, agents

I agents

Secretaries and Registered Office— Acreage—Total: 2,500, 1 cultivated

A. B. Simson, 33, Eastcheap, Lon- (rubber and coconuts) 500

don, E.C. 3 Secretaries and Registered Office—

Acreage—Total : 1,054, cultivated Shand, Haldane: & Co., Ld., 24,

(rubber) 642| Rood Lane, London, E. C. 3


Maryland Estate—Postal Ad: Lumut, Mengkibol (Central Johore) Rubber

Dindings, F.M.S. Co., Ltd.—Johore

Mrs. 0. N. Maxwell, proprietress C- H. F. Pierrepont, manager

Acreage — Total : • 487, cultivated C.son,

S. Pendrigh

(coconut, rubber and coffee) 200 assistants and C. R. Glee-

Registered Office — Yule, Catto &

Matano Estate—Postal Ad: M

Perak field Street, London, E.C. 2

E. T. Jacques, mgr. (on leave) Anglo-Siam Corporation, Singapore,

J. Duncanson (acting) agents

Secretaries—Dickson, Anderson & Acreage—Total: 4,964, cultivated

Co , Ltd.. 116-126, Cannon Street, (rubber) 2,573

London, E.C. 4 Mentakab Rubber Co., Ltd., Mentakab

Acreage—Total: 1,375, cultivated Estate—Mentakab, Pahang

(rubber) 1,050 Peng Amn Estate, Bentong, Pahang

May Rubber Estate, Ltd.—Kuantan, J. Anderson, manager

Pahang Secretaries and Registered Office—

C. J. Windsor, managing difector Harrisons, Barker & Co., Ld.,

S. Low, supt. Chartered Bank Chambers,, Singa-

Acreage — Total: 230, cultivated pore

(rubber) 230 Acreage—Total: 2,769, cultivated

(rubber) 1,880

M.M.R.M. Estate—Rawang, Selangor Menyenangkan Dirx Estate—Postal

M. Mi. R. M. Nallakaruppan Ad : Sitiawan, Perak

Chettiar, manager H. Goodwyn, manager

Secretaries and Registered Office— Acreage — Total: 299, cultivated

Kulipirai, Tirumayam, Southern (rubber) 292


Acreage — Total: 117, cultivated

(rubber) 117 Meranti Ltnited, Ltd.—Kajang, Se-


Melintang Rubber Estate — Utan Cecil K. Paul, manager

Melintang, Perak Secretaries and Registered Office—

L. R. Danforth, manager Neill & Bell, Kuala Lumpur

Acreage — Total: 659, cultivated Acreage—Total: 1,225, cultivated

(rubber) 385, (coconuts) 40 (rubber) 1,030

Merbau Rubber Estate, Ltd.—Kedah

Membakut Rubber, Ltd.—Jesselton, J. M. Baker, manager

B.N. Borneo, Membakut Estate; Registered Office—R. Lawrence

Cable Ad: Hardwick, Jesselton Spicer & Co., 3 and 4, Great Win-

R. K. Hardwick, manager chester Street, London, E.C.

San dal a Estate— A. A. Anthony & Co., Penang,

Capt. A. M. Henderson, m.c., mgr. agents

Harrisons & Orosfield (Borneo),

Ld., Sandakan, forwarding agte. Merchiston Rubber Estate, Ltd. —

Registered Office—W. P. Flynn, 17, Pondok Tanjong, Perak

St. Helen’s Place, London, E.C. 3 A. B. Robertson, manager

Registered Office—F. E. Maguire, 4?

Mengkebang Rubber Estate—Postal and 9, Austin Friars, Bond., E.C.

Ad : Kuala Krai, Ulu Kelantan Boustead & Co., Ltd., Penang,

Tengku Ahmad Zainul-Abidin, sole agents


Tuan Ismail, manager Merlimau Pegoh, Ltd.

The Anglo-Siam Corporation, Ltd., Merlimau Estate, Merlimau, P.O.

Mercantile Bank Bldg., Singa- W. A. Wilken, manager

pore, selling agents J. C. Stephen, assistant

Acreage—-Total : 2001|, cultivated Acreage—Total : 6,330, cultivated

(rubber) 1,050 (rubber) 5814, .(coconuts) 40


Pegoh Estate—Home Division ; Tam- Mount Alma Syndicate, Ltd. (Regis-

tered in Singapore)—Postal Ad:

pan, Negri Sembilan

A. McLeod and C. M. Jackson, Johore Bahru, Johore

assistants G. C. Wemyss, manager

Acreage—Total: 5,664, cultivated Registered Office—Evatt & Co.,

(rubber) 4,882, (coconuts) 73 French Bank Chambers, S’pore.

Permatang Estate, Kota Tinggi, Acreage—Total: 1,495, cultivated

Johore (rubber) 1,032

M. Clark, manager (on leave)

P. T. Bowers (acting) Mount Austin (Johore) Rubber

Acreage—Total: 1,303, cultivated Estate, Ltd.—Johore

(rubber) 1,303 E. Anker, general manager

; Sime Darby & Co., Ltd., Malacca, Chr. A. Jepsen, section manager

agents 1 R. Jesperson, do.

1 Secretaries and Registered Office— H. F. Clausen, do-.

Shaw, Darby & Co., Ltd., Win- East Asiatic Co., Ltd., Singapore,

chester House, Old Broad Street, agents

i E.C. 2 Acreage—Total: 11,801 (rubber)

Registered Office—H. Gunter, Orient

! Merlimau Pegoh, Ltd. (Incorporated House, 42-45, New Bond Street,

5 in England)—Permatang Estate London, E.C. 2

( P. T. Bow’ers, manager

j Sime, Darby & Co., Ltd., Malacca, Mount Cyril Rubber Estates, Ltd.—

agents Mersing, Johore

P. Cavallero, manager

| Merton Rubber Syndicate, Ltd.— C. G. Swamy, assistant

Selangor Secretaries and Registered Office—

i G. M. Browne, manager Boustead & Co., Ltd., Singapore

J Registered Office—Taylor, Noble &

Co., Ld., Adelaide House, King Mountjoy Rubber Estate, Ltd.—

William Street, London, E.C. 4

Harper, Gilfillan & Co., Ltd., Kuala KedahHenderson Gall, manager

Lumpur, agents J. C. Matheson, assistant

Registered Office—F. E. Maguire,

Ming Shu Cultivation—Sungei Mala- Pinner’s Hall, 8-9, Austin Friars,

London,, E.C.

yu, Johore Boustead & Co., Ltd., Penang,

Guthrie & Co., Ltd., Singapore, agents


Acreage—Total: 2,058!, cultivated Acreage—Total:

(rubber) 2,412

7,963, cultivated

(rubber) 1,601!

Mon Repos Rubber & Coconut Estate Moynalpy Estate—Gopeng, Perak

S. W. Clarkson, manager

—Mon Repos Estate, Sabak Bernam, General Managers—Osborne & Chap-

Perak pel, Ipoh, Perak

G. R. Ekeroth, proprietor and


Acreage — Total: 300, cultivated MuarE. Itam Estate, Ltd.—Johore >

A. Tolson, manager

(rubber) 270, (coconuts) 30 Registered Office—S. W. Ramplin,

7-8, Great Winchester Street, Lon-

Morib Plantations, Ltd., The—Selan- Barlow don Wall, London, E.C. 2

gor & Co., Singapore, agents

R. Paton, manager

K. C. George, clerk Muar River Rubber Co., Ltd.—Johore

Registered Office—T. H. Nicholson, J. W. Allgrove, manager

200, Gresham House, Old Broad R. G. Willacy, assistant

Street, London, E.C. 2 N. T. Bewick (on leave)

Hooglandt & Co., Singapore, agents J. C. Thom


Registered Office—Thomas Barlow & Narborodgh (E.M..S.) Rubber Estates, I

Brother, Ceylon Blouse, .49-5,1, Ltd.—Sungkai, Perak

Eastcheap, London, E.C. W. C. Ephraums, manager

Barlow & Cp., Kuala Lumpur, | Registered Office — J. Dykes, 65, I

agents London 'Wall, London, E.C.

General Managers—Osborne & Ghap-

N.V, Neperiandsch-Indisch Land- pel, Ipoh

Syndicaat Pematang Siantar S.O.K

—Head Office: Amsterdam; Postal Negri- Sembilan Oil Palms, Ltd.—

Ad: Pematang, Siantar, Sumatra; ! Senama Estate, Bahau, P.O., Negri

■ Cable'

K F.AdZeeman,

: Sianta-rsum



| G. R. Stevenson, manager

J. C. Gruenenburg, inspector N. f; Seljathurai, assistant

P. Landzaad, secretary Secretaries and Registered Office— j

Mansergh & Tayler, Seremban

N.Y. Rubber Maatschappij BASiLAHr— Acreage—Total: 3,244), cultivated

(African oil palms) 823


Sumatra ; Postal Ad: Bindjey

Ba'llain Estate

JV'C. Tlopcdop, manager New Coconut Co.,. Ltd.—Telok Anson,

Lower Perak

’iaula Estates, Ltd.—Tronoh, Perak P. C. Fisher, . manager

W. Teller, manager S. Mahal ingam, assistant

Secretaries and Registered Office— i SecretariesW. A. Stanton, visiting agent

Osborne & Chhppe], Ipoh and Registered Office—

Acreage—Total: 1 9 cultivated Acreage—Total: Whittall & Co., Kuala Lumpur

(rubber) ,821 . 1,203. cultivated i

(coconuts) 1,194

Nan Ah Koshi, Ltd.—Teluk Sengat, New Columbia Rubber Go., Ltd.—

Bukit Batu and Rhio Estates; Pos- Ayar Tawah, Perak

talS. Ad: 21, Beachmanaging

iMatsurnoto, Rd.,.Singapore

director R. E. L. Davies, manager

K. Yoshihara, manager Teluk Sen- Registered J. Mackintosh, assistant

gat and Bukit Batu .Estates Office—Samuel Eitze &

S. Takehouchi, manager (Rhio Go. (London), ' Ld., 91 and 93,

Estate) Bishopsgate, London, E.G,

Secretaries and Registered Office— Kennedy, Burkill & Co., Ltd.,

Penang, agents

Teluk Sengat Estate, Kota Tinggi, Acreage—rTotal: 2,783, cultivated 1

Johore (rubber) 2,338

Acreage—Total: 13,161, cultivated

(rubber) 10,139 New Crocodile River (Selangor) J

Nanette Rubber Plantations, Ltd.— Sungei Rubber Co., Ltd.

Johore Buaia Estate, Banting

S. W. Gray, manager J. G. A. iSymons, manager

Secretaries and Registered Office— S. G. Clappen,1,724,

Acreage-Total: assistant


The Anglo Oriental and General

Investment Trust, Ld., 55-61 Moor- Teluk(rubber) Datoh


Estate, Banting

gate, London, E.C: 2 G. O. W. Symons, manager

Sime, Darby & Oo., Ltd., Malacca, Acreage—Total: 1,451, cultivated

• agents (rubber) 1,356

Nanyo Gomu Kaisha, Ltd.—Postal Lunderston Estate, Banting

Ad : Panchore, Kota Tinggi, Johore O. B. Colson, manager

S. Matsuzaki, manager Acreage—Total: 846, cultivated

(rubber) 754, (coconuts) 76

Secretaries and Registered

Nanyo,, Gomu Kabushiki Kaisha,Office—- Juasseh Estate, Kuala Pilah, N.

Ltd. ' - , (?,,s Sembilan

Acreage—Total: 3,088, cultivated A. L. Sands, manager

Acreage—Total: 2,185,' cultivated

(rubber) 3,050 oriT (rubber) 1,408 ' ■ .k


Sialahg Estate—Bahau, N., Sembilan Nipah Distilleries of Malaya. Ltd.—

A. L. Sands, manager Kuala Selangor, Selangor; Cable

Acreage—Total: 1,029, cultivated Ad: Nipah, Kuala Selangor

(rubber) 751 A. C. Stafford, gen. manager

G. O. W. Symons, general mgr. J. M. Hall, field manager

Secretaries and Registered Office— H. R. HayeS, asst

Percy B. Cowham, 49, Dale Street, Secretaries and Registered Office—

Manchester, England Kennaway, Neame & Co., 6,

Lloyd’s Avenue, Fenchurch Street,

New Rompin and Mengkakak Rubbek London

Estates, Ltd.—New Rompin, Negri Henry Waugh & Co., Ltd., Penang,

| Sembilan agents

A. P. H. le Prevost, manager Acreage—Total: 2,265, cultivated

W. H. Goom, assistant (nipah) 1,901, (coconuts) 39

^ Secretaries and Registered Office— Nithsdale Rubber Estates, Ltd.—

Bruce Petrie, Ltd., Singapore Mersing, Johore

Acreage—Total: 3,919, cultivated P. A. G. Stage, manager

(rubber) 1,900 Secretaries and Registered Office—

Boustead & Co., Ld., Singapore

; New Rompin and Mengkarak Rubber Acreage—Total: 2,517, cultivated’

j Estates, Ltd.—Mengkarak, Pahang (rubber) 462

J. J. Mackie, manager

5 Secretaries and Registered Office— Nordanal (Johore) Rubber Estates,

I Bruce Petrie, Ltd., Singapore Ltd.—Johore

‘ Acreage—Total: 1,000, cultivated D. G. A. Fraser, manager

(rubber) 948 Registered Office—Edward Boustead

& Co., 149, Leadenhall Street,

[ New Scudai, Ltd. — Scudai, P.O., London, E.C. 3

r Johore Boustead & Co., Ltd., Kuala Lum-

K. L. Woodhouse, manager pur, agents

j Agents—Sime, Darby & Co., Ltd., Acreage—Total: 4,249, cultivated,

| Malacca (rubber) 3,085

1 Secretaries and Registered Office^— North Borneo State Rubber Ltd.,

Chan Sze Onn & Co., Singapore Lumat Estate—Jesselton, B.N. Bor-

Acreage—Total: 2,161, cultivated neo ; Cable Ad: Lumat

< (rubber) 1,831 P. F. Palmer, manager

Mandalan Estate—Jesselton

| New' Seeendah Rubber Co., Ltd., P. F. Palmer, manager

>; Serendah Estate—Serendah, Selan- J. A. Tayler, assistant

:- gorDirectors — D. H. Hampshire Harrisons & Crosfield (Borneo),

Ld., agents

(chairman), R. C. Russell, E. G. Secretary and Registered Office—

i Leyne, M. J. Kennaway and O. North Borneo Chartered Co.,

F. Topham Staple Hall, Stone House Court,

F. M. Riley, manager Bishopsgate, London, E.C. 3

! Secretaries—Boustead & Co., Ld., North Hummock (Selangor) Rubber

>' Kuala Lumpur Co., Ltd., The—Selangor, Klang

Acreage—Total : 1,840, cultivated H. Case, manager

f (rubber) 1,433 F. S. Thompson, assistant

B. T. Plunket, do.

New Zealand Malay Rubber Co., Ltd. Cumberbatch & Co., Ltd., Kuala

, (Registered in New Zealand), Kesial Lumpur, agents

Estate—Postal Ad : Kesial, Kelan- Acreage—Total: 4,200, cultivated!

tan; Cable Ad: Jagar Kesial (rubber) 3,400

L. E. White, manager Registered Office—Morison, Ruther-

Acreage—Total: 1031J, cultivated ford & Co., Eastcheap, London,

(rubber) 868 E.

.North Labis (J.ohoke; Rubber and Ong NegriChin Yam; Genuang,

Sembilan Estate—Rompin,

Johore; |J

Rroduce Go., Ltd.—Jqhore Rhiow, D.E.I. Office: 1, 'Second |

’ C. G. Tanner, manager

A. J. Allen and: J. R. Donald, Cross Street, Malacca, S.S.

Acreage—Total: 1,500, cultivated


Registered Office—IJtarrispns'& Cros rubber

field, Ld., 1-4,£ Great Tower Street,

London, E.G. 3

Harrisons, Barker & 'Go., Ltd., Ophir rated Vai.i.ey

in theEstate,

S.S.), Ltd.


Valley i|

Kuala Lumpur, agents Estate—Tangkah, via Malacca ;

Acreage-r Total^,933,66,1

(rubber) 4,556.34 cultivate:! Cable Ad: Ophir, Tangkah - L ;

D. C. Rodrigo, manager

North Malay Rubber Estates, Ltd.— A. P. Carrana, visiting agent

Kuala Ketil, Kedah, Baling Estate Dr. P. J. E. Jolly, visiting medi- i

H. G. Shannon, manager real officer

H. Crichton : •- • t Secretaries and Registered Office—

Secretaries and Registered Office— Guthrie & Cb., Ltd., Kuala Lum- |


Burt, Taylor A: Co.. Ltd., Cereal Acreage—Total:

House, Mark Lane, London E.C. 3 1,429, cultivated

Hen ry Wan On & Co,, Penang, agents (rubber) 046 .

Acreage—Total: 3,484.76, cultivated

(rubber) 3,082..Q8 Oriental Rubber Go., Ltd.—Negri j

North Malay Rubber Estates (1931), Sembilan

Ltd.—Subur Estate' (incorporated E. P. Windsor, manager

in . England).; Postal Ad: Liu Registered J. ‘E. Theophilus,. assistant

Sapttang Office^—H. L. Turner, 2a,

S. Gates, manager Eastcheap, London, E.C. 3

jW. Mathieson, assistant Acreage—Total : ;2i,311, cultivated

■i. Murray, visiting agent (rubber) 2,311

Henry Waugh & Co., Ltd-, Penang, Padang Jaw a Rubber Estate, Ltd.—

agents Selangor

Acreage—Total: 2,158.37, cultivated Padang Java Estate, Klang '

. (rubber) 1,843.73

F. H. Frost

Nyalas Rubber Estates, Ltd.—Postal Registered Office — Bright & Gal-

Ad: Ayer Kuning South, Negri | braith, Ld., 7, Martin’s Lane,

Sembilan Cannon Street, London, E.C.

Chi Sun Cheng,, manager Cumberbateh & Go,, Ltd., Kuala

Secretaries and Registered. Office— Lumpur, agents

Evatt & Co.; Singapore

Acreage—Total: 2,G02|, cultivated PADANGt Nyor Estate—Kuala Selangor,

(rubber) I,75S|

: Selangor


Oil Palms or Malaya, Ltd., Ulu Acreage G. R. L’Estrange, proprietor

Remis Estate — Layang Layang, | , (rubber)— Total: 187

187, cultivated


R. G. Roden, manager

C.' E. Binns, senior assistant

J. Sparkes. S. W. Sidford, J. Padang Rubber Cov Ltd.—Padang

M. Munro and H. M. Gray, Rengas. Perak

H. W. S. Gowland, manager



Guthrie;& Co ., Ltd., Kuala Lumpur, . Secretaries and Registered Office—

agents A. R. Burkill & Sons, Ld.,

Secretaries and Registered Office^— Kepnedy, Shanghai;

Guthrie & Co., Ltd.,. 5. Whitting- Burkill ■&, Co., Ltd.,

ton Avenue, Londbn, E.C. 3 Penang,, ageptip.

Acreage—’Total: 15,867, cultivated Acreage—Total: 950f, cultivated

(rubber) 786f, (coconuts) .20;

(oil palms) 9,606 0.3 *


Pahang Qo^sotidated Co., Ltd. (In- Pajam, Ltd.—Negri Sernbilan

I corporated in England. 1906)—Ku- T. F. Egan, manager

antan, Pahang; Head Office : Blom- Registered Office—Derrick & Co.,

j field House, London Wall, London, Singapore

E.C. 2. Property: Some 300 sq. Sime, Darby &. 'Go.. Ltd., Malacca,

j miles N.E. Pahang. The bulk of agents,. >'

the tin is derived from lodes; about

2 per cent, of the output is from

alluvial Parjt Bruas (Malay) Rubber Co ,

Directors—H. Frisby (chairman), Ldt.—Parit', Perak

J. J. Brown, D. T. Lewis, D. J. W. P. Bottelcy, .manager

Ward and Sir D. Brownrigg, bt., W. I. Macey, assistant

■C.B. Secretary and Registered Office—

-T. D. R. Scott, secretary H. Cossins, 835, Salisbury House,

V. B. C. Baker, m.i.m.m., gen- London Wall, E. 0. 2

eral manager Acreage—Total: 1,543, cultivated

D. Samuel, chief mining engr. (rubber) 1,470

B. F. Tyson, G. H. Fairmaid, i

engineers Parit Perae Rubber Co., Ltd.—Parit

H. L. Waymouth, chief acct. Perak

W. B. N. Fox, assist, do. J. N. Morrison, manager

F. H. Way, surveyor

I D. A. Bett, chief electrical engr. Agents

Waugh& &Registered

Co., Ltd-. Office—Henry


H. 'Knight and G. W. Blatdh-

ford, assist, electrical engrs. Acreage—Total : 1,046, v ^cultivated

T. McClay, chief engineer (rubber) 987

G. R. Rogers, prospector ■

f Dr. J. Bulman Mason, ljr.c.p. j Paris Besar Estate — Postal Ad:

j and s.e., medical officer Pasir Besar, Kelantan

f Kuala Kuantan H. E. Lind, proprietor

A. John, clerk-in-charge Acreage—Total: 2,212,' cultivated

The Borneo Co., Ltd., Singapore, ! (rubber) 553


y Pahang Para Rubber Syndicate, Ltd.,

Atbara Estate—Kuantan, Pahang Pasak Rubber ; Estate, Ltd.—Kota

N. M. Glass, manager’ Tinggi, Johore

S.I.P.E.F., Kuala Lumpur, agents P. T. Bowers, manager

i Secretaries and Registered Office— Secretaries, and Registered Office—

The Rubber Estate Agency, Ltd'., Derrick

Bunge House, St. Mary Axe, Sime, Darby &: C^.?; Ljtdi., Malacca,

London, E.C. 3 agents ',

i Acreage—Total, 2,133/,, cultivated Acreage—Total: 2,)$5, cultivated

(rubber) 1,736 (rubber) 1,707

!i Pahang Rubber Co., Ltd.—Cheroh. Pataling Rubber Estates, Ltd.,

i Pahang Cashwood Estate—Postal Ad: Ayer

? R. V. Ross, manager Tawar, via Ipoh, Perak, F,M.S. ;

) Registered Office—Pacific Trust Co., Cable' Ad: Cashwood Estate, Ayer

Ltd.. Honolulu Tawar

[) Fred Waterhouse Go., Ltd., Singa- Gordon Travers, manager

: pore, agents J. Martinez, chief clerk

Harrisons, Barker & Co., Ld.,

l Paht Plantations, Ltd.—Kelantan Penang, agents

l G. R. French, manager R. O. Jenkins, visiting agent

Registered Office—Taylor, Noble & ■ Registered Offioe—Harrisons & Oos-

[, Qo., Ld.. ,48ir484, .Salisbury House, field, Ld.. M, Great Tow r Street,

London Wall, London, E G. 2 Loudon, E,G...

r Boustead & Co., Ltd.,: Singapbre, Acreage—Total : 2,021, cultivated

agents , , ■. (•rubWr) 1,392,


Patalixg Rubber Estates, Ltd.— A. F. Bruce, assist, to gen. mgix

Pataling Estate, Selangor, Postal F. J. Hubble, accountant

Address: Petaling P.O. J. V. Roberton, engineer !

S. G. Taylor, manager Dr. C. C. Ross, m.b., ch.b., med.

D. L, Mann, assistant officer

Registered Office—Harrisons & Cros- Caledonia Estate, Nibong Tebal,

field, Ld., 1-4, Great Tower Street, G. Robertson, estate manager

London, E.C. J. C. C. Nisbet and K. A. W.

Harrisons, Barker & Co., Ltd., Burnham, assistants

Kuala Lumpur, agents Jawi Estate, Nibong Tebal

Acreage—Total: 1,845|, cultivated F. W. Petrie-Hay, estate manager

(rubber) 1,800 F. 0. Bruce, assistant

Byram Estate, Nibong Tebal

Patani Para Plantation, Ltd.— Postal D. T. Middleton, estate manager

Ad: Sungei Patani, Kedah; Rail- Golden Grove Estate, Bukit Mer-

way Station : Sungei Patani; Cable taj am

Ad: Reading, Bedong A. J. Wilson, estate manager

W. Reading, manager (acting)

R. L. Inder, assistant Badenoch Estate, Kuala KetiR

J. Murray, visiting agent Kedah

J. Lowe, acting mgr.

Henry Waugh & Co., Penang, W. J. Smith and W. C. Kempr

agents assistants

Secretaries—Lyall, Anderson & Co., Boustead & Co., Ltd., Penang,

16, Philpot Lane, London, E.C. 3 agents

Secretary and Registered Office—F.

Patricia Estate—Postal Ad: Coal E. Maguire, Pinner’s Hall, 9V

Point Road, Labuan, S.S. Austin Friars, London, E.C.

W. W. Boyd, j.p., mgr. and prop. Acreage—Total : 24,527, cultivated

Acreage—Total: 55, cultivated (rub- (rubber) 15,736, (coconuts) 3,733

ber, coconuts and experimental Pengkalan Durian Estate—Rantau,

plants) 40 Negri Sembilan

Paya Rotan Estate—Bahau, Negri Seremban Stores, Serembanr

Sembilan agents

S. C. Howard, proprietor Lee Guan Hian, 12, Chulia

N. F. Thomson, do. Street, Singapore, owner

F. A. Wright, do. Acreage — Total: 1,231, cultivated

A. S. Woodroff, manager (rubber) 1,030

N. Sellathurai, clerk Perak Kongsi Coconut, Co., Ltd.—

Acreage—Total: 310, cultivated Teluk Anson, Lower Perak

(rubber) 300 L. F. Tribe, manager

Secretaries and Registered

Gordon, Frazer Office—

& Co., Colombo,

Pelepah Valley (Johore) Rubber Ceylon

Estates, Ltd.—Johore

G. B. W. Gray, general manager Boustead

agents & Co., Ltd., Teluk Anson,

C. O. Daintry, assistant Acreage—Total: 1,007 cultivated

Registered Office—R. D. Saw, Moor-

gate, Station Chambers, London, (coconuts) 1,007


J. S. M. Rennie & Co., 9, de Souza Perak Oil Palms, Ltd., Sungei Samak

Street, Singapore, agents Estate—Utan Melintang, Perak;

Penang Rubber Estates Co., Ltd., Cable Ad: Sungei Samak

The (Incorporated) in England) W. M. Henderson, manager

Head Office:Tel.Nibong Secretaries and Registered Office—

Wellesley; Ad.: Tebal, Prov.,

“Priam”; Cumberbatch & Co., Ltd., Kuala


Nibong Tebal Acreage—Total: 3,370, cultivated

J. C. Innes, general manager (oil palms) 1,057


Perak River Coconut Co., Ltd — Peureupla (Sumatra) Rubber Estates,

Ltd.—Atjeh, Sumatra

Teluk Anson, Lower Perak

Capt. A. Pritchard, visiting ad- J. A. MoGregor, manager

viser Secretaries and Registered Office—

J. D. Donald, supt. Sharpe, EsVa.Il ,&; Co., ,1 & 2 .Grace-

Secretaries and Registered Office— church Street;, London

Gordon, Frazer & Co., Ld., Co- Sandilands, Buttery & Co., Medan,

lombo, Ceylon agents

'Whittall & Co., Kuala Lumpur, Acreage — Total: 5,500, cultivated

.agents (rubber) 620

Acreage—Total: 2,005,, n cultivated

(coconuts) 1,512 Phin ^ Soon Rubber 3 Estate—Sungei

Perak Liver Valley Rubber Co., Ltd. Sip.ut, Perak

Execptpfs of Capt. Chun^ Thye

—Padang Rengas Phin, j.p. (deceased) proprietor

H. E. M. Mason, manager I. E. B. lessaminCj manager

i Secretaries—Brown, Phillips & Ste- Acreage—Total: 1,248, cultivated

wart, la, PenaDg Street, Penang (rubber) 1,248

(Perak Rubber Plantations, Ltd.— Pilmqo^ Rubber Co.,: Ltd. (Inc. in

I Sungei Siput, Perak England)—Pilmoor Estute, Batu

j Js. D. Howell, manager

Registered Office—Rowe, White & !'Tiga, Selangor, F.M.S.

S. El Chamier, manager

Co., 4, Lloyd’s Avenue, London, A. Nicolson, assistant

j E.C. 3

| Harrisons, Barker & ; Co., Ltd., Registered London, E.C.

Office—33, . Eastcheap,

Kuala Lumpur, agents

\ Acreage—Total: 2,139, cultivated Whittall & Co., Ltd., Kuala Lum-

pur, agents

j (rubber) 1,935

Permas Rubber Co.-,-Ltd.—Johore Plantations Bunge, Societe Anonyms

' C. Eldon Scott, manager Bukit Dinding Estate, Bentong,

i; Barlow & Co., Singapore, agents Pahang

| Registered Office—-Thomas Barlow & Acreage—Total: 2,330, cultivated

' Brother, 49-51, Eastcheap, London, (rubber) 2,252

E.C. D. C. Green, manager

Acreage—Total: 1529.6, cultivated BukitL. Jeram H. Schindler, assistant


(rubber) 14.16.8 Acreage—Total planted ? >urubber

Permata Rubber Estates, Ltd.—Ser- Bukit'Chamhang 265 . . • '■/'

kam, Malacca Estate

Sime, Darby & Co., Malacca, Acreage—Planted rubber 299 ,

managing agents D. C. Green, manager

Secretaries and Registered Office— Secretaries and Registered Office—

Frost, Bland &; Co., Ltd., Shang- S.I.P.E.F., Antwerp

I hai S.I.P.E.F., Kuala Lumpur,. agents

;1 Acreage — Total : 4393,, cultivated

j (rubber) 437| P-eantations Hallst, Ltd. (Incorpo-

rated in Belgium), Suhgei Tinggi

SPernambang Rubber Estates, Ltd.— Estate—Postal'Ad : Batang Berjun-

I Kuala Ketil, Kedah taii, Selangor-^’Cable Ad : Tinggi;

•? ' F.H.B. B.O’Malley', manager Teleph. 7; 6^-7 miles from 'Railway

Christophers, assistant ’ Station and Post"Office

i Acents—Harrisons, Barker & Co.. James Nicdll, manager

( Ltd., Penang Cyril BeeutemeJft; supt.

| Secretaries and Registered Office— L. A. HeViVille, assistant

Harrisons & Crosfield, Ld., 1-4, Dr A. L. Dtinlop, medical

Great Tower Street, London officer

Acreage—Total: 3,776, cultivated Socfiii Co.,- Ltd., Kuala Lump.ur,

j (rubber) 2,262 agents


Sungei Tinggi Section

Acreage—Total- 2,526, cultivated Post/-IS state—Tapah Road, Perak

Cheah Kee Ee, proprietor and!

(rubber) 2,416 manager

Minyak Section Lim Kee Chee, assistant manager

Acreage—Total ■ 3317i, cultivated j Acreage- -Total: 1,272, cultivated!

(oil palms) 2,253 (rubber) 862

Mary Section

Acreage—Total , 2531?,, cultivated j Prang Besar Rubber Estate, Ltd.,

(rubber) 1,590 Prang Besar Estate -Kajang, Selan-

Poeloe Loemoe Rubber Estate— gor; Telepb. 35 Kajang; Cable Ad:

Prang Besar Kajang

Karimon Islands M. E. Wright, manager

S. J. Judah & C'o., No. 3, Cole- : Harrisons, Barker & Co., Ltd.,.

man St., Singapore, proprietors |

Acreage — Total : 490, cultivated Secretaries,Lumpur,

Kuala agents

and Registered Office—

(rubber) 450 Harrisons & Crosfield, Ltd., 1-4,.

Pondok Tanjong Estate, Ltd.—Pon- Acreage—TotalGreat Tower St., London, E.C. 3

dok Tanjong. Perak : 2,070, cultivated’

L. H. E. Whitaker, manager j (rubber), 1,631

Secretaries and Registered Office— Prye (Penang) Syndicate, Ltd. (In-

Brown, Phillips & Stewart, Ipoh

Acreage—Total: 2,628, cultivated corporated in London), Prye Town-

ship Estate—Prye, Province Welles-

(rubber) 1,369 ley. ^ mile from Railway Station

Pondoland Estate—Pondok Tanjong, i J. Ashworth, manager

Perak Huttenbach, Lazarus & Sons, Ltd.,

E. C. Nicholson, proprietor Penang, agents

H. L. H. Tate, manager Acreage—Total: 611, cultivated?

Acreage—Total: 990, cultivated j (coconuts) 495

(rubber) 834 Prye Rubber & Coconut Plantations,

Port Dickson-Lukut (F.M.S.) Rubber Ltd. (Incorporated in England),

Prye Estate—Prai, Province Welles-

Estate, Ltd.—Negri Sembilan ley. 1? miles from Railway Station

S. A. Mountain, manager

S. A. Sugden and W. M. Har- andJ. Telegraph Office

Ashworth, manager

vey, assistants Tan Boon Eong, chief clerk

Guthrie & Co., Ltd., Kuala Lumpur, Tan Ah Keah, conductor


Registered Office—Guthrie & Co., S.I.P.E.F., Kuala Lumpur, agents

Secretaries and Registered Office^-

Ld., 52-54, Gracechurch Street, The Rubber Estate Agency, Ld.,

London, E.C. 3 Bunge House, 71, St. Mary Axe,

London, E.C.

Port Swettemham Rubber Co., Ltd.— Acreage—Total:

Mambau, Negri Sembilan 4,006, cultivated

H. M James, manager (rubber) 1,154, (coconuts) 1,011

Head Oiffioe—84-88, Williams Street, Pulau Daat Coconut and Rubber


Derrick & Co., Singapore, agents Plantations—Labuan, S.S.

Cheah Loon Ghee, general mgr.

Acreage—Total: 790, cultivated Secretary—Martin

(rubber) 790 V. Funk, Labuan

Acreage — Total.- 960, cultivated

Port Swettenham Rubber Co., Ltd.— (rubber) 100, (coconuts) 500

Klamg, Selangor

T. M. Latimer, visiting manager Pulau Toh M’Ali Estate—Postal Ad:

W. F. O. Stephens, assistant in Ragan 'Serai, Perak

charge J. M. Arbuckle, manager

Acreage — Total: 254. cultivated Brown, Phillips & 'Stewart, Penang,

(rubber) 254 agents


Secretaries; and Registered Office— Raja Musa (SelanguH)) Rubber and

MacLean, Brodie & Forgie, 6, Coconuts, Ltd. —Selangor

T.. A. Curran-Sharp, manager

Royal Bank Place; Glasgow

Acreage — Rubber 182, cultivated RegisteceU Office- • The Planters’

(coconuts) 165; (rubber) 17 Stores and Agency Co.. Ld.. 17,

St. Helen’s Place, London, E.C. 3

Planters’ Stores & Agency Co., Ltd.,

kI&BHS Perak t Ltd. — Sit:awa.ii, Kuala Lumpur, agents

B..M. Webber, gen.: mgr. & agent R AJAGHigi,. (C ijem bo so)' Estate—Kua-

R. Si White, assistant

; Registered Office-- George. Spencer Iq, V.Selangor: Teleph, 3

N. B. Were, manager

Moulton, Ltd., 2, Central Build- Secretaries’’ arid Registered Office—

f ings, Westminster, London, S.W.I. ] Boustead & Co.,-Ltd., Kuala Lumpur

Acreage^—Total: . :809^ cultivated

IPonggoe Rubber Estates, Ltd.— (rubbery 809

| Batang Malaka, Malacca' Rambutan Rubber,. Lstates (1930), Ltd.

JVM. McDonald, manager

j Secretaries and Registered Office— ..—Palau Langkawi, Kedah

M. J,.Y. Miilqr, pianagepi

Gattey and Rateman, Fullerton Hemry; AVa.ug|v 4 ,C°-> . Peftang,

Buiidinsr, Singapore agents' . , f . .

^ Acreage—Total: 1,091, cultivated Secretaries and Registered, .Office—

| , (rubber) 797 Burt, Taylor. & Oq., Ltd. 22, Fen-

•Posing Rubber and Tin, Ltd.—Supg- - A«r«fgepyffiptal:

church. Street, Loudon, E.C.

. ,1,640, cultivated

! kai, Perak | (rubber) 849.32, (coconuts) , 1-2.79

J. S. Hallam, manager, 11

Registered Office—J. W. Dykes, 65, Rambutan Rubber Estates, Ltd.—Rasa

London Wall, London. E.C. 2

General Mai:agers—Osborne & Chap- P.Ov,; Liu Selangor. , ,

F. W. Castle, manager (a«i leave)

| peR Tpoh A. S. Taylor, actg. mgr.

Radella Rubber Estate, Ltd,—Malacqa Secretaries A. J. Abbott, asst.

M. R. K. Nayar. assist.-in-cbarge and Registered Office—

Burt Taylor &; Co., Cereal.House,

Secretaries' and Registered Office— 58,’ Mark Lane, London

; Sime, Darby Co., . Ld., 4, Fort Acreggep-Total: 2ffi21, planted (rub-

! Road, Malacca ’ her) 1,7'13 ■' ' '

Rahman Rubber Estates, Ltd.— Ranston Kstate—Sungei Ga^lut, Negri

j Kaiang Selangor Sembilan . - „ ,, • . . .

| E. G. Leyne. manager C. H. Ryves, manager

t Secretaries and Registered Office— Acreage — Total': 156, cultivated

Sharp, Estall & Go.—1, Grace- ■ (rubber) 156

church Street, London, E. C. 3 Rassak (F.MvS.) Rubber Estate, Ltd.

t Acreage—Total: 420, cultivated —Negri' SemMfan

G1 (rubber) 402 : G. Mol-yneaux, manager

Planters’ Stores ' & Agency Co,, BoustCad & Co., !Ltd.‘, Kuala Lum-

■ j Kuala Lumpur, agents,1 pur, agents

Registered Office—Boustead Bros., 5,

JRajah Hitam Coconut Estate, Ltd.— Acreage Fenchurch'Street, Londom K.C. 3

, Selaiige-r; Postal Ad : Teluk Anson, ; (rubber)— Total: 444

482, cultivated

, Lower Perak

Y. S. Westh, resident manager

Agents and Secretaries—Boustead & Ratanui Rubber; Ltd.—Teluk; Alison,

Co., Ltd., Singapore Perak

Acreage—Total: 1,280, cultivated J. Anderson, manager

(coconuts) 1,085 P. J. F. Young, assistant



Registered Office—Bright & Gal- Secretaries and Registered Office— i

braith, Ld., 7, Martin’s Lane, The Rubber Estate Agency, Ltd., ;

Cannon Street, London, E.C. Bunge House, 71, 'St. Mary Axe,

London, E.C. 3

Cumberbatch & Co., Ltd., Kuala Acreage—Total:

Lumpur, agents 1,316, cultivated

(rubber) 1094

Rattb Rubber Estates, Ltd.—Pahang Repah Rubber and Tapioca Estates, '

Vicmote Rapheal de Bondy, mgr. Ltd.—Negri Sembilan


Cannon Office—A. G. England,

Street, London, E.C. 88, P. F. H. Crowther, manager i

Harrisons, Barker & Co., Ltd., Registered Co.,

Office—J. A. Wattie &

Ld., 10, Canton Road, S’hai.

Kuala, Lumpur, agents

Reyland Estate—Siputeh, Perak

Rembau Jelei Rubber, Ltd.—Negri H. R. Baxter, manager

Sembilan Aylesbury & Nutter, Ltd., Ipoh, '


K. P. Feynolds, manager, Jeram Acreage—Total:

Padang Division 636, cultivated

Registered Office—Guthrie & Co., (rubber) 504

Ld., 5, Whittington Avenue, Lea-

denhall Street, London, E.C. Ribu Rubber Co., Ltd. — Rantau,

Guthrie & Co., Ltd., Kuala Lumpur, Negri Sembilan

agents Harrisons Barker & Co., Ltd.,

H. J. Norris, manager, Batu Kuala Lumpur, agents

Hamuar Division

G. T. McCulloch, manager, Pedas Secretaries


and Registered Office—

Brown & Co., Colombo,

Division Ceylon

B. G. Woodcock, manager, Parit Acreage—Total: 933, cultivated

Tinggido (rubber) 875

Acreage—Total: 9,458, cultivated

(rubber) 7,254 Rim (Malacca'4 Rubber Estates, Ltd.

(Incorporated in England), Rim

Rembia Rubber Company, Ltd.—Mer- Estate—Jasin, Malacca. Distances:

Jasin to Telegraph and Post Office,

sinsr, Johore 2^ miles. Jasin to Railway Station.

W. H. C. Horn, acting mgr. (on 21j miles

leave) A. Simpson, manager

Sime, Darby & Co., Ltd., Malacca, J. H. Witherby, assistant


Resristered Office—Rowe, White & Secretaries and Registered Office—

Henry Gunther, 37/38, Fenchurch

Co., Ld., 4, Lloyd’s Avenue, Fen- Street, London, E.C. 3

church Street, London, E.C. Acreage—Total: 3,537.75, cultivated

Rembia Rubber Estates, Ltd.—Malacca (rubber) 2,749.86

Chas. Milne, manager Boustead & Co., Ld., Kuala Lum-

pur, agents

Registered Office—Rowe, White &

Co., Ld.. 4, Llovd’s Avenue, Fen- Riverside (Selangor) Rubber Co.,

church Street, London, E.C. 3

Sime, Darby & Co., Ltd., Malacca, Ltd.—Selangor

D. A. Alexander, manager


Acreage—Total: 1,658^, cultivated

(rubber) 1,549 Riverview Estates, Ltd. — Parifc,


Remeield Rubber Estates, Ltd., Coal- W. S. Paterson, manager

fields Estate—Sungei Buloh, Selan- Secretaries and Registered Office—

gor Evatt & Co., Ipoh

W S. Harkwicke. manager Acreage—Total: 1,247, cultivated

S.I.P.EiF., Kuala Lumpur, agents (rubber) 985


Rivington Estates, Ltd., Rivington Rubber Estates of Johore, Dtd.—

Estate—Padang Serai, Kedah Batu Anam. Johpre

'Secretaries and Registered1 Office— Albert Booth, manager

G. W. Wilson & Co., Ltd ., Sungei Harrisons, Barker ' & Co., Ltd.,

Patani, Kedah Kuala Lumpur, agents

Acreage—Total: 566, planted (rub- Acreage—Total: 5,009, cultivated

ber) 557 . (rubber) 2,863

Roebotjrne Finance and Investment Registered Office—Harrisons & Cros-

Co., Ltd., Sungei Peradin Estate, field, Ld., 1-4, Great Tower Street,

Pontian Kechil, Johore London, E.O.

A. St. Alban Smith, proprietor Rubber Estates of Krian, Ltd. (Incor-

E. A. Chard, manager porated in England), Bagan Samak

Boustead & Co., Ltd., Singapore, and Chan Seng Estates—Kedah;

agents Postal Ad: (for both Estates), Rub

Registered Office—Wallis Wood & her Estates of Krian, Ld., Bandar

Co., 29, Rood Lane, London, E.C. Bharu; Cable Ad : Gregory

3 C. H. Gregory, manager

Acreage.— Total: 935, cultivated L. C. Pincott, assistant

(rubber) 861 Cumberbatch & Oo., Ltd., Kuala

Rosevale Rubber Oo., Ltd.—Selangor . Lumpur, agents

E. Clyne, manager Secretaries and Registered Office—

Whittall & Co., Kuala Lumpur, Bright & Galbraith, 7, Martin’s

agents Lane, Cannon Street, London, E.





3 33, Rubber Estates of Malaya, . Ltd.—

Kota Tinggi, Johore

Rothiemay (Selangor) Rubber Es- G. H. Boddipgton, general mgr.

tates, Ltd. (Tamil Name: Sungei J. Wallace Cameron, assistant

Buloh Aar)—Postal Ad: Kuala J, W. Watts Carter, do.

Selhnigor; ' Teleph. '43 (Kuala H. F. O’B. Trail, do

Selangor) Secretaries and Registered Office'—

Directors—D. F. Topham, E. C. Francis Peek & Co., 5, Eastcheap,

Rossell and F. G. Souter London, E.C. 3

H. H. Park, manager Francis Peek &. Co.,6,637

Acreage—Total: Ltd., Singapore


Secretaries and Agents—Harper cultivated (rubber) 6,247

Gilfillan & Co., Ltd., Kuala

Lumpur Rubber ' Growers’ C6., Ltd.—Kuala

Rubana Rubber Estates, Ltd.—Teluk Selangor, Selangor

Anson, Perak H. G. L. Richards, manager

H. K. C. Tobutt, manager Secretaries

Cumberbatchand& Registered Office—

Co., Colombo

Registered Office—F. E. Maguire, 8, Cumberbatch & Co., Ltd., Kuala

Austin Friars, London, E.C. 2

Boustead & Co., Ltd., Penang, Lumpur, agents

agents Acreage—Total: 640, cultivated

Acreage—Total: 4,918, cultivated (rubber) 640

(rubber) 4,537, (coconuts) 14

Rubber Plantations Investment Trust,

N.Y. Rubber Cultuur Maatschappy Ltd., The—Juliana Huis, Medanr

“Amsterdam,” Rubber and Oil- Sumatra; Telteph. 200, Medan;

palms—Sumatra; Postal Ad: Ga- Sable Od : Rupitli; Codes: Bentley’s

lang; Cable Ad : Amstrubber, Me- and Western Union

dan; Codes: A.B.C. 6th edition

Rubber Trust Ltd., The, Taiping

Rubber Cultuur Maatschappy “Ams- Rubber Estate—Ayer Kuning North,

terdam,” Rubber, Tea and Coffee— Perak. Postal Ad : c/o Wellington

Java. Postal Ad: Tanggoel O/L; Estate, Padang Renga, Perak

Cable Ad : Amstrubber Djember H. W. S. Gowland, visiting mgr.



Secretaries—J. A. Wcitt-je & Co.^ SANuycROET Rubber Co., LTB.-rTad-

Ltd., Shanghai ping, Perak .;

Kennedy, Burkill •& . jOo., Ltd., Chas. Prentice, manager ‘

Penang, agents Secretaries and Registered" Office—

Aeteage—Total: , 5tS2,, cultivated Harrisons, Barker; & Co.,! Ltd.,

; , (rubber)' 515 ’ Penang

Sabins Acreage—Total: 1,102.77,; eultivited

PanarNorth BorneoEstate—rJesselton,

and Mawao | Rubber, Ltd. , (rubber) 853.65

B.N. Borneo; Cable Ad: Mawao


Secretaries and ^Registered. Office-r Sango Koshi Rubber Estates—Johore.

Otithrie & Co., Ltd.', 5, Whitting- 'Singapore


Office : 17,Beach Road

Akuzawa, president

ton Avenue, London T. Koizumi, manager and P/A.

R. B. Luther, mgr. (on , leave) A. Nakanishi, assistant ' .

A.’.C. Hiap,

Koirg Mackenzie,


Hin acting mgr.

Go.1, Jesselton, Pengerang, etc., Estates, via; Singa-

comrrihVcial agents pore .' ’

Acreage—Total : 9,942, cultivated T. Koizumi, manager

(rubber) 4,073 Acreage—Total: 10,135, cultivated

(rubber) 7,123, (coconuts) 73

Sabrang Rubber Estate, Ltd.—Perak Batu Pahat Estates, Batu Pahat,

G. Ratcllffe. manager Johore

Registered Office—F. Trenouth, se- Batu Pahat Estate No. 1

cretary, 8 & '9, Austin Friars, T. Koizumi, manager

London, E.C. 2 S. Miyake, assistant manager

Bou stead & Co., Ltd., Penang, Acreage—Total: 4,337|, cultivat-

agents ed (rubber) 4,124, (coconuts) 9

Acreage^—Total: 5,225, cultivated Batu Pahat Estates No. .2

(rubber) 3,673 T. Koizumi, manager -

•S'. Miyake, assistant manager

Sagga Rubber Co., Ltd —Negri Sem- Acreage—Toal: 9,403, cultivated

bilan (rubber) 7,705, (cocpnuts) 106

R. B. Nunneley, manager

Registered Office—Henckell, Du Buis- Sapintas Government Plantation—

son & Cb._, 18, Laurence Pountney Selangor; Postal Ad’: Sabak

Lane, London, E.O. Bernam via Teluk Anson, Lower

Mansergh & Tayler, Seremban, Perak


Acreage—VTotal: 5,522, cultivated Planters’ E. J. Malim, manager

(rubber) 1,850 Loans Board, Kuala, Lum-

pur, agents

Samagaga Rubber Co., Ltd.—Eagan Acreage—Total: 2,112, cultivated

(rubber) 88, •(coconuts) 980 ...

Serai, Perak

L. Lockycar, manager

Registered Office—J. A. Wattie & Sapong Rubber and Tobacco, Estates,

Go., Shanghai

Kennedy, Burkill & Co., Ltd., ton, Ltd., Sapong Estate—Tenom, Jessel-

Penang, agents B.N. Borneo

C. B. Brewer, m.c., manager

Sandakan Estates, Ltd. J. R. Baxter, assistant

Sungei Batang Estate, Sandakan, R. H. Coward

B. N. Borneo A. H. Stoneham

Acreage—Total: 1,262, cultivated Harrisons & Crosfield (Borneo),

(rubber) 350 Ld.,, agents

Batu Limah Estate Secretary and Registered Office—F.

Acreage—Total: 1,006, cultivated E. Lease. 1-4, Gfc. Tower Street,

(rubber) 400 London., E.O.

Harrisons & Crosfield (Borneo), Aereage—Total: 20,000, cultivated

Ltd., Sandakan, agents (rubber) 3,280


Sarawak Rubber Estates, Ltd., Sun- Registered Office—Yule, Catto & Co.,

gei Tengah Estate, Kuchdcng, ■ SaTa- !• insburv House, Blomfield Street,

London, E.C.

wak“-Teleph. 46. Distance . ifrom Anglo-»Siam Corporation, Ltd.,

Kuching : .10. miles. , Singapore, agents

D. MacDonald,' man age t Acreage—Total: 11,354, cultivated

T. J. Munro, asst. (rubber)- 7,876

L. Sliak On, head..clerk

J. Ghoi iSieAyy head dresser

Visiting Agent—H. C. Cummins Sedgeley (F.M.S.) Rubber Cp., Ltd.



Total: 3,476, planted (Incorporated in England),. Sedge-

The ' KBqrhep "Co.., Etd.; Kuching, ley Estate—Postal Ad: Kajang,

Selangor, F.M.S.; Teleph. 55, Ka-

agents jang; Cable Ad: Sedgeley, Kajang.

Sardah Rubber Estate—Rostal Ad: (Distance from Railway Station &

Kati, Kuala Kangsar. Perak . , Post Office: 7 miles)

Louis Thivy, proprietor, A. Gh Barron-Tuop, manager

Acreage — Total: 217,. culliya^ed Agents—S.I.P.E.E., P.O. Box 145,

(rubber) 203 Kuala Lumpur

Secretaries and Registered Office—•

Seafield Rubber Co., Ltd. (England) The Rubber Estate Agency, Ltd.,

—Selangor; Cable Ad: Seafield , Bunge House, ,71, St. kfary Axe,

J. Timm, superintendent London, D.C. 3

G. Anderson, assistant- Acreage—Total: 2,423, :cultivated

Registered Office.—McMeekin & Co., (r.ubber) 2,198j

10 and 11, Lime St., London, E.C.

Barlow & Co., Kuala Lumpur, I Segari Rubber, Limited

agents Lintang Estate — Sungei Siput,

Acreage—Total: 2,971, cultivated .North, Perak manager

(rubber) 2,719 A. R. Mathieu,

?Seah Ned Huang Estate—28,11 Jalan Acreage—Toijal: 5P5, cultivated

Segget, Job ore Bahru (rubber) 377,

Seah Siow Seek, mamagei• Seu-ari listate Spgari, , Dindings,

Acreage — Total: 370, cultivated Perak

(rubber) 340 Managing Agents : F. S. Mathieu


• Seaport (Selangor) Rubber Estate, Secretary and. Registered Office:

Ltd.—Selangor C. E. E/.astlan d—35, Charles

C. N. Crush, manager , Street, Farringdbn Road, Hoh-

Registered Office—Harrisons & Cros- . ,do.n, E.C. 1,. England

field. Ld.. 1-4, Great Tower Street, Acreage—Total : ;,a^8, . cultivated

London, E.C. (rubber) .338

Harrisons, Barker & Co., Ltd.,

Kuala Lumpur, agents i SegAhi Rubber, Ltd.—Segari Estate,

Acreage—Total: 1,9861, cultivated Segari, Lumut, Dindings: Lintang

(rubber) 1,937 Estate, Sungei Siput, N. Perak

Managing Agents—Nevill Stevens

Ska view . Syndicate, Ltd.—Banting, & ’Co.; 1 poh, Perak

Selangor .Sficreiaii-V. ahcT RegisteThd Qffibe—C.

E. L. Husoh, manager E. "'Eaktlatidi ’’35, Charles Street,

Secretaries and Registered Office— Earringdon Road, London, E.C. 1.

Whittal & Co., Kuala Lumpur

'Sedenak A. Rubber Estates,

C. C. Miles, Ltd.—Johore

manager i SEkpNG Jl;u'BBEfi!'' C'b., Ltd. (England),

| (Thborpora'ted in E-hgland), Sekong

C. H. Engley, E. A. J. Brooks Estate—Po,3ta'I

D. B. T. Scott, R. C D. Oli- Snmiakan .Bay,Ad: Sekong B.N.B.

Sandakan, Estate,;

ver and A. B.; T. 1Pargeter, Cable Ad : Sekbng, Sandakan

assistants ■' ’ Barlow & Co., Singapore, agents


Registered Office—Thos. Barlow & Selangor River Rubber Estates, Ltd.

Bro., Ceylon House, Eastcheap, Selangor

C. W. S. Gardner, manager

London, E.C. 3

Acreage—Total: 8,771, cultivated Harper Gilfillan & Co., Ltd., Kua-

(rubber) 1,432 la Lumpur, agents

Registered Office—Taylor, Noble &

Selama-Dindings Plantations, Ltd., Co., Ltd., Adelaide House, King

Bindings Cocoanut Estate—Perak William Street, London, E.C. 4

W. S. Cookson, general manager Acreage—Total: 2,778 (rubber)

A, C. Jameson, manager

Registered Office—Hawaiian Trust Selangor Rubber Co., Ltd.—Selangor

Co., Ld., Honolulu, Hawaii R. A. Wanless, manager

Acreage—Total : 3,072, cultivated Registered Office—Gibson & Ander-

(rubber) 454, (coconuts) 2,317^ son (Glasgow), Ltd., 124, St.

Vincent St.,

Selama (Malaya) Rubber Estates, Ltd. Harrisons, Barker Glasgow

—Serdang, Kedah & Co., Ltd.,

R. L. Hart, manager Kuala Lumpur, agents

Mansergh & Tayler, Seremban, Acreage—Total: 2,720, cultivated

agents (rubber) 2,640

Registered Office—Kennaway, Neame Selangor United Rubber Estates, Ltd.

& Co., 6, Lloyd’s Avenue, Fen- (Incorporated in England)—Se-

ehurch Street, London langor

Selama (Malaya) Rubber Estates, Browncomet Estate—Postal Ad:

Browncomet Estate, Klang, Se-

Ltd., Choong Meng Estate—iSer- langor. Distance from Railway

dang, Kedah Station: 6 miles; Distance from

R. L. Hart, manager Telegraph Office: 6 miles

G. J. W. Hellon, assistant B. Huxley Walker, visiting mgr.

Mansergh & Tayler, Seremban, P. J. Roy Waugh, visiting agent

agents M: Muttiah, conductor-in-charge

Secretaries and Registered Office—

Kennaway Neame & Co., 6, Agents—Gutherie

la Lumpur

& Co., Ltd., Kua-

Lloyd’s Avenue, Fenchurch St., Acreage—Total: 715, cultivated

London, E.C. 3

Acreage—Total: 1,072, cultivated St. (rubber) 627

Andrew Estate—Postal Ad:

(rubber) 1,072, (coconuts) 16 St. Andrew Estate, Batang Ber-

Selangor Coconuts, Ltd.—Batu Laut, juntai; Cable Ad: Standrew.

Selangor Distance from Railway Station:

D. G. Robertson, acting manager 2 miles from Batang Berjuntai St.

Secretaries and Registered Office— Distance from Telegraph Office:

Boustead & Co., Ltd., Kuala 1 mile from Batang Berjuntai

Lumpur T.O.

Acreage—Total: 1,473, cultivated B. Huxley Walker, manager

(coconuts) 1,470 P. J. Roy Waugh, visiting agent

Guthrie & Co., Ltd., Kuala

Selangor Oil Palms Co., Ltd., Elmina Lumpur, agents

Estate—Sungei Buloh, Selangor ; Secretaries and Registered Office—

D. W. MoCrow, manager Guthrie & Co., Ltd., 52/54,

Wm. Dewar and J. D. MacNob, Gracechurch Street, London,

assistants E.C.

Cumberbatch & Co., Ltd., Kuala Acreage—Total: 2,122, cultivated

Lumpur, agents (rubber) 1,498

Secretaries and Registered Office—

C. A. Pattullo, 46, Chariotte Selborne Plantation Co., Ltd., The,

Square, Edinburgh Selborne Plantation—Padang Tung-

Acreage—Total: 3,423|, cultivated ku, Kuala Lipis, Pahang; Cable

(oil palms) 2,116f, (rubber) Ad: Selborne, Padang Tungku

1,236| S. J. Hartfield, manager


Dr. W. J. Dixon, visiting medical Boustead and Co., Ltd, Kuala

practitioner Lumpur, agents

Lee Cheong, chief clerk and Acreage—Total: 1,683, cultivated

bookkeeper (rubber) 1,533

Paterson, -Simons & Co., Ld.,

Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Sempah Rubber Estates, Ltd.—Pro-

Penang, agents vince

Registered Offioei—38, Old Broad' St., E. J.Wellesley

Lewis, manager

London, E.O. 2 Registered Officer—Rubber Estates

Acreage—Total: 3,470, cultivated Agency, Ltd., Bunge House, 71,

(Gutta Percha) 3,000 St. Mary’s Axe, London, E.C.

S.I.P.E.F., Kuala Lumpur, agents

Seletar Plantations, Ltd. —Seletar, Acreage—Total: 2,262

Singapore Senawang Rubber Estates (Co.),

-Selinsing Rubber Co., Ltd.—Taiping, (1921), Ltd.—Negri Sembilan

Perak C. H. Ryves, manager

G. C. Booth, manager Registered Office—J. A. Wattie &

Registered Office—Carson & Co., Co., 10, Canton Road, Shanghai

Colombo, Ceylon Kennedy, Burkill & Co., Ltd.,

Whittall & Co., Ltd., Kuala Lum- Penang, agents

pur, agents Acreage—Total: 1,882, cultivated

(rubber) 1,663

Semambu Rubber Estates, Ltd.— Sendayan (F.M.S.) Rubber Co., Ltd.—

Pahang Negri Sembilan

Registered Office^—J. A. Wattie & H. G. Robinson, manager

Co., Ld., Shanghai Registered Office—Guthrie & Co.,

Kennedy, Burkill & Co., Ltd., Ipoh, Ld., 5, Whittington Avenue, Lea-

agents denhall Street, London, E.C. 3

Guthrie & Co., Ltd., Kuala Lumpur,

Semanggol Rubber Co., Ltd.—Krian agents

Road, Perak Sendayan (F.M.S.) Rubber Co., Ltd.—

A. G. Boyd, manager Kerling Estate, Selangor

Secretaries and Registered Office— J. S. Godward, acting manager

Brown, Phillips and Stewart,

Penang Registered Office—Guthrie & Co.,

Ld., 5, Whittington Avenue, Lea-

.Sembilan Estates Co., Ltd.—Negri denhall Street, London, E.C. 3

Sembilan Acreaged—Toal : 5,258, cultivated

Tampin Linggi Estate (rubber) ■ 3,437

J. E. Skelton, manager

A. M, PI. Hawes, assistant Sengat Rubber Estate, Ltd.—Kam-

Sua Grensing Estate pong Kepayang, Perak

J. E. Skilton, manager E. L. D. Evans, manager

C. B. Lea, assistant Registered Officer—Shaud, Haldane &

Guthrie & Co., Ltd., Kuala Lum- Co., 24, Rood Lane, Lond., E.C. 3

pur, agents Acreage—Total: 1,898, cultivated

Acreage—Total: 7,511, cultivated (rubber) 1,788 ,

(rubber) 4,189

Registered Office—John K. Gilliat & ISennah Rubber Co., Ltd.—Postal Ad:

Co., Ld., 10, Old Jewry London, —Laboehan Bilik, E.C. Sumatra

E. C. 2 J. Rnssell, head manager

W. L. B. Tisbury and J. Moser,

Semenyih Rubber Estate, Ltd.— head assistants

Selangor Bilah Estate ■.

F. B. Gough, manager J. Ruelle, head manager

Registered Office—Boustead Bros., 5, Acreage^Total: 9,200 H.A., culti-

Fenchurch Street, London, E.C. vated (rubber) 6,132 H.A.


Sepang Valley Estate, Ltd.—Negri Shanghai Kedah Plantations, Ltd.,

Paya Kamunting Estate—Kedah

Sembilan R. G. D. McAuley, manager

H. M. Parry, mgr. (on leave) Riverside Estate

A. A. Mulloy (acting) R. G. D. McAuley, manager

Registered Office-—Mansergh & Tay- Registered Office—A. R. Burkill &

ler, Seremban Sons, 2, Canton Road, Shanghai

Serdang Gultuur Maatschappij—Sta- Shanghai Kelantan Rubber Estates

tion : Perbaoengan; Teleph'. 20 (Loe- (1925), Ltd. (Registered in Hong-

boe Pakam); Cable Ad: Sibajak, kong), Pasir Gajah Estate—Postal


L. R. Koolemans Beijnen, head Ad: Pasir Gajah Estate, Nal, Ke-

lantan: Railway Station.: Sungei

manager Nal

G. Holderness, manager

Serdang Blah Syndicate, Ltd.—Bant- H. C. Pinching/visiting agent

ing Selangor Kennedy, - Burkill & Co., Ld.,

..Secretaries and Registered Office— RegisteredPenang, Offiee^-Seth,

agents Mancell &

Whittal & Co., Kuala Lumpur McLure, 7, Avenue Edward VII.,

Acreage—Total: 1,475, cultivated Shanghai

(rubber) 1,000 Acreage—Total: 2,996, cultivated

Seremban, Ltd. — Serembau, Negri (rubber) 974

Sembilan Shanghai Klebang Rubber Estate,

Osborne & Ohappel, Ipoh, general Ltd.—Ipoh, Perak

managers T. G. MoCheane, manager

Secretary and Registered Office— Secretaries and Registered Office—

J. A. Wattie

Tom Wickett, Station Hill, Red- Kennedy,

ruth Burkill &!' Go., Ltd.,

Penang, agents

Acreage—Total: 754, cultivated ! Acreage—Total:

(rubber) 514 "519, cultivated

(rubber)' 454

Seremban Rubber Estates, Ltd.—Sun-. Shanghai-Malay Rubber Estates, Ltd.

gei Gadut, Negri Sembilan —Sungkai, Perak

J. I. Wardell, manager L. A. Blackball, manager

W. J. Mearns, assistant Kennedy, Burkill & Co., Ipoh,

Whittair & Co., Kuala Lumpur, agents

agents Secretaries—J. A. Wattle & Co.,

Se6retaries and Registered Office— Shanghai

Thomson, Alston & Co.—2, Idol Acreaged — Total i 1,145, cultivated

Lane, Eastcheap, London (rubber) 85.8

Acreage—Total: 3,487, cultivated

, (rubber) 3,334 Shanghai Pahang Rubber Co., Ltd.—

Pahang ' .

Seventh Mile Rubber Estate, Ltd.— Registered H. Siffipson, manager

Selangor Office—A. R. Burkill &

,0. Shelton-Agar, manager Sons, Shanghai

Registered Cffice—Cumberbatch & Kennedy, Burkill & Co., Ltd.,

Penang, agents

Co., Ld., Kuala Lumpur

SSalimar (Malay) Estate Co., Ltd., Shanghai Seremban. Rubber Estate,

Shalimar Estate—Postal Ad: Kuala Ltd.—Mambau,

D. Gilchrist,

Negri Selhbilan


Selangor Secretaries

R. H. Ransom, manager

Cumberbatch & Co., Ld., Kuala Kennedy,J, A. Wattie &Registered

and Office—

Co., Shanghai

Lumpur, agents Burkill & Co., Ltd.,

Penang, agents

Secretaries and Registered Office— Acreage—Total:

Cuniberpatdh & Co., Ltd., Colombo 707, cultivated

(rubber) 638


Shanghai Sumatra Rubber Estates, Siginting (Negri SEMBityN) Rubber

Ltd.—Tandjong Poera, Sumatra Co., Ltd.—Port Dickson, Negri

R. P. Woodyear, manager Sembilan '

L. R. Lewis, assistant G. L. Harris, (aetg.). res., manager

McAuliffe, Davis & Hope, Medan, Secretary—H. D. Saw, Mooregate

managing agents Chambers, London, E.C. 2

J. S. M. Rennie, 9, de Souza Street,

Shansi Estate, Johore—Postal Ad: Singapore, agents !

112/114, Robinson Rd., Singapore Acreage—Total:

(rubber) 902 1,080, cultivated

Lim Chong Pang, visiting agents

Acreage—Total: 1,0,47, cultivated

(rubber) only

Simpang , Rubber Estate 'Co., Ltd.—

Shelford Rubber.' .Estates, Ltd.— Simpang Amp at, Prov. Wellesley

Selangor F. R. Wright, manager

T K. Wilson, manager Registered Office—Eastern Indus-

W. J. S. Price tries, Ld., London

Cumberbatch &. Co., Ltd.-, Kuala

Lumpur, agents Singapore Para Rubber Estates, Ltd.,

Registered Office—Macdonald, Ste- T'he—.Torak Estate, Muar, Johore

wart & Co^ West;Regent Street, W. R. Webber, manager

, , Glasgow J. Murray, visiting agent (Kuala


Siak Rubber Estates, Ltd. (Incorpo-

rated in England)—Sumatra; Pa- ■Sandilands, Buttery & Co., Singa-

kan Baroe, Siak,. S.E.C.; Cable Ad; pore, agents

Siakrubber, Pakam. Baroe; . .Qjbjgfe'i Secretaries—M. P. Evans A Co., 30,

Broomhall Mi-riblilg Lane, London, EiC. 3

J, J. van den Hoek, manager

Sandilands,. Buttery & Co.!, Singa- Singapore PAiRa Rubber Estates, Ltd.

pore, agents '' 1 ---Negri Sembilan

^Secretaries—Rowe, White'Sc Uo., Ld., R. M. S. Keir, manager

’4, Lloyd’s Avenue, London, E.C. Secretaries and Registered Offibe—

Acreage—Total: 9,286, Cultivated M. P. Evans & Co., 30, Mincing

(rubber) 1,472 Lane, London, E.C. 3

Sialang Rubber Estates, Ltd.,Poerba,

Batoe Acreage Total : 2,887. Planted

Gingging Estate—Bangoen (rubber) 2,148

Serdang, E.C. Sumatra

.Jellis Temp, acting mgr. Singapore United Rubber Planta-

Paya Pinang Estate—Tebing tions, Ltd.—Paya Lebar, S’pore.

Tinggi, Deli, E...C. Sumatra R. A. Dix, manager

A. Campbell, manager Registered Office—British Indus-

G. Baton and 0. G'. Skinner, tries and General investment


Secretaries and Registered Office— : Trust,,


J04,2 Winchester House,

Harrisons and Crosfield, Ltd., 1-4, Sandilands, Buttery & Go., Singa-

Great Tower Stifeet, London pore, agents

Acreage—Total: I6,648i, cultivated Acreage—I'otal: 3,712, . cultivated

(rubber) 6,358 (rubber) 2,901

♦Sidmox.tu Estate, Ltd. — Rom pin, Si-Pare:-Pare Rubber * Co., ’ Si-Pare-

Kegri Sembilan Pate Estate (Rubber only)—Su-

A. L. Harrison, manager matra: Post and Tel. Office: Kisa-

Secretaries and Registered Office— ran, Deli, E.C. Sumatra

Mansergh & Tayler, Seremban Registered Office—Si-Pare-Pare Rub-

‘Acreage—Total: 5'20, -cultivated ber Maatschappij, Amsterdam,

(rubber) 500 Holland


Societe des Plantations de Telok Kennedy, Burkill & Co., Ltd., Pen-

Dalam, Telpk Dalam Estate—Tan- ang, agents

jong Balei, Asahan, Sumatra Secretaries and Registered Office—

D. J. van Balen, manager J. A. Wattie & Co , Ltd., 39, Lom-

D. de Boer, assistant bard Street, London, E.C.

Acreage—Total: 6,772, cultivated Acreage — Total: 748, cultivated

(rubber) 3,589 (rubber) 741

SOCIETA ITALIANA DEL l’EsTREMO South Johore Rubber Estate, Ltd.—

Oriente, Ltd., Rubber Plantations— Johore

KedaJb H. G. Bailey, manager

Dr. B. Bertoli, manager Registered Office—Burt, Taylor &

D. M. Manfred, assistant Co., Ld., 22, Fenchurch Street,.

F. Meloni, assistant London, E.C. 3

r Henry Waugh & Co., Ltd., Penang,

SOEKA RADJA CuLTt UR Mu. N.V., agents

Soeka Radja (Asahan) Estate—No.

55, Tandjong Balei, Sumatra South Malay Rubber Plantations

T. H. Hall, administrator (1932), Ltd., London—Johore

Harrisons & Orosfield, Ltd., Medan, J. S. Foley, manager

Soimatra, agents V. D. Nair, clerk

Registered Office—Lyall, Anderson

Soengei Lipoet Cultuur .Mu'—Soen- & Co., 16, Philpot Lane, London,

gei Lipoet Estate E.C.

H. Moggi, manager

A. J. Klaasing, book-keeping South Perak Rubber Syndicate, Ltd.

Ed. de Bruyn, head asst. —Sungkai, Perak

J. van Oort, asst, R. C. Williams, manager

A. Paans, machinist Registered Office—Rubber Estate

R. Yieuxbled, head asst. Agency, Ld., 71, St. Mary’s Axe,

Societe Einanciere des Caoutchoucs, London, E.O.

Medan, agents Planters’ Stores & Agency Co., Ltd.,

Acreage—Total: 4,244, cultivated Kuala Lumpur, agents


Soengei Radja Estate—P.O., Tand- Spring Hill Estate—Serdang, Kedah

jong Balei, Sumatra W. Adair, proprietor

W. H. F. Klein, administrator H. Adair, do.

Guthrie & Co., Ltd1., Medan, agents T. E. Upton, visiting manager

Acreage—Total: 260, cultivated

Soengei Rampah Rubber and Coconut (rubber) 200

Plantations, Co., Ltd., Soengei

Rampah Estate—Rampah, Sumatra, Sri Langka Estate—Postal Ad: 4,

E.C. Circular Road, Seremban

G. J. Hekkert, manager A. Chellathurai, manager


agents & Crosfield, Ltd., Medan, Secretaries and Registered Office—

■Secretaries and Registered Office— Acreage4, Circular Road, Seremban

— Total: 175, cultivated


don & Crosfield, Ltd., Lon- (rubber) 175

Acreage—Total: 2,481, cultivated

(rubber) 1,505 St. Albans Estate—Sungei Tiram,

Johore; Postal Ad: c/o Peradin

Sonosekar Planting Co., Ltd., Kele- Estate, Pontian, Johore

mak Estate:—Alor Gajah, Malacca; A. St. Alban Smith, proprietor

Teleph. 10: Cable Ad: Kelemak, E. A. Chard, manager

Alor Gajah Acreage — Total: 105 cultivated

L. S. Harland, manager (rubber) 105


'St. Cye Rubber Estate — Temangan, Flemington Estate, Teluk Anson,

K el antan Perak

W. O’Connor, proprietor A. B. Symes, manager

T. G. Menon, Bookkeeper Acreage—Total: 3,427, (coconuts)

Acreage—Total: 450, cultivated TelukI, Buloh Estate, Teluk Anson

(rubber) 400 Frank H. Dale, manager

j Standard Rubber Co. of Selangor, Acreage—Total: 3,077, cultivated

i Ltd.—Semenyih, Selangor (coconuts) 2,327

Alexr. Davidson, mgr. (on leave) Dr. John Stewart, m.b., ch. b.,

H. B. Wilkinson (acting) med. officer

Registered Office—H. F. Hinton, 72, H. J. Gillespie (London), visiting

f King Street, Sydney agent

Harrisons, Barker & Co., Ltd., Harrisons, Barker & Co., Ltd.,

Kuala Lumpur, agents

Kuala Lumpur, agents Secretaries and Registered Office—

Acreage—Total: 1,193, cultivated Harrisons & Crosfield, Ltd., 1-4,

(rubber) 1,123 Gt. Tower St., London, E.O.

? Stoughton (Perak) Rubber Planta- Straits Rubber Co., Ltd.

Gedong Estate, Bagan .Serai, Perak

s txons, Ltd. G. Phillips, manager

\ Stoughton Estate—Ulu Sapeta-ng, B. C. N. Mountain, assistant

“i Perak Acreage—Total: 4,402, cultivated

T. Newman, manager

Acreage—Total: 1,531^, cultivated Nova(Rubber) 4,317, (coconuts) 58

Scotia Estate, Teluk Anson,

(rubber) 1,046 Perak

Lauderdale Estate—Matang, Perak J. Hargreaves, manager

I J. A. Fox, manager R. Robson, A. W. Sanders, A.

Acreage—Total: 1,026, cultivated K. Murphy, J. E. Tiffen, S.

(coconuts) 3,916

Secretaries and Registered Office— Acreage G.— Total: Smith, assistants

7,476, cultivated

M. P. Evans & Co., 30, Mincing (Rubber) 6,003

Lane, London

Sandilands, Buttery & Co., Penang, Bouagents stead & Co., Ltd., Penang,

agents Secretaries and Registered Office—


Straits Plantations, , Ltd. — Bagan H. S. Pickthall, 85, Gracechurch

Datoh, Perak Street, London, E.C. 3

1 Eagan Datoh Estate Strathisla (Perak) Rubber Estates,

A. C. Smith, manager (on leave) Ltd.—Perak

C. Cruickshank, acting mgr. W. Watt, manager

N. J. Cowie, asst,

J. H. Young, asst. (on leave) G. T. Doig, assistant


Acreage—Total: 4,298, cultivated Harrisons, Barker & Co., Ltd.,

Kuala Lumpur, agents

(coconuts) 3,887 Registered Office—Harrisons & Cros-

Strathmashie Estate, Bagan Datoh, field, Ld., 1-4, Great Tower Street,

I Perak London, E.C.

W. H, Watson, manager

J. Robertson, asst, (on leave) Strathmore Rubber Co., Ltd.—Selan-

T. G. Wilson, asst. gor

C. F. Fyfe, asst, (on leave) N. J. Alexander, general mgr.

| Acreage—Total: 3,159, (coconuts) Strathmore and Ulu Bulch Estates

1 2,800 A. S. Tosh, manager

Melentang Estate, Bagan Datoh, Sungei Rawang Estate

Perak D. W. McGrow, visiting super-

W. H. Watson, manager visor

A. K. Robertson, assistant Registered Office—C. A. Pattulo, 46,

Acreage—Total: 3,159, (coconuts) Charlotte Square, Edinburgh,

(coconuts) 2,237 Scotland


Stbeamland Estate—Port Dickson, Sandiiands,-Buttery & Co., Medan,

Negri Sembilan agents

A. A. Kula Singam, proprietor & Acreage—Total: 4,090, cultivated

manager (rubber) 1,800

Acreage—Total: 136, cultivated

(rubber and oofijee) 136 Sumatra Consolidated Rubber Es-

tates, Ltd., Padang Toealang Es-

Sua MangGis Rubber Co., Ltd.— tater-PFandjong Poera, Sumatra

Rantau, Negri Seinbilan W. Friedlander, manager

Harrisons, Barker & Co., Kuala R. F. Masters, asst

Lumpur, agents Sandiiands, Buttery & ;Go.,. Medan,

Secretaries and Registered Office— agents

J. A. Wattie & Co., Ltd., Shapg- Secretaries and Registered Office—

hai M. P,. . "Evans • & Oo;, 30, Mincing

Lane, London, E.C. 3

Suloh Rubber Estates, Ltd.—Tap ah, Acreage—Total: 4,000, cultivated

Perak (’rubber) 2,400

N. L. Whatford, manager

Secretaries and Registered Office—, ^Sumatra Para Rubber, Plantations,

Brawn, Phillips and' .fetewart, Ltd. (London), Pangkattan Estate—

' Ipeh

Acreage — Total: 760, cultivated Sumatra; Bila, Sumatra

Postal Ad: Pangkattan,

(rubber) 744 C. M. Robertson, manager

Sumatra Caoutchouc Maatschaprjj, . Hopglandt & Co., S’pore., agents

Rubber and Oilpalms—Sumatra; Secretaries arid ^egis^ri^d.Office—

Marbau, Bila S.O.K.; P.p. Marbau, M. P. Evans &. Co., 30, Mincing

Bila; Cable Ad: .Smncama, Mar- Acreage—Total: Lane, London, E,C. 3-

babl Codes': A.B,C;. ^th, -Mercuur ip,18L cultivated

and Bentley’s (rubber)

Head Office

J. H. Bloemink, head manager Sumatra Proprietary Rubber Planta-

tions, Ltd., Bukit Sentang Estate—

Q. de Boer, doctor

J. C. A. Dirksz, bookkeeper Tanjong Poeza, Sumatra

W. Friedlander, manager

J,. and. correspondent

C, Claasen (1st factory) Registered Office—M. P. Evans &

i ,Co., 30, Mincing Lane, London

A. C, Vos (2nd factory) Sandiiands, Buttery & po., Medan,

Brussel Estate (rubber) agents

J. D.H. Huizinga,

Bloemink, asst!


, <. Apreage—Total: 4,200, cultivated

Pernantian Estate (rubber) (rubber) 1,404

J. A. van Hasselt, manager

Th. G. Kerkhoff, asst.

Padang Halaban .Estate (oil palms) Dickson, Negri Estate,

§ un gal a Rubber



G. R. Serena, manager Secretaries and Registered Office—

Leidong West Estate (rubber) The Geddes Trading and Dairy

J. Grbndhout, manager Farm, Ltd., Shanghai

Kanopan Estate (rubber) Harrisons, Barker & 'Co., Ltd.,

Assistants — N. R. Chevalier, W. Kuala Lumpur, agents

Th. Volkers and A. Nijhoff Acreage—Total: 1,269, cultivated

(rubber) 980

Sumatra Consolidated (Extended)

Rubber Plantations, Ltd., Bukit

Tinggi Estate—Tanjong Boer a, Su- Songei Bagan Rubber Go., Ltd.,

Sungei Bagan Estate—Kelantan

matra Acreage—Total: 3,162, cultivated

W. Priedlander, manager (rubber) 1,689


M. P. .Evans, and 30,



Lane, Sungei Durian Estate: Acreage—

London Total : 436, cultivated 378


Postal Ad: Kusial Sungei Buaya (Sumatra) Rubber' Go.,

E. Burden, manager Ltd.—Bandar Kwala Estate!;; Qalahg

Wild® &>©o., Ld,, Seremban, visit- N. F. M. Burns, manager

ing, agent® Panigoran Estdtd. Bnrbhh

1 Secretaries and Registered Office— W. R. Brown, manager

Harrisons, Barker & Co., Ld., Guthrie & Co., Ltd., Medan, agents

i Chartered Bank Chajnbers, S’pore. Secretaries and -Registered Office—

1 Sungei Bahru Rubber Estates Ltd., Guthrie & Co,, Ltd., London

( Incorporated in England )—

Postal Ad: jVfasjid Tanah, P.O. Sungei Buloh Rubber Co., Ltd.—

Selangor, Sungei Bui oh Estate,.


j Acreage planted with rubber 3,787 Sunburubco F.M.S.; Cable Ad:

Kuala Selangor,

acres J. M, Ferguson, manager

'E.‘ A.H.II.Kirby,

Holt, manager

assistant E. H. Smith, assistant

Registered Office-^17, St. Helen’s

; Secretaries—Rubber Estates Agency Place, Bishopsgate, London, E.C,

Ltd., London 3

■, Local Agents—Messts. Sime, Darby Planters’ • Stores & Agency Co.,

& Co., Ltd., Malacca Ltd., Kuala Lumpur, agents

I Sungei Bahru Rubber Estates, Ltd.— Sungei Chermang Rubber Co., Ltd.,

1 Tampin, Negri Sembila-n Sungei Kawang Estate—Bentong,.

) A. MacCombie, manager Pahang

;! E. A. J. Perkins, assistant E. H. B. Nobbs, manager

E. P. Hosken, ; assistant S.I.P.E.F., Kuala Lumpur, agents.

Secretaries and Registered Offce— Secretaries and Registered Office—-

Rubber Estates Agency, Ltd., Lon- The Rubber Estate Agency Ltd,,

don. Bunge dRouse, , 71, St. Mary Axe,

Acreage—Total: 1,498, cultivated London, E.C. 3

(rubber) 1,239 Acreage—Total: 3,502|, cultivated

Sungei Batang Estate—Sandakan, B. (rubber) 87)

, N. Borneo

Secretaries and Registered Office— Camerpn,Cheeoh

Sungei Estate—3| mile,

Harrisons C rosfield (Borneo). Perak Highlands, Road, Tapah,

Ltd., Sandakan H Wi,* Reid,’ proprietdr

|1 Sungei Batu , (Maraya) Rubber Sungei Ohinoh Rubber .po., Ltd.—

'Estates, Ltd.—Sungei Batu Estate— Perak

Kedah; Postal Ad : Redong E. P. Lorange, manager

j E. J. C. Currie, manager J. L. Morgan and N. R. Disney,

| A.. G. Sanders, assistant j . assistants .

It ' Boustead & Co/, Ld., Penang, agents Registered Office—Walter Duncan &

5f? Secretaries—Ed.

149, Leadenhall Bdiistedd & Co.,

Street, London, -Coj., 149, Leadenhall Street, Lon-

E.C. 3 don, E.C.

Sungei Choh Rubber Co., Ltd.—

lM Sungei Birut Rubber ; 'Co., 1 Ltd.— : Selaiigor ; . ,

Harding Raub, Pahang/ J. G. Maarns, manager

G/M. Harding, managing dir. ;N,,..R| Disney, asst.

Secretaries—Rennie, Lowick & Co:, Registered Office—Thomsen, Alston

Singapore & Cp,, 3, 3. and 4, Idol Lane, East-

1 Acreage—Total: 1.0G0, cultivated cheap, London, E,-C. 3

(rubber) 750


: . Draka Plantations, Ltd.—

|| Sungei Blat Rubber Co., Ltd.— Matang, Perak

Gambang, Kuantang, Pahang G; A. Steel, manager

Acreaga—Total : 1,295, cultivated ; Registered Office—G; A. Steel,

Matang, Perak, F.M.S.

(rubber) 610


■Sungei Dua Estate—Remban, Negri Secretaries and Registered Office—

Sembilan Bright & Galbraith, Ld., 7, St.

K. R. Claudius, proprietor Martin’s Lane, London, E.C.

J. K. Borrpwman, do. Harrisons & Crosheld, Ltd., Medan,

Acreage — Total: 222, cultivated agents

(Rubber) 211

Sungei Krian Rubber Estate, Ltd.,

.Sungei Dueian Estates, Ltd., S'ungei The, Somme Estate—Postal Ad:

Serdang, Kedah

Durian Estate—Kuala Krai, Kelan- M. A. M. Lock, manager

tan Lim Eng Chong, office clerk


Guthrie and Registered

& Co., Ltd., Office—■

Kuala Barlow & Co., Kuala Lumpur,

Lumpur agents

Acreage—Total: 746, cultivated Registered Office—Thomas Barlow &

Bro., Ceylon House, 49-51, East-

(rubber) 435, (coconuts) 65' cheap, London, E.C. 3

Sungei Duei Rubber Estate, I/td., Acreage—Total:

(rubber) 1,608.9Q

2,037,25, cultivated

The (Incorporated in Hongkong),

Selama Estater—Postal Ad: Ser- Sungei Krian Rubber Estate, Ltd.—

dang, Kedah; Cable Ad: Sungei- Bagan Serai, Perak

duri, Serdang A. J. Taylor, manager

Registered Office—Burkill & Sons, G. A. Lewis-Hinde, senior asst,

Shanghai (on leave)

Kennedy, Burkill & Co., Ltd., M. T. Coode, assistant

Penang, agents V/. Kim Soon, chief clerk

Sungei Gettah Rubber Estates, Ltd. Registered Office—Thomas Barlow &

—Postal Ad: Sungei Patani, Be- Bro., 49-51, Eastcheap, London,

dong Kedah; Cable Ad: Bedohg E.C. 3

* C. M. Tuke, general manager Barlow & Co., Kuala Lumpur,

K. P. Hudson, actirig manager agents

McAuliffe, Davis & Hope, Penang, Acreage—3,058


Secretaries and Registered Office— StiNGEi Kruit Rubber Estate, Ltd.—

Sungkai, Perak 1

E. B. Ridsdel & Co., Salisbury B. K. Malleson, manager

House, London Wall, London, Registered Office—M. P. Evans &

E.C. Co., 30, Mincing Lane, London,

Acreage—Total: 1,654, cultivated E.C. 3

(rubber) 1,561J Harrisons, Barker & Cp.,-: Ltd.,

Sungei Kapar Rubber Co., Ltd.— Acreage—Total:Kuala Lumpur, agents

Selangor 2,201, cultivated

A. M. Swyny, general manager (rubber) 1,906

S. Brown, manager Sungei Ledang Rubber Estates, Ltd.

Sungei Kapar Estate

Registered Office—W. H. Cook & Co., —Kerling, Ulu Selangor

M. D. Fallon, manager

42, Castle Street, Edinburgh Secretaries and Registered Office—

P. W. Shear law, manager Neill & Bell, Kuala Lumpur

Whittall & Cp-V Kuala Lumpur, Acreage—Total: 864, cultivated

agents (rubber) 783

Acreage—Total: 2,656, cultivated

(rubber) 2,547 Sungei Lembu Estate—Sungei Lembu,

Sungei Kari (Sumatra) Rubber Prov. Wellesley, S.S.

Teoh Aun Liew, owner

Estate, Ltd.—Postal Ad: Galang, Secretaries and Registered Office—

East Coast Sumatra , Cheah Inn Kiong, Penang,

G. W. Muir, manager Acreage—Total: 188


; Sungei Mangis Syndicate, Ltd.— Registered Office—Edward Boustcad

J Banting, Selangor & Co., 149, Leadenhall Street,

Secretaries and Registered Office— London, E.C.

Gibson, Anderson & Butler, Kuala Boustead & Co., Ltd., Kuala Lum-

Lumpur pur, agents

Acreage — Total: 710, cultivated Acreage—Total:

1 1,425, cultivated

(rubber) 705 (rubber) 1,351

Sungei Matang Rubber Estate, Ltd.— Sungei Ramal Syndicate, Ltd.—

Taiping, Perak Kajang, Selangor

D. A. Dunn, manager 0. BDillips, manager

Registered Office—Portal Trust and Secretaries and Registered Office—

Agency, Ld., Portland House, 73, Boustead & Co., Ltd., Kuala

Basinghall Street, London. E.C. 2 Lumpur

Paterson, Simons & Co., Ltd., Acreage—Total: 1,018, cultivated

Penang, agents (rubber) 933

• Sungei Nipah Estate—Sepang, Se-

langor Sungei Reyla (F.M.S.) Rubber

Planters Loans Board, managers Estates, Ltu.—Sungei Siput, Perak

Secretaries and Registered Office— W. S. Robinson, manager

Planters’ Loan Board, Kuala Registered Office—J. H. Dykes, 65,

I Lumpur London Wall, London, E.C.

Acreage — Total: 762, cultivated Sandilands, Buttery & Co., Penang,

I (Dwarf coconuts) 753 agents

Sungei Patai Estate—Seremban, Ne- Sungei Rinching Rubber Estates,

gri Sembilan Ltd.—Semenyih, Kajang, Selangor

W. H. Brodie, manager F. J. O’Shea, manager

Secretaries — Cdmber batch & Co., Secretary and Registered Office—E.

Kuala Lumpur Parsons, 38, Lincoln’s Inn Field's,

Acreage—Total: 733, cultivated London, W.C.

(rubber) 634 Agents—Cumberbatch & Co., Ltd.

Sungei Pelek Estate—Sepang, Selan- Acreage—Total: 1,420, cultivated

gor (rubber) 1,380

A. Denny, proprietor

Acreage — Total: 252, cultivated Sungei Salak Rubber Co., Ltd.—

(rubber) 194, (coconuts) 50, (coffee Sungei Salak Estate, Siliau, Negri

and fruits) 6 Sembilan

A. S. Woodroffe, manager

Sungei Petaling Estate (Rubber and Acreage—Total: 1,096, (rubber)

Coffee)—Gali, Raub, Pahang 1,012

F. J. Ayris, proprietor New Labu Estate

Sungei Puntar Rubber Estate, Ltd.— R. T. Mills, manager

Postal Ad : Bedong, Kedah; Teleph. Acreage—Total: 1,836, (rubber)

17 Bedong; Cable Ad: Suntar, 1,358£

t Bedong Sungei Sekah Estate

A. Hinton, manager C. P. Thane, manager

J. Murray, visiting agent Acreage — Total: 1,414, (rubber)

Henry Waugh & Co., Ltd., Pe- 1,196

nang, agents Valleyside Estate

Registered Office—Burt, Taylor & G. Hooper, manager

, Co., Ld., 22, Fenchurch Street, Acreage — Total : 1,292, (rubber)

London,, E.O. 3 666

Mansergh & Tayler, Seremban,

| Sungei Purun (F.M.S.) Rubber Co., agents

Ltd.—Semenyih, Selangor Registered Office—Lyall, Anderson

& Co., 16, Philpot Lane, London,

E. G. Leyne, manager E.C.


SuNGEX SAVO>'G llUBBEit Co., LxBk— SnndiPands Buttery & Co., Singa-

Rengam, Jchore pore, agents'

A. Tinker, manager Secretaries and Registered: Office—-

Secretaries and Registered Office— Eastern. Industries. Ltd., King

Geo. Williams & Co., 138, Leaden- William Street, London. - E.C. 4

hall Street, London Aareage-rTdtal: 'iy929, euitivated

Harrisons, Rarker & Co., Ltd., (rubber) 1922 SOT (Toddn

Kuala Lumpur,.agents

Acreage — Total: 1,Q2i6, - cultivated StjUgei Timah Estate (Perak), Ltd.

(rubber) 7SI Kuala Hidong Instate—Maaiek Urai


Siln'gei Sepang, Ltd., Wales , Estate— ■ BouStcad k Co., Ltd., Tumpat,

Sepang, Selangor Kelantan, forwarding : agents

-Secretaries and Registered Office— Acreage—Total: 11,475, : cultivated

S. I.P.E.F., Kuala

Acreage — Total: 82*7, cultivated


(rubber) 373 ; K*'’n,1

Sungei Timah EstatfeLiTeihk 'Anson,

(rubber) 624, (coconuts) T39 Perak

Acreage Total : 1,271, cultivated

StrrJGEi Sn i'T Rvisinffi Plantations, Sebretiries (rubber) 1,232

Ltd., Malaya Estate—^Sblama, Perak anR RegisteredOffice—

J. E. Gibsob, manager Roive -White • & Col, Ltd.,' 4,

Sandilands,! Buttery & -Co-.', Penang, Lloyd’s Avenue, Fenchurdh Street,

agents ■ London, E.C. 3 . i;

iSacretaries -'ahd Regist'ered Office— Sungei Tiram 'RubbeIx ’Estate, Ltd.—

B.D.G.I.T.L., London.

Acreage — TotaLr ~ 1,345, cultivated Johore, ,

A. T. Edwards, manager 1

(r-ubber).i$-u. /. y.jR toiup

Registered Office—British Industries

Sungei Si-put Rubber Plantations, and General Investtncnt Trust,

Ltd.—Perak Ld., London, E.C.

Stanley F. Hobson, manager Sandilands, Buttery & Cd., Singa-

Secretaries and Registered Office— " 'Acreage—Total:

pore,' ’agents

2,824, cultivated

British .North Borneo Rubber (rubber) 2,581

. Trust, Ld.,: 104, Winchester House,

Old Broad Street, London,; E.C. Sungei Tua Estate—Batu Caves,

Sandilands, Buttery & Co., Penang, , Selangor


Acreagp—Total: 1,620, cultivated A. A. Mullby, manager

(rubber) 890 Proprietors—J. A. Russell & Co.,

Kuala Lumpur

Sungex Tamu Rup^eb Co. , .Ltd. , Seerptai’ies and Registered Office—

Sungei Tamu Estate—ijlu Yam, J. H.1 Russell & Go., K uala Lum-

Selangor pUr ’ ■ T »•;

James Carter, manager Acreage—TbtaT:'_ .".'tl^IS,'' cultivated

T. PI. Merizies,; visiting agent .(rubber.) 1,018

The Planters’ Stores and Agency Sungei Tukang Rubber Co., Ltd.—

Co., Ld., Kuala Luffipur,(agents

Secretaries, and Registered Office— Kedah C. O. Tyndale Powell, manager

The, Planters’ Stores and Agency

Co., lY, St. Helen’s Place,, Bishops- Registered Office—MeAuliffe, Davis

gate, London, E.C. 3 ; & Hope, Penang

Acreage — Total • ' 746, cultivated Acreage — Total: 1,681;. cultivated

(rubber) .658 . ' ... (I'uLhei'), IjU^ !

Sun,get Telpr (Malaya) Rubber Sungei Tukong Rubber Plantations,

Estates, Ltd.—Johore Bairnr P.O., Ltd.—Johore

Johore : TeH'ph. 81, Koua Tinggi . H. E. MacKenzie, manager

W. L, B. Symee, manager Sandilands, Buttery .& tCd., Singa-

T. A. S. Menon, office cletk pore, agents-


Rogistai’cd Office—Eastern Indus- TaB.^K. ( AHENDSBUpG N.

tries, ,Ld., King William, St. V.' , Tobacco"aiii Rubber—Sunratra;

Soengei, Bras;. Postal, and Gable Ad:

House, London, E.C. 2 Medan. Tobacco Ef^t^s:. Soengei

.'Sungei Udang Estate—Pos,ta} Ad: , Mentjirim, Klo.erapS.ng, Mabar and

S^cn|if. ,Ru[bber Estates: -Rapdar

85, Heeren Street, Malacca Bedj ambbe, and N aga Radj a

Tan Eng Seng, manager

Secretaries and Registered Office— Tabak-Miy. “ Tjinta Radja (Incor-

85, Heereri Street,. Malacca . porated inandEyitzeriand), Tobacco,

Acreage — Total: 116, cultivated Rubber Coepputs—Sunaatra;

(rubber) 116 Head Office: Tjinta "Rad j a Estate;

j-Sungei Way (Selangor) Rubber Co., P.G. : Tandjong Ppera

C. Staebelin, head manager

Sarjjgei VVay Estate—Selangor, Tjinta Radja Estate (Tobacco,

W, S. Reeve-Tucker, manager. Rubber and Cocov-uts)— r

R. J. M. Bennett,;j a,s§istarit V C. Staebelin, manager

Registered Qffice—(Lbson ^/Aflder-

• soi;i (Glasgow), Ltd., 124, St. Kotari C.

Estate —P.O. Galang

Striib, assistant

Vincent Glasgow,: |C. 2 Siiinda-Estate—P-.O.:

Barlow & Co.,, Kuala Lumpur,

agents H. Ritz, manager, Bangoep Pperba

Acreage vTotal: 2,888, , cultivated Sungei Bagak 'Eqtatp

J. Morgan, aetiiig manager

s (n3bb(> r); 2,36,5 ' , /, ; ■ ; i Acreage—Total: 3,047, cultivated

.(rubber) , 3,193, (cpc9n.uts-) 16..


Batang Padang, Perak Tai Tak Plantations, Ltd,—jobore.

Sungei Estate Tai Tak Estate

W. O, War rack, manager A. M. Dick, manager

Chumor' Estate Acreage—Total:,

J., C. E. Murray, manager (rubber) 1,521 3,182, - cultivated

Registered Office—Harrisoli$((pros- Sungei Daugar Estate

field, Ld.,E.C.

1-4, Great Tower- Street, W. Patou, manager

London, Acreage'—Tojbal: 1,952. Planted

Harrisons,' ' Barkej; & •., Co,, Ltd'., (rubber) 1,453 , ,,

• Kuala. Luippur, agents ' Harrisons, Barker V Co., Ltd'.,

Kuala Lumpur

Sungkap Para Plantations, Ltd., Registered:Office—Harrisons & Cros-

field, Ld., 1-4, Great Tower Street,

Sungkap Parq. Estate —- Spngei London, E.C.

Patani, Kedah

J. W. Jones, manager Taiping Rubber Plantations, Ltd.

J. Murray^ visiting agent

Henry Waugh Co.,, Ltd., Penang, (F.M.S.)—Perak C. L. Moysey, manager


Secretaries and Registered Uffice— Registered Office—Edward Boustead

& Co., 149, Leadenhall Street, Lon-

Eastern Industries, Ltd., King

William Street Housd, London, don, E.C. 3 1 • 50

E.C.4 Boustead V Cot. Ltd., Penang, agents

Acreage-^Total: 1,4034, cultivated Acreage — Total:

(rubber) 3,490 5,280, cultivated

(rubber) 1,3424, (coconuts) 14

Sussex Estate—Postal Ad c Sussex —Rantau, Takau (F.M'.S.) Rubber Estates, Ltd.

Estate, Teluk Anson, Perak Negri Sembilan

N. G, Naidu, manager V. W. Ryves, manager

N. A. Rao, clerk Registered Office—Kennaway; Neame

& Co,, 6, Lloyd’s Avenue, Fen-

J. Hargreaves, visiting agent church Street, London, B*C. 3

R. Nutt and J. Hargreaves (Teluk

Anson), agents , ' Talgarth Rubber Estate, Ltd.—Tal-

Acreage—Total: 691, cultivated garth Estate, Bemban, P;0., Malacca

(rubber) 691 E. E. A, Gray, manager


Guthrie & Co., Ltd., Kuala Lumpur, Acreage—Total: 4,771, cultivated

agents (rubber)' 3,478, (coconuts) 35

Acreage — Total: 320, cultivated

- (rubber) 301J Tandjong Mas Estates — Sepang,

Talisman Rubber Co., Ltd., Talisman Selangor

Estate—Niyor, J chore K. S. Marsh, proprietor

Secretaries and Registered Office— W. F. Brown, manager

Derrick & Co., Singapore Acreage—Total: 356, cultivated

Acreage—Total : 1,026, cultivated (rubber) 246, (coconuts) 110

(rubber) 250 Tanah Estates (1931), Ltd.—Postal

Ad: Kanowit, Sibu, Sarawak

Tali Ayer Rubber Estates, Ltd.— G. D. Kidd, manager

Parifc Buntar, Perak Tandjong Rubber Co., Ltd.—Postal

W. D. Chapman, manager Ad: Tandjong Kassau, Tebing

Registered Office—F. E, Maguire, Tinggi, Sumatra

Pinner’s Hall, 8 and 9, Austin L. Fraser, manager

Friars, London, E.C. 2 E. A. Matheson and K. W.

Tambalak Rubber Estates, Ltd.—Mas- Bulloch, assistants

jid Tanha, Malacca Harrisons & Crosfield, Ltd., Medan,

Khoo Kim Lian, manager agents

C. P. R. Menor. conductor Secretaries and Registered' Office- -

Khoo Tong Sehg, do.1 Harrisons & Croslield, Ltd., 1-4,

Secretaries Great Tower St., London, E.C.3

Derrick & andCo., Registered

iSingapore Office- Acreage—Total: 9,712, cultivated

(rubber) 6,067

Acreage — Total: 837, cultivated

(rubber) 783

Tangga Batu Rubber /Co., Ltd. —

Tambira Rubber Estates, Ltd., Tam- | Malacca

boenan Estate—Kwala, Sumatra Mansergh & Tayler, Seremban,

E. Glasspoole, manager agents

iS.I.P.E.F., Medan, agents Secretaries and Registered Office—

Acreage—Total: 8,750, cultivated Bailie k Gifford, 3, Glenfinlas-

(rubber) 2,010 Street, Edinburgh

Acreage — Total : 597, Cultivated

Tamiang .Rubber Estates Ltd.— Sungei (rubber) 593

Bekok Estate, Bekok, JohjOre

W. R. Napier, manager Tangkok Rubber Plantations, Ltd.—

E. Kunhi Kannan, office clerk Pelepah Valley Estate, Kota Tenggi,

Eastern Agents—Societe Interna- Johore. Postal Ad: Tampin, Negri

tionale de Plantations et de Sembilan

Finance, Kuala Lumpur G. B. W. Gray, gen. mgr.

Secretaries—The Rubber Estates L. G. Corley, manager

Agency, Ltd. J. S. M. Rennie, 8, de Souza St.r

Offices — Bunge House, 71, St. Singapore, agents

Mary Axe, London, E.C. 3 Secretaries and Registered! Office—

Acreage—Total: 1 1,574, cultivated R. D. Saw, Moorgate St., London

(rubber) 1,328

Tanah Merah Estates (1916), Ltd.— Tanjong Duablas Estate — Banting,

Postal Ad: Tangkah P.O., Johore Selangor

via Malacca A. H. Frugtniet, manager

G. E. Johnson, manager D. R. Amarasekara, Klang, agent

R. G. Bower and J. F. Downey, Acreage — Total: 674, cultivated

assistants (rubber) 655 ;

Kennedy, Burkill & Go., Ltd.,

Penang, agents Tanjong Malim Rubber Co., Ltd,—

General Managers and Secretaries— Tanjong Malim, Selangor

A. R. Burkill & Soils, Shanghai A. P. Mackilligin, manager


Registered Office—W. Hector Thom- Kuala Ketil; Cable Ad: Tarun,

son & Co., 9, Arundel Street, ■Sungei Patani

Strand, London, W.C. J. Firth-Fletcher, manager

S.I.P.E.F., Kuala Lumpur, agents Dr. D. W. Bonner-Morgan, medi-

cal Officer

Tanjong Labu Rubber Plantations, Boustead & Co., Ltd., Kuala Lum-

Ltd.—Batu Pahat, Johore pur, agents

B. J. Lavers, manager Secretaries—Boustead Bros., 5, Fen-

J. S. M. Rennie & ‘Go., 9, de church Street, London, E.C.

Souza Street, Singapore, agents

Secretary and Registered Office-- Tarun (Malay) Rubber Estates, Ltd.,

R. D. Saw, Mooregate Station Tarun Estate—Semenyih, Selangor

; Chambers, London E. N. T. Oummins, manager

j Acreage — Total: 1,117, cultivated Boustead & Co., Ltd., Kuala Lum-

i (rubber) 856 pur, agents

l Tanjong Olak Rubber Plantation, Registered Office—Boustead Bros., 5,

Ltd.—Muar, Johore Fenchurch Street, London, E.C.

i F. G. Wallace, manager Tasek Rubber Estate—c/o P.O. Box

| Secretaries and Registered Office— No. 99, Ip oh

Henry Waterhouse Trust Co., A. 0. J. Towers, mng. proprietor

I Honolulu A. R. M. Towers, assistant

' Fred Waterhouse & Co., Singapore, Acreage — Total: 115, cultivated

j agents (rubber, coconuts, pineapples and

f;r Acreage—Total:

(rubber) 800 2,595, cultivated vegetables)

j Tanjong Pau Rubber Estate—Kedah Tate’s Hill Estate—Taiping, Perak

W. D. Sheffield, manager W. A. Tate, proprietor

Harrisons, Barker & Co., Ld., H. L. H. Tate, manager

Penang, agents Acreage — Total: 214,! cultivated

Acreage—Total: 1,608, cultivated (rubber) 205

(rubber) 1,165

Taynton Rubber Estate—P.O. Box

■| Tanjong Rambutan

RubberRambutan, Estate Ltd.)—Tan-

Estates Perak

(1930), (Rambutan 21, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

jong W. Leggatt, manager

S. Gates, manager (on leave) Planters’ Stores & Agency Co., Ltd.,

A. S. Taylor, acting manager Kuala Lumpur, agents

§{ Secretaries and Registered Office— Acreage—Total: 297, cultivated

Burt Taylor & Co., 22, Fenchurch (rubber) 287

Street, London Tebing Rubber Estates (1931), Ltd.,

Henry Waugh A Co., Ltd.. Hevea Estate—Postal Ad: Tebing

Penang, agents Tinggi, Deli, Sumatra

Acreage—Total: I,l93i, cultivated D. W. Breingan, manager

(rubber) 1,131 McAuliffe, Davis & Hope, Medan,

Tapah Rubber Estates, Ltd.—Tapah agents.

! Road, Perak Secretaries—E. B. Ridsdel & Co.,

E. W. Battensby, manager Ltd,, Salisbury House, London

J. M. S. Shelton, assistant Wall, London, E.C. 2

Secretaries and Registered Office— Acreage—Total: 1,763, cultivated

Evatt & Co., French Bank Build- (rubber) 1,697

1 ings, Singapore Tebolang Estate—Malacca ;

Acreage—Total: 2,478j, cultivated J. J. Johnston, manager

(rubber) 2,099^

Harrisons, Barker & Co., Ltd.,

’ Tarun (Malay) Rubber Estates, Ltd., Kuala Lumpur, agents .

Bukit Selambau Estate—Postal Ad: Acreage — Total: 2,144i, cultivated

Sungei Patani, Kedah; Teleph. 1, (rubber) 1,817

C260 UUJ’.BEJ: ESTM'EvS and othek i^lantationsv

.Tebong Eubber Estate, Ltd. (Incor- Telok (F.MjS.) Rubber Co., Ltd.—

porated in "Hongkong)—M^lapca; Klang, Selangor

Home: Batang, Maiaka, Bukit D. L. GuKawd,-manager

Putiis, , Bemban, Lonjbopg and Secretaries and -Registered Office

Suiigei Du a Divisions^ Postal Ad: Dickson, Anderson & Co., Ltd. 20,.

Tampiii, P.M.S.; . Lable Ad: Mc- A’yehpiyii Lane, ■ London,

Elenzie^ Sungei I>'ua. Railway Sta- Acreage ^ Total: 762, cultivated

tion: Sungei i)ua . ( (rubber) 659, (coconuts) 103

Alexander McKenzie, manager S. B. Pakner 4 Co., , Bruas, Perak,

A. McKenzie, jr. and A. I. Mac- j.. agents .

Galium, supts.

V. I; FeTtmlel, accqqntant

Kennedy,1 Burkill & Co..,8 Ld., TfiLUK Gong Rubbee Co., Ltd.—Bant-

ing P.O., Kuala LangaL Helangor

Phnang aD(I Ipbii, agepl' i , i>. S. Little, manager

Secretaries and Registered Office— I Secretaries and Registered Office—

J. A. Wattie & Co., Ld., 10, Can- | McNeill & S-ime, 46, Charlotte

ton Eoad, Shanghai

Acreage-Total: 4,26k; ' cultivated j ,Acreage .Square; iEdinburgh

— Total,: 667,.- cultivated

(rubber) 4,020 (rubber) 652

Tebrau Rubber Estates, Ltd.—Johore Cuniberbatch

Lumpur, commercial. Ltd.,

& Co., agentsKuala

W. Miller Mackay, gen. manager

H. ,6, Grieve, J. M. Herries, J. T.bbuk Merbau Plantations, Ltd.—

B-.Dud'geon, assistants

Registered Office-—Bail lie & Gifford, ! Sapang P.O., Selangor

F; C. Fogh, general manager


W.S., 3. Glenfinlas Street, Edinburgli ! The East Asiatic Oo., Ld., Singa-

Acreage—Total: 7,187, cultivated ! pore, managing agents

(rubber;) 4,854 | • Secretary and Registered Office - II.

Teja Ltd.—Batu Qajah, Perak Gunter; (Orient House, 42-45, Hew

, A-pdrew Buchanan, manager | Acreage — Total;London,

Broad-Street, E.C. 2

7,919, cultivated

Evaitt —& Total:

Acreage Co., Ipon,614,"Secretaries

cultivated i (•rubber) 1,236, (coconuts), 6,447

(rubber) 533 t ,,, , . . r Teluk Piah Rubber Estatj! (1914),

Telok Bharu CocPNtTT.ih).; i/ro. (in- 1 Lx»., : Tetuk Piah Estate—Postal

corporated in Ceylon), ■Telob Bharu | Ad:E. J.Kuala Selangor

0. Edwards, mahk^ef

EstaterAPostal. Ad: Teluk Anson, K. • P.' Saratlfy, ’ bodk-keeffier

Lower Perak

. , Capt. A. Pritchard :j p:. anamagfer J SecTetaties and Registered Office—

Whittall & Co., Kitaur'Lnmpur, Shahd London

. Haldane ti Co., 24, Rood

agents Lane,

Sgoretaries; and Registeijed , Office— Cumberbafich Lhmpiii, agents.

& Co., Ltd., Kuala

(VV'hitt.a^i & Co., ,Co],qm(bq. Ceyipn

Acreage—Totalp .1,4:6, cultivated Acreage —• Total7'S7,. dultivated

(coconuts), 1,236 ' , (riihber) 729 ' , ;

Thi?6k M-anggis ' EstatW Ltd.—Tel'ok Tjluk,. . SLyNGiN, Estate—Tos|;a,l Ad :

■ M.anggis

PC. J. Tayler,Estate, manager

Sepang, • Selaiigor Tbluk Anson, Perak

Cheah Ke^.Ee,

MfetisCrgh' & Seylery-Sereniban,;igents

1 Acreage—Total


:- gllj,. cultivated Acreage -Total: proprietor and mgr.

1,015, cultivated


(rhbber) 286', • (codonuts) 22 ' • (rubber) ; 405,.. (cocouMts) 500

Teluk Anson Rubber Estate, Ltd. Termerloh RuBBEEf . Estate, Ltd. —

(Registered in Singapore)—Postal Trnng.. Perak. F.M .S. -

T. A. Crosbie, manager (on leave)

Ad : 'Teluk Anson, Perak, F.M. S. C. W. Warner—(acting)

fiSbbretarifes :and Registered Officer-

Derrick & Go,., Sin gapnie . Sectetaries and Registered Office—

Acr.ea.ge—Total: 2,423 cultivated A. A. Anthony & Co., 9, Beach

(rubber) 1,827 • ' .' Street,' Penang


■; A«J*^ag.erfTotal: -1,205; cultivated Tikam Batu Rubber Go.,. Ltd., Tikam

Ratu Rubber Estate—Kedah; Postal

(rubber) 1,018;'

Tennwaham Palm (coconuts)

Oil Co.,16 Ltd., Ad: Sungei Patani

Tennamaram and Hopeful Estates— A. F. Holley, manager

Bating Berjuntai; Selangor Btowit, Philips & Stewart, Penang,

E. M. Allen, manager , , agents

Registered Office—John K. Billiat & Secretaries—Rycroft

Co., Ltd., 10, Old Jewry, London, Great power Street, Kelly

London,& E.C.

Co., 398

E.C. 2,

Curnbcrbatch & Co., Ltd-, Kuala TiMBAJfG Deli, (Sumatra) Rubber Co.,

Lumpur, agents 1 Ltd. —Sumatra; Postal Ad: Gaffing


Tengm .(Boeneo) Rueebb Co.., Ltd.— W, K. S Muir, nigr. (on. leave) -..

Beaufort, i B, N. Borneo ’ R: G. LaWs,v acting niahaget

N.'R. Hatton, manager Timbang Deli Estate

Hagrispiis and Crosfield (Borneo), McAuliffe, DaviS A Hope, Medan,

Ltd., Sandakan, local agents "■ ‘ ttg'>nffi • : ■ '■ .; ' p ' ; d J

Secretaries and Registered Office— Acreage—■ 'Total: ' 3,283. Planted

Maclean Brodie & Forgie, 7, (rubber) 3,011

Royal Bank Buildings, Glasgow’

Acreage—Total: 3,000, cultivated Toerangie (Sumatra) Rubber Produce

(rubber) 1,630 Estates, Ltd., Toerangie Estate—

Thatlamal Estate, Ltd.—Postal Ad. Sumatra; Postal Ad: Kwala, Deli

Kuala Selangor, Selangor A. T, jGeddie, manager

T. S. Ckinniah, chairinan and ; Secretaries—-Harrisons & Crosfield,

Ld., 1-4, Great Tower St., London

managing director Harrisons $z; Crosfield, Ltd., Medan,

Shanmugam & Co., Kuala Selangor ' agents

Acreage — Total: 149, cultivated

(oil palms) 149 ' Acreage—Total : ! 5,166, cultivated

(rubber) 2,824,

Thmd Mile (F.M.S.) Rubber Co., Trafalgar. Ltd,—Pong^ol. Paya Le-

Ltd. —Negri ;S emb i 1 an bar, . Singapore

D. Ewan, manager

Jelebu Estate C. Richards; mariager ;

' D. C. Baker, assistant Secretaries and Registered Office—

Acreage—Total: 3,570; - cultivated Paterson. Simbtrtne Co., Ltd., S’po're.

(rubber) 2,936 Acreage—Totgl:, 254r= cultivated

• (rubber) 2o4' ‘ ,

Registered Office—Baillie & Gifford,

W.S., 3, Glenfinlas St., Edinburgh Tras' Rubber Plantations—Postal Ad :

Tras, Pahang .

Tiang Bee Estate—Post,al Ad: Ban- Madam Ghji; Pin,Ley, proprietress

dar Bahru, South Kedah Sw

Khoo Thean Sang, manager agents'and secretaries

Chin Thye & Co., 18, Bishop; Street, Acreage — Total788, cuRivated

Penang, agents ’ ’(rtiober):6C0 ' '

Secretaries and Registered Office—

■ mta&ir. n Kiobg & Co:, 18; Bishop TkEMELBYE XSfcLANGOR)' RuBBER Co.,

Street, Penang , . ; ■ Ltd.—Selangor

Acreage. — Total:. 353, .cidtivsisbd Thos.

(rubber) 350 W. H,M.M.Latimer,

lilaiing, manager


Registefbrf1 Office—Mo r r I sop, Ru the r-

Tiang Swee Hoe PLANTATtONs—Tiang ford & Co., 20, Eastcheap; Lon

Swee Hoe and Tiarrg Guan Estates— don, E.C.

Postal Ad: -Klwang, Johore Oumberbatch & Co., Ltd., Kuala

Pang Kim Seng, manager , Lumpur, agents .

Acreage—Tiang Hwee ; Hoe A Total :

1,0.15, oultivaWd (rubber), 1,015. Triangle Estate—Klang Selangor

Tiang Guau>!Total.:. 3V625, cultivat- Swee iHeng 'Leodg &'■Co‘.y: marig.

ed (rubber) 3,500 82S (vnidiri proprs.


Goh Hock Huat, manager Ulu Ayer Tawar Co., Ltd.—Postal

Trolak Estates, Ltd.—Trolak, Perak Ad: Sitiawan, Lower Perak

T. M. Phil son, manager Registered Office—19, Hale Street,

D. B. Lennox, assistant Ipoh

Secretaries and Registered Office— Acreage — Total: 835, cultivated

Macdonald, Stewart & Co., 102, (rubber) 820

Hope Street, Glasgow

Harper, Gilfillan & Co., Ltd., Kuala Ulu Benut Consolidated Rubber Co.,

Lumpur, agents Ltd., Norseman Estate—Ulu Sape-

Acreage—Total: 1,1'69, cultivated tang, Perak; Teleph. 170 Taiping

(rubber) 629 J. A. G. Stage, manager

Derrick & Co., Singapore, agents

Trong Rubber Estates, Ltd.—Trong, Secretaries and Registered Office-

Perak Derrick & Co., Hong Kong Bank

A. K. Smith, manager Chambers, Singapore

Secretaries and Registered Office— Acreage—Total : 1,474, . cultivated

Brown, Phillips & Stewart, Pe- (rubber) 1,056

nang Ulu Caldonian (Selangor), Ltd.—

Acreage — Total.: 800, cultivated Sungei Tampien, Selangor

(rubber) 752 A. P. Atkins, manager

Tropical Produce Co., Ltd.—-Jchore J. W. Leach, asst. mgr.

Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd. Sin- Secretaries and Registered Office—

gapore, agents Dickson, Anderson & ,jCo., Cannon

Street, London

Whittall & Co., Kuala Lumpur,

Tuan Mee (Selangor) Rubber Co., agents

Ltd.—Sungei Buloh, Selangor Acreage—Total: 2,071, cultivated

C. H. Green, manager (rubber) 1,200

J. Murray, V. Agent

Agents—Gordon Frazer & Co., Ltd., Ulu Klang Rubber Co., Ltd., Ulu

Colombo, Ceylon Klang Estate, o/o E. L. Hunter—

Acreage—Total: 1,500, cultivated Bukit Nilai Estate, Nilai, N.S.

(rubber) 1,271 E. L. Hunter, manager

Planters’ Stores & Agency Co., Ltd.,

Tuaran Rubber Estates, Ltd. (Incor- Kuala Lumpur, agents

ported in England)—Postal Ad : Secretaries and Registered Office—

Jesselton, B. N. Borneo; Cable Ad: Lempriere & Hunter, 54, Victoria

Tuaranesta, Jesselton Street, London, S.W. 1

Tuaran Estate Acreage — Total: 108., cultivated

H. A. Byron, manager (rubber) 92


ber) 2315 3,040, planted (rub- Ulu Pandan (Singapore) Rubber

Secretary and Registered1 Office— Estates, Ltd. — Holland Road,

Geo. Johnson^ f.c.i.s., secretary, Singapore

20, Copthall Avenue, London, E.C. Oh Keat Guan, manager

2 Secretaries and Registered Office—

Tenghilan Estate Evatt & Co., Singapore

E. N. Raymond, supt. Sime, Darby & Co., Ltd., Singapore,

Acreage—Total 1,043, planted (rub- agents

ber) 858, Acreage—Total: 630 cultivated

(rubber) 569

Tyrnie Estate Ulu Puxing Estate—Silian, Negri

C. H. La Brooy, trust owner Sembilan

Secretary and Registered Office— C.Mansergh

A. S. Dewar,

C. H. La Brooy, Ipoh

Acreage — Total: 225, cultivated & Tayler,manager

Seremban, agents

(rubber) 215 Acreage—Total: 400, cultivated

(rubber) 323


Ulu Rantau Rubber Estates Co., Ltd. United Rubber Syndicate, Ltd.,

—Negri Sembilan Durian Tanjong Estate—Coal Point-

W. A. Outsell, manager Road, Labuan, S.S.

Whittall & Co., Kuala Lumpur, W. W. Boyd, visiting manager

agents Acreage — Total: 100, cultivated

Acreage — Total: 1,126, cultivated (rubber) 60

(rubber) 1,025

Registered Office—William Nevett & United Serdang (S) Rubber Planta-

Co., Cannon Street, London tions, Ltd., the—Sumatra; P.O.

Bangoen Poerba, Serdang

United .Malacca Rubber Estates, Ltd. Begerpang

j Ramuan China, Sungei Bahru: Estate

| Ayer Molek, Selandar, Sg: Petei, G. E. Carnachan, manager

f Rumbia & Pilin Divisions—Postal Acreage — Total: 3,520, planted

Ad: Masjid Tanah P.O., Sungei Namoe 2,389 (rubber)

Bahru, Malacca, S.S. Rambei Estate

i C. Jacob, manager A. H. Hambrook, manager

Secretaries and Registered Office— Acreage — Total: 9,235, planted

C. F. Oomes & Co., 137, Heeren Soengei 4,588 (rubber)

■ Street, Malacca Me rah Estate

J. W. Henderson, manager .

Malacca Industrial 'Go., 96, First Acreage—Total: 6,393i, planted

I Cross Street, Malacca, commer- (rubber) 2,561

cial agents

| Acreage—Total: 2,4601, cultivated Siantar Estate, Siantar, P.O.

F. Dreyer, manager

i (rubber) 2,394^ Acreage: Planted 2,-982

\ United Patani (Malayan) Rubber Poelau Rambong Estate — P.O.

Estates, Ltd.—Kedah Kwala

R. S. Chantler, manager R. A. Lumsdale, manager

W. S. Harding, senior assistant Acreage—planted 2,584 .

J. B. G. Lamo and W. E. N. Harrisons & Crosfield, Ltd., Medan,,

Green, assistants agents

> Secretaries—Ed. Boustead & Co^,

\ 149, Leadenhall Street, London, Secretaries and Registered Office—

Harrisons & Crosfield, Ltd., 1-4,

I Boustead & Co., Ltd., Penang, agents Gt. Tower Street, London, E.C.

Acreage—Total: 14,536, cultivated

(rubber) 8,896, (coconuts) 27 United States Rubber Plantations,

[ United Plantation Ltd.—Teluk An- Sungei Inc. (Incorporated in U. S.A.)—9;

son, Perak; Teleph. 6, Utanmelin- Cable Ad: Patani, Kedah; Teleph. 33;

tang; Cable Ad : Jendarata Malamplau

P. B. Heilmann, general manager J. W. Bicknell, managing director

; (United Plantations, Ltd.) and and president

- director (Bernam' Oil Palms, Ltd.) TM. D. Knapp, general manager

P. Gnanaiah, bookkeeper J. A. N. Laing, inspector

Registered Office—Jendarata

Teluk Anson Estate, Subsidiary Companies

^ Total acreage: 12,982.05 Hollandsch-Amerikaansche Plant-

S. Pontoppidan Moller, sub-mgr. age Maatschappij Kisaran, Su-

(United Plantations Ltd.) matra

R. L. Grut, assistant (Jendarata Nederland Langkat Rubber Maats-

Estate) chappij, Tandjong Poera, Suma-

H. Madsen, assistant (Jendarata tra

Estate) Si Pare Pare Rubber Maatschap-

P. Lindsay, engr. (Jendarata pij, Tebing Tinggi, Sumatra

Estate) Malayan American Plantations,

O. C. Dalsgaard, acting sub-mgr. Ltd., Sungei Petani, Kedah

(Sungei Bernam Estate) Subsidiary Branches

Dr. E. G. S. Hall, m.b., resident United States Rubber Plantations,.

medical officer Inc., Kisaran, Sumatra


United Sua Betqng 'Rubber Estates; j Secretaries and Registered Office-^

Lra.^Labis, Johor-e Guthrie & Co;, 5. Whittington

TanaR Merah Esta-te—Tanah Merah, Avenue, London, E.C. 3

N.S. ;

H. T. Piper, laanager; Utan Prang Rubber Estate^—Kuala

Acreage—Total: 18,07% cultivated Kangsar, Perak; Cable Ad:. Ken-

dall, Kuala Kangsdn. Distance from

(rubber) 11,112- (coffee) 52

Sengkang Estate^—Port ; Dicksou, - Railway i Station :' .1-6 miles •

' N.S. 1 .' ' H. P. Kendall, managing partner

H. J. 1 Top 1 Iss, manager Acreage—Total: 414, cultivated

* Acreage—Total : 7',624,' (rubber) .-.(rubber):374 : .


i^ua Utan:Si;MRan Rubbe;r;:Uo., Ltd.,. Utan

‘ G.Betbng Henderson^ EstatbU^Borf

managerbickson Simpan Estate-*—Kuang, -Selangor

Acreage—Total: ‘ 5,985, (rubber) ! . O.’H, IIalcitbw,,:hianager; ' - j

4,314: Secretaries and; Registered Office—

Melville Estate—Labis, Johore Bousteacl & -Co-vLtd., l, [Embank-

A, J-. de Witt, manager ment,' Kudla‘LunSpur ■ :-

■r-ToLSi .-. l',70D, ipl.anted


Acreage—Total' ^2,415, : : (rubber)

;V ! Acreage

2130.19 - ' _ j (rubber) 1,532 > ; : 1' .


Sel&ngoi'Tenang ' Estate

-:i'-i' : iJilol — Bangi, jj

- ogn-vtaA Val D’or Rubber Estates, Ltd. (In-

H. T. Piper, manager i

Acrbage—Total : 2,001, (rubber) ! corporated Estate—

in England), Val d’Or

Biikit Taihburi, ProviAce

I, 692 . b . 20, Simpang

Guthrie & Co., Ltd., Kuala Lumpur, j Wellesley; Ampat


agents. S. E. Smith, (manager

Secretaries and Registered Office— F. J. G. Macdonald,-assistant

Guthrie & Oo., Ltd., 5, Whitting- Khor Ewe Choe, clerk

ton Avenue, London,, E.,C. 3 C. A. Paul, dresser

Visiting : Agent 4- J. C- Innes,

United Sua Betong Rubber Estates, Caledonia .Estate, P.W.

Ltd.—Negri Sembilan Boustead & ;0o., . Ltd., Penang,

J. G. McCartney, manager * agents

‘Registered Office—Guthrie & Co., Acreage—Total: 2,884.62, planted

Ld., 5, Whittington Avenue, Lea- with (mature rubber) 1,439.92,

denhall Street, London, E.C. 3 (immature rubber) 66.70, -(coco-

nuts) 525.49

United Sumatra Rubber Estates, Ltd.

—Head Office: London. Estates: Vallambrosa Rubber Co,, Ltd., The

Bangoen Poerba and Tanah Abang, (Incorporated in Scotland), Klang,

Sumatra, E.C, > Postal Ad : Galang ; •Selangor—Cable Ad : Leaves Klang

Cable Ad: Poerba, Loeboeq Pakam Estates : Vallambrosa, SiingeiBukit


F. A. Maraux, supt. par, Btafferton, Athlone,

Hooglandt & Co., Singapore, Kraiong

agents Staff—A. M. Swyny, Sutherland

Brown, P. WT. Shearlaw, B.s.c.

United Temiang (F.M.S.) Rubber (Agri.); Ed in.

Estates, Ltd.—Negri Sembilan Kapar Bharu Estate, Sungei Choh

Temiang Renehong Estate—Cable R. G. B. Forbes, mgr. (resides

Ad: Mountain, Panchor; Postal on Bukit Munchobg) d

Ad: Pandhor, Muar 10 miles P. W. Sywny, gen, ’manager

! from Post Office and 20 miles from Registered Office—Maxtone, Gra-

' ‘port, Negril Sembilan ham & Sime, c.a. , 34; Charlotte

A. J. Reid, manager Square, Edinburgh

A. P. Cranna, visiting agent

Acreage — Total: 3,927, planted Victoria Malay Rubber Plantation

2,098, In

Local Tapping 540 & Co., Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Aus-


Kual a i Lumpur tralia), Victoria Malay Estate—

Postal Ad: Victoria Malay Rubber


Plantations, Seremban, Negri Sexn- Boustead agents

& Co., Ltd., Penang,

bilan, E.’m.S*. ; Cable Ad: Victoria

Malay, iSeremban Acreage — Total: 1,462, cultivated

R. F. Mesney, manager (rubber) 1,284

Registered Oflice—Melbourne, Aus-


Harper, Gilfillan & Co., Ltd., Kuala Selangor Estate—Kuala Selangor,


Lumpur, agents R. H. Ransom, proprietor & mgr.

Vimy Estate—Pengkalen Kundang, Acreage — Total: 443, cultivated

(rubber) 430, (coconuts) 13


N. H. Dakeyne, acting mgr. World's End Estate—Postal Ad:

Secretaries and Registered Office— Lumut, Dindings, S.S. Distance

Kepong Malay Rubber Estates, from Railway Station: (Taiping)

Ltd., London

Acreage-—Total: 1,452, cultivated 43;E.miles L. Watson, j.p., proprietor (8f

(rubbeT) 955 Mile Ampang Road, Kuala Lum-

pur); Teleph. 12, Ampang

Virik Estate—Postal Ad: Tangkah, Acreage — Total: 100, cultivated

Johore (rubber) 50

Gurchurn ,Singh, proprietor

Bruce Petrie, Ltd., Union Building, Yam Seng Rubber Co., Ltd., The—

Collyer Quay, Singapore, agents Perak

Acreage,— Total: 900, cultivated Registered G. A. Howard, manager

Office—D. A. Whiteside,.^

(rubber and .pocqnuts) 734 10," Stock Exchange Buildings, 24,

Wampoa Tobacco & Rubber Estates, McAuliffe, Anglesea Street, Dublin, Ireland .

Ltd.—P.O. Bindjei, Deli, Sumatra Davis & Hope, Penang,

financial agents

Harrisons & Grosfield, Ltd., Medan, agts. Acreage-—Total:

Secretaries and ' Registered Office— 2,'204, cultivated

Harrisons & Crosifield, Ltd., 1-4, (rubber) 1,865

Great Tower Street, London, E.C. Yarak Rubber Co.—Yarak," Province

Waterfall (Selangor) Rubber Wellesley

Estates, Ltd.—Batu Pahat, Johore Secretaries and Registered Office—

Harrisons, Barker & Go., Penang

Banang Estate Acreage *■— Total: 670, cultivated

E. N. Watts, manager (ruhbsr) 467-

Whittall & Co., Kuala Lumpur,


Acreage—Total: 2,011, cultivated 1,789 Yunnan .RVhber Estate

New- Sander Estates.Sendai,

Ltd. —P.O.,


Waterfall (Selangor) Rubber .Estates, Johdre

Ltd.—Rawang, Selangor K. L. Wdodhouse, visiting mgr.

G. C. Bailey, manager Sime, Darby & Co., Ltd., Malacca,

H. E Fisher, assistant agents ,

Registered Office—Botistead Bros., ■ Secretaries—Morton, Moller Sheen

& Co;., . Capel House. 6°. New

Walsingham House, Seething Broad Street, London, E.C. 2

l- Lane, London, E.C. 3 Acreage—Total: 1,228, cultivated

1 Wee Wei Sionh Estate—Postal Ad: (rubber) 1,130

Masjid Tanah, Malacca

Acreage — Total: 327, cultivated Zehnder Rubber Estate—Batang Ma-

(rubber) 327 laka, Negri Sembilan

(Windsor (F.M.S.) Rubber Estate, W. F. Zehnder, proprietor

L. Zehnder, manager

Ltd.—Ulu Sepatang, Perak Secretaries and Registered Office—

W. H. Pearse, manager Zehnder Bros., Church Street,

Registered Office—Edward Boustead Malacca

& Co., 149, Leadenhall Street, Acreage — Total: 268, cultivated

London, E.C. 3 (rubber) 208



Adopted at the Annual General Meeting held 26th February, 1906


Purchasing Tea, Raw Silk, Opiu m, and Cotton s return for Goods sold... percent.

Do. all other Goods and do.

Produce... i

Do. Ships

Guaranteeing andor Real Estate when required 2i


Do.' Silk,Sales

Stocks, orRemittances,

Tea,Shares,other Goods andandProduce

Debentures, other ... ... ... ... 12*1

... Securities


Do. all

Do. Shipsother


Real Estate

and and

Produce ... ... ... ... •...222

Selling Tea, Raw

Do. indorsing, Silk,

Native Bank Opium, Cotton

orders received ... ... ...


by Credits or negotiating

or Documents Hills ofinExchange,

payment for on Goods

approved...Bills secured... 11

Remitting the Proceeds of Bullion or Bills of Exchange 0


Do. andShipsreceiving Money in current

Disbursements ... ...account... ...... ...... ... ... ... 21


OEntering Inward Freight


Freight ... same Freight, including Brokerage

and collecting


... ... ...... ...... 62


On charters andetc., 2J

sales per cent.

effected Entering

... ... and/or

... Clearing ... ... ...)^5


On and payment

the amount

amount forofTotal

paid for Marine Claims

Average Insurance Claims...

On the

Prosecuting or paid

Defending, successfully. ... ...either at Law or by Arbitration,...... 21

Losses Claims,

on amount claimed

Prosecuting or Defending, unsuccessfully, on amount claimed 5


Proving Claims,

Managing Estates collecting and

and Collecting remitting Dividends,

Rents and Bullion on amount proved ... ... Z


Landing or and Forwarding

Transhipping Cargo Jewellery

Selling cargo exor Ships

Transhipping put intoOpium

Forwarding port Damaged ... Tls. 2 per chest.


Granting withdrawn

Letters of Credit ...

or re-shipped ... ... half1commission


Interest on

The otherwise cashrates to be exclusive of Shroffage, 1 per 'mill/, and Brokerage, when8paid unless

foregoing stated.advances



Do. on selling

Bills andProduce,

BullionMetals, and General Merchandize*... OJ per cent, from seller

Ship Brokerage for negotiating and completing Charters 1J „ from ship

Do. obtaining Freight ...


Do. on Charters and sales effected

Sales of Coal... ... ... ... ... from seller

Do. Shares, Stock, Debentures and Public Securities ... OJ 1f and

from seller


* Brokerage to be paid only on Goods actually delivered.

Classified List of Agents, MercTccun ts

and Jd.anixfcLctu.vers in this

territory, also a List of Cable

Addresses, will be found at the

End of the Directory. Classified

List of Ear Eastern Engineering

Firms follows Eong Eong.







Capital Paid Up $5,000,000.00

Reserves $7,500,000.00




Anking Kaifeng Shasi Tsintung

Canton Kian Shenchow Tungchin

Changchow Kiukiang Shihkiachwang Tungkwan

Changsha Linchwan Sian Tungtai

Changte Lingpao Siangshuikow Weihsien

Chengchow Linhueikwan Soochow Weinan

Chenkiakiang Liyang Suancheng Wuchang

Chinkiang Mingkwang Tanyang Wuho

Chuhsien Nanchang Taihsien Wuhu

Chunaatien Nanking Tatung Wusih

Hankow Nautungchow Tientsin Yangchow

Hengyang Panpu Tsinanfu Yencheng

Hofei Peiping Tsingkiangpu Yokow

Hongkong Pengpu Tsinin

Ichang Pukow Tsingtao


At Principal Cities Throughout China


At Principal Cities Throughout the World


No. 6, Queen's Road, Central

Telegraphic Address Telephone:

“shacombank” No. 3i 116


Situation, Area and Population

The Dutch possessions in Asia are situated in the Indian Archipelago, between

; 6° N. and 11° S. latitude and 95° 40' and about 141° E. longitude. They comprise Sumatra

with adjacent islands, the archipelago of Bintang or Riou w, the archipelago of Lingga,

the Karimon,

Billiton, Java and Tambelan,


the western,andsouthern


easternthepartIslands Bangka

of Borneo, and


and all the other islands eastward of Borneo and Java to 141° E. longitude, with the

; exception

132,274.1 k.ofm.theandeastern part islands

the,other of Timortogether

(Timor-Dilli). Java and

ov^r 1,767,476.9 k. m.Madoera extend over

With regard to the legal position, the population is divided into Europeans, with

those who are considered equal to them (half-castes, Armenians, Japanese), and natives,

with those who are considered equal to them (Chinese, Klings, Arabs, etc.). In 1930

the totalArabs

Chinese, numberandofother

Europeans amountedin to1930242,372

foreign Asiatics (census(census

figures)figures). The number

was 1,344,878 of whomof

709,216 were in Java and Madoera. The natives numbered 41,719,524

Madoera, and the total number of natives on all the other islands together amounted, in Java and

to 19,011,501.

* A great part of the Europeans are employed in, or retired from, the Government

I service; next in number are the planters, traders and industrials. The Arabs, Chinese,

| and other Orientals are almost all tradesmen, but it must be mentioned that some

[ Chinese are in possession of, or are employed on, plantations in Java, and that more than

I| 20,000

Sumatra,Chinese are working

and that thousandsas oflabourers


the tobacppare estates

employed on the EastEuropean

under Coast of

superintendence in the exploitation of the tin mines of Bangka and Billiton. The

natives cultivate the soil; in the larger places they also are mechanics, but the

practice of the handicrafts is for the greater part in the hands of Chinese.

History and Government

When the Dutch in the last years of the sixteenth century established themselves

in the European

i other Archipelago theythe:

rivals, found

Dutchthe East


Indian there.

Company In order to be strong

was established against

in 1602 by

; charter of the States General of the United Netherlands, granting a monopoly for

the trade in all the countries east of the Cape of. Good Hope to the

and the right to make treaties with Indian princes, to make war, build fortifications,Straits of Magellan,


was give


independent to civil disposed

and military officers, etc. The East Indian Company

eommercial, but soon the and Company extended of large capital.

its power and The first proceedings

conquered territory in were


v and the Moluccos. The first “ loge ” was established at Bantam, then at Jakatra, where

? Afterthe Governor-General,

a long period of great J. P.prosperity

Coen, madethea Company

fortress, which he called

fell into decay, Batavia (1619).

the difficulties


charter andunder

tookathe heavy burden of debts,

administration of theand in 1800 theintoStates

possessions theirGeneral

own hands.cancelled

At the


same time the British, during the war with France and the Netherlands, conquered

the greater part of the Dutch colonies. In 1802, by the treaty of peace concluded at


Republic,theas colonies, with thewere

the Netherlands exception of Ceylon,

then called, but duringweretherestored

war withto England

the Batavianthat

was soon afterwards declared the Dutch again lost all their possessions. After the

fall of Napoleon, in 1815, the greater part of the colonies were restored to the Kingdom

of the Netherlands,

establishments on theandcontinent

by the London

of Indiatreaty of 17th March,

were exchanged 1824, Malacca and the

for Benkoelen.


a Governor-General, who is obliged toinask

Netherlands-India is now governed the innamesomeof thecasesQueen the ofadvice

the Netherlands

of the Council, In

of India, consisting of a Vice-President and six members, assisted by a secretary!!

Since the beginning of 1918 a representative college,

instituted, consisting of a Member-President and 60 members, assisted by a secretary! called Volksraad, has beeif

The President

members of the islocal


boardsactsand by thetH3 other



the members, by the areGovernor-General]

elected by thd

who in cases of legislation in accordance with

gulation 38 members will be elected and~22nrembers appointed. The Governor-Genera- Volksraad; according to a new ref


Commander in-Chief of the Army and Navy, and is seconded by a Lieutenant-

Admiral orCommander-in-Chief

Rear-Admiral, Commandant of the Armyof.and the Chief

NavyofandtheChief War Department,

of the MarineandDepart-, a Vice-

ment, and further by the seven: Directors of the Departments'of

Finance; Justice; Education and Public Worship; .Agriculture, Industry and Commerce: the Home Government;



established and on Industrial Enterprises;

1st January, 1905, and is Public Works. The

a combination Department

of the gardens

(botanical and experimental), laboratories, musea, etc., . known until that date as s

“Lands Plantentuin,”: with the Bureau of Forestry, the Veterinary Service knd theju

Government Cinchona plantations. .

the Netherlands-lndia

administration of isGovernors divided -into- 'provinces,and

or Residents 'governmerits

their Assistant and Residences,


and Is


the titles of Regent, TheWedbrip,

direct government

and bf 'the population

Assietajit-Wedono in Java, is.and.ptjher


to natives

in the with|I


islahds. In appointing# the native officials.'it is considered a rule that the people in p:

the different Inislands, residencies or districts must be governed, in a ifgreat

possible,,by their own n


other islands Soerakarta

the native princesand Djogjakarta

have still,(in Java)

to a.certain anddegree; many

the rule of. theresidenciesf


in their harids, but they are dependent on the Government of Netherlands-lndia.

The Supreme Court is located at Batavia, and Courts

Batavia, Samarang, Soerabafa, Padung, Medaii, and Macasser; there are also Residential of Justice are established *

Courts in all the Residencies.- The Courts of Justice for the natives are in the; :

capitals ofrapat,

landraad,courts residencies,’divisions,

regeritschapsgerecht, regencies and districts; Since

districtsgerecht. they hrive adifferent

1914 the large names, asof

lower called “ landgerecht” have been established for trial number

of petty1

offences committed by Europeans as well as .by natives and other Asiatics.''


The climate

different places betweenin general 80 and is fairly-dathp;

90 per cent. The the average

maximumrelative hurhidity

temperature reachesvariesabout




below but inpoint,

freezing some mountainous

in the dry regionsAttheBatavia

season. minimumthetemperature

mean daily occasionally


is 26' Centigrade. The mean temperature of other places may be deduced from the Bata-

via temperature by subtracting 0.6? for every 100 metres of height above sea level. The

monsoons have a great influence on the climate. South of the equator from April to:


blowing, the whilesouth-east

north ofmonsoon,

the equator and from the October

south-west to April

monsoon the north-west

blows frommonsoon, April tois


monsoons are marked by periods of three to four weeks, during which the wind ofblows

and the north-east monsoon from October to April. The changes the


fairly uniform during the whole year; the nights during the south-east monsoon areis

different directions and thunderstorms arid calms are frequent. The day heat

fairly cool. The west monsoon is the rainy season. The annual rainfall is above 3.000


Paloe 549 mm., in aatgreat Tombo part6711.

of the high mountain regions. The mean annual rainfall in


rich The islandsproducts.

in useful of the Indian The most Archipelago

importanthave generally

products of Java a very are:fertile,

Rice, soil



tea, tobacco,

sprqduce, cinchona bark, rubber, copra, libres, maize, ground nuts, kapok, tapioca

palm oil; teak timber;andof Qetebcs:

of Borneo Sumatra:copra, tobaCcp, coffee,gums,

rubber, pepper, tea, maize,

rattans, fibres, coffee,

rubber,hides.gums, tea,

Diamonds are found in Bbrnffb;; ;g

copper ores in- Sumatra and Timorpirori'Ores in Celebes^ Sumatrri arid Borneo; in Sumatra, Celebes, Borneo and Java;tin

placers of great importarice in' Bkrigka', Bi'Friton arid SirigkeR, and£ small alluvial

X KT If K11L A N DS- I'X D1A G269

tin deposits in Sumatra and on some other islands: lead otes in Sumatra, Celebes.

Borneo and Lombok; zinc ores in Java and Sumatra; lignites and cOabof better quality

in Borneo, Sumatra and Java, manganese ore of very purb quality'in Java. Nickel

ore is found

Sunda isles; intungsten

Celebes;in platinum in Borneo;

the tin islands; chrome magnetite

titaniferous ore iiPCelebeS,


iH Java'andandLesser


islands; cinnabar in Sumatra; antimony ores in Borneo and in other parts of the

Archipelago, arsenic ores in

small quantities of bismuth in Borneo, Borneo; traces of molybdenite in BoVneo

Celebes iand Sumatra. Iodine is produced-'fromand Sumatra;


saline and

Java springs in Java;

in some othersulphur

islands;is prodticedfrom

magnesite in some volcanic mud; phosphates

islands'of the easternarepartfOurid of thein

Archipelago. Salt of excellent quality is made in Madoera

islands by solar evaporation of seawater. The production of mineral oil in'Java, and alstr on' some other

Sumatra, Borneo and Ceram is a very profitable one.

The possession of the soil by the natives is strOngly protected by law. As agegeral

7. rule the ground

descendants who cannot

are bornbein sold

India.to foreyipr^ys,

Lhe Government not evep, to liutehhieh],

is authorized' nor tooftheir

to oispd’se un

•cultivated grounds and grant parts of them'fofb, certain peridd to foreigners (erfpacht.'

RevexPIo AKn Fixaxce

The revenue of the colony is derived fromudifferant taxes, viz., import and export

i;; duties,


fer and

excise, ground



taxes, personal tax,

tax, licences,

duty, succession



duties; tax,duties,



property tax,on corporation

salt, pawndutyshops), public





; coal), forests, railways, mining-and agricultural concessions, ; ,

people deliver it into the Government gqdowns at a fixed,rate per hectolitre and totH®a

The salt required for the Government monopoly is made in Madoera, where

smaller extent on Government’s salt farms in Madoera and. Grisee (residency

Bodjonagorq) where the salt is :produced under Government management.

: The use of opium and the profits the Government derives from the rdgie system arfe


muchTheto the pawnshon-monopoly'

benefit of the lowbr is gradually


whichextended all over

it functions as a the archipelago


granting the.small credits of not less than 10. cents on the. collateral of goods against

moderate fixed rates of interest. . ,

The tin mines of Bangka are exploited by the Government! Chinese labour is

extensively used for working the tinplacers, also for transportation and melting the

tin concentrate,

directly worked and for Government:


the various other others purposes* Some ofbytheEuropean

are operated placer-diggings

ortheChinese are

contractors under control.

districts; the smaller districts are worked by steam. Electric power is supplied to all main

The monetary system of Netherlauds-India for which in accordance

with that of the Netherlands the- limping , standard with free coinage

offive guilders,

gold is silver adopted,

coins consists of goldandcoins

of two guilders a half,of ofthe

ope value

guilder, ofand ten of halfanda


f.0‘25, and f.Q’10, bearing Malay and Javanese inscriptions; nickel (joins of f.0'coins

(these coins are the same as those in the Netherlands); besides silver 05, andof

copper coins of f.0:025 (2| cent), f.0'01 (one cent), and f.O'005 (|‘cent). The issue of


gold which ishasa monopoly of the Java

been practically Bank.since

suspended Thetheconvertibility

beginning ofofthethewar bank-notes

was restored into

by the declaration of the Government and the Java Bank in May 1925.


The educational sysbemi distinguishes two kinds of instruction: (I.) Instruction

j is given in the Dutch language; (II.) Instruction given in a*• vernacular language.

| To the first category belong 772 (268 private) elementary schools, amongst which are 367

If •specially

mediate for natives

schools: and 109

14 public andforandChinese.secondary

6 private " Eurtherioore,

schools, there


find69 their

(33 private) inter-

in the universitiesdn Holland in the institutions for higher incontinuation

the Dutch

East Indies—the college of technical science at Bandoeng and the colleges of law and

-medicine at Batavia, the certificates of which,colleges are equal to those issued thy the

universities in (Holland;' 6 private secondary schools for gMs, And'66 private Ffobel


schools. In addition, the following

2 schools of medicine, 1 training school professional schools fallofficers,

for civil-service within3 theschools

same forcategory ri?


officials, 3 agricultural schools, 1 school of veterinary medicine, 5 (1 private) commercial'jlj

schools, 6 (2 private) technical schools for architecture, mechanical electro-technicalm

and mining engineering, 2 trade schools, 18 (12 private) training schools and some courses $

for higher qualifications,

a number supplying

of the intermediate European

schools. teachers teachers

Eor Chinese for the elementary

there is a schools

school withand if;

instruction in the Dutch language, for native teachers there are 12 (5 private). ll(

Furthermore, there are 1 school for post and telegraph

chemist-assistants, 1 course for analysts, 1 school for chief mates and naval engineers,officials, 1 school for ■]:


(7 private)

( private) elementary schools with 1,785,000 pupils, besides a number of f!

schools for occupations for women. In category II. there are about

trade schools and agricultural schools, and a marine-school for the Navy at Macassar. | ,


courses for training there are 20 public

native teachersandin13vernacular

private normal


280. schools

eleinent^F areK

Mohammedan religious schools (18,000 with 450,000'pupils) and a number of .schools for

Chinese and for Arabians (with-5Q,Q0O pupils).


Tandjoeng Pinang and Sabang are free ports. The other ports are opbn for *

either general trade or only for . native'coasting navigation. Godowns where goods

can be stored and sold, and from whence they can be exported without payment of |5 *


Padang, or export duties, are Manado,Gorontalo,

established at Batavia, Cheribon, Semarang, Sourabaya, ;k


and Koepang. Bela wan, Ternate, Amboina, Neira(Bandaneira),

We Import

(Sabang)duties are imposed

(Government Atjehinand the Dependencies),

whole of Netherlands-India,

and the isles exceptbelongingthe toIsland

the I1

Residency Riouw and Dependencies. The import duty is fixed ad valorem or according ;#

toed the

in the tariff. Most of the metals and raw materials, as lime and wood, and articles !|.A

weight or the quantity dimensions, most of the goods being separately mention-

of art and science are free of import duty. Export duty is. only paid on a few !'

articles according to value or quantity. Transit cargo is free.

An excise

on cigars, is charged

cigarettes and oncutkerosene-oil,

tobacco (exceptgasoline andcut

inland benzine,,

tobacco)oh matches of all kinds;

and on inland beerj. 1|

moreover on inland arrack in Java and Madoera.

Principal Harbours

Island of Java

Tandjong Priok—The old harbour of Batavia, which is situated on the north of the j

Tji Liwoeng

were constructed serves only

for oceanfor prahus

going and

vesselslighters. In the year 1877

at Tandjong new harbour works

from the old harbour. Those works consist of an outerPriok, 9 kilometres

harbour comprisingeastward

a water '

area of about 1,409,000 sq. metres, formed by two moles of dumped stone built out into

theisea and having

for mooring on buoys,a length


of abouteach.850,000

The square

harbourmetresgives for


ships with a |


first inner harbour basin is 1,100 metres long and 185 metres wide. Alongbasins.

of 9 metres and is in open connection with three inner harbour the westernThe ;j


Alongseven large storage

the eastern side is agodowns

quay of 125 havemetres

been length

built, onwith

a quay of 1,000 metres

one godown, north length.

of this j

quay a new quay of 200 metres will be built, the rest being provided with screw pile ;

jetties, with a total length of nearly 300 metres which serve for coal, tin and salt. | j



basin give


150 metres has toa length ships with a draught

of 1,000 metres ofand8 ismetres.

on bothThesidesSecondpro- ][

vided with

on thewalls a

western quay wall of a length of 1,000 metres. Six large godowns are erected

quay of thesidesecond

and two basingodowns and one open shed

give accommodation on thewitheastern

to ships side. ofThe9

a draught

(about 1,700 metres) and for the rest of 9.50 metres. On the Westside of the third 1

the first and second inner harbour basin a canal for lighters with a draughtbetween

basin is made a quay of 500 meters. In the land-tongue, broad 300 metres, of 2.20 j

metres has been made. In the land-tongue on the west side of the first inner basin |


are two harbours for lighters with a total area of 24,000, square metres, where also

joins a canal for lighters leading to the old harbour and the

northern part of this land-tongue is another small basin. A large part of this basintown of Batavia. In the

and the land adjoining it is let to the Tandjong Priok Drydock

installed repairing yards, a 8,000 and 4,000 tons floating dock and a patent slip with Company, which

2,000 tons lifting power. Eastward from the third harbour are situated two oil-

etablishments, viz.: one of the B.P.M. (Royal Dutch) and one of the Socony. They

connect with the sea by canals and by pipe-lines, and also with the oil-wharf at the

end of the second harbour so that liquid may be obtained at different quays as well

as at theeastwharf.

situated of theAthirdharbour basin.for fishermen’s

The originally boatslowlying

(area 200,000

marshy square metres) is

land surrounding

the harbour has been reclaimed. The harbour is equipped with 36 electric-cranes with

75a lifting

tons andcapacity of 3.5derrick

a floating to 10 tons,

of 15a tons.




a lifting capacitycoalof

and electric

transporters have been installed by the Nederlandsch Indische Steenkolen Handel

Maatschappij. Every point of any importance is connected with the railway-system of

the harbour. At the end of 1932 altogether a sum of about FIs. 55,000,000 had been


the railway to the construction

connections of the Tandjong Priok harbour,

to Batavia. , apart from the costs of

Soerabaja.—The harbour of Soerabaja orginallv consisted only of the river Kali

Mas and its boards. This river has been abroaded and is now used as a harbour for

lighters to which purpose quays are built on both sides. On the mouth, a spit of land

has been reclaimed on the western board of the lengthened bank of the Kali Mas,

which is accommodated with a quay wall of 370 metres length and gives accommoda-

tion toinsmall

built ocean

the sea fromgoing steamers.of this

the seaside A pier, broad 200tometres

land-tongue, the west (the and


roughlyhas been


with the coast line. Its front coincides approximately with the natural channel and

bas a length of 1,200 metres, it giyes accommodation to ships with a draught of up to

9 metres. The head of the pier consists of a quay with a length of 200 metres where


in thewith

forma ofdraught

a square of 9with


sidescanofberth. Behind

900 metres the North-pier

has been dredged. aAlong big harbour basin

the southern

quay wall of the North-pier (800 metres in length) the basin has for a breadth of 250

metres a depth of 9 metres under low tide. On the east

with a quay of 160 metres. Adjoining to this quay have been installed three floating side the basin is provided

-docks of 1,400, 3,500 and 14,000 tons capacity. On the west side of the basin a quay has

abeen built ofwith

draught up atolength of 920; the’southern

10 metres) metres (giving400berthing

metres are accommodation

Used for a bigforcoalingshipsplant.


Parallel to this coal wharf and at a distance of 160 metres a new

with a length of 750, a front of 140 and a base of 160 metres, has in the recent years pier (the Holland-pier)



on the sides Itandgives berthing

on the head. accommodation

The remaining part for ships

of .thewith

basinaisdraught of TO


intended for the use of lighters, which can moor alongside a quay on the south side of

the basin. The vast marshy land surrounding the harbour has befm reclaimed. The

harbour equipment includes two floating steam-cranes with a lifting capacity of 25 and

50At tons respectively;

the end of the yearon1932the altogether

quays therea are sum22Ofelectric

about FIs.cranes from onehadto been

78,000,000 ten tons each.


to the Soerabaja harbour, apart from the costs of the railway connections.

Semarang.—When the old harbour works, dating from the year 1878 proved to bo

insufficient a few years ago a spacious lighter harbour was adjoined, consisting of two

basins and

j) metres, a small harbour

the berthing for fishingforboats.

length available lightersTheistotal

4,000water areaThe

metres. is 185,000



w -equipped with sheds, one steam-crane of 25 tons, and about 20 electrically

Hi '2\

driven cranes, one of which has a lifting capacity of 10 tons,

to 5 tons. At the end of the year 1932 a sum of about FIs. 13,000,000 had been the others of H to 3 and

1 devoted to the construction of the, Semarang harbour, apart from the costs of the rail

) way connections, which lead to every pbint of any importance in the harbour.


; situated on a tongue of land, the only harbour

bounded on oftheimportance

east by theon Indian

the southOceancoastandof Java,

on theis

;j (8westmetres

by theatriverlow tide) for Ia,rge stegroer^. Owing to. the. protection providedwater

Donan, in the estuary of which there is sufficient depth of by

the island of Noesa Kembangan, lying off the coast Here, this^estuary offers a s^fe

: anchorage, where the. breakers of the Indian Ocean are not felt,, There is.520 metres of


pier and sli'ips drawing 8 metres nro able to berth alongside the northern part of

the pier even at low tide. At the end of the' ^eaF 1932 altogether a sum of aboht


railway 2^500,600 has be;en. devpted fo the Tjil4tjap; harbour ahart froth. the:cps*t4 of the


.Cheribon.—The ha^boprjGppsistipg of. twp basins, and a havbou?;'canal has a total

water area of 87,000 square metres, , An . average depth of fairway, of 3 metres below

low tide which

lighters, is maintained

carry ouf'bythedredging.

loading andA discharging

quay lengthqfofvessels 7hP; metres

anchoring,is; available fqr

at -the' well

protected, roadstead. The wharyes are provided with crapes and !sheds.

Tegal.—The harbour ;with two basins has a »lotal water-area of 83^000 square-

metres, including the harbour canal. A length of quay of *800 metres is available for -

discharging lighters. The wharves are provided- with cranes- and sheds.

Inland of Sv.rhftlra'

Selawan. the most im'portantbarhour of >Sumatra-^tltedahd ,r>f Sumatra tobaecoi,;tea.

and rubber—is

rivers. The harbour situated-on


wharves on theat.the-estuany

west side of ofthetheisland Deli and which, ■



the island. having The-a wharVes

water area of 27,500

haVe-a total square

length ofmetres,

,2000 and

metrds,"wharyes fon the north side of

300-metres do not belong

: !



the northern butsideto private'Owners

for vessels withand 980 mettes

a draught are formed

of aboht'IO 'by aThe

metres. newly built


are providedincludes'

equipment with sheds bne -those on the

floating new quaywith-

steam-crane of a alarge type/'capacity

lifting The harbour


tons. while on the'

The depth- quaychannel

of' fthe have a-t-been erectedof the.5 Belawan-river

the mouth' electric ' craneshas' ofalready 3 tdbeen5010



year T932 byaltogether suction adredging

sum of about to more 'Fls. than 8 metreshadatbeen

26,000^000 low devoted

tide. Attothe theend of the-'


harbourj apart frdm 'the 'chSt "of the railway connections, Which1 are reaching to. every :

point'of any imphrtancb.


situated in Iqe north-western hprbpufpari: is theof .chief pqrfc pf ^he Wesiffoast

the Rpninginne-bay, whidi ofis formed


tongues ofbadm

haiqour landisprojecting

enclosed betweeninto the two sea inbreakwaters,

a south-western v. itil aandlen southern

.tli 011.6O direction.

and 900 mmXhA' 1 e-,

respectively, and the northern shore of the bay. The depth- is 9 metres-at Iqw tide. .

Four screw pile hvharves, the length of which is. 120, 10§,' 108 nhd 9.6 metres, giye-


behind accomodation

the'jetties. to four'important

The-most ocean steamers.

export Six large

consists of Ombilin sheds coals

have frombeen,Suma-


tra. The colliers; rngpr at a special jetjA whefe.

300 tpps,an hour. • Ah' the, ohd of.'.the year 1932Altogei;h f sum of a cpaling e atip fills them at the yal-e pf

FIs. mboQ,Pw,;

had heeh deypted.

connections. On thetowhich

tl^.e Emmahaven

eastside of the harbour,'apart, from the costs of ,the railway

192 metres alongside ships of 9coaling


will becanbuilt; moor.a jetty with a length of

the Sabang.—The

island ofof.Poelo harbour

Weh, of Sabang

situated is inover

a little a spacious bay, accessible

50 kijoihetres tefethe fromofthe

north west, in



station capital

and is part the province

equipped of Atjeh. The harlxmR-) serves 1 principally, as a coalingT

north-western of the forbaythis are thepurpose with modem

coal Wharves with araccpmmodation.

total length of 590 In the



To the dock which

south-west shipk of 9 metres

of thespecially

coal wharves draught can mooy

liesforoneships for

5,000requiring loading

tons floating and discharging

dock, Inwhile coal.

to the. is a quay intended repairs. theadjoining



storageOf gbdowns

the bay adjacent/

is a general commercial whhff, metres ,long wdth the requisite

f Oosthaven,—Oosthgvep,,which is situated in,the Lampong-bay on the,south coast

ofof Sumatra,is

170 metres the beginning

and equipped with pointaof,the,


shed (lOOtp xEfifPTbang.

40 square A quayhaswithbeen

metres) a lpng.th


for ocean going vessels:withia draught 9 metres. Along

harbour is a jetty with a length of 80 metres along which-ships of 9 metres draught the.soiithside of the inner

can moor

its Palembang.—Paletnbang, whicha istidalsituated on the Moesi-river; can90phly

kilometres' thefrom

at mouth

the mouth in theof Bangka

the river, Straits,

whereis the depthharbour;

at highlargerwaterships amounts crossmetres,

to 6.3 bar


netherlands-india (^273;

flood-tide. In the harbour is a screw pile jetty with a length of 250

with a hand-crane of 6 tons. When there is no room available for ships at the wharf, metres equipped

they remain at anchor in the river and can load and discharge on both sides by means

of lighters.

Island, of'Celebes

Makasser.—Makasser, the most important harbour in the eastern part of the

Archipelago is situated on the south-west point of Qelebes. .It possesses a road well


wharves atbytheseveral


at a island^



1,$00 metres.approximately

The wharvesparallel


of a


even at lowwith

tidea and

length of 1,340

a screw pilemetres

wharf, where ships of 9and

500 metres'long metres draughtbroad,

10 metres can moor


a depth alongside of 7.50 metres at low tide; A harbour for sailing boats and native

vessels with

made. an areaisofequipped

The harbbur 20„p00 square, metresliquid

\Vith: sheds; and fuel

.26; little sqrewcappilebejptties,has

and coal obtained. beenAt

the end of the year 1932 altogether a sum'of Pis'. 14,060,600 had been devoted to the

construction of the Makasser harbour works apart from the costs of the railway con-

nections. .

Island of Borneo

Pontianak.^-Pontianak,: which is situated at the Kapoqas river, is the; principal

trading centre of the. West Coast of Borneo. There is a wharf nearly’300 metres long

behind which sheds are built.

Bandjermasin.—Bandjermasiii' is situated near the,S

Martapoera-river, a.'few kilometres above the junction of that river with the Barito


and shedsThebehind


it. exists of a screw pile wharf with a length of ,150 metres

■ Civil Aviation

The civil airlines, which are run by the Royal Netherlands Indian Airlines Com-

pany (K.N.LL.M.) . form an important and valuable supplement to the other meaps

of transport. The following lines are now in regular exploitation.

Batavia-ISemarang-'Sourabayvvicetversa (670 km. daily)

Batavia-jBaridohng, vice-versa (110 km. bidaily) '

Batavia-Palembtaig-Singapore, vice-versa (1,135 km. weekly)

Batavia-Palembang-Pakan Baru-Medan, vice-versa (1,500 km. weekly)

Moreover the Company does other aerial work,, e.g., taxi-flying, joy-riding, photo-

graphy, dusting,,etc.

3-Engined Eokker monoplanes are in use. There are about 50 landing grounds in

the archipelago availably for rcivil aircraft.

Since September 1931 Java is connected with Holland by the weekly air service

of the K.L.M. (Royal Airlines Cy.), which covers the distance of over 14;0OO'ki m.


about 9 regularity.

days. The'The lineconnection

is flown with Dutchappreciated

isj highly planes bybyDutch pilotspeople

all Dutch with ina

the Far East and the home country, who use the airline for the quick transport1 of

mail and goods.

passengers. The planes

The traffic to andcontain ampleEuropean

from other room forcountries,

the comfortable

the U.S.A. transport

and theof

countries along the route is rapidly increasing.




Gouverneur Generaal—Jhr. Dr. B. C. de Jonge

Adjudant van Z. E.—G. van A. dahetStoppelaur, ritmeester

Huis van den tevens Intendant


Do. - H J. .M. Van Bommelen, Lt. ter zee 2de klasse

Raad vast Nederlandsch-Indie

Vice-President—Dr. J. W. Meyer Ranneft Advocaat-Fiscaal voor de Land-en

Zeemaoht in Nederlandsch-Indib

VoLKSRAAD Mr. J. R. L. Jansen

President—W. H. van Helsolinger Mr. H. Marcella, plv. adv. Adv. Fiscaal


ie Koesvemo Oetajo 2e Plaatsvervan- M. A. A.

gend-Voorzitter—F. H. de Hoog Raden van Justitie

Algemeene Secretarie President—Dr. J. J. Smit

Algemeene Secretaris—P. J. Gerke Vice-President—Drs. E. Ch. Grivel, B. van


J. M.Secretaris

Kiveron van het Gouverneroent— Giffen


J. Ramaer, E.van het Gouvernement— President—Dr. J.Semarang

A. Zeilinga G. Geerlings

Vice-President—Dr. L. G. Krol

Ai.gemeene Rekenkamer Soerabaja

Voorzitter—F. de Bakker President—Dr. A. S. Block

Secretaris—Dr. L. van Son Vice-Presidenten—Drs. J. W.G. Kruseman,

Departement van Justitie I. Hen

Directeur—Dr. K. L. J. Enthoven Padang

Secretaris—Dr. W. C. A B. P. Arriens President—Dr. W. F. C. J. Baukema

Leden—Drs. N. S. Blom, A. C. H. Gieben


Hooggerechtshof van Ned. Indie President—Dr. F. Medan H. Poser

President—Dr. J. K. Onnen


Raadsheeren—Drs. E.J. Pino Elshout, L. M. President—Dr. A.Mahasser

Schoorel, M. Z. Westrik

M. Nelissen,E. F.M.R.A.A.G. Nierstrasz,

Harthoorn,A. E.J. E.C.

G. Joakim, E. K. Hesselink Hoog Miditair Gerechtshof van

Procureur Generaal—Dr. G. Vonk Nederlandsch-Indie

Advocaten Generaal—Drs. J. R. L. Jansen, President—Dr.

H. Marcella L. M. Schoorel

Griffier—Dr. C. Star Nauta Carsten

Hoog Militair Gerechtshof Landsadvocaten

van Ned. Indie Batavia—Dr. E. J. F. van Dunne

President—Mr. L. M. Schoorel (b.b.v.d.L.) Soerabaya—Dr. Semarang—Dr. A.H.A.Zeydner.

A. Knappert


(b.b.v.d.L.), H.Jhr.W. S.vande Ranitz,



Schout by Nacht-titulair, Dr. P. van Kantoor van Arbeid


Inf., M. E.gepens.

A. vanKolonel

Goor, titulair

Majoor derder Hoofd—E. A. C. den Hamer

Infanterie, J. J. Akker Dijk(Majoor der

Infanterie) plv Lid, R. F. C. ’ Smith, en Statistiek— Hoofd van de afdeeling Arbeidswetgeving

(gepens. Luit-Kolonel der Artillerie)plv. Chef van


Griffier—Dr. Biichenbacher Chef van hetArbeidsinspectie—H.


N. Molenaar

J. Top

Veiligheidstoezicht—Ir. A.


N'otarissen Weeskamers en Voogdijraden

Serang—F. Brandenburg van den Batavia — Presdt., R. van Hinloopen

Labberton A. C. Eater

Gronden Semarang—Pres.,

Batavia—G. H Thomas, Dr. A. H. van Soerabaja—Pres.,

Opbuijsen, (v.), Dr. G. L. P. Bouman Padang—Gedelegeerd A. J. Lid,

.1. Bloem

(tijd. verv.) A. J. M. Zoetmulder, Cv.), A. man J. D. Krijgs-

E. Pros&e (tijd. verv), D. J. M. de Hondt Makassar—Gedelegeerd Eid, E. Herrmann

Tangerang—J. Simon Medan—Presdt., H. Engel

Buitenzorg—H. J. de Graaf

Poerwakarta—Th. J. Indewey Gerlings Departement van Binnenlandsch

Bandoeng—H. E. E. Chavannes

Soekaboemi—L. L. H. R. Scipio Bliime Directeur—P. C. Bestuur A. van

Tasikmalaja—P. H. van Hulstijn

t’heribon—A. V. C. Earners Onder-Directeur—C. J. H.EithR. de Waal

Tndramajoe—Ch. L. Vermandel Inspecteur voor de agrarische zaken en

Pekalongan—Th. W. Yoskuijl (tijd. verv.) verplichte diensten—S. Bastiaans

Tegal—L. Woesthoff (v.), G. A. Soesman Hoofd vanHoofd

Politic, den ven Dienstde der Algemeene

Afdeeling Politic

(tijd. verv.) van het Departement.—


Meertens, F. L.J. A.J. Bode

Earners, A. M. G. Adviseur voor Decentralisatie—Dr. A. J.

Salatiga—B. Dubbeldam R. Heinsins

Adviseur, Thoofd van den Drinsh der

j Koedoes—tJ.


Meelhuysen Oost. Asiatische—A. H. J. Lovink


i Toeban— Oppenkamp Java

Soerabaya—F. Eichholtz, J. Townsend, (v.) Provincie West-Java

H. W/ Hazenberg, (v.) J. W. Bek (tijd.

verv.) W. H.J.N. van Buuren, F. J. Berg Secretaris—Mr. G. H.C. Bak

Gouverneur—L. G. A. van der Hoelc

( (tijd. verv.) Afdeeling (residentie)


Modjokerto -R.W.vanHardenberg

lombang—A. J.


FI. Boudier (v.), L. J. Bantam—Resident, A. M. van def Elst ;

Dalitz Batavia— Do., H. Fiever de Malines van

; f’asoeroean—B. E. Dietz Ginkel Do., M. F. Tydeman


Malang—E. Th. Young Cheribon— Do., Ch.A.H. O. van

f! Djember—Th.

Probolinggo—M.R. A.W.E.Yermeulen

Andela Baithenthorg—Do,. de der


f Poerwokerto—G. C. Boogaard Gouvernement der Molukken

[ T'jilatjap—M. Soedja Gouverneur—Dr. B. J. Haga (resident)

I Magelang—J. W. White Secretaris—A. Breekland

! Poerworedjo— Afdeeiing residen,tie) ■

Djokjakarta— Amboina—

| Soerakarta—G. A. Fransz Ternate—

i Madioen—W. Ch. L. Pichel

lk Kediri—H.

verv.) Loriaux (v.), J. Hofstede (tijd. Borneo

Blitar—Dr. K. E. Krijgsman Westerafdeeling van Borneo

.< Padang— Resident—J. Oberman

Secretaris—H. van der Wal

|I Sibolga—Raden

Fort de Kock—L.Kadiman

Dubbeldam Quider-en Oosterdfdeeliii^ van Borneo

1 Teloek Betoeng—G. L. Scipio Resident—W. G. Moggenstorra

Palembang—A. Bidder (v. Secretaris—J. A. yan Beuge i

!f Medan—Tj.

Gottgens Dykstra (v.), Ch. J. J. :


| Koeta Radja—F. R. Swens Menado—Resident,

| Pangkalpinang—A. Weeda

I Pontianak—H. A. Dekker, Secretaris, L.J. Bartels


van Eupen (tijd. verv.) (v.) Dr. J. Celebes enneur, Onderhoorigheden—Gouver-

J. L. M. Swaab

Bandjermasin—F. de Vrij Secretaris, J. Hueting


Makasser—C. C.F.Earners

E. Blankenstein Timor en J.Onderhoorigheden—Resident,

Amboina—A. G. van den Berg J. Bosch



S&'crttftris, Mr. A. Verheul Gouvernemeni Jogjakarta

Bali en Lombok— Resitient}.* G. A, W. Oh. Gouverneur^—H. H. de Kock

de Hase Winkelman

Secretaris, Dr. G. Lion Cachetr, Secretaris—E. M. Stok

Inlandsche Zelfbestnnrdzrs Afdeeling (residentie)

SoesoMioerta'n van Soerakarta—Pakoe Boe- Jogjakarta—Resident,GOlivernement SoeraJarta


man Souopat.io Ingalogo

Panoto Gomo Abdoerrach-

X. Gouverneur—M. J. J. Treur

S uwono

1 ban vanSenopatie

Dj okj akarIngaTogo

ta—HaniengLoe Boe- Secretaris—C. A. N. Boers-(wd.)

Afdeeling (resident)

Abdoerrach- Soerakarta—Assist.-Resdt.,

manSaiiidin Panoto Gomo Kalifatoellah E. W.



Hoofd van hejt; : Mangkoe - Negoros.che Klaten — Do., Mr. J. A. Buys


Negorovan Pangeran Adipati Ario Mangkoe

VIIhet Pakoealamsche Sumatra

Hoofd Huis—

Sultan van Siak Sri Ario

Panggran Adipati Pakoe Alam VIIdi Sumatra’s van



Heuven B. H. F.

Secretaris, Mr. L.

Pertoean Besar Sjarif Kasim Abdul Djalil Tapanoeli—Resident, J. W Th. Heringa K. Hubenet


Sultan van Deli—Amaloedin Sani Perkasa Benkoelen—Resident,Secretaris, Mr. H. J. Looman

Alam Sjah W. Groeneveldt

Sultan van Serdang—Soeleiman Sjarifoel Lampongsche Secretaris, G. W. Schuller

Alam Sjah Districten—Resident,

Rookmaker HT. R.


Djalil van Langkat—Machmoed

Rachmat Sjah Abdul Secretaris, G. E. Bloem

Sultan Palembang—Resident, W. Steinbuch

Djalil van


Sjah— Sod iboen Abdul Secretaris, B. Korn

Bestuurder van Koealoe—Jang Dipertoean Djarabi—Resident, Secretaris, A.Ph.C.J. M.vanJansen

dor Meulcn

A1 Hadji Mohamad Sjah

Sultan van Sambas—Mohamad Ibrahim Oostkust vanB. G.Sumatra—Geuverneur,C. M. M. van Suchtelen Jhr.


Sultan van Pontianak—Sjarif Mohamad Atjeh enSecretaris, G. W. Fris

ibnoel Marhoen Soethan Sjarif Yoesoef Onderhoorigheden—Gouverneur,

A. Ph. van Aken

Sultan van

Sultan van Koetei—Mohamad

Boeloengen—Maulana Parikesit

Sultan Secretaris, I. D. W. de Haan


Sultan Djalaloedin

van Ternate — Sultan Iskandar Riouw en Jhr. Onderhoorigheden—Resident,

Mohamad Djabir Sjah J. M.A.von

Secretaris, M. Schmidt

V. Hekking


grooten ” is charged with “ RaadthevanLands-

Govt. Bangka enJ.Onderhoorigheden—Resident,

C. Mann

Provincie Midden-Java Secretaris, C. S. O. Schijf

Gouverneur—J. 0. de V6s Sultan van Soembawa — Mohamad

Secretaris—J. Gerritsen Kaharoeddin

Afdeeling (residentie) Sultan

hoeddinvan Binm — Moehammad Sala-


Semarang — Do., G. Bijleveld

J. O. Matray

Japara Rembang—P. W. Palte DePARTEMENT VAN OtsDERWYS EN


Kedpe — Do., A.H. A.J. van Hulst

G. Linck Eeremenst

Directeur—Prof. Dr. B. J. O. Schrieke

Provincie Oost-Java Secretaris—G. M. Johannes


Secretaris— H. B. Kuneman Hooger Onderwijs:

Afdeeling (residentie) Technische Hoogeschool te Bandoeng

Soerabaja—Resident, A. H. Moreu College van Curatoren

Bodjonegoro—Do., J. Habbema President-Curator—Ir. D. de longh

Madioen Secretaris—C. Donker van Heel

Kediri —Do., —Do., J.N. F.W.Verhoogvan College van Curatoren

Bataviasche Hoogescholen over de

Malang —Db., R. K. Hartingsveldt

A. Bertsch President-Curator—Prof. A. H. M. J.

Besoeki van Kan

Madoera —Do., —Do., W.O.H. van IT. Snell

Hartingsveldt Secretaris, R, Soewandi


Midddbadr Onderivijs: Inlandsch Onderwijs:

Inspecteur—Dr. T.'Horpmes Inspecteur in algemeenendiettst—J. J.

HB.Sj met Vvjfjarigm cursw: Geurts

Inspecteurs—A. A. Th.van

van Dijck,

Dijk, J.G-L.J.Oudraad,


Koning Willem III. School te Batavia— J.nhiusen. 0. Wilderint

Directeur, J. F. Bakker

Hoogere Burger school, Seinarang—Di- Eeredienst:

recteur, Ir. P. LeVddag

Hoogere Burgerschool, ' Soerabhya—Di- V't'estantsche oprzittef van het Bestdur over de- Pro-

Kerken in Nederlandsch-

recteur, Dr. A. Zijp Indiii—Dr. N. A. G. Sldtemakef deBru'ine

Hoogerg. Burgerschool, Bairdoeng-r-Di- Apdstolisch Vicaris en Pastoor van

recteur, Dr. W. F. Gisolf Batavia—A.Bisschop

Th. van Hoof (wd.)Apollonia

Prins Hendrikschool ■ te Batavia—Di- Apostolisch Vicaris van Nederlandsch

Titulair van

recteur, J. A. Kuiler

Hoogere Burgersohool en Algeua.eene Mid- Nieuw-Guinee—J. Bisschop, vanAerts

■ delbaresehopl te Malang—Directem;, G. Titulair nistrator

C’apitolias, Admi-

W. J. Hoiman

Hoogere Burgerschool en Algemeene Mid- Borneo—J.Apostolicus

Bos van Nederlandsch

del bareschool te Medan—Direeteur, Ir. Titulair Bisschop van Corna Apostolisch

Prefect en Pastoor van Padang—L. T.

H. IV. J. Veldhuis Bran-$

A laemeene Middelbar^ Bchopl: Titulair Bisschop van Arcis Apos

Wis-en Natuiirkundige afdeeling ihte tolisch Vicaris van de Kleine


Jogjakarta—Directeur, W. L. M. van Apostolisch,

Dijk J. Pa,his Prefect vanLeven

Celebes—J. W.

Wis-en Natuurk undige Afdeelirig te Bata- Apostolisch Prefect van Bangka en Billiton

via—Directeur, P. J. van Loo —W. Bouma

Westersch - Klassieke afdeeling ' en Apostolisch Prefect van Benkbb,teb—H- J.

Gostersch - letterkundige afdeeling te D. van Oordt

Jogjakarta—Directeur, Dr. W. F. Stut- Apostolisch

terheim der Pas Prefect van Malang—N. van

Tedmnch Onderivijs: Apostolisch Prefect van Soerabaja — Th

Inspecteur—Dr. T. Hpmmes E; de Backere

Koningin Wilhelmina School! te Batavia— Apostolisoh Goumanss

Prefect van Bandoeng —J. H.

Directeiir, J. J. Pbppihg ! 4post°b ch .Prefect van, , Po^iiwokerto—


teur, Ir. J.School te Bandoeng — Direo- B, J. J. VisfserWetenschajrpen ,

B. Grandjean

Prinses Julianaschool Jogjakarta^— Adviseur

Ir. M. G. vanteOverveldt

voor Inlandsche Zaken - E.


'Tdch-ttische' School' te Sehiarang—Dife' c - : H. oofdambtenaar

Gofece , ,,■ . .voor de- Vol-j^s] ectuur en


teur, B. Volkers ; a^nverWjapte , ^pgeleggnlppden — Dr.

Koningih Emihoscsbol te Sperabaya— i Cnef G- W.

van J.ddnDrewds

Oudheidkuddigen Dienst—

Directuer, Ir. J. H. Halbisclr j Dr. F. D. K. Bosch

Valcondemvijs; Dienst Per VOLKSGEZOIfDHEID

Inspecteur—K. van Dijk F. Theunissen (fd’.!)

I'n spectrice v/h on'derwijs in huishoude- Hoofd—W.llpofd van de, ajiministratie—C. M.

Ijke vakken—Mej. C. van Son

Insipecteur van de lichamelijke opvoeding ,; Insnecteur


van West-Java:—S. IV. de IVolff

—F. H. A. Claesseh I nspecteu

Westersch Lager Meer lTitgebreid Lager en ; InspeeteurC. Gompertsvah Midden-Java — Dr. H.


K weekschool— Qnderwijs: van Opst-Java—J. A. de

Nooy 1

Inspecteur in algemeenerylienst—R., Bos j Inspecteur voOr

Zuid-Shhiatra—Dr. de Geneeskundige

B. Soesilo (wd.)Afd.


Voets ter beschikking—F- Buis, A. j Inkpecteur van Noord-,Sumatra J. C.


W. Schmidt, J.Heertjes, H. H. A. 1[ Inspeeteur

Roorda,P.M.Glavinians, A. Ultee

voor den Oost-Archipel—-

Corbey Dr. A. Kiindig (fd.)


Inspr.-Pharmaoeut—Df. G. Blomberg Departement van Landbouw, Nyver-

Inspecteur voor het Ziekenhuisvvezen— heid en Handel

(vacant) Directeur—Ir. E, P. Wellenstein

Inspecteur voor het Krankzinnigenwezen Onder-Directeur—F. H. V. Middelaer

—Dr. R. Tumbelaka Directeur’s Lands Plantentuin—Dr. K. W.

Adviseur voor de Medisch-Hygienische

Propaganda—Dr. J. Lee Hydrick Dammerman.

Directeur AlgemeenI. Proefstation

Landbouw—Dr. G. Beumee voor den

Directeur der Gouvernements Centrale Hoofd

Burgerlijke Ziekeninrichting te Ba- Dr. S.Instituut

Leefmans voor Plantenziekten—

tavia—A. W. F. Bochardt Hoofd Afdeeling Landbouw—B. H. Paerels

Directeur der Gouvernements Centrale Hoofd

Burgerlijke Ziekeninrichting te Se- DonathAfdeeling Nijverheid—Dr. W. F.

marang—A. J. Cohen

Directeur der Gouvernements Centrale (wd.) Afdeeling Handel—D. F. Blokhu is


Burgerlijke Ziekeninrichting te Soc- Hoofd Museum tevens Informatiebureau

rabaja—Dr. A. Bloch

Geneesheer-Directeur van het Krank- voor Koppel

economische Botanie—C. van de-

zinnigengesticht te Buitenzorg—P. Hoofd van den dienst van het Ykwezen

J. Stigter J. P. de Vos

Geneesheer-Directeur van het Krank- Hoofd van den Landbouwvoorlichtings-

dienst—B. H. Paerels

zinnigengesticht te Lawang—Dr. J. Insprs. lij den Landbouwvoorlichtings-

A. Latumeten

Geneesheer-Directeur van het Krank- dienst—VV. Stenvers en H. C. Bongers

G. J. Centraal

Vink Kantoor v. d. Statistiek

zinnigengesticht te M a gel an g—Dr. Hoofd

R. J. Prins Dr. W. M. F. Mansvelt

Geneesheer-Directeur van het Krank- Directeur

zinnigengesticht te Sabang—J. A. Dr. M. G,’s J.Lands Kina-onderneming—

M. Kerbosch

M. Lichtveld Directeur ’s Lands Caoutchoucbedrijf—

N. van Lennep

Hoofd van het . Doorgangshuis voor Hoofdinspr. Boschwezen—Dr. R. Wind

krankzinnigen te Batavia—Meha- Directeur Proefstation Boschwezen —H.

mad Joenoes (fd.) , ,i

Hoofd van het Doorgangshuis voor HoofdWolffBurgerlijke,

E. van Wiilfing (wd.)

krankzinnigen te Soerakarta—Rd. Dienst—Dr. I. Kok Veeartsenij kundige


Hoofd van het Doorgangshuis voor Directeur Veeartsenijkundig Instituut—

Dr. C. Bubberman

krankzinnigen te Semarang—Moez- Directeur Middelbare Landbouwschool—

bar (fd.) Dr. Th, Valeton

Hoofd van het Doorgangshuis voor Directeur

krankzinnigen , te Soerabaj a—Prof. K. DijkemaCultuurschool Soekaboemi—

Dr. P. de Vries (fd.) Directeur Cultuurschool Malang—I. van

Prooye Ned. Ind. Veeartsenschool—Dr.

Hoofd van het Doorgangshuis voor Directeur

krankzinnigen te Medan — J. H. H. J. Smit


Directeur van het Centrale Genees- Hoofd Indische Centrale Aanschaffings-

kundig Laboratorium te Batavia— dienst—Ir. G. J. Post van der Burg

Dr. W. K.. Mertens

Directeur van de Nederlandsch- Departement vanSTAAT Verkeer en Water-

Indische Artsenscheol te Soerabaj a

—R. J. F. van Zeben Directeur—Mr. Dr. J. A. M. van Buuren

Directeur van de School tot opleiding Secretaris—J. M. de Lange

van Indische tandartsen te Soera- Mijnbouiv

baja—R. J. F. van Zeben (wd.) Hoofd—Ir. H. J. van Lohuizen

Directeur van de Landskoepokinrich-

ting en het Instituut Pasteur te Hoofd—Ir.Tinwinning op Bangka

Bandoeng—Prof. Dr. L. Otten A. J. R. Cornelissen

Lei der der Malariabestrijding—J. G. Hoofd—Ir.Oembilin-steenkolenmijnen

W. Holloman

Overbeek (wd.)

Leider der Pestbestrijding—H. J. Boekit Asem-steenkolmmijnen

Rosier Hoofd—Ir. E. J. Beens


Post-Telegraaf-en Telefoondienst Inspecteur van het Wapen der Genie—

Hoofd van den dienst—Ir. C. Hillen Generaal Maioor L. C. A. van de

Postspaarbank Kasteele

Hoofdintendant—Kolonel H. van Ree

Directeur—J. A. van Hunnik (fg.) Inspecteur

Kolonel A.derJ. Haan

Militaire Administratie—

$taatsspoor-we(/en Inspecteur van den Militair Geneeskun-

Hoofdinspecteur—Ir. J. F. F. Gotz digen Dienst— Generaal-Majoor Dr. T.

A/deeding Hpoorwegtoe:. ieh t J de. Yrieze

Hoofd van den Topograhschen Dienst—

Hoofd—Ir. D. Willebrand KolonelvanH. J.hetKuiper

Afdedvng Electric.iteitowezen Hoofd Dienstplicht-en Re-

Hoofd—Ir. V. L. A. Hazoux Schultz servepersoneel—H.

Inspecteur van den Militair M, WeedaDiergenees-

Bureau Luchtvaart kundigen Dienst—Dirigeerend paarden-

Hoofd—Ir. A. M. Harthourn arts le. klasse Dr. J. M. G. Numans

GewesteHjke Staven

Departement van Finaxcien Commandant

Directeur—B. J. de Leeuw eraal-Majoorle.M. L.Divisie op Java—Gen-

F. Bajetto

Secretaris—A. F. Verhoeff

Thesaurier Generaal—G. F. de BruynKops eraal-Majoor J. Beumer Java—Gen-

Commandant 2e divisie op

Belastingdienst Militaire Commandanten

Hoofd inspecteur van Financien—Dr. H. Atjeh en Onderhoorighedeh'—Kolonel

Hokkamp J. C. J. Bongers

Opium en Zoutregie Sumatra’s Westkust—Luitenant-Koionel

Hoofd—Dr. C. Ph. C. E. Steinraetz E. A. Steimmetz

Pandhuisdienst PalembangenDjambi—Luitenant-Kolonel

W. J. L. Ladour

Hoofd—C. H. U. Landouw Riouw—Kapitein C. F. Hazenberg

In-en Uitvoerrechten en Accgnzen Westerafdeeling van Borneo—Luitenant-

Hoofdinspecteur, Hoofd van den dienst— Zuider-enKolonel W. A. Braspot

S. M. van der Zee Oosterafdeeling van Borneo—

Inspecteur-ondei'hoofd—A. li. Hasenberg Celebes Lt.-Kolonel

en G. J. T. —Gosenson

Manado Kolonel H. van

Kantoor voor Reiswezen der Wal

Hoofd—Ch. L. Crince le Roy Timor en Onderhoorigheden—Luitenant-

Dienst der Landelijke Inkomsten Kolonel G. P. Cheriex

Hoofd-L. V. Alsdorf Molukken— Majoor E. T. ran Aarem

Gouvernenients Accountants clienst Zkemacht

Hoofd—H. R. P. Prins

Belasting Accountants-dieust Commandement der Zeemacht

Hoofd—L. Gotzen Commandant der Zeemacht — Vice-

Opiumfabriek Admiraal

Adjt.— Luit.J.terF.zeeOsten

le. klasse J. J. Wichers

Directeur—Ir. W. J. Burck Btaf der Marine in Ned. Indie

Leger Chef—Kapitein ter zee F. W. Coster

Commandant—Luit.-Genl. J. C. Koster Departement der Marine

Adjudant — Kapitein Adjudant W. C. Hoofd—J. F. Osten

A. Sol Secretaris—W. G. Stroband

Departement van Oorlog

Hoofd—Luitenant-Generaal J. C. Koster Hoofd van de Afd Militair personeel—

Kapitein-Lt. ter zee A. C. Wakerlin

'Hoofd van den Generalen Staf—Kolonel Hoofd van de Afd Materieel—Kapitein-

G. J. Berenschot Luitenant ter zee

Inspecteur van het Wapenderlnfanterie Inspecteur van Administratie—W. W. K. Maurits H.


Inspecteur L. Ravenek Heeris


het Wapen der Cavalerie— Hoofd van den Maritiem-Geneeskundigen

M. Thomson dienst—L. Hendriks

liispecteur van.het Wapen der Artillerie— Hoofdinspecteur hoofd van den dienst van

Kolonel J. Wesseling Scheepvaart — B. Braat'


Inspecteur, Onderhoofd van den dienst | CONSULATES

van Scheepvaart—J. W. Langeler Austria

Inspecteurs Afdeelingshoofden van Consul, Batavia—D. J. Rigterink (acting)'

Scheepvaart—J. F. Milders, T. Yeerman |

Directeur van het Koninklijk Magnetisch j Consul, Padang—

en Meteorologisch Observatorium—Prof, j Vice-Consul,


Medan—J. J. Kok (acting)'

Sourabaya—J. H. Wouterson

Dr. J. Boerema

Onde rdirecteur—Dr. 8. W.Visaer Belgium

Hoofd van de afd Algemeene zaken, |

burgerlijke personeele zaken1 juridische, j Consul-General,

Begrootings-en bruggen

Batavia—J. H. A. Ver-

heden, D. G. vanVolksraadsaange-legen-

der Meer Mohr Consul, Semarang—P. M. Soeters

Consul, Sourabaya—J. Brummer

Hoofd van het Kabinet-de Adjud^nt Consul, Macassar—D. Eskes

van den Commandant dec Zeemafeht Do., Medan—Walter Gallez (act. cons.!

Hoofd van de afd.

ter zee F. W. Coster Defensie—Kapitein- Do., Palembang—W. P. Wolterbeek

Hoofd van bureau Comptabiliteit—P. A. Do., Padang—J. Jonker

G. de Boos Chile

Directeur van het Marine-etablissement Consul, Batavia^S. W., Nash (acting)

te Soerabaja—C, W. Heringa

Eskader in Ned. Indie Commandant— China'

Commandement der Marine, te ^oeratyip, J Consul-General,

Sung Batavia — Fartsan T..

Commandant der Marine—Kapitein ter ; Consul, Sourabaya—Tzo-Chi Kuoh

do, Semarang—Temporarily under

zee D. Scalogne the charge of the C?Ohsul General at


CHAMBEKS OF COM MERCK Vice-Consul Pa'lembang — Yeh Teh

AND INDUSTRY Ming, (in charge)

Consul, Medan—Tiennai C. Huang

Consul, Macassar—Teh Fung Wah

Batavia Cuba

President—K. W. J. Michielsen Consul-Gen., Batavia—Gustavo E. Mus-

Vice-President—J. W. B. Everts telier y Galan

Secretary—A. E. Simon Thomas


Semarang Consul, Batavia—Ir. R. Stanek (acting)

Voorzitter—A. Fernhout Denmark

Vice-Voorzitter—Jhr. Ir. F. E. C. Consul, Batavia—C. Prlns Chr. Wdller

Everts Vice-Consul, Semarang—-J.

Secretaris—T. J. Van 1 Lookeren Cam- Consul, Sourabaya—Jhr. De A. F. de-

pagne ., . Savornin Lohman

Consul, Padang—V. J. Hanchuyk

SOURABAYA Do., Medan—A. Verschoor (acting)

Vice-Consul, Menado—G. F. Hbchner

President—-tM. P. Tielens Consul, Macassar—W. R. Groskamp

Secretary—Drs.. H. J. Vredendaal


Padang Consul, Batavia—L. Th. Haasmann

P resident—(vacant) France

Vice-President—M. Passer

Members—R. B. Meyer, A. Nagel and Consul-Genl.,Consular Batavia—E.

Agent, Semarang—P.H. A.J.G^rardin


F. F. Anema penburg

Do., Sourabaya- P. Bylard

Macassar Do., Tjilatjap—G.J.P.

Consular du Perron

President—W. R.VV. Groskamp

Secretary—H. Coenen Do.,Agent, Medan—A.F.Vervloet

Macassar R. A. Weber

Do., Padang—K. P. Schuitmaker


Germany Sweden 1

Consul-Gen., Batavia—Dr. A. Vallette Consul-Genl., Batavia—G.

Dahlberg J. M. Wehry

Consul, Semarang—E. Schafer (actg.) Vice-consul—G.

Do., Soufahaya—F. Schmidt (acting) Consul, Sourabaya—S. W. Hindder-

son (acting)’

Do., Padarig—P. Sch neewind Consul, Padang—F. F. Anema1

Do., Macassar—F. Janssen

Do., Medan—E. Dollman (actg.) Vice-Consul, Bauer (acting)

Macassar — Th. G. J.

Great Britain Consul, Medan—S. L. Caster

VicetCon., Semarang—Jhr.F. E.Ch..Everts


C.M.G., SI.B.E. Batavia—H. Fitzmaurice, Switzerland

CoiVsul—ff- Chester' Walsh

Vice-Consul—A. J. S. Pullah Consul, Batavia—Dr. H. M. Hurzeler f

Vice-Consul, (acting)

(acting) Semarang —M. C. Warren Consul, Medan—Fr. Homberger (act-

Consul,- Sourabaya—H. ft. Bird (actg) ing)

Consul, Medan — H. Bruce Henderson United States of America

VicedJon'sul, Padang—H. Levison

(P.Do..C. Paul,


actg.) M. David - Consul-.Genl.,

Foote Batavia—Dr. Walter A.,

Vice-Consuls—Albert H. Chattenburg,

Italy Jr. and L. Randolph Higgs

Actg. Consul, Batavia—Dr. K. Gefosa Consul, Consul,

Sourabaya—Joel C. Hudson


Vice-Consul WilliamH.Du,B.


Thorne . j


Consul-General,’ Batavia—S. Koshida; Y. RAILWAY AND TRAMWAY COS.

Kotani (vice-consul)

Consul,. Sourabaya—J. Aneha ,

Consul, Medan—Keizo Naito Bataviasch^.Vereeers Maatschappij

>irOR\VAY ; Regeefingsgemachtigde—Hot Hoofd van

het Spoorwegtoezicht

Consul-General, Batavia—W. M. Col- Commissarissen—E.

C. Prins, Ir. E. A. J.Voorneman,

F. van Dunne,

M. H.

vill (acting) . , Thamrin, N. Beets, P. Th. Elfring

Consul, Padang—K: P. Schuitmaker Directeur—Ir. F. J. Dyxhoorn

Vice-Consul, Semarang—P. D.

Consul, Sourabaya—J. C.' Schreuder Lewis Chef Exploitatie—P. E. Bos

Vice-Consul, Mefiado —' Chr. P. . E. Technisch Adviseur—Ir. M. H. Cl Vreede

Gedelegeerde te, Amsterdam—Nederland-


Vice-Consul, Maeassar - M. P. Piasmussen sch-Indische Escompto Maatschappij

PbLAND Deli Spoorweg Maatschappij

Consulate: Batavia, Stadhuisplein Directeur A.

(Nederland-Amsterdam)—B. H.

van Kreel

Consul—F., C. Aronstf in :

;Commisarissen—F, de Fremery, W. F. C.

Momma, PI. Crfemer, Ir. G. C. M- Sihitgj

Portugal Ir, E. C. W.comity

van Dijk

■Consul, Batavia—J. A. van Staveren (actg.) Plaatselijk Medan


Do., Sourabaya — J. J. Ph. de Vries Dr. H. Kolkman, J. H. Bitters

(acting) Adniihistrateur—It-. A. Baron van


Secrefaris—Ir. A. H. van Assen

Siam ,

Consul, Batavia-^W. R. Taylor Kediri Stoomtram Maatschappij


F. van Stipriaan Luiscius Ir. H.

v, . .Spain.- rj Hoofdyertegen woordiger—A. J. W. Vorster

Vice-Con.,Batavia—-Pi-L,Jut deBourghelle Chef der Exploitatie—Ir. J. Madaesrz


Madoera Stoomteam Maatschappij Semarang—Cheribon Stoomtarm

Dir.—(Nederland-den Haag.)

Hoofdvertegenwoordiger tevens C. Rueb Directeuren —Maatschappij

Ir. M.Adminis- (Nederland’s-Gravenhage)

trateur—Ir. G. P. J. Caspersz, Ir. R. P. van Alphen

C. J. Bollee, Jr.Dr. C. J. van Hoofdvertegenwoordiger

Comite te Soerabaia—Jhr. tevens Chef der

der VVijck, Ir. E. Oh. Deinmink,Ir. H. W. Exploitatie—Ir. G. Diephuis

van der Voort

Malang Stoomteam Maatschappij Samarang Joana Stoomtram Maat-


Directeur (Nederland -Amsterdam) — Ir. Directeuren — (Nederland ’s-Gravenhge)

H. F. van Stipriaan Luiseius G. P. J. Caspersz,

Hoofdvertegenwoordiger —A. J.W. Vorster Hoofdvertegenwoordiger—Ir. Ir. R. P. van Alphen

Chef van Exploitatie—Ir. D. J. M. 0. Baron Chef der Exploitatie—De G.Hoofdverte-


van Slingelandt genwoordiger

Modjokeeto Stoomteam Maatschappij Serajoedal Stoomtram Maatschappij

Directie—(Nederland’s-Oravenhage) — J. Directie — (Nederland’s-Gravenhage)

J. Doffegnies, II. Kepper J. W. Vorster P. J. Caspersz

Hoofdvertegenwoodiger—A. en Ir. R. F van AlphenG.

Chef der Exploitatie—B. Zoetemeifer Administrateur—Ir. C. Julius G. Diephuis-


Nedeelandsch-Indische Spoqeweg

Maatschappy CABLE


Ir. J. Klopper, Dr. Ir. J. A. Ringers Cable and Wireless, Ltd. (formerly

(voorzitter), I. H. R.r Beukelman, Eastern Extension, Australasia and

Ir. S. G. Timmers \ erhoeven, A. China Telegraph Co., Ltd.)—Cable

G. de Cemiinck van Capelle, Ir. J. Ad: Eastern

Slim (Leden)

Gouyernements-Commissaris—(in Ne- Vertegenwoordiger—A. H. L. Savage

derland) A. W. E. Weijerman ; (in

Indie) Hoofd van de Afdeeling

Spoorwegtoezicht (van het Depart- SHIPPING

ment Van Yerkeer en Waterstaat


Oost Java Stoomtram Maatschappij Agenten, Batavia—Maclaine, India Steam Nav. Cb., Ltd.

Directeuren — (Nederland’s-Gravenhagn) Watson & Co.

Agenten, Semarang—MacNeill

G. P. J. Caspersz, Ir. R. P. van Alphen. Do., Sourabaya—Fraser, Eaton

Hoofdvertegenwoordiger—Ir. G. Diephuis £ Co.

(Semarang) China Navigation Co., Ltd.

Administrateur—Ir. E. Oh. Demmink Agenten, Batavia—Maclaine, Watson & Co.

(Soerabajar) Do., Semarang—McNeill & Co.

Do., Sourabaya -Fraser, Eaton & Co.

Pasoeroean Stoomtram Maatsciiappij


J. Deggeler(Nederland’s-Gravenhage) J. de France

Hoofdvertegenwoordiger in N.-I.- r Ir. D.

van Ameijden van Duijm (Probolinggo) Agenten, Batavia 1

Chef der Exploitatie—J. Schooleman Do., Semarang I L. Platon

Do., SourabayaJ

Probolingo Stoomtram Maatschappij Deutsch-Australische Dampfschiff

Directeur — (Nederlands-Gravenhage) J. Gesselschaft

J. Deggeler Agenten te Batavia, Soerabaya, Semarang,

Hoofdvertegenwoordiger in N.-I.—Ir. D. Tjilatjap — Wm. H. Muller


Chef van Duijm

Exploitatie—Ir. (Probolinggo)

D. van Ameijden Do. Macassar—Mohrmann

van Duijm Do. Padang—H. Schumacher

My. v/h Giintzel


East Asiatic Co., Ltd. Nederlandsche Stoomvaaet

Agenteu—MacNeill & Co., Semarang; Agenten,Bata Maatschappij “Oceaan”

Dieden & Co., Maclaine, Watson & Co., Do., Semarang—McNeill via—Maclaine, Watson cfe Co.

Batavia & Co.

Agents, Soerabaya—East Asiatic Co. Do.,

Do., Sourabaya

Pasoeroean 'jr Fraser, Eaton & Co

Do., Tjilatiap—Rouwenhorst, Mulder Do., Probolingo

Holland-Ameeika Lijn So’ PekalonganJ ,che Handelsbank

Agent at Padang—Internationale Crediet Do., Macassar — Michael Stephens &

en Handels. Mij. Rotterdam Co., Ld,


Do., Indramajofe—Rupe

Tjilatjap—MacNeill Colebnmde.r

& Co.

Java-Austjkalie .Lijn

Agents, Macassar—Kon. Paketvaart Mij. Do., Do.,

Padang—Haacke & Co.

Belawan—Harrisons «k Crosfield

Do., Padang— do. Do., Sabang—S. M. Nederland

Java-British-Indian Line Do., Telokbetong

Meyer & Co. — H. My. Behn

Agents—Maclaine, Watson & Co. Occidental and Oriental S.S. Co.

Java-China-Japan Line Pacific



Kaisha Co.

Representatives at Batavia—Jhr, C. F. J. (Oriental Steamship Co.)

Quarles van Ufford and J. A. J. W Agenten, Batavia — Campbell, MacColl


Agents, Cheribon—Ned.Ind. Handelsbank ik Co.

Do., Emmahaven—Intern. Cred. en Peninsular and Oriental Steam

Navigation Co.

Do., Muntok— Handels. do.“Rotterdam” Agenten, Batavia—Maclaine,

Do., Padang— do. Watson & Co.

Do., Panaroekan — Maatschappij Do., Do.,


Sourabaya—Fraser, Eaton ifc Qo.

“ Panaroekan

Do., Pasoeroean ”

— Afscheep- & eom-

missiezaak v/h. J. F. Esser Rotterdamsche Lloyd

Do., Pekalongan — Ned. Ind. Han- Agent te Batavia

Do. Weltevreden


Do., Probolingo— do. Do. Tandjoeng De Internationale

•Do., Sabang—St. My. “Nederland”Cre- Do. TelokPriok

Do., Singapore—Internationale Crediet en Handels

Betong Yereeniging,

Do. Semarang Rot-

diet- & HsVg.

Do., Tandjongpriok j “Rotterdam” Do. Sourabaya terdam

Do., Semarang Ij T ^.-LLapi

,, T T • • Do. Cheribon

Do., Sourabaya Do. Medan

Do. Batavia ^

Tegal VNed. Ind. Handels-

Dol! Te^af—Ned. Ind. Handelsbank Do.

Do., Balik-Papan — Bataafsche Pet- Do. PekalonganJ

Do. bank

Tjilatjap — Maatschappij van

roleum Maatschappij

Do., Menado—N. V. “Prauwenveer” uitvoer en commissie handel

Do. Pasoeroean—Naaml. Yennoot-


siezaak voorheen J. F. commis-

afscheep—en Esser

Pacific Java Bengal Line Do. Probolingo—Ned. Ind. Handels-

Management — Government Maats- bank

chappij “Nederland” Agent te Panaroekan—Maatschappij Pa-


N. V. Koninklijke Paketvaaet- Do. Padang—Internationale

& Handels verg. Rotterdam Crediet

Maatschappij Do. Sabang—Stoomvaart“Nederland” Mij.

Hoofd Kantoor te Batavia Centrum


B. Everts in Ned. Indie—J. W. Agent te Macassar—Nederlandsch Indis-

Directeiiren—E. Straatemeier, A J. PrOnk Do. che ScheepvaartEtablissementen


en J. M. Le Gi’and Handels ver. Rotterdam en

— Intern. Crediet


N. V. iSTOOM V Aart Maatscha vpu ! Agent te Pekalongan

Pasoeroean A.Afscheep.—en

M. Timmermanscom,-

“Nederland missiezaak voorheen J. F. Esser

Vertegenwoordigers; :—Batavia— Do. Probolingo N”. I. i fandelsbank

Agent te Batavia 'n V ’ Do. panaroekan—Maatscbappij

Do. Weltevreden

Do. Tandioeng Friok i’ Eigen

w Kantoor

i “Panaroekan,ir

Do. Semarang ^

Do. Soerabaja j My. Nederland

v &&&


Do. Padang . \ Intei-natiOhale Orediel-ei

]£mmaha,ven'I / Handelsver-“Botfcerdam Koninklijke Nederlandsch-Indische

Do. Macassar


Do. Medan } EigendeKantoor van

S. M. N. Directeuren Luchtvaart -Maatschappij

Do. Tjilatjap—Ahicany

Do. Singapore j (Nederland, Den Haag.)—en

Do. Penang \KoninklijkePaktet- A. Plesman en Jhr. H. K. Batavia

Hoofdvertegenwoordiger, B. Rendorp

— H.

Do. Oelee-LheueJ vaart Mij. Nieuwenhuis


the Batavia,

“provincie”the West-Java,



in 106°of, 48.'Nefherland^-India,and,

E, longitude and 6°'7'S. tbe capital


ceiitury sufrotihded by fortifications, whicb have since been demolished. It hasthealways

The old city is built in the ancient Dutch style and was till the beginning of lOth


eruption unhealthy.

of MountInSalak,1699 the unfavourable,conditions

masses of‘mud and sand being were washed

greatly up increased

by thebyriver an

Tjiliwong, .so that drainage became very difficult. On

condition only tery few Europeans remain day and ! night in the old .ci,ty. The fine account' of this unhealthy

large houses are employed for offices and gddowns, and in the afternoon, when business


old citymost


the Europeans

in modern retire style. tcvBroad

the newroads town,andwhich is situated

spacious, squares andsouthniceof

bungalows surrounded by gardens form there a desirable place. It was Marshall

Daendels who, in the first years of la&t century, began to. build the new town with the


Governor-General, of barracks andrrevfh

butishasSituatedthe been

palaceusedthat was designed

as such. nowto utilised

be :the for

Ittheis Waterloo'Square, residence of the


offices. The palace on the eastside of

to be seen a monument of the battle of Waterloo, another monument to General whhx’e are


the 250 and existence

years’ a bronzeofstatueBatavia of wag

Jan celebrated.

Pieterszoon On Coen, the which

right wasleftunveiled

and of the when


are the Supreme Court and the Military Club Concordia. At a short distance from


kilbifietre long.is another

The squareahd larger square, thebyKoningsplein,

is surrounded each, sidehouses,

elegant comfortable of whichthe

residences of the higher officials and wealthy merchants.

Willemskerk, near the railivay station, arid the museum of the Batavian Society There is also a fine church,of

Arts arid Sciences. . • ■!

and The wideoldroads

city forandcarriages.

the, new are connected

Different Banksby and threeBankhagrailways,Oorpdratiqnsr

two. tramways,,


offices at Batavia,, viz. The Netherlands Trading Society (Nederlandsche

Handel Maatschappij),

Handelsbank), and,Mij.).Netherlands

the There 1 ndia

Netherlands-India Commercial

Discount Bank (Nederlandsch Indische

Indische Escompto are also agencies of the Company

Hongkong '‘(Nedorlandsch

and Shanghai

Banking Corporation,

International Banking ofCorporation,

the Chartered of BankTaiwan

the of India,Bank, Australia

Ltd., andtheChina,

of of the


Specie Bank, and of the Mercantile Barik of India, Ltd.





October,natives; 7th 1930,


31,340 Europeans



The usual residence of the'Governor-General is at Buitenzorg, at a distance

of nearly one hour" by railway from Batavia. The botanical gardens near the


for theirof beautiful

the GovernOr-General

arrangement, were made in 1817,

■ but especially andgreat

for the are well known

servicesj not onlyto


science and agriculture under the management of the eminent directors, Teysmann,

Dr. Scheffer,

into and Prof. Dr.

Netherlands-India areTreub. All experiments

made here, for thethat

with the result introduction of exotic

many useful plantsplants


foreign countries are reared and flourish in Java as in their native soil.


Albrecht & Co., N. V. Electrisohe Aecken & Co., Van, Weltevreden,.


Batavia- v/h.,—Molenvliet Oost 8,

Centrum ■Jawe)lers and Goldsmiths; Cable

Ad : Vanarcken,, C'odes : —A.B.C. 4th

and 5th editions and Mercuur ;2nd

n & m ft & m Arima k Company, Ltd., H., Export-

Mei-yah Pao Sien Kung Sze ers pf General Producer-Cable Ad :


General Insurance:Underwriters Ltd.,

Fire, Marine, Motor Arima; rCodes : Bentley’s. A.B.C. 5th

Car, Life, Accident, Burglary, Plate and 6th

GlaSs, BaggageWest;

5, Kali Bessar andTelephs.


Risks— Asia Life Insurance Co., Mann’s In-

Cable Ad: Owen. Branches: Cheribon, surances General Agents—Javabank-

Cable Ad: Myrtle; Sam a rang, Cable Ad: straat, No. '6; Teleph. 225; Cable

Myrtle and Sourabaya, Cable Ad: Burt. Ad : Mann;

Burt Myrtle & Co., General Managers N. V. Assurantiekantoor wLajigeveldt-

and General Agents Schroder, Insurance. Branches at

‘‘AmsterdamHandels . Vkreeniging, Batavia, Sourabaya, Seumrang. Teleph.

Exporters of,. General Produce— Batavia 567; Sourabaya Noord 1444,

Cable Ad: Reineke; Codes: A.B.C. Semarang 1278;..Cable Ad: Caledonian;

6th Bentley's and Private Codes: Bentley’s and Acme

Amsterdamsch Kantoor voor Indische BANKS

Zaken, Importers of Electrical

Machinery — Cable Ad: Akiz; The Bank of Taiwan, Ltd.

Codes: Bentley's A.B.C. 6th edn., M. Kikuehi, manager

Mosse, Tybo and Galland

Ang Side Tjiang Handelmaatsohappij Batavia Bank—22, Asemka, Batavia;

N.V., Importers of Building Cable Ad: Bataviabank

Materials — Cable Ad: Angsioet- Chartered Bank of India, Australia

jiang; Codes: A.B.C. 5th and 6th, and China—Cable Ad: Banana

Engineering 2md. Western Union Batavia—PI. G.R. Hegarty, mgr.

and iLieber’s Sourabaja—H. Hemsted,sub-agent


“AkCHA'' N.V. .Oliefabriek. Exporters Semarang—H. D. Swanson,

of Cocoanut Oil—Cable Ad: Archa; Medan—A. A. Ritchie, agent

Codes: Bentley’s Makasser—Michael, Stephens & Co,,

Ld., agents


Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Nederlandsch-Indische Handelsbank, v

Corporation—Cable Ad : Nerbudda N.Beheer

Y. Nederlandsch Indisch Kan-.

Batavia—H. G. Hegarty, manager toren

Sourabaja—H. It.Neill

Semarang—Mac Hemsted,

& Co., agent

agents Directeur—G. J. Jobsis, F. Fzn. j

Cberibon—N. V. Internationale

Crediet and Handelsvereeniging Yokohama Specie Bank

“Rotterdam”, agents M. Matsuda

Macassar—Java Bank, agents Bavosta (Bataviasche Volks eu Stad- f

sapotheek), Chemists and Druggists . 1

De Javasche Bank—(Only Bank of issue, — Rijswijk 9, Batavia-Centrum; Cable :j?

of the Netherlands East Indies) Estab- Ad : Bavosta


Branchinin1828. Head Amsterdam.

Holland: Office: Batavia;


ches Java: Bandoeng, Cheribon, Becker and Company, N.V., Soera- -

Djokjakarta, Kediri, Malang, Semarang baiasche Machinhandel, Impofrtiers )

Sourabaya, Solo. Brandies in of Building Materials and Machin- ij

Sumatra: ery—Cable Ad : Beckerco; Codes : 1

Palembang,Kceta Radja, Balei.

Tandjong Medan,Branches

Padang, j Bentley’s, A.B.C. 6th and Mosse

in Borneo: Bandjermasin, Pontianak. Behn Meyer & Co„ Handel - Maats. j L


Cable Ad:inDelegatie,

Celebes: Makassar, Menado chappij,

Codes: Bentley’s

•complete phrase, Second phrase, Peter- Teleph. Bt.N. 1832

Y. General

and 1834;Importers—

Cable Ad :

soH’s 1st, 2nd and 3rd edhs. A.B.C. Behnmeyer; Codes : A.B.C. 5th and 6th,

5th Bentley’s, Acme, Moss and Private

New York Correspondents: — Bendien & Company, N.V., Importers

-Guaranty Trust Co. of Provisions, Chemicals and Drugs

London Correspondents—Lloyds —Cable Ad : Bendioo, Codes. Bent-

Bank, Ltd., N.M. Rothschild ley’s and A.B.C. 6th

and Sons


Wichers G. G. van Buttingha Bergman, N.V., Handelsvereeniging,

Managing Director and First | Importers of Electrical Accessories—

Deputy President—K. W. J. Cable Ad: Bergman Codes * Bent-

Michielsen ley’s and A.B.C. 6th.

Managing Director-Secretary and Biedermann & Co., W., Handelsven- :

2nd Deputy President—A. Praas- nootschap v/h., Importers of Pro-

terink(paid up) f 9,000,000, Reserve

Capital visions, Wines and Spirits—Cable !

Funds f 7,237,470.40 Ad: Biedermanm; Codes: Bentley’s, ,

A.B.C. 5th and 6th, Private and


Nederlandsohe Handel-Maatschappij Biljartfabrtek “Emma,” Billiaard

N. Y. Factoru te Batavia

President—M. H. Woutman Factory—Factory and Head OfficeTable

: G.

Members—W. van de Stadt, J r. Chaulan 31, Batavia Centrum; Cable

Secretary—S, V. Margadant Ad : Kielich, Bata via-Centrum; Codes ;

Agencies, at—Sourabaya, Semarang, ■ A.B.C.,

Mosse. 5thBranch

and in6thSourabaya

edn. and Rudolf

Medan Hongkong, Shanghai, Kobe, j W. Kielich, managing director


apore, Calcutta,

Djeddah, Bombay, Sing- |

and Suriname Bombay Java Trading Co.. Ltd., The,

Sub-agencies at—Cheribon, Tegal, Peka- j Importers of Rubber and Tea

longan, Tjilatjap, Weltevreden, | Chests—Cable Ad: Romford; Code:

Palembang, Bandjermasin, Ma- ; Bentley’s

cassar, Djember, Bandoeng, Djok- I

jakarta, Solo and Penang Borneo-Sumatra, Handel Maatschap-

pij, Importers of Automobiles and

Provisions—Cable Ad: Borsumy;

NeiiErlandsch - Indische Escompto Codes: Bentley’s, Acme, Yoller and

Maatschappij—Cable Ad: Escompto Private


Bsandon Meseitz & Go., General Im- •‘Djatti Faroe” N.V., Import and-

porters—Cable Ad : Andon ; Codes. Industries Mu, Importers of Glass,

Bentley's, Oriental and Schofield’s Household Supplies, Paints, Cotton

and Silk Goods—Cable Ad : Leder-

werk; Codes: A.B.C. 5th and 6th,.

Canadian Government Trade Com- Mercuur 3rd, Bentley’s and Mosse

missioner (Commercial Intelligence

Service; Dept, of Trade and Com- Dunlop & Co., (E), Importers, of Pro-

merce) for Netherlands India— visions, . Cigars, and Sundries—

Chartered Bank Building; P.O. Box Cable Ad: Polnud; Codes: Bent-

84; Cable Ad: Canadian; Code: ley’s and A.B.C. 5th

Bentley’s Second

Assistant Trade Commissioner—R. Dunlop Rubber Co. (D.E.I.), Ltd.,

P. Bower The—Tanah Abang West

Head Office for the Middle East—

Union Building, Singapore

Acting Trade Commissioner—B.C. E rdman and Sielcken, Sugar : and

Butler General Produce Exporters— P.O.

Box 44, Batavia; Cable Ad: Visur-

Catz Java Trading Co., N.V., Export- gis; Codes: A.B.C. 6th, Bentley’s

ers of General Produce—Cable Ad : (Old and New), Acme and Private

Catzco; Code: A.B.C. 6th, General, Esche Forwerg & Co., Importers of

Bentley’s Glass Ware, Piece Goods and Office

Appliances—Cable Ad: Eschewerg;

Chotirmau. t Co., K.A.J. (Estab. Codes: Bentley’s, Western Union

18T5), Silk Merchants, Drapers and and A.B C. 5th and 6th

Ladies’ Dressmakers — 7, Pasar

Baroe; Teleph. 1051 Central; Cable Fermont Cuypers, N. V. Architecten-

Ad: Chotirmall; Codes: Acme en Ingenieurs Bureau, Architects

Bantley’s and A.B.C. 5th edition— and Constructing Engineers—Mojen-

Head Office: Singapore. Branches vliet Oost 36; Teleph. Wl. 275; Cable

in Sourabaya, Saigon, Hongkong, Ad: Fermont Batavia, Codes A.B.C.

Canton and Kobe 5th edition and Mercuur

A. A. Fermont, dir. and architect

J. I. de Jongh, civil engineer,

Cobeja CComptoir Belgo Javanais, director

Societe Anon.), Importers of Glass, Th. J. Taen, architect, signs per pro.

Metals, Hardware and Cotton M. Kaptijn, do.

Goods—CaBle Ad: Cobeja; Codes:

Bentley’s A.B.C. 6th N. V. General Motors Java Handel

Maatschappij, Manufacturers in

Compagnie de Importation de Pro- Motor Cars and Trucks (Tandjong

oniTS Metalurgiques et Annexes, Prick, Java, D.E.I.)—Cable Ad :

Importers of Building Materials Genmotjava

and Machinery—Cable Ad : Albet; G. C. Seers, managing director

Codes: Bentley’s and A.B.C. 6th Gorkom & Co., J. Van, N.V., Pjiarma-

ceutische Handelsvereeniging, Im-

‘Deli Atjeh,” N.V. Handel Maats- porters of Chemicals and Drugs and

chappij, Importers of Wines and Photographic Supplies, Wines and

Spirits Provisions, Tobacco, Hard- Spirits—Cable Ad: Gorkom-Djokja

ware, Piece Goods, Soft Goods, Gouw Boen Seng & Co., Importers of

Men’s & Ladies’ Dress, Fancy Arti-

cles and Flour—Cable Ad : Nolte- Provisions, Chemicals amd drugs,

haas; Codes: A.B.C. 5th and 6th Tobacco and Toilet Articles—Cable

Edn., Bentley’s Complete Phrase Ad: Gouwboenseng; Codes: A.B.C.

Code 6th, Bentley’s and Acme


Hagemeyek & Go’s., H. Mu,' Import- Imp. Ind. Mu. Djati . Baroe, General

ers of Wines and Spirits, Provi- Merchants, Batavia , and ttourabaya:

sions, Chemicals' and Drugs and Telephs.

Noord 2046Weltevreden.




Office Appliances—Cable Ad : Hage- Lederwerk Batavia; Codes A.B.C. 6tte

meyer; Codes: A.B.G. 5th and 6th edn,, Bentley’s and Mosse

Hall Trading Corporation The, Ex- D, Matthias, director

porters of General Produce — Cable

Ad: Batkurt; Codes: A.B C : 6th, ‘Tmpla”

tische Import Mu voor Pharmacec-

Beritleys & Acme i ■ en Landbowkundige

len N. V., Importers and Chemicals


N. V. Handel & CtrLTUUR Mu “Hel- and Drugs—Cable Ad: Impla;

yetia” Code: A.B.C. 6th

N. Y. Handel Mu. Gestetner, Du- Indische Lloyd, Algemeene Verzeker-

plicator Manufacturers — Rijswijk- ing Maatschappij NY V. (Indische

straat, Wei to v reden; Teleph. Wit. Lloyd, General Instrrange Co., Ltd.

5800; Cable Ad: Cestetner. Branch Branches at bamarang, Batavia, Ban

Office: Soerabaya. Kembang, Djepoen 5 doeng and Soerabaya. Phone Sm. 1417;

Cable Ad: Indische Lloyd; Codes A.B.C.;

Hanover Fire Insurance Co., New York 5,th;& 6th editions' .

(American Asiatic Underwriters, Ltd., N.V. Internationale'• Credit en Han-


West; for the'1Orient)—5, Kali Bessar dels-Vereeniging '‘Rotterdam*,” Im-


; 176-1177;' Cable Ad : porters of Provisions, Building

Materials, Chemicals, Hardware

Burt Myrtle tfe Co., Geneml Managers

and General Agents : ! : and Sundries, Exporters of Alcohol,

Pepper, Rubber and Oil Prodtibts—

Harmsen, Yerwey Co,,( Jmporters Cable Ads: Pacific (Import) and

of Wipes' a,pd Spirits, .Tobacco and Cosmohlatio (Export Dept.); Codes:

Provisions Cable Ad : Hapege; Bentley’s, Acme, and A.B.C. !5th

Codes: A.B.C. 5th and (itb, Bent- and 6th. Head Office Rotterdam

ley U, ,Mercuur 2nd;and Private.

“Isamy” N.V., INdische Speciaal

Harrisons and Crosfield, Ltd., Uatavia : Agentsceappen Mu.. Importers of

(Java). Etate Agents, General Importers Chemicals, Drugs, and Photographic

and Exporters and Insurance Agents: Articles—Cable Ad : Isamy; Codes:

Import: all Estates .Requisites,_ Tea and A.B-C, 5th and 6th, Bentley’s, N Car-


etc. Machinery,

Export: Tea Gas and

and Rubber OilEngines,

Cable Iqwitz apd Mbsse'


6th :and



Cota: piA.eteB.and

C. 5th and

Revised Jacobson van den Berg A Co., Im-

2nd Phrase code. i porters of Building Materials, Che-

micals, Provisions, Cigarettes, To-

Heath i &: Co.,. Ltd., Tea Merchants— bacco and .Paper. Exporters, of

Primentraat, Batavia Alcohol, Grain, Flour, Tobacco .and

Oils—Cable' Ad : JacoLu-g

N.V. Heybrch;k’s Groothandel, Importers Jaissue

of Electrical Materials, Fittings, Bulbs,

Radios, and Kerqsene . Lamps etc.— Watches, Co.; Ctto, Inc.,

.Tewellery, GoldImporters pf

and Silver-

Konningsplein ware and Toilet requisites, Clocks,

trum ; Teleph. West 5, Batavia

Weltevreden 240 Cen-

and Novelties.,, S(ilverplated Ware, Fouu-

,,tain Bens and Pencil-—Noordwyk

10.8; Cable Ad : Hageehandel, Code: 15, ; Batavia-Centrum : Phoiie W. 1.

Bentley’s 2569; P.O. Box 68: Cable Ad:

IT oi.lan o-Bata v i a Handelmaatschappij, Juissle; Code : Bentley’s and Mosse.

Exporters of General Produce- Branches: Sourabaya and; Medan-

Cable DeU

Codes: Ads: Holba 6th,

Acme, A.B.C. and Bentley’s

Bahol; Partners—O. H. Jaissle, (Batavia)

L. K. J. Matschelknauss and


and Private baya)


Jansen ?Co., L. E:, Importers and j Klaasen Co, — Administrators : Bji-

Merchants, Batavia (Centrum)— wijk 18, Batavia-G. Shipping

agents: Binnen Nieuwpoortstraat

'Cable "Ad : Jansenel 34, Batavia; Cable Ad: Klaasenco;

S. C. van Vliet, manager Codes: A.B.C. 5th and 6th Editions

M. de Waard, J. Phang, J. and Bentley’s

Jenner, O. Altmann and J- Th. A. Klaasen, general manager

Welsink E. Bi J. Cramer, assist; do.

Java China Japan Lijn N.V., Shipping— C. Numans, shipping do* -

Kali Besar Cost 10-12; Telephs. Batavia Kol!ff & Cb., (Kdnninklijke Boek-

1755-1758; P.O. Box 122; Cable Ad: handePcn Drukkerij G.), Importers

Chin alii n;Phrase

Bentley’s Codes:Code


10th edn:, and

Jhr. C. F. J. Quarles van Ufford, Cable of Paper and Office Appliances—

Ad: Kolff; Code: A.B.C. 5th

representative and 6th editions, Bentlhy’s 5th and

J. A. J.

, ; tive .;; W. Nieuwenhuyfi, representa- 6th

H. Th, Albarda, agent KoNINKEIJKE NEnERLANDSCH,. Xnd'iSCHE

H. M. Spit, passage dept. Luchtvaart Maatschappij W. (Ro-

A. Nunnikhoven, secretary yal Netherlands Indies’ Airways),

P. C. van Houten, prbxy Batavia-rrCable 'Ad :' Jfera : Codes :


Macassar, at, Semarang,

Hongkong,, Sourabaya,

lAmpy, Swa- | A.B.C. 6th Edn,, ^entley's Com-

tow, Shanghai, Kobe arid Manila plete Phrase Ciode, Bentley’s Second

Phrase Code

Java'Export Sty., Exporters of Gen- LangeCp,j, DE, Mu, v/h,

eral Produce—Cable Ad: Javein ; ; Importers of . Provisions, Cement,

Codes: General Bentley’s, A.B.C. Chemicals and.S’QbnnBOr^Cable Ad:

Western Union Delange; Codes: A.B.C. 5th, Bent-

Ipy’s and Mprcuur

Java Stjmatra Handel Maatbchappij, N, V. Lettergieterij ‘•Ajjsteedam”

Ekpoiters of ''General Produce- Voorh. N. Tcite rode akd. N.O. I.

Cable Ads-: Boasover and- Jasumy ; Dealers in Printing Machinery and

Codes: Bentley’ej A.B.C. 5th and all * Printing. Accessories—Tanah;

6th and Private A bang West No. lo', Batavia Cen-

trum; Telepb. 3'011-3 B.atavia-Cen

Java-Bode (Algkmken Dagblad voor trum; Cable Ad: Letteigieterij;

Nederlandsche-Indie, Newspaper - Codes: A.B.C. 5th edition and

Cable Ad : Javabode. (Weltevreden) Bentley’s. Head Office, at Amster-

dam. Branch' at • ’’SQurabaya

Javasche Houthandel-Maatschappij J. K. Ouborg, g'bnerariiifer.

(N, V. ; Verpenigde), Timber Mer- j. H. Kalkwarf. ’do.

chants, Exporters of Hewn and LiNQfYP);,’ & MACHiNEkV, 'Ltd., Thi

Sawn Java Teak (Tectona Grandis) baultweg 1, Batavia-C.—Qable Ad :

—Head Office: Semarang; Cable . Linotype

Ad : Javahout E. Pundsack; manager 'for N.E.I.

Kerkhoff Kerstholt & Co., Import- My.Fs. LinIieti:\-es-St«»kvi - : (Capital

ers of Glassware, Hardware and kind lO.OOb.OOO), tmlioftefs of kit

Office Appliances—Cable Ad : Kaka- i tbrcark!of arid Machinery, Chemicals, Mo-

Trucks, 'etc.'. Manufac-

co;. Codes: A.B.C., 5th and 6th turers of StfeebcppstfUctiOn, Stekl

Di'ums, Paints,, .etc.—Cable Ad:

Kian GwfN, N.V. Handel Mij., Ex- Lindetews. All Codes


Ad: Kianguan; of General Produce—Cable

Codes: A.B.C. 6th,

Lieber’s, Bentley’s Acme and Private MXclaink Watson fc 'Co.,* Exporters of

General Produce


Maintz Productenhandel, N.V., Ex- j Ockerse & Co., Produce and Land-

porters of General Produce—Cable

Ad; Produtrade; Codes; Bentley’s | and-House property—Binnen Nieuw-

spoort Straat 34; Telephs. Batavia

A.B.C. 6th, Acme 271 and Welt. 6299

Mirandolle Voute & Co., Exporters ! Onderlinge LevensvekzekeriNg van

of General Produce—Cable Ad: Eigen Hulp—Life Insurance; Head

Mataram; Codes; A.B.C. 5th and | Office: The Hague, Holland; Branch

Bentleys Office for the FarBat.East;

Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd., General Zuid; Telephs ,823Batavia,

and Bat.Voorrij



Importers and Exporters of Produce 6th edn. Ad: Olveh, Batavia; Codes; A.B.C.

—Cable Ad; Mitsui; Codes: A.B.C. M. G. Hoekstra, manager

5th, Bentley’s, Mercuur 3rd, Mar- A. I. Ipsen, assist, manager

coni and Private

Wm. H. Muller & Co., N.V., Shipping “OosT Indie” N. V. Handelsvereeniging^

Importers of Provisions, Metals, To-

Agents—Branches in Semarang and bacco and Sundi’ies — Cable Ad:

Sourabaya; Cable Ad; Mineral Toewan; Codes: A.B.C. 5th and 6th

Ned. Ind. Gas-Maatschappij, Import- andChina Bentleys



and ofApparatus—Cable

all Kinds of GasAds:Machinery

Gasfa- Netherland belling :Organisation^

briek and Electron Shanghai

Ned. Ind. Landbouw Maatschappy, Oud Pzn & Company, Wed. G.. Im-

N.V.. Tea, Rubber, Coffee and Co- porters of Provisions—Cable Ad :

Oud; Codes: A.B.C. 6th and Mer-

coa Estate Managers—Cable Ad: cuur

Bouwland; Code : Bentley’s 2nd

Nederlandsch-Indische Drxtkkers en Peek & Co., Ltd., (Francis), Exporters

of Tea—Cable Ad: Fran pekoe;

ofUitgevers Maatschappij,

‘ Batavaasch NieuwsbladPublishers

and De Codes: Bentley’s, Western Union,.

Voehsstem”—Cable Ad : Nieuwsblad A.B..C. 5th, Leiber’s, etc.

Nederlandsche Rubber Unie, N.V., Peet & Co., John, Managers of Tea.

Exporters of Rubber—Cable Ad : Estates—Cable Ad: Peet; Codes:

Rubberunie; Code Bentley’s Bentley’s, A.B.C. 5th and 6th and

Nestle & Anglo-Swiss Condensed Mercuur

Milk Company (Switzerland), Con-

densed and Sterilised Milk, Milk Pfeiffer Agentschappen, N.V. Otto,,

Powders, Chocolate, Cocoa and Batavia-C.,

and Drugs,Importers

Hospital ofandChemicals-



Lactogen ” —- 13, Koningsplein Supplies and Optical Goods—Cable-

Batavia-C. ; Cable Ad ; Nest- Ad:

anglo; Codes; Private and Bentleys 6th, Pfeiffer; Codes: A.B.C. 5th and

Mosse and Private

Niederer and Company, Importers of

Wine, Flour, Paper and Sundries— Pitcairn, iSyme &■ Co., Exporters and


5th andAd;6th,Niederer;

Bentley’sCodes: A.B.C. Importers, Shipping and Insurance-

and Private Agents—(Estab. 1825); Cable Ad:

Ocean Accident & Guarantee Cor- Pitcairn, Codes A.B.C. 5th and 6th,

Bentley’s and Scott. Batavia, Soura-

portation, Ltd. (The)—Kali Besar baya and Samarang .Head Offices:

Oost 23. Head Office: Batavia. Sub- Ker, Bolton & Go., London and

branches : Spurabaya and Ban- lasgow, Branches G: Ker


S. van Gelderen, Manager for Agejitis in U.S.A. Cebu

Manila, Iloilo, and Davaa

: Aaron D. Weld'*

Java Sons, Boston


Pkyce & Co., John, Importers oi way Materials—Moienvleit Cost 99;

Wines and Spirits and Exporters of Cable Ad: Schulteco; Codes: A.B.C.

General Produce—Cable Ad: John- 5th and Mosse

pryce; Cades: A.B.C. 5th and 6th,

Bentley’s and Mosse Semarang Sea and Eire Insurance

Company, Established 1S66, All

Rathkamp & Co., N.V., Chemicalien- Classes of Insurance Transacted—

handel, Weltevreden, Importers of Branches and Agencies Throughout

Chemicals and Drugs—Cable Ad: the World. Head Office: Semarang

Rothkamp; Code: A.B.C. 5th

Siemens & Halske, A.G. Siemens-

Reiss and Co., Handelsvereeniging Schuckertwerke, A.G. Importers of

v/h, Importers of Provisions, Glass- Electrical Accessories and Railway

ware, Tobacco and iSundries, Ex- Materials, Telephones, Telefunken-

Materials arid Medical apparatus

porters’ of General Produce - Cable and instrumerits—Cable Ad: Sie-

Ad: Rosmarin; Codes: A.B.C. 5th mens; Codes: Alpha, Mosse, A.B.C.

and 6th Bentley’s and Private 6th

'Renlock Trading Co., a/s, The, Im- Smalhout Handelsvereeniging, Wel-

porters of Bicycles, Cement and tevreden, Importers of Disinfec-

Building Materials — Cable Ad: tants; Toilet Articles and Office

Bofra; Codes: A.B.C. 6th Bentley’s Appliances—Cable Ad : Smalhout;

and General Codes: A.B.C. 5th and 6th and


Ross Taylor & Co., Ltd., Estate and

Shipping Agents—Cable Ad : Tay-

bal; Codes: A.B.C. 6th, Broom- Soc. Commission aria di Esportazione


di Importazione, V.H. (iSocieta

hall’s, Bentley’s and Bird)wood Orientale), Import-

Rouwenhorst, Mulder & Co., Import- ers of Motors, Provisions, Building-

Materials, Tobacco and Office Appli-

ers of Provisions, Building Mate- ances—Cable Ad: Socita; Codes:

rials, Glassware, and Iron and Steel, A.B.C. 5th and 6th and Private

Exporters of General Produce-

Cable Ad: Mulhorst; Codes: A.B.C. Soc i eta Commerciale Oltremarina.

6th Bentley’s and Scott N.V., Importers of AuComobiles,

Rowley, Davies & Co., Ltd., Import- Chemicals, Household Supplies and

ers of Chests for Rubber and Tea— mafi.n; Articles—Cable

Toilet Ad: Oltre-

Codes: A.B.C. 6th, Bent-

Cable Ad: Hitlrow: Codes: A.B.C. ley’s, Lieber’s and Private

5th and 6th, Bentley’s and Western

Union Steeneolen Handel Mu. Ned. Ind.,

Importers of Coal and Coke,Steve-

.jSchlieper Carl, Importers of Building dores, Tug and Lighter—Cable Ad :

Materials, Electrical Accessories, Coal tug; Codes: A.B.C. 5th, Bent-

Hardware and Metals—Cable Ad: ley’s Mercuur and Scott’s

Schlieper; Codes: A.B.C. 5th and

6th, Bentley’s, Carlowitz and En- Stibbe’s Export Mu B.G., N.V., Im-

gineering Code porters of Motor Bicycles, Chemicals

-Sohnitzler and Co., Importers of and and

Drugs, Electrical Accessories

Toilet Articles—Cable Ad:

Automobiles and Motor Trucks, Berstibbe; Codes : A.B.C. 6th, Bent-

Provisions, Tobacco and Sundries ley’s and Western Union (Universal)

Cable Ad: Prevalade; Codes:

A.B.C. 6th, Bentley’s and Acme Stokvis Koninkluke Fabriek van

Metaalwerken, W.J., N.V. (Ned. Ind.

.■Schulte & Co., Handel Maatsohappij, Afdeeling), Importers of Sanitary

Importers of Electrical Accessories, Articles—Cable Ad: Wisa; Codes:

Hardware, Leather Goods and Rail- A.B.C., 5th and 6th and Bentley’s


Sun Life Ass.uk,ance Co. of Canad-a— Visser & Op,, Bqekhandel, Importers-

Cable Ad: Sunbeam of Paper, Stationery and Office^

Branch Manager—Stanley Price Appliances-^Cable ' Ad: Visboek;,

Codes: A.B.C. 5th and 6th edns.

T#ls & Co’s.; Handei. Mu, nIv.l.e., VV. J. Tn. GeirfelSen,,director

Importers of, Wines, Provisions, Wall & Booai, Weltevreden, Importers

Household Supplies, Metals and of; PLpvision^ Building Materials

Texii'e Good^—Cable Ad: Letels;

Codes:. Reiltley's, Western Union and Textile Goods — Cable Ad:

Waaloo; Codes : , A-B.C. 5th and 6th

and Private . , and ' Bentley’s

Tiedeman and van Kerchem, Export- Weary & Co., Geo., General, Import-

ers, r,of Coffee,and Tea—Cable Ad: efs and Estate, Managers—Head

Sterliiig; Codes: Bentley’s, A.B.C. Office . Batavia ; Cablb Ad : Wehry,

5th and 6th and Mercuur . • Codes: A.B.C. 5th and 6th, Bent-

United States Rubber Export Co., ley’s, Mbsse, and Private

Ltd., Batavia, Importers of Tyres-: WYesterjC Electric Company of Asia,

and Rubber Goods—Cable Ad: Rub- Incoporated in U.S.A.—P.O. Box

export; Codes; Bentley’s, General ' 5-2,

and Private -■ : Batavia Centrum: Cable Ad:

Wecdphon^s, Singapore; Codes:

Van HeusdEn en Mess, Commission M^estern’ Ath

A.B.C., Ednl, Bentley’s and’

Elecfrie Private Code


Chef—W. van Heusden Molding & Co., General Importers

(Wholesale Only), Lubricating Oils,

Velodrome'.’ N.V., Importers of ’Auto- Pharmaceutical pits;' Provisions..

mobiles and Motor Trucks—Cable Hardware, Sound Films'— Head

Ad: Velodrome; Codes: A.B.C. 5th ; Office:

Bentley’s,"General and Acme SemarangBatavia: Offices also at

and Soupabaya


Sourabaya is thesituated

is advantageously capital for

of the “ Provinciepurposes

commercial ” Odst-Java,

on thein Madura

the islandStrait,

of Java, and-



principal the island

centre of Madura.

of Java’s The second

commercial largest

activities. It iscityalso,onthethenaval

island, it is the



the aNetherlands India. Among

naval arsenal*:several its principal

shipbuilding yards and buildings

a naval are a tine Government


Sourabaya’s, position is naturally protected arid

of the Kali Mas river which empties into the Madura strait. This strait if lies on the low isalluvial delta

the narrow

division between the island of Java and that of Madura. Sourabaya,' therefore, is the


where inthata trade Vvay

Javaniuch for exceptionally

is naturally rich three

districts. It hasdistricts,

been pointed

each isofoutdueelse-

while yielding: the samedivided into

products, yields producing

a different grade. This; which,to


exceedingly as well

richasin to soil.

deposits Much

of a of the soil

nutritive of Java

value. is

The of volcanic,

eastern origin

portion ofand

the therefore

island, of


land, jSoqrahaya

most of which is the

has seaport

been underproper, contains for

cultivation about squareAbout

manythe.years. miles ofagricultural


cent, of

the population is agricultural. Among the foreigners Chinese,play

part. In 1935 there were 27,205 Europeans, 47,972 foreign Orientals,’265,872 natives;,

total 314,049.




Fr andfull particulars

all otherbyofThomas



cards manufactured

De La Goodall

Rue & &Co.,Son,Ltd.,Ltd.,



apply to our Agents:—

Shanghai: MUSTARD & CO., 161, Museum Road.

Hong Kong: MUSTARD & CO., Alexandra Building.

Singapore: BORNEO CO., LTD., Mercantile Bank Building.

Netherlands India: GEO. WEHRY & CO., Batavia, Semarang, Sourabaya.


diflference between the longest and the there

' T he., dimate is. typically tropical beingday.onlyThethree-quarter

shortest of an hour's

climate, however, shows

one marked difference from that of other tropical regions for

: the induenee.of the sea

and mountain-hreezOs moderates the heat during the day and prevents too fast cooling-

off at night. . The: pressure is constant with a mean-temperature

95° F. and a rainfall of 130 inches. The wet season covers the-period from Novemberof 80 F. maximum

to January, the dry One from May to Tugust,

Sourabaya is extremely, .fortunate in point of shipping, thanks largely to its. geo-

graphical position. andBesides aroadstead.

modern, weltTheequipped

entranceisharbour,the Sourahaya is provided

widthanat the

with excellent

west, and thesafedepth of wafef at low-tide 22to feet. roads

At theisEast

1,500 feet in


which widens to the Ppen sea, the depth is about 16-feet and in the roads about 42:

feet. Since 1910 very important works, such as several quays, warehouses, etc., have

been constructed.


Aanjsteming Mu, N. V. Algem. Bou- Arxma A, Co., Ltd., II., Importers of

wen—(A.BlA.M), Bldg. Contractor^ Building Materials; Tea and Rub-

AAipNEMIifG Mu, v/h FiEMA H. F. ber Chests, Textile Goods, etc., Fix-

BOERSMA, N. V. NEDERIiANOSeHE porters of General Proiduce—Cable

(N.E.D.A.M.) Ads: Arima and Arhiko; Codes:

A.B.C. 5th amd 6th and Bentley’s

N.V. Agentuur en Commissiehadel

M/Rohrman—Sociteitstraat 17; Ca-

: ble Ad : Rolirman ; ’hkklhs : Bentley’s BANES

Complete Phrase and A.B.C, 6th

Ecln. Head Office: Tanah Abang Bank of Taiwan, Ltd., The—Head-

West B8, Batavia-Centrum Office Taipeh, Formosa, Sourabaya

Ai.GKYtEK.Ni: Xed. Ind. Feectricitext Branch; Cable Ad: Taiwangink

Miir, N. V., Electric Power Co., C'HAItTERED BANK OF INDIA AUSTRALIA &

serving Java and Borneo. Importers China, The—Head Office : London;

of Electrical Accessories Cable Ad:

Energon; Codes: A.B.C. 5th and , tSknirabaya Brahcb —- •-Cable Ad :

6th, Tybo, Bentley, Mosse, Galland Soothsayer.

' & Alpha Jv F. Thompson,lagent

“Amsterdam-’ N.V. HandeLsvereenig- DeBatavia,

Javasche Bank * Agency.;

Head Office:

Ing, Producers of- Sughr, Producers HSourabaya Cable

ahd Exporters of Sisalfibre, Suma- Ad: Htelegafie

tra Manila Fibre, Palm Oil,

Tea, Tapioca. Rubber—Head Office : Hong Kong -and Shanghai Banking

Amsterdam; Cable Ad: Reineke. CoRPokAfidN — Head Office : Hong:

Branch Offices : Sou ra ba y a & Me- Kbng; Head 1 Quarters5 for Noth.

dan; Cable Ad: -Victoria; Codes: East Indies : ’ ' Batatia, • Sdu'rabaya

Acme, 'A.B.C, '6th, :Bentley's and Branch; Cable Ad: Nerbudda

Private II. R. Hemsthdj, agent

Amsterdam Kantoor voor Indische |

Zaken, Importers of Electrical Ap- | Koloniale Bank—Head Office : Amster-

dam ; Eastern Head Office: Soura-

pliances, Agricultural Machinery, baya ;, Cable Ad : I.)utchman

Motors, Engine and Boiler Room ' E.. H. van Wen, Inied agent

Accessoriesi Railway Materials,

Wireless Goods, etc.—Cable Ad:

Akiz; Codes: A.B.C. 6th Bentley’s, Mercantile Bank of India, eto.-i-Sou-

Masse, Tybo and Galland rabaya Branch


Neoerlandsche Handel-Maatschappij— Borneo Sumatra Handel Mu, Gen-

Head Office: Amsterdam; Eastern eral Importers, Exporters of Coffee,

Plead Office: Batavia; Sourabaya Sisal-fibre, Citrpnella-oil and Pro-

Branch; Cable Ad: Trading duce-Cable Ad : Borsumy; Codes : '

Bentley’s, Acme, Oriental, Voller’s,

A.B.C. 6th and Private. HeaiL

Hederlandsch-In mscH e Escompto MA AT- Office : The Hague Sourabaya Officp:

schappij N.V.—Head Office : Bata- Societeitstr. 1-3

via; Sourabaya Branch ; Cable Ad :

Escompto Brandon, Mesritz & Co., General

F. H. Pino, agent Importers —- Cable Ad: Mesritz ;

Codes: A.B.C. 5th, Bentley’s ^and

Hederlandsch Indische Handelsbank, Private

N.V.—Head Office; Amsterdam; Head Burns Philp & Co., Ltd., Importers

Office for Asia, Batavia; Sourabaya and Exporters of Coffee and General

Branch; Cable Ad : Handelbank Produce — Cable Ad : Burphil ;

G. J. Oppel, manager Codes: A.B.C. 5th and Bentley’s

Yokohama Specie Bank, Ltd., The— Burt Myrtle & Co., Importers of

Head Office, Yokohama, Sourabaya Wines and Spirits, etc., Paper, Cot-

Branch ton and Artificial Silk Goods - Cable

Ad: Burt; Codes: Bentley’s Pre-

mier and Private

Becker & Co,, N.V. Maatschappij, Butteweg & Co., N.V., Estab. 1880,

t.v.d.z. van, Importers of Building Importers of Leather and Leather-

Materials, Machinery, Leather,

tools, etc.—Cable Ad : Beckerco; Goods — Cable Ad: Butteweg;

Codes: A.B.C. 5th, Bentley’s and

Codes: A.B.C. 6th, Bentley’s and Private


China Underwriters,

Fire, Accident, Ltd., Life

Marine, Motor-car and

Behn, Meyer & Co.. Handel - Mu, i General Insurance—Head Office: Hong-

N.V., General Importers—Telephs. 1 kong Agents—Ross Taylor & Co., Ltd.—

N1124, 1125 and 1126; Cable Ad: Heerenstraat; Cable Ad: Roscot

Behnmeyer; Codes: A.B.C. 6th, j

Bentley’s Acme, Mosse and Private

Director—H. J. L. Bartels-Troje Chotirmall & Co., K.A.J. (Estab.

Import Dept. 1875), Silk Merchants, Drapers, and

F. O. Hunaeus ! Ladies’ Dressmakers—23, Pasar Be-

E. Gunther P. Segerling sar; Teleph. 312z; Gable Ad: Cho-

H. Liebisoh D. Petersen tirmall ; Codes: Private. Head

F. Dimpker 1 R. Colmorgen Office: Hyderabad (Sind.), India.

Ford Dept. — Telephs. N211,-223; Central Office: Singapore. Bran-

ches : Batavia, Saigon, Gholon,

Cable Ad : Behnmeyer Hong Kong, Canton and Kobe

H. M. P. Wennubst, manager

Ant. H. de Bruine

W. Wychgel Dekker Hissink & Co., N.V., Handel

H. G. E. Shroeder Mu v/h, Importers of Asbestos,

Branches—Den Pasar (Bali) Iron and Steel Paints and Var-

H. J. Seeman nishes, etc.—Cable Ad: Hisdekker;

Codes: A.B.C. 5th and Bentley’s

Bieoermann & Co., W. Handelsven- Dobbelman, Louis, N.V., Handel Mu,

nootschap, General Importers — Importers of Tobacco, Mineral-

Cable Ad: Biedermann; Code: waters,

A.B.C. 5th and 6th, Bentley’s, Mosse Cable Ad:Electrical Accessories etc.—

Dobbelman; Codes: A.B.

and Private C. 5th


Dokp & Co., G.C. T. A"an, N.Y. Boek- Fraser, Eaton & Co., Exporters of

Coffee, Sugar, Tobacco, Tea, Tin

handel and Dbukkekij v/h, Import-

ers of Paper and Office Appliances— and General Produce—Cable Ad:

Shipping; Codes: A.B.C. 5th and

Cable Ad: Yandorp; Code: A.B.C.

6th 6th, ivlercuur and Tybo

W. F. Loudon I P. Lawrence

Dr Capo and Brauns N.V., Vereentg- A. Miesegaes | N. M. McLean

J de Machinefabrieken, Importers of N. V. Handel Mu, Fraser & Neave—

i Brass and Copper, Iron and Steel, Registered Office: 79, Bagong, Sou-

and Railway Materials—Cable Ad : rabaya. Branch Factories at Soura-

Ducrobra; Codes: A.B.C. 6th baya and Batavia-Centrum

P. J. Vasey, general mgr. (N.E.I.)

Dunlop & Co., E., General Importers C. R. Von Holtz, branch mgr..

| —Cable Ad : Dunlopco; Codes : (Sourabaya)

A.B.C. 5th and Bentley’s M. Lewis, branch mgr. (Batavia-

C.) '

i Edgar & Co’s. Handel Mu, Ltd.— C. R. Von Holtz, do.

j1. Exporters of Rubber, Coffee, Hides Frese And Hogeweg, Accountants

j and Skins—Cable Ad: Edgareo; W. Ree

I Codes: A.B.C. 6th, Bentley’s and

^ Acme Fuchs and Rens, N.V., Mu. t.v.d.z.

v /h. Importers of Automobiles and

f Ellinger


of Chemi-& Trucks — Cable Ad: Fuchsrens:

cals, Patent Codes: A.B.C. 5th, Bentley’s and

Soap Perfumes—Cable Ad: Essence; Acme

| Code: Bentley’s Fuhri & Co., E., Boek-Steen and Off-


: Erdmann & Sielcken, Exporters of and Office Appliances—Cable Importers of Paper


J Java Sugar and General Produce-

Cable Ad: Visurgis; Codes: A.B.C. Fuhri; Code : A.B.C. 6th

‘ 5th and 6th editions, Bentley’s Com- Gompen & Co’s. Handel Mu, Import-

? plete Phrase, Bentley’s second, ers of Cigars, Dyes, Hardware, etc.

i Acme, Scott —Cable Ad : Gompen: Codes:

F. W. Diehl, partner

H. C. A. Michaelsen, ‘ signs p.p. A.B.C. 5th and 6th, and Private

Goodyear Tyres and Rubber Co., Ltd..

i “Europa-Azie” HjY. Handel Mu., The, Importers of Motor Tyres and

Importers of Leather, Textiles and Belting •— Cable Ad : Goodyear:

Codes: A.B.C. 6th, Bentley’s and

1 Carpets—Cable Ad: Euraz: Code: Private

: A.B.C. 5th

I| Fiat Import Company, N.V., Import- Gosho Kap.ushiki Kaisha, Importers

of Cotton Goods — Cable Ad

! ers of “Fiat” Cars and Trucks and Gosho; Codes: Bentley’s and Pri-

t Spare Parts — Cable Ad: Fiat; vate

Codes: A.B.C. 5th, Bentley’s and

Acme Gyselman and Steup, Brokers—Wil-

lemskad'e; Teleph. N104; Cable Ad:

Firestone Banden ex Rubber Mu. 6th, Simplon; Codes: A.B.C. 5th and

voor Ned. Indie N.V., Importers Acme, Bentley’s and Private

| of Tyres and Rubber Goods—c/o F. Th. Dekker Hissink, partner

j . Jacobsen van den Berg & Co. B. F. Hunt, do.

1} Fiesseman’s- Import Mu.. Importers General Importers — Cable Mu.,

Hagemeyer &• Co’s/ Handel


1 of Leather, Toilet Articles, Textiles, Hagemeyer; Codes: A.B.C. 5th and

Ropes arid Yarns—Cable Ad: Fim 6th


N.V. Handel Mu. Gestetnee, Dupli- International Goodrich Corporation,

cator Manufacturers — Scheep- The—c/o Lindeteves Stokvis

ttiakerspark, 16; Tekph. Z1322;

Cable Ad: Gestetner. Head Office “Isamy” Indische Speciaal Agents-

for Java Weitevreden chappen Mu., N.V., Importers of

H. Muckel, manager Chemicals and Drugs, Photographic

Handelsveeeeniging te Soeeabaia Codes : A.B.C;Articles, etc.—Cable Ad: Isamy;

(Commercial Absooktion of Soura- ley’s; Carlowitz' 5th and 6th, Bent-

and. Mosse


Chairman—M. P. Tieleps

Secretary—Dfs. H. J. Yredendaa! Italie Firma W., Importers of Drugs

and Chemicals—Chineesche Yoor-

Hanovee Fiee Insueancej Co., New straafc No. 17

Yoek (American Asiatid Under- Italie, Firma Ed. P Importers of

writers, Ltd., Managers for the

Orient); Cable Ad: Burt Eleotrical Goods, Paper and Office

Burt Myrtle & Co.^ genera;! man- Appliances—Cable Ad: Kerkop-

agers arid/ general agents harm; Co|Ues : A.B.G. ’6th

Haemsen Veevvey & Co., General Im Jaissle & Co., Otto, Importers of

vorters—Cable A d : Hapege ; Codes : Clocks, Watches, Jewellery, Gold

A.B.C. oth and 6th.' Bentley’g, and Silver Ware, Silver-plaUd

Mercuun gind: and Private Goods, Fountain Pens and Pencils

and NoveltieV—GebOu'w Simpang

Hellendoorn, N.V., Teghnisghe Bu- Jaissle; Codes: Bentley's, . Mbsse.

reau, Importers of Electrical Mach- Head Office : Batavia

inery and Accessories, Agricultural

Machinery, Engines and Boilers,

etc'.—'Cable Ad: Machine; Codes: “Java” Handels vereniging, General

Importers—Cable Ad : Crescendo :

Bentley's A.B.C. 5th and Mercdur Codes: A.B.G. 5th and 6th, and

Merouur 2nd

Helmig &. Co., JL Y., Phaemaukutische

Import Mu., Importers of Tin

Plate, Drugs, Paper, Porcelain and N.Y.,Sumatra

Java Handel Maatschappij,

Ropes—Cable Ad : Helmig; Codes: Exporters, of. Geperal Produce

A.B.C. 5th and Bentley’s —Cable Ads: Boasover and Jasumy;

Codes: A.B.C. 5th and 6th and


Hengelqsche Elegtrische and Mech- J. Korf, manager

■ofanische ApparatknfaivRxek,

Electrical Importers

Accessories and Agri- Javasche Houtham, Yereenigde del

cultural Machinery — Cable Ad : Myen, Exporters of Timber

Heemaf; Cpdes: A.B.C. 6th, Mer- G. H. Yan Nie, agent

cuur Srd, Western Union and Pri-

vate •

Joakin & Co., Handel Mu N.V., Im-

“Impla” Import Mu. voor Pharma- porters of Provisions and Machin-

ceutisghe en Landbouwkundige ery; Exporters of General Produce

Artiken N.Y;, Importers of Chemi- —Cable Ad: Jo.akiin; Codes: Bent-

cals and Drugs—Cable Ad: Impla: ley’s, A.B.C. 5th and 6th. Universal

Code: A.B.C. 6th ' ■ Trade and Private

International Crediet esE Handels Kaufmann and Ehrenpreis, Handel

Vereeniging Rotterdam, General Hardware, Mu. N.Y., Importers of Glassware,

Exporters—Cable Ad: Internatio Household Supplies, etc.

(Products Dept.); Codes: A.B.C. —Cable Ad : Ehrenpreis: Codes:

5th and 6th, Bentley’s and Acme A.B.CL 5th and 6th, Bentley’s and

M. P. Tielens, agent Staudt a.iid Hundius


Kerkhoff &: Co., N.V., Pharm. Han- Van der Linden, H.J., Ned. Ind.

delsafd. v/h, Importers' of Chemi- Wapen and Ammunitiehandel N.V.,

cals and Drugs, Toilet Articles, etc. Importers of Fire Arms hnd Ammu-

— Cable Ad: Kerkopharm: Codes: nition

A.B.C. 6th

!Kian Gwan Hanoei Mu, Exporters Maintz Productenhandel N.V, Ex-

of Produce—Head Office: Semar- porters of General Produce—Cable

ang: Cable Ad: (Kiang-wun; Codes: A.B.C. 6th Liebers, Codes

Ad : Produtrade; : Bentley’s

Leviathan, Mer-

A.B.C. 6th Liebers, Bentley’s, Acme cuur, Vollers and Private

and Privates

Manson & ,Co., S.L., Importers of

Koloniale Tabak Imp! Mu. v/h, G. BicydeR and Accessories—:Cab!e Ad :

Klomp, Exporters of Tobacco1—Head Manson ; Codes: A.B.C. oth and 6th

Office: Amsterdam: Teleph. N131; and Bentley’s

Cable Ad : Reyem ; Code : Mercuur

Mauthe’S Agentschap, C. Jacobs,. Im-

Koler a no Ankers mit, Importers, of hold porters of Cutlery, Clocks, House-

Provisions—Cable Ad: Kolerank; Ad: Clockhouse; -Supplies and General—'Cab!e

Codes: A.B.C. 6th and Bentley’s Codes A.B.C1. 6th

and Mosse

(: iKolff & Co.,N.Y.,

Drukkerij G., Printers

Boekhandel and Mirondolle Voutf. & Co., Importers

and Im-

« porters of Paper, Office Appliances, ofProduce

Fertilizers • Exporters df General

— Cable Ad: Matara'm;

eta—Cable Ad : Kolffco ; Codes : Cades: A.B.C. 5th and Bentley’s

A.B.C. and Bentley’s

Krapp, F. W. Handelshuis N.Y., Im- Mitsubishi Shoji Kaisha, Ltd , Gen-

porters of Household Supplies, Tex- eral Importers—"Cable Ad : Iwasaki-

tile Goods, etc.—Cable Ad : Krapp ; sal; Codes: A.B.C. 6th .and 6th

and Bentley’s

‘Code: A.B.C. 5th

Van Lelyvelo & Coj, Importers of Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd., Import-

Tea and Rubber Chests, Machinery, ers of Tea and Rubber Chests, Glass

Railway Materials, etc.—Cable Ad: Ware and Cotton Goods, Exporters

Stutveld; Codes: A.B.C. 6th, Bent- of General Produce-Cable Ad:

l ley’s and Western Union Mitsui; Codes: A.B.C. 5th Bent-

ley’s, Mercuur 3rd. Marconi 'and

r L'igtvoet’s Fabrieken van Bouwmate- Private

rialen N.V., Importers and Pro-

ducers of Building Matterials-^Nga- Munaut Co-, Soerabaische Wapen en

gel 3; Teleph. Z848; Cable Ad: Amm ln itlekanijei., ' Importers ; of

Ligtvoet Fire; Arms and Ammunition

I » F. M. J. Burkhardt, manager

Naessens & Co., W., Importers of

My. Lindeteves-Stoevis, (Capital: Pianos, Gramophones and Music

Fs. 10.000.000), Importers of all kind

v of Machinery, Building-materials Ned. Ind. Gas Mij, N.Y., Importers

Tools and Implements, Paints, of Gasplant Accessories, Gas Mach-

Chemicals, Radio and Motor-cars inery and Apparatus, Electrical

and Trucks. Manufacturers of Accessories and Apparatus, Engines,

Steel construction-work, Steel etc. — Cable Ad: (for Gasplant)

Drums, Paints, etc.—Offices: Soera- Gasfabriek, (for Electric Plant)

| baja, Semarang, Batavia, Medan, Electron

Tegal, Cheribon, Djocja, Bandoeng,

Palembang, Padang, Makassar, Ned. Indische Landbouw Mu, Ex-

Menado, Penang, Ipoh, Amsterdam, porters and Growers of General

London, New York.—Cable Ad: Produce—Cable Ad : Landbouw ;

Lindeteves; All Codes Code: Bentley’s


Nestle and Anglo Swiss Condensed Rathkamp & Co., N.Y., Chemicalien-

Milk Co., Importers of Condensed handel, Importers of Chemicals and

Milk, Chocolates, etc.—Cable Ad: Drugs — Cable Ad: Rathkamp;

Nestanglo; Codes: A.B.C. Mh and Code : A.B.C. 5th


Regnault’sat Verffabrieken, X.V.; Fac-

SfiEuwE Soerabaia Courant, News- tories Sourabaya, Batavia

Semarang. Manufacturers of Paint


paper and Varnishes, Importers of Chemi-

Nippon Menkava K.K., Importers of cals, Dyes, Explosives—Cable Ad.

Cement, Cordages Yarns, ate. — Regnault; Codes: A.B.C. 5th, Bent-

ley’s and Private

Cable Ad: Menkwa; Codes: A.B.C. Director—P. A. Regnault (Hol-

6th and 6th, Bentley’s, Schofield’s land)

and Private Head Agent for D.I.E.—Th. M. van


Oliefabriek Ngagel N.Y., Exporters

of Cattle, Fodder, Oils and Fats—

Cable Ad: Olyado; Codes: A.B.C. Reiss &General Co., Handelsvereeniging

5th and 6th, Bentley’s and Mercuur N.V., Importers and Ex-

porters — Cable Ad : Rosmarin;

Codes: A.B.C. 5th and 6th Bentley’s

'Cost-Indie” Handelsvereeniging, and Private,

General Importers — Cable Ad:

Toe wan : Codes: A.B.C. 5th and 6th Remedios Bros., Produce and Im-

and Bentley’s porters and Exporters, Commission

Agents, Specialities, Latest Novel-

Orenstein and Koppel, N.V., Fabrie- ties and Grocery—24, Passar Besar

KEN ALAN SpOORAVEG MaTERIAAL v/h, Wetan, 1st floor; Cable Ad: Reme-

Importers of Raihvay Materials and dios

Locomotives for Industrial Purposes

—Cable Ad : Koppelrail; Codes : Ross Taylor & Co., Ltd., Agents for

A.B.C. 5th and 6th, Bentley’s Plantation, Shipping and Insur-

Broomhall, Mosse and Private ance Companies^—Cable Ad : Roscot-;

Codes: A.B.C. 5th and 6th, Broom-

Odd Pzn & Coi, Wed. G., Importers halls, Bentley’s , 2nd Phrase and

of Provisions and Beverages—Cable Birchwood

Ad: Oud; Codes: A.B.C. 6th and “ Rotterdam” Internationale Crediet

Mercuur en Handelsvereeniging, General

H. E. Oving Jr.’s Ijzer En Staal Importers—Cable Ad: Internatio ;

Handel N.V., Importers of Cement, A.Codes: A.B.C. 5th and 6th Bentley’s

I. and Acme

Iron and Steel Railway Materials

and Locomotives for Industrial Pur- Ruhaak & Co., Mu. t.v.d.z.. Import-

poses, Iron and 'Steel Piper and ers of Building Materials, Chemical,

Tubes for Gas and Waterworks— Dyes, Hardware, Paint, Railway

Cable Ad: Oving; Codes: A.B.C. Material, etc.—Cable Ad: Ruhaak;

5th and 6th, Bentley’s and Private Codes: A.B.C. and. Bentley’s

Patria” N.Y. Handel Mu, General Ruys Handelsvereeniging voor Indie,

Importers — Cable Ad : Tolly ; Importers of Stationery and Office

Codes: A.B.C. 5th and 6th and Appliances—Cable Ad: Ninhand;

Bentley’s Code: A.B.C. 6th

Pitcairn Syme & Co., Importers of San Liem Kongsie, N.V. Handel Mu.,

Whisky, Mineral Waters and Tex- Exporters of Timber—Cable Ad:

tile Goods—CaWe Ad: Pitcairn; Sanliem; Codes: A.B.C. 5th and

Codes: A.B.C. 5th and 6th, Bent- 6th, Bentley’s, and Universal Lum-

ley’s and Scott • ber


| Sanders Birnie, N.V. Mu, tot Ex- anoes, Metals, etc.—Cable Ad:

1 PLOITATIE VAN HET TeCHNISCH BUREAU, Wisa; Codes: A.B.C. 5th and 6th

' Importers of Metals, Agricultural and Bentley’s

Implements, Dynamos and Motors,

I etc.—Cable Ad: Sandebirnf; Code: Van Stork Gebr. & Co., N.Y., Agent-

! Bentley’s schaf voor Machinehandel, Import-

ers of Machinery—Cable Ad : Stork;

ScHLiEPER, Carl, Importersi of Build- Cbdes: Mercuur and Western Union

j;. ing Materials, Electrical Acces-

sories, Hardware, etc.—^Cable Ad : Sun Life Assurance Company of

Schlieper: Ooides: A.B.C. 5th, Bent-

( ley’s, Carlowitz and Engineering Canada—Teleph. Zuid 820 and Zuid

813; Cable Ad: Sunbeam

j|. Code Oscar Stern, branch manager

I E. Hoppmann, agent

Union Insurance Society of Canton,

Simpangsche Apotheek, Ltd., Estab. Ltd.—Cable Ad : Unionist

E. C. Hudson, acting branch mgr.

1855, Importers of Chemicals apd

Drugs—Cable Ad : Simpangapot-

heek: Codes: A.B.C., Bentley’s and N.V., L.E. Tels & Co.’s, Handel Mu,

Mercnur General Importers — Cable Ad:

Letels; Codes: Bentley’s Western

ISmulders, Frans, Utrechtscbe Mac- Union and Private

■1 hinfabriek o.D., Importers of Agri-

cultural Machinery, etc. — Cable Velodrome, N.V., Importers of Auto-

Ad: Frasmu; Codes: A.B.C. 5th mobiles — Cable Ad : Velodrome;

and Mercuur Codes; A.B.C. 5th, Bentley’s and



zione e di Importazione, General Vraag and Aanbod (N.V. Het Techn.

Importers — Cable Ad: Socita;

’ Codes: A.B.C. 5th and 6th and Bureau), Importers, General Goods

and Machinery—Aloop Aloon Tjon-

Private tong 58; Telephs. Z4586, Z^144 and

Z1183 ; Cable Ad : Electro ; Codes :

Soerabaiasch A.B.C. 6th edn., Bentley’s and

Newspaper —Handelsblad,

Pasar Besar, N.Soerabaia;

Y., Daily Rudolf Mosse

■ Cable Ad: Handelsblad

Wattie & Cov Ltd., J.A., N.V.,

.Steenkolen Handel Mu, Ned. Ind., Handel Mu, Estate Agents—Cable

Importers of Coal and Coke—Cable Ad: Wavito; Codes: Broomhalls,

Bentley’s and A.B.C. 6th

1 Ad: Coaltug; Codes: A.B.C. 5th

Bentley’s, Mercuur and Scotts

Wkhry & Co., Geo., General Import-

SSteinhardt, B. & F., General Import- —Cable Ad: Wehry; Codes: A.B.C.

5th and 6th, Bentley’s and Mercuur

' ers—Cable Ad: Steinhardt; Codes:

L Bentley’s, Mosse and Private

Wilding & Co., General Importers—

|6tibbe’s, B. G., Export Mu. N.Y., Parade Straat 21; Teleph. Noord

General Importers—Cable Ad : Ber- plete 119; Codes: Acme, Bentley’s Com-

sitibbe; Codes: A.B.C. 6th, Bent- Phrase and Second

ley’s and Western Union O. E. Bergmann, manager

N.V., W.J. Stokvis -Koninkluke Wingen, N. Van, N.V. Fotografie en

Kunsthandel, Importers of Che-

Fabriek van Metaalwerken (Ned- micals, Electrical Accessories and

Ind. Afdeeling), Importers of Sani- Photographic Articles—Cable Ad :

tary Earthenware, Electric Appli- Vanwingen; Code: A.B.C. 6th

SK.M ARA.\(r

Semarang, the capital of the “Provincie” Midden Java, is situated in 110° 25r F,.

Europeans. and

Longtitude 29,iSO6°1 L.foreign

Latitude. The population

Orientals, and; 175,418ofnatiyes;


.217,775. inThe1930city12,577


be divided in two parts-, the old part sithated near the. doast'hbnsisting principally of a

native population, and a district a little higher up inhabited inostly by

whilst there is also an attractive suburb called Tjandi situated on the hills about 500 Europeans,

feet abovewhich

Bodjong sea level, whichstreet

is the .main lies some two miles

running throughto the

the South of the

town are the town.

Courts Situated

of Justice,in

various Government Offices and the principal European shops.

The port of Semarang is an open roadstead, but as fine weather usually prevails*

loading is only interrupted on a very few days in the year..

whence they facilities

Railway link up are withgood



Ipie tothrough

Sourabaya, Batavia and

the Island. ThereSoerakarta from

are also, light

railways to the,up country districts; whilst the main motor roads are remarkably good.

Semarang also possesses an up-to-date'^prodrome.


Airline Co. (Koninklijke Nederianclsbh- A.D. C.G. Broese

Indische Luchtvaart

Aerodrorinte. SimhnganMaatschuppy) v;m dervanMeer,

Groendu, sighs

H. L. Linger, do.

Autohandel Aim X. Y. Droste’s T.G. Prins,

P. Olofsen, do.


Autohanoel Fiat Imeort Co. JXvaschB Bank (Java-Bank)—Cable

Ad: Delegatie; Codes: Beritley’s

i Complete Phrase & Peterson Int.

BANKS. Code 3rd•redn. Head Office: Batavia

J. C. van Wavevcn, agent

J. W. Geveke, sub-agent

Chartered Bank orIndia, Aust. &, China

— Office: Djoernatan Ned. Ind. Escompto My.

China andTaipeb,


Bank; Ltd.—Head B. C.lyoetsier, agent signs ppr pfo.

J. A. AnSriessen,,


Branch: Gang tengah No. 42; Semarang

Cable Ad:

Kananginko Ned. Ind. Handelsbank, N.Y.

Cultuur Mu. Der Vorstenlanden N.V. J. L. Bigot, agent

H. A. A. G. Beyners, agent Ned erlAnpsCHj: Handel - Iff aSociety^


Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corpn. N.V. (Netherlands Trading

F. J. K. van der Wal, agent

McNeill &. Co„ agents.

N. V. Internationale Crediet-en SPaarbank TE Semarang (Stichting A.

Manoeu-vereeniging “ Rotterdam■ ”


Zimmerman, agent

snbsC agent ■ • F.1853, Inleg - kapitaal per ult. 1928:

F. 5,635,409.33

743,0.3505) 'and Reperves per ult. 1938:


De N.V. De Bataafsche Petroleum-jVI y., Hanover Fire Insurance Co., New York

Handelszaken, Producers and re- (American Asiatic Underwriters, Ltd.,

tailers of all mineral oil products— Managers for the Orient)—Cable Ad:

Telephs. Sm. 838, 858, 878, 898; Cable Myrtle

■eAddn.: PetreUx; Codes A.B.C: 5th and 6th j Burt Myrtle & Cp:,' general managers

and general Rgents

E. J. M. A. Lagaay. agent

Th. C. Ouwehand, signs per pro. Harmsen, Yerwey & Go:, General: Import-

A. Buyse, do. ers—Sourabaya,


Anglo and Batavia Semarang; Cheribon

AsiaticSaxon Petroleum Co., Ltd.


Ned. Ind. Tank Stoomlioot My, The | Hotel Centraal

Hague 1 Jacobson van den Bero k Co.


Co., Ltd. and General Advisory “Java," Handelsvereeniging

Colas Company


V. Been Meyer Hani>el-— Java-China-Japan-Lijn

& Co.,Importers

General Chinalijn

— Cable Ad:

Heerenstraat 39/41; Cable Ad: Behnme- J. Y. C. Ruardi-Wichers, agent

yer; Telephs.' Sr. 233 and 235; Codes: Java Ien Boe Kongsje, Printing Office,

A.B.C. 5th and 6th, Bentley’s, Acme, Booksellers, Stationers . and Importers;


H. Men andze],Private

manager —Gang Pinggir185;


68, Ad:


W. Siirig, signs per pro. Java; Teleph. Java-

H. J. Mbller, assist. ienboe; Code: Bentley’s.1 '

Sik Tjong Be, director /.

Handelsvenxootschap v/h Biedermann N.V. Vereenigde Javasche, Hquthandel.

& Co., Wine Merchants Maatschappue'n

Boelen & Me.ursinge,

Hoogendorpstraat Dpctors-at-law—

12; Teleph. 1720 Klaasesz Mineral Water- Factory



J. G. van't Oever Koninklyke Paketvaart AIaatschappij

N. V. Borneo Sumatra Handel Maat- N.Mu.—Cable V. Koloniale Petroleum. Yerkoop

Ad : Kopevema

schappij—Cable Ad: Borsumy H. M. White, agent


Albert, Agency

agent M. D. Roehm, procuratiehouder

Burt, Myrtle & Co.,Ad:Semarang—General My.10,000,000),


Importers of(Capital:

all KindsFs.of

Importers—Cable Myrtle Machinery, Chemicals,

A. Wilding, manager Trucks,etc.—Offices: Batavia,Motor-cars,

Soerabaja, Medan, Makassar, Semarang,



Semarang/Sourabay ak, Co., General Brokers — Tegal, Oheribon, Djocja, Palembang,

Padang, Menado, Penang, Ipoh, Amster-

CONSTRUCTIE-WERKPLASTS “DE ArBEID” dam, London, New York—Cable Ad:

Lindeteves; all Codes .

G. C. T. van Dorp

Printers, Publishers and Stationers tigd te Amsteidkm)—Bijkantoor

Erdmann k, Sielcken—Exporters of Java N. P. Spier van. Zwiclit, signs perjiro.

Sugar and General Produce Masman A StroInk, Booksellers

F. F. C. Ziegfeld, signs per pro.

Firm a HopPeNstedt, G. Mirandolle, Youte k Co-. N. Y.

Fuchs k Bens ;. .Q. R.,0- W.

Yerwey, representative

van Duinenj, agent, (estates

J. van Gorkom & Co. M.deptA

Dudbk’. van Heel,

. signs

, per pro.


N. Y. Nederl. Ind. Spoorweg Maats- Semarangsch Stoomi:._ i Prauwdn Veer:

J. G. Veenenbos, director


“Nederland,” Stoomva art Ma atschappji Semarangsche Administratie Mu.

Caesar Voute, managing director

P. W.D. van



wenhuyzen, signs p.p.


Pacific Java-Rengal Line | Serajoedal

N.V., Railway

weg; Cable


Ad: Company—van

Trambond der Ent-

Silver Java Pacific Line H. B. Stapel, general manager

Java-New York Line

Handelsvereeniging “ Oost Indie,” N.Y. I| Societa Commission aria D’Esportazione

e. dt Importazione—Piece Goods and


Amsterdam,te Koerabaia..


SemaraiiR, Che-te Sundries, Telepb. 272, P. O. Box 43;

ribon, Batavia, Padang, Makassar, edn. andAd:Private,Cable Socita, Head

Codes Office:

A. B. C.Milan


Monad o (Italy)

Oost-Java Stoomtram-Maatschappij, N. P. Ch. Willems v. Beveren, agent

V., Tramway Company—van der Ent- W. Goldberg, signs per pro.

wesr; Cable Ad : Tram bond | Tels & Co.’s L. E. Handel Mu.

H. B. Stapel, general manager de Visser Smits

Pitcairn, Syme & Co. — Samarang; also Van Oldenborgh, van Vliet, Vosmaert.

atKer,Batavia and

BoltonKer Souraba va.

k Co.,*fe London Head Offices:

and Glasgow. & van Ewijk, Solicitors

Branches: Co., Manila, Iloilo, Wehry & Co., Geo:

Cebu and Davad.

Aaron D. Weld’s Sons, BostonAgents in U.S.A.: W. J. Ebeling Kdning, agent

Semarang - Chertbon Stoomtram

1 - Maat- Wellenstein, Krause k Co.


der Entweg;N.V.,Cable

Railway Company—van

Ad: Tram bond

H. B. Stapel, general manager ; Valkenburg & Co., Tobacco Merchants

j N. V. Velodrome. Importers of Autom-

Semarang-Joana Stoomtram-Maats- j obiles j —atHead Office: Soerabaya. ' Br-

ohappij, N. V.,Cable

Railway Company -van 1 ancbes Semarahg, Batavia, Djocja,

der Entweg; Ad: Trambond 1 Bandoeng, Makasser, and Medan; Cable;

H. B. Stapel, general manager Ad: Velodrome; All codes


Padang, the capital of the West Coast of Sumatra, is situated 100 deg. 20 min. 30 sec. E.

longitude and 59 min. 30 sec. S. latitude. The population, numbered 51,976 of whom 2,624


(3,945 males, 3,259

male, 1,309female)


Europeans, 40,694 (23.084703male, 17,610other

female) Natives, 7.212

according to Census, 7th of October,1,456


male, has female)

a splendid foreign

natural Orientals

harbour, the


for with up-to-date

Import and Export articles. wharfage

The produce facilities.

of the WestThe place

Coast,is such

an important

as coffee,market


cassia-vera, rattan,

to the different portsgum damar,

of the world.rubber,

The hides, nutrhegs,

beautiful mace, with

highlands, cloves,theetc.,centre

are shipped

Fort de

Kock, offer plenty of opportunities for walking and motoring trips amidst most

gorgeous scenery. Padang is one of the healthiest places on the Coast, land and sea

breezes contributing materially to lower the temperature. Owing to the absence of


being morenoordivision of thedivided

less equally year into

overa dry

the and

wholea wet

year.season can beJune

However made,andtheJulyrainfall


considered to be the dry period.


Padang is now linked up with Medan-Deli on the North East coast by an

motor road which passes through a great variety of primeval and beautiful scenery.excellent


road, so that hotels and rest

the journey houses arefree

is warranted distributed along this 850 kilometer length of

from hardship.

Within short, Padang will be an aerial port so that tourists will be enabled to


hotels aand


a RotaryviewClub.

of this richly verdured tropical island. Padang has two good


Municipality Javasche Bank

Mayor—Dr. W. M. Ouwerkerk, ll.d. R. W. G. B. R. Wagner, manager

Secretary—Dr. S. Blankstein, ll.d.

Treasurer—J. M. van der Wal NFDERT.ANDSCH-lNblSCHE EsCOMPTO MlJ.,


CE N. V.

Public Works—J. F. Kipperman,

I Director

- - of Electric Light and Power 11. H. van Delden, manager


van der Weerdt W. F. del Campo Hartman,

Veterinary H. P. van der assist, manager

Put, VET. B. Borneo-Sumatra Handel-Maatschappy,

Kamer van Koophandel en Importers and Exporters

Nyverheid De Sumatra Bode, Printers and

(Chamber of Commerce and Industries) Publishers

Chairman—(vacan t)

Vice-President—M. Passer Malayan)— (daily papers, Dutch and

Members—R. B. Meyer, A. Nagel and Handelsmaatschappy

F. F. Anema

Secretary—M. H. Bruyn macher, Importers Guentzel & Schu-—

and Exporters

Cable Ad: Guentzel; Codes A. B. C. 5th

and 6th Bentley s Acme, Private


(Commercial Association) Hoppenstedt, G., Importers

Chairman—K. P. Schuitmaker

Members of the Board—P. A. Ravelli Internationale Crediet-en Handels-

and A. Nagel Vereeniging “Rotterdam,” Importers

Secretary—M. H. Bruyn and Exporters

Kamer van Koophandel en Nijverheid Koninklyke Paketvaart Maatschappi.i

te Padang. (Chamber of Commerce and —Telephs. Padang 187, 189 and

Industry, Padang) Emmahaven 6; 'Cable Ad: Paket-

P resident—(vacant) vaart; Codes: A.B.C. 5th and 6th

Vice-do. —M. Passer edhs. and Private

Members—R. B. Meyer, A. Nagel,

F. F. Anema and Jhr. J. M. vanLevison, H., Exporter of Colonial Produce

Lidth de Jeude and General Importer — Cable Ad:

Secretary—M. H. Bruyn Levison

BANKS Lindf.tevis-Stokvis, Importers

Chartered Bank of India, Aus. A China Import and Export —

Maatschappy Voor Handel e LvnuATf?r"\


Javasche Bank, agents Industrie


My. t. v. d. z. Van Houten Steffan V Cp.r Standard-Vacuum

Standvac Oil Co,—Cable; Adr

Import and Export Weaving. Plant,

—Padang, Sumatra; Teleph. 27; ;Cat|le

Ad: Steffan: Codes: Acme, Bentley’^, Tels & Co.’s.Handel My. L. E., Importers


W. J.6th edn. and director

Hanekuyk,: Private

D. J. Gramer, proxy N. V. Gebroeders Veth’s Handelmaat-

Agencies schappy,

W. P. Veth,Importers and Exporters

head manager

Lloyds, London

Samarangsche Zee- & Brand Ass. My. F.H. F.vanAriema, manager

Nederlandsche Lloyd der Pijl, manager, import

Oost-Indische Zee- & Brand Ass. My. Managing-Directors of

Brand Verzekering

Royal Insurance Co. My. “ Mercurius ” .Nederlandsch-Indiscbe Portland Ce-

Queensland Insurance Co,, Ld ment My.My. Barisan


N.I.L.L.M.Y. Agencies

Ophir-Estates ofRubber

West-Sumatra the Koloniale

and Bank

Koffie Ocean Steamship Co.

Cultuur My. Nedorl. Stoomv. Myj “ Oeeaan ”


Cultuur My. “ Taloeg

My. ““ Tal^mauGoenoeng

” ” China Mutual Steam <>!av. Co.,.Ld.

Cultuur My. Danam Gadahg”, Poly- Cunard Steamship, Co., Ld.

phonwerke A. Q. Berlin Nederlandsch Indische Handelsbank

Dunlop' llubber Co. (Far East), Ld. Western Assurance Co.

Nippon Ytiseh Kaisha Palatine Insurance Co., Ld..

Assurantie My. “Veritas”

Hvo. “ Oost Inpte ”

P, A. Ravelli, manager sellsehaft ■ Feuerversicherungsge--


“Union” Assurance Co.


Levensverzekering Maatschappy van

M. Passer,j partner “Fatum” Ongevallen Verzekeringmy -

SbciETA Commission aria di Esportazione

e di Importazione v/h Societa Commis-

sion aria Orientale, General Importers Wehry & Co., Geo., Importers


119° Macassar, the capital

24' E. longitude and 5°of,8'the “gouvernement”

S. .latitude.-, Celebes and

The, population Dependencies,

numbered is situated

in, the end of 1933



Orientals.of whom



not include61,665


floating18,00.6 Chineseofand

population, 500


coolies working in the docks.


the principal, centre ofastrade

great importance in the north-eastern


transit port. andThere part

is anoffor



wharf 510 metresthe

long concrete

new (the Wilhelminakade),

quay about 1,400withmetres in length (the godoWns

Julianakade), where theuse and a


companies have their own waterfront, godowns and offices. The Southern end of the


quarters connected byA breakwater

a highway,2,700 several kilometres

metres long, with

long protects the business

the harbour from

rough seas.built.Macassar

is nicely A fine has been closedlined

thoroughfare, as a with

free tamarind

port sincetrees,


traverses1906.theThe town


part, where

both sides tothelarge

Government Housesquares—the

grass-covered and other public buildings and

Eoningsplein are situated,

Kerkplein. and leads on

A busi-

ness centre consists of, Passar Street, Wilhelminakade and Julianakade. The pleasan-


test living quarters are General van Daalen weg and .Hospitaahveg,

colonnades give-the impression of a town in southern Europe. Around the European where houses with


marshy, covered the natives

with have made and

rice-fields theirkamporigs.

villages. , The


mountains, country


Bohthain in the distance, afford a fine 1 spectacle, especially in the o'venipg, when they


seen noteverycovered by the

night from fogs that ripe from

the Harbourmaster’s the plains. Beautiful sunsets are to be


The city of Macassar, is administered by a Municipal Council with a Burgomaster

assar,president. The Council

and 2 Chinese). has IT affairs,

Technical membersgrounds

(10 of European origin,»5sanitary

and the public Nativesseu-viqe

of Macas-



Municipal public works (Ingenieur-Directeur Gemeentewerken). The municipal gasof

under the supervision of the Municipal Council, by an Engineer Director

plant is managed by a Director (Directeur jlor Cemeente:Gasfabriek) under the


electric of theplant

lighting Gasworks

is in theCpiuniittpe,

hands Of thenominated by theGas-Maatschappy.

Ned. Indische Municipal, Council. The

million guilders (£1,300,000) and is administered by a HarbouratBoard

The harbour (Government property) has been constructed a cost(Commissie

of about twelvan ve


under the with the Engineer

supervision Harbour-Director'(i)irecteur

of the Department of ,Public Vilorks der, Haven), asMarine,

at Batavia. President,



compulsory. affairs.ate managed in collaboration .with.the Harboufmaster,,arid pilots are


BANKS Borneo

porters(Sumatra Handel Provisions,

of Automobiles, Mu, Im-

He Javasche Bane—(Head Office : Ba- Cigars and , Cigarettes, Iron and

tavia) Macassar Agency^—Cable Ad: “‘Steel,-'Chemicals and Drugs, Cc-merit,

Delegatie etc..—Cable Ad: Borsumyj' Codes:

Bentley’s, Acme, Toller’s , and Pri-

Hongkong and Shanghai Ranking vate

Corporation (Head Office: Hong- Catz Java Trading Co., N.Y., Ex-

kong; Headquarters for Netherlands porters of General Produce—Cable

East Indies : Batavia)—Cable Ad : Ad: Catzco; Codes: A.B.C. 6th and

in Netherlands East Indies: General


Agents—De Javasche Bank Celebes Motor, Company, Importers of

Mortor Cars and: Accessories—- Bead


N.Y. (Netherlands Trading Society) • Office-Hoogepad 25,; Mac'assar; Cable

—Head Office : Amsterdam: Eastern Ad: Cemoco. BrariOhbs .at Menado

Head Office: Batavia: Macassar and Gorontalo

Branch, Cable Ad: Trading A. E. O. Braun, manager

Groskamp, W.R., Exporters of Hides

Nederlandsch - Indische Escompto arid Coffee—Cable Ad: Remelius;

Maatschappij (Netherlands India Cod(es; Bentley’s A.B.C and

Discount Bank)—Head Office : Ba- Western, Union

tavia; Macassar Branch, Cable

Ad : Escompo Internationale Crediet-en Handel-

svereeniging “ Rotterdam,” Gen-

Nederlandisch Indische Handelsbank eral Importers and Exporters—Cable

N.V.—Head Office: Amsterdam. Ad: Internatis; Codes: Bentley’s

Macassar Branch (Celebes, D.E.I..) A.B.C. 5th and 6th and Acme



Jacobson van den Bet:g & Co., Im- Mohrmann & Co., J., Handelsvere-

porters and Provisions, Building eniging, Importers of Bicycles, Pro-

Materials Codes:

Jacoberg; and Yarns—Cable Ad.

Bentley’s A.B.O. ylsions, Iron and Steel, and Hard-

ware, etc., Exporters of Coffee and

5th and 6th and Acme Grain and Hides, etc.—Cable Ad:

Mohrmann; Codes: A.B.C. 5th and

Ledeboeb & Co., W. B., Importers 6th. Bentley’s, Rudolf Mosse, Car-

lowitz and Private

and Exporters—Head

cassar. Office: Ma-

Branches: Menado and Moluksche Handels Vennootschap,

Oorontalo (Correspondencies of

Netherlands Trading Society); Importers of Automobiles, Provi-

Cable Ad: Ledeboer; Codes: A-B.C. sions and Ammunition—Cable Ad :

Moluksche; Codes: A.B.C. 5th and

5th and 6th, Simplex Standard, 6th and Bentley’s

Bentley’s, and Acme

Linde (Van der) and Teves kn R.S. Ned. Ind. Gas Mu. N.V., Importers

iSroicvrs en Zonen, (Ltd., Ned. Ind. ofCable Gas Machinery and Apparatus—

Mu. t.v.d.z., Importers of Automo- plants) Ads: Gasfabriek (for Gas

biles, Building Materials, Chemi- plants) and Election (for Electric

cals and Machinery—Cable Ad:

Lindeteves; Codes: All Standard

and Private Oei iSeeuaven & Co., Exporters of

Coffee, Shells and Pearls, etc.—

Maintz’ Prodttctenhandel, N.V., Ex- Cable Ad: Copal; Codes: A.B.C.

5th and 6th, Acme, Rudolf Mosse

porters of Alcohol and General Pro- and Bentley’s

duce — Cable Ad: Produtrade;

Codes: Bentley’s. A.B.C. 6th. Lie-

ber’s, Mercuur, Private and Vollers Reiss & Co., Handelsvereenigino

v/h, Importers of Provisions, Win-

Michael Stephens & Co., Ltd., Gen- dow Glass, Tobacco and Office

Appliances; Exporters of General

eral Importers and Exporters — Produce — Cable Ad : Rosmarin :

Cable Ad : Stephens ; Codes : Bent- Codes: A.B.C. 6th, Bentley’s and

lev’s, A.B.C. 5th and 6th and Private

Western Union

AgentJs for;

Chartered Bank of India, Austra- Schlieper, Carl, Importers of Build-

ing Materials, Electrical Acces-

lia and China sories, Hardware and Metals—Cable

Blue Funnel Line Ad: Schlieper; Codes: A.B.C. 5th

Hollar Steamship Lines and 6th, Bentley’s Carlowitz anti

Nanyo Yusen Kaisha Ltd. Engineering Code

Lloyd’s London

British-American Tobacco Co.,

(N.-I.) Ltd.

Union Insurance Society of Can- Schmid and Jeandel,

merciale. ExportersCompagnie Com-

of: Drugs,

ton, Ltd. Coffee, Hides, Mother of Pearl,

Commercial Union Assurance Co., Timber, etc.—Cable Ad: Schmi-

. Ltd. darm; Codes: Bentley’s, Acme,

The South British, Insurance Co., Western Union, A.B.C. 5th and 6rh

Ltd. and Liebers

And Other Principal Insur-

ance Companies “Selebes” N.V. AgenTdur en Commis-

siehandel, Importers of Provisions,

Mirandolle Voute & C6., Importers Bicycles, Building Materials and

of Fertilisers, Exporters of General Yarns, etc.—Cable Ad: Agentuur;

Produce—Cable Ad: Mataram; ley’s Codes: A.B.C. 5th and 6th, Bent-

Codes': A.B.C. 5th and Bentley's and Universal Trade


Semarangsche Zee and Brand Assu- Veth’s Handelmaatschappij N.Y.,

rantie Mu. BYKANtooR, Insurance Gebr., Importers of Provisions,

—1, Passerstraat; Teleph. 57; P.O. Cement, Paintsi and Varnishes, Tex-

Box 38; Cable Ad: Samarangscha tiles, Yarns, etc.,; Exporters of

Assurantie; Code • Beiitley’s Coffee, Kapoe, Kapocseeds, Hides,


Importers Handel Mu. Coke;

of Coal and Ind., Skins, Rattan, (Shells, etc.—Cable

Ned. Steve-

dores ; Salvage Contractors and , Gth Ad: Veth; Codes: A.B.C. ,5th and

Owners of Harbour and Seagoing and Bentley’s

Tugs and Lighter Company,—Cable

Ad:, Coal tug; Codes: A.B.C. 5th Wehry &; Cq., George, Importers of

Bentley’s, Mercuur and Scott’s Bicycles, Provisions, Building Mate-

| Nv V. Tels & Co.’s Ha-ndelmaat- 'Crials and Photographic Articles—

schappij, General Importers—Cable 5t)hable and

Ail.: Wehry; Codes: A.B.C.

6th, Bentley’s, Mosse-

Ad: Letels; Codes: Bentley’s, Western Un ion an d P rivate

Acmet andi Western


Borneo Sumatra Handel Mu.. Im- Mohrmann & Co.,!''Handelsvereenig-

porters of Automobiles, Provisions, ing N.V., Importers of Bicycles,

Cigars and Cigarettes, Iron and Provisions, Tobacco, Hardware, etc.

Steel, Chemicals and Drugs etc.’— —Cable Ad: Mohrmann; Codes:

Cable Ad : Borsumy ; Codes : Bent- A.B.C. 5th and 6th Bentley’s and'

ley’s, Acme, Voller’s and Private Mosse

Handels and Cultuur Compagnte Moluksche Handels Vennootschap,

"Noord Celebes” N.V., Exporters Importers of: Automobiles, Provi-

of Copra—Cable Ad : Marmelstein ; sions, Ammunition, Textiles etc.,

Codes: A.B.C. oth apd 6th and Exporters of : Produce—Cable Ad:


Moluksche; Codes: A.B.C. 5th and

Ledeboer & Co., W.B.. General Im- 6th and Bentley’s

porters, Provision Merchants and

General Exports—Cable Ad: Lede- Nederlandsche Cultuur en Handels-

boer: Codes: A.B.C. 5th and 6th. maatschappu, General Importer^—'

Bentley’s Acme and Simplex Cable Ad: Necumy; Codes: A.B.C.

Liem Oei Tiong & Oo.’s Handel Mu 5th and 6th and Bentley’s

N.V., Importiers of Provisions, Reiss & Co. Handelsvereeniging

Asbestos Sheets, Cement, Cigars, v/h, General Importers—Cable Ad:

etc. — Cable Ad: (Liemoeitiorng: Rosmarin; Codes; A.B.C. 5th and

Codes: A.B.C. 5th and 6th and 6th Bentley’s and Private




■ This partofofAcheen

“Government fche • EftstandCoast of the Islandin ofthe Sumatra

its Dependencies north, theis Straits

situatedofbetweenMalacca,the in

south, and the Residency of Sumatra’s West Coast and of Tapanoeli inin the

the east, Indragiri (a part of the Residency of Riouw and its Dependencies) the



ruled by ha body number known of States, each of which,

as the “Inlandsche under consisting

Zelfbestuur”, control ofof the


Sultan, and his “Rijksgrooten”. The country is administered

Assistant-Residents, 19 Controllers (inch Gezaghebbers) and 3 Assistant-Controllers. by a Governor, 6


Tandjung is dispensed

Balei, Tebingby theTinggiCourt ofandJustice at Medan,

Bengkalis, the the Landraad of Medan,of Bindjei,

Residentiegerechten Medan,

Bindjei, Tandjoeng Balei; and Bengkalis,

native Courts or Karapatan. The staple industry of the countrythe Magistrates, the Landgerechten,

is agi’iculture,andand, by

this being dependent upon imported labour (Javanese and Chinese), the labour ques -

tion is carefully guarded by a special ordinances. The employer must house his

people properly,

monthly paymentsprovide them with The

are compulsory. medical attendance

cjuestion and food

of indentured labour whenhassick, and


great attention

for a employed in the

progressiveby decline recent past, resulting in a new Coolie Ordinance which calls

force estates. inAtthetheproportion

end of 1934,of96.38%

contractof thecoolies

labourto was the free.

total labour

of theThePrinces,

supremacy of thehands

in whose Dutchis Government is basedover

left the jurisdiction upontheir


own treaties

subjects with


offar as relate^

land or to theproperty.

landed infliction Landof the;contracts

death penalty

with and banishment,


ruling prince and the concessionaire, are subject to the approval of the Governor. while and between

made the disposal


Mining contracts require the approval of the Governor-General of the Netherland-

Indies. In all the States the Dutch Government has bought the right to. collect the


officials, duties

is at theanddisposal

the ordinary of therevenues. Landand

native rulers revenue, collected

his chiefs. Thebybest,Government,

known, of

the States

the whole is Deli, where tobacco planting was first introduced, and by whichSerdang


and other of.tobaccb-growing

the East .Coast prdistricts,

ovince isaresometimes

! celebrated designated.

throughout Deli,theLangkat,

world for their

fine silky

being tobacco

at once lightleaf, which and

in weight is specially

elastic andsuited

strongfor inthetexture.

outside Next wrappers of cigars,

to tobacco, the

cultivation of rubberin (Hevea

siderably restricted recent years. Brasiliensis)

Therewasare developed

also important thoughplantations

it has beenof con-


palm-oil and;henip. , ■ :

and Very Java.important,

There is,also, also isa the export of fish

considerable fromofBagan

export timberSi Api

fromApi—to Singapore

the islands near

Bengkalis to Singapore. The production of paddy, though considerable; falls short of

the demand by many thousand bags, which are mostly imported from British India

and theofStraits

district PangkalanSettlements.

Brandon. AnThe important oil industry exists in thethenorth of the


brisk tradeMaatschappij.

between Java, Almost the Straits allproduction

necessaries is in thehave

Settlements,bf live


Europe and to beoftheimported,


East Coastand isa

the consequence.

little Medan (Deli),

town,with outtheinresidence

laidschools modern of theand

style, principal civil andbymilitary

administered officials, is aItpleasant

a Municipality. is well

provided and hospitals. In the town five European

—the Javabank. the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, the Nederlandsehe banking corporations

Handels Escompto

Indisch Maatschappij, the Nederlandsch-Indische

Maatschappij—have Handelsbank, isthealsoNederlandsch-

bank. There are two hotels (Hotel de their branches,

Boer and Grand and therea Social

Hotel), one Chinese

Club (Witte

Societeit), Deli Yacht Club, Racing, Golf and Tennis clubs; also numerous houses of

business, Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Malay, Bombay and Tamil shops, etc.


The port of Belawan Deli, at the mouth of theBelawan River, is in coimnunication


givingMedan by road and railway,

algo communication the lines ofPoera

Wo. Tandjoeng whichandextend a long distance

Pangkalan Bfandan upwithcountry,



Koeta (Atcheen)

Penang and,andviato the south viaSiantar,

Pematang TebingtoTinggi,

the westwithwithTandjoeng

Sibolga, Bale!

Fort (Asahan),

de Koek,

Padang, Korintji. Improvements and extensions to the road system are being carried


Poera,by degrees.

TandjoengOtherBalei, important


BaganareSithose of PangkaJan

Api Api and Lahoean Brandan, Tandjoeng

Bilik and Pakan-

baroe. There are Wireless Stations at Medan, Bengkalis and Bagan

Brastagi and Prapat, the former nearly 5,000 feet above the sea level and the latter Si Api-Api.


the shoresandof riding

bathing the Toba

mayLake are popular

be enjoyed. holiday;resorts

At the with modern

last census (1930) the Easthotels

Coast where golf,

of Sumatra

had a population of 1,673,623, M edan being credited with approximately 75,000.


Govbknor’s Office—Medan iController—G. J. Torch

'Governor of the East of Sumatra—Jhr. B. IY Afdeeling Simeloengoen en de

C. C. M. M. van Suchtelen Karolanden, Pematang Siantar

Assistant Resident-—J. Allart Assist. Resident—M. van Rhyn

Secretary—G. W. Fris a. Onderafdeeling Simeloengoen,

Controller^—B. van Duuren

Officer of the General Treasury—F. H. Under the(Pematang

Ass. Res. ofSiantar)

the Department

Zonnevylle Controllers—G. L. Tichel.man and A.

E. M. Meuleman

Administrative Depts. of the Govt, b. Onderafdeeling Karolanden,

of East Coast of Sumatra Controller—P. (Kuban Djahe),

A. Lanting

I. Afdeeling Deli en Serdang, (Medan) Y Afdeeling Bengkaiis (Bengkalis) .

Assist. Resident—F.Beneden

J. Bruggemann Assist. Resident—P. Smit .

■a. Onderafdeeling Deli (Medan) Controller—

'a. Ondefafdeeling Bengkalis,

Controller, M edan—G. M. J. Morsink

h.Geo.Onderafdeeling Bovan Deli (Arnhemia)

Gesaghebber: J. G. Benders Under;the Asst.(Bengkalis)

Resat. 6f the Department

c. Onderafdeeling Serdarig (Loeboek Controller—A. J. M. W. van den Berg

Pakarn) Gerritsen b. Onderafdeeling Siak (Siak Sri


d. Onderafdeeling Padang en Bedagei | Controller—H.Indrapoera)

J. G. Dooratbosch !

(Tebing Tinggi) c. Onderafdeeling Bagen Siapiapi

(Bagan Siapiapi)

Controller—S. Steensma

II. Afdeeling Langkat (Bindjei) ; Coptyoller—J,, C.; C.; Jdarr

Assist. Resident—A. Dirke

a. Onderafdeeling Beheden Langkat i Inspectkur van Financien Medan

Directly under the Assistant Resident Inspecleur van Financien der le kh, Hoofd

Controller (with residence Pangkalan der I nspeedie—\V. P. A. Gelens

Brandan) L. J. Tissing ; Inspecteur van Financien—C. M. F.

h. OnderafdeelingBovenLangkat(Bindjei)

III. Afdeeling Asahan,W.

(Tandjoeng Balei) Braakmalr. ■

Assistant Resident—G. Meindersma ' Adj unct-Iirspecteurs van Financien —

Controller—M. B. Huisman W. A. Struijk, J. J.; M-. Rrockeri H.

a. Onderafdeeling Asahan (Tandjoeng J. Scheffers, H. de Groot

Balei) under the Assist. Resident of the ' Controleur der Belastingen—J. F. Enk-

oroma Cbffie.

(>. department

Onderafdeeling Batoe Bara, (Laboehan


Adjunct'-Ooiitroie«r der Belastingen—

R. R. D. S. Koopmans Stadnitski

Controller-H. B. C. M.. Maal Belastingambtenaar 3e klaase — Mas

c. Onderafdeeling Laboehan Batoe Madakim, Radon Kanafiah, G. von

(Rantau Prapat) Kriegenbefg


Commiezen Harbour Department

Pels, Mej.derL. Belastingen—H.

Krygsman, G. P.F. W.

A. Belawan Harbour

Driessen, Mohamad Ujoezat, H. N. Directedr—A. C: 'Nieuwenhuyzeft Kru-

VIsseL Lim Xian Po seman

Klerkeu—F. B. A. Enkoioma Goffte, Harbourmaster—K. Boeve

Nice Kasido Cassianus, F. F. /on Asst. Harbourmaster—P. van der

Mauw, C. Hoetapea, Tan So'm Meer ;

Koei, Djanan, Alip, Osmansjah, Pangkalan Brandon Harbour

Mohamad Soeoten, Saldino Tampoe-

, bolon, Adenoen. Loeat Hasiboean, Harbourmaster—.!. M. van der Hoeven

Sjarif; Nasoetion, Paidabeng'an, Wl Pangkalan Soesoe

Sitompoel Assist. Harbourmaster —J. P. W.

Beluxtinydebiteurenadminisiratie- Bijmblt

kantoor Asahdn Harbour

Schatkistambtenaar 3e klasse-—R. B. Harbourmaster—H. Greenw

van den Berg

Klerken—Amansjah, Mohamad 1 trd-' Native Courts

coeb, Paringgonan Siregar Medan

Ambtenaren van den dienst der First President—Dr. J. C. Berenschot

Belastingeri, 'geplaatst te: \ Second do. —Dr. W. A. Dumbar

Bengkalis—€h. H. Middleton (Ad- First President—Dr. Bindjei

junct-Controleur der Belastingen) J. B. Kan

Bagan Si Api-api—H. Crawford (Ad- President—Dr,Tandjong Balei

J. van Sckuylenbvirg.

junct-Controleur der Belastingen) Second presdt.—Dr. W. P. Thomas

Pematang Siantar-A. B. C. van Heye

(Adjunct-Oontroleu • der Belastin-

j Tebing Tinggi


Tandjong Balei—N. W. L. van der First President—Dr. H. de Boer

Stok (Adjunct-Cbntroleiir de Bela-- President—Jhr.Kota Dr.


W. C. van den Bran-


Koetaradja—J. W. Abels (Belasting- deler. Langsa

ambtenaar 3e kl.)

Sibolga—F. Hereman (Belastingamb- First President—Dr. J. B. Kan

Bagan Api-Api

tenaar 2e kl.)

Tandjong Pinang—J. Ch. de Preter Magistrate—B. van Duuren

(Adjunct-Controleur der Belastin Goenoeng Sahilan

gen) Magistrate--——

Rengat—A. Samuels (Commies der High President—J.Raad

Court: van Jushihie te Medan

H. Poser

Bela.'jtingen) = Membres—Mrs.

Treasury van Beuervoorde, E.J. R.Klomp

B. N. d. and


W. E.


Treasurers—L. Overdejk Boerhanoeddin Griffier—Miss E. A. Andresen

Bagan Api-Api

Auction Department Magistrate—B. van Duuren.

Superintendent—The Governor Police

Netherlands India Opium Chief Police Officer

Monopoly—Medan ' CULTUURRAAD

Inspector—F. H. R. Delachaux President—The Governor

Medical Department Secretary—Mr. C. Nicolai

Civil Medical Officer—J. C. A. Ultee Hoofd-Ingenieur van den Localen

Waterstaat—Ir. G. A. L. Statius-Muller

Military Department Inspecteurs van den Localen Water-

staat—Ir. J. G. Frowein en Ir. G.

Commander—Jhr. W. Boreel E. Bekkefing


Municipality Labour Inspection

Medan Inspr. Ist cl,—H.W.A.A. Mertens (Medan)

Burgomaster—G. Pitlo

Secretary—L. J. Winckel

Surveyor—G. JansenWorks, Building and Administration

Director of Public

of Finances of the

Native States

Housing Inspection—Ir. W. van Onunen Director—A. S. L. Spoor (assist, resident)

Director of the Municipality Hospital Administrator—B. G. Groeneveld

—Dr. A. A. Messing Secretary—J. G. van Essel

Administratis Kantoor Kamerlingh Ir. C. P. M. Frijlinck, J. A. H.

Onnes N. V.—19. 21, 23,25, Huttenbach- Giezen, J. C. D. Groot, H. Har-

straat, Medan; Telephs. 101 and 121; dus, J. P. F. G. Heydeman, R.

Cable Ad: Onnes; Codes: A.B.C. 5th and A. C. van den Hoek, E. Jakob-

6th edns., Mercuur

BroomhalTs, Bentley’s 3rd edn., Lieber’s, sen, Ir. P. II. de Jong, A. van

der Kaay, G. Kerkhof, G. Keu-


V, Assurantiekantoor van Blaad- ter, F. J. Klein, Th. H. F. Kok,

& Michelsen, Insurance—Kesa- J. J. Knaud, H. G. Kotkman,

wan, Medan: Teleph. 604; Cable Ad: M. Kwadijk, O. M. hammerts

Blaamichel; Code Bentley’s van Bueren, M. H. L. Lefebre,

Bluntschlt, H. C., General Agent—Pakan C. F. Th. van Lingen, G. V.

Baroe, Sumatra East Coast Logeman, J. S. G. Loncke, Th.

G. I. van Looy, Dr. F. H. van

Borneo Sumatra Handel Maatschappij der Maarel, Ir. W. Maas Geeste-

J. C. Worp, superintendent^ ' ranus,. W. H. Marinus, Dr. H.

A. A. Luijl, manager Meyer, Dr. J. A. Middendorp,

M. R. K. Mittman, D. E Mor-

British Benevolent Fund gan, Ir. A. van Noartwijk, ft.

Hon. Secretary and Treasurer— Oswald, J. A. Overtoom, W. van

A. A. Ritchie; c/o Chartered Bank Rayestijn, H. Renes, H. Roepaer,

A. J. J. Roozenbui’g, Mej. F. M.

•Chartered Bank of India, Australia P. Rucker, A. H. Rupp, W. C.

and China

Durian (Medan Agency)—Cable Ad: A. Sandertis, W. Schouten, W.

A. A. Ritchie, agent C. J. Siorhuis, J. C. Simon is,

J.A. C.M.Kyle, accountant W. Simqns, R. H. M. Slinger,

Kittles, sub-accountant G. Slotbdom, W. van der Sluis,

J. G. Sellar, do. J. Slfiits; W. Spedefhbizen, G.

A. Sombeefc, Ir. J. Spoel, R. J.

Civil Aviation (Koninklyke Nedei- Springintveld, J. M. i B. Staf,

landsch Ihdische Luchtvaart .Maats- H. .Stravers, Ir. P. Suter. G. J.

chappij) Timnier,, Ir. P. M. J. Timp, Dr.

P. Th. C., van Adrichem, R. Atot, 'S. W. Tromp, A. A. Trouwborst,

Dr. G. F. F. Ave Lallemant, G. Uitenbroek, D. Ueenstra, W.

M. L. Beckman Lapre, J. M. Yermaesen, Ir. A. Yerstege* J.

Banker, J. C. E. Beusekom van, Verton,. F. .de Vries,!, 1. K. de

K.T C. Boer, Ir. H. M: Boers, Vries, J. Ph. van der, Wait, L.

W . H. H. Bogaert van den, A. M. Wesdorp and„C. Wenneulen.

van den Bosch, W. J. J. A. van

den Bosch, J. Bouman, Dr. Ir. CONSULATES

R. J. A. Brandes de Roos, J. W. Belgium—Consulate (Medan)

de Bruyn, A. G. Buys, HCBuys,. M. Lemye

R. F. ten Cate, H. J. V. Coester,

E. B. van Dam, M. Dekker. Ir. China—Consulate at Medan;

H. van Diermen, H. Pi G. van

Dijk, Zr. A. M. Eigeman,.G. J. Consul—Tienmai C. HuangDeli(for E.

Elmers, Drs. J.T D. Emeis, Ir. Coast

and Riouw) Atjeh, Tapanoeli


A. J. Elite, W . J. H. Eradus, Eleve-Consul—Niu Shu Chun

0. L. H. van Erkom, A. Faubel, Secretary—Chew Yim Choo


France Boorterrein Perlak

, Consular Agent — A. D. van Buren P. J. Ausems, A. W. de Beyer, F.

Scheie J. van den Bosch, Ir. B. A.

Geerlings, Ir. A. J. de Jager,

Germany—Esplanade, Medan B. J. H. Sibbing, J. F. J. Spoor,

Acting Consul—E. Dolhnann Chr. Wezepoel, Ir. J. J. J. van

Wiechen and J. D. Ykelenst-am

Boorterrein Leuboe

Great Britain K. Cordia, A. B. Flament, R. J.

Consul —H. BruceMcQueen

Henderson Heuker, J. J. Houthuyse, W.

Vice-Consul—J. Roelfs and H. Tulp

Pro-Consul—H. Gillespie Soengei Lipoet

J. Band


E. Cl Sumatra — Consulate at Medan Logeehuis Brastagi

Merr. P. Hirsch

United States of America—Medan “De(Medan

Handelsvereenigino te Medan’"

Chamber of Commerce)—

Consul—Sidney H. Browpe Nienhuysweg hoek Pachtstraat, Me-

Vice-Consul—Wm. Du B. Thorne dan; Telephs. 4 en 25; Codes: A.B.

C. 5th and 6th edns., Bentley, Mer-

DeBataafsche Petroleum Maatscharpij cuur, Liebers Western Union

Pangkalan Brandan Members of the Board—L. D:

P. M. de Boer, administrateur Termijtelen (president), W. J.

va i den Bergh (secretary), C. F.

Cable Addresses: “Aera,” Medan, van Aken, W. P. Brand, A. A.

Palembang, Batavia, Bandoeng, Cohrs, B. Harkink, C. J. Jacobs,

Semarang, Soerabaja and Sin- D. H. de Jong, A. Kronberg, J.

gapore; “Epm,” Pakan Baroe; McQueen, D. P. van Meerten,.

'Reprise Denpasser,” Bali Ir. A. Baron van Styrum

Etablissement Pangkalan Soesoe

J; ler,

J. A.P. I.C. Crooy, Ebbe- DeandJavasche

J. W. W.C. Helm, Bank (Agents: Hongkong


H. J. Henkes, J. O. van Heuven and CableShanghai BankingCodes:

Ad: Delegatie: Corporation)—


van Staereling, J. H. Lubbers, Bentley’s

Medan Agency

Th. Pinchetti, M. H. van der L. D-Radja Termijteleri,


G. J. and H, Wachem

W. A. Versnel and Koeta Agencyagent

Boor ter rein Aroebaai J. Rens, agent

Tandjong Bale! Agency

G. W. Drenthen, (Dj. Rajeu), I. A. F. Ohlenschlager,

Padang Agency agent

Groenenberg, I. van Oeveren, C. R. W. G. B.Agency R, Wagner, agent

W. van der Sluis, (Gebang), Ir. Palembang

A. G. G. Schot and A. C. Zandee J. Z. Mewe, agent

Boorterrein Gebang

J. A. J. Beune, H. van Heuven. A. “ De Sumatra Post,’’ Daily Newspaper—

Tuitert and J. A. Willems Cable Ad: Sumatrapost, Medan; Codes:

Boorterrein Serang Djaja

H. P. N. Blokzijl, A. B. Frinking, A.B.C. phrase code

6th edn. and Bentley’s complete

A. Heynekamp and J. H. L. van Varekamp A Co., proprietors

Wijk, Deli Experiment Station Staff

Boorterrein Bantau J. C. van der Meer Mohr, director.

J. Bogaert, J. Brandenburg, Dr.

J. A. Cochrane, Ir. C. D. Door-

nik, H. Kluun, G. Ligthart, L, C.Ir.Entomologist

H.J. van

ten Cate, secretary

der Poel, agriculturist

J. van der Maas, I. C. Neubron- Dr. J. H. Druff, agrogeologist

ner, Ir. H. J. M. W. de Quartel Dr. H. G. ven der Weij, botanist

J. Zipp and Y. Zwang A. Siregar, analyst


Deli Spoorweg Maatschappij (Deli A. H. deJong j M. Ph. van

Railway Co.)—Medan' Deli ; Tele'ph. J. D. H. Kuyp ; Bronkhorst

32; Cable Ad: Delispdor, Medan, P. Hartmans

W. van Enter |i P.S. vanWolsder Meer

Code: Mercuur 5th edn. L. van den Berg ; van der Wei

Direction in Europe—.Deli Spoorv/eg G. F. Westerburger

Maatschappij (Heer.engracht 1G4,

Amsterdam C.) i

Chairmen—Herbert Cremer, Ir. G. C. Harrisons Lloyd’s Agents

& Crosfield, Ltd., Merchants,

and Estate

M. Smits, Ir. E. C. W. van Dyh, Juliana

R. E. Kielstra and C. J. van Kempen Huis, Medan; Teleph.Agents—

200 (5

Director—Mr. B. H. A. van Kreel lines) ; Cable Ad : Harrieros, Medan;

Codes: Bentley’s-, Second Phrase,

(Amsterdam) Broomhall’s

^Secretary —• M. W. H. Werker cuur,

(Amsterdam) A.B.C. (Rubber

5th edn., edit.),Western


Local Directors—J. H. Bitters, Dr. Head Union 5-letter edn. and5 Private.

H. Kolkman and G. Pitlo Office:Tower

1-4, Great Harrisons

Street,& Crosheld, Ld.,

London, E.C.

Ir.Ir. A.A. Baron

H. vanvanAssen,

Sty rum,supt.


mgr. Branches: Bandoeng, Batavia, Calcutta,

and works). Calicut; Colombo, Medan, Montreal,

Ir. R. Everwijn loco. supt. Quilon and Toronto

J.Ir.J.A.Kok, J. McQueen, Manager



(traffic and trade) i Estates Department

W. Thomson


W. T.K.Thompson

Muriro Ij A.S. McClure



Ch. ivanCo.,Dongen,

E., Import Merchants

manager: ; Finance and Accounts Department

R. Geels A. Logan I R. J. Selby

E. W. Carolin | H. Gillespie

Eastern Extension, Australasia & China Insurance T. C. Shedden

Departmentj C. G. Malcolm

Telegraph Co., Ltd. (Associated with j C. Eikens


Teleph.and130;Wireless Ltd.)—Medan,

Cable Ad: Eastern Deli; ! Import Department

F. K.A.G.Moes

van Leeuwen | H. G. Kromsigt

J. M.G. G.LawCalder,

rie, manager

assistant . Shipping Department

A. C. Weeda

Guthrie & Co., Ltd. (Established 1821), i

Merchants—46, Oudemarkt, Medan; j A.G. H.

H. W.



Telephs. 367 8; Cable Ad: Guthrie;! Procuration

A. Logan HoldersI A.C. Weeda p

Codes: Bentley’s, Complete Phrase and W. Thomson | F. A. Maes


E. Hardman, 2nd Phrase manager Belawan Sub-brancb

N. W. Taylor J. E. Hendriksen

T. van Loo

Tandjong Balei Sub-branch

Kd Y. Handel Maatschappy Ghntzel and | Siantar L. L. A.Sub-branch


Schumacher, Import, Export, Shipping |

and Insurance— Medan, Deli; Codes: | Immigrants’ Asylum—Medan Boolweg 23;

A.B.C. 5th and 6th edns., Bentley’s, ' Teleph. 6

Private and Acme. Head Office: Medan.

Branches: Padang, Siboga, Singapore, | President—J. Secretary—G. H.vanBitters

der Veen

Batavia, Sourabaya, Semarang, Medical Officer—Dr.

Amsterdam and Hamburg Manager—O. Maas E. Snethlage

C. F. Schwaner

FT. Y. Handel Maatschappij, v/h Jaissle & Co., Otto, Importers of

Van Nie & Co., Import Merchants— Clocks, Watches, Jewellery, Gold


Codes: A.B.C.Medan; 5th & 6thCable Ad:Bentley’s

edns., Vannie, and Silver Ware, Siverplated Ware,

Complete Phrase, Rudolf Mosse Fountain Pens and Pencils, Novel-

and ties—Medan-Deli,

Mercuur Medan; P.O. Box

D. P. van Meerten, director 7; Cable Ad: Jaissle: Head Office:

A. D. van Buren Scheie, procurator Batavia



—Medan, Pangkalap Brandah; Bela wan;

McAuLit’FE, Davis & Hope — Nillmij Cable Ad: Antonroos; Codes: A.B.C.

Building, Medan; Teleph. 941; Cable Ad: 4th and 5th edhs. and Bentley’s


Broomhall’s Medan; Codes: Bentley’s and Samaraxgsche Zee-en Brand-Assuran-

Sir H. T. Rubber edn. f.c.a., partner Titi MAATSCHAPPir—Head

McAnliffe, rang. Cable

Office: Sama-

Ad: Soerabaia,



F. (London)

H. Grumittj A.c.A., partner (Penang) OfficesBatavia,

at Medan,

Makassar, Amsterdam ancL

A. Dobson, a.s.a.a., do. (Singapore) Sydeny

H. E. Collins, a.c.a., do. (Penang) F. van Otthn, manager

C. Grumitt, a.c.a., do. ( do. ’ )

G. A. Murphy, A;C. a.,assistant (signs Society of Assistants in Deli—

A. the

M. firm)

Griffith, a.c.a., assistant Coenstraat 3

President—J. Batteljee

, S. Lee, a.c.a., do. Secy.. Treas. and Editor of the Paper

Liyudon Fibril and Branches . —H. J- de Ruyter

Consuls—A. H. Colijn, J. van den

McAuliffe, Davis it Hope, Chartered Ende and L. van Es


don, E.C. 2;80, Bishopsgate,

and at Penang, Lon- Fortnightly Paper: De Planter

Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Ba- Vareka.me it Co., Printers, Publishers^.

tavia, Soerabaya Paris, Barce- Bookbinders, Booksellers and Stationers,

lona, Madrid, New York, Rio- Publishers of the Daily Newspaper “De

ue-Janeiro, Sao. Paulo, Santos, Sumatra Post”—Medan, East Coast,

Para, Buenos Ayres and 'Colom- Sumatra; Code: A.B.C. 6th

bo ' . J.E. Yarekamp,

G. Leffelaar,manager

assist, manager

NederLaxdSch Txdiscuk Handel,sbank Nederlandsch-Indische

Nederlandsche Handel Mij.

Escompto Mij.

N.Y.—Medan; Cable Ad: Handelbank A. P. A. A. Besnard

J. Ch.

Franse, agent P. Vrijdal G.

J. Palstra, accountant

J.D. A.Broekhuizen

M. van Harencarspel J.H. J.Duinker

van Dillen MissN. R.Nagel




S. M. Buse Holtzapffel

C. Asbeck Brusse-

Nederlaxdsche Handel Maatschappij,

N. V. (Netherlands Trading Society), J. Keppler G. Mann

Bankers—Telephs. 1674; Cable Ad: Waugh

Trading A- T. M. Hancock, manager

Classified, List of Agents, Merchants

and Manafactnrers in this

territory, also a List of Cattle

Addresses, will be fonnd at the

End of the Directory. Classified

List of Far Eastern Engineering

Firms follows Hong Fong.

„ Philippine i









The Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank Ltd.








Capital paid up $5,000,000.00

Reserves $7,500,000.00


6, Queens Road, Central

Telegraphic Address: TELEPHONE :



Named in honour of Philip II, King of Spain

rosaryTheof3 Philippine Islands

glowing islands thathave


has picturesquely

hung about thedescribed

heaving bosomas ‘a ofmagnificent

the warm

Pacific. The archipelago is bounded on the north and west by the China Sea, on the


area by the

is 115.000Pacific Ocean,

square square and on

miles, while the south by the Celebes and Sulu Seas. Thetreaty


boundaries is 833,000 miles, the

whichlandis and sea than

greater area embracecl

the land and within

waterthearea of

Great Britain and Ireland. The Philippines extend, from North to South between 5

and 22 North Latitude, and from East to West between 117 and

or approximately 1200 miles from North to South, and 700 miles from East to West, 127 East Longitude,

Area and Population

The total area of the Philippine Islands is 114,400 square miles. This is larger

than the states of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware put together.

The Philippine Archipelago is composed of 7,083 islands, of which 2,441 are’ named



than are not. Thfere

1,000‘square miles.areLuzon

11 important islands,

has an'area each ofsquare

of 40,614 whichmiles;

has anMindanao

area of

38,012; Samar, 5,124; Negros, 4,903; Palawan, 4,500; Panay, 4,448; Mindoro, 3,794; Leyte

2,799 ; Cebu, 1,695; Bohol, 1,534; arid Masbate, 1,255.

The Archipelago is^ divided into three great groups of islands designated as

Luzon, the Yisayas, and Mindanao. Luzon includes the provinces of Abra, Albay,

Bataan, Batangas, Bulacan, Cagayan, Camarines Norte, Camarines Sur, Cavite, Ilocos


Nueva Ilocos Vizcaya,Sur,Pampanga,

Isabela, Laguna,

Pangasinan,La Union, Mountain Province,

Rizal, Sorsogon, Nueva Ecija,

Tarlac, Tayabas and

Zambales, and the island-provinces of-Batanes, Marinduque, Masbate and Mindoro.

The second group, the Visayas, is made up of the provinces

and Iloilo, on the island of Panay; Occidental Negros and Oriental Negros, on the of Antique, Capiz


Samar ofandNegros; and theTheindividual

Palawan third group,island-provinces

Mindanao, isof made

Bohol,upCebu, Leyte,

of the Boinblon,of


Agusan, Bukidnon, Cotabato, Davao, Lanao, Misamis, Surigao, Zamboanga, and a

cluster of islands forming the province of Sulu.

According to the last Philippine. Census in 1918 the population was ,10,314,319, but

by 1935. thedescent,

European total hadtheexceeded 13,000,000

rest Indians), 8000 including

Americans,, about


British subjects (600 of

80,000 Chinesq,

20,000 Japanese and 3800 other foreign nationals. The Filipinos are chiefly of Malay

race and over.91: per cent are Christians (mainly Roman Catholics).

About half the remainder are‘Mohariimedans. (in the south) and the other half


Physical Features and Climate

The coastline

Plain, theandCagayan includes manyValleys

fertile coastal plains. Central

Added to theseof are the and


Agusan Cotabatoand Bicol

Valleys of Mindanao.of Luzon;

Mosttheof the largePlain

islands Panay;

are crossed the


well-defined ranges, running, as a rule, in a north and south direction; Mount Apo, in

south-eastern Mindanao, is the highest peak, with an altitude of 9,610 feet.

The part of the archipelago north of the islands of Mindanao and Sulu comes

within the typhoon area and violent • storms are of frequent occurrence during the

rainy season July to September inclusive.

The climate in the lowlands is’tropical, but compared with most other tropical

countries it is neither unhealthful nor unpleasantly Hot, even to people born in the


temperate climates. At certain seasons of the year humidity in the atmosphere makes-

the heat trying, but the thermometer seldom registers the temperatures not uncom-


Moreover experienced

the periodsinofNew extremeYork,heatWashington,

and extremeor humidity,

Tokyo in the height

in the of summer.

Philippines, do

not coincide. ? The hot and dry season occurs in the greater part of the islands during

the period March to May, while the heavy rains fall between June and September.


stroke is soinrare


as tothebe heat

almostin unheard

most partsof. of Duethe toislands

the factis that


islands and

are sun-


stantly fanned by refreshing sea breezes, the nights

altitudes the climate is temperate, and at times wintry. At the mountain resort are pleasantly cool. In the higherof

ofBaguio, 180 miles north

most homesides duringof Manila,

the greaterlog fires

part are to beyear.

of the found burning in the living rooms

The northern part of the archipelago lies within the typhoon area, and violent

storms whichsweep

infrequently usuallyoverhavethetheir originleaving

islands in thedestruction

Pacific; eastinof their

the Philippines

wake. Timely not

warning of the approach of a typhoon is invariably published by the Weather


unnecessary of Manila,

loss of lifeso andthatdestruction

every possible precaution may be taken to prevent

of property.

The islands are at times subject to great seismic and volcanic activity. Of the



which isinanthe province

almost perfectofcone.

Albay,This is noteworthy becauseforth

volcano has broken of itsin


of 1900 lav$eruption

flowed from on several

its crateroccasions

to the sea,within recentofyears.

a distance nearly ten During

miles.theIn January,


1911, Taalburst

Manila, Volcano,

forth on witha small


violence,in the middlegreat

causing of loss

LakeofTaal, 40 miles

life and south ofa



Mindanao, villages.

Claro Other important

Babuan on a small active


north ofareLuzon,

Canlaon and inCatarman

Negros, Apo on th.einof

island of Camiguin. This volcano made its first appearance in 1856 as a column

smoke between two rocks. In the following year it underwent violent eruption,


nearly allbytheearthquakes,

islands of theandarchipelago

by 1860 itextinct had attained

volcanoesanexist. elevation of 700 feet.. In


The Bureau of Health is the Government branch in charge of enforcing measures

and promulgating rules and regulation for the promotion and protection of public

health and

extends to all. forthegeneral



towns of general sanitary conditions. Its jurisdiction

been noticeable healthand barrios

improvement of the

all Islands. Due to its during

over the archipelago work, there has

the past

two decades and the people of the Philippines are beginning

of a well-organized and nation-wide system of sanitation. The old attitude of distrust to realize the advantages


all their sanitary

energies towardrules in promoting

the countrythehasgospel disappeared;

of dean the andpeople




are fast increasing throughout the Islands, and every day they are gaining ground in

the estimation

among of theispeople.

the hospitals' In Manila,

the Philippine the largest

General Hospital.andThere one ofarethe10 most up-to-date

hospitals in the

city of Manila and 21 in the provinces. Activities

are looked after by the Bureau of Public Welfare. The Board of Pharmacquticat related to child welfare in general

Examiners and Inspectors has the immediate supervision and control of all pharmacies,


Philippines dispensaries and similar establishments, both private and public, in the

be lowerThe death

than theratedeath amongratetheinEuropean

New YorkandorAmerican Chicago. residents

This may of Manila is saidfor,to

be accounted


the islands until they have reached adult age, and they almost invariably return toin

by the fact that a majority of such residents do not establish themselves

their morethetemperate

rule, only physicallyhomeland as they

fit venture approach

to leave their ownthe country

decliningforyears. Moreover,

the purpose as a

of carving

out careers for themselves overseas. Ideal health resoids are found in the highlands,


Baguio ofin Lakethe Mountain

Lanao, inProvince,

Mindanao.(5000The feetmedicinal

above sea qualities

level), andofthethesettlenients

waters of

Sibul Springs, Los Banos, Klondyke’s

mineral springs,,are known to be of great value. (on the Benguet) road, and many other hot or



In his trip around the world, Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese, _ in the service

of Spain, discovered the Philippine Islands on March 16th, 1521. Spain, claiming the

i country,

founded the colonized it in 1565,

first Spanish when Legaspi,

settlement in Cebu.theThe hrstcityGovernor

of Manila of the

was Philippines,

founded on

June 24th, 157.1.

1 The

between early history of the Philippines' is a record of continual trouble. Conflicts

Portugal theandcivil and ecclesiastical

the Netherlands covetedauthorities-led to internal

these rich possessions andcontentions,

harassed thewhile, both



by 1606 the Dutch

the Spanish fleet.blockaded

Attacksthewere portsalsowith

madefiveatships, whichpoints

different were,byhowever,



piratical fleets. The most celebrated of these was the invasion by Li Ma Hong, who

with 2,000 and

Spaniards mennatives,

landed underat Manila in 1574, butof Juan

the leadership was defeated

de Salcedo. and Indriven

1762 the out capital

by the

was taken by the English, the private property of the inhabitants being saved from

; plunder

was paidonin the moneycondition

and theof other

the payment of a upon

half in bills ransomtheofSpanish £1,000,000, half of Inwhich

Treasury. the

meantime, however, peace had been concluded, and the islands were restored to

Spain, payment of the balance of the indemnity not being insisted upon.

I The Filipinos were given representation in the Spanish Cortes in 1810. The

\ galleon trade instituted by the Spanish Govermpent ending in 1815. The port of

s| ManilaCanal

Suez was opened

in 1669, todirect

the commerce

mail serviceof with

the world

Spain inwas1830. With theandopening

inaugurated railroadsofyoke



! telegraphs were introduced into the Islands. Attempts to throw oft’the Spanish

were made in 1822, 1841, 1842, 1872 and 1896. On June 12th, 1897, Philippine Inde-


Upon the was outbreak proclaimed in Cavite^

of hostilities betweenand thethe Philippine

United States flag and

was Spain

officiallyin unfurled.

1898, the

insurgents offered to co-operate with the former. The offer was accepted with the

result that while the Americans took and held the

overthrew Spanish authority throughout the remainder of the Island of Luzon and city of Manila, the Insurgents

established a government Of their own with General Aguinaldo as Dictator. Com-

; modore Dewey sank the Spanish squadron in Manila Bay on May 1st, 1898. The

• Philippine

providing forRepublic

the cessionwas ofestablished on January to23rd, 1899. The Treatywasofratified


by the Senate of the UnitedtheStates

Philippine Islands 6th,

on February the1899.United CivilStates,

government was


inaugurated inon the

OctoberIslands16th,on 1907.

July On 4th, August

1901. The 29th first1916Philippine

the Assembly

Philippine was


Act, commonly known as the Jones Law, came into force, establishing a System of

“ government which continued until November 15th 1935. Under this Act the Chief


and was thetheGovernor-General,

representing sovereign appointed by the President of him

the United theStates

Governor, also appointed by thepower of thewho,

President, United States.

in addition toUnder

assuming was Vice-

the functions


the! Governor-General

of Public Instruction. There were six other executive departments, eachof

during the latter’s absence, held the appointment

under a Secretary.

a House of Representatives The legislative

of 93 branch



a SChatebyofpopular 24 members and


From the time of the enactment of the Jones Law there was a progressive increase of

i Filipino remained.

Officials participation in the administration, so that by 1935 very few American

i Government

On March 24th 1934 an Act

the complete independence of the Philippine of the Congress of the.(commonly

Islands United States called providing

the Tydings- for

McDuffie Act) came into force. Under this law the Philippine Legislature was

authorised to arrange for the drafting of a Constitution, which, after approval by the


people. of . the Unitedelection States,of was to be submitted to a plebiscite of betheheld,


upon proclamation byanthe PresidentOfficers

of theofUnited

the new government

States, they werewastototake overand,



States was to continue until July 4th following the expiration of a period of tenUnited

and functions of the existing government. The sovereignty of the years

from the date of the inauguration df the new government.


A Constitutional Convention

a Constitution, which in due course was wasappointed

approved and byon the February

President 8thof1035

the adopted



when and accepted

Mr. ofManuel by the people.

Quezon Commonwealth. Elections

was elected President, were held on September 17th Vice-


President the Philippine At the and sameMr.timeSergiowere Osmena

chosen the 98

members of the unicameraL National Assembly which was to replace the existing

bicameral Legislature. The inauguration of the Commonwealth Government took

place on November 15th 1935 by proclamation of the President of the United States.

The Constitution provides for a republican form of government, and contains a

Bill of Bights, setting forth certain fundamental safeguards of individual liberty,

which show the influence of Anglo-Saxon ideas. The suffrage is accorded to all


women if,male citizens

within two over


yearstheof adoption

age and provision is made fornotitslessextension

of the Constitution, than 300,-to

■000 women possessing the necessary qualifications shall vote affirmatively on the


members Legislative

(initially power

98; toLanao is vested

be chosen in athree

every National Assembly of not more except

than 120

the provinces of Sulu, and Cotabato. Theyears,heads byof the

popular election

executive departments in

are not members, but they may, either upon their own initiative or upon request by



departments. appear before and be power heard by that body, in aonPresident,

any matter pertaining to

election for a term of,Thesix executive

years, who may isnotvested be re-elected for thechosen by direct

following term.

He has control of all the departments of the administration and appoints their heads

iswith the consent bf theofCommission

commander-in-chief on Appointments

the armed forces and possessesof the the power

National; Assembly.

to grant He


and pardons. .

The judicialJustices

ten Associate power and .is vested in a Supreme

in Courts of FirstCourt Instance composed of a Chief

established Justice

in the and


judicial districts. During the Commonwealth period decisions of the Philippine courts

are subject to review by the Supreme Court of the United States.

The, ofTydings-McDuflie

citizens t'ho: Philippine IslandsAct provides

shall owethatallegiance

during theto Commonwealth

tlie United States period all

and all


During the

the States, government

same period shall

foreign make

affairs an oath

are under , of allegiance

the direct to

supervisionthe United States.

and control

the United and acts of the National Assembly relating to currency, coinage,of

imports, exports and immigration must receive the approval of the President of the

High. Commissioner, who has access to; all government records, and may obtainStates

United States. The President of the United States is represented by a United from


Act Chief


for the ofintervention

the Phi'ippines

of theany Highinformation

Commissioner .whichin hetheshall request.

financial affairsTheof

the country under certain circumstances, and directs

port, and any other reports which may be required, to the President and Congressthat he shall make an annual re-

•of. the/United

accordance States. Other duties and functions may be delegated to him, in

Governmentwith the AcQ byto appoint

is .empowered the President

a I^sideM of the United States.

Commissioner to.the The



who shall have a; seat in the House Bepresentatives of the United States,, with the

right of debate but without the right of voting.

The United States may, by Presidential proclamation, exercise the right to inter-

vene for the preservation

the constitution, and for ofthetheprotection

Government of life,andproperty,

for its andmaintenance

individualas liberty,


for the discharge of government obligations under the constitution.

Education and Literacy

cipal Public

aim iseducation

to make in the

the Philippines

people sociallyisonproficient.

free, secularAsanda means co-educational, and emphasis

the prin-

is placed upon the spread of literacy the basis of a commonto language—-English.

this end,

The Bureau of Education maintains a complete system of public education. Public

elementary and high are schools are distributed throughoutof the Islands. Insular schools


special education

every year and maintained.

now exeedsTheoneenrolment

million. Private students in thepatterned

schools, public schools


the publicup schools,

sprung in the besides

Philippines the old

in Spanish schoolsThe

recent years. and enrolment

colleges which still survive,

in private schoolhave



; colleges is around 115,000. Those schools offer primary, intermediate,

collegiate, technical and vocation courses, and.chine under the supervision of the secondary,

1 Department,of Public Instruction. Practically all these offer instruction in English,

and even the old Spanish schools and colleges have English as the medium of instruc-

| institutions

tion. Upon .graduating

of learning,from among the which

high schools,

are thethe University

students areofadmitted to higher

the Philippines,


1 established and maintained by the Philippine .government , the University of iSanto

Tomas, the Colegio.de.Sian Juan de Latran, the National University, and the University

of Manila.

English and Spanish are both used *rs official languages and .are . widely spoken in

| namely,the Islands. There areVisayan,

the Tagalog, six established nativePangasinan

Ilocano, Bicol, dialects with

and some printed literature*


Not including the various dialects of the Mohammedans of Mindanao and Sulu,.

' or of the Mountain tribes,.of Northern Luzon, or of various tribes of Pajan's.'

Ageicxtltuke and Minerals

Cane'Sugar is by far the most important product of the Islands. Extensive areas

f ofLeyte, caneand aremodern

under cultivation in Negros,

mills and refineries havePanay, Central Luzon,

been established, Cebu, years,

in recent Mindanao.and

in thees


The Philippine

> domestic agricultural Islands is anforagricultural country. Theapproximately

people depend chieflycent. on

of the total exports ofproducts

the Islands their

is madelivelihood,

up of toeandproduce of the farms.88 per The soil

'!i is fertile to a degree, being for the most part volcanic in origin and exceedingly rich hi

i all varieties of sedimentary deposits. The total area of cultivated lands in the Philip-

: pines at the present time is estimated at 6,296,178 hectares, or 20 per cent, of the

entire area of the country.

Rice is the staple food-product of the inhabitants of the Islands. It is their most

i widely hectares.cultivated crop, quantities

Considerable The area ofdevoted to itshowever,

this, cereal, cultivationareisstillnearly two million

imported, chiefly

; from French Indo-China. Through the efforts of the Bureau of Plant industry local

farmers are realizing the advantages of scientific methods in rice farming. Seed

selection is given due emphasis. Several irrigation systems

' more are in process of construction, and others are being projected. This is bound are now completed, manyin

f the near future to do away with the ravages of droughts,

occurrence, and at the same time make feasible the growing of two or three crops a which are of periodical

j, year in theduericeattention

receiving sections from

of thethearchipelago.

GovernmentThe andextension

the local offarmers.

cultivated areas is also-

Manila hemp, which the Philippines supplies to the world as first-class cordage

material, is produced from the leaf stalks of the Abaca plant thriving extensively in

I the Islands only. The fibre is also used for making binder twine, and from the old

| disintegrated Manila ropes is made the well-known and much-used Manila paper. In

I the Philippines,

making of baskets,Abaca fibre ismats

slippers, extensively

and otherusedarticles,

in thethemanufacture

fibre has ofbeen cloth,triedinwith


excellent results. Within the last few years a very important use for the fibre has

, been found in the manufacture of hats.

Coconut palms are grown extensively and copra and vegetable oil constitute a

t considerable source ofriver,

especially of Cagayan wealth.

and isTobacco

exportedis togrown

the successfully

United Statesin and the fertile

Spain valleys

in the

• form of Cigars and leaf tobacco. The best and choicest class is raised in the provinces

of Cagayan and Isabela in northern Luzon.

Sugar-cane thrives very well, principally in the island of Negros. The most

!'., noteworthy

the numberfeature of sugaror sugar-cane growing

centrals during andyears.

recent sugar manufacturing

The extension isofthe theincrease


area and the introduction of tractors and other farm machinery of good varieties, use

I <>f fertilizers and proper culture have largely brought about the increase in production.



other crops

.cacao, with greatpeanut,

cassava, agricultural possibilities

vegetables and fruits.are maguey, sisal, corn,as


f an agricultural pursuit is also very promising.


Gold continues to be

Its production has been increasing the baromete'r

annually of mining activities

until inhas theintotal

1935placed the Philippine

has Islands:


fourth greatest^O,OO0^pO pesos. area

gold producing This production

under the United the output

States flag. Philippines reached

as the

In Quarts touring,

the Benguet and Masbate districts have been consistent producers for a number of

years. At present the Benguet district produces about 95% of the total output of gold.

The three greet

solidated, producingandmines

the Balatoc, the inTtogon


bf theirallimportance

of which are are located'in

the Benguet Con-


but about eight others are now in regular production.

No .silver mining is dope in the islands, but silVef is produced as a By-prOdUct of

gold mining, f^niall ‘quantity of platinum is also recovered in connection with placer


The native furnaces of Bulacan continue to be the only source of iron'production.


pushed to the ofpoint

the ofchromite depositsOtfyer

production. in Camarines

■metallicoftSur and riambalesofareconsideration

deposits now being

are the copper of Mankayan and Suyoc; chromite Zambalesworthyand Pangasinan; iron

of Surigao and Calambayanga Island; manganese of Ilocos Norte and Masbate; and

lead and zinc of Masbate and Marinduque.

Coal is beirig'produced from Cebu, Mindanao arid Batah. Two'cemfeht plants, ohe

inandCebu and another

for domestic in Binangonan,

consumption Kizal, manufacture

Lime factories in Rizal, TayabasPortlandand cement




is beingandcarried

slack lime

out infortheuse Bondoc

in sugarpeninsula


other places.drilling Smallforquantity



phosphatic rock rock areof Leyte is nowproduced

also being being mined from thefor road construction.

deposits.of Guano and

Capiz, Pangasinan,

Tayabas and other provinces.^



of aboutforests

-65,4^6aresq.found in qllor the57.21principal

miles, per cent,islands

of theof the


area. Notcovering

less thanan


timber aresq. miles

in used are

the w;orld, commercial

especially forests.

for cabinetandwork.These forests Contain some of the finest

family as Substitute for mahogany are soldMany speciesmarkets

in foreign of the asDipterocarp


mahogany. Minor forest products such as rattan, oils, copal gum, tfcnbark, dyebark,

and dyewood are abundant.

The Government owns more than 99 per cent, of all the standing timber of the


are not sold,andbuttheareBureau developed of Forestry

under a has control

license system.over . them.

There areTheat.public forests

present (07

ofsawmills, which are equipped with modern machinery fit to meet the big enterprise

the Islands.

i Fisheries

Fishing,, until rpcetifly an undeveloped industry in the Philippines, is rapidly


Japanese each year sees a greater investment offishing

to the. front.. Although commerical. Filipinois largely in thecapital.

and American heinds of the

The waters along the extensive coasts of the islands teem with common varieties

of foodrfishes. Among those found in. commercial quantitie.s are anchovies, sardines,


barracudas, mackerels,

porgies andsnappers, pampanos,

parrotfishes. The localtunas,marketsea-basses, mullets, milkfishes,

is under-supplied, and con-


sive use ofquantities

modern fishingof fishequipment

and fisheryandproducts methodsareofimported.

transportationWith sothethat




terior towns can be supplied there will be a decrease in the imports of this character.

The commercial canning of fish is now an established industry in the islands. Other


and foiindtop-shell

pearl-shells, in the andPhilippine waters aire shark-fins, sponges, tfepafig, pearls,

widow shells.

Manufactures and Industries

The Philippines Is a prospective industrial field. The Country has available raw

materials such as Manila hemp,

beans, clay, limestone, bamboo, buntal, copra, leaf tobacco;and

dye-woods lumber, shells,forlumbang,

cassava nuts, castor

the different lines


j industrial

of manufactures and industries,; . Manila and a few dither citjes

activities. However, sonie of the big establishments such as sugar centrals, are centres of these

■rice and lumber mills are found in localities nearest the sources of materials.

The production of coeomit-oil constitutes one of the principal local industries.

The first

petus to themodern coconut

industry, oil mill

thereby placingwascoconut'oil

built in 1911. at the The

top ofworld-war

the list ofgave an im-


exports for 1919. Sugar production, however, is now

The first sugar central in the Philippines was established in 1910. Many other the most important industry.

■centrals and improved1 1 machinery'wei’e then installed in almost all the leading

I sugar,^sections

in the sugar exports of the ofIslands. Consequently,

the Islands was noted.,,afterEarly 1910 ina considerable


I sugar !centrals with ,a total daily output of over 20,000, tons Of centrifugal sugar were

in actual operation. Manila cigars and cigarettes are the output of Philippine

! cigar factories., Aromatic cigarettes made from Virginian leaf tobacco locally raised

or imported are now manufactured in the Philippines. The rope and fiemp-braid

1 Within factories are yearly turning out lipish.ed products to the value of millions of pesos.

are morerecent

than years, rice'mills,'witlf

460 rice milling lias abecome

maximum a principal

daily local industiry^

capacity of 56,000To-day there


I distributed throughout the archipelago.

I; Among the local household industries, mention may be made of weaving, embroi-

I dery and hat-ipabing. The output of the, simple native looms, which are found in

I industry


everyanhousehold in thelocal

ever-widening provinces

market.where Theweaving is done, inbreasbd,

most important qf these asnativethe

®t mostlycloths mahufactured are the‘^sinamay ” and the “ abatex,” both

from the abaca fibre, tlie “ pma ” made from the pineapple fibre, the “ jusi ” of which are made

' ■ made

or thefrom imported

native abaca,gummed spun silk fibres

pina anti-maguey, fibres,inandthreads

the • “mixed with ”mercerized

Abel lloco or Ilocanncotton



.! materials

Philippinechiefly in the

hand-made lloco provinces

embroideries from

are both

of native

cotton andand imported

linen; no cotton

silk is threads.

used. The

used in the making of Philippine embroideries are nainsooks, batiste,

1 voile, georgette,

- crepe de chine and net-cotton. These materials

the United States. The principal, articles of embroideries made are lingerie, children’s are imported form

clothes, handkerchiefs, table cloths toandorders: underwear of variousthe classes, which

States.are for

‘ the workmost

donepart is ofprepared

a very according

good grade, and brings receivedgoqdfromprices. United

On account of The


5 abundance

for Philippine of suitable

hats, the local materialsofforhatshat-making

manufacture is a profitableand the excellentPhilippine

industry. prices offered


? are made from native materials such as bamboo, buntal, buri, sabutan and pandan.

The other industries of the Islands Worth mentioning include shipbuilding, foun-

1! dries arid machine shops the making of shoos and slippers desicatted cocoanut,

•cement,’ refined sugar, pearl buttbhs, cutch, can lied pineapple, wooden and wicker

i articles


other vegetable lard, ‘margarine,

pharmaceutitial preparations,butter,‘ iriatches,starch, paint,pots,leather,

salt and besidestoilet


•| aerated water gold

paper making, and andmineral watermining,

chromite factories. Among the

glass, perfume, potential

alcohol industries

distilleries and beer,are

[ wine and liquor factories, caustic soda, rug and coir iriat industries.

The Labour Movement

The economic development or the Philippiries has brought in its train the formation

f, - offwotection

mariy tradeand unions, organizations

advancement of labour’sand interests

riiutual benefit

and forsocieties


help. The for first


1 abour argariizatiQJti established ip tpe ,Islands was “ JJnion Obrera Democratica”

(Democratic Labour, Union) on February _2ncjl, 1902, in the city of Manila. Subsequently,

the formation of labour organizations was given greater impetus as the workers were

;■ stimulated

demand forbyhigher the success


and betterin dealing


conditions,with untilth eir employers

at the end of in1923


| the totalwhole

of 120Archipelago,

such organizations

the majority of them being located in the city of Manila. In thein

with a paid membership of 150,00' ) were in existence

Philippines there are three

trade unions and other organizations, national labour viz;, organizations

Congreso Obrero controlling the majority

de Pilipinas (Labourof


Labour of the Philippines) and tbh National Confederation of Teriiarits arid Farmof

of the Philippines), Federacion

1 del Trabajo de Pilipinas (Federation

Labourers of the Philippines.



The bulk of overseas shipments are made from the port of Manila, although


which, with business

Jolp, andis.Degaspi,

handled, are direct,

the through

other portsCebu,ofIloilo,


While all and

of theDavao*


ports have good harbours, only Manila, Cebu and Iloilo have

vessels. At Legaspi and Davao, deep draft berths are under construction; Zamboanga- wharfage for deep-draft-

can. accommodate vessels drawing up to .28 feet; and Jolo has

the same depth. Nearly a thousand vessels, are now operated in the coastwise trade. a small wharf effording;

Manila, the capital and chief port of the Islands, is on the largest bay in the


for The harbour

steamers at thebyentrance

is protected of this baybreakwater

a semi-circular is landlocked. withinThewhich


is a space-


steamship lines are maintained between Manila and Hongkong, China and Regular

large enough to accommodate all vessels of the size of the ‘‘Empress” liners. Japan

Ports, San Francisco, Seattle, Vancouver, New York, Australian and European ports.

TheyThere are atbypresent

are owped 1,272 kilometresManila

t\yo companies—the of railroad


lines in which

the Philippines.

is owned

by the Government; and the Philippine Railway Company. In Manila and in the

province of Rizal, electric car service is maintained by the Manila Electric Company,

the total extent of its lines r being 88 kilometres.

motorNext in impottance

vehicles. During totherailways

year in thethere,

1932, (lomcstic transportation of the Islands are

of all classes. Maiiy private individuals and were‘registered

companies authorized 41,£85 motor

by thevehicles,



frieghf. Commission :are, engaged in land transportation both for passengers and


follbwing for highwaycedulaconstruction

or poll tax andanda small maintenance

percentageare ofprovided

the land fortax,from the-


tax, motor vehicle tax and annual insular appropriations by the Philippine Legislature.

The first systematic programme of road construction and maintenance in different parts

of the Islands was inaugurated in 1908 by ex-Governor-General Forbes, who was then

Secretary of thesurfaced

meters of hard Departwent roads,of4,279Commerce

kilometers and Police.

of lightlyThere are today

surfaced roads 8,167 kilo-

and 2,218

kilometers of earth roads, making a total of 14.664 kilometers of roads.

The construction of good roads open to all kinds of traffic in different parts of


past Islands

2Q years.has been, properly attended to by the Philippine Government during the

There are, a;t present two cable lines and one. radio, communication service in

operation between,

communication withthestations

Philippines and Borneo.

in North foreign countries.

The increased Zamboanga

need for ,isbetter

in radio-


more extensive

extension of facilities

telegraph for

and internal

telephone communication

lines, submarine has been,

cables, met

radio by the

system rapid


mail service.

In 1933, there were in operation 523 telegraph offices, including 85 radio stations

with 488 combined telegr ijdi-telephone offices.

The chief

provincial mailoffices

distributing Luzoncentre is Manila.cars,Fromtrainsthis

andpoint, mails areandsent theto

main ports post,

in Vi^ayas andin Mindanao by byelectric

steamers. The other auto-busses

islands where mailtotrain

service is in operation are Cebu and Panay.


passenger service, have been madeandrecently

both domestic foreign. with aviation

Airplanes areasatapresent

factor inoperated

the mailunder



and schedules

between Iloilobetween

and the Manilatowns ofandBacolod


La CarlotaManila and Cebu Negros.

in Occidental via Iloilo,,

Banking and Coinage


National principal

of New banking

York, institutions

the Hongkong doing


Shanghai inBanking

the Islands, are the

the Chartered Bank of India, Australia ;« China, Yokohama SpecieCorporation*,

bank, the

Philippine National Bank, the Peoples Bank and Trust

Corporation, the Bank of the Philippine Islands, and the Philippine Trust Co. Co, the China Banking.


The coins' used in the Philippine Islands are of the following dehofainations:—

Peso, one-half peso (50 centavos), peseta (20 centavos), media peseta (10 .centavos), five

S centavos, and one,centavo.

The Philippine Commission maintained this parity by passing the Gold Standard

I fine; ontheOctober

Act 10th, 1903.

50 centavo The new peso

piece contains coined contains

10 grammes of silver,20.750grammes of silver,piece,

fine; 20-centavo .800

I four grammes of silver, (750 fine; and the 10-centavo piece, two; grammes of silver, ,750

j fine.

| The The paper peso

Philippine money is issued into fifty

is equivalent 1, 2, 5,cents

10, 20, 50, 100, States

in United and 500currency.

peso denominations.

The P200 denomination of paper money now in circulation in the Islands was

| formerly issued by the Bank of the Philippine Islands, but its issuance has been




Bureau of Health Department of Justice

P.O. Box 619 (Manila, P. I.) (2, Arzobispo, Intramuros)


M.D. Health—Jacobo Faja,rdO; A.B.,

of Secretary—Jose Yulo

l Under-Secretary—Cesar BengzoA /

Chief Clerk—Juan de Leon,

Department of Finance | Law Clerks—Federicb AlikpHla, Pedro

(Ayuntamiento Bldg., Walled.City) | R. Roxas Eusebio. Cacherp, Manuel

Secy, of Finance1--1 Elpidio . Qulritid." i P. B arcelona 1 & S imeo Constantino’

Under Secy, of Finance—Vicente Carmona Bureau of Justice

Under Secy) of Finance—Guillermo’Gqmez Solicitor-General—Serafin P. Hilaidb


SpecialBudget Office—H.L.Ceballos

Agent—-Jose Celeste' Asst. do. —Jose P. Melencio

Chief Clerk—Felix L. Lazo Assist. Attorneys—Salvador Abad Santos,

Ramon Quisumbingq Catalino Buena-

ventura, Antonio E. Cuyugan, Felipe

Bureau of Customs Natividad, Natividad

Felix: Bautista, RobertoAlmeda-Lopez,


(Port Area) Pqmpeyo Diaz, Emilio, Abello, Constante

Insular Deputy

Collector—Vicente (Alflanese Valera, Rafael Dipglesar, Jose F.

Insular Collector—Jesus Obieta i Letargo, Antonis Caiiizares, Juan R.

Eurfguez, Roque V. Desguitado, Ruferto

Bureau of Internal Revenue | KapunanP. Jr.,

Alfonso Eleuterio

Donesa, Mario J.Villanueva,


l (229, Juan Luna,. Manila, P. I.) I Tomas

Leon Quinto, Antonio Quirino Lava,

Garchitorena, Francisco and

i) Collector—Alfredo L. Yateo I Lucas Lacson (Juan de Leon, Chief

Deputy Collector— Jose M. Hilariq | clerk)

"Bureau of the Treasury . Public Service Commission

(Intendencia Building) (86, Sta Potenciana, Intramuros)

Insular Treasurer—Salvador Lagdameb Public Service Commissioner—Luip P.


Bureau of Printing General Land Registration Office

(P’.O. Box 157) (Metropolitan Theatre1 Building) O

I Director—Pablo LuCas Chief—Enrique Altavas


National; Library Circulation Division

Legislative Building) . (With Traveling Libraries Section)

Office of. the Director Chief of

j Telepln 28065 Division — Rosa Abriol (Mrs.)


Director — Teodoro M. Kalaw, Teleph. Library Asst. - Jesusa G. Fargas (Mrs.)

22375 Archives Division

Asst. Director— Eu login B. Kodriguez, ! Chief of Division

Teleph. 22369

'Administrative, Division. Teleph. 28227 — Manuel M. Mirauda-

Archives Assistant—Catalino Tuason

(With Seclions ofi Accounts and Property; Branch Libraries in the Cities and

and Supervision of Branch Libraries)

Chief of Division

Daniel S. Albano,andTeleph accountant— ; Petronilo Provincial

Chief22372 Capitals

de Castro — Baguio Branch

IToperty Clerk—Francisco L. Pantaleon Isabel© C. Moran — BatangasProvince)

Library (Baguio, Mountain


Cruz and Collection Clerk—Leoncio F. Cirilio Library (Batangas, Batangas) Branch-

Hecord K.(Tagbilaran,

DarundayBohol)— Bohol Branch

SantosClerk and Time Keeper — Felix ! H.Library C. General (Mrs.) — Camarines Sur

Headmatin Bookkeeper — Simplicio B. Villa ! Branch Library (Naga, Camarines Sur)

! (Mrs.) Fiavia S. Muaha — Cebu Branch-

Filipiniana Division Library (Cebu, Cebu)

(With Manuscripts and Publications Sec- | LibraryL.(Laoag,

Emilio AlvarezIlocos

— Ilocos

Norte) Norte Br.

and the National Gallery of Arts.) Federico Llanes—Ilocos Sur Br. Library


•27819of Division—Luis Montilla, Teleph. Paulino (Vigan, Ratino

Ilocos — Sur)Iloilo Branch Library

Chief, Manuscript

Mariano Santamaria and Periodical Sect ion— (Iloilo, Iloilo)

Curator, Gallery of Arts—Arsenin de la Gregorio LibraryD.del Rosario—Nueva

(Cabanatuan, Ecija Br..

Nueva Ecija)

: Rosa Macario Ofiaiia —; Parigasinan Branch

Technical Assist.—Pacifico Victoriano j Esteban 1 jibraryV.(Lingayen, Pangasinan) Branch


Legislative Reference Division Library (Lucena,.Tayabas)

(In charge of Civil Registry) Cesareo Medina — Zamboanga.Zamboanga)Branch

(With Sections of Legislative Research Bernardo (Zamboanga,


P. Mercado — Pace Banch

ami Bill-drafting; Civil Registry and Library (Manila)

Registry of Priests and Ministers Dolores Latbrre (Miss)—Sampaloc Branch-

of the Gospel) Library (Manila)

Chief of Division — Jose L. del Castillo, | Jose T. Tecspn —Tondo Branch Library.



L$g. Researcher—Eustaquio G. Aquino

do. —Urbano Garcia Bureau of Prisons

do. —Fulgencio Vinculado (Azcarraga, Sta. Cruz)

(L-ntrul Ref. and 'Reading Room Director—Ltv-Col. Paulino Santos

« Division Assistant Difeetbr—^acant)

(With Sections of Public Documents and

Chief Exchange of Publications) .Bureau or 'Commerce

22373of Division — Jose Munda, Teleph. Assist. Director—C. Balmaceda S. Rustia


Supt. of ReadibL’■ Room — Melecio B.

Guetilio ‘

Catalog and Copyright Division Derartment of Agriculture ano

Chief of Division—Tiburcio Tumaneng, ; Commerce

Teleph. 29169 of Science)

Asst. Cataloguer

Pascual Buenaventura and. Copyright Clerk—! Secretary—Hon. Eulogio Rodriguez

Under-Secretary —Hon. J. B. Vargas


Bureau of Plant Industry Department of Public Works and

(692, San Andres, Malate) Communications

Director—Manuel L. Roxas, (acting) (Bureau of Posts Building)

Asst. do.—Jose S. Camus Secretary—A. de las Alas

Under-Secretary—Vicente de la Cruz

Bureau of Animal Industry

(Pandacan, Manila) Bureau of Public Works

Acting Director—Gregorio San Agustin (Post Office Building)

Bureau of Forestry Director—A. D. Williams

I (Manila, P. 1.) Bureau of Posts

Director—Arthur P. Fischer (Plaza Lawton, Ermita)

| Asst. Director—Florencio Tamesis

{ Chief Clerk—Vicente C. Ramos Director—Juan Ruiz

•f Chief, Division of Forest

Research—Placido DacanayStudies and Division of Purchase and Supply

• Chief, Division of Forest

Management—Carlos Sulit and Range (Muelle de la Industria)

! Chief,

RamonDivision of Forest Concessions— Purchasing Agt.—M. F. Occeha

J. Alvarez

Chief, Division of Forest Delimitation Chief Buyer —G. Arcebal

and Improvement—Eugenio de la Cruz Chief


Accountant and Chief Clerk—P

Chief, Division of Supplies — Crispulo

Bureau of Lands Tolentino

(Oriente Building)

^Director—Simeon Ramos Bureau of Labour

Asst; Director —Jose P. Dans Director—Faustino Aguilar (acting)

. Bureau of Science Asst. Director—(vacant)

(727, Herran, Ermita), Department of Labour

'| Asst.

Director Faustino ■

- -Ari&eP S.A.Arguelles

Director—L. Secretary of Labour—Ramon Torres

Undersecretary of Labour — Faustino

Weather Bureau Aguilar

(406, Paudre Faura) Bureau of-Coast and Geodetic

jS Asst.


do.—CharlesSelga, S. J.

E. Deppermanh, s..i. Director of CoastSurvey

Surveys—Capt. E. H»

National Museum Pagenhart

m(A division under the Bureau of Science, Bureau of Commerce.

'I; ']? Science

Avenue andBuilding, Corner of Taft

Herran Street), (P.O. Box 1481; Cable Ad: Bncom)

■ Chief—Dr. Eduardo Quisumbing Director—V. Buericamino

Asst, do.—Corhelio Balmaceda

' Museum of Natural History

i (Bureau of Science Building, Corner Supreme Court

Taft Avenue and Merratt Street) ' i-7, Cenefal Luna, Intramuros



western side the

of thecapital

islandand the largest

of Luzon, at the city

mouthofofthethe Philippines,

Pasig River, iswhich situated on the



centre it into two

of the archipelago.parts and empties

It is distant into Manila Bay. The city is almost in the

from Nagasaki, five from Shanghai, and two17 days

to 28bydayssea from


San Franciscofour days or

Seattle, according to the varying speed of the different vessels on the run.

The city of Manila was founded by Legaspi on June 24th, 1571. The erection of the


In 1645,1863 and around

1880 thethecitypresent

sufferedWalled City (Intramuros

considerable damage from) earthquakes.

was begun about The1590.


newspaper was published in Manila in 1811. The port was.

of the world in 1834, and the railroad line to Dagupan was completed in 1891. War opened to the commerce


on Maybeen 1st, declared between

1898, sailed the United

into'Manila BayStates and Spain,

and totally the fleet

destroyed .the ofSpanish

the former fleet,

practically with no loss to the attacking side. Thereafter Manila was blockaded until

August 13th,

of the city. when, a military force having arrived, the Americans look possession

Manilaportis ofthetheleading

principal Islands.centre Theofbulk


of theand domestic

imports and thecommerce

exports asof the


as the

passes through this port. Foreign corporations engaged in

nave their main offices and storehouses in Manila, whence branches are established inbusiness in the Islands

other local trade centres

The harbour of Manila is almost landlocked, and its deep anchorage basin is

protected by a semi-circular

handling equipment project into stonethebreakwater.

harbour. The Four first ispiers

reserved withformodern

the use cargo-

of the


net. States

The third, Army.

which The

is second,

650 feet 600

in’ feet



stowing of stowing

capacity about

of 5,0009,000

about tons

tons. The fourth pier has about four times the cargo capacity of the third and a

berthing capacity sufficient to accommodate four of the largest type of.ships at one time.


sailing mouthengaged

of the Pasig River iscommerce.

used as anchorage

Here can space for steamers and

in and out, towing cascosinloaded inter-island

with cargoes from steamers bein seen

the launches

bay or from moving the

warehouses on the banks of the river. The esteros or estuaries provide additional

transportation channels to different parts of the city.

Manilafo issouthern

northern the mainpartsterminal of the Several

of Luzon Manila Railroad roads Company, the withcity,linesthereby


making motor vehicle transportation feasible. provincial

Electric tramwaysenter run in the principal

streets of the city and its suburbs.


Of this population of Manila,

259,437 according17,760

were Filipinos, to theChinese,

Philippine census of 1918,

2,916 Americans, 2,050was 285,306.


1,612 Japanese, 664 British, 201 Germans, 121 French, 71 Swiss, and the rest of other

nationalities. There were 20,379 people to the square mile.

The area of the city of Manila is 13.72 square miles. For all administrative and other


Tondo, Sanpurposes the city Santa

Nicolas, Binondo, has beenCruz,divided


San the following

Miguel, Sampaloc 14 Intramuros


(Walled City), The Port, Ermita, Malate, Paco, Pandacan, and Santa Ana. Tondo is

inhabited by natives

Nicolas, Binondo, and ofSanta the Cruz

working class

are The and is thedistricts;

the business most thoroughly

Intramuros, Oriental.


example of a mediaeval town; while Port with its piers,

shipping facilities is the commercial Manila of the future. San Miguel, Ermita, and warehouses other

Malate are the residential districts.

MANILA I >1:5.

'i'lw total length of ,the streets au

these are wide and handsome avenues, of which the Luneta, Taft Avenue, Rizal

Avenue, P. Burgos, Azcarraga, Isaac Peral,. A. Bonifacio Drive, Katigbae Drive,

and the Dewey Boulevard are the most notable. The width of the street varies


mabolo16and to other

15 metres,

trees while thatalong

are found of Dewey Boulevard

the borders is 75ofmetres.

of many Cassia,Theacacjay

the streets. pav-

ing is mostly macadam with some asphalt, some wooden' blocks and some cobbles. The

Eseolta in Binondo is the main business street, and in it most of the American

and European stores and bazaars'are found. The Rosario, another broad thoroughfare

in Binondo, is occupied chiefly by Chinese shops and is a busy quarter. Rizal Avenue

is a growing business centre.

Among the parks, whose total area is 1,143,727,09 square metres, are the famous*

Luneta, Mehan Gardens, Plaza McKinley, Harrison Park, and Burnham Green.

There are monuments1 to Dr. Jose Rizal, the foremost Filipino hero' and martyr, on

the Luneta; to Legaspi

implanted and Urdaneta, the soldier

facingand the priest,

end ofrespectively, who

Magallanes Spanish

(Magellan), sovereignty

the discovererin the ofIslands,

the Islands, the north

in Magallanes the Luneta;

Landing; and to to

Anda at the foot of A. Bonifacio Drive, Charles IV. in Plaza McKinley, Benavides in

Plaza Santo Tomas, and Queen Isabela II, in Malate.

Foremost among the hotels is the Manila Hotel. Other hotels of importance are

the Luneta

ings, mentionHotel,

may beBaymade ViewofHotel and Great Eastern

the Ayuntamiento, Hotel. OfBuilding,

the Legislative the important build-

the General


Metropolitan Theatre, the Philippine Normal School, the Philippine School of Club,

Office, the Malacanang Palace, the University of the Philippines, University Arts



Club, theElksBureauClub,ofthe Science, the Philippine

Y.M.C.A., the Masonic General

Temple,Hospital, the Army

Pilipinas and


and “El Hogar Filipino” Building. The 'total number of buildings in Manila is

in round numbers 10,000.

On account of their architecture and interior decorations, the churches in Manila

are among the chief objects of interest. The largest is the' Catholic Cathedral in


Hospicio do San The city

Josii,hasan also

orphan charitable


and home for prominent amongthewhich

aged women; are the

School for

the Deaf and Blind; the San Lazaro Hospital for the insa.iie

contagiohs diseases; the sanatoria of the Anti-Tuberculosis Society; the Government and those suffering from

Orphanage for the care of orphan and destitute children; the Settlement House for

the temporarv

destitute shelter

children of destitute

of American andpersons;

FilipinoAnd the American Guardian Assbciation for


Manila is the educational centre of the archipelago. The city has many schools,,

both public and private, and their number is increasing. Four schools for vocational-

education are maintainedthe

Philippines—embracing hereColleges

by the ofInsular

LiberalGovernment. The University

Arts, Law, Medicine of the

and Surgery,.


Dentistry, Pharmacy,Agriculture, and Veterinary

Fine Arts, aMedicine, Education,

Graduate School Schools Medicine

of Tropical of Forestry and

Public Health,

tutions and aare

of learning Conservatoire

the National of Music*—is

University,located in Manila. Women’s

the Philippines Other highCollege,

insti- .


Jose Rizal College, Ateneo de .Manila,, the University of Manila, arid the University or


this Tomas,are which is ofmariaged

SchoolsBusiness Theology andandmaintained

Cliufch Law,by the Dominicatt Notarial'

Jririsprudhrice,' Fathers. Law,. In

Medicine, Pharmacy, and Engineering.

The city and its suburbs, receive their drinking water by pipes leading from

the reservoir

1 almost at Noyalichos,

every house, both domestic north-east of Manila.

and business. For theThepurpose


laid on theto

water-supply and extending its benefits to the neighbouring towns, its administration

and ownership has been transferred from the city of Manila to a Government

11 addition,

Corporation, thereknown 15asartesian

areis known the Metropolitan Water

furnishDistrict, sincetoJuly 1st. 1919. The*in

; sewerage system as thewells whichsystem—one

separate water free

for storm the and

drains public.

the other


Juan sanitary Diossewers.

de and The St.leading

Paul’shospitals are the, Philippine General Hospital, Ban ,

Hospital, St.Hospital,

Luke’s Hospital. Hospital,

There are 14 San Lazaro provided

playgrounds Hospital, Maryapparatus;

with Chile^'

and placed under the charge of a playground director and staff of assistants. For

fire prevention, the city has eight fire-stations.


Manila is also the principal industrial centre of the archipelago. In the city are

found hat

braid coconut-oil

factories,rtiills, cigar andcigarette

breweries factories,

and distilleries, rope manufacturing

furniture finns, hemp

factoiies, lumber mills,1'

marine railway and repair shojis, foundries and machine shops, vulcanizing plants .,

shoe and soap making establishments, and ice plants.

, The automatic

Electric light has been telephone

placedsystem extends

in public parks,throughout the citytheatres,

streets, .hotels, and, itsandsuburbs.


buildings. The city is provided with theatres, baseball grounds, tennis courts, and

Espaiiol, Elks Club, Wack-Wack Golf and Country Club, Manila Golf Club, Columbia j

golf and race eourses. The. principal clubs are the Army and Navy Club, Casino

Club, Golf Club, Manila Club, Tiro al Blapco, Philippine Columbian Association, Club

Filipino, Oriental Club, University Club and the Polo Club.

Among the interesting ;places in the city are the Aquarium for fishes and other

sea animals found in Philippine waters; the Bureau of Science, the headquarters of ,

the scientific work of the Government and its National Museum Division which has

charge of the Museum of

Observatory of the Philippine WeatherNatural History


the MuseumnotedofforIndustries;

its workthein

connection with typhoons and earthquakes; the Bilibid Prison, with a highly developed

industrial department; the National Library; the Museum of Santo Tomas University;

and the LunetU, where cfincerts are given by the famous Philippine Constabulary Band.



city of Baguio is the summer

It isis situated 160 miles capital




among Islands.


BenguetThe moun-



5,50d -feet. The city has an area qf 49 square kilometres and a perimetre of over

Its elevation 1,450 metres, or about feet. A,t many it is 30..6

kilometres. Its population (according to: a census taken in 1918) numbered 5,462,. con-

sisting of Igorots, Christian Filipinos, Americans, Japanese, Chinese and Europeans.

The mean monthly minimum temperature is 14'9 deg. C. (58’8 deg. F.), and the mean


86'4. Themaximum

forests are23'pure

0 deg.pine.C. (73'4 deg. F.). The annual average of the humidity is

yearsBaguio was

latervisiting discovered

Guillermo by aaSpaniard,

Galvey, AlfonseanMartin Quirante in 1623, Dean

and sixC.

Worcester, the Philippines inSpaniard,

1892, in led

the interestexpedition to Baguio.

of science, met by chance a

Spaniard, Senor

meeting. Sanchez,

The First and Baguio may

Civil Government in thebetownship

said to owe its origin

of Baguio was toestablished

this chancein

1900. A committee composed of General Luke E. Wright, Governor-General;

Worcester, Secretary of the Interior; Horace L. Higgins, President of Manila Railroad Dean C.


from San ; Fernando

Major L. M.to Mans,BaguioU.S.A., Medical Corps;

to investigate and Dr. Frank

the possibilities S. Bourns, journeyed

of establishing a moun-

tain resort

the and health

Philippine station.appropriated

Commission On the strengthmoneyof the for committee’s

Baguio’s initialrecommendations,


The first Sanatorium

a landscape architect,(now the Post

visited Baguio Office) was constructed

in 1904 and drew the in 1902.

Burnham D. H.PlanBurnham,

for the

development of Baguio. The Baguio Country Club was organized in 1906, and in 1908,

the Baguio

opened. Hospital and Mansion House were constructed, and Teachers’Camwas

Road (nowInKennon1909 fiveRoad)

largefor Stanley automobiles

the first time. In madethe samea through

year thetrip on theofBenguet

township Baguio

was incorporated under the name of City of Baguio with a charter.

The township has a City Council Consisting of five members, including the mayor

and vice-mayor,Heads

departments. an Igorot Advisory

ofof the

the Council

variousAdvisory of five members,

departments, and various


Councilman, members Igorot Council,theareVice-Mayor

all appointed thirdGover-

the City


the City Council are elected by popular vote. For obvious reasons, two or moreof

with the consent of the Philippine Senate. The two other members

positions are filled by only one person without extra compensation. The Mayor is also


the City Engineer and District Engineer. The City Treasurer is also

Mining Recorder for the Sub-province of Renguet, and Registrar of Deeds for both the the City Assessor,





Attorney isThe


the Health

ProvincialOfficer is also

Fiscal of thetheMountain

Chief of the Baguio Hos-

Province. One

Councilman is also the Superintendent of the Philippine Constabulary Academy. The

Vice-Mayor is usually a ranking officer of the United States Army Post at Camp John

Hay. The arrangement that the Mayor is also the City Engineer makes the City

Government very similar to the City Manager system of government in vogue in many

important cities of the United States.

The activities of the City Government embrace the operation of the following

utilities: Hydro-electric plant, ice plant, telephone system, water supply system,

sewerage system, pail and garbage system, city slaughterhouse, concrete pipe factory,

rock crusher,

completed and land

in July 16th, transportation.

1921, the second The city first city hydro-electric

hydro-electric plant was plant was


in April 21st, 1924, the ice plant began the production of ice in 1912, the telephone

system was inaugurated in 1908, the water supply system began operation in 1910,

the sewer system

inaugurated in 1911,began operation

the city in 1913, was

slaughterhouse the established

pail and garbagein 1911,system was

a concrete

pipe factory was established in 19' 2 0, a rock crusher installed in

Central School (2 stories concrete) was completed on Marcli 16th, 1923, the Sanitary 1916, the Baguio



established in 1913,(formerly

Auditorium the Vegetable Marketwas

grandstand) Building (stone) on

inaugurated wasApril



1924, and the Baguio Branch Library (branch of the Philippine Library and Museum)

was established in August, 1921.

The places of interest in and round Baguio are : Camp John Hay, Trinidad Farm


AntamokTeachers’ Camp, Dominican

Mines, Topside, Hill, Mirador

Mansion House, CountryObservatory,

Club, WrightSto.Park,TomasPines



Government Centre, Quezon Hill, Burnham Park, Easter School, City Hall, City

Market, Constabulary Hill, Bua Dormitory, City Camp, Brent School, Saint Louis

College, Baguio Central Schools, Baguio Hospital, Baguio Branch Library and Busol

Cave Reservation.


A. & P. Co. Inc., The, Merchants— ACADEMY OF MUSIC OF MANILA, THE,

620 Escolta; Teleph. 23580; P.O. Box Instruction in Music and Classical

2556; Cable Ad: Aandpcolnpany dancing—14, A. Mabini, Ermita;

S. F. Aubrey, president Teleph. 23064

i Abad, Dr. Lucio D., Visiting Physi- Acme Code Company, Publishers,

cian : Ear, Nose and Throat, St. Acme Commodity and Phrase Code,

Luke’s Hospital—Office, Residence Acme Supplement,

and Own Hospital; 1145 Magda-

| lena, Trozo; Teleph. 48371 Seven Figure Code Acme Complete

Represe ntatives:


Abolafia, Inc., M. & C.—P.O. Box Philippine Education Co., 101,

2386; Cable Ad: Abolafia Escolta.

’ Abra Mining Company—412, Heacock Acme Films, ,Inc., Importers and

Building, Escolta, Binondo; P.O. Distributors of motion picture

Box 1147; Cable Ad: Abramining films—2215, Azcarraga, Sampaloc;

Teleph. 23622; Cable Ad: Afilm

Abreba, Sofronio, Attorney-at-law—

Room 308, G. de los Reyes Bldg., Acro Taxicab Co., Inc.—211 Sevilla,

Plaza Cervantes, Binondo San Nicolas; Teleph. 2-16-96


Advertising Bureau, Inc., The--931, Alhambra Cigar Store, Wholesale ! and

'll. Hidalgo, Quiapo; Teleph. 23555; Retail Tobacco products^S, Es-

P.O. Box 498; Cable Ad: “Ad- colta, Corner Nueva, Binondn; Te-

bureau” leph. 25629; P.O. Box 985

ft. F. Garriz,

Carlos president

Preysler, treas. and geii’l. irigr.

business mgr. F. W. Prising, manager

Alkan, Inc., C., Arms and Ammuni-

Agricultural Insurance Co., Water- tions, Haberdashery Ladies Ware—

town, N.Y.—Saananillo Building; Heacock Building, 126 Escolta; P-O-

Box 489; Teleph. 21163; Cable Ad:

Telepb. 2-43-66; P.O. Box 2776; Alkan, Manila, and at Baguio, Iloilo,

Cable Ad: Underiters Cebu, Da vao, New York

Managers — American

Underwriters for theInternational

Philippines, Samuel F. Gachek, president and

Inc. general manager

Albert Rebel, asst. gen. manager

Aguado Uermanos, General Merchants— FJ L. Schleipen, vice-president

103, Balmes, Quiapo; Telephs. 21314 and John A. Malcolm, vice-president

21315; P.O. Box 2105; Cable Ad: Aguados Donald O. Gunn, retail mgr, •

Agents for :

Aguilar Machine Shop, Machinists Draper-M aynard Co.

and Repairers of all kinds of Jantzen Knitting Mills Co.

Crawfovd-Macgregor Co.

machines—215, Lacandola, Tondo;

Teleph. 2S864 Johnson Motors Co. •' !

Winchester Repeating Anns' Co.

Aguinaldo, L. ft., Importer, Manu- Alonalon, Fabian, Dealer in Meats,

facturer’s agent and Depart- Fruits and Poultry—1028, Arjegui;

ment Stores Operator — 514-520. Teleph. 2-17-83

.Juan Luna Street: Teleph. 49885:

P.O. Box 1678; Cable Ad: Seine or % V: w m

Aladdin; all Standard Codes Mei-yah pao sien kung sze

Branches: Iloilo, Bacolod and Cebu. American-Asiatic Underwriters, Inc.

U. S. Office: 28 West Houston General Insurance: Fire, Marine,

Street, New York City Motor-car, Life, Accident, and Health,

Burglary, Plate-glass, Baggage and

Agusan Coconut Co.—422, Heacock Special Risks—Samanillo Building,

Escolta; Teleph. 2-43-66; P.O. Box

Building; Teleph. 21819 2776; Cable Ad: Uuderiters

J. H. Alley, general manager

A.C. B.V. Starr, President (Shanghai)

Park, manager

Ah Gong Sons & Co., Importers, E. F. Pimley

Grocers and Wine Merchants—389- W. F. Savale

391, EchagUe; Teleph. 21304; P.O. AgentsF. for B. Baldwin | G. Reedyk

Box 1065: Cable Ad: Ahgong; American International Underwriters

Codes: Bentleys National Union Fire Ins, Co. and 11



InsuranceBritish, and Con-

Companies ,,

Alhambra Cigar and Cigarette

Manufacturing Co. — 31, Calle American Bureau of Shipping—Der-

Tayuman; P.O. Box 209; Cable Ad: ham Building; Teleph. 2-34-32


A.P. A.P. Meyer,


vice-president Ami^eigan >, Chamber of, Commerce for

' H. A. Streiff, treasurer the Philippine Islands—(SVe. Asso-

G.R: Timmerberg W.

J. Widmer G. SeebergerEggmanh ciations)

TL Sulzer 0. ftedinger

ft. L. Schroeder M.Ferrandiz “American Chamber of Commerce Jour-

J. fteupke; ' E. Rupp nal,” Monthly—180,

Teleph. 21126: P.O. David,

Box Binondo;

1638; Cable

EL Wendt ft. stehineifer Ad: Arnchainbcom


Amehicax Consulate—(Nee Consulates) Ampil & Co., , Coal Dealers—997,

Muelle de la Industria; Teleph.

American Electric Co., Inc.—72, Escolta, 21593; P.O. Box 1301

Binondo; Teleph. 21337; Cable Ad: Anakan Lumber Co;, Logging and Lum-

f Bowerlite ber—801, M. de la Industria; Teleph.

American Express Co., The, Financial, 21639; P.O. Box 268; Cable Ad: Anaka

Shipping and Travel—95,

Insular Life Plaza Moraga,

Building; Binondo; P. O. Anderson & Co.-, Wm. H., General Mer-

Box 1463; Cable Ad: Amexco chants— 25, Plaza Goiti, Santa Cruz;

J. R. Lloyd, manager Teleph. 21462; P.O. Box 596

J. M. Pardew, travel repres.. W. Anderson, president

j J. H. Goloy, freight agent W. Rennolds, vicerdo. and manager

f A. S. McGrath, acct. E.F. Azaola,

Harris, treasurer


American Grocery (Ng Tip & Co.), Andevee Manufacturing Co., Drugs

Groceries & Provisions—217-9, Echague,

Santa Cruz; Telephs. 21614-5; P.O. Box —1432,


Dos. Castillas ; Teleph. 2-73-

71; Cable Ad: Watip .

American Hardware and Plumbing Co. Ang Batong Busilak, Marble import-

—101 107, Echague ; P.O. Box 137; ers and workers; Mausoleums of

Marble and dement—380, R. Hil-

Teleph. 2-38-56 dago; Teleph. 26640; P.O. Box 2566;

Cable Ad: Batbusil

American International Underwri- Ang Kalian &' Co., Notions Wholesalers

ters TOR the Philippines, Inc., and retailers -203, Rosario, Binondo;

General Insurance: Fire, Marine, Teleph. 4-76-97

Motor-car, Life, Accident, Plate-

glass, Baggage and Special Risks—

Samanillo Building, Escolta; Tele-

phone 2-43-66 : P.6. Box 2776; Cable Ang1307,Ligaya, ;Slipper Manufacturing—

Azcarraga, Bihondo; Teleph. 4831T

Ad : Underiters

A. B. Park, president Ang Tibay Shoe k Slipper Factory —

E. F. Pimley, vice-president 710-714, Ylaya, Tondo; P. O. Box 333;

W. F. Savale, secretary Teleph. 4-97-16

Dr. F. B. Baldwin, treasurer Tori bio Teodoro, prop, and gen. mgr.

Julio Teodoro, secty. and treas.

American Mail Line Yicente


manager acct. and assist,

—(See The Robert Dollar Co.) D. D. Fargas, sales mgr.

American Oxygen & Acetylene Co., Angat Manila Transportation—555,

Inc., successors to Fernandez and

Lind Oxygen Co., Inc.—529, Aviles, Azcarraga; Teleph. 4-97-16,

San Miguel ; Teleph. 22694 Angeles Electrical Supply — 826,

Echague, San Miguel : Teleph. 23065

American Steamship Agencies, Inc.—

511, Masonic Temple; Teleph. 2-42-78 Antipolo Lumber Co., Lumber Dealers—

2435, Rizal Avenue Extension, Santa

| Ammen Transportation Co., A. L., Cruz; Teleph. 26780

Bus transportation, Bicol Provinces

—424, Kneedler Building, Santa Aragon Brothers Co., Sporting Goods

Cruz; Teleph. 22517; P.O. Box 1169. Dealers— 542, Rizal Avenue; Teleph.r

Main Office: Iriga, Camarines Sur 21188; P.O. Box2212; Cable Ad:“Araco’


Aran'eta, Incorporated, GregorIo, Asia Life Insurance Co., (Incorporated

Realtors, Investors, Trustees and U.S.A.), Life Insurance—Samanillo


Life Building, Plazafloor,Cervantes, Insular Building (top floor), Escolta; P.O.

Box 2776; Cable Ad : Asialife;

Binondo; Teleph, 2-14-57; pable. Codes: Bentley’s and Acme. Branch

Ad: Grearainc Offices & Agencies at Linghyen,

Jose Araneta, president Pangasinan Legaspi, San Fernan-

Salvador Araneta, vice-president do, Pampanga, Cebu, Davao and

Ramon Araneta, treasurer Iloilo

Miss W. F. Savale, manager for the Philip-

tary Consuelo Araneta, secre- pines (Teleph. 2-43-69;

Carmen Z. Vda de Araneta, F. Asia

B. Baldwin, m.i>.,director

Life medical vice-president',

for the

director Philippines (Teleph. 2-43-69)

J. Antonio Araneta, director

V. A. Araneta, assistant, mgr. American International Underwriters

for the Philipptn.es, Gen. Agents

H. D. Nerecina, cashier

J. Lazo, accountant Asiatic Commercial Corporation

Araneta, Zaragoza & Araneta, Law- and (Reither-Akerman Co.), Importers,

yers—Insular Life Building, Plaza —139-143, Manufacturers’ Representatives

Moraga, Binondo; Telepbs 2-35-88 P.O. Box Juan Luna, Binondo;

1932; Teleph. 4-90-60;

and 2-3'5-8,9; Cable Ad: Aragoza Cable Ad : Reico

G. Araneta

8. Zaragoza (1930) j S. Araneta

| •!. A- Araneta S. J. Wilson, president

Antonio M. Bautista ; F. Akerman, vice-president and

Jose Pagaduan general manager

P. Laconico, secretary treasurer

Areadti, K., General Importers and Chas. F. Gebhart, asst. mgr.

Manufacturers’ Agept—227, David, E. Kai'azim^ taximeter expert

Binoiido; Teleph. 2-10-16; P.O. Box J, Seiboth . '' '

1032; Cable Ad: Arbadji Asiatic Petroleum Co.. (P.L), Ltd.—

Arce, Dr. C vRMELO, Physician and Den- Teleph. Hongkong and Shanghai Bank Building;

tist-~312, Plaza Miranda; Telephs. Petrosilex22541; P.Q. Box 441; Cable Ad:

Ofiice: 25919 and Residence : 23926

Asociacion be Navieros de Pilipinas

Argentine Consulate—{See Consul- {See Associations)


Assanmal & Co., G., Importers and

Arguelles & Ocampo. Architects—511, Silk Exporters. Wholesale and Retail

Pilipinas Building, Binondo; Teleph. Merchants — 775-777, . Taboray

21228 San Nicolas; Teleph. 49915; Cable

Tomas Arguelles, architect ’ Ad: Assanmal

Fernando Ocampo,' do.

Associated Agencies, Inc.—111, Men-

Armour & Co.—322, 13th St., Port doza ; Teleph. 2-70-26

Area P.O. Box- 1383; Cable Ad:

“Armour” Associated Oil Co.—China Bank Build-

ing (2nd Cable

Box 1632; floor); Ad:

Teleph. 49888; P. O.


Army and Navy Club

{See Associations) Associated Publishers, The -428-432

Army and Navy Y.M.C.A. Rizal Avenue; Teleph. 21584; P O. Box

{See Associations) 449; Cable Ad: “ Lawcopub”

Arte Y. Trabajo,F.Sculptors

tractors—A51, ; Con- Associated

Torres ; andTeleph.

.Steamship Lines — 712,

Insular Life Building; Teleph. 2-20-

32: Cable Ad: Assoclines

SisSs Chas. Kirkwood, secy.


Assurance and Thrift Association, Executive Secretary for District of P.l.

Ltd., of Sydney Australia (La —E. M, Cooper

Economiea) Henry Hunger Bayne District Religious

Secretary —C. W. and Social Work


& Co., Treasurers—218, National District Business Secy. — F. S.

City Bank Building; P.O. Box Comings

589 Fort William McKinley Branch

Executive secy.—H. J, Scptieid


Asociacion de Navieros de Filipinas—

American Chamber of Commerce of the El Hogar FilipinO Building, Bihondo;


Teleph. Calle David: Teleph. 22709; P.O. Box 1283



President—H. M. Cavender Chamber of Commerce, Manila—Na-

Secretary—J. R. Wilson tional City Bank Building; P.O.

The American Guardian Association, j BoxH. 2523 P. L. Jollye, president

Inc.,—To guard and care for Child- j V. H. Masefield j vice-president

ren wholly or partly of American j

blood who are without protection— | Alan Howlel, secretary

410, Fernandez Building, 124, Caile

T. Pinpin ; Teleph.' 21688 Chamber

Governor-General Frank Murphy, ' 2-26-19 Islandsof^Commerce

Filipino of The Philippine

Building; Teleph.

honorary president

Major-General Frank Parker,

Commanding Phil. Dept., hon. j Chambre de Commerce FranCalse Aux

1st vice-president

Mrs. Marguerite Murphy Teahan. j| P.O. Iles Box


597; Te'lepbs. 2-72-68 Blnondo;

2nd vice-president Leopoldo Kahn, president

E. E. Wing, president j Rene Levy, vice-do.

H. Lew, treasurer.

Col. L. J. Van Schaick, 1st vice- Paul Dubois, secretary


Mrs. C. E. Livington, 2nd vice-

president German Chamber of Commerce of the

A. M. Easthagen, treasurer Philippins ; Islands—127, David ;

Mrs. Flora N. Gregg, secretary

Board of Directors—E. E. Wing P.O. Box 1327

President—A. von, Arend

(chairman), Col. L. J. Van Vice-do. —O. Frauendorff

Schaick, J. H. Heilbronn, E. J. Treasurer—E. Krohn

Deymek, Paul Gulick. (0. S. Secretary—P. Raumann . D

Salmon, A. L. Dwyer, G-eorge

W. Porter, L. D. Lockwood, Japanese Association of Manila,’ Inc.,

John Cafisbn, C. E. Piatt and Mutual Aid and Benefit —Insular Life

Colonel C. E. Livingston

Women’s Advisory Board — Mrs. Building, Binondo; Teleph. 2 15-13; P.O.

C. E. Livingston (chairman), Box 335

Mrs. Ralsten Hayden, Mrs. E. Manila Club—238, San Maroeliho;

J. LeJeune, Mrs. A. S. Hey- Teleph. 2-20-72; Cable Ad: Mancluh

ward, Mrs. C. E. Nathorst, Mrs.

Kenneth B. Day, Mrs. W. R.

Cothran and Mrs. H. M. 'Caven- Manila Goip Club—Lipks at Qalbocan;

der P.O. Box 1560, Manila

Army and Navy Club—South Boulevard

Luneta; Teleph. 22095; P.O. Box 460 Manila Jockey Geub^SO* Tayutnan ;

Teleph. 22818

Army and Navy Young Men’s"Christian

Association — Aduana at Plaza de Manila Rizal; Poi.o Club—F. B. Harrison.

Esnaha, Intramuros; Telephst, 2-16-04: Pasav,

1961' Teleph, 5-17-31; P.O. Box

P.O.Box 1634; Cable'Ad: Ansec'


# *&smm#m Ault. & Wiborg

Division of The(Far East) Co.,Printing

International The (A

Philippine Chinese General

of Commerce-^Chiria Chamber Irik

Bank Building; Corporation), Manufacturers of

Tel. 4-90-44; P.O. Box 241; Cable Ad: Printing

in Paper,and Machinery,

Lithographic Supplies—28

Inks; Dealers

Chicbamcom, Manlia; Codes: Btentl^y’s Calle Bazan; Teleph. 21279; P. O. Boxr


Alfonso 5th Ed.

Z.T)ySyCip, president 1353; Cable Ad: Ault wiborg

Guillermo Buncio, treasurer Aurelia's Manufacturers and Export-

Jose G. Barretto,- seeretary ers 'of Philippirie Straw Hats—80-

Members of Control Board:— 84, Real St., Walled City; Teleph.

Tan Samto, Yu Khe Thai, John E. 2-27-88; Cable Ad: Aureliahat. Branch:


Chui Eduardo Co Seteng and Lim Co Singapore; 12a, Stamford Road,. Capitol Building,

Members of Executive Board : Teleph. 2540; Cable Ad:

AlfonsoZl SyOip, Dee Hong Lue, John Aureliahat

Cbtuaco.Siy Chong

Tomas GuillermoJoseDyG. Barretto,

Buncio, Australian Oriental Line, Ltd.—503-

Ng Su Tam, ChamFu,Say, Wong Lam, Ad: 51 l,Calle, Echague;

Storage; Codes:Teleph. 21307;A.B.C.

Bentley’s Cable=

Co Che Seng arid Go To Wan 5th edn.

Executive Secretary—Yang Sepeng G. S. Yuill & Co., Ltd., Rgents

Auto Trucking Company Inc.--19o5,

Atenbo de Manila—ae Educational) 22060; Azcarraga; Telephs. 22345 and

P.O. Box 356

AxHLETip Supply Co,.,. Sporting Goods— Automotive Sales Co.—2, Isla de Romero

114-116, T. Pinpin. Binopdo; Te- (Old P.O. Building); Teleph. 23361; P.O.

lephs. 21754, 21755; P.O. Box 3228 Box 780

H. A. Wendt, general manager

A. Ferrer, assistant do, ,* • Awad & Co., E., Embroidery Dealers

airid General Iriiporters^-435, Jnan

Atkins, Kp.oll &, Co., Inc., Importers, Luna, Binondo; Teleph. 49637; P.O.

Box 1*743; Cable Ad: Essawad

Exporters, Ship-owners and General

Merchants — Insular Life Building: Ayala y, Cia., Real Estate and General

Teleph. 22342; P.O. Box 1588; Cable Ad: Merchants — Hogar Building; Teleph.


Sulu, Alsoandat Zamboanga, P.I.,U.S.A.

Cagayan 24296; P.O. Box 751; Cable Ad: Ayala

N. C.P.I.,McClelland,Vice-pres.,

San Francisco, gen. mgr. Enrique Zobel, partner and manager

D. L. Cochran, manager

G.L. W.

ZinggDetzer, sales engr. W. R. Babcock

G.I. Villahupva

Van Syqkel,(Cagayan-Sulu) Babcock

and & Templeton,

Exporters Hemp,Inc.,

of Inks, Importers

Coconut Oil,

J.C. A.M. Crescini I L. Keyes Copra, Printers’ Paper, etc.—

Rivera | F. Al. A parte El Hogar Building; Telephs. 2 ’296-3;

P. 0. Box 1222; Cable Ad: Babtemp;

General Managers, Codes:

UniversalW.U., Bentley’s, Duo,6th Acme,

Port Bahga Lumber Co. Lieber’s andAl, Private.

A.B.C. 5thAlso

and at edns.,



W. U.S.A.

R. Babcock, president

Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific,

Manila, Engineers, Contractors, Manu- Co. of J. F. Boomer, vice-president

facturers of Structural Steel —71-77; R.M.S. Swinton,

G. Babcock,treasurer (U.S.A.)


Muelle de la Industria; Teleph. 22051;

P.O. Box 626; Cable Ad: Dredging; B. B. B. y La Ideal, Inc., Manufac-

Codes: All Standard

turers of Cigarettes, Smoking and

Chewing Tobaccos—542, Echague,

Atlas Engineering Works—103, Bal- Quiapo: Teleph. 23652; P.O. Box

mes; Teleph. 2A3-14. 2047; Cable Ad: BBE.


Bachrach Motor Co., Inc.—25th Street, BANKS

Port Area; Teleph. 21544; P.O. Box Bank of The Philippine Islands, The -

420; Cable Ad : Emba 10, Plaza Cervantes; P.O. Box 777;

Badillo’s Embroidery Store, Philippine Cable Ad: Banco; Teleph. 21143,

Embroideries, Ladies and_ Children’s 23454, 23455

Dresses—25, Corfcada ; Teleph. 23162 ; Chartered Bank of Sndia, Australia,

P.O. Box 2175 and China, The—21, Plaza Morag.-i,

V. Badillo Binondo; Telephs. 21201-2-3-4-5; P.O.

Baguio Gold MiNiNii Co.—4th floor, G. Box Manila—

303; Cable Ad: Crucible

de los Beyes Building.- Teleph.

P. O. Box 214; Capital P. 2,000,000,0002-13-46: C. E. Stewart, agent

W. W. Harris, president S. Fortune, accountant

Leon Alaras, secretary Sub-accountants—

L. T. Watty I W. L. Craig

Baguio Improvement and Develop- J.L. MacLennan

W. Dixon |[ G.G. W. Tolmie

D. Kyd

ment Corporation — Metropolitan Cebu—

Theatre Building; Teleph. 21849; W. G. Hollyer, sub-agent

P.O. Box 128'8; Cable Ad: Baim- W. A. Adamson, sub-accountant

decor L. M. Methyeiij do.

Baguio Stock Exchange—610, Das- Iloilo— R. Ralston, sub-agent

marinas; Teleph. 22209-10




Compradores.Co., Water

Inc., Boats,

The, J. D, McLaren, sub-agent

Lighters and Launches—Derham Build- China Banking ,;Corporation—Head

ing, Port District:

Box 517; Cable Ad: BaileyTeleph. 23246; P.O. Office: China Bank Bldg., Manila.

Branches: Shanghai and Amoy.

Baker Co., The E. E.—6, Lack & Davis Authorized Capital, P. 10,000,000.00.

Building. Santa . (^ruz; P.O. Box 2100; divided Paid up Capital, sutplus arid un-

Teleph. 28747 profits over P.7,600.000;


Cable -overChibancorp.

Ad: P.L2;OOQ,dOO;Shanghai


Balatoc Mining Co., Gold Mining— Gable Ad: Ghibancorp. Amoy Cable

610, National City Bank Building,

Juan Luna. Binondo; Teleph. 21756: AdOfficers: : Chibank

P.O. Box 817: Cable Ad : Balatocm- Dec C. Chuan, president

co, Codes: Western Union, Five Albino Z. Syefp^"’vic^resident

Letter and Bentley’s; Mines at E. E. Wihg, manajteT' '

Benguet Martin Hopun; assist, manager

J. W. IJaiissermann, pres, and Lee Sian Tong, manager, for-

general manager eign department. ,

F.M.O M.Haussermann. vice-president

Saleeby, director T. S.' Wang, manager. Shanghai

J. W. For Her. do, Branch

J. J. Dunbar, do. Yap Ti an Sang, manager, Amoy

It. T, McKee, scecretary-treas. Branch

“Ban ah aw” FruitandPreservers Hongkong and Shanghai Banking

Sweetmeat PastrvandManufac-

Danners, Corporation—35, Juan Luna; Telephs.

23147-8; P.O. Box 304; Cable Ad: Faver-

turers, Unrivalled Ice Cream sham

Makers. Bestaurant and T?e fresh- C. .1I.. WCookes,

T rpRnagqr

men t Parlour — 326-330, Carriedo

Street: Teleph. 21331; P.O. Box H. F.alker, accpintant

Phillips ■ C

1828 : Cable Ad : Banahaw N. H. Prockter I R. W. tap]in

B.Mrs.A, Sisoh, proprietor ' H.

B. A. Sison, manager arid Senior Clerks—

nroprfetess I.J. JFrarlcO

Jit Silva- -f| T./W.

A: da Barros


Jose Puzon, manager


Manila Finance axd Discount Cor- Executive Officers:

poration — Offices: Heacock Bldg. Miguel Cuaderno, vice-president

Escolta. 22507 Binondo; Cable Ad: Mafico;

Teleph. D.and trustassistant

Pekson, officer to president

F. P. Paterno, cashier

National CityNational

Bank City

of New Build;

York, S. A. Warner, chief accountant

The,—Office: Herbert Walker, manager, Sugar

ing, Juan Luna and MuelleBank

de la In- Centrals Agency Dept.

Roman Mabanta, manager.

dustria, Binondo: Teleph. 22085; Cable

Ad: Citibank; P. O. Box 615: Special Assets Dept.

Primitive Lovina, manager,.

E.H. J.delLeYalle,


manager Agencies Dept.

F. M. Satterfield,'ae6t; Leon Ancheta, manager, Foreign

Sub-accolinltants— Dept.

G. R. Hutchison I C. E. Harris A. C. Bautista, manager, Branches

E.J. Brownley

K. Cutiting I LJ. G.R. Sparing and Real Estate Loans Dept.

Silva Rufino Manotok, manager.

T. E. Bamford | I. Falek Credit Dept,

W. Y. Dyson, cashier S. Kabigting, manager, Loans

and Discount Dept.

Peoples Bank and Trust Company, G.Y. R.Gaskell,


1st. cashier

assist, cashier

Banking—People’s Bank Building, George W. Porter, auditor

Corner David and Dasmarinas; Camus and Delgado, Special

Teleph. 21991; P.O. Box 806; Cable Counsels."

Ad: Pebancp.

Wm. J. Sha\V, chairman of Board of Philippine Trust Co., Banking; Saving

Directors Accounts; Interest Paid on Fixed De-

Nicholas E. Mullen, president positsAdministrators

and Checking Accounts; Trustees

William Douglas, vice-presdt. & and Guardians—Monte de

of Estates




treasurer Pla^a Goiti. Santa Cruz; Tpleph. 21255;.

J. P. Heilhronn, vice-president P.O. Box 150 .

Castor P, Cruz, secretary Directors—Geo. C. Dankwerth, E.

Allen L. Dwyre, assist, treas. & Byron Ford, Leopoldo Kahn,

trust officer Gabriel La O, Elias Marco,

Ismael S. Zapata, comptroller Paul A. Meyer and J. E. H.

Branches : Stevenot

Baguio, Mauntam Province Clfficers-r , : ■ , ; -presidept

Geb. C. Dahkwertlii ■ ,

Tarlae, Tarlac E. Ryvpn Ford. viceTprns.

San Fernando, Pampanga P. M. Poblete, vice-president,

San, Pablo, Laguna secretary .,. .

F.’ Ossorio, treasurer r

Philippine National Bank—Masonic T. O.,Guzman, assist, trust officer

Temple, Escolta, Binondo; Teleph. Chrlos, Young, actipg manager

22261; P.O. Box 1469; Cable Ads: (Foreign Dept.)

Philnabank and National Bank J. L. Corpus, chief . accountant

Board of Directors: Yokohama Specie Bank, Ltd., The,.

Vicente Carmonai,-chairman Banking—34, Plaza Cervantes; Tele-

Edward G. Kemp, vice-do. phones 23755, ,23758, 23759, 23768;

Rafael Corpus P.O. Box ,1480 ;i Cable Ad : Shoki n

O. M. Cotterman S. Dh za i-, manager

Salvador Lagdameo T. Itoh, sub manager

Kenneth B. Day

C. M. Hoskins Bardwil Bros., Manufacturers and Ex-

Benito Razon porters of Hand-made Lingerie—252,

Jose Yulo Plaza Guipit, Sampaloc: Teleph.

Rafael Corpus, president 6-75-26; P.O. Box 1826; Cable Ad:

Santos Martinez, secretary Bardwil


Babkeka & Reyes, Attorneys—407-410, Beech’s Marcelino,

Carriage Factory—267, San

Ermita; T^leph. 57297

Samanilla Building, Escolta; Tele-,

phone 2-37-37, 2:37-38; Cable Ad: F. Beech, proprietor and manager

M. Beech, assist, manager


Babtolome & Javier, Customs Brok- Behn, Meyer & Co. H. Mu., Export

Merchants and Shipping Agents—

ers, Land and Water Transporta- , 227,

tion—62, Muelle de Binondo; Te- P.O. David Binondo; Teleph. 22924;

leph. 22836

A Bartolome Codes:Box. Acme198;A.B.C.

Cable Ad: Oldarno;

6th gdn., Western

T. Javier, manager Union and Bentley’s

Fr. Danielsen, manager

Bartolome Tr'aS'&p'orTa'tiox. Trucks for , K.. Leo Severien, assist, manager

Si.-bmidt (Cebu) ,

Hire, Dealers

Rattan, in Firewood,

Ties, etc.,—33, PlazaCharcoal,

Dilao, Agencies j

Paco; Teleph. 56593 Hamburg-Amerika Linie

German ischer Lloyd


land—343, Lumber

T. Co., Inc., Port

Pinpih, Hol- Belcpal ,po'Ns.uEAT^—(iUee Consulates)


Telepli. 23939 r

Benedicto, G. E., Investment Securi-

Kuenzle & Streiff Iric., agents t?i§§,T-.lQ7, Crystal Arcade; Teleph. 2-32-

Bataan . -Sugar; Co. — 213, Masonic .) SQ and,2G 1,-49. ,

Temple, Escolta; Teleph. 22261

Benguet CoNsorunATED Mining Co., Gold

“Baviera Gun Storej7-v238. Plaza Santa ■ Mining-—MirreiU at Ahtambk, Ben-

Cruz; Teleph. 21714; P.O. Box 2002; iguet P.I., Room 610-614, National

Cable Ad: Baviera ' City Bank Building, Juan Luna,

Bayne & Co., (Henry Hunter Bayne ;, : Binohdo;. Teleph. - 21-756; Cable Ad:

& Co.Chartefe.dt. Accountants,,' Cer-p : Benguet.con;

5 Letter and

Codes Western Union


tified Public' Accountants, Members John W. Haussermann, presdt. &

of American Institute of ,Aocount- general manager

aihtsG-218, Nalxojig..l City B'aiik

Building ; Tplbplb. 21368 :,'P.O. Box “BENirAvbpRESs” AND PHOTO ENGRAVING,

589; Cable Ad: Portend; All Printing and Photo Engraving^-e536-540,

Standard',Codes ^, ! , Miscricofdiai; Teieph. 21905

Jam4sL R. Horfidge, c.a.

Thomas W. Farnell, c.a.

J. R. Thornton, a.c.a. Bennett, Inc., P.M.—'Petroleum Products,

Mariano; Lai-dui, C.p.a. and iSerXice

Lbfbnzo de' la Station' equipment—58,

Paz, Pandacan; •Teleph.'

Antonio /^uluefa : 675l7;'P (X Box-9S3; Cable Ad: "Unocd

Arsenio Reyes'' c.p.a. | and Teneb

Bamon GbPres, c.p.a. .

Bay View TTotel 'aac Per a! & Berger & Go.;,-S. M.., Importers aYid Ex-

Dewey Boulevard ; Teleph. 2 43-84 porters—2215,. Azcarraga, Sampalcc;

Teleph. 21785; P.O. Box 654; ( able Ad:

Bazar Stgt.o XX, Importers and General Berco, Manila : •

S. M. Berger, pres.

Merch ants—10+l -113,,

: Plaza Del, Con d e,

Binondo;' Telephs, 49704 aind.49790;'P.0.

Box e294; Cable Ad: Siglo Bermudez & Bautista, Inc., General

Beck, Inc.. I., Importers and Wholesalers Brokers,- Maguey—5,

Especially Comprax and


—81 -91, Escol la. Binondo: Teleph. 23355; Teleph.

Cable Ad: “Peck ’ 21321 21321 Binondo;

P.O. Box


Beck’s, General Department Store—

89. Escolta, Birwmdo; Teleph. 23356; Berry’s Chemical Co.—211, Barbosa;

Teleph. 2-33-77

Cable Ad: Beck




tion Steel Expert Corpora- Bowen £k Co., General Merchants—

Calle Helios, Echague; Teleph. 2-34-31;

Joseph H. Schmidt, representative P.O. Box

Codes: Acme, 785;etc.Cable Ad: Gebowen;

forthe Philippine Islands G. Bowen, manager

Big Wedgb Mining Co.—Bachrach W. Bodmer

Bldg., Port Area; Teleph. 21544; H. J, H. Maclean | D. P. Coles

P.0. Box 420; Capital P.2,000,000.00 BriasRoxas,Inc., Gentlemen’s Fine Wear,

E. M. Bachrach, president Military Supplies, Arms and Ammuni-

L. W. Lambert, vice-president

Directors—Carlos Young, A. I. tion, Hunting, and Fishing Outfits,

Spalding Athletic Goods and Tailoring

Reynolds and T. P. Lim Department—71-73, Escolta, Binondo;

P.O. Box 151;

Universal TradeCable


Brirox; Code:


BrokerGregorio, Lawyer andSanta

— 837, Tayuman, Real Estate


Teleph. 23107 Brimo, Antonio A.,Goods—412,

Manufacturer and

Importer of DryP.O. Box 134; Reina Re-

Binondo Harness Factory—365, Gan- gente, Binondo; Cable Ad:

dara, Binbndo; P.O. Box 1619; Te- Abrimo; Teleph. 49719

leph. 4-83-80

British Consulate (See Consulates)

Bio & Chuan, Inc., Copra Exporters and

Dealers—Head Office; 685 Benavides; British Corporation and Register of

P. O. Box 974; Cable Ad; Biochuan; Shipping and Aircraft — Derham

Code: Bentley’s 2nd Phrase Building, Port Area

C. L. Tan, pres, and gen. mgr. American Bureau of Shipping,

S. C. Tan, office mgr. agents

Blossom & Co., Plumbers and Metal Bukidnon Cattle and Coffee Co., Inc.

workers—Calle Otis; Teleph. 57435; —4, Byno, San Felipe Nory, Rizal;

Cable Ad: Blossom Teleph. 67855; Cable Ad: Missary

Bombay Silk Supply (Sobhraj Jhamatmal Bull and Co., Inc., W.—1560, Azcar-

& Co.), WholesaleNueva,,

chants—128-132. and Retail Mer- raga;

Silk (For-


Teleph. 2-17-79; P.O. Box

2878, Cable Ad : Oobul: Codes:

merly occupied bv Bazar Velasco); A.B.C. 6th edn., Imp., Bentley’s,

Teleph. 23554; P.O. Box 1821; Cable Ad: Clave “Colon,” Mosse and Private


Bulletin, Manila Daily—Corner Raon

Boston Hotel and Restaurant, Hotel and Evangelista, Quiapo; Teleph.


Echague, Santa Cruz; Teleph. 23281 21102; Cable Ad : Bulletin

Carson Taylor, publisher

RoyH. C.A. Bennett, general manager

Botica Boie (Philinnine-American Drug

Co.)—95, Escolta. Binondo; P.O.Box299; W. L. Linn, advertising

Highsmith, do.

office do.

Cable Ad: Boie; Teleph. 23281 L.Robert

E Moote, circulation do._

Aura Smith, news editro

Botica E. Abundo, chief accountant

Retail deDruggists

St a. Cruz,

— 106,Wholesale and

Plaza Goiti; Running & Co., Inc., Export and Insurance

P. O. Box 278; Cable Ad: Salvia —135-168, Felipe II, Binondo; P.O.Box

Botica Hensonnia, Wholesale and Retail sumerco 289; Teleph. 49753; Cable Ad: In-

Druggists—97, Real; Teleph. 23732

Bureau Veritas International Regist-

Boulevard Apartment Hotel — er for the Classification of Shipping

1134, Dewey Boulevard; Telephs. —G. de los Reyes Building; Teleph

21713; Cable Ad: Veritas

56981-56982; Cable Ad:

P. H. Trimble, managerBoulapts J. 1. Harris, surveyor


Burroughs, Inc., Dealers in Adding, Cardenas <£ Casal, Attorneys-at-Law—

Billing, Bookkeeping, Calculating 305-306, Filipinas Bldg., Plaza Moraga,

Machines—Perez Samanillo Build- Binondo; Teleph.2l336

ing (4th floor), Escolta; P.O. Box

2769; Teleph. 23466; Cable Ad: P. D. Carman Co., Ltd., Realtors—210,

Burad Arias Building; Teleph. 22593

P. D. Carman, managing partner'

Bush Chemical Co., Inc., Joe — 443,

Ronquillo; Teleph. 32378; P.O. Box 1753 Carmelo & Bauermann, Inc.,Azcarraga;


ghers and Printers—2957,

Cacho Hermanos Germania—672, Le- Cable .0. BoxAd:655;Carba;


23321 and 23331;


garda; Teleph. 2-12-85 A.B.C. 5th edn. Improved

Cadwallader-Gibson Lumber Co.—63-

77, Nagtah'ari,

Teleph. Sampaloc;

67516; Cable P.O. Box 602; Caro Electrical Service, Automotive

Ad: Cadwall Parts, Accessories and Service—110-


Cahlubang,' Sugar


Province. Office: 116,


Pacire Faura; Ermita; Telephs.

56944-56945 ;

Office: (6th floor), G. de los PteyesBldg.; Under the management of:

Teleph. •:2l7l; Cable Ad: Calsug Ramcar, Inc., Manila

L. Weinzheimer, vice-pres. and Carrera & Co., Edward G., 'Certified

general manager Public Accountants — 112, Romero

R. Gronke, assist, gen. mgr. Salas, Ermita; Teleph. 54888; P.O.

O. G. C. Milne, resident mgr. Box 2647; Cable Ad: Audcar

S. Jamieson, mgr. (Manila office)

A. B. Latham, purchasing agent


Calero Sz Co., F., Real Estate—3rd Oil Manufacturers-—Isla Vidal & Co:, Inc., Coconut

Floor, Filipinas Building; Teleph. visor, Paco; P.O. Box 1275; de . Pro-

2-31-96 Tels.

21101 and 21186; Cable Ad: Cavico

California Grocery Co., The —218-20 Casino Espanol de Manila — Taft


Teleph. Santa Cruz; P.O. Box 742; Avenue and San Luis, Ermita

Camara de Comercio Espanola de Castillo & Huos, Marble Workers,

Filipinas—P.O. Box 754; Teleph. 57575 Sculptors, Plating, etc.—313, E. Hil-

Camera Supply Co. —138, Escolta, dago, Sta. Cruz; Teleph. 26157

Binondo Casupanan Brothers, Plumbers and

Campos Rueda Hermanos Inc., Importers Plumbing Contractors—243, Blumentrit;

Teleph. 27953

and Exporters—2205, Azcarraga,

paloc; P.O. Box 31; Teleph. 23944; Sam-

Cable Ad: Camporu Catholic Trade School, Printing, Book-

Camus & Delgado, Lawyers—Suite 402, binding and Book Store. Books of

Masonic Temple, Binondo; Telephs. all Catholic Publishers, Importers

and Manufacturers of all Religious

22347-8; Cable Ad: Bufdel Goods and Articles—1196, Oroquieta;

Canadian Pacific Railway Com- Teleph. 28918

pany—14-16, Calle David; P.O. Box Cebu Portland Cement Co., Manu-

288: Telephs.

paeline 23656-7; Cable Ad: Can- facturers of Apo Cement — Insular Life

and Gacanpac

J. S.R. C.Shaw, Building; Telephs. 21489-21490; Cable

Larson | agent

general G. R. Razavet Ad: Cepoc; Plant, Naga, Cebu

Alberto Barretto, pres. & gen.

Carbon Dioxide Plant (Liquid and manager

Solidified)—132, Aviles Street; Te- Jesus J. iSantos, secty. & treas.

leph. 21212—(See San Miguel Bre- H. M. Power, general supt. of

wery) plant



Cecilio Press, Printers, Bookbinders Cham-Samco & Sons, Importers of Con-

and Publishers—726, Calero, Sta. struction Materials—300-308,San

San Nicolas; Teleph. 49502-38 64,Cristo,


Cruz; Teleph. 22369 Ad: Chamsamco

-Crnter dr Luxe, Tnc., Gentlemeii’s Fur- Chan Kiao A Co., Rice Importers and

nishing Store,

of Quality Hats.ShirtCapsMakers,

and Importers

Hosiery— Dealers—259, Juan Luna, Binondo;

80-82, Eseolta, Binondo; Teleph. 237S7; Teleph. 48255; P.O. Box 695

P. O. Box 1719

Charter, T. H., Manufacturers’ Re-

Central presentative — Binondo; Teleph.

Rizal AveAuto


Azcarraga, Co., The—Corner

Santa Cruz; 21063; P.O. Box 1201; Cable Ad:

Teleph, 23727; P. O. Box 2115; Chardiner

Central Azuoarera de Bais—Central

Office: 212. Marques de Cbmillas; China—(See Chartered Bank of India, Aust. &

Teleph. 225.81; Cable Ad: Azucarera Banks)

Adrian Got, president

Frederico Perez, vice-president Chaves Salinas A Co., Customs

Brokers and Forwarding Agents—

Central Azucarera de Tarlac—212, 129, Dasmarinas Street; Teleph.

Marques de Comillas, Paco, Manila; 49049

Teleph. 22581; Cable Ad : Luistarlac

Adrian Got, president Chee A Co., L. A. (Varadero de San Mi-

Frederico Perez, vice-president guel), Ship Builders—745. Echague, San

Miguel; Teleph. 21660, P.O. Box 1244

Central, Azucarrra Del Norte, Sugar

Central—204. Cu Un Heng Building, Cheng Ban Yek & Co;, Importers and

Binondo; Teleph. 21668 Exporters, Rice Mill Owners—525,

Muelle de Binondo, San Nicolas;

Central Furniture Co. (Dy Hong Co.), Teleph. 49903; P.O. Box 792

Furniture Manufacturers, Wholesale

and Retail Furniture Dealers; Contrac- Cheng Siong Lam A Co., Rice dealers

tors for Office

325, 329, Furniture—Main

333 A 337. Office: and Rice Mills Proprietors—1001.

T. Pinpin, Binondo:

Teleph. 2jl48(L/ Branches: Standard Dagupan, Tondo; Telephs. 49606 A

Furniture Store, 364 and 368, T. Pinpin, 49650; P.O. Box 1524


Chiat An, Exchange Broker—530, Sta.

Central Hardware, Hardware Dealers— P.O. Cristo, San Nicolas; Teleph. 49546:

57, Rosario, Binondo; Teleph. 21909; P.O. Box 85

Box 1148; Cable Ad: Uyliamhu

Uy Liam Hua, manager Chicago Portrait Co., Art Studios—

931, R. Hi Id ago, Quiapo ; Teleph.

Central Luzon Milling Co., Inc., 26625; Cable Ad: Inartco

Sugar Millets'and Dealers—Taveral

Luna Building, Bihbndo; Teleph. 22917; Chin Guan, Importer of Chinaware—339,

P.O. Box 2022 Santo Cristo; Teleph. 47268

J. V. Ramirez, president

Chamber or Commerce, Manila, Chin Hua A Co., Sugar Merchants—

(:See Associations) 326-328, Nueva, Binondo; Telephs. 21935

and 28490; P. O. Box 2440

Chamber of Commerce oe the Philip-

pine Islands—(-SVe Associations) Chin Sing A Co., Hardware Dealers—

207, Rosario, Binondo; Teleph. 47698

Chambre de.Commerce Franca ire Aux

Isles .Philippines—(d'oc;. Associa- China Banking Corporation—'(Nee

tions)' ' " '' ■ ? 19 o1

•'' Banks)


China Drawn Work Co., importers and Chua Chiaco & Co., Importer, Ex-


Oriental Chinese

Curio Embroidery

Dealers—84, and

del porter of Native Products—253,

Pilar. Ermita; Teleph. 28340;M.P.O.H. Box Juan Luna, Binondo; Teleph.

49702; Cable Ad: Chuachiaco ,

465; Cable Ad. Chinawork

China Fire Insurance Co., Ltd., The Chua Lim & Co., Soap Manufacturers—

—Perez Samanillo Building; 19, 607, 49914Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas; Teleph.

Escolta, Binondo

Warner, Barnes & Coj, Ltd., Chua Luan & Co., Inc., Importers,

agents Exporters and General

Chinese Commercial 310, .Sto. Cristo; Teleph.Merchants-^


Soier (near AzcarragaNews Co., Inc.—2,

Bridge), Tondo; Chua Seco & Co., General Merchants

Teleph. 49795; P.O. Box 452; Cable Ad: —519, Santa Cristo; Teleph. 48743;


Yu Yi Tung, business manager P.O. Box 963

S. Lai, managing editor

Chua Sy Quiat & Co., Imports, Ex-

Chinese Consulate:—(Nee Consulates) j ports, Exchange and Commission

Merchants —1107, San Fernando,

Chinese Trading Co., Inc., The, Im- !1 Binondo; Teleph. 47270; P.O. Box 367

porters of Dry Goods and Provi-

sidns—437, Nueva, Binondo ; Teleph. | Chua Tiat To

49006;. P.O. Box 2197; Cable-Ad: : j Clase dedeLatas, TambienOoncerhientes


Chintraco , ! Clase Trabajps

Ramo de Hojalateria—373-379, Muelle


de Binondo,

Ching Chay Pin & Co., Cigars, Ciga- i P.O. Box 2154 , , , ,: Binondo; Teleph. 49993:

rettes, Groceries, Notions, etc.—1016,

Comercio, San Nicolas; Teleph.! Chua Yap—Philippine Mii-ror Factory,

49259 Manufacturer pf all Mnds of Mirror,

■Choa Tek . Hee, Importer, General j Showcase Main -Office:and 716-718,

Mirror Rizal



Merchant and Manufacturers’- Re- J Teleph.

presentative — 413, Reina Regent, 1 Dept.: 936, T,- Alonso; - Teleph.Wholesale

2-18-91; Factory and 2-16-218 ;

Binondo: Teleph. 49711: P.O. Box! P.O. Box 1155; Cable Ad: Glass-Manila

766; Cable Ad : Choatekhee * i Chua Yap, proprietbr

Chong Kee Furniture,

Dealers—832, Store,:Std:

T. Aronzo, .Fuihitfure

Cruz | Chua Yaw, Leon, Water Transporta-

Teleph. 28940 tion and Stevedoring—107, Dasmar-

ihas. Binmido: Teleph. 49084

f'Hoy : & Co., S. C., Lurnber Dealers. CilUjUBi’QUE, Jose Lim, Coal Dealer, pay

Sole Philippine Distributors for |

Cad wallader-G ibson Lumber Co.— ! and River Freighting—^04;

Teleph. 21731 ; Sevilla, San:

672, Juan Luna San Nicolas; Tele- ! Nicolas; Liraclnunbuque .

Cable ' Ad

phone 40590; P.O. Box 762: Cable ;

Ad: Choy. Mill and Yard: 1811- j


S. ,C. Ghoy, presdt. geh. nigiv

Henry Choy, asst, manager Episcopal Mission of the Philip-

.Wm, Chpy, treasurer pine Islands—Church House: 555,

Isaa,c; Feralp Teleph., 5-72-67; Ca|)le

ChristErn, Huenefeld & Co„ Inc., A<1:Pishop-—Rt.

BishopijtpdRev.i Gpuverneur

v Fiank

Import and Export—711, ,Galle Rotpan, Moshei-, !). u. . ' ' J .

Bihondo : Teleph. 4r87-74: Juan

Luna, Tondo

.Ad: Sternhuene ;- P.O. Box 2048 ;

■- , : Cable

Mission de .t.a CompaIcia de Jesus


Union Church of Manila

European)—Padre Faura, (American-

A. Mabini, Colcol & Co., M., Stationery, General

and Dakota Manse, : 222, Arquiza; Cruz; Merchandise — 837, T. Alonso; Sta.

Teleph. 5-59-30 Teleph. 26997; Cable Ad:

Minister—Bev. Walter B. Foley Colso

Clark & Co., Optometrists—205, Ma- Cqlgate-Palmolive-PeetToiletBiriondO;


Co., Soap &


sonic Temple, 90, Escolta; Teleph. as, Teleph. 49740; Cable

22144; P.O. Box 1108; Cable Ad: Ad: Palmolive

Clarkhager W. T. Schroeder, manager

Clarke ifc LaIikin, Certified Public Ac- M. B. Palad, accountant


floor; Teleph. 23376; MasonicP.O. Temple,


270; Columbia Hotel—50, M. H. del Pilar

CableW. W.Ad:Larkin,

Clarlarc.p.a. and 103, San Luis, Ermita; Te-

G. Rnshton, c.a.c.p.a. leph. 23460

J. G. Horstink,

C. L. Hull, c.p.a, Columbian Rope Co., Manufacturers


at-law Dalupan, c.p.a., attorney- ofBuilding, Abaca—302, National City Bank

Enrique Caguiat, c.p.a. Binondo; Teleph. 21149;

A.M. Sanchez, c.p.a., attorney-at-law Cable Ad: Columbian

Maximo B. Arcangel, c.p.a.

Antonio F. Aquino,

Jose L. Torres, c.p.a.c.p.a. Commercial Electrotype Co., Inc., Elec-

A.M. P.C. Ferrer, c.p.a. trotypes,

Work — 415, Stereotypes and Santa

P. Paterno, Mimeograph


Cruz, c.p.a. Teleph. 23091; P.O. Box 1140

Joaquin Yamzon, c.p.a. David Shepherd, manager

Pi.A. Alejandre,

Dizon, c.p.a. c.p.a.

Y. Zapata, c.p.a. Commercial Pacific Cable Co.—El Ho-

Louise L. Miller

Isabel Gandionco gar Building, Juan Luna, Binondo^

J.F. Aviado I G. Caguiat Telephs.

V. C. N.23556 and 23586;

Morgan, supt. P.O. Box 771

Dizon | S. Arcangel H. W. Burden, supervisor

CoandBan Lino & CoAccessories,

Ban Kiat,PaintsHardware R. R. Thorup

Oils, Carriage

Wholesale and Retail—197-199, and

Commercial Union Assurance Co.,


Box 2216 Binondo; Teleph. 49755; P.O. Ltd. (Fire)—Chaco Building, Bin-



Chun Huat,Drat, Chocolate and Conconut Findlay, Millar Timber Co.r

Paco; Teleph. 54801 agents


Lu So Hardware,

112-114,54801 Importers of Hard-

Plaza Calderon de la times—223, desDasmarinas;

Compagnie Messageries Mari-

Barca; Teleph. Teleph.

4-98-91; P.O. Box 1637; Cable Ad:

Co Pak & Co., Soap Manufacturers, Messagerie L. Everett, Inc., agents

Agents, Coconut Oil for Carrero, Vidal

c Co.—426, 49931;Santo

P.O. Cristo,

Box 2154San Nicolas; Compaiiia General de Tabacos de Pili-

pinas, Importers, Exporters, Shipping

m * m m and Insurance AgentsMarques and General

Go Seteng & Co., Eduardo, Manu- Merchants—2l2, Teleph. 22581

de Comillas;

facturers of Lumber, Cigar Boxes ments);

and Building Contractors—602-610, P.O. Box 143; Cabledepart-

(connecting all Ad:

Tanduay, Quiapo; Teleph. 21809; Tabacalera Jose Rosales, dir. & gen’l. mgr. (Spain)

Cable Ad: Coseteng; P.O. Box 247 Antonio Y. Correa, vice-director do.

Eduardo Co Seteng, gen. mgr. Carlos A. Ferrandiz, do.


Sociedad Anonima — 100, Juan Building, 174, Juan Luna; Teleph.

Luna, Binondo; Teleph. 49826; 4-87-17

Cable Ad: Maritima; Codes, A.B.C. Consul-General—A. P. Blunt,

5th C.

10th andedn.6thandedns.,



at: — Consul—L. H. Foulds

Calbayog, Cagayan de Misamis, Vice-Consul—^-Guy Walford (act-

Capdz, Oatbalogan, Cebu, Cotabato, ing)

Davao, Dumaguete, Ibahay, Iloilo, : Acting Vice-Consuls—

Jolo, Misamis, New Washington, J. A. Lees (Iloilo)

Pulupandan, Komblon, Tacloban J. D. McLaren (Zamboanga)

and Zamboanga G. A. Main (Davao)

Con^ell Beos. Co., Importers and D. C. Brown (Legaspi)

Exporters—Rooms 623/624, Insular Italy—702, Seacock Building

Life Bldg,, Binondo i Teleph. 21439; Acting Consul—R. F. Staurenghi

P.O. Box 2'79; Cable Ad : Connell

Japan—De Los Reyes Building,

Plaza Cervantes; Teleph. 2-35-57;

CONSULATES. Cable Ad : Riyoji

Argentine—109, Juan Luna; Teleph. Consul-Gen.—Kiyoshi Uchiyama

49326 ■, ; Vice-Consul—Jitaro Kihara

Acting Consul (Davao)—Toyoji

Consul—J. F. Fernandez Kaneko

Belgium—31, Escolta; Teleph. 21090; Latvia—Aguinaldo Bldg., 514-520,


Box 123; Cable Ad:

Verlinden Belsulat Juan Luna; Teleph. 49885

Vice Consul—Leopoldo R. Agui-

China—China Bank Building; Tele- naldo

phone 49023

Consul General—Tsoong lung Liberia—793, Santa ■ Mesa; Teleph.

Dunn 67185

Consul—J. C. Hsu Consul—R. Summers

Vice-Consul—S. K. Cheng

do. —K. Y. Mok Mexico—2037, Azcarraga; P. O. Box 665

Chancellor—E. T. Goo Honorary Consul—A. Carmelo y Casas

do. —Y. H. Loo ,

Netherlands—174, Juan Luna, Bi-


: Rica—S. O. de Fernandez nondo; Teleph. 4-90-33

Building; Teleph. 2-67-16 Consul—E,. Heybroek

Consul—Vincente T., Fernandez Vice Consul—T. Bremer

Acting Vice-Consuls—Guy Wal-

Czechoslovakia—67, Juan Luna; ford (Cebu), T. A. Lees

Teleph. 22624 (Iloilo)

Consul—Leo Schnurmacher

Denmark—112/3. Muelle de Binondo; Nicaragua — Azcarraga 1564, Corner

Teodora Alonso Street, Santa Cruz;

Teleph. 4-96-80 Radio Ad: Gonlegarda E. Lacayo


Consul—G. P. Datenia (Absent)

France — Room 329, . Luis Perez; Vice-Consul and Acting Consul-

Samanillo Building, Escolta; General —Hon. Vicente L. Legarda

Teleph. 2G940 Norway—3, Plaaa Moraga; Teleph.

Consul—Gaston Willoquet 21026

Germany—1570, Arlegui Extension, Consul—T. M. Holmson

San Miguel Distr. • Teleph. 2-26-

59; Cable Ad: Consugefma Panama—99, Cristobal Street; Te-


ing Consul) Fischer (Act- leph. 57S25

Consul—E. €. Ross


Paraguay—8, Muelle del Banco Na- Cosmopolitan Furniture, Furniture

cional Dealers and Manufacturers—166,

Consul—J. J. Russell Legarda, Sampaloc


Peru—819, Dewey Boulevard

Hon. Consul—Antonio Melian Cosmos Bazar, Inc., Direct Importers and

Y. Pavia (Count de Pera- General Binondo; Merchants—215-217,

Teleph. 49615 Rosario,.


Portugal—702, Insular Life Bldg.; Cosmos Bustos, Printing

Santa Cruz;.Co., Printing—3:09,.

Teleph. 22705

Tf.leph. 22367

Consul—J. W. Perrier Costa Rica, Consulate of — {See

Russia — Consul for Prance in ! Consulates)

Charge Couto Hermanos, Importers and Ex-

Siam—511, Heacock Building; Teleph. porters—124, leph’. 2-73 : 1 T- Pihpin, Bihondo; Te-



Hon. Consul—E. Arthur Per- J. Couto _| S. Escolano


Cranston , H. D., Medhanical and


Consul San Luis;- Telfeph.

General Don Miguel 5-67-63 Electrical Consulting Engineer —

Espinos Bosch ! 302, Kneedler Building; Santa

I Cruz; Teleph. 24262

Sweden—Chaco Building, 75, Das- Crown Life Insurance Co., Toronto

' marinas-St. Canada—-Ou Un Jieng Bldg.; Teleph.

Consul—A. G. Hendersen i 24310; CableAgents;

Ad: CrownislaS

’ Y:ee-Corisul—if. A. Jan son General Crdwnislas. Co.

Savjtzerland7-627, Rizal Avenue; Managers: Thfeo.'H. Davies & Co., Ltd.

Teleph. 21S41; P.O. Box 251 Cruz Auto Supply—4th floor, Leiba

Consul—A. Sidier Building, 227, David; Teleph.

Turkey—Consul for Spain in Charge . 28038 ;

United States of America—410, CuDryUnGoods, Jieng & Co., Ltd., Importers of

Shirt Manufacturers, Dry

Heacock Building

Consulate for issuing immigra- Goods Dealers,

Commission and Wholesale

Manufacturers’ and Agents


tion visas only —Head Office: 60-64, Rosario, Binondo;

YenezueLY-^SO, E scolta; Teleph. Teleplis. CaLle6thAd:122894 an.d 22359;

Codes:P.O. Box 1105;


s ‘ ■; - / 'P I and Taxhing;

,edn., Bentley’s, andA.B.C. 5th


Consul—iAlbert P. Delfino Branches: Iloilo and Legaspi -


tural Products;Plantation


Coffee ^ ^ S tC SB

—326, Misericordia, Sta. Cruz; Te-

Loans on Mortgages, Nego-

leph. 28376 tiableGeneral

Documents, Notes Dasmarinas,


Cordoba, Dr. Jose, Physician and Surgeon and Agents—320,

—428, Rizal' AvOriue, Santa Cruz ; :

Teleph. Binondo;

CablePrivate Teleph. 23193; P.O.

Ad: Cuunjiehg; Codes: Bentley’s Box 93;

28446 and

Cortes, Santo Tomas, Enrique, Civil < Francis Cu Uhjieng, mgr.

Engineer, Reports, Estimates, Va-

luations, Designs, Investigations, Cue, J. Medina, General Leaf To-

Constructions, Supervisions — 509, bacco Merchant, Importer and Ex-


P.O. Box 2988;St.;CableTeleph.

Ad: Costmas2-14-75; porter—369, Juan Luna, Binondo;

Teleph 48481; Cable Ad: Cue


Cdekva, Hermanos, Jeweliy, Watches, De Witt, Perkins & Ponce Exrile,


Miranda, and Retail — 311-313,

Teleph. 25019; Plaza

P.O. Lawyers—511-527, Heacock Building;

Box 3033 Binondo; Teleph. 22404; P.O. Box

760; Cable Ad : Treduoc


(See Consulates) Arthur Perkins and A. Ponce


Daido Boeki Kaisha, Ltd., Importers Dee Dian Guan & Co.. Importers o'f all

and Exporters—Insular Life Building, Kinds of Chinese, silks, drygoodsfetc.


88,8; Moraga, Teleph. 24123; P.O. Box —417, Nueva, Binondo; Teleph. 47555;

Ad: Daidoboeki-Manila P.G. Box 1914; Cable Ad: Dengujvpb

Dainty Bakery,

fectioners— The, Bakers

317-321, Echague,andSanta


Cruz; Teleph; ,23518; P.O, Box 71 Dee Hong Ltje & Co., Inc:., Lumber

Manufacturers and Dealers in all

Daisy Philippine, Inc.—-231,'General 950, kinds of Philippine Lumber—920-

Juan Luna; Teleph. 49608;

Solano, San Miguel; Teleph. 23068; P.O. Box 2978; Cable Ad : Zaluc

Cable Ad : Cinesgold

Damo’s-'Chocolate anp Coffee54927;

Factory Dee C. Chuan & Sons, Inc.,

—739, Dart, Paco; Teleph." P.O. Lumber Manufacturers and Dealers

Box 2350 in aR kinds of Philippine Lumber—

14-34, Soler Street; Telephs. 49683 and

Danish Consulate — (See Consulates) • 48826; P.O. Box 474; Cable Ad: Oman

Dee G. Chuan, president

George Dee Sekiat, vice-do.

David, D. B., Import and Export—

189, Juan Luna; P.O. Box 2082;

Cable Ad: David;, Codes: A.B.C. 5th DeeLumber Tian &Dealers—1518,

Co., Saw MillAzearraga,



•edn., Bentley s I'lmlse Code and Acme Cruz; Teleph. 21847


(Established 1845-), Sugar Factors, Mer- Dehn & Co., Inc., Importers, Ex-


Agents —Insurance and Commission

Perez Sajhanillp Building ; porters, Manufacturers’ Agents—300,

Telephs. 23877

Boulevard; Teleph. 56531;

Box 183; Cable Ad: Cawar;


H., Davies Codes. Offices

Building: New— York:

Honolulu: Codes: A.B.C. 5th edn., Western

165 Union, Calpaek, Bentley’s, Mosse


Street; Hilo:San

T. H.Francisco: 215 Market and Duo

G. H. Wilkirisoh, rpgi.

G. G. Gordon, asst. nigr. Delgado, Dr. Jose M., Physician—2305, E.


Co. of: Crown Life'Insurance ' Mendiola, San Miguel; Teleph. 25020

Fiscal Agents: The Earnshaws Docks

& Honolulu Iron Works (see under Denniston, Inc., Photographic Supplies—

The Earnshaws Docks, ifc Honolulu 120-124, Escolta, Heacook Building;

-A gentsIronforWorks)

: Teleph. 21163; P.O. Box 255; Cable

Ad: Deinc, Manila and at Baguio,

Bogo-Medellin Milling

, Cebu Sugar Company, fne. Co., Tnc.' Iloilo, Cebu, Davao, New York

London Agents for:

Ltd. arid Scottish Asshtance Corp., Eastman Kodak Col ’•

Bell & Howell Co.

The Northern Assurance Co., Ltd.

;St, Paul Fire, and Marine Ins,, C6.

Dayies and Geck, Inc. (of Brooklyn, Destilerias Exporters

Ayala, Inc;, Producers and

of Fine Wines,


Insular Drug Co., Inc.; agents Liqviors — 630-652, Calle Gins and;


Telephs; 21514-5; P.G. Box 691


“Dia Filipino” Press, Printers and Dollar Steamship Lines

Publishers (“ Dia Filipino,” Semi- {See The Robert Dollar Co.)



Bureau,A. subsidiary

Inc.— 933,of the



Box 498 Quiapo; Teleph. 21430; P.O. Dunlop Rubber Co., (F.E.j, Ltd.—

550-554, San Luis


F. Garriz, president

Preysler, business mgr. Agent — Monserrat Enterprises-

Co., Ltd., 550-554, San Luis;

Directory Teleph. 5-72-51

Far Eastand(China, Chronicle

Japan, of the

Malaya, D. Carmichael

Borneo, Siam, The Philippines,

Indo-China, Netherlands India etc.) Korea,

Published by the Hong iKong Dutch Consulate—(Nee Consulates)

Daily Press, Ltd.—11, Ice House

Street, Hong Kong Duran Lim, Attorneys at Law—401-

Agents for the Philippines

Hanson, Orth & (Stevenson, Inc., 407, Cu Un Jieng Bldg.; Telephs.

Chaco Building; P.O. Box 292; 23094-23095;

Ad : Dulim

P.O. Box 522; Cable

Cable Ad: Stevenson

Dizon Filho—Radiumetor, Pottery Dy Buncio & Co.,- Inc., Importers and

Drinking Water Containers—1127, Exporters—191-211, Muellede Binondo;

Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz ; Teleph. 22610; Teleph. 49859; P.O. Box 1477; Cable Ad:

P.O. Box 1190; Cable Ad: Radiumetor Dybuncio

Dodge & Seymour, Ltd. (New York, Dy Cuiton & Co., Dry Goods Dealers


Agents Manufacturers,

Export Merchants—Insular —119a, Rosarioi, Binondo; Teleph.


Teleph.Building, Plaza Moraga, Binondo; 49161

Eximco 22229; P.O. Box 1345; Cable Ad:

The—908-918 : Arlegui, Quiapo; Dy Pac & Co., Inc.—1022-1060, Juan

Dollar Co., The Robert, Shipowners, Luna; Telephs. 49561 and 49591;

Operators, Lumber—Main Office: Port P.O. Box 1239; Cable Ad: Dypac


Teleph.City 22441;Ticket Office,;

P.O. Box 1636;87,Cable



Dollar. Head Office: San Francisco Earnshaws

Works, The, DocksManufacturers

and Honolulu andIron


(Cal.) Branches in the Philippine pairers, Consulting and Contracting


H.L.M.B.Iloilo, Cebugeneral

Cavender, and Zamboanga Engineers,andSugar Factories, MiningShip


Jepson, chief clerkagent chinery



and Repairers


J. Wells, freight agent

W. H. Garrett, freight solicitor Merchants—118, 2nd Street,andPortGeneral


J. Hay, claim agent Teleph. 23213; Cable Ad: Mearnshaw;

Robt. Woodfine,accountant

Port Captain Standard

Honolulu, T.H. (see under Honoluluat

Codes. Offices and Works

N. V. Carlson, Iron WorksSanCo.); New 215,York:Market



H.W.MacGowan, Crum, assist, accountant Broadway; Francisco:

F. Cawley,dist.



agt. Street; Canton: 75, Bund, Shameen;


E. M. Jennrich, do.

H. Vega, assist, passenger agent P.I. T.H. and Bacolod: Occ. Negros,



Office) solicitor G.vice-president

H. Wilkinson, chairman and 1st

W.J.J.M.Rogers, agent (Iloilo, P.I.) A. vice-president

M.. Simpson, manager and 2nd

R,M. S.P. Bellemans,

Reid, do. (Cebu, P.I.)

do. (Zamboanga, P.I.) G-G. G.Milne, assistant manager

Agents Gordon,

I.M.M.H.Duncan, treasurer

Dollar Steamship Line

American Diserens, mgr., treasurer

assistant Merchandise

Tacoma & Mail LineSteamship Co.

Oriental A. Department

M. Muscat, supt., Marine Plant

Philippine Inter-Island Steamship Co. J. J. Ehrhardt, Canton representative


Eastern and Philippines Shipping De La

Agencies, Ltd. — Ships Agents and Intermediate, High School andSalle College, Primary,

Brokers—Escolta 8-12 (ground floor), College—Taft Avenue Extension,

Corner Jones Bridge; Telephs. 2-26-23

(Manager), 2-26-97 : (Shipping Dept,), BMalate; rothers

Teleph. 56843; Cable Ad:

2-26-96 (Passenger Dept.); P.O. Box 2726 Rev. Brother Marcian, president

G.H. C.P. Mann, manager

J. Hennus, shipping dept. Rev. Brother John, vice-president

J. Heldring, passenger dept. and Head of Department of

G. Sellner, do. Commerce

Representatives in the P.l. jor Rev. Brother William, prefect of

J ava-China-J apan-Line studies

Royal Packet Navigation Co. Rev Brother Peter, Professor of

‘‘Nederland” Royal Mail Line Mathematics and treasurer

“Rotterdam Lloyd” Royal Mail Rev. Brother Edmund, Professor

Line of Elocution

Rev. Brother David, Biology

Holland-America Line Rev. Brothers Louis, Basilian,

Royal Netherlands Indian Airways Ciarnan, Augustine and Philip,

Royal Dutch Air Lines assist, professors

Cable Ad: for above agencies,


Holland-East-Asia Line — Cable FarHighEastern College, Collegiate,

School and Intermediate

Ad: Hoaline Courses—520, Evangelista, Quiapo;

Eastern Commercial Co., Dealers in Teleph. 22671

Textiles, and Perfumeries—Room 3,

39, Escolta,, Manila; TelepJi. 24157 Harris Memorial School—431, P.

Paredes; Teleph. 24187; Cable Ad:

Eastern Extension Australia and Endure

China Telegraph Co-, Ltd., Asso- Marguerite M. Decker, principal

ciated with Cable and Wireless, Marguerite Hewson

Ltd. (Incorporated in England)—

El Hogar Bldg., Juan Luna; Te- International Correspondence Schools

(Philippine Branch)—Filipinas Building

leph. 21744; P.O. Box 161 (5th floor); Telephs. 2-21-45; P.O. Box

A. N. B. Carr, manager 429;J.D.Cable Ad: Intertext

G. L. S. Grant, assist, mgr. Mencarini, mgr. for the Philippines

Eastern Isles Import Corporation,

Manufacturers and Exporters of National ' Bu^iiiEss; School, Steno-

Embroideries—02, Balmes, Quiapo ; graphy, Typewriting, Bookkeeping and

Teleph. 21384; Cable Ad; Easternile Accounting—3rd floor, Paterno Build-

S. Davis Winship, pres, and mgr. ing,Officers Sta. Cruz Bridge, Sta. Cruz

of Administration—

Economic Press, Printers and Book- Jose Concepcion, a.b., b.s.c.,

binders—501, Arelegui; Telepb. 22782 ll b., director

Sotero Gonzalez, manager Ysidro Lerma, Jr., a.b., b.s.c., treas.

Ricardo G. Trinidad, a.a., secretary

Educational Distributor, The, Sport-

ing and School supplies—765, Juan

Luna, Binondo; Teleph. 49602 ; P.O. National University

University (Largest Private

in the2-15-36

P.l.) — 385 Lipa,

Box 557 . Sampaloc; Teleph.

President—Camilo Osias (on leave)

Gabino Tabunar, actg. pres.


Philippine Law School(Incorporated

(College of Law),

Atrneo de Manila—P.O.Box 154;Telephs. National University

empowered by Govt, to confer Degrees)


2-25-91; 157. Arzobispo,

Executive Officers : Intramuros —124, Plaza Sampalocan, Intramuros;

Rey. Richard A. O’Brien, s.j., president Teleph. 2-54-49

Rev. John A. Morning, s.j., dean Dean—Ricardo C. Lacson (acting)

Rev. Wm. E. Jordan, s.j., head master ' Secretary—Yehancio II. Benetua


San Juan de Letram College, Primary, : ElSpanish Debate, Only Morning Daily in

in Manila—61 Calle Mu-



Intermediate, High SchoolP.O.

•200, Beaterio, Intramuros; andBox


146; 1; ralla, Intramuros;

Teleph. 2-39-91. Free Catalogue sent Teleph. 21494 I

on request (connecting all depts.); P.O. Box

601; Cable Ad : Debate

(Established 1611) Carlos P. Romulo, publisher

Conducted by Dominican Fathers : M. Farolan, gen. mgr.

Very Rev. Father Silvestre San- Ramon Torres, editor

cho, rector I. S. Reyefj; advt. mgr.

Very Rev. Father Jose Ortea, El Dorado Oil Works, Copra Buyers


Very Rev. Father Jose Cuesta, —318, National City Bank Bldg.;

Binondo; Teleph. 2-23-22, 2-33-32 j

secretary Cable Ad: Eldoilwrks

University of Manila—Sampaloc Unit: I M. Igual, manager

106, Gastambide; Teleph. 2-33-35;; Go Ki Co., Gran Fabrica de Cal de

Intramuros Unit: 148-152, Cabildo, ElIsidra j


Unit: City;Sta.


Cruz;2-41-78; Cruz i: de Cal,Bonifacio,


Se Vende Todas Clases

Grava, Arena, Cemento, Piedras,

P.O. Box 1246 Ladrillos, Baldosas y Becibep Trabajos

College ofof Business

Law Administration de



928,. ■ Yelasqinv. (Int),

, College

' College

College ofof Education

Liberal Arts El Hogar Filipina, Mutual Build- ;

Normal Course ing Loan Associatiph—El Hogar

Bachelor of Science in Education Building; Juna Luna, Binondo:

Master of Arts in Education Telephs. 21007-9; P.O. Box 105;


Combined of Philosophy and

Arts, Business j Iloilo, AdCebu,

Literature Cable : Hogarfilip; Agencies in

Main Law Coursesandin High

andElementary School and Legaspi

Zamboanga, Baguio

Intramuros Elementary and High j El Inventor, Carriage and Furniture


Cruz High School Factory, Barber and Dentist Chairs,

; Bodies for! Trucks, Passenger and Cargo,

Mariano V. de

L. Alba, secretarylos Santos, president Duco Paint and Auto Repair—1110,

G. Ramirez, treas. and regtr. Nauru ; Teleph. 49725

University of the Philippines (State i Manufacturers El Orient® Fabrica.de Tabacos,Evan-

of Cigars—732, Inc.,

University)—Calle Padre Faura Ermita ! gelista, Sta. Cruz; Teleph. 21488; P.O.

Box.590; Cable Ad: El on

University of Santo Tomas,. Private i

Catholic Institution—Main Bldg., El Oriente Nickel Plating, General Re-

Calle Espana, Sampaloc; Telephs. Teleph. pairing—709, Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz;

22931, 23084 and 23085 . 23045


Pavo Real,” Biscuit and Macaroni

“El 82,” Paints and Artists Materials— i Chemicals,Importers etc. 438, ofP. Bada,

Paper, Paints,.


96r-98, Rosario* Binondo; Teleph. Kurt Sturm, proprietor

2-01-35; Cable Ad : Rongpin

El Agttila Fabrica de Tabacos Y ElAve., Zafiro, Jewelry Store—682, ilizal

Cigarillos, Inc., Tobacco Manufac- Cable Teleph. 25206; P.O. Box 2376;

Ad : Zafiro

turers and Exporters—86, Plaza !

Dilao, Paeo; Teleph. 56504; P.O. I El Zenith Jewelery Store—37, Escolta,

Box 1027 : Binondo; Teleph. 22985; P.O. Box 257;


Brillante, Jewelry, Watches, Engrav- j Cable Ad: Elzenith

Watch-repairing, Glasswares and1| Elite Ham Factory, Manufacturers of



25334 Escolta, Binondo; Ham, Bacon, Lard and, Sausages—2666,

Herran, Santa Ana.; Teleph. 57516


Ext is, William J., Shipping agent & ! Escolta Drug Co.—58-60, Escolta;

Commercial Broker — 16, Escolta, ! Telephs. 22789 (Office) and 22780

Binondo; Teleph. 21292 (Store); P.O. Box 592; Cable Ad:

Escodrugco, Code: Bentley’s

Elmac, Ixc., Co., Electrical and Machinery ! Estrella Auto Palace—536-568, Gandara,

627, Cable

32-33; Rizal Avenue; Telephs. Codes:

Ad: Tehaselmac; 23531- !| Santa Uruz; Teleph. 21425; P.O. Box 273


and Mosse Western Union 5 letter edn. j European American Grocery (Woo, Lo

& Co.), Wholesale and Retail importers

Elser, E. E., Insurance agent—400, ofEchague, Fancy inGroceries

front ofandPhilippine



Kneedler Building, Santa Cruz; Stores and Quinta Market, ttanta Cruz:

Teleph. 22428; P.O. Box 598; Cable Telephs. 21485 & 21382; P.O.Box

Cable Ad: Wooloco ■


Ad: Edmil

Elizalde & Co., Inc , formerly Ynchaus- Everett, Inc., L., Shipping Agents—Office:

ti y Oia. (Estab: 1854), Importers and | 223, Dasmarinas; Telephs. 4-98-91,

Exporters; General Merchants and i 4-98-92; P.O. Box 1637; Cable Ad:

Manufacturers; Rope, Paint and Oil i Leverett. Head Office: Shanghai.

China. Branch Offices: Yokohama,


ce; TanduaySteamship


Sugar andInsuran-

Hemp |! Cebu

Kobe, Hongkong, Manila, Iloilo and.

Plantations; Sugar Centrals La Carlota,

Sara-Ajuy, and Pilar; Shipchandlery |



Gubat, Stores—Branches:

Sorsogon, Hongkong, Iloilo, Excelsior Bicycle Supply—234, Sulu-

Shanghai, Kobe, San Francisco and

York. Manila Central Offices: Muellede New | can,L. A.Sampaioc

Alvarez, proprietor

la Industria; Teleph. 2-27-92; P.O. Box | Exporters Sales Corporation, Import,

121; Cable Ad: Elizalde; all Standard | Export & Indent—1121, O’Donnell,

Codes Sta. Cruz; Teleph. 261'72; Cable Ad:

Eng Bio Jitat, Inc., General Mer- “Sexbis”

chants—'722, Magdalena, Binondo; Fajardo, Augurio, Piano Repairer and

Teleph. 49946; P.O. Box 7 Tuner, Auto-Pianos and Organs a

Specialty—150, Lardizabal, Sampaioc;

Engineering Equipment and Sup- t Teleph. 25743. Residence 610, Trabajo,

ply Co. (Incorporated), Machinery, Sampaioc; Teleph. 28568

Mechanical Supplies, Engineers, Con- FajarDO, Augorio, Piano Repairer and

tractors—Thirteenth St., Port Area ; Bookbinders and Stationers—530 Raon .

Teleph. 2-41-42; P.O. Box 2128;.Cable Sta. Cruz; P.O. Box 230; Teleph. 21066;?

Ad: Rapak; Codes.: Bentley’s 2nd Cable Ad: Fajardo

Phrase Juan Fajardo, prop, and mgr.

R. L. Parker, president

Erlanger & Galinger, Inc., Exporters Fanlo & Cia, Inc., General Merchants

and Importers—601-609, Escolta; and Brokers—616, Rizal Avenue,

Santa Cruz; Teleph. 23873; P.O.

Teleph. 21234; P.O., Box 426 ; Cable j Box 860

Ad: Erlgalinc

Ep.mita Grocery, The (Hong Tai & | Farmacia Central, Inc., Wholesale

and Retail Druggists and Per-


Teleph. H. M. del Pilar; Ermita; j fumists—242, 246, 248, Rosario,

Binondo; Telephs. 48830, 49694, and

49150; P.O. Box 1967

B. de Erquiaga, Inc., Hemp and

Copra—909, Indiana ; Teleph. 56551; Farmers' Produce and Commission

P.O. Box 2053; Cable Ad: Erquiaga. Co., Provisions, Local and Importer

Manila, Legaspi, Tabaco, Ligao, —410, Echague, Santa Otuz; Teleph*

Iriga, Naga 28102; P.O. Box 574


Faere Engineering Development Co., Fidelity and Surety Co. of the Philir-

Decorators, Civil Engineers, Manu- pine Islands, Write All Classes of

Bonds; Insurance: Fire, Marine, Auto-

facturers’ Representatives — Suite mobile,

315-317, Crystal Arcade Building* de PiedadEarthquake Building,

and Flood—Monte

Plaza Goiti,

Escolta; Teleph. 23324; P.O. Box Cruz; Teleph.

2738; Cable Ad: Faendeco 21255; BoxSanta

Agencies: Iloilo, Cebu,P. O.Zamboanga, 150.

Feliciano, Juan and Sisters, Rope Davao and Cagayan

Manufacturers — 115,Ad: Felicorope

Dasmarinas; Geo.

E. B.C. Ford,

Dank vverth, vice-



Telepb. 25205; Cable P.Simeon

M. Poblete,

Juan Feliciano, manager Reyes,secretary-treasurer

assist. do.

Feliciano & Co., Inc., J. B., Manu- “Fi-WIa” — rectifying plant — Manila,

facturers of the "Over the Hill Ink P.I., Manufacturers of special “ German-

Products,” General Merchants and Distillate-Liqueurs ” by own German-

Exporters of Native Products—173, Recipes, special “Medicines for

Maria Clara, Bampaloc; Teleph. Diabetis, Asthma, Tuberculosis

28367 (calcium - Vitamin - Silicium-therapy)—

Feltman Bros., Embroideries —1445, all Cable Ad : Fima, Manila. Agencies in

California, Paco; Teieph. 57250; P.O. Box big places

Herman wanted proprietor

A. Fischer,

,846; Cable Ad: Brofeltman

Feria & Lao, Lawyers—520, China Bank Figuera Gravel and Sand Co., Inc.,

Contractors in Concrete Materials,

Building, corner Juan Luna and,l Gravel, $and, etc.—-1518, Oregon;


and 48195 Binondo; Telephs. 490 92 Teleph. 23510; P.O. Box 1701

Fermin, Regino. Florist—1151, Singalong, Filipinas Lumber Co., Inc., Manufac-

turers and Exporters of Philippine

Malate; Teleph. 56777 Hardwoods—123-129, Juan Luna,

Fernandez & Co.,’V. T., General Merchants Binondo; Teieph. 49048; Cable Ad :

Fililumber; Codes A.B.C. 5th edn.

—S.O. de Fernandez Building; Telephs. and Bentley’s; P.O. Box 18; Saw


Ferna^cp P. O. Box . 1607; Cable Ad: Mills and Concession, Cabibihan

and Calauag, Tayabas, P. I.

Fernandez Hermanos, Ing, Merchants Siy Cong Bieng and Co., Inc.,

and Ship Owners—109, Juan Luna: General Managers,

Telephs. 4-98-26; P.Q. Box 805; Cable Ad: Filipino Printing Press —1129,

Fernandez; Codes: A.B.C. 5th and 6th

edns., Boe, Scott’s, Bentley’s and Private Avenue Rizal; Teleph. 27810 ^ P.O.


RamonF. Fernandez,

J. Fernandez,president

vice-president BoxDionisip

1406 R. Peralta, manager

Carlos P. Fernandez, assist, to the


Import and Export , Department Filma Mercantile Co., Inc., Import and

Nicolas Estella, in-charge Export—244, David, Binondo; Teleph.

Shipping Department 22476; Cable Ad: Merca

Jose E. Mateu, in-charge Findlay Millar Timber Co., Lumber


Luis A. Department

Fernandez, auditor Merchants, Importers, Insurance

Real Estate and Insurance Dept. and Shipping Agents—1000, Corde-

Marciano Rivera, in-charge leria, Santa Mesa; Teleph. 67588-

Gtwral Managers for 87-89; P.O. Box 307; Cable Ad:

Compailia FindmiR; All Codes used

El YaraderoMaritima

de Manila Firestone Tire and Rubber Company

Manila Compania de Seguros of the Philippine Islands—207-209,

Thirteenth St., Port Area; Telephs.

Fereazzini, Inc.,. Anselmo, Hat Manu- 24292 and 24293; P.O. Box 3219;

facturer — 333, Azcarraga: Teleph. Cable Ad : Firestone


M. N.P.OdevBox,669; Cable Ad: Kock

Lange, manager R. E. Baskerville, general mgr.

O. J. Fikes, office manager


Fisk Tire Company, Inc. of the French Furniture

Philippines, The, Lubber Tires and 1 facturers of Highest Grade Rattan Store, Manufac-

[Sundries—122, Novaliches, San Miguel; Furniture—130, San Luis, Ermita;

Telephs. 23780 and 23750; Cable Ad: Teleph. 27482; P.O. Box 3008

Fisktire; P.O. Box 657

Paul C. Hartnal, manager French Motor Co.,- Exclusive agents,

L. M. McClure, office manager for Graham Motor Cars—883, liizai

Fleming & Williamson, Chartered Avenue, Santa Cruz; Teleph. 22867;

Accountants—4th floor, G. de lo Reyes Cable Ad: Frenmotor

Building, Plaza Cervantes; P.O. Box

214; Cable Ad: Accuracy Frieder, S. and Sons Co.—36, Novali-

J. A.Fraser Brown, c.a.

I). Goodliffe, a.c.a. ches; P.O. Box 2233; Cable Ad:

R.J. Y.O. Hickey,


c.a. Frison

H. Hausamann, e.p.A. Fukuyama, Nishino & Co., Inc., Importer

A.L. J.H.Crichton,

Mitchell, c.a

c.a. and Exporters,

Products Native and

Dealers—129, JuanForeign;


W. J. Corpe, a.c.a. Binondo; Teleph. 47573; P.O.

Cable Ad: Tatsumiya; Code: Kendall’sBox 346;

R. C. Deane, a.c.a. Bentley’s, A.B.C. 5th edn.

M. H. Pickup, a.c.a'.

Fookien Times Co., Inc., The, News- Funeraria Nacional, Undertakers &

paper Publishers—197, Juan Luna, Embalmers—917, Rizal Avenue; Te-

Binondo; Teleph. 49688; Cable Ad : leph. 22870


F. G. Martin, secretary Fung Fat, Chinese Curio Store, Hand

Forbes, Munnand &Cebu,Co.,Importers, Made Filet Laces, Silk Embroideries,

Ltd., Hair

Manila, Iloilo Nets, Porcelain, Brass, Lacquer,

Exporters, Merchants, Insurance Wooden Rugs, Chinese Ware, Leather Suit Furniture,

etc., inlaid Cases and

Agents—112/3, Muelle de Binondo; Chinese Flower Tea—72, Real, Corner


CodesBox 454 ; CableSecond

: Bentley’s Ad : Sandavid; General Luna, Intramuros; Teleph. 28248;

Phrase; P.O.

Private and Acme Box 2345

F. Hills, Managing Director (London) Gabler-Gumbert, A.,_ Architect —712,

C. S. Hynes, Manager, Manila Insular Life Building

G. P. Datema I. de Goma,draftsmna

E. Klingler

J. Walser

M. Jansen Gabriel Bros., General Importers —

Agencies Paterno

Helios-StaBuilding (Ground21287;

Cruz; Teleph. floor),



Royal Insurance Co., Ltd. 111; Cable Ad: Gabribos


Wenatchee MillingG.m.b.H. Co.

Ethelburga Trading Co., Ltd. Gaiety Theatre, Cinematograph—630

M. H. del Pilar, Ermita; feieph. 55317

Fox Film Corporation—518-520, Reina


Box 423 Binondo; Teleph. 49818; P.O. Genato


Exporters, GroceCorporation, Im-

riesand General

Provisions, Paper —1079, R. Hidalgo,

Frank & Co., Stationery, Rubber Quiapo; Teleph. 21098; P.O. Box 1396;

Stamps, Brass Signs (A Division Cable Ad: Genatocorp

of Philippine Education Co., Inc.)

—101, Escolta; Teleph. 22131: P.O. General ElEctrio (P.I.) Inc.—13th

Box 620 and



Port Cable

Area; Tele-


French Consulate {See Consulates) Ingenetric; P.O. Box 1822


General Machinery Company, Inc., Go Colay & Co., General Merchants—

General, Electrical, Merchanical & 314, Nueva, Binondo; Teleph. 24245;

Consulting Engineers — 130, Juan P.O. Box 991; Cable Ad: Colay;

Luna, Binondo; Teleph. 23196; P. Codes: A.B.C. 5th edn., Universal

O. Box 2879; Cable Ad: Gemaco Trade, Western Union, Schofield’s,

J. W. Karsten Bentley’s, Lieber’s and Peterson 3rd

edn. .

German Chamber of Commerce of the Go Lamco Hardware, Hardware Mer-

Philippine : Islands—(Nee Associa- chants—306, Tetuan, Santa Cruz;

tions) Teleph. 25317

German Consllaie—(See Consulates) Go Singco Sons & Co., General Merchants,

“Germania” (Cacho Hermanos), Printers Direct Importers, Notions,


—672, Legarda, Sampaloc; Teleph. and Teleph.


48612; P.O Box 1188


21285; Cable A-d: Cacho

Go Sun Guan, Soap Factory—510,

GermanN ife Co., Ltd., General Importers, Echague, Quaipo; Teleph. 26249

Exporters' and Insurance Agents—156, Go Tian Gee k Co., Direct Importers

Juan Luna; Ad:

1975; Cable Teleph. 49015; Codes:

Federation; P. O. A.B.

Box of General Piece Goods-7-180-182,


5th and 6th edns., Lieber’s, Bentley’s, Calle Rosario, Binondo; Teleph.

Mosse and Private .•47513; P.O. Box 2107; Cable Ad:

Gotiangee; Codes: Acme Commodi-

Germinal Cigar and Cigarette Eactqry ties and Pin aSe

—Sangandaan; Teleph. 567; Cable Ad: Goitia, Dr. R., Physician-Surgeon —

Germinal Office: New Delmonico Hotel; Teleph.

Gestetner Ltd., I).—306-8, Crystal 2-20-48; Pasay; Residence:

Teleph. -5-13-12 155, Dominga,

Arcade, Escolta; Teleph. 2-23-76

P.O. Box 2147; Cable Ad: Gesbetodrs Goldenb^rg & Coi, Incor., J^npoi'ters

Getz Bros. & Co., Importers and Com- and Manufacturers’ Agents—Plaza

Cervantes k Juan Luna; Binondo;


ing Brokers—508, Fernandez Build-

Teleph. 21 Uj4; P.O. Box berg; Box

P.O. 142-1; Cable Ad: Golden-

160; (5th


Ad: Getz Codes: Acme, 'Bentley’s and

Private. New York Office: 350,

E. S. Hogen, mgr. Broadway

Gibson, J. H., General Broker—177, Juan Gonzalo Puyat & Sons, Inc., Manu-

Luna, Binondo; Teleph. 47502; P.O. Box facturers of Furniture, Billiard Tables,

939; Cable Ad: Gibmac Bowling Alleys, Barber and Radios,


Gillespie, A. T.,Street,


and Exporter— Chairs; Dealers in Pianos,

180, David Musical, Instruments, Medical ..Instru-

Teleph. ments,

23809; Dental Equipinerit, General

A. T.P.O.


Box 544;



Cable Ad: Atgiil




Building, 727, Solana,andW.Store: Puyat2-

G; Teleph


Code: P.O. Box 404;Branch:

Bentley. Cable 628

Ad: Avenida


Glaiserman, Inc., J. M., Commission Rizal. Division: Puyat .Music House*


Teleph. 139, Juan Luna,Glaiserman;

Cable Calpac,

Ad: Binondo; 628 Avenida Rizal

Codes: Duo, Acme, Bentley’s Goodrich International Rubber Co.,


J. M. Glaiserman, proprietor and Wholesale Mechanical

Tires, Accessaries, Rubber

Goods,— Footwear,

manager Drug Sundries Goodrich Heels and


Gmur Oryo, Inc., Importers and Ex- Cable Paco; Telephs. 56971-2 3; P.O. Box 1482,

porters—116, Muelle de Binondo;

Teleph. 49968; P.O. Box 211; Cable W. C.Ad:Gulick,

Siltoneobranch manager

Ad: Uolfotto R. E. Rose veare, -assist, do.

L. C. Hayden, office manager


^Goodyear Tire and Rubber Export Co., Guttridge and JuanChambers, Inc.,

Ltd., The—Magallanes Landing; P.O. Insurance—129, Luna; Teieph.

Box 1456; Teleph. 23902 and 23903; 49064; 389

Cable Ad: Guttridge; P.O. Box

'_ '

Cable Ad: Goodyear A.H. S.B.Guttridge,

Gotajmco Hermanos, .Vicente, Building Chambers,pres, and gen’l.

vice-pres. and mgr.


ContractorsQuiapo; and Lumber R. D. Falkner, assistant

Tanduay, Teleph. Dealers—430,

21767 Mateo M. Rodriguez, secretary


Inc.; General Contractors General agents

—214; Soler !

Telephs. 497^1 & Caledonian Insce. Co- (Estab. 1805)

49671; P.O. Box 1254: Cable Ad: Legal and General Assurance

Gotauco Society, Ltd. (Est. 1836)

Norwich Union Fire Irisce. Society

Graybar Electric Co. Ltd. (Est. 1797)

Representatives—Western Equip- Hacienda San Jose, Mindoro, Sugar

meirt and Supply Co—119, Plantations—il09, Plazfa Santa Cruz,

Calle T. Pinpin Binondo; Teleph. 21671; P.O. Box

Great Eastern Hotel, First ' class 2388Board ,

of Administrators — W.

Hotel in all respects and at reasonable Trinidad (chairman), Geo. C.


P.O.N. Box 1 Echague;

is; Cable Ad: Teleph. 24115;

Greatliotel Dankwerth (sebtetary) L- Kahn,

L. Fai, manager M. Lord, J. E. Hi Steve trot and

G. La O.

Great Eastern Life Assurance Co.,

Ltd.—124, T. Pinpin; Teleph. 22576; Hair Little & PicoRNELibHSttccessors

P.O. Box 440; Cable Ad: Greatest to Hair & Elliott), Exchange, Stock

' C. W. Rosenstock, financial agent and General Brokers—Insular Life

Great Northern Railway — Chaco Building, Plaza Cervantes; P.O.

Building, Plaza Cervantes, Bmondo; BoxJohn1479;Hair, Cable Ad : Brokerage


Teleph. 21521; P.O. Box 624 ' W. Eric Little, do.

Green & Co., B. A., General Brokers and Santiago N. Picornell, do.

Com mission Merchants,, S tocks, Bonds, Hale Shoe Co., Inc., Shoe'Manufacturers

Real Estate, Sugar and Business Broker-

age — 34, Escolta, Binondo; Teleph. —615, 56964-65;Escolta; P.O.Haleshoeco

Cable Ad: Box 1426; Teteph.


B.E. O.A.P.O.

Green, Boxproprietor

323; Cable,Ad: Bag

Soto, accountant Halili Transit & Auto Supply—533,

Gregg Co., Ltd.,. The, Manufacturers Azearraga, Tondo; Teleph. 27451

of Cars and Railway Equipment— Hall k Co., Inc., Whipple S., Paper-

314, National City Bank Building,

Binondo; Teleph. 23241; Cable Ad : Dealers — 2006, Azearraga, Quiapo ;

Telephs. 22437 and 22439; P.O. Box 610;

Greggcar; all Standard Codes Cable Ad: Whpihall

Gross & Co., E. M., Importers and Ex-


Box 1470 Espeleta, Sta. Cruz; P.O. Hamburg-Amerika LiNiE(Behn, Meyer k

Co., H. Teleph.

Binondo: Mij, Agents)—227,

22924; P.O. BoxDavid,


l Gubat Trading Co., Hemp, Cobra and Cable Ad: Hapag

Native Products Dealers—521, Al-

varado, Binondo; Teleph. 48312; Hamilton Brown Shoe Store and

i P.O. Box 1137 Haberdashery, Inc. — 109, Escolta;

: Gutenberg Printing Press—611, As- Teleph. 22644; P.O. Box 1630; Cable Ad:

uncion, San Nicolas; P.O. Box 1859; Hambro

Teleph. 49307-611 S. R. Hawthorne, prest;a,nd mgr.

Jose Domingo, prop. J.A. P.D, Ward,

Hileman, vice pres,



Hanson, Orth & Stevenson, Inc., Hausman & Co., L. M., Engineers and

Exports, Imports, Shipping and In- Importers of Machinery and Allied

surance Agents—Manila, Cebu, Davao, Products—440, Dasmarinas; Teleph.

Iloilo—Chaco Building; P.O. Box 292; 22363; P.O. Box 1729; Cable Ad:


Charles Ad:D.Stevenson

Orth, president (New York) Michelman; all Standard Codes

Michael J. Smith, vice-do. do. L. M. Hausman, pres. & mgr.

F. L. Laurence, 2nd-do. Haw E. Heng, Importers and Exporters

11.W. E.Macgavin, assist, treasurer

Rigby, secretary (Davao) ofmission


and Almaciga (Mastic),

and Sugar Com-


J. H. Forrest 116, Hormiga; Telephs. 49618 and 47206;

G. G. Walker P.O. E.Boxes

J. A. Boyes

Dean Conrad Haw Heng2185 and 1302; Cable Ad:

J.R. Ottinger

J. Hughes (Cebu) Hawaiian Philippine Co., Sugar

E. S. Piquet-Wicks (Cebu) Manufacturers--321, Regina Building,

Sidro Uy Villanueva (Iloilo) Binondo; Teleph, 21934

Agencies W. H. Babbitt, president

Peninsular & Oriental S.N. Co. R. C. Pitcairn, manager

Ben Line Steamers

Blue Funnel Line (New York Service) Heacock Co., H. E., General Mer-

Ellerman Bucknall S. S. Co. chants,

(European& service)

Jewellers, Refrigerating,

Engineering—120-130, Escolta, Hea-

Moller Line cock Building; Teleph. 21163; P.O.

Directory Box 119; Cable Ad: Dial, Manila,

Far East&(China, Chronicle

Japan, ofMalaya,

The and at Baguio, Iloilo, Cebu, Davao,.

Korea, Formosa, Philippine Islands, New York F. Gaches, president and


Netherlands India, Siam, Borneo, general manager

etc.) Albert Rebel, asst. gen. mgr.

“Hap Yek Grocery,” Chua Chi & Co., F. L. Sehleipen, vice-president

Grocers and Manufacturers of Salt- John A. Malcolm, vice-president

ed Foodstuffs — 1106-1108, Santa Donald O. Gunn, retail mgr.

Flena St.; Teleph. 48330; P.O. Box General Agents for :

88; Cable Ad: Chuachico: Codes: Elgin National Watch Co. ;

Bentley’s and. Acme Western Clock Company

Philco Radio Co.

Harris Memorial Training School, Frigidaire Limited

{See Educational) Remington Rand Inc.

General Fireproofing Co.

Mosler Safe Company

Harvey & O’Brien, Lawyers—518, Masonic Commercial

Co Refrigerator Mfg.


P.O. BoxEscolta, Binondo;

703; Cable Teleph. 21678;

Ad: O’Brien - , ,. Optical

American :. Co. , ./

Monroe Calculating Machine Co.


Build- Health Service Intellegence

Merchants—19, Banquero, Regina

ing; Telephs. 22674 and 21278; P.O. Box —251, Grab Luna; Teleph:. Bureau


1; Cable Ad: Hashimat P.O. Box 563

Hashim’s Kalinawan Heilbronn 1 Co., Inc., J. P., Paper,

881, Rizal Avenue, StoneSantaQuarry— Type and Printers’ Supplies—233,

Cruz; Calle David, Binondo; Telephs.

Teleph. 22856; Cable Ad: Hashim 21412, 21415 and 21416; P.O. Box

N. T. Hashim, manager 773 ; Cable Ad : Papertrade; Codes :

A.B.C. 5th edn., Universal, Western


phrase and Table, Rudolf Mosse,


Building, — 202,

Binondo; National

Teleph. City

22635; Bank

Cable Duo, Atlas Paper United Telegraph

Ad: Hasksells Code


Helena Cigar Co.— 36, Novaliches San J. F. Taddiken, general manager

.Miguel;Ad:Teleph. 22296; P.O. Lox 1152; A. F. Ewart, manager of Ha-

Cable Helencig waiian Division

J. Hughes, manager, Merchandise

Hercgles Lumber Co., Inc. (Manila,

Zamboanga, Lumarao), Lumber Dealers J. Dept., Hawaiian Division

J. Ehrhardt, Canton/ repre-

and Exporters and Shipowners—Manila sentative

Office: 155, Paz; Teleph. 22263; P.O. Box

922; Cable Ad: Hercules. Shipping Office: Hoskins & Co., C. M. Real Estate

206, Medrid, Corner M. de la Industria, Brokers and Appraisers—185,

Street; Teleph. 22216; P.O. BoxDavid


c/o Pilots Association Building, San Cable Ad : Earcam

Nicolas, Teleph. 22262

Hess & Zeitlin, Inc., Stocks and Houston Rubber Co., Goodyear Tire

[ Bonds, Insurance and Real Estate Dealers, Santa Vulcanizers — 54<8, Rizal

I —30-32, Escolta; Telephs. 2-22-40, Avenue, Cruz; Teleph. 22122;

[ 2-22-50; P.O. Box 721 and 1082; P.O. Box 651

Cable Ad: Zelin and Careless I.G. Farbenindustrie, A. G. Germany

Carl Hess, jr., president

Wm. Zeitlin, vice-do. & treasurer -180-184, Juan Luna Binondo

G. W, Mackay, manager Ilaya Music,Store Co., Inc., Wholesale

I Hike and Retail Dealers in Musical


140,Shoe Palace,

Esoolta, The—Regina

Binondo; Teleph.Building, ments—600,

21569; Teleph. Rizal Avenue,.

23598; P.O. Box 2799;



P.O. Box 275; Cable Ad: Shoemack Ad: ilaya

U. S. Shoe Co., Inc., proprietors “Independent,” The (Leading Filipino

Weekly), Founded in 1915 — 829-831,

I Hilarion Tantoco,''/Customs Broker, 49552; San Fernando,

Cable Ad; San Nicolas; Teleph.


Land and Water Transportation—

106, Muelle de Binondo ; Teleph. Independent Shoe Shop, The, Shoe Store

I 4-90-25 and 4-90-42 and Shoe Repair Shop—112-114, Echague,


2641; Cruz;Ad:Teleph.

Inshoco22177; P.O. Box

Hizon Laboratory, Pharmaceutical

Chemical Products—549, Paterho, Quia- and

| po;Primo Teleph. 23690proprietor

Hizon, Indian Commercial Co., Importers

and Wholesalers of Silk and Cotton

Goods—330-332, Dasmarinas; Te-


Guanand Ho, General Merchandise leph. 22169; P.O. Box 938; Cable

Delivery in the Commercial Supplies,

City—59, Soler, • Free ExportIndiacomco.


Ad: Branches and

Offices: Dalamal & Sons,

Teleph. 48484 Kobe and Yokohama

Manila Bankers : Chartered Bank

of India, Australia and India

Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking

Core.—(See Banks) Ingersoll, Frank B., Attorney at law,

—Suite 511, Chaco Bldg: ; Teleph.

Honolulu Iron Works Co. (Established 21183; Cable Ad: Cascade; Codes:

j Consulting

1852), Manufacturers

and Repairers, Western Union, 5-letter, Bentley’s

and Engineers,


Sugar Factories and Equipment, (nhelder Watch Co., Ltd., Im-

Honolulu T. H.—118, 2nd Street, Port porters, Pharmaceutical

Surgical Instruments Products,

and Equipment

1 Area; Cable Ad: “ Mearnshaw, Manila,”


“ Honiron, Honolulu,” Standard and Textiles and Sundries — China

New York: 165 Broadway: Box 1182; Cable Ad: WalinderP. O.

Bank Bldg.; Teleph. 49078;

San Francisco: 215 Market

Canton: 75 Bund, Shameen; Hijo: T. Street; Managing partners : —

H.; Manila (See The Earnshaws bocks H. Inhelder

i & Honolulu Iron Works) E. Walch


Agencies International Correspondence School

L. Hoirmann—La Roche & Co., {.See Educational)

Basle (Switzerland)

Sandoz Chemical Works, Basle international Harvester Co. of


Swiss Serum and Vaccine Insti- Philippines &HempCo.),andImporters

(Formerly Macleod

and Exporters:

tute, Berne (Switzerland) Maguey, Trucks, Tractors,

British Drug Houses Ltd., Lon- ; Agricultural and Steamship






Chiron-Werke, Tuttlingen (Ger- j Chaco Binondo: Building,Teleph. 2-22Plaza

85; P.Cervantes,

O. Box

many) 308; Cable Ads : Macleodco (General),.

Insulae Drug Co., Inc., Wholesale | Sbipmac N.general


H. Duckworth,

Drugs and Chemicals.—153, Juan ;

Luna, Binoncto: Teleph. 22775-6; manager vice-pres. and

P.O. Box 300; Cable Ad: Indug; j W. C. Bettendorf, auditor

Codes: Mosse, Acme, Western Union, | Export F. Guettinger


Imp. and Bentley’s E.J. F.O. Tomkins


Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd' i Steamship

J. C. L'ittig Department— ■

(Life, Health Life

Co,)—Insular and Accident Insuranco

Building, 290 Plaza ii H. S. Morton

L. G. D’Aquino

Cervantes; P.O. Box 128; Cable Ad: j General Agents in the Philippines for:


V. Singson Encarnacion, President

Francisco Ortigas, vice- do. Isthmian

Glen LineSteamshipLtd. Co.



Arias, Manager

Treasurer Swedish East Asiatic Co., Ltd.

G. Secretary

Abella, Assistant Manager and j Machinery, and Motor Truck Office


tion—154, Rooms and de

Marques Service Sta-


A. F. Gonzalez, Assist, to Manager Ermita; Teleph; 2-22-85; P. O. Box

Insular Lumber Co.—P.O. Box 456: j 2498

Mills: Fabrica, Occidental Negros, j Machinery O. J. Swonechek, asst, auditor


P.I.; Cable Ad: Ilco. Head Office: R.O. J.C. Elfstrom


260, South Broad Street, Philadel- J. A. Koesling

phia, Pa., U.S.A.; Cable Ad : Ilco Motor Truck Department—

H. G. Pope, general manager C. E. Van Sickle

(Fabrica, Occ. Negros, P.I.) A. D. Settember

Insulae Saw Mill, Inc., Lumber Dealers Service Station—

—330-340, Canonigo,Paco; P.O. Box-,2190; J. C.Presses

Hemp Giles and Warehouses—^136-

Telephs. 66940-49 Marques de Comillas, Ermita

Insulae Sugae Refining Coeporation Teleph. 2-22-85

—2^8. National City Bank Build- G. O. Sohlobohm,/ warehouseman.

ing, Binondo; Teleph. 22563; Cable Provincial Branch Offices

Ad : Sucharphil Baguio—

IT, A. Burgers, manager E. A. Kingcome


J.M. L.He- Parrott

International Brokerage Co., Inc., la Riva

Customs Brokers, Baggage Trans- Davao—

fer, Local and Provincial Trans- R. M. Bownass.

portation, Trucks, Cascos and Iloilo

Lighters —306,andMasonic

lephs. 23011 Temple;23013

23012 (Office),, Te- H. U.andLmstad Bacolqd—

(piers) 49965 (Garage) E. A. Weber ,

K. Pla

J. L. Grimes


Echague; P.O. Box 290 M. Zuluaga








nnmLR, Philippines.

| International Service Co., Inc., Au- Address — No. 2 Calle Cristobal;

l tomobile Accessory Dealers1—Isa Ac Teleph. 5-66-28; P.O. Box 1457; Cable

i Peral and A. Mabini, Malata; Te- Ad: Trade.Picketrope;

Western Codes:

Union Universal


I leph. 56755 Bentley’s, A.E.C.; 5th.


Isardas & 'Go., T., General Importers J.

Victor Johnson, vice-presdt.mgr.and

T. Pickett, presdt. and gen.

—1136, M. H. del Pilar; Teleph. treas.

I 54143; Cable Ad': Isardas M. F. lloiTauz, secty.

’ Isitan, Inc., Bottlers Isuan Natural Mine

i ral Water. Isuan Ginger Ale and Jaiulias Fi-rniture Store and' Sail

^ Carbonated Soft Drinks—47 (within) MAK^Na—'.‘U 7, Liber,tad, Pasay ; Te-

| Cristobal , Paco; P.O. Box 1587;

/ Cable Ad: Isuan; Bottling Works; leph, 513.22

Isuan Hot Springs, Los Banos. Joaquin Reyes & Co., Inc., Photograving

; Laguna : Shop—Third Floor, Free Press Bldg.,.

| G. J. Burbidge, manag6i’r | 680 Jlizal Ave, Sta Crhz; Teleph. 22110:

[ Italian Consulate—(Nee Consulates) P.O. Box 326

Japanese Association of Manila Inc. Joe Chuan Long, Candy Manufactur-

[ —(See Associations) Ktl | ers—1222, Santa Elena, Binondo;.

Tcleph. 49.385

1 Japanese Consulate—(^ee Consulates)

j Japanese Garden, Florists—126], Singa- Avenue; Jolo Power Co., Inc.—552, Rizal

Teleph. 22218; P.O. Box

| long, Malate; Teleph: 57636; P.O. Box 911 i 839 ■, ■


j Manufacturers of -- Pure Manila “Jose Angel,” Cohtractors in every line-

| HoRE, for marine trade and users i of Transportation including Lunlber,

l; strength

whb desire long wearing rope of great

that j Customs

Towboats,Broker, Gottiplete


■ meets t U.S.andGovernment

excellent appearance

specifications, Trucks,


Trailers, Ctanes,- 200-toiis



i DM White Rope, an agricultural ! cows—9, Plaza Moraga, Room 8; Garage:

I firm rope.and


safe.from Maguey fiber. Smooth, 1I 915, Arlegui, Quiafio; Telephs. 2263.3-4;

Also “Bale Rope.” Rope,

Lath yarn, Box 896; Cable Ad: Jose

; rPissOn Aluminax TarredTrans-,.

Rope, Teodorica R. Vda. de Jose, judicial


j Well DrillingRope.

Fisliermen’s Ca bles, Wrapping Twines, Guillermo M. Jose, manager

B. Bilbao (transport dept.)


J u yco, . Yelilla & Co., Insurance, - Eea, C. Keeling, Inc., Importers—453, Padre

Estate, Mortgages—416, Heacock Bldg,, . Gomez; Ad: Renate; P. O. Codes,:

Box 4,12.■Bentley’s,


Escolta, Biriondo; Teleph. 23272 Acme, and Private

“ Katubusan,” Fabrica C. Kelling,

Pfeifer president

manager, andinsurance


Cigarrillos—419, Clavel,i>e Tabacos

San Nico-y M.


las; Telephs. 4-80-70, 4-95-24; P.O. L. Hallum, manager, Jewellery


vantes; 892.Telephl

Show-room: Plaza Cer- department

Dr. Ramon J. 23986

Ongisako, gen. mgr. G.Surgical

H. voninstruments



Manuel V. Gallego,

Ramon Mai lari, secretary president Representing’

Ignacio de Leon, cashier-treasurer Glens Falls Insurance Co. of New

Pio R. Gaudier, chief accountant York. (Fire Insurance)

'General Insurance Co., Ld. of

Trieste and Venice. (Marine

Kagahastian & Co., !nc., R.—Rooms Insce.)


. 2237 Kneedler Building; P.O. Box Kenwood Hotel - 1099. R. Hildago,

- Raymundo Kagahastiany president Quiapo;- Teleph. 21477

& general manager


San.Merchants, Est. 1827—10;

Gabriel; Telephs. 22409-

Kaistaoka, T., Furniture Manufacturer and 22410-22430; Manila, P.O. Box 312,

Dealer — 524, Legarda, Sampaloc; Iloilo, P.O. Box 292, Cebu P.O. Box

160, Davao P.O. Box 297; Cable

Teleph. 25938 Ad: for the four ports ‘'Ker”.

Head Office:

BranchKer, Bolton

Ker && Co.,


Keller & Co., Ltd., Ed. A., Merchants— London, Offices:

Ltd., Iloilo, Cebu and Davao; Pit-

Wise Building, 178, Juan Luna, Binondo;

Telephs. 49881-2-3; P.O. Box 313; Cable cairn, Syme & Co., Ltd., Batavia,

Ad: Edakeller; Codes: A.B.C. Soerabaya and Samarang

6th edn. and 6th improved, Bent- Partners—H. B. Foster, J. W.

ley’s 1st and 2nd, Western Union Howells and W. C. Naismith

Five Letter. Head Office at Zurich, E. G. Rivers


W. M. Keller, president (Zurich) D. J. Watson

Ed. Keller, (Zurich) G. H. Pedder

J. T. del Castillo

J.G.A. OAuer,



signsdo.per pro. General Agents for:-—

The Sun Insurance Office, Ltd.

Ch. Blum, do. (Est, 1710)

A.E. Peter, do. The Phoenix Assurance Co., Ltd.

Staurenghi (Est. 1782)

E. Marschall The Guardian Assurance Co., Ltd.

F. Periquet (Est. 1821)

Lloyd’s Agents, Manila

Keller Keen & Co., Ltd., Merchants— Khu Yek Cotton

Chiong, Goods,


of Woollen,

Wise Building, Binondo; P.O. Box 313; Linen, Goods,

Cable Ad: Kellerkern

W. if. Keller, president (Zurich) Japan, U.S.A., England and China,

Hosiery and Cotton Yarn from other

Ed. Keller (Zurich) European

Solano; Teleph. Countries

25484; P.— O.133,Box 1233;


A.G. Woessner,

Auer, signs manager

per pro. Cable Ad: Khyeckciong; Codes:

5th edn., Bentley’s complete phrase and A.B.C.

J. O. Bessmer, do. do. Private

A.C. Blum,

Peter, do. Khu Yek Chiong, manager

F.E. Staurenghi

Periquet Ki Lin Tong, Tiger Balm Medicine

E. Marschall Dealers—237, Soler, Binondo; Te-

E. S. Loarvinsohn leph. 47250; P.O. Box 2044


Kim Chuan Heng, Dealers in all kinds Kriedt Printing Co.—Bulletin Bldg.,

ofStoMirrors, Glass

Cristo, San and Teleph.

Nicolas; — 507, 550

Frames48617 Evangelista, Corner Raon, Santa

Cruz; Teleph. 22959; P.O. Box 859

Gerhard W. Kriedt, proprietor

Kim Chuan Juat, Hardware Merch-

ants and Foundry Shop—362, Cam- Kuenzle & St re iff, Inc., General Im-

ba, San Nicolas; Teleph. 48617 porters, Exporters and insurance Agents

Kim Tong Heng & Co.—529, Elcano, Box —343- 347, Calle T. Pinpin; P.O.

San Nicolas; Teleph. 48173 301; Cable Ad; Kuenzle;

Codes: A.B.C. 5th edn., Bentley’s,

Western Union, Universal edn. and.

King Hiap King, Manufacturers of Plate 5 letter

Glass, Show

andandCases, Fancy Mirrors, Auto


Bevelling Desk Pads.

Etching Re-Silvering,

Work, Wholesale A.P. A.P. Meyer, president

Kuenzle, vice-do.

and Retail Dealers in Fancy Mirrors, H. A. Streiff, treasurer

Plate H. Spruengli

Frames,Glass, Window

Pictures, ViewsGlass,

and allPicture

kinds A.W. Jung

Dietieker E.H Mueller



Mirrors and Glasses—Main

413-415, Nueva Biriondo;Oflice and

Teleph. G. Pluess P. E.Vontobel


25677. Factory: 408 409, Salazar, G. Cattaneo R.

Binondo; Teleph. 48570.Branch: Cebu Iloilo—H. Rieth

Cebu—A. Schatzmann

Zamboanga—J. J. Schlittler

Kinkwa Meriyasu Co., Ltd., Manufac- J. Lurie

turers and Importers of Cotton Textiles Agencies

—451, Juan Luna, Binondo; P. O. Box Sun Insurance Office

1461 Springfield Fire and Marine-

Kishimoto & Co., S., Importers and Ex- Insce. Co.

f do; porters—13-15, Muelle Banquero, Binon- Baloise Fire In$ce. Co.

Teleph. 21927; P.O. Box 903 Basilan Lumber Co.

| S. Kishimqto, propr. and manager

Kummer and Comins, Direct Mill

' Kock Laboratory, Specializing in the Luna; Agents, Cotton Goods—175, Juan

Manufacturing of Medical Prepa- Cable Ad Teleph. 49089 ; P.O. Box 1434 ;

rations—2157, O’Donnell, Santa 6th edn., : Western Kummer : Codes : A.B.C.

Union, Commer-

j Cruz; Teleph. 24197; P.O. Box 511 cial, Bentley’s

i Kodak Philippines, Ltd.—434 Dasma- Agencies

rinas; Teleph. 23741; P.O. Box 351; American Bleached Goods Co.,.

, Cable Ad : Kodak; Code: Bentley’s Inc.—40, Worth Street, New

W. P. Lane, manager York, U.S.A.

R. M. Gordon Cannon Mills, Inc.—70, Worth

C. Perry Street, New York, U.S.A.

William L. Barrell Co.—40,

Kong Li Po, The, Chinese Daily W'orth Street, New York, U.S.A.

Newspaper—430, Salazar, Binondon; Franklin Manufacturing Go.—40,

I Teleph. 48357; Cable Ad: Kong- , Turner Worth St., New York, UiS.A.

i lipo WorthHalsey

Kummer, Street, ExportYork,




& Co.,U.S.A.Inc.—

> Koppel (Philippines),

(successors in the Incorporated,

Philippine Is- 40, Worth Street, New York, U.S.A.

Philips China,Co.—P.O. Box 794,

1 lands to Koppel Industrial Car & Shanghai, China

Equipment Co.), Railway Material,

Machinery and Supplies—75, Das-

marinas; Teleph. 49895; Cable Ad: Kwong Ah Phoy & Co., Inc., Rice Mill


Box 189 All Standard Codes: P.O. Nicolas; Owners — 385, Muelle de Binondo, San

A. H. Bishop, vice-president Teleph. 49932; P.O. Box 638;

Cable A d: Kwong Ah Phoy & Co.


K\vox<; Cheon;; Suing, Manufacturers of j La Frescura, Manufacturing Wooden

sale and lietail Furniture Dealers, Im i' dows

Kattan and Wooden Furniture, Whole- Cambas and Bamboo Curtains for Win-

and Doors—340, Trabajo, Sam-


different of Sea-Grass

kindsChairs, Hugs,

of IronPrices Dealers

Beds, Reasonable in j

Renters of || paloc; Teleph. 67389

San Miguel

a,nd Prompt Service offered—301-305,. T. j LaTuason, Industria Box Factory — 739, G.

Pinpin, Binondo; Teleph. 25117 Sampaloe; Telepin 25901

La Industrial,

Kwong Hing Cheong, Rattan and Wooden i Cafe — 278, Cristobal; Fabrica de Chocolate y

Furniture, Chinese Sea-grass Rugs, | P.O. Box 57 Teleph. 57r40;

Bamboo Screens,. Office Equipment, ! orta Pueo y Cia., proprietors

Wholesale and Retail—309-313,

pin, Binondo; Teleph. 25365; P.O. Box T. Pin-

2271; Cable Ad: Kwonghing Cheong La Insular Cigar and Cigarette

Kwong Me Chan, Manufacturers of Toyo I1j Barca, Factory—20,



49718; P.O.deBoxla

Sauce,. Soy

440-442, Oil and Binondo;

T. Pinpin, Vinegar Dealers—

P.O. Box I 52; Cable Ad: Insular

H03; Teleph, 47663 . ' ■ La Nobleza, Cigar and Cigarette

Kwong Wing Lung Gkocery (Wong Choo !: —409, Tayuman, Tondo; Teleph.Factory




andtRetail Groceries Cable Ad: Lanobleza

Herran, Paco;


Wong 57286;

Choc, P.O. Box 1021.

manager La Patria, Bakery, Confectionery, and

Biscuit Factory, Groceries and Liquors

La Ciudad, de Nankin, Cigairette Factory —Sampaloe; Ceiitral Office: 631-633,

26980 andLegarda,

—414, Salazar, Binondo; Teleph. 4§690 : P.O. Box Telephs. 2283. Branches:



La Commeecial, Cigar Factory and ! Nicolas (Teleph. 49149); Sampaloe; 723, Tabor;a,635-637,


Direct Exporters—1207 Alegui, Santos, San Nicolas (Teleph. 49321); 1007, M. de

Quiapo; Teleph. 21631; P.O Box 1041 143, Villalobos, Quiapo (Teleph. 26391);

and 73, BuStilids, Sampaloe (Teleph.

La Consxeucxora, Bicycles and Acces- 25141)

sories, Children’s Vehicles, Imports,}


dara, Binondo; and Teleph.


25.131 Gan- j La PtlaricA, Printers and Bookbinders—

218, Raon; Teleph. 23526'; Cable Ad:

La. Copa Distillery, Alcohol and Li- ; LaToribio Pilarica

Almeida,, proprietor

quors—929, Magdalena,

49506 and 21075; P.O. Box 1103Tondo; Telephs. j

La Previsora Filiimna (Sociedad Mutua

La"' Estrella de Filipinas,. Cigarette j deing Construcciqn and Loany Prestamos),

Association Build-

— 22,

Factory 49665

Teleph. - 752; P.O.Magdalena,

Box 1128 Binondo; David; Teleph. 22329; Cable Ad:


La Estrella Del Norte, Importers—

46, Escolta; Telephs. 21388-389; P. La Rosario DistilRRRY—lOOtl-1023, R.

O. Box 273; Cable Ad: Evely Hidalgo,

Box 1235; Quiapo;

Cable Ad:Teleph.

Benleg 26505; P.O.

La Fabrica de Cerveza de San Miguel

—(See San Miguel Brewery) La Sampaguita, Native Cloth Dealers

La Floe de Intal Cigar Factory— and Jewelers—305, Missericordia,

31, Tayuman; P.O. Box 262; Cable Santa Cruz; Teleph. 27110

Ad: Florintal

La Tondena, Inc., Distillers of High

La Flor de Luzon Cigar Factory —704; .Grade' Alcohol; Producers and Ex-

porters of Fine Wines, Gins, Cor-

Calle Clavel, San Nicolas; P.O. Box 61, dials and Liquors—Telephs. 49645-

Teleph. 4-84-41; Cable Ad: Florluzon

Cheong Wing Yew, manager 49655; P.O. Box 691


La Urban a,” Building and Loan Asso- Laperal de Guzman, Maxima, Importers

ciation—Paterno Building, Santa Cruz ofWholesale First Class Diamonds

and Retail and Dealers

Jewellers; Pearls,



Ifelios . Street,P. Santa

138; inStones—850-852,

Diamonds, Pearls and other Precious

Cable Ad: Anabru Rizal Avenue, Santa

Enrique Carrion, president (Spain) Cruz; Teleph. 21907

E. Yazquez-Prada, first vice-president

Gerardo Garcia, second do. Laperal, Victorina G. be, Importers of

E. P. Brias Roxas, treasurer Diamonds and Pearls, Maiiufacturino

Directors—S., Carrion, E. R. Gar- Jewellers — Laperal Building, 581-853,

gollo, T. Lizarraga, G. Barretto Rizal Avenue,

42-60; P.O. Box Santa Cruz;Ad:Teleph.

1710; Cable Laperal2-

& M. N. Tuason Codes: A.B.C. 5th edn. and Bentley’s

L.P. Escalambre,

G. Aldeguer,a^ct.secty.

E. T. Deblois, cashier Lara Optical (Dr. Cipriano Lara, o.n.)


Manufacturing and Eye Importing

Sight Specialist,


La Vangtmrdua, Afternoon Daily in —502, Rizal Avenue, Santa Cruz: Teleph.

Spanish—TYT Building, F. Torres, 26754; Cable Ad: Laraop

Santa Cruz; Teleph. 21134; Cable Latvian Consulate—(Yee Consulates)

Ad: Vanguardia

La Yebana, Cigars & Cigarettes—P.O. Lavadia & Co., Importers of Office ap-

pliances—306, Carriedo: Teleph.

Box 422; Cable Ad: Yebana 23822; Cable Ad : Lavadia

Laguna Sugar* Corporation — 155, Lawyers’s Co-operative Publishing Co.,

Aviles, San Miguel; Teleph. 21036; The Cruz;—Telepb.




Box 449; Santa


Cable Ad: Sorox, Manila Ad: Lawcopub’

Lambert * Sales Company, Inc., Manu- Legarda, Vicente L., Architect (Direc-

facturers of Philippine Hand-made tor, Commonwealth Institute)—1550.

Embroideries—1453, Gral Luna: Azcarraga;; Telephs., 2r^J+78>v. ,

Teleph. 57486; P.O. Box 1460

Leo S&inurmacher, Inc., ' Stock Bro-

Landahl, Inc.,. John, Importers of kers, Members Manila Stock- -Ex-

change, Merchandise- Brokers, espe-

Textiles, Sundries, Machinery—132, cially Copra, Coconut1 Oil, Copra

Juan Luna; Telephs. *8331 & .47587:; Cake and

P.O. Box 1392; Cable Ad: Landiron; Teleph. 22624Meal—67, Juan Luna;

and 22625:; Cable Ad -/

Codes: Western Union, A.B.C. 5th Leopassagfe ; -Codes r Acme, A.B.O.-

edn., Imp. Bentley’s, Acme, Liebers,

3-letter, Oriental Coc^e, Schofield, 6th Edn., Bentley’s and Private

5 letter, Rudolf Mosse and Supple- Leon & Cp!, B, R de, Bed Dealers and

ment. Branch Offices Lg Cebu, Ap- Mattress Manufacturers — 698. Rizal

pari and Legaspi

John Landahl, president (absent) Avenue, Sta Cruz; Teleph. 21877

. Edgar Krofm, viceTdo. and mgr.

M. Rasch, mgns per pro. Levy & Blum,'Inc.,_ Importprs and Wbole-

L. Zapf • sale Dealers of Diamonds, Pearls, 'jJew’el-

I. Roncesvalles ries and Watches.

Chemists Wholesale Druggists

and Perfumers—345, Echague-

L. Schmitt (Cebu) Telephs. 23247-48; P.O. Box 243; Cable

M. Majul (Legaspi) Ad: Majuvy; Codes: A.B.C.. 6th edn.&

E. Aroca (Appari) Bentley’s

Lao, Antonio H. G., Importer and Levy Hermanos, Inc.. Diamond, Pearl and

Exporter—338 Caballeros ; Teleph; Jewellery Importers—46 and 50,

4-87-84; P.O. Box 3042; Cable Ad : Eseolta, Binondo; Telephs. 21389*

Hianguanlao and 21388



334, Jacob, ImporterStaof G’ruz^

Misericordia, Dry Goods—

Teleph. Liwanag, Vicente, Hatter, Manufac-

21424; P.O. Box 2060 turers of Tropical' Native Hats and

Helmets, Linen Hats, Caps and all

Libby, kinds of Fezzes for Schools, Colleges

SantaMcNeill & Libby,

Cruz Bridge; Importers—25,

Teleph. and Fraternal Societies—1853, Az-

21858; P.O. carraga, Santa Cruz; Teleph. 26958;

Box 1639; Cable Ad: Libco Code: Bentley’s 5th edn.

Liberian Consulate—{See Consulates) Lloyd’s Register of Shipping—212-


Telephs. 21713 and 67691; Cable Ad :

Corner Ronquillo

Santa Cruz; Teleph.and21737;



Box Register

1623; Cable Ad: Ligmytoco O. B. Nelson, m.i.m.e., ship, and

engineer surveyor

Liguan Coal Mines, Inc.—19, Banquero,

Boxas Building; Teleph. 21278; P.O. Box Lopez and National Stationery Co.

1; Cable Ad: Liguancoal M.—250, Lavezares, S. Nicolas;

Lim Chioco & Co., Dry Goods Dealers, Telephs. and Zepol

4-99-16; Cable Ad: Narus

Wholesale and Retail—118, Rosario,

Binondo; Teleph. 25497; P.O. Box 1749 Lopez Shoe iStore, C., Shoe Manu-

Lim Chioco, manager facturer, Dealer and Repairer—309,

Lim Tuaco & Co., Inc., Distillery and Regidor, Quiapo

Refinery, Alcohol, Wine and Liquor

Dealers—527-543, Gandara, Sta. Louis X-Ray Laboratory—305, Regina

Building; Binondo; Teleph. 23227

Cruz; Teleph. 27057; P.O. Box 487

Lime Corporation of the Philippines, Lovsted & Co., (Manila.), Ltd., C.M.,

Manufacturers of High Grade Machinery Dealers--2i5, Thirteenth

Street, Port Area; Teleph. 23519;

Lime—806, Echague, iSan Miguel P.O. Box 1193; Cable Ad: Lovsted;

William Parsons, president all Codes used

Lime C.Ralph

M. Lovsted, president

99, Kilns, Inc.,Street

Cristobal Lime :Manufacturers—

Teleph. 57525; Nash, manager

C. Middleton, engineer

P.O. Box 2388; Cable Ad: Lime


E. C. Ross, president Luna de San Pedro, Andres, & Co: tes,

G. G. Gordon, sales manager JEngineers

ose G., Architects, Decorators,Office:

and Builders—Main Civil

Ling Kong Kee Co., Importers and Ex- Box 109, Tortuosa; Teleph. 22907; P.O.

porters, Commission 2907; Cable Ad: Lunarchi

ing Agents, SpecialistsandinManufactur-


of Chinese Art Goods and Exporting Luneta Hotel — 38-40, -San Luis


lar, Ermita;Products—60,

Telephs. 28208;M. Cable

H. delAd:

Pi- Ermita; Teleph. 21971

Linco R. Lee Hobbs, mgr. and owner


Lintag, Pascual, Auditor and Certified Luis, Ermita; Motor Company — 54, San

Public Accountant,— 1537, Washing- Box 140; Cable Teleph. 21371; P.O.

Ad: Walix; Codes:

ton Ave.; Teleph. ’28093 Bentley’s and Acme

Barry Baldwin

Lion D’Or, Coffee Factory — 738, R. W. M. Clark

Hidalgo. Quiapo; Teleph.

Box 1899; Cable Ad: Liondor 23530; P.O.

Luzon Brokerage Co., (Inc.), Cus-

toms Brokers, Foreign Freight For-

Litografia Montes, Inc., Lithographers warders, Warehousemen, Heavy

and Manufacturers of Paper Boxes—40, x\rea; Trucking—'Derham Building, Port

Magallanes, Intramuros; Teleph. 21377; Teleph. 22421; P.O. Box 591;

P.O. Box 116 Cable Ad: Lubrocoin

MANILA 1)4 <>

Luzon Consolidated EViines & Co., Macleod ifc1 Co.

inc.—Rooms 318-320,P.O.

Kneedler (See: Internationa] Harvester Co. of

ding ; Teleph. 2-63-08; Box 2237Buil- Philippines)"


a'Ambrosio Kagahastian,

manager president Macondray & Co., Ing.,,. Merchants—

i^d generalPablo,Secretary-Treasurer


geologistD.andA1mining n s u 11 i n g China

vir, b oengineer Bank Building (3rd iloor); P.O.

Box '768'; Teleph. 49871; Cable Ad:


Luzon Furniture, Furniture Dealer—250, Carlos

managerYoung, president.and general

T. Pinpin, Binondo; Teleph. 28967

Dy To, proprietor and manager Madrigal Real & Co.,Estates

Coal Merchants, Ship

Luzon Investment Company, Inc., owners, and Mango

Commercial Loans, General Insur- Plantations — 8, Muelle del Banco

ange—R-215, Regina Bldg. ; Teleph. Nacional; Cable Ad: Teleph.

Carbon 21826; P.O. BoxCodes:

or Madrigal; 254;

2 23-80 Bentley’s ] Complete Phrase, Bentley’s

Luzon 2nd Phrase, Boe’s, Acme, Scott’s, A.BC.

1015, Oxy-Acetylene,

Azcarraga, Tondo;Welding

Teleph.Shop- 5th edn., A.B.C. 6th edn., Universal

48321; Trade Code, Western

I Celestino de la Cruz, proprietor edn., Buenting’s Code 2ndUnion

edn. 5 letter

I Luzon Stevedoring * Co.', Inc., Marine Y. Madrigal, general manager

4 Contractors, Lighters, Launches, Tow Managers for:

Rizal Cement Co., Inc.

5S Boats, Water Boats, Ship

Provisioners—Muelle San Chandlers and

Francisco and Philippine Cotton Mills, Inc.

- 14th Street, Port District; Teleph. 21661; Madrigal Oil Mills

I P.O. Box 582; Cable Ad: Lusteveco Port Lamoh Lumber Co.

, Luzon Surety Co., Inc., Fidelity and Magnani, B., Marble Importer and Con-

Surety Bonds, Fire and Marine In- tractor, Marble, Granite, and Alabaster


Teleph. 2-16-30 Regina Building; Productions, Simbi Electric Hammers—

619, Raon, Santa Cruz; Teleph. 25823;

P.O. Box 824

Lyric Film Exchange—670, Dasmarinas;

P.O. Box

Ad: Filma 579; Telephs. 23515-17; Cable Magnolia Dairy Products Plant

—660, Echague St.; Teleph. 21901—

Lyric Music House, Inc.—633, Es- (See San Miguel Brewery)

colta, Bihondo; P.O. Box 274; Te- “Magsimpan,” Import and Export—617,

lephs. 23516 and 23536; Cable Ad: Santo Cristo, San Nicolas; Teleph. 49321


Frank H. Hale, president

F. W. Sigmund, general manager Malabon Sugar Co., Sugar Refiners &

Candy Manufacturers—Hangkong &

“ Mabuhay,” Only Morning Daily in iShanghai Bank Bldg., Binondo

Smith, Bell & Co., general managers

Tagalog and only Dialect Daily with

Sunday Edition and Colored Comics

and Magazine Sections in Manila— Manila Aerated SantaWater


, 61, Muralla, Intramuros; Teleph. Misericordia, Teleph. 21197;

21494 (Connecting all Depts.); P.O. P.O. Box 1356

i Box 601; Cable Ad ; Mabuhay

Carlos P. Romulo, publisher Manila Auto Supply Co., Importers

Modesto Farolan, general mgr. and Dealers in Automobile Acces-

Amado Hernandez, editor sories, Spare Parts, Tools and

Pastor Manuud, advt. mgr. Equipments, Tires, Gasoline, Motor

Oils, etc.—633-635-637, Azcarraga;

Mackay Radio and Telegraph Co., Teleph. 4-94-76; Cable Ad: Masco.

Commercial Radio Telegraph Com- Branch: 500-502, Azcarraga; Te-

munication—20, Escolta, Binondo; leph. 4-96-47

Teleph. 24343; Cable Ad: Macrad Manuel Lopa, mgr. & propr.


Manila Blue Printing Co.—Room 19-20- Manila Finance and Discount Cor-

21, Paterno Bldg., Santa Cruz; Teleph. poration—(Nee Banks)

23419; Cable Ad: Florobros

Manila Building and Loan Associa- Manila Filatelica, Booksellers and

Stationers — Oroquieta 1318-1322.

tion—Kneedler Building, Carriedo, Branch

Santa Cruz; Teleph. 22090; P.O. 320; P.O.and BoxOffice—Corriedo 70; Cable Ad:


Box 855 Rizalina

Manila Button Factory—460, Dasmar- Remigio Garcia, proprietor'

inas, Binondo; Teleph. 21635; P.O. Box

767; Cable Ad: Manbutton Manila Gas Corporation— Calle1 Otis

“Manila City Directory” (A Directory Cable Paco; P.O. Box 1483; Teleph. 56934;


Manila and the Philippine Islands, Ad: Gasworks

Annually)—Teleph. 22131; Manila Golf Club—(Nee Associations)

P.O. Box 620; Cable Ad: Pecoi


Published Education Co.; Inc.,Printing


Cu. A bydivisionMcCullough

of Philippine Manila sellersStore:

Graftca., Inc., Printers, Book-

and 62,Stationers-Printing Plant

Education 'CO;, Inc: and Escolta; Teleph. 2-T6-38;

Manila-Compania DE SeGuROS In- P.O.Manuel Box 1850; Cable Ad: Grama

Pellicer,.. president

corporada—109, Juan Luna

Fernandez Ilerraanos, Inp.,\ general Francisco Ferrer y Gutierrez, vice-

administrators president and manager

Manila “C.O.I).’r J"e>vT:e!.s .and novel- Manila Grand Opera House 881,

ties, Special Service by C.O.D. to Rizal Ave, Santa Cruz; Teleph.

the Provinces—725, Rizal Ave. Sta. 22855; Cable Ad: Hashim-Manila

Cruz; Teleph. 23030; P.O. Box '■{$&■ Codes: A.B.O a.nd Bentleys

Patrodinio David, .proprietor

Manila Club—(Nee Asi^dciationgi Manila Harness Co., Inc., Leather-


Binondo; Manufacturers

P.O. Box IffiD; —Teleph;

41, Escolta,

“Manila Daily Bulletin” — Corner Cable

JEtaon and Evangelista, Quiapo: ,P.O. Emilio Ad: Calvet

Tomas, •

manager : , : 2,1797;

< > . q,

Box 7:A; Teleph.' ; 21102; Cable Ad:

Bulletin > ' Manila Hotel Co. — Lunota Extension.,

Carson Taylor; publisher Ermita ; ■ Teleph. 22022 ; Cable Ad :


.C* Bennett, editor arid general Manhoco

Robert Aura-Smith, news edr. Jose Paez, pres

H. A. Linn, aMvea-tisinig' J.J. S.W. Hilario,

Craig, vice-pres.

W. L. Highsinith, office .mgr,,

mgr. treas. direcUtr

H. M. Cavender, director

Leslie E. Moote, circulation ingr.

: Topias Earnshaw, do.

B. Abundo, chief aCcbunt an.t

Manila Dental Depot (Philippine Ameril . If.Arsenio Ni. Luz, managing

andC. secretary

Anderson,” do. d.ire.qtor

can Drug Go.,. Proprietor^), Denth Francisco Mendoza, asst, semv-

Supplies — 112, Eseolta.; Teleph. tary-treasiU'er and ;a,ss(. mgr4

23281; P.O. Box 299

M anila Development, Real Estate—302, M anii.a Hume Pipe and Tile Works—


23606; P C.Building,

Box 363 Santa Cruz; Teleph. 2045; 1003, Cordeleria,, Sam pa loo; PC. Box

Teleph, 67110; Cable Ad : Humepipe


anila • Electric Co.—125, Escblta; RO.

Teleph. 2l9ll: Cable Ad: Manila Ice Cream Plant. The, Manu-

Ma,nilaleet;and Ceheral Offices: Electric facturer of Pure and Delicious Ice

Building, 127 Escolta

James Rockwell, vice-ptes. (heanir—508o5'

Teleph; 49937l6,andMadrid,■

49761;San Nicolas;

Cable Ad:

H. P. Jollye, gen. mgr. Micpi


Manila Instalment Co., Inc., House- Manila Rice Mill Corporatton. Rice

Dealers—817, Dagupan. Toudo; Teleph.

hold and Office Furniture Sold on 49625; P.O. Box 1398

Easy Payments—407-411, Platerias

j Santa Cruz; Teleph. 22204; P.O. Manila Rubber Co,,. Manufacturers of

Box; Cable Ad : Minco Mechanical Rubber Goods—'Corner

Manila Beata and 1, Certeza, Pandacan;

portationLand and Waterde Binondo

Co., Inc.—Muelle Trans- Teleph. 67643; P.Q. Box 2251



25311 Binondo; Telephs. Manila Sales Co,,. Importers and Ex-

porters — 428, Rizal Avenue; Teleph.

| Manila 24225 S. O. Lindogan, manager



Forwarders and Inc.,

Dis- Manila Supply; Electrical Supplies,

}.* tributors—121 Dasmarinas; Teleph.

49013; P.O. Box 1179; Cable Ad: Malit; 2056, Sole Importers of Munkro Lamps—

| Code: Bentley’s Avenue'Rizal; Teleph. 22174; P.O.

Box 2378

Manila Machinery and Supply- Co. Martin SuacD, proprietor «k manager

Inc., General Merchants and Machinery

, —675-681, Dasmarihas: P.O. Box 607; Manila Trading and Supply Co., General


; Teleph. 22458-9; Cable A'd: Machy Teleph. 23773; CahleArea; PX). Box 744:

Ad: Mantrade

I Manila Mercantile Co., Inc., General Julius S. Reese, president

) Merchan ts ifc Importers— 509-511, A zcar-

raga,: Mamer

Tondo; Teleph. 4^84-30: Cable S.M, W.R. Thompson,

Bourne, vice- do.

do. ,

j Ad L. Ohas.

W. Lambert,

Kurz, do.


E. P. Sandejas, pres.-manager Celso Lobregat, secretary

A. J. Mendoza, see.-treasurer G. R. Sales, assist, do.

| ManilaOxy Acetylene— ,1031,Azcarraga Manila Terminal (Ip., Inc.—Pier No. 5,

| Tondo; Teleph. 48454 - Port'Area; P.O. Box'582; Teleph. 21'661;

1 Manila Plumbing Co,. Plumbers— | Cable Ad: Luistevco

Insular Life Building, Plaza Cer- The Manila Wine Merchants, Ltd.,

vantes. Binondo; Teleph. 24371; Wholesale Wine and Spirit Merchants

'/ Cable Ad: Maplumbco —174, Juan Luna; P.O. Box 403; Telephs.

l Manila Polo Club—{See Associations) 4-90-57 Retail and4-90-58;, Cable Ad:'37-39,

Branch Office: Winptrade,


Manila Publishing Co. (A Division Alhambra; Teleph, 2-17-0L

of Philippine Education Co., Inc.), Wise Co., Ltd-, general

E. P. S. Hooper,, manager mapagers

Sellers of Subscription Sets of Books

—101, Escolta; P,0. Box 620 ; Te- ; t ,; A,. T. Hill,.assist.,do., i

[ leph. 12131 Manila- Yellow Taxi-cab Co:, Inc:--

Carlos Cabrera, assist, mgr. 477, A- M.abini, Ermita; Telbph.

| Manila Railroad "Co.—943, Azcarraga, ‘ 5 69-55 '

1 Tondo; P.O. Box,448; ; Teleph. 4-98-61; Enrique Monserrat, jng'r. & pres.

Cable Ad: Feroco Tobias £ppst'eih,' vice-president

Jose Paez, pres.

Tomas Earnshaw, vice-pres. Mantecoco Co., dfok< Vegetable'

Tirfc Philippines,

] V. E. do Jesus,' seCty. Manufacturers Oil Pro-

ducts—Main i ;iOffice:.) 25, Plaza Goiti,

; Manila Remnant Co., Inc., The, Santa Ortz;. Teleph. 21462. Plant:

| Dealer,^ and Iipporters of Silk an

\ ‘—451-453,

Cotton GoodsJuan .pf Every Description

Luna; Teleph.

49994; P.O. Box 2796; Cable Ad: ; Manuel Peli^icer

Shirtmakers, Taijorsy ;Co„ Inc:, Hatters,

and Men’s.Furnish-

M aremco ing

A Landahl, president leph'. 21177.: P.O, Kqx 22,7 Binondo;

Goods—44, Escolta, ; Te-

K. Landahl, viceTdb. Mangel Poll ice r. manager


Manufacturers Life Insurance Co., Manila Encampment, No. i, 1.0.0. F —

Corner San Macelino and California;

of Toronto — Kneedler Building, P.O. Box 562. (Sessions on 2nd and

Sta. Cruz; Teleph. 21504 ' 4th Wednesdays of Every Month) -

Marfil Motor Replacement Co.—511, Manila Lodge, No. 1, F. & A. M.—

Azcarraga Tondo; Teleph. 27319 Masonic Temple, Escolta; P.O. Box 407

Mariano Uy Chaco Sons & Co'.', Inc., Manila Lodge, No. 1,1. O. O. F —1132

Direct Importers—Uy Chaco Bldg. ; California Street,

Teleph. 2-24-78 ; P.O. Box 22; Cable

Ad : Uychaco (Meetings: 8 p.m.Ermita;

Every P.O. Box 562


Marikina Valley Construction Co., Manila Lodge, No. 761, B. P. O. Elks—

San Luis, Ennita; Teleph. 1390

Inc., Engineers and Contractors’—

502, Rizal Ave, Santa Cruz; Teleph. Manu Chapter, Rose Croix


Sancho B. de Lean, president Mt. Arayat Lodge of Perfection



manager vice-pres. and New Masonic Temple Association, Inc.

Deogracias de la Paz, sec.-treas. —Masonic Temple, Escolta; Teleph.

Marshall Field & Co., Embroideries— 21505; P.O. Box 398

901. Lepanto, Sampoloc; Teleph.

22398; P.O. Box 1642; Cable Ad: C.E- M.E.Cotterman,

Elser, president


Drumar W. Huse Chapman, secretary

C. G Hannaford, manager W. W. Larkin, treasurer

F. A. Delgado, director

L. M. Hausman, do.

MASONIC and OTHER LODGES S. R. Hawthorne, do.

Confucius Council, Knights of C. W. Rosenstock, do.

Kadosh F. H. Stevens, do.

E. E. Wing, do.

CoRREGIDOR LODGE, No. 3. E. & A.M.— E. E. Voss, do.


Box 710 Temple; 90 Escolta; P.O. William McKinley Lodge, No. 1,

Knights of Pythias—Masonic Temple,

Gautama Consistory Escolta; P.O. Box 364

Grand Lodge of the Phillippine Zapot Lodge, No. 29, F. and A. M.—

Masonic Temple, Rosario, Cavite


Lodge Perla del Oriente, No. 1034. Maypajo Garage, Service Day and Night,

(On the rolls of the Grand Lodge of

Scotland)—1132, California , Street; Comfortable Cars and Efficient Service-

P.O.HarryBox 238George Ellsworth, p.m., —Teleph. 39, A.Cal.Mabini,

532 Maypajo, Caloocan;


Michael N. Stamelos, p.m., secretary Meisic Service Station, Lubricating Oil,

Gasoline, Grease,

Manila Aerie, No. 500, Fraternal Order Petroleum, Asphalt,Thuban

Wax, Compound,

Roofing —

ofleph.Eagles— No. 6, Isla de Romero; Te- Corner Reina Regente and Soler,

2-14-74; P.O. Box 355 Binondo;

Corner Teleph, 48560. Branch Station:

President—G. H. LouisHinck

Vice-President—John Nicolas San Fernando and Madrid, San


Secretary—Frank Waltenspiel

Braha Melteo Electric, Contractors and

Treasurer—W. P. Hunniecutt Electricians—1050, Soler, Sta, Cruz;

Conductor—J. J. English Teleph. 26258

Outside Guard—Charles Ruff


son Physician—L.Lansing,

and N. D. Leader G. W. Wil- Menzi & Co.,Luna;

Inc., Telephs.

General 49801-3;


Aerie Lissner 180, -Tuan P.O,

Box 603; Cable Ad: Casamenzi


Mercantile Bank of China—(Nee Mitsubishi Shoji Kaisiia, Ltd.—G."

Banks) de los Reyes Building ; Plaza Cer-

vantes, Binondo; Teleph. 24146; P.

Mercantile Supply Co., General Mer- O. T.Box 20; Cable Ad: Iwasakisal

Makiyama, manager

chants, Importers, Exports and

Manufacturers’ Representatives —

316, Carriedo-; Cable Ad: Misco; “ Monday Mail,” a widely Circulated

Codes: Bentleys Weekly in English—61, Muralla,

Intramuros; Teleph. 21494 (Con-

Methodist Publishino House — Meth- necting all depts.); P.O. Box 601;

odist Building, 422, Rizal Ave., Santa Cable Ad : Monday Mail

Carlos P. Romulo, publisher

Cruz; Teleph. 22675; P.O. Box 756; Cable

Ad: Endure

Rev. E. S. Lyons, Agents Modesto

Vicente Farolan,

del Fierro,general

editor mgr.

Mary Kirk, advt. mgr.

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (Manila) Inc.

-417-423, Rizal Avenue; Telephs. 22014 Modern Bakery—139-141-143, Bustil-

and 21352; P.O. Box 743 los, Sampaloc; Teleph. 23415

Metropole Hotel—Corner Carriedo and Li A. Lim

Padre Gomez; Teleph. 22266; P.O. Box Monks, A. C.. Certified Public Ac-

j 1267 countant—2326, Juan Luna, Tondo;

| Mexican Consulate—(Nee Consulates) Teleph. 49430; P.O. Box 571

Metropolitan Theater Company—Me- Monte De Piedad and Savings Bank

, tropolitan Theater Bldg.; Teleph. —75, leph.

Plaza Goiti Santa Cruz; Te-

21379; Cable Ad: Monte-

21849 (secretary) ; Cable Ad : Metro- piedad

| theco; P.O. Box 2380 Elias Marco y Ramirez, gen. mgr.

Mindanao Lumber Co., Inc.— 214, Mauro Blardony y Paredes,

( Soler; Telephs. 49721 & 49671; P.O. Box accountant

’ 154; Cable Ad: Ramago Jose Ma. L. de Moreta, treas.


John Tauco,assist,

pres. manager

& genl. mgr.

Moreta’s Consulting,

Engineering Office Designing and

— 37, Florida,

Ming Hwa Trading Co., Importers, Ermita; Telephs. 55504 (Office) and

Exporters, General Merchants—560, 55604 (Residence)

Reina Regente, Binond'o; Teleph.

49415; P.O. Box 2702 Morgan Sales Co., Importers and Ex-

porters—411, Masonic Temple, Bin-

Mira Hermanos, Selling Agents for La ondo; Teleph. 23675

Flor de la Isabela Cigars & Cigarettes,

Swedish Safety Matches “Olivenza” & Morton & Ericksen, Inc., Marine

“Corona,” DunhilFs and Comoy’s Pipes Surveyors—Derham Building, Port

, and Smokers

Binondo: Teleph.Articles


18, Escolta,

Box 75; District; Teleph. 22516; Cable Ad:

1 Cable Ad: Mirahnos


Josd MiraMira

Perez, manager Motor Service

Marcial Perez, do. Avenue; Teleph.Co.,23710-9;


P.O. Box Rizal


i Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd., Import- Cable Ad: Mosec

' ers and Exporters—Head Office: Muller & Phipps (Manila), Inc.

Tokyo. Branches in Cebu, Iloilo,

Davao. Manila Office: National Manufacturers’ Representatives—322,

324, 326, 328, National City Bank

City Bank

Teelph. 23151;Building.

P.O. Box22.461;Juan

CableLuna; Building, Binondo ;, Teleph. 22378;

Ad: P.O.

Mitsui Box 1476; Cable Ad: Mulphicb



Avenue, Santa Cruz; Teleph. 21349; P.O.


Building, Binondo228, Perez 22753;

; Teleph. Samanillo

P.O. Box 2239; Cable Ad: Nadrutore

Box 1223; Cable Ad: Jamur

J. A. Murphy National Exchange Co., Inc., General

Musser, Henry, Iron and SheeL Metal ondo; Merchants—Masonic Temple, Bin-

Workers—167, Fraternida; Teleph. Cable Teleph.

21044 Ad: Natex

22251; P.O. Box 1631;

P. Musser, manager National Library—Arroceros and Taft

Nakashjma, S., Importer and Dragaist — Avenue; Teleph, 2-23-75 r

411, Roma Regente near Oriente Build- National Products Merchants Cor-

ing. Binondo; Telephs. 49583 and 49953;

P.O. Box 1653; Cable Ad: Nakashima poration, Abaca-, Copra, Rice

and General .Mjemohapdis^—Palgnca

Building, Corner of Barraca and

Nam ShinoDasmarinas,

—324, & Co.. Printers Teleph. ■ Urbiztond'o,

and Stationers,

Binondo; San Nicolas; Teleph.

49714; P.O. Box 691

21296; P.O. Box 171

Nakpil, Juan F., Architect—428, Mar- National Sta Tin



^ 862; Rizai

tin Ocampo, Quiapo; Teleph. 23551 Ave, P. M. Capacete, manager

Nam Shing Cheong, Importers — 418, National University—(See Educa-


Box 91 Binondo; Teleph. 25269; P.O. tidual) '; v r '

Nan King Tratmng f vCo.. Imports and Ex- Natividad, Graciano T., Attorney at

ports — 449, No ' a. Binondo; Teleph. ! leph. Law—303, Cu! Unjieng Bldg.; Te1

47546; P.O. Box’Box 1881 23390


Luna, Importers—132, Juan Navarro

Inc., K.,Teleph.


& Co;, Ltd., Building Con-

tractors—1808,1 Rizai Avenue, Sta.

1468; Cable Ad: Kamel 47589; P.O. Box Cruz ; Teleph. 27592

National Aerated W ater Factory—513, Negros Philippine Lumber, Corporation,.

Leveriza, Pasay; Teleph. 51275 : Lumbur. . Manufacturers — 16, Sqler;

i Teleph. 49608; . P. O. [Box .736;

. . Cablp.

r Ad:

National Battery ; Sun vice, Storage ' Mahogany Dee C. Chuan, 'president

Batteries, Sales and . Servicer-1076, W. W. Harris, general manager

P. Paredes, Sampaloc ; Teleph.. 23358

National City Bank. Buildi-ng Co.— Mill Co., ; Nell, Edward T.J., Pinpin,

Supplies-T-1, Machinery and

National City Bank Building, Juan 2-29-75;

Luna, Binondo; Teleph. 2-20-87 P;Q'‘ Box 1640; Cable Ad:Teleph.


E. J. Le Jeune, president

J. Brownley, secretary | Nelson & Co., C. B., Registered

K. L. Emerson, treasurer Ship, Marine and Cargo Surveyors.

Official Measurers for New York

National City Bank of New York— —212-214, DeandlosBulkReyes

! Conference Oil Shipments


(See Banks) ^sleph. 21713; Cable Ad : Register

G.K.B.C; Nelson,,

Stubo, -vice-president& treas,


National Dental Supply, Inc—Rooms Cesareo Diomampo, secretary

214-215, Perez Samanillo Building,

Eseolta. Binondo; Teleph. 23831; Cable 619, Aquilino A. Siapno

Ad: Phildenply Alberto Mercado


Nestle & Anglo-Swlss Conbejised Milk Ning & Co., W., Men’s Furnishing Goods

Co., Manufacturers of Dairy Products— Dealers and Tailors—86-90; Real, In-

502, Estero Cegado; Teleph. 21364; tramuros; Telepb. 24205; B.O. Box ll09

Cable Ad: Nestanglo; Codes: Bentley’s

andH.A.B.C. 6thmanager


J. Wolflisberg J. P. Wolft

Nippon Bazaar, The, Imports and Export*

—Corner Plaza Moraga and Escolta.

G.A. F.C. Wood

Smith W. A, Conrad Binondo; Teleph. 21121; P.O. Box 396;

W. Martin C. A. J. Shrubsole Cable Ad: Nippon

D. R. E. Andreae J., C. Corthcsy

Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen, Steam-

Neuss, Hessleest Incqeporateo, Tex- ; ship Co., (Zuellig & .von, Knobelsdorff,

tiles—144, Juan Luna, Binondo; Agents) — 55-63, Rosslrib,'-. 'Binondo';

Teleph. 49085; P.O. Box 1336; Cable Teleph. 22324: P.Q. Box 604; Cable

Ad: NordHoyd:

Ad: NehescO'

Neves, A, M., Importer of Candies North American Trading and Import

and Manufacturers’ • Agent — 231, : Co.. Exporters of Mclasses—306 and

Espeleta, Btau Cruz; Teleph. 2-17-84; 308, National City Bank Building,

P.O. Box 1359; Gable Ad: Seven Binondo, Mapila; 'Teleph. 21788:

i New China Herald, Chinese Daily P.O. Box 2157; Cable Ads: Sotodel

Paper—‘568, Misericordia, Santa andC. M.Natico

Cruz; Teleph. 24171; P.O. Box 1455 ExecutiveSolberg, geheral manager

Offices—260’,Pa.South Broad

New Delmonico Hotel, Inc., Open All Street, Philadelphia,

Night, Best Family Hotel in the

i Orient. Well Ventilated,

Sanitary Conveniences; Roomsserved

Banquets with North Negros Sugar Co., Inc., Sugar


reasonable Manufacturers and Dealer? —-Chaco*

City, rates—278,

Manila, P.General Luna, Building

I.: •Teleph. 31070 and(3rd floor),,

24392; P.O.Binondo;

Box 735;Telephs.


22048; Cable Ad: Delmonico Hotel

Vicente Sotelo

and managei* Matti, proprietor, Ad: Nonsuco .

New Orleans Commercial Co., Inc.. Im- Norton Hardware& Harrison Co., Lumper

Dealers, Paints and

and ,Oils—


Luna; Teleph. 21218 41, EIHoear

& 22857;Bldg.,


Box Offices: 418, Kneedler Building; Yards:

1692; Cable Ad; Neworleans' San Miguel;

Echague, Mill and

San Miguel; Shop:Private

Teleph. 814,

New People Manufacturing Co.—502, Exchange: 2-20-57; P.C. Box 782; Cable

Nueva Binondo; Teleph. 49958; P. Ad:B. Hoopton J. Harrison, president

O. Box 2768 F. C. Hagedom, vice-do.

Nicaraguan Consulate—(dee Consu- H. H. HarrisOn, secretary-treasurer

lates) Chas. A. Fossum, sales manager

Lynn G. Bricker

t Nichols Saper Yarns and Carpets, A. B,. Hagedorn

Fed., Inc.,

. Cable Ad : Manila Hotel; Teleph.'22022;


W S. Graham, exclusive agent Norwegian Consulate—(dee Consu-

Mrs. P. S. Crovat, secretary lates)

Nielson Sales Company, “ F. & E,” Ohta Development Co., Planters, Im-

Lightning Cheokwr iters, Dicta- girters and Exporters — Insular Life

phones, Repossessed Typewriters, uilding, Plaza Moraga, Binondo;

Adding Machines, etc.—110, Escol- Telephs.

ta ; Teleph. 2-19-51; Cable Ad: Ad: Ohta.24128-9; P.O. Box 1150; Cable

Checko Mindanao. HeadBranch:Office: Talomo,

Kobe, JapanDavao,



Ong Long & Co., Inc., Dealers in Eeal Oriental Sheet Metal Co., Inc., En-


ory Shares,

Notes, Bonds, and

Securities Drafts,Mortgages,

Promis- gineers, Contractors and Metal

Administrators of Estates, etc. Works — 15, Pascual Casal, San


21465; deP. Binondo;

O. Box Telephs.

1477; Cable49850—191,

and 2934


Miguel; Teleph. 24322; P.O. Box


Union Codes:A.B.C.

5-letters, Bentley’s,

5th edn.,Western

Acme Ortigas, Francisco, Lawyer—120, Le-

and Private garda, Sampaloc; Teleph. 22310

Dy Buncio, president

Guillermo Dy Buncio, vice-president Osaka Bazar, Importers and Exporters

—332-346, Echague, Santa Cruz; Telephs.


and Seng & Co.,andDryRetail

Wholesale Importers 23691-2-3-4;

GoodsDealers—218, Osabaz; Codes: P.O.A.B.C.

Box 881; CableBent-

5th edn., Ad :

Rosario, ley’s and Private

Box 1673 Binondo; Teleph. 48580; P.O. Otis Elevator Company, Elevator

Ong Ship & Co., General Merchandise, Crystal Sales, Erection and Service—319,

Sugar Agents, Exporters and Im- Box 847;Arcade; Teleph. 24337; P.O.

Cable Ad1: Lyndentree

porters—840, Clavel, San Nicolas; E. H. Walker, manager

Teleph. 48946; P.O'. Box 1257 Mrs. C. C. Mitchell, stenog.

Mrs. C, C. Mitchell, stenog.

Ong Sitt Gee & Co., Tobacco Leaf Dealers P. B, Artesian Water Co., Inc.— Ill,

Wholesale Consignee

L-3-3127), (Tobacco and Dealers Licence N. Domingo; Teleph. 68817; P.O. Box

Commission 647; Cable Ad: Artesian

ondo; Teleph. 49963; P.O. Box 1404 Bin- Pacific Commercial Co., Importers and

Merchants—566, Reina Regente,

O’Racca Confectioneky Co., Inc., Exporters—National CityP.O.Bank


Candy, Chewing Gum, Chocolate and Binondo; Teleph. 23361; 780:

Biscuit Manufacturers and General Cable Ad: Pacomeco


49666; — 67,BoxBarraca:

19; CableTeleph. Ad: Palace Bazaar, Importers and Ex-


soria City Branch:

Buying opposite

Dept. : Divi- porters—Arias

Osaka, 22885

Building; Teleph.

Japan. Palace

A. Tsutsui, president


Murase. vice-do, 23225;Theatre—325,

P.O. Box 1034 Ronquillo; Teleph.

Dellosa, secy.treas. and mgr. H. S. Everett, general manager

Oriental Auto Supply, Automobile Palomo, Qaudencip, General Merchant,

Accessory Dealers—533, Azcarraga, ofRemnants Scrap

(All Kinds), Import all kinds

Plushes and. Silks (Proprietor

Tondb; Teleph. 48429 ofturing)—642,

“Aranque ”Pateros




Oriental Furniture, Inc., Contractor Cruz; Teleph. 25496

and Manufacturer of All Kinds of Pampanga Sugar Mills, Central


ture, Store Furniture,

Equipment, Office Furni- del Carmen, Del Carmen, Pam-


Cabinets, Bowling Alleys and panga Province—Manila Office: 6th

Dental Cabinets—342, T. Pinpin, floor, G. de los Reyes Building,

Juan Luna; Teleph. 22171; Cable

Minondo; Teleph. 26057 Ad: Pasumil

L. Weinzheimer, general mgr.

Oriental Saw Mill, Contractors, Buil- K. Gronke, assist. do.

ders and Lumber Dealers—313,Tanduay, G. E. Burnham, resident mgr.


Cable Ad:;;d,Osmuareto; P.O. Box 2042; S. Jamieson, manager, Manila

edn. ,sdo>i . .! Code:

-pj A.B.C. . 5th[/x Office

A. B. Latham, purchasing agent


Panama, ■, Consulate ov-^(See Con- Peruvian Consulate -(Nee:Cemulates)


Papek Box Manufacturers (United Philippine Acetylene Co., Oxy Acety

Welding, Welding ■ Apparatus,

States Shoe Co.) — 93, Gustambide;, dene Oxygen, Hydrogen ahd Acetylene Gases,

Teleph. 57261; P.O. Box

C. E. Olsen, ihan'ager 275 Acetylene Goods—281; Calle Cristo-

bal, Paco; Teleph. 5-69-17; Cable

Paraguay, Consulate of—(Nee Con- Ad:C: M.Philacet

sulates) Leo K.Gottermaij,



Paramount Films of Philippines, Geo. P. Kearney,..secretary

Ino.—Teleph. 213SS2; P.O., Box 587': Philippine Advertising Corporation—

Cable Ad: Paramount CallePascual

Parlatone Hjspano'- Filipino , Inc,.— 22944; P.O. BoxCasal,



Ad: Pacor

Santos Building, Plaza Sta. Cruz; B. P. Flood,, president

Teleph. 2-33 03; P. 0- Box 2078; Gable J. W. Mears, vioe-do.

Ad : Parlatone Philippine. Aerated Water Co.—712-720,

Parsons Hardware Co., Inc. — | P.O. Misericcirdia, Santa Cruz; Teleph. 21153;

805, Echague, San Miguel; Teleph. Box 2764

21280; P.O. Box 422: Cable Ad:

Parsons •PhILippiNq Aerial- Taxi Co.—Grace

W. ParSons, pres.' Park Airpoi’fc; Telephs. 24330 and

B,. Inchausti, vice-pres. All: Piairtaxco

Mv. Rv: Braidford, manager

Peoples Bank and Trust Co.—(Nee WTm. J. Shaw, president

Banks) i ‘ :■ >1; • El H. Steveribt,' vioe-p’res.

Peoples Mortgage and Investment | , ■ Benito If. ■ -1. Beldbn,* treaS'UNr; u-

Razon," se6retaiy'

Co.—Corner llasmari nas ■& David ;

Teleph.. 2-19-91 ; ;'Cablcu Ad: Mort- Philippine American Drug Co. (Bo-


Amos G. Bellia,--ehair1man of the .' tica Boi'e)—9!^. ..Dseoi^^, Blnbhdp;

Teleph. 23281; P.O. Box 299; Cable


,E, Mullen, president | Ad^ Boie

W. Douglas, vice-president

Castor P. Cruz, secretary-treasurer Philippine Art Furniture Co>; Manufac-


B. O’Malley, asst,G.treasurer

Bellies (chair- ; turers and Exporters73,of Gardenia,

Select Battan

Fprniture—Factory: Sam-

man), A. A. Bryan, N. E. Mullen, 1 paloc; ’ Teleph. 236S2; P.O. Box 2416:

E. M. Bachrach, .1. W. Craig, J. A. Cable Ad: Arrya.ll. Show-room: “Little

Wolfson, John W. Hausserman, J. Gal! cry,” • Louise P, Brown University

A. Wolfson, B. S. Ohnick Building, Erpita

Peoples Shoe Co.—310, Soler, Binop- Philippine Aromatic•1 OIgarette Ma-

db; Teleph.. 49y|6; P.O. Box 3034 ' ; nufacturing Co.—661 -663. Magda-

Chua, Chibng Pib & Co'.', props. lena, Binondo ; P.O. Box 1555

Perez Samanillo, Bafael. General Mer- T. P. Lira, geper^l manager

chant—116-122, Juan Luna: Teleph. Philippine Art Furniture Co., .Inc.,



Box 122; Cablepower

Eosates, Ad: Samanillo

atty Mranufacturefs ahd Exporters of

Bafael Perez Resale^, do. ; Select Battan Furniture—11, Plaza,

Miguel Perez Bosales, do. Moraga,. Binondo; Teleph. 23682;

P.O, Box 2416

Persian Carpet House, Persian Bugs

and Curio Dealers—49, Escolta, Philippine Auto Supply Co.—720, Rizal

Binondo; Teleph. 23525; P.O. Box Avenue, and 401 Ronquillo, Stanta Cruz;

2096; Cable Ad: Priassbro Teleph. 21077



Philippine Atttomatic Appliance Co., Philippine Engineering Co., Inc. — 936, ;

Importers, Distributors of Auto- Raon, Quiapo; Teleph. 22305; P.O. Box ;

matic Appliances, Automatic Water 786; Cable Ad: Philenco

Filters — 55, Rosario, Binondo ;

Teleph. 22735: P.O. Box 1715; Cable Philippine Fish Co., Fish Importers 1'

Ad : Automatic and Exporters—34, Basan, Quiapo; I ;

Teleph. 23181; P.O. Box 2311; Cable 'H

Philippine Automotive Corporation— Ad : Philfishco

122. Muelle de Binondo; Teleph. 49904;

Cable Ad: Philautoco PhilippineMerchants—247,

Foreign Trading Co., Ltd.

Philippine Book Co.. Tnc.—87, Tortuosa; General Espeleta, Sta. jl;! ji

Cruz; Teleph. 23490; P.O. Box 1276; jV

Teleph. 23946; P.O. Box 1100; Cable Ad: Cable Ad: Lobunchay


Matias Perez, president and manager

Juan Cruz, secretary and treasurer Philippine Furniture Factory, Fur- ‘

niture Manufacturers and Dealers j

Philippine Button Corporation—828- Teleph. —352-356, T. Pinpin, Binondo;

840, Misericordia, Santa Cruz: Teleph. 25661

22887; P.O. Box 29; Cable Ad: Petwalo Philippine Guaranty Co., Inc. (Fidelity,

Philippine Carnival Association— Building, Surety, Fire Insce. Teleph.

Binondo; Co.) — Insular Life

2-24-31; RO.

Wallace Field; Teleph. 23891; P.O. Box Box 128; Cable Ad : Filgar {See Insular

1149; Cable Ad: Carnival Life Assurance Co.)

Philippine Cork & Insulation Co., — Philippine Hosiery Mills, Inc.,

Rooms 308-10, Heacock Building, Manufacturers of Hosiery—451-453,

Escolta, Binondo;Codes:

Ad: Insulation: Telepb. 21254:5th Cable

A.B.C. Edn., Juan Luna; Teleph. 49533; P.O.

Bentley’s and Private BoxA. 1858

Landahl, president

Philippine Credit Bureau, Inc., K. Landahl, vice-do.

—Santos Bldg., Plaza Sta. Cruz; John Landahl, director

Room 33 ; Teleph. 23158

Philippine Education

ers, Booksellers andCo., Inc., Publish- Philippine


Inter-Island Steamship

Co.—{See The Robert Dollar Co.)

103, Cable

620. Escolta;Ad:Teleph.

Pecoi 22131; P.O. Box Philippine Land Improvement Company,

Verne E. Miller, presdt. & gen’l. mgr. Proprietors

“ SangandaanofHeights,”

“ Northern Hills ” and


David G.

treasurer Gunnell, vice-presdt. and ofAgents

“ Rizalof “Grace

Avenue Park Hills ”Subdivision.”

and Sales


Roy A. Sison,manager

D. Bennett, secretary

(educational Selling Lots on Instalment Plan; Big

dept.) Discount for Cash Payments—3rd floor.


Carl H. Louis,manager

Orton, mgr. (wholesale dept.) Insular

(retail dept.)

Life Building, Plaza Cervantes,

Binondo; Telenh. 2rl4-57

Proprietors and Publishers of: Salvador Zaragoza, president

Manila City Directory Salvador Araneta, vice-do.

R. H. Davila, secretary-treasurer

Proprietors of: J. Rickards, director

Manila Publishing Co. (Subscription J. A. Araneta, do.

Book Dept.) J. Araneta, manager

Carlos& Cabrera, managerStationers) H. D. Nerecina, cashier

Frank Co. (Manufactg. Salesmen—D. Araujo, M. Ramos

McCullough Printing Co. (Printers) and F. Tecson

Roy Barcal, manager Bookkeeper—V. R. Abellana



YorkCode Co.—93, Front Street, New Philippine

tional) Law School—(Nee Educa-


Philippine Long Distance Telephone Philippine National Oil — 212-214

Co.—109, Plaza Sta. Cruz; Teleph. Rosario, Binondo; Teleph. 57255; P.O.

05; P.O. Box 444; Cable Ad: Long- Box 2218


Theo V. Halsey, presdt. (San Philippine Net & Braid

Co., Inc.—367-369, JuanManufacturing

Luna; Teleph.

Francisco) 49585; P.O. Box 320; Cable Ad: Tagal

Philippine Lumber Exportation Co., Paulino M. Sampedro, manager

Ltd., Sawn Lumber and Logs Exporters Philippine Refining Co., Inc., Coconut

—Office: 1087, R. Hidalgo; P. O. Box Oil Manufacturers—1035, Isaac Peral;

417; Cable Ad: Nibiki; Codes: Acme Teleph. 56951; P.O. Box 1624; Cable Ad:

and Bentley’s.

Tayabas. Saw Meikai

Kobe Office: Mill: Casiguran,

Building. Philreco

Tokyo Office: Yusen Building Kenneth

mgr. B. Day, vice-pres. & gen’l.

Philippine Lumber Manufacturing Cleve Callaway, manager

Co., Lumber Manufacturers and Philippine Shell-Craft Corporation

Dealers’ — 16-24, Soler, Tondo; —478, A. Mabini, Ermita; Teleph.

Teleph. 49608; P.O. Box 763; Cable 56957; P.O. Box 672; Cable Ad:

Ad: Mahogany Shellcraft

“Philippine Magazine>”(A Monthly Illus- Philippine Steelhouse, Inc., Steel

trated Publication of General Cir- House 5-47-35; Manufacturers.—4, Calle Otis;

culation)—217, Dasmarinas; Teleph. Teleph. Cable Ad : Steelhouse

George B. Asp, C. E., manager



Y. H. Hartendorp, editor and Philippine Stenotype, The—411, Ma-

! sonic Temple, Binondo; Teleph.

Philippine Manufacturing Co. — 244, 23675

David, Binondo; Telephs. 22476-424;

P.O. Box 1163;Codes

Commercial Cable Ad: Philmaco; All Philippine Sugar Estates Develop-

Fred Berry, vice-president and gen’l. tramuros;ment Co., Ltd., The—246, Anda In-

manager Teleph. 23793; P.O. Box

R. C. Peyer, treasurer 1310; Cable Ad : Philsugar

M. S. Kestler Philippine Tannery Co., Inc.—431,

Philippine Risericordia; Teleph. 26230; Cable

P. Paterno;Match



P.O. Box ,625,

357; PHltanco

Tomas Argulles, president

Cable Ad: Matches-

Philippine Milling Co. — Operating Philippine Trading Co., The, General

Sugar Central, San Jose, Mindoro; 109, Merchants—508, Rizal Avenue, Santa

Santa Cruz; Teleph. 21671; P. O. Cruz; Teleph. 27723; P.O. Box 1948



W. Trinidad, president Philippine Trust Company—(Nee Banks)

M. Lord, vice- do. Philippine Vegetable Oil Co., Inc.—

G. C. Dankwerth, treasurer Pureza,

G. La, O, secretary

Luis R. Yangco, mgr. Box 843;Santa

CableMesa; Teleph. 67512; P.Q.

Ad: Vedgoil

Board of Directors—J.E.H. Stevenot Antonio Roxas Gargollo, partner

(chairman), Pedro J. Campos, Geo. and manager

f ;C. Dankwerth, Wenceslao Trinidad, “Philippines Herald,” The, Only

G. La O, M. Lord and L. Kahn Evening Daily in English in Manila

Philippine Motor Alcohol Corporation, —61, Muralla, Intramuros; Teleph.

Alcohol distillers & manufacturers of 21494 (Connecting all Depts.); P.O.

Box 601; Cable Ad : Herald

Motor Fuels—Palanca Building,

colas; Telephs. 49645-55; P.O. Box 691 San Ni- Carlos P. Romulo, publisher

Philippine National Bank —• (S6e ModestoA.Farolan,

Vicente general mgr.

Pads, editor

Banks) . I. S. Reyes, advertising manager


Photo. Finishing Corporation, Pho- Pure The,

Cane Molasses Co. (P.I.), Inc.,


Merchants & Exporters

tographic Supplies—114, Fscolta. — Crystal Building, Rooms

PJCKETT HARNESS CO,, Aperican- |; 324/328; Cable

Teleph. 21021; RO! Box 1307;


made Wardrobe—Trunks,

Hand bags, Aeroplane Luggage, Gen- Suit cases, T. Jas.

Nielsen, president

eral liepairing of Luggage, English Bits;

Stirrups and Spursn-300,,Tetuan Street- N. C.Burt,

Irvine,general manager


300, Misericordia Street; Teleph. 2-10, F.A.S. Waldron, mgr. (Iloilo office).

43; Cable Ad: Pickett; Codes: Bentley’s,


Union Trade, A.B.C. 5th, Western Puyat & Sons, Inc., Gonzalo, Manufac-


Jno. T. Pickett, proprietor ,,;: ;iCll J :; turers

J. S. Herranz, manager

of Billiard Tables, BoBuilding,

and Furniture—Puyat wling Alleys,


Solana Intramuros; Teleph. 21002 and

Plaza Hotel—Plaza -Goiti, corner Rizal 23463; P.O. Box404

Avenue, Santa Cruz; Teleph. 22015; Puyat Music House—628, Avenue Rizal ;

Cable Ad: Plazahotel Teleph. 2-16-91;. P. O. Box 404; Cable

. Q. % Guenp, owner -and mgr. Ad:Gonzalo


Plaza Shoe Store—^6, Rozario; Teleph. Puyat & Sons, Inc., Props.

27472: P.O. Box 1260 Quiason & Co., Inc/, C., Piano Im-

Yu See, manager porters and Dealers—338, Raon;

Pohoomull Brothers (Grand Indian Teleph. 26506; P.O. Box 1516

Bazaar), Dealers in Silks and Dry Goods

—45-47, Escblta,'Binondo; Telepin. 22326; R. O. A. Communications, Inc.—In-

P.O. Box 195,; Cable Ad: Pohoomull sular Life Building; Teleph. 22601-2;

P.O. Box 446; Cable Ad: Radio-

Poon Ka & Co., Importers and Exporters oorp.

—447, Nueva, Binondo; Teleph. 25419; David Sarnoff, president


9iP;,Cable Ad: Poonko E. R. Riddle, superintendent

manager ; E. G. Baumgarder,; assist, supt.

Port Lamon Lumber Co., Logs and Radio Supply and Service Co., Inc.,

Lumber Dealers and Export Mer- | Radios, Spare Parts,, Accessories,


Nacional : 8, Muelle

: Teleph. 21963 ; . del Banco

Box etc.—702,

P.O.Madri- Rizal Avenue, iSta.‘Cruz;

254’; Cable Ad: Lamon or Teleph. 24305; P.O. Box 1390; Cable

gal. Mill at Port Lamon, Surigao, Ad : Radiosiisser.


Madrigal ,& Co., Managers Ram Car, Inc., Operating Caro Electrical

Service, (Trademark

Manufacturers of Oriental

Porta, Pueo y. Cia, Commission Mer- Batteries Registered),

& Service, Electrical'Appliances & Re-


chants—212; Magallanes,

Teleph. 21069; P.O. Box 57; CableIntramuros: pair, Auto Accessories and Spare parts

Ad: Pueo The Auto

Auto Service Station: General

Portuguese PartingRepairing, Carriage Factory,

and Upholstering; and

lates) . Consulate — {See ' Consu- The Ramcar Super Service: complete

Maintenance, Special Lubricating

Service, Gasoline, Oils and Tires.

Presby, S. A., Manufacturers’ Agent Open Day

110-116, and Faura,

Padre Night Ermita; Te-

-rlnsular Life Bldg.; Teleph.

P.O. Box 1379; Cable Ad : Disap 22834; lephs. 56944, 56945, 56946 and 21131

Pujalte, Miguel, S. en C., Commission Ramirez, J. V., Real Estate and Fire


Tobacco Consignees, Wholesale

Room21026; Insurance619,Agent

2-9, | 22535;

Building, — Crystal

Escolta, Binondo; Arcade


Plaza Moraga, Binondo; Teleph.

P.O. Box 212. Warehouse: 51, Cabildo, Jotaerre P.O. Box 1144; Cable Ad:

Intramuros J. Y. Ramirez, manager


Ramirez & Oeniza, Attorneys and RoC.es Sz Co., Inc., Sporting ’ Goods,

Counsel lors-at-Law — 311, Pilipinas Firearms and Ammunition — 129,

Bldg., Plaza Moraga,' Binondo- Plaza Goiti, Santa Cruz; Teleph.

22188; P.O. Box 1410; Cable Ad:

Teleph. 28046 Rocecia

Rawplugs and Rawpltjg Tools—460 Ramon Roces, president

466, Dasmarinas; P.O. Box 767 Ricardo

secretaryMascunana, manager and

E. Viegelmann, agent Abdon Sikat, treasurer

Rennolds Co., Wm. H., Importers and Ex- Roosevelt Steamship Agency, Inc.,

porters—129, Juan Luna; Teleph. 49667; Steamship Agents^—Chaco Building;

P.O.W, Box 1473; Cablepres.Ad: Rennolds

II. Rennolds, Teleph, 21521; P.O. Box 624; Cable

W. H. Rennolds, jr., vice-pres. Ad: Eoosteamco; All Codes

F. Azaola, secty. A. E. Clegg, president

A. G. Henderson, vice-president

1 Reptile Store, The, Manufacturers of Agents for

Reptile Leather, Snake, Lizard and Kerr Steamship Co., Inc., New

Crocodile Novelties — 47, Cristobal, York (Silver Line Ltd.)

I Intramuros;

2893; Cable Ad:Teleph.

Rowei57441; P.O. Box Prince Line, Ltd., London

R. Weidemann, proprietor S. & J. Thompson, Ltd., London

Transatlantic Steamship Co., Ltd.,

|| Reynoso & Sons, Emilio,10,Painters and Gothenburg

Contractors—Room 20, Plaza Silver-Java Pacific Line (Joint

* Moraga, Binondo; Teleph. 25657 (Services of Silver Line, Ltd.,

and Pacific-Java-Bengal

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Kobe Line)

1 Rialto Studio — 456, Dasmarinas;

Teleph. 25482; P.O. Box 541

Florentine S. Ang, manager and Rosendo Dyohauco, General Merchant

—318-320, Sto. Cristo; Teleph. 40360


| Riu Hermanos, Inc., Dealers and Irn- RbsEN&WdK & Co., Inc.,124,

ImpbHeVs and

I porters of Trunks, Suitcases, etc.— General Merchants— T. Pinpin;

623; 'Escolta ^ Teleph. '2-36-50; P. O. Teleph. Rosco 22576; P.O. Box 400; Cable Ad:

i Box 738_ C. W. Rosenstbck, president

I Rizal AutO' Supply Co., Automobile A. Siefken, manager

Accessories—512, Azcarraga; Teleph. Ross, Lawrence & Selph, Lawyers—

I 42810 National City Bank Bldg:., (4th

Rizal Cement Factory, Manufacturers of floor), Binondo : Teleph. 21327; P.O.

Portland Cement—8, Muelle del Banco Box 781; Cable Ad : Sevans

| Nacional, Binondo.;

P.O. Box Factory

254; Cable Telepbs. 21962;

Ad: CarbonRizalor Rosenstock, C. W., Real Estate—124,

; Madrigal. at BinaUgonan, T. Pinpin Biiiondo; Teleph. 2-25-


j Rizal Lumber—41, F. B. Harrison, stock ;

Financial agent for

\ Pusay ; Teleph 51368 Great Eastern Life Assurance

| Chua Tong, manager Co., Ld., Singapore

^ Rizal Park Co.. Inc., The, Real Es- Roxas y CompaNia, Sugar Manufac-

\\ tate—iPaterno Building,

Teleph. 23970; P.O. Box 1462 Sta: Cruz; turers—719, Echague, San Miguel;

Teleph. 22042; P.O. Box 1459; Cable

I Robles Transportation, Land and ■ Ad:Antonio'''B'oxas Rbxas Oargollo, partner

S| Water, (Electrical, and Charging

Battery)—Main Office: 1543, Sto. and general manager

Sepulcro, Paco; Telephs. 57326 and i Eduardo Roxas Gargollo, partner

and managed

57252; Branch Office: 15, San Jose Roxas Gargollo, partner

’Gabriel Binondo; Teleph.' 21735


Eoyal Dry Cleaning, Dyers and San Carlos Milling Co., Ltd., Sugar

Cleaners'- {>14, E. Hidalgo, Quiapo; Manufacturers—Chaco Bldg., Bin-

Teleph. 25954 ondo; Teleph. 21014; P.O. Box

C. Enriquez, proprietor 1863; Cable Ad: Scarlosco

Eoyal Soft Drinks Plant—57-75, San Francisco del Monte Inc., Real

Oral, Solano St.; Teleph. 23574 ' Estate—680, Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz;

(See San Miguel Brewery) Teleph. 21636; P.O. Box 528

Daniel da Eoza, Commercial Broker

and Auctioneer—248, Calle Cabeldo, San

Intramures; Teleph. (Office) 2-21-40; etc.—40, Juan Mine, Building, Plumbing,

(Residence)'. 55567; P.O. Box 740; Monte, Eizal; N. Domingo, San Juan del

Cable Ad : Danroza; Code: Bentley Teleph. 68842

Eussell, C,, Civil Engineer, Member, San Marcelino Drug Store, Retail Drug

American Society of Civil En- Store — 317a, San Marcelino, Ermita;

eineers — Aceite and Nagtahan Sts.; Teleph. 54209

Teleph. 67366; P.O. Box 1009: Cable

Ad : Pavement

C. Eussell San Miguel Brewery, Inc.—Cen-

tral Office: 132, Aviles Street; Teleph.

Bttss'ell & Co., Ship, Freight, Exchange, 21212; Cable Ad: Samiguel

Beer and Ice Shipping Dept.—132,



Muelle Coal

del and

Banco General


Teleph. Aviles St.; Teleph. 21224

P.O. Box 982; Cable Ad: Hustle; Liquid Carbonic Plant (Liquid &


Scott’s and

10thBoeedn., A.B.C. 5th Solidified C02)—132, Aviles Street;

edn., Teleph. 21212

Royal Soft Drinks Plaut —57-75,

Russian Consulate—(Nee Cohsulates) Gral Solano St.-; Teleph. 23574

Ice and Cold Storage Plant—57-

Sabater & Company (Opticians) 109, Gral Solano St.; Teleph.

Manufacturing and Importing Optician, 23571

—76, Escolta, Binondo; Teleph. 22362; Magnolia Dairy Products Plant—

P.O. 660, Echague St.; Teleph.

Dr. Box 2104;Sabater,

Manuel Cable Ad:pres.Sabater

& gen. 21901

Andres Soriano, president

mgr. Antonio Brias, managing dir.

Dr. Carmen Sabater, vice-pres. & N. Nyborg, asst, managing, dir.

assist, mgr. M. H. Ruppel, sales manager

Dr. Amparo Sabater, assist, mgr. A. G. Zoboli, secretary

M. Ramirez de la Vaca, secretary R. G. Riis, asst, sales manager

and accountant Ramon Yaldes Pica, asst. secy.

M. Diotay, chief clerk

N. Oracion, clerk

T. Fraire, do. Sanitary Steam Laundry

D. Cruz, chief mechanic

I. Sumulung, mechanic The — 908-918, Arlegui, Co., Inc.,


E. Reyes, do. Teleph. 23529; P.O. Box 529; Cable

Ad: Sansteam

Thomas J. Wolff, pres. & gen. mgr.

Salacot-Mining Co., Gold Mining—

30-32, Escolta; Teleph. 2-22-60; P.O. Santa Clara Lumber Co., Inc., Ar-

Box 1525; Cable Ad: Samic chitects, Engineers, Contractors and

Antbnion Brias, president Lumber Dealers49939

— 901-903, Dagupan,

W. S. Price, vice-president Tondo; Telephs. and 49741; P.O.

Carl Hess, Jr., second do.

Wm. Zeitlein, director & secty.- Box 1711; Cable Ad: Saclalumco


Myer Harris, director Santa Mesa Dairy Farm—902, Cordele-

Maurice Kahn, do. ria, Santa Mesa; Teleph. 6-76-73; P.

R. Descals, do. O. Box 1566; Cable Ad: Santa Dairy


Santiago Sy Juco, Importer, Exporter Seng Kee & Co., General Merchants and

Importers—622, Nueva, Binondo; Te-

and Manufacturer of Dry Goods, leph. 49720; P.O.Bentley’s

Box 1117; Cable Ad:

Fishing Nets, Native Cloth of Jusi and Sengkee; Code:


& D; Teleph. Yangco

4-97-49; Market

P.O. BoxPasillos

2129; A. Chon, president

A. A.Banjin,

Cable Ad: Syjuco, Manila, P.I. Y. Coe,vice-president


Santillan Dr. Jose, Physician and Shau, Charles C., General Merchant—

Surgeon — 165, Blumentritt, Sta. 613, Magdalena Street; Teleph.

Ciruz; Teleph. 24234 47658; P,0. Box 1438

Santo Tomas Enrique, C., Civil En- Siamese . Consulate—(See Consulates)

gineer—509, Dasmarinas; Teleph.

21475; P.O. Box 2988; Cable Ad: Costmas

Santos Hijos A., Leaf Tobacco Mer- SimDealers—309-311, Kay Tit & Co., Glassware

chants—1306, Avenue Rizal; Teleph. 951, Jaboneras SanSto. Cristo and

Nicolas; Teleph.

25375 ; Cable Ad : Aleza 49460;

Ambrosio Siantos, manager

Simeon O. Scan, Hardware and Paint

Santos, Dr. Isidoro He, Physician- Dealer—324, Echague; Teleph. 22146;

Ides Building M. de Santos, San P.O.Simon Box Suan,

2527 president

Nicolas; Teleph. 49687 Gregorio Vizcarra, manager

Sanvictores, IsiAiAS, High Class ; Simmons Cb., The, Bed Manufacturers—

Jeweller—1024, Azoarraga 401, Fernandez Building, T. Pinpin,

Isaias Sanviciores, prop. & mgr. Binondo;

TrusimmonsTeleph. 23995; Cable Ad:

Sanz Antonio, Lawyer—211, Pili- C. D. Gardner, manager

pinas Building, Plaza Moraga, Bin-

ondo; Teleph. 21080; P.O. Box 872;

Cable Ad: Rosapi Simplex Trading Co., General Merchants

—113, P.O. JuanBoxLuna,


Cable Ad:Teleph.

Scknitzler Sons, Steel, Textiles—957- 22882; trading


959, Ongpin ; Teleph. 22234; P.O. J. Rubio, manager

Box 1080; Cable Ad: Schnitzler :

Singer Sewing Machine Co.—Central

Schwab, Dr. G.,_ Manufacturers’ Repre- Office: 702-713, Reina Regente;

sentative—619, Escolta, Binondo; Teleph. Teleph. 49628; P.O. Box 453

W. E. Maxey, general agent

23802; P.O. Box 1162; Cable Ad:


StxuKUAN Aerated Water Factory—

Sea Insurance Co., Ltd., The—Perez 415, Moriones, Tondo; Teleph. 49697;

Samanillo Building, 19, Escolta, P.O.Macalayac Box 1657; Cable Ad: Sinukuan

& Co., Ld., co-partnership,


Warner, Barnes & Co., Ltd., agents proprietors

agents Siochi & Co., Inc., Pedro, Engineers

Sehwani & Co., B. I., Direct Importers and lino; Contractors—347,

Teleph. 57421; P.O.SanBoxMarce-


offorSilk and Cotton

SilvertownOffice: Goods,

Tires,64,TubesSole Agents

and Tennis Sirius Trading Corporation—La De-

Shoes—Main Escolta(upstairs,)

Binondo ; Teleph. 28671; PD. Box 2881. fensa Building, Corner of Plaza

Sta. Cruz and Ongpin 957-959;

Branches: Silay,

Occidental NegrosVictoria and Bacolod, Cable Teleph. 2-22-34; P.O. Box 1783;

D- B. Sehwani, managing propr. Ad : Marcodurum



Cong Bieng & Co., Inc., Importers

Commission Merchants—123 South British Insurance Go., Ltd.

Juan Luna, Binondo; Telephs 49046 British tfc Foreign Marine Insurance

Cb., Ltd.

Canton Insurance Office, Ltd.

49047 and 4904)8 ; P.O. Box 18; Cable

Ad: Syoongbeng

Siy Chong Keng, President and Smith Navigation Co., Shipowners

and Shipping Agents—El Debate

Manager Building, 67. Juan Luna St. (facing

Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd., Exporters Plaza Cervantes), Binondo; Teleph.

and Importers, Shipping and Insurance 21832; P.O. Box 1943; Cable Ad:


Building, Binondo; and Shanghai23131;Bank

P.O.in Smithnavco

Box 311; Cable Ad:Teleph.

Bell. Branches Captain Vicente Verzosa, pres.

Wilson G. Smith, gen. manager

Cebu, Iloilo, Legaspi, Tabaco, Lagonoy,


Iriga de Misamis, Liago, Goa and Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.—426, Das-

H. T. Fox, managing, director marinas, Binondo; Teleph. 22481;

G. McPherson (London) P.O.E. Box 436

Sbhradieck, attorney, mgr. of

A.T. Millar,

J. Balls, director


G. W. Sinclair, do. Attorneys

A. P. Ames - F. L. Reed

N.A.J. Bergrier

Macleod, do. C. E, Casey E.L. L.S. Roeko


J. M. Cameron | H. J. Kuenstler H. G ilhouser

R.L. Fox,

Ferguson i W. G. Rimmer F. R. R. Sage

: • , ■ . H. Robertson Assistants—

J. Garcia J. M. Sullivan A. Aymami G.H. E.J. Hanaford

A.H. Gisbert R.

V. Jones j A. J. Tyre Summers G.H. S.P. Brown

Byrd Hawkins

B.A. Jones G.A. R. Knowles J. F. Carlz J. R. Herdraan*

J. C. Jones

CebuT. Kay ! W. G. Walker W. T. Costen C. A. Larsen

R.R. G.P. Douglas

Doolan S.OvE. W. G.Perkins


G. Walford | G. L. M. Scott

P. G. if. Hamptoh A.C. W.

P. Drakeford R. M. Reid

Edmunds H. J. Schlereth

Iloilo L. A. Garrard G. N. Rohrer

J. A. Lees W. Neverling


D. C. Brown Installation Supts.— I K L. Marshall

Tabaco B. H. Brown

N. E. Johnson | F. M. Rich

P. Alegria


I. C. MacGregor Solocan Development Co.; Lito., The—

Paterno Building, Santa Cruz Bridge,

General Managers for Santa Cruz; Teleph. 2397Q; P.O. Box 1462

Malabon .Sugar Co.

RedJaines Glen

Y Coconut.Products, Ltd. SOROX Y CIA.

G. D. Corvissiano ) E. Lienhard

Agencies .Insurance Agents


Bank Lineand Manchurian Line

British India S. N. Co., Ltd. REAL ESTATE BROKERS

Chiina Mutual S.N. Co., Ltd. 155, Aviles Sah Miguel; Teleph. 21036;

China Navigation

Eastern & Australian Co,, Ltd.Ltd.

S.S. Co., Cable Ad: Sorox; Codes: Colon,

Irido China S.N. Co., Ltd. Bentley, A.B.C. 5th Ed. Improved

KiaveheSs Line Andres Soriano, president

Lloyd Triestino Navigation Co. Francisco Ortigas, vice-president

Imperial Airways

Ocean Steamship Co., Ltd. Benito Razon, manager and secretary

Alliance Assurance Go., Ltd. Isidore Armada, treasurer

British Traders Assurance Co.

Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd.


South Seas Trading Co., Manufac- Sun Life Assurance Co of Canada—

turers of Hand Made Lingerie—17- Heiaoock Building; Teleph. 24893;

29, Avilefc, San Miguel; Teleph. Cable Ad : Sunbeam

26298;’Cable Ad : SudseatTad A. F. Peters, manager

Spencer, Kellogg & Sons (Philippines) A. I. Bryan, resident secty.


Tomas Coconut Oil Manufacturers—

Claudio,Pandacan; Teleph. 67552; Sun Photo Supply, Photographic

Cable Ad: Spenkelson ; Supplies—Crystal Palace, Escolta

. Herbert Hellis, treasurer Suy Guan Hing Hardware, General

H. Dean Hellis, secretary Importers, Hardware, Paint & Oil

Spanish Consulate—(Nee Consulates) 454, Dealers, Wholesale & Retail—452-

■ Santo Cristo, San Nicolas;

Squires Bingham . Co.,.21301;

Importers Teleph. 49597; P.O. Box 2533; Cable

Plaza Goiti; Telepb. Cable—Ad:

15, Ad : Suyguanhing; Code : Bentley’s


Standard Import Co., Inc., General Swedish Consulate—(Nee Consulates)

Merchants—>658,1 T. Pinpin, Bir bndb;

Teleph. 49729; P.O. Box 1299; Cable Ad: Swiss Consulate—(Nee ’ 'Consulates)


Standard Iron WobRs—713, Azoarraga, Swiss OrientXr Commercial Co.,:

Tondo; Teleph. 47315; P.O. Box 281'0 Importers — 153, Juan Luna; Teleph.

49014; P.O. Box 1811; Cable Ad : Sworcoco

Star Bicycle Store, Dealers in Bicy- Frederic Keecht, manager ’

cles—1007, Azcarragai, Sta<. Cruz; H. Kessler

Teleph'. 23044; P.O. Box 1277

Sy Kiap & Go.,Santo RiceCristo,

Merchants and

Star Soda Water Factory .2, Ugalde; Dealers—731, Teleph. 49956: P. O. Box 527.SanRice



Teleph. 25236; P;0. Box 4 Santa Rosa, Nueya Ecija

State Steamship Company, Ship Own-

ers, Agents and Brokers—Grd. fh, G. de Sy Ling Chong Hardware, Hardware

los Reyes Building,

23122-3-.4-5; Binondo; Telephs.

RO. BoxT764;-Cable ,Ad: Dealers—357, Gandara, Binondo ;

Statesline Teleph. 22925; P.O. Box 1054

C. F. Sharp, general agent

RobertH. Latta,

John assist, operating

Cook, district,, gen. agentmgr. Sy Piao & Co., Ltd., Successors to

Sydney J. Albriglit, assistant general Gigar Sy Piao, Du Wat y Cia. S. en C.,

passenger agent, for the Orient , Box Factory and Lumber

Dealers — 766-780, Echague, San

(j eneral Oriental. Af.ie.nU—. Miguel

Oceanic & Oriental Navigation

Co. of San Francisco :Sy ,Yoco;&;Sqns,


York Steamship Co.,' Inc. of New porters, Hemp,Inc., Importers

Copra, Knottedand Ex-,



Ylang, Rice HatsMills—6,

and Essence



.1/andfiing operators'-^ Teleph. 49086; P.O. Box 1571

American PioneeF Line /

Stearns'& Co.,1 Frederick, Manufacturing Taraqueria de la Compania General

Pharmacists — 635, SalCs, Sta. GrUz; de Tabacos de Filipinas (Factory:

Teleph. 28620; P.O. representative

A. L. Alsobrook, Box 269 “La Flor de la Isabela”), Cigar and

Cigarette Manufacturers—57, Escolta;

Sugar News Co. and Sugar News Press P.O. Box5th.edn.

75; Cable Ad:Bentley’s


— 671, Dasmarinas; Teleph. 21275-6; P.O. A.B.C. J. Mira Perez,and

agent and manager

Box 514 M. Mira Peree, do.

Sun Automotive Shop and Electrical J.F. Nunez,

Limpo, assist, manager


Works—101, F. B. Harrison Pasay; F. Delgado, chief clerk

Teleph. 51121 C. Moreno, cashier


Tableria La Confianza, Lumber Deal- Texas Co. (P.I.), Inc., The, Texaco

ers — 920-930, Azcarragu, Ton do • Petroleum Products—91, Plaza Mor-

Teleph. 48384 aga; Teleph. 23266; P.O. Box 783

H. T. Dodge, mang. director

Tablebia Nacional, Lumber Dealers— N. M. Draper, acting mgr.

954-958, Azcarraga Tondo; Teleph. W. R. Williams, acting assist, gen. mgr.

47690 A. F. Walker, chief accountant

Taguibao Guillermo—1106-A, Ten Thompson Electrical Co., Inc.—Plaza

Sta. Cruz; P.O. Box 593; Teleph. 2-11-07;

nessee, Malate; Teleph. 54843 Cable

Wm. F. Westhouse

Ad: Cadwallader, president and

Takahashi, S., Importer and Exporter— general manager

753-759, Tabora, San Nicolas; Teleph. Manuel Elizalde, treasurer

H. L. Mooney, secretary

49619; P.O. Box 220 Mrs. F. C. Cadwallader, vice-presdt.

Talambiras Bros., Importers — 42 Thompson, F. A., Manufacturers’ Re-

Dasmarinas; Teleph. 49691; P.O. Box presentative — 206, Masonic Temple,.

1497; Cable Ad: Talambiras Binondo; Teleph. 22939; P.O. Box 2007

Taliba, Afternoon Daily in Tagalpg Ti—445, Tiong Ho, Importer and Exporter

Nueva; Teleph. 48735; P.O.

—TYT Building, F. Torres, Sta.

Cruz; Teleph. 21134; P.O. Box 775; BoxChua 912

Keh Tai, prop, and mgr.

Cable Ad : Yanguardia

Tionloc, Inc., Ildefonso, Customs Brokers

Tan Bon Liong & Co., Joaquin, Im- and Forwarding Agents, Land and

porters of Woollen Rugs from China Water Transportation—123, Dasmarinas,

—129, Nueva; Teleph. 25557; P.O. Binondo; Ildefonso

Telephs. 49016, 49017

Tionloc, manager

Box 22188 Vicente

Valentin Tan Lian Ting, mgr. Delfin C.Roque,



Tan Chong Pin, Shipping Agents— Tokyo Marine and Fire Insurance

921, San Fernando Binondo; Teleph. Co., Ltd., The—Perez Samanillo

49926 Building, 19, Esoolta, Binondo

Tan Chong Pin, mgr. Warner, Barnes & Co., Ltd., agents

Tan Torres, Genaro, Lawyer—Hea- Tondo Development Co., Inc., Real Estate

cock Building, Escolta; Teleph. —Room 206, Arias Building, Sarita Cruz;

22764 Teleph. 21627; P.O. Box 2051. Branch

Office: Estates;

Tondo 1144, Velasquez Extension

48493 North

TanduayDistillery, WinesTeleph.

and Liquors — R. J. Harrison,Teleph.


348 W. Olsen, vice pres & mgr.

P.O. Tanduay, Quiapo;

Box 121; Cable Ad: Elizalde 21419; Tong Hong Trading Corporation,

Elizalde &' Co., Inc., proprietors Importers, Exporters and Commis-

sion Agents — 427, Nueva Street,

Tay Jay Co., Lumber Dealers, Manu- Binondo; Teleph. 49976; P.O. Box

facturers of Window Sash, Doors, 1976; Cable Ad : Tonghong

Louver, Moulding, etc. — 730-734, Dy Siu, president

Echague, San Miguel; Teleph. 25861 Simon A. Chanbona, vice-president

Cb Tay, prop. & manager Rosendo Dychauco, secty.-treas.

Victoriano B. Go, assist, manager Ho Kia, member

Gaw T. Lai, manager

Tecson Rice Mill Co.—926-C. A. Tong Nam Press, Printing,Espeleta,


Rivera Tondo; Teleph. 47592 and

Pablo Tecson, proprietor

Vicente Tecson, manager Cruz;Stationers—245-246,

Teleph. 2-60 40 Sta.

Yam Nam, manager


Torres, Alfredo B., Civil Engineer- Affiliated Companies

719, P. Leoncio; Teleph. 67254 British Traders’ Insurance Co., Ld.

Torres Optical Co., Optical Goocls^- The




554, Juan Luna Binondo; Teleph. The Yangtsze Insee. Association, Ld.

48944 Manila Agencies

Trinidad Miguel. Piano Tuner—546, Pacific Commercial Co.v

Bataagas, Sta. Cruz; Teleph. 26789 Fidelity and Surety Co. of the P.I.


“ Mayon”E. Hijos, Inc., C., —1174,

Cookstoves and Union

Tiles, PipesAgno, Unoco

Oil Co. of California—Cable Ad:

Malate; Telephs. 57129 and 54420; Cable W. S. Grant, special representative

Ad: Cituason United Plumbing Go., Inc., Distributors

Tuason Jose, Piano Tuner—1356, Man- and Direct Importers of Complete Line

ofandPlumbing Fixtures and Fittings, Wall

gaihan, Sta. Cruz; Teleph. 23382 Floor Tiles, Bathroom Accessories,

Valves, Pipes and Fittings, etc. —

General Offices

Tuason & Sampedro, Inc., Lumber Juan Luna; Teleph. 49878; P.O. Box and Showrooms: 652-676,

Dealers—817, Globo de Oro; Teleph. 1093; Cable Ad: Unpluco. Branch

23756; P.O. Box 746; Cable Ad: in Iloilo

Lagarian S. Wm.


pres. vice-pres.

& gen; mgr.& treasurer

Turkish Consulate—(See Consulates) E. Lintang, Licensed Master


Tubbs Cordage Company (Estab. 1856) United Press Association, Incor-

—323, National City Bank Build-

ing; Teleph. 23406; P.O. Box 131; Cable porated in New York, Philippines

Bureau — Insular Life Building;

Ad: Planco Cable Ad: Unipress

Underwood, Elliott Fisher Sales Eeuel S. Moore, manager

Agency, Typewriters — 19, Escolta

Binondo; Teleph. 23171 United States Department of Com-

merce, Bureau of Foreign and

Union Church of Manila—(Nee Churches) Domestic Commerce—410, Heacock

Building; Teleph. 23595; Cable Ad:

Union Commercial Company, Import- Amcomat

ers and Exporters—101-105, Plaza United States Rubber Export Co., Ltd.

Sta. Cruz; Teleph. '24153; P.O. Box —35, Orozco, Quiapo; Teleph. 21871;

2752; Cable Ad: Unicomco

Exclusive distributors for the Phi- P.O. Box 753; Cable Ad: Eubexport

lippine Islands of

General Tire and Eubber Export United Marcelino,

States Shoe Co.—286, San

Ermita; Teleph. 57261; P.O.

Company, Akron, Ohio Box 275; Cable Ad: Shoemack

E. A. McGrath, pres. & mgr.

Union Insurance Society

Canton, Ltd. —Wise Building, 174- of N. V. McGrath, vice-do.

176, Juan Luna; Telephs. 49061/3; P. C. Deunas, secty.

R. V. McGrath, assist, mgr.

P.O. Box 427; Cable Ad : Union ;

Code: Bentley’s United States Steel Products Co.—

E. R. Thomas, branch manager Luis Perez Samanillo Bldg., 619,

C. O. Bohanan A. Villareal Escolta, Binondo; Teleph. 23238;

D. Danby L.MissM.M.Gutierrez

J.E. A.W.Yvanovitch Rent Cable Ad: Steelman

J. Vitan Miss M. Enriquez Universal Bakery—1300, Narra; Teleph.

S.G. Chofre

H. Caraballo B.MissAggabao

E. Sanz 28204

G. O. Testa J. M. Esperanza Casimiro Lopez, proprietor


Universal Pictures Corporation—2262, Viegelmann, SchroeBer & Co., Inc., Im-

Azcarrag^jTeleph, 21765; P.O. Box 1157; porters and Exporters—456-6,

inas, Binondo; Dasmar-

Teleph. 21634; P.O. Box

Cable Ad: Unfilman 767; Cable Ad: Viegelmann; Cooes:

University of Manila—(See Educa- A.B.C. Bentley’s

5th and 6th edns., Libber’s,

and Western Union

tional) Directors—W. Schroeder, E. Schaare

University op the 1 Philippines—(Nee E.and A. Merx president


Educational) G. Hammes, Vice- do.


marinasr ; Teleph. 22951; P.O, Box 9; Co., The—Stevedores; Cable Ad:


HenrjrAdUy: Uycboyeeco

Cho-Yee, president Vistranco; Codes; A.B.C., Western

Union and Bentley’s

Uy Hoo & Od^ ^Electrical Supplies and Manila Agents—-Luzon Stevedor-

Gdn. Mdse>-^629, Ongpin, Binondo; ing Co„ Inc.

Telephs. 23M0 and 23319; Cable Ad:

Uyhooco - • '■ Sr 3K

Viuda de A.M.H. Lim Gengo & Co.,

Varadero de la Quinta, Shipbuilding Wholesale Dealer and Exporter in

and Engineering—549, Echague; Leaf Tobacco—743^ .Elcano; Teleph.

Teleph. 23590 4-97-12; P.O. Box 1717; Cable Ad:

Mrs. E. Moffatt, manageress Limgenco; Codes : Bentley’s & Acme

Varai>ero Ue San Miguel—745^ Echa- Vulcano Engineering Co.—521, M. de la

gue, Quiapo; Teleph. 21660; P.O. Industria, San Nicolas; Teleph. 22926

Box 1244 Walker Herbert, Native Products

Vda. E. Huo de Ng Kee Suy, Dry Dealers—Pureza, Sampaloc; Teleph.

Goods' Merchants’ Importers and r 67685

Dealers in Cotton Piece Goo ds,

Silks, etc.---230, ' Ptdsario Street, Walk-Over Shoe Store — Masonic

Temple, Escolta Binondo; Teleph.

Binondo 22180; P.O. Box 1000; Cable Ad:

Carlos Uy, manager W alk-Over

Venezuelan ’Consulate—1 Consu- Walters

lates) Manufacturers’ Agents—158/168, Soler,

Venue Studio, Photographers^—162, Binondo; Sretlaw Teleph. 49913; Cable' Ad:

Escolta Binondo; Teleph. 21793

Vera & Sons-Co.', P., Importers; Manu- Warner, Importers

Barnes & CO., Ltd.,

and Agents^—Perez

Exporters, Shipping

facturers’ Agents and and

ists in Calendars Printers, Special- and

Advertising Insurance Sama-

Novelties—134-136, Solana, Intramuros; nillp

Box Building,

294; Cable Binondo,

Ad: Warner;Manila; P.O.


Teleph. 23583; P.O, Box 36 Codes


F. HodsoII, managing director,

Vicente’s Garage—420, G.’ Tuason, T. F. A. Bibby, director (New York)

Sampaloc; Teleph. 21206 J. T. Figueras, director (London)

Victoriano, Dr. Jose, Physician and F. J. Hawkins, do. do.

Surgebn—360v Asuncion San NiCo- Manila— E. C. Barnes, do. do.

las; TelepH. 47179 W. L. Bramwell, manager (on leave)

Victorias V.J.H.H.Masefield,

Blinko sub-manager

T. Mackie

and Raw Milling Ca, lNc.,‘ Refined

Sugar Manufacturers—Chaoo W.. MiBodmer M.G.C, Tait



21070 and (3rd floor).

22206; P.O.Binondo;

Box Telephs.

735; Cable ■ G

L. S. Bridgeford

Cairns j J.

A. A. Thorpe

Ad: Vicmico ■ J. Jamieson H. Watford


Iloito- Washington : Cold Stores, Inc.,'

F. H. Leyshon, agent Wholesalers, Importers and Retailers

J. F. Bond, sub-agent of All Kinds of Frozen Meats, Game,

E. K. Bramwell I A. Illen berger Fruits, Vegetables from Australia and

J. S. Curtis I W. Muller U.S.A.—512,

Cebu— and 2-33-88; Echague; Telephs.

P.O. Box 2845; Cable2-33-87

Ad :

P. Bencker, agent W.C.S.

B. Trebol Ralph Nubia Ko, manager

Bacolod— Peter M. Lim, sales mgr.

W.M.Habluetzel, agent See K. Ming, accountant

Garrett Washington Grocery (Ng Tip & Co.);

K.P. Meier

Habluetzel Importers, Wholesale and Retail, Gro-

On Leave— ceries and Provisions—207-20d, Echague,

RJ. B.F. Grieve Kingsley Santa

Burgas I J.R. F.J. C.Redfern Cruz; Telephs. 21717-8-9; P.O.

Box 71; Cable Ad: Watip

L W. Kerr | J. Eos Wassiamul Assomull , & Co,—70, Es-

O. Wyss colta, Binondo; Teleph. 24348; P.O.

Shipping Agencies Box 217;, Cable Ad: Wassiasmull

Nippon Yusen Kaisha 1). Chandumull, manager

Cunard-White Star, Ltd.,

Insurance Agencies ■ , ■

Law Union and Rock Insce. Co., Ltd. Watson & Co., Inc., A. S., Aerated Waters

—504-512, Aviles, San Miguel; Teleph.

China Fire Insurance Co., Utd. 21613

Connecticut Fire Insurance

Hartford, Conn. (Marine) Co. of


The Marine and

Insae.FireAssociation, Ltd. Watson

Insce. Co., Ltd. & Watson, Importers, Grocers &

Druggists’ Sundries, .Sfteet Pictures,

(Marine) ... Books, Picture Frames and Glass, Vege-

Fuso Marine and Fire Insc,e. Co., Ltd. Lumber, tables, Shells, Fine' Straw Hats, Wax,

The Sea Insurance Co., Ltd. Cordage Yarns, Rattan, Cigar

Pearl Assurance Co., Ltd. and CigaretteManufacturers—732,

and Extract Exporters, Soda-Water Zaca-

General Managers for . teros, Santa Cruz; Teleph. 25410; Cable

Iloilo Warehousing Corporation Ad: Profit

Machinery Agencies

Hongkong & Whampoa Dock Co., Ltd. Weinstein Bros., Dealers in Plain and

John Thompson Water Tube Boil- Fancy Glassware, Men’s,'Women’s and

ers, Ltd. Children’s: Furnishings—619-621, Rizal

EnginesBickerton & Day, Ltd. Diesel Avenue, Santa Cruz; 'Teleph. '22614;


The Mirrlees, Watson Co., Ltd., P.O. Box 483

Glasgow. (Sugar and . Oil Mill Welch Fairchild, Ltd., Sugar Factors,

Machinery) Exporters and Shipping Agents—321,

Pott, Cassels and Williamson

Edgar Allen 4 Co., Ltd., Sheffield Regina P.O. Box



Escplta; Teleph.

Cable Ad: Wehald


(Mining Machinery, Tool Steel and

Ball Mills) Werder & Co., Ltd., Importers and Ex-

Flour porters; Exports: Knotted Hemp, Hats,

Sperry Flour Co., San Francisco Fibres of all kinds, Gum Elemi, Gum

Philippine Hats Copal, etc.;Horse-hair,

Imports: etc.—6,



Buntal-Balibuhtal, also Buntal Fibre Artificial Binondo; Teleph. 49086; P.O. Box 2486;

Special Representatives Cable Ad: Werder

Imperial Airways, Ltd.

West Coast Life Insurance Co.—

WAuaiNGToNi R. O., Manufacturers’Repre- Home Office: San Francisco. Philip-

pine Branch Office: Kneedler Build-


21096; P.O. Box San

952; Vicente;

Cable Ad: Teleph.

Rowar ings; Telephs. 23672^23673; P.O. Box

Manila 677


West & Whitaker, General Merchandise Wise & Co., Inc., Importers, Export-

Brokers—Leyba Building,

Street; Teleph. 23655; P.O. Box 1920; ers 227, David and Insurance Agents^—Wise

Cable Ad: Westmark Building, 174/178, Juan Luna,

Binondo ; Teleph. 49033, etc.; P.O.

Western Chemical and Drug Co., BoxC. 458; Cable Ad : Sapiens

H. Hawkins, president

The, Chemical and Pharmaceutical E. Heybroek, vice-president

Manufacturers — 753, Magdalena, T. A. D’O. Aplinj do.

Binondo; Teleph. 49952; P.O. Box N. T. Reid, director

1017; Cable Ad : Wecad N. R. E. Hawkins, director

Western Electric Company of Asia J.R. J.Hawkins

Paterson I N. S. Wotherspoon

C. Castafier

(Philippine Branch).—Boom

cock Building, Escolta, Binondo; 301, Hea- E. Criss I E. G. Toftmann


W. J. Roth 24108; Cable Ad : Erpirient Wolff & Co., Ino., T. J., Importers,

Exporters and General Merchants—

Western Equipment and Supply Co., 66, Escolta; Teleph. 21817; P.O. Box 920;

Electrical Supplies—119, Calle T. Cable Ad: Wolco. Gasoline Station

1: 101, M. de Comillas; Teleph. 21818.


Pinpin; Teleph. 22467; P.O. Box Gasoline Station No. 2: A. Mabini cor-

2985; Cable Ad: Weandsco; Codes. ner and Vito Cruz; Teleph. 57566

Western Union and General T. J. Wolff, president

W. A. Chittick, actg. gen. mgr. J. R. Redfern | F. E. Wilson

Western Telephone Co., Inc.—959, Ong- AgenU for :

pin; Teleph. 21458; P.O. Box 761; Cable Superfex Refrigerators

Perfection Stoves

Ad: Merchman; Codes: All Standards Philips Radios (Eindhoven, Hol-

H. Herman,

Felipe Mapoy, do. director and treasurer land)

Apollo Candles (Gouda, Holland)

Westinghouse Electric Internationai, Hellesens Batteries

Co. H. W. Gossard Co., Corsets

Representatives—Western Equip •

ment and Supply Co. Wolfson, Barrion & Baradi, Attorneys-

at-law—209, National City Bank Bldg.;

White, Page & Co., Chartered Accoun- Teleph. 22035; P.'O. Bentley’s,

Box 450; Cable Ad:

tants—National City Bank Building; Wolfson; Codes:

Union, Western Union 5-letter edn., Al,



Ad: Vigilant2-13-97; P.O. Box 559 Cable A-B.C. 5th edn. and jLieber’s

C.P. S,P. Page,



c.p.a., partner


A.D. B.A. Carson, ‘Woman’s Home Journal,” in The, Monthly

Brisbane,c.A.c. A. Woman’s Magazine

Spanish; Official English

Publication of and


A. D. .Stewart, c.A. National Federation of Women’s Clubs—

P. U. Abastillas, c.p.a. 416, Arias Building; Teleph. 2-60-41 &

S.A. F.Lucero,

de la Cruz,

c.p. a. c.p.a. 2-69-41; P.O. Box 30

J.E. B.D. Dacanay

Dollente Wong Lam, Importer and Exporter—

Wilson & Co., Inc., Fred., Consulting 404-8, Sto Cristo, San Nicolas; Te-

leph. 49509; P.O. Box 1234


Agents—53-55, Contractors

Barraca; and Engineering

Teieph. 49831; World Book Co., Textbook Publish-

P.O. Box 276; Cable Ad: Fredwilco

J.C. F.A. Loader

Clear (absent) ers—87, Tortousa; Teleph. 23946;

N. Linley j- C. G. Hammes P.O. 1100; Cable Ad: Daphne

Matias Perez, Philippine mgr.

General ^Immgers:

Blue Diamond Petroleum Co. Inc Wrigley, jr. Co., Wm. (Chicago), Chewing


W. F. HagansOils & Greases) Gum Manufacturers—66, Dasmarifias,

R. McGregor Binondo;

Charles Teleph. 49736jr., agent

F. Moelich,


Yangco, Teodor R., Ship Owner, Land Yokohama Specie Bank, Ltd.—(Nee

Transportation Operator and General Banks)

Merchant—421, Muelle de la Industria;

San Nicolas; Teleph. 57427; d.O. Box829 Yu Ay & Co.—410, Gandara, Binondo;

Owner of— Marine Railway and Teleph. 21356; P.O. Box 1079; Cable


Drydock Ad: Yuay

Yangco Market Building

Bazar Villalobos Building . Yucuanseh

Bazar Siglo XX—Hardware and Telephs. 21621 Drug Co., Inc. Dasmarinas;

Materials Land

for Construction and 23084; P.O. Box

Try-Tan, Transportation 1761;


Cable Ad: Yucuanseh; All

Codes and Private

Manila Bay Service—S.S. “Kaibi-

gan”, M.S. “Bataan” and S.S.

“Caviteno” Yuill & Co., Ltd., G. S. — 503-

Ramon L. Corpus, general mgr, 511, Echague, Quiapo; Teleph.

Yangtsze Insge. Assn., Ltd., The 'Bentley’s, 21307; Cable Ad : Storage; Codes :

(Marine)—Perez Samanillo Build- C. 5th Western Union and A.B.

edn. Branch: Sydney

ing, 19, Escolta, Binondo N.S.W. London Agents: Yuills,

Warner, Barnes & Co., Ltd., Ltd.


Agents for

Yek Hua Trading Corporation, Im- Australian—Oriental Line, Ltd.

porters ',ajnd Exporters. Imports:

Hardware, Textiles, and Miscel- Proprietors Philippines Cold Stores

laneous Lines., Exports: Hemp

‘Cloth, Hemp in Bales, Copra—129,

Juan Luna; Telephs. 49068 (Mana- Zambales Lumber Co., Lumber Manufac-

ger, General Office), 49067 (Sundries

and Export Department); P.O1. Box turers—920-950, Juan Luna; Teleph.

49508; Cable Ad: Zaluc. Concession

21; Cable Ad: Yekhua; Codes: Saw Mill, Port Miatalvis, Masinloc,

Western Union 5th Imp., A.B.C. 5th Zambales, P.I.

edn., A.B.C. 5th Improved, Univer- Dee Hong Lue & Co,, Inc., proprs.

sal, Commercial, Bentley’s, Acme

;and Private

Branches: New York, Shanghai, Zamora Viuda E. Higos de Crispulo,

Cebu, Iloilo and Legaspi Silversmiths and Engravers—1209,

Agencies in U.S.A. and Europe Avenue

Alfonso Z. SyCip, president and Box 2184;Rizai; Teleph. 26205; P.O.

Cable Ad: Crizam


Uy Yet, vice-president Angel Zamora, manager

John Z. SyCip, treasurer Vicente Zamora, assist, manager

YekCo.,Tong Lin Fire & Marine Insurance

Ltd., Fire and Marine Insurance,

Fidelity and Surety Bonds, Life In- Zeitlin, Masonic

Wm., Manufacturers’ Agent—

surance against Accidents, Loan on 508, Binondo;

Temple, Escolta,

Teleph. 22240; P.O. Box

Mortgages, Negotiable Documents, and 1082

Discounts—320, Dasmarinas, Binondo;

Telephs. 23193 and 23906; P.O. Box

93; Cable Ad: Yektonglin; Codes: Zuellig, Inc.. F. E., Merchants — 55-63,

Bentley’s and Private Rosario; Teleph. 23112; P.O. Box 604;

G. A. Cu Unjieng, president Cable Ad : Fez.F. E.Manila.

Francis Cu Unjieng, vice-president

Ng Su Tam, actg. manager Correspondents: Zuellig,European


Manuel Lim, secretary swil (St. Gall), Switzerland; Cable Ad:

Fezag, Rapperswilstgallen


;i According to tradition, the first Malay settlers of Iloilo came from Borneo. Ten


Sinogbuhan,with their


the presentandsite

slaves landed inIloilo.

of Miagao, PanayTheIsland Bornean at a immigrants

place then calledfound


Marikudo. From this chief the Bornean datus bought the entire Islandby ofthePanay

place inhabited by Negritos living under the rule of a brave chief name forof


sakops gold necklace and one SadoJc of gold. They then divided it into three districts or

Antique,namely, Hamtik,Capiz,

Aklan became Aklan,andandIlong-Iiong

Ilong-Ilong.Iloilo.In later times, Hamtik became

founder Hamtik was placed under

of Malandong, the rule

the first Malayof asettlement

datu named Samaquel,Aklan

in Antique. who became

was placed the

under the rule of Bankaya, who became the •fouridet* of the fitst Malay settlement in

what is now Capiz. And Ilong-Ilong was placed under

Paiburong who became the founder of the first settlement of Malays in Iloilo. the rule of a datu named

How Iloilo came to have its present name is very interesting. Before the coming


Malays thebecause

inhabitants of the place

the southwest coast were

of PanayNegritos.

Island isThese shapedpeople

into named

a nose

and a chin and because the Iloilo River meanders in a hbke-shaped line. “Irong”

means literally “nose” in English, and “Irong-Irong”

Later on, when the Malays settled in the place, they changed its name is equivalent to “like a nose.”

M to Hong-Hong,

for the simple reason that the Malays can pronounce

letter “r.” And still later, when the Spaniards came to the place, they further the letter 1” better than the

changed the name to Ilo-Ilo to suit the convenience,'of the Spanish tongue. The

Americans adopted the name Iloilo.

The Spaniards

themselves harassedbegan

by thetonatives

enter qfIloilo

Cebu,aSthey a!s the Pitfi'e' qftoLegaspi.

earlysailed'westward Parlay andFindingestab-

lished settlement in the town now called Oton. The Spanish power really asserted

itself when Governor Ronquillo in 1580-1583, founded the

of Iloilo became the capital of the province in 1688. It was opened to the commercevilla de Arevalo. The town

of the world in 1855.,

With the revolution of 1893 and the coming of the Americans; Spanish power


resigned, melted

overaway. care0nofDec.

the 23, 1898, the Spanish'Governor resident of ofIloilo

city. Thegiving Spanish'forcesthe Subsequently provincial


Iloilo onto Dec.

the ilfayor

25.' Alcalde

• the

On Dec. 28, 1898, the IT. S. forces, composed of the sis. Ba!timbre and three tran-


Iloilo and withdemanded

3,800 troops under tlie command

its surrender. of Brigadier

The revolutionary forces,General

awaiting Miller, arrived

general at


from Aguinaldo, declined. Thereupon, Gen. Miller advised the, foreign consulates on

the city that hostilities would Commence at 5.00 p.m. on Feb.'12thi

city The revolutionary

to the forces having no meansoftoPanay. hold their positions,

city -yas set fire to the


the Americans. mountainous

After someip.terior

guerilla warfare, .ihe the revolutionary thereupon oc-

forces sur-

rendered. On April 11, 1901, civil government was established in the Province of Iloilo.

first According to the The

present rankingcapital, of Philippinealthough'a

Provinces,'Iloilo is classified as a

is notclassa chartered

province. city ofprovincial

the Philippine Iloilo Islands, but by tradition first class municipality,

and usage, it

is referred to as. the City of Iloilo.

, Location and Importance

The City qf Iloilo. 340 miles from Manila, 175 miles from Cebu, and 234 miles from-

Zamboanga, is situated on the southeast of the Island of Panay, just at the-


protected of Iloilo the

River. It is the seascapital ofmountainous

the Province islandof ofIloilo, and being safely

become thefrom leading adjoining

Visayan port ofbythethePhilippines. Guimaras,it naturally



The City,

estimated cdiisisting

to cover of Iloilokiidirieters.

14.25 squatb proper aridIt itsis asuburbs, Mold ofandcement,

conglomerate Mandurriao,


and nipa houses, with the first:two kinds greatly predominating. Some of its build-

ings, specially those of its suburb Molo, are notedly old in their style of construction.

The principal

leveled stones.streets are of either hsphalt or cement; the others are made of evenly

Climate and Rainfall

thanThethatclimate of theThe

of Manila. cityhottest

is in general

monthsmild are and


and April,at times it mayDecember

the coolest be better

blow, bringing the heaviest rains of the year. February is the driest; month. winds

and January. During the months of June, July and August, the southwest

. Population, and Religion

The census of 1918 gave the population of Iloilo within city limits as 24,898 males


rapid immigration into the tocity,thetheimproved

24,216 females. But due populationconditions

of 1930 ofwastheestimated


to. be and the


75,000. Among the .foreign ipopulation are Spaniards, Chinese,

.English,, Swiss, Hindus, and other nationalities. The natives are predominatingly Japanese, Americans,

Catholics. There are a good number of Aglipayans and Protestants.


Almost all the people are literate., A good number of them have, at least a high

school education. Besides its public'Schools for boys and girls, the city has several


Imilo institutions

Iristitutej offorlearning

bothCplegio boys amongthewhich

with' latterarealso

the receiving

Colegio degirls,

San Agustin

and and

theAna, the


de la Asuncion, the del Sagrado Corazon and the

for girls. The Protestants have recently established the Central Philippine College Colegio de Santa all

whichcityis asloCated

the well asin atheladjacent town of Jaro.schools.

ririihbef’of kindergarten There are also commercial schools in


A; testimony to the culture of the people is the number of newspapers and

magazines in circulation.

magazines, which can be had in the city, Besides theIloilo

foreign andSpanish

has four Maniladailies,

newspapers and

one English

Daily, two Yisayan Weeklies, one Visayan monthly, arid one Yisayan paper issued


boughtthree days. stores.

at several Papers, may be easily had from the newsboys. Magazines may be



pictures four first class theatres

to .several cheaperin grade

the cityandshowing American

one theatre or Spanish

showing Chinesesound


Oh occasion, world-known artists givC jiferformances in the city. Out-of-door recrea-

tion can be had at the beach alongside1 the city; particularly at the Cota Drive which

forms part of the beach and serves Iloilo in the same way the Dewey Boulevard

serves Manila.


Aguinaldo, L. R., Importer & Manu- BANKS

facturers’ Agent—Iznart; Teleph. 558

Bank ’ or the Philippine Islands—

.Asiatic Petroleum

Plaza Libertad; (P.I.), Ltd.— Progreso; Teleph. 67

Co. 37.8

Teleph. Chartered Bank of India, Australia

and China—Teleph. 172; P.O. Box

Associated Oil Co., The—off J. M. Rasa; 299;R. Cable Ad: Indigo

Ralston, sub-agent,

Teleph. 720 W. A; Adamson, sub-accountant


Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Elizalde y Cia., Inc., Importers, Ex

porters, Managers of Sugar Centrals-

Corporation and Owners of Sugar Plantations,.

,C. G. Adams, agent General Merchants

A.E. Dimaculangan

Robertson I J.O. Jara

Magat Francisco Lopez, mgr.

C. Y. Ylrnido | T. Tianero Luis Lacambra, sub-mgr.

Antonio Belzarena


Ramon, Yturralde


CoMPAniA General de Tabacos de Angel Ordonez

Filipinas, Exporters of Sugar, Co- Francisco Ordonez

pra and Tobacco—Casa de Iloilo, Augusto Garcia

Muelle Loney: Telephs. 581 (Mgr.) Julio Garcia

and 580 (Sugar-Tobacco-Copra-Ship- Guillermo Lanza | Emilio Lopez

ping); P.O. Box 337; Cable Ad:

Tabacalera Ftlma Mercantile Co., Inc.—J. M. Basa:

Agents for: Teleph. 450

Central Azucarera de Bais J. K. Kohlhaas

Central Azucarera de Tarlac

Maersk Line Forbes Munn & Co., Ltd.

Osaka Shosen Kaisha Represented by id. Roelli& Co., Inc.

American-Philippines Line

Sub-Agents for: Hanson, Orth and Stevenson Inc.—

American Pioneer Line Merchants



Ltd. Reardon Smith & H. Thomson, agent

Hoskyn & Co., Inc., Import Merchants;


24, 116, 226,Store—J.

408; CableM. Basa; Telephs.

Ad: Hoskyn;.


Vice-Consul—J. A. Lees Codes: Bentley’s (New and Old),

Western Union 5-letters

N ETHERLANDS Iloilo Lumber Yard, Manufacturers

Acting Vice-Consul—J. A. Lees and Dealers of Philippine Lumbers,

Spain—P.O. Box 232 Ties, Pilings and Bridge Timbers—

Vice Consul—Fernando Reguera 77, Ledesma, Teleph. 954; Iloilo, Panay,

United States (Ex-Officio) — (For Jos. S. Johnston, proprietor

American Seamen only) F. Logan Johnston, resdt. nlgr.

Collector of Customs (acting) International Harvester Company of

the Philippines, Importers and Ex-

Cooperative Filipina, Inc., Importers ternationalporters, Agricultural Machinery, In-

and Motor Trucks —Muelle

441; Exporters—33

P.O. Box 190 J. M. Basa; Teleph. Loney

Primitivo D. Alba, vice-president Ker & Co., Ltd., Merchants—P.O.

and asst, general manager Box 292; Cable Ad: Ker

Directory and Chronicle of thePhilip-

Far G. M. Alexander, director

East (China, Japan. Malaya, Miller J. S.

pines, Indo-China, Netherlands India, J. H, Authreau, mgr. (Bacolod

etc.) Bub-Office)

Agents for the Philippines : —

Hanson, Orth & Stevenson—Chaco Koppel (Philippines), Incorporated

(Successors in the P.I. to Koppel

Building, Manila Industrial Oar and Equipment Co.),

Dollar Co., The Robert, Ship -owners Railway Material, Machinery and"

and Supplies Muelle Loney; Cable Ad:

CableOperators, Lumber—Calle

Ad : “ Dollar ” Legaspi; Koppelrail

Dy Buncio

Street ; Teleph. 205; P. O. Box 431 J. A. Hohmann, assist: mgr.

A. Trueb, accountant


Kuenzle & Streiff, Inc., General Mer- Warner, Barnes & Co., Ltd., Importers

and Exporters of Produce and Mer-


H. Kieth Aa: Kuenzle chandise, Shipping and Insurance

Agents: Agents —CableCodes Ad: Warner; All

Elmac, Inc., Manila (Electrical & Standard F. H. Leyshon

Machinery Co.) J. F. Bond J.E. S.K.Curtis

Lizarraga Hnos., Importers, Sugar and E.R. Diaz Bramwell

Produce Dealers—Muelle Loney Pla E. Garriz

P. Pagola, manager W. Muller R. Elizalde


Manila Trading & Supply Co.—Plaza China Fire Insurance Co.

Libertad; Telephs. 47 & 931 Law Union and Rock Insurance Co.

W. S. Fickes, manager Pearl AssuranceCo.,Co.,Ld.Ld.

Sea Insurance

Menzi & Co., Inc.—Teleph. 362; Cable Ad: Connecticut Fire Insurance Co. of

i Casamenzi Hartford, Conn.

E. L. Pfenninger | R. Gysin Tokyo Marine&&Fire

Fuso Marine FireInsce.




;■ National Printing Co. (A Division I White Star Nippon Yusen Kaisha

of “ Co-operative Filipina, Inc. ”)—

J.M. Basa; Teleph. 441; P.O. Box 190 Prince Line.Line(Far East Service)

Bibby Line

[; Nestle and Anglo-Swiss Condensed Silver Line

Sil ver-Java-Pacific-Line

Milk Co.—22, Calle Ortiz; Teleph. 250;


Codes:Box 178;6thCable

A.B.C. Nestanglo; j Mirrlees, Kisen

Ad: Bentley’s

edn., and

Kokusai Kaisha

Watson & Co., Ld.

Mirflees, Bickerton & Day, Ld.

I Pacific Commercial Loney;

Exporters—Muelle Co., Importers and j Iloilo

P.O. Box 259; Sperry Warehousing

Co. Corporation

Flour& Whampoa

Cable Ad: Pacomeco Hongkong Dock Co., Ld.

R. & J. Dick, Ld.

j Panay Electric Co. — Cacho Building; j John Thompson Water Tube Boilers,.

Teleph. 33 Ld.

! Philippine

Cable Ad: Railway

Philrayco;Co.—P.O. Box 300, j White

Codes: Bentley’s;!

Page & Co.—Masonic Temple;

Teleph. 412

Western Union and General Wise & Co,, Inc., Merchants — Melliza;.

; Powell and Hill, attorneys—Masonic Teleph. Agencies

23; Cable Ad: Sapiens

Temple; Teleph. 99 Guardian Assurance Co., Ld.

Pure Cane Molasses Co., Inc.—Lupus; j Liverpool, Hongkong Fire Insurance Co., Ld.

Teleph. 866 North ChinaLond. & GlobeCo.,Ins.Ld.Co., Ld.


> Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd., Merchants China

r Fire Insce. Co., Ld. (Marine)-

J. A. Lees, signs per pro. \ . M. C. A.—Aznart; Teleph. 608

f[' Texas Co. (P.I.), Inc., The — Iznat; Y. M. C. A.--Aznart; Teleph. 608

Teleph. 624

1 Ynchausti & Cia—J. M. Ba-a; Teleph. 488-

Visayan Shipping Co., Inc. — Muelel

Loney; Teleph. 841 Zuellig, Inc., F.E., Merchants—Progreso

Visayan Stevedore - Transportation Teleph. European 637 RtmTeseritatives: F. E.

, Co., The, Stevedores—Muelle Loney; Zuellig

—Cable A.Ad:G.FezZurich (Switzerland)-



Vistranco: Codes. A.B.C. i

and Bentley’s F. E. Zuellig, president


This is the capiht] of the isi8,11(1 of Cebu, and now ranks as the second, port


the Philippine^. Its situation


120,000. For many is latitude

generations10° 8' has


beenlongitude 124° centre

10' East.of

Homan Catholic enterprise, and in thisitconnection an,it important

may be mentioned


1595 the present

as Cebu

the Seminary

College of Sanand College ofThe

Ildefonso. San Carlos was founded byhavethea mission

Jesuits in

Cebu. is a well-built town and (possessesiledemptorist

fine roads.^Fathers,

The, trade .of..Cepm con-at

sists principallyislands

neighbouring of hemp,of sugar,

Leyte, copra,

Mindanao, maguey,andlumber, tobaccopossess

Camiguin and coconut

extensiveoil. hemp


plantations, a large proportion of the produce of which finds its way to Cebu for ship-

ment. There are some very valuable and extensive coal deposits in the island of , Cebu,

but only a few mines are being worked. I'he Naga Cement Works, situated about 20

miles from Cebu, were completed in 1922 and have a capacity of 1,0'00: barrels a day,

which is more than enough to supply the Philippine Islands..


28 feet fo growtheinwharves

load alongside importance as a trade

with perfect centre.There.are

safety. Vesselssuitable

drawingberthsup to

for six ocean-going vessels at fine tinje and a sev^nth could be accommodated if the,

draft were not over 20 feet. Owing to the increase, of,^tpamers making

port of call,.addi'tibfi'al wharfage area has been,constructed. Pier jVb. 1 has now been Cebu a regular


can and with

be berthed is equipped

safety. with

Pier aNo.fine’cargo

2 has alsoshed,

been two, vesselsand

completed drawing up to 26onfeet

is constructed the

same lines as’ Pier No. 1. Work on Pier Wo. which ivas temporarily

bqen renewed and the pier is bbmpleted but without p, shed and wi|l: cater mostly for local suspended, has

vessels. Besides the foregoing there are private wharves belonging To the Philippine


(P.I.) Inc.Corporation,'Standard Oil Co., Asiatic

The anriuaT total production of hempPetroleum

in the Cebu Co.,. district

and Texas On Co.

is between


copra are exported, 215,000 to 300,000 tons annually; previously* the local oil-millsof

and 55,000 tons. The production of copra is important. - Lai’ge quantities,

bought up practically all available supplies.,The town possesses a fine reinforced


built Customs Work

of concrete. House,onindeed,

the new thereclamation

major portion ;pf the business district is pow

scheme is practically completed .and

has added a- large ar4a

construction;'''i-.' :! / rii . >to the water-front

.. I for warehouses, many of which are ,under




Governor—Hon. Sotero B. Cabahug

Provincial Board District Engineer’s Office

President —Provincial Governor District Engineer—Alejo Aquino

Members: Office of the Division Soft,

Hon. Genaro Maramara of Schools

Hop. Gaudencio R. Pena

Provincial Treasurer—A V. Jacinto Superintendent—Charles

Chief Clerk—Segundo OratV. Cline

Provincial Secy,—Na,poleon Dejoras

Provincial Auditor—Juan Concon

ProvT. Fiscal—Fernando Hermandez District Health Office

Provincial Commander Philippine Con- Dist. Health Officer—Dr. I. Villarica

stabulary—C. I. M. Javier Assist. do. —Dr. Dionisio M. Flores

CEBU 1)77

Custom House Property Clerk—Eulogio O, Suan

Collector—Alfredo de Leon Yaldez Clerk-Stenographef—Gregorio' M. S-i-

Deputy Collector—Paulino najon

Surveyor—Teodulo Tomakin Clerks—Emilio Tagailo and P. Sabil-

Chief, Marine Division—‘Mateo Masecampo lano

Appraiser of the Port—Jose Gachalian Ledger Clerk—Julian, S. Cutillar


Wharfinger Pier

Pier No. 1—F. M. Espino

No. 2—Ciriaco Ibanez Auto Clerks & Computers—F. M.

Inspector—Luis Vergara Abellaha and D. Unabia

Do. —Enrique Cincoflores Jr. Topogr. Draftsman—Pedro Flores

Chief, Secret Service-- Janies H. Keefe Instrumentmen—D. Mercado: and P.

Quarantine Officer-'~A.' Geyef Algarme

Surveymen—J. M. Veloso, C. Men-

Bureau of Agriculture chavez, Emilio Viardo and E..

Veterinarian—Dr., Alfonso Lecaros Re roiu a ,

Messenger—Montano Cinco

Civil Engineers—J ose O. Lahoz and Jose

Bureau of Forestry Chavarria

(Office of Forest District No. XI) Assistant,


F. 1’.Engineers—Antonio

Fabros and Alberto D-

Dist. Forester—Adriano V. Santos Bautista

Public Library Assist. Mechanical Engineer—JiG. Deralta

Librarian—Fla via M. Suspn Chief Clerk—Pedro O. Principe

Property Clerk—Eulogio O. Suan

Clerk-Stenographer—Gregorio M. Sinajon

Bureau of Public Works Clerks—Emilio Tagailo and P. ‘Sabillano

(Office of the District Engineer, Cebu) Ledger Clerk—Juliari S ’Cutillar

Auto Clerks & Computers - F. M. Abellana

District Engineer—Alejo Aquino'

Civil Engineers-Jose O. Lahoz, ,Filo- Jr.‘and D. Unabia '

Topogr. Draftsihhh^Pedro Flores

meiio Piczon, A. D. Asouiero, F. P. Instrumentmen — D. -Mercado and P.

Fabros and Jacob B. Ta'g'drda- ' Algarme , .

Asst. Mechanical Engiiiqer-—J. C. Surveymen—J. M. VeloscyiC." Menchayez

Peralta and E. Reroma ... Cincq

Chief Clerk—Pedro- O. * Principe Messenger—Montano


Aboitiz ' Co., Copra l y it: p Service,: i CouAiilRY,Club, Inc.

Juan Luna; Teleph. 64 Merchants-8S, Board of Directors-rC. J. Martin


dent), F.G.Harstine

Walford (secretary)*


Aguinaldo, L. R., Importer and

Manufacturers’1 Agents — 27-23^' A. J. R.‘ J.Laurence "’(treasurer), ll.

Ghsser, W. .1. Iloitief and ' C.

Borromeo Street ; Teleph. 494 ^ ■ Pod.^elt ' ",' :

Asiatic Petroleum Co.: (P.L), Lm—

Teieph. 112 ' ^ ' BANKS c-

Associated Oil Co.— Ootiaoco Building; BaNK . OF.. pHILlFPIJTE. ISLANDS, TlIK.

Teleph. 716 ’—19, N. America; .P.O. Box 477; Cable

Ad: Banco '


G. Borromeo, cashier.... .

L il. Galicia, accountant

Cebu Chamber of Commerce—Gotiabco L. Madamba, assist, cashier ’

Building; Teleph. 744 V. Nadela, sub-acct.


■Orartered Bank or India, Aus.,4j China Norway

—Cable Ad: CentaRr

W. G. Hollyer, sub-agent Vice-Consul—(f,uy Walford

W. A- Adamgon, sub-accountant Netherlands

L. M. Methven, do. Vice-Consul—Guy Walford

The National City Bank of New


Ad; Citibank Bldg.; Teleph. 124; Cable Daido Boeki Kaisha, Ltd.—118-122,

E. R.R. D.Sandstrom, manager Magallanes; Teleph. 430

Brown, sub-acot.

I. Falek, do. Directory and Chronicle of the Far

East—(China, Japan, Malaya, Phi-

lippines, Indo-China, : Netherlands

Beck’s (I. Beck Inc., Cebu Branch)—N. India, Borneo, Siam, etc.

Agents for Phillippines

Carmelo and Borromeo; Teleph. 120

Hanson, Orth & Stevenson—Chaco

Behn, Building, Manila

N. Y.,Meyer

Export& Co., Handel-Maatschappij,

Merchants, Shipping and

Insurance Agents—31, Martires;

215; Cable Ad: Oldarno; Codes: A.B.C. Teleph. Dollar Co., The Robert, Ship-owners

6 th. Edn., Western Union, Bentley’s, and Operators —ilO, Magallanes;

Cable Ad : Dollar

Mosse, Acme

L. Schmitt

Agencies Dy Buncio & Co., Inc.—79, F. Gonzales;

Hamburg Amerika Teleph. 765

Germanischer LloydLinie Dy428Te. & Co.—63, F. Gonzales; Teleph.

Blue Diamond Petroleum Co., Inc.—27,

Martires; Teleph. 238 FarTeleph.

East Trading

677 Co.—507-5Q8, Manalili;

Boada & Company, Inc.—27-35, Norte

America; Teleph. 72 Firestone Tire & Rubber Co.—117, F.

Gonzales; Teleph. 440

Botica Boie-Phil.-Amer. Drug Co.— Forbes, Munn & Co., Ltd.

Norte America and Legaspi Represented by W. F. Stevenson

-Cebu Portland Cement Company, & Co., Inc.

Manufacturers of Apo Cement— Go Tiaoco Hermanos, Inc.—92 Morga,

Corner of Gonzalez Street and Teleph. 5; Cable Ad: Gotiaoco

Comercio. Main Office Manila P.I.;

Cable Ad: Cepoc, Manila Heacock’s-Alkan’s—Magallanes and

Plaridel—Teleph. 42

Cebu Stevedoring Co., Inc. (Succes-

sors to Hamilton, Jerez & Co., Inc.) Hotel Shamrock—Fernandez Building;

—17-19, Martires Street; Teleph. Telephs. 114 and 636

27; P.O. Box 95; Cable Ad: Tug

F. M. Noakes, president Insular Drug Co., Inc., Wholesale

Capt. C. J. Martin, vice-president Drugs and Chemicals—Head Office

D. R. Stanford I Albert Barnum Manila; P.O. Box 149

G. W. Jackson | E. E. Nolan Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd., managers

Cebu Transit Co., Inc.—Dimas-Alang & Insular Navigation Co.—92, Morga;

Teleph. 633

Leon Kilat; Teleph. 887

International Harvester Co. of the

'CONSULATES Philippines, Importers and Ex-

Great Britain porters, Agricultural Machinery,

Vice-Consul—Guy Waifor d International Motor 41Trucks—Fernan-

dez Building; Teleph.


John Landahl, Inc.—31, Marti res Tel . Pastrano, and

Unchuan & Co., Importers


401; P.O. Box 291

Leo. Schmitt, branch mgr. Agents. ShippingBusiness

Agents and Brokers and


—82, Burgos St.; Teleph. 48; P.O. Box

Juezan & Paulin, Attorneys—127, Norte 43; Cable Ad: Pastrano

America Philippine Engineering Co. — Teleph.

Ker & Co., Merchants—Gotiaco Building; 410; P.O. Box 308

Teleph. 55; P.O. Box 160; Cable Philippine Long Distance Telephone


Ker B. Foster, J. W. Howells Co. — Telephone Building, Nbrte

and W. C. Naismith America

A. J.A.C.Brown,

J. Dunnsigns per pro. Procter and Gamble Trading Co., The—

169, P.O.

740; CalleBox Comercio;

37; CableTelephs. 225 and.

Ad: Procteraw

Kuenzle & Streiff, Inc., Importers— J. R. Laurence, manager

17,‘ Nueva; Teleph. 38; P.O. Box 135; D. C. Afleck, assist, do.

Cable Ad: Kuenzle

R.C.A. Communications, Inc.—N. A. &

Luzon Surety Co., Inc. — 127, Norte Magallanes; Teleph. 645


Red Star Automotive Supply Corp.—

Lyric Music House Inc.—A. Borromeo 212, Comercio; Teleph, 274

Ma CONORAY & Co,, Inc.—N. America and Royal Sine—Leon Kilat

Legaspi Smith, Bell & .(jo.,.. Ltd., Merchants,

Madrigal & Co.—Terraplen ; Teleph. Shipping Ad: Bell

&, Insurance Agents—Cable

374 G. Walford, manager

P. G. R. Hampton (imp. dept.)-

Manila Trading & Supply Co.—Magal-

lanes; Teleph. 283 L.L. Sidebottom

Fox (shipping dept.)

L C. Macgregor (Cagayan)

Menzi & Co., Inc., Import

chants—213-221, Calle and

NorteExport Mer-


P.O. Box 148; Cable Ad: Casamenzi; Southern

Teleph. 156;Islands

P.O. Hospital—Jones

Box 235 Ave.;

Codes: Western Union, Bentley’s,

A.B.C. 4th, 5th & 6th Improved edns. Al Chief—Dr. A. P. Yillalon

and Private Chief Clerk & Cashier—M. Aballe


Resdt. Phy’n.—Dr. J. Agustines

Michael & Co,,' Inc.—311, Magallanes; Asst. Resdt. Phys’n.—Dr. Domingo-

Teleph. 132 Veloso


Abendan Resdt.

- Phys’n. — Dr. Rafael

MoriBicycle Store Inc.—356. Magallanes Radiologist—Dr. Jacinto Velez


Auristand Oculist—Dr.EugenioJ. Alonso

B. Coligado

Nestle and Anglo-iSwiss Condensed Dentist—Dr. P. R.

!1 Milk Co.—51, Martires; P.O. Box 122;

Cable Ad: Nestanglo; Code: Bentley’s Pharmacist—Miss

Internes—Dr. J. Espina C.llano

R. Ylanan

and Dr. D.

| Osaka Boeki Kaisha, Ltd. — 16-18a, AlburoPhysician—Dr. E. Osmena


Boromeo Training School for

' Pacific Commercial Company, Importers Chief Nurse andNursesPrincipal —Miss

—Ill, Mogra A. Ledesma (actg'.)

J. Fleming, Branch Manager

S.F. S.E. Taylor Assist, do.—Miss LourdesYlanan

Dietitian—Mrs. Pacita Aquio

Shafer, auditor Surg. Supervisor—Miss T. C. Campo-

B. S. Charnetsky | M. B. Yarian sano

Supervisor—Miss V. Nicolas


Steye’vSon & Co., Inc., W. E., Visayan Electric Co., S. A., Electric

Light, Heat and Power—106, Morga;

Merchants, Shipping and Insurance Telephs.

Agents—Cable Ad: Stevenson. Ma- Cable Ad:82 Electric; and 433; P. O. Box 134;

nila and Cebu.

R. J. Hughes i Union and Bentley’s Codes: Western

E. S. Piquet-Wicks Walker, H. B. Fire & Marine Insurance,

Agencies Agents & Public Accountant—Pond and

Ben Line of Steamers' Been Building, Calle; Norte Am-

Blue Funnel Line erica; P.O. Box 100: Cable Ad:

Osaka Shosen Kaisha Ostrich; Codes; A.B.C. 5th and :6th

L. Everett, Inc. edns., Western Union 5-letter edu.

and Bentley’sn

Standard - Vactjum Oil- Company — | porters, Barnes

Warner, and Co., Ltd., Im-

and Exporters, Shipping

Gotiaoco Building and Insurance Agents—Cable Ad:

H. Gilhouser, manager Warner; Standard Codes

C. A. Larsen, actg. mgr: P. Boncker, agent :

H. J. Hawkins, assist, mgr. B. Trebol

G. A. Hanaford, lubricating oil


H. P. Byrd, njarketing a-ssist. Zuellig, Inc., F. E., Merchants (Successor

F. M. Rich, installation superin- | toBuilding,

_ Lutz Norte

America; Teleph.& F.271


tendent,'Opoh,. European

Zuellig, A.Representatives:

G. Zuerich, Switzerland E.

Texas Co. (P.I.l Inc.. The — Norte Agencies —Cable Ad: Fez .

America and Legaspi; Teleph. 143 Norddeutscher Lloyd, Co.,


A. F. Walker, manager Prudential Assurance Ld.


Zamboanga is located' on the south-western extremity of Mindanao Island in


miles 6 deg. 55 min. Itnorth

of Manila. has aand longitudeof about

population 122 deg.30,798.

5 min. Since

qast, being 5l2 nautical

the opening of the

Port of Bavao its volume of business has dwindled considerably.

point for hemp there is now practically no hemp exported from Zamboanga. Copra, Once a transhipping

lumber, desiccated coconut and cutch are the chief exports. The harbour is partially


ofwill by two


typhoon belt.small islands

. It has andanchorage

a'good is never forvisited by severe

steamers of any storms,andas the

it is south

steamers drawing 25 feet. The climate is size,

characterized;wharfby a

remarkable evenness of temperature and a cofaiparatively small rainfall which increases

rapidly as one goes a few* miles from Zamboanga in any direction.

five Communication

sailings a \keek with otherand

to jOebu portsManila,

is assured



being thesteamei-s.




ments and excellent service. Overseas Steamship Lines making regular appoint-

Steamship Company’s 22-knot; steamer ‘' M ayon” with most luxurious calls at


Borneo; are Packet

: , Sabah.

1 S. S. Company fortnightly to. Sandakan,; British North

Africa viaRoyal Manila, Navigation

Bangkok CompanyThe

and Batavia. (K. Oceanic

P. M.) every four weeks

and Oriental S.S. to,South

Co., the

States S.S.

asis secured Co.,

Cargo offers- the Tacoma

Telegraphic Oriental H.S. Co. and thq Bollar S-S-Co,. place freighters,

by a wireless station communication

connecting withwithcablesvarious

and landparts

lines.of the Archipelago

ceptingZamboanga yas founded

Moro corsair py thewereSpaniards

fleets which in April,

accustomed to pass1635,


the purpose qf inter-

of Basilan; from

southern Mindanao tQ the Visayan,Islands. 'The.town wag repeatedly attacked by the


) day bombardment with an Englishf squadron. In 1872, for putting down a mutinyall-of

Moros. In 164' 6 , it exchanged shots with a Dutch fleet and, in 1798, maintained an

I prisoners,

Valiant Town.” Zamboanga On Maywas10th,



Madrid Government

attacked thetheSpanish

title “Loyal


i Zamboanga, which withdrew on May 24th. The town was burned during the hostilities.

! During the summer of 1899, the Republic of Zamboanga was in full control, but the

; town was finally surrendered to the American blockading squadron without bloodshed

J on November 16th of the same year.

Zamboanga is the capital of the province of the same name. The town, though

[ small, is one of the most beautiful, not only of the Philippines but of the Far East; It

I| There

is characterised

is a drasticbybuilding’ordinance

shady streets and inpossesses very provides

force which fine parksthat




r inwiththeancentral



everybe 100

of reinforced

feet. Good concrete

roads orextend

other equally fire-proof

along the coast inmaterial


{ direction from the town.




Province op Zamboanga 5th—Dr. O B. Enriquez (Belong)

! Governor—Felipe L. Ramos 5th—Dr. Jose de las Penas (Dipolog)

\ Treasurer—N. Valderrosa Zamboanga, general ffgspital—

f[ Members,.

dez and Prov’l.,

Juan A.Board—-Tomas

Bello Val- Zamboanga

j Secretary, ProvT. Board—Gregorio Dr. P. A. Rodriguez, chief of hospital and

1 Ledesma director of the School

Hospital Training Zamboanga General

for Nurses

I Judge, Court of 1st Inst’ce.—Alfonso officer

[ Santos Dr. J. Santos-Cuyugan, resdt. phys’n.

Provincial Fiscal—Jose Evangelista Dr. Cipriano H. Abaya, asst, resident

? Provincial Auditor—Dalmacio Ramos physician

; District Engineer—Alfonso G. Oboza Dra. E. Velaseo, fOentgenblogist '

/j Collector

District Health Officer—Dr. M, A.Mendoza

of Customs—Marcelo Asuzano Dr. A. del Rosario, interne

P. M, Villafuerte, r.n., administrative

|i Divisional

Steffens Supt, of Schools—Raymond H- Miss: Sqcorxb Sirilan, R.N.,' chief Mufse

\ Senator—Datu Sinsuat and sup’t. of the Zamboanga General

i Representative—Pdfo|;eq Karagdag Hospital Schpql 'of /Nursing

= Deputy Governors—Pedro Macrohon, Miss C. A. Nolasco,. pharmacist

j Pedro Cuevas, jr., Basilic Ramos Rizal Memorial Hospital— .

[ and Pantaleon L. Banos , Dapitan, Zamboanga

i| District Veterinarian—Dr.

Dist.Forester—Porfirib SanEmilio Sanson

Buenaventura Dr. Victor Abastillas, resident physician

Rodrigo Tillano, R;N., administrative officer

| District Land Officer—Nicolas E. de and property Clerk

| Guzman Margosatubig Public Hospital—

) District Engineer’s Office Margosatubig, Zamboanga

District. Engineer—Alfonso G., Oboza Dr C. J. Elago,; resident physician

Bureau of Health Service Officers Constabulary .Officers

District Health Officer—Dr. M. A. Asuzano Headquarters—

| Presidents of Sanitary Divisions— District of Mindanao and Sulu

) 1st—Dr. Conrado

Zamboanga) Yumol (Lamitan, Bureau of Customs

I 2nd—Dr. Angel Sanchez (Zamboan- Collector —Marcelo Mendoza

ga, Zamboanga) Bureau of Lands

4th—Dr. Climaco J. Elago (Mar-

gosatubig) Special Agent—Faustino Reyes


Atkins, Kroll & Co., Inc., Importers Kuknzle & Streiff, Inc., Importers andjbo

Exporters, Ship-owners and General Exporters J. J. Schlittler | H. Rieth

Merchants, Dealers in Lumber, Cattle,


14, CalleandMadrid;

all otherTeleph.


P.O. Box

199; Cable Ad: Atanga, Offices at S. Fran- Nestle & Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk 4.

Co.—P.O. Box 89; Cable Ad: Nestangloijbt

cisco (Cal.),

N.general Manila,

C. McClelland, Cagayan de Sulu, P.I.

manager vice-president and Overseas Club of Zamboanga — 16, JU

Calle Madrid; Teleph. 65

D. L. Cochran, manager

K. A. Strohm, ectg. mgr.

G. Van Syckle | H. Bachtold Pacific Teleph.Commercial

14; P.O. BoxCo.—16,

189 Calle Madrid; 'll

W. Zingg | L. W. Detzer

Barrios & Co., Francisco, Importers and Plaza P.O.

Hotel—Plaza Pershing; Teleph. 81; p

Exporters—Teleph. 13; P.O. Box 60 Bent. Box 136; Union

Western Cable Ad: Plaza;5thCodes:

& A.B.C. edn. B B

Agents A. M. Bayot, proprietor and mgr.

Compania Maritima Plaza Hotel Garage

Bank of the Philippine Islands, The A. M. Bayot, proprietor and manager B

—Teleph. 17; Cable Ad : Banco Philippine Desiccated Mindanao,

Coconut Cor-

Basilan Lumber Logs Co., and Dealers in poration—Zamboanga,

Inc.,Piling—Head P. I.; ||

Sawn Lumber, CableSales

Bay. Ad: Phildesco.

office: 527,5thMillAv.,atNew


York n||

Office: Zamboanga. Mill: Port Holland,

Maluso Bay. Branch Office: Cebu. Cable

Ad: Basilumber; Codes: Bentley’s & Acme Port Banga Lumber Co., Inc.. Producers & K


Zamboanga;of Phil.

Mills:Woods—Head Office: IH

Port Banga; Teleph.



Vice-Consul—J. D. McLaren 100; P.O. Box 198; Cable Ad: Banga

Atkins, Kroll & Co., Inc., gen’l. mgrs. I

Chartered Bank of India, Australia


197; China—Barrios

Cable Ad: ZealousBuilding; P.O. Box Silupa Ranch Co., Inc., Importers and I

J. D. McLaren, sub-agent Breeders of Indian Breeding Cattle— |f

Head Office: Zamboanga; Ranch at ||


Far East and (China,Chronicle of the Silupa, near Malangas; Cable Ad: Silupa ||

Japan, Philippine


Malaya, iSpirig & Co.. John, Import and Ex- I

India, etc,.) Siam, Netherlands port—P.O. Box 195

John Spirig, owner

Agents for the Philippines—Hanson,

Orth and Stevenson, Chaco Bldg., John W. Spirig, assistant

Manila P. Esperat, travelling salesman

Dollar Co., The Robert, Ship-owners Torrejon, Jurika & Co., Inc., General l

Merchants, Import

and Operators, Lumber—2, Guardia sion Agents—Cent. Office: Zamboanga;

Nacional; Cable Ad : Dollar Branches: Jolo,BoxDavao

M. P. Bellemans, agent

Agents leph. 56; P.O. 207; and

CableCotabato; Te-

Ad: Jurika

Philippine Inter-Island

Dollar Steamship Lines Steamship Co. Vegetable Oil Corporation—Teleph.

American Mail Line 101; P.O. Box 14; Cable Ad: Cocopalm

Tacoma and Oriental Steamship Co. Zamboanga Chamber of Commerce —


pine HardJos.and S., Manufacturer Philip- Broad Building

Soft Woods, ofTimbers,

Pilings, etc. Operator of Sawmills,

Lumber Yards, Towboats, Barges, Zamboanga Club, Inc.—16, Calle Madrid;

Alcohol Distillery, Coconut Plantations, Teleph. 20; P.O. Box 95

Contractor, Steyedore Mindanao,

Merchant—Zamboanga, and GeneralP.I.; Zamboanga Country Club

Cable Ad: Johnston, Zamboanga F. L. Zimmerman, presdt.

Classified. List of Agents, MevcTccunts

and Jdanufactm^ers in this

territory, also a List of Cable

Addresses, will be foand at the

Lnd of the Lirectory. Classified

List of Far Eastern Engineering

Firms follows Fong Fong.







Classified |


Shanghai Commercial 6

Savings Bank Ltd.

Capital paid up $5,000,000.00

Reserves $7,500,000.00

With 70 Branches at principal cities and correspondents

in all other important centres in China and throughout the

world. Provides for a complete banking service. It is well

equipped for the transaction of all classes of domestic and

foreign business including the purchase and collection of com-

mercial bills, purchase and sale of drafts, cable transfers, and

'financing shipments of merchandise.



Telegraphic Address; “COMSAVBANK ”


6, Queen’s Road, Central

Telegraphic Address: Telephone:

“Shacombank” 31116


This island is one of the largest in the world. It extends from about 7 deg. N”.

to 4 deg.itsS.greatest

miles, latitude,breadth

and from0OO109miles,

deg. and

to 118°

its E.average


breadthIts islength is about

estimated 850

at 350

miles. Its vast interior consists of heavy forests, which teem with animal life, but

are sparsely populated by man. The soil is fertile, and in some parts near the coast

the land is marshy.

Spaniards, Dutch, andIt English,

was discovered


the Portuguese in 1526,parts

on different and they, as well

of the coastas but


none of these was long maintained. The Dutch claim sovereignty over

part of the south and west of theisland, along the coast of which they maintain establish- the greater

ments; the territories of the British North Borneo Company, the Eajah of Sarawak



andSultanate of Brunei

along the north (now administered

and north-eastern coast. byThetheNative


Government) extend

are insignificant

and in a backward

at 3,000,000. condition. areThemany

The productions totalandpopulation

varied, andoftheBorneo

mineral is roughly



to be great. The Chinese, who have been settled in most Bornean towns for


undeveloped conduct


of thenatives





other racesis inof ana

kindred type. A British Protectorate exists over Sarawak and the territory of the

British North Borneo Company.


The territory

population of aboutof475,000,


comprises an arearaces.

of various of aboutIt is50,000 square

situated miles,

on the with a


coast of the island of Borneo, is intersected by many rivers navigable for a considerable

distance from

district inland,Tanjong

and commands to theabout 450 miles

of theof Samaharan

coast line. river

The sovereignty of the

the Sultan of Brunei inDatu

the year 1842entrance

by Sir James Brooke, who became was well



Rajah_Brooke of Sarawak. In 1861 a second cession was obtained, from the Sultan of

Brunei,a third

1882 of all the riverswasandobtained

cession land from of 100themiles


of coastriver to Kedurong

line and Point;and

all the country in

rivers that lie between Kedurong Point and the Baram river, including about three


obtained of coast on the north-east side of the latter; and in 1885 another cession was

In 1888, a ofBritish

the Trusan river, situated

Protectorate on the north

was established, and inof1890

the mouth of thetookBrunei

the Rajah river.



the Lawaswhich districtwas

was approved

also addedofto the by H.M.

Sarawak Government

territory. inTheAugust,



H.H. Sir Charles Vyner Brooke, g.c.m.g., who was born 26th September,

married on 27th February, 1911, to Hon. Sylvia Brett, succeeded his father H.H. Sir 1874, and was

Charles Brooke in May, 1917.


percha, country produces,

canes, gold,

rattans,silver, antimony,

camphor, quicksilver,

beeswax, coal, sago,

birds’ nests, petroleum,




the SarawakTheriver, principal


23 milesare:—Kuching,

from its mouth,theincapital

latitudeof1 Sarawak,

deg. 33 min.situated on

N., longi-

tude 110 deg. 20 min. E. Baram, the principal town and fort on the Baram river, is


for its60sagomilesandinland. Bintulu, situated

bilian timber. Muka, a atfewthemiles

mouthupofthethe river

Bintuluof river,

that isname,


also noted for its sago. Oya, which lies about 1^ miles up the Oya river, and Mato:


68 miles, fiveKanowit

miles up100themiles,


are ,156

both miles

ndted upfor the


sago. Sibu

river.is situated


is situated at the mouth of the Kalaka river. Betong lies about 80 miles up the

Paribas river, Simanggang is 50 miles up the Batang Lupar and Simunjaii is


Trusan is about 18 miles up the Trusan All

situated 22 miles up the Sadong river. Rivertheseandrivers


a tidal10 wave

miles orupbore.


Limbang River,

progress. There the

are latter placewireless

seventeen being noted


chief The country

centres. shows

A large steady



In 1934discovered in the amounted

the revenue Baraim. District/at Miri and

to 14,820,546 and.:l|akong, is now a valuable

''the expenditure asset.

to $3,825,872.

The value of the exports was $21,458,033 and of the imports $13,959,440. _ There is

a constabulary force which is armed, equipped and drilled after the English model,


forceinterior economy

is recruited frominMalays



the English Army being closely? followed. The


chargeable to all vessels of five tons and i:pwards. per ton, payable on arrival, and

Harbour, buoy, and light dues:-Fi\;e,qeiits



Rajah—His Highness Sir Charles Vyner Bfpblce; g.c.m.g.

Tuan Muda—His Hightihss

V Commissioner Bertram

for Sairaivak Willes Brooke (Special

in England)

Supreme Council


H.H. The Tuan Muda The Rajah Datu Imam

Duta Imam ,Tua

Government Secretary — IT.‘ B. Datu Hakim

Crocker (acting) Datu Mentri

Treasurer - E. Parnell Datu Amar

Datu Shahbandar Datu Bentara

Council Negri, or General Council

, President—H.H. The Rajah The Prinieipal Medical Officer

H. The. Siipt. of Lands and Surveys


the Tuan MudaSecretary The Municipal

The Chief Justice


The Divisional

The Treasurer Residents The Commissiorier of Trade and Customs;-

The Secretary for Native Affairs The Principal

The Director ofChiefs



The Secretary

The for Chinese Affairs Clerk

District Officers to the Council—N. E. Hughes


Government Secretary — H. B. Assistant Government Secretary -

Crocker (acting) N. E: Hughes (acting)


First Division, or Sarawak Proper | 'Second Division

Comprising Kuching, Upper Sarawak, (Comprising Simanggang Engkilili, Lubok

Lundu, Simatan and

Resident (Kuching)—W. E. Dick Sadong Antuj Saribas and Kalaka) ; V„

Disk Officer (Kuching) Resident (Simanggang)—P. M. Adams

Assist. District Officer (Kuching)—W. P. District Officer (Simanggang) — (vacant)

N- L.Officer

Ditmas Cadet (Simanggang).—A. F. R. Griffin

Dist. (Bau)—R. G. Aikman (aetg.) Dist. Officer (Saribas) — J. C. H. Bacroft


Cadet (Bau)—J. R. Outram Assist. District, Officer (Kalaka)—D. C.


J. Pegler District Officer (Lundu)—G. F.

(actg.)Officer (Sadong) — S. G. • White (acting)

Assist. District

Hansom (acting) j Assistant


District Officer (Engkilili) —


Third Division Fourth Division

Resident, j ;/(Comprising




Adams 3rd. Division (Sibu)—C. A.

District Officer, Sibu—E. O. Bruce Resident (Miri)—ij. B. Archer


Dist. Officer,do. Mukah—L.

—G. F. J.K.Pegler

Morse (actg.) E.District

O. Bruce (acting)

District Officer, Sarikei, Bintang and . Dist. Officer (Miri)—W. S. B. Buck

Rejang—A. MacPherson (acting) Officer (Baram) — D. C. Hudden

Assist. District Officer, Oya and Dalat—D. Cadet (acting)

R. Lascelles (acting) (Baram)—J. C. B. Fisher

Assistant District Officer, Kapit—F. A. District Officer (Limbang)—H. E. Cutfield

Moore (acting) Cadet (Miri)—K.

Div.Med.Officer (Sibu)—Dr. A.D.Hutchison Assist. District Officer H . Digby

Divisional (Lawas and Trusan)

Divisional Treasurer,

Land Officer, Sibu— A. L. McLaine

Sibu—R.N. —P. M. Scott

Baron District Officer (Bintulu) — J. O. Gilbert

Divisional Forest Officer, Sibu—B. J. C. -(acting)


Bupt. of Customs and Shipping—G. A. C. Divisional Treasurer—B. A. Trechman

Supt. of Customs and Shipping—Sinclair



Talbot S. Constabulary—R.’ G. 1!l Offiical Supt., Sarawak Constabulary

Sector—W. L. P. Sochon

Secretariat for Chinese Affairs Courts

Secretary for Chinese Affairs—Capt. C. D. Supreme Court—Kuching

Le Gros Clark Chief Justice—T. J. L. Stirling Boyd

Registrar—C. E. L. Blagg

Agricultural Department Resident's Court—Kuching

Director— Vacant Magistrate—W. F. Dick

Chief Field Officer—Vacant District Comt^-Kuching

Senior Agricultural Officer—G. St. F. Dare Magistrate—R. L. Daubeny

Agricultural Field Officer—Vacant Malay Magistrates

Agricultural Assistant^—Ong Koo'Hui Datu Shahbandar—Abang Haji Abdillah

Dairy Farm Datu

Datu Hakim—AbangHaji

Imam—Abang HajiMorshidi


Manager—T. M. A. Pillai Datu Mentfi—Inche Mohd. Zin

Datu Amar—Abang Sulieman

Datu Bentara—Haji Hassim


Auditor—A. G. Taylor, c.a. Forest Department

Senior Forest

Divisional Officer—T.

Forest Corson, b.sc.

Officer—B.J.C. (For.)


Births and Deaths Department b.a., Dipl.Forest

(For.)Officers—D. Carroll, F. J.

Registrar of Births and Deaths — E. M. Assistant

Marjoribanks, l.r.c.p. & s. (Edin.) Wright and P, H. Buxton

Coroner—F. H. Pollard (Kuching)

“ Brooke Dookyaru and Engineering Medical Department

Works—Kuching Principal


l.r.c.p. &Officer—E.

s. (Edin,) M. Mar-

Manager—S. Harrop Assist.Medical Officers—W.Hutchison, m.b.,

ch.b., and A. D. Hutchison,

Pathologist—Elizabeth Le m.b.,


Constabulary b.ch., b.a.o. (Nat. Univ. of Ireland), d.p.h.,

Commissioner—L. X. Reynolds d.t.m. & h. (Eng.), r.c.p.s. (Eng.)

Assist. Assistant Surgeons—Tan Sim Poh, D.

H. Kelley. W. L. P. V.Sockon,

Commissioners—D. Murphv,

R. W.G. Suhaili, S. Jun Hin and T. Atten-


Talbot, and R. W. Large


Health Department Public Works Department

Chief Health Officer (Sarawak)—E. M. Director—C. P. Lowe, m. inst. c.e.

Marjoribanks, l.r.c.p. &s. (Edin.) Executive Engineers—R. E. Edwards, M.c.r,

Assist. HealthD.P.H.,

M.B., Ch.B., Officers—E.

D.T.M. &J. LeH., Sueuer, C. F. Birt, B.sc.,Engr.—T.

B.A.O., Asst. a.m.i.c.e. A. Reid

(N.TJ.I,), r.c.p.s. (Endin), W. Hutchison, Clerk Executive

of Works—E. W. Howell

m.b., cii.B., & A. D. Hutchison, m.b., ch.b. Accountant^—H. Bateman

Supt. (Leper Camp.)—C. Mason

Chief Sanitary Inspector—C. Ah Hian


Land and Survey Department Shipping Master—H. M. Calvert

Deputy do. (Kuching)—A. W. G. Gibson,

Superintendent—X A. Middlemas, Supt. of Shipping (Sibu)—G.

(Miri)—R. F.A. Sinclair

Surveyors & Land Officers—W. Harnack, SurveyorDo.of Ships—A. C. Field

W. G. Gibson

R. N. Baron, X. Mace, D. L. Leach, J.


Xoakes,B. Summers,

I. S. Hammond, G. A.

T. E. Parker, F. Stores Department, Government

R. K. Kitto and C. S. Sergei Kuching, Sarawak

• Cable Ad: Stores, Kuching;

Legal Department Code: Bentley’s

Legal Adviser—C. E. L. Blagg Chief Storekeeper—L. K. L. Chan

Municipal Department Trade and Customs

Municipal Commissioner—J. P. Baird Commissioner—H. M. Calvert


Asst. Supt.,Division—L.

1st do. —J. A.D. G.Kennedy


Posts and Telegraphs Dept. Do., 3rd do. —G. A. C. Field

Do., 4th

Postmaster-General—W. G. Tait (acting) Supt. (on leave)—W. Lowry do. —R. F. Sinclair


Supervisor—C.Harding Depy. Clerks-—Thang

Assist. Supt. (Sibu)—E.

Si'Were (Kuchine)

Div’al. Postmaster (Miri)—B. A. Trechman Chief Ek LongPawleand Char

Div’al. Postmaster (Sibu)—A. L. McLaine Ah Jap


Printing Office, Government Treasurer—E. Parnell

Saraivak Gazette Assistant Treasurers—B.

L. McLaine, F. L, Mansel A. Trechman,

and C. A.E.


Asst. Supt.—W. W. Chater

J. Chater Gascoigne

Editor—X. E. Hughes Accountant—L. Joon Luke

Cashier—Tan Cheng Pun

London: Sarawak Government Offices—

Millbank House, Westminster, S.W. 1

Government Agent in England—A. A. j Manila—Findlay, Richardson & Co.

Reimie Jeddah—D. Macfarlane (Sarawak pilgrim

Singapore—Paterson, Simons & Co., Ltd. I officer)


Borneo (Jo., Ltd., The .^lacojrpci^ated^ in i ,S,t.Master—Ven; T^otpas’Bpy^School—Kuching,

F. S. Hollis, l.'th,.

Englajid), Merchants — Kuchip^,. 'Si^u t


Mary’s Girls School Andrews and

and. Miri, Sarawak and Kljala IteUiit, — Miss,es

IBruinei; OaKle Ad: Borneo.

143-149, Fenchurch Street, .London, }je.ad Office: .N. Banks

EXiG, 3T. Bates, pianager Roman Catholic Mission : .

P.C.V.CoLbold, Right Rev. Mgr: E. Dunn, pre/,’ apos.

G. A. Colman signs I N.perA.pro.’

Lucas St. Mary’s. Mission School .fobMLrls

G.A. T.P. M.Merrells,


j clerk

K. Cargill Mise E.-S. Andrews•

British Malayan Petroleum Co., L,t;d., St. Thomas’ Warden—Rt. School—Kuching

Rev. The Bishop


A. H. Noble,'general in Engfehd)

manager ’ ' , Principal—Rev. F.Fr.S.Shelley,

Hollis C.R.

Office.' i h Brunei—Kuala Belait, Brunei Chaplain—Rev.

R. R. Hamilton, local manager

Chartered Bank oe India, Australia ‘ ' Clubs and associations

and China (Incorporated in England

by. RoyalKuching.

Kernel, Charter Head1853) - •Cable Ad: Kuching-. Football Association

Bishopsgate, London, ICC. 2’.-Offices •.’•38, KuchingPresident—Dr* E. M, Marjoribanks

J. W..M. Philp,.

Allan, .agent

sub-accountant Hon. • Secretary and Treasurer-^Tan

Tan Soon Tye, cashier Kui Choon

JeinttSepretarytfW. J. Ghater

Kuching Rifle Club

CHURCHES and MISSIONS , Hon, Spfipgtary,. D.. L. ;Lea<-'b

Hon. Treasui'erT—E. S. HoL

Ecclesiastical Sarawak , Club A. Middlemas

Bishop of Noel;

Labium and,Hudson,

Sarawak Chairman—N.

Rt. Rev:. Baling M.A., ,Seey, and;Treasurer-dP-W-D- JRPques


Kuching) m.c.,(Residence; BishopAHouse Sarawak-Chinese FoptbaluAssociation

Archdeacon of Sarawak—Yenble. F. —Kuching Patron — Wee Kheng ChianWay


S. Hollis,Reg.—K.Ghoo

D iocesan l.th: (Kuching)

Sen'g(Kuching) Presi dent—Wong, Ohebhg

Missionaries (S.P.G.): • Vice- do. —Law AH Vain

Hon. Sepretary—Tan Kui Choon ,

Cathedral Church of St. Thomas— Dpty. do. ' --Chan Weng Shooh

Kuching • Captain—Chkn Weng Sjieng

Ven. A. B. Champion, m. A. VicO (hr. Eng J:tw .1 t>o '•

Ven. F. S. Hollis, l.th.

Rev. Pr. W.,Shelley, c.r. Sarawak Turf ClLR’ ' ‘ .


Rev. Fr.

Fr. B.,Thomas,

0. Kwui

Philipps, c;r, Patronr-H.H, The Rglah of .Sarawak,

Rev. Kong En C.R. ' hPresident—H-H.

l [ d.c.N.G. TheCrocker

Tuan Muda

Rev. Chong

St. James’s Church—QuopEn Siong Vice-Presdt.U-Hi ,B.

Rev. Si Migaat ‘ Secretaries

Borneo CO./ Ltd., Kuching — The

and Treasurers


John’s Church—Ta-i

T. Buda


Luke’s Cjiurch—^imanggang SarawakPresident Union ClubBishop

— The Fuelling

of Labuan

A. W. Stonton,’B.sc. and Sarawak

Rev. L. Angking Vice-President — The Archdeacon of



J. SparrowChurch—Betong Sarawak

Rev. M. Senang Hon.

Hon. Secretary—Tan

Treasurer—KuekKuiChoo Choon


Christ Church—Lundu

S. Rev.

Columba’s Church—Miri

F. W. Synnott, m.a.

Rev. Lim Siong Teck St. Michael’s

President—A. Catholic

Haideggar Club—Kuching




Kuching Agency, Booksellex-s, News- Sarawak Steamship Co., Ltd. (Incor-

Secretaries, Commission

General Agents—Teleph. 24; P.O. Boxand porated

Hun Yeangin Sarawak)—32 andCable

Street, Kuching; 33, Khoo



Cable Ad: Agency

Jacques, mang. proprietor Steamship,

edn., Scott’s 10th edn. and Bentley’s 5th

Kuching; Codes- A.B.C.

Miss J. Jacques E. Parnell, managing director


HasbiNyim Fook II Lim Peng S wee

Bol Hassan Straits S. S. Co., Ld., Singapore Agents

Sime, Darby

Kuching Drug Store,

Retail Druggists, GeneralWholesale and S.S.).

Importers AgentsPlantation, RubberGeneral

and Valuers, and TinImport,


and Manufacturers’ Agents — Kuching, Export and Produce Merchants, Ship-

Sarawak, Borneo ; Cable Ad : Drug ; ping and Insurance Agents—Kuching

G. J. Dickson, manager (for fuller

xA.B.C. A.Code,

Dr.F.R.S.A., sth Edition

F. Law, m.b., f.r.m.s., f.r.e.s., details, see Sime, Darby & Co., Ltd.,

M.R.I.P.H., M.R.S.J., M.S.C.I., Malacca and Singapore)

D.M.T., managing proprietor

Law, Dr. A. F., m.b., d.m.t., d.s.t. (Chicago, Tansurance Sum Guan & Son, Merchants, In-

U.S.A), F.C.I.,

m.r.i.p.h., m.r.s.i.,F.R.M.S.,


(Eng.), F.R.S.A.,

Licen- Ewe Dealers and Manufacturers’

in Ice Agents and

and Cold Storage—til.

tiate Medical Practitioner—Kuching Hai Street; Teleph. 250; Cable Ad:

Tansumguan; Codes: A.B.C. 5th edn ,

Sarawak Chinese Banking Co., Ltd.— Bentley’s, Acme and Private

Kuching Agencies

Sarawak Electricity Supply Co., Ltd. Union Assurance Society, Ld. (Fire)

(Incorporated in Sarawak)—Cable Ad: Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ld.

Sesco (Marine and Accident)

Gen. Managers—United Engineers, Manufacturers Life Insurance Co.

Ltd. Engineer and Manager— Ford Motor Co. of Malaya, Ld.

Resident Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ld.

C. Corbin

Resident Engineer at Sibu—W.L. Clark Orange-Crush Co. (London), Ld.

New Zealand Insurance Co., LtdL

Sarawak Museum Bata Shoe Company, Ltd.

E. Banks, curator P. F. Esbensen, Denmark

Remington Rand, Inc.

Sarawak Oilfields, Ltd. (Incorporated Tom Storey & Co.



Postal Ad: Miri,Office: Miri, Secretaries

via Singa-

pore; Cable(with

Ad: Oil Saroilco, Miri; Codes: The Kwong Lee Bank, Ltd.

Bentley’s Supplement and The Hua Kiaw Gold Mining Co., Ltd-

A.B.C. 5th edn.

London Agents—The Anglo-Saxon Kim Chiang Gold Mining Co,, Ltd.

Petroleum Co., Ld., St. Helen’s Court, Gold Label Mining Corporation, Ltd.

Great St. Helen’s, London, E.C. 3 Kuching Steam Sawmill etc.


leum Co.Agents—The

(S.S.), Ld. Asiatic Petro-

A.F.H.F.Noble, general

Marriott, assist,manager

gen. manager Vamco Timber Company — Lawas,

H. C. Wells, secretary and acct. Sarawak, Borneo; Cable Ad: Vamco;

Codes: Bentley’s and Acme


This territory, formerly known as Sabah, situated at the northern end of the




has a Sulus

coast and

line Muruts,

of aboutand800atmiles. , The inpopulation

the census is made270,223,

1931 numbered up of

which includes about 47,789 Chinese. The chief geographical feature in the territory is

the mountain of Kinabalu, about 13,455 feet high. The principal

coast is the Padas. On the East there are the Kinabatangan, Labuk, Sugut, Segama, river on the West

and many other valuable rivers. The best harbours are those

West coast, Kudat on the North, Sandakan and Cowie Harbour on the East, the two of Jesselton on the

last-named being very spacious and possessing great potentialities.

The climate is particularly; pleasant fqr the tropics; the days_are rarely very hot,

while a blanket is often .required at night; and littlq inconvenience is experienced

from insect pests, such as mosquitoes and the like. Hurricanes, earthquakes, and other

natural disturbances are almost unknown. The seas are teeming with fish, and there

is a'large export trade in dried and salted, fish. Trade with Singapore,'Hongkong


betweenthe Philippines

North Borneois welhportsestablished.

and SingaporeA byweekly steamship

the Straits service Company,

Steamship is maintainedand

steamers run regularly to Hongkong and the Philippines. A local fortnightly service

is maintained by the Sabah Steamship Company to the West Coast ports, and

a weekly service to the East Coast ports. There is a fortnightly service to Tawau


run a Dutch



ports byJava,theTawau

K. P.M.andDutch Line.There

Japan. The are


in allShosen Kaishaof

four lines

steamships maintaining corrimunication with North Borneo. Most of the trade

supplies are obtained from and through Singapore; and with Hongkong there is a

brisk and increasing trade in timber. Amongst the zoological production^ of North

Borneo are to be noted elephants, rliinocerqs, deer of three kinds, wild cattle,-proboscis

monkey, orang-utan,

few—argus, fireback, pig,

and bears,


pheasants, andwild


duck, many Of varieties

game birds therepigeon

of wild are a

and doves, snipe, and quail.

Sandakan, the capital, has a magnificent harbour and is the chief place of

trade. Jesselton,

Departments on the there.,

are located West coast,It is isalsodeveloping,

one of theand severalof the

termini of theState



The imports include cloth, rice, hardware, manufactured goods of all kinds, Chinese

tobacco, Chinese coarse crockery, matches, machinery, biscuits, oil, sugar,, .etc, The

chief exports

edible are rubber,

birds’-nests, copra,beche.

seed pearls, timber,

de mer driedsharks’

and salt

fins,fish, native

Borneo tobacco, camphor

crystalline rattans,


tortoise-shell, beeswax, and other natural products, which are brought in from the

interior, the neighbouring Sulu Archipelago, etc.


in 1913, in Northyear.

the pre-war BorneoExpenditure

amounted toin£311,548 in 1934, aswascompared

North Borneo £220,200with £210,197

in 1934 (in-

cluding £28,837 for renewals, depreciation, etc.), as compared with £115,545 in 1913.

Timber and Rubber are now the largest industries in the country, having displaced

l oftobacco from theinpremier

the country, place;areandlarge

which there coconut


still to beis becoming


of the which


extracted from mangrove bark, is being exported in considerable

now many companies operating in North Borneo, the majority being engaged in rubber quantities. There are


town of Over 128,590

Sandakan, the acres ofaretheunder

capital rubberaccording

territory, cultivation.

to the The

1931 population

census, was of13,286


(as compared with 11,936 in 1921), composed of Europeans HI, Chinese 11,030, Javanese

562, Indians 193, Japanese 39, Malays 176, Philippine Islanders 248, natives of Borneo

1,356 and others 111. The British North Borneo State Railway has a total mileage of

127 miles. The main line runs for 56 miles through flat country to Beaufort. From

Beaufort and

scenery; to Tenom

thenceitonruns through

through 30 miles country

undulating of the Padas Gorge, noted

to Melalap, for its terminus.

the present beautiful



A branch line runs from Beaufort to the small port of Weston, a distance of about 20

miles. The railway is playing an important part in the development of the West

Coast. Already

by it, whilst there areunder

the acreage 14 large


sago estates

and coconuts and numerous smallincreasing.

holdings served

dakan is distant about 1,000 miles from Singapore, 1,200is miles

steadilyfrom Hongkong,San- and

660 May,

7th miles 1897,

from andManila.

was It became

thus placed connected

in communication telegraphically

with with etc.

Europe, Labuan There on the


now nine wireless installations in the country—at Jesselton, Sandakan, Kudat, Tawau

and Lahad Datu. The State Bank of North Borneo was established

head office at Sandakan and an agency^ at JesseltOn. A lighthouse has been established in 1921 with its

atEastBatu Tinagat, near Tawau, and at Tanjong Trang,

coast. Unattended lights have been placed on Taganac Island, near Sandakan,near Tambisan Island, on the

Kalampunian Island, North Point, Kudat, and Armstrong Reef, near Lahad Datu.

The territory'forofsmall

Sulu by cession NorthannualBorneopayments

was acquired

in 1877,from andthe the Sultans

British ofNorth-

Brunei and


Company was incorporated by Royal Charter on the 1st November, 1881. The area of

the territory

census of 1931,iswas

about 29,347assquare

270,223, co mparedmiles,withand257,804

the population,

in 1921. This as ascertained

total included by 340



Archipelago. 205,218 natives

The Company’s of Borneo, 47,799

authorised Chinese,

capital and

is cent, 11,494

£2,000,000. natives

A dividendof the Malay

cent, was indeclared

per cent, 1920, 3 inper1916,

cent,4 inper1921,


cent,4|' inper1922, 2finper1918,

cent,5 per cent,nilinofin1919,

in 1923,

3i per3


and 1j7o in 1929. In May, 1888, a British Protectorate was established.

The following

its acquisition by theofficers have administered the Government of the Territory since


Governors of North Borneo

1881 W. H. Treacher, c.m.g. 1926

1888 L.C. V.P. Beaufort

1895 Creagh, c.m.g. 1930 A.J. L.F. Richards,

Humphreys,c.m.g. c.m.g., c.b.e.

1900 E.Hugh 1934 1). J. Jardine, c.m.g., o.b.e.

1901 W. Clifford,

Birch, c.m.g.c.m.g.

Officers Administering


1911 E.F. R.P. Ellis,

Gueritzc.m.g. ment,Years

the Various Periods Govern-

for Stated the During

1912 J. Scott Mason

1913 The Rt. Hon. SirWest Ridgeway, 1887 W. M. Crocker


porary) g.c.m.g.,' k.c.s.i. (tem- 1907 Alex. Cook

1913 C. W. C. Parr 1910 A. C. Pearson, c m.g.

1915 A. C. Pearson c.m.g. 1912-26

1922 H. F.W.W.L. Fraser,Bunburyc.b.e.

1922 Maj.-Gen. Sir William Rycroft, 1927-34 D.F. C.R, Macaskie

Maxwell, c.b.e

K.C.B., K. C.M.G. 1930 C.

1925 A. C. Pearson, c.m.g. 1934 E. W. Morrell


British North Borneo Chartered Company

(Incorporated by Royal Charter, 1st November, 1881)

Court of Directors—London

( Offices: Staple Hall, Stone House Court, Bishopsgate, London, E.C. 3)

President;—Major-General Sir Neill Malcolm, k.c.b., d.s.o.

Vice-President—D. . TY O; Malcolm

TVf ^ 1 /Capt.

"N ,1 A.A /G."N Cowie•

G.Hob;E. R.Mouhtstuart Elpbinstone

Bromley-Martin Sir Andrew McFadyean

Secretary—W. O. Pidgeon

C. Mallet ' Legal Assistant—W. J. Worth


Agents: BpjtIsh North Borneo (Chartered) Co.


Adelaide, iNlelbounie.and : Sydney-- Gibbs, Bright & Co.

'.-v '■ China


Foochow and&Hong

Co. Kong—Gibb, Livingston & Co., Ltd.

Tientsin—William Forbes-& Co.


Colombo—J. M. Bobbrtsbn & Co.


Bombay— The Anglo-Siam Corporation, Ltd.

Calcutta—Gillanders, Arbuthnot & Co.

Madras— Best & Co., Ltd.

Straits Settlements

Singapore and Penang— Guthrie & Co.,'Ltd.

Philippine Islands

Manila, Cebu and IloikP-L Smith, Bell Co., Ltd.

Governor and Staff Deputy Assist. District Officer, Beaufort—

Governor and Commanderdn-Chief^—D. J. J. S. Funk

Jardine, c.m,0.,.o.b.e.S. Abbott Resident, Interior—R. F. Evatts: (acting)-

Private Secretary—R. District Officers—


Government Secretary’s Office Tambunan—B. W. Hurrell

Deputy Assist. District Officer, 'Tenom—

-Govt. Hiew Sin Yong



Gray (acting) Agricultural Department

Administrative Officers Director of Agriculture—tl. G. Keith,

Resident, Sandakan—E. W. Morrell BiSC , FOR.j F.R.G.S.

District Officers—A. Rutter

Sandakan—R. Audit Department

Kudat—B. G. P. N. Combe (acting) Auditor—W. A. C. Smelt, aA.AA

Deputy Assist.S. District Assist. Auditor—J. F.Tenlington, a.c.a.

Kudat-B. Willie Officers*—


Labuk and Sugut—Nicholas YappChin . Constabulary

Resident, Tawau—B. R. C. Adams (acting) Commandant—Major W. C. Adams, m.c.

District Officer-in-charge of Armed Constabulary

Lahad Officer—

Datu—S. G. 11. ill (acting) East Coast—Capt. C. H.;0 Peai’son

Adjutant—Capt. A. Rice Oxlev,,p.F.c.

„ Assist, to Resident,

Deputy Assist. Tawau—(vacant)

District Officer, Tawau— Acting Chief Police "OffidCr,' Jesselton—•

|) Chung Fook Chbi Charles Peter

|I. Resident, Chief Police Officer, Sahdakail—J. B.'

(acting) West Coast — C. D. Martyn Atkinson

* District Officers— Customs and Excise Department

\k Jesselton—D.

Beaufort—W. K. Ingle(acting)

F. Hill (acting) Commissioner of Customs and Excise—

L| Kota Bfclud—J. E. Longfield (acting) A. J. B. Broodbank

Papar—W. F. Hill Deputy Assist, Comnaissioner of Excise—

If Deputy Lo Ah Fuh

H. O. District

E. SykesOfficer,

. Mempakul— Assist. Commissioner of Gustoms A Excise,

Jesselton—>S. G- Holmes

J Assist. District Officer, Tuaran—(vacant)

|: Deputy Assist. District Offider, Tuaran— ;Deputy A ssikt. Com mission er of Customs,

Pangeran Osman Sandakan—Lo Ah Pith’


Forest Department Jesselton: J. K. O’Byrne, l.r.c.p. & ».

Conservator (Ireland)

for., F.R.G-.S.of Forests—H. G. Keith, b.sc., Beaufort and Interior:

then, m.r.c.s. J. C. T.(Lond.)

(Eng.), l.r.c.p. Tregar

Deputy Assist. Conservator of Forests— Nurse-Matrons—

J. Agama Sandakan:MissMissA.E.M.Ashworth, s.r.n.,c.m.b.

Gaols Jesselton: Davies, s.r.n., c.m.b.

Inspector of Prisons — Major W. C. Post and Telegraph Department

Adams, M.C.

Supt., Sandakan Prison—Capt. C. H. C. Postmaster-General


and Supt. of Telegra-

phs and Wireless—H. A. Dabell, m.i.w.t.

Supt., Jesselton Prison—Capt. A. Rice Assist. Supt. of Posts and Telegraphs—G.

C. Fenton

Oxley, d.f.c.

Harbour Department Protectorate

Harbour Master—A. J. B. Broodbank Protector—C. D. Martyn

Marine Surveyor and Engr.—J. C. Graham Assist. Officer— TJ SuiA.Chuen

Deputy Protector—R. Rutter

Deputy Harbour Master—


Jesselton: Lo Ah Fuh Master—S. G. DirectorPublic Works Department

Holmes of Works—J. A. Houston, b.a.,.

B.E., A.M.I.C.E.

Judicial Department Executive Engineer, M.AM.E.

Bishop, A.M.I.STRUCT.E,, Sandakan—H.

President of the High Court—H.E. The Executive Engineer, Jesselton — E. R.

Governor Baker, a.m.i.c.e.

High Court Judges Assist. Surveyor — M, Govindarajulu


E. the Governor,

J. MaxwellHis Hall,Honour

D. R. the Chief Mudaliar


E. W. Morrell (actg:) and C. R. Smith State Bank of North Borneo

(actg.) Controller—H. J. R. Beckett, a.c.a.

Sessions Court Judges Manager, Sandakan Branch—F. D. Bluck

The Residents of Sandakan and Kudat, Manager, Broodbank

Jesselton Agency — A. J. B.

Tawau, West Coast and Interior

Registrar of High and Sessions Courts—

Soong Chong Foh Survey Department

Sury.-General — T. J. H. Speedy, m.i.s.

Land Office M.T.P.I. (N.Z.)

Comm’r. of Land—H. A. W. S. Arrindell District Surveyor—E. J. Smallfield, m.i.s.

Chief Draughtsman—T. V. Durai

Medical Department Treasury

Principal Medical Officer—P. A. Dingle, Financial A.C.A. Controller—H. J. R. Beckett,


District (Eng.), L.II.C.P. (Lond.) Dist. Treas., Sandakan—E. J, Phillips

Sandakan: J. P. Taylor, m.s., m.b. Dist. Treas., Jesselton—G. W. Moffat, a.c.a.

(Sydney) Assistant—Vun Tsze Chong

The State Bank of North Borneo—

Head Office: Sandakan; Cable Ad: Statebank. Branch: Jesselton

Controller—H.J.R. Beckett, I Manager—F. D. Bluck


ASSOCNS., CLUBS, SOCIETIES, Ac. British Borneo Timber Co., Ltd., Saw-

mill Owners, Timber Merchants, Ship-

builders and Engineers — Cable Ad:

-Caledonian Society of British North Billian, Sandakan

Borneo, The (Constituted 1925) Harrisons Crosfield (Borneo), Ltd.,


Timber & Sawmillsmanager

A. McKendrick, Dept.

•Chamber of Commerce — Cable Ad; E. Williams

Commerce H. J. Clements | F. J. Robinson


H. E. Hopkins,Mr.H.F. Johnson,

W. Pinnock,

G. G.W.S. Larkins I J. A. C. Mercer

Mavor, A. McKendrick, H. J. Wal- R.F. Vaughan j H. B. Fletcher

ker, W. A. S. Young, Goh Teck Soon Engineering Dept.

and Soh Siew Boh R. Wilson

Hon. Secretary—C. Boyer „

Lawn Tennis Club, Sandakan CHURCHES AND MISSIONS

Handa kan Amateur Dramatic Club Borneo Basel Self-Established Church

Patron—His Excellency the Governor —Sandakan

Hon. Secretary—H. Bishop

Hon. Treasurer—W. A. S. Smelt Church of England—Sandakan

Rector—Ven. Archdeacon Mercer

Sandakan Club Asst. Priest—Rev. Sung Khi Fong

Hon. President— H.E. The Governor

of British North Borneo Roman Catholic Mission •

The Prefecture Apostolic of British

North Borneo

’S andakan Golf Club Prefect


— Right Rev. Mgr. A.

Captain—Dr. P. A. Dingle Rector of the Seminary—Rev. V.

Hon. Secretary^—C. J. Cresswell Weber (Jesselton)

Keonomus V Procurator Rev. B. J.

Handakan Recreation Club Davis (Sandakan)

Rectors—Revs. J. Unteberger

selton), Ant. Raich (Limbahau) (Jes-

B. J.

General Committee—Capt. C. H. C. Davis (Sandakan), A. Verhoeven

Pearson (chairman), A. Collado (Hon.

secretary and treasurer), P. Dominic,; (Kinuta), F. Sint (Kudat), J. Bohm

Ng Tai Yong, Vun Tsze Chong, Kong (Penampang), M. Connolly (Tam-

Su En, Fong Chung Fah, Peter Chai bunan), A. Stolter (Labuan), J. M. A.

Fook and M. Demodaran KlijnB.(Papar);

Rev. A. McCarthy

J. Davis, Director(Tawao)

of St.


Rev. A. A.School, Sandakan

Crpwther, assistant (San-

Handakan Squash Rackets Club dakan)

Hon. Secy.—G. D. Hemming Rev. Antonissen assistant and Director

Hon. Treasurer—W. A. C. Smelt . of St.L.Michael’s School, (Penampang)

Rev. M. ' Parsons, assistant


Bakau &■ Kenya Extract Co., Ltd.

(Registered in Great Britain), Manu- Rev. Anthonissen & Obertpgger,bunan)

Re v. Stau d acher; assistant (Tam assts.

facturers of Tanning Extracts and Dyes (Penampang)

—Head Office: 24, George Square,


W. S. Young, manager St. Mary’s Roman Catholic School,

Harrison and Crosfield (Borneo), Ltd., ForDirector


of School—.Rev. B. J. Davis

managing agents Assist. do. —Rev. A. Crbwther



—Jesselton and Sandakan;Accountants

& Cq., Chartered' Cable Ad: Decarbo

, Drummondco; Codes: A.B.C. 6th edn., "Defe'Records

Bentley’s and Brooinhall’s

ca & Decca-Polydor Graihbphohe

Partners—R. W. S.andDrilmmbnd, Dairymaid Buttor

B: Lowick, a.c.a. D. Phillip,C.A.,

c.A. De Reszkp Cig’arettes

Gillespie’s Anchor Flour

D. Stark, c,^.., signs phr pro. Horlick’s Malted Milk

Harvey’s Ports & Sherris . , .

Funk * Sons, ;General Importers, Whole- India “Super” Tyres

, sal6 and Retail Merchants-eSandakan, Kill germ .Germicide

llritish North Borneo Liptori’s Teas

Murray’s Cigarettes ■

McOallum’s Whisky

Harrisons & Crosfield (Borneo), Ltd.— Martell’s Brandies !

Cable Ad: Second,

Crosfield^ Acme,

Codes: Bentley’s, Norland Canning Co.

Bentley’s Schofield, Pears Soaps

A.B.C. 6th,

Western Union Broomhall (rubber), and Redfearn’s Rubber Goods

Directors—Hon. Mr. F. W. Pinnock Silver Slipper Gins

(chairman), W. G- Darby and J. K. S. Solo Fruit Drinks

Malcolm Smedleys Canned Goods

T. Efford Smith & Hoey's Wines & Spirits

C.G. Boyer A. G. Ludgate, Thermos “Strongias” Products

B. Fleming . A.C.A. T. Beers & Stohts

V. H. Bentham W. A. Morrison Vat 69 Whisky

J. Mitchell W.G.D. Hemming Zeiss Ikon. . __

Dj Graham Ch.Cresswell

Sabah Steamship Cq. .(,1927.), Ltd.,.

North Borneo Trading Co., Ltd., The, Coasting Services—Sandakan

“ Kinabalu, ’196 tons

Timber, Shipbuilding, Engineering, “ Klias,”it95Crosfield

tons (Borneo), Ld.,


General Agencies,

Merchants,Proyision. Stores and Harrisons

akan, Tawau, Jesselton,Insurance—Sand-

Brunei, Sarawak agents '' • - . ■

and D.E.

and Indies; Codes:

Broomhall’s. LondonAcme,Office:



Copthall Avenue, general

London, manager

E.C. 2 Sandakan

dakan Hotel—Cable Ad: Hotel, San-

A. E. Phillipps,

Assistants—E. N. Raymond, N. K.

Pallant, C.andC. E.Tallack,

Henderson C. M. darkA. M. Sandakan Dispensary, Ltd., Wholesale

Managing Agents and Retail Chemists and Druggists

Tuaran Rubber Estates, Ld. —Cable Ad : Dispensary

Bode Rubber Estates (1914), Ld. Harrisons, and : Crosfield (Borneo),

Sandakan Light & PowerCo. (1922), Ld. Ltd., agents ,

Estates Agdncies

Sekong Rubber Co., Ld., Sandakan Sandakan Ice


Insurance Agencies managersit Croslipld (Borneo), Ltd.,,


Alliance Assurance Cp., Ld.

World Marine & General Ins. Co., Ld. Sandakan Light and Power Co. (1922),

Ltd.—Sandakanj; Tel. Ad: Powerhouse.

Sole Agencies Sandakan

Bovril, Ltd. Shewan, Tomes & .Cb., Hongkong,

Bitulac Paints & Preservatives generalBorneo

North managersTrading ‘Co,, Ltd.,

Barker & Dobson’s Sweets Sandakan, managing agents

Jarbolex G.engineer

H. Mavor, manager and resident

Columbia Milk



Armed Constabulary Railway Department

(Military Headquarters: Jesselton) General Manager, Railways—J. Beatty

Commandant—Major W. C. Adams, m.c. Asst. Permanent

Locomotive Supt.—W. Way Engr.—W.

J. Sprospn,F. Smith

Adjutant—Capt. A. Rice-Oxley,

Superintendents—Capt. C. H., O.d.f.c.


C. D. Piound-Turner and ,J. B, Atkinson Rubber Control

Cdhtfol’ler of Rubber—E, Bateion

Government Printing Office State. Bank of North Bopneo

Supt. and Editor (B.fi. B. Herald)—D. Agent-rG. W. Moffatt, a,c.a.

K. Ingle.

'Clerk-in-charge—A. J. Pereira Survey Department ;

Surv'e. General — T. J. H. Speedy,'fAi.,

Lands Department tljond.)Surveyor—E.

District m.t p.i„ m.s.i.J.(n.z.)

Smallfield, M.s.l.

-Commissioner of Lands—A. N. M. Garry Chief Draftsman—T. V. Durai

Postal Department—G.P.O.. Telegraph Dept., Government

Pdsthlaster-General and Supt. of Tele- Supt,,

Assist. Land

Supt &. Radio—H;

G. C. FentonA; D|abeil, m.i.w.t.

graphs—H. A. Dabell, m.i.w.t.

Assist. Supt. of Posts-and Telegraphs—G.

C. Fenton Cheah Loon Ghee & C

British North Borneo

Protectorate Proprietors of—

Bukit Padang Rubber Estate,


Protector—A. N. M. Garry Harrisons & Crosfield '(Borneo), Ltd.,

Depy. do. —R. A. Rutter agents arid secretaries

Chief Clerk—Lee John Nyuk

Church of England

Public Works Department Rev. S. M. Collier


Foreman ofEngr.— E. R.Palencia

Works—S. Baker, a.m.i.c.e. Harrisons & Crosfield (Borneo), Ltd.,

Chief Clerk—Kong Ah Siong ■ .Mferehints—Cable Ad: Crosfield


District Officer and District Magistrate—R. G: P. N,.Combe

Harbour Master and Supervisor of Customs—R. G. P. N. Combe

Deputy Assistant Ristrict Officer—B. S. Willie

CpuRC^ of England—Rev. Lai Choon Shang


This, formerly the smallest British Colony in Asia, was ceded to Great Britain

by the Sultan of Brunei in 1846, and taken possession of in 1848. It is situated on the

min. E. It coast

north-west has anofarea

Borneo in latitude

of 30.23 5 deg. and

square miles, 16 min. N., and

is about longitude

six miles from 115 deg. 15

the Borneo

coast and 725 miles, or three days’ steaming, from Singapore. Although Labuan


ecome aa depdt

fine port, has extensive

for the coalnorth

trade of the deposits,

coastandof byBorneo,


it hasseemed likely to

only partially

fulfilled the expectations formed of it. The produce of Brunei Bay finds a market in

Labuan; about 2,010 acres of rubber are planted, part in bearing, and principally

owned by Chinese.

steamship Coconuts areSingapore

being planted on the sameas land. asThere

with isCompany


ports. Thecommunication

Government with was administeredandby Sandakan,

the British North well Borneo local

from 1890 until January 1st, 1906, when the Colonial Office again resumed direct

control, and Labuan was incorporated

becoming a separate settlement in 1912. with the Straits Settlements in January, 1907,



mines workedsecured

company by theoperations

Labuan Coalfields

in March, 1911,Co., Ltd., exportedcompany,

and another in 1910r

styled the Labuan Exploration Co. was formed in London with the object of working


their mines

exportand prospecting

of coal for other

ceased many yearsminerals

ago. but its efforts were unsuccessful and

In recent years there has been

among the smallholders, a tendency which an increase of vegetable

will probably and further

develop fruit cultivation

with tho

depression in the rubber industry.

The population as revealed by the 1931 census was approximately 8,000.

1933 1934

Imports $ 541,094 $ 881,668

Exports 654,053 1,146,201

$1,195,147 $2,027,869


Resident’s Office Bukit Kallam

Resident—A. D. York,

Chief Clerk—Tan Chinm.c.s.

Teng Headmaster—Abdul Kadir b. Bair

Govt. Rest House—Beach St., Victoria Harbour Office

Harbour-Master—O. L. Stephens

Audit Office Judicial Department

Chief Clerk—Cheong Keong Quee District and Police Courts

Government Schools District Judge and Police Magistrate-

A. D. York, m.c.s.

English Police Magistrate—O. L. Stephens

Headmaster—H. B. McIntyre

Vernacular—Victoria Justices of the Peace

Headmaster—xMohd. Salleh b. Peer Mohd. W. W. Boyd | Koh Eng Watt.


Land Department Post Office

Collector of Land Rev.— A. D. York, M.c.s. Postmaster—A. D. York, m.c.s.

Land Bailiff—Mohamed bin Dally


AnsonBailiff, Grade III—Abdullah bin Public Works Dept.

Clerk - in - Charge — Abdul Rahman bin Settlement Engineer—O. L. Stephens, b.sc.

Lovegrove (Eng.)

Medical Department, Colonial Treasury Department

Medical Officer — Dr. E. W. Martindell, Treasurer—A. D. York, m.c.s.

M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.

Police Victoria Gaol

Asiatic Inspector—Abdul Rahman Superintendent—A. D. York, m.c.s.

Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ltd.—Cable Ad: Eng Koh


& Co., Merchants—33,

Watt, Beach St.

managing owner

Petroatic; Codes: Bentley’s complete Chua Choo Liong, mgr., signs per pro.

phrase and Oil Supplement Koh Yew Seng, cashier

Harrisons & Crosfield (Borneo), Ltd.,


Church of Englanp—Church of Our Harrisons



General (Borneo), Ltd.,


Holy Saviour Ad: Crosfield, Also at Kuala Belait,

Rt. Rev. H. Hudson, Bishop of Brunei

Labuan and Sarawak G. B. Fleming, Manager

New Church of Corpus Christi

Father A. Stotter Labuan Recreation Club

President—A. D. York, m.c.s.

Eastern Extension,Co.,Australasia

China Telegraph and

Ltd. Associated Hon. Secretary—Yeo Bock Hoe

with Cable & Wireless, Ltd. Hon. Treasurer—C. de Silva

E. J. Munro, manager Labuan Golf Club

C. H. Moore Martin and C. J.

Operators—A. President—A. D. York

Keasberry Hon. Secretary—O. L. Stephens


about The100State

milesof Brunei


and liesTowncomprised

between an4° area

5’ andof some 2,500Latitude

5° 2’758N. sq. miles,andwith a 7’a,nd

114°from coast 115°

line 22.of^

E. Longitqde. i's distant by sea nautical miles Singapore’

There is only

situated one from

12 miles townthe of any

mouthsize,of the

Brunei or Darul-Salam

Brunei River at Muara(Gityandofshowed Peace) awhichpopula-is

tion of 10,953 in the-1931 census. Prior to 1910 it consisted

built on nibong piles in the river but it now includes a strip of the mainland, mostly entirely of Malay houses

reclaimed, on which all Government buildings, shophouses and many private houses

have been erected.


The climate is pleasant and healthy without any marked changes of temperature.

During the day the temperature lies between 80° to 90° Fahrenheit but a light breeze-



80°. blowing which moderates its heat. At night the temperature usually falls

the State.average

The ; ' ' annual

. rainfall

, h\ varies

I between 100 fq 20Q inches for different part of


A State named Puni, 45 days’ sail from Java, is mentioned several times in the

annals of the Sung dynasty, which, ruled over Southern China from about 960 to

1280 A.D.,Biyuei

cpnhuries and; itowed is practically

allegiance certain

alternately thattothis is Brtthei.

Mejaphit In the 13th

and Malacca. and 14th

The Sultanate


rose to great power in the early ypars of the l 6th

Ragam and its authority extended not only over the Northern part of the' island century in the reign of Nakhodaof

Borneo but over tlie Sum Islands and part of the Philippines.

on hisThefamous

first European

voyage around accounttheofworldBruneiandis that

wroteof Pigafetta/who

his impressionssailedof thewith Magellan

Various lands


the Court. Pigafetta

and thesaw sizeBrunei

of thein. town,

1521 and the was greatly impressed

population of which hebyestimated.at

the splendour 25,000of

families. liB of > •i_m«jvv[T .noil bamooeyA utJ f.qO imAmvuaT a.kih’)

Towards the end of the 16th century the power of Brunei began to'decline’apd by

the middle of 19th ceqtmy it had fallen

its former territory remained. At this period the. Town hopelessly into ofdecUy ahd'bnly

Brunei seems'to h smah

have part



orneb.' slave,market

Sarawak was for thetocaptives

ceded Sir of theBrooke

James Illanuninand 1841 SulU

and pirates oh'the’were

concessions cbasts


at later dates to the British North Borneo Company and to the Sarawak Government

till Brunei has been reduced to its present boundaries.

In 1888, the Sultan agreed that Great Britain should control his foreign relations

and in 1906 a new agreement was made whereby a British Resident was appointed



the HightheCommissioner

Agent and Representative

for the Malay States of HisandBritannic Majesty’smustGovernment

whose advice be asked


This acted


the in all

system questions

existing inother

the than


of thetouching

Malay Mohammedam

Peninsula under religion.




ness The

AhmedSultan is theAkhazul

Tajudin Ruler ofKhairithe State Wadinof Brunei. The present

who succeeded Sultaninis1924

his father His atHigh-


age of 11 years.

Pemancha were During histo minority

appointed act as theRegents.

joint Duli Pengiran On Bendaharaand

September 19, 1931 Duli



the Sultan assumed full power and the Regency terminated.

The administrationof oftheGovernment

invariably is inService

the hands withof the British Resident who is-

The State anis officer

divided into Malayan Civil

five administrative districts,hisBrunei,

headquartersBelait,at Tutong,



magistrates but in December, 1930, owing towere

Temburong and Muara. These districts all formerly

the'rapid in the ofcharge

development of Malayin

the Oilfield

the Belait District an officer, qf .the Malayan, Civil Service was appointed as Assistant


Officers.Resident to administer that district. The other districts remain under Malay


The population of Brunei

population for 1932 was 30,590. as given in the 1981 Census was 30,135 and • the. estimated

The numbers of the various races^re. estimated as.follows

Europeans ... 84

Eurasians '...' 1 32 •'

Malays 28,000

Chinese 4;poq .

Indians ... ‘200

Others 1... ^65- !

Total... ... ...' 32,9,71'.


Brunei, Each

of Brunei. KualaofBelait and Tutong,

these areas ,arev thebyonly

is controlled townships

a Sanitary Boardof any


the State

for all questions; of housing, sanitation, etc.



the townships andmay be divided

privately ownedroughly

native into'three classes—Government

huts and houses.

Government lipuses'are comparatively

officials and Senior patiye subprdinates. few and they are occupied by European

, The shop-houses are mostly occupied by Chinese traders.

building is inhabited by the shop-keeper and his family, while the lower part The upper partisof,used


as a shop.

By far the greatest number of houses are privately owned. In Brunei Towmihe

majority of the Malay population has lived from time immemorial in huts raised .Oh

| piles

high built

tide. pnThenfudtides


in the river.dispose

Theseof flats, are pxpos,ed

rubbish and other at low tide bgt flooded

impurities. The hutsat


vary in size from a

position of the occupier. .minimum pt °bo oom .and a hitcheh acc,ording to the wealth or

[ . <(MrxjsR^LS , .

Oil wasCompany,

Petroleum first foundLimited,

in 1914 atwhich

Labi inis theallied

District of ’ Belait.

to the SarawakTheOilfields,

British Malayan


obtained a lease of this area in 1924. The

disappointing and the area was evacuated in November, 1931. results obtained from the Labi field weie

Prospecting was also carried on in the coastal area of the Belait District and in

„ April, 1929, oil was found at Soria-about 10 miles-N orth-east of Kuala Belait where

• the headquarters

commercial oilfieldofthatthe might

Company rivalarethatsituated.

of Miri inItSarawak

soon became

had beenapparent

discovered thatanda

great progress was made in 1930 and 1931 in testing the extent of the field and



for production. In 1932 and

was completed a pipe-line from was

production Seriacommenced

to the refineryduringat the



> quarter.

This has been steadily increased and the State seems assured of royalties amount-

ing to at least $200,000 during 1935.

Chinese, Malay and Indian labour is employed. The Chinese are mainly on

contract and the other races on daily wages.



Rubber, Sago aud Rice are the chief agricultural products of the State.

The area under rubber is estimated to be about 14,000 acres of which some 5,000


acres to European

increased companies

from 1,473,829 poundsandinthe

1932remainder to Asiatic

to 2,270,249 in 1933 smallholders^ The

and the total value


rubber exported increased from $104,899 in 1932 to $236,249

1934 production of rubber was restricted in accordance with the Internation- in 1933. During

al Scheme, exports were 1,611 tons valued at $671,970.

The area under Sago is estimated to be about 5,000 acres. It is mainly cultivated

by the natives

population butand forhas


cooliesa most valuableon reserve

employed estates.of food

The not

amountonly offor Sago

the native


exported in 1933 differed little from that exported in the previous year, but the value

of the exports showed a considerable decrease. The figures are 5,125 piculs to a value

of $4,524 in 1933 as against 5,148 piculs to a value of $8,568 in 1932.

In many respects rice is the most important crop in the State. The area devoted

to its cultivation

industry of the native is greater thatandthatit provides

population, under anytheother


fooditsof culture

the greatis the chief



inhabitants. 8,255Theacrestotal with

acreagea yield


cultivation in the State

gantangs as against 12,000in 1933

acres with a yield of 991,223 gantangs in 1932. Of the 1933 figures 4,835 acres with


gantangs of 573,856

under gantangs

wet padiwere under dry7,000

as against padiacres

and and


acres acres

with awith



536,927 and 454,296 gantangs under dry and wet respectively in 1932.


The aggregate value of trade for the year 1934 was $5,278,039 as against $4,620,805

in 1933 and $2,695,805 in 1931.

Imports.—The total value of imports was $2,411,768 as against $2,430,247 in 1932 a


Noteworthydecrease. This decrease

increases iu valueinisprovisions,

were recorded partly duesarongs,

to lowertobacco,

prices ofmachinery,



oil and miscellaneous. Decreases in value were found in

imported increased slightly, petroleum, motor vehicles, and coin and bullion. rice, although the quantity

Company The large

in 1932.decrease in motor

The cars were vehicles was dueinto1933.

still serviceable purchases madebuilding

The large by the pro-


grammes of both Government and the Oil Company caused 2,324 tons of cement to be

imported valued at $33,253.

Exports.—The total value of exports for the year 1933 was $2,191,037 as against

$1,505,738 in 1932. Greater exports of crude oil and plantation rubber were responsi-

ble for

prevailingthe made


tradeDecreases were shown uneconomical.

in these commodities in most other exports. The low prices

year 1933 as compared with $152,969 in 1932. Duties amounted to $178,266 for the

The total revenue derived from Customs



Sultan—His Highness Ahmad T vjudin Akhazul Khahu Wadin

Ministers of State—Pnegiran Bendahara and Pengiran Pemancha

British Resident’s Office Posts and Telegraphs Dept,

British Resident—R. E. Turnbull, M.c.S. Acting iguperintendent — Kong Eu


Courts Wireless Engr.—Pengirain Mohd. hin

Judge—R. E. Turnbull, m.c.s. Pengiran Pint

Magistrates—D. A. Somerville, Ibrahim Public Works Department

Bin Mohd.Usop

Pengiran Jahfar, Dr. W. G.Bahar

Bin Perigiran Evans, State Engineer—E. N. Dimmock

Belait District

Customs, Monopolies and Marine Overseer—H. S. Rishi


Supervisor—PangiranLow Lee

Ahmad Brunei District

Chief Clerk—Ahamd B. Daud Bldgs. Overseer—E. B. Keasberry

Clerk—Kong Soo Yui Roads Overseer—S. P. Pillai

Kuala Belait Waterworks Overseer—K. Natarajan

Supervisor—Pangiran Bakan Sanitary Board

Clerks—Lim Eng Kong and Cheong Chairman—R. E. Turnbull, M.c.s.

Keong Thong Tutong Members — Dr. W. G. Evans, T. E.


Japar, Inche Ibrahim, bin Mohamad

Shah bandar, Capitan

Clerk-in-eharge—Wahab bin Amat Ong Boon Pang, Awang Usop bin

Kuala Labu Jawatan Dalam and E. N. Dimmock

Clerk-in-charge—Mohamed Sulaiman Secretary—Chua Low Lee Fuk Mui and

Kuara Sanitary Inspectors—Shiu

Clerk-in-charge—Abdullah Pangiran Kamis

Electrical Department Sanitary Board (Kuala Belait)

Foreman—E. Rajaratnam Chairman—D. A. Somerville, M.c.s.

Members — Dr. Dato

Ahin, Pehin W. G. Shahbandar,

Evans, Dr. N.E. W.


Medical Department Dimmock,

Shak Cheung R. R. Hamilton and Yap

Medical Officer—W. G. Evans Sanitary Inspector—Leung Chung Fah

Police Force (Brunei Police) Treasury Department


buan),Inspr. in charge

residing (BruneiE. and

at Brunei—T. La-

Murphy Financial

Tai Assistant—Peter Liew Thian

British Malayan Petroleum Co., Ltd. Island Trading Co., Ltd. (Incorporated

(Incorporated in England ) — Kuala infacturers,

Great Britain), Cutch Extract Manu-

etc. — Brunei and Sarawak;

Belait Cable Ad: Acreage, Brunei; Codes: Bent-

R. R. Hamiltion, local manager ley’s


Ck^i ser “ KENT ,? Lieutenants—C. N. R. Barham, F. A

‘ 9,950 Tons. S.H.P. 80,000.

Guns—8.8 inch, 4-4 inch A.A., 4-3 pr. A.Woodward,

Nix J. P. (Scatchard & S. J..

Comdr.—(L) J. Breaks .

Fifth Cruiser Squadron Lieutenants (E)—J. 0. H. Gairdner,

China W. A. J. Campbell, R.E.C. Bremner

Admiral—Sir Frederic- ;C. Greyer, Major R.M.—C. T. Brown/'o.b.e. (and

k.c.b., c.B.E. (Commander-in-Chief, as Fleet R.M. Officer)

China. Station) Capt. R.M.—J. C. Cairneross

(To be superseded by Vice-Admiral Sir Chaplain—Rev. J. K. Wilson, b.a.

Charles J. C. Littlej,-K.c.B. in Janu- Tempy R.C. Ghaplain—Rev. W. J.

ary, 1936) Driscoll njirri

Personal Staff Instr. Comdr.—N. M. S. Langlands,

Admiral’s Secretary—Paym. - Captain m.a., d.s.o. '(and as Fleet Education

H. Mr Horud Officer)

Flag Lieut.—A. H. C. Gordon-Lennox !Surg.-Comdr.—J. A. O’Flynn, m.d.,

Staff B.CH., D.T.M.L.JI. (and as Fleet Me-

dical Officer)

Chief of Staff—Capt. F. ^f.; Attwdod Paym. Comdr.—H. C. W’aldron (and

(CqmmQdore 2nd Class) as Fleet Accountant Officer)

Secretai;y:—Paym. Lt. F. R. Mannin- Paym. Lieut. Comdr.—'A. R. Thatcher

Captain'J . VV. A. Waller Paym. Lieut.rCp^dr. A. G. Sowman

Commanders—J. A. S. Eccles (Staff Surg.-Lieuts.—M. G. Ross, m.b. ch.b.

Officer (I).), R. C. Bayne (Fleet (G) Paym. I^ieht.—J. S.! Biggie

Officer// (Staff Officer (Operations).) Sub-Lieuts.—S. R. Kl H. L»ombard

Lieut.-Comurs.—D. H. Everett, m.b.e. Hobson r , . .; i

(S.O. (I) Shanghai), X. C. R. Mac- Sub-Lieut.—(E) R. S.-Bailey

donald (Ran) W. E. Warner, d.s.C., Cd. GurmeysTrH. Dodge. B. Ht Charl-

L, C. Sinker. (Fleet (S) and W/T, ton, (T) E. W. Hale

Officer). d Cd. Eng.—V. W. Stone

Eng. Capt.^-C. .Simpson (Fleet Egr. Cd. Shipwright—S. C- W. Hanslip

Officer) i T.-! Cd. Ord. Officer—E. Makiri '(and for

Capt. R.: M—F. M. Bramall (S.O.(I)

Hofig Kong) ■ ' Sqdn. duties)

Senior Master—E. V. Davies

Wt. Eng. E. R, S: Greensted: (As Gunner—B. Thoroffghgoofi (for D.F.

Assist, to- Fldet' Elig. Officer)

Paym.' Lt. Ld.-^S:f F. Stapldtoh Sig.dlltips) \

Boatswain—Al A. Austen.-. i, i ;•

Assist. Secretary—Paym. Lieut. Cdtv

E. F. B. George Wt. Telegraphist—W. L. Durn

Foe Duty in Admiral’s Office Wt. Engineer—R. D. Seabrook

Paym. Lieuts.—M. A. McMullen and Wt. Electric—S. S. Noyce

Bn,dm R.M.B.—|Q. L. Read, l.r.a.m.

Flag A.Capt.—I.

R. J. OwenB. B. Tower, d.s.c.

Midshipmen — A. M. , Green, R. G.

Cominanderfe—C. W. Officer).,

A. G. Hamley Woodward, T. W. G. French, R. A.


as Fleet (N) and 11. St. C. Bolton, R. E. Boddiiigton,

W. B. Whitworth, D. McEwen, R.


V. Findlay, K. H. T. Peard (and J.as

T. A. C. Pakenham, S. Baker-Falkner, G. H. Carew-

Fleet (T) Officer), E. Ol F. Price Hunt and M. D. Pope

R. Gordon-Duff, R. F. A. Redman Paym. MTdn.—R. E. D. A. James, R.

(and as Fleet P. and R. T. Officer). P. Peter

The following Officers are borne as


additional: —' Lieut-Coi, jr R.M.'*—C. G. Fothergill


Comdiv—J. A. S. Eccles (for study iii Station.) charge > of : -stonecutters,, VV /T.

Japan) Capt. R.M.L.D. Caffyn (instructor of

Lieutenant—0. H. Holmes (for stiidy Smalh Arms, Hong Kong.)

iu Japan)

Lieutenant '(E)—L. B. Sha^fman (fot Wt.veyTek' g.—r P. j. Ulding (for Sur-

Of VV /T Stoics at Hong Kong,

study,in Japan)

Paym. Lieuts.—J. P. McIntyre (for duty with ships refitting, and West

River Patrol and general W,/T

study in Japan), K. Porman A. E. Duties at Hong Kong.)

N. Merry (for study in Jaipdri)

Re-commissioned at Chatham on Tamar II. ’

May 25, 1934 Foil Accounts of Destroyers :

Paym. Com.-E. L. Brightman

Receiving' Ship “ TAMAR ” Paym. Lieut. Com.—J. E. Pibworth

Wt. Wtr.-H. L. Bloke

4,650 Tons' Wt. Sr. Officer—W . E, V. Woods

;V/ (Juns :-6r6 pr.

Hong Kong Cruiser ‘DORSETSHIRE”

(CaptUih—C. G. ' Sedgwick (Commo- 9,900 Tons, S.H.P. 80,000

dore 2nd Class), (in charge of Naval

Establishments at Hong Kong)

-CommodoreV Secretary—Paym. Com.' Guns—8-8 inch, 4-4 inch/ A.A., 4-3 pr.

M. A. W. Sweny China

•Commander — D. Orr-Ewing' (Staff Captain—A. 3. I L. Murray, u.S.o.,

Officer (Opterations) o.b.e. !

For Duty in Commodore’s Office Commander—F. R. Gar side

Paym. Lieut.—A. A. loveridge and Lieut.-Coms:—St. J. Cronyn, (G) R.

Paym. Sub-Lieut, L. E. -Wright' P. CiarRe, (Uj (JieO Hi- P. Blister,

Commander—T. A. Hussey (Main- (T) H; T. Powell

tenance Commander.) Lieutenants—A. E. T., Christie, (N)

Lieut.-Comdr;—R. I, Clutterbuck J. G. Forbes, W. C. Hudson, (P)

Capt. R.M,—D. J.; Grey H. J. F. Lane F. P. Baker

Comdr. (E)—J. R. Davies (and Jor Eng. Oom.—D. P. Rowland

charge of Stores , and ' for Fleet Lieut,-Com. (E)—F. E. Lefroy

Duties at Hong Kong.)

.Surg. Comdr. (O)—J. Hamilton, n.B. Lieutenants

and F. 0. Burge

(E)—R. A. H. Bartley

(And for duty at W-H-W)

Paym^ Com.—F. J. Lloyd Capt. R.M.—B. W. Knowles ;

Lieut. R.M.

.Surg. Lieut.-Com. — H. S. Marks, 1 rtstr; Lieu't.-Com.—(Mef) H. L. C. Fraser

lmssa. (And for Dockyard duties) L. E. Pen-'

(And for Dockyard duties.) dal. b.s!c.

Paym; Lieut.-—S. A. B. Morant Captain—Rev. H. W. Brierley, m.a.

Cd. Gunner—F. J. Woodward Paym. dom.—E. A. Jolley, o.b.e.

Paym. Lieiit.-Com.—F.

•Cd. Shipwright—J. E. Warne (And Surg. Lieut.-Com. — J. A. Cusack, A. Haines

for Dockyard dutiesl) M.B., B.S.

Wt. M.A.A.—W. Lee (Mail Officer.) Surg.

The following Officers are borne as i C.S., Lieut,.—R.


M Kirkwood, m.r.

additional: — Sub-Lieut;—R. C. Beckwith

For Miscellaneous Services. Sub-Lieuts. (E)—P. F. Hoddinott, W.

Lieut.-Com:—G. M. Crockett (Provost T. Barnard

Marshal), R. H. D. Lane (For duty Cd. Gunners—G. L. Smith, H. F.,

with Petty Officers’ Courses) T. S. Sorutton

Borkh (In charge of D.S.E.A. Gunners—(T, W. Grant, D. Turner

Training and as Anti-Piracy Officer Wt. Shipwright—F. J. Horn (act.)

and for duty with the Hong Kong Wt. Engs.—H. J. Tucker; T. F. Brb-

Naval Defence Forde) • wel!


Wt. Fleet—A. V. Wright (act,) Lieut.-Comdrs.—(G) W. GL B. Mac-

Schoolmaster, C.W.O.—C. F. Wil- kenzie, D. M. L. Neame, D. Tod

(N) G. Cobb, (O) E. R, S. Jacksonr

liamson, R.a.c.

Midshipmen—C. St.- G. Cameron, J. Lieutenants— (A / S) -S. A. Cuthbert,;

V. Brothers, T. H. Waterhouse, R. (T) N. A. Copeman, W. H. Har-

rington (RAN), (P) Y. D. Gask, A.

J. Clutterbuek, D. P. Willian, F.

W. Ponsonby, G. F. Russell, R. H. H. T. Johns

J ourdain Comdr. .(E)—A. W. Chsholm-Balten,

Paym. Mid.—H. E. Pinchin Hon. D. C. Maxwell

Paym. Cadets—W. S. A. Lucas, G. Lieut.-Comdr.


(E)—(I Fr Sp) H. F..

P. Bewley Lieutenants (E)—J. W. Esmonde, G.


2nd April, 1935 at Plymouth on Webster, K. H. Bloomer, R. Winter-


Capt. R.M.—C. R. L. Scott

Minelayer “ADVENTURE’' Lieut. R.M.—P. H. W. Ford

6,740 Tons. S.H.P. 40,000. Chaplain—Rev. H. Gbulding, m.a.

Guns—4-4.7 inch, 4-3 pr. Instr. Lieut. Comdr.—W. T. Wad-

dington, b.sc,

Chifia Surg.-Comdr. — G. S. Rutherford,

Captain—W. H. Gell, n.s.d'. L.R.C.P. & S.

Commander—W. Oi Scrymgeour-Wed- Paym. Comdr.—R. H. Kitchen

Paym. Lieut.-Commander—N. L. B...

derburn, d.s.o. Porker

Lieut.-Coms.—(T) E. R. Wilson, (N) Surg.-Lieut.—D. P. Gurd, m.b., ‘ch.b,

J. R. F. Newnham, J. E. Fenton

Lieuts.—(G) P. L. Collard, H. .W. Surg.-Lieut.


(D)—F. J. Goldsworthy^

Parkinson, J. C. B. Boucher Sub-Lieut. —A. R. E. Evans

Commander (E)—A. D. Bonny Paym. Sub-Lieut.—J. P. Parker

Lieutenants (E)—B. R. Faunthorpe Sub.-Lieut. (E)--N. P. Draper

L. B. Curgenven, C. A. Yorke Cd. Gunners—(T) 1. E. Roberts, H..

Lieut. R. M.—R. G. Parks-Smith Greenslade

Paym.-Com.—F. W. Wedgwood Schoolmaster—A. Chown (CWO)

Surg.-Lieut.-Com.—M. A. Gi’aham- Gunner—A. C. Varlow (for D. F..

Yooll, M.B., ch.b.

Paym.-Lieut.—M. D. Ho-vell-Davies, Wt.duties)

Shipwright—W. A Price

Sub.-Lieut.—A. F. Paterson. Wt. Engineers—R. A. Spencer and

Sub-Lieut. (E)—J. E. Ackery A. C. A. Johnson

Schoolmaster C. W. Q. — W. G. N. Wt. Elect.—S. W. Turner


Guimers—(Tj S, ,W. Darraqott, G. J. Midshipmen — P. K. Horsey, J. C.

Comer, N. C. Giles,, M. V. Stordy,

Mitchell, (T) E. G.

Wt. Eng.—J. J. Hammond Warren' M. A. Hermans, A. H. Rowlandson^.

Wt. Shipwright—W. E. Helyer J. F. D. Bush, N. A. E. P. Acheson,.

Wt. Supply Offr.—G. B. Jess E. G. K. Biemneo, G. R. Moore

Re-;CQinmissioned at Devonport on Paym. Midshipman—R. N. D. Porter

Re-commissioned at Devonport on

28th December, 1933. December 19, 1833

Cruiser “CORNWALL” Cruiser “BERWICK”.

9,750 Tons. S.H.P. 80,000. 9,750 Tons. S.H.P. 80,000.

Guns—8-8' inch, 1-4 inch A.A., 4-3 pr; Guns—8-8 inch, 4-4 inch A.A., 4-3 pr.

5th Cruiser Squadron 5th Cruiser Squadron.

China China.

Captain—H. C. Phillips Captain—E. R. Bent, n.s.q.

Commander—R, B. Willnot-Sitwell Commander—D. P. Gather


Lieut.-Cornelrs.—P. A. Berry, E. P. H. Lieutenants—(O) F. D. Howie, (G)

Pinckney, (O) J. D. H. Manly, (G) E.Phillimore,

H. F. Moultrie* (O) R. A. B.

(0) S. T. C. Harrison,

R. A. Currie

Lieutenants—(T) R. F. Harland, (N) F.(O)Hodgson, (O) J. G. B. Stratton,

Richard C. Lewis, (P) G. B. King- more,A.;(0)J. R.P. Plugge, D. E. Lang-

C. Sewell, C. H. E.

don, J. L. Woollcombe, P. C. Hop- Osmaston .Acting Observer), C. T.

kins, R, I. Alexander-Sinclair,, J. B. Tibbits

A. C. Henley Eng.-Com.—G. L. McLennan

Eng.-Com.—S. G. West, n.s.c.

Lieut.-Cora. (E)—H. C. G. Griffin Lieutenants CE)—W. E. B. Lane, T.

Lieutenants- (E)—A. E. Turner, J. H. G G. Smardon, G. A. O. Andrews,

Nimmins M. W. Tracy

Capt. R. M.—C. H. Q. Masters . Capt. R.M.—B. G. B. Mitchell

Lieut. R. M.—J. R. C. Browne Lieut. R.M. F. F. Clark

Chaplain—Rev. P. R. Harvey, c.a.

Tempy. Instr.-Lieut.—E. R. Dawson, Captain—Rev.


0. S. F. O. O'Dwyer,

B. A. Paym. Com.—K. M. Lawder, o.b.e.

Paym.-Com.—H. G. Williams

Surg.-Lieut.-Com. — E. V. Barnes, Surg. Lieut.-Com.—G.

b.ch., D.P.H. A. Miller, m.b.,

JI.U.O.S., L.R.C.P. Paym. Lieut.-Com.—E. R. F. Hok

Paym. Lieut.-Com.—I. T. Rees

Surg.-Lieut.—D. A. Hovenden, M.R.c. Surg. Lieut.—Si G. French, o.b., b.s.,

M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. 7

s., L.R.C.P Paym. Lieut.—A. W . Richards

;Sub-Lieut. (E)—R. Andrewes Cd. Gunners—E. E. Grashoft, (T) H.

Paym. Sub-Lieut.—R. W. Bell H. A. Wilson

Cd. Gunner—J. Steele, G. P. Morris, Schoolmaster (C W.O.)—M. J. Cum-

(T) E. F. Pillar mins, B.S.C.

Schoolmaster C. W. O.—V. G. Night- Gunner—R. R. F. Liddell (For D.F.

ingall Duties)

Gunner—H. Davies Boatswain—F. E. Moreton

(For D. F. Duties.) Sig. Boatswain—H. J. Harrison

Wt. Eng.—Y. H. G. Daw Wt. Teleg.—T. M. L. Cruze

Wt. Mech.—G. Kinchin Wt. Shipwright—J. J. Grose (act.) ■

Wt. Elect.—F. G. Harvey Wt.T Engs.—S. H. Young, G. Mitchell

Wt. Shipwright—J. A. Stephens (act) W t. Supply Offr.-H. C. Day

Midshipmen—E. A. S. Bailey, J. Fleet Air Arm

Wood, J. A. H. Hamer, D. A. S. H eadquarters

AY right, R. H. Mr Hancock, J. R.

David, K. J. Dorrell, G. C. Crowley Wing Com. R.A.F.—L. C. Keeble

Paym. Mid.—G. S. Bucknall Flight Lieuts. R.A.F.—M. C. Dick,

Paym. Cadet—G. R. Muir C. N. Scott, (Stores Branch), C. H.

Re-commissioned on 30th Oct., 1934. Johnson, D. P. Lascelles

Fighter Squadron 803

Aircraft Carrier “HERMES” LieUt.-Com.—(P) C. W. Byas

10,850 Toil's,' S.H.P. 40,000 {Squadron Commander)

Guns—6-5.5 inch. 3-4 inch A.A., 4-3 pr. Lieutenants- (P) P. H. Havers,. (P)

China W. P. Lusy

Captain—The Hon. G. Fraser, d.s.o. Flying Officers R.A.F.—F. S. Gard-

ner, R S. Ryan

Commander—The Hon. E. Pleydell- Pilot Officer R.A.F.—G. A. V. Kny-


Lieut.-Coms.—(N) G. K. Whitmy- vett S/R. Squadron 824

Smith, (O) J. D. Harvey, r (O)

(Met) A. B. Usher, R. W . J. Squadn. Ldr. R.A.F.-AV. A. K. Dal

Pringle-Ni chol son zell


{Squad'ron Commander) Paym. Lieutenant—-J. W. F. Gwil

Lieutenants. —(P)(P)R. J A.D Kilr'oy,

M. Johnstone, (P) Cd.liamGunner—S. C. Kennall

Hayes, (P)

1. R. Sure I, (P) L. C. B. Ashhurne. Cd. Shipwright—T; E; Mutch

Fit. Lieut. R.A.F.—-H :H Leech Cd. Writer--C. J W. Enwright

Pilot Officers R.A.F.—A. j. D. Hard- Gunners- -(T). C. Q. Horrell and (T)

ing, C. T. Weii'. I. A. Scott W. B. Savage

Boatswain—A. T. Board

Flotilla Leader “ BRUCE ” Wt. Telegraphist—L. A. Howes

Wt, Electrician—D. A. Nunn

Wt, Engineers—E. Tickle, R, Robin-

1,530 Tons,: S.H.P. 40,000 son and J. W. Heavyside

Guns—’5-4.7 inch Schoolmaster—E. Reid B.s.c. (and

4th S/M Flotilla for Flotilla duties)

Wt. Supply Officer—W. E. Mingay

China Paym. Mid.—M. K. Orerend

Commander—H. P. K. Oram Foe Submarines

Lieutenants—T. A. Pack-Beresford, Lieut.-Comds.—J. E. Bicome and J-

(N) J. Cochrane, A. E. Doran W McCoy

Eng.-Lient.—I. C. Howden Wt. Eng. - C. E. A. Malt

Gunner—E. A. Harris Commis,sioned a fc Barrow-in-E u rnees.


April at Hong

2, 1934. (Accophts carriedKong

out 3rd July, 1929.

in “Medway.”)

Submarine “ ODIN ”

-Silbaiarine Depot Ship “ MEDWAY ”

15,000 Tons (estimated). S.H.P. 8,«06 1,475 Tons. S.H.P. 4,400.

Guns—2-4 inch, 4^4 inch A.A., 4-3 pr. Guns—1-4 inch

4th S/M. Flotillai 4th S/M Flotilla

China China

Lieut.-Comm'ander—H. V. King

Captain—C. G. B. Coltart :(ahd as Lieutenants

Captain (S) IV S/M Flotilla) ~ D. A. Frasep and M. R.

Commander—T. L. Beevor ; : G. Wingfield

Lieut.-Comdrs.—(N) K. W. Kirby, Sub-Lieut.—J. N. G. Grace

(G) A. W. Gush, (A/S) and H. W. Wt,UomnnssionedEngineer—T. G. Nicholas

at Chatiiam on 8th

S. Browning (Staff Officer, Opera- •July, 1929. Tender to “Medway.”


Lieutenant^-r-Pi. N. .Gorhett, (T) E.

D. Webb' (and ioF Flotilla duties), Submarine OLYMPUS ”

(A/S) E. H. Tilden (and for

Flotilla Duties) (S) A. ; Kenhett

(and for Flotilla dutdes) 1,475 Tons. S.H.P. 4,400

Commander: (E)—R. W. V. Reeyes Guns—1-4 . inch

(and for Flotilla duties) 4th S/M Flotilla

Lieutenants YE)—W: A. Stewart and

E. ,A. Read China

Captain—Rev. W. G. Parker Lient.-Commander—J- A. C. Hill

Surg. Gomdr.—C; G. Newman, m.r. Li^i\jten tant—G. H. Reynolds

C.S., L.R.C.P, Sub-rLieuts. — H. W, j Lougl^boroiigh


Paym. Copidr.—Gj E. L. Hargreaves

Lieut.-Comrhander—P. J. A. and C. S. (Green


Surg. Lieut.—AV. A. Sd Grant, m.b., Wt. .Epgimpjer—L- A.theCreed

:: Commisaipned,at Clyde on. 25th

ph.r. , Sepl^mher, 1929, Tender to “ Med

Surg. Lieut. (D)—J. C. Benson, (L.E>.S. way.” ' •. , '


Cruiser. “CAPETOWN’’. Submarine “ OSWALD ”

4,200 Tons. S.H.P. 40,000.

China. Guns—1-4 inch

Captain—D^-A. Budgen- 4,th S/M Flotilla

Lieut.-Com.—H. G. Scott, (G) G. T. Lieut.-Commander—M. China

Coney T. Collier


Lieutenants—(N) E. M. Penton, R. St. B. S. Watkins B. White and G. C 1

W. D. Thomson, P. A. R. Withers, Sub-Lieut.—R G L. Pennell

J. Hopkinson, M. F. Somerville Wt. Engineer—A'. W. Lane


Spooner (E)—R. L. Jordan, R. S. Tender Commissioned on 1st March, 1929.

Capt. R, M.—R. D. Hale, d.s.m. to “ Medway.”

Paym.-Com.—W. R. C. Steele

Surg. Lieut.-Cohi.—F. Dolan, m.b. Submarine “ OTUS ”

Sub-Lieut. (E)—H. J, P. Crousaz

Paym. Shb-Lieut.—H. S. T. Osborne ‘1,475 Tons,' S.H.P. 4,4d0

Ch. Eng.—E. T. Robinspn Guns—1-4 inch

Schoolmaster C. W. O.—J. H. Blake- 4th S/M Flotilla

ley, M.S.C.

Gunners—(T) J. E. Duffy, A. Raf- LieuLf'Comdr.—G.China B. H. Fawkes

ferty, A. Rosenthal Lieutenants—W. R,. Covenugh-Mam-

(For D. F. duties). wpring

Commissioned on 17th July, 19^4. Wt. Engineer—G. E. Luckett

Sub-Lieut.—A.i F. Collett .

Wt. Kug - W. .1. Blackeby

Submarine “ORPHEUS” ; Commissioned on 5th June, 1929.

Tender to “ Medway.”

1,475 Tons, S.H.P. 4,400. Submarine “ PANDORA ”

Gups—1+4 inch ,

4th' 8/M .Flotilla 1,475 Tons. S.H.P. 4,400,

China : ^ - Guns—1-4 inch

Lieut.-Commfitide r! - R. W. Moir 4th S/M Flotilla

Lieutenants—D. St. Clair Ford,'J. 1 8. China

Hu'ddartyM. R. Bran well Commander—E. R. Gibson

Wt. Engineer—H. P. Kesnick Lieutenauts^R. D.' Cayley, D. A. B.

Commissioned at Dalmuir on 2nd Abdy and, J. B. J. D. Butter

April, 1930. Tender to “ Medway.” Wt. Eng.—A. L. Giordan

Commissioned at Barrow, 23rd May,

1930. Tendefuto “Medwayi”

Submarine “ OSIRIS ”

§uEmarine ' “ PARTHIAN ’'i

1,475 Tons- S.H.P. 4,400

.Guns -1-4 inch .1,475 Tops. S.H.P. 4,400

4th S/M Flotilla Guns—1-4 inch

4th S/M Flotilla

; China

Lieut..-Conidr.—H. . C. ;CumberbRtc}i

. | ' - ■' China 1'

Lieut.-CommaUddr—E. P. A. Brooks

Lieuts.—J. A. S. Wise, M. A. Lofng- Lieutenants—‘R.

ley and -J . F. R, Crews . J‘; Burch, H. Chap-

Lieutenant; J^^D. H. Acheson man and W. 'Nr(JR. Knox

Commissioned on 13th December, Lieutenant (E)-jS. )W..; UuRm-lull,

Gpmm issiqnedi'at fChatham, 6th Oc-

1929. Tender to “Medway ” tober, 1930. Tender to “Medway,”


SuBMAraxE “ PERSEUS ” Wt. Eng.—G. A. Bowen

Commissioned at Barrow-in-Fur-

1,475 Tons; S.H.P. 4,400. ness, 1st November, 1930., Tender to

Guns—1-4 itich. “ Medway.”

4th S/M Flotilla


Lieut. -Conn i landers.— W. E. Banks Submarine “ROVER”

and T. T. Euman

Lieuts.—W. H. I. Bowater and E- 1,475 Tons, f S.H.P. 4,400 ;

F. P. Cooper Guns—1-4 inch.

Commissioned at Barrow

March, 1933. Tender to “ Medway.” on 8th

4th Submarine

1 Flotilla


Submarine “ PHOENIX ” Lieut.-Com.—E. A. Stocker

Lieutenants—V. J. H. Van der By],

1,475 Tons. S.H.P. 4,400. G. V. Prowse and K. J. Harper

Guns^—1-4 inch Wt. Eng.—H. Griffiths

4th S/M Flotilla Commissioned on 13th December, 1930.

China Tender to “ Medway.”

Lieut.-Commander—L. L. B. Myers

Lieutenant—J. L. Moore

Sub-Lt.—J. S. Wraith and A. A. Submarine “PROTEUS,”


Wt. Engineer—E. P. Birkett


November, at1930.Birkenhead

Tender onto 1,475 Tons. S.H.P. 4,400.

Guns—1-4 inch

“ Medway.” 4th S'/M Flotilla

Submarine “REGENT” China

Commander—R. G. B. Hayter

1,475 Tons. S.H.P. 4,400 Lieutenants—L. P. Moore and R. E.

Guns—1-4 inch. Campbell

4th S/M Flotilla Sub-Lieut.—R. E. Colfart

China Wt. Engineer—R. D. Glenn

Lieut.-Com.—H. R. Conway Commissioned at Barrow on 28th

Lieutenants--H. F. Bone and D. K. April, 1930. Tender,to “Medway.”


•Sub-Lieut.—C. H. S. Wise

Lieutenant 'E)—E. Mill Submarine “RAINBOW”


mess, 20th September,at 1930.


Tender to

Merway.” 1,475 Tons

Guns—1-4 inch

Submarine ‘ REGULUS” 4th S/M Flotilla


1,475 Tons. S.H.P. 4,400 Lieut.-Commander—J. E. Broome

Guns—1-4 inch. Lieutenants—A. C. C. Miers, H.

4th S/M Flotilla Winter

China Lieutenant

Lieut.-Com.--R. C. S. Garwood

Lieutenants—R. M. T. Peacock, E. A. Sub. Lt.—H. S. Meckenzie

Commissioned at Chatham, 27th

Woodward and J. L. Livesey October, 1931.


Floxilu Leader “DUNCAN’’ Lieut.—J. L. E. McClintock

Lieut.-Comdr. (E)—V. St. , C. L.

1,400 Tons. I.H.P. 36,000 Magniac, E. Verige


Guns—4-4.7 inch, 1-3 inch A.A. Gunner—(T) W. J. Cook

8th. Flotilla

China Destroyer “DELIGHT”

Captain—R. S. Benson (Captain (D),

8th Flotilla)

Lieut.-Comdr.—(A/S) B. E. Kendall 1,375 Tons. S.H.P. 36,000

(G) T. L. Bratt Guns-^4-4.7 inch., 1-3 inch. A.A.

Lieut.—(T) V. D’A. Donaldson 8th Flotilla

Surg. Lieut.-Comdr.—A. L. Moorby,

M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.

Surg. Lieut. Comdr.—A. J. Burden, Commander—R. China M. Ellis

m.b. boh. Lieut.-Comdr. (E)—G. F. Blyth

Paym. Lieut.-Comdr. —J. S. Lancaster Lieutenants—P. A. Roche, J. H.

(Secretary to Captain (D) Wallace

Cd. Sig. Boatswain—H. J. Peters Sub-Lieut.—P. E. O’Brien

(for Flotilla duties)

Cd. Telegraphist—A. Williams, d.s.m.

Gunner—G. Martin (for D. F. duties) Destroyer “DARING”

Schoolmaster -B. Clark, m.so.

Lieut.-Comdr.—G. M. Pares

Lieut.-Comdr.—A. St. Clair Ford 1,375 Tons. S.H.P. 36,000

Lieut.-Comdr.—(N) H. C. R. Alexan- Guns—4-4.7 inch., 1-3 iuph. A.A.

der (and for Flotilla duties) 8th Flotilla

Lieut.—A. Davies China

Ens. Comdr.—F. E. Yeates (and for j

Flotilla duties) Commander—G. Barnard

Sub-Lieut.—C. S. Bottersby Lieutenants—I). B. Wyburd, J. H,

Gunner—(T) J. R. Smith Crawford

Wt. Engineer—W T. Allen Lieut, (E)—J. K. McA. Tod

Sub-Lieut.-/A. G. Leatham

Destroyer “DUCHESS” Gunner (T)—A. R. McDowall

1,375 Tons. H.P. 36,000 YANGTSE FLOTILLA

Guns—4-4.7 inch., 1-3 inch A.A.

8th Flotilla River Gunboat “BEE”


Lieut.-Commander—A. B. Russell 625 Toils. I.H.P. 2,000.

Lieutenants—J. H. Swain, C. F. S'-

Robinson Guns—1^3 inch. A.A., .2-3. pr.

Lieut.-Comdr. '(E)—J. B. Newsom China.

Sub-Lieutenant—H. E. Jackson Rear-Admiral—L. C. E. Crabbe, o.b.,-

Gunner—(T) B. E. Chitty c.i.e., d.s.o. (Rear-Admiral and

Senior Naval Officer, Yangtse.)

Destroyer “DIAMOND” Admiral’s Secy.—Paym.-Comdr. J. A..

Millet ■ ■

1,375 Tons. S.H.P. 36,000 Flag Lieut.-B. D. Gallic (And for

Guns—4-4;7 inch., 1-3 inch. A.A. Staff and Intelligence Duties.)

8th Flotilla For duty in Admiral’s Office.

China Paym. Lieut.—F. L. Coleman, A. D.


Lieut.-Commander—N. L. Dwane Flag Captain—C. E. Hotham, n.s.c.

Lieut.-Commander—E. G. Le Geyt (And as Chief ' Staff Officer)


Lieut.-Com.—E. H. Torbock1 1 Surg. Lieut.—G. H. G. feduthwell-

Lieutenamt—Cr. A. Catline Sander, m.b., b.cit., m.r.c.s., l.r.c.p.,

Commander (E)—J. G. d.p.h.i ; ;’i ,H..i 'Ui/:.

(And for duty at Shanghai) Commissioned, at 29th

Surg.-Lieut.—C. H. ‘ Egan, mrCs,’ January,11)927 ;.

lrcp (Accounts carried out by Flotilla

Paym.-Com. —C. A. Bowen (Resident Accountant Officer, Hankow.)

Naval Officer, Shanghai). H. J.

Kirkby (Flotilla -Aecountant Offi-

cer, Hatikow) River GuNboAi “CRLCKET’)’. .

Paym.rLieu't.-Com.—E.1 R. F. Hok

(Assist, to Flotilla Acboltnta.nt Offi-

cer) 625 Tohs,' I.H.P. 2,000.

Commissioned on t^th March, 1916 Guns--2-6 inch. 1-3 inch.1 A.A; 1

China ..

River OrxiiOA'r, ‘’‘COCKCHAFER” Rftcomaaissioned 5th March, 1925

(Accounts carried out by Flotilla '

625 Tons. I.H.P. 2^000.: Accountant Officer, Hankow)

Guns—2-6 inch., 1-3 inch. A.A. River Gunboat ‘•FALCON”

China. ,. ,.,

Commander—J. T. Borrett, o.b.e. 372 TcfiSsi LH.P. 2)250

Lieutenant—D. E. Cox

Surg.-Lieut.—P. H.'Stone, m.b., ch,b. Guns—-03.7 : inch'^

Re-commissioned at the Nove, 6th China

January. 1920. Lieut.-Com.—D. B. Colfey

Borne in ‘Bee. ’ Lieutenant—F. H. Manfeell:

(Accounts carried out by Flotilla Surg.-Lieut, —T. F. Miles,' mrgs, ehcp

Commiissibned at 'Shahghai on'

Accountant Officer, Hankow.)' 30th Septembei, 1931 ,

River Gunboat : “GANNET” ' ' (Accounts carried' out by Flotilla

Accountant Officer, Hankow)

310 Tons; I.H.P. 2,250 River Gunboat “GNAT”

Guns—2-3 .inch. A.A. 1

China. 625' Tons: I.H.P. 2,0ff0

Commander—A. D. B. James Guns—2-6 inhhi 1-3 ttrch A.A.

Lieutenant—R. J. Hanson

Surg. Lieut.—C. J. Muljen, m.b., Lieut.-Com^—H, China


Commissioned at Hotig Kong on Lieutenant—E. W.W. Briggs


6th Maruh, 1928. Commissioned at j Abadan, on

(Accounts carried by Flotilla 24th April, 1916

Accountant Officey, Hankow.) (Accounts carried out by. Flotilla

Accountant Officer, Hankow)

River Gunboat “APHIS” River Gunboat ^‘LADYBIRD”

625 Tons. I.H.P; 2,000. 625 Tons: I.H.P. 2,000

Guns—2-6 inch., 1-3 liich,. .A;A., Guns—2-6 inch, 1-3 inch A.A.

China. China

Lieut.-Com.—R. H. S; Rodger Lieut.-Com.—P. J. Oliver

Lieutenant—Viscount Kelburn Lieutenant—E. J. Lee


SurgJ .Lie^t,- -W. A. ?Ryan, ;m.b., Bch. River Gunboat “SCARAB”

Oommissioned at. Malta

, on 29th January, .1927 62$ Tons. I.H.P, 2,000

(Accounts' carried out by Flotilla Guns -2-6 inch, 1-3 inch A-A.

Accountant Officer, Hankow) ■ China

Lieut.-Com.—W. Cf Bushell

Lieutenant—E. S. Lipscomb

River Gunboat “MANTIS” Re-commissioned 6th December, 1915

(Accounts carried

Accountant out Hankow)

Officer, by Flotilla.

625 Tons.

, I.H.P. 2,000

Gun-..-r2-'6 |ncit„ 1-b inch A.A. River GunboAt “TERN” '

China , ;

Lieut.-Cani.-’-R- C. Allen 262 Tons. S.H.P. 1.370

Lieutenant—V. D. Ravensoroft Guns—2-3 inch H.A.

Surg. Lieut.—D. D. Steele-Perkins, • !' .China

l.r.c.p. & S,, Lieut.-Com.—E. G. Welchman

Completed to full" crew on Lieutenant—J. V, Waterhouse

0th July, 1925 Surg. Lieut.—C. V. Harries. mrcs„


Accountantcarried out Hankow)

Officer, by Flotilla lrcp, LDS.

Commissioned :21st November, 1927

(Accounts carried out by Flotilla

Accountant Officer^ Hankow)

River Gunboat “PETEREL”

Destroyer “DAINTY”

310 Tons. S.H.P. 2,250 1,375 Tons. , S.H.P. 36,000

Guns—2-3 inch H.A. Guns—4-4.7 inch, L3 inch A. A.

China 8th Flotilla

Lieut.-Com.—F. W. G. Harker China

Lieutenant—T. J. G. Marchant Commander—R. S. Lovatt

Surg.-Lieut.—J. G. Ml Nisbett, B.ch. Lieutenants—P. A. Cartwright, J. E.

Commissioned at Hong Kong on B. Smith

30th November, 1927 Lieut.-Comdr. (E)—E. F. H. Lawson

, (Accounts

Accountantcarried by Flotilla Sub-Lt.—G.

out Hankow)


E. C. T. Baines

Gunner-(T) M. W. L. Goldfinch

Destroyer “DECOY”

River (j'unboat “SANDPIPER”

1,375 Tons. S.ILP. 36,000

185 Tons. H P. 600 GUjUs—t4-4.7 inch, 1-3 inch; A.A.

Guns-^-l-S.? inch, 1-6 pr. 8th Flotilla

China China

Lieut.-Com.—R. E. Butler Commander—A. F. de Solas.

Lieutenant—A. A. W. Pollard Lieutenants—A. C. Behague, (A/S)

Commissioned at Shanghai P. W. Burnett (And for (A/S) du-

bn 30th August, 1933 ties Flotilla), J. W. Rylands, J. B.


(Accounts carried out Hankow)

by Flotilla Lieut.-Comdr. (E)—M. R. Marshall

Accountant Officer, Gunner—(T) J. Melvin



1,375 Tons. S.H.P. 36,000 River Gunboat “TARANTULA”

Guns—4-4.7 inch, 1-3 inch AA.

8th Flotilla 625 Tons. I.H.P. 2,000

China Guns—1-6 inch, 1-3 inch A.A., 2-3 pr.

Lieut.-Commander — E. P. Hinton, China

M.V.O. Captain—A. R, Halfhide officer).

West River)

Lieutenants—J. Mowlam; L. E. Wood- Lieutenants—D. E. Holland-Martin

house, P. Bekenn and W. D. R. Morrison

Lieut, (E)—G. G. Webley Surg.-Lieut.-Comdr.—H. L. Belcher,

Gunner—(T) T. C. Jones M-R.C.S.. L.r.C.p.

Commissioned 1st June, 1916 (Ac-

counts carried out in “ Tamar.”)

Destroyer “DIANA” River Gunboat “ CICALA ”

1,375 Tons. S.H.P. 36,000 625 Tons. I.H.P. 2,000.

Guns—4-4.7 inch, 1-3 inch A.A. Guns—2-6 inch, 1-3 inch A.A.

8th Flotilla China

China Lieut.-Commander—E. R. Conder

Lieut.-Com.—W. H. Selby Lieutenant—E. G. P. B. Knapton

Lieutenants—R, W. Wicks, J. A. Ste- Surg.-Lieutenant—J. G. V. Smith,



Lieutenant (E)—W. C. G. Keats Re-commissioned 8th June, 1923.

Sub-Lieut.—W. F. B. Webb (Accounts carried out in “ Tamar.”)

Gunner—(T) H. R, Neal

River Gunboat “MOTH”

Surveying Vessel “ HERALD ” 625 Tank I.H.P. 2,000

Guns—2-6 inch, 1-3 inch A.A.

1,650 Tons. I.H.P. 2,500 China

(Displaced by previous national rules.) Lieut.-Com.—J. S. Dalison

Lieutenanti—N. J. Scarlett

Guns—1-3 pr. Surg.-Lieut.—M. H. Adams, mb, sch

China Recommissioned

August, (Accountsat carried

Hong Kong,

out 1st


Captain—E. F. B. Law “Tamar”)

Lieut.-Commander—H. P. Price

Lieutenants—M. B. Thomas (for (N) River Gunboat “ SEAMEW ”

duties in lieu of a Specialist), W.

N. Fetch, J. K L. Dickson, R. T.

Tripp, R. H. Connell 262 Tons. S.H.P. 1,370

Paym. Lieut.-Comdr.—K. U. White Guns—2-3 inch A.A.

Surg.-Lieut.—G. A. Lawson, m.b.,ch.b. China

Boatswain—C J. Lake Lieut.-Commandex—W. T. W. Curtis

Wt. Engr.—B. J. Pilkington Lieutenant—E. J. O’Sheo


28th November, 1933at Singapore on Commissioned 1st April, 1928. (Ac-

counts carried but in “ Tamar.”)


River Gunboat “ROBIN” Patrol Sloop “GRIMSBY

226 Tons (estimated). H.P. 800 990 Tops. H.P. 2,000

Guns—2-4.7 inch, 1-3sinch, 4-3 pr.

Guns—1-3.7 inch, 1-6 pr. China

China Commander- N. Y. Grace

Lieut.-Com.—A. St. Donald Lieutenants—P. Somerville, (N) R.

Lieutenant—O. S. Boothby G. W. Hare

(Accounts carried out in Tamar. ; lrcs, lds, rcs B. Taylor, lrcp,


Commissioned at Hong Kong on 23rd Sub-Lieut.—H. N. Custance

July, 1934 Gunner—W. W. Banham

Wt. Eng.—W. Smith

Commissioned at Devonport

on 15th May, 1934

Patrol Sloop ‘ LOWESTOFT”

990 Tons. HP. 2,000 Patrol Sloop “FOLKESTONE” ;

Quns—2-4.7 inch, 1-3 inch, 4-3 pr.

China 1,045 Tons. S.H.P. 2,000

Commander—A. R. M. Bridge Guns—1-4 inch, 1-4 inch A.A., 2-3 pr..


Lieut.-Com.—B. J. de St. Croix Commander (Tempy)—C. W. Green-

Lieutenant—(N) J. B. Brewen in


Surg.-Lieut.—T. F. Davies, l.m.s.s.a. Lieutenant—(N) A. R. ^Kennedy

Sub-Lieut.-N. T. MeHarg Surg.-Lieut.—R. M. Bremner, m.b.,.

Cd. Gunner—F. T. Gribbon CH.B.

Sub-Lieut.—P. B. N. Lewis

Cd. Eng.—F. J. Boyland Gunner—E. Whiteside

Commissioned at Devonport on Wt. Engineer—C- M. Piper

20th November, 1934 Recommissioned at Hong Kongr

2nd April, 1934

I Patrol Sloop “FALMOUTH” Patrol Sloop “SANDWICH”

1,060 Tons. S.H.P. 2,000 1,045 Tons. S.H.P. 2,000

Guns—1-4 inch,- 4-3' pr. Guns—1-4 inch, 1-4 inch A. A.


China Commander—R. E. F. Mac Q. Mac-

^Commander—G. F. N. Bradford kenzie, n.s.c.

^Lieutenants—A. G. Poe, (N) R- H. Lieutenants—(N) H. P. Madden and

H. C. B. Coleridge

Maurice, R. A. Hunting Surg.-Lieut.—J. W. Caswell, m.d.,

| Surg.-Lieut—J. E. Davenport, mrcs, d-p.h

lrcp Sub-Lieut.—E. Ingram

| Cd. Eng.—R. G. Swift Cd. Eng—J. H. Rankine

Gunner—A. G. Samuel Gunner—W. J. Deuchar

Re-commissioned at Singapore on Recommissioned at Hong Kong

18th February, 1935 on 2nd April, 1934


HONG KONG Assistant Naval Store Officers^-C.' D.

Bartlett, Esq., J. A. Riach, Esq.

Commodore in charge of ' N aval Deputy Expense Accounts Officer—H.

C. Tyson, Esq:


Captain C. G. Sedgwick—(Commo- E. R. C.Expense


; Acootiiits Officer—

Moy, Escj.- ,

dore 2nd Class^ . .

Secretary and . Cashier—E. . W. .0- Chaplain—Rfey. F. N'A.

Assistant Cashier—D Munn, Esq.

. (jhaifihfe-rlainL

: : ■ rjj d

Corry ! AKC. TdiHo< O ' .0—

Commander—(N) E. F. Disbrowe (Ami for R.;N. Hmpital.)

(Commander of Dockyard and Surg.-Com;—G.: L. Ritchiej m.c., : m.b.,'

Master Attendant) CH.B.

Lieut.-Com.—(N) M. V. Keogh Surg.-Comdr.—A. C. Shaw, m.d., ch.b.

(Assistant to Commander of Dock- (in charge of R.N. Sick Quarters at

yard and Superintendent of Wei-hai-wei and acts as Medical Gffi-

Chart Depot) ' i cer of Health at Liukungtao)

Cd. Gunner—(T) H. T. Bromidge Deputy

: Naval Store Officer—W. H.

Cel. Boatswain—W. G. Knight Webster (for Wei-hai-wei)

Superintendent and Victualling Store

Chief Gonstiuetidr— Officer—H. F. Proctor

A. W. Watson, Esq., m.b.e. Assistant Victualling Store Officer—

Constructor — I H. C. Lilley

W. 11. WaEond, Ekq. F. E. J. Higgins

Assistant Constructior, 1st Class— Senior Armament Supply Officer—G.

V. W. Hall, Esq: B. McCormick

Deputy Armament Supply Officer—R.

Chief Engineer— P. J. Roffeuty

Eng Capt—R. C; Hugill, M.y:0., Torpedo ■ (E.)

Engr. Officer—Lieiil-Comdr.

A. B. Coventry


First Assistant to Chief Engineer—

Commander (K) G. L. M. Sdltcr

Assistant to Chief Engineer—


(For charge 6f Gun Mountings) HONG KONG

Eng. Com.—H. Moy

Superintending Civil Engineer—

J. F. Ardron, Esq. Surg.-Captain—G. D. G. Fergusson,

Civil Engineer— M.R.C.S., L.R.e.P.

W. A. Laing, Esq., b.s.c., a.m.i.c.e. Surg.-Captain—A.

j L.B.C.P.

T. Rivers, M.R.C.S.,

Assistant Civil Engineer^—

G. W. N. McGowan, Esq:, a.m.i.c.e. ■ m.b.c.s., L.R.c.p. : (andC. asMay,

Surg.-Lieut.-Coin.—R. m.c.,


G. L. Wilson, Esq., a.m.i.c.e. Specialist), R. A. Graff, m.e.c.s.,

Assistant, BurfOyors-^' - l.r.c.p. (and as Mddieal Specialist),

J. Connely, Esq., P. T! Williamfe,. ; (andF. W. Gayford, m.r.q.s., l.r,c.p.

Esq. . • - for special duties)

Superintending ElectriOal Engmeet; ! Brigham, l n.s. (D.)-rW. E. L.


Grade II.—H. Martin, Esq., Miee, Super.' Sister—Miks A. Rklph, a.r.r.c.


Electrical Enginetr—H. P. BlaEke, Cursing Sisters.—Miss G. B. Martin

and Miss M. F‘. M. Trimble

Blake, Esq., amibe ^en. Pharmacist—E. L. H: Shiite'

Naval Store Officer—W. G. Luke, Esq.

Deputy iSlaval Store Offieer—R. Hen- Pharmacist—W. A. ChidiOw

derson, Esqv • ' - •• * Wt. Wardmaster—W. English.


Monitor "TERROR” Paym.-Lieut.-Com.—A. C. Burnett

7,200 Tons. I.H.P. 6,000. Commissioned at Singapore on 1st

I ‘Guns—2-15 inch, S-4 inch, 2-3 inch A.A. September/1931.

Base Ship.

Singapore. SINGAPORE.

Commander—C. B. C Swayne

Lieut.-Com.—C. H. Thomas, E. D. J. Commodore in charge of Naval

Abbott Establishments—

Lieut.—(G) T. E. Rodger . Captain W. P. Mark-Wardlaw, d.s.o.

Lieut.-Com. (E)—A. H. C. Coe

Captain R. M.—-j. Robinson (Commodore 2nd Class.)

Pa3un. Lieut.-Com.—C. S. Bishop Commander of Dockyard and King’s

Shipwright Lieut.—E. B. Mitchell Harbour Master.

[ Cd. Gunner—W. J. C. B. Couzins,

(T) W. R. Mason Commander—H. D. Yaughan-Hughes

Gunner—W. Nettleship ■ Senior Constructor—O. W. R. Mc-

(For D. F. Duties.) Cammon, Esq., m.b.e.

Boatswain—F. IT. V. Jillard,: C. H. Chief Engineer-Commander—(E) J.

Y. Chapman F. S. Wilson

Wt. Eng.—B. N. Crowe Superintending Civil Engineer — F.

Wt. Writer—F. N. Whiter G. Brighton, Esq., m.i.Q.e.

Commissioned on 12th Sentember, 1933 Civil Engineers—C. F. Armstrong,

"TERROR” IT. Esq., b.s.c., a.m.i.c.e. -(act.), W. A.

(late Steam Launch No. 290) Elmslie, Esq., a.m.i.o.e., J. L. Raitt,

Sinsraoore Naval Base. Esq., B.S.C., A.M.I.C.E.

I Captain—W. P. Marh-Wavdlaw, p.s.o. Esq.,CivilAsst. Engrs.—D. R. Davison,

a.m.i.c.e., R. W. Higginbo-

(Commodbre 2nd Class.) tham, Esq., B.A., A.M.I.C.E., G. V.

(In charge of Naval • Establishment: Kibblewhite, Esq., B.s.p., a.m.i.c.e.,

at Singapore.) J. H. Jellett, Esq., a.m.i.c.e.

Commodore’s Secretary Paym. Com.— Asst. Civil Engineer- H. G. Andrews,

Esq., a.m.i.c.e: 1

i R. W. Moore

Surveyors—P. E. R. Jeff)'ins, Esq:,

Commander—G. R, G, Allen, o.b.e. pasi (act), E. V. Pollington, Esq.,

; (Staff Officer (Operations) and as Asst. pasi (act.)

Naval Attache. Siam.) Surveyors—L. D. S.’ Gardenn-,

Major R. M.—C. R. W. Lamplough, Electrical Esq., pasi., T. Rishworth, Esq., pasi.

D.S.C. Engr.—A. McL. Mooney,

(Staff Officer (1).) Esq., a.c.g.i., a.m.i.e.E.

H. S. L. Ewart Naval Store Gfl&cer-r^L. Road, E&q.

| (Officer in Charge, R.N. Wireless Deputy Ashby,

Naval Store,pfficer—A. J. W.


Stations, Singapoie.) Naval Store Officer-i-D1. R.

\ Burg. Com.—C. E. Greeson, m.d.,ch.b. AssistantPursey, Esq.

* (And as Medical Officer in charge of Deputy Cashier—F. W. Pearson, Esq.

Medical Organisation.)

D. Duncan, oh.b., d.p.h. Deputy Armament Supply’ Officer—G.

(And as Naval Health. Officer.) E. Heathcote, -Esq.

L-Surg. Lt. Com.—W. Greaves, m.b., Assistant Armament Supply Officer —

K. A. Haddacks, Esq, ■

! CH.B.



Butterfield & Swire (John Swire & Sons, Hupeh

Ltd.), agents, Hongkong Fleet Captain—J- Beck

P ^ #

m % Kalgan

ANHUI Captain—C- B. L. Stringer

Captain-J. D. Whyte m ti*

M % Kanchow

Ankino Captain-J. Atkins

Captain—C. P. Miller m %

m * Kaying

Anshun Captain-J. P>. Fraser

Captain-G. A. G, Morse ^ 0*.

W ^ Kiangsu

Changsha Captain—N. Hardie

Captain—R. H. Fairley M

n: m Kiating

Chekiang Captain—D. Brotchie

Captain—J. R- hiisbet 7C H

m & Kingyuan

Chengtu Captain-J. Taylor:

Captain—W. G. King t ®

M. $ Kangtung

Chungking Captain-E. W. Richards

Captain—W. M. Christie

lU # KiungohOw

Fatshan Captain—J. H. Hodjkiss

Captain—A. Cook « *

□ m Kueichow

Hoihow Captain—R. Warren

Captain—W. L. Thomas

S ^ ■« *


Hsin Peking Captain—E. H. Histed

Captain—W. G. Mackenzi M ^

w m Kwangtung

Huichow Captain—D. D. Richards

Captain—E. Williams

^ m Kweiyang

Hunan I Captain —J. W. Jenkins

Captain—J. Bruce


m & Taiyuan

Ltangchow Captain* -W. Shaw

XM plain— W. A. Orwin

m *

Lughow Tatung

Captain--C. Harris Walker Captain- -W. Forrestu

H ^ « fS

Nanchang Tean

Captain--A. N. Taylor Captain- -F. N. Booth

& m


N ANNING Captain- -S. M. Barling

Captain--F. H. Graybrook *>H M

iff ^ Tungchow

Newchwang Captain- -O. Fox

Captain--L. V. Rowe m &

m ^ Wanhsien

Ninghai Captain- -E. Johnson

Captain—-J. M. Hall Wanliu

111 Captain -I. Newton

Shantung ii M


Captain—-R. Allinson Captain -L. Evans


Shasi Wenchow

Captaih—-E. Michel more Captain -A. Winckler

* * ifi «

Shengking Whangpu

Captain- J. Tinson Captain- -P. J. Green

^ m m ^

Shuntien WOOSUNG

Captain—-C. A. Christiansen Captain- -H. Gifford

0 m la St

SlANGTAN Wuchang

Captain-- C. P. Cope Captain- -J. T. Layton

^ m m m


Captain--J. S. G. Brown. Captain- -J. S. Anderson

*n m Wuun

Soochow Captain- -W. L. Shinn

Captain— F. Gibbs

&g ^ Wusueh

SUIYANG Captain -J. G. Smart

Captain- D. Williams m m

m n Yingchow

Sunning Captain- -F. Griffiths


Captain—-R. Umpbeby A ochow

jil ra Captain- -A. F. Summerfield

Szechuen Yunnan

Captain—-W. T. Paul Captain -D. WTlson



Douglas Lapraik & 'Co., General Managers Captain—C. Kumsang, Brit. Str., 5,443 tons

M. Boas

Hatching. Brit. StiC ^lsa tons gross ft *

Captain—O. H. Farrar, o.b.e. Kungwo, Brit. Sttv4,636 tons-

Captain—N. Cook

m Str., m

Haining, Brit. 2104 tons gross £ w

Captain—E. Walker Kutsang,

Captain—D. R. Brit. Str;, 5 847 ton'


d- m ft o

Haiyang, Brit. Str., 2330 tons gross Kutwo, Brit. Str.y,2,665 tons

Captain—W. G. Erwin Captain—A. Woodley'


Company, Limited Kwaisang, Brit. Sti;,, 2,320 tons

Genl. Mgrs.—Jardine. Matheson & Co.. Ld Captain—M. Costello '!

Marine Supt.—Ca.pt. R. W. Bateman, d.s.c. & m

Supt. Engineer—W. Sanderson Leesang, Brit. Str., 1,655 tons

Assits. do. —J. W. Lawson, Captain—C. M;' Cater

Typist—Mrs. L. M. Gopies Remedios ft m

Stores Dept.—G. Hill Loongwo, Brit. Str., 3,923 tons

£ m Captain—F. Rowell

Chaksang, Brit. Str., 2,358 tons £

Captain—W. A. Balcti Mausang, Brit. Str. 3,372 tons

Fausang, £Brit. Str!,4- 2,256 tons Captain—P. Jo^&t t

Captain—S. J, Barden ft ¥

m w, Pingwo, Brit. Str., 2,670 tons

Fooshing, Brit. Str., 2,284 tons Captain—B. E. Bidwell

Captain—R. C. Thompson ft m

itM 953 tons Siangwo, Brit. Str., 2,595 tons-

Fuh-Wo, Brit. Str., Captain—H. T. Pellew


^ ‘M Suisang, Brit. S^r,, ,1,982 tons .

Hangsang, Brit. Str., 2,143 tons Captain—W. J. Lawrence

Captain—R. J. T. Hopkins ft

£ m Stmvo, Brit. Str., 2,265 tons

Hinsang, Brit. Str., 2,930 tons Captain—J. H. Smith

Captain—A. D. Kelman

Hopsang, Brit. Str.. 2,149 tons Tingsang, Brit: Str., 1,650 tons-

Captain—D. S. Pethick Captain—E. L. Merrett

ft fi

Hosang, %Brit. Str.,m5,698 tons Tuckwo, Brit. Str., 3,770 tons

Captain—H. S. Allison

Captain—T. Grant


Kiangwo, Brit. Str., 2,209 tons Tungwo, ftBrit. Str.,|&11,337 tons

Captain—T. Middenway Captain—A. B. Osmond

ft M m h

Kiawo, Brit. Str., 1,312 tons Yatshing, Brit. Str., 2,284 tons

Captain—R. Hughes Captain—L. McRae

ft I* £ m

Hsinchangwo, Brit. Str., 617 tons Yuensang, Brit. Str., 1,982 tons

Captain—G. Lawson Captain—W. Field Hook




C|e Pong pong gailg a§xm

(Established 1S57)



Write for specimens Advertising Manager

and rate card. _11, Ice House Street, Hong Kong.




iassified I

A Good Company


I Sound Protection

Unexcelled Service

Prompt Settlements



(Incorporated in China)



Head Office:


40, Ningpo Eoad

Hong Kong Branch:

6, Queen’s Road Central

Branches & Agencies at most

Important Cities in






(For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sectionsj

Aktiebolaget Area—Gadeliius. & Co., I.'chaft—faoiku

G. Earbenindustrie .Aktepugesells-

Ld. Senryo G.K.

A ktiebolaget Archinmcdes—Qadelius &

Co., Ld. Indian Motorcycle .Go.—Tozai Motors

Aktiebolaget Atlas Diesel—Gadeluis Ltd.

& Co., Ld.

Aktiebolaget Bol inden-Munktel!—Ga- A.B. Karlstads Mek, Verksted—Gade-

delius & Co., Ltd. lius & Co., Ltd. .

Aktiebolaget! Gefh. — Ga^eliiis & Cb.,

Ld. Lister & Co., R. A. (Lister Diesel,En-

Allmanna Ingeuiorsbyran—Gadelius gines)—Tozai Motors, Ld.

& Co., Ld. A.B. Ljungstroms - Angturbin^-Ga.de-

Allmanna, Svenska Elektriska Aktie- lius & Co., Ltd.

bolaget—Gadelius & Co., Ltd. '

American Electric Co., Chicago III., Matchless Motor Cycle Ld., Reditch—

U.S.A. — Automatic ri, Telephones, Tozai Motor Co.

Ltd., of Japan

Automatic Electric Sales Co.,' Ld., Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen—Ahrens

Chicago, 111., U. S. A.—Automatic , & Co., Nachf. H.

Telephones, Ltd., of Japan 'Northern Equipment'Co.—Gadelius,&

Automatic Electric Co., Ltd., Liver- Co., Ld.

pool, England—Automatic Telep-

hones, Ltd., of Japan Patentaktiebolaget Grondat Rumen —

Antomatique Electrique de Belgique, Gadelius & Co., Ltd.

S.A. Antwerp, Belgium—^Automatic Prestwich & Co.. J. A., London (J.

Telephones, Ltd., of Japan A. J. Engine)—Tozai Motors, Ld.

Avesta Steel Works—Gadelius & Co.,

Ltd, A. B. Ruthsaccumulhter—Gadelius &

Co., Ltd.

Burman & Sons .Ld.. Birmingham

(Gear Box)—Tozai Motors, Ld. Sandvik • 'Steel Works, Sandviken—

Directorv and Chronicle of the Far Gadelius & Go., Ltd.

East—Maruzen & Co., Ld. Sanitas, Berlin—Schmidt Shoten

Bchoeller-Bleckman Steel f Works.—

Ekstroms MaskihaffaP—-Gadelius & Schoeller-Bleckman Phoenix

Stickstoff-Syndikat, G.m.b.H.Seiko Co.


Co., Ld. • Fertilizers—Ahrens'& Cp., Nachf H.

A.B. Elektrisk. Malemletning—Gade- Svenska Aktiebolage’t Bromsregulator

lius & Co., Ltd. —Gadelius & Co., Ltd.

Ernst Leitz, Wetzlar—Schmidt Shoten Svenska Diamantbergborrnings Ak-

Eugene F. Phillips Electric Works, tiebolaget—Gadelius & Co., Ltd.

Ltd., Montreal, Canada—Automatic Svenska Turbipfabriks AB.—Gade-

Telephones, Ltd,, of Japan lius & Co., Ltd.




(Tor Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sections)

Amalgamated Anthracite Collieries, Indo-China Line—Owston & Co., Ltd.

Ld.—Owston & Co., Ltd.

Ariel Works, Ld.—Apcar & Co. Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.—

Owston k Co., Ltd.

Britisih-India & Apcar Lines.—Mac- Java-China-Japan Lijn—Wiersum &

kin non, Mackenzie & Co. (Japan), Co., Ltd.


Canadian Transport Co.—Owston & Marine Insurance Co., Ld.—Mac-

Co., Ltd. kinnon, Mackenzie & Co. (Japan),


Day, Son & Hewitt, Ld.—Apcar & Co. Meadows k Co., Thomas—Owston &

Co., Ltd

Eastern & Australian S.S. Co., Ld.— Merchants Fire Assurance Oorpn.

New York.—Mackinnon, of


Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co. (Ja- &, Co. (Japan), Ld.

pan) Ld.

Excelsior Motor Co.—Apcar & Co. Norddeutscher Lloyd—Ahrens & Co,

Federal Insurance Co., Ld.—Mac- Peninsula & Oriental Steam Nav. Oo.

kinnon, Mackenzie & Co. (Japan), —Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co.,

Ld. (Japan), Ld.

Glen & Shire Line, Ld.—Owston &

Co., Ltd. Bhys and Company—Owston k Co-,


Hartford Fire Insurance Co.—Mac-

kinnon, Mackenzie & Co. (Japan), Sea Insurance Co., Ld.—Mackinnon,

Ld. Mackenzie &; Co. (Japan), Ld.

Holland-East Asia Line—Wiersum & Stickstoff-Syndikat G. m. b. H.—Ahren s

Co., Ltd. & Co.

Hongkong Fire Insurance Co.—Owston

Ltd. & Co., Yorkshire Insce. Co.—Stanton & Co.


(For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sections)

Aall & Co., Ltd.'—Niokel & Lyons, Ltd. Dollar Steamship Line — Nickel &

American Mail Line—Nickel & Lyons Ld. Lyons, Ld.

Apcar Lines—Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Eastern and Australian S.S., Co.—

Co., Ld. Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co., Ld.

British-India Steam Nav. Co.—Mac- Etablissemcnts Kuhlmann, Paris

kinnon, Mackenzie & Co., Ld. (France)—Liebermann, Waclchli k


Butterfield & Swire (Japan), Ltd.— Holstein Shipping & Insurance Agencies—

Nickel & Lyons, Ltd. Nickel & Lyons, Ld.

Cornes & Go. (Ben Line)—Nickel & Peninsular k Oriental Steam& Nav, Co. i‘ r

Lyons, Ld. —Mackinnon, Mackenzie Co., Ld.



(For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sections)

Alliance Assurance Co., Ld.—Dod- British India and Apcar Lines.—Mac-

well & Co., Ld. kinnon, Mackenzie & Co., Ld.

Alliance Assurance Co., Ld.—Jar- British Shipowners, Mutual Protecion

dine, Matheson & Co., Ld. and Indemnity Association. Ld.—

American Oriental Line—Dodwell & Nichizui Trading Co., Ld.

Co., Ld. Brotherton & Co., Ld. — Brunner,

| American Steamship Owners’ Mutual Mond & Co. (Japan), Ld

Protection and Indemnity Associa-

tion. Inc.—Nichizui Trading Co., Caledonian Insurance Co.—Dodwell

& Co., Ld.

: Amministfazionne Nissim —» Nichizui Caledonian Insurance Co., Ld.—Mac-

Trading Co. kinnon, Mackenzie Co., Ld.

j Andrew Weir & Co.—Dodwell & Co., Canadian American Shipping Go.,

Ltd. Ld.1—Murase Shoten

| Anglo-Canadian Shipping Co., Ltd. Canadian Transport Co., Ld.—Owston

i; —Murase Shoten & Co.. Ld.

| Anglo-Chinese Eastern TradingA. Co., Canton Insurance Office, Ld.—Jar-

Ltd. of London—Ermenberg, dine, Matheson, & Co., Ld.

| Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co., Ld.— Carlowitz & Co., Ld.—The Standard

* Dodwell & Co., Ld. Braid & Produce: Co.

Antamok Goldfields Mining Co.— Cassel Cyanide Co.—Brunner, Mond

Leonard Birnie & Co. (Japan), Ld.

, Asiatic Steam Navigation Co., Ld., . Castner-Kellner.; Alkali Co.—Brunner,,

London—Nichizui Trading Co., Ld. Mond & Co. (Japan), Ld.

: Assuranceforeningen “Card”—Nishi- Chance & Hunt, Ld.—Brunner, Mond

zui Trading Co., Ld. & Co. (Japan),Co.,Ld.Ine* (New York)

| Assuranceioreningeri “ S'kuld ” — Code Compiling

Nichizui Trading Co., Ld. —A. Ennenborg


Bakau Co.—Dodwell & Co., Ld. . Commercial Union. Assurance (Cq,',

t Bank Line, Ld.—Dodwell Co., Ld. Ld.—Mackinnoh, Mackenzie & Co.,

| Bankers & Traders Insce. Co., Ltd.— Ld.

Owston & Co., Ltd. Compagnie Maritinie .Beige—Nichiztli

1 Barber-Wilhelmsep Line—Dodwell & Trading Co., Ltd.

j Co., Ld. J. Coughtan

'‘Bayer” I’harmacuetical Dept. I.G,. Crown Willamette'’ PaperCo., San

Farbenindustrie A.G., Leverkusen, ; FrancisCp—Lendrum (Japan), Ld.

1 Germany—Bayer Meister Lucius c Dalgliesh Line—Dodwell Co,, Ld. •

Ben Line Steamers Ld.—Cornes & Co, Dampney & Co., Ld.—Dodwell & Co.,'

j Blue Star Line, Ld.—Dodwell & Co., Ld.

Ld. Danish Shipowners, Defence Associa-

Board of Underwriters of New York— tion, Copehha'gOn—Nichizui Trading

Cornes & Co. Co., Ld.

t’ Borax Consolidated, Ld.—Brunner Directory

1 Mond & Co., (Japan), Ld.

Britannia S.S. Insurance Association, East — J L.& Thompson

Chronicle& Co.

of the Far

Ld.—Nichizui Trading Co., Ld. Dodwell-Castle Line—DodwelF & Co.,

British Anti-Fouling Composition & Ld.

Paint Co.—Dodwell & Co-, Ld. East Asiatic Co., Ld.—Dodwell & Co.,

. British Canadian Steamships, Ld.— Ld.

Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Eastern and Australian S.S. Co.,, Ld.

British Dyestuffs Corpn.—Brunner, —Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co., Ld.

Mond Glues

British & Co.& Chemicals Co., Ltd.— Eastern Insurance Co.. Ld.—Jardine,

Brunner, Mond



Ellerman & Bucknall S.S. Co., Ltd.— Marine Insurance Co. (London), Ld.

Nichizui Trading Co., Ltd. —Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co., Ld.

Maritime Insurance Co., Ld.—Mac-

Fearnley & Eger—Nichizui Trading kinnon, Mackenzie & Co., Ld.

Co., Ld. Mercantile Mutual Insce. Co., Ltd.—

Owston & Co., Ltd.

Federal Insurance Co.—Mackinnon, McEwan-Younger,

Mackenzie & Co., Ld. Ld., Edinburgh —

Feldman Rug Co.—Leonard Birnie Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld.

Fylgia Insurance Co., Ld.—Nichizui Mooney


& Co., Ltd., J. R.—Leonard

Trading Co., Ld.

Glen Line, Ld.—Jardine, Matheson & Navigazione Generale Italians—Nichi-

zui Trading Co., Ld.

Co., Ld.

Guardian Assurance Co., Ld.—Jar’ Nederland Royal Mail Line—Java-

China-Japan Lijn N. Y.

dine, Matheson & Co., Ld. New Zealand Insurance Co., Ld. -

Owston &Protection

Haggie. Ld.—(D. H. & G.)—Brunner, Newcastle Co., Ld. and Indemnity

Mond & Co. (Japan), Ld Association—Dodwell & Co., Ld.

Hartford Fire Insurance Co.—Mac- Nobel’s Industries, Ld.—Brunner,

kinnon, Mackenzie & Co., Ld. Mond & Co. (Japan), Ld.

Holland American Line—Java-China- Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen—Ahrens

Japan Liin N. V. & Co.

Holland East Asia Line—Java-China- North of England Protection and

Japan Liin N. V. Indemnity Association—Dodwell &

Holland Oost Azie Lijn—Java-China- Co., Ld.

Japan Lijn

Hong Kong Fire Insurance Co., Ld. Norwegian, Afrika & Australia Line—

Dodwell & Co., Ld.

—Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Norwich Union Fire Insce. Society

I. C. T. (Alkali), Ltd.—Brunner, Mond Ltd.—Owston & Co., Ltd.

& Co., Ltd.

I. C. I. (Fertilizer & Synthetic Pro- Oriental Consolidated Mining Co.—

Leonard Birnie

ducts), (Ltd.—Brunner, Mond & Co.

I. C. I. (General Chemicals) Ltd.— Pacific Mills, Ld., Vancouver, B. C.—

Brunner, Mond & Co., Ltd. Lendrum (Japan), Ld.

Indo-China Steam Navigation Co., Pears,

Ld—Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Ld. Ld. (A. & F.)— Dodwell & Co.,

Internationate Crediet en Handels, Peerless Carbon and Ribbon Co., Ld.

"Rotterdam”—Standard Braid & —Dodwell & Co., Ld.

Produce Co. Peninsular & Oriental Steam Nav-

L X. L. Mining Co.—Leonard Birnie Co.—Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co.,


Liverpool & London & Globe Insce. Perryman

Co., Ltd.—Brunner, Mond & Co. Co. Electric Co.— Elko Shima

Liverpool and London and Globe In- Premier Electric Welding Co.—Brun-

surance Co., Ld.—Nichizui Trading ner, Monel & Co. (Japan), Ld.

Co., Ld.

Lloyd Triestino Trieste — Nichizui Prince Line, Ld.—'Jardine, Matheson

& Co., Ld.

Trading Co., Ld.

Lloyd’s, London—Cornes & Co.

London Salvage Assoc.—Cornes & Co. Queensland Insce. Co , Ltd.—Pwston

London Steamship Owners’ Mutual & Co., Ltd.


zui TradingAssociation.

Co., Ld. Ld.—Nichi- Ralli Brothers—Cornes & Co.

Reckitt & Sons, Ld.^—Brunner, Mond

Magadi Soda Co., Ld. — Brunner, Reliance (Japan),

& Co. Ld.

Marine Insurance Co., Ld.—

Mond & Co. (Japan), Ld. Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld.

Manufacturers Mutual Insurance Ld. Riunione Adriatica de Sicurta—Ni-

—Nichizui Trading Co., Ld. chizui Trading Co.


; Rotterdam Lloyd — Java - China - Japan Transatlantic Steamship Co., Ld.—

Lijn N. V. Nichizui Trading Co.. Ld.


& Co.,& Ltd.

Fargas G. M. K.—Brunner, Mond Triton, Insurance Co., Ld.—Jardine,

I Royal Dutch Indian Airways—Java-’ Matheson & Co., Ld.

China-Japan Lijn N. V.

Royal Dutch Airways—Java-China- Underwood & Co., Ld.

Elliot Fisher Co.—Dodwell

Japan Lijn N. Y.

Royal Insurance Co., Ld.—Jardine, Union Assurance Society, Ld. —Dod-

well & Co., Ld.

Matheson & Co.. Ld. United Carbon Co.—Brunner Mond &

Royal Packet Lijn

China-Japan Navigation

N.Y. Co.—Java- Co., Ltd.

Ruinione Adriatica de Sicurta—Nichi- United Kingdom Mutual Steamship

I zui Trading Co*, Ld. Assurance Association, Ld.—Nichi-

I S, A. Des Usines Destru—Brunner, Mond U.S. zui Trading Co., Ld.

& Co., Ltd. Alkali Export Associatjoti—Brun-

I St. Maurice-Valley Paper Co., Ltd.— ner, Mond & Co. (Japan), Ld.

I Lend rum (Japan), Ltd.

I Sea Insurance Co., Ld.—Mackinnon, W. Weddel & Co., Ltd.—Brunner, Mond

Mackenzie & Co., Ld. & Co., Ltd.

i Seoul Mining Co.—Leonard Birnie

II Standard Insurance Co., Ltd.—Ows- Weir (Andrew) &: Co.—Dodwell & Co.

West of England Steamship Owners'

I ton & Go., Ltd. Protection and . Indemnity Associa-

I Stickstpfl-Syndikat G.m.b.H., Berlin tion, Ld.—Nichizui Trading.Go:, Ld.

—Ahrens & Co., Nachf. H.

jt Thames and Mersey Marine Insurance Yorkshire Insurance Co., Ld.—Dod-

Co., Ld.—Nichizui Trading Co., Ld. well & Co,, Ld.

"Torres Straits Pearlsellers’ Assoc.— Yorkshire Insurance Co., Ld.—Owston

Owston & 'Go., Ltd. & Co., Ld.


(For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sections)

-f Aall & Co., Ltd. (Norwegian Insurance New Zealand Insurance Co . Ltd.—

(illubsj—Nutter & Co. | Nutter & Co.

Accident Insurance Co.—Nutter & Nobel’s Explosives—Nutter & Co.

: Co- -tj North of England Protecting & In-

i Continental Insurance Co. of New York demnity Association—Gutter & Co.


Cotton &;Co.

Control—Nutter k Co. Occidental Insurance Co.—Nutter k Co.

Overseas Assurance Corporation—

I Dollar Steamship Line—Nutter & Co. Nutter & Co.

f Fireman’s Fund Insurance Co.—Nutter Prince Line1—Nutter & Oc.

& Co.

! Glen Line—Nutter & 0o. Steamship Owners Protecting and In-

demnity Association—Nutter & Co.

‘ Home & Fire Marine Insurance Co.— SunCb. Fire Insurance Co.—Nutter &

Nutter & Co.

: .Marine Office of America—Nutter & Thos. Schmidt (German Insurance

’ Co. Bureau)—Nutter k Co.


(For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sections)

American Asiatic S.S. Co.—Tait & Hong Kong Fire Insurance Co., Ld.

Co., Ld. —Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld.

American and Manchurian Line—Jar-

dine, Matheson & Co., Ld. tndo-China Steam Navigation Co.,

American & Oriental Line—Tait & Ld.—Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld.

Co., Ld. Pioneer Line—Carter Ma-


cey Tea and Coffee Co., Inc. Java-China-Japan Lijn—Carter Ma-

cey Tea and Coffee Co., Inc.

Barber-Wilhelmsen Line—Carter Ma- Lloyd’s Agents—Jardine, Matheson &

cey Tea and Coffee Co., Inc. Co., Ltd.

Ben Line Steamers, Ltd—Tait & Co.,

Ltd. Maersk Line—Tait &-Co., Ltd.

Blue Funnel Line of Steamers—Jar-

■dine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Morris Commercial Cars,' Ld.—Tait &

Co., Ld.

Board of Underwriters of New York— Morris Motors, Ld.—Tait & Co , Ld.

Tait & Co., Ld.

Canadian Pacific Steamships, Ld.— North China Insurance Co., Ld.—

Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Tait & Co., Ld.

Canton Insurance Office, Ld.—Jar-

dine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Osaka Shosen Kaisha—Tait & Co.,

Dollar Line—Tait & Co.. Ld. Ld.

Directory and Chronicle

Japan, Malaya, of China,

Philippines, etc. Peninsular & Oriental Steam Nav.

—Elphinstone, S. . Co.—Tait & Co., Ld.

Prince Line—Tait & Co., Ld.

Eastern and Australian S.S. Co., Ltd.

—Tait & Co., Ltd. Royal Mail Steam Packet .Co.—Jar-

El Dia Compania Anonima de Segu- dine, Matheson & Co., Ld.

ros—Tait & Co., Ld.

Ellerman Line—Carter Macey Tea and South British Insoe. Co., Ld.—Tait &

Coffee Co., Inc. Co., Ld.

Glen Line of Steamers — Jardine, Yangtsze Insurance Association, Ld.—

Matheson & Co., Ld. Tait & Co., Ld.



(For Details of Addresses, etc,, of Agents see Preceding Sections)

Blue Funnel Line—Mitsui Bussan Nippon Yusen Kaisha—Mitsui Bussan

Kaisha, Ld. Kaisha, Ld.

Ellerman and Bucknall S.S. Co.— Norddeutscher Lloyd—Mitsui Bussan

Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ld. Kaisha, Ld.

Hamburg-Amerika Ldnie—Mitsui Bus- Taisho Marine and Fire Insurance Co.

san Kaisha, Ld. —Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ld.

.Java-China-Japan Lijn—Brunner, Mond Tokyo Fire Insurance Co.—Osaka Shoseii

& Co. Kaisha

Kinkai Yusen Kaisha—Mitsui Bussan Tokyo Marine and Fire Insurance Co.

Kaisha, Ld. —Mitsu Bussan Kaisha, Ld.



(For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sections)

American Express Co.—Taylor & Co., South British Insurance Co.—Taylor &

W. W. Co., W. W.

American Mail Line—J. H. Morris States Steamship Co.—W. W. Taylor

Dollar Steamship Line—J. H. Morris & Co.

Fox Eiga Kaisha—Taylor & Co , W. W. Underwood Typewriter Co.—Taylor &

Home Insurance Oo.—J. H. Morris Co., W. W.

Messageries Maritimes — Plaisant: Wilkinson, Heywood & Clarke—Taylor

Freres & Co., W. W.



(For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sectionsf

British Traders’ Insurance Co., Ltd.—Pacific Stdrage & Packing1 Cofporadron

Claude Neon Lights. Fed. Inc.—North China Advertising Co.

Directory and Chronicle of the Far East—The French Bookstore .

E. Lee’s General Store—Lukashik & Sons. I

Sun Insurance Office, Ltd.-L. H. Howell


('For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sections)

Ewo Cotton Mills, Ld. — Jardine..

“ Agripta” Brand Strapping and Sealing

Machines—Borrows & Co., Ltd. . Matheson & Co., Ld.

Alliance Assurance Co., Ld.—Jardine,

Far Eastern Insurance Co., Ld.—

Matheson & Oo., Ld.

American Mail Line—Dollar & Co. Whit amore & Co.

(Robert) •L Export,

G. Farbenindustrie A. G.—China

Import and Bank Co.

Bombay-Burmah Trading Corporation, Fatum Accident Insurance Co.—Hol-

Ld.—Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. land China Handels Companie

Borsalino Giuseppe & Fllo.—Carlo- Glen Line—Jardine, Matheson & Co.,.

witz & Co. Ld.

British and Chinese Corporation, Ld.,

Glens Falls Insurance Co. Lee-Fu

Bangkok—Jardine, Matheson & Co., Trading Co. ' .



Canadian Pacific Railway Co.—Jardine, & Co. Linfe — Carlowitz

Matheson & Co., Ltd. Hamburg-Bremen

Canadian Pacific Steamships, Ld.—

Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. —Melchers & Co.Firej Insurance Co.

Holland Assurance Society (1841), Ld.

Canton Insurance Office, Ld.—Jardine,

Matheson & Co., Ld. —Melchers & Co.

Charles Marchant—Jardine, MathesonHolland-East Asia Line—Holland-China

& Co., Ld. Handels Oampagnie.

China Engineers, Ld., The — China Hongkong Fire Insurance Co., Ld.—

Securities Co., Inc. Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld.

Chinese Central Railways, Ld.—Jar-Imperial Assurance Co.—Fairchild &

dine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Co., Ld.


China Neon Lights,Co.Fed. Inc.—North

Adversiting Indo-China Steam Nav. Co., Ld.—

Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.

Dollar S.S. Line—Dollar & Co. (Ro- Java-China-Japan Lijn—Holland-China

bert) Handels Campagnie.


Java Sea and Fire Insurance Co.— Ocean Marine Insurance Co., Ltd.—

| Holland-China Handels Campagnie Anglo-American Export Co.

i Klaveness Line—Whitamore & Co. Palatine Insurance Co., Ltd—Wilson

& Co.

! Maersk Line. Copenhagen—Melchers Peninsular & Oriental Steam Nav. Co.

&■ Co. • " v,!'i ' 1 —Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld.

? McEwan Younger—Jardine, Matheson Sandoz Chemical Works, Basle—Garlo-

& Co., Ld. witz & Co.

Manufacturers Life Insurance Co.— Scottish InsuranceExport


Tibesart, J. A. Anglo-American Co. Inc.—

Mercantile Bank of India, Ld.—Jar- South British Insce. Co., Ltd.—Wil-

dine,, Matheson & Co. son & Co.

I Motor Union Insce. Co.y Ltd.—Mel Soviet Mercantile Fleet—Melchers &

. chers & Co. Oo.

; Netherlands Harbour Works Oo.— land-ChinaInsurance

Standard Co., Ltd.—Hol-

Holland-China Handels Campagnie Sun Fire Insce.Handels Campagnie

Office—Wilson & Co.

I New Zealand Insurance U°., Ld., The Tacoma Oriental ,S.S. Co.-—The Ro-

I —Fairchild & Co., Ld.

New Zealand; Insurance Co.—Tiber- Taku bert Pilot


Co. Matheson &

| sart, J. A. , Co., Ld.

) Nobel’s Explosives Co., Ld.—Jardine, Tampa Inter-Oce'an Steamship Co. ,r

\ Matheson'Co., Ld. Inc.—Whitamore & Co.

5 Norddeutscher Lloyd, Brefnen-—Mel- Thames and Mersey Marine Insurance

| chers & Co.

North China Insce. Co., Ltd.—Wilson Co., Ltd.—Wilson & Co.

| & Co.

1 Northern Assut. Co., Ltd.—Mackenzie Matheson &Distilleries,

White Horse

Co., Ld.


& Co., Ltd.

Norwich JJpion Fire Insurance Society Yangtsze


& Co. Association, Ld,—

' —Wilson & Co.


(For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sections)

American; Asiatic Underwriters— Dodwell-Castle Line—Bryner &: Co.fr

Bryher '& Chip Harbin ■■ Harbin

Dollar Line — Internationale des

American Mail Line-^Bryner & Co.,

Harbin Wagons

Dollar Line—Bryner & Co,, Harbin

EppL Line^; Ltd.—Bryher'A Go., Efar- Glen Line, Ltd.—Bryner & Co,, Har-;


Barber-Wilhelmsen Line—Bryner & bin

Coi, Harbin

Blue Star Line—Bryner & Co.,,Harbin Holland East Asia Line—Bryner &

Co., Harbin

Canadian Pacific Railway Od.—Bryner Java-China-Japan Line—Bryner .&

k Go., Harbin Co., Harbin

•Canadian Pacific Steamships, Ltd..—

Bryner & Co., Harbin P. & O. Steam Navigation Co.v-

Century Insurance Go., Ld,’--Bryner &

Co., Harbin Bryner & Co., Harbin

Cie>.' des Messageries Maritimes-r- 1Wilh. Wilhelmsen Line—Bryner &

Bryner & Co., Harbin ‘ Co., Harbin /•



{For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents set Preceding Sections)

American Asiatic Underwriters—Bry- Dodwell-Castle Line—Bryner & Co.,.

ner & Co., Mukden Mukden

American Mail Line—Bryner & Co., Dollar Line—Bryner & Co., Mukden

Mukden Glen Line, Ltd.—Bryner & Co., Muk-

Bank Line, Ltd.—Bryner & Co., Muk- ! den

den Holland East Asia Line—Bryner &r

Barber-Wilhelmsen Line—Bryner & Co., Mukden

Co., Mukden Java-China-Japan Line—Bryner &

Blue Star Line—Bryner & Co., Muk- Co., Mukden

den SunTrading

Insurance Office., Ltd. — Kiukong

Canadian Pacific Railway Co—Bry- j Co., Mukden

ner & Co., Mukden Tacoma Oriental S.S Co.—Bryner &

Canadian Pacific Steamships, Ltd.— 1 Co., Mukden

Bryner & Co., Mukden

Cie. des Messageries Maritimes—Bry- ! Wilh. Wilhelmsen Line—Bryner &

ner & Co., Mukden Co., Mukden


(For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sections)

American Mail Line, The—Bryner & Kailan Mining Administration—W. H.

Winning & Co.


Bank Line, The—Bryner & Co. Lloyd Triestino Steam Nav. Co.—

Barber-Wilhelmsen Lane—Bryner & Lloyd’s W. H. Winning & Co.

Co. London—W. H. Winning & Co.

Blue Star Line—Bryner & Co. Messagerie Maritime S.S. Co.—

Bryner & Co.

Canadian Pacific Steamships,, Ld.— Ocean Shipping Co., Ltd., Vancouver

Bryner & Co. —Bryner & Co.

The Dollar S.S. Line—Bryner & Co. Peninsular & Oriental Steam Nav. Co.

Dodweli-Castle Line—Bryner & Co. —W. H. Winning & Co.

Glen Line Eastern Agencies, Ld.— Phoenix & Co

Assurance Co., Ld.—Bryner

W. H. Winning & Co.

Holland East Asia Line—Bryner & ning & Co. Co., Ltd.—W. H. Win-

Royal Insurance


Hongkong Fire Insurance Co.— Sun Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. — W. H.

W. H. Winning & Co. WinningEast

& Co.Asiatic Co., Ltd.—W. H.

Indo'-China Steam Swedish

W. H. Winning

Isthmian Lines—W. H. Winning & Co. Wilh. Wilhelmsen Line—Bryner & Oo.


& Co. Line—Wr. H. Winning Yangtsze Insurance Association, Ld.—

W. H. Winning & Co.



(For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sections)

China Fire Insurance Co., Ld.— Phoenix Assurance Co., Ld.—Casey &

Smith & Co., L. H. Co.



k Co.Lights, Fed. Inc.—J. Mc- South British Insurance Go., Ld.—

Casey & Co.

Holland East Asia Line—W. Niggemann Union Assurance Socy.,

& Co. Smith & Co., L. H.

Nippon Yusen Kaisha—W. Niggemann

North British and Mercantile Insurance Vancouver Shipping Co.—W. Niggemann

' Co.—Smith k Co., L. H. k Co.


(For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sections)

Union Insurance Society of Canton— McEwan-Younger, Ld. — Weihaiwei

Smith & Co;, L. H. Import and Export Co.

China Soap Co., Ld.—Fod Wei Co.> Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada—

The Foo Wei Co., The

Gande, Price, Ld.—Weihaiwei Import The Texas Company (China). Ld.--

and Export Co. The Foo Wei Co.

Glen Line—W. Niggemahn & Co.

Imperial Chemical Industries, Ld.— Union Insurance Society of Canton.

Foo Wei Co., The Ld.—Foo Wei Co., The

Kailan Mining Administration—Foo Yao Hua Mechideal Glass Co.—Foo

Wei Co., The Wei Co., The


(Far Details of Addresses, etc., gf -Agents see Preceding Sections)

Claude Patons & Baldwins, Ltd.—J, McMul-


& Co.,Lights,

Ltd. Fed. Incl—J. Mc- lan k Co., Ltd.

Thh’Crnmnercial Union Assurance Co., Sherwin Williams Paints—J. McMul-

Ltd. J: McMullan & Co;, Ltd. lan k Co., Ltd.

TheJ. Manufacturers Life Insce. Co.— Yorkshire Insurance Co., Ltd—J. Mc-

McMullan & Co., Ltd. Mullan k Co., Ltd.


(For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sections)

A. B. Liljchalmens Kabelfabrik—H. J. Atlas

A. Moysey & Co., Ltd. J. Moysey & Co.,

B. Pentaverken—H. sonAssurance

& Co., Ld. Co., Ltd.—Jardine, . Mathe-

Ltd. Atlas Diesel, A. B.—Ekman Foreign

A. B. Separators—Moysey & Co., Ltd. Agencies, Ld., The

Atlas Imperial Engine Co.—American

A/S National Industri^-Hugo Beiss Engineering Corporation

& Co.

Air Tool Mfg. Co.—Hugo Beiss & Co. Backhouse, Ld. (J. H.)—General ac-

Alberta Assurance Co.—Moore & Co., cident, Fire and Life Assurance-

Ltd. Corporation, Ld.

Albertson & Co.—H. Oliveira & Son Banker’s & Trader’s Insurance Co.r

Alkali Export Association (U.S.)— - Ld.—Brook & Co., Ld.

Imperial Chemical Industries Bankers’ and Traders’ Insurance Co.r

Allg. Kunstzijde Unie N.V. Arnhem— Ld. (Marine)^-Jardine, Matheson &r

A. K. U. China Agency Co., Ld.

Alliance Assurance Co., Ld.—Jardine, Barber-Wiihelmsen Line—Dodwell &

Matheson & Co., Ld. Co., Ld.

Alliance (Fire) Assurance Co., Ltd.— Bates Numbering Madiines—DodwelI

Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd. & Co., Ltd.

American Asphalt Paint C.—Fagan & Battle Creek Drugs, Inc.—O. E. Vongehr

Co., Ltd. Fed. Inc.

American Cotton Co-operative Asso- Bauer & Blade—Kota American Drug

ciation—Volkart Brothers’ Agency Co., Inc.

American Gulf-Orient Line—Everett, Bauer


Black—O. American

E. VongehrDrug

Fed. Inc.


Inc. (L.), (Lykes Bros., Bipley S.

S. Co.) Inc.

American La France & Foamite In- Bayers Pharmiac Dept.—China Exp. &

dustries, Ltd.—Dodwell & Co., Ltd. Imp.

American Mail Line—Hollar Co. (The Bell’s, Ld.—Wallem & Co.

Bobert) Bemberg. J. P. — A. R. U. China

American Agency

Drug Co., Inc.

American Paper Exports, Inc.—IT. B. Binks Mfg. Co.—H. Oliveira & Son

Gallop G. E. Bird & Co.—Burrel <& Co., Ltd.

American Pioneer Line—States S.S. CO. Blackhouse, Ltd., J. H.—General Ac-

American Sponge Fed.

— O. E. Vongehr

Inc. Co., Inc. cident, Fire and Life Assurance

Amsterdam Underwriters Associa- Corp., Ltd.

tion—Shanghai Insurance Office Bloch Mfg, & Lumber Co. Ltd.—

An Ping Insurance Co., Ltd.—Brandt & Wheelock & Co., Ltd.

Bodgers, Ltd. Bols Erven Lucas—Dodwell & Co.,

Ariel Motors, (J. S.), Ld.—Imperial Ltd.

Chemical Industries (China), Ld. Bombay-Burmah Trading Corpora-

Arthur & Hinshaw, Ltd.—Imperial tion, Ld.—Jardine, Matheson & Co.,

Chemical Industries (China),, Ld. Ld.

Asea Electric, Ltd.—Moysey & Co., Boots Pure Drug Co,, Ld. — Imperial

Ltd., H. .1. Chemical Industries (China), Ld.

Ashton k Parsons—Dodwell & Co., Borax Consolidated, Ld.—Imperial

Ltd. Chemical Industries (China), Ld.

Asepso Soap—Dodwell & Co., Ltd. “Bosch” Spark Plugs, Horns, etc,—

Nanyang Motor Supply Co,


Brayshaw Jb'umaces—Samuel Osborn

Co., Ltd.Underwriters—Melchers & Co. Pacific Railway

Bremen Canning & Co., Ltd.—Inniss & Rid-

Brevillier & Urban—Kofa American Drug dle, Ltd.

Co., Inc. Canton Insurance Office, Ld. (Marine)

Bristol Co.—American Engineering —Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld.

Corporation Carborundum Co.—H. Oliveira & Son

Bristol Co.—American Engineering Carreras, Ltd. — Inniss & Riddle

Co. (China), Ltd.

British American Assurance Co.— Carter Medicine Co.—Kofa American

Shanghai Insurance Office Drug Co., Inc.

British American Assurance Co.— Castner-Keilner Alkali Co., Ld.—Im-

Toeg, E.F. perial Chemical Industries (China),.

British Belting and Asbestos Co.— Ld.

Dodwell & Co., Ltd Celotex Co., The—Fagan & Co., Ltd.

British Dyestuff Corporation—Imperial Century Insurance Co.—Shanghai In-

Chemical Industries (China), Ld. surance Co.

British Glues and Chemicals, Ld.— Certain-teed

& Co., Ltd.

Products Corpn.—Fagan

Imperial Chemical Industries Chamberlain & Hookham, Ld. — The

(China), Ld. General Electric Co. (of China), Ld.

British Mannessmann Tube Co.—Dod- Chance & Hunt, Ld.—Imperial Che-

well & Co., Ld. mical Industries (China), Ld

British Separators, Ltd.—Dodwell & Charles

Co., Ltd.

British Thomson-Houston Co.—Inniss Chateau MathesonMarchant’s

& Co., Ld. Whisky — Jardine

& Riddle (China), Ltd. Cheese Co.—Dodwell & Co.,


Broder Canning Co., Ltd.—Gibb, Living- Chemische

ston & Co., Ltd. Fabrik

Vongehr Fed. Inc. Steinau — O. E.

J. S. Brooksbank & Co., Ltd.—Cameron ifc China American Trading Corporation—

Co. (China) Ltd., A. General Accident, Fire and Life

Brotherton & Co., Ld.—Imperial Che- Assurance Corporation, Ld.

mical Industries (China), Ld. China An S. S. Co.—Union Steamships


gan & Cd., Ltd. Co.— Fa- Agency

Brunelli, Dott, >G.T.—Lloyd Triestino China Brass & Iron Works, Ltd.—

Zee & Sons, W. Z.

“Buick” Storage Batteries—Nanyang China Finance Corpn. Fed. Inc.—General

Motor Supply Oo.

Bunge, Paul—Kofa American Drug Accident, Corpn., Ld.

Fire & Life Assurance

Co., Inc.

Butterworth & Dickinson, Ltd.—Moy- China General Edison Co., Inc.,

Shanghai—China United Lamp Co.

sey & Co., Ltd.

Buxton Lime Firms Co., Ld.—Im- China Realty Co.—General Accident,.

Fire and Life Assurance Corpora-

perial Chemical Industries (China), tion, Ld.

Ld. China Real Estate Co.—Zee & Sons,.

Cadbury-Fry—Jardine, Matheson Co., W.Z.

Ltd. China Ship- Brokers, Ltd.—Wheelock &

Co., Ltd.

Cadillac, La Salle. Buick, Yauxhall & China

Chevrolet MotorCars—Reliance Motors, Soap Co., Ld.—-Imperial Che-

Fed Inc. mical Industries (China), Ld.

Caldbeck, MacGregor & Co., Ld.— China Spraying Lacquer Supply Co-

General Accident, Fire and Life --China Auto Accessories Co.

Assurance Corporation, Ld. China Transport & Storage Co., Inc.

Caledonian Insurance Co.—Dodwell & —Magill & Co., Ltd., James

Co., Ld. China Underwriters, Ltd.-—Probst,

Caledonian Insurance Co.—Meyerink Hanbury (China), Ltd.

& Co.

California Stucco Products Co.—Fagan & Chinese & British Admiralty Charts—

Dunn &Polish

Co., Walter

Co., Ltd. Chiswick Co. (Overseas), Ld.—

Canadian-American S.S. Co.—Dodwell Imperial Chemical Industries

& Co., Ld. (China), Ld.


Chloride Electrical Storage Co., Ltd. Deutsche Akustik—Kofa American

—Innis & Riddle (China), Ltd. Drug Co., Inc.

Clarke Vigilant Sprinkler Installa- Dewar & Sons, Ltd., John—Hoehnke

tions—Shanghai Waterworks Fit- Frithjof

tings Co., Ltd. Diethelm . & Co., Ld.—General Accid-

Cleveland Pneumatic Tool Co.—Hugo ent, Fire and Life Assurance Cor-

Reiss & Co. poration, Ld.

Cleveland Rock Drill Cq.—Hugo Directory and Chronicle

Japan, Malaya, of China,

etc.—Finance and

.Reiss.>.& Co.. Commerce

Cochran & Co. (Annan), Ld.—General Dodwell-Castle Line—Dbdwell & Co.,

Electric Co. (of China), Ld., The Ld.

Colman, Ld. (J. & J.)—Imperial Che- Doelling, Walter — Kofa American

mical Industries (China), Ld. Drug Co., Inc.

Comacrib Directory of China, The'— Dollar Steamship Links—ESpllar: Co.

Commercial Credit Information

Bureau (Robert)

Comacrib Press, The—Commercial & Donau, Insurance

Allg. Vers.’ A.-G.—Shanghai

Office,& Ld.Co., Ld--1—Oaineron

Credit Information Bureau Dorman, Long

Compagnie des. Produits Chimiques et

Eiectrometallurgiquesr—Hardiviiliers & Du& Pont

Co. (China), Ld., A.

Cie Franco-Beige d’Exportation des Co., Ltd.De Nemours Co.—Fagan &


Tubes d’Acier—Hardivilliers & Cie Duckworth

Son, Ltd. & Co., Ltd. —H. C. Dixon &

Comptoir Siderurgique de France— Dupout-Film Mahufacturing Corpn.,

Hardiviiliers & Cie‘

Corbhill TiiSu'rance Co., The—Marcel Inc.—Probst, Hanbury (China), Ld.

Darre Dusseldorf General Insurance Cb. —

Confederate Life Association of Burkhardt, Buchan & Co.

Canada—Dodwell A Cb., Ltd.

Consolidated Brake . Si ’ Engr. Co.— Eagle Insurance Co., Ltd.—Shanghai

Insurance Office

Samuel Osiborn & Co., Ltd.

Consolidated Mining and Smelting r. Co., Star

Eagle, and British Dom. Ins.

Ltd.-—Shanghai Insurance


Ld., A.Ld.—Cameron & Co. (China), East ^ Office

Corn Products Refining Co.—^Imperial Co.—Shanghai India, Sea and Fire Insurance

Chemical Industries (China), Ld. Insurance Office

Cornabe, Eckford & Co.—General Ac- Eastern Insurances Co., Ld.—Jardine,

Matheson & Co., Ld.

cident, Fire and Life Assurance Eastern United Assurance; Corpora-

Corporation, Ld. tion—David & Co.

Cornhill Insurance Co., Ltd.—Dod- Eatinon, G.m.b.H. — Kofa-American

well & Co., Ld. Drug Co., Inc

Couryosier, Ltd.—Dodwell & Co., Ltd. Einar

Crosfield & Sons, Ld., J. — Imperial Ekman Nilsen-Moe—-Moller & Co.

&- Co.:—Ekman Foreign Agen-

Chemical Industries (China), Ld.

Crosley Radio Corpn.—American En- cies, Ld., The

gineering Corpn. Electroinekano, A.B.—Ekman Foreign

Crown Cork Co., Ltd., The—Dodwell Electrozeit Agencies, Ld., The


& Co.,LifeLtd.

Insurance Co.—Crownchina Eley

Watches—Wm. Hilsberg

Bros., Ld. — Imperial Chemical

Co., Ino. Industries Liability

(China), Ld.

Dallman & Co.—Kofa American Drug Arnhold & Co., Ld.Assurance Co.—


Co., Inc. Equitable Fire && Co.,



Son £ Co., Ltd., J.—H. Oliveira & Ericesspndell Brothers Ltd. Office—Lid-


Delco. Light Co.—Dodwell & Co., Ld. Ekman Foreign Agencies, Co., Ld., The—

Demag, A. G.—Chign Hsin Engineer- Erling Ld., The

ing Co., Ld. Mortensen—Moller & Co.

Denis Frefes- de d’Indo-Chine, Sai- Ltd. Erskine Heap & Co.—Dodwell & Co:,

gon—General Accident, Fire and Ervan Lucas Bols—Dodwell & Co.,

Life Assurance Corporation, Ld. Ltd.


f Establissements Arnout—General Ac- Gerrard Industries, Ltd.—Dodwell &

cident, Fire aend Life Assurance- Co., Ld.

Corporation, Ld. Glandular Preparations, Ltd.—Dod-

;! Evans well & Co., Ltd.

DixonSons Lescher

& Son, Ltd. & Webb Ltd.—H. E. Glaswerk Gustav Fischer, Ilmenau—Kofa

Evinrude Motors Corpn. — American American Drug Co., Inc.

1 Engineering Corporation Glycerine, Ld.—Imperial Chemical In-

Express & So. M. S. Lift Co., Ld., Gossage dustries (China), Ld.

London—General Electric Co. (of Chemical& Sons, Ld., Wm.—Imperial

Industries (China), Ld.

China) Ld. Goulds Pumps, Inc.—Reiss & Co.,

Fabrique National d’Armes de Guerre Gresham Inc., Hugo

—Glatne and Witt & Co., Ltd., H. F., Bradford

f I. Kusen—China

G. Farbenindustrie A. G. Lever —Walker, Turner & Co., Ltd.


, Society Ltd.—Calder-Marshaii & Co.,.

I Ltd. Ltd.

Faultless Rubber Co—Kofa American Guardian Assurance Co., Ld.—Lester,

Drug Co., Inc. J ohnson & Morriss

Ferodo, Ltd.—Do dwell & Co., Ltd.

Ferrero, Fili di Ricco—Dodwell & Gueist, Hobden

Keen and Piggotts, Ld.—H.

Co., Ltd.

Fisher (Elliott) Accounting and Writ- Guildhall Ins. Co.—Shanghai Ins. Office

t mg Machines—Dodwell & Co., Ld. Haggie (D. H. & G.)—General Elec-

Flexible Steel Lacings, Ld.—General tric Co. (of China), Ld., The

! Electric Co. (of China), Ld., The

Foamite Firefoam—Dodwell & Co., “ Carlowitz Heinholz ” Vereingte Sdhmirgel—

& Co.


Forestal Land Timber & Railways Co. Hajos

Co., Ltd.

Ld — Imperial

(China) Ld. Chemical Industries Hamblin-Metcalfe, Ld.—Kofa Ameri-

Fram, Leipzig—G. Schink can Drug Co., Ld.

Frank Slater Ltd., Halifax—Walker, Hamburg Co.—Melchers

Breman Fire Insurance^

& Co.

Turner & Co., Ltd.

Fraser & Chalmers Engineering Hamburger Allgemeine Vers.—Shang-

Works — General Electric Co. (of C. hai& Insurance Office

J. Hampton, Ltd.—Dodwell &

China), Ld., The Co., Ltd.

Freight & Transport Bureau of U. S. S. R. Hanovia Quartz Lamp Co.—Kofa

! — Union Steamships Agency American Drug Co., Inc.

Frigidaire Corporation—American En- Harper, Gilfillan & Co.—General Ac-

gineering Corporation

Fulham Crown Cork Co., Ltd.—H. C. cident, Fire and Life Assurance

Corporation, Ld.

Dixon & Son, Ltd.

Futham Crown Cork Works—Dixon & Harvey & Sons, John—Caldbeck, Mac-

Son, Ld. gregor & Co., Ltd.

Heath & Co.—Dunn & Co., Walter

Gebrueder Kroner—Kofa American Herbert, Ld., Alfred—Inniss & Rid-

Drug Co., Inc. dle, Ld.

G aneral Electric Co., Ltd, The— Herbert Morris, Ld.—Inniss & Riddle

General Electric Co. (of China), (China), Ltd.


i General Electric Co., U.S.A.—Leede Hercules Powder Co.—Imperial Che-1

Engineering Corp. mical Industries (China), Ltd.

General Machinery Co.—Hugo Reiss Hilat'uras Casablancas, S. A.—Liddell

Brothers & Co., Ltd.

& Co Himalaya Assurance Co., Ld.—Arn-

General Office Equipment Corporation hold ,& Co., Ld.

—Dodwell & Co., Ltd. Hoellriegels Kreuth—Melchers & Co.

Geigy, J R., A.G.—Melchers & Co. Holland Assurance Society, Ltd.—

Germanischer Lloyd—Melchers & Co. Shanghai Insurance Office

George Robinson, Yokohama—Dodwell Holland Assurance Society, Ltd. of

& Co., Ltd. 1841—Melchers & Co.


Dr. K. Hollbor'n & Soehue—Kofa L’Abeille Fire Ins. Co.—Marcel Darre

American Drug Co., Inc. La Valliere Co.—Arnhold & Co.

Hongkong Fire Insurance Co., Ld.— Lament & Sons, Ltd., Samuel—James

Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. McMullan & Co. (Shanghai), Ltd.

Howards & Sons—Dixon & Son Lancashire Dynamo & Crypto, Ltd.

Humboldt-Deutz Motoren, A.-G.— —Dodwell & Co., Ld.

Chien Hsin Engineering Co., G.m. de Lavalis, A. B.—Moysey & Co., Ltd.

b. H. (Ld.) Law Union and Bock Insurance Co.,

Hurst, Nelson (fe do.—Samuel Gsborn & Ld.—Reiss, Massey & Co., Ld.

Co., Ltd. Les Petits Fils de Fois de Wehdel & Cie—

I. Brunner

C,. I. (Alkali), Ld., (Formerly Hardivilljers & Cie

Moiid 5r Ob-, Ld.)—Im- Lightning' Fasteners—Itnperial Che-

mical Industries (China), Ltd.

periaF Cbetilical Industries' (China), Lighting Trades, Ltd.—Imperial Che-

Ld. mical Industries (China), Ltd. , '

1. C. I. (Fertilizer) and Synthetic Liverpool,

Prochicts), Ld.—Imperial Chemical —Dodwell & Co., &Ld.Glqbe, Insurance


Industries (China), Ld.

I. C. L (Rexine), Ld.—Imperial Che- Liverpool,, London and Globe Insur-

ance Cni, La.—Jardine, Matheson &■

mical Industries (China), Ld, Co., Ld.

Improved Liquid Glues Co., Ld.—Im-

perial Chemical Industries (China), Lombard Codes -Dodwell & Co., Ld.

Ld. . ' “London Times>> Publication —

Insuiite Btroducts. Co.—Fagan & Co., Lurgan ••'Shanghai Times”


International Walker,Weaving

Turner;Co., Ltd.,Ltd.Lurgan—

& Co.,

Dixon & Son,Chemical

Ltd’ Co., Ltd.—IT. 0. Maersk Line—Melchers &i,jClp,

International Composition and Farve- Magadi Soda Co., Ld.—Imperial Che-

fabrick—Wallem & Co. mical Industries (China),: Ld.

International Malleable Iron Co., Ltd. Magdeburg Fire Insurance Co —

—Dodwell & Co., Ltd. Shanghai Insurance Co.

Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld.—Liver- Marchant’s Whisky, Charles—Jar-

pool and London and Globe Insur- G.dihe, Matheson & Co., Ld.

E. Maiden & Go., Ltd.—Wheelock &

ance CojC Ld. ■ Co., Ltd.

Jeffrey Tiles, Ld.—Shanghai Water- Maritime

works Fittings Co. Insce. Co.—Erzinger & Co.

Jenaer Glaswerk Schott and General Marsden & Co.—China Engineers, Ld.

Gena—Kofa American Drug Co., Marston, Ld. (John)—Imperial Chemi-

cal Industries (China), Ld.

Inc. • Masckihehfabrik Augsburg, M. A. N.

Johns-Manville International Corpo. —Kunst & Albers

—Fagan & Go., Ltd, Mather & Platt, Ltd.—Liddell Brothers

Jones Textilaties Export Co , Ld - - & Co., Ltd.

China Engineer^, Ld. Mauserwerke A.G. Oberndoff—Oarlo-

witz & Co.

Kailan Sales Agency—Kailan Mining McEwan, William & Co., Ld.^Jar-

Administration, The dine, Matheson & Co., Ld.

Keelox Manufacturing Co., The—Dod- McKesson & Robbins, Inc. -O. E.

Vongehr Fed. Inc.

well & Co., Ltd, '

Keiller ,& Sons, Ld. (Jas)—DodweU & Medizinische


Darmbad - Apparate

& Witt

Co., Ld.

Kennedy Inc., David E.—Fagan & Co., MercedesLtd.

Calculator—Dodwell & Co.,


Kermath Manufacturing Ob. —Ameri- Merchants Marine Insurance, Ld.—

can Engineering Corporation Arnhold & Co., Ld. ’’

Kiwi1 Boot Polithea—Dodwell & Co. Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Ex-


Kockums Mekaniska Yerstads Dod- Michael Nairn &; Co., Ltd.—FaganLd.k

port Co., Ld.—Arnhold & Co.,



Middleton & Co., (In.), Ltd. Hugh— North German Lloyd,^ Bremen—Mel-

Liverpopl, Londpn and Globe Insur- chers & Co.

ance Co!, Ld. Northern Assurance Co., Ltd.—Oalder-,

Midland Electric Manufacturing Co., Marshall & Co., Ltd.

Ltd.—Inniss & Riddle (China), Ltd. “ Norusto ” ■ Metal Preservative Paint—

Midland, Investment Co., Ltd. — Cameron: & Co. (China) Ltd., A.

Brandt & Rodgers, Ltd. N:Y. Standard Yerzekering Mij —

Millers Falls Co., Ltd.—Dodwell & Melchers & Co.

Co., Ltd. Nydquist:,&, Holm—Moysey & Co., Ltd.

Miniiriax-E&port Oo., Berlin — Car-

lowitz & Co.

Mond Staffordshire Refining Co., Ld. Ocean Accident & Guarantee Corpn.,

Ltd., London-K. M. Gumming

—Imperial Chemical Industries Ocean Marine Insurance Cp,—Shang-

(China), Ld. hai Insurance Office ;

Mortis Oommercial Ltd.—Dodwell & Oceanic and Oriental. Na'ylgation' Co.—

Co., Ltd. _ States’ Steamship Co.

Morris Marine Motors, Ltd.—Dodwell Oeresunds -Chemiske ' Fabriker - Im-

& Co., Ltd.

Morse Chain Co.—Moysey & Co., Ltd. perial Ld. .

' ChemicaUIndustries .(China),

Mortons, Ltd., C. E.--Jardine, Ma- Officine de Villa Perosar—Dod.well &

theson & Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd.

tor Union Insurance Co., Ltd.—H. C. Ohio Brass Co.—China Engineers, Ld,

Dixon & Son, Ltd. Oliver Wilkins, Ld.—imperial Chemical

Mundet & Co., Ltd.—Fagan & Co., industries (China), Ld.


F. E. Myers «fe Bros. Co.—H. Oliveira & SteamshipsPassenger


Agency '

Service — Union


.Myers Manufacturing- Oo.—Kofa Am- Original Odhner Calculating Ma-

chines—Dodwell Co., Ltd.

erican Drug Co., Inc. Osram II qman d i tge1seilsc haffcG-m.b.

Natal Tanning Extract Co., Ld.—-Im- OswaldH., Berlin—China Uirifed. Lamp Co. '

Aamodt, ' Oslo, Nory ay, S.s.

perial Chemical Industries (China), Havdrot—Moller

Ld. & Co.,

INathan & Co., Ltd., Joteph—nmp'er'ial Packard Motor Car Co,—Moody, Mark

Chemical Industries (China), Ltd. L.

NTathan & Co., Ld , Joseph—Blowe & Page-Hersey Export Co,, iS. A.—Dod-

Co., Ld. well &- Co., Ld.

National Ammonia Co.—York Shipley, Palestine Oil Industries “Shemen”,


^National Brewery — Sintah Mill Ltd.—Probst,Ltd.

Hanbury (China),

Furnishing Co.

National Fire Insurance Co.—Shanghai Parsons Oil Engine 0q.„ Ld.—General

Insurance Office Electric Co. (of China), Ld., The

National Steam Pump Co.—Hugo Pearl Assurance Co., Ltd. — Dodweii

& Co., Ltd.

Reiss & Co.

Neil& Co., Ltd., James—Gibb, Livingston Pegson Ltd,—Samuel Osborn & Co., Ltd.

& Co., Ltd.

Netherlands Fire and Marine Insur- Pentaverken, A. B.—Ekman Foreign

ance' Co.—Shanghai Insurance Office Agencies, Ld., The

Netherlands Lloyd—S’hai Insce. Office Peters & Co., G. D.—Samuel Osborn

& Co., Ld.

.Newalls Insulation Co.—Fagan &; Co. “Petria” Norsk ForsikTings-^-Moller

Ltd. & Co.

JNobel’s Explosives Co., Ld.—Imperial Fetters, Ltd.—General Electric Go.

Chemical Industries (China), Ld. (of China), Ltd., The

Nobel’s Explosives Co., Ltd.—Jardihe,' Pfaudler-

Co., Inc.

Co.—Kofa American Drug

Matheson & Co , Ld.

iNorddeutsche Yers. Ges.—Shanghai Philips & Go., Ld., J. & N.—Reiss,

Massey & Co., Ld.

Insurance Office

Norris, Hentv & Gardner—Dodwell & N. V. Philips’ Gloeilampehfabrieken,

Do., Ld. Eindhoven—China United Lamp Co.


Philips Glow!ampwoTks, Ld.—Philips Robinson k Son, Thos., Ltd.—Moysey

China Go. k Co., Ltd.

Philips Radio, Ld.—Phlips China Go. Roechling -Buderus Steel Works —

Kunst k Albers

Philips van Houten (Donhyfral)— Roneo Office Ecpiipment—Dodwell k

Philips China, Co.

Pilling & Sons—Scott,_ Harding & Co. Co., kLd.Co. (A), Ld.—General Acci-

Pilot Radio Corporation, JJ.S.'A.—, Ross dent, Fire and Life Assurance Cor-

Leede Engineering Corporation poration, Ld.

Pirelli General Cable Works, Ld.— Royal

General Electric Co. (of China), Ld. bury Insurance Co.—Probst, Han-

Plibrico Jointless Firebrick Co.— Ruberoidk Co.Roofipgs k Floorings —

Fagan & Co., Ltd. Dodwell & Col, Ltd.

Polesello, Cav. C.,—Lloyd Triestino Russell

Pomona Pump Co.—Hugo Reiss & cident,& Co. (G. C. F.)—General Ac-

Fire and Life Assurance-

Co,, Inc., Hugo

Pope, Holland (Enamelled Wire)— Corporation, Ld.

Philips China Co.

Porritt & Spencer, Ltd.—Dodwell & ; S. A. des L sines Destree (Hltra-

Co., Ltd. marine)—Imperial Chemical Indus-

Principal manufacturers—W. Z. Zee tries (China), Ld.

& Sons 9'' ‘ S. A. T. A. M. (Gasoline Pumps)—

Promonta Export Co.—Kofa Ameri- Dodwell k Co., Ltd.

can Drug Go., Inc.

Providence Washington Insurance Co. S. Foreign K. F. Ball Bearings Co.—Ekman

Agencies, Ltd., The

—Dodwell k Co., Ld. Safe Cabinet Co.—Dodwell k Co., Ld.

Pumpindustri, A. B.—Ekman Foreign Samson Tire and Rubber Co.—Dod-

Agencies, Ld., The well & Co., Ld.

Queensland Insurance Co., Ltd. — i Sanderson Bros, k Newbould, Ltd.—

General Electric Co. (of China), Ld.

Brandt & Rodgers, Ltd. Sartoriuswerke A. G.—Glathe k Witt

Queensland Insurance Co., Ld.—Jar- Schaeffer k Budenberg—H. Oliveira k

dine, Matheson k Co., Ld. Son

R. I. V. Ball Bearings—Dodwell ' k \ Schering-Kahlbaum—Kofa

Drug k Co., Inc


Co., Ltd. , Schieren Co., Chas. A.—General Elec-


Co., Ltd.Cycle Co., Ltd.—Dodwell & ! tric Co.Look (of China), Ltd., The

Rahsomes & Rapier, Ltd., Ipswich— -Schlage Co.—Fagan & Co., Ltd.

General Electric Co. (of China), Schleicher k Schuell—Kofa American-

Drug Co., Inc.

Ltd., The Schoeiier-Bleckmann Steel Works —

Rahsomes, Sims & Jefferies, Ltd.—Samuel

Osborn Aminunisjonsfabrikker—Glathe

& Co., Ltd. i Chien Hsin Engineering Co., Ld.


& Witt I Schweizerische

—Glathe & Witt


Raw!plug Co., Ltd.—Gibb, Li rings ton & I Scott. & Browne, Ld.—Imperial Che-

Co., Ltd. mical Industries (China), Ld. .

Reckitt k Sons, Ltd.—Imperial Che- Scott, Harding k Co., Ld.—Liverpool

and London and Globe Insurance

mical Industries (China), Ltd. Co., Ld.

Reichert Optical Works—Kofa Ameri- Scottish Dyes, Ltd.—Imperial Chemi-

can Drug, Co, Inc. cal Industries (China), Ltd.

Reliance Marinev Insurance: Co.—Jar- Seiberiing LatexInc.Products Co.—O. E_

dine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Vongehr Fed.

“Renee Mine’’—Moller k Co.

Rexine, Ld1.—Imperial Chemical In- Serberiing' Storage Batteries—Han-

yang Motor Supply Co.


Richard,j Crittall, Ltd. — Shanghai Shanghai and Hongkew Wharf Co.,

Waterworks Fittings Co., Ltd. Ltd.—Jardine, Matheson k Co., Ld.


Ltd. k Co., H. F.—H. C. Dixon & Son, Shanghai Household Removing Co.—

Robert Stephenson & Co.—Samuel Shanghai Marden k Co., Ltd., G. E.

Osborn & Co. Land Investment Co., Ltd.—

Gibb, Livingston & Co., Ltd.


.Shanghai Tug & Lighter Co., Ltd.— j ‘‘Scor’ebrand’'—Mbller & Co. '

Wheelock & Co., Ltd. Sun Oi) Co,—Kuhst & Albers

Sharpies Specialty Co.—Hugo Reiss ! Sunderland Steamship ' Owndrs- Paul-

& Co. sen & Bayes-Davy

Singer & Oo., Ltd.—Dodwell & Co., Sundstrand Adding Machines—Dodwell

Ld. & Co., Ld.

Sjoassurandorernes—Moller &, Co.

Slack Sellers & Co., Ld.—China En- Swedish East Asiatic Co., Ltd. —

Ekman Foreign Agencies, Ltd., The

gineers, Ld. Swiss Loco and Machine Works-^Reiss

A. Smit (fc-Zoon—O. E. Vongehr Fed. Inc. & Co., Inc., Hugo

Smith Bros., Inc.—O.E. Vongehr Fed. Inc. Syracuse

Smith & Sons, Ld., Sir Wm. Reardon & Son Smelting Works—H. Oliveira

— States Steamship Oo.

:Soc. Alsacienne de ..Constructions— Teacher & Sons, Ld. (Wm,)—Dodwell

Soc.Hardivilliers & Cie . Hardivilliers & & Co., Ld.

d’Electro-Chimie— Thames & Mersey . Marine Insurance


Soc. FranCaise des Char bon rut ges du Thomas Co.—Dodwell, k Co., Ltd. ; ;

Tonkin—Hardivilliers '& Cie' Beecham & Co., Ltd.—FL. C.

Soc. LTnvulnerabile—Fagan & Co , Ltd. Thornton, Dixon & Son, Ltd;


des ProduitsandChimiques Coignet— Ltd., A.G.—Dunn &VC6.,

Cie George

.Solignum; Ltd., .(Rnsto),—Cameron Toplis & Harding—Moore & Co., Ltd.

& Tqyo Menka Kaisha Ltd.—Shanghai

Co., A. (China), Ltd. Cotton Mfg.'Co., Ltd.

South British Insurance Co.—Arnhold Trico Products Cdrpri., New York-

& Co,, Ld. . China Auto Accessories Co. '

South British insurance Co.—Sassoon Triton IlisurancePCo;, Ld.—. Jardind,

& Co. (David) Matheson & Co., Ld.

South Wales Tinplate Corpn., Ltd.— Tyfon Air Whistles—Dodwell & Cb;,

Cameron A Co. (China) Ltd.


Dixon &Bros. & Barclay, Ld. — H. C. Ld.

Son, Ld.

Spalding & Bros., Ltd., A. G.—Fagan Underwood & Co., Ld.

Typewriter Co.—Dodwell

Co., Ltd. Union Assurance Society, Ltd. tf-


Son, Ltd.

Sparke Insurance Office, C. F.—Cen- Union-Matex—Chien

Co., Ld.

Hsin Engineers

tral Insurance Oo., Ld.

Sperry Flour Co.—Dodwell & Co., Union Minere du Haut Katanga—

Ld. Cameron & Co., A. (China), Ltd.

Spindler & Hoyer G.m.b.H.—Glathe Union Paper Co.—Hoehnke, Frithjof

United Alkali Co., Ld. — Imperial

& Witt Chemical Industries (China;, Ld.

Sprout, Waldron & Co.—Reiss & Co., United British Insurance Co., Ltd.—

Inc., Hugo Calder-Marshall & Co., Ltd.

Staats Mijnen in Limburg—Jardine, United Glass Bottle Manufacturing,

Matheson & Co , Ld. Ld.—H. C. Dixon & Son, Ld.

Stal (Ljungstrom) Steam Turbine Co., United'

Ltd.—Moysey & Co., Ltd., H. J.

Standard Life Assurance Co.—Dodwell U.S. Everett,States Salvage Assn., Inc.—

L.: Inc.

& Co., Ld. Alkali Export Association, Inc.

Standard Ultramarine Co.—Fagan & —Imperial (China), Ld.

Chemical Industries

Ch., Ltd. U.S. Electric Tool Co.—Hugo Reiss

L. S. Starrett Co. —H. Oliveira & Son & Co.

State Assurance Co.—Brook & Co.

States Porcelain Works—Kofa Ameri- j U.S. Fire Insurance Co.—Reiss & Co.

can Drug Co., Inc.

Steamship Company Orient, Ltd.— Valet Auto-Strop Razors and Blades

East Asiatic Co.. Ltd. —Dodwell & Co., Ltd.

Stenman (Aug.) A. B.—Edwards, Einar Van-Ess & Co. (A.)—General Accident,

Stewarts & Lloyds, Ltd.—Imperial Fire and Life Assurance Corpora-

Chemical Industries (China), Ltd. tion, Ld.


Van Vollenhoven’s Dutch Pilsner Beer Western Assurance Co.—Probst, Han-

—Krijgsman & Co., J. bury & Co.

Vapo-Ciesolene Co.—Kofa American Western Witt

Transformer Co.—Glathe A

Drug Co., Inc.

Vereenigde, N.V.—Imperial Chemical Westinghjouse Electric International

Co—Reiss t Co., Inc., Hugo

Industries (China), Ltd.

Vereinigte Clanzstoff-Fabriken, A.-G. Whangpoo Tug & Lighter, Co., Ld.—

—A.K.U. China Agency Whangpoo Ferry .Service—Harden &

Vitama Co., Ltd.—Probst, Hanbury Co., Ltd., G.E.

(China), Ltd. Whitbread & Co., Ld.—Dodwell & Cb_

Vivanco &■ Co.—Fagan & Co., Ltd. White Horse Distillers, Ld.—Jardine„

Voigt, Heidenheim Matheson & Co.. Ld.

White, Ld., J. & J.—Imperial Che-

Waddie & Co., Ltd.—H. C. Dixon & Son, j mical Industries (China); Ld.


Walker’s Lion Steam & Hydraulic Wiggin & Co., Ltd. (Henry)—Impe-

rial Chemical Industries

Packing—Dunn & Co., Walter Wilcock Bros,—China Engineers, Ltd..

Wallem & Co., A/S.—Wallem & Co. ! Wilh. Jul. Teufel—Kofa American

Washburn Crosby Co.—Dodwell & Go., Drug Co., Inc.

Ld. ' j Wolff & Co.—Kofa American Drug

Waterlow & Sons, Ltd.—R. E. Francis ! Co., Inc.

Weber Showcase and Fixture Qo.— Wolsely Motors, Ltd.—Dodwell & Co.

American Engineering Corporation j Ltd/

Weeks & Co., F. A.—United Book & World Marine and General Insce. Co,

Stationery Co. —North British & Mercantile Insce.

Weidemeyer ifc Co.— O. E. Vongehr Fed.,

Inc. Yah Tai Shipping Co.—Union Steamships

Weise Soehne Hall, A- S. — Chien Agency

Hsien Engineering Co., G.m.b.H. Yao Hwa Mechanical Glass Co.—

(Ld.) Kailan Mining Adminstration.

Werkzengmaschinenfabrik, ; Oerlikon— York Ice Machinery Corporation—

Glathe & Witt York Shipley, Inc.

Western Assurance Co., Ltd.—'Shang- Yorkshire Insurance Co., Ltd.—Dod-

hai Insurance Office well & Co., Ld.



(For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sections)<

Canton Insurance Office—Jardine, Matheson & Co.

Hongkong Insurance Co.—Jardine, Matheson & Co.

Indo-China Steam Navigation Co.—Jardine Matheson


(For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sections ')

Evans & Sons, Ld. (Ed.)—Educational Bookstore


(For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sections)

Agricultural & General Blue Star Line, Ltd.—Arnhold & Co,r

Andersen,-Meyer & Co.,Engineers,

Ld. Ld.— Ltd.

American Blower Corporation—Andersen, Board of Underwriters1 of New York—


American Mail Line—Dollar Co., The British Traders Insurance Co., Ld.—

Robert Butterfield & Swire

American RadiatorCo.-r-Andersen, Meyer Burrells & Co., Ltd.—Dodwell & Co.r.

& Co., Ld.

Aquarius Co.—’Pearce" & Garriock Ltd.

Asa Lees & Co., Ld., Oldham—Arn- Caldbeck, Macgregor & Co., Ld.—

hold & Co., Ld. Pearce & Garriock

Austin Cars—Arahold & Co., Ld. Callender’s Cable and Construction

Baldwin Locomotive Works—Andersen, • Co., Ltd.—Dodwell & Co., Ltd.

Meyer & Co., Ld. Canton In aura nee Co.,' Ld.—Jardine,

Bank Line—Jardine, Matheson & Co., Matheson' & Oo., Dd.

Ltd. Central Agency, Ltd.—Dodwell & Co.,

Barber-Wilhelmsen Line-^-Dodwell & Ltd.

Co., Ltd. Central Insurance' Co., Ld. of London—

Bedford Trucks—Arnhold & .Co., Ld. Paon ShunValve

Chapman Kung Manufacturing

Sze Co.—

Belting & Leather Products Associa- Andersen, Meyer & Co., Ld.

tion—Andersen, Meyer & Co., Ld. Chevrolet, Pontiac, Oakland, Buick,.

Ben Line—Dodwell & Co., Ltd. G.M.C. Motor Cars & Trucks (Pro-

Blue Funnel Line (A. Holt & Co,)^- ducts of General Motors, Ld,')—

Butterfieid & Swire Arnhold & Co., Ld.


China Navigation Co., Ld.—Butter- J ohnson Co., Ld.

field &; Swire

Claude Neon

China Post Lights Fed. Inc.—Central Kailan Mining Administration—Dod-

Comptoir<< Metallurgique Luxembour- well '& Co., Ld.

geois Columeta,,—Arnhold & Co., Keuffel & Esser Co.—Andersen, Meyer &

Co., ness

Ld. Line—Arnhold & Co., Ld.


Corbin, P. & F.—Andersen, Meyer & Co.,; K laveCo.


Crown Cork Co., Ltd.—Dodwell. & Koppel Industrial Car (fe Equipment Co.,

—Andersen, Meyer & Co., Ld.

Co., Ltd.

De Havilland Aircraft Co., Ld.— Liverpool, London and Globe Insur-

Arnhold& Sons,

Dewar Ld. John Ramsa ance Co., Ltd.—Dodwell & Co., Ltd.

& Co., Ltd.,

Xlbyd Triestino-—Dodwell & Co.,


& Co. and Chronicle of the Far London

Directory & Lancashire Insurance

—Butterfield & Swire

East—Ramsay & Co.

Dodwell-New York Line of Steamers Metropolitan Vickers Electric Export

-Dodwell & Co., Ltd. Co., Ld.—Arnhold & Co., Ld.

Dollar Steamship Line—R. Dollar T Cd-

Duraflex Co.—Andersen, Meyer & Co., Ld; Natal Line of Steamers—Dodwell k

Co., Ltd. , ,

Edison Storage Battery Co., Inc.—Ander- National

& Co., Ld.

Radiator Co.—Andersen, Meyer

sen, Meyer & Co., Ld.

Employers Liability Assurance Cor- Navigazione Generale Italiana—Dod-

poration, Ld.—Arnhold & Co., Ld; well & Go., Ld.'

Excess Insurance Co., Ld.—Lovatt & New India Assurance Co., Ltd.—

Byrne Dodwell & Co., Ltd.

Far Eastern Insurance Co., Ld.— North China Insurance Co., Ld.—

Ramsay & Co.

Arnhold & Co., Ld.

Fielding & Platt, Ld.—Andersen, Meyer & Ocean Transport Co., Ltd.—Dodwell

Co., Machinery

Food Ld. Corporation—Andersen,. & Co., Ltd.

Meyer & Co., Ld. Pels, Henry & Co., Ld.—Anderson,

Meyer & Co., Ld.

General Electric Co. of China Ld.. The— Peninsular

The Hankow Light & Power Co., Ld. & Oriental S.S. Co., Ltd.

George Keighley Ld., Burnley—Arn- Pxince —'Jardine; Matheson & Co., Ltd.

hold & Co., Ld. Line, Far East Service—

Gerrard Wire Tying Co., Ltd.—Dpd- Arnhold & Co., Ld.

well & Co., Ltd.

Glens Falls Insurance Co.—Young Roneo, Ld.—Dodwell &; Co., Ld.

Royal Insurance Co., Ltd.,—Ramsay

Bros. Trading Co. & Co.

"Guardian Insurance Co., Ld. —Butterfield Ruston & Hornsby, Ld.,* Lincoln—-

& Swire Arnhold & Co., Ld.

Hankow Press Packing Co., Ld., The Saco-Lowell Shops—Andersen, Meyer &,

—Arnhold & Co , Ld.

Henry Simon 'Ld., Manchester—Arn- SafeCo.,Cabinet Ld. •

Co.—Dodwell & Co,, Ld.

hold ;& Co., Ld.

Hong Kong Fire Insurance Co., Ld — Sbott &

ife Williams, Inc.—Andersen, Meyer

Co., Ld.

Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Sherwin-Williams

Meyer & Co., Ld. Paint Co.—Anderseri,

Indo-China S. N. Co., Ld.—Jardine, South British Insurance Co., Ld.-^

Matheson & Co., Ld. Ramsay & Co.

International General

Andersen, Meyer

Ld. Cp.— South British Insurance Co., Ld.—

Arnhold & Co., Ld.

International Harvester

Andersen, Meyer

& Co., Ld.


Steamship Company Orient—East- Vauxhall Cars—Arnlhold & Co., Ld.

Asiatic Co., Ld.

tSullivan Machinery Cp.—Andersen, Victor X-Ray Corpn.—Andersen, Meyer &

Co., Ld.

Meyer & Co., Ld.

Taikoo Sugar Refining Co., Ltd.— Whitbread

Co., Ltd.

& Co., Ltd.—Dodwell &

Butterfield & Swire

Teachers & Sons (Wm.)—Dodwell & Wolf Co.—Andersen, Meyer & Co., Ld.

Co., Ld.

Thames and Mersey Marine Insurance Wilh. Wilhilmsen-Norwegian, Africa &-

Australia Line—Arnhold & Co. Ld

Co., Ltd.—Dodwell & Co., Ltd, Worthington Pump & Machinery Oorp.

Underwood Typewriter Co., Inc.— —Andersen, Meyer & Co., Ld.

Dodwell & Co., Ltd.

Union Assur. Society, Ltd.—Dodwell Yangtsze Insurance Association, Ld.—

Arnhold & Co., Ld.

& Co., Ltd.


(For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sections)

Canadian Pacific Ocean Services, Ld. Hong Kong Fire Insurance Co., Ld.—

—Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld.

Canton Insurance Office, Ltd.—Jar- Indo-China Steam Navigation Co.,.

dine, Matheson C.o., Ltd. Ld.—Jardine, MathesOn & Co., Ld.

Commercial Union As^uranpe Co., Peninsular & Oriental Steam Nav. Coi

Ltd.—Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. —Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld



(.For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sections)

Ailsa Oraig Marine Motors—Dodwell China Underwriters Ltd.—Greig & Co-

& Co., Ld. China Wool Manufacturing. Oo.:—

Assurance FrancorAsiatique—Harri- China National Trading Co.

sons, King & Irwin, Ld. Claude Neon Lights, Fed. Inc:—SxeiMsen

Atlas Assurance Co., Ld.—Harrisons,' & Krohn

King & Irwin, Ld. Commercial Union Assurance Co.,

Australian Oriental Line, Ld.—Dod- Ld.—Dodwell & Co., Ld.

well & Co., Ld.

Deutsche Farben Handels Gesella-

Bank Line, Ld.—Harrisons, King & chaft Waibel & Co.—Siemssen &

Irwin, Ld Krohn &. Chronicle

Directory , . of China,

Banque de FIndoehine—Dodwell h Japan, etc.—Brockett & Co.

Co., Ld. Dodwell Castle Line—Dodwell & Co.,

Barber-Wilhelmsen Line—Dodwell & Co., Ld.


Batavia Sea and Fire Insurance Co.— East Asiatic. Steam

Bathgate & Co.

Ben Line—Gibb, Livingston & Co., Ltd. Ld.—Dodwell b Co..Navigation

Ld Co.,

British and Foreign Marine Insurance Eastern and Australian Steamship Co.

Co., Ltd.—Dodwell & Co., Ltd. —Gibb, Livingston & Go., Ld.

British-India Steam Navigation Co.— Ellerman Line—Harrisons, King &

Gibb, Livingston & Co. Irwin, Ltd.

British Traders’ Insurance Co., Ld.— Furness (Far East), Ld.—Bathgate &

Bathgate & Co., £. Co.

British Traders’ Insurance Co., Ld.

—Dodwell & Co., Ld. Gerrard Wire Tying Machine Co.,

Caldbeck, MacGregor & Co., Ltd.—Brand Ld.—Dodwell & Co., Ld.

& Co. Guardian Insurance Co., Ltd.—Dod-

Canadian Insurance Office, Ld.— Jardine well & Co., Ltd.

Matheson & Co., Ld

Central Agency, Ld.—Gibb, Livingston Hamburg-Amerika Linie, Hamburg—

& Co. Siemssen & Krohn

Century Insurance Co.—Siemssen & Hattori Clock Factory—Sin Tin Kee

Krohn & Co.

Chartered Bank of India, Australia and Ho Hong Soap Manufacturing Co.—Sin

China—Dodwell & Co., Ld. Tai Kee & Co.

China Dyeing Works, Ld.—China Holland Assurance Society—Siemssen

National Trading Co. & Krohn

China Fire Insurance Co.—Gibb, Liv- Holland Oost Azie Lijn—Harrisons,

ingston & Co. King & Irwin, Ltd.

China Mutual Life Insurance Co.— Hongkong Fire Insurance Co., Ld.-—

Dodwell & Co., Ltd. surance Cb., Ld.—Osaka Shosen

China Mutual Steam Navigation Co., Kaisha

Ltd.—Dodwell & Co., Ltd.

•China Navigation Co., Ltd.—Dodwell Java-China-Japan Lijn—Bathgate &

& Co., Ltd.


Kobe Marine Transport and Fire Reuter’s Telegram Co., Ltd.—Brand & Co,

Insurance Co., Ltd.—Osaka Shdfeen Royal Exchange Assurance Corpora-

tion—Dodwell & Co., Ld.

Kaisha Royal Insurance Co., Ltd.—Dodwell &

Lloyd Triestino Steam Navigation Royal Co., Ltd.

Co.—Dodwell & Co., Ld. Insurance Co.—Greig & Co.

London and Lancashire Insurance Scottish Union National Insurance

Co., Ld.—Dodwell & Co., Ld. Co.—Harrisons, King & Irwin, Ld.

Maersk Line—Harrisons, King & Irwin, SeaCo.,Insurance


Go., Ld.—Dodwell &


Melchers & Co.—Sin Tai Kee & Co. Shanghai Trading Co.

Lamp Co.—China National

Messageries Maritimes — Dodwell & -Shanghai Life Insurance Co.—Dodwell

Co., Ltd. & Co., Ld.

Natal Line of Steamers—Dodwell & Siemens China Co.—Siemssen & Krohn

Signode Patent Strapping — Harri-

Co., Ltd. sons, King & Irwin, Ltd.

Navigazione Generale Italiana—Dod- Sdshoshin Brewery—Sin Kee & Co.

well & Co., Ld.

Nippon Yusen Kaisha—Bathgate &; Co. South British Insurance Co., Ld.—

Bathgate & Co.

Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen—Siem- Standard Life Assurance Co:—Dod-

ssen & Krohn well & Co., Ltd.

Norris Henty & Gardners, Ltd., Standard

Engines and Wires—Dodwoll & Co., well & Marine Insurance Co., Ld.—Dod-

Co., Ld.


North British and Mercantile Insur- Standard-Vacuum


Oil Co.—Brand &

ance Co.—Gibb, Livingston & Co.

North China Insurance Co.*. Ld.— States Steamship Co.—Gibb, Living-

ston & Co.

Dodwell & Co., Ld. Sun Insurance Office—Bathgate & Co.

Northern Assurance Co., Ltd.—Bath- Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada—

gate & Co. Dodwell & Co., Ld.

Norwegian, Africa and Australia Lipe— Swedish East Asiatic Co., Ltd., Go-

Dodwell & Co., Ltd. thenburg—Dodwell & Co.

Ocean Accident and Guarantee Cor- Thames and Mersey Marine Insurance

poration, Ltd.—Harrisons, King & Co., Ld.—Dodwell & Co., Ld.

Irwin, Ltd.

Ocean Marine Insurance Go-, Ltd.— Tung Yih Trust'Co.—China National

Trading Co.

Dodwell & Co., Ltd.

Ocean Steamship Co., Ltd.—Dodwell Ullman & Co.—Sin Tai Kee & Co.

& Co., Ltd.

Orient Insurance Co.—Dodwell & Co,, Underwood Typewriter C°-> Ltd.—

Dodwell & Co., Ltd.


Osaka Marine and Fire /Insurance Gibb, LivingstonSociety

Union Insurance

& Co.

of Canton^

Co., Ltd.—Osaka Shosen Kaisha

Palatine Insurance Co., Ltd. of Lon- West of Scotland Insurance Office,

don—^Harrisons, King & Irwin, Ltd.—Harrisons, King & Irwin


Peninsular & Oriental Steam Naviga- & Co. Insurance Association—Greig


tion Co.—Gibb, Livingston & Co., Ltd.

Phoenix Assurance Co.—Brand & Co. Yorkshire Insurance Co., Ld. — Dod-

well & Co., Ld.

Prince Line, Far East Service—Bath- Yung Kong Clock Manufacturers—

gate & Co. Sin Tin Kee & Co.



(For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sections)

Albert Mendel, A.-G. Cfoeong & Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.—

Sons, E. S. Douglas, Lapraik & Co.

Bank Line—Douglas, Lapraik & Co. Kunst & Albers (Shanghai)—Cheong

Batavia Sea and Fire Insurance Co., & 89ns, E. S.

Ld.—Traders Co.

Ben Line—Douglas, Lapraik & Co. Lilly & Co. (Eli)— Gheong & Sons,

Burgoyne, Burbidges & Co., Ld.— E. S.

Cbeong & Sons, E.S. Lotus Honey—Cheong & Sons, E. S.

Canadian Pacific Steamship Line Nederland Betterdamsche Lloyd—Java-

— Douglas,

Canton Lapraik &Office,

insurance Co. Ltd.— _ China-JapanBoyal

Lijn Mail Line—Java-

Douglas, Lapraik & Co. Nederland

Commercial Union Assurance Co., China-Japan Lijn, N. V.

Ltd.—Douglas, Lapraik & Co. Nbrddeutsbher Lloyd Bremen —

Traders Co.

Dakin Bros^ Ld.—Cheong & Sons, North British

ance Co., MercantileLapraik

Ltd.—Douglas, Insur-

E. S. Co.

‘ Deutz ” and

Directory Engines—Traders

Chronicle ofCo. the Far


Douglas Lapraik Co.,


Douglas, Lapraik & Co. Lapraik & Co.

Prince Line—Douglas, Lapraik & Co

Far East Aviation Co.—Boyd & Co. Botterdam Lloyd Boyal Mail Line—

Glen Java-China-Japan-Lijn,

Packet Navigation N.Co.—Java-


Green Line—Douglar,

Island Cement Lapraik

Co., &Ltd.—

Co. Boyal

Qhina-Japan Lijn, N. V.

Douglas, Lapraik & Co. “KLM” Boyal Dutch Air Lines—

Holland Assurance Society—Traders Java-China-Japan

Boyal Lijn. N.V.

Netherlands Indian ’ Airways—

Co. Java-China-Japan Lijn, N.V.

Holland-East Asia Line—Java-China-


Hongokng Lijn,Fire

N. Y.Insurance Co.— Sellar, L. H.—Cheong & Co., E. S.

Douglas, Lapraik

Shire Line—Douglas, Lapraik Co.

indo-China Steam Navigation Yin Bay Malt & Laxagar—Cheong &

Ltd.—Douglas, Lapraik & Co- Co., Sons, E. S.

Jardine Engineering Yangtsze Insurance Association,

—Douglas, Lapraik & Co.Corporation Ltd.—Douglas, Lapraik & Co.



fFor Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sections)

Alliance Assurance Co.—Jardine, I Fuso

Co., Marine and& Fire

Ld.—Bradley Insurance

Co., Ld.

Matheson & Co.-,. Ld.

Badische Assurance Geseltschart Gehe.<$rLine

Glen Co., A.^G.—Roese,

of Steamers —Gebrueder


—Bradley & Co., Ld.

Ben Line of Steamers—Bradley & Matheson & Co., Ld.

Co., Ld. Green Island Cement Co., Ld,—Jar-

British India. Steam Navigation-.Co.— dine, Matheson & Co., Ld.

Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld.

Hongkong Daily Press—Bradley &

Caldbeck, MacGregor & Co.—Roese, Co., Ltd.

Gebrueder Hongkong Fire Insurance Co., Ld.—

Canadian Pacific Steamships, Ld.—• Jardine, Matheaon

Hongkong & Co., Banking

and Shanghai Ld.

Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Corporation—Bradley & Co., Ld.

Canton Insurance Office, Ld.—Jar-

dine, Matheson

Carson Pirie Scott& Co.,

& Co.Ld.(Chicago) Indo-China Steam Navigation Co.,

— Bradley & Co., Ld. Ld.—Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld.

Central Agency (Glasgow)—Bradley

& Co.,FireLd. Insce. Co., Ld—(Bradley

China Jardine Engineering Corporation,

& Co., Ld. Ld.—Jardihe, Matheson & Co., Ld.

Jebsen Linie—Roese, Gebrueder


& Co.,Underwriters,

Ltd. Ltd.—Bradley

Comite des Assurances—Bradley & iKohlberg, Alfred, New York—Chang,.

Co., Ld. Insurance Co., Ltd. — T. K.

Cornhill Koiiinklijke Paketvaart Maatsichappij

Bradley & Co., Ld. —Java-China-Japan Lijn-N: Y.

Deutz Mortoren Fabrik—Roese, Ge- La Fonciere Insce. Co.—Bradley &

brueder and Chronicle of China, Co., Ld.

Directory Lament & Son (Samuel), Ld., Belfast

Japan, etc.—Bradley & Co., Ld. —Tshu Sok Chei (Mrs.)

Douglas Steamship Co., Ld.—Jardine, Lancashire Insce.—Roese, Gebrueder

Matheson & Co., Ld. “Levant” Insurance &and

surance Co.—Bradley Co. Rein-

Eastern Insurance Co., Ltd.—Jardine, Lloyd’s—Bradley & Co., Ltd.


& Co., Insurance

Ld. Lloyd Italia Insce. Co. —Bradley &

Europa Go.— Co., • Ld.

Bradley & Co., Ld. Lloyd Triestino—Bradley & Co., Ltd.

Everett, Inc., Ltd., L.—Roese, Gebrue- Macksoud Importing Co., New York

der —Chang, T. K.

Ewo Cotton Mills, Ltd. — Jardine,

Matheson & Co., Ld. Maersk Line—Roese, Gebrueder

Marbarak Bros., New York—Chang,

Far East Aviation Co.—Bradley & T. K.

Co., Ltd. Masch. Fabrik Gristzner—Roese, Ge-

Far Eastern Insce. Co.—Bradley & brueder

Co., Ld. Mercantile Bank of India, Ltd.—

Forsakrings Aktiebolaget Ocean Bradley & Co., Ld.

(Ocean Insurance

thenburg)—Bradley Co.,

& Co.,Ld.Ld.of Go- Messageries Maritimes—Jardine, Ma-

Furness (Far East), Ld. —Bradley & theson & Co., Ltd.

Co., Ld. Mitsubishi Marine & Fire Insu-

rance Co., Ld.—Bradley & Co., Ld.


Nanyang Handf. Corporation, New | Rickmers Linie—Roese, Gebrueder

Royal Insurance Co.—Bradley &

York—Chang, T. X.

National City Bank of New York— Co., Ld.

Bradley & Co., Ld.

Netherlands Insurance Co., est. 1845 Siemens China Co.—Roese, Gebrueder

"Shire” Line of Steamers—Jardine,

—Boese, Gebrueder Matheson & Cp., Ltd.

New India Assur. Co., Ld—Bradley South British Insurance Co., Ltd.—

& Co., Ld. Bradley & Co., Ld.

New Zealand Insurance Co., Ltd. Spence Bryson & Co., Ld. (Belfast)

—Bradley & Co., Ltd -Bradley & Co., Ld.

Nippon Yusen Kaisha—Bradley &

Co., Ld. Swedish.East Asiatic Co., Ld., The—<

Norddeutsche Versieherunogsgesells- | Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld.

chaft—^Roese, Gebrueder Swiss National Insurance Cc.,Ld.,

Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen—Roese, j Basle—Bradley & Co., Ld.

Gebrueder Taiheiyo Marine and

Ocean Insurance Co—Bradley & Co. i Tokyo ance Co.—Bradley & Co.,Fire

Ld. Insur-

Osaka Marine and Fire Insurance Marine and Fire Insurance

Co., Ld.—Bradley & Co., Ld. Co., Ld.,--Bradley & Co., Ld.

Batons' & Baldwins, Ltd. — Jardihe, I United States Salvage Association

—Bradley ifc’Go., Ld.

MaCheson & Co., Ltd.

Peninsular & Oriental Steam

Navigation Co.—Bradley & Co., Ld. ! Vereinigte Stahlwerke, Roehrenwer-

Peninsular & Oriental Banking Cor- j hand—Roese, Gebrueder

poration—Jardihe, Matheson & Co., j Western Assurance Co.—Bradley

Ld. & Co.,Ld.Australian insurance Co.

Provincial Insce. Co., Ld.—Bradley Western

& Co., Ld. —Bradley & Co., Ld.

Reinsurance Co. “Rossia” Copenha- j Yangtsze insurance Association

gen—Roese, Gebrueder I Ld.—Bradley,& Co:, Ld.


(For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sections)

Acme Code Co. New York, U.S.A.— I East Asiatic Co., Ld. of Copenhagen

Hogg & Co. —Manners & Co., Ld.,' John

Adolphe Saurer Ltd.—Spalinger & Co. ! Eastern and Australian Steamship

Alliance Assurance Co., Ltd.—Deacon ■ Co., Ld.—Deacon & Co., Ld.

" & Co., Ltd. | Elin A. G. Fuer Elektrische Indus-

lAmerican & Manchurian Line—Jardine, trie, Wien—Baist & Co.

| Matheson & Co. Ellerman & Bucknall S.S. Co.. Ld.—

■ Andrew Weir &_ Co. (Bank Line)— Manners & Co., Ld., John.

| John Manners & Co., Ltd. K. Engelhard, Frankfurt — German

iAppareillage Gardy S. A.—Spalinger & Dispensary, Ltd.


Co. de Construction _ ■ Oerlikon

_ — Ernst Krause & Co.—Baist- & ■ Co.

I Spalinger

tlas Assurance Co., Ltd.—Deacon & Spalinger & Co.

Co., Ltd. Establissements Benninger S. A,—Spal-

inger & Co.


Co. Fire Insurance

!! Breithaupt Co.—Spalinger & Fire Association of Philadelphia—

& Sohn, F. W.—iSchmi^t Gilman & Co., .Ltd.

i & Co. Flottmann, A. G.—Baist & Co.

'British-India S. N. Co. (Apcar Line) Gebr. Pfeiffer, Barbarossa Werk—

-—Deacon & Co., Ltd. Baist & Co.

British Traders’ Insurance Co., Ltd. Gehe & Co., A. G.—Bornemann & Co.

—Deacon & Co., Ltd. G. H. H. Gutehoffnungshuette—Baist

Burns-Philp Line—Deacon & Co.. Ltd. & Co.

5Bvk Guldenwerke, Berlin—Baist & General Accident Fire & Life Assur.

U Co. Corp. Ltd—Loxley & Co.

panadian Pacific S. S. Ltd. — Jardine, Glen Line, Ltd.—Jardine, Matheson &

Co., Ltd. Tires & Tubes—Liang Kwang

|hPanMatheson & Co., Ltd.

ton Insurance Office, Ltd.—Jardine, “Goodyear”

Motor Trading Co.

! Matheson & Co., Ltd.

Chemische Fabrik Promonta—Bornemann Halifax Fire InsuranceLinie—C'arlowitz

Co.—V. E. Perrier&

& Co.

Chevrolet” Oars & Trucks — Liang Hamburg-Amerika

Kwang Motor Trading Co. Co.

China Fire Insurance Co., Ld.—Dea- “Hansa

Wieler Lloyd”

&Co. Diesel Trucks—Sander

I con & Co., Ld. Hatz Dieselmotoren G.m.b.H.—Baist

phina Mail—Wm. Farmer & Co. & Co.

phina Underwriters, Ltd.—Shewan, “Helvetia” Swiss Fire Insurance Co.—-

V Tomes & Co. SpalingerMotor

& Co.Car Co., Ltd. — V. E.

Drown Life Insurance Co,—Crown Hillman

f China Company Ferrier

Deutsche Teleph. & Kabel, A. G. — Holland Oost-Azie Lijn—Holland

Handelscompagnie (Canton) N.China



Directory Co. of the Far Hongkong, Canton and Macao Steam-

East—Koehler & Co. boat Co., Ld.—Deacon & Co., Ld.

R. Ditmar Bruenner Bros. Ltd.—Sander Hongkong Daily Press, Ltd. —

Wieler & Co. Koehler & Ch.

pubarrv Perfumery Co., Ltd.—Rafeek Hong Kdng Fire Insurance Co., Ltd.

■ & Co: Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.


Hong Kong Sunday Herald—Wm. Oestreicher, Dr. L., Berlin—German*

Farmer & Co. Dispensary, Ltd.

Hong Kong Telegraph—Wm. Farmer Palatine Insurance Co., Ltd.—Y. E. Ferrier

& Co. Peninsular & Oriental Bteam Naviga-


Humber, Terraplane—Y. E. Ferrier '

Ltd.—V. E. Ferrier tion Co.—Deacon & Co., Ld.

Indo-China S. N. Co. Ltd. — Jardine, “Philips” Glowlamps Eindhoven

(Holland)—Holland China Handels-

Matheson & Co., Ltd. compagnie (Canton), N.V. & Co.

Jack & Co., Ltd., Wm. C.,—Ferguson, Poehl, Prof. Dr. V., Berlin—Baist

Prince Line and Silver Line—Deacon

Farmer & Co.

Java-China-Japan t Lijn — Holland'- & Co., Ld.

China Handelseompagnie (Ca«nton) Queen Insurance Co., Ltd.—Loxley

N.V. Co.

Jetter & Seh.eorer—Schmidt & Co.

Johannes Buerger Ysate Fabrik, Ritz t Sehweizer—Baist & Co. !

Roechling Buderus. Stpel Works—

Wernigerode—Baist & Co. Baist & Co.

Kade, Dr.. Berlin—German Dispen- Bootes, Ltd.—V. E. Ferrier

sary, Ltd.

“Kepkbld” Refrigerators—Hm. Far- Royal Co.

Insurance Co., Ltd.—Loxley &

mer & Co. Sanitas, Berlin—iSehmidt & Co.

Koch & &Sterzel

Gyr— A.Spalinger


& Co. & Co. Schule


Leitz, E.—Schmidt & Co. Shanghai& Leather

Co.—BaistCo., &Ltd.—Manners

Co. &

Leslies, Ltd.—Rafeek & Co. Co., Ltd.,

Silver John. & Co., Ltd.


Lloyd’s—Deacon & Co., Ld. Slazengers, Ld.—Rafeek & Co.

Lowney, W. M. & Co., Ltd.—.Rafeek Societe des Ciments Portland—Manhei's-

& Co. & Co., China

Ltd., JohnMorning Post—Wm.

Luitpold-Werke, Muenichem—prerman South

Dispensa^, Ltd." Farmer & Co.

Magdehurger Feuer Versichefungs — Stafford Allen & Sons, Ltd.—Rafeek

Sander Wieler

“Magirus”, Small& Co.

Motor Fire Engines States & Co.

Steamship Co. — Manners & Co.,

“ Goliath ’’—Sander Wieler & Co.

Meyer Castens & Co.—Baist & Co. SunLd. John Office1 Ltd.—Manners &•


M. A. N- Maschinenfabrik—Baist & Go., Ltd., John

Co. ;Sun Oil Co., Philadelphia—Baist &

Manufacturers Co.

V. E. Ferrier Life Insurance


Co., Ltd.— Swiss Car & &Elevator

Spalinger Co. Mfg. Corp., Ltd.—

Marine, Insurance Q - > Ld.—Deacon Swiss Locomotive & Machine Works—

& Co., Ld. Spalinger & Co.

Mercantile Bank of India, Ld.—Dea-

epn & Co., Ld. Tres Corporation—Baist ' & Co. ;

Messer. & Go.—Baist & Co. Union Assurance Society, Ld.—Dea-

Metrawatt H. G.—Bornemann

Meyer,.Oastens & Co.r—Baist &&Co.'Cqr. , . . < United

con & Co., Ltd. ■:

Michael Birk Ltd.—Bornemann & Co. States Rubber Export Co.,

S. Moutrie & Co., Ltd.—Ferguson, Farmer Vereinigte Ltd.—Rafeek & Co.

& Co. LausitzerCo.Glaswerke. A. G.—

Sander Wieleri&

Naef. M. k Co., Ltd.—Rafeek & Co. Villeroy & Jjtoch-Uriri* & Co. ^

National Union Fire Ins. Co.—Ame- Weil, Dr. R. and Dr. O.—Baist & Co.

rican Asiatic Underwriters, Fed.

Inc., TJ.S.A., Weir & Co. (Andrew)—Manners &r

North .British and Mercantile Insur- j Co.. Ld., John

ance • Co:, Ltd.—Dent & Co., Ltd., West mamiCoast


IN. V. Amsterdamsphe LederMij.—Sander Wilh. Wilhelmsen Line—Loxley & Co.

Wieler & Co! Willys-Overland, Inc.—V. E. Eerrier

Ocean. Accident & Guarantee Corpn.—Y. Yorkshire Insurance Oo.:—Holland-

E. Ferrier China Trading ’ Co.



(For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sections)

China Navigation Co., Ltd.—Kwong Cheong Wo

Osaka Shosen Kaisha—Kam Sing Cheung

Osaka Shosen Kaisha—Yamashita Risen Kaisha

Standard Vacuum Oil Co.—Ching Tai & Co.


(For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sections)

B. & S. Maripe and Fire Insurance | China Navigation Co., Ltd.--Yuen

—Yuen Fat Lee Co. Fat Lee Co.

China Underwriters Ltd.—Wing Fat Williamson Co.—Wing Fat Hong

! Wb Fat Sing Steamship Co., Ltd.—

Hong Wing Fat Hong


(For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sections)

A. B. C. Underwear Co., Ltd.—Sin- Andre Feraut—South China Mercantile

cere Go., Ltd. and Engineering Co.

Acme Commodity and Phrase Code— Andrew Weir & Co.—Bank Line, Ltd.

Fung Tang Anglo-Siam Corporation, Ld.—She


Ltd.Seward, Bordeaux—Gilman & Co., wan, Tomesi & Co.

Administration of Western Samoa— Archipelago Brewery Co., Ltd. — Gilman

Gibb, Livingston & Co., Ld. & Co., Ltd.

Adriatiea Insurance Co. — American “ Arrigoni ” Food Products—Italian

Asiatic Underwriters Agency

Aeolus Marine. Insurance ,Go,—Karsten Arcturus Radio Tube Co.—Sincere

Larsseri & Co. Co., Ld.

Aero Products, Inc.—Economical Trad- Armand, Gavage—Gauthier & Co.

ing Co. Armstrong-Siddeley Cars—Hong Kong

Agfa China Co.—Deutsche Farben Hotel Garage

Arrmstrong. Siddeley Motors, Ltd.—

Handelesgesel Ischaft Dodwell & Co., Ltd.

Agricultural Fire Insurance^-Gheke & Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft, Ld.—-

Go. (A.) Far East Aviation Co.

Agricultural Insurance Co. —American .Arrol-Iohnson Cars—Hong Kong Hotel



Co.—Sincere Co., Ltd. Garage

Asbestos Cement Building Products^

Airetool Manufacturing Co.—Shewan, Ld.—Dodwell & Co., Ld.

Tomes & Co. Asbestos Corporation

Aji-No-Moto—Honda & Co.

Alberta Milling Co.—-Skott & Co. —Lam Wing Yan & Ltd.,

Co. Montreal

Alemite Corporation — Hong Kong Asiatic Steam Navigation Co., Ld.—

Hotel Garage • Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld.

Allen, Sons & Co., Ltd., W. H.—Per- Askania—Schmidt & Co.

rin’s (China), Ld. Assuranceforeningen Card Arendal—

Allen Tours—Hong Kong & Shanghai Thoresen & Co., Ld.

Hotels, Ltd. Assuranceforeningen “Skuld” Oseo—

Alliance Assurance Co., Ld.—Jar dine, Thoresen & Co., Ld.

Matheson & Co., Ld. Astoria Flour Mills—Skott & Co.

Allsop & Sons—Oaldbeck, Macgregor Athel

Ld. Line—Pure Cane Molasses Co.,

& Co. Atlantic Mutual Insurance

Aluminium Union Ltd. — Shewan,

Tomes & Co. New York—Arnhold & Co., Ld.Co. of

American and Cuban Steamship Line, Atlas Assurance Co., Ld.—Jardiner

Inc.—Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld'. Matheson & Co., Ld.

American Gulf Orient Line—Everett, Atlas Assurance Co., Ld. of London

Incorporated, L. -^China Fire Insurance Co., Ld.

American Pioneer Line — States Atlas Disel, A. B., Stockholm—A.

Steamship Co. B. The Swedish Trading Co., Fil

American Steamship Owners Mutual in China

Protection and Indemnity Associa- Atlas Metal & Alloys Co., Ltd.—Jack

tion, Inc., The—Bradley & Co., Ltd. & Co., Ltd., Wm. C.

Amsterdam Diamond Trading Co.— Atlas Preservative Co., Ld.—Bradley

Holland-China Handels Compagnie & Co., Ltd.

n. y. Atwater Kent Manufacturing Co.-

Sincere Co.


“ Auburn ” Automobile Oo.—Asiatic Bergen Ben Line, Ltd.—W. R. Loxley &. Co., Ltd.

Motor Car Co., Ltd. Marine Insurance Co.—Karsten

Auriema, Inc. Ad. Manufacturers"' Bergens Larssen & Co.

Export Managers —■ Economical Assuranceforeming—Thoresen

Trading Co. & Co., Ld.

Austin Motor Car Co., Ld.—Ross & Berger Ltd.

& Sons' (Lewis)—Loxley & Co.,

Co., Ld.

Australian Roller Flour Mills—Skott & Bergmann Co., Ld., F.

Electric Works—Feld &


Australian Tramp Steamers, Ltd.— Bernese & Co.

Alps (Milk)—A. B. Moulder

Dodwell & Co.. Ltd.

Automatic Pencil Sharpeners Co.— Bigazzi, Ltd.

Raoul—Reiss, Massey & Co.y.

N. A. Tye & Brothers Bird &; Sons—Rudolf Wolff & Kew

Auto-strop Safety Razor Co.—W. R. Birmingham Carbon Works—General

Loxley & Co. Electric Co., Ltd. of China

Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd.—Dod- Birosboro Foundry Co. — Shewan

well & Co., Ltd. Tomes & Co.

Ayres, Ld. (F, H.)—Harry Wicking Biscuiteries Geyers—Maison F. Ma-

B.M.E.A. (Textiles), Ltd.—Davie, Bitulac, Ltd.—She wan, Tomes ,& Co.

Bleistift-Fabrik yorm Johann—Jeh-

Boag & Co., Ltd. sen k, Co.

B.B. S.S. A.A. Guns, Ltd. - -Thornycroft Co.

Motor Cycle & Bicycle — British Blue Star. Line, Ltd.—Dodwell k Co.,.

Bicycle Co. Ltd.

Banco Nacional Ultramarine—Roza Blyth & Platt, Ltd.—Gilman & Co.. Ltd.

Boag & Co., Ld. (Thos.)—Davie,


Bankers’ and Traders’ Insurance Co.* Boag & Co., Ld.

Ltd.—Jardine, Matheson k, Co., Ltd. Board of Underwriters of New York

—Arnhold & Co., Ld.

Barclay Perkins & Co. — Caldbeck, Bohler Bros. & Co., Ld.—Manners &

Macgresror & Co Co., Ld.

Barber-Wilhelmsen Line—Dod well & Bollinger & Co.—Caldbeck Macgregor

Co.. Ld.

& Co.


Refrigeration Engineers, London— Trading Corpora-

Economical Trading Co. tion, Ld.—Jardine, Mathesqn .& Co.,

Barton & Guestier — Caldbeck, Mac- Ld.

gregor & - Co. Boord & Co.—Caldheck Macgregor &

Bata IT. & A.)—W. R. Loxley & Co. Co.

Batavia Sea & Fire Insurance Co.— Boring Co:, Inc., James—Hongkong

& Shanghai Hotels, Ltd.

A. B. Moulder & Co.

Batavia Sea and Fire Insurance, Co.— Borneo Co., Ld.—Gibb, Livingston &

Carlowitz & Co. Co., Ld.

Bedford Trucks—Hong Kong Hotel Borregaard, A/S., tSarpslorg, Norway

Garage —A. B. The Swedish Trading Co.,

Beldam Packing and Rubber Co., Ld. Fil. in China

—Eastern Asbestos Co., The

Belfast Ropeworks Co., Ld.—’John BoAgency sea Vermouth & Wines—Italian

D. Hutchison & Co.

Beldam Packing & Rubber Co.. Ld., Harry S. A.—Wicking & Co,, Ltd.,


The, London—Bradley & Co., Ld.

Bell Brothers Ltd.—Shewan Tomes

(China) Ltd.

Bell & Howell Co.—Hongkong Sport- Braithwaite Ltd.

& Co.—Perrin’s (China),

ing Arms Store

Bell’s Asbestos and Engineering Sup- Bradley & Craven, Ltd.—Perrin’s

(China), Ltd.

plies, Ld.—Dodwell & Co., Ld.

Beil Telephone Mfg. Co. — China Braham Patterson & Benham—She-

wan. Tomes & Go.

Electric Co., Ltd.

BenLtd.Line, Ltd.—Gibb, Livingston & Co., “Branca” Tonic Wine and old

Brandy—Italian Agency



Brand & Co., London—W. iS. SKerly Burns, Philp & Co., Ltd.—Gibb,

Livingston & Co., Ltd.

& Co. Burrell & Co.—Williamson & Co.

Brasserie du Phenix-Antwerp—Brad- Burrough-James,

ley & Co., Ltd. ley & Co., Ltd. Ltd., London—Brad-

Breithaupt & Son, F.—Schmidt & Co. Burroughs

Bremicker & Co.—Grotjahn & Co.

Brings & Sons Ltd.—Dodwell & Co., Bush Massey &Adding

Co.. Ltd.Machine Co. — Reiss,

Ltd. & Co., Ltd., W. J.—Wicking &


British Antifouling Paints—Bradley Cadbury Bros., Ltd.—Hutchison &

& Co. Co., John D.

British Aviation Insurance Co., Ltd. Cadillac & Chevrolet — Hong Kong

—Far East Aviation Co., Ltd. Hotel Garage

British Belt & Asbestos Co.—Shewan, Caledonian Insurance Co.—Dodweil

Tomes & Co. & Co., Ld.

British Borneo Timber Co., Ltd.— Callenders Cable and Construction Co.

Gibb, Livingston & Co., Ltd. —Jack & Co., Ld., Wm. C.

British and Chinese Corporation, Ld. Cambiaghi (Guiseppe) — Wicking &

—Jardine, OVEatheson & Go., Ld. Co. (Harry)

British TDrug Houses, Ltd.—Robert- Campbell Mfg. C.—Davie, Boag &

son, Vv i!son & Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd.

British India & Apcar Lines—Mac- Canada

kinnon, Mackenzie & Co. Reiss, Gypsum

British Insulated Cables, Ltd.—She- Canadian Massey &and Co.Alabastine Co.—

wan, Tomes & Co., Ltd. Canners Ltd. — Jardine,

British Mannesmann Tube Co., Ltd. CanningMatheson & Co., Ltd.

—General Electric Ck>. of China, & Co. (W.), Ltd.—Dodwejl &

Ltd. Co., Ltd.

British North Borneo Government— Canton Insurance Office, Ltd.—Hum-

phreys & Son, John D.

Gibb, Livingston & Co., Ld. Cargo Fleet Iron Oo., Ltd.—Black-

British Patent Perforated Paper Co. moreWinzerling

& Blackburn

—A. B. Moulder & Co.

British Phosphate Commissioners— Carl Grotjahn & Co.

K. G. Yolmarsten—

Gibb, Livingston & Co., Ltd.

British Reinforced Concrete Engineer- Carreras Ltd.—Dodwell &Freres

Caron Perfumes—Sennet

Co., Ltd.

ing Co., Ltd.—Bradley & Co., Ltd.

British Stool Piling Co., Ltd.—Black- Carron


Co. of ^Scotland—Wicking k.


more & Blackburn

Broadwood & Sons, Ld.—Anderson Carter’s Bros.

Writing, Inks—N. A. Tye &

Music Co., Ld., The Casa Italiana Generi Nutritivi Orientali

Bromley & Co., H.—Luhring and —Far East Mercantile Co.

Smith Caslon & Co., H. W.—Dickinson &

Brooke Bond Ltd.—Davie, Boag & Co., Ld., John

Co., Ltd. Ceco Manufacturing Co.—Sincere

Broom & Wade, Ltd.—Reiss Massey & Co., Ld.

Co., Ltd. Cellactite & British Uralite Co., Ltd.

Brunswick Record Corporation, N.Y. —Blackmore & Blackburn, Ltd.

China Phonograph & Radio, Ltd. Celotex Co., The—Shewan, Tomes &

Brunsgaard Kisterud & Co.—Thore- Co.

sen & Co., Ltd. Cement Marketing Oo.—Dodwell &

Brunton’s—Skott & Co. Co., Ld.

Brunton’s—Shewan, Thornes & Co. Central Insurance Co., Ld.—Alex

Buchanan &; Co.,

well & Co., Ltd. Ltd., James—Dod- Ross & Co., Ltd.

Central Union of Marine Under-

Burke, Ltd. (Ed. & John)—Wicking & writers—Karsten, Larssen & Co.

Co. (Harry)

Burmeister & Wain—John D. Man- Century Electric Co.—Shewan. Tomes

ners & Co., Ltd. & Co.


Burn & Co., Ltd.—Reiss, Massey & Holland-Ghina Insurance Co. of London—

Co., Ltd. N. V. Handelscompagnie,


Certain-teed Products Corpn. — She- Coleman Export Corporation—Jebsen

wan. Tomes & Co. & Co.

Chamberlain & Hookham—General Coleman’s “Yitacup”—Gilman & Co., Ltd.

Electric Company, Ld. of China Collard & Collar'd, Ld.—Anderson

Chappell Piano Co., Ld.—Anderson Music Co., Ld.

Music Co., iLd., The Colombia Graphophone Co., Ltd.—

Chargeurs Reunis—Messageries Mari- Anderson Music Co., Ld., The

times Columbia River Milling Co.—Skott & Co.

Chatwood Safe Co., Ltd. — Reiss, Colvern, Ltd.—Rudolf Wolff & Kew

Massey & Co., Ltd. Commer Trucks—Gilman

Chemisch-Pharmazeutische A. G.— Commercial Pacific Cable Co.—Gilman &

Shewan, Tomes & Co. Co., Ld.

Chevrolet Cars—'Hongkong Hotel Commercial Refrigerator Mfg. Co., Ltd.—

Garage Gilman

China Radio Trading Co. Canton— Oompagnie Framcaise des Phosphates

de L'Oceanie—Gibb, Livingston &

'Lam Wing' Yan & Cc. Co., Ld.

China Underwriters, Ltd. — Shewan Compagnie de Produits Chimiques—

Tomes & Co. Shewan, Tomes & Co.

Chinese Foreign Knitting Co., Ltd.— Compania General© de Tobacos—BoteL

Pavri, K. S.

Ching Wah Petroleum Co., Ltd'.— Compania ho Bros.

South China Oil Refining & Enter- lona—Botqlho Transatlantica de Barce-

prise Co. Bros.

Olivers & Sons—Jardine, Mathescn & Confederation Life Association—Dod-

Co., Ltd. well &; Co., Ltd,

Chun Thai Yick Fire Cracker Manu- Conklin Fountain Pens—Wing On Co.

facturing Co., The—Pavri, K. S. & Connecticut Fire Insurance Co.—Dod-

Sons well & Co., Ld.

Cie. General'- Transatlantic—Messa- Continental Motor Car Co.—Asiatic;

geries Maritimes Motor Co., Ltd.

Cie. Indo-Chinoise de Navigation— Corbin Cabinet Lock Co.—Hutchison

Messageries Maritimes & Co., John D

Cie. Lorrane de Charbons—M. Reraha Corbitt Ltd., Dixon—Dodwell & Co.,

Cierva Autogiro Co., Ld.—Far East Cord Ltd.

Aviation Co., Ld. Motor Car Co.—Asiatic - Motor

“Ci'gno;, Macaroni—Italian Agency Co., Ltd.

Cimenteries & Briqueteries Reunies— Corn. Co.

Heyl (A.-G.), Worms—Jebsen &r

Maison F. Mathieu, S. A.

Cirrus Aero-Engines,

1 Ld.—Far East Cosmangor &

Freres—Caldbeck, Macgre-


Aviation Co .

Clark Cruise (Frank C.)—Hongkong Cosulich-Italia


Lines—Dodwell & Cov

and Shanghai Hotels, Ld.

Clark & Sons (Henry), Ld.—Carmi- Oourvoisier


Brandies—Dodwell & Co.r

chael & Clarke

Clarke’s Blood Mixture—Gilman


Clarke Nicholls & Coombs, Ltd.—Jardine, Creed & Co., Ltd.—China Electric

Co., Ltd.

Matheson & Co.. Ltd.

Clayton & Shuttleworth, Ltd.—Black- Crescent Manufacturing Co.—John

more & Blackburn D. Hutchison & Co.

Cleveland Rock Drill Co. — Shewan, Cristalleries de Val St. Lambert, S.

Tomes & Co. A.—Maison F. Mathieu, S. A.

Climax Crude Oil Motors—Rudolf, Cr it tall Manufacturing Co., Ld.—

Wolff & Kew Dodwell & Co., Ld.

Coates Bros. & Co.—John Dickinson Crompton Parkinson Ltd.—Reiss, Massey

& Co., Ltd. ■ & Co., Ltd.

Coates & Cb.—Caldbeck, Macgregor & Crosse & Blackwell, Ld.—Hutchison

Co. & Co., John D.

Code Services, Ltd—Dodwell & Co., Crown Cork Co., Ltd.—Dodweil &r

Ltd. Co., Ltd.



Ounard Line-Nippon Ydsen Kaisha D rapier & Fils—Hongkong Canton

Cyrcamo Trading Co., Ld., Oslo— “Dreher” Export Co, Ltd.

Thoresen & Co., Ld. Beer—Italian Agency

Dufaut Fils*—Caldbeck, Macgregor &

Daimler-Benz—Jebsen & Co. Co.

Dampney & Co., Ld., J., Newcastle Duminyet Co, Ld.

Cie, Champagnes—Gilman &

On-Tyne*—Eastern Asbestos Co . The Dunlop Rubber Co.—Hongkong Hotel


dal—Thoresen & Co., Ld. i Aren- GaragePrinting Press Co.—Linotype

Dania Products Co.—Gilman & Co.. Ltd. Duplex

& Machinery, Ld.



Co., Ltd. Actien-Besellschaft—Shewan,

Darvagh Smail & Co.—Wicking & Co. Tomes & Co.


Dawson Pavne

The—Dodwell & Co, Ltd.

& Co., Ld., John

Davey Compressor Co. — Shewan, Eastern and Australian B.S. Co, Ld.

—Maekinnon, Mackenzie & Cb.

Tomes & Co.

Dayton Price & Co.—Muller & Phinns Eastern Co, Ld.

Bank, Ld.^-Sassoon Banking

De Vos-Lemmens — Maison E. Ma- Eastern Insurance Co, Ld.—Jardine.

thieu, S. A. Mathe,son & Co, Ld.

Deinhard & Co.—Caldbeck, Macgre- “Echo” Radios—Anderson Music Oo,

gor k Co. Ld.

Dslco Light Appliance Co.—Dodwell Eberhard Faber’s Pencils—N. A. Tye

& Oo„ Ld. & Brothers

Demag — Chien Hsin Engineering Echophone Radio Mfg. Co, Ltd.—

Co., Ld. Shewan, Tomes & Cb'.

Den Giensidige Damoskibsassurance- Economic

forening Skiold, OPorsgrud — Tho- ness (Far East), Ltd.Co, Ld.—Fur-


resen & Co., Ld.

Dennis Bros., Ld—Ross & Co., Ld. Economic Insurance Oo, Ltd.—R. H.

Kotewall & Oo.

Detroit Aircraft Oorpn.—L. E. Gale

Deuchar, Robat, (Ld., Edinburgh— “Eddystone”

Cb, Ld.

Radios—Anderson Music

Bradley & Co., Ld. “Eddystone” Wireless Apparatus—

D’Evian-les-Bains — Caldbeck, Mac- Economica,! Trading Co.

gregor & Co.

Distillers Agencv, Ltd., The — Gande Wolff & Kew Apparatus—Rudolf

Ediswan Radio

Price & Co., Ld.

Distillers Agency, Ltd., The—Gilman & ElGilman

Oriente& Co,


Ltd. de Tabacos Inc.—

Co, Ltd. Elbsohloss Beer—Wing On Co, Ld.

Dixon, Corbitt Ld.—Dodwell & Co, Elders


Dodwell-Castle Line—Dodwell k Co, Electrad TradingInsurance

Co, Ld Co, Ld.—Union

Ld. Yan & Co. New York—Lam Wing


Dodwell & Co, Ltd.—Wilkinson, Electrolux, Ltd.—Shewan, Tomes &

Heywood & Clarke Co.

Dollfus-Mieg & Co.—G. E. Huygen Electromatis Fuel Burners—Dodwell

Dominion Oilcloth & Linoleum Co, Ltd. & Co, Ltd.


Doodsen & Bain, Ld.—Bradley & Co., monia—Petersen & Cb.


Dorman & Co, Ltd, W. H.—Gilman & Ellerman & Bucknali S.S. Co, Ld.—

Bank Line, Ld.

Co, Ld. Ellison & Co, Ltd, George—Dodwell

Doiuglas Steamship

las, Lapraik & Co. Co, Ld.—Doug- Ellison

& Co, Ltd.

Milling & Co.—Skott & Co.

Drambuie Liqueur Co. — Caldbeck, Employers’ Liability Assurance Cor-

Macgregor & Co. poration, Ld.—Amhold & Co, Ld.


Eno Ltd., J. C.—Harry Wickiug & Co.,Ltd'. Eraser


&j Chalmers—General Electric

Ltd, of China

Erasmic Co., Ld., The—Jardine,

Matheson & Co., Ld. Fraser Valley Milk Producers Asso-

Erwen Lucas Bols—Caldbeck, Maegre- ciation, Ltd.—Jardine, Matheson &

gor & Co. Co., Ltd.

L. M. Ericksson & Co., Stockholm— Freeman & Sons Co., Ltd., G.—Dod-

well &- Co., Ltd.

The Swedish Trading Co.

Essex & (Suffolk Equitable Insurance French American Banking Corporar

Society, Ld.—Bradley & Co., Ld. kkm, New York—Banque de 1’Indo-

Ewo 'Ootton Mills, Ld. — Jardine, Chine

Matheson & Co., Ld. Frick Corp.—Dodwell & Co., Ltd.


Co., Ld.Liftof China

Co.—General Electric Frigidaire Ltd.—Dodwell & Co., Ld.

Fry & Sons, Ld. (J.S.)—Hutchison &

Co., John D.

Fairbanks, Morse & Co.—Shewan, Fulford, Ltd., C. E.—Gilman & Co., Ltd.

Tomes & Co.

Falkirk Iron Co., Ld.—Reiss, Massey & KewAccumulator Co.—Rudolf, Wolff


& Co., Ld.

Far East Superintendence Ct»., Ld.— Furness, Withy & Co., Ld.—Furness

(Far East), Ld.

Goddard & Douglas

Far Eastern Range Co., The—Dodwell Fuso Marine and Fire Co.

Fuess, R.—Schmidt

Insurance Co.

& Co., Ltd.

Farbenindustrie (I. G.)—China Ex- —Nippon Yusen Kaisha. .

port Import and Bank Co.

Farbenindustrie I. G.—Deutsche Far- Gandy Belt Manufacturing Coi, Ld.—

Bradley & Co., Ld.

ben-Handelsgesellschaft Ganz & Co.—Shewan, Torti.es & Go.

Farleigh Nettbeim & Co.—Himly, Ld. Garland Steamship Corporation—Jar-

Fassett Johnson—Gilman iSr Co., Ltd. dine, Matheson &[ Co.

Fatum Accident Insurance Co.—Bodi- Garland Petroleum Co., Ltd.—South

ker & Co. China Oil Refining Co., Ltd. 1

Federal Trucks—Gilman & Co:, Ltd. Genatosan Ltd. — Loxley & Co.

Fei Lun S.-S. Co., Ld.—Carmichael (China), Ltd., W. R.

& Clarke /managers) General Accident, Fire and Life As-

Fei Lun S.S. Co., Ltd.—Carmichael & surance Corp., Ld —Backhouse, Ld.

Clarke (managers) General Accident, Fire & Life Assur-

Ferodo Ltd.—Dodwell & Co., Ltd. ance Corp.—Ross & Co., Ld. (Alex.)

Ferranti Ltd.—Jack & Co., Ltd., Wm. General Accident, Fire and Life As-

surance Corp., Ltd., Marine Dept.-

e. Backhouse, Ltd1., James H.

Fichtal & Sachs—Grotjahn & Co. ; Geneal Electric Co., Ld. (London)—

Findlater’s, Mackie

Gilman & Co., Ltd. Todd iL Co., Ltd.— : General Electric Co., Ld. of China

Fincken & Co., Ltd., A. C. —Jardine, General Motors Corporation, (Cadillac

& Chevrolet)—Hongkbng Hotel Ga-

Matheson & Co., Ltd. rage

Fire & General Insurance — Arrihqld General

&' Co.. Ld.

Fisk Tyres—Gilman & Co., Ltd. Ltd. Neon Light Co.-—iSincere Co.,

Foamite Firefoam, Ltd.—Dodwell & ‘ General Steamship Corporation—Jar-

dine, Matheson & Co.

Co., Ltd.

Foggitt & Jones Propt. Ltd.—A. B. General Veneer Factory — Jardine,

Matheson & Co., Ltd.

Moulder & Co.

Foh Sing Flour Mills—Skott & Co. ! Geo. Younger b Sort, Ltd.—Caldbeck

Forrest Printing Ink Co., Ld.—Mer- i George Banks && Co.,

, Macgregor Co.

Ltd;—Harry Wick-

cantile Printers’ Supply Co., The ing & Cor, Ld.

Fou Foong Flour Mills—Skott & Co. j George Goulet—Caldbeck : Macgfegor

Frankfurt—Deutsche Farben Handels- & Co. -

gesellschaft ! Germ Lubricants Ltd.—Jack & Co., Ltd.

Franklin Electric Co.—Rudolf Wolff Wip. C.

& Kew Germanischer Lloyd—Mclchers & Co.


Germinal Cigar and Cigarette Fac- Hall’s Sanitary Washabe Distemper—

tory, Inc.—Atienza, Vicente & Co. Jack & Co.

Gerrard Industries, Ld.—Dodwell & Halvor Breda—Chien Hsin Engineer-

Co., Ld. ing Co., Ld.

Gibb’s Soaps, D. & W.—Hutchison & Hamburg-Amerikan Line—Hongkong;

Co., John D. and Shanghai Hotels, Ltd. & Co.

Gibson Eefrigerator Co.—Shewan, Hamburg-Amerika Linie—Jebsen

Tomes & Co.

Gilfillan Brothers Inc., U.S.A.—Domestic Hanover Fire Ins. Co., Ltd.—Ameri-

Engineers, Ltd. can Asiatic Underwriters

Gillette Industries, Ltd.—Loxey & Hardie Hardie Bros.—Rudolf Wolff & Kew

Co., (China), Ltd., W. R. & Co. (James)—Bradley &.

Co., Ld.

Givaudan & Co., Ld.—Shewan, Tomes Harley-Davidson

& Co. Motorcycles—Gascon

Glandular Preparators Ltd.—Dodwell Motor Co.

& Co., Ltd. Harrisons & Crosfield, Ld.—Gibb,,

“ Glen ” Line—Jar dine, Matheson & Livingston & Co., Ld.

Co. * Harwood Self-winding Watches—Sen-

Gloucester Railw'ay Carriage Co., Ltd. net Freres

—Perrin’s (China), Ltd. Haugesunds Sjoforsikringsselskap—

Glover & Co., Ld.—Dodwell & Co., Ld. Karsten, Larssen & Oo.

Godfrey Phillips, Ld.—Hutchison & HeidseikLtd.

& Co.—W. R. Loxley & Co.,

Co., John D.

Golden State Co., Ld.—Hutchison & Heine Import

& Co. (A. S.)—China Export-

and Bank Oo.

Op., John D.

Gol 1 in & Co. (Prop. Ltd.)—A. B. Heinke Ltd.

& Co. (G. L.)—Dodwell & Co.,

Moulder & Co.

Goodall, Backhouse & Oo.—Reiss, Henderson,& Blackburn

Ltd., P. O.—Blackmore

Massey & Co., Ld. Hepburn W Gale Ltd., Barrow — Harry

Graham. Motors—Wong Siu Woon Wicking & Co., Ltd.

Great American Life Assurance Co.— Hjorth & Co., B.A., Stockholm—A.B.

Hongkong Canton Export Co.

Great Eastern Life Assurance Co.— The China

Swedish Trading Co., Fil. in

John Manners & Co., Ld.

Great Western Chemical Co., U.S.A. Hoesch Sheet Steel Piling—Feld &

Co., Ld., F.

—Domestic Engineers, Ltd.

Gregg Co., Ltd.—Shewan, Tomes & Hoi& Co. Fook Shipping Co., Ld.—Brandt


Gresham Fire & Accident Inc. Soc. Ltd.— Holland America Line—Java-China-


Gilman & Co., Ltd.

Grimault & Co.—Atienza, Vicente & Japan Lijn Asia Line—Java-China-

Holland East


Grotjahn & Co.—Reiss, Massey & Co., Holophane

Wm. C. Ltd. — Jack & Co., Ltd.,


Guardian Assurance Co., Ld.—Jar- Home Insurance

Home Co.—Huygen, G. E.

Insurance Co. of New York—

dine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Union Trading Co., Ld.

Hong Kong Art Frame Manufactory

H. & G. Simonds, Ld.—Caldbeck, —Pavri, K. S. & Sons.

Macgregor & Co. Hong Kong Electric Co., Ld. —Gibb,

Haden & Sons, Ld., G.N.—Reiss, Livingston & Co., Ld.

Massey & Co., Ld. Hooduein & Co., Chas. Chicago-

Haggle & Sons (R. Hood)—Robertson, Economical Trading Co.

Wilson & Co., Ld. chison & Co., John, D.

Hall & Cb., Ld., T.B.—Gande, Price Horrockses, Crewdson & Co., Ld.—

& Co., Ld. Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld.

Hall, Ld.—Breda—Chien Hsin Engin- Howie Ltd., J. & R.—Harry Wicking &

eering Co. Co., Ltd.

Hall, Ld. (J. & E.)—Carmichael & Hoyt Metal Co. of Great Britain, Ld.

Clarke —Bradley & Co., Ld.


Isthmian S S. Lines—Bank Line, Ld.

Hoyt) Metal Co. of Great Britain, Ld. “Italit”

—Eastern Asbestos Co., The Products, Ld. — Shew an,

Hubbuck & Sons, Ld. (Thomas)— Italia Tomes & Co.

Wicking & Co., Ld. & Cosulich Lines—Lloyd Tries-

Hudnut, Richard — Loxley & Co. Ixion tino

(China), Ltd., W. R. Tool Works—Grotjahn & Co.

Hudson Bay & Co.—Loxley & Co.

Hudson & Terraplane Cars—Gilman & J. Perrier Fils.—Caldbeck, Macgregor

Co., Ltd.

Hudson & Eumenthal Jujubes—Gilman J. & Sedgwick


& Cb., Ld.—Caldbeck,

& Co., Ltd.

Humber & Hillman Cars—Gilman & Jacks & Co.. &Wm.—Dodwell

Macgregor Co.

&; Co.,

Co., Ltd. Ltd.

Hunt Roope Teage & Co.—Dodwell & Jacks & Co. (William), London—Wil-

Co., Ld liam C. Jack & Co.

Hutton Pty., Ltd., J. C1.—Dodwell & Jack & Co., Ltd., Win. C.—Callender’s

Co., Ltd. Cable & Construction Co., Ltd.

Huntley & Palmers, Ld.—Dodwell & James Buchanan & Co., Ld.—Dodwell

Co., Ld. & Co., Ltd.

Illingworth & Co. (Thos.)—Reiss, James Gibbons, Ltd.—Gilman & Co , Ltd.

Massey & Co., Ld. James Mackie & Sons, Ltd.— Reiss,

Massey & Co, Ltd.

Imperial Airways, Ltd.—Bank Line James Hawker & Co.—Caldbeck, Mac-

(China), Ltd.

Imperial Chemical Industries, Ld. Jas.gregor & Go.

(Yellow Metal)—Gibb, Livingston & gorCoutts & Co.

& Co.—Caldbeck, Macgre-

Co., Ld. Java Pacific Lihe—Java-China-Japan

Imperial Typewriter Co., Ld.—Reiss Line

Massey & Co., Ld.

India Tyre & Rubber Co.—W. R. Loxley , Carlowitz & Fire

Java Sea &


Ins. Co., Ltd.—

& Co., Ltd.

In do-China Portland Cement Co., Jebsen & Co.—Deutsche Farben-


Ld.—Alves & Co.

Insurance Co. of North America— Jenson & Nicholson, Ld.—John D.

Hutchison. & Cb!

China Underwriters, Ld. letter & Schee'rer—Schmidt & Co.

Insurance Office of Australia, Ltd.-- John Grabble & Co.—Caldbeck, Mac-

China Underwriters, Ltd. gregor & Cb.

International B. F. Goodrich Corpn. John Harper & Co., Ld., Willenhall—

—Carlow'itz & Co. Economical Trading Co.

International Chemical Co.—W. R. John Harvey & Son—Caldbeck., Mac-

Loxley & Co., Ltd. grbgor & Co.

International Composition and Farve John Jameson & Co.—Oaldbeck, Mac-

fabrik A/S. Bergen—Wallem & Co. gregor

International Standard Electric Johnnie1 &Walker Cb.

& Sons, Ld.—Cald-

Corp.—China Electric Co., Ltd.

International Trading Co.—C. P. Johnson, Ld. (H. && R.),

, beck, Macgregor Co.


Young & Co. Wicking & Co.

long Moc Tong Knitting Manufac- Johnson Pickett Rope Co., Inc.—

tory—Pavri, K. S. & Sons Dodwell & Co., Ltd.

Ipekdjian Bros.—T. M. Gregory :& Jones & Co., Ld. (H.)—Dodweil &

Co. Cb., Ld.

Iron Jelloids—Gilman & Co., Ltd.

Ironite Co., Ld., The—Bradley & Jones Massey

& Co., Ld., (Samuel)—Reiss,

& Co., Ld.

Co., Ld.

Irish Linen Mills, Ld.—Davie, Boag Jones Textilatdes Export Co., Ltd.—

& Co., Ld. China Engineers, Ltd.

Irving’s “Yeast-Yites”—Gilman & Co., Joseph Gautier Fils—South Chin*

Ltd. Mercantile and Engineering Co.


Joseph Lucas, Ltd.—Dodwell & Co., Kupper Brewery—Caldbeck, Macgre-

Ltd. gor & Co

Joseph Lucas, Ld.—Hongkong Hotel Kwong King Tai Fire Cracker

Garage Manufacturing Co.—Pavri, K. S.

& Sons

Josiah Parkes & Sons, Ltd.—Harry Wick- Kwong

ing & Co.,- Ltd Man Loong Fire Cracker

Jules Sabourin & Co. — Caldbeck, Manufacturing Cto., Ld., The—

Macgregor & Co. Pavri, K. S. & Sons

Kwong Sun—C. P. Young & Op.

Kaijima Shogyo, K. K. — Jardine,

Matheson & Co., Ld. L. Rose & Co.—Caldbeck, Macgregor

Kalian Confectionery Ox—Kwong Tai & Co.

Hong L’Alliance Francaise—Karsten, Lar-

Kalian Mining Administration—Hod- seen & Co.

well & Co. L’Union Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. of

Kay & Co.—Dodwell & Co., Ltd. Paris ^ Credit Foncier d’Extreme

Keelox Manuftg. Co.—Dodwell & Co. Orient

Kelvin Motors—Bailey & Co. La Cie. de Commerce—Bradley & Co.

Kellog Switchboard & Supply C.— “La Corbeille”—Maison F. Mathieu,

Shewan, Tomes & Co. S. A.

Kelvinator Corporation—Keiss. Massey LaYebana—M. Beraha

& Co. Laboratories Carteret — Hongkong

Kelvinator Corporation of U.S.A.— Canton Export Co., Ltd.

Domestic Engineers, Ltd. Laboratories Douetteau Freres—Hong-

Kelvin Motors—W. S. Bailey & Co., kong Canton Export Co., Ltd.

Ltd. Laboratories Foumouze — Hongkong

Kempton & Sons, W. S.—Dodwell & Canton Export Co., Ltd.

Co., Ltd. Laboratories Gomenol Prevet—Hong-

Kenrick & Co., Ltd.—Loxley & Co. kong Canton Export Co., Ltd.

(China), Ltd., W. B. Laboratories lodo-Maisine—Hongkong

Canton Export Co., Ltd.

Kenyon & Son, Ld. (James) - Gibb, Laboratories

Livingston & Co., Ld. Lafarge — Hongkong

Kerner Greenwood & Co., Ltd.— Canton Export Co., Ltd.

Dodwell & Co., Ltd. Laboratories

Hongkong Canton Export& Cp.,

Lematte Boinot—


Kia-Ora, O. T., Ld.—Caldbeck, Mac- Laboratories Miraton — Hongkong

gregor & Co. Canton Export, Co., Ltd.

Kidd & Co. (John), Ltd.—Wicking & Laboratories Odinot—Hongkong Can-

Co. (Harry) ton Export Co., Ltd.

Kimpton & Sons, W. S.—Dodwell & “Lafarge” Extra White Cement—

Co., Ltd Gibb, Livingston & Co.

Kinkai Yusen Kaisha—Nippon Yusen Lake of the Woods Milling Co.—Skott

Kaisha & Co.

Kirin Beer—Honda & Co. Lalique Glassware—Sennet Freres

“ Kiwd ” Boot Polish—Loxley & Co., Lambourne & Co., The W. T.—She-

Ltd. wan, Tomes & Co.

Klaveness, A. F. &■. Co., A/S.—Thore- Landis fc Gyr, Ld.—Shewan, Tomes

sen & Co., Ld. & Co.

Klaveness Line (Pacific Coast Asiatic Lament

Service)—Bank Line, Ld. Reiss, &Massey

Kobe Marine Transport and Fire Insur- Lamplaugh

Co., Ld., J. H.Ld.(James H.)

&; Co.,

ance Co.—Katoh & Co. & Co.—Rudolph Wolff and


Kopke & Co., Ltd. C. N.—Jardine, Lancashire

Matheson & Co., Ltd. —Dodwell Dynamo and Crypto Co., Ltd.

& Co., Ltd.

Korting Diesel Engines—Feld & Co., Lancashire Insce. Co.—Griffith & Co.

•Ld., F. Lancashire Insurance Col—Petersen

Krupp, Fried—Carlowitz & Co. & Co.

^Kruschen Salts—Gilman & Co., Ltd. Law Union & Rock Ins. Co.—Gilman*

Kung Sam Chai—C. P. Young & Co. & Co., Ltd.


Lawrence Leather Co., A. C. — She^ McKesson & Robbins,- Inc.—Bodiker

wan, Tomes & Co. i & Co.

Legal Insurance Co.—Skott & Co. Magnolia Anti-Friction Metal Co.,

Ld.—Arnhold A Co., Ld.

L. Leichner (London) Ltd.—Petersen & Co. Magnolia-

Leitz, E.—Schmidt & Co. Robertson,Anti-Friction

Leland Electric Ltd. Co., U. S. A.—Domes- Malayan Wilson & Co.,Metal Ltd. Co.—

tic Engineers Ltd. Collieries, Ld.,’ Kuala Lam-

"Lanka Brand” Tea—Windsor Bros. pur—Thoresen & Co., Ld.

Leonis ' Works—Maison F. Mathieu, Manuel Co.

Misa—Caldbeck, Macgregor &

S. A.

LeVerkusen (Germany) — China Ex- Manufacturers Mutual Insurance Co.,

Ld.—Gibb, Livingston & Co., Ld.

port, Import and Bank Co., Ltd. Maple Leaf Milling Co.—Skott ,&) Co.

Levers Pacific Plantations, Ld.—Gibb, Mareoniphone Co.—Rudolf Wolff &

Livingston & Cb., Ld. Kew


Ltd. McNeil & Libby—Dodwell & Co., Marchant, C ha rl es—rJ a r din e, Mathe-

son & Co., Ld.

Liggett & Mevers Tobacco Co., Ltd. Marine. Insurance—Arnhold & Co.,

—C. Chan & Co. Ld.

Lindemann, Ld.—Caldbeck, Macgre- Marine Insurance . Co., Ld.—Mackin-

gc'r & Co. non, Mackenzie & Co.

Liner Concrete Machinery Co., Ltd.— Maritime Insurance Qq*—Steger & Co.

Reiss, Massey & Co., Ltd Martel 1. Ju. F. — Gande. Price &

Lissen, Ld.—Sincere Co. Co., Ld.


& Co.,& Ltd.

Co., Ltd., R. A.—Reiss, Massey Martini & ; Rossi—Caldbeck, Macgre-

Liverpool and London and Globe Insur- A.gor & Co.

Maschmeijer Jr.—Petersen &, Co.

ance Co., Ltd.—Dodwell & Co., Ltd. Mason & Co.—Loxley & Co., W. R

Lloyd’s—Gilman & Co., Ltd.

Lloyd Triestino Steam Navigation Co. Maw & Co., Ltd.—Gilman & Co., Ltd.

—Dodwell & Co., Ld. Meccano Ltd.—Loxley & Co., W. R.,

Lodge Plugs, Ltd.—ttodwell & Gee., Ltd.

Ltd. Medical & Gen. Exporters, Ltd.—

Lombard Loxley & Co., Ltd., W. R.

Ld. Codes, Ld.—Dodwell & Co., Meiji Fire Insurance Co., Ld.—Mit-

London Assur.—China Underwriters sui Buss an Kaisha, Ld.

London Fire Assurance Corporation— Meltis, Ld.—Ro-bertson, Wilson A Co.,

A. B., The Swedish Trading Co., Ld.

Fil. in China Meltox Corpn.—Noen Electrical Oorpn-

London, Steamship Owners Mutual of Asia.

Insurance Association, Ld.—Brad- Menam River Towage and Lighter

Co., Ld., The—Thoresen & Co., Ld.

ley & Co., Ld.

London Varnish and Enamel Co., Ld. Mercantile Mutual Insurance Co.,

—Hutchison & Co., John, D. Ld.—Gibb, Liyingston & Co., Ld'.

Lotus, Ld.—Rudolf Wolff & Kew Merchants’ Morine Insurance Co., Ltd.—

Ducas, Ltd., Joseph—Dodwell & Co., Arnhold & Co., Ltd.

Ltd. Merck (E.)—Schmidt & Co.

"Luxardo” Liquors & Syrups—Ita- Metropolitan-Vickers Electric Co.—

lian Agency Arnhold & Co.

Lykes Bros. Ripley Steamship—L. Miehelson Co., Ltd. & . Sternberg—Kwongtin &

Everett, Inc.


Jardine,Timber & Tiading

Matheson & Co., Ltd.Co., Ltd.—

M. G. Car Co., Ltd.—Dodwell & Co.. Millers Falls C.—Dodwell & Co., Ld.

Ltd. Minerva Insurance Co. — Karsten,

Maersk Line—Jebsen

Macfarlane Lang—Gilman & &Co.Co , Ltd. Larssen & Co.

Maconochie Bros. Ltd. — Jardine, Ma- Mitsui Mining Co.. Ltd..—Mitsui Bus-

san Kaisha, Ld.

theson & Co., Ltd.

McNeil Ltd., (C.) — Carmichael & Mbet & Chaindon—Gande & Co., Ld.

Clark Moffats, Ld.—Shew an, Tomes & Co.


Monsanto Chemical Works, St. Louis New Zealand Co-operative Dairy Co.r

—W. S. Sherly & Co. Ltd.—Luhring & Smith

Montgomerie Stobo & Co.—Davie, Newton, Chambers & Co., Ltd.—

Harry Wicktng & Co.

Boag & Co., Ld.

Morgan &; Co., Ld. (Koxburgh)— Newton, Chambers & Co., Ltd.—Jardine,

Matheson & Co., Ltd.

Robertson, Wilson & Co., Ld.

Morgan Orueible Co., Ld.—Wiciking & Nicholls


Ptv. Ltd'.—Dodwell & Co.,

Co. (Harry)

Moyis Cars—Hongkong Hotel Garage son & Co.File Co.—John D. Hutchi-


Morris Commercial Cars—Hongkong

Hotel Garage Niedich Process- Co.—Dodwell & Co..

Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd.—Dod- Ld.

well & Co., Ltd. Nippon Electric Co.—China Electric

Morris Motors, Ltd.—Dodwell & Co., Co., Ltd.

Ltd. Nippon Fire Insurance Co., Ld.—

Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ld.

Morris Motors, Ld.—Hongkong Hotel Nishet

Garage & Co., Ld., James—Dickson &

Motor Union Insurance Co., Ltd.— Co., Ld., John

Union Trading Co., Ltd. Nisshin Kisen Kaisha—Nippon Yusen

Motoren - Werke Mannheim Yorm. Kaisha

Banz & Co?—Jebsen & Co. Nobel’s Explosives Co., Ld.—Jardine,

Motorenfabrik Deutz — Chien Hsin NobelMatheson & Co., Ld.

Engineering Co., Ltd. Chemical Finishes, Ltd.—Reiss

Melhouse—S. E. Huygen Massey & Co.,Lloyd—Melchers

Norddeutscher Ltd. & Co.

Mulcott Belting Co., Ld.—Dodwell & Nordisk Skibsrede rfore.ning Oslo—

Co., Ld. Thcresen & Co., Ld.

Mullard Wireless Service — Sincere Norge Corporation—Gilman & Co., Ltd.

Co., Ld. Norris, Henry V Gardners, Ld.—

Mundat & Oa—Botelho Bros. Dodwell & Co., Ld.

N. Y. Biscuitfabrieken “Victoria,” North Atlantic Insurance Co.—Kar-

Dordrecht—A. Goeke & Co. sten, Larssen & Co.

Nathan & Co., Ltd., Joseph—Loxley North Borneo Trading Co., Ltd.—Jar-

& Co. (China), Ltd., W. B. dine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.

National Carbon Co., Inc.—China North British and Mercantile Insce.

Electric Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd.—China Underwriters, Ld.

National Liberty Insurance Co. of North China Insurance Co., Ltd.—

America—Dodwell & Co., Ld. Gibb, Livingston & Co., Ltd.

National Provincial Bank Ld., Lon- North


River Insurance Co.—American


don—Banque de I’lndd-Ohine

National Union Fire Insurance Co.— Northern,

Co., W.

Warren Corp.—Loxley &


American Asiatic Underwriters

National Vulcanized Fibre Co.—Reiss, Northern Assurance Co., Ld.—Gibb,

Livingston & Co , Ld.


Neill & Co., Ltd., James—Dodwell & Northern Assurance Co., Ld—Brad-

ley & Co., Ld.

Co., Ltd. Norton & Gregory, Ld.—Harry Wick-

Nether lands India Tug & Coal Co.— ing & Co.

Java-ChinarJapan Lijn Norton Motors—Sincere Co.

Netherlands Insurance Co.—Bodiker

Ld.—Java-China-Japan Ldjn Norwegian Reassurance Co.—Karsten

Larssen & Co.

Netherlands Insurance, Co.—Bodiker Norwegian

& Co. Triton Insurance Co.—

Netthe;m Karsten, Larssen & Co.

Co. & Co. (Farleigh)—Himly & Norwich Union Fire Insurance So-

ciety, Ld.—Robertson, Wilson &

New India Assurance Co., Ld.—Dod- Co., Ld.

well & Co., Ld.

New India Insurance Co., Ltd.—Bank Nubian Manufacturing Co.—South

China Mercantile and Engineering

Line, Ltd. Co.


Ocean Accident and Guarantee Cor- Pathe Freres, Paris—Pathe Orient,

poration, Ld.—Gilman & Co., Ld. Ld.

Ocean Bathing Suit Co. New York— Batons & Baldwins, Ltd. — Jardine,

W. S. Sherly & Co. .Vi atheson & Co., Ltd.

Ocean Insurance Co.—Gibb, Livings- Peace, Ld., W. R. & Co., Sheffield-

ton & Co., Ld. Economical Trading Oo.

Ocean Marine Insce. Co., Ltd.—China W. K. & C. Peace, Ld., Sheffield-

Underwriters, Ltd. Economical Trading Co.

Ocean Oil Co., Ld.—Davie Boag & Peak, Frean & Co., Ld.—Robertson,

Co., Ld. Wilson & Co., Dd.

Oceanic & Oriental Navigation Co.— Pearl Assurance Co., Ld.—Dodwell &

States Steamship Co. Co., Ld.

“ Old Taylor ” Scotch Whisky—Moses Peninsular & Oriental .Steam Nav. Oo.

& Co. (N. S.) —Mackinnon, Maskenzie & Co. T

Oldham & Sons Ltd. England—Lam Penn Yan Motor Boats—Rudolf W olff

Wing Yan & Co. & Kew

Olivier Chine—Jardine, Matheson & Co., Penta Works Co., Ld., The, Skoevde,

Ltd. Sweden.—A. B., The Swedish Trad-

Omega Watch Co.—M. Beraha ing Co.;, Fil. in China

Original Odhner—Dodwell & Co., Ltd. Pepsodent Co. Chicago—W. S. Sherly

Orlik (L.)—Harry Wicking & Co. & Co.

Ormond Engineering Co. — Rudolf Petters, Ltd.—General Electric Co.

Wolff & Kew of China, Ltd.

Osborn & Co., Ltd., Samuel—Reiss, Peugeot et Oie.—Jardine, Matheson

Massey & Co., Ltd & Co., Ld.

Osram-Ro'bertson Lamp Works—Gen- Philippine Steam Navigation Co.—

eral Electric Co., Ld.

1 of China L. Everett, Inc.

Otard Dupuy & Oo,— Jar dine, Mathe- Philips Lamp Work Eindhoven—Hol-

son & Co., Ld. land China Handelscompagnie, N.

Otis Elevator Oo.—Dodwell & Co., Y.

Ltd. Philips & Co., Ld. (J. & N.)—Reiss,

Otto & Co.—Deutsche Farben-Han- Massey & Co., Ld.

delsgesellschaft Philips Radios—Anderson Music Co.

Overseas Assurance Corp., Ltd.—Reiss, Phillip’s Patents Ltd.—Gilman & Co.,

Massey, & Co., Ltd. Ltd.

Overseas Motors Service (A. C. Plugs) Phoenix Assurance Co., Ld.—Gibb,

-Hong Kong Hotel Garage Livingston & Co., Ld.


Ltd. Lung Tonic—Gilman & Co., Phylloaan—Gilman & Co., Ltd.

Pilot, Radio & Tube Corporation-

Sincere Co.

P. & O. S. N. Co.—Mackinnon, Pirelli General Cable Works—General

Mackenzie & Co. Electric Co., Ld. of China

Page-Hersey Export Co., Ld.—Dod- Plaimar Ltd.—Dodwell & Co., Ltd.

well & Co., Ld. Platt Bros., Ltd.—Reiss, Massey &

Palatine Insurance Co., Ltd.—Gilman &, Co., Ltd.

Co., Ltd.

Palatine Insurance Co.—Skott & Co. Polak G. E.

& Schwartz (N. V.)—Huygen

Pan Pacific Oil Co. Los Angeles—Woo “Polisex”—Pharmaceuticals (Far East)

Bros. Ltd.

Papeteries de Belgique, S. A.—Maison Pommery & Grene—Caldbeck, Mac-

F. Mathieu, S. A. gregor & Co.

Paramount Chemical Works—'Mut Precision Radio—Rudolf Wolff and

Wah Hong Kew

Parfumerie L. T. Piver—W. R. Lox- Premier Steel Op., Ltd.—China En-

ley & Co., Ltd. gineers, Ltd.

Parrafine Co., Inc —Dodwell & Co., Prentice Ltd.—Jack & Co., Ltd., Win. C.


Partridge & Mees—Rudolf Wolff & Prest-O-Lite Storage Battery Co.—

Hongkong Hotel Garage



Price Brothers Sales Corporation— Robert Bosch A. G. ■ Stuttgart—Jeheen

Bradley & Co., Ld. & Co. .

Priestman Bros. Litd.—Reiss, Miassey Robert Bouche — Caldbeck, Macgre-

& Co., Ltd. gor & Co.

Prince Line—Furness (Far East), Ld. Robertson Co., H. H.—Davie, Boag:

Produits Chimiques et Electro-Metal- & Co., Ld.

lurgiques—Shewan, Tomes & Co. Robertson Travel-J Bureau, D. F.—

Proutyline Products—Neon Electrical Hong Kong & Shanghai Hotels, Ld.

Corporation of Asia Robin Hood Mills—Skott & Co.

Providence Washington Insurance Co. Robson, Ld. (John)—Reiss, Massey &

—Dodwell & Oo., Ld. Co.

Quasi-Arc Co., Ltd.—Davie, Boag & RoeCo.& Co. (A. V.)—Far East Aviation

Co., Ltd.

Queen Insurance Co.—Loxley & Co. Rolls-Royce


Ltd. — Hongkong Hotel

Queensland Insurance Co., Ld.— Rolscreen Co.—Davie, Boag & Co.,

Gibb. Livingston & Co., Ld. Ltd.

Queensland Insurance Co., Ed.—Jar- Roneo,

dine, M a the son & Oo., Ld. Ronson Ld.—Dodwell & Co.Freres


R. C. A. Victor Co.—Moutrie & Co. Roosevelt Steamship

: Co.—Jardine,,

Ltd. Matheson & Co.

Rootes, Ld.—Gilman

Radium Rubber Co.—Wicking & Co. Ross & Oo., Ld., W. A.—Dodwell& Co., Ld.

(Harry) &

Co., Ld.

Ransomes & Rapier, Ltd.—General Rosenbauer

Electric Co. of China, Ltd. (Fire engines) — Chien,

Hsin Eng., Co., Ltd.

Raoul Bigazzi—Reiss, Massey & Co., “Rotterdam”

Ltd. Lloyd, Mail Line—Java-

Ratcliff & Sons, J. — Dickson & Co., China-Japan Lijn

Ld., John Rowntree’s

& Co., Ltd. & Chocolates—Gilman


Rawlings Manufacturing Co., Ltd.— Royal Dutch Air Lines—Java-China-

Carmichael & Clarke Japan Lijn

Rawplugs, Ld.—General Electric Co., Royal Netherlands India Airways—

Ld. of China Java-China-Japan Lijn

Ray Manufacturing Co.—Reiss, Massev Royal Insurance Co.—Loxley & Co.-

&. Co. Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.—Jar-

Raymond & Whitcomb Co.—Hong- dine, Matheson & Co.

kong and Shanghai Hotels, Ltd. Royal Packet Navigation Co. (K.P.

Raytheon Production Corp.—China M.)—Java-China-Japan Lijn

Electric Co., Ltd.

Red Hand Compositions, Ltd.—Dod- Ruiberoid


Co.. Ltd—Davie, Boag &

well & Co., Ltd. Ruston & Hornsby, Ld.—Reiss Massey

Red Wing Motor Co.—Shewan, Tomes & Co., Ld.

& Co. Ruston Lister Marine Co. - Reiss

Reflector & Illuminating Co., Chi- Massey & Co., Ld.

cago—Lam Wing Yan & Co.

Rexine” Leather Cloth — Jardine, S.P.E.C.I.A. Paris—Hongkong Can-

Matheson & Co., Ltd. ton Export Cb., Ltd.

“Ricasoli” Chianti Wine—Italian S. gregor A. Chianti Ruffino—Caldbedk, Mac-

& Co.


Ricgles, iS. A.—Hongkong Canton Ex- Sabang Bay Coaling Station—Java-

port Co., Ltd. China-Japan Lijn

Richard, Haworth & Co., Ld.—Gibb, Sabroe Tomes && Co.,

Co. Ld., T. T.—Shewan,.

Livingston & Co., Ld.

Rigaud, V.—Atienza, Vicente & Co. Safe-Cabinet—Dodwell & Oo.

Ritchie & Co. (H. F.)—Wicking & Sage & Co., Ld. — Wicking & Co.

Cb. (Harry) (Harry)

R. K. O.-Radio Pictures — Peacpck “ Salca ” for Dogs, Etc.—Connell &

Motion Picture Co., Inc. Co., Ld., H.


Sales Corpn.—Shew&n, Tomes; & C,q. Simplex Plaster : Co.—Hongkong Ex-

Salford Electric Instruments, Ld. cavation & Construction & Co.

—Gieneral Electric Co-) Ed. of Simpson Ltd.

Bros. Ptv., Ltd.—Gilman & Co.T


“Salca”—Connell & Co., Ltd., H. i S.K.F. ((Swedish Ball Bearing Co.)-

Salvage Association-^Gilman & .Co.* Ltd. Gothenburg ■ Sweden, A. B. — The

Samuel Osborn & Co., Ld.—Reiss, Sissons Swedish Trading Co.

Massey & Co., Ld. Bros. & Co., Ltd.—Jack & Co.,

Ltd., Wm. C.

Samuel Jones & Co.," Ltd.—Reiss, Skandia-verken,

Massey & Go., Ltd. A. B., Lysekil—A. B.

“Sanitas” X-Ray & Electro-'Medical Skelton The Swedish Trading Co.

Apparatus—Schmidt & Co. & Co., R. A.—Blackmore &

Sandeman Sons & Co., Ltd. Geo. G.— SkibsassurBlackburn, Ld.


Sanderson &; Son, Ltd., Wm.—Loxley Skuse tiania—Thoresen & Co., Ld.

& Co. (China), Ltd., W. R, ing & Co.,

Co. (1931)Ltd.—Hongkong

Ltd. Trad-

“Sassoi” Olive Oil—Italian Agency

Saunders & Co. (Ayrton)—Wicking & Slack Sellars & Co., Ltd'.—China

Engineers, Ltd.

Co. Slazengers Ltd.—Hutchison & Co.,

Sauter, August—Schmidt & Co. John D.

Sauter, S. A.—China Engineers, Ltd. Smooth-On

Saunders-Roe, Ld.—Far Easit Aviation michael & Manufacturing



Co., Ld. Soc. des Yerredes d’Extreme Orient

Schieren Co., Chas. A.—Harry Wicking —(Hongkong Trading Co. (1931)

Scintilla Magnetons—L. E. Gale Societa Anonima Fiat, Torino (Italy)

Scott (James & John, G.)—Robertson, —A. Geoke & Co.

Wilson & Co., Ld. Societe Chimiques de Produits Coigret

Scottish Union and National Insurance —Shewan, Tomes & Co.

Co.—Hannibal & Op., W.A.

Scottish Union & National Insurance Co. Societe des Ciments Portland Artifi-

ciels de 1’Indo-Chine—John Man-

—Reiss Massey ito Co., Ltd. ners & Co., Ltd.

Scrivener & Co., P. E.—Kwongtin & Societe Maritime Indochinoise—Mes-

Co., Ltd. sagerie Maritime

Semoniz Co.—Hongkong Motor Acces- Society of Chemical Industry—Arn-

sory Co. hold & Co.. Ltd.

B. Seppelt & Sons, Ltd.—Gilman & Co., Solignum, Ld.—Wicking & Co. (Harry)

Ltd. Sommerda, A.-G., Somerda-Erfurt

Shalimar Rope Works, Ltd.—Dodwell (Germany)—China Import, Export

& Co., Ltd. and Baink Co.

Shanghai Dock and Engineering Co., South Bend Lathe Works, U.S.A.—

Ld.—Jar dine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Lam Wing Yan & Co.

Shanghai and Hongkew Wharf Co.— South British insurance Co., Ld.

Jardine, Matheson & Co. (Fire Marine)—David Sassoon &

Shannon Ltd.—Reiss, Massey & Co., Ltd. Co., Ld.

Sharp’s Toffee — Hutchison & Co., South British Insurance Co. Ld.—

John D. David & Co., S. J.

Shelltox Insecticide — Jardine, Matheson South China Motorship Building and

& Co., Ltd.

Shoemaker 4«tt Looms—The Little Repairing & Co.

Works Ld., The—Brandt

Shop A. G. Spalding & Bros. (British) Ltd.—

Signode System—Botelho Bros. Gilman & Co., Ltd.

Sika Ltd.—Jack & Co., Ltd., Wm. C.

Silva & Cosens '‘Dows” Port—Cald- Sparagnapane,

& Co., Ld.

Ld.—Robertson, Wilson

beck, Macgregor & Co. Sparks Withington Co. (Sparton)—

Silver Line—Furness (Far East) Ltd. Hongkong Hotel Garage

Silver Java Pacific Line—Java-China- Sperry Flour Co.—Dodwell & Co.,

Japan Lijn Ld.


Spicer & Co.—Rudolf Wolff & Kew Super Eltro Outboard Motors—Rudolf

Wolff & Kew

Spokane Flour Mills—Skott & Co.

Spratts Patent, Ltd.—Loxley & Co. Supersilk Hosiery Mills, Ltd.—Jardine,

(China), Ltd., W. R. Matheson & Co., Ltd.

Squibb & Sons—Keller, Kern & Co. Sussman, Wormser & Co.—John 0.

St. Louis Spring Co.—Hongkong Hutchison & Co.

Motor Accessory Co. Svenska, A. B. Gasaccumulator,


“St.Marceaux Reims—Gilman

Pellegrino” Mineral & Co., Ltd. Stockholm,—A. B. The Swedish


Italian Agency Trading Co., Fil. in China

St. Paul Fire, Marine Insce. Co.— Swedish man

East Asiatic Co., Ld—Gil-

& Co., Ld.


St. Pauli Brewery Co-Bremen— ten, Larssen & Co.

Bradley & Co., Ld.

Staatsmijnem in Limberg—Jardine, Chinese Match



Co., Ld.—Swedish-

and Import Co., Id.,

Matheson & Co., Ld. Szerelmey, Ld.—Reiss, Massey & Co.,

Staley Manufacturing Co., A. E.— Ld.

Davie, Boag & Co., Ld. Taccone (G. M.)—Harry Wicking &

Standard Life Assurance Co.—Dodwell Co.

& Co., Ld.

Standard Telephones & Cables, Ltd.— Tacoma Orient Steamship Co.—States

Steamship Go.

China Electric Co., Ltd.

Stanley Works—John D. Hutchison & Tagliabure,


Ltd.—Shewan, To'mes &


States Steamship Co. (Portland)— TaiAu King Siu Cho

Vacuum Bottle Factory—

States Steamship Co>.

Stavanger Marine Insurance Co.— Taiheiyo Co.—Moses

Marine and Fire Insurance

& Co'.

Karsten, Larssen & Co.

Ste. Maritime Indo-Chinoise1—Melssa- Taisho Marine and Fire Insurance

Co., Ld. — Mitsui Bussan Kaisha,

gerie Maritimes

Steel Co. of Scotland, Ltd.—Harry Tanneries Ld.

Wickipg & Co. de Saventhem, S. A.—

Steenkolen Handel Mij—Java-China- Tanquvry, Maison F. Mathieu, S. A.

Japan Lijn Gordon & Co., Ltd.—Dod-

Stephen Smith’s Hall’s Wine—Gilman & well & Co., Ltd.

Co., Ltd.

Sterne & Co. (L), Ltd.—Dodwell & Taylor Ld.

& Co. (John)—Moses & Co.,

Co., Ld. Teikoku Salvage Co., Ld.—Osaka

Stevenson & Howell, Ltd.—Dodwell & Shoten Kaisha

Co., Ltd. Telegraph Condenser — Sincere Co.,

Stickstoff Syndikat G.m.b.H. Berlin Ld..

—Jebsen & Co.

Stoomvaart Mij. — Java-China-Japan Terminal Flour Mills—Skott & Co.

Terry & Sons, Ltd., Joseph—Dodwell


Stoopen & Meeus, Antwerp—Thore- Th.& Co., Ltd.

Lappe—Caldbeck, Macgregor &

sen & Co., Ld. Co.

Stratton & Co., Ld., Birmingham, Thames and Mersey Marine Insurance

Edystone Wireless Apparatus—Eco- Co., Ltd.—Dodwell & Co., Ltd.

nomical Trading Co. “Theraplix”—Hongkong Canton Ex-

Stratton & Sons—Dodwell & Co., Ltd. port Co., Ltd.

Stromberg Carburettors—Gale Co. Thompson & Co.—Bradley & Co


Wra. C.Turner Ltd.—Jack & Co., Ltd., Thomson & Co., M. C., Ld., Glasgow

Studebaker Pierce-Arrow Export Cor- —Eastern Asbestos Co., The

poration—Hongkong Hotel Garage Thoresen & Co. (O.) Shanghai—Thore-

Sun Insurance Office, Ld.—John Manners sen & Co., Ld.

& Co., Ltd. Tobatta Foundry Co.—Reiss, Massey

Sundstrand—Dodwell & Co- & Co.

Sun-Maid Rasin Growers Association— Toch Bros.—Blackmore and Blackburn

Kwong Tai Hong Ld.


Tokalon, Ltd.—W. S. Sherly & Co. United Distillers, Ltd. — Jardine,.

Tokyo Marine and Fire insurance- Matheson & Co., Ltd.

Co., (Ld. —Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, United States Leather Selling Cor-

Ld. poration^—Shewan, Tomes & Co.

Tokyo Salvage Co., Ld.—Mitsui Bus- Universal Fire and General Insurance

san Kaisha, Ld. Co., Ld.—Dodwell & Co., Ld.

Tom Smith—Gilman & Co., Ltd. Universal Insurance Co.—Steger & Co.

Tootals Pyramid Handkerchiefs—Jardine, U sines Destree—John Manners &

Matheson & Co., Ltd. Co., Ld.

Topi is & Harding, Assessors, London

—Goddard & Douglas Van Gelder Zonen Amsterdam—Thore-

Travel Bureau Lissone Lindeman— sen & Co., Ld.

Java-China-Japan Lijn Van Houten & Zoon—W. R. Loxley A


Travellers Official Information Bu- Vavasseur,

reau of Netherlands India-Java- & Co. Ltd., J. H.—Davie, Boag

China-Japan Lijn

“Treetex” Wallboarding — Loxley & Vauxhall


Cars — Hongkong Hotel

Co. (China), Ltd., W. R.

Triton Insurance Co., Ld.—Jardine, “Veritys, Ld —Shewanj Tomes & Co.

Vesta” Battery Co., Ltd.—Harry Wick-

M'atheson & Co., Ld. ing & Co., Ltd.

Troponwerke Dinklage & Co.—Gilman & Veuve Clicquot & Co.—Dodwell &

Co., Ltd. Co., Ld.

Truscon iSteel Co.—Shewan, Tomes & Vibert (F.)—Keller, Kern & Co.


Tucker & Co., Ltd., J. H.—Jack & Vibro Piling Co., Ld.—Blackmore A

Blackburn, Ld.

Co., Ltd., Wm. C. Viceroy Mfg. Co., Ltd.—Petersen & Co.

U.S. Rubber Export Co., Ltd.—Alex Vicks Chemical Co. Philadephia—W.


Underwood EHiott-Fisher Corpn.— Victor Chiquot—Gande, Price & Co..

Dodwell Co., Ld. Victor Safe Co.—Dodwell & Co.

“Unica” Chocolates & Sweet®—Italian Victor Talking Machine Co.—Moutrie-

Agency & Co.

Union Assurance Society, Ld.—Harry Victoria Insurance Co.—Reiss, Massej-

Wicking & Co., Ltd. & Co.

Union Commerciale des Glaceries Vitrex Glass—Lazarus, N.

Beiges S.A.—Maison F. Mathieu J. M. Voith—Chien Hsin Engineering.

Union des Verreries Macaniques S. Co., Ltd.

A.—Maison F. Mathieu, S. A.

Union Marine Insurance Co., Ld.— Waco Aircraft Co.—L. E. Gale Co.

Bank Line, Ld. Wahl Company—Sincere Co., Ltd.

Unionmatex—Chien Hsin Engineering Wailes Co.

Dove Bitumastic—Bradley &-

Co., Ld.

Union Molasses Co , Ld., London, The Wailes Dove Bitumatic—Eastern As-

—Pure Cane Molasses Co., Ld. bestos & Co.

Union Paper Co., Ld., Olso, Norway Wakefield & Co., Ltd. — Robertson,

—A. B. The Swedish Trading Co., Wilson & Co., Ltd.

Fil. in China Wallem & Co., A/S., Bergen, Norway

Union Paper Co., Ld.—Thoresen & —Wallem & Co.

Co.. Ld. Wall & Sons—Loxley & Co.

Union Waterboat Co., Ltd.—Dodwell Walter’s Palm Toffee Ltd.—Gilman & Co.r

& Co., Ltd. Ltd.

U. S. Rubber Export Co., Ltd.—Ross Wander, Ld. (A.)—Reiss, Massey &

& Co., Ltd., Alex Co., Ld.

U.S. Salvage Association — Everett, Waygood-Otis, Ld.—Dodwell & Co.

Inc. Ld.

United Aircraft & Transport Oorpn.— “ Wardonia ” Razors and Blades —

L. E. Gale Co. Oonael & Co., Ld., H.


Warner & Co., Inc., Wm. R.—Loxley William & Humbert—Caldbeck, Mac-

gregor & Co.

& Co. (China), Ltd., W. R.

Warren- Sales Co., Inc., Northam— William Street & Son—Blackmore &


Loxley & Co. (China), Ltd., W. R.

Watney, Combe & Reid & Co., Ltd.— Williamson Co., Ltd.

& Son, Ltd.—Loxley A

Loxley & Co. (China), Ltd., W. R.

Webster & Sons, Francis—Dodwell & Wingets, Ld.—Shewan, Tomes & Co.

Co., Ltd. Winterbottom Book Cloth Co., Ltd.—

Weir & Co. (Andrew)—Bank Line John Dickinson & Co., Ltd.

Weir, Ld., G. & 1.—Thornycroft & Witton- K rather Electric Tools &

Co.', John I. Hoist Co.—General Electric Co.,

Weise Soehne, Halle-Seale — Chien Ld. of China

Ilsin Engineering Co., Ltd. Wm. Jacks A Co., Ltd.—Dodwell <$

West Australian. Steam Navigation Co., Ltd.

Co.. Ld.—Jardine, Matheson & Co., Wolf A Bangert—Grotjahn A Co.

Ld. Wolff A Co. (Rudolf)—Rudolf Wolff A

West Coast Life Ins. Co.—Bornemann Kew

& Co.

West Disinfecting Co.—Blackmore & A Co., Motors



(1927) Ltd.—Dodweil

Blackburn Woodward, Ltd.—Loxley A Co.


Ltd. Assurance Co.—Gilman & Co., Woodite Co.—Dodweill A Co., Ld.

Western Electric Co.—China Electric World Auxiliary Ins. Corp.—Huygen,

.'Co., Ltd. G. E.

W right’s Coal Tar Soap Products—Gilman

Westland Aircraft, Ld.—Far East A Co., Ltd.

Aviation Co. Wrigley’s Chewing Gums “Spear-

Weston Electric Instrument Corp.— mint’—N. A. Tye A Bros.

China Electric Co., Ltd. Yangtsze Insurance Association, Ld.

Westwood, Ltd., A. E.—'China En- —China Underwriters, Ld.

gineers, Ltd, Yao Hua Mechanical Glass Co.—Dodwell

White Horse Distillers, Ld.—Jardine, A Co., Ltd.

Mathesoh A Co., Ld. Yarrow A Co., Ld.—Perrin’s (China),

White Star—Nippon Yusen Kaisha Ltd.

Whitefield’s Ltd.—Gilman & Co., Ltd. Yates Improved Rail Anchors, Ltd.—

Whiteley A Co. (Garnet) — Rudolf Shewan,

Wolf & &KewBaily, London—Gilman & York Safe ATomes


A Co.

Lock Co.—Shewan Tomes

Co., Ltd. A Co.

Whitworth Motorcycles—Rudolf Wolff Yorkshire Insurance Co., Ltd.—China

Provident Loan A Mortgage Co.,

& Kew Ltd.

Wiggins Teape & Alex. Pirie— Yorkshire Insurance Co., Ld.—China

H a r ry Wicking & Co. Underwriters, Ld.


sen & Co.,Assuranceselskal

Ltd. A. S.—Thore- Yorkshire Insurance Co., Ld.—Union

Wilkinson, Heywcod & Clark—Dod- 7 Trading Co., Ld.

well & Co., Ld. l ule A Co., Andrew, Ld.—Arnhold A

Wilh. Wilhelmsen, Oslo—Thoresen & Co., Ld.

Co., Ltd. Zeiss, Carl—Carlowitz A Co.

Wilkinson, Heywood & Clark—S. C. Zeiss Ikon—Carlowitz A Co.

Lay & Co. Zwanenberg’s F abrieken-Oss—Maison

Willys Cars—Gilman & Co., Ltd. F. Mathieu, S. A.


{For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sections)

China Fire Insce. Co., Ltd—Mello, i Indo-China Steam Navigation Co.

A. A. de — Mello, A. A. de

Companhia Agricola—F. Rodrigues | Java-China-Japan-Lijn, N.V. — H.

Dairy Farm, Ice and Cold Storage ! Nolasco

Co.—Hing Kee & Oo. Lloyds—F. Rodrigues

Dollar Steam Lines, Inc.,- Ltd.—H. i

Nolasco Mindello Insurance Co.—F. iRodrigues

Directory and Chronicle o-f the Far Nippon Yusen Kaisha Mello, A.

East—Mello, A. A. de A. ae

Eastern & Australian Norddeutscher Lloyd — Mello, A.

Co., Ltd.-Mello, A. A. deSteamship a. de

Francisco Cinzano & Qia—F. Rodri- Ocean Steamship Co.—F. Rodrigues

gues Oriental Steamship Co.—F Rodrigues

Plum, F. E.—F. Rodrigues

Garland Petroleum Co., Inc.—F. Scott Radio. E. H.—'Rodrigues, F.

Rodrigues Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.—H. No-

Globe and Rutgers Fire Insurance Co. lasco

—Chang Pak Tung

Gross Hermanos—F. Rodrigues Texas Co.—Garage Lusitana

Hamb urg-Ameri ka Li n ie—Mello,, A. Tung On S. S. Co.—F. Rodrigues

A. de Union Insurance Society of Canton—

Heung On Insurance Co.---Chang Pak F. Rodrigues

Tung Usines de L’Allondon—F. Rodrigues


SteamboatCanton and Macao

Co., Ltd.—Mello, A.A. de Wakefield & Co., C. C.—Rodrigues, F.

"“Hong Kong Daily Press” — Mello, Watson & Co. (A. S.)—Hip Wo & Co.

A. A. de Wurtz (Ernst)—Oriental Co.



(For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sections)

Alhambra Cigar Mfg., Manila— Cie. d’Assurance Generales—Oglias-

Ogliastro, Louis & Co. tro, Louis & Cie.

American Asiatic Underwriters— Gordon & Co., Ltd.,Tanqueray—Ogliastro..

Gompagmie Franco-Americaine de Louis & Co.


Anglo-French Textile Co., Madras— Haig and Haig, Mackinch—Ogliastro,

Ogliastro, Louis & Co. Louis & Co.

Asia Life Insurance Co.—Compagnie

Franco-Americaine d’Assurances Jacob & Co., Dublin—Ogliastro, Louis

California Packing Corpn., San & Co.

Francisco—Ogliastro, Louis & Co. New Zealand Insurance Co.—Oglias-

Central Agency, Glasgow—Ogliastro, tro, Louis & Cie.

Louis & Co.

Cie Franco-Americaine! d’Assurance— Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navi-

C. Larrive gation Co.—Ogliastro, Louis & Co.


(For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sections)

Alhambra Cigar & Cig. Mfg. Co.—L. j Koninklijke Paketvaart My.—Die-

Ogliastro & Textile

Co. Go., Ltd.—Die- thelm & Co.

Anglo-French Le Nord, Paris—L. Ogliastro & Co.

thelm & Co

Anglo-French Textile Co., Madras— j Netherlands Fire Insurance Co.—Die-

L. Ogliastro & Co. thelm & Co.

California Pkg. Corpn.—L. Ogliastro | Norddeutscher Lloyd—Diethelm & Co.

New Zealand Inurance Co., Ltd.—

& Co. Diethelm & Co.

Central Agency Ltd.—L. Ogliastro & Palmolive-Oolgate—Diethelm & Co.


Cie d’Assurances Generales—L. Og- Peninsular and Oriental Steam Naviga-

tion Co.—Ogliastro & Co.

liastro & Co.

Cognac Jules Eobin & Cie—L. Oglias- Philips Glow-lamp works, Ld.—Die-

thelm & Co.

tro & Co.

Eastern and Australian S.S. Co.—L. Queensland et Cie.

Insurance Co.—Ogliastro-

Ogliastro & Co,

Hamburg-Amerika Linie—Diethelm & Scottish Union and National Insurance

Co. —Ogliastro et Cie.

Haig & Co., J.—L. Ogliastro & Co. States Steamship Co., Ld.—Diethelm

Houbigant-Cheramy—Diethelm & Co. Swiss & Co.

Milk Co.—Diethelm & Co.

Jacob & Co., W. & E.,—L. Ogliastro Union Insurance Society of Canton—

, & Co. Dandolo & Chardin



{For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sections)

“ Alpina ” Marine Insurance Co.— Cie. Lilloise

Soc. Indochinoise de* Commerce, Ld.

American Asiatic Underwriters—Oom- merce et dedeNavigation

Moteurs Cie. de Com-


pagnie Franco- Americaine d’Assurances Orient

American International Underwriters— Cigarettes Nationales—Cie. de Com-

merce et de .Nav. d’Extreme Orient

Compagnie. Franco-Americaine d’As- Comite des Assureurs Maritimes de

surances Paris—Denis, Freres

American Mail Line—Ogliastro & Co. Compagnie d’Assurances Generales—

Asahi Marina and Fire Insurance Co., Export & Import Co., Ltd.

Ld.—Export and Import Co., Ld. Compagnie des Bois d’Indo-chine—

Asano Sussan Co.—Cie. de Commerce Export and Import Co., Ltd.

et de Nav. d’Extreme Orient Compagnie Cotiere de 1’Annam-—Denis,

Asia Life Insurance Co. — Compagnie Freres

Franco-Americaine d’Assurances Compagnie Generale d’Assurances,

Australian-Oriental Line, Ltd.—Society Paris—A. B. David & Co., Ltd.

Commercial Francaise de FIndo China

Automobiles Renault—Cie de Com- Courroies J. Lechat—Cie. de Com-


Orient et de Navigation d’Extreme merce

Orient et de Navigation d’Extreme

Bankers Traders Insurance Co., Ltd. Cunard Steamship Co., Ld.—Cie. de

Commerce et de Nav. d’Extreme

—Export & Import Co., Ltd. Orient

Bank Line, Ld.—Export and Import Cunard Steamship Co., Ld.—Export

Co., Ld. and Import Co., Ld.

Ben Line Steamers, Ltd., Leith—A. Danish East Asiatic Co., Ltd. — Societe

B. David & Co., Ltd. Commerciale Francaise de Flndochine

British India S. N. Co„ Ltd.—Messageries Davey Bickford

Maritiines Commerce

Directory N av.& d’Extreme

et deChronicle


Smith—Cie. de

of theOrient


California Corrupated Culvert Co.— East—Cie. de Commerce et de Nav.

Ogliastro & Co., Louis d’Extreme Orient

Central Agency—Ogliastro & Co., Dollar S.S. Line—Ogliastro & Co.

Louis Dunlop RufoberCo.—Cie. ded’Extreme

China SVIutual Steam Nav. Co., Ltd. et de Navigation d’Extreme Orient

—Cie..,de Commerce et de Navigtion

d’Extreme Orient Eastern and Australian Steamship Co.,

■Cie d’Assurances Generals-—Ogliastro & Ld.—Export and Import Co., Ld.

Ellermann & Bueknall S. S. Co., Ltd.—

Co., Louis Denis Freres

Cie. d’Assurance Nationale Suisse—

Ogliastro & Co., Louis Ellerman & Bueknall S.S. Co., Ltd.

CieA d’Assurances —Ellerman’s Arracan Rice & Trad-

Co., Louis “Le Nord”—Ogliastro ing Co., Ltd.

•Cie. Generale Transatlantique—Mes- Etablissements Bezel IVIaletra—

sageries Maritimes Cie. de Commerce et de Nav. d’Extreme


'Cie. des Hauts Plateaux Indo- Etablissements Sulitzer — Cie. de

chinois—Cie. de Commerce

Navigation d’Extreme Orient et de Commerce et de Nav. d’Extreme Orient


Furness, Withy & Co., Ld.—Export Ocean Steamship Co., Ltd.—Cie de-

Commerce et de Navigation d’Extreme



and Import Co., Ld. Orient

General Accident, Fire and Life Insur- ...Osaka ^hosen Kaisha—Messageries



ance Co.—Denis, Freres

Haig & Co. (John)—Ogliastro & Co. Fare’s Confectionery Works—Ogliastro ;

Hamburg-Amerika Linie—Diethelm & (fejCo., Louis

Co. Parfumerie Geile Freres — Cie. de= '

Holland Qost-Azie Lijn—Diethelm & PeninsularCommerce et de 'Nay. d’Excreme Orient |

Co. and Oriental Steam Naviga- |

-tion Co.—Ogliastro & Coi, Louis

Indo-Chma Steam Navigation Co., Philips & Pain —(he., de Commerce et |


tion —Cie. de Commerce

Orient ec de Naviga- Phoenix

de Navigation d’Extreme Orient

Assurance Co., Ltd.—Cie.

de Commerce et de Navigation

Jacob & Co. (W. E.)—Ogliastro & Co.. d’Extreme I

Louis Orient

Java-China-Japan Lijn—Diethelm & Phoenix Assurance Oo., Ltd.—Soc. Indo-

chinoise de Commerce, Ltd.


Co. Phoenix Fire insurance Co.—L’Union |

Klaveness Line—-Soc. Commerciale Fran- caineCommerciale Indochinoise et Afri- 1

caise de Undo-China Prince Line—A. B. David & Co., Ltd.

L’Urbaine & La .Seine—Soc. 'Com- Queensland Insurance Co., Ltd.—

merciale Francaise de 1’Indo-China Cie. de Commerce et de Navigation

La Societe Francaise des Charbon- d’Extreme Urient

nages de Tonkin—Denis, Freres

La Societe Indo-chinoise des Alumettes liemington Typewriter Co.—Denis,*

de Benthuy—Denis, Freres Freres ,

La Societe “La Tabac du Glove”— Eickmers Linie—Export and Import

Denis, Freres Co., Ld.

Le Nord—Ogliastro & Co. Eobin (Jides)—Ogliastro & Co., Louis

Lloyd’s—Denis, Freres “.Rotterdam Lloyd”—Diethelm & Go.

Mansfield & Co., Ltd. -Cie de Com Eoyal Exchange Assurance—Export &

merce Import Co., Ltd.

Orient et de Navigation d’Extreme Eoyal Exchange Assurance Corporation.

—Denis, Freres

Mitsubishi Marine and Fire Insurance Eoyal Insurance Co., Ltd.—Ogliasitro

Co.—Denis, Freres & 'Co., Louis

National Fire Insurance Co.—L’Union Eoyal Packet Steam Navigation Co.—

Commerciale Indochinoise et Afri- Diethelm & Go. '.


“Nederland” Boyal Mail Line—Die- Siam Steam Navigation Co., Ltd.—Soc.

Commerciale Erancaise de Undo-China


thMm & Co.

Netherlands Fire Insurance Co.—Die- Societe du Domaine de Kebao—Cie.

de Commerce et de Navigation d’Ex-

thelm & Co. treme Orient

New Zealand Ir.su ranee Co., Ld.— Societe des Garages Charner—Cie. j

Diethelm & Co.

Nippon Marine Insurance Co., Ld.— detreme Commerce'et de Navigation d’Ex-

Export and Import

Nippon Yusen Co., Ld de Com- Societe Orient

Kaisha—Cie. Tutela d’Extreme Orient

merce et de Nav. d’Extreme Orient Cje-


Orient et de Navigation d’Ex- j

Norddeutscher Lloyd—Diethelm & Co. South African Eailways and Harbours,.


Co., British Mercantile

Ltd. -Cie. Insurance

de Commerce ct de Johannesbourg—David & Co., Ld.,- !

Navigation d’Extreme Orient . A. B.


South British Insurance Co.—Denis, Union Insurance Society of Canton,

Freres Ltd.—Ogliastro & Cie.

Standard Vacuum Oil Co.—Denis, Freres Unian Insurance Society of Canton,

(States Steamship Co., Ld.—Diethelm Ltd.—Export and Import Co., Ltd.

Union iVEarine Insurance Co.,Ltd.

Sun& Co.Insurance Office (Fire)—Eller- —Cie. de Commerce et de Navigation

d’Extreme Orient

man’s Arraoan Rice & Trading- Co., Union Oil Co. of California—Eller-


Sussman, Wormser & Co.— Cie. de man’s Ltd.

Arracan Rice & Trading Co.

Commerce et de Navigation d’Ex- Union Insurance Society of Canton,


Swedish East Asiatic Co., Ltd.—Societe Ltd.—Soc. Commerciale Francisco

Commerciale Francaise de ITndo- de rindochine

chine Wilh. Wilhelmsen—Soc. Commerciale

LTInion Incendie, Auto. Vie — Denis Francaise de Tlndochine


Union Insurance Society of Can- Yamashita Kisen Kaisha—Denis Freres

ton, Ltd.—Cie. de Commerce et de Yamashita

Import Co.

Kisen Kaisha—Export and.

Navigation d’Extreme Orient


(For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sections)

Chargeurs Reunis—Compagnie Sai- I Messageries Maritimes —• Compagnie

gonnaise de Navigation et de Tran- Saigonnaise de Navigation et de

sports I Transports



(For Details of Addresses, etc,, Agents see Preceding Sections)

Bangkok Docks, Ltd. — United Engi- Mungo, Scott,

neers, Ltd. Borthers, Ltd.Ltd., Sydney—Ipekdjian

East Asiatic Co., Ld., The—The Siam Royal Exchange Assurance Corporation.

Steam Navigation Co., Ld. —Ipekdjian Brothers, Ltd.

Ellerman & Bucknall Steamship Co., Saiparang Sea & Fire Insurance Co., Ltd.

Ld.—Ellerman’s Arracan Rice and —Ipekdjian Brothers, Li d.

Trading Co., Ltd Seiberiing Rubber. Co., Ohis, U.S.A.—

W. S. Kimpton & Sons, Melbourne— Mark’s Tyre Store

Ipekdjian Brothers, Ltd. South .British Insurance Co., Ltd.

—Ipekdjian Brothers, Ltd.

London Assurance Corpn.—Ellerman’s Sun Insurance Office—Ellerman’s Arra

Arracan Rice and Trading Co. can Rice.>and Trading Co., Ltd.



(For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sections)

Ainslic & Heibron (Distillers) Ltd.— Butter Air Transport Co.—Mansfield &

Singapore Cold Storage Co. Co., Ltd.

Aktiebolaget Archimedes—Boon Seng Cairo Cigarette Factory—Hoon Seek

& Co., Ltd. Trading Co.


Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd.—McAlister & Canada Steamship Lines Ltd.—Mansfield

Amalgamated Dairies Ltd.—Singapore & Co.,

Carl Ltd.

Krause—John Dickinson & Co.

Cold Storage Co. Carron Company—McAlister & Co.,

American Miehle—John Dickinson & Ltd.

Co. Caslon

Ardath Tobacco Co., Ld.—Malayan

Tobacco Distributors, Ld. & Co.& Co. (H. W.)—John Dickinson

Arnott, Ld. (Wm.)—Singapore Ccld Chandler & Price Oo.—John Dickinson

Storage Co. & Co.

Associated China Can Co., Ltd.—Hoon Seek Trading

Co., Ltd.Talking Pictures—Boon Seng Co,

China Mutual Steam Navigation Co.—

Atlas Assurance Co'. — Harrisons, Mansfield & Co.

Barker & Co. China Navigation Co.—Mansfield & Co.

Atkiebelaget Archimedes, Sweden— Cluette Peabody, Inc.—Telg & Co.’s

Boon Seng & Oo., Ld. Trading Society

Australian Commonwealth Railways— Coates Bros.—Dickinson & Co., Ltd.,

Mansfield & Co., Ltd. John

Australian Oriental Line—Mansfield &

Co. Ooldwell Lawn Mower Cb.—Hoon

Seek Trading Co.

Bankers and Traders Insurance Co.— Ooldwell Lawn Mower Co., N. Y.—

McAlister & Co., Ltd. Boon Seng & Co., Ld.

Bates Manufacturing Oo.—John Dic- Commercial Union Assurance Co.—

kinson & Co. Harrisons, Barker & Co.

Bauer, Eugen, G.m.b.H.—Boon Seng Cunard White Star, Ltd.—Mansfield

& Co., Ltd. & Co., Ltd.

Berger and Wirth—Tel. & Co.’s Trad- A. & A. Crawford — Singapore Cold

ing Society Storage Co.

Berger, Lewis, & Sons, Ltd.—McAlis- Cyma Watch Co.—Moine Comte & Co.

ter & Co., Ltd.

Blue Funnel Line—Mansfield & Co., Daw Sen & Co. — Singapore Cold

Ltd. Storage Cb.

Bridge, H., & Piggott, T., Ltd.— Dawson, Payne & Elliott, Ld.—John

Fogden, Brisbane & Co., Ltd. Dickinson & Co.


Malayan TobaccoTobacco Co., Ld.—

Distributors, Ld. Directory and Chronicle of the Far

British Brands Ltd.—Singapore Cold East—The

Bureau, Ltd. Advertising and Publicity

Storage Co. Doulton & Co., Ltd.—McAlister & Co.,

British Lion Corporation Ltd.—Boon Seng Ltd.

& Co., Ltd. Dutch East Indies Government Coals

Burmah, Oil Co., Ld., Th^-Scotia —McAlister & Co., Ltd.

Lubricating Oil Co., The Dunlop Rubber Co.—de Souza & Co.


Ellerman & Bucknall Steamship Co.— K. N. I. L. M. (Royal Netherlands

McAlister & Co., Ltd. Indian Airways)—Mansfield & Co.,


Eugen Bauer Gmbh, Stut*tgart — Boon Klaveness

Seng & Co., Ltd. Line—McAlister & Co.,


Fireman’s Fund Insurance Co.—Union

Insurance Society of Canton Lambert Bros.—McAlister & Co., Ltd.

F. M. S. Railways—Mansfield & Co., Liverpool & London & Globe Ins. Co.,

Ltd. Ltd.—Mansfield & Co., Ltd.

Foggitt Jones Pty. Ltd.—Singapore Cold

Storage Co. Macrobertson-Miller

Mansfield & Co., Ltd.Aviation Co., Ltd.—

Fred Walker & Co. Pty. Ltd.—Singapore Marsh Bros , Ltd.—Hoon Seek Trad-

Cold Storage Co. ing Co.

Fromy Rogee & Co.— Moine Comte & Maypole Dairy Co.—Singapore Colct


Storage Co.

Gebruder Brehmer—John Dickinson & Mcllwraith McEacharn, Ld.—McAlister

Co. & Co., Ltd

Green Island Cement Co., Ltd. — Metropolitan Vickers Elec. Export

McAlister & Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd.—McAlister & Co., Ltd.

Guardian Assurance Co.—H. M. de Morris Cars & Commercial Vehicles—

Souza & Co. Malayan Motors Ltd.

Hamburg-Amerika Linie—Straits Java National Carbon Co.—Tel.’s & Co.

Trading Society

Trading Co. National Underwriters Agency-


Co. Ltd.—Singapore Cold Storage

Royal Exchange Assurance Inc.

Henry Whiteaway & Co., Ltd.—Singapore New Zealand Co-operative Honey

Cold Storage Co.

Hetton, Bellbird Collieries—McAlister Producers’

Storage Co.

Assoc., Ltd.—Singapore Cold

& Co. Nickson & Co. (Geo. & John)—Singa-

Hogarth & Sons—McAlister & Co. pore Cold Storage Co.

Holdenson & Nielson, Ld.—Singapore Norddeutscher Lloyd — Harrisons

Cold Storage Co.

Holland East Asia Line—Nederland Line Barker & Co., Ltd.

Hongkong Rope Mfg. Co., Ltd. — Ocean Accident and Guarantee Cor-

Mansfield & Co., Ltd. poration—Harrisons, Barker & Co.

Hungarian Lamp i Metal Goods Mfg. Oval Manufacturing Co.—Tel. & Co.’s

Co., Ltd.—Boon Seng & Co., Ltd. Trading Society

I. C. Hutton Pty., Ld.—Singapore Cold

Storage Co.

I. G. Farbenindustrie, A. G.—Straits ParfumerieRevel—Moine

Parapluie Comte & Co.

Roger & Gallet—Moine

Java Trading Co., N.V. Comte & Co.

Imperial Airways, Ltd.—Mansfield & S. Parkinson (Doncaster) Ltd.—Singapore

Co., Ltd. Cold Storage Co.

Indian Trans-continental Airways, Paterson, Simons & Co., Ltd.—Royal

Ltd.—Mansfield & Co., Ltd. Exchange Assurance

International Assurance Co., Ltd.— Paterson & Co., Ltd. — Singapore

American Asiatic Underwriters, Ltd. Cold Storage

Intertype Corpn.—John Dickinson & Peter Hunt ife Co.,Co.Ltd., Liverpool—Boon

Co. Seng & Co., Ltd.

Isthmian S.S. Line—McAlister & Co., Price, Ltd., W. H.—Singapore Cold

Ltd. Storage Co.


Jantzen Knitting Mills—Tel. & Co.’s Ltd.—Singapore Co-Opt.ColdDistributing

Storage Co.Society

Trading Society Putsch & Co.—Hoon Seek Trading Co.

K. L. M. (Royal Dutch Airways)— Quantas Empire Airways, Ltd.—

Mansfield & Co., Ltd. Mansfield & Co., Ltd.


Queensland Insurance Co.—McAlister Qhames and Mersey Marine Ins. Co.,

& Co., Ltd. Ltd.—Mansfield & Co., Ltd.

Queensland Meat Export Co.—Singe Trinidad Lake and Asphalt Operating

Co., Ltd.—McAlister & Co., Ltd.

pore Cold Storage Co.

Quinette Products Ltd.—Singapore Cold

Storage Co. United States& Co.,

Steel Ltd.

Products Co.—

Ratcliffe & Sons (John)—John Dickin- United McAlister

son & Co. States Steel Corporation—Mc-

Reo Cars & Trucks—Federated Motors, Alister & Co., Ltd.

Ltd. Valentine & Co. New York—Boon Seng &

“ Rocklight” Cleansing Seng

Co., Liverpool—Boon & Boiler

& Co., Fluid

Ltd. VanCo.,den

Ltd. Bergs, Ltd.—Singapore Cold

Royal Exchange Assurance^—Harrisons, Storage Co.

Barker & Co. Yauxhall

Motors, Ltd.& Buick Cars—Federated

Royal State Railways ,obf Siam— Victorious & Co.,, A. V.—Tel. & Co.’s

Mansfield & Co., Ltd. Trading Society

Russell, J. A. & Co.—Royal Exchange Vulcain, Watch Co.—Moine Comte & Co.

Assurance., Inc. y,

Sarawak Steamship Co. (1932) Ltd.— Wahl Eversharp Co.—Tel. & Co.’s

Trading Society

Mansfield' & Co., Ltd.

Scottish Amicable Life Assur. Society & Co. Seville, Ld.—John Dickinson

Waite &

—Harrisons, Barker & Cd.

B. Storage & Sons, Ltd.—Singapore Cold Waite

Seppelt Co. Co.

& Sheard—John Dickinson &

Silbert, Sharp & Bishop Ltd.—Singapore StorageFarmers,



Ltd.—Singapore Cold

Cold Storage Co.

Sime, Darby & Co., Ltd.—Erasmic Ltd.—Fogden, Brisbane& &Const.

West’s Rotinoif Piling Co.b

Co., Ltd.

Co., Ltd

Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.—Bee Huat Whitworth & Mitchell, Ld.—Tel. &

Co.’s Trading Society

& Co. Williams Engineering Co.—John Dic-

Sunrise Preserving

Cold Storage Co. Co., Ltd.—Singapore kinson & Co.

Wm. Teacher & Son, Ltd.—Singapore

Sun Shipping Co.—Mansfield & Co. Cold Storage Co.

Sydney Meat Preserving Co., Ltd.—Singa- Wilson & Co., Ltd., G. W.—Royal

Exchange Assurance, Inc.

pore Cold Storage Co. Winterbottom Book Cloth Co., Ltd.—

Taikoo Sugar Refining Co. Ltd—Singa- J. Dickinson & Co., Ltd.

pore Cold Storage Co. Wolseley Cars—Malayan Motors Ltd.



(For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sections)

Chargeurs Reunis—Moine Comte .& Netherlands-Indian Tourist Bureau —

Co., Ltd. Koninklijke Paketyaart Maatschappij

North British and Mercantile Insur-


- Straits - China Line —

Maatschappij Koninklij ke ance Co.—Kennedy & Co.

Pacific-Java-Bengal Line—Koninlijke

Holland-East Asia Line—Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij

Paketvaart Maatschappij Prudential Assurance Co., Ltd.—

Java-Mauritius-Africa Line—Konink- Kennedy & Co.

lijke Paketvaart Maatschappij Royal Dutch Air Lines—Koninklyke-

Paketvaart Maatschappy

Krementz & Co.—Wassiamull, Asso- Royal Netherlands Indian Airways—

mull & Co. Koninlikje Paketvaart Maatschap

Messageries Maritimes—Moine Comte Pij

& Co., Ltd. Straits - Java - Australian Line—Konin-

National Employeers’ Mutual General klijke Paketvaart Maatschappij

Insurance Assoc.—Kennedy & . Co. Travellers’ Official Information Bureau

Nederlandij & “Rotterdam Lloyd”— of Netherland India — Koninklijke

Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij Paketvaart Maatschappij


(For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sections)

Alliance Assurance Co., Ltd'.—H. M. North British & Mercantile Insurance

de Souza & Co. Co., Ltd.—H. M. de Souza & Co.

China Underwriters,

Bock & Co. Ltd.—Koh Keng Ocean, Accident and Guarantee Cor-

poration, Ltd.—H.M. de Souza &

Guardian (Fire) Assurance Co,, Ltd. Co.

—H.M. de Souza & Co.

Ho Seng Giap Estate—H M. de Souza SunSenang Hati Estate—H. M. de Souza

Bock & Co.

Liverpool & London & Globe Insurance Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada—

Co., Ltd.—Koh Keng Bock & Co. H.M. de Souza & Co.

New Selandor Estate- H. M. de Souza Wee Chin Kam & Co.—Hevea Agency

& Co.



(For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sections)

All-Nu Products Co.—United Import- Holmes & Sons, Ltd., W- H.—United

ers, Ltd. Importers, Ltd.

Allen Co.—United Importers, Ltd. Mobile Ocean

Oils—Teluk Anson Cash Chemists

Accident and Guarantee Corpn.

Automatic Water Filter Co.—United —Caldbeek, Macgregor & Co., Ltd.

Importers, Ltd.

Ayrton Saunders & Co., Ltd.—United porters,Rubber



Corpn.—United Im-'

Importers, Ltd. Stanley Earl & Co., Ltd.—United Im-

porters, Ltd.

Easy Washing Co.-United Importers, Young Ltd.

& Co. — United Importers,



(For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sections)


BritishPressBar-Lock General Accident, Fire and Life

Ltd. Typewriters — Assurance Corporation — Caldbeek,

American Lloyd Agency Ltd.—Thomas, Macgregor

Ong A, Co. Greene, Jourdain & Co., Ltd., Blyth—

Asia Life

& Co. Insurance Co.—Thomas, Ong Harper, Gilfillan & Co., Ltd.

International Assurance Co., Ltd. —

Dunlop Rubber Co., Ld. — Kean Thomas, Ong & Co.

Leong h Co. N. Y. Philips Radio—J. B, Kinsey & Co.

Fine Art &Ong

Thomas, GeneralCo.Insurance Co., Ltd. Singer

& Co.

Sewing Machine—Thomas, Ong


(For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sections)

International Assurance Co., Ltd.— I Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.—Seremban

Seremban Trading Oo. I Trading Co.


(For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sections)

Asia Life Insurance Co., Ltd.—D. J. Leerdam

Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd,—D. J. Leerdam


(For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sections)

Oycle & Carriage Co. (1926), Ltd.—United Trading Co.

Danish Islands Preserved Butter Co., Denmark—United Trading Co.

Kodak, Ld.—United Trading Co.



(For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sections)

Anglo-Saxoa Peti’olfcum Co., Ltd.— Ned. Ind. Tank Stoomboot—Bataafs-

Bataafsche Petroleum Mij che Petroleum Mij.

Asiatic Petroleum Co. — Bataafsche

Petroleum Mij. Pacific Java-Bengal Line—“Neder-

Colas Co.—Bataafsche Petroleum Mij. land,” Stoomvaart Mij.

Flinkote & General Advisory Co., Silver Java Pacific Line—“Neder-

Ltd.—Bataafsche Petroleum Mij. land” Stoomwart Mij.

Java-New York Line—“Nederland” State Shipping Service—Pitcairn,.

Stoomwaart Mij. Sym Co.


(For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sections)

Amsterdamsche Maats chappy van Cultuur Mij “Korintji”—Handels-

Levensverzekering —Gebroeders Veth’s maatschappy Guentzel & Schumacher

Handelmaatschappy Cultuur My. “ Taloeg Goenoeng ”—

Assurantie My. “ Veritas ”—Gebroe- Van Houten Steffan & Go.

ders Veth’s Handelmaatschappy Cunard Steamship Co., Ltd.—Gebroe-

ders Veth’s Handelmaatschappy

Brand Verzekering My. “ Mercurius ”

—Van Houten Steffan & Co. Dunlop Rubber Co... Ltd.—Van Hou-

ten Steffan & Co.

China Mutual Steam Nav. Co., Ltd. “Fatum”—Gebroeders Veth’s Handel-

—Gebroeders Veth’s Handelmaatsch- maatschappy


Connecticut Fire Insurance Co. of Lloyds—Van Houten Steffan & Co.

Hertford—Warner, Barnes & Co.,

Ld. Magdeburger—Gebroeders Veth’s Han-

Cultuur My. “Danam Gadang”—Van delmaatschappy

ten Steffan & Co.

Cultuur My. “Danam Gadang”—Van N.I.L.L.M.Y.—Van Houten Steffan &

Houten Steffan & Co. Co.


Nedeii. Stomv. My. “ Ocean Geb- Polyhomverke A.G. — Van Houten

roeders Yeth’s Handelmaatschappy Steffan & Co.

Nederiandsch Indische Handelsbank

—Gebroeders Veth’s Handelxpy. Queensland Insurance Co., Ltd.—Van

Gebroeders Yeth’s Handelmy. Steffan & Co.

Nederlandsche Lloyd—Van Houten

Steffan & Co.

Nippon Yusen Kaisha—Van Houten Royal Insurance Co.—Van Houten

Steffan & Co.

Steffan & Co.

Ocean Steamship C. — Gebroeders Samarangsche Zee & Brand Ass. My.

—Van Houten Steffan & Co.

Veth’s Handelmaatschappy

Oost Indische—Van Houten Steffan Union Assurance Co.—Gebroeders

& Co. Veth’s Handelmaatschappy

Ophir Estates—Van Houten Steffan &

Co. West Sumatra Rubber and Koffie Cul-

tuur My.—Van Houteh Steffan ife Co.

Palatine Insurance Co., Ltd.—Gebroe- Western Assurance Co.—Gebrheders

ders Veth’s Handelmaatschappy Veth’s Handelmaatschappy


(For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sections)

Ass. My. De Nederlanden van 1848— i Motor Union Insurance Co.—Van Nie

Van Nie & Co. [ & Co.



(For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Freceding Sections)

Acme Code Co. — Philippine Education Caledonian Insurance Co.—Guttridge

Co., Inc. and Chambers, Inc.

Alliance Assurance Co., Ltd. — Smith, Cannon Mills Inc., New York—Kum-

Bell & Co., Ld.

American Bleached Cotton Goods Co.. Canton and

mer CominsOffice Ltd. — Smith,


Inc., New York — Kummer and Bell & Co., Ltd.

Comins Mail Line—The Robert Dol- Cebu Sugar Co.—Theo. H. Davies &

American Co., Ltd.Insurance Co., Ltd-—Davies


lar Co. & Co., Theo. H.

American International Underwriters China Fire Insurance Co , Ltd.—Warner,


Ltd. Asiatic Underwriters, Barnes & Co., Ld.

American and Manchurian Line— China Mutual Steam Navigation Co.,

Smith, Bell ft Co., Ltd. Ltd.—Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd.

American Optical Co.—H. E. Heacock Co. China Navigation Co., Ltd. — Smith,

Apollo Candles- T.Co.—Fernandez

J. Wolff & Co., Inc. Bell & Co., Ld.

Atlas Assurance Her- China Underwriters—Warner, Barnes

manos, Inc. & Co., Ld.

Australian-Oriental, Ltd.—Yuill & Co., Chiron-Werke, Tuttlingen (Germany)

Ltd. —Inhelder Walchl Co., Ld.

Commercial Refrigerator Mfg. Co.—H. E.

Baloise Fire Insurance Co.—Kuenzle & Heacock Co.

Streiff, Inc. Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ld.

Bank Line—Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd. —Smith Bell & 0o., Ld.

Barrell Co., William L., New York— Connecticut Fire Insurance Co. of


Basilan and CominsCo. — Kuenzle & Crawford-Mac Gregor Barnes

Hartford—Warner, Co.—C.

e Co., Ltd.


Strieff, Inc. Cunard

Ld. Line—Warner Barnes & Co.,

Bell & Howell Go.— Denniston, Inc.

Ben Line Steamers — Hanson, Orth & Directory and Chronicle of the Far

Stevenson,. Inc. East—Hanson, Orth & Stevenson, Inc

i Bibby Line—Warner, Barnes & Co., Dollar Steamship Line—The Robert

Ld. Dollar Co.

s Blue Funnel Line (New York Service) Draper-Maynard Co.—C. Alkan, Inc.

—-Hanson, Orth & Stevenson, Inc.

| Bos:o Medellin Milling Co, — Theo. Eastern Sr Australian Steamship Co,

H. Davies Co., Ltd. —Smith. Bell & Co , Ld.

l Borden & Son’s, Inc., M.O.D., New Eastman Kodak Co.—Denniston, Inc.

York—Kummer and Comins Edgar Allen & Co., Ltd.—Warner, Barnes

| British and Foreign Marine Insurance & Co., Ltd.

Co., Ltd.—Smith, Bell Sr, Co., Ltd. Elgin N ational Watch Co.—H. E. Heacock

\ British Drug Houses, Ld., London— & Co.

Inhelder Walch .Co., Ld. Ellerman & Bucknall Steamship Co,

British Indian S.N! Co., Ltd.—Smith. (European Service)—Hanson, Orth &

Bell & Co., Ltd Stevenson, Inc.

British Traders Assurance Co.—Smith Ethelburga Trading Co., Ltd.—For-

Bell & Co., Ld. bes, Munn


Fidelity and Surety Co.—Union Insur- Klaveness Line—Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd.

ance Society of Canton, Ltd. Kummer, Comins & Co., Inc., New

Franklin Manufacturing Co., New York—jKummer and Comins

York—Kununer and Comins

Frigidaire Ltd.—H. E. Heacock Co. Law, Union and Rock Insurance Co.,

Fuso Marine and Fire Insurance Co., Legal Ld.—Warner, Barnes & Co., Ld.

Ld.—Warner, Barnes & Co., Ld. and General Assurance, Soc.,.

Ld.—Guttridge and Chambers, Inc.

General Fireproofing Co.—H. E. Heacock Lloyd Triestino Navigation Co.—Smith,,

Bell &, Co., Ltd.


General Insurance Co., Ld. of Trieste Lloyd’s Agents—Ker k Co., Ltd.

and Venice (Marine)—C. Kelling, London & Scottish Assurance Corp.,.

Inc. Ltd.—Davies & Co., Theo. H.

Glens Falls Insurance Co. of New

York—John I.anclahl Inc. Mirrlees, Bickerton & Day, Ld.—

Germanischer Lloyd—Behn, Meyer & Warner, Barnes & Co., Ld.

Co., H. Mij.

Glen Line, Ld.—International Harves- Mirrlees,


Watson Co., Ltd. — Warner,.

& Co., Ld.

ter Co. of the Philippines

Glens Falls Insce. Co. of New York— Moller Inc.

Line—Hanlon, Orth & Stevenson,

C. Kelling, Inc. Monroe Calculating Machine Co.—H. E..


Inc. Co., H. W.-T. J. Wolff & Co., Heacock Co.

Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Mosler Safe Co.—H. E. Heacock Co.

Ld., Singapore—Bosenstock, C. W.

Guardian Assurance Co., Ld.—Ker & National Union Fire Insurance Co.

—American Asiatic Underwriters,

Co., Ltd. Inc.

Hamburg-Amerika Linie—Behn, Meyer “Nederland” Royal Mail Line—Eastern

& Philippines Shipping Agencies, Ltd.

& Co., H. Mij.

Hellesens Batteries—T. J. Wolff & Co., Nippon Yusen Kaisha — Warner,.

Barnes & Co.


Hoffmann-La Roche & Co., F., Basle, Northern Assura-hee Co., Ld.—Davies.

& Co., Theo., H.

Switzerland—Inhelder Which Co., Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society


Holland-Ameriea Line—Eastern and 3—Guttridge and Chambers, Inc.

Philippines Shipping Agencies, Ld.

Holland-East-Asia Line—Eastern and Ocean Steamship Co., Ld.—Smith

Bell & Co., Ld.

Philippines Shipping Agencies Ld.

Hongkong and Whampoh. Dock Co., Oceanic & Oriental Navigation Co.-

State Steamship Co.

Ld.—Warner, Barnes & Co . Ld.

Imperial Airways Ltd.—Smith, Bell & Pacific Commercial Co.—Union Insur-

ance Assurance

Society of Canton. Ltd. Barnes

Co., Ltd.Airways, Ltd.—Warner, Barnes Pearl

Imperial Co.—Warner,

& Co., Ltd. & Co.

Indo-China Steam Navigation Co., Peninsular & Oriental S. N. Co.—Hanson,


Ltd.—Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd.

Isthmian S.S. Co.—International Har- Perfection


Steves—T. J. Wolff & Co., Inc.

vester Co. of the Philippines PhilipsRadio Co.—H.J. Wolff

Radios-T. E. Heacock

& Co., Co.


Jantzen Knitting Mills Co.—C. Alkan, Philippine Inter-Island Steamship

Co. The Robert Dollar Co.


Java- China-Japan-Line—Eastern and Philips China Co., Newt York—Kum-

mer and Comins


Johnson MotorsShipping Agencies

Co.—C. Alkan, Inc.Ld. Phoenix Assurance Co., Ld.—Ker &

Co., Ltd.

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha—Roosevelt Pott Cassels & Williamson—Warner

Steamship Co., Inc. Barnes & Co., Ld.

Kerr S.S. Co., Inc.—Roosevelt S.S. Prince Line, Ltd.—Roosevelt Steam-

Agency, Inc. ship Agency, Inc.


Remington Rand Inc.—H. E. Heacock Superfex Refrigerators—J. J. Wolff & Co.,

Co. Inc.



Co. Co., Inc. — State Swedish East Asiatic S.S. Co.,Ltd.—Inter-

‘■‘Rotterdam Lloyd” Royal Mail Line nationalpines

Harvester Co. of the Philip-

—Eastern and Philippines Shipping Swiss Serum and Vaccine Institute,

Agencies, Ld.

Royal Dutch Air Line—Eastern and Basle, Switzerland—Inhelder, Walch

Philippines Shipping Agencies, Ltd. Co., Ld.

Royal Neth. Indian Airways—Eastern Tacoma & Oriental Steamship Co.—

and Philippines Shipping Agencies, The Robert Dollar Co.


Roval Insurance Co., Ld.—Forbes, Thiriez Perei and Fils, J., and. Cartier

—Bresson, Lille-P&ris—C. Kelling,

Munn & Co., Ld. Inc.

Royal Packet Navigation Co.—East- Thompson,

ern and Philippines Shipping Agen- Barnes & Co.Ld. (John) — Warner,

cies, Ld. Thompson, Ld. (S. & J.)—Roosevelt

Sabater Sales Co.—Universal Optical Thos. Steffamship Agency, Inc.

Co. Cook & Son, Ltd.—Warner

Sandoz Chemical Works. Basle, Swit- Tokyo Barnes & Co., Ltd.

zerland—Inhelder, Walch Co.. Inc. Marine and Fire Insurance

Co., Ld.—Warner, Barnes & Co., Ld.

Sea Insce. Oo., Ld.—Warner, Barnes Transatlantic

& Oo., Ld. Steamship Co., Ld.—

Silver-Java Pacific Line — Roosevelt TurnerRoosevelt Steamship Agency, Inc

Steamship Agency, Inc. Halsey Export Corporation New

South British Insurance Co., Ld.— York—Kummer & Comins

Smith Bell & Oo., Ld.

Sperry Flour Co., San Francisco— Wenatchee & Co., Ltd.

Milling Co.—Forbes, Munn

Warner, Barnes & Co., Ltd

Springfield Fire and Marine Insurance Western Clock Co.—H. E. Heacock Co.

Co.—Kuenzle & Streff, Inc. White Star Line—Warner, Barnes &


bes, Munn & Co., G.M.B.H.

Ltd. — For- Co., Ltd.

William L. Barrell Co., New York—Kum-


St. Paul Fire & Marine Ins.—Davies Winchester Repeating Arms Co.—C. AI-

& Co., Theo. H.

Sun Insce. Office—Kuenzle & Streiff, kan, Inc.


-Sun Insurance Office, Ld.—Ker & Co., Ltd. Yangtsze Insurance Association, Ld.—

Warner, Barnes & Co., Ltd.


(For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sections)

Bibby Line—Warner, Barnes & Co., Eimac, Inc.—Kuenzle & Streiff, Inc.


China Fire Insurance Co.—Warner, Fuso Marine and1 Fire Insurance Co.,

Barnes & Co., Ld. Ltd.—Warner, Barnes & Co., Ltd.

China Fire Insurance Co., Ld.— Guardian Assurance Co., Ld—Wise

Wise k Co., The & Co., Inc.

Connecticut Fire Insurance Co.—War- Hongkong Fire Insurance Co., Ld.—

ner, Barnes k Co., Ld. Wise & Co., Inc.

R. & J. Dick, Ld.—Warner, Barnes Hongkong & Whampoa Dock Co.—

& Co., Ld. Ld.—Warner, Barnes & Co.


Iloilo Warehousing Corporation— Pearl Assurance Co., Ld.^Warnerv

Warner, Barnes & Co., Ld. Barnes & Co., Ld.

John Thompson Water Tube Boilers, PrinceLd.

Line—Warner, Barnes & Co.,

Ld—Warner, Barnes & Co., Ld.

Kokusai Risen Kaisha—Warner, Bar- Sea& Co., Insce. Co., Ld.—Warner, Barnes


nes & Co., Ltd. Silver Line—Warner Barnes & Co.,.


Law Union and Rock Insurance Co*— Silver-Java-Pacific

Warner, Barnes & Co. Line — Warner,

Barnes & Co., Ltd.

Liverpool. London and Globe Insurance South

Co., Ld —Wise & Co., Inc. British Insurance Co.^ Ltd.—Smith,

Bell & Co., Ltd.

Mirrlees, Bickerton & Day, Ld.— Sperry Flour Co.—Warner, Barnes &

Warner, Barnes & Co., Ld. Ob'., Ld.

Mirrlees, Watson & Co., Ld.—War- Tokyo Marine and Fire Insurance

ner, Barnes & Co., Ld. Co., Ld.—Warner, Barnes & Co., Ld.

Nippon Yusen Kaisha—Warner, Barnes Ld.

& Co., Ld.

North China Insce. Co., Ld.—Wise White Star Line—Warner, Barnes &

Co., Ld.

& Co., Ld.


(For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sections)

Ben Line—W. F. Stevenson & Co., Inc. Hamburg-Amerika Linie—Behn, Meyer

Blue Funnel Line—W'. F. Stevenson & Co.

& Co., Inc. Noreddutscher Lloyd— Zuellig, Inc., F.E.

British Traders’ Insurance Co.—Han- Ocean S.S. Co., Ld.—Hanson, Orth

son, Orth & Stevenson, Inc. and Inc.

Ellerman Line—W. F. Stevenson & Osaka Shosen Kaisha—W. F. Steven-

Co., Inc. son & Co., Inc.

L. Everett, Inc.—W. F. Stevenson & Peninsular and Oriental Steam Naviga-

Co., Inc. ..tibn Co.—W. F. Stevenson & Co.,


Prudential Assurance Co., Ltd.—

Germanischer Lloyd—Behn, Meyer & Co. Zuelling, Inc., F.E.


(For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sections)

American Mail Line—The Robert Dollar Co.

Dollar Steamship Lines—The Robert Dollar Co.

Philippine Inter-Island Steamship Co.—The Robert Dollar Ccr.

Tacoma & Oriental Steamship Co.—The Robert Dollar Co.



(For Details oj Addresses, etc., of Agents see, Preceding Sections)

Bata Shoe Company, Ld.—Tan: Sum New Zealand Insurance Co., Ld.—

Guan & Son Tan Sum. Guan & Son

Commercial Union ' Assurance Co., Orange-Crush. Co., London, ' Ld.—Tan

Sum Guan & Son

Ld.-- Tiin Sum Guan & Son


F. Fsb^npep, Remingtoh Rand, Inc—Tan Sum Guan

& Son jQenmark—Tan Sum

Ford Motbr Co. of .Malay, Id.—Tan 'Singapore-

Tan , Sum‘Cold


^ Son Co., Ltd.-

Sum Guan & Son -Tom Storey & Co.—Tan Sum Guan h Son

Manufacturers Life Insurance. .Co.—, jUpion. Assurance, Society, Ltd.—Tan, s

Tan Sum Guan & iSbn Sum Gunn d- Son


(For Details of Addresses, etc., of Agents see Preceding Sections)

Alliance Assurance Co.—North Borneo PjL.Jfesgke Cigarettes—The

Trading Co., Ltd. Borneo Trading Co., Ltd. North

Barker & Dobson’s Sweets—North Decarbo—The

Co., Ltd.. North Borneo Trading

Borneo Trading1 Co., Ltd. Decca & De:cca-Polydor Gramophone

Bitulac Paints & Presservatives— Records—The North Borneo Trading

North Borneo Trading Co.. Ltd. Co., Ltd.

Bode Rubber Estates, Ltd.—North

Borneo Trading Co., Ltd Gillespie’s Anchor Flour—The North

Bovril, Ld.—North Borneo Trading Borneo Trading Co., Ltd.

Co., Ltd.

Carbolex—The North Borneoi Trading Harvey’s Port & Sherries—The North

Co., Ltd. Borneo Trading Co., Ltd.

Columbia Milk—The North Borneo Horlick’s Malted Milk—The North

Trading Co., Ltd. Borneo Trading Co., Ltd.

Dairymaid Butter—The North Borneo India “ Super ” Tyres—The North

Trading Co., Ltd. Borneo Trading Co., Ltd.



Killgerm Germicide — The North Sandakan light and Power Co., Ltd.

Borneo Trading Co., Ltd. —North Borneo Trading Co., Ltd.

Sekong Rubber Co., Ltd.—North Bor-

Lipton’s Teas—The North Borneo Silver neo Trading Co., Ltd.

Trading' Co., Ltd. Slipper Gins—The North Bor-


Liverpool & London & Globe Insurance SmedleysTrading Co., Ltd.

Co., Ltd.—North Borneo Trading Borneo Trading Canned Goods—The North

Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd1.

Smith & Hoiey's Wines and Spirits—

The North Borneo Trading Co. Ltd.

Martell’s Brandies—The North Borneo Solo Fruit Drinks—The North Borneo

Trading Co., Ltd. Trading Co., Ltd.

McCallun’s Whisky—The North Bor- T. Beers & Stouts—The North Borneo

neo Trading Co., Ltd. Trading Co., Ltd.

Murray’s Cigarettes — The North Thermos “Stronglas” Products—The

Borneo Trading Co., Ltd. North Borneo Trding Co., Ltd.

New, Chambers & Co., Ld., England Tuaran Rubber Estates, Ld.—North

Borneo Trading Co., Ltd.

—Sandakan Dispensary, Ld.

Noresland Canning Co.—The North YatTrading 69 Whisky—The

Co., Ltd. North Borneo

Borneo Trading Co., Ltd.

Pears Soaps—The North Borneo Trad- World Marine and General Insurance

Co.. Ltd—North Borneo Trading

ing Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd.

Redfem’s Rubber Goods—The North Zeiss Ikon—The North Borneo Trad-

Borneo Trading Co., Ltd. ing Co., Ltd.

Classified List


Merchants and



The Far East.


The Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank Ltd.

CAPITAL PAID UP $5,000,000.00

RESERVES $7,500,000.00













CHASE NATIONAL BANK of the City of New York






6, Queen's Road. Central


"SHACOMBANK” No. 31116






Mercantile & Matthews

Bank Building

JAPAN Percy, Smith, Seth & Fleming—6, Des

Voaux Road, C.

Kobe Roza, C. A. da—Exchange Building

Bell, Taylor, Bird & Co.—72, Kyo- Thomson & Co.—York Building, Cha

macbi ter Road

Jenks, Percival & Isitt—72, Kyo- Peiping


Pearson & Co.—72, Kyo-machi Thomson k Co.—57, Sui An Po Hu*



Harold Bell, Taylor & Co.—14, Ma- Shanghai

runouchi Beck & Swann—17, The Bund

Jenks, Percival & Isitt—622, San- Darre, Marcel—1, The Bund

shin Building, Hibiya

Pearson & Co. — 9, Higashimachi, Haskins & Sells—320, Szechuen Rd.

Marunouchi, Kojimachi-ku Lowe, Bingham & Matthews—Glen

Line Building

Yokohama Mortimer-Reid & Slee—18, The Bund

Potter & Co., C.—210, I^iukiang Rd.

Jenks, Percival & Isitt—45a, Yama- Schink, Georg—120, Nanking Road

shita-cho Seth, Turner & Co. — 9, Avenue

Pearson & Co.—7, Yamashita-cho Edward VII

Thomson & Co.—20, Canton Road

CHINA Tuck, Joseph—9, Lane 124, Burkill


Hankow Wang Tsze Kong & Co.—114, Peking

Thomson & Co.—Union Buildings Road

Yang & Co.—33, Rue de Paris Exten- Tientsin


Hong Kong Fischer, Emil S.—14, Hwa An Street

Lowe, Bingham & Matthews—Hong

Linstead & Davis—Gloucester Build- Kong and Shanghai Bank Building

ing Thomson & Co.—13, Victoria Terrace



MALAYA Neill & Bell—1-2, Old Market Square,

Kuala Lumpur

Singapore Payne, Davis & Co.—Kuala Lumpur

Chan Sze On & Co.—64, Market St. Ross & Co., James L.—12; Barrack

Road, Kuala Lumpur

Derrick & Co. — Hongkong Bank

Building, Oollyer Quay

Evatt & Co.—French Bank Buildings, .Tohore

Raffles Place

Gattey & Bateman, Inc. — Fullerton M. G. Warrior—Sedenak


Jee An Chian & Co.—59, Chulia St. SIAM

Lowe, Bingham & Dunman—4, Laid- Bangkok

law Buildings

McAuliffe, Davis & Hope—Union Donaldson & Lowden—9, Chartered


Rennie & Co., J. S. M.—9, De Souza Bank Lane


Rennie, Lowick & Co.—Hong Kong NETHERLANDS INDIA

Bank Chambers Batavia

Penang Fressen Hogeweg

Hegie, C.

Brown, Phielips & Stewart — 1a,- Loyens & Volkmaars

Penang (Street McAuliffe, Davis en Hope

Cheah Inn Kiong & Co.—18, Bishop Vooren, H. J.


Evatt & Oo.—Chartered Bank Cham- Wolff, B.


McAuliffe, Davis & Hope—^Chartered Sumatra

Bank Chambers

McAuliffe, Davis & Hope—Nillmij

Perak Building, Medan

Brown, Phillips & Stewart—Hong- PHILIPPINE ISLANDS

kong Bank Building, Ipoh

Evatt & Co.—Chartered Bank Cham- Manila

bers, Ipoh

Payne Davis & Co.—Ipoh' Bayne & Co,, Henry Hunter—P.O.

Towers & Co. -r- Towers Chambers, Box 589

Ipoh Carrera & Co., Edward G.—112,

Romero Salas, Ermita

Selangor Clarke & Larkin—308, Masonic Tem-

ple, Binondo

v'C'-mberbatch & Co., Ltd. — Kuala. Fleming & Willi a-mson—G. de I os

Reyes Bldg.


Evatt & Co.—Mercantile

ings, Kuala Lumpur Bank Build- Haskins & Sells—202, National City

Bank Building, Binondo

Gibson, AnberISon, Butler & Co—12, Monks, A. C.—2326, Juan Luna (Int.),

Market Street; Kuala Lumpur . Tondb

Gifonifh ' ■ Co., Walter—Kwong Yik White, Page & . Co.—National City

Bank; Buildings, Kuala. Lumpar Bank Building, Binbndo



Cebu Tokyo

Walker, H. B.—P.O,;,Box 100 Daido Tsushin-sha—3, Almamiseki

Eiko-sha—10, Kakigaracho

BORNEO Far Eastern Advertising' Agency-

21, Mitsubishi Building'

Drummond & Co.—Jessellon &: San- Hachigen-sha—Minaga-wa Building

dakan Haten-sha—8, Torishio

Keihin-do.—6, )Kaj lyamacni

ADVESTISING AGENTS Kinran-sha—12, Nishikicho

JAPAN Kinrei TsuShin-Sea—11, Goken-cho

tfklfeAl KokU-^ha—14, M'aruiiouchi.

Kobe Nippon

; Dempo Tsushin-sha—10,. Go

' Na-ka-dori

Benkyo-sha—8, ..Sakae-machi Trans-Pacific AdvertisingService

B.ushin-sha—478, Kan da Minato-ku Bureau—1, UcliiyamafetJoT'I . ‘

Ear j Eastern" AnVERfisiSo ' Agency •

2, Kaigan-dori Yokohama

Taiyo Kokoku G. K.—76“ Kitanagasa-1

aaauioaaaooAaHAdaaKAj^oaaA O’Dell’s Service! Bureau—66, Yamar

shita-cb'o ' ‘


Keikwasha, Ltd.—K^rasumaru Sanjo CHINA ■


Nagasaki Millington, Ltd. — 6, Ying Lung

Nagaeaki: KoKbKDiSHA-T»l% Yorozuyaf- Lane A7/.J/ II

cho • ofia-od

Hong* Kong

KEiKAi-sHA—3,; Shin. YaHaghmachi A. B.' c!‘

‘Road C. ' PuiiLis^iNa Co.—P,. Qucpn’s

Yuko-sha—Kyo-macHi Advertising and Publicity Bureau, Ld.,

The—St. George’s Buijding

Osaka Forres ^^y^TJSiNri,•Jj.. ; Printing

a/iIoT SERvicE—Asia Life ifeuilfling

Asahi Kokuku Rr K.—28, Kawara- Millington, Ltd-.--5, Queen’s Road

'inaohaT . i t; .■ k Central '• i .• ,

Benkyo-sha—68, Doyama-cho Roxor Advertising Service—3, Wong

Dai-Ichi Kokoku-sha—25, Imabashi Nel Chong'Road

Hogi-si^a—27,,; Kyomachi-hqn . , Stellar

; Publicity' Service—St.

ge/il Bldg: f Geoy-

Mannensha, Ltd.—35, Koraibashi

Manshi-sha—Dcjjima I^^mi-cAq., , Unitud Prm.uhTY and Advertising

Co.y ’B’n).—llv Qtieeii’s' Rokd Ci!

Naigai ^OKoku-sHA—2, ■ QL^iinq.

SENIISN^HA^-Tf),;Tfdsat§u-ehq „ Shanghai

Tokyo Neon K. LK.-s53, Sor.ezaki- gOL113*1

^Naka Acme Advertising- Agency—131, Mu-

Toyosha—38, Awazakami>jQb.O' r: i, . c - souiii Roacj ' ' mjlI



Associated Advertisers—50, Nanking PHILIPPINE ISLANDS


China Commercial Advertising Manila

Agency—2, ’ Hong Kong Road

Carl Crow, Inc.—81, Jinkee Road Advertising Bureau Inc. — 931, R.

Consolidated National Advertising Hidalgo, Quiapp

Co.—255, Shantung Road Central Advertising Corporation—

Direct Mail Advertising Agency— 12, Obando

277, Range Road National Advertising Co. —143,

Hampson, C. W.—10, Central Road Gu ip it, iS am p al o c

Millington, Ltd.—P.O. Box 750 Philippine Advertising Corporation

Mutual Advertisers, Ltd. — 6, Kiu- —P.O. Box 2640 \

kiang Road

Ross Advertising and Commercial SIAM

Art Service—83, Central Arcade

Vee Loo Advertising Co.—290, Shan- Bangkok

tung Road

De Cruze Publicity Bureau—Daily

Mail Building.


Modern China Advertising Co.—46, AEROPLANES AND ACCESSORIES

Heng An Lee

North China Advertising Co.—115, JAPAN

Rue de Chaylard

Peiyang Advertising Co.—114a, Rue Kobe

du Baron Gros

Kawanishi Kokuku K.'K.—1, Daito


MALAYA Kawasaki Zosen-sho—Higashi Shiru-




Advertising and Publicity Bureau,

Ltd., The—Publicity House, 4, Battery Aichi Tokei Denki K.K.—15, Fuma-

Road kata Chitose-cho

Amalgamated Publicity Service—94, Mitsubishi Aircraft Co.—7, Oye-cho

Robinson Road

Fishers, Ld.—Capitol Theatre, iStam- Tokyo

ford Road

Glover & Co.—9, The Arcade Bosch A. G., Robert—15, Tameike-

Masters, Ltd.—9, Cecil Street Cho

Oriental Bill Posting Co., Ltd.—7, ISHIKAWAJIMA IIlKOKI SeISAKU-CHO—7,

Malacca Street Nishinoka-dori

Rogers & Co., Ltd.—94, Robinson Rd. Kikyo Seisaku-sho—Oriki-bashi

Royal Advertising and Bill Posting Mitsubishi Kokiu-ki—4, Marunouchi

Co., Ltd.—163, Mouknein Road Nakajima Hikoki Seisaku-sho—Yura

Shan Yee Studio—94, Cecil Street ku Building

Nihon Koku Yuso K.K.—Marunou-

Penang chi Building

Zuiho Shokai, K. K.—1, Minami

Film News, The—1, Bangkok Road Sokuma-oho





China National Aviation Corporation Manila

—53, Sankiao Street

•Gale Co., The L. E.—48, Rue Dartremer


2, Calle Cristobal

Hong Kong

Aero Trading Co.—National Bank ALUMINIUM

Building (See also Page B2)

Arnhold & Co., Ltd. — Gloucester

Building JAPAN

Far East Aviation Co., Ltd. —Kaya-

mally Building

Harper & Co., Ltd., Wallace— 745,

Nathan Road, Kowloon

Inoarus-Aero Supply Co.—Gloucester Asia Aluminium K.K.—1, Imabashi

Bando Aluminium Keijo—625, Urae-

Building cho

Daiki Kogyo-sho—23, Umabuchi-cho

Shanghai Ikeda Aluminium Kigu Seizosho—

993, Namba Inari-machi

Andersen, Meyer & Co., Ltd.—4, Maruju Aluminium Seizo-sho—1, Te-

Yuen Ming Yuen Road rashima-cho

Aircraft (China), Ltd.—P.O. Box Nakaman Shoten—903, Inaru-cho


Arnhold & Co., Ltd.—1, Nanking Rd. Naniwa Aluminium Kogyo 'K. K.—

3, Izu-machi

Far East Aviation Co.—P.O. Box 689 Nihon Aluminium Seizo-sho—19, Ura

-Gale Co., L. E.—984, Bubbling Well Kita-machi

Road Osaka Aluminium Seisaku-sho—1361,

Iardine Engineering Corporation— Namba Nakuragawa

50, Yuen Ming Yuen Road Sanya Aluminium Seisaku-sho — 37,

Siemssen & Co.—451, Kiangse Road Minami Sakaigawa

Toa Aluminium Seisaku-sho — 926,


Yukioka Aluminium Kosaku-cho—695,

Batavia Ichioka-cho

i Royal Netherlands Indian Airways— Tokyo

i P.O. Box 56

Asia Aluminium Co-—3> Muromachi





Kneedler, D. C.—Kneedler Building

Philippine Aerial Taxi Co.—Grace Aluminium Union Limited — 2,

Park Airport Peking Road



Bishop, H.M.—19, Museum Road

Middleton & Co., H.—2, Canton

Road ■ Akada-gumi—358,* Nakamichi-doi;

Sino-Continental Co.—35, Jinkee LAoki-gumi—17, Kita Ajikawa-cho

Road ;.Cho Zennesuke—17, Awaji-maobi

Standard Trading Co.—9, Hankow Hasegawa Tokumatsu—2-165, Minami-

Road j ima-cho

Inoue Goshi Kaisha—20, Tosabori

Hong Kong !Koyama-gumi—3, Saiwai-cho

jNAKANiSHi Hideji—9, Tatsumi-.cbo

Shewan, Tomes & Co.—National Bank Obayashi-gumi—75, Kyobash'i

Bldg. jOKAMOTOrGUMi—r Yariya-cbo

iOsaka Hashimoto-gumi—122,. Nojim-


■Vories & Co.—Daido geiinei Bldg.

JAPAN ‘Yamada-gumi—910, Inari-cho

Kobe Moji

Asai Iqhikawa Kaison iSeisan-sho— Nutter & Co.—Osaka Mainichi Bldg.

Meikai Building Wuriu iShokai-^-Tlarala-maclu

Fegen, F. H.^-188, .Naka-machi

Fujimori Kaiji Jimusho—7, Kaigan

dori Tokyo

Goto Kaijo Jimusho—39, Shimorya-


Inouyk iKaWi Jimusho—7, Nakaya- Demizugumi—14, Tamamachi

Ichikawa, S.—1, Yurakucho


Ladyjensky, L. N.—Meikei Building KonOike-gumi—3,’ Yamashita

1 IDA SftOTEN—00, Shibuya

ganj ukk6n-bori

Morse, F. S.—O.S.K. Building, Room Nippon Doboku K.K.—5, Kauefusa-

403, 5, Kaigan-dori 1

Nakamura Shinsaburo—Shosen Bldg. | cKb v,'

Nippon Kaiji Rentei Kyoyai—2, Kai- iRaymond,


Antonin — ' Seisho-Kwan,

gan-dori Sone & ChujG—13,~ Naka-dori

Owston ' k Co., Ltd., F.—72, Kyo- |Vories >■&( CGI—Fujlya : Building-


Reid, S -^-Tbyd ‘Building, 7, Harima

machi Yokohama

Tanaka, Hisao — 54, Nakayamate-

dori 0

Kruger, Kenneth F. H.—P.0. Box

• 220


Nishimatsu-gumt—N anzenji Shimoka- CHINA


Shimidzu-gumi—Rhimotachiuri Canton

Takenaka Komu-ten—Mibu Siyaku- Brameld, Thomas^-36a, British Con.

^ori . . .. . .

Yamatora-gumi G. IK.—Aino-machi Liang, Y. W.—252, Yat Tak Road



Dairen Siu, H, M.—Exchange, Building; .

Way & Hall—20-22, Queen’s Road Ctl.

Fuktjsho & Co.—213, Yamagata-dori Wong, S. L. -Pedder Bldg.

Xavier, Mi A.—8*. Dies Voeux Rd. G.

Foochow Mukden

* Fukien Constk-uction Bureau

Marcks, Lothar—She I Wei Lou

Hankow Nanking

Cunorr Foncier dIEntreme Orient—

• 4, Rue Cleinenceau Fittkai:, II.—153, Clniag San Tori'

Hemmings & Berkeley—Ghing Ming Road

Building, ,S,A.I).3.


1 & Malcolm—Racine Building Peiping


Sachee, R.—§.A..D. Bund Basel & Frey—63a, Ta Fang ' Ghia


Hong Kong China Radiator Co.—311, Gfeao Yang

Men Street

Brandt &' Co,—P.O. Box 272 Hussey, Harry—1, Ta Soochow Hu-


Rasto, b'. IE-York Mdg. . Kendal, R. R.—1, Tsung Pu Hutung

Chau & Lee Slock Exc^uungo Bldg. Leth, Moller & Co.—32, Hsi Hsung

| G^irk & Jij—20, ^ueeii’s R^ad C. Pu Hdtung

Cornell, W. A.—Stock Exchange

Bldg. Shanghai

Credit Foncier ifc Extreme Orient—

5, Queen’s Roa4- Central

Davies, Brodick & ,Gran^14^ Queen’s Algar & Co., Ltd.—60, Hongkong Rd.

Road, C. Allied Architects—40; Ningpo Road

’1 Farrell & Co., P T;~-.King’s Bldg. Asia Realty, Co.—50, Nanking Road

General ,, Goj^stsfctiIon .: > Gov. — China Atkinson &, Dallas, ^Ltd.—26, Peking

i B nil ding Road

i Goddard & Douglas—Alexandra Bldg, Berents, Hans—511-513, Glen Lin^

j Hazeland & Gqnella—20, Queen’s Building', 2, Peking Road

>. Road Central a Brandt & Rodgers, Ltd.—391, Kiang-

S Lai Shiu Wing & Co.—China Bldg. se Road

Ll Lane, Alfred, J.—China Building Busch, E.—218, Kiangse Road

I Leigh & 6range—P. & 0. Building. Calatroni, kow Rbad

Hsieh & Co.—110, Han-

| Des Yocux Road Central

| Little, Adams' & Wood—York Build- Carmichael, Lennox & Gray — 410,

' Szeehuen Road

ing, Chater Road

Logan and Amps — National Bank : Central Realty >Oo.—Sun Building

Building, 8a, Des Voeux Road China Realty Co.—70, Sz^chuen Road

Palmer & Turner- Alexandra Building Chang FQ,on(J Reaety Co..,—12, Kiu-

Pile, A, Cl'.—6, fifes Voeux Road C. . kiahg Pioad'

Raven A B'asto—Prince’s Buildings ' Chollot, J. J.—85, Rue Marcel TilloL



Chijang, T.—212, Kiangse Road Tilley, Percy—6, Kiukiang Road

Chung Shing Realty Co.—614, Con- Toporealty—4, Quai de France

tinental Building Union Realty and Investment Co.—

City Realty Co., Ltd.—12, The Bund 32, Peking Road

Coskit, A.—278, Kiangse Road Yabon, A. J.—770, Rue Borgeat

Credit Foncier d’Extreme Orient—

Sassoon House, The Bund Tientsin

Cumine & Co., Ltd.—149, Szechuen


Dah Yao Engineering & Construc- Bonnetti,


T. — 26, Corso Vittorio

tion Co.—14, Museum Road Borrows & Co.—Liddell’s Building

Davies & Brooke—81, Jinkee Road

Eastern Asia Architects & Engineer- Brossard


Mopin—110, Rue de France

Engineering Co. — Hsin Yi

ing Corp., Ltd.—131, Museum Rd. Li, Bristow Road

Faber, S. E,—12, The Bund Cook & Anderson—63, Victoria Road

Fan, Robert—29, Szechuen Road Corinth & Co.—127, Woodrow Wilson

Fittkau, H.—131, Museum Road Street

Gonda, C. H.—21, Museum Road Fleet, H. A.—143, Meadows Road

Hopkins, Dunn & Co., Ltd.—48, Sze- Geyling, R.—49, Bromley Road

chuen Road

Hudec, L. E.—209, Yuen,;Ming Yuen Hemmings


& Parkin—73, Consular


Keys & Dowdeswell—328, Hamilton Kwan Chu &Co,—80,

Hua Sheng Kotobuki Road

Co.—11, Rue du Mare-

House, Kiangse Road chal Foch

Krivoss Co.—1331, Avenue Joffre Loup & Young—106, Rue de Paris

Kun Lee Engineering Co., Ltd. — 9, Sirtori, Ing. L.—57, Meadows Road

FoochO'W Road

Kyetay Engineering Corporation—38,

Avenue Edward VII Tsingtao

Leonard and Veysseyre—453, Avenue


Lester, Johnson & Morriss—20, Kiu- Boosen & Co.—10, Anhui Road

Deh Dji Construction Co—43,

kiang Road Kuangsi Road

Minutti & Cie—668, Szechuen Road Lennox & Co.,

Muller, E. J.—308, Glien Line Bldg. Snow & Co., M.J.—47, Hunan Road

L.—Exchange Build-

Nielsen & Malcolm—12, The Bund ing

Palmer & Turner—1, Canton Road

Parker, Rielley & Co.—91, Peking Tsinan


Powell, Sidney J.—113, Kiukiang Credit Foncier d’Extreme Orient


Republic Land Investment Co.—149,

Yuen Ming Yuen Road MALAYA

S.curr, Tanner & Co.—620, Szechuen

Road Singapore

Richardson & Co., A. J.—615, Sze-

chuen Road

Spence, Robinson & Partners—3, Pek- Arbenz, H. R.—Union Building

ing Road. Chung and Wong.-6th floor, Union

Suhr, K. H.—266, Peking Road Building



Ho Kwono Yew—-63m, China Build- PHILIPPINE ISLANDS

ing, Chulia Street

Jackson, J. M.—7, Malacca Street Manila

Keys & Do wdeswell—Mercantile

Bank Building Arguelles & Ocampo—511, Pilipinas

Lim and Seah—13b, Change Alley Building

Misso & Co., Arthur M.—16, Bonham De la Rosa &. Son—71, Gastambide,

Building Sampaloc

Pennefather, J. P.—370, Pasir Pan- Del Monte Construction, Inc.—

jang Road Regina Building, Binondo

Ritchie and Bisset—Cl-3, Union Bldg. Gabler-Gummert, A. — 712, Insular

Swan and Maclaren — Hong Kong Life Building

Bank Chambers Keys, H. H.—329, National City Bank

Wilson, Oscar—Chartered Bank Bldg. Building, Binondo

Wong & Co., S. Y.—44-45, Raffles Legarda, Vicente L—1564, Azcarraga

Place Morita’s OonstIlting Office — 37,

Florida, Ermita

Penang Mapua & Vales—843, Rizal, Sta Cruz

Building, Port District

Myers Buck Co., Inc.—Free Press

Craik, D. MiALeod—39, Beach Street Building

Stark & McNeill—29, Beach Street Nelson & Co., C. B.- -212-214, De Los

Beyes Building


Brash and Smith—Fusing JAPAN

Keys & Dowdeswell—Sheik Adam

Building, Ipoh Kobe

Stark & McNeill—21, Hale Street,


Ando Asbestos Shoten—9, Higashide-


Selangor Ando Asbestos Packing Manufactur-

ing Co.—90, Shiriike-kia-madhi

Langenberg & Son—19, Old Market Japan Asbestos iSlate Manufacturing

Co.—83, Kitanagasa-dori

Sq., K.L.

Barnabas & Co.—5, Klyne St., K.L. Nikko-sha—2, Matsumoto-dori

Booty & Edwards—165, High Street1 Taihei Packing Manufacturing Co.—

9, Hosoda-cho

Keys & Dowdeswell—14, Holland Rd., Takamatsu Asbestos Industry — 200,

K.L. Higashide-machi

Swan & Maclaren—Kuala Lumpur



Batavia Asaba Chozo—Maki-cho

Asahi Hambai K.K. —14, Dojima


Fermont Cuypers, N. V.—Molenvlies Goryo Yoko—27, Awabori



Hayashi Shoten—9, Nakanoshirna CHINA

Miyoshi Ishiwata Kogyo IK.K.—16,

Itachibori Hongkong

Nippon Asbestos Co.—6, Utsufoo Mina-


Osaka Asbestos Kogyo K.K.—1, !Na- Eastern Asbestos Co., The — 2,

Priiioe’s Building'

katsu Hama-cbo Jardine Engineering Corporation-

Settsu Asbesto K.K.—Kanda Bldg. 14, Pedder Street

Tomoe Packing Seizo-sho—73, Ebisu- Loxley & Co., W. R.—York Building,

machi Cbater Road

Yoshikawa Shokai G. K.—Tariu- Ross;& Cd., Alex—Prince's Building


Yosuoka Shoji K.K. — 50, Utsubo ;Shewan ? Tomes & Co.—St. George’s

Building, Chater Road

Minami-dori Wicking f Co.’, Harry—Prince’s

Tokyo Building

Hamano Shokai—5, Kurame-cLo Shanghai

Ito Kojo Eigyo-suo—8, Ginza

Natohi Ishiwata-bu—1, Hakozaki-cbo IArai & Ca—12, Hankow Road

Nihon Asbesto K.K.—530, Koseki Asbestos &’ Fibre Products Go.—367,

Kifca Shinagawa-juku Kiaugse Road

Nippon Asbesto Co.—7, Minarm Nabe- SAssociated Agencies (Far East), Ltd.

cho —114, Kiangse Road

Okada, T.—P.O. Box 313 Calder-Marshall & Co.—Glen Line

Okahara Yoshiji j ShotEn—1, Uchisai- . Building

wai-cho China United Trading Co.- 623, Rue

Sakurai Shokai-t-54, Minami Kayaba- Lafayette

cho iDAvia; BoAgCo.—345, Hongkpiig &

Santai Shokai—5, Hachikan-cho Shanghai Bank Building,‘ 12, The

Takahashi Kiyoshi Shoten—30, Ta- Bund

meike-chp lElliston, Pugh & Co.—24, Tden

ToKuhasa fenoTEN—:2, Matsukawa cbo ; Ming Yuen Road

Toyo Asbesto Shokai—160, Shirokane. EaganRoad

& Co., Ltd.—261, Kiangse

Sankc-cbp . ;

Tsutsui Hide iShqten—7, Kobiki-cbo Inniss & Riddle "tChina), Ltd.—34,

Yuen Mihg Yuen Road

Yokohama ■Jacks & Co., Wm.—51, ftdhgkodg


Asahi Hanbai K.K.—49, Hon-cbo ;Jardine Engineering Corporation-^

Matsui Packing Seisakcsho—23, Hi- (Langdon50, Yuan Riufl Yiien Road, . .

ranuma-cbo & Co., E. W.—151, Avenue

Morikawa Shoten—^9, Ishikawa-eho Foch ,

Ohkubo Asbesto Shoten—38, Kita Road Trading Co. -457, Kiangse



Sato Asbesto Shokai—154, Hiranuma- [Scott, J. A.—P^P- Box ,1097

|Wah Foung & Co.—A 1296, Broadway


Suzuki Asbesto KoGYOsHq— 2-883, . Ko- Walworth& Co.—HI

'Wallem Canton Road

International Co.—110,

yasii-cho Szechuen Road

Yokohama Sek.ijuen Kogyosho—3497, Zee & Sons—A1299, Broadway




Tientsin Konoike Bank, Ltd.—Sakae-machi

Mitsubishi Bank, Ltd.—10, Aioi-cho

Habpek & Co., Ralph.—Robert Dollar Mlhsxff" Bank, Ltd.—^8* Sakae-machi

Building National City Bank of New York-

Hua Siieng Co.—80, Kotobuki Road 38, Naka-machi

Netherlands Trading Society—83,


MALAYA : Netherlands India Commercial Bank

—38, Naka-machi

Singapore Nippon Kogyo Ginko, Ltd.—36, Na-


Bell’s Asbestos Eastern Agency, Ltd. Nomura Bank—34, Sakae-machi

—6, Bonham Building Nomura Securities Co.—36, Naka-


Sanju-Haohi Bank—7, Sakae-machi

AUDITORS (See under Sumitomo Bank, Ltd.—12, Sakae-ma-

Accountants-) chi

Yamaguichi Bank—Sakae-machi

AUTOMOBILES (See under Motors) Yokohama Yasuda Bank—5, Sakae-machi

Specie Bank—26, Sakae-





Dai Ichi Gtnko,, .Ltd.—11, Suehiro-

Kobe cho'

Hokkaido Ginko, Ltd.—96, Suehiro-

Bank of Chosen—Sakae-machi eho . ' ■ •

Bank of Japan—25, Kyo-machi Juni Ginko, Ltd.—18,': Jizo‘cho J

Bank of Taiwan, Ltd.—45, Naka-ma Nippon Ginko, Ltd.—1, Suehito-cho

Yasuda Gtnko, Ltd. 19, Higashi

chi Hama-cho

Banque Franco-Japonaise—36, Naka-


Chartered Bank of India, Australia Kyoto

& China—67, Kyo-machi

Cook & Son, Ltd., Thos.—P.O. Box Aichi Bank—Marumachi-nishi, Yojo


Dai-Ichi CriNKO, Ltd."—Sakae-machi Aikoku Chokin . Ginko—Oike Shimo

Fujimoto Dai-Igiii Bank, Ltd. — iKarasumaru,

machi Bill Broker Bank—^Sakae- Sanjo-Sagaru

Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Fudp Saving Bank—Tomikoji-nishi

Corporation-^2, The Bund Japan Hypothec Bank, Ltd.—Karasu-

Hyogoken Noko'Ginko, Ltd.—13, Sa- Inaru

kae-machi Jugo Bank, Ltd.—Karasumaru Nishi-

Jugo Ginko. Ltd<--35, Nakao-machi kikoji-sagaru

Kawasaki One Hundred Bank, Ltd.— Kawasaki maru

Hundred Bank—Karasu-


Kobe Okazaki Bank, Ltd.—35, Nishi- Kawasaki Saving Bank—Yanagibaba-

machi higashi



Konoike Bane—Kamsumaru-nishi Aitchiken

machi Noko Ginko—3, Sinsakae-

Mitsui Bank—Shiyo-dori

Mitsubishi Bank, Ltd.—Karasumaru Bank of Japan— Sakae-machi

Dai Ichi Ginko—Shimozono-cho

Nagoya Bank—Muro-machi Fujimoto Bill Broker Bank—Miyuki

Nippon Savings Bank—Fuya-machi, Hon-machi


Nomura Bank—Takaura-nishi Ito Ginko, Ltd.—Miyuki Hon-machi

Osaka Savings Bank—Fuyamachi-ka- Meiji Bank, Ltd.—11, Sakae-machi

Mitsubishi Bank — Minami Naka-

do shima

Sumitomo Bank, Ltd.—Higashinotoin Mitsui Bank, Ltd.—2, Shinyanagai-

Yamaguichi Bank—Karasumaru machi

Yasuda Bank—Karasumaru Murase Ginko—4, Sakae-machi

Kyushu Nagoya Bank, Ltd.—1, Sakae-machi

Nomura Ginko, Ltd.—Sakae-machi

Yamaguichi Ginko—Sakae-machi

Busen Ginko, Ltd.—Kita-machi, iShi- Yasuda

mo, Beppu Bank—3, Minami, Otsu-machi

Hamawaki Ginko, Ltd.—Beppu Yokohama Specie Bank—Shinyanagi-

Oita Gogod Ginko—Aza Beppu machi

Ryoho Ginko—Beppu



Aichi Bank, Ltd.—Hon-machi

Bank of Japan—Nishi Hommadhi Bank of Chosen—18, Imabashi

Dai-Ichi Ginko—Nishi Hon-machi Bank of Japan—23, Nakanoshima

Mitsui Bank—Higashi Hon-machi Bank of Taiwan, Ltd—23, Kitahama

Moji Bank—Higashi Hon-machi Dai Ichi Ginko—35, Korabashi

Sumitomo Bank—Nishi Hon-machi Fujimoto Bill Brokers Bank, Ltd.—

Yasuda Bank—Hon-machi 30, Kitahama

Furukawa Ginko, Ltd.—11, Imabashi

Nagasaki Hypothec Bank of Japan—2, Awaji-


Kajima Bank, Ltd.-1, Tosabori

Fudo Chochiku Ginko—«0, Nishi Kawasaki Hundredth Bank—Korai-

Kamano-machi bashi, Higashi-ku

Mitsui Bank, Ltd.—72, Nishihamano- Kobe Okazaki Bank, Ltd.—7, Ima-

machi bashi, Higashi-ku

Nagasaki Noko Ginko—Omura-cho Konoike Bank, Ltd.—Imabashi


cho Bank Ltd.—19, Motokonya- Mitsubishi Bank—16, Imabashi

Mitsui Bank, Ltd.—1, Koraibashi

Yasuda Bank, Ltd.—33, Motoshita- Nagoya

machi Ginko—10, Bingo-machi


machi Specie Bank—4, Umegasaki- National City Bank of New York—

34-35, Kitahama, Higashi-ku

Nippon Kogyo Ginko—1, Koraibashi

Nagoya Nippon Shintaku Ginko—Imabashi

Aichi Bank, Ltd.—18, Miyuki Hon- Nomura Bank, Ltd.—21, Bingo-machi

machi Osaka Noko Ginko—20, Imabashi



Osaka Savings Bank—Fushimi-cho Kanda Ginko, Ltd.—26, Sakamoto-cho

Showa Oinko, Ltd.—35, Ringo-machi Ivawasaki-One-Hundredth

—11, Tori

Bank, Ltd.

Sumitomo Bank, Ltd.—22, Kitahama Koike Bank, Ltd.—Tokyo Kaijo Bldg.

Yamaguichi Bank, Ltd.—55, Kawara-

machi Konoike Ginko—2, Minami Shimbori

Yasuda Bank, Ltd.—12, Koraibashi Mitsubishi Bank, Ltd.—5, Marunou-

Yokohama Specie Bank—5, Kitahama chi

Mitsui Bank—Suruga-cho

Shidzuoka National City Bank of New York—

New Tokyo Kaijo Building

Aichi Ginko—1, Gofuku-cho Nederlandsch Indische Handelsbank—

8, Marunouchi

Hamamatsu Ginko—13, Gofuku-cho Nippon Ginko—Honryogae-cho Nihon-

Nippon Kangyo Ginko—78, Ohte<-cho bashi-ku

Shidzuoka Ginko—28, Gofuku-chb Nippon Kogyo Ginko—8, Marunouchi

Sugura Ginko—'28^.Ryogae-cho Nippon Kwangyou Ginko—1, Uchisai-


Nomura Ginko—11, Tori

Shimonoseki Showa Ginko—Kanafuki-cho

Sumitomo Bank—1, Tori

Bank of Chosen—54, Kannozaki-cho Tohoku Jitsugyo Ginko, Ltd.—Teppo-

Dai-Icht Ginko—66, Kannozaki-cho cho

Mitsui Bank, Ltd.—68, Kannozaki-oho Tokyo-fu Noko Ginko—1, Marunpuchi

Sumitomo Bank—88, Nishinabe-cho Yamaguichi-Ginko—Hon-cho

Yokohama Specie Bank—Nishin-abe-cho Yasuda Bank, Ltd.—Eiraku Building,


Tokyo Yokohama Specie Bank—2, Honryogao-


Bank of Chosen, Ltd.—4, Ote-machi

Bank of Japan—Hongoku-cho Yokohama

Bank of Taiwan—2, Marunouchi

Banque Franco-Japonaise—1, Gofuku- Bank of Taiwan, Ltd.—33, Nihpno-

bashi dori

Chartered Bank of India, Australia Chartered Bank of India, Australia

& China—Yusen Building & China—18, Nihon-Odori

Chosen Shokusan Ginko—Marunou- Dai-Ichi Ginko, Ltd.—46, Hon-oho

cbi Building Fujimoto Bill Broker Bank—8, Hon-

Dai Ichi Ginko—1, Kabuto-cho cho

Fujimoto Bill Broker Bank, Ltd.— Hongkong and Shanghai Bank—2, Ya-

18, Kitamaki-cho mashita^cho

Fujita Ginko, Ltd.—6, Ginza Jugo Ginko—23, Ota-machi

Furukawa Ginko—iSentomono-cho Kanagwa-ken Noko Ginko—1, Saku-

Hokkaido Takushoku Ginko—18, Ma- ragi

runouchi Kawasaki Hundredth Bank, Ltd,—41,

Hongkong and Shanghai Bank—14, Hon-cho

Marunouchi Mitsui Bank, Ltd.—20, Hon-chr,

Jugo Ginko, Ltd.—2, Kobiki-cho National City Bank of New York—

Kajima Ginko—1, Tori 74, Yamashita-cho



Nederlandsch Indxsch Handelsbank— AntuHg

17, Nihon Odori

Sumitomo Bank, Ltd.—2-chome, Hon- Bank of China

eho : : ^

Watanabe Ginko, Ltd.—19, Minato-cho Bank of Chosen

Yasuda jGinko, Ltd.—44,; Hon-cho Canton

Yokohama Koshin Ginko—64, Benten-


Yokohama ,(Specie Bank, Ltd. — 83, Bank of Canton—West Bund

Bank of East Asm, Ltd.—Tai Ping

Minami Naka-dori Nam Road

Bank of Taiwan,. Ltd.—British Con-

FORMOSA pession, Shaineen

Banque de l’Indochine—Shameen

Bank of. Taiavan--Taihoku Chartered Ba^k of' India, Australia

China & iSouthern Bank—Taipah & China—Shameen

Deutsch Asiatische Bank—8, British

Kwanan Bank, Ltd.—Omote-cho,- Tai- ■Concession. Shamecm

hoku Hongkong and Shan^ai Banking

Shoka Ginko • Taichu Corp.—Centrai Avenue, Shameen.

Taiwan Shoku Ginko—'Taihoku International Savings Society — P.

O. Box 27

Ka Wah Savings Bank^ Ltd.—Tai

KOREA Pina, Road South

Kwangtung Provincial Bank—South

Bank of Chosen—110, . Nandaimon, National' Bund

Keijo City Bank of New York—

Chosen, Shokusan Ginko—(Seoul Shameen

National Commercial & Savings

Kan Icho Ginko—Keijo Bank, Ltd.—11, Taiping Maloo

Yamaguchi Ginko—Keijo Yien ,, Y ieh. , Commercial Bank — 2,

Yasuda Bank—Keijo Second Road, West Bund,

Yokohama Specie Bank—P.O. Box 27

CHINA Changchun

Amoy Bank of' China

Bank of . CKosen—12, Iwai-machi

Amoy Commercial Bank Chungking

Bank of China—11, Sui Sien Road

Bank orf Taiwan International (Savings Society

China and. South Sea Bank. , The Mei Feng Bank g® iSzechuen

Hongkong & .Shanghai Bank Corpn. Youngi Brothers Banking Corp.

International (Savings Society-—20,

The Buiip. . ■ ! . . Bt u f ,\ Chefoo

Nederlandsch Indiche Handelsbank

N.Y. (. , . (.J . iugTll£ Bank of China—148, Chefoo Road

Overseas Bank of CoMMUN-ieATiOKs—^'' Ferguson

The Bund• Chinese . Bank, Ltd.—10, Read - ■ .Y



Chartered, Bank of India, Australia Credit Foncier d’Extreme Orient—

4, Rue Clemenceau

& China

Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Deutsch Asiatiche Bank — S.A-.D,

Corporation Bund

International i Savings- Sociey—17, Hankow Bank Ltd.—19, Seichu-Gai,

Gipperich Street J. C.

Hongkong and Shanghai Banking

Dairen Corporation—The Bund

International Saving? Society — 7,

French Bund

Bank qf China—Central Circle National City Bank of New York—

Bank of CiiosEN—2, Nishi-odori P.O. Box 25

Bank of Communications—12, Oyama- National Commercial Bank, Ltd.—

dori Kia-nghaM Road

Bank of Manchuria—69, Ise-machi National Commercial and Savings

Dairen Commercial Bank—5, Nishi- Bank—4©-, Avetrue de Marcilly

dori CKincheng Banking QoRPCRATioN—9,

Hongkong and Shanghai Bank—47, Siii Sen Road

Eehigo-cho Shanghai Commercial & Savings

National City Bank of New York, Yien Bank, Ltd—30, TaipingHd., S.A.D. 3

The—Oku ra Building, 14, Yama- RoadYieh Commercial Bank—Hupeh


Yokohama Specie Bank—Central Cir- Yokohama Specie Bank—10, The Bund


Foochow Harbin

Bank of China Bank of Chosen—Uchaskovya Street

Bank of Taiwan Bank of Communications—North 4th

Road, Main Street

Chartered Bank of India, Australia Bank of Manchuria — Kitaiskaya

& China—c/o Dodwell & Co., Ltd. Street

Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Banque Franco-Asiatique—10, Kitais-

Corporation kaya Street, Pristan

Chartered Bank of India, Austr. &

Hankow China—76, Novogorodnaya Street •

Hongkong and Shanghai Bank—44,

Bank of Canton—Yangtze Road Vodoprovodnaya Street

Bank qf, China—1, Pao Hwa Street International Savings Society — 1,

Bank of Taiwan—77, Kiang Han Road National CityStreet


Bank of New York,

Banque BeigeRoadPour I’Etranger— The—48, Mostovaya

87a, Poyang Street

Banque de i’lndochine—The Bund,

F. C. Hongkong

Central Bank of China—8, Iteh


Chartered Bank of India, Australia Voeux Road CentralCo., Inc. — 4, De®

American Express,

and China

•Chekiang Industrial Bank, Ltd.— Banco Nacional Ultramar! no — e/o.

Roza Bros.

Hupeh Road Bank of Cantotv, Ltd.—6, Des Voeux

Continental Bank—7, Rue Dautremer Road Central



Bank of China—4, Queen’s Road Sassoon Banking Co., Ltd., E. D.

Central i P.O. Box 90

Bank of Communications — 5, Ice I Sincere Banking & Trust Co., Ltd.—

House Street 144-150, Des Vceux Rd.. C.

Sank of East Asia, Ltd., 1 he -10, | Tang Tin Fuk Bank—171, Queen’s Rd.

Des Vceux Road Central Central

Bank of Kwangsi—Gloucester Build- Underwriters Savings Bank—12,.

ing Queen’s Road Central

Bank of Taiwan—3, Des Voeux Road Wing On Bank, Ltd.—26, Des Voeux

Central Road Central

Banque de Tlndochine— French Yien Yieh Commercial Bank—236-

Bank Building 238, Des Voeux Road C.

Banque Franco-Chinoise pour Le Yokohama Specie Bank, Ltd.—Prince’s

Commerce et

Frince’s Building de i’industrie— Building


<& China—3,BankQueen’s

of India,


Central Kongmoon

Chase Bank The—6, Queen’s Road


Cook & Son, Thos.— Queen’s Building International Savings Society—Sun

Credit Foncier d’Extreme Orient— Year Road

French Bank Building

Hongkong Swings Bank—!, Queen’s Macao

Road Central

Hongkong and Shanghai Bank—1, i Banco National Ultramarlno—Ende-

Hong Nin Savings Bank, Ltd.—188, reco Telegraphico

Des Vceux Road Central Chee Cheong Bank—25, Rua dos Mer-

Hongkong Trust Corpn.—Gloucester cadores

Building International Savings Society—P.O.-

Ka Wah Savings Bank, Ltd.—-208, Des Box 27

Vceux Road Central

Kwangtung Provincial Bank, The Mukden

—Queen’s Building, 5, Chater Road

Kwok Fung Bank Co., Ltd.—45, Bank of Chosen—Shoseikwan, Out-

Wing Lok Street East side Little West Gate

Mercantile Bank of India, Ltd.— Bank of Communications — Small-

Queen’s Road Central South Gate

NationaE City Bank of New York— Bank of Manchuria—P.O. Box 30

2, Queen’s Road Central

National Commercial and Savings Hongkong and Shanghai Banking-

Corporation—Ta PIsi Pi&n Men Wei

Bank, Ltd.—8A, Des VoeuK Road

Nederlandsch Indisch Handels Wei Lu Savings Society—Wu.


Bank—5, Des Vceux Road Central

Nederlandsch Handel-Maatsghappij, National City Bank of New York—

N.V. (Netherlands Trading Socie- Ta Hsi Pien Men Wai

ty)—11, Queen’s Road Central Nederlandsch Syndicaat voor China

Overseas-Chinese BankingRoadCorpora- —Kungtsze 2, I Djing Loo

tion, Ltd.—13, Queen’s Cent. Provincial Bank of the Three-

Overseas National Bank—National Big Eastern Provinces—Inside of the

Bank Bldg. North Gate


& O. Banking Corporation, Ltd. Yokohama Specie Bank, Ltd.—2s,

Road Naniwa-dori



Newchwang Sin-Hua Commercial and 'Savings

Bank—Long Fang T’ou T’iao

Bank of China—Yuan Shik T’ao Street Specie Bank Ltd.—Legation



Bank of Chosen—

Bank of Communications—Dung Ta Shanghai


Yokohama Specie Bank, Ltd. American Express Co., Inc.—158,

Kiukiang Road

American Oriental Banking Cor-

Peiping poration The—29, Nanking Koad

Bank of Canton—8, Ningpo Road

American Express Co., Inc.—Grand Bank of China—22, The Bund

Hotel des Wagon Lits Bank of Chosen—50, Kiukiang Road

Bank of China—37, Hsi Ohiao Min Bank of Communications—14, The

Hsiang Bund

Bank of Communications—Hsi Ho Bank of East AIsia, Ltd.—299, Sze-


Bank of Tientsin—Hatamen Street Bank of Road


Banque de l’Indochine — Legation Banque Taiwan, Ltd.—16, The Bund

Street S. A. -20,Beige Pour I’Etranger,

The Bund

Banque Franco-Chinoise pour le Banque Franco-Chinoise pour le Com-

Commerce st l’Industrie merce et l’Industrie—1, Quai de

Chartered Bank of India, Australia F ranee

and China—Legation iStreet Banque de I’indochine—29, The

Chung Foo Union Bank—Ohienmen Bund

Street Central Bank of China—15, The

Commercial Guarantee Bank of Chi- Bund

hli— Chartered Bank of India, Aust-

Continental Bank—Hsi Chiao Min ralia & China, The—18, The Bund

Shiang Chase Bank, The—80, Kiukiang Road

Cook & Son, Thomas—Grand Hotel Chekiang Industrial Bank, Ltd.—14,

de Pekin Hankow Road

Credit Foncier d’Extreme Orient— China Export-Import and Bank Co.—

Culty Chambers, Hue Gaubil 138, Kiangse Road

Deutsche Asiatische Bank—Legation China State Bank, Ltd.—130, Ningpo

Street Road

Epargne Franco-Chinoise l.’ — En- Chinese

ing Road

Industrial Bank—210, Nank-

gine's Building

Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Chung Foo Union Bank—25, Jinkee

Corporation—Legation Street Road

International Savings Society—3, Chung Hwa Commercial & Savings

Rue Gaubel Bank—102, Peking Road

Kincheng Banking Corporation—Hsi CHung Wai Bank, Ltd.—97. Avenue

Chiao Ming Hsiang Edward VII

Land Bank of China—84, Rue Dillon Commercial Bank of China—7, The

National City Bank of New York— Bund

Legation Street Continental Bank, Ltd.—Ill, Kiu-

National Industrial Bank of China kiang Road

—36, Hsi-chiao-min-hsiang Cook & Son, Thomas—Central Arcade




kiang Road Bank—7, Kiu- ij P.6,&The

O. Banking Corporation, Ltd.—


Exchange Bank of China—72, Sze- | Pinto’s Road

• Finance -Bank—216, Range

dhuen Road

Far Eastern Bank (Dalbank)—b, Foo- Sassoon Banking Co., Ltd., E. D.—

Sassoon House

chow Road

Foo Yuen BaXk—TO, Nm£pB Road Shanghai - Bank, Ltd.—190, Haining

Him Tai Exchange Bank—228, Sze- Shanghai Road

chuen ■Road Comrnerciai

Bank Ltd.—50, & Savings

Ningpo Road

Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Shanghai Mercantile Bank — 86,

Corporation—12, The Bund:. Ningpo Road i

International Savings Society—7, Sumitomo Bank, Ltd.—69, Kiukiang

Avenue Edward VII Road

Italian Bank for China—186, Kiu- Thriftcor Bank -605, Avenue Joffre

, kiang Road ,

Ka Wah Savings Bank—104, Peking UnderwritersThe Bund

Savings Bank—17

Road ■ U nion Commercial Bank—*4, .Ningpo-

Kiangsh Bank—371, Kiangse Road Road

Kiangsu-Chekiang Commercial and Yokohama .Specie Bank, Ltd.—24, The

Savings Bank—149, Szechuen Road Bund

Kincheng Banking Corporation—200, Young Brothers Banking Corpqra-

Kiangse Road'

Kohan Trust Bank—321,. Kiangse, ! tion—276, Kiukiang Road


Land Bank of China—S144, Ningpo Shasi


Manufacturers Bank

88, Tientsin Road of China, Ltd.— SHANGHAi "Commercial and Savings-

Mercantile Bank of India, Ltd.—4, Bank

Hongkong- Road Swatow

Ming Hwa Commercial K Savings

Bank- 330, Peking Road

Mitsubisjii Ba^k, Ltd.—2, Kiukiang Bank of China

Road Bank of Taiwan—45, Customs Road

Mitsui Bank, Ltd.—60, Kiukiang Chartered Bank of India, Australia,.

Road and China i .-1 ,

National City Bank of New York- Hongkong and' Shanghai Banking*

41, Kiukiang Road' Corporation

National Commercial Bank, Ltd.—78, International Savings • Society —gs,

Peking Road Kialat Road

National Commercial &. Savings Bank National City Bank of Nteav York

—348, Kiangse Road !

National Industrial Bank of China P. & Of'Banking Corporation

—Peking Road


elsbank, N. V.—16, kiukiang Hand-

Road Tientsin


Sassoon Housei Trading

Tire Bund Society— American1 Express ' Co-.—137,’ Victoria.

Ningpo Commercial Bank, Ltd.—86, Road

Peking Road American-Oriental Banking Corpora-

Overseas-Chinese Banking Corpn.— tion—61, Rue do : France

9, Kiukiang Road Bank of CftiNA-fRue Pasteur



Bank of Chosen—93, Rue de France Yokohama Specie Bank—Corner Vic-

Bank of Communications—82, Rue de i toria Road and Bristow Road

Baron Gras

Bank of Tientsin—2/15, Asahi Road Tsingtao

Banque Belge Pouii l’Etkangek S. A.

—86, Victoria Road Bank or Chosen—2, Tang Yi Road

Banque Fhanco-Chinoise (Pour Le Bank of Communications—28, Chung

Commerce et l’Inuustrie)—114, Rue Shan Road

. de; France

Banque de l’Indochine—73, Rue de Chartered& China

Br'NK of India, Australia

France Deutsch Asiatische Bank—P.O. Box

Banque Sino-Francaise — 111, Rue 111

Pasteur Hongkong and Shanghai Bank—3,

Chartered Bank of India, Australia Kuantau Road

& China—79, Victoria Road International Savings Society — %

China and South Sea Bank—48, Vic- Kuantao Koaa

toria Road

Commercial Guarantee Bank of Chi- .Ming ShanHwa

RoadSavings Bank—42, Cnung

hli—72, Rue de France 'Yokohama Specie Bank Ltd. — 9,

Continental Bank—32, Rue Dillon Kuantau Road

Credit Foncier d’Extreme Orient— Yokohama yu Boad Specie Bank, Ltd.—9, Tan-

111, Rue de France

Deutsche Asiatiche Bank 27,_ Con-

sular Road Weihaiwei

Equitable Eastern Bank Corpora-

tion—!, Victoria Road !Chartered Bank of India, Australia

Hongkong and Shanghai Banking & China

Corporation—Victoria Road

International Savings Society-+85, Hongkong


and -Shanghai Bank —

Rue de France National Commercial Bank

Italian Bank for China—91, Rue de

Verdun Wuehow

Kincheng Banking Corporation—106,

Victoria Board

National City Bank of New ‘Fork, International

■ Fong ‘Street:

Savtngsl Society—Kau

The—60, Victoria Road

National Commercial Bank Ltd.—

Corner of Rue du Cliaylard and Rue Yumianfu

de Mareehal Foch

National Commercial and Savings Banque de l'INdochine

Bank Ltd. The

National Industrial Bank of: China

—QypSiuiar Road . lydo china

Seiryu Bank, Lid.—Asahi Road

Shanghai Commercial and (Savings Hanoi

Bank—100, 'Rue Pasteur

Sinhua ^ ^Commercial and Savings BanquV. de l’IndAcHine—47-51, /Ikiuic

Bank^—51-53, Ruei dee Franco vard Amiral Courbet '

Yten Yieh Commercial,Bank1^), Rue Hongkong k Shanghai Bank—ig, Rui:

de 1’Amiraute Paul Ben



Haiphong Kedah

Banque de l’Indoghine Chartered Bank of India, Australia

Banque Feanco-Chinoise four le Com- & China—Alor Star

merce et l’Industrie

Chartered Bank of India, Australia Kelantan

& China—17, Boulevard Paul Bert

Hongkong and Shanghai Banking

Corf.—3, Rue Jules Ferry Mercantile Bank of India, Australia

& China—Khota Bahru

Provinces du Tonkin Malacca

Banque de l’Indo-Chine—Pnom- Penh Ho Hong Bank, Ltd.—18, Jonker


Saigon Hongkong and Shanghai Banking


Banque de l’Indo-Chine

Chartered Bank of India, Australia Penang

and China—3, Rue Georges Guyne-


Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Chartered& China

Bank of India, Australia

Corporation—21, Place Rigault De Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Cor-

Genouilly poration

Mercantile Bank of India, Ltd.—11,

Beach Street


Overseas-Chinese Banking Corpora-

Bangkok tion, Ltd.—28 & 30, Beach Street

Banque de l’Indochine Negri Sembilan

Chartered Bank of India, Australia

& China

Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Chartered Bank of India, Australia

& China—127, Birch Road

Corporation—East Bank of River Oversea Chinese Banking Corpn.—63,

Menam, Corner of Klong Kut Mai Birch Road, Scremban


Mercantile Bank of India, Ltd.

Siam Commercial Bank, Ltd. Perak

MALAYA Bank of Malaya, Ltd.—26, Hale Street

Chartered Bank of India, Australia

Johore & China—Ipoh

Credit Foncier d’Extreme Orient-

31, Station Road, Ipoh

Hongkong & Shanghai Bank—Jo- Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Cor-

hore Bahru poration—Station Road Ipoh

Overseas Chinese Banking Corpora- Mercantile Bank of India, Ltd.—

tion—1, Jalang Sayang, Muer Station Road, Ipoh




Chartered Bank of India, Australia Batavia

& China—Kuala Lumpur

Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Bank of Taiwan

Corporation—2,- Ampang Street, Batavia Bank—22-23, Asemka

Kuala Lumpur

Kwong Yik Banking Corpn.—2, Cross De Javasche Bank

Street, K.L.

Mercantile Bank of India, Ltd.—12, Padang

Market Street, Kuala Lumpur

Oversea-Chinese Banking Corpn.— Chartered Bank of India, Australia

113, Kuala Lumpur, High Street and China

Javasche Bank


American Express Co.—Union Build- Semarang


Bank of Taiwan, Ltd.—31, Raffles Ned. Ind. Handelsbank, N.Y.


Banque de l’Indochine—Raffles Place Sourabaya

Chartered Bank of India, Australia Escompto Maatschappij, Ned. Ind.

& China—Battery Road

China and Southern Bank, Ltd.—31, Hongkong and Shanghai Banking


Raffles Place .

Cook & Son, Ltd., Thomas—39, Ro- Kolonialf. Bank Nederlandsch In

binson Road dische Handelsbank

Credit Foncier d’Extreme Orient— Mercantile Bank of India, Ltd.

Meyer Chambers

Eastern Bank—4, D’Almeida Street Sumatra

Hongkong and Shanghai Bank—Coll-

yer Quay

Kwong Lee Bank Co.—221, South & China—Medanof India, Australia

Chartered Bank

Bridge Road

Lee Wah Bank, Ltd.—18, South Canal De Javasche Bank—Medan

Road Nederlandscii-Indische Handels-Bank

Mercantile Bank of India, Ltd.—21, —Medan

Raffles Place

National City Bank of New York BORNEO

—9, Collyer Quay

Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij Chartered Bank of India, Australia.

— 2-6, Cecil Street & China—Kuching, Sarawak


N. V.—1,. CecilJndische

Street Handelsbank, State Bank of North Borneo

Oversea Chinese Banking Corpn. -

China Bldg., Chulia Street PHILIPPINE ISLANDS

P. & O. Banking Corporation, Ltd.—

10, Collyer Quay

Sze Hai Tong Banking & Insurance Cebu

Co., Ltd.—58, Chulia Street

Yokohama Specie Bank, Ltd.—Meyer Bank of the Philippine Islands—P.

Chambers O. Box 477



Chartered Bank of India, Australia BEANS AND BEAN PRODUCTS

& China

National City Bank of New York— JAPAN

Calles Burgoes anlT~Cornercio

Iloilo Kobe

Banco de Las Islas Filipinas BaStel & Co., W;—38, Isobe-dori

Chartered Bank of India, Australia

& China—P.O. Box 299 KOREA

Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking


Tanaka & Co.—Fus'an



American Express . Co., Inc.—P.O. -hiiiiH finin'’1 ■ .oO-s«e*ityx3''nB9<'i«IMA

Box 1468; Dairen

Bank of the. Philippine Islands, The

—10, Plaza Cervantes, Binondo

Chartered Bank of’India, Australia Niss-in Oil Mills, Ltd.

Santal Oil. Mulls—Dairop W.barf

& China—21, Plaza Moraga

China Banking Corporation—China

Bank Building, Dasmarinas Foochow


Corporation and-35,


Juan Luna,Banking


Mercantile Bank of India—90, Ro- South China Trading Co., Ltd.—69,

sario, Binondo Me Wu Ting Road

Monte de Piedab and Savings Bank—

75, Plaza Goiti, Sta, Cruz

National City Bank of New York Hankow

The—Nation al, CRy Bank Bull (ling.


Peoples Bank and Trust Co.—Peoples Arnhold & Co.—The Bund

Bank Building, Corner David and Iwai & Co.—4, Taiping Road

Dasmarkias, Binondo Mehta, B. R.—7, Tungting Road

Philippine National Bank-Masonic Pao Shun KIxng Sze—Pao Shun Road

Temple, Escolba, Binondo Sassoon & Co., Ltd., David

Philippine Trust Cb.—Monte de Wah Chang Trading Corporation

Piedad Building, Plaza Goiti

Yokohama Specie Bank, Ltd.—34,

Plaza Cervantes


Zamboanga ; Anglo-Chinese Eastern Trading Co.

Bank of1 the Philippine Islands, The ' East —20, Russkaya Street

Chartered Bank of India, Australia —65,Asiatic Co., Ltd. of Copenhagen

Pollevaya Street

& China—Barrios Building 1 Pacific Orient Co.—118, Uphaatowaya


BARRISTERS—(See under Lawyers) i Soskin & Co.—8th Section.



Hongkong Maruzen Co.. Ltd.—31, Akashi-machi

Yoshioka Hobunkwan — 42, Moto-

Basto & Co., L. E.—18, Ice House St. machi

Connell ' Co., Ltd., II.—China Bldg. Hakodate

Jebsen & Co.—Pedder Street

Kelley & Co., Ltd.—9, Queen’s Road Daisei-do.—6), Jizo-cho


Mohamedally, M. — 27, Wyndham Kwaishun-d‘o.—26, Tsuruoka-cho

Street Nishihori Sa^ui^e—3p, Jizo-cho

Patell, J. B.—18,' Ice House Street Omi-do—13, Suehiro-cho

Shanghai Kyoto

Arnhold & Co., Ltd.—1, Nanking Arima Juzo—Shinsenen-cho


COMPAGNIA ITALIANA d’EsTREMO OrI- Ebihara Shintaro—Higashi-machi

ente—16a, Kiukiang Road Kaiyo Shoin—Kawara-machi

Eickhoff & Co.—451, Kiangse Road Maruzen Co.—Sanso Fuyaeho, Nishi-

Eikwa Yoko—P.O. Box 420 ku

Jardine, Matheson.. & Co.—27, The Ogawaya Shoten—Horikawa-higashi


Jebsen & Co.—110, Hankow Road Moji

Kermani & Co., R. S.—9, Hanko-w


Mitsui Bussan Kaisha—P.O. Box 722 Furuse Shoten—Iwai-cho

HArada ' Kinzan-do—Sihin-machi

Patell & Co.—12, Rue du Consulat ; Ino Shoten—Nishi Horikawa-cho

Sassoon & Co., Ltd., David—^59,

Kiangse Road Nagasaki

Siemssen & Co.—P.O. Box 406

Tientsin KoBUN-ioo—11, Higashi Hamano-cho

Miyamoto , Shigesaburo — 47, 'Moto

China Northern Corporation—4!7-55, Shikkui-machi

Rue de Paris Moriya—44, Tsuki-machi

BELTING—(See; under Leather) Nagoya

BLEACHING & DYEING ,, FAC- Chu-Kyo-do Book Store—Tomizawa-

TORIES (see Page B2) cho

BOARDING HOUSEE—(Nee under Maruzen 0o.,» Ltd.—Sakae-machi

Matsumoto Book "Store — Minami

Hotels)' Ostu-maohi

BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS ; Sanyukan Gomei Kaisha- — Miyuki

Hon-machi, Nishhku


Kobe Osaka

HobhinHo - -3, Sannomya-cho Asai Tai?an-do—269, Higashi' Umeda-

Kawase & Sons—23, Moto-machi cho



Daido Shout—8, Sonesaki Kami-dori Kinsho-do—101, Noge-cho

Emiya Shoten—43, Namba Shinchi, Marusen ten-dori

Kabushiki Kaisha—34, Ben-


Hasegawa-Shoten—7, Dojima Funa- Takahashi Shoten—85, Moto-machi

daiku-cho Yurin-do Honten K.K.—22, Isezaki-

Hirai Narasaburo—.21, Ousaka Kami- cho


Hosei Shobo—2, Dojima Naka-machi, KOREA


Iemura Goro—1, Kitahama, Higashi- Maruzen Co.—167, Kogane-cho, Seoul


Irohaya Shoseki-ten—21, Tamae-cho Osakaya Shoten—28, Hon-cho

Martjzen Co.—114, Bakuro-machi Shimizu Gumi—101, Kagane-cho

Mttkade-ya—2-907, Ebisu-cho Christian Literature iSociety of

Nakamura-Shoten—33, Sanjo-dori Korea—Seoul

Osaka Hobunkan Co., Ltd.—1-20, Awa-

bori-machi CHINA

Rothacker, O.—Osaka Building

Saito Yugoro—2-146, Sonezaki Naka- Amoy


Sakuraya-Shoten—54, Dojima Naka- Amoy Pharmacy, Ltd.


Schaeefer, Otto—36, Dojimaura

Shunban-kwan—56, Bakura-machi Canton


shi-kuBunsho-do—23, Shin-machi, Ni- South China Christian Book Co.—

The Bund



Buchandlung Gustav Fock—Shiseido

Bldg. Kobayashi & Co.—Oyama-dori

Hakubun Kwan K.K.—46, Tosaki-cho, Osakyago Bookstore —138, Naniwa-

Koishikawa-ku dori

Iwanami Shoten—16, Minami-jinpo-

cho, Kandaku Hankow

itfaruzen Co., Ltd —6, Tori, Nihon-


Sansei=do, K.K.—1, iShinpocho, Kan- Commercial

shan Road

Press, Ltd.—6, Chung-


Shinko-sha—19, Nishiko-cho

Tokyo-do K.K.—18, Nishikicho, Kan- Harbin


English Book Shop, The—16, Birje-

Yokohama vaya Street

Fleets’ Anglo-American Store — 37,

; Strahovaya Street

Bunju-do—55, Tokiwa-cho Genfer, M. A.—Diagonalnaya Street

Chikusei do—48, Choja-machi Simpson’s Agencies — 2, Konnaya

Chikyudo Shoten—30, Isezaki cho I Street



Hongkong Associated Booksellers—78, Nanking


Bible and Book Tkact Depot—2, Baroukh Road

Trading' Co.—317, Kiangse

Wyndham Street

Brewers, The—Redder Street Bookstall & Curiosity Shop—282, Yu

Yuen Road

Cooper & >Son—132, Wellington'Street Brewer, H.E.—303, Kiangse Road

Chung Hwa Book Co.—69, Queen’s China Baptist Book Store—203,

Road Central Yuen

Ming Yuen Road

Commercial Press—35, Queen’s Road China Educational (Supply Assooia-

Central tion—406, Foochow Road

Der A Wting & Co.—P.O. Box 446 China News Co.—447, Szechuen Road

Graca & Co.—10, Wyndham Street

Kelly k Walsh, Ltd.—York Building, 78, Nanking RoadPublishing Co.—


Chater Road Christian Book Room—3, Quinsan

Lee Yee—D’Aguilar Street Gardens

Mahan & Co.—5, D’Aguilar Street Chung Hwa Book Co.—Foochow Road

Sincere Co.—Des Vceux Road Central Comacrib Press—118, Museum Road

Sun Co.—Des Vceux Road Central

Sun Tai Chong—129, Bonham Strand Commercial

Honan Road

Press, Ltd., The—211,

East Dah Tung Book Co.—2, N. Fukien


Macao E-Shing & Co.—152, Szechuen Road

Evans & Sons, Ltd., Edward—200,

Der A. Wing & Co.—13, Avenida Getz Kiukiang Road

Almeida Ribeiro Brothers k Co.—22, Nanking

Po Man Lau—2, Largo de S. Domingos Road

San Kwong Co.—52, Avenida Almeida Road& Holtz, Ltd.—31, Nanking



Thompson Loo

Honan Road


International Booksellers, Ltd.—

131, Museum Road

Nanking Kelly & Walsh, Ltd.—22, Nanking


Educational Bookstore—400, Chung Koreske, W.—29, Szechuen Road

Shan Road, Kulo Kwang Hsueh Publishing House—

140, Peking Road

Peiping Lee k Co., H.—117, Nanking Road

Librairie p’Extreme Orient — 2,

Commercial Press, Ltd.—Hu Fang May Route Vallon

Chiao Sun k Co.—500, Honan Road


French Bookstore—Grand Hotel de Kiangse Road k Co., G.m.b.H. — 331,


Peiyang Press—3, Legation Street Oxford University Press—44, Pe-

king Road

Shanghai News Co.—1133, Bubbling

Shanghai Well Road

Shun Lee k Co.—40 Canton Road

A.h Sing—K.2131 Boone Road Taisho k Co.—D125, Chaotung Road




i cm Road

Book Stoke—1124, Bubbling Penang

United Book & Stationery Co,—64, Criterion Press, Ltd.—Penang Road

Nanking' Road

Vicajee &:Co., F.—132, Kiangse Road Federal Street

Rubber Stamp Co.—6, Beach

. .

Wah Yang Printing Co. — Z824, Penang Premier Press, Ltd. — 49,

Miller Road . Beach Street

Wing On Co.—551, Nanking Road

Ziang Kee Book Co,, Ltd. — 635, Perak

Szecbuen Road

Tientsin Aw Brothers—Ipoh

Caxton Press, Ltd.—Council Road Commercial Press—15, Painglima St.,


Commercial Press—Ho Pei, Da Hu- Federal Rubber Stamp Co,—35,. Sta-

tting tion Road, Ipoh

E-Tai—131, Rue de Baron Gros

Evans' '& Sons, Ltd., Edward—137; Grenier Road,

& Co., Charles—37,

Ipoh ; Station

Vietoria Road Pritchard & Co-y ■ Ltd. — Market

Lien Chang & Co.—116, Rue Dillon . .Stfeet, Irjjoh , . . - ,;p a

Lynns Book Store—45, Rue de France

Oriental Hook Store, The—613, Rue ds Selangor


Peiyang Press—19,'(Wusih Road

Serebrennikoff &' Co,,; A. J.—16,' Kuala Lumpur,~ife"-8,andMarket

Caxton Press—6 Street

; 20, Station

Council Road Street, Klang -L ,L

Tientsin Press, Ltd.—181, Victoria Federal (Rubber Stamp Co.-t3, Rddgcr

Road .. ■Street., Kuala Lumpur

Tsingtao Grenier & Son, Ltd.—25, Old Market

Street, Kuala Lumpuj noaqmorlT

E^Kin & Co.—44, Weihsim Road Robinson & CD., Ltd.—Java Street,

Telberg, G.G.—169, Chung Shan Rdl Kuala Lumpur

MALAYA Singapore

Malacca i Asiatic Stamp Co.—28,' High’' Street

Hong Hin & Co.—27, First Cross I Chong Road

& ‘Co.", Peter—7, Robinson

* r( .-C

, Street

Malacca Commercial Press—3, Second JUidgo. RoadPress,

Cross Street.


: .

Ltd.—172, South


1 De Souza Brothers—18,

Stationery &, News Supply Co.—18, Dickinson & . Co.-, JaiQfoir- High iStrteet

Riberside Dunlop

House niJeH

Negri Sembilan DuisakiR & Co., M. ^24, North

Bridge Road

Commercial Press—123, Birch Road. Federal Rubber Stamp Co.—32, Raf-

Seremban fles Place nrUr;

Grenier & Son—439, Birch Road, Se- I Good Books, Pictures & Works of

remban . ■, Art—56; Short : Street-. / - •.



J itts & Co.—96/ Robinson Road Frank &: Co.—101, Escolta, Binondo

Khai Mun & Co.—229, South Bridge Konigsberg Ave. Rizal

Rizal Bookstore—440,


Kelly & Walsh, Ltd.—32, Raffles Lawyers Co-operative Publishing

Co., The—428-432, Rizal, Sta, Cruz


Kiat & Co., Ltd., G.H.—15,, Collyer Legarda Sampaloo

Book Store—296, Legarda,


Malaya Publishing House, Ltd.— Liberia Tondo

del R.osariA—050, Azcarraga,

Stanford Road

Motiwalla & C’O., E.J.—2, Raffles LimBinondo Lian Mio & Co.—462, Nueva,


Phu Yik Press—240, South Bridge M.Co.—520, Lopez and National Stationery

Levezares , :•


Spicers (Export), Ltd.—51, Robinson Manila Filatelica—1318, Oroquieta

Road Manila Publishing Co.—115, T.

Pinpin, Binondo

NETHERLANDS INDIA Methodist Publishing House—

Methodist Building, 442, Rizal, Sta.


Seraarang Miranda, GENEROso^-FTorida Halt

Erniita ■

Java Ten Boe Kongsie—Gang Pinggir Oriental Commercial Co., Inc.—97-

101, Magallan.es,- Intramuros

Street 63

Philippine Book Co., Inc.—101, Es-

Sumatra colta

Philippine Education Co., Inc.—101-

Terekamp A Co.—Medan 103, Escolta, Binondo

Reliable. Bazaar and Book Store—

—645, Ave. Rizal

PHILIPPINE- ISLANDS Sam Guan Books i and Stationery—243,

Ongpin,’ BTtibn tiL‘

Manila Sayo, P. Soriano; Vda; de—225, Ro-

sario, BimftidcT!

American Bible Society—636; Tsaah Tong Hing Press—^424-426, F. 'r'Cr’fes,

Sta, Croz

Peral Ermita

Arellano & Sons. F, C.—628, Juan Quiapo Store—391,



R. Hidalgo,

Luna, Binondo

Associated- Business-317, Cabildo, BRASfe CC# PEIF £ TIN ‘ FAC-

r i >!


Associated Publishers, The—428-432 TORIES (See Page B3)

Rizal, St a. Cruz


Luna. Binondo

-Chung Hwa Book , Clou—319, Juan ".(See also Wines and Sviritp). •,

Luna, Biuon,do;

Educational Supply, The 704, Ave. ; JAPAN .



—8, T. Pinpin, BinoildO

F..i-LiPiNon Mercantile Co., Inc;, The Anglo-Japanese Brewery Co., Lri):

—1885, Miangahan, Sta. Cruz 2, Marunoucbi ' . i r- \ '



Dai Nippon Brewery Go., Ltd.—247, CHINA


Kirin Beer K. K.—8, Marunouchi Hongkong

Nippon Beer Kosen Co., Ltd.—


Hongkong Brewers & Distillers,

Moji Ltd.—7, Duddell Street

Dai Nippon Beer K. K.—Hagoromo- Shanghai


Kirin Beer K.K.—Nishi Hon-machi Union Brewery, Ltd.—220, Szechuen-

Saktjra Beer K. K.—Dari-cho Road


Dai Nippin Brewery Go., Ltd.—1, Singapore


Kirin Beer K.K.—Shimadarcho

Nippon Beer Kosen K. K.—6, Shin Archipelago Brewery Co., Ltd.—

104/106, Robinson Road


Sakcjra Beer K. K.—6, Shimozono- Malayan Breweries, Ltd.—7, Trafal-

gar Square



Dai Nippon Brewery Co., Ltd.—19, Manila


Fujita Ihei—13, Kyomachibori

Kikuda Yohichi — 30, Yokobori-cho Ayala, Inc.—652, Echague

Kirin Beer K. K.—17, Minami Moto- Bias Distilleries, Inc. — Palanoa

Building, Barraoa


Nippon Beer Kosen K. K.—9, Wataya Baldisseri


Wine Factory — 232,



Noda Shoyu K.—4, Edobori Kita- 652, Echaque Inoorporada—630-

Destilerias Ayala


Sakura Beer K.K—3, Dojima Hama- LaTondo

Capa Distillery—929, Magdalena,


La Fortuna, Inc.—445, Moriones

Yokohama La Graciosa Distillery—407, M. de


Dai Nippon Beer K. K.—17, Kanbe LaHidalgo,

Rosario Distillery—1001-1023, R.



Kirin Beer K. K.—38, Masago-cho La Tondena, Inc.—P.O. Box 691

Kotobukuja Yokohama Beer Co.—792, Lim Tuaco & Co., Inc.—527, Gandara

Ichiba-cho San Migue' Brewery, Inc. — 132,

Nippon Beer Kosen K. K.—81, Onoe- Aviles Street

cho Tanduay Distillery—348, Tanduay,

Sakura Beer K.K.—81, Miyagawa-cho Quiapo



BRICKS & TILES FACTORIES (See China American Trading Corpora-

tion—36, Rue de France

Page B3)

China Booksellers—181, Victoria Rd.

BRISTLES EXPORTERS China Netherlands Produce Co.—89,

Rue du Julliet

China Northern Corporation—47-55,

KOREA Rue de Paris

China Trading Corporation—131, Da-

venport Road

Tanaka & Co.—Fusan Fairhild & Co.—169, Taku Road

Purer & Co., J.—99, Davenport Road

CHINA Gipperich & Co., E.—1&2, Taku Road

Holman, Inc.—Robert Dollar Build-

Hankow ing

Mansouk & Co.—111, Rue Pasteur

Arnhold & Co.—1, S.A.D. Bund Marzoli & Co.—11, Via Torino

Bremen Colonial & China Trading Meyer & Co.—Harbin Road

Co.—4, Han Chung Road Oscar Wagman—lOS, Taku Road

Garrells, Borner & Co.—3, The Bund i Reuter,


Brockelmann & Co.—6, Rue

Jardine, Matheson & Co.—S.A.D. Shingming Trading Co.—50, Taku

Bund Road

•Tess & Co.—Wha Chin,a; Kai Siemssen & Co.—63, Taku Road

Mehta, B. R.—7, Tungting Road Teh Chee & Co.—105, Rue Pasteur

Young Brothers Trading Co.—19, Tientsin Forwarding and Commis-

Taiping Road sion Agency^—13, Italian Bund

Walter, Hardy & Gatliff & Co.—63,

Hongkong Taku Road

Wilson & Co.—72, Victoria Road

Jebsen & Co.—Pedder Building




Melchfrs & Co.—Des Yceux Road

Central BROKERS (Customs)

Patell, J. B.—38, Wyndham Street

Sin Heong Yuen—34, Hing Lung

Street JAPAN

Shanghai Kobe

Daido Shokai—94, Ura-mahi

Bolton Bristle Co., W. H.—P.O. Box Dai-ni iShokai—56, Sakae-machi

247 Fujita .Shokai—106, Hachiman-dori

Goto Kaisoten—121, 'Sakae-machi

Tientsin Hirano Shokai, G. K.—59, Sakae-


Battegay et Cie.—19, Rue Dillon Kawanishi-ya, G, K.—18, Kaigan-dori

Caprino & Co.—67, Rue Pasteur Koyama Shokai—35, Sakae-machi



Maruki Shoten—65, Snimagami-cho Tsingtao

Nickel & Ryons, Ltd.—7, Kaigan-

dori Fan & Co., Benjamin C.—95, Chung

Oguea-Shokai—7, Isobe-dori Shan Road

Saito Shoten—1-16, Kaigan-dori

Sanku Unytt K. K.—74, 'Sakaaiiiachi PHILIPPINE ISLANDS

Taihei Shokai—104^ Yedo-maclR

Yamasaki Shokai—12, Kaigan-dori Manila


dori Shokai, K. K.—40, Isoge- Barreto, Feltpe=1337f, Torres, Sta.

Nagasaki Cruz

Bartolome y Javier — 62, M. do


Walker & Co., R. N.—11, Oura-machi Cansipit, Inc.,' Gregorio M.—34,

Escolta, Binondo

Tokyo Chaves, Salinas & Co.—129■ Dasmar-

inas Street. .. . •

Mitsubishi Warehouse Co.; Ltd.—l, Dasmarinas,Brokerage



Co., Inc.—456,

, .

, Edobashi, Nihonbashi-ku Gregorio M. Qansjpit,. Inc.—51.,..Ks-t

colta ' r „ A-

Yokohama Hirrera -Gral, Transportation, .and-

Customs Brokers G6., Inc.’—19,' Sail

BusO GtJMl—Shin Minato-ehd ' Gaibriel', Bihohdo

Fr.riMOTo Kaisoten—1, Kaigao-dbri ! Int'ernaAonal


Brokerage‘ CoO ,INc.—

Masonic Temple ■

Helm Bros.—45, Yarriashiia-^io 'Jose Angel—122-124, M de Binondo

Kinoshita Shokai—1. Kaigan-dori

Owston & Cpf, L^)., F —1, Kaigan- Luzon Buil

Brokerage -Co^ Inc.—IDerhara-

ding, Port Atea

dori Philippine Brokerage Corp.—63, M.

Sato Unsoten—42, Takashima-dori de Bihbndo ■ ^

Uchida Kaisoten—7. Aioi-cho Robles & HiZon—75, Juan 'Lunar

Yanagisawa Shokai—11, Kaigan-dori Tantoco, Hilarion—106, M. de Binon-


CHINA TiENio, T.—111, Dasmariiras, Binondo-

^-•r.;/ai_8Rsxoaa 'Tionloc, iNCy Ildefonso—1^3,; Das-

Canton mkrinas. Bin on do : '

Viubk E-HiJbs de: ANblfi JosB-^-i^2-124,

M. de Binondo

Lillicrap, S.—19, British Concession,

Shameen BROKERS (Exchange)

Shanghai JAPAN

Commercial Express and Storage Co. Kobe

—P.O. Box 1042 nisl'ielT

Magiul & Ob., Ltd., James—ISO;

Kiangse Road Bead & McClure—72, Kyo-machi

Marden &' Co-., Ltd., G. E.—125, Tevekron 1 «fe1 Mactavish—29, Harima-

Hankow Road machi



Osaka Perry,. S. S.—Prince’s Building .

Roza Bros.—Exchange Building

Blad & McClure—19, Kitahama, 3- Stewart Brothers—1b, Chafer Road

ehome, Higashi-ku

Lewis, J. D.—10, Koraibashi Peiping

Yokohama Harvey, Clarke & Co.—Belgian Bank

Building, Legation: Street

Stewart, Blad & McClure—2, Yama- Shanghai


CHINA Allan Buchan—69, Kiukiarig' Road

:Fearon, Maitland- and Shaw—12. The


Canton Hayes, J. A.—50, Kiukiang Road

Huntf41;, . $Np Lovatt—t-2:a, iKiukiang

Hunt & Co., R. M.—Shameen Road ■ . ■, fj’

Lammert A: Son.'C. H.—Yictbria Hofei Kann,


E. & Mayaudon, E.—45, Kiu-



Tavadia &‘Futakia—Sfeairieett Kohler, SchuLz and Groesser—7,

Hankow Road

Lalcaca & Co.—45, cKi-ukiang Road

Hankow Lindsay, Drakeford & Davis—12, The

: Bund

Gfllmacher & LiNDMEYETi^Yih Yuen Wentworth

kiaug Road.

and Andrews — 36, Kiu-

, , • -


Gracey & Pearson—Union. Building White fc-Co.-CeO, K iukiang'Roict-'

Lovatt & Byrne—Hongkong A- Shang- Tientsin

hai Bank Building

Hong Kong Doney & 6o‘.—46, Bristow Road

Robertson .& Rosier—11, Consular


Abraham, E. S.—French Building, 5, Watts Qo.—(^p, Cousular Eoad

Queen’s Road Central

American Oriental Finance Corpn. Watts & Frls,k—73, Consular Road

—Asia Life Bldg.

Bonnar, J. W. C.—Hong Ko.ng Club Tsingtao

Bowes-Smith, A. M.—Prince’s Build-

ing Kutt, Paul—Exchange Building

CriAMPKiN, C.—5, Queen’s; Road “C.

Grossman, E.—10, Ice House Street MALAYA

Joseph, F. A.—Princfe’s Building

Joseph, J. E.—Prince’s Building Singapore

Kew & Co., Fred—10, Ice House St.

Layton & Co. — 5, Queen’s Road Brown & Co., E. A.—10, D’Aimeida

Central Street

Mody, F. H.4-5, Queen’s Road C. Fraser & Co.—Union Building, Coll-

Montargis, M. J. B.—French Bldg. yer Quay




Lyall & Evatt—23, Raffles Place , Fujita Shokai—106, Hachiman-dori

Manasseh & Elias—12, D’Almeida St. Goto Kaisoten, K.K:—58, Sakae-machi

Moheideen & Co., K. Syed.—23, Hasegawa Shoten—24, Kaigan-dori

Chulia Street Helm Bros.—46, Harima-machi

Battnders & Macphail — Mercantile Hirano Shokai--59, Sakae-machi

Bank Building Kamigumi Goshi Kaisha—1-6, Hama-


Penang Koyama Shokai G. K.—35, Sakae-


Anthony & Co., A. A.—9, Beach St. Murase Shoten—Toyo Building, 7.

Kennedy & Co.—2b, Beach Street Harima-machi

Lean & Co.—3a, Union Street Meiji Shogyo K.K.—11, Kyo-machi

Mitsubishi Soko K.K.—46, Higashi


Selangor Nickel & Lyons, Ltd.—7, Kaigan-dori

Baker, Morgan & Co.—11, Loke Yew machi & Co., Ltd., F.—12, Kyo-


Buildings, Kuala Lumpur Saito Shoten—14, Kaigan-dori

PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Sanku Unyu K.K.—74, Sakae-machi

Sumitomo Soko K.K.—1-7, Kaigan-


Manila Taisho Unyu K.K.—122, Higashi


Asia Exchange—1022, Lavezares, San Utsonomiya Kaisoten — 456, Moto

Nicolas machi-dori

Ohiat Hong Co.—533, T. Alonso Yamasaki Shoten—12, Kaigan-dori

Chin Hua & Co.—328, Nueva

Hair, Little and Picorneli—P.O. Nagasaki

Box 1479

Ho Thay Co.—329, Nueva, Binond'o Holme, Ringer & Co.—7, Oura-cho

Ling Tong Exchange—470, Nueva,


Manila Stock Exchange—Insular Life

Building, Plaza Cervantes, Binond'o

Russell & Co.—P.O. Box 98? Wurui Shokai—6, Karato-machi

Tay Chuan Exchange—434, Nueva

Uv Cho Yee & Co., Inc.—113, Juan Osaka

Luna, Binondo

Woo Seng Exchange Co.—545, Nueva, Inaba Shoji—21, Eushimi-cho


Okuyama Bill Brokers—Fushimi-cho

BROKERS (General) Osaka Bill Brokers—26, Kitahama

Shiki Bill Broker—10, Korabashi

JAPAN Ueda Shoten—2-27, Koraibashi

Kobe Yokohama

Aall & Co.—16, Harima-machi Blad & McClure—72, Kyo-machi

Daini Shokai—'58, Sakae-machi Buso-Gumi—39, Moto-machi



Fujimoto Kaisoten—6i5, Ohta-machi Croucher & , Co.—Chartered Bank

Kinoshita Shokai—1, Kaigan-dori Building

Owston & 'Co.—21, Yamashita-cho Dastur, R. A.—79b, Wong Nei Cheong

Sato Unsoten—439, Aoki-cho Road

Uchida Kaisoten—7, Aioi-cho Ellis..&, Edgar—9, Queen’s Road C. :

Esmail, II. M. H.—China Building

Fernandez, M.—4a, Des Voeux Rd. C.

CHINA Gould & Co., Joseph—Exchange Bid.

Greaves, A. P.—8, Queen’s Road rC.

Canton Grose & Co., J. F.-4>, ' Des \ c8ux

Road, Central

Lammert & Son, C. H.—Victoria Hotel Joseph k Co., H. B'.—Exchange Bldg.

Building Kitohell & 'Co., 0.-8, Des' Voeux

Tavadia and Futakia—SBameen Road Central

Kotwall k Co., E. D.—5, Queen’s

Road Central

Dairen, Lo Kin Fai & Co.—8, Des Voeux Rd.

Central •

Bryner & Co.—212, Yamagata-dori Lopes, A. A.-41, Ice House Street

Moxon & Taylor—Exchange Building

Foochow Pestonji, R.—^8/ Humphrey's Bldg.

Potts, A. H.—Stock Exchange1 Bldg.

Brand & Co., H. S.— Silva, P. M. N. da.—Stbck Exchange'


Wright k Co.—Churig Tin Bldg.1

Hankow YEtTNG Yatj & Co —Bank of Canton


Bahnson & Co.. F. W.—14, Fancheong Shanghai

Road, S.A.D.3

Liddell Bros. & Co., Ltd-—Tungting,

Whacheong & Poyang Roads Allan & Buchan—69, Kiukiang ’Road.

Pearce & Garriock Anderson & Co., A. L.

Anglo-Danish Co.—8; French Bund

Harbin Benjamin and Potts—27, The ’Bund''

Bisset k Co.—Hong Kong and Shang-

Bryner & Co.—1, Koninaia hai Bank Building

Bowern & Co.—311, Kiangse Road

Bpady, A. ^..—Central Arcade

Hong Kong China Transport and Storage Co. 28,

The Bund

Alves, A. A.—Stock Exchange Bldg. Cumming,Henry

Clark, J.—12 The Bund

K. M.—16,’ Central Road

Bagram, J. T.—Stock Exchange Bldg. Davis & Moller—16, Central Road

Basto, B.—18, Ice House Str.

Benjamin & Potts—Stock Exchange Eagle Trading Co.—696, Avenue Rd.

Building Eastern Exchange—1, Nanking Road

Carroll Bros.—^Exchange Buikiinig Economic Transport Co.—25, Central

Cooper & Co., D. H.—1, Des Yceux Road

Road Central Elias & Co.—16, Central Road




Fredericks, J. A.—16, Central Road David, J. B.—10, Malacca Street

Gensburger & Co.—16, Central Road Dupire Morrell, Ltd .—41, Col Iyer

Herlofson & Reeves—9, Avenue Ed- Quay

ward VII. Lyall & Evatt—23, Raffles Place

Hopkins, Dunn & Co.—48, Szechuen Macphail & Co., Ltd.—Union Build-

Road ing

Kaiyosha & Co.—6, The Bund Manasseh & Elias—12, D’Almeida St.

Kokusai Unyo Kaisha—9, Canton Reuben Bros.—7a, De Souza Street


Kung 1Hsing & Co.—38, Avenue Ed- Stanton, Nelson & Co., Ltd.—4,

Col Iyer Quay

ward VII A. E. Tilly—147, Sims Avenue

Liddell Bros.—4, Peking Road

Marden & Co.—10, Hankow Road

Moller & Co.—12, The Bund Penang

Nathan, M. J.—16, Central Road Anthony & Co.—9, Beach Street

Noel, Murray & Co., Ltd.—11, Han-

kow Road Lean & Co.—3a, Union Street

Piane & Co., Y. C.—4, Canton

Rosenfeld & Son—16, Central Road NETHERLANDS-INDIA

Rutherford, N. H.—12, The Bund

Shanghai Equitable Trading Co.—24, Batavia

The Bund

Tsuchihashi & Co.—Clol, Woosung Andree Wiltens en Co.


Wallem & Co.—10, Canton Road Beauclerk & Co.

Wheelock & Co.—2, Quai de France Dunlop & Kolff

White & Co.—60, Kiukiang Road Gijzelman and Steup

Van Nierop and Twijsel

Tientsin Ockerse, F. W. A.—Binnen Nieijw

poort S'traat 34

China Express Co., Ltd.—ex-Russian Vermeys & Co.

Concession Wallbrink & Co.

China Forwarding & Express Co.— Wesselink en Dijkhuis

Settlement Railway Station Wiechert and van der Linden

Foox & Co.—65, Consular Road

Kokokusai Unyu Kaisha—37, Rue du WlECHERT EN GeEBLINGS

14 Julliet

Kramer, M.—112, Wellington Street Sourabaya

(Fur & Wool)

Liddell Bros. & Co.—50, Taku Road Gyselman & Steup—Willemskade

Tientsin Forwarding & Commission

Co.—14, Italian Bund

Watts & Co.—65, Consular Road PHILIPPINE ISLANDS



MALAYA Araneta y Zaragoza, Jose—Insular

Singapore Building, Plaza Cervates, Binondo

Abdeen, H.—16, Jalan Masjid Associated Agencies, Inc.—111, Men-




Bermtjdez & Bautista, Inc.—5, San BROKERS (Share)

Gabriel, Binondon

Commercial Brokers Co.—456, Das- JAPAN


Credit Bureau of Manila—Luis Perez

Samanillo ' Bld’g., Escolta, Bi.nondo Kobe

Daniel de Roza—248, Calle Cabildo,

Instramuros Teverson & Mactavish—29, Harima-

Ellis, William J. —16, Escolta, machi


Foz Brokerage, Inc.—401, Cortes Osaka

Ochoa Building

Getz Bros. L ‘.Jo.—508, Fernandez

Building Inabe Shoji—-Sawano Building

Gibson, J. H. - 177, Juan Luna, Okuyama Bill Brokers—Fushimi-cho


Green & Co., B. A.—34; Escolta, Osaka Bill Broker—26, Kitahama

Shiki Bill Broker—10, Koraibashi


Hair, Little & Picornell—Insular Ueda Siioten—2H27, Koraibashi

Life Building, BinondQ

Harrison, E. J.—306, Cu Uiijieng CHINA

Building, Escolta, Binondo

Hess, Carl—501, Masonic Temple,

Binondb Canton

International Brokerage Co., Inc.—

306, Masonic Temple

Luz Barza & Co.—Insular Life Build- Lammert & Son, C.M.—Shameen

Hunt & Co., R.

H.—Victoria Hotel

ing, Binondo Building

MacKay, G. W.—414; Chaco Building, Tavadia .& Futakia—Shameen


Murphy Co., J. A. — Luis Perez:

Samanillo Building, Binondo Hankow

National Sales. Agency—307, Juan

Luna, Binondo' Bahnson & Co., F. W.—14, Faucheong

New Orleans Commercial Co., Inc., Road

The—4, Hogar Building, Binondo

Philippins Brokerage Corpn.—66, M.

d'e Bipondo Hongkong

Rosenstopk, C. W.—115, T. Pippin,

JMnondo Alves, A. A.—^tock Exchange Bldg.

Russell & Co.—P.0 Box 982 Basto, B.—18, Ice House Street

Sorox y Cia—155, Aviles, San Miguel Bagram, J., T—'Stock Exchange Bldg.

Union Trading Co.—337, Carvajal, Benjamin. & > Potts—Stock Exchange

Binondo Building,

Carroll: Epos-—Exchange Building

Cebu Croucher /Jo,.—Chartered Bank


Pastranq, Unchuan & Co.—84, Burgos Esmall, H. M. H.—China Building

Street Fernandez, M.—4a, Des Voeux Rd. C.



Gould & Co., Joseph — Exchange Tientsin


Greaves, A. P.—8, Queen’s Road C. Davis, R. S.—17, Victoria Terrace

Grose & Co., J. F.—-6, Des Yceux Doney & Co.—46, Bristow Road

Road Central

Joseph & Co., H. B.—Exchange Bldg. Robertson


& Rosier—11, Consular

Kitchell & Co., O.—5, Queen’s Road Watts & Co.—65, Consular Roadr


Lammert, H. A.—St. Georges Build Whitamore & Co.—105, Victoria Road


Lo Kin Fai & Co. — 8, Des Voeux MALAYA

Road C.

Lopes, A. A.—9, Ice House Street Singapore

Moxon & Taylor—Exchange Build-

ing Bell & Co.—Raffles Place


Kowloon R.—8, Humphrey’s Bldg., :Chia & Co.—34, The Arcade

Potts, A. H.—Stock Exchange Bldg. :Etlin && Co.—33,

'David Toft—10, Malacca Street

The Arcade

Silva, P. M. K. da- Stock Exchange •Fraser & Co.'—Union Building, Coll-

Building yer Quay •

Tester & Abraham—Exchange Build- Lyall & EvAtt—23, Raffles Place

ing Reuben Bros:, Ltd.—7a, D’Souza St.

Wright & Co.—Chung Tin Bldg.

Yeung Yau & Co.—Bank of Canton Strickland & Co.—56, The Arcade



Peiping Anthony &, Co., A. A.—9, Beach St.

Kennedy & Co.—2b, Beach Street

Harvey, Clarke & Co.—Belgian Bank Lean & Co.—3a, Union Street'-

Building, Legation Street Malaya Co., Ltd.—55, Beach Street

Soon Theam & Co.—30, Beach Street



Anderson & Co., A. L. Botly & Co.—P.O. Box 96, Ipob

Benjamin & Potts—27, The Bund

Bissett & Co., J. P.—1'2, The Bund ,Macphail & Go., Ltd.—P.O. Box 134

Whitaker & Co., A. H.—P.O. Box 97

Brady, A. A.—12, The Bund

Davis and Moller—16, Central Road Selangor

Gumming, K. M—16, Central Road

Fredericks, J. A.—16, Central Road

Gubbay, D. M.—c/o Shanghai Club Bradburne & Co. (1980), Ltd., Char-

Gubbay, S. M. S.—16, Central Road les—1-3, Old Market Square, Kuala


Hayim, A. J.—7, Peking Road Baker, Morgan & Co.—11, Loke Yew

Hoel, Murray & Co., Ld.—11 Han- Buildings, Kuala Lumpur

kow Road Hallam & Co.—19, Old Market Square

Rutherford, N. H.—12, The Bund Street



PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Ishida Yoshinao—235, Asahi-eho

Morikawa Heiji—53, Tani Jito-cho

Manila Takeuchi-Gumi—73, Aoyagi-cho

Birkett & Holden—414, Chaco Build- Nagasaki

ing, Binondo

Jityco, Velilla & Co.—416, Heacock Date Tomeikichi—177, Inasa-machi

Building, Escolta, Binpndo Kaneko Sho'kai—8, Irie-machi

Ong Long & Co., Inc.—51, Alhambra, Nakamura Seikichi—57, Yedo-machi


Sorox Y Cia—IS5, Aviles, San Miguel Nippon Asbestos Co.—41, Atago-machi

Takagi Yasaburo—18, Sakura-machi



JAPAN Nagoya Tekkin Block Co.—Toyoda-


Kobe ObayashI-gumi—Sumitomo Building

Shimizu-gcmi Goshi Kaisha — 18,

Hattanda Furuwatari

Doi Chisabvro—2-8, Ogawa-dori

IIosono-gumi—69, Kano-cho Osaka

Ishimatsu.. Dairiseki Kogyo-sha—27-

162, Arata-cho Ando Shoten—99, Itachibori Kita-

Kagawa Komuten—63,, Susano-dori dori

Kansai Sekizai K.K.—2064, Wakino- Asahi Tile Shoten—37, Awabori-cho


Kitamura Goshi Kaisha—13, Higure- Arita Mokusai K.K.—5-10, Isuocho

dori Awaji Kawara , Shokai—2, Shirinashi-

Kyokuyo Kenzai Kaisha—107, Kami- gawa

sawa-dori Hamada Tekko-sho—510, Kujo Kita-

1StakAshiSia-gumi K.K.—11, Eizawa- dori

cho Hiraoka Tekko-sha—11, Minami Oka-

‘Noda Gomei Kaisha—69, Kyo machi jima-cho

JJhkura Doboku K.K.—8, Kaigan- Horne & Co., Ltd.—14, Imabashi

dori Ishikawa Shokai Kanzai-bu—109, Do-

Skimiztt-gumi G.K.—30, Shimoyamate- jima hama-dori

dori Kansei Kagaku Kogyo K.K.—14,

Tabayashi Kenchiku Jimusho — 24, Kyomachibori

Nozaki-dori Manka Shoten—-i, Tzuo Umeno-cho

Takagi Gumi Kaisha—124, Sanbam-cho Mannen Slate K.K.—2, iShin-machi

Uyeda XJichiro—1-97, Tsutsui-cho Maruka Shoten- Goshi Kaisha—50,

yosHizAWA Shoten—1 Minato-cho Kita Horie

Nihon Kenchikushiko—K. K. — 9,

Itachibori Ninami-dori

Hakodate Sanki Kogyo K.K.—21, Bingo-machi

Showa Shokai—22, Umeda-cho

IIattori Chokicki—2, Masago-cho Tanaka Shoji Shoten—IS, Edobori

Imai-gtjmi—56, Kaisho-cho Minami-cho



Tori Gomei Kaisha—1, Dojima Ha- Foochow


Yagi Kokichi—965, Inari-dori Fukien Construction Bureau

Yamano Yasu Shoten—12, Minami




Andersen, Meyer & Co.—11, Rue

Fukko Ke^ohiku Josei K/K.- -!., Ise- Clemenceau

zaki-cho Arnhold & Co., Ltd.—The Sued, §.

Haraki-gumi—104, Horai-ctiov A.D. 1

Ohbayashi-gumi K.K.—53, Aioi-cho Carlowitz A Co.—Ta Chi Men

Shimizu-gumi G. K.—65, Yoshida-cho MeiEoad, Chang Hardware3Co.—Tai Effig

S.A.D. -3.

KOREA Ming Sons Construction Co.—Hunan

Road, S.A.D.

Siemssen & Co.—Erh Yao Road,

Nagato-gumi, G. K.—16, Kanko-dori. S.A.D. 1


Ohkura IDoboku K.K.—44, Yaanate-

dori, Seoul Harbin

Tada Komusho, G. K.—40, Taihei-

dori A; G. Chibunovsky & Co.—3, Kitais-

Toa Doboku Kigyo K.K.—1, Nandai- kaya Street

mpn-dori, Seoul Andersen, Meyer & Co.—52, Diago-

nalnaya Street. . .


Canton Hongkong

Baist & Co.—39, Shameen, F,C. Andersen, . Meyer & Cov Ltd.—67-69,

Carlowitz & Co.—230, Shakee Eoad De's Voeiix Road Central

Feld & Co., Ltd., F.—10, West Bund Biackmore

10, Ice House& Street

Blackburn, Ltd.

Eafeek & Co.—71, British Concession Concrete

Siemens China CO.—12, French Con- George’s; Building Limite^d-—St.



Davie, Boag & Co., Ltd.—Queen’s-


Dairen Hongkong Engineering; •& Construc-

tion Co., Ltd.—Chung Tin Bldg.


dori G. K.—51, Yamagata- Lai To; Construction Co.—217. Hen-

nessy Eoad

Hara=gumi G. K.—27, Yawaba-cho Lam Woo & Co.—32, Johnston Eoad

Okura Doboku, K. K.—18, Yamagata- Lau Tung—Powell’s Building

oho Lee & Co., Joseph J.—17, Thomson

Toa Doboku Kigyo, K. K.—21, Higa- Road

shikoen-cho Lee Ping Hong—52, Des Yoeux

Yoshikawa-gumi—43, Nishikoen-cho Eoad Central



Lee Yu Kee—37, Des Voeux Rd. C- Calco China Agency—14, Museum Rd.

Lun Sang & Co.—French Building Carlownz & Co.—670, Szechuen Road

(3rd floor) Cathay Ceramics Co., Inc.—24, The

Shewan, Tomes & Co.—•National Bank Bund

Building Chang Sung Construction Co.—33,


Queen’s Gypsum Products, Ltd. -14, Szechuen Road

Road Central ChiEN Hsin Engineering Co.,

South C.h;ina Brickworks, Ltd.— G.m.b.H. (Ltd.)—138, Kiangse Rd.

Gloucester Building buNCAN & Co.—Hamilton House

Tung Nam Construction Co.—160, Fagan.&. Co., Ltd.—•2©I, Kiangse Road

Lockhart Road

Vibro Piling Co., Ltd.—York Build- Hsin Heng & Co. — 80, Avenue

Edward YII

ing, Chater Road Hsin Woo Realty Co.—505, Honan

Yee Sang Tai & Co.—353, Hennessy Road

Road Jardine Engineering Corporation,

Yeung Fat & Co —Kayamally Bldg. The—8a, Yuen Ming Yuen Road

Yue Sang & Co.—34, Queen’s Road Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.—27,

Central The Bund

Krivoss, B. —263, Szeehuen Road

Kunst and Albers—29, Szechuen Rd.

{National Construction Commission—

Andersen, . Meyer & Co.— , 8, Museum Road

Arnhold & Co.— New Shanghai Construction Co.- S.

Carlo Witz & Co.—’19, San D jin. Loo 179-S.S. 12, Coiynought Road

Engel. Max M. Reuter, Brockelmann & Co.—4'52,

Larsen- & Trock—40,. Naniwa-dori Kiangse Road

Marcks, Lothar—She I. Wei Lou Rielly, Simmons &'Milne—91, Peking


Peiping Shanghai Vibro Piling. Co., Ltd.—

220, Szechuen Road

Tax Chong & Co.—lSO,, Nanking Road

Basel & Frey—63a, Ta Tang Chia Telge and ScHroeter—212, Szechuen

II utung , , Road

China Radiator Co.—311, Chao Yang Zee & Sons, W., Z.- -A. 1299, Broadway

Man Street 1

Engineering Practice — 11, Fang

Chih Hutung Tientsin


Kou China Co. — 41, Teng Shih Blakeney & Co., J. D.—143, Elgin


Shanghai Brossard Mopin—HO, Rue de France

Carlowitz & Co.—140-144, Taku Rd.

Andersen, Meyer & Co., Ltd.—4-8, | China American Trading Corpn.—

Rue de Franee

Yuen Ming Yuen Road


Anglo-Chinese Building Cg. — 39a, ; Wilson Street & Seidel—102, Woodrow

Canton Road

Arnhold & Co.,. Ltd.—1, Nanking lard Foees Co., Ltd.—99, Rue du Qhey-


Building Supplies, Ltd.—109, Sassoon Hay^s Engineering Qorpqration—4$,

Taku Road ■




Hua Sheng Co.—80, Kotobuki Road Fogden, Brisbane & Co., Ltd.—550;.

Havelock Road

Kaposttn & Co.—10, Wogack Road Hinhede

Kessler t Co., H.T.—Corner of Race- Keng Lee && Co., Ltd.—P.O. Box 276

Co.—10, Robinson Road

course Road and Bureau Street

Nicol & Co.—Shansi Road Kwaw Chew Kee—3, Jolan Klapa

Moulton (Eastern), Ltd. — Union


Tsingtao Simplex Concrete PilRs—Union Bldg.

Sternberg & Co.—28, Raffles Cham-

Deh Dji Construction Co. — 43, bers

Kuangsi Road



Alexandra Brickworks, Ltd. — Mer-

cantile Bank Building

Weihaiwei Land and Building Co., Guthrie

Ltd. & Co-., Ltd.—35, Weld Quay

Waugh & Co., Ltd., Henry—33^ Beach

i Street




Internationa! Engineering Co., King Kenneison Bros., Ltd.

Inc. —P.O. Box 39 Chong

; Square, & Co.—20,

Kuala Lumpur Old Market

Planters’ Stores & Agency Oo., Ltd.

NETHERLANDS INDIA —P.O'. Box 288, Kuala Lumpur

Soura)baya Perak

N. V. Ligtvoet’s Fabrieken van Lindeteves-Stokvis (Inc. D. E.L.)—

Bouwmaterialen—Ngagel 3 Brewster Road, Ipon

Young, C. H.—7, Hale Street, Ipoh





Alexandra Brickworks, Ltd. — c/o

The Borneo Co., Ltd. American Hardware and Plumbing

Adamson, Gilfillan & Co., Ltd.— Co.—101-107, Echiague, Sta. Cruz

Hong Kong Bank Building Atlantic Gulf m Pacific Co. of

Borneo SumatraRoad

41, Robinson Trading Co., Ltd.— Manila—P.O. Box 626

Chin Ho & Oo.—0, Philip Street Building Services, Inc.—308, Kneed-

ler Building

Craig & Co., Ltd.—Union Building Choy & Co., S. C.—672, Juan Luna

Eastern Import and Export Co.—40, Co Seteng & Co., Eduardo—602-601

High Street Tanduay, Quiapo

Fonghin & G. H, Watts Co.— Enrique C. Sto. Tomas—P.O. Box

64, Wallich Street 2988



Engineering Equipment & Supply BUTTON FACTORIES (see Page B3)

Co., Inc.—P.O. Box 2128

Faree Engineering Development Co. CAFES, ETC.—(See under Hotels)

—'Crystal Arcade Building, Esoolta

Findley Engineer and Construction

Co., Inc.—425, Heaoock Building CAN FACTORIES (see Page.BS)

Gordon, John—Layva Building

Gotauco & Co., Inc.—214, Soler, CANNED GOODS FACTORIES (see

Binondo Page B3)

Jose Angel—122-124, M. de Binondr'

(Transportation) CARPETS AND RUGS

Lim Chico—^2510, F. Hui;tas, Sta.


Lime Kilns, Inc.—99, Cristobal Street

Manila Builders Corporation — Kobe

411, Heacock Building

Misamis Construction—514, Aviles, Imai machi

Tokutaro Shoten—137, Moto-

Sian Miguel Tamba-ya Shoten—§, Motomachi

Norton and Harrison Co.—410-420, Yamada & Tanaka Co.—50, Ura-machi

Kneedler Building, Carrido

Philippine Cork and Insulation Co., CHINA

The—308-310, Heaoock Building, Es-

colta, Binondo Hongkong

Philippine Steelhouse Inc. — 300,

Dewey Building

Raymond Concrete Piles—Room 402, Arts & Crafts, Ltd.—4A; Des Vceux

Road Central

China Bank Building Fook Weng & Co.—China Building

Reyes & Co., Florence—424, Azcar- Jade Tree, Ltd.—Gloucester Building

ruga, San Nicholas Arcade

Russell, C,—P. O. Bpx 1009

Santiago Bros.—707, Azcarraga, Ton- Lane, Crawford & Ob. — Exchange



Simeon O. Suax—324, Echague, Sta. Littleing

Shop, The—Gloucester Build-


Tan C. Tee & Cd.—530-544, Aviles, San Orient


Rug Co., Ltd.—218, Nathan


Tay Jay Co.—734, Echague, San Street Sons, K. S.—32, Wyndham

Pavri A


Tolentino, J. S.—1938, IIerr.au, Paco Sincere Co.—Des Vceux Road Central

Tolentino, Sun Co.—Des Voeux Road Central

Building Claro E. — 43, Santos Swatow Lace Co.,- Ltd.—16, Pedder

Tuason e Huos, O.—1174-1188, Agno, Street


Tulabut, Rueino—873, Palomar, Ton- Whiteway Laidlaw & Co.—Des Vceux

Road Central


Uy Chaco SoNS-& Co., Inc., Mariano Central Co.—207, Des Vceux Road

i Wing On

-i- 25-37, Plaza Cervantes


456-466, Dasmarinas, Binondo

Wilson & Co., Inc., Fred—53-55, Bar Eastern Rug Co.—2, Kwan Tung

acca Chien

Yuson and Manaloto—428, Rizal, 'Sta. Fette Rug Co,, Fed. Inc.—8, Tung

Cruz Tan Erh T’iao Hutung



Hackmack & Co.—1555, Soochow Hu- Whiteway,

king Road

Laidlaw & Co.—30, Nan-


Henning &.Cio., A.G.—45, Wai Chao Wing On Co.-^551, Nanking Road


Jen Li Co., The—78, Rue de France

Kai Yhen Woollen and Carpet Fac- Tientsin

tory—81, Lan-man Hutung

Shoemaker Art Looms—23, Hsi Avanozian & Son—32, Bristow Road

Tsung Pu Hutung

Sullivan & Co.—1, Morrison Street BarkovRoad

itch- fr Co., H.—136, Bristow

Bergers’ Enterprises, Ltd.—108, Ta-

ku Road

Shanghai Bubesko & Co., S. O.-^-17, Grstystone

Villas, Barracks Road .

Arts & Crafts—190, Bubbling Well China-American

—Rue de France

Trading Corpration


Bingoya & Co.--K22.65, Boone Road China Carpet Trading Co.—-55, Rhe

de Verdun

Browne, Hill & Co.--21$, gzeehuen Churchill CaRPet Co. ;r41 17, Cantba

Road Road ... . , -

Central Asia Co,, Ltd.—1'23a, Sey- Comfort Company, The—235, Hiia-

mour Road

China Art Rug Co.—-'509, Bubbling Eastern Rug Co.—8, Lin Ho . Li, B.

Ying-Hsi-Li, Eastbourne Road

Well Road C.

Elbrook, Ino.—50, Peking Road Elbrook, Inc.—31-47, Davenport Rd.

Esso Co.—452, Kiangse Road

Fette Peiping Rugs—49, Nanking Fairchild & Co.—169, Taku Road

Gershevich Brothers—i3,’ Victoria

Road Terrace

Golden Dragon Rug Co. —417b, Bub- Greenland Sons—^57, Rtie 1 Henry

bling Well Road Bourgeois

Great Northern Carpet Co’.-j-;^7, Hackmack & Co.—11, Lapteff Road

Bubbling Well Road

Hall & Holtz, Ltd.—31, Nanking Hall & Holtz—17, Victoria Road

Hua Kuang Trading Corporation—

Road 173a, Tunbridge Road

Horn & Nobbins—12, The Bund

Kung I Cheng—391, Bubbling Well Hua Isawa

Mao Trading Co.—8, Lin , Ho Li

& Co., K.—140, Victoria Robd

Road :

Lane, Crawford, Ltd.—23, Nadkihg Jen Li Co.—78, Rue de France '

Road KaragheuSian AmerWan ‘ Corporation

North China Rug Co.—585, Bubbling —13t5, Rue Pasteur

Well Road Kleeman & Co.—5, Woodrow Wilson

Oriental Rug Co.—399, Bubbling Malkassian, S.—8, Rue Henry Bour-

Well Road geois

Ouskouli, M. H. A.-^451, Kiangse Mentrup Co.,: C. J.—29v Canton Road


Peh Yang Carpet Co.—45, Yates Road Ching Liu & Kohlberg —16, Lui



Road & C&, I.—11, Choufoong Nichols Super-Yarn and Carpets—

104, Taku Road

Sincere Co. , LLd.—560, Nanking Road Oriental Rug Co. — 399, Bubbling

Sun Ling & Co.—1188, Avenue Road Well Road

Sun Sun & Co.—'570, Nanking Road Rabben & Co.—144, Bristow Road



Rendall & Co*—37, Rue de PAmiraute Inquye Konnosuke Shoten—38, Sakae-

Reuter, Brockelmann & Co.—29, Con- machi

sular Road Kitaura Yeizo Shoten—23, Tamon-

Shantung Silk & Lace Co.—Taku Nishii dori

Road Kunijiro Shoten—24, Ashi-

Shingming Trading Co.—Corner of hara-dori

Taku and Bruce Roads

Standard Carpet and Export Co.— Moji

108, Rue du Bai'on Gros

Tashjian, O. H.—131, Rue Pasteur Asano Cement K.K.—Shirokisaki-cho

Tientsin Carpet Cleaning Co.—252- Hokoku Cement K.K.—Nishi Hon-

255, Taku Road machi

Twyford & Co.—113, Rue Chaylard Ube Cement Seizo K.K.—Daimai



Tbingtao Carpet Factory, The—43, Nagoya

Kuangsi Road Asano Cement K.K.—Shin Yanagi-

Tsinan machi, N aka-ku

Hokoku Cement Works, Ltd.—0, Oyt

wacni, Mmami-ku

Rubant, Francis W.—40, Sixth Main Mikawa Cement K.K.—Minami Otsu-

Street maoin, iN aka-ku

Oita-Cement K.K.—Itabashi-eho, Na-

SIAM ka-ku

Onoda Cement Manufacturing Co.—

Bangkok Atsuta Digashimachi

Barrow, Brown & Co., Ltd.—Tapan Osaka

Hua Takay

Christiani and Nielsen (Siam), Ltd. Asano Cement K.K.—291, Tsumori-


PHILIPPINE ISLANDS ASano Portland Cement Co.—313, Do-

jima Building

Manila Hamaguichi Shoten—12, Kitahorie-


Nichols Super Carpets and Peking Hokoku Cement Co.—l, Koraibashi

Rugs—18a, Mabini Kenchiku Zairyo Goshi Kaisha—1,

Persian Carpet House— 49, Escolta Minami Hone-cho

Matsumoto Yojiro—49, Edobori Shi--

CEMENT MANUFACTURERS AND Neomo-don Cement K.K.—13, Tamae-cho

DEALERS Oita Cement K.K.—1, Soze-cho

JAPAN Osaka Yogyo Cement K.K.—2, Minami


Kobe Toa. Cement K.K.—1-178, Hatsushima,


Tosa Cement K.K.—23, Kitahorie,

Birnie, Leonard—45, Nakamachi Nishi-ku



Ube Cement Seizo K.K.—Eshp Build- Hongkong

ing, Nakanoshima

Bradley & Co.—Prince’s Building

Shidzuoka Castle Peak Ceramic Co —53, Con-

naught Hoad Central

Hida Shoten—65, Sihimo Uomachi Green Bsland Cement Co. Ltd.

—Exchange Building

Sakuea Tokichi—-Sakae machi International Trading Co.-r-China


Skimonoseki Japan-China-India Co.—Bank of Can-

ton Building

Jardine, Matheson & Co.—Pedder

Onqda Cement Co.—Onoda-cho, Asa- Street

gun Mitsui Bussan Kaisha — Prince’s


Tokyo Ross & Co., Alex—Prince’s Building

Soc. des Ciments Portland Artifi-

Asano Cement K.K. —Kaijo Building, ciels de l’Indochine—7, Queen’s

Road Central

Marunouchi South China Brickworks, Ltd.—

Iwaki Cement K.K.—2, Marunouchi Gloucester Building (and floor)

Mikawa Cement K.K.—6, Edofcashi- Warren & Co., C. E.—China Build-

cho ing

Oita Cement K.K. — Marunouchi

Building, Kojimachi-ku Macao

Ube Cement K.K.—Mitsubishi 21-go-

kan, Marunouohi Green Island Cement Co., Ltd.

CHINA Shanghai

Amoy Andersen, Meyer & Co.—4, Yuen

Ming Yuen Road

Lingson Engineering & Trading Co. Chee Hsin Cement Co.—38, Avenue

—Waterworks Building Edward VII

China Portland Cement Co.—62,

Dairen Kiangse Road

Elliston, Pugh & Co.—24, Yuen

Asano Ming Yuen Road

dori Cement K. K.—Ill, Yamagata- Jacks

Glanzmann, Fco.—38, Canton Road

Onoda Cement Co., Ltd.—Chow-shui- Malcolm& Co., Wm.—1, Hongkong Road

& Co , Ltd.—58, Szechuen

Szu Road

Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd.—2, Kiu-

Hankow kiang Road

Mitsubishi Shoji Kaisha—9, Canton

Chee Hsin Cement Co.—4, Poa Wah Road

Lie Racine & Co.—Glen Line Building

Jardine, Matheson & Co.—The Bund, Shanghai Portland Cement Works,

S.A.D. 3 Ltd.—38, Avenue Edward VII.



Schieren Co., C. A.—23/25, Ningpo Ho Hong Portland Cement Works—

Road 61, Chulia Street

Zee Hung Tai—374, Markham Road McAlister & Co., Ltd.—Gresham

Zee & Sons—A1299, Broadway House, Battery Road


Jardine Matheson & Co., Ltd.—P.0 Manila

Box 66

Bazar Siglo XX., Central Off oe—

Tientsin 101-113, Plaza del Conde

Cebu Portland Cement Co.—Insular


Chee Hsin Cement Co.—Taku Road Cham Samco Building, Escolta

Comfort Company, The—285, East- Hope Manufacturing & Sons—306, Sto. Cristo

boure Road, B.C. Oo.—14th, Ave.

and ' 5 th

Harper & Coi, Ralph—-Robert Dollar Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Limited—


Hua Sheng Co.—80, Kotobuki Road National City Bank Bldg., Binondo

Jardine, Matheson & Co.—^Victoria National Development Co.—Ayunta-

mienba, Intramuros


Reyes & Co.,

Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd.—1, Ya- raga, San Nicolas Florencio—424, Azcar-

maguichi Read

Perrin-Cooper & Co.—Consular Road Rizal Cement Factory—8, M. de

Banco Nacional, Binondo

Racine & Cie.—8, Rue Henry Bour- Simeon O. Scan—324, Echague


Ynchausti & Co.—845, M. de la In

INDO-CHINA dustria, San Nicolas

Haiphong Cebu

Societe Desde Ciments Cebu Portland Cement Co.—Corner

Artiflciels I’indochinePortland Gonzalez Street & Comercio

Societe Indochinoise du Cements

Fondu Lafarge CHEMICAL FACTORIES {see Page




East Asiatic Co., Ltd., The JAPAN

Siam Cement Co., Ltd., The Kobe

MALAYA Akakabe Pharmacy—133, Motomachi-


Singapore Bayer Meister Lucuis Y. G. K.—11,

Sakake-machi dori

East Asiatic Co., Ltd.—3, Raffles Brunner Mond and Co.—72, Kyo-

Quay machi



Du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc., E. Mori Shokai Gomei Kaisha—Bojo-

I.—72, Kyo-machi: > machi

Fujita SEiTAROf—4, Niban-cho Nippon Shinyaku Cd.—Mibu Shimo

Funai Shoten—35, Moto-machi Mizo-cho

Goto-Denshin K.K.—1, Yakumi-dori Radiumdori

Chemical Co.—Karasumaru-

HankuYu Pharmacy—28,'‘ Kamifcsukin Teihoku Denkwa Kaisha—Nakura-cho

Hotei-ya Pharmacy—100, Moto-machi

Ishihara Yeiju-do^-89, Nishiyanagi- Kyushu


Iwata Juzendo—117, Kano*cho

Iwata Shoten—142, Susano-cho Kakata Pharmacy—Higashi Nakasu-

Kirin-do Pharmacy—14, 'Kitanagasa- ; Kamey


a Honten—Nishigasaki-chc


KosAYashi Keisuke—35, Naka-machi ; Kawaguichi-ya


Pharmacy—1, . Kura-

Kobe Eisei Pharmacy—1, Niban-cho

Kumochi Pharmacy—130, Kumochi-

bashi-dori Nagasaki

Minatogawa Pharmacy—847, Mizuki-

dori Benkei-do—49, .Daikoku-machi

Nagaoka Shoten—Isogami-dori

Nanri Boyeki K.K.—40, Sakae-machi Furushima Kozo—h6? Shinchh-machi

National Aniline & Chemical Co.. Hirasaki Moichi—Moto Daiku

Shinsel-do—29,. Ka-jiya-machi

U.S.A.—65, Naniwa-machi

Nippon Shono K.K.—127, Moto-machi

Sai^ei Shpno K.K.—31, Wakinohama- Naffoya


Sanseido—134, Moto-machi

Siber, Hegner & Co., Ltd.—108, Ito- Aoki & Co.—84, Suehiro-cho

Dai-Ichi Kogyo Seiyaku K.K.—Mina^

machi mi-Sotobori-cho

Takeda Gomei Katsha—5, r Kaigan- Murakami Shoten—Ofuna-cho

dori j' ' - SEYEi Goshi Kaisha—Higashi Yoshino


machi Uichiro Shoten—3, Sakae- cho

Yazawa Shoten—4, Hachiman-dori Tokai Seiyaku Kaisha—63, Kurima

michi Higashi-cho

Hakodate Osaka

Hokushin-do—31, Tsttroka-cho Asahi Shokai—559, Nankai-dori

Ikkan-do—64, Jizo-cho Asahi Seiyaku Gomei Kaisha—117,

Kurosaki Kenji—56, Suehiro-cho Shibata-machi

Shirasaki Komei Kaisha—36, Jizo- Brunner, Mond & Co..— Konoike

cho Building

Dai Ichi Seiyaku K.K.—25, Hirano-

Kyoto cho

Dai Nippon Seiyaku K.K.—14, Kita-

hama, Higashi-ku

Dai-Ichi Kogyo Seiyaku K.K.—Sem- Lieberman, Waelckli & Co.—Kita-

bonminami-iru, Hichijo-dori hana



Maruishi Pharmaceutical Co.—39, Denki Kagaku Kogyo Kaisha, Ltd.—

Awa j ima-maclii Katakura Building, Tatami-cko

Mobishita Go., H.—543, Tamahori- Doitsu Senryu Gomei Kaisha—2, Na-

cho kadori

Nagase & Oo.,. Ltd., -D.—Itachibori Furido Shokai—P O. BoN 8

Minami-dori Hoshi Seiyaku Kaisha , Ltd.—326,

Naniwa Seiyaku K.K.—34, Tonya- Kirigaya, Osaka-cho

machi Hospital Supply Co.—6, Yamamoto-

Osaka Seiyaku K.K.—16, Doshu-do cho, Kojimachi

Sanyo Seiyaku Gomei Kaisha—21, Katow & Co. —2, Hpn-cho

Suguhara-dori Konishi Seiyaku G.K.—781, Ikebu-

Siber Hegner & Co., Ltd.—2i, Iiiia- kuro Nishi Sugamo "


Society of Chemical . Industry in Nippon Chemical iSkoten—Nihonbashi

Konishi Shinbei

Industry Co., Ltd.

Basle—55, Kawara-machi —200, Kamedo-clio

Tanimura Umekichi—1-360, Shikanji- Nippon Roche K,K. -3, Kobikicho

ma-machi Sangoku Boyeki K.K.—14, Yumi-cho

Toyo Seiyaku Boski K.K.—40, Doshu- SSociety of Chemical Industry in


Yamada Yasutami—8, Minami Kyuho- Basle^- ¥anmguichi Building




Ahrens &; Co.—43, Yamashita-cho

Ichikawa Gomei Kaisha.—38, Hattori'Shoten—31, Gnoe-cho

ken-cho Hill Pharmacy—127, Motomachi

Nozaki Shoten—38, Abe-cko Maruzen & Co.—34, Benten-dori

UEMAsa Shoten—2, Yuki-cho Nagaoka Sasuke Shoten—9, Onoe-chto

Seike Sekaido Pharmacy—43, Matsu-

Shimonoseki gae-cho

Siboi, Hegner & Co., Ltd. — 90a,


Isobe Tomiro—Nishinabe-cho Tokai ' Yakuhin, K. K.—47,t Obgita-cho

Kame-ya—N ishinohashi-cho Yokohama Dispensary G.-.K,—156, Ya-

S^uho-do—Misakinocho mashita-cho

Tsuchitani Pharmacy—Nakano cho



Arai Pharmacy—118, Nandaimon-dori

Bayer Meister Lucius, Y.G.K.—Yaesu Seoul

Building Bennett & Co.—Chemulpo

Brett’s Hospital Pharmacy—4, Owari- Chosen Seiyaku K.K.—58, Hasegawa-

cho i cho, Seoul

Brunner, Mond & Co—1, Uchisaiwai- Dai-Ichi Yakuhin K.K.—61, Shoro,

cho Seoul

Chiyoda Seiyaku K.K.—1494, Nakano, [Fujisawa Tomokishi—42,‘ Seishomon-

Tokyo-fu ; cho, Seoul

Dai Nippon Seiyaku Kaisha, Ltd.—4, Kimura Shinzabcro — 126, Hon-cho,

Hon-cho Seoul



Kitajima Pharmacy — 12, Hon-cho, Imperial Chemical Industries-

(China), Ltd.—196, Yamagata-dori


Severance Wholesale Medical Supply Shimamatsu & Co.—20, Kanbu-dori

Co.—115, Nandaimon-dori, Seoul

Tanaka & Co., ¥.—Fusan Foochow

Yamagishi Tenyu-do—74, Asahi-cho,


Associated Products Co.-

CHINA Imperial Chemical Industries,

(China), Ltd.—Kwong Yin Ching,.

Amoy Nantai

Hope Co. Leadman & Co., Ltd.

Imperial Chemical Industries Hankow

(Chii7a), Ltd.—P.O. Box 61

Canton Anglo-Chinese Dispensary—7, Sing

Seng Road

Baist & Co.—39, Shameen, F.C. Deutsche Farben H G. Waibel & Co.

Chung Mei Drug Co.—9, Tai Ping Du—S.A.D. 1

Pont de Nemours, Inc. E. I.—


Goeke & Co., A.—85, Brit. Concession 23, Tung Ting Road

Imperial Chemical Industries Fuhrmeister & Co.—37, Han Chung

(China), Ltd.—46, Central Avenue, Road

Shameen Hankow Chemical. Laboratory—50,

Pharmacie Rue Dautremer

The Bund Franco-Cantonaise — 16, Hwa Chang Co., Ltd., The—9, Dahlia

Rafeek & C6.—71, British Concession Building, Hunan, Road

Reuter, Brockelman & Co. Imperial Chemical 1 Industries

Schmidt & Co-—20, Ching Yuan Maloo (China), Ltd.—62 , Hunan Road

Mee-Yeh Handels Compagnie — 13,.

Chefoo Tungting Road

National Aniline & Chemical Co.—7,.

Imperial Chemical Industries Russian Bund

(China), Ltd.—1, Customs Read



Deutsche - Farben - Han dels gesell- Agafuroff Bros.—41, Sveznaya Street

schaft, Waibel & C6.—Young Bros. Druggist Company—6, Aptekarskaya

Building I Street

Imperial Chemical Industries Far Eastern Drug Trading Co.—18,

(China), Ltd.—Tai Ping Tu, Nan Russkaya Street

Sao Imperial Chemical Industries-

(China), Ltd.—P.O. Box 306

Dairen Klarer, W. L.—1, Birjevaya Street

Leineweber, W.—20, Koreiskaya St.

Hamasaki & Co.—136, Yamagata-dori Lemente

Mammo & Co., Harry—153, Kitais-

dori Kogyo K. K. -67, Yamagata- Schmidt

kaya’ Street

Shoten—152, Kitaiskaya

Nippon Beiyaku Kaisha--147, Naniwa-

cho Skoblin Co.—31, Konnaya Street



Hongkong Oriental Trading Co.-~6, Queen’s

Road Central

Andersen, Meyer & Co.—67, Des Pacific Alkali Co., Ltd.—Asia Life


Vceux Road Central

Bradley & Co.—Prince’s Building Sander, Wilder & Co.—French Bank

‘China Agricultural Development Schmidt Building

Co., Ltd.—8, Des Voeux Road. C. Shewan, Tomes Sc Co.—Gloucester Building

'‘China Biochemical Co. — 80, Des Building .% Co.—National Bank

Voeux Road C.

Colonial Dispensary — Gloucester Shing Chai Tong—180, Queen’s Road



Deutsche Farben Handelsgessells- Shou Sai Toa Drug Store—80,

chaft Waibel & Co.—Prince’s Bldg Queen’s ofRoadChemicalCentral

Economical Trading Co.—P.O. Bos Society Basle—c/o Arnhold

Industry in

& Co.

285 , Upjohn Co., The—China Bldg.

Fletcher & Co.—Asiatic Building Vit-Alexin (China), Ltd.—Exchange


ing Brothers & Co.—'China Build- Building

Dardivilliers & Cir—Asia Life Bldg. World Drug Co., The—160 Des Vceux

imperial Chemical fnd wstries Road Central

(China), Ltd. -12, Pedder Street Macao

International Trading Co.—42, Elgin


Ito & Co., G.—4a, Des Voeux Road Tackson Medicine Co.—338, Rua dos

Central Mercadores

-Johnson & Co., R.—David House

King Sum Chai—380, Reclamation Mukden


Kwong Sang Hong, Ltd.—250, Des Betines & Co.—Outside Big West

Vceux Road Central Gate


ing Sing Cheong—Prince’s Build- Gressek, Ch.—60, Ta Hsi Pien Men

Loxley & Co., W. R.—York Building Wai

Luk Hoi Tung Co., Ltd.—293, Des Peiping

Voeux Road Central

Maison F. Mathieu Soc.—Asiatic American Drug Store—94, Hatamen


Mercantile Printers’ Supply Co., Street

The—18, Lee Yuen Street West Bertram, B.—6, Legation Street

Mitsui Bussan Kaisha — Prince’s Betines & Co., S. J.—Hatamen Str.

Building Bielfeld & Sun—6, Legation Street

Moses & Co., Ltd., N. S.—17, Queen’s Deutsche Farben Handelsgesells-

Road Central chaft Waibel & Co.—21, Gan Mien

Mut Wah Hong—76, Des Voeux Road Hutung

National AnilineBuilding,

U.S.A.—King’s & Chemical Co., —42, TengandShih


European American Drug Store


Road Hackmack & Co.—125, Soochow Hu-

National Drug Co., of China, The— tung

24, Des Voeux Road Central Imperial Chemical Industries

IN. V. Overzeesche Kali Exort Mu (China), Ltd.—52, Tung Tang Tsz

— 1, Chater Road Hutung



Sauek & Oo.—3, Chin Yu Hutung Du Pont de Nemours & Co., E. I.—

Schmidt 3, Canton Road

tung & Co.—1, Hsi Tang Tsu Hu- Eagle Drug Co., Inc.—639, Szechueni


Newchwang Eastern Trading Co. (China), ‘Ltd.—

3, Hankow Road

Du Pont de Nemours & Co;, Inc., E. Eickhoff & Co.—451, Kiangse Road

1.—Park Road Far Eastern Drug Trading Co.—9a,

National Aniline & Chemical Cb. Hankow Road

Foster-McClellan Co.—489, Kiangse-

Shanghai Road

Frost, Bland & Cp.—6, Szechuea.

Allen & Hanburys, Ltd.—110, Han- Fulford Road

kow Road ,Co., Ltd. G. T.—451, Kiang-

American Drug Co.--40, Nanking Rd. Gabbottse Road

American Asiatic TradiiIg Cb.—6A, guei-re Co., F. R.—70, Rue La-


Udhgkong Road

American Trading Co.—3, Canton Gmehling Road

& Co., G.—73, Nanking


Andersen, Meyer & Co.—4, Yuen Hachiya & Co.—9A, Hankow Road

HamilI’on, Ltd.; James—38, Avenue

Ming Yuen Road Edward VII

Anglo-Chinese Dispensary,

448, Honan Road . . Ltd. — Hammond & Co., F. W.—29, Szechuen.

Ar^i & Co.—12,. Hankow Road . Road

Bekn Meyer China Co.—421, Kiangse Hutchinson-Bel’l,


Ino. — 14, Haskell


Blickle Ross .& Co.—19, Kiukia'ng Ideal Hsin Yuen Co.—10, Kiangse Road

Road Co., Ltd. — 7'23, Chung Hwa

Bradley & Co.-12, The Bund Road

Burroughs, Wellcome Imperial Chemical Industries

Co. — A, (China), Ltd.—13%

Hongkong RoadJ Szechuen Road.

CaiiLo\vit2; & Co. —220, Szeelmen Road International

71, Kiaochow

Food and Drug Co.—


Chemical Works Gedeon Richter—20, Jto Cp., Ltd., G.—130, Kiangse Road.

Museum Road

Cheong Co., W. Y.—9, Foochow Road Kiangsu Chemicae Works—Soochow

Creek, Nea,r Feri’y Road

China Educational Supply Associa- Kobayashi Yoko—36, Canton Road

t-ion—406-, Foobhow Road

China Export-Iaiport and Bank Co. Koea American Drug. Qo.—120, Nan-

king Road

—13% Kiangse Road

CoatEs & Son—112, Szechunn Road Kuhlmann (Etar.), Paris—68, Sze-

Continental Chemical A Drug Sup= Kunst chuen Road

plies, Ltd.—74, Szechuen Road &: Albers—110, Szechuen Road

Daido Yoshiten—105, Kiaingse Road Lilly & Co., Eli—316, Kiahgse Road

Delbourgo ,% Co.—452, Kiangse Road Liok Co., M.—-24, The Bund

Deutsche Farben Handelsgesi^lschaft Mactavish Co.—1, North iSoochpw

(Waibel & Co.)—68, Szechuen Read Road

DfetTTsdHE Sttckstofe H. G. KrAuch Major Bros.—23, Ferry Road

& Co.—26, Szechuen Road McKesson & Robbins, Inc.—288, Tien-

Dixon & Co.—3, Hongkong Road dong Road

Dodwell & Co.—1, Canton Road Medicon, Ltd. S. A.—6, Kiangse Rd.



Mee-Yeh Handels Compagnie — 16, Swatow

C&ntbn Road

Mulford Co., H.K.—22, Museum Dunfold & Co., Ltd.

Road Imperial Chemical Industries

Mustard' & Co., Ltd.—22, Museum (China), Ltd.—P.O. Box 50


National Aniline & Chemical Co.— Tientsin

15, Museum Road Bielfeld & Sun —52, Taku Road

Papke, Davis & Co.—8, Yuen Ming Retines & Co.—32, Woodrow Wilson

Yuen Road Street

Poo Wei Chemical Works—700, Rue Bremen Colonial & China Trading

Lafayette Co.—3, Corso Vittorio Emanuelle

Racine & Co., Ltd.—Glen Lirie Build- China Expcrt-Import and Bank Co.—

ing Shou An Street

Reiss & Co., Hugo—9, Foochow Koad China Industrial & Chemicals Works

Reliance Trading Co.—96, Peking —63, Davenport Road

Road China Northern Corporation—47-55,

Sasaki & Co.—22, Hiking Road Rue de Paris

Scherings, Ltd.—19, Yuen Ming Yuen Deutsche Farben Handelsgesellschaft

Road —13, Hua An Road

Scholoten, H.—19, Kiukiang Road Du Pont de Nemours & Co.—52,h Taku

Schmidt,& Co.—Bassoon Arcade, Nam Getz Road

king Road Bros. & Co—129, Rue du Baron

Siemssen & Co.—4)51, Kiangse Road 11 auk Gros.

Simmons & Co.—17, Peking Road mack & Co.—LI, Lapteff Road

Sing Lee {CoOf-14, Museum Road Harper & CO., Ralph—Rue Pasteur

iSloave & Co.', Ltd.—7, Hankow Road Imperial Chemical Industries

(China), Ltd.—7, Rue de France

Society of Chemical iNwlfefrP in Kashimura

Basle—2A, Kiukiang Road

Standard Drug Co.—11, Fukien Rd. Meyer & Aniline Co., E.—Harbin Road

TeKge & ScdROETER—212, 1 Szeeh'ien National and Chemical Co.—

56, Rue de FAmirsIitte

Road Pacific Alkali Co., ;Ltd.—Chiu Ta

United Drug Co.—410, Rue du Cdh'- Building, 1, Rue Rontainier

sulat Schmidt & Co.—52,. Tajcu Read

Unkel, H. J.—238, Seymour Road 'Siemssen & Co.—63, Taku Road

Wah Chang TRADiN(V.CoiiPQ^AT|

Nirigpo Road j p| i --6.9, Walte & Co-., Succrs.—-166, Bristow


Warner & Co., Inc., W. R.—3,, Can-

ton Road Tongku


Road r &>tCo.s A. S.—2p,- Nanking Pacific Alkali Co.

Williams’ Medicine Co., Dr.—451, Tsingtao

Kiangse Road

Yangtze Import Co.—l-2®, Museum Imperial Chemical Industries

Road (China), Ltd.—28, Kwantao Road

Z-eller, Max—35,v Jinkee Road Phoenix Ciiemiual Co.—28, Kwangsi

Zimmermann Co. , W. I.-^53, Szechuen Road

Road . Venus Drug Co.—35, Chung Shan

Zung Lee Co.—130, Kiangse Road Road



Tsinan Imperial Chemical Industries (Mala-

ya), Ltd. — c/o. East Asiatic Co.,

Deutsche Faebest Handelsgessells- Ltd.

chaft Waibel & Co.—'57, We San Lu

Du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc., E. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS

I.—23, Shengping Road

Imperial Chemical Industries Manila

(China), Ltd.—7, - Shieh Ma Lu,

Wei Shan Lu

Arita Drug Oo.—707, R. Hildago,

Wuhu Quiapo

Imperial Chemical Industries Berry Chemical Co.—150, Santa Po-


(Ciiina), Ltd.—Ta Ma Lu Botica Boie—95, Escolta, Binondo

MALAYA Botica de Santa Cruz—635, Sales,

; Santa Cruz

Singapore Botica Hensonnia—97, Real Corner

Cabildo, Intramuros

Boon Seng & Co., Ltd. — 1, Raffles Bush Chemical Co.—442, Ranquillo

Place Castmac, Inc. — Perez Sammanillo

En Aun Tong—85, Neil Road Building

Eu Tong Sen, Ltd. — 110, South Central dago

Chemical Co.—1011, R. Hil-

Bridge Road

Fulford Co., Ltd., G. T.~3b, Malacca David


Drug Store — 602, Rizal


Imperial Chemical Industries Domingo za,

Legarda & Co., Inc.—Pure-

Sta. Meza

(Malaya), Ltd.—144, Robinson Rd.

Royal Drug Industries—163, MouJ- Escolta Drug Co.—53-60, Escolta

mein Road Farmacie de San Fernando—939, San

Singapore Fertilizer & Chemical Fernando

Co., The—P.O. Box 77 Farmacia S. N. Roque—2328, Rizal


Penang Fi-Ma, Manila—139, Juan Luna Bin-


George Town Dispensary, Ltd., The Hutchison Chemical Work—2542, Li-

—39, Beach Street co, Santa Cruz

Imperial Chemical Industries Inhelder Walch Co., Ltd.—P.O. Box

(Malaya), Ltd.—48, Weld Quay 1182

Selangor Insular Drug Co., Inc.—153, Juan


Imperial Chemical Industries (Ma- Japanese


Drug Store—561, Azcarraga,

laya), Ltd.—120, Java Str., Kuala Japanese Pharmacy—612, R. Hildago,

Lumpur Quiapo

Solignqm, Ltd.—Federated Buildings, Kuenzle & Steeiff, Inc.—343-347, T.

Kuala Lumpur Pinpin, Binondo

SIAM Manila Commercial Drug Co.—84,

Rosario, Binondo

Bangkok National Drug Store—530, Rizal

Avenue, Santa Cruz

Barrow Brown & Co., Ltd.—Tapan New Orleans Commercial Co.—129^

Hua Takay Juan Luna



Canton Philippine American Drug Co.—95,


Chung Mei Co.—5, Tai Ping Road Philippine Net & Braid Manufactur-

ing Co.—P.O. Box 320

South i

German Dispensary, Ltd., The—38, SanSan Marcelino Drug Store—317a,

Marcelino, Ermita

West Bund

Pharmacie Franco-Cantonaise — 1, Watsonal


Drug Co.—95, Escolta,

Ching Hoi Lu

Watson & Co., Ltd., A. S —Shameen Western


Chemical and Drug Co.—753,

Foochow Yucuanseh Drug Co., Inc.—436, Das-


Associated Drug Co. Cebu

Hankow Insulas Drug Co., Inc.—P.O. Box

Anglo-Chinese Dispensary, The — 7, 149

Sing Seng Road, S.A.D. 3


Central China Dispensary, Ltd.—22, JAPAN

Sing Seng Road

Hankow Chemical Laboratory, The— Kobe

31, Rue Dubail

Hankow Dispensary, Ltd. — Rue do Hill Pharmacy—36. Shimoyamate-

Hanoi and Rue Dubail

International Pharmacy —^ Lutheran dori

Mission Building Tokyo

Harbin Beck, Walter—5, Kofukubashi

Far Eastern Drug Trading Co.—-20: Chiyoda


iSeiyaku K.K.—1494, Nakano,

Russkaya Street Dai-ichi Seiyaku Kaispa—4, Tori

Imperial Chemical Industries Dai Nippon Seiyaku Kaisha—4, Hon-

(China), Ltd.—Daigonalia Street cho

Hoihow Katow &: Co., Y. K. R.—2, Hon-ciho

Nagase & Co., Ltd., D.—3, Kobuna-

Chino-PolTsh Dispensary cho

German Dispensary Nippon Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.

—200, Kamedo-crio

Hongkong Yokohama

Bakilly Co.—153C Des Vceux Road Barnwell, iS. M.-^87, Yamashita-cho


Berlin Co., Ltd.—161, Des Voeux Road

Central CHINA

Burgoyne, Burbidges & ' Co.—Stock

Exchange Building Amoy

Cheung King & Co.—163, Des Vceux Amoy Pharmacy—

Road Central

China Biochemical Co.—80, Des Vceux Cheong & Sons,; E. S.—Kulangsu

Road West Hope Co., The—



China Despensaey—Queen’s Road | Priental Pharmacy—Hatamen Street

Central Peking Dispensary—Morrison Street


Building Dispensary — Gloucester Saito & Go.—Chienmen Street

Edward Dispensary* The—51, Queen’s

Road Central Shanghai

Fletcher ,Ltd.—Asiatic Build-


Franklin Laboratory—13-17, Perciyal A. Road C. K. Co., Fed. Inc.—112, ‘Szechuen

Street Allen & Hanburys, Ltd.—Glen Line

Grand Dispensar.y—China Building ; Building

King’s Dispensary—King’s Theatre |Anglo-Chinese Dispensary—448c, Hon-

Building | an Road

Kowloon Dispensary — 80, Nathan (Asia Pharmacy—745, Avenue Foch

Road P harmAd^i—155, Avenue

Nam Hing LoOng—I, Pottinger St. CaliforniaJoffre

National Drug Co. oe China—24, Des Cathay Pharmacy—1131, Bubbling,

Yeeux Road Central Well Road

Pharmacy, The—Asiatic Building Central Pharmacy—10, Broadway'

Queen’s Dispensary—Des Voeux Road Chang & Co., Ltd., fl. D.—166, Nan-

Central king Road

Watson & Co., Ltd.—Alexandra Eagle Drug Co.—639, : Szecbuen Road

Buildings Foster-McClellan Co. 489, Kiangse

Macao Road

Gordon Pharmacy — 1270, Bubbling

Well Road

Farmacie fViodema—Alvenida

eida Ribeiro Alm- Great China Dispensary Ltd.—350,

Pharmacia Popular—16, Largo do Great Foochow Road

Senada Eastern Dispensary—898, Pek-

ing Road

Great Northern Drug Co., Ltd.—20,

Mukden North Specimen Road ■

Grenard & Co.—Central Arcade, 67,

Betines & Co-—Ta Hsi Piem Men Nanking Road

Wei Hawley, H. Y.—1, Nanking Road

Nanking Hsin Yuen Co.—10, Kiangse Road

International Dispensary, Ltd.- 58,

Foochow Road

Nanking Pharmacy—72, Hua Pai Lou ;Jensen’s Chemical Laboratory—50,

Street Nanking Road '

Peiping Kasamatsu Dispensary—530, Canton


Kofa American Drug Co.—120, Nan-

American Drug, Store—94, Hatamen king Road

Street Llewellyn & Co., Ltd., J.—100, Nan-

Betines & Co.—Hatamen Street king Road

International Dispensary—35, Chien Luebbert’s American Pharmacy—81,

M en Street Nanking Road

New Pharmacy — Grand Hotel de ; Mactavish & Co.—1, North Soochow

Pekin Road .. '



Mulpord C»., H.K.—22, Museum Rd. Balandin’s


Pharmacy — 6, Haining

N anyang Dispensary—426, Nanking

Road Centril Dispensary, Ltd., The—

National Pharmacy—643, Nanking North' City

East Corner of Tientsin


Nisshodo Dispensary—C. 185, Woo- Henderson


As Co., J.—i39, Victoria

sung Road

Oriental Dispensary—Corner of Foo- National


" Pharmacy-^ 257, VictBria

chow Road

Parke, Davis & Co.—8, Yuen Ming New Oriental Pharmacy—281, Vic-

toria Road

Yuen Road

Pharmaoie ‘‘ Avenue Foch ” — 251, Raiher’s


Pharmacy — 26, Wushih

Avenue Foch

Pharmacie Generale—6, Rue Ghu Pao Road Pharmacy—40, Dickinson



Pharmacie Modern—30, Avenue Jofire Watson


& Co., A.S.—238, Victoria

Sai Sei Do Pharmacy—K136, Boone Woollen, Vosy & "Co.—86, Rue de

Road France

Schloten, H.—210, Kiukiang Road

Shanghai Chemical Laboratory—56, Tsingtao

Nanking Road

Shanghai Dispensary'—464, Broadway Linke, Otto—155, Shantung Road

Sharp & Dohme, Inc.—161, Museum Snow & Co., M. L.—P.O. Box 123


Sine Pharmacy—14, Broadway Tsingtao Dispensary—6;- Chungshan

Sing Lee Co.—3, Museum Road Road

Twigg, Ltd., P. O’Brien—29, Broad- Tsingtao


Pharmacy — 10, Shantung


Union Dispensary-^-ISIS, North Sze- SIAM

chuen Road

Union Pharmacy—682, Avenue Joilre Bangkok

United Drug Co.—410, Rue du Con-

sul at

Warder Dispensary—18, Seward Road Geyer, HANS—iSikak Phya Sri

Warner & Co., Inc. - 668, Szechuen


Watson & Co., A.S.—25, Nanking

Road Hanoi

Wayside Pharmacy—398, East Broad-

way Pharmacie Montes—54, Rue Paul


Seng Hong Drug Co., Ltd.—4, Wai Johore

Ma Road

Tientsin Malay State Pharmacy—33, Jalan


Adachi & Co.j K.—174, Asahi Road People’s Dispensar^—3^,' Jalin Ibra-

him, Johore Bahru

American i Homoeopathic Dispensary Town Pharmacy — 1, Jalan Bakri,

—62, Rue du 14 Juillet ' Muar



Malacca Medical Hall, Ltd.—20a, Collyer


George Town Dispensary, Ltd.—9-11, Nanyang Pharmacy — 232, South

Bridge Road

Riverside Oversea Pharmacy—55, Victoria St.

Malacca Pharmacy—100, Bunga Raya Sincere Dispensary, Ltd.—59, Hill

Road Street

Ong Dispensary—10, Riverside St. Mary’s Dispensary —124, Hill


Negri Sembilan Town Pharmacy—300, South Bridge


United Pharmacy—305, North Bridge

Town Dispensary—9, Jalan Tunku Union Road

Hassan Seremban Dispensary—247, North Bridge


Singapore Penang

Anglo-Chinese Dispensary — 303, Boon Pharmacy—182, Penang Road

North Bridge Road George Town Dispensary—39, Beach

British Dispensary—33, Raffles Place Street

British Pharmacy—440, North Bridge New Dispensary—47, Leith Street

lioau Northam Pharmacy—168, Campbell

Chong iShing Dispensary, Ltd.—398, Street

North Bridge Road Universal Pharmacy —118, Acheen

Chi a Lee Pharmacy—64, New Bridge Street


Eastern Pharmacy—149, New Bridge Perak


Federal Dispensary, Ltd.—8, Raffles

Chambers Excelsior Pharmacy—58, Hugh Low

Foster-McClellan &; Co.—42, Mosque Street

Street / • , George Town Dispensary—Station

Fulford Co., Ltd.—&b, Malacca Road, Ipoh

Street Kim Ching Si Dispensary—28, Jalan

Grafton Idris

Quay Laboratories—20b, Collyer Oh Kim Slang & Co—7, Market Lane

Hinnam & Little Dispensary—309, TEr.UK Anson Cash Chemists — i,

North Bridge Road Anson Road, Teluk Anson

International Pharmacy—2, Robinson


Kerala Dispensary—210, Middle Road Selangor

Khoo Dispensary—281, Geylang Road

Lohs Dispensary—103, South Bridge Coronation Dispensary—137, Petaling

Road1 Street

Malayan Pharmacy—71, East Coast Federal Dispensary, Ltd.—

Road Malaya Dispensary—30, Batu Road

Maynard Selangor Dispensary — 228, High

Road & Co., Ltd.—11, Battery Street



St. John’s Dispensaey—223, High Kock Laboratory—2157, O’Donnell

Sun Pharmacy—35, Sultan St., Kuala Levy & Blum, Inc.—345, Echague


Universal Dispensary—64, High St. LuzonCruz

Drug Store—2d4'8, Rizal, Sta.

. jyar T3J€ I

Manila Dispensary — 1919, Herran


Menzi & Co., Inc.—180-184, Juan

Luna, Binondo

Manila National Drug Store—539-541, Are.


National Drug Store—539-541, Rizal,

Adriano’s Rrug Store — 61, N. Sta. Qruz

Domingo Paternal Chemical Co. — Paterno

Alcantara’s Drug Store—i52Ir, Hidal- Building

go, Quiapo Pharmacia de San Fernando—839, 1

Andener Manufacturing Co.—1432, San Fernando, San Nicolas

Dos: Castillas Philippine American Drug Co'.—OS;

Berry’s Chemical Co., Inc.—180, Sta. Escolta

Potenciano Rizal Avenue Pharmacy—711, Rizal,

Botica Boie—95, Escolta Sta,. Cruz

Botica de Sta. Cruz—106, Plaza San Marcelino Drug Co., Inc —317,

Bush Chemical Co., Inc.—Joe 443 San Marcelino, Ermita

Standard Drug Store—1329, Herran

Bull & Co., Inc., W.—129, Juan Luan, Stearns

Binondo & Co.—635, Sales, Sta, Cruz

Carriedo Drug Store—406, Carried^, United Pharmacy—2226, Her ram; Paco

Sta. Cruz Universal Drug Store—511-513, Rizal,

Castmac, Inc.—219, Luis Perez Sama- Sta. Cruz

nillo Building, Escolta Watson & Watson—732, Zaeateros,

Central Chemical Co.—1011 R. Sta. Cruz

Hidalgo, Quiapo Watsonal Drug Co.—95, Esoolta :

Corona Pharmaceutical, The — 105, Western Chemical and Drug Co., The

753, Magdalena

Plaaa Calderon de la Barca,


David Drug Store—P. Gomez, Sta. Perez Samanillo Chemical Co., Inc.—Luis

Cruz , Building, Esoolta


Ermita Drug Store,—227, M, H. del 1761 Drug Co., Inc.—P.0, Box


Escolta Drug Co.—58-60, Escolta

Francos’ Pharmacy—501, Bambang BORNEO

Sta. Cruz

Gabriel Chemical Products 736, Kuching Drug Store—'Kuching, Sa-

Oalero rawak

Glorious Drug Store—653, Dart, Sandakan Dispensary, Ltd.—Sanda-


Hizon Laboratory—549 P. Paterno, kan


Inhelder, Walch Co., Ltd.—403, CIGAR FACTORIES (see Page B5).

China Bank Building, Juan Luna

Insular Drug. Co., Inc.—153, Juan CIGARS AND CIGARETTES (see

Luna under Tobacco)




(see Page B6)

Fukumatsu Shokai—Masago-cho

COAL MERCHANTS Kita Shiten—Kaigan-dori

iUcHiDA Shoji K.K.—Sho Shinkawa-





Furukawa Kogyo K.K. — Sanbashi-

Asoh ShOTEN—32, Akashi-machi dori

Birnie, Leonard —45, Naka-machi Kaijima Kogyo K.K.—Shin Kiyotaki-


Deguichi-iShoten—15, Shinzaike-cho Mitsubishi Kogyo K.K. — Higashi

Eurukawa Kogyo ILK.—97, Kaigajn- Minato-cho

dori Nutter & Co.—P.O. Box 3

Hamada Tosxjke—2,154, Sakae-maehi Yaaiashita

Hashimoto Coal Shoten—45, Moto- Building Kogyo K.K. — Daimai


Isnu Gembei Shoten—196, Desaike Nagasaki


Kaijima Shogyq K.K.—Meikai Bldg. Matsushima Coal Mining Co.—Mat-

Kume Osamu Shoten—9,262, Kusu- sushima-mura


Kyushu Tangyq K.E.—Sakae-machi Matsuura Coal Mining Goshi Kai-


Manbyo Kizo Shoten—1-171, Sakae- Mitsubishi Kogyo Kaisha—1, Ozone-

machi machi

Mitsubishi Shoji Kaisha—48j, Aka- Nagasaki Coal Mining'Go.—Shisa-cho


Mitsui Bussan Kais^a—3, Kaigaa- Nakazato


Coal Mining Co.—Naka-


Obata Shoten—47, Kaiun-cho Nagoya

Okuno Shotrn—110, Sakae-machi

Tamada iSukeo Shoten—71, Sakae- Bunjun-tan Sales Co.—Shin Yanagi-

machi machi

Tanaka Shinkichi Shoten—14, Den- Kyushu Coal Sales Co.—O-ike-cho,

zaike-cho N aka-ku

Yamashita Kogyo K-K.—47, Sakae- Murayama Coal Co.—Kako-cho, Naka-

machi ku

Yasukawa & Matsumoto Shoten—8, Suzuki Coal Co.—Takanawate Gbki-

Kaigan-dori so, Naka-ku

Toyoda Coal Co.—Kako-maohi

Hakodate Yamashita Coal Mining Co.—78,


Hokkaido Tanko Kisen K. K.—7, Osaka


Mitsubishi Kagyo K. K.—4, Higashi Amano Hidetaro—16, Benten-cho


Ohkura Shoji K. K.—Moto-machi . Fukumatsu Shokai—25, Taisho-machi



Fukuyama Wakiei K.K.—30, Nishi Sa- Mitsui Bussan Kaisha—Minamisen

ju, Toyotama-gun

kai gawa

Hida Ken—17, Benten-cho, Minato-ku Sumitomo Goshi Kaisha—1, Tori

Kaijima Shogyo K.K.—15, Kawagui-

chi-cho Yokohama

Kyodo Sekitan K.K.—l, Nishi Doton- Dodwell & Co.—P.O. Box 271


Kyushu Sekitan K.K.—16, Benten-cho Kajima Trading Oo.—23, Tate-machi

Nagasawa iShoten—77, Tsumori-dho Mitsubishi Shoji Kaisha—1, Hoshi-


Nihon Cokes K.K.—1071, Sakuraga- Munakata

wa-cbo Shokai—1, Yoshihama-cho

Osaka Godo Sekitan K.K.—2-15, Kit- Okamura Shoten—632, Kubo-cho

Yamashita Kogyo K. K.—81, Onoe-cho

sugawa, Naniwa-ku

Shuzo Shokai—11. Kita Ajikawa-cho Yokohama Kiyota Shoten—250, Ka-

Takasago Shoji K.K.—473, Ichioka- nagawarciho


Teikoku Tangyo K.K.—3, Dojima FORMOSA


Tsumoui Cokes Seizo-sho—665, Tsu- Chin Seng Industrial & Develop-

ment Co., Ltd.—Taihoku


Ube Senten Gomei Kaisha—18, Nishi Elphinstone, S.—Taipeh

Tombori Lim Kai Tai & Co.—Taihoku

Wakada Tosabuko—18, Min ami Aji-

kawa-cho KOREA

Yamamoto Shoji Kaisha—2-18, Minami

Ajikawa-cho Chosen Muentan K.K.—l, Nandai-

Yamashita Cokes K.K.—250, Chishi- mon-dori, Seoul

ma-cho Chosen Tanyo K.K.—l, Nandaimon-

dori, Seoul

Shidzuoka Hoyei Shokai—13, Kanke-dori Seoul

Hozan Tanko K.K.—26, Nandaimon-

Koshi Ikumatsu—61, Konyo-cho dori, Seoul

Tanaka iShoten—20, Hinode-cho Mikasa Shokai — 8, Okazaki-cho,


Mikuni Shokai—26, Nandaimon-dori

Shimonoseki Seoul

Kajima Shogyo K.K.—5, Karato- ■ .CHINA

machi Canton

Wuriu Shokai—5, Karato-maohi

Mitsui Rtissan Kaisha—Shameen



Bunjuntan Hanbai K. K.—Marn- Iwaki & Co.—5, Chao Yang Street

nouchi Building

Tbaraki Seitas- K.K.—867, Marunou- FooChung

Kwok Coal Mining Co., Ltd.—

Kwai Road

chi Building Marunouchi

Iwaki Tanko K.K.—Shokin Building,

Marunouchi Chingwantao

Kaijima Shogyo K. K.—Mitsubishi, Kailan Mining Administration

3-Go Kan Marunouchi



Dairen Kgon Tai Co —24, Des Vceux Road


Kyodc-gumi, G. K.—2, Irifune-cho Mitsux1 Bussan Kaisha — Prince’s-

Miyazaki Shokai, G. K.—2, Irifune- Building

cho Mitsubishi ’'Shoji Kaisha, Ltd. — 14,

Taijtjn-yoko—11, Nogi-cho Pedder Street

N. V. Handel Maatschapptj Swie

Hankow Hong—20, Connaught Road Central

On Lee LOk Kee Store—16‘, Hirikow

Eikwa & Co.—17, Poyang Eoad Road, Kowloon

Fu Chung Corporation—95, Rue d’Al Patell, J. B.—38, Wyndham Street

Ren & Co., S.D.—6, Queen’s RoAd

sace Lorraine


Kailan Mining Administration—3. Sassoon & Co., .•

Tungtihg Road Ltd., David—8a, Des

Li Ho Kow Mining Co.—Communi- Shewan; Tomes Central

Voeux Road

MCo.--National Bank

cations Building, Hunan Road

Mitsubishi Shoji Kaisha—Taiping Building

Road Thoresen & Cd.—2, Queen’s Building.

Mitsui Russan Kaisha, Ltd.—Taiping Wallem & Co.—Prince’s Building

Road Williamson & Co.—P. & O. Building;

Sassoon & Co., Ltd., David Wingly & Co.—26a, Des Voeux Rd. C.

Wong Siu Woon—t71, Hennessy Rd.

Harbin Yamashija Risen Kaisha — King’s-


Moulin Coal Mining Co.—25, Aji-

heiskaya Street Peiping

Skidelskys’ Successors—4, Bolshoi

Prpspekt I Li Coal Mining Co., Ltd.—Inside

Suzuki & Co.—Mostovaya Street Chienmen

Hongkong Kailan MininGt Administration—17,

Legation Street

Ying & Co.— 22, Connaught Road Chambers, Coal

AhCentral j Mentoukou Mining Co.—Culty

Legation iStreet

Asia Coal and Briquetting Co.— Pai Lou Road Kaisha—Tung Pan

Mitsubishi Skoji

■China Building

Bradley & Co., Ltd.—Prince’s Bldg. Mitsui Bussan Kaisha—Hsu Hsung

Charbonnages du Tonkin—1, Queen’s Pui Hutung


China Associates Corporation — 6, Shanghai

Queen’s Road Central


Economical Trading Co.—P.O. Box Street Coal Co. — 151, Markham


Gibb, Livingston & Co.—P. & O. Bowern & Co.—38, Canton Road

Building China Coal Co.—39A, Canton Road

Grimble & Co.—1, Prince’s Bldg. . China Qoal Briquette Co. — 39,

Him Yu & Co.—China Building Avenue Edward YII

Hin Fat & Co., Ltd. - -17, Connaught China Produce & Coal Co—39A, Can-

Road, C. ton Road

Hughes & Hough, Ltd.—6, Des Vceux ChinaRoad

Shipping Co.—14, Kiangs©

Road Central



Chu Yu Co.—20, Museum Road Pei Piao Coal Mining Co.—14, Kiu-

Chung Hsing Coal Mining Co., Ltd. Pekinkiang Road

—219, Kiangse Road Syndicate, Ltd.—12, The Bund

Dah Tung Coal Mining Co.—Ww22, Road Po Lo Coal Mining Co.—109, Ningpo

Museum Road «

Dah Woo Coal Co.—1096, Lungmen Racine & Cie—Glen Line Building

Road Sam Joe & Co.—AH14, Broadway

Eastern Coal—E645, Burkill Road San Dah Sung Coal Co.—366, Mark-

Economic Shipping Bureau—106, Sze- ham Road

chuen Road Sassoon & Co., Ltd., David

Far Eastern Coal Briquettes Co.— Schiller’s—217, Peking Road

940, Honan Road Service Express Co. — 30, Peking

Han-Yeh-Ping Iron & Coal Co., Ltd. Road

110, Szechuen Road Shanghai Lumber & Co.—18, Szechuen

Hargen & Co.—66, Szechuen Road Road

Hayashi & Co.—6, Hankow Road Shun


Road & Co.—2612, East Yu-

Herlops^t & Reeves—9, Avenue Ed- Sumitomo Goshi Kaisha—69, Kiu-

ward VII kiang Road

Hopkins. Dunn & Co.—48, Szechuen Sun Nee Coal Co.—15, Jehol Road


T’a Ch’ang Kung Sze—67, Sinza Road


Twai & Co.. Ltd.—9A. Hankow Road Tung Woo& &Co.Co.—139,

K—320, Szeohuen Rd.

Nanzing Road

K' tlan Sales Agency—33, Szechuen Wallem & Co.—10, Canton Road


Eaiyosha Co.—6, The Bund Wheelock & Co.—2, French Bund

EYng Tat Yong Coke Co.—216, Thibet Whitsons, Ltd.—3=5, Canton Road

Wing Tai & Co.—139, Nanzing Road


Kiyohara k Co.—6, Kiukiang Road Yamashita Kisen Kaisha—56, Sze-

Koenig Brothers—24. The Bund chuen Road

Yebara & Co.—3,

Master & Co., M.J.—9A, Hankow Yuen Tai & Co.—38, Ezra Road

Road Avenue Edward


Mataichi Yoko—C30, Nanzing Road Yung Chong Coal Co.—1200, Sinza

M^Bain & Co., Cecil—9. Foochow Road


Meason & Co.. M.S.—45. Szechuen Zung Road

Chong Coal Co.—235, Ku Lun


Mitsubishi Sho,ti Kaisha—8, Canton Road Coal Co.—607, Kwang Foil

Zung Kee


Mitsui Bussan 'Katsha—49, Szechuen Swatow


Miyosho Yoko—56, tSzechuen Road

Monroe & Co., !Ltd., F.C.—45, Sze- Bradley & Co.—P.O. Box 76

.chuen Road CarR-Ramsey & Son

Nee Tai Shing & Co.—B. 152, Sinza


Norasiatic Coal Transports, Ltd.— Taku

45, Yangtszepoo Road

Old Yung Chong Coal Co. —19, Kailan Tongku

Mining, Administration

Avenue Edward VII




Chi Kou Coal Co.—14, Corso Vittorio Manila

Emanuele III

China Northern Corporation—47-55, Ampil & Co.—P.p. Box 1301

Rue de Paris

Chino Hsin Minen Gon.b.H.—217, Chua Be—128;' Villalobos, Quiajio

Ohua Kia—69, Filipe II., Binondo

Taku Road

Du Pont de Nemours & Op., I Vo,, E. San NicholasJose Dim—204, Sevilla,


I.—52, Taku Road

Fu Chung Corporation—26,' Rue de Figurasban, Paco

Hermanos, InC.—&74, Loo-


Hua SheVo Co.-^SO, Kotdbilki Road Fernandez & Co.', V.T.—Lack and

Davis Building, Sta. Cruz

Kailan Mining Administration — Madrigal & Co.—8, Muelle del Bah'co

Meadows Road Nacional, Binondo

McBain, George—Liddell’s Building, Mitsubishi. Suo.ii Kaisha, Ltd.—In-

Taku Road

Mit^u Shoji Kaxsha, Ltd.—4'2, Rue du sular


Life Building, Plaza Cervan-


14 Julliet

Mitsui Bussan Kaisha—1, Yamagui- Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd.—Nation-

al City Bank Building

chi Road Russell & Co.—P.O. Box 982

Pei PrAo Coal Mining Co.', Ltd.—9, (Santos Chta Hong—67,? Muelle* de-

Corso Vitterio' Emanuelle

Tientsin Fohavardingj & Commission Jolo-" '’■■ '{ ‘ .

Agency—14, Italian Bund COMB FACTORIES (see. Page ’B6)

Wutaca fe Co.,. Y.—18, Rue de Baron

Gros. , CONTRACTORS- (see under Building:

Tsingtao Contractors)

Yue Chong Coal Co.—30, Kuan Tao COPRA, HEMP AND ROPE



Singapore Kobe

Adamson. Gilfillan & Co., Ltd.— Fujino (Shoten, G. K. —172, Sanno^


Hong Kong Bank Building

Eastern Mining & Rubber Co.—22, Hosokawa Shoten—163, Shinzailte

Bonham Building Ichinoki ’ Sh'oten—9t, Sliin-macHi

Lye Huat & Co.—4, Robinson Road Istiikawa (Shoten—20, Monotona-cno

McAlister & Co.—High Street Kawashima Shoten—1, Kano-cho

McAlister & Co.—Gresham House Kitai Torataro iShoten—1-12, Kaigan-

Paterson, .Simons & Co.—Print;© St. dori

Senda & Co., Ltd.—Raffles Chambers Kobe Asabukuro, K. K.—157, Shin-


Thong Aik Co.—112, Robinson Road

Selangor Osaka



Kuala LumpurLtd. — Bank Hirota Toyozo—51,Minami

Abe Ichibei—120, Hon-cho




Hokitomi Skoko, K. K.—9, Shinzaike Bermundez & Bautista, Fnc.—5, Sail

Shimada- OtosukR—20, Edobori Gabriel, Binondo

Teikoktj Sbimei, K. K.—2, Utsobu Bio

Cm;a Leo—322, Cabelleros, San Nieb-



Yokohama Chua Liong—246, Tetuan, Sta. Gfuz

Akimoto Gustpei Shoten—8, Tokiwa- Columbian Rope Co.—302, National

City Bank Building, Binondo

cho Cosmos Trading Co.—823. Ilrbiz Ton-

Hattori Shoten—31, Onde-cbo do

Tan'kjawa Shoten—S', Munafco eho Cruz k Qp.,, Txc. —400, M. Masonic-,,

Yokohama Hamptj, K. K.—5i5, Kita- Temple, Binondo

naka-dori Daido Bocki Kaisha, Ltd.—Insular

iLife Building, Binondo

CHINA (Delta Commercial Co.—7h3, Magda-

lena, Binondo .

Hankow Du Hu: Ting—842, Camba, San

; Nicolas

Nevea Co.—Union Building, Paoshan Dy Bi ncio' k Co., Inc.—191-211, M.

Road de Binondo

Ei Dorado Oil Works—616, National

Hongkong Cisty Bank Building,, Binondo

Hongkong Rope Manufacturing Co., Elizalde InRustria

& Cia.—845, Muelle de la

Ltd.—Kennedy Town & Ma Tau IErquiaga, Inc., B.: -db^-Is, . Hogar

Kok Building

Elizalde & Co.—King’s Building u FEiUMUANO Juan‘ & 'ST^RS—rLlo, 'Das-


MALAYA General Manufacturing -Co., Ltd.—

90,5. Dagupan, Ton do

Singapore Gubat Trading Co.—521, Alvarado,

Keat Cheang &, Co., Ltd.-WT6, Robin- Heath Binondo

son Road Fibre Co. - -325, National City

Bank Building, Binomdo

NETHERLANDS INDIA International Harvester Co. of the

Philippines—P.O. Box 308



Schneewtnd, P. Lim Cintco Sons, T. E. -121, Plaza de


PHILIPPINE ISLANDS LiM Seam ;So*s—912, San Nicolas

Lu Tay •&’ Co.—-68,! M. de Divisoria

Manila Luzon Industrial Corpn. - Chaco

Building, Binondo

Agusan Coconut Co.—422, Heacock Manila Cordage Co.—P.O. Box 131

Building, Binohdo Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd.—Na-

Alegre, JuAisf B.—Hogar Building, tional City Bank Building, Binondo

Binondo National Products Merchants Oorp.

Atkins, Kroll k Co., Inc.—Insular Falanca Building, San Nicolas

Life Building, Binondo Philippine Manufacturing Co.—244,

Babcock & Coo Inc.—El Hogar Bldg. David, Binbndo




Saleeby Fiber Co., Inc.—321, National Clough, Kerby—10, Kaigan-dori

City Bank Building, Binondo Cox & Hirao—112, Kita-machi

iSchnitzler Sons—189, Juan Luna, Daimyo Bussan K.K.—1, Isogami-

Binondo dori

Siy Cong Bieng & Co.—123, Juan Delbourgo & Co., D. H.—85, Yedo-

Luna machi

Smith Bell & Co., Ltd.—Hong Kong Detaram & Son—30/1, Isobe-dori

and Shanghai Bank Building,

Binondo Dialdas Alimchand & Co.—110b, Ha-

Spencer Kellogg & Sons, Inc.—1, chiman-dori

Tomas Claudio Dodwell & Co.—82, Kyo-machi

Tubbs Cordage Co.-P.O. Box 131 Dossa & Co.—76, Kyo-machi

Vela Hermanos—310, Perdigon, Paco Fatichand & Sons—123, Isogami-dori

Vilar & Sons, Inc.—900, Antonio Findlay, Richardson & Co. (Japan),

Rivera, Ton do Ltd. 110, Ito-machi

Werder & Co., Ltd.—Ingreso, Binondo Gourgey, J. S.—169, Sannomiya-cho

Yek Hua Trading Corpn.—129, Juan Hata Shoten 23, Sannomiya-cho

Luna Holland Asiatic Trading Co.—39,


Zamboanga Hukmichand Rambhagat & Co.—14,

N akayamate-dori

Atkins, Kroll & Co., Inc.—P.O. Box Ito Shoten—Kano-cho


Philippine Dessicated Coconut Cor- Jhamatall Gurbamall & Co.—100c,


poration—Recodo Kanegafuchi Boseki K.K.—Misaki-


COSMETIC FACTORIES (see Page Kato Gomei Kaisha—61, Kitanagasa-

Be) dori

COTTON MILLS (See Page B7-10) Kerry & Co.—7, Harima-machi

Layko Ross & CO., Inc.—94, Yedo-


COTTON AND TEXTILES Makaver McBeath & Co.—30, Akashi-


JAPAN Moosa, Moti walla & Sons—95, Isob -


Kobe Motiwalla & Sons—95, Isobe-dori

Murakami Shoten—80, Isobe-dori

Ahmed Abdul Karim Bros.—40, Isobe- Murata Umetani & Co.—180, Sanno-

dori miya-cho

Ahmed Ebrahim Bros.—84, Isobe-dori Naigai Wata K. K.—lr5, Hamabe-

Akita Shoten—4, Isogami-dori dori

Aranjia & Bros.—88, Sannomiya-cho Naraindas, B.—87, Sannomiya-cho

Asano Ishikawa Shokai—116, Higa- Nipponmachi

Menkwa K.K.—123, Higashi-


Bagnall, K.—76, Haehiman-dori Okuzawa Shoten—79, Isobe-dori

Bastel & Co., W.—38, Isobe-dori, 2- Pohomull Bros.—P.O. Box 49

chome Rupert Cox Goshi Kaisha—3/6S,

Birnie, Leonard—Uchida Building, Isobe-dori

45, Nakamachi Shibara Shoten—87, Sannomiya-oho

Cader, Doray & Co.—107-4, Nakaya- Songerwalla & Co.—106, Isobe-dori



Tachiztimi Shoten—78, Isogami-dori Siber,


Hegner & Co., Ltd.—22, Ima-

Takashima-ya, I IDA &: Co.—97, Yedo- Toyo Menka K.K.—1, Koraibashi


Tashima Shoten—7, Isobe-dori Yamagami Masutary—10, SozO-eho

Kyoto Shimonoseki

Kanegafuchi Bosekt Katbfa Koro Suho Orimono K.K.—Ono-mura, Ya-

TJchirakLeho maguich-ken

Nagase Shoten—IcKijo Sagiim Ube Boshoku K.K.—Ube, Yamaguich-


Ntppotst Seifu ' Katrtia — Mokoiima-

mura Tokyo

Tsdji Boseki Kaisha—Fanai-cho

Yasttmori Shoten—^Akazumon Matsu- Dai Nippon Boseki K.K.—104, Mina-

bara tnisenju

Fuji Gash Boseki Kaisha—Oshima-

Nagoya cho, 40, Sakamoto-cho

Jay W. Myers Inc:—P.O. Box F.89,


Fattori Shoten, .pro.—11, Miya- Kanegafuchi Boseki K.K.—1612 Su-

machi, Ninami-ku mida-cho

Japan Cotton Trading .Co,—6, Fichi- Nippon Menka K.K.—14, Horidome-

ken-cho cho t „

Kaneftatstt & Co.—Sbimo Choja- Shimidzu Meriyasu-ten—18, Yokoya-

machi ma-cho

Mtyamoto Bhssan Comei Kaisha—20. Toyo Menka K.K.—20, Shinzaimoku-

Tenma-cho chi, Nihonbashi-ku

Toyo Menka Kaisha, Ltd.—18, Tem-

ma-cho Yokohama

Osaka Akita Genchichi Shoten—58, Nihon


Aall & Co., Ltd.—9, Koraibashi Chellaram, D.—32c% Yamashita-oho

Anderson, Clayton & Co.’s Agency— Gazal, Joseph G.—38,. Naka-maehi

P.O. Box 165 (Central) Gehimall Bros.—10, Fukiya-cho

I Ito Tomigoro—IS, Kitahorie-cho Iwashita Shokai—38, Nihon-Ohdon

, , Kitahei Goshi Kaisha — 53, Kita

Kyutaro-cho Moruishi Shokai—20, Minato-cho

s Ktyama Katshtaro — 16, Kitahaina, Nihalchand Bros.—77, Yamashita-

] Higashi-ku dho

I; Manget Bros. & Co.—P.O. Box 96, Nozaki Shokai—202, Yamashita-cho

» Central Premsing k Sons, I.—153, Yamashi-

{| McFadden Bros.—P.O. Box 55, Cen- ta-cho

tral Ramchand, G.—76, Yamashita-cho

Nippon Menka K.K.—10, Nakanoshi- Robinson, G.—24, Yamashita-cho

ma, Kita-ku Teikamdas Bros.—127b. Yamashita-

R. D. Tata Shokai—17, Kitahama, cho

Higashi-ku Toyo Menka Kabushiki 'Kaisha—2,

Sansho Goshi Kaisha—21, Bin.go-cho Omote Takashima-cho




KOREA Hindu Shantung Trading Co. (Laces)

Hsin & Co,, D.—P.Oi Box 16 (Embroi-

Chosen Seimon K.K.—104, Moto- deries)

machi, Seoul Lancaster & Co., T.H.—28, Broadway

Bennett & Co.—Chemulpo (Embroideries)

Ide Teizo — 135, Nan.daimon~dori, Reiser & Co. (Laces)

Seoul Shantung Silk and Lace Co.—

mon-dori, Seoul Beach Road

Ket.to Boshoku K.K.—116, NandaL Sincere Manufacturing Co.—Broad-

Takase Comet Kaisha—-95, Nandai- way (Laces)

mon-dori, Seoul Tai Tung & Co.—Broadway (Laces)

Toyo Senshokit K.K.—83, Chosa-do, Universal Producing Co.—Broad-

Seoul way (Embroideries)

Yamada Tomeikichi —121, Nandai-

mon^dori, Seoul Dairen

Tanaka fc Co.—Fusan,

Fuha Yoko—208, Yamagata-dori

CHINA Hsien Miao Cheng—50, Naniwa-cho

Antung Manshu Fukubo, K. K.—Shusuishi

Murata Shoko—K.K.—37, Ise-cho

Wolter & Co., Carl Nippon Menkwa Kabusmiki Kaisha- -

48, Yamagata-dori

Te Tai—55, Oku-machi

Canton Toyo Menkwa, K. K-—182, Yamagata


Booiker k Co, Hankow

tral Avenue, Shameen

Central Agency, Ltd., The—50. Cen- Dodwell & Co.—5, Tungting Road

Goeke At Co., A.—85, British Conces- Jardine, Matheson & Co.—The Bund


Rafeek & Co.—71, British Concession LeePoyang

& Co., D.A.—7, Ding An Lee,


Reuter, Brockelmann <& Co. Mataichi Kabushiki Kaisha—14, Ewo


Chefoo Menta, B.R.- 7„ Tungting Road

Mitsubishi Shoji Kaisha—Taiping

Cfefoo Export Co. — Broadway Road

'Laces) Nippon Menkwa Kabushiki Kaisha—

China Hairnht Co.—(Laces) 4, Kiangnan Road

China Crafts (Laces) “Sapt” Textile Products—2, Yifc

China Industrial Export Co. (Laces) Yuen Road

China Manufacturers Export Asso- Sassoon & Co., Ltp-, David

ciation (Laces) Siemssen & Co.—Erh Yao Road

China Merchants’ Pongee Associa-

tion—Beach 'Street (Laces) Harbin

Cosmos Commercial—Chao Yang St. Kagan & Co.—28, Mostovaya Street


Damroch & Co!—Broadway (Laces), Leibovich, M —25, Sammanaya Street

Deh Tai & Co.—Kw.ang, Yin Road 6, Bolshoi Street

(Lace & Embroideries) Manchurian Merchant Trading Co. -



Matstjura & Co.—P.O. Box 34 Shanghai

Tschurin & Co.—Tschurin Building,

New Town Amberg & Co., G.—14, Kiukiang Road

Hongkong Anderson, Clayton & Co.—34, Avenue

Edward VII

Backhouse, Ltd., James H.—1a, Cha- Arnhold & Co., Ltd.—1, Nanking Rd.

ter Road Ashworth, A..—2, Canton Road

Bodiker & Co..—167, Des Voeux Road Azadian Societe Anonyme—4, French

Bradley & Co., Ltd.—Prince’s Bldg Bund

Carlowitz & Co.-^l, Queen’s Road Banner, Thomas—6, Kiukiang Road

Central Agency, Ltd.—2, Connaught Barlow & Co.—4, Ezra Road

Road Central

Davie, Boag k, ,Co., Ltd.—Queen’s Behn, Road

Meyer China Co.—421, Kiangsie


Feld & Co., Ltd., F.—Pedder Build- Road & Co , Sir Jacob—25', Central



‘Gibb, Livingston & Co.—P. & O. Boylan, J. H.—21, Jinkee Road

Building Brister, J.S.—16A, Kiukiang Road

Huy gen, G. E.—Pedder Building Britannjg Textiles, (Manchester),

Inland Knitting Factory—119, Woo Ltd.—74, Szechuen Road

Sung Street

.Japanese Bazaar—7, D’Aguilar ‘ Str. Broadwith <5u C6.—19,. Szechuan Road

Burges & Co., A.-C.—25, Jinkee Road

Kam Wo—176, Queen’s Road West

Keller & Co., Ltd., Ed. A.—17, Con- Central


Agency, Ltd.—15, , Szechuen

naught Road Central

Keller, Kern & Co., Ltd.—17, Con- Avenge Edward Trading

China Cotton


Co, — 80,

naught ROad' Central

Kotwall & Co., E. D.—5, Queen’s Chun Tai Cotton Spinning & Weav-

ing Co,—173, Jessfield Road

Road Central

Li Man Hung Kwok Weaving and Collier Road

& Stephenson — 25, Jinkee

• Manufacturing

Street, KowloonT Co. — 15, Saigon Compagnie Optorg—39, Avenue Ed-

Loxley & Co., W .R.—York Building ward VII

Manners^ Cooke, MB.—367, Kiangse Road

tral & Co.—7, Queen’s Road Cen- Dell’Oro & Co.—1, Canton Road

Mayeda. & Co.^-13, D’Aguilar Street Delbourgo & Co.—452, Kiangse Road

Mohammedally, N.—27, Wyndham St, Dodwell & Co—1, Canton Road

Nippon Menkwa Kabushiki Kaisha— DoseA k Go., C.—9a, Haukow Road

2* Conp^ught Road

Sander, Wieler &, Co,—5, Des Yoeux Dunlpp & Co., W.—33, Szechuen Road

Eickhoff & Co.—451, Kiapgse Road

Road. Central

Sassoon & Co., Ltd., David—Sk, Des Ewo Cotton Mills, Ltd. — 27, The

Voeux Road Central Blind

Shewan, Tomes & Co. — National Fein, Aaron—852, North Szechuen

Bank Building Road

South China Knitting Factory— Finkelstein & Co., D.,—14, Kiukiang

Portland' Street, Mongkok Road (Laces)

Toyo Menka Kaisha, Ltd.—Prince’s Fook Weng & Co.—54, Nanking Road

Building Forster & Co,, G.P.—116, Kiangse

L'nion Trading Cb.—York Building Road



German-China Co., Ltd.—66, Szechuen Mitsui Bussan Kaisha—49, Szechuen

Road Road

Golding, F. W.—2D, Canton Roa,d , Morgenstern, O.—21, Jinkee Road

Gosho Kabushiki Kaisha—55, Sze- Nagai Wata Kaisha, Ltd.—101, Gor-

don Road

chuen Road

Gray Trading Co.—17, Jinkee Road sulat & Co., P.—10, Rue du Con-



Hamrah Nippon Mknkwa Kabushiki Kaisha—

(Laces) & Co.—ilA, Kiukiang Road 8j' Hankow Road

Haworth & Co.—74, Szechuen Road Nissei'Trading Co.—33,' Szechuen RcL

Hedaya Importing Co.—26, Rue Chu Olivier Chink 16,- Museum Road

Pao San Oriental Trading Co.—367, Kiangse

Holmes, I.—2, Peking Road Road

Hongkong and Shanghai Lace Co.— Pah Lok Chai—507, Honan Road (Em-

Z830, Miller Road . broideries)

How Sang & Co.—49, Rue Montauban Patell & Co.—12, Rue du Consulat

(Laces) Pioneer Knitting' Mill—61, Szechuen

Him Shing Cotton Waste Factory— Road

P.O. Box 244 Probst, Han bury (China), Ltd.—81.

Ilbert & Co.—1, Canton Road Jinkee Road

Illingworth, L. *E.—210, Kiukiang Road Quality Art Embroidery Co.—110,


Jacobsen, Axed—40 Ningpo Road Reiss, Massej & Qp,—15, Museum

Jaffe & Sons—21, Jinkee Road Road •

Jardine, Matheson & Co.—07, The ■‘‘Sapt” 190,

Textile Products, Ltd.—

Kiukiang' Road

Bund Sassoon & Co., Ltd., David

Karsa & Co., J.—110, Central Arcade Sean You Zoo & Co.—497, Nanking

(Laces) Road

Kattwinkel, Max.—137, Museum Rd. Seeger Brothers & C° » Ltd.—6, Kiu-

Kessler & Co.—17, Canton Road kiang Road

Kishida & Co., H.—107, Broadway Shanghai Cotton Manufacturing Co.

Kung Yin Mill—150, Robinson Road —185, Szechuen Road

Lebel (China)—56, Szechuen Road Shanghai Trading Co.—613, Nanking

Lin Nan Co., Ltd.—29, Szechuen Road

Road Shepherd, G. C.—320, Szechuen Road

Mackenzie, Stewart & Co. (Manches- Shanghai Cotton Trading Corpn.—

ter), Ltd.—21, Jinkee Road 147, Ay. Edward VII

MaLlouk Brothers—215, Central Road Shing Foo & Co.—12, Hankow Road

Mar Kao, Ltd.—29, Szechuen Road Siber, Hegnfr & Co.—12, The Bund

Master & Co., M.J.—9A, Hankow 'Soo Lung Cotton Mill—58, Kiangse

Road Road

Mataichi Kabushiki Kaisha—55, Sze- South China Products Co. — 367

chuen Road Kiangse Road (Laces)

Mee-Yeh Handels Compagnie — 16, Spunt & Co., J.—16, Central Road

Canton Road

Mei Yah Trading Co.—9, Hankow Strong & Co.—452, Kiangse Road

Road Stewart, Thomson & Co.—2, Canton

Mien Wha Thread Co., Ld.—50, Sze- Road

chuen Road Sutton & Sons, A.D.—24, The Bund



Tai & Son, C. T.—185, Rue Proper Collins & Co.—75, Consular Road

Paris Fairchild & Co.—169, Taku Road

Tokwa Boseki Kaisha, Ltd.—1687, Forbes & Co , W.—43, Victora Road

Ward Road

Toyo Menka Kabushiki 'Kaisha—49, Gipperich & Co., E.—5'2, Taku Road

Hall & Holtz—101, Victoria Road

Szechuen Road

Toyoda Cotton Spinning and Weav- Hatch, Road

Carter & Co.—118, Brush

ing Co.—290, Jessfield Road

Ulteamie Import Go.—1, Canton Rd. Hua Mao Trading Co.^—8, Lim Ho Li

Dmeigar Brothers—264, Kiangse Rd. Jardine,Road

Matheson & Co.—Victoria

Vokart Brothers’ Agency—34, Avenue Liddell Brothers & Co.—Taku Road

Edward VII

Whitworth, Ltd.—Herbert—-12, The Mackenzie

Bund Moyler, Powell & Co.—193, Victoria

Yannoxtlatos Brothers — 36, Jinkee Road

Road (Laces) Nippon Menkwa Kabushiki Kaisha—

Yu Fong Cotton Spinning,, C'o., Ltd. 163, Quai de August Boppe

—110, Hankow Road Reuter, Brockelmann & Co.—29, Con -

:Zais, Steinman & Co.—29, Szechuen sular Boad

Road Toyo Menka Kabushiki Kaisha—%

Miyajima Road

Swatow Universal Trading Corporation—63,

Rue Pasteur

Bradley & Co.—P.O. Box 76 Volkart Bros. Agency—52, Taku Rd.

•Chang, J. T.—5, Kwei How Lee ! Wilson & Co.—72, Victoria Road

Chang, T.K.—14, Avenue Republique Wulfsohn Company of China, The—

(Laces) 34-36, Taku Road

China Embroidery; ;Co.— 11, Siang

Yap Street Tsingtao

Dunfold & Co.

Eastern Trading Co. —P.O. Box 18 Gosho Kabushiki Kaisha—4, Tan Yi

E. Chong Co.—P.O. Box 55 Road

-George Bros. Nippon Menkwa Kabushiki Kaisha—

Hip Seng Co.—60, KiaJat Road Peking Road (Cotton)

Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.—P.O. Toyo Road

Menka Kaisha—15, Tientsin

Box 66

Shauter, Dayland if Co.—P.O. Box 3 Weihaiwei

Tonkin & Co., H.—59, Kialat Road

Tsu Sok Che, Mrs.—P.O. Box 3 j Sunlight Co., The—(Embroideries)

Tientsin Wenchow

Arnold 4 Co.—10, Taku Road Hwang Co., C. W.- 4-5, Mo Chih

Fang Street

Bergers’ Enterprises, Ltd.—108, Ta-

ku Road , SIAM

Central Agency, Ltd. — Davenport

Building Bangkok

Chandless & Co.—105, Taku Road

China Northern Corporation—47-55, Barrow Brown & Co., Ltd.—Tapan

Rue de Paris Hua Takay

CLAjSSIFIED list of trades


Borneo Go., Ltd., The CURIO MERCHANTS

Eastern Indian Trading Co., The—

1324, Anuwongse Road JAPAN

Tuljaeam & Son—New Road



Aioi Gabo—90. Toman-dori

Singapore Asahi Shoten—Tor Hotel, Bund

Barlow & Co. — Ocean Building, Bastel & Co., W.—38, Isobe-dori

Button & Co., E. M.—19, The Bund-

Col Iy er Quay

Boon Seng & Co., Ltd.—i, Raffles Chanrai & Co.—39, Isobe-dori

Place Findlay RicHARDsoiir & Co.—110, Ito-

Blisf & Co., S. I.—25, BonhaM Bldg. machi

Brinkman & Co.—St Helen’s Court Handa SHUKO-bd—35, Fukuhara-cho

Echigoxa & Co—54, Middle Road Holland Asiatic Trading Co.—39,

Henry & Co., Ltd., H. & S.—112, Inouye Akashi-machi

Robinson Road . Shoten, K.—14, Kitanagasa-

International Indenting Co. — 27, Kerry d'ori

Raffles Chambers & Co.—7, Harima-machi

Straits and Chinese Textile Co.— Layko machi

Ross &, Gp., Inc.—94, Yedo-

117, Market Street

Straits erMercantile Agency—39, Te- Miyama Yoshijiro—58, Eano-cho

luk Ary Street Nakai & Co., M.—185, Sannomiya-oho


Robinson Road Pohomull Bros.—P.O. Box 49

Union Trading Co. — 72, Robinson Rupert Cox Gohi Kaisha — 3/68,

Road Isobe-dori

Yaw Cheong—89, North Bridge Road Shono Shoei-do—195, Moto-machi

Penang Uyeda Kinseki-do—10, Kitanagasa-


Yamana Torao Shoten—24, Moto-ma-

Doulatram & Co., B. H. T.—8a, Beach clii



Manila Hayashi Shinbei—Gipn-cho, Kitaya-


Rummer & ComIns—175, Juan Luna Yamanaka G.K.—Sahjobo-cho

Landahl, Inc., John—P.O. Box 1392

Manila Remnant Co., Inc.—451, Juan

Luna Nagasaki

Neuss, Hesslein Corporation—144,

Juan Luna

ScHNITZLER SONS—P.O. Box 1080 Fukagawa Seiji K.K.—35, Kajiya-

Vda. E. Hijos de ng Kee Suy—230, machi

Rosario Street, Binondo Fukpda Tokiten—43, Kajiya-machi

Yek Hua Trading Corpn.—12,9 Juan Nagasaki Porcelain Co., Ltd.—46,

Luna Kabashima-cho



Nagoya Hankow

Asai Gomei Kaisha, A. ^-r Higashi Guzdar A Co.—Hunan Road

Yoshino-cho Hankow Gift Shop—33, Sankiao St.

Matsltmttra Koshitstj Tori K.E.-^i5,

Chigusa-cho Hongkong

Nagoya Seitosho, Ltd.—^7, Higashi


Taiyo iShoko Kaisha, Ltd.—6, Chi- China Fancy Goods Co. — China



Tamakia & Co.—lida-machi. Chotirmall & Co.—37, Wyndham 'St.

Ohellaram, D.—Chipa Building

Tokyo Eqok Weng & Co.—China Building

Gray’s YellowCentral

Vceux Road Lantern Shop—Des

Nichio Boyeki 'Shokai—Shosci Bldg., Handicraft Distribution Co.—8, On

7, Futaba-cho Hing Tetrace

Jade Tree, Ltd.—Gloucester Building

Yokohama Arcade

Karachi Silk Store—Kowloon Hotel

Chellaram, D.—r32c, Yamashita-cho Buildings, Kowloon

Dialdas & Soons—108d, Yamashita-cho Komor & Komor—York Building

Little Shop, The—Gloucester Bldg.

Little Shop, The—22, Benten-dori Loch Hing—33, Queenfs Road Central

NihalchAnd Bros.—77, Yamashita- Mayeda & Co.—13, D’Aguilar Street.


Premsing and Sons,' I.—io3, Yama- Mayen & Co.—37, Qugen’'s Road Cent.

shita-cho Mikasa & Co.—29-28, Hennessy Road

Strome & Co.—35, Ya-mashita-cho Mogra & Co., E. R.—16, Peel Street

Teikamdas Bros.—127b, Yamashita- Patell, J. B.—38, Wynham Street

cho Sun, Tack Co.—P.O. Box 485

Swatow Lace Co.—16, Pedder Street

KOREA Ullman & Co.—Alexandra Building

Utoomall & Asudamall—26, Wyndham

Tanaka Cp,—Fusan Street

Wai Kee—Gloucester Building

CHINA Watanmal Boolchand—18, On Lan St

Canton Macao

Button & Co., E M.—19, The Bund, Empreza Oriental—Rue Central

B. C.:

Goeke & Co., A.—85, British Conces- Peiping


Mogra & Co., E. R.—Shameen Bertram, R.—6, Legation Street

Bielfeld & Sun—6, Legation Street i.

Foochow Camel Bell—Grand Hotel de Pekin

China Crafts—10, Main Embroidery

Associated Products Cg», Ltd. Street



Christie’s Art Gallery—52, Hsi Piao Kosloff, L.—107,' Nanking Road

Pei Hutung Lindsay, Jean—22, Nanking Road

E. Hou Shihg Curio Exporting & Little Shop, The—272, Kiangse Road

Packing Co.—130, Morrison Street Mikasa A Co.—208, Bubbling Well

Hackmack & Co.—125, Soochow Hu- Road

tung Murakami Toyo—270, Kiangse Road

Henning. & Co., A, C.-M5, Wai Chiao One Price Lace Co.—45, Broadway


Jen Li Co., The—97, Morrison Street Oriental


Trading Co.—367, Kiangse

Oriental Art Export—294, Hatamen Pah Lok Chai—507, Honam Road


Painter, D. A.—7, Shi Chiao Hutung PaoNanking

Chong A Co.—Sassoon Arcade,

Peking Art Gallery—4, Chao Tang Peach A Co.,Road

Tze Hutung Ltd.—P.O. Box 1509

Peking Craft Shop^-SV, Teng shih Shainin A Co.—11, .Chaoufoong Road

Squires, Bingham A ,Co..—52, Nanking,

Kou Road

Sauer & Co.—33, Tung Kuan Yin Watanmal BOqlchand—115. Hankow



Shanghai Tientsin

Arnhold & Co., Ltd.—1, Nanking Hackmack A Co.—11, Lapteff Road


Bryan’s Studio, B.—25, Whangpoo Hua Kuang Trading Co.—137, Tunb-

ridge Road


China Art Co.r-^87, Yates Road Hua Mao Trading Co.—8, Li Ho Lin,

China Products Co.—39A, Canton Jen Li Co.—78, Rue de France

Road Reuter, Brockelmann A Co.—29, Con-

Chong Wah Export Co., Ltd.—121, sular Road

Broadway Talati Brothers A Co.—18, Council

Chuan Chang Jade Co.—J182, Avenue Road

Edward YII Takeda Brothers A Co.—301, Victoria

Comerford ■& Co.—18, The Bund Road

Continental Trading Co.—25, Jinkee Strehneek, E.A.—260, Kiangse Road

Road Tuck Chang A Co:, Ltd.—67, Broad-

Delbourgo A Co. —452, Kiangse Road way

Eickhoff & Co.--451, Kiangse Road Ullmann A Cq., J.—118, Nanking.

Fook Weng & Co.—54. Nanking Road Road

Gabbott & Co.,, F.R.—70, Rue La-

guerre Tsinan

Gray’s Yellow Lantern Shop—Astor

Hotel Lobby Rubant, Francis W.—40, Sixth Main

Hip Seng & Co.—01, Nanking Road

Hongkong and Shanghai Lace Co.— Street

Z830. Miller Road

Hormasjee, J.—11, Broadway Weihaiwei

Jade Store Co.—24, Nanking Road

Jewel Box, The—Cathay Hotel Ar- Sun Sing Trading Co.—7, The Bund

cade, Nanking Road Weihaiwei Handiwork Co. — 91,

Komor A Komor—270, Kiangse Road North Street






DENTISTS {See, Upder Doctors)

Daibutsu & Co.—21, Bishop Street

Wassiamull AssomuIl & Oo. —2 0, DISTILLERIES {S_ee Under

Beach Street Breweries)


Kinta Silk Store — 128, Belfield JAPAN

Street, Ipoh

Wassiamull, Assomull & Co. — 15, Kobe

Market Street, Ipoh

Pollock & Ness-Walker—83, Kyo-

Singapore Zirn & Schmidt, M. C.—26, Yamamo-


Koshixo Shoten—45, High Street Tokyo

Singapore Silk Store—36, North

Bridge Road Butler, L. E.—749, Marunouchi

Wuchang Co.—82, High Street FurtwAengler, Dr.—26, Tachibei cho

Wassiamull Assomull & Co. — 31, Stedefeld, Dr. H.—67, Tansu-rnachi

High Street


McSparran, J.—7, Nihon Ohdori

Manila Paravincini, Dr. — 772, Sanchome,


Bazar Siglo X.Xj—101, Plaza del Richmond, G. D.—167, Yamashita-cho


Beck, Inc., I.—89, J^scoilta,, Binopdo KOREA

Bombay Silk Bazaar—775, Tabora,

San Nicolas BrtEn, ID. H. —Takezoye-machi, Seoul

China Drawn Work Co.—84, M. H.

del Pilar CHINA

Cosmos, Inc.—215, Rosario, Binondo

Fung Tai—72, Real, Oral Luna Amoy

Helen’s Inc.—Metropolitan Theatre Cheong & Sons, E. S.—Kulangsu

Building, Plaza Lawtbn

Higo Bazaar—1705, Herran, Paco Chefoo

Long Life Curio Store—320, M. H,

del Pilar Malcolm, W.

Osaka Bazaar—332, Echague, Santa


Pohoomull Brothers — 45, Escolta, Hankow


Tajmahal, The—40, Isaac Peral, Cohn, A. J.—50, Huang Pei Road,

Ermita S.A.D. 2



Skinnek & Appleton—Asiatic Retro iSousa, Bernardo de — 5, Des Yoeux

leum Co. Buildirig Road Central

Shin, L. S.—53, Queen’s Road Central

Harbin Strahan, S. Seguin — Alexandra


Tsang Hin lu—65, Des Voeux Road C.

Korinsky, 'K. V.—2, Magasinnaya Tseung Fat Im—60, Queen’s Road C.

Street Usui, Y.—25, Des_ Yoeux Rd. C. (Den-


Hongkong Wong Dr. B. C.—466, Nathan Road

Wong, Dr. R. J.—63, Des Voeux Road.

Allan, Strahan & Kirk—Alexandra Wong, ’T. C.—King’s Theatre Bldg.

Buildings Woo, T, P. —16, Queen’s Road

Asger, M. E.—20, Queen’s Road Cen- Central

tral (Dentist) Yamasaki, T. — Gloucester Building

Barnes, J. W.—67, Des Yoeux Road (Dentist)

Central Yeung, S. C.—King’s Theatre Build-

Basto, R. A. de Castro—Exchange ing (Dentist)

Building Yit Hou IIoas’HOO—China Building

Black, Balean & Skinn—Union Build- Yuen, Wm.—{China Building


Burton, Cf A.—Union Building (Den- Macao


CflAU Wai Cheung—24, Des Yoeux Leitao, Antonio N.—10, Riia do Per

Road Central

Chaun, Drs. M. H. '& K. W. — 33, Antonit

Queen’s Road CL (Dentists) Newchwang

Croot, H. J.—Union Building

Dykes, J. S.—Alexandra Building Phillips, W.


Gourdin, Kllstcn—Redder Building Shanghai

Gutteres, Dr. A. P.—Chung Tin

Building BaRy, A.—11-91, Bubbling' Well Road

Hoahing, Martha—China Building BeROer, M. A.—The Blind

Kew Bros.—Alexandra Bldg. (Den- Bume, G. F.—142, Museum Road


Kwan Sum Yin—74, Queen’s Rd. C. Downs, N. L. & W. H.—26, The Bund

(Dentists) .

Kwong Tat Yuen—63, Queen’s Road Engel, D.—2A, preat Western. Road

Central (Dentist)

Lau Pak Wai—Gloucester Building Eyans-Jones

Road (Dentists)

& Riddell—73, Nanking


Law Edward—16, D’Aguilar Street Fresson &, Partners — 263, Avenue

Ma Luk, C. K. Ma & T. C. Wong & GRAiiow, Joffre

K. F. Kho—King’s Theatre Bldg. A. G!—24, The Bund

Macgown, Anderson & Di rr.an— Helfenstei^j, , S.—1333, Avenue Jqffre

Alexandra Buildings Hudson, F. B.—1, Nanking Road

Noble & Co.—Union Building (Dentist)-

Ozorio, F. M. Graca—St. Georges Jackson & Partners, E. D.—S, Peking

Building Road

Pfister, M. O.—Redder Building Kasakoff, D. J.—469, Avenue Joffre



Kassoff, J. F.—219, Hamilton Hcfai'e INDOCHINA

-Kastexn, J.—20, Kiukiang Road.

Keylock & Pratt—645, Gordon Road Hanoi

Kirkby-Gomes, S. G.—220, Szeokuen Le Roy ;Des BarLes—Rue Boigin


Marshad-Marsh, A. Y.—104, Bubbling Desbordes

Well Road

Martin, Paul—Sassoon House MALAYA

McCracken, J. O.—5, Avenue Petain

Mertens, H.—788, Bubbling Well Rd. Singapore

Miorini, Albert—267, Kiangse Road

Paris, A.—461, Avenue Joffre Butter,, Dr. (Mrs.) W.—4, Oxley Rise

Patrick & Aylward—22, Whangpoto Chia Boon Leong—71, East Coast

Road Road

Philipp, F. G.^1001, Yu Yuen Road Chia Keng Hoe—149, New Bridge

Rall, A.—20, Kiukiang Road Road

Reiss, Frederick—142, Museum Road Choo Teck Guan—102, Rochore Road

Renner, Alexander—1, Nanking Road Clarke, Farleigec W.—55, High Street

Santilli, A.—461, Avenue Joffre Clarke, H. Harley’—32, Raffles Place


Velliot, Santelli, Paris & Vieron— Clarke, HOn. Dr. Noel L.—55, Hill

461, Avenue Joffre Street

De Souza, B. N.—442, North Bridge

Swatow Road

De ,Souza, F. O.—442, North Bridge

Brangwin, C. H. Road


Oxley Allan

'Rise (Mrs. M. E. Butter)—4,

Tientsin Elder & Heron—38, Raffles Place

FowlIe & Black—11, Battery Road

Baldi, A.—16, Via Trieste Hanna, J. G.—Hong Kong Bank

Benjamin, E.-^86, Rue Dillon Chambers

Hardy, Chas. J.—c/o Paya Lebar

Colbert, J.—264, Victoria Road Post Office, Serangoon

Gertenzang, E,—97, Rue de France Khoo Peng ,Seng—281, Geylang Road

Irvin, Brown & Grice—140, Victoria Lee Keng Chin—71, East Coast Road

Road Lim, A. L. J.—39, Hill 'Street

Kingman, H. B^—82b, Rue de France Lim, H. L. 11.—^59, Hill Street

Le Gager, Dr.—110, Rue de France Lim, S. K.—108, High'Street

O’Neill, G.—238,' Victoria Road Phoon, S. F.—568, Geylang Road

Quentzer, H. B.—12, Bonham Street


Tsingtao Salmon,1®. K.—72, Prinsep Street

SuopeA, J. IS.—33, Battery Road

Chen, P. Y.—48, Kiao Chow Road Van COylenburg, J. B.—2, Raffles:

Gekshevitch, S. M.—45, Hunan Rd. Place

Weischer, Dr. P.—60, Hunan Road Wee, H. T.—;32, Balmoral Road

Schmidt, Dr. H.—60, Hunan Road Yin, Si C:—4)9, High Strebt



Negri Sembilan MacGregor, G. C,—Yah Ah Loy St.,

Kuala Lumpur

Egan, Eugene—Egerton Rd., Serem PonnampAlam,


J. H.—12, Brickfields

Kuala Lumpur

ban Reed, J. G.—Hong Kong Bank Cham-

Keishnan, S. R.—14, Jalan Tungku bers, Kuala Lumpur

Hassan Teh Yok Cher—16, Weld Road, K.L.

Reid, A.—Federal Dispensary Bldg. Teh Yok Chin—64, High Street


Lam, H. Y.—%8,' Hugh Low Street, Manila



Dispensary,& Ipoh

Webb—c/d Georgetown

Abad, Lucio D.—1145, Magdalena,

Skae, Harold T.—1, Brewster Road, Trozo

Ipoh Arce, Dr. C.—1025,- Segara

Delgado, Jose M.—2305, E. Mendiola,

Penang , San Miguel

Hasselman, C. M. — 400, Masonic

Allan, H.—’39, Beach Street Temple

Monroy, A. C.—662, P. Noval

Ariff, Kamil M.—47, Leith Street Saleeby, H. M.—201, Zobel Building

Hanna, J. G. (Dentist)—Chartered Santos, Isodore de—Ides Building,

Rank Chambers M. de Santos, San Nicolas

Hertz, C. Henry—173, Xortiiain Road Start, H. A.—428, Avenue Rizal


Jamieson, Sharp & McKern—39,- Beach Virata, M. G.—12, Escolta


Ong Huck Chye—HI, Acheen Street BORNEO

Scully, Thos. G. A—182, Penang Rd. Law', A. F.—Kuching, Sarawak

Smith, J. Emile—182, Penang Road


Under. Chemicals and Chemists res-


Aeria, J. R.—Muar


Dugdale, J. H.—Johore Bahru




Ansley-Young, W.—14, Station Street,

Klang Behr & Matthew—16, Pei Ma Lu

Barrowman, Drs. Sir

son &—Federal MalcolmBuild-

Dispensary Wat-

ing, Klang' Hankow

Cameron, I. G.—Federal Dispensary

Building, Kuala Lumpur Arnhold h Co.—(S.A.D. No. 1

MacaskIll & Cameron—Federal Dis- Behr & Matthew', Ltd., S.—19, Rue

pensary Building, Kuala Lumpur Dubail



Carlowitz & Co.—S.A.D. 2 Ewo Cold Storage Co.—1500, Yang-

Dodwell & Co.—P.O. Box 8 tzepoo Road

Garrells & Boener—The Bund, S.A. EUHRMEISTER


/& , Co.—14, Museum

D. 1


International Export Co.—Hanchung Road , Cooke & Co.—226, Szechuen

Road Henningsen Produce Co.—250, West

Li & Co., T.Y.—21, Rue Dautremcr Sawgin Road

Mehta, B. R.—7, Tungting Road

Soc. Anonyme Pour L’Industrie des Moss* & Co., ©avid (L.—29, Road

Masukow & Co.—3, Foochow


Oeufs Road

Wah Chang Trading Corporation— Olivier Chine—16, Museum Road

•21, Rue Dautremer

Roxburgh, Ltd., R.—Sassoon House

Nanking Rakusen (China) Co.—141, Nanking


Sassoon & Co., Ltd., David

International Export Co. SAutAYRE, J.—3, Kiukiang Road

Shroff, iSon & Co.—9A, Kiangse

Shanghai .Road

So Brothers & Co.—32, Peking Road

Superior Egg Products Corporation

American Trading Co.—3, Canton —1512, West Sawgin Road

Road Swift & Co.—35, Whangpoo Road

Amos Bird Co.—1, Teng Yueh Road United Packing Co.—29, Szechuen

Arnhold & Co., Ltd.—1, Nanking Rd. Road

Behr & Matthew-^77, Yangtszepoo Wah Chang Trading Corporation—9.

Ningpo Road


Borden’s Produce Co., Inc.—1, Teng-

yueh Road Tientsin

Boteleo Brothers—64, Peking Road

Cathay Products Supplies — 1198, Battegay et Cie—:16, Rue Dillon

Yates Road

Central Cold Storage uCo.i—170, China Products Export Co.—23, Rua

St. Louis

Kiangse Road China Northern Corporation—47-55,.

China Bird Co.—P.O. Box 472 Rue de Paris

China Egg Produce Co.—35, Whang- China Trading Corporation — 131,

poo Road Davenport Road

China Export Co.—7A, The Bund Collins & Co., Ltd. — 75, Consular

Collins & Co.—P.O. Box 302 Road

Compagnia d’Exportation de Pro- Fairchild


L Co., Ltd.—169, Takn

duits Asiatiques—P.O. Box 837

Compagnia Italiana d’Extremo Ori- Furer & Co., J.—99, Davenport Road

ente—16A, Kiukiang Road Gipperich & Co., E.—52, Taku Road

Connell Brothers—17, The Bund Hackmack & Co.—11, Lapteff Road

East Asiatic Co.—1, Canton Road Hua Mao Trading Co.— 8, Li Ho Li

Eastern Trading Co.,5 Ltd.—3, Han- International Export Co.—Belgian

kow Road Concession

Eggsell Egg Co.—141, Nanking Road Jess & Co.--2-4, Council Road

Eicxhoff & Co.—451, Kiangse Road Mansouk & Co., J.—Ill, Rue Pasteur



Oliveri Chine—Rue de Takou ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES

Rabben & Co., W.—144, Bristow Road (See also Page BlO)

Reuter, Brockelmann & Co.—29, Con-

sular Road JAPAN

Societe Anonyme Pour 1/Industrie

Des Oeufs—Cr. of Rue de Verdun Kobe

and Rue de Takou

Wilson & Co—72, Viet'dria Road

Ying Using Trading Corporation-- Adachi Denki Iy.K.—21, Sakae-maclii

Ando Electric Co.—1^6, Nakayamate-

65, Rue de France dori

.ZlMMERMANN H.J.—46, CoUFS Annaka Denei Seisakusho—21,' Sake-

.1 off re machi

Arai iShokai—129, Kano-cho

Tsingtao Ebara Denki Shokai—156, Sannomi-


Reuter, Brockelmann & Co.—P.O. Furukawa Mizuno

Denki Kogyo, K.K.—144,

Box 24 Eutaba Denki Kaisha,—15, Moto-ma-


PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Hanshin Dengyo-sha—33, Moto-maehi

Ikoma Denki Kosaku-sho—Irie-dori

Manila Isono Musen IDenshin Denwa Seisa-

KU-sho—5-105, Shimagami-cho

Alonalon, Fabian—121p, Blanco Quiapo Kato Denki Radio Shoten—304, Shi-


Filipino Fresh Eggs, Inc.—13, P. Kimura Denki Shokai—529, Kumo-

Ducos, Quiapo chibashi-dori

Jok Dian Chong—423, Miserioordia Kobe

Luzon Fresh Egg Store—140, Regidor, Kudo Denki Shokai—117,

Denki Minato-cho

Kumo-sho—:334,! Baba-

Quiapo tinachi

M. Tan Koan—19 P. Ducos, Quiapo

Mavahan, Pablo—6, P. Ducos, Quiapo Mitsubishi


Denki K.K.—3, Wadami-

Nagoya Poultry & Supply Co.— Miyoshi Denki Shoten—15, Kitana-

Rotonda gasa-dori

Ng Laico—69-, Magallanes, Intramuros Naguichi Denki Kogyo-sho—1-341,

Philippine Fresh Eggs Store—533, Iwaya, Nada-ku

Echague Nlkko Denki Shokai—87, Onoe-dori


CruZ Marcos—245, Espeleta, Sta. Nippon Mdsen Denki Komu-sho—21,


Sy Hian—765, Folgneras, San Nicolas Noritake Shoten^—19, Sannomiya-eho

Tan Liao—106, Gunao, Quiapo

Yu An—627, Ongpin, Binondp Ohsaki Denki Shokai Gomei Kaisha

-—42-5, Nakayamate-dori

Ohshima Denki Shokai—153, Minato-


■ (See- Page BlO) Oki Denki K.K.—10, Sakae-machi

Osaka Denkit Kogyo-sho—5, Kitana-


ELECTRICAL PLANTS Sato Denki Kogyo-sho—33, Tamon-

(See Page B28) dori



.‘Suwa Kogyo K.K.—101, Motomachi Mitsubishi Dex-kii K. K. — Hirato

Taeata Bugs. & Co.—3/111, Kano-cho Koya-machi

Togashi ElbGtric 1 Trading Co.—28, Y'amada Teizo—5, ’ “Aburaya-machi

Mptqmachi , Nagoya

Yokochi Shokai—2, Tamon-dori

Fuji JDenki K.K.—Rai-Ichi Building,

Kyoto Shimozono-cho

Furukawa Denki Kogyo K.K.—Dai-

Ichi Building

I.NOjjyE Electrical Engineering Kawakita Denki Kogyo Sha—Nishi

Works—Nishikujo Kitanouohi-. ma- Yanagj-machi

chi Moriya & do., Lid.—Miyuki Hon-

Kawakita Denki Kigyoho—Kawara- Nippon machi

mac hi Sanjo Sagaru Gaisha K.K.—Takegahana


N ippon Denchi K.K.—Imadegawa- Tokai Electric do., Ltd—Minami

ftgaru Shinmachi-dori Otsu-machi

Tsoda Electric Wire Manufacturing

Co.—Toiya-machi Osaka

Kyushu Bagnall & Co.—3, Kyabashi Hayeno-


Chihayagawa Sdiryoku Denki K.K.—

.Aramaki Yoshisaburo—7, Naka Ishi- Nagano-cho, Nagano

do-cho Chosen Denki K.K.-f-Nihon Kaijo

Chiyoda-Gumi—Higashiguchi-cho Hoken, 25, Edobori

Hayashi Shokai—Kami Koyama-che Godo Denkyu K.K.—30, Minami Kyu-


Iwaya Tokinaka—50, Inaba-cho Kawakita Denki Kigyosha—30, Edo-

Kawakita Denki Kigyosho —Shimo bori Kita-dori

Higashi-cho Naniwa Denkyu K.K.—120, Togano-

"Oki Denki K.K.—Nakajima>-cho cho

Seiko Shokai—15, Kami Tsujido Nippon Denryoku K.K.—1, Soze-cho

Nippon Electric Co., Ltd.—16, Kita-

hama, Higashi-ku

Moji Osaka Denkyu K.K.—6, Dainihigashi-


Fuji Denki Seizo K.K. — Yusen Taiyo Boeki Shokai—33, Sonosaki


Building Toa Denkyu K.K.—45, Sonesaki Ka-

Furukawa Denki K.K.—Dairi-cho mino-cho

Oki Denki K. K.—Iwai-machi Ujikawa Denki K.K.—1330, Noshin-

Yonei Shoten—Nishi Hon-machi cho, N agasone

Nagasaki Shidzuoka

Iguchi Koji—32, Baba-cho

.Hirao Shokai—33,. Kabashima-cho Kaimei-do Honten—30, Shiehiken-cho

-Kawashita Seigoro—6, Kayiya-machi Kawakita Kigyo-sha—41, KinzaTcho



Tokyo Seri da Shokai—115, Hiranuma-cho

Taiyo Denki Kogyosho—40, Ohgi-cho

Aall & Co.—P.O Box 41, Central Tokyo Denki K.K;—72, Horikawa-

Allen, Sons & Co.—6 Marunouchi cho

Automatic Telephones, Ltd. — 508, | Tokyo.


Electric Co., Ltd.—Kanaga-

Toyo Building

British Thomson-Houston & Co.— KOREA

Mitsui Building

Busch A. CL, EoEert—15, Tameike-cho | Chosen Shoko K.K.—58, Hasegawa-

Daido Denryoku K.K.—Tokyo Kaijo cho, Seoul

Building, Marunouchi EurukawA Electric Co.—198, Kogano-

cho, Keijo

English Electric Co., Ltd., The—14, Hidachi

Nichohie Marunouchi Seisakusho K.K.—31, Nan-

Eschek, Wyss Engineering Works— Kawakita Seoul


Denki Doboku K.K.—207

320, Marunouchi Building Taihei-dori, Seoul

Fuji Denki Seizo K.K.—6, Maru- Nippon Electric; Co.—175, Nandai-

nOuchi mon-dori, Keijo

Furukawa Electric Industry Co.—6, I Tokyo Electric Co.—1, Nandaimon-


International General Electric Co., ! dori, Keijo

Inc.—10, Yuraku-cho

Jay W. Myers, Inc,—P.O. Box F. 89, FORMOSA


Meiji Denki K.K.—508, Osaki-eho Kagi Electric Light Co,, Ltd.—

Mitsubishi DenHi K.K.—4, Marunou- ; iSeimon-gai, Kagi

chi, Kojimachi-ku

: Koshun Electric Co., Ltd.—Koshun-

Nippon Electric Od., Ltd.'—2; Mita gun, Takao

Shikoku-machi Nippon Electric, Co., Ltd.—Hou-

Oki Denki K.K.—2, Ta-machi machi, Trihoku

Okumura Electric Manufacturing 1 Taikan G-odo Denki Kaisha—Toen-gai,

Co.—Marunouchi Building Shinchiku

Tokyo Denki K.K.^-17, Yuraku-cho ' Tokyo Electric Co., Ltd.—Sakao-

Tokyo Denki Seizo K.K.—3, Sakura- machi, Takao


Westinghouse Electric International j CHINA

Co.—7S4, Marunouchi Building

Yokohama Canton

Asahi Denki Shokai—41, Ohgi-cho I A. E. G. China Electric Co.lu73, Bri-

Fuji Electrical Machine MaHufac- I tish Concession

Turing Co.—Shinden, Tanahe Andersen, Meyer & Co.—Shameen

Furukaiya Denki Kogyo Kaisha—23, | Bodiker ■ & Go.—Shameen

Nishi Hiranuma-cho Carlowitz & Co.—230, Shakee Road

Kato Denchi Shokai—36, Tokiwa-cho I China Electric Co., Ltd.

Kern & Co.—77,: Yamashita-cho Jakdine, Matheson A Co.

Matsui Denki Shokai G.K.—21, i Reuter, Brockelmann & Co. — 37r

Sakuragi-cho British Concession

Motoi Shoten—IS-l', Moto-machi

Sanden Denki Shokai—18, Yoshida- Siemssen & Co.—12, Sai Hau Kai

machi Spalinger & Co:, U.



Dairen Hongkong

JEnkyo Denmi G. K.—2, Mikawa-tiho Andersen, Meyer & Co.—87, Des

Vceux Road Central

Fukukawa Electric Co., Ltd. — 113, Bodiker & Co.—David House


General Electric Co. of China, Ltd. Callendder’s Cable and Construction

Co.—St. George’s Building

—47, Echigo-cho

-Osram China Co.—47, Echigo-cho Chien Hsin Engineering Co., Ltd.—

Skoda Works—18, Yamagata-dori Asiatic Building

China Electric Co.. Ltd.—5, Queen’s

Foochow Road Central

China Light & Power Co (1918), Ltd.

iSt. George’s Building

Foochow Electric Co., Ltd. China Engineers, LTh.—14, Queeh’s

Road Central

Hankow Chung Yuen Electrical Co.—71, Des

Vceux Road Central

Andersen, Meyer & Co.—11, Rue Cle- Co-operative Trading Co., The —

Bank of Canton Building


Bechler, E.—Hunan Road Colonial Electric Co.—Ring's Thea-

Carlowitz & Co.—Tachimen tre Building

♦China Electric Co.—17, Hwang Pei Davie, Boag •&'? Co.. Ltd—Queen’s


Road Domestic ^' Engineers, Ltd.-AS,* Des

China Tome Tradino Co.—3, Yangtsze Voeux Rd. C.


General Electric Co., Ltd. — 23, Duro Pump & Engineer Co.—427,

Nathan Road

Tungting Road

Hankow Light and Power Co.—10, Economical

-285 .

Trading' ‘Co.—P.O. Box

Kai Hsien Road

Hankow Light & Power C)o., Ltd.— Electric Service Corporation—322,

12, Kai Hsien Road 323, 324, Gloucester Building

Representation for British Manufac- Everlasting Electrical Supply Co'-—

turers, Ltd.—23, Tungting Road 96, Queen’s Road East

Siemens China Co.—7, Rue de Mare- Feld As Co., Ltd., Fiy-Redder Bldg.

chal Foch

Siemssen & Co.—Erh Yao Road General Electric Co. of China, Ltd.

Teh.—Queen’s Building

'Wah Chang Trading < Corporation- Gibb, Livingston As Co.—P. As O.

23,* Rue Dautremer Building

Hanovia Quartz Lamp Co.—10, Queen’s

Harbin Road Central

Hongkong Electric Co., Ltd.—P. As

Andersen, Meyer & Co.—2, Saruma- ; Building

naya Street Hong Kong Telephone Co., LId.—Ex-

International Technical Trading Co. change Building

—139, Kitaiskaya Street Hong Kong Tramways, Ltd. — Canal

Jardine Engineering Corporation- Road East

14, Vodoprovodnaya Street Hung Ming Electric Cb.—157, Des

Skoblin Co.—31, Konnaya Street Vceux Road Central

Skodaworks, Ltd.—2, Kommerceskaya Inniss & Riddle (China), Ltd.—67,

Des Voeux Road Central




Jack 8t Co., William O.—St. George’s Larsen & Trock—401, Naniwa-dori

Building Siemens China Co.—

Jebsex & Co.—Pedder Street Skodaworks, Ltd.—107, Wu Wei Lu

Kato & Co., S.—15, Queen’s Road

Central Peiping

Moses & Co,, N. S.—17, Queen’s

Road Central

Oriental Trading , Co.—45, Queen’s Andersen,

n utung

Meyer & Qo,—1,. Ta Yu Fit

Road Central

Phoebus Neon Light Co., Ltd.—St, China Electrtc 1 Co.—3, Tsi Tan Tsi

George’s Building H utung


Men Street

Sander, Wieler & Co.—5, Des Voeux Peiping Electric Co. (1922), Ltd.,

Road Central The—Legation Quarters

Sheayan, Tomes & Co.—St. George’s Siemens China Co.—11, Teng ShieL

Building Kou

Siemens China Co.—12, Pedder Street Siemssen & Co.—20, Gan Mien Hu-

Siemssen & Co.—6, Queen’s Road Cen- tu ng


Skodaworks, Ltd.—14, Queen’s Road Tung Shuaifu Hutung Co.—11,,

Stimpson Electric Supply


Standard Trading Co.—China Build-

ing Shanghai

Steger & Co.—King’s Building

Sun Light Co.—137, Des Yoeux Road A.E.G. China Electric , Co. — 207,.

Centra,! Kiangse Road

Wah Mei Electric Co.—135, Des Allen, Sons

VVirax Road Central

Westinghouse Electric International Ming YuenMeyer



& 'sCp.—4, Yuen

Co.—7, Queen’s Road Central .

Yee Sang Tai & Co.—353, Hennessy Arai & Co.—12, Hankow Road

Road Arkell & Douglas—-3, Canton Road

Arnhold & C©., Ltd.—1, Nanking Rd.

Mukden Asia Electric Co.—45, Hoehien Road.

Associated Agencies (Ear East), Ltd.

—114, < Kiang^e Road

A.E.G. China Electric Co, — 43, Automatic

NaniAva-dori ElectriO Co. — iSassoon.

Andersen, Meyer & Co.— House

ArnhoT.d & Co., Ltd. Automatic Telephones of China, Fed.

Inc., U.S.A.—235r$,F,Sassoon House

Carlowitz & Co,—iS^Spi Djin Loo Babcock & Wilcox, -Ltd.—The Bund

China Electric Co.—95, Ta Hsi Pien Behn, Meyer, China Co. — 121,.

Men Wai Kiangse Road

Chinese Engineering & Development Belge Neon Lights, , Ltd.-—103, Bub-

Co.—San Jing Road, bling Road , : ..

Fujita & Co.—24, Naniwa-dori Bergmann Electric Co.—7 9, Siking

General Euectric Co. • of China—Ta Road

Hsi Pien Men Wei Bower n & Co.—38, Canton Road

Jardine Engineering Corporation— British Insttlated Cables, Ltd.—35,.

208, Ta Hsi Pien Men Wai Peking Road



Callenders’ Cable and Construction Holiday & Co., Cecil—13; Kiukiang

Oo., Ltd.—368, Kiangse Road Road

Carlowitz & Co.—220, Szeohuen Road Inniss & Riddle (China), Ltd.—7.

Central China Commerci.vi Co.—25, Yuen Ming Yuen Road

Jinkee Road Jardine Engineering Corporation—

OhAli Trading Co. — 6, Kiukiang 8a, Yuen Ming Yuen Road

Road Kanan & Co.—43, Dixwell Road

China General Edison Co., Inc.— Katch & Co.—9, Hankow Road

140, Robison Road Kawakita Electric Co.—108, Chapoo

China Electric Co., Ltd.—230. Med- Road

hurst Road King Chong Chang & Co.—RA609,

China Engineers, Ltd.—15, Museum Point Road

Road Larsen & Trock—44, Avenue Edward

China Scientific Instrument Co.— YTT

131, Museum Road Leede Electrical Laboratory — 395,

China United Lamp Co.—Hamilton Bubbling Well Road

House, Kiangse Road Lonkomay—4, Quai do France

Chinese National Engr. & Manufac- Meason & Co.—4i5, Szechuen Road

turing Co.—*7, Hankow Road

Claude Neon Lights—687, Broadway Mee-Yeh

Canton Road

Handels-Compagnie — 16.

Clerici, Bedoni & Co., S. A. —17, Metropolitan-Yickers Electrical Ex-

Museum Road port Co., Ltd.—Sassoon House

Comfort Electric Co.—287, Avenue Moysey & Co., H.J.—452, Kiangse

Joffre Road

Dodwell A Co., Ltd.—1. Canton National Commercial Cp,—58, Kiang-

Road se Road

Ditmar Brunner Bros., Ltd.—2, Can- National Electric Cp.—501, Nanking

ton Road Road

Eickhoff & Co.—45, Kiangse Road Olton Electric Mfg. Factory—488r

Ekman Foreign Agencies—115, Ki- OppelNingpo Road

angse Road Ltd., Electric Manufacturing

The—66, Liaoyang Road Co.,.

Electric Service Corporation—20, Otis Elevator Co. —Snsso>r>n House

“Nanking Road

Electric Wiring & Plumbing Co.— Philco Sales Corporation—118, Sze-

chuen Road

39a, Canton Road

Enssle, K.—17, Soochow Road Philips China Co.—133, Szechuen


Eagan & Co., Ltd.—261, Kiukiang Picking

Road Lampen—267, Kiangse Road

Eraser, Chalmers & Co.—24, Ningpo Reiss & &Co.,Co.—42,

Porter -Canton Road

H uao- -9, Foochow Road


Frost, Bland &. Co. — 6, Szechuen Rielly,


Simmons & Milne—25, Peking

Road Rose,.Downs & Thompson ^Far East),.

Furukav. a Electric Co.—32, Jinkee Ltd.—29, Canton Road

Road Scott, Harding & Co.; - P.O. Box 456

General Electric Co,

Ltd, 23, Ningpo Road (of China), Scow, Harding & 00;--35, Peking


German Machine €

Great China Electric Co.—1194, Bub- 150, Broadway

bling Well Road Shanghai Electric Construction Co.,

ITaOhiya '& Cb.—9A, Hankow Road Ltd.—18, Soochow Road



Shanghai Electrical Supply Co.—184, Forbes & Co.—49, Taku Road

Nanking Road Frazar, Fed. Inc. U.S.A.—25, Rue

Siemens China Co.—2.13, Kiangso dii 14 Juiller

Road Furukawa Electric Co.—224, Bristow

Siemssen & Co.—451, Kiangse Road Road

Sintoon Overseas Trading Co.—$2, General Electric Co. of, China, Ltd.

Kitikiang Road —178, Taku Road

Skoda Works, Ltd.—24, The Bund Jardine Engineering Corporation—

Strong & Co.^-452, Kiangse Road Victoria Road

Sumitomo Goshi Kaisha—5, Kiukiang John’s


Import & Export Co.—272,



Takaiwa & Co.—6, Kiukiang Road Liddell Brothers & Co —2, Bruce


Telepunken (East Asiatic1 Telegraph Pottinger

Co.)—218, Kiangsei Road & Co., Ltd.—55. Victoria


Tien Yuan Electro Chemical Works, Siemens China Co.—Siemens Build-

Ltd.—420, Brenan Road ing, Taku Road

Tokyo Electric Co.—53, Szechuen Siemssen & Co.—63, Taku Road


United Manufacturers’ Electric Co. SkodatVorks, Ltd.—4, Honan Road

—150, Peking Road Society bes Anciens Etablissements

WahsoN & Co.—571, Fukien Road Arnoult—Akiyama Road

"Wei Tong Electrical Co. — P.587. Tientsin Steel Drums and Engineer-

ing Works—13, Via Torino

Nanking Road

Wessels, H. C.—24, Nanking Road Twyford & Co.—113, Rue Chaylard

"Western Electric Co. of Asia—142,

Museum Road SIAM

WestinghoUse Electric Internation-

al Co.—9, Foochow Road Bangkok

Barrow, Brown & Co., Ltd.—Tapan

Hua Takay

Bradley & Co.—P.O. Box 76 Eastern Indian Trading Co., The—

San Shing Co.—30, Chi Ping Road 1324, Anuwongse Road

Shauter, Dayland & Co.—P.O. Box 3 Mark’s Tyre Store—Corner of Wind-

mill and New Roads


A.E.G, China Electric Co —63, Taku Provinces du Tonkin


Andersen, Meyer & Co.—96, Rue de

Takou Veyrenc et Cie—Dap-Cau

Arnhold & Co.—10* Taku Road

Bisseker, F.D.—Consular Road MALAYA

China American Trading Corpora-

tion—Rue de France Penang

China Electric

du Baron GrosCo., Ltd.—132, Rue

China Northern Corporation—47-55, Aik & Co., G. T.—388, Penang Road

Rue de Paris Beng Swee A Co.—41, Bishop Street



Gim & Co., W. S.—179, Campbell St. NETHERLANDS INDIA

Kee Huat Radio Co.—178, Campbell

Street Batavia

Little & Co.,'John—Bishop Street

N. V. Heybroeck’s Groothandel —

Perak Kroningsplein West 5

Siemens :&! Halske, A. G.

English Electric Co., Ltd.—3, Hale Western

Box 52

Electric Co. of Asia -P.O.

Street, Ipoh

Johnson & Phillips Ltd. — c/o Wm.

Jacks & Co., Ltd. Sourabaya

Selangor Algemeene Nederlandsch - Indischb

Electriciteit Maatschappij

English Electkio Co., Ltd., The

\ Huttenbach, Lazarus, & Sons, Ltd.— PHILIPPINE ISLANDS

; Kuala Lumpur

! Peninsular Lights (1930), Ltd. Manila

Singapore American Electric Co., Inc.—72, Es-

colta, Binondo

Boon Seng & Co., Ltd.—I, Raffles Angeles Electrical Supply — 782,

Place Echague

Arce Electric—1339, Avenue Rizal

British Electro-Plating Works—31, Caro' ElectriO' Service—110,: Padre

Penang Road Faura

! Central Engine Works, Ltd.—65, Central Electric Service—248,Ongpin

Geylang Road Del Rosario Electric Oo.—210, Legar-

General Electric Co., Ltd.—12, Bat- da

tery Road Electrical Supply Co., Inc. — 959 61,

Hoe Boon Leong—60, Selegie Road Ongpin

Isaac & Co., E, , S.'—6, Malacca . Street Hi.mac, Inc., Cp.—627, Rizal Avenue

Little & Co., John—Raffles Square General Electric Appliance Corpn. of

' Martin Electric Co.—58, High Street the Philippines — Crystal Arcade-

Morey & Co., John — 98, , Robinson Building

I Road Manila Electric Co.—125, Escplta

»' Nathan, M. & E.—90,, North Bridge Manila Machinery

Inc.—675-681, and Supply Co.,.


^ Road Manila Supply Cd.—2056, Ave. Rizal

Oriental Telephone & Electric Co., Oriental Electric Supply Co.—122,.

! Ltd.—Telephone House, Hill Street

, Pavilion, , Ltd,—72, Orchard Road Philippine Electric Supply Co.—120,

) Spot Radio, Ltd.—163, Orchard Road Tetuan

Standard Telephones & Cables, Ltd.— Philippine

Raon, QuiapoEngineering Co.—936r

57, Robinson Road Romero Electric — 314, Azcarraga,

; Toin Trading Co—60, Waterloo St, Ton do

Western Electric Co. of Asia—23, Rosario Electric Co.—458-460, Legar-

Stamford Road da, Samp aloe



Smith, Bei,l &• €a, Ltd.—Hongkong Tokyo

Bank Building

Thompson Electric]>go., Inc. -Plaza ;Fox Eiga Kaisha—2, Ginza

Sta. Cruz Metro Goldwyn Mayer Co.—New

Universal MotorPeral Osaka Building

& Electric Supply Nippon

Co.—29, Isaac Katsudoshashin K. K.—1,


Uy Hoo & Co.—629, Ongpm, Binondo Paramount

Westerji Equipment and Supply Co. Warner Bros. Films, Ltd.—Osaka Bldg.

—119, Calle T. Pinpin First- National Pic-

l tures

Westinghouse Electric International sl>i (Japan), Inc.—-3, Gofukuba-

Co.—680, Dasmarinas, Binondo



Pacific Commercial Co.—111, Morga


Box 134 Electric Qo., S. A.—P.O. North China Amusement Co.—Cheng

Kwong Theatre

Peacock Motion Picture, Co., Inc.—

EMBROIDERIES (See Under Silk) Legation Street



(See Page Bll) China Trading Co,, The—3, Ting Yu

Lee, Hunan Road, S.A.D. 3

ESTATE AGENTS, (See Under Land

and Estate) Hongkong

EXCHANGE BROKERS (See Under China Entertainment andRoad

Central Theatre—Queen’s Cent.

Land In-

Brokers) vestment. Co., Ltd.—34, Queen’s Rd.


EXPORTERS (See Under General Electric & Musical Industries

(China), Ltd,—61, Des Voeux Road

Merchants) Central

Fox Film Fed., Inc.—King’s Theatre.


General Film Exchange, Inc.—

King’s Theatre Building

JAPAN Hongkong Amusements, Ltd.—Pedder


Osaka Hongkong and KowloOn Cinema Co.,

Ltd.—King’s Theatre Building

King?s Theatre—34, Queen’s Road1 Cr

Metro Goldwyn Mayer Co., Ltd.— Metro Goldwyn Mayer of China —

28, Higashi-Umeda-cho Asiatic Building


cho Kinema Kwan—6, Urae Kami- Oriental Theatre—Flehiing Road

Toa Kinema K.K.—28, Hirano-cho Paramount Films of China, Inc.—

King’s Theatre Building



•PeAcock Motion; Pictuke 1 Co.,' Inc.2- Pathe-Orient,


Ltd. — 44, Rue de

14, Queen’s Road Central

South China Cinema ani> Investment Peacock MotiOn Picture Co., Inc.—

8, Council Road

Co., Ltd —:24, Des Voeux Rcl. C.

United Artists — King’s Theatre

Building MALAYA

Universal Pictures Corpoeation ov

China—King’s Theatre Building Singapore

Shanghai Amalgamated Theatres, Ltd.—P.O.

Box 145 '

British Films (China), Ltd—160, British Empire Films Co.—22/24,

Avenue Edward VII Orchard Road

Electric & Musical Industries— Fox Film Corporation (East), Ltd.—

1099, Rue do Zikawei 76, Orchard Road

Fox Film Fed. Inc.—142, Museum Malayan Film Service—742, North

142; Museum Road Bridge Road

German Film Co.—142, Museum Rd. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Oriental, Inc.

Independent Film Exchange of China 144b, Robinson Road

—21, Museum Road New Gaiety Film Exchange—112,

International Films. (China), Ltd.— Bencoolen Street

160, Avenue Edward VII Paramount Fi!m Service, Ltd.

Lauro Films, (A. E. Lauro & Co.)— Robinson Road

21, Museum Roiad Penang Biograph Co.—68, Prinsep

Metro-Goldwyn Mayer of China— Street

138, Embankment Building Universal Pictures Corporation of

Odeon Amusements, Ltd.—219, Sze~ Singapore—Orchard Road

chuen Road

Peacock Motion Picture Co., Inc.— PHILIPPINE ISLANDS

21, Museum Road

Red Seal Film Co. (China), Ltd.—

175, Soochow Road Manila

Star Film Co., Ltd.—142, Museum

Road Acme Films, Inc.-—2216, Azcarraga

Star Motion Picture Co., Ltd—50, Banashaw Film Exchange—Paterno

Route Doumer Building

Universal Pictures Corporation of Catot Film Exchange—327, Raon

China—623, Szechuen Road

Wha Wei Trading Co. , Ltd.—119, Commercial


Film Exchange — 456,

J inkee Road Far Eastern Motion Picture Co.—

724, Ongpin

Tientsin Fox Film, Fed. Inc.—P.O. Box 423

Goodwill Film . Exchange — 326,

Film Distributors & Cinema Con- Misericordia

tractors of N. China—3rd Special Luzon Theatres Inc,—502, Rizal, Sta.

Area Cruz

First United Film Exchange, Ltd.— Lyric Film Exchange — 670, Das-

14, Jeanne d’Arc Villas marinas

Paramount Films of China, Inc.—10, Malayan Pictures Corpn.—247, Oral

Council Road Solano



Metro-G old wyn-M aver—417, Avenue Nippon Kokusan Kogyo K.K.—Asahi

Rizal Building, Nakanoshima

Palace Film Exchange—332, Raon, Ohsawa Shoten—1-200, Ishida-cho

Sta. Cruz

Paramount Film of the Philippines, Osaka


Dempun K.K.—2, Kawasaki-

Inc.—P.O. Box 587 Quaker Oats Co., The—55, Kyomachi-

Philippine Film Exchange — 327, bori-Dori

Raon, Sta. Cruz Steer Hegner & Co:, Ltd.—21, Ima-

Rialto Theatre—520, Rizal, Sta. Cruz bashi

United Artists Corpn.—507, Cu Un- Yoshida IDempun Seizo-sho—2, Tem

jieng Building mabashi

Universal Pictures Corpn. — 2262,

Azoarraga Shidzuoka

FLOUR MERCHANTS Hasegavva Eikichi Shoten—Imonishi-


JAPAN Izuya N. Suzuki—Baba-cho

Kobe Kawaguichi Eikichi Shoten- -Kinza


Curnovv & Co., Ltd., J.—P.O Box Yamaguicht


Chijokichi Shoten—Sa-

1050 (San.)

Masuda Flour Mill Co.—16, Sakae- Shimonoseki


Nippon Seifun K.K.—3, Terayama,

Higashi Shiriike-cho Azuma Shoten—Kannogakieho

Nippon Seimei Seifun K.K. — 43, Hirano Shoten—Nishinabe-cho

Imedezaikr>cho Maruju ' Shokai—Nishinabe-cho

Nisshin Seifun K.K.—Sumiyoshi-dho Yuasa Goshi Kaisha—Nishinabe-cho

Kyushu Tokyo

Shiramizu Kunigoro — 122 , Nishi- Aall & Co.—P.O. Box 41 Centra]

machi Nippon Corn Products. Ltd.—1,

Yamasaki Shoten—28, Kami Nishi

Yasukawa Kokurui Shoten—Nakano- /.XJchisaiwai-cho Kojimachi-ku




Ando Shintaro Shoten—130, Choja-

Nogoya Seifun K.K.—3, Shio-cbo machi

Kotsukaya Shoten—55, Hongo-cho

Nisshin Seifun K.K.—260, Noritake Nisshin Seifun K.K.—81, Onoe-cho

Osaka Tamikiya Shoten—12, Kanagawa-cho

Inoue Tomesaburo—10, Asahi-machi CHINA

Matsutani Kiichiro—109, Sugiwara- Changchun


Nihon IDempun Seizo-sho—55, Kawa-

ra-machi Manchurian Flour Mills



Dairen Shanghai

Maxchukiax Floue Manufacturing Asiatic Yeast Works—16, Canton Rd.

Co.—57, Kaga-machi Bush & ,Co.—P.O. Box 1668

Canadian Trading Co.—18, The Bund

Foochow ConnEll Brothers Co.—17, The Bund

Associated Products Co. Dodwell & Co., Ltd.—Union*Building.

Fou Foong Flour Mill, Co., Ltd.—

25, Jinkee Road

Hankow Geddes Trading and Dairy Firm

Co.—8D, Yuen Ming Yuen Road

Pacific Orient Co.—8, Rue de Mare- Glathe & Witt—P.O. Box 968

chal Joffre

Paou Shun Kung Sze—Pao Shun Heath &(1927),

Heath Co.—30,. Peking Road

Ltd.—2, Peking Road

Road Jacobsen, Axel—14, : Kiukiang Road

Harbin Kong Dah Co.—132 138, Route Conty

Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd.—P.O.

Soskin & Co., S.—ath Section Box 722

Ural Flour Mills— Mow

Siberian. Street

42, Skoczmaya

Sing and Foh Sing Flour

Mills—58, Kiangse Road

Union Import Syndicate, Ltd—3,

Hankow Road

Hongkong Yeh Hua Trading Corporation—63,

Rue du Consulat

Alexandra, James & Co., Ltd.—China

Building Tientsin

American Flour Co., The—David


China Associates Corporation, Ltd.— China Northern Corporation—47-55,

Rue de Paris

Pedder Building

; Chiu Brothers—54, Queen’s Road Furer && Co.—99,

Collins Co.—75, Consular Road

Davenport Road


Connell Brothers & Co.—David Baron Gros & Co.—129, Rue de

Getz Brothers

House Gipperich & Co., E.—52, Taku Road

Dunbar & Co., L.—Exchange Bldg. Kramer, M.—112, Wellington Street

|Gibb, Livingston & Co.—P. & O. Liddel Brothers & Co.—50, Taku

| Building Road

Oilman . & Co. — 4a, Des Vceux Road Masuda & Co.—24, Matsushima Road

I Central “Miag” Muchlenbau und Industrie

I|'Hongkong A.G.—27, Tungchow Road

Kai MingAmerican

Building Trading Co.— Mitsui Bussan Kaisha—1, Yamagui-

pLoxley & Co., W.R.—York Building Peters ohi Road

{iMaxim & Co.—3, Queen’s Building k Co. EG.—31 Seymour

I Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd. — Road

Jt Prince’s Building MALAYA

||Sassoon & Co., Ltd., David—8a, Des

Voeux Road Central

:Shewan, Tomes & .Co.—St. George’s Selangor

| T Building

'iU NiON Trading Cb.—York Building Khair Deen & Co.—11, Batu Road



Singapore Kashiwagi Goshi Kaisha—22, Sakae-


Hasajtalx Jivabhai—36, Wallich Street Kobe Godo Unso K.K.—153, Higashi


Malayan Flour Milling Co.—50; Kokusai Unyu K.K. — 32, Akashi-

Peck Seat Road machi

Straits Mercantile Agency—37, Teluk Maruki Unsoten G.K.—13, Isobe-dori

Ayer Street Omori Kaisoten—4, Sakae maobi

Straits Settlement Flour Mills—36., Yamamoto-gumi—22, Naniwa-inachi

Wallich Street

Yoshioka Shokai—12-40, Isobe-dori




Nutter & Co.—902, Kiyotaki-machi

Bennett, Inc,, P. M.—58, Lorenzo de

ia Paz

Dy Buncio & Co., Inc.—191-211, M. de Nagasaki


El Porvenir—800, Folgueras, Tondo Aota Tokijiro—56, Junin-machi

Forbes. Munn & Co., Ltd. — 979, Kobayashi-ya—3, TaniaUeho

Muelle d© la Industrial

Macondray & Co., Inc.—China Bank Nagasaki machi

Godo Unso K.K.—1, Daiba-


Ong Jan Chuan—467, Nueva Sawayama Shokai—IT, Oura-machi

Pacific Commercial Co. — National Walker inachi

& Co., R. N.—11, Oura-

City Bank Building, Binondo

Sy Hock—537-39, Muelle de Binondo


FLOUR MILLS {see Page Bll-13)

Asahii Unso G.K.—46, Umedo-cbo

FORWARDING AGENTS Dai-Ichi Boeki Gumi—105, Kitahama

Hanshin Unso K.K. — 1-376, Nishi


Kitagawa Unso-ten—40, Sakurajima-

Kobe cho

Manabe HoTen—17, Nishi Umeda-cho

Akita-gumi—144, Aioi-cho Osaka Gopo Unso K.K.—10. Umeda

Boyeki-gumi—13, Kaigan-dori Yamanaka Co., Ltd,—1,; Itayhibori

Goto Kaisoten—121, Sakae-mgchi

Hamaguchi Gonshiro — 223, Moto- CHINA


Hasegam-a Shoten—24, Kaigan-dori Canton

Helm Bros., Ltd.—46, Harima-machi

Hirano Shokai-tt59, Sakae machi

Inouye Goshi Kaisha—84, Sakae- Goeke & Co., A—85, Brit. Concession

maehi LjiaiCRAR, Sirr-rlO, British Concession



Dairen Commercial Express & Storage Co.—

53, Yuen Ming Yuen Road

Anz & Co.—212,' Yamagata-dori Cook & Son, Ltd., Thos.—P.O. Box


Awa Kyodo Kisen K.K.—200, Yama- Magill & .Co.—120, Kiangse Road

gata-dori Marden & Co., Ltd., G. E. —125,

Bryner & Co.—212, Yamagata-dori Hankow Road

Daisan Shokat—153, Yamagata-dori Melchers & Co.—210, Kiukiang Road

Dola, G J.—P.O. Box 38 Schillers, Inc.—217, Peking Road


dori & Co., C.—212, Yamagata- Shanghai Express Co. — 6, Szechuen


Koktisai Unyu K.K.—221, Yamagata-

dori Tientsin

Sakabe Shokai—7, Awaji-cho

Taito Co., The—18, Yamagata-dori China Forwarding & Express Co.—

Yamasaki Unsoten—9, Naniwa-cho Settlement Railway Station


cial Eastern Railway

Agency)—74, (Commer-

Rue de France

Foochow Girraud, F.—66, Rue Dillon

Brockett & Co. Tientsin Forwarding and .Commis

sign Agency—13, Italian Bund

Harbin Tsingtao

Bryner & Coi—Konnaia 1. Fan & Co., Benjamin C.—91. Chung

Shan Road

Hongkong MALAYA

Cook & Son, Ltd., Thos.—Queen;s Johore


Mukden Leerdam, D. L—8, Jalan Maharani

Bryner & Co.—Hong Kong & Shang- Penang

hai Bank Building Young, L. J.—305a, Perak Road

Peiping Mansfield & Co., Ltd.—Chartered

Bank Chambers

Pacific Storage and Packing Cor- Malacca

poration—4, Rue Marco Polo, Lega-

tion Quarter Souza & Co., H. M. de—21, Church




China Express Co. — 208, Boundary

Road Cook & Son, Ltd., Thos.—39, Robin-

China Transport and Storage Co., son Road

Inc.—24, The Bund Mansfield & Ct).~Ocean Building




Manila Hankow

American Express Co., Inc., Tufe—95, Andersen Stern, Inc. 5. » Astoria

Plaza Moraga, Binond.o Building

Chaves. Salinas & Co.—129, Dasrriar- Arnold & Op , -.Ltd.-S.A.D. ],. The-

inas Street Bund

Gregorio M. Cansipit, Inc.ttISI, Eseolta Liddell Brothers & Co., Ltd.—

Ildefonso Tionloc, . Inc.—123, Das Tungting, Whaehe’ong and Poyang

marinas, Binondo Roads

Luzon Brokerage Co., Inc.—Derham

Building, Por^ Area Harbin

Robles & Hizon—I5T . Juan Luna

Tionloc Co., Inc., S:. en C.—123, Das- Baikal Fur Trading Corporation—IS,

marinas, Binondo Kasachaia Street

FOUNDRIES ■'(S?e Page. Bl3). China Fur -Trading Co.—11, Pekar-

naia Street j

East West Eur Trading Corporation

PUR AND SKIN MERCHANTS —17, Rinochnaya “Street

Fur and Wool Trading" Co.—12.

JAPAN Pekanaya Street

Jacobsohn, L.S* — IT, Strahovaya

Hakodate Street

Koulaieff’s Sons—25, Uchastkova-ya

Denbigh & Co.—P.O. Box 11 Orleans Brothers—8, Russkaya Street

Weysfield, N. E.—Yapernskaya St.



Aall b Co., Ltd.—9, Koraibashi

Curnow & Co.—66, Main Street Fur & Wool Trading Co.—336, Hsi

Hida Mataji—16, Andojibashi Hsiao Kwan

Kimura Jinsaburo—40, Sakae-machi

Makita & Co.—3, Kita-dori Peiping

NTshimura Seishi—137, Aomu-cho

Sakaki Santaro—6, Sakae-machi China Crafts—10, Main Embroiderjr

Yanno Rjkichi—29, Sakae-machi Street

Sanitary Fur Co.—18, Legation Street



Aall & Co.—P.O. Box 41, Central

Ito Fee Co.—2, Tori Barbash & Co., B.S.—219, Szechuen


Yokohama Blickle, Ross


Abe Koichi Shoten—52, Aioi-cho Brook & Co.—8c, Yuen Ming Yuen

Aizawa Toshio Shoten—78, Ohgi chc China Road

Yamaoka Shoten—2, Benten-dori Fur Trading Co. — 458, Sze-

chuen Road



Eitington, Schild & Co.^—121, Kiang- Central Products Co.—29, Consular

se Road Road

Forster & Co., Ltd.—116,1 Kiangse China Korean Fur Co. — 46. Rue

Henri Bourgeois

Gershevitch Brothers —18, Szeohuen China National Trading Co.—211,

Road Quai Auguste Boppe

■Goldenberg, M.—304, Kiangse Road China Trading Co.-^80, Davenport

Gotbezahl, M.iL.—37b, Canton Road Road

Utttbezahl & Co., G.—29, Canton Road Collins & Co., Ltd.—75, Consular

Kale & Co., E.—64, Peking Road Road

Laou Kiu Chwang Silk Co.—354, Debus, M.—33, Canton Road

Nanking Road

Riddell Bros. & Co., Ltd.—4, Peking East West Fur Trading Corporation

— 94, Taku Road

Road Eitington-Schild Co.—13, Rue de

Lily & Co.—353, Yates Road Paris

Maison Arcus—Hamilton House Fairchild & Co., Ltd.—169, Taku

Maison Lucilie—561, Avenue Joffre Road

Marderfield, M.—142, Szechuen Road Froiman Co., D.—27, Davenport Road

Oriental Fur Co.—227, Szechuen Road Gabrick & Co., V.—224, Bristow Road

Polish Asiatic Commercial Co.—80, Gershevitch

Terrace •

Brothers—18, Victoria

Szechuen Road

Savul & Oo., A. I.—19, Museum Road Gold & Brother, Inc.—53, Rue de


Siberian Furriers Co.—1137, Bubbling Gipperich

Well Road & Co., E.—52, Taku Road

Wearing Export Co.—142, iSzechuen Grigory,


Gutbezahl & Co.—21-23, Rue


'Wolf Sprinz Fur Corporation—2b. Hardy, Road

Gatliff & Co., W.—63, Taku

Kiukiang Road

Holman, Inc., B.—87,: Rue du Chay-


Tientsin Jacobsohn, L.S.—14, Victoria Terrace

Jacobson & Kupitsky—94, Taku Road

Alexander Gutbezahl Trading Co.— Kalgan Fur Corporation—125, Rue du

133, Rue de Takou Chaylard'

American Asiatic Trading Co —36, Kasachkoff,


E.—293, Victoria. Ter-

Rue de France

American Oriental Fur Agency—16, Kramer, M.—112, Wellington Street

Victoria Terrace Liddell Brothers & Co., Did.—50,

Andersen, Meyer & Co.—96, Rue de Taku Road

Takou Malkassian, S.—8, Rue Henri Bour-

Asia Export Co.—16, Victoria Terrace geois

“Baikal Fur Trading Corporation— Mei-Hwa Fur Trading? Corporation-

75, Rue Pasteur

Canton Road

Barkovitch k Co., II.—186, Bristow Reuter, Brockelmann & Co.—29, Con-

sular Road


Bergers’ Enterprises, Ltd.—108, Rue Rudolf, S.—74, Rue Pasteur

de Takou Sheets I;5r,othgPvS, , Inc.—36, Rue de

Bernstein & Sons M. and Forman. France

Inc.—29, Canton Road Sung Mao Seng Fur Trading Co.—39,

Brimberg Bros.—94, Rue Dillon Canton Road



Weistein, L.S.—60, Rite Henri'Bour- Hongkong Furniture Co.—8, Queen A

geois Road Ctentral

Wilson ' Cb.-L-72, Victoria Road' Hop ChEONG—1, Wing Kut Street

Wulfsohn Company of China—34-36, Hung On & Co.—17a, Queen’s Rd. C.

Taku Road International Furniture Co., The—

David House,

FURNITURE DEALERS Jone’s Furniture—184, Nathan Road,.

I Kowloon

JAPAN Kowloon Fupniture and Electric

STbRE—43, Nathan Road


kow Road,Rattan

Kowloon.Ware Co. -4, Han-


Kwong Tai Ch'eong—58, Queen’s Rd.

Fuji war a Shoten, S. — 113, Kitana- Lane.Central (Rattan)

gasa-dori Crawford, Ltd. — Exchange

Hirano Shoten, G. K.—136, Eizawa- Little Building

cho Shop, The—=-Glouo6ster Bldg.

Kashiwai' Shoten—324, Nakavamate- Look Hong—33, Queen’s Road' Central

dbri Millar, A. W.—134, (Lockhart Road

Kawanami ChtT Shoten—180, Sanno- Mo Jim Tai—Henuessy Rd., Waichai

miya-cho Shameen Pagoda, The—12,- Peking

Mizobtjchi Shoten—Shirboyarnkte-dori


Road, Kowloon

Nagata Ryosijke Shote> —42, Sanno- Studio d’Aru—Gloucester Arcade,.

miya-dho Yee Sang Tai & Company—353,

Okamhra Shoten—61, Sakaguchi cho Hennessy Road


dori Shoji K.K.—1, Ashihara-

Yamamoto Masanoshke Shoten—335, Shanghai

Nakayamate-dori Arts and Craft, Ltd.—887, Bubbling

Well Road

Yokohama Art Steel Furniture Co., The—450,

Fokien Road

Kuwayama Seizo Shoten—174, Moio- Chalk, M.—39, Haskel Road

machi Diaward Steel Furniture Co.—425

Yamashita Skoten—172, Moto-machi ‘ Nahking ‘Road

Sato Shoten—136, Yamashita-cho Fette Peking Rugs—Sassoon House

Tanare. Shoten—201, Moto-machi Shanghai Veneer Wood Qc.—2, Kiu-

kiang Road

CHINA Sung Furniture Co.—684, Bubbling

Well Road

Hongkong Simmons Co. (Chicago)—620, ^Yuliri


Arts and ‘Crafts, Ltd.—4a, Des Vceux Tai Chong & Co.—580, Nanking Rd.

Road Central

Athene iStudio—Glokcebter Building Peiping

East Asiatic Trading Co.—Asiatic

Building HennTNg & Co.^/Ltd.—45, Wai Ghiao

Furniture Studio, The—Gloucester Pu

Building Talati & Co., J. M.—13, Hatamen St.



Tientsin Selangor

Corinth & Co.—19’4',/Woodrow Wilson Federal Furniture Depot Co.—171,

Street Batu Road, K.L.

Hall & Holtz-, Iyri).---1Q1. .Victoria Rd. Onn Yin &' Co.—145, High, Street,

Maynb Co.—iTA Council Road Kuala Lumpur

Modern Furnishing a Store Poo Wah V Co.—141, High’St., K.L.

Sun Chong A ^o., Ltd.—136, Rue du ItoB'iNSoN &' Co’.—Java'Street. K.L.

Baron Gros

Tientsin F rnN-mniE Factor v — 3, Singapore

Wusih Road

Welfare Furniture :CqM Ltd. -r-117, Art Furniture I)F.po‘r—32/34, Orchard

Rue du Baron Gros Road

Woller &;:Co..VvE, -Meadows Frankel 375, Vietdria Rohd

Road ; Nang HeNg ' Furniture ' Cp. — Ip'S;

iSRegie Road

Robinson Co!, Lri).—Raffles Place

SIAM Sun Wah Cp- —.330,. Victoria ^ Road ,


Bangkok House FuRNrsHtNC Co.— Manila

Phya Thai Road

Angeles., Furniture . Qo. — 276, G.


MALAYA Beauty Furniture &.Co.—240, T. Pin-


Penang Central Furniture Co.—333, T. Pin-

pip , .,

Bangkok Furnishing . Co.—7, Lei,th Chong Kee Furniture Store—832, T.


Street Comml'nity Furniture Store—2615,

Hewett Art Furniture Co., Ltd.—1. Herrati

East Jelutong Cosmopolitan EuiNitURE—166, Legar-

Pritchard & Co., Ltd.—9, Union St. da

Storch Bros...Ltd.-^4, Beach Street Da Roza, F, L., Antique Furniture—

Whiteaway. Laidlaw & Co.—4, Bis- 234, 'Gral, Solano '

. hop Street Emporium FHrNiture Co., The—698,.


Eng Bio Furniture Co. — 306, T.

Perak Alonson

French Furniture Store—130, San


Frankel Bros.—114, Belfield Street Insular Furniture Co.—355, T. Pin-

Pritchard & Co., Ltd.—Market St., pin

Ipoh Intramuros Furniture House—100,

Storch Bros., Ltd—Brewster Road, An da

Ipoh Kwong Hing Cheong—309, T. P,inpin




“ La Confianza,” Siy Kioko Furni- JAPAN

ture—372, T. P inpin

La N ueva Fortuna — 884, Avenue Kobe


Loohun & Co.—308-312 and 317, T. Abraham & Co.—50, Harima-maehi


Luzon Furniture Co.—2£0, T. Pinpin Adet, Moss & Co.—8, !Kaigan-dori

Mopern Furniture Co.—503, T. Pin. Ahmed dori

Abdul Karim Bros.—40, Isobe-

pin Ahrens & Co.—Meikai Building 32,

Norte Furniture Co.—842, Nara Akashi-machi

Oriental Furniture Inc.—342, T. Amberg & Co.—A9, Harima-machi


Pacific Furniture 'Co.—360, T. Pin- American Trading Co. of Japan, Ltd.

—99, K ita machi

pin Antaki & Co., Isaac—91, Kita-machi

Pascual, Morey B.—1723, Oroquieta Arai Shoten—43, Sannomiya-cho

Perez Samanillo, Rafael — 116-122, Arratoon, C. M.—80, Kyo-machi

Juan Luna


Philippine Art Furniture Co., Inc.— ma-machi Bussan Kaisha, Ltd.—7, Hari-

12, San Luis


Philippine Furniture Factory—352, machi Ishikawa & Co.—116a, Higashi-

T. Pinpin

Puyat & Sons, Inc., Gonzalo—727, Ben Trading Co.—88, Sannomiya-cho

Solana Bergmann & Co.—105, Hachiman-dori

Sat>»paloc Furniture Co. — 432, G. Berrick & Co., Ltd.—17, Nakaya-

Tuason mate-dori

Tay Heng Furniture—523, T. Alonso Bessho Shoten—73, Kyo-machi

Uu-to-Date Furniture Store — 864, Bhersoomall Sons—95, Isobe-dori

Rizal Boecke & Co.—44, iShimoyamate-dori

Wright Furniture Co.—628, Rizal Bombay Trading Co.—96, Isobe-dori

Cameron & Co.—93, Yedo-machi

GARAGES (see under Motor) Carroll Brothers & Co.—12, Kaigan-


Caro Trading Co.—98, Isobeedori,

GENERAL BROKERS (see under 4-chomei

Brokers) Chalhoub & Co., Ltd.—105, Yedo-


Chandraman & Co.—Kamikawa-dori

GENERAL MERCHANTS Chotirmall & Co.—308, Sannomiya-


COMMISSION AGENTS) Clay & Co.—46a, Harima-machi

Colombo Export-Co.—80, Isobe-dori

YLADIYOSTOCK Comptoir Orient Export—14b, Nani-


Cooper, Findlay & Co., Ltd.—110, Ito-

Anglo-Chinese Trading Co. — 27, machi

Leneinaya Street ,C°RNES ^ Co.—88, Yedo-machi

Becos Traders, Ltd.—15, 25fch Octo- Curnow & Co.—81, Sakae-machi

ber Street Daido Boeki Kaisha—57, Naniwa-

WAssard & Co. machi



Daishin Boyeki Shokai—164, Naniwa- i Iwai Shoten—44, Naka-machi

cho ■Xzawa G.K.—119, Hachiman-dori

Daver &. Cq., R.E.—28,. Sannomiya- Jardine, Matheson. & Co.—83, Kyo-

cho, 1-chome machi

ID AWN &. Co.—28, Sannomiya-cho Jarmain, Davis & Co.—75, Kyo-machi

Delacamp, Piper & Co.—1, Kaigan- JoEN^ssoN-Cq.—13, Kyomachi

dori Jonas Co., F. M.—1, Hachiman-dbri

Dodwelt, & Co., Ltd.—82. Kyo-maohi MosepIi

Dossa & Co.—tTC, Kyo-inachi Kahn & Co., G. K.—8, Isobe-dori, 2-

Down Boeki Shokai—127/8, Shimo- chome

yamate-dori, 4-chome

Ennenberg, A.—3, Yamamoto-d-oi’i, KaPYcdo-inachi.


... . ■ -

4-chome Kasai Mercantile Cb.—18, Sanno-

Etzine & 0.6.—26b, Naniwa-dori, miya-cho

Faizalla'bhoy, E.—26, Sarinoiniya-cno, I Kawasaki Shoten K.K.—3, Isogami-

3-chomo dori

Fatechand Si ; Son9^~123,: Isogami dori Kimatrai & COv—25, I&oberdori

Fraser & Co.^S, Hachiman-dbri |Kobe Commercial Co.—73, Kyo-machi

Frazar & Co.—46, Harima-maclii' 'JCosdHKiN, H .J4+86c>1Yamambtordori

Fujita & 06:—27, Naka-machi LaIttier I’ii.s SuokaI—P.O. Box 47

Fujii Shokai—114/ Sannomiya-cho . Leonard, Birnie—49, Harima-machi

Furtdo Shokai—20, Harima-maclii Lemdrum ( Japan) ' Ltd.—35, l^aka-

Futehally &.,Sons—14, Higashi-l^achi, machi idaaffir oboY 2C ■ oO '

Gedeon Freres—40, Isohc-dori n Lea’-y, J.—96, HigasHi-machi

General LiebermAnNv .WAELCiiLi ■ & ■ GO) —'98,:

machi Commercial ;Co.--72, Kyoy , . Yctlo-mac’ai n ?

General Export .Trading Co,—7, Macnaughton, H. C.—HO, Ito-faaaehi

Tsohe-dori : Mather. :& : Plait,t Ltd.—7, Gokoaiori,

Getz Bros. "Co.—TIS,' Naka-ihachi : A-cbOPflC,. r 0j,«I m: .

Gobhai K arAn.iia, Ltd —130, Isogami- Maxwell.; ^..C.q —18Q, . Yedo.-macbi .

dori Mehta B —3, Hacbiba^-,

Ggurgey, J. S.—20, Sannorniya cho l dori xrob odoD 0' -^og r MioH

Graham & Co. Gosiii Katsha — 00, •Merta, M,. ,S.—^6, .SP-nnomiyaTcho , .fr

Kita-machi Mitohell cl-^Co^ A—2B, Ninomiya-

Gregg & 'Co., Ltd. —62, Naniwa machi cho, 1-chome

Haidarali (fe Oo.—102, Isobfe-dbri Mitsui. Bussan Kassha—3 Kaigan-

Harris Lewis—125, Higashi-machi dori

Harrison^ Davis & Co.^t75, Kyo- jMt/NNiNo’ & '?Cor-^-46;' T^utsiii-cbo,

machi MurakamI; & Co., Ltd.—27,.( Sannomi-

Harrison ya-cho

machi & Crosfield—75a, Kyo- Murata Umetani Shoten-2-180? San-

Harvey & Co.—5, Yamamoto-dori nomiya-cbo

Hirji & 1 Co.—92, Yedo-machi ; Nagase Shoten—68, Kyo-machi

Holstein & CP-—12, Kaigan-dori Nakamura SNokai—50, Sakau-machi

Hoondamall & Co.—99, Hachiman- Nakamura Yushutsuten—.8, Hamabe-

dori dori

Hunter & Qo.—29, Harima-machi Naraindas Goshi Kaisha—164, Isobe-

Illies & Co.—12, Kaigan-dori dori




Nederlandsche Handee-Maatschappij, Singleton,


Benda & Co.—106, Naka-

N. V.—83, Kyo-machi

Nessim & Co.—30, Akashi-machi Souza, F. S.—17, Nakayamate-dori,

Netherlands Nichome

Asiatic Trading Co.— Sphinx

113, Higashi-machi Trading Co.—38, Sanmomiya-

Nunobiki Shogyo K.K.—34, Nisihi- cho

machi Standard Trading Co.—2, Sanno-

Okura & Co., Ltd.—8, Kaigan-dori miyai-cho, 1-chome

Oppenheimer & Cie, Ltd.—28, Harima- Strachan & Co.—1, Kaigan-dori

machi Strong & Co.—96, Higashi-machi

Oriental Trading Co.—5, Isobe-dori Summers Boeki K. K.—62, Naniwa-

Oye Rae Trading Co.—33, Shimoya- machi

mate-dori, 2-chom© Tata & Co.—16b, Maye-machi

Pacific Commercial Co—305, Crescent Takeda Gomei K.K.—5, Kaigan-dori


Pacific Orient Co.—Meikai Building Tamura Trading Co.—23, Sakai-machi

Thomsen & Co.—20, Harima-machi

Parbury, Henty & Co.—14, Maye- Toorabally & Co., V. H.—26, Sanno-

machi miya-cho

Parsonage &: Co.—93, Hachiman-dori Toyo

Patten, Mackenzie & Co.—86, Yedo- UnionBoeki Shokai—5, Isobe-dori

Trading Co.—7, Gokodori


Pahlinat & Co.—92, Yedo^naehi Vasunia & Go.—1/113, Goko-dori, 4-

Pearce & Co.—92, Yedo-machi chome

Penny & Co.—1, Kanocho Vendrell, Mustaros & Co.—125, Hi-


Perez Corp & Co.—93, Yamashita-cho Verleysen & Co.—33, Shimoyamate-

Piccioto Bros. & Co.—28, Harinaa- dori, S-chome

machi Viroomal & Co., K. G.—P.O. Box 212

Pila & Co.—170, iSannomiya-cho Walker & Co.—8, Kaigan-dori

Poohoomull Bros.—1/5, Isogami-dori Weinberger & Co., C.—122, Higashi-

Pullar & Sons—110, Itomachi machi

Raspe & Co.—12a, Kaigan-dori Weitzei, J.—71/3, Kitano-cho

Roditi & Sons—10, Goko-dori Winckler & Co.—5-7, Isobe-dori, 1-

Roneo Trading Co.—80, iKyo-machi chome

Rupert Cox Goshi Kaisha—3 of 68, Witkowski & Co.—118, Naka-machi

Isobe-dori Wolf, Hans—119, Hachiman-dori

San San & Co.—31, Kaigan-dori

Schmid Co., Ltd., H. A.—70, Kyo Yonei Shoten K.K.—23, Sakae-machi

Yuasa Trading Co.—32, Akashi-machi


Selles Hermanos—12, Nakayamate-

dori Hakodate

Seymour-Sheldon & Co.—101, Yedo-


Shibya Shoten Goshi Kaisha—-33, Denbigh & Co.—P.O. Box 11

Far Eastern Trading Co.—8, Saihiro

Sakae-machi cho

Shroff, Son & Co.—P.O. Box 166

Siber, Hegner & Co., Ltd.—107, Ito- Howell & Co.—69, Moto-machi

machi Lury Bros.—39, ‘Nishihama-machi

Simon, David—27, Naka-machi McKenzie, R.—Karato-cho



Kyoto Nagoya

Aeimoto & Co:, K.—San jo Goke-ma- Abeko & Cc.—19, Temma-dho


Asahi Trading Co.—Koromon-dori Ameeican Teading Co. of Japan—4,


Hamada Goeo—Matsubara-sagaru Aeakawa Gomei Kaisha—Nishi Kikui-

Hitomi Isamu—Ohmiya-nishi oho

Inouye Goshi Kaisha—Sanjo-sagaru Bagnall & Hilles—16, Sumyoshi-cho

Masuda & Co.—Kawara-machi Goto Teading Co.—Minami Gofuko-

Nagase & Co., Ltd., D.—Shijo-dori Japancho

Nishtmuua Teading Co.—Karasu- Co.—11, Impoet & Expoet Commission

maru Nishi-iru Chikara-machi

Osawa & Co., J.—Kawara-rnachi, Hi- Kato & Co., Ltd.—Sihin Yanagi-cho

Mitsubishi Shoji Kaisha—Minamd

gashi-iru N agashima-cho

SAGUES, Busquets—P.O. Box 8

Yendeell, Mustaeos & Co.—32, Hon- Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd.—2, Sa-


machi Okuea Teading Co., Ltd.—Shinyana-

Kyushu gai-machi

Steong & Co.—Aioi-cho

Nuttee & Co. Taiyo Boeki Shokai—Yoshino-cho

Ta kata & Co., Ltd.—3, Shin Yanagi-


Nagasaki Wincklee & Co. — Higashiyoshino-


Haea Shoten—33, Tsuki-machi Witkowski & Co.—31, Itaya-cho

Holme, Ringee & Co.—7, Oura-cho

Ito & Co.—54, Kabashima-cho

Kikuchi Shoten—40, Kabashima^cho Osaka

Kueose Shoten—19, Tsuki-machi

MaTsuno Shoten—30, Ura Gofco-machi Aall & Co-—9, Korabashi

Mitsui Bussan Kaisha—3, Tokiwa- American Trading Co. of Japan, Ltd.

machi —416, Dojima Building, Hama-dori

Moeitaya Shoten—Tsuki-machi Andrews and Geoege Co., Inc.—18,

Otani Shoten—30 Ura Goto-machi Yedobori Minamidori

Shibutani Shoten—29, Tsuki-machi Aoki Kasayama-do—10, Awaza Kami-

Yamamoto Shoten—25, Zaimoku-machi Asahidori

Boeki K.K.—48, Kita Kyu-

Moji taro-cho

Asano Bussan K.K.^55, Kawara-ma-


Demitsu Suzeko Shoten—Nishi Hon- Ashida Co.—5-19, Imabashi

machi Ataka & Co.* Ltd.—14, Imabashi

Mitsui Bussan Kaisha—4, Sambashi- Beckee & Co—Ohye Building


Mitsubishi Shoji K.K. — Higashi I Blundell & Co., Ltd., G. — Daido

Building, Tosabori


Nichizui Teading Co.—Daimai Bldg. ! Cawasjee


Pallanjee & Co.—32, Naka-

Nuttee & Co.—902, Kiyotaki-machi I China Expoet, Import & Bank . Co.

Okhashi Shokai—Higashi Hon-machi —Konoike Building, 21, Imabashi



Cocima Trading C0.—J6, Sanjo-dori Oemichen, E. M, & A.—Oye Building

Commerce d'Outremer—Gosho Bldg. Osaka Bazaar—64, Awabori-dho

Cooper & Co.—1, Imabashi Osawa Sjcokai K.K.—Awaji-cho

Decker Co.-- -Oye Building, 9, Ozu Takebayashi Kigyo K.K.—th-37,

Kinukasa-cho: Utsubo Minanai-cho

Doitsu Seiko K.K.—7, Tosabori Pearce M Co.—Mission Seimeikwan

Eastern Trading Co.—1, Imabasbi Sabroe Go. of Japan, Lt^?-—P.O. Box

Gadeliits & Co.., Ltd.—Gosho Build- Sale 153 (Central) '

ing, Nakanoshima & Go., Ltd.—Dai-Ichi Building^

Gordon & 'Gotch—19, Nakanoshima 35, Koraibashi

Green &, S.on, Ltd., E.—514, Dojima Seito =& Co.—Oye Building

Building : , Siber, Hegner & Go.—1, Imabashi

Greenhill, Kato A. Co-—Ohye Build- Slack, Alfred M.—Uaido Building

. ing. ,7 ' Sogo Boeki Shokai—4, Tamae-cho

Guzdar & 60 —P.O. Box 59 Strong & Co.—M-eiji Building

Harada Shoji Kaisha, Led.—9, Ando- Sugiyama Shoten K.K.—6, Kyomachi-

jibashi-dori bori

Healing & Cp.T-1, Imabashi Summert Co.—19, Umeda-cho

Henry & Co., A. & S.—Ishizaki Bldg. Taiheiyo Boeki_ K.K.—25, Tosabori

Heymann & Alexander — Nomura Tanaka Gentaro Shoten—49, Hikama-

Building ; , dori


Kita-dori< Co., Ltd.—29, . Utsubo Tanaka Sukezaemon—13, Edobori Ka-

Holdsworth, J.—9, Imabashi mi-cho

Tata & Co.—17, Kitahama

Holstein & Co.—50, Edobori Tomeye Trading .Co. — Shijimibashi

Hunter & Co:—12, Kawaguichi-cho Building

Illies & Co.—21, Imabashi Volkart Brothers’ Agency—26, Kita-

Hunter & Co.—12, Kawaguichi-cho hama

Illies & Co.—1, Irhiihashi Witkqwski & Co. •-« 3, Dojihama-

Iwai Shoten—43, Kitahama-dori dori , H ■

Iwata Shokai—64, Bakuro-machi Yoshida Bussan K.K.—21, Oimatsu-

Japan Import & Export Commission chu , ' ' . ^ ... ...

Go.—1, Toyosaka Nishidori Shidzuoka

Japan Trading & Manufacturing Co.

—Minami Horiye-dori

Kokuting & Co.^--l, Tosabori American Trading , Co.. of Japan—

Kongo Shokai—13, Yedobori Gofuku machi

KoSkhaU & C6.—1, Honden Sanban- Kurisaka cho

Boeki Shokai—237, Anzai-

cho Mitsui Bussan Kaisha—Shimizu-ma-

Koybii Kabushiki Raiska—14, Fushi- chi

mi-machi Shidzuoka Trading Go.—8, Shim-

Kyoto Kosho K.K.—5, Tosabori hach iman-machi

Liebermann Waelchli & Cp-—Kita-

hama NPmura Building, Kitahama

MiTShr BusSan Kaisha—1, Koraibashi Tokyo

Nichiziu Trading'Co., Ltd.—26, Kita-

hama • Aall & Co., Ltd.—P.O. Box 41

Nickei & Lyons, Ltd.—9, Kawaguchi- Abe Trading Co.—348, Marunouchi

cho Building



Abeko & Co.—5, Horitome, Nihonba- Herbert Ltd., Alfred—6, Marunouchi



Ahbens & Co.—Yaesu Building Holstein & Co.—8, Marunouchi

American Trading Co. 2, Marunou- Horii & Co.—3, Kaji-cho

chi Hunter & Co.—511, Yusen Building

Andrews & George Company, Inc.—5, Ichikawa Shiseido & Co.—25, Haru-

Shiba Park ki-cho

A rima Yoko—Rokuyokan Nakadori Illtes & Co.—1, Marunouchi

Aranami, E.—537,. Kusen Building, Ito Shoten, S.—6, Tokiwa-cho


Asahi Trading C°-—6I2> Marunouchi, JaytralW.F.Myers,


Inc.—P.O. Box Cen-


Asano Bussan Co.—Tokyo Kaijo Kanematsu & Co.—1,Yuraku-cho

Kajima & Co.- 21,



Barth Shokai—727, Marunouchi Bldg. Kanto Trading Co., Ltd. — liochi

Building,, Marunouchi

Berrick & Co.—Daiichi 'Scigo-kan Kenzai-sha—12, Himono-sho

Blundell & Co.—2, KyObashi Kondo Shokai—534, Yusen Building

Bunting & Co.—Yuraku-cho Konishi Kotakudo & Cq.—1, Naka-

Buxbaum, C. H.--6, Yamamoto-cho bashi Izumi-sho

■Cameron & Co.—435, Yusen Building Kuhara Trading Co., Ltd.—1, Yaesu-

China Export-Import & Bank Co.—2, sho

Kyobashi Chiyoda-Shintaku Bldg. Kurabayashi Brothers—Yusen Build-

Chiyoda ing

ing Boeki Shokai—Kogyo Build- Kurosawa, T.—1, Owari-cho

-Chiyoda Gumi—810, Marunouchi Kusakabe & Sons—7, Hochi Building,

Building Yuraku-cho .

Dai do Boeki Kaisha, Ltd.—1, Gofu- Lendrum (Japan) Ltd.—P.O. Box 95

ku-cho Marunouchi

Da ido Shokai—769, Marunouchi Making. O.—15, Ymniieho,

Building Malkee Trading: Co.—Dai-Ichi Sogo

Dewette & Co.—Osaka Building Building

Do dwell & . Co.—Chiyoda-kan Masuda-ya G.K.—Marunouchi Build-

Ebihara & Oo.—25, Honkoku-cho ing

Fokkes (& Koch—21, Mitsubishi Bldg. Meishosha Co., Ltd.—8, Oke-cho

Fraser & Co-—325, Yaesu Building Mitsuriki


(Shoji K.K.—5, Yuraku-

Furido Shokai—P.O. Box 8 Nihon- Mitsubishi Shoji Kaisha—4, Maru-

bashi nouc,hi

Furukawa & Co.—1, Yaesu-cho Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd. — 1,

‘Gill & Co.—6, Naka-dori Muro-machi

FIamaguchi Trading Co.—27, Kaomi- Miyasaki & Co., Ltd.—2, Torihatago

cho Mqrger & Co-—29, Kubo-naachi


cho Bhoji Kaisha—1, Yuraku- Moriroku Shoten, Ltd.—7, Minami


Hammond & Co., F. W.—10, Marunou- Moritani

chi & Co.—32, Gofuku-cho

Morooka & Co.—Sanjukkenbori

Hansen & Co., A. H.—8, Marunouchi Muller,

Hattori & Co., Ltd., : K.—11, Ginza Phipps &; Sellers, Ltd.—

Healing & Co., Ltd.— Shiei Gaikan Marunouchi Building .

Helm BROsi—1, ighibaura Murai Trading Co.—9, Motoyokkai-


classified list of trapes


Nagase & Co., / D.—Kobuna-cho Taiheivo Boeki K.K.- -703, Marunpu-

Nakai Shoten—7, Jukkendana chi Buildihg

Nakashima Shoji KiE.—Yurakuk- Taka hashi Qo. — Kajima Buildjijg,

•waa, Marun^upjaj :: Marunoiichi

NaniWjA & dCp,,.., L®D.Tfj3o£)^uba^ TakAta &' Co.—1, Yae§u-cho ''

Nichibei ..Shqji Gosi^i ; Raisha-—437, cho Trading . Co.—4, Uphisaiwai-



Tokyo Kaijo Building

Michjo BoyEKi Shokai—S^o@ei Bldg., Tokyo.Shogyo

I subishi Building

Boeki Kaisha—2;i, Mit-

16, Shinjbaslii T-okyo Trading Kumtat—3,. Shinosaka

Nichiran ' Trajiing^ Co.—Mnguphi Tomeye Trading Co.—Yusen Bldg.

Building ' - .. 3 ■ Uchida Shoji K.K.—2, Marunouchi

Nichiro Shoji-shai-'S, Shin iSakurado- Union

cho Kr[

‘ ■ •■ " TpjvdinR Co.—9, Kamiya-cho

Nichizui • Trading Co1. — 5, Mura- ;Washington Trading Co.—735, Maru-

jjaachi ■ av:i nouchi Building-

Nihon Tsusho Kaisiia—Tokyo Kaijo Weinberger & ,Cp.—3,. Naka-dari

Building Wisteria Trading Go.—734, Marunou-

Nippon Shoji IK.K.—*5, Izumi-cho chi-Building

Nosawa Gumi—Nippon Kogyo Ginko Yamaguichi & Co., K.—15, Ginza'

Building Yamatake Shokai—1, Yu'rako-cho

Oestmann & Co.—35, Nagata-cho Koji- Yanase Trading Co. — Chiyodakanr

machi-ku Minainidenmachi .

Ohara & Co., Ltd.-—12, Honkoku-cho Yonei Shoten K.K.—12, Ginza

Okamoto & Co., Ltd.—14, Ginza Yoshida Katsue iShoten—20, Hasega-

Okura Gumi—7, Ginza, Kyohashi-ku Yuasa . wa-cho

Okura Trading Co.—542, Marunouchi

ku & Co., Ltd.—Ginza, , Kyobashi- Building

Omi Sales Co., Ltd.—Fujiya Bldg.

Pearce & Co.^2, Tori Yokohama

Raspe & Co.—12, Hiramaku-cho

RatJen., Rud—34, Kitamachi Adet, Moss & Co.—43, Yamashita-cho

Roche & Co.—13, Kobiki-cho Adis & Cd.—P.O. Box 103

Rudolb; &. Ct».—7, Naka-dori Ahrens & Co.—43, Yamashita-cho


ing & Co.—459, Marunouchi Build- American Trading Co. of Japan—255,

Sale & Cd.—14, Marunouchi Y amashita-cUo

Apcar & Co.—164,

Schmidt Shoten—2, Hon-cho, Nihon- A rai Seitaro—5, Onoe-cho Yamashita-chc


Shibakawa Asano Bussan Katsha—26, Kaigan-

cho '■ I & Co., Ltd.-h0O, ' 1 Benten- dori

Shima Trading Co., Ltd.—Kasthima yoshi-cho Trading Co.—21,



Building, Hiramatsu-cho Audoyer, G.—109, Yamashita-cho

Siemens Schuckert Denki K.K.—2,

Marunouchi 3-chome Berrick & Co.—199, Y^amashita-cho

Strachan & Co.—Yuscri Building, :Butterfield cho

SiyiRiy—7, Yamashita-

Eiraku-chp ,Kojimachi-ku

Strauss & Co.—'Marunouchi Bldg. Chellaram, D.—32c, Yamashita-cho ,

Suzuki & Co., T.—7, Tatedaiku-cho Chinjap Co., Inc.—Yamashita-cho



CbRNES & Co'.—S'I, Yamashitk-chc ’ Nakamura Trading Co:—55, . Minami-

Curnow & Co., Ltd.—66, Main Street Nanri naka-dori

Daido Boyeki K.K.—16, Hon’clio Trading Co., Ltd.—11, Kitahai

Darrier, J.—12, Yoshihama-cho ka-dori

Dell ’Oro & Co.—91, Yamashita-cho Nichizuita cho '

Trading Co;—46, Yamashi-

>' t ' «' • ■;

Dentici & Co.—109, Yairiashita-cho Ogura Boeki Kabushiki KtiSiih—

Dodwell & Co.—P.O; Box 271 Shinko-cho :

Doshi Trading iQq.—16, Aioi-oho Oppenheimer & Co.—13, Yamashita-

Eymard & Co.—163, Yamashita-cho cho

Feltman Bros. Inc.—25, Otamachi Oversea Trading Co;—P.O. Box 57

Frazar & Co.—7, Nihon Odori OwSton & Oo.—21, Yamashita-cho ■

General Import & Export Co.—3661, Perez, Corp. & Co.—93, Yamashita-

cho , , ; , ■.

Negishi-machi P ohoomull Bros. — 201, Yamashita-

Getz Bros. & Co.—93, Yamashita-cho cho r- it A

Gillon & Co.—23, Yamashita-cho Rudolph

Hattori Shoten—31, Onoye-cho hita-cho, A' Co., Charles—254, Yamas-

Hiraide & Co.—-66, Ota-machi Sato Trading Co.—224, Yamashita-

Horikoshi & Co.--28, Yamashita-cho Schrammcho

HasSaram &* Co.—108, YaMiashita-cho Siber, Hegner & Co.—P.O. Box 295

Helm Bros., Ltd. —48, Yamashita-cho Yamashita-chd ,& Cor, Ltd.—904,

Holstein & Co.—7, Yamashita-cho , Singleton, Benda & Co.—96, Yamashi-

Isaac Bunting & Co.—40, Mihon Odori ta-cho

Isaacs & Co^—92, Yamashita-cho Stadelman & Co.—3226, Takenomam

Ishino Shoten Goshi Kaisha —15, Stanton & Co.—24, Yamashita-cho

Tohiwa-cho Strome & Co,—35, Yamashita-chp

Jabenstreit Shokai -p, Hon-cho Strong & CO.—201, Yamashita-cho .

Japan Imp. & Exp. Commission CO.— Suzor, Ronvaux & Co.—35, Nihon

252, Yamashitarcho _ Odori

Kato Seiki Shoten K.K.—15, Kitana- Takemura Co., Ltd.—3, Ota-machi..;.

ka-dori Wataya Trading , Co.—16, JBenten-dori

Kern & Co.—77, Yamashita-cho Wiersuj,!. Co.—25, Yama,shita-chp

Kimitrai '& Co., J.—76, ' Yamashita- Winckler & Co.—256, Yamashita-cho

cho ‘ Witkorski & Co:—99, Yamashita-cho

Kopp, E G.—108, Aioi-cho

Kohtoh Trading Co.—206, Yamashi- ! Yano & Joko Gomei Kaisha—63. Ya-


ta-cho | Yonei Shoten K. K. —19, Motohama-

MARUNt & Co.—4, Onoc-cho dori

Mitsubishi Shoji Kaisha—43, Hon- | Yoshikawa Shoten—74, Yamashita-cho


Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd.—14, Ni- Yu Cheong Shoten—(3,

Yoshinaga Motohama-cho

Co.—87, Yamashita-cho


Miyabe Suyetaka Gomei Kaisha—201,

Yamashita-eho FORMOSA


Motley, R. Hunter—92, Kominato- Boyd & Co.—15, Minato^chb, Taipeh

. jn&chi . Chin Seng Industrial Development

Nabholtz & Co.—95, Yamashita cho Co., Ltd.—Taihoku



Chui Tax Trading Co., Ltd.—197, Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, (Ltd.—Ther

Shosento, Ke'elung Bund

Elphinstone, S.—Taipeh Teo Kian Huat Co.

Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.—P.O. Union Trading Co.—Kulangsu

Box 81, Taihoku Whitfield & Co.—Kang Ah Khau

Kenho Yoko, Ltd.—Izumi-cho, Tai- Street

hoku Yeo Swee Swan & Co.

Lim Kai Tax & Co.—Taihoku

Mitsubishi Trading Co., Ltd.—Hon- Antung

machi, Taihoku

Mitsui Bussan Kaisha—Taihoku

Okura & Co.—44, Omote-oho, Taipeh Butterfield & Swire

Omi Trading Co.—(Shosento, Keeking Shaw, George L.

Tait & Co., Ltd.—Minato-cho, Tai- Woi.ter & Co., Carl


Tokki Gomei Kaisha—Taihoku Canton

Yamada & Co.—Omiya-cho, Tainan

Andersen, Meyer & Co., Ltd.

KOREA Arnhold & Co., Ltd.

Baltic Asiatic Co., Ltd., The—62,,

Bennett & Co.—Chemulpo British Concession, Shameeh

Davidson, H. W. —18, Takozoe-oho, Bodiker <& Co.—86, British Conces-

Seoul sion Shameen

Morris, J. H.—21, Teido, iSeoul Bomanjee & Go.

Okura & Co. (Trading), Ltd.—44, Bornemann & Co.—29, F,'C.

Yamamoto-machi Butterfield & Swire

Plaisant Freres—5, Horaicho, Seoul Button & Co., E. M.—19, The Bund

Sale & Co., Ltd.—75, Takezo-cho, Canton Overseas Trading Co.—99,

Seoul Sap Sam Hong Road

Steward & Co., E. D.—P.O. Box 19, Carlowitz & Co.—230, Shakee Road

Seoul China Export-Import and Bank Co.—

Tanaka 1 & Co.—Fusan Tai Ping Road South

Taylor & Co., W. W.—Taylor Bldg., China Products Export Co.—Bank

of Canton Building, The Bund


Townsend & Col—Chemulpo Deacon & Co.

Walter & Co., Carl—Chemulpo Dent & Co.

Deutsche Stickstoff - Handelsgesell-

schaft (Krauch & Co.)—Shameen

CHINA Dodwell &. Co., Ltd.

Fancy Goods Store—15, F. C., Sha-

Amoy meen

Farmer & Co., William

Boyd & Co. . Feld & Co., Ltd.* F.—52a, British

Butterfield & Swire Concession, Shameenr

Ohin Ho Hon« Ferguson & Co., John H.—85, British

Douglas, Lapraik & Go. Concession, Shameen

Hope Oo., The Frolich, Tselee & Co., Ltd.—39, B.C.,




Goeke & Co., A. - 86, British Sander, Wieler t Co.'—71, British

Concession ■ j Concession, Shameen

Griffith, (1932) Ltd., T. E. Shew an1. Tomes & Co.

Hannibal & Co., W. A. Siemssen & Co.—75a, British Conces-

Hogg & Co.—10, British Concession ! sion, Shameen.

Holland-China Trading Co.—65,‘ Rri- Soc. Commerciale Asiatique—16, B.C.

tish Concession Spalinger & Co. C. . /

Hongkong Canton Export Co., Ltd.— Strong & Co.—8, British Concession

33, British Concession

Hon Wan Trading C6.—16, French United Road

Trading Oo., The—Ching Hoi

Concession Victal, A.—24, British Concession

Hutchison & Co., John D.— Victoria

Hotel Building

Huygen, G. E.—2, French.i Concession Changchun

James H. Backhouse, Ltd.

Jardine, Matheson & Co. Mitsui Bussan Kaisha

Jebsen & Co.—P.O. Box 18

Johnson & Co., Canton, R.—64/65,

B.O., iShameen Changsha

Karanjia & Co.:, C. M.—21, French

Concession, Shameen

Koehler & Co.—’19, British Conces- Arnhold & Co.

sion Butterfield & Swire

Kruse & Co.—36, Second Bund Central China Trading Co.—33, Sha-

Lam & Co-. J.—33a, British Conces- Lu Pu Kai

sion, Shameen Czarnitzki, F.

Leison Bros. & Co. — 28, Ming Kai Lee & Co., D. A.—'Lou Kung Tou

Wang Kai :

Li & Fung— 186, Liik Yee Sam Road

Loxley & Co., W. R.—Loxley House, Chefoo


Iuen Fung & ;Co.’-13^ Sun Hing St. Anz ft Co.—Gipperich Street

Manners & Co., Jobn-^62, British Butterfield & Swire

Concession Casey 1 & Co.

Mehta, M. N.—Shameien

Melchers & Co.—39, B.G., Shameen Cornabe, Egkford & Winning

Mitsui Bussan Kaisha—58, British Dau & Co., C.

Erzinger & Co.

Concession, Shameen

Mogra & Co., E. R.—P.O. Box 44 Lane & Co.—Broadway

Northern Feather Works, Ltd.— McMullan k Co,, Ltd.

British Concession, Shameen Mitsui Bussan Kaisha—129, Sing Tai

Pavri & Sons, K. S.—P.O. Box 329 Street

Rafeek & Co.—71, British Concession, Railton & Co., H. E.

Shameen Shantung Traders Co., Ltd.—P.O.

Reiss, Massey & Co,, Ltd. . , Box 2

Reuter. Brockblmann & Co.; — 37, Smith- & Co., L.H.

British Concession, Shameen Shun Chang & Co.

Sales & Co.—32, British Concession Webster, Chao & Co.



Chingwantao Oriental Trading Co.—22, Ataga-oho-

Riedel, Carl—P.O. Box 42

Hop Kee & Co.—K. M. A. Area Ruthe & Co., A. E.—54, Yamagata-


Chungking Taito Co., The—18, Yamagata-dori

Tschurin & Co., I. I.—42, Yamagata-

Aenhold & Co., Ltd. dori

Bahry & Dodwell Ltd. Vicakis & Co.—140, Yamagata-dori.

Bobioni & Co. Foochow

Butterfield & Swire

Canadian American Overseas Traders Anderson Co., Ltd., Robert

Philippidis Bros. Co. Associated Products & Co:

Szechuan Handels—Gesellschaft m.b.h. Bathgate & Co.

WlLHEIM GebRUEDER & CO. Brand & Co.;; H. S.

Brockett & Co.

Dairen Dodwell & Co., Ltd.

Eastern Engineering & Trading Co.,.

Agency of the East Asiatic Co., Ltd. Ltd.

of Copenhagen—1, Higashi-Koen-cho Etablissement Chapron

Anglo-Chinese Eastern Trading Co. Foreign Trade Co.

—3, Higashikoen-cho Gibb, LlviNGTOtf & Co.

Anz & Co.—212, Yainagata-clori Gilman & Co., Ltd.

Bardpns, F.. J.—96, Sakura-cho Greig & Co.; M. W.

Beerbrayer, J.—13, Yamagata-dori Harrisons, King & Irwin, Ltd.

Butterfield & Swire—212, Yamagata- Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.

dori . . >

Chinese Eastern Railway Commercial Leadmen & Co.—Nantai

Agency—110, Yamagata-dori Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd.

Cornabe, Eckford & Winning—P.O. Molchanoff, Pechatnoff & Co.

Box 219

Delchitsky & Co—161, Yamagata- Oriental Engineering Co.

Osaka Shosen Kaisha—Nantai

dori . , Rozario & Co., J. M.

'Dola, G. I.—P.O. Box 38

Fukusho Co.—213, Yamagata-dori . SlEMSEN & KrOHN

Sin Tai Kee & Co.

Kyosho Yoko—86, Sakura-machi

Lancaster & Co., T. H.—8, Mastaba- South China Trading Co.—69, Me Wu

Ting Road

yashi-cho Star Ginseng Co.

Lelchitsky & Co., James D.—181,

Yamagata-dori Theodor & Rawlins

Mitsui Bussan Kaisha—182, Yama- Union Trading Co., The


Nakagawa Shokai, Inc., K. — 64, Wilkinson & Co., T. M.

Oyama-dori Hankow

Nichi Yei Co.—16, Tatsuta-eho

Nippon Yusen Kaisha—200, Yamagata- Andersen, Meyer & Co., Ltd—11„

Nishikawa & Co.—20, Ku-machi Rue Clemenceau

Okura & Co.—18, Yamagata-dori Arnhold

dori D 1. & Co., Ltd.—The Bund, S.A



Bremen Colonial and China Trading Racine et Cie—Racine Building, Rue

Co. Dubail

Butterfield & Swire Ramsay & Co,—23, Tungting Road

Carlowiz & Co.—Ta Chi Man Rohde & Co.—70, Huangpei Road,

S.A.lD. 2

Central China Produce Co.—23, Rue Sassoon

Dubail & Co., David—12, British.

China Trading Co., The—3, Ting Yu Bund

Lee, Hunan Road, S.A.D. 3 Sayama & Co. — 3, Poyang Road,

Chung Hwa Steel Products & Trad- S.A.D. 3

ing Co., Ltd.—33, Rue de Paris Schnabel, Gaumer & Co.—37, Woo

Crooks & Co., W. J. . Tsu Street, Tachimen

Dodwell & Co , Ltd.—5, Tungting Siemssen

A.D. 1

& Co.—Erh Yao Road, S.


Dollar Co., The Robert—Wha Ching Sobbe, H.—1, The Bund

Kai Spire & Co., P. R.—3, Astoria Build-

ing, The Bund

East-Asiatic Co., Ltd.—The Bund, S. Straits

A.D. 1 Trading do.—Poyang Road

Fuhrmeister & Co.—361, Han Chung United Trading

Tungting Road Co. Ltd., The—23,

Road, S.A.D. 1

Gale & Co., L. E.—48, Rue Dautre- Sassoon BuildingFed., Inc.—David

O. E. Yongehr


Guzdar & Co.—Hunan Road Wah Chang Trading Corpn.—23, Rue;


Harrisons, King & Irwin, Ltd —6, Whitkaway

The Bund Laidlaw & Co., Ltd.—S.

A. D. 2

Hwa Chang Co., Ltd., The—9, Dahlia Young

Building, Hunan Road Brothers Trading Co. -

International Export Co. 1st boor,Road

Taiping Young Bros. Bank Building,

Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.—The Yung Tai & Co.—“15, Sankiao Road,

Bund S.A.D. 2

Kunst & Albers—11, The Bund

Lee & Co., D. A.—Ding An Lee,

Poyang Road Harbin

Li & Co., T. Y.—23, Rue Dautremer

Liddell Bros. & Co., Ltd.—Wha- Adler, N.—85, Kitaiskaya Street

cheong Road Andersen, Meyer & Co., Ltd.—52,

Mee-Yeh Handels Compagnie —13, Diogonalnaya Street

Tungting Road, S.A.lD. 3 Anglo-Chinese Eastern Trading Co.—

Melchers & Co.—S.A.D. Bund No. 49 20, Russkaya Street

Mitsubishi Shoji Kaisha, Ltd.—Tai- Asiatic


Trading Corporation—272,


ping Road, S.A.lD. 3

Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd.—Tai- Becos Street

Traders, Ltd.—53, Daigonalaya

ping Road, S.A.D. 3

Mustard & Co., Ltd.—18, Faucheong British Far Eastern Cd—11, Kitais-

kaya Street


Okura & Co.—57, West Road Bryner & Co.—Konnaya No. 1

Olivier-China—Peking Road Brown, J. A.—9, Rinnochnaya Pris-

Paou Shun Kung Sze—3, Paou Shun tan

Road, S.A.D. 3 Burgoyne & Co.—42, Kennaya Street

Pearce & Garriock Carlowitz & Co.—F.O. Box 403




C'OENABE, ECKVOKD & BALCOMeE & Co.—China Buildings

Kitaiskaya Street Banker & Co., Ltd.—4, Queen’s Rd. C.

Fleet & ' Co., Hayton—37, StrahoVaya Basa, R.—587, Nathan Road

Street . . -, .

Grandi & Co.—64, Kitaiskaya- Street Basto & Co., L. E.—18i, Ice House St.

Hunter- &-- Co.^-3^'Commercial Street Batten & Co.—China Building ,

Karlson, Zelbin & Co.—P.O. Box 278 Berg & Co., Ltd.—Bank of Canton

Building: .

Klemantaski, Jacques—188, Norpgo- Bishop & Lacey, Ltd.—6, Des Vceux

rodnaya Street 1

KoULAiEFF’s'SoNS^zd, polevaya Road Central !

Ludwig Pariser—P.6. Box 275 Bitzer & Co.—1, Ice House Street

Manchurian Co., Ltd.—119, Ncvp-fcor- Blair & Co.+-French Bank Building

govaya Street Bodiker & Co.—'David House

Skoblin Co.—31, Konnaya Street Bornemann & Co.—Prince’s Building

Tschurin k Co., . I.I.-^-Tschuriji’s Botelho Brothers—Alexandra Build-

Building, New Town ing

Boyd & Co., Ltd.—14, .Queen’s, Road

Hoihow Bradley & Co., Ltd.—Prince’s Build

iug , ■;

Berthelot, C. A. Brandt & Co.—P.O. Box 272

Hung San & Co. Bright Shn Co.—12, Queen Victoria

Wing Fat Hong—Chungshan Road ; Street, ,

Yuen Fat Lee Co.—Chungshan Raad Canton Trading Association," Ltd.—

China Building

Capital do., The—6, Des Voeux Rd. C.

Hongkong Cariowitz & Co—4, Queen’s Rqad

Carroll Co.—Exchange Building

Abdoolally Ebrahim & Co.—20, Stan- Central Commercial Co.—King’s Bldg.

ley Street Central Trading Co., TSe Bank of

Acme Commercial & Industrial Co.— Canton Building

Bank of China Building Chau Yue Teng—China Building

Ah Ying & Co., Ltd., C.—22, Con- Cherry & Co.—33, Queen’s Road Cen-

naught Road Central tral

Alexandra, James & Co., iLtd.—China Chee & Co., T. Y.—34, Hing Lung St.

Building Chik Fung Co.-r-Prince’s Building

AEves & Co., A. L.—la, Chater Road

Andersen, Meyer & Co. Ltd.-^67, China Associates Corporation, Ltd.—

Redder Building

Des Vceux Road Central.

Arculli Brothers—Stock Exchange China Commercial Co., Ltd.—21,,

Connaught Road Central


Arculli & Sons, A. F.—Stock Ex- Queen’sEmporium,,


Rd. C

Ltd. — 62a,-68,

change Building , ,

China Export-Import

Arnhold & Co., Ltd. — Glouceste Co., Ltd.—Asiatic Building, and Bank

Building Queen’s

Asiatic Trading' Co.—Bank of Can- Road Cehtral

ton Building China Import’ and Export Co.—44,

Au Scu Cho—China Building Connaught Road West

Backhouse, Ltd., James H. — la, China Mercantile Co. —64, Connaught

Chater Road Road C.



China Products Export Co.—Bank Feld & Co., Ltd., F.—French Bank


of China Building, Queen’s Road

Chinese Products Co., The—76, Des Fongkey & Co.—33, Queen’s Road.

Voeux Road Central

Chotirmall & Co., K. A. J.—37, France-Eastern Trading — 5, Des-

Wyndham Street V oeux Road

Christensen & Co.—David House, French Store, The—99, Queen's Rd.

Des Vceux Road Central

Chung Hing Co.—Kaiming Building, Fung Tang—Redder Building

6, Queen’s Road Central

Chuwa Yoko—6, Des Vceux Road Cen- German-China

ge Building

Trading Co.—Exchan-


Colonial Commercial and Engineer- Gibb, Livingston & Co.,Building

Getley Co., The—China

Ltd.—P. &

ing Co.—Bank of Canton Building U. .building

Colonial Mercantile Co.—63, Des Gibbs & Co., J.—85, Jaffee Road

Voeux Road Central

Compagnie Optorg—Prince’s Building Gilman


& Co., Ltd—4a, Des Vceux

Connell & Co.,; Ltd., H.—China Bldg. Globe Trading Co., The — 27, Des

Cooper & Cd. —Prince’s Building Vceux Road. Central

Co-operative Trading Co., The— Gotla & Co., P. D.—16, Peel Street

Bank of Canton Building

Crawford, Montgomery & Co.—10, Goeke floor;

& Co., A.—China Building (4

Queen’s Road Central

Currimrhoy & Co., Ltd. (Late E Gregorying

& Co., T. M—Queen s Build-

Pabaney)—52, Wyndham Street

Danby & Hance—Alexandra Building Hall law Co.—5,

Grittith & Queen’s Road Central

Co.—4, Rottinger Street

David & Co., S.J.—David House Hamet & Co., A. H —10, Queen's Road

Davie Boag & Co., Ltd 4, Queen’s Lentral

Building, Connaught Road

Desai ,R. E.—China Building Hannibal & Co., W.A.—8A, Des Vceux

Dicks & Co., Henry—St. Georges Henry jtvoad Central

Building Sales Co.—China Building

Dodge & Seymour (China), Ltd.— Hidaka & Co.—Alexandra. Buiidinga

Bank of China Building

Dodwell St Co., Ltd. —Queen’s Build- Higgen, G. E.—Pedder Building

Himly, Ltd. — 32, Connaught Road

ing central

Douglas, Lapraik & Co.—P. & O. Hin Cheong Trading Co. — 12, Des

Building, Connaught Road

Dunbar & Co., L.—Exchange Build- HoVceux Road Central

Tung, Sir Robert-^-4a, Des Voeux

ing Road Central

East Asiatic Co., Ltd.—Mercantile Holland China Trading Co., Ltd.

Bank Building —’67, Des Vceux Road Central

East Asiatic Trading Co Asiatic Honda & Co.—40 and 42, Johnston


Economical Trading Co. — Bank of Road

Canton Building Hongkong American Trading Co.

Esmall, H. M. H.—P.O. Box 551 —Cflina Building

Eurasia Trading Co., The—China Hongkong-Canton Export Co., Ltd.—

French Bank Building


Exporters & Importers Co-operative Hongkong Commercial Co. — 8,,

Co.—Bank of Canton Building Queen’s Rd. C.



Hongkong Import and Export Co. Krishna, P. A.—39, Wyndham Street

—China Building Kit use A Co.—5, bes Voeux Road

Hong Kong- Trading'Oo. (1931), Ltd. Central

—6, Des Vceux Road C. Kunst A Albers—Queen’s Building

How ah & Co.—China Building Kwanan Trading Co. — Tai Ping

Hughes & Hough, Ltd.—6, DEs Voiux Building

Road Centi'al

Hutchison & Co., John D. — King’s Kwok Street

A'Cd., P. K.—35, Hing Lung

Building Kwong Sang A Co.—59, Connaught

Htiygeh, G. E.—FI'ench Bank Bldg. Road Central

International Trading - Co.-^China Kwong Shing Cheong Co.—282, Hen-

Building nessy Road

Ii> TakGo., Ltd.—PrinGe’s Building 1 Kwong Tax Hong—39, ; Connaughs

Ito Co., Ltd.—4A, Des Vcetix Road Road Central

Central Kwongtin A C.q., Ltd. — Prince’s

Jack & Co., Ltd., Wm. C'-—St. George’s Building

Building. Lai Shiu Wing A Co,—China Bldg.

Japan-Ghina-India Go.—Bank of Can- Lay A Co,, S. C.—Alexandra Build-

ton Building , ing

Jardine, Matheson & Co.—14, Redder LeesOn A Co., D. - 27, Connaught

Street Road C.

Jebsen & Co.—12, Pedder Street Lepack Co.—China Building

John, Shaw & WilliAjus^China Bldg. Lewton A pO-T'China Bldg.-

Johnson & Co., R.—French Bank Li A Fung—10, Chiu Looilg Street,

Building Central

Johnson & Go.—144, Des Voeux Road Lopes A Alves, Ltd.—Stock Exchange

Central Building . ,

Kai Tai & Co.—66, Connaught Road Lopes A Alves, Ltd.—9, Queen’s Road

Central Central


BuildingTrading Co. — Alexandra Loxley & Co., W. R.—York Building

Kam Chuen & Co.—63, Queen’s Rd. C, .LuhringChater Road

A Smith—12, Des Voeux Rd.

Karsten, Larssen & Co.—York Build- Manners A Co., Ltd., John — 7,

ing Queen’s Road Central .

Kato & G£>., S.—15-17, Queen’s Road Mansion A Co., W.—4, Queen’s Road

Central Central ; , .

Katoh & Co., Ltd.—York Biiildihg 1 Manufacturers Representatives, Ltd.

Keller & Co., Ltd., Ed. A.—17-19., —2; Connaught Road Central

Connaught Road Central 1 Maxim A Co.—French Bank Building

Keller, Kern & po., Ltd.—17, Con- Melchers & Co.—3, Queen’s Building

naught Road Central Mervan A Co., B.-GS, Ice House

Kelley & Co.’ Ltd.—9, Queen’s Road Street

Central Meyerink A Co., Wm.—12, Pedder

Kian Gwan Co. (India), Ltd.—Pedder Street '• ‘

Building -■ • Michael A Cp., J.R.—1, Prince’s

King & Co., Y. T.—5, Queen’s Road Building


Koon Tai & Co.—24, Des \ oeux Road Mitsubishi

der Street

ShoJi Kaisha—14, Ped-

Central ,, . , .■ Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd.—Prince’s

Kotewall & Co., R. H.—China Bldg. Building



Moot, fe.K.'—35,’ Wyndham S'ti-fefet Sales t Co., R.G'.^i, Queen’s Build-


Mody & Co., N.—IS, Ice House Street Sander

Mohamedally, ' N.—27, Wyndham St. Wieier & Co—King’s’Build-


Morton Bros. & Co,, CHARLEs-rGhina Sassoon

Building & Co., Ltd., David—8 a, Des

Voeux Road Central

Moses & ,Co-, N. S.—rll/; Queen’s Rd.. Sedick k Co.—China Bldg.

Central Sherly & Co.,'W. S. — tO, Queen’s Road

Moulder & Ho., (1934), Ltd., A. B.— Central

China Building She wan, Tomes & Co. — National

Mustard .& i Co.—Alexandra Building Bank Building

N. V. .Handel Maatschappij Swie Siemssen Building

k Co.—Bank of China

Hong—20, Connaught Road C, / ;

National Trading Co.—China Bldg. Silva-Netto Sc Co. —AlexandraBuilding

New Continental Importers—French Simpson Lee & Od.—China Bldg.

Bank Building Sincere Co., Ltd.—Des Voeux Boad


Oriental Tradin’g Ob.—Prince’s Bldg. Singon. ' ' '

‘Overseas Trading Co.—33, Queen’s Sino-Foreign & Co.—35, Hing Lung Street

Road Central Trading tJoRPORATiON—

Parkson, Ltd.—19, Connaught .Road Skott 33, Queen’s Road C.

Central k Co., H.—Mercantile Bank

Patell & Co.—Prince’s Building Building

Pavri & Sons, K. S.—32, Wyndham Smith & Co., F.'—c/6. A. V. Apcar

& Co., Ltd.




& Co.—Alexandra Build- Bociete Commerciale Asiatique—21,

Connaught Road Central

Petersen & Co.—York Building Spalinger & Co., U.—20, Queen’s Road

PlTTENDRIGH WlLSON A Co.—P.O. Steger Central

Box 2 & Oo,h-2, Connaught Road

Po Sang'& Co.—King’s Building Central

Pohoomull Bros. (India)—29c, Wynd- ing, Ice HouseLtd.—Queen’s

Stephen k Co.,



ham Street

Rahim Son, C. - 43a, Wyndham Str. SuiStreet Heung Yuen—34-36, Hing Lung

Reiss, Massey & Co., Ltd.—7, Queen’s Sun Co., The—Des'Voeux Road C.

Road Central

Reuter, Brockelmann & Co.—Canton SuningFat Co.—Bank of Canton Build-

Bank Building

Ribeiro & Co., Oscar F.—China Bldg. Sunley & Co.—P.O. Box 232

Robertson, Wilson & Co., Ltd.—67-69, Swedish-Chinese

Co., Ltd.—Asiatic

Export and Import

, Building

Des Voeux Road Central Swedish Trading- Co.,—China Bldg.

Rocha & Co., J. M. da—P.O. Box 400 Talati, M. P.—18, Ice House Street

Ross & Co., (China), Ltd., Alex- Tat Kuan—Bank of China Building

ia, Chater Road (5th floor) .

Rudolf, Wolff & Kew, Ltd.—54, Thakurdas Jeramdas & Co. — P.O.

Queen’s Road Central Box 624

Rumjahn & Co., U.—4, Queen’s Road Thoresen & Co.,. ’ Ltd.!-v2,. Queen’s

Central Building

Ruttonjee & Co.—15, Queen’s Road Tye k Brothers;,-'NT. A.—15, Pbttinger

Central Street



Tyeb & Co.—19, Queen’s Road Cen Fernandes & Co., J.V.—22, Avenidm

Almeida Ribeiro


Union Trading Co., Ltd—York Build- Hingkee & Co.—32, Avenida Almeida

ing Ribeiro

Universal Trading Co. — China Hip Wo & Co.—29, Avenida Almeida

Building Ribeiro

Vasunia & Co., J. P.—38, Wyndham Kai Chong & Co.—13, Avenida Al-

Street meida Ribeiro

Vincent & Co.-P.O. Box 167 Mello, A. A. db—22, Praca Lobo*

Wai Cheong >Go.-^180> Queen’s Road d’Avila

Central Nolasoo, H.—20, Ave. Almeida Riibeiro

Wallem & Co.—Prince’s Buildings Nolasco & Co., H.—57, Praia Grande

Watt & Co.. I.H.—6, Queen’s Road Oriental Co., The—23, Rua dos Mor-

Central cardore

Wheen. & Sons, Ltd., Edward—5, Po Man Lau—2, Largo de S. Domin-

Queen’s Road C. gos

Wicking|& Co., Harry—Prince’s Build- Poon & Co., K. C.—94, Ave. Almeida

ing Ribsiro

Williamson & Co.—P. & O. Building Rodrigues, F.—8, Alvenida Almeida

Wing On Co., Ltd.—207-225, Des Ribeiro

Vceux Road Central

Wingly & Co.—26a, Des Voeux Rd. C. SanRibeiro

Kwong Co.—52, Avenda Almeida

Wo Hop 12, Lascar Row Lowei

Wong Sui Wocn—271, Heiinessy Rd. Mukden

Wong Tong Kee — 32, Canton Road,


Woo Brothers—6,,;, Queen’s Road C. Andersen, Meyer & Co., Ltd.

Yiu Fatt & Co.—China Building Arnold & Co., Ltd.

Young Bros & C0.-.-G6, Queen's Road Carlowitz & Co.—19, San bjin Loo

Central CORNABE, EcKFORD AND Winning—18^

Young & Co., C. P.-^SS* Queen’s San Wei LoO

Road Central GrAn, A. L.—3(l, Chiyoda-dbri

Xavier Bros., Ltd,—8, Des Voeux Italian-German Trading Co.—

Road Central Keil & Co.—

Ichang Kiukong Trading Co.—40, Shih Yih.

Wei Road ;

Jardine, Matheson & Co.,, Ltd. Lida & Co.

Morgan-Weitzer & Co.—Hsiao Hsi

Kiukiang Pien Men Wei

Mitsui Bussan Kaisha

Butteriteld &. Swire Mustard A Co., Ltd.—86, Shih Yih.

Jardine, Matheson &. Co., Ltd. Wei Loo

Nestles & Anglo-Swiss Condensed-

Milk Co.—39, Naniwa-dori

Macao Okura & Co.r—46, Naniwa-dori


Basto, J. A. — If, Avertida Almeida cho & Co., K.A.—5, JSunita-


Empresa Commercial Lusitana—IE, Yali Import & Carl—2,

Wolter & Qq., Fuji Masdi

Export Co.

Avenida Almeida Ribeiro



Newchwang Keelton is Co.—5, Chi Pan Chai

Lee iSheng Co.—323),: Hatamen Street

Arnhold & Cd. Mitsubishi Ggsht Kaisha—Tung Tan

Butterfield & Swire Pai Lou Road

Colinet, G. Modde, F.—39, Mahtsien Hutung


Edgar Brothers & Co.—Lister Road 11 sung Pu Bussan Kaisha, Ltd.—Hsi

Eulers, & Co. . Hutung

Farmer & Co., F.D Oriental General Trading Co.—Le-

gation Street

Jardine, Matheson & Go.—I, Bund Reuter, BrockelmanN . .

Jaspersen, [VI. P. & C6. — 39,

Yang Yin Hutipig

Mitsui Bussai Kaisha Saito & Co., G.S.—1, Shia Kung-fu

Van Ess & Co. Sauer & Co.--294, Hatamen Street

Siemssen & Co'.-f^SO,. Can Mien Hu-

Nanking tuug .., .

Skiotis Bros.: & Co.—6, Legation St.

Butterfield & Swire Sullivan & Co., J.—1, Marrison Str.

Drysdale & Co.—San Chia Wan Talati & Co.—13, Hatamen Street

Fu Chung Corporation Tipper & Co.—Ewo Building, Lega-

.Jardine, Matheson & Co. tion Street

Yang & Co.—Hsi (5hao Min Hsiang

Peiping Yen Nan & Co.—78,: Tung Sse Nan Ta


\ Andersen,

Fu Hutung Meyer & Co.—L, Ta Yuan Shanghai

Bertram, R.—6, Legation Street.

Bona & Co., F.-^45, Wai Chiao Pieh Abdoolally Ebraham & Co.—671, Sze-

[ Chieh ehuen Road

| Cameron & Co.—52, Hsi Piao Pei Abraham Brothers—72, Haskell Road

Hutung Abraham Katz & Co.—16, Jinkee Road

Cariowitz & Co.—12, Hatameh Street A. C. K. Co., Fed. Inc.—112, Szechutn

jl China Crafts—10, Main Embroidery Road

Street. Adams & Co., W. A.—70, Szechuen Rd

I Comptoir Russo-Belge de Commerce Afshar & Co.—60, Kiangse Road

C & d’Industrie—45, Wai Chiao Pu Allanson, W.—455, Rue Lafayette

if. Chieh Amasia Importing Corporation—66,

y De v ault Co., The J. P.—5, Mei Chi Szechuen Read

f 1 Hutung r American Asiatic Trading Co.—320,

Fowler & Co., W .W.—Grand Hotel de Szechuen Road

Pekin Anderson- & Co-, Ino.,; J. C.—210,

Frazar, Fed., Inc.—294, Hatamen Kiukiang Road

li Street Andersen, Meyer & Co.—4, Yuen

Henning & Co., A C.—45, Wai Chiao Ming Yuen Road

Pu Chieh Anglo-Chinese Indenting Co. —9,

Hackmack & Co.—125, Soochow Hu- Hankow Road

‘I tung Anglo-Danish Shipping Company—8,

International Trade Corpn.—2, Tsui French Bund

! Hua Wang Arai & CO:—12; Hankow Road



Akakie & Co., DAvm-rr-25, Jinkee Rd. Casey, Lyttle & Co..,, Ltd.—10, Han-

| kow Road

Arnhoid &Co., L±d.—1,.Nanking Road Cathay Mercantile Co. -21, Yuen,

Asia Commebcial Co.—452, Kiangse j Ming Yuen Road

Road .jj

Asiatic Trading Corporation, Ltd.— Central Trading Co.—536,

Central Express Boone Rd.

Co.—14, Kiukiang

71, Szechuen Road Road

Australia-China Trading Co. — 367, Chapeaux & Co., Ltd.—4, French.

Kiangse Road Bund


Ming YueiuManufacturers—21,

Road Yuen Chen, Neeling—U4, Peking Road

Baboud, Mary et Cie—1, Canton Rd. Cheong Co., W. Y.—9; Foochow Road

Baer Co., A.—17, Yuen Ming Yuen China Arts & Products Trading Co.

—137, Broadway

Road China Export. Co.—7A, The Bund

Barlow & Co.—4, Ezra Road

Bau Gumming & Co.—J176, Seward China Export-Import & Bank Co.—

136/138, Kiangse Road

Road China Foreign Trading Co.—112,

Behn, Meyer (China) Co. — 421, ozeohuen Road

Kiangse Rpad

Behr & Matthews—77, Yangtsepoo China Import & Export Co.—269,.

Broadway , ~

Road China Mercantile Co.—543, Honan

Bell, A. D.—150, Kiukiang Road Road

Beraha & iStetten, Ltd.—320, Kiangse China Merchants’ Trading Co., Ltd.

Road —391, Kiangse Road

Blanche, F A—29, Szechuen Road China Overseas Trading Co. — 440,

Boo Kee & Co.—24, The Bund a song Woo Bee

Bowern & Co.—33, Canton Road China-Palestine Trading Co. — 7-l>.

Boyd & Co.—620, Szechuen Road ozechuen Road

Bracco & Co., C.—38, Rue du Con- China Hong

Sales and Service Co.—59,

Kong Road

sul at Ohiua Trading Corporation—35, Jin-

Bradley & Co., (Ltd.—12, The Bund Icee Road

Breen & Co.,'C. J.—70, Szechuen Road China Trading and Industrial Go.—

Brook & Co.—150, Kiukiang Road 100, Peking Roacl

Burkhardt, Buchan k Co., Ltd.—19a China United Import & Export Co.,

26a, Canton. Road Btd.—W25,. Museum Road

Burkill & Sons, A. R. — 20, Canton China United Trading Co., Ltd.—

723, Rue Lafayette


Bush Mack & Co., Fed. Inc.—3, Han Ching Chong & Co.—151, Broadway

kow Road Chung Foo Co. —24, The Bund

Butterfield & Say ire—French Bund Clerici, Bedoni k Co., S A.—17,

Calder-Marshall & Co., Ltd.—'Glen Museum Road

Line Building Coates & Son, Thomas—368, Kiangse


Cambefort & Co., E.—17, Canton Rd. Commercial

Cameron & Co. (China), Ltd., A.— Trading Co.—P.O. Box

81, Jinkee Road 671

Canadian Trading Co.—18, The Bund CoMPAGNIA Italians d’ExTREME OrI-

ente—16a, Kiukiang Road

Carlowitz &; Co.—670, Szechuen Rd. Compagnie Optorg—30, Avenue Ed-

Casa Do Povo—1284, Szechuen Road ward VII



Oonnell Brothers Co., Ltd.—3, Gan- Eskelund & Co., A.H.—56, Szechuen

I tom Road Road

| Connell & Co., Ltd., H.—Continental Evans & Co , A.M.A.—11, Thorburn

Building Road

| ' Continental Trading Co., The—89, Eugh Brothers & Co.—451, Kiangse

Foochow Road Road

Continental Commercial ‘ Co.—150, Ezra & Co., Edward —14, Kiukiang Rd.

Kiukiang Road Far Eastern Import & Export Cq.—k

i Cooper, Clay & Kirby, Ltd.—24, The 751, Avenue du Roi Albert

I Bund Foan Tar & Co.—3, Canton Road

Costidis & Co., John—20, Museum Eobes Co., Ltd.—40,- Siking Road

1 Road

Dah Han Co.—40, Rue du Consulat Fog &Co., Co., Ltd.—2B, Kiukiang Road

: Dastoor & Co., F. R.—125, Hankow Fond Y.S.—68, Szechuen Road

David & Co., S.J.—320, Kiangse Forster Kiangse

& Co., Ltd., G.P.—116,



Dayton, Price & Co.—24, The Bund Eranco-Chinese

chow Road

Trading Co.—9, Foo-

De Jong, F.—17, Jinkee Road Erischen, Carl—21, Yuen Ming Yuen

' Dell’Oro & Co.—1, Canton Road Road

Dent & Co., Alfred—81, Jinkee Rd. Frost, Bland & Co.—33, Szechuen Rd.

Road Furhmeister & Co.—66,'Museum Rd.

Dimitriades Bros.—12, Rue du Con- Geddes Trading and Dairy Farm Co.,

sulat Ltd. —8d, Yuen Ming Yuen Road

Dixon & Son, Ltd., H. C.—Lane 126, Gale Go., L.E.—12, The Bund

10, Szechuen Road

Dodwell & Co., Ltd.—17, Canton Road Gallop & Co., Fed. Inc.—22, Yuen

Ming Yuen Roau

' Dorman Long & Associates, Ltd.—49, General Commercial Corporation—

Nanking Road 60, Yuen Ming Yuen Road

Drysdale & Co.—114, Kiangse Road General Overseas Supply Co.—29,

Duncan & Co.—9, Foochow Road Szechuen Road

• East Getz Bros. & Co.—22, Nanking Road

RoadAsiatic Co.. Ltd.—l7, Canton Gibb, Livingston & Qo.—28, Jinkee-

j East China Co.—16, Siking Road Road

I Eastern Trading Co. (China), Ltd., Gidumal (O.K.), &, Watumul—131r

t The—162, Canton Road Hankow Road

s Ebert & Co., J.—16, Jinkee Road Glanzmann- Fcq, -36) Canton Road

“# Egal k Cie.—9, Avenue Edward YII Glathe & Witt—410, Szechuen Road

’t Ehlers & Co., A.—66, Szechuen Road Globe Trading Co.—Continental Bank


u EickHOOT- &:'Co.-^451, Kiahgse Road Gmehling

El-Kwa & Co.—115, Kiangse Road A Co., G.—73jv Nanking

| Eiwa Yoko—9, Canton Road Road

Grilk, G.J.—19, Minghong Road

Ekki Yoko—116, Kiangse Road

Ekman Foreign Agencies Ltd.—170, Guilly Freres & Co.--5c, Avenue

Edward YU

Kiangse Road Hachiya & Co.—9A, Hankow Road

Elbrook,' Ltd.—50, Peking Road Hall Law Co., Ltd., W. W.—25.

Elliston.& Co-—-189> Yuen Ming Yuen Museum Road

Road Hamilton, Ltd., James—160, Avenue

Emens & Co.—16, Jinkee Road Edward VII




Hammond & Co. , F. W.—6, Szechuen Jebsen & Co.—110, HankowRoad^

Road Jensen & Co.—ha, Boone Road

Handler & Co.—Hr Boone Road Johnston & CoM A. R.—10, Hannen

Hasdivilliers, Olivier & Cie. 668, Road

Szechuen Road Joseph Brothers—1, Nanking Road

Hargen & Co., S. C.—€6, Szechuen Joseph, R. M.—Sassoon House


Harrap & Co., L. A.—2, Canton Road Kanan & Co.—43, Dixwell; Road

Harris & 'Co., ' H. E.—Museum KaramelahiYuen

& Co., H. Z. H.—25,

Mimg Yuen Road

Road Karsa & Cos.—HO,- Central Arcade

Harrisons, King Irwin, Ltd.—177, Kempton & Co., Fred—56, Nanking

.Szechuen Road Road

Harvie, Qooke & Co.—659, Szechuen Kinhai ' Trading Co., Ltd. — 300,'

Hoad Peking Rcpad

Hattori Trading Co.—22, Siking Kienhuize & Co.—19, .Szechuen Road

Road Kimatrai & Co., J.—12B, Hankow Rd.

Heath & Co., P.—30, Peking Road

Heath (1927), Ltd.—2, Peking Road Kingshill.


Trading Co.—41, Rue du

Henry Trading Co., W.—280, Peking Kinhai Trading Co., Ltd.—47, Peking

Road Road

Hqghang & Co.—47, Ningpo Road Kiu Cheng Loon Export & Import

Hoehnke, Fs—220, Szechuen Road Co.—121, Kiangsi Road

Hoki Yoko—*48, Szechuen Road Kiu Foo & Co.,—22, Siking Road

Holland-China Trading Co. (Shang- Knipschildt & Eskelund—220, Sze-

hai), Ltd.—3^0, Kiangse Road chuen Road

Holliday & Co., Cecil—18, Kiukiang Koenig Brothers—24, The Bund


Hosin Overseas Trading Corpn.—97, Koenigsberger,


L.—41, Rue du Con-


-Jinkee Road Koh Jai Tse—16, Siking Road

Hsin Yoen Co.—10, Kiangse Road

Huber Co:, E.—2b, Kiukiang Road Komaroff, C.D.—<6, Kiukiang Road

Hung Teh Trading Co.—7, Yuen Ming Kunst & Albers—110, Szechuen Road

Kyoon & Co., K. E.—1370, Avenue

Yuen Road

HtttchTson & Co., Ltd., John D.—40, LaFochGenerale Soies — 452, Kiangse

Ningpo Road Road

Ilbert & Co:*—17, Canton Road

Industrial Export (China) Co.—4, Lacey & Cannan, Ltd.—12, The Bund

Lavers & Clark—12, The Bund

Avenue Edward VII

Inniss & Riddle, Ltd.—7 Yhen Ming Lee & Co,, D A.—2, Canton Road

Yuen Road Lee Co,, Ltd., Harry—117, Nanking

Irwin-Harrison-Whitney, Inc.—177, Road

Szechuen Road Li Nan Co., Ltd.—29, Szechuen Road

Ito Co., Ltd., G.—130, Kiangse Road Lien Shen Trading Co.—130, Kiangse.

Iw.ai & Co.—9A, Hankow Road Road

Jacks & Co., William—51, Hongkong Liengyi Mercantile Co.—J2781, Se-

ward Road


Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.— Lin Nan Co.. Ltd., The—29, Szechuen

27, The Bund Road

Jean & Co., William—305, Honan Rd. Linson ■& Co.—^4, Peking Road



Little & Co., Ltd. (1930), William- National Commercial Co.:—60, Kiang7

21, Jinkee Road se Road

Loxley & Co., W.R.—11, Yuen Ming National Trading Co., The—131,

Yuen Road Museum Road

Lumsdaine Oriental Company — 22. Nemazee & Co., H.M.H.—391, Kiangse

Yuen Ming Yuen Road Road

Mackenzie & Co., Ltd.—77, Canton Nevel Road

& Co., J.—782, Bubbling Well


Maitland & Co., Ltd.—33-4. Szechuen 210, KiukiangTrading

New China




Malcolm & Co., Ltd.—220, Szechuen Road Nichiwa Shokai, Ltd.—72, Szechuen


Marderfeld, M.—458, Szechuen Road Nissim & Co., Ltd., Edward—2,

Peking Road

Mar-Kao, Ltd.—110, Szechuen Road Nordquist, O.—6, Kiukiang Road

f Master & Co., M. J.—9a, Hankow Rd. Okura & Co., Ltd.—1, Kiukiang

Masukow & Co.—33, Foochow Road Road

\ Matheson & Co., George—36, Jinkee Olien en Vetten Import en Export

Road Maatschappij—74, Szeohuen Road

! McBain, George—1, The Bund Olivier-Chine (S.A.)—16, Museum

McBain & Co., Cecil—9, Foochow Road

Road Oppenheimer, I.—128, Kiangse Road

| McMullan

15, Museum& Co.

Road(Shanghai), Ltd.— Oriental Construction and Trading-

Co.—132A, Szechuen Road

Mee-Yeh Handles Compagnie—137, Osaka Shosen Kaisha—2, Canton

Canton Road Road

Mehta & Co.—25, Rue du Consulat Ouskouli., M. H. A.—451, Kiangse

I Melchers & Co.—210, Kiukiang'Road Road

Mercantile Co., The—299, Szechuen Pacific


Trading Co.—13, Peking


S Meyerink & Co., W.—150, Kiukiang Pan & Co., C. C.—496, Thibet Road

i Road Patel, & Co., A.C.—12,,Rue de Consu-

Middleton & Co., Ltd.—20, Canton lat

| Road Pearson & King, Ltd.—50, Nanking.

i Mitsubishi Shoji Kaisha—9, Canton Road j A anib’ijsH *too8

I Road Peters & Co., H. K.—320, Szechuen

i Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd.^ISS, Road

' , Szechuen Road Philco Sales Corpn.—96, Nanking.

, Moebius, W.O.—115, Kiangse Road Road

MollEr & Co.—12, The Bund Picking Lampen Nachfolger — 267,

| Monroe & Co., F.C.—45, Szechuen Pioneer Kiangse Road

Road Trading Co.—25, Jinkee Road.

f Montgomery Ward & Co.-^20, Museum Pocha & Co., M.J.—9, Hankow Road

' Road Pond, H. M—P.6. Box 1028

Moore & Co., L.—45„ng Kiase Road Probst, Hanbury <"China), Ltd.—21,.

! Morrison & Co.—12, Jinkee Road Jinkee Road

Moss &, Co., Racine & Cie.—2, Peking Road

Kiangse RoadI no., David, L. — 261. Ragi & GOi, R.H.—39, Peking Road

Murakami Toyp—270, Kiangse Road Ramsay & Co.—24, Nanking Road



Reiss, Massey & Co., Ltd. -15, Siemssen & Kkohn—14, Museum Road

Museum Road Sikh Store—63, Miller Road

ReIss i&TCo., Hugo—185, Yuen Ming Silva & Co.—53, Szechuen Road

Yuen Road

Ren & Co., S.D.-^8, Ki'akiang Road Sino Spanish Trading . Co.—112, Sze-

chuen Road

Reuter, Brockelmann & Co.—452, Sintoon Overseas Trading Co., Ltd.

Kiangse Road —Continental Emporium

Ricketts, Turner & Co.—330, Sze- Slevogt & Co.—29, Szechuen Road

ohuen Road Slowe &; Co., Ltd.—110, Hankow Rd.

Roditi & Sons, D.—128, Kiangse So Brothers & Pq.-|-114, Peking Road


Rohde & Co.—209, Yuen Ming Yuen Societe Francaise du Haut Yang Tze

—25, Rue du Consul at


Rondon & Co., Ltd., L.—9, Avenue Spizzioa & Co., G.—29, Szechuen

Edward VII Road

RosptER & .Co.—Hamilton HouSe Stromwall, Holdo—17, Yuen Ming

Ross & Co., Alex—12, Hankow Road Yuen Road


ing &• Son, H—Sassoon Build- Sunflower

kee Road

Mercantile Co.—119, Jin-

Sam Hwa Export Co.—50, Rue Mon- Swedish Chinese Export and Import

tauban Co., Ltd., The—1, Kiukiang Road

Sam Joe & Co.—A1114, Broadway Synnerberg, G. V.—218, Kiangse Rd.

Sansing Trading Co., Ltd.—113, Kiu- TaisHo & Co.--P.O. Box 895

kiang Road

SassooN & Co., Ltd., David—P.O. Takaiwa & Co., K.—6, Kiukiang Road

Takisada & Co.—53, Szechuen Road

Box 263

Sator, A..4-131, Museum Road Tata & Co., B. D.—6, Rue du Con-


Savul & Co., A. I. —19, Museum Road Thoresen

Scandlinavian ‘ Trading' Co. j— iia, Road &, Co., O.—110, Szechuen

Boone Road

Schnabel, Gaumer & Co.' - 105, Toeuku Load

Trading Co,—29, Szechuen

Kiangse Road- Tong Tak Kai—Bl, Kiangse Road

Schen & Co., K. H.—22, Kiukiang Topas Trading Co., B.—110, Szechuen

Road Road

Scott, Harding & Co.—121, Peking

Road Tou YrtO Kee & Co.—4, Hongkong

Shahmoon & Co., S.E.—21, Museum Road

Road/ Trachsler, Ltd., J. H.—133', Yuen

Shanghai Equitable Trading Col— Ming Yuen Road

1173/16, Bubbling Well Road Tung Tai Trading Co.—21, Hiking

Shanghai Export Co.—6, Kiukiang Road


Shanghai Import and Export Co., Ld. HankowImport

. Union


Syndicate, Ltd.—3,

—349, Ningpo Road

.Shanghai Importers, Ltd.—410, Sze- Union Trading Co.—110, Jinkee Road

United Manufacturers’ Electric Co.

chuen Road

Shinkyo Yoko Goshi Kaisha—131, —46a, Peking Road

Kiangse Road United Products—225, Nanking Road

•SiBER, HEGNEti & Co.—20, Canton Rd. Vajda & Co., G.—380, Szechuen Road

Siemssen & Co:—431, Kiangse Road Vasunia & Go.—36, Jinkee Road



Viccajee & Co., Ltd., F.—132, Ki^ngsie Manners & Cp., Ltd., John—18, .Sian

Road . Ping Road

ViLpuDAKi & Co:—59, Peking Road Mielchers & Co.—24. Yong Ping. Road

Wah Chang Trading Corporation—60, Roese Gebrueder—107,, ,Seng Peng.

Ningpo Road ; Street’

Walker, Turner A Co-—18, The Bund San 'Shing CO. 20, Chi Ping Road

Wattie & Co., J.A.—10, Canton Road Shauter, Dayland &,Co,, Ltd.—P.O.

Waj Tax & Co—190j Peking Road Box 3'

Westcott & Co.—0, Avenue Edward Tai Shih Brothers—11, Siuheng Road

VII Sang & Cp.—20-22, Yqng Ping

Wha Chang Shun Co.—25, Rue du Road '


Wheen & Sons, Edward—7, French Tientsin


Whitsons, tEtd.—21,,, Jinkee Road Altamira & Co.—61, Rue du 14 Julliec.

Wisner & Co,—30,, Peking Road America-China

Yoshida & Co.—24, Siking Road 28, Chekiang Export

Road & Import Co.—

Yu Lee Trading Co.—53, Szeqhuen American Asiatic Trading -Co.--S6,.

Road Rue de France

Yue Kee & Co.; Ltd.—170, Kiangse American Trading Co. of the Far

Road East—110, Rue de Franee

Yue Lai Hong—66, Rue du Whampoo Andersen, Meyer & Company, Ltd.—

Yue Zung & Co.—60, Kiangse Road 96, Rue de Takou

Yuen Dah & Co.—24-25, Jehol Road Anglo-American Export Co.—105, Ta-

Yuen Lai Hong—56, Rue du Wham- ku Road

poo, Arnhold & Co.—10, Taku Road

Yung Woo Trading Co.—38, Avenue Asia Export Co.—16, Victoria Terrace

Edward VII Asia Trading Corporation—90, Vic-

Zais, Steinman & Co.—29, Szechuen toria Road

Road Associated Importers—t99, Rue ,du

Zee & Sons, W.Z.—A1299, Broadway Chaylard

Zimmerman Co., W.I.—53, Szechuea Atlantic Co.—223, Davenport Road

Road Batonieff, Mrs. M. D.—124, Taku

Zung Lee Co.—130, Kiangse Road Road

Behn, Meyer China Co.—Sieniens


Swatow Bergers’ Enterprises, Ltd.—108, Taku


| Best & Co., H.C. — 22 to 24, Chien Bernstein Sons, M., and Froiman,

Inc.—29, Canton Road

I] Ping Road Bielfeld & Sun—52, Taku Road

li Boan Seng—20, E-Anm Street Bisseker, F.D.—Consular Road ;

Bradley & Co., Ltd. —P.O. Box 76

■ Camille Co.—240, Kialat Road Bollenhagen, H.—3rd Chin Tang

Road No. 4

) Carr-Ramsey & Son Boss, F. H.—Taku, Road; Corner

Dunfold & Co., Ltd. 1 Canton Road

I Huy gen, G. E.—P.O. Box 20 Brand & Sons—1-8, Ura Road

Jardine, Matheson & Co.

t Lee Brothers & Co.—Yolk Shan St. Bremen Colonial & China Trading

Co.—3, Corso Vittorio Emanuel III



Rrimberg Brothers, Inc.—94, Rue Dodwell & Co., Ltd.—61, Rue de

Dillon France

Bubeshko & Co.—17, Graystone Villa Foox & Co., H.—4)5, Consular Road

Buchhejster & Co.—90, Taku Road Forbes Co., William—45, Victoria


Bplling & Co., A. E.—27, Consular Foreign

Road Commission Agency — 321,

Butterfield & Swire—21, Victoria FuTaku Chung


Corporation — 26, Rue de

Road FAmiraute

Caprino & Co., P.—<67, Rue Pasteur Fuhrmeister & Co.—Siemens Build-

Capstick & Co—118, British Bund ing

Carlowitz & Co.— 14(M44, Taku Rd. Gabrick & Co.—151, Victoria Road

Central Products Co.—69, Consular General Trading Co.—72, Via Erman

Road no Carlotto

Chang & Co.—59, Rue de Paris

China-American Trading Corporation Great Northern Trading Road

Gipperich & Co.—5,2, Taku


—Rue de France Rue de France

China Continental Commerce Co.- Greenland & Sons—57, Rue Henri

Continental Building | Bourgeois

China Export, Import & Bank Co.— Hackmack & Co.—15, Rue Courbet

6, Shou An Street

China Express Co.—Ex-Russian Con- Hai Ho Trading Co.—98, Victoria Rd.

cession Han Yeh Trust Trading Corpn.—

Hsiao Shun Miao

China Foreign Corporation—129, Rue Hardy,

Pasteur Gatliff & Co., Ltd.—63, Taku

China Import Trading Co. - 9, Rue du Road

Mareehal Foch Harper & Co., Ralph—Dollar Bldg.

China National Trading Co.—211, Hatch, Carter & Co.--US, British

Quai August Boppe Bund

China Netherland Produce Co.—89, Heath Takou

V Co., Ltd., P.—117, Rue de

Rue de 14 Julhet

China Northern Corporation—47-55, Holland-China Trading Co. (Tien-

Rue de Paris tsin), Ltd.—66-58, Rue Dillon

China Trading Corporation—131, Hua B.C.

Mao Trading Co.—8, Li Ho Lin,

Davenport Road

Chinese Associated Trading Co.— Italian Trading Co.—.8, Italian Bund

184, Canton Road .Tardine, Matheson & Co.—Victoria

Chow Foo Trading Co.—25, Chi Road

Hsiang Li John’s Import k Export Co.—272,

Colinet, G.—16, Rue Henry Bourgeois Taku Road

Collins & Co., Ltd.—75, Consular Joseph Bros.—Hong Kong and Shang-

hai Bank Building


Commercial Traders Association— Juyet & Co.—99, Rue de Takou

158, Bristow Road Kapustin & Co.—11, Victoria Terrace

Compagnia Asiatica—13, Via Torino Kato & Co.—Asahi Road

Cornalba & Pezzini—13, Italian Bund Katz & Co., Martin—Consular Road

Deutsch Chinesische Handels Co.— Keim, A.—70, Emanno Carlottb ’

21, Rue St., Louis Kenshin & Cp.—13, Rue Dillon

Deutsche Mongolische Handels Ges- Kleemann & Co., O.—6, Woodrow

selscha'ft—3, Woodrow Wilson St. Wilson Street



Koeean-China Trading Co.—47, Rue Racine et Cie.—137, Quai de France

du 14 Juiilet Reuter, Brockelmann & Co. — 29,

Kovae & Co—9, Korostovitz Road Consular Road

Lee-Fu Trading Qo.—55, Yictoria Rd. Russian


Economic Store & Cojumer-

Agency—263, Taku Road

Lee, E.—30, Woodrow ‘Wilson, Street S. A. Chungking Import—2, Koros-

Ley, Ltd.—90, Victoria Road towetz Road

Liddell Brothers & Co., Ltd.—50, Rhea Tung Co.—5, Chung Hsing Li

Taku Road Shingming Trading Co. (China),

Mackenzie & Co.—135, Taku Road Ltd.—50, Taku Road

Malkassian, S.—§r Rue Henri Bour- Shosho Yoko—6, Asahi Road


Mansouk & Co., J.—101, Rue Pasteur Siemssen & Co.—63, Taku Road

Manufacturers’ Sales Agency — 55, Sino British Trading Co.—129, Rufr


Victoria Road Sintoon Overseas Trading Co.—135,

Melchers & Co.—16, Bruce Road Rue Dillon

Merz & Co., R-—8, Rue Henri Bour- Skiotis Bros. & Co.—49, Rue de

geois France

Mington Forwarding & Express Co. SOCIETE M. BaTTEGAY & ClE—17 21,

—14, Canton Road

Mitsui Bussan KaiSha—1, Yamaguichi SpeidelDillon


' & Cb.—99, Davenport ROad

Road Standard Trading Co’—3^;' Bristow

Montrose & Co.—89, Rue Dillon Road

Moyroux, V.—41, Rue de France

Nestle and Anglo-Swiss Condensed Stanley & Co.—Hsiang ’T^ii Tiiftg

Milk Co.—Nestle House, 19-20, Soo- Swedish Chinese Export & Import

Co T^Victoria Road

chow Road

Okura & Co.—Japanese Bund Taichong Lmport & Export Co.—124,

Taku Road

OlivIer Chine (S. A,')—3£>, RuA de Talati

Takou Bros. & Co.—31, Bromley Rd.

Oriental Trading & Engineering Co. Tantot, R. .66a, Rue Dillon

—49, Taku, Road, B.C. Te Tai & Co.-128, Rile du Chkyi&rd

Oriental Trading Corpn.—8, Rue Teh Chang 1 Trading Co.—113, Rue

Laville ‘asieU Dillon

Osaka Shosen Kaisha—JO, French Thomas & Co.^-20, Rue - Henri Bour-

Bund ; ■ geois ■ . f if. > .■ i

Osawa &' Ce^ D.—11, Asahi Road Tientsin Strawbraid & Export Co.,

Otte & Co.—29, Cpn&ular Road Inc.—2-10, Rue Chevrier

Pao Lai Trading Co. — 56, Rue du Twyford lard

& Co,, J.—113, Rue du Ohay-‘

1 Whampoo Universal Trading CoRPORAT];>ONr-54,

' Pearson C)o.—16, Rue de Paris Rile Piguarez

Pennell & Co.—36, Council Road

Perrin Cooper & Co.—Consular Road Vrard & Col, L.—71, Rue St. Louis

Polish-Chinese Trading Co. — 110, Walte & Co.—186, Bristow Road

Whitamore & Co.—Victoria Road

i Rue de Baron Gros

Polish Commercial Co., Ltd.—11, Rue Wilson & Co.—72, Victoria Road

Young & Co.—203, Canton Road

de Marechal Foch.

Pottinger & Co.,. Ltd.—65, Victoria Yue Nan Yung—306, Victoria Road

Road Zimmermann & Co., D.I.—19, Victofia

Rabben & Co.—144, Bristow Road Terrace



Tsinan Wuhu

Carlowitz & Co. Butterfield & Swire

Dau & Co., C. •Iardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.

Matsui Bxjssan Kaisha



Banker & Co.

Andersen, Meyer & Co., Ltd.—35,

Kuen Tao Road Yunnanfu

Botelho Brothers—P.O. Box 12

Busch & von Alemann—34, Kuan Tau Harding & Co.



Casey & Lyttle—48, Kwan Hsien Rd. MALAYA

Cornabe, Eckford & Co.—29, Kuan-

tau Road Johore

Djing & Co., Walter—80, Kuan

Hsien Road

E.-Kin & Co.—44, Weihsien Road Cansdell, R. D.—95, Jalan Rahmat

East Asiatic Co., Ltd.—32, Kuantau Sime, Darby & Co.—Muar


G. Frantz & Co.—Exchange Building Kedah

Halling Co.—P.O. Box 124

Hansen & Co. Ulf—20, Kuantau Rd. Mourin & Co., Arthur — Bandar

Henzler & Co.—28, Kwan Hsieh Rd. Bharu

Jardine, Matheson & Co.—31, Kwan- Seng Cheong & Co.—52, Jalan Pekan

China, Alor Star

tau Road


McMullan & Co., Ltd., James—29, Alor Star & Co.—125, Pekan Malayu,

Kuantao Road

Melchers & Co.—63, Kwan Hsien

Road Kelantan

Mitsui Bussan Kaisha—Tangyi Road

Reuter, Brockelmann & Co. Boustead & Co.

Russell & Co., G. C. F.—72, Kwan

Hsien Road

Siemssen & Co.—3, Kwangtung Rd. Klang

Walter, David Lane & Co. Kassim & Co., R. E. Mohamed

Yoshizawa, T.—3, Chang Lo Road Kong Tiam & Co.

Thye Hong & Co.


-Cornabe, Eckford & Co. Malacca

FocBf Tai & Co.

Foo Wei Co., The-13, Yi Yuen Lu Guthrie & Oo., Ltd.—129, Jonker St.

Harper, Gilfillan & Co., Ltd.—

Lavers & Clark—Mainland Kassim & Co., R.: E. Mohammed—61,

Weihaiwei Import & Export Co. Riverside



Hong Hin & Co.—27, First Cross St. Bun Tin Lum Co., Ltd.—55,' Beach.


Low Kim Swi—3', First Cross Street C&ee Woe Lok—188, Anson Road

Sime, Daeby & Co.—4, Fort Road Cheng Eng Joo & Co.—121, Beach St.

Tan Soo Hock & Co., Ltd.

United Teaders, Ltd.—3, First Cross Chin Chin Co,—18, Beach Road

Street Chong Kee Co.—35a, Beach Street

Dennys & Co., A.—22a, Beach Street

Negri Sembilan Diethelm & Co., Ltd.—12, Church


Doulatram & Co.—8a, Beach Street

Anglo-French and Bendixens, Ltd.— Durege

44, Jalan Tungku Hassan &; Thomas—P.O. Box 392

Harper, Gileillan & Co., Ltd — East Asiatic Co., Ltd.—F.M.S. Rly.

Port Dickson Building

Lee Kee & Co. —102, Birch Road Evans & Co., J.—22A, Beach Street

Mercantile Co. (F.M.S.), Ltd.—3, Georgetown Traders—1, China Street

Cameron Road, Seremban

Noormohamed & Co.—30, Main Street, Gopal Dass & Co.—37, Ceylon Lane

Guthrie & Co., Ltd.—35, Weld Quay


Seremban Trading Co.—13, Cameron Beach StreetBarker & Co., Ltd.—23,


Street, Seremban

Sime, Darby & Co.—Birch Road, Huttenbach, Lazarus & Sons, Ltd.—

21, Beach Street


Straits Trading Co. Italasia, Ltd.—22, Northam Road

Wee Siang Bros.—10, Jalan Tuan Jacks Street

& Co., William—8, Beach

Sheikh, Seremban

Williams & Co., S.—Tampin Kassim & Co.—65, Penang Street

Keong Lay & Co.—9, Pangkor Road

Pahang Khoo Saik Inn & Co.—34, Beach St.

Lock & Co.—24, Beach Road

U’Ren, E. W.—Kuantan Look Brothers—215, Penang Road

Ching Hong Joo. & Co.—Raub McAlister & Co., Ltd.—19, Beach


Mohamed Ali Sahib & Go.—10, Ah

Penang Quee Street

Moine, Comte & Co., Ltd.—9, China

Street, Ghaut

Adamson, Gilfitlan & Co.. Ltd.— Overseas

Hongkong & Shanghai Bank Build- Burmah Road Trading Syndicate — 2c,

, ing

, Anglo-Siam Corporation — 15, Weld Paterson, Simons & Co., Ltd.—9,

i Quay Weld Quay

| Ban Poh &, Co.—212, Beach Street Sandilands, Buttery & Co.—29, Beach

| Bangkok Furnishing Co.—7, Leith Street

| Street Seng Lee & Co. — 26, Kampong

;) Barbour, Ltd., E. A—1, Penang Har- Kholam

bour Board Godown Sime, Darby & Co., Ltd.—21, (Beach

[ Beng Swee & Co.—41, Bishop Street Street

| Boon Hak Oo.—33, Penang Road Slot & Co.—2, Weld Quay

Borneo Co., Ltd.—7a, Weld Quay Solomon & Co.. -S.tv44, Beach Street

■ Boustead & Co., Ltd.—1, Weld Quay Storch Bros., Ltd.—4, Beach Street



Straits Trading Co.—Hong Kong & Waugh & Co., Henry—11, Statiore,

Road, Ipoh

Shanghai Bank Buildings

SweeCo., Ltd., L.Y.—04, Beach Street Whiteaavay, Laidlaw & Go., Ltd.—12:,

Station Roairl, Ipoh

Thean Huat & Co.—4, China Street ; Wilson & Co., Ltd., G. W.


Tiang Lee & Co.—154, Beach Street

Travers & Sons, Ltd,—19, Beach St. Selangor

Victor & Go.—1'8, Leith Street ru.hdsHeS- liseW

Waugh & Co., Ltd. Ali y k Co., M. S.—105, High !Street,.

Kuala Lumpur ; • '

Perak Anglo-French

Kuala Lumpurk BendIxens, ; Ltd. -

Ban Guan Hin Co.—20, Gaylong Blunn, George k Co., Ltd'.—l20,'’JaCa

Street, Kuala l.umpur

'Street, Gopeng

Ban Hoe Hin Co.--61. Jalan Ko- Kuala Co^p.Lrrp.—1,



Market; Street,!

peng, Kampar. 1 .Boustead ; k, Co., Xtd;;—1, Embank-

Borneo Co., Ltd.—Brewstsr Road ment

Boustead & Co.—Ipoh East Asiatic Co., Ltd.—58; Ampang


T 0 & Co., Peter—120, Belfield St., Road, Kuala Lumpur

PP , . • .T ; ;H Fletcher: Trading Co. — 21, Old

Fletcher Trading Go.^r-103, Brewster Market Street, Kuala Lumpur

Road . Gian Singh k Cq.t-Q, , JavAT Street,.

Guan. & Co., L. Ys—116, Hugh Low Kuala Lumpur


Guthrie, & .Co. -89. Bielfield Street Guthrie k Co.—3, Java Streetj. Kua-la

Lumpur ■ •- p ,..TJ ■

Hall & Coi, Ltd.—Taipdng Harper, Gilfillan _ & . Cd,, Ltd.—

Harper, Gilfillan , & Co.—P.O. Box Kuala Lumpur

115, Ipoh Harrisons, Barker k Co., Ltd.—

Huttenbach, Lazarus & Sons—94, Kuala Lumpur

Brewster Road, Ipob Huttenbach, Lazarus k S6ns,: Ltd.—

Jacks’ & Co., Ltd., William—94, 14, Market Street, Kuala. Lumpur

Brewster Road, Ipoh Jacks k Co., (Malaya), Ltd.—23, Java

LaThif iStore—101, Main Road, Batu j Street, Kuala Lumpur

Gajah Kean Leong k -Gd.—'fa, Batu Road,

McAlister A Co., Ltd.—Station Rd. Keat Kuala Lumpur —

Ipoih ;Seng ! k ’ Co.—75) Batu Road,

Pritchard & Co., Ltd.—Market St., Kinsey . Jvuain Lurnpur. . ■ •.;

Ipoh k Co., J. B.

Saunders & Go., J. H.- 126, Belfield Koshy Bros.—€0, Batu Road, K.L.

Street, Ipoh Kyle, Palmer & Co.—235, Batu Road,

Sime, Darby & Co.—94. Brewster Rd., Kuala 1 Luthpur

Sime, Darby & Co.—38, Hale' Street Lim’s Trading’ Co.—152, Bigh-Sttfeet,

Kuala Lumpur


Soon Bee & C°-—100» Main Road, Little k Coi, John—Ampohg! Street,.

Kuala Lumpur’


Storch Brothers, Ltd. — Brewster McAlister Kuala Lumpur

k Co., Ltd.—High' Street,

Road, Ipoh

Swee Hock & ,Co.—180, Hugh Low Mohamed Abdullah Rowther & Co.—

23, .Malay Street, K.L.

Street, Ipoh



Paterson, Simons & Co., Ltd.—1, Old Chin Ho & Co.—9, Phillip Street

Market Square* Kuala Lumpur Chin Huat Hin Oil Trading Co.—

Planter’s Stores & Agency Co., Ltd. 246, South Bridge Road

—Kuala Lumpur Chong & Co., Peter—9, D’Almeida

Richards & Co., D.—Klang Street

Sime, Darby & Co.—14, Market Street, Chua Ohoon Watt & iSPns—47, Kim

Seng Road

Kuala Lumpur

Storch Brothers, Ltd.—37, Java St., Connell


Bros. Co;, Ltd.—187, Cecil

Kuala Lumpur

'Waitgh & Oo., Ltd., Henry—7, Old DiethelM

ket Street

& Co., Ltd.—139/149, Mar-

Market Street, Kuala Lumpur

Duncan Roberts, Ltd.—112, Robinson


Singapore Dreher & Col, W. G.—116, Cecil


Abdeen & Co., Ltd.—16, Jalan Masjid East Asiatic Co.—12, Raffles Quay

Abdullah Sahib & Co., A. M.—68, Eastern Export-Import Co. — 1, Bon-

ham Buildings

Market Street

Adamson. Gilf^llan & Co.. Ltd.— Edgar Bros., Ltd.—42, The Arcade

Hong Kong Bank Building Elias Bros.—22, Malacca Street

Atdens’ Successors (Eastern), Ltd.— Ellis & Sons—24, Malacca Street

Prince Edward Road Eu Tong Sen—110, South Bridge

Alsagoff, K.O.—13A. Battery Road Road

America & Co.—387, Victoria Road Fong USTam Sang &' Co.—34-36, South

Anglo-Siam Corporation—37B, Robin- Bridge Road

son Road Franco Eastern Trading—2B, Fin-

Angullia & Co., M. S. E.—4, Robin- layson Green

son Road Fraser & Neave, Ltd.—4*10, Trafalgar

Asiatic Universal Trading Co.—60. Street

The Arcade Gaw Brothers, Ltd..— 59, Chulia

Barlow & Co.—Ocean Building Street

Bartholomeusz, Ltd., F.A.—30, Raf- GetzRoad

Brothers & Co,—53, Robinson

fles Quay Gian Singh & Co.—4, Battery Road

Bee Huat & Co., Ltd.—121, Beach St. Guthrie

Bell’s Asbestos Eastern Agency, Ltd. Hagemeyer& Co., Ltd.—24, Battery Road

Trading Co., Ltd.—74,

—6, Bonham Building Robinson Road

Bin & CP.. S. I.—23, Bonham Build- Harrisons, Barker & Co.—Chartered

ing, Chulia Street Bank Chambers

Bolter k Co., H.—12, Bonham Build- Handelsvereening “Holland” — 137,


Boon Seng; & Co., Ltd. — 1, Raffles Cecil Street

Place Hasanali Jivabhai—36, Wallich Street

Borneo Co., Ltd.—Mercantile Bank Henry & Co., Ltd., A. & S.—112,

Building Robinson Road

Boustead & Co.—Union Building Hoe Boon Leong—60, Selegie Road

Erinkmann & Co. — French Bank Hooglandt & Co.—139, Market Street

Building Hoon Seck Trading Co.—1, Raffles

Bun Bee & Co.—111, Beach Road Place

Ching Keng Lee & Co.—Raffles Cham- Huttenbach, Lazarus & Sons - 5,

bers Malacca Street



Hyk Sf.no k Qo.^ 35, Cln^ia Strest r i MoHipEEN. & Co.,' B.S.--39, Chulia.

Strept, . r' .— .

J XTKRX.ynpjSiALK OREDITHEX HaXDELS-* Moine Comte & Co., Ltd.—Union

VEREEXIGIXiQ “Ro'TfERDAM”—37A, Ro- Building Collyer Quay i

binspu Rfvad

Ixterxatioxal Trade CoRPORATipxr-fl6, Naina Mohamed &. So.nSv-22,. Battery

Prinscp Stvo.pt Road ........ j

Isaac & Co., E. S.—6, Malac’ca St. Namsen Co., The—45, rHigh. Street .

Jacks')\ k Go.; Ltd .---55, Robinson NJKaiNG Trading-Co.,' The—387, Vic-

toria Street

Road ;

Jaeger Co‘. —tiCD’AItaeida Street Noordin & Co.. F. M.—189, Cecil St

Joxes & Co., Irvixg—127, Oecil St. Paterson, SimOCs &r ‘do.—Prints1 ^t.


Judah & Co., S.J.—3, Coleman Street Chambers & Co.,- -Ltd.—Hongkong Bank

Jumabhoy &. > Co.-, M.-rl7y Malacca Phiroze & Co!—3b, 1

' Finlayson Green


Kexg Lee & C°.—10,, Robinson Road; Pichon & Co., Y.—166, Neil Road

Kexg Sexg . &,„ C0-.^2^, River Valley Rahamin Penha's—86/ kobinson Road

Road Reid & Co., J.—P.O. Box 461

Kiat & Co., G.H.—15,; Collyer Quay Reuben & Co.,, Ltd N.—7,' De Souza

Klass &. S.OXS, F. V.—163,: Moulmein Street .... ' T" j

Road Saibop Maricar. Son.s^.. S., M,—12,

Koshino Shotex—45, "High Street Market Street

Lee &' Co.,' C. M.—39, High Street Sanddilands. Buttery ^ Co.—Meyer

Lee Kim Soo, Ltd.—&9, High Street Satake Chambers

Liaxqui Trading Co.--i64, Robinson SayeRs, ifeS;—^ Co.—18, Prinsep Street

Malacca. Stl*'eet

Road , ..

Little & Co., Ltd., John ScpyiA Import Co.—2/Fmlayson Green-

Lohmann & Co., Ltd.—124, Robinson Seow Kian Co.—4, Dhoby Gbaut

Road S.iangt Huah Seng Kee—77, Boat, Quay

Low Hoon Chip & Co.—11, Cecil Sim Heng & Co.—37, Prinsep Street

Street Sime, Darby & Co.—5, Malacca Street

Mackay & Co.—P.O. Box 397 Simoda & Co'.—88, Robinson Road

Malayan Commercial Agency—60, The Singapore Trading Co.—19/ Robinson

Arcade ! 'Road >M 1 ■ - . .r. 5 -7i n ill " "


House ZIONE E DI 1MPO RTAZI ONE—175, Cecil

Malay Peninsular Agency—P.O. Box Street , ,

503 Stanton, Nelson & Co., Ltd.—4,

Manasseh1 & Co., S.—>5, Malacca CoUjyei; Quay. , ,

Street ..." . . ta; Stephens, Paul '& Co.—1, Telegraph

Street, , .... .

Matthew & Co., E.—15, South Canal Sternberg & Co.—28, Raffles Chamber , . .


Meyer Brothers—14, Collyer Quay Stott & Co., Ltd., John—53, Robinson

Millar & Co., W. P.—Hong Kong Road

Bank Chambers Straits International Trading /Qq,h-

Miscellaneous Agency—167, Selegie 6,),. Kamppng Bahru BoadL.

Road Straits-Jaya Trading Co., N. V.—

Mitsui Bussan Kaisha—1, Finlayson P.O. Box 600

Green Sulbina & Co.—21, Lembu Road1

Mogul, M. A.—15A, Cecil Street Swee Seng & Co.—387, Victoria Street



Tan Kim Cheng &■ Co.^-66, Mohamed Kiam Hoa Heng & Co.—East Bank,

Sultan Road River Menam

Thong Aik & Oo.—112, Robinson Kwong Koh Long


Tong Lam & Co.—59, Market Street Leonowens, Ltd., Louis T.

Trading Co. “Holland”—137, -Cecil Nai Lert

Steel Brothers & Co., Ltd.


Travers & Sons, Ltd., Joseph— Stephens- Paul & Co. (Siam), Ltd.—

P.O. Box 17

Chartered Bank Chambers

Tyebally, N.—17, Cecil Street Syme oi Co.—2637, Rachawongse Rd.

Union Trading Co.—72, Robinson Rd. Thoresen & Co., Ltd; -966, SuriwongST

Universal Trade Co.—64, China St. Rog,d r ; .,i . .

Vick & Co., V. R.—Hongkong Bank Waugh & Co., Henry—Auwongse Road

Windsor & COtn •


Waugh & Co,,. Henrv—Raffles Cham-

bers 5

x !-tJierlaxds in d.ta

Wearne Bros., Ltd.—45, Orchard Rd.

Wee Seng Moh—12, Oeci! Street Sumatra

Weill & Montors—37, Arcade ' ‘ '

Wolskel & Co., Ltd., H— Cre.sham Bachofen & Co.p'R.—48, Oude Mark-

House straat, Medan

Wood & Cb*., R.J.—Union Building,

Yew Aik & CO.—101, Victoria Street Borneo Sumatra ILaSdel Mtj.—Hin-

4o.e^tra,at ■

Gutherie & Co., LtO.—46, Oude-

Trengganu ' maaket, Medan ') ’ 1 < ••

Fernandes Brothers Handel M a a tHTTFIa fp i i“G untzel & Schu-

macher—Medan - t

Kemaman Cash Stores,' Ltd.—Jalan Harrisons & Crosfield, Ltd.—Juliana


United Trading Co.—Kemaman Hw?,y IVIcdan ' ■ - :r


NTV: Handel "MAat^O^appij Wan |:Nie

SIAM & Co.—Serdanweg, Medan

Roos,' 'ANTON-^Medah, Pangkalau

Bangkok Brandan

Sand?f.an!ds, Buttery5' & 'Co;—Meda'n

Barrow, Brown & Oo.,,;Ltd.—Tapan Sumpner. & Co., Ltd., F.—Medan

Hua Takay Voorheen Barmf.r Bkport Gessboschaft

Berli, Jucker & Co. —31, Ku ttenhyi cLstr a a t, Medan

) Couper-JoRnston ’& Co.‘ D. Waugh & Co., Henry

I, Diethelm ^ Co:, Ltd.

I Ellerman’s Arracan Rice & Trading Batavia

Co., Ltd.

Franco Eastern Trading CO.—Raja- Behn, Meyer & Co.’s Handel Mu

wongse Road Kolfr &, Co. , ,

Geyer, Hans—Sikak Phya Sri

Internationale Crediet-en HaNdels- Pitcairn’ Syme & Co.

vereeniging “Rotterdam” — P.O. Steinhabdt, B. & F.

Box 49 Wehry & Co., Geo.



Sourabaya Aguinaldo, L. R.—514, Juan Luna

Anderson & Co., Wm. H.—25, Plaza

Handel Mu Kian Gwan Goiti,. Santa Cruz

Kaufmann & Eheenpeeis—Boomstraat Atkins, Kroll & Co., Inc.—Insular

Life Building


N. V. Behn. Meyer & Co., Handel— Ayala & Co.—Hogar Building

Maatschappij Babcock & Templeton, Inc.—Insular

N. V. Java Sumatra Handel Mij Life Building

N. V. Koloniale Tabak Import Mij.— Beck,


Inc., I.—81-91, Escblta, Binon-

v/b G Klomp

Pitcairn, Syme & Co. Behn, Meyer & Co., Mu.—227, David

Remedios Bros.—15, Kempang Dje- Berger Binondo

poon & Co., S. M.—2215, Azcarraga

Boss Taylor & Co., Ltd. Bio Chuan—685, Benavides, Binondo


plein—2/6, Kaliasin Simpang

Vraag & Aanbod, (N. Y. Het Techn. Bull & Co., Inc., W.—129, Juan Luna


Bureau)—AIood Tjontong 58 Campos Rueda Hermanos, Inc.—2205,

Wilding & Co.—Parade Straat 21 Azcarraga

Cheng Ban Yek & Co.—525, Muelle de

Semarang Binondo

Chinese Trading Co., Inc.—437,

Burt, Myrtle & Co. Nueva

N. V. Tereenigde Javasche Houthan- Ohoa Tak Hee—413, Reine Legente

DEL MaATSCHAPPIJEN. Christern, Huenefeld & Co., Inc.—

Pitcairn, Syme & Co. P.O. Box 2046

Comercio de Pilipinas—422, Evange-

Padang lista

Compania General de Tabacos de

Maatschappij voor Handel & Indus- Filipines—212,


Marques de Comil-


My. T. Y. D. Z. Van Houten Steffan Connell Bros. Co.—P.O. Box 279

Corona Supply Co.—402, Juan Luna

& Co.

N. V. Handel Maatschappij Guntzel Cosmos Trading Co.—823, Urbiztondo

& Schumacher Cu Un Jieng & Co., Ltd.—441, Nueva

N. V. Gebroeders Veth’s Handel- Daido Boeki Kaisha, Ltd.—Insular

maatschappij Life Building


zione e di Importazione—v/h Soc- Davies & Co., Theo., H.—619, Escolta

teta Commissionaria Orientale Dee Dian Guan & Co.—417, Nueva

Wehry & Co., Geo. Dy Buncio & Co.—191, M. de Binondo

PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Eastern Isles Imp. Co.—92, Balines

Enkee Trading Co.—321, Dasmarinas

Manila Erlanger & Galinger, Inc.—P.O. Box


A. & P. Co., Inc., The—15, Escolta, Exporters Sales Corporation—1077,

Binondo O’Donnell

Aguado Hermanos —^ 103, Balmes, Fernandez Hermanos, Inc.—109, Juan

Quiapo Luna



Elizade & CSa— 845, Muelle de Menzi & Co., Inc.—180, Juan Luna

ia Industria Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd. — P.O.

Fernandez & Co., Y. T.—S. Q. de Box 461

Fernandez Building Model & Co., I no.—P.O- Box 1173

Frtoes, IV3».mn & Co., Ltd 112, • FtyswjOOR, Inc., ^.—250, Davids

Muelle de Binondb

Fukuyama, Nishino & Co.—129, Juan 1^9, Orleans

New Commercial Co., Inc.—

Juan Luna

Luna ‘Norton & Harrison Co.—418* Knepd-

Gabriel Brothers—118, T. Pinpin i . ler Building

Oermann :&~Cb.’, Ltd.—156, Juari'Luba ; Ohtac Development . , Co.—P.O. Box

Getz Brothers & Cp,-^-P.O. Box 160 1150. ^

Giaisermau, tnc., J. !V3.—139, Juan Osaka Cruz

Bazaar—332, Ecbague, Santa


Gillespie, A.T.—180, David Street, Pacific 780

Commercial Co.—P.O. Box


Go Colay

do 367, Juatn Luna

Go Sinoco Sons . Co. — 127-129, j; Porta Pueo y Cta—447, Nueva

Presby & Co., S. A,t^7Q3,/Insular..'LHe-

Rosario, Binondo Building

Goldenrerg. MOLeod & ,Co. — P.O. Boon Ka & Co.—447, Nueva, Binondo

Box 1421

Go Tian Gee & Co.—180, Rosario i Quan Hee & Co.—412, Poblete Bin»

Hanson, Orth Si Stevenson, Inc. ondo

^P.O. Box 292 Rennolds Co., W H.—129, Juan Lima

Hap Liong Co.—333-, Sto. Cristo j? Roces y Cia, Inc.—120, Plaza Goiti

Hua Kee &:COi—537, Ongpin , RosENsTock % "Go.—124', T. Pinpin

Internationa! Harvester

the Philippines Co. of ( Roxas y Cia—719, Echague

—Chaco Building

Plaza Cervantes^/ ; Seng Kee & Co^-—622,. Nueva, Binondo

InheSder, Walch Co., Ltd —^ P.O. S Shau, Charges . C.—6i3, Magdalena

Box 1182 ! Street 'a1 ■"

Keller & Co.. Ltd., Ed. A-^178. * Sirius Trading Corporation—La

Juan Luna, B in on dp 7 . ; j Defensa Building

Kelling, Inc., C.—171, Juan Luna \ Siy Cong Bieng t Co., !nc.,--.1-23t

Ker & Co.—10, Callejon de iS. Juan Luna, Biuondo

Gabriel Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd.—Hongkong

Kinkwa Meryasu Cd.—45L Juan Luna & Shanghai Bapk>Building

Kishimqto & Co.—Zobel Building : South Seas Trading Co.—17, Aviles

Kuenzle & Streiff, Inc.—343-347,Calle , Standard, Import Co., Inc.-—658, T,

T. Pinpin Pihpih

Landahl, Inc. John—979, M. de la , Swiss Oriental Commercial Co.—153,

Industria : 1 Juaa Ltuia

Levy & Blum—345, Echague. Sy Yoco & Sons, Inc.—6, Ingreso,

Macondray & Co., Inc.—China Bank Binondo

Building. Tan Kah Kee & Co.—122, Rosario

Madrigal & Co:-r8, Muele de Banco Tan Sengu^n , & Go.—157, M. de

Nacional Binondo

Manila Mercantile Co., Inc.—511, Tong Hon’g Trading Corpn.—427,

Azcarraga, Tondo Nueva

Marians Uy Chaco Sons & Co., Ltd VlEGELMANN, SCHROEDER & Co., INC.—*

—P.O. Box 22 (Importers) 456, Dasmarinas, Binondo




Warner, Barnes & Co., Ltd.—P:0. Zamboanga

Box 294

West & Whitaker—237, David Atkins, Kroll & Co., Inc.—14, Oalle

Wise & 06., Inc.—174, Juan Luna Madrid

Wolff & Co. >nc., T. a—jjO Plaza Francisco


Barrios & Co.—P.O. Box


Yek Hua Trading Corporation- Johnston, Jos. S.

129, Juan Luna Kuenzle & Streiff, Inc.

Yuill & Co.. Ltd., G. S. — 503 511, Pacific Commercial Co.—P.O. Box

Echague, Qulapo 189

Zueixig, Inc., F.E.—90, Rosario Spirig & Co., John—P.O. Box 195

Torrejon. Jurika & Co., Inc.—P.O.

Box 207



Filma Mercantile Co., Inc.

Hanson, Orth & Stevenson, Inc. Cambodge

Hoskyn & Co.. Inc.

International Harvester Co. oe the Compagnie de Commerce et de Navi-

Philippines gation d’Extreme Orient

Ker & Co.

Kttenzle k Streiff, Inc. Haiphong

Wacleod k Co.

Manila Trading and Supply Co. Compagnie de Commerce et de Navi

Menzi & Co. cation d’Extreme-Orient—36, Rue

Pacific Commercial Co. Harmand

Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd. Diethelm & Co.—46, Avenue Clemen

Warner, Barnes & Co., Ltd. ceau

Wise & Co., Inc. Magasins Chaffanjon, S. A.—Boule-

vard Amiral Courbet

Ynchausti y Cia M. Dandolo & G. Chardin—1, Rue de

Zuellig, Inc., F. E. Lanessau

OgliasTro & Co., Louis

Cebu Societe Francaise des Yerreriea


Societe Contonniere du Tonkin

Forbes, Mhnn & Co., Ltd.—143, Calle Societe

Orient des Verreries d’Extreme

Juan Luna

International Harvester Co. of the

Philippines Hanoi

Ker & Co.

Kuenzle & Streief, Inc.—P.O. Box Compagnie Francaise des Chemins db


Landahl, Inc., John—P.O. Box 390 NAN

Menzi & Go., Inc.—213, Caile Norte Impuimerie d’Extkemf. Orient — 96,

America Rue Paul Bert

Pacific Commercial Co. Societe Asiatique des Boissons Indi-

Stevenson & Co..,. Inc., W. F. genes

CLASSIFIED list of teades


'SOCIETE FRANCAI'SE DES DISTILLERIES DE Societe Anonym® des Riz d’Indochine

l’ Indochine—55, Boulevard Gam- Denis Freres—4, Rue Catinat.

betta Societe

SOCIETE iNDIj STRIELLE ET COMMERCIALE merce, Ltd.Indcchinoise de Commer-

—23 bis, Bue Georges Guyne-

d’Annam—55, Boulevard Gambetta

Taupin & Co., G.—50, Rue Paul Bert Societe Indo-Chinoise d’Importation

Pastrano, Unchttan & Co; —84, Biirgos —59-67, Boulevard Charner


Procter & Gamble Trading Do.—

Norte America Borneo

Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd.

Yaptico & Co., Ltd.—P.O. Box 84 Borneo Co., Ltd.—Kuching, Sarawak

Zuellig, Inc., F.E. Eng Watt & Co.—33, Beach Street,


Provinces du Tonkin Funk & Sons—P.O. Box 53, Sanda-


Harrisons & CR'OSFIfld (Borneo),

Bach-van-Lam Ltd.—Sandakarv, Labuan and Jes-

De Monpezat selton

Emil Leconte Hiap Soon Hin—84, Ewe Hai Street,

Aociete Anonyme des Anthracides du Sime, Kuching, Sarawak

Tonkin Darby & Co., Ltd.—Kuching,


Tan Sum










Saigon JAPAN

Berthet & Cie.—165, Rue Catinat Kobe


COJMPAGNIE FONOIERE d’InDO-ChINE— Bastel & Co., W.—38, Isobe-dori

79-81, Rue Ricaud CoK & Hirao—112, Higashi-machi



Commerce et de Kodera Boyeki K.K.—50, Sakae-

- Orient-

12, Rue Boissy d’An.glas machi



Glass Shoten—22, Tamon-

17, Quai Le Myre de Vilers

David & Co., Ltd., A. B—43-45, Rue ya-cho Garasu-ten—340, Sannomi-


Chaigneau Charuer

Descours et Cabaud—1, Quai de Bel- Moji


DiritHELM & Co.—29, Quai de Belgique Asahi Glass K.K.—Yusen Building

FicpdRT' & Import Co. of Cochinchine Goto Giichi SHoten—Shin Sakae-

—39, Quai de Belgique machi



Nagasaki Osaka-ya Glass Ten—136, Ichigaya


Sasaki Glass Ten—22, Bakuro-cho

Kawasoe Glass-test—6$, Yedo-maohi Seno

Shiga Yasuo—3, ‘ Yedo-machi \ Zenroku : Shoten—7, Motoyana-


Tamatoshi Plate Glass Factory—2,

Nagoya Motoiwaioho

Vitrea Glass W'orks — Takiyama

Chuo Haeiki Seisakusho—13, Higashi Building


Ishidzuka & Co.—11, Nakachiba-cho Yokohama

Osaka : Asahi Glass Co., Ltd.—1, Suehiro-

! cho

Asahi Glass Co., Ltd.—7, Doshu-machi Dai Nihon Beer K.K.^1^ Kanhe

Asahi Gakastt Seizosho—■*7, Yoriki-cho ! Shitai-machi

CtTRMALi.Y &; Co.—36, Kawaguchi-cho Kanagawa Glass Kogyosho—906, Fu-

tasuya, Kanagawa-machi

Imai Garasu Osaka Hont^n—34, Ume- 'Nippon Koki Kogyo K.'K'—89, Uchi-

da-cho oda-cho

Kogayashi Garasit Kojo—17, Sonjo |! Ochiai

Nishi-machi machi TahicIii Shoi^n—17, Yoshida

Miyoshi Glass Factory—1030, Nish-

ente-cho CHINA

Osaka Seibinsho—86, SKinke-cho

Takahashi Suematsd—1-59, Higashino- Dairen


Tokunaga Garasu Seizo-cho—18, Yori-

ki-cho Saito Yoko—49, Yoshima-ciho

Yamamoto Garasu ShotEst—4-58, Kujo Shoko Glass K.K.—2, Akizuki-cho.


Yoshida Iavahei—42, Kita' Dishiii-niachi Hankow

Tokyo ‘ Olivier-Uhine—jeekiug- Road

Asahi Glass K.K.—Nihon Kogyo ! ItEPRESENTATlON T OR BRITISH

turers—zj, Auiiguhg rtoad MANU-


Building, Marunouchi

Daimaru Glass Test—1, Mitosinrocho,

Kanda-ku Hongkong

Hospital Supply Co.—6, Yamamoto-

cho, Kojimachi Bitzkr & Co.—Queen’s Building

Ito Glass Ten—6, Mitoshirocho, Kan- 'China Biochemical ^ Ob.—80, ; Des

da-ku Voeux Road . C. , ^ ' 5'

waki Glass Factory— 1, Motogaka-cho

Kai Shoten—3, Gofukubashi jCoRNEY & Co., Ltd., R.—127, Dea

Miyazaki Tsunesaburo Shoten—7, Voeux Road

Muromachi I IIuygen, G. E.—French Bank Bldg.

Nichibei Ita-glass K.K.—Marunouchi Ip Tak & Co.—36a, Queen’s Road Cen-

Building, Marunouchi tral



Kato & Co.—15, Queen’s Road Tientsin

Kelley Co., Ltd.—9, Queen’s Rd. C.

Lane, Crawford, Ltd. — Exchange Builders’


Supply Co.—17, Rue de

Building Gomptoir Charles Ley—25, Rug Dillon

TMaison F. Mathieu Soc.—Prince’s Kailan Mining Administration—

Building Meadows Road

Mitsubishi Shoji Kaisha, Ltd. — 14, Sintoon Overseas Trading Co.—135,

Pedder Street Rue Dillon

Shewan, Tomes & Co.—National Bank Wen Hsiang Yung Glass’ Co.—6, Can-

Building ton Road

Sincere Co.—Des Voeux Road Central Yao Hua Mechanical Glass Co.—Con-

Sun Co.—Des Voeux Road Central : sular Road

Wing On Co.—Des Voeux Road Centra] INDOCHINA

Shanghai Haiphong


Orient des Verreries de’Extreme-

Arts & Crafts—190, Bubbling Well


Asia Glass Co.—54, Szechuen Road MALAYA

Clark Co., Ltd., Alexander—], Nan- Singapore

king Road

Dah Wah Glass Factory—981, Che- Ebata & Co.—33, Coleman Street

mulpo Road Robertson & Co., John—28; Chulia

Dixon & Sons, Ltd.—3, Hongkong Street


IIachiya & Co.—9A, Hankow Road PHILIPPINE ISLANDS

Kitafuku Yoko—36, Canton Road

Knipschildt and Eskelund—56, Sze- Manila

chuen Road Behn, Meyer & Co., H. Mu.—227,

Maison de Nouveautes—19, Nanzing David, Bimondq

Road Chua Leong & Co.—305, Gandara

'Monar & Greiner—74, Szechuen Road Chin Guan—339, iSanto Crusto

Oliver Chine—16, Museum Road Chua Leong & Co.—305, Gandora

Pilkington Brothers (China), Ltd.— Chita Yap—716-718, Rizal

8, Museum Road

Sales Corporation of Bohemian Sheet El Brilliante—152, Escolta, Binondo

Glass Factories, Ltd. — 12, The Garcia, DoMiNGd—37 P., Du cos

Bund Hoc Ho Bee—930, San Fernando

Solar Electric and Manufacturing Keller & Co., Ed.—178, Juan Luna

Co.—216, Szechuen Road Kim Chuan Heng—245, Rosario, Bin-

SuNSLNTAY Co.—42, Rue de la Porte ondo

du Norol Kim Leng Glass Store, The—136,

Tsai Zung Mow—139, Tiendong Road Villalobos Quiapo

King Hiap Hing Mirror Factory—

413, Nueva

Swatow King Hiap Hing—413, Nueva Binon-


Carr-Ramsey & Son Rosendo Dychauco—318, ' Sto. Cristo




Hotel—43, Sagarom^t^u,

(see Page B15) Nagoya Hotel—80, Tatemitsukura-cho,

f Nagoya


and also Page B15) Hotel, Ltd.--6,^ Bund, Kobe

Osaka Hotel—Imabashi, Higashi-lyU,

HAT FACTORIES—(S'ee Page Bl7) Osaka

Pension ReliFe—145, Yamauaoto Hotel

HEMP—(Nee und^r Copra) “Pleasanton,”

dori, Kobe -The—4, Kitanagasa-

HIDE—(N^e under Leather) Rakkosan Hotel—Rakkosan, Kobe

Sanyo Hotel—Shimono^eki '

HOTELS, RESTAURANTS, Shingishu Station Hotel—Shingi-

shu, Chosen, Korea

CAFES, ETC. Taiwan Railway- Hotel—7, Omote-

! cho, Taihoku, Formosa

JAPAN Tokyo Station Hotel—Marunpuchi^


Aoi Hotel—], Nagata-cho, Tokyo Tor Hotel, Ltd., The—Kitario-cho;

Bluff Hotel—2,-Bluff, Yokohama , P.O. Box 184, Kobe

Bund Hotel, Ltd.—1,. Shinyamashita- Toyokan


Hotel—Takeo-machi, near

^ ,-j • r-

cho, Yokohama- ■ Uyeno-ya—12, Nanzai-cho, Nagasaki

Centre Hotel—66, Yamashita-cho, Yamato Hotel—Nakayamate-dori, Na-

Yokohama gasaki

Ceoanji Hotel—Choanji, Korea 1"amato Hotel — Nakayamate-dori,

Chosen Hotel—Seoul, .Korea : Kobe

Chung Hotel -67, Tansu-machi, Tokyo Yedobuil Hotel—104, Yedo-machi,

Chuo Hotel—6, Uchisaiwai-cho, Tokyo Kobre

Daito-kwan Hotel—108, Koya-machi,

Shidzuoka CHINA

Dobuil Hotel—Dojima, Osaka

Essoyan Hotel—137, Nakayamate- Amoy

dori. Kobe

Fukushima-ya—14, Omura-oho, Naga- Insular Hotel—Kulangsu

saki . .v

Fusan Station Hotel—Fusan, Korea Canton

Heijo R>atlway Hotel—Keijo, Korea

Hotel du Japon—24, Oura, Nagasaki Hotel “Asia”—West Bund

Hotel • New Grand—10, Yamashita- Victoria Hotel — British Concession,.

cho, Yokohama Shamcen

Imperial Hotel—1, Uchiyamashita-

cho, Tokyo Changchun

Kamenoi Hotel—Kaigan-dori, Beppu,

Kyushu Yamato Hotel—

Kyoto Hotel—Kawara-machi, Kyoto

Marunouchi Hotel — Marunouchi,

Tokyp Chefoo

Mikasa Hotel—1, Yaesu-cho, Tokyo

Miyako Hotel—Keage, Kyoto Astor House Hotel—



Dairen Marble Hall—21, Nathan Road

Matsubara Hotel—10, Queen’s Road

Centeal Hotel—25, Okumachi Central . |d^0H eeuoH tolaA

Palace Hotel—138, Yamagata dori Meteopole Hotel—22,, Ice House St.

RYoto Hotel -31, Shinanomachi Nathan Hotel—Nathan Road

Strand Hotel—P.O. Box 104 Palace Hotel—Hankow Road

Yamato Hotel— Palm Court—21, Nathan Hotel

Peak Hotel

Peninsula Hotel

Foochow Repulse Bay Hotel

Savartn IIoi'SK -16, Hankow Road

Beockett’s Boaeding House Station Hotel—65, Nathan Road

St. Francis Hotel—ISA, Queen’s

Road Central

Hankow St. George’s Hotel—2, Kennedy Road

Centeal Hotel—33, Rue Dubail Kiukiang

Hankow Hotel—25, Rue Dubail

Little Hotel—5, Rue Dubail

Wagons-Lits Hotel Terminus — Fairy Gjien—Kuling

F rench Cofly^Ssion


Harbin Hotel Riviera—Praia Grande

Gband .Hotel—3, Sjugarisky Prospect

Hotel Modeene—177, Kitaikaia St. Mukden

Hongkong Hotel Lengmuller, Inc.-^3, San Djin


Oriental Hotel—33, Chiyoda-dori

Clabemont Hotel—ICp, Austin Road Yamato Hotel (S.M.R.)

Empeess Hotel—159-161, Connaught

Road Central Nanking

Empress Lodge—2/12, Mody Road

Gloucester, The—Gloucester Building

Great Eastern Hotel—112, Connaught Nanking! IIotki. The Bund

Road Central Yangtsze Hotel

Hongkong & Shanghai Hotels, Ltd.

—Pedd'er Street Newchwang

Hotel Cecil—Royal Building

Jordon House—227, Nathan Road

Kella, Mbs. E.—03,, Mody Road, Astor House Hotel—The Bund


“Kingsclere” Hotel — Carnarvon Peiping


Kowloon Hotel—Hankow Road Granp Hotel de Pekin

Lauriston—1, Bowen Road Grand Hotel des Wagons-Lits, Ltd.—

Luk Kwok Hotel—Gloucester Road Hotel du Nord—Hatamen Street



Shanghai Pension “Holland”—130, Meadows


Astor House Hotel—7, WhangpooRoad Savoy Hotel—24, Wusih Road

Bicker ton’s Private Hotel—282, Bub- St. Francis Hotel—45, Rue de France

bling Well Road “Talati House” Hotel—24^, Victoria

Burlington Hotel — 1225, Bubbling Road

Well Road Victoria Hotel—Talati House, Vic-

Cathay toria Road

king RoadHotel—Sassoon House, Nan- West Lake—491, Race Course Road

Cathay Mansions

Crystal Hotel—37,, Seward Road Tsingtao

Forts Hotel—Wposung Forts

Great Eastern Hotel—Wing On Bldg. Bickerton’s Private Hotel—12, Lai-

Hamilton House—Kiangse Road yang Road

Hotei de France—H3, Avenue Ed- Erin House—5, Hunan Road

ward VII German Cafe—P.O. Box 36

Hotel Plaza—Or.

du Consul at Rue Montauban & Rue Grand Hotels, Ltd., The—

Hotel Royal—209, Range Road Hotel Pension Pacific—14, Pacific

Hotel Tiny—181A, Yu Yuen Road Road

Metropole Hotel—Comer of Kiangse Maendler, A.—P.O. Box 216

and Foochow Epads Novella Hotel, Ltd.—81, Chung Shan

Monchen Hotel—2A, Carter Road Road

Palace Hotel—19, Th:e Bund Oriental Hotel—8, Sinkiang Road

Royal Hotel—201, Range Road Seaside Pension—11, Pacific Road

Savoy Hotel—96, Broadway Sunnyside Private Hotel—5, Teh

Sheers’—43, Peking Road Hsien Road

Sinza Lodge—134, Sinza Road Tsingtao Cafe—14, Chung Shan Road

St. George’s Hotel—10, Avenue Haig Yamato Hotel—iChefoo Road

Victor Hotel—46, Range Road



Beach Hotel

Astor House Hotel—136, Kialat Rd East Cliff Hotel

Palace Hotel:—Customs Road Island Hotel

IOng’s Hotel

Tientsin Sulphur Bath Hotel.

Astor House Hotel, Ltd. —Victoria INDO-CHINA


Court Hotel, The—Victoria Road Prov. du Tonkin

D’Arc’s Hotel—81, Race Course Road

Grand Hotel—Petrograd Road

Hotel Moderne—33, Rue du Consulat Eerriere—Cao-Bang

Imperial Hotel—10, Rue de France Hotel des Nations

Kreier’s Hotel—2-20, Woodrow Wil- Bazin, Scheffer

son Street Viaud Hotchier a Laokay



MALAYA Grosvenor Hotel—Stamford Road

Metrorole Hotel—76, Bras Basah

Malacca Rosud

Park Hotel—239, Victoria Street

New Hotel—121, Bunga Raya Road Sea ViewHotel,

Raffles Ltd.—2, Beach Road

Hotel, Ltd.—Tajong Katong,

Negri Sembilan Tiong Hoa Hotel—123, North Bridge


Shimaya Hotel—83, Birch Road SIAM

Penang Bangkok

Crag Hotel—Penang Hill Hotel Royal, Ltd.

Eastern and Oriental Hotel, Ltd.— Oriental Hotel

8, Farquhar Street

Miami Beach Hotel—8th Mile Tan- Philippine Islands

jong Bungah

Nippon Hotel—22, Leith Street Manila

Runnymede Hotel — 40-42, Northam


Army and Navy Cunf^-South Boule

Perak ! vard, Luneta

Asahi Hotel—506, Sales

Grand Hotel—Ipoh Azumaya, Hotel and Restaurant—310,


•Boston Hotel—200, Echague, Santa

Selangor ! Cruz

Boulevard Apartment Hotel—1144,,

Empire Hotel—Huala Lumpur Dewey Boulevard


Great Eastern Hotel—Ampang Road, I Pilar, Ermita Hotel—50-52,‘ M. H. del

Kuala Lumpur Congress Hotel—551, M. H. del

Hotel Majestic—Damansara Road, Pilar, Ermita

Kuala Lumpur pORREGIDOR .HOTEL A^D BAR.—.210,

Hotel Majestic,,,Ltd.—Opposite Rail- 1 Oabildoy Intraiiiuros'

way Station, Kuala Lumpur

Station Hotel—F.M.S. Hailway Star 'Delmonico Hotel—278, Gral Luna

'Eygetsu Hotel — 86l, R. Hidalgo,

tion ; Quiapo

Tin Span Mwee Hotel—126, petaling Ermita Hotel—52, L. Guerrero

St., Kuala: Lunfpur

Great Eastern Hotel—109,'Echague

Singapore Hanilakan Hotel—1089, R. Hildago

Helen’s Restaurant—45, Metropolitan

Adelphi Hotel 1,-Coleman Street Theatre Building

Bellevue Hotel—60, Telok Blangah Hotel Cantabria—268, Gral Luna

Burlington Private Hotel—3, Cole- Hotel, Dimas

Hotel Alang^—525, Magdalena

Great Eastern—199, Echague

man Street

Goodwood Park Hotei^—Scotts Road Hotel Santa Cruz—741, Misericordia



Hotel Sinukuan—817,. Aguilar Cor. Hotel Cramer

Azcarraga, Ton do Hotel Daendels

Imperial Hotel —118' R


LaSalona de Mallorca Hotel—Real & Hotel

Palma Streets de l’Europe

Hotel Hajjonk

Luneta Hotel—38-40, San Luis Ermita Hotel Hollandia

Manila Hotel Co.—Luneta Extension Hotel des Indes

Hotel Konningsplein

New Delmonico Hotel—278, General Hotel de Nederlanden


Orient Hotel—121, Real, Intramuros Hotel Preanger v/h Patria

Plaza Hotel—Plaza Gorti (Hotel du Pavillon

Seaside Hotel—Cavite :Hotel Semarang

Toyo Hotel—831, Ectiague Hotel Victoria

Windsor Hotel—Nebraska k San Hotel Villa Park

Louis Hotel Rembrandt

Palace Hotel

Cebu Stations Hotel Creamer

Hotel Dapat—42^ ^. America Sumatra

Hotel Shamrock—Fernandez Building

International Hotel—26, N. Carmelo Grand Hotel Brastagi—Medan

Grand Hotel Medan

Iloilo Hotel Mu. de Boer N.V.—Medan

America Hotel—46, J. M. Basa ;ICE FACTORIES—(See Page B17)

Bilbao Hotel—Rizal

Central Hqtjbl—J. M. Ba#a INSURANCE

Iloilo Hotel—Plaza Libertad JAPAN

Plaza Hotel—Plazai Libertad

Zamboanga Kobe

Adet, Moss k Co.—8, Kaigan-dori

Plaza Hotel—Plaza Pershing American Trading Gq. of Japan—99,


BORNEO Birnie, Leonard—Uehida Building

Cameron & Co.—93, Yedo-machi

Sandakan Hotel—Sandakan Carst, W. M.—6Q, Ura-machi

Chiyoda Seimei Hokan Sogo Kaisha


Cooper Findlay k Co., Ltd.—110,


Batavia Cornes k Co.—88, Yedo-machi

Grand Hotel Java Dodwell k Co., Ltd.—82, Kyo-machi

Hotel Astor Holstein Shipping and Insurance

Agencies—8, Kaigan-dori

Hotel Binnenhof Home Insurance Co.—27, Naka-machi



Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.—83, Nagasaki


Maxwell Insurance Office — 100a, Asapa Kiyoshi—33, Kajiya-machi


New Zealand Insurance Co.—Cres- Holme, Ringer & Co.—P.O. Box 22.

cent Building, Room 303, 72, Kyo- ItqmachiTatsuchiro — 54, Kanashima-


Kiku.ya Shokai—75, Yado-machi

Nichizui Trading Co., Ltd.—72, Kyo- Mitsubishi

machi Kogyo K.K.—21, Ozone-


North China Insurance Co. — 28, Nagasaki

Harima-machi Jitusgyo K.K.—108, Tsuki-

Owston & Co,, Ltd., F.—72, Kyo- machi


Reid, S.—Toyo Building, 7, Harima- Osaka


Strachan & Co.—1, Kaigan-dori American Trading Co. of Japan, Ltd.

Union Insurance Society of Canton —416, Dojima-Building, Hama-dori

—28, Harima-machi Asahi Kaijo Kasai Hokan—7, Ima-

Yangtsze Insurance Association, Ltd. bashi

—28, Harima-machi Banzai Deimei Hokan—1, Soze-cho

Continental Insurance Go. of New

Hakodate York—1, Soze-eho

Dai-Ichi Kikan—28, Koraibashi

Kyoho Seimei Hoken K.K. -*-37, Daito Kaijo Kaisai Hokan—1, Kkiu-



Mitsui Seimei Hoken K.K.—66, Kita-machiInsurance Co.—20, Dojima

Fuji Life


Nippon Seimei Hoken K.X.—8, ALke- Holstein & Co.—50, Edobori

Manufacturers Life Insurance Co.—

bono-cho Dojima Building

Kyoto Maxwell Insurance Office—Taihci

Building, Umeda Shin-machi

Asahi Marine & Fire Insurance Co. NewMitsui Seimei Hokan—1, Koraibashi

—Nishikikoji-kudaru Zealand Insurance Co. — 35,


Chiyoda Fire Insurance Co.—Kara- Nippon Life Insurance Co.—7, Ima-

sumaru bashi

Hokoku Fire Insurance Co.—Kara- Osaka Kaijo Hokan—2, Dojima Ha-

sumaru madori

Meiji Fire Insurance Co.—Shi jo SAtE & Co., Ltd.—35, Koraibashi


Nippon Fire Insurance Co.—Sanjo, Suning Insurance Office—Osaka Build-

Sakai-machi Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada—

Asahi Building, Nakanoshima

Moji Taisho Kaijo Kaisai—6, Kitahama

Teihoku Kasai Hokan—9, Doshu-cho

Ishida Mitsutaro—Nishi Hon-machi

Muramoto Benzo—Yusen Building Shimonoseki

Nutter & Co.—902, Kiyotaki-machi

Tomoe Gumi—Sanbashi-dori Wuriu Shokai—P.O. Box 20



Tokyo Yokohama

Asahi Life Insurance Co.—Marti- Adet ■ Moss & Co.—43, Yamashita-

nouchi Building cho


AsaSi Marine & Fire Insurance Co. tion—72, Yamashita-cho Underwriters’ Associa-

—Hiji Shimpo Building Commercial Union Assurance Co.,

China Mutual Life Insurance Co.— Ltd.—72, Yamashita-cho

(See Sun Life Assurance Co.1 of Continental Insurance Co. of New

Canada) York—21, Honcho-dori

Chiyoda Insurance Co.r—18, Minam- Dodwell & Co.—22, Yamashita-cho

meda-cho . j.i. : 1

Continental Insurance Co. of New Guardian 26 Assurance Co.—P.O. Box

York—Yuraku Building

Dodweli. & Co.—P.O. Box Central F. Holstein SmrpiNG and Insurance

Agencies—7, Yamashita-cho

53 Home Insurance /!

Office—73, Yama-

Fire Insurance Association of Japan shita-cho

—Tokyo Kaijp Bldg., Maruncuclii Manufacturers’ Life Insurance Co.—

Home Insurance Co. of New York— . .73, Yamashita-cho

Yuraku Building aQ 1ASKi Mitsui Bussan K.Aisha—14, Nippon

Joint & Foreign Fire Insurance As- Ohdori

sociation of Japan—14, Marunouchi New Zealand Insurance Co., Ltd.—

Liverpool &; London and Globe In- : 73, Yamashita chi)

surance , Co.—2, Kyobashi North China Insurance Co., Ltd.—

Manufacturers Life Insurance Co.—. j Union Building, 75d, Yamashita-cho

401,, Y-ewsu Buildiug,. Marunouchi Palatine Insurance Co., Ltd.—92,

New Zealand Insurance Co.—14, Schoene, i Yamashifca-cho

Marunouqld, ' F.—73, Yamashita-cho


North China Insurance Co. —12, Yamashita-cho British I^feuRANdE Qo.—17,


Norwich Union Fire Insurance Co; Stanton & Co.—14, Yamashita-cho

—417-51SC Nisshiri SeimeUKan £$un

j 24, Life Assurance 0b. of Canada—


Royal Insurance Co.—2, Kyobashi Union Insurance Society of Canton,

Sale & Go.—14, Marunouchi ! Ltd.—Union Building ; 75D, Yama-

South British Insurance Co., Ltd.-- shitaicho

Yufakukan' Building Wiersum & Co.—25, Yamashita-cho

Strachan; & CO. (Agencies) Ltd.— Yang.tsze Assurance Association Ltd.

Yusen Building —Union Building

Sun Insurance Office, Ltd. —14,

Marunbudhi FORMOSA

Sun Life Assurance Cb. of Canada—

6, Marunouchi

Tokyo Fire Insurance Co.—Eiraku- Box 81, Taihoku- & Co., Ltd.—P.O.

Jardine, Matheson

cho Tait & Co., Ltd.—Minato-cho, Taiho-

Toyo Life Insurance Cb.—8, Otema- ku


Union Insurance Society of Canton, KOREA

Ltd.—12, Marunouchi


shi Insurance Co.—2, Kyoba- Chosen Kaisai Kaijo Hoken K.K.—

59, Meiji-cho, Seoul



Hokoku Keisai Keijo K.K.—156, Hongkong Canton Export Co., Ltd.

Kagane-cho, Seoul —33, British Concession, Shameen

Nippon Seimei Hoken K.K.—1, Na- Huygen, G. E.—2, French Concession

daimon-dori, Seoul International Assurance Co., Ltd.—

Sale & Co.—75,, Takezoe-cho, Seoul Missions Building

Tanaka & Co.—Fusan Jebsen & Co.—P.O. Box 18

Teikoku Seimei Hoken K.K.—85, Manners & Co., John—62, British.

Kogane-cho, Seoul Concession, Shameen

Yokohama Kaisat Keijo Hoken K.K Manufacturers Life Insurance Co.—

2, F.C. Shameen

—36, Shoro-dori, Seoul

Melchers & Co.—39, B.C., Shameen

CHINA National Union Fire Insurance Co.—

Missions Building

Amoy Reuter Brockelmann & Co.—8, B. C.,.


Sun Life Assukance Co. of Canada Siemssen & Co.—75a, British Conces-

sion, Shameen

Teadeks Co.—P.O. Box 18 Sincere- Insurance & Investment Co.,

AntuHg Ltd.—1, Sincere First Street, The


Shaw, Geo. L. Sincere Life Insurance Co., Ltd.—I,

Sincere First Street, The Bund

Canton Union Insurance Society of Canton

—50, British Concession, Shameen

American Asiatic Underwriters, Inc. Chungking

—Missions Building, The Bund

American Foreign Insurance Asso- American - Asiatic Underwriters,

ciation—6-10, Shaki Road Fed. Inc. U.S.A.—124, Pei Hsiang

Andersen, Meyer & Co. Kai

Asia Life Insurance Co.—Missions Hanover Fire Insurance Co.—124,

Building, The Bund Pei Hsiang Kai

Bodiker & Co.—P.O. Box 19 Sun Life Assurance Cd- of Canada—

Bornemann & Co.—29, F. C. c/o. Barry and Dodwell Ltd

Canton Overseas Trading Co.—99,

Sap Sam Hong Road Chefoo

China Underwriters, Ltd. — 9/0

Shewan Tomes & Co.

China United Assurance Society— CORNABE, EcKFORD & Co.Street

Anz & Co.—Gipperich

246, Yat Tak Road

CrownchinA Co.—33a, B.C., Shameen Railton & Co., Ltd., H. E,

Crown Life Insurance Co.—33a, Shantung Box 2

Traders Co., Ltd.—P.O.

British Concession, Shameen

Deacon & Co. Smith & Co., L. H.

Ferguson & Co., John H.—85, British

Concession, Shameea Dairen

Gilman & Co., Ltd.—2, F.C., Shameen

Goeke & Co., A.—86, B. C., Shameen Anz & Co.—212, Yamagata-dori

Griffith, T. E. (1932), Ltd. Bryner & Co.—212, Yamagata-dori

Hanover Fire Insurance Co.—Mis- Chinese Eastern Railway Commer-

sions Building cial Agency—110, Yamagata-dori



CORNABE, , EcKFORD ANI) WINNING—P. British Traders’ Insurance Co., Ltd.

O. Box 2)9 —Union Building, Tungting Road

Daido iSetmei Hoken K.K.—25, Shiki- Carlowitz .&• Co.—Ta Chi Men


Dairen Fire & Marine Insurance Co. China Trading Cb., The—3, Ting Yu

Lee Hunan Road,' S.A.D. 3

—117, Nishi-dori Chung Hwa Steel Products & Trad-

Fukusho & Co.—213, Yamagata-dori ing Cp.—3.3, Rue de; Paris

Mitsubishi Shoji Kaisha Credit Foncier d’Extreme Orient—

Nippon Seimei Hoken K.K. — 40, 4, Hue ; CJeinenceau

Wakasa-cho Crooks & Co., W! J.—

Taito. Co,, The—18, Yamagata-dori Dodwell & Co., Ltd.—5, Tungting


Foochow Fuhrmeister & Co.—361, Han Ohung

Road, S.A.D. 1

Hanover Fire Insurance Co. —

American Asiatic nderwriters—t»9, A.P.C. D.3

Building, The Bund, S.A.

Tai Ping Hsiang

Asia Life Insurance Co.—69, Tai Ping Jardine, Matheson. & Co., Ltd.—The

Hsiang Bund, S.A.D. 3

Bathgate & Co.— Lacey & Cannan, Ltd.—Hongkong and

China Underwriters, Ltd.—c/o N. W. Shanghai Bank Building

Greig & Go. L’Union (Paris), Fire Insurance Co.

Dodwell & Co., Ltd.— —4, Rue Clemenceau

Greig ife Co., N. W. Mackenzie & Cb.

Hanover Fire Insurance Co.—69, Tai Melchers & Co. —S.A.D. Bund No. 49

Ping Hsiang Middleton & Co., High—Central

Harrisons, King & Irwin, Ltd. China Post Bldg.

Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.— Mitsubishi Shoji Kaisha, Ltd.—

Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd. Taiping Road, S.A.D. 3

Nationar Union Fire Insurance Co.— North China Insurance Co., Ltd.—

69, Tai Pihg Hsiang Union Building, Tungting Road

Osaka Shosen Kaisha O. E. Yongehr, Fed. Inc.—David

SlEMSSEN AND KrOHN Sassoon Bldg.

Oliver Chine—Peking Road

South China Trading Co., Ltd.—69, Ramsay & Co—23, Tungting Road

Me Wu Ting Road

Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada— Schnabel Gaumer & Co. 37> Woo Tsu

Street, Tachimen

c/o Dodwell & Qo. Siemssen & Co.—34, Hankiang Road

Union Trading Co., The Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada—

Central China Post Building

Hankow Union Insurance Society Tungting

of Can-

ton, Ltd.— Union Building,

American Asiatic Underwriters, Fed. Road

Inc.—A.P.C. Building, The Bund West Coast Life Insurance Co.- 1,

American Foreign Insurance Asso- The Bund, S.A.D. 2

ciation—N.K.K. Building

Andersen, Meyer & Co.—11, Rue Harbin

Clemeuceau -•

Asia Life Insurance Co., Inc.—A.P. American Asiatic Underwriters —

C. Building, The Bund, S.A.D. 3 c/o Bryner & Co.



Asia^ Life Insurance Cq.—9, Skyosna- Co-operative Trading Co., The—

ya Street ,, . Bank of Canton Building

Bryner & Go.—1, Kounaya Commercial Union Assuracce Co.,

Commercial Union Assurance Go., Credit Ltd. —2,: Queen’s Buildhig

Ltd. —53, Diagonalnaya Foncier d’Extreme Orient—5,

Holstein & Go., G^—P.O. Box 222 Queen’s Road Central *

International Insurance Co; .— 9, Crown Crownchina Co.—Gloucester Building

Skvosnaya Street Life Insurance Co.—Glou-

Klemantaski, J.--il88, Norogcrodnaya Dastur, cester Building

Street R. A. — 79b, Wong Nei

.Netherlands Insurance Office—31, Dodvvell Clteong Road

Russkaya Street & Co., Ltd.—Queen^s .Bldg.

PelstrusofE, M. V.—P.O. Box 447 Gibb, Livington A Co., Ltd.—P. & O.

Russian-Asiatic' Co;^-5, Motovaya Building

The F. Howard-Ford Insurance Gilman & Co., Ltd, .—4a, Des Voeux

Road Central

Agency—42, Stvahovaia Street

Goeke & Co., A.—China Building

(4th floor)

Hongkong Hannibal &’do., W. A.- 8a, Des Vceux

Road Central

American Hin Fat & Co., Ltd.—17,- Connaught

Fed. Inc.,Asiatic Underwriters

U.S.A.—12-14, Queen’s Road Central

Road Central Hongkong-Canton Export Co., Ltd —

Andersen, Meyer Go., Ltd.—67-69, Hongkong Frendh Bank, Building!

Des Y

Apcar & Co., Ltd.—Princess Building Holland China Trading Co., Ltd.—

Arnhold & Gov, Ltd. — Gloucester David House

Building . ■ Huygen, G. E.—French Bank Bldg.

Asia Life Insurance Co., Inc.--12-14, I On Marine & Fire Ins. Co.—24/26,

Queen’s Road Central Bonham Strand West

Assurance Franco-AsiatiqI/e —.China Insurance Co. of North America—

Building j.. Bedder Bldg. ,


ter Road Ltd., James H.—1a, Cha-

. k.'.]/ mu' International Assurance Co., Ltd.—

14, Queen’s Road. Central

Hodiker &^Co.—David House, 167-169, International Trading Co.—China

Des Voeux Road Central Building

Bornemann & Co.—Prince’s Bldg. Jardine Matheson & Co., Ltd.—14,

Bradley & Co., Ltd.—Prince’s Build- Pedder Street

ing Kotyvall & Co., E. D.—5, Queen’s

British Traders’ Insurance Co., Ltd. Road, Central

—Union Building Kwan On Mutual Fire: . & Marine

Canton Insurance Insce. Co., Ltd.—29, Connaught

c/o Jardine Matheson Office,

& Co., Ltd.Ltd.— Road West

China Fire Insurance Co., Ltd., Liverpool & London & Globe Ins.

The —Union Building Co., Ltd.—Queen’s Bldg.

China Mutual Life Insurance Co., Luk Hoi Tung, Co., Ltd.—293 Des

Ltd. —Gloucester Building Voeux Road Central

China Underwriters, Ltd.—Hong Lun Tai Mutual Fire & Marine Ins.

Kong Building • Co., Ltd.—272, Des Voeux Road C.

Chun On Fire Insurance Co., Ltd.— Manners & Co., Ltd. , John — 7.

8, Queen’s Road West Queen’s Road Central



Manufacturers Life Insurance Co.— Union Insurance Society of Canton,.

Ltd.—Union Building

Asiatic Building

Meechers & Co.—Queen’s Building, Union Trading Co., Ltd. — York

Chater libad Building

Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd.—Prince’s WingCo.,

On Fire & Marine Insurance.

Ltd.—228,-Des Vceux Road C.


Wing On

Mitsubishi Stioji Kajsha—14, Pedder 26, Des Voeux Life Assurance. Co., Ltd.—

Street' Road.-Central

National Mutual Life Association of Pedder Bldg. Insurance Corpn.

World Auxiliary

Australasia, Ltd.—6, Queen’s Road Yangtsze Insurance Association—4a,.

Central Des Voeux Road Central

New Zealand Insurance Co., Ltd.— Yeung Shing Insurance Co., Ltd.—

7, Queen’s Road Central

North British & Mercantile Ins. 195, Des Vceux Road Central

Co.—4A, Des Toeux Road C. Hoihow

North China Insurance Co., Ltd.—

• Union Building Hung San & Co.

Ocean Accident & Guarantee Corpo- Wing Fat Honop—Chungshan Road

ration (of London) Ltd.—4a, Des

Veeux Road Central Yuen Fat Lee Co,—Chungshan Road

Overseas Assurance Corporation—

7, Queen’s Road C. Macao

Petersen & Co.—York Bldg.

Phoenix Assurance Co-^ Ltd.—c/o. Manufacturers Life Insurance Co,

Gibb, Livingston & Co., Ltd. China Underwriters, Ltd — 19.,

Po On Marine & Fire Insurance and Avenida Almeida Ribeiro

Godown Co., Ltd.—157, Wing Lok

Street Mukden

Rocha Y Go.s J. M. da—P.O. Box 400

Ross & Co. (China), Ltd.. Alex—1a, American Asiatic Underwriters Fed.

Chater Road Inc. U.S.A.—124, Ta Hsi Pien Men

Shanghai Life Insurance Co., Ltd., Wai

The—Gloucester Building Asia Life Insurance Go.—124, Ta Hsi

She wan. Tomes &'Co.—National Bank Pien Men Wai

Building Assurance Franco-Asiatique — Wu

Siemssen & Co.—Bank of China Bldg. Wei Lu j '

Sincere Insurance & Investment Co., Bryner & Co.—Hongkong & Shanghai

Bank Building .

Ltd.—144-150, Des Vceux Road C.

Sincere Life Assurance Co., Ltd.— Cornabe, Eckford & Winning—18,.

San Wei Loo

144, Des Yoeux Road Central

South British insurance . Co., Ltd.

—Prince?s Building Ranking

Sun Insurance Office, Ltd.—Mercan- Ftttkau, jl.—id;*, Chung San Ton-

tile Bank Building '; ■

Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada— Road

Gloucester Building Newchwang

Swedish Trading Co., A. B. China


Tung On Fire'Insurance Co., Ltd.— Arnhold & Co., Ltd.


15, Queen’s Road West

26, Des Voeux Road Central Jaspersen, M. P.



Ningpo Assurance FK'iNCo.-AsiATiOo’E—1, Rue


Chen Siau Pau & Sons — P.O. Box Assurance t ranco-Asiatique — 9,

Avenue Edward ,VII.

Special 1


National General Insurance Office— Road . Assurance . Co.—2a, Kiukang

Wu Ka Loong, Campo

Bisset & Co., J. P.—12, The Bund

Peiping Blom & Yan de Aa - 3, Ezra Road

Brook & Co.—14, Kiukiang Road

Asia Life Insurance Co.—36, Teng Calder Marshall. & Co., Lid.—2,

Peking Road

Chi Now, East City

.Assurance Franco-Asiatique—3, Rue Carlowitz & Co. — 220-222,' Szechuen

GaubiL Road

Cook & Son, Thomas—Grand Hotel Central Insurance Co., Ltd. — 81,

de Pekin Jinkee Road '

Danby, C. G.—7a, Erh Tiao Hutung China Assurance -Corpn.—40,: Ningpo

Harvey, , Clark Co.—Belgian Bank Road h ex d . c -

Building, Legation Street China Insurance Co.—12, Jinkee Rd:

Manufacturers’ Life Insurance 'Co. China Life Insurance Institute—47,

of Canada—7a, Erh Tiao Hutung The Bund

Moyroux, V.—Legation Street China Realty Co.—70; ■ Szechuen Road

North China Insurance C6’, Ltd.—1, China Underwriters, Ltd. —185, Yuen

Ming Yuen Road

Rue Mareo Polo

Pacific Storage & Packing Corpn.— China United Assurance Society,

4, Rue Mareo Polo Ltd.—104, Bubbling Well Road

. Smallwoqp Co;—5,vRue Marco Role Columbia Casualty- Co. of New York

Tipper & Co.—Ewo Building —17, Canton Road

Union Insurance Society of Canton, Commercial


-Express and Storage Ca

Yuen Ming Yuen Road

Ltd.—1 and 2, Rue Marpo Polo,

Legation Quarter Commercial Unions' .Assurance . Co.,

Ltd'.—17, Canton Road

Shanghai Compagnie

D’Assurance—7, Franco-Americaine

Avenue Edward Vli

Adams & C0.9 W. A.-—70, Szechuen Cook 519

& S6n, Ltd,. Tiios.—P O. Box

Road , , ,,

i Algar & Co., Ltd.—60, Hongkong Rd. Credit Foncier d’Extreme Orient—

18,'1 The Bund

j American Asiatic Underwriters—17; Crownchina , Co,, Inc —113, Kiukiang

The Bund Road

. American Foreign Insurance Asso- Crown Life Insurance Co.—-113, Kiu-

ciation—51, Canton Road kiang Road

1 American Foreign Insurance Asso- Crownchtna, Co>, Inc.—10, Kiukiang

ciation—3, Canton Road Road

, An Peng Fire & Marine Insurance DapIre, MAeCel—1, The Bund ; .

Co.—Q507, Tientsin Road

Dodwell & Co,, Ltd.—17, Canton Rd.

• Andersen, Meyer & Co., Ltd.—4, Eastern,

Yuen Ming Yuen Road insurance Office—J2, The

Asia Life Insurance Co.-17, The Bund

Bund Eastern Underwriters—12, The Bund

.Asia Mercantile C.o-—17, Siking Rd. Employers’ Liability Assurance Cor-

poration, Ltd.—Sassoon House



Erzinger & Co.—1&, The Bund National Commercial Underwriters-

Finance, Commerce and Insurance —330, Szechuen Road

Office—12, 'The Bund New Zealand Insurance Co., Ltd.—

Fine Art and General Insurance Co. 55, Yuen Ming Y'uen Road

—250, Kiangse • Road Ningpo Insurance Co.—390, Nanking

First Fidelity Ins. Co.—40, Ningpo Road

Road North British & Mercantile Isur-

Fittkau, IL—1U!, Museum Road ance Co., Ltd.—259 Kiangse Road

Fuhrmeister A. €0.-66, Museum Rd. Ocean Accident & Guarantee Cor-

General Accident, Fire and Life poration, Ltd. -• 17, Canton Road


Kong Road Corpn., Ltd.—60, Hong Ocean Marine Insurance Co., Ltd.—

259, iKiangse Road

General Insurance Co., Ltd.—18, The Olivier-Chine (S.A.)—15-16, Museum

Bund Road

Hanover Firh Ins. Co.—17 The Bund Palatine Insurance Co., Ltd. —17,.

Insurance Company of North China Canton Road

—6, Kiukiang Road Patriotic Assurance Go., Ltd. — 1,

International Assurance Co., Ltd— The Bund

17, The Bund Phcenix Assurance

1 Co., Ltd. — 59,

International Underwriters, Ltd.— Peking Road

17, The Bund. Probst, Hanbuky (China), Ltd.—21,.

Jardine, Matheson & Co., Lro.—24, Jinkee Road

The Bund Prudential Underwriters—12, The

Java Sea & Fire Insurance Co., Lid. Bund

—3, Ezra Road Racine & Cie.—2, Peking Road

Jebsen & Co.—110, Hankow Road Reiss, Massey & Co., Ltd. — 15,

Kreulen, R. A.—113, Kiukiang Road Museum Road

Little & Co., Ltd., 1930, William—21, Rjce Go^ W. R.—51, Canton Rpad

J inkee Road Royal Insurance Co., Ltd.—81, Jinkee

Liverpool and-London and Globe In- Road

surance Co., Ltd.—81, Jinkee Road Scott, Harding &: Co.—121, Peking

Lonborg, N. S.^12, The Bund Road

London Guarantee and Accident Co.. | Scottish Union and National Insur-

ance €0.—18, The Bund

Ltd.—59, Peking Road

London and Provincial Marine and Shanghai Insurance Office—229, Sze-

General Insurance Co., Ltd., The— i chuen Road

12, The Bund. Sincere Insurance and Investment

Manufacturers Life Insurance Co.— ’ , Co., Ltd.—595, Chekiang Road

170, Kiangse Road sincere Life Assurance Co., Ltd.—

Maritime Insurance Co., Ltd.—18, 595, Chekiang Road

The Bund South British 1Insurance Co., Ltd.—

Melchers fc Co.—110, Szechuen Road 18, The Bund

Meyerink & Co., Wm.—150, Kiukiang Standard Life Assukance Co.—17,

Road Canton Road

Middleton & Co. (Insurance), Ltd., Sun Insurance Office, Ltd.—1, The

Hugh—45, Kiukiang Road Bund

Moeller & Co., L. E.—110, Szechuen Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada—

Road - 218, Szechuen Road

Mutual Insurance Office—25, Jinkee Tai Ping Insurance Co , Ltd.—212,

Road Kiangse Road



Tai Shan Insurance Co.—2, Peking China Securities Cq.—12, Victoria

I Road Terrace

i Toeg, E. F.. 18-A. Central Ai’cado China

Henri Underwriters,

Bourgeois Ltd.—57, Rue

' Tokio Marine and Fire Insurance Colinet, G.—16, Rue Henri Bour-

I Co., Ltd.—18, The Bund geois

Toussaint Insurance Office, H.—110, Commercial Union Assurance Co.—

Szechuen Road 98, Victoria Road

1 Union Assurance Society, Ltd.—17, JJod'well & Co., Ltd. — 19, Victoria

f Canton Road Road

; Union Insurance Society of Canton, Fairchild & Co., Ltd.—169-183, Taku

| Ltd.—26, The Bund Road

l Union Marine & General Insurance Forbes & Co., Wm.—45, Victoria Rd.

CO;, Ltd.—59, Peking Road

Union Underwriters of China—299, Hai Ho Trading Co.—98, Victoria

Szechuen Road Road

il Universal Insurance Underwriters Hanover Fire Insurance Co.—139,

—33, Szechuen Road Rue de Takou

^ Veritas Insurance Co,, Ltd-—3, Ed- Home Insurance Co. of (New York—

i' ward Ezra Road 30, Rue Corbet

;i West Coast Life Insurance Co.—51, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.—Vic-

Canton Road toria Road

West of Scotland Insurance Office, Java Sea & Fire Insurance Office—

Taku Road

Ltd.—17, Canton Road

Kensiiin k Co.—13, Rue Dillon

Tientsin Manufacturers’ Life Insurance Co.

—70, Rue Dillon

, American Asiatic Underwriters— Mingion Forwarding & Express Co.

—14, Canton Road

: 139, Taku Road

1 Mitsui Bussan Kaisha—1, Yamagui-

I American Foreign Insurance Asso- chi Road

! ciation—140, Victoria Road MoyroUX, V.—41, Rue de France

| Asia Life Insurance Co.—139, Rue JSorddeutsche Insurance Co.—30, Rue

r de Takou Corbet'

|I Assurance

de FranceFranco Asiatique—85, Rue North China Insurance & Invest-

ment Co.—Hsin Chung Building

Begue, H. —40, Rue Henri Bourgeois Ocean Accidt. & Guarantee Corpora-

> Blom & Van der da—Taku Road Ti.pNl—187, Victoria Road

I1 Bornhorst, W.—29, Consular Road Patriotic Assurance Co.—35, Rue de

Bremen Colonial & China Trading Verdun Insurance Office - 30, Rue-

i' Co.—3, Corso Vittorio Emanuelle Shanghai Corbet


British Traders’ Insurance Co., Ltd. Siems^en & Co.—63, Taku Road

’ —57, Victoria Road Sincere Insurance Co.—29, Passage

I Butterfield & Swire—21, Victoria. Yy.ng Fou Yin

Road SpuxH British In^vrahce Co.—1S7,

Central Insurance Co.—113, Rue du Victoria Road

I Chaylard I Sun Insurance Office—35, Rue Ver-

| Century Insurance Co.—30, Rue Cor- dun

bet |Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada—

; China Express Oo.^ExJRussian Con- 187, Victoria React

cession Tibesart, J. A.—70, Rue Dillon



Tientsin Forwarding & Commission Wuchow

Co.—14, Italian Bund

Tipper & C'o.1—187, Yictoria Road China Underwriters, Ltd.—111, Kau

Union Insurance Society of Canton Tong Road

—57, Yictoria Road

Whitamore & Co,—105, Victoria Rd. IN DO-CHINA

Wilson & Co.—72, Victoria Road

Tong Road Hanoi

Swatow Asia Life Ins. ,Co.—Rue Paul Bert


SLRANCEr—Rue Paul Bert

Manners' & Co., Ltd., John—IS; Sian Larrive,

Ping Road C.—Rue Paul Bert

Melchers & Co.—24, Young Ping Rd. Maron, Paul- 46,: Boulevard Henri




Asia Life Insurance Co.—3rd Main

Road American Asiatic Underavriters,

Assurance Franco Asiatique—Corner Ltd.—59, Boulevard Henri Riviere

San Ma Lu and Small Wei Erh Lu Diethelm &-Co.—46, Avenue Clemen-

Ma & Co., Y.CC.—165, Fourth Main ceau

Street Union Insurance Society of Canton,




Busch & yon .Alemann—34, Kuan Tau


Casey & Lyttle—4&, Kwan Hsien Rd. American As'iatic'Underwriters, Inc;

China Underwriters, Ltd 5, Kwan- —50, Rue Lefebvre

iao. Road Asia 'Life ’ Insurance Co.—50, Rue

Fan & Go.,. Benjamin C.—91, Chung Lefebvre

'Shan Road Biedermann &; Co.

Franz & Co., G.—Exchange Building Oompagnie Franco-Americaine d’As-

Gaflac Insurance Co. — 72, Kwan suRANCEi—50, Rue Lefebvre

Hsien Road

Reuter, Brockelmann & Co.—P.O. Compaonie de Commerce et de Navi-

gating d’Extreme-Orient—12, Rue

Box 24,, Boissy d’Anglas

Russell & Co., G. C. F.—72, Kwan David & 'Co., Ltd., A. B.—43/45, Rue

Hsien Road Chaigneau

Siemssen & po.—3, Kwangtung Rd. Diethelm & Co.—29, Quai de Belgique

Ulf-Hansen & Co.—20, Kuan Tau Ociliastro &.Co.—-50, Quai de Belgigue

Rpad Suriwongse Road


Ltd.—23 bis, Rue Georges Guynemer

Fock Tai & Co. The Export & Import Co., Ltd. of

Cochinchine—39, Quai de Belgique



SIAM Koh Keng Bock & Co.—11, Black-

smith Street

Bangkok Lm Keng & Co.—60, First Cross St.

Sime Darby & Co.—4, Fort Road

Beeli, Juckek & Co. Penang

Borneo & Co._

China Underwriters, Ltd. — 966,

Suriwongse Road Anthony & Co., A. A.—9, Beach St.

COUPEE-JOHNSTON & Co. Borneo Co., Ltd.—73, Weld Quay

Diethelm & Co., Ltd. Bun Tin Lum Co., Ltd.—55, Beach

Gen. Accident, Fire & Life Assur- ChinaStreetUnderwriters, Ltd.—Ah Quee

ance Corporation, Ltd. — c/o. Die- Buildings

thelm & Co., Ltd.

Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Dennys & Co., A.—22a, Beach St.

Ltd.—Bush Lane Diethelm & Co., Ltd.—12, Church St.

International Engineering Co., Inc. Durege & Thomas, Ltd.—8, Beach St,

—P.O. Box 39 Fire Insurance Association of

Leonowens, Ltd., Louis T. Malaya—Chartered Bank Chambers

London & Lancashire Insurance Co., Great Eastern Life Assurance Co.,

Ltd.—21, Beach Street

Ltd.—c/o. Diethelm & Co., Ltd.

Netherlands Insurance Co.—c/o. Die- Guthrie & Co., Ltd.—35? Weld Quay

thelm & Co., Ltd. Harrisons, Barker & Co., Ltd.—23,.

New Zealand Insurance Co.,. Ltd.— Beach Street

966, Suriwongse Road Kennedy & Co.—4, Beach Street

North British & Mercantile Insur- Kennedy Burkill &' Co.—2b, Beach

ance Co., Ltd.—c/o. Diethelm & Street

Co., Ltd. Mansfield & Co,, Ltd.—Chartered

Switzerland General Insurance Co.. Bank Chambers :

Ltd.—c/o. Diethelm & Co., Ltd. Manufacturers Life Insurance Co.—

Syme & Co.—2637, RachawOngse Rd. 35, Weld Quay

ThoPuESen & Co., Ltd.—966, Suriwong- McAlister & Co., Ltd.—19, Beach

se Road Street

North British and Mercantile In-

MALAYA surance Co., Ltd.—39, Beach Street

Paterson Simons & . Co.—9, Weld


Johore Quah Beng Kee—36, Church Street

Sandilands Buttery & Co.—29, Beach


Leeedam. D. J.—fe,- Jalan Maharani Sime,

Sime, Darby & Co.—Muar Darby & Co.—21, Beach Street

Swee Co., Ltd., L. Y.—64, BeacK St.

United Traders, Ltd.



China Underwriters', Ltd. — 11.

Blacksmith . Street China Underwriters, Ltd. ^35, Mar-

Harper Gilfillan & Co., Ltd. ket Street, Ipoh

Hong Hin & Co.—27, First Cross Commercial Union Assurance Co.r

Street Ltd.—Hong Kong Bank Chambers



Harper Gilfileax & Co., Ltd.—P.O. Barlow & Co.—©dean Building

Box 115, Ipoh Batavia Sea and Fire Insurance Co.,

McAlister & Co.* Ltd.—Ipoh. Ltd.—139, Marked .Street

Sime, Darby & Co., Ltd.—94, Brews- Blom and van der Aa — Chartered

ter Road, Ipoh Bank Chambers

British Equitable: Assurance Cb.,

Selangor Ltd.—6, Chartered Bank Chambers

British - Traders’ Insurance' Co'.,

Ltd.—Union Buiftfihg

Bltjsrn $ Co. * Ltd. Caledonian Insurance Co.—37a, Robin-

China Underwriters, Ltd.—4, Chhreh son Road

Street, Kuala Lumpur Cheong Koon Senq & Co.—30, Chulia

General Accident, Fire and Lipfe Street , .

Assurance Corporation, Ltd. China Fire Insurance Co., Ltd.—

G rbat Eastern Life- Ass. 06. Unipn Building

Great Eastern China Underwriters, Utd.—4, Hong

Ltd.—1-3, Old Life Assurance

Market Street Co., Kong Bank Chambers

Harper, Gilfillan &,Co., Ltd.—Kuala Commercial Union Assurance Co.,

Ltd.—Robinson Road and Tele-

Lumpur graph Street

Harrisons, Barker & Co., Ltd.— Credit FoNcier D’ExtrEme Orient—

Kuala Lumpur

McAlisi'er & Co., Ltd.—High Street. DEMeyer.Chambers



& Co., H. M.—lOOB, Robin-

Kuala Lumpur son Road

Oriental Govt. Security Life Assur. Eastern United Assurance Cor-

Co.—Oriental Bldg., Java Street poration Ltd., The—3e, Malacca St.

Paterson Simons & Co.

Planters’ Stores & Agency Co.,. Ltd. Employers’ Liability Assurance Cor-

pgratiOnL-c/o Wm. C. Jack &, Co.

Kuala Lumpur Far Eastern Insurance Co., Ltd.—

Pickards & Co., D—Klang Union Building

Russell & Co., J. A. General Accident, Fire &Kong



Sime. Darby & Co. surance Corpn.—Hong

Swee & Go., L. Y. Chambers

Whittall & Co.—Kuala Lumpur and Great Eastern Life Assurance Co.,

Ltd.—4, Cecil Street

K1 ang

Guntzel and Schumacher, H. Mu.,

Ltd.—6, Robinson Road

Singapore Guthrie & Co.—24, Battery Road

Harrisons, Barker & Co., Ltd.—

Adamson, Gilfillan & C6. — Hong Chartered Bank Chambers

Kong Bank Building Ho Hong Co.—61, Chulia. Street

American Foreign Insurance Associa- Hsin Woo Realty Co.—505, Honan

tion—ll, Ocean Building Road

Arguilla & Co., M. S. E. Insurance Office of Australia, Ltd.

Asia Insurance Co., Ltd.—6/7, Chulia —9, Collyer Quay

Street International Assurance Co., Ltd.—

Asia Life iN^tiRANCE Co.—9h, De Hongkong Bank Chambers

Souza Street

Atlas Assurance Co.—c/o HartisOn, Building (Malaya), Ltd.—Ocean

Jacks & Co.

Barker & Co.

Bankers and Traders Insurance Co., Java Sea and Fire Insurance Co.,

Ltd.—Gresham House Ltd.—Chartered Bank Chambers



Kassim & Co., R. E. Mohamkd—12, Paterson, Simons & Co., Ltd.—Prince

Boat Quay Street

Lim Trading Agency—j2^A, Chauge Peer & Co,, Ltd., Francis—Hong-

Alley kong Bank Chambers


surance andCo.,London In- Prudential

and GlobeBank



The—17/18 Mercantile Ltd.,


Building Queensland. Insurance ,Co.,. Ltd.—

Liverpool Victoria Insurance • Cor- Gresham House.

poration—K)7, Robinson Road Rennie & Co., J. S. M.—9, De Sousa

London Assurance—37b, Robinson Street

Road Royal Exchange . Assurance^6, Char-

London and Lancashire Insurance tered Bank Chambers,

Qo., Ltd.—Union Building Sandilands, 1 Buttery & Co.—28, Meyer

McAlister &; Co., Ltd.—‘Gresham Chamber

House Sime, Darby & Co'.—5, Malacca Street

Miansfield & Co.—Ocean Building Sincere Insurance" and Investment

Manufacturers Life Insurance Co., Co.—14, Chulia Street

The—Hong Kong Bank Chambers SoDth British Insurance Co., Ltd.— '

2, Finlayson Green

Marine and General Mutual Life State Insurance Co., Ltd.—6, Char-

Assurance Society — 11A, Gollyer

Quay tered Bank Chambers

Marine Insurance Co., Ltd.—11 A, Stephens, Paul & Co.—Commercial

Union Building

Collyer Quay

Matthews, H. E. M. —Hongkong Bank Straits-Java Trading G6T, N. V.—

Building P.O. Box 600

McAlister & Co., Ltd. — Gre-sham jSun Insurance Office—Raffles Place

House SDn‘-Life Assurance Co. of Canada—

Moine, Comte & Co., Ltd.—Union Hong Kong Bank Chambers

Building, Collyer Quay Swee Seng & Co.—387, Victoria Road

Motor Union Insurance Co., Ltd.— Sze Hai T6ng Banking and Insu-

p/o .Sime Darby & Co. rance Co., Ltd.—58,: Chulia Street

National Employers Mutual General Tan Joo Soon & Co.—24,Chulia St.

Insurance Association, Ltd.—Meyer Thames & Mersey_ Marine Ins. Co.-

Chambers French Bank Buildfiig.

National Mutual Life Association of [Union Assurance Society-—Commer-,

Australasia, Ltd.—Union' Building i cial Union Buildirigs

New Zealand Insurance C'A, Ltd.— Union Insurance Society of . Can,tor, ,

Hong Kong Bank’ Chambers [ Ltd.—Union Building

North British and Mercantile In- Watts & Co., Ltd.—45, F^binsbh'Road

surance Co., Ltd.—Meyer Chambers Waugh & Co., Ltd., Henry’—Raffles

North China Insurance Co., Ltd.— Chambers

Union Building Yangtsze Insurance As’sbciATfoN,

Norwich Union Fire Insurance iSo- Ltd.—Union Building

ciety, Ltd. — Mercantile ; Bank


Ocean Accident and Guarantee Cor-

poration, Ltd. — Chartered Bank Batavia


Oriental Government Security Life American Asiatic Underwriters,

Ass. Co., Ltd. ' Ltd.—P.O. Box 21 ,

Overseas Assurance

Ltd., The—China Corporation,

Building Cbulia St. Asia Life Insurance Co.—P.O. Box




Assuiuntiekantoor Langeveldt Schro- American Asiatic Underwriters, Inc.

UER, N. V. —Samanillo Building, Escolta

China Underwriters, Ltd.—c/o Ross American International Underwri-

Taylor & Co., Ld. ters, Inc.—Samanillo Bldg., Escolta

Globe & Rutgers Fire Insurance Co. Asia Life Insurance Co.—P.O. Box

—P.O. Box 2H 2776

Ocean Accident & Guarantee Corpo- Assurance & Thrift Association, Ltd.

ration, (Ltd.—Kali Besar Oost 28 of Sydney, Australia—218, National

Ondeplinge Levensverzekering van City Bank Building, Binondo

Eigen Hulp Atlas Assurance Co., Ltd.—Kneedler

Pitcairn, Syme & Co.— Building, Sta. Crud

Bunning & Co.—135, Felipe' II.

iSamarang Sea & Fire Insurance Co. Behn,

Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Meyer & Co., Hu.—227, David,


Macassar China Fire Insurance Co., Ltd.—19,

Escolta, Bdnondo

Samarangsche Zee & Brand—P.O. China Insurance and Surety Co., Inc.

—614, Gandara

Box 38 Commercial Union Assurance Co.,

Padang Ltd. (Fire)—Chaco Building, Bin-


Van Nie & Co.—Handelskade, 30 Compania General de Tabacos de Fili-

pinas—P.O. Box 143

Crown Life Insurance Co.—Cu Un-

jieng Building

Crownislas Company — Cu Unjieng

China Underwriters, Ltd. — c/o. Building, Pinpin at Escolta

Ross, Taylor & Co., Ltd. Davies & Cp., Ltd., Theo, H.—619,

Sluyters & Co. Escolta ;.

Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Elser, E. E.—P.O. Box 598

Union Insurance Society Co. of Can- Employers’ Liability Assurance Cor-

ton, Ltd. poration, Ltd.—Kneedler Building,

Sta, Cruz

Sumatra Fidelity & Surety Co. of the Phili-

ppine Islands—P.O. Box 150


Michelsen, N.V.—P.O.van Bladeren

Box 47 & Findlay Millar Timber Co. —100,


Harrisons & Crosfield, Ltd. Forbes, Munn & Co.. Ltd.—112,

Heideman & CO. Muslle de Binondo

Handel Maapchappij Guentzel & Schu- Fuso Marine & Fire Insurance Co.,

Ltd., The—19, Escolta, Binondo


Sandilands, Buttery & CO. Great Eastern Life Assurance Co.—

Sluyters & Co. 124, T. Pinpin

Van Nie & Co. Guttridge and Chambers, Inc.—

129, Quan Luna

PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Hanson, Orth & Stevenson, Inc.—P.

O. Box 292

Manila Hess & Zeitlin, Inc.—30-32, Escolta

Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd.

Agricultural Insurance Company of —90, Plaza Moraga

Watertown, etc.—Perez Samanillo Juyqo, Vellila & Co.—416, Heacock

Building, Escolta Building, Escolta



Kelleb & Co., Ep. A.—178, Juan Luna Warner, Barnes & Co., Ltd.—P.O.

Keeling, Inc., C.—171, Juan Luna Box 294

Keb & Co.—P.Q. Box 312 West Coast Life Insurance Co.—P.

Kuenzle & Streiff, Ino. — 343-347, Wise O. Box 677

Calle T. Pinpin & Co., Inc.—Wise Building,

Law Union & Rock Insurance Co., Yangtsze 174/176, Juan Luna

Ltd.—19, Escolta, Binondp Insurance Association—19,

Manila Fire Insurance Association— Yek Escolta, Binondo

174, Juan Luna Tong Lin

Co., Fire

Ltd. —& 320,


Manufacturers . Life Insurance Co., Insurance

marinas, Binondo


of Toronto — Kneedler Building, Zuellig, Inc., F. E.—90, Rosario

Sta. Cruz

Menzi & Co.—180, Juan Luna Iloilo

Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd.—National

City) Bank Building, Binondo

National Union Fire Insurance Co. Warner Baines & Co., Ltd.

—P.O. Box 2776 Wise & Co., Inc.

Northern Assurance Co., Ltd.—619,

Escolfea, Binondo Cebu

Oriental Life Assurance* Society,

Inc.—P.O. Box 2124

Pearl Assurance Co., Ltd.—19, Es- Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd.

colta, Binondo: , Stevenson & Co., Inc., W. F.

Philippine Guaranty Co., Inc.—P.O. Walker, H. B.—P.O. Box 100

Box 128

Phcenix Assurance Qo., Ltd.—778, Zamboanga

Juan Luna, Binondo

Ramirez, J. V.—Crystal Arcade Build- Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd.

ing, Escolta, Binondo

Rosenstock, 0. W.—115, T. Pinpin

Roxas y'Compania—719, Echague BORNEO

Royal Insurance C'o-, Ltd.—979, M. de

Industria Sarawak

iSea Insurance Co., Ltd., The—19,

Escolta, Binondo Sime, Darby & Co., Ltd. — 6, Main

\ Smith, BellBinondo

Building, ’& Co.—Hongkong Bank Bazaar, Kuching

Tan Sum Guan & Son—61, Ewe Hai

| Sorox Y Cia—155, Aviles, San Miguel Street

Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada—

Heacock Building

I1 Straight, R. C.—401-403, Filipinas IRON AND STEEL MERCHANTS

Building, Binondo

ITokio Marine & Fire Ins. Co., (Ltd. JAPAN

—19, Escolta, Binondo

Union Guarantee Co., Ltd.—Wise Kobe

; Building, Binondo

Union Insurance Society of Can- Akashi

ton, Ltd.—Wise Building, 174-176, dori Tekko-sho —15, Kamisawa-

Juan Luna

Ferrum, S. A.—107,

IUy Cho Yee & Co., Inc.—228, Das- Fujiwara Tekko-sho—16, Ito-machi

imarinas Kagura cho



Hanshi^ TekkO-'SHO—^6, Ichiban-cho Nagoya

Hirano Tekko-sho—9, Matsubae-dori

Ishinabe Tekko-sho—II, Kagura-cho Chuo Iron Works—Toyoda-cho

Japan Steel Products Co.—Yamagui- Datdo DeniSi SeikOs^o—©0, Maru-

chi-Biiilding yama

Kato Tekko-sho—-8, Yoban-cho l-Nsiii bar a S'HOTEN—82, Higashi Yana-

Kobayashi Tekko-sho—209, Higashide- gi-machi

machi IsonE TekkO Goshi Katsha—57, Shin6-

Mitsubishi Zosen K.K.—Wadasaki- nome-cho

cho MaTsui Iron Works—12, Nagare-

Morita Seisaku-sho—7, Irie-dori ftiachi

Nakata Tekko-sho—7, Wakinohama- Okaya & Co.—7, Teppo-cho


Okamoto Tekko-sho—149, Higashide- Osaka


Pennsylvania Steel Export Co.—Ta- Adachi Tekko-sho—67, Honden-eh>

kayama Building

Sanyo 'Kosaku-sho K.K.—8, Yoban- Allen & Cov, Edgar—Kita-dori

sho Arita Seiko-sho—27., Sbimazu-cho

Teikoku Tekko K.K. — Shinonome- Balfour & Co.—Nippon Kaijo Build-

dori ing

Truscon Steel Co. — Yamaguichi Bohler Keisei Gomei Katsha—Kono-

Building hama-ku

Yamada Tekko-sh-o—41, Shibya-cho

Yotsui Tekko-sho—8, Higashi Kawa- Daito Seiko K.K.—3.2, Fuku-tnachi

Firth & Sons, Ltd.—19, Kitano-cho


Eujimoto Seiko-sho—19, Minami Aji

Hakodate kawa-cim

Hoshino Kogyo K.K.—209, Higashi Gadelius & Co,,! Ltd.—Gosho Bldg.

Honda Seishinsho—6, Yoshinyama-

Kawa-cho chp

Kamata Yuzo—7, Ohmaohi Igawa Tekko-sho—333, Kujo Minami-

Kobayashi Kitajiro—81, Horai-cho ,dori

Shindo Yeitaro—8, Jizo-cho Kaneda Toraji—1061, Sakuragawa-cho

Yamada Fukuji—16, Tsurnoka-cho Mansson Shokai—64i5, Osaka Build-

Moji ing, Sozo-cho

MatsuMoto SeikO-sho—18, iSangenya

Jinen Gumi G. K.—Tanoura Icliiba

Matsui Rihaghiro—Hon Kawa-cho Nagata Meriyasu Kikai K.K.—42,

Shinkai-Gumi, G. K. —Ozkuibo, Tan- Nihon Kyobashi

oura Seiko Goski Kaisha—24!,i lta-

Taishi Tekko K.K.—Komorie chibori Kitadori

Poldi Steel Works—7/2, Sauwaicho-

Nagasaki dori

Sawatake Kikai Kogyo KenkusHO—

Hashimoto Shokai—I, Moto Funa- 49, Ki-ta 1 kuno-cho


Higuchi M(itsuji—24, Ura,-machi G. K.—48, Itachibori

Okubei Gomei Kaisha—44, Daikok- Styrian Steel Works—3, Minami

roaehi Sakaigawa



’Sttmida Sakugoro Shoten—4, Itachi- Matsumura


Tekko-sho—719, Horinou-


Taeasago Tekko K.E.—IS, Itachibori Mitsubishi


iSeitetsu Eaishai—1, Yae-

Toa Seiko K.E.—30, Shin-machi Nihon Seikosho 'E.E.—Chiyoda Bldg.

Toyo Seiko E.E.—19, Eitahama-cho

Truscon Steel Co.—Daido Building Niigata 'Steel Works—21-gokan, Ma-


Watanabe Tekko-sho—30, lEuji Mina- Nishioka Steel Work—25, Sarugaku-

mi-dori cho

Shimonoseki Okada Shoten—29, Motomachi

Poldi Steel Works—12, Minami-dori

Sato Seisaku-shg—263, Shimo-osaki-

Hayashikane Tekko Zosen E.E.—Ta- cho

kesaki-cho Schoeller-Bleckmann

Ichikawa Tekko Zosensho—Isaki-cho —Saiwai Building Phoenix Seiko

Matsushita Zosen Tekkosho- Take- Sriba Seisaku-sho- 38, Tamateufcaka

saki-cho Styrian Steel Works—2, Fchizen-bori

Shima Tekko-sho—Takesaki-cho Toa iSsiko E.E.—1703, IVlinamihama-

Takahashi Saiji—Takesaki-cho kawa

Tokyo Tekkotsu Eyoryo Seisaku-sho

Tokyo —4, Tsukimicho

Tokyo Elevator G. E.—1, Hogon-


A all & Co.—P.O. Box 41 Central Toyo Eyoekisha Tekko-sho—403, Shi-

Akashi Seisaku-sho^—N. Y. E. Build- mo Osakicho

ing Yamagata Seisakusho —16, Sakura-

Allen & Co.—6, Honhatcho-bori gawa

Ando Tekko-sho—Higashi Nakadori Yamawa Seisaku-sho—2, Hatagaya

Armstrong Whitworth & Co. — 8, Yanase Tekko-sho—146, Tamahimecho


Asakttra Seisaku-sho — Marunouchi Yokohama


Balfour & Co., Ltd.. Arthur—6. AiTa Tekko-sho—1' 2, Yoshihama-sho

Marunouchi, Eojimachi-ku Arata Tekko-sho G. E.—3567, Aoki-

DoitSIi Seiko E.E.—-2, Marunouchi cho

Fuji Seiko E.!E.—Marunouchi Bldg. Date Tekko-sho E.E.—6, Takigashi-


Eishinsha Co.—Jitsugyo Building

Escher Wyss Engineering Works— Japan City

Steel Products Co.—Eawasaki

778, Marunounchi Building

Gadelius & Co.. Ltd.—Osaka Build- Mikami Zosen

Eotaki Tekko-sho—Moriya-cho

Tekko-sho—78, Sumiyoshi-

ing, Uchisaiwai-cho cho

Hattort Seisakusho E.E.—1, Eiraku- Nippon Juzo E.'K.—(Suehiro cho

cho Uraga Dock E.E.—2, Ohno-cho

Hoda Steel Works—53, Fujimicho

Erupp (Fried) Aktiengesselschaft — Yamada


Zosen Tekko-sho—3659, Aoiki-

8, Marunouchi

Earatsu Tekko-sho — Marunouchi shi-cho Eosakusho E.E.—I, Haya-


Building Yokohama Tekko-sho E.E.—dhiwaka-

Eitayama Shoten—1, Minaminabe-cho cho v >i-: 1 ' ‘



Fukuda Mata Shoten K.K.—91, Nan- Fetisoff Bros.—21, Mostovaya Street |

daimon-dori, Seoul Pacific Orient Go.—118’, Uchastko- 5

Japan Steel Prootcts Co.—12, Furui- vaya Street. (

^l>i-dori, Seoul : Skodaw'ORKs, . Ltd.—9, ; Rynochnaya St.

Koga Fukutaeo—9, Horai-cho Hongkong

Mabltsan Shokai C. K.—162, Horai-

cho Davie. Boag. .A80rroCo.^. a Ltd.—Queen’s

Showa Shoji K.'K.—13, Kanko-dori Buildin g ^ ™ *‘'

E. Hing & Co.—25,'Wing Wo Street

FORMOSA Globe TRadiNg ' Ca—37, Des Yoeux

Road Central

Hong Kong Cm/na D'OcM ;Co., Ltd.—

Taiwan OAuzo K.K.—117, Dairyudo- Tokawan

eho, Taihoku Kelley & Co., Ltd.—9, Queen’s l£oad

Taiwanv Iron -Works—Takao-gai, Central . " . , ;,

Takao Lee Tung Wo Brass & Iron Foundry-

To a I ro^. • WQRKS^Ken,sei-(3ho , Tai- —131-137, Portland Street, Kowloon

hoku Maison F. Mathieu Soc.—Asiatic

Koshin Shokat, Ltd.. — Kyo-machi Building oyiloT

Taihoku Yee On—19, Hillier Street

CHINA ' Mukden

Bohler Bros.— . ., \

Dairen Skodaworks, Ltd. —60, Kisomaehi

Dairen Engineertno Works, Ltd.— Shanghai

Sakako, Near Dairen

Dairen Tekkorho—22, Sakae-maohi Acme Foundry—22, Museum Road

Oadelitts & Co., .Ltd.—-IS, Yamagata- Allen & Co., Ltd., E,dgar—50, Yuen

dori ' Ming Yuen. fRo^,d .: j '

Tshtda Yoko—40, Tokushogai BAi^.ouai.„& , Co., Ltdj, Arthur—34,

Murashin & ;Co-—lOT Yamagata-dori Museum Boad

Shinryo Yoko—17, Shikishima-cho BohlW Bros. & 60.; Ltd.—2, Peking

Skodaworks, Ltd. —• IS, Yamagata- Road

dori Cameron

81, Jinkee &Road

Co. (China),

. Ltd., A. -

Toba Y )K0—8, Omi-maoh i Chung Hwa. Steel Products. Co.r

Ltd!—0, Foochow Road

Hankow Eagle ano Globe Steel Co., Ltd.—34,

Museum Road'

t | Ferrostaal, ,A. G.- 30, Foochow Road

Chung Hw a Ltd.—33,

Steel Products Guest, Keen & Netticfblds, Ltd.—

ing Co., Rue de& Trad-

Paris 120; Jirtkee Hoad

Exten. ■ v; • ■ Han-Yeh-Ping Iron k Coal Co., Ltd.

Siemens China Co.—7, Rue du Mare- -'-110, Szfechuen Road

chal Foch High Speed Steel Alloys, Ltd.—34,

Hanyang Iron & Steel Works Museum Road



Kunst & Albers—110, Szechuen Road Pathodgins, Ltd —72, Cecil Street

McGregor Iron Works—285, Ward Redpath Brown & Co., Ltd.- Hong-

kong Bank Chambers


Ostoorn & Co., Ltd., Samuel—45, Singapore Hume Pipe Go., Ltd.—6th

Kiukiang Road Mile Bukit Timah Road

Poldi Steel Works—451, Kiangse United Engineers, Ltd.—River Val-

Road ley Road

Stewarts & Lloyds, Ltd.—133, Sze-

chuen Road

United States Steel Products Co.— PHILIPPINE ISLANDS

17, Canton Road



Atlantic Gulf & Pacific Co. of

Ferrostaal, G.m.b.H.—29, Consular Manila—P.O. Box 626

Road Bethlehem Steel Export Corporation

Otte & Co.—29, Consular Road P.O. Box 1626

Earnshaw Docks & Honolulu Iron

MALAYA Works—118, 2nd Street, Port Area

Philippine Steelhouse, Inc. — P.O.

Box 2794

Penang Schnitzler Sons.—957, C. Ongpin

Kim Keng Leong & Co.—127, Beach United States Steel Products Co.—

619, Escolta, Binondo


United Engineers, Ltd.—87, Bishop


Perak ETC.

United Engineers, Ltd.—Station St., JAPAN




Asahi iShoten^t—Tor Hotel Road

United Engineers, Ltd.—Riverside Chiyoda-ya Shoten—193, Motomachi


Selangor Gedeon Freres—40/15, Isobe-dori

Hikai Shoten—222,. Mptomachi-dori

Craig, Ltd., James—Klang Iwami-ya Shoten—43, Sannomiya-dori

Federated Engineering Co., Ltd., Mita Bijutsu-ten — 161, Motomachi-

The—246, High Street, Kuala Lum- dori

pur Nambu Shigeru Shoten—270, Moto-


Singapore Shibachu Shoten—45, Motcxmaphi-dori

Saviss Watch Import i Go.—72, Kyo-

Butter, W.—137-139, Cecil Street machi

Hume Steel, Ltd.—6th Mile Bukit VAmato Bros. & Co.—107, Ngkaya-

Timah Road mate-don



Osaka Little 'Shop, The—Gloucester Build-


Haneda Kikinzokuten—7, . Shinsaiba- Markar & Co.—Johnston Road

Mayen &' C‘o.—37Queen’s Rpad C.


Haeada Genhodo — 30, Andojibashi- Salon des M!opes—Gloucester Bldg.

dori Sennet Freres—Gloucester Building:

Hattoei & Co., Ltd., K.—17, Baburo- Uilm-ann & Co., J.—Alexandra Build-

oho ing, Chater Road

Iwaide Kiichi—;i7r Haidbiman-dori Windsor fe Co.), J. A. 9, Hankow

Matsuya—2, Andojibashi Boad, Kowloon

Mtjbaki k Co., S.^Minamik>nihoii Windsor Bros.—Nathan Road

Shobido Jewelleey. Co., Ltd.—2. Ki- n' i; uiTT



Yamaguichi Tankin. K. K.-rS0,(Korai-

bashi Miyazaki Shomei-do—84, Naniwa^ho-

Yamamoto Make do—Shiginorpjbo Oku no Tokeiten—90, Niiniwawbo..

Omi Yoko G.K.—37, Naniwa-cho

Tokyo Tensho-do—90, |\Taniwa-maeh i

Japan Diamond Co.—6, Owari-cho Peiping

Kume Takao—17, Minami Igamacbi

Mikunt Pearl C.o,r Ltd.—5, Muyo- Baymond Dreyfljs—98,,.Morriipn-yStr.- -


Tensho-do—16, Owari-cho Shanghai

Yokohama Beraha & Stettan, Ltd.—3.20, Kiangse'


Aoki Tokeiten—47, Fukutomi-cho China Clock Co.—137, Museum Road

Ishikawa Tokeiten'—6, tsezaki-cho Hilsberg, •’Wm.—, Hzechuen Road.

Kawakita Tokeiten—43, Benten-dori Hirsbrunner


& Co.—Sassoon House

& Co., C.'—134, Nanking Road

Mitsashiya Shoten/OlK.—12, Masago- WlohicSeen &. Co., Ltd. — 24, New Yu

cho Yuen Road .

Suzuki Tokeoten—101, Noge-oho Nose, Dr.agon Coi.—20$,, Bpogc .Road .

CHINA Sennet Freres—75, Nanking Road

Ullmann & Co., ^I..—ll§pNanking Rd,

Hongkong Tsingtao

Beraua, M.—Asia Life Bldg.’ Bruno Haube—P.O. Box 254

Chellaram, D.—China Bldg.

Colombo Jewellery Stores—Kowlbon , SIAM

Hotel Arcade

Ipekdjian Bros; Dtd.—Queen’s'Bldg. Bangkok


ing & Co. — Hongkong Hotel Build- Societe Anonymf. Belge, Pour le Com-

King Bros, & Co., Ltd.—6, Des. Vceux merce & l’InduStrie au Siam (S.A.

Road Central B.)—Bangkok New Road



MALAYA Sourabaya

Penang Jaissle, & Co., Otto—P,0. Box 12-

' .Simpang

Db Silva, Ltd., B.R.—1, Bishop St.

Stobch Brothers; Ltd.—10, Berv.h Semarang


Wassiamull .

Street , . Assomull & Co.—12y Bishop

f Maison Preciosa—Badjong 115


Pritchard & Co., Ltd.—Market Sir., Manila

Ipoh ■ Bern ado' &

Storch Bros:—Brewster Rd., Ipoh ' sBrimo, Joseph G.—61-63»,Sons- 85, Rosar

r io i :

Rosario .:

Selangor ■ El Brilliante D. Trinidad e Hijos—'

152, Escolta

Hehdry, P. H.—-2/4, Batu Road, K.L. ;El Barato—360, Carriedo, Sta. Cruz

|El Zafiro—61-63, Rosario, Binondo

Regold & Co.—60, "Batu Road, R.L- El. Zenith Jewellery Store—37, Es-

Robinson &-Go.---Java--.Street, K.L. colta, Binondo

Storch Brothers, Ltd. —37-39, Java Filipino Expert Ino.—ajJ^Rchague., '

Street Kuala Lumpur IHeacock Co.,. H.E.—12ftrl30, Escolta,

and David Binondo 7,

:La Estrella Del 'SfbR'rE—46-50 Escolta

AN'dLo-Swiss’‘'WATCfi^ Co.'^-Sl' CMlia ; Laperal,

La Sampagnita—305 Misericordia^ ;

Victorina (3? ’ DB—taperdl

Street Building, 851-853,' Bizal

BRIsk Co.—20, Battery Bond

Db Silva, Ltd., B. P—19-21, High ‘ Laperal De Guzman Maxima—^-S^,

Rizal Avenue, iSta. Cruz.

Street ■ . . , . ■ . LeVy'& Blum, Inc'.—34‘5,' Ecliague';

Ezekiel & Sons, M.—Raffles Chambers Levy- HjERMAims,

Flinter, Ltd., A.—6, Raffles Place fiscolta,’ BiSdndd ^nc.

! 46 and 50,.

Frankel Bros.—STS, Victoria. Street ' Manila’

Gammeter & Co., E. O.—Winchester Tiffany, Th^—4Q8-410, pCarr|edo .Cor.

House, Collyer Quay Evangelista, Quiapo ' ' ,

Goessele, R. F.—2a, Finlaysom Greeh

Motion, Smith ' & • Son,' Ltd.—1-9, LABORATORY EQUIPMENT : FA': C;'

Battery Road : - TORIES (See Page B18) '

Kong Sun & Co.—55, North- Bridge LAGES-(^ee unficr1 Silk and; : also '

Road Page B18) '

Ullmann, Rene—'Capitol Ruildaffg

Wassiamull Assomull & Co.—31, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS

High Street





Ghuo Sokusan, K. K.—9, Tachibdna-

Jaissle & Co., Otto—P.O. Box 68 dori




Hobai Fttdosan, K. K.—10, Kaigan Kwoking

Hin Wang—Alexandra Build-


Kangyo Shoji, K. K.—Sakae-mach’. Lore Yung Cheong—Bank of Canton


Morimoto Shoten, K. K.—3, Isogami- Metropolitan

dori Land Co., Ltd.—14,

Queen’s Road Central

Teikoku Shinyei, K. K.—37, Fusu- Sheko Development

noki-cho Co., Ltd.—York


CHINA Tai Wah Land Investment Co.—Bank

of Canton Building

Hankow Nanking

Credit Fancier r’Extreme Orient— Fittkau, H.—153, Chung San Ton

4, Rue Clemenoeau Road

Paou Shttn Rung Sze—3, Paou Shun

Road, S.A.D. 3 Peiping

Harbin Cameron & Co.—52, Hsi Piao Pei


Manchurian Co., Ltd.—119, Novotor-

govaya Street

Hongkong Algar & Co., Ltd.—60, Hong Kong


Asia Lands, Ltd.—Asia Life Bldg. Anglo-Chinese Building Co —39a,


China Entertainment and La-wr In- Asia Realty Road

vestment Go., Ltd.—King’s Theatre Road Company—50, Nanking


Chinese Estates, Ltd.—China Build- Bisset & Co., J. P.—12, The Bund

ings Brandt & Rodgers, Ltd.—391, Kiang-

Cooper & Co., D. H.—Prince’s Bldg. se Road

Credit Foneier d’Extreme Orient Calatroni,

kow Road

Hsieh & Co.—110, Han-

—6, Queen’s Road Central

David & Co., S. J.—67/69, Des Vceux Cathay Land Co.—1, Nanking Road

Road Central Central Realty Co.—Sun Building

Ellis & Edgar—9, Queen’s Road C. China Realty Co.—70, Szechuen Road

Greaves, A. P.—8, Queen’s Road C. Chinese Auctioneering Co., Ltd.—32,

Grose & Co., J. F.—6, Des Yeeux Peking Road

Road Central

Hong Kong Land Investment and Credit Foncter d’Extreme Orient—

18, The Bund

Agency Co., Ltd.—Queen’s Bldg. Crone, Erik—294, Szechuen Road

Hong Kong & Kowloon Land Loan Cumine & Co., Ltd.—149, Szechuen

Co., Ltd.—8, Queen’s Road West Road

Hong Kong Realty Agency — 10, Darre, Marcel—1, The Bund

Queen’s Road Central

Hong Kong Realty & Trust Co., Ltd. Fittkau,& Co.,

David S. J.—320, Kiangse Rd.

H.—131, Museum Road

—Exchange Building

Humphreys’ Estate & Finance Co., Great Shanghai Realty Co., The—6,

The Bund

Ltd.—Alexandra Building

classified list of trades


Hsin Heng & Co. — 80, Avenue Fischer, Emil S.—15, ,Hwa An St.

Edward YU Tientsin Land Investment Co., Ltd.

Hsin Woo Realtt Co. 505. Honan 49, Taku Road


Krivoss Realty ,Co.-r-1331, Avenue Tsingtao

J offre

Lee Co., Ltd., Harry—7, Yalu Road

Lester, Johnson and Morriss—20, Donnelly, D. E.—1, Hsin Tai Road

Eiukiang Roiad Lennox & Co.. J.—47, Hunan Road

Metropolitan Land Co., Ltd.—81, Tsingtao Land & House Agency—1,

Jinkee Road Hsin Tai Road

Miao Kay Pah—SS558b, Connaught


Midland Investment Co., Ltd.—6,

Soochow Road Batavia

Moeller & Co., L. E.—29, Sz<-chuen


Moore & Co., Ltd., L.—191, Peking Ockerse, F. W. A.—Binnen Nieuw-

poortstraat 34


Mutual Investment Co.—89, Foochow MALAYA


Nissim, N. Fred—278, Kiangse Road

Powell Sidney, J.—10, Kiukiang Negri Sembilan


Realty Investment Co., Fed. Inc.—56. Mansergh & Tayler—Seremban

Szechuen Road

Republic Land Investment Co.—149. Perak

Yuen Ming Yuen Road

Rizaeff, IT. M.D. - 48, Szechuen Road

Shanghai Land Investment Co.—100, Yin Foo Nyit Tse—321, Lahat Road

Jinkee Road Foon Chan and Nyit Shin—321,

Sopher & Co., Theodore—20, Kiu- Lahat Road

kiang Road

Spence, Robertson & . Partners—27, Selangor

Peking Road

Suhr, K. H.—96, Peking Road Barlow & Co. — Eastern Smelting

Toeg, E. F.—18-9, Central Arcade Building

Tou Yao Kee & Co.—4, Hang Kong Gleeson & Co.—Kuala Lumpur

Road Lore Yung Cheong—2, Market Street,

West End Estates, Ltd.—48, Szeehuen Low Kuala Lumpur

Road Leong—6A, Brickfield Road,

Kuala Lumpur

Tientsin Richards & Co., D.—Klang

Soc. Internationale de Plantations

et de Finance—Laidlaw Building,

China Securities Co., Inc.—12, Vic- Kuala Lumpur

toria Terrace Socfin & Co.—P.O. Box 330, Kuala

Credit Foncier d’Extreme Orient— Lumpur

111, Rue de France Teh S'EOw Teng—16, Weld Road,

Davis, R. S.—17, Victoria Terrace * Kuala Lumpur




Singapore I Baguio Improvement and Develop-

ment Corpn.—P.O. Bdk 1288

Abpeen & Co., Ltd.—620C, Jalan Curinas Unjieng E. Hijos—320, Dasma-

Masjid Hess & Zeitlin—30-32, Escolta

Abdeen, H.—6200, Jalan Masjid Hoskins & Co., C. M. — 185, David

Alkaff & CO.—VO, The Arcade Street, Plaza Cervantes

Alsagoff, S. O.—13a, Battery Road Madrigal & Co.—8, Muelle del Ban-

Ran , Hoe at Hin—33, Telok Ayer Street co Nacional

Barlow & Co.—Ocean Building Manila Development—302, Kneedler

Cftta Choon Watt & Sons—47, Kim Building

Seng Road Philippine

Insular LifeLand Improvement

Building, BinondoCo.—

Credit Foncifr, o’Extreme Orient— Ramirez, J. Y.—Crystal Arcade Build-

Meyer Chambers ing, Escolta

East Asiatic Co,—12, Raffles Quay

Estate and Trust Agencies (1927), Real David

Estate Investment Co.—185,


Ltd.—Raffles Oharab^s

Peek & Co., Ltd.—Hongkong Bank Rizjal ing '

Park Co., Inc.—Paterno Build-

Chambers Rosenstock, C. W.—P.O. Box 400

Sango Koshi—iV, Beach Road Roxas y Compania—719, Echagne

St. Helen’s Cottrt, Ltd.—Collyer Sorox Y. Cia—155, Aviles


Strickland k Co,—56. The Arcade

Tan Joo Soo Ko & Co.—24, Chulia LAWYERS





Anthony & Co.—9, Beach Street

Brown, Phillips & Stewart—1a, Akita Shintaro—62, Kusunoki-cho

De Becker, de Becker & Sebald—

Penang Street

Dennys & Co., A.—22a. Beach Street Meikai Building

Lim Cheng Teik—170, Beach Street Fujimura Kazuo — 3, Nakayamate-

Estate & Trust Agencies—11, Light IkedoriZenichi—90, Nakayamate-dori

Street Isogaava Noaichi—122, Isogawa dori

Kong & Co.—10, King Street Matsuno, Dr. H.—11, Yamamoto-dori

Malacca Nakamura

machi & Co., Ltd. - C42 Nishi

Lok Kim Swi Ohta Yasutani—40, Nakayamate-dori

Tan Cheng Lock Yoshida Seizo—31, Akashi-machi


Manila Asamura Tokyo Jumusho—27, Kita-


Osaka Tokyo Dairikyoku — 16, Kita

Araneta, Inc.—Insular Life Building hama ’

Ayala & Co.—Hogar Building, Binon- Yomota Tei—36, Okawa-cho

do YuaSa Law Office—4.2, Kitahaoia



Tokyo Chau Tsun N in, Hon. Mr. — 8,

Queen’s Road West

Abe Maoyuki—Marunouchi Building D’Almada & Co., Leo-David House

Akiyam\ Law Office—21, Mitsubishi D’Almada & Mason—David ‘House

Building Deacons—1, Des Veeux Rd; 0.

Cahusac, A. F.—7, Nakadori Dennys & Co. -National Bank Build-

De Havilland, W. A—1635, New Hastings ing

Tokyo Kaijo Building & Co.—Gloucester Building

Gadsby, J.—12, Marunouchi, Kojima- Hin Shing Lo.—Chung Tin Building

chi-ku Jenkin, F. C., K.c.-^Prince'’s Build-

Hamao Shieo—30, Samoncho ing

Hara. Law Office—40, Nandomachi Johnson,


Stokes El WSaster—Prince’s

Inui Masahikq—Marunouchi Building Kwan, C. Y.—4a, Des Voeux Rd. C.

Kawamttra Tetsuya — Marunouchi Hin Shing Lo—'Chung Tin Building


Making Ryozo—12, Fu^uromachi Lo & Lo—Alexandra Building

Moriya Law Office—Showa Building Lo Tung Fan—4a, Des Voeux Rd. C.

Nakamura Ginzo—Marunouchi Build- jIacnamara,


H. C,—Stock Exchange


Plage Jim us ho. Dr.—29, Mikawadai- Pollock, Hon. Sir H. , E., k.c.—

Queen’s Building


Suzuki Law Office — Marunouchi Potter,, n Eldon, k.c.—Prince’s; Build-

Building ig

Uzawa Somei Law Office—12, Naka- Remedios, J. M. d’Almada — York

Building, Chater Road


Aogt, Dr. K. & R. Sonderhoff— i Russ & Co.—6, Des Voeux Road C.

Yaesu Building Sheldon, H. G.—Pr-ipce’s Building

Yokohama SiN, PETEtf-^Petkler Building

Tam, W. N. Thomas—4, Queen’s Road

.'Sfence, Wm. B.—45a, Yamashita-cho ' TsoCentral. ’

& HoDGsoN-^-Natibhal Bank Bldg.

CHINA Wilkinson & Grist — 2, Qtieen’s Road


Canton Woo & Nash — 4, Queen’s Road


Kentwell, L. K.—P.O. Box 26 Macao

I-YdNS, G. EdWarif—80, British Coii-

I . cession Jorge, Adolfo—ISO,- Avenida Almeido


Hankow Luiz Nolascg, Dr.—53, Praia Grande

SB A] ley & Perry—16, Fou Cheong Rodrigues,

meida Ribeiro

D ami a6-—ll, Avenida Al-

| Road


uArculli, A. el—-Stock Exchange Bldg, Allman & Co.—170, Kiangse Road

.'i BRUTfoN, & Co., Geo. K. Hall — St.

|| George’s Building, ('hater Road j Anderson


& Anderson—20, Museum



Browett, H.—34, Museum Road MALAYA

Chang, K. W.—40, Ningpo Road

Chu, Ponson C.—240, Markham Rd. Johore

Ellis & Hays—137, Peking Road Allan & Gledhill—23, Jalan Majidi,

Fessenden and Holcomb—12, 'Kuikiang Muar

Road Shelly-Thompson & Demuth — 82,

Fischer, Dr. O.—71, Szechuen Road

Franklin & Harrington—149, Yuen Jalan Soga, Ratu Pahat

Ming Yuen Road Malacca

Gilcher & Krasiavsky—24, The Bund

Hansons, A. G.—2, Peking Road Allen & Glidhill

Machado, C. J.—9, Albury Lane Gould & Co., Ralph C.—36, Riverside*

Platt, White Cooper & Co. — 83, Rogers & Son—40, First Cross Street

Peking Road

Priestwood, Victor—2, Peking Road Zehnder Bros.—27, Church Street

Rangel, T.—74, Szechuen Road Negri Sembilan

Rodger, H. D.—G, Kiukiang Road

Schdhl, Davies & N. E. Lurton—330, Cross & Wright — 93, Birch Road,


Szechuen Road

Teesdale, Newman & Co.—59, Peking Farr, Meroyn E. A.—39, Jaian Tunku

Hassan, Seremban


Tuck, Joseph—124, Burkill Road Penang

Vagel, Jr., Dr.—19, Yuen Ming Yuen

Road Abdoolcader, H. H.—39, Beach Street

Tientsin Adams & Allan—24, Beach Street

Cheng Ean & Soon Ghee—33, Beach


Eastham, B. C.—3, Victoria Terrace Logan,

Evans, R. T.—1, Victoria Terrace Ross & Samuel—5, Union St.

Fermus, Etude R. & R. Hoselitz— Wreford & &Thornton—29,

Presgrave Matthews—9, Beach St.

Beach St.

111, Rue de France

Fox & Morrison—34, Rue de France Perak

Kent & Mounsey—2, Victoria Ter-


Kleinschmidt, E.—18, Wuchang Road Bryant & Taylor—Ipoh

Gowdy & Jones—15, Hale St., Ipoh

INDO-CHINA Dunford-Wood, J.—Ipoh

Gibb & Co.—Hongkong Bank Bldgs.,

Hanoi Ipoh

Maxwell & Keniqn — Station Road,


Mourlan, Pierre et Marcel Pascalis Watson, E. C.—P.O. Box 105, Ipoh

—40, Boulevard Gambetta

SIAM Selangor

Bangkok Au-Yong Bros.—17, Church Street

Bannon & Bailey—Station Street,-

Baguley & Tooth Klang

Tilleke & Gibbins Ford & Delamore—60, Klyne Street,

Kuala Lumpur



Freeman & Madge—54, Klyne Street Hasselt, F. H. Copes van

Lovelack & Hastings—56, Klyne St. Kastelijn, L. J. C.

Pooley & Co.—68, 'Klyne Street Kruger, J. G.

S harma, S. M.—71, Klyne Street Klatte, J. H.

Wagner, E. A. Stockwell — 5, Old Lebbe, J. H. L.

Pudu Road, Kuala Lumpur Lubbers, J.

Yong Shook Lin—47* Cross Street, Marting, W. C.

Kuala Lumpur Mulder, W. G. F. B.

Singapore Neef,' N. N. J. de

Pont, P. A. M.

Aitken & Ong Siang—9, Bonham Smits, H.R. M.



Allen & Gladhill—22a, Raffles Place Stern, Jhr. J. L.

Batteeburg & Talma—1, Raffles Place Tellegen, P. H. \V. F.

Bradcfell Bros.—24, Raffles Place Venema, O. J. A.

I Campbell & Co., J G.—8, Raffles Westerholt, A. J. A. Baron van


| Chan & Eber—Raffles Chambers Semarang

I Donaldson & Burkinshaw — 3, De

Souza Street - Boelen, H. J. & Meursinge, J. A.—

I Drew & Napier—10, Collyer Quay Hoogandorpstraat 12

Johannes & Sammy—2, Bonham Bldg. Knappert & van Oldenborgh

Kow Soon Kim—4a, Change Alley

I Miendis & Ahlip—24, Raffles Place PHILIPPINE ISLANDS

| Osborne-Jones, D. G.—11a. Change

I Alley Manila

1 Rodyk & Davidson—4, Raffles Place

[Shelley-Thompson & Demuth — 26a, Aguilar & Fernandez Lavadia—12,

Escolta, Binondo

; Change Alley

'Sisson & Delay—Union Building Algid, Lim & Agbayani—o, Plaza

| Wee Swee Teow & Co.—41, Bonham Araneta, Moraga, Binondo

| Building De Joya, Zaragoza and

CZehnder Bros.—26a, Chulia Street Araneta — Insular Life Building,

Plaza Moraga Binondo

Atienza & Umail—211-212, Cu Un-


Barba Law Office—7 & 8, Lack & Davis

Batavia Building, Sta, Cruz

Barrera & Reyes — 407-410, Percy

Samanillo Building, Escolta

G3rouwer, L. G. Campbell, G. E.—10, Lack & Davis

IBrohwer Borgman, W. F. J. Building, Sta. Cruz

'^Ruddingh de Voogt, J. G. Camus & Delgado—Suite 402, Masonic

IDoornick, A. van Temple, Escolta

.Dunne, E. J. F. van j Cardinas & Casal

Feith, Jhr. P. R. Corvera, Hernando, J. C.—303, Cu

Unjieng Building, Escdlta


1 P. H. De Witt, Perkins & Brady—Heacoclc

Groot, J. H. C. DE Building, Binondo



De Witt, Perkins & Brady—P.O. Villarosa, Building, 755 Fernando, jQ, — Guizutr

Box 760 ? Rizal

Duran, Lim & Tuason—P.O. Bon 522 Whitney, Courtney—619, Escolta

Garcia & Tolentino—Arguelles Build- Wolfson, J. N.Banl:& Building

| tional City J. A.—205, Na-

ing, 619, Rizal

Grey & Encarnacion—i45, , Solana, LEATHER, BELTING AND SHOE


Gutierrez Repide & MoNzoX—97, Oral MANUFACTURERS

Luna . ; ■

Harvey & O’Brien — 516,■ - Masonic JA&AX 2

Temple, Escolta, Binpndo /[ -

Ingersoll, Frank B. -77 oil, Chaco Kobe


Jose, Pablo V.—Santos Buildipg, Sta. Asahi-ya1 Sbokai—154, : Kitapagasa,

Cruz ddri ‘

Iyoh & Oantera—266, Juan Ljina Fujimoto Shoikn—62, Shimoyaimate-


Lockwood, L. D,—324 Kneedler. Build- Fujitani Shoten—11, .Nunoibiki-cho .ao'iS HebbiS’d

ing, iSta,' Ortiz

Lontok Law Office—3 306, Regina Hoshi-ya—N unoboiki-cho

Buil ding, Bindhdo Kobe-ya Hambai-sho-Li87, Motomachi

Me Fie,. Jr., John R.—312, Ilneedler Oiwa Shot^n—238,: Motoniaebi

Building- Sta. Cruz Sakai Shoten—40-41, Nakayamate-

Mendoza, Pedro' B. — David, | dori' ’ r ■ ,u aaita .. * tn;

Binondo ’ Y’amaNo S'hoten-^8,' Motomachi-ddri

Natividad, Graciano T.—303, Cu- Yama^akT Shoten—A09, : r Motdmachi-

Unjieng Building, Esdolta: ; dori - ..

Ortigas, Francisco—120, Legarda, Moshida Shoten—172,1 Sannomiya-cho

Samp aloe '

Philippine Credit Plaza

33, Santos, Building, Bureau Inc.—. .

Sta. Cruz Nagoya

Public Credit Service Bureau—P.O. Ajuka Seika Kaisha, Ltd.—33, Okuno-

Box 2703 bo ijijcuR Hftin'J—YAjaG A -

Querubin 51, EsooltaDe Fer- Iwata &-.C0!,—Teppo-cho , ■

Nera, Jose—302,

mandez Building,

Ramirez & Ortigas—408. Filipinas Yokohama

Building, Plaza Moraga •

Ramos, PlaciOo 0.—428-429, Luis Perez, Eastern Trading Co.—1, Kaigan-dori

Samanillo Building, Eseolta :

Shoten—68, 1 Sumiyoshi-

Reyes, Isabelo G. — 32.1, Legarda, ‘Marumori cho

Samp aloe Miyashita Shoten‘>1, Tokiwa-obo

Reyes & Reyes—131, Quesade, Tondo Okumura

Sanz, Antonio—211, Filipinas Build- cho Kinjiru Shoten—33, Onoe-

ing, Plaza Moraga Tsutano Hikaku., Shoten—-85, Okiua-

Sian & Garde -P.O. Box 1864 cho

Sotto & AstillA—1098 R., Hidalgo

Tan Torres, Genaro—Heacock Build- Osaka

ing, Esoolta

Torres, Feliciano, G.—IL7, Guizon Aall & Co., Ltd.—9, Koraibashi

Building, 755 Rizal Akita Shoten—33, Shikitsu-oho

Torres, Justo A.—504, Rizal Dairoku, K. K.—500, Senbi-oho



FUKiTi Shotkn—42, Bokko-cho Yiloudaki fe Co., Fed., Inc.—15, Pek-

Hanshin Belt, G. K.—18, Imakai-cho ing Road

II i b i Shoten—110, Shibata-chp Yung Lee & Co.—45, Hankow Road

M(art;ku Suotjen —725, Kujonaki-dori Zais,Road Steinman & Co.—29, Szechuen

Murata Yastj Belt Shoten—22, Tani-

machi Tientsin


Forks Co., Ltd:—49, Taku Road

Foochow Froiman Co., D.—27, Davdnpdrt



Eastern Engineeri^O & Trading Co., Liddell Bros. & Co., E.—32, Taku Road

Ltd & Co.,- Ltd.—50. Taku


Harbin Stekol, A. G!—278, Victoria Road

Boisen, C.—77, Uchastkovaya MALAYA

Hongkong Singapore

Bata Shoe Co., Ltd.—Redder Bldg. ; ; Rahamin PeUhXs—M;Circular

Lim Tech Lee—2-4, Road

’Robinson Road

Canada Co., The—37, Queen’s Rd., C. Bata Shoe Co., Ltd.—'^Iipitdl Building

Economical Trading Co.—E.O. Box

285 , . | ■. 1.1

Fook On Wing, Ltd.—40, Hing Lung Penang


Oriental Shoe The—17, Welling- Hung Sew & Cd.—3f, Victoria Street

ton Street

Sander, Wieler & Co. - -5, Des Yoeux United Shoe Co.—38, Penang Road


Shewan, Tomes. & :Oo.—National Bank


South ChinaCo.Leather Goods Mawu- Manila

. ^pur,iNG. 17, Pottingar Street

Wong St i Woon—271, Hennessy Rd. Erlanger & Galinger, Inc.—601-609,

Wo Hop—12-14, Lower Lascar Rbw Escolta , .

Getz Pros. & Co.—5th: floor, Fernan-

Shanghai dez Building, T. Pinpin

Hamilton Brown _ Shoe Store and

Haberdashery, TMr.^71, Escolta

| Belting & Leather Products Associa- Manila Harness Cd~ Inc.—41, Escolta

{ tion, Inc.—57, Peking Road

* Foong Tai Leather Co.—69, Sinza Rd. Manila'•Machinery and Supply Co.,

Inc.—675-681, Dasmarinas

IOriental Trading Co.—367, Kiangse New People Manufacturing CO.—502

Road Nueva, Binondo

Schieren Cd.,; ChaS. A.—23/25, NiDf*- PniLiPPiNE Tannery Gb., Inc.—431-

po Road 433, Misericordia

United . Leather Goods Co.—190,, Pe- Pickett Harness Go.—300, Misericotf-

kitig Rbad dia



Prospero Harness, The—555, Martin Shanghai Tug & Lighter Co., Ltd.—

2-3, Quai de France


Reptile Store, The—200-204, Alham- Shanghai Transportation Co., Ltd —

7a, The Bund


Rui Hermanos, Inc.—623, Escolta Whang Poo Tug & Lighter Co., Ltd.

To Tian Ohok—‘54-7, Nueva —120, Kiangse Road

United States Shoe Co. — 386, San

Marcelino, Ermita Taku

Walk-Over Shoe Store — Masonic

Temple, Escolta, Binondo

Yu Guioc Lo & Co.—312-314, Das- Taku Tug and Lighter Co., Ltd.

marinas Tientsin

Yu Joaquin & Co.—219-221, San


Taku Tug and Lighter Co., Ltd.,


Sourabaya MALAYA

Butteweg & Co. Singapore

LIGHTERAGE AND Eastern Transport Co.—152, Orchard



Hongkong Manila

Hong Kong Transfer and Lighter International Brokerage Co., Inc.-—

Co., Ltd.—St. George’s Building 306, Masonic Temple

Standard Transportation Co., Ltd. Jose Angel—9, Plaza Moraga Room 8

—Union Building Luzon Stevedoring Co., Inc.—P.O.

Box 582

Macao Manila Land & Water Transportation

Co., Inc.—Muelle de Binondo and

Empresa Lusitana de Transportes 104, Dasmarinas, Binondo

Ltd.—P.O. Box 493 Manila Lighter Transportation—121,.


Shanghai Robles and Hizon—75, Juan Luna

Robles Transportation —543, Sto.-

Commercial Express & Storage Co.— Sepulers, Paco

8b, Yuen Ming Yuen Road Iloilo

Magill & Co., Ltd., James —120,

Kiangse Road

Marden & Co., Ltd., G. E.—10, Han- Visayan Stevedore - Transportation

kow Road Co., The

Shanghai Express Co.—6, Szeohuen

Road LUMBER (see under Timber)



MACHINE FACTORIES {See Page Murase Tekkosho-—226, Sakae-machi

B18-23) Uroko Shokai—Higashi Kav/a-cho

YaMagucAi Tekkosh6-M8, Nishikawa-



JAPAN Doban Seisaku-jo—Kawabata-Higashi

Ichihara Hatsutaro—Hon-cho

Kobe Inouye Seikichi—17, Hon-cho

Inouye Zenbai—Kobashi-nishi

Ahrens & Co.—32, Akashi-machi Kamasen—Muro-machi

; Abe Shoten—56, Umegakahcho Kawachi Yutaro—18, Hon-cho

Aoyama Steel Co.—3-71, Aioi-cho Kitagawa Denki Kigyo-sha—2, Sanjo

| Cader, Doray & Co. —107-4, Nakaya- sagaru

Imate-dori Mitani Shindo Kaisha—Maruta-ma-

Fuji Shokai Goshi Kaisha—56, Sa- chi

kae-maohi Ohashi Masaji—Horikawa-Higashi

General Engineering Co.—28, Saii- Okumura Saburo—Hon-cho, Higashi


Hashimoto Shokai K. K.—32, Akashi- Uyengama Yeikichi—Senbon Higashi

maehi Moji

Hiwada Shoten—39, Nishide-machi

| Honda Michitaro—4-195, Nishide- Asakawa Shoten—Minato-cho

- machi Kudo Shoten—Sagae-maohi

j Kansai Kosaku-sho—8, Yoban-cho Ohara Shimpei Shoten—Sakura-machi

■ Kobe Mekki, G.K.—119, Hachiman- Ono Keitaro Shoten—Kiyotaki-cho

} dori Temmaya Shoten—Nakarmachi

Mikado Yotetsu-ten—37, Isogami-

!! dori Nagasaki

; Nakajima Shoten—17, Kumochibashi

! Nippon Kinzoku K.K.—27, Ka.iga.u- Kobe machi

Hatsudoki K.K.—42, Ura-Goto

1 dori

j Noda Gomei Kaisha—69, Kyo-maohi Mitsubishi Zosen Kaisha—Akunoura

1 Noritake Aijiro—132, Isogamai-dori Nagasaki Kikai Seisakusho — 1,

I Seneokuki Seizo K.K.—58, Shima- Asaki-machi

^ gami-cho Nagoya

" | Suganuma Shoten—260, Bossho-mura

i'Takashima Shoten—12, Minami Siaka- Bussan Kyodo Goshi Kaisha—Sasa-

se,gawarcho jima-cho

Wada Shoten—6, Sannomiya-cho Herbert, Ltd., Alfred—23, Murata-

Weitzel, .J.--71/~3, Kitano-cho (Sew- machi, Nakaku

| ing) Horne & Co.—2, Higashi Takehira-

(Yagiu Kiyoji Shoten—84, Yedo-tniaohi cho

Mitsubishi Naninen Kaisha, Ltd.

Hakodate (Aircraft)—Oe Minami-ku

Nogamy Automatic Loom Works, Ltd.

Hoshino Kqgyo, K. K.—209, Higashi —Gokisho-cho (Textile)

Kawa cbo Okaya & Co.—Teppo-cho

; Meguro Tokujiro—7, Masago-cho Okura & Co.—Sumitomo Buildings



Osaka Shimonoseki

Akioka Eijirq—2-41, Tani-machi, Mi- Masutani Shokai—Kannozaki-cho


American-Japanese Commercial Co.— Matst-oka Masaichi—Imamuro-cho

Shikuma Tomozo—Irie-oho

26, Edobori Kita-dori

Anegawa Yosoji—1-35, Sonezaki Yokoyama Shoten—Irie-cho

Kami, Kita-ku

Gadelius & Co., Ltd.—GosHo Bldg. Tokyo

Gartner & Co.—414, Gosho Building

Hayashi Kan Shoten—8, Tani-machi American-Japanese Commercial Co.—

Herbert, Ltd., Alfred--i28, Higashi 1665, Tokyo Kaijo Bldg.

Umedai-eho Armstrong^ Whitworth fc. Co.. Ltd.

Hodgkinson , ; & OOi—12, Itachibori ! —8, Marunouchi

(Textile) Becker & Co.- (Printing, Paper Work-

Hoiine Co., Ltd.—14, Imabashi ing and Textile Machinery and

Iwata Keitei Shokai—11, Itachibori Gadkliis M.achine Tool^)—10/6, Marunouchi

Kita Co., Ltd.—Osaka Bldg:,

Kawashima Shoji Gomei Kaisha— :Holstein Ucliisaiwai-cho

& Co.—8, ’Marunouchi

132, Shin-machi, Nishi-ku

Kikai Boeki K.K.—3, Dojima Hama- Horne Trading Co.—Yaesu Building

dori Jay W. Myers, Inc.—P.O. Box F. 89

Koga Shoten—3-21, Itachibori Mina- Central ,

mi ;RJ , i P i Knorr Jimusho—14, Marunouchi

Kusuda Takejiro—10-^61, Honden-cho Krupp (Fried.)—8, Marunouchi, ; San-

Mizutani-Shoten—-48, Tani-machi chpme , . .;

Naniava Boeki Shoten—25, . Satsuma- Levbold Shokwan (K.K.L.)—Tokyo

bori Minamino-cho Tatemono Building, Nihonbashi-ku

Ohbei Boeki Shokai—^30, Utsubo Nichio BoyekI Shokai—7, Futaba-cho


Roroku Shoten K.K.—21, Itachibori Schmitz Building

& Co. — Tokyo Tatemono

Kita SirNGER Sewing Machine Co.—5,

Schmitz & Co.—Nippon Kaijo Bldg. Yiraku-cho

Singer Sewing Machine Col—1, Soze- Roku-Roku Shoten, Ltd.—3, Shisa-

cho kana-cho

Sugiyama Shoten Gomei Kaisha—8, Toto Babcock K.K.—5:, Nakadori Ma-

Honden, Nishi-ku runouchi

Tomoe Shokai—37, Itachibori Kita

Toyo Seikosha—721, Ishino-cho Yokohama


dori Shokai—14, Dojima Hama- Asano Bussan K.K. 26,. Kaigan-dori

Frazar & Co.—7, Nihon-Odori

Shidzuoka Furukawa Denki K.K.—23, Nishi,"


Asahi Imono K.K.—160, Temma-cho Namikawa Shoten—60, Nihon Ohdori

Ohishi Jimbei Shoten—30, Kinza- Sato Shoten—24, Nihon-dori


Tokida Choshichi Shoten—66, Shin- Tanaka Shoten—48, Miyaki-cho

4ori l Kern & Co.—77, Yamashita-ch&



Singer Sewing Machine Co.—P.O. Gadelius & Co.,. Ltd.t—18, Yamagata-

Box 408 aorx

Yokohama Kogyo K.K.—1903, Kubo- General Electric Co., of China, Ltd.

—47, Ecnigq-eno


Toyo Babcock KHC!.—1, Isqgo-machi Harada & Co.—21, Yamagata-dori

Hidashi Seisaku'SHo K.K.—3, Wakti-

KOREA sa-machi

Horne Co., Ltd.—16, Kaga-machi

Hashiguchi Usaku — 26, Honcho, Kawabata Shoten—2, Irifune-cho

Seoul fciKODA Works, Ltd.—18, Yamagata-

Kanae Shokai—1, Sakae-machi, Seoul dori

Kondo Yasukichi—33, Hon-cho, Seoul SugimOto .Shoten—4, /Sakae-machi

Kugimoto Tojiro—58, Hon-cho, Seoul

Sano Hiko Shoten—31, Hon-cho, Hankow


Sato Hanjiro—55, Hon-cho, Seoul Andersen, Meyer & Co.—11, Rue.

Singer Sewing Machine Co. — 1-28, Ciemenceau

Teido, Seoul Arnhold & Co.—S.A.D. 1 Bund

Tatsumi Shoji K.K.—1, Nandaimon- Bechleu, E.—Corner of Hunan and

dori, Seoul Co-operation Roads

Behn, Meyer & Co., Ltd.—The Bund,


Carlowitz & Co.—Tachimen

Amoy Gale Co., Inc.—48, Rue Dautremer

Hwa Chang Trading Co., The — 9,

Lingson Engineering Co. — Water- Mee-YehDahlia ixuildmg, Hunan Road

works Building Handels Compagnie — 13,

Tungting Hoad

Canton Mei Chang Hardware Co.—Tai Ping

Road S.A.D. 3

Andersen Meyer &; Co.— Representation for British

turers—EL, Tungting HoadManui-'ac-

Aunhold & Co. Siemens China Co.—7, Rue du Mar.;-

BaJst & Co., — 39, F.C., Shameen cnai. Focn

Carlowitz & Co.—230, Shakee Road Siemssen & Co.—Erh Yao Road

Fild & Co., Ltd., F.—10, West Bund Singer Sewing Machine Co.—Tai-

Jsbsen & Co.—P O. Box 18 ping Road S.A.,D. JNo. 3'

Johnson Engr. Co.—87, B.C. Wah Chang Trading Corporation—23,

Rafeek &; Co.—71, British Concession Hue Dautremer

Reuter, Brockelmann & Co.—37, Bri- Harbin

tish Concession

Siemssen & Co.—12, Sax Hau Kai

Spalinger & pQ., U. Andersen, Meyer & Co.—2, Samma-

naya Street

Dairen Compagnie Internationale des Wta-

gons Lits — New Town, Grand

Hotel Building Y2, Swongara Pro-

Andrews ^ George, Inc.—54, Fama- spekt

gata-dori Fetisoff Brothers—Corner of Novo

Fukusho Co—-2-13, Yamagata-dori gorodnaya Street



International Harvester Export Co. Hoo CheoNg Wod <& Co.—51-52, Con-

naught Road Central

—52, Diagonalnaya Street

International Sleeping Car Company Huygen, G. E.—French Bank Bldg.

—132, Kitaskaya Street

International Technical Trading Co. Jardine Engineering

—14, Pedder Street Corporation

—139, Kitaiskaya Street Jebsen & Co.—Pedder Building

Jardinh Engineering Corporation— Kwong Sang & Co.—59, Connaught

14, Fodroprovodnaya Street Road Central

Kunst & Albers-—Kitaiskaja Lee Ping Hong—52, Des Vceux Road

Marcks, Lothar—Ta Tung Pien Men Central


Pelstrusoff, M.F. — 85, Kitaiskaya Linotype & Machinery, Ltd—18,C.Ice

Lee Yu Kee—87, Des Voeux Rd.

Street House Street

Singer Sewing Machine Co.—13, Sko- Moses & Co., N. S.—17, Queen’s Rd.

vznaya Street

Skoda Works,. Ltd.—2, Koramerces- Central

kaya Street Perrin’s (China), Ltd.—Asia Life

Svistunoff, M.P.—Corner Russkaya Building, 14, Queen’s Road Central

Street Reiss Massey & Co.—7, Queen’s Ko-ad

Woldemar, Ernest — 72, Kitaiskaya Central

Street Reuter Brockelmann & Cd—Canton

Bank Building-

Hongkong Ross & Co., Alex—1a, Chater Road

Shewan, Tomes & Co. -National

Bank Building

A. Ming & Co.—105, Des Vceux Road Siemssen & Co.—Bank of China

Central Building

Andersen, Meyer & Co.—67, Des Singer Sewing Machine — Pedder

Vceux Road Central Building

Arnhold & Co., Ltd.—5,. Queen’s Skodaworks, Ltd.—12-14, Queen’s Rd.

Road Central Central

BAiLEy & Co., W.S.—Kowloon Bay Swedish Trading Co.—China Build-

Bodiker & Co.—David House ing

Brandt & Co.—P.O. Box 272

Carlowitz & Co.—4, Queen’s Road Building & Co.—Stock Exchange



Chien Hsin Engineering Co., Ltd — YeeLtd.—64-65,

Kee Hong Shipchandlers & Co.,

Connaught Road C.

Asiatic Building

China Engineers, Ltd.—14, Queen’s

Road Central Mukden

Co-operative Trading Co.—Bank of

Canton Building

Dodwell & Co., Ltd.—Queen’s Bldg. Andersen, Meyer & Co.

Domestic Engineers, Ltd.—-8, Des Arnhold & Co;, Ltd.

Voeux Road Central Carlowitz & Co.—18, San Djin Loo

E. King, & Co.—25, Wing Wo Street Chinese Engineering and Develop-

Eastern Asbestos Co.—Prince’s Bldg. ment Co.—San Jing Road

Feld & Co., Ltd., F.—Pedder Build- Fujita & Co., Inc.—24, Naniwa-dori

ing Jardine Engineering Corporation—

Hardivilliers & Cie — Asia Life 208, Ta Hsi Pien Men Wai

Building Meyer-Illies & Co.—11, Wei Road



Noeth-Eastebn Trading Co.—2, Muji- Arnhold & Co., Ltd.—1, Nanking Rd,

j cho AsaNanking

Lees & Road

Co., Ltd.—Sassoon Houser

Schwamberg & Co.—5, Surnita cho

Siemens China Co. Associated Agencies (Far East), Ltd.

Tschurin & Co., Ltd.—34, Maniwa —114, Kiangse Road

machi Ault & Wiborg China Co.—37, Can-

ton Road

Peiping Babcock & Wilcox, Ltd.—1, The Bund

Banner, Thomas-^G, Kiukiang Road

American Locomotive Sales Corpn.— Behn,


Meyer China Co.—421, Kiangse

24, Shih Chia Hutung

Andersen, Meyer & Co.—1, Tai Yuen Calco


China Agency—14, Museum

Fu Hutung

Bielfeld & Sun—6, Legation Street Calder-Marshall & Co.—2, Peking

Chinese Engineering and Develop- Cameron & Co., A.—21, Jinkee Road

ment Co.—75, Nan Chih Tzu Canton Trading Co.—913, Chengtu

Comptoir Russo-Belge de Commerce & Road


Chieh — 45, Wai Chiao Pu Chang Dah Yuen—43, Broadway

Forbes & Co., William—45, Wai Chien Hsin Engineering Co., Ltd.—

138, Kiangse Road

Chuao Pu Ohieh

General American Car Co.—Grand China Road

Engineers, Ltd.—15, Museum

Hotel de Pekin

Sauer & Co.—33, Tung Kuan Yin East Wo & Co.—A868, Broadway



Siemssen & Co.—20, Gan Mien Hu- Corbin Locks & Hardware—55, Yuen

Ming Yuen Road

tung Dodge & Seymour (China), Ltd.—3,

Smidth & Co., F.L. (Cement)—23, Canton Road

Hsi Tsung Pu Hutung Dodwell & Co., Ltd.—17, Canton

Yen Nan & Go.—78, Tung Sse Nan Road

Ta Chieh Duncan & Co.—9, Foochow Road

Eagle & Globe Steel Co.—8, Museum

Shanghai Road

Eastern Engineering Works — I2r

Aerostyle, Ltd.—19, Museum Road Szechuen Road

Allen & Co.—8a, Yuen Ming Yuen E-Zung Chong & Co.—273, Broadway

Road Fagan & Co., Ltd.—261, Kiangse Road

Allen, Sons & Co., W.H.—36, Peking Fraser and Chalmers’ Engineering

Roao Works—23, Nmgpo Road

American Machine Sr. Foundry Co.— General Refrigeration Co.—6, Hong-

1, The Bund kong Road

American Trading Co.—3, Canton German China Co., Ltd.—66, Szechuen

Road Road

, Andersen, Meyer & Co.—4, Yuen German Machine Co.—7-9, Siking Rd.

Ming Yuen Roal

Anglo-Chinese I denting Co.—190, Glathe & Witt—410, Szechuen Road

Hachiya & Co.—9A, Hankow Road

Kiukiang Road

Arai & Co.—12, Hankow Road Hartmann, Walter—P.O. Box 1576

(Arkell & Douglas, Inc.—3, Canton Hetherington & Sons, Ltd.—7, Han-

Road kow Road

classified list of trades


Hudson & Co.—452, Kiangse Road ShM Woo Engineering Works-

803, Point Road

Inniss & Riddle (China), Ltd. -452, Siemssen

Kiangse Road & Co.-^451, Kiangse Road


Jakdin'e Engineering Corporation— Kiangse Chung Engineering Co.—378,

50,. Yuen Ming Yuen Road Road

Jebsen &; Co.—110, Hankow Road Singer Sewing Machine Co.—12, The

Jensen,. G. S.—106, Szechuen Road Bund

Jonas & Clover, Ltd.—18,, Kiukiang Sintoon Overseas .Trading Co.—22,

Kiukiang Road


King Kee & Co.—22, Seward Road SkodaChong—421, Works, Ltd.—24, The Bund

Klingelnberg & Wielda—21, Yuent Soy Hankow Road

Standard Machinery Supply. Co.—391,

Ming Yuen Road Kiangse Road

!fy,y;NSTj & Albers—110, Szechuan Road Stromwall, Huldo—17, Yuen Ming

Lang & Co.,, R.—4, Ezra Road , Yuen Road

Rangoon & Co.,, E. W.—4)7, Avenue. Sulzer Brothers-t<34, Avenue Edward

Foch YII

Linotype & Machinery Ltd. — 38, Sumitomo G.qshi Kaisha-t-6, Kiukiaug

Avenue' Edward Vll Road n

LonkOmay-U'' Quai de France Tai Hing Trading Co.-vlOO, Peking

Malcolm & Co., Ltd.—220, Szechuen Road

Road Telge and Shroeter—212, Szechuen


R(»hd Iron Works—235, Ward Toryu Road

. Yoko~-2274, Boone Road

Mee-Yeh Handels , Compagnie — 16, Wah Chang Trading Corporation—

Canton Road , 6Q, Niugpo Road.

Metropolitan Trading Co.—lo, Mu- M^ah Foung & Co.—A1296, Broadway

seum Road

Modern Hardware & Co.—912, North W-ALAfOliTM-

Szechuen RoadlNTERNAT{O.NAL

: Co.—410,

ChengtuRoad Wat

Monotype Corporation—17, The Bund

Mustard & Co., Ltd.—22, Museum Way Road

Chong & Co.—W1S6, Kweichow

Road Worthington Pump • g& M5chinery

Oliveira & Son—1, Seward Rdaii Corp.—4, Yuen Ming' Yuen Road

Orenstein & Koppel, A. G. — 451, York Shipley, Jnc.—81, Jinkee Road

Kiangse Road

Osborn & Cor, Samuel—2a, Kiukiang ZeeChong

Za “Shun—101, Broadway

& Sons, W.Z.—^Al299, Broadway

Road ,

Reiss .& Co:, Fed., Inc., Hugo—185, Zi;ng Sing—J29, Kung Woo Li

Yuen Ming Yuen Road

Reuter, Brockelmann. & Co. — 452, Swatow

Kiangse Road

Rieily, Simmons & Milne—25, Peking 1) unfold & Co. , . .'

Road San Shing Co.—30, Chi Ping Road

Rose, Downs and Thompson

East), Ltd.—29, Canton Road (Far

Samma'nn & Co. (China), Paul E.—3, Tientsin

Canton 'Road A. E. G. China Electric Co^—63,

Sco’tr, Harding &' Co.—121, Peking Taku Road

Road. ; • ■ Andersen, Meyer & 06.—96, Rue de-

•Shun Kee & Co.—A1097, Broadway Takou



Aknhold & Co.—10, Taku Road Barrow, Brown & Co., Ltd.—Tapan

Rabcock & Wilcox, Ltd.—173, Victoria BiHua Takay

an. Moa Skng A Co.

Road ;;()eO

Bielfield & Sun—52r Taku Road Borneo Co:, Ltd., The

Black & Go., J.F.—32, Ta Yuan Fu Butler &- Webster

Hutung Diethelm & Co.

Buchmeister &-€o.—49, Taku Road Gestetner (Eastern), Ltd., D.—P.O.

.China American Engineering Corpn. ■Box 27

—Rue de France Hedeman, Evers & Co.—P.O. Box 84

■China American Trading: Corpora- International Engineer Co.—Chat-

tion—Rue de France ‘ tered Bank Lane

China Northern* Corporation—47-55, JNUi Lert

Rue de Paris Oriental Machinery Stores—Wora-

Dau & Co., Hugo—9/11, via Ermanno char Road


ElbRook, Incorporated—31-47, Daven- MALAYA

port Road (Textile and Knitting)

Fobes-Co., Ltd.-^-49, Taku Road1 Penang

Hayes Engineering Corporation—49,

Taku Road


Victoria Road Kim Keng Leong & Co. — 127, Beach

Ley Ltd.—90, Victoria Road Street

Oriental Trading' & Engh. 'Co. !9, Paterson,


Simons. & Co.—9, Weld

Taku Road ‘

Pottinger & CO.—55,: Victbria Road United'Engineers—87, Bishop Street

Shingming Trading Co., Ltd.-^Coi-

ner of Taku Road Perak

.Siemssen & Co.—63, Taku Road'

-Singer Seaving Machine "00.—1$2, Elunn & Co.—98, Belfield Street

Rue du Baron Gros.

Sintoon Overseas Trading , Co.—135, Fleming Bhos.—^Lahat Road, Ipoh

Huttenbach, Lazarus & Sons, Ltd.—

Rue Dillon


94, Brewster Ipoh

Co.—84, Belfield St.

Arnoult—Akiyama Road

.Skodaworks, Ltd.—4’, Honan .Road Lindeteves-Stokvis (Inc. D.E.L.).—

Tavyford & Co—113, Rue du Ghay- LobnitzBrewster Road. Ipoh

iard &Q., Ltd.—Box ill,


Tsinan United Engineers—Lahat Road

Ma & Cio.', Y. C.—165, Eburtli Main Selangor


SIAM Federated Engineering Co., Ltd., The

—246, High Street, Kuala. Lumpur

Bangkok Kinsey & Co.—P.O. Box 101

Miners’ and Builders’ Supply Co.-C-

Bangkok Dock Co. 123, High Street, Kuala Lumpur

Bangkok Trading Co:. Pitstien Paterson, Simons &■ Co.—1, Old

Bridge Market Square




Adamson, Gifillan & Co., Ltd.— Cebu

Hong Long Bank Building

Babcock & Wilcox, Ltd—B2, B3, International Harvester Co. of the,

Hongkong Bank Chambers Philippines

Barlow & Co.—Ocean Building

Borneo Sumatra Trading Co.—41, Iloilo

Robinson Road

Chin Ho & Co.—9, Phillip tStreet International Harvester Co. of the;

East Asiatic Co.—3, Raffles Quay Philippines

Eastern Import & Export Co.—40, Koppel (Philippines) Inc.

High Street Manila

Fraser & Gumming—Union Building

Hye Seng & Co.—35, Chulia Street Aguado Hermanos—130, Balmes, Quia -

Ingersol - Rand (India), Ltd. — 4, po

Raffles Quay Aguilar Machine Shop—215, Lakau-

Malayan Motors, Ltd. ' d'ula

McAlister & Co.—Gresham House Atlantic Gulf and Pacific Co.—

77, M. de la Industria

Malayan Mechanical Equipment Co.— American

14, Robinson Road Hardware & Plumbing Cg.

Pathodgins, Ltd.—72, Cecil Street —101-107, Echague, Sta. Cruz.

Soon Teck & Co.—56, Market Street Cham-SamcoH.& D.—428,

Cranston, Kneedler Bldg„

Tong Lam & Go.—59, Market Street Davao Light &Sons—300,Power

Sto. Cristo

Co., Inc.—<552,.

United Engineers, Ltd.—River Valley Rizal


Watts & Co., Ltd.—45-47, Robinson DyBinondoBuncio & Co., Inc.—191, M. de-

Road Earnshaw Docks and Honolulu Iron-

Works, The —18, Second Street,


Elmac Inc.—627, Rizal Avenue

Batavia Engineering

Co., Inc.-P.O.Equipment

Box 2128 & Supply:

Burt Myrtle & Co. General Machinery’ Co.—3, Plaza


N. V. Handel Mij Gestetner- Gestetner Duplicators —127, Escolta

Rijswijk Straat, Weltevreden Binondo (Printing)

N. V. LeTTERGIETERIJ “AMSTEfiDAM'’— Harris, Myer Machinery Co.—1955,,

v/h N. Tetterade—Tanaih Abang Azcarraga, Sta. Cruz

West 10 (Printing)

Linotype & Machinery, Ltd.—Thi- Hausmann172©

& Co., L. M.—P.O. Box

baultweg 1 Insular Hardware & Supply Co.—

Corner Dasmarindas and David

Sourabaya International HarvesterBoxCo.308 cF

the Philippines—P.O.

N. V. Handel Mij. Gestetner—Kum- Joe Tek Co.—613, Elcano

pang Djepoen 5 Jolo Power Co., Inc.—552, Rizal

Vraag & Aanbod (N. V. Het Techn. Koppel (Philippines) Inc.—P.O.

Bureau)—Aloon Aloon Jjontong 58 189



Landahl, Ing., John—P.O. Box 1392 Osaka

Loysted & Co., (Manila), Ltd., C. M.

—16th and Railroad Streets, Port Aall & Co., Ltd.—9, Koraibashi


Manila Machinery and Supply Co., BurkeUar

& Baker—P.O. Box 188, Cen-

Inc.—675-661, Dasmarinas

Murphy & Co., J. A.—228, Luis Perez, Dodge A Seymour, Ltd.—Teiheiyo

Building, Kami-dori

Samanillo Building, Escolta Holdsworth, J.—405, Teikoku Build-

Nell Co., Edward J.—680, Dasmar- ing, 9, linabashi

indas Muller, Phipps &" Sellers, Ltd.—P.

Norton & Harrison Co.—Kneedler O. Box 63 (Central)

Building Sammann & Co., OF Japan, Paul E.—

Otis Elevator Co. —P.O. Box 847 Kanda Building, Imabashi

Pacific Commercial Oo. — National Teubner, H.—13, Gotenyama,, Taka-

City Bank Building r'azuka

Parsons Hardware Co., Inc.

P.O. Box 423 Tokyo

Philippine Engineering Co. — 936,

Raon, Quiapo

Singer Sewing Machine " Co.—34, Marunouchi — Yaesu Building,

Frazar & Cb.

Escolta, Binondo

Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd.—Hongkong Hammond


& Co.—P.O. Box 23 (Cen-

& Shanghai Bank Building Muller, Phipps & Sellers—P.O. Box


raga; Iron Works—713, Azcar 98 (Central)

Tay Shing Hardware Co.—1033, Lave- Yokohama


Uy Chaco Sons & Co., Inc.—25, Plaza

Cervantes Bell, R. G.—23, Yamashita-cho

Vigelmann, Shroeder & Co.—156, Collier, J. D.—23, Yamashita-cho

Da&marinas Frazar & Co.—7, Nihon-dori

Vulcano Engineer Co.—521, M. de la James, C.H.N.—11b, Yamate-cho


Warner, Barnes & Co., Ltd.—Perez Motley,


R. Hunter—14, Kominato

Samanillo Building

Wilson & Co., Inc.—53, Barraca CHINA

Yek Hua Trading Corpn.—129, Juan


'Yutivo Sons Hardware Co —P.O. Canton


MAHJONGG ENGRAVING FAC- Hon Wan Trading Co.—16, F. C.,


TORIES (See Page B23) Lillicrap, S.—19, British Concession

Leison Bros. & Co.—28, Ning Kai


Rafeek & Co.—71, B. C., Shameen


Kobe Dairen

Souza, F. S.—17, Nakayamate-dori, Tschurin & Co., I. I.—42, Yamagata-

Nichome dori



Foocliow Keller & Co., Ltd., Ed. A—17, Con-

naught Road C.

Associated Products Co, Keller & Co., Ltd., Ed. A- -17, Can-

Dodwell & Co. naught Road C.

Knight & Co,^,, T. L.—55,;; Nathaiv

Hankow Road, Kowloon . .

Manufacturers Representatives, Ltd.

Andersen, Meyer & Co.—11, Rue Muller —2, Coupaught Road Central

Clemencea'u & (Cwdna), Ltd.—22v

China Trading Co., The—3,/ling Yu ,Pavri

Queen’s Road

&, Eons, K. S.-—32, Wyndham

Lee, Hunan Road, S.A.D.A Street

Harbin Reiss, Massey & Co..,-, Ltd.—7, Queen’s-

Road Central

Dodge & Seymour (China) Ltd.—23, Robertson, Wilson &; Co., Ltd.—67-

69, .Des Voeux Road. Central


Pelstrusoff, M. Y.—P.O. Box 447 Shewan, Tomes & Co.—National Bank


Hongkong Wicking & Co., Harry — Prince’s.


Alves & Co., Ltd., J. M.—1a, Cfraier Young & Co., C. P.—42, Elgin Street


Andersen, Meyer & Oo., Ltd.— Macao

Des Yoeux Road Central

Arnhold & Co., Ltd. — Gloucester Basto, J. A.—If, Avenida Almeida-

Building Ribeiro

Banker & Co:, Ltd.—4, Queen’s

Road C. Peiping

Bishop & Lacey, Ltd.—5, Des Vceux

Road Central Howell, L. H.—18, Erh Tiao Hutung.

Chee & Co., T. Y.^34-361( Hing.Lung

Street Shanghai

Colonial Mercantile Qo.'-^S, ' Hes"

Voeux Road Central

Davie, Boag & Co., Lm—Queen’s Yuei.i niing iuen &Roan

Andersen, Meyer Co,, Ltd. — 4-8v


Dayton Price Ltd. — 20, Baboud, Mary & Oie. 1, Can ton Road.

Bird, Ceo. r,.—23-27, Ningpo Road

Queen’s Road C. '

Dodge & Seymour (Ghina), Ltd — Bishop Co.—133,: Museum. Road

French Bank Building Browne, Hill

Farrell & Co., Pv T.—King’s Bldg. Cameron & Coi (China,), Ltd., A.—21,,

Fook Tei Co.—Bank of Canton Bldg. J inKec Road

German-China Trading GO.—Exchan- China Scientific Instrument Co.,.

ge Building, Ltd.—20, Museum Road

Getley Co., The—China Building Connell & Co., 'Ltd., H;—Continental

Globe Trading Co.—37. Des' Voeux Building »

Road Central Continental Commercial Co.—150,.

Howaii & Co.—Chin a . Building Kiukiang Road

Jack & Co., Ltd., Wm. C. — St. Dodd, Anthony—59, Peking Road

George’s Building Dodge & Seymour (China), Ltd.—3,.

Kling, P. J.—Stock Exchange Bldg. Canton Road



Gallop, H. B.- 185, Yuen Ming Yuen Tientsin


Getz Bros. & Co.—22, Nanking Road Bisseker, F. D.—169, Takji Road1

Gillespie, A. T.—114, Peking Road Boss, F. H.—Taku Road

Gil-Pereira, J. L.^—6, Kiukiarig Road Bulling; k.\ Co., . A. E-—27, Qpnsular

Grilk, G. J.—141, Minghong Road Hoad ( , . ..

Grimshaty, R.—Bank of Taiwan Bldg.

Hall, R.—25, Jinkee Road, MALAYA

Hamilton, Ltd., James—160, Avenue

Edward VII Penang

Hammond & Co., F. W.—6, Szechuen

Road Barbour, Ltd., E. A.—1, Penang Har-

Heacock & Check Co,—16a, Kiukiang bour .Board Godowh

Road Broavn & Co., Ltd.—P.O. Box 250

Hodges, H. M.—P.O. Box 1371 Gopal Bass & Gb.—37, ;Oeylon Lane

Horn & Nobbins—12, The Bund Hewett, Harry W.—1, East Jeliitong

Hsin Yuen Co.—10, Kiangse Road Kinsey k Co., J. B.—Kuala Lumpur

Illingworth, L. E.—210, Kiukiang Tiang Lee & Co.—154, Beach Street


Keijola, Hannes—P.O. Box 1139 , jVicK & Co., V. R.—35b, Beaeh Street

Kienhuize & Co.—19, Szechuen Road Waugh & Co.. Henry 33, Reach St.

Klink, P. J.—3, Edward Ezra Road

Kinhai Trading Coj, ; Ltd. — 300, Perak

Peking Road

Koy, King E:—9( Foochow' Rpad UntI'ed Importers, Ltd.—1!54, Brews-

Kunst & Albers—29, Szechuen Road ter Road, Ipoh

Lin Nan Co:, Ltd., The—29, Szechuen

Road Selangor

Macfje, D.—97, Jinkee Road

McKesson & Robbins—288, Tiendohg Arnold, Albert—P.O. Box 4Q5


Middleton & ,jCo., Ltd.—20, Canton Chow Kit k Co., .Ltd.—4, Marl>?t

•Street . ;


Rawson, McNiece

Road Harrison, Barker k Co;,—Old Market

Richards, J. H.—2, Peking Road Kins,ey & CQ-, Jc B.—P.Q. Box ,101

Rossi & Co., G.—81, Jinkee Road! Kosi!.y Bro,s.—60, Bater Road , ,

Sammann & Co. (China), Paul E.—3, IlirssEii ^|Co., J. A—Hong Kong and

‘ Canton Road j 'Shanghai Bank Building "

Stromwall, Holds—391, Kiangse Rd.

Tung Tai Trading Co.—21, Siking Singapore


Yuen Dah & Co. - 24-25. Jehol Road Adrian & Co.—2, _Piak Kiain Street

Swatow AbdUlla & Co., E. M.- 27, Robinson


Bradley & Co.—P.O. Box 76 Asiatic Universal Trading C8.—60.

©unfold & Co. The Arcade

Shautkr. Dayla^d & Co., Ltd.—P.O.- BartholoMeutz, Ltd., E. A. — 20,

Box 3 Raffles



Becker, P. A. F.—2' FinLayson Green Lim Lim & Co.—13, Lorong, 24, Gay-

Bin & Co., S. I.—25' Bonham Build- lang

ing, Ghulia Street Lim Trading Agency—23a, Change

Bluntschli, H. C.^-P.O. Box 53 Alley

Bolder &' Co.—12, Bonham Building1 Malay


Peninsular Agency—P.O. Box

Boon Seng & Co., Ltd.—36-38, Robin- Malayan Commercial Agency — 124,

son Road Albert Street

Goastal Transport Od.^-35, Cecil St. Martin & Co:,' Wm.—34, Winchester

Chin Ho & Co.—9, Phillip Street House

Chivers & Co.—Bonham Building McAlister & Co., Ltd.—Gresham

Colonial Trading Co.—9, D’Almeida House

Street ,, Moore, F. W.—Union Building

Connel Bros. Co., Ltd.—187, Cecil Muller & Phipps (Malaya), Ltd—

Street • Union Building

Dodge & Seymour, Ltd. — Laidlaw Naina Mohamed & Sons—22, Battery’

Building Road

Duncan Roberts, Ltd.—112, Robinson 'Prager, M.—159, Cecil Street


East Asiatic' Co., Ltd.—3, Raffles Roe & Co:, R. E.—8, Bonham Building

Saiboo Marican & Co., K.—12, Market

Quay Street

Eastern Import Export Co.—1, Bon- Slot & Co., Ltd.—G. H. 9A, Robinson

ham Buildings Road

Fraser & Gumming—Union Building Sternberg & Co.—28, Raffles Cham-

Gillespie, A. T.—47, The Arcade bers

Goodyear Orient Sales Co.—Telok Stoffel & Go.—117, Market Street

Ayer Reclamation Strickland & Co.—56, The Arcade

Gwinnell, J. K.—P.O. Box 223 Tels & Co., Trading Society—90,

Holden & Co.—15,7, Cecil Street Robinson Road

Hoon Seck Tra,ing Co.—1, Raffles Thye Chiang & Co. —100, North

Place Bridge Road

Huttenbach, Lazarus & Sons, Ltd.— Tilly’, A. E.—147, Sims Avenue

5, Malacca Street

International Indenting Co. —: 27, Union Trading Co.—72, Robinson Rd.

Vick & Co., Ltd., V. R.—Hong Kong.

Raffles Chambers

Isaac & Co., E. S.—6, Malacca Street WaddellChambers


& Co.—47, Union Building

Jackson & Co.—55, Robinson Road

Jones & Co., Irving—148, Cecil St. Weill


& Montor, Ltd,—37, The

Kassim & Co., R. E., Mohamed— Yaw Cheong—89, North Bridge Road


Keat Cheang & Co., Ltd.—76. Robin- PHILIPPINE, ISLANDS

son Road

Kiat & Co., T. G.—110, Race Course

Roaci Manila

Klass ^ Sons, F. Y.—163, Moulmein

Road Aguinaldo, L. R.—514-520, Juan Luna


Lampson & Co.—24, Telok Ayer Street American

Lea & Go-, J.—63, Orchard Street Trading Co.—705, Insular

Lee & Co:, O. M.—39, High Street Life Building ,

Lendrum, Ltd.—c/o Borneo Co., Ltd. Asiatic Commercial Corpn. —139-143,

Juan Luna, Binondo



Baker Co., E. E., The—6, Lack and Walters


& Co., S. E.>-162-168, Soler,.

Davis Building, Sta. Cruz

Blossom & Co., Otis Warrington, R. O.—409, San Vicente

Brtmo, Antonio A.—412, Reina Re- West do

& Whitaker—227, David, Binon-


Bull & Co., Inc., W.—129, Juan Wolff Moraga

& Co., Inc., T. J.—20, Plaza

Luna, Binondo

Charter, T. H.—Cortes-Qdhoa Build- Ysmael


& Co., Inc., Juan—348, Echa-

ing, 238, Dasmarinas

Colgate Palmolive-Peet Co.—58, Das- BORNEO


Cosmas Trading Co.—823, Unbdztondo Tan Sum Guan & Son—61, Ewe Hai

Davies & Co., P. M.—76, Esoolta Street, Sarawak

Dee Dian Guan & Co.—417, Nueva,


Dodge & Seymour, Ltd.--Insular Life (see Page B24)

Building, Binondo

Gardiner & Limjap—413, Cu Unjieng MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS (see

Building under Doctors)

General Manufacturing Co., Inc.—

905, Dagupan, Tondo

Getz Bros. & Co.—5th floor, Fernan- MERCHANTS (see under General


dez Building, T. Pinpin

Glaiserman, Inc., J. M.—139, Juan METAL MERCHANTS

Luna, Binondo

Goldenberg, McLeod & Co. — 194,

Juan Luna, Binondo JAPAN

Hashim & Co., Ltd., A. T.—19, Ban-

quero- Building, Binondo Kobe

Landahl, Inc., John—979, M. de la Pastel k Co., W.—38, Tsobe Dori

Industrie, Binondo

Ledger Interchange Bureau — P.O.

Box' 888 Osaka

Libby, McNeill & Libby Inc.—25, Sta. Aall & Co., Ltd.—9, Koraibashi

Cruz Bridge, iSta. Cruz

Manila Machinery and Supply Co., Mannesmannroehren-werk—P.O.



Inc.—675-681, Dasmarinas

Muller, McLean & 06., Inc.—Insular Tokyo

Life Building, Plaza Moraga

Muller & Phiops (Manila), Ltd.— Nichio Boyeki Shokai—7, Futaba-cho'

328, National City Bank Building

Philippine Net & Braid Mfg. Co.— Shiba-ku

367, Juan Luna Yokohama

Presby, S. A.-—Insular Life Building

Rennolds Co., Wm. H.—129, Juan Strome & Co.—36, Yamashita-cho

Luna, Binondo

Reyes & Co., Florencio—424, Azear- KOREA


Rosenstock & Co.—115, T. Pinpin Bennett & Co.—Chemulpo

Verlinden, M.—50, Escolta Tanaka & Co.—Fusan



- ■ ' 1

CHINA Moses &'Co.—Dudd'efl Street

Morton BeotHERs ' ft" 'Co.—China

Canton Building

On Fat «fe'Co:—25, Wing Kat Street

Baist & Co.—39, F.C., Shameen Rudolf, Wolff & Kew—54, Queen’s

Coeke & Co., A.—85, British •Gmnc'es- Sander, Road Central

sion . Wieler & Col—5, Des Vceux

Rafeek & Co.—71, British Concession Sassoon • Road Central ,'i

& Co., Ltd., David—8a, (Des

Vceux -Road Central : >■ :

Hankbw Shewan, Tomes & Co.—National Bank


Re-hn, kEYER V Co.—The" ’.Bund, Singon & Co.“-35, Ding Lung Street:

S.A.D. 3

Chung Hw^v Steejl. Products, & Tead- Union Trading Col—York Building

ing Co.,' Ltd.':i —*33,,' Rue de ' Raris Wicking & Co., Harry—Prince’s

Exten. ' ■- > '' ■ Building.

Pao Shun Rung Sze—Pao Shun Road Macao

Wen5 & Co., M. R.—9, Yl Ybeir 'Streiet

Hongkong China Metal Mfg. . CO.j' Ltd..—65-791

Avenida AdiriiVahte Lacerda

A. Y(jen & ‘ Chee Cheong Co.—75, Shanghai

Connaught Road* Central

A Ming & Co.- 105, Dos Yodux Road American Metal Co. Ltd.—Sassoon

Central House, Nanking’ Road r

Au S3u Cho —China Building Arkell & .Douglas, Inc.—3, Canton

Basto & Co.—10, Queen’s Road C.* Road

Bradley & Co.—Prince’s Building

Chee W ing & I Co.—27, Lee Yuen St. Balfour & Co., Ltd. Nanking

Arnhold, & Co., Ltd.—1, Road

8, Museum

China Commercial Co.—21, Connaught Road

Road Central ,,

Davie, Boag &„_Co., Ltd.—Queen’s Bohler The Bund.

Brothers & Co.,- Ltd.—7,

Building : ,,

E.' Hiyr.G & bo.—-25?1 Wing .Wo Street Bush, MackCo.--38;

Bowern & Canton Road

& Co.—3, Hankow Road

Fung Tang—Pedder Building

Gibb, Livingston & Co.—P. & O. Cameron & Co. (China), Ltd!., A.—

81, Jinkee Road :,

Building Chang Dah Yuen & Co.---43, Broadway

Gilman & Go.—43, [ Des Vceux Road C.

Hardivilliers &'' Cie. — Asia Life China Metal Products Co.—514, Con-

naught Road

Building China Metal Works—40, Niiigpo Rd.

Hoo Cheong W09 & Co.—55, Con- China Metallisation Co/—451, Kiang-

naught Road Central se Road

Ip Tai? fe Co.—36a, Queen’s Road C. Ohing Chong, Y.—136, Broadway

Kwong Sang & Co.—59, Connaught Chung Hwa Steel Products Co.— 39,

Road Central.

Meyerink & Co., W.—12, Pedder Szeehueii Road

Street Crittall Manufacturing Co. —74, Sze-

Mitsubishi Shoji Kaisha, Ltd.—14, chuen Road

Pedder Street E-Zung Chong & Co. 273, Broadway



Eickhoff & 00.-^451, Kiangse Road Tientsin

Furukawa Electric ,Co.—32, Jinkee Behn, Meyer & Co.—Taku Road


High Speed .Steel Alloys, Ltd.—8, ; Collins


& Co., Ltd.—75 Consular

Museum Road

Hopkins, Dunn & Cq,—48, Szechuen Gipperioh C&o.',Co.,

Forbes & ' Wm.—43, Victoria Rqad

E.—52, Taku Road

Road Harper & Co.—RobeA Dollar Build-

Hutchison & Cp., J. _P.—1, Canton ing

Road Neilsen & Winther, Ltd.—428, Vic-

toria Road ' —

Inniss & Riddle (China), Ltd.—7, Pottinger

Yuen Ming Yuen Road is & Co.—53, Victoria Road

Kien iKee Mining Co.—20, Museum Walte & Co.—18a,'!Bristow Road

Road ■SIAM •

King Kee & Co.—2% Seward Road

McGregor Iron Works—235, Ward Bangkok


Metal Box Co., Ltd.—'Sassoon House Barrow,; Brown &. C.p-, Ltd. —Tapan-

Hua Takay

Metallization Co. of China Co., Ltd. Borneo

—220;' SzechuOn Road Co., Ltd., The

Osborn & Co., Ltd— 2at Kiukiang SiameseHoaTinSeng

Buan & Co,

Syndicate, Ltd.


Poldi Steel Works—fed, Kiangse Road MALAYA

Reuter, Brockelmann & Co. — 452,

Kiangse Road Singapore

Sheit Chang Trading Co.—100, Peking Boon Seng &/ 'Ga.y Ltd. — 1, Raffles

Road Place

South Wales Tinplate Corporation Gammeter & Co.—9)!, Robinson Road

P.O. Box 1324 Diamond Metal Products -Co.—601,

Stewarts & Ijloyps,, Ltd.—41, Sze- Kampong Road

chuen Road Moulton (Eastern), Ltd./E. S. R.

Strong & Op,—452, Kiangse Road C.—Union Building

Sumitomo (lospi, Kaisha—(39, Kiu- Penang

kiang Road

Telge & iSchroeter—212, Szechuen Consolidated Tin Smelters, Ltd.—

Road . Birch House,'Dato Kramat '

United States .Steel Products Co.— Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd. — Birch

1, Canton Road House, Dato Kramat

Wah FPUng Co.—A1296, Broadway Perak

Ward, Ltd., Thos. W.—8, Museum

Road United Importers, Ltd.—154, Brew-

Way Chong & Co.—W156, Kweichow ster Road, Ipoh


Zee & Sons, W. Z.—A. 1299, Broadway MINING


Swatow Tokyo

•D unfold & Co, Fujita Kogyo K.K.—6, Yamaahiror




Furukawa Gomei Kaisha—8, Maru- Peiping


Kuhara Mining Co., Ltd.—15, Naka- Kailan Mining Administration—Le-

dori gation Street

Mitsui Mining Co., Ltd.—1, Suraga-

cho SIAM


NakadoriSangyo K.K.—15, Gokan,

Yamaguchi Mining & Trading Co.— Bangkok

Marunouchi Building, Marunouchi

East Asiatic Co., Ltd., The

Osaka Leonowens, Ltd., Louis T.

Dohi Kinzan Mining Co., Ltd.— MALAYA

Dojima Hama-dori

Furukawa Kagyo K.K.—4, Dojima

Hama-dori Pahang

Osaka Aen Tekkosho—5, Daikai-dori

Sumitomo Goshi Kais^ia—22, Kita- Raub Australian Gold Mining Co.,

hama. Ltd.


The Oriental Consolidated Mining

Co.—Hokuchin Chosen Austral Malay Tin, Ltd.

Kampong Kamunting Tin Dredging,


Akashi Mining Co., Ltd.—Akashi- Thabawleik Tin Dredging, Ltd.

cho, Taihoku

Keelung Mining Co.—Shoento, Kee- Singapore


Kinkaseki Gold Mine Co., Ltd.— Raub Australian Gold Mining Co.,

Zuicho-sho, Keelung Ltd.—o/o Derrick & Co,


machi Mining Co., Ltd.—2, Hon- SlNGKEP MaATSCHAPPY (TlN) — P.O.

Box 548

Taiyo Mining Co., Ltd.—Denryo-ko, Gaw Bros., Ltd.—59, Chulia Street



Foochow Manila


Dodwell & Co.jAdministration—c/o

Mining Ltd. Baguio Gold Mining Co.—G, de los

Reyes Building

Hongkong Balatoc Mining Co.—610, National

City Bank Building, Juan Luna,

Hong Kong Iron Mining Co., Ltd.— Binondo

3, Chater Road Benguet Consolidated Mining Co.—

National City Bank Building, Juan

Kailan Mining Administration — Luna,

Queen’s Building Binondo



Big Wedge Mining Co.—P.O. Box Nippon Jidosha K.K.—Higashi Na-

214 kasu-chd

Demonstration /Gold Mines.— 303, Yanasb Jidosha K.K.—Kami Gpfukui

Kneedkr Building cho

Salacot Exploration Company—50S,

Masonic Temple Nagasaki

BORNEO Chuo Jidosha Shokai — 52, Hon


Sarawak Hashimoto iShokai—10, Senba-cho .

Yamaichi Motors—41, Ura Goto-

Sime, Darby & Co., Ltd.—6, Main machi

Bazaar, Kuching


MOTION PICTURES {see Films) Dai-Ichi Automobiles Co., Ltd.—


Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Sales


JAPAN Nippon Automobile Co.—O-ike-cho,




Fujita J idosha Gomei Kaisha—30,

N aka-machi Akao Tomikichi—73, Sugawara-dpri,

Fujita iShokai — 129, Nakayamate- Kita-ku

dori America Shokai—21, Higashi Umeda-

Keneki Jidosha Shoten, K.K.—44, cho

Shiriike Kita-maohi Asahi Jidosha Shokai—21, Kikko-sho-

Okumura Shoten—41, Shimoyamate- Asano Seisaku-chc—1, Benten-eho r


Rudge, Whitworth, Ltd.—39, Akashi- Datto Jidosha Seizo K.K.—1, Minami


machi Fukuda Jidosha Shokai—2-72, Kami

Toyo Shoji K.K.—61, Ura-machi Fukushima Naka

General Motors (Japan) Ltd. Tsura-

Hakodate machi, Taisho-ku

Hanshin Jidosha Unyu-ten—100, Shi-


Donan Motors Shokai—83, Suehiro- Hanshin

cho Kokudo Jidosha K.K.—34,

Ebie Kami-chb

Hakodate Anzen Jidosha Shokai—33, Harley-Davidson

Ebisu-cho Motorcycle Sales

Uroko Shokai—30, Suehiro-cho Co.—71, Kamifukushima

Hokoku Jidosha K.K.—63, Kami Fu-

Kyushu kushima Naka

JusHiN Noriai Jidosha K:K—338-

Juso Nishino-cho , ,

Fujii & Kubata Jidosha Shokai — Kawamori Shoten—2-53, Kobashi Hi-

Imaizumi-cho gashino-cho , ,

Nakamura Jidosha Shokai—Kami Ko- Kintaku Jidosha K.K.—62, Higashi

yama-cho Umeda-cho



KokusAi Jidosha Shokai—259, 'S6ne- Fhtaeaya Shoten—7, Sakurada-Kubo-

saki Kami-dori cho

Kondo J idosha-ten—39, Tani-machi Harley Davidson Motor Cycle Sales

Kyouxtsu Jidosha Goshi Kaisha— Co.—12, Tameike-cftio

Minami Shin Machi Fwaya Jidosha K.K.—7, Ginza

Kyoto Kosho K.K.—1, Tosabori-dori •Japan Automobile Co.—i, Tameike-

Makuko Jidosha Shokai—30, Sonesaki machi

Shinchi ■■, Jay W. Myers, Inc.—P.O. Box F. 89

FTichibei Jidosha K.K.—18, Bakiiro- Central

machi Kokusai Jidosha K.K.—34, Tarneike

Kichibei Shoten—18, Dojima Hama- Akasaka-ku

dori Mitsubishi Kokoki K.K.—Mrfru-

Nichibei Star Jidosha K.K.—46, Ko- nouchi, Kojimaehi-ku

bayashi-cho , : Naigai Kogyo Kaisha, Ltd.—5, Yura-

Xippon Jidosra K.K.—Sonezaki Ka- ku-cho

mi-dori NicHiBEi Star Motor SalRs ’(5o.^2,

Osaka Chtjo Jidosha Shokai—30, Tameike-machi

Kamifokushima Minami-cho Safety Motor Car Co:;—4, Tcmina-

Osaka Jidosha K.K.—6, Kishinaga- cho

hori Kita-dori Tokyo Motor Bus, CO.—46, Kita-

Osaka Jidosha Shoji K.K.-r-48,, Ume- Inairi-cho

da-cho Tozai Motors, Ltd."—4, Kobiki-cho

Sansho Jidosha K.K^—21, Kamifuku- Uchida Jidosha K.K.—17, Kamidori

shima Minami-cho " Yanase Automobile Co.—Chiyoda

Star Jidosha Shokai—3-51, Honda- Building, Min ami Temma-cho

iriachi '

Tathei iShokai—1, Dojima Hama-dori Yokohama

Toyo Jidosha K.'K.—IO' Sonezaki


Union j idosha Shokai—1090, .Sakura- Ford Motor Co. ok JaRan—-3414,


gawa-cho '

YAnase Jidosha K.K.—18, Umeda cho Kanagawa Moto? K.K.—17, Sakuragi-


Kurata Tekkosho—3413, Moriya-cho

Shimonoseki Nippon Ford JidosHA K.K.—3414,


SkiMONOsEKi Jidosha—iKahnozaki-cho cho Jidosha K.K;.—24, Sakuragi-


Tomita Tsuruzo—Nishinabe^cho Takemura Shokai—3, Ohla. maehi ,

Yanase Shoji Kaisha—14, Sakuragi-

Tokyo cho " ■ '■:;• m.. .••,':

Adi Jidosha Shokai—Tameike, Aka- KOREA



u A.- G!, Robert—'15,' Tameike-clio Keijo J i dosha—116, Hasegawa-cho,



rSYuraku choA KabHshiki Kaisha—3/7, Nippon. Jidosha Kaisbat-ScouI

Empire Jidosha Shokai—LZ, (jrdfuku- Sale & Co.—75, TakezobkibO) Seoul:

sho . Yayiamoto JidOsha Shokai—74, Taihei

Frazar & Co.—P.O. Box 158 ' dori, Seoul



FORMOSA Dunlop Rubber Co. — Kitakskaya


Keelung Motor Car Co., Ltd.—105. Nikolaefp Rros.—-12, Rpsoy. Street

Shinten, Keelung

Ryosho Automobile C6v-+-Takjhibana- Hoihow

cho, TaiEoku

Taxao Kyoei Automobile'Co., Ltd.— j Hainan Motor Co.—Main Road

Horie-cho, Takao

Taiwax Motors Co., Ltd. —Shintomi-

cho, Taihoku Hongkong

CHINA American Motor Car Co.—366, Hen-

nessy Road

Canton Asiatic Motor Cars Co.; Ltd.—439,

Hennessy Road


Goeke & Co., A.—85, Brit. Concession China Motor Bus Co.—Asiatic Bldg.

Western Motor Car Co.—46, Shakee China Motor Supply Co.—28, Des

Road Vreux Road Central

Dairen ’ Dodavell & Co., Ltd.—(Queen’s Bldg.

; Dragon Motor Car Co. Ltd., The—

Dairen Motor SAtEs SfiilKAi—154. Duro 33, Wong Nei Chong Rokd

Yamagata-dori Motor Co.—132, Nathan Road

Fukusho Kosdi K.K.—213,- Yaiiia- Far East Point Gara6e—Yee Wo Street

gata-d'ori East Motors—26, Nathan Road,

Liaotung Motor Company—33, Yama- Kowloon

gata-dori Gascon Motor Co.—2, Kwong Wah

N.ishikawa. Shoten K.K.—20, Kii-cko • Road

Oriental Motors Co.—22, Yamagata- Getz’s Motor Service Station—Corn-

er of Lockhart Road & Marsh Road


Rehder & Dorn—17, Yamagata-dori' j Gilman & Co., Ltd.7 4a, iDes Vceux

Road Central

Hankow Goeke & Co., A.—China Building

(4th floor)

Behn, Meyer t Co.—11. The Bund Harper A Cp., . Wallace—223. Nathan

Road, Kowloon

Belcher, E.—Corner' of Hunan Road Hongkong Hotel Garage — Queen’s

Chi^a Inland Motors—Corner Peking Road Central

and Hunan Roads' S.A.D. 3 JIoSiGKONG Motor Accessory^Co,, The

Gale Co., L.E.—48, Rue Dautremer —St. George’s Building

Wuhan Motors—The Bund Kai Tack Motor Bus Co. (1926) Ltd.

—Kai Tack Bund, Rowloon City

Harbin Kowloon Motor Bus Go.—Pioneer

Building, Kowloon

Chinese American' Automobile : Co.— National Motor Car Co.—71-75, Hen-

nessy Rpad

116, Ching Yang Chai

Dodge & Seymour—33, Komerscheska- Orient Motor Car Co,, The—303-309,

ya Street Hennessy Road



Republic Motorboat Co*, iLtd.—Cause- Shanghai

way Bay

Ross & Co., Alex—1a, Chater Road American Asiatic Trading Co.—17,.

The Bund

Rudolf, Wolff & Kew—56, Queen's American

Road Central Engineering Corporation

(China)—583, Bubbling Well Road

South China Motor Car Co.—33, Des Anderson & Ferrogiaro—755,.

Yoeux Road C. Avenue-

Star Taxi Co.—Ewo Street Foch

Thornycroft !k Co.—Pioneer Bundin'!: Arnold & Co., Ltd.—1, Nanking Rd.

Auto Castie —242, Avenue Joffre

Union Motor Supply Co.—311, Hen- Auto Palace Co,, Ltd.—100, Route du-

nessy Road Cardinal Mercier

World Motor Supply—2, Wyndham Baychee Motor Car Oo.—3a, Yates

Street Road

Behn, Meyer China Co.—421, Kiangse-

Macao Road

Bills Motors—Corner of Avenue

Auto Palace—1c, Avenida Almeida Foch

Ribeiro China Auto Accessories Co.—10'r

Garage Lusitania—IE, Avenida Al- Bubbling Well Road

meida Ribeiro China General Ominbus Co., Ltd.—

Kee Kayan Motor Road Co., Ltd.— Sassoon House

Rue de Lorchas China Motors, Fed. Inc.—702, Bub-

bling Well Road

Mukden China Rubber Tyre Co., Ltd.—42,.

Avenue Edward VII.

Dodge & Seymour—3, Canton Road

South Manchuria Motor Co.—20. Dono Chong Cycle and Motor Co,—

Chiyota-cho 608, Nanking Road

United Motors, Ltd.—39, Chiyoda- Dunlop Rubber Co.—9, Foochow Road

dori Enssle, K.—17, Soochow Road.

Peiping Express Vulcanising and Tyre Co.—

351, Avenue Foch

Firestone Tyre & Rubber Export Co.

American Chinese ‘Co. — 4, Tung —17, Canton Road

Chang An Chieb Fisk Tire Export Co.—451, Kiangse

Black & Co., J.F.—32, Ta Juan Fu Road

Hutung Foo Lai Tyre and Rubber Co.—868-,

Chihli Motors—65, Wang Fu Da Park Road

Dsieh Ford Motor Co., Exports, Inc.—

Dunlop Rubber Co.—15, Kan Yu Hu- Robert Dollar Wharf, Pootung

tung Frost, Bland & CovV—6, Szechuen Road

Frazar, Federal Inc.—294, Hatamen General Motors China Inc.—3, North

Street Yangtsze Road

General American Car Co.—Grand Goodyear Type1 and Rubber Co.—51 r

Hotel de Pekin Canton Road

Lee Sheng Co. -323, Hatamen Street Grand Garage Francais—356, Avenue

Modde, F.—39, Mahsienhutung JofEre

Yen Nan & Co.—78, Tung Sze Tan Ta Great China Garage Co.—40, North

Shansi Road


CLAjSSIFIED list of trades


•Hartzenbusch Motor Co. — 640, Tientsin

Avenue Foch

Honigsberg & Son—271, Medhurst American Chinese Co., Fed , Inc.,


Hudford Motors—36, Great Western U.S.A.—38, 40 & 42, Rue de France

Road Berger’s Enterprises, Ltd. — 108,

John Garage Co., Ltd.—974, Woo- Taku Road

chang Road Boycott & Co.—3, Wusibi Road

Lee Lee Garage Co.—329, Soochow Rd. Chihli Motors—10, Taku Road

Melchers & Co.—19, Kiukiang Road China-Continental Commence Co.-

Michelin & Co.—16, Museum Road Continental Building

Moody, Mark D. (Fed. Inc., U.S.A.) China


Northern Corporation—47-55,

de Paris

—10, Avenue Edward VII

Motor Accessories & Hardware Co.— Dello & Co., Ltd.—32, AVoodrow Wil-

son Street

22, Siking Road

Motor Management and Finance Co. Dodwell & Co., Ltd. —19, Victoria

—755, Avenue Foch Terrace

Nahmmacher, Carl—563, Avenue Foch Frazar Federal Inc.—25, Rue du 14

Nanyang Motor Supply Co.—202, Julliet

Avenue Edward VII. Garage Central—67, Rue de France

Neuborg Motor Service Co.—162, German Cycle Co.—25, Rue G.

Medhurst Road Deveria

Overland Motors, Ltd.—100, Route John’s Import and Export Co.—272,

Cardinal Mercier Taku Road

Radio and Auto Supply Co.—1, Thibet National Motors Co., The—Corner

Road Meadows and Taku Roads

Reliance Motors. Fed., Inc.—755, North China Motors Corporation—

Avenue Foch 46, Bromley Read

Sammann & Co. (China), Paul E.—3, Rehder & Dorn—22, Rue de 14 .Julliet

Canton Road

Servauto, Ltd.—336, Avenue de Roi Robertson- Evans Motors — Corner

Meadows and Taku Roads


Shanghai Horse Bazaar and Motor Bromley Road Service Co. — 37,

Stanley Motor

Co., Ltd. —100, Route Cardinal Teh Chang Trading Co.—113, Rue


Shanghai Motor Sales Co.—859, Dillon

Avenue Edward VII. Tientsin Auto Supply Co.—76, Rue

Shanghai Motors — 994-6, Avenue du 14 Juliet

' Joffre

: 1 Thornycrovt k Co., John I. — 3, Tsingtao

Canton Road

Triangle Motors—99, Route Cardinal

Mercier Adams, T.—2, Chekiang Road

Union Motors—192, Avenue Foeh American-Oriental Motors, Fed. Inc.

United Motor Co.—1451, Avenue Road U.S.A.—78, Honan Road

Universal Auto Supply Co.—J1170, Hansen


& Co., Ulf.—20, Kuan Tao

Avenue Edward VII.

Yellow Taxicab Co. of China, Inc.— Tsingtao Motors Fed. Inc. — n,

534, Rue Bourgeat Chung Shan Road



MALAYA Cycle & .Carriage ■ Co., LTD.^rjjuala.


Malacca Hup. II in &r :Co.^r2, Yap. Ah Loy:

| Street, Kuala Lumpur

Klang and Cycle ;and-Motor : Works:

Borneo Motors , and. Borneo Chevro- —Klyne Street, Kuala Lumpur

let, Ltd. ' ^atTOnal ; Motors—284D, ;B^tu Road '

Malacca Motor Garage—81, T onker i Straits Motor GARAoi»R®fe, - 'Bhtir

Street Road,, ; Ku.rI a Lump ur

Negri Sembilan ' . WjEar^e Bros., LTD.^-Robertson Road,.

Kuala Lumpur

Borneo Motors, Ltd.—68-70, Setul

Road. Seremban Singapore • ,01—

Motorists’ Storrs ani) Ag.encY' Co-

87, Bircb Road, iSeremban

Borneo Motors, Ltd.—68, Orchard Ref

Penang Cycle & Carriage-C^-, ,(1926), Ltd --

Orchard Road

Borneo Motors and Borneo1 CRRVRb- Dunlop Rubber Co.—142,. Robinson1

let. Ltd.—Farquhar Street "

Fiat, . S! A.—22: Northaja- Road . Road . . ' ro, C

OycLE & Carriage Co.. Ltd.—12, Extern Auto, Ca, Ltd.^69-79, Or-

chard Road' . .-

Bishop Street

Georgetown Motors—1,, China SL Federated Road

Motors, Ltd,—48, Orchard

Penang Auto Service OcutHJS, Pitt Fiat,; S. .A.—hOr/^^ Clrchard $pAd .


Wearne Brothers, Ltd.—14, Anson Ford Motor Co. of MALAfAee-15,

Prince. Edward Road

Road r ..

Lyons Motors, Ltd. — 29f-:10£>, Orchard

Perak Road

Malayan Motors, Ltd.-M*4R Qrbhard

Borneo Motors and Borneo Chevro- Road,

let, Ltd.—Brewster Road, Ipoh Oriental Motors—46, Orchard Rdad

Cycle' & Carriage' Co., (1.926), Ltd.— Raffles Garage—Beach Road

68, Brewster Road

Italasia, Ltd.‘—SI, Andersen Road, : Singapore


Motors—315-319, .Qroharit

Ipoh : Straits Motor Garage—4.1, Orchard

Metcalfe’s—60, Brewster Road. Tpoh Road, . ,

Taik Ho & Co.—-80, Main Road, Tai- Thornycroft (Singapore), Limlted--

ping Thoirnycr.oft- House

United Motors Co.—3, Jalan Patani,

Kuala Kangsstr !Toin Trading Co.—60, Waterloo St.

Wearne Brothers, - Ltd. — Gopeng United Motor Works, Ltd;—137, Or-

Road, Ipoh chard 'Road

Universal Cars, Ltd. — 45, Orchard

Selangor Road

Universal Motor & Accessory,:.Go.—

Borneo Motors, Ltd. and Borneo Wearne 7, Dhoby Ghaut; ■•.

Chevrolet, Ltd.—Ampang Road, Brothers, Ltd.—45, Orchard

Kuala Lumpur Road ■




Provinces du Tonkin Borneo Sumatra Handel Mu.

Bouwy, GeerOEders

Transports Automobiles. ; Ledeboer & Co., W. B.

•N. V! Celebes MoTOr 'CdMPANY--Hoo-

SIAM gepad 26-27

Compagnie Commerciale 'Schmid &


Bangkok Moluksche Handels Vennootschap

Bangkok Trading, ,Cp« — Pitstieri Padang


Barrow^ Brown & Co.—Tapan E[ua Borneo Sumatra H«ndel Maatschappu


Mark’s Tyre ' Store—New Road Fiat Import Co., -N.V.

Men am Motor ’ Boat 'Co! , ' Ltd. Van ILguten Steffan & Co., Mu',.

Muller MbTOR' 'A.gency, E.—Sikak Kolk T.V.D.Z.

Phya Sri & C©:-, Aittomobielhandel

Velodrome, N.VcSIoH


[fixifl ,ov: Batavia raiaoroiM Autohandel Barendsb

Behn Meyer & ;C;0;, 'A. Mu., N.V.

Automobiel Import Mu., N.V. “ Berhemer ” ■ N:V. Automoeiel


Maohinehandel v/n ,-. Borneo Sumatra Handel MaaVschappjt

Behn, Meyer ^/Co., H, Mij.; N.Y. ■Fiat Import Co'.-pN.V. "

Bendien & Co,; N.V. Import Maats Fuchs & Bens, N:V. Maatschappij

chappij y/h • t.'V.d.z. v/h

“ Berkhemer ” N.V, AutomObif.l “ Java ’’ 'Handfusvereeniging ’

Maatschappu Lew is, AiTtohandel A.

Borneo Sumatra Handel MaatsohaPpu SCHNITZER & Co.

Fiat Import Co., N.V. Velodrome’, N.V. ,,

Fuchs & Rens, N.V. Maatschappij Verwey , & ^cgard’s Au'JQ,:M,p^i¥,

t.v.d.z, v/h (Weltevreden) Maatschappu

N. V. General MotCiis — Tahjong

Priok Sourabaya

Harrisons & Crosfield, LtI).

“ Java ” Handelsvereeniging Automobiel Import Mu., N.V.

Motors, Ltd. (Weltevreden) Becker & Go., N.V. SoeraBaiasche

SCHNITZLER & CO. Machinehandel v/h

Societa Gommergiale Oltremarina, Behn, Meyer & Co., H. Mu., N.V.

N.V. Bendien

Velodrome, N.V. (Weltevreden) CHAPPIJ &V/HCo., N.V. Import Maat^-

Verwey & Lugard’s Automobiel Borneo Sumatra Handel Maatschappu

Maatschappij, N.V. t.v.v. Fiat Import Co., N.V.




Fuchs & Rens, N.V. Maatschappij Levy Hermanos, Ino.—46-50, Esoolta,


T.V.D.Z. v/h

“ Glaser ” N.V. Autohandel Loyal Auto Supply*—414, Azcarraga,

“ Java ” Handelsvereeniging San Nicolas

SCHNITZLF.R & Co. Luneta Motor Co., Inc. — 54, San


S octeta Commercials Oltremarina, Luzon Auto Ermita,

N.V. Supply—371-373, Juan

Velodrome, N.V. Luna, Binondo

Verwey & Lugard’s Automobifl Manalo’s Auto Supply Co.—508-510,

Maatschappij, N.V. t.v.v. Azcarraga, San Nicolas

Manigbas Auto Supply—615a, Azcar-

raga, Ton do

PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Manila Auto Supply Co.—633, Azcar-

ragas, San Nicolas

Cebu Manila Motor Co., Inc.—937, Ongpin

Manila Overland Sales Co., Inc.—

International Harvester Co. of the 805, Echague, San Miguel

Philippines Manila Trading & Supply Co.—Port


Iloilo Manila Trading and Supply Co.—P.

O. Box 744

International Harvester Co. of the Motor Service Co., Inc.—408, Rizal

Santa Cruz

Philippines Motorist Supply Co., The—820, Rizal,

Manila Sta. Cruz

Murphy Co., J. A.—Luis Perez,

Samanillo Bldg., Escolta, Binondo

Auto Calesa & Teal Trading Corpn.— Oriental Auto Supply—633, Azcar-

272, Tetuan raga, Ton do

Bachrah Motor Co.. Inc — 25th Philippine Automotive Corpn.—11,

Street, Port Area Dasmarina, Binondo

Carrion Auto Supply—170, Legarda Philippine Auto Supply Co.—720,

Cruz Auto Supply—227, David Rizal Avenue

Desoto Automobile Department—827r, Pacific Commercial Co.—National

Hidalgo, Quiapo City Bank Building, Binondo

Erlanger & Gallinger, Inc.—601, Es- Parsons Hardware Co., Inc.—805,

colta Echague, San Miguel

Eastern Auto and Electrical Supply Radio & Electrical Service Station

Co.—629, T. Alonso —110, Rizal, Sta. Cruz

Estrella Auto Palace—536, Gandara, Ram Car, Inc.—110, Padre Faura,

Santa Cruz Ermita

Ford Service Station—20th Street, Red Star Automobile Supply—622,

Port Area Rizal, Sta. Cruz

French Motor Co.—683, Rizal, Sta. VlEGELMANN, SCHROEDER & Co., INC.—

Cruz 456-466, Dasanarinas, Binondo

Goodrich International Rubber Co.—

Derham Building, Port Area

Halili Transit & Auto Supply—553, Zamboanga

Azcarraga, Tondb


zing—1418, Auto Supply

Herran, Paco&; Vulcani- Plaza Hotel Garage




JAPAN Akashiya Gakkiten—14, Azuchi-machi

Nippon Gakko Seizo —9-31, Kita-

Kobe Horie Kami-dori

Nipponophone K.K. — 769, Azuchi-


Daichiku Gomei Kaisha--221, Moto- Okoamato

machi Yokko Gakiten—71, Junkei-

Daichiktj Shokai—63, Tamon-dori cho

Xatant-ya Shokai—63, Kano-cho

Kawano iShoten—62, Shimoyarnate- Shidzuoka


Kiddo Gakkiten—34, Shimoyamate- Kawabe Eisaku Shoten—Gofuku-cho

dori Shidzuoka Gakki K.K.—Inakawa

Marumiya Gakkiten—4, Kamitsutsui- Yoshimi Yoshisuke Shoten—Fudano-

cho tsuji-cho

Miki Gakkiten -173, Motomachi-dori

N ippon Chukttonki Shokai — 50,

Saka-e-maehi Tokyo

Oncho-sha—66, Sannomiya-sho

Victor Selling Agency—2-89, Naka- Columbia Gbaphophone Co. op Japan

yamate-dori —7, Takara-cho

Foreign Piano Importing Co.—2,

Kyushu Minamisaegicho

Katana Shokai—1, Gofukubash!

Dai Nippon Katei Ongakitkai—Naka- Suga Gakki Ten—2, Omoteshipo-cho,



Nippon Ckikitonki Shokai—42, Shimo Yamano Music Co.—7, Ginza


Nippon Gakki K.K.—Shimo Shikawa- Yokohama


Nagasaki Nippon Gakki K.K. — 59, Sumiyoshi-


Hirano Gakki-teA—11, Kajiyar-machi Nipponophone


Co., Ltd.—125, Kune^

Ito TatsuiChiro — 54, Kabashima- Shiraga Gakkiten—104, Isezaki-cho


Nishimura Gakkiten — 41, Kajiya- Taiyo-do Chikuonyiten—106, Isezaki-

i macbi cho

Tokyo Piano Shokai—2, Hon-cho

Nagoya Victor Talking Machine Co.—3442,


l E iwa-do.—Koba yashi-cho Yasue Chikuonkiten—23, Isezaki-cho

1 Nippon Gakki K.K.—Sakae-machi

I Nipponophone Co.—Monzen-cho KOREA

'i Sato Shokai—Ura- shio-machi

^ Suzuki Violin Factory—8, Matsuya-

I ma-cho Tanaka & Co.—Fusan



CHINA Jeansin Piano ; Co. — 459, Avenue


Canton Moutrie & Co., Ltd.—20, Nanking


R. C. A. Victor Company of China

Peter Music Co.—206, Wing Hon Robinson

Road. Piano Co., Ltd.—103, Nan-

king Road



Fukuin Yokq—89, Ise-cho

Sakae Shokai—52, Ise-cbp Boss, F. H.—Taku Road

Tanaka Shoten—106, Tse-cho Lyric Music House—10a, Woodrow

Yamaha & Co.—'56, Sinano-maohi Wilson Street

Moutrie & Co., Ltd.—107-109, Vic-

Hankow toria Road

Pathe-Orient, Ltd.—44, Rue de France

Robinson Robinson

Piano Co., Ltd.—35, San^ toria Road Piano Co., Ltd.—177, Vic-

kiao Street Victoria Music House —52, Rue dn

Harbin Marechal Foeh

Cantilena Music Store—143, Kitais- MALAYA

kaya Str.



Moutrie & Co., Ltd., S.—16, Bishop

Anderson Music Co., Ltd., The—St. Street

George’s Buildings Robinson Piano Co., Ltd., The —

China Phonograph & Radio, Ltd.— Beach Street

York Building

Electric & Musical Industries Perak

fChina"), Ltd.—61, Des Voeux Road

Central Robinson Piano Co., Ltd., The —3,

R. C. A. Victor Co.—Nathan Road, Post Office Road, Ipob


Tsang Fook Piano Co.—9, Ice House Selangor


Macao Gomes & Co., M. F.—67, Batu Road,

Kuala Lumpur

Agencia Mercantil Economtca, Ltd. Lim’s Trading Co.—152, High Street,

—1h, Abenida Almeida Ribeiro K. L.

Robinson Piano Co., Ltd.—14, Old

Peiping Market Square'

Moutrie & Co.—8, Rue Marco Polo Singapore

Shanghai D’Souza Bros.—160, North Bridge


Electric & Musical Industries Garcia, W. J,.—5, Orchard Road

(China), Ltd.—1099, Rte. de Zikawei Moutrie & Co., S.—23, Raffles Place



T. M. A. Music House-h61, High Hanshin Boyeki

tanagasa-dori Nippo-sha—1-89, Ki-


T. M. A. Music House—167, Selegie Heishin Nippo-sha—39, Shimagami


Nang Hang & Co.—-103, Selagie Road Japan Adveetisee—10, Kaigan-dori

Japan Cheonicle—65, Naniwa-machi

Robinson Piano Co., Ltd.—Winches- Japan Times—76, Kyo-machi

ter House, Collyer Quay

.Season Co., Ltd.—115, North Bridge Jitsugo Hochi Shimbun-sha—285, Mo-

| to-machi

Road Kobe Beihi Ichiba ;; Nippo-sha—24,


Kobe Heeald and Osaka Gazette—2,

Manila Kaigan-dori ;

Kobe & Osaka Peess, Ltd. — 2,

Balduz Music Stoee—333, Carriedo, Kobe Kaigan-dori

Sta- Cruz Nichi-Nichi Shimbun-sha—33,

El Tango Music Stoee — 737-739, Kobe Kusunoki-cho

Ongpin, Sta. Cruz Sanshi-kengyo Nippo-sha—6,

Ideal Music Stoee Co., Inc.,—238, Kobe Sakae-machi

Carriedo, Sta. Cruz Shimbun—-2-327, Aza Kitora

Ilaya Music • Stoee Co., Inc.—600, Kobe machi

Yushin Nippo-sha—11, Sakae-


Laconcha Music Stoee—751, Ongpin, Nippon Oeimono Shimbun-sua—179,

Sta. Cruz Sannomiya-cho

Lyeic Music House, Inc. — 633, Osaka Asa hi ShimbujS'—11, Sgkae-

Escolta, Binondo machi

Music Supply Co.—332, Carriedo, Sta. Osaka Mainichi Shinbun-sua—1, Sa-

Cruz kae-machi

Peelas Music Stoee—303, Bustos. Osaka Nichi-nichi Shimbun-sha—118,

Philippine Music Stoee, Inc., The— ShimoyamateMori

241, Carriedo, Sta. Cruz Shogyo Shimpo-sha—97, Kami Sanjo-

Populae Music Stoee—804-806, Ong- cho

pin, Sta. Cruz Yukan Osaka Shimbun-sha—21, Mizu-

Puyat Music House — 628, Rizal ki-dori


Bomanach & Co.—232, Carriedo, Sta, Hakodate


NEWSPAPERS AND Hakodate Asahi Shimbun—Shinkav/a-


Hakodate .Nichinichi , Shimbu.n—-

JAPAN Horai-oho

Hakodate Shoho—Toyokawa-cho




B. C. Shipping Guide—65, Nani-

Easteen Buddhist—Otani

C'HUGAI StHOGYO SHIMPO=SHA — 1-89, Kyoto Nicui-NiChi Shimbun University

Nakayamate-dori Sha—

Directory & Chronicle Kar.asumarn

China, Malaya, etc. -—3,of Japan,

Kaigan- Osaka Asahi Shimbun Sha — Sanjo :

dori Tominokoji ,



Kyushu Shidzuoka

Kyushi Nipposha—2, Nakajima-cho Shin Aichi Shimbunsha—24, Takasho-


Nippon Dempo Tsushinsha—984, Shi- Shizuoka Minyo Shimbunsha — 23,.

ma Keigo-cro Shiohiken-dio

Osaka Asahi Shimbunsha—Imaizumi- Shizuoka Shimpo—1, Gofuku-cho


Osaka Mainichi Shimbunsha—Fuku- Shimonoseki

toku Seimei Building

Bakan Mainichi SmenibUnsha — 28,,

Nishinohashi-cho ,

Nagasaki Nippon Shimbusha—Higasbinabe-cho

Shinbun Rengo-sha—33, Sigashinabe-

Nagasaki Nichi-Nichi Shimbun—2, oho


Nagasaki Shimbun—Tamae-machi Tokyo

Toyo Hinode Shimbun—Senma-cho Chugai Shogyo Shimpo Sha—36,

Kitaj ima-cho

Nagoya Directory

Japan, and Chronicle

Malaya, of China,

etc. —6, Nihon-


Aichi Shimbun-sha—18, Kobayashi- “Herald

cho of Asia”—4, Uchisaiwai-oho

Nagoya Mainicht Shimbun-sha—Shin- Hochi Shimbun-sha—13, Yuraku-cho

Japan Advertiser — Uchi-Yamashita-

sakae-machi, Naka-ku cho

Nagoya Shimbunsha—Nishi Kawa- Japan Times and Mail—6, Uchisaiwai-

batacho cho

Osaka Asahi—Funairo-cho, Nishi-ku Kokumin Shimbun-sha—Kaga-cho

Osaka Mainichi—Otsu-cho, Minamiku Tokyo Asahi Shimbun-sha—3, Yuraku-


Osaka Tokyo Nichi-Nichi Shimbun-sha—11,


Trans-Pacific, The—1, Uchi-Yamashi


Chugai Keori Shimbun-sha — 2-255, Yamato-Shimbun-sha

Ishino-cho — 1, Sanjukken

Japan Times—5, Tosabori-dori bori

Kogyo Shimbunsha—106, Nakano- Yorodzu Choho-sha—21, Yumi-cho

shima, Kita-ku

Nagoya Shimbun-sha—6, Imabashi Yokohama

Osaka Asahi Shimbun—3, Nakanoshi- Japan Advertiser —51b, Yamashita-


Osaka Mainichi (English)—Dojiraa, Japan

Kita-Ku Review, The—66, Yamashita-

Osaka Nichi Nichi Shimbun-sha—7, Japancho

Kitahama Times — 15th Bank Building,

Ote-miachi •

Osaka Shin Nippo-sha—136, Kami Fu- Motorists Handbooks of Japan—63,

kushima Yamashita-cho

Tokyo Maiyo Shimbun-sha—21, Taka- Yokohama Mainichi—21, SumiyoshD

# gaki-cho cho



KOREA Foochow

Chosen Kaisai Nipposha—84, Hase- Directory and Chronicle of China,

Japan, Malaya, etc.—Brockett & Co.

gawa-cho, Seoul

Keijo Nippo—32, Taihei-dori

Mainichi Shimposha—31, Taihei-dori, Hankow


Osaka Mainichi Shimbunsha—33, Nan- Central China Post Ltd. — P.O.

daimon-dori, Seoul Box 28

Seoul Press—31, Taihei-dori, Seoul Hankow Herald—25B, Rue Dautre-





Far Eastern Stamp Review—P.O. Box

Directory and Chronicle of China, 269

Malaya, etc.—Douglas, Lapraik & Fleet’s Directory of Manchurian

-Co., The Bund Cities—37, Srahovaya Str.

Harbin Daily News — 14, Bulvarny

Canton Prospect

Harbin Observer—37, Strahovaya St.

Canton Daily Sun—117, B.C., Sha-

meen Hongkong

Canton Gazette—82, Wing Hon Road

Canton Truth—117, B. C., Shameen China Mail—3a, Wyndham Street

China Truth—Ka Nam Tong Build- China Merchant — 11, Ice House

ing Street

Directory and Chronicle of China, China Tribune—3S, Wyndham Street

Japan, Malaya, etc.—Koehler & Co. Directory and Chronicle of China,

Hongkong Daily Press—Koehler & Japan, Malaya, etc.—11, Ice House

Co. Street

Chefoo Dollar Directory—3a, Wyndham St.

Far Eastern Grocers’ Advocate—

Bank of Canton Bldg.

•Chefoo Daily News Hongkong Daily Press, Ltd.—11,

Ice House Street

Dairen Hongkong Directory—1, Wyndham


Dairen Shimbun—67, Hida-machi Hongkong Ofdtcjal Law Report—:!,

Wyndham Street

Manchurian Daily News—7, Awajo- Hongkong Sunday Herald—3a, Wynd-

cho ham Street

Manshu Nipposha—31, Higashikoen- Hongkong Telegraph—1, Wyndham

cho Street

Osaka Asahi Shimbunsha—5, Kiri- Hongkong Telephone Directory—Ex-

shima-cho change Building

Tai Tung Jih Pao—P.O. Box 79 Hongkong Weekly Press 11, Ice

Taito Nipponsha—85, Oku-cho House Street



Nam Chung Po —108, Hollywood Shanghai


Naval & Mxlitaby Dieectoey — I, Ameeican Newspapee Co.—21, Avenue

Wyndham Street Edward VII

Newspapee 1 Enteepeise, Ltd. '3a, Beitish Chamber

Wyndham Street

Oveeland China ALaxl—3a, Wyndham Bulletin TheCommeecial

al—17, Bundqf Oommeece' .Jouen-


Oveeseas Chinese Daily News—106, Capital Oeient—9, Avenue EdwardD’Extseme


Hollywood Road & Tbade—35, Jinkee Road

Rosenstock’s Business Dieectoey of. CjaiNA Builder—36, Jinkee Road

China--P.O. Box 640 China Cheistian Advocate—23, Yuen

South ChinaRoad

Daily News —' Ming Yuen Road.

Hollywood , . 4A51, China Clippee, The—368, Kiangsa Rd.

South China M,oenin& Post—1, Wynd- China Coastees’ Tide Book—17, The

ham Street Bund

South China Newspapee, Ltd.—106, China Digest—49LQ, Tientsin Road

Hollywood Road ChinI Jouenal—20,; Museum1 Roatl

South China Sunday News — 49, China Law Joubnal—210, Dixwell

Hollywood Road . Road

Wah Kiu Yat Po—106, Hollywood China

■Road Medical Jouenal—23, Yuen

Ming Yuen Road

Wah Tsz Yat Po.—5, Wellington China

. 'Street1 :' Ceitic—50, Peking Road

China Press—14, Kiukiang Road

Macao China Stock and Shake Handbook—

17; The Bund

Directory and Chronicle

Japan, etc.—22 of China,

Praca Lobo DAvila China Tkadk Yeae Book—25, Jinkee


Hongkong Daily

Praca Lobo DAvila Press, Ltd.—22, China Times—224, Shantung Road

Macao Review—26, Rua Central China Weekly ReVIew—160, Avenue

Edward Vi'i w

China Yeae Book—17, The Bund

Peiping Chinese Cheistian Intelligences —

135, N. Szechuen Road

Associated Peess—2, Tung Chang An Chinese YatioN—IC, Kiukiang Road

Chieh Chinese Recokdek—23, Yuen Ming

China Weekly Cheonicle, The—2, Yuen Road awaM y-

Mei Ohia Hutung Directory and Chronicle of China,

Chinese Medical Journal — Peiping Japan, Malaya, etc.—320, Szechuen

Union Medical College Road

Cheisti^’s Peiping Dieectoey Eastekn Times—708, Chekiang Road

Directory and Chronicle of China, Fak Easteen Investoes’ Yeae Book—

Japan, Malaya, etc.—Grand Hotel 25, J inkee Road j

de Pekin Eak Easteen Review—24, The Bund

Leadee, The—2, Mei Cha Hutung

National Medical Jouenal of China Finance Road

and Commeece—6, Kiukiang.

—Peiping Union Medical College Guide to Shanghai Rubbee Companies

Peiping Ohbonicle, The—2, Mtei Chia —25, Jinkee Road

Hutung Hallock’s Chinese Almanac —169,

Week in China--2, Mei Cha Hutung Yuen Ming Yuen Road



Hexagon, The—14., Museum Road Swatow

Israel’s Messenger—696, Avenue Rd.

Journal de Shanghai—21, Rue du Directory and Chronicle of China,

Japan, Malaya, etc.—Bradley & Co-


Kwang HsuehRoad

140, Peking Publishing House- Tientsin

Modern China—25, Jinkee Road

Nihon Dempo Tsushin-sha—215, Sze- Rue de France Mail, The—19,

North China Daily

chuan, Road ,

North China Daily News—17, The North China Star—78, Rue Pasteur

Peking and Tientsin Times (Daily

Bund Paper)—181, Victoria Road

North China Daily News & Herald, Social Welfare—Via Tripoli

Ltd.—17, The Bund

North China Herald—17, The Bund Yung Pao—101, Rue de Chaylard

Oxford University Press — 140, Tsingtao

Peking Road

Revue Nationale Chinoise—108, Rue Kian Tung Sin Pao—160, Chung Shan

Vallon Road

Shanghai Builder—25, Jinkee Road Seito Shimpo—158, Chung Shan Road

Shanghai Evening Post and Mercury Tsingtao Times—1, Hsin Tai Road

—17, Avenue Edward VII

Shanghai Guide—20, Museum Road SIAM

Shanghai Hong List—17, The Bund Bangkok

Shanghai Mail Service—46, Hankow

Road Bangkok Times

Shanghai Mainichi Shimbun — 77, Bangkok Times Weekly Mail

Woosnng Road

Shanghai Nippon Sha—3, Barchet Bangkok Directory

Siam Free Press


Shanghai Nichi Nichi Shimbun—121, Siam Directory

Chapoo Road Siam Weekly Mail

Shanghai Times—160, Avenue Edward INDOCHINA


Shanghai Zaria—774, Avenue Joffre Hanoi

Shipping Review—2, Peking Road

Showdown—11, Bedford Terrace Avenir Du Tonkin L.—114, Rue Jules

Shun Pao—24, Hankow Road , Ferry

Sin Wan Pao—274, Hankow Road

Slovo—288, Avenue du Roi Albert Saigon

Tass News Agency—20, Canton Road Courier de Saigon—121, Rue Catinat

The China Digest—200, West End

Gardens MALAYA

Transocean News Service—299, Sze-

chuen Road Malacca

Vremia—117, Avenue du Roi Albert

Who’s Who in China — 38, Avenue. Malacca Guardian—5, First Cross

Edward VII Street /!



Penang Sumatra

Penang Gazette Press—1a, Penang De Sumatra Post—Medan


Straits Echo—216, Penang Road PHILIPPINE ISLANDS

Perak Manila

Times of Malaya Press—Old Court American Chamber of Commerce

Journal—180, David, Binondo

House Road, Ipoh

Associated Press—Bulletin Building,

Selangor Sta. Cruz

Bulletin, Manila Daily—Raon, Quia-


Malay Mail—25, Pudu Road, Kuala Cabletow, The English Monthly—

Lumpur P.O. Box 990

Tamil Nesan — 80, Ampang Road, Chinese Commercial News—4, Soler

Kuala Lumpur Diocesan Chronicle—567, Isaac Peral,

Yik Khuan Poh—127, Petaling Str. Ermita


Japan, & Chronicle

Malaya, of China,

Philippines, etc.

Singapore —Chaco Building '

El CoMERCio—65, Juan Luna

Directory and Chronicle of China El Debate—61, Calle Murala

Japan, Malaya, etc. — Publicity Far Eastern Free Mason, The—P.O.

House, Battery Road Box 1335

Malaya Tribune—56/60, Anson Road Fookien Times—197, Juan Luna

Malayan Builder and Engineer—9c, Green and White, English Quarterly

Robinson Road —De la Salle College

Malayan Law Journal—32, Raffles Herald, The—61, Mur alia

Place Katipunan Finance Review, The—

Malayan Medical Journal—P.O. Box 501, Filipinas Building, Plaza

270 Moraga

Malayan Travellers Gazette—39, Ro- Kong Li Po, The, Chinese Daily—

430, Salazar, Binondo

binson Road

“ Navaneetham ”—227, Selegie Road La Defensa—P.O. Box 289

Sin Chew Jit Poh, Ltd.—59, Robin- La Opinon—65, Juan Luna, Binondo

son Road La Vanguardia—T.Y.T. Building, F.

Sin Kuo Min Press—49, Robinson Torres

Road Leader, The, English-Tagialog Month-

Singapore Free Press—146, Robinson ly—06, Gastambide, Sampaloc

Road Mabuhay—61, Muralla

Straits Budget.—78, Cecil Street M'abuhay, Morning Daily in Tagalog

Straits Times—78, Cecil Street —61, Calle Muralla

Sunday Times—78, Cecil Street Manila City Directory—P.O. Box


Sunday Tribune—56, Anson Road Miesta Espana—925, Ongpin

Union Times Press—35, Club Street Monday Mail—61, Muralla

Warta Malaya—730, North Bridge Manila Daily Bulletin—Corner Roan,

Road and Evangelista, Quiapo



Manila Eagle Magazine—612, Cu Un- Iloilo

jieng Building, T. Pinpdn

New China Heralb—568, Miserioordia Iloilo Bulletin

Philippine Christian, English Month- Iloilo Times

ly—444, Taft Ave, Ermita,

Philippine Farm Journal—64, Escolta La Tribuna

Philippine Free Press—684, Rizal Pearl of the Orient


Philippine Magazine—217, Dasma- Zamboanga


Philippine Journal of Education— El Criterio

College of Education, U.P.

Philippine Journal of Science—727, El Reflector

Midanao Herald

Herran, Ermita

Philippine Law Journal, The—Col-


Philippine Machinery Journal—440,

Dasmarinas JAPAN

Philippine Magazine—1104, Castil-

lijos, Quiapo Kobe

Philippine Missionary—1916, Oro-

quieta, Sta. Cruz

Philippine Observer—442, Rizal Hoyu Shokai—43b, Sannomiyar-chio

Philippine Poultry Journal Kyoritsu Shoten—94a, Ura-machi

Philippine Social Science Review— Saiga Typewriter Shokai—220, Gono-


105, Rizal Hall, U.P.

Philippine Woman & Home Magazine Yamamoto Choji—103, Sannomiya-cho

—520, Heacock Building, Escolta Yoshita Shokai—318, Sannomiya-cho

Philippines Herald—61, Muralla, In-

tramuros Osaka

Roces Ramon Publication Inc.—715,

Calero Ito Shokai—177, Sonezaki Kami-

Shokoshimpo News—841, Lepanto machi

Sports Review, The—309, third floor, Kusuda 'Shoten—25, Doshu-cho

428, Ave. Rizal, Sta. Cruz Morimoto Tsunezo—48, Awaza Kami-

Sugar News Press, Inc., The—671, cho

Dasmarinas Tagauchi Yoshitaro Shoten—85, Joah

Tribune, The—T.V.T. Builidng

T.V.T. Publishing Corpn.—Floren- cho

( tino, Torres CHINA

, United Press Association.—317, In-

i sular Life Building, Binondo Hankow

1 Voz Espanola—320 P. Campa, Sam-


Woman’s Home Journal—416, Arias Bechler, E.—Corner of Hunan and

Co-operation Roads

ji' Building

Cebu Hongkong

Advertiser, The Boletin Catolico Dodwell & Co., Ltd.—Queen’s Bldg.

Freeman, The—P.O. Box 311 Gestetner (Eastern), Ltd.—4a, Des

Guardian, The Voeux Road



Mustard & Co., Ltd—Alexandra Singapore


Office Appliance Co.—^Powell’s Bldg. Gestetner (Eastern), Ltd.—8, Bat-

Ramsey & Co.—18, Ice House Street tery Road

Remington Rand, Inc.

-Wong Bros. & Co.—10, Pqttinger Str. RoneO, Ldt.—3, Malacca Street

Straits Typewriter Agency — 14a,.

Shanghai Change Alley

Burroughs, Inc.—12, The Bund Selangor

Business Equipment Corporation—

263, Kiangse Road Barlock Typewriter Agency—8, Mar-

Commercial Equipment Co. — 303, ket Str., Kuala Lumpur

Kiangse Road

Dodwell & Go., Ltd.—1, Canton Road NETHERLANDS INDIA

Evans & Son, Ltd.—17, Kiukiang Road

Gallop & Co., Fed. Inc.—22, Yuen Sourabaya

Ming Yuen Road

Geddes Trading and Dairy Farm Co., Remeiods Bros.—15, Kembang Djepoon

Ltd.—8d, Yuen Ming Yuen Road

International Business Machines PHILIPPINE ISLANDS

Corpn.—263, Kiangse Road

Office Appliance Co., Ltd.—74, Nan-

king Road Manila

Office Supply Co.—367, Kiangse Road

Remington Typewriter Agency—22, A.Nac' & P. Go., Inc.—615, M. del Banco


Museum Road

Underwood Typewriter Dept.—17, Erlcolta anger & Galinger, Inc.—601, Es-

Canton Road

Weder, August—271, Kiangse Road Frank & Co.—115, T. Pinpin

Heacock Go., H. E.—120, Esoolta

Tientsin Lavadia & Co.—306, Carriedo

Nielson Sales Co. —110, Escolta,.

Dodwell & Co., Ltd.—19, Victoria Terrace Binondo





McFarland Typewriter Co., Ltd. — Kobe

New Road Arita Obura-ten—167, Onoe-dori

Bessho Shoten—73, Kyo-machi

MALAYA F. B. Broad & Son—7, Harima-machi

Hatada Seiyu-sho—8, Goban-cho

Penang Honen Seiyu K.K—Naruo-mura

Inoijye Mamekasu Seizo-sho—173, Ha-

Roneo, Ltd.—19, Beach Street manaka-dori



Kobe Boiled Oil Co.—Kawanishi- Rising Sun Petroleum Co., Ltd.—7,

dori Tokiv/a-machi

Maedsen Koyu Gomei Kaisha—18, Standard-Vacuum. Oil Co.—9, Oura

Kitanaka-machi Yamada Shoo i K.K.—Onoe-machi

Mats uno Shoten—150, Tamon-do,ri

Mikado Seiyu K.E.—475, Nishide-

machi Nagoya

Musabhoy & Co.—328, Sannomiya

Nichibei Koyo Goshi Kaisha-^-2, Marusen Koyu Gomei Kaisha—Kita-

U inetatocho kura-cho

Rising Sun Petroleum Co.—O.S.K. Nagoya iSeiyu K.K.—Hiroi-cho, Nishi-

Building ku

Sakai Chuji Shoten—35, Naka-machi Nichibei

Socony VacHum Corporation—'P.O. sni-ku Koyu K.K.—Ofune-ciio, Ni-

Box 1

Teikoku Yoshi K.K.—Higashi-hama Nisshinku

Seiyu K.K.—Negi-cho, Naka-

Tsuhima Shoten—244, Nisihide-cho Rising Petroleum Co.—7, Higashi

Union Oil Co. of California—7, Ha- Shin-cho


Sooony-Vacuum Corporation—3, iShin-

Hakodate yanagi-cho

Yoshikawa Oil Co.—Nishi Kikui-cho,

Hakodate JuftI Tunk K.K. —121, Nishi-ku


Mitsutani Kiemon—2, Wakamatsu- Osaka


Taking Tsunekiohi—53, Benten-cho

Akita Seiyu-sho—1056, Shinke Higa-

Kyushu shino-cho

Aoki Kagaku Seiyu-sho—26, Minami

Hamada Yoshisuke—10, Shimo Tsushi- Sakaigawa-oho

ma-Koji H asegawa Seiyu Kojro—717, N aka-

Kishi Takao—3, Kaigan-dori moto-cho

Yanase Shoji K.K.—Kami Gofuku- Kashiwara Seiyu Goshi Kaisha—2-40,

cho Minami-Horie-cho

Moji Matsumoto Seiyu-cho—4, Izuo UmenO-


Asano Bussan Kaisha—Sanbashi-dori Mikado Seiyu K.K.—52, Kita Horie

Kyushu Sekiyu K.K.—Moto Kujota- Ohta Seiyu-sho—33, Sumiyoshi-cho

ki-cho Osaka Seiyu K.K.—t61, Bakuro-machi

Standard Vacuum Oil Co.—P.O. Box Rising Sun Petroleum Co.—1, iDo-

15 jima F unadaiku-machi

Takahashi Makuma Shoten—Soto Ha- Siber Hegner & Co., Ltd.—1, Ima-

Tokiwa Shokai—^usen Building bashi-cho

Nagasaki Standard-Vacuum Oil Co, t—Osaka

Building, 1, Soze-cho

Matsumoto Oil Co.—19, Uragoto- Texas Co.—Taihei Building

machi Yoshikawa Seiyu-sho—417, Sakigawa-



Shimonoseki KOREA

Asahi Sekuju K.K.—Kannozsaki-cho Beiyu Shokai—68, iKogane-cho, Seoul

Nippon Seikyu Kaisha—Misakinocho Chosen


Yushi KogyosHO—12, Teido,

Rising Sun Petroleum Co.—1/50, Hayashi Yosuhei — 3, Kanko-dori,

Shimonishi-machi Seoul

Texas Co.—Osaka Mainichi Building Nippon Sekiyu K.K.—1, Nandaimon-

dori, Seoul

Tokyo Rising Sun Petroleum Co., Ltd.—10,

Nandaimon-don, Seoul

Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.—178j Gisru-

Asahi Sekiyu K.K.—21-gokan, Maru- dori, Seoul

nouchi Tanaka & Go.—Fusan (Fish)

Honen Sekiyu K.K.—Yaesu Building, Texas Co. (China) Ltd., The—P.O.

Marunouchi Box 106

Hosoyama Tahichi Shoten—18, Yok- Texas Sekiyu Hambaisho—1, Nandai-

kaichi mon-dori, Seoul

Nippon Oil Co.—Yuraku Building

Rising Sun Petroleum Co.—Sanshin CHINA

Building No. 10

Sasaya Shoten—10, Hongo

Standard-Vacuum Oil Co. — Koji- Amoy


Texas Oil Co.—1, Yaesu-cho Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.C.), Ltd.

Watanabe Takejiro Shoten—19, Higa Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.

shi Ryukanchi Texas Co. (China), Ltd.

Yokohama Canton

Fujii Seiyusho—32, Okano-cho Asiatic Petroleum Co.—Shameen

Iwai Seiyu Hiryo Gomei Kaisha—2, Associated Petroleum Co., Ltd.—34,

Hoshino-cho Lok Yee Sam Road

Nichibei Koyu K.K.—144, Aoiki-cho California Petroleum Co. of S.C.—

Nippon Seikiyu Kabushiki Kaisha— 12, Tai Ping Nam Road

Anzen-cho China Oil Co., Ltd.—Ka Naan Tong

Nisshin Seiyu K.K.—3, Chiwaka-cho West .building', Tati Ting Road

Rising Sun Petroleum Co.—58, Ya- Goeke

sion & Co,, A.—85, British Conces-


Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.—r8, Bund Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.

Texas Co. (China), Ltd., The



Rising Sun Petroleum Co., Ltd.—

Taihoku Asiatic Petroleum Co. (North

Shitsuin Shoten—Taihoku China) Ltd.

Texas Co., The

Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.—P.O. Box Standard-Vacuum

97, Taihcku Oil Co.



Chefoo Hankow

Asiatic Petroleum Co. (N.C.), Ltd. Arnhold & Co.—Bund, S.A.D. 1

Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.—P.O. Box Asiatic Petroleum Co. (Rorth.

China) Ltd.


Bremen Colonial Trading Co.—4,

Chinkiang Han Chung Road (Wood)

Fu Chung Corporation (Wood)—95,

Asiatic Petroleum Co. (North Carrels, Rue de Alsace Lorraine

China), Ltd. Borner & Co.—The Bund,

S.A.D. 1

Hwa Chang Trading Co., Ltd., The—

Chirngking 9, Dahlia Building, Hunan Road

Li Jui & Sons—46, Rue Dautremer

| Associated Products Co. (Wood)

i Liddell Bros. & Co.—Paoyang Road

Asiatic Petroleum Co. (N.C.), Ltd. Pacific

Standard-Vacuum Oil Co. Orient Co.—8, Rue du Mare-

) Texas Co. (China). Ltd. chal Jofltre

I Young Brothers Trading Co. (Wood) Bund Co. (Wood)—23, French

Smith &

—Shin Feng Kai Standard-Vacuum Oil Co. —National

City Bank Building

Dairen Texas Co., The—ex-Russian Bund

Werner, G. Smith Co., The—23,.

French Bund (Woodoil)

Anglo-Chinese Eastern Trading Co. Young

(Salad)—3, Higashikoen-cho Brothers Trading Co.—Bank

Asiatic Petroleum Co.—,213, Yama- of Communication Building


Nisshin Oil Mill—3, Takara-cho Harbin

Santai Oil Mill (Bean) — Higashi

Hiroba Anglo-Chinese Eastern Trading Co.


GO Oil Co.—P.O. Box —20, Russkaya Street

Asiatic Petroleum Co. (North

Texas Co. (China), Ltd.—65, Ku- China), Ltd.—Hongkong Bank Bldg.

machi East Asiatic Co., Ltd. of Copenhagen

(Vegetable)—6i5, Polevaya Street

Foochow Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.

Texas Co., (China) Ltd.—42, Straho-

r Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ltd. yvaya Street

South China Trading Co., Ltd.—96,

Me Wu Ting Road (Peanut) Hoihow

Standard Vacuum Oil Corpn.

Texas Co., Ltd. Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.C.), Ltd.

Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.



Asiatic Petroleum Co. (North

China), Ltd. A. Yuen & Chee Cheong Co.—74,

Standard-Vacuum Oil Co. Connaught Road Central



Acme Trading Co.—Bank of Canton Nanking


Asiatic Petroleum Co. (South Asiatic Petroleum Co. (N.C.), Ltd.

China) Ltd.—Asiatic Building STANjDARD-VACUUM OlL C^i

Associated Petroleum ' Co.—Natidnal Texas Co. (China), Ltd., The — Sar

City Bank Building Ki Wan

Bradley & ,Co.—Prince’s Building

China Oil Go., Ltd.—Ring’s Bldg. Nanning

China Petroleum Products Co.—4,

Queen’s Road C). Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.

Davie, Boag & Co., Ltd.—Queen’s

Building Newchwang

Export Petroleum Co.—King’s Bldg.'

Gilman & Co.—4a, Des Voeux . Road Asiatic Petroleum Co. (North

Central China), Ltd.

Kwok & Co., P.K.—35, Hing Lung Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.


Patell, J. B.—38, Wyndham Street Ningpo

South China Oil Refining & Enter-

prise Co.—63-65, Des Vceux Road

Central Standard-Vacuum Oil Go.

Standard-Vacuum Oil Co. — Union

Building Peiping

Texas Company (China), Ltd., The

—14, .Queen's Road Central Asiatic Petroleum Co.—Legation St.

Union Oil Co. of California—74, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.^—7, Erh

Connaught Road Central Tiao Hutuhg

Woo Bros.—6, Queen’s Road Central



Asiatic Petroleum Co. (North

China), Ltd.—i, The Bund

Asiatic Petroleum Co.’ (N.C.), Ltd. Dodwell & Go.—1, Canton Road

STANDARD-VAqUUM .QlI* Cq.i " Gilmore Oil Co.—4, Peking Road

Knipschildt & Eskeluad — 56, Sze-

Kongmoon chuen Road ; :(

Kobayashi Yoko —36, -Canton Road

Kwong Wha Petroleum Co., Ltd.

Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.G.), Ltd. ! —3, Museum Roa,d .. . ,

Standard-Vacuum Oil Co. Liddell Bros. & Co.—4, Peking Road

Pan-Pacific. Oil Co. ^qf China—60,

Ningpo Read

Mukden Paraffine Companies, Inc.—9, Foo-

. chow Road

Asiatic Petroleum .G^oU Shanghai Oil Mill "Cd.—Jessfield Rd.

Standard-Vacuum Oil Co. Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.—94, Canton


Texas Co., (China) Ltd., The—Inter- $un Oil Co. of Philadelphia—110,

national Settlement Szechuen Road



Sung Yuen Oil Co.—35, Jinkee Road Minemura Qil Mills (Groundnut)—

7, Hwa Yang Road

Ta Yu Yue Oil Mill—46A, Ching Standard-Vacuum

Zung Lee Oil Co.—3, Kuan-

Texas Co, (China), Ltd. —12, The tau Road

Bund Texas 0o., Ltd.—3, Monchwang Road

Union .Oil Co. of California—339, Towa & Co.—19, iKuantao Road

Sassoon House

Zee Sons, W.Z.—AI299, Broadway Weihaiwei

Swatow Hip Wo Loong & Co.

Asiatic Petroleum Op. (S.C.), Ltd. Wenchow

—P.O. Box S Asiatic Petroleum Co. (N.O.), Ltd.


Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.—P.O. Box Standard-Vacuum,, Oil. po.

79 Wuchow

Texas Co. (China), Ltd.—8, Koo Ping

Boad Asiatic Petroleum Cq, (iS.C.), Ltd.

Soochow Wuhu

Standard-Vacuum Oil Co. Asiatic Petroleum Co. (N.C.), Ltd.

Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.



Asiatic Petroleum (North China)

Co., Ltd.—90, Victoria Pioad Cie Franco-Asiatj que des Petroles

China Petroleum Co., Inc.—20, Che- Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.

kiang Road

Crystal, Ltd.—4, ' Pokotiloff Road SIAM


Colden Star Co., The—79, Fukushima Bangkok


Peters & Co., E.C.—31, Seymour Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ltd.—Ban-

Road tawi

Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.^8, Quai de Siam Industries (1932), Ltd.—P.O.

France nox 50

Texas Co.—90, Victoria Road Standard-Vacuum Oil Co. — Hong

Kong Bank Lane



Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.



Petroles—5, Rue, Briere de I’Isle

Asiai-ic Petroleum Co. (N.C.), Ltd. Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.—13, Rue

Ring Chong Loong Co.—P.O. Box 59 ! Jules. Ferry

(Peanut) Texas Co., Ltd.—^23, Rue Jules Ferry



Provinces du Tonkin Bee Huat & Oo.—121, Beach Road

Cheong On & Co.—375, North Bridge?

Nouyen van Chung—Dap-Cau Road

Crosfield & Sons, Ltd., J.—5, Malac-

Saigon ca Street

Ho Hong Oil Mills (1931), Ltd.—61,.

Chulia Street

COMPAGNIE FeANCO-AsIATIQUE DES Pe= Jacks & Co. (Malaya), Ltd.—Ocean.

tkoles—15, Boulevard Norodom Building

Standard-Yacu um Oil Co.—Banque Kassim & Co.—iSelebar

de Flndochine Building Nanayaka a, M. W. J. -D-13, Union.


MALAYA Pan-Pacific Oil Co.—3, Raffles Place

Standard-Vacuum Oil Co. — Union-

Johore Building

Scotia Lubricating Oil Co.—2, Fin-

Asiatic Petboleum Co.—Johore Bahru Unionlayson Green

Oii Co. of California—Union

Building, Collyer Quay

Malacca Valooline Oil Agency"—17, Robinson.


Asiatic Petroleum Co.—73, Pengkalan Wakefield & Co., Ltd., C. C.—41-43,-

Robinson Road



Ban Teik Bee Co.—170, Beach Street Cebu

Kim Keng Leong & Co.—127, Beach Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.-»Gotiaoco

Street Building

Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.

Sun Wo Loong Oil Mill Co. — 51, Texas Co. (P.I.), Inc., The

Madras Lane (Coconut)

Wakefield & Co., Ltd.—Chartered Iloilo

Bank Chambers Asiatic Petroleum Co. (P.I.), Ltd.

Perak Socony-Vacuum Corporation

Texas Co., Inc.

Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.—P.O. Box Manila

119, Ipoh

Selangor Asiatic Petroleum Co.—Hongkong

Shanghai Bank Building

Cumberbatch & Co.—Ford Street Associated Oil Co. — China Bank


Standard-Vacuum Oil Co:—High Str., Babcock & Co., Inc.—P.O. Box 1222

Kuala Lumpur Bennett, Inc., P. M.—Insular Life


Singapore Carrero, Vidal & Co.—Isla de Provi-

sor, Paco (Coconut)

Asiatic Petroleum Co.—St. Helen’s Coleman Petroleum Products, Inc.—

Court 512, Masonic Temple



Elizalde y Cia—P.0 Box 121 Kobe Gankyo-in—52, Motomachi-dori

£1 Dorado Oil Works— 616, National Morikawa Shoten—170, Motomachi-

City Bank Building, Binondo dori

Manila Sales Ooepn.—428, Ave. Rizal Nishimura Shoten—159, Motomachi-

Philippine Engineer Co.—936, Raon dori

Philippine National Oil Co.—212, Osaka-ya Shoten—91, Aioi-cho

Rosario, Binondo Tamaya Shoten -Kano-cho

Philippine Refining Co. (Coco-

nut)—1035, Isaac Peral Osaka

Philippine Vegetable Oil Co.—P.O.

Box 843 Heilmann, W.—Sampm Building

Spencer, Kellogg & Sons (Coconut) Schmidt Shoten—13, Nakanoshima, 3-

—Tomas Claudio, Pandacan chome

Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.—426, Das-

marinas Tokyo

Texas Co. (P.l.) Inc. — 91, Plaza

Moraga, Binondo

Valvoline Oil Co. of New York—529 Hospital


Supply Co.—6, Yamamoto-

Aviles, San Miguel

Krausse, E.—10, Marunouchi, San-

Zamboanga chome

Zeiss, Carl (Kabushiki Kaisha)—

Socony-Vacuum Corporation—Atkins Yusen Building, Marunouchi

Kroll Building

Vegetable Oil Co.—P.O. Box 14. CHINA


Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ltd.—Labuan

British Malayan Petroleum Co., Rafeek & Co.—71, B. C., Shameen

Ltd.—'Sandakan. Schmidt & Co.—20, Ching Yuan

Sarawak Oilfields, Ltd.—Miri Maloo


Sumatra Hirata Yoko—47, Naniwa-cho

!N. V. De Bataafsche Petroleum Maat- NanYanbu-dori

Yang Yen Ching Kung Ssu—81,

schappij—Pangkala Brandan

Ohmi Yoko—37, Naniwa-cho

OIL MILLS IN CHINA (see Shih Wei Chi—Naniwa-cho

Page B25-26)



Rodenstock, G.-hsJ, Sammanaya St.

JAPAN Schmidt & Co.—40, Diagonalnaia

Kobe Peiping

Fukuoka Shinsei-do.—3, Tamon-dori

Hattori Hosei-do.—5'7, Sannomiya- Schmidt & Co.—1, Hsi tang tze Hu-

cho tung



Hongkong Motion* Smith & Son, Ltd.—15, Bat-

tery Road •

Bakilly Co., Ltd.—153-155, Des Voeux NanBridge Sin Optical House—325, North.


Road Centrai

Chinese Optical Co.—^7, Queen’s Malacca

Eoad Central

Hongkong ' OpriCAt Co!—o3, Queen’s GEOkGETotVN Dispensary—9, Riverside-

Road Central

International Trading Co.—42, Elgin


Lee Bros.—8, D’Aguilar Street

N. Lazarus—Gloucester Arcade Manila

Mayen & Oo.—37, Queen’s Road C.

Schmidt & Co..—Urkruccster Building Botica Boie—95, Escolta, Binondo

Sino - American Optical Co. — 83, Casaje Ton & Co., Inc!—135, Rosario

Clark & Co.—Masonic Temple

Queen’s Road Central

Vit-Alexin (China) Ltd. U nion Build Seacock Oo., H. E.—120, Escolta

ing, 5th floor Juachon Optical Co.—91, Rosario^.


Shanghai Lara Optical Co.—502, Ave. Rizal

Reyes Optical Co. -640,; Are. Rizal

China Scientific Instrument Co., Reyes Rizal

Bros. Optical Cfo.—710, Ave.

Ltd.—20, Museum Road Sabater Manuel—76, Escolta

Far Eastern Drug Trading Co.—9a, Torres Optical' Co.—554, Juan Luna

Hankow Road-

Ismer & Co., C.—134, Nanking Road LNTV.EitsAt<


Optical Co.—76, i Escolta,.

ScherinGiS, Ltd.—*19, Yuen Ming IFtidn


Schmidt & Co. — Sassoon Arcade, (see Page B27)

Nanking Road


Road (China) :;Ltd.—2, Peking


Tientsin JAPAN .

Tientsin Optical C,q,—65, Rue de Kobe


Schmidt & Co.—52, Taku Road

Choyei-Gumi—105, Minamisakasegawa

. cho {.r ,, .......

MALAYA • Daito Tokyo,' K. K.—Choshu, Qda-


Singapore Higashiyama Sh’OTEN — 196, Nishide


Eastern Optical Co. —15, South International


I*aint Co.—P.O. Box-

Canal Road

Eye Clinic, The—65, Stamford Road Kanae Shoten—28, Shimagami-chp

Ezekiel & SoNs—9, Raffles Place Kansai Paint K. K.—365, Kanzak;



Kobe Paixt K.K.j—^ Suguhara-dori Yokohama

Kobe Tokyo K.K.—I, Mizukasa-dori

Nippon Paint Kobe Soko—i388, Nis- Akimoto Aburaten—12, Choja-machi

hide-machi Amano Shoten—10, Onoe-cho

Okada Tokyo-ten—83, Sannomiya-cho Inagaki YeiZo Shoten—17, Noge-cho

Red Hand CoMPfiSlVcotfs ' Co. — 23, Kaneko Katsujiro Shoten—78, Sumi-

o yoshi-cho


Sawada & Co. 24, Hachirnan-dori Suzuki Kinnosuke Shoten—11, Masa-


Toyo Tokyo S-eizo K.K.—2, Suguhaira- Yokohama

dori Tokyo Shokai—23, Minato-


Nagasaki Yatomi Shokai—23, Kaigan-dori

Sanko-do—52, Tsuki-machi CHINA

Yoshida Rainosuke—22, Moto Furu- Dairen


Hayashi Yoko—80, Nishi Yoko

Osaka Marshu Paint K. K.—i53, Susono-cho

Tanaka Keitei Shokai G.K.—218,

Abe Paint Seizq-sho—38, Nishino Y amagata-doi i


Nihon Toso Kogyo K.K.—1-6, Honda Hankow

Asahi Paint Seizo K.K.—10, Urae-

cho , . , .j ,

Nippon Paint Seizo K.K.—10, Urae- Building Co.,. _ Lyd.—9, Dahlia

Hwa Chang


Osaka Abe Paint Seizo-sho—67, Nis- Hongkong

hino Shimono-cho

Taiyo Paint Seizo koGYO K.K.— 42. Ault & WiBpEG Co.—17, Connaught

F uku-machi Road Cel’ll val 1

Teikoko Paint Seizo K.K.—38, Ho- China Paint Manufacturing Co.,

geti-u-cho Ltd.—1, Arran St., Kowloon

Toa Paint Seizo K.K.—33, Takami- Davie, Boag & -Go., Ltd.—Queen’s

chd’ Building

Tokyo Eastern Asbestos Co.—Prince’s Bldg.

Took Tai & Co.- Bank of Canton


Fuji Tokyo K Tv. --15,Minamikanero- Goekei&iCo., A.^China Building

kucho Kelly & Co:,’ Ltd.—9,: Queen ’ s Rd. C.

MtjmAnoya Tokyoi’BN—15, Horvgincho Loxley GUu, A. R.—York Building

Nippon Kakko Paint K.K.—4, San- NaIYonal Lacquer and Paints Pro-

jikkenbori ducts Co.. .Ltd. Osprth Point

Nippon Paint Keizo 'K.K.—Minamis Shew an, Tomes & Co.—National Bank

hinagawa Shuku Building

Teikoku Tokyo K.K.—15, Hiba Sun Fat Co.—Bank of Canton Bldg.

Toyo Tokyo .Seizo K. K —9, Higashi- Wilkinson, Hey wood &. Clark

dori Queen’s Building



Shanghai Roelli & Co., Inc.—244, David


Burrell & Co., Ltd. (London)—23 27, Simeon O. Shan—324, Echague

Ningipo Road Uy Chaco Sons & Co.—Chaco Bldg.

Campbell, H. B.-—1265. Bubbling Well Viegelmann, Schroeder & Co., Inc.—

Road 456, Dasmarinas

Chest Hua Paint Manufacturing Co.,

Ltd.—478, North Soochow Road PAPER BOX FACTORIES (See

Felgate & Co., R. H.—22, Nanking Page B27)


Mander Bros., Ltd.—19, Museum Rd. PAPER MILLS (See Page B28)

Red Hand Gompositons Co.—6, Kiu- PAPER MERCHANTS

kiang Road

Slows & Co., Ltd.—7, Hankow Road

Wilkinson, Heywood & Clark — 6, JAPAN

Kiukiang Road

Yung Koo Paint & Varnish Manu- Kobe

facturing Co.—900, Kiangwan Road

Fuji Seishi K.K.—25, Jokoji

Tientsin Futmai Shokai —106, Nakayamate-


Fobes Co., (Ltd.—49, Taku Road Hakushin-sha Kobe Branch—25, -Sa-


NETHERLANDS INDIA Inouye Kamimise —14, Moto-machi


Japan Paper Co.—99, Kitamachi

Souxabaya Kawabata Yoshiten—33, Kumoi-dori

Kobe iSeishi-sho—26, Asahi-dori

N. V. P A. Regnault’s Verf-Tikk & Kudo Yoshiten—20, Sakae-maohi

Blikfabriecken Lendrum (Japan), Ltd. — 35, Naka-


PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Mitsubishi Seishi K.K.—Takasago-


Manila Murakami Shokai—25, Kawasaki-cho

Musabhoy & Co.—328, Sannomiya

Cham-Samco & Sons—300, Sto. Cristo, Nippon Shigyo K.K.—98, Yedo-machi

San Nicolas Nippon Shiriu Shokai—77, Moto-

Davies & Co., T. H.—244, David, machi

Binondo Ryosan Shokai—78, Sannomiya^cho

Elizalde & Cia—P.O. Box 121 Tanaka Gensaburo Shoten—41, Kita-

Go iSoc.—618, Rizal Avenue nagasa-dori

Lopez Guzman & Co.—653, Ave. Rizal sa-cho Shokiku do—9. Kitanaga-


Macondray & Co.—China Bank Bldg.

Norton & Harrison Co.—Kneedler Kyushu


Perez SAmanillo, Rafael — 116-122, Aoki Isokichi—2, Tsuru Koji

Juan Luna ,

Reyes & Co., F.—424, Azcarragai, San Hakushinsha K.K.—Okonai-cho

Nicolas Kawarada Heizo—29, Kojiya-cho



Moji Lendrum (Japan), Ltd.—P.O.—Box 95-


Daido Yoshiten K.K.—Uchihamacho Mitsushi


Paper Mills, Ltd.—6, Maru

Hakushinsha K.K.—Naka-machi Nippon Shigyo K.K.—59, Motomachi

Nakai Shoten—Nishi Hon-machi Oji iSeishi Kabushiki Kaisha—Yusen

Building, Marunouchi



| Inouye Isao—37, Moto Konya-machi

Inouye Kenkwa-do—48, Suwa-machi Bunsei-do Yoshiten — 39, Sumyoshi-

I Shoshin do—89, Doza-machi cho

| Shoyei-do—26, Matsuyama-machi Ishida Wayoshiten—177, Furo-cho

Miyamoto Shoten—13, Onoe-cho

Osaka Nippon Shigyo K.K.—108, Aioi-cho

Ogawa Yoshiten—74, Aioi-cho

i Aall & Co., Ltd—9, Koraibashi KOREA

Fuji Seishi K.K.—1, Nishino Shi-

l mono-cho

Fukuyama Seishi K.K.—12, Kitahorie Hagino Shoten—93, Taihei-dori, Seoul

Kami-cho Hagiwara Kamimise—102, Nandai-

j Furukawa mon dori, Seoul

ku-cho Seishi K.K.—900, Imafu- Nippon Shigyo K.K.—117, Nandai-

[ Misaki Seishi K.K.—1-1, Dojima, dori, Seoul

■: Naka, Kita-ku Okura Yoshiten —137, Kogane-cho,

■ Nikka Seishi K.K.—3, Hon jo Higa- Seoul

II shi-machi Tanaka & Co.—Fusan

I Nishinari Seishi K.K.—1282, Bangai

Daikai-cho CHINA

|1 Ojicho Seishi K.K.—124, iKita Nagae-

| Okayama Seisha K.K.—1, Utsubo Canton


: Baist & Co.—39,, F.C. Shcimeen

Shidzuoka Goeke & Co., A.—85, British Concession

Rafeek & Co.—71 British Concession,

Nippon Shoshi K. K.—54, Mabuchi- Shameen


j,' Nozaki Jubei Shoten—34, Gofuku-cho Chefoo

Hj Sano Kikuzo Shoten—14, Cha-machi Kung Dah Printing Press

Tokyo Dairen


Aall & Co. —P.O. Box 41. Central Fuji Yoshiten K.K.—147, Yamagata-

Azuma Seishi Kabushiki Kaisha—77, dori

Shimo Ochiai Gadelius & Co., Ltd.—18, Yamagata

Aall & Co.—P.O Box 41, Central cho

Fuji Seishi IKabushiki Kaisha—1, Hagiwara Shoten K.K.—52, Kambu-

Sanjukkenbori-cho dori



Foochow Ito Co., Ltd., G.—4a,,.,Des Voeux Road

i Central

Associated Products Co. ■ 11 Jardine, Street

Matheson Co,—14, Redder

Fukien Paper Manufacturing Co., Johnson

Ltd.—Nfintai & Co.—David House

Kae Shean Co.—59, Queen’s Road


Hankow Kelley & Co., Ltd.—9; Queen’s Rd. C.

Kotewall & Co., R.H.—China Build-

Bern, Meyer China Co.—The Bund, ing

S.A.D. 3 Kwok & Co., P.K.—35, Hing Lung

Chung' Hava Steel Products and Street

Trading Co. • 8-33, Rue de Pairis, Loxley & Co., W.R.—York Building

Exten. Luen Cheong & Co.—74, Des Yceux

Fuji Paper Co.—13, Eavo Road Road Central

Mitsubishi Shoji Kaisha—Taiping Maison F. Mathieu : Soc. — Asiatic

Road Building

Ito & Co.—Tientsin Road, S.A.D. 3 Mercantile Printers’ Supply Co;,

Lee & Co.—7, Ding An Lee, Poyang The—18, Lee Yuen Street, West


Pau Shun Kun Sze—Paoshan Road j Mitsubishi Shoji Kaisha, Ltd. — 14,

Pedder Street

Mitsui Bussan Kaisha — Prince’s

Harbin Building

Moulder & Co., Ltd.—China Build-


Center, M.A.—43, Diagonalnaya Str. Noronha & Co.—Duddell Street

Oji Paper Meg. Co.—China Building

Hongkong Parkson, Ltd.—19, Connaught Road


Acme Trading Co.—Bank of Canton Shew an, Tomes & Co.—National Bank



Ault & Wiborg—17, Connaught Road Simpson & Co.—China Building

Central Sun Tai Chong—12i9, Bonham Strand

Bradley & Co.—Prince’s Building East

Basto & Co.—10, Queen’s Road Cen- Swedish Trading.; Co., Ltd.—China

tral . Building

Che San & Co.—56, Des Yceux Road Thoresen & Co.—Queen’s Building

Central Tung Hing—32, Cochrane Street

Chee Hing—51, Des Vceux Road Cen- Wicking & Co., Harry—Prince’s


Cooper & Son—132, Wellington Street Building

Commercial Press—36, Queen’s Road Macao


Der A. Wing & Co.—74, Queen’s Road Po Man Lau—2, Largo-do S. Domin-

Economical Trading Co. — P.O. Box gos


Fuji Paper Co., Ltd.—China Bldg. Shanghai

Hongkong American Trading Co.i—

China Building

Huygen, C. E.—French Bank Bldg. American Paper Exports, Inc.—24,

Yuen Ming Yuen Road



Andersen, Meyer & Co. ^4, Yuen Schuster, E.—Hamilton House

Ming Yuen Road- Shanghai Press, Ltd.—33A, Haskell

Arnhold & Co., Ltd.—1, Nanking Rd. Road

Ault & Wiborg Chika Co.—157, Can- Sheh Trading Co.—100, Peking Road

ton Road

Bunshiet Co., Ltd.—131, Kiangse Rd. Spicers


(Export), Ltd.—1, Nanking

China Fibre Container Co.—5, Hai- iSun Hing Printing Co.—G228, Tieu-

chow Road dong Road

China Paper Co.—24, Yuen Ming Sun Run Paper ' Co.—64, Kiukiang

Yuen Road Road

China Printing Supply Co. —110, Synnerberg, G. V.—218, Kiangse Road

Ohaotung Road Telge & S CHROETSjRr—212, ISzechuen

Clive (feSUo.—113, :Kiukiang Road Road

Commercial Press, Ltd.—501, Pao- Thoee,sen & Co., O.—110, Szechuen

shan Road Road

Cosmos Paper Co.—Hamiltoii House Tien Chang Paper Mill Co.—Con-

'Daido Yoshiten, Ltd.—105, Kiangse tinental Building

Road ViCAJEE & Co., Ltd., F.—132, Kiangse

Dixon &

kong Road Co., Ltd., H.C.—3, Hong- Road

Eickhoff & Co.—451, Kiangse Road Wah Road

Suing Paper Co.—110, Minghong

E wards, . Einar—114, Kiangse Road Yah Chen & Co.—1715, Nanking Road

Frost, Bland & Co.—6, ' Szechuen


Fukui Yokd—4®, Szechuen Road Swatow

Gallop, H.B.—185, Yuen Ming Yuen

Road Bradley & Co.—P.O. Box 76

Gallop & Co., Fed. I-nc.—320, Szechuen Dunfold & Co.

Road iShauter, Dayland & Co-—P.O. Box 3

Glanzmann, Fco.—38, Canton Road

Hoehnke, F.—220, Szechuen Road

Pro Co., Ltd., G.—130, Kiangse Road Tientsin

Jacobi & Co., Ltd., J.—15, Museum

Road Andersen, Meyer & Co.—96, Rue de

Legge & Co., G.E.—^20, Museum Road Takou

May Sun & Co.—>500, Honan Road Arnhold & Co.—10, Taku Road

Mitsubishi Shoji Kaisha—9, Canton Caxton Press—Ching Yun Li


Molnar & Greiner—330, iSzechuen China Northern Corporation—47-55,

Rue de Paris


Ningpo Trading Co.—4, Tah Ming Victoria& Sons,



Ltd., Edward—137,

Lee, Rue Petit

Oji Paper Co., Ltd.—123, Canton Rd. Fobes Co., &LtdCo.,—49,E.—52,

Taku Road

Oriental Press, The—113, Avenue Gipperich

John’s Import and

Taku Road

Export Co.—272,

Edward VII Taku Road

Ouskouli, M.H.A.—451, Kiangse Rd. Perrin Cooper & Co.—73, Consular

Reuter, Brockelmann & Co. — 452, Road

Kiangse Road Reuter, Brockelmann & Co.—29, Con-

San Tai Paper Co.—131, Ningpo Road sular Road




Bangkok Manila

Barrow, Brown & Co., Ltd.—Tapan Calfe Bazan (Far East) Co.—28,

Ault & Wiborg

Hua Takay Babcock & Co., Inc., W. R.—El Hogar


Go Jocco & Co.—584, Alvarado

MALAYA Gomba & Hermosura—541, Sales

Hall Whipple & Co., Inc.—2006.

Penang Azcarraga

Heilbronn Co., J. P., Inc.—233, Calle

iDavid, Binondc

Criterion Press Co., Ltd—Penang Manila Blue Printing Co.—Santa

Road Cruz Bridge

Philippine Education Co.—101, Es-

Perak colta

Commercial Press, Ltd.—15, Pang- PHARMACEUTICAL FACTORIES

(See Page B28)

liina Street, Ipoh




Canton Press—6-8, Market Street,

Kuala Lumpur Kobe

Negri Sembilan Akakabe Shoten — 133, Motomachi-



Commercial Press, Ltd.—125, Birch nomiya-cho iShashin Shokai—173, San-

Road, Seremban Futaba Shashin Shokai—42, Nishi-


Singapore Honjo Shokai—61, Motomachi-dori

Yaesu Shasinki-ten—187, Motomachi-

De Souza Bros.—18, High Street dori

Dickinson & Co., Ltd., John—Dun- miya-choYoshi Shoten—34, Sanno-


lop House, Robinson Road'

Khai Mun & Co.—62, South Bridge Kyoto


Koh Yew Heang Eng Kee Press—18, Asahi-do—Nishino-toin

North Bridge Road

Lendrum, Ltd.—c/o Borneo Co., Ltd. Horio Kataro—Sanjo Sagaru

Motiwalla & Co., E. J.—6 & 8, Nagano Kawakita Shokai—Kawabata Higashi

d’Almeida Street Hiranosuke—Ayakoji Sagaru

Smith, Bell & Co.—Hong Kong and Okita YuiCHi—Tera-machi

Shanghai Bank Building Okamura Riichi—Sanjosagaru

Spicers (Export), Ltd.—P.O. Box 572 Tomoda ToMoincHi—Tera-machi



Osaka Hongkong

Agfa Gomei Kaisha—17, Kitahama A. Sek & Co—26a, Des Voeux Road C.

Asanuma iShokai—8, Nagaboribashi Eastman Kodak Co.—67, Des Voeux

Road Central

Goshi Kaisha, S.K.—5, Nishurifune- Hall

cho Law Co.—14, Pottinger Street

Kawara Shashikiten — 60, Kawara- Long Hing & Co.—17a, Queen’s Road


machi Mayen & Co.—37, Queen’s Road C.

Minsen Shokai—90, Kitahama Schmidt & Co.—Gloucester Building

Uyeda Teijiro—43, Andoj ibashi

Tsubameya—29, Daiku-machi Macao

Agfa. Gomei 'Kaisha—P.O. Box 41


Po Man Lau—2, Largo db, S. Domin-


Tokyo Thomson Loo & Co.—1a, Rua Central

Agfa Gomei Kaisha—10, Marunouchi Peiping

Sangokct Boeki K.K.—8, YumLcho

Zeiss, Carl (Kabushiki Kaisha)—Yu- Camera Craft—t2, Morrison Street

sen Building, Marunouchi Deutsche Farben Waibel & Co.—21,

Gan Mien Hutung

CHINA Hartung’s Photo Shop—3, East Gate

of Legation Street

Amoy Shanghai

Amoy Pharmacy China Sports—214a, Szechuen Road

Chiyo Yoko—80, Nanking Road

Dairen Hall Law & Co., Ltd.—w.w.28, Mu-

seum Road

Hashiztjme Yoko—64, Oyama^dori Ilford Ltd.—153, Canton

Kashimura Yoko K.K.-^54, Ise-cho Kodak & Co., Eastman—189, Yuen

Kimura Yoko—35, Nishi-dori Ming Yuen Road

Mori Yoko—Ginza^-dori Scherings, Ltd.—19, Yuen Ming Yuen


Sano Yoko G.K.—35, Oyama-dori Squires, Bingham, Ltd.—52, Nanking.

Seikosha—145, Shinano-cho Road

Burr Photo Co.—9, Broadway

Hankow Watson & Co., Ltd., A. S.—25, Nan-

king Road

Bechler, E.—Corner of Hunan and Tientsin

Cooperation Roads

Deutsche Farben, H. G. Waibel & Co. Express Photo Service—15, Woodrow

—S.A.D. No. I Wilson Street

Hankow Dispensary, Ltd. — Corner “Kodak” Shop—111, Victoria Road

Rue du Hanoi and Rue Dubail Yamamoto Art Photo Studio—134,.

Zenith Studio Victoria Road




Page B28)

' i

Hanson Photo Studio—las, Chung j PLUMBING AND HEATING

Shan Road

Mikawa Photo Studio.—6, Kwan Tao JAPAN



Singapore Nippon Suido Eisei Koji K.K.—60,


Eastern Fine Arts Association— CHINA

Meyer Chambers

Ebata & Co.—33, Coleman Street Hankow

Ezekiel & So'.sj E. S.—3, Capitol


Kodak, Ltd.—130, Robinson Road Mei Loong & Co.—Opposite Y.M.C.A.,

Lee & Co., C. M.—39, High Street S.A.D-

1-iM K upon IIkno — 245-7, Orchard Hongkong


Malaya. Photo Supply Co. — 387, Lee Yu Kee—37, Des Ypeux Rd. C.

Malaya Street Warren & Co., Ltd., C. E.—China

Maynard & Co.—11, Battery Road Building

Singapore Photq.Co.—39, High Street

Wah Heng & Co., Ltd.-95 North Peiping

Bridge, Road

China Radiator .Co.^3Ilr. Chao Yang


Engineering PpaitItc#:, Ltd. — 11,

Fang Chih Hutung •


Botica Boie—95, Escolta

Camera Supply Co—138 EscoRa Chibunovsky & Co.—133, Yuen Ming

DenniSton, Inc.—126, Escolta. Bin- New Yuen Road

on do Shanghai Heating and Plumb-

ing Co.—179-S.S. 12, Connaught Rd.

Kodak Philippines, Ltd.—434, Das- Plumbing

marinas Supply Co.—1206, Bubbling

Well Road , :•

Landahl, Inc., J.—979, M. de la In-


Philippine Photo Service—968, Juan

Lupa Manila

Photo Finishing Corpn.—114, Escolta

Roces y CiAt—129, Plaza Goiti Casupanan Bros.—243, Blu,mentrid

Sun Photo Supply—Crystal Arcade, Insular Plumbing ' Co.—728 73^1. Calle

Escolta ': ' Zacateros



Jones, J. W.—312, Misericordia Yamada Mark Shokai—257, Kotono-

Manila Plumbing & Metal Works— ■ cho

15, P. Casal Yokoyama Shigeru—1-24, Moto-maehi

National Sanitary Service Ob.—71V,

Misericordia Kyoto

Perfection Stove Co., Clevelan Ohio

—20, Plaza Moraga

Rivera’s Plumbing. Service—676, Juan Endo: Tokujiro—Yanagibabu-higashi

Fujimura ,Gomei Kaisha—Jofukuji-

Luna nishi-sagaru

United Plumbing Co., In’c.—«66-676, Ishida Shigeo—Karasumaru-uishi

Juan Luna, San Nicolas

United Plumbing Co.—666, Juan Luna Kavvakatsu Shizuburu—Demisu-agaru

Universal Plumbing Company—1333, Oda Yoshinosuke—Sanjo-sagaru

O’Donnell Senoo Tamio—Yojo agaru

Uchida Tomi—Gojo-agaru

POWER PLANTS {See Page B29—41) Yoshimura Kanematsu—Yojo-sagaru


JAPAN Fukuoko Insatsu K.K.—Shimo-Naji-


Kobe Hakata-do—40, Furumontotcho

Shqava Insatsu G.K.—354, Haruyoshi-

Ohugai Insatsu ILK.—2/6, Aziima- cho

dori Yamada Jumichiro—25, Furokuji-cho

j Hanshin Insatsu-sho—119, Hachiman-

j, dori

I Ichikawa Gomei Insatsu-s^o — .147, Moji


Japan Ohronicle Press—65, Naniwa- Arima Ins^tsusho G.K.—3, Dairi

machi Minami Sakae-machi

I Japan Monthly Publishing Co.—20. Taiyo Insatsu K.K.—Takawa-maehi

TTarimamachi To-yo Seiha-n K.K.—Naniwa-cho

Kukumaru Printing Office — 25.


Kobe Tsukumo-do—11, KaiganMori Nagasaki

Kobe & Osaka Press—2, Kaigari-doii

Kodama Ohbun Kappan-sho—229, Mo- Hakuyei-sha—1, Enotsu-machi

t' tomachi-dori Harada Shin-ichiro—10, iDozaniachi

K Meibun-do—11, Sauiioiniya-cho Jusei-sha K.K.—1, Motohakata-cho

I Mitsumura Insatsu K.K.—4, Isogami-

dori Nagoya

H Naigai Insatsu K.K.—1-33, Kusuno-

il, ki-cho

Okabe Insatsu Jimusho—36, Sakae- Chiyoda Insatsu—Oitmatsu-cho, Ni-

machi shi-ku

|| Sanko-sha—349, Shimosawa-cho Chukyo Printing - Co,-Takehira-cho

i, Shubun-sha, K.K.—119, Aioicho Nagoya Printing Co.—Minami Hisa-

Tanaka Insitsu K.K. — 102, Yedo- ya-qho

inaehi Ryuyosha, Ltd.—Matsugae elm



Osaka Chugai Insatsu Kaisha—25, Nishifu-


Aida Insatsu—8, Sumiyoshi-cho Ichiban-kan Printing Office—3, Ima-

gawakoji, Kanda-ku

Araki Sanjiro—42, Okumi-cho Isshiki Printing Co.—3, Yuraku-cho-

Chug Insatsu Goshi Kaisha—9, Higa- Kojima Insatsu K.K.—Marunouchr

Building, Marunouchi


Hamada Isatsu-sho—1, Andojibashi Kyodo Insatsu K.K.—Hisakatacho,

Hashimoto Rettel Insatsu-sho—2, Maruzen Hoishikawa-ku

Shin-macfai & Co. —6, Nihonbashi-ku-

Isemato Kasaburo—4, Bakuro-machi Nitto Tori-2-cbome

'Kobe Insatsu-sho—1-20, Takatsu, Mi- Hongo-ku K.K.—36, Masago-cho,



Kojima Insatsu K.K.—45, Mabuchi- Ohye Printing Co.—-81, KogaT-cho

Shuyei-sha, Ltd.—12, lohigayakaga-

cho cho

Mikado Insatsu Goshi Kaisha—12, Tokyo Insatsu K.K.—JKogo Ginko*

W asen-cho Building, Marunouchi

Morikawa Insatsu-sho—34, IJmeda- Tokyo Kokubun-sha—16, Sojurocho,

cho Kyobashi-ku

Nakada Insatsu-sho—55,

Minami-ku Andojibashi, Tokyo Printing Co.—Kogiyo Ginko

Nippon Insatsu Seihon K.K.—2, Awa- Tokyo kijj

Tsukiji Type Foundry—Tsu-


za Niban-cho

Nitto Printing Co.—445, Nakamachi Toyo Insatsu K.K.—2, Atago-cho

Osaka Insatsu K.K.—31, Wasen-cho

Rusia Insatsu-sho—17, Nishi Umeda- Yokohama


8 aw ada Yozo Insatsu Ko-sho—37, Bunju-do Printing Office—46, Yedo*

Minami Honcho mura

&hoeido Printing Co.—5613, Tsuru- Kanbe Insatsusho—35, Mandai-cho

hashi Ohkawa Insatsusho—54, Ohta-machi

Seihan Insatsu K.K.—23, Ebie-cho Onoe Insatsusho—31, Aioi-cho

Takehide Shoten—1, Andojibashi, Mi- Taihei Insatsusho—851, (Nishibobe-cho'


Umeda Insatsu-sho—86, Kamifuku- Taiyosha chd Insatsusho—35, Matsugake-


Wakimoto Shokichi—2,330, Shimidzu- O’Dell’s


Service Bureau—66, Yama-

dani Nishino-cho

Yabunchi Insatsu-sho—Andojibasbi-

dori KOREA

Yamashita Gisaburo—92, Umegae-cho

¥ ohana-do Insatsu-sho—143, Moto- Chikazawa iShoten—76, Hasegawa-cho,

macfai Seoul

Yoshida Insatsu-sho—11, Oimatsu-cho Chosen Insatsc K.K.—62, Hoiai-chor


Tokyo Christian Literature Society—Seoul

Matsumoto Insatsusho G.K.—49, Mi-

Advertiser Publishing & Printing Tanioka zushita-cho, Seoul

Co.—2, Ginza Shoten G.K.—131, Hon-cho



CHINA China Mail—3a, Wyndham Street

China Printing Press Co., The—29,

Ghefoo Stanley Street

China Tribune—39, Wyndham Street


Rung Dah Printing Press Road Central

Connaught Printing P ress,—1a,

Stanley Street

Dairen Der A Wing, Ltd.—74, Queen’s Road


Dairen Press & Co.—Taiseikan Empire Printing Press—50, Welling-

ton Street

Bldg., Isemachi

Ichibankan—52, Shikishima-cho Far Eastern Grocers’ Advocate—

Bank of Canton Building

Manchuria Daily News—7, Awajo-cho Hongkong

Matsuura Insatsusho—34, Yoshino-cho House Street Daily Press, Ltd.—11, Ice

Toa Insatsu K.K.—91, Omi-cho Hongkong Telegraph—1, Wyndham


Hankow Hong Kong Printing Press, Ltd.

(Lithographers)—Kaiming Bldg.

Central China Post—Hunan Road Hong Kong Publishing Bureau—

Commercial Press, Ltd.—6, Chung ! KaeAsiaShean

Life Building (2nd floor)

Co—59a, Queen’s Road C*

Shan Road

Dah Hing Printing Office—Hau Kelly & Walsh, Ltd.—York Building

Hwa Lou, Chiao Tung Road Leb’s—10, Queen’s* Road Central

Hankow Printing Office—7, Sankiao | Liang You Co.—70, Queen’s Road C.


Religious Tract Society Press—40, Local Printing Press, Ltd — 9a,

Duddell Street

Poyang Road

Taising Printing Office—7, Liangyi I Millington, Ltd.—5, Queen’s Rd. C.

Rational Publishers, Ltd.—8, Des

Street Voeux Road C.

Harbin Newspaper Enterprise, Ltd.—3a,

Wyndham Street


Harbin Commercial Post—10, Malaya South China & Co.—18, Ice House Street

Skvoznaya Morning Post, Ltd.—1,


Harbin Daily News—14, Bulvarny Victoria Printing Street

Prospect Press—National

Harbin Herald Bank Building


Harbin Observer—10, Malaya Skvoz- Lok StreetFat Printing Co.—149, Wing

naya Ye Olde Printerie, Ltd. — China

Harbin Zaria—1. Skvoznaya Street

Simpson’s Agencies—% Konnaya St. Building



Der A Wing & Co.—18, Avenida

Central Printing Office—23, D’Agui- Almeida Ribeiro

lar Street Typographia Mercantil de N. T.

Che San & Co.—58, Des Voeux Road Fernandes Filhos, (Ltd.—26. Rua

Central Central



Nanking Lee Hing Printing ' Co.—A130, Sze-

chuen Road

Educational Bookstore—'Chung Shan Liang You Printing and Publishing

Co.—851, North Szechuen Road

Road Ling Sang Printing Ink Ltd., The

—38 Chefoo Road ■ >

Peiping Macmillan-Go. of New York, The—

20, Museum Roadi .

Bureau of Engraving & Printing— May Sun & Co.—5Q0, Honan Road

1. Pai Chih Fang , Mercantile , Printing ,>Co—-25£,. Wri

French Bookstore—Grahd Hots!' de haiwei Road idofiim:".! ..ghLI

Pekin Nee Swing PBtNltNG.-Co.~-5o0,.:Tieii-

Peiyang Piiftss—3, Legal Jon S+reiit dlpng Road., rl]Mj ;,rJ

.•Npbth China DaiiLy,News &, Herald,

Shanghai Ltd.—17, The. Bund . . . .

Oriental Press, The—668, Szechuen


A.B.C. Press—305, Kiukiang Road Oxford UnivSMfy 'Press—44, Pek-

Ah, tSing—56L . Boone Rft^;; ing Road

Andreeff, D.—679, Avenue Joffre Phoenix : Pb'ess, The—131, Museum

■ Road

Anglo-French Press—41-43, Avenue Sator, A.—20, ' v ■ 1

Edward VII. . , Museum Road

Ashizawa Printing, CP-—14, Haining Shanghai'EvEkn^Gt'Rost

—17, Avenue

and MERCuky

Edward VII.


Brewer, H. E.—.303, Kiangae Road Shanghai Mainichi Shimbun — 77,

Bumpo Yoko—115, Chapoo Road Woosung Road

Central Printing Go).—E307> Woo- Road Shanghai Press, Ltd.—£3a, Haskell

chang Road

China News Co.—139, Szeohuen Road. ' Shanghai


Times—38," Avenue Edward

China Press, Inc.—14, Kiukiang Shanghai Zaria^SL- Avenue Joffre

Road Shun Lee & Co.—40, Canton Road

China Printers’ Association, Ltd.- Signs of the Times . Publishing

220, Szechuen Road House—515, Ningkuo Road

Comacrib Press, The—18a, Aljuseum Stovo Publishing- Co.---238, Avenue


Commercial & Credit Information du Roi Albert

Bureau—P.O. Box 1022 Standard Press—522, Avenue Joffre

Commercial Press, Ltd.—211, Honan Sun Htng Printing Co.—G'2^, 'Tien-

Road dbng Road

Dong Woo Printing Co.—12, Miller Tai Suing Printing Co.—44," North

Road Soochow Road

E-Shing & Co.—152, Szechuen Road Tien Yieh Printing Co-operation—

Evans & Sons, Ltd., Edward—1", 87, Baikal Road

Kiukiang Road Union Printing Co.—A261, Szechuen

Isida Associations—216, Szechuen Rd. Road

Kelly & Walsh, Ltd.—22, Nanking Union Printing and Service Agency

—101, Boundary Road


Kwang Hsueh Publishing House— Wah Road

Yang Printing Co.—824, Miller

140, Peking Road



West Hwa Abts Co., Ltd.—380, Foo- MALAYA

chow Road

Willow Pattern Press—108, Nanking Malacca


Yik Shing—426, Kiangse Road Malacca Commercial Press—3, Second

Yoe Tah Co.—4, Pakhoi Road Cross Street

Ziang Kee Book Co.—223, Szechuen Malacca Guardian, Ltd.—5, First

Cross Street


Zikawei Press— Negri Sembilan

Tientsin Commercial Press—125, Birch Road,


Bureau of Engraving and Printing Grenier & Son, Ltd., Charles—69,

—1, Pai Chih Fang Birch Road, Seremban

Canton Press—Council Road Penang

Chihli Press, Ino.—25, Rue St. Louis

E Tai—131, Rue de Baron Gros Criterion Press Co.—ID, Penang

Evans & Sons, Ltd., Edward—137, Road

Victoria Road Ganesh Printing Works—99, Penang

Lien Chang & Co.—116, Rue Dillon Street

North China Advertising Co.— 115, Kwong Wah Yit Poh Press, Ltd.—

Rue de Chaylard 16 and 18, Malay Street

North China Daily Mail—19, Rue de Penang Gazette Press, Ltd.—1a,

France Penang Road

Peiyang Press—10, Wusih Road Penang Premier Press—34, Beach St.

Serebrennikoff & Co.—16, Council Perak


Social Welfare—Via Tripoli Caxton Press, Ltd.—130, Belfield

Tientsin Press, Ltd.—181, Victoria Street, I poh

Road Commercial Press —15, Panglima

Street, I poh

Tsingtao Federal Rubber Stamp Co.—35, Sta-

tion Road, Ipoh

E-'Kin Sr. Co.—44, Weihsien Road Grenier & Co., Ltd., Thomas—37,

Fu Chang Printing Co.—57, Wei- Station Road, I poll

hsien Road Times of Malaya Press, Ltd.—Old

Court House Road, Ipoh

Tsingtao Times—1, Hsin Tai Road



Art Printing Works—80, Ampang^

Bangkok Road, Kuala. Lumpur

Chong & Co., Peter—20, Old Market

Bangkok Times Press, Ltd. Street, Kuala Lumpur

Siam Free Press Co. Caxton Press—20, Station Street,

Klang and 6 & 8, Market Street,

Stationers Hall—244, Oriental Ave. Kuala Lumpur




-Commercial Press—17, High Street, Phu Road

Yik Press—240, South Bridge

Kuala Lumpur

Federal Rubber Stamp Co.—3, Rodger Printers, Ltd.—10, Col Iyer Quay

Street, Kuala Lumpur Straits Times Press—French Bank

•Grenier & Son, Ltd.—27, Old Market Buildings, Raffle® Place

Street, Kuala Lumpur

Khee Meng Press—234, High Street, NETHERLANDS-INDIA

Kualai Lumpur

Kvle Palmer & Co., Ltd.—235, Batu Batavia

Boad, Kuala Lumpur

Malayan Daily Express, Ltd.—375, Nederlandsch-Indische Drukkers en


Yik Khuan Press Co., Ltd. —127,

Petaling Street, Kuala Lumpur Padang

Singapore Fa. Drukkerij “ Sumatra Bode en

Tjaja Soematra ”

Anglo-Asiatic Press — 730, North Sumatra

Bridge Road

Asoka Printing Works—152, Selegie Varekamp & Co.—Medan


Chong & Co., Peter—7, Robinson Rd. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS

Commercial Press, Ltd.—172, South

Bridge Road Manila

De Sodza Brothfrs—IS, High Road


Federal Rubber Stamp Co.—32, Raffles Cruz Press—801, iSoler, Santa

Place 1

Jitts & Co., Ltd.—96, Robinson Road Carmelo & Bauermann, Unc.—2057,


Kelly & Walsh, Ltd.—32, Raffles Place Corcuera

Khai Mun & Co.—62, South Bridge Rizal Printing Press—1048, Ave.


Kiat & Co., Ltd.—G. H.—15, Collyer Cosmos Printing Co.—309, Bustos.

Santa Cruz

Quay Dungka Printing Press—1728, Azcar-

Koh Yew Hean> Eng Kee Press—18, raga

North Bridge Road Dia Filipino—931, R. Hildago

Lithographers, Ltd. — 20, Raffles Eastern Press—2141, Azcarraga


London and Eastern Printing Co., Economic Press—501, Arlegui

Filipino Printing Press—1129, Ave.

Ltd.—11, Reppel Road Rizal

Malaya Publishing House—Stamford Frank & Co.—101, Escolta


Malaya Tribune Press, Ltd.—56/60, ran Printing Press—2927, Her-


Anson Road Ideal Press—1925, Juan Luna

Motiwalla & Co.—2, Raffles Place

Nanyang iSiang Pau Press, Ltd.—974, Kriedt Printing Co.—P.O. Box 853

McCullough Printing Co.—110, Ee-

North Bridge Road coita

Nanyo Printing Oefice—77, Middle Manila Grafica, Inc.—P.O. Box 1850




Manila Press—440, Nueva Matsukiya Shottn—733, Sengen-cho

Nam Shing & Oo.—327, El Dorado Strome & Co.—35, Yamashita-cho

Oriental Printing—610, Ave. Rizal Takasawa Shoten—37, Onoe-cho

Philippine Edccation Co. —101-103,

Escolta KOREA

Philippine Publishing House—239,

Juan Luna Tanaka & Co.—Fusan

Romar Publishing Company—309,

Masonic Temple CHINA

Tong King Press—424, Florentine

Torres Chefoo


China Manufacturers (Chefoo)


Page B43)

PRODUCE MERCHANTS Iwaki Shokai G.K.—177, Yamagata-


JAPAN Katsuma Shoten—46, Higashikoen-cho

Mitsubishi Shoji Kaisha—165, Yama-


Kobe Nisshin Seiyu K.K.—3, Takara^cho

Uriya jShoten—137, Yamagata-cho

Bastel & Co., W.—38, Isobe-dori Yamanishi Shoten—Shinano-cho

Curnow & Co, Ltd., J.—P.O. Box

1050 (Sann.) Hankow

Cox & Hirao—112, Higashi-machi

Standard Braid and Produce Co. of Asiatic Trading Corpn., Ltd.—7f

Japan—11, Tsogami-dori Lanling Road

Bahnson & Co., F. W.—14, Faucheongr

Osaka Road

A all & Co., Ltd.—f, Koraibashi Harbin

Shimonoseki Produce Export Co. (Harbin), Ltd-

—8, Post Street

Biwa Shigetaro—Nishinohashi-cho Hongkong

Hattori Shoten—Nishinabe-cho

Minato Bunpei—Higashinabe-cho Alves & Co., Ltd., J. M.—1a, Chater

Ohtani Shoten—Uyeda Naka-machi Road

Chinese Produce Shippers—China

Yokohama Building

Henry Sales Co.—China Building

Kelley & Co., Ltd.—9, Queen’s Rd. C.

Aizawa Wasuke Shoten—12, Noge-cho Leeson & Co., D.—27, Connaught

Eastern Trading Co.—1, Kaigan-dori Road Central

Fukushima-Shoten—106, Oioicho Sassoon & Co., Ltd., David—8a, De®

Xasakawa Shoten—42, Hogoromo Voeux Road Central




Shanghai I'NDO-CHINA

Arnhold & Oo., Ltd.—1, Nanking Rd. Saigon

•China Merchants Pongee Association David & Co., Ltd., A. B.—43/45, Rue

36, Jinkee Road Chaigneau

■China Produce Sales Co.—39a, Can- SOCIETE INDOCHINOISE DE COMMERCE,

ton Road Ltd.—23, bis, Rue Georges Guyne-

Geddes Trading & Dairy Farm Co., mer

LtD;—8d, Yuen Ming Yuen Road

Gil-Pereira, J. L.—6, Kiukiang Road SIAM

Henningsen Produce Co.—1512, West Bangkok

Sawgin. Road

Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.—27, Anglo-Siam Corporation-

The Bund

Knipschtldt & Eskelund — 56, Sze- Barrow Brown & Go., Ltd.—Tapan.

Hua Takay

chuen Road

Liddell Bros. & Co., Ltd.—4, Peking East Asiatic Co., Ltd.—F.M.S. Rail-

way Building

Road McAlister & Co., Ltd.—19, Beach St.

Marthoud & Cie—5, Foochow Road

Peters & Co., H.K.—6, Kiukiang Rd. Sime, Darby & Co.—21, Beach Street

Reuter, Brockelmann & Co. — 452, MALAYA

Kiangse Road

Theodor & Rawlins—157, Peking Rd.

Trans-Ocean Hide &, Products Co.— Penang

19, Museum Road

Yolk art Bros.’ Agency — 4, Avenue ways Buildings Ltd.—F.M.S. Rail-

East Asiatic Oo.,

Edward VII

Hung Sew & Cb.—37, Victoria Road

Yannoulatos Bros. (China)—120, Jin- McAlister

kee Road & Oo., Ltd.—19, Beach St.

Sime Darby & Co.—21, Beach Street

Tientsin Selangor

Collins & Co., Ltd.—75, Consular Boustead & Co.^-1, The Embankment

Road Harrisons, Barker & Co.—Old Market

Twyford & Co., J.—113, Rue du Street

Chaylard Kinsey & Co.—P.O. Box 101

China Northern Corporation—47-55, Richards & Co., D.—Klang

Rue de Paris Shanmugam & Co., Ltd.—93, Fort

Standard Casing Co.—28, Sin Kai Street, Kuala Lumpur



Tsingtao Abdullah Sahib & Co.—66 & 68, Mar-

ket Street

North China Products Co.—7, Pu Adamson, Gilfillan & Co., Ltd.—

Hong Kong Bank Building

Hsi Road




Angullia & Co., M. >S. E.—4, Robin- NETHERLANDS INDIA

son Road

| Asiatic Universal Trading Co.—60, Batavia

The Arcade

Australian Primary Producers So- Arima & Co., Ltd.

ciety—H.K. Bank Chambers Borneo Co., Ltd., The

Ban Hoeat Hin—39, Felok Ayer St. Catz Java Trading Co., N.V.

Bombay Trading Co.—6, Cecil Street Holland-Batavia, Handel-Maatschap-

Borneo Sumatra Trading Co.—41, pij

Robinson Road Hall Trading Corporation, The

British East Indies Co.—Hongkong Internationale Crediet-en Handels

Bank Chambers Vereeniging “ Rotterdam ”

I ‘Colonial Trading Co.—9> D’Almeida Jacobsen van den Berg & Co.


Dreyfus Co., Ltd.—154, Cecil Street Konloniale


Handel Maatsohafpij

I East Asiatic Co., Ltd.—3, Raffles Kian Gwan, N.V. Handel Maatschap-

| Quay pij

f Henly Trading Co.—33, Phillip St. Konloniale Handel Maatschappij


Rian Gwan (Malaya), Ltd.—22, Teluh Maintz’

■f Ayer Street Productenhandel, N.V.

Kiat & Co., T. G.—110, Race Course Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd.

Road Mirandolle, Voute & Co.

Lianqui Trading Co.—64, Robinson Ockerse, F. W. A. — Binnen Nieuw-

poortstraat 34


Malayan Commercial Agency-— 60, Peet & Co., John

i The Arcade Pryce & Co., John

| Marine Resources, Ltd.—64, Market Rouwenhorst Mulder & Co.

Street Ross Taylor & CO.

Martin & Co., W. M.—34. Winchester Wellenstein Krause & Co.

j; House

f McAlister & Co., Ltd. — Gresham Padang

» House

t Millar & Co., Ltd.—18, Battery Road Internationale Crediel-en Handels

Mohammed Kassim & Co., R. E. Vereeniging “ Rotterdam ”

\ —12/13, Boat Quay Levison, H.

\ Nanayakara, M. W. J.—D12-a, Union Maatschappij t.v.d.z. van Houten

Building Steffan & Co.

V Paterson, Simons & Co., Ltd.—Prince Maatschappij


voor Handel en Indus-

’j Street

| Sime, Darby & Co.—5, Malacca St. N.V. Schneewind, P.

{ Straits Mercantile Agency—39, Teluk MaatschappijGebroeders Veth’s Handel

| Ayer Street

-Sulbina & Co.—28, Chulia Street Macassar

Toin Trading Co., The—60, Waterloo


'Travers & Sons, Ltd.—Chartered Catz Java Trading Co., N.V.

Bank Chambers Maintz’ Productenhandel, N.V.



Mandbrs Seemann & Co.’s Handel Java Sumatra Handel Maatschappij,

Maatschappij, N.Y. N.Y.

Michael Stephens & Co., Ltd. Joakim & Co., N.V. Handel Maats-

Mirandolle Voute & Co. chappij

Mohrmann & Co., J., Handelsve- Kian pij

Gwan, N.V. Handel Maatschap-

REENIGING Kwik Hoo Tong Handel Maatschap-

Oei Seeuwen & Co. pij, N.V.

Reiss & Co., Hanelsvereeniging voor Maintz’ Produotenhandel, N.V.

HEEN Mitsui Bussan Raiska, Ltd.

Schmid & Jeandel, Compagnie Com- Mirandolle Voute & Co.


Reiss & Co., Handelsvereeniging


Remedios Bros. — 24, Pasar Besar


Arima & Co., Ltd., H. Ross Taylor & Co.

Crone, H. G. Th.

Internationale C'rediet-en Handel PHILIPPINE ISLANDS

Vereeniging “ Rotterdam ”

Jacobsen van den Berg & Co.

Rian Gwan, N.Y. Handel Maatschap- .Cebu


McNeill & Co. Stevenson & Co., Inc., W. F.—P.O.

Maintz’ Productenhandel, N.V. Box 133

Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd.

Mirandolle Youte & Co. Manila

Reiss & Co., Handelsvereeniging

VOORHEEN “Ralakal Bayan”—757, Sto. Cristo

Rouwenhortst Mulder & Co. Mianila Dairy Products—132, Aviles

Ross Taylor & Co. National Products Merchants Cor-

poration—Palanca Building

Sourabaya Novaliches Dairy Farm —129, Bus-


“ Amsterdam,” Handelsvbreeniging Russell & Co.—P.O. Box 982

Anemaet & Co. Santa Mesa Dairy Farm—902, Corde-


Arima & Co., Ltd., H. Warner, Barnes & Co., Ltd.—P.O.

Borneo Sumatra Handel Maatsohappij Box 294

Burns Philp & Co., Ltd.

Commissie-en Agentuur Maatschappij BORNEO

“ Soerabaia ” N.V.

East Asiatic Co., Ltd., The Guan Moh—70, Beach Street, Lafouan

Egar & Co.'s Handel Maatschappij, Hiap Soon Hin—84, Ewe Hai Street,.

Ltd. Rudhing, Sarawak

Fraser, Eaton & Co. Rong Chong—Labuan.

Internationale Credieten Handels Sime, Darby & Co., Ltd. — 3, Main

Vereeniging “ Rotterdam ” Bazaar, Ruching, Sarawak

Jacobson van den Berg & Co. Sin Hup Heng Co.—69, Beach Street



PROVISION MERCHANTS Ikekame Shoten K.K.—iSakae-machi

Meida-ya, K.K.—Nishi Hon-machi

JAPAN Yamashiro-ya, 'G'.K.—Nishi Horikawa-


Kobe Nagasaki

Aeabiya Coffee Shokai—364, Nakaya- Asada Hirotaro—36, Moto Furakawa


Caudrelier, L.—1, Kitanagasa-d'ori Curnow & Co.—24a, Sagarimatsu

Curnow &: Co., Ltd., J.—P.O. Box Ikeda Tokuo—10, Hiro Baba-machi

1050 (Sann.) Takaba Bunpei—Onoue-oho

Dick, Bruhn & Co.—97, Sannomiya- Takeshita Isaburo—2, Yedo-machi


Fujya Shoten—19, Motomachi-dori Nagoya

Funai Shoten—35, Moto-machi

Hinomaru Shoten—32, Sannomiya-oho

Konishi Shoten K.K.—113, Moto- Nagoya Seiame Co.—2, Maruyama

machi Nakamura Shoten—Nishi Miwajima-

Minoya Shoten—437, Moto-machi eho

Nishimura Shokuryohin K.K.—26, Umezawa Shoten—4, Tomizawa-cho


Oliver, Evans & Co.—30, Nakamachi Shimonoseki

Yoshikawa Shoten—98, Moto-machi-


Amayasu iShoten—Akama-cho

Osaka Shimada Sadakichi—Nishinabe-cho

Asada Shoten—460, Moto-macihi Tokyo

Eastern Trading Co.—l, Tokiwa-cho

Emoto Shojiro—5-24, Sennencho, Mi- Arai Chojiro Shoten—69, Hayashicho

nami-ku Fujii Chojiro Shoten—15, Hongoku-

Harihan Suppon Shokuryohin-ten—1, cho

Nishi Nagaboari Minami-cho Henmi Sanyo-do—25, Otemmacho

Matsushita Sohten K.K.—16, Korai- Hokkai Bussan Kan—16, Ginza-dori

bashi, Higashi-ku

Meidi-ya, Ltd.—18, Minami, Honma- Kameya Shoten—14, Owari-cho

chi Kikuya Provision Store — Maru-

Nadaman Shokuryohin-ten—19, Kita-

hama, Higashi-ku nouchi Building

Nodaya—28, Kyobashi-cho Kokubu Shoten—4, Tori

Senjudo—6-42, Namba Shinichi, Nishi- Nikishima Shoten—4, Tame ike, Aka-

ku saka-ku

Shiratama Sato Shoten—9, Hongoku-cho

machi iSouze IK.K.—1461, Kawara- Seiyoken Co., Ltd.—32, Uneme-cho

Uchida Yutaro Shoten—16, Nakar-

Moji machi

Suzuki Shoten—12, Minamitemma-cho

Hirai Jensuke Shoten—Nishi Hon- Yasuda Brothers — 3, Sarugakucho,

machi Kanda-ku



Yokohama Hongkong

Chiyoda Shokai—179, Moto-machi A. Kwai & Co.—15, Connaught Road

Cubnow & Co.-—66, Main Street Central

Eastern Trading Co.—1, Tokiwacho AhCentral

Ying & Co.—22, Connaught Road

Gibbs & Co.—66, Yamashita-cho

Iwakami Shoten—25, Moto Hamadori Alexandra,


James & Co., Ltd.—China

Ohki Shoten—203, Motomachi Alves & Co., J. M.—1a, Chater Road

Suga'hara Yujiro Shoten—59, Tokiwa- Asia Co., The—9, Pottinger Street


Yamaguichi Shoten—37, Ohta-machi Banker & Co.—4, Queen’s Road C.

Yedosei Honten—192, Yamashita-cho Burgoyne, Burbidges & Co.—Ex-

Yoshibun Shoten—43, Ohta-machi change Building

Central Trading Co.—Bank of Canton

KOREA Building

Connell Brothers & Co.—David


Tanaka & Co.—Fusan Co-operative Food Sales (Far East)

Co.—Bank of Canton Building

CHINA Dairy Farm, Ice and Cold Storage

Co., Ltd.—Wyndham Street

Dairen Davie, Boag & Co., Ltd.—Queen’s.


Manchjria Commercial Corpn.— Economical Trading Co.—P.O. Box

Mitsubishi Yoko—24, Ise-machi 285

Taku & Co.—47, Oyama-dori Empress Store—54, Nathan Road

Exporters & Importers Co-operative

Co.—Bank of Canton Building

Foochow French Store—99, Queen’s Road C.

Sin Tai Kee— General Milk Co., Inc.—Alexandra


Hongkong American Trading Co.—

Hankow China Building

Hutchison & Co., John D.—King’s

Dah Daw & Co.—13, Taiping Road Building

France-Import, Ltd.—33, Rue Dau- Hung Cheong—66, Nathan Road

tremer Italian Store—34, Nathan Road, Kow-


Milk &Co.—P.O.


Box 51Condensed Lane,


Hankow New Store—11, Sankiao Building Crawford Ltd. — Exchange


Straits Trading Co.—Poyang Road Mansion& &Co.,Co.,W. W.—Bank

Loxley R.—York Building

of China

Thurier & Kohr—1, Sankiao Road Building

Yangtsze Store—Rue Dautremer Nestle & Anglo-Swiss Condensed

Milk Co.—Chung Tin Building

Harbin Patell & Co.—Prince’s Building

Shew an, Tomes & Co.—National Bank

Skoblin Co.—31, Konnaya Street Building



Thakurdas Jeramdas & Co.—29b, Dombey Road

& Co.—893, Bubbling Well

Wyndham Street

Wicking & Co., Harry—Prince’s Eddie & Co., C.—74, Broadway

Building Eickhoff & Co.—451, Kiangse Road

Yee Kee Hong—64, Connaught Road Eskelund & Co.—56, Szechuen Road

Central Fagan & Co., Ltd.—261, Kiangse Road

Foo How Kung & Co.—612, Nanking

Kiukiang Road

Gallop & Co., Fed., Inc.—320, Sze-

Duff & Co., J. L. chuen Road

Geddes Trading and Dairy Farm Co.

Peiping —8d, Yuen Ming Yuen Road

Gentai & Co.—K2269, Boone Road

E. Lee’s General Store—9, Hatamen Gillespie & Co.—32, Peking Road

Glanzmann, Fco.—38, Canton Road


Legation Stores—14, Morrison Street Road & Co.—1406, East Seward

Han Zung

Nicolas, G.—Legation Quarter

Shang Tai Ye & Co.—125, Hatamen Hsin Yuen Co.—10, Kiangse Road

Hsing Kong & Co.—97, Boone Road


Yang & Co., Ltd., I. C.—Tung Tan Lane,Road

Crawford & Co.—23, Nanking

P’ai Lou

Luen How & Co.—123, Broadway

Shanghai Metropolitan Supply Co.—402 Broad-

way East

Alam, L.—9, Muirhead Road Minarolo & Co., G.—36, Rue de Con-


American Asiatic Trading Co.—6, Nestle & Anglo-Swiss Condensed

Hongkong Road Milk Co.—19, Soochow Road

Bombay Provision Store—249, Kun- Rondon & Co., Ltd.—9, Avenue Ed-

ping Road ward VII.

Boy - Landry Etablissements — 708, Scandanavian Trading Co.—43, Boone

Avenue Joffre Road

Bracco & Co., C.—36, Rue du Con- Shainin & Co.—11, Chaofoong Road

sulat Shanghai General Store—15, Broad-

Busy Bee Co.—P.O. Box 721 way

California Bakery—102, Broadway Shanghai

Casa Do Povo—1284, North Szechuen Shing Kee'Supply Co.—24, Broadway

& Co.—17, Rue du Con

Road sulat

Cuing Wah & Co.—1324, North Sze- Shun Jei & Co.^—1455, Woosung Road

chuen, Road Sing Chong & Co.—20, Rue du Con-

Chun Lee—17, Siking Road sulat

Clerici, Bedoni & Co., S. A.—17, Sun Sun Co., Ltd.—570, Nanking Rd.

Museum Road Tai Foong Canned Goods Co.—255,

Compagnie Optorg—39, Avenue Ed- Nanking Road

ward VII.

Connell Brothers Co., Ltd.—3, Can- HankowImport



Syndicate, Ltd. — 3,

ton Road Van Shing & Co.—655, Avenue Joffre

Culty Dairy Co., Ltd.—989, Avenue Vassos & Co.—561, Avenue Joffre


Dodweif & Co., Ltd.—1, Canton Road Venturi, F.—430, Szechuen Road .



.Western Supply Co.—1621, Bubbling MALAYA

Well Road

Whitehead, R. J.—35, Jinkee Road Penang

Yuen Tak & Co.—113, Broadway

Yung Loong & Co.—136, Avenue Joffre Chong Kse & Co.—35, Beach Street

Zimmerman Co., W. I.—53, Szechuen Kim Seng & Co.—37b, Beach Street


Zung Kee & Co.—764, Bubbling Well Little & Co., John—Bishop Street

Pritchard & Co.—9, Union Street


Travers & Sons—19, Beach Street


Tai Sang & Co —20-22, Yong Ping Perak


Lathif Store—101, Main Street,.

Tientsin Batu Gajah

Pritchard & Co., Ltd.—Market St.^

Altamira & Co.—61, Rue du 14 Julliet Ipoh

American Food Products Co.—52, Taik Ho & Co.—80, Main Street, Tai-

Taku Road ping

Chu Hsing Cheng—Rue de Paris

Chung Yuen Co.—Asabi Road Negri Sembilan

Cornalba & Pezzini—14, Italian Bund

De Mao Heno—123, Rue de Takou Kwong Wing Chan, Chop—123, Birch

Dodwell & Co., Ltd. —19, Victoria LeeRoad,KeeSeremhan

& Co.—102, Birch Road,

Terrace Seremban

Franklin & Co.—17, Rue de Palacot

Kato & Co., S.—Asahi Road

Kwang Chi Shiang—109, Rue du Selangor

Baron Gros

Lee E.—38, Woodrow Wilson Street Ally & Co.—105, High Street, Kuala

Moyler, Powell & Co.—193, Victoria Lumpur

Road Little & Co., John—Ampang Street,.

Moyroux, V.—41, Rue de France Kuala Lumpur

Russian Economic Store—263, Council Sum's Agency—Kuala Lumpur


Shang Tai Ye & Co.—17, Bruoe Road Wong Kee—199, High Street, Kuala


Takeuchi & Co.—82, Rue de France

Tien Yu Shun & Co.—261, Victoria Singapore


Taylor & Co.—42, Taku Road Bee & Co., W. S.—1, Raffles Place

Tsz Hop Shing & Co.—116, Rue du Bun Bee & Co.—111, Beach Road

Baron Gros Clonet & Co., Ltd.—2, Raffles Quay

Vernaudon, E.—62, Rue de France

Vordoni & Co.—87, Rue de France Commercial


Agency Co.—45, Anson

Tsingtao Connell Bros.—117, Cecil Street

Crosse & Blackwell, Ltd.—5, Malacca.

Vitama Co., Ltd., The ^61, Feih- Street

sien Road Gwinnell, J. K.—Gresham House



High iStreet Provision Stores—61, Bombay


Provision Supply—832, Fol-

High Street

Hoon Seck Trading Oo.—1, Raffles California Grocery Co.—211, Echa-

Place gue, Santa Cruz

Hussain & Oo., K. P. M.—13, Battery El Fruto de Cacao—541, Ascuncion,

Road San Nicolas

Kiat & Co., T. G.—15, Collyeri Quay European American Grocery — 430,

Kim Ann & Co.—243, Orchard Road Echague, Santa Cruz

Klass & Sons, F. V.—1003, Robinson Genato Commercial Corporation—

1079, R. Hildago


Lim Khoon Heng—245, Orchard Road Gopoco


Grocery—410, Echague, Santa

Little & Co., John—Raffles Square Harrera Commercial Agency—19, San

Moulton (Eastern), Ltd., E. S. & R. Gabriel

O.—Union Building Isla de Panay—806, A. Mabini

Robinson &. Co., Ltd.—Raffles Place Kwong Wing Lung—1443,

Stephens Paul & Co.—Commercial Luzon Stevedoring Co., Herran Inc.—P.O.

Union Building Box 582

Stoffel & Oo.—112, Market Street Nestle and Anglo-Swiss Condensed

Straits Mercantile Agency—39, Telok Milk Co.—P.O. Box 538

Ayer Street Philippine Cold Storage—P.O. Box

Travers & Sons, Ltd.—Chartered 242

Bank Chambers Philippine Fish Co.—P.O. Box 2311

Union Trading Co.—72, Robinson Rd. Pacific Ccast Biscuit—P.O. Box 400

Santa Mesa Dairy Farm—P.O. Box

SIAM 1362

Watson & Watson—732, Zacateros,

Bangkok Santa Cruz

Whitehouse Grocery—347, Echague,

Bangkok Manufacturing . Co.—3S3, Santa Cruz

New Road

Diethelm & Co., Ltd. Iloilo

Eastern Agencies, Ltd.—Nai Lert Nestle & Anglo-Swiss Condensed

Building Milk Co.—22, Calle Ortiz

Nestle and Anglo-Swiss Condensed


Thoresen & Co., Ltd.—966, Suri-

wongse Road Chong Kum Eng—39, Carpenter

Street, Kuching, Sarawak

NETHERLANDS INDIA Eng Watt & Co.—33, Beach Street,

Sumatra Labuan

Handel Mu. Sin Seng Hap Kesawan— RADIO AND WIRELESS





Kato Denki Radio Shoten—304, Shi-

Ah Gong, Sons & Co.—389, Exchague moyamate-dori

American Grocery — 217, Echague, Mikasa Radio Shokai—137, Moto-


Santa Cruz



Moji Harbin

Iyodo Tadahei Shoten—NisM Hon- Skoblin Co.—31, Konnaya Street


Tsuda Moji Shokai—Higashi Hon- Hongkong


Osaka British

Pedder Wireless

Building Marine Service—

Central Radio

Asahi Radio Denki Shokai — 26, China Phonograph Service—King’s Bldg.

N ihombashi-cho & Radio, Ltd.—

York Building

Dembdn-shdn—15, Umeda Chung Yuen Electrical Co.—71, Des

Miyada Seisaku-sho—42, Daihoji Hi- Vceux Road Central


Sankyo Denki Kogyo K.K.—14, Kyo- Economical


Trading Co. — P.O. Box

machibori Ideal Radio Electrical Services—3r

Umeda Denki Shokai—22, Umeda-cho Wyndham Street

Tokyo Peiping

International Radio Co. — Showa Simpson’s Electric Supply Co. — 11,

Building Tung Shufu Hutung

R. C. A. Communications, Inc.—Nis-

shin Seimei Building, Otemachi Shanghai

Yokohama Arnhold & Co., Ltd.—1, Nanking Rd.

China Scientific Instrument Co.,

Tokyo Electric Co.—Kanagawa-ken —130, Museum Road

Gallop & Co., Fed. Inc.—320, Sze-

KOREA chuen Road

Hwa Wei Trading Co., Ltd.—119,

Tanaya & Co.—Fusan Jinkee Road

Jensen Radio Maker, T. K.—484,

Fong Hsia Road

CHINA Leede Engineering Corpn.—395, Bub^

bling Well Road

Canton Philips China Co.—133, Szechuen Road’

Philco Sales Corporation—118, Sze-

Radio Electric, Ltd.—136, Sap Bat Po chuen Road

Road RCA Victor Co. of China—356, Pe-

king Road

Dairen Scientific Service Co.—131, Museum


China Osram Co.—47, Echigo cho Tientsin

Hankow China Radio Corporation—8, Rue de-

Marechal Foch

China Electric Co., Ltd.—17, Huang- Frazar, Fed. Inc., U.S.A.—25, Rue

pei Road du 14 Juillet



Tsingtao Lincoln Radio Shop—710, Azcarraga

Majestic Radio & Tel. Oo.—20, Es-

Kasei & Co.—37, Kwan Hsien Road Manila colta

Radio Shop—700, Rizal Ave.

SIAM Guerva Radio Service Co. — 2036,


Philips Radio — 20, Plaza Moraga-

Bangkok R .C. A. Communications, Inc.—Insu-

lar Life Building

Bangkok Trading Co. — Pitsti&n Radio Manila—Insular Life Bldg.

Bridge Wolf & Co., Inc., T. J.—P.O. Box 920

Radio Supply

702, Rizal & Service Co., Inc.—



N. V. Heybrock’s Groothandel — RATTAN

Kriningsplein West 5


MALAYA Singapore

Penang Ban Hoeat Hin—39, Telok Ayer Street

Kee Huat Radio Co.—178, Campbell Bombay Trading Co.—6, Cecil Street

Hoosainsah, Mohammed bin—66, Ro-

Street binson Road

Singapore Keng Seng & Co.—23, River Valley


Slot & Co.—93, Robinson Road

Chan Jim Hee—138, Rochore Road Straits Mercantile Agency—39, Telok

Isaac & Co., E. S.—6, Malacca Str. Ayer Street

Lee & Co., C.M.—39, High Street Sulbina & Co.—21, Lembu Road

Nathan, M. & E.—98, North Bridge Tan Kim Cheng & Co.—66, Mohamed

Road Sultan Road

Radio Service Co. of Malaya — 2,


Radio Communication Co., Ltd.—35,

Robinson Road MALAYA

Sieason Oo., Ltd.—115, N. Bridge Rd.

Spot Radio, Ltd.—58, Orchard Road Singapore

PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Ban Koeat Hin—39, Telok Ayer Street

Siang Huah Seng Kee—77, Boat Quay

Manila Straits Mercantile Agency—39, Telok

Ayer Street

A. & P. Co., Inc.—625, M. de Bancs Malacca


Beck, Inc., I.—Insular Life Building

Central Radio and Service 0o.—110, Atlas Ice Co., Ltd.—18, Jonker Str.

Echague Chwi Chuan & Co.—Heeren Street

Lavadia & Co., Inc.—306, Carriado Pichay Bros.—P.O. Box 83




(See also under Copra)

Kwong Wing Chan—123, Birch. Road PHILIPPINE ISLANDS

Mercantile Oo., Ltd.—4, Cameron St. Manila

Soon Moh & Co.—7, Cameron Street

Johnson Pickett Rope Co.—2, Calle




Bangkok (See also under Tires)


Euan Hoa Teng & Co., Ltd.

Coupee-Johnston & Co., D. Kobe


Co., Ltd. Arracan Rice & Trading Akigoto Gomu Seizo-sho—2, Kagura-cho

Borneo Co., Ltd., The Daido Boyeki K.K.—67, Naniwa^


Kwong Koh Long Dunlop Rubber Co. (Far East), Ltd.

—P.O. Box 159

Fujimoto Gomu Kogyo-sho—10, Mat-

PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Futaba Gumi Kabushiki Kaisha—1,


Manila Hayashi Gomei (Seizo Kojo—6, Hama^


Hirao Rubber Kogyo-sho—11, Kagu-

Chan Kiau & Co.—259, Juan Luna ra-cho

Cheng Ban Yek & Co.—i523, M. de Hokoku riike

Gomu K.K.—1, Nishi Shi-


Cheng Siong Lam & Co.—1001, Dagu- matsu-cho Kogyo-sho—20, Waka-

Ishiu Gomu


Ching Kiattao Bros., Vo.—907, Mar- Kiyose


Gomu Kogyo-sho—2, Kagura-

celino de Santos Minatogawa Gomu Kabushiki Kaisha

Co Liong Gee & Co.—567, (Sto, Cristo —1, Kagura-cho

Ooleoo & Co.—863, Dagupan Naigai Gomu Goshi Kaisha—2, Suga-

Delta Commercial Oo.—1753, Magde- Ohga wara-dori

lena Gomu Kogyo-sho—29, Oike-sho

Dy Buncio & Co., Inc.—191, M. de Otsubosho

Gomu Kogyo-sho—3, Hiyoshi-


Roxas y Compania—719, Echague Shibuya Gomu Kogyo-sho—3, Kagura-

Siy Cong Bieng & Co., Inc.—123, Toshin cho

Juan Luna dori Gomu Kogyo K.K.—2, Higure-

Sy Chut & Co.—701, Jaboneros Urabe Toshisuke—5, Kagura-cho

Sy Kian & Co., Inc.—731, Sto. Cristo Watanabe Gomu Kogyo-sho—16, Higa-

Tan Senguan & Co., Inc.—157, M. de shi Shiriike

Binondo Yamabe Gomu Seizo-cho—24, Omichi-


RICE MILLS -(See Page B43) Yusho Yoko Gomu Seizo-sho—1, Oha-




Moji Tokyo

Akao Tamotstj Shoten—Higashi Hon- DaimaeIchi Onuki Rubber Co.—19, Fuji-


Kyokuto Gomu G. K.—Higashi Hon- Dunlop Rubber Co.—30, Tameike

maohi Goodyear Tyre & Rubber Export Co-

Tonei Shokai—Nichi Hon-machi —c/o. Mitsubishi tihoji Raisha

Nippon Rubber Manufacturing Co.—

134, Tamahime-cho


Okada, T.K.—P.O. Box 313

Dunlop Rubber Co. (Far East), Ltd. Takasago Rubber Co.—1945, Kami Me-

Kawazawa Rubber Co., Ltd. — 19, Tokyo guro

Nezu-cho Rubber Manufacturing Co.—

119, Kamiochiai

Nitto Rubber Manufacturing Co.—14, Yamato

Uatari Makino-cho Rubber Co.—1990, Terashima

Settsu Rubber Co., Ltd.—Temma-cho Yokohama


Rubber Manufacturing Co.

Building, Marunouchi

Yokohama Rubber Manufacturing Co.

—Miyuki Hon-machi Yokohama

Hakodate Horai Rubber Industrial Co. — 3r

Fukumura Shoji K.K.—27, Jizo-sho IsoHananoki-cho

Rubber Shokai—45, Chojimachi

Hakodate Shoji G.K.—9, Kaisho-sho Tachikawa

Wakasugi Kenjiro (Shoten — 94, numa-cho Orie Shoten—2, Hira-

Wamamatsu-cho Yokohama Gomu Seizo K.K. —17^



Aall & Co., Ltd.—9, Koraibashi KOREA

Chugai Gumi K.K.—3, Tsutsumigau- Chosen Gomei Kogyo-sha—88, Horai-

chi cho, Seoul

Far Eastern Rubber Co.—10, Utsudo Kakuichi Komu Kaisha—(Seoul


Fujika Shoyu-ten—90, Ikutamamaye- CHINA


Iida Teisuke—3-38, Karamono-cho Dairen

Kakuichi Rubber Goshi Kaisha—435,

Urae-oho Dairen Yoko G.K.—Hirokojirdori

Kanetani Rubber Goshi Kaisha—7, Obata Hideichi Shoten—1, Ebisu-cho.

Kawaraya Sakae Shokai G.K.—121, Omi-machi

Lion Rubber Manufactory—8, Shikit- Yoshiri Y'oko—13©, Yamagata-dori


Maruman Shoyu-ten—1-764, Nakamo-

to-cho Hankow

Sekai Naga Rubber Co.—7, Toyosaki

N ishi-machi Bao Rubber Co.—The Bund, S.A.D. 3

Yokohama Gomu Seizo K.K.—4, tDoji- Gillespie Rogers Pyatt Co.—Rue

ma-hama-dori Dautremer

Yatani Sahei Shoten—37, Edobori Olivier-Chine — The Bund, French

Minami-cho Consession



Hongkong Zais Steinman & Co., Inc.—29, Sze-

chuen Road

Bradley & Co.—Prince’s Building Zee & Sons, W. Z.—A1299, Broadway

China Export-Import and Bank Co.— Tientsin

Asiatic Building

Dunlop Rubber Co. (China), Ltd.—1

& 3, Wyndham Street American Chinese Co.—38, Rue de

Fung Keorsg Rubber Manufac- France

tory—Main Street China Continental Commerce Co.—

Loxley & Co., W. R.—York Building Continental Building

Singon & Co.—35, King Loong Street Dunlop Rubber Co. (China), Ltd.—2,

Wicking & Co., Harry—Prince’s Frazar, Road


Fed. Inc. LhS.A.—25, Rue du

Building 14 Juillet

Mukden Meyer & Co.—Harbin Road

Rehder & Dorn—22, Rue du 14 Juillet

Dunlop Rubber Co. (China), Ltd.—

36, Chiyoda-dori Tsingtao

Peiping Tsingtao Far Eastern Rubber Tire

Co.—7, Chung Shan Road

Dunlop Rubber Co. (China), Ltd.—15,

Kan Yu Hutung SIAM

Modde, F.—39, Mahsienhutung



Bang Nara Rubber Co., Ltd.—Hong

American Trading Co.—3, Canton East Kong Bank

Road Asiatic Co., Ltd., The

Bishop, H. N.—Central Arcade Mark’s Tyre Store

Cameron & Co., A.—21, Jinkee Road!

China Rubber Co.—42, Avenue Ed- MALAYA

ward VII.

Dunlop Rubber Co. (China), Ltd.—9, Malacca

Foochow Road

Goodyear Tire and Rubber Export Anglo-French & Bendixens, Ltd.—22,

Co.—3, Canton Road. Riverside

Ilbert & Co.—1, Canton Road

Medicon, Ltd., S, A.—6, Riangse Atlas Ice Co., Ltd., The—18, Jonker



Sua Mangis Rubber Co.—35, Peking Rama Ltd., E. A.—Pengkalan


Road Chin Leong Chop—22, Riverside

Ta Chung Yang Rubber Meg. Co.— Chuan & Co.—88, First Cross Street

C.A. 26, Avenue Edward VII

United States Rubber Export Co., Firestone Tire and Rubber Co.—

Ltd.—24, Yuen Ming Yuen Road South Reclamation

Walker, Turner & Co.—18, Bund Hevea Agency—27, First Cross Street

Yokohama Rubber Co.—32, Jinkee Paterson, Simons & Co., Ltd.—29c,

Road Pengkalan, Rama



Penang Dunlop Rubber

Robinson Road Co., (S. S.), Ltd.—142,

Barbour, Ltd., E. A.—1, Penang Harbour Eastern Rubber Co., Ltd. — Chartered

Bank Chambers

Board Godown Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. (S.S.),

Dunlop Rubber Co.—101, Bishop St. Ltd.—20, Geylang Road

East Asiatic Co., Ltd.—F.M.S. Railway General Rubber Company—Teluk Ayer

Buildings Reclamation

Hin Giap Co.—86, Beach. Street Goodrich Co. (S.S), Ltd—H16-18,

Leong Fee & Co.—4, Church Street Union Building

•San Hai Brothers—34, Beach Street Goodyear Orient Co., Ltd.—East Re-


Perak Heng Bee, Chop—7, Teluk Ayer St.

Kian Gwan (Malaya), Ltd.—22, Teluk

Barbour, Ltd.—E. A.—87, Peng Loong Lee Ayer Street

Street, Taiping Rubber Co., Ltd. — 63, J/K,

Beng Seng Leong—Teluk Anson China Bldg.

Lianqui Trading Co.—6A, Raffles

Selangor Quay

Lim Nee Soon—112, Robinson Road

Anglo-French & Bendixens, Ltd.— Macphail ing

& Co., Ltd.—Union Build-

High Street, Kuala Lumpur Malay Peninsula Agency—P.O. Box

Barbour, Ltd.—Robinson Road, Kuala 503

Lumpur Millar & Co., W. P.—Hong Kong

Barlow & Co.—P.O. Box 260 Bank Chambers

Blunn & Co., George—120, Java Paterson, Simons & Co.—Prince St.

Street, Kuala Lumpur

Dunlop Rubber Co.—12, Batu Road, Pirelli (Far East), Ltd.—Hongkong

Bank Chambers

K. L.

East Asiatic Co.—58, Ampang Road, Singapore Moh

Sin Seng & Co.—12, Cecil Street

Rubber Mills, Ltd.—Bukit

Kuala Lumpur Fimah Road

(Harrisons, Barker & Co.—Old Market Singapore Rubber Works, Ltd.—14,

Square, Kuala Lumpur Collyer Quay

Paterson, 'Simons & Co., Ltd.—1 & 3, Sungei Bagan Rubber Co., Ltd.—

Old Market Square Chartered Bank Chambers

Singapore Rubber Works, Ltd.—451, Teng Seng Guan—634, North Bridge

Pasir Panjang Road Road

Wilkinson Process Rubber Co., Ltd. Waterhouse Co., Ltd., Fred—Charter-

—Batu Caves ed Bank Chambers


Anglo-French & Bendixens, Ltd.— Batavia

Union Building, Collyer Quay

Ban Hoeat Hin—37, Telok Ayer St.

Barbour, Ltd., E. A. — Chartered Dunlop Rubber Co. (D.E.I.), Ltd.—

Tanah Abang West

Bank Chambers

Bruce Petrie, Ltd.—Union Building Ned. Ind. Landbouw Maatschapfij

Ohesnot, M. H. L.—124, Cecil Street Peet & Co., John

Colonial Trading Co.—9, DAlmeida Ockerse, F.W.A. — Binnen Nieuw-

poortstraat 34




Padang Mitsubishi Zosen K.K.—Wadasaki-


ScHNEEAVIND, P. Sano Zosen-sho—322, Nishide-machi


dori Zosen Tekko-sho—14, Azuma-


Manila Nagasaki

Dunlop Rubber Co., (F.E.), Ltd.— Mitsubishi Zosen KJK.—Akunoura

Port Area District Naigai Senpaku Kogyo K.K.—47,.

Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. of the Matsugae-cho

Philippine Islands—16th and At- Nozaki Tsunematsu—1, Ozone-machi

lanta Streets, Port Area

Fisk Tire Cto., Inc. of the Philip-

pines, The—1212, Novaliches, San


Goodrich International Rubber Co. Aizawa da-cho

Zosen Tekko K.K.—31, Ishi-

—P.O. Box 1482

Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Ltd.— Amasakicho

Zosen-cho—156, Shinsumiya-

P.O. Box 1456

Houston Rubber Co. — 548, Rizal Ando Tomikichi—5, Isuonaka-machi

Daifuku Zosen-sho—11, Hichijo-dori

Avenue, Santa Cruz

Manila Rubber Co.—P.O. Box 225 Fujinagata Zosen-sho—44, Shibaya-

United States Rubber Export Co., Harima cho

Ltd.—35, Orozco, Quiapo Zosen-siio—463, Tomijima-cho

Kizukawa Dock K.K.—69, Nishihama-

BORNEO Kita-dori

Murao Dock G. K.—211, Kita Kago-

Cheah Loong Ghee & Co., Ltd.—Jes- Osaka ya-cho

selton Seiko-sho—Honjo, Toyozaki-

Hiap Soon Hin—84, Ewe Hai Street, Osaka cho

Kuching, Sarawak: Tekko-sho — 17, Sakurajima-


Sime, Darby & Co., Ltd.—6, Main Shimoshita

Bazaar, Kuching Zosen-sho—19, Gojo-dori



Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Co.—Hiko-


(See also Page B43) Osaka Tekkosho—Hikoshima-cho



GINEERING Co.—54, Tsukudajima.

Daifuku Zosen-sho—31, Toya-cho Kawasaki Dockyard:Co.—Yusen Bldg..

Hamada Tekko-sho — 113, Nishide- Mitsubishi Shipbuilding & Engine-

machi ering Co.—Marunouchi

Harima Zosen-sito—36, Naka-machi Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd.—1, Hon-

Kobe Zosen-sho—1-38, Yoshida Shin- cho

den Uraga Dockyard Go.—Kajo Building;



Yokohama Thorncroft & Co., Ltd., John I.—51,

Canton Road

Asano Zosensho—1, :Suehiro-cho

Uraga Dock K.K.—2, Ohno-cho Tientsin

"Watanabe Dock—3161, Kanagawa-cho Eastern Enginfering Works—4, Lon-

'Yokohama Dock K.K.—3, Nagasumi- don Road

cho Soc. Francaise de Navigation de

Tonkou—111, Rue de France





Manshu Dock Kaisha—3, Hamacho

Nai Lerx'

Hongkong East Asiatic Co., Ltd., The

Bangkok Dock Co., Ltd., The

Bailey and Co,, Ltd., W.S.—Kowloon


Hong Kong and Whampoa Dock Co.,

Ltd., The—Kowloon Dock Malacca

Kwok Hip Lung Co. (1932), Ltd.—43,

Bonham iStrand East

Thornycroft Co., Ltd., John I.— United Engineers, Ltd.—Riverside

Pioneer Bldg., Kowloon



United Engineers, Ltd.—87, Bishop

^Cosmopolitan Dock and Shipbuilding Street


Heng Chong Chang & Co.—147a, Perak

Broadway Rotad

International Dock, Shipbuilding United Engineers, Ltd.—Station Rd.

Yard and Engineering Works—


JKiangnan Dock and Engineering Selangor

Works—Arsenal Road

Kiousin Dock—9, Quai de France Federated Engineering Co., Ltd.,

New Engineering & Shipbuilding The—246, High Street, Kualai Lum-

Works, Ltd., The—640, Yangtszepoo pur


‘Old Dock Engine Works Foundry & Singapore

Shipyard—378, Broadway East

Pootung Works and Shipyard

Shanghai Dock and Engineering Co., Singapore Slipway & Engineering

Co., Ltd.—Tanjong Pagar

Ltd.—424, Broadway East

•Boo. Franco-Chinoise De Construc- Soon Teck & Co.—66, Market Street

tions Metaliques et Mecaniques— United Engineers, Ltd.—River Valley

9, Quai de France Road




Manila Hamada Moichi—Misakino-cho

Kikutani Mokichi—Nishi Hosoe-cho

Chee & Co., L. A.—745, Echague MATSUTANi iS hokai—Kannonzaki-cho

Earnshaw Docks &Second

Honolulu Nakamura Senguten—Isaki-cho

Works, The—118, Street, Iron


Area Nagasaki

El Varadero de Manila—109, Juan

Luna, Binondo

Lao Suing & Co.—115, Savezares Hashimoto Shokai—1, Moto Funa-


Varadero de la Quinta—549, Echague Walker and Co., R.N.—11, Oura—

Varadero de San Mtguel—759, Echa- machi

gue Yamada Shoji—1, Moto Funa-machi

Yangco Teodoro—Navotas



Curnow and Co., J.—66, Main Street

JAPAN Fujishiro iSenguten—68, iSumiyosho-


Kobe Suzuki Senguten—25, Kaigan-dori


Awaga Sento Seizo-sho—194, Nishide-

machi Chingwantao

Hamagcchi Sengu-ten—428, Aioi-cho

Heiwa Shokai—175, Moto-machi Hop Kee and Co.,—K. M. A. Area

Kanae Shoten—28, Shimagami-cho

Matsubara Shokai — 106, Higashi- Dairen


Morita Shoten—27, Ega,wa-cho Dairen Kisen K K.—199, Yamagata-dork

Tokyo Seiko K.K.—2, Irie-dori Kubo Yoko—57, Ise-machi

Yashiro Katsuo—175, Motomachi-dori Kishi Yoko—27, Kanbu-dori

Yasuda .Shoten—251, Higashi-machi Kokusai Unyu K.K.—221, Yamagata dorl

Yoshioka Shokai—31, Kawasaki-cho Lewis & Co., J.—208, Yamagata dori,

Tatsunma Shokai G.K.—22, Ku-cho



Baba Kinzo Shoten—2, Wakamatsu- Mei Chang Hardware Co.—Tai Ping^


Kansai Seiko K.K. — 8, Higashi Road, S.A.D. 3


Nakajima-Tatsuya Shoten—240, Asahi- Hongkong


Nippon Gyomo Sensu K. K. — 103, A. Kwai & Co.—15, Connaught Road

Suehirocho Central



A. Yuen & Chu Cheong Co.—74, Hoon Seck Trading Co.—1, Raffles Place

Connaught Rd. C. Hye Seng & Co.—35, Chulia Street

E. King & Co.—25, Wing Wo Street Keng Lee & Co.—10, Robinson Road

Hoo Cheong Woo and Co.—51, Con- Saiboo Merican & Co.—1a, Raffles Quay,

naught Road C.

Kwong Sang and Co.—59, Connaught SoonHeng


Teck & Co.—127, Market Street

Road Central

Lane, Crawford, Ltd. — Exchange


Sun Man Woo (H.K.) Co.—99, Des

Yoeux Road C. Manila

Wang Kee and Co.—36, Connaught

Road Central Cham Samco & Sons—306, Sto. Cristo

Macao Elizalde & Cia—P.O. Box 121

Luzon Stevedoring Co., Inc.—P.O,

Box 582

Rozario L. F. do—13 and 15, Calcada Reyes & Co., F.—424, Azcarraga

das’ Vardades Uy Chaco & Sons—Chaco Bldg.

Yoshida, K.—619, Echague


Dunn & Co., Walter—569, Szechuen SHIPPING


Krijgsman Co., J.—141 Minghong

Road Kobe


Road Aall & Co.—16 Harima-machi

Swatow Abe Hamasaki K.K.—76, Kyo-machi

Adachi Shoten—32, Akashi-urachu

Tai Sang and Co.—20-22, Yong Ping American Mail Line—7, Kaigan-dori.

Birnie, Leonard—45, Naka-machi


Butterfield & Swire—103, Nakama-

SIAM chi

Canadian Pacific Steamships, Ltd.

Bangkok —7, Harima-machi

Cornes & Co.—88, Yedo-machi

Buan Hoa Seng & Co., Ltd. Dairen Kisen K.K.—35, Sakae-machi

Dodwell & Co., Ltd.—82, Kyo-machi

MALAYA Dollar Steamship Co.—7a. Kaigan-


Singapore Everett, Inc. L.—32, Meikai Build-

ing, Akashi-machi

Bee & Co., W.S.—1, Raffles Place Frazar & Co.—46, Jlarima-machi

Bolter & Co., H.—12, Bonham Bldg. Goko Shokai—45, Naka-machi

Boon Seng & Co., Ltd.—36, Robinson Goko Shokai—45, Naka-machi

Road Hamane Shoten—97, Kaigan-dori

Coastal Transport Co.—58, Cecil Str. Helm Bros., Ltd.—46, Harima-machi

Dawood & C.—22, Raffles Quay Holstein & Co.—12, Kaigan-dori



Illies & Co., C.—12, Kaigan-dori Moji

Jardine, Matheson & Co.—83, Kyo-

machi Amagasaki Kisen-bu—Minato-cho

Java-China-Japan-Lijn — 32, Akashi- Kammon Risen K.K. -Dairi

machi, Meikai Bldg Kyushu Shosen-Gumi—Minato-cho

Kobe Risen K.K.—14, Sakae-machi

Lloyd Triestino S. N. Co.—72, Kyo- : Mitsubishi


Soko K.K.—Higashi Minato-


Machida Shokai—9, Kaigan-dori j Nichizui TradingK.K.—Nishi

Moji Godo Unso Hon-machi

Co.—P.P. Box 54

Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co.—72, Nippon Yusen Kaisha—Sanbashi-dori

Kyo-machi Nutter & Co.

MacMillan Export Co., Ltd., H R.— Osaka Shosen Kaisha—Minato-cho

304, Crescent Building, 72, iKyo-

machi Yamashita

Building Risen Kaisha — Daimai

Messageries Maritimes, Compagnie

des—68, Kyo-machi

Mitsui Bussan Kaisha—3, Kaiga


Mitsubishi Shoji K.K.—18, Akashi- Nippon Yusen Kaisha—4, Tennozaki-

machi cho

Murase Shoten—Toyo Building, 7, Osaka Shosen Kaisha—Funairo-cho


Nichizui Trading Co., Ltd.—72 Kyo- Nagasaki


Nickel & Lyons—7, Kaigan-dori

Nippon Yusen Kaisha—Kaigan-dori Amagasaki Kisen-bu—Tamae-machi

Osaka Shosen Kaisha—5, Kaigan- Holme, Ringer & Co.—7, Oura-cho

dori Jardine, Matheson & Co.—5, Oura

Owston & Co., Ltd., F.—72 Kyo- Kyushu Shoten K.lK.—9, Motofuna-

machi machi

Pacific Comaiercial Co.—14b, Nani- Lloyd’s Register of Shipping—9,

wa-machi Oura

Panama Mail S.iS. Co.—14b, Naniwa Matsuhima Shoten—36, Yedo-machi


Priest, Marians & Co.—36, Shimo- Mitsuimachi

Bussan Kaisha—3, Tokiwa-

yamate-dori Nippon Yusen Kaisha—3, Umegasa-

Sale & Co.—46, Harima-ma

States Steamship Co.—16, Maye- Osaka Shosen Kaisha—4. Senba-

machi machi

Taihoku Risen K.K.—32, Akashi- Osaka Shosen Kaisha—4, Senba-machi

maohi Walker & Co., R. N.—11, Oura-machi


Chikushi Unyu K.K.—58, Tenjin- Osaka


Hakata Godo Unsu K.K.—1617, Ha- hima Amagasaki Shoten—65, Shimofukus-


Rita Kyushu Shosen K.K.—Kai- Chosen Yusen K.K.—55, Samjo-dori

gan-dori Hamaguichi Risen G.K.—16, Nishi-

Kita Shoten—Kaigan-dori nagabori

Meiji Unyu K.K.—Hamano-cho Harada Risen K.K.—5, Nakanoshima



Holstein & Co.—50j Edobori Marukai Unyu RJR.—13, Gensuke-

Ikeda Shoji K.K.—9, Nakanoshima cho


guichi-cho Lijn — 35, Kawa- Mitsui


Bussan Kaisha, Ltd.—1, Hon-

Kishimoyo Risen IK.K.—21, Minami NakokuBuilding

Tsuun Kaisha—445, Yusen.


Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co. Nippon Yusen Kaisha—Yusen Build-

(Japan), Ltd.—Mitsubishi Build- ing

ing, 4, Tamae-cho Osaka Godo Unyu K.R.—Osaka Sta-

Marunishi Kaiun G.K.—63, Ajikawa tion

Minao-cho Osaka Shosen Kaisha—Osaka Build-

Nickel & Lyons, Ltd.—9, Kawakishi- ing

cho Sale & Co.—14, Marunouchi

Nippon Yusen Kaisha—24, iRawagui- Tetsudo Kinoshita-gumi—23, Shiba-

chi-cho guchikashi

Osaka Shosen Kaisha—1, Soze-oho Utsonimya 'Kaisoten—7, Minamikin-

Setsttyo Shosen K.K.—5, Minami machi

A jikawa-cho Yamashita Risen Kaisha—22, Gofuku-

Tanaka Kogyo 'Risen K.K.—32, Ka- cho


Toyo Shokai—4, Rawaguichi-cho Yokohama

Yamashita Risen Kogyo RJR.—Osaka

Building American Express Co., Inc.—Grand

Yuei-gumi—233, Honden-cho Hotel de Pekin

American Mail Line—50, Y'amashita-

Shimonoseki cho

Butterfield & Swire (Japan), Ltd.—

Akita Shokai—Higashinabe-cho 7, Yamashita-cho

Funaki Kydtaro—Misakino-cho Canadian Pacific Steamships—21, Ya-


Kataichiya Kaisoten—Nishinabe-cho Dodwell

Nippon Unyu Risen K.R.—Sotoha- Dollar & Co.—22, Yamashita-cho

ma-cho Steamship Line—50, Yama-


Nutter & Co.—902, Riyotaki-machi, Helm Brothers—48, Yamashita-cho

Mo j i Illies & Co.—54, Yamashita-cho

Osaka Shosen 'Kaisha—Higashinabe- Holstein Shipping & Insurance


Wuriu Shokai—P.O. Box 20 Agencies—7, Yamashita-cho

Kawasaki Risen K.R.—1, Raigan-dori

Lloyd’s Register of Shipping—11,

Tokyo Nihon Odori

Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co.—75,

Aall & Co., Ltd.—P.O. Box 41 Yamashita-cho

Akibahara Unso K.R.—Sakumacho Messagerie Maritimes—9, Yamashi-


Canadian Pacific Steamships, Ltd.— Mitsui

E7, No. 2 Sanchome, Marunouchi Bussan Kaisha—14, Nippon;


IDodwell & Co,—Chiyoda Kan, Ryo- Nickel & Lyons, Ltd.—7, Yamashita-

bashi cho

Holstein & Co—8, Marunouchi Nippon Yusen Kaisha—9, Raigan-

Raitsu-sha, Ltd.—Rinsei Building dori



Osaka Shosen Raiska—22, Hon-cho Nippon Yusen Kaisha

Owston & Co.—1, Kaigan-dori Rafeek & Co.—71, B.C., Shameen

States Steamship Co.—7, Nihon-Odori Siemssen & Co.—73a, British Conces-

Swayne & Hoyt—167, Yamashita-cho sion

Wiersum & Co.—2b, Yamashita-cho

Yamashita Risen R.R.—26, Raigan- Changsha


FORMOSA Butterfield & Swire—

Boyd & Co.—Tamsui Chungking

Osaka Shosen Raisha—Taisho-machi,

Tainan Butterfield & Swire

Jardine, Matheson & Co., Dtd.—P. Union Franco Chinoise de Naviga-

O. Box 81; Taihoku tion

Tait & Co., Ltd.—Minato-cho

Rinkai Yusen Raisha—Reelung Chefoo

Osaka Shosen Raisha—Reelung

Nippon Yusen Raisha—Reelung

Yamashita Risen Raisha — Shosento, Butterfield & Swire Street

Anz & Co.—Gipperich


China Merchants’ S.N. Co.—2, Tai-

CHINA fung Road

Ching Ree S. N. Co., Ltd.—Customs

Amoy Street

Boyd & Co. Dairen

Jaya-China-Japan-Lijn, N. V.

Traders Co.—P.O. Box 18 Agency of the East Asiatic Co., Ltd.

Anz & Co.—212, Yamagata-dori

Antung Beerbrayer, J.—13, Yamagata-dori

Bryner & Co.—212, Yamagata-dori

Butterfield & Swire Butterfield & Swmre—212, Yamaga-

Shaw, Geo. L. ta-dori

Chinese Eastern Commercial Agency

Canton —110, Yamagata-dori

Chingkee S.N. Co.—39, Kabu-dori

Canton Overseas Trading Co.—99, Box 219ECKFORD AND WINNING—P.O.


Sap Sam Hong Road East Asiatic Co., Ltd.—1, Higashi

Deacon & Co. Koen-cho

-Griffith, T. E. (1932), Ltd. Holstein & Co.—212, Yamagata-dori

Hongkong Canton Export Co.—33, Illies & Co.—212, Yamagata-dori

British Concession Shameen Lloyd’s Register of Shipping—P.O.

Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd. Box 17

Jebsen & Co.—P.O. Box 18 Matsuura Risen Raisha—30, Raga-

Lam & Co., J.—P.O. Box 33 machi

Manners & Co., John—62, British Nippon Yusen Raisha—181, Yama-

Concession, Shameen gata-dori



Norddexjtscher Lloyd—212, Yamaga- Harbin


Pacific Rim Corporation—P.O. Box Bryner & Co.—1, Konnaya


Raigorodetzky & Co.—212, Yamagata- Butterfield & Swire


Riedel, Carl—P.O. Box 42 Hoihow

Seiwa Shokai—193, Yamagata-dori

Shawshing S.S. Co., Ltd. Hung San & Co

Sung Mow & Co.—24, Togomaohi Wing Fat Hong—Chungshan Road

Totai & Co.—212, Yamagata-dori Yuen Fat Lee Co.—Chungshan Road

Foochow Hongkong

Bathgate & Co.—

Brockett & Co. Alves & Co., Ltd., J. M.—1a, Chater

Dodwell & Co., Ltd.— Road

Harrisons King & Irwin, Ltd. American Express Co., Inc.—4, Des

Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd. Vceux Road Central

Osaka Shosen Kaisha—Nantai Bank Line, (China), Ltd.—KingV


Botelho Bros.—Alexandra Bldgs.

Hankow Boyd & Co., Ltd.—14, Queen’s Road


American Mail Line British-lndia Steam Navigation

Butterfield & Swire and Apcar Companies Ltd.—see

Carlowitz & Co.—Ta Chi Men Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co.

China-Merchants S. N. Co. Butterfield & Swire—1, Connaught


Dodwell & Co., Ltd.—5, Tungting Canadian Pacific Steamships, Ltd.—

Road Union Building

Dollar Co., The Robert—Wha Ching Chau Yue Teng—China Building


East-Asiatic Co., Ltd.—The Bund, Road Associates



Corpn.—6, Queen’s

S.A.D. 1

Glen Line Eastern Agencies, Ltd.— Wing Lok Street Co., Ltd.—205,

Chiu On Steamship

1, The Bund, S.A.D. 3

Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.—The Cook & Son, Ltd., Thos. — Queen’s


Bund, S.A.lD. 3

Lacey & Cannan, Ltd.—Hong Kong Chingkee


S. N. Co., Ltd—156, Wing Lok

and Shanghai Bank Building

Melchers & Co.—S.A.D. Bund, No. DairenBuilding

Kisen Kaisha—St. George’a


Nippon Yusen Kaisha—Union Build- Dollar


Co., The Robert—12, Pedder

ing, S.A.D. 3

Nissin Kisen Kaisha—1, The Bund, Douglas Steamship Co., Ltd P. &

O. Building, Connaught Road

Bund, S.A.D. 3

O. E. Vongehr, Fed. Inc.—David Everett, Inc., L.—Queen’s Building

Sassoon Bldg Far East Shipping Co.—18, Con-

San Peh Steam Navigation Co., Ltd., naught Road

The—Hoong On Building Furness (Far East) Ltd. — King’s

Sobbe, H.—The Bund, iS.A.D. 3 Building



Gibb, Livingston & Co., Ltd.—P. & Yamashita Kisen Kaisha — King’s

O. Building, Connaught Road Building

Gilman & Co.—4a, Des Yoeux Rd. C. Yuen Road

On S. S. Co., Ltd.—8, Queen’s


=G BiMBLE & Co., Geo.—1, Prince’s


Hin Fat & Co., Ltd.—17, Connaught Ichang

Road Central

Hoi Yeung Shipping Co., The—171, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.—

Wing Lok Street Union Franco Chinoise de Naviga-

Hong Kong, Canton and Macao tion

Steamboat Co., Ltd.—Queen’s Build-

ing Kiukiang

Indo-China Steam Navigation Co.

Java-China-Japan-Lijn—York Build- Butterfield & Swire

ings China Merchants S. N. Co.—

Jebsen & Co.—12, Pedder Street

Kaksten Lakssen & Co.—York Bldg. Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.

Llody Triestino—Queen’s Building Macao

Lloyd’s Register of Shipping —

Alexandra Building

Macao-Timor-Goa-Mozambique Line Nolasco, H.—20, Av. Aim. Ribeiro*Lines


S.S. Co.—Prince’s Building

iVlackinnon, IVIackenzie & Co—P.

& O. Building, Counaught Road Mukden

Manners & Co., Ltd., John—7,

Queen’s Road Central Bryner & Co.—Hongkong and Shangha

Melchers & Co.—3, Queen’s Build- Bank Building

ing, Chater Road

Mitsubishi Shoji Kaisha—14, Pedder Nanking


Mowing Co.—Asia Life Building

N. V. Handel Maatschappji Swie Butterfield & Swire—

Hong—20, Connaught Road C.

Osaka Shosen Kaisha—St. George’s Newchwang


Peninsular & Oriental S. N. Co.—see Butterfield & Swire

Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co. COLINET, G.

Rocha & Co., J. M. da — P.O. Box Farmer & Co., F. D.


Shewan, Tomes & Co.—National Bank Jaspersen,


M. P.

Steamship Co.—Main St.


ShIu On S. S. Co., Ltd.—8, Queen’s Van Ess & Co.

Road West

States Steamship Co.—Asiatic Build- Ningpo


Thoresen & Co., Ltd.—2, Queen’s Chen Siau Pao & Sons — P.O. Box

Building Special 1

Wallem '& Co.—Prince’s Building

Williamson & Co.—P. & O Building Ningpo-Shaohsing


,S. N. Co., Ltd.,



Peiping Marden & Co., Ltd., G.E.—10, Han-

kow Road

American Express Co., Inc.—Grand Mei Shun S.S. Co.—6, Szechuen Road

Hotel des Wagons Lits Melchers & Co.—210, Kiukiang Road

Pacific Storage & Packing Co.—4, Messageries Maritimes, Compagnie

des—9-10, French Bund

Rue Marco Polo

Moller & Co.—12, The Bund

Shanghai Norasiatic Steamship Co., Ltd —640,

Yangtszepoo Road

Ocean Shipping Co.—12, The Bund

American Express Co., Inc. —158, Oceanic & Oriental Navigation Co.

Kiukiang Road —Sassoon House

American Mail Line—3, Canton Rd. Osaka Shosen Kaisha, Ltd.—2, Can-

Anglo-Danish Shipping Company—8, ton Road

French Bund

British-India Steam Navigation Co. Peninsula & Oriental Steam Naviga-

tion Co.—17, Canton Road

1, Canton Road 1

Butterfield & Swire—21-23, French Rickmers Linie—9,, Avenue

Racine & Cie—2 Peking Road

Edward VII


Canadian Pacific Railway Co.—Union Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.—28,

The Bund


China Merchants’ Steam Navigation Shanghai Steam Navigation Co.—119,

Jinkee Road

Co.—9, The Bund Shanghai Transportation Co, Ltd.—

Dodwell & Co., Ltd.—17, Canton Rd. 7a, The Bund

Dollar Steamship Lines—51, Canton States Steamship Co. — Hamilton

Road House

East Asiatic Co., Ltd.—17, Canton Stromwall, Holdo—391, Kiangse Road


Eastern & Australian Steamship Co. House Oriental S.S. Co.—Sassoon


—1, Canton Road Thoresen & Co.—110, Szechuen Road

Ekman Foreign Agencies, Ltd., The— Union Franco-Chinoise de Naviga-

170, Kiangse Road tion—25, Rue du Consulat

Everett, Inc., L.—24, The Bund

Fukushima & Co.—20, Azaleas Ter- UnionRoad

Steamships Agency—51, Canton

race, North Szechuen Road

Glen Line Eastern Agencies, Ltd.— Wallem & Co.—10, Canton Road

Wheelock & Co., Ltd.—2-3, Quai do

28, The Bund France

Hamburg-Amerika Linie—20, Canton Yuen Dah & Co.—24-25, Jehol Road


Heng An Cheng Kee Steam Ship Co.,

Ltd.—147a, Broadway East. Swatow

Holland East Asia Line—133, Sze-

chuen Road

Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.—27, Java-China-JapanSwire

Butterfield &


The Bund

Java-China-Japan Lijn N. V.—41, Key & Co.

Szechuen Road Manners & Co., John—18, Sian Ping

Jebsen & Co.—110, Hankow Road Road

Lloyd Triestino—170, Kiukiang Road Melchers & Co.—24, Yong Ping Road

Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co.—17, Osaka Shosen Kaisha

Canton Road Yuan Heng Shipping Co.



Taku States Steamship Co.—16, Rue du 14


Taku Tug & Lighter Co., Ltd. Tientsin Taiping Steamship Co.—

Consular Road

Whitamore & Co.—105, Victoria Road



Bremen Colonial & China Trading

Co.—3, Corso Vittorio Emanuelle Busch & von Alemann—34, Kuantau Rd.


Butterfield & Swire—21, Victoria DairenRoad

Kisen Kaisha—18, Kuan Tau

Road East Asiatic Co.—32, Kuantau Road

Chihli Shantung Line—105, Quai de Jardine, Matheson & Co.—31, Kwan-

France tau Road

China Express Co.—ex-Russian Con- Maruni Shokai—20, Kuan Tao Road


•China Forwarding & Express Co.— Melchers


& Co.—^63, Kwan Hsien

Settlement Railway Station Mitsui Bussan Kaisha—Tangyi Road

China Merchants’ S.N. Co.—Paoshan Nippon Yusen Kaisha


Oolinet, G.—16. Rue Henri Bourgeois Hsien Road G. C. F. —72, Kwan

Russell & Co.,

Dairen Kisen Kaisha—38, Haiho Siemssen & Co.—1, Shangho Road


Dodwell & Co., Ltd.—19, Victoria States Steamship Co.—P.O. Box 123

Terrace Yamashita Steamship Co.—19, Kuan

Dollar Co., The Robert—Robt. Dol- Tau Road

lar Building, F.C.

Forbes & Co., Wm.—45, Victoria Rd. Weihaiwei

Hamburg-Amerika Linie—144, Taku Fock Fai & Co.


Holland-China Trading Co.-58, Rue

Dillon Wuhu

Indo-China S.N. Co.—Victoria Road

Jardine, Matheson & Co. Ltd. - Butterfield & Swire—

Victoria Road Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.—

Kailan Mining Administration—

Meadows Road SIAM

Kinkai Yusen Kaisha—French Bund

Kinkusai Unyu Kaisha—37, Rue du Bangkok

14 Julliet

Melchers & Co.—16, Bruce Road Couper-Johnston & Co., D.


chi RoadBussan Kaisha—1, Yamagui- Diethelm & Co., Ltd.,

North China Steamship Co.—French East Asiatic Co., Ltd., The—

International Engineering Co., Inc.

Bund —P.O. Box 39

Norddeutscher Lloyd—16, Bruce Rd. Siam Steam

Osaka SHosen Kaisha—10, French Ltd., The Navigation Company,

Bund Siam Steam Packet Co,, Ltd., The—

Shosho Yoko—6, Asahi Road Airway House

:Soc. Francaise de Navigation de Thoresen & Co., Ltd.—966, Suriwong-

Tongkou—111, Rue de France se Road



INDO-CHINA East Asiatic Co., Ltd.—F.M.S. Rail-

ways Building

Haiphong Islay Kerr & Co., Ltd.—23, Beach


Koninklijke Paketmaart Maatschap-

t^hargeurs Reunis—31, Rue du Mare pij—Beach Street

chal Joffre Mansfield & Co., Ltd.—Chartered

Diethei.m & Co.—46, Avenue Clemen- i Bank Chambers

ceau Sime, Darby & Co., Ltd.—21, Beach

Transport Maritimes & Fluviaux ! Street

we l’Jndochine Anciennement



Harper, Gilfillan & Co., Ltd.—P.O.


GATION d’Extreme Orient—12, Rue Road,Darby Ipoh

& Co., Ltd.—94, Brewster

Boissy d’Anglas


TION & we Transport—5, Quai Myre Selangor

de Yilers

David & Co., Ltd., A. B.—43/45, Rue | Boustead & Co.—1, The Embankment


Diethelm & Co.—29, Quai de Belgi- | East Asiatic Co., Ltd.—58, Ampang



Drillien. Francis M. M. —148, Rue ! Harper, Gilfillan & Co., Ltd.—Kuala

Richaud Lumpur

Export & Import Co.. Ltd. of Coch- | McAlister & Co., Ltd.—High Street

inchine—39, Quai Belgijue

Messageries Maritimes.—Khanh-Hoi Planter’s Stores & Agency Co., Ltd.

—Kuala Lumpur


Ltd.—23 bis, Rue Georges Guyne-

mer Singapore

MALAYA Adamson, Gilfillan

Bank Building

Kedah Asiatic Steam Navigation Co., Ltd.—

Hongkong Bank Chambers

Hourin & Co., Ltd.—Bandar Bharu, Blue Funnel Line—Ocean Building

Scuth Kedah Barretto Shipping & Trading Co.—

49, The Arcade

Malacca British India Steam Navigation


Harper, Gilfillan & Co., Ltd. China Mutual S. N. Co.— Ocean Bldg.


Hevea Agency—27, First Cross Street Building Navigation Co., Ltd.—Ocean

Straits Steamship Co., Ltd.—South Cie. des Messageries Maritimes—122,

Reclamation Ground Robinson Road

Penang Dollar Steamship Lines—Hongkong &

Shanghai Bank Building

East Asiatic Co., Ltd.—12, Raffles

Dennys & Co., A.—22a, Beach Street Quay



Harrisons, Barker & Co., Ltd.— Koninklijke Paketvaart Mu—Kon-

ingsplein Oost 5

Chartered Bank Chambers

Heap Muller & Co., W.A., N.Y.

Ayei Eng

StreetMoh S. S. Co. — 22, Teluk Pitcairn, Syme & Co.

Ho Hong Steamship Co., Ltd.—61,

Chulia 'Street Padang

Internationale Credit-en Handelsve-

REENIGING “ROTTERDAM”—37, Robin- Konnikljke Paketvaart Maatrchappi.f

son Road

Kontnklyke Paketvaart Maatschappij | Sourabaya

—1, Finlayson Green

Lloyd Triestino—3, Collyer Quay Java-China-Japan-Lijn

Lohmann & Co., Ltd.—124, Robinson Pitcairn, Syme & Co.

Road Ross, Taylor & Co.

McAlister & Co., Ltd. — Gresham

House Semarang

Mansfield & Co.—Ocean Building

Moine, Comte

Building, Collyer Quay “Nederland” Stoomvaart Mu

Nederland Line Royal Dutch Mail— Pitcairn, Syme & Co.

41, Robinson Road

Nippon Yusen Kaisha—16, Raffles Sumatra


Ocean Steam Ship Co.—Ocean Bldg. Handel Maatschappy Guntzel & Schu-

Osaka Shosen Kaisha—9, De Souza St. macher—Medan

P. & O. Steam Navigation Co.— BORNEO

Collyer Quay

Sarawak Steamship Co.—Ocean Bldg.

Siew Inn Steamship Co. — 132, Cross Sarawak


Sime, Darby & Co.—5, Malacca Street Sarawak Steamship Co., Ltd.—32-33,

Slot & Co. —2, Weld Quay Khoo Hung Yeang Street, Kuching;

Straits Java Trading Co., N. V.— Sime, Darby & Co., Ltd.—6, Main

Bazaar, Kuching

P.O. Box 600

Straits Steamship Co., Ltd. — Ocean Sandakan


Sun Shipping Co.—Ocean Building

Thong Aik Co.—112, Robinson Road Sabah Steamship Co.’s (1927), Ltd.





Dollar Co., The Robert—108, Magal-

Indische Blauavriesveem (Nikas) lanes

Java China Japan Lijn, N. V.—P.O. Smith,Stevenson & Co., Inc., W. F.

Box 122 Bell & Co., Ltd.

Klaasen & Co.—Rijswijk 18 Warner, Barnes & Co., Ltd.



Iloilo Madrigal & Co. — 8, M. del Banco


Dollar Co., The Robert — Oalle Norddeuscher


Lloyd Bremen S. 6.

Rosarife, Binondo

Legaspi Philippine Inter-Island S.S. Co.—Port

Warner, Barnes . & Co., Ltd. Area

Roosevelt Steamship Agency, Inc.

Manila —Chaco Building

Russell & Co.—P.O. Box 982

American Express Co. — 95, Plaza Smith Smith, Bell & Co.—P.O. Box 311

Moraga Navigation Co.—P.O. Box


Atkins. Kroll & Co., Inc. — Insular Sorox,

Life Building Y. Cia—155, Aviles, San


Associacion de N a micros de Filipinas States

—El Hogar Building Steamship Co.—311, National

City Bank Building

Associated S.S. Lines—712, Insular Life Warner,

Building Barnes & Co., Ltd.—P.O.

Australian-Oriental Line, Ltd.— Box 294

503^511, Calle Eohague, Sta. Cruz Welch Fairchild, Ltd.—P.O. Box

Behn, Meyer & Co., H. Mij.—227, 549

David, Binondo Yuill & Co., Ltd., G. S.—503-m,

Canadian Pacific Steamships, Ltd. Echague, Quiapo

—14-16, Calle-David Yang co, Teodoro R. — 421, M. de la


times—223, Dasmarinas Ynchausti y Cia—Manila Pilot Bldg.

•Compania General de Tabacos de Fili-

pinas—P.O. Box 143 Zamboanga

Compania Maritima—109, Juan (Luna,

Binondo Atkins, Kroll & Co., Inc.—P.O. Box

Dollar Co., The, Robert—P.O. Box 199

1636 Dollar Co., The Robert—2, Gardia


Agencies, & Philippines Shipping: N ational

Ltd.—8-12, Escolta

Ellerman & Bhcknall S. S. Co.— Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd.

Wise Building, Juan Luna, Binondo

Ellis, Wm.—16, Escolta SILK FILATURES IN CHINA (S’ee Page

Everett, Inc., L.—401, Masonic Tem- B44-47)

ple Escolta

Fernandez Hermanos, Inc.—109, Juan SILK MERCHANTS


Findlay Miller Timber Co. —100, JAPAN


Gregorio M. Cansipit, Inc.—34, Es- Kobe


Hamburg Amerika Linie—227, David, Akita Shoten—4, Isogami-dori


Hanson, Orth and Stevenson, Inc.— Antaki & Son—P.O. Box 172

Aoki Kageki—155, Isogami-dori

P.O. Box 292

International Harvester Co. of the Arjana & Bros.—88, Sannomiya-cho

Philippines—P.O. Box 303 Assomull & Co.—35, Isogami-dori

Keller & Co., Ed. A.—178, Juan Luna Bastel & Co., Ltd.—38, Isobe-dori



Chanrai & Co., J.T.—39, Isobe-dori Shewakram & Co.—68, Isobe-dori

Comptoir Soies—170, Sannomiya-cho Shimizu Gomei Kaisha—1, Isogami-

Cox & Hirao—112, Higashi-machi dori

Detaram & iSon—P.O. Box 246 Tachikawa-Shoten—8, Isobe-dori

Delburgo Tsudato Shoten—104, Hachiman-dori

machi & Co., D. H. — 85 Yedo- Uni Shoten, Ltd.—202, Sannomiya

Findlay, Richardson & Co. (Japan), Wakabayashi Shoten—101, Isobe-dori

Ltd.—110, Ito-machi Wassiamull Assomull & Co.—35, Iso-

Fujii Shokai—160, Sannomiya-cho gami-dori

General Silk Importing Co.—70, | Yasumoto Yoshikiro—97, Isobe-dori

Kyomachi Building Yuasa Trading Co.—47, Akashi-machr

Hishi Shokai—48, Sannomiya-cho

Holland Asiatic Trading Co.—39, ! Zensuke Shokai—85, Nunoboki-cKo


Iwai Shoten K.K.—44, Naka-machi Kyoto

Iwamoto iShoten — 6, Shimoyamate-

dori Chiji Shoten—Sanjo Sagaru

Jhamatmall Gurbamall & Co.--100c, Gunze Raw Silk Co.—Higashintoin-

Hachiman-dori nishi

Kaida iShoten K.K.—9, iKitanagasa- Kawamura Kamejiro—Jofukuji-higa-

dori shi

Kamei Shoten—52, Harima-machi Kojima Shoten Gomei Kaisha—

Kanematsu Shoten K.K.—119, Ho- Omiya, Imadegawagaru

rn acbi Kyoto Nenshijo, Ltd.—Murasakino-

Kawase Shokai—10, Isobe-dori machi

Kewalram & Bulchand—96, Isobe dori Naigai


Orimono Goshi Kaisha-Sasa

Kissoomall & Co.—14, Isogami-dori Yoshida & Co. Goshi Kaisha—Sasayo-

Kondo Shoten—16, Harima-machi cho

Layko, Ross & Co., Inc.—94, Yedo-

machi Nagoya

Mitsui Bdssan Kiitobu Shutcho-sho—

3, Kaigan-dori

Miye Shoten—-58, Naniwa-machi Aoyama Kiito-ten—Miya-machi, Hi-

Murakami Shoten—80, Isobe-dori gashi-ku

Musabhoy & Co.—328, Saimomiya-cho Mizutani


Shoten—Miya-machi, Higa-

Naraindas, B.— Sannomiya-cho Nishimura Shoten—Miya-machi, Hi-

Nikko Shokai— 255,Naka-machi gashi-ku

Nippon Menka K.K.—123, Higashi- Noguchi Shoten—Chaya-cho, Nishi-

machi ku

Ogawa Shoten—50, Harima-machi Tsukashima Gomei Kaisha—Miya-ma-

Okamoto Shoten—118, Hachiman-dori chi, Higashi-ku

Peermohamed Gomei Kaisha—93a, Ye-

do-machi Osaka

Pohomull Brothers—P.O. Box 49

Rosenbloom, iS-—Shintaku Building Curmally & Co.—36, Kawaguichi-cho

Rupert Cox Goshi Kaisha—3/68, Fujita Seujiro—13, Karamono-cho

Isobe-dori Fukumoto Tokujiro —153, Hon-cho>

Sawamdra Shoten K.K..—72, Isobe- Kakuman Shoten—25, Minami Hon-cho




Kawada Toyoghichi*—#0, Kita Kyu- Maruju Kengyo Shokai Goshi Kaisha

—46, Benten-dori


Kawakita Shoten—1, Ando-cho, Higa: Namisei Shoten -23, Sumyoshi-cho

shi-ku Naraidas, Tirthdas .& Co.—P.O. Box

Kawamuha FusATARO-^b,©, S.ake-machi 153

MaRUITO K nn-RA CHIRIMEN-TEN—31, Nihalchand & Co.—77, Yamashita-cho

Shinsaibashi Nikko Fuji Shokai • 21, Benten-dori

Martjko CosHi Kaisha—111 Kit'a Kyu- Nozaki Shokai—202, Yamashita-cho


Nippon Kinttori Co., Ltd.—Gosho Premsing & Sons, I.—153, Yamashita-cho

Rudolph & Co.—254, Yamashitd-cho

Building, Nakanoshima

Okabashi K.K.—32, Funakosbi-cho Strahler & Co.—94, Yamashita-pho.;,

Shigemitsu Yoshtnosuke—7, Obte-cho Strome & Co.—35, Yamashita-cho

Siber Hegner & Co., Ltd.—21, Imabashi Zellweger & Co.—90b, Yamasjiita-cho

Tatyo ShotEn—4T, Banzai-cbo

Uemura JisABUjao—58b, Kajiya-cho KOREA

Yokota Shoten—27, Kita Watanabe-

cho Chosen Seisha Kaisha—181, 'Suindo,


Shidzuoka Chosen Seishi K.K.—181; Sonindo,


Ohhashi Genjiro Shoten—Hon-dori Kanegafuchi

suri, .Seoul

Bosekj K.K.—61,- Shiset-

Watanabe Genju Shoten—Yegawa-cho Katakura Seisha Kaisha—6, Kanko-

dori, Seoul

Tokyo Keijo Seishi-jo—290, Toscmdo, Senul

Kobe Shokai K.K.---10, Aoba-cho,.

Pearce & Co.—Yamawuichi Building, Yamaju Seoul

Hon-cho iSeishi K.K.—11, Kanko-dori,

■ Seoul

Yokohama Chosen Kenshoku K.K.—181, Sonindo

TaisHo ; OkmoNo K.K. — 7, Reido,

Abe Shoten K.K.—5, Aioi-cbo SeOiil

Bharat Trading Co.—153, Yamasbita- CHINA


Dhanamall, Chellaram — 32c, Yama- Canton


Gazal, Joseph G.—38, Naka-machi Chellaram, 1).- -=20, French Concession

Japan Raw Silk Co.—43, Hon-cho

Joko Boyeki Kabushiki Kaisha—63, Griffith, (1932) Ltd., T.E.—iShameen

Hogg & Co.—19, British Concession


Kamei Shinjiro Shoten—19, Sumy- Karanjia & Ca—21, French Conces-

sion, Shameen

oshi Shoten

Kato Gomei Kaisha—3, Minami Naka- KwangtungShameen

Silk Agency — 33a, B. C.,


Kern & Co., A.—77, Yamashita-cho Leynaud, P.

Kewalram & Belch and—82, Yamashi- Madier, Ribet & Cie

ta-cho Mogra & Co., E. R.—Shampen

Mukhi Hirarand Tarachand — 126, Pohoomull Bros.—15, French Conces-

Yamashita-cho sion




Reiss, Massey & Co. Hongkong

Spalinger & Co., U.

Vastjnja & Co., J. P.—54, French Con. Chellaram, D.—China Building

Wo Ho Silk Corpn.—33a, British Chi Wen Silk Weaving Co.—76,

Concession, Shameen Queen’s Road Central

China Lace Co.—61, Queen’s Road

Chefoo Chinese Bazaar—China Building

Chinese Embroidering Co., The—

Casey ' & Co. China Building

CnEFOO Drapery Store—1, Church Chotirmall & Co.—37, Wyndham Str.

Street Deutsche Farben Handelsgesells-

Chefoo Hairnet Co. chaft Waibel & Co. — Prince’s

China Crafts Building

China Manufacturers Export Asso- East Asiatic Trading Co.--Asiatic


ciation—P.O. Box 1696

China Merchants Pongee Association Fook Weng & Co.—China Building

—Beach Street Handicraft Distributing Co.—8, On

Clarke, J. H. King Terrace

Franklin Trading Co.—59, Broad- HariramHariram S. K.—78 Queen’s Road, C.

way Silk Store—51, Nathan Road

Hindu Shantung Trading Co. Hongkong Lace Co.—50, Queen’s Road


Industrial Enterprise Corporation— Japanese

Broadway Bazaar—7, D’Aguilar Street

Kiu Cheng & Co. Kayamally & Co —20, Queen’s Road

McMullan & Co. Central

Pernot (Chefoo) et Cie Mayeda & Co.—13, D’Aguilar Street

Shantung Products Export Co,. The Bldg. Revel, S. A.—French Bank


Shantung Silk and Lace Co.—Beach Patell, J. B.—38, Wyndham Street


Shin Feng & Co.—Chao Yang 'Street Pavri Street

& Sons, K. S.—32, Wyndham

Silk Embroidery & Lace Depot— Radiant Silk Mart--70a, Queen’s Rd.

Kwang Ren Road Central

Tai Kong Co.—18, Beach Road Swatow Drawn Work Co.—14, Ped-

Tat Tung Co.—Broadway

Universal Producing Co.—93, Broad- SwatowStreet


Lace Co., Ltd.—16, Pedder St.


Walter, David Lane & Co.—56, Sun Tack Co., The—P.O. Box 485

Broadway Taj m ah a.! Silk Store—Iving’s Theatre

Yannoulatos Brothers Building

Talati, M.P.—18, Ice House Street

Hankow Thakurdas Jheramda & Co. — 29b,

Wyndham Street

Foo Kong & Co.—iSin Seng Road Tyeb & Co.—19, Queen’s Road Central

Guzdar & Co.—Hunan Road Utoomall & Assudamall Co.—25,

Hongkong Shanghai Lace Co.— Wyndham Street

39, SankiaoandRoad Wassiamull Assomull Co.—46, Queen’5

■Nippon Kabushiki Kaisha— Road Central


4, Kiangnan Watanmal Boolchand—20, On Lan

Peroshaw & Co.—33, Sankiao Road Street



Shanghai Eikwa Kenshibu—193, Sinza Road

Essig, Emile—1, Canton Road

A. K. U. China Agency—20, Museum Fein, Road

Aaron — 852, North Szechuen


\fshar & Co.—60, Kiangse Road Fukut Yoko—48, Szedhuen Road

Arnhold & Co., Ltd.—1, Nanking Gerli & Co., E.—24, Yuen Ming Yuen

Road Road

Assomull & Co.—136, Nanking Road Gibb, Road

Livingston &f Co.—28,, Szechuen

Azadian iSociete Anonyme—4, French Gidumal YO.K.) & Watumull — 131,

Bund Hankow Road

Baer & Co., A.—17, Yuen Ming Yuen GLANzmann, Fco.—38, Canton Road


Bejonjee & Co.—:}, Nanking Road Gobhai Karanjia, Ltd.—147, Kiangse


Broadwith & Co.—19, Szechucn Road Goldenberg, M.—304, Kiangse Road

Cambefort & Co!, E. 17, Canton Rd.

Carisio Freses—10, Rue du Consulat Habibullah Co., H. M.—222, North

Sppqhow Road

Cathay Crafts, The — 610, Avenue Hip Seng Co., The—61, Nanking Road

Joffre Hormasjee, J.—11, Broadway

Charleux, R.—3, Canton Road Huber & Co.—2b, Kiukiang Road

Cheelaram, D.—131, Hankow Road Industrial Export Co.—4, Avenue

China Merchants’ Pongee Associa- Edward VII

tion, 36, Jinkee Road Jabara & Bros., F. M. (New York)—

China Silk Co.—21, Yuen Ming Yuen 84, Szeehuen Road

Road Jacobi &; Co.—15, Museum Road

Ching Tai Underwear Co., Ltd.—353, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.—27,

Yates Road The Bund

China United Filatures Export Co. Kattwinkel, Max—20, Museum Road

—96, Peking Road

Chinai & Co.—10, Rue du Consulat Kerman


i & Co., R.S.—9, Hankow


Museum Bedcni

Road & Co. S. A. — 17, Khawi a Comme rcial Agency—410, North

Codsi, J.—5, Foochow Road Soocbp.w Rqad



& Cp., J.—130, Hankow

duits Asiatiques—39A, Canton Rd. Kiu Cheng . Pongee Cp.—108, Weihai-

Compagnie Optorg—39, Avenue Ed- wei Road

ward VII Kosloff; L.—107, Nanking Road

Continental Trading Co.—125, Jinkee Lang & Co., R,—4, Pzra Road

i Road

'1 Dah Foong Pongee & Silk Co.—N414, Laou Kai Eqok & Co.—23, Kiukiang

Hankow Road Road

Delbourgo & Cp.—453, Kiangse Road Laou Kiu Chwang Silk Co.—354,

Dell ’Oro & Co.—1, Canton Road Nanking Road

"'.Deutsche Farben Handelsgesellschaft Laou Kiu Luen & Co.—499, Nanking

(Waibel &; Co.)—68, Szeohuen Road Road

Dyce & Co.—9, -Hankow Road Lee Successeurs d’Ulysse Pila & Sie

I Eastern Silk Co—272, Bubbling Well -—248, Sassoon House

t Road Li, S.C.—53, Nanking Road

lI Eastern Little & Co., Ltd. (1930) William-

Road Trading Co.—.3, Hankow 21, Jinkee Road


E324 SILK meechanTs :

Lotas & Co.—441, Avenue Joffre Swatow

Lustre FibrI:, Ltd.—12. The Bund

Macksond Importing Co.—320, Kiang- Tong Li

Nan Co.—6, West Liang Hua i

se Eoad

Madier, Eibet et Cie.—9, Avenue Tshu Sok Che (Mrs.)—P.O. Box 36 J

Edward VII

Maitland & Co., Ltd.—10, Szechuen Tientsin


Master & Co., M. J.—9a, Hankow Ed. Chung Yuen Co.—Asahi Eoad

Marthoud & Cie—5, Foochow Eoad Doulatram & Sons — 274, Victoria

Mikasa & Co.—44, Bubbling Well Eoad

Eoad Hall &; Holtz, Ltd.—101, Victoria

Muguet, A.—9, Avenue Edward VII Eoad .

Naorosji & Co., P.—10, Eue du Con- Pinyamall, L.—260, Victoria Eoad

sulat Shantung Silk & Lace Co.—Eue de

Novelty Store—447a, Avenue Joffre Takbu

One Price Lace Oo.—45, Broadway Takeda Eoad

Brothers & Co.—301, Victoria

Peroshaw & Cb.—1, North Soochow Tarachand, M.—3, Woodrow Wilson

Eoad Street.

P ohoomull Brothers—12B, Hankow Tung Ching Lung & Co.—West-end,


Puthod, A.—7, Yuen Ming Yuen Kui-i-chieh Street

Eoad Tsinan

Eighini Co., Ltd.—39, Canton Eoad

Eudolph & Co., Charles—137, Peking Home of Onesiphorus—Taian


Satramdas, S.E.—9A, Hankow Eoad Eubant, Street

Francis W.—40, Sixth Main

Sauvayre, J.—3, tKiukiang Eoad

Saydah & Saydah, Inc.—74, Szechuen Weihaiwei


Shalom & Co.—84, Szechuen Eoad Sun Sing Trading Oo.—7, The Bund

Shanghai Silk Co.—656, Bubbling Sunlight Co.

Well Eoad Weihaiwei Handiwork Co.—91, North

Shroff & Co., E.F.—671, Szechuen Eoad Street

Shroff, P.B.—36, Jinkee Eoad

Sino-Aryan Trading Co.—681, Sze- SIAM

chuen Eoad

Ultramir Import Co.—17, Canton Ed. Bangkok

ViLoudAki & Co.—16, Peking Eoad

Wai Tsun 'Silk Co.—100, Peking Tuljaram & Sons—199, New Eoad

Eoad Eastern Indian Trading Co.—1324, |

Weber & Co., C.A.—8-10, Eue du Anuwongse Eoad


Whou Ling Silk Manufacturing Co INDOCHINA

—16, Museum Eoad

Watanmal Boolchand—115, Hankow Saigon


Yannoulatos BROTHkiis (China)—120, GhotirmAll & Co., K.A.J. — 28-32,

Jinkee Eoad New Eue Catinat



MALAYA I' Bombay Silk Supply—Crystal Arcade

| Crown Silk Store—27, Escolta

Negri Serabilan Indian Commercial Co.—114, Nueva

Manila Remnant Go., Inc.—451, Juan

'Gianchand & Sons—«0, Paul Street, Luna

Seremban Philippine Hosiery Mills, Inc.—

Seremban Silk Store—129, Paul Street 451, Juan Luna

Pohoomull Brothers—79, Escolta

Penang iSehwani & Co.—64, Escolta

Royal Silk Store—737, Tabora, San

Doelatram & Co., B. H. T.—8a, Beach Nicolas



Bishop StreetAssomull & Co. — 14, (See Page B44-47)


(See Page B47-49)

Kinta Silk Store — 128, Belfield SOAP AND CANDLE FACTORIES

Street, Ip oh (See Page B49-51)


■Ohotirmall & Co., K. A. J.—41-43, High

Street CHINA

Echigoya & Co.—54, Middle Street

Ramghand & Sons—76, North Bridge Rd. Canton

Singapore Silk Store—36, North Rd.

Wassiamull, Assomull &r Co.—56, Rafeek & Co.—71, B. Con., Shameen

High Street

Yaw Cheong—89,- North Bridge Rd. Hongkong

NETHERLANDS INDIA China Sports—D’Aguilar Street

G. S. Brothers—11, Ho Tung Man-

Batavia sions, Kowloon

Mamak & Co—10, Peking Road

'Ohotirmall & Co., K.A.J.—7, Pasar Outdoor Sports Equipment Co.—10,

Baroe Ice House Street

Sourabaya Shanghai

HhoTirmall & Cb., IK.A.J.—23, Pesar Squires, Bingham, Ltd.—52, Nanking

Besar Road


Manila Singapore

Ailmal & Co.—741, Tabora Queen’s—3, Prince Street

Asanmal & Co.—757, Tabora Robinson & Co., Ltd.—Raffles Place

Bombay Commercial Co;—741, Tabora Roysons—111, North Bridge Road



Penang Tokyo

Pritchard & Co., Ltd.—9, Union Str. Helm Bros., Ltd. — 1, Shibaura,


Selangor Mitsubishi Warehouse; Co., Ltd. — 1,


Robinson & Co., Ltd.—Java Street,

K. L.



Bangkok Asada Kaisoten—8, Moto Hama-dori

Harada Gumi—23, Kaigan-dori

Princes—Nai Lert Building Helm Bros., Ltd.—48, Yamashita-


PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Inagaki Kaisoten—87,. Onoe-cho

Kokusai Unyu K.K.—1, Kaigan dori

Manila Nickel & Lyons, Ltd. —7, Yamashita-


Athletic Supply Co.—114, T. Pinpin Owston & Co., Ltd,, F.—1, Kaigan-


STATIONERY SUPPLIES FAC- Yomasa Teikoku Unyu G.K.—19, Kaigan-dori

TORIES (dee Page B51) Shokai—25,*Kaigan-dori


JAPAN Hongkong


A. Kwai & Co.—IS, Connaught Road

Helm Bros., Ltd.—46, Harimaunachi Central

Nickel & Lyons, Ltd.—2, Kaigan- Hin Fat & Co., Ltd.—17, Connaught

Road C.


Owston & Co., F.—72, Kyo-machi Siu Heong Yuen GOdown Co.—Nelson

Street, Mongkok

Nagasaki South China Transporting and

Stevedoring Co.—Bank of Canton

Walker & Co., R. N.—11, Oura-machi WangBuilding

Kee & Co.—36, Connaught Rd.



Aisan Shosen K.K.—Funairi-cho Shanghai

Asano Shinji Shoten—Minato Hon-cho

Chiyoda Gumi—Mama-machi Ah Foh & Co.—33, Szechuen Road


machi Kaiun Kaisha — Minato Hon- Loh Yung Kee—747, Broadway East

Unpan Goshi Kaisha—Sasajima-cho Lowts Bros.—74, Broadway East



MALAYA Ensuiko Seito Takushokxj K.K.—62,

Nishino Shimono-cho

Singapore Niitaka Seito K.K.—1, Kakuro-machi

Taiwan Seito K.K.—55, Kawara-


Coastal Teansport Co.—58, Cecil St. Teikoku

Dawood & Co.—22, Raffles Quay Seito K.K.—55, Kawara-


Lye Huat & Co.—4, Robinson Road

Saiboo Maeican ct Co.—ja, Raffles Quay Shidzuoka

PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Hasegawa Eikichi Shoten—8, Imonishi-


Iloilo Izuya, N. Suzuki—90, Baba-cho

Kawaguchi Eikichi Shoten—47, Kinza-

Vis ay an Stevedore-Transportation cho

Co., The Shimonoseki

Manila Abeko Shoten—Hannonzaki-cho

Benitey Hugo—15, San Gabriel Hattori Shoten—Nishinabe-cho

■Bailey Stevedoring Co., Inc.—P.O. Hirazawa Shoten—Nishinabe-cho

Meiji Shoten—Nishinabe-cho

Box 517

Cebu Stevedoring Co., Inc.—17, Martires Nakatora Shoten—Nishinabe-cho

Koh Enrique Legarda —260, Juan Luna

Luzon Stevedoring Co., Inc—P.O. Tokyo

Box 582

'Dai Nippon Seito K.K. — Showa

Zamboanga Building

Ensuiko Sugar Manufacturing Co.—

Johnston, Jos. S. Gofukubashi

Meiji Seito K.lK.—3, Naka-dori

SUGAR 'CENTRALS IN PHILIP- Building Tainan Seito K.K.—dhiyqda Shintaku

PINE ISLANDS (See Page B51-53) Taiwan Seito K.K.—Yuraku Bldg.

SUGAR MERCHANTS Tamaoki Gomei Kaisha—10, Sete-



Ando Shintaro Shoten—132, Choja-


Meiji Seito K.K.—39, Takamatsu-cho Konetaya Shoten—51, Wakaba-cho

Taiwan Seito K.K.—Higashi Hiriike Masudaya Shoten—39, Hon-cho

cho Nippon Seifun K.K.—Chikawa-cho

Sugiyama Shoten—8, Hanasaki-cho

Osaka Yoshino Zakkoku Shoten—23, Sue-


.Dat Nippon Seito, K.K.—Wakamatsu- Zenpa Denkichi Shoten—21, Miyaga-

chio wa-cho




Dai Nippost Seito K.K.—110, Ken- Manila

shiro, Seoul

Hokoku Seifuist K.K.—76, Nandai- Ayala & Co.—21, Juan Luna

mon-dori, Seoul

Kuwata Shoten — 344, Taihai-dori, Bataan Sugar Co.—312, Masonic Temple

Seoul Calamba Sugar Estate—6th floor,

Nakajima Shoten—21, Hasegawa-cho, CentralG. de los Reyes Building

Seoul Azucarera Del Norte—203,

Tokunaga Shoten— 53, Suhiyo-cho, Central Cu-Unjieng Building, Binondo

Seoul Azucarera . Don Pedro—719,



BuildingLuzon Milling Co.—Tav, Luna

FORMOSA Chin Hua Co.—328v Nueva

Ako Seito K.K.—Toryokwan, Heito-gun Davies & Co., Theo. H.—619, Escolta

Hacienda San Jose, Minoro—P.O.

Dai Nippon Seito K.K.—Tainan Box 2386

Meiji Seito K.K.—Tainan-shu Insular Sugar Refining Corpn.—228,

Showa Seito K.K.—Gokeku-sho, Taihoku National City Bank Building .

Taito Seito K.K.—Kita-machi, Taito-cho Laguna


Sugar Corporation — 155,

Lian Seng—465, M. de Binondo

CHINA Mabalacat Sugar Central—220, Das-


Hongkong Malabon Sugar Co.—Malabon Rizal

North Legros Sugar Co. — Uy Chaco


Pavri & Sons, K. S.—<32, Wyndham Pam pan ga Sugar Mills—6th floo

Street G. do los Reyes Building

Pentbeath & Co.—^Alexandra Build- Philippine Sugar Estate Development

Co.—246, Anda


Pure Cane

Taikoo Sugar Repining Co.—Quarry (P.l.) Inc—P.O. Mclasses

Box 1307.Company

Bay Roxas Y. Compania—719, Echague,

San Miguel

Shanghai San Carlos Milling Co., Ltd.—Chaco

Building, Binondo

Erdmann & Sielcken — 20, Kiukiang Sun Hing Sugar Factory—1126, Sta


Road Welch Fairchild, Ltd.—P.O. Box 549

Maclaine Sugar Go., Ltd.—12, The


Volkart Brothers’ Agency — 34, NETHERLANDS) INDIA

Avenue Edward VII



Arima & Co., Ltd., H.

Gipperich & Co., E.—62, Taku Road Erdman & Sielcken—P.O. Box 44



Internationale Crediet-en Handels Kian Gwan, N.V. Handel Maatschap-

Vereeniging “ Rotterdamt”’ pij

Java Sumatra Handel Mu, N.V. Maintz’ Productenhandel, N.V.

Kian Gwan, N.V. Handel Maatschap- Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd.

pij Mirandoole, Voute & Co.

Maclaine, Watson & Co. Nippon Sugar Trading Co., Ltd.

Maintz’ Productenhandel, N.V. Patel, M.V.

Mirandolle, Voute & Co.

Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd. SURVEYORS (See Architects)

Platon, L.

Wellenstein Krause Co. TANNERIES IN CHINA

(See Pa^e, B53)


(See, Page B55)

Arima & Co., Ltd.,, H.



Internationale Crediet-en Handels JAPAN

Vereeniging “ Rotterdam ”

Kian Gwan, N.V. Handel Maatschap-

pi j Hakodate

Kruytbosch, H.A.

Kwik Hoo Tong, N.V. Handel Maat- Gill & Co.—7, Takushoku Building


McNeill & Co.:

Maintz' Productenhandel, N.V. Kobe

Mitsui Russan Kaisha, Ltd.

Mirandolle, Voutb & Co. Awano Shoten—128, Sake-machi

Thio Sing Long, N-V.i Handel Maat- Curnow


& Co., J.-^P.O. Box 1050


Fuji-en Chaho—109, Miya-machi

Furukawa Chaho—1-149, Shimoya

Sourabaya mate-dori

Hirochi Yoshio—103H10, Wakinoha-


Arima & Go., Ltd., H. Miyako-ten—35, Kitanagasa-dori

Burns, Philp & Co., Ltd. Mizota Naokazu—45, Shimoyamate-


CoMMISSIE-EN AGENTUUR MAaTSCHAPPU Musabhoy & Co.—328, Sannomiya

“ iSOERABAIA ” Nakao Takesaburo—84, Futaba-cho

ERDMAN & SlELCKEN Sonobe Shoten Seicha-bu—131, Sakae-

Fraser Eaton & Co. machi

International Crediet-en Handels Suzuki Sei—67, Kitanagasa-dori

VEREENiGlNG “ ROTTERDAM ” Takatsuka Naotaro—20, Yokomichi-

Java Sumatra Handel MaatschAPpij, machi

N.V. Yamanouchi Chaho—170, Moto-machi



Kyoto Nozawa & Co.—Taihoku

Carter Macy Tea and Coffee Co., Inc.

Aobana-En Chaho—Higashinotoin —24-26, Eiraku-cho, Daitotei

Ashida Rihichi—Gojo Agaru, Shin Machi

Goto Seisabtjro—2, vS-anjo Sagaru CHINA

Watabe Tatsubaro—Nijo-kami


Nagoya Goeke & Co., A.—85, British Coneea-

M. J. B. Co.—103', Suyehiro-cho sion



Associated Products. Co., Ltd.

Aoba Tsurujiro—4, Karabori-oho FIarrison, King & Irwin, Ltd.

Asano Seijiro—^5, Shio-cho

Hojtjen Chaho—326, Moto-machi Hankow


bashi Honten—160, Shinsai-

Midorien Chaho—1548, Nihombashi, Asiatic Trading Corporation—7, Lan-

ling Road

Minami-ku Andersen, Meyer & Co. — 11, Rue

Sugino Orisaburo—29, Yokobori-cho Clemenceau

Arnhold & Co.,—Bund, S.A.D. 1

Shidzuoka Dodwell & Co.—5, Tungting Road

Harrisons, King & Irwin—9, The


Carter, Macy & Co.—2, Anzai-machi Jardine,

Folger & Co.—Kitaban-cho Matheson & Co.—The Bund,

Fuji Seicha K.K.—17, Kitaban-cho S.A.D. 3

Habibullah & Co., H. M.—75, Kita- RoadStraits Trading Co.—17, Tungting.

ban-cho :


Box 27

Irwin-Harrisons-Whitney, Inc.—56, Agips Tea Co.—Bank of Canton Bldg.


Japan Black Tea Co.—48, Tekkoshi Celochi Tea Co.—Bank of Canton

Japan Tea Firing Co.—2, Anzai, Building

M. J. B. Co.—103, Suyehiro-cho China Tea Co.—1b, Pottinger Street

Seihoku Koichi Shoten—98, Kita Davie, Boag & Co., Ltd.—Queen’s



Shidzuoka Seicha Gomei Kaisha—67, Central Co.—4A, Des Vceux Road

Gilman &

Anzai-cho Jardine, Matheson & Co.—Pedder

SiiEGFREiD & Co.—87, Shinmei-cho Street

Kelley & Co., Ltd.—9, Queen’s Road


Moulder & Co.—China Building

Anglo-American Direct Tea Trading Patell, J.B.—18, Ice House Street

Co.—1, Idzumicho, Taipeh Union Trading Co.—York Building




Afshar & Co.—60, Kiangse Road Batavia

Anderson & Co.—39, Peking Road

Asiatic Trading Corpn., Ltd.—71, Catz Java TradingThe

Borneo Co., Ltd.,

Co., N.V.

S-zechuen Road

Campbell & Co., Alex—12, Jinkee Cocq Francis

& Co., C.H.R.

Peek & Co., Ltd.


Centrosojus (England), Ltd—2, Harrison & Crosfield, Ltd.

Heath & Go., Ltd.—Prinsenstraat

Peking Road

China Tea Exporter—106, Peking Rd. Internationale Crediet-en Handels

Vereeniging “ Rotterdam ”

China Tea Co., Ltd.—288, Tiendong Java Sumatra Handel Maatschappij,

Road N.V.

Comerford & Co.—18, The Bund


Gwan, N.V. Handel Maatschap-

Kiangse Road Maclaine Watson & Co,

Dodwell & Co., Ltd.—1, Canton Road Maintz’ Productenhandel, N.V.

Gibb, Livingston & Co.—28, Jinkee Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd.

Road Landbouw Maatschappij, Ned Indis-

Gilson, E.H.—28, Jinkee Road CHE

Gcal y Cia.—Central Arcade Peet & Co., John

Habibullah Co., H. M.—222, North Bouwenhorst Mulder & Co.

Soochow Road Ross Taylor & Co.

Heath (1927), Ltd.—2, Peking Road Tiedeman & van Kerchem

Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.—27, Wellenstein Krause & Co.

The Bund

Jebsen & Co.—7, Hankow Road Macassar

Karamelahi & Co.—25, Yuen Ming

Yuen Road

Kermani & Co., U.S.—9, Hankow Catz Java Trading Co., N.V.

Maintz’ Productenhandel, N.V.


Khawja Commercial

North Soochow Road Agency — 410, Padang

Nemazee & Co., H.M.H.—391, Kiangse

Road Internationale Crediet-bn Handels

Ouskocli, M.H.A. — 451, Kiangse Vereeniging “ Rotterdam ”


PutHod, A.—7, Yuen Ming Yuen Semarang


Savul & Co., A. I.—34, Yuen Ming Crone, H.G. Th.

Yuen Road Internationale Orediet-en Handels

Shamsi & Co.t—361, Kiangse Road Vereeniging “ Rotterdam ”

Sino-Aryan Trading Co.—681, Sze- Kwik Hoo Tong Handel Maatschap-

chuen Road pij, N.V.

StEMssEN & Krohn—14, Museum Rd. McNeill & Co.

Wang Yue Tai Tea Co.—197, Avenue Maintz’ Produotenhandel, N.V.

Foch Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd.



Rouwenhoest Mxjldee & Go. TI-WEAVING FACTORIES

Boss Tayloe & Co. (See Page B54-D9)

Semaeangsche Administeatxe Maat-


Sourabaya JAPAN

“Amsterdam’1 H a n del svereen i g-i n g

Anemeat & Co. Hakodate

Buens, Phxlp & Co., Ltd.

Feasee Eaton & Oo.,; Ltd. Asiatic Lumber Co., Ltd.—32, Sakai-


Veeeeniging “ Rotteedam ” Etori Kenzen—17, Takasago-cho

Java Sumatea Handel Maatschappij, Homma Shieoji—i, Benten-cho


Kian Gwan, N.V. Handel Maatschip- Japan & Eastern Trading Co., Ltd.—

8, Aioi-cho, Otaru

pij Matsumoto Shoten—14, Shiodome-cho-

Kwik Hoo Tong, Handel Maatschap- Sakamato Jutaeo—262, Matsukaze-cho

pij, N.V. Veenot Timber Trading Co.—1, Aioi-

MIaintz’ (Pboduotenhandel, N.V. cho Otaru

Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd.

Landbouw Maatschappij, Ned. Indis- Yuasa Lumber Go.—Otaru


Ross Tayloe & Co. Kobe

Wattib & Co., Ltd., N.V. Handel Kerry & Go., H. E.—7, Harima-

Maatschappij machi

MALAYA MacMillan Export Co., Ltd., H. R

—304, Crescent Building, 72, Kyo-

Singapore machi

Mitsubishi Shoji K.K.—48, Akashi-

Brooke Bond India, Ltd.—69, Cecil machi

Street Mitsui Bussan Kaisha—3, Kaigan-

Kiat & Oo., T.G.—110, Race Course dori

Road Mitsui Bussan Kaisha—3, )Kaigan-

Klass & Sons—100a, Robinson Road ch

Malay Penninsula Agency—P.O. Box Nakano Shoten—4, Sumiyoshi-Shoten

503 Nakata & 'Go.—Uchida Building

Maetin & Co., W. M. 34—Winchester National Trading & Lumber Co.—32,.

House Akashi-mchi

Nanayakaea, M.W.J.—D—13, Union Philippine Lumber Exportation Co.—

Building. Meikai Building

Ohsaki iShoten—27, Kasunoki-cho

PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Ohsuka Shoten—27, Zaimoku-cho

Manila Sasaki Shoten—Minami Sakasegawa-


Califoenia Groceey Co.—211, Echa- Tamura & Co.—Sakae-machi

gue % Western Export Lumber Co.—Jugo

Pe Hang Lian—227, Soler, Binondo Building

Seng Kee & Co.—622, Nueva, Binondo Yamacho Mokuzai K.K.—Jugo Bldg,



Kyushu Shimonoseki

Aoki Shotex--4, Kaigau-dori Akita Shokai—Higashinabe-cho

Ehama Danbei—7, Ishiro-cho Kagotora Seikan K.K.—Isaki-cho

Kyushu Seizai K.K.—Isshishiro-cho Ohmura Iwakichi- Nishi Hosoe-cho

Miyai Seikosho—Ikuyo-cho

Ringo Shokai—Isshishiro-cho Tokyo

Nagasaki Akita Mokuzai K.K.—26, Minami


Aoki Teruyuki—56, Nishi Hamano Chiyoda Seizai-chp—U Yamato-cho

Kanaya Shokai—5, Seuba-machi Hamamatsu Mokuzai K.K.—2, Kame-


Kasamura Kaxame—3, Fukutomi-cho Kabafuto

Nakajima, B.—19, Suwa^machi RtHgyo K.K.—4, Uchisai-

Saito Haruichi—3, Yamase-machi wai-cho

Kwarexko Mokuzai K.K.—Sunamura,

Nagoya Min amikasihika-gun

Nichiro Mokuzai K.K.—N. Y. K.

Building, Marunouchi

Akita Mokuzai Kaisha, Ltd.—35, Ma- Obayashi-gumi Kosaku-cho—1, Shio-

saki-machi, Naka-ku saki, Fukawgawa-gun

Chuo Mokuzai K.K.—45, Atsuta Shin Tokyo Lumber Market Co.—Kiba

Bito-mach.i Building

Fukuda Zaimokutex—2-350, Masaki-

cho Yokohama

Kato Heijiro—25, Higashi Tsukiji

Noda Shotex—8, Kami Horikawa-cho Asahi Mokuzai K.K.—3615, Shimodai


Osaka Hiranuma Seizai K.K.^3497, Aoiki-


Axdo iShotex—99, Itachibori Koyasu Seizai Kaisha—3413, Moriya-

Arita Mokusai K.K.—5, Izuo-cho machi

Douglas Fir Exploitatiox Export Mikawaya Zaimaruten—3453, Aoki-cho

Co.—619, Osaka Building, 1, Soze- Nakamura Zaimokutex — 230, iKana-

cho gawa-cho

Hamada Tekkosho—510, Kiyo Kita- Saito iShotex—144, Matsukage-cho,.

dori Naka-ku

Iwai Noburo—278, Kiyo Minami-cho Toyo Seizai-cho—1181, Iwamashita

Kato Yoshimatsu—5, Korabori-cho Wada Setzaisho—30, Tokasago-cho

Maxka Shotex—1, Izuo Umeno-cho

Tanaka Shoji Shoten—19, Edo-bori KOREA

Tori Gomei Kaisha—1, Dojima Hama- Akita Mokuzai K.K.—90, Okazaki

c)io, Seoul

Daini Shokai IK.K. -69, Okazaki-cho,

Makita Shinichi Shoten—3/10, Ohte- Seoul

eho Horiuchi Shokai—14, Furuicho, Seoul

Shidzuoka Mokuzai Itaku—24, Anzai iSanko Yoko—70, Okazaki-cho, Seoul

Yasumoto Genkichi Shotex—30, Baba- Yamana MatsUtarO—70, Okazaki-cho,

cho Seoul



CHINA Gibb, Livingston & Co.—P. & O.


Dairen International Trading Co.—China


Akita Mokuzai K.K.—4, Kita Oyama- Jack & Co.—China Building

Jardine, Matheson & Co. — Pedder

dori Street

Dairen iSeizai K.K.—2, Sakae-machi Mitsui Bussan Kaisha — Prince’s

Mikashita Mokusho—1, Irifune-cho Building

Shing?u Shoko K.K.—14, Yoyoi-cho New Zealand Perpetual Forests, Ltd.

12-14, Queen’s Road Central

Foochow Sham Mow Saw Mill Co., Ltd.—275,

Lockhart Road

Associated Froddcts Cq. Shewan Tomes & Co.—St George’s


China Import & Export Lumber Co., Simpson & Co.—China Building

Ltd.—c/o Union Trading Co.

Wong Tong Kee—32, Canton Boad,

Hankow Kowloon

Asiatic Trading Corpn.—1, Lamg- Mukden

ting Road, S.A.R. 2 China Impart & Export Lumber Co.,

China Import-Export and Lumber Co, Ltd.

—S.A.D. 1

Dollar Co., The Robert—Wha Ching Shanghai


Mitsui Bussan Kaisha—Taiping Road Bloch Meg. & Lumber Co., Ltd.—14,

Boone Road

Harbin Centrosojus (England), Ltd. — 2,

Peking Road

Skidelsky’s Successors—4, Bolshoi China Import & Export Lumber Co.,

Ltd..—9, Foochow Road

Prospect Chun Wo & Co.—G351, Tien dong Rd.

Kovalsky, V. F.—P.O. Box 332 Road

Dollar Co;, Robert—51, Canton Rd.

Hongkong Fukushima & Co.—1A, Hankow Road

Gibb, Livingston Co.—28, Jinkee


Australian Sandalwood Co., Ltd.— Ginsbourg,

4a, Des Yoeux Road C. U.M.—76, Wayside Road


British Borneo Timber Co., Ltd.— Jardine,

P. & O. Building Matheson & Co.—27, The


China Associates Corpn.—Pedder Keijola,

Building Hannes—P.O. Box 1139


China Import & Export Lumber Co. Kienhuize & Co.—19, Szechuen Road

—To Ka Wan, Kowloon

Chiu Brothers—10, Queen’s Road Kow Kee Timber Co.—217, Machinery



Co-operative Sandalwood Co., Ltd.— Landbouw—1, TotThe Mijn




4a, Des Voeux Road C. Malcolm & Co., Ltd.—220, Szechuen

Dollar Co., Robber—Pedder Building Road'



Mitstti B use an Kaisha—49, Szechuen Kwong Koh Long

Road Leonowens, Ltd., Louis T.

Nomura Lumber Co.—9, Canton Road

Racine & Cie.—2, Peking Road INDOCHINA

Shanghai Building Co. -9, Thorne

Road Saigon

Shanghai Lumber & Coal Co.—18,

Szechuen Road

Shun Tah Lumber Co.—12, Yangtsze- COMPAGNIE F'ORESTIEREet INDOCHINOIoK

Cie Asiatique Africaine

poo Road —43, Boulevard Bonnard

Whay Ching Kee & Co.—S2221, Est Asiatique Francaies—Quai de la

^ ingpo Road

Woodcraft Works — 18-19, Central Marne (Teak and Plywood)





China Import, Export & Lumber Co.

—2, Russian Road Asia Universal Trading Co.—60,

Coilins & Co.—75, Consular Road Prinsep Street

Dollar Oo., The Robert—Robert Dol- Ban Hoeat Hin—39, Telok Ayer St.

lar Building Borneo Sumatra Trading Co.—41,

Dollar Lumber Co.—Robert Dollar Robinson Co.

Building Chye Hin Sawmills—416, Beach Rd.

Forbes & Co.—53, Victoria Road Fraser & Gumming—Union Building,

Jardine, Matheson & Co.—Victoria Col Iyer Quay

Road Jong Thye Heng, Chop—150, Laven-

Kow Hung Lumber Co.—9, Italian der Street

Bund Malayan Commercial Agency—60, The

Mitsui Bussan Kaisha—1, Yamagui- Arcade

cha Road McAlister & Co.—Gresham House

Shosho Yoko—6, Asahi Road Reid & Co., J.—P.O. Box 461

Sayna Abdul Kader—7, Malacca St.

Tsinan Sin Chye Hin—46, Padang Jeringait

Si on g Lim Saw Mill Co.—2, Syed

China Import and Export Lumber Straits Alwi Road

Co., Ltd. Lumber Co.—39, Telok Ayer


SIAM Straits Mercantile Agency—39, Teluk

Ayecr Street


Anglo-(Siam Corpn, Ltd. Batavia

Bombay-Burmah Trading Corpn., Ltd.

(Teak) Javasche Houthandel—Maatschappij

Borneo Co., Ltd. (Teak) (N. V. Vereenigde)

East Asiatic Co., Ltd., The I Koloniale Handel Mu



PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Minandao Lumber Co., Inc.—660, Al-

varado, Binondo

Manila Norton and Harrison Co.—Kneedler


Oriental Saw Mill—313, Tanduay,

Anakan Lumber Co.—204, Manila Quiapo

Pilot Building Philippine Lumber Exportation Co.—

Antipolo Lumber Co.—2435, Rizal P.O. Box 417

Avenue Extension Fort Lamon Lumber Co.—8, M.:. de

Babcock & Templeton, Inc.—Insular Binondo

Life Building' Port Lebak Lumbur Co.—530, Aviles

Barretto y 01.4—720, Ech-ague, San Rizal Lumber Co.—41, F. B. Harri-

Miguel son

Basilian Lumber Oo., Inc.—343, T. Santa Clara Lumber Co., Inc.—901,

Pinpin, Binondo Dagupan, Tondo

Cadwallader-Gibson Lumber Co.— Sy Piao & Co., I>td.—766, Echague

63-77, Nagtahan, Sampaloc Tan Hong & Co.—633, Soler

Chin Bio & Co.-~326,' Sobr Tay Jay Co.—730-734, Echagu®, San

Choy & Co., S. C.—672, Juan Luna Miguel

Chu Bio & 66.—1639, Herran Tay Seng Lumber Co.—904, Juan

Chua Lua A Co.—1043, Azcarraga Luna

Cosmos Lumber—633, Soler, Santa TEason 746

and Sampedro, Inc,—P.O. Box


Dee C. Chuan & Sons, Inc.—16-24, LunaWashington Llmber Co.—808, Juan

Sdler Binorido

Dee Hosts Lue & Co., Inc.—920-950, Zambales


Lumber Oo.—920-950, Juan

Juan Luna

Dee Tian'& Co.—1518, Azcarraga Iloilo

Dollar Co., The Robert—P.O. Bon,

1636 Iloilo Lumber Yard

Don Bio—710, Juan Luna

Dy Pag & do .—1037, Juan Luna

Findlay Millar Timber Co.—1000, Zamboanga

Cordeletia: iSanta Mesa Atkins Kroll & Qo. —14, Calle

Filipinas Lumber Co.r INC.—123, Madrid

Juan Lunai, Binondo

Go Tauco & Co.—214, Soler, Binondo Basilian Lumber CoY

Gotamcq Hermanos — 430, Tanduay, Dollar Cot, The RoLert—12, Marahui

Quiapo . Johnston, Jos. S.

Harrison Lumber Co.—816, F. B. Port 198

Banga Lumber Co.—P.O. Box


Hercules Lumber t'o.—155, Paz

Insular Lumber Co.—P.O. Box 456 BORNEO

Insular Saw Mill, Inc.—330, Canoni- British Borneo Timber Co., Ltd.—

go, Paco Sandakan

Junction Lumber—2610, Herran

La Loma Lumber Co.—804, Juan North ton

Borneo Trading Go.—Jessel-

Luna ■

Luzon Lumber Co'.—901, Juan Luna TIN MINES IN MALAYA

Manila Lumber Co.—900,'Juan Luna (me Page B60-63)



TIRES Fisk Rubber Op, (Far, East), Ltd.—

15, Grange Road

CHINA United Vulcanising Co.'-^148, Selegie.




Dunlop Rubber Co. (China), Ltd.— Manila

1 and 3, Wyndham Street

Hongkong Tyre Co.—392, Hennessy Dunlop Rubber Co. (F. E.), Ltd.—

Road 550, San Luis

Mukden Estrella Auto Palace—536, Gardara,

Sta. Cruz

Dunlop Rubber, Oo,. (China), Ltd.—35, Firestone Tire and Rubber Co; of

the Philippine Islands—16th and

Chiyoda-dori Atlanta Street, Port Area

Fisk TireThe

pines, Co.,— 122,

Inc. Novaliches,

of the Philip-




Dunlop Rubber Co. (China), Ltd.—i15, General Tire & Rubber Expert Co.

Kan Yu Hutung Akron, Ohio (Agents Union Com-

mercial Co.—101-105, Plaza Sta. Cruz)

Shanghai Goodrich International Rubber Co.

—P.O. Pox 1482

Dunlop Rubber Co. (China), Ltd.—9, Ltd.—P.O. Box& Rubber

Goodyear Tire


Export Co.,

Foochow Road

Goodyear Fire and Rubber Export Avenue, Santa Cruz 548, Rizal

Houston Rubber Co. —-

Oo.—3, Canton Road.

United States Rubber Export Co., U.S. Rubber Export Co.—35, Orozco

Ltd.—24, Yuen Ming Yuen Road.


Tientsin JAPAFf

Dunlop Rubber Co. (China), Ltd.—2, Kobe

Taku Road

SIAM Cook & Son, Ltd.—P.O. Box 398

Bangkok Tokyo

Mark’s Tyre S^ore—Corner of Wind- Japan Tourist Bureau—Tokyo Station

mill and New Roads Yokohama

MA1A.YA Japan Tourist Bureau-1, Kaigandoir

Singapore CHINA

YTrestone Tire and Rubber Co. Hongkong

(S.S.), Ltd.—20, Geylang Road

Miller Rubber Products Co.—68, American Express. Co., Inc.—4, Des

Cecil Street Voeux Road Central

Dunlop Rubber Co. (S.S.), Ltd.—142, I Cook & Son, Ltd., Thos.—Queen’s

Robinson Road Building



Peiping CHINA

American Express Co., Inc.—Grand Amoy

Hotel de Waggn Lits

Cook & Son, Thos.—Grand Hotel de British American Tobacco Company

(China), Ltd.


Hope Co.



American Expreess Go., Inc.—15, British American Tobacco Co.

Kuikiang Road (China) Ltd.

Japan Tourist Bureau—80, Nanking Nanyang Bros. Tobacco Co.—Sai


Travel Advisers, The—51, Canton Goeke Second

Ho Road

& Co., A.—85, British Conces-

Road sion

Tientsin Changchun

Chinese Eastern Railway (Commer- Chi Tung Tobacco Co., Ltd. —

cial Agency—74, Rue de France Sunrise Road

MALAYA Toa Tobacco Co.

Penang Changsha

Tourist Agency-Information Bureau, British American Tobacco Company

The—Victoria Pier (China), Ltd.

Singapore Dairen

Cook & Son, Ltd., Thos.—39, Robin- Keystone Tobacco Co., Ltd.—Hong.

Kong and Shanghai Bank Bldg.

son Road


Manila Wing Tai Vo Tobacco Corpn.

American Express Co., Inc.—P.O. Harbin

Box 1463 Chi Tung Tobacco Co., Ltd.—P.O.-

Box 44


(See Page B64) SkoBlin & Co.—31, Konnaya Street


JAPAN British Cigarette Co., Ltd.—Lu Ho-


Yokohama Garrels Borner & Co.—The Bund

Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co.—1, Ewo*

Strome & Co.—35, Yamashita-cho Road

Nanyang Brothers Tobacco Co., Ltd.,,

KOREA The—Chung Shan Road

Thurier & Kohr

Bennett & Co.—Chemulpo Yee Soong Tobacco Co.—S.A.D. 3



Hongkong Mukden

Atienza & Co.—54, Nathan Road Chi Tung Tobacco Co.

Botelho, Brotheks—Alexandra Bldg. British Cigarette Co., Ltd.

British-American Tobacco Company i

(Chinai Ltd.—P. & 0. Building Peiping

Chan & Co., C.—9, Ice House Street |

DodweiS ScCo., Ltd.—Queen’s Building British American Tobacco Co.—16.

Economical Trading Co.—P.O. Box | Chuan Pan Hutung

.285 Karatzas Bros. & Co. — Hatamen

Empress Stores—i54, Nathan Road Street

Gande Price & Co., Ltd.—St. George’s Legation Wine and Tobacco Store—

Building 5A, Rue Marco Polo.

Goeke & Co.—China Building Moyroux, V.,—Legation Street

Graeco Egyptian Tobacco Co.—

China Building Skiotis & Co.—6, Legation Street

Hongkong Trading Qo.—6, Des Yceux Tientsin Tobacco Co.--Legation St.

Road Central

Hutchison & Co., John D.—King’s | Shanghai


Ice House . Tobacco Store—Ice House

Street Adams & Co.—14, Central Arcade

Ito Co.—4a, Des Yoeux Road Central [ Afshar & Co.—60, Kiangse Road

Kelley & Co., Ltd.—9, Queen’s Road ! Alliance Tobacco Co. op China, Ltd.—

Central 175, Soochow Road

Nam King Hong—144, Des Voeux | Ardath Tobacco Co., Ltd.—23, Kiu-

Road Central kiang Road

.Nanyang Brothers Tobacco Co.—165, Arnold & Co., Ltd.—1, Nanking Road

Des Vceux Road Central British

Orieniai Tobacco Ltd.,—582,

The, C. Ingenohl, Manufactory, (China), American

Nathan British


Lid.—6, Soochow

Road, Kowloon Cigarette Co., Ltd.—6, Soo-

chow Road

Tabaqueria Filipinar—26, Queen’s Road Caravan

Central Commercial Co. (1923), Ltd.

Yours Truly Tobacco Store—22, Des Caroline Soochow

—175, Road .

Leaf Tobacco Co.—51, Can-

Yosux Road Central

ton Road

Ichang China-American Tobacco Co.—112, The


Baritisb American Tobacco Company China Tobacco Manufacturing Co.--

26, Peking Road

(China), Ltd.

Ching Wah & Co.—1324, North Sze-

Kongmoon chuen Road

David, A.E.—74, Szechuen Road

British American Tobacco Company Dibrell Brothers, Inc.—12, The Bund

(China), Ltd. El Oriente Frabrica de Tobacos, Inc.

—7, Central Road

Macao Enterprise Tobacco Co., Ltd.—175,

Soochow Road

Tabaqceria Filipina—1a, Rue de S. Fook Kow Hung & Co.—612, Kiu-

Domingos kiang Road




chuen RoadTobacco Store—112, Sze- i Tabaqueria Sino-Egyptiana—20, Jin-

kee Road

Hsin Kong & Co.- 97, Boone Road Tobacco Product^ Corpn. (China)—

International Tobacco Co.—26, Pek- 2a, Kiukiang Read

ing Road Tobacco Trading Corporation — 74r

Ito Co., Ltd., G.—]30, Kiangse Road Szechuen Road

Jenkins Tobacco Co.—72, Szechuen Toyo Tobacco Leaf Co.—2, Magnolia



Kentucky &, Virgina Leaf Tobacco Tsai, Chen & Co.--46A, Peking Road

Co.—2A, Kiukiang Road Tung Tai & Co.—3263, Seward Road

Keystone Tobacco. Co.,_ Ltd.—175, Union Commercial Co., Ltd.—6, Soo-

Soochbw Road chow Road

Kingshill Trading Co.—P.O. Box United Kingdom Tobacco Co.—212,.

276 Szechuen Road

Krijgsman & Co., J.—19, Miiighong United Leaf Tobacco Co.'—12, The

Road Bund

Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. United Tobacco iStores—54, Nanking,

(China),- Ltd—200, Yulin Road Road

Lopato Sons, Ltd., A.—175, Soo- Universal Leaf Tobacco Co.—1, The

chow Road Bund

Luen How & Co.—103, Broadway Watson & Co., A.S.—25, Nanking Rd.

Mary Garden Tobacco Co.—24, The Westminister Tobacco Co.—6, Soo-

Bund chow Road

Monk & Co., A.—20, Museum Road Wing Tai & Co.—20, Honan Road

Murai Brothers Go., Ltd.—175, Soo- Yamato Tobacco Co.—1548, Baikal

chow Road Road

Palace Tobacco Store—24, Nanking

Road Swatow

Paris jand London Cigarette GO.—6,

■Soochow Road

Pemberton & Penn, Inc.—3, Canton British American Tobacco Company:

(China), Ltd.


Podarikis, N.—438, Rue August

PpppQ Tientsin

Reliance Tobacco Co.—96, Peking


Shanghai General Store—15, Broad- (China), Ltd.—31, Tobacco

British American Company

Ex-Russian Bund


Shanghai Supply Co.—24, Broadway British Cigarette Co.

Shanghai Tobacco Co.—658-600 Ning- Chung Yuen Co.—Asahi Road

po Road Karatzas Brothers & Co.;—Rue da

Shantung Tobacco Co., Ltd. — 35, France

Jinkee Road Kwang Chi Shiang—109, Rue de Ba-

Sing Chong & Co.—20, Rue du Con- ron Gros

sulat Liggett & Myers Tobacco Company

Southern Leaf Tobacco Co.—3, Mu- (China), Ltd.^18, Due de 14, Juillet

seum Road Skiotis Brothers & Co.—49, Rue de-

Standard Leaf Tobacco Co,—168, Sze- F ranee

chuen Road Taylor & Co.—42, Taku Road

Tabaqueria Filipina— 79, Nanking Tientsin Tobacco Go.—204, Victoria.

Road Road



Victobia Cigab Stobe—269, Victoria Selangor


Wing Tai Yo Tobacco Cqbpobation— British Ameeican Tobacco Company

’ 90, Davenport Road (Straits), Ltd.—9, McArthur Street,

Kuala Lumpur



Bbitish Ameeican Tobacco Company

(China), Co. — Cornabe, Eckford Aedath & 6b;—11, Keppel Road

Building, Kuantao Road Ban Leong & Co.—229, Rochore Road

Beitish Cigaeette Co.—56, Kan Su British American Tobacco Co.

Road (Straits), Ltd.—11, Keppel Road

Tsinan Hussain & Co., K. P. M.—13, Battery


Beitish Amebican Tobacco Company Malayan —11,

Tobacco Distributors, Ltd.

Keppel Road

(China), Ltd. Nanyang Brothers Tobacco Co., Ltd.

Wenchow —30, Wallich Street

Pattara, Z.—46, High Street

Wing Tai Yo Tobacco Cobpn. NETHERLANDS INDIA

Wuhu Batavia

Beitish Ameeican Tobacco Company

(China), Ltd. Borneo Co., Ltd., The

Internationale Crediet-en Handels

Yunnanfu Vereeniging “ Rotterdam

JacObson yen den Berg & Co.

Beitish American Tobacco Company Java Sumatra Handel Maatschappij,

(China), Ltd. N.Y.

Maclaine, Wahson & Co.

SIAM Maintz’ Productenhandel, N.V.

Bangkok Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd.

Mirandoll, Voute & Co.

Beitish Rouwrnhorst Mulder & Co.

(Siam), Ameeican


Box 8 Company


MALAYA Qbgne, H.Gi Th.

Penang Jacobson van den Berg & Co.

McNeill & Co.

British American Tobacco Cc., Maintz’ Productenhandel, N.V.

(Straits), Ltd.—9, China St. Ghaut Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd.

Malayan TobaccoStreet

Disteibutoes, Ltd. Mi rand ole, Voute .& Co.

—49, Church Rouwenhorst, Mulder & Co,

Nanyang Bros. Tobacco Co,, Ltd'.—6,

China Street Sourabaya

Peitchaed & Co., Ltd.—9, Union St.

United Kingdom Tobacco Co. (1929), COMMISSIE-EN AGENTUUR MaaTSCHAPP.U

Ltd.—37.% Reach Street “ SOERABAIA,” N.V.



Eraser, Eaton & Co. La Ciudad de Nankin—414, iSalazar,

Maintz’ Prodtjctenhandel, N.Y. Binondo

Internationale Crediet-en Handels LaArlegin Commercial Cigar Factory—1207,

Yereeniging “ Rotterdam ”

Koloniale Tabak Import Mu. Voor- LaArellano Commercial Cig. Factory—55, C.

heen G. Klomp, N.Y.

Jacobson van den Berg & Co. La. Conchita—2009, , Juan Luna

Joakim & Co., N.V. Handel Maat- La Dicha—429, Asunion, San Nicolas

schappij La Estrella de Pilipinas—752, Mag-

Java Sumatra Handel Maatschappu, dalena, Binondo

N.V. La Flor de Luzon, Inc.—701, Clauel

Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd. La Flor de Fidela—557, Magdalena!,

Mirandolle, Voute & Co. Binondb

La Florde la Isabela—851, Isaac


La Grandeza—759-739, Biena

Manila La Insular Cigar and Cigarette Fac-

tory—20, Plaza . Calderon de la

Alhambra Cigar and Barca

Manufacturing Co. —Cigarette

31, Calle ' La Nobleza—409, Tayuman, Ton do

Tayuman La Paz y Buen ViajI—429, Asuncion

B. B. B. y La Ideal—542, Ectiague La Pruelea Tobacco Co.—732, Evan-

Chin Nam Heng See Hay—549, Sto,. gelista

Cristo La Soleterita—617P, Herrera

Co Che—563, Sto, Cristo La Yebana Co., Inc.—5.7, Gastambide,

Compania Oral de Tabbacos de Fili- I Samp aloe

pinas—National Bank Building

Compania General de Tobacco de ! Liggett & Meyers Tobacco Co., Inc.

Pilipinas—212, Marquez de Cdmil- I Liggett &BoxMeyers

—P.O. 1623

Tobacco Co., Inc.


Dali say Cigar Factory—557, Mag-: Minerva CigarSta.Corpn.—2219,

—Ronquilio, Cruz


dalena raga

Delta Commercial ..Go.—753, Mada- j Nubla Manuel—836, Folgueras

lena, Binond'o

Dy Buncio & Co., Inc.—191-121, M. ; Philippine Aromatic Cigar , Meg.

Co.—661, Magdalena

de Binondo

El Aguila Fabrica de Tobacco y i Samson Hermanos y Cia, Inc.—2009,

Cigarillos, Inc.—86, Plaza Dilao i Juan Luna, Ton do

El Oriente Fabrica de TabaCos—732, i Santa Marina—974, Azcarraga

Evangelista, Quiapo Si Jiap Sing—228, Tetuan

Germinal—307, Bustos, Sta. Cruz Sy Hiok—640, Tabora


cordia de TobacOs de Pilipinas—57, Escol-

Germinal, Inc.—iSangandaan ta, Binondo

Gopoco Grocery—410, Echague Yiuda DE A. M. H. Lim Genco & Co.

Helena Cigar Co.—36, Novaliches —743, Elea no

Katubusan—501, Clavel, Corn. Barce-


La Alejandria Cigarette Factory— TOOTHBRUSH FACTORIES

543, Magdalena (See Page B66)



TOWEL FACTORIES—{See Page Mitsubishi Warehouse Co., Ltd.—1,

B66) Edobashi

Sumitomo iSoko Kaisha, Ltd. — I,

TOY FACTORIES {See Page B67) Toshin Echizenbori

Soko Kaisha, Ltd.,—441,

Higashi Hirai

TRANSMISSION “ALUMINAX” Watanabe Soko K.K.—6/9, Tsuki-

TARRED ROPE shimai-Kawagishibori


Manila Kawanishi iSoko K.K.—19, Kawa-


JOHNSON PICKETT ROPE CO.-2, Mitsubishi Soko K.K.—46, Higashi

Cable Cristobal Kawasaki-oho

Morimoto Soko K.K.—27, Isogami-


Naniwa Soko K.K.—8, Minami Hon-


Nickel & Lyons, Ltd.—7, Kaigan-


Manila Suzuki Shoten—10, Kaigan-dori

Toshin Soko K.K.—15, Kano-cho

Gregorio M. Cansipit, Inc.—34, Es- Yokoyama iSoko K.K.—7, Isogami-

colta dori

International Brokerage Co., Inc.—

306, Masonic Temple Hakodate

Luzon Brokerage Co., Inc.—Derham

Building, Port Area

Ildefonso Tionloc, Inc. — 123, Das- Benten


Soko K.K.—16, Shin Hama-

marinas, Binondo

Robles Transportation—543, Sta. DaichoNippon Seihyo K.K.—8, Masago-

Sta. Sepulero

Kasai Yoko—78, Tani Jito-cho


{See Page B67) Moji

WAREHOUSING Mitsubishi Soko K.K. — Higashi


JAPAN Naniwa Soko K.K.—Komorie

Shibusawa Sokko K.K.—Hama-

Tokyo machi


Iwamoto Shoten. Soko-bu — 1/3,

Horie, Nihon-bashi-ku Arasho Soko—28, Higashi Horikawa.

Japan Warehouse. ,Co., Ltd. — 7, machi

Tsukishima Mitsubishi 'Soko K.K.—1-4, Tamae-

Kabata Soko K.K.—41, Misono Kaba- macbi

ta Osaka Soko K.K.—26, Fuku-machi




Kawasaki Soko K.K.—Horikawarcho Manila

Mitsubishi Soko—4, Kaigan-dori

Nickel & Lyons, Ltd.—^ Yamashita- Luzon Brokerage Co., Inc.—Derham

Building, Port Area


Yokohama Boeki Soko K.K. —16, Maoondray & C6. M. de Magallanes

Hiranuma-cho Producers Warehouse Association—

Yokohama Shinko Soko K.K.—Shin- National City Bank Building


WATERWORKS , (S-ee Page B66)





Dairen Kigyq Soko^?, Kii-cho

Dairen SeIhyo K.K.—23^ Tokiwacho Kobe

Dairen Soko G.K.—39, Tefauchi-dori

dori Adet, Moss & Co.—P.O. Box 390

Hongkong Curnow & Co., Ltd., J.—P.O. Box

1050 (Sann.)

Oliver Evans & Co.—30, Naka-machi

China Provident Loan & Mortgage Schirmer, M.—14/1, Nubobiko-cho

Co., Ltd.—Connaught Road West Tor Grocery & Wine Store—43, Shi-

Po On Marine and Fire Insurance moyamate-dori

and Godown Co., Ltd.—157, Wing Whymark & Co., ,G.—P.O. Box 69

Lok: Street

Hongkong and Kowloon Wharf and Nagoya

Godown Co., Ltd.—Kowloon

Sui Heong Yuen Godown Co.—Nel- Dai Nippon Brewery Co.—1, Chikusa-

son Street, Mongkok cho

Macao Kirin Beer K.K.—Shimada-cho, Ni-


Nippon Beer Kosen K.K.—6, Shin

Empresa Lusitania de Transportes, Yanagi-machi

Ltd.—^P.O. Box 493 Sakura Beer K.K.—6, Shimozono-cho

Teikoku Beer K.K.—Shimozono-cho



-Commercial Express & Storage, Fed.,

Inc.—53, Yuen Ming Yuen Road Dai Nippon Brewery Co.—96, Korai-

Warden & Co., Ltd., G. E.—125, Han- bashi. Higashi-ku

kow Road Kirin Beer K.K.—13, Hirano-cho

Overseas Shipping & Warehouse Co. Nippon Beer Kosen Kaisha—34, Ita-

—38, Avenue Edwardl VII chidori Kita-dori

Shanghai and Hongkew Wharf Co., Sakura Beer K.K.—3, Dojima Hama-

Ltd.—182, Broadway dori



Tokyo Canton

AnglojJapanese Brewery Co.—2, Ma- Lillicrap, S.—19, British Concession

runouchi Watson &'Co., Ltd., A. S.

Dai Nippon Brewery Co—247, Me-

guro-machi, Mita Dairen

Kirin Beer K.K.—8, Marunouchi

Nippon Beer Kosen Co., Ltd.—Maru- Caldbeck Macgregor & Co.


Mitsubishi Yoko—24, Ise-machi

Yokohama Taku & Co.—Oyama-dori

Adet, Moss & Co.—43, Yamashita-cho Hankow

Curnow & Co.—<66, Mam Street

Dai Nippon Beer K.K.—Kanfoe Shita- Caldbeck, Macgregor & Co.—2, Ewo

maohi Road

Gibbs & Co.—^6, Yamashita-cho France Import—2, Rue Dubail

Kirin Brewery Co.—14, Minato-cho Mehta, B.R.—7, Tungting Road

Kotobukiya Yokohama Beer Co.—792, Straits Trading Co.—Poyang Road

Ichiba-cho Thurier & Kohr—1, Sankiao Road

Metzger, F.—92, Yamashita-cho

Nippon Beer Kosen K.K.—98, Aioi- Harbin


Sakura Beer Yoshu-ten—84, Ohta-

machi Caldbeck, Macgregor & Co.

SuzoR, Ronvaux & Co.—36, Nihon Vernett, J. F.—49, Birjevaya Street


FORMOSA Hongkong

Bradley & Co., Ltd.—Prince’s Build-

Lim Kai Tai & Co.—Taipeh ing

Caldbeck, EViacgregor & Co., Ltd.—

KOREA Prince’s Building

Dodwell & Co., Ltd Queen’s Build-


Dai Nippon Beer K.K.—28, Asahi- Empress Store—59, Nathan Road


Kirin Beer K.K.—50, Naaidaimon- Gande, Store—99,

French Queen’s Road C.

Price & Co., Ltd.—St.

dori Geiorge’s. Building

Sakura Beer K.K.—45, Hasegawa-cho Gilman & Co., Ltd.—Stock Exchange


CHINA Hung, 'Cheongt-66, Nathan Road

Ip Tack & Co. — 36, Queen’s Road

Amoy Central

Lane, Crawford, Ltd. — Exchange

Amoy Pharmacy Building

Hope Co. Loxley & Co.—York Building

Sin Lee Kee Moses & Co., N.S.—17, Queen’s Rd. C.



Okpheum Buffet—36, Hankow Road Tien Yu Shun & Co.—261, Victoria

Ruttonjee & Son, H.—15, Queen’s Road

Road, C. Tze Hop Shing & Co.—116, Rue du

San Tai—112, Queen’s Road Central UnionBaron Gros

Stegee & Cb.—King’s Building Import Syndicate, Ltd.—3,

Hankow Road

Union Trading Co.—York Building Vernaudon,; E.—62, Rue de France

Watson & Co., Ltd., A. S.—Alexandra Vordonl &; Co.—87,

Building Rue de France

Wicking & Co., Harry — Prince’s Road Watson & Co., A.S.—238, Victoria


Ichang Shanghai

Baboud Mary et Cte. — 1, Canton

Lee Chong & Co. Road

B 02-Land ry Etablissements — 708,

Avenue Joffre

Peiping Bracco & Co —36, Rue du Consulat

Catdbeck; JVfacgregor & Co.—44,

Moyroux, V.—Legation Street Foochow Road

Nicolas, G.—Legation Quarter California Bakery—102, Broadway

Casa Do Povo—1284, North Szechuen

Tientsin Road

Ching Wah & Co.—1234, North Sze-

chuen Ro*ad

Altamira & Co.—61, Rue de 14 Julliet Clerici, Bedoni & Co., . S.A.—17,

Atlantic Co.—2S3, Davenport Road Museum Road

Bisseker, F.D.—'Consular Road Compagnie Optorg—39, Avenue Ed-

CaLDBECX, MACGREGOR & Co. — 49: DodwcEIVII& Co.—1, Canton Road


Victoria Road

China Breweries Co.—6, Wogak Road Egal & Cie—9, Avenue Edward VII

Fook How Kung & Co.—612, Nanking

Crystal, Ltd.—4, Pokotiloff Road Road

Daily Suppliers—197, Victoria Road Gande, Price & Co.—5, Peking Road

De Mao Heng—123, Rue de Takou Gentai & Co.—K2269, Boone Road

Dodwell & Co., Ltd.—61, Rue de Hirsbrunner & Cb.—1, Nanking Road


Golden Star Cb., The—79, Fukushima Holliday


& Cb., Cecil—18, Kiukiang


JtiPVET & Co.—99, Rue de Takou Hsin Kong & Co.—97, Boone Road

Kwang Chi Shiang—109, Rue de Lane, Road

Crawford & Co.—23, Nanking

Baron Gros Loxley & Co., W.R.—n; Yuen Ming

Moyrouz, V.—41, Rue de France Yuen Road ;

Oriental Commercial Co.—29, Consu- Luen How & Co.—123, Broadway

lar Road Minarolo & Co.—36, Rue du Consulat

Pennell & Co.—36, Council Road

Peters & Co., E.C.—31, Seymour Rondon & Co., Ltd., L.—9,Road

Robinson & Co.—25, Jinkee



Shang Tai Ye & Co.—17, Bruce Road SamEdward VII

Shing & Co.—22, Route de Say

Taylor & 06.-42, Taku Road Zoong



Santa Rita & Co.—17, Yuen Ming SIAM

.Yuen Road

Shainin & Co.—13i6, Szechuen Road Bangkok

Shanghai General Store—115, Broad-

way *

Shun Jei & Co.—1455, Woosung Road Eastern Agencies, Ltd.—Nai Le'rt

Sing Chong & do.—25, Yuen Ming Building

Yuen Road MALAYA


chuen Road Trading Co.—112, Sze

Slowe & Co., Ltd.—7, Hankow Road Negri Sembilan

Societe Carmel Oriental—39, Range

Road Lee Kee & Co.—102, Birch Road, Se-

Tsunschihashi & Co.—C151, Woosung re mban


Tung Tai & Co.—3263, Seward Road Penang

Union Brewery Co.—56, Szechun Road

Union Import Syndicate Ltd.—3, Caldbegk, Macgregor & Co., (Ltd.—

Hankow Road 38c, Beach Street

Van Shing & Co.—65o, AveAue Joffre Kim Seng & Co.—37b, Beach Street

Vassos & Co.—561-563, Avenue Joffre Little & Co., Ltd., John—Bishop

Venturi, F.—430, Szechuen Road Street

Western Supply Co.—1621, Bubbling Pritchard


& Co., Ltd.—9, Union

Well Road

Wheen & Sons, Edward—7, French Travers Street

& Sons, Ltd., J.—19, Beach


Vue Chino & Co.—A660, Broadway Wing Lee Wai—4, China Street


Yuen Tah & Co.—113, Broadway Perak

Yung Loong & Co.—436, Avenue Jof-

fre Caldbeck Macgregor & Co. —165,

Brewster Road, Ipoh

Tsingtao Pritchard & Co.—Market Street,


Caldbeck, Macgregor & Co. — 29, Talk Ho & Co.—80, Main Road,

Kuantau Road Taiping

Dai Nippon Brewery C6.—6, Teng-

chou Road Selangor

Dimtriades, Q.—16, Chung Shan Rd.

Hansen & Co., Ulf—20, Kuan Tao Caldbeck, Macgregor & Co., Ltd.—

Road 12, Batu Road, Kuala Lumpur

Lee Tai & Co.—39, Kuan Hsien Road Chow Kit & Co.—4, Market Street,

Maxims Cafe Restaurant—P.O. Box Kuala Lumpur

212 Little & Co., John—Ampang Street,

Yung Kong & Co.—53, Chung Shan Kuala Lumpur

Road Robinson &' Oo.—Java Street, K.L.

Shanmugam & Co., Ltd.—Fort Street,

Swatow Kuala Selangor

Wong Kee—199, High Street, Kuala

Dunfold & Co. Lumpur




Page B68)

Aukely, G.—Union Building

Bun Bee & Co.—111, Beach Road WOOL F-A.CTORIE Page B68)

Caldbeck, Macgreger & Co., Ltd.

—201, Cantonment Road WOOL AND WOOLLEN GOODS

Cheng Yu—'5, Circular Road

Eastern Agencies, Ltd.—Corner of JAPAN

Cecil and Market Streets

Hackmeier, L.—18, Robinson Road Kobe

Lim Khoon Heng—245, Orchard Road

Little & Co., Ltd., John—Raffles Chtkuma ShoteN — 450,: Motomachi-

Square dori

Malayan Breweries, Ltd.—7, Trafal- Dodwell & Co.—82, Kyo-machi

gar Square Faveyrial, J.—24, Shimoyamate-dori

Robinson & Co.§ Ltd.—Raffles Place Granciani & Co.—70, Kyo-machi

Straits Java Trading Co., N.V.—104- Hirano Kosaburo—ol, Mbtd-machi

106, Robinson Road

Thye Chiang & Co.—100, North Honda Chikazo—5, Kaigan-dori

Layko, Ross & Co., Inc.—94, Yedo-

Bridge Road Machi

PHILIPPINE ISLANDS . Maria ShOkai—2/319, Sannomiya-cho

Miyakita TokutaRO—263, Moto-machi

Manila Nakajiha ShintaRO—381, Kanda-cho

Nippon Keori K.K.^91, Nishide-

Ah Chong Sons & Co.—389, Echaque, maehi


Baldessieri Wine Factory — 232, Pohoomull Bro^.—P.O. Box 49

Shibata Otokichi-shoten—62, Moto-

Dominga, Pasay machi

California Grocery Co.—211, Echa- Weitzel J.—71, Kitanocho

gue, Santa Cruz

Destilerias Ayala—630, Calle Echa- Nagoya


European American Grocery — 430, Aichi Bussan GtrMi—1, Gotanda

Echague Miyuki Keori K.K.—1916, Nishi

Gopoco Grocery—410, Echague Shiga-cho

I sla de Panay—806, A. Mahini Ozeki Keori & Co.—21, Imaike

Kuenzle & Streiff, Inc.—343, Calle Toshida Woollen Co.—4,. Tsurushigo-

de Pinpin : machi

La Bella Filipina—547, Sto. Cristo

La Copa Distillery—929, Magdalena Hiramatsu


& Co.—6, Shimo Choja-

La Tondena—P.O. Box 691 Kajiwara & Co.—2, Shimosono-cho

Lim Tuaco & Co., Inc.—527, Gandara Nipp'oN Keori IKAisha—Iwatsuka-cho

Manila Wine Merchants, Ltd.—174*

Juan Luna Nagasaki


de BinondoWine Factory—381, Muele Matsuo Shoten—11, Zaimoku-machi

Tanduay Distilleries — 3, Tanduay, Tanakaya Shoten—12, Higashi, Ha-

Quiapo mano-machi

Ynchausti & Co.—845, Muell'e de la Wada Gomei Kaisha—Moto Konya-

Industria machi



Osaka Hongkong

Bitzer & Co—Queen’s Building

Aall & Co., Ltd.—9, Korabashi Bodiker & Co.—David House

Asano Shotex—47, Hon-cho Bradley & Gc., Ltd.—Prince’s Build-

Clough, Keeby—Higashi Umeda-cho ing

Godo Keoei K.K.—9, Nakatsu Hana- China Associates Corporation—

Pedder Building


Ikeda Shoten—4, Koraibashi, Higa- Building & Co., Ltd.—Queen’s

Davie, Boag


Kawada Gomei Kaisha—5, Hon-cho Duckitt, E. R.—67, Des Voeux Road

Koshida iShoten—14, Kawara-machi Central

Liebeeman. Waelchli & Co.—Kitaha- Feld


& do., Ltd., F.—Redder Build-

ma Gibb, Livingston & Co.—P. & O.

Maekel, Gael A. G.—Daido Building Building

Nihon Keoei K.K.—62. Awaji-cho; Gilman & Co—1a, Des Yoeux Road

Nippon Keito Boseki K.K.—45. Bin- Central

go-machi Hongkong Trading Co.—45, Des Vce ix

Osaka Keoei K.K.—79, Nakae Naka- Road Central

machi Huygen, G. E.—Pedder Building

Osaka Shokai K.K.—Shinsaibashi- Loxiey & Co., W. R. — York Building


Tamuea Koma Shoten—55. Ando-cho Manners & Co., John—7, Queen’s

Road Central

Usama Shoten—7, Tani machi Sassoon & Co., Ltd., David—84, Des

Yoshida Shoten—21, Awaji-cho Voeux Road C.

Yoshita Shoten—21, Awaji-cho Shewan, Tomes & Co.-^-National Bank


Wheen & Sons, Ltd., Edward—5,

Tokyo Queen’s Road C,

Aall & Co.—-(P.O. Box 41, Central Mukden

KOREA Fur & Wool Trading Co.—336,

WoltEr & Co., Carl—2, Fuji-machi

Hirado Shoten—34, Honcho, Seoul Swatow

Izumiya Shoten — 358, Taihei-dori,

Seoul Bradley & Co.—P.O. Box 76

Mutsumi Shokai K.K.—144, Nandai- Dunfold & Co.

mon-dori, Seoul ShautEr, Dayland & Co.—P.O. Box 3

Yoshihaea Shoten—29, Hasegawa-cho, Tientsin


Tanaka & Co.—Fusan American Asiatic Trading Co.—33,

Rue de France

CHINA dfiANDLESs & Co.—105, Taku Road

China1 Northern Corpn.—47-55, Rue

Hankow de France

Collins & Co., Ltd.—75, Consular

| Chung Hwa Steel Peoducts and Elbrook, Road

i, Leading Co., Ltd.—33, Rue de Paris Fairchild Inc.—31-47, Davenport Rd.

& Co.—169, Taku Road

I Exten.



Foebes & Co.—43, Victoria Road Dunlop, Ltd., W. G.—185, Yuen Ming

Gershevitch Brothers—18, Victoria Yuen Road

Terraco Eickhoff & Co.—451, Kiangse Road

Gipperich & Co:, E.—52, Taku Road Glanzmann, Fco.—38, Canton Road

Holman, Inc., B. — Robert Dollar Fein, A.—852, North Szechuen Road

Building Gates, F.—4, Ezra Road

Ibragimoff, A.V.—Id, Rue Pasteur Haworth & Co., Ltd., Richard —74>-

John’s Import and Export Co.—272, Szechuen Road

Takii Road Horrobin, S.L.—9, Hankow Road

Karaheusian American Oorpn.—135, Jaffe & Sons, Ltd.—21, Jinkee Road

Rue Pasteur Kessler & Co.—17, Canton Road

KApACHKOFF, E.—293, Victoria Road Liddell Bros. & Co., Ltd.—4, Peking;

Kramer, M.—112, Wellington. Street Road

Liddell Brothers & Co., Ltd.—50, Mackenzie, Stewart & Co. (Manches-

Taku Road ter), Ltd.—21, Jinkee Road

Nichols Super Yarn i Carpet—104, Mar-Kao, Ltd.—29, Szechuen Road

Taku Road Moses, L.—23, Peking Road

North China Wool Co., Ltd.—73, Patons & Baldwins, Ltd.—P.0 Box

Consular Road 1524

Universal Trading Corporation—84, Peters & Co,., H. K.—6, Kiukiang Rd.

Rue Pasteur Saou Kee—111, Broadway

Wulfsohn Co, of China, The—34-30, Seeger Brothers & Co.—6, Kiukiang-

Taku Road Road

Yung Hsing Trading Corporation— Shanghai Trading Co.—613, Nanking

65, Rue de France Road

Shanghai Slingsby (Arthur) & Hirschel

(Bradford)—74, Szecthuen Road

Arnhold & Co., Ltd.—1, Nanking RoadStewart, Thomson & Co.—2, Canton

Road Tien Lun Woollen Goods Co.—1350,

Banner, Thomas—6, Kiukiang Road Robinson Road

Barbash & Co.—^218, Szechuen Road Ultramir & Co.—1, Canton Road

Behrens & Sons—25, Gentral Acade Whitworth,


Ltd., Herbert—12, The

Boylan, J.H.—21, Jinkee Road

Brittannic Textiles, (Manchester), YaRoad

Chong & Co.—266, Bubbling Weil

Ltd.—74, Szechuen, Road

Broadwith & Co.—19, Szechuen Road Zais,


Steinman & Co. — 29, Szechuen

Burgess & Co.—25, Jinkee Road

Chang Seng & .Co.—613, Nanking Rd. MALAYA

China Wool Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

—6, Szeohuen Road Singapore

China Woollen Co.—25, Jinkee Road

Chong Shung & Co.—648, Nanking Moulton (Eastern) Ltd., E.S. & R.C.

Road —Union Building

Collier & Stephenson—25, Jinkee Boon Seng & Co., Ltd.—1, Raffles

Road Place

Compagnie Optorg—39, Avenue Ed- Straits Mercantile Agency—39, Te-

ward VII luk Ayer Street

Dodwell & Co—1, Canton Road Yaw Cheong—89, North Bridge Rd.




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Addresses =


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The following abbreviations are used for the towns or districts in which the

firms concerned are doing business.

Am. Amoy Nag.a.

Nag Nagoya


Ant. Antung Nan. Nanking

Ban. Bangkok Neg. Sem. Negri Sembilan

Bat. Batavia Newc. Newchwang

Can. Canton

Ce. Cebu

Changsha Os.

Pad. Osaka



Chan. Changchun Pak. Pakhoi & Chinwangtao

Che. Chefoo Pei. Pei-tai-ho

•Chem. Chemulpo

Chinkiang Pen. Penang

Chin. Chungking Pep. Peiping

ChU. Dairen Per.

Sai. Perak


Dai. Foochow San. Sandakan


Fus. Fusan Se. Seoul

Hai. Haiphong See. Selangor

Hak. Hakodate

Hankow Sem.

Sh. Semarang



Hang. Hangchow Shd. Shidzuoka

Hanoi Hanoi Si. Singapore

Har. Harbin

Hongkong Sou. Sourabaya

Ho. Hoihow Sum. The East Coast of Sumatra

Hoi. Ichang Swa. Swatow

Ic. Iloilo Tai. Taihoku, Taipeh & Daitotei



JoH. Johore IT. Tientsin


Kela. Keelung

Kelantan To.

Ts. Tokyo (Kiaochau)


Km. Kiukiang Tsin. Tsinan

Ko. Kobe

Macao Vlad. Vladivostock


Mal. Malacca Wei. Wei Hai Wei

Man Manila Wu.

Yo. Wuhu



Muk. Moji and Shimonoseki Yoch. Yochow

Mukden Zam. Zamboanga

Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Aall Aall & Co., Ltd. ... Osaka, Tokyo, Kobe

Aamoona Meyer Bros. Singapore


Aandpcompany... A. & P. Co., Inc., The S’hai., Hongkong

Abdoolally Abdoolally Ebrahim & Co. Singapore


Abdoolcader . .. Abdeen & Co., Ltd.


H. H. Abdoolcader

A. B. C. Press ...Penang



Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Abesneji ... Abe Trading Co. Tokyo

Aboboutros ...... L.Boutross Bros.

D. Abraham & Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Abraham Kobe


Abreumino ... Barrera & Reyes Manila


Accabank ... Brimo, Antonio Malacca

Accoinco ... Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corpn. ... Hongkong

... Acme Commercial and Industrial Co.

Accountant ... S’pore. .Chajin. of Cojnm. Rubber As’sn. Singapore

Accountant ... Gattey & Bateman, Inc. Singapore


Accounts ... Singapore Chamber of Commerce Singapore


Accuracy . .. Pearson & Co-

... Anglo China Finance, Ltd. Shanghai

Accuracy ... Fleming and Williamson ... Manila


Accuracy ... Percy Smith, Seth & Fleming Hongkong.

... Seth, Turner & Co. Shanghai

Achan ... Harper, Gilfillan & Co., Ltd., f Per. Malacca, Selangor-

Achan ... Negri/Sembilan Planters’ Association ... I Negri

Negri Sembilan


Acme ... Abraham K, Ackad ManilaSembilan

... ' Chit Fung Co. ... Hongkong


Aeon] a b ... The Acme Trading Co-, Inc. ... Tokyo Sembilan

Acreage ... Labour Dept. Negri

Adachi ... Island Trading Co., Ltd. Brunei

... Y. NY Adachi Kaisha Kobe

Adallan ... Adams and Allan Penang

Adam ... Kinta lce, Aerated Water & Bakery Co, Perak


Adasea ... R. Anderson & Co., Ltd. Shanghai,

Shanghai Foochow

Adbureau ... Moysey & Co., Bureau,

Advertising Ltd., H. J.Inc., The Manila


Adelphi ... Assoc. Drug Co., Ltd. Hankow

... The Adelphi Hotel, Singapore

Adexteros ... Procure Des Missons Etrangeres Singapore

Adiate ... Dist. Inspect, of Salt Revenue Swatow, Pakhoi


Adis ... Adis & Ezekiel Singapore


Adjuster ... E. A. Brown & Co. Shanghai

Adler ...... Angus & Co. Auction Rooms,...

North China Tientsin

Admiraline ...... American Mail Line Hongkong

Ado L. F. Rozario Macao



Adolter ... A. Garcia Singapore

Adsomson ... A. Flinter,

... Adolph Salmon & SonLtd. Hongkong

Adventist ... Malayan Signs Preso Singapore

Advertiser ... Japan Advertiser Tokyo, Y’hama, Kobe

Advertiser Singapore Free Press Singapore

Advertiser ... Trans-Paoific Advertising Bureau Tokyo

Adviser ... The Travel Advisers Shanghai

Advocate ... Fleming & Franklin Shanghai

Pen. Malacca

Advocate ... Hogan & Ivans h. Ti., Shanghai, Canton


Aera ...... A.Royal

E. G.Dutch


Electric Co. ...

Airway Batavia

Aera ... Civil Aviat. (Aerodrome Palembang) E.E. C.C. Sumatra Sumatra

Aera ... Civil Aviation (Aerodrome Medan)... Hongkong

Aerosupply ... Icarus Aero-Supply Co.

Aerotra Hongkong

Aerota ... Aero Trading Co. ... Hongkong

Affluence ... China Industrial Corporation Shanghai

Afhtchina ...... American

Anglo Chinese Indenting

Foreign Co. Assoc.

Insurance Shanghai

Afiatensin ... American Foreign Iinsce. Association, Tientsin

Afiahankow ... American Foreign Insoe. Association. Hankow

Afiajapan ...... Continental Insurance

Afiajapan Home Insurance Co. of Co.


New York. Tokyo, Y’hama



Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Afiamalays American Foreign Insurance As’sn. Hongkong, S’pore

Afiatensin American Foreign Insurance Assoc. ... Tientsin

Afiltn Acme Films Manila

Aframalaya American Foreign Insurance Association Singapore

Afrigerber J. Kerber & Co. ... Kobe

Agarb J. P. Braga Hongkong

Agedol Spencer Kellogg & Sons Inc Hankow

Agency The Kuching Agency ... Sarawak


Agentrade Malayan Commercial Agency Singapore

Agentship Tan Kim Cheng

Huttenbach Lazarus& Co.k, Co. Singapore


Ageratum J. M.Gomei

Alves &Kaisha

Co., Ltd. Hongkong

Agfafoto Agfa Tokyo, Osaka

Agfaphoto Agfa China Co. ... Shanghai

Agircomind Agence Generale DTmportation

Agrichambre Chamber d’Agric. de le Cochinchine Saigon

A gris tie Agricultural Department Malacca

Agustinos Augustinian Corp. Shanghai

Ahanaco Ahana Co., W. W. Hongkong

Ahgong Ah Gong Sons-& Co. ... Manila

Ahioon Gon Gee Wah Singapore

Ahmedebram Ahmed Ebrahim Bros. Kobe Kobe



Ahying H.

Ah Ahrens

Ying & &Co.,Co..Ltd. Hongkong

Aida J. Darbier Yokohama

Aida General Engineering Co. ... Yokohama

Ailion C. Ailion Co. Kobe

Airco Far East Aviation Co. Ltd. Hongkong

Airco Far East Flying Training School, Ltd Hongkong

Aisama Amasia Importing Corp; ... Shanghai

Ajacobsen Axel Jacobsen Shanghai


Aj brewery Western Drug Importers, Inc. Kobe

Anglo Japanese Brewery Co., Ltd. Tokyo

Ajltd Alexandra, James & Co. ... Hongkong

Akamo Akao & Co., Ltd. Kobe

Akebono Yonei Shoten Kabush. Kaisha .:. Tokyo

Aking A. King & Co. ;

'... ■ ... Hongkong

Akong An Kong Silk Co.- Shanghai

Alacrity Oie de Commerce et de Navigation

d’E xtrerne-O rien t Haiphong

Alacrity O. E. Yongehr Federal Inc. ... [ Han., Chu., Wei., Sze.,.

I. Shanghai

Aladdin L. R. Aguinaldo Manila

Alasaticus Kutt, Paul Tsdngtao


Aldens Ammen Transportation Co. Manila

Aldens Succrs., Ltd. Singapore

Aledonco Alexereff Donotello & Co. ... Harbin


Alexcamp China Trading Co. ... ... Hankow

Algazal Alex Campbell k Co., Ltd.... ... Shanghai

Algernon Soued & Kozhaya Kobe


Algran A.Inshallah Dairy&Farm

M. A. Evans Co. k Stock Co. Shanghai

Alhambra A. L. Gran

Alicochina Alhambra

Asia Fire Cigar

Life Insurance k Cigarette Mfg.

Co. Inc. ... Co. ... Manila

Alicochina (1645).. Asia & Marine Underwriters All Ports.


Alimohamed Rahim k Co. Kobe

Alkaff Alkaff & Co. Singapore

Alkali Borax Consolidated, Ltd. ... Shanghai



Cable Ad : Firm Name Place

Alkali ... Brotherton & Co., Ltd. ... Shanghai

Alkali ... Castner Kellner Alkali & Co., Ltd. ...... Shanghai


Alkali ... Chance & Hunt, Ltd.

Alkali ... Fairlee & Cb., Ltd. ... Shanghai

Alkali ... United Alkali Cb., Ltd. ... Shanghai

Alkali ... J. & J. Colrnan & Co., Ltd. ... Shanghai


Alkali ...... Mond

ReckittNickel Co.,Ltd.

tfe Sons, Ltd. ...... Shanghai


Alkali ... Henry Wiggin & Co., Ltd. ... Shanghai

Alkali ... Imperial Chemical Industries, (China) Litd. All Ports.

Alkalize ... Wm. Jacks & Cb. ... Singapore

Alkamar ...... Manila


Alkan ...... C.Ahmed

AlkanAbdulInc.,Karim Bros. ... Tientsin

Alkohl ... Michaelian & Kohlberg Inc. ... Shanghai

Allanson .. William Allanson

Allenbarth ... Reformed Church Mission

Allenburys ... Allen & Hanburys Ltd. ...... Shanghai


Allentraoo ... Allen Trading Cb. ... Shanghai

Allinvestt ... Mutual Investment Soc. ... Shanghai

Allmaneo ... Allman & Co. ... Shanghai

Alminko ... General Cbmmercial Co. ... Kobe


Alpha ...... Asia

T. D. Aluminium

Begg k Co. Co., Ltd. ...... TokyoShanghai

Alsagoff ... Alsagoff k Co. ... Singapore


Altamira ... A. I. Kagan

... M. P. Altamira k Co. ... Harbin

Altarpiece ...... Wright k Co. ..... Hongkong


Alulim Aluminium United Limited ... .. Shanghai, Osaka

Aluminium ... Nippon Aluminium Factory .. Osaka

Alunion ... Aluminium Union, Ltd. .. Osaka

Alvanton ... A. L. Alves & Co. .... Hongkong


Alviayoung ... Horiuchi Shoten

Amah ... Abdullah Sahib k Co., A.M. . Singapore

Amahomedco ... A. Mahommed & Co. .. Kobe

Amanoya ... Kara Shoten .. Osaka

Amarasekera ... D. Richards k Co. .. Selangor

Amateur ... Amateur Photo Store .. Singapore

Amatrep ... Eastern & Australian S.S. Co.... .... Shanghai


Amatrep ... Mackinnon, Mackenzie k Co. ... .. Osaka

Amatsukaze ... Nikka Hikaku Boeki Kaisha Ltd.

Amberg ... Amberg & Co. .. Kobe

Ambowsmith ,.. Singapore


Amcapav ...... Amalgamated

Bowes Smith, A.M.Theatres, Ltd. ... .. Manila Shanghai, Hankow

Amchamcom ... American Chamber of Commerce

Amchambcom ...... St.

Amchumiss American Chamber of Commerce of P.I. . Shanghai

John’s University

Amchumiss .... American Church Mission

Amcomat ... American Commercial Attache \f Wuhu,

Kyoto, Soochow


Amcomat ... American Trade Commissioner . Shanghai

Amcomat ... China Trade Act Registrar, U.S.A. . Mukden, Manila



... U. S. Dept, of Commerce

... U. S. A. Consulate .. Si., Shanghai.

Ti„ Sh. Man.

Amdom ... The Catholic Mission . All Ports.

Amegco ... China General Edison Co., Ltd. Foochow

Amembassy ...... American Embassy Shanghai

Amenamen Ah Men King Cheong

Amenco .. American Products Co. Hongkong

Amensrco ... American Engineering Corpn. Harbin

Amerfound ... Lingnan University * Shanghai



Cable Ad : Firm Name Place

Amerasco ... American Asiatic Trading Co. Shanghai

American Consul American Consulate ... All Ports


Americlub ... American Club

Amerimotor ... Am. Oriental Motor Fed. Inc., U.S.A. Tsingtao

Amerjapan ... Nichibei Unyu K. K. Yokohama

Amerriters Singapore

Amerriters ...... Asia Life Insurance

American Co., Inc. ...

Asiatic Underwriters Hongkong, Singapore


Ameriters ... Underwriters Adjustment Co.

Amerschool ... Shanghai American School Shanghai,

All Ports Hankow

Amexco ... American Express Co., Inc. The

Amfeamatch ... American Far Eastern: Match Co. Shanghai, Hankow

Amgeco ... China General Edison Co., Inc Shanghai

Amharwa ... American-Japanese Commercial Co.

Amicable .. A. Michael ... .,. Tokyo


Amilco ... American Milling & Industrial Corpn. ... Harbin

Amilko ... General

Amingmetal ... A. Ming & Co. Milk Co. Shanghai

Amkarseas ... Karagheusian American Co rp. for Overseas Hongkong Tientsin

Amlegation ... U. S. A. Legation Peiping, Bangkok

Amobanco ... Amoy Commercial Bank Amoy

Amorbankco ...... American-Oriental BankingCorpn. Tientsin, Shanghai

Corpn., The... S’hai.,

Amorfinanc American-Oriental Finance Mai., H’kong.

Amosbird ... Borden’s Produce Co., Inc. Shanghai

Amperage ... Colonial Electric Co. ... Hongkong

Amrak ... K. B. Yaidya & Co., Ltd., Hongkong

Ararasekara ... D. Richards & Co. Selangor

Amrit ... Bombay Provision Store ... Shanghai

Amstrubber ... Rub. Cul. Maatschappy "Amsterdam” Djember, Java

Amstrubber ... Rub. Cul. Maatschappy "Amsterdam” Medan, Sumatra

Amtraco ... American Trading Co. All Ports

Amusements ...... Cheong LokAmusements,

Theatre Ltd Hongkong

Amusements Hongkong Hongkong

Amwatches ... H. E. Seacock Osaka

Anabru ... Building and Loan Association Manila

Analambe ... Anglo-Ameri. Direct Tea Trading Co. Taipeh

Anchinorco Hongkong

And resen ...... Andresen

Anglo China Ore Co.

& Co. Shanghai

Androutsos ... Tientsin Tobacco Co. Tientsin

Angeco ... China General Edison Co. ... . ... Shanghai

Angelkit ... O. Kitchell & Co. ... — Hongkong

Angleasto ... Mftrs. & Produce Grocers’ Agency ... Kobe

Angloese ... Whitsons, Ltd. Shanghai

Anglomaya ... Anglo-Oriental, Ltd. Perak

Anglosiam ... Anglo Siam Corpn., Ltd. Si. Ban.

Anglosing ... Anglo French & Bendixsens Ltd. Si. Pen. Sel., Mai.


Anglostra ... Anglo-Sumatra Rubber Co., Ltd. Singapore

Angullia ... M. S. E. Angullia & Co. Manila


Anlikan ... Ruiz y Rementeri Peiping

Ansec ...... Navy

Church& ofMilitary


M. C. A. ...... Manila, Hankow


Antaki ... Antaki & Son Penang


Antimon ... Messrs. A. A. Anthony

... Schnabel, Gauraer

Antilace ... East Asiatic Trading Co. Hongkong

Antiplague ... Manchurian Plague Prevention Service ... Harbin


Anwalt ... Anton

... Dr. K. Vogt Roos Sumatra


Anwalt ... Dr. E. Will Tientsin

Anz ... t). H. Anz & Co. Chefoo, Dairen

Apcar ... Apcar & Co. Yokohama



Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Apolo Wm. Martin &-Co. ... Singapore

Apothall Apothecaries’ Hall Bangkok

Apothecary The Grand Dispensary Ltd. Hongkong

Appliance Office Appliance Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Aproco Associated Products Co., Ltd. Foochow

Aquarius Aquarius Company Shanghai

Aquatics Victoria Recreation Club Hongkong

Aqueous Johnson

Golden Star & Johnson

Co. Shanghai

Arachis Tientsin


Araco E.Aragon Bros.& Co.

Aranami Co. Manila


Arajoza Araneta Do Joya, Zaragoza & Araneta Manila

Arang Malayan Collieries Ltd. Selangor

Arasug Mt. Aryat Sugar Co. Manila

Arathoon Stephens, Paul & Co. S i ngapore

Arbadji K. Arbadji Manila

Arbenz H. R. Arbenz ...

A. Balfour & Co., Ltd. Singapore

Tokyo, Osaka


Archa “Archa” N. V. Oliefabriek Batavia

Architect J. A. Hammerschmidt Tientsin

Architrane Institute of Architects of Malaya ... Singapore

Arculli Arculli & Sons, A. F. Hongkong

Arcus Arcus, S. G. Harbin

Arcusi Maisom Arcus Shanghai

Arcus The First Private Pharmacy ... Harbin

Ardalmetal Ardalmetal, Ltd. Shanghai

Arfen Aaron Fein Shanghai

Argiboifa BoffaR.

Argtis Argus Properties Inc. Shanghai

Ariel Aircraft (China), Ltd. Shanghai

Ariel Far East Aviation Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Arjana Arjana

Arjoono Straits Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Singapore

Arkeh R. Kejimura & Co., Kobe



Arlang Arkell

Robert &LangDouglas

& Co.,Inc.Inc. ... Shanghai

Armour Armour & Co. Manila

Arnold F. A. Arnold Tientsin

Arnosniber Robinson, A. R. ... Shanghai

Arola C. J. Schirmer

Romanach & Co. Singapore



Aromatic Asiatic Petroleum Co. (N. China), Ld. Shanghai


Arpet D.Petersen

C. M. Aronovsky Shanghai

& Co. Hongkong

Arracan Ellerman’s Arracan Rice& Trading Co., Ltd. Bangkok

Arrahman M. S. Ally & Co. Selangor

Arratoon C.Apcar

M. Arratoon ... Kobe


Arrowqueen & Co., Ltd. Hongkong

Artesian Uchida Shoji Kaisha, Ltd. Osaka

Artesian China Deep Well Drilling Co., Ltd. ... Shanghai

Arthur P. B. Artesian

Arthur Water Co. Manila

Artillery Lacey &&Cannan,

Co., Ltd. Ltd. Hongkong


Artmoimt Yamanaka & Co.... Osaka

Artobjects Hoffmann Bros Shanghai

Artscrafts Arts & Crafts, Ltd.


Arya Frblich.

Tamil Tselee & Co.

Nesan Canton Shanghai


Asahi Takeda Gomei Kaisha Selangor

Asahibeer Dai Nippon Brewery Co., Led. Kobe



Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Asahico Asahi Trading Co. ... ... Yokohama

Asalumin Asia Aluminium Co. Tokyo


Asanuma Asano

Asanuma Portland

Co. Cement Ck>. , Ltd. Tokyo

Asayaogura Ogura & Co. Ltd. Tokyo


Asbestos Bells Asbestos & Engring. (S.S.) Ltd. Singapore

Asbestos Nippon Asbestos Co., Ltd. Tokyo

Ascendant Chartered Bank of Ind., Aust. & China... Kedah

Ascol Australian Sandalwood Co., Ltd. Hongkong

Ascol Co-operative Sandalwood Co., Ltd. Hongkong

Asenco Philip A. Sargeant Shanghai

Ashabhai Ashabhai & Co. ... Kobe

Ashcapel Capelouto & Ashkenazi Kobe

Asheen Henry & Co., Ltd Shanghai

Ashenry A. & S. Henry Co., Ltd. Singapore


Ashibeer Dai Nippon Brewery Co. ' ... ... Hongkong

Ashpit Asia, Co., The Shanghai,




The AsiaTrading

Glass Corpn.,

Co. Ltd. ... Shanghai Hankow

Asialands Asia Lands, Ltd. ... Hongkong

Asiaimexco Asiatic Importing & Exporting; Co. Shanghai


Asialife Asia

Asia Import Co. Co. ...

Life Insurance ... Shanghai

Manila, Saigon

Asiaraotor Asia Motor Car Co., Ltd.1 Hongkong



Asiarealty . Asia Overseas Co. ... - i Shanghai

Asiatic The AsiaNews

Asiatic Realty Co.

Agency Peiping

Asiatic Compagnie Franco-Asiatique Des Petroles Haiphong, Saigon

Asiatic East Asiatic Co , Ltd. Bangkok

Asiatrad Asia Trading Corporation ... Tientsin


Asing Asiatic Lumber Co., G. K. Otaru

Askaniagok A. Sing & Co. ... lit, Shanghai

G. K. Askama ... Tokyo


Asoco Asia Mines Trust Co., Ltd. ... Tientsin

Associated Trading Co. Yokohama


Assanmal Associated Agencies (Far East), Ltd. Shanghai

G. Assannal & Co. Manila

Assembly . 4 Kwong Shing Cheong Cp. . ... Hongkong

Assocdoil Associated Oil Co. Manila

Associated Associated Press of America ... ... Tokyo, Shanghai

-Assoclines Associated Steamship Lines Manila

Assurety Fook On Assurance & Gqdown Co. Shanghai

Asterodal : . British Thomson Houston Co. Tokyo

Asticlips M. Wiseman i Co. ... ... Singapore

Astra The Asia Traders j Shanghai

_Astrico Asia- Electric Company Shanghai

Astor Astor House Hotel ... ... j Tientsin,



Astraco Associated Petroleum Co. Hongkong


Atabani Asia Transportation Co. ... ... Shanghai

Atack Inabata & Co. Osaka


Atakasama A.Ataka

Tack& &Co.,Co.Ltd. Osaka

Atanga Atkins Kroll & Co., Inc. ... Zamboanga

Atcolda . Agencia Tecnica E. Commercial, Ltd. (Manila, Macao Shanghai,

Atgill A, T. Gillespie Co. ... ( Negri,


Athall Seremban Dispensary Sembilan

Athena Athena ... Hongkong

Athletes South China Athletic Assoc. ... IlPKgkong


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Atienza V. N. Atienza ... Hongkong

Atienzaco Atienza Vincente


Atlas Fraser & Neave, Ltd.


Atol Atlas Ice Co., ... \ Malacca


Atomlinson Atkins Kroll &&Co.,

Hetherington Sons,Inc.Ltd. ... Manila

Attention Standard Braid & Produce Co., of Japan Kobe Shanghai


Auctionco Platt White

Chinese Cooper & Co.

Auctioneering Co., Ltd. Shanghai




And car J.Ching Keng Lu & Co., Ltd.

V. Audas Malacca


Audit Carrera & Co., Edward

Jenks, Percival and IsittG. ... Manila


Audit Brown, Phillips & Stewart /Singapore,

t Penang Perak

Audit Penang Marine Insurance Agency Asscn. Penang

Auditor C. Potter & Co. ... Shanghai


Auditor Shanghai BusinessProtection

Shanghai Trade College Society Shanghai

Auditor Harold Bell, Taylor, Bird & Co. Shanghai

. . Kobe, Tokyo

Auditorium Auditorium Hai Alai (Parc des Sports) Shanghai

Audoyergeo G. Audoyer Yokohama


Aultwiborg Australia-China Commerce Corp. Hongkong

Ault & Wiborg Co. (Far East) Ho. Sh. Can Man

Aureliahat Aurelia's Hat Shop Manila

Aurely G. Aurely, Singapore

Ausity ChopSticks Hongkong

Auslander Auslander’s Finan>cie & Import Office... Shangliai

Austconsul Austrian Consulate Tokyo,

Austfactor Australian Manufacturers, Ltd. ShanghaiShanghai

Austmalay Kampong Kamunting Tin Dredg. Ltd. Perak

Austmalay AustralChine

Olivier Malay(S.Tin,A.)Ltd. Perak

Austrasia All Ports

Austrchina Australia China Trading

Eastern Auto Co., Ltd. Co. ... Shanghai


Autoimport Dragon Motor Car Co., Ltd. ... Singapore



Automobile Soc. de Transports Auto Hanoi

Autopalace Auto Palace Co., Ltd. Shanghai.

Autopalace Overland Motors, Ltd. Shanghai

Autorenos Renault Motors ... Shanghai

Autos Butler & Webster Bangkok

Nichibei Star Jidosha Tokyo


Autoster Grand Garage FranciasKabushiki K. Shanghai


Autoxosaka General Motors (Japan,) Ltd ....

Foong Sheng Industrial & Commercial Shanghai

Aviator Devel. Corpn.

Avanozian M. Avanozian & Sons Tientsin

Awik Weder, August ... Shanghai

Ayala Ayala & Company

Co. Manila

Ayalam Malaya Penang

Ayer Borelli Rubber Co., Ltd. ... Kuning South

Aysey China Associates Corporation, Ltd ... Hongkong

Azadian Azadian Societe Anonyme Shanghai

Azadian The National Brewery Shanghai

Azucarera Central Azucarera de Bais... Manila

Azumikatol Azum & Co., Ltd. Osaka

Babcock Babcock & Wilcox, Ltd. All Ports

Babcock Toyo Babcock* Kabushiki Kaisha Yokohama,Moji,Tokyo

Babji Husein, E. A. Hongkong


Cable Ad; Firm Name Place

Babjimowla . A. H. Esmalji Kobe

Babtemp . Babcock & Templeton, Inc. ... Manila

Badman . H. A. Badman & Co., Bangkok

Baercosilk .. A.B. A.BaerGreen

& Co.& Co. ... Shanghai

Bag Manila

Bagn - Bagnall & Co. Osaka

Bagram . J. T. Bagram Hongkong


Bahan . Baguley ife Tooth Bangkok

Bah an . Negri Sembilan Oil Palms. Ltd. Singapore

. Po'ya Rotan Estate Singapore

Bahnson . Bahnson Co., F. W. Shanghai, Hankow

Bailey . Bailey »fe Perry Shanghai, Hankow

Bailey . Bailey Stevedoring Co., Inc., The Manila

Baimdecor . Baguio Improvement & Development Co. Manila

Bais .. CentralSingh

Gian Azucarera

& Co. de Bais ... ... Manila


Ba'kry . Baker Morgan & Co., Ltd. ... Singapore

Bakuiwamit . Iwata Shokai Goinei Kaisha ... Selangor



Balanga . S.Bataan

lisukaSugar Co. Singapore

Balante . Brandt «fe Co. Manila


Balatocmco . BaJatoc Mining Co. Manila

Balcombe . Balcombe & Co. Hongkong

Ballagancy . Messrs. Browne, Bill & Co. ... Shanghai

Bamyrub , Deli Batavia Rubber Maatschappij ... Sumatra


Banahaw .. CharteredFruits

Banahaw Rank ofPreservers

India Australia & China

and Canners. Batavia



Banco . Bank of the Philippine Islands Cebu, Manila, Zam.

. Kwong Yik Banking Corp. Selangor


Banga . Planters’ Stores Agency Co., Ltd. Per., Sel.

. Port Banga Lumber Go., Inc. Zamboanga

Banheng . Glen Muar Estates Ltd. Panchor

Banhoeathin .. Ban Hoe HoeatHinBinCo. Singapore

Banhoehin Ban ... ... Perak

Bank . The Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corp. Tientsin


Banker . Bank of East Asia, Ltd. ... ... HongkongHongkong

Bankleewah . Banker & Co., Ltd. Wuchow,

Bankline . Lee

BankWah Line,Bank

Ltd. Singapore

Bankline . Andrew Weir Co. Hongkong


Bankton The American Bank Note Co.

Banlian BankLee

Ban of Canton

Ann, Ltd. Shanghai

Banner Thomas Banner ... ... ... Siingapore


Bannon Bannon & Bailey Perak, Selangor


Bantosa Bann’s Studio Shanghai

Bapcopaint Japan Tea Firing

D. A. Purves & Co.Co., Ltd. ... Shidzuoka

r Baptisma The American Baptist Foreign Mission Hongkong

1 Society Swa., Sh.

Bapto Baptist Mission ... Wuchow

; Bapto China Baptist Book Store ... Shanghai

! Bapto Southern Baptist Convention Shimonoseki

I Barbarossa Wolter & Co., Carl Mukden

II Barbash


| Bard will E.Barbash & Co., Ltd.

A. Barbour, Carl. Shanghai


Barfields Bardwill Bros,

Fessenden & Holcomb of New York ... Shanghai, Manila

Barkers Harrisons Barker & Co., Ltd.... Shanghai

Barimon Employers Liability Assur. Corp. Malaya


Barjeron Shanghai Finance Co., Ltd. Shanghai


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Barker’s Automobile As’sn. of Malaya Selangor

Barlow Barlow & Co. ••• Selangor

Barnwell S. M. Barnwell m.p.s. Yokohama

Baroukh Baroukh's Shanghai

Barretto Barretto Shipping and Trading Co. Singapore

Barrimon Employers’ Liab. Assce. Corpn., Ltd. Shanghai

Bartolomez F.R. A.BasaBartholomeusz, Ltd. Singapore

Basa Basel i f c Frey Hongkong


Basel Society of Chemical Industry in Basle ... Osaka

Baselosa S. M. Bashir & Co. Kobe

Bashir Basilan Lumber Co., Inc.

Basilurniber Bastel & Co. Zamboanga

Bastel Kobe


Batashoe Bata Shoe Co., Ltd.

Bataviabank Batavia Bank Batavia

Batbusil Ang Batong Busilak Manila

Bathcalvos Fernandes Y. Ferrer Inc. ... Manila

Batove Bata Shoe

Batten & Co.Co., Ltd. Hongkong


Batten The Batu Tiga (Selangor) Rubber Co,,

Batutiga Ltd. (Glenmarie Estate)... Selangor

Baucumin Bau Gumming & Co. ... ... Shanghai

Baute Beaute Co. Osaka

Bavosta Bavosta & Bayes-Davy

Paulsen Batavia

Bayesdavy Shanghai


Bazaar B.Chinese

B. B.Bazaar, The

y La Ideal

BBB Manila

Bcfco B. C. Fan & Co. ... Tsingtao

Bearings S. Foreign

K. F. BallAgencies& RollerLtd.)

Bearings (Ekman Shanghai

Beauxarts Leonard & Veysseyre Shanghai


Beaver The

American Canadian Govt.Trading

Asiatic Immigration

Co. Office Tientsin


Bechler E. Bechler Hankow

Beck Beck Inc., I. Manila

Beck Beck’s General Department Store ... Manila

Beck Walter Beck Tokyo

Becker Becker & Co. Tokyo, Osaka

Beckerco Becker & Co. Batavia, Sourabaya

Vlad., Harbin

Becos Becos Traders, Ltd

Beddoe Stout Memorial Hospital (Bap. Mis.; Wuchow Shanghai

Bedoini Clerici, Bedoni & Co.

Bedstead Simmons Co. Shanghai

Beehive Prince’s (Sporting Goods)... Bangkok

Beehive Eastern Agencies, Ltd. Singapore,

Shanghai Bangkok

Beehive Patons & Baldwins, Ltd. Singapore

Beehuat Bee

Bejonjee Huat & Co.

& Co.Brewery Co., Ltd. Shanghai


Beer Dai Nippon Tokyo

Beerbrayer J.W.Beerbrayer

S. Bee & Co. Dairen

Beestore Henri Begue Singapore


Begue F. K. Modi Hongkong


Behling Drakeford, Davis k Wilson Shanghai

Behn M. Behna Kobe

Behnmeyer Behn Meyer k Co.’s Handel Mij. N. V. f Batavia, Semarang,


Beiner W. Beiner Tientsin


Belfran Bejonjee & Co. Shanghai


Belfran Credit Froncier D’Extreme Orient Hankow

L’Union Fire Insurance Co., Ltd.


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Beige Belgian Consulate /Peiping, Tientsin

Belgicom Belgian Chamber of Commerce t Hongkong '

Belginimp Belgian Industries Import Co. Shanghai


Belgochina Societe Beige D’Enterprises en

Compagnie Financiere Belgo-Chinoise Chine Shanghai


Belgosiam Societe Anonyme Beige Pour le Commerce Shanghai Bangkok

Belsulat Belgian Consulate S’hai,H’kow,Man.

Bell Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd. Manila, Cer. a

Bell R. G. Bell Yokohama

Bellbros Shanghai Building Co. ... Shanghai

Bell camp H. B. Campbell Shanghai

Bellcamp General Paint in China Shanghai

Bellco Bell & Co., Ltd.

Hongkong Printing Press ... Singapore

Bello P. A. Beins, Ltd. Hongkong

Benanto Singapore

Benco Ben Trading Co. ... ... Kobe

Bendix R. J. Patell ... ... Osaka

Bengswee Beng Swee

Benguet Consolidated Mining Co. Penang

Benguetcon Manila

Benjamwolf Benjamin Wolf Co., Inc. Yokohama

Benleg La Rosario Distillery Manila


Benta Bennett & Co. ... ... Chemulpo

Fletcher Trading Co. ... Per.

Bentraco Ben Trading Co.

Benut Estate . Hoscote Rubber Estates Ltd. KobeN. Sem. Sel.


Beraha Beraha & Steitten Shanghai

Beraha M. Beraha Hongkong

Berco Berger & Co. Manila

Berelson J. Berelson & Co. ... Tientsin


Bergmann Hans Berents. Shanghai

Bergship Bergmann &

Berg & Co., Ltd. Co. ... Kobe

Berlijuker Berli Hongkong

Berlinco BerlinJucker

Co., Ltd. & Co. Bangkok


Bernard Harwich ., C. H. Bernard & Son Hongkong

Bernsons M. Bernstein & Sons Tientsin, Mukden

Bernsons The Baikal Fur Trading Corpn. Tientsin

Berrick (Garrigueno & Cie.) Haiphong

Berrick & Co., Ltd.

Besservice Schiller’s Express & Forwarding Yokohama, Kobe

Agents ... ...


Bertobough Etablissements Charriere Dufourg ... Shanghai

Bertram South China Products Co.

R. Bertram Shanghai

Bethlehem The Bethlehem Steel Export Corpn. Peiping

Betinesco S. J. Betines

Betonlemi Minutti & Cie. ... ... Peiping

Betonesco Betines & Co., S. J. Shanghai

Bheroomall Peiping

Bheroomall Sons,

Bio and Chuan, Inc. G. ; ... ' Kobe


Bibles British and Foreign Bible Society Manila Hankow

Bibles American Bible Society / Tokyo, Peiping, Bang-

Bickertons l kok, Hankow, S’hai

Bickerton’s Private Hotel ... Shanghai, Tsingtao

Biedermann Biedermann & Co. Hanoi.

Bielfeld Bielfeld & Son Tientsin

Billeyco , Billey Cycle' & Motor Co. ... 'Shanghai

Billian British Borneo Timber Co., Ltd. Hongkong, Sandakan


Gable Ad : Firm Name Place

Billsmotor .. Bills Motor, Inc. U.S.A. Shanghai

Bilten .. Bingoya & Co. Co.

W. H. Tenny & ... Shanghai


Bingoya .. British Borneo Para Rubber Co. Beaufort

Bintang Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corpn. ... Bangkok

Bintang Shing Mun Valley Wa. Sch. Ger.Dam Hongkong


Bintang .. Ho Hong Oil Mills Singapore

Biochuan Bio & Chuan, Inc. Manila

Biola .. The Hunan Bible Institute Changsha

Biograph .. Penang Biograph Co. Singapore


Birdsnest .. Kam Chuen & Co.

Birdsnest Lai Shiu Wing On Co. Hongkong

Birkden .. Birkett & Holden Manila

Birma . East Asiatic Co., Ltd. Bangkok

Bishop .. East Asiatic Co. Bangkok

Bishopsted Episcopal Mission of the Philippine Manila


Bisly .. Bishop & Lacey, Ltd. Hongkong

Bismilla .. M. S. Ally & Co. Penang, Singapore

Bison .. Islay Kerr & Co., Ltd. Penang

Bisseker .... F.J. P.L). Bisseker Tientsin

Bisset Bisset & Co. Shanghai

Blaamichel .. X.&V.Michelson

Assurantiekantoor Van Blaarderen Sumatra

Black Xew Zealand Insurance Co. Kobe

Blackburn .... W. Shanghai


Blackton J. R.& Hooley

C. Dunlop, Ltd. Shanghai


Blad .. Blackmore & Blackburn, Ltd. Kobe

Kobe Exchange Brokers’ Association...

Blad .. Blad & McClure Kobe

Bladmac Blad and McClure Osaka

Blenders Brooke Bond India, Ltd. ... Singapore

Blewey , F. Mysberg Shanghai

Blicossco .. Blickle, Ross Der

& Co.Aa ... ... Shanghai


Bloma Blom & Van Tientsin, Shanghai

Blomavan .. Blom & Van Der Aa

Rlomavan ,. Nederland Insurance Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Blomso .. Bloch Manufacturing & Lumber Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Bloodtonic .. International Dispensary, Ltd. Shanghai



Blubr . Bloss & Co. Manila

.. Blue Bar Coconut Co.

Bluff Hotel . Bluff Hotel Yokohama

Tokyo, Osaka

Blundell .. G. Blundell & Co., Ltd. Per. Sel.


Bluntschli .... George Blunn & Co., Ltd. ... ... Singapore

Blygo .. H. C. Bluntschli

Italian School Tientsin

Boasover .. Java Sumatra Handelmaatchappij Singapore

Boavista .. Boa Vista Hotel Macao


Bobbin .. Teikoku Seishi Kaisha, Ltd. ...

Bodiker Bodiker & Co. ... Canton

Bodinghaus .... Tientsin

Boeckl E.Boeddinghaus

Boeckl & Co,& Kattwinkle ... Kobe

Boehnert .. Deh Ji Construction Co. ... Tsingtao

Boekisogo .. Sogo Boyeki Shokai Osaka

Bbdiker .. Bodiker & Co. Hongkong, Canton;

Boekidaido .. Daido Boeki Kaisha, Ltd. Tokyo

Boerter Boerter Boie& Co., A.... Tsingtao

Boie Botica Manila

Boillot .. Ch. Boillot Hanoi.


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Bolter Bolter & Co. Singapore

Bomanjee Bomanjee & Co. ... ... Canton

Bombaytrall Bombay Trading Co. Kobe

Bomi B. R. Mehta Hankow

Bona Comptoir Russo Beige : de Commerce &

Indus. \ Peiping

Bonafides Carlowitz

Bolton Bristle tfc Co.Co. ... Hankow

Bonergrant Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corpn.... London Shanghai


Bonton Tak Cheong Hongkong

Bonwick Christian Literature Soc. of Korea Seoul

Bookman Kajiwara, D. K. ... Shanghai

Books China Booksellers, Ltd. . Tientsin

Bookstore The Oriental Bookstore ... •• Tientsin


Boon P.J. C.F. Boon

Boomer ... Manila


Boon The Boon Pharmacy Penang

Boonhak UnitedBros.

Doray Shoe Co. Penang

Booso Booty & Edwards Kobe


Bornemann Bornemann & Co. Singapore

Borneo Alexandra Brickworks Ltd. Canton


Borneo Borneo Co., Ltd. JI Pen. Si. B’kok.

Sarawak, S’gorPerak,

Borneocar Borneo Traders

Motor Motors, Ltd. As’sn. of Malaya S’pore.S’gor. N.S. M’a.

Borneocar Singapore

Bornhorst W. Bornhorst

Borsumy N. Y. Borneo Sumatra Handels / Tientsin Semarang,


Borsumy Civil Aviation (Aerodrome Pakan B.) (Sourabaya, E. C. Sumatra


Borsumij F. J. Witt Singapore

Boschilli A.ClayG. &Robert Bosch Tokyo


Botag A. G. BoCo. tel ho & Co. Kobe


Botelbo China Underwriters, Ltd. ... Tsingtao

Bothcalvos Fernandez y Ferrer,

Tai Hing Vaccum Factory ... Inc ... Manila

Bottle Hongkong

Bottlewalla K. E Bottewalla ... Kobe

Bouhoutsos Tientsin Tobacco Oo. Peiping

Boulapts Boulevard Apartment Hotel Manila

Bourgery French Central Power Station Tientsin

Boustead Boustead & Co., Ltd. Malaya

Bouwland Ned. Ind. Landbouw Mij., N. V. Batavia

Bovenatoga Eitingon


e Co. Co., Inc., N.Y. Tientsin

Bowern Boyd & Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Boyd Amoy,H’kong,F’chow.

Boydcotd Boyd & Oo., Ltd. Shanghai

Boydspen Spencer, Wm. B. ... ... Yokohama

Boyeki Nakemura & Co. ... Kobe

Boyes Boyes Bassett, Ltd. Shanghai

Boycott Boycott & Cb. Tientsin


Bracco Habade Ltd Hongkong

Bracco C. Bracco & Co. Shanghai

Braddell Oriental Cork Factory Shanghai

Bradholmes Braddell Bros.

R. K. Holdsworth, Ltd. Singapore

Bradley Bradley & Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Sh., Swa., Ho.

Bradystocks A. A. Brady Shanghai

Braga J. M. Braga Macao

Bramtoco British American Tobacco Co., Ltd. Bangkok


Cable. Ad: Firm A rime Place

Brand H. S. Brand & Co. Foochow

Brandon Brandon Mesritz & Co. Batavia, Sourabaya

Brandns ,, The Harbin


Brasileira G. W.Netherlands

Empreza Wilson Insurance

& Co.,

Brasileira deLtd.


Cafe ......

Pen. Per. Ked.



Breusun Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corpn. ... Tsingtao Tientsin

Deutsch Chinesische Handels Co. Hongkong

Brewer Brewers Bookshop

Breweries Malayan Breweries, Ltd. ... Singapore

Brickworks South China Brick & Tile Co. Hongkong

Brien Dr. D. H. Brien ... Seoul

Briscon Bright Hongkong

Brigson Tilleke Sun Co.

& Gibbins Bangkok

Brinkman Singapore

Liverpool & London & Globe Ins. Co., Ltd. Singapore

Brinkman Brinkman Co. Singapore

Brintasco American Asiatic Underwriters Ltd. f Shanghai, H’kong.,-

Brintasco International Assurance Co., Ltd. \ Singapore

Brintasco International Underwriters, Ltd. Tientsin, Shanghai

Brirox Brias Roxas, Inc. Manila


Brisun Compagnie Pahlay Shanghai


Brisk Bright Sun Co. Singapore

Anglo-Swiss Watch Co.

Brisk Brisk & Co. Singapore

Britain British Consulate All Ports.

Britain British Legation ... Peiping

Britexsteri Bttanic Textiles, Ld. ... Shanghai

Britarmacy British Pharmacy Singapore

Britiscom British Chamber of Commerce ; ... /Tsinan, T’sin.,

\H’kow, T’tao, S’hai

British Consul British Consulate ... ... Tokyo


British Tipper & Co. Tientsin, Peiping

British South British Insurance Co., Ltd. All Ports

Ocean Accid. & Guarantee Corp., Ltd. Tientsin

Britowomen British Women’s Association Shanghai

Broadcast R. C.Broad

A. Communications Manila

Broadloom W. with (fcCo. Inc. Shanghai

Broadway Broadway Hotel ... Chefoo

Brocades Jos. Fane Blister ... Shanghai



Brofeltman Brockett &Bros.,

Co. Inc. Man. Yokohama,

Broker Feltman Hongkong

Brokers Beniamin & &Potts

Geldmacher Lindmeyer Hankow

Brokerage Hair, Little & Picornell Manila

Swatow, Amoy

Bromerus English Presbyterian Mission ...

Bronze Nippon Kinpunhaku Kogyo Kaisha ... Osaka

Brook Mino Trading Co., Ltd. Yokohama

Brook Sato Yokohama

Broomhalls SiamTrading Co., Ltd.

Architects Bangkok



Brosexploi Enterprises Generales S’pore., Tientsin

Brothers Brossard Mopin Ltd. Manila

De La Salle College

Brothers St. Xavier’s Institution Penang

Brothers St. Joseph’s College Hongkong

Brothers St. Joseph’s Institute Singapore

Brownehill Browne, Hill & Co. Shanghai

Brubro Calico Printers’Assoc. Ltd. ... Shanghai

Brugrayu, Bruesch, Grantz and Yuan... Tientsin

Brunion B.China


Ltd. Kobe

Brunswick Ltd. Ltd. .... Hongkong

Brury Hongkong Brewers&&Radio,

Distillers, Hongkong


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Brutton Geoi’ge &K.Taylor

Hall Brutton Hongkong

Bryant Bryant ... & Co.... MukUIar. Dai.

Bryner Bryner & Co. 1

Buanhoseng Buan Hoa Seng & Co. Bangkok


Bucar Bubeshko & Co. S.O. ♦Tientsin

North China Mptors Corp, ... Tientsin

Bucheister Biicheister & Co. ' ■... Tientsin

Buchfock Duchandlung Gustav Fock .... Tokyo

Bucknall Star Ginseng Co.... Foochow

Budge Budge & Co. Kobe

Buffplate Munning & Co. ... Kobe

Buihai Christian Bros. & Co. Tientsin

Builders M. D. Ross Penang

Building Lee Au Kee Hongkong

Buildsupply Building Supplies, Ltd. ... Shanghai

Bukami Burkhardt Buchan & Co. ... ... Shanghai

Bulchand Kewairam & Bulchand Yokohama

Bull bear Hunter

Bulbear W. H. Lovatt Shanghai

Bulletin Manila Daily Bulletin ... Manila

Bulling A. E. Bulling & Co. Tientsin

Bullion Robertson & Rosier Tientsin

ullongans Adrians & Co. ... ... Singapore

Bunbeeco Bun Bee & Traders

Australian Co. Agency ....... r I Singapore

Bunpo Hongkong

Buntenltd Shinano Bunten, Ltd. Osaka

Bunting Bunting & Co. ... ... Yokohama

Burad Burroughs Manila. Shanghai

Burcheister Burcheister & Co. Tientsin

Bureau Tourist Agency Information Bureau ... Penang

Bureconin Bureau of Foreign Trade Shanghai

Buredue Tsing Hua University Peiping

Buree Bangkok Trading Co. Bangkok

Burgolina Liguori Kobe

Burgoyne Langston, S. H. ... Hongkong

Burjor B. Mervan & Co. Hongkong

Burkwall British & Foreign Bible Society Canton

Burkwall American Bible Society Canton

Buckwheat Sugiyama & Co., Ltd. Osaka

Bureconin Bureau of Foreign Trade ... Shanghai

Burlington Burlington HotelCo., Ltd.

Burns, Philips Shanghai

Burphil Sourabaya

Burtonco Estate

E. Busch& Hospital Supply Agency ... Selangor


Busequicor Business Equipment Corpn. Shanghai


Busequicor International Business Machines Corp. Shanghai

Busequicor Acme Code Co. .. Shanghai

Busses Kowloon Motor Bus Co., Ltd. Hongkong

Butcar Butler & Co. Shanghai

Butterweg Buttefweg & Co., N. Y. ... Sourabaya

Buxbaum Hospital Supply Co., Ltd. Tokyo

Buxton Beranang Rubber Plantations Ltd. ... Selangor

Cableworks Sumitomo Electrical Wire and Cable

Works Osaka

Cabronada R. C. H. May ... .... Osaka

Cachodalgo CachoItalian

& Hidalgo Manila

Cadicoit The Chamber of Commerce for the

Far East Shanghai

Caeng China-American Engineering Gorp. ... Tientsin


Cable Ad : Firm Name Place

Cahusao Cahusac, A. F. ... Tokyo

Caie Tientsin

Tientsin Steel Drum & Eng. Works, Ltd.... Manila

Cadwall Cadwalladar-Gibson Lumber Co. Shanghai

Cadzu Cadzu

China, Bros.

America Engineering Corpn. Fed. Tientsin

Caeng Inc. U.S.A.

Cajofra China Metal Refining Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Calcina P. G. Calcina Shanghai

Calatroni Calatroni, Hsieh & Co. Shanghai

Caldbeck Caldbeck, Macgregor

Caldbeck Aquarius Co. of Shanghai ... Sh. T’sin


Caldmarsh ... Calder-Marshall

Assur. Langoveldt & Co., Ltd.

Schroder ... Batavia Taku, Han.


Calendar . Taku Tug and Lighter Co., Ltd. Tientsin,

Callender Shanghai, Hongkong

Callender's Cable & Construction Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Calmac .... Caldbeck, Macgregor

Nakamura Trading Co.Exports, Ltd. Y okohama

Calpentyn Manila

Calsug . Calamba Sugar Estate


al vet . Manila Harness Co. Manila

... ’ i..l. Tsingtao

Carabefort .. E.Casey & Lyttle& Co.....

Cambefort Shanghai


Camberoid . L. A. Harrap & Co. Singapore

Cambeul . John G. Campbell & Co. Yokohama

Camedon . A. Cameron & Co., Ltd. ... Hongkong

'Camelot . F. A. Joseph Hongkong

Camelpaint . Nat. Lacquer

Camels Bell & Paint Products Co. Peiping


Camera . Central China Dispensary, Ltd. Hankow

Cameron .. Cameron & Co., Ltd. Kobe, Y’hama

Singapore, Shanghai

Caminius Marine Insurance Co., Ltd., ... Osaka

Camphrier . T. Fujisawa & Co. Shanghai

Camporelli A. Camporelli & Co.

Camporu Camposi Rueda Hermanos Inc., Manila

Canadian . Canadian Government Trade Commissioner All Ports


Candel . La Espania Tokyo

Canealima . Arima & Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Caneber . C. A. Weber

Canello .. Anderson

Pure Ashe Co. (Hongkong), Ltd. Hongkong

Cane &Molasses Hongkong


Canemola .. Pure Cane Molasses Co. (P.I.), Inc. ... Manila Tokyo

Cangpen . Okamoto & Co. Shanghai

. Le

LamChampSoon DeCannery



Cannery Singapore

Canning Amoy Canning Co., Ltd. ... Amoy


Canon .... Chinai & Co.

Canadian Pacific Steamship, Ltd. ... Manila

Canpacline . Bank of Canton, Ltd. Canton, Hongkong

Cantonese The National Publishers, Hongkong


Cantraco .. Canton Trading Co. Ltd. Hongkong

Canuten . Canton Utensils Manufacturing Co. ... Canton

Caofc American Oriental Finance Corpn. Canton

Capel (Federal Inc. U.S.A.) ... Shanghai

Capitalisa ,.. P.Compagnie

Heath &Orientale

Co. de Capitalisation ... Peiping

Capitrad . Capital and Trade Shanghai

Caprino ,. Caprino & Co. Tientsin

Caprotco . Cathay Products Trading Co. Shanghai

Capstick . Capstick & Co. Tientsin

Carba . Carmelo & Bauerman, Inc. Manila

Carbon . Rizal Cement Factory MSingapore


■Carbon . Dr. Joseph W. Noble & Co.


Gable Ad: Firm Name Place

Carbon Madrigal & Co. Manila

Carbon National Carbon Co., Fed. Ine. U.S.A. Shanghai

Cardosa Cardosa & Co. Selangor

Carlar Clark & Larkin Manila

Caiiowitz Carlowitz & Co. All torts


Carlton Carlton, Ltd. ... ... Shanghai

Carmelwine Carmel Oriental Societe ... Hongkong

Carmichael Carmichael & Clarke . ... ••• Hongkong

Carnation General Milk Co., Inq. Kobe

Carnegie Y. Nakashima

Carnival Philippine Carnival Assoc. Shanghai

Caroco Carolina Leaf Tobacco Co. ... Kobe


Carroll Caro Trading Co. Hongkong

Carroll Carroll

Carroll &BrosCo. Hongkong

Admiral Dairen


Casamenzi Menzi & Oriental

Co., Inc. Line ... Cebu, Manila, Iloilo


Casanova, Casanova Manila

Cascade Frank B. Ingersoll Chefoo

Casey Casey & Co. Osaka

Cashiwaya Toyoda & Co., Ltd. Trengganu

Cashstores Kemaman Cash Stores, Ltd. Ayer Tawar

Cash wood Estate. Pernambang Rubber Estates, Ltd. ...

Caslyt Casey & Lyttle Tsingtao,

Bombay Che.

Cassandra Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corpn— Singapore

Castrol C. C. Wakefield & Co., Ltd.

Catoo General Accident Fire & Ass. Corp., Ltd. Tientsin

Cathay Hongkong & Shanghai Chefoo

Cathay Cathay Insurance OfficeBanking Corpn. ... Shanghai



Cathotel Cathay Lace Co. ... ... Shanghai

Catzco Cathay Hotel Batavia

Catz Java Trading Co., N.V.

Caudrelier L. Caudrelier Kobe, Yokohama

Cavico Carrero Vidal & Co. Manila

Cawar Dehn & Co., Inc. ... Manila

Caweber C. A. Weber Shanghai


Cecil Hotel &Cecil ... Singapore

Cedar Lyall Evatt T'sin., T’tao., Han.

Cedco Chinese Engineering & Development Co. Tientsin

Cehandro R.China


Co.,Japan Trading Co., Ltd. ii. Y okohama

Cejaytece Shanghai


Ceiestorg Walker Turner & Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Celita Celesta Co. & Finishing Co., Ltd.

China Printing S'hai, T’tsin, Can..

Cclita Lebel (China) Shanghai

Cellukoya Koyamasada & Co. Osaka

Cells The AllenTeaCo. Co. ... Hongkong

Celochi Celochi ...... ... Hongkong

Celso F. S. Souza Kobe


Cemoco Chee Hsin Cement Co., Ltd. Tientsin

Celebes Motor Co., N. V. ... Macassar

Oempeta Sun Tai Chong ... Hongkong

Cempetroco Continental Peiping

Cenchina General ChinaIndustrial Co. Ltd.

import Co., ... Shanghai

Cencomchin Central China Commercial Co Shanghai

Cencomco Central Commercial Co. Hongkong

Cenex Central Express Co. Shanghai

Cenrad Central Radio Servicer Plongkong

Cenrefco Central Refrigeration Co. Shanghai

Cent Eastern Trading Co. (China), Ltd. ... Shanghai


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Centaur .. Chartered Bank of India, Austr. & China Cebu Changsha

Centchina Central China Trading Co. ... Hongkong

Centeb .... Baxter <&Assurance

Overseas Cope Corpn., Ltd Singapore


Central .. Hongkong & Shanghai Hotels, Ltd. Shanghai

Central , . .. The Central Trading Co. Hongkong

Central Agency . .... The Central Agency, Ltd. Hongkong, Canton

Centrahosp Central Hospital Peiping


Centralize .. Chung Yuen& Co.,Co. Ltd. Singapore

Centramoto ,. MacAlister ...


Centramoto .. Lyons Motors, Ltd.

Centre . Centre Hotel ..: Yokohama


Centremost . Central InsuranceCo., Ltd. Hongkong


Centro .... Central Electrical

Centro, Ltd. Co. Dairen

Ho.,Swa.T’sin., Sh.,

Centrobank .. Bank of China Amoy

Centromint .. Ministry of Finance Shanghai

Century Central Dispensary, Ltd. Tientsin

•Ceramics Cathay Ceramics Co., Inc. U.S.A. ... Shanghai

Cetco .. China Eastern Trading Co. ... Tientsin

Cepasia .. Compagnie-ExpOrtation de Products Ass. Shanghai

Cepoc . Cebu Portland Cement Co— Manila, Cebu

Chabogina .. Chau Yue Teng Hongkong

Chai .. Kai Chong & Co./ Macao

Chaffanjon .. Magasins Chaffanjon S. A. f\ Hanoi., Haiphong,


Chalaw .... Chalaire & Franklin Shanghai

Chalitrad The Chali Trading Co., Ltd. ... Shanghai

Chamber .. Penang Chamber of Commerce Penang


Chambercom .. Hongkong General Chamber of Commerce Shanghai

Chambercom Chinese Chamber of Commerce

Chamfrance Chambre

Chamber deof Commerce


General du Japon Yokohama

Sai., Tientsin

Chammerce Cham Samco & Sons M anila


Chancellor ,C.Chang

ChanDah& Co. Hongkong

Chandayuco Yuen & Co. Shanghai


Chandless Anglo-American Export Co. ...

Chandless Commercial Union Assurance Co. Tientsin

Chandless Reinsurance Co. “Rossia” of Copenhagen Tientsin

Chaneber Chan & Eber Singapore



Chang T.Chang & Co., H. F.

K. Chang ... Swatow

Chanic China National Insurance Op., Ltd. Shanghai

Chaning Kelantan Rubber Estates (1933), Ltd. Kelantan Hongkong

Chanleung China Commercial Co., Ltd. ...

Chanrai Chanrai & Co Kobe

Chansam , Chan Sam & Co. Manila


Chansengholt , C. S. Moh

Handicraft Distributing Hongkong


Chansifer Ligne De Tcharig T’ai Co. ... Tientsin


Chanszeonn MarineSzeResourses

Chan Onli Ltd. Singapore


Chantecler France Boyeki Shokai Yokohama

Chapeaux Establissements A. Chapeaux et Cie ... Shanghai

Chapron Ebablissements Chapron Foochow

Chardiner Charter, T. H. ... Manila

Chargeurs Chargeurs Reunis ... Haiphong

Charlicot Ho., Haiphong

Soc. Francaise des Charbonriagesdu Tonkin Hongkong


Charna Morton Bros. &

M. J. Master &, Co.Co. Shanghai


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Charts , Camera Supply Co. ... ... Manila

•Charwoman . Chung Yuen Electrical Co. Hongkong

Chaseaston A. & S. Henry & Co., Ltd. Osaka

Ghasebank The Chase Bank ... All Ports

Chaste . Mercantile Printers’ Supply Co. .<. Hongkong

Chaste . Yau Lee Woh Kee Hongkong

Chaste Yin Fatt & Co. ... Hongkong

Chat . Kwong Sang Hong Ltd. Hongkong

Cheahinnkiong... Cheah Inn Kiong & Co. ... Penang

Chebros . Che Bros. & Co. Hongkong

Checko Nelson Sales Co.... Manila

Chedotau .. . Coffipagnie Francaise D’Explosifs en

Extreme (Orient) Hanoi

.. P.CheeHeath

Cheong Macao


Cheezung k Co.Bank Shanghai


Chefield . . Ohara & Co., Ltd.

Chellaram D. Chellaram Canton

•Chembalis .. . Chung King Co. Hongkong

Chemco ... Chinese Embroidery Co., The Hongkong

Chemia , .. . Chemia Ueberseehandels Co. . ... Tokyo

Chemical . China Chemical Works Shanghai

■Chemicals . Kiukong Trading Co. ... Mukden


Chemicus . T. D. Chang & Co.

Chemoptist . The Dispensary (1929), Ltd. i Penang

Chemporium . China Emporium Shanghai

Chenkwang North China Amusement Co. Peiping


Chetan . Cheong & Sons, E. S. Amoy


Chernowetsky . Chatanram

... L. Chernowetsky & Co. ... ...... ...... Tientsin

Chesan , Che San & Co. Hongkong

Chiaco . . Chia »& Co. . Singapore

Chiautoacc China Auto Accessories Co. ‘ Shangkati

Chibank China Banking Corpn. Manila, Amoy


Chichacom . Chinese General Chamber of Commerce...

Chibainoorp China Banking& Corporation Shanghai

Chibunovsky Chibunovsky Co. Shanghai

Chichamcom Philippine Chin. Gen. Cham, of Com. Manila

Chichang Chi Chang & Co. ... Shanghai

Chichen . Union Shanghai

Chicoguis MarineTrading Co. Guild of China ...

Engineers S’hai, Hongkong

Chicoguis China Coast Officers’ Guild ... Shanghai

Chiconco H. T. Kessler & Co. Tientsin

Chiconcom .. National ChristianLtd.

Council of China, Ltd. Shanghai

Chienginer China Engineers, Shanghai, Hongkong

Chiffon Chiffon, Ltd. Hongkong

Chifico China Fibre Container Co. ... Shanghai

Chifortra . China Foreign Trading Co.... Shanghai

Chigatile China-New Guinea Mercantile Co. ... Hongkong

Chihlipress Chihli Tientsin

Chihtung 'ChihliPress, Inc. Lines, sLtd.

Shantung Tientsin


Chili Chik Fung Co. ... ... Hongkong

. United Importers Ltd. Perak

Ohimetraco China Merchants’ Trading Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Chimexco Chihli Import & Export Co. ... Shanghai

Chinogeral General Insce: Co., Ltd. ... Shanghai


Chin Leong The China Motor Supply Co. ... Hongkong

■China Chin


ShingChopDispensary, Ltd. Malacca



Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Chinaagent The Bargain Centre Tientsin

Chinabaist The Hon Wan Trading Co. ... Canton

Chinabird China Bird Co. ... Shanghai


Chinaco China National Aviation

China Commercial Co. Agency ...

Advertising Shanghai


Chinacraft: China Crafts Chefoo

Ohinacrown "Crown China Co., Inc. Shanghai

Chinaciown ' .. Crownchina Co. ... ... Hongkong, Canton

Chinadevco China Development Co. ... ... Shanghai


Chinaembro China Embroidery

China Film Agency Co. ... Hongkong

Chinafilmgjio Strong i f c Co. H’kong., S’hai.,Can.,TL


Chinaforin China foreign Corporation, Ltd. Tientsin

Chinafurs Brimberg Brothers Tientsin

Chinagency South China Agencies Canton


Chinahide ChineseHandicraft

China Co., Co., Inc.

Hide & Produce. Hongkong

Ti. Han.

Chinaieco .. China Import and Export Co. Shanghai

Chinaimport Northern Featherworks, Ltd. Canton


Chinalace China Lace Co., ... ••• Shanghai

Chinalace China Lace Factory HongkongSemarang

Chinalead World Pencil Co. Ltd., Batavia,

Chinalijn Java China Japan Lijn, N. V. Shanghai

Ohinam Bartlett

The ChinaYung & Co. Works, ...Ltd.... ...

Machine Shanghai

Chinaraachine .. China Chefoo, Tientsin

China Merchant..

Chinamatch China Match Co., Steam

Merchants Ltd. Navigation Co. Shanghai

Chinanews China News Co. ... ...» Shanghai

Chinaoffseit China Offset Printing Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Chinapost Central China Post, Ltd. Hankow

Ohinapress China Press, Inc. Shanghai

Chinaprod China Egg Produce Co. Shanghai

Chinaprodu China Products & Industrial Co. Tientsin

Chinaradio China Radio Corporation Tientsin

Chinarobin Geo. Robinson & Co. (China), Ltd. ... Shanghai

Chinartco China Arts and Products Trading Co. Shanghai

Chinarubber China Rubber Tire Co. Shanghai

Chinaship China Shipping

China & South Sea Co. Bank, Ltd. Shanghai

Chinasosea China Sports Sh., Tientsin, Amoy

Chinasporb Hongkong

Chinastone Pan Hwa Import Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Chinatco China National Trading Co Tientsin

Chinateng Chinese Nat. Elec. & Pottery Co.,, Ltd. Shanghai

Chinateng Chinese National Eng. & Mfg. Co,. Hongkong



Chinatobac The


MerchantsNational TradingLtd.Co.


Chinatrad China Cotton Trading Go. Shanghai

Chinatradco ... Chinese Trading Co. Shanghai



Chinatyre Chinese Assoc. Tyre

China Rubber TradingCo.,Co.,Ltd.Ltd. Tientsin

Chinaudit George Schink Hongkong


Chinawork China Drawn Work Co. Manila


Chinayuyih(5904).. China Wool Mfg. Co. Shanghai

Chincasket China Commercial Extending Go. Shanghai

Chinchin International

Chin Chin & Co. Funeral

... directors Shanghai


Chincotrad China Cotton Trading Co. Shanghai


Chindisk China FireFeather

Insurance Co., Ltd.

Ltd.,, The Hongkong

Northern Works,, Shanghai,

Ohindubank (3947 Chekiang Industrial Bank, Ltd. Shanghai Canton


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

■Chindusgas Chinese Industrial Gas Co. Shanghai

•Chineductsi Chinese Products Co., The ... Hongkong

Ohinempo China Emporium, Ltd. Hongkong

Chineprooo China Netherland Produce Co. Tientsin

(Jhingchao Ching Chao Co. Shanghai

Chingchong Ching Chong Co. Shanghai

Chingkee Ching Kee S. N. Co., Ltd. ... S’hai, H’kong.

Chingkuang Hopei Ching Hsing Mining Adin. ... Tientsin

Chinglass Yao Hua Mechanical Glass Co., Ltd. ... Tientsin

ChingzPvifu Ching Zai Fu & Co. Shanghai

Chinho Chin Ho & Co., Singapore

Chinho Chin Ho Hong- Si. Amoy


Chinjav China Korean

China and JavaFurExport

Co. Co. Tientsin

Chinkofur Chin Kooi & Co. ... Penang

Chinkooi Malacca

Chinleong Chin Leong Chop

Ohinogeral General Insurance Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Chinese Chinese Invoice Office Hongkong

Chinotrade China Cotton Trading Co. Shanghai

Chinphono Elec. & Musical Indus. (China) Ltd. Shanghai

■Chinphono Pathe Orient, Ltd. \f Sai.,hai,Tientsin,

Hongkong Shang-

Chinsincomp China Scientific Instru. Co. Shanghai

Chinsupco China Industrial Supply Co. Shanghai

Chins urco China Insurance Co. Shanghai

Chintraco China Trading Co. Manila


Chipacko China

China Packers

Paint Mfg.Supply Co., Ltd.

Co., Ltd. ... Hongkong


Chipkee Yeo Swee Swan & Co. Amoy

Chiporcemt China Portland Cement Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Chiproexco China Produce Export Co. Shanghai

Chiris Societe Francaise du haut Yangtse Ichang, Ch’king., S’hai

Chisencomp Ghina Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd.... Shanghai

•Chisilkmann China Pongee and Silk Mfg. Co. Shanghai



Chitong J.Hunt

Spunt & Co.& Leather Co.

Rubber All Ports

Chiuta Chiu Ta Salt Refining Co., Ltd. All Ports

Chiwen C W. Hwang Co.... Wenchow

Chiyoda Chiyoda Gumi Tokyo

Choatekhe Choa Tek Hee ... Manila


Chongkee Chong Kee Co.

Chonglee Chong Lee & Co.... Medan

Chongsin Chong Sin & Co. Shanghai


Chopkrusi C.Chongwah

E. H. Kizar Export

Choquet MohammedCo. & Co. Shanghai


Choquet Province

Chosenbank Bank of Chosen ... All Ports de Phu-ly

Chosengink Bank of Chosen ... Shanghai

Chotirmali Chotirmali & Co ... .. All Ports

Chotirxnali Liberty Silk Supply Manila

Choy Choy ite Co. S. C. Manila

Chrisbook Christian Book Room Shanghai

Chronicle China Weekly Chronicle ... Peiping

Chronicle Peiping Chronicle ... Peiping

Chronicle Japan Chronicle ... Kobe

Chronic China Hong Nin Life Insurance Co. Ltd., Hongkong

Chronic Hong Nin Savings Bank Ltd., Hongkong

Chronogram China Printing Press Co. ... ... Hongkong

Chrscience First Church of Christ-Scientist, Shanghai


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Chuachiaco Chua Chiaco & Co. Manila

C'huan Deei C. Chuan & Sons, Inc.... Manila

Chuco Samuel Chu & Co. Tsinan

Chukamateh Chung Hua Match Co. Tientsin

Chung China & Philippine Trading Co. Canton

Chunghua Chumbuque Jose Lim Manila

Chungrnei Chung Mei Drug Qo., Ltd. .. Canton

Chungpei China Northern Corpn. Tientsin

Chungsteel Chung Hwa Steel Products Trading Co.,

Ltd. Hankow

Chungwah Chung Wah & Co. ... Hongkong

..■• Shanghai

Chungwhaif Chung Wha Wharf Co.

Chunt China United Import Co. ... Shanghai

(Jhuta Churchill & Tait i... ’ Manila

Churchill Churchill Carpet Co. Tientsin

Chuwa Chuwa Yoko Hongkong

Chyecheng . Hong Malacca

Chyecheng HeveaHin & Co

Agency Malacca


Chyehin Chye

Chwi Hin


& Co. ... Malacca


Ciate Chinese Govt. Salt Revenue Dept.

Chief Inspectorate Shanghai


Cideo Agencia



D’ExtremoLtd. ... Macao

Oriente Shanghai

Cifficco Pacific Timber Co. Shanghai

Cifranafri Compagnie Franco Africaine, Ltd. Shanghai

Cigarette Yee Tsoong Tobacco Co., Ltd. All Ports

Cigarette British-American Tobacco Co., Ltd. ... Selangor

Cigmach American Machine and Foundry Co. ... Shanghai

Cikorn Cathay International Import Co. Shanghai

Cinequcens Queen’s Theatre ... Hongkong

Cines . Lauro Films Shanghai

Cinesgpld Daisy Philippine, Inc. Manila

Cinto China Traders Corporation Shanghai

Ciportin Soc. des Ciments Port. Art. de ITndochine Haiphong

Ciportin Soc. Indochine du Ciment Fondu-Lafarge Haiphong

Citamprag Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd. f All Ports

Citibank National City Bank of New York 1 All




Citydeluxe Shanghai

Cit y water Tientsin Native City Water Works Co., Ltd. Tientsin

Clapes Clapes en Ota Osaka

Clarkhager Clark & Co. Manila

Clarkhager The Hongkong Optical Co. ... Hongkong

Clarlar Clarke and! Larkin ... Manila

Classic Algar ct Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Ciaudisil C. E. Warren & Co. Macao

Claudius Gregorio M. Clansipit, Inc. ... Manila

Cleirach 1). Clark & Co. ... Wei Hai Wei

Clerici Clerici Bedoni & Co. Shanghai

Clivechina Clive & Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Clouet A. Clouet & Co. ... Singapore

Cloud Korean China Trading Co. ...


Club Fresh Food & Refrigerating Coy Ltd.- ... Tientsin Singapore

Sungei Ujohg Club Neg. Sem..

Club Peking Club Peiping

Club Selangor Club Selangor

Cmsnco China Merchants’ Steam Nav. Ob. ... Foochow


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Clubtoilet , . Lakayama

Thos. CoatesTayodo

& Son Osaka


Coalescent Shanghai

Coalmac Cecil McBain & Co.

Coaltug Ned. Ind. Steenkolen ... ... (Han. Sourabaya,

(Batavia, Macassar

Coalwala Bhagat Singh Bugga & Co Hongkong

Coastalco Coastal Transport Co. Singapore

Cobanco Cobb & Co. ... ... Perak

Cobank Tientsin Commercial

F. X. Remedios ... & Credit Corp., Inc. Tientsin

Cobascbi u Macao

Cobbish Cobb & Co. S’pore., Moji

Cobul W. Bull & Co., Inc. Manila

Coconut Insulinde Oliefabriken N.V. Bandoeng (Java)

Cocopalm Vegetable Oil Corporation Zamboanga

Code Chinese Maritime Customs ... Hongkong

Code Elizalde & Co. ... Hongkong

Codsi J.China

CodsiTrading Corporation .... Shanghai



Cofilm E. J. Cooke & Co. v.. Tsingtao

Cofos Cooperative Food Sales (Far East) Co. Hongkong

Cogenindo Comptoirs Oeneraux De Indochine Saigon

Cohesible . Cornhill Insurance Co., Ltd. Shanghai.

Colac Au. Paradis des Dames, Ltd. Macao

Colay Go Colay & Co. ... Manila

Colco Colco & Co. Manila

Cold Singapore Cold Storage Singapore


Colinet Perfumerie

G. Colinet & Toiletzeepfabrick Sourabaya

Colinmar Minerva CigarCollege

Corpn. Tientsin

Manila Newchwang:

College St. Joseph’s ... Yokohama

College General College of the Missions et Ft range rt s Penang

Colleries Government Coal Dept. Sarawak

Collier J. D. Collier Yokohama

Collins W.F. Collins Peiping

Collins Collins & Co., Ltd. Tientsin

Golmaco Colonial Dispensary Hongkong

Colon Soroz y. Cia Manila

Colonial Banco National

Colonial Ultramarine

Mercantile Agency Mac.

Colonmerco n Hongkong

Color Ciba, (China) Ltd. Shanghai, Hongkong.

Colpac Columbia Pacific ShippingCo. Yo. Ko. Sh.

Col pa c States Steamship Co. Shanghai

Colsem University of Shanghai Shanghai

Coluhonko ChungHwaSteel Products Co. H’kong.Ltd. Hongkong

Colum Redpath Brown

Columbian Columbian Rope Co. Manila

Columeta Columeta Comptoir Metallurgique Osaka, Tokyo ,

Column a Cumine & Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Comacrib Comacrib Press, The Shanghai, Hongkong

Comacrib Commercial & Credit Information Bureau Shanghai

Comber Fukien Construction Bureau ... Foochow

Com bib Comerford & Co. Shanghai

"Combined W. Biedermann & Co. Kobe

Comcust Trade & Customs Kuala Lumpur

Comefa Far Eastern Mercantile Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Comequipco ,, Commercial Equipment Co. Shanghai

Comet Chartered Bank of India, Aust. ifc. China . Canton

Comfortco Comfort

Command Wheen &Electric

Son. Ltd.Co. Shanghai

Shangh ai


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Commerce Chamber of Commerce ... ... Sandakan

Commerce Chamber of Commerce Selangor

Commercial Tokyo ShogyoPress

Commercial Tokyo

Boeki Kabush. Kaisha ... Selangor


Commercio Independent Publishing Co., Inc. Manila

Commintell . British Trade Commissioner .... . .* Hongkong

Commintell British Commercial Counsellor Shanghai

Commission Japan Import & Export Commission Co. Ko. Yo. Nag.

Commission N. China. River Commission Tientsin

Committee National Com. of the Y.M.C.A. of Ch. Shanghai

Committell British Commercial Counsellor Shanghai

Commubank Bank of Communications ... Hongkong

Compac Commercial Pacific Cable Co. Shanghai

Compafinch Soc. Anonyme des Riz a Indochine ... Saigon

Compass Wong Siu Woon ... Hongkong

Compress China Publicity Co. ... ... Shanghai

Compress Commercial Press, Ltd. Shanghai

Comprint Commerical Press, Ltd. Hongkong

Comsavbank Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank, Ltd. Ho., T’sin., Si. Han.

Comus Chihli Trading Co. Tientsin

Comtradas Commercial Traders Association Fed., Inc. Tientsin

Conbr Fukien Construction Bureau Foochow

Christiani Bangkok


Confareast J. W. & T.& Conolly

Neil sen (Siam), Ltd.Ltd.

Far East, Penang

Confedlife Confederation Life Association ... : Shanghai, H’kong

Conlegarda Nicaraguan Consulate ... ... Manila

Connell Connell Bros. Co. Ho. Man. Ti. Si.

Clonper Peruvian Consulate Hongkong

Consboard Whangpoo Conservancy Board Shanghai

Consbras Brazilian Consulate Kobe, Yokohama

Conservanc Kwangtung River Conservancy Comm. ... Canton

Consent Consent Company, The Hongkong

Consolad Consolidated National Advtg. Co. ... , Shanghai

Consols Consolidated Eastern Plants, Ltd. ... •Johore

Construct General Construction Co. ... ... Hongkong

Construct McIntyre

Consugerma German Consulate All Ports

Consulguat Consul for Guatemala Hongkong

Consulmex Mexican Consulate Sh., Yokohama

Contcosino Sino-Continental

Continental Bank, Co.Ltd. Shunghai

Contibank T’sin., Peiping, S’hai.

Contcomco China Continental Commerce Co., Ltd Tientsin, Shanghai

Contilco Federated Malay States Tile Co., Ltd. ... Selangor

Onto Empreza Luso-Japoneza, G. K. Kobe

Contrans Owston & Co., Ltd. Kobe

Contracorp Consumers Trading Corpn. Manila

Controler F. W. Golding ... Shanghai

Convent Holy Ghost Convent Tsingtao

Convicts Convict Establishment Perak

Cooperates Co-Operative Trading Co. ... ... Hongkong

Cooperimpo Cooper & Co., Ltd Osaka

Copal Oei Seeuwen & Co. Masassar

Coquese C. M. Cooke Shanghai

Corbett M. C. Corbett ... ... ... Perak

Corbinlock Corbin Locks & Hardware Shanghai

Corco W. M. Cornwall & Co. Dairen

-Cordial Cordial Co., The Hongkong


Cable Ad: Firm Fame Place

Corintih Corinth & Seidel ... ... . Tientsin

Coriolan Meyer & Co. . Tsing. Ti. Muk.

Cornabe W. H. Winning & ,Co. All Ports

Cornabe Caldbeck, Macgregor & Co., Ltd. Tsingtao

Comey Corney &

Cornes & Co. Co., Ltd., E. Hongkong

Cornea Kobe, Yokohama

Cornes F. H. Fegen . Kobe

Cornfield Cornfields Mamafiijnein Medan

Cornstarch Nippon Kokusan Kogyo K. K. Tokyo, Osaka

Corona Corona Flower Shop Singapore

C&rotra Caro Trading Co.... . Kobe

Corporal East Asiatic Co., Ltd. ... Bangkok

Corrugated Eastern Asbestos Co. Hongkong

Cortex Mathieu & Co., F. S. Perak

Coseteng Eduardo Co Seteng


Cosilworks China Cotton and Silk Works, Ltd.

Cosmonatio N.V. Internationale Crediet-en Han-

delsvereeniging Batavia

Costidis Costidis & Co. Shanghai

Costidis Oostidis & Co., John Shanghai

Costmas Enrique C. Sta. Thomas Manila

Cotco Carton Overseas Trading Co. Canton

Cotillon E. J. Wood & Co. Singapore

Cotraco Cosmos Trading Co. Shanghai

Cotracorp China Coton Trading Corpn., Ltd. ... Shanghai

Cottager Harold Seth Hongkong

Counsellor David & Bryan Shanghai

Coupon Thos. Cook & Son, Ltd. All Ports

Court Court Hotel Tientsin

Coutts Paradise Estate .. Kajang

Coverisk C. E. Spark Shanghai


Coweber Cowdy & Jones Perak

Coxland C.CoxA.& Weber Shanghai

Crabskin S. ItohHirao

Shoten Kobe


Crafts Cathay Crafts Shanghai

Crag Crag Hotel Shanghai

Crefanehi Credit Franco Chinoise Shanghai

Crescent Brunner, Mond & Co. (Japan), Ltd. Japan Ports

Crescent Club Crescent Club Yokohama

Cricket Singapore Cricket Club Singapore


Crittall Christensen

Crittall & Co. Co., Ltd.

Manufacturing ... Hongkong

Crockford Crockford, Heath & Co. Shanghai


Crombainco . McBain & Co., Cecil ... Shanghai

Crombake A. W. Beynell & Co. Shanghai


Crosfield Harrisons, King & Irwin, Ltd. S’hai. Han. Foo-

Crosfield Harrisons & Crosfields, Ltd. All Ports

Crostock Irwin Harrisons-Whitney, Inc. Shidzuoka

Croucher & Co. ... ... Hongkong

Crownislas Crown Life Insurance Co. of Toronto Manila

Crownlife Crown Life Insurance Co. of Toronto Singapore

Crucible Chartered


Crystal Chee Hing BankCo. of India, Aust. & China Manila


Cuaco Crystal, Ltd. Tientsin

LiverpooJ Victoria Insurance Corpn. ... Singapore

Cuaco Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd. All Ports

Cuaco Union Assurance Society, Ltd. ... Shanghai

Cuaco West of Scotland Insurance Office, Ltd. Shanghai


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Cubasul Cuban Consulate Kobe, Batavia

Cue Cue T. Medina Manila

Culco China United Lamp Co. .. Shanghai

Cumbrand J. K. Brand Shanghai

Cumming C. E. Cummings Perak


Curfin Duro Pump and Engineering Co.

Curios Fook Weng & Co. Hongkong

Curly Arculii Hongkong


Curnow CurmallyBros.

& Co. Osaka.Ports



Customs Trade & Customs Dept. ...

Customs Trade & Customs Dept. Port Dickson

Customs Trade & Customs Dept. ... Seremban

Customs Trade & Customs Dept. ... Tamp in

Gustos Chinese Maritime Customs ... AH Ports

Cuunjieng Cu Unjieng E. Hijos Manila

Cyclecarri Cycle & Carriage Co., Ltd. ... Malaya


Cycle Cycle Trading

Cyprian Stanton & Co. Co....... —... Yokohama


Cyprian Yorkshire Insurance Co., Ltd. , ... Malacca

Cyrilgomes ■ C. F. Gomes & Co. ... —

Dacheng Busch & von Alemann ... Tsingtao

Dachosugar Java Sugar Import Co. ... Shanghai

Dagoba Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corpn. .. Colombo

Dab Han Dah Han

Dahlia D’Almada & Mason .. Hongkong

Dahkong Dah Kong Cotton Spinning Co. Shanghai

Daidon Union Import Co. ... ... ., Shanghai

Daidoboeki Daido Boeki Kaisha Manila

Daidotrade Daido Trading Co., Ltd. Yokohama

Daigondo Ikoma & Co., Ltd. Osaka

Daiichigin Dai Ichi Ginko, Ltd. ... .. Tokyo, Kobe

Daiki Dairen Risen Kaisha All Ports

Dainichiho Dai Nippon Cotton S’ing. & W’ing. Co. Shanghai Osaka

Daipuk Great Northern" Drug Co., Ltd. Manila

Dial Heiacock Co., H. E. Shanghai

Dairyequip Shanghai Dairy Equipment Co.

Dairyequip Wm. Jean & Co. ... . Shanghai

Dairyfarm Hongkong & Canton Ice Mfg. Co., Ld. H’kong, Can,

Daitakco T. Takehara & Co. Osaka

Dalee D. A. Lee & Co. Shanghai

Dalemac Drysdale, MacGregor & Coi ... ■' ... Shanghai

Dalrem J. M. D’Almada Remedios Hongkong

Dalto E. & D. Toeg Shanghai

Daltotat Daltotat’s Pharmacy ... ... Dairen

Daltotat Far East Drug Trading ;Co. ... .. Harbin, Shanghai

Damrod D. Rodrigues Macao

Water Supply from Johore ...


Dancorrit A. Corrit ... . Singapore


Dands Dodge & Seymour,

Andersen, Meyer &Ltd. Co., Ltd. Osaka


Danica All Ports


Parke, Davis & Co.

Danica Worthington Pump & Machinery Corpn. Shanghai

Danroza Daniel da Roza Manila

Dannemora Arthur Balfour & Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Dannemora Eagle & Globe Steel Co., Ltd. Shanghai


Danumgis High Speed Alloys, Ltd. . Shanghai

Isaacs & Co. . Yokohama

Darmarajah Durman & Co. ... Singapore


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Darr6 Marcel Darre Shanghai

Dartnec Central Trading

Saunders Co.

& Macphail ... .... Shanghai

I Dashwood

Dastur R. A. Dastur Singapore

i Datum Davies & Brooke Hongkong


Datung International Trade Corporation, Ltd.... Chefoo, Peiping

Dauco C. DauDau& Co.

Hugo & Co. ••• Chefoo, Tsinan


Daver R. E. Daver & Co. Tientsin.


David Stephens. Paul & Co. (Siam), Ltd. Saigon

David J. B. David Singapore

David D. B. David ... ... ... Manila

Davidanco A. B. David & Co., Ltd. ... Saigon

, Davidson H. W. Davidson Seoul

! Davies Mengkibol Rubber Co., Ltd. Singapore

Davis Davis & Co., R. S. Tientsin

i Davrsack Davie, Boag & Co., Ltd. Hongkong

Dawes British Consular Agency ... Otaru

; Dawson Kota Bahroe Rubber Estates Ltd. ... Perak

Dayaloo Jubilee Silk Store Singapore

| Dayaram Dayaram Bros. & Co. Yokohama

Day price Dayton, Price & Co., Ltd. ... Shanghai

i Deacon Deacon & Co., Ltd. Canton

I Dealer Blake & Co. Singapore

Debate El Debate Manila

Debecker De Becker & Sebald ... ;.. Kobe

Debrod Lilling & Co. Shanghai

Debus M. Debus Tientsin

Decam palos Delacamp Piper & Co. Kobe

; Dechico

Decofurn German China Co., Ltd. Shanghai

■ Decruze Horn & Nobbins Shanghai

. Decustoms De CruzeDept.

Custom Publicity Bureau ... Bangkok

Negri Sembilan

■ Decustoms Trade & Customs Selangor, Pahang

Dedeoglou Graeco Egyptian Tobacco Store Hongkong

Degussa Deutsche Gold & Silver Scheideanstalt Shanghai

II Deing Denniston, Inc. ... Manila

Dejong F. De Jong Shanghai

Delarue De La Rue & Co, Thomas ... Shanghai

; Delay Sisson & Delay .... ... Singapore

> Delegatie De Javasche Bank Sent.,Bata.,Macas.

Delihaven N. V. Medan Deli Havenbedr

j Delispoor Deli Spoorweg Maatschappij Sem., Sumatra

s Delitbank N.V. Deli Tankbeidryf Medan

f Dello Dello & Co. ... ».. ;.. Tientsin

I Delmonico Hotel... New Delmonico Hotel Manila

| Delloro Dell Oro & Co. Yokohama, Shanghai

1 Delta Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corpn.... Canton

Demaoheng De Mao Heng Tientsin

i Demitints Metal Box Co.,

I Democracy E. J. Lloyd & Co.Ltd. Shanghai


| Denbigh Denbigh & Co. Otaru

i Denga Tientsin Tallyman Co. Tientsin

Denic Denniston', Inc. ... Manila

; Denison Denison, Ram & Gibbs Hongkong

Denki Southi Manchuria Gas Co., Ltd. Dairen

I Dennys A. Dennys & Co. Penang

Denotation Donaldson & Burkipshaw .... Singapore


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Denroche Carrol Bros. & Co. Kobe

Dent Herbert, Dent & Co., Ltd. ... Canton

Dentpply China Dental Supply House Shanghai

Dentici Dentici

Deodand . Lo & Lo Hongkong

Derawing .. Der. A. Wing & Co., Ltd Hongkong

Derve .. Van Deutekom & Waal, N.V. Bandoeng (Java)

Desaram .. D. Richards . Selangor

Descourfer .. Descours et Cabaud Hai., Saigon

Detaram . Detaram A; Son ... Kobe

Detarara . Pearl Silk Store Hongkong

Deuber . Deuber & Co., E. Kobe, Osaka

Devauteh . Deutsche Yereinigung Tsingtao

Devauteh . German School & Deutsche Heim Tsingtao

Devitt .. Lewis & Peat Singapore, Ltd. Singapore

Devos .. Pep. Tsingtao

Nederlandsch Syndicaat Voor China ... Tsingtao,

Devos . Netherlands Harbour Works Co. ... S’hai

Dexco .. Filipino Hand Embroidery ^ Hat Co. ... Manila


Dextrawigg .. C. Wigg

Dhanamal .. Dhanamal Chellaram Yokohama

Diadem .. L. J. Young Penang

Diaducts . Diamond Metal Products Co., Ltd. ... Singapore

Dial .. H. E. Heacock Co'. Manila

Dialdas .. Dialdas »fc Sons, M. Yokohama

Dialto .. League of Nat. Health Organization . Singapore

Diamond .. Diamond & Co. ... Tientsin

Diana .... Sales & Co.

Sankyo & Co., Ltd.... ... ... Hongkong


Diastase .. Taisho Seiyaku Kaisha, Ltd. Tokyo


Diate .. Salt Revenue District Inspectorate Canton

Dibrell Dibrell Bros., Inc. Shanghai

Dienfoor ,. Yung Dah Elec. Co. Shanghai

Diethelmco .. Diethelm & Co., Ltd. Pen., Ban, Singapore

Diligent .. Hin Fat & Co., Ltd. Hongkong

Dilip . B. Durlabhji & Co. Kobe

Dimitri ades .. Dimitriades Bros. Tsingtao

Diplogerma .. German Legation Tokyo, Peping, Nan.

Disap .. American Trading Co. Manila

Disap ' .. Presby, S. A. Manila

Disciples .. United Christian Missionary Society ... Nanking

Dispensary .. A. S. Watson & Co. Ho., Ti., Shanghai

Dispensary .. The Hankow Dispensary Hankow

Dispensary .. Tsingtao Pharmacy Tsingtao

Dispensary ,. Hankow Dispensary, Ltd. ... Hankow

Dispensary .. Sandakan Dispensary, Ltd. Sandakan

Distamy .. Soc. Francaise des Distilleries De ...

ITndochine Hanoi. Sai.

Diver .. N. S. Moses & Co., Ltd ... Hongkong

Dixon .. H. C. Dixon

Dixsena .. Bendixsen & Co., Ltd. .... ... Malaya

Dmitrovsky .. Samuel Dmitrovsky Tientsin

Dnumgis .. Czechoslovakian Consulate Yokohama

Dnumgis .. Isaacs & Co., S. ... Yokohama

Dnumgis .. Palatine Insce. Co., Ltd. ... Yokohama

Docburton ,. Burton, Dr. C. S. Hongkong


Dock .. Yokohama Dock Co., Ltd. ... Yokohama

.. Kobe Shipyard Engine Works Kobe


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Dockrill Canadian Trading Co., Ltd Shanghai

Dockyard Kavv'asaki & Grant Kobe

Dodgecars South China Motor Car Co. ... Hongkong

Dodwell Dodwell

Mehta & &Co.Co., Ltd. All Ports

Dogdo Shanghai

Dogdo Shroff, Son & Oo.... Kobe

Doitsenryo Doitsu Senryo Gomei Kaisha Tokyo,

Dojinbyoin Dojin Hospital HankowKobe

Dollar Dollar Lumber Co. ... Tientsin, Hankow

Dollar Dollar Steamship Lines, Inc., Ltd. Singapore

Dollar Robert Dollar Co. (Steamship Line) All Ports

Dombey Dombey & Son Shanghai

Domcoll St. Dominic’s College

Spanish Dominican Procuration for Missions Foochow Hongkong



Dominion Dominion Rubber Co.r Ltd. of X. Z. ... Tokyo

Canadian Legation ... ... Kelantan

Donnelly Tsingtao

Dong Land& Son

Chong & House Agency

... ...... Tsingtao



Dongcheong Dong Cheong Cycle and Motor Co. ... Shanghai

Donlangco E. W. Langdon & Co., Inc. ... ... Shanghai

Donnelly D. E. Donnelly ... ... ... Tsingtao

Donriyu Nakashirna Trading Co. ... ' ... Tokyo

Doree China Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. Hongkeng

Doric Asiatic Petroleum Co. (X. China), Ltd. ... All Ports

Doric Tsingtao Hockey Club ... ... Tsingtao

Dorman Dorman, Long & Co., Ltd.... ... Shanghai

Dorpomos Dor Po Co. .... ... ... Hongkong

Doshiboeki Doshi Trading Co., Ltd. ... ... Yokohama

Dossa G. Dossa & Co ... ... Kobe

Dossaco G. Dossa & Co, ... ... ... Osaka

Dougexporfc Blackmar, M. E.

Baboud Mary & Cie ...

... ...... Shanghai



Doulatram Doulatram & Sons ... ... Tientsin

Dovecot Doulatram & Co. ... ... Penang

Doven Central Perak Rubber Co., Ltd. ... Kuala Lumpur

Downs Dr. Downs ... ... Shanghai

Draco Theo. H. Davies & Co., Ltd. ... Manila, Cebu

Dragon Shanghai Dispensary, Ltd. ... ... Shanghai

Dragonlike Roza, C. A. da ... ... Hongkong

Dragonlike Roza Bros. ... ... ... Hongkong

Dragrugco Golden Dragon Rug Co. ... ... Shanghai

Draper Cooper & Son ... ... ... Hongkong

Dredgers Xetherlands


Dredging Chenderiang Harbour WorksLtd.

Tin Dredging, Co. ...... Mai.Mac. Ho.

Per. Muk.

Atlantic Gulf & Pacific Co. of Manila... Manila

Drew Drew & Xapier ... ... ... Singapore

Drillien Francais


Druggists Kuching M.Drug

M. Drillien

Store ...... ...... Saigon


The China Dispensary ... ... Hongkong

Druggist Druggist Co. ... ... ... Harbin

Drumar Marshall Field & Co., Ltd ... All Ports


Drumgis Frazar & Co. ... ... ... Kobe, Osaka,

Drummondco Czechoslovakian Consulate ... ... Yokohama

Drysdale I.Drummond & Co.

F. Drysdale & Co. ...... ...... Xanking


Dulfakirs Mohamed Dulfakir

Dulim Duran & Lim ... ... ... Manila

Dullal M. Myers ... ... ... Shanghai

Dumfrazco i Frazar & Co. ... ... ... Kobe


Gable Ad: Firm Name Place

Dunbar . L. Dunbar

Dunfat & Co.Ltd.

& Co., Hongkong

Dunfafc . J. Dunford Wood Hongkong



Dunlop . Dunlop Plantations, Ltd. ... Batu Anam

Dunlop . Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd. AH Ports

Dunfo * Dunfold & Co., Ltd. Swatow

Dunroberts . Duncan Roberts, Ltd. Singapore,

Duns . Union Mechanical & Automobile Engrs. Kobe

Duobabchar . Baboud, Mary & Cie . ... Shanghai

Dupire .. Dupire Bros. & Co. Singapore

Dupire . Hagemeyer Trading Co., Ltd. Singapore

Dupirub .. Dupire Morrell, Ltd. Singapore

Dupont .. Du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc. Ti. Newc. HanKobe

Dupontdyes .. Du Pont De Nemours Co., Inc. S’hai., Tsinan,

Duregeco . DurOge & Thomas, Ltd. Penang

Durian Chartered Bank of India, Aus. & Ch. Medan

Durjoscom . Europe Asia Trading Co. ... . Shanghai

Dutiable Trade & Customs Dept. S’piore, Malacca

Dutiable . Customs Dept. ... Neg. Sem.


Dutchman . Union Trading

Koloniale Bank Co. Kobe

Batavia, Sourabaya

Dury . R. C. Dury Perak

Dutiable F.M.S. Cust. Exp. Duties Collect. Sta. Singapore

Dybuncio .. Dy Buncio & Co. Manila

Dyce Dyce

Dyers Bradford Dyers’ Assoc., Shanghai

Dypac . Dy Pac & Co., Inc. Manila

Eagle . Ballingall & Go. ... Kobe

Eagle Futabaya & Co., Ltd. Tokyo

Eaglegold . Abdulla & Co.. E. M Singapore

Eandw East and West Trading Kobe

Earcara . C. M. Hoskins & Co. Manila

Easco . Eastern Engineering & Trading :Co ... Foochow

Easdenply . Eastern Dental Supply Co. Singapore

Easporting East China Sporting Goods Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Eastabank . Bank of East Asia, Ltd. Shanghai, Cantbii

Eastaco Eastern Trading Co. Yokohama

Eastasia . East Asiatic Co. ... Sel. Penang

E astasia . East Asiatic Automobile Co., Ltd. ... Harbin

Eastcliff . East Cliff Hotel ... Weihaiwei

Eastates . Eastern Estates & Land Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Eastchinco . East China Co. ... Shanghai

Eastern Telegraph Co., Ltd., (Aus. & China) Penang

Eastern . Eastern Extension Aust. & China Teleg... All Ports

Easternco . Eastern Trading Co. Swatow

Easternile . Eastern Isles Import Corporation Manila

Eastertide . Eastern Bank, Ltd. Singapore

Eastimexco Eastern Import-Export Co... ■ ... Singapore

Eastino . Eastern Insurance Office Shanghai

Eastino Finance, Commerce & Insurance Office Shanghai


Eastmerco . .. L. Adler

H. Barkovith & Co. Hongkong


Eastimexco . Eastern Import-Export Co. ... Singapore

Eastoptico . Eastern Optical Co. ' Singapore

Eastrading The Eastern Trading Co. (China), Ltd. Yokohama


Eastruco ' . .. Chinese Eastern

Eastern Rubber Co. Railway Co.

... ... Peiping

.. ' Singapore


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place


Ebensan Y. Ebata & Shokai

Co. ...Fr. Singapore

Jebenstreit ... Yokohama

Ibertexpot Ebert & Co., J. ... ... Shanghai

E. Bush. E. D. Bush & Co. Hongkong

Ebush Bush, Mack & Oo., Fed. Inc. U.S.A ... Shanghai

Echeong E. Cheong ... ... ... Singapore

Echo The Straits E

Echon E Chong Oo. Swatow

Eckmotors Eckford Motors, Ltd. Chefoo

Economiser E. Green & Son, Ltd. Osaka

Edakeller Ed. A. Keller & Co.. Ltd. ... Manila

Edbush Bush Mack & Co. (Fed. Inc, U.S.A.) Shanghai

Edbut .. Gibson, Anderson, Butler & Co. Selangor

Eddie .. C. EddieBros.,


Ltd. Shanghai


Edgebuck West Disinfecting Co. Singapore

Ed mil E. E. Elser Shanghai


Edsbankcoy Sassoon Banking Co., Ltd. Shanghai, Hongkong

Education Evans & Sons, Ltd., Edward... Tientsin,





Educational Book Store

Educational Distributor Nanking Shanghai

Edwin .. Reliance Tobacco Co. Manila

Efelias . F- S. Elias Shanghai

Effective .... Fongkey & Co. Shanghai


Efflux American Metal Co.. Ltd.

Efilms Exhibitors’ Film Exchange of China Shanghai Shanghai

Egalimport .. Egal & Cie. Shanghai

Egerlie .... Gerli&Co.

La Pureza Shanghai

Ego . .. H. Abdeen Manila

Egyptian .. A. Ehlers & Co. Singapore

Ehlers Shanghai

Ehrenpreis Kaufmann & Ehrenpreis ... Sourabaya

Ehwiemeier . Wiemeier, E. H. ... Tientsin

Eidograph . E. Hing & Co. ... Hongkong

Eikokubi . Tozai Motors, Ltd. Tokyo

Eikwa . Eikwa & Co. Shanhgai

Eikwa Eikwa Yoko Shanghai

Eikwakenshibu .. . Eikwa Kenshibu Shanghai

Einarius .. Einar Edwards

Ohefoo Hairnet Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Eiung . E. Kann & E. Mayaudon Chefoo

Ekann Shanghai

Ekitai Teikoku Sanso K. K. Dairen

Ekmans . Ekman & Co. (Japan) Ltd. Tokyo, Osaka, S’hai.

Elbasha . Ellis T. Basha Shanghai

Elbmirg . Geo. Grimble & Co. Hongkong

Eleclight Amoy Electric Light & Power Oo. ... Amoy

Electeer T . Taiping Electrical Supply Co. Perak

Electeng Municipal Elec. Dept. Singapore

Electric . Foochow Electric Co., Ltd. Foochow


Electric .. Hongkong Electric Co., Ltd. Hongkong

Visayan Electric’Co.

Electric . Peiping Chinese Electric Light and Power Cebu

Electrical . Co., Ltd.

Porter & Co. ... ... . Peiping

Electricity Shanghai

Macao Electric Lighting Co., Ld. Macao

Electro Vragg & Aanbod Soerabaya

Elee ... Aug.


Elephant E. LeeMichels ...... .11 Tientsin


. Behrens & Sons, Sir J. Shanghai


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Elephant D. C. Palfreeman Shanghai

Elephant Takemura & Co.... Osaka

Eiger . Elked & Gerdts ... Tokyo

Elias E. D. Sassoon Banking Corporation... Shanghai, Hongkong"

Elias . R. H. Elias Shanghai

Eligo . Star Lithographic Co. Shanghai

Elite . J. H. Ellis & Sons ,,Bjl Singapore

' Shanghai

Elitlace Elite Lace Co.

Elixir Georgetown Dispensary, Ltd. Penang

Elizalde . Elizalde & Co. Inc. S’hai. H’kong, Man.

Elizalde Tanduay Distillery Inc. Manila

Elledga . Ellis & Edgar Hongkong


Elmco . Elm & Co. Manila

Elori .. ElChang


Yi Co.Eabrica de Tobacos Tientsin

Elpecode Taihoku (Taipeh)


Elssaawad .. E.S. Elphinstone

Awad & Co. ... Manila

Elteda . Empresa Lusitana de Transports Macao

Elzenith El Zenith Jewelry Store ... Manila

Emba . Bachrah Motor Co., Inc. ... Manila

Embatteco ; . Societe M. Battegay & Cie... Tientsin

Embroidery , .. . Swatow Trading Co. ... ... Hongkong

Emdeebee H. Henshelwood Singapore

Emeco . Eastern Mercantile & Constr. Co. ( ... , Hongkong

Emens Emens & Co. Shanghai

Emin M.

Emissarius Y.M.C.A. of China S’hai, Iloilo, H.K.

Emmafabriek Biliartfabriek “Emma” ... Batavia

Emmandess . J. L. Hunter Shanghai

Emmandess .. Morreau.Hotel

Spiegelberg & T ompson Shanghai

Empire Empire Selangor

Empirefilm . British


Lodare Film Co. Hotel)... ...••• Singapore

Empresloge, co- -• .. (Private

Malaya Publishing House




Emsco . Empire Sales Co. ... ...; Hongkong

Emsfischer . Emil S. Fischer Tientsin

Emueller ... E. Mueller Motor Agency,.: ... ■ Bangkok

Enamel . Associated Enamelware Companies ... Shanghai

Enbikei Nippon Bussan Kaisha, Ltd. Yokohama

Enderlein R. Enderlein Osaka

Endure Harris Memorial School Manila

Endure Methodist Publishing House Manila

Energon Algemeene Ned. Ind. Elect. My. N.V. Sourabaya

Enelectico . English Electric Co., Ltd. ... Penang, Perak

Eneswaico . Nippon Suitsuru Yakuhin Gomei K. Tokyo


Engincomer . Leyseco China Co., Ltd.

Engincomer . Chien Hsin Engineering Co. G.m.b.H. Ltd. Shanghai, Hongkong

Engine . Association of Engineers Singapore

Engineer . J. F. Black & Co. Peiping

Englimeth United Methodist Mission ... Tientsin

Engravprin . Bureau of Engraving and Printing Peiping

Enilosag . Union Motor Supply Co. ... Hongkong


Ennenberg . Enkee Trading Agency Manila

A. Ennenberg Kobe


Enso . Nivea Co. Hankow

. F. B. Broad & Son Kobe

Enterland . China Entertainment & Land Investment

Co., Ltd. Hongkong


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Enterland ... King’s Theatre ... Hongkong

Enterprise ... Barry & Dodwell, Ltd. Chungking

Enthusiast ... Evans Pugh & Co. Hankow

Enzedtimba ... New Zealand Perpetual Forests, Ltd. Hongkong, Shanghai

Equipment ... Office Equipment Co. Shanghai

Erbmohit (0091) ... Eickhoff & Co. Shanghai

Equivocal ... Gillespies, Ltd. ... Shanghai

Erdmann ... Erdmann & Sielcken Sourabaya

Erlgalinc ... Erlanger and Galinger, Inc. Manila

Erpiorient ... Western Electric Co., of Asia Manila, Tientsin

Erquiaga ... B. de Erquiaga, Inc. Manila

Erreves ... Jensen & Co. Shanghai

Ersel ... Agips Tea Sales ... Hongkong

Ersel ... Exporters & Impts. Cooperative Co. Hongkong

Eruco ... Hua Mao Trading Co. Peiping

Escherwyss ... Escher Wyss Engineering Works Ltd. ... Tokyo

Escodrugco ... Escolfca> Drag Co. Manila

Escompto ... Nederlandsch

Maatschappy Indischi Es'compto Sourabaya, Padang

Eseskwan ... Kwan Chiu & Co. .... • ... Tientsin


Eshing ... E. Shing & Co. .... Shanghai

Esjavooil Sidney J. Powell .... ..v Shanghai

Eskelund ... Eskelund '& Co.

Eskimo ... Shanghai Elec. Construction Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Espab ... Sakuma Pabco Industrial Co., Ltd. Tokyo

Esparto ... Oversea Trading Syndicate .... Penang

Esperanza ... Esperanza Garage Shanghai.

Especo Manila Hat Factory Manila

Essence ... Ellinger & Co. ... Sourabaya

Essoco ... Esso Co. Shanghai

Essoco ... Olfner & Co. Shanghai

Essigsilk ... Emile Essie Shanghai

Estafette ... N. V. Hollandisch-Amerikaansche

Plantage Mij. Sumatra

Estasiatic ... CieAsiatique AsiatiqueFrancais)

et Africaine (Dept. Est. Saigon

Esternile .... Eastern Isle Trading Co. Manila

Esvececo ... Shanghai Vacuum Cleaning &, Storage Co. Shanghai

Eswysco ... Escher Wyss Engineering Works Ltd., The Tokyo

Etlin ... Etlin & Co. Singapore

Etnocel ... Tientsin Strawbraid and Export Co. Inc.... Tientsin.

? Etramco ... Eastern Transport Co. Shanghai

I Etzine ...... W. Etzine & Co. Kobe

T’sin, Shanghai, Han.

1 Europasia Furhmeister & Co. ....

Europe ... Europe Hotel Singapore

Evangel ... Manchuria Christian College Mukden

Evangel ... Missionary Home Shanghai

Evangeline ... Nagas&ku Seiji ... Yokohama

Evansco ... H. W. Evans & Co. Negri Sembilan


Evatt ...... Evatt


Co. of Commerce Malaya


lEveche ... Vicariat Apostolique de Yunnanfu ... Yunnanfu

Evely ... La Estrella del Norte, Manila

Evenian ... Levon, J. Evrenian Tientsin

Eveninpost ... Shanghai Evening Post and Mercury ... Shanghai

Everbright ... The China Metal Mfg., Co., Ltd. Hongkong, Macao

Everett ... L. Everett, Inc. ... ... ... Kobe


Everseal Everseal Manufacturing Co> . Shanghai

Excellence Excelsior Co. . Hongkong

Excelsior E. G. Clarke & Co. Shanghai

Exchange J. E. Joseph ••• . Hongkong

Excigcomp Express Cigarette Co. v, , •••. Tientsin, Chefbo-

Excise Department of Excise ... Singapore

Eximco Dpdge & Seymour Ltd., (New York) U.S.A... ShanghaiAll Ports

Eximgre J.F. Grein &

CzarnetskiCo. .. Malaya


Eximport Wm. Jacks & Go., (Malaya), Ltd.

Expanded James Craig. Ltd. . Selangor

Experience Shanghai

Explanate Grosvenor Trust, Ltd.

Explanate Lowe, Bingham & Dunman... Singapore

Explanate Lowe, Bingham i f c Matthew’s... 09 Far East

Export Colombo Export Co. Kobe

Export Asia Export Co. ... Tientsin

Export American Oriental Fur Agency Tientsin

Exporter Societa Commisionaria di Esportazione,, Singapore

e di Importazione Selangor

Express Malayan Daily Express

Express Universal Trading & Express Co. • • Tsingtao

Expressly F. H. Mody Hongkong

Ezekiels M. Ezekiel & Sons Singapore

Ezelco Zellweger & Co. Yokohama

Faci F.A.C.I. (Ateliers et Chantius d’Ind.) Saigon Yokohama

Fachtman Fachtmann, B.

Facom Faith (k Co. .... .... Hongkong

Factor China Merchants Pongee Assocn., Inc.... Shanghai

Factor King Chong Loong Cb. Tsingtao

Factubank Manufacturers Bank of China, Ltd. Shanghai


Facundo Facundo.

Watts & Frisk Irvino ... ... Tientsin


Fairfield F. W. Hammond & Co. ... Tokyo

Fairchild Fairchild & Co., Ltd. Tientsin

Fairglen Fairy Glen Private Hotel ... Kiukiang

Fairplay Merchandise Trading Co. ... Kobe

Faizullabhoy E.Fajardo,

Faizullabhpy Kobe

Fajardo Juan Manila

Famawire De Jong, F Shanghai

Famarods Maison F. Mathieu Soc. Ame. Hongkong


Famarods E.ChinaF. Y.International

Barnes Famine Relief Com. Han. Ti. Pep., S’haL


Fanling Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corpn. Manila Mukden

Fanlo Flex. F. Fanlo

Fanosawa J. Osawa & Co. ... .;. Kobe

Fanpellim Fook Tai Co. Hongkong

Fanpellim Rainbow Neonlite Co., Ltd. Hongkong

Fanum Hong Kong Automobile Assn. Hongkong

Fareast Far Eastern Commercial Agency , Hongkong

Fareast H. Bollenhagen Tientsin

Fareastein Far Eastern Insurance Co. ... ... Shanghai

Fareastico Far Eastern Investment Co. ... Shanghai

Farimex Far Eastern Imp. & Exp. Co. ... Shanghai

Farm a cope Pharmaceuticals (Far East), Ltd, ... Hongkong

Farmer F.Shanghai

FarmerDock& Co.& Engineering Co., Ltd— CantonShanghai

Farnham Hongkong

Farseeing P. T. Farrell

Far Eastern Shipping& Co. Co. ...... Hongkong

Farshipco Shanghai

Farview Far Eastern Review

Fasuco Yoong Cheong Shoe Co. ... Singapore


Cable Ad: Firm Name Piute

Fatechand Fatechand&Sons ... Kobe

Faure E. Faure Kobe

Faversham Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corp. Manila

Favorparts Favour Auto Parts Co., The .... Hongkong

Fcole F. Cole & Co. Hongkong


Featherco China Feather

Federal Co., Ltd.

Dispensary, Ltd. ... ... Per. Selangor


Federated Federated Engineering ■ Co., Ltd. Selangor


Federation Germann & Co>, Ltd. ... Hongkong

Feilun Ulderup & Co. ...

Feldbobe F. Feld & Go.. Ltd. Canton, Hongkong

Feldstein Tientsin Trading Co. Tientsin

Felix Felix Hat Shop .... ... Hongkong


Felspar Osborne & Chappel

Femor Far East Motors ... ... Hongkong


Fencibles John D. Humphreys Son ... Hongkong

Fencibles , Peak Tramways Co., Ltd. ••• Mukden


Ferdy North East Mining Administration Hongkong

Santos Canton

Fergyco F. Farmer & Co. ... ... Shanghai

Fergyco John H. Ferguson & Co. ... Shanghai

Ferikon S.E. Faber Batavia

Fermont Fermont Cuypers, N.V.

Fernanco Fernandez & Co. .... . i ....! ’Manila


Fernandez Fernandez Hermanos, Inc. ... Hongkong

Fernandina M. Fernandez .... Singapore

Fernando Malay Peninsula Agency ... Tientsin

Fernstalk American Board Mission .... Foochow

Fernstalk Kate C. Woodhull Hospital .... I Canton

Ferrier Ferrier V. E. ... ...

Ferroco Manila Railroad Go. ... ... Manila

Ferroconco .. Hongkong Engineering & Construction Co. Hopgkong Shanghai

Ferrbstaal Ferrostaal A. QoO

Fesco Far EasternCo.Sanitary Co. ......

Takahashi ... S'hai.,


Han., Nanking

Festaka S’pore, H’kong

Fetcol Franco Eastern Trading

American Chamber of Commerce Peiping

Fette Peiping

Fette Fette Rug Co., Inc. LT.S.A. ... Shanghai

Fette Fette Peiping Rugs ! Manila

Fezag F. E. Zuelling, Inc. ’Singapore

Fiat Fiat S. A. (Inc.) in Italy) Shanghai

Fibres . Lustre Fibres,

.Anderson Ltd.& Co. Osaka


Fideus Haworth &Clayton

Co., Ltd., Richard ... >Shanghai


Fiegel Fiegel Shokai

Whitfield & Co. . Amoy


Fiedler Cafe Federal ... ... f Manila

Shanghai t

Figueras Figueras Hermanos ...

Figures H. Davis & Co. ... ... ,; Selangor


Figures Payne, Davies & Co,

Filgar Philippine Guaranty Cov, Inc. ... ; Manila

Fililumber Filipinas Lumber Co.,. Inc. Manila

Filmhome Red Seal Film Co.. China, Ltd. Shanghai

Fima “Fi-Ma” ' Manila

Finance Pearson & Co. ••• Kobe, Y’hama, Tokyo


Finance Finance & Commerce .

Finansbank Finance Banking Corpn., Ltd. Shanghai

Fjndmill . Findlay Millar Timber Co. ... ... Manila


Finearts Pol Land Silk Hosiery Co. ...

Finelight Continental Flashlight Mfg. Co., Ltd. Hongkong



Cable Ad: Firm Navie Place

Finlandia Consulate forFinland

Finland Sh„ Tsingtao, Ti.

Finlandia Legation for Tokyo

Finlor . Goodyear Orient Co., Ltd. ... Singapore


Finocchiaro .. Finnish Consulate ... Kobe

G. Finocchiaro & Co., Italian Marble Works Shanghai

Fir House . Ma Clinic Hongkong

Firestone . Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. Manila, S’pore., SJiai

Firma . Yokohama Fire & Marine Ins. Co. Yokohama

Firnatex Warner Bros. First National Pictures

(Japan) Inc. ... Tokyo, H’kong

Firthsteel Thos. Firth & John Brown Ld., (Sheffield, Osaka, Tokyo


Fischer . E. Fischer Osaka

Fishrich . American Flour Co. The Hongkong

Fishstore Hongkong Fish Store Hongkong

Fisktire Fisk Rubber Co. Singapore

Fisktire . The Fisk Tire Co., Inc. ... Manila

Fisktyre . The Fisk Tyre Export Co., Inc. Shanghai

Fittwo H. Fittkau Shanghai


Fitzgerald G. Fitzgerald Shanghai

Flagstand . Pacific Trading Co.

Flamingo . Y. M. C. A. (Chinese) ... ...-{' T’tsin.,

Han., S’hai., Can.,

Fleet . H. A. Fleet TientsinHongkong

Fleisado . Standard Brands of Asia, Inc. Yokohama

Fleming . Fleming

La Flor deBros. Intel Cigar Factory Perak


Florintal O. G. Maerk Shanghai

Florintal .. La FlorMartiniano

de Luzon Cigar Factory Manila

Florluzon Floro, MManila


Floro Manila Blue Printing Co.


Flourish . Chiu Bros. Hongkong


Flowerdew Kong Chee Cheong

Flowerdew & Co. ...


Fluoric . Foster


Weng LeeCo. Co. Shanghai, Si.

Flushness Hongkong

Foamoock . Yee Cheong & Co. Hongkong

Foantar .. Foan Tar & Co., Ltd Shanghai

Fobesco .. Fobes & Co., Ltd.. Tientsin

Focktai .. Fock Tai & Co. Weihaiwei

Fogbane .. Fogden Brisbane ife Co. Ltd. ... Hongkong, Singapore

Fogiltoft Fog, Raebild & Toft Kobe

Fohka . Volkart Bros Agency Tientsin

Foho . China Express Co., Ltd. Shanghai

F okeng Fook Weng & Co. Shanghai

Fokko .... Fokkes

F. L.Smidth & Co. Tokyo Tokyo, S’hai.

Folasmidth Peiping,

Foncim Fonciere et Immob. de Chine Shanghai

Fongbros .. Fong Brothers & Co. Hongkong

Fongnamsang .. Fong Nam Sang & Co. Singapore

Fonsrtsuen .. British-American Tobacco Co. China, Ld. Canton

Foodrug . International Food & Drug Co. Shanghai

Foohsiang Oriental Trading & Engineering Co. ... Tientsin

Fookee . General Electric Co. of China, Ltd. Mukden

Fookonwing . Fook On Wing, Ld. Hongkong


Football .... Foong Hup Sins: Foundry ...

Shanghai Football Association

Ipoh, Perak


Footease .. Foot Ease Hosiery Mill Ho., Shanghai

Footrule . Elliott Hazzard ... Shanghai


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Fooxco .. Foox & Co. H Tientsin

Foowei .. Foo Wei & Co. Wei-Hai-Wei

Ford . China Inlknd Motors Fed. Inc. U.S.A. Hankow

Ford .. Ford & Delamore Selangor

Fordcar .. Wallace, Harper & Co., Ltd. ... Hongkong

Fordire .. Ford Hire Services Shanghai



Fordmotor .. Ford Motor

Ford Co. ofCo.Malaya,

Motor Car of Japan,Ltd.Ltd. Y’hama

Fordmotor . Ford Motor Co., Inc. Shanghai

Foreigny Foreign Y.M.C.A. of Shanghai Shanghai

Foremost .. Keng Lee & Co. Singapore

Forenex J. D. Lewis Osaka

Forsterco .. G. P. Forster

Fortune .. L. Moses Shanghai

Fotrad .. Foreign Trading Co. ... ... Hongkong


Fouchong .. S. Molchanoff Pechatnoff & Co.

Foufoong .. Fou Foong Flour Mill Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Fox .. Fox Bros. & Co., Ltd. Kobe

Foxfilm .. Fox Film Corporation (East), Ltd. ... Singapore, H’kong

Foxfilm Fox Film Federal Inc., U.S.A. Shanghai

Foxfilm . Fox Eiga Kaisha Tokyo

Foxhound .. Royal Exchange Assurance ... Singapore

Foxhound British Equitable Assurance Co., Ltd. Singapore

Foxstar .. Fox and Morrison Tientsin

Fraliguori .. F. & G. Liguori Kobe

Framboise Craik, D. McLeod Penang

Framboise .. Swan & McLaren Penang, Singapore

Framinsure .. Cie Franco-Americaine d’Assurance Sh., Hankow, Saigon

Framroz . Framro & Co. Singapore

Framroze .. F. R. Dastoor & Co. Shanghai

Franbert . Garcia and Garcia Manila

F rancasia .. Assurance Franco Asiatique ... All Ports

Francecom .. The French Chamber of Commerce of China T’sin., Sh., Hankow*

Francellis .. Ellis & Hays Shanghai

Francimpor . France Import .;. Hongkong, Hankow

Francosib . S’hai Engineering & Contracting Co. Shanghai

Framgar Garage Central ... Tientsin

Franclav . F. Howard-Ford Insurance Agency ... Harbin

Franho .. St. Francis Hotel ... Hongkong

Franip .. Banque Franco Japonaise Tokyo

Franklin ,, Thompson & Co. Kobe

Franklin Franklin & Co. Tientsin

Franklinac Franklin A. C., F.I.C. r ‘ Hongkong

Frankpecoe .. Peek & Co., Ltd. Singapore, Batavia

Fransiabank . Banque Franco Chinoise Harbin

Fransulat French Consulate All Ports

Frangar Garage Central Tientsin

Frantz . G. Frantz & Co ... Tsingtao

Fraser . Tata & Co., Ltd. Singapore

Fraser . Fraser & Co. Singapore

Frasiabank Banque Franco-Asiatique ... Harbin

Fraser Peter Fraser & Co. Kobe

Frastrateco Frazar Estate Co., Ltd. Tokyo

Fraternity . Fraser & Co. Shanghai

Fraternity B. D. Tata & Co... Shanghai

F rawei F. Weiss Osaka

Frawithers Fraser & Co., Lt., George ... Shamghai



Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Erazar Frazar Federal Inc., U.S.A. All Ports

Frazer Manchurian Merchant Trading Co. ... Harbin

Freaaj Far-Eastern Grocer’s Advocate Hongkong

Frerlwilco Fred Wilson & Co., Inc. ... Manila

Fredkew Fred Kew & Co. ... ... Bongkong

Freebac Tobacco Trading Corporation Shanghai

Freelcresa Siam Free Press Co. Bangkok

F reepress Philippines Free Press Manila

Freixas Freixas A Co., Manila

French School Ecole Municipale Francais Hankow

Fresh food Hongkong Fresh Food Supply Co. ... Hongkong

Frenstor French Store Honerkong

Fretekkah Soc. Francaise des Mines . ... Perak

Freunder International Bye Products Co. Pep. Ti. Sh.

Frigerabat Shanghai Ice, & Cold Storage Co., Ltd.... Shanghai

Frinke Bruno Frinke Tsingtao

F risen S. Prison & Sons Co. Manila

Fritzke Walter Fritzke Tokyo

Froiman Froiman Co Tientsin

Frozen Lim Khoon Hing Singapore

Fuchsrens Fuchs & Hens, Ltd. E. Sum.

Fuchtmg Fu Chung Kamkow Wood Oil Corp. Ld. Tientsin

Fu chung Tientsin Wharf and Godown Co., Ltd. Tientsin Tientsin, Nanking

Fuchung The Fu Chung Corporation Hongkong

Fuelco Hongkons: Fuel & Shipping Co. Shanghai

Fuelite British Naval Office Tientsin, Shanghai

Fuhlee Hall & Holtz, Ltd. Yokohama

Fuiioka Tokyo Electric Co., Ltd. ... Hongkong

Fujiyama Fujiyama Shanghai

F uj iyama Fuji Paper Co., Ltd.

Fukube Hattori Shoten ... Yokohama

Fukiendrug Fukien Drug Co., Ltd. Amoy.

Fukientimes Fukien Times ... .... Manila

.;. Shanghai

Fukuiyoko Fukui Yoke Paper Dealers

Fukusho Fukusho Co. Dairen

Fukushima Fukushima & Co. ... Shanghai

Fukusei Fukusei Co. Tsiingtao

Fukuyama Fukuyama Trading Co. Mukden

Fulford G. T. Fulford Co., Ltd. of Canada ... Shanghai, Singapore

Fulgentio Denis Freres d’Indochine, S. A. Saigon

Fulgura Bergmann Electric Co. Shanghai

Fuloshanoo Frodsham & Co., Ltd. ... '..‘J Peiping

Fulfcon Fulton & Co., Ltd. Yokohama

F umagalli China Silk Co. ... Shanghai

Fun Fun Health Resort Penang

Fun Miami Beach Hotel Penang

Fungmanter Fung Manter & Co. Hpngkong

Fuper Fukien Paper Manufg. Co., Ltd. Foochow

Furnic Initermationar Furnishing Oo. Hongkong

Furnishing Bangkok House Furnishing Co. Penang, Bangkok

Furnistore The Sun Walt Cx ... ... Singapore

Fumprince Furness (Far East), Ltd. ... Hongkong, S’hai

Furstudio The Furniture' Studio Hongkong

Furueleco Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd. Tokyo; Yokohama

Furukawa Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd. Dai. Sh. Tientsin

F urwool Fur Wool Trading Co: (China), Ltd. Mukden, Harbin


Cable Ad: Firm, Name Place

Fusokaijo ... Fuso Marine & Fire Insce. Co; . Shanghai

Futaby ... Tanuki Ya (K. Abe & Co.) Tokyo

Futai ... Fock Tai & Co. ... Port Edward

Futehally ... N. Futehally .& Sons Kobe

aboco ... Gabbot & Co. ..* Shanghai

n ,

Lrat>or fN.V.’s Gravenhaagsche Industrie! en | Harbin

( Handel Maatschap'pij ...

Gabun ... G. A. Burn Hongkong

Gacanfiac ... Canadian Pacific Steamships, Ltd. ... Manila

Gacanpac Canadian Pacific Railway Co. All Ports

Gadsby ... J. Gadsby Tokyo

Gaelic ••• Siam Electric.Corpn., Ltd. ; . .. Bangkok

Gaflac ... Gen’LAccidt. Fire Life Assur. Corpn. Shanghai, S’pore

Gakelline ... Gaskell & Co. ... ‘ Manila

Galang ... Galang Besar Rubber Plantations, Ld. Poeloe, Galang

Gale ... L. E. Gale & Co. (Fed. Inc.,. U.S.A.). Tientsin Shanghai, Hankow

Galatis ... General Trading Co. Tienttein

Galatis ... D. E.. Galatis Shanghai

Gallop ... H. B. Gallop ... ... Singapore

Gamber ... Malaya Film Service Singapore

Gammeter ... E. O. Gammeter & Co.

Gammon ... Gammon (Malaya) Ltd. Singapore

Ganesh ... Ganesh Printing Works ..i. ... ■ Penang

Gansmoe ... T. B.. Gansmoe Kobe

Gaol ... Prison Department ... ' Malacca

Gapastate ... W. R. M. Stevens Shanghai

Garcia ... W. J. Garcia ... ... Singapore

Gardiner ... W. H. Gardiner .... ... Shanghai

Cardona ... Nederlandisclie

N.Y. Handel

... •' Maatschappij.

■ .„ i m ... Hongkong, S’pore.

Garenri ... New Orleans Commercial Co. Manila

Gasconbabs ... Geo. Simmons

Gasimmons ... Gascon Motor Co. Hongkong

Casimmons ... Geo. A. Simmons & Co. ... ... Shanghai

Gaslight ... Shanghai Gas Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Gassmann ... Gassmann & Co. ... Shanghai

Gasworks ... Manila Gas Corporation ... Manila

Gates ... Frank Gates Shanghai

f Gatliff

Gatom ...... MacMillan & Co.,Co.Ltd., Walter ... Tientsin

Hardy GatiffExport

Gaurdian ... Malacca Guardian, Ltd. Tokyo

Gauthier ... Gauthier & Co. ... ... Malacca

... Hongkong

Gawbros ... Gaw Bros., Ltd. ... Singapore

Gebird ... G. E. Bird Shanghai

Gebork ... G. Borkowsky Kobe

Gebowen ... Bowen & Co. .... Manila

) Oeddes ... Geddes Tdg. & Dairy Farm Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Oedeon ... Gedeon Freres Kobe

Gedong ... Atlas Ice Co., Ltd. Malacca

Geeteedee ... George Town Dispensary, Ltd. Perak, Malacca

Gemac ... German Machine Co. Shanghai

Gemaco ... General Machinery Co., Inc. : ... Manila

Genatoco ... Genato & Co. .... Manila

Generasso ... F. Schoene Yokohama

Generasso ... Home Insurance Co. Yokohama

Genfer ... M. A. Genfer Harbin


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Genforge General Forge Products (1929), Ltd.... Shanghai

Genhosp .. Shanghai General Hospital Shanghai

Genji .. Kato & Co. Yokohama

Genlectric Chas. A. Schieren Co. H’kong, Shanghai

Genlectric General Electric Co. of China, Ltd. Tientsin, Shanghai

Genlectric . Fraser & Chalmers’ Engrg. Works ... Shanghai

Gen mo .. General Motors Japan Ltd. ... Toyko

Genmotac .. General Motors Acceptance Corp. Osaka

Genmotjava N.V. General Motors Batavia

Genpa General Paint Corporation Shanghai

Gensburger . Gensburger & Co. Shanghai

Genshoto The Mercantile Co. Shanghai

Genstore . General Store Selangor

Gentaro . Tanaka & Co. Osaka

Gentradera Shanghai Engineering Co., Shanghai

Genuinely The Gliobe Trading Cb. Hongkong

Genyue Poy G. Lee Shanghai

Geo Francos .. Frank & Co. Manila

Geology Geological Survey Batu Gajah

Geomath George Matheson & Co. Shanghai

Georgeston George Bros. .Swatow

Geranchine Banque Franco-Chinoise ... All Ports

Germinal Germinal Cigar & Cigarette Factory Manila

Gerondal ,. A. E. Gerondal Hongkong

Gershevich . Gershevich Bros. ... Tientsin, Shanghai

Gerzco Gerz & Co. Tientsin

Gestetner . N. V. Handel Mij. Gestetuer Batavia

Gestetner . D. Gestetner (Eastern), Ltd. f S’pore, Bangkok,

L Manila, H’kong

Gestetners . Gestetner Duplicators Shanghai

Getco General Trading Co. Hongkong

Get* . Getz Bros. & Co. ... iUl Ports

Geyer , Hans Geyer Bangkok

Giarc . Craig & Co., Ltd. Singapore

Gianchand . Kashmir Silk Store Hongkong

Giansingh . Gian Singh & Co. Selangor

Gibb , Gibb, Livingston & Co., Ltd. /H’kong, Foochow,

1 Shanghai

Gibbs Gibbs & Co., Ltd. Yokohama

Giblet .. Phoenix Assurance Co., Ltd.... Hongkong

Gibmac J. H. Gibson Manila

Gibslaw . Gibbs and McDonough ... ,... Manila

Gidaiyoko Gidai Yoko Shanghai

Gi leap . Capstick Tientsin

Gild . H. Gild Singapore

Giles St. Giles British School ... Tsingtao

Gilfillan Harper, Gilfillan & Co., Ltd. Penang, Singapore

Gillis . I. Y. Gillis Peiping

Gillon . Gillon & Co. Hankow, Yokohama

Gilman . Gilman & Co., Ltd. Hongkong

Gimhua . Lim Sae Gim & Co. Manila

Gimseng Beng Swee & Co., Ltd. Penang

Ginszu . Li & Co. Hankow

Gipco Gipperich & Co., E. Hongkong

Gipperich . McKesson & Robins, Inc. ... Tientsin

Girard . Getly Co., The ... Shanghai

Gishoyoko Gisho Electric Co. Tientsin


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

CLacis Hongkong & Canton Ice Manufg. Co. Hongkong

Oladness , Woo & Woo

Glaiserman J. M. Glaiserman Inc. ... ... Hongkong


Glanzmann Glanzmann & Co. Shanghai

Glass Chua Yap Manila

Glass . Glass Products Trade & Industrial

Co., Ltd. Harbin

Glass . Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. Tokyo

GledhillT. . Allen & Gledhill ... Johore, Singapore

Glenline Glen Line Eastern Agencies, Ltd. S’hai, Hankow, T’tsin

G'enny . Dr. E. Glenny ... Negri Sembilan

Globance , Liverpool & London & Globe Insce. Shanghai

Co., Ltd

Globe Liveroool & L’clon


Globe Lun Hee Chang, Ltd. Hongkong

Glomobile The Globe Automatic Co., Ltd. Hongkong

Gloucester The Gloucester Hotel Hongkong

Glueckauf A. Goeke & Co. ...

Gmehling Gmehling & Co. ... Shanghai

Gobetanabe Tanabe Gohei Shoten Osaka

Gobhai . Gobhai Karanjia, Ltd. Shanghai

Godavery Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corpn. ... San Francisco

Goddard Goddard & Douglas Hongkong

Godgani . E. Vernaudon Tientsin


Godhelp R. E. Desai

Go downs . H’kong & K’loon Wharf & Godown Co Hongkong

Godwin . Godwin Holgate & Co. (F. East), Ltd. Singapore

Goertz . Goertz & Diener, Ltd. Hankow

Goessle R. F. Goessle Singapore

Gokuya O. Makino, Esq. ... Tokyo

Gold an Konietzke & Goldan Motor Works ... Tientsin

Goldbrofur Gold & Bros , Inc. Tientsin

Goldenberg Goldenberg & Co., Inc. Manila

Goldenstar Golden Star Trading Co., Ltd., The Hongkong

Goldenpond .. K. C. Chiu Hongkong

Golder Konietzke Tientsin

Goldfinch .. Clover Flower Shop Hongkong

Goldfirch .. Hongkong Nursery, The Hongkong

Gomumari . lida & Co. Osaka, Kobe

Gondamow .. C. H. Gonda Shanghai

Gonpu Gonzalo Punyat & Sons ... ... Manila

Gonpu Puyat Music House Manila

Goodbooks Singapore

Good Books, Pictures & Works of Art, Ltd. Hongkong

Goodhong Good Hong Tobacco Co.

Goodman Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd. Harbin

Goodridge Kobe Engineering Works ... Osaka

Goodrush Yokohama Rubber Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Goods .. Traders Co. Amoy

Goodyear Goodyear Tire & Rubber Export Co.. Shanghai, Manila

Goodyear Sumatra

Goodyear Rubber Plantations Co. ... Hongkong

Gordon .. Gordons Ltd. Batavia

Gorkom .. J. Van Gorkom & Co., N.V.

Goshfrazco Frazar & Co. Tokyo

Gosho .. Gosho Kabushiki Kaisha ... Shanghai

Goessele Goessele, R. F. Singapore

Gossgae .. United Exporters, Ld., Singapore

Gotestburu Govt. Testing Bureau of Shanghai ... Shanghai

Gothloid .. Otomune & Co. ... Osaka


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Gotiange'e Go Tian Gee & Co. Manila

Gofciaoco Insular Navigation Co. ... Cebu

Goticus . Gadelius & Co., Ltd. . Tokyo, Osaka

Goticus Boving & Co., Ltd. Tokyo

Gotla . P. D. Gotla & Co. . Hongkong

Gcullart . P. Goullart Shanghai

Gouwboenseng . . Gouw Boen Seng

Governbank Central Bank of China Tientsin

Go\«sec Secretariat Sarawak

Graca Graca & Co. Hongkong

Graciani J. Graciani & Co. Kobe

Gradatim . A. L. Anderson & Co. Shanghai

Grafonola Columbia Gramaphone Co. Tokyo, Kobe

Graham . Teluk Anson Cash Chemists Teluk Anson

Giaharaite . Wilkinson, Hey wood & Clark Shanghai


Grand Hotel .. Manila Grafica, Inc.

The Grand Hotels, Ltd.


Harbin, Tsingtao>

Granitoid . Bitzer & Co. Hongkong

Granite 4k Brash & Smith ... Perak

Graphite Japan Graphite Refining & Mfg. Co., Ltd. Kobe

Grasano Asano Bussan Kaisha, Ltd. Tokyo

Graval The Ajit Singh Bros. Hongkong

Grayeblock Concrete Products, Ltd. Hongkong

Grearainc Aran eta, Inc. Gregorio Man ila

Grease A. P. Greaves Hongkong

Great Mington Forwarding and Express Co. ... Tientsin

Greateast .. Great Eastern Hotel Selangor

Greateast Great Eastern

Eastern Life

Life Assurance

Assurance Co.,

Co., Ltd

Ltd. Sai. Selangor,

Greatest Great Manila,Si.Bangkok

Greathotel : Great Eastern Hotel Manila

Greatwall The Hwa Chang Company, Ltd Hankow

Gredispen Great Eastern Dispensary Shanghai

Greenland Greenland & Sons Tientsin

Greenland Green Island Cement Co., Ltd. Hongkong, Macao

Greenwood Gill & Co. Tokyo

Greggcar ' .. The Gregg Co., Ltd. Manila


Greig .. T.M. M. W. Gregory & Co.

Greig & Co. Hongkong


Greiss .. North

Greiwis MolnarChina Fur & Co.

& Greiner Ti.


Greiwis Olien en Vetten Import en Export

Maatschappij (Olimpex) Shanghai

Grenard L. Grenard & Co. Sh.

Grenier Charles Grenier & Son, Ltd. ... /Per., Sel.; Negri

:t 1 \ Sembilan


Grilk Gritfith & Co. Hongkong

Grill C. J. Grilk Shanghai

Max Grill Tsingtao

Grinsten ... Far Eastern Trading Co. ... Hakodate

Grobnol W. S. Longborg Shanghai

Groseribs ... J. F. Grose & Co. Hongkong

Grosvenor Grosvenor Hotel Singapore

Groversims J. Grover Sims ... Kobe

Guardian Guardian Assurance Co. ... ..4 Yokohama

Guardian “ Malacca Guardian ” Ltd. Malacca

Guanmoh Guan Moh Co. Perak

Gubbay Unico Trading Co., Ltd. ... Kobe


Cable Adi Firm Name Place

: Gabs D. M. Gubbay ; .. Shanghai

E. Sum. Padang, Si.

I Guentzel Guianto Handel

General MiCommercial

j. Gentzel Corporation

& Schumacher' > .. Shanghai

I Guillca G. E. Campbell ... Manilag

f Guira Italian Hospital for Chinese . Pepin

Gala Gula-Kalumpong Rubber Estates, Ld. Perak

* Gully Gully’ & Cb., J. ... Tientsin


Gunyon Dunlop Rubber Co.

0. C. Gunyon ••• . Kobe


^ Gurvich Eancy Goods Store Canton

i Gussie Hongkong Publishing Bureau , ... Hongkong

I Guthrie Guthrie

f Guttridge i Singapore

Guttiridge & Chambers, Inc. Manila

! Guzdar Guzdar & Co. Hankow

^ Gysom International Engineering Co., Inc Bangkok

' Habibullah H. M. Habibullah Co. . . Shanghai

5 Habiture Huttenbach, Ltd. Si. Pen., Per

; Hachiro Hackmack Hayashi & Co. Shanghai

| Hackmeier" Hackmack & Co. .1. Tientsin

I Hadoman Hackmeier, L. Singapore

i Hageehandel Walter HartmannGroothhandel

N. V. Heybroek’s Shanghai


[ Hagemeyer Hagemeyer Trading Co., Ltd. Kobe

^ Haiohaug Hai Chang S.iS. Co. Shanghai

1 Haidarali

Haiho Haidarali & Co. Commission

Haiho Conservancy ... Kobe


i liainanraotor Hainan Motor Co. ... Hoihow

Haitradco Haiho Trading Co. Tientsin

r Haitradco Commercial Union Assn. Co.. Ltd. •• Tientsin

Haitradco Hoffman Mfg. Co., Ltd. ... ... Tientsin

; Haitradco Eagle & Globe Steel Co., Ltd. Tientsin

| Hajipichay M. N. Pitchay Bros. Malacca

Hajisavul Savul •& Co., A. I. Shanghai

: H akaca Hua Kuang Trading Cprpn Tientsin

! Hakatz Henry Waugh & Co., Ltd. ... Singapore

Halco HallamHale& Co.

Wm. & Co., Ltd. Selangor

t HaleHaleshoeco Hale Shoe Co. Saigon

; Halfwatt Phillips China Co. ... Manila


i Halifax Halifax 7 Insurance Co. ... Shanghai

[ Hall •Iho. W . Hall ... ..G Yokohama

J Hall & Hall Hall & Hall Shanghai

I Hallaw Hall, &LawHall& Co., Ltd. Ho. Shanghai

? Hallway Way Hongkong

f1 Halliard H. M. H. Esmail Hongkong

i ' Haloheme

Hailing Frank R. Hailing Co. Tsingtao

J Hamasaki Hallock’s

Hamasaki Chinese Almanac ...

& Co., Ltd. Shanghai

| Hamberli Dairen

Hamburg-Amerika Line ...

| Hambro Hamilton Browp Shoe Store and Hongkong

Haberdashery Manila

\ Hamet A. H. Hamet & Co. Hongkong

■ Hammer W. Hammer & Co., Ltd. Singapore

| Hamra James Hamilton, Ltd. Shanghai

! Hamraco A. J. Hamrath & Co. ... Shanghai

| Hanby Danby and Hance ... ... Hongkong

j Handelbank Nederlandisch Indische Handelsbank N. Y All Ports.

j; Handelsblad Soerabaiasch Handelsblad ... ... Sourabaya


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

German Hankow, Shanghai


Handgesell SzechuanChamber of CommerceM.B.H. .

Handels Gesellschaft Chungking

Handbeart Samuel, Osborn & Co., Ltd.... Shanghai

Handwriter Wilson Oscar Singapore

Handy Singapore

Hangming F.St. W.Mary’s

HammondDispensaryCo. Shanghai

Handkerchf K. Yoshizaki & Co. Osaka

Hankowbank Hankow Bank, Ltd. Hankow

Hanland BremenMagillColonial & China Trading Co. . Tientsin, Hankow

Hanmow James & Co. Shanghai

Hannibal W. A. Hannibal & Co.,Inc.,


... Can. Hongkong


Hannibal H. Reiss

Hanolamp Hanovia Quartz Lamp Co. Tokyo

Hanseatic Hanseatic Motor Co. Shanghai


Hansen L.Danish

E. Moeller

Consulate& Co.... Tokyo

Hansteel Han Yeh Ping Iron and Coal Co., Ltd . Shanghai

Hanswolf Hans Wolf Kobe

Kobe, Yokohama

Hapag C. liliesJava

ifc Co.Trading Co., N.V. Singapore

Hapag Straits

Hamburg-Amerika Linie Ti., Shangai, Manila..


Happer J. S Happer Tokyo

Happy William A. Adams & Co. Shanghai

Hara Hara & Co. Yokohama

Haradagumi Harada & Co. Dairen

Harbin Nikolaeff Nickolaeff Bros. ... Harbin

Harchi Arnhold & Co., Omnibus

China General Ltd. Co., Ltd. All Ports.

Sh. Foo. Can. Ho.-


Hardavmocy Harley Davidson & Co. ... Tokyo


Hardiviler Hardivillierstfc Cie

Hardware Gordon & Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Hardware Union Trading Co., Ltd. Hongkong

Hargenode C. Hargen & Co. Shanghai

Harisladen H. E. Harris Co. Shanghai

Harjanes Automatic Electric Co. Shanghai

Harlo American Merchandise Co. Kobe

Harmony Chartered Bank of India, Aust.

Harper Negri Sembilan Planters Association . Neg. Sem.

Harperford Wallace Harper

Harque Henry Quelch

Harrioross Harrisons & Orosfield Medan

Harriman G. A. Harriman & Co. Hongkong

Harris Erin Bouse Tsingtao

Harrisladen J. E. R. Harris & Co. Shanghai

Haschmid H. A. Schmid Co. Kobe

Hasegawa Hasegawa

Haseyoshi Hasegawa (Yoshino) Osaka

Hashimat Hashim Commercial & Trading Co., Ltd. Manila

Hashimoto Hashimotto Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. Kobe

Hasksells Haskins & Sells Shanghai, Manila

Hassaram Hassaram & Co. Yokohama

Hatch Hatch, Carter & Co. Tientsin

Hatco Hongkong American Trading Co. Hongkong


Hattori Shanghai Hat Body Supply Co. Shanghai

The Hattori Trading Co. Hongkong, Shanghai

Hatzipapas Industrial Marble Works Tientsin

Hausnico Hausherr, Nishi

Havanna Lopato Sons, Ltd. Harbin

Havraise Societe Anonyme Saigon


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Hawpar .... Eng Aun Tong


Hayloft ....... A.A. H.

J. Hayim

Potts ... j... Singapore,




Hazelearth .......

Hayoo Reuben Bros.,

Hazeland Ltd.

& Gonella Singapore


Seacock ... Seacock & Cheek Co. ... Shanghai

Healey ... Siam Architects (Import) ... Bangkok

Healing ... Healing

Health ... Council of Health Education ... Shanghai

Health Bureau ... Health Service Intelligence Bureau Hongkong, Shanghai

Healthco ... Great China Health Co Shanghai

Heapcheong ... Teo Kian Huat Co. Amoy.

Heath ... Heath & Co., Ltd. Tientsin

Heather ... Heath (1927), Ltd. Shanghai

Hedimcom ... Hedaya Importing Co. Shanghai

Heikodor ... Dr. E. Heinze Osaka

Helencig .... Helena Cigar Co. Manila

Helios ... Delbourgo & Co. Shanghai

Hellmann ... Carlowitz & Co. ... ... Canton


Helm ...... Hellyer & Co.

Helm Bros., Ltd. Shidzuoka

Helm ... Helm & Weber Kobe

Muk. Y’hama

Helno ... Helmut Nocht Hongkong

Helvetia ... Naigai Kagaku Bussan, G. K. Osaka

Hemporth ... Hanson, Orth & Stevenson, Inc. f Manila, Iloilo,

Hemssco .... Heap Eng Moh Steamship Co. Ltd. ( Cebu, Davao

Henchoontong ... Hen Choon Tong Singapore

Hendersco ...... J.Hung


Hendry Teh Trading Tientsin

Henggeler ... Anglo-Oriental (Malaya) Ltd. Shanghai

Henggeler ... Henggeler & Martin, Ltd. Perak

Henkelouis ... Louis Henkel ifc Co. Selangor


Henndam ... Henningsen Produce Co.. Shanghai

Henty ... Henty Parbury it Co. Kobe

Heptagon ... G. R. H. Chetty & Co. Kobe

Heptagon ... Krishnasawny Chetty Co. ... Kobe

Herald ... North China Daily News & Herald, Ltd Shanghai

Herald ... Hankow Herald, Inc Hankow

Herald ... Kobe Herald & Osaka Gazette Kobe

Herald ... Philippines Herald Manila

Hercules ... Hercules Lumber Co. Manila

Herlofson ... Herlofson ifc Reeves Shanghai

Herman ... Souza & Co , H. M. de ... Malacca

Hermes ... Saihara & Co., Ltd. Osaka

Hermkramer ... H. Kramer Osaka, Tokyo

Hertz ... Dr. C. Henry Hertz Penang

Herwhit ... Whitworth, Herbert, Ltd. Shanghai

Hess .... Carl Hess

Hestehov ... Shanghai Horse Bazaar Motor Co., Ltd. Manila Shanghai

Heuperman ... Heuperman k Van Brevekelan Kobe

Hevea .... Carmichael & Co. Singapore

Hewa ... P. H. Hendry Selangor

Hewet ... Hewett Art Furniture Co. Singapore

Hexagon ... Alfred Herbert, Ltd. . Osaka

Heymco ... Yangtze Import Co Shanghai

Heyn ... Reuter, Brockelmann & Co. Ti, Pe., Can.

Hfchangco ... Chang & Co., H. F. Tientsin


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Hianguanlao Antonio H. G. Lao Manila

Hibert Dr. E. P. H. Hibert Shanghai

Hidaka Hadaka & Co. Hongkong

Highsea Eastern Mining & Rubber Co., Ltd. Singapore

Highstore High Street Provision Store, Ltd. :.. Singapore

Hilcar Auto Trucking Co. Manila

Hilfarko Hill Pharmacy Kobe



Hillkatoh Greenhill,& Co.

Jebsen Kato & Co. Osaka


Himalaya Hongkong &, Shanghai Bank ... Hongkong

Himly Himly Ltd. Osaka


Hingiap Higashi & Co. Penang

Hingkee Hing

A. & Giap Co. Hingkee & Co.

P. Leong Macao


Hingkee W. T. & L. Trading Co. ... Selangor

Hinleong Hin Leong & Co. Trengganu

Hinnam Hinnam & Little Dispensary, Ltd. Singapore

Hinoya Japan Asbestos Slate Manufg. Co., Ltd.... Kobe

Hin,trade Hin Cheong Trading Co. Hongkong

Hipseng Hipseng Co. ... ... Shanghai

Hipwo Hip Wo & Co. Macao


Hipwoloong Hip Wo Loong & Co. Hankow

Hire H’kow International Recreation Club Kobe

Hirji M. H. Hirji & Co. Kobe

Hirade K. Hirade & Co.

Hiroshima Hongkong and Shanghai Bank Kobe

Hiroya Furido Shokai Tokyo, Kobo

Hirsbrunner Hirsbrunner & Co. Shanghai

Hirscomp HirssJ. Hirshorn

Co. ... Hongkong


Hirshorn M. Shanghai

Hishimaru Shanghai Bank, Ltd. J

Hispanoco , Compania Hispano Filipino .... hl.. Manila

Hithermos Ching Eng & Co. Penang

Hktyreco Hongkong Tyre Ob. Hongkong

Hoaline Java-China-Japan Lijn, N.V. Kobe

Hoaline Holland East Asia Line (Eastern & Manila

Philippines Shipping Agencies Ltd.)

Hobbly Ho Kwong Hongkong

Hocanexco Hongkong Canton Export Co., Ltd. Hongkong, Cantoni

Hochirn China United Apartment ... Shanghai

Hochun China United Assurance Society, Ltd— Shanghai

Hochang Hochang & Co. ... Shanghai

Hockannbit Hock Ann Co. ... ... Singapore

Hockhaut Klaug Malayan Pineapple Co. Klang

Hockhuat Swee Heng Leong & Co. ... Selangor

Hodzuoo Ho Dzu & Co. ... ••• Chefoo

Hoeboonleong’ ... Hoe BoonHoehnke

Leong ....... Singapore


Hoehnke Frithjof Manila

Hogarfilip El Hogar Filipina ...

Hogg Button & Co., E. M. Canton

Hogg Hogg & Co. 1 .... ... Canton

Hoho Ho Ho Biscuit Factory Singapore

Hohong Ho Hong Portland Cement Works Singapore

Hohongoil Ho Hong Oil Mills, Ltd. ... Singapore

Hohongsoap Ho Singapore

Hohoag Ho Hong

Hong Soap FactoryGo., Ltd..;.

Steamship Singapore

Hohsin Hohsin & Co. ... ... ... Hankow

Hoken New Zealand Insurance Go., Ltd. Kobe


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Hokimiterk > Georgetown Trader Penang

ilokimterk Georgetown Motor Garage ... Penang

Mokinecko Hongkong Import & Export Co. Hongkong

Dokiyoko Hoki Yoko Shanghai

Hokuchin Oriental Consolidated Minipg Co. Unsan

Hokushin Kenshin & Co., Ltd. , ... ;, , ... Tientsin

Holchihand Holland China Handels 'Conapagnie All Ports

Holdhlooms L. E. Illingworth .... ... Shanghai

Hollandia .Netherlands Consulate ... H’kong, S’pore, Ko.

Hollidays Holliday & Co., Ltd. ,; Shanghai

Holsing Trading Co. ‘•'Holland ’ ... Singapore

Holsing Handelsvereeriiging Holland ... Singapore

Ail Ports

Holstein C.TheHolstein & Go. ...

Hongkong Motor Accessories ,0b;. .. Hongkong..


Homerling Lingson Engineering & Trading Co. Amoy

Homieck Paulinet & Cq., Ltd. ... Kobe

Homos Home of Onesiphorus ... Taian

Honarexco Hongkong Canton Export Co., Ltd. Hongkong

Hougbank Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corpn. Hamburg

Hongchiang Hong Chang Oil Mills Singapore

Hongclub Hongkong Club ... Hongkong

Honglciomco ,, The Hongkong Commercial ‘Co.1. , ■■■ Hongkong

Honico Heung On Insurance Ca, Ltd. , .. Hongkong

Honiron Honolulu Iron Works Co. Manila

Honkeehong Hon Kee Hong

Hongkong .... Banking

& Shanghai ... Corp. .... Hongkong

Honshagink Tokyo

Honshisei Ichikawa ... -• ;j ! > .j Tokyo

Honson Co.Shiseido ....

Honsocoy k Hongkong

Honwan The Honwan, Trading Co. ... ... Canton

Hoocheongwo Hoo Cheong Woo & Co. Hongkong

Hooglandt Hooglandt & Co Singapore

Hoondamall Hoondamall & Son Kobe, Medan

Hooppoles Hongkong Trading

Norton & Harrison Co. Co. ... Eli ... Hongkong


Hope Gibb & Co. .... ... ... Manila


Hopebros , Hope Bros. & Co Shanghai

Hopec Hope Co. .... ... ... Amoy.

Hopkee Hop Kee & Co. ... ... Chin wan giao

Hopson H. Walker Hopson Selangor

Hormasjee J. Hormasjee .... , ... Shanghai

Horne Horne Trading Co., Tokyo Osaka

Horrobin S. L. Horrobin

Horseshoe J. G. Brimo .... ... ... Shanghai


Horsford Chartered Bank of India Aust. China... Hongkong

Hortulan Horai Gyogyo Co., Ltd. ... Hongkong

Hoshiksuri The Hoshi Pharmaceutical Co., Ld. Tokyo

Hoshima Kenshin & Co., Ltd. Tientsin


Hospl Hoskyn & Co. Inc. ... ... Iloilo

Foochow Christian Union Hospital Foochow

Hospico Country Hospital ... ... •Shanghai

Hospital Sainti International Hospital ... ... 'Peiping


Hotchand Hotehand Kemchand ... Kobe

Hotema H. Oliveira & Son . ,.f ... Shanghai

Hotel Sandakan Hotel ... ... ... Sandakan

Hoteleando Eastern and Oriental Hotel, Ltd., ... Penang

Hotelimp Imperial Hotel Ltd. ... ... Tientsin

Hourglass Standard-Vacuum Corpn. ... ... Nagasaki

Household ; , Householders, Ltd. ... ... Singapore


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Howell . L. H. Howell Peiping

Howite .. Howite & Co. .. Hongkong

Howsang .... How .. Shanghai

Hoylsmith HoyleSang Co

& Smith .. Singapore

Hua-An . American Drug Store .. Peiping

Huamo Eastern Rug Co. .. Tientsin

Huajno . Hua Mao Trading Co., Ltd. Tientsin



.. Universal

Hua ShengTrading

Co Corporation... .... Tientsin


Huberco Huber & Co., E. ... Shanghai

Hudnut Hudnut Richard, Perfumer Shanghai

Hudson . Commercial Exchange & Paper Mfg. Co. . .. Shanghai

Hudson .. Ning. Shanghai

Hudson .. Hudson

Dr. F. B.

Co .... .. Shanghai

.. Singapore

Huge . Eu Tong Sen

Hulsemann . New Engine and Iron Works Hankow

Humboldt . P. Schmitz & Co .. Osaka, Tokyo

Humepipe . Hume Pipe (Far East) Ltd. Hongkong, Shanghai

Humesinga . Singapore Hume Pipe Co., Ltd. .. Singapore


Humesinga . Hume Pipe (Far East) Ltd.

Humid Shanghai Life Insurance Co. Hankow

Humid . Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada ... Hankow

Humid . Hugh Middleton & Co., Ltd. S’hai, Hankow

Hungda/h Hung Dah Co. Soochow

Hunke . Hunke & Muller .. Tientsin

Hunter . Hunter & Co., E. H. .. Ko. Os. Har. Tokyo

Hupchiangdhan... Hup Chiang Chan .. Singapore

Huphin . Hup Hin & Co. .... ... • . .. Selanglor

Hussey . Harry Hussey .... ... .. Peiping

Hustle . Russell & Co. .... ... . .. M anila

Huttenbach . Huttenbach, Lazarus & Sons, Ltd. .. Perak





Gr. E. Huygen

Huey Yot Tin. Dredging, Ltd. .... Swa.

PerakCan, Ho.

Hwaching . Hwa Ching Co. ... .. Chefoo

Hwamer . Hwamer & Co .. Hongkong

Hwano Dunlop Rubber Co. (China), Ltd. . .. Harbin

Hwasiang . Chinese Commercial Bank, Ltd. .. Singapore

Hyawee David Simon ... Kobe

Hydrangco . Chiu On Steamship Co., Ltd. .. Hongkong

Hyesengco ,.. Hye Seng & Co. .... Singapore


Hymsun China Export-Import Bank Co.

Hyttefad .. Anglo .. Shanghai

Hytun OverseasChinese Dispensary

Shipping & Warehouse Co. . .. Shanghai

Hywen . Wen Hsiang Yung Co. Tientsin

Iberia Llorens Hijo .. Kobe

Icaru . The Progress Co. ,. Canton

Ice .. Zamboanga .. Zam.

Ice Hankow IceCold Storage

Works, Ltd. Co., Inc. .. Hankow

Ichigin , .. Dai Ichi Ginko .... Osaka

Ichisan Wuhu General Hospital Wuhu

Ideal . A. & P. Hingkee & Co. .. Hongkong

Idealowe . Ideal Co., Ltd. ... Shanghai

Ideo .. Imprimerie d’Extreme Orient

Idrad .. Ideal Radio Services .... Hanoi


Ikcerem H. Merecki . Tokyo, Kobe

Ilbert .. Ilbert .. Shanghai

Ilco Insular

Co., Ltd.Co. .. Manila

llicoal I. Li Coal Mining Co. .. Peiping


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

lilies C. lilies

Manila Osaka

Inudul Calam bra Su gar Estate

Impho Imperial Hotel ... Osaka, Tokyo

Itnpkemix Imperial Chemical Industries

(Malaya), Ltd. Malaya


Importers Hongkong


Importers Thean & Co. Syndicate ... Penang


Impexchung Chung Foo Co

Imposica Chungking Import, China, S. A. ... Tientsin, Hankow

Imposica Dohr & Co., G. ... Tientsin

Imprimerie Waterlow & Sons, Ltd. Shanghai

(Tientsin, Shanghai,,

Imundex Grotjahn & Co. .... I Manila, Singapore,

( Batavia, Hongkong

Inaiada The Sun Light Co., Ltd. Hongkong

Incamo International Commercial Co. All Ports

Indcoal Amritlal, Ojha & Co., Ltd Hongkong

Inchcoy Indo China S. N. Co. Ti., Soochow, Wuhu

Inchcoy Jardine, Matheson & Co 5 Ltd. Wuhu, C’kiang

Inculcate Ameri. Presbyterian Mission in Siam Bangkok

Indemnity Eastern Underwriters Shanghai, Tientsin

Independent Murakami & Co., Ltd. Kobe


Independent Independent

Indepfilms Independent Film Exchange Co. of China Shanghai


Indigo Indian Commercial Co. Manila

Chartered Bank of India, Ausb. and China Iloilo

Indochine Banque de 1'Indo-Chine ... All Ports

Indtrade Industry Trading Co. .... ... .Shanghai

Indug Insular Drug Co., Inc. Manila

Indusenter Industrial Enterprise®, Ltd. Harbin

Indusfores Soc. Industrielle et Forestiere d’Extreme... Hanoi.

Indusmiss Industrial Mission, Centre Shanghai


Industrial Mission Chefoo Industrial Mission Chefoo

Industrial Export China Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Industrie Maatschappij voor Handel & Industrie Padang

Industries Siam Industries, Ltd. Bangkok

Indyunnan Cie Framjaise des Chenins de Fer del

Indo-Chine et du Yunnan Saigon, Hanoi

Inerol Esso. Co. .... ... ■ ...’ Tientsin

Infreschi Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corpn Lyons

Ingenetric International General Electric Co., Inc. ... Tokyo, Osaka

Ingenetric Gen. Electric Appliance) of the P’pines Manila

Ingersiler Ingersol Rand Ld. Singapore

Ingots A. Cameron & Co. (China), Ltd. Shanghai

Inhealco International Health Corporation Shanghai

Inkhorn Wo Hop Hongkong

Inland The ChinaTaylor



Boy’s School ... China Ports

Inland Hudson Changsha

Inland Mission ... China Inland Mission Ichang, C’sha, S’hai

Innco Khoo Saik Inn & Co. Penang

Inotaisaku Futabaya & Co., Ltd. Tokyo

Insectcid Ueyamayers Japan Insect Powder Co. Osaka

Institute Shanghai Engineering Club ... Shanghai

Insular Insular Hotel 1 Amoy

Insular La ... Manila

Insulation C.H.Insular

NelsonCigar & Cig. Co Kobe

Insulation Philippine Cork & Insulation Co. Manila

Insulife Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd. Manila


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Insumerco Bdnning & Co.Export

International . Co., (Kiangsu) ... Ltd... .. Nanking


Inter International Booksellers, Ltd.- . Shanghai


Intercorice International Siam Rice Co., Ltd. ... Bangkok

Interha International Harvester Export Co. . Harbin

Interlude Anglo-Chinese Building Co. ... .. Shanghai


Interlude China Coal Co. & Lace Co. ...... ,

China Produce . Shanghai

Interlude Electric Wire & Plumbing Co.' . Shanghai

Interlude f International Crediet en Handels- f Singapore, Bangkok,

Internatio { Yereening ... * .... X Semarang, Sourabaya

International International

Internews King Features Paint Cd. .......

Syndicate ... .. Tokyo


Interporters Ihterporters

Interprete Ste|)hen Bros.Co ... .; . Singapore

. Singapore

Intersavin Assurance Franco-Asiatique ... Tsinan, Peiping

Intersavin International Savings Society All Ports


Intersure . Brand-& Co. Fdochow

International Insurance Office, Inc. All Ports

Inte:rtrade International. Indeiiting' Co. Singapore

Intertext International Correspondence

Intertext . i

Intertobac Technical Supply Co. of ChinaSchool . Manila, Shanghai

S’hai., S’proe.

Intmdinco International Tobacco Co. ... Shanghai

International Trading Co. . Shanghai

Intustrie The Tai Ping Fire & Mar. Ins Co. Ld. Tientsin

Invincible Frost, Bland & Co., Ltd. ... Shanghai

Ipekdjian Ipekdjian Brothers, Ltd. ... Bangkok

Ipoh Club Ipoh Club Perak

Iptak IpInternational

Tak & Co. Recreation Club Hongkong

Irclub Shanghai, Tientsin

Ironsons Fisk Tire Export Co., Inc. Shanghai

Irvhurnag Allan & Buchan Shanghai


Irwin Irving, Jones & Co. Singapore

Isaac Irwin, Brown &,Grice- , ... , Tientsin

Isaacnco Ed. Ezra & Co. ... ... S’ppre., Shanghai

E. S. Isaac Singapore

Isabeau France Boyeki Shokai Yokohama, Kobe

Isahtsuji Tsuji. Osaka

Isamy “Isamy” N.V. ... Batavia

Ishihara Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha . Singapore

Ishoo Nippon India. Trading Co. Kobe

Isida Isida. Association... . Shanghai

Iskibp&o “ Social Welfare ” Tientsin


Issor . Singapore Co. i Works, Ltd. : ... Shanghai,

G. Rossi &Rubber Shanghai


Israelite ' . Israel’s Shanghai

Isuan , Isuan, Inc. Manila

Iswar Ashabhai & Co. Kobe

Italagency Manufacturers Representatives Ltd. ... Hongkong

Italasia Italasia Ld. . .j.i . ' Singapore

Italconsul Italian Consulate .... Yokohama, Singapore

Italiadipl Italian Embassy .... • .... Tokyo, B’kok

Italics Chartered Bank of India-Australia Perak.

Italo P. Pezzini & Co-. ... Tientsin

Italo Tientsin Forwarding & Commission Agent:y Tientsin

Itoshoko Ito Co., Ltd. ..i .


Itrust Italian Trading Co.

• Singapore Improvement Trust . Tientsin Shanghai


I unin Chau & Lee ... . Singapore



Cable Ad: Firm Name Fkic£

Irvinjones Irving Jones & Co. Singapore

Iwai Iwai & Co., Ltd. ... Shanghai

... Chefoo

Iwaki ... Iwaki & Co. .... Perak

Iwasaki . - . U Mitsubishi Goshi Kaisha Shanghai


Iwasakisal ... Mitsubishi Bank, Ltd. .... ..» , All Ports

.... Mitsubishi Shoji Kaisha, Ltd. Yokohama

Iwataandco .... Iwata Shokai Osaka

Iwatabros Iwata Brothers & Go., Ltd. Osaka

Izukichi .... Kishimoto Shoten Tokyo

Jabakins .... Baker, Perkins, Ltd. Shanghai

Jabarand .... Jabara & Bros. .... Hongkong

Jachi ... . Japan.-China-India Co. Singapore

J acko Jackson & Co., Ltd. Singapore

J ackson J. M. Jackson Sourabaya

Jacoberg .... Jacobson van Berg

Jacobsfurs .... Jacobson & Kupitsky

Jacolob ... J, Osawa & Co., Ltd. Osaka

Jadering ... Sauer & Co. Peiping

Jaeger ... Jaeger Co. Singapore

J affer ... M. Jaffer & Co. ... Kobe

Jagar ... New Zealand Malay Rubber Co., Ltd. Kesial, .Kelantau

Batavia, S’baya

Jaissle O.'Jaissie & Co. .... Hongkong

J alaing .... ' S; C. Lay & Co. Foochow'


James .... Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corpn. .... Yokohama

.... C. H. N. James ...

J amesglobe ... Jairhes’-s Globe Trading Co. Kobe

Jameslam ....... Jansen

J. Lam && Co.,

Co. L. E. Canton

Jansanel Batavia

Japan Hotel ... Hotel du Japon ... Nagasaki

Japanauto .... - Japan Automobile. Co., Ltd. Tokyo

Japaniscom ... Japanese Chamber of Commerce Shanghai

Japapco .... Japan Paper Co; Kobe

Japfar ... Bleistein, Inc., J. H. Tientsin

JJarapvention ... International Inventions, Ltd. ... Kqbe

.... J. A. Russell & Co. ... ... Selangor

J ardeng ... Hope Grittall (China), Ltd. Shanghai

Jardeng .... Jardine Engineering Corporation, Ltd, ... All Ports


Jardine .... Ellerman & Bucknall Co., Ltd.

Jardine .... Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd. AH Ports

Jardine ... Ocean Shipping Co., Ltd. ... Tientsin

Jargold Ewo Cold Storage Co. Shanghai

J arkon ... British & Chinese Corporation, Ltd. ... Shanghai

Jarkong ... Chinese Eastern Railway Co. Pep., Shanghai

Jasburke ...' Burke & Baker ... Osaka

Jaspersem ... M. P. Jaspersen ... Newchwang

Javahout ... Javascihe Houthandel-Maatschappij ... Batavia

Javaienbo ... Java len Bpe Kongsie Semarang

Javalijn ... Jaya-China-Japan Lijn, N.V. All Ports

Javasugar ... Erdmann & Sielcken Shanghai

Jayatchbee ... James H. Backhouse, Ltd. Hongkong, Canton1 ;

Jaymor ... J. H. Morgan Yokohama

Jayna ... A. Vickram & Co. Kobe

Jean Jeasin Piano Co. Shanghai

Jeandah ... Teesdale, Newman & Co. ... Shanghai

Jebsen ....... Jebsen & Co. All Ports

Jedeikin Louis Jedekein Kobe

Jeeachian ..t Jee Ah Chian

Jehayes ... The Hayes Engineering Corporation, Inc. Tientsin


Cable Ad: Fii Name Flace

Jenco Jenkins Tobacco Co, . ... Shanghai

Jendarata United Plantations, Ltd. ... Perak

Jenli Jen Li Co., The Peiping, Tientsin

Jensenuis G. S. Jensen Shanghai

Jeramer Specialities Agency Co. of Malaya ... Penang

Jerams Thakurdas Jeramdas & Co. ... Hongkong

J erpi Western Electric Co. Tokyo

Jetcolim Otaru

Japan and Eastern Trading Co., Ltd. ... Hongkong

Jethanand Radiant Silk Mart Shanghai

Jetpelham J. E. Turner & Co.

Jewellery Sheriff Brothers ... Hongkong

Jikel J. Keller Saigon

Jin Boan Seng Swatow

Jintan Jintan Co. Tientsin

Jintan H. Morishita & Co. Osaka

•lipco Wakeford & Lowndes Singapore

J ipco Alliance Engineering Co., Ltd. Singapore

Jitts Jitts & Co. Singapore


Joaqmsousa Sousa & Cie.

Jocular Y. T. King

Joseph Tuck& Co. ... ‘n. Hongkong


Joetuck Joseph Gould & Co. HongkongHongkong,

Jogould Johnson Engineering Co. ... ... Canton,


John Pryce & Co. Batavia

Johnspryce .. John’s Import it Export Co. Tientsin


Joihnson Johnson & Co.

Johnson Jos. S. Johnston... Zamboanga

Jolaing S. C. Lay

Joneswong Jones’ Furniture Hong Kong

Jonguil A. & S. Hancock Hong Kong

Joosub Peermahomed Gomei Kaisha . Kobe

Jooteckhin Joo Teck Hin Singapore

Joschild Joseph Schild & Son, Inc. ... Harbin

Jos6 Jose Angel Manila

Josec H. B. Joseph & Co. Hongkong

Josef Joseph Yen & Co. Tientsin

Joseleeco Joseph S. Lee & Co. Hongkong

Joseph Joseph

Josstree Reiss, Massey & Co., Ltd. j(. Chefoo, Shanghai,

Hongkong, Canton

Jotaabe J. A. Basto Macao

Jouchina China Industries Ltd. Shanghai

Jouchina “The China Journal Shanghai

Jouraachan Journal de Shanghai Shanghai

Judah Burlington Private Hotel Singapore


J udean S.China

J. Judah it Co.Trading Co. ... Singapore

Palestine Shanghai

Judex N.V. De Bataafsche Petroleum Maats, Sumatra

Juico Jui Shin & Oo. ... Tientsin

Julbar Barraud, J. Shanghai

Julian Frankel Bros. Singapore


Jungers M. Jumabhoy & Co.

Victor Selling Agency Singapore


Junshashin flyedai Shashinki Ten Osaka

J upiter A. Mitchell it Co. Kobe

Juristava J. M. Tavares Shanghai

Justa J. D. Blakeney it Co. ... .. Tientsin

Justitia Arne Sorensen ... Shanghai


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Juvet . Juvet & Co. Tientsin

Kablexport . D. Kable Industrial Engineering Co. Shanghai

Kader Sayna Abdul Kader Singapore

Kadoorie . Kadoorie & Sons Shanghai

Kahnkay Kobe

Kaigisho ... P.Yokohama

Griebel Chamber of Commerce Yokohama


Kaihongco .. Kaihong Trading Co. Tientsin

Kaimo .. A. Kein

Kaimo German Cycle Co. Tientsin

Kaimusho .. Doi Araki & Watanabe Shanghai


Kaiping .. Kailan Mining Adminstration

Kairiku . Nippon. Kairiku Transport Co. Shanghai

Kaiyosha .. Kaiyosha Co. Shanghai

Kakai . East Asiatic Co., Ltd ... .. Bangkok

Kale Kale & Co. Shanghai

Kalganry .. Peiping Suiyuan Line Peiping

Kamani Gidumal & Watumull, Ltd. ... Hongkong

Kamanico .. Gidumal & Watumull Shanghai

Karnchuen . Poon & Co., K. O. Macao

Kamel .. K. Nassoor, Inc. Manila

Kamkee ... Kam Kee Hongkong

Kammgarn .. G. Rodatz Shanghai

Kananginko .. China and Southern Bank, Ltd. Sem., Taipeh, S’pore

Kanebo .... Kanegafuchi Cotton Spinning Co., Ltd.... Kobe, Osaka

Kanasakao Comptoir Orient Export Kobe


Kansanada .. Kansai

Kantrace .. Kanto Trading Co. Co., Ltd.

Sanada Trading ... Tokyo

Kapal Straits Steamship Co., Ltd. Singapore

Kapurtraco Kapur Trading Co. Kobe

Kapustin Kapustin & Co. Tientsin

Karagheus , A. & M. Karagheusian American

Corpn. for Overseas .. Tientsin

Karanjia .. Gobhai Karanjia, Ltd. Kobe

Karatzas .. Karatzas Bros. Tientsin

Karim baksh ..

Kasachoff H. K. B. Karimbaksh Shanghai

Kasaicompy ..

.. E.Kasai


& Co., Ltd. Tientsin

Kasf ag .. Fagan & Co., Ltd. Kobe



Kassimco .... K.R. E.S. M.Pavri & Sons

Kassim & Co. Hongkong, Canton

Penang, Singapore

Katemnicos .. Shanghai General Store Shanghai

Katemopoulos .. ..


Express Ricksha Co.

Shanghai Supply Co. Shanghai


Katoseijn Katoseijn Shoten Yokohama

Katoyoko Kato & Co. Tientsin

Kattwinkel . A. K. U. China Agency Shanghai

Kattwinkel . China Clock Co. Shanghai

Kattwinkel .. Max Kattwinkel Shanghai

Katsuda .. Katsuda Kisen Kabushiki Kaisha Kobe

Katubusan .. Katubusan Cigar

Katyal . Stanley, Ltd. Singapore

Kawakisen . Kawasaki Kisen Kabushiki Kaisha ... Kobe

Kawasabank Ka Wah Savings Bank, Ltd. Hongkong, Canton


Kayamally . Kawauchi Kaisoten Shanghai

.. Kayamally & Co. Hongkong

Kayunship . Ka Yun Shipping Co. Shanghai

Kazan . Tientsin Carpet Cleaning Co. Tientsin

Kazem . S. K. Shamsi & Co. Shanghai

Keanleong . Kean Leong & Co. Selangor


Cable Ad : Firm Name Place

Keatcheang ... Keat Cheang & Co. Singapore

Keat Seng ... Keat Seng & Go. . Selangor

Kewal ... Dhanamal &..Co.... .... . Kobe

Keechong ... Shewan, Hongkong, Canton ,

Keecnong Elliston &Tomes

Go. & Go. - . .. , Shanghai

Keechong ■ • ... 'China Underwriters, Ld.. Shanghai

Keijola Hannes Kaijola, M. A. Shanghai

Keilco ... W. Keil & Co. Mukden

Keining Mukden

Kek wanroah' ~ ... Kee

Kekco K.Hotel Keining& Co.

E. Kyoon ... Shanghai


Kwan Motor Road & Go., Ltd. - Malacca

Kelemak . .. Soinosekar Planting Co., Ltd... Hongkong, Manila.

Keler ... Keller, Kero,.& Co., Ltd. : ...

Kellerkern ...... Keller, Kern & Co., LUi Hongkong, Manila

Kelly Kelly Kempton

& Walsh, &Ltd. Shanghai, Singapore

Kempton ... Fred Co. Shanghai

Kenburk ...... Kennedy, Burkill & Co., Ltd. ... Penang

Kenburk Malay Peninsula Agricu,latural Assoc. Singapore Penang

Kengco ... Keng & Co. :

,Kengseng ... Lira & Seah ... ... ' ... Singapore


Kenion ... Maxwell & Kenion Shanghai

Kenshi ... Shanghai Silk Spinning'Co. ... ' Penang

Kennedy ... Kennedy & Co. Kelantan

Kennedy ... Cherang Tuli Estate

Kennels ... Mayfield Kennels

Kennels ...... de SouzaTai& Bros.

Kwong Chong' ' ... ... Singapore


Kennets ... Keong Lay & Co. Penang

Keonglay ...... L.Kenshin & Co. ... ... Tientsin

Kenshin K. Kentwell Canton

Kentwell Iloilo, Cebu, Davao

Ker ... Ker & Co., Ltd. Manila

Kenzaisha ...... Kenzaisha Goshi Kaisha Tokyo

Keraraic Chartered Bank of India, Aust. & China... Osaka Kobe

Kerbycluff ... Kerby Clough Osaka

Kerclo ... Kerby Clough Kelantan

Kerilla ... Duff Development Co., Ltd.

Kernel ...... China

Chartered Bank of India. Aust. A China Sarawak

Kerosene Petroleum Co., Ltd: ... Tientsin

Kerryco ... H. E. Kerry & Co. Kobe

Kesco ... Kulangsu Electric Supply Co. Amoy.

Kesswither ... Kessler ifc Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Keylock ... Keylock Pratt Shanghai

Keystone ... Keystone Tobacco Co., Ltd. Dairen

Keystone ... R. H. Kotewall & Co. ... ... Hong Kong ;

Kharwar ... B. M. Kharwar ... Kobe

Khenghuat .... Kheng Huat & Co. ... ■ ... Singapore (>.;

Khiehengke ... Khie Heng Kee & Co. Penang

Khongsoochin ... . Seremban Trading Co, : ... Negri Sembilan.

Khordad ... 1). H. Cooper & Co. Hongkong

Khota Tampan ... Khota Tampan Rubber Co., Ltd. ... Perak

Kianchbank ... Kiangsu-Chekiang Commercial; & Sav-

ings Bank, Ltd. ... ... Shanghai

Kiangyoh ... Chung Wha Commercial & .Spying Bank Shanghai

Kiaotsi ... . Kiaochow-Tsinan Line Tsingtao

Kid aw ... >F. Kidaw & Co. ... Kobe

Kieboom ... A. van den, .Kieboom Osaka

Kienfeng ... Waiter Djing A Co. ... ... Tsingtao

Kienhuize ... Kienhuize &, Co. ... Shanghai


Cable Ad: Firm Name Flace

Kiessling . Kiessling & Bader . Tientsin

Kikophone . Kee Haut Radio Co. ... f Penang Kuala Lum- ;

\pur, Singapore

Kimanis . Kimanis Rubber, Ltd. Jesselton, Borneo

Kimatrai . Kimatrai & Co. ... . . Yokohama, Shanghai

Kimbun 5 . Kimbun Shoten ... Yokohama

Kimhoakeng' .. . Kim Hoa Heng

Kim Keng Leong & Co. ... ■ .. Penang,

. Penang


Kimkengleong .... Kim Seng & Co. Perak

Kimseng . Yokohama

Kinbun .. .. Kinbun Shoten

Kincheng Banking Corporation

... . T’sin., Peiping, S’hai


Kinchicrap . J. Kimati’ai.Co. ... . . Kobe

. Selangor


Kingcup .. King Chong

Barker Son &&Co. Co, . Singapore

Kingdom .. . A. King & -Co, Hongkong

Kingekoy . King E. Koy ... ... . Shanghai

Kingkee . King Kee & Co. ... . Shanghai

Kings : . King’s Hotel ... Wei Hai Wei

Kingsclere . Kingsclere Private Hotel ••• • Hongkong

Kingshian . King Shian & 'Co. ' Chefoo

Kingshill . L. Koenigsberger ... Shanghai

Kingson .. P.TheK.China


ifc Co. Hongkong

Kingsyn Shanghai

Kinhai . Kinhai Trading Co.:, Ltd. Shanghai

Kinhan Peiping

Kinly .. Peiping-Hankow

Kelley & Co., Ltd. Liiie ... Hongkong

Kino Kino Bros. & Co., Ltd. Hongkong

Kinsey .... J. B. Kinsey '& Co. Selangor

Kintaperak . Societe Anonyme des Etains de Kinta Perak

Kintonco .. . H. Tonkin & Co.... Swatow

Kiousin Kiousin Dock Shanghai

Kirkbygomes . Drs. Kirby-promes & Porter Shanghai

Kirpaloo . Dalamal & Sofis ... Kobe

Kisingchen ... Ki Sing Co. Singapore

Kismet . Knitting & Co. ... Hongkong

Kit . .... Chow Kit & Co! . Selangor

Kitafuku . Kitaiuku Yoko . Shanghai

Kitajima . Kink.wa Meryasu Co. s. if. ••• . Manila

Kitagumi . Kitagumi Kamaki & Co, . Kobe

Kitashina . Kenisibin & Co,, Ltd. Tientsin

Kitco Chow Kit 4& Co. .Singapore

Kitvostdor, Chinese Eastern Railway Comm. Agcy. Dairen

Kiuchengco Kiu Cheng & Co. ... . Chefoo

Kiufoworld . Kiu Foo & Co. .., ,of Shanghai

Kiyohaa-a . Kiyohara & Co. ... .. vShanghai

Kjellbergs Kjellberg Kabushiki Kaisha ... .



. Klaasen Co. , Tokyo,


. The Royal Drug Industries Singapore

Klason . F. V. Klass & Sons . Singapore


Kleemann . Royal Advt. & Bill Posting Co. i Singapore

Klemantaski t. . . Kleemann & Co., .Otto Tientsin

Jacques Klemantaski Harbin

Kleinschmidt E. Kleinschmidt ... Tientsin

Klin geo Klingelnberg & Wieda Shanghai

Klincotran ..., P. J. Klink ... . Hongkong

Klinwares . China Klinware Mfg. Co., Ltd. . Hongkong

Knapsack Kai Tai

Kneedlers . Kneedler Realty Co., . Manila


Gable Ad: Firm Name Place

Knipco Knipschildt «k Eskelund Shanghai

Knuckle Chartered Bank of India, Aust. & China Selangor

Knudsen A. Knudsen Singapore

Kingkee King Shanghai

Koberusse Kahn Kee & Co.G.K.

& Co., Kobe


Koehlerco Koehler & Co. .... d-'. Shanghai


Kodak Hopkins, Kodak

Eastman Dunn Co.

it Co., Ltd. ...... ..; All Ports

Kodak Kodak Philippines, Ltd Manila

Kodak “ Kodak ” Shop & Photographic Studio Tientsin

Kodak Kodak Ltd. Tokyo, S’pore

Koerting Koerting & Co. ... Tokyo, Osaka

... Osaka

Koerting Rudolf & Co.

Kofa American Dispensary,

Kofa American U. SvA.... Shanghai

Drug Co.,Fed.Inc.,Inc.,U.S.A.

Kofa Leinewber, W. Shanghai

Kofa Nanyo Printing Office Harbin

Koguti Singapore

Kohan Kohan Trust

Koh Jai Tse Bank Shanghai

Kohjaitse Shanghai

K ohkengbok Koh Wei

KengChiBock Malacca

JKohweichi Koh & Cb.& Co. Shanghai

Kohyewhean Koh Yew Hean Eng Kee Press

Kohyokwon China Educational Supply ... ..., Singapore


Kokoku Kobe & Osaka Press

Far Eastern Advertising Agency Kobe

Kokoku Kobe

Kokusaisen Kokusia Kisen, K. K. Kobe

Kolff Kolff & Co. Batavia

Komada Komada & Co. ... Yokohama

Komaroff C.Komor

D. Komaroff Shanghai


Konda Kwong itTaiKomor

Hong Hongkong


Kongco Kong

Kongshan Industrial and

Kong Tiam it Co. Commercial Bank, Ltd., ... Shanghai, Hongkong

Kongteam Continental Construction Co. Selangor

Kongtichine Suenson it Co., Ld. Shanghai


Konstruct Cheong Koon Seng it Co.


Koontai KoonTaiitCo. Singapore


Koorble Elbrook, Incorporated S’hai., Tientsin

Kopeck Lester, Johnson it Morris Shanghai

Kopevema N.V. Koloniale Petroleum Ver. Mij Semarang

Kopitsky East-West Fur Trading Corporation ... Tientsin

Koppelrail Koppel (Philippines), Inc. Manila,Iloilo

Koppsaneco E. G. Kopp Yokohama

Korelin Korelin k Co. ... Harbin

Korescarbo W. Koreska Shanghai

Korkham D. H. Korkhau it Co. Osaka

Kosorient L. Kosloff Shanghai

Kotakandoo Kotak & Co. Kobe

Kotewall R. H. Kotewall & Co. Hongkong

Kotharico Kothari & Co. ... Kobe

Koulaieff J. Koulaieff’s Sons Inc. Harbin

Kovnlsky (Kovalsky, V. F. ... Harbin

Kovar Kovar & Co., J. E. Tientsin

Kowcriclub Kowloon Cricket Club Hongkong

Kowihun^ Kow Hung Lumber Co. Tientsin

Kowkee Kow Kee Timber Co. Shanghai

Kozan Ishihara Sangyo Kaishi Singapore

Krauss E. Krauss Tokyo


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Krebs .. Maxims Cafe Restaurant .. Tsingtao

Kreier .. Kreier’s Hotel .. Tientsin

Kremlin .. Hongkong Hotel ...


Kriekenbeek .... J.Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels, Ltd. .... Hongkong

W. Kriekenbeek...


Krijgsman .. J. Krijgsman & Co. .... Perak


Kripendorf .. America China Export-Import Co. .. Tientsin

Krogh .. Oriental Supply Co. . Tsingtao

Kronsiem .. Siemssen & Krohn .. Shanghai

Krugliak .. Krugliak, R. G. ... . Tientsin

Kswd . Kobe Steel Works, Ltd. .. Kobe

Ktwon . Kwongtin & Co. Ltd. .. Hongkong

Kuabex . Exchange Bank of China .. Peiping

Kualageh Kuala Geh Estates, Ltd. ... . Kelantan

Kualahau The Northern Rubber Co., Ltd. Kelantan

Kualapertang . . Kuala Pertang Synd., Ltd. Kelantan

Kuenzle .. Kuenzle & Streiff, Tnc. .. Man. Oebu, Ho .Zarn.

Kuharashoji . Kuhara


Trading Co., Ltd.

Kuhn & Co. .... Tokyo


Kummer . Kummer and Comins . Manila

Kunchi . Chartered Bank of India, etc. . Klang.

Kungbros . Kung Brothers Lace Co. . Shanghai

Kungchi .. Kungchi Import

Kung I. Cheng Co. .. . . Tientsin

Kunichen . Shanghai

Kunihiro . Oriental Trading Co. Hongkong

Kunstalber . Kunst k Albers /Harbin, S’hai., Han.

' /Can. H’kong

Kuohwabank . China States Bank Shanghai

Kuominews . Kuo Min News Agency Shanghai

Kupitsky . East-West Fur Trading Corporation. Harbin

Kupitsky Jacobson & Kupitsky Tientsin

Kuronia . H. Koschkin . Kobe

Kursmakler . Kohler, Schulz

Kwaloe . Kwaloe Rubber Estates, Ltd. Sumatra

Kwangho . Shanghai Club ... Shanghai

Kwenbank The Kwangtung Central Bank Hongkong

Kwacfayuen Kwang Fat Yuen Tientsin

Kwangchi Church Missionary Society Hospital . Hangchow

Kwangho Shanghai Club

Kwang Yu Industrial Co . Shanghai

Kwaangyu .. Shanghai

Kwanpetcoy . Kwang Wha Petroleum Co. ... Shanghai

Kwassui Kwassui Jo Gakko Nagasaki

Kwok Singon & Co., Ltd. .


Kwolebanco . Kwok KwangFungLee Banking

Bank Co.Co., Ltd. HongkongHongkong.


Kwongwahpoh ... Kwong Wah Yit Poh Press, Ltd. Singapore

Kylpa Kyle, Palmer & Co., Ltd. Penang

Kyniim Priest. Marians & Co., Ltd. ... Selangor, Perak

Kyobunkwan Kyo Bun Kwan Kobe

Kyodokasai Kyodo Fire Insurance Co. ... .. Tokyo Osaka

Kyoshinyoko Kyoshin, Yoko, Ltd. Kobe

Kysun Au Siu Cho Hongkong

Labo Hankow Chemical Laboratory Hankow

Labo Jensen’s Chemical Laboratories Shanghai

Labor Hawaiian Sugar Planters’Assoc. Manila

Labour Labour Association, Ltd. ... Singapore


Lacan . Labrooy

Lacey & Bros.

Cannan, Ltd. Perak


Lacedeoba Compagnied’Exportationd’ExtremeOrient Hanoi


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Lacefilet Shanghai

Lacewingd ... Macksoud

Hongkong Importing

Lace Co. Co. ... ... Hongkong

Lacewingd Hongkong & Shanghai Importing Co.. ... Shanghai

Lacon B. J. Lacon Hong Kong

Lad comp Dreyfus Singapore

Ladonna La DonnaCo., Ltd., Shanghai

Ladyjensky L. N. Ladyjensky Kobe



Laffin R.T. K.

1V1. Raphael

Laffin Yokohama

Laffin Pacific Stevedoring & Landing -Co,.: ...{ Yokohama

Laffin Yokohama Tansan Aerated Water Co. Yokohama

Lagarian Tuason & Sampedro, Inc. ... ... Manila



Lam Lalcacca & Co. Borneo

C. S. Lam & Co. ...

Lamchong Lata Chong Estate Perak

Lammert Lammert Bros. ... ... Hongkong

Lammert C. H. Lammert & Son Canton

Lamon ... Port Lamon Lumber Co. ... Manila

Lammoglia El Meridian Manila

Lampenact ..I Ditmar, Brunner Bros., Ltd. Shanghai

Lam woo ..; Lam Woo & Co. Hongkong

Landor .. i: Jong Landor Rubber Estates, Ltd. •Perak

Landau Pacific Transport Oo. ... ... Shanghai

Landing Nickel & Lyons, Ltd. Kobe, Yokohama'11

Landing ... Shinzaike Engine & Ironwork's ’ HongkOng '

Landiroft ... John Landahl, Inc. Manila, Cuba

Landmaid Fearon, Maitland & Shaw ... Shanghai

Lands ... The H. K. Land Inv. & Agency Co., Ltd. Hongkong

Landsco International Lands, Ltd. ... ... Shanghai

Laneford Lane, Crawford & Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Langkon Langkon North Borneo Rubber, Ltd. Ranau, Borneo*'’

Language North China Union

Cumberbatch & COj, Ltd. Language; School ... Peiping

Lanka Selangor

Lanobleza La Nobleza Cigar

La Palma de Mallarqa Factory ••• Manila



Lapammeraye ... Dei la Pommeraye et Cie ... * Saigon

Laperal Victorina G. de Laperal ... Manila

Lapomeraye Indochine Films and

Douglas, Lapraik & Co.Cinemas... ... Hanoi

Lapraik Amoy

Lapraik Douglas Steamship Co., Ltd. Hongkong

Lapweld Stewarts & Lloyds, Ltd. Shanghai

Lapweld R. L. Aiton Shanghai

Larin ve Asia

Hongkong Life Insurance, Co. Banking Corp.

and Shanghai '.‘j. Hanoi


Lasco Lambert Sales Co. Peiping

Lasgoud Victoria Priestwood Manila

Lasnudec L. E. Hudec ;.. Shanghai

Lasrevinu Universal Trading Co. ... ... Shanghai



Latuf Dawood

Mexican &Consulate

Co. ... Singapore

Laundry Singapore Steam Laundry Ltd. Kobe

..V Singapore


Laurent Bernabe Studio ... ... Manila

Lautierfis Marius

Lautier Laurent

Fils Shokai ... ... Harbin

Lavadia Kobe

Lavers Lavadia & Co. ... ' ... Manila

Lavers & Clark Weihaiwei

Lavolta Yue Sang & Co. Hongkong

Lawasarel Beaufort Lawas (Sarawak) Estates, Ltd. Borneo

Lawco Musso, Fischer & Wilhelm Shanghai


Cable .Ad~: Firm Name Place

Law copub ...... Lawyers’ Co-operative Manila

Lawtok E. D. ‘Kotwall & Co. Society Hongkong

Lawyewguan: ...... L.Layko

Y. Guan & Co. Inc. Perak

Layko Ross & Co., Kobe

Laysteg ... Steger & Co. Hongkong

Lazaristes ... Roman Catholic Mission Tientsin

Lazariste ... Procure des Lazariste Shanghai

Lazarus ... N. Lazarus Hongkong, Shanghai

Le ... H. Levison Padang

Leadman ... Leadman- & Co., Ltd. Foochow

Leaf ... British Cigarette Co., Ltd. All Ports

League ... League of Nations Health Organisation... Singapore

Leather ... Barrow, Brown & Co., Ltd. Bangkok

Lebasto ... L. E. Basto Hongkong

Leconteco ... Leconte & Co. Tientsin

Ledeboer ... W. B. Ledeboer & Cb. Macassar, Manado

Lee ... Western Motor Car Co. Shameen, Canton

Leeandsons ... China Metal Works Shanghai

Leeavia ... Lee Pineapple Co., Ltd. Singapore

Leeavia ... Lee Rubber Co., Ltd. Singapore

Leebros ...... Lee Bros. &Store

Co. Swatow

Leechung Machinists Selangor

Leeco ... Joseph J. Lee & Co. Hongkong

Leedel ... Leede Engineering Corpn Shanghai

Leefutrade ... Lee Fu Trading Co. Tientsin

Leekee ... Lee Kee & Co. Seremban

Leerdam ...... Leerdam, Johore

Leesan K. Lee SanD.


Legabelge ... Belgian Legation

Legadane ... Legation of Denmark Tokyo

Legafranee ... French Legation Peiping, Bangkok

Legamex ... Legation of Mexico Tokyo



Leges ...... Peiping Electric

Anderson Co. (1922), Ltd.

& Anderson Shanghai

Lehin ... Indian Cotton Importers’ Assoc, of C. Shanghai

Lekas ... Nederlandsche Verkoop Organistie ... Osaka

Leibrosco ... Leison Brothers & Co. Canton

Leica ... Sohmidt Shoten ... Osaka

Lemorb ... Canadian National Railways Shanghai, Y’hama,

Singapore, H’kong

Lemjus & Hymsun. China Export-Import & Bank Co., Ltd. All Ports

Lemke ... Walter Lemke Tokyo


Lendrum ...... Canadian NationalLtd.

Lendrum (Japan) Railways All Ports

Lenjus ...... China Export, Import & Bank Co., Ltd. Kobe

Lennox J. Lennox & Co. Hongkong, Dairen

Leo Tsingtao

Leodian ...... Leo D’Alraada

Leon Azadian & Co. , Hongkong


Leon ... The Tomeye Trading Co. Tokyo

Leonard ... Leonard Birnie Kobe

Leonard ... W. S. Leonard Shanghai

Leongfee ... Leong Fee &: Co., Ltd. Penang

Leonowens ... Louis T. Leonowens, Ltd. Bangkok

Leopassage ... Leo Schnurmacher, Inc. ... Manila

Lepco ... London and Eastern Printing Co., Ltd. Singapore


Lert ...... Mission

Nai Lertto Lepers (International) Shanghai


Lesandent ... Alfred Dent & Co. Shanghai


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Lesdor Kwang Hsueh Publishing House Shanghai


Lesirk Oxford University Press China Agency. Shanghai


Krisel & Krisel

Lesirk Gen. Film Exchange, Inc. ... Hongkong

Leson D. Leeson & Co. Hongkong

Lesur M. A. Russell Kobe


Leth Tels & Co’s

V. Leth Trading

Moller & Co.Society Singapore


Lettergieterij .. N. V. Batavia L

Leumas Samuel & Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Levedag Nichio Boyeki Shokai Manila, Tokyo

Lever Lever Bros.& (Japan), Ltd. Kobe

Lever Crosfields Sons, Joseph Shanghai


Lever Prices Soap Co., Ltd.

Lever Lever Bros. (China), Ltd. ... Shanghai

Lever Wm. Gossage & Sons' (China), Ltd. /Shanghai

Lever China Soap Co., Ltd. I T’sin., S’hai., H’kong,


Lever Edible Products, Ltd. Shanghai

Levcrett ... American Pioneer Line Hongkong

Leverett Shanghai,

Padang Manila

Levison ..... H.L. Everett,

Levison Inc.

Lewis .. J. Lewis & Co. ... Dairen

Lewyarg ...... C.H. N.Browett

Gray & Co. Shanghai

Lex Shanghai


Lexicon .. Tso & Hodgson

Ley .. Charles Ley Comptoir ... ... Tientsin

Ley .. Ley, Ltd. Tientsin

Leybold .. L. Leybold Shokwan Tokyo

Leymotors .. Ley land Motors, Ltd. Singapore

Leynaud .. F. Leynaud ... ,.. Canton

Leynaud .. Etsblissements A. Chapeaux et Cie ... Shanghai

Leyshokwan .. Leybold Shokwan Osaka

Liangmotor .. Liang Kwang Motor Trading Co. ... Canton

Lianqui .. Lianqui Trading Co. Singapore

Liantong .. Lian Tiong & Co.... Medan

LiberligM .. The Liberty Manufacturing Co. ... Hongkong

Libco Libby, McNeill and Libby ... Manila

Liberty • .. Liberty Dairy Shanghai

Libra .. China Oil Co., Ltd. Hongkong

Liddell .. Liddell Bros. & Co., Ltd. Tientsin, Han., S’hai.

Liddelow .. C. C. W. Liddelow Bangkok

Liebert .. Deutsche Cigaretten Fabrik Tientsin'

Liecheco .. Lien Shen Trading Co. Shanghai

Lienmarco .. Liengyi Mercantile Co. Shanghai

Lifung .... Li and Fung ... Hongkong, Canton

Lighterage . Hongkong Tug and Lighter Co., Ltd. ... Hongkong

Lighterage . Whangpoo Tug and Lighter Co. Shanghai

Lighters . Amoy Lighter Co. Amoy

Lighthouse . Kwang Tung Electric Supply Co., Ltd. ... Canton

Lightsanit . Shanghai Sanitary and Electric Co. Shanghai

Ligmytoco . Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. (China),Ltd. All Ports

Ligtvoet ( N. V. Ligtvoet’s Fabrieken van Bouw- ) c, ,

-{ materialen N. V. ... _ .jSourabaya

Liguancoal . Liguan Coal Mines, Inc. ... ... Manila

Likav . B. R. B. Vakil ... ... ... Kobe

Likimechuan . Li Kim Chuan & Sons ... ... Selangor

Lilburne . Raub Australian Gold Mining Co., Ltd. .. Pahang


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Lilee Lee Lee Garage Co. Shanghai

Lilium Great China Lilium Pictures ... Shanghai

Lillycrap S. Lillicrap Canton

Lillyshang f Lilly

Li Eli King


Ltd. Wearing and Manu- Shanghai

Limau | facturing Co., Ltd. | Hongkong

Limarian Lim Lein & Co. Singapore

Limekilns Lime Kilns, Inc. Manila

Limeutoh Lim Eu Toh & Co. Penang

Limfirm Lim Trading Agency Singapore

Linageuco V. de A. M. H. Lim Genco & Co. ... Manila

Limjee Vasunia & Co. Kobe

Lim Kai Tai Lim Kai Tai

Lim Kee Cheok& Co.

& Co. Taipeh, Taihoku

Limkeecheok Lim Nee Soon Singapore

Limneesoon Wm. Jacks & Co. Singapore


Limpets Lim Teck Lee

Limtecklee Singapore

Lincowong Lincoln & Co., Ltd., W. ... Shanghai

Lindeteves My. Lindeteves-Stokvis Semarang, Sourbaya

Lindeteves Lindeteves, Stokis,

Li Nan Co., Ltd. Inc. Perak


Lingnanuni Lingnan University Shanghai


Lingsang Ling Sang Printing Ink Co. Shanghai

Link American Presbyterian Mission Shanghai

Linotype Linotype and Machinery, Ltd. All Ports

Linstead Linstead & Davis Hongkong

Lionbrand John Dickinson & Co., Ltd Hongkong, Singapore

Liongsoohin Liong Soo Hin ... Medan

Lionsilk Laou Kiu Luen & Co. Shanghai

Liosnoff Union Pharmacy Shanghai

Lipkovsky Siberian Jewellery Store ... Shanghai

Lishamco W. Y. Cheong & Co. Shanghai

Lisinkuns Lih Sing & Co. Shanghai

Lisske Tientsin Heating and Sanitary Works, ... Tientsin

Listenin Electric Service Corporation, Inc. Shanghai-Hongkong

Literature United Church of Canada ... Shanghai

Lithograph Fine Art Lithographic Co. Singapore

Litigation ... Lyson & Hall Hongkong

Little Little & Co., Ltd., John ... Sel., S’pore., Penang

Littles John Little & Co. Perak(Ipoh),Singapore

Littleshop The Little Shop Hongkong

Liuholin Liu Ho Kou Mining Co., Ltd. Peiping

Liyoprinco Liang You Printing & Publishing Co.... Shanghai

Lloydiano Lloyd Triestino Navigation Co. Kobe, Shanghai

Loam Logan & Amps ... Hongkong

Lobnitz Lobnitz & Co., Ltd. Perak

Lobunchay Philippine Foreign Trading Co., Ltd. Manila

Lockoo Local Printing Press Ltd. Hongkong

Loco R. Young & Co., Ltd. Penang, Singapore

Locomotive American Locomotive Sales Co. Peiping

Locomotive A. Yuen & Chee Cheong Co. Hongkong

Loeboek Pakam... Batu Rata Rubber Plantation, Ltd. Sumatra

Loganross Logan & Ross Penang

Loger Rodger & Co. Shanghai

Lohkinsu Loh Kin Sui Malacca

Lohs Loh’s Dispensary Singapore

Lokinfai Lo Kin Fai & Co. Hongkong

Lokkawi Lok Kawi Rubber, Ltd. Jesselton, Borne®


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Lokoomnl Liberty Silk Store ... • ... Hongkong


LombardMission ..

London HongkongMissionary

London & Shanghai Banking

Society ... Corpn. .b-.... Tientsin

Longdistance ... Philippine Long Distance Teleph. Co. Manila Shanghai

Loninsuroff Lonborg Insurance ‘©nice ...

Lonkomay Lonkomay shanghai

Loobros Loo Bros & Embroidery Co.... HOngkong

Lookers Look Brothers Penang

Loonfil Embassy Co. ... ..' Hongkong

Lopesalves Lopes Hongkong

Loquat Jugra &Land

Alves,andLtdCarey Ltd. ... Port Swettenhaln

Lortnoc Ed. T. Robertson & Son ... Shanghai

Losilko Laou Kin Chwang Co. 4.. , Shanghai

Lotus Cader, Doray & Co. Kobe

Louiswette Dewette & Co. ... Osaka,

Louplee Loup Young Tientsin

Louvre Au Petit Louvre Hongkong

Loveliness Wai Cbeong Co. Hongkong

Lovsted C. M. Lovsted & Co. (Manila), Ltd ... Bangkok Manila

Lowden Donaldson & Lowden

Lowkooncbip ... Low How Chip & Co. Singapore

Lowing Chee Wing & Co. Hongkong 1. >

Loxley Perrin Cooper & Co. Tientsin

Loxley W. R. Loxley & Co. (China), Ltd. ... Can. Ho. Si.

Lubrocoin Luzon Brokerage Co., Inc. -.. Manila

Lucebert Berthet & Cie ... Saigon

Lucile Maison Lucile ... ) ... Shanghai

Lucky-Lucky A. Man, King Cheong ... ... Hongkong


Luckysboes China Sports, Ltd., The'

Luco Dr. Luiz Nolasco. Macao

Lucool L. Z. Cool Shanghai

Luenfung Luen Fung & Co. Canton

Luban Mines Be Lincheng .. : ... - Bdiping

Luisa Botica Antiqua de Cebu. Inc. rvbu

Luistarlac Central Azucarera de Tarlac Manila

Lukash ik Lukashik & Sons Tientsin

Lukrance . Luk Hoi Tung Co., Ltd. Hongkong

1 ulab Shanghni Land Development Co. ... Shanghai

Lumat North Borneo State Rubber Co,, Ltd. Jesselton, Borneo

Lumberco China Import andExpbrtiLumber Go,, Ltd. All Ports

Lumberco IT. M. Ginsbourg ,.. Shanghai

Lumoco Model & Co., Inc., L. Manila

Lumsdaine A. H. Y. Lumsdaine ... .„ Shanghai

Lunanbi Luna de San Pepro Nakpil & Cortes .... Manila

Lunetabotel Luneta Hotel Manila

Lungtai Lung Tai Trading Co. Shanghai

Lunistice | Lun Tai Mutual Fire & Marine Insurance | Hongkong

| Co.. Ltd. ... ...

Lunperchin Perrin’s (China), Ltd. Hongkong

T -unsang Lun Sang & Co. Hongkong

Lurgi Dr. C. Krayer ... .... Tokyo

Lury Lury Bros Hakodate

Lurvco Lury & Co.. Ltd. • ... Tokyo

Lusitano Club Lusitano ... Singapore, H’kong

Lusteveco Luzon Stevedoring Co., Inc. .... Manila

Luther Lutheran Mission Homo & Agericy Hankow


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Lutherbook - Lutheran Board of Fublication Hankow

Lutherbook ... Lutheran Book Concern Hankow

Luthyco .... C. Luthy & Co. ... Shanghai

Luxoriens ... R. Johnson & C6. ... Canton, Hongkong

Lyceum . Eyceum Theatre Shanghai

Lycopsis ... Lyeu Bros. Hongkong

Lycheong ... Loke Yuhg Cheong Selan gor

Lyen ... St. George’s House Hongkong

Lyndentree ... Otis Elevator Co. Os., Sb., Man., Tokyo

Lynn ... Brunei United Plantations, Ltd. Brunei

Lynotype ... Lynotype & Machinery, Ltd. Shanghai

Lyonco ... T. Edward Lyon ... Canton

Lysport ... The World Pencil Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Lyteca ... Etablissements Jean Comte Saigon

Mabuhay ... “Mabuhay” Manila ,

Maoaen ... Machado, O. J. ... Shanghai

Macaoheecheang President Hotel ... Macao

Mcbain ... George McBain ... Shanghai

Macbeth ... Macbeth, Gray & Co. Shanghai

Macdon ... McDonnell & Gorman Inc. Tientsin

acfaddcn ... MacFadden & Bros.’ Agency Osaka

Macarowan ... China American Trading-Co. S’hai., Tientsin

Maohineco ... Oriental Machinery Stores ... ,v. Bangkok

Machtrad ... Kikei Boyeki Kaisha, Ltd.- Osaka

Machucai ... J. Machuca & Co. ... ... Manila

Machy ... Machinery and Supply Co., Inc. Manila

Macimports ... Ipaport dept., Ge^nge McBain Shanghai

Mackay ... Lunas Rubber Estates,, Ltd. Lunas

Mackenzie ... Mackenzie & Co., Ltd. C’king, T’tsin, Han,

Mackie .. B. D. Mackie Singapore

Mackinnons ... British-India Steam Navigation Co,., Ld. I1 YokohamaH’Kong., Shanghai

Mackinnons Maekinnin, Mackenzie ,& Co., Ltd. ... All Ports

Maclaine Maclaine Sugar Co., Ltd. ... Shanghai

Macleodco { International Harvester, , Co. of , the | Manila, Cebu, Iloilo

| Philippines ...

Macondray Macondray & Co. .... Manila, Cebu.

Macneill Mac Neill & Co. Medan

Macpat Patten, Mackenzie & Co Shanghai

Macpbails Macpbail & Co., Ltd. .S’pore., Peiak

Mac rad Mackey Radio & Telegraph Co,, Manila

MacPrintco •McCullough Printing Co M-anila

Mackenmarie Stiebel, C. A. ... Shanghai

Mackesson McKesson & Robbins, Inc. Kobe

MacMilpet K. D. Patroleum Co. of China Canton, H’kong

Macnaughton H.' C, Macnaughton Kobe

Macsan H. R. McMillan Export Co.,, Ltd. Y’hama, Tokyo, Kob

Macytea Carter Macey Tea & Coffee Co., Inc. Daitotei

Madiaskey Taketaro Yoshidzumi Osaka

Madiersilk Madier, Ribet & Cie. ... Sh., Can.

Madrigal Blair & Co. ... Hongkong

Madrigal Madrigal & Co. ... Manila

Madrigal Rizal Cement Factory ... Manila

Madrigal Port Lamon Lumber Co. ... Manila

Madsyi Honigsberg & Co., Inc. ... ... Peiping, Shanghai


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Maeco Ocean Accdf. & Guar. Corp. Singapore

Maenad Kent & Mounsey Tientsin

Maendler A. Maendler ... /*•?: Tsingtao

Maerskline Melchers & Co. (Shipping) All Ports

Mafico Manila Finance & Discount Corpn. Manila

Magellan Macgregors, Ltd. Shanghai

Maggowan Chin a-American Trading Corporation ... Tientsin

Magill C. N. Magill Penang

Magill James Magill & Co., Ltd. ... Shanghai

Magnet General Electric Co., Ltd. ... Selangor

Mahadev Kimatrai & Co. ... Kobe

Maharg Graham & Co. ... Kobe

Maher Casa Do Povo Shanghai

Mahjiddeen Mabmood Mobjiddeen & Co. Kelantan

Mah’lee Maetavish, Twigg & Co.. Ltd. Shanghai

Mahogany Negros Philippine Lumber Corpn. Manila

Mahwei Chinese Recreation & Race Club Tientsin

Maikassian Simon Maikassian Tientsin

Mail Newspaper Enterprise, Ltd. Hongkong

Mail China Mail and Overland China Mail ... Hongkong

Mail Dollar Directory Hongkong

Mail Hongkong Sunday Herald Hongkong

Mail Malay Mail Selangor

Mailine . American Mail Line, Ltd. ...j Kobe, Hankow,

Canton, Yo., H’kong

Mainichi . Osaka Mainichi ... Osaka

Maishan Kailan Mining Administration All Ports

Majestic Majestic Hotel Shanghai, Selangor

Majestic . Chinese’National Film Co. Penang

Majestic . Majestic Cinema Penang

Majocolim . Solignum, Ltd. Selangor

Major . Major Bros., Ltd. Shanghai

Majuvy Levy & Blum, Inc. ... Manila

Makenzie . Mackenzie & Co., Ltd. Hankow

Makower . Makower, McBeath & Co., Ltd. Kobe

Malamining Malaya Mining and General Agency, Ltd. Singapore

Malamplan Malayan-American Plantation, Ltd. Penang

Malamplan United States Rubber PTtations, Inc. Kedah

Malatris . Malayan Industries, Ltd. ... Penang

Malaya . Bank of Malaya Perak

Malayan . Malayan Supply Co. Selangor

Malaymotor . Malayan Motors, Ltd. Singapore

Malesha Mallouk Brothers Shanghai

Malfred Fred Maloof Swatow

Malit Manila Lighter Transportation, Inc. Manila

Maikassian . S. Maikassian Tientsin

Malool Malayan Law Journal Singapore

Malthold . Paraffine Co., Inc. Shanghai

Main . Kokusai Unyu Kaisha Tientsin, Dairen

Mam ary Mamary & Co. Shanghai

Mamerco . Manila Mercantilei Co., Inc. Manila

Manasseh S. Manasseh & Co. Singapore

Manbutton Manila Button Factory Manila

Mancercha Manufacture Ceramique de Shanghai ... Shanghai

Manchuria . Carlowitz & Co. ... Dairen

Manclub Manila Club Manila


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Manco Manila Cordage Co. Manila

Manco Many & Co. Canton

Mandarin Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corpn Calcutta

M andarin North China Insurance Co., Ltd. S’hai, Han., S’pore

Manews Manchuria Daily News Dairen

Manhara Hara Shoji Kaisha Osaka

Manhoco Manila Hotel Co. Manila

Manifesto Hongkong & Whampoa Dock Co., Ltd... Hongkong

Manifesto Allen, Sons & Co.. Ltd, Tokyo

Manilalect Manila Electric Co. Manila

Manimpco Manila Import Co. Manila

Mann Asia Life Insurance Co. ... Batavia

Manners John Manners & Co., Ltd All Ports

Manners The China Engineer, Ltd. Canton

Mannesmann Mannesmannroehren-Werke Osaka

Manoread Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Ccrpn Amoy

Manrep T. K. Okada Tokyo

Mansfield Mansfield & Co., Ltd. Singapore

Mansfield China Navigation Co., Ltd. Singapore

Mansfield China Mutual Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. Singapore, Penang

Mansouk Mansouk & Co. J. ... Tientsin

Mitnsouk Belgian Brick Factory Tientsin

Mansport Roces & Co. Manila

Mantetsu South Manchuria Railway Co. Shanghai, Dairen

Mantrade Manila Trading and Supply Co. Manila

M anufacturers Johnson and Phillips. Ltd. London

Manufacturers . Standard Telephones and Cables, Ltd. Singapore

Manulife Manufacturers’ Life Insurance Co. All Ports

Mapluinbeo Manila Plumbing Co. Manila

Mapurunga Hongkong && Shanghai

Shanghai Banking

Banking Corpn

Corpn Hankow

Maranibank Hongkong Muar

Marumatsu Marumatsu Goshi Kaisiha ... Osaka

Maraudius Marthoud & Cie. Shanghai

Marcksing Lothar Marcks Mukden

Marco Marco Finkelstein & Co. Shanghai

Marco Mar-Kao Ltd. Shanghai

Marcodurum . Sirius Trading Corpn. Manila

Marden G. E. Marden & Co., Ltd. ... Shanghai

Marden Shanghai Household Removing Co. Shanghai

Marden Whangpoo Ferry Service ... Shanghai

Marketmen Henly Trading Co. Singapore

Maremco Manila Remnant Co., Inc Manila

Marernount J. J. Maremount & Co. Shanghai

Margin Bank of Manchuria Dairen

p: Marine Kobe Marine Insurance Co., Ltd Kobe

1 Marine Lloyds Register of Shipping Hongkong

Mariners Mercantile Marine Officers’ Club Shanghai

Marinework Phoebus Neon Light Co., Ltd. Hongkong

Marinework Wm. C. Jack & Co., Ltd. ... Hongkong

M arinippon Nippon Marine Insurance Co. Osaka, Shanghai

Maristes St. Francis Xavier’s. College Shanghai

Marist St. Louis’ College Tientsin

Maritima Compania Maritima Manila

Markraodara Mark’s Tyre Store Bkang

Markmodara Mojdara Typewriter Co. ... Bangkok


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Markmoody ... Mark L. Moody Shanghai

Markreuter Reuters, Ltd. Tientsin, Hankow

Marksing Lothar Marks Mukden

Marlton ... Parbury, ETenty & Co. Kobe

Marsiling Thong Aik Co. Singapore r

Marsoulies ... Du Pac DeMarsoulies Shanghai

Marsoulies Marsoulies, A. Du Pac De (Successor

to L. Bourgeat) 1 Shanghai

Mart. ... Tientsin Market Commission Agency... Tientsin

Martkatz ... Katz & Co. Tientsin

Maruben ... Itoh & Co.. Ltd. Tsingtao

Marui Marui Trading-Co., Ltd. ... Kobe

Maruishi Maruishi Shokai, Ltd. Osaka

Maruito ... Itoh & Co., Ltd. Osaka, Shanghai.'

Marukawa ... Kawanishi Warehouse Co., Ltd. ... Kobe

Marus Showa Shippintr Co. ‘ Shanghai

Masco ... Manila Auto Supply Co. ... •■i., Manila

Masia ... Malay Siamese Prospecting Co., Ltd. ... Penang

Maskee Handler & Co. Shanghai

Masonmater' ... Ryssin & Co. ... Shanghai : r V

Masri ... Bigio’s Son & Co. ... ... Osaka

Masterads Master’s Ld., Singapore

Masumasu Masuda Trading Co., Ltd. ... Yokohama

Mataichi Mataichi Kabushiki Kaisha Shanghai

Matches How Ming Trading Co., Ltd. Hongkong

Matches ... Philippine Match Co., Ltd. Manila

Matches Swedish Chinese Export & Import Co., L d. Shanghai, Hongkong

Math ... Malay Mail Selangor

Matherplat .. Mather

Matline Maoao-Timor-Goammozambique Line ... Shanghai

Maton ... United China Trading Co, ... Shanghai

Matsang ... E. Mathew & Co. Singapore

Mauriceben M. Benjamin Shanghai

Manriceco ... National Mercantile Agency \ Singapore"

Maurizio Steiner & Co. Nanking

Mavromaras ... French Bakery ... Tientsin

Maxbrand ... Brand & Sons, Inc. Tientsin

Maxim ... Maxim & Co. Hongkong

Maximilian Schnabel Gaumer A Co. ... Hankow

Maxwell ... Maxwell & Co., Ltd. Robe

Maxwell Maxwell Insurance Office .. Osaka, Kobe

Mayeda S. Mayeda & Co. ... ... Hongkong

Mayen ... Dr. H. Busse ... ... Shanghai

Mayen ... Mayen & Co. ... Hongkong

M ayes Eastern Trading Co. Yokohama

Mayhat ... Mayo’s Shoppe Hongkong

Maynard ... Maynard & Co., Ltd. Singapore

Mayne1 ... Mary Garden Restaurant Shanghai

Mayne ... Mary Garden Tobacco Co. Shanghai

McAlister Manufacturers Life Insurance Co. Penang

McAlister ... Queensland Insurance Co., Ltd., Singapore

McAllister McAllister & Co., Ltd. Penang

McAuliffe ... McAuliffe. Davis & Hope ... ... Pen., Sumatra, Si.

McBain ... George McBain S’hai., Tientsin

McDougall ... F. J. McDougall Selangor


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Mclvor . Mclvor, Kauffman, Smith & Yamamoto Tokyo

McKenzie Tebong Rubber Estate, Ltd. Sungei Dua

McKessoa McKesson & Robbins, Shanghai

Melee . China Supply Corp. ... Hongkong

McM ahon ,. T. McMahon Perak

McMullan Chefoo Daily News Chefoo

McMullan . McMullan & Co., Ltd. Chefoo, Tsingtao

McNauglhton . Deeming, W.L. ... Kobe

Meamaye H. 0. MacNaughton ... Singapore

Mearnshaw . Earnshaw Docks & Honolulu Iron Works Manila

Mearshaw Honolulu Iron Works Co. ... Manila

Measurer Sworn Measurer’s Office Canton

Mechanic . China Motors Shanghai

Mechanical . Malayan Mechanical Equipment Co. Singapore

Mecn . America & Co. Singapore

Medan . N.V. Tabak Maatschappij Arendsburg Sumatra

Medical Chinese Red Cross General Hospital... Shanghai

Medical . Peiping Union''Medical College Peiping

Medicine . Medical Office ... Singapore

Mediolum Asiatic Yeast Works Shanghai

M edmissan . China Medical Association... : Shan ghai

Meelee . Chan Son Lin & Co. Selangor

Meerag . Maschinenfabrik Meer A. G. Osaka

Meezan . The Asiatic Stamp Co. Singapore

Meguin . Bamag, Meguin A. G. Tokyo

Meguin . International Cementgun Co., N. Y. ... Tokyo

Meher . Mehta & Co. ... ••• Hongkong

Mehler Mehler, F. Tientsin

Mehta . S. B. Mehta & Co. ... . ... Kobe

Mehta . M. N. Mehta Canton

Meifengbank The Mei Feng Bank of Szechuen Chungking

Meihwafur . Mei Hwa Fur Trading Corporation Tientsin

Meiba . Meiji Fire Insurance Co. ... Tokyo

Meirion . Hughes & Hough, Ltd. Hongkong

Meishun . Meishun S.S. Co. Shanghai

Mekong . Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corp.... Haiphong

Melachrino . Tobacco Products Corporation Shanghai

Melalap Manchester North Borneo Rubber, Ltd Jesselton, Borneo

Melamine . W. Mansion & Co. ... £r. Hongkong

Melchers . Melchers & Co. ... ... Hankow, Tsingtao

Melchersco . Melchers & Co. (Import) ... All Ports

Melchim Evangelical Lutheran Mission Shasi

Melco . Malacca Electric Lighting Ltd. Malacca

Melcorp . Melchers & Co. (Export) ... All Ports

Mello . A. A. de Mello Macao

Melodius Costa Music Co. ... Hongkong

Melody Singapore Piano Co. ... ... Singapore

Menabro . Joseph Bros. Shanghai

Menamotor Menam Motor Boat Co., Ltd. Bangkok

Mendis . Mendis & Ahlip Penang

Men gel max Max M. Engel. Mukden

Menkou . Menkukou Sino British Coal Mining Co. Peping

Menkwa Nippon Menkwa Kabushiki Kaisha All Ports

Menthol , K. Kobayashi Yokohama

Mentrupco . Mentrup & Co. Tientsin



Cable Ad : Firm Name Place

Meranti .. Leong Lim Saw Mill Co. Singapore

Mercantil ... Typographs Mercantil de T. N. Fernan- Macao

des Filhos, Ltd. Tokyo

Mercator ... J. Barth Tokyo

Mercator ... Yitrea Glass Works Hongkong

Merchants ... China Merchants Steam Navigation Co. Manila

Merchman ... Electical Supply Co., Inc. ... (Semarang Negri

Mercom ... Mercantile Co. (F.M.S.), Ltd. \Sembilan

Mercupress . .> ‘‘Sporting World" Shanghai

Mercury ... Century Press Ltd. Shanghai

Merfar H. Merecki Shanghai

Merzco ... R Merz & Co. Tientsin

Mesritz ... Brandon Mesritz & Co. Batavia, Sourabaya

Messagerie ... Compagnie des Messageries Maritimes All Ports

Messalina ... McAlister & Co., Ltd. Selangor

Messary ... Bukidnon Cattle & Coffe'e Co., Inc. ... Manila

Messman * ... D. H. Benjamin & Sons Shanghai

Mestfabrik ... Mestfabrik Java, N.V. Medan

Metallise ... Metallisation Co. of China ... Shanghai

Metalcoat ... Metal Coating Co. of China Shanghai

Methodist .... Keen Girls’ School Tientsin

Methodist ... Methodist Episcopal Mission Penang, Singapore

Methodist ... Sleeper-Davis Memorial Hospital Peiping

Methodist ... Tientsin Hui Wen Academy Tientsin

Methodist Mission Methodist Episcopal Mission South Tientsin, Foochow

Methotel ... Metropole Hotel ... Shanghai

Metko ... International Technical Trading Co. ... Harbin


Metmotors ... Metcalfes Motors Shanghai

Metro ... Davies*, Brooke & Boyd, Ltd Hongkong, Shanghai

Metro ... Metropolitan Land Co., Ld. All Ports

Metrofilms ... Wetro-Goldwyn-Mayer Co., Inc.

Metropole ... Metropole Hotel Hongkong

Metrotheco ... Metropolitan Theatre Co. ... Manila

Metrotrade ... Metr politan Supnly Co. Shmghai

Metrotrad ... Metropolitan Trading Co. ... Shanghai

Metrovick ... Shanghai

Metropolitan Yickers Electrical Ex. Co. Tientsin,

Meychina ... Behn, Meyer (China) Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Weychina «.. F. H. Boss Tientsin

Michaelcar ... E. J. Carmichael... Shanghai

Michelman ... L. M. Haussman & Co. Manila

Micpi ... Manila Ice Cream Plant Manila

Microphone ... China Electric Co., Ltd. ... Hongkong

Microphone ... Nippon Electric Co., Ltd. ... Tokyo

Microphone ... Standard Telephones and Cables, Ltd Singapore

Microphone ... China Electric Co., Ltd. All Ports

Kuala Lumpur, S’pore

Middlebank ... Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corpn ... Hankow

Middleton ... Hugh Middleton & Co. Shanghai

Middy ... Middleton & Cr>., Ltd.

Midzushima ... Midzushima & Co. Kobe

Mikado ... Cbiyo & Co. Hongkong

Mikasaco ... Mikasa & Co. Shanghai

Mikrofon ... Shanghai Mutual Telephone Co., Ltd. ... Shanghai

Milkmaid ... Chartered Bank of India. Aus. & China Hankow

Milkmaid ... Dairy Farm, Ice and Cold Storage ... Hongkong


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Milladvert .. Millington, Ltd. Shanghai, H’kong.

Millard China Weeklv Review Shanghai

Millcott .. Sintab Mill-Furnisbing Co. Shanghai

Millions F. Ezra & Co. Shanghai

Millrubber .. Miller Rubber Products Co.... ... Singapore

Millsupply .. Shanghai Mill Supply Co. Shanghai

Mina A. Mina Tientsin

Minaret ... Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corpn. .... Johore

Minarolo .. Minarolo & Co.... ... Shanghai

Minco .. Manila Instalment Co. Manila

Minemura .. Minemura Oil Mill, Ltd. Tsingtao

Mineral . Wm. H. Miller & Co., N.V. Batavia

Minerva National Commercial Co. ... Shanghai

Minghwa ,. Ming Hwa Comm. & Savings Bank, Ltd. Tsingtao, Shanghai

Minie ,. B. Bertucei Shanghai

Minjoot . Straits Trading Co. Hankow

Minorutai Kamei Shokai, Ltd Osaka

Mirabnos . Tabaqueria de la Compahia General

de Tabacos de Filipinas ... Manila

Miselaneous T. M. A. Music House Singapore

Missionary ,. London Missionary Society Hankow

Mithama Mitsui Bank Yokohama

Mitsui .. Mitsui Bussan Raiska, Ltd. All Ports

Mitsuigink .. Mitsui Bank, Ltd. Shanghai

Mitsumaru Bagnall & Hides (Kobe

Miyasuye . Miyabe & Suvetaka Yokohama

Miye . Miye Co., Ltd. Kobe

Miyoshi . Miyoshi Yoko Shanghai

Miyosibiglas . S. Miyoshi Glass Factory Osaka

Mjbco . M. J.B. Co. Shidzuoka

Mkosi Mitsukosbi Ltd. Tokyo

Mobil iere Union Mobiliere Shanghai

Mocapihc . China Paper Co. (Fed. Inc., U.S.A.) ... Shanghai

Modde . Friedrich Modde Peiping

Model ite Mode Elite Hongkong

Moderator . Orient Tobacco Manufactory Hongkong

Moderne . Hotel Moderne Tientsin, Harbin

Modernbome “Modern Home” Construction Sup- Shanghai

plies, Ltd.

Modfurniture .. . Modern Furniture Store Tientsin

Module . Hemmings

Module . Hemmings & Parkin, Ltd. Tientsin

Moebi . W. O. Moebius Shanghai

Mogra . E. R. Mogra & Co. Canton, Hongkong-

Mogul . M. A. Mogul Singapore

Mogut , G. Gutbezahl & Co. S’hai, Tientsin

Mohamed G. S. Mohamed ... Kobe

Mohatnedali Mohamed Ali Sahib & Co. ... Penang

Mobandas Mohandas & Sons Kobe

Mohawk Morriss, H. Ernest Shanghai

Mohideen Mohideen & Co., P Shanghai

Moine Moine Comte & Co., Ltd. ... Singapore, Penang

Molchanoff Molchanoff ... Hankow

Moller Moller & Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Mollerstock John Moller Shanghai



Cable Ad-. Firm Name v Place

Mollison Mollison & Co. Yokohama

Molukveem Molukveem Veem N.V., Celebes Macasar

Monbaron . W. J. Crooks & Co. Hankow

Monchen Mertens, Dr. H. ... Shanghai

Mon co . Montrose Co. Tientsin

Monday Mail ..,. “Monday Mail”... Manila

Mondcurio International Commercial Co., Ltd. Osaka

Mondenach Mondenach, K. ... Shanghai

Monita . The Shameen Pagoda, Hongkong

Monktobac Monk & Co. Shanghai

Monod Les Successeurs de E; 0. Monod & Co. Bangkok

Mono erram . TTarvie Cooke' & Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Mon olivet David & Co. ... Shanghai

Monotaro H. Yamamoto & Co. Osaka

Monotype . Monotvpe Corpn.. Ltd. Shanghai

Monroe F. C. Monroe & Co. Shanghai

Monsoon Columbia Casualtv Co. of New York ... Shanghai

Montargis M. J. B. Montargis Hongkong

Montepiedad . Monte do Pipped and Savings Bank Manila

Montevedere .. Basto, Dr. R. A. de Castro ... Hongkong

M ooreco L. Moore & Co.. Ltd Shanghai

Moorob Automobile Club of China Shanghai

Moorob Beck & Swann Shanghai

Moorob Exporters Association of Shanghai... Shanghai

Moorob Shanghai Fire Insurance Association Shanghai

Moorob Shanghai Metal Merchants’ As’sn. ... Shanghai

Moorob Shanghai Marine Underwriters As’sn. Shanghai

Moosa . Moosa & Co. Macao

Mopin Societe d’Exnloitation des Etablissement

Bro=sard Mopin Saigon

Moreing Morrison & Co. Perak

Morey John Morey & Co. Singapore

Morganit© Morganite Carbon, K. K. ... Osaka

Morsrenster Jaffe & Sons. Ltd. Shanghai

Morgenster . O. Morgenstern ... Shanghai

Morikuma . Morimura Shoten "Yokohama

Moring A. Silverstone & Co. Shanghai

Morning . F. Sassoon Kobe

Morse . F. S. Morse Kobe, Shanghai

Morose . Rosenfeld & Son, A. B. Shanghai

Morteric ,. Morton dr. Ericksen Manila

Mortgage Peoples Mortgages and Investment Co. Manila

Mortimereid ,. Mortimer-Reid & Slee Shanghai

Morymlah ,. Morimura Trading Co., Ltd. Tokyo

Moscodel . David, Moss & Co. ... Shanghai

Moseo , Motor Service Co., Inc. ; ... Manila

Moshi Model Dairy Farm Shanghai

Mossgood . Goodrich Co. (S.S.), Ltd. ... Singapore

Mossycamp . Adet Moss & Co. ... .... Kobe, Yokohama

Mothicide .. M. Lion Co. Shanghai

Motion . Motion Smith & Son, Ltd. ... Singapore

Motiwalla E. J. Motiwalla & Co. Singapore

Motokobata i. Nichima Kwai Osaka

Motor . Telefunken East Asiatic Telegraph Co. Shanghai

Motor . Siemens China Co* .** All Ports


Cable Ad: Firm Name! Place

Motor IJnited Motors Co. ... ... Perak

Motorbank Chink'Einalttfee'Corp. Shanghai

Motosales Shanghai Motor Sales Co: ... Shanghai

Mottoes Economical Trading Co. ... Hongkong

Mottimport ,C. Motte & Co. Singapore

Motyard The' South Ohina Motorship Building,

and Repairing Works, Ltd. Hongkong

Mountain Temiang Renchong Estate ... 'Selangor

Mountaiuview P. D. Carman Co. Manila

Mouki ev Moulder & Co., Ltd. Hongkong

Mourin A. Mourin & Co., Ltd. Kedah

Moutrie Moutrie & Co., Ltd., S. ... r'J ::l All Ports

Moyel Moyler, Powell & Co. Tientsin, Peiping

Moyroux Moyroux & Co. ... ... Tientsin

Mrltd B. j. Egan Tientsin

Muehlenbau Miag Muehlenbau & Industrie, A. G. Shanghai

Mukhi Mukhi Hirarand Tarachand Yokohama

Mukusu Dr. B. Caldwell ... - ... Yokohama

Mulpbico Muller & Phipps, Ltd. All Ports

Multiple McMullan & Co. (Shanghai), Ltd. . Shanghai

Muneng Munoz & Co. • Manila

Mundara D. Couper Johnston & Cp. Bangkok

Municipal Municipal Departmeht Sarawak

Municipal Shanghai Lawn Tennis' Association Shanghai

Muraitraco Murai Trading Co., Ltd. ... Tokyo

Murakami Murakami & Co. ... Shanghai

Murakamito Murakami Toyo. Shanghai

Muraship Murase Shoten Kobe

Musabhoy M. Musabhoy & Co., Ltd. ... Kobe

Mu sen hi ipponMusen Den shin Denwa Kaisha,Ld. Tokyo

Music Anderson Music Co,, Ltd. ... Hongkong

Music Lytic Music HousP, Inc. ... Manila

Musicians Hongkong Music Co. Hongkong

Mustard ■ Sharpe & Dohme Inc. ... ... Shanghai

Mustard H. E. Mulford & Co. Shanghai

Mustard Mustard & Co., Ltd. All Ports

Mustard Remington Typewriter Agenpy Shanghai

Mutuatrade Mutual Trading Co. •; ... Shanghai

Myers Myers Healing Shokai, Ltd. Tokyo

Myke J. R. Michael & Co. Hongkong

Myotomy- A. Cameron & Co., L%d. ... Tokyo

Myotomy Wilkinson, Heywood & Clark Hongkong, Shanghai

Myrtle Burt, Myrtle & Co. ...: Semarang

Naafi Navy Army &; Air Force Institutes ... Tientsin

Nabholz Nabholz & Co, ... Sh., Yokohama

FTacco Ocean Accident. & Guarantee CP. Singapore

Naccokobe National Aniline & Chemical Co.,- IT.S.A. Kobe

Naccokong National Aniline

Naccoshang National Aniline & Chemical Co.T II.S.A. Shanghai

Nacohankow National Aniline & Chemical-OoJ U.S.A. Hankow

Nacomsav National Commercial & Savings Bank,

Ltd. All Ports

Nacot Tientsin Navigation Co., Ltd. Tientsin

Nacotinsin National Aniline & Chemical Co., tJ.S.A Tientsin


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Nadrutore ... National Drug Store Manila

Naeco Ocean Accident & Guarantee Cor-

poration, Ltd. Singapore

Nagata ... Nagata Bros. Penang

Nagenins ... National Insurance Office ... Shanghai

Nagoya ... Abeko

Nagrom ... G. J. W. Morgan Shanghai

Nahiho ... Nam Hing Hong Hongkong

Naigai ... Naigai Wata Kaisha, Ltd. ... Shanghai, Tsingtao

Nainen .. Mitsubishi In ternalCombustion Engine Co. Kobe

Naiti ... Hindhede & Co., Ltd. Singapore

Naivarom ... A. R. Catto Tokyo

Najam ... Abdulali & Co. Kobe

Nakagawa ... Nakagawa Shoten Singapore

Nakagi ... Gisuke Nakamura Osaka

Nakaso ... Shozo Nakamura Tokyo

Nalex ... International Export Co., Ltd. Tientsin

Naltra ... The National Traders Shanghai

Naman (Siamese) Asiatic Petroleum Co. (Siam), Ltd. ... Bangkok

Namkeng ... Bangkok Mfg. Co. Bangkok

Nanchintra ... Nan Sin Optical House Singapore

Naniwasoko ... Naniwa Warehouse Co., Ltd. Osaka

Nantai ... Leadmen & Co., Ltd. F oochow

Nantao ... Shun Cong Eng. & Shipbldg. Works ... Shanghai

Nanyang ... Nanyang Bros. Tobacco Co., Ltd. Hongkong,Shanghai

Nanyang ... Uniou Times Press Singapore

Napproco .... Maneru & Co. Manila

Naraindas ... B. Naraindas Kobe

Narealty ... S. T. Kao Shanghai

Narsilk ... Tajmahal Silk Store Hongkong

Narumo ... Toyo Shokai Tokyo

Narus .... M. Lopez and National Stationery Co .... Manila

Nassau ... Young Men’s Christian Association Peping

Natatores ... The National Trading Co. Hongkong

Natantop ... National Anti-Opium As’sn of China Shanghai

Natcombank ... National Commercial Bank, Ltd. T’sin., S’hai.

Natdrudco .... National Drug Company of China Hongkong

Nated National United Co. Hongkong

Nateleco ... National Electric Co. Singaproe

Nathygiene .... National Hygiene Co. Shanghai

Nathyo ... National Hygiene Co. ... Shanghai

Natico .... North America Trading and Import Co.. All Ports

Naticolour .... Etablissements Kuhlmann ... Shanghai

Natio .... International Export Co., Ltd. Hankow

National .... National Trading and Lumber Co. Kobe

National .... National Commercial Co., Ltd. Hongkong

Nationalbank ... Philippine National Bank .... Manila

Nationalop ... National Optical Co. Shanghai

Natmed ... Chinese Medical Association Shanghai

Natmed ... The National Medical Assoc, of China ... Shanghai

Natpurcom ... National Construction Commission .. Shanghai

Natraco ... National Trading Co. Shanghai

Natragco ... National Sanitary Rag Co.--- Kobe

Natwirtel ... Chinese National Wireless Tele. Co. ... Tientsin, Shanghai

Natwirtel ... Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph Co., Ld. Shanghai


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

INauenpress . Transocean News Service Shanghai

Nautilus Canadian Pacific Railway Co. All Ports

Naveokali . N.Y. Overzeescbe Kali Export Mij. ... Hongkong

iN’avigatrad Sintoon Overseas Trading Co., Ltd. Tientsin, Shanghai

Navigazkm . Borioni & Co.. Chungking

Nazarally . N. Tyebally ... Singapore

Nearsilk Tajmahal Silk Store Hongkong

Neary . J. Neary Yokohama

Necktradco Baroukh Trading Co. Shanghai

Nedasiatic . Netherlands Asiatic Trading Co. Kobe

Nedergink . Nederlandsch Indisdhe Handelsbank, Tokyo


Nedloh . A. R. Holden & Co-, Ltd. ... Singapore

Nedyar F. Rayden Shanghai

Neerbclem .. Breen & Co., C.J. Shanghai

Neerbclem Shanghai Lumber & Coal Co. Shanghai

Neelinchen ,. Neeling Chen Shanghai

Negri . Busy Bee Shanghai

Nehesco . Neuss Hesslein Corporation Manila

Nehocroc Henry H. Cohen, Ltd. Shanghai

Nehocroc Shanghai Button &; Buckle Mfg. Co. Shanghai Shanghai

Neil James Neil & Co.

Neill .. Neill & Bell Selangor

Neled Nell Co., Edward J. Manila

Nellgwin Gwinnell, J. K. ... Singapore

Nemazee . M. Nemazee Hongkong

Nemgial . National Employers Mutual General Singapore

Insurance Association Ltd. Harbin

Nemirovsky Nemivorsky, L. L.

Neonlite .. Shanghai

Claude Neon Lights, Fed. Inc., U.S.A.... (Batavia,

Nerbudda .. Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corp.... ( Macassar Sourabaya

Neshaconst . New Shanghai Const. Co. ... Shanghai

Nesrednaw . C. W. Andersen ... ... Shanghai

Nestanglo .. Nestle & Anglo-Swiss Condensed MilkCo. All Ports

Nestles Nestles & Anglo-Swiss Condensed

Milk Co. Selangor, Canton

Nestle Societe Nestle (France). ... ... • Gargon

Nesty James Tsen Co. ... ... ' ..i Hankow

Netbenco . G. H. Slot & Co., Ltd. Singapore

Nettlefold Guest, Keen & Nettlefold, Ltd. Shanghai

Neveleo Maison Regina ... Shanghai

Nevelco . Neveleo Trading Co. Shanghai

Neveleo . J. Nevel & Co. ... Shanghai

Neverogvan Nederlandsche Vikoop Organisatic N. V. Hongkong

Neville . Cornabe Eckford & Winning —• Harbin

Neville Lloyds ... ..: Harbin

Neville . H. J. Neville ... Harbin

Newgrand . Hotel New Grand Yokohama

Newsroom . South China Newspaper, Ltd. Hongkong

Newsroom . Nam Chung Po Ltd. Hongkong

Newtonco New Singapore Ice Worlrsj Ltd. Singapore

Newzico New Zealand Insurance Co., Ltd. All Ports

Nibiki ,. Philippine Lumber Exportation Co. ... Manila

Nichidoku .. Nichi Doku Shoten Kobe

Nichiei .. Anglo-Japan CycleManufacturingCo.,Ltd. Kobe


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Nichiwaw Nicbiwa Shokai ... Shanghai , •

Nichizuico , Nichizui Trading Co., Ltd. Japan Ports

Nicol , Nicol & Co. A. Tientsin

Nicolas G. Nicolas Peiping

Nicolsuper Nichols Super Yarn & Carpets, Inc. Tientsin, Man.

Nicot . Nicot Products Co. Shanghai

Nielcolm . Nielsen & Malcolm S’hai., Han., Can.

Nielcolm . Hankow Eire Insurance Association ... Hankow

Nieuwsblad . . Nederlandsch-Indischei Drukkers en

Pitgevers Maatschappij ... Batavia

Niewin Nielsen & Winther, Ltd. ... Hankow

Niagara . Niagara Mineral Water Co. Hankow

Nigawco Eastern Products Exporting Corpn. Kobe

Nihalchaud , Nihalchand Bros. Yokohama

Nihodensen Nippon Densen Co., Ltd. ... Tokyo.

Nihondempo . Nippon Dempo News Agency Shanghai

Nihonkaijo . Nippon Marine Insurance Co. Shanghai

Nihonkisen . Nippon Risen Kaisha, Ltd. Shanghai

N ihonmenka . Nippon Menkua K.K. Tientsin

Nihonsabro Sabroe Co. of Japan Ltd. .. Osaka, Tokyo^

Nihonshoko Japan Trading and Manufacturing Co.,

Ltd. ' ... Shanghai

Nikarting China Trading Corp. Shanghai

Nikas Indische Blauwvriesveem ... Batavia

Nikka . Nikka Yoko Shanghai

N ikko Japan Steel Products Co. Tokyo

Nilrob . Robb & Nilsson Kedah

Ningshao . Ningpo Shaoshing S. N. Co. Shanghai

Nipah Nipah Distilleries of Malaya, Ltd. Selangor

Nippo beige i. . Yerleysen & Co. A, Kobe

Nippon . Nippon Bazaar Manila

Nippongakki . Nippon Gakki Seizo Kabushiki Kaisha Shidzuoka

Nipponkan . Nippon Hotel Penang

Nipponola . Columbia Gramophone Cb. Tokyo

Nipponola . Nipponophone Co., Ltd. ... ... Tokyo, Y’hamar

Nipponpaint ,. Nippon Paint Co., Ltd. Osaka

Niroshoji .. Russo-Japanese Trading Co. ... Tokyo

Nishrwilso .! Nishimura & Wilson Yokohama

Nisshin .. Nisshin Oil Mills Dairen

Nissikisen . Nisshin Kisen Kaisha All Ports

Nitrammon . H. Ahrens & Co. Kobe, Tokyo

Nitrofoska D. S. H. Krauch & Co. Tsingtao, S’hai

Nitrofoska Jebsen & Co. Swatow

Nitsuco .. Nihon Tsusho Co., Ltd Tokyo

Nobumaru .. Ogawa & Co. , Tokyo

Nocidem Medicon, Ltd. , Shanghai

Nodrog Gordon & Gotch Ltd. Tokyo

Noel Noel, Murray & Co., Ltd . Shanghai

Noessler Noessler & Co. G.m.b.H. .... , Shanghai

Nofrenis N. E. Nissim Shanghai

Nogero Wilcox Hayes Co. , . Kobe

Nolasco P. M. N. da Silva . Hongkong

Nollavour Behr & Mathew Ltd. . Shanghai, Hankow

Noltehaas “Deli-Atjeh,” N.V. . Batavia

Noltehaas Trading Society Delti-Atiek. . Penang


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Nomanbhoy ... Mohamedally, N. .. ... Hongkong

•Nonforfeit ... The National Mutual Life Assurance

of Australia, Ltd. Hong Kong

Nonsuco ... North Negros Sugar Co. ... Manila

Nop .... New Oriental Pharmacy .... Tientsin

Norama ... insurance Co. of North America Shanghai

Norama ... R. A. Kreulen ... Shanghai

Norama ... World Auxiliary Insurance Corpn. Shanghai

Norasiatic .... Norasiatic Coal Transports, Ltd. Shanghai -

Norasiatic ... Norasiatic Steamship Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Norbank .... Hongkong & Shanghai Bank Harbin

Norbrit .... Ocean Marine Insurance Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Norbrit .... North British and Mercantile Insce. Shanghai, Singapore

Co., Ltd.

Norbrit ... Insurance Office of Aust., Ltd. Singapore

Norbrit ... Fine Art & GeneraMnsurance Oo. ... Shanghai

Norcas ... North China American School Peiping

Norchest ... North China Estates Tien tsin

Norco ... Ling & Co., D.G. . Foochow

Nordiske .... Great Northern Telegraph Co., Ltd. ... All Ports

Nordiske .... Eastern Extension Australasia & China

Telegraph Co. All Ports

Nordlloyd .... 0. H. Anz’&Co. Dairen

Nordlloyd .... Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen Singapore, Ti., Man.

Nordlloyd .... H. Ahrens & Co. Tokyo, Y’hama,Kobe

Nordlloyd ... Melehers & Cd. (Shipping) "... All Ports

Nordpass .... Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen .Singapore

Noreg .... Norwegian Consulate Canton

Normail .... North China Daily Mail, The . Tientsin

Noronha .... Noronha & Co. ... .... .... Hongkong

Norseman .... Karsten Larssen & Co. (Hongkong), Ltd. Hongkong

Norskverit ... Det Norske Veritas Shanghai

Norunder .... North China Underwriters .... Tientsin

Norwegian Mission The Norwegian Missionary Society Changsha

Norwich .... Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society,Ltd . Tokyo

Nosagenji .... Nosawa & Co. Kobe

Noseeb .... Beeson & Co. v.1'.; Shanghai

Noskrap .... Parkson, Ltd. .... Hongkong

Notwen ... Esther Newton ... ... Kobe

Nourregisterrd... A. C. Monks Manila

Nouveautes .... Maison de Nouveautes Shanghai

Novetoys .... Harris & Lewis Kobe

Nufam ... Norwich Union Fire Insurance So-

ciety, Ltd. S’pore, S’hai, Tokyo

Nufore .... Norwich Union Fire Insce. Society, Ltd. Singapore

Nunob .... Nunobiki Shogyo Kabusbiki Kaisha .... Kobe-

Nurbit .... The Insurance Office of Australia, Ltd. . .. Singapore

Nutria ... D. H. Delburgo &.,Co. Tientsin

Nutter .... Nutter & Co. Moji

Nutter ... Portuguese Consulate Moji

Nyholin v.w Burmeister & Wain Tokyo

Nyholm ... S. N, Nyholm Tokyo

Nylic .... New York Life Insurance: Co. Tokyo

Nymalex .... Alexandra, Niemann, Ltd..... Penang

Nytob ... iNanyang Bros. Tobacco Co., Ltd. ... Singapore


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Oakenpin Oriental Telephone and Electric Co., Ltd. Singapore

Obat Medical Hall, Ltd. Singapore

O’Brien "Harvey &, O’Brien ... Manila

Oblaeklead Okazaki Trading Co. Osaka

Obolaire General Engineering Co. ... Kobe

Obolaire Home Insurance Co. of New York ... Kobe

Observer Anglo-Asiatic Telegraph Agency Tientsin

Observer B. Hayton Fleet Harbin

Occasional Occasional Store Tientsin

Occasion Rudolph, Wolff & Kew, Ltd. Hongkong.

Ocean Ocean Accident & Guarantee Corporation

(of London), Ltd. All Ports

Ocrojam Solignum, Ltd. Selangor

Ocsmallej Smalley & Co. Singapore

Octagon Erzinger & Co. Chef. Shanghai

Octagon Rayner, Heusser & Co , Ltd. Chef. Shanghai

Odell Odell & Co. Foochow

Odell The Eastern Hotel Foochow

■O’Dell Japan Review

O’Dell’s Service Bureau ...




Odeonfilm Odeon Theatre Co. Shanghai

Oerseanews Overseas Chinese Daily News, Ltd. Hongkong

Oerseanews WahKiuYatPo Hongkong

Officebureau The Office Cleaning Bureau Hongkong

Ogliastro Louis Ogliastro & Co. Haip., Saigon, Hanoi

Ogrubled Delburgo Co., Ltd., D. H. Kobe

Ohlwein The Tsingtao Carpet Factory Tsingtao

Ohta Ohta


Trading Co Co. Manila

Oilmill Tientsin

Ojiseishi Oji Paper Mfg. Co., Ltd. ... Shanghai

Okuragurai Okura & Co. (Trading), Ltd. All Ports

Olacem Gray’s Yellow Lantern Shop S’hai., Hongkong,

Oldarno Behn, Meyer & Co. H. Mij. Manila, Cebu

Olga B. Basto Hongkong

Olivans Oliver, Evans & Co. Kobe

Olkso Lee Kim Soo Singapore

Ollerdessen A. F. Ollerdessen Shanghai

Olveb Ouderlinge Levensverzekering van Eeigen

Hulp-Life Insurance Batavia

Olympia Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corp. .. Yokohama

Omaralsagoff S. 0. Alsagoff .... Singapore

Omnisa International Trade Corporation

Omomi Midsudzumi & Co. Kobe

Onapress Carl Crow, Inc. Shanghai

Onfat On Fat & Co Hongkong

Onglongco Ong Long & Co., Inc. Manila

Onishi Onishi Co., Ltd. Yokohama

Onlooker On Lok Yuen Co. Hongkong

Onnes Administrate Kantoor Kamerlingh Onnse. East Sumatia

Onneybros Yannoulatos Bros.(China) ... ... Chef., Shanghai

Onyico OnnYin&Co Selangor

Oonseckaang Oon Seek Aang Co. Hongkong

Opcasco Oppenheimer Casing Co. Tientsin

Oppel Oppel Electric Manufacturing Co., Ltd. .... Shanghai

Openheimer Oppenheimer Cie., Ltd Kobe


Gable Ad: Firm Name Place

Ophir Ophir Valley Estate, Ltd. ... Tangkah

Optesepo Compagnie Optorg Shanghai

Optician Chinese ptical Co. Singapore, H’kong.

Opticians M. Ezekiel & Sons Hongkong

Optometrist Eastern Optical Co. ... Singapore

Optorgpo Compagnie Optorg S’hai., Hongkong

Ongchengwi Ong Cheng Wi & Sons Malacca

Oracca O’Racca Confectionery Co., Inc. Manila

Oralumco Oriental Alcoa, Ltd. Shanghai

Orange Leigh & Orange • Hongkong

Orbipo Oriental Bill Posting Co., Ltd. Singapore

Oriemocar Oriental Motor Car Co. Hongkong

Orienhotel Oriental Hotel ... Bangkok

Orienovsea . Oriental Oversea Trading Shanghai

Orienrugco . Oriental Rug Co., Ltd Hongkong

Orient East Asiatic Co., Ltd. All Ports

Orient . Oriental Stores and Agency Perak

Orient Toko Orient Padang

Orient Wassard & Co. ... Vladivostock

Orient . East Asiatic Co., Ltd. Tsingtao, Hankow

Oriental Oriental Hotel, Ltd. Kobe

Oriental Oriental Stores, Ltd. Bangkok

Oriental Unique Film Production Co., Ltd. ... Ipoh

Oriental . Oriental Govt. Security Assurance Co..~ Selangor

Orientamer Eastern Trading Co. Osaka

Orienteak East Asiatic Co., Ltd. ... H’kong., B’kok.

Orientrade Oriental Trading Co. Singapore

Orientwine . Oriental Wine Import Co. ... Shanghai

Orinsuroff . Oriental Insurance Office ... Shanghai

Orion . W. Logan & Co. Hongkong

Oritrioo Oriental Commercial Trading Co. ... Tientsin

Orliaso Oriental Life Assurance Society, Inc. Manila

Ornstein Netherlands Asiatic Trading Co. Kobe

Orprotraco Oriental Products Trading Co. Shanghai

Orpurcy Juan Llorens Hijo Kobe

Orpurcy Oriental Purchasing Co Y’bama., S’hai.

Osabaz Osaka Bazaar Manila

Osaco . Omi Sales CO. Osaka, Tokyo

Osabakikai . Osaka Kikai Kosakusho, Ltd. Osaka

Osamachida . Osaka Shosem Kaisha Tsingtao

Osawa D. Osawa & Co. Tientsin

Oscoy . The Oriental Shoe Co. Hongkong

Oseabank . Overseas National Bank Ltd. Hongkong

Osecomco Overseas Commercial Co Hongkong

Osmuareto Oriental Saw Mill Manila

Ostermann China Import Trading Co Tientsin

Ostrich . H. B. Walker .. Cebu

Osuco Oriental Supply Co. Hongkong

Ottery Deacons .... .... Hongkong

Ottolinke Otto Linke Tsingtao

Oucbterlony H. Ouchterlony Osaka

Ousko . M. H. A. Ouskouli Shanghai

Outdoor . Outdoor Sports Equip, Co. Hongkong

Outfit . Mackintosh’s Ltd. Hongkong

Ovambo .. Adolf Petersen, Tientsin


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Over Thoresen & Co., Ltd. Hongkong

Overdale Robertson, Wilson & Co , Ltd. Hongkong

Overdale Arthur Woods Shanghai

Oversea Oversea Trading Co. Yokohama

Oversea Oversea Chinese Banking Corporation, S’hai., Sel,,,Amoy,

Ltd. .... ^ Pen., Joh., B’kok, Hk.

Overseanews Overseas Chinese Daily News Hongkong

Overtradoo Oversea Trading Co. ... ... Tokyo

Oving H. E. Oving jr. Sourabaya

Ovus Societe Anonyme pour ITndustrie des

Ouefs. Hankow

Owen Asia Life Insurance Co. • .... Batavia

Owston P. Owstou & Co., Ltd. .... ; ... Yokohama, Kobe

Oxygene Teikoku Sansu K, K. Kobe

Oxygene Far East Oxygen & Acetylene & Co., Ltd. All Ports

Oyerae Rae’s Tea Set Factory Kobe

Oyerae Oye Rae Trading Co. Kobe

Ozobunn Ozu Burin & Co., Ltd Shanghai

Paaco Parkson & Co. Hongkong

Pabco Pacific Banking Corporation Shanghai

Pacco Taiheiyo Boyeki Kaisha, Ltd. Tokyo

Paco Pacific Alkali Co., Ltd Tientsin

Pacor Philippine Advertising Corpn. Manila

Pacbamac Macmillan Co. of New York Shanghai

Pacific N.Y. Internationale Crediet-en Han-

delsvereeniging Batavia

Pacific Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corpn. Singapore .

Pacific Pacific Storage and Packing Corporation Peiping

Pacifiq ue Commercial Pacific Cable Co. Shanghai

Paciueno Uyeno Trading Co. Tokyo

Paco Pacific Alkali Co. .... Tientsin

Pacomeco Pacific Commercial Co Manila, Iloilo

Pacor Philippine Advertising Corporation Manila

Padang Emerald Rubber & Coconut Co., Ltd. Kedah

Paelz Paelz China Co. Shanghai

Pafbeeker P. A. F. Becker Singapore

Paget H. E. G. Paget ... Yokohama

Pagoda Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corpn. .... Rangoon

Paint Cheng Hua Paint Mfg. Co. Shanghai

Painter Alfred K. Hoyer Peiping

Paintupaco Upson Paint Co., Inc Shanghai

Pak Tim Yours Truly Tobacco Co. ... Hongkong

Pakaso Hongkong Art Frame Manufacturing Co. Hongkong

Paketvaart Koninklyke Paketvaart Maatschappij ... AH Ports

Palace Palace Hotel .... Swat., H’kong.,S’hai

Palaninado Palatine Insurance Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Palatost Palace Tobacco Store Shanghai

Palazar Palace Bazaar Manila

Palmo Bernam Oil Palms !Utan Melintang,,


Palmoil F. Mangskau .... ..., ..; Singapore

Palmolive . Colgate-Palmolive, Peet Co. Manila

Pamadavis: P. M. Davis & Co. Manila

Pamccurt Palm Court Private Hotel Hongkong

Panaconsul Panamanian Consulate Yokohama


Cable Ad: Firm Name Flace

Panaytelco Panay Telephone & Telegraph Co., Inc. Iloilo

Panjoomall T. P. Panjoomall Robe

Panol Pan-Pacihc v_>il Co. Singapore

Panpacifco Pan-Pacific Commercial Co., Ltd. ... Tokyo Kobe

Panroche Nippon Roche K. K. Hongkong

Paofoong China Assurance Corporation, Ltd. . Shanghai

Paolai Pao Lai Trading Co.

Paoushun Paou Shun Kung Sze Hankow

Papenght Khai Mun & .Co. Singapore

Papertrade J. P. Heilbronn Co., Inc. ... Manila

Papindus Spicers (Export) Ltd. Shanghai

Papistry Shewaran & Co. ... ... Hongkong

Papistry Pioneer Silk Store Hongkong

Papp Pappadopoulo.A. E. Kobe

Papshuster E. Schuster Shanghai

Papshuster Cosmos Paper Co. ... • • • Shanghai

Papyrus Oriental Press .... Shanghai

Para Penang Rubber Exchange ... Penang

Paraclete A. A. Lopes Hongkong

Paradise Mercantile Bank of India, Ltd., The ... All Ports.

Paradissis Paradissis Freres & die Chefoo

Parak The Paramount Chemical Works, Ltd. Hongkong

Paramount Paramount Films of China, Inc. ..< All Ports


Parchment Johannes & Sammy ...

Parico The Paris Co Hongkong

Pariser Ludwig Pariser ...• ... ••• Harbin

Parkvale Park & Francis Ltd. Selangor

Parlatone Parlatone Hispano Filipino Inc. Manila

Parmanand Parmanand Brothers ... ... Penang


Paroquet Kigold, Bergmann & Co., Ltd.

Parsonage Parsonage Co Kobe

Parsons Parsons Hardware Co., Inc. Manila

Pasco Philippine Auto Supply Co. Manila

Pascotrad Pasco Trading Co., Inc. Shanghai

Pasenet P. A. Senet Shahgbai

Pasquier J. P. Pasquier Shanghai

Pastrano Pastranco Unchuan & Co. ... Cebu

Pasumil Pampanga Sugar Mills Manila

Patbeins Pat. A. Beina Singapore

Patco Philippine Aerial Taxi Co. Manila

Pa; ell C. M. Karanjia & Co. ... Canton

Patellario Patell & Co. .... Hongkong

Paterson Paterson, Simons & Co., Ltd. Malaya

Pathe Pavilion Ltd Shanghai

Pathodgins Pathodgins, Ltd. Shanghai

Pathology J. B. Patell .... ... .., Hongkong

Patra co Pacific Trading Co., Inc. Hongkong

Pattara Z. Pattara Singapore

Patten Patten, Mackenzie & Co. Kobe

Paturel C. Paturel Shanghai

Paul Stephens Paul & Co. Singapore

Paulyoung Paul Young & Co. Tientsin

Pavement C. Russell Manila

Pavri K. S. Canton Pavri ....

Peaceful Peak Hotel Hongkong


“Patco” Philippine Aerial Taxi Co. Manila


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Peanco Pritchard & Co., Ltd. Penang, Perak

Pearce Pearce & Garriock Hankow

Pearce Pearce & Co. .... ... Tokyo, Kobe

Pearce Caldbeck, Macgregor & Co. Hankow

Pebanco Peoples Bank and Trust Co. Manila

Pecker I. Pecker Tientsin

Peckincraft DeVault Co. Peiping

Peckinotel Grand Hotel de Pekin Peiping

Pecofilms Gaiety Theatre ... Tientsin

Pecofilms Peacock Motion Pictures Corporation .. \ Shanghai, Tientsin,


Pecoi Philippine Education Co., Inc. Manila

Pecoi Manila City Directory Manila

Peet John Peet & Co. Batavia

Peifong North China Steamship Co. oci Tientsin

Pekiacraft De Vault Co. Peiping

Pekinotel Grand Hotel de Pekin Peiping

Pelstrusof M. V. Pelstrusof Harbin

Penhas Rahamin Penhas Singapore

Penhote Peninsula Hotel H ongkong

Pening Peiping-Liaoning Railway Tientsin

Penink Sulbina & Co. ... Singapore

Peninsular P. & O. iS.N. Co. All Ports

Peninsular Peninsular Lights (1930) Ltd. Selangor

Pennell E. W. Pennell & Co. Tientsin

Penn leaf Pemberton & Penn, Inc. ... Shanghai

Penorbanca P. & 0. Banking Corporation, Ltd. S’ai., H’kong.jS’pore.

Pentland John D. Hutchison & Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Pentreath Pentreath & Co. Hongkong

Peoplebank B. P. Nicholas & Sons Selangor

Peppermint Kobayashi Keisuke Kobe

Perak Paramount Chemical Works Hongkong

Percon Peruvian Consulate Kobe

Perez Perez, Corp & Co. Yokohama, Kobe

Peroshaw Peroshaw & Co. Shanghai

Pernot Pernot & Co. Chefoo

Perpetuity N. Mody&Co. Hongkong

Pervasion Bornemann & Co. Hongkong, Canton

Pesam Paul E. Sammanu & Co. of Japan Usaka, Shanghai

Pesee P. B. Shroff Shanghai

Pesee Vasunia & 0o. Shanghai

Peshuratan Peshuratan & Co. ... .. Kobe

Pessomull Pessomull Mulchand Yokohama

Peterchong Peter Chong & Co. Singapore

Petermusic Peter Music Co. ... Canton

Petodjo New Singapore Ice Works, Ltd. Singapore

Petreux De N. V. de Bataafsche Semarang

Petrie Bruce Petrie, Ltd. ... .. Singapore

Petroatic . Asiatic Petroleum Co. (Siam), Ltd. , Siam, Malaya,

! Labuan, Singapore

Petronel Peters & Co. Shanghai

Petrosam The Rising Sun Petroleum Co., Ltd. All Ports.

Petrosilex Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S. China), Ltd... All Ports.

Petwalo Philippine Button Corpn. ... Manila

Peugeotcar Asiatic Traders Hongkong


Cable Ad: . Firm Name Place

Pexco Export Petroleum Co. of California Ltd. Hongkong

Pfeiffer Otto Pfeiffer Agentschappen ... Batavia

Pharma Bayer Meister Lucius Y.G.K. ... Tokyo, Kobe

Pharmacy Amoy Pharmacy, Ltd. ... ... Amoy

Pharinadrog Pharmacie Generale ... ... Shanghai

Pharmanila Dr. G. Schwab ... ... Manila

Pharmorey Commercial Advertising Co. ... Shanghai

Pheasant Malayan Flour Milling Co. ... Singapore

Pheasant Tong Lam & Co. ... ... Singapore

Philacet Philippine Acetylene Co. ... ... Manila

Philauto Philippine Automotive Corpn. ... Manila

Philcosale Philco

Phildenply NationalSalesDental


Supply, ...Inc. ...... Shanghai


Phildesco Philippine Desicated Coconut Corporation Zamboanga

Philfishco Philippine Fish Co. ... ... Manila

Philippidi C. M. Philippidis ... ... Chungking

Phillips Negri Sembilian Sporting Club .. Negri-Sembilan

Philmaco Philippine Manufacturing Co. ... Manila

Philnabank Philippine National Bank ... Manila

f Philrayco Philippine Railway Co. ... ... Iloilo

t Philreco Philippine Refining Co., Inc. ... Manila

. Philtrust Philippine Trust Co. ... ... Manila

Phinkeechan Chop Chung Thye Phin ... ... Perak

Phirozi R. H. Ragi & Co. ... ... Shanghai

Phoenix Phoenix Aerated Water Works ... Singapore

Phofire Phoenix Assurance Co., Ltd. ... Shanghai

Phofire London Guarantee & Accident Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Phonola Phonola Music House ... ... Shanghai

i Phosphates Societe Nouvelle des Phosphates du Tonkin Haiphong

Photoart Carson Studio ... ... ... Shanghai

Photo Burr Photo Co. ... ... Shanghai

: Photoleeco H. Lee & Co., Ltd. ... ... Shanghai

j Photostore Wah Heng & Co., Ltd. ... ... Singapore

I' Physiology The National Medical Journal of China Peiping

i Piairtaxco Philippine Aerial Taxi Co. ... Manila

i Pianoco Tokyo Piano Shokai ... ... Yokohama

\ Pianola Tsang Fook Piano Co. ... ... Hongkong

| Pianomaker Robinson Piano Co., Ltd. ... .. All Ports

[ pic ; . Philippine International Corpn. ... Manila

I Picketrope Johnson Pickett Rope Co. ... ... Manila

i, Pickett Pickett Harness Co. ... ... Manila

f Picking Picking Lampen Nachfolger ... Shanghai

Pienchutang Catholic Mission ... ... Tsinan

11) Pigeon D. E. J. Abraham ... ... Shanghai

; Pila Pila & Co. ... ... Shanghai

Pila Les Successeurs d’Ulysse Pila & Co. ... Y’hama, Shanghai

Pilkington Pilkington Bros. (China), Ltd. ... Shanghai

I' i! Pilot George H. Whymark & W. M. Carst ... Kobe

Pilot Newchwang Pilot Co. ... ... Newchwang>

' Pilots Penang Pilot Association ... ... Penang

Pilots Singapore Pilot Association ... Singapore

Pilots Taku Pilot Co. ... ... ... Taku

Pilots Manila Pilots Assoc. ... ... Manila

Pilotus Siber, Hegner & Co. ... ... Shanghai

Pincheong Pincheong Co. ... ... ... Singapore


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Pinnacle Pinnacle Products Co. Shanghai

Pinto Pinto’s Finance Bank

w Pirelli Shanghai

Pirelli (Far East), Ltd. ... Shanghai

Piroshah J. P. Yasunia & Co. ... Canton

Pisaluite Pisal Panite Trading Co. ... ... Bangkok

Pitcairn Pitcairn, Syme A Co. ... Batavia

Pitchfork Pittendrigh, Wilson & Co. Hongkong

Pitrine Trinidad, Pio., Inc. Manila

Plaisant ... Plaisant Freres Seoul

Plage Dr. Jimusho Plage Tokyo

Planco Heath Fibre Co. Manila

Planco Tubbs Cordage Co. Manila

Plantable North Borneo Trading Co. ... Sarawak

PlatCorm Patel & Co. Shanghai

Platinum S. S. Perry Hongkong

Plaza Hotel Plaza Zamboanga, S’hai.

Plazahotel Plaza Hotel Manila

Plumsupcom Plumbing Supply Co. Shanghai

Pneumatic ... Dunlop Rubber Cov (China), Ltd. Ail Ports

Pocha M. S. Pocha & Co. ^Shanghai

Poerba, Loeboek V United Sumatra Rubber Estates, Ltd. Sumatra

Pakam ...|

Pohda ..* Taichung Import & Export Co. Tientsin

Pohoomull Pohoomull Bros. All Ports

Pohsib H. N. Bishop & Co. Shanghai

Poinneyret ... Poinsard and Veyret Saigon

Poinsetta V. R. Vick&Co. S’pore., Penang

Polas Polish Asiatic Commercial Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Polco Polish Commercial Co., Ltd. Tientsin

Poldi Poldi Steel Works Shanghai

Poldisteel ... Poldi Steel Works Tokyo, Osaka

Pollard ... Thomas H. Pollard Bangkok

Polmission Polish Legation Tokyo

Polo Wm. Powell, Ltd. Hongkong

Polonia Polish-Chinese Trading Corpn. Shanghai

Polpred ... i■ U.S.S.R. Embassy Tokyo

Pomanlau Po Man; Lau Macao

Ponco Kiu Cheng Pongee Co. Shanghai

Pooley Pooley & Co. .... Selangor

Poon Po On Marine & Fire Ins. Godown Co. Hongkong

Popular ... Farmacia Popular Macao

Popular H. Nolasco & Co. Macao

Popular H. Nolasco Macao

Pop water Watson’s Mineral Water Co. Shanghai

Portend Henry Hunter Bayne & Co. Manila

Porthealth National Quarantine Service Shanghai

Porto United Export Co. ... Tientsin

Portuguese Mission St. Anthony’s Boys’ School... Singapore

Posaucoy Po Sang & Co. Hongkong

Postaibank Postal Remittances & Savings Bank. Nanking

Postgen Directorate General of Posts ... ' Nanking,



Postmaster .,. Post Office Ichang

Postos Post Office All Ports.

Postos Chinese Postal Administration Harbin, Tientsin


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Postral . Post Directorate General Office Peiping

Postscript . South China Morning Post, Ltd. Hongkong

Potation Benjamin & Potts Shanghai

Potomac .. Hongkong & Shanghai Banking iCorpn Penang

Potrebitel Gentrosojus (England,) Ltd. Hankow, Shanghai

Pottery . National Pottery Co., Ltd.'.*. Shanghai

Pottery Chee Hsin Pottery Tientsin

Potts Swift & Co. Shanghai

Potun International Trading Co., The , ... Hongkong

Powerlite :. . American. Electric Co., Inc. Manila

Powell Powell & Co., Ltd. Singapore

Powercold Hankow Light & Power Co. ... Hankow

Powerful Inniss & Riddle (China), Ltd. Hongkong, Shanghai

Powerhouse . Sandakan Light.& Power Co. (1922), Ltd. Sandakan, H’kong

Powhattan . /Canton,

Yee Tsoong Tobheco Distributors, Ltd. (Tsinan, FoochowT’tsin ,

Powhatton ,. Chi Tung Tobacco G©., Ltd. Harbin

Powson Pow Kee & Son ... Shanghai

Prager *... M. Prager ... ... Singapore

Prang Besar .. . Prang Besar Rubber Estate,; Ltd. ... Selangor

Pratt W.H. Pratt Negri Sembiian

Pravlenie Chinese Eastern. Railway Co,. > ... Pepin g

Precious D. Chellaram Shanghai

Premmark . TJtoomall & Assudamal Co, Hongkong

Preemniki A. W. Kassianoff & Co., Ltd. Harbin

Premier . Premier Commercial Co. ... Kobe

Premier Press .. . Penang Premier Press, Ltd. Penang

Presbyterian American Presbyterian Mission Tsingtao, Chefoo

Presgrave . Presgrave & Mathews ... Penang

Press . Hongkong Daily Press, Ltd. Hongkong

Press Directory & Chronicle of the Far East... Hongkong

Press . Peking & Tientsin Times Tientsin

Press . Tientsin Press, Ltd. ... Tientsin

Prevalade . Schmitzler & Co. ... Semarang

Previsora . La Previsora Filipina Manila

Priam . Penang Rubber Estates Co., Ltd. ... Nibong Tabal

Pricelace One Price Lace Co. Shanghai

Princely Royal Insurance Co. Tokyo

Prinsuppli China Printing Supply Co; Shanghai

Printers C. Limson & Co. Penang

Printemps Grands Magasins du Printemps . Shanghai

Printer The Shameen Printing Press, Ltd. Canton

Printerie Ye Olde Printerie, Ltd. Hongkong

Prismatic Norbury, Natzio & Co., Ltd. . Shanghai

Proclivity South China Produce Co. ... . Hongkong

Procteraw . Procter and Gamble Trading Co. . Cebu

Procurmis .. Procure la Maison de Sienhsien Tientsin

Prodrome . British Legation Tokyo


Products . Product Export

United Products Co., Ltd. ... Harbin


Produotsco .. China Product’s Export Co. Canton, Hongkong

Produtrade Maintz Productenhandel, N.V. Batavia

Professo Hansons ... Shanghai

Profit .. Insular Plumbing Co. Manila

Profit . Watson & Watson Manila


Cable Aa: Firm Name Place

Progessus Edward M. Poons Co. Kobe

Progressus General Export Trading Co. Kobe

Progress Bangkok Dock Co., Lid. Bangkok

Progress China Manufacturers Chefoo

Progress Lohmann & Co. Singapore

Proleabeit Belting & Leather Products Assoc., Inc. Shanghai

Prometumi Comptoir de Produits Metallurgiques,

Tubulaires and Miniers... Tokyo

Properties B. P. Nicholas & Sons Selangor

Prosper W. Henry Trading Co. Shanghai

Prosperity Hock Hin Bros. Penang

Prosperous Hoi Yeung Shipping Co., Ltd. Hongkong

Prosplant United States Ruboer Plantations Selangor

Protimber Timber & Produce Co. Singapore

Protection Hekking and Clouth Shanghai

Provincial Kwangtung Provincial Bank, The Hongkong

Prudasoo The Prudential Assurance Co., Ltd.... Singapore

Prudence Chartered Bank of India, Aus. & China Peiping

Prudential Nozawaya Co., Ltd. Yokohama

Prudential Prudential Uimderwriters ... ... Tientsin

Prueba La Prueoa Tobacco Co. ... Manila

Psalmist S. J. David & Co. S’hai., Hongkong;

Pschmitzco P. Schmitz & Co. Tokyo

Publicity China Publicity Co. Shanghai

Publicity Peninsular Publicity Service Selangor

Publico Associated Advertisers Shanghai

Publishing Kelly & Walsh, Ltd. Hongkong

Puertasol La Puerto Del Sol Manila

P ukchin Oriental Consolidated Mining Co. ... Unsan (Seoul)

Pulun China Fur Trading Co., Ltd. Shanghai, T’tsin

Pulun M. Marderfeld ... Shanghai

Puredrugs Eagle Drug Co. . ... ! ... Shang hai


Purity Kotak & Co. Osaka

Pushing Purity Drinking Water Co. ... ... Hongkong

O. Thoresen & Co. . ... Shanghai

Pyloo The China Engineering Co. Tientsin

Pyramide East Asiatic Co., Ltd. Bangkok

Py'rotechny Palmer & Turner Hongkong, Shanghai

Quartermaster ... U. S. Army Transport Service Nagasaki

Quickpill Warner & Co., Inc. William R. Shanghai

Quotation Russ & Co. .. Hongkong

Rabben W. Rabben & Co. ... Tientsin

Racers British Bicycle Co. Hongkong

Racine Racine & Cie. ... China Ports

Racing Shanghai Race Club Shanghai

Racing Selangor Turf Club Selangor

Racing Straits Racing Association Singapore

Racing Tientsin Race Club Tientsin

Radha Town Dispensary Neg. Sembilan

Radiochina Gallop & Co., Inc. Shanghai

Radiocorp R. C. A. Communications, Inc. Manila, Tokyo

Radiocorp Radio Corp. of America Shanghai, Tokyo*

Radiosusser Radio Supply & Service Co. ... Manila

Radiotraf R. C. A. of the Philippines Manila

Radserco Radio Service Co., Ltd. ... Singapore


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Rafeek . Rafeek & Co. ... Canton

Raffles Raffles Hotel, Ltd. Singapore

Rahtjens . Red Hand Compositions Co. Kobe, Shanghai

Railcar . Eraser & Co., Ltd., Donald Shanghai

Railton . Railton & Co., Ltd., H. E. Chefoo

Railway Chao Chow-Swatow Railway Co., Ltd. Swatow

Railways . Kowloon-Canton Railway (British Sectio Hongkong

Railways . Federated Malay States Railways ... F.M.iS.

Rakusen . Rakusen China Co. Shanghai

Rakusen Rakusen’s Eggsell Co. Shanghai

Rakusen Oculists’institute Co. Shangnai

Rallim Millar & Co., Ltd. Singapore

Ram K. IS. Dbaramall & Co. Kobe

Ramadan . U. Rumjahn &, Co. Hongkong

Ramago . Mindanao Lumber Co. ... ; Manila

Ramkisen Jaigopal Ramkisen Bros. ... Kobe

Ramsay . Ramsay & Co. ... Hankow

Ramsey . Carr Ramsey & Co., Ltd. ... Swatow

Ranald R. br. MacDonald Shanghai

Rangelei . Rangel T. Shanghai

Rapak . Engineering Equipment & Supply

Co., Inc. Manila

Raphael R. Sassoon & Co. Singapore

Rapidco Hoyt & Co. Shanghai

Rapidco . Yangtze Rapid S. S. Co. ... bhaughai

Rasco . Radio & Auto Supply Co. ... Shanghai

Raskin . J. Raskin .Shanghai

Rasmussen . Estor Estate Rantau

Raspe . Raspe & Co. ... ; .. ... Kobe

Ratsam Rud. Ratjen Osaka, Tokyo, Dairen

Ratbanware . Kowloon Rattan Ware Co. Hongkong

Rattray Drs. Rattray & Sloper Singopare

Raubaust . Raub Austr. Gold Mining Co., Ltd. Pahang

Rauzy : Societe Commerciale Francaise de ..

1’Indochine ... Haiphong, Saigon

Raven Raven & Basto Hongkong

Raventrust Raven Trust Co. Shanghai

Rawmac . Rawson, McNeice & Co. Shanghai

Rawsilkey . Nippon Kiito Kaisha Yokohama

Rayelbon . National Carbon Co., Inc. Shanghai

Rayeller . Raymond & Heller Tientsin

Rayin . W. Raymond Co. ... ... Hongkong

Rayj os R. M. Joseph Shanghai

Raymond Czechoslovakian Consul Shanghai, Tokyo

Raymond . Raymond Antonin Tokyo

Razon . Razon Trading Co. Shanghai

Realtrust Hongkong Realty and Trust Co., Ltd.... Hongkong

Realinvest . Realty Investment Co. Shanghai

Realty Tientsin Realty Co. Tientsin

Realty China Realty Co., Inc. Shanghai

Rebritman Representation for British Manufact urers Hankow

Recess Ehlers & Co. Newchwang

Recomax Steiner Import Co. Shanghai

Record Eisler, Reeves & Murphy Shanghai

Recreio Club de Recreio Hongkong

Rectitude Tester & Abraham Hongkong


Cable Ad: Firm Name Flace

Redbois ... Fung Tang Hongkong

Redeco ... Raymond Dreyfus ... Peiping

Redfeam ... Redfearn’s Horse Repository Singapore

Redskin ... J. Reid & Co. ... Singapore

Redstar ... R. H. Macy & Co., Ine., N.Y. Kobe

Reedfa ... A. F. Deer ' ... ■ Shanghai

Reels ... Mien' Wha Thread^ Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Refardt ... Home Insce. Co. of New York Kobe

Referendis ... Denis itreres ... s ... Saigon, Hanoi, Han

Refresco ... Refrigerator Service Go. Shanghai

Register . Lloyd’s Register ot Shipping All Ports

Register ... C. B. Nelson & Co. Manila

Regnault ... P. A. Regnault Verf., N.V. Sourabaya

Regnille ... Ellinger & Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Regnis ... Singer Sewing Machine Co. Kobe, Osaka, S’hai

Rehmatally ... Hasanali Jivadhai Singapore

Rehmatally ... Straits Settlements Flour Mills Singapore

Rehtaei ... Shanghai Leather Go.yRid. Shanghai

Reico ... Asiatic Commercial Corporation Manila

Reid ... Batang Padang Estate Tap ah

Reidsan ... S. Reid Kobe

Reif ... B. Reif Ld. Osaka

Reiffrich ... Pension Reiff Kobe

Reiber ... Fr. Reiber Shanghai

Reineke ... ‘ Amsterdam” N.Y. Handels Sourabaya

Reinforced ... Gallinagh & Co. ... Singapore

Reis ... Batutations,


Rubber & Coconut Plan- Province Wellesley

Reliance ... Century Insurance Co. Tientsin/

Reliance ■ ... Shanghai lusuiance Office... ... Tientsin,



Reliance ... R. A. Kreuien • Hongkong

Reliance ... Pinguet & Co. P. M.

Reliance ... Netherlands Lloyd Ltd. of N. Y. Tientsin

Relitradco ... Reliance Trading Co. Shanghai

Rellim- Manufacturers’ Sales Agency Tientsin

Rellim ... Thos: N. Miller Tientsin

Relyat ... China Provident Loan & Mortgage

Co., Ltd. Hongkong

Remco ... Rubber Estates of Malaya, Ltd. Johore

Remingtons ' ... Remington Rand, InC. All Ports

Renate ... C. Kelling, Inc. ... ... Manila

... Tientsin

Rengo ... The Shimbun Rengo

Renlowick ... Rennie, Lowick & Co ... Singapore

Rennie ... Rennie, Lowick & Co. ... ... Singapore

Rennolds ... Rennolds Co., YVui. H. Manila

Renstar ... S. D. Ren &,Co. ... , S’hai, Hongkong,

Repairing Hartzenbush Motor Co. Shanghai

Repairtype ... Straits Typewriters Agency Singapore

Repooe ... Cooper, Clay & Kirby, Ltd. Shanghai, Kobe

Repooc ... Cooper^ Findlay & Co;, Ltd. Kobe

Reprah ... Harper & Co., Ralph, Tientsin

Repulse ... Repulse Bay Hotel ... np Hongkong

Resarf ... Canadian Transport Go., Ltd. Kobe

Resinspeet ... Atlas Assurance Co., Ltd. ... Shanghai

Retortax ... H.. V. Hawley Shanghai


Cable Ad : Firm Name Place

Retsam ■ Platt, White-Cooper & Co. d . . ... Shanghai

Retsam Johnson, Stokes & Master Hongkong

Reutbrock Reuter, Brockelmann & Co. ... S’hai, H'kong, T’tacK

Reuter Reuters, Ltd. ... ... All Ports

Reutsinga Reuters, Ltd. Singapore

Revel Parapluie-Revel S. A. Hongkong

Revelation Revelation Mirror Advertising Co. ... Hongkong

Reviewing China Weekly Review Shanghai

Revilo Fenwick, Oliver,. Ltd. Selangor

Revival R. Schmid Tok)o

Reyrolle A. Reyrolle & Co., Ltd. ... Shanghai

Reyrolle J. H. Holmes & Co., Ltd. ... Shanghai

Reyrolle .Metafiltration. Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Reyub Canadian Pacific S.S. (Purchasing dept.) Hongkong

Rialto Moxon & Taylor Hongkong

Ribeiro ::Lithographers Ltd. ... ' ... Singapore

Rice jJ, Export and Import Co., Ltd. Saigon

Richly J. H. Richards Shanghai

Rickmers Ricknpers Linie Shanghai

Richardsons A. J. Richardson & Co. Shanghai

Rieserando Rieser Co., Inc., The Chefoo

Rijoji Japanese Consulate ... Newchwang

Rikkoman Antaki & Co., Isaac Kobe

Rimerid Rizeries Meridiohales Saigon

Rinchee A. C. Henning & Co. Peiping

Rinchee Comptoir Russo-Beige tie' Commei c *

and d’Industrie Peiping

Rinchee Wm. Forbes & Co., Ltd. ... Tientsin

Ringer Holme, Nagasaki

Ringsmith - LuhrihgRhmer & Co.

and Smith ••• Hongkong

Rintai Rintai Stores Co. Mukden

Riokasoko Rioka Soko Kabushik Kaisha Shanghai

Riovale China Auction Rooms ... Hongkong

Rita Santa Rita & Co. ... .Shanghai

Ritchie Ritchie & Bisset Singapore

Ritchstone Ritchie & Co. Shanghai

Riviera Hotel Riviera Macao

Riverhood Ribeiro & Co., Oscar Hongkong

Rivulet Brook & Co. ... ... Shanghai

Rivulet Economic Trarispt. & Lighter Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Rixturick Ricketts, Turner & Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Riyalina Manila Filatelica Manila

Riyoji Japanese Consulate ... All Ports

Rizalina Manila Filateleca ' .. : ... Manila

Rizorien Rizeries d’Extreme Orient ... Saigon

Robco Robinson & Cb., Ltd. Kuala Lumpur

Robinson Robinson & Co., Ltd. Singapore

Robtnaaz Robert Maaz Import Co. ... 1 Shanghai !

Robvic ; Victoria Print ng Press Hongkong

Rocecia Roces & Co., Inc., Manila

Rocha Rocha & Co., J. M. da. Hongkong

Roche Rubber Estates of ICrian, Ltd. Kedah

Rockfound Rockefeller Foundation The Peiping

Rocklin B. Rocklin & Co. ... ... Tientsin

Rockwell Iwai & C0., Ltd. Osaka


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Roclub Rotary Club ... ... Shanghai

Roda J. M. Rocha & Co. ... ... Hongkong

Roderick J. W. Ferner ... ... Manila

Roditi Orie.ntal Purchasing Co. ... Kobe

Rodrigues P. Rodrigues ... ... Macao

Rodyk Rodyk & Davidson ... ... Singapore

Rofaji Fan, Robert ... ... ... Shanghai

Rogers Rogers & Son ... ... Malacca

Rohdeanus Rohde & Co. ... ... Shanghai

Rohrman Agentuur en Commissiehadel, N.V. Sourabaya

Rolfotto Ghnur, Inc., Otto ... ... Manila

Rolyat International Sporting Club, Inc. ... Shanghai

Romal Roe & Co., R. E. ... ... Singapore

Romford Bombay Burmah-Trading Corpn., Ltd.... Bangkok

Rondon L. Rondon & Co., Ltd. ... ... Shanghai

Roneo Roneo,'Ltd. ... Singapore

Rongpin “El 82” ... ... ... Manila

Roos Anton Roos ... ... ... Medan

Roosteamco Roosevelt Steamship Agency., Inc. ... Manila

Ropework Hongkong Rope Mfg. Co., Ltd. ... Hongkong

Rosco Rosenstock & Oo. ... ... Manila

Roscoe Pacific Coast Biscuit Co. ( ... ... Manila

Roscot Ross Taylor & Co.,

Rose Peacock Necktie Mfg.Ltd.

Co. ...... ...... Sourabaya


Rosebrand B. S. Mohideen & Co. ... Singapore

Rosebrand Mohideen & Co. ... Singapore

Rosed owns Rose,Downs & Thompson (Far East), Ltd. Shanghai

Rosemac Rose, Macphail & Penman, Ltd. ... Singapore

Rosemstock Rosenstock, C. W. ... ... Manila

Rosenstock Rosenstlock Business Directory of

China ... ... ... Shanghai

Rosmarin Reiss & Co. ... ... ... lava

Rossi Roese, Gebrueder ... ... Swatow

Rossiagen Reinsurance Co. Rossia of Copenhagen Shanghai

Rostamian Kermani & Co., R. S. ... ... Shanghai

Rosiherne Barlow & Co. ... ... Shanghai

Rothacbucb Oscar Rothacker ... ... Osaka

Rotbwagco B. Roth & Co. .. ... Shanghai

Rotunda Ross & Co. (China), Ltd. Alex. ... Shanghai, H’kong

Roubinco M. L. Roubin A Co. ... ... Shanghai

Rowar Warrington, R. O. ... ... Manila

Rowconeng Mt. Banshaw Shredded Coconut Co. ... Manila

Rowe O. S. Benbow Rowe ... ... Shanghai

Rowing Shanghai Rowing Club ... ... Shanghai

Roxas Roxas y Cia ... ... ... Manila

Roxas Central Azucarera Don Pedro ... Manila

Roxorad Roxor Advertising Co, ... ... Hongkong

Royal Royal Insurance Co., Ltd. ... ... Shanghai

Royalhotel Royal Hotel, Ltd. ... ... Bangkok

Royalox Nakamura & Co. ... ... Osaka

Royevrus Scurr, Tanner & Co. ... ... Shanghai

Roza C. A. da Roza .. ... Hongkong

Ruadeng Siam Steam Packet Co., Ltd ... Bangkok

Rubant F. W. Rubant ... ... Tsinan

Rubber Fung Keong Rubber Manufactory ... Hongkong


Cable Ad Firm Name Place

Rubber F. Waterhouse Co.,Ltd. ... Singapore

Rubberbank Socfin & Co. Selangor

Rubexport United States Rubber Export Co., Ltd.... S hai, Bat., Manila

Rubplant United States Rubber Plantation, Inc; Penang

Ru’osneg Gensburger & C". Shanghai

Ruby H. Ruttonjee & Son .. Hongkong

Rubyrutton Ruttonjee & Son Shanghai

Rudolpbus Rudolph & Co., Charles Y’hama., Shanghai

Rudjo Rudolf & Co. Tokyo

Ruegg Brady & Ruegg Yokohama

Rugby motor Federated Motors Ltd. Singapore

Rumps Oriental Commercial Co. ... Hongkong

Runny mede Runnymede Hotel, Ltd. Penang

Rupert Rupert Cox Goshi Kaisha ... Kobe

Russell G. C. F. Russell & Co. Tsingtao

Rust J. W. Rust Yokohama

Ruthe Dai rein

Ruthe A.Pacific Rim Corporation

E. Ruthe & Co. ... Dairen

Sabater Sabater & Co. ... Manila

Sabbath Seventh Day Baptist Mission Shanghai

Sabroeco Sabroe Co. of Japan, Ltd. ... Osaka

Sachse R. Sachse Hankow

Saclalumco Santa Clara Lumber Co., Inc. Manila

Sacredo Sacred Heart English College Hongkong

Safeguard Hackmack & Co. Peiping

Safeguard Glathe & Witt Shanghai

Sagacity Manchurian Co., Ltd. Harbin

Sagawa Sagawa & Co. Kobe

Sagues F. Sagues Busquets Kyoto

Saibodubas Saiboo Marican & Co. Singapore

Saifeestore Saifee Store Hongkong

Saigonbank Banque de Saigon Saigon

Sailor Boon Seng & Co., Ltd. Singapore

Sailors Singapore Sailors Institute Singapore

Saitosey Saito & Co. Tokyo

Sakigake Yamanaka & Co. Osaka

Sakimitsu Nosaki & Co. Yokohama

Salamander Chartered Bank of India, Aust. and

China Shanghai

Salamat Naina Mohamed & Sons Singapore

Salehouse Sale & Co., Ltd. Japan Ports, Seoul

Salebouse Texas Co. Tokyo

Salescomp China Sales and Service Co. Shanghai

Salt Chinese Government Salt Revenue All Ports

Salt National Government Salt Administration Chefoo, Foochow

Saltbank Yien Yieh Commercial Bank Hongkong

Salti El Porvenor Manila

Salvage Teikoku Salvage Kaisha, Ltd. Kobe

Salvation The Salvation Army Peiping

Salvia Botica de Sta Cruz ... ... Manila

Samarangsche .. Samarangsche Zee & Brand Macassar

Sambot Chartered Bank of India, A us. & China Negri Sembilam

Sambros Samson Manila

Samic Salacot Hermanos

Mining Co.y Oia, Inc. Manila

Samiguel San Miguel Brewery Manila


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Samlblauke Peking Embroidery. House ... Kowloon, H.K.

Samurai Kakuiraki & Co. ... ... Kobe

Samusco Peking Theatre ... ••• Shanghai

Samwapexco Sam Hwa Export Co. ... ... Shanghai

Sanchome ... Krupp (Fried.) Aktiengeselschaft Tokyo

Sancrit Svvatow Lace Co., Ltd. Hongkong

Sandakan Sandakan Hotel ... ... Saniakan

Sand avid Forbes Munn & Co., Ltd. ... Manila, Cebu, Iloilo

Sandbach Barlow & Co. ... Singapore

Sanderdo Sander, Wieler & Co. ... . .... H’kong, Canton,Har.

Sandilands ... Sandilands, Buttery & Co. ... ... Singapore, Penang

Sanifurco Sanitary Fur Co. Peiping

Saniservis . ... Hongkong & Canton Sanitary Service ... H’kong, Canton

Sanitas Sanitas Mineral Water Co. Shanghai

Sanitarium Shanghai Sanitarium and Hospital Shanghai

Sanitarily Steam Laundry Co., The .. ..i] Hongkong

Sanitasc .v. Sanitas Yertriebs Co. Tokyo

Sanmasu Summers Boyeki Kaisha Kabushiki ... Kobe

SanocHi ... Universal Drug Store Manila

Sanpeh ... San Peh S. N. Co., Ltd. All Ports

Sansco .. :■ San Shing Co. Swatow ;

Sanshin ... San. Shin Shokai Dairen

Sansteam Sanitary Steam Laundry Co., Inc. ... Manila

Santa Sang Tai Hongkong

Santa Dairy ... Santa Mesa Dairy Farm ... ... Manila

Santakuro Kusakabe & Sons, Ltd. Tokyo

Santradco Sansing Trading Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Saorstat The Irish Free State Government Office Peping

Saoukee Saou Kee Shanghai

Saphier Doulton & Co. ... Shanghai

Sapiens Wise & Co., Inc. Manila, Iloilo

Sapphire I&ack & Co. Hongkong

Sarastudio Singapore Photo Co. d Singapore . :

Sarastudio C. M. Lee & Co. ... ,yp. Singapore

Sardomene F. Kenneth Kruger Y okohama

Saroilco Sarawak Oilfields, Ltd. ... . Sarawak

Sasaki ... T. Sasaki & Co. Shanghai

Sassigram E. D. Sassoon & Co., Ltd. ... Shanghai

Sassoon Kessim & Co. Kobe

Sassoons David Sassoon & Co., Ltd. H’kong., S’hai., Han.

Satake T. Satake & Co. Singapore , -

Satinsind Siamese Tin Syndicate, Ltd. Bangkok

Sato Y. Sato & Co. Kobe

Sator A. Sator Shanghai

Satotraco . Sato Trading Co. Kobe

Satrap Scherings, Ltd. Shanghai

Satru Shangtung Trading Union, Ltd. Chefoo

Saultradco Saul Trading Co. Tsinan

Saunders J. H. Saunders & Co. Perak

Sauvage F. Transports Maritimes & Fluviaux de

Tlndochine Anciennement Haiphong

Sauvayre J. Sauvayre Shanghai

Savings Underwriters Savings Bank Shanghai, Hongkong

Savon Erasmic Co. Singapore

Savont Joseph Crosfield & Sons Singapore


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Savoy Savoy Hotel Shanghai, Tienisin

Sawcase Tientsin. Sawmill & Case Manufacturing Co . Tientsin

Sawmill Sham Mow- Saw Mill Co. ... Hongkong

Sayers M. Sayers Singapore

Saynikunse Shanghai Portland Cement Works, Ltd. Shanghai

Saysay Saydah & Sayd ah Inc. Shanghai

Sazaro Sam Lazaro & Bros. Shanghai

Scarlosoo San Carlos Milling Co., Ltd. Manila

Scarteen A. A. Alves Hongkong

Scervesteo Sincere Insce. & Investment Co., Ltd. Singapore


Scheffcs Shafts Bros.

Schenco K H. Schen & Co. Shanghai

Scheut Belgian Missions of Scheut Shanghai

Scheut Scheut Mission Tientsin

Schiffner Schiffner & Co.' Singapore

Scbloten H. Sehloten ... ... Shanghai

Schmidarm Schmid & Jeandel Macassar

Schmidtco Schmidt Shoten Tokyo, Harbin

Sehmidtco Schmidt & Co. ... ... All Ports

Schmitzco I*. Schmitz & Co. Osaka

Schnitzler Schndtzler & Sons Manila

Schockotto Brunswick Show Room Shanghai

Sckoenegg Kern & Co., A. Yokohama

Scholaris The University Press Shanghai

Schofield R. Schofield Kobe

Scihnamm Schramm & Co. Yokohama

Schuile Schuhl & Lurton Shanghai

Schulteco Schulte & Co. Batavia

Scientific Scientific Service Co. Shanghai

Scola Straits Mercantile Agency ... Singapore

Score South China Oil Refining & Enterprise Co Hongkong

Scothar Automatic Telephone Manufacturing Co. Shanghai

Scothar Allen, Sons & Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Scothar Scott, Harding & Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Scotiaoil Scotia Lubricating Oil Co. Singapore

Scotiaoil Scotia Import Co., The Singapore

Scottunat Scottish Union and National Insce. Co.... Shanghai

Scontsecraft Boys’ Scouts Association ... Shanghai

Scrutiny Thomson & Co. • All Ports

Sc wan China Export Co. Chefoo

Season Shahmoon & Co. ... ... Shanghai

Seasonco Season Co., Ltd. ... Singapore

Seaview Sea View Hotel Singapore

Seawater Eastern Indian Trading Co. Bangkok

Seaworthy Borrows & Co., Ltd. Tientsin

Seaworthy Eisler, Reeves, Murphy & Lyle, Ltd. Shanghai

Seaworthy British Corporation Register of

Shipping and Aircraft ... Shanghai

Sebald De Becker & Sebald Kobe

Sebrof Wm, Forbes & Co. Tientsin

Sebrof Messageries Maritimes Tientsin

Secretary R. T. Evans Tientsin

Secretary Tientsin Building and Loan Co., Ltd. ... Tientsin

Secretary B. C. Eastham Tientsin

Secretary Tientsin Trust Co., Inc. ... Tientsin


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Secretary Eocky Point Association Tientsin

.Section Atkinson & Dallas, Ltd. Shanghai

Securities . British-American (China) Tobacco Securi-

ties Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Security . R. S. Davis Tientsin

Security . Tientsin Salvage Auctioneers Tientsin

Seebengong Fonghin

Seine ,. L. E. Aguinaldo Manila

Seirvu . Seiryu Bank Tientsin, Dairen

Seishi . Fuji Paper Co., Ltd. ... ... Hongkong

Seiwa Seiwa Shokwai ... Dairen

Seker . Swedish Chinese Export & Import Co. Tientsin

Sekralc . Clarkes Inquiry & Protection Agency Padang Shanghai

Selborne . Selborne Plantation Co., Ltd.

Selco . S. E. Levy & Co. Hongkong

Selfeather . Sing King & Co. Hongkong

Sellers Muller, Phipps & Sellers, Ltd. Osaka, Tokyo

Selles Selles Hermanos Kobe

Seloford Ilford, Limited ... Shanghai, H’kong

Semay Smith & Co., L. H. , Chefoo

Seminole Brit.-American Tobacco Co. (Straits), Ld Singapore

Semslial . Seymour Sheldon Co. Kobe

Send a Send a & Co., Ltd. Singapore

Sengcheoiig . Seng Cheong & Co. Kedah

Senglee Seng Lee & Co. ... ... Penang

Sengu . Kimura Sengutten Kobe

Senmed Medi'cal & Health Department > ... Pahang

Sennet . M. Levy Tientsin

Sennet . Sennet Freres ... ... ... Hongkong, S’hai.

Senpakubu Mitsui Bussan Kaisha ... ... Kobe

Serebrennikoff .. SerebrennikofT& Co. .... .... Tientsin

Serenity . Thamawalla & Co. ... ... Kobe

Sergautoex . General Motors ... ... Singapore

Servexco Service Express Co. Shanghai

Servitude . Rubber Growers’ Association Selangor

Service Kiat & Co., Ltd. Singapore

Servizio . Commercial Express and Storage Co., Inc. ’Shanghai

Seumall Seumall Bros. Kobe

Sesco . Sarawak Electricity Supply Co., Ltd. Sarawak

Sesostris . Drefuset Cie, Louis Harbin

Setzbutton . Settsu Button Works, Kobe

Seven .. A. M. Neves Manila

Severance Severance Union Medical College Seoul, Chemulpo

Sewan . Chinese Export Co. ... ;.. Chefoo

Sexbis . Exporters Sales Corporation... Manila

Seybourne . W. S. Bailey & Co., Ltd. ... Hongkong

Seyeran ... . Eeyes & Reyes .... Manila

Shacombank . Shanghai & Com. Savings Bank, Ltd. Hongkong

Shaelsup . Shanghai Electrical Supply Co. Shanghai

Shaelto . Etlin & Co Singapore

Shaemack . United States Shoe Cc Manila

Shahayuen . Yueh & Co., T. C. Shanghai

Shainin . I. Shainin & Co. Shanghai

Shaipress Shanghai Press, Ltd Shanghai

Shaitrad . Shanghai Trading Co. ; Singapore

Shaitrust ,. Shanghai Trust Co., Ltd Shanghai '


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Shalom Shalom & Co. ... ... ... Kobe

Shalom co Shalom & Co. ... ... ... Shanghai

Shamdas Lisbon Bazar ... ... ... Macao

Shamshad Oriental Import & Export Co. ... Kobe

Shanautorex General Motors China Inc ... Shanghai

Shanexeo Shanghai Express Co. ... ... Shanghai

Shangboh Shanghai Cotton Mfg.Co., Ltd. ... Shanghai

Shanghai Times... Shanghai Times ... .. Shanghai

Shangusda United States Dept, of Agriculture ... Shanghai

Shangtaiye Shang Tai Yee & Co. ... ... Tientsin

Shankar Premsing & Sons ... ... Yokohama

Shantra Shantung Traders Co., Ltd Chefoo

Shantelco Shanghai Telephone Co. ... ... Shanghai

Shantobaco Shantung Tobacco Co. ... ... Shanghai

Shapaprsas Shanghai Paper Importers Association .. Shanghai

Sharaf Afshar & Co. ... ... ... Shanghai

Sharenat M. J. Nathan ... ... ... Shanghai

Sharma S. M. Sharma ... ... ... Selangor

Shasteanav Shanghai Steam Navigation Co. •• Shanghai

Shauter Shauter & Co. ... ... ... Swatow

Shaw Geo. L. Shaw ... ... ... Antung

Shaw Unique Film Production Co., Ltd. ... Bangkok

Shaw Shaw, Robert E. ... ... Foochow '

Shawbros Unique Film Production Co., Ltd. ... Shanghai

Sheatung Shea Tung Co. ... ... Tientsin

Shefko S. K. F. Industries of Japan .... Tokyo

Shefts Shefts Bros. Inc. ... ... Tientsin

Shellcraft Philippine Shell-Craft Corpn. ... Manila

Shelley Thompson Shelley, Thompson & Demuth ... Singapore

Shibakawa Shibakawa & Co. ... ... Osaka

Shihbros Shih Bros .... .... Swatow

Shimaglass Shimada Glass Factory ... ... Osaka

Shinfoon Chang & Cb., Ltd., J.D. ... ... Shanghai

Shingminco Shingming Trading Co. (China) Ltd. Tientsin

Shingyo Shinkyo Yoko Goshi Kaisha Shanghai

iShinyei Shinyei & Co., Ltd. ... ... Yokohama

Shinyugumi Shinyugumi & Co. ... ... Kobe

Shipboard [J.S. Shipping Board ... ... Manila

Shipbrandt Brandt & Co. ... ... Hongkong

Shipbroker Anglo-Danish Shipping Co. .... Shanghai

Shipestmin Hoon Seek Trading Co .... Singapore

Shipmac MacLeod & Co .... .... Manila

Shipnews Shipping and Engineering ... .... Shanghai

Shippers China Produce Shippers ... .... Hongkong

Shipping Straits

Ships Board Steamship

of ExaminersCo., Ltd.for ...Engineers’... Singapore

Certificates .... .... .... Singapore

Ships Government Marine Surveyor’s Dept. ... Hongkong

Ships Surveyor General of Ships’ Department Singapore, Penang

Shipstores Scandanavian Trading Co. ... .... Shanghai

Shiraimatu Shiraimatsu & Co. ... ... Osaka

Shoemack , ... Paper Box Factory .... .... Manila

Shoemack United States Shoe Co. ... ... Manila

Shoes S. M. Bashir & Co .... Kobe

Shogyokaigisho... Japau Chamber of Oommeroe ... Tientsin

Shokin Yokohama Specie Bank, Ltd., The .. All Ports


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Shokingink Yokohama Specie Bank, Ltd. Singapore

Shomukan Japanese Commercial Counsellor Shanghai

Shonson Young & Co. Tientsin

:Shooklin Yong Shook Lin Selangor

Shorthand Shorthand Correspondence School Singapore

Shosen Osaka Shosen Kaisha ... Ail Ports

Shosho Shosho Yoko ... Tientsin

Shrewdly W. S. Sherley & Co., Hongkofig

Shoryubank Shoryu Bank, Ltd. Tientsin

Showamenka Shown Cotton Co., Ltd. ... Osaka

Shriro Shriro Brothers (China) Ltd. Shanghai

Shule Schuhl, Davis & Lurton Shanghai

Shunchang Shun Chang Co. ... Chefoo

Shunkee Shun Kee & Co. Shanghai

Shunlung S. Shimizu Tientsin

Siakrubber Siak Rubber Estates, Ltd. ■■ Pakam Baroe

Siamaisie Soc. Anon. Francaise Siam et Malaise ... Perak

Siamgrimm B. Grimm &, Co. Bangkok

Siambank Siam Commercial Bank, Ltd. Bangkok

Sianghwe .... Singapore Chinese Chamber of Com-

merce . ... ' Singapore

Siangli . , Seng Hong' Co. ... ... '... Shanghai

Siantarsum N edferland isch-Indisch. Land-Syndi- Sumatra

cate '■

SianLrpau -Hanyang Siang Pan Press, Ltd/ Singapore

Sibajak Sardang Cultuur Maatschappij Perbaoengan

Sibegner Siber, Hegner & Co., ,Ltd. All Ports

Siber Siber, Hegner & Co., Ltd. ... Yo. Ko. To., Osaka

Sibinandco Bin & Co., S. I. Singapore .

Sidco Shanghai Industrial Co. ... .Shanghai

t^idline B. S. Sidline & Co. Kobe

Sieboldcom Phoenix Chemical Co. Tsingbio

Siegco Siegfried & Co. ... ^hidzuoka.., ,, ;

Siemens Siemens & Halske A.G. Batavia

Siemens Sietnens, Schuckert Denki K. K. Osaka. Tokyo

Siemenshuk Siemens, Schuckertwerke A. G. ... Harbin

Siemssen Siemssen & Co. ... All Ports

Signode W. Butter ... .... Singapore,

Signs Signs of the Times Publishing House .... Shanghai

Sikh Sikh Store .. ... Shanghai

Sikow North China Wool Co., Ltd. Tientsin

Silberman :Silberman Co. Shanghai

Silicify China Motor Bus Co.', Ltd. Hongkong

Silkagent Kwangtung Silk Agency- ... Canton

Silkfield Jarmain, Davis &'Cd.; Ltd. Kobe

Si Ikworn L. Wegelin Shanghai

Siltonco Goodrich Intennatiohal Rubber Co. ... Manila

Silligva I. Y. Gillis Peiping

Silupa Sililpa Ranch Co.; Inc. Zamboanga

Siiva B. P. de Silva, Ltd. Singapore, Penang

Si Ivanetto , Silva'-Netto & C6. Hongkong

Silvercup Nam King Flashlight Ekfetory Hongkong

•Silverhall W. A. de Havilland Tokyo

Sim .. A. C. Sim & Co. , Kobe

Simit Crostield & Sons,’Ltd. ' 'Singapore


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Simit .... Huttanbacks, Ltd. ..... .: ... Selangor

Simit .... Johnson & Phillips, Ltd, ••• o- .Malaya

Simit .... Sime, Darby & Co., Ltd. ... ; Malaya

Simit • t.. Erasmic Co., Ltd. ... .■■ Singapore

Simkah .... Sim Kah & Co. ... .... ..Selangor .

Simoda B. S. Simoda Co. Singapore

Simplex .... Simplex Gypsum Products Hongkong

Simplon ... Gyselmain & SteUp Sourabaya

Simpangapotheek Simpangiscbe Apotheek, Ltd. :Sourabaya

Simplex ... Mansson Shokai Go-hi Kaisha Osaka, Tokyo

Simplexco ... Simplex Concrete.Piles (Malaya) Ltd. ... Singapore

Simpson ... Simpson’s Agencies Harbin .

Simtrading Simplex Trading Co. ... Manila

Sinai ... Meyer Bros. Singapore

Sinalive .... Sincere Life Assurance Co., Ltd.- Hongkong

Binary an ... Sino-Aryan Trading Co. ... ... Shanghai

Sinbinandco ... Si I. Bin & Co. ... Singapore

Sincere .., Sincere Co., Ltd.. The S’hai.,Can.,Hk.,Mac

Sincere ... Sincere Insurance and Investment

; Co., Ltd. Tientsin, Honkong

Sincere ... Sincere Dispensary Singapore

Sincetrust Sincere Banking .. Ltd. ... Hongkong

Sinchew ... Anglo-Chinese Dispensary, Ltd. Singapore

Sindacato ... Pekin Syndicate, Ltd. Peiping, Shanghai

Sindon ... P. H. Sin & Co. Hongkong

Sing ... Church Mission Society Hospital Pakhoi

Singbe Dee C. Chuan & Co.. Inc. ... Manila

Singcuan ... Sing & Cuan Hardware Co. ... Manila

Singer ... Singer Sewing Machine Co. . ... All Ports

Singkep ... Singkep Tin Exploitatie Maafschappy Singapore

Singleeco ... Sing Lee Co. Shanghai

Singlet ... King Sun Knitting Factory Hongkong

Singleton ... Singleton, Benda & Co., Ltd. Yokohama

Singminco Shingming Trading Co. (China), Ltd. Harbin Singapore

Singmotors .. Singapore Motors

Singthoh ... Swatow Agency Swatow

Sinit ... Italian Bank for China ... Tientsin, Shanghai .

Sinobe ... Banque Beige pour 1’Etranger S. A. ... S’hai.,T’sin.,



Sinocialco ... China Commercial Corporation ... Hongkong

Sinoclub ... Chinese Club ■ Shanghai

Sinococpon ... China.Coal Corporation Shanghai, Hongkong

Sinocongou ... China Tea Co.. Ltd. ... ... Singapore, Penang

Sinnconsul .... Chinese Consulate

Sinodock ... Kiangnan Dock and Engineering Works Shanghai

Sinogerman' ... Sino-Gerraan Te^gram Co. Peiping

Sinolegate ... Chinese Consulate Kobe

Sinolym ... Hsin Hsin Theatres Clo. ... Tientsin

Sinolym ... Hsin Hsiii Cinema Tientsin

Sinorepub ... Chinese Republic Publishing Co. ... Shanghai

Sinospan ... Sino Spanish Trading Co. ... Shanghai

Sinsenmoh ... Sin Sen Moh & Co. Singapore

Sinshoyoko ... Shinsho Toko .. . Shanghai

Sintraco ... Singapore Trading Co. Singapore

Sintung ... Reliance Motors (Fed. Inc. U.S.A.) ... Shanghai


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Sionpo Chinese Commercial News Co., Inc. Manila

Sipef Societe International de Plantation et

de Finance Selangor

Sirin . R. F. Shroff & Co. Shanghai

Sirtori . National Motors Co Tientsin

Sit . Societe Indochinoise de Transport Saigon •

Sita Windsor & Co. Bangkok

Sitinsind Siamese Tin Syndicate, Ltd. Bangkok

Skan Kagan & Co. Harbin

Skinner Drs. Skinner and Appleton Hankow

Skiotis Skiotis Bros. & Co. Peiping, Tientsin

Skoblin . Skoblin Co. Harbin

Skodaworks Skodaworks, Ltd. All Ports

Skoff G-uyling & Skoff Tientsin

Skokingink . Yokohama Specie Bank, Ltd. Singapore

Skorsten . Dawalu Chemical Industries Shanghai

Skorsten . Mee-Yeh Hamdels Compagnie Shanghai, Hankow

Skyum Dominion Rubber Co., Ltd. Selangor

Sladang Chartered Bank of India, Aus. & China Singapore

Sleeping International Co. Wagons-Lits Harbin

Sleeping International Wagons-Lits Co. Shanghai

Sleeping Compagnie International des Wagons &

des Grands Express ... Harbin

Slemish Hastings & Co. ... ... Hongkong

Slevogt . Slevogt & Co. Shanghai

Slipway Singapore Slipway and Engineering Co. Singapore

Slot . G. H. Slot & Co.,'Ltd. Penang, Singapore?

Slowe . Slowe & Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Sluytersco . Java Sea and Fire Insurance Co., Ltd .. All Ports

Sluytersco . Veritas Insurance Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Sluytersco . Batavia Sea & Fire Ins. Co., Ltd. ... Singapore

Smallwood . H. Smallwood & Co. Peiping

Smchang . Ghenmin Trading Oo. Tientsin

Smelter . Consolidated Tin Smelters ... Penang

Smelter Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd. Pen. Sel. Pr. Siam

Smidtos . Anderson, Clayton & Co. ... Shanghai

iSmith . Brash & Smith ... Perak

Smithnayco Smith Navigation Co. Manila

Smo . Soc. Marseillaise d’Outremes Saigon

Smo Societe Indochinoise des Transports Saigon.

Smrco . South Manchuria Railway Co. Dairen

Snavebe . E. B. Evans & Co. Singapore

Snow . M. L. Snow & Co. Tsingtao

Sobbe . H. Sobbe Hankow

Sobrothers . So Brothers Shanghai *

Soohitraco . South China Trading Co., Ltd. Foochow

Socinco Soc. Indo-chinoise de Commerce, Ltd. ... Saigon

Socita Soc. Commissionaria di Exp. & Imp. Medan, Semarang:

Socom . Societe Commercial Asiatique Canton

Socotrine . Hongkong Daily Press .... i London

Soginimex . Societe Generale Indochinoise Saigon

Sohamos . Sbupf Brothers Singapore

Soko . Mitsubishi Warehouse Co., Ltd. Kobe

Solar . Solar Electrical & Mfg. Co., Ltd. Shanghai


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

tSolea . Southern Leaf Tobacco Co. Shanghai

Soloie E. J. Muller Shanghai

Solomon . Solomon & Co., S. Penang

Solomos . Boulangerie et Patisserie Francaise ... Peiping

Solrupco Solar Rubber Processes, Ltd. Singapore

Solway W. & C. Dunlop, Ltd. Shanghai

Solway Stewart, Thomson & Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Sonola Sonola Music House Shanghai

Roontheam Soon Theam & Co. Penang

Soonthye . Chop Soon Thye Kelantan

Soonlee Bagan Serai Co., Ltd. Perak

Soothsayer Chartered Rank of Ind., Aus. & China . Sourabaya

Sopher . Sopher & Co., Theodore Shanghai

Sorox Laguna Sugar Corpn. Manila

Sorox Sorox y Cia Manila

Sotodel North American Trading & Imp , Co. ... Manila

Soubritish South British Insurance Co., Ltd. Tokyo, Yokohama

Souchiknit . South China Knitting Factory Hongkong

Southcoal . South China Coal and Briquetting Co.... Hongkong

South ntra . South China Trading Co. ... Hongkong

Sovconspl Union of Soviet Socialist Republics All Ports

Sovflot Soviet Commercial Fleet Agency Hakodate

Sowawareco Sowa & Co., Ltd. Osaka

Soya A. Ennenberg Kobe

Soya Anglo-Chinese Eastern Trading Co., Ltd. Harbin, Dairen, Vlad.

Soychong Soy Chong Shanghai

Spalinger U. Spalinger & Co., s.a. Hongkong, Canton

Sparkless General Electric Co. of China, Ltd. Hongkong

Sparks D. B. Sparks Shanghai

Spearmint Wrigley & Co., Ltd. Tokyo

Speciality Speciality & Novelty Co. ... Singapore

Spectacles . John Duke Singapore

Spectacle Chartered Bank of India, Aus. & China .. Saigon

Speedy . New Engineering & Shipbuiding Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Spenav . Brown Jones & Co. Hongkong

Spenkelson Spencer Kellogg & Sons Manila

Spenrobin Space, Robinson & Partners Shanghai

Spero John D. Hutchison & Co. .. Hongkong, Canton

Sphinx Gande Price, Ltd. Shanghai,Hongkong

Sphinx Sphinx Trading Co. H’kong, S’hai, Kobe

Spicers Spicers Ltd. Singapore

Spizidis Oriental Coffee Co. Tientsin

Spizzica G. Spizzica & Co. Shanghai

Spool . Central Agency, Ltd. The ... All Ports

Sport International Recreation Club Tsingtao

Sportclub Macao Greyhound Racing Club Macao

Sporting H’kong. Sportg. Arms & Ammun. Store Hongkong

Sportsclub . Sports Club, The Hongkong

Sportsman . The Malayan Sports Depot Singapore

Spotradio Spot Radio Ltd. Singapore

Springbok Down Boeki Shokai Ltd. Kobe

tSprinzfurs . Wolf-Siprinz Fur Corp. Shanghai

Squib Squires, Bingham Co. Shanghai, Manila

Sregor . Rogers & Co.. Ltd. Singapore

Sregor . Amalgamated Publicity Services Singapore


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Sretlaw S. K. Walters & Go. Manila

Sriraach Sriracha & Co., Ltd. Bangkok

Sitadelman Stadelman & Co. Yokohama

Stalphonix Schoeller Block mar. h Phoenix Seik o G. K . Osaka, Tokyo

Standard Standard Life Assurance Co. Shanghai

Stamdadrug Standard Drug Co-, Ltd. Shanghai

Standard Standard Trading C'>. Tientsin

Standardco Standard Carpet & Export Co. Tientsin

Standpoint Christian Science Society ... Tientsin

Standrew Selangor United Rubber Estates, Ltd.

(St. Andrew Estate) ... ... Batang BerjuntUr

Standvac Standard-Vacuum Oil Co. All Ports

Stanelco Stanton. Nelson & Co., Ltd. Singapore

Stanelco East Indies Trading Co. Singapore

Stanford Lane, Crawford & Co. Kobe

Stanley Stanley Motor Service Tientsin

Stanmasup Standard Machinery Supply Co. Shanghai

Stanproco Standard Products Co., Fed. Inc. Shanghai

Stanprony Standard Products Co., Fed. U.S.A. Hongkong

Stantraco ; Standard Trading Co. Kobe

Star North China Star Tientsin

Staricks Star Ricksha Co. ... Shanghai, Hank or

Stark Stark & McNeill Perak, Penang

Starnews Sin Chew Jit Poh, Ltd. Singapore

Statebank State Bank of North Borneo Sandakan

Statetrust Estate & Trust Agencies ... Malacca, Singapore

Staterails Koval State Railways of Siam Bangkok

Statesb-mk National City Bank of New York Ho. Man. Ceb. Ham

Statesline States Steamship Co. All Ports

State works Public Works Department... Kedah, Trengganu

Statistics Department of Statistics Singapore

Statistics Statistical Department Shanghai

Stationers United Book & Stationery Co. Shanghai

Stationers American Boonshop Shanghai

Stationers Stationers Hall Bangkok

Steady Standard Trading Co. Hongkong

Steamboat H’kong., Canton & Macao Steamboat Co. Hongkong

Steamship Sarawak Steamship Co., Ltd. Sarawak

Steco Sheger & Co. Hongkong

Steel Kobe Steel Works Kobe

Steel Steel Bros. & Co., Ltd. Bangkok

Steelboler Austrian Consulate Shanghai

Steelboler Bohler Bros. & Co., Ltd. ... S’hai., Osaka, Tokyo

Steeldrums Steel Drums, Ltd. Shanghai

Steelhouse Philippine Steel ho use, Inc. Manila

Steelmaker United States Steel Products Co. Shanghai

Steelman United States Steel Products Co. ... Manila

Steelyard United States Steel Products Co. Shanghai

Steenhower C. Steenhauw'er & Co. ... ... Shanghai

Steffan Van Houten Steffan & Co. Padang

Stelpubse Dolly Vardon Hat Shop Hongkong

Stelpubse Stellar Publicity Service Hongkong

Stepeheol St. Stephen’s College Hongkong

Stephens Michael Stephens & Co., Ltd. Macassar


Gable Ad: Finn Name Place

Stephigh Stephen & 0Ci., Ltd. Hongkong

Sternberg " ... Sternberg & Go. Singapore

Sternhueme ' Christern Huenefeld & C!o., Inc. Manila

Stevens ’ Captain A. Gr. Stevens Yokohama

Stevenson Hanson, Orth & Stevenson Inc. Manila, Iloilo, Cebt*

Stevepling Hongkong Stevedoring & Supplying Co. Hongkong

Steward E. D. Steward &:'Co. Seoul

Steward son R. E. Stewardson ... Shanghai

Stewill Alfred Stecker Hongkong

Stil water Toyo Marine and Fire Insurance Co. ... Osaka

Stlukes St. Luke’s International Medical Centre Tokyo

Stocker Swatow Pilotage Service ... ... Swatow

Stockford N. H. Rutherford Shanghai

Stocks Shanghai Stock Exchange ... Shanghai

Stocks Hongkong Stock Exchange Hongkong

Stocky ates T. M. Yates ... Shanghai

Stoffels Stoffels & Co. ... Singapore

Storage Australian-Oriental Line, Ltd. Manila

Storage Singapore Col'd Storage Co., Ltd S’pore, Pen. Per.

Storage Yuilll and Co., Ltd. Manila

Storch Storch Bros., Ltd. ... Penang, Perak, Sel.

Stores Government Stores Department Sarawak

Strachan Strachan & Co., Ltd., W.M. Kobe, Tokyo

Stradings Shanghai Trading Co. Shanghai

Strabler Strahler & Co., Inc. Yokohama

Straitjava Straits Java Trading Co., N.Y. Singapore

Stramoto Straits Motor Garage Singapore

S train dotel Strand Hotel ... ... ... Dairen

Stantraco '■Standard Trading Co. ... Kobe

Strausiere FarEastDevelopmentCo:' Chefoo.

Strik Strickland & Co, . ... Singapore

Strome Strome & Co., Ltd. Yokohama

Stromtrade Holdo Stromwall Shanghai

Stromtrade Stromwall Trading Co. Chungking

Strang - Strong & Co. / Nagoya, Kobe,.

( Y’hama

Strowger Automatic Telephones of China Shanghai, Tokyo

Struan Duncan & Co. .. ... ... Shanghai

Structural Gammon and Hall (F.M.S.) Ltd. Perak

Studio Arts and Crafts, Ltd. ... Shanghai

Sityriastal Styrian Steel Works, Ltd Tokyo

Sublimis Fujisaki & Co. ... Yokohama

Sumcama Marbau Sumatra Caoutchoue Maatschappij ... Sumatra ,

Success W. Rabbem &. Co. (Successors) Tientsin

Sucharphil Insular Sugar Retining Corp. Msnila

Sucobrach S. U. &Co. Y okohama

Sucrose Sugar Hews Press , ... Manila

Sudayakubp, ... K. Adachi & Co. Tientsin


Sudin Studt ifc Co. ... Canton

Union Shanghai

Sudseatrad South Industrial Corporation

Seas Trading Co. ... Manila

Suezboot Nederland Line Royal Dutch Mail ^Singapore

S.U.F.I. Societe Urbaine FonCiere Indochinoise Saigon

Sugar Dai Nippon Sugar Co., Ltd. Tokyo

Sugar Japan Sugar Co., Ltd. Shanghai



Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Sugawa K. Sugawa & Co. Yokohama

Sugihara Nissei Trading Co., Inc. Shanghai

Suhr Suhr, K. H. Shanghai

Su’sung Match ... Sui Sung Match Co., Ltd. ... Shanghai

Sukoting Lucky Corporation Hongkong

Sulzer Sulzer Bros. Kobe, Shanghai

Sumatrabode Fa Drikkerij, Sumatra Bode en Padang

Tjaja Soematra

Sumatrapost De Sumatra Post Sumatra

Suraoama Marbau Sumatra Caoutchouc Maatschappij Sumatra

Sumitbank Sumitomo Bank, Ltd. S’hai., Y’hama.,Kobe

Sutn'tosale Sumitomo Goshi Kaisha Tokvo

Sumitsales Sumitomo Goshi Kaisha Kobe

Sumityoko Sumitomo Goshi Kaisha Shanghai

Summotor Sumatra Motor Co. N.Y. ... Sumatra

Sams Sum Aerency Selangor

Sunbeam South British Insurance Co., Ltd. Tientsin

Sunbeam Tipper & Co. Tientsin

Sunbeam Sun Life As«urauce Co. of Canada All Ports.

Sunburubco Sungei Bloh Rubber Co., Ltd. Selangor

Sunclad Au Sun Yue & Co Hongkong

Suncotrade S. W. Union Trading Co. ... Shanghai

Sunfat Sun Fat Co. Hongkong

Sunfe Hongkong Ice Cream Mfg. Co. Ltd. ... Hongkong

S unfire Sun Insurance Office, Ltd. ... To., Os., Shanghai

Sunflower Sun Tack Co., The Hongkong

Sunflower Sunflower Mercantile Co. ... Shanghai

Sung TTnion Trading Co., The Foochow

Sungeiduri Sungei Duri Rubber Estate Kedah

Sungeisainak Perak Oil Palms, Ltd. Perak

Sungei Wangi Lumut Rubber Estates, Ltd. Perak


Sunhai Sun Hai Bros. Penang

Sunhing Sun King Co. Shanghai

Sunley Sunley & Co. Hongkong

Sunlight Sunlight Co. Wei Hai Wei

Sunmaid Sunland Sales Association, Inc. Y’hama.. Shanghai

Sunmaid Sunmaid Raisin Growers’ Assoc. Shanghai

Sunnv Sung Yuen Oil Co., Ltd. ... Shanghai

Sunrise Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corpn. Sungei Patani

Sunshine China Trading and Industrial Co. Shanghai

Sunsun Sun Sun Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Sunsuntaco Sunsuntay Co. Shanghai

Sunwahco Oriental Trading Shanghai

Sunwoolong Sun Wo Long Oil Mill Co. Penang

Suyguanbing ... Suy Gunn Hing Hardware ... Manila

Separator Shanghai Milk Supply Co. ... Shanghai

Superman P. A Krishna ... Hongkong

Supervise Far East Superintendence Co., Ltd. All Ports

Surajmal Surajmal & Co. Kobe

Surveyor Lloyd’s Register of Shipping Singapore

Suwatrade Sung Wah Trading Co. Shanghai

Suzandron Belgian Consulate Yokohama

Suzandron Suzor, Ronvaux & Co ... Yokohama


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Suzukitazo Suzuki & Co. ... Tokyo

Svensk Swedish Consulate P’ping, S’hai.H’kong

Swandun Swan & Dunn, Ltd. Singapore

Swanstock Swan, Culbertson & Fritz ... Shanghai H’kong

Swaste Silva Trading Co. ... Shanghai

Swastika M. W. J. Nanayakara Singapore

Swatowlace Swatow Lace Co., Ltd. Swatow, Peiping

Swatowwork Swatow Drawn AVork Co. ... Hongkong

Swedetrade . Swedish Trading Co., The ... Hongkong

Swedlegation Swedish Legation Tokyo

S weeknek Swee Hock & Co. Perak

Swenhong N. V. Handel Maatschappj... Hongkong

Swenonis South China Daily News ... Hongkong

Swenonis South China Sunday News ... Hongkong

Swire Butterfield & Swire ... ... All Ports.

i^wisscolat Swiss Consulate Shanghai

Swisswatch Swiss AVatch Import Co. ... Kobe

Switchboard Kellogg Switchboard & Supply Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Sworcoco Swiss Oriental Commercial Co. Manila

Sword Straits Trading Cp., Ltd. ... S’pore., Penang

Sword Dave Brothers Kobe

Swucotrade S. W. Union Trading Co. Shanghai

Sydhudsom Hudson, Sydney, Ltd. Shanghai

Sydhudson D. Macfie Shanghai

Syconbeng Siy Cong Bieng & Co., Inc. Manila

Syjuco Sy-Juco Santiago Manila .

Sylvan Stanley, Ltd. Singapore

Syme Syme & Co. Bangkok

Synfintra G-. V. Synnerberg Shanghai

Synned Dennys & Co. ... Hongkong

Synthong Syn Thong Co. Penang

Syrio Ley S. Jacobsohn Harbin, Tientsin

Szehaitong Sze Hai Tong Banking Co., Ltd. Singapore

Szehan Szechuan-Hankow Railway Chungking

Tabacalera La El or de la Isabela Manila

Tabacalera Compania General de Tabacos de Filipinns Manila, Iloilo

Tab an a Tabaqueria Sino-Egyptiana Shanghai

Tabaqueria Tabaqueria Filipina S’hai, H.K., Macau

Tabloid Burroughs, AVellcome & Co. Shanghai

T. A. C. C. Tientsin Anglo-Chinese College Tientsin

Tacco America,n-Chinese Co., Fed., Inc., U.S.A. Peiping, 1 Tientsin

Tacco Victor Music House Tientsin

i Tachunhwa Great China Co. ... Shanghai

Tadairaa Thomsen & Co. Kobe

i Taeping Henry J. Clark.. Shanghai

Taeping Lavers & Clark... Shanghai

Tagal Philippine Net & Braid Factory, Co., Inc. Manila

Tabsan Way Tai & Co. Shanghai

iTai “TaiTung Jih Pao” Dairen

Taibo Pacific Trading Co., Ltd. ... Yokohama

Taihingeo Tai Hing Trading Oo. Shanghai

Taikho Taik Ho & Co. ... Perak

Taikoodock Taikoo Dockyard & Engineering Co. ... Hongkong

Tailai Wei Hai Wei Import and Export Co. ... Weihaiwei



Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Tailung Boerter & Co.. A. ... Tsingtao

Taiping Tai Ping Trad ng Co. Tientsin

Taipinginc Tai Ping Insurance Co., Ltd. ... Shanghai

Taisangr Tai Sang & Co. Swatow

Taishan Tai Shan Insurance Co., Ltd. ... Shanghai

Taishoyoko Taisho & Co.. K. Shanghai

TaisMnswo Tai Sban Ins. Co., Ltd ... Hongkong

Taisun Son Co.. Ltd., The ... Canton, Hongkong

Taitoco The Taito Co. .. Dairen

Taitoco Gadelius & Co., Ltd. ... Dairen

Taitung Tai Tung ... Chefoo

Taiwan gink Bank of Taiwan. Ltd. ... All Ports.

Taiwan soko Taiwan Soko Kaisha, Ltd. ... Formosa

TaiyosTioko Kobe Taiyo Shoko Kaisha, Ltd. ... Kobe

Taiyudokozan ... Nurupi Kozan K. K. Seoul

Tajmahal C. Rahim & Son ... Hongkong

Tajpinps A. Adamson & Co. Singapore

Takaiwa K. Takaiwa & Co. .... Shanghai

Takarafune Y. Koyama & Co. ... Osaka

Takashin Gestetner (Eastern), Ltd. Kobe

Takashin Lida &: Co., Ltd. ... Kobe

Takeda Kei- ... Tientsin

tei Yoke Takeda Bros. & Oo., Ltd. ... ... Osaka

Takedacho Takeda Chobei Shoten K. K. ... Tientsin

Takeuchi zakk ab u. S. Takeuctd & Go, Ltd. ..

Taki Taki Seikisho, Ltd. ... Kobe

Takisaila Takisada & Cq. Shanghai

Taku Taku & Co., Ltd. ... Dairen

Talathouse Talati House ... Tientsin

Talati J. M. Talati & Co. Peiping

Talati Talati Bros. & Co. ... Tientsin

Tallybo Bradburne & Co., (1930), Ltd. ... Selangor

^almouse ... Ardath Tobacco Co., Ltd. ... ... Singapore

Tamasha Abraham, E S. ... Hongkong

Tamasba Champkin, C. Hongkong

Tarabatuneo Tamba Shokai ... ... Yokohama

Tambooliat Tan Boon Liat Co. ... Singapore

Tamkpn Tamura Trading Co. ... Kobe

Tamtillos Thomas Pavitt & Go. ... Shanghai

Tamura S. Tamura & Co. Kobe

Tamurakoma Tamurakoma & Co. ... Osaka

Tanahashi Tanahashi & Co. ... Kobe

Tanaka Y. Tanaka & Co. ... Fusan

Tanboonliat Tan Boon Liat ... Singapore

Tandem China Products Exporters Co. .. Hongkong

Tanjong Singapore Harbour Board ... ,. Singapore

Tankabkee Tan Kah Kee & Co. ! ... ... Singapore

Tansania Walker & Co ... - ... Kobe

Tansania Clifford Wilkinson Gomel Kaisha ... Kobe

Tansoohock Tan Soo Hock & Co. ... Malacca

Tansumguan Tan Sum Guan & Son ... Sarawak

Tantino Firma Tantino ... Macao

Tantot ... R. Tantot .... ... ... Tientsin

Tauwu ... General Electric Co. of China ... Hankow


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Timwui United;Trading po.. • Hankow

Taoli Tung CHang Cb. /Changsha

Tariale Societe Commissionaria Di tixpcrtazione

E di Importazione ... Penang •

Tarun . Taran (Malay) Rubber Estates Sungei Patani.Kedah

Tasco Read, Yaughan Shanghai

Tashen . O. H. Tashjian Tientsin

Tason Tack son Medicine Cp. M acau

Tass Tass News Agency Shanghai

Tassie Australian Pripa^ry. Porducers Society... Singapore

Tassie . Penang Turf Club Penang

Tatarin off . Tatannoff & Bykoff Tsingtao

Taupin . 6. Taupin & Co. Hanoi

Tavadia . T'ayadia & Futakia Canton

Taybal Ross Taylor & Co., Ltd. Batavia

Taylorco . Taylor & Co. Tientsin

Taylorgawa . W. W. Taylor & Co. Seoul

Tchecomini , Czechoslovakian Consulate ... Shanghai

Tebuschco . J. Busch & Co. Tsingtao

Teeha Teh Chang Trading Co. Tientsin

Teco Tokyo Electric Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Teerthdas Teerthdas & Co. Manila

. Tegilwitam S. J. Burn Shanghai

Tehaselmac Elmac, Inc. Co. ... Manila

Tehcbee Teh Chee & Co.' ...J' - ... Tientsin

Tehyoung Li A Co. Hankow

Teikamdas , Teikamdas Bros. ... Kobe

Teima Teikoku Seima Kaisha ... Tokyo

Tekk Tokai Enkwan & Co., Ltd. Yokohama

Tekkosbo . , Osaka Tekko Sho Co. Osaka

Telaware Federal Telegraph Co. ... Shanghai

Tel berg , ' Telberg’s Internatipnal Bookstore ... Tsingtao

Telegrafica Porta Pueo & Co.’ ... ; Manila

Telegraph r Hongkong Telegraph Hongkong

Teiephonco Hongkong Telephone C°-. Ltd. Hongkong

Telephone . Chinese ;(ypsyeri;pient‘ Telephone Ad-

ministration ... ... ... Tientsin

Telge ... Telge & Schroeter Shanghai

i, Telint • • .. Siemen Bros. & Co., Ltd. ...; Shanghai

Telint Le Materiel Techique ... ... Shanghai

Teletype . Theodor & Rawlins ... ... Shanghai

‘ Tenacity Chartered Bank of India, Aus. & China Kai., Tsingtao, TL

p Tenderly . Eastern Trading The ..: Hongkong

) Teneb Bennet Inc.. P. M. Manila

| Terisinbank Bank- of Tiehtsin, Ltd. Tientsi n

} Tentacle :. Chartered Bank ot India.. Aus. China Tientsin

[ Tennis . Queen’s High Class Athletic Goods . ... Singapore

Teonghoe . Klang Cycle & Motor Garage Selangor

Perado , .. Daido Shokai G'omei Kaisha ... Tokyo

Terrninus . Wagons Lits Terminus Hotel Hankow

Terntra . Eastern Trading Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Teroff . Weill & Montor Singapore

Tesagency . Estates Supply Agency Selangor

Testaments British and Foreign Bible Society All Ports


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Testimony ... Church Missonary Society, South

China Mission Hongkong

Tetai ... Te Tai & Co. Tientsin

Tetens ... A. P. Tetens .... Tokyo, Osaka

Tetratomis ... Power-Gas Corpn. Tokyo

Teubner ... H. Tenbner Osaka

Teutonia Deutsche Asiatische Bank All Ports

Teverson ... Teverson and Mactavish Kobe

Texaco ...* The Texas Co., Ltd. All Ports

Textilag ... “Sapt” Textile Products, Ltd. S’hai., Han., T’tsin.

Textile ... Tokyo Kako Co., Ltd. Osaka

Textilian ... Lepack Co., Ltd. Hongkong

Textural ... Yaw Cheong ... Singapore

Tezam ... A. & E. Mazet Saigon

Thakkar ... M. D. Thakkar Kobe & Osaka

Theanhuat ... Thean Huat & Co. Penang

Theatre ... Central Theatre Hongkong

Theatre Empire Theatre Tientsin

Theatre ... North China Amusement Co. Tientsin

Thefashco ... Fashion Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Theodor ... Theodor & Rawlins ... ... Hankow

Theodorene ... Chalhoub & Co., Ltd. Kobe

Theoresen Theoresen & Co., Ltd. Bangkok

Thom ... W. C. Thom&Co. Hongkong

Thoma ... Thomas, R. H. ... Shanghai

Thompson Lawas (Sarawak) Estates, Ltd. Temburong

Thongbee ... Lim Nee Soon .... Singapore

Thoresen ... China Underwriters Bangkok

Thoresen ... O. Thoresen & Co., Ltd. Shanghai, Bangkok

Thorne ... Maitland & Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Thorn ward ... Montgomery Ward & Co. ... Shanghai

Thorny ... Thornycroft & Co., Ltd., John H’kong, S’hai, S’pore

Thriftcor ... Thriftcor Bank Harbin

Thubalkain ... German China Trading Co. Hongkong

Thulium ... British Wireless Marine Service ..: Hongkong

Thulium Marconi International Mar. Commun. ...

Co., Ltd. ... ... Singapore

Thulium ...... Marconi Sounding Device

Radio Communication Co.,Co.,

Ltd.Ltd. ... Singapore

Thulium Singapore

Thyechong ... Thye Chong & Co. Selangor

Tianglee ... Tiang Lee & Co. Penang

Tibesart ... J. A. Tibesart .... Tientsin

Tibesart Manufacturers Life Insur. Co. Tientsin

Ticia ... Xavier Bros., Ltd. Hongkong

Tienchutang ... Catholic Mission of Tsingtao Tsingtao

Tiensinbank ... Bank of Tientsin Tientsin)

Tiensupply ... Tientsin Auto. Supply Co. Tientisiu

Tienyushun Tien Yu Shun & Co., Ltd. ... Tientsin

Tillimb ... Percy Tilley .... Shanghai

Times ... Bangkok Times Press, Ltd. Bangkok

Times ... Japan Times Yokohama

Times ... Japan Times & Mail Tokyo

Times Straits Times .... Singapore

Times ... Times of Malaya Press, Ltd. Perak

Times ... Tsingtao Land and House Agency Tsingtao


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Timespao Chinese Peiping and Tientsin Times ... lientsin

Tinggi Plantations Ballet, Ltd. ... Batang Berjuntai

Tinplacorp South Wales Tinplate Corpn. Shanghai

Tinstone .. Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corpn. Ipoh

Tiongsoon Tiong Soon & Co. Singapore

Tiotekhong .. Tio Tek Hong ... Batavia

Tirthdas Bharat Trading Co. Yokohama

Tjapmata .. N.V. Carl Schliepper Handel Maatschappij Singapore

Tkcbao T. K. Chao Co. ... Swatow

Tlkni .. T. L. Knight & Co. Hongkong

ToaoSvert .. Advertising and Publicity Bureau, Ltd. H’kong, Singapore

Toaic Ta On Accident Ins. Co. ... Hongkong

Toaiin .. Oriental Hospital Tientsin

Tobacco British-Ameri can Tobacco Co. (Straits),Lt 1. Malaya

Tobacco . Malayan Tobacco Distributors, Ltd. Penang, Singapore

Tobacco United Tobacco. Stores Shanghai

Tobayoko .. Toba Yoko Dairen

Toewan “Oost Indie” Batavia

Tofuku Tofuku Trading Co. Shanghai

Tohyobito . Toyo Menka Kaisha, Ltd. ... Hongkong

Tohyobwata .. Toyo Menka Kaisha, Ltd. ... Shanghai, Tientsin

Toibuna . Teubner, H. Osaka

Toilet Sakabe & Co., Ltd. Osaka

Tointrad Toin Trading Co. Singapore

Tokmarinco Tokio M arjne and Fire Insurance Co., Ld. Shanghai

Tokyopiano . Tokyo Piano Shokai Tokyo

Tolarnold . Arnold & Co., Ltd. Chungking

Tomay . T. C. Hay & Co. Singapore

Tombstone . Singapore Casket Co. Singapore

Tomellco . T. Ellis & Co. ... Shan ghai

Toms . Union Trading Co. Kobe

Tondena . La Tondena, Inc. Manila

Tondon . Tondon W. & Bonnafous H. Tientsin

Tongbo T. S. Brothers & Co. ... Hongkong

Tonghong Tonghong Trading Corpn. ... Manila

Tonsidicat . Town Syndicate Shanghai

Tonydodd Anthony Dodd.... Shanghai

Toorabally V. H. Toorabally & Co. Kobe

Topas Topas Trading Co. Shanghai

Tophard Toplis & Harding Shanghai

Toporealty . Top o realty Shanghai

Tor . Tor Hotel, Ltd. Kobe

Toradja Manders, Seeman & Co. ... Celebes

Torero General Dairy & Farm Co. Tientsin

: Toryrocery . The Tor Grocery & Wine Store Kobe

Torynyoko . Toryu Yoko .... Shanghai

Toshoyoko . Katoh & Co. Hongkong

Totickpedo Tajmahal Silk Store Hongkong

,Totickpedo . Tat Kuan Hongkong

I Tourisme . 'Office du Tourisme Indo Chinoise Hanoi

Tourist Japan Tourist Bureau All Ports

f Touyaoting Tou Yao Kee & Co. Shanghai

Towakisen . Towa Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. ... Kobe

iTowco . T. 0. Wong & Co. Shanghai



Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Towel . Sean You Zoo & Co., Ltd. ... Shanghai - : ; •

Towers Towers & Co., Ltd. Perak

Towers . Antaki & Son .... Tokyo

Townsend . Townsend & Co. ' . Chemulpo

Toyobo . Yu Fong Mill .... Shanghai 1

Toyohito . Toyo Menka Kaisha ... ... Shanghai’ ' ' ;

Toyobatabako . Toyo Tobacco Leaf Co. ... ... Shanghai

Toyokoku . Far Eastern Advertising Agency Tokyo

Tovomatch . Toyo Match Co., Ltd. Kobe

TPHC . Tsingtao Paper Hunt Club Tsingtao

Traco . Foochow Trading Corporation Foochow • ‘3

Tracoponia . Ningpo Trading Co. ... Shanghai

Tract Japan Book and Tract Society Tokyo

Traction . Singapore Traction Co., Ltd. • Singapore

Tractor . LTnion Motors ... ' Hongkong

Tradcoseas . China Overseas Trading Co. . Shanghai

Tradeboard Y’hama & Tokyo Foreign Board of Trade " 'Y’hama

Traders . British Traders Insurance Co., Ltd. Hongkong T’tsira

Tradesman . Eastern Trading Co. ’Singapore

Trade wind Thor Ibsen Harbin

Trading . Nederlandische Handel Maatschappij JT.AL All Ports

Trading Seremban Trading Co. r ... •" Neg. Sembilan

Trading Straits Cattle Trading Co. ... ...; :; Singapore

Tragopan Carlowitz & Co. (Harbin

Trajectory Shanghai Rifle Association... Shanghai

Trambond . Oost-Java Stoomtram-Maat. N. Y. Semarang

Tramindo . Compagnie Francaise de Tramways ... Haiphong, Saigoad

Tramways Hongkong Tramways, Ltd." Hongkong

Tramways Kai Tack Motor Bus C©-, Ltd. Hongkong

Transfer Botly & Co. Perak

Transmarine Kmorr Jimusho ... ... Tokyo

Transocean . China Trans-Ocean Trading Co. Shanghai

Transpacif . “ Trans-Pacific TUe Tokyo

Transocean . The Great Shanghai Realty Civ "Shanghai

Traservice . China Travel Service - ^Singapore

Travelbank China Travel Service S’hai., Hongkong

Traveller . H. M. Hodges ... Shanghai

Traverser , Travers & Sons, Ltd. • ’ Singapore^ Pen ang;

Traxlerns J. H. Trachsler, Ltd. Shanghai

Treasurers . Methodist Episcopal Missions’Offices Shanghai

Treduoc . De Witt, Perkins & Brady Manila

Tremmal . H. A. Lammert Hongkong

Trendel . Foreign Food Store , ... , Chefoo

Trevor . Broadwater Estate .... , Perak

Triangle . Triangle Motors, Inc. .... Shanghai

Triangle .. European Young Men’s Christian

Association Hongkong .,

Tribune . Malaya Tribune ... . ; Singapore

Trico . Overseas Trading Syndicate Shanghai, Penang

Triplerais . A. Malcolm & Co, ' Shanghai .

Triplerais Metallisation Ce. of China, Ltd. :Shanghai

Triplerais . Shanghai Vibro Piling Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Triumph . Currimbhoy & Co., Ltd. .. Hongkong,

Trocklar . Larsen & Trock Mukden, Shanghai


Cable Ad: Firm Name Plac,e

Troika . Russian Asiatic Co. ... Dairen

Trojan De Souza & Co. ... Hongkong

Truscon Tokyo .. Oriental Steel Products Co., Ltd. Yokohama

Trusimmons Simmons Co., The Manila

Trust ’ . .. British Trust and Investment Co., Ltd... Harbin

Truster Hsin Yuen Co. Shanghai

Trustfully Z. D. Zung ... Shanghai

Tschurin T^churin & Co. Harbin, Dairen

Tsensun Tsen Sun Yue Kee Lumber Co. Shanghai

Tshusokche .: Tshu- Sok Che (Mrs.) Swatow

Tsingmotor .. Tsingtao Motors Fed. U.S.A. Inc. Tsingtao

Tsinovelty Ic Tientsin Novelty Co. Tientsin

Tsinpury Tientsin Pukow Line Tientsin

Tsintram .. Tientsin Tramways &'Lighting Co., Ltd. Tientsin

Tsuckihaski Tsuchihashi & Co. Shanghai

Tsun China.Forwarding & Express Co. Tientsin

Tsurutani Tsurutani & Co.. Ltd. Hongkong

Tuaranesta Tuaran Ruebbr Estates, Ltd. Jesselton, Borneo

Tuason Tuason, Bijos De J. S. Manila

Tubedodg Kyokuto Gomu Goshi Kaisba Osaka

Tuckivergi Kentucky & Virginia Leaf Go. Shanghai

Tucktai TuckTai . Shanghai

Tug Cebu Stevedoring Co», Inc. Cebu

Tukitama Miyasaki & Co., Ltd. Tokyo

Tulip M. P. Talati ... Hongkong

Tunic Tung. Yick Steamship Co., Ltd. ’ ... Hongkong

Tung (6639) Bank Fung

of Communications ... Newchwang

Tungfung Tung Engineering Works . Tientsin

Tungseng King.George Hospital; Amoy

Tungsbang Commercial Bank of China Shanghai

Tungshing Tung Shing & Co., Ltd. Tientsin

Tungshun Tung-Shun. Co.-- ... • Chefoo

Tungtai Tung Tai Trading Co. Shanghai

Tungwa Oriental Transportation and Trading Co Hongkong, S’hai

Tungwen Tung Wen Institute ... Amoy

Tungwo Tung Woo Dispensary Kiu., Soochow

Turner General Electric Co,' of China, Ltd. Dairen

Turner Turner & Co. .A Foochow

Twentyfour Asiatic Trading.Co. . Hongkong

Twigg ’ P. O. Bfien Twigg, Ltd Shanghai

Twyford Central Insurance, Co., Ltd. Tientsin

Twyford North China Adveritsing Co. Tientsin

Twyford '. Twyford & Co., J. Tientsin

Twyford Twyford Engineering Co. ... Tientsin

Tycbauco Ty Chauco & Co. Manila

Tyeb Tyeb & Co. ... ... Hongkong

Tyehuabank ,, . , Cnited Chinese Bank, Ltd. . Singapore

Tyes Tye & Bros., N. A. Hongkong

Tyli Li & Co., T. Y. ... , Hankow

Tyli Wah Chang Trading Corporation ... Hankow

Typhoon H. Connell & Co., Ltd, . ... Hongkong, Shanghai

Tywan - The Comfort Co. ... Tientsin

Tyyen '.r Central Cold Storage Co, ... • ... Shanghai

Tyyen Yue Kee


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Uchis United China Syndicate Ltd. Shanghai

Ucindo L’Union Commerciale Indo-Chinoise et

Africaine Haiphong, Saigon

LFlfhansen Ulf Hansen & Co. Kai., Tsingtao

Ullmann Ullmann & Co., J. All Ports

Ullmann Ullmann, Rene ... ... Singapore

Ultoco Universal Leaf Tobacco Co. of China, Inc. Shanghai

Ultramar Ultramar Import Co. Shanghai

Umecos United Manufacturers Electric Co. ... Shanghai

Umezuki S. U. h Co. Moji, Kobe

Umrigar Umrigar Bros. ... Shanghai

Unacal Union Oil Co. of California Singapore

Unartisco United Artists Corporation Singapore

TJnasso Union Assurance Co. ... ..^ Singapore

Undaunted John H. Clarke Cnefoo

Underiters Agricultural Insurance Co. ... ... Manila

Underiters American Asiatic Underwriters, Fed. Inc All Ports

Umderiters American Internatioinal Underwriters. Manila

Underiters Asia Life Insurance Co. ... ... Batavia

Underiters National Merchants & Underwriters Hankow

Underiters National Union Fire Insurance Co. :... All Ports

Underiters Hanover Fire Insurance Co. All Ports

Undertaker T. MacDonald & Co. .. ... Shanghai

Underwear China A.B.C. Underwear, Weaving & Shanghai

Dyeing Mill, Ltd.

Underwrite China Underwriters, Ltd. ... H’kong, S’apore

Unfilman Universal Picture Corpn. Ltd. . . A11 Ports

Unfilproco Unique Film Production Co., Ltd. Singapore

Uniautosup Universal Auto Supply Oo,... Shanghai

Unico United Motors Ltd. Mukden

Unicomoo Union Commercial Co. Manila r

Unicromb Union Marine & General Insce. Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Unileather Leather Products Manufacturing Co. ... Shanghai

Unileather United Leather Goods Co. ... Shanghai

Unimporsyd Union Import Export Svndicate, Ltd. Shanghai

Union China Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. Singapore

Union North China Insurance Co., Ltd. Han. Ko. Pep. Yo.

Union Union Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. Singapore

Union Union Insurance Society of Canton, Ltd. All Ports.

Union Tangtsze Insurance Association, Ltd. ... Y’hama, S’pore, Ko.

Union Far East Insurance Co., Ltd. Singapore

Union British Traders Ins. Co., Ltd. f^S’pore,



Union Union Trading Co. Amoy

Unionbank Chung Too Union Bank ... Tientsin

Unionbeer Nippon Beer Kosen Co., Ltd. Tokyo

Unionbeer Union Brewery Co., Ltd. ... ... Shanghai

Unioncomco Union Commercial Co. ... Peiping

U nionkoyei Koyei Kabushiki Kaisha ... Osaka

Unionpromo Union Trade Promoting Co. Hongkong

Unionships Union Steamships Agency ... Shanghai

Unionsteel Doitsu Seiko K. K. Tokyo, Osaka

Umiomitiade Union Trading Co. Hankow

Unipede G. C. Shepherd Shanghai


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

TJnipress United Press Association Manila, Shanghai

Umiproco . .. Universal Producing Co. ... Chefoo

Unique Campbell & Co. Singapore

Unitage United Agencies Shanghai

Unitarian Universal Trading Co. Hongkong

Unitedeast , EasternUnited Assurance Corporation, Lb l. Singapore

Unitedpainters .. United Painters Singapore

Uniteers United Engineers, Ltd. All Ports

Unitexpor United Exporters, Ltd. Singapore

Unitraco Union Trading Co. Tokyo

Unitrasia Asiatic Universal Trading Co. Singapore

Unity .. A. W. Harvey & Co Shanghai

Unity L. H. Howell Peiping

Unitteasia Asiatic Universal Trading ... Singapore

Univegg Universal Egg Supply Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Universal Miners & Builders Stores ... Selangor

Universal Universal Cars, Ltd. Singapore

Uni wash Baker Perkins Ltd. Singapore

Unixport United Export, Ltd. Singapore

Unkel H. T. Unkel Canton, Shanghai

Unoco Bennett, Inc. P. M. Manila

Unoco Union Oil Co. of California Kobe, Shanghai

Unpluoo United Plumbing Co., Inc. Manila

Unravel Maurice Jenks, Percival & Isitt Tokyo, Yokohama

Untraco Union Trading Co. Shanghai

Untradeco Universal Trading Co. Shanghai

Untraico Harry Lemente & Co. Harbin

Unyu Shanghai Transportation Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Uplitho Universal Press

Upstairs Little, Adams & Wood Hongkong

Uraic Union Realty & Investment Co., Inc. Shanghai

Uragadokki Uraga Dockyard Co., Ltd. ... Yokohama

Usamidragon Usami & Co., Ltd. Osaka

Usbrewco Brewer & Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Uscar Hongkong Used Cars Hongkong

Uscourt United States Court for China Shanghai

Usmc American Forces—Fourth Marines,

M.C.E.F., Headquarters ... Shanghai

Utco Union Trading Co. Kobe

Utprosim British Flower Shop Shanghai

Uychaco Mariano Uy Chaco Sons & Co., Inc. Manila

Uyekigumi Yokohama Nursery Co., Ltd. Yokohama

Uyhooco Uy Hoo

Vaeakis Vacakis Bros. Dairen

Vacuum Standard Vacuum Oil Co. Singapore

Yajdaco Continental Chemical & Drug Supplies,

Ltd. (G. Vajda & Co.) ... Shanghai

Vakil B. R. B. Vakil ... Kobe

Vamco Vamco Timber Co. ... ... Sarawak

Vamdee Nanking Hotel ... Nanking

V aness A. Van Ess & Co. Newchwang

Vanderklaauw .. Netherlands Insurance Office Harbin

Vanguardia “ La Vanguardia ” Manila


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Vanner General Electric Co1., Ltd. Singapore

Vannie Van Nie & Co. ... "... E. C. Sumatra

Vannini A. Vannini Hongkong

Vanwijk Hotel Van Wijk Co., Ltd. p , .'Singapore

Varalda Varalda & Co. ... ... Peiping

Varekamp Varekamp & Co. Medan

Various Wing Hing Hong Hongkong

Vassos Vassos & Co., ... T 1.' . Shanghai

Vasuka Vasuka & Co. ' ... Kobe

Vasunia J. P. Vasunia & Co. Hongkong, Canton

Vsawani Bombay Silk Store Manila

Vaticanus H. Skott&Co. Hongkong

Veepilot Beldom Packing Agency (Jap;tn), ljtrd. . .. ‘Kobe

Velocity Takata & Co., Ltd. Osaka, Tokyo

Velodrome N. V. Velodrome H.Semarang, S’-baya^ '

Vences Riberio, Son & Co.' .... 1 Hongkong

Vendor Doney & Co. ••• ‘Tientsin

Vendrell Vendrell, Mustaros 5 Kobe

Venesco General Veneer Factory ... 'Tientsin -

Venturi F. Venturi Shanghai

Venu International Traders Kobe

Verhomai Verhomai Shewaram & Co. ... - Yokohama

Veritas British Corporation

ik Aircraft ... ; Register;...of 'Shipping:

. ' Hongkong ' .

Veritas Bureau

for theVeritas International

Classification Register,. Hongkong, Shaugha

of Shipping

Veritas Parker, Rielley & Co. ... ... Shanghai '

Veritas Reilly, Simmons & Milne ... b.. Shanghai

RegistrO Italiano Havale ed AefonautiicQ' Hongkong Hongkong


Verrorient Teikoku Kaiji Kyokai ... : Haiphong (Tonkin)

Societe des Verrieries d’E'ktreme Orient ....

■ .v'.v ■ Hakodate

Vertico ... Vernot Timber Trading'Co.

Vespers ... , Hongkong Trust.Corporation, Ltd.: . .t;. Hongkong

Vestinlaud China Land and Investment Co,. • ... Shanghai

Vetch Pekinotel

Pekinotel The Peiping

Vetch HenriFrench


... ... . ... ; Peiping

Veth ... Veth’s Handelsmaatschapi>ij Macassar, Padarig

Vethavanam ... Barnabas & Co. Selangor

Vibroco ! Vibro Piling Co. . ••• • Hongkong

Viccajee ... Viccajee & Co.. Ltd. .V. Hankow, Shanghai

Vicmico Victoria Milling Co. Manila

Victal A. Victal Canton

Victor ... Victor Talking MachineCo. of Japan,' Ltd,. Yokohama

Victoria ... “Amsterdam'’ N. V. HandelsVereeniging Sourabaya, Medan .

Victoria Victoria Hotel , " b. Canton

Victrola R. C. A. Victor Company of China Shanghai

Vidalio Standard Import Co., Inc. Manila

Vidry Docks de la Chambre de Commerce ... Haiphong

Viegelmann Viegelmann, Schroder & Co. Inc. Manila

Vigilant White, Page & Co. Manila

Vigor Standard Trading Co. . Tokyo

Vigor W.F. Horsley ... ' .. . Tokyo

Vigorous H. P. Surry ... , Shanghai

Vilanune Murata & Umetani 'Shotern .... Kobe

Vilitea Tilly, A. E. ... ' ' ... ' ... Singapore


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Viloudaki Viloudaki & Go. v. Shanghai

Vinca .. Dr. G. O’Neill Tientsin

Vinceutini F. R. de Carvalho ... Shanghai

Vincible Vincent & Go, ...i . Hongkong

VinokosrofT Vinokosroff & Sons, A.I. ... Tientsin

Viroomal Viroomall

Virtico Vntico Timber Trading Co. Hakodate

Virtrax Sales Corpn. of Bohemian Sheet Glass ... Shanghai

Vision vu G. W. Colton Vokohama

Visiting Mansergh & Taylor .., ... bJegn Sembilan

Visargis Erdman & Sielcken Sourabaya, Batavia

Vitalexin Vit-Alexin (China), Ltd. ... Hongkong, Shanghai

Vitama Vitama Co. Tsinan

Vitamilk Vitamin Milk Co. Shanghai

Vneshtorg IJ. S. S. B. Trade Representation All Ports

Vogel Dr. Werner Rechtsauwait Vogel Shanghai

Vohumano R. K. Modi ... ... Hongkong

Singapore,Osaka, Sh^

Volkart Volkart brothers’Agency ...

Vordoni S: J. Vordoni & Co. .. Tientsin

Vories W. M. Vories & Co. Osaka, Tokyo

Vostasi East Asiatic Vostasi Co. ... ... Harbin


Vrard Vrard & Co.

Vuesihtorj U.S.S.R. Trade Representation Osaka


Vulca Eastern Engineering Works, Ltd. Tientsin, Shanghai

Vulcaniser United Vulcanising Co. Inc.... Singapare

W. C. S. Washington Cold Stores, Manila

Wac W. A. Cornell ... Hongkong

Vulcanite Federal Rubber Stamp Co. ... Malaya

Wadbco Wradhoomali & Co. ... ... Robe

Wading Bird ... Cbina Mercantile Co. .... ... Hongkong

Waelchli Liebermann, Waelchli & Co. Kobe, Osaka, Tokyo-

W aginan O. Wagman ... Tientsin

Waidefag Deutsche Barden H. G. Waibel & Co. Tientsin All Ports

Wagman Wagman, O.

Wagonlits Grand Hotel Des Wagons Lits, Ltd.1 ... Peping, Hongkong.

Wahchang ... Wah Chang Mining & Smelting Go.... Shanghai

Wahson "Wahson & Ob. ... Shanghai

Wahtack Asiatic Petroleum Co. (South China),Ltd. Canton

Hongkong, Canton

Wantack Wah Tack Handels Oompagme Hongkong

Wahtack Kruse & Co. ... ... Hongkong

Wahtszpo WahTszYatPo

Waidefag Deutsche Farben-Handel, (Waibel

Ts., Sh., Ho.

Waies Yoshikawa Shoten ... Yokohama

Waitzun Waitzun Silk Co. Shanghai

Walbank Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Co'rpn. Rew York

Walgost, Foldi . Ostrovsky, Walter G. Tientsin

Walinder Inhelder, Walch Co., Ltd. ... Manila

Walintco. ‘Walworth-International Co. ... Shanghai

Walix Luneta Motor Company Manila

Walker Wralker & Co., R.K. Kobe, Nagasaki

Walkerco Walker Goshi Kaisha ... Tokyo

Walkie Walkie Trading Corpn. ..; ... Hankow

Walkover Alexander Shoe Co. ... ... Shanghai


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Walkover Walk-Over Shoe Store Manila

Wallace Peter Wallace ... ... Seoul

Wallem Wallem & Co. Shanghai, Hongkong

Wallflower Woo Brothers Hongkong

Walpapco Walford Wallpaper Co. Shanghai

Walteco A. Waite & Co. Succ. Tientsin

Walterdunn Walter, Dunn & Co. Shanghai

Waltham Waltham Watch Co. Tokyo

Walther J. Y. Walther Kobe

Waltkerie . Watkins & Co. Singapore

Wr ameieleco .. Wah Mei Electric Co. Shanghai, Hongkong

Wamow Wan Mow & Oo. Hankow

Wanamaker ,. John Wanamaker Kobe, Shanghai

Wanfung .. W. Niggermann & Co. ... ... Chefoo

Wangbrot ,. Wang hsros. & Co. Hongkong

W angkee .. Wang Kee & Co. Hongkong

Wangsunkee . S. K, Wang & Co. Shanghai

Wangtea .. Wang Yue Tai Tea Co. Shanghai

Wankoo .. Baxter & Co. Hongkong

Ward sraan . Thos. W. Ward, Ltd. Shanghai

Ward ley .. Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corp. Hongkong

Waren manly ,. Manley Manutacturing Co.... bhanghai

Warfield . Whiteway, Laidlaw & Co., Ltd. All Ports

Warnaeiga . Warner Bros. ... .... Osaka

Warner Warner, Barnes & Co., Ltd. Manila, Iloilo, Cebu

Warren . C. E. Warren & Co., Ltd. ... Hongkong

W arrior .. Regent Poultry Farm Johore

Washmo ,. Washington Trading Co. ... Tokyo

Wassard . East Asiatic Co., Ltd. Harbin, Dairen

Wassiamull . Assumull & Co. | Kobe, S’hai., S’pore.

[ Penang

Watangco . Tang & Co., Ltd., W. A. ... Changsha, Hankow

Watanmal . Watanmal Boolchand S’pore.,S’hai., Canton

Watertight Hankow Waterworks & Electric Light Co. Hankow

Waterlily . Shanghai Waterworks Fittings Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Waterlily . Shanghai Rugby Union Football Club ... Shanghai

Watertight .. Osaka & Marine & Fire Ins. Go. ... Osaka

Waterwheel . Watts & Co. Singapore

Waterworks .. Amoy Waterworks Co, Amoy

Watson :. Watson & Co., K.F.C. Tientsin

Watsona E. C. Watson & Co. Perak

Wattimex I. H. Watt & Co. Hongkong

Watts Watts & Cc. Tientsin

Waveny Toeg & Read Shanghai

Wavito Wattie & Co., Ltd. Shanghai, Sourabaya

Wayfoong H. IK. & Shanghai Banking Corp. ... Shanghai

Wayford Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corpn. Dairen

Weandsco Western Equipment and Supply Co. Manila

Weare Watts & Co., Ltd. Singapore

Wearne Motor Traders Finance Co., Ltd. ... Singapore

Wearne Wearne Bros., Ltd. Malaya

Webro Brockmann & Co. Tsingtao

Wecophones Western Electric Co. of Asia Singapore


liable Ad: Firm Name Flace

Weebros Wee Bros. ... Singapore

Weechaplang Wee Hap Lang ... Selangor

W eeks . Weeks & Co., Ltd. Shanghai, Hankow

Weeiekoon . Central Pharmacy Singapore

Weesengmoh . Wee Seng Moh Singapore

W eesiang Wee Siang Bros. Semai ang

Weh aid . Welch, Fairchild, Ltd. Manila

Weliry Wehiy & Co., Geo. iSourabaya, Batavia,.


Weijiang . Wearing Export Trading Co. Shanghai

Weiaberger . Weinberger & Co. C. ... ... Osaka, Tokyo, Kobe

Weinstein Weinstein, L. (S. Tientsin

Weir . H. L. Weir & Co., Ltd. Johore

Weising Weihaiwei Handiwork Co. ... Wei-Hai-Wei

Weising Wei Sing Trading Co. Wei-Hai-Wei

Weitzel J. Weitzel Kobe, Osaka

Welgol Welansky & Goldberg Osaka

Wemcoexpo Westinghouse Electric Co. of Japan All Ports

Wemco Westinghouse Electric Co. Nagoya

Wende Walter, David Lane & Co. Chefoo, Tsingtao

Wenkee Wen Kee Steamship Co. ... Shanghai

Wentagie Wentworth Andrews & Grose Shanghai

Wemmithco Smith Co., Werner G. Hankow

Werwbite R. J. Whitehead Shanghai

Wessyngton Malayan American Plantations Johore

Wes tall Wm. Little & Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Westcott Mei Yah Trading Oo. Shanghai

Western Union . American Trade Commissioner Singapore

Westernco Western Co. Chefoo

Westhouse Thompson Electrical Co Manila

Westimpson Stimpson Electric Supply Co. Peiping

Westinghouse ... Westinghouse Air Brake Co. Tokyo

Westlake Yilla West Lake (Hotel) ... Tientsin

Westlife West Coast Life Insurance Co. S’hai, T’tsin, Harbin

Westlite W. Bornhorst Tientsin

Westlife W . R. Rice & Co. Shanghai

Wesbmark West and Whitaker Manila

Westpine Nishiinatsu & Co. Osaka

Wexlumco Western, Export Lumber Co. Kobe

Weysfield Weysfield, N. E. Hankow

Wbacheng Eastern United Assurance Corpu., Ltd... Perak

Whaweico Wha Wei Trading Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Waidefag Deutsche E'arben - Handelsgesellschaft

(Waibel & Co.) All Ports

Wharves The Penang Harbour Board Penang

Whatt Whatt

Wheelock Shanghai Tug and Lighter Co., Ltd. ... Shanghai

Wheelock Wheelock & Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Whilsberg Wm. Hilsberg ... ^ Shanghai

Whiphall Whipple S. Hall & Co., Inc. Manila _

Whirlblast Irwin, Harrisons, Whitney, Inc. Shanghai

Whitamore Whitamore & Co. Tientsin

Whitdonald Herbert, Whitworth, Ltd. ... Shanghai


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Whiteaway . Whiteaway, Laidlaw & Co., Ltd. Malacca

Whitebach . W. R. Loxley & Co. Shanghai

Whitewhite . White White & Co. .... Shanghai

Whittall . . Whittall & Co. Selangor

Wbongfoo .. Gt. China Deep Well Boring Co., Ltd... Shanghai

Whymark .. Whymark & Co., G. Kobe

Whyteleafe . . White & Co. Shanghai

Wicking ,. Harry Wicking & Co., Ltd, Hongkong

Wiersum .. M. S, Wiersum & Co., Ltd,. Yokohama

Wigg .. Brandt A Hampson Shanghai

Wildingco . Wilding & Co. ... ... Batavia

Wilfogco .. Fog & Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Wilgrist .. Wilkinson & Grist Hongkong

Wilkarsa .. W. J. Karsa & Co. •.. Shanghai

Willgold .. Golding & Co. Shanghai

Willhu .. William Hu Shanghai

Williamscb .. 'Williams Brush Co. Kobe

Williamson .. Williamson & Co. ... Hongkong

Willykirk . W. J. Kirk Shanghai

Wilma . H. & Y. Trading Co. Hongkong

Wilobon .. Bolton Bristle Co. ... Shanghai

Wilopateru . Willow Pattern Press ... Shanghai

Wilproco Wilkinson Process Rubber Co. Selangor

Wilson .. Wilson & Co. ... Tientsin

Winckler .. Winckler & Co. Kobe, Y’hama, Nagoya

Windrose .. Windsor, Speidel ^Co, Sh. Tsi. Kai. Tai.

Winetrade ,. Manila Wine Merchants,, Ltd. Manila

Wingloong Wing Loong .,. Singapore

Wingcoffee .. Wing. Coffee Co., ... Hongkong.

Wingfathong .... Yuen Fat Lee

Wing Fat Hong Co, ... .. Hoihow

Wingfathong Hoihow

Wingkee .. Wing Kee & Co. Hongkong

Winglycom .. Wingly A Co. .r Hongkong

Wingon .. Wing On Life Assurance Co., Ltd. Hongkong, Shanghai

Wingon .. Wing Ou Co. Ltd. ... Hongkong, Shanghai

Wingon .. Wing On Fire Marine Insurance Co. .. Hongkong

Wingtaivo .. Wing Tai Vo Tobacco Corpn. Hang. Wen.

Winner .. A. Kwai & Co. Hongkong

Wintering .. H. B. Winter Singapore

Wippa .. Pottinger & Co., Ltd. Tientsin

Wisa .. Ned. Ind. Afdeeling Batavia, Sourabaya

Wisner .. Wisner & Co. Shanghai

Wistaria .. Naigai Kogyo Kaisha, Ltd. Tokyo

Witchery .. Wing Fat Printing Co., Ltd. Hongkong

Witkowski .. J. Witkowski & Co. ... Y’hama, Kobe, Nagoya

Wituncas .. Unna. Casson &. Co., Ltd. ... } Shanghai

Woass .. Wing On Fire & Marine Ins. Co. .. Hongkong

Wohingsilk .. Wo Hing Silk Corp. Canton

Wokusam .. Masukow Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Wolco .. 'I'. J. Wolff & Co., Inc Manila

Wolfson .. Wolfson B. & B. Manila

Wolsbel Wolskel & Co. Singapore

Welter .. Carl Wolter & Co.- Chemulpo

Wolun ... China Woollen Co. ... Shanghai

Womedicoll Margaret Williamson Hospital Shanghai

'Wongkee ... Wong. Kee & Co. Selangor !


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

Wongman .Great Western Road Hospital Shanghai

Wood m Swatow Pilotage Service .... Swatow


Woodcraft Woodcraft Works, Ltd.

Woodworkco , ... China Woodworking & Dry Kiln GLid. Shanghai

Woofontrad Woo Fong Trading Co. Shanghai

Woollen Mackie & Co., A. Tientsin

Woollen Woollen Vosy & Co., Ltd. ... Tientsin

Wooloco European American Grocery Manila

Wooltai .. Saey Tai General Import Cb- • : ■ Shanghai

Worldrng The World Drug Co. ... . • Hongkong

Worthy ... Wassiamull Assomul & Co. Hongkong

Wortre World Theatre Hongkong

Wreford .... Wreford & Thornton J^enang

Wulfruna C, W. Hampson Advertising & Publicity Shanghai

Wulfsobn Wulfsohn & Co. Tientsin

Wuchang Wuchang Co. ... ... Singapore

Wutnsoc ... Womans Union Missionary Sue. . . Shanghai

Wuriu Wuriu Shokwai Co. Shimonoseki

Wutaca Wutca & Co. Tientsin

Wygerde Procure des Missions Beiges Shanghai

Wynne Japan Exporting, Co. Kobe

Yachen Yah Chen & Cb. ... , . Shanghai

Yachungwa Great China Co. Shanghai ' .

Yadzu Andrews & George Co., Inc. Tokyo, Osaka, D’ren,

Yali Yale in China Changsha

Yalimp Yali Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd. Mukden

Yelnato (0342) Stanley Co. Tientsin

Yamagimi Yamagami Trading Co. Kobe

Yamahatsu . : Yamahatsu Shokai Osaka

Yamakatsu Yamague,hi Katsuzo Tokyo

Yamakiu S. Kato & Co. Hongkong

Yamamasa Yamada Co. Tokyo

Yamamoto Yamamoto Art Photo Studio /Tientsin

Yamashita Yamashita Risen Kogyo Kaisha R’kong, Taipeh, Sh.

Yamato Yamato Hotel Mukden, Chungking'

Yamatosilk Yamato Shokai, Ltd. Yokohama

Yanfactor Lam Wing Yan & Co. Hongkong

Yangbrosbk Young Bros. Banking Corp. S’hai; H’kow; Chung.

Yangbrosco Young Brothers Trading Co. Hankow

YangcO: .. I. C, Yang t Co., Ltd. ... Shanghai

Yangriver , .. Yangtsze River Comm. Shanghai

Yangtse The Yangtse Hotel Nanking

Yangtsze , Yangtsze Insurance Association, Ltd. . Shanghai

Tanotojoko Yano & Joko Yokohama • [(

Yaptico F. M. Yaptico & Co., Ltd. ... Cebu

Yardarm H. Denis Hazell Hongkong

Yardarm Siemssen & Krohn Foochow

Yarg , Carmichael, Lennox & Gray Shanghai

Yarg . John Gray Shanghai

Yarnsco . Woolley, Read & Co. Hongkong


Cable Ad : Firm Name Place

Yastnarleon ... Ramsay & Co. Shanghai

Yebana ... La Yebana Co., Inc. Manila

Yebara ... Yebara & Co. ... ...' Shanghai

Yeekee hong ... Yee Kee Hong Shipchaudlers & Co., :Ltd. Hongkong

Yeesangfat ... Yee Sang Fat Co. ' .'. ...' Hongkong

Yeesoh ... United Motor Works, Ltd. Singapore

Yekguan ... Tan Senguan Co. ... Manila

Yekhokhua ... Yek Hok Hua & Co. Amoy

Yekhua ... Yek Hua Trading Corpor it ion Manila

Yektonglin .. Yek Tong Lim Fire & Marine Ins. Co. Manila

Yellowcab ... Yellow Taxicab Co. ... ... Shanghai

Yelnah ... Hanley & Co. ... .. Hongkong

Yreraaco ... Y. C. Ma & Co. Tsinan

Yenno ... China Merchants Pongee Asso., Fed. Inc. Chefoo

Yenom ... Roch, J. Shanghai

Yenta ... Yenching University Peiping

Yerke ... Mongolian-China Trading Co. Tienitsin

Yermer ... Tao-Ching Line Railway ... Peiping

Yeunanyung ... Yue Nan Yung : Tsingtao

Yeung ... Kwong Sang & Co. ... Hongkong

Yhtcorp ... Yung Hsing Trading Corp. Tientsin

Yienkong ... Yienkong & Co. ... Shanghai

Yikkhuan ... Yik Khuan Press Co. ... ...r Shanghai, Selangor

Yin (6892) ... Bank of China Newchwang

Yingchee ... Eugh Bros. & Co. ... ... ’ Shanghai

Yingfa ... The British and Asiatic Co. Shanghai

Ip" ... Ip Pun Hongkong

Yip ... J. Gibbs & Co. Hongkong

Yipichon ... Y. Pichon & Co. Singapore

Yishingco ... SocieteFrancaisede Navigation deTongkou Tientsin

Yomenco ... Young Men’s Trading Corp., ... Shanghai

Yokob ... R. Yokoyama & Co., Ltd. Kobe

Yokseaclub .... Yokohama Seamen’s Club Yokohama

Yorkhire ... London & Provincial Insurance Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Yorkshire ... Yorkshire Insurance Co., Ltd. Tokyo, Shanghai

Yorshipli ... York Shipley, Inc. ... ,Ata Shanghai

Yoshida ... Yoshida & Co. Shanghai

Yoshida ... Yosbida Tokeiten Tokyo

Yoshikya ... Yoshikaua Kyusiek Osaka

Yoshizawa ... Yo»hizawa (T.) T’sin. Tsingtao-

Youtyle ... Young & Tyle Hongkong

Younbros ... Young Bros. & Co. Hongkong

Younker . Chartered Bank of India, Ads. & China ... Yokohama

Yousufsa M. Y. S. Mariean Bangkok

Yuanhsing ... Yuan Using Co. ... Shanghai

Yuasa ... Yuasa Trading Co. ..: K obe

Yuchengco ... Yu Cheng Co. Shanghai

Yuclub ... Yokohama United Club Yokohama-

Yucuanseh ... Yucuanseh Drug Co., Inc. Manila

Yudac ... Yuen Dah & Co. Shanghai


Cable Ad: Firm Name . Place

Yuehway .. Canton-Hankow Railway Adminis-

tration' ... ... Canton

Yuenanyung Yue Nan Yung Tientsin

Y'uengtung . Oriental Co. Manila

Yufa,ng . Yu Fang Iron Mining Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Yufeng Shantung Silk and Lace Co. Tientsin, Chefoo ■

Tuji . Dairen Oil and Fat Co., Ltd. Dairen

Yukon . Yukon Gold Co. Selangor

Y'ulan .. Domestic Engineers Ltd. ... Hongkong

Yulan H. C. Best and Co. Swatow

Yuletraco . Yu Lee Trading Co. Shanghai

Yunai .. Kamanishi Exporting Co. Kobe

Yuuchi . Yun Chi & Co. Singapore

Yung . Yung Pao Tientsin

Yungfalecco . Yung Fa Fur Dyeing & Leather Co. Tientsin

Yungfong China Mercantile Co. Shanghai

Yunglee . Pacific Alkali Co., Ltd. .. Tongku

Yungming Yung Ming Transport Co. ... Tientsin

Yungwooco Yung Woo Trading Co. Shanghai

Yunia Dr. C. L. Yun Tientsin

Yunkopaint . Yun Koo Paint and Varnish Mfg. Co. Shanghai

Yuraimexer . K. Yura & Co. Osaka

Yusen . Nippon Yusen Kaisha All Ports.

Yusen Kinkai Yusen Kaisha Tientsin

Yutong . Yu Cheong Co. Yokohama

Yutsin . Yutsin Tannery Co. ... ••• Tientsin

Y.W.C.A. Young Women’s Christian Association.. Peiping, Tientsin

2atiro .. El Zafiro ..., : Manila

Eaistein . Zais, Steinman & Co. Shanghai

Zaluc Zambales Lumber Co. Manila

Zamini Legation of Czechoslovakia Sh., Tokyo, Osaka

Zaria Shanghai Zaria Shanghai

Zealous . Chartered Bank of India, A u s. & C hina... Zamboanga

Zealous . Yeung Yau & Co. Hongkong

Zedwest . Westphal & Co. Shanghai

Zeituing Deutsch-Chinesische Nachrichten,

(German Chinese News) Tientsin

Zeissag . Carl Zeiss Tokyo

Zelin Hess and Zeitlin, Inc. Manila

Zellerbach Zellerbach Paper Co. Shanghai

Zenobia L. Y. Swee Co., Ltd. Selangor

Zepol M. Lopez and Nationil Trading Co. ... Manila

Ziangkee F. Ziang Kee Book Co., Ltd. Shanghai

Ziauddin H. Z. H. Karamelahi & Co. Shanghai

Zigzag Armstrong Whitworth & Co. Tokyo

Zirame . W. I. Zimmerman Shanghai, Tientsin

Zimmerman H. J. Zimmerman Shanghai

Zircons . Colombo Jewellery Stores Hongkong

Zizel C. P. Young & Co., Hongkong

Zizel C. P. Young & Co. Tientsin

Zoraba Karanjia & Co., Ltd. ... - Canton


Cable Firm Name Place

Zuifoong Nikka Sansiii Eabushiki Kaisha, Ltd. Shanghai

Zanglee W. Z. Zee & Sons ... :.. Shanghai

Zurofiladi Agent of the Govt, of India in Mafaya Selangor

Zun’i Zung Lee Co. ... ... ... Shanghai

0006 Continental Bank ... ... Eeipin-g

0030- Tan Hwa Match Co., Ltd. Tientsin

0068 Anglo-Asiatic Telegraph Co. ... Tientsin

0088 -China Engraving & Printing Co. ... .Hongkong „

0091 Eiokholf k, Co. ... ... ... Shanghai

0114 Du Pont de Nemour.& Co- ... Hankow

0120 China Development Bank Ltd. ,.. Shanghai

0188 Yu Shing & Co. ... ... Shanghai

0252 Ching Chong Hung k, Co. ... Chefoo

0328 Sinhua Commercial & Savings Bank. Peiping

0842 Stanley Co. ... ... ... Tientsin

0422 Standard Machine & National Deep

Well Boring Co. ... ... Hankow

0505 Agricultural & Industrial Bank ... Tientsin

0589 Nam Hing Hong ... ... Hongkong

0666 Continental Bank ... ... Tientsin

0794 TheBank,

Shanghai Commercial

Ltd. .... and

... Savings'...v Bhasi

1000 Novella Hotel, Ltd ... ... Manila, Tsingtic

1169 Eastman Kodak Co. ... 7. 'Shanghai

1355 E. Kin & Coi ... ... ... Tsingtao

1426 Shun Chong Sewing Machine Co. ... Shanghai

1558 Wha Tung Electrical k Engineering Co. ... Shanghai

1645 Asia Fire & Marine Underwriters •... Shanghai

1670 ‘ Chang Sang & Co. ... ... Shanghai

1717 Nanyang Brothers Tobacco Co., Ltd Hankow

1837 I. Li Coal Mining Co. ... ... Peiping

2088 Shanghai Dispensary, Ltd. ... Shanghai

2212 Oriental Engineering Co .... Foochow

2224 The Paciric Alkali Co.* Ltd. ... Hongkong

2306 Bank of Kwangsi ... ... Hongkong

2346 Tientsin Tai Ping Steamship Go: ... Tientsin

2405 China International Famine Relief ... Peiping, Hankow

2415 Tun -Ching Lung Co. ... ... Tientsin

2464 China Travel Service .... .... Tientsin. S’hai

2514 i*Eastern Times ... ... ... Shanghai

2639 Kwangtung Provincial Bank ... Canton

2639 Central Bank of China .... .... Pakhoi

2639 Tung Nan Hotel ... ... Nanking, Canton

2i814 National Commercial Bank, Ltd. ... Tientsin

2895 Tsingtao Far Eastern Rubber Co. ... Tsingtao

3109 Batten k Co. ... • . Hongkong

3210 China Chemical Works .... .... Shanghai

3211 China Securities Co., Inc. ... ... 'Tientsin

3256 Shanghai Mail Service ... ... Shanghai

3318 Burlington Hotel .... .... .... Shanghai

3851 Mukden Tobacco & Wine Store ... Mukden

3449 Whangpoo Conservancy Board ... Shanghai

3497 Kailan Sales Agency ... 'Shanghai


Cable Ad: Firm Name Place

3500 ... Shun Yu Trading Gorpn. Nanking

3533 •Nanyaag Bros. Tobacco Co., Ltd. ... Canton

3561 Hang Shun. & Go.... Hongkong

3564 .... Robert Fan ... •• • Shanghai

3639 ... -Kwantung rProFinera-l Bank Canton

3746 ... Central Express, Co. ... 7. Shanghai

3947 ... "Chekiang Industrial Bank, Ltd ... Shanghai

4103 ... ; China Soap Co. Nanking

4191 Wah Fah & Co. ... ... ... Shanghai

4334 Peipiao Coal Mining Cb., Ltd. • Tientsin

4472 National Government Salt Admini-

• stration ... Chefoo

4646 ... Sintooh Overseas Trading Co., Ltd. ... Tientsin

4722 lit r Chung Shan Knitting and Singlet Co., Hongkong

Ltd., The : ■ ...

4809 Chinese Association. Trading Co., Ltd. Tientsin

4933 '..i. . Wing Tai Yo Tobacco. Corp. Tientsin

5089 ... Chinese Cotton Goods Exchange, Ltd. Shanghai

5140 ... Chihli Shantung Line, Ltd. Tientsin

5200 ... • Heng On Steamship Co., Ltd. Shanghai

5300 , ... North China Steamship'Co.; Ltd. ... Tientsin

5307 Hai Chang S.S. Co. Shanghai

5316 ... Tientsin Navigation Co., Ltd Tientsin

5353 Central Bank of China Tientsin

5387 Wah Foung & Co. Shanghai

5397 ... Hankow Dyeing Works, Ltd. Hankow

5454 ... Tai Ping Fire & Marine Ins. Co., Ltd. Tientsin

5552 ... Sinhua Commercial & Savings Bank. Tientsin

5526 ... Eurasia Aviation Corp. ... Canton

5636 ... Union Insur. Assoc, of the Nation

Industrial Bank of China Tientsin

5659 ... National Industrial Bank .of China .. Tientsin

5881 ... Diaward Steel Furniture Co., Ltd. ... Shanghai

5887 ... Shanghai Commercial Savings Bank. Nanking

5904 ... China Wool Manufacture Co., Ltd. ... Shanghai

6007 ... Peiyang Engineering College Tientsin

6114 ... China Electric Co., Ltd. ... Tientsin

6226 ... Foo Kwok Coal Mining Co., Ltd. ... Canton

6311 ... National Commercial Bank, Ltd. Shanghai

6357 ... Chinese Recreation and Race Club Tientsin

... Commercial Guarantee Bank of Chinli Tientsin

6427 ... China Educational Assn., Ltd. Shanghai

6644 ... Woo Ho Weaving Factory Shanghai

6651 ... Chinese Optical Co. Macao

6690 ... "China Times” ... Shanghai

6639 ... Bank of Communications Dairen

6730 ... Unique Film Production Co., Ltd. ... Shanghai, H’kong:

6769 ... Modern China Advertising Co. Tieptsin

6790 ... China Cotton Trading Corpn., Ltd. Shanghai

Naval Medical College Tientsin

6855 ... Bank of China ... Shanghai

6892 ... Bank of China ... ... ...j Newchwang, Han-

kow, Foo., Tsin.


Cable Ad: Firm Name Flace

7031 ... Johann H. Cheyne, Chartered Ac-

countant ... ... ••- Shanghai

7077 ... Kincheng Banking Corporation Dairen

7162 (Chinese) ... National Trading Co. Foochow

7171 China National Insurance Co., Ltd Shanghai

7320 ... Shantung Commercial Bank Tsingtao

7428 ... Ling Sang Printing Ink Co. Shanghai

7656 .... Bureau of Foreign Trade Shanghai

7428 Ling Sang Printing Ink Co. iShanghai

7771 Yien Yieh Commercial Bank Canton

7711 ... South China Trading Co., Ltd. Foocohw

8675 ... National Commercial Bank, Ltd. ... Hankow

8725 Olton Elec. Mfg. Factory ... Shanghai

... United Trading Co., Ltd. ... Shanghai

8969 ... China' Merchants’ S.N. Co. ..i. Kiukiang, T’tsin

•9244 The Asia Co. Hongkong

0372 ... Bank of China ... Hankow

9494 Pui Hai Chemical Works, Ltd. Tientsin, S’hai

9796 Modern. China Advertising Co. Tientsin

9824 Sin Chung Engineering Co Shanghai

9888 Ming Sons Construction Co. Hankow

Calco China Agency Shanghai

12331 ... The World Pencil Co„ Ltd. Canton




Sljc pong Pong gnilg frcss

(Established 1SS7)



Write for specimens and advertising rates

11, Ice House Street, London Office

Hong Kong. £8, Fleet Street, E.C. 4-









The Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank, Ltd.














SHANGHAI 6, Queen's Road Central

Telegraphic Address: Telegraphic Address:





INDIA, SIAM, &c., for 1936

Aall, Cato N. B., managing director, Aall ,

Aall, N., Charge d’Affaires, Norwegian'Legation, Shanghai

Abbott, A. S., manager, Kelly & Walsh, Ld., Hongkong

Abdeen, H., manager,

Abdooicader, Hon. Mr.Abdeen

H. H., barrister and solicitor, Penang

Abdulla, E. M. M., proprietor, Abdulla & Co., E. M., Singapore


Abeling,H.,H.signs per pro,forSiber,

H., manager China,H'egner & Co., Ltd.,

Worthington PumpOsaka

& Machinery Corpn., Shanghai;

Abella, G., assist, mgr., Insular Life Assurance Co., Manila

Ablitt, B. E., signs per pro., Fraser &, Co., Singapore

Aboitiz, A. J., manager, Sino Spanish Trading Co., Shanghai


Abraham, B., D., director, L. D. Abraham

partner, Abraham Bros., &Shanghai

Co., Kobe

Abraham, D. E. J., merchant, Shanghai

Abraham, E., stockbroker, Tester Abraham, Hongkong


Abraham, E.H. S.,C., Bill

supt,& ofBullion Broker,

surveys, SurveyHongkong

Department, Penang

Abraham, J., director, L. D. Abraham & Co., Kobe

Abraham, R., signs per pro., Tester & Abraham, Hongkong

Abreu, Moreira de, 1st secretary, Brazilian Embassy, Tokyo

Abundo, C., chief acct., Manila Daily Bulletin, Manila

Accurti, Capt. N. O., manager, Golden Star Co., Tientsin


Adam, B.,M.,adminisMateur-dir.,

Societe Nouvelle desBanque Rizeries Meridionales,

de Saigon, SaigonSaigon


Adam, W. H., acting manager, James Craig Ld., Selangor & China, Singapore-

E. P., sub-acct., Chartered Bank of India, Australia

Adamczewski, Dr. B., Deutsch Farben Handels, Waibel & Co., Shanghai


Adams, A.B. R.C. 8., vice-consul

C., district for Great

officer, Britain,

Jesselton, B. N.Bangkok


Adams, C. G., agent, Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corpn., oilo

Adams, E. H., secretary, Algar & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Adams, G. B., repres., The Asiatic Petroleum Co. (Siam), Ltd., Bangkok

Adams, J. L., architect, Butterfield & Swire, Hongkong

Adams, J. W., surgeon, Medical dept., Penang


Adams, J.P.M. W.

C., E.,resident,


manager, Maynard & Co.,Trading

& Eastern Ld., Singapore

Adams, M., Sibu, Simanggang, SarawakCo., Ltd., Otaru

Adams, S. S., Minister of the Gospel, “ Bethesda ” Gospel Hall, Singapore

Adams, T., proprietor, Adams & Sons, T., Tsingtao

Adams, Hon. Mr. T. S., British Resident, Selangor

Adams, Major U. W., Chief Ordnance Mechanical Engr., Military, Hongkong


Adams, W.W. C.,A., commandant,


for America, Harbin

Sandakan, British North Borneo

Adamson,' W. A, sub-acct., Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China, Cebu

Adey, Capt. F. S., wharf manager, Holt’s

Adler, E. S., managing director, Wadleigh Commercial, Wharf, Pootung,Ld.Shanghai


Adler, O., manager, Diethelm & Co., Ld., Bangkok

Adshead, G. P., medical officer in charge, H. P* M. Naval depot, Port Edward, Weihaiwe-

Aduaflv L. R., manager, Kimatrai & Co., J., Shanghai


Affleck, D. C., assist, mgr., Procter & Gamble Trading Co., Ltd., Cebu

Agajan, J.H.V.,E. manager,

Aguilar, Brig. Gen.American TradingMexican

F. J., minister, Co. of Japan,

Legation, Ld., Tokyo


Agustin, G. S., assist, dir., Bureau of Animal Industry, Manila •


Ahearne, J., Agustin & Sons, Manila

Ai, HenryC.K.D.,F.,controller,

secretary, Labour dept., Kuala

Swiss Consulate, Lumpur, Selangor


Aiers, A. H., district mgr.. Imperial Chemical Industries (China),-Ll*!, 'fsinigtao


Ailion,R. C., deputy

F., proprietor, commissioner, Municipal Police, Shanghai

Aitchison, H. A., assist.,CaroRising


Sun Co., Kobe Co,, Ltd.,

Petroleum Tokyo

Aitchison, J. T., senior executive engineer, Public Works dept., F.M.S.

Aitkenhead, R. C., mgr., Shanghai Ice & Cold Storage Co., Ld., Shanghai


Akerman, R. L.,F., representative,

vice-pres., AsiaticStewarts & Lloyds,

Commercial Co., Ld., Shanghai


Akino, G., partner, Bergmamn & Co., Kobe

Akselbo, Gudmand,

Alabaster, mang. dir., Sabroe

C. G., attorney-general, Co. ofCourt,

Supremo Japan,Hongkong

Osaka ' ,

Alabaster, J. W., assist, Union Insurance igocibty of Canton, Hongkong


Albert, S.,H.mang.-dir.,

Th., secretary, JavaArtChina

Quality Japan Lijn,

Embroidery Co., Batavia



Albright, K.J.,P.,passenger

supt., Great Northern Telegraph Co.,

Co^ Ld., Peiping

Aldanese, V., insular collector, Bureau of CUstbni'Manila

S. agent, State Stfeaniship s, Mariila

Aldeguer, T.G.J.,W.,secretary

Aldington, to general

vice-consul, Britishmanager,;


Peiping Shanghai

Aldridge, D., secretary to U.S. Consul-General, Tientsin


Alemann, Clarke & Larkin, Manila

& Co.; Tsingtaotfnpgpong ,

Alexander, C., L., partner,

inspector,J. Police

Busch Headquarters,

Alexander, E. D., manager, Alexander Shoe Co., Shanghai

Alexander, G., chief engineer, China Merchants Steam Nay. Co,, Shanghai

Alexander, G. M., director, Ker & Co., Iloilo. .

Alexander, W.

Alexander, T. G. S., signs peraccountant,

pro., Alackinnom, Alackende &andCo.,Fleming,


Alexander, W. L.T., chartered Percy Smith,

manager, Colgate Palmolive-Peet Cb.;SetJiShanghai Hongkong

Alfes, G., signs

Alford, G.C. R., per pro., Ehlers & Co., Shanghai

Alford, M., manager,

manager, YeewharfTsoong



Harbour Board* Ltd., Tientsin

Singapore . . .

Alger, M. P., manager, Pacific Commercial Co,, Cebu.

Allan, E. C., partner, Allan & Buchan, Shanghai

Allan, H.. Dr., partner, Drs., Jamieson, Sharp it McKern,

Allan, J. M., agent, Chartered Bank of India, Australia cb China; Sarawak Penang

Allan, J. C., stores manager, Malayan Motors Ld., Singapore ;

Allaye, N. E., proprietor, French Store, Hongkong

Allen, B. W., Adviser

supt., Police dept.,Matters,

Penang, S.8. .Revenue 1 dept., .Shanghai

Allen, G.E. L.,

Allen, V., principal,Revenue

King Edward YIIMunicipal

College of Medicine* Singapore

Allen, G. V., vice-consul for U.S.A., Shanghai ,

Allen, F. T., secretary for Chinese Affairs,

Allen, S„ vice-consul, U.S.A. Consulate, Tientsin F.M.S.

Allen, W. B., manager, Denniston, Inc., Manila

Allen, J.W.H.,E., general

Alley, sanitarymgr.,



Coconutdept., HpngkoBg ;

Co,, Maidla


Allison, J.H. M.,

B., vice-consul

district engineer, F.M.S. Tokyo

for America, Railways, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor


Alison, A.Norwood

S., manager,F., secretary

Harrison,treasurer, Mark I,.Ld.,Moody,

King <& Irwin, Foochow Shanghai


Almoalla, R., mang.

Y.acct., editor,

C., manager, La

ManilaOjrinion,, Manila

Publishing Co., Manila

Aloisi, M.,

Aloisi, Baron ItalianItalian

Pompeo, Bank for China,

Ambassador, Tientsin


Alphen, C. J. v., signs p.p., N, Y. Vereenigde Javasche Hduthandel Mij., Semarang


Alsobrook, A., repres., Stearnes & Co., Manila


Alfcamira, M.I. P.,M.;Altamira


Co., TientsinCo., Rossia of Copenhagen, Shanghai

Altavas, E., Gener&l'Land Registration

Altenburg, Dr. F., consul-general for- Germany, Office, Manila


Altendorf, Joharn, secretary', Gerifian Embassy, Tokyo

Alunan, R., seict. of Agriculture and Natural ResOurce.s, Government, Manila

Alves, Dr. A., consul-general for Portugal, Shanghai

Alves, A. A., Shares and General Broker, Hoingkong

Alves, A. E. S., director, Lopes & Alves, Hongkong

Alves, A. L.,‘merchant, Alves & Co., Hongkong

Alves, B., secretary, .Hongkong Engineering and Construction Co., Ld., Hongkong.


Ambler,J. C.M.P.,

v dire9tor, Humphrey’s Estate & Finance, Co., Ltd., Hongkong

sighs per pro., Ffaset & Co., Singapore

Ames, A. P.,3rd

Amend, A., vice-president,

attorney, StandardAtlantic,

VacuumGulf & Pacific

Oil Co., ManilaCo. Of Manila, ’Manila


Ammahn, E., H., A.A. Goeke

Goeke&&Co., Co.,Canton


Amour, J. C., mgr., New Engineering & Shipbuilding Works, Ltd., Shanghai

Ampil, Isaac, manager, Ampil & Co., Manila

Amps, L. W., principal, Logan & Amps, Hongkong

Anastasselis, C., managing partner, Tientsin Tobacco Co., Tientsin

Ancel, Ch.,Leon,

Ancheta, mgr.,manager,

L. Unionforeign

(of Paris)



Co., Ld.,Bank,



Andal, Gregorio, customs agOnt, L. Everett Inc., Manila

Andresen, B. Owrum, manager, Thot'esen ' & Cqlj

Andersen, C. S., supt., Great Northern Telegraph Co., Nagasaki Ld., Hongkong

Andersen, R. Rose, manager, Thoresen & Co., Ltd., Bangkok

Anderson, A.A., O.,editor

Anderson, mgr.,& Insurance


The “Sportsman,”

New ZealandSingapore

Insurance Co , Ltd., Singapore

Anderson, A., executive engineer, Public Works Department, Hongkong


Anderson, D., assists, engineering dept., Hongkong & WhampoaHongkong

C. G., branch mgr., Assurance Franco Asiatique, Dock Co ., Ld., Hongkong

Anderson, E. A. G., adjutant, State Headquarters, Johore Bahru, Johore

Anderson, Capt. Geo., partner, Anderson & Ashfe, Hongkong


Anderson, Capt.

H. C., H.managing

A., commissioner of Police,Hotel

director, Manila Kelantan

Co., Manila

Anderson, H. J. P„ chairman, Kulangsu Municipal Council, Amoy

Anderson, H. P., director, Kyle, Palmer 4

Anderson, J; C; O’G,, acting deputy commissioner, Chinese Co., Ld., PenangMaritime Customs, Hoihow

Anderson, John E., director, Anderson Music Co., Ld., Hongkong

Anderson, J. F., assist., Taikoo Sugar Refining

Anderson, J. O., barrister, Anderson & Anderson, Shanghai Co., Ld., Hongkong

Anderson, Dr. J. W., medical, practitioner, Macgown, Anderson, & Durran, Hongkong

Anderson, J. W. S., executive engineer, P.W.D., Kuala Lipis, Pahang

Anderson, L. A., agent, South British Insurance Co.,.Chungking


Anderson, P.,L. A., assist, manager,

advertising mgr., TheMcCullough

“Sportsman,” Printing Co., Manila


Anderson, Major R. A., Military, China Command, Hongkong

Anderson, Robert, treasurer and controller,

Anderson, S. A., partner, Richie 4 Bisset, Singapore Honolulu Iron Works, Co.* Manila i. .*

Anderson, W., managing-director, Anderson Music Co., Ld., Hongkong


Anderson, W, pres,,

W. J., supt..Wm.of accounts

H. Andersonand 4stores,

Co., 4,pres.,


Hongkong4 Galinger Inc., .Manila

Andrew, J. A., signs per pro., Wilson 4 Co., Tientsin

Andrew, JjK.,H.inspector,

Andrew, M., aetg. Police


mgr., Union Insurance

HongkongSociety of Canton, Ld.,. Yokohama

Andrews, A. A., chief inspector, Peak Tramways Co., Ld., Hongkong

Andrews, C. F., assist., Dairy Farm, Ice 4 Cold Storage Co.. Hongkong


Andrews, R.W. M., president,

R. N,., accountant,Andrews 4 George

Supreme Court,Co.,Hongkong

Inc., Tokyo

Anderson, A. P., partner, The Tientsin Tobacco Co., Tientsin

Angus, A. H., manager, Produce Export Co., Harbin



Angus, F. D., clerk, engineer,

Colonial Secretariat, Hongkong

Angus, IL. clerk, Colonial Secretariat,Light

G. I., assist, China & Power Co., Ld., Hojigkong


Ankeny, J. C., assist, manager, Ford Motor Co. of Japan, Yokohama

Annett, M. A., director, T. E. Griffith, (1932) Ld., Canton

Annett, M. M., director, T. E. Griffith (1932), Ld., Canton

Annett, W. E., proprietor,

Antaki, Isaac, deputy commissioner,

I. Antaki &Chinese

Co., KobeMaritime Customs, Canton

Antaki, J. R., manager, Antaki & Co., Kobe

Anthony, C.B. E.,

Anthony, B., manager, Standard-Vacuum

comml. manager, Societe des Oil Co., Canton Haiphong



Antill, W. S.,S., in-charge,

sales manager, Post Office,



Co. (FarSelangor

East) Ltd., Kobe.

Apcar, M., secretary, British Motor Cycle Importers Association, Tokyo

Aplin, T., director, Wise & Co., Inc., Manila

Applegate, W. L., president, Luzon Stevedoring Co., Manila


Appleton, G.H.,B,assist, expense accts.

tidesurveyor officer,master,

.& harbour Naval Chinese



Customs, Hankow

Appleton, Dr., medical practitioner, Hankow


Aquino, A, manager, Franco Eastern Trading Co., Bangkok

Arab, A.,Antonio F., Clarke, & Waeichli

assist., Liebermann, Larkin, Manila

Arab, C., assist., Lieberman, Waeichli & Co., Kobe


Arajau, Commander A. P. Alves de, navalManila

F., manager, Aragon Brothers, attache, Brazilian Embassy, Tokyo

Arakie, D. H., editor, Shanghai Bulletin, Shanghai


Aramburu, A., manager,

Ricardo, Arambulo

consul, ConsulateBrothers, Manila Kobe

for Argentine,

Araneta, Ramon, treasurer, Araneta Inc., Manila

Areneta, C., secretary, Araneta Inc., Manila

Araneta, Carmen, director, Araneta Inc., Manila

Araneta, G., Araneta, De Joya, Zaragoza & Araneta, Manila

A raneta, J. A.’, Aran eta, De Joya, Zaragoza & Araneta, Manila

Araneta, J., manager, Araneta y Zaragoza, Manila

Araneta, Salvador, vice-president, Araneta Inc., Manila


Araujo, H.Dr.P.W.AlvesF., secretary, Portuguese

de, Ambassador Legation,

for Brazil, TokyoTokyo

Araulta, Dregorio, president, Philippine Land Improvement Co., Manila

Arbenz, H.George

Arbogast, R„ architect and Consul

A., manager, for Switzerland,

American SingaporeCo., Shanghai

Machine & Foundry


Archbutt, A., partner, Gibson, Anderson, Butler & Co., Selangor

Archer, C. G.H.,S.,consul

lire manager,

for GreatUnion


TamshuiSociety of Canton, Ld., Hongkong

Archer, J. B., resident, Miri, Sarawak


Arcus, H. mgr.,

J., managing director, Central China Post, Ltd., Hankow

Argali, C.C. H.,

B. K., Maison Hill

manager, Arcus, Shanghai

Pharmacy, Kobe

Argent, W.Tomas,

Arguelles, A., director, Mackenzie Steelhouse,

pres., Philippine & Co., Ld., Hankow

Inc., Manila


Arick, Jose

M. Varela

R., asst. y., consul

gen. mgr., for

The Peru, KobeConsolidated Mining Co., Taracol, Seoul


Armstrong, C. W., manager, United Stated Rubber Export Co., Ld., Manila


Armstrong, H. J. A.,J., manager,

solicitor &Kodak

notaryLd., Singapore

public, Deacons, Hongkong

Armstrong, T., overseer, Drainage,

Armstrong, W., resident engineer, China Light P.W.D., Hongkong

and Power Coi, Ld., Hongkong


Arnhold, L.,C. manager, Louis Ogliastro

H., mng. director, Arnhold&&Co., Co.,Hanoi

Ld.., Shanghai


Arnold, director,forWeelock &Commercial

Co., Ltd., Shanghai

China,dept., Union


Arnold, J., signscommercial

Julean, per pro., export

attache, U.S.Arnhold

Dept, of Co.,Assurance

Ld., Shanghai


Arnott, H. C., assist., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (South China):, Ld., Foochow


Arnoux, S., Soc. des Cimeuts Portland Artiticals de L’[ndo-Chine, Haiphong

Arnulphy, C., manager, Hongkong & Canton Export Co., Ltd., Canton

Arregger, E., manager, Metropoie Hotel, Shanghai


Arthur, J.G. F.,M.,partner,

mgr., Windsor

KennedyBros., Hongkong

Arthur, J. S, W., acting secretary for Postal aifairs, F.M.S.

Arthur, Major J. M., executive officer, American Legation, Peping


Asger, W.M. C.,E.. assist.,

dental Ford Motor

surgeon, Co., of Japan, Ld., Yokohama


Ashbrook, C. S., chartered electrical engineer, Wakeford & Lowndes, Singapore



F. R.,Dodwell & Co., Ltd.,& Affiliated

Alice Memorial HongkongHospital, Hongkong


Ashworth,J., J.manager, Lebel (China),Chartered

H., sub.-aecountant, ShanghaiBank of India, Australia & China,S’hai

Asker, C. G. C., commissioner, Chinese Maritime Customs, Chingwantao

Aslet, C. A., director Abraham & Co., L. D. Kobe


Aspland, H. C.,

Dr. W. H.agent, Hongkongofficer,

G., medical & Shanghai

British Banking Corporation, Bangkok

Assadourian, H., manager, Auditorium Hai Alai, Legation,

Shanghai China


Asselin, J.A. L.,G., agent,

signs p.Singer

p., TheSewing


Bank, Shanghai

Co., Osaka

Atcheson, jr, Geo., 2nd' sec. of Legation & consul for U.S.A., Nanking

Atkin-Berry, H. C., partner, Swan & MacLaren, Singapore


Atkinson,E. C.,D., shipwright,

general manager,


& WhampoaCorporation,

Dock Co.,Ld.,Kowloon,


Atkinson, J. B, supt., Constabulary, Jesselton, British North Borneo


Atkinson, R.Major Derd,P. director,

K., g.s.oji.,TheChina


Steam Packet Hongkong

Co., Ltd., Bangkok

Atkinson, W. L., architect and director, Atkinson & Dallas, Ld., Shanghai

Attree, T., director, Tientsin Building & Loan Co., Ltd., Tientsin

Atwell, W. E., chartered acct., Lowe, Bingham & Matthews, Tientsin


Aubrey, Ludvig C. M., A.minister,

S., president, & P. Go.,Norwegian Legation, Tokyo

Inc., Manila

Aubrun, R., accountant, Banque de d’Indb-Chine, Hongkong


Audas, J.E.V.,F.,engineer,

shipping Hume

dept., Jardine

Pipe (FarMatheson

East) Ld.,& Singapore

Co., Ld., Hongkong


Auer, G., merchant,

A., signs per pro., Audoyer,

Keller & Co.,G., Yokohama

Ld., Manila

Augustin, F., manager, West Lake Hotels Tientsin

Aumuller, K. H., division mgr., British-American Tobacco Co., (China) Ld., Hongkong


Austin, H.C.,E.representative,

G., Ambassador, ItalianAssurance

Phoenix Embassy,Co.,


Ld., Hongkong

Austin, D., assistant, Taikoo Sugar Refinery, Hongkong

Austin, F., dir., Hongkong & Kowloon Wharf

Austin, IN. J., Instrument Repairer-Survey dept., F.M.S. & Godown Co., Ltd.,&Hongkong



Auten, R.R. Me.

K., P., consul

controller for Great

Government Britain, Dairen

Monopolies Department, Singapore

Aveling, A. F., 1st secretary, British Legation, Peiping

Axelrood, M. M., president, Crownchina Co., Inc., Shanghai

Ayadla, F., secretary, Wm. H. Rennolds Oo., Manila


Ayton,F.W.W.,G.assist., Ford Motor

manager, Osborne Car &Co.,Chappel,

of Japan Ipoh,

Ld., Yokohama


Azaola, _F., secretary, Wm. H. Anderson & Co., Manila

Azzaretti, U., signs per pro., Venturi, F., Shanghai

Babbidge, H. G., assist., Taikoo Dockyard and Engineering Co., Hongkong

Babbit, W. H. president, Hawaiian Philippine Co., Manila

Babcock, W. R., President, Babcoc and Templeton, Inc., Manila

Babintseff, A. V., partner and manager, I. I. Tschurin & Co., Harbin

Bacci, E., Sennet

Baohrach, E. M.,Freres, Hongkong

vice-pres., Peoples Bank & Trust Co., Manila

Bachrach, I. L., International Brokerage Co., Inc., Manila

Backo, Dr. J., manager, Scherings Ld., Shanghai

Baddeley, A. E., director, Derrick & Co., Singapore


Badeley, J. E., barrister-at-law, Hansons, Shanghai

Bandenoch, A. G., registrar, Registration : Office, Malacca,


Baer, W.F.,W.,proprietor,

Far Eastern Kiessling & Bader, Union

representative, TientsinOil Co. of California, Kobe


Baerwald, P., chancellor,

Ernst, Doitsu Belgian

SenryoConsulate, Shanghai

Gomei Kaisha, Tokyo

Baeza, Dr. J. I., state medical & health officer,.Medical Department Rerak, F.M.S.

Bagge, R., secretary, Swedish Legation, Tokyo

Bagley, W. J., principal warder, Lai Chi Kok prison, Hongkong

Bagnal), J.,J.,director.

Bagnall, managingStraitsdirector,


Co., Ltd., Singapore

Trading Co.* Ld., Singapore


Bagram, E.,J. commissioner

T., consul-generalof police,

for Johore

Siam & Bahru,broker,

share JohoreHongkong

Bahnson, F. W., merchant, Hankow

Bahnson, Capt. J. J., general manager, Great (Northern Telegraph Co., S’hai


Bailey,C. A.J., director,

S., partner,Fogden, Brisbane

Bannon & Co., Ltd..

& Bailey, Singapore


Bailey, C. A., pres., Bailey Stevedoring Co., Manila

Bailey, 0. V., director. Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ld., Singapore

Bailey, F. C. manager, National City Bank of New York, ('anton

Bailey, H. P., General Electric Co. of China, Ld., Hongkong

Bailey, John, Consul general for Great Britain, Bangkok


i; ail lie,R„,J.,director.

manager, Keystone

Peek Tobacco

& Co., Co., Ltd., Shanghai

Francis, Singapore

Bain, C. M., director," American Oriental Corporation, Shanghai

Bain, M. C., partner, Drs. Fowlie & Blaqk, Singapore


Baines,N. C.,K., supt.,

actg.,: resdt.

Trade Councillor,

& Customs,Residenti'Councillor’s

Seremban ()ffic,ei Malacca

Baird, J. P., municipal commissioner,. Sarawak


Baker. A.Capt. A. C., adviser:to. the Governmeut of Kelantan, Kelantan

Baker, C.G.,J.,controller,

proprietor,i lovern.me.nt Monopolies

C. J. Baker & Co.,Department,

Selangor Sipgapore.

Baker, E., partner, Fonghin & Watts, Singapore

Baker, E. C., assist, commissioner, municipal police, Shjanghai

Baker, F., signs per pro., Henry Waugh & Co., Ld.. Penang

Baker, F. S. M., assist, district supt., Shanghai Gas Co,v Ld., (Shanghai.

Baker, F. W., manager, Business & Printing Dept., tifianghai Shanghai

Baker, G. E., manager, Asia Realty Co., Shanghai

Raker, G. H., manufacturers’ representavive, Burke. & Baker, Osaka

Baker, H. F., signs per pro., Liddell Bros. Co., Ld., Tientsin

Baker, H. R„ controller. Government Monopolies Department, Singapore

Baker, J. M., minister, U.S.A; Legation, Bangkok


Baker, M..M.,director,

executive Amalgamated

engineer, Theatres,

P.WdD., Ltd., Singapore

F.M,S., & S.S.

Baker, Max., manager, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Oriental, Inc.*, Singapore

Baker, R. A.., manager, Thos. Cook As Son, Ld., Shanghai

Baker, W. G., supt., Eastern Extension Telegraph,Co,, Singapore

Baker, W. J., manager, Shanghai Gas Go:, Ltd., Shanghai ■;

Bakker, A.,

Bakker, branch mgr.,Administrative

C., Controller, Blom As van derDept:.

Ah., Radang

Tientsin >

Balandin, N. P., manager, Balandin’s Pharmacy, Tientsin

Raich, R..

Bald, Capt.manager,

W. A., actg.

Dockasst.. Marine supt.,

department, Jardine.Board,

Harbour Mathesofr As Go., Hongkong


Balden, W; BI,I chartered accountant, Harold Bhll, 'I’avlor. Bird At Co., Kobe

Baldwin, Barry,

Baldwin, manager,

C. Y., chief Luneta Motor

accountant,. Amoricau Co,, Trading

ManRa Co. of Japan, Kobe

Baldwin, N.. merchant, Macondray As Co., Inc., Manila


Balfour, Dr.S. F.,H..1st.,


clerk practitioner,

& magistrate,Black,

CentralBalean Ac Shinn,Hongkong

Mmristreey, Hongkong

Balinsky, S., vice-consul, Polish Legation, Harbin.

Ball, F. L., signs per pro., Gibb. Livingston As Co., Ld., Shanghai

Ball, R. H., mgr., British Cigarette Go., Ltd., Tfin.gt.ua :■■■■' ,.


Rallantine, J. W.,.consul general for America,

Ballantyne, C. W. H., secretary, Harbour Board, Penang Mukden

Ballantyne, D. L., assist, manager, The Chase Bank. Hongkong


Ballereau,J., P.director, ChinaforPrinting-and

A., consul Finishing Co., Bid., Shanghai

France, Singapore


Balman, C. W., assist., Lane,.; Crawford,Manila

A, J., director, Smith* Bell & Co., Ld., Ld., Hongkong


Bamford,H. T.A.,El,consul for Germany,

sub.-acct., NationalHarbin

City Bank of New York, Manila


Banks, A.E.,S., curator,

manager, Sarawak

Singapore Museum,

Free Press,Sarawak


Bann, V. S., proprietor, Bann’s Studio, Shanghai

Banner, Thos., manufacturers’ representative, Shanghai

Bar, H., manager, Banque Franco^C'hinoise, Peiping

Barbanson, A., secretary, Belgian Embassy, Tokyo

Barbash, B. S., Barbash & Go., Shanghai

Barbashoff, Y. J., Toyo Babcock Kobushiki Kaisha, Yokohama


Barber,G.,N.agent,C., Gompagnie des Messageries

assist., Bradley & Co., Ld.,Maritimes, Yokohama


Barber, R., secretary, Banque de L’Indo-Chine, Shanghai

Barberan, G., manager, Texas’Co. (P.I.'), Inc., Manila

Barberat, L., agent, Assurance Franco:Asiatique, Mukden


Barbour,M..E.chief A., accoumtant,

director, E.Compagnie Franco-Asiatique

A. Barbour. Ld., Singaporedes Petroles, Saigon

Barbour, R. A., manager, Anglo French & Bendixsens, Ld., Selangor

Barclay, W.

Barclay, W. A., sub.-manager,superintendent,

P., installation Herbert, Ltd.,Standard-Vacuum

Alfred, Osaka Oil Company, Canton

Bardac, J., manager, Banque Franco-Chinoise pour le Commerce et L’lndustrie, Peiping

Bardens. F. C.. manager, Shipping Dept., Cornabe, Eckford & Co., Tsingtao

Bardwill, G. M., manager, Bardwill Bros, of New York, Shanghai

Baretto, A., pres, and general,mgr., Cebu Portland Cement Co., Manila

Baril, R., Societe des. Ciments Portland Artificiel de L’Indochine, Haiphong

Barker, A., signs per pro., Arnhold & Co.,..Shanghai


Barling,R.Rev:J., assist,

F. SI,mgr.,.Shanghai

China- InlandIce Mission,

Cold Storage Co., Ltd.,

Pingyang, Shanghai


Barlow, A. L., supervisor, Eastern Extension Telegraph Co., Hongkong

Barnes, CbG.. editor ti?sec., Penahg Gazette Press, Ltd.,

Barnes, E. C., general manager, Warner, Barnes & Co., Ld., Manila Penang

Barnes, E. F. V., manager, IJnicm Commerciale des Glacories Beiges, Hongkong

Barnes, E. G., signs the firm. Harvie, Cooke & Co., Shanghai

Barnes, E. T., accountant, Hongkong & Shanghai BankingvCorpn., Tientsin

BarPes, F. H., chief clerk, Singer Sewing Machine Co., Hongkong

Barnes, J. E., Callender’s Cable & Construction Co., Hongkong

Barnes, Dr. J. W:.. medical Practitioner, Hongkong

Barnet, J., overseer, AYaterworks, P.W.D., Hongkong

Barnett, J. P., actg. manager, Dodwe]] cfe Co., Ltd., Yokohama

Barnwell, S., assist, mgr., Maynard & Co.. Ltd., Singapore

Baron, M. Le C., attache militaire d’Infanterie B., French Legation, Tokyo t

Baroukh, D. F., proprietor, Baroukh Trading Co., Shanghai

Barr, C. J.. general agent, Canadian National Railways. Hongkong

Barraclough, E. S., manager, Cathay Land Co., Shanghai

Barrau, M., manager.

Barre, F., directeur,Banque



et Cie.,Bangkok


Barrera, P. J., partner, Calatroni, Hsieh A G>., Shanghai

Barrett, H.,, chief warder, Prison Dept., Hongkong

Barrington, J. R., dir. & chief engr., Automatic Telephones of China,, S’hai.


Barrios, H.,A. assist, mgr., Hardivilliers

C., director, & Cie.. Shanghai

Visayan iStevedore-Transportation Co., Iloilo, P.I.

Barrow, J. E., assist, engineer, China Light and Power Co., Ld., Hongkong

Barrow, J. W., architect, Palmer & Turner, Shanghai

Barry, F:. C-, secretary, Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels, Ld., Hongkong


Barry, F. R., manager, Employer’s Liability Assurance Oorpn., Shanghai

Barry, J., inspector, Municipal [Police, Shanghai


Barstow,J. Capt.

C., assist,

E. S.,supt.,

agent,Police Department,

Oriental Singapore

Consonlitd. Min. Co., Chinnampo, C’sen.

Barson, A. J., secretary, accts. Dept., Millington, Ltd., Shanghai

Bartels-Troje, H. J. L., director, Beh, Meyer

Barth, P., signs per pro., Denis Freres d’Indochine, & Co., Handel-Mij, N.Y., Sourabaya (


Barthas, C., directeur technique, Societe des Ciments Portland, Haiphong-

Barthelet, R., Cie. Franco-Asiatique des Petroles, Saigon

Bartholomeusz, F. A., mang. director, F. A. Bartholomeusz, Ld., Singapore

Bartley, D., president, Municipal Council. Singapore

Barlett, J., building dept., Fogden, Brisbane & Co., Singapore


Barton, H.,J. assistant,

A., cypher Standard-Vacuum

officer, BritishOilLegation,

Co., Changsha


Barton, !L. A., cashier, Treasury, Hongkong

Barton, W. M., assist., Dodwell & Co., Ld., Hongkong

Bartsow, Capt. E. S.. agent. Oriental Consolidated Mining Co., Chinnampo.'

Bary, iDr. A., medical practitioner, Shanghai

Basa, R., merchant & commission agent, Hongkong

Basel, E. W., architect and engineer, Basel


Baskett, P. E., R. E., gen.Manufacturers

agent. mgr.. FirestoneLifeTyreIns.& Rubber Co., Manila

Co., Hongkong

Bass, G. R., secretary, Kulangsu Municipal council, Amoy

Bassett, A., dir., Keystone Tobacco Co., Ltd., Shanghai

Bassett, J. H.. Deputy Public Prosecutor, Penang

Bassompierre, H. E. Baron Albert de. ambassador, Belgian Embassy, Tokyo

Basto, A. H., partner, Raven & Basto, Hongkong

Basto, B., joint manager, Noronha & Co., Hongkong


Basto, J.C. J.,H.,joint


manager,Basto & Shank.

Noronha & Co.,Ltd., Hongkong


Batchelor, R. K., vice-consul for Norway. Canton

Bateman, E. F., secy, and genl. mgr., Galdbeck, Macgregor & Co., Ld., iS’hai.

Bateman, O. R. S., partner, chartered accountant, Gattey & Bateman, S’pore*

Bates, B. R., general agent, Dollar Steamship (Lines, Ld., (Singapore

Bates, G. T., manager, Borneo Co., Ld., Sarawak

Bates, J. A. E., general manager Cpro tem.). Willow Pattern Press, Shanghai

Bates, R. I. Waller, manager, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Tientsin

Bates, J. N., assist, mgr.. Asiatic Petroleum Co. (North China), Ltd., Tientsin

Batteaux, C., Comp table, Soc. des Cements Portland, Haiphong

Battegay, M., president, Societe M. Battegay & Cie., Tientsin

Battishill, P. H., partner, Sisson & Delay, Singapore

Batwell D. A., signs per. pro., The Borneo Co., Ld., Bangkok

Baudot, B., Compagnie Franco-Asiatique d'es Petroles, Saigon


Baukema, H.S. J.,G., consul

inspector, Police

for the Dept., KualaPenang

Netherlands, Lumpur, Selangor

Baumann, E., manager, Fisk Tire Co., Manila

Bauman, C. T., accountant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Saigon


Bauer, Paul,generalE. G., assist, supt.,

consul-general R.C.A. Communications, Inc., Manila

for Austria,

Baur, T., manager, Far EastTientsin

Sanitary Co., Shanghai

Baxter, H. G., mgr.. Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China, Singapore

Bayes-Davy, iS., surveyor, Paulsen & Bayes-Davy, Shanghai


Baylin,E.,A.signs G., per pro., manager,

assist, Vendrell, Mustaros & Co,Casing Co., Ld., Tientsin


Baylin, J., representative, Banque de I’lndochine, Peping

Baylin, J. R., manager, Ranque de ITndo-Chine, Canton

Baylis, H. E., custodian, Public Health dept., Shanghai

Bayliss, G. L., Raffles Institution, Singapore

Bayne H. A., assist., Imperial Chemical Industries (China), Ld., Swatow

Bayne, H. Hunter, chartered accountant, H. H. Bayne & Co., Manila


Dayot, A. M., proprietor and manager. Plaza Hotel, Zamboanga

Bazeley, W. N., solicitor, Allen & Gledhill, Singapore

1’azell, C., headmaster, Malay College, Perak

Bazeos, V., Deh Dji Construction Co., Tsingtao

Eazil, R. R., assistant, Cie Francaise de Tramways, Shanghai

Beach, F. P., Rev., American Board Mission, Foochow

Beach, J. S., overseer, P.W.D., Hongkong

Beale, C. J., assistant, British-American Tobacco Co. (China), Ld;, Shanghai

Beale, Louis, councellor, British Embassy, China

Beale, N. G., rang, dir.. General Electric Co., (of China) Ltd., Shanghai

Bean, J. S. W., director, 'Department of Agriculture, Sarawak

Beare, S. G., actg , Consul for Great Britain, Tientsin

Beasley, J. K., supt.. Government Store department, Sarawak

Beath, D., sub-acct., Chartered Bank of India. Australia & China, Hongkong

Beatty, H. E., assist, treasurer, General Motors (Japan), Ld., Osaka

Beatty, J., general manager, Railway Dept., Jesselton, British North Borneo

Beaulieux, A., secretary, French Consulate, Tientsin

Beavan, P. W., partner, Theodor & Rawlins, Shanghai

Beavis, R. C., mech, engr., Raub Australian Gold Mining Co., Ltd., Pahang

Bechler, E., merchant, Hankow

Beck, E., assist., Taikoo Sugar Refining Co., Hongkong

Beck, E. E. H., deputy commissioner of police, Police dept., Negri Sembiban

Beck, I.,R.,Becks

Beck, signs Inc.,

per pro., Glathe & Witt, Shanghai


Beck, T. C. T., assist, secretary, Green Island Cement Works, Hongkong

Beck, Walter, Merchant, Tokyo

Becker, A., assistant, Arnhold & Co., Ld., Hongkong


Becker, J.Dr.N..W.,manager,


C. lilies&

e Co., Tokyo

Beckett, H. J. R,., financial controller, Treasury Department, Sandakan

Beckett, R., engineer, International Engineering Co., Bangkok

Beckmann, P., secretary, German Consulate, Canton

Bedat, M., directeur, Cie des Eaux de Hanoi, Hanoi


Beddow,Dr. L. T.,R. chartered

E., supt., Stout Memorial

accountant, Hospital,

Thomson Wuchow

& Co., Tientsin


Been, Geo.

J. L., S., Carter,

assist, Macy,

manager, Tea

de &

JavascheCoffee Co.,

Rank, Inc.,

Manila Daitotei, Formosa

Beemer, H. L., Singer Sewing Machine Co., Seoul

Beer, T. G., representative.

Beerbrayer, J., merchant, DairenButterfield

Beerli, H., signs per pro., Volkart Brothers, Shanghai

Begbie, H. W., executive engineer, Kuala Langat, Selangor


Begg, S.Dr. D., R.secretary,

S., medical officer govt,Co.,medical

Thornycroft Dept., Hongkong

Ld., Hongkong

Behrend, R. C. W.. consul for Germany, Shanghai

Behrens, J. N., 3rd secretary, British Legation., Peiping

Behring, F. V., signs per pro., Bayer, Meister-Lucius Yokuhin Gomei Kaisha, Kobe

Beith, B. D. F., Jardine. Matheson fc Co., Shanghai

Beliaeff, V. A., Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Tientsin

Bell, A. D.,

Bell, D. A. E.,director,

agent. The Shanghai

Hongkong Dock & Engineering


Bell. E., manager and secretary, Shanghai Building Co., Shanghai

Bell, J.G. C.T.,M.,superintendent.

partner, NeillMansfield & Co.,Lumpur,

& Bell, Kuala Ld., Singapore


Bell, J. R. H„ chartered accountant, Harold Bell, Taylor, Bird it Co., Kobe

Bell, M. R., assistant, Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Co.. Ld., Hongkong


Bell, R.R. C.,

B., assistant.

chief policeTaikoo


Segamat,and Engineering Co., Hongkong


Bell, R. D., director, Harvie, Cooke


Bell, R.W. G.,G„representative

assist., Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Tokyo

Bell, Hon. Mr. W. IL, general manager, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Hongkong


Bellamy F., colliery supt., Malayan Collieries, Ld., Selangor


Beliemans,L.M.C. P.,F., agent,


manager, Dollar Hongkong Tramways, Ld., Hongkong

Co., Zamboanga

Beilis, A. G., general manager and treasurer, J. P. Heilbronn, Co., Manila

Beltchenko, A, consul for Portugal, Hankow


Benda, C.,C. D., Far Eastern

managing mgr.,Singleton,

director, General Accident, Benda & Eire

COj., &Ld.,LifeYokohama

Assce. Gorpn,., Ld., S’hai

Bender, F. W., manager, National City

Bendle, W. H., inspector, Police Department, Tapah, Perak Bank of New York, Kobe

Benecke, D. W. A., signs per pro.,■ Winckl’er & Co., Yokohama


Benham, M.H.I.F.,D., partner,Sassoon

Bergmann & Co., Kobe

Hongkong ' '

Benjamin, N., David

manager, Adrian& Co., ife Co.,Ld..Singapore


Benkiser, secretary, Hongkong

per pro., Behn, Meyer Stock (China)




Benner, H. S., secretary, Arnhold & Co., Shanghai

Bennett, A. D., manager, Aircraft (China) Ltd., Hongkong

Bennett, Dr. C., resident medical supt., Shanghai General Hospital, Shanghai


Bennett, E.C.C. R.,

N., manager


Malaya,. Ocean Accident

of New&York,GuaranteePeiping,Corpip, Singapore'

Bennett, J., director, C. Slot &City Co., Bank

Ld„ Singapore

Bennett, Geo., merchant, Bennett & Co., Chemulpo


Bennett, G., assist.,

J., signs Standard-Vacuum

per pro, Borneo Co., Ld.,OilSingapore Co., Yokohama

Bennett, J. R., partner, Sandilands Buttery & Co., Penang


Bennett,J.R.Roy C.manager,

?, editor and gen, mgr., Manila Daily Bulletin^ Manila

Benoit, B.,D.,French Education

Municipal Council, Dept.Tientsin

Phillippine Education Co., Jnc., Manila

Benson, C. EL, general manager for Far East, Dairen

Benschoten, A. van, vice-consul for America, American Express Co./L.c., Hongkong

Benson, D., acting manager, Mercantile Bank of India, Ld., Penang.

Benson, G. A., accountant, National City Bank of New York, Shanghai

Bentley, J., assist., Union Insurance Society of Canton, .LcL, Hongkong

Benwell, A. J., Comdr., Salvation Army, Peiping

Beraha, D., signs per pro., Beraha & Stetten, Shanghai


Berckel, M.,

J. C.Beraha Stetten, Shanghai

van, vice-consul for the Netherlands, Singapore:

Berckmans, A., electrical engineer and supt., Siam Electric Corporation, Ld., Bangkok

Berends, W., manager, American

Berg, A., manager. Telge & Schroeter.'ShanghaiAsiatic Underwriters, Mukden

Berg, Sverre, managing director, Berg & Co., Ld., Hongkong

Berger, S.D.M.,C., pres.,

Berger, consulBerger

for America, Tientsin

& Co.. Manila

Berger, S. M., prop., Philippine Tobacco Co., Manila

Bergmann, O. E., manager, Wilding & Co., Soeralaya

Bergquist,H. C.van,

Beirkel, E., manager,


Immigrants’ Oil Co., HankowSumatra


Berli, H., partner,

Bennant, A., assist.,BerliJapan


& Co., Bangkok Kobe.


Bernis, G. de, consulBanquefor Franco

Guatemala, Hongkong

Chinoise, Shanghai


Bernstein, George H., manager, Baikal

H. H., representative, Orenstein Fur Trading

& Koppel,Corporation,

A.G., Shanghai Tientsin


Berntsen, L. M., general manager, Bernstein, Sons & Forman, Teintsin


Berrick, B.H.R.,

R. H.











Underwriters, Hankovy"



Berry, F.,M.,vice-pres.,

Berry, director, Filma

Arts &Mercantile

Crafts, Ltd., Co., Shanghai


Berry, J. P. de, agent, Singer Sewing Machine Co., Shanghai

Berthet, E. A., service manager, Auto Palace Co., Ld,, Shanghai

Berthet, I. L., div. manager, Yee Tsoong Tobacco Distributors, Ltd., Canton

Bertram, R., merchant, R. Bertram & Co., Peping


Besnard, A. P. A. A., editor in chief, De Sumatra Post, Sumtara


Best, H.F.J.,L.,overseer,


Hongkong Maritime: Customs, Antung


Bettendorf, W. C., auditor, InternationalPharmacy,

S. J., proprietor, Bubbling Well Harvester Shanghai

Co;, of Phil., Manila

Betz, Dr. H., attache, German Embassy, China

Beuchot, M., managing director, L. Rondon & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Beudin, J., manager, International Savings Society, Shanghai


Beven,A.,R. manager,

S., permanent International

way inspr.,Savings Society, Harbin

Kowloon-Canton Railway, Hongkong

Bevan, W. S., manager, Eastern Kxtension Telegraph Co., Foochow

Bevan-Jones, B. R., assist., British Cigarette Co., Ld., Shanghai


Bianconi,B.A.D.,D.,managing proprietor,

Consul General Sphinx Trading Co., Kobe

for Italy,Hongkong

Bibby, T. F. A., governing' director, Warhes Barnes & Co., Ld., Manila

Biber, A., secretary, Swiss Consulate, Batavia


Bidder, Dr. G. F.H.,H.,secretary

Benjamin and Potts,China

of Legation, Shanghai

Biddulph, J. P., coroner, Coroner’s Department, Penang

Bidgood, W. J., senior assistant building surveyor, Public Works dept,, Shanghai

Bidmead, K. A., assist, supt., Police. Headquarters, Hongkong


Bid well, J.V. R.D.E.,A.,Hmerchant,

,sales manager,

director, sales&dept.,

Borrows Universal

Co,, Ld., TientsinCars, Ld., Singapore


Biederman, M., merchant, SaigonSaigon

Bielfeld, L., Bielfeld & Sun, Tientsin

Bielfeld, L.K.,A.,merchant,

Bielfield, Bielfeld &Donnell

Sun, Tientsin

& Bielticld, Tientsin .

Biggar, D. M., manager,

Bill, O. O., manager, Singer Sewing Chase Bank,Machine

Hongkong Co., Singapore

Billing, A. G., asst, supt., Survey Office, Johore


Billy, R.J.de.M.Ambassador

executive engineer, BenTokyo

for France, tong, Pahang .


Bingham,E. jr.,

W., IL, sub-acct., Chartered

3rd secretary, BankEmbassy,

U.S.A, of India,Tokyo

Aust. and China, Shanghai


Birch, A.T.L.,R.,chief


Trade andengineer

Customsanddept., Negri P.WJ).,

inspector, SembilanJohore

Birch, B. G., English tutor, University, Hongkong


Bird, C.A. J.,

B., sub-accountant,

assist., Union Insurance CharteredSociety

Bank ofof Canton,

India, Australia

Hongkongand China, Hongkong

Bird, K.rb, manager, Caldbeck, Macgregor & Co., Penang

Bird, G., assist., Taikoo Dockyard and Engineering Co.y Hongkong

Bird, G,H. L.R. F.,

Bird, district officer,

vice-consul, BritishPekan, Pahang

Legation, Bangkok

Bird, J. N., advertising manager. General Motors Japan, Ld., Osaka


Biret, R., Land Officer

signs £.perO.,pro., and Commissioner,

DenisBayer, Municipality,


dTndochine, Cam bodgeMalacca

Birkenbeil, assist., Y.G.K., Kobe

Birnie, H. G., supt., Trade ck Customs, Heremban

Birnie, Leonard, merchant, Kobe


Birt, C.A.F.,L.,exc.


edgr., PublicLandWorkOffice, Trengganu

& Tlailways 'Fepd^tbieiit/Sarawa-k

Bischoff, Dr. E., consul for Germany, Dairen

Bishop, A. H., vice president, Koppel (Philippines), Ihc.,‘ Manila

Bishop, C. W. E., engineer, Public Works dept., Hongkong

Bishop, Rt. Rev., chaplain, British Embassy, China

Bishop, F., deputy naval store officer, Naval Dockyard, Hongkong

Bishop, F. C., cashier, Crownchina Go,, Hongkong

Bishop, F. G., assist., Rising Sun Petroleum'Co., Ld., Tokyo

Bishop, H., executive engineer, P.W.D., Sandakan, B. N. B.

Bishop, N. G., signs the. firm, McAuliffe, Davies & Hope; Singapore

Bishop, S. F„ chief engineer, Green Island Cement Co., Ld., Hok-un, Hongkong

Bisseker, F. D., Insurance agent, Tientsin



Bitters, J. H., president, Immigrants’ A asylum, Medan, Sumatra

Bitting, S. T., manager. Niational City Bank of New York, Harbin


Bjorling,C.,O.,proprietor, BitzerSteam

director, Siam & Co.,Navigation

Hongkong Co., Ld., Bangkok

Bjuke, Capt.

Blaauw, I)„ mgr.,N. R.,Societe


c.e.'; engineer, Board of Conservancy

Exportazione Works, Canton

e di Importazione, Penang

Blacconi, P., agent, Compagnie de Commerce et de Navigation, Saigon

Black, A. W, assistant, Carmichael and Clarke, Hongkong


Black, C.C., C.,assist., Mackinnon,

chairman, FurnessMackenzie

(Far East),& Co.,

Ld., Hongkong



Black, Donald,

F. C. B. chartered

assist., accountant,

Hongkong and Percy

ShanghaiSmith, Seth &Corporation,

Banking Fleming, Hongkong

Hongkong .

Black, G., Chinese Maritime Customs, Hoihow

Black, G. D. R., medical practitioner, Black, Balean & Skinn, Hongkong

Black, H., D.,raanaget,

Black, H. dockyardAmerican ForeignBoard,

mgr., Harbour Insurance

PenangAssociation, Tientsin

Black, J., inst. mgr., Asiatic Petroleum Co., (North China), Ltd., Chungking


Black, J. A.,

R. B., president.

commissioner, Municipal Council,

LandHongkong Penang

Office, Kluang, Johore

Black, T., accountant, Treasury,

Black, T.,

Black, T., c.a., Gattey manager,

brickworks & Bateman,Kalian Singapore

Mining Administration, Tientsin

Blackburn, A. D., consul for

Blackburn, L. J., director & secretary, Great Britain, Shanghai

Blackmore & Blackburn, Hongkong





EasternCivil DistrictTelegraph

Extension Court, Singapore

Co., Hongkong

Blackford, W., supt.., United States Shoe Co., Manila

Blacking, L. R., acct., Mercantile Bank of India, Ld., Penang

Blackmar, M. E., merchant, Osaka

Blackmore, E.Dr.W.,W.Blackmore,

Blackmore, L.. registrarBasto and &Shank,

of Birth Deaths,Ltd.,Malacca


Blackwell, F., controller, Government Savings Bank, Singapore

Blackwell, K. R., state treasurer, Perak

Blackwood, J., sub-agent, Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China, Sitiawan, Perak


Blagg, C. E. L., J. legal

A., signs perLegal

adviser, pro, Butterfield


Swire, Chungking

Blagg, F. O., legal adviser, Supreme Court, Sarawak

Blair, A. B., engineer, Mackenzie & Co., Ld., Hankow

Blair, K. G. principal, Blair & Co., Hongkong

Blair, W. K., gen. mgr., North Borneo Trading Co., .Sandakan, B. (N. Borneo

Blaisdell, B., supt., Manila Electric Co., Manila

Blaisse, R. S., Java-China-Japan Lyn, N.Y., Shanghai

Blake, D. H„ director. Pure Cane Molasses Co., (Hongknrm) Ld., Hongkong

Blake, D. H., jr., manager, Frazar Trust Co., Ld.. Tokyo

Blake, Denis H., solicitor, Wilkinson & Grist, Hongkong

Blake, W. F., manager, Simplex Gypsum Products, Ltd , Hongkong

Blaker, B. O., chartered accountant, Thompson & Co , Shanghai

Blaker, C., director, Gilman & Co., Ltd., Hongkong

Blakstad, G, C. C., controller, GovernmentMonopolies Department, Singapore

Blanchet, Lt.-Col. P., secretaire-general, French Municipal Council, Tientsin

Blanckensee, A. S., manager, China Coir Furnishing Co., Shanghai

Bland, J. F. M., Rising Sim Petroleum Co., Ld., Tokyo

Bland, Lloyd, partner, Frost, Bland & Co., Shanghai

Blandin, F., engineer, Cie Franco-Asiatique des Patroles, Saigon

Blanks, L. C., sub-acet.. The Mercantile Bank of India, Ld., Shanghai

Blankstein, D. S., secretary, Municipality, Padang


Blattmann. P.,W.,assistant, managing-director,

Siber. Hegner Societe

Co.,Anonyme Beige, Bangkok

Ltd., Yokohama

Blattnier, R., signsi per pro;, Diethelm & Co.. Haiphong

Blechynden, A. L., mang. dir.. New Engineering & Shipbuilding Works, Ld., S’brd

Blessing, F., mgr., Motor Service Co., Manila . ,


Blinko, J. H., Warner, Barnes & Co., Ld., Manila

Bliss, A. S.. assist. Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Co., Ld., Hongkong

Bliss, A. W. assistant, Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Co., Ld., Hongkong-


Block, M. S., East

P. A., manager, Bloch &Ld.,



Bloemsma, J., signsAsiatic Co.,Philips

per pro., China Co.', Shanghai

Boiler, R., chief-clerk, Ford Motor Co. of Japan, Yokohama

Blom, S., chief engineer, American Far Eastern Match Co., Shanghai

Blondeau, R., consul for France, Hankow


Bloor, E.,J. inspector,

W. R.,. assist, treasurer,

Police ColonialHongkong

Headquarters, Treasury, Singapore

Blowers, G. A., sub-accountant., National City Bank of New York, Tientsin

Bloxham, H. F., assist, supt. of Prisons, Singapore

Blum, Ch.. sighs per pro., Keller & Co., Ld., Manila

Blum, F., director, Oppenheimer & Cie., Ld., Kobe

Blum, L,, manager, J. ITllman & Co, Shanghai

Blundell, W., director, Blundell & Co., Ltd., Tokyo

Blunn, W. G. C., managing-director, Blunn, George & Co., Ld., Selangor

Blunt, A. P., consul-general for Great Britain, Manila

Bluntschli, H. C., general agent., Pakan Baroe, Sumatra

Blyth, F. J., Toyo Babcock Kabushiki Kaisha, Yokohama


Boardman.H. H.,F. assist., Hongkong

V., assist, manager.Electric


Ld., Hongkong

and Electric Co.,. Singapore


Bockler, E., in charge, Tangku and Taku Bar Customs,Peiping

H. L., language officer, American Legation*. Tientsin

Bodalin, S. J., attorney, Asiatic Trading Corporation, Ld., Hankow


Bode, J. W., vice-consul for the Netherlands, Tokyo Ltd., Kota Tinggi, Jphore

G. H., manager, Rubber Estates of Malaya,


Bodin, partner,Compagnie

Bodiker '& Francaise

Co., Cantondes Chemins de fer de Yunnan, Mengtsz

Bodson;, R., accountant, Banque Beige nour L’Etranger, Shanghai

Boehl, W., signs.per pro., Roese, Gebrueder & Co., Swatow

Boehme, K., signs per pro, Caflowitz & Co., Tsingtao

Boehringer, C. H., aoting

Boer, F. de, director, AmericanBank,

De Javasche TradeBatavia

Commissioner, Singapore

Boerter, A., partner, A. Boerter

Boerter, G., A. Boerter &;Go., Tsingtao & Co., Tsingtao

Bogaardt, W.H. F.H.,L.,'postmaster.

Bohlmann, accountant, Post Office,

Arperican Medan,Co.,Sumatra

Boidot, J., Cie Franciaise des Chemins deExpress Xhc„ Shanghai

fer de ITndo-Chine, Hanoi

Boillot, C., directeur, Boillot

Boillot, M., assist., Boillot & Co., Hatioi

Boissezon,J. Ch.

Boissier, de, signs per

S., executive pro., Madier,

engineer. Ribet etNegri

Port Dickson, Cie., Shanghai


Boland, Dr. C. Vincent, medical practitioner, Singapore

Boldero, J. C., assist, secretary, Shanghai Waterworks

Bolitho, E. F., director, Lopato, Spns, Ld., A.* Harbin Co., Ld., Shanghai

Holland, H., merchant, Bremen

Bollenhagen, H., merchant, Tientsin Colonial it China Trading Co., Tientsin

Boiler. R., assist., Ford Motor Car Co. of Japan Ltd., Yokohama



partner, ofWaite

works& Co.,

P.W.D., Hdngkong


Bolter, M., Singapore Free Press, Singapore

Bolton, A., Green Island Cement Co.., Hongkong

Bolton, B. E., agent, Jardine, Mafheson & Co., Ltd, Taikoku, Formosa

Bolton, E. C., accountant, W. H. Bolton Bristle Co., iShanghai

Bolton, W. E., treasurer, W. H. Bolton Bristle Co., Shanghai

Bonbright, J. C. H,, vice-consul, U.S.A. Consulate, Cantbn

Boncker, P., agept, Warner, Barnes & Co., Ltd , Cebu

Bond, A. E., managing director in the East, John Little & Co., Ld., Singapore

Bond, C., Dodwell & Co., Hongkong

Bond, F. J., assist., Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corpn., Manila



Bond, G. Hollingsworth, partner, Denison, Ram & Gibbs, Hongkong

Bond, G. A., assist,, 4-siaHc Petroleum Oo& (South China), Ld., Hongkong

Bond, J. F., Warner, Barnes & Co., Ld., Manila

Bone, Major C. E., assist., supt Survey dept., F.M.S. & S. S.

Bone, D. B., assist., Taikoo Dockyard and Engineering Co., Hongkong

Bonenfant, C., cashier, Banque de PIndo-Chine, Canton

Boniface, M., director, Mackenzie & Co., Hankow

Bonnar, J. W. C., Bill & Bullion Broker'. Hongkong

Bonnell, office manager, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Export Co., Manila

Bonnerman, P. H., accountant, Netherlands Trading Society. Singapore

Bonner, J. I., pro. mgr. & acct., National City Bank of New York, Y’hama


Bonnyman, P. H.,J. assist. Supt.Shanghai

A., mgr., of Surveys,Dock

Survey& Dept., Kedah Co., Ltd., Shanghai


Bono, E. V., signs per pro., Yannoulatos Bros., Chefoo

Bonwick, G., secretary, Christian Literature Society of Korea, Seoul


Boode, J.A.F.P..de,E.,manager,

accountant,Kock Banque Beige

& Co.,Police pour PEtranger, Shanghai


Booker, H. E., manager, Far Eastern Theatre Co., Inc., Hongkong

Booker, E, chief inspector, Headquarters, Shanghai

Bookless, A., co-auditor. Salt Revenue. Chungking

Boolsen, J.G.,F.,manager,

Boomer, Hamburg-Amerika

vice-president, Babcock andLime, Shanghai

Templeton, Inc., Manila

Boomsma, D. F., sub-accountant, NedeHandsch Indische Handelsbank, Hongkong

Booth, G. A., manager, Andersen, Meyer & Co., Ltd , Tientsin

Booth, H., signs per. pro., Arnold & Co., Ltd., Shanghai

Booth, H. R. 0., (manager, P. & O. Banking Corporation, Ld., Shanghai

Booth, I.J. C.,

Booth, C., surveyor,

engineer, Survey

Patous &dept., PerakLtd., Shanghai


Booth, L. H. V., superintendent of Police, Hongkong

Booth, Maj.-Gen. Ewing E., commandant, U.S. Army, Manila

Booth. W. M., representative, English Electric Co., Ld., Tokyo


Bopp, R., B.viceT. consul

B., representative. British & China CorporatiPn Ld., Shanghai

for Brazil. Kobe,

Bnrdelongue, J., director, S. A. Fonciere et Immobiliere de Chine, Shanghai

Borden, R. E., agent, Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada, Shanghai

Bordier. P.. Compagnie Franco-Asiatique, Haiphong

Bordwell, P. H., manager, Lumber dept., Robert Dollar Co,, Shanghai

Borges, A. V., vice-consul for Portugal, Singapore

Borghi, L., chancellor, Italian Consulate, Shanghai

Borioni, C., signs per pro., Olivier-Chine, Tientsin

Born, John F., Macy & Co., Inc., R. H., New York, Kobe

Borneman, O. L., mgr., Caldbeck, Macgregor & Co., Ld., Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

Borodaewsky, B. de, local mgr., Cie Franco-Amerioaine d’Assurances, S’hai.

Borregaard, A. S., representative, T. B. Gansmoe, Kobe

Borrows. W. S., director, Borrows & Co., Tientsin

Borup, T., accountant, East Asiatic Co., Ld., Bangkok

Bory, A., cashier, Banque de PIndochine, Tientsin

Bosch, D. M. E., consul-general for Spain, Manila

Bosch, H., acting partner, Ahrens & Co., Naehf. H., Tokyo


Bosker, W. W., L., assist., L. H.executive

senior Smith Aengineer,

Co., ChefooSelangor

Boss, F. H., merchant, Tientsin

Boss, F., manager, Palace Hotel, Shanghai

Bosse, G., director, Lohmann & Co., Ld., Singapore

Bosselmann, A., agent, East Asiatic Co., Ld.. Hankow

Bosshardt, R., manager, Diethelm & Co., Haiphong

Bosustow, J. C., deputy treasurer. Municipal Council, Shanghai

Boswell, A. B. S., state forest officer. Forest Department, Pahang

Potelho, A. G., Botelho Bros., Hankow

Botelho, J. H., vice-consul & assessor, Portuguese Consulate, Shanghai


Botelho, P. P., Boteihpi Bros.. Hankow

Boterf, J. le, directeur^genera] adjoirit-, Societe deg Ciaients P’landj, H’phoag

Botly, C. W. G., partner, Botly & Co,, Perak

Bottomley, J., architect, Public Works dept., Hongkong

Bouchet, Compagnie Franco-Asiatique des Petroles, Haiphong

Bougon, E., commercial agent, Charbonnages du Tonkin, Haiphong

Bourguesdon, J. de,'Cie, de Cojn> et de Nay. d’Extreme-Orient, Saigon

Bouianovsky, N. D., manager, Banque Franco-Asiatique, Haroin

Boulton, F., accountant., Britisli-American Tobacco Go., Ld., Peiping

Bculton, S., assistant, Taikoo Dockyard & Engineering Co., Hongkong

liourgery, C., administrateur delegue, 1’Energie Electrique de Tientsin, T’sin

Bourgery, E., dii-ector, L’Energie Electrique de Tientsin, Tientsin

Bourghelles, P. L. J. de, viceTConsul for Spain, Batavia

Bourke, H. P., Jardine, Matheson & Co., -Ld., Shanghai

Bourke, J., manager, Burlington Hotel, Shanghai

Bourne, A. M., mgr., North British.*.1’® Mercantile Ins. Co., Ltd., Shanghai •

Bourne, Jr., A. W., manager, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Singapore

Bourne, Major K. M.,- deputy- commissioner, Municipal Police, Shanghai

Bourne, M., R. vice-president, Manila Trading & Supply Co., Manila

Bobrtie, V. H., assist, treasurer, Municipal Revenue dept., Shanghai ''

Bousfield, J. K., assist, manager, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Hongkong

Bousquie, E., dir., Union Franco-Chinoise de Navigation, Chungking

Boutcher, C. G., partner, Stark & McNeil, Penang


Boutron, P. M.S., assist, dist.The

L., accountant, inspr.,

TexasChinese Government

Co., (China), Salt Administration, Foochow

Ld., Haiphong

Boutross, P. M., Boutross Bros., Shanghai

Bovis, directeur, Transport Maritimes & Fluviaux, Haiphong

Bovo, Cav, Uff. Gogredc, consul for Italy, Bangkok

Bowen, B., manager, Whiteaway, Laidlaw & Co., Ld., Tientsin

Bowen, B. G., secretary, Commercial and Credit Bureau, Shanghai

Bowen, F. A., gen. mgr., Commercial & Credit Information Bureau, Shanghai

Bowen, G., manager, Bowen it Co., Manila


Bowen, G.Dr.H.,J. managfer,

E., resident;Barlow


CountrySingapore ■ Shanghai


Bower, A., manager, Palace Hotel, Kowloon

Bower, W. H., Canadian Pacific Steamships, Ld., Kobe


Bowers, L.T. I.,W.,manager,




'Press,w Singapore

Co.,, Shao|ghai

Bowker, A. C. I., assist, sub-mknager. Dodwell & Co.. Ld., Hongkfing

Bowker, GML, agent, Jardine, Matheson Co., Ltd., Swatojv

Bowling, W., div. mgr., Imperial Chenriea! Industries (China), Ld., Hankdw

Bowman, C. B., principal. High School, Malacca

Boxall, M. W. J., reporter, North China Daily News and Herald, Shanghai

Boyarsky, M. S., dir., T'tsm Com. Commercebank o; Cre. Corpn.,,Tnc., T’tsin

Boyaval, L., administrateurj^Soci^te Indufitriplle et Commerciale, Hanoi

Boyce, D. C., mang. director, Imperial* Chemical Industries1 (China), Ld., Shanghai

Boyd, Col. S., military, China Command, Hongkong

Boyd, J. C. T. C., chief tidesurveyor, Chinese Maritime Customs, .Camton

Boyd, E. E. G., director, Thabawleik Tin Dredging, Ltd., Perak

Royd, T. J. L. Stirling, chief justice, Supreme Court, Kuching, Sarawak.

Boyd, W. R., acting 1st assistant secretary and clerk of council, Secretariat, Singapore

Boyer, C. H., Harrison and Crosfield (Borneo), Ld., Sandakan, B.N. Borueo

Boyer, Ed., direeteur, Compagnie Francaise de Tramways, Saigon

Boyers, G. B., acting commissioner, Post Office, Swatow

Boyes, E., agent auxiliare, Banque FrancQ-chinoise, Saigon.

Boyes, G. M., partner, Boyes, Bassett & Co., Shanghai

Boyes, W. R., representative,;United, Epgineers, Ld., Singapore

Boynton, Rev. C. L., secretary, National ,Christian,Council of China, Shanghai


Boyol, J. M., assistant, Carter, Macy, Tea.»fe Coffee Co., Inc., Daitotei, Formosa

Bracken, V. I., chief inspector, Municipal'' Health dept., Singapore


Bradbury,Dr.B. E.,

W.,consul for Germany,

supt., meat Tsingtao

dept., Dairy Farm, Ice and Cold Storage Co., Hongkong:

Braddell, R. St. John, partner, Braddell Bros., Singapore

Bradford, G. P., vice-president, L. Everett, Inc., Shanghai

Bradford, P. W., manager, American Express Co., Inc., The, Shanghai

Bradford. T. F, engineer, Holt's Wharf, Hongkong


Bradley, C.W.HiR.,G.,manager,

assistantPhilippine AerialOffice,

auditor, Audit Taxi Hongkong

Co., Manila

Bradley, H. W., commissioner, Customs House, Tsingtao

Bradney, G. P., auditor general, Audit Office, Selangor, F.M.S.

Bradsher, L. E., manager, Southern Leaf Tobacco Co,, Shanghai


Brady, A.H. A.,



share broker, ShanghaiBanking Corporation, Penang

and Shanghai

Braeuer, M., Doitsu Senryo Gomei Kaisha, Kobe

Braga, A. S., chancellor, Portuguese Consulate, Shanghai

Braga, H., gen. works mgr., Hongkong Eng. & Con. Co., Ld., Hongkong

Braga, Hon. Mr. J. P., mgr., J. P. Braga printing dept., Hongkong

Braga, Noel, secretary, China Light Co., and Sandakan Light and Power Co., H’kong

Bragg, W. H., mgr., Asiatic Petroleum Co., (North China), Ltd., Chungking.

Braidwood, W. G., secy., China Soap Co., Ld., Shanghai

Brain, H. N., acting consul for Great Britain, Osaka.

Braine, Dr.H.G.J.,I.agent,

Brakema, H., medical officer, Trading

Netherlands TrengganuSociety, Kobe


Brambles, R., manager, Lyric Theatre, Savings

S., sub-manager, International Manila Society, Shanghai

Brameld, Thomas, architect & surveyor, Canton

Bramwell, B. S., director, Metal Box and Printing Industries, Ld., Shanghai

Brainwell, E. K., assist., Warner, Barnes & Co., Ld., Iloilo


Bfanagan, W. L„ assistant,

F. A., manager, Hongkong

Warner, Barnes & Co., Ld.,Bank,

and Shanghai Manila


Brand, Fred J., general manager, Whitsons, Ld., Shanghai

Brand, H. S., partner, Greig & Co., M. W,, Foochow '

Brand, J., general manager, M. Brand & Sons, Inc., Tientsin



S., Gibb, Livingston District

3rd magistrate, & Co., Ld., Foochow

A Police Courts, Singapore

Brander, J. M., supt. of Posts & Telegraphs, Kelantan

Brandon, C. V., manager, E. A. Barbour, Ld., Malacca •

Brandt, A. L., secretary and assist, manager, Brandt & Rogers, Ld., Shanghai

Brandt, J., director, Aall & Co., Osaka

Brant, R. V., district officer. Raub, Pahang



A. W.,managing

Netherlandsdirector, BrandtOffice,

Insurance ,& Regers, Ld., Shanghai


Brandus, R. P., Netherlands Insurance Office, Harbin

Brangwin, Dr. C. H., medical practitioner, Swatow

Branson, Y. C., analyst, Government Laboratory, Hongkong

Brant. R. V., district officer, Raub, Pahan

Brahwell, vice-president, Chamber of Commerce, Manila


Brash, R.F.,P.,assist., Deutsch

managing Farben,G. Waibel

director, & Co.,

W. Wilson Shanghai

& Co., Ld., Perak

Braude, A. N., assist., Hongkong Telephone Co., Ld., Hongkong

Braun, G., manager, M. Levy, Peiping

Brauns, A. E. O., manager, Celebes Motor Co., Iloilo

Brauns, Eric, director, Gadelius & Co., Ld., Osaka

Brawn, A. O., Inspector of Schools, Education Dept., Hongkong

Bray field, T. H. G., principal, Carmichael & Clarke, Hongkong

Brayne, A. B., signs per pro., Arnold & Co., Ltd., Shanghai

Brayne, W. C., archivist, British Legation, Bangkok


.‘Brayshay, S., Executive Eng., Survey dept.,

Breakspear, O. T., Finance & Commerce, Ld., Shanghai F. M. S. & S. S.

JBreal, M., French Legation, Bangkok

Brearley, A., mgr., . Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China, Hongkong

Bredin, W. H'., ageilt, Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation, Dairen

Breen, C. J., Shanghai Lumber & Coal Co., Shanghai


Breen, J.,

M. manager,.Franca-:

J., post-master:general, Asiatique Assce.Post

General Co.,Office,


Brelsford, R. F., engineer, Fogden, Brisbane & Co., Ld., Singapore

.Bremach, II., E. M. H. Bremach, Tsinigtao

Bremer, R. T., manager, Connell Bros. Co., Manila

Brernner, A. A., chartered accountant, Lowe, Bingham & Matthews, IT Long

Brenan, Sir J. F., c.m.g., k.b.e., Consul-General for Great Britain, Shanghai


Brennan, J.,G. J.,inspector,


America, Chefoo Hongkong

Brent, C. D., manager, Siamese Tin Syndicate, Ld.,'•Bangkok

Breton, R. S., agent, Siam Commercial Bank, Ld., Tung Song branch, Bangkok

Brett, J. H., manager, Siam Commercial Bank,Peiping

Brett, H. J.. commercial secretary, British Legation, Bangkok

Brener, H. W., signs per pro., Meichers & Co., Shanghai

Breuer, P. G., chief accountant, Larsen & Trock, Shanghai

Brewer, L., sepior inspector, Sanitary dept., Hongkong

Brewin, J. L., moulder, Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Co., Ld., Kowloon, Hongkong .

Brewster, D. M., matron, Municipal Council,; Canton

Brewster, F. T.,H.president

Brewster-Gow, G., healthandinspector,



dept.,& Municipal Council, Shanghai •’ • ■i

Co., Inc., Foochow

Breyer, G. A., agent, Royal Packet Navigation Co., Singapore

Breze, de Dreux, directeur, Banque de I’indochine, Haiphong_

Brias, Antonio, managing director, San Miguel Brewery, Inc., Manila

Brianlt, S. L., signs per pm, South British Insurance Co., Ltd.; Tientsin

Brioeno, J. E., consul for Panama, Yokohama

Bridge, B. F., district judge, District Court, Penang

Bridge, H. V., director, Pottmger,& Co., Tientsin

Bridger, il. L.,managing

Bridges, H., Accountant, Forster-McClellan

director, Steel Drums, Ld.,Co., Shanghai


Brierley, J. W., sub-manager, China Engineers, Ld., Shanghai

Brierley, J. W., director, Tientsin Building & Land Co., Ltd., Tientsin

Briggs, J. R., National City Bank of New York, Shanghai


Bright, J., S.jdirector,



h Gibbons,Singapore



Brill, J., manager, Esso Go., Shanghai '


Brimo &Ehlers &. Go., Shanghai

Co., Manila LI

Brimberg, H., proprietor^China Furs. Tientsin

Brimberg, I., signs per pro., Chi.iia Furs,, Tientsin

Bringerk, R., mgr., Ekman Foreign Agencies, Ltd., Shanghai

Brinkman, F. L., manager, Sluyters & Co., Spurubaya

Brisbane, D. A., c.a., White, Page & Co., Manila


Brisk, A. W.,D. W., proprietor,

proprietor, Fogden, Brisbane

Anglo-Swiss Watch Co.,& Co., Singapore ,


Brisk, M., proprietor, Brisk

Brisk, S. H.C., H.,

Bristow, assist., Canadian

Consul for GreatPacific Steamships,

Britain, Newellwang Ld., Yokohama «,

Brito, F. de Paula, consul-general for Portugal, Shanghai

Broad, P., 3rdC. secretary,

Broadbent, B„ signs p.p.,British Embassy,& Swire,

Butterfield Tokyo Chapgsha

Broadfoot, Rev. T. A,,;, secretary, Dhited Church& ofCo.,Canada

Broadbridge, F. A., assist., John D. Hutchison HongkongMission, Kongmoon ’

Broadhurst, M., asst, ipanager,,,China Soap Co., Ltd , Tientsin

Broakenhielm. C.,,manager, A. L.. Gran. Hongkong ’ ;

Brockhufst, G. N,, manager,/Singleton, Benda & Co., Ltd., Yokohama .


Brockurst, G. N., manager, Singleton, Benda & Co., Yokohama


Brockwell, BreweryGeylang

headmaster, Co., Shanghai

English School, Singapore

Brodie, E. A., actg. branch mgr., Union Insurance Society of Canton, Ld., Canton

Brodie. W. F., secretary, Straits Steamship Co.,, Ltd., Singapore

Brodie, Dr. W. H., acting health officer, Municipality, Penang

Broekert, A. W. de, Netherlands Harbour Works Co., Hongkong

Bragonier, Jr., R., vice-consul, American Consulate, Canton

Brondal, A., mgr., East Asiatic Co, Ld., Shanghai

Brondgeest, C„ supt. engineer, Peiping Electric Co., Peiping

Broodbank, A. J. B., commissioner of Customs & Excise, Sandakan

Broodie. W. F., secretary, Straits Steamship Co., Ld., Singapore


Brook, E., mgr., Economic

J., assist., TransportOil& Lighter

Standard-Vacuum Co., Ld., Shanghai

Co., Hongkong

Brooke, 0. E. R. M., secretary, Boustead & Co., Ltd., Singapore


Brooke, His Highness Sir

His Highness Bertram


Tuan Muda

Rajah ofof Sarawak,

Sarawak Sarawak

Brooke, H. W., manager, Connell Bros.

Brooke, J. T. W., Davies

Brookhart, C. E., commercial attache, U. S, Legation, Bangkok

Brookman, J., manager, Feltman Bros., Manila

Brooks, A. C., deputy govt, analyst, Govt. Analyst’s Department, Penang;

Brooks, G.E. S.R.,C.,secretary,

Brooks, solicitor,Siam


Steam& Packet

Co., Hongkong

Co., Bangkok

Brooks, H. T., superintendent, Fire Bridg , Hongkong

Brooks, O. F., assist., Standard-Yacuum

Brooksbank, A., overseer, Public Works department. Oil Co., Tientsin


Broom, W., shift charge engineer, Shanghai Power Co., Shanghai

Brooy, C. H. La, managing director, J. H. Saunders

Brostedt, A., general traffic agent, Canadian National Railways, A Co., PerakHongkong

Browett, H., solicitor, Shanghai

Brown, A. F., c.a., Fleming & Williamson, Manila


Brown, A.A. P.,

K., director

land officer, LandE.dept.,

of sales, I. du Sarawak

Pont de Nemours A Co., Inc., Kobe

Brown, A. S., partner, Brown, Phillips. & Stewart, Ipoh, Perak

Brown. A W., mgr., Lane, Crawford, Ld., Hongkong

Brown, B. H., assist., Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Manila

Brown, C., manager, Brown, Jones & Go., Hongkong


Brown, C.C. B.,B.,manager,

partner, Standard-Vacuum

Linstead & Davis,OilHongkong

Co., Dairen

Brown, C. C., British Resident, Pahang

Brown, C. G., director, Boustead & Co., Ltd., Singapore


Brown, D.C. C.,

R., vice-consul

assist., Brown, Phillips

for Gt. & Stewart,

Britain & mgr., Ipoh,


Bell & Go., Ltd., Legaspi, P. L.

Brown, E. A., Brown & Co., E. A., Singapore

Brown, E. G., district engineer, F.M.S. Railways, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor


Brown, F. W.,

J., assist., Canadian Pacific RailwayCo.,Co.Yokohama


Browm, F.Capt. F.assist., Standard-Vacuum

L., engineer, Hongkong Oil Electric Co., Hongkong

Brown, G. E., assist., Taikoo Sugar Refining Co., Ld., Hongkong

Brown, E. H., British-American Tobacco Co., Ld., Shanghai

Brown, H. W., Palmer & Turner, Shanghai


Brown, J., secretary, Malcolm A Co., Ltd., Shanghai

Brown, J.J. A.,

C., river officer,

boilermaker, Chinese

HongkongMaritime Customs,

A Whampoa DockHankow

Co., Ld., Hongkong


Brown, J.

J. F.,

G., c.a.,


A. A. accountant,

Anthony A Fleming

Co., Penang A Williamson, Manila.


Brown, J. M., Buick sales mgr., General Motors Japan,Co.Ld.,of Osaka

Brown, J.J. McL,

M., i-esident secretary,

sub-acct., SunALife

Hongkong Assurance

Shanghai Canada,Hongkong

Banking Corpn., Singapore

Brown, J. W., revenue officer, Imports and Exports Office, Hongkong


Brown, K. J., manager, Yorkshire Insurance Co., Ld., Tokyo

Brown, M. B., solicitor, Platt, White Cooper & Co., Shanghai

Brown, Merton H., general manager, Thornycroft, Ld., Singapore

Brown, N. A., chartered accountant, Seth, Turner & Co., Shanghai


Brown, N.P.,S., managing

director, Butterfield

partner, &UnionSwire, Motors,


Brown, P. B., director, Rising Sun Petroleum Co., Ld., Yokohama

Brown, P. H., assist, mechanical officer, Government Fire Brigade,.Hongkong

Brown, R. A., Butterfield & Swire, Hankow

Brown, R., accountant, Yangtsze Rapid S.S. Co., Shanghai

Brown, R. B., assist., Dairy Farm, Ice & Cold Storage Co., Hongkong

Brown, R. Di, sub.-account., National City Bank, of New York, Cebu

Brown, Dr. R. E., supt., Wuhu General Hospital, Wuhu

Brown, S., Russell & Co., J. A., Selangor


Brown, Y.W.,H.,assist.,



Dockyard andOilEngineering

Co., Sendai.Co.,Yokohama



Brown, W.,

W., joiner,

professorHongkong and Whampoa

of mathematics, HongkongDockUniversity,

Co., Kowloon, Hongkong »


Brown, W. D., assist., L. Moore & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Brown, W. G. G., sub-acct., Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, Tientsin

Brown, W. H., director, Bureau of Science,Manila

Brown, jr.W. W.J., J.,

Brown, accountant,

assist., ChinaChinaLight

Light& &Power




Brown, W. M., solicitor, Hastings & Co.,Hongkong

Brown, W. Russell, consul general for Great Britain, Hankow

Browne, A. M., Dunlop Rubber Co., (Far East), Ltd., Tokyo

Browne, H. Q., Asiatic Petroleum, C0-) Hongkong

Brownell, H. C., prof, of history, Lingnan University, Canton

Brownie, G. R., wharf manager, Harbour Board, Penang

Browning, H. A., assist., Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corpn., Hongkong

Brownley, J,. sub-acct, National City Bank of New York, Manila

Bruce, C. C.,

Bruce, M. W.,supt., Shanghai

manager, CalicoEvening

Printers’Post and Mercury,

Association, Ld., Shanghai


Bruder, F. F., assist, secy., Shanghai Telephone Co., Shanghai

Bruins, J. H., consul for U.S.A., Singapore

Brumby, A. R., supervisor. Eastern Extension Telegraph Co„ Hongkong

Brummer, G. E. H. J., section chief, Netherlands Harbour Works Co., M’den.

Brunner, E„ representative,.Nichizui Trading Co., Ltd., Tokyo-

Bruneel, sous-agent, Messageries Maritimes, Saigon

Brunger, T. W., assist., Netherlands India Commercial Bank, Hongkong

Bruner, Glen.,

Bruner, J., American

manager, vice-consul

L. Ogliastro and inSaigon

et Gie., charge of Danish interest, Nagasaki

Brunet, A., agent general, Compagnie des Chargeurs Rdunis, Saigon


Bruun, J.,G.managing

K, Hall, principal, G. K. Hall

director, Menam MotorBrutton

Boat Co.,& Co.,Ld„Hongkong


Bryan, A. E., vice-president, Columbia Gramophone Co. of Japan, Tokyo

Bryan, H. D., vice-consul for Great Britain, Nanking

Bryan, J. J., executive engineer, Public Works dept., Johore



supt. of Prisons, SelangorTire & Rubber . Export Co., Shanghai



Bryce, H. W., special representative, Business Equipment Corpn., Shanghai

Bryden, E. M., chartered acct., signs p. p., Lowe, Bingham & Matthews, H’kdng

Bryden, S. W., supt., (Mackenzie Rd. Pumping Station), Municipal Water dept., S’pore


Brydon, W.W„ B.,proprietor,

acct., Sassoon

Yangtse Banking


andLd., Shanghai

manager, Brydon A Co., Nanking

Bryner, F. J., managing partner, Bryner & Co., Dairen

Bryner, Leonide, partner, Bryner & Co.. Harbin


Bryning,L.H.C.,E.signW., per



& Co., and


Phillips, Ld., (London), Ipoh, Perak

Bryson, H. P., secretary to British Resident, Negri Sembilan

Bryson, K. M., secretary, Mackenzie & Co. Ld., Shanghai



Buchan, D., assist., Hongkong

R., partner, and Shanghai

Allan & Buchan, ShanghaiBanking Corporation, Shanghai

Buchan, R. S., director, Burkhardt, Buchan & Go., Ld., Shan'ghai

Buchanan, G. L., chief warder, Prison Dept., Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon


Buchanan, H. W. D.,G., surveyor,

signs per. Lloyd’s RegisterJacks

pro., William of Shipping, NagasakiLd., Selangor

& Co., (Malaya),

Buchnan, R., partner, Burhardt, Buchnan & Go., Shanghai

Buck, K. G., Agency of the East Asiatic Co., Ld., Dairen

Buck, Th., president,

Buckberrough, Deutsche Yereinigung,

W. R., passenger agent, Canadian Tsingtao

Pacific S.S. Ld., Kobe

Buckle, A. C., secretary, Kennedy, Burkill & Co., Ld.,Tokyo,

Buckeus, Ferdinand, interpreter, Belgian Embassy, PenangJapan.


Bucknall,T.E.A.,H.,partner, Cathay

proprietor, StarInsurance

Ginseng Co., Office, Shanghai


Bucknell, A. C., harbour master, Klang. Selangor

Budge, C.,Wsole

Buehner, 7 repres., Bendien’s World Service, Kobe

., assist., Robertson, Wilson & Co., Ld., Hongkong

Buencamino, Y., dir., Bureau of Animal Industry, Manila

Buenting, Q., manager, E.change,

Bues, F. W., engineer-in J. KingA.&E.Co.,G. Kobe

China , Electric Co., Canton

Bugbee, H. C., director, Goodrich & Co., Singapore

Bugge, O. L.,. Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co., Singapore

Buggy, W. J., assist., Taikoo Dockyard and Engineering Co., Hongkong

Buhre, W., engineer, Rud. Ratjen, Tokyo

Buick, D. C., advertising mgr., Shanghai Evening Post & Mercury, Shanghai

Bulford, E. H., partner, A. A. Anthony & Co., Penang

Bulkeley, W. L., sub-acct., National City Bank of New York, Manila

Bull, A. S., engr., Fogden, Brisbane & Co., Ltd., Singapore

Bull, H. R., district judge, Civil District'Court,- Singapore

Bull, W. R., manager, Sun Insurance Office Tokyo

Buller, W. J., chief preventive officer, Import and Export Office, Hongkong

Bulling, A. E., prop., A. E., Bulling & Co., Tientsin


Bulmann, R,L., R., controller,

engineer, Rud.Post and Tokyo

.Ratjen, Telegraph dept., Perak

Bullough, A. G. F., chartered acct., Maurice Jenks, Pefcival & Isitt, Yokohama (

Bumann, F., Deutsche Farben Handelsges. Waibel k Co., Hongkong

Buncio, D., Dy- Buncio & Co., Inc., Manila


Bundred,C.J.Dy., W., treasurer, Philippine& Douglas,

partner, Goddard Chinese General

Hongkong Chamber of Commerce,.Manila.

Bungey, A. I\, director. Keystone Tobacco Co., Ld., Shanghai

Bunje, F.,

Bunje, Carl.,medical

director, Vit-AlexinAllan,

practitioner, (China) Ld., Shanghai

Stsrahan and Kirk, Hongkong

Bunje, H. F., assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld., Hongkong


Bunting, A., manager, H. E. Kerry & Co., Kobe Kabushiki Kaisha, Tokyo

W., manager, Siemens-Schuckert Denki


Burch, C. secretary,

J., manager,S. Moutrie

Isuan Inc., Manila ■

Burden,R.F.,J.,mgr., Sungis Bagan Rubber k Co., Ld.,Ld.,

Co., Shanghai


Burden, H. W., supervisor, Commercial Paeilie Cable Co., Manila


Burgas, L.R.,M., agent,

assist, Butterfield

Warner Barnes&Sugar

&'Swire, Hankow


Ld., IloiloCorpopipon, Mapila ,

Burgers, H. A., manager, Insular

Burgess, A. William, Forbes & Co., Ld., Tientsin

Burgess, C., general manager, Shanghai Electric Construction Co., Ld., Shanghar

Burgess, Dr. R. C„ senior health officer, Medical dept;, Kedah

Burgess, W. T., Insurance Co. of North America, Shanghai

Burke, C. P., advocate, John Campbell & Co.,Ld., Singapore

Burke, G. L., vice-consul for America, Foochow

Burke, T., chief inspector of Police, Selangor

Burkhardt, H., partner, Jaeger & Go., Singapore

Burkhardt, T. M. J., mgr., Ligtvoet’s Fabrieken van^Bou'-wmaterialenj'Sourabaya-


Burkill, A. W., merchant, A. R. Burkill ■& Sons, Shanghai

Burkill, C.W.R.,J.,merchant,

Burling, A. R.Burkill

cashier, Hongkong and&Shanghai


Hotels, Ld., Hongkong

Burlingham, D., divisional supt,, Central Police Station, Hongkong

Burmeister, E., signs per pro., Mee-Yeh Handels Compagnie, Shanghai

Burn, A. C., managing director, Representation for British Manufacturers, Ld., Hariliow

Burn, S. J., representing Tints. G. Hill

Burne, R. M., assist., Rising Sun Petroleum Co., Ld., Tokyo

Burne, Dr.G.T.C.,W.China

Burnett, H., senior

Mail, surgeon,

HongkongDistrict Hospital, Ipoh, Perak

Burnham, G. E., resident manager, Calamba Sugar Estate, Manila

Burns, N.

Bui’ns, C. N.F. M.,

S. assist., Watson

manager, Sungei& Co., Ld.,(Sumatra)

Buaya HongkongRubber Co., Ld., Galang, Sumatra

Burns R., partner, Evatt & Co., Singapore


Burr, executivedirector,


P.W.D., Dock and Engineering Co., Ld., Shangim .


Burrell, F.,

Bufsley, assist. Butterfield & Swire, Hongkong

Burson, H., assistant, Lane, Crawford, Ld.,HongkongLd., Hongkong

A. J., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (South China),



C. H.,mgr., Puresurgeon,

dental Cane Molasses

HongkongCo. (P. I.) Inc., Manila

Burton, E. M., signs per pro, Butterfield & Swire (John Swire & Sons) Ld., Harbin ■


Burton, F.,

J. R.,editor, Sporting'World,

managing proprietor, Shanghai

Estate and Hospital Supply Agency, Selangor t r

Burtt, A. W., Government Analyst, Singapore

Bush, E. D., manager, Bush & Co.,

Bush, J., manager, Bush Chemical Co., Manila Hongkong

Buskirk, Dr. J. D. van, vice-president, Severance Union Medical College, Seoul, Chosen

Busse, W.,Dr.,

Bussiere, partner, O. H. Anz & Co,

conseiller « actg. consulPeiping

for Netherlands, Chefoo

Bussmann, Walter, Doitsumedical,



Kaisha, Tokyo

Butchart, G., assist., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (North China), Ld., Shanghai


Butcher, J.R. D.,

G., manager, The inspector,

district river HongkongChinese


Co., Ld., Customs,


Butcher, W., assist., Strong. & Co., Kobe

Butland, B. E., district manager, The Texas Co. (China), Ld., Harbin


Butler, ,B., agent,

B. G., Everett,Standard-Vacuum

attorney, Inc., Manila Oil Co., Hongkong


Butler, C.E., H.,




Co., Shanghai

Line, Holt’s Wharf, Hongkong

Butler, E. D., partner, Gibson, Anderson, Butler & Co., Selangor

Butler, E. O., assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld., Hongkong

Butler, I. D., Standard-Vocuum Oil Co., Tsinan

Butler, Dr. L. E., medical practitioner, Tokyo

Butler, R. C., assist., Hongkong Electric Co., Hongkong

Butler, T. H., manager, Caldbeek, Macgregor & Co., Tientsin



consul foraccountant, Linstead & Davis, Hongkong

U.S.A., Shanghai.

Butter, W., agent forSignode Steel Strapping Co., Singapore

Butterfield, H. M„ executive engineer, P.W.D., Kedah

Butterfield, H, S., Arnhold &. Co., Ld., Hankow

Butterfield, W. A., supt. engineer, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld., Hongkong

Butters, H. R.,

Buttler, A., ColonialA.E.G.

manager, Secreta.ry’s Office, Hongkong.

China Electric Co., Mukden

ButtinahiC R., Consul for, Germany, Yokohama

Button, F. J., senior executive engineer, P.W.D., Johpre Bahru, Johore

Buttress, E. F., engineer, P.)Y,D.? Hongkong

Butts, Halleck, A., commercial attache, U.S.A. Embassy, Tokyo

Buxbaum, C. H., managing director, Hospital Supply Co., Tokyo

Buyanow, A. S., manager, Babcock & Wilcox, Tientsin

Buyers, G. A., chartered acct., Timm son lis Co., Shanghai

Buyers, W. N., assist., Union'Insurance Society of Canton, Ld., Hongkong . ,


Byatt, A. R., manager, Solignum, Ld., Selangor

Byatt, R. N. B., director, Boastead i Co., Ld., Singapore ;

Byrd, C. F., assist., Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Cqrpn., Shanghai

Byrd, IL, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Manila

Byrne,. E. G., broker, Lovalt & Byrne, TIankow

Byrne, G. T., professor of chemistry, University of Hongkong, Hongkong

Byrne, J., supervisor, Government Monopholies Department, Singapore





David Co.,& Co.,


B., SaigonLd., Bangkok

Cacase, repres., D. Gestetner (Eastern)

Cache, J., civil engineer, Cacho and Hidalgo, Manila

Cacho, J., manager, “Germania” Cacho Hermanos, Manila

Cacrio, C. proprietor, National Iron Works, Manila

Cadbury, Dr. W. W., College physician, Lingnan University, Canton

Cader, T. A., partner, Cader, Doray & Co., Kobe

Cadiere, O., Societe des Ciments Portland Artificials des Plndo^Chifte, Haiphong;

Cadogan, Hon. Sir Alexander, British Minister to China,.Peiping

Cadol, A., consul

Cadwallader, forpres.

W. F., France,

& gen.Swatow

mgr., Thompson Electrical Co., Inc., Manila

Cahusac, A. F., Patent Attorney, Tokyo

Cahusac, E. B., branch secretary, Sun Life Assurance Cp. of Canada, Osaka

Cain, R. H., assist., Wm. Powell, Ld., Hongkong


Cairns, A., J.,assist.,agent,Hongkong

Chartered and BankShanghai

of India, Australia

Banking and China, Bangkok

Corporation, Johore

Cairns, D. G., boarding officer, Harbour dept., Hongkong

Caldecott, H. E. Sir Andrew, kt., c.m.g., c.b.e., Governor of

Calder, A. B., assistant, Shanghai Electric Construction Co., Ld , Shanghai Hongkong


Calder, H.J., A.,commissioner.

Lowe, Bingham Land& Office,


Pahat, Johore

Calder, W. J. P.. manager, Du Pont de

Oaldicott, K. C., senior dist. engr., F.M.S. Railways, Nemours Co., Ld., Shanghai

Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

Caldwell, H. L., Lingnan University, Canton

Caldwell, J., assist., Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corp., Kobe

Caldwell, J. K., consul general for America, Tientsin

Calhoun, A. D., sub-manager, National City Bank of New York, Shanghai

Gallant, A., sub-accountant, Banque. Beige pour P Etranger, Shanghai

Callaway, C., manager, Philippine Refining Co., Manila


Caiman,H.,A. SocieteM., asst.,des Hongkong

Ciments Portland

& Whampoa Artificiels de Plndo-Ohine,

(Dock Co., Ld., Kowloon.Haiphong


Calthrop, L. H. C., assistant superintendent. Police Headquarters-, Hongkong

Calvert, Col. E., assistant quartermaster,. U,S. Army, Manila


Calvo, Rev.H. M.,M.,commissioner

vice-director, of Trade and Customs,

iSt. Joseph’s SarawakFoochow


Camaly, J., vice-consul for France, Kobe

Camatta, R., Chinese Maritime Customs, Hankow


Cameron,R., A.manager, Siam Steam

G., Hongkong Packet Co.,Banking

& Shanghai Ld., The,Corporation,

Bangkok Haiphong

Cameron, A. H., manager, Standard Telephones & Cables, Ld., Singapore

Cameron, A. P. assistant, Hongkong Shanghai Bank, Mukden

Cameron, A. R., assist., Singapore Traction Co., Ld., Singapore

Cameron, A. T., engineer, Electricity department, Municipality, Singapore-

Cameron, Rev. A., Broadcast Tract Press ■& Faith Orphanage, Changsha

Cameron, D., consul for Great Britain, Canton

Cameron, D. M., assist., Hongkong Rope Manufacturing C6:, Ld., Hongkong

Cameron, D. R,, sub-accountant. Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China, Kobe

Cameron D. W. A., sub-acct., Chartered Bank of India, Austr. it China, Perak

Cameron, E., assist., United Engineers, Ld., Perak


Cameron,G.Dr.D., I.manager, GuthrieMacaskill

(4., partner, & Co., Ld.,&Kuala Lumpur,

Cameron, Selangor



Cameron,, J. J., engineer, Green Island Cement Co., Hok-Um, Hongkong

Cameron, P. W., assistjccft, Carroll Bros.j Hongkong


•Oameron,R.,R.,sub-sect:, Chartered& Bank

c.a., Thomson Co., ofHankow

India, Australia and China, Singapore

Cameron, R. V., assist-supt. engineer, Butterfield & Swire, Hongkong


Cameron,T.W.A. D.,

S., mgr.,

mgr. Cameron & Co.,SunPeiping

for Japan, Life Assurance do. of Canada, Tokyo

Camidge, R. A., sub. mgr., Chartered Bank of India, Aust. and China, Singapore

Caminada, R., signs per pro., S. A. Clerici, Bedoni & Co., Shanghai

Camp, Hbt. de la, partner, Delacamp, Piper & Co., Kobe

Camp, L. de la, signs per pro., Delacamp, Piper he Co., Kobe

Campbell, A. S., commissioner, Chinese Maritime Customs, Hongkong

Campbell, D., chief engineer, China Merchants Steam Navigation Co., Shangha:.

Campbell, D., shb acct., Chartered bank of India, Australia & China, Shanghai

Campbell, D., cotton mills dept., Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld.,'Shanghai

Campbell, D. A., assist., Hongkong

Campbell, G. C., waterworks engineer, Public Works dept., Hongkong

Campbell, G. L., mgr., (loss dept.), American Asiatio Underwriters, Shanghai

Campbell, H. G., proprietor, General Paint in China, Shanghai

Campbell, Dr. H. E., Foochow Christian Union Hospital, Foochow

Campbell, H. F., vice-consul for Sweden, Canton

Campbell, H. K., secrecary, The China Journal, Shanghai

Campbell, I. E., signs per pro., H. B. Campbell, Paints & Painting, S’hai

Campbell, J., assist., Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Shanghai

Campbell, J. G., engineer, Public Works department, Hongkong

Campbell, J. G., sub-.accountant, British Municipal Council, Tientsin

Campbell, J. L., proprietor, Campbell Co., Singapore

Campbell, John G., partner, John G. Campbell & Go., Singapore

Campbell, K. M., supervisor, Eastern Extension Telegraph Co., Ld., H’Kopg;

Campbell, Peter, mgr., Fleming Brothers, Perak

Campbell, P. R., signs per pro., Henry Waugh & Cp., Ld., Singapore

Campbell, R. R., University Hongkong

Campbell, R. S., secretary, Haiho Conservancy Commission, Tientsin

Campbell, W. M., shipping dept., Harrisons & Crosfield, Ld., Sumatra

Campbell, W. W., agent, Pacific Commercial Co., Kobe

Campbell, W. W., assist., Hongkong & Shanghai Bank, Kobe

Campbell, W. W., Panama Mail Steamship Co., Kobe

Campos, Dr. Joaquim, consul for Portugal, Bangkok

Candolle, F. de, agent, Etablissements Brossard Mopin, Singapore

Cannan, J. F., director, Lacey & Caiman Ld., Shanghai

Canne, H. D., manager, De Javasche Bank, Koetaradja, Sumatra

Canney, J. S., assist., Taikoo Sugar Refining Co., Hongkong

Canning, J. R., assist, S. Moutrie & Co., Ld., Hongkong

Canning, L. E., director, Shanghai Gas Co., Ld., Shanghai

Canning, T. S., manager, Tabaqueria Filipina, Shanghai

Cannon, A. S., manager, Japan Advertiser, Kobe

Cannon, W. J., manager, China Import and Export Lumber Co., Tsingtao

Cantley, W., sub-manager, Chartered Bank of India, Kobe

Capel, A. H., supervisor, Government Monopolies Department, Singapore

Capell, R. S., assist., General Electric Co. of China, Ld., Hongkong

Caplan, A. L., manager, Fox Film Fed. Inc., Hongkong

Cappelen, J. M., L. H., Smith & Go., Chefoo

Carbonnell, B., mamager, Dodge & (Seymour, Ld., Hongkong

Cardeillac, P., sub-manager, Banque de I’lndo-chine, Shanghai

Carduner, M. le, directeur, Banque de I’lndo-chine, Pompenh, Saigon

Oaretti, E., secretary, Directorate General of Posts; Shanghai

Carey, A. E., sub-inspector, Secretariat for.Chinese Affairs, Hongkong

Carey, P. T., resident director, China Electric Co., Ld., Canton

Carlos, A., controleur, Banque de ITndo-Chine, Haiphong


Carlson, E. M., manager,. Cornes & Co., Yokohama

Carlson, N. V., accountant, Robert Dollar Co-, Manila

Carman, P. D., managing, partner, P. D. Carman & Co., Ltd., Manila

Carmelo, A., president, Carmelo & Baulermann, Manila

Carmichael, D., manager, Dunlop Rubber Co., (F.E.), Ld., Manila

Carmichael, J. F. S., chairman, Malacca Agricultural Medical Boai’d, Malacca

Carmo, F., accountant, Hankow Light & Power Co., Hankow

Carmona,, Y., chairman, Philippine National Bank, Manila

Carnac, P. R., assistant, Green Island Cement Co., Hongkong

Camer, J. Pi, Andersen, Meyer & Co., Ld., Hongkong

Carney, J.C.E.A.,

Carney, clerical officer

W., assistant generalBritish Consulate,

manager, Yunnanfii Oil Co., Shanghai


Carpenter, F. G., district officer, Miri, Sarawak


Carr, A.F.N.W.,B., Eastern



Toryo and China Kobe

Seizosho, Telegraph Co., Lid., Manila

Carr, John, sales manager, York Shipley, Inc., Shanghai


Carriere,W. J.J., Head of SanitaryJava-China-Japan

D., manager, Dept., Hongkong Lijn, Shanghai

C'arroll, A. H., broker, Carroll Bros., Hongkong

Carroll, E. C., partner, Carroll Bros. & Co., Kobe

Carroll, R. A., Carroll Bros., Hongkong

Carroll, R. J., partner, Carroll Brothers &. Co., Kobe

Carroll, R. S.,J., senior

Carroll, 'W. executive engineer,

broker,'Carroll Public Works dept., Johore

Bros:, Hongkong

Carson, A., director, Siam Steam Packet

Carson, A. B., c.a., White, page & Co., Manila Co,, Ld., The, Bangkok

Carson, J. C., chief medical officer, Medical Department, Penang

Carson, L. M., district manager, Texas Co., (China), Ld., Mukden

Carson, W. L, supt., British Cigarette Co., Ld., Mukden

Carter, A:, agent, Kailan Mining Administration, Tongku

Carter, P>. S., assist., Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Manila

Carter, E. S., einigineer, Public Works dept., Hongkong

Carter, J. C„ consul for America, Dairen


Gartner, L.,J.,mgr., EasternMetal

secretary, Extension, Aust.Printing

BbxSt.and V ChinaIndustries,


Co., Ld., Hongkong "


Cartwright, E. R., director, Helen’s Court, Ld., Singapore

Cartwright, G. J. H., manager, Cobb & Co., Perak

Casas, P., manager, Filipinasi Comparia dei Seguro, Manila.


Case, E.A.,J.,commissioner, Chinese MaritimeTobacco’

manager, British-American Customs-,


Ld., Singapore

Case, E. L., manager, Straits Trading Co., Ld., Singapore

Case, H. E., assist, general manager, Yangtze Rapid S.S. Co.^ Ichang

Case, W. H., supt., Trade & Customs, Seremban

Caseley, J. R., director, Fogden, Brisbane it' Co., Singapore

Casey, E., sole partner,

Casselle, Casey- it Co., Chefoo

Cassels, A.J. M.,E., agent,


Chartered International Export

Bank of India, Co., Ld.,andHankow

Australia China, Medan,


Cassidy, P. H.,

S., commandant,

partner, J. D. French Legation,

Hutcheson & Co., Peiping


Castellain, Dr. J. G., Health officer, F.M.S, Railways, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

Castellano, M., signs per pro., Compagnia Italiana d’Estreme Oriente, Shanghai


Castillo, J.R. T.G., del.,


Ker && Co.,Swire,Ld.,(Japan)

Manila Ltd., Yokohama

Castle, F.

Castle, G., S., manager, Runnymede Hotel Ld., Penang Godown Co., Ld., Hongkong

Castle, T. N.,cargo supt., Hongkong

manager, Whiteaway,andLaidlaw


it Co., Ld.,itSingapore

Castro, Leo

Castro, F. X.d’Almada

D’Almadae, e,solicitor,



Castro, Leo dAlmada e, jr., barrister,

Cate, G. L. ten B., sub accountant, Netherlands HongkongTrading Society, Hongkong

•Cate, L. H. ten Bruggen, manager, Bendien’s World Service, Shanghai


Cathala, R.} Societe des Ciments Portland Artificiels de I’lndo-Chin©, Haiphong

Gathers. H., resident secretaryManufacturers’ Life Insurance'GoV, Singapore


Catling,D. C., traffic inspector, Kowloon Canton

Bank ofRailw ay,'Australia

Hongkongand China, Kobe

Catois, F.H.H.,J.,manager,

sub accountant, Chartered

Pathe Orient, Tientsin.' India,

Cator, G. E., British resident, Perak

Oattand, G., secretary, French Consulate, Shanghai


Caudron,A. K.,

R., managing


correspondent, Tokyo Trading Co., Hongkong

Franco Eastern

Caudron, R. M., Postal commr., Post Office, Yunnanfu

Caulton, G., chief engineer, China Merchants Steam Navigation Co., Shanghai

Cautherley, G. H., assist., Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, Bangkok.


Cavanagh, E.M.A.,J., commissioner, Post Office,CityWestern

sub-manager, National Bank ofSzechuen District,

New York, ManilaChangtu

Cave-Brown, 'R. P., accountant, British American Tobacco Co., Tientsin

Cavell, R. G., president, Automatic Telephones, Ld. of Japan, Tokyo

Cave, R. F.,H.works

Cavender, manager,Manila

M., director, ChineseHotel

National Wireless Telegraph Co., Shanghai

Co., Manila

Cavendish, A., registrar, Selangor, F.M.S.

Cavicchioni, Dr. C. A., minister, Italian Legation, Bangkok

Cawley, W. F., passenger agent, Robert Dollar Co., Manila

Cecil, L. F., assistant manager, American, Express Co., Inc., Shanghai

Celis, A., manager, Ihternational General Electric Co., Manila

Ceran, C. de Saint, director, Moine Comte & Co., Ltd., Singapore

Cesar, Jacome P. de Berenguer, 2nd secretary, Brazilian Embassy, Tokyo


Chabert, L., DescogrsdieetFranco-Asiatique

P., assist., Cabaud, Saigon des Patroles, Saigon

Chadani, Y., managing director, Horne Co., Ld., Osaka


Chaffanjon, L.N.,J.,senior warder,Haiphong

merchant, Municipal Police, Shanghai



de, managing director,

managing Orient

director, Tobacco& Manufactory,

Chalhoub Co., Ld., KobeHongkong

Chalhoub, Emile, 'Chalhoub & Co.‘, Ld., Kobe

Chalhoub, Rene, Chalhoub & Co., Ld., Kobe


Challinor, R.Theodore, Chalhoub

IL, Imperial & Co.,Industries

Chemical Ld., Kobe(China), Ld., Hongkong

Chalmers, J. C., assist., Taikoo Dockyard and Engineering Cp., Hongkong

Chalmers, J. McRae, mgr., Maynard & Co., Ltd., Singapore


Chambard,Marcel, consul forforFrance,

R., vice-consul France,Chungking

Hankow ,

Chamberlain, C. B.', cOnsOl for U.S.A., Hankow

Chamberlain, L. W., manager, National City Bank of New York, Osaka

Chamberlin, B. Ev dir. and accountant, Japan Steel Products Co., Ld., Tdkyo

Chambers, B. I., genbral ma.nager, United Engineers, Ld., Singapore

Chambers, E.G. E.,

Chambers, C., manager, Chartered Bank

assist, commissioner of India,

of public health,Australia


China, Shanghai


Chambers, H. B., vice-pres. and treasurer, Guttridge & Chambers Inc., Manila


Chambon, A., Dr.vice-consul

W. Mv chiefformedical



Champanhet, A., dire’eteur, Est Asiatique Francais, Saigon


Champeix, L., manager, Soc. Indochinoise dedeCommerce,

S. de, sub-manager, Banque LTridochine, Hongkong


Champkin, C., Bro.ker, Hongkong

Champness, J. L:, assist, mgr., Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society Ld., Tokyo


Chanbona, Simon M., manager. Nestle Tong

A., vice-pres., & Anglo-Swiss

Hong Trading Condensed Milk Co., Kobe

Co.; Manila

Chancellor, C., general manager, Reuter’s,

Chand, Dr. N., assist, surgeon, medical dept., SarawakLd., Shanghai

Chander, A. C., commissioner, Municipality, Singapore

Chandler, D. J., assist., China General Omnibus Co., Ld., Shanghai

Chandler, Rev.r H. E., American Presbyterian Mission, Tsingtao

Chandler, T. W ., chief accountant, General Electric Co. (China), Ld., Shanghai


Chandless, R. H., manager,; Anglo-American Export Co., Tientsin

Chandran, L.D.,R.,general

Ohandriam, barrister-at-law, Rogers

manager, Kiraatrai Co.,Malacca

J., Yokohama

Chapeaux, M., director, International

Chapelain, A. M., postal commissioner, Post Offipe, Savings Society, Shanghai


Chapman, A., cost clerk, Butterfield & Swire, Hongkong

Chapman, C. L., partner, Whittall & Co., Klang, Selangor

Chapman, G., Oriental Consolidated Mining Co., Tabowei, Chosen

Chapman, H. A., director, Helm Bros., Ld./Yokohama

Chapman, J.W.H.,P., consul

Chapman, for Siam

sub-aoct., America, Tokyo Bank, Ltd., The, Bangkok


Chapman, W. M., works supt., Haiho Conservancy Commission, Tientsin

Chapman, W. S., manager, Steel Bros. Co., Bangkok

Chappin, Y., assist, manager, Associated Products Co. Foochow


Charles, S.,'R. adv. manager, Roxor

H., manager, Fa?- Eastern Review,Co.,Shanghai

Advertising Hongkong

Charles,!'., architect and surveryor, Peiping

Charleux, G. J., manager, International Savings Society, Harbin

Chariot, E., president, Fonciere et Immobilitre de Chine, Shanghai

Charlton, J. G., assist, surveyor, Harbour Department., Hongkong

Charlton, W. D., acting assist, auditor general, Audit dept., Selangor

Charrier, E.,E.director,

Charlwood, C. H., director, Harper, Gilfillande&Navigation,

Union Franco-Chihoise Co., and consul for Sweden, S’pore



Chase, C.A. R.,S., perconsul

pro.,forTheUnited States,Shanghai

Chase Bank, Mukden

Chassels, T. R., assistant, Butterfield & Swire, Hongkong

Ohasey, Lt.-Col. L. C., executive engineer, Public Works dept., Singapore

Chater, R. W., superintendent, Government Printing Office, Sarawak


Chatham,W.J.J.,K„assist, accountant,

director, PublicWool

North China WorksCo.,andLtd.,Railways

Tientsindept., Sarawak

Chatham, W. H., director, North China Wool Co., Ltd., Tientsin

Chatley, H., engineer-in-chief, Whangpoo Conservancy

Chatten, W. H., supt. electric engineer, Royal Naval Dockyard, Board, Shanghai


Chaudoin, E. A., manager, International Savings Society, Hankow

Chauvin, Ch., director, Cie Havraise Indochinoise, Saigon


Cheek, M.M.M.,C.,A.,consul, French Legation,

mgr. director, Peiping

Cheek, director, Rice & Goodrich Co., (S. S.) Ld., Singapore

Co., W. R., Shanghai

Cheeseman, H. A. R., inspector of schools, Singapore'

Chelliah, C., assistant surgeon, Medical Department, Johore


Cheney, G., K.,clirecteur

S. dir. general,Hongkong,Optical

optometrist, Society de§ Cements Portland


Co.,Artificiels Haiphong

Cherrill, R. I., asssist., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (South China), Ld., Hongkong Haiphong

Chenu, G„ gen., Society des Ciment Portland de ITndochine,.

Cherry, C. R., director,, Boustead & Co,, Ld., Singapore

Cherry, W.E.,T.,supt.,

Chesley, supt,,Pilipinas

Government Printing

Lumber Office,Manila

Co,, Inc., Singapore

Chessex, P., manager, Gloucester Hotel, Hongkong

Chettle, A. G , signs per pro., Cook Son, Ltd., Thomas, Singapore

Chevallier, H. J., local manager, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Tourane


Chevarria, F.T., C.genera) manager,forFrance

K, vice-cpnsul Spain,Boeki Shokai, Tokyo



Chiaruttini,L.,Dr.directeur, Banque de

A., manager, Ci^l’Indochine, Shanghai Shanghai

Italina d’Estremo,


Chidson, A.,

L. H., van Rising Sun

solicitpr, Petroleum Co.,




Childe,S.E.G.R.,F.,secretary,der, manager, Japan Imsort

China Underwriters, Ld.,andHongkong

Export Commission Co., Kobe

Chilsen, W. G., accountant, The Texas Co., HankowCo-> ^d., Shanghai

Childs, A. H., deputy chief clerk, Shanghai Waterworks

Chisholm, J.Colin

Chisholm, J., partner,

S(, director, A, S.Hallam

Watson& Co.,

& Co.,Selangor



‘Chisholm, T. W., Toyo Babcock Kabushiki Kaisha,

•Chisholm, W. R., snr. warder, Municipal Police, Shanghai Yokohama

Chishty, S. M. A. H., managing proprietor, Malaya Film Service, Singapore

Chittenden, V., Government Surveyors’ Office, Hongkong

Chittick, W. A., acting gen. mgr., Western Equipment A Supply Co., Manila

Chitty, L. A., commissioner, Municipality, Malacca


Chognard,S., E.,

Union Insurance

Descours SocietySaigon

et Cabaud, of Canton, Manila

Chollot, J. M. X., manager, International Savings Society, Canton

Chollot, P. J., manager, S. A. Fonciere et Immobilierepour

Choplin, G., signs per pro., Banque Franco-Chinoise de Chine, ShanghaiPeiping

le Commerce,

Chotirmall, D. A., proprietor, Chotirma 11 & Go., K.A.J., Singapore


Chowns, T.,Joel, 1st secretary,

warder, Embassy of theTaiping,

Convict Establishment, Union ofPerak


Chretienne, L. A., Deutsch-Asiatische

Christ, G., assist., Chinese Maritime Customs, Canton

Bank, Shanghai

Christain, W. B., Dept, mgr., Yee Tsoong Tobacco Distributors^ Ltd; Tientsin

Christensen, E., partner, Christensen & Co., and American Flour Co., Hongkong

•Christensen, N- G-, assist., John Manners & Co., Ld., Hongkong

Christiani, Dr. R., director, Christiani & Nielsen, Bangkok

Christians, J., chancellor,

Christiansen, German Consulate,

H M., consul-general Yokohama

for Denmark, Bangkok

Chryss, P., manager, Shanghai Cotton Waste Co., Shanghai

Chryssanthopoulos, P., vice-president and secretary, Viloudaki &> Co Shanghai

Chubb, G., assistant, Dodwell & 0b., Ld., Foochow


Chubb, S.J., F.,assistant, Dodwell & Co., engineer,

assist, superintendent Ld., Foochow

Peak TrftmWays Co., Ld., Hongkong

Church, B.C. E.,

Church, H., manager,

assistant, Federal

Govt. Marine Surveyor’s

Dispensary, office, Harbour

Ld (Seremban dept.,

branch), 1 Hongkong



Church, C.

S. J.,

S., managing

manager, director,

National Advertising

City Bank of and

New Publicity

York, Bureau,

Mukden Hongkong

Churchill, W. F. N., district officer, Lipis, Pahang

Churn, S. M., managing director, Union Trading Co;, Hongkong

Cisneros, Don Justo Garridy, en voy extraord., Spain, China


Clansen, T.Lt.M.,H.manager,

B., language attache,

Bernam U.S A.Bangkok

Oil Palms, Embassy, Tokyo

•Clarence, A. D., branch manager, The Japan Advertiser,

Clark, Dr., district surgeon, Medical dept., Beaufort, British Yokohama

North Borneo

Clark, A. F., assist., Hongkong and Shanghai Banking

Clark, A. R., chief inspector, Police Headquarters, Hongkong Corporation, Shanghai

Clark, Capt. C. D. le Gros, secretary, Secretariat for Chinese Affairs, Sarawak

Clark, Donald, D. Clark, & Co., Port Edward, Weihaiwei

Clark, I).

Clark, D. E.,

H., partner, John D.Taikoo

chief chemist, Humphreys & Son, Hongkong

Sugar Refining Co., Ld , Hongkong

Clark, E. E., merchant, Lavers k Clark,

Clark, E. W., accountant, Fogden, Brisbane Co., Port Edward, Weihaiwei

Ld., Singapore

Clark, H, first accountant, The Kailan Mining Administration, Tientsin

Clark, H.

Clark, H. T.,

J., share and ofgeneral

inspector Schools,broker, Shanghai

Education Department, Singapore

Clark, J. .A., acting account., Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Cbrpn., Penang

Clark, J. B., vice-consul for America, Shanghai

•Clark, J. E. A., assistant accountant, Secretariat, Penang

Clark, J. J., sub-accountant, National City Bank of New York, Osaka

Clark, M.

Clark, R. F.,M.,assist.,

excise Taikoo

officer andpomr, of Customs

Sugar Itefiniug k Harbour

Co., Ld., HongkongOffice, Sandakan, B.N.$i

Clark, R. J. B., engineer, Public Works department, Hongkong

Clark, S. W., partner, The Travel Advisers, Shanghai

Clark, T. B., U.S. Consulate, Shanghai

Clark, W. C., assist, manager, Hongkong Telephone Go., Hongkong

Clark, W. G., inspector of stores, Public Works dept., Hongkong

Clarke, A. E., inspector of works, P.W.D., Hongkong

Clarke, B. A., director, Hopkins, Dunn & Co., Shanghai .


Oiarke, C. A., secy., Raub Australian Gold Mining Co., Singapore

Clarke, C. H. G., president,'Municipality, Malacca

Clarke, D. FI.,'vice-consul for Great Britain, Mukderi

Clarke, H.

Clarke, F. C.,

H , supt.,

Surgeon Customs department,

D'ehtist. SingaporeJ chore

Clarke, H. P., secretary, Municipality, Malacca

Clarke, J. A., partner, Evatt & Co., Perak


Claudio,W. G.,A.,director of criminal investigation, Municipal Police, Shanghai

Clausen, Dr. Cansipit;

J. AL, acting Inc., Manila

manager, Bernam Oil Palms, Ld., Bangkok

Claviez, O. L., manager' Compagnie Franco-Asiatique des Petroles, Haiphong

Clay, J. G., branch mgr., China Import & Export Lumber (jo., Ltd., Hongkong


Clear, A. R.W.,J.asst,

B., British adviser, Dispensary,

mgr., Hankow Government,Hankow Kelantan and Trengganu

Clear, C. A., Fred Wilson & Co., Inc.,

Cleary, F. C., mgr., Richard Hudnut, Shanghai Alanila

Clegg', A. E., president, Roosevelt Steamship Agency, Inc., Manila

Clegg, R.D.P..F.president,

Cleland, C., assist.,Town Board,and

Hongkong Johore

Shanghai Banking Corporation,- Peiping

Cieland, H.Capt.

Clements, R., chartered acct.,registrar,

Lowe, Bingham & Matthews, Shanghai

Clements, G. A., supt. of police, Shameen MunicipalDepartment,

G. A., deputy Yeludes Singapore

Council, Canton

Clements, H. F., signs per pro., Wm. Jacks & Co.,

Clemetson, J. G., assistant, General Electric Co., Ld., Singapore Ld., Penang


Clemo, F. C., supt., China Light &and Power Co.,Co.,

Kowloon, Hongkong

Clemons,A. R.B.,S.,assist.,


supt.,Light Power


Seramhan TIongkong

Cleopatre, R., controleur, Banque de iTndp Chine, Haiphong

Clift, H. L., medical officer, Medical department, Hongkong

Clifton, F. 7 W., signs per pro., Reiss. Massey & Co. Ld., Shanghai

Cline, C. V ., div.

Clippingdale, H. supt. of Schools,

S., director, DixonCebu & Son Ld., Shanghai

Ciivt, Hon. Sir. R. H., British Ambassador to Japan, Tokyo

Cloarec, Y. H. J., commissioner, Chinese

Cloke, J. E., manager, Cook & Son Ld., Tientsin .Maritime Customs, Lappa

Clouth, W. R., partner, Hekkiug


Clutter,E.D.O.,E.,vice-consul, AmericanTire

manager, Firestone Consulate,

& RubberHankow

Co. (S.S.), Ld., Singapore

Clyde, A., lawyer, De Witt, Perkins Ponce

Coales, F. G., senior executive engineer, P. W. D , Penang Enrile, Manila

Coates, A. E., Hongkong'Train ways Ld., Hongkong


Cobb, C.H.E.,A.,acting

director Henggoler

senior medicalitofficer,


Ld., Selangor


Cobb, G. E.,

P. H., proprietor,

director, Cobb

China k Co.,

Soapk Co., Ipoh, Perak

Cobbett, A. AL, director, Dixon Son, Ld.,


H. C., Shanghai


Cobbold, J.P. C., partner, Rodyk

Davidson, Singapore

Cobden-Ramsay, A. B., district officer, MalaccaLd., Sarawak

C. V., signs per pro., Co.,


Cochran,H.D.H.,L.,supt. q£ surveys,

manager, Atkins,Survey

Kroll Office,

k Co., Johore

Inc., Alanila


Cochran, W., Kelly & Walsh, Ld., Shanghai Ltd., Perak

J. AL, manager, United Engineers, •


Cochrane, T.M. G., N., general

assist., Asiatic


SarawakCo. (SouthLd.,

Oilfields, China), Ld., Hongkong


Cochrane, AV. H., manager, Bangkok Manufacturing


Cock, E., chief manager, H’kohg. and AA hampoa Dock Co., Hongkong Co., Bangkok

Cock, T., director,

Cockburn, Geddes

J., surveyor Trading &Surveyor

of shipping, Dairy Farm Co., Shanghai

General’s Office, Singapore -:

Cockburn, W. R., acting mgr., The Chartered Bank of Lidkq Australia & China,Shanghai


Coekman, P. M., supt.,

H. J., Trade

Relief & Customs,

secretary, Seremban

Federal Secretariat, F.M.S.

Coe, G. N., manager, National City Bank of New York, Tokyo


•Coe, Capt. T. P., assist. British adviser to the Govt.,

Coe, W. R., assistant, Taikoo Sugar Eehning Co., Ld., Hongkong and assist: state auditor, Keiantan

Coelho, J. J. P., assistant, Audoyer, G., Yokohama


Gogan, J.G. C.W.,H.,resident

medicalmanager, YukonBlack,

practitioner, GoldBalean

Co., Selangor

& Koch, Hongkong

Coghill, J. K. B., manager, Gadong Estate, Island Trading Go., Ld., Brunei

Coghlan, A. J. P., assist, commissioner, Municipal Police dept., Shanghai

Cohen, H., manager, G. T. Fulford Co., Singapore


Colas, J., consul adjoint,Tonkin

Bac-Ninh, French Consulate, Shanghai

Coldham, J. C., B.E., gen. mgr., Raub Australian Gold Mining Co., Ltd. Pahang

Cole, A. L., secretary, Police Headquarters, Hongkong

Cole, E.C. R.,

W. L., assist., Shewan, Tomes & Co., Hongkong

Cole, Georgecontroller,

Cole, T., manager,Columbia


Chinese Co.,of Japan,


Inc., Peiping

Cole, R. IL, solicitor, Geo. K. Hall Brutton & Co.,. Hongkong

Cole, W., assist, adviser, Muar District,

Cole, W. J., assist., Thomson & Co.. Hongkong Johore


Coleman, B. R.,harbour

E. H., districtrepresentative,

officer, Jesselton, British Cold

Singapore NorthStorage

BorneoCo., Ld., Singapore. ,,

Coleman, L. E., supt., Fire Brigade, Penang

Coleman, T., assist., Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Co., Ltd., Kowloon

Colin, L., consul adjoint, French Consulate, Shanghai



R. Y.,Leon

consulD’Or CoffeeforFactory,

general Germany,Manila


Collet, J., elect, engr., Raub Australian Gold Mining Co., Ltd., Pahang

Collet, resident, Hung-Yen, Tonkin


Colley, J. R. W., accountant, Architects,

Whittalt & Co., Klang, Selangor

Collier, V.E. G.,

G., manager,

mang. dir.,SiamGreen & Collier,Bangkok


Collier, J. D., Manufacturers’ Representative, Yokohama

Collinge, C. E., manager, Travers & Son, Singapore

Collins, A. E., director, Alex. Campbell & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Collins, H. E., partner, McAuliffe, Davis & Hope, Penang

Collis, J. B., assist., Bank Line, Ld., and Weir & Co., Hongkong

Collins, J. A., U.S, Consulate, Shanghai

Collins, W. T., clerk, U. S. Court for China, Shanghai

Collishaw, H. C., accountant, Salvation Army, Peiping

Collisson, P. L., auditor, Audit Office, Hongkong

Colls, H. S., chartered accountant, Harold Bell, Taylor, Bird & Co,., Kobe

Colman, H. F. C., assist., Butterfield & Swire, Hongkong

Colot, L„H,vicesecretary,

Colton, consul forNickel

Spain,& Tientsin

Lyons, Ld., Kobe

Coluen, G. F. F., sub-accountant, P. & O. Banking Corpn., Ld., Shanghai

Colyer, A. H., assist., Standard-Vacuum Oil Co„ Penang


Combe, F., accountant, SolocamDockDevelopment

BangkokCo., Kudat


Combe, R.R.,G.assist.,

P. N., Bangkok

district officer CO., magistrate,


Coming, G. G., secretary, Cumine & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Compton, A. H., manager, David Sassoon A Co., Ld., Hongkong.

Compton, M. C., Sun Insurance Office Ltd., Tokyo

Comte, Jean, merchant, Saigon

Conceicao, F. X., Squires,

Condi, R., general manager,Bingham Co., Shanghai

J. Llewellyn & Co, Ld., Shanghai

Conduit, R., supt., Municipal Police dept., Shanghai

Connell, IL, managing director, H. Connell

Connell, A.,

Connes, J. J.,Export

president, ConnellCo.,Brothers


Import Co., Shanghai.

Conrad, J., manager, Co.,Saigon

Inc., Shanghai

Conrad, J., vice-president and director, Truscon Steel Co. of Japan, Tokyo

Conrad, J. R., vice-presdt. and sales mgr., Japan Steel Products Co,,.Ld,, Yokohama

Constantino, J., secretary, Bio and Chuan, Inc., Manila

Constantino, P., secretary, Christern, Huenfeld & Co., Manila



Cook, Edwin, architect},

F. VV.,M.,senior Cook & Anderson,

clerk-of-works, Public Tientsindept., Shanghai



Cook, J.H.H.,J. district sub-acct.,

operating Chartered BtinkSteamship

mgr.. States of India, Australia

Co., Manila& China, Tsingtao

Cooke, A. G., boarding officer, Harbour dept., Hongkong

Cooke, C. I., manager, Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corpn., Manila

Cooke, D. H., Manufacturers’ Representative, Shanghai


Cooke, E.E. J.,

R. C.,manager, E. J. Cooke

chief medical officer,& Co.,


Dispensay, Selangor


Cooke, M.

R. A.C.,G;,manager for Japan,LifeGoodyear

Manufacturers InsurancelyreCo.,andTientsin

Rubber Export 06.,.'Tokyo

Cookes, C. I., actg. mgr., Hongkong

Cookson, J. E., partner, Derrick

Doole, A. B., treasurer, Tientsin Hu Wen Academy, Tientsin

Coolican, Dr. M. U., medical Attendant, British Consulate, Yokohama


Coope, C. E.,legal


adviser,Travers & Sons,Kelantan

Ltd., Penang

Cooper,A.A.,E.,sugar merchant, High Court,

San Carlos Milling Co., Ld., Manila

Cooper, A. E., commissioner, Lands & Mines, Jchore

Cooper, A. J., signsi per pro., Arnhold & Co., Ld., Hankow ,

Cooper, C.B., A.,

Cooper, assist, supt., Survey

vice-consul Dept., Kedah

for America, Canton


Cooper, E.H. Q.,G., managing director, Moore

assistant, Hongkong Co., Ltd.,Dock

and Whampoa L., Shanghai

Co., Hongkong

Cooper, J., secretary, Harbour Board, Penang

Cooper, J. A., assist, mgr., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (South China!), Foochow

Cooper, J. P., Cooper & Co., Hongkong

Cooper, M.

Cooper, K. P.,A., Cooper & Co., Hongkong

b.com., reader of commerce, University, Hongkong

Cooper, P. N., Cooper

Coopman, A. D., secretary, & Co.,Mission

Hongkong de Saigon, Saigon

Cootes, M. N., vice-consul for America, Hongkong


Copp, C. G., manager,

A.A.E.,E.,a.c.a., Office Appliance

assist., Maurice denies, Co., Ld., Shanghai



Coppin, representative, Jardine, Matheson Co.,& Isitt, Tokyo

Ld., Customs,


Coppin, A. W. S.,N. actg.

MacLeod,harbour master, P.Chinese

proprietor, Heath Maritime

& Co., Tientsin Ichang

Corai, G., mgr. for D. E. I., Nestles & Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co., Singapore*

Corbaley, C. W., manager, Andersen Moyer & Co.* Ld., Hankow

Corbet, A., managing director, Borneo Motors, Ld., Singapore

Corbett, R. J., assist, general manager, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.; Shanghai


Corcoran,C., D.resident engr.manager,

M. assist, & mgr., Sarawak


Seymour, Supply Co., Ld., Sarawak

Ld., Osaka

Cords, F., proprietor, Raspe A Co.,

Cork, P. D., broker, Dupire Morrell, Ld., Singapore Kobe and consul for Haiti


Cornaby,J. W. R. F.,B., sub-accountant, Chartered

signs per pro., Jardine Bank of India,

Engineering AustraliaTsingtao

Corporation, and China, Harbim


Corneck, R.G., Dillon,

manager, signsFoxperTheatre, Manilade ITndochine, Hankow

pro., Banque

Corner, E. J. H., assist, director, Botanical Gardens, Singapore

Corney, L. G., deputy auditor, dept., S.S. & F.M.S.


Coroller, A.Y.,C.,Franco

partner, Dyce &desCo Petroles,

Asiatique , ShanghaiHaiphong


Corpus,W.P. J.,V., chartered accountant,

pres., Philippines FlemingInc.,

Steelhouse, & Williamson,

Manila Manila

Corpus, R., president, Philippine National Bank, Manila 1

Corra, H., district manager, The Texas Co. (China), Ld., Canton


Correa, A.L., V.,president,


Companio GeneraldedeRais,

Azucarrera Tobacos de Pilipinas, Mkriila



Corrit, Aage, J., assistant mine manager,

M.i.c.Ei, _(Den.), ConsultingEastEngineer,

Asiatic Co., Ld.; Bangkok, Siam


Corry, W. C. S., district officer, Temerloh,

Corsane, W. H., dir., Hankow Ice Works, Ltd., Hankow Pahang


Corson, T., officer, Forest Department, Sarawak


Cortum,Real,A., C.,signs


Walsh, Ld., Shanghai

Mee-Yeh Handels Compagn'ie,; Shanghai

Cory, R., vice-consul for America, Seoul

Coseteng, E., gen. manager, Co Seteng & Co., Eduardo, .Manila

Cosgrave, Dr. A. K., state medical and health officer, Medical Dept., Pahang


Costa, Lt.-Col. L. M., commissioner, Canadian Govt. TradeiCommission, Shanghai

Costa, L.(Jr. A.H. da,

da, sub

manager, American

accountant, Merchandise

National City Bank Co.,ofKobe

New York, The, Harbin


Coster, S.G.L.,E.,acting'consul

general agentfor.Sweden,

passenger Medan,

dept., Canadian

Sumatra,Pacific Railway, Hongkong.

Costidis, J., manager, John Costidis & Co., Shanghai

Goto, H. T., C.salesM.,manager,

Cotterman, president,American

PhilippineTrading Co. ofCo.,Japan,

Acetylene ManilaLd., Tokyo


Cotterwill, W., Leo.assist,

K., vice-president, Philippine

treasurer, Treasury, Acetylene,Co., Manila


Couch, F. W., supt. of stores and furniture, Public Works dept., Singapore


Coulson, E.R. W., C., assist..



Farm, IceConsulate, Hongkong

& Cold Storage Co., Ld., Hongkong

Coulson, N., supt., stores and workshops, Municipality, Singapore


Coulthart, J., secretary, Hongkong Rope Manufacturing Go.,Bangkok

W. W., acting-consul for Great Britain, (Chingmai) Ld., Hongkong

Coupland, J. R. B., Reiss> Massey & Co., Ld., Hongkong

Oourseulles, F. de, manager, Banque de I’lndo-Chme, Canton

Court, P. F.R.,S.,sub-mgr.,

Courthial, medical officer. Medical deDepartment,

Cie. Francaise Tramways Hongkong

etd Eclairage Electriques, S’hai.

Courtois, F., engr.-in-charge, Tientsin

Cousen, A. H., executive engineer, P. W. D., Perak Tramway A Lighting Co., Ltd., Tientsin


Coutts, I.L.T.,G.,Jugra

dir., Keystone

Land and Tobacco

Cary, Ld.,Go.,Kajang,

Ld., Shanghai

F. M. S.

Coutts, Dr. M. J. M., General Hospital, Singapore

Coviaux, P. L., sub-manager, Banque Franco Asiatique, Harbin

Coville, Cabot, consul for America, Harbin

Cowan, D. L, first secretary, British Embassy, China

Cowan, R.J. HV.., Mercantile

Cowgili, supt., PrisonBank of India, Kuala

Department, Ld., Pahang

Lumpur, Selangor


Cox, H. W., director and managing engineer, Gammon (Malaya), Ld., Singapore-

Cox, A. T., archivist, British Embassy, .China Hongkong

A. R., engineer, Hongkong Electric Co., Ld..,

Cox, C. T., general manager, Louis T. Leonowens, Bangkok

Cox, G., assist, secretary, Credit Foncier d’Extremu Orient, Tientsin

Cox, H., Jasper,

Cox, H. sub-accountant,

principal,Chartered Bank ofofIndia,

Lloyd’s Register Australia

Shipping, Kobeand China, Hongkong

Cox, M. J., Reuter’s, Ld., Tokyo

Cox, M. H., command of Embassy Guai’d, British Embassy, China.

Cox, P. A., oriental mgr., Canadian Pacific Railway Co., Shanghai

Cox, Rupert, manager, Rupert Qox Goshi Tvaisha, Kobe

Cox, R. E., accountant, Co-operative Societes dept., Kuala Lumpur

Cox, V. C. V., manager, Robinson & 'Co , Ld., Selangor

Cox, W. M., sub-accountant, Chartered Bank of India, Australia'and'China, S’hai

Coxon, C., manager, C. Coxofi


Coysh, G.R. W.,E., director, Jardine, master,

deputy shipping Matheson & Co,, dept.,

Harbour Ld., Hongkong


Crabb-Watt, James, partner, Adams ft Allan, Penang

Crabtree, F. B., secretary, Thornycroft (Singapore), Ld., Singapore

Crabtree, director. Metal Box

Craddock, ^ . D. K., Jardine, Matheson ik Co.. Ld., ShanghaiIndustries, Ld.} Shanghtai

Craig, H.. engineer supt., Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld., Shanghai •

Craig, J. W„ vice-pres., Manila Hotel Co., Manila

Craig, R. G., chief ship draughtsman, Hongkong and Whampoa Dbck'Oh., Ld , H’kon'g

Craig, W. L., sub-acct., Chartered Bank of India, China & Autt., Manila

Craik, D. M., partner, Craik & Leicester,-Penang


Cramer, E. B., assist, mgr., Klaasen & Co., Batavia


Cramer, J.H. R,W.,secty.,

dir., Metal Box Printing

Philippine IndustriesManila

Motion Pictures, Ltd., Shanghai


Cranford, R. G., manager, Nestle & Anglo-Swiss Condensed Hongkong

L. R., sub-acct., National City Bank of New^York, Milk Co., Perak

Cranna, A. P., planting adviser, Guthrie & Cp., Ld., Huala Lumpur, Selangor

Cranston, H. D., engineer, Manila

Cranston, T. P.,! supt. engineer, Kiangnan Dock and Engineering Works, Shanghai


Craste, H.,F.signs H. , sec.



Hongkong-A Kowloon Wharf

Freres dTndpehine, SaigonCo.. & Star Ferry, Hongkong

Crawford, D. W., managing-director, Lane,

Crawford, F. S., mgr,, Asiatic Petroleun Co., (North China) Crawford tt .Co.,




Crawford, H. Geo.R.,W„Singer


Sewing MachineMedical Hall, Ld., Singapore

Co., Seoul.

Crawford, J. G., district officer,-Ulu Langat, Selangor


Crawshaw,P. H.; D., manager,

supt., StampAcmeRevenue Office,Agency,

Advertising HongkongShanghai

Creighton, G. W., vice-consul for British Embassy, China

Cresap, A. B., gen.-mgr., Luzon Brokerage Co , Inc., Manila'

Cresswell, C.,

Creswick, C. J.,secretary,

signs perMacphail

pro., Loxley & Ld.,

(>., Shanghai

Crichton, J., asst, acet., Mansfield && Co., Co., Ld., Singapore



Crichton, L. J.,assist.,

W., c.a., chartered

Taikoo accountant,

Dockyard and Fleming & Williamson,

Engineering Co., Singapore


Crick, W. L., office manager, Singapore Hume Pipe Co„ Ld.,

Crisp, A. E., executive engineer, P.W.D., Jesselton, British North Borneo


Crocker, H.F.,B.,director,


Sibu,Petrie, Ld., Singapore


Crocker, I., sub-accountant,

Croft, A. J., manager, American Oxygen National CityandBank of New &York,

Acetylene Yokohama

Co., Mardla

Crofton, C., assistant supt., China Light and

Crokam, W. G., manager, Caldbeck, Macgregor & Co., Ld., ShanghaiPower Co., Ld., Hongkong

Crommelin, C., consul for Holland, Swatow

Crone, R. von der, signs per pro., Volkart Brothers, Shanghai

Crookdake, J., assistant engineer, Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Co., Ld., Hongkong

Crookdake, T., supt., Municipal Police dept., Shanghai

Crooks, W. J., manager, W. J. Crooks Co., Hankow


Croot, Dr. J.,C.medicalK., chiefpractitioner,



Mining Administration,

& Skinn, HongkongTientsin

Crosby, Sir J., minister, British Legation, Bangkok

Crosfils, R. E. J., sub-manager, Dodwell & Co., Ld., Hankow


Crouch, R. J.,T.,Municipal

stock and Policeshare broker, A. A. Brady,

Department, ShanghaiShanghai


Croucher, N. V. A., principal, Croucher & Co., Stockbrokers, Hongkong

Crosv, Carl,T.proprietor,

H., dir., HankowCarl Crow,Ice and


ShanghaiWater Works, Hankow


Crowe, A.E. E.,E., third


HongkongBritish& Shanghai

Embassy,Bank, Saigon



Crowe, R.J. E.,T., manager,

godown supt., Ford Jardine,

Motor Co.,Matheson

Export &Inc.,


Ld., Canton

Crozier, D. J. S., assistant master, King’s College, Hongkong

Cruickshank, W. A., acct., Chartered Bank of India,

Cruickshank, G. O., sub-acct., Chartered Bank of India, Australia Aust. China,& Tientsin

China, Singapore


Cruikshank, W.

J., B., signs

district per

engineer,pro., Harrisons,

F.M.S. Barker

Railways, &

Kuala Co., Ld., Singapore

Lumpur, Selangor

Crull, Dr. W., consul general for Germany, Yokohama


Cruz, A.A.J. M.

A., circulation

A., chief engineer for waysShanghai and works, Government Power Station,


Cruz, da, director,manager,

Export and ImportEvening Post.& Mercury,

Co., Saigon

Cruz, C,, de la, proprietor, Luzon Oxy-Acetylene Co., Manila


Cruz, C-F. P-,desecretary,

la, inspector,PeoplesU.S.BankPublic

& Trust pO-, Manila

Health Service, Hongkong


Cruz, J. II:, secretary,“Philippine- Book Co., Manila

Cruz, M. C., Clarke & Larkin, Manila ^

Cruz, T. M. G. da, Portuguese consul, Yokohama

Cryan, R., engineer, Public Works department, Hongkong

Cuaderno,J. M.,1L, vice-pres.,

Cubbon, PhilippineChinese

financial secretary, NationalMaritime

Bank, ManilaCustoms, Shanghai

Cuddy, E. A., proprietor, Plumbing Supply Co., Shanghai

Cuhel, F. J., manager, Dodge and Seymour, Ld-, (New .kv

Cuenco, C. R., manager, Plaza Hotel, Manila .•;••• . York U.S.A-,), Manila ■

Culberston, C. D.,assist.,

Cullen, F., stores partner,Hongkong

Swan, Cuib'ertston

and Whampoa & Fritz,


Co., Ld., Hongkong



partner, BaguleyNational

& Tooth,City


Bank of..Bangkok

New Yoi(k,. Singapore


Cumine,S. E.E.,B.,acct., Doughty

director, & Co.,ife Shanghai

Cumine' Co., Ld., Shanghai

Cumine, H. M., managing director, .Quinine & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Cummer, W. A., senior supt., Revenue Survey branch, Perak

Camming, C. O., Swan, Culbertson & Fritz, Shanghai

Cumming, D. A., assist., Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Hongkong


Cunietti, M.,H. chancellor,

C., visitingItalian

agent, Consulate,

Sungei Hagan Rubber Co., Ld., Singapore

Cunningham, Edwin S., consul-general for Hongkong

America, Shanghai.

Cunningham, F., director, Malayan Collieries, Ld., Selangor

Cunningham, W. B., counsellor, British Embassy, Tokyo

Cuny, M., manager, Louis Ogliastro & Co., Saigon

Curran, Sharpe W. J., supt. of Posts and Telegraphs, Post Office, Malacca

Currie, A. M., sub accountant, Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China, Kobe

Currie, N. M., signs per pro., Gibb Livingston & Co., Ld., Hongkong


Curtis, J.J. S.,

L., assist.,


National City&Bank

Barnes of New

Co., Ld., IloiloYork, Harbin


Cuscaden, Capt. R. L., supt., Tracle Customs, Selangor Co., Ivowloou, Hnngkong

W. S. V., mgr. and engr., Duro Pump & Engjneering

Qutcher, E. S., assist., butchery dept., Dairy Farm, Ice &, Cold Storage; Co., Ldl, Hongkon g;

Cutfield, H. E., district officer, Sarikei, Sarawak

Cutsem, A., van, dir., Cie de Tramways et.d’EcIairage de Tientsin, Tientsin

Cutting, E. R., sub-acct., National City Bank of N^w :York, Manila

Cuylenburg, A. N. H. van, secretarial dept, Fogden, Brisbane & Co., Singapore,

Czarnetzki, F., merchant, Changsha


D’Almada, Frank, solicitor,Hongkong

F. X., solicitor, D’Almada & Mason, Hongkong . ; ■

D’Oyly-John, R. S., repres., The Texas Co;, (Overseas) Ld., Ipoh, Perak ,

Dabell, H. A., postmaster-general, Sandakan, British North .Borneo

Daggenhansiem, G. von, Straits-Java Trading Co., N.V., Singapore

Daily, Ragnar,

Dahl, per pro. manager,

A. W., installation manager,AallAsiatic

& Co.,Petroleum

Ltd., Tokyo Co., Ld,, Wuhu

Dains, G. L., installation supt., Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.ySwatow

Dake, V., attorney, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.* Seinarang

Daker, J. A., manager, joinery works, Fogden, Brisbane & Co., Ltd., Singapore ■


Dakin, W.C. S.,H.,sub-accountant,

protector, Chinese Protectorate,'

Ohartered Bank ofSelangor

India, Aust.


Dalcan, Dr.

D. A.,W. C., dentist,

director, Shanghai

Associated Products Co., Foochow

Dale, E. G., assist., Leigh & Orangey Hongkong

Dale, F. J., chief inspector, Police Department, Malacca

Dailey, J. D., assist., Commissioner of Police, Kuala Kangar,. Kedah

i Dallin,

Dalupan,T.,F.,assist, auditor,

attorney, Auditit Office,

Clarke Larkin,Hongkong


Dan, S., chief engineer,1 Tokwa Boseki Kaisha, Ld., Shanghai

Danby, C. G., manager, Manufacfcarfcrs' Life lrtsuraiice-Cb.CPbipifig

Dan by, J. D., partner, Dauby & fiance, Hodgkong


Dand, D., assist., Union Insurance

draughtsman, Society

W. S. Bailey & Co.,of Hongkong

Canton, Ld., Shanghai

Daniel, Geo. o, proprietor,Good Books, Pit-tiires and Works of Art, Ld.j Singapore-


Daniel, H., proprietor, Good Books, Pictures and Works of Art, Ld., Singapore


Daniels, Dr.

H., C.J. lilies

H., University

& Co., TokyoHospital, University of Nanking, Nanking


Daniels, H. W., Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Yokohama Singapore

Danielsen,W.Fr., A. A.manager.,

M., consul


Meyer & Netherlands,

Co., Manila

Danks, Edward, agent, L. Everett, Inc., & United States Salvage Association, Il’kong

Dankwerth, Geo. C., president, Philippine'Trust Co., Manila

Dankworth, G. E., secretary, Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co., Manila

Dannatt, Dr. R. M.,assist.,

Dannehl, surgeon, Tanglin Hospital. Kuala Lumpur,

Kobe Selangor

Danson, J.Dr.R.,H.,engineer &Doitsu

manager,Senryo Gomei dept.,

electricity Kaisha, Municipality, Penang

Darby, C.H. G.,

Darby, supervisor,

d’Esterre, Eastern

director, Sime,Extension

Darby.fe' Telegraph

Co., MalaccaCo., Shanghai

Darby, W. J., Lowe, Bingham & Matthews, Shanghai

Darby, W. G., director, Harrisons & Crosfield (Borneo) Ltd., Sandakan


Darnley, J.,R. sales

J. M.,manager,


Chartered VBank Publicity

of India,Bureau Ltd., &Singapore

Australia China, Hongkong

Darnoff, D., president, Radio Corp. of the Philippines, Manila

Darre, Marcel, chartered accountant, Shanghai

Darville, H. E., manager, London and

Dastur, R. A., Insurance & General Broker, Hongkong Eastern Printing Co., Ld., Singapore

Dasvani, H. R., Kitmatrai & Co., Kobe

Datema, G. P., Forbes, Munn & Co., and consul for Denmark, Manila

Dau, Carl, partner, C. Dau & Co., Chefoo





Petroleum Peiping Co., Ld., Tokyo

Daver, D. R., R. E. Daver & Co.,

Daver, R. E., R. E. Daver & Co., Kobe . Kobe


Davey, F.F. R.,

R., director,

director, Arnold & Co.,Co.,Ltd.,Ltd.,Shanghai

Auto Palace Shanghai

Davey, F. R., manager, E.,D.

Davey, Dr. W. C.; chief chemist, Dunlop Sassoon & Co.,

Rubber Ltd.,Co.Hongkong

(Far East), Ld-,. Kobe


David, W. R., assist,,S. British DavidCigarette Co., Shanghai

David, A.,

A. B.,partner,

managingJ. director, & David

Co., Shanghai

David, D. B., Importer & Exporter, Manila ■

David, D. M., director, Adelphi Hotel, Singapore

David, Evelyn, partner, S. J. David & Co., Shanghai

David, It.F. C.,

David, S., assist. British Cigarette

superintendent, GovernmentCo., Shanghai

Printing Office, Johore


David, M. M., manager, Ipekdjian Brothers. Ltd., Bangkok

David, S.,

S., manager,

Hillaly ife Samuel David & Cor, Shanghai

David, Shanghai

Davidson, A., assist., Taikoo Dockyard and Engineering Cog Hongkong


Davidson, A. G., secretary,

R. Haworth & Co.,and Shanghai

Davidson, A.A. L., W., storekeeper,British Chinese Corporation,

Police Headquarters, HongkongLd., Shanghai

Davidson, C. J., consul, British Consulate, Tokyo


Davidson, E., solicitor, Hastings ife Co.,and Hongkong

Davidson, G.H. L., W.,sub-acct.,


Seoul Shanghai Bank, Hongkong

Davidson, J. W. O., consul for Great Britain, Hankow


Davidson, R., sub.director,

R.W. H., acct., Chartered Bank &of Co.,


Cooke India,Ld.,Austr.,.and

Shanghai China, Singapore

Davidson, W., acting senior

Davidson, R. V., signs per pro., Syme & Co., Singapore engr., P.W.D., Perak


Davies, A., sub-accountant,

A.A. R., acct., CommericlChartered

Express Bank

& Storageof India,Fed-Australia and China,

Inc., U.S.A., Bangkok


Davies, Y.

Davies, C.C. A., L„ barrister-at law, Singapore

Davies, G., branch

Davies &manager,

Brooke, Japan

ShanghaiAdvertiser,; The, Yokohama

Davies, D., chief clerk, Colonial Secretariat, Hongkong


Davies, D. F., reader of physics. University, Hongkong


Davies, D.E. M.,

A., 1st. clerk,Eastern

agent, Secretariat,

SmeltingMunicipality, SingaporePerak

Co., Ld., Fusing,

Davies, E., chairman, China Deep Well Drilling Co., Ld., Shanghai

Davies, E. J., manager, Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corpn., Hongkong


Davis, F.F.W.,H.,Peacock

representative, BritishCorporation,

Motion Picture Thomson-Houston Co., Ld., Tokyo


Davies, G., executive engineer, P.W.D., Segamat, Johore

Davis, H. C. D., assist., Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, Manila

Davies, H. W., Statistical dept., Chinese Customs, Shanghai

Davies, J., accountant, Herbert, Ld., Alfred, Osaka

Davies, J. P., secretary, Robinson Piano Co., Ld., Shanghai

Davies, L. J., managing director, Gibb Livingston & Co., Ld., Shanghai


Davies, R.R. R.,

J. S.,assistant,


Chartered&Bank of India,

Co., Ld., HongkongAust. & China, Singapore

Davies, T. K., Shewan Tomes & Co., Hongkong

Davies, W. A. N., registrar, Supreme Court, Singapore

Davies, W. G., manager, John Little. & C°-i Ed., Selangor

Davies, W. J., consul for Britain, Tokyo

Davis, A. C., editor, China Law Journal, Shanghai

Davis, E. C., inst. mgr., Asiatic Petroleum Co., (North China) Ld., Mukden

Davis, E. R., manager, Kampong Kamunting Tin Dredging, Ld., Perak

Davis, J.G. D.,

Davis, H., assist.,

manager, Kelly & Walsh, Oil

Standard-Vacuum Ld.,Co.,



Davis, J. P. A., assistant, Mackintosh

Davis, L. J., professor of pathology, Hongkong & Co., Ld.,University,



Davis, L.P. M.,

O., manager,

Davis & Co., Dunlop

ManilaRubber Co. (China), Ld., Mukden

Davis, P. M., director, Dragon Motor Car Co., Ld., Hongkong

Davis, R., Lindsay, Drakeford & Davis, Shanghai


Davis, R.S., W., director,

manager, Underwriters

Alhambra Theatre,Savings Bank for the Far East Inc., Shanghai


Davis, T., assist., Hongkong Telephone Co., Ld., Hongkong


Davis, T.V. P.,


manager, Standard & Sub-acct.,


Oil Co.,CityFoochow

Bank of New York, Yokohama-

Davison, J. K., manager, J. E. Hayes Engineering Corporation, Tientsin

Davison, P. R., secretary, United Engineers, Ld., Singapore


Davy, A. R.G.,M., agent,Butler

partner, Canadian Paciiie Steamships,

k Webster, Bangkok Ld., Kobe

Davy, T. D., printing manager, North-China Daily News & Herald, Shanghai

Dawes, G. T, secretary, Kampong Kamunting Tin Dredging, Ld., Perak

Dawes, S. H., British Consular agent, Otaru

Dawson, J.J. A.,

Dawson, secretary,Guthrie

I., director, Shanghai DockLtd.,

& Co., andSingapore

Engineering Co., Ld., Shanghai

Dawson-Grove, H., commr. of Customs, Shasi

Day, E. V. G., clerk of councils, Colonial Government, Singapore

Day, I., tutor in electrical engineering, Hongkong University, Hongkong

Day, K. B.,J., vice-pres.,

Dayzatt, dir., General Manila Hotelof Missions

College Co., ManilaEstrangeres, Penang

D’Cruz, W, senior health officer, Port Health Office, Singapore


De Courcy,

Havilland, J. E.W.B.,A.,agent,


attorney,& S’hai.

Tokyo Banking Corporation, Hankow

Deacon, E. E., agent, Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Gorporation, Penang

Deacon, S., assistant., Hongkong Electric Co., Hongkong

Deane, B. O’M., assist, accountant, Mercantile Bank of India, Ltd., Hongkong


Dearling,R. T.,

C., wharf

a.c.a., chartered accountant,

engineer, Harbour Fleming

Board, Penang k Williamson, Manila

Deas, Stuart, signs per pro., Butterfield & Swire, Nanking


Decker, M.L., M.,

manager, Gillespie

principal, Harris& Memorial

Co'.; ManilaSchool, Manila

Dedear, W. R., principal warder, Prison Department, Hongkong

Degoy, R., director, China Record Co., Shanghai

Dehaese, H., Cie de Commerce et de Navigation d’Extreme Orient, Saigon


Delii), P., vice-pres. ct maiiager, Philippine Steelhouse, Inc., Manila,

Deiber, Albert, director, Meisei Gsikko, Osaka - • .

Deitz, W. W., Metro-GoLdvvyn-Mayei'. of China, Shanghai

Delamore, A. W., Ford & Delarnore, Selangor

Delay, Roy E., president, Electric Service .Corporation, Shanghai

Delburgo, D. H., managing director, Delburgo & Co., Kobe ;


Delcourt, A.,I.,manager,

resident vice-president, Ei Oriente Fabrica de Tol'

Coinpagnie Optorg,,ilongkong ... >aecos,

, Inc., SI anghai

Delfino, Albert P., consul for

Delhaye, L. vice-consul for Belgium, Shanghai Venezuela, Manila


Dell, P. C., (godown),

G. H.,G.supt. partner, Vassor & Co.,

Imperial Shanghai

.Chemical Industries (China), Ld., Shanghai

Dell ’Oro, i., Dell ’Oro & Co., Shanghai


Deloye, R., manager, Banque de I’lndpchinje, PeipingTientsin

0., manager, Ching Hsing Minen G.hub.IT.,

Demay, J., manager, Banque de 1’Indqchine, Tientsin


Demeure,Walter F.,per

vice-consul for U.S.A., Saigon,

Denbigh, A.L., G.,signsDenbigh pro.,& Co.,


OtaruRibet e.t Cie, 'Ca!ltop

Denbigh, I., Denbigh & Co., Otaru

Denholm, A., vice-consul for Great Britain, Saigon

Dening, M. E., consul for Great Britain, Harbin

Denison, W. E., signs pet pro., Chase Bank, Hongkong

Denis ter, G. M.. signs per pro., P. H. Hendry, Selangor


Dennington, Dr. E.,II.,sub-accountant,

assist., Doitsu Senryjo GomeiICiisha,

Siam Commercial Bank,Kobe,

Ld., Bangkok

Denny, J. R. C., adjutant, Johore State‘Police, Jbhbre

Dennys, H. L., solicitori' Deiiriys iC Co., Hongkbhg*

Dennys, S. E., supt., Prisons, Kedah

Denoueix, C., directeur, Ste. d’Exploit’n. des Etablissements Brossavd Mopin, Saigon

1 )ent, R. V., signs per pro., La Generale Sores, Shanghai

Dentici, E., manager, France Boeki Shokai, Tokyo

Dentici, E.,

Dentici, M., M.M. Dentici

Dentici && Co,, Co.,.Yokohama

Yokohama . ■

Denton, R. A. E., Jardine Engineering Corporation, Ld., Shanghai

1 'epeyre, Pierre,

Depperman, Charles Consul

E., for France,

assist., dir.. Seoul

Weather Euneamj Manila

Derharu, IT. C., Smith, Bell 4: Co. Ld., Tabaeo, Manila

Derogee, F., agent, N. V. Heyboek’s' Gropthandell, Balembang


Derrick, A., signs J. C.,perharbour

pro., Racine

master,et Cie.,


Department,' Malacca

Derry, H. F. II., consul-general for

Derudder, A., mgr., Ton'gshah Colliery, Kailan Mihing Great Britain, Tsingtao

Administration, Tientsin

Desborough, V., sales mgr., National Carbon Co.. Shanghai

Descours, M., engineer, Cie des Eaux de HanopTTanoi

Descormes, R., chief accohntant, Wm. G. Hhle & Co.. Ld., SaiigOn

Desebrock, H., signs per pro., Carlowitz & Co., Shanghai

Deseille, 11., directeur-general, Imprimerie d’Extreme Orient, Hanoi I :


Desplats, J. P., II., directur,

manager, Descours

Compagnieet Franco-Asiatique.

Cabaud, HaiphongProvinces de PAnnam

Deswaziere, Bishop, superior, House of Nazareth, Hongkong

Dettmar, F,,. branch manager, Singapore Cold Storage Co., Kuala Lumpur, Selangor


Deumal, E.;B„ E.manager,Deuber Kimatrai

ife Co.) Osaka& C^.j J„ Yokohama

Deun, E. K., chief engineer, Kiaochow-Tsinan ail way Administration, T.singtao


Deutsch, B. A., director, CommercialShoe

P. C., secty., ITnited States Co., Manila

Express,and Storage, Feel Ipc.vtJ»SrA., Shanghai.

Devan, T. M. Y„ accountant, Kunst and Albers, Hongkong

Devaux, R. E M., manager, F^upEast Oxygen ,&

Develey, A., assist., Cie, dejCohiinerce et.de Navigation, ITaiphong Acetylene Co., Ld, Hongkong.

Deveson, B., assistant, Berrick & Co., Lfd-Yqkohamaf,

Deville, J., gen. ageart for Far Egst, Messagpyies; Maritimes,- Shanghai


Devrient, E., assist., Bryner & Co., Dairen

Dew, H, C., assist, F.M S. Railways, K. Lumpur, Selangor

Dew, H. T., district sales mgr., Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Taipeh, Formosa


Dewitt, C.R. A., secretary, Singer

C., manager, ManilaSewing

Gas Corpo.,


Co., Selangor .

Dewsbury, H., manager, Hankow Dispensary, Ld„ Hankow

Dias, Dr. J. de Pinto, acting consul-general

Dias, P. C., chief clerk, Harbour Board, Penang for Brazil, Shanghai

Diaz, E., Warner, Barnes & Co., Ld., Manila

Dick, H. H., consul for America, Amoy


Dick, J.,

J., assistant, Shewan,KerrTomes

manager, Islay, & Co.,& and

Co., vice-consul

Hongkong for Norway, Penang

Dick, J. G., sawmiller, Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Co., Hongkong

Dick, R. H., representative for Japan, Society of Chemical Industry in Basle, Osaka-

Dick, W. F.,A.district

Dickinson, H., dir.officer, Sibu, Sarawak

of Criminal Intelligence, Police department, S.S.

Dickson, A. L., director, Keystone Tobacco Co., and Acme Foundry, Shanghai

Dickson, G. I., manager, Sime, Darby & Co., Ltd., Sarawak


Dieckmann, J., senior

H., signsdrainage

per pro,inspector,

MejchersP.W.D., Hongkong

& Co., Shanghai

Diehl, F. W., partner, Erdman and Sielcken, Sourabaya

Diehl, W., office and credit manager, Associated Oil Co., Manila

Dienel, A.,

Dierks, H., signs

mang.per pro, Deutsch

proprietor, ChinaAsiatische

Bird Co., Bank,



Dieticker, VV., manager, Kuenzle k Streiff, Inc., IloiloShanghai

H., sub-manager, The China Engineers, Ld.,

Dietrich, M.. Dodge & Seymour (China), Ltd., Shanghai

Dietsche, H., brewery engineer, Straits-Java Trading Co., N.V., Singapore

Digby, K. H., professor of surgery, Hongkong University, Hongkong

Dillner, E., partner,

Dillon-Corneck, T. P.,R.cashier,


& Co., deCanton

ITndo-Chine, Singapore

Dimacali, E., general manager, Electrical Supplies, Manila


Dinsdale, F. A., signs per pro, Butterfield ifcSandakan,

Dr. P. A., principa,! medical officer, B. N. Borneo

Swire, Tsingtao


Dirksen, H.E.S.,Dr.

H. director,

H. James

von, H. Backhouse,

ambassador, German Ld., Hongkong

Embassy, Tokyo

Dissmeyer, J. A., manager, China Sales and Service Co., Shanghai

Distant, D., account., Henry Waugh Co., Ld., Singapore

Dive, Dr. H. R., senior medical officer, Penang

Dix, Comdr. 0. C., Marine department, Singapore

Dixon, A. M., director, Dixon & Son, Ltd., H. C., Shanghai

Dixon, C. D., manager, Mackenzie & Co.,tLd., Tientsin

Dixon, H. R., consulting' engineer, Shanghai


Dixon, James

L. W., A., manager,

sub-acct., Commercial

Chartered BankUnion Assurance

of. India, Co.,China,

Aust. and Kobe Manila

Dixon, P. E., accountant, British American Tobacco Co. (China), Ld., Mukden

Dobb, A. G., Building dept., Fogden, Brisbane

Dobben, A. LI W. van, agent, Java-China-Japan Lijn, Kobe & Co., Singapore

Dobbs, W. It., assist., Mansfield & Co., Ld., Singapore

Dobby, R. H., assist., Asiatic Petroleum & Co. (P.I.), Ld., Manila


Dobler, Jean F.H.,A.,manager,


FrenchWieler & Co.,'Canton

Legation, Tokyo

Dobree, C. T. W., assist, commissioner of Police, Batu Gajah, Perak

Dobson, A., partner, McAuliffe, Davis & Hope,

Dobson, R. M., resident secretary, Sun Life Assurance SingaporeCo., Tokyo

Dockrill, W. R., managing director, Canadian Trading Co., Ld., Shanghai


Dodd, A.,

J. H.,manufacturers’ representative,

assist, distribution engineer, Shanghai

electric supply dept., Municipality, Penang

Dodds, G., sub-accountant, Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, Singapore

Dodge, H. T., manager, Texas Oo. Inc., Manila

Dodge, R., Dodge & Seymour (China), Ld., Shanghai

Dodwell, L. G. S., sub-manager, Dodwell & Co., Ld., Hongkong

Dodwell, S. H., managing director, Dodwell & Co., Hongkong



Doig, F., signs per pro, Winckler

Waugh &&OilCo.,

Co., Ld.,


Doig, G.I). T.,

M., assist,

director, Henry Bernam

manager, Palms, Singapore

Ld., Bangkok

Domart, Dr., manager, Pnarmacie Montes, Hanoi

Dombrovsky, A. 1., partner, Lelchitsky James D. & Co., Dairen

Dominguez, P. M., consul for Cuba, Kobe

Donald, .A. J., signs per pro., Robinson


Donald, E.F. H., Ross,assist.,


S. J.agent,

DavidCanadian National Railways, Yokohama

& Co., Hongkong


Donaldson, A. J. L., partner, Kennedy & Co., Penang

Donlevy, J.,J.surveyor,

R., pro-consul for Great Britain,

.Raub Australian OsakaCo,, Ltd., Pahang

Gold Mining

Donn, A. G., assist, acet. Mercantile BaJik of India, Ld., Hongkong

Donne, J., manager, Racine et Cie., Shanghai

Donnell, R.D.B.E.,B.,Land

Donnelly, partner,

BrokerLyalland& Estates

Evatt, Singapore

Agent, Tsingtao

Donohue, Comdr. W. J., Kailan

Donovan, Howard, consul for U:S.A., Kobe Mining Administration, Chingwantao


Dooman,R.E.G.,H.,assist, manager, U.S.A.

first secretary, Standard-Vacuum

Embassy, Tokyo Oil Co., Dairen

Doom, J. H. J. van, assist, mgr., Yraag



R., partner, Cader,Headquarters,

acct., Police Doray & Co., and manager, Doray Brothers, Kobe



Dorsey,J. W.G. R., van,

consulvice-consul for Netherlands,

for America, Tsingtao Singapore

Dorsser, J. A. van, sub-accountant- Netherlands Trading Society, Hongkong

Oort, A.E. J.,E. van,

Dorz, architectural

vice-consul' draftsman,

for America, Kobe P. W.D , Johore Bahru, Johore

Dotson, H. R., milling assist., Nurupi Kozan K.Ipoh,

Dositheus, Rev. Bro., St; Michael's institution, Perak

K , Seoul

Doughty, C. J. manager, Doughty tfe Co., Shanghai

Doughty, Lt.-Col. E. S., comsnr., Canadian Govt. Immigration office, Hongkong


Douglas, A., W.sub-accountant,

H., manager, Island TradingBankCo.,ofLd., Brunei

Douglas, C. H., land surveyor,Chartered

Public Works dept.,India, Aust.; and China,. Hankow


Douglas, D. S. S., manager. National City Bank of New York, Singapote

-Douglas, R.M. H,,

Douglas, W., partner,



Co., J. A.,Hongkong

Hongkong .


i louglas, It.T. W.,

P., attorney,


Secretariat, PenangOil Co., Manila


Dove, vice-president, Peoples Bank

mgr., Huttenbach, and Trust,

Lazarus & Sons,Manila


Dove, W. G., South British Insurance Co., Ld., Shanghai

Dovey, A. G., director, David Sassoon

Dovejq Dr.. J. E., Government Civil Hospital, HongkongCo.; Ld., Shanghai

Dowbiggin, H. B. L., com., Hongkong Volunteer Defence Force, Hongkong

Dowd, W. S., assist, commercial attache, U,S. Embassy, Tokyo

Dowdall, L., manag. dir., Chiba Agricultural Development Co., Ld., H'kong.

Dowdeswell, F., partner, Keys & Dowdeswell, Singapore

Dowe, Johannes, Doitsu Senryo G. K,, Tokyo

Dowler, R. H., assist., Butterfield & Swire, Hongkong


Down, signs perdirector,

pro., Butterfield & Swire, Ld., DairenCo., Ld., Kobe

Baltic& Asiatic

Down, R. T., representative, Johnson Johnson,Commercial


Doyle, Lt. Commander J. M., Andersen Meyer ,& Co., Ld., Shanghai

Drake, E. O., dept, mgr., British-Araerican Tobacco Co., (China), Ld., Hongkong

Drake, F. D., shipping section,

Drake, Standard-Vacuum India,OilLd.,

Co., Hongkong


Drake, R.W. N.,,accountant,

S., managing director,Meroanr.ile Bank ofHongkong


Drakeford, T. G., Lindsay, Drakeford V Davis, Shanghai

Drapal, F., brewmaster, Hongkqi?g Brewers & Distillers Ld., Hpngkong

Draper,. N. M., acting manager, Lex as Co, (P.L) Manila


Draper, T. J., assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Hongkong

Dravo, Hudson D., managing director, Gregg & Co,, Ld., Manila

Drew, L. S., chief accountant, China Electric Co., Ld., Shanghai

Drew, R. C., state engineer, Public Works dept., Kelantan


Dreyer, H.,J., dept,


manager.mgr., AsiaticTomes

Shewan, Petroleum

& Co.,Co., (North China), Ltd., Tsingtao


Dreyfus, R., proprietor, ITllmann & Co., Peiping

Drollette, G. W., supervisor, Singer Sewing Machine Co., 'Hongkong


Druery,Robert, assistant,. Eastern

G. M., secretary, Standard-Vacuum

Rubber Co.,OilLd.,Co.,Singapore


Drummond, A., chartered acct., Lowe, Bingham

Drummond, A,

Drummond, D., engineer, HongkongCanadian

Oriental manager, Hotel Garage,


Steamships, Ld., Hongkong

Drummond, G., mgr., China Soap Co., Ltd., Tientsin

Drummond, J. F., partner, Frazar

Drummond, J. S., accountant, Chartered Bank of India, Aust. & China, Kobe

Drummond, R. W. S., Drummond & Co., Sandakan, British North Borneo

Dryburgh, A. M., district officer, Ulu Selangor, Selangor


Drysdale, A.A. M.,

W., manage!’,

manager, United Engineers,

Retsuj Co., Hongkong Ld., Negri Sembilan

Drysdale, L F , snr., partner, Drysdale & Co., Nanking,

Drysdale, I. F., jr., Drysdale & Co., Nanking

Drysdale. J., signs p.p., Russell Co., J. A., Selangor

Drysdale, T.T., D.,

Drysdale, acct.,chartered

Port Lamon LumberSeth,

accountant, Co., Turner

Manila & Cp-, Shanghai

D’Souza, W„ supt., Post & Telegraph dept., Trengganu

Duchateau, G. M., managing director. Societe Indo-chinoise de Commerce, Ltd., Saigon

Duchateau, R., managing director, Societe Indo-chinoise de Commerce, Ltd., Saigon

Duck, E. F., assist, commissioner of public health, Municipal Council, Shanghai

Duckitt, E. R..,F. F.,

Duckworth, director,


HongkongTurner & Co.,

Electric Co.,Ltd.,

Ld., Hongkong


Duckworth, N. H., vice-pres. & gen. mgr., Internal. Harvester Co., of Philippines, Manila

Duclos, G., agent, Singer Sewing Machine Co., Hongkong

Duclos, Major V. E., Canadian Government Trade Commissioner, Hongkong



partner, EvattLouis

per pro., & Co., Perak Bangkok

T. Leonowens,

Dudgeon, A., superintendent, Bangkok Dock Co., Ld., Bangkok

Dudley, G., secy., Bailey & Co.. Ld., W. iS., Hongkong

Dudman, W. F., mgr., spares dept., Far East Aviation Co., Hongkong


Duerr, W.P., secretary, United States

E. A., manager, GrandShoeHotels,

Co., Manila

iLd., Tsingtao

Duff, J. A., gen. mgr.. Reliance Motors, Shanghai

Duff, J. L., J, L. Duff * Co., Kiukiang

Duff, S. H., sub-acct., Chartered Bank of India, Austr. & China, Hongkong

Duffus,M.,A., installation

Duffy, sub-acct., Chartered Bank of India, etc.,

supt., Standard-Vacuum Shanghai

Oil Co., Amoy

Duggan, E. W., manager, American Express Go., Inc., Haiphong

Dufour, G., directeur, Societe Francaise de Verreries, Hongkoifg .


Duke, A. D.H.,W.,partner,



& Tooth,Waterworks

Advocates, Co., Ld., Shanghai



Dunbar, J. C.,G.assist.,

F., Commercial

HongkongUnion ElectricAssurance

Co., Ld.,Co., Ltd., Shanghai


Dunbar, L.,

Dunbar, L. Dim

P. H., bar & Amos

manager, Co., Hongkong

Bird Co., Shanghai

Duncan, A., engineer, Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Co., Hongkong

Duncan, G., assist., Loxley Co., Hongkong


Duncan, L.I. A.M..B„,assist.,

AsiaticTheo. DaviesCo.,& (South

Petroleum Co., LtdChina),

, Manila


Duncan, M. A. B., manager, Ellerman’s Ari*acan

Duncan, M. C., assistant, Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Bice and Trading Co.,Saigon

Corpn., Ld., Bangkok'

Duncan, R., senior inspector, Sanitary dept.. Hongkong

Duncan, R. K., assist., Taikoo Dockyard and Engineering do., Hongkong

Duncan, W., director, Siam Steam Packet Co., Ltd., The, Bangkok


Duncan, W. W., assist, secretary, Secretariat, ^lunicipality, Singapore


Dunford-Wood, D. P., assist, solicitor, Sisson

J., barrister-at-law, & Delay, Singapore

Ipoh, Perak


Dunlop, G. S.,


A. L., medical Hongkong & Shanghai

adviser,Britain, Bank,Kuala

Socfin Shanghai

Co., Ld., Hongkong

Lumpur, Selangor

Dunlop, J., for Great

Dunlop, J. C., revenue officer, Import and Export Office, Hongkong



P., assistant, Hongkong

C., Lowe, BinghamElectric Co., Ld.,

& Dunman, Hongkong


Dunn, Dr. T. B., medical officer, American Consulate, Shanghai

Dunne, J. B., manager, D. Gestetner (Eastern), Ld., Hongkong

Dunne, J. J., Jardine Matheson & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Dunne, P. 0., manager, Advertising & Publicity Bureau, Singapore

Dunne, S.,T. mgr.,

Dunne, Anglo-Chinese

E„ manager, Indenting Trading

Australia,-ChinA Co., Shanghai

Go., Shanghai

Dunscombe, W. K., director, medical laboratory,Banking

Dunnett, G. B., agent, Hongkong

Municipal Penang

Health dept., Shanghai:


Duplessis, Ph., directeur,

Georges, Banco

manager, Franeo-ChinoBe,

Boy-Landry Saigon

Etablissements, Shanghai

Dupontet, J., manager,'Brossard, Mopin Etablissements, Singapore

Dupree, W. S., signs per pro., Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld., Hankow


Dupuy, J.P., C.,general

partner, EhlersCompagnie

manager, & Co., Shanghai Optorg, Shanghai_ o

Duran, P., secretary, Duran, Lim and TuasOn, Manila

Durand, G., chief accountant, Louis Ogliastro & Co., Saigon


Duray, SC.S.,C.secretary

L-, districtto forest


Supreme Tapah,


Ipoh, Perak


Durran, Dr. J., medical practitioner, Macgown,Ld.,Anderson

F. T., managing editor, China Press, Shanghai& Durran, Hongkong

Durege, F. N.medical

Durran, J., C., managing director,

practitioner, Macgown,DuregeAnderson

& Thomas, Penang

Durran, Hongkong

Duseeff, S., sub-manager, Novelty Silk Studio, Shanghai

Dussek, O. T., principal, Sultan Idris Training College for Teachers, F.M.S.


Dutko, K. J.M.,NV, vice-consul

Paul assist, commissioner

for U.S.A., ofHarbin

Police, Perak

Dvott, H. F., director, Taku Tug

Duxbury, F., director, Kennedy Burkhill Co., Ld.,

Ld., Tientsin


Dwars, W., chancellor, German Consulate, Singapore


Dye, H.J.,H.,wholesale manager, David

assist, manager, MedicalL. Hall,

Moss Ld.,

& Co;,Singapore


Dyer, Dr. L. G., in charge, Kate C. Woodhull Hospital, Foochow

Dykes, Dr. J. S., dental surgeon, Hongkong

Dymond, L. D., agent, States Steamship Co., Yokohama


Dynne, H.H.E.,R. partner,

L.,cashier, Rodyk

director, & Davidson,

Maynard &Bank Singapore

Co., Ld., Singapore


Eager. W. V., National City of New York, Manila

Earnshaw, T., director, Manila Hotel Co., Manila & Agency Co.yLd., Hongkong

O., secretary, Hongkong Land Investment

Easson, A. M., c.A., Huttenbach, Lazarus & Sons, Ld., Singapore

Easterbrook, C. B., assist., China Light and Power Co., Ld., Hongkong

Easterbrook, F. J., architect, H’kong and Kowloon Wharf and GodoWn Co., Ld., H’kong:

Easthagen, A. M., treas., The American Guardian Association, Manila

Eastman, A., Hongkong & Kowloon, Wharf & Godown Co., Ld., Hongkong

Eastman, A. W., assist,, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Hongkong

Eaves, F., assist, land officer, Land Office, Hongkong

Ebden, W. S., Commissioner of Lands, Land Office, Singapore

Eber, R. L., Barrister-at-Law, Chan & Eber, Singapore

Ebling, S. G., vice-consul for United States, Penang .

'Eocleshall. S., sanitary inspector, Sanitary dept., Hongkong

Echevarria, F. C., vice-consul for Spain, Shanghai


Eck, van,R.,H.assist., DoitsuAsiatic

F., assist., SenryoPetroleum

Gomei Kaisha, Kobe

Co., Shanghai


Eckert. W., signs per pro., Siemssen & Co., Canton

Eckford, C. H. V., Cornabe, Eckford & Co., Chefoo

Eckford, R. A., assist., Cornabe, Eckford ife Co., Chefoo

Eckford, Y.R. R.,

Eckford, H., partner,

partner, Cornabe,

Cornabe, Eckford

Eckford && Co.,

Co., &Tsingtao

consul for Belgium, Cheioo

Eckhardt, C., manager, Carlowitz & Co., Shanghai

Ede, C., director, Leede Engineering Corporation, Shanghai

Ede, F. J., mgr., Leede Engineering Corporation, Shanghai


Edgar, A.E. J., D. C., assist,

J., chief

director, manager,

Yit-Alexin Hagemeyer

(China) Ld.,Co., Trading, Co.,. Ld., Kobe


Edgar, engineer, Shanghai Power Shanghai

Edgar, E. J., manager, Edgar Bros. &

Edgar, Geo., director, Edgar Bros., Ld., SourabayaCo., Newellwang

Edgar, J., director. Auto Palace Co., Ld., Shanghai

Edgar, J. J., signs per pro., Ellis & Edgar, Hongkong

Edgar, Martin, director, Edgar Bros., Ld., Singapore

Edgar, R., manager, Thos. Cook & Son, Kobe

Edgar, S. E., broker, Hongkong


Edie, A.W.W.F., Hay,


assist.,Audit Office, Hongkong

Mackinnon, Mackenzie cfe Co., Hongkong,


Edmett, J.T. T.,E.,assist.,



ShanghaiRhu,BankingUnitedCorporation, Hongkong

Engineers, Ld., Singapore

Edmiston, T. L., sub-accountant, National City Bank of New York, Harbin

Edmonds, F. M., director, Sime, Darby & Co., Ld., Penang


Edmondson. D. C., clerical

G. J.; sub.-acct.,officer,



Shanghai DairenBank, Hongkong

Edson, A. W., vice-consul for America, Mukden

Eduque, Dr. J., presdt., Centre de Luxe Inc., Manila

Edward, D. S., engineer, Public Works department, Hongkong

Edwards, C. L., assist., Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, Shanghai

Edwards, E. C., manager, Lyons Motors, Ld., Singapore


Edwards, E.F., J.,assist.,


DodwellEllis& Co.,Kadoori.e School, Hongkong

Ld., Hongkong

Edwards, P., assist, analyst, Government Laboratory, Hongkbng .

Edwards, R. E., exc. engr., Public Work & Railway Department, Sarawak


Egal, secretary,EgalHarrisons'

& Cie.,

e Crosfield (Borneo), Ld., Sandakan, B.N.B.

Egge, W., manager, Kunst &

Eggers, A., sub-manager, Hamburg-AmerikaAlbers, Hongkong Linie; Shanghai

Egle, Ed., manager, Siber, Hegner

Eguaras, R., accountant, Findlay Millar & Co,,Timber

ShanghaiCo., Manila

Ehrenlieb, A., mgr., Oriental Trading & Engineering;Ob,', Ti'bittsin

Ehrhardt, J. J., repre., Honolulu Iron Works Y Co., Canton.

Eickhoff, E. W„ manager, Eickhoff & Co., Shanghai

Eickhoff, Dr. F. G., director, Clive & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Eickhoff, W., secretary, Danish Legation, Peiping

Eidel, F., works manager, Far East Oxygen and Acetylene Co., Ld.,'Singapore

Eisenhut, A. R., signs per pro., Arnhold & Co., Ld., Hankow

Eisler, W. L, agent and surveyor, American Bureau of Shipping, Shanghai

Eite, A., acting division mgr., British-American Tobacco (China . Co., Ldl, Kuikiang

Elahi, H. K., prop. & mgr., Karamelahi &, Co., H-Z.H., Shanghai


Elder, E.Dr.A.,A.medical

J. C., Drs. Gossip & Eland,

practitioner, Galloway,Penang

Elder, MacIver’ Y Dobbiq, Singapore

Elder, J. V., assist., Warner Barnes & Co., Ld., Iloilo


Eldridge, C. H., assist.,

J. H., manager, Hongkong

editor, North and Shanghai Bank, Singapore

Eley, W. Allan, Sun China Daily Mail,

Life Assurance Co. Tientsin

of Canada, SiugapbrA' , "

Elias, D. H., deputy general manager, F.M.S. Railways, Kuala Lumpur, Selhngpr

Elias, E. A., director, Amalgamated

Elias, F. S., sharebroker, Shanghai Theatres, Ld., Singapore

Elias, J.I. A.,

Elias, A., partner,

director, Rupert,


Theatres, Singapore

Elias, R. A., partner, Rupert, Manasseh & Elias, Singapore


Elias, R. H., sharebroker, Shanghai

Elkins, Major W. H., traffic mgr., F.M.S. Railways, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

Ellacott, T. C.,L., assist,

Ellenbogen, engineer,

Fairchild & Co., Hongkong

Ld , Tientsin & China Gas Co., Ld., Hongkong

Ellig, C. H., manager, Glanzmann, Fco., Shanghai


Elliott, M. C., accountant, American Express Hongkong

F. A. M., assist., Butterfield & Swire, Co., Singapore

Elliot, R. N., branch manager, Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ld., Penang,- ; 'i

Elliott, Lt.-comdr. W. A., assist., Asiatic Petroleum Co., Shanghai


Ellis, D., assist., Ellis & Edgar, Hongkong Co., Ltd., Hongkong -

A. C., manager, New Zealand Insurance

Ellis, D., manager & act. secy., Yit-Alexin (China), Ld., Hongkong

Ellis, E. E.,Principal,

Ellis, F., sharebroker,

Ellis &E.Edgar,

E. EllisHongkong

& Co., Shanghai

Ellis, F. M., director, Yit-Alexin (China) Ltd., Hongkong


Ellis, H., manager,

H. H., managingLinotype



& Gumming, Ld., Shanghai


Ellis, K. J., sole proprietor, J. H. Ellis & Sons, Singapore f*

Ellis, N. S., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (South China), Ld., Hongkong ■:

Elliston, E. S., Elliston & Co., Shanghai

Elm, J., tidesurveyor & harbour master, Chinese Maritime Customs, Wencho v

Elm, P., mgr., East Asiatic Co., Ltd., Dairen

Elphick, H., managing director, William Jacks & Co., (Malaya) Ld., Singapore


Elser, E. E., S.,Insurance




Elster, Dr. Karl, medical practitioner, Shanghai


Elvin, A.,R.,signs J. International

per pro., EastHarvester

Asiatic Co.,Co.,Ld.,Manila


Ely, T. G., managing director, Rising Sun Petroleum Co., Ld., Yokohama

Embden, H., assistant, Carlowitz & Co., Canton

Emens, J. Scott, Emems & Co., Shanghai


Encarnacao, J. C.B., J.,attorney,


Eastern Underwriters, Oil Co.,Ld.,Hongkong


Endert, H, manager, H. Mij. Guntzel «fe Schumacher, Ld,, Singapore

Endicott, M. R., secy., American Consulate, Tientsin

Engelter, L., manager, Yitama Co., Ld., The, Tsingtao


English, Cornelius

R., vice-consul van H.,forfirst secretary,

U.S.A.. Bangkok American Legation, Peiping

Enikieff, K. B., assist.,

Ennenberg, A., Merchant, Kobe Standard-Vocuum Oil Co., Osaka


Enrile, A.J.P.,A.,lawyer,


De Witt,Kailan Mining& Ponce

Perkins, Administration, Chingwantao

Enrile, Manila


Eppstein,T. D., chartered accountant, partner, Neill & Bell, Selangor

Epstein, D.,T. partner,

manager,Asia American


Co., Tientsin and Plumbing Co., Manila

Epstein, L., manager, American Oriental Fur Agency, Tiensin

Erdmannsdorff, Dr. von, councillor, German Embassy, Tokyo


Ericson, N.,T.,H. managing

E. K., Governor of Ekman

director, the EastForeign

Coast ofAgencies,


Ericsson, vice-consul for Sweden, & dir.,

Erikson, A. C., assist, manager, General Motors Acceptance Siam Cement Co,Corpn.,

Ltd., The, Bangkok


Ernst, A., assist.,

Ernst, W., Merchant, Siber,Harbin

Hegner & Co., Kobe

Erohin, S. M., assist., Bryner & Co., Dairen

Erzinger, Th., partner, Erzinger & Co., Shanghai

Escat, P. M., International Harvester Co., Manila

Escobar, M., secy,, Tuason, Sampedro Inc., Manila

Esdale, J. B., manager, Priest, Marians & Co., Ltd,, Kobe


Esping, H.C.E.,J.,manager

manager,forSocony-Vacuum Corporation,New

Japan, Home Insurance.of Tsingtao

York, Tokyo

Ess, A. Van, agent, Van Ess & Co., Newchwang

Ess, C. F. J., deputy registrar, Supreme Court, Singapore


Ess, Thomas

Ess, Dr. B. J.,W.assist,

van, medical officer, manager,

assist, general Medical dept., Sin^fWw)i4v

Oriental '' Mining■ •’ Co.,: Seoulv’


Essen, H. von, assisstant, Deutsffii-Asiatische Bank, Canton •1 > ■ . '' '

Essen, J. M. Van, accountant, Singapore Rubber Works GA, Siiygapoi'e’ ■ :


Essig, E., manager,

E., Silk Mustard

exporter, & Co., Inc., Tientsih


Estella, J., pres., Philippine Lyric Academy, Inc., Manila

Estella, Nicholas, Fernandez TTermanos ]nc., Manila

Etlin, B., partner, Etlin & Co., Singapore;

Ettele, 0., assist, genl. mgr., StandavdWacuum Qd Co., Ypkohama


Euren, S.Dr.Y.,H.managing

Von, secretary, GermanFar

dir., American Embas' s,yi Tokyo

Eastern Match Co, Shanghai

Evamy, D.L., signs per pro., Erynei A Co., Dsiren Manila

Eustaquio, J., mgr., P., B, Artesian Water Co., Inc., •. . ..


Evans, A., Dr. E.,supt.,

assist, dentist. Evan-,Tones

Shanghai & Riddell, Shanghai

Waterworks^Co-.-Rd.,' Sha^nghai

Evans, A. C., assist., Butterfield & Swire, Hongkong

Evans, A. E., assist., Standard-Vacuum,Oil Cq., Hankow

Evans, B.A. D.,

Evans, J., pro-consul,.

first assistant,British


pbservatory, Shanghai

Kowloon, TIorigkbhg

Evans, C. A-i solicitor, Koek & Evans, Singapore

Evans, C. F!, Clifford-Wilkinspn .Tansan Mineral W.ater C^jLdl^ Shanghai

Evans, C. T., representative, S\m Life A^suiame Co. of Cmada, Amoy

Evans, D. B., solicitor, Jchnsoii, Stokes'

Evans, D. W., Financial offiebr, Criminal Intellegenoe dept., S.S.

Evans, F. S., manager, Manufacturers Life Insurance Cto, Singapore

Evans, G. C., Oriental Consolidated Mining Co., Taracol, Seoul

Evans, H. H.,

Evans, H. W., manager,


proprietor,Henty A; Co., Kobe

II. ML.Evans

Evans, J. G.,

Evans, J., supC,"'GHongkopg

assistant, overnment,Electric


Co., Ld., Hongkong

Evans, J. J., mang. dir,. Evans, ck Sons, Ld., Shanghai

Evans, J. P. P., ComniissTdher of Police, Kedah' ! 1


Evans, J.L. W.,

M., manager, Govt.'ColH^ries, Sarawak

director, Hutteribache,'Lid., Penang' ; ‘


Evans, N. L., Wilkinson, Hcywopd & Clark., Tietitsin

Evans, R.Dr.F.,L. district

W., dhiefofficer,

medical officer,British

Kudat, KelantanNorth 'Borneo ' . i: ,

Evans, R. J., agents Eastern'Smelting

Evans, R. T., attorney & counsellor-at-Law, Tientsin Co., Ld., Bangkok'


Evans, T.S., L.,partner




Evan^ & Co., iLdgKobe

Singapore !

Evans, T. H., assist., Op'penheimer & Cie,.,

Evans, W. E., works foreman, United Engineers, Penang Ltd.' , Kobe

Evans, W. G., medical officer, Medical Departtafent,' Brunei, N. B.

Evelie, H., accountant, Banque de I’lndo-Chine, Hongkong '


Everest, E. J.,

R. H. inspector

H., director,of Boust’ead

works, fe CouHongkong

P.W.D., Ld'.VSingiipoi'e .;. !

Everett, H. S., gen. mgr., Palacte Theatre,

Everett, L., president, Everett, L„ Inc., Shanghai

Everingham, H. L., manager, Makbjker,' McBbatH &.Cb:, Kobe •

Everitt, J.A. W.

Everts, J., signs per pro.,,Pritchard

B., presideht Koninklijke & Co.' , Ltd.,'Penang

Paketvaart Mij.,J Batavia .

Evington, Engineer CommandferHI. 1 B., assist, naval attache, British Embassy, Tokyo

Ewers, E. M., m.d., medical, officer, Oripiital CbtsORdated

Ewing, A. A., manager, Shanghai Electric Cdnstrpctaprt Co. ,,Ld., Shanghai Mining

; Co., Seoul

Ewing, J. D., partner, Syme & Co-.^Batavia

Excell, W. C., assist, siipt., Hongkong & Kowloon Wharf A'Chdown'Co., Ld., HpngkbnK


Exell, A.F. K.,

S., sub-accountant,

agent, Siam CommercialChartered.Bank,BankLd., of India,

Lam pang Australia

branch,K Bangkok

China, Kobe

Exley, H. A., superintendent engineer, Mansfield & Co., Singapore

Eyde, A^,' secretary, Directoratp, General of Posts, Shanghai

Eymard, M., eleetrical engineer', SobifitO Afibnyme de Kinta, Perak '



Eynard, G., Taupin & Co.. Hanoi

Eynard, L., consul'for France, Canton


Ezra, C., EzraL.,&accountant,

Co., ShanghaiBanque de rindoiCIiine, Yunnaiifu

Faber, A. G., representative,

Faber, J. G., acct., Philips’ China Lobnitz

Co., ifeShanghai

Co., Ld., Ipob, Perak

Faber, S. E., Consulting Civil Engineer, Shanghai

Fabre, A., chairman,

Fachtmann, Racine

F., partner, et Cie.,& Shanghai

Winckler Co., Yokohama

Fachtmann, T., assist, partner, Sale & Co., Yokohama

Faers, H. B., director, Hardy, Gatliff

Fafart, G., acct., ■ Banque de ITndochine, & Co.,,Peiping


Faid, W., professbr of Physics, The University,

Fairbairn, W. E., superintendent, Municipal Police Hongkong

dept., Shanghai


Fairborn, H.

T. J.,

C., Service

Sworn buildings,

Measuner, surveyor,

tlongkong Business Keepartment, Nanking

Fairchild, F. A., managing director, Fairchild & Co., Ld., Tientsin


Fairfield, R,G.,G.,Philippine


Bank, TientsinManila

Fairgrieve, J., installation manager, Asiatic

Fairman, F. F., manager, Dodge & Seymour, Ld., Shanghai Petroleum Co., (North China), Ld., Hankow


Faith, J. A. A., J., principal agricultural

commissioner, officer,Kukup,

Land Office, Agricultural

JohoreDepartment, Johbre

Fajardo, J., director, Philippine Health Service, Manila

Falcon, A., proprietor, Falcon Auto Repair Shop, Manila


Falcon, C.F.R.,L.,assist,

manager,manager, Falcon Electrical Manila

Falian, partner, Falcon Electrical

L. Leybold Shokwan, Supply,


Fancott, H., secretary and store manager, Gammon (Malaya), Ld., Singapore

Fannikke, S., supt., godowns and wharves, East Asiatic Co., Ld., Bangkok

Fano, R., director, International Savings Society, Shanghai

Fanovard, C., Cie de Commerce et de Navigation d’Ext.-Orient, H’phong

Fantham, H. H., assist., Hongkong and Kowloon Wharf & Godown Co., Hongkong

Faracho, C., Cie Italiana d’Extremo Orient, Shanghai


Farjon, A., accountant,Descours BanqueetdeCabaud,

ITndochine, Yunnanfu

Farmer, P.,A. directeur.

V., dir. mgr., Imperial ChemicalHanoi Industries (China) Ld., Tientsin

Farmer, C. L., assist., Douglas Lapraik & Co., Hongkong

Farmer, W.

Farmer, P., merchant, F.Ferguson,

D. FarmerFarmer

& Co. and consul for Norway, Newchwang

Farnan, F. A., assist., Phoenix Assurance Co., Co.,

R., partner, & Ld., Canton



Farnworth,Thomas W., Henry Hunter,

G., accountant, Hongkong Bayne & Co., Manila

& Shanghai Banking Corp., Singapore

Farolan, Modesto, general manager, Monday Mail, Manila

Farquharson, A. N., partner, Hallam & Co., Selangor

Farquharson, Dr. D., resident surgeon, Lester Chinese Hospital, Shanghai


Farrell, A.P. E.,T.. assistant,


engineer &andSwire, Hongkong

surveyor, Hongkong

Farrell, R. E., consul for Spain, assist., Hongkong

Farrer, R. J., director, British Malaya Trustee & Executor TelephoneCo-,Co.,Ld.,Ld..Singapore


Farriere, M.,J.,accountant,

Farrington, manager. Banque de

Siamese Tin ITndo-Chine,

Syndicate, Bangkok

Ld., Takuapa, Bangkok

Fassman, F. F., general manager,. Dodge


Faucherand, A., directeur-adjoint, Banque des

G., Cie. Franco-Asiatique de Saigon,



Faulkner, J. H. R., gen. manager, Hall & Holtz, Ltd., Shanghai

Faulkner, O.. Nurupi Kozan K. K., Seoul

Faglknor, J. H. R.„genera] manager, Hall & Holt, Ld., Shanghai


Fauraz, E.H, marshal French

E., secretary, Tj.S. Court for China,

Municipal Shanghai

Council, Shanghai

Faure, E., manager, Japan Import

Faure, P. H. Muwro., manager, Asiatic Petroleumand Export Commission

Co.-, (NorthCo:,China)

Kobe Ld., Wuhoe

Faurisson, R., sub. agent, Compagpie Des Megsageries Maritimes, Singajxn e


Fauvel, M., agent, Union Insurance

Fauzy, Dr. M., Consul for Egypt, Kobe Society of Canton, Ldl, Haiphong

Fawcett, Capt. A. E., district engineer, F.M.S. Railways, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

Fawcett, G. H., agent, Kailan Mining Administration, Tientsin


Fawcett, K., R. A.,assistant

assist., manager, Glen Line

Hongkong.and EasternBanking

Shanghai Agencies, Ld., Shanghai

Corporation, Singapore

Fay, J. M. A., deputy commissioner, Chinese Maritime Customs, Shanghai

Fegen, Capt. F. H„ surveyor to Lloyd’s agents, Kobe


hily, J.P.,P.,assist.,

Port health


& Co.,andYokohama

inspector of Emigrants, Hongkong

Feilden, L. J. A., assist., Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Oorp., Singapore

Feimann, Y. E., signs per pro, Bornemann & Co., Canton


Felix. .I.,R,cashier.

H., manager, R. H.National

Philippine Fel'gate &Bank,

Co., Shanghai


Fell, W. A., dir., Harper, Gilfillan & Co.

Felshow, G., assist., Little, Adams Y Wood, Hongkong and Singa'poije Improyejnent Trust, Singapore!

Feltham, S. C., architect, Public Works Department, Hongkong

Feltman, C., manager, Feltman Bros., Manila

Fendlason, E. H., acct., Texas Co., (China), Ld., Shanghai

Fenffe, J.. D. de, actg. consul-general for Belgium# Shanghai

Fenkl, F., Reuter Brockeimann «t Co., Shanghai

Fenton, Dr. F. G., medical officer of health. Kulangsu Mnnicipal Offige, Amoy

Fenton, G. C., Postal dept., Jesselton, British North Borneo

Fenton, S. G., assist., Butterfield & Swire, Hongkong

Fenwick, F. H., sub-accountant,* A. Bendixsen & Co , Ld., Penang

Fenwick, F. H., sub acct., Chartered Bank of India, AuStr. «fe China, Penang

Fenwick, T. J. J., Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corpn., Hongkong

Fergan, M. manager. Hall cfe Holtz, Ltd,, Tientsin


Ferguson, J.G. C.,P., assist.,

assist, master, King’s .College,

Taikoo Dockyard Hongkong I>o.,!Hongkbng

and Engineering,

Ferguson, J. H„ partner, Ferguson, Farmer & Co:, Canton

Ferguson, M., electrician, Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Co., Ld-» Hongkong

Ferguson, R., assist., Smith, Bell & do., Ltd.. Manila

Ferguson, R. O., C.A., chartered accountant, .Fleming A Williamson, Manila

Fergusson, J. C. G., agent, Honglfong & Shanghai Banking Corporation, Canton

Fergusson, T., craft supt., Hongkong & Kowloon Wharf & Godown, Co., Ld., Hongkong

Fermont, A. A., director, Fermont Cuypers, N. V., Batavia

Fermus, R., attorney-at-law', E, R. Fermus & R. Hoselitz Law Office, Tientsin

Fernandes, B. de S., assist, manager, Macao Electric Lighting Co., Ld., Macao

Fernandes, D., manager, WitkoXyski & Co., Nagoya

Fernandez, Luis A., auditor, Fernandez ,Hermanns, Inc., Manila

Fernandez, F., treas., Mount Arayat Sugar Co., Manila*

Fernandez, Jose, F., president, Fennamdez Bermands Inc., Manila

Fernandez, Y. T., consul for Costa Rica, M anila

Fernando, E. R. A., managing director, Malay Peninsula Agency, Singapore

Fernandez, A. T. private secy, to puisne Judge, Supreme Court, Singapore


Ferrandiz, dav. R., consul Cigar for Italy,digarette.

MukdenManufacturing do., Manila

Ferreira, Dr.M.,daAlhambra

Silva, Consul for& Portugal, Shanghai

* Ferreria, C„ manager, Manila Publishing Co., Manila

Ferrer, E. V., consul-general for Spain,' ShanghaiCo., Manila

Ferrer, A., assistant manager, Athletic'Supply

Ferrers, H. N., director, Malayan Collieries, Ld., Selangor


Ferrier, J.C. W.,

A. W., agent,

consul fbr FTdngkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation, Saigon

Portugal, Manila

Ferrier, Y. E., managed, V. E. Ferrier, Canton

Fessenden, S., director, Shanghai Waterworks, Co., Ld., Shanghai

Fetherstonhaugh, G., British Almeripan Tobacco Co. (China), Ld., Hankow


FetterlyF. K.C., F.,secretary-treasurer,

agent, Canadian PacificFette Rug Col, Fed.

Railway Inc., Peiping

Co., Shanghai •

Fey, P. J. H. G., Netherlands Asiatic Trading,Cd., Kobe

Fiehet, C., managing dir., die Forestiere Indochinoise, Saigon



Fichter, Paul J., agent, Anderson, Clayton A, Cp., Osakp.

Fick, C., assist., Haskins & Sells, Shanghai

Fick, Kurt, manager, Monzi $ Go., Inc., ,CehU


Fickling,WF.S.,P.manager, Manila Trading &Bank

L., sub.-agent,,Chartered Supply Co., Iloilo

of India, .

Aust. E Cliina,Eitiawan, Perak

Field, G. A. C., supt. of.shipping, Miri„ Sarawak

Fielder, B. E., local secretary, Taikoo Dockyard and Engineering

Fielding, H. R., secretary, Jardine Engineering Corporation, La,, Shanghai Co., Hongkong

Fierlinger, Jan, Secretary, Czechoslovakian Consulate, Osaka

Figueiredo, H. A., accountant. Green Island Cement Cp., Ltd., Hongkopg

Figueras, J. T., direptor] Warner, Barnes & Co., (Ld., Manila

Figueiredo, E. J. de., mug., director, Hughes & Hough, Ltd., Hongkong i

Fikes, O. J., office manager, Firestone Tire & Rubber Go., Manila

Finch, F.A. G.,P., state

Finch, sub-editor. North

engineer, ChinaTaipinsr,

P.W.D., Daily Nev)$

Perakand Herald, Shanghai

Fincher, E. C., Hongkong Daily Press, Ltd., Hongkong

Fincher, E. F., assistant, Gilman & Co., Ld., Hongkong

Finck, H. S., manager, Art Furniture Depot, Singapore

Findlay, J., manager, Becos Traders, Ld., Vladivostock

Findlay, J., sub-mgr., New Engineering & Shipbuilding Works, Ld., Shanghai

Findlay, J. T., surveyor,

Findlay, Lloyd’s Register& Co.,

of Shipping, Singapore

Finlay, C.W.S.,H.,acting

manager, Sitne, Darby

3rd magistrate. SingaporeLd., Penang

Finlay, R. D„ manager, Alexandra Brick Works, Ld., Penang


Finn, j. S.,Dr.manager,

W. T., president,

Osborn &China Press,Samuel,

Co., Ld„ Ltd., Shanghai


Finnell, F. (L., partner, De Vault Co., The, J. F., Peiping

Finnie, J., acting sub-mgr., Taikoo Dockyard & Engineering Co., Ld., Hongkong


Finnigan,T., W.manager, Bangkok

B., registrar, Dock Co.,University,

Hongkong Ld., BangkokHongkong

Firth, B., partner, Wheelock & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Fischer, A. F., director, Bureau of Forestry, Manila

Fischer, F., acting consul for.Germany, Manila

Fischer, H., Propr., Fi-Ma Essences and Extracts, Manila


Fischer, K.L., H., manager.North

president, Deutsch-Asiatische

China Commercial Bank,



Fischer, O.,.signs per pro., Huber & Co., Shanghai

Fischer, Dr O., barrister, MussP, Fischer &

Fischer, R.'E., assist., Doitsu Senyro Gomei Kaisha, KobeWilhelm, Shanghai

Fischer, W., business manager, Oriental Press, Shanghai


Fisher, A.W.L.,G.,assistant,


Reuter, Brockelmann

Telephone Co., & Co.,



Fisher, F.Joe.H.,director,

Fisher, manager,Amalgamated

British-American Tobacco

Theatres, Co., Amoy

Ld., Singapore

Fisher, J.J. S.,

Fisher, A., .managing

assist., Benjamin


Potts, Ld.,




Fisher, L.Thomas

E., manager. MajorNorth-China

Gv manager. Bros., Ld., Shanghai

Daily Mail, Tientsin

Fisher, T. J., signs per pro., Butterfield & Swire, Hankow

Fisher, Julius, manager, Capital Theatre, Singapore


Fitchford,jr.,E.J.,W..manager, National

chairman, NorthAniline and ChemicaLCo.,

China Motors Corporation,Inc., Shanghai


Fittkau, H. architect and engin^i:,(Shanghai

Fitzgerald, D.. director, E..(I>, Sassoon Banking Co., Ltd., Hongkong

Fitzgerald, G. de la P. B., assist, sub-mgr., Hongkong

Fitzgerald, M., general agent, Canadian Pacific Steamships, Ld.,.Yokohama,


Fitz-Gibbon,DrW.fG.,i R. D.^direetpr of Medical

correspondence Services,

secretary Singapore

to, director of PubRc Work#, Hongkong

Fitz-Henry, J. C., inspection officer, Fire Brigade, Hongkong

Fitz-Hugh, Major T. C.. Curio dealer, Peiping -


Fitzner, N., Consul

O., assist, for'BCliristern,

manager,, ritif-h, Embassy,

HuenefeldChina& Co., Manila ,V


Fitzpatrick, J.P,,.actg.;(iep.uty state medical. & health officer, Medical Dept.,: Perak, F.M.Si

Fitzpatrick, H. A., manager, Herbert, Alfred,, Ld.,; Osaka ,

Fitzsimmons, 1st vice pres., Atlantic,, Oulf and Pacific Co., Manila

Fitzsimmons, A. E., manager, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.,.Chungking ‘ ,

Fleet, B. Hayton, proprietor-editor, Har,Mvf Observer^ Harbin

Fleet, H. A., Engineer and1 Surveyor, 'Tientsin

Fleiner, E., manager. Stoff'el ik Co., Singapore

Fleisher, B. W., proprietor, Trans-Pacific Advertising & Service Bureah,. Tokyo -

Fleming, A., partner, Fleming Brothers, Perak

Fleming, D-J-, agent, Eastern Shaeltifig Co., Ld.; Ipoh, Perak

Fleniihgv 'H.

Fleming, O. B.,

M. manager,

Le, assist.fHarrisons & Crosfield (Bofnfi/i^

^upt.,.F.M.S.,^Railways, Kgala Lumpur,Ld., Labuan B. 51. Borneo '


Fleming, J., chartered acecfmitant, Lb\Ve, Bingham A Matth^'vys, Hongkong,

Fleming, J., partner, Fleming Brothers, Perak

Fleming, J. C., signs per pro., ButtCrlield:&. Swire,,'Ichang r

Fleming, T. H., Pearson, & Co., Tokyo


Fletcher, C., E. P.,works manager,engineer,

mechanical, Ye OkieP.W.D.,:Hongkong

Printerie, Ld., Hongkong

Fletcher, F., representative, Mather & Platt, Ld., Shanghai

Fletcher, G.H. D.G.,A.,commissioner,

Fletcher, manager, Harrispns; and Belgian"and

Clrihese Maritime Cusforns,French Swatotycon^til, Pefiaftg

Fletcher, Dr. L., Medical Ptactitifiher, Manila ■’

Fletcher, 1:1. P., Surveying dent.,. Keys & DowdesvyetliSingapore •

Fletcher, S. J., consul, American Consulate, Canton

FJeury, J. J., state veterinary sfirgepn, Kedah

Flight,'Wi F., supt.. of telegraphs,, Peng^g .I ' k / . Y' ,

Fligil, L S.. signs per pro., Gershevich dkothers, Tientsin . , . ■

F:i:ies, F. G. de, cashier, Netherlands Trading Society, iSfianghai ,


inter. A., diamondH.,merchant,

military and Singapore '

naval attache, .Poland, Legation,.

, .it.', Tokyo

Flood, R. P.,

Florance, pres.,S. de,

A. M. Philippine Advertising

proprietor, Corp., Manila

Asiatift.Transpert Go., Hafbiu , : '


Flynn, F. G,A.sub-acCountant,

TTdsole partner,Chart A.. H.wedFlowerdeMf

Bank of .[pdiajife-Co.,'Australia

Selangor OJiiga, euytsiti .


Foenander, G.,A:,,G.manag^', Texas,Qq..(China),

H.j nifinager (printing dppf.),Ptd.,Kyle,H,ankow.Palmei; & Co., Ld., SeJarjgoi;' :; . ;


Fog, W., manager, M. HI, sub-editor, TimmShanghai

Fog tfe. Co., Ld., 0/Pgrak


Foggitt, H.L. W. W. L.,

T., assist,

managiii'r r, MacKenzie

Maekituson K..y.h-ti. P.ri<' i-.-;.i.'(Japan)

F Co.. ,v <'o.. T.txi., Sinimpoiv

Ld.,,Ko^e ;

Fokkes, H., partney, Folykes A'Koyh, Tokyo . ....

Fokh, 1Y, manager, Mount .M’avay Sugarpo., Manila

Foley, A., manager,

' 'oHp.lj,.,^,., manager, Japan Chronicle

II. Follet press, Kobe''

ct Cie. Shanghai .

Fomhefcaux, A. G.; agent, Mess.agebks. Maritjinfts,,Siui^ghai

Foote, Dr. D. A., consul for America^Netherfiiids.frtrilia ,


Foox, A.H.,G.,partner,


apd &cottop brqker, poox A-. CVv, Tientsin

.P*oi, Tientsin - t

Foraita, W„ partner, A Goeke & Co., JbAigk’ppg > :


Forbes, A.D. H.,

D., CQipmis.sioner,

manager, ChineseMeyer

Andersen, Mai,itiine

A (.' p Custmns,

,..,i,d Amoy

f, I'.ongkong

Forbes, D., director, Bank Line. (China) Ld;, (AnbKnv. Weir

Forbes, P.L., H.,

Forbes, district

chief officer, Klang,Federated

accountant, Selanger Malay States Railways, Kuala Lumpur

Forbes, R., acting

Forbes. R. F., Hongkong mgr,, Chartered Bank of India,.

, Aust. A. China, Penang .

Ford, E. B., vice-president-treasurer, Fidelity A Surety Co.-, Manila

Ford, E. C., service mgr., Moody, .Mark -'L;,"Shanghai ■ .

Ford, F. T. H., partner, F. Howard Ford,' Harbin ,

Ford, G. S., solicitor, Wilkinson & Grist, Hotigkor.-g' ' ' •

Ford, .1., manager, Evatt A Co., Selangor

Ford, J. T, treasurer, Municipal Counoik^liaioghd


Ford, M. C., news editor, Siiaugiiai Evening' Post and Mercury, Shanghai

Ford, P. B., Ford Delamore, Selangor

Forde, F.G.,H.,manager,

Forder, general Whiteaway,

manager, GlenLaidLine lawAgency, Shanghai

it Co., Ltd., Hongkong


Forrer, district judgeMichelin & Co., Singapore

ifc 1st magistrate, Singapore .


Forster, A.G. B.,

P., service

managing manager,

director,Mark L. Moody,

Forster Inc., Shanghai

as Go., Shanghai


Forster, L.,H. S.,professor

inst. mgr., Asiatic Petroleum

of education, HongkongCo.,University,

Amoy Hongkong


Forsyth, R. R., partner, Linstead & Da,vis, Hongkong Co., of Japan, Ld., Tokyo-

D. M., engineering manager, American Trading


Fortune, F.J. C.,S., vice-consul

accountant,forP. America,

& O. Bahkng Foochow Corporation, Shanghai i ,


Foss, B. Stuart,

T., manager,acct., Chartered

Socfin Co., Bank

Ld., of

Kuala India, Austr.Selangor

Lumpur, & China, Manila


Foster, A., sales

director, Bigmanager,

Wedge Mining NortonCo.,& Harrison

Manila Co., Manila

Foster, F. W., signs per pro., Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co., Shanghai

Foster, W.

Foster, H. B.,C., partner,

director, Ker & Co., Tobacco

Keystone Ld., ManilaCo., Ltd.,, Shanghai


Foulds, L. H., G. S.,

consul headmaster.

for Great Public

Britain, Schpol for Chinese, Shanghai


Fournier, C., controller, Banque dfe ITndochine, Shanghai

Fowler, H.

Fowler, F. W., signs per pro.,

H., managing Butterfield

director, Imperial & Swire,



Fox, C.

D. J.,

E., editor,


York China Star,

Shipley and

Inc., attorney

Shanghai andIndustries (China), Ld.,Tientsin

Counsellor-at-Law, Shanghai

Fox, H. T., managing director. Smith, Bell & Co., Ld., Manila

Foyle, J.S.,O.,accountant,

Frager, claim solicitor,

BanqueRobert Dollar Co.,Singapore

de ITndochine, Manila

Framhein, M. D., signs per pro, Carlowitz & Co., Tientsin

Framroz, P. M., proprietor, Framroz ifc Co., Singapore

France, N. H., Professor of History, .Hongkong University, Hongkong

Fraiiceschini, R., vice-consul for Italy, Saigon


Francis, M.D. A.,H.,director,

managingPark director, General

& Francis, Forge Products (1929), Ld., Shanghai



Francisco, P., repr., Venus Sales Dept., ManilaShanghai

R. E., agent, Waterlow & Sons, Ltd.,

Franck, J. Probyn, solicitor, Bailey & Perry, Hankow


Frank, R. de,resident

A. J., acting acting consul for France,

secretary, Yokohama Ld., Singapore

China Underwriters,

Franklin, Cornell S., attorney, Fleming, Franklin & Allman, Shanghai


Franklin, F.G. P.,G.,manager, HongkongUnion

branch manager, Telegraph, Hongkong

Insurance Society of Canton, Ld., Shanghai


Franks, C.

J. W.,

W., secretary

supt., to

Prison the Governor-General,

Department, Hongkong Manila


Frantz, J., agent,

G.,signs Netherlands

vice-consul forCarlowitzIndia&Commercial

Finland, FrantzRank,

mgr.,Tsingtao Medan, Sumatra

ife Co.,-Tsingtao


Fraser, G., per pro, & Co.,


Fraser, A.A. S.,

D., assistant,

assist., Taikoo Dockyard andOilEngineering

Standard-Vacuum Co.,

Co., Hongkong

Cb,, Hongkong

Fraser, E.D. M.,

J., general

director,agent, StatesChemical

Imperial Steamship Industries Hongkong

(China), -Ld., Shanghai


Fraser, J., assist., Dairy to resident,

Farm, IceResident’s Office, Co..

Frasseto, A., managing

Frattini, Lt.-Col. director,

E., military Adelphi

attache, Hotel,Embassy,

Italian Singapore Tokyo ' ; 1

Frauendorff, O., manager, Aguado Hermanos,'Manila

Frauenrath, K., secretary, German Consulate, Yokohama.

Frazar, E. W., vice-president, lYazar, Federal Inc., Tientsin

Fredericks, R. K., R.'O.A. Victor Co. of - China; Shanghai

Fredet, J., editor, Bulletin Commerciul'd’Extreme Orient, Shanghai



Free, H. D. Collins, manager, Reuters, Ld., Hankow

Freeman, H. B., manager, works staff, United Engineers, Ld., Singapore


Freeman, H. M.,G.,director,

manager, Tobacco Trading

Underwriters SavingsCorporation,

Bank for theShanghai

Far East,Tnc.j Shanghai

Freeman, O. C., secretary, Shanghai

Freeman, W. A., director, Thabawleik Tin Dredging Revolver Club, Shanghai

Ltd., Perak .

Freer, L, S„ secretary to adviser. State. Council Office, Kedah

French, J.C. J.,EL,actg.

French, vice-president and treasurer,

acct., Hongkong and Shanghai Andersen, MeyerCorporation,

Banking F Co., Ld., Shnaghai


French, R. W., sub-managerj National

Frese, O., assist., F. Feld & Co., Ld., Canton ' City Bank of New Yprk r Singapore

Frewen, , J. S., manager, Western Electric Co. of Asia',. Singapore

Frey, J., Cie de Commerce et de Navigation d’Extreme Orient, Saigon

Frey, J., manager, East Indies Trading Co., Ltd., Singapore

Frey, W.,

Frick, architect

H. W., assist,and engineer,

manager. BaselBankThe,

Chase & Frey,Shanghai


Fried, A., merchant, Furido Shokai, Tokyo


Friedman,Alex.,L., generalpres., Helena

manager,Cigar Co.,Motors,

China Manila Shanghai

Friedman, M., sales manager, China Motor, Shanghai

Friendrichsen, K., assist., lilies & Co., Yokohama


Frish, S. G.A.,E.,broker,manager,


& Frish,Kodak

Tientsin Co., Hongkong

Frithjof, Hoehmke, merchant, Shanghai

Fritz, Chester, partner, Swan, Culbertson & Fritz, Shanghai

Froese, C. T., sub^aecouhtant, P.- & O. Bankng Corph., Ld., Shanghai

Froiman, D. A., Froiman Co., Tientsin


Frolich, H.Sv„J.,signs per pro.,

managing WejlemFro!ieh,

partner, F Co.,Tselee


& Co., Ld., Canton


Prondorf, F. JR,

U. . ,


gen. per pro.,

manager, Philips’


e Wibdrg,Cp.,Shanghai


Fronk, W. J., manager, Haskins.F Sells, Shanghai

Frost, J., partner,, Frost, Bland F Co., Shanghai ,

Frost, L. G., assist., Jaimhe, Mathf'son F Co., Ld., BEdngkopg


Frost, T. N.,

G. V.,principal, Peptrealh F Co.,Lucius

assist!, Bayer-Meister Yakuhin■ Gomei Kaisha,

Hongkong .; Kobe


Fry, J., manager,It., director, ’Lobmaim

East Indies F Co.,

Trading Co.',Ld., Singapore


Fry, L. E., manager, Motion, Smith F Son, Ld., Singapore

Fry, R. M., supt. of Police, Police Department, Kedah



B., supt.

Dr. F secty., Institution

J.,C. de,

counsellor, for theTokyo

Chinese Blind, Shanghai ,

Fuchs, manager,Polish Legation,

Skodaworks Ld,,-Tokyo

Fuchs, Dr. Walter, consul for Germany,

Fuchsman, David, Dodge F Seymour, Ld., Harbin Shanghai ,

Fuchsmann, A,, manager, Lautier Fils Shokai, Kohe ,


Fuerholzer,J., mgr.,

E., gen. Camera

mgr. Supply

for Far Co.,


Transocean News Service, Shanghai

Fuggle, F. R., principal warden, Prison Department, Hongkong

Fugler, ;C. Gi, secretary, John Little F Co,, Singapore

Fugoso, V.,W.,secty.,

Fuhrhop Malayan Lumber Incorp..- Manila , ,

Fulleman, W.,prop., Windsor

partner, F Co.,F Bangkok

Diethelrn Co., Saigon , .

Fuller, O., A.partner,

Fullerton, R., FelixJaeger F Co.j Singapore

A. Joseph, Hongkong .

Fumagali, Dr. Y., manager, A. I. E. V. -O., Shanghai

E’umagalli, C., president, Shanghai Raw Silk Association, Shanghai

Furness. W. J., senipr installation inspector, Shanghai, Power CtS, Shanghai


Fusy, H. W., medicalMichelin

P., representative, officer, GeneralSingapore

Hospital, Singapore, t. , . , ; >.

Futerman, G., signs, p.p., AlexanderF Co-,. Gutbezahl Trading, Tientsin

Flawing, L., general manager, Associated Pfiodpets;Ce„'.]f{)Oc}}ow ,>

Fyffe, M. S., secretary, Britjsh MupicipaLCopnci], Tientsin ;


Gabb, T. H., Lowe Bingham & Matthwsj Shanghai


Gabbott, F.B. L., R., director


general &managing direGtor, Willow Pafefeers/Prebs^Shanghsti

Oo., Shanghai

Gaciies, Si, prest. & geo.1. mgr., Heacoek & Co.; H. ' E., Manila


Gadsby,Ramon D., secretary,

J., director, C. B. Nelson

Muller, Phipps & Col,Ltd.,

& Sellars, Manila

Tokyo ’.


Gaetjhli, K.,dhjuiceliei

H., signs ,per1,pro.,



Shanghai Bank Coii Shanghai

: !

Gahaghn, C. E., assistant, Hbpgkong Eleetric' Co.,'Hongkong •

Gain, P. D. G., director, Slo'we oj C’o., Ltd., Shanghai

Gaine, P. R., Imperial Chemical Industries^ Shanghai

Gaiser, E.,V.,vice'

Gaianti, 'pres.,general

consul ManilaforButton Factory, Manila

Italy,, Shanghai ,

Galatis, D. E., manager, General Trading Co., Tientsin

Galbraith, L, chartered accountant, Seth, Turner & Co., Shanghai


Gale, L.B. H.W., director, Harrisons,

E.,le,president, Gale King

L.“ E.Columbia,” & Erwin, Ltd-, Shanghai

Co., Tokyo


Gal bus, manager,

Gallego, M. Y., president, Katubusan,, Manila ;r

Gallinagh, J., mgr., Fogden, Brisbane ife Co., Ltd-,Singapore ; i


Gallop, E.,

H. manager,

B., manager, Gregg Co.,

American Ld., Manila

Paper Export Inc., Shanghai ;

Galloway, Sir D. J., medical practitioner, Galloway, Elder, Maclvey-ife Dohbin, S’p lv&.r'

Galloy, L. T., general manager, Societe des yerreries d’Extreipe-Griant, Ha,iphong

Gammell, E. B., mgr;, Asiatic Petroleum Co. (South China), Ld., Wuchp.w


Gande, W. M.,

J., managing director,

Price,Gande, Price, Ld., Shanghai

Gandon,W.vice-consul, assist.,French

Gande, Ld., Yunnanfu

Consulate, Shanghai and Mengtsz

Gandossi, F., assistaht, Cbrnes' & Co., Yokohama

Gange, F. B., general manager dnd secretary, GordeinHongkong

Gandy, G. H., mgr., Port Development Department, ife Co., Ld., Shanghai ,

Gannay, P., inspecteur general, BanquS'de I’Indochine, S ugon

Ganno, C. V., supervisor, Government

Gansmoe, T. B., consul for Noi«way, Kobe Monopolies Department, Singapore

Ganz, W., manager, Manila Hume Pipe and Tile

Garau, M., chief accountant, The Italian. Batik for China,' Shanghai Works Inc., Manila


Garcia, A. V., L., c.p.a.,

secretary, Italian

Garcia & Co.,Embassy,

Manila Tp’kyo

Garcia, C., vice-pres., Tuason (K Sarapedro, Inc., Manila


Garcia, E., P.,secretary, Hqskyn y Co.,Consulate,


Garcia, E.F. A., chancellor,

c.p.a., GarciaPeruvian

& Co., Manila Hongkong

Garcia, Rev. V. M., rector, St. Joseph’s Seminary, FPochow


Garden, R.,I). proprietor,

S., editor, Siam ManilaFreeFilatelica, Manila

Press, Bangkok


Gardner, E. A., executive engineer, Public Works Department, Johore

Gardner, C.G. D., F., manager, SimmonsManufacturing

manager,'Grittall Co., Manila Co.; Ld., Shanghai

Gardner, H. F. J., director, Wilde-& Co., Kuala Lumpur, Selangor - !

Gardner, H G., acting branch manager, Hnion Insurance Society of Cantoii, Ld., Tokyo ,


Gargollo, A. R.,R., partner

partner and manager,

gen. manager, Roxas y Gia., Manila

Gargollo, E.J. R., partner, andRoxas y Cia., Roxas Manilay Oia., Manila '


Garman, G.C. H., P., registrar-general,

business manager,Births Kyo Bun andKwan,




Garner, F.S.,F.,director,

yice-consu-lManila Machinery'Supply

for Great Britain, Canton 'Co., Manila. ■. .


Gamier, E.

R., R., supervisor,

assistant, Eastern,

Louis■Ggliastro Extension

& Co., & China Telegh. Co., Ld., Hongkoftg 1



Garret, W.Arthur, consulSteamship

general forLine, America, Tokyo •

Garrett, G. K.,


actg. agent, Hlongkbng Iloilo

& Shanghai Banking Corporation; Hankow '■

Garrett, S. A., manager, Whithaway, Laidlaw (CClCLd., Hankow


Oarrido, A., manager, Pasay Transportation Co.,.-Manila


Garrod, R.S. F.,H., president

assistant,and gen’l. manager,

Canadian Advertising

Pacific Railway Rameau Inc., Manila

Co., Hongkong

Garry, A. N. M., commissioner of lands, Jesseltoni B. N-B.

Gartner, R., manager, Kodak Shop, Tientsin

Gascoigne, A. D. F., second secretary, British Embassy, Tokyo

Gasser, Hch., manager, F. E. Zuellig, Inc., Cebu

Gassouin, O., French Embassy, Tokyo

Gastpar, J., m.e., manager, Sulzer Bros., Kobe i .. A

Clates, R. C., Magistrate, Brunei ‘ .

Gates, W. R., works manager, Straits Times, Singapore

Gatfield, W. K., assist, secretary'for Chinese

Gatliff, R. M., director, Hardy, Gatlifl h Co.. TientsinA flairs. Chinese Pecretariat, Singapore ‘

Gatrell, G. W., manager, States Steamship Co., 'lientsih

Gatternigg, R., engineer, U. Spalinger k Co.. Canton

Gaubert, R., manager, Banque de 'LMhNm-CWine; Ifbn^cong


Gaulstin, P.C. R.,

L., chief accountant, Katubusan,

k Co.,Manila

Gaultier, F., chiefdirector, Stephens,

engineer, Paul FninjCO-Asiatitluh

Compagnie Bangkok des Petroles, Sajgon , . ' .

Gauthier, A., Soc. des Ciments Portland Artificicls' de L’lndo-Chme, Haipbcng

Gautier, E., signs per pro., Racine et.Cie., Hankow

Gavena, Fernando, secretary, B A. G^en & Co., Manila

Gavin, M., signs per pro., U. Spalinger & Co., Canton

Gayetti, Dr. C., medical adviser. Royal States Railway of Siam, Bangkok

Geare, I.F.IT.,B.,general

Gearey, assist, manager, Standardlyacuum

sub-manager, Dodwell E Co.,OilLd.,Co..Shanghai


Geary, J. R., director, Frazar Trust Co.. Tokyo,

Geater, R., installation supt., Standard-Yacuinn Oil Co., Kiukiang

Gebaner, V., manager for Far Eastern Agencies, C.K.T. Works,, Harbin

Geber, R., hotel mgr., Wagons Bits IIotgl Terminus, Hankow

Gedeon, F., manager, Gedeon Freres, Kobe


Gee, J.C. W.,

M., manager,

manager, National

National GeneralTnsurance'Office,

Aniline and Chemical Co.,Shanghai


Geldart, F. S., secretary,;British-American Tobaeco'Cp., (China;), Ltd., Hankow

Gelderen, S. van, manager, Ocean Accident k Guaraflatee, Corporation, : Ld., Batavia


Gellion, F. J.,A.,manager,:


German Consulate,’Hongkong

Electric Lighting Co,, Macao. ; ,

Gemperle, W. F., branch mgr., Koppel (Ehillipines), Inc.; Iloilo

Genato V., pres., Genato Cotamercial Corporation, Manila


Genfer, M.F.,A.,agent,

paperCharbonnages du Tonkin, Hoifgkong

merchant, Harbin

Gensburger, Y. D., Gensburger

Gensen, F., merchant, Winckler&YCo.,

Co. Shanghai

(Hamburg), Kobe , , . ,

George, A. H.,

George, B., commercial.secretary,.British

manager, ManilaPeiping' ■


Philippine Stceihouse, Inc., :

George, J, R., manager, Charterdd Bank of India, Australia

Georgeson, P. S. A., supt. engineer, Straits-Steamship Co.,; Singapore and China, Singapore

Gerard, J.,Rene,

Gerard, engineer-in-charge, Kalian Mining

Counsellor, Belgian Administt-ation,

Legatibrij. Peiping XohgshanpTightsin

Germain, R., consul adjoint fbr ■ France, Tientsin


Gerrard, A.A.M.,E.,installation'inspector,'

assist., Boyd & Co., Hortgkong

Shanghai BoVved Co., Shanghai

Gerrard, G. W., e. i. n., commissioner, Police Forge, Sk^&hai

Gerrard, G., assist., Taikoo Dockyard and Engineering Co.,'Hongkong

Gerrard, W.W.I.,H.,professor

Gerritsen, of medicine,

fcOntrollbr, Hongkong

administrative dept..University,' Hongkong

Selat Pandjang, Sumatra

Gershevich, I. N., manager, Gershevicll Bros.. Shanghai

Gershevich, L. J., Tientsin Comhiercial Bank £,C>,e^it’Corp. Inc., T’tsin.,

Gershevich, L.M. L,I., general

Gershevich, general manager

manager and,

and pabfnm;,;Gershevich

partner, Gersbovicli Rvos^'

Bcos,, Tientsin


Gertig, C., manager, Deut‘sch-AsiatiscBe.'Ba;nk, Peiping


Gerz, E., proprietor,

1 G )erz & Co., Tientsin

Geschwind, H."‘sub.-mgr., Satil Trading Go,, Tsinan



vice-consulMuller MotorTientsin

for Austria, Agency, Bangkok '


Gibbs, A., Dr. A.,

lawyer, secretary,

Gibbs & Italian Municipal

McDonough, Council, Tientsin '

Manila- ‘ ■

Gibbs, F. S., consul for Great Britain, Canton.- - "-

Gibbings,A. F.W.S.,G.,inang.

Gibson, harbour director,

master, Dunlop

Sarawak Rubber*Co., Shanghai

Gibson, D., manager, Culty Dairy Co., Ld., Shanghai -

Gibson, E. McL., signs per pro., Sandilands, Buttery & Co,, Fonang

Gibson, F. S., director, Mansfield & Co., Ld., Singapore , - :'


Gibson, R.H. E., claim agent,

L., director, JamesRobert Dollar&Co.,

McMullan Co.,Shanghai

Ld., Shanghai

Gibson, R. McLean, medical practitioner, Hongkong

Gidley, S., Leigh & Orange, Hongkong

Giel, H.,A.,accountant,

Giesel, manager, Netherlands

Behn, Meyer TradingCo.,

(China) Society

Ld., .Singapore,.. i . G.1 * .

Shanghai *

Giffard, A., secty.. Rahang , Consolidated Co., Pahang

Gifif’Ening, J. T. L., accountant, Fogden, Brisbane c^Co,,.^^,, Horig^fgag.

Giffeh, G. W., reporter, Hongkong Telegraph, Hongkong


Giggins,E.,R. dairy secretary,General

C., manager, CultyElectrical

Dairy Co.,Co.,



Singapore' , '

Gijn, A. W. M. van. signs per pro.,'Java-China-Japan

Gil, E. R., assist., Warner, Barnes ifc Co., Iloilo Lijn, Shanghai


Gilchrist,G.J.W.,T. K.,


Municipal PoliceP.W.D.,

storekeeper, dept., Shanghai


Gildea, J., assist, manager, Eastern and Oriental Hotel, Penang


ile, C.A.A.,L. sales representative, Miller Rubber

V., assist.,. Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Export Oorp,,

C6.j Ld.,Singapore


Giles, E. S., Imperial Chemical Industries,


Gilhouser, H., manager, Standard-V acuum Oil Co., Cebu Shanghai

Giliberto; G., des

Gilis, J., chef assist., Standard-Vacuum

infirmeries, Oil Co., Shanghai

French Municipality, Shanghai

Gill, A. A., Great Northern Telegraph Go., Ld., Hongkong


Gill, A. W. B., assistant engineer, Municipality, Singapore

Gill, Dr.

D. P.,D.manager,

Hope, medical practitioner,

American Oriental Macgown, Anderson & Tientsin

Banking Corporation, Durban, Hongkong



postmaster general, Hongkong

traffic assistant, ■

Sai-awak1 Tramways, .-

Ld., Hongkong .

Gilles, R., fondfi de pouvoirs, Denis Freres, Haiphong


Gillespie, A., Gillespie

A. D., assist.,&SymeCo., Manila

& Co., Bangkok


Gillespie, Dr. F. D., medicalManila

Gillespie, A. T., merchant, officer, Medical department, Negri Sembilan

Gillespie, H., assist., Harrisons .& Crosfield, Ld. & pro-consul for Great Britain, Sumatra


Gillett, M.R.C.,D.,acting



for Great Britain,Chemical

NankingIndustries (China), Ld/ H’kong

Gilliam, J., British Cigarette Co., Mukden,

Gilliam, W., supt., Post and Telegraph ■ Department, Perak


Gilman, P.R.,S.,electric manager, Trading

agent, American Manila Electric (jo., Manila

Co., Ihc.,[Shanghai


Gilmore, S., broker, Doney & Co., Tientsin of India, Aust. and China,. Hongkong;

D. J., sub-aecouptant, Chartered. Bank

Gilmour, A., district

Gilmour, officer, Ulu Kelantan

Gilmour, I.C. J(J. assist.

B., bacteriologist, Municipal

supt.^Gpyernment Health dept.,

Monopolies SingaporeSingaporet


Gilmour, O. W.', assist, engineer, Municipality, Singapore


Gilson, representative,


YaoChase SingaporeGlass Co,, Chinwangtao



Gimson, L. L:, accountant, Bank, Hongkong

Gine, P. A.S. N.,

F., chief civil engineer,

accountant, Public Works,

Credit Foiicier'd’Extreme dept.,Oriente,



Ginman, A. H., managing-director, Chinese National Wireless Telegraph Co., Shanghai

Ginsbourg, U. M., veneer and plywood merchant, Shanghai

Ginsburg, S. Z., manager, International Insurance Office,. Harbin

Gipperich, H., consultor; Germany, Hongkong

Girardot, P., civil engineer, Brossard Mopin Etablissements, Singapore


Girivat, E.,

L., proprietor,

manager, Siam Giraud,


Co., Ld., Bangkok

Gironi, y„,A.,manager,

Gisbert, assistant,LaSmith,


Bell Soies,

& Co., Shanghai


Gjodesen, W., manager, East Asiatic Co., Ld., Penang

Glagoleff, D., manager, Asi,a Life, InsuranceWearneRros.,'Ld

Glad well, W. H., manager,. (E.ord

r division), Co.,j^atavia f,Pena!ng 7 v.

Glaiserman, J. M., managing proprietor, Glaiserman Inc., Manila. , . ,

Glanville, A. P., overseer, Public Works dfTpU Hongkong 1

Glass, A,. O,, manager, Standard-Yacuum Oil Co., Haiphong

Glass, D. R., Lowe,1 Bingham'& Matthews,’Shanghai

Glass, M. A., assist., Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corp., Hankow

Glass, S. W., manager, British-Anierican Tobacco Co. (China), Ld., Tsinan




Glathe & Home Insurance Co. of New York, Tokyo

Witt, Shanghai'

Gleed, P. S., acct., British Cigarette Co., Idd., Tsingtao

Gleeson, V. V., sub-aceountant, Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China, Bangkok


Glendinning, W. F,, signs per pro.,

S., outside supt.,Jacks & Co., (Malaya),

Hongkong Tramways,Ld.,Ld.,William, Pefak



Glenny, G., partner, OsborneDrs.

practitioner, & Chappell,

Eowlie Perak Black, SingapotO

Glied, M.,F.,signs

Glineur, phr pro.,:

secretary, Schnabel,

Credit FoncierGaurner

d’Extreme Y Cp., Shanghai

Orient, Singapore

Glover, A- E,, director, Kelly & Walsh,

Glover, A. H., secretary, Municipality, Malacca Ld., Shanghai

Glover, C. W., senior assist, engineer. Public' Works department, Shanghai

Glover, E. H., engineer, Federated Engineering Co., Ld,, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

Glover, E. M., manager, Malaya Tribune Press, Ld., Singapore

Glover, F. H., assist, general manager, Hdugkohg Team ways, Ld;, Hongkong ; :


Gluth, S.,H.,controller,


Brothers (China),. Ld., Shanghai

Internationale des Wagons Lits, Harbin

Goddard, F. E. H., subi-aCct., Chartered

Godding, Capt. A. C., managing director, Macphail Bank of &India, Australia

Co. (Ipoh), China,

Ld., Ipoh, PerakSaigofi

Godwin, Major G, \V., veterinary officer, Clii’na Command, Hongkong

Goeke, A., manager, A. Goeke ife Co., Hongkong


Goetzee, J.Fr.,J.,A.,manager,

manager, Golden Star

general manager, Co,, Tientsin


Goffinet, Gully & Col, J., TientsinLaidlaw Co., Ld., Penang

Gohring, A., manager, S. J. Betines

Goho, S. C., barrister-at-law, Rogers Son,Peiping



Goila, J. S., manager, Wayside Pharrpacy, Shanghai.

Goitia,B.,Dr.engineer, Hongkobg Hotel

R., physician-siirgeon, Garage, Hongkong

Manila :

Goldau, H., manager, Konietzke & Goldau .Motor Works, Tientsin

Goldberg, Dr. I. A., co-proprietor, International Dental & Medical Polyclinic, Shanghai

Goldberg, O.R., S.,signs

Goldberg, manager,

per pro.,FarGutbezahl

Eastern Drug Trading Trading Co., Shanghai

Co., Tientsin

Goldenberg, C- A., assistant, N. S. Moses it Co., Ld., Hongkong


Goldehberg, M., W., mgr., Goldonberg,

manager, N. S. Moses McLeod

& Co.,

Co., Manila



Lopato itSecretaria,t,

Sons, Harbin Municipality, Singapore

Golding, C. G., secretary,' Chinese National Wireless Telegraph Co-, Shanghai

Golding, Wm., general manager, Commercial ^xpress an'd Storage Co., Shanghai

Goldman, A., manager, Witkowski ife Co., J.,'Kdbe

Goldman, L., assistant, Gilman & Co., Hongkong

Goldsborough, E., International Harvester Co., Manila

Golenpolsky, E. 0., manager, American Asiatic Underwriters, Harbin


Oc»lu*ku, Lcj'aisi.sit. mgr., ikinhyi}^ Bros.-, Afeiftita :

Gromha, P., W,

Gomersall, partC.,&managing

mgr., Gomba & Hermosiira,'Mimi'la

director, China Engineers, Ld., - ^hartg^ibi'


Gomes, C.Dr.T.,S. sub-manager,

G. Kirk by, medical International

otfieet of'SavisgsSociety,

HealWi, ShanghaiCahtdlr >• ■ •'

Gomiz, V..C.,accountant,

Gonella, civil Central

engineer, Azucarrera

Hazeland and de Bai’s,

Gone! 14, : Manila

Hongkong :

■ ■ >'


Gonzaga, A. de, Cie. de Commerce et de Navigation d Ex!treme Orient,


Gonzalez, F.,F., vice-president,

proprietor, Manila LimeDevelopment,

Corporation Manilaof the Philippines-, Manila .' ' • . -.

Gonzalez, J. M., director, Tuason-San4pedroV Inc., Manila

Gooch, S. J. W., acting executive engineer, P.W.D., Selangor

Gooch, W. E., Gillon & Co., Yokohama


Good, S.W.J. W.,

It., acting

Gillon state

& Co.,engineer,

Yokohama .

Public Works-Department, . , Taiping,

. Perak

Goodale, A. V., manager, Ronep, Ld., Singapore :

Goode, W. A. C., assist,

Gooding, C.A. R.,D., manager, secretary, Residency’

Peabodyaccountant,' and

& Co., Shanghai Secretariat, Selangor

Goodliffc, a.c.a., chartered Fleming; WlllhxmsOh. Manila

Goodman, A. M., resident-councillor, Resident Gdhnclllor’s G|llce) Penang

Goodman, 1! J , supt , stores debt . Hongkong HarbiA

Goodman,.R. C., manager, Becos-Tradefs Ld., ^tul Whampoa Dock Co., Ld., Hongkong

Goodson, J. G.,'assist: manager, Claude Neon Lights, Fed. ino., H.SlA:, Shanghai.

Goodwin, D. A.,"aksi!it: ning. director, W. S. Bailey Cd., Ld.i H'diigkprtg

Goodwin, F., assist, manager, Hongkong & Chitia Gas Co., Hongkong : ,


Goold, J.A.,C.,service


manager,.North Chjna Motors Oil

Standard-Yacutiitt' Corporation,

Co^Yokohama' Yiehtsin ‘

Gordon, A.A. G.,

Gordon, H., assistant,

mgr. & chief Jardine,

engr., MattiM^


Qo.^Ld., Hongkong C6., H’kon'g. & S’hai


Gordon, E.C. H.,

W., agent


agent,. Everett, ine.. L.,Banking

& Shanghai Kobe' Corpil., Tsingta©

Gordon, G.Dr.G.,E. assist,

Gordon, M., health surgeon,

manager, Theo.U.S.A. Gonsnlate,

H. Davies & 0b.|Hoh'



Gordon, J., San Francisco del'Mortte, Manila

Gordon, J. M., Glen Line Eastern. Ageincies, Ld., Shanghai

Gordon, M. R., advertising dept., Asiatic, Petrole u gi Co. (North China), If!., Shanghai.


Gordon, V.R„ R.,.


assist, .Jardine,

secretary, Matheson


Tramways, Ld., Hongkong

Gordon, W., controller, Government Monopolies-Department, Singapore .

Goring, G. A., chief acct., L. Moore it Co., Ld.,-Shanghai

Gorman, N. A., director, McDonnell & Gorn^an,'Hongkong


Gorton, Ramon, c.P.A., HehPy for

F. G., consul-general Hunter,



SaigonManila , ' ' :

Gortz, E., circulation manager, SportingWorld,

Gosch, H., manager, Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen, Hlanila Shanghai

Gosewisch, W., signs per pro., Shingming Trading Oo.. Tientsin

Gosling, G., harbourmaster,

Gosfried, Chinese Maritime Customs, Niilgpo

Gotla, N. A.,1)., acct., Wilkinson,

local manager' Hey wood

, Yasutlia it Clark,

it Co., Shanghai


Gotts, W., branch manager, Fraser it Neave, Ld., Perak


Goubert, F.,T. accountant,

A., secretary,ThftTe'xas

Pakniam Railway Co., Ld.,

Co. (China), Bangkok

Saigon :


Goulborn, L., electrical

V., works engr.;

manager, Soc. Anonyme des Etains de

Hongkong. Rope Manufact.ut:ing;Co., Kinta, Ipoh, Perak

Gould, J., Gould & Co., Hongkbiig ., , * : Ld., Hongkong.


Gould, J. H. Baring, dist. mgr., Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Iid„ Penang

Gould, R.R., J.,editor^ A'/jarap/gw

secretary, Evening

British Post &Bi,bl,e

it Foreign Merqury, Shanghai

Society, Hankow

Goult, C. H. W., Singapore Free Pre^A Singapore (


Gourlay, Dr. A., medical practitk>nei>, t Hongkong

Gourley, L.W.H., N., Consul


U.S. A.,K'uantan,'‘Pahang

Hbngkorig' '

Gowdy, J., pres., Fttkien Christifih Univer^itylFodchhw

fOkkigx JiksirjiENi^ i1it»



f, district oliicer, AlorExteiifefoa

Gajali, Malacpa

TftlOgraph Co., Ld./^driaAg'1

Graburn, N, E. B., manager; Goodwood Bark Works,'.Singapore

Graaf, C. de, works supt., .' S ingapore liubbek Hotel, fSitigapore

Graca, E., Graca A Co., Hongkong

Gracey, S. P., Gracey &

Gracias, M.Dr.H.,A. vice-consulPearsons, Hankow

Gradow, G., specialistforinPortugal, CantonShanghai

skin, diseases,

Grady, J., assist, engineer, China Light arid Power Co., Ld.; Hongkorig

Graffj A., assist, mgr., Credit Eoncier D'Extreme Orient, Singapore

Graham, A., surveyor'of ships,: machinery, etc., for Penang

Graham, D., proprietor, Teluk Anson Cash Chemists, Pefak


Graham, J. VE., manager, Union Oil Go.Harbour

J. C., govt, marine surveyor, Singapore B. ■ST. Borneo

dept., Sandakan,

of Galifornia,

Graham, K. E., assist., Stahdard-Vacuum Oil Co., Slkinghai

Graham, R. S., accountant, Mercantile Bank of India, Hongkong ■ '

Graham, T. C., assist., Standard-Yacuum Oil Co., Shanghai

Graham, T. J., auditor, Kailan Mining Administration,'ideritsift

Graham, W.

Graham, W. G.S., C., vice-consul

Elbrook for British

Incorporated, Embassy, China


Gramer, K. van, mgr., Houten Steffan & Co., Padang

Gramson, K. N., Kowloon Dispensary Co., Ld., Hongkohg

Gran, A. L., merchant, & Engineer, Mukden .

Gran, E. M., architect, Davies &, Brooke, Shanghai

Granberry, P. P., sub-accountant, National City Bank qf Ne\v York, Harbin


Grandon,M.,J. manager,

N., businessStorch Brothers,

manager, China.Penang

Traders Corporation, Shanghai

Gransden, J. C., engineer, Guthrie & Co., Ld., Perak

Granso, J. C., Guthrie & Co., Ld., Singapore

Grant, A. J., Asiatic Petroleum Co,, Shanghai


Grant, D.C< M.,

V., manager,

accountant,D. M..National

Grant City

& Co.,Bank of ISfew York, Kobe:


Grant, E, G., Resident, Tawau, B. N. Borneo

Grant, Geo., accountant, Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, Perak

Grant, G. D., superintendent, Shanghai & Hopgkew.VVharf Co., .Ld,, Shanghai

Grant, G. L.assist,

Grant, P., S., assist,

supt., mgr.,

PoliceThe Eastern.Extension

Headquarters, Hongkong Telegip.pb Go., .Ltd., Manila

Grant, P. S., assist., Butterfield & Swire, Hpng.kQiig

Grant, W. J. A., sub-agent,.Chartered Bank of India, Aust. and China, Alor Star, Penang

Grant, W. S., special, representative, Union Oil Co. pf California, Manila

Graver, G. S., engineer. Public YYorksidept., Etongkpng

Graves, H. A., consul for Great Britain, Kp.be

Gray, A. director, Shanghai Gas Co., Ltd.,, Shanghai


Gray, A.,

F. C.,manager, Chartered

Gray Trading Co..Bank of India, Australia and China, Harbin j


Gray, H. C., sub-manager, Union Insurance,Society of Canton, Ld., Hongkong

Gray, J.,

Gray, J., surveyor,

chief medical officer, General

Carmichael, LennoxHospital,

and Gray,Singapore


Gray, Dr. J., State surgeon, medical dept., Kedah


Gray, R., assist., Taikoo Dockyard and .Engineering. Shanghai

Jas. A., manager, Eastern Underwriters, Ld., Co., Hongkong


Gray, S., engineer,

S. A., reporter,Hongkong



Dock Co.-, Ld„ Kowloon, Hongkong

Gray, S. A., Hongkong

Gray, Wm. N., Gray Trading Co., Shanghai

Grayburn, Y. M., chief manager, H’kong and Shanghai Banking'Corporation, H’kong!

Graye, H.,F.managing

Greatrex, C., consuldirector,

for GreatConcrete


NagasakiLtd., Hongkong.

Greatwood, H. R., special rPpres., Union Oil Co.-of California, Shanghai

Greaves, A. W., supt., Trade & Customs,: Selangor

Greaves, Dr. A. V., bacteriologist, BacterioldgiCE),! Ilistitu^eJ, Hongkbiig

Green, A. E., mafthget*,’North British ah’d MercantileThsurariee^Cb.,'Sihgapore:


Green, B. A., proprietor, Green

Green, C. H., chief secretary and accountant, Whangpoo Conservancy Board,, Shanghai

Green, C. L., partner, Osborne & Channel, Ferak

Green, D. S., assist., Duplop Rubber Co., Hongkong

Green, G. H., jr., sub-accoumt., iNational'City of New York, Tientsin

Green, G. G., secy., Eastern Engineering Works, Tientsin

Green, J.,H.,controller,

Green, supt., Botanical &andTelegraphs,

Foresty dept.,

Postsdirector, Hongkong

Green, J. E. K., managing GreenPenang

and Collier, Singapore

Green, J. H., Far Eastern manager,Thos, Cook

Green, N. M., Chartered Bank qf India, Australia and China, Kobe

Green, P. H,P.manager,

Green, Dr. W., medical Salepractitioner,

A,0©., lid., Osaka



Green, S.R. E.,A, sales



and Shanghai

HotelBanking Corporation, Hankow

.Gai-age, Hongkong

Green, T. J. A. manager, The Eastern Agencies Ld., Singapore


Green, W.W. R.H.,C.,accountant, "General

first secretary, PostEmbassy,

British Office, Singapore


Greene, G. W., director, Concrete,Products Ltd., Plongkong

Greene, R. S., vice-director, Peiping Union

Greenfield, H. F., manager, Moutrie & Co., Ed-, Tientsin Medical College, Peiping

Greenfield, J. A., secretary, Directorate General of Posts, Foochow

Greenfield, J. N., in charge, Post office, Tsingtao

Greenland, W. G., Greenland & Sons, :Tientsin

Greenland, W. T.., Greenland Sons, Tientsin

Greer, J. C., manager, Hscolta Drug Co., Manila

Gregg, R. W.,chartered

Gregoire, proprietor,accountant,

Asia Glass Co., Shanghai

Gregor, I.,P.,assist., Smith Bell & Co., Marcel Darre, Shanghai

Ld., Cagayan, P. I.

Gregor, R. G., assist., Smith, Bell Co., Ld., Manila

Gregory, C. L., assist., Dairy Farm, Ice and

Gregory, H. M., director, Ipekdjian Brothers, Ltd., Shanghai Cold Storage Co., Ld., Hongkong

Gregory, J. J,, inspector, Sanitary dept., Hongkong

Gregory, L., sub-accountant, Chartered Bank of India, Australia arid China, Singapore

Gregory, R. H., director, British Cigarette Co., Ld., Shanghai

Gregory, S. O.,manager, Kelly & Walsh, Ld., Shanghai

Gregory, T. M., E.,

Gregory-Jones, director, T. M.

director, GregoryNelson

Stanton, & Co.,& Hongkong

Co., Singapore

Greig, Dr. D. S., Drs. Jamieson, Sharp & McKern, Penang

Greig, J. C:, spr. assist.. Secretariat, Municipal Council, Shanghai


Greig, K. E., manager, Taikoo Dockyard Whampoa Dock Co.,Co.,

and Engineering Hongkong

Grein, J.,W.,manager,

shipwright, Hongkong

J. Grein & Co.,arid

Shanghai Hongkong

Greiser, B.,J.secretary,

Grenham, C. M., agent, German Consulate, Life

Manufacturers DairenInsurance Co., Hongkong


Grenouillat, V., assist., Cie Franco-Asiatigue des Petroles, Saigon ,


Gressitt, C.,J. F.,manager (factory),

treasurer, Baptist Fr.Headquarters,

Reiber, Shanghai Tokyo

Grew, J. C., Ambassador for America, Tokyo

Grew, R., Canadian Government Trade Commissioner, Kobe


Grey, G.W.,W.,signs assist., Hongkong

per pro., RobinsonLand Investment

Grice, N., 2nd magistrate & marriageJr registrar,

Co., Ld., Singapore



Grieder, P.,P. A.,


LingnanKobe University, Canton


Grierson,H.,R.signs per pro.,deputy

C., acting Reuter, BrockelmannChinese

commissioner, A,Go., Maritime

Canton . Custrims, fTientsin

Griessinger, P., directeur,

Grieve, J.R. B.,J., assistant, Ecole de I’Etoile


Barnes & Co., du Matin, Tokyo


Grieves, J. E., assist,,

manager, Jardine,

Whiteayray, LaidlawCo., Ld.,





Ld., Formosa


Griffin, C., acct., Jardine,

, Matheson & Co.., Ld.,

Griffin, R.,J^ ,wbreai t«r,.^



Griffin, W. G., assist., Hongkong Telephone Co., Ld., Hongkong

Griffith, G. V. A.,

Griffith-Jones, O. medical officer,

P., partner, MddicaTdept.,

Saunders & Macphail,Hongkong


Griffiths, C. S., supt., Land dept., Sarawak

Griffiths, E. A., assistant, Jardine, Mathesdh Jc'Go., Ld'., Hongkong

Griffiths, F. J.,J., cargo

Griffiths, H. inspector, Putterfield& Co.,Swire,

Kobe Shanghai

Griffiths, L. J. F.,partner, J. L.P.W.D.,

overseer, Thompson Hongkong

Griffiths, O. A., chaplain, British Embassy, China

Griffiths, R. H., assist, master, QueeiTs College, Hongkong

Griffiths, W. G., supt'., General Post Office, Singapore

Griffiths, W. L., sub-acct. pro/mgr., National 'City Bank of New York, T’sim

Griggs, G. W. R., telegraph sub-engineer, P.W.D., Hbngkohg


Grilk, G. J.,P.soleS., acting

manager,director, Cie FraiiftoiSe

J. Krijgsman & Co;, deShanghai

Commerce en Chine, Shanghai

Grill, Max, import merchant, Tsingtao

Grimble, E., assistant, Geo. Grimble & Co., Hongkong

Grimes, C. A., chief. draughtsman, Public Works dept., Hongkong

Grimes, E.T. M.,

Grimm, E., works'dept.,

secty., LuzonButterfield

Stevedoring& Swire, Hongkong

Co., Inc.- Manila

Grimmett, A. W., revenue

Grimshaw, R„ merchant, Shanghai officer, Imports and Exports office, Hongkong

Grinsten, M. L., manager, Far Eastern Trading Co., Tokyo

Griovard, M., Cie Franco-Asiatique des Petroles, Haiphong

Grist, C. E. L., solicitor, Wilkinson & Grist, Hongkong


Groenman, F.J.,E.director, China Export-Import

H, consul-general & BankShanghai

for Netherlands, Co., Hongkong

Groeneveld, B. G., administrator of Native States, Sumatra

Groff, G. W., Lingnan University, Canton

Groll, C. H., signs per pro., Volkart Brothers, Shanghai

Gronke, K., assist, general manager, Calamba Sugar Estate, Manila

Groome, E. L., assistant, Gibb, Livingston & Co., Ld., Hongkong , ..

Grooms, E. H., manager, China Import and Export Lumber Cp., Ld., Tientsin

Groot, H. J. de, controller, Governor’s office, Medan

Gros, H. A., chief accountant, Banque de ITndochine, Shanghai

Grose, F., assist., Palmer & Turner, Hongkong


Grossart,J. Francis,

A., signsGrose & Co.,

per pro., Hongkong

Bitzer & Co., Hongkong , .

Grossman, E., broker, Hongkong'

Grove, H. Dawson,

Groundwater, C. L.,commissioner,

assist, supt. ofGhittese

stores, Maritime

Royal StateCustoms^


of Siam, Bangkok

Grover, L. G., assist, cashier, American Express Co., Hongkong

Groves, J.A.A.,G.,gen.

Groves inspector,

mgr. forMunicipal

Far East,Police, Shanghai

Paramount Film Service, Ld., Singapore

Groves, W. M., assist., Hongkong and Kowloon Wharf and Godown Co. Ld., Hongkong.

Gruber, G., prop., Cosmos Trading Co., Manila Negri Hembilan

Grubb, G., supt. of Customs and Excise, Tampin,

Grumitt, C.,

Grumitt, partner,

F. H., McAuliffe,

partner, McAuliffe,Davis & Hope,

Davis & Hope,Penang


Grundling, H., Raven Trust Co., Shanghai

Grut, Edm., superintendent, Siam Cement Co., Ld., The, Bangkok

Gut, J., signs per pro., Erzingef & Co., Shanghai

Grut, W.

Grut, W. A.L.,


secretary, dir., SiamOilElectricity Co. ami consul-gen. for Sweden, Bangkok.

Gubbay, director.Bernam Palms, Ld.,

Concrete Products Ltd.,Bangkok



Gubbay, D.S. M. M., S.,stockbroker,


Shanghai '

Guenther, Dr., H., manager, Chee Hsin Pottery, Tietlitsin

Guenther, P., chancellor, German Consulate, Hankow

Guenther-Stirn, W„ signs per pro., Melcheis & Ob., Tientsin

Guerin, G., manager, L. Wegelin, Shanghai

Guerin, L., acct., Compagnie Franco-Asiatiqde des Petfoles, Saigbn


Guettinger, F., International Harvester Ca., Manila


Guillaume, B.M.,J.,French Municipal

minister.for Council,

Belgium, .Tientsin


Guillemin, C., signs per pro., Racine et Ciei, Shapghai . ,


Guillon, R.,C.,agent,

attorney, Standard-Vacuum

Messageries Oil Co., Haiphong

Maritimes, Haiphong


Guingard,A.R.H.,C.sub-accountant, HongkongSeth,

P., chartered accountant, and Shanghai

Turner & Bank, Shanghai

Co., Shanghai 1!

Guiriec, M., Resident Administrateur Re: France, Provinces, du TQnkin

Gulick, V. A., Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Yokohama , . ;

Gulick, W. C., mgr., Goodrich International Rubber Co., Manila

Gulik; T. Yap, sub-accti., Ned. Indische fiand.elsbank, Robe .

Gulliver, W. J., Commercial, Union Assurance Cp.,'Ld., Shanghai


Gully, E. JD., mgr., Tibby, McNeill & Libby, Manila

Gunnell,J., D.manager, Olivier-Chine,

G., treasurer, PhilippineTientsin , Co.,'Inc., Manila


Gunyon, C. C., representative, Mather & Platt, Kobe

Gurr, F. W., accountant, Yukon Gold Co., Selangor

Gurvich, J. A., proprietor, The Fancy Goods Store, Canton (

Gustafsson, Knut A.,formechanical

Guston, G., consul engineer, Gadelius Co., Ld., Tokyo

Sweden, Yokohama

Gut, J., signs per pro, Erzinger

Gutbezahl, G., mang. partner, Grigory, & Co., Shanghai

Gutbezahl Co., Tientsin

Outer, G., proprietor, The Fancy. Goods Store, Canton

Guterres, M. A., manager, Verleysen &Co., A., Kobe

Guthrie, J. W., assist, acct., Mercantile Bank of India, Ld., Singapore


Gutleben, Th.,F., vice-pres., ManilaEscole

sous-directeuiv Grafica, Manila du Martin, Tokyo

de L’Etoile -/

Gutterres, Dr. D. M. P., medical practitioner, Shanghai ' •• • '

Gutt, C. J., A.manager,

Guttridge, Scherings,

S., manager Ld., Shanghai

& president, Guttridge & Chambers,. Inc., Manila

Guy, L., assist., A. S. Watson & Co.,-Hongkong

Guzdar, D: H., mgr., Central China Dairy, Hankow

Guzdar, Dr., J. S., medical Practitioner, Hongkong

Guzman, E. de, mgr., La'peral de Gu^mah MaSima-, Manila


Gwynne, G. W.,assist,

manufacturers’ representative, Singapore

Gwynne, T.J. R., healthDirectorate

H., secretary, officer, Johore Bahru,

General Jbhore

of Posts,'-Shanghai


Gymnich, T.Dr.H.,G.sub.B.'Vacct., Chartered

., manager, Bank of India,

Koenenkamp ChinaAustr. und China, Iptffi, Perak '

Co., Chefoo

Haack, H.y chancellor, German Consulate, Singapore

Haag-Pedersen, J., manager, Nestle & Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Go., -Mukden

Habecost, A., controller of stores, Shanghai Power Go., Shanghai


Hackmadk, M., Elmac,'I.nc.,Hackmack

A.^merohantj Manila cb Co., Tientsin


Haden, R. A., vice-consul forWaterworks

J., supt., Shanghai, Fttings Co.bLd., Shanghai

America, Singapore • :

j > .

Haelen, Th. van, chancellor, Netherlands Consulate, Singapore - ’

Haenggi, Ed.,

Haenisch, managing

A. von, signs perdirector, A. B.;C. Tress,

pro., Jebsenufe Shanghai

Co., Hongkong ,■ ■ : . -


Haertle, F.G.M., J., chief


for United

GeneralStages, Japan, Ld., .Osaka ■ . ■ . ■



Haesaerts, J. M., general mgr.,/Tire Tj^ntsin Trading

Ch. I. C. de, gcpogntapt, Netherlands TramwaySociety, ■ TientsijQ ;:-•

Kobe Cg., Ltd.,

A .Lighting


Hagedorn, F.W.,C.,manager, signs per,pro.,

vice-president, Norton Syme K Co.,,Co.,

& Harrison Bangkok



Hagen, E. C.,J.signs A., manager, Hagemeyer&Trading

per pro., Butterfield Swire, Co., Ld., Kobe Y.j - •


Hager, R., signsB. F., perpresident,

pro., WaibelNed.A Cb.,

Handel Mij. Kiukiang

Tientsin Factonj to Batavia, Batgvia

Hagnauer, E., dir., N.V. Handel &, Cultuur Mij, “Helvetia,” Helvetia

Hagnauer, Th., dir., N.V. Handel 4jp Chltunr Mij “Helyetia,” Batavia



Haigh, assist., GibbRoyal Si^e;.Railways

LiviAg^tpn & Cio., of LLongLong'

Lei/, Siam, Rangkolf, , 1



Hailey, A.G., W., installation

engineer, Hongkong manager, Asiatic

Electric ,C0., Petroleum

Ld., Hongkong Go., Ld., Wulm


Hair, John, partner, Hair, Elliot^Supi'

G. H., registrar, H.R.M/s and eEicornelh

ntb CourtManila for China, Shanghai

Hake, Clarence

Hake, H. B. E.’, V., manager,

director, Fox. EigaBarker.

Harrisonsj Kaisha,Co., Tokyo Ld., Singapore

Halas, S., manager, A-E.G. China

Halden, G., mgr., Tunabay Trading Ck)j Manila Electric Co„ ;Shanghai , •

Halden, L., representative, Sta,ndard-Tacuum Oil'CoV,"Manifa

Hale, F.,

Hale, B. C.,gen.manager,

mgr., Hale Thos.ShoeCook


Inc., Ld.,

Manila Peiping

Hale, F. H., president, Lyric Music House,

Hale, W. A., director, Motor Management

Hale, W. E., assistant, China'UriderkVriters, Ld.. Hongkong

Haley, G. A., managing director^ Imperial Chetnical-Industries (China), Ldi, Shanghai


Hall, A. C.,J., assistant,

assist., Standard-Vacuum

Smith, Bell & Co.,OilLd., Tsmrumi, Yokohama 1



Hall, A. J., district engineer, Federated Malay State'. Railway, K Lnmpj’i, Selangor

Hall, C.B. E.T., F.,.deputy

manager, Gpo, commisr.,

McBain, Chinese M^ritime'

Tientsin ■ .Custorttki HaiikO’wt

Hall, F.C. C.,

Hall, W.,signs

chiefperInspector of police,

pro., Jardine, Ma'tMuiir,

hesoii Johoicp

Hall, F. \Y., works mgr., Dearne Bros., Ld., Selangor

Hall, G. A. V., Way & Hall, Hongkong


Hall, G.H., M., mgr., National

manager, AmericanCity Bank Co,

Trading of New

of Japan.,York,Ld., Hangkow.


Hall, J., assist., Hongkong and .Shanghai Banking Corporation, Shanghai

Hall, J. J)., British Adviser, Kedah

Hall, J. M.,

Hall, M. B., CouH judge,fOfSandakan,'British

vice-consul America, MukdenNorth Borneo


Hall, R., agent, Hall

Hall, R.,

E., F.,assistant


manager,Govt. UnionMarine Survy

insurance Society Officb!of Harbour dept..

Canton, Ld Hongkong

, IL-nkow

Hall, Whipples, pres, and mgr., Hal1! & Co„ In;-., Manila

Hall, W. G., general mgr., Hottpiulu tron MMi'EsLOo., ^anilai . >

Hall, W. H., business manager, Haft & Hall, Shanghai i

Hall, W. K., senior parfneiy Hall & Hal!,i Shanghai

Hall, W. Y., real estate mgr., Hall & Hall, Shanghai


Hallberg,Karel, minister, consulCzechoslovakia Legation, Tokyo. •

Hallburn, M., 0., vice

manager, for Sweden, Hankow

-HongkongMotoriAccessory, Co., Ld., Hohgkortg ' •

Halle, P., assist., C. Ismer & Co., SUanglmi

Halieland,G. EN.,; L.,assist.,

Hallett, assist.,Standard-Vacuum

Standard-VacuuniOilOilCo.,Co.,Yokoiiama- Shanghai -

Halley, A ; M., manager, Theodor,Rawlins, Shanghai

Halley, W. N., district officer, F.M.S. Railways, Kuala Lumpur. Selangor

Hallford, E. L., examiner, Chinese Maritime Customs, Hankuw ■

Hallgren, H., manager, Swedish Trading Go., Hongkong

Hal Her, B„ assist., Bayer-Meister-Lucj.us, V.

Hailing, F. R., managing director, Ninemura Oil Mills,.T-MuglaoG. K. - , Kobe

Hal lock, H.B.G.H.C.C.,y editor

Hallowes, and proprietor;

land surveyor, Public JJaltosk*

Works dept., VUmesn Ahmahac, Siianghai


Halls, A. J., accountant, Siam Commercial Bank, Ld., Bangkok i,

Hallums, L., manager, jewellery dept., C. iLdhng.inc., Manila.

Hallworth, A. T., director, Doinbey

Hal ton, M. C., chartered accountant, Tluimstm A Co., Tientsin!Ld.,.Slianghai



G. L.,.Rev.acting

N. V.,British

chaplain, Kowdoou

adviser, Tp^g Anglican

Trengganu , ’ ■ Church,..Hongkong

Ham, W. G., Williamson & Q()., Hongkong

Hambletbh, R._ L., manager, Hambleton China Co;, Luf.,,Shanghai ,

.Hamer, S., assistant Assessor, Treasury, Hongkong,^.


Hamilton, A. A., sub-adbotmtant,

Hamilton, A. M., sales,managdr, United Chartered Bank ofLd.,

Engineers, India, Austr. A• China, Bangkok


Hamilton, A. W., commissioner, Bolide dept.,''Jphore

Hamilton, Allan W. B., registrar. Vehicles dept., Singapore ;

Hamilton, C.Douglas

Hamilton, P., depnty commissioher,

A., manager, Assurance Chinese Maritime OTistOms,

Frdncb-Asiatique, Amcjy '


Hamilton, K. C , Government a,ssi,st. surveyor, Hgrbour dept., Hongkong

Hamilton, R.P. J.R.,A.,mgr.,

Hamilton, auditor.

BritishAudit Office,Petroleum

Malayan PlongkongCo., Ld., Brunei

Hamilton, S. W., sub-acct., The National City Bank of New York, H’kong;

Hamilton, W., engineer, Shanghai Waterworks Co., I>d., Shanghai

Hammes, G.,

Hammes, C. G.,Viegelmann,

treasurer, Schroeder

Manila Button & Co,,Factory,

Manila Manila

Hammond, F., director, John. Little ct Co., Ld., Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

Hammond, H. W., traffic supt., Hongkong Tramways, Ld., Hongkong


Hainmohd, I.J.,S.,secretary

surveyor,andSurvey dept.,Guthrie

registrar, Sarawak& Cp., Ld., Singapore

Hammonds, G. S., sub-editor

Hampe, A., Probst, Hanbury and & Co.,chief reporter, Malaya Tribune, Singapore


Hamson, A. B., Wallace Harper &,Co., Hongkong

Hance, J. A.H. T.,

Hancock, R., managing

partner, Danby & Haiice,

director, FirestoneHongkong

Tire and Rupber Co., Singapore

Hancock, A. T. M., manager, Henry Waugh 4 Co., Medan, Sumatra

Hancock, H. R. B., exchange broker, Stewart Bros.,Shanghai

Hancock, H. E. D., sub-manager, Hongkong and HongkongBank, Singapore

Hancock, R. R., president, Manila Railway Op., Manila

Handersen, A. G., consul for Sweden, Manila

Hand, L. M.,A.engineer,

Handcock, F., actingRCA agent,Victor Co. of China,

Hongkong Shanghai

P Shanghai Banking Corpn., Canton

Handley, A. E., Whiteaway, Laidlaw &, Co,, Hankow

Handley, F. A. W., managing director, Dunlop Rubber CP., Singapore

Handley, S. S., director, Weihaiwei Handiwork Co., Weihaiwei

HHands, J., director,

andscornb, G. M., Wilkinson Press Rubber

British-American TobaccoCo.,Co.Ld., Selangor

(China), Ld., Wuhu

Handy, J. T. N., assistant controller, Imdan

Hanekuyk, W. J., director, Van PIouten Steffan & Co., Padang Inmigration department, Singapore

Hanggi, Ed., managing director, A.B.C. Press, Shanghai

Hangnaner, Jh., consul for Switzerland, Batavia


Hanjin, secretary,


& Co.,Fed.Dairen

Inc. D.S»A., Tientsin

Hanke, M., dipl. engineer, Feld & Co.^ Hongkong

Hankey, G. L., mgr., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (North China), Ld., Wuhu

Hankinson, G. S., assist., Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corpn., Harbin


Hanlon, A. E., mgr., Whiteaway, Farm,Laidlaw &. Co.,Storage

Ld., Tientsin

Hanna, J.E.,G.,engineer, DairySingapore

Dr., dentist, Ice & Cold Co., Ld., Hongkong

Hannaford, C., manager, Marshall Field & Co., Manila

Hannah, M. R., sub-accountant, Chartered Bank of India Austr. & China, Selahgor-

Hannig, Th..W.partner,

Hannigan, Teesdorffand

H. W., supt. of Police, Hannig & Co., Shanghai

Negri Sembilan


Hanscomb, W. N., accountant,

E. C.,consul Hongkong


Kobe Banking Corporation, Kobe


Hansen, A.G., H.,

accountant, Denmark

Siam Cement & mgr.,

Co., A. H. Hansen & Co., Tokyo


Hansen, H., manager, NestldK Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co., Manila


Hansen, J.H. E.,L. assist.,

M., chartered


Dockyard and Seth,Engineering

Turner & CoCo.,, Shanghai


Hansen, J. M., manager, Texas Co., Nanking

Hansen, J. M., assist, manager, American Oriental Banicing Corporation, Shanghai


Hanson, E.Wallace

H.,SchmidtJ., director,

service manager, John


Rubber& Co.


Ld., Hongkong

Settlements), Ld., Siiigapore*

Hanson, H., & Co., Tientsin

Hanson, M. V., divisional postmaster, Miri, Sarawak


Hanson, R. V., service manager, Lyons Motors,, Ld., Singapore


Hanson, W.,W. V.,assist,

div. manager,

treasurer,Walter DunnMiri,& Co.,

Treasury, Shanghai


Hanwell, G. F., manager, De W'itt & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Hapchette, L., Societe Indo-Chinoise du Ciment Fondu Lafarge, Haiphong

Happer, G. D., manager, Dibrell Bros., Inc., Shanghai

Kara, J., director, L. D. Abraham & Co., Ld., Tokyo

Harber, C. E., director, Keystone Tobacco Co., Ld., Shanghai

Harboard, J., chairman, Radio Corpn. of the Philippines, Manila

Harcourt-Smith, S. G., 3rd secty., British Legation, Peiping

Hardel, J.F.,A.,assist,

Harding, engineer-in-chief,

supt., Telegraph HaihoandConservancy

Telephones Commission,

dept., SarawakTientsin

Harding, F. L., town planning supt., Negri Sembilan

Harding, H. I., consul-general for Great Britain, Yimnanfu

Harding, Capt. O’B., cypher officer, British Legation, Peiping

Harding-Klimanek, P., signs per pro., Holland China Trading. Co.y S’hai

Harding, W. D., civil engineer, Brossard, Mopin & 'Co., Singapore

Hardivilliers, F., managing director, Hardivilliers ifc Cie., Shanghai

Hardman, E. F., partner, Lowe, Bingham & Matthews, Shanghai

Hardt, G., signs per pro., Carlo witz & Co., Canton

Hardy, Chas. J., nature cure practitioner, Singapore

Hare, C.E. A.,

Hare, W., director,


A. Barbour,Bank Ld.,ofSingapore

India, Australia & China, Penang


Hare, G., power station supt., Hankow Ld.,

F. A., manager, Robinson & Co., LightKuala Lumpur,

& Power Selangor

Co., Hankow

Hargreaves C; B., chairman, China Printing ifc Finishing Co., Ld.,Ld.,Shanghai

Hargreave, A. G., assist., Imperial Chemical Industries (China), Hongkong

Hargreaves, H. E., Babcock

Hargreaves, J., P.W.D., Hongkong i f c Wilcox, Ld., Tientsin i

Hargreaves, J. E., manager for China, Babcock ct Wilcox, Ld., Shanghai

Harker, H. G., Brunner Mond A Co.,. (Japan ), Ld., Kobe

Harkson, U. S., manager, Hehningsen Produce Co:, Ld., Shanghai




director,Society of Canton,

A. Camer-oh & Co.Ld.,(China),


Ld., Shanghai

Harloe, N. M., assist., secretariat, Municipal Council,

Harman, A., assist, secretary, Shanghai Power Co., Shanghai Shanghai

Harmon, F.E. H.M.,B.,manager,

Harmon, manager,Colonial

Lester Dispensary, Hongkong

Chinese Hospital, Shanghai

Harmon, T. V., inspector of furniture, P. W. I)., Hongkong

Harmsen, L. J., director, De Javasche Bank, Batavia

Harnack, W., surveyor, Survey Dept., Sarawak

Harness, R. H., Dunlop Rubber Cp., Saigon


Harper, B., colliery

D. R., signsunder-manager, Malayan

per. pro., Harrisons, Collieries,

Barker & Co./ Ld., Ld., Penang


Harper, G. G. C., manager, Jardine Engineering

Harper, W., director, Edible Products Ltd., Shanghai Corporation, Shanghai

Harper, W., managing director, Wallace Harper & Co., Ld!, Hongkong


Harral, assayer, Raub of Public Works,GoldShanghai

Australian Mining Co^ Ltd.,’Pahang

Harrap, L. A., manager, L. A. Harrap & Co., Shanghai

Harries, A. W. de W., partner, Adams & Allan, Penang

Harries, J. W., managing dir., Overseas Assurance Corporation Ltd., The, Singapore

Harrington, W. B., Fleming & Franklin, Shanghai

Harris, A. A., engineer, Anglo-Siam Corporation, Bangkok

Harris, Capt. A. L. S.^ naval staff officer, British Consulatp, Shanghai


Harris, A.C. E.,

R., sub-accountant,

manager, Patriotic Assurance

National, CityCo,,

BankLd.of&NewSun York,

Insurance Office,, Shanghai


Harris, E., treas., Wm. N. Anderson

Harris, E. F., chairman, Millington, Ld., Shanghai

Harris, G., electrical engineer, Electrical Supply dept., Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

Harris, H. E., merchant, J. E. R. Harris & Co., Shanghai

Harris, H. G. B., warden of mines, Perak

nm FtJW’.SlDEXTvS-


Harris. J.

J. I).,

F., controller,

repres., li. Eastern

C. A 1

. Telegraph1 Go/, 'ILd:,

Communications, Tientsin

nc., Tokyo

Harris, J. F. G., engineer, ShanglM PoVrer Go., Shanghai


Hari'is, .!.J. \V.,

if., signs

managingper pro., Paterson,

director, Simon’s &Assurance

The Overseas Co., Ld'., Selangor- '

Corpn., Ld.'j Singapore

Harris, M , president, Auto Trucking Co., Manila -

Harris, It.M. F.,Reader,

Harris, solicitor, Shanghai Mission Boysl School, Chefoo'


Harris, It. J., chief inspecfcorpPublicInland Works dept., Shanghai

Harris, R. N., KSwati; Culbertson ■& Fritzy Shanghai

Harris, S. S„ chemist- Green island Cement Co.,Co.,

Harris, it. V., agent, P. * 0 Steam Navigation Ld.,Singapore

Hok-Uni, Hongkong

Harris, S. W., engineer, Government Collieries, Sarawak

Harris, S. W., director, Harrisons, !\ing,& Irwin, Shanghai

Harris, T. F., assist., Hongkong and Kowloon Wharf and Godown1 Cor* Ld., Hongkong

Harris, W.

Harris, W. F., D., signs


per pro., F. National

Hardivilliers,City Bank

Shanghai of NewWorR,, Hongkong


Harris, W. F. G., Furness (Far East) Ld., Hongkong

Harris, W. W., president, Baguio Gold Mining Go., Manila

Harrison, A. L., manager, John Little.cfe Co., Ld., Penang


Harrison, E.F,G.,:

F., N., Shanghai

assist., & Hongkew

McAuliffe, &Wharf


to,, Ld., Shanghai

Harrison, Benjamin tfc Potts,

Harrison, F. L., repres.;.Arnliold & Co., Ld., Chungking


Harrison, H.G. H., E., secretaiy-tr-easurer,

assist, engineer, Public Norton Works dept.,' Shanghai

& Harrison Go., Manila

Harrison, J. B., manager, Asiatic Petroleum Co. (South China) Ltd.;: Canton

Harrison, J. B., vice-chairman, Municipal

Harrison, J. M., assist., Hanson, Orth & Stevenson, Inc.,'Cebu Council, Canton

Harrison, L. D., branch manager, Goodrich International Rubber Co., Iloilo

Harrison, P. H., assist., General Electric;>Co., Ld., Singapore

Harrison, R.R., J.,manager,

Harrison, president, sewage

Norton disposal work, Municipality,

K Harrison Co., Manila Singapore •

Harrison, R. R., manager, Texas Co., (Chipa), Ltd. Tientsin

Harrold, F., director, Priest, Marians & Co., Kobe ,:

Harrop, F. T., secretary, Reyer Construction Corporation, Shanghai


Harrop, J., manager, Ewo

J., managing and Yangtsze

director,. Cotton Mills,

J. H. Backhouse, Shanghai


Harrop, S., manager, Brooke Dockyard i

Harrs, E. J., inst. supt., Standard-vacuum.Oil Co,-, Tsingtao f e Engineering Works, Kuching) Sarawak

Harry, C., engineer, Electrical depL,

Harss, C. W., manager, Wassard a- Co., Yladivstock' • Selangor

Harst, A. A. Van der, proprietor, Adrian & CO., Singajxore

Harston, W.

Harston, J. Scott, director,

E., Pearce H. K. & Elankow

•& Garru>ck, Shanghai■ Hotels; Ltd., Hongkong

Hart, A. J. C., Adamsdh,'GillxTlkitCo., Ld'.J, Singapore

Hart, S. G., Nestle & AnglcrS,wissj'CWiderised Milk,' Sjinga,|)ore

Hart, W. H.,Comdr.

Hartigan, seniorp.tnedlcal

C vnf-w,officer, FerakAjadeyicgn, Legation,

-j ^It^cl^ej , Eei ping

Hartig, G., Kruse ife‘Co., Hongkong : ;

Hartley, E. G. S., Anglo-Siam Corporation

Hartley, P.,:assist;, British, C.igfj.rct)e Go., Ld., Shanskax Ld., Bangkok


Hartmann, E., Lingnan Universit;),. Canton

Hartmann, A., partner,

Walter, directFuhrnietsfcer & Co., Shanghai v6h';2ntzewitz

factory representative,'Ernst


H&rtnal, Paul ponshl

C.) for Sweden,

manager, the FiskShanghai

Tiie'.Co., &',Co'.,'Shknghii

Inc., Manila

Harbopp, E. L., solicitor,'Teesdale, NOwhikii

Hartzenbusch, J., general manager, Hartzehbusch Sjldthd Co., Shanghai


Harvey, A.A. W., E., assistant, Patons cfeA.Baldwins

sales stockHrokcr; Ld., ShimObai

W. : larvOynk Col, ShUn'^tvii

Harvey, D., assist., Dodwell cfe Co., Ld., Hongkong.1 ii,

Harvey, Geo. R., lawyer, Harvey & O’Brien, Manila ' '


Harvey, H., Oriental Consolidated MiamgiGaf'ikbowie, , i ' .! • j

Harvey, J. A., state treasurer, Treasury Dept., Keliintan '


Harvey, J.J. A., sub-accoiihtant,

E., aotihg gnb-mgr., P.New & O.Eiigineering

Bankingi Corporation,

and ShipbuildingSingapore.

Works, Ld;, S’hai.

Harvey, E.W.,J.,accountant,

Harvie, representative, PublicPelikirce

Works TnbaecO


Co., Shanghai . . •< '! .! ■ •

Haskins, H. S., engineer, F. M. S. Hail waais, Kuala.Lumpur, Selangor

Haskins, W. J., engineer; F. M. S. UailvvaysvKuala Lumpur, Selangor

Hasley, T. V., pres., Philippine -Long- Distarice• Telephone Oo., Manila

Hasselmannv C. H., Robertson dfe‘:Son, Edward T;;'''Shanghai

Hassfurther, Dr. J. K., Deutsdi

Hassig, J. O.,manager. Sea Vi<:wChiuysiscljes

Hotel. Singkpotb Krankenhati^Tsinan


Hast, V., assist . , Hongkong cpid

Hastings, P. 1)., mcountahL British Anierican TphancoWhai/ipd;hDock Co., J^d.iCo.Hongkong

(China), Ld., Hankow

Hastings, W. G. W., ])artner, LbWlace & Hastings;, S.'lgngor •

Hatch, H., assist,. Hongkong Electric Co., Hongkong

Hatfield, B. M., Sime, Darby it Co.', .Malacca


Hatt, D., manager,

C.,. engineer, Syme itTelephone

Hongkong Co., Sih^apoi-eC6r:, Lcl.,, mintdt,(xng:

Hatter, D., signs per pro., Oliver, Evans it Co., Kobe

Haube, B, proprietor

Hauchecorne, A., French it nigr.,. Bryno

consul, Kobe.ILiulB,

' Tsiligtao !

Haughton,. H. M. S., acting senior OxetiShixT! ehgt^^Kdnta, Perak


HausammStiin,-H.,E.,C.P.A., re^i'dchartered accountant,it FleVhing

ieht manager,'Keller Co., Ld.; itA.,WilUaiirsob’.


Hausherr, J., sign per pro., Siber^HegUbFife Co., Ld., Osaka

Hausman, L. M., president•& manager, Hausman it Co., Manila


Haussermann, F. O., vice-presideiit; Balatric MiningBalatoe

Co., Manila

Hauten, J. van,J.,partner, president C. and

Daugeneral manager,

it .Co., Cbefoo Minirig'"Co,;'Manila

Havelaar, -J., signs per pro; Maisb]i F. Mat'hieu, S'. ,A . Hongkong’

Haward, E., editor,

Hawkeswood, H. Wi,North • (Jh'mand;

rnanagfer tt. "iftiily

signs perNetv.s'and Herald,Rubber

jjro.,- General "Shanghai

Co., Singapore

Hawkings, W.

Hawkings, W. J.,'director,-

J., manager,Cafeey, MardedLyttle it Co.,.Cb.-Ld.(Slianghai);

Shanghai JLd., Shanghai


Hawkins, A. E., assist, accountant,'Federated Malay States Rail ways,-Kuala Lunipur

Hawkins, B. C. K., third aksist., Colonial Secretary, Hongko’ng '

Hawkins, C. IL, president,' Wne it (Jo., Inc,, Manila 1


Hawkins, E.G., F. J.,C.commishiotier

N., director,

director; yihtorBarneJ

VVarrler, Talkingit Co.,Machine Co. of Japan Ld', Yokohama


Hawkins, oi Lands, Segamat, Johore 1

Haw’cins, H. J., asst. tng’r.y'Starhlal'tWaeuum’Oil Co.V Cebu co-

Hawkins, J. W., assistant manager, Astor.

Hawkins, L. C., director, Fairoliild itLJoj, Ld., Tientsin ' House Hotel, Ld-, Tientsin ,

Hawkins, N. R. E., manager; Wise-it Co;, Ihc:, Manila'


Ha wises wood.R., assist.. Wise & Co.,'Inc!,-Manila . .

Hawley, H. V.,H-.managing Wi, mana^r, Genera!Hamilton,

dir., James Rubber Cbi, Lli.-, Singapore'

and Consultingtohemist,.Shanghai


Hawthorne, S.C. R.,0.,genl. vice-consul for I’nited

mgr., Hamil ton BrOwn States r'Tsingtao

Shoe Store, and: Haberdashery Inc., Manila-


Hay, A. C., UnionperInsuraM'-ftSociety ,tof Co.,

Canton, Shanghai

Hay, I).A. J.G..S.,signs

HansoiA, < )rthMcAlister.t StevensoUj inc.,L;l..-Singapore



Hay, H. S., managm; Guijirie it Co.yiLK/.Peuagiig,. : .■

Hay, J.M.S.,C.,dir.,


S Watson Legalit Co., Shanghai

Adviser’s•Depar-tinejkti . -lohore:

Hay, W., actg. mgr., Hongkong it Shanghai Bankiiig 'Coi-|i.( Singapore

Hayden, L. C, office mraialger, Goodrich IhternatiohalV Rubber: Co., Manila

Haydock, W. li., manager, Helen’s Restaiira^ittMariihi'

Hayes, J. A., exchange broker, Shanghai 1 1 ,

Hayes, L. J., partner, Fraser it Co.j Singapoie ' ' : ■.

Hayes, S. G., mgr., Dunlop Rub.hcr (>•••. Tiontsih''

Hayim, E.,’director, Wheelobfeht1 €b., IjliF,' S^angiilif


Hayley Bell, Lt. Col. F., Manufacturers’ agent, Shanghai

Hayman, A. B„ managing editor, “North China Star ” Tientsin


Haynes, A.M.S.,F. British

L., assist., Hongkong

adviser and,ShanghaiofBank,

to the Government Bangkok

Eeiantan, Kelantan

Hayward, A. W., Dodwell & Co., Hongkong.^

Hayward, H. E., agent, Canadian Pa chic Steamships,

Hayward, M. J., British adviser, Western Division, Trengganu Ld., Kobe

Hayward, A.W.,J.,accountant,

Hazeland Rising SunandPetroleum

architect, Hazela.nd Co., Ld., Yokohama



Hazelton, E. M., civil engineer,-Hazeland and Gonella, Hongkong

Hazlerigg,Eric,T. M.,acting


assist, secretajry Secretariat,

Supreme Court, Singapore


Head, C. J., accountant, Shanghai and Plongkew Wharf Co., Ld., Shanghai

Headington, J., vice-pres., Philippine Button Corporation, Manila

Heald, W. S., vice-pres. and genl. mgr., Shanghai Ro^yer Co., .Shanghai


Heaney, S.W.,P.,accountant,

agent, DollarRunnymede

Cd., The Robert, Canton

Hotel Ld., Penang

Heath, F. M., director, Heath, Ld., Shanghai Co., Ld., Seoul

Heape, I). M., manager, Rising Sun Petroleum

Heath, P., managing director, Heath, Ld-, Shanghai

Heathington, J. L., treasurer, The American Chamber of Commerce, Wahila


Hebut, W.,

M. P.,director,

manager,West Coast Life

Adamson A Co.,Insurance ,Cd-, .Shanghai

A., Singapore

Hecht, J., A:tphol,d Ld., Hankow.

Hechtel, D.,O., agent,

Heddel, signs the hrm,Trading

G. E. Huygen; andLumpur,


Feld & Co., Hongkong '

Hedgeland, R. F. C.,Straits

commissioner, Co., Kuala

Chinese Maritime Customs, Hankow -

Hedges, A.W. E.,F., manager,

Hedges, Rising P.W.D.,

chief Architect, Sun Petroleum

F.M.S. Co., Ld., Tokyo .

Hedley, H. T., auditor, Audit department, Singapore


Hedrick,W., R., assistant, Hongkong

assist, manager, andBureau

Credit Whampoa Dock Cq.,

of Manila, Ld., Hongkong


Heel, J. A. van, civil engineer, Kailan Mining Administration, Tientsin

Heesisian, C. G., mgr., Tientsin Carpet Cleaning Co., Tientsin)

Hegar, W., manager, Yolkart Brothers’ Agency, Tientsin

Hegarty, H. G., manager, Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corp., Batavia

Hegarty,W.J. T.,

Hegner, E., manager,


dir., Siber, Heywood

Hegner ife&Co.,





Heilbronn, S. J.K.,P.,partner,

vice GoddardPeoples

president, and Douglas,

Bank Hongkong

and Trust Co., Manila

Heilmann, P. B., general manager. United Plantations, Hd., Bangkok

Heimann, J., manager, Siemens, Schujckertmerke, A. G., Harbin


Heimendinger, A., M., sales manager,

partner, SennetAuto Castle,

Frefes, Shanghai


Heimendinger, S., managing director, Auto

Heineken, H., director, Lohmann & Co., Ld., Singapore Castle, Shanghai

Heinrichsohn, F. K.,sig.i.v., Deutsche

Heinrich, P., manager, German Cafe, Tsingtao Farben HandelsgesellsehaftWaibel ,4s Co , Changsha

Hejnsohn, Otto, manager, Heinsohn Co., Foochow


Heitmeyer, G. H., sub-accountant, Nederlandsch &Indische Handelsbank, Kobe

Hekking, L.H.,A.,manager, Reuter, Brockelmann

partner, Hekking Co., Hongkong

and Clouth, Shanghai

Held, J. T„ director. Helm Bros. Ld., Yokohama

Heldring, J., Eastern & Philippines Shipping Agencies; Ltd., Manila


Heller, C., Dr. S., specialist,

manager, Siemssen Shanghai

&& Co., Tsingtao veil

Heller, F., engineer, Diethelm Co., Ld., Bangkok

Hellis, H. D., secretary and treasurer, Spencer, Kellog A Sons,, Manila


Helm, J.J. T.,

F., director,

director, Helm

Helm Bros.,

Bros., Ld.,



Helm, W. C. F., director, Helm

Helmdach, G., signs per pro., Doitsu Seiko Bros., Ld., K. K„ Osaka

Helmers, F., acct., Netherlands Trading Society, Hongkoog


HeImick, M. J., judge, U. S. Coui-t for China, Shanghai

Helps, E. A. P.,'commissioner,'Land, Office, Johore

Helps, G: S., district engineer, F.M.S. Railways, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor,


Hember, F.M.GLB.,deputy commissioner, PublicDepartment,

Works .Department, Shanghai

Hemmersweil, B.assist,

N. von,engr., Public Ned.

manager^ Works ind. Handelsbank, Taiping, Perak ' . ,


Hemming, W. G. D., assist., Harrisons & Crosfield (Borneo) Ltd., Sandakan, B. N.> Borneo

Hemmings, R. E., engineer, Heirimings & Parkin, Ltd.,' Tientsin

Hemsted, H. R, agent, Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, Sourabaya



S., manager,Si. Moutrie

Hongkong& Co.,andSingapore

Shanghai Bank, Shanghai

Henderson, A. G., consul for Sweden, Vice pre’s., Rovsevelij Steamship Agency, Inc., Man,

Henderson, A., Bradley & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Henderson, A.

Henderson, A. G., vice-president,

G., agent, RooseveltRailway,

Great Northei-n Steamship .Agency, Inp.,Mapiia


Henderson, A. M., director, f,nternational Underwriters, Shanghai

Henderson, A. S., assist, engineer, Singapore Traction Col, Ld., Singapore

Henderson, C., secretary, China Motors, Shanghai

Henderson, D., charge engineer, Electricity dept., Municipality, Singapore

Henderson, H.

Henderson, G., B.,carpenter,

consul forHongkong and Whampoa

Great-Britain, Dock Co., Kowloon, Hongkong

Medan, Sumatra

Henderson, J. D-, C. A. White, Page & Co., Manila

Henderson, Capt. R., wharf inanager, Holt’s Wharf, Hongkong,


Hendry, P. H.,Hon.diamond

R. M., director

merchant,of Public

SelangorWorks, Hongkong

Hendry, W., sub-manager, Central Agency, Ld., Shanghai

Henggeler,. A. A.., director, Henggeler '& Martin, Ld., Selangor


Henly, R.Hermainn,

B., attorney, CarlInsurance

Wolter & Office

Co., Chemulpo

of Australia, Ld., Singapore

Henman, O. R. T., controller, Government, Monopolies Department, Sing'a^bre. '


Hennfephof, J.,.partner,

G. J., manager, The Travel

Klink, P.Advisers, Shanghai

J., Hongkong


Henning, A. C., director, Henning & Co., A. C., Ipoh.

P. H, medical officer, Medical dept., PeipingPerak

Henningsen, A. B., manager, Getz Bros & Col, Shanghai 1

Henningsen, F. F., div. tngr., Imperial

Henningsen, H. F., secretary, Tientsin Native City Chemical Industries (China),

WatelrwoHcs, : Ld., Chefoo


Hennus, H. P. J., Eastern & Philippines Shipping Ag’encies, Ltd., ’Manila

Henriksen, A., secretary, Danish Legation, Tokyo

Henry, H.,A. director,

Henry, B, editor, Reuter’s,

Yisayan Ltd., Hongkohg Co., Iloilo ;



Henry, J. L., assist., Palmer it Turner,Hongkong

J. E., manager, Reuter’s, Ld., Shanghai

Henry, James M., provost, Lingnan University,iCalitdij' :

Henry, L. D., commissioner, Post Office, Canton

Henry, R.M.,M.,mgr.,

Henry, Henry Co., Manila

sob-accoimtant, Natiorml City Bank of New York, Hongkong

Henser, Dr. H., vice-consul for Germany, Shanghai

Henze, A., signs per pro., L.’Leybold

Heppell, A., manager, Isuan Incorporation; Shokwan,Manila



Hemridez, T. P., manager,

A. V.,manager,

city editor, L. E. Tels.

Peojilrs it Co.’s

Inc., ManilaSociety,' Sing^iphre'



Heras, L. M„ Gentao it Co.,

Heratsuke, K., mgr.. Shantung Tobacco Co., Ld., Shanghai

Herbert, R. G., partner,.Cathay Insuranch Office,’ Shanghai


Hergel; J.,Hugo,

engineer, Siemssen it CO., Hongkong

Hering, K., signscharge de affaires.

per pro., DeutscheDanish Legation, Tokyo! Shanghai


Herklots, G. A. C., reader, biology, University,

Herman, E., chief engr., Chinwangtao Factory, Kailan Hongkong -;

Mining Administration, Tientsin

Hermanosj’ Fernandez, genl., mgr., Elvai'a'deA’o De, Manila, 1 Manila


Hemet, Dr. P., consul, French Legation, Bangkok.

Hermosura, O., partner and ftilihager,'Goihba & HerfhOsHhal Manila , '


Heron, G., surveyor-general of Sypa jOlSpe- Siugapore ,

Heron, J., medical practitioner, Gal]Qwajr, jElder & Thomp^ep,, Singapore

Herr, R. F., . factory manager, Japan .Sjteel Eroduct#-.^?-) Ld., Ijokyo


Herranz, J.M. S.,F.,manager,




Pickett Rope Manila

Co., Manila : .

Herrara, C., secty ife treas. International Marine Union of Philippines, ; Manila


Herridge, James assistant,: W. R.iHanter

R., c.a. Henry Lortley'Rayne

&i€o., &Hongkong

Co.. Manila

Hers,.J„ general 4i,gent;Cie. Fi nan d ere Bel go- (11 inoise, Shanghai

Hersee, A. S., mgr., Hongkong & Shanghai Hotels, Shanghai

Hersey, L. G., president, American Eleetric Co., Manila ' mi-

Hersey, L.- G., president, PhiW • Sales -Go’rp/, Shanghai

Herthel, W., paanager, J)eutsch-Asiatische

Hertz. C. Hfenry. dental sitrgeon,‘Pena;ng' .Bank, Hanko' w •-


Heseltine,G., C.,acct., Hongkong

managing i Shanghai

director. OwstdnHWt-elai,

A- Co.. Ltd.. Shanghai


Hess, C., pres/, Salacot Exploration Co:, Manila

Hess, P., signs per pro., Deutsche Parhen, IT. G. Waihel iPCo., Hankow •


Hesse;‘V.:A., thanaget,

sigpi?' pAr prog



Selangor ct UO.' Shanghai '' '

Hester, E. £)., American 'I’mde •Commissioned,; Mahila

Hethcringtony Capt. W., Jardipe, Mat’.esop & Gbl, IM., 'Shanghai

Hetherington, W., LoWh, Bingham & Matthews, iSl>anghai


Hewetson, C.. partner,A. T., director.

Saunders Rritish American Singapore

and.Macph.ail, Tphaccd. Co iEt^^h'apghai ,

Hewett, H. W., Manufacturers’ Re};ies

Hewitson, B. G.. assist., Shanghai Dock and .Engineering Co., Xd., ShanghpA' ■ ■ .

Hewlitt, A. G., architect, Hongkong ; , •: :

He wood,. Waddingtoh,

Heybrock, E., vice-pres., A.,Wise:3nlArassist,

Co. and seety..

consul Federal

for, the Sepretangt,

Netherlands, F-^PH

ManRa -

Heygate, W. A. N., director. British-American Tobacco Co,. (China), T,d., Sliahg’nai

Heyman, J., sales manager, Millington, Ld.. Shanghai

Heyn, R., partner, Reuter, Brocket maim Ac Co., Tientsin

Hoys, F. S., Arnhold & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Heytman, H. H., accountant,-Standard-Vacuum.OR Co., Singapoip'

Hey wood, G. S.: P., professional assist., Royal Observatory, ilongkung -


Hibberd,J.W. S., •senior

E.,V.,supt., clerkRailways,

F.M.S. of works. PublicLumpur,

Works dept., Shanghai

Hickey, chartered accountant, Kuala Fleming A Williamson,Selangor Manila

Hickling, X. W„ director, Milling. Ld., Shanghai . 1 |

H icks. A., editor, Hongkong Telegraph, Hongkong >.

Hicks, E. C., inspector of schools, Pahang . t ■F

Hicks, S. J., director, Arts and

Hidalgo, (P, engr., Caeho A Hidalgo, Manila. Crafts, Ld., Shanghai .. .


Hide, G. C.j F., supervisor,

mgr., Litografia Montes, Monopolies

Government Inc., ManilaDepavLn.ept, Singapore : ■ 1!

Higginbottom, T., chief accountant, Straits Trading

Highsmith, W. L., office manager, Manila Daj,ly bulletin, Manila Co., Ld., Singapore .H

Hilario, J., treas., Manila Hotet Co., Manila


Hileman, J., Deutsche

A., vice-pres., Farben-Handelsgesolschaft IVaibel A Co., ShangLa

Hill, A., manager, Hill AHamilton

Co.. KobeBrown Shpe Store and'Haberdashery Fneg Manila

Hill, A. J. Bostock, partner/Lovelace A Hastings, Selangor

Hill, E.F. It.,

Hill, acting manager,

J., managing director,Dodwell A Co., Ld-,

Huttenbapk. TokyoA. Sops) Lii,, (iingappre


Hill, F. W„ partner, Stanton A Co., agent for SunLife A^surtvhce.Co...Vbkohapia

Hill, G. L., sub acot., The.-Natioaial City BaBlilipf York, Hongkong

Hill, J. C., vice-consul for Great Britain,. Hankow

Hill, J. J., acting district officer, Saribas, Sarawak

Hill, J. Kerr, branch manager, Singapore. Pold Stopagf Po„,Ld-sLp9h,,.Ferak

HiU, J.J. M.,

Hill, manager

S., assist, (Orchard

secretary, RoadGevqfpmerit,

to^t^ie dep()^;Singapore,Cp).cl,

Saiidakart, B.Storage C.Q., Ld.,,Singapore;

N.. Borneo ■ ' . , .•


Hill, L. R., British Embassy, Tokyo

Hill, L. S. J., manager, F. Owston & Co., Ld. Kobe

Hill, R. A., reader of chemistry, University, ?Hongkong

Hill, R. G., Chartered Bank of India, Australia & ChinW, ftegti S^tnbilaa

Hill, S. E., engineer, Scott, Harding &'Co., Ld., Shanghai

Hill, S. O., engineer, Public VYorks department, Hongkong

Hill, William C., work's mgr. & chief engr.', Ho Hong Qil Mills, Ld., S’pore

Hillaly, A., Hillaly

Hillary, D., assist. suptJ Polihe Department, Singapore .

Hille, F., signs per pro., China Imp.-Exp. & Bank Co.,. ! Shaiighai




per pro.,secretary,.

lilies & Inspectorate

Co., Tokyo 0enerab Statistieal dept., Shanghai

Hills, F., director, Forbes Munn & Co., Ld., Manila

Hillyer, R. A. N., vice-corisul‘for Great Britain, Bangkok

Hime,. , E . H., supt.. Trade Customs, Selango.r

Himely, L.; C., surveyor,; Survey dept., F.MS.

Himsworth, Ei, assistant, Sanitary dept., Hongkong

Hinch, H., assist., Hongkong ifc Shanghai Banking Corporation, Bangkok


Hindson,H. Mu,manager, Phoenix AssuranceRose, Co., Ld., Shanghai

Hinke, F.A.W.,E. C., managing-director,

consul for America, Swatow Downs, . > & Thompson (Far East), Ld,, Shanghai

Hinkel, J., prop, and mgr.j Hinkel & Co., Manila

Hinkle, Terry S., vice-consul for America, Singapore

Hinshelwood, L., director, British-American Tobacco Co., Ld., Bangkok


Hirsch, E.,W.assist,

H., acting seniorPhilippine

manager, executiveAdvertising

engr., District Co.,Qffice,

ManilaSerembari,; Ns Seinbilah

Hirst, C., Eapnshaw Docks and Honolulu Iron Works, Manila

Hirst, W. H. G., ,c4ief; c)prk, Governmgnt Marine Surveyor’s Department, Hongkong

Hirst, W. W„ manager, Steaui Laundry Co., Hongkong

Hirzel, Wm„ president, American Trading Co. pf Japan, Ld,,! Kobe ,

Hitchcock, L. H., Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corp., , Selangor

Hjartved, J. A., accountant, Siam Electric Corporation, Ld., Bangkok

Hjortzberg-Nordlund, J., first chancellor, Swedish Legation, Tokyo

Hline, Sein,

Hoare, medical

J., assist., officer, Chinese

Mackinnon, MackenzieMaritime Customs, Tengyueh

& Co;,- Hongkong


Hobbin,R.W.E.,R.,superintendent, Cosmopolitan

assist, acct., Mercantile BankDock, Hongkong

of India, Ld., The, Singapore

Hobbs, J., deputy commissioner, Trade and Customs, Ipoh, Perak

Hobbs, T., assist, secretary, British and Foreign Bible

Hobden, H., resident representative^Gufestv Keen & Hettlefolds^Lri,Society, Seoul Shanghai

Hobson, A. M., assisfei maoSbger, General Motors (Japan),, Ld.; Osaka

Hock, K. K.,

Hodapp, S., manager,

secretary, G."FI.



Film Co-y Singapore.

Hodges, A. J. R., chief inspector, Public Worksidept., Shanghai r

Hodges, At Wi, engineer, Pultlic Works dept.,:Hongkong ,


Hodges, W.H. M., agent,acct.,

C., chief Koriick’s Malted Mtnophli.es.

Government Milk Co., Ltd., dept.,Shanghai

Singapore >1

Hodgsoni, C., cypher officer, British Consulate, .Nanking .

Hodgson, D. H, conservator, Forest Department, Kuala LtimpurySelangbr

Hodgson, P: M., 'dif., China Provident Loan & Mortgage Co.j Ltd., Hongkorig •

Hodgson, T. E., charge engineer, electricity'dept'., Municipality, Singapore

Hodkinson, J. D., district officer, Pekan, Pahang •


Hoeckel, F.,R.,managing


Co., Shanghai

Hoeffner, K., assist., Doitsu Senryo Gomei Kaisha, Kobe

Hoey, T. S. H., agent, Jardine, Matheson & Co.,' Ld., Kiukiang

Hoffman, H., superintendent, Manila Gas Corporation, Manila


Hoffmann,W. E.J., ^Gy


gen’l manager, Ault &!OilWiborg,

Associated Shanghai

Co.-, Manila,

Hoffmann, F., partnei- (Otaru), Cffibruder Gartner, Hakodate

Hoffmann, H., signs per prp., Deutsche Farben, H. G. Waibel '&■ G6i, Hankow

Hoffmeister, A., director, U. Spalinger & Co., Canton ■' -


Hogan, E., manager, Getz Bros. Co.,Penang

Hogan, C. I). D., Hogan it Ivans, Manila , . :

Hogan, J. T., manager, Goodyear Tire Co., Manila

Hogen, E. S., manager, Getz Bros. & Co'., Manila

Hogg, A.A. R.,

Hogg, V., signs per pro.,

proprietor, Hogg,Cornabe, Eckford it Co., Chefoo

it Co., Canton

Hogg, E. A., proprietor,, E. M. Butfon, £ '.Co/* Cauton

Hogg, F. 0., managing director, Tait it Co., TaipeE, Formosa

Hogg, J.Geo.,

Hogg, manager, consul

Drummond, The National

for GreatCityBriiainVSourabaya

Bjrnk < f New York, Sliangliai

Hogg, T., partner, Syme & Cb:,, Sdurabaya

Hoggard, C. D., agent, Fette Peping Rugs, ^iKin-haiV '

Hoggarth, T., resident representative. Burroughs We^Qnie it Co., Shanghai

Holborow, A.J. A.,

Honmann, C., asst, mgr.,

solicitoi’, Koppel (Philippines),

Hansons, Shanghai ' Incorporatea' ;' .Iloilo


Holden, R., A.,

managing attorney

director, and counsellOr-a.tda^Fessenden & Holcomb, Shanghai

Holder, R. W. secretary, ForsterStraits

it Co.,Manufacturing

Ld.,-Shanghai Col; Ld.,'Singapore

Holder, R. T., director land secretary, Brunner, Mond & Co, (Japan), Ld., Kobe

Holds worth, J.,

floldsworth, A., manufacturers’representative,

manager, installation debt., Asiatic OsakaPetroleum Co., Shanghai

Holdsworth, L. H., director, Kennedy, Burkill

Hole, Comdr. G. F., harbour-master and'niarine magistrate,■ & Co., Ld., Penang


Holford, G. T., warden of mines, Mines Department, Selanger

Holgate, H. R., Arnhold & Co., Bd., Plankow


Holland, M. R., inspector

A.C., M., overseer, of schools,

Port ’Education

Development Departtnent,

dept., Hongkong Malacca

Holland, agent, Hongkong & Shanghai Bahkittg Corporation, Yokohama

Holland, E. L., assistant, Hongkong and China, Gas Co.,1 Ed., Hongkoh g

Holland, F. C., executive engineer,' Kuala, Selahgor, Selangor

Holland, W.A.‘D..

Hollander, E., general manager,

engineer, China Honigsberg

Electric Co1.,&Ld., Co.,’SMh^hai


Hollands, W. E., land bailiff. Public Works

Holliday, W. G., manager, Dollar Lumber Co., Hankow dept,, Hongkong

Holliman, J., chief inspector, Vehicles dept., Singapore


Hollyer, W. G., J. P.,sub-agent,

assist., Asiatic Petroleum

Chartered Bank of(Jo.India,





Holm, A., chief accountant, East Asiatic Go., Ld., Bangkok

Holm, K.

Holmberg, J., commisioner, Post Office, Chungking . ■

Holmes, C. E.E.,T.,assist.,

cashier, American

Dodwell iii Co.,Express Co;, Manila

Ld., Hongkong

Holmes, C. E., engineer supt., Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Holmes, E., Hamilton,

Holmes, c.m.g., consul-general,for GreatGreat

Britain, Yokohama

Holmes, F.E. M., Bethlehem consul-general

Steel ExportforCorporation,Britain, Hakodate


Holmes, J. B., sub-accountant, National

Holmes, L. B., assist, master, Queeii’S^College, City Bank

Hongkorig . York, The, Harbin : ■ :

of New

Holmes, O. R., Patons'«k Baldwins, Ld.;;Shanghai

Holmes, P. H.,

Holmes, R.R. E., Maurice Jenks, Percival & Isitt; Tokyo

Holmes, N,,: International Harvester

assist, miig.-director, Win.C.o.,,Manila

Jack, 4.;Cq..(Malaya), Ld., Singapore


Holmes, W.S. G.,E.,assist, convniissioner


Excif-o, Sandakan,,

Perak British North Borneo

Holmsen, T. M.,health


for Norway, Office,Tpoh,


Holt. C. L.,C.,branch

merchant, Holstein

manager, TheiJapan

Co., Chi ., Osaka.Yokohama


Holt, T. S., assist., Smith, Be HE Co., Ld.yManila

Holton, D.R.C.,E.,secretary,

Holttum, American School in Japan, Tokyo

Holtz, G. R. von,directorbranch pfiygr.,

Botanical Gardens,

.N, V, Handel Mij.Penang,

Fraser & Neave, Sograbaya .

Hoi will, C. N., commissioner,Chinese.Maritime Cu^tonis,, ^moy

Honigshergr H.,S.,;managing director’ fl. S. Ilonigs.berg E Son, Shanghai

Honigsberg, R. P., secretary, H. S. Hpnigsbeyg.E. Son, Shanghai


Hood, G., signs per pro., Amsterdam Underwriters Association, Yokohama

Hood, J. M., engineer, Green Island Gftipent Gp., Ltd., Macao

Hood, Major J. VY., deputy supt. of gaols, Municipal Police, Shanghai


Hoops, Dr.J. R.,W.assist;,. Gibb,toLivingston

D., attache & Go., Ld.,Osaka

German Consulate, Hongkong

Hooper, C. O., architect, Hemmings

Hooper, E. P. S., manager, Manila Wine Merchants, Ld., Manila

Hoover, C. L., consul-general for United States, Hongkong

Hope, A., secretary, Plumbing Supply Co., Shanghai

Hope, E. L., branch manager, North China Insce. Co., Ld., Kobe,


Hope, J.Hi,L.,Cie.manager,

Franco-Asiatique des Petroles,

United Engineers, Ld., Tourane



Hope, R.

S., I., sub-editor,

assist., Taikoo Shanghai

Dockyard Timex,

and Shanghai Co., Hongkong


Hopiak, W., sub-manager, National City Bank of New York, Harbin

Hopkins, C. IL, assist, engineer. Public Works dept., Shanghai

Hopkins, H. C., sub-mgr., Chartered Bank of Jndiai,; Australia & China, Hongkong


Hopkins, H. H. S.,

F., chief


Hongkong inspr,,andHealth


Office,Dock Co,, Ld., .Hongkong


Hopkins, Capt. J. M„ wharf manager, Nee Tai Shing Tung Ka Doo wharf, Shanghai

Hopkins, P. S., president, Shanghai Power Co., Shanghai

Hopstock, S., acting deputy commissioner. Statistical Dept:, Shanghai

Hora, Karel

Horbacz, J. B.,Jan,signsgeneral manager,

per pro., Skoda China

Behh, Meyer Works,Co.,Shanghai


Hordum, T., supt., Great Northern Telegraph Co., Ld., Vladivostock

Hormari, G. E., manager, Simmons Company (Chicago), Shanghai

Hermann, B. L., Lingnan University, Canton


Horn, J.J. A.C.,L.,manager,

supt. ofsigns


per pro.,workshop,

Guthrie &Great

Co., Northern Telegraph Co., Shanghai

Medan, Sumatra

Horn, J. G. S., Horn & Nobbins, Shanghai , .

Horne, V. L, import manager, Guthrie (k Co., Ld., Kuala Lumpur, Selangor


Hornell,W.E. D.,B. C.,

acting protector

assist., Jardine,of Matheson

Chinese, Penang

& Co., Ld., Shanghai


Horner, W.,Sir installation

William, vice-chancellor,

manager, Asiatic ^University, Hongkong

Petroleum Co., Newchwang

Horsely, J. A. T., acting executive engineer, P.W.D.,

Horsfall, F., distribution engineer, Electricity dept., Municipality,Kinta, Perak Singapore

Horstink, J. G., Clarke and Larkin, Manila

Horton, E. W., Haskins and .Sells, Manila




H, assist,General Motbrs (Japan), Ld.,dept.,


Hoselitz, attorney atharbour master,

law, Tientsin Harbour

Hosford, J., accounts dept., P.W.D., Hongkong

Hosgood, J. C., secretary, Malayan Tobacco Distributors, Ltd.,: Singapore1

Hosie, E. H.

Hosking, L., L.,


secretary, Hongkong

Generaland Whampoa

Hospital, Dock Co., Hongkong


Hosking, H. W 7 Chinese Maritime Customs, Canton

Hoskins, C. M., director, Philippine National Bank, Manila

Hoskyn, H. P., treasurer, Hoskyn & Co., Inc,, Iloilo

Hoste, J. M.chancellor,

Hoth, G., D., sub-editor,

GermanNorth. China Nanking

Legation, Daily iYrws- Shanghai

' Houghton, J. M., sub-Ucct., Chartered

Houghton, J. S., assist., Palmer and Turner, HongkongBank of India, Austr. & China, Harbin

i Hbulding,

Hpbghtbn, G.W.W.,T., actg.

secretary, LewisBombay

mill mgr., & Peat,Burmah

Lid., Singapore

Trading Cbrpn., Ld., Bangkok

Houriham, M. N., inspector of police, Hongkong

House, Capt. A. E-, assist, godown supt., Butterfield & Swire, Hankow

Householder, H. W., Harbour Office, Customs, Shanghai

Houston, A.,

Houyet, Capt.consul

J. A.,fordirector, P.W.D.,

Belgium, Sandakan, B. N. Borneo


Hoven, J., accountant, Netherlands Trading Co., Hongkong

Hovil, G. O., secretary, Bradburne & Co.., Ld., Selangor

How, G. K., manager, Central China Dispensary, Ld., Hankow


Howard, C. H., Hon'gkong: & Shanghai-'Banking'Corp,,' Selangor

Howard, F. A., cashier, TIk).Chase Ban1!:, Hoiigkong

Howard, F. M., assist, manager, E. W: Hangdon & Co., Shanghai

Howard, iV.rcy,

Howard, managermanager,

S., assistant for Malaya,- General Electric



Howard, S. F., manager, American Express Co. Inc., Peiping

Howard, W. J., assistant,

Howard-Leicester, Canadiari

O., partner, Swan,Pacific S.S. C<>.Craik",

'Maclaren-A , Hongkong^

Penang • - ' • • - - ^

Howe, A. C., accountant, North Borneo Trading Co., Ld,, Sandakan, B. N. Bo-neo

Howe, A. G., assist, manager, Wilkinson,Heywddd Clarke 'Shanghai


Howe, C.H. M., generalmanager,

S., assist, manager,loank

Cie. Egiinco-Asi' arique des Pdtfdles, Saigon

of'Coinirniuicatiqns.-FId'ngkong ;

Howe, R. B., supt. of quarters, Public Works, dept., Selaiigor’

Howe, R. G., counsellor, British Legation,

Howell, A., assistant, Smith, Bell & Co., Ld., Cebu Nanking'


Howell, G.,Ian,signs per pro.,pro.,'Liddell

signs'per Reiss, Massey Bros.&,Afe




Howell, I. H., director, Hardy, Gatliff A C'-)-; Tientsin :

Howell, J.. S., assist., Dodwell &■ Co-., Hmgko'ng' , ,

Howell, R. II., share broker, Peiping

Howell, W. M., director,

Howells. ...J. B,W.,attornev. .Liddell.;

partner, Standard Bros.

Ker <& Co.,Vacuum & Co.,

Ltd., Mnnihi Tientsin. .

Howev, Oil (>>,, Singapore ,

Howie, J. H. W., Machinery de.pt., Spewan Tomes A 00., Hon'gkpMg

Howl, Capt. F. VP.j .distnict yugineer, .FAL^y'qRajjlways,. jvnaia LarppuB; Sejangor


Royer, A.,W. vice-president;-Manila

Q., accountant, Mansergh Gas&Cqr.pora.tioa,


Hoyt, E. H., attorney, Stf)'nilard-Vaequm Oil C^,, H^ipbong

Hoyueen, L., manager, Headman * Co., Foochow

Hozuma, J., dir., Hankqvy Bank Ld., Hankow

Hubbaek, T. 1L, Commissioner of Game, F.M.S. '■

Hubbard, G. E., agent, Hongkong and Shanghai Baftking Corporation, Poipipg

Huber, E., merchant, Shanghai

Huber, 3L I., manager,.Srbef, Hegner

•Huber, H. ()., manager. Hotel i/hiza, Shanghai.

Huber, I., branch manageiy Siemens China Co., Canton, . !


Hubert, H.I!,-I.,agent,

manager, Siber, Hegner

Canadian Co;-, Ltd.. Yokohama

Pacihc Steamstiips, Ld., Tokyo •• L

Hudden, D. C., assistant district officer, Sibu, Sarawak

Hudee, L.E. E.,C., aroiritec-t;

Hudson, Shanghai

Hudson, Dr. F.acting branch

B., dental mgr., Shanghai

suvjgeon, Union Insurance Society ’ . 'of' Canton, Ld,, SourabayJi

Hudson, J. C., Ponsul 'for America Soura baya

Huebner, H., Schth'i'dt & Co., Tientsin"


Uuenefeld, C., E., signs per pro.,

vice-pres., and R.mana^dL.ChristeFn;

Jolih'son Co., Canton Hucnfeld it Co., MtinrUi

I!uet, F. J., acting senior supt., Tra.fe, fiptl Customs, Negri Scmbilan ,

Huggard, Sir W. C., h'.c., r.uo.i chief'|ugtice, Stqii cinb Court, Singapore

ilugh-.lones, G. S., solicitor, Wilkinsbn’L Grist, Hongkong

Hughes, A. H., mai^ger, China United'Assuraime Soyie.ty, Shanghai

Haghesj A \

Hugh^,AH.v;E., signs per pro.',' irnited. Exporters, Ld.. Singipofe


Hughes, H. Owen, director, Harry Wickiiig 1 A'"Co., flonggdng


Hughes, J., mgr., mefcliandisO

-i. Owen, director/Harfy dept.,Wiekingdt

HonoluluCoIron Works Co,,

, Hongkoti' g M

Hughes,.!.R. W.

Hughes, G., W., BritisltResident,

assist., Hanson, Orth &NegwjSeofbil'

Stevbnsou, aInc^Cbbtr'

M .'i 1

r i


Hughes, W. l\ D.,E., acting

manager, supt.,Hl Vi^n' Ileparfmeut,

Asiatic'Petwdeum ’iLiping, •Perak'

Co., Tsingtao- 1

^ -

Hugo, Vic., mana)geVflI)rkehfel,The®tre;-Hongkong L : i->g


Haisken, C., general manager,

Hull, C. L., Clarke & Larkin,'Manila Singapore Rubber Wppfc^' j Si&gappfe.

Hull, Q.-B. Gifford, resident mgr., Shing Mun Valley Water S.obeme.Gorgo Dam,,H’kong

.Hull, L. G., proprietor, American Cleaners, Tientsin

Hulme, O. H., postal commissioner, Post Office, Tsinan

Hulsemann, C., manager,' Nbw Engine A Iron Works, •


Humbert, Dr. J. E.in.charge,

L., chef E., minister, Swedish Legation.

Runnymede Tokyo cV Bangkok .■ .

Hotel Ld.,-Penang

Hume, D. W., chief engineer, Taikoo Sugar Refining C6„, Ld., Hongkong


Humfrey,R. L.D..H.partner, Adams

G., assist., W ^llan,& Shanghai

Hongkong Penang Banking'Corpn., Johore

Hurq.mel, A.-, Hgn^ the firm, Fnhrmeister A* Co., Shanghai

Humphreys, A., supt., Electricity m^pt.',;Sarawak

Humphreys, A. D., assist’., Dodwell & Co, Ld., Hongkonsr

Humphreys, J. D., partner, John D. Humphreys & Son, Hongkong’


Hunson, D., G.manager,

C., Asiatic


Tai & Co.,Co:, PortHongkong

Edward. Wffihai\Vei

Hunt, Capt. H. North, m.c.s.. registrar-gen., Dept, of Statistics, SWjjhfcF. M. S., S’pofe

Hunt, H. J., assist., Jardine Engineering Corporation, Ld., Hongkong

Hunt, H. Q., secretary. Colonial Dispensary. Hongkong


Hunt, J.J. W.,

P , Imperial

director. Chemical

R. YoungIndus(China),

Hunt, R. M., R. M. Hunt &. Cdlj1 Cgnton .

Hunt, S. R , British Embassy, Tokyo

Hunt, W. E P.,Asiatic

Hunt, Wm. PetroleumL-Everett,

vice-president, Co. (SouthIne., Chinal, Ld., Hongkdng



Hunter, E.G. H., acting Theo.

C., assist., deputyDavies


& Co.. Ld.,Chinese

ManilaMaritime Customs,..Rungkow

Hunter, H., director, Tozai Motors Ld., Tokyo


Hunter, H. govt,

J., J., assistant,

surveyor. Bradley

HarbourOffice- Hongkong

Hunter, Jas. A., proprietor. Hunter &Hongkong

Hunter, J., supt., distribution dept., Co., Harbinand China Gas Co., Hongkong

Hunter, J. E. L., partner, Hunter & Lovatt Shanghai

Hunter, Tv. W,t manager, Kyle, Palmer & Co., Ld., Perak

Hunter, R., managing

Hunter, T., manager, E.director,,HedRes

R. Hunter ife CoTrading( Kobe‘& Dairy1. Farm Co;,HhaUgRai

Hunter, W., engineer, Shanghai Power Co., Shanghai

Huntsman, Harold, partner. Maxwell & Kenion, Perak


Hurley, G. V., assist,R.,manager.

Lowe, Bingham,

PhilippipelD.'Coconut Corporation,, Earnboapgk ’ ’

Hurrell,A.,B. senioFwarder,

Hurry, W.. district officer, RnbadPplice'de.pt.,

Municipal 'Dfatu, BritishShanghai

North Borneo '


Hurst, Carlton, consul forWilliam

L. C., merchant, the United


& Co.,Penang.


Hurst, V. G. M., Mercantile Bank of India, Rd., Kuala'.Lumpur; Selangor'

Hurter, A., chansellor, German Embassy, China

Hurtig, J . section chief. Netherlands Harbour VVorks Cd., Mukden

Hurzeler, J., vice consul for Switzerland. Shanghai

Husband, Capt. 0. T. M.. supt., Survey Dept., Malacca

Hussey, IT.T. architect,

Husband. G.. senior executive

Peiping engineer, Public Works dept., Selangor


Hussey, R. K. assist. Commissioner&ofCo.,Police.

F. J., aect . Cumberbatch Sebwigor


Hussey, Capt. T. M„ official censor of

Husson, L. IT. M.. agent, Chargeurs Reunis, HaiphongFilms, Straits Settlements


Huston, W.J. C..R„TT.S.



General Motors, Japan, Lc]., Osaka .i -

Hutchings, L. C., assist, manager, Robinson A Co., Ld.,-Siyg^pore

Hutchinson, C. A., vice-consul for America, Tokyo

Hutchinson, E. TV, agent, Siam Commercial Bank Ltd., Chiengfnai Rpanch, Rangkvtk

Hutchinson,A.T.D.,H ,division

Hutchison, acct.. Guest. ,Keenofficer,

medical ifc N.ettlnfolds, Ld,, Shapghai

Sibu, Sarawak


Hutchison, E. 0., assist., Hongkong & Shanghai-i>ank, Shanghai

Hutchison, G. R., sub-accountant, National City Bank of New York, Manila


Hutchison, JiThos., C., commercial


for China,British Embassy,

Babcock China Shangha

& WilcOx,,Ld-,

Huttemeier, secretary, Danish Consulate, Canton


Hutton, J.L. N.W.,L.,director,


Reiss, MasseyPublic

it Co..Works dept., Brunei -.ff]

Ltd;, Hongkong

Hutton, T. R., senior executive engr., P. W. D.,

Huxter, J. R., accountant, Mercantile Bank of India, Ld., Shanghai Kuantan, Pahang


Hybart, I.G.B.,E.,sub-acconntant,

exporter, importer and commission

Chartered agent,Australia

Bank of India, Canton and China, Shanghai

Hyde, C. F., assist.. Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation, Chefoo

Hyde, J., clerk of works, H.K. & K. Wharf & -Godown Co., Ld., Hongkong

Hyde-Lay, A., assistant, Dodwell

Hykes, E. R., M.,

Hykes, John manager.

manager. Standard Vacuum

Aluminium Oil Co.,

United Ld., Hankow


Hykes, R. K., manager, Standard Vacuum Oil Co., Kiukiang

Hyndman, A. H, assist., Hongkong and Shanghai

Hyndman, E. J.. local repres., Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada, Hotels, Ld., Shanghai


Hynes, C. S., manager, Forbes, Munn

Hynes, T., supt. of mails, Gpnepa] Post Office. Hongkong Co., Ltd.,, Manila

Hyslop, J., sub-agent, Chartered Bank of India,

Icasiauo, C., manager, International Service Co., Inc. Manila Australia and China, Canton

Ide, F. M., acting agent,

Igglesden,M.S.R.,D.,consuFgeher&l Jardine,

Leigh & £)range, Matheson

Hongkopg & Co., Ichang

Iglesias, for Peru, Hongkong

Illenberger, F., secretary to Consul of Germany, Hankow

lilies,'C. J., assist., lilies & Co., Yokohama

Illingworth, L. E., Manufacturers’ representative, Shanghai


Inch, H.A.,M.,assist,




Co., B.N.

TientsinBorneo.t' ' P'

Inchausti, R,., yiee pres., Parsons Hardware Co., Manila


Ingham, R.,F.,acting


Manilatreasurer. Singapore -

Ingham, Van W., consul, American Consulate, Nanking

Ingle, D. K.. supt. and editor, Government Printing Office, Jesselton, B.N.B

Inglis, F., Phoenix Assurance Co., Ld., Shanghai


Inglis, J.P. P.,C., factory


Hopkins,HunieDunnPipe& Co-,(FarShanghai

Egst) Ltd., Hongkong


Ingram,F.,T. manager,

R., examiner,GrandAudit

Hotel, Ipoh,Hongkong

Office, Perak

Inhelder, H., managing partner, Inhelder, Walch Co., Ld.. Manila


Inokum,J. R.,J. C.,commissioner,

supt. engineer, Singapore

Chinese Maritime ColdCustoms,

Storage Co., Ld., Singapore'


lochvidoff, S., manager, Esso Co., Tientsin


Ireland, H. J.U.,B.,assistant,

director, Butterfield

T. M. Gregory Jk Co..Hongkong

& Swire, Hongkong

Trie, M., managing direotor, Hankow Bank, Ld., Hankow

Irle, K. W., Swan, Culbertson & Fritz, Shanghai

Irvin, R. S. K., mang. dir., Nippon Kokuean Eogyp K. K., Osaka

Irvine, J.,

Irvine, N. C.sub-acct., Chartered


Pure Cane Bank of India.

Molasses Aust.Inc.,& China,


(P.I.) ManilaTientsin

Irvine, R., district Tampin, Negri

Irwine, H. Y., chairman, Brunner, Mbnd & Go. (Japan), Ld., Kobe


Isaac, E. S.,supt.,

merchant, Singapore

Isaacs,L„J. A., Post Office

inspector, General,Police,

Municipal Singapore


Isaacs, S..T.,S.proprietor,

Isardas, Isaacs J: Go.,Isardas

and c'&ortsul

Go., foi'Manila

Czechoslovakia, Yokohama


Isenman, W.F.,J.,c.b.e., supt. ofS.police^

chairmab, MoutrieBritish

& Co.,Municipal Council, Tientsin

Ld., Shanghai

Isherwood, Jr., F. W., agent,

Isitt, H. S. Goodwyn, partner,States


Percival Co., Yokohama

and Isitt, Kobe


Tsley, J. L., assist., Asiatic Petroleum Co., Amoy

Ismail, Hon. Dato, state secretary, Secretariat/Johore ■

Ismail, S. H., sub. acct.,, National City Bank of New York, Hongkong

Ismail, S. K. M., managing proprietor, Asiatic

Ismail, S. M. M., attorney, Asiatic Stamp Co., Singapore Stamp Co.,. Singapore

Ismer, C., Ismer & Co., Shanghai

I very, C., Macbeth, Gray & Co., Shanghai

Ivy, M.F.H.,E.,assist.,

Ivery, financialUnioncommissioner, Kedah of Canton, Ld., Hongkong'

Insurance Society


Jack, G. A.D.,V.,partner,


I. F. Treasurer,

Drysdale &CebuCo., Nanking

Jack, L.,

Jack, J. M.,



Harper Wm.& Co.,C.Ld.,


& Co., Ld., Hongkong

Jackson, C., assist, Dairy Farm, Ice and Cold Storage Co., Ld., Hongkong

Jackson, C. G., accountant, Eastern Extension Telegraph Co., Ld., Penang

Jackson, C. H., surveyor, Survey Office, Kuala Tinggi, Johore.


Jackson, G. G. F.F., R.,senior

mang.assist, auditor,

director, External

Imperial Audit Industries

Chemical dept., Singapore

(China), Ld./Shanghai

Jackson, G. O., assistant accountant, Municipal Council, Shanghai

Jackson, G. R., manager, Nichizui Trading Co., Ld., Kobe

Jackson, H., Taku Tug and Lighter Co., Tientsin

Jackson, H.,

Jackson, H., director,

editor. RadioHenryCorpn.


Co., Ld., Singapore


Jackson, snr., J., China Printing and Finishing Co., lid., Shanghai

Jackson, jr., J., China Printing and Finishing Co., Ld., Shanghai

Jackson, P. H. D., officer-in-charge of Police, Jekam, Pahang.


Jackson, R.R.,B.,sales manager, Malayan

malariologist, Motors,sub-dept.,

Malariologist Ltd., Singapore


Jackson, T. E., assist, surveyor, Harbour Department, Hongkong

Jacob, M. Jean Lortat, attache,chiffreur,

Jacobs, J. E,, consul for.United States, Shanghai French Legation, Tokyo

Jacobs, N. A., gen. supervisor. Commercial Express and Storage, Shanghai

Jacobs, R., branch manager, Whiteaway, Laidlaw & Co., Ld., Penang

Jacobsen, A., accounting dept., Robert Dollar Co., Shanghai

Jacobsen, V., manager, East Asiatic Co., Ld., Harbin

Jacot-Guillarmod, L., chancellor for Switzerland, Shanghai




Wise H.ifc Co.,

D. Rodger, Shanghai

Inc., Manila

Jahn, A. F, assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co,, Osaka ;

Jahn, M., chancellor, German Legation, Bahgkqk


Jakeman,Gtto,R. W.,Jaissle

assist.& Secretary

Co., Batavia

to the High Cpmmissiqner, F-M.S. and S.S.

JamerO, G. J. secretary, Monte do Piedad and Savings. Bank, Manila

James, A., manager, Lebel (China), Shanghai

James, C. H. N., manufacturers’ representative, Yoltphgma,

James, E.E., A.director,

James, Mourinattache,

H., military & Co., British

Ltd., Kedah

Embassy, Tokyo

James, E. O., works mgr., Singapore Slipway and Engineering Co,, Ld., Singapore

James, F. P. R., overseer, P.W.D., Hongkong & Co., Ld., & Consul for Sweden, Kobe

James, E. W„ managing director, A. Cameron

James, F. W., supt. engineer, Butterfield & Swire, Hongkong

James, J. F., qnanager and director., Nickel & Lyons, Kobe


James, L.L. R.,

K., consul,


Chartered Bank of Nanking

Cohsulate, India, Australia & China, Penarig

Jamieson, E. G., acting consul for Great Britain,Banking

Jamieson, C. M., assist., Hongkong & Shanghai Harbin Corpn., Peiping

Jamieson, F. A., works supt., Peiping-Liaoning Railways, Tientsin

Jamieson, J., assist.. Warner, Barnes & Co., Ld., Manila

Jamieson, J., manager, Calamba Sugar Estate, Manila


Jamieson, 8., M., manager,

commissioner Manilaof Excise,

QfBce, CSingapore

a a, a

il ub 'Sugar Estate! Manila .

Jamieson., W. J., (sub-agent, Charteyedj Bgnk of In-cJia. Aust..

Jaminet, R., manager, Union Erancq.Crupoise de Navigation, Shanghai ,»

J?m- B'EStDEitTS ’





^loitors, Ed.,Manila


Janes, H. S., general m’aTcialgfer, ^utoitiatic'EIedttic/Inc., Shanghai

Jannings, W,, manager, signt the firdi, Siethisen Co.', Tientsin


Jansen, Joh.,

M. J.,proprietor,

gen. mgr., Corona

CompagniePlowersliOp, Singapore dfeP^roles^ Saigott ^

Franco Asiatique 1

Janson, L., signs per pro, Rud Ratjen, Tokyo

Janssen, Th.,

Janssen, R., chancellor,


ihgenieur, Embassy^

& i "e.,China

F. Grenier.Co,,

Feld v


Jansz, H. D. G., Chas.

Janthier, D., manager, Banque Franco Chinoise, Tientsin L(,l,,’Rerak

Januszowski, R. J., manager, Cie. Intern'. Des Wagofl Lits &■ Des Grand Exp., Ilarbii^

Jaques, V.D.EL,J., barrister-at-law,,

Jardine, governor, Sandakan, TillbkeB N,it Gibbins,-Bangkok


Jardine, D. K., Irfiperin 1-Chetnicsilllndusti-ies (China), Ld-;,.Shanghai

Jardine, B. A., assistant, Rdhgftong & Shanghai Banking 'Corporation, Harbin


Jarldane,P.,K.prop, and'nianager,

Kl, kupt., WhangpooJoi-illaS FurnitureBoard,

Conservancy StoreShanghai

and Sails, Manila

Jarman, 0., supt.. Panpanga Sugar Co., Manila1 y


Jarrett,P.,F.,agent, Assurance

examiner, ChineseFranco-Asiaticlhe,-Peiping

Maritime Customs, Foochow


Jarvis, V.

R. Y., H. C., sub-editor, South C/iinn Morrdhg

( Post, Hongkong

Jarvis, S., acct.,consul for America,

Hongkong ElectricHankow

Co /Ld., Hongkong’

Jaspersen, J., commission agent, Newchwang


Jauch, J. G.,M.manager,

P., merchant,

A. E.'GNewchwang

. China Electric Oq.; Tientsin .

Javier, A., manager, Agencia

Javrotsky, J., deputy cotnmissidner, de Golocacidnes de Gregoria,

Chinese Maritime ManilaFooehow


Jazdzewski, Antoni, counsellor-and charge d’affaires; ai.i., Polish Legation, Tokyo-

Jean, iR. T.,. general mgr., ighanghai Dairy • Equipment''Cb:, Shanghai

Jaan, S., private sddhetary, Interhational Savings Society,,Shanghai

Jean, Wm. V. L., mgr., Shanghai Dairy Equipment Co., Shanghai

Jebenstreit, Fr., merchant, Yokoham a


Jedeikin,CL, S.,chancellor,

merchant,GermanKobe Consulate, Shanghai

Jee, Luther M., vice-president,

Jeff, R. H. A., senior district engineer, Realty F.M.S.

Investment Co., Shanghai

Railways, ]£ua1a Lumpur' Selangor


Jeffreys, A. J. W.,

C., chief supt.

assistant, of Physical

Hongkong Education,

Telephone Od.. Education

Ld.. dept., Sihga|)qre


Jeffries, A.E.E.,'yii'eless technician, Public

Jeffries, C. W., director, Royal Observatory, Kowloon, HongkonglYork.Sidepk, Hongkohg


Jehl, I. I., assistant supt. &ofCie,

Customs, Negri Stepibilan


G., signsOppenheimer

per pro., Anglo'Siam Ltd.,Corporation.

Kobe Ltd->-Bangkok


Jenkin, A., engineer,q.b.e., Lotharbarrister;at-Iaw,

Marqks, Mukden 1’

Jenkins,F.A.C.,F.,K.c.,Crittall Mannfactunnsr Co.,Hongkong

Dodwell & Co., Hongkong


Jenkins, B.C. S.,

E„ vlce-presdt.

state & dir., international tnsce. Office, Shanghai

Jenkins, Douglas Jr.,engineer,

vice-consulP.W.D., Kedah Nanking

for America,

Jenkins, J. ;Rees, liepresentative, Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada, Hankow

Jenkins, S . S ask'ist! manager, IVloddy, Mark L.,, Shanghai'.

Jenkins, T. A.. MThqs..Cook A: Son, Ld., Kobe


Jenner, W. W.,assistant,

manager,Wm. Mansfield 4 Co.,(Dfalaya),

Ltd.,' Singapore

Jenner, C.L. G., W., director Fairchild Jacks.-*-

& Co.,Co.Tientsin Ld., Singapore


Jennings, A. R., secretary, Pritchard * Co.. Ld.j'Fitting,(Jq,

A., manager, Shanghai Waterworks Rfenafi^ L^i, Shaiighai

Jennings, A. R., managpr, signs per pro),'Eastern and Oriental Hotel; Ltd., Penang-

Jennings, E. L. S.; assist, editor, Pirties of Walaya, Perak

Jennings, J. A. S., managing director and1 editor,, . FtmeS Perak

Jennings, P." J., aO'ctij Ctiina Traitiport a hd’’Stdr age,Cb.) Thcl, Shanghai


-Tensen, Anders, signs per pro., Borneo Co., Ld., Bangkok

Jensen, C. V., accountant, Tokio Fire & Marine Insurance Co., Ld., Shanghai

Jensen, F. V., superintendent, Great Northern Telegraph Co., Ld., Hongkong


Jensen, G.,

H. T.,proprietor,


Lilly Eli & Co.,Trading Co., Shanghai



Jensen, N.L. V.,F., supt.,

inst. Great

supt., Northern TelegraphOilCo..Co..Ltd.,Changsha

Standard-Vacuum Amoy

Jensen, O. V., Great Northern Telegraph Co., Ld., Shanghai

Jensen, S., export dept., East Asiatic Co., Ld., Bangkok

Jensen, S. E., manager, Jensen & Co., & Scandanavian Trading Co., Shanghai

Jensen, iS. J., principal, Jensens Chemical Laboratories, Shanghai


Jephson,S.H.,J. F., pro.,S.Hankow

assist., J. DavidChemical Laboratory, & Consul for Finland, Hankow

Jespersen,'C. F., gen. mgr. & secretary,

Jeppesen, H. L., manager, East Asiatic Rubber Siam Cement CA, Ltd.,

Estates, Ltd.,The, Bangkok


Jeremiah, J. J., mang. partner, Specialities Agency Co. of Malaya, Penang

Jernigam P„ manager, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Peiping

Jerfard, F. H., director, David & Co., Ltd., A. B., Saigon

Jessen, E. V., superintendent, Great Northern Telegraph Co., Hongkong

Jessen, J. H., partner, Jebsen & Co., Hongkong

Jesu, A. W., assist, manager, Lauro Films, Shanghai


Jesus, A.F. G.S. de,'

de, secretary,

secretary, Kelly & Walsh,Corporation,

Siam Electric Ld., ShanghaiLd., Bangkok

Jesus, F. S. de, secretary, Menam Motor Boat Co., Bangkok

Jesus, F. V. de, manager, Oriental Bakery, Bangkok

Jesus, V. E., secretary, Manila Railroad Co., Manila

Jeune, E. J. Le, mgr., National City Bank of New York, Manila

Jewell, F. H,, resident representative, Ritchie & Co., Shanghai


Jimenez,A.,J. principal

E., mgr., warder,


de SanDept;, Hongkong

Fernando, Manila

Jinks, B. F., mgr., Associated Publishers. Manila

Jinlebin, P. H., sub-manager,. A. Vannini, Hongkong

Joaquim, B. J. P., advocate and solicitor, Pooley &> Co., Selangor


Joaquin.H. R„

C., treas.,

sub manager,

PhilippineHongkong and Shanghai

Engineering Co.,. Inc., Banking

Manila Corporation, Singapore

Joe, F. H., British-American Tobacco Co,, Ichang

Joerg, O., director, Societe M. Battegay &;Cie, Tientsin

Joffe, J., assist., China Light & Power Co., Hongkong


Johannessen, M.C.,R., partner,



Co., Hongkong

Johansen, E. F., mgr., Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer

Johansen, H. V., agent, East Asiatic Co.vLd., Tsingtao Go,, Osaka

Johanson, B., managing director, Kjellbergs Successors, Ld., Tokyo

Johansson, J. R., mng. partner, Fobes Co., Ld., Tientsin


John, A., Pahang

K. Y., assist.,Consolidated

Standard-VacuumCo., Pahang

Oil Co., Kiukiang


Johnson, B. G. H., director, Boustead Manila,

C. A., justice, Supreme Court, P.I. Singapore

& Co., Ltd.,


Johnson, C.C. A., engineer manager,

B., solicitor, Hastings &Westjughouse

Co., Hongkong Electric Co., Tokyo

Johnson, D., partner, Brockett

Johnson, E., supt., Liggett & Myers Tobacco C6., Manila

Johnson, F. G., general representative,'Shanghai

Johnson, G.,

Johnson, H. L.,vice-consul

director, for Norway,

Federal ShanghaiLd., Selangor


ohnson, Capt. I. C., naval attache,

Johnson, J., assist., Taikoo Dockyard and LL S. Embassy,

EngineeringTokyoCo., Hongkong

Johnson, L., assist, mgr,, Reliance Tobacco Co., Shanghai

Johnson, L. G., genl mgr., Eastern United Assurance Corp., Ld., Singapore

'ohnson, L. N., sub-manager, National City Bank of New York, Hongkong


r M. A., assistant, Dodwell & Co., Ld.. Hongkong

ohnson, M. T., managing director, Gibb, Livingston & Co., Ltd., Hongkong


Johnson, N. E., Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Manila

Johnson, Hon.

Johnson, P. D.,Nelson


envoy extraord.

Medical Dept.,& minister


PerakAmerican Legation, Peiping

Johnson, P., director, Hercules Lumber Co., Manila

Johnson, P. J., district Forest Officer, Bentong, Pahang


Johnson, R.,R. M.,secretary, Dunlop for

assist, director Rubber Co.,U.S.

Orient, Penang

Shipping Board, Manila

Johnson, R. S., assist., Butterfield & Swire, Hongkong

Johnson, T., vice-pres.. Realty Investment

Johnson, V., treas., Johnson Pickett Rope Co., Manila. Co., Shanghai

Johnson, W.

Johnson, W. D.,R., sub-accountant,

managing director, Chartered

TobaccoBank of India,

Products Australia itShanghai

Corporation, China, Canton

Johnston, A. L., assist., Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, Bangkok

Johnston, Arthur R., representative in China, Aerostyle, Ld., it Mander Bros., Ld., S’hai-

Johnstom, B. O. M., mgr., Hongkong & Shanghai Bank, Mgnila

Johnston, J. H., controller, Government Monopolies Department, Singapore

Johnston, J. J., Chartered Bank of India, Aust. and China, Tientsin

Johnston, B. C., manager, Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corpn., Manila

Johnston, R. R., sub-acct., Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China, Tientsin

Johnston, W. F., signs per pro., Butterfield & Swire, Canton


Johnstone, A.R.,C.,import


and shippingMorrisdept.,Cars,


Darby&&Co.,Co., Hongkong

Ld., Singapore

Johnstone, T., marine supt., Butterfield

Jollye H. P., general manager, Manila Electric Co., Manila

Joly, G.,

Joly, C. H.civilB.,engineer,

Chinese Maritime

Brossard Customs,Etablissements,


Joly, P. B„ commissioner, ChineseMopinMaritime Customs, Hoihow Singapore

Jonas, F. M., director, Nickel

Jonckheer, W. A., agent, Ned. Ind. Handelsbank, Semarang

Jonery, J., principal, Cie. des Chem. de Fer de ITndochine et du Yunnan, Mengtsz

Jones, A., chief accountant, Texas Co. (China), Ld., Hongkong

Jones, A. E., general manager, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld., Shanghai


Jones, A.Dr.E.A.T.,N.,director,


practitioner.& Co.,Black,

Ld,, Balean

Singapore& Skinn, Hongkong

Jones, B. E., assistant, Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd., Manila

Jones, C. H. S.,

Jones, E.E:, I.acct., assist, editor.

Taikoo Dockyard The Malaya Tribune, Singapore


Jones, F. A.,Wynne,partner, 1st magistrate.

J. Klemantaski, Magistrates’ Co., Ld., Hongkong

Harbin Court, Kowloon, Hongkong

Jones, F. B., sub-accountant, Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China, Penang

Jones, F. G., mgr.., Electric Service Ooporation, Perak


Jones, F.F. R.,

L., manager

manager, and secretary,

Reuters, Malay Mail, Selangor

Ld., Singapore


Jones, Glynn, Huttenbach,

H. I., managing Lazarus

owner, Irving

Sons, &Teluk Anson, Perak

Co., Singapore

Jones, H. P. B., chief engineer, Rising Sun Petroleum Co., Ld., Yokohama

Jones, H. S., assist., Hongkong Electric Co, Ld., Hongkong

Jones, H. V., mang. dir. & chairman, Watts & Co., Ld., Singapore

Jones, H. V., Smith Bell & Co., Ld., Manila


Jones, J.J., Edgar.,



Bros. Co., Hongkong

& Jones, Perak

Jones, J. H , wharf manager, Borneo Wharf, Bangkok

Jones, J. N., wharf manager, Borneo & Co., Ld., Bangkok

Jones, J. R., secretary, Municipal Council, Shanghai

Jones, J.K. S.,W.,business

Jones, manager, Peking andBank

sub-accountant. Tientsin Times,Australia

Tientsinife China, Hongkong

Jones, Nelson, first magistrate,Chartered

Police Court, Johore of India,

Jones, P. G., assist, judge, iSupreme Cdurt for China, Shanghai

Jones, S.R.W.,L., acting

Jones Lowe, Legal

Bingham & Matthews,

Adviser HongkongJohore

to the Government,

Jones, W., agent, Robert Dollar Co., Manila


Jones, W. A. O., solicitor and advocate, Sisson & Delay, Singapore

Jones, Dr. W. P., health officer, Johore Bahru, Johore

Jones, Wm. S., freight agent, Robert Dollar Co., Manila


Jongh, F. de,W.,signsmanaging director, PhilipsHandels

p. p., Holland-China China Co., Shanghai(Tientsin), N.Y., Tientsin


Jongh, J. G. J. de, assist, agent, Koninklyke Paketvaart Maatschappy, Penang

Jonker, J., mgr., Koninklyke Paketvaart Maatschappij, Padang

Jonn, E., managing director, Gadelius & Co, Ld., Osaka

Jopp, K.Hon.

Jordan, M., chief

Mr. A.accountant,

R., acting United


for Chinese Ld.,affairs,



Jordan, E., manager, Japan Import and Export Commission Co., Yokohama

Jordan, E. C., director, Ricketts, Twinor & Co., Ltd., Shanghai

Jordan, F. C., manager, British-Ajnerican Tobacco Co., Ld., Peiping

Jordan, Dr. J., manager, Koerting & Co., Yokyo

Jordan, J. H., commissioner, health dept., Municipal Council, Shanghai

Jordan, K. E., acting commissioner, Chinese Maritime Customs, Hoihow

Jordan, R. B., vice-consul, U.S.A. Consulate, Hankow

Jorge, A. P., barrister-at-law, Macao

Jorge, E. H.. accountant, Asiatic Trading Corporation, Ld., Shanghai

Jorge, I. P., barrister-at-law, Macao

Jorgensen, A., acting Consul for Denmark and mgr., East Asiatic Co., Ltd., Harbin


Jorgensen, E.A., L.,partner,

forest Wassard & Co., Vladivostock

engr., Malayan Collieries,, Ld., Selangor

Jorgensen, N. Chr., Danish Consulate and Loup & Young, Tientsin


Josceyne, R. A., assistant, Gibb, LivingstonShanghai

H., engineer, Paulsen & Bayes-Davy, & Co., Shanghai

Jose de la Fuente, manager, Cameva Supply Co., Manila

Jose, M., mgr., Jose Angel, Manila

Joscien;, Th. de Jong, secretary, Netherlands Legation, Peiping

Joseph, E., partner, Joseph Bros., Shanghai

Joseph, F.Ellis,

Joseph, A., signs per Hongkong

director, pro., H. B. Tramways,

Joseph & Co.,Ld.,Hongkong


Joseph, H. B., principal, H. B. Joseph tfe Co., Hongkong

Joseph, J.. assistant, E. D. Sassoon cfc Co., Ld., Shanghai

Joseph, J. E., exchange broker, Hongkong

Joseph, R.Paul

Josselyn, M., merchant, Shanghaifor United States of America, Hankow

R., consul general

Jousique, J., Societe des Ciments

Justesen, M. L., manager, Anglo-Danish PortlandShipping

ArtificielsCo.,de Shanghai

ITndo-chine, Haiphong

Jouvelet, J., acting deputy commissioner, Post Office, Hangchow

Jowett, H., manager, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Peiping

Joya, M. H. de, Araneta, De Joya, Zaragoza & Araneta, Manila

Joynson, H. W., up-country manager, Louis T. Leonoweqs, Bangkok

Joynt, H. R., Commissioner of Lands and Mines, johore

Juan, Rufo,J.,vice-president.

Juaregui, manager, Auditorium MalayanHaiLumber Incorp., Manila

Alai, Shanghai

Judd, A. F., assist., Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Manila


Judd, E.E. G., representative,

L., acting Jaeger Co.,Imperial

district manager, ShanghaiChemical Industries, Ld., Dairen

Julian, C. A., manager, R. C. A. Victor Co. of China, Shanghai


Jungclaus, M., proprietor, M. Jumabhoy & Co., Singapore

Jungers, G.L.,A.,Menzi & Co., Inc.,

proprietor, VictorManila

Selling Agency, Kobe

Jungmann, E. N., manager, Aug. Michels,

Junker, Dr. W., secretary of Legation, China Tsinan


Jur, Dr.J. E.,

E. E.,assist., Hongkong

consul, Germanand Shanghai

Legation, Bank, Shanghai


Jurgenssen, A. J., secretary, Inniss & Riddle (China), Ld., Shanghai


Justesen, manager, Banque Franco-Chinoise, Hongkong

Justesen, N., assist, supt., Anglo-Danish

Great NorthernShipping

Telegraph Co.,Co.Shanghai


Juvet, A., Hirsbrunner & Co., Shanghai



Juvet, J., Hirsbrunner ife Co., Shanghai

Juyco., F., president, Jiiycd

Kabigtung, S., mgr., loans and discount Venilla & Co..dept.,


Philippine National Bank, Manila

Kadoorie, Sir E. S„ k.b.e., financier, KadoorieBros.,

Kabuliansky, A. A., accountant, Gershevich Tientsin

& Sons, Hongkong

Kadoorie, H., Sir Elly Kadoorie & Sons, Ld., Shanghai

Kadoorie, L., director, Hongkong & Kowloon

Kaemmerer. C., per pro manager, Macnaughton & Co., H. Wharf & Godown Co., Ltd., Hongkong

C., Kobe


Kahn, C. K.,K.,merchant,

manager, Siemssen


G. K., Kobe

Kahn, L.,

Kahn, M., vice :president, Baguio Improvement & Development Co., Manila

secretary treasurer. Levy Hermanos, Inc., Manila

Kahn, P. R., cashier, Banque Franco Chinoise, Hongkong

Kaimaz, H.. junior' partner, Shanghai Supply Co., Shanghai


Kamburov, Dr. C., medical

V. V„ manager,officer,Skoda

Kailan Mining

Works. Adminstration, Chingwantao


Kamiya, M., sales manager, Automatic Telephones, Ld. of Japan, Tokyo

Kampt, R., manager, Andersen Meyer k Co., Ld., Mukden

Kan, H. J. E. Peelen, mgr,, Weh & Co., Padang


Kane, S., assist,acct.,


Lowe,officer, Social&Hygiene Branch, medical dept., Singapore

Kann, A.E., J,.,exchange

chartered broker, Shanghai Bingham Matthews, Shanghai

Kanter, C. H., chancellor, German Consulate, Canton

Kantzler, M , manager, Far Eastern Import & Export Co., Shanghai

Kappelhoff, H., manager, Scherings, Ld., Shanghai


Karanjia, N. D.,B. S., manager,Gobhai

merchant, YassosKaranjia,

& Co., Shanghai

Ltd., Kobe


Kasarnovsby, L.,

M., proprietor,

proprietor, Societe

Sqciete Carmel

Carmel Oriental,

Oriental, Shanghai


Kassel, J., director, Nestle

Kassianoff, I. A., partner and manager, I. I.

Kassianoff, N. A., partner and general manager, I. I. Tschurin Tschurin & Co., Harbin

& Co., Harbin


Kastmann, K., Y. A.,director,

partnerJ. and manager,

Manners & Co.,I. Ld.,

I. Tschurin

Hongkong & Co., Harbin

Katem, N., senior partner, Shanghai Supply Co., Shanghai

Kato, N., assist, managing director, General Motors (Japan), Ld., Osaka


Katz, M., Abraham,M., proprietor,


Co., Shanghai

Kauffman, V. E., secretary, Portuguese

Kauffmann, E. C. von, vice-pres.. Figueras Consulate,



Kaufman, E. S., mng. dir., “Shanghai Zaria,,, Shanghai

Kavarana, H. S., merchant, Kavarana, S. F., Canton

Kawe, G., manager, Go Colay & Co., Manila

Kay, A.W.,T.,headmaster,

Kay, W. actg. vice-consul

King’s for Gt. Britain

College, Hongkong and manager, Smith, Bell & Co., Ld., Iloilo

Kay, W„ supt., Municipal Police dept., Shanghai


Kearney, A.,D.,manager,manager,ManilaHayesElectric

Engineering Corporation, Tientsin

Co., Manila

Kearney, J. F., agent, Assurance Franco-Asiatique,Co.,Tsinan

Kearney, Geo. P., secretary, Philippine Acetylene Manila


Kearton, W.J. A.,F., manager,

manager, PatonsInternational

& Savings

Baldwins, Society,

Ld., ShanghaiShantung

Keating, T. F. supt., Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Foochow

Keecht, F., manager, Swiss Oriental Commercial Co., Manila,

Keefe, F. G., district manager, Texas Co. (China), !Ld., The, Tsingt^o

Keen, A.H. E.,

Keen, L., manager, A. S. Mary

assist., Carter Watson Tea

Coffee Co., Inc., Daitotei, Formosa

Keen, K., assist., secretariat for Chinese Affairs, Hongkong

Keen, R. C.. overseer. P.W.D., Hongkong

P. eenleyside, Dr. H. L., 1st secretary, Canadian Legation, Tokyo

Kees, H. P., Powell, Ld. Wm., Hongkong

Keet, Major H. G., controller, Government Monopolies dept., Shanghai


Keil, W., manager, Keil & Co., Mukden

Keith, Allan, secretary, Green Island Cement Co., Hongkong


Keith, D., yardconservator

H. G., manager, HongkOng and Whampoa

of Forests, Sandabah, B. N.Dock Co., Ld., Hongkong


Kekwick, H. A., Sworn Measurer, Hongkong

Kelen, E., manager, Molnar & Greiner. Shanghai

Kellagher, G. B., judge, High Court, Alor Star, Kedah

Keller, A. D., manager, Nichizui Trading, Ltd., Tokyo

Keller, directeur, Banque De ITndochine, Cantho, Saigon

Keller, Ed., president, Ed. A. Keller tk Co., Ld., Manila

Kelling, C., president &' manager, C. Kelling Inc.. Manila

Keller, O.,

Keller, H. A., director, Ed.

Liebermann, A. Keller

Waelchli &■ Co.,

& Co., KobeHongkong

Kelling, pres. & manager, C. Kelling, Inc,r 'vlanila

Kelly, A. F., branch manager, El Oriente Fabrica de Tabacos, Inc., Shanghai

Kelly, E. L, Lingnan University, Canton , ■

Kelly, G., assistant, Canadian Pacific Railway Co., Hongkong

Kelly, W. H., assist, supt. of Police, Sarawak

Kelsey,i N. F., director, Eastern Engineering Works, Tientsin

Kemmer, M., manager, Neuss Hesslein Corpn., Manila

Kemp, A. E., manager, Rising Sun Petroleum Co., Ld., Seoul

Kemp, E. G., vice-chairman, Philippine National Bank, Manila

Kemp, F. A., traffic supt., Government Radio Office, Hongkong

Kemp, J. A., Lowe, Bingham & Mhtthc'Ws, Shanghai

Kemp, J. D. director, Runnymede Hotel Ld., Penang


fernpton,J., L,assist, gen. mgr.,

electrician, Neuss, Hesslein

Hongkong Corp,, Manila

and Whampoa Dock Co;, Ld., Hongkong

endall, F. G. I., acting postal commissioner, Post Office, Tsinan

Kendall, R. G., agent, States Steamship Co., Shanghai

Kenderdine, J. E., director, Blundell & Co.,'Tokyo

Kenedy, Hon.

Kenion, J. C.,Mr.Lt. Arthur

Col., Military Attache,

N., partner; Mexican

Maxwell Legation,

ife Kenion, Tokyo


Kennard, J. A., overseer. Public Works Dept., Hongkong

Kennedy, Capt. E. R., Municipal Police dept., Shanghai

•Kennedy, G. J., assist, gen. mgr, Philippine Railway Go, Iloilo

Kennedy, N. M., accountant; Govt. Monopolies dept., Singapore

Kennedy, R., mgr.. Mercantile Bank of India, Ld., The, Hongkong

Kent, A. S., director, British-American Tobacco'Co., Ld., Shanghai


Kent, H. T. M,,signs

H. W., principal,

per pro,,Technical School,

Butterfield KualaYpkdhghfa

& Swire, Lumpur

Kent, L. H., Kent & Mounsey, Tientsin

Kent, N. E., manager, Algar & Co., Ltd., Shaiighai

Kent, P. H., Kent & Mounsey, Tientsin

Kentwell, A. j., manager, G. R. Gregg & Co., Ld., Kobe 1

Kentwel.1, IL. K., Barrister-at-law, Canton . ,


Keown, D.R. J.,M.,mgr.,


Point Installation)

Dockyard andAsiatic Petroleum

Engineering Co.,Co.Hongkong

(SiC.), Ld., Hongkong

Keppler, J. A., signs per pro,, Biedermann & Co.-, Hanoi

Kerbey, J. S., manager, Rising Sun Petroleum Cn,,.Ld., Moji

Kerckhoff, H., sub-acct., Bainque Beige pour L’Etrange, Tientsin

Kerley, V. D.G.,W.,assist.,

Kermode, consulHongkong

for GreatElectric



Kern, J.,

Kern, Ernest,


A. Kern manager,

Co., Keller,

Yokohama & Co,, Ed., A., Hongkong

Ker, William, harbour-master and supervisor of Customs, K clan fan

Kerr, I. W., assistant, Warner, Barnes & Co., Ld , Iloilo


Kerr, James, assist,ofmanager,

W. J.,J., supt. Parks, Meklong Railway

Municipality, ShanghaiGo., Bangkok

Kershner proprietor, Quiason & Co., Manila

Kervel, W. J. A. M., accountant, Nederlandsch-Indische Handels Bank, Sumatra

Kestler, M. S., secty., Philippine Manufacturing Co., Manila . *1


Kestner, Albert, manager, A. G. Bamag-Meguin, Tokyo


Keswick, J.W.H.,J., director,

director, Jardine,

Jardine, Matheson

Matheson && Co.,Co., Ld.,



Ketcham, J. B., Consul for America, Tientsin


Ketjen, B. H. van, manager, Nederlandsch Indische Handelsbank, Kobe

Kew, A. E.,E., manager,




Kew, Dr.

Kew, F. H.,I. W.,

stockbroker, Hongkong

dentist, Hongkong

Key, M. F., secretary, General Chamber of Commerce, Hongkong

Key, S. D.,engr.-in-charge,

Key, W., manager, British Borneoinst.,

Tanishui Timber Co.,Sun

Rising Sandakan,

PetroleumB. N.Co.,Borneo

Ltd., Tamshui

Key, W. J. S., engineer, Public Works Department, Hongkong

Keynes, S. C., signs per pro., Borneo Co., Ld., Bangkok

Keys, P. P.R.,D.,partner,

Keyser, inspectorKeysof works,

P.W.D., Hongkong

Kibble, E. D., state engineer, P.W.D.,

Kidby, E. P. B., Jardine Matheson & Co., Swatow Pahang

Kidd, A.,

Kidd, G. M.,branch

supt.,manager, Jardine Engineering

Prisons Department and assist,Corporation,

adviser & 1stLd.,Magistrate

Canton Johore

Kiefer, A., attorney, R. F. Goessele, Singapore

Kiefer, A., manager, Astor House Hotel, Shanghai

Kiela, J., signs permanager,

pro., Hooglandt

Kienhuize&& &Bader,


Kiessling, A.,J. J.,

Kienhuize, proprietor, Kiessling Shanghai


Kilbee, D. K., assist, marine supt., Indo-China Steam Navigation Co.,Ld., Hongkong

Kilbee, Capt. D. R., actg. marine supt., Indo-China Steam Navigation Co., Hongkong:

Kilbee, L. D., Mustard & Co., Ltd.. Hongkong

Kilby, D. F., assist., Nestle & Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co., Hongkong

Kilpatrick, T. M., acct., Chartered Bank of India, Aus. China, Ipoh, Perak

Kimmins, J. L., managing director, Pilkington Bros., Ld., Shanghai

Kimpster, W. A., manager, Mansfield & Co., Ld., Penang


Kinder, R. M.,senior

production manager, General

PublicMotors, Japan, Ld., Osaka

Kindness,F. J.,T.,assistant,executive

Hongkong engineer,

and Shanghai Works dept.,Corporation,

Banking Penang Bangkok

Kiner, Glenn, branch manager, Kellogg Switchboard & Supply Co., Shanghai


King, D. A.,

F. L., sec. and manager,

factory mgr., China Provident

British CigaretteLoanCo.,



Mukden Co., Ld., Hongkong

King, F. H., assist., Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corp., Hongkong


King, G.H. W., assistant

L., assist, judge,

instal. H.B.M.’sOriental

engineer, Supreme Court for& Electric

Telephone China, Shanghai

Co., Singapore

King, J., managing director, Dombey & Son, Ld., Shanghai

King, J., signs per pro., Syme & Co„ Bangkok


King, J.J. W.,

E., Harrisons, Barker

district mgr., & Co.,Chemical

Imperial Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

Industries (China) Ltd., Harbin

King, K., assist., Mansfield & Co., Ld., Singapore

King, L. H., executive engineer, electrical branch, Public Works dept., Hongkong

King, M. E.,

King, M. B., director, Dragon Motor

service manager, Car Co.,Sanitary

Far Eastern Ld., Hongkong

Co., Shanghai

King, P. B. T., president, Yuen Dah & Co., Shanghai

King, P. H., advertising manager, The Shipping Review, Shanghai

King, S. G., passenger solicitor, Robert Dollar Co., Manila

King, S. G., treas., 'China International Famine Relief Commission, Peiping

King, T. H., acting inspector general of Police, Hongkong

King, T. K., manager, Mei Shun S.S. Co., Shanghai

King, W., R.,

King, W. director, Priest,

signs per pro.,Marians

Lyall &&Evatt,

Co., Kobe


King, W. S., manager director, Harrisons, King

King, William, manager, China Products Export Co., Canton.

Kinghorn, J. R., supt. engineer, Butterfield & Swire, Hongkong

Kingle,.D., district officer, Papar, British North Borneo

Kingman, Dr. H. B., surgeon dentist, Tientsin


Kingsbury, Y. E., manager, Fogden, Brisbane & Co,, Ld., Hongkong

Kingsley, J. F. C., Warner Barnes & Co., Ltd., Manila


Kinlock, D.W. R.,L., sub-manager,

manager, steelChartered Bank ofBrisbane

works,'Fogden India, Austr.

China, Hongkong



Kinnaird, J., director, Asiatic Lumber Co., Ld., Otaru

Kinsey, J. J.B.,D.,consulting

director, engineer,

Davie, BoagKuala& Co., Hongkong

Lumpur, Selangor

Kipke, A., branch manager, Pathe Orient, Ld.,

Kipperman, J. F., director of Public Works, Municipality, Hongkong Padang


Kirby, A.C. E.,

M., repres.

actg. mgr., Standard-Vacuum

director, Cooper, FindlayOil&Co., Co.,Haiphong

Ld., Kobe

Kirby-Gomes, S. G., medical officer, Sun Life Assce. Co. of Canada, S’hai.

Kirby, W. E., secretary, China Coast Officers Guild, Shanghai


Kirk, Ed. W., medical

S., assist, practitioner,

accountant, Drs.Bank

Mercantile Allan,ofStrahan andSingapore

India, Ld., Kirk, Hongkong.

Kirk, W. A., executive engineer, Public Works deipt., Selangor

Kirke, C. C. A., British consul-general for Yunnan and Kweichow, Yunnanfu


Kirkwood,C. M. J., assist, supt., Police Department, Penang

Kirkwood, J.C.,A.,secretary, Associated

assist, supt., Police Publishers,


Kirkwood, R., assist., Hongkong Telephone Co., Ld., Hongkong

Kirschbaum, H. V., manager, lilies & Co., Dairen

Kislitzen, A. J„ assist, marine manager, American Asiatic Underwriters, Shanghai

Kitazawa, K., director, Nickel and Lyons, Ltd., Kobe

Kitching, T., superintendent, Survey Office, Kedah

Kitson, E. J., assistant manager, Nickel & Lyons, Kobe

Kittles, A. McM., sub-acct., Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China, Medan, Sumatra

Kitto, J., manager,consul

Kivikoski, Asiaticgeneral

Petroleum Co. (N.C.) Ld. Hankow

Kjeldsen, S.,Bruno,assist, manager, EastofAsiatic

Finland, Co.,Shanghai


Klaasen, P. A., general manager, Klaasen cfcCo., Batavia

Klamer, L., signs per pro, Shanghai Insurance Office, Shanghai

Klass, H. D., deputy registrar of Deeds, Singapore

Klatchko, Dr. M., director, First Shanghai Dental Polyclinic, Shanghai

Kleemann, E., Waibel & Co., Shanghai

Kleemann, O., merchant, Kleeman. & Co., Tientsin

Kleffel, G., managing director, Sino Continental Co„ Shanghai

Kleijn, L.J., J.,director,

Kleffel, partnerOffice Appliance

and mgr., Co., Ld.,

Shanghai Shanghai

Insurance Office, Shanghai

Klein, F., assist, manager, Fco. Glanzmann, Shanghai

Klein, H., resident, administrateur de lere classe des services civils, Lang-son, Tonkin

Klein, 0., signsL.the

Klemantaski, firm, Schnabel,

P., merchant, HarbinGaumer & Co.,.Hankow

tviemm, C. A., Brewery Engineer, Straits Java Trading Co., N.V., S’pore

Klemm, W., acct., China International Relief Commission, Peiping

Kleye, C. F., signs per pro., Carlowitz & Co., Tientsin

Kleyn, B. Th. C., manager, Nederland Line Royal Dutch Mail, Singapore

Klienman, D. H., mgr., Queen’s High. Cl ass Athletic .Goods, Singapore

Klimanek, P. H., signs per pro, Holland-China Trading Co., Shanghai

Klingbiel, Dr. K. L., assist., Baist & Co., Canton


Klingler, G., E., manager,

assistant, Philippine

Forbes Munn Match

Co., Ld., Manila

Klink, O. B., Mannfacturers Life Ins. Co., Shanghai

Klock, H., vice-president,

Kloezeman, W. J. D., manager,Bunning & Co., Manila (Inc. D.E.I.), Perak


Klose, M., assist, mgr., Eastern Engineering Works, Tientsin


Klyhn, commissioner,

ChinaChinese Maritime Co.,

Fibre Container Customs,.Nanking



Knecht, F.,A. A. A.,

mgr., Lawyer,

Swiss Semarang

Oriental Co., Manila

Knight, C. C., deputy chairman, Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corpn., Hongkong

Knight, H., Pahang Consolidated Co., Pahang


Knight, L. F., assistant supt. of Police, Penang


Knight, T., manager, Peacock S.Motion

Capt. R., engr., F. M. Railways,

PictureKuala Lumpur,

Co^rpn., Selangor


Knight, T. L., mgr., Hongkong

Knipp, A. R., Lingnan University, Canton Motor Accessories, Hongkong

Knippenberg, W., assistant, Winckler & Co., Yokohama

Knipschildt, C. J., Knipschildt & Eskelund, Shanghai


Knott, T.W.,M.,Deutsch Asiatische andBank,Shanghai

ShanghaiBanking Corporation, Canton

Knottnerus, PI.agent, Hongkong

J., accountant, Nederlandsch Indische Handelsbank, Shanghai

Knowles, F. J., director, Woollen Yosy & Co., Ld., Tientsin

Knowles, Gv, Smith, Bell & Co., Manila

Knowles, Lucius J., vice-consul for U.S.A., Kobe


Knox, Y.. D.,

G. C., partner,Great

secretary, Braddell



Assurance Co., Singapore . ,

Knox, H. B., assistant supt. engineer, Straits Steamship Co., Singapore

Knudsem, K., Wallem & Co., Hongkong

Knudtzon, J., general manager, Siam Electric Corporation, Ld., Bangkok

Kobelt, A.,manager,

Koch, manager,East Rudolph


Co., Charles, Shanghai

Koch, E.,

E. von, partner, Fokkes Koch,Ld.,Tokyo



Koch, H.,


managing Deutsch-Asiatische Bank, Tsingtao

director, China Feather Co., Ld., Shanghai

Koch, L. F., Victoria Institution, Selangor

Koch, W. V. M., medical practitioner, Black, Balean & Koch, Hongkong

Kocherga, J. M., actg. mgr., Andersen, Meyer & Co., Ld., Harbin

Kock, E. R., barrister-at-law, Singapore

Kodera, N., chief acct., iSiemens-Schuckert Denki, K.K., Tokyo

Koechlin, E., consul-general for France, Shanghai

Koenig, Dr. K., representative, Straits Java Trading Co., N.V., Singapore-

Koenigsberger, L., merchant, Shanghai

Koesling, J., International Harvester Co., Manila

Koever, PL, Kohler,

Kohler, A., assistant,Schulz

Winckler & Co., Shanghai

& Groessir, Nagoya

Kohler, P., manager, Diethelm & Co., Ld., Singapore

Kojanoff, Jean, navalNetherlands

Kok, A., chancellor, attache, Embassy of thePeiping

Legation, Union of Soviets, Tokyo

Kok, F. C., agent, Ned. Ind. Escompto Mij, Semarang

Kolacek, A., Czechoslovakian Consulate, Shanghai

Kolb, Dr. Hans, counsellor, German Legation, Tokyo

Kolkman, Dr. H., director, Dela Spoorweg Maatschappij, Median, Sumatra^


Komor, G.Dr.F.,J,partner,

C., editor,Komor


& Komor,Handesblad,

Hongkong Sourabaya


Komor, H. P., S., partner,S. Komor

manager, A. Huber & Komor, Hongkong

& Co., Shanghai

Konietzke, G., Konietzke & Goldau

Koosache, E. A. C., harbour-master, Chinese MaritimeMotor Works, Customs,

Tientsin Hankow

Kootcr, J. B., John Manners & Coi, Ltd., Hongkong

Kopelman, J. M., gen.

Kopf, B., manager, Fordmgr., Shahmoon


Co. of Japan, Shanghai



Korcherga,G. M.,A., Royal Netherlands

accountant, Indian

Andersen, Meyer Airways, Batavia

& Co., Ld., Mukden

Korelin, U. M., director, Korelin

Korff, A., partner, Melchers & Co., Shanghai& Co., Harbin

Korniloff, B. L, manager, Cie Francaise de Commerce en Chine, Saigon

Korrowitz, W., Reuter Brockelmann & Co., Shanghai

Kortright, F. H., resident, Limbang, Sarawak

Kortright, J. H., acct., Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China, Saigon

Korwin-Zmijowski, A., manager, Banque de ITndochine, Yunnanfu

Kosikis, Lieut. Col. D, G-, director, Canton Riding Academy, Canton

Kossova, I. V., secretary, Chibunovsky & Co., Harbin


Koster, L. J., signs per pro., Sta. Commissionaria di Export, e di Import, Singapore

Kotewall, Hon. Mr. R. H., principal, R. H. Kotewall & Co., Hongkong

Kotwall, E. D., Kotwall & Co., Hongkong

Kountz, C. A., assist, treasurer, General Motors (Japan), Ld., Osaka

Kovalevsky, I. I., manager, United Motors Corporation, Mukden



director,General Electric

Mackinnon, Co. of China,

Mackenzie A Co.,Ltd.


Kraal, G. H., acct., Federated Motors, Ld., Singapore


Kraemer, F., partner, Johnson Engineering Co., Canton Hankow

H., signs per pro., Deutsche Farben, Waibel & Co.,

Kramer, H., Merchant, Osaka

Krause, G., secretary,

Krautheimer, gouverneurChinade Feather Co., Ld.,Saigon

la Cbchinchine, Shanghai

Kregezy, Th., mgr., Hugo Reiss & Co., Shanghai

Kremer, P., commissioner, Chinese Maritime Customs, Mengtsz

Krenov, B., assist, mgr., West Coast Life Ipsurance.Co), Columbia Casualty Co., S’hai'

Krentz, K. C., vice-consul for tJ.S.A., Kobe

Kress, F., manager, F. E. Zuellig, Inc., Iloilo


Kresta,J. S., signs vice-consul

per pro,, Carlowitz & .Qo.,-Hankow

Kreulen,Dr.R. Otto,

A., Insurance Agent, for Austria,


Krey, B. de, assistant manager, Vraag & A an bold, Sourabaya

Kriedt, G. W., proprietor, Kriedt Printing:Cp., Manila

Krieg, P., physician, German Embassy, China

Kriekenbeek, J. W., general agent, Perak

Krier, O., Krier’s Hotel, Tientsin

Krier, R., Krier’s Hotel, Tientsin

Krier, W., Krier’s Hotel, Tientsin

Krishnan, Dr. S. R., proprietor, Town Dispensary, Negri Sembilan

Krishman, R. B., manager, Hoe Boon Leong, Singapore

Krivenko, A. A., sales manager, Tsingtao- Motors, Inc., Tsingtao


Krohn, E.,B.,H.vice-president

Architect, Shanghai

Kromsigt, G., manager,and manager,& Crosfield,

Harrisons John Landahl, Inc., ManilaBalei), Sumatra

Ld., (Tandjong

Kropp, M., Bayer-Meister Lucius Y.G.K., Tokyo


Krueger, A.,

A., assist.,



& Co.,& Go., Tsinan


Krueger, R., chancellor, German Consulate, Kobe


Kruper, Kenneth

G., director, F., Railton


CJiefoo Of ships and cargo, Yokohama

Krupka, Mis! os, secretary, Czechoslovakian Legation, Tokyo

Kruse, K, W., Hon. consul for Norway, Singapore'

Kuehlborn, Counsellor of German Legation, Peiping

Kuelps, F., assist., Jebsen & C,or) Hongkong

Kuenkell, G., assist., C. lilies

Kuenstler, H. J., assist., Smith, Bell & Co., Ld., Iloilo

Kuenzle, A. P., vice-president,

Kuh, IL, director, Carl Zeiss K.Kuenzle & Streilf, Inc., Manila

K., Tokyo


Kulikoff, V. C., manager, Frazar, Federal Inc.,Kobe

G., Doitsu Senryo Gomei Kaisha, Changchun

Kulpe, H., merchant,

Kummer,.Max, Edward

prop, and M; Poons

manager, & Qo.,& Kobe

Kummer Coniins, Manila

Kummert, H., manager, Deutsch,-Asiatische Barik, Tientsin

Kun, J. E. F. M. van der, accountant, Netherlands Trading Society, Penang

Kuniisch, E., manager, Siemens China Co.,, Tientsin


Kunz, A. O.,F., secretary,

assistant, German Consulate,

Siber, Hegner Singapore

Ld.. Yokohama

Kunz, R., manager, “Sapt” Textile Products, Ld., Hankow

Kunze, F. A., signs per pro., Anglo-Chinese Eastern Trading Co., Ld., Vladiyostock

Kurisch, O., secretary, German Consulate, Singapore

Kurt, Fick, mgr., Menzi Co., Inc., Cebu

Kurtback W., assist., Carlowitz & Co;, Hongkong


Kurz, C., treas., Manila Trading & Supply Co., Manila

Kusik, H., manager pro tem., Skoda Works, Ld., Harbin


Kyburz, proprietor, A. H., J.,agent, Andresen

El Zenith & Co.,Store,

Jewellry Inc., Shanghai


Kyd, G. D., sub-acct., Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China, Manila

Kyle, J. C., acct., Chartered Bank of India, Aus., & China, Medan, SumatrEfc

Kynoch, G. W., senior overseer, P.W.D., Hongkong

Laau, R. van der, signs per pro., Holstein & Co., Chr., Tokyo

La Brooy, H.

La Brooy, G. S.W.,Caxton



Palmer & Co., Ld., Perak

La Brooy, L. E., assist, manager, Caxton Press, Selangor

La Nauze, mgr., Eastern Ext.

La Paine, A. J., signs per pro., Holland Aus. & China


Co., Ld,,Co.,Labuan,

TientsinB. N. B,

Laan, H. van

Labansat, E., der,

managingsigns per pro., for

director Schmitz & Co.,Pathe

the East, OsakaOrient, Shanghai

Labenski, J., directeur, Societe Asiatiques des Boissons Indigenes, Hanoi

Laborinho, A. B., consul for Portugal, Hongkong

Laborne, M.,E.manager,

Labrousse, D.,director BanqueChina

accountant, Franco-Chinoise,

Underwriters, Tientsin

Ld., Hongkong

Labrum, Y. C., managing director, Ye Olde Printerie, Ld.,Ld.,

Labrum, G. B., and secretary, Ye Olde Printerie, Hongkong


Lacambra, L., signs per pro., Elizaldi & Co., Iloilo

Lacayo, T. E., consul for Nicaragua, Hongkong

Lacey, N. H., director, Lacey & Cannan, Ltd., Shanghai

Lachlan, F. P., signs per pro., Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld., Shanghai


Lacon, B. J.,L.,principal,

Ciede Commerce

B. J. Lacon, et deHongkong

Navigation d’Extreme Orient, Saigon

Lacuna, Dr. D., district health officer, Zamboanga ;

Ladd, G. S., Union Insurance Society of Canton, Ld., Hongkong

Lafar, Dr. A., consul for Czechoslovakia, Shanghai



manager,engineer, Public Works

Standard-Vacuum Department,

Oil Co., Saigon Kedah

Laffin, T. M., merchant, Yokohama


Lalleur, H., consul

F., manager, for Czechoslovakia,

Holland-China Canton


Co., Comte,


Lafond, G., sous-directeur, Establissements, Saigon

Lafontaine, J., manager,

Lagarde, conseiller Banque Beige

d’Ambassade, French1’Etranger,





proprietor, Pasay Lumber

Philippine and Hardware Store, Manila

Lagerwaard, D., manager, HollandNational


Co., Manila



Laidlaw, D., sub-agent, Chartered Bank of India, Austr. Petroles,

J., manager, Compagnie Franco Asiatique Des & China, Yunnanfu

Negri Sembilato


Laing, J. D., signs per pro., General Rubber Co., SingaporeHongkong

J., assist., Taikoo Dockyard and Engineering Co.,


Lair, H.J.P.,T.,d.d.,Ships’ Pilot, Shantung

treasurer, HongkongChristian University, Tsinan

Lair, J., secretaire, Cie. Francaise des Chemins de Fer de ITndochine, Hanoi


Lake, W.C. N.,

H., Lingnan University,

charge engineer, CantonSupply dept., Kuala Lumpur, Selangor


Lamarie, R., assist, manager, Est.

Lamb, C. H., land surveyor, Public Works Dept.,Asiatique Francaise, Saigon


Lamb, L. H., assistant Chinese secy., British Legation, Peiping

Lambe, W. P., director, Shanghai Waterworks Co., Ld., Shanghai


Lambert, D. 0., land

E.Fr.,B., Government

surveyor, Marine

Public Surveyor,

Works Harbour

dept., Department, Hongkong



Lambert, J., directeur,

manager, Ecole St.

Rondon & Michel,

Co., Peiping


Lambert, J. H., assist. Hongkong and Shanghai Bank Corporation, Tientsin


Lambert, L., president,

L.W. W., vice Lambert

pres., ManilaSales Co., Manila

Trading & Singapore

Supply Co., Manila

Lambert, D., manager, Pavilion Theatre,

Lambie, R. H., assist, manager, Eastern and Oriental Hotel, Penang


Lammerse, A. M. A., manager, Giientzel

Lammert, C. H., broker, Lammert & Son, Canton


Lammert, H. G. P.,

A., assistant, J. Gould & Co.,

agent, Manufacturer's LifeHongkong

Insurance Co., Hongkong

Lammert, L. E., auctioneer, Lammert Bros., Hongkong

Lammert, R. T. O., director, Pharmaceuticals (Far East), Ltd., Hongkong

Lampard, N., Eastern Extension Telegraph Co., Hongkong


Lancaster, H. P., director,

R. E., manager, Simplex

English Concrete

Electric Co.,PilesLd.,(Malaga), Ld., Singapore

Ipoli, Perak

Lancaster, Dr. R. L., medical officer, Chinese Maritime Customs, Canton

Lancien, G., chef d’atelier, Est Asiatique

Landahl, J., president, John Landahl, Inc., Manila Francais, Saigon

Landau, L.,N.assist.,

Landgren, Andersen,

A., assist, MeyerSiam

accountant, & Co.,Electric

Ld., Hongkong

Corporation, Ld., Bangkok

Landolt, J. S., Canadian Pacific Railway

Landon, A. R. W., agent, Chartered Bank of India, Co., Hongkong Australia & China Selangor

Landon, F. H., state forest officer, Pahang East, Pahang

Landor, Dr.A.,J. assist.,

Landsbert, V., medical officer,

Mustard Medical dept., Johore


Lane, L.A. P.,

Lane, J., architect,

inspector, Hongkong

Police Headquarters, Hongkong

Lane, L. V., branch mgr., Australia China Trading Co., Shanghai

Lane, W, H., manager, Walter, David Lane

Lane, W. P., manager, Kodak Philippines, Ld., Manila

Lang, P. H., deputy registrar and appraiser, Supreme Court, Hongkong

Lang, J.L. C.,

Lang, V., Colonial


Arnhold & Office, Hongkong

Co., Tientsin

Langdon, W. R., consul for America, Seoul


Lange, H., assist.,

N. de, JebsenFerrazzini,

manager, & Co., HongkongInc., Manila

Langewis, J., Pure Cane Molasses Co., Manila

Langhorne, C. C., agent, Kailan

Langley, J. A,, 1st secy., Canadian Legation, Mining Administration,

Tokyo Shanghai


Langston, A. G., assist., Hongkong Electric Co.,dept.,

S. P., mgr., building and engineering Bradley

Ld., Hongkong

Langston, S. H., manufacturers’ representative, Hongkong


Banning, O. ’V.H., accountant,

B., commissioner

Jardine,of Police,


& Co., Ld., Tientsin


Lanz, H.,chief


per pro., W.Societe

Niggemann des Verrieries d’Extreme-Orient, Haiphong

& Co., Chefoo


Laperdin, G. G., mgr., Tientsin Com. CommercebankLd., Hongkong

A. J., assist., Holland China Trading Co., Credit Cor., Inc., Tientsin

Lapierre, A., mine assist., Soc. Anonyme des Etains de Kinta, Perak

Laplace, J., signs per pro., Y. Moyroux,

Lapper, R. G., director, Borrows & Co., Ld., Tientsin Tientsin

Lapsley, R., assist., Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Co., Ld., Hongkong

Laqui, Mariano, c.p.a., Henry Hunter Bayne & Co., Manila

Laramie, R., assist, mgr., East Asiatique Francaise, Hongkong

‘Lardy, E., Consul General & Consular Judge for Switzerland, Shanghai


Larkin, W.administrateur-adjoint,

W., Clarke & Larkin, Manila Hai Duong, Tonkin

Larkins, D. M., signs per pro., Cornabe,

Larkins, G. L, signs per pro., Cornabe, Eckford Eckford&&Winning,



Larkins, W. W. Clarke &■ Larkin, Manila


Larmour,A.,Col.Cie.F. Franco Asiatiques

C., assist, director des Petroles, Haiphong

of Ordnance Services, Military, Hongkong

Larmour, E., 2nd assist, supt. of Crown Lands, Public Works Department, Hongkong

Larracoeenea, J. de, vice-consul for Spain, Shanghai


Larsen, C.C.,A.,Insurance agent, Hanoi

acting manager, Standard Vacuum Oil Co., Cebu

Larsen, L., partner, Larsen & Troek, Shanghai

Larsen, N., chief supt., mining

Larsen, O. C., chief engineer, Christianidept, East& Nielsen

Asiatic (Siam),

Co., Ld.,Ld.,




Larson, C. M., assist., Standard-Vacuum

Larson, S. C., Canadian Pacific S. S. Co,, Manila Oil Co., Hongkong-

Larson, W., managing partner, Fobes & Co., Ld., Tientsin

Larssen, K.,

Lasala, P.R.,M., mgr., Karsten,Larssen

assist., The

Reuter, & Co., andV consul for Denmark & Norway, Hongkong.

Lasala, manager, ChinaBrockelmann

Engineer, Ld., Co., Canton


Lasareff, A. N., sub-accountant, National City Bank of New York, The, Harbin

Lass, A., superintendent, Siam Electric Corporation, Ld., Bangkok

Latham, A. B., purchasing agent, Calamba Sugar Estate, Manila

Latta, R., assist, gen. agent, States Steamship Co., Manila


Laufer, J. F., manager,

H., manager, National

Remington City Co.,Agency,

Typewriter Ld., Shanghai


Laughland, T. F., signs per pro., Butterfield'& Swire, Newchwang

Laurence, F.J. R.,

Laurence, L., mgr.,

2nd vice-president,


Trading & Stevenson,

Cebu Inc., Manila

Laurent, M., directeur, Jean Comte,

Laurenz, R., partner, Carlowitz & Co., Shanghai Saigon

Laurie, W., executive engineer, Public Works Department, Kedah

Lauritsen, B., manager, Lauritsen Co., Inc., Manila

Lauritsen, C., managing-director, Dragon Motor Car Co., Ld., Hongkong

Lauro, A. E., proprietor,

Lautenschlager, Films,: Shanghai

Lauro German

H., counsellor, Legation, China

Laval, Ch., engineer-in-charge, Tientsin Tramway & Lighting Co., Ltd., Tientsin

Laval, C. J.,J., director^

Lavcock, editor, FarAdelphi


Review, Shanghai

Singapore ,,,

Lavendeer. P., supt., Preventative Branch, Custoip.sj',;dopt,,, Johore

Lavergne, J., manager, Ogliastro et Cie, Haiphong

Lavigne, Comdr. C. A. G., naval attache, Brazilian Embassy, Tokyo


Law, A. F.,Guido,

managing managing partner,

proprietor, Lavizzari

Kuching Drug& Stpre,

Co., Bangkok


Law, Dr. E., medical practitioner, Hongkong

Law, K. F., National Mutual

Law, R. C., Butterfield & Swire, Hongkong Life Association of Australasia, Hongkong' , >

Lawes, Gordon, chief police officer, Police Dept., Pahang

Lawler, L. L., general agent, Canadian National Railways, Singapore




mgr.,inspector ofPetroleum

police, British

AsiaticLawrenpe Municipality, 'Tientsin

Co. (South

Lawrence, lawyer, Ross, .& Selph, ManilaChina), Ld., Foochow

Lawrence, J, H., stpres.assist., Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Co., Bd., Hongkong: .

Lawrence, L. D., surveyor, Malayan Collieries, Ld., Selangor

Lawrie, Dr. E. S., second medical officer, District Hospital, Negri Sambilan


Lawrie, J.J. FI,’assistant,

G., mgr., Eastern Butterfield & Swire,

Extension, HongkongChina Tel. Co., Ld., Sumatra



Lawson,A.,E.accountant, ChiChartered

Tung Tobacco: Co., Ltd., Harbin & China, Shanghai

Lawson, P. D., controller, Government Monopolies Australia

B., sub-acct., Bank of India, Dept., Singapore

Lawson, R. A., signs per pro., Butterfield & Swire, Kiukiang


Lay, A. C.jr.,H.,W.acting

G., assist,


commisr. Standard-Vacuum

in charge, Chinese Oil Co. Singapore

Maritime Customs, ! Shasi.

Lay, A. T., signs per pro., Reiss, Massey & Co., Ltd.,, Hongkong

Lay, P. M., Chinese Trading Co., Hongkong .


Lay, T.,S. C., merchant,

assist, supt. of S.,mails,

C. Lay hr Co.,PostHongkong

General Office, Hongkong

Laycock, D. W., director, Manchurian Co., Ltd:, Harbin ,


Lay G., commissioner,

cock, J., director, Sea View Hotel, Ld.,Singapore

Municipality, Singapore

Laycock, J., .partner, Braddell Bros., Singapore ,


Layton, Joseph,

H. B., manager,Donaldson

partner, Layko, Ross & & Co., KobeSingapore


Le Bris, P., director, Shanghai Telephone Co., Ld., Shanghai

Le Count, W. K., manager, The National City Bank of. New York, Manila

Le Fevre, P. F., general, manager, Texas Co., (China), Ld., Shanghai

Le Gallais, H., manager,"Columeta”, Tokyo


Le Grand, J. M., dir., Kaninklijke Pakc-tta'art Mij, Batavia

Le Maitre, C., sub-manager, Banque de ITndochine, Hongkong

Le Roux, sales manager, Netherlands Gutta Percha C'o., Singapbre

Le Scour, e»gineer-in-chief,

Le Sourd, J., sub-accountant,Kiousin

BanqueDock, Shanghai Shanghai'

de LTndo-chine,

Le Sueur Dr. E. J., assist., health officer, Health Dept., SaraWak

Leach, A., assist., Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Singapore

Leach, D. L., surveyor, Survey Dept., Sarawak


Lean, S.D.K.,W.,propietor,

assist., Shanghai


Trading Qo.,Co..Bangkok

Ldv Shanghai

Learmount, L. W., signs

Learney,A. J.J.,P.,sub.signs per pro., Paterson,, Simons & Co.,

Ld., Ld., Selangor

Leask, acct.,perChartered

pro., Henry


of India, Co.,

Australia Singapore

and China, Hongkong

Leask, J. B., branch manager, Harrisons, Barker & Co.', Ld., Teluk Arison

Leblanc, P., acting Deputy Commr., Post office, Swatow

Lebedoff, W. G., acting auditor, Directorate General of Posts, Shanghai

Lebert, W. H., agent, Java-China Japan Lijn, Hongkong


Lebreton,G.,F., manager,

manager, Banque de ITndb-chine,Orphanage,

Zi-Ka-Wei-T6u-Se-We, Shanghai Shanghai

Leckie, J. B. H., assist., Uniop Insurance Society

Leckie, Capt. P. M., assist, supt., Survey Dept., Kelantan of Canton Ld., Sourabaya

Lecler, J., .Far East Oxygen & Acetylene Co., Ld., Singapore

Leclereq, V., mgr., Chaokoewang Coll., Kailan Mining Administration, Tientsin


L^corche, F.,M.,manager, Tientsin

sous-directeur, Cie.Strawbraid SxPOI'tdeCo.,

Francais desandChemins Fer, Tientsin

etc., Hanoi

Lecuyot, A., agent, Banque deLTndochine, Haiphong

Lee, A. G., resident manager, Royal Exchange Assurance, Singapore


Lee, A. J. L.,president,

B. E., signs perHangchow

pro., Lya'lChristian

l & Evatt, College,


Lee, Conant., engineer, Jardine, Matheson & Co,, Ld., Canton

Lee, C. F., assist., Hongkong & Kowloon Wharf and God own Co., Ld., Hongkong

Lee, C. M., engineer, China Electric Co., Ld., Canitttn

Lee, C. P., supt.,

Lee, Frank Municipal

C., consul generalStore and Workshop,

for U.S.A., SingaporeSingapore

Lee, Rev. E. F., resident Bishop, Methodist Episcopal Mission, Singapore

Lee, F, X., assist, manager, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Singapore

Lee, H. C., solicitor, Wilkinson & Grist, Hongkong

Lee, J. J., manager, Lee & Co., Joseph J., Hongkong

Lee, J. P., secretary, Lee & Co., Joseph, J., Hongkong

Lee, J. T., partner, Lloyd & Co., Shanghai

Lee, K. Y., manager, Severance Wholesale Medical Supvly Co., Seoul

Lee, Dr.M.,John

Lee, O. Y., director,

branch manager,Realty


& Neave, Ed.,Co., Negri



Lee, P. G., sales manager, Lee Brothers, Perak

Lee, R. C., director, A. V. Apcar & Co.., Hongkong

Lee, Rev. S., St. Peter’s Church, Singapore

Lee, S.S. F.,G.,Sandilands,

Lee, Buttery &OilCo.,Co.,Medan,

Standard-Vacuum Sumatra


Lee, S. Y., Asia Life Insurance' Co., Shanghai.

Lee, T. F., principal, Lee Brothers, Perak

Lee, W. 0., partner, Atienza Vicente & Co., Hongkong

Lee, W. H. Rees, managing partner, Howard Lee Co., Shanghai

Lee, W. T., partner, Atienza Vicente & Co., Hongkong


Leeder, F. W., R. W., manager,

charge Ed. Electrical

engineer, Wheen & Son, Ld.,dept.,

Supply Hongkong

Kuala Lumpur^ Selangor

Leeke, D. W., Oriental Consolidated Mining Cq., Tabowie, Seoul

Leerdam, D. J., manager, Thei Muar Vulcanising Co.,

Lees, J. A., acting vice-consul for Great Britain & The Netherlands, Singapore Iloilo

Le Fevre, I. F., general manager, The Texas Co., (China) Ltd., Shanghai

Leffelaar, E. G., assist, manager, Varekamp & Co., Medan

Legarda, V. L., vice-consul for Nicaragua, Manila


Legendre, C. J. M., acting deputy commissioner, Post Office, Canton

Legg, W. I. L., assistant, Mansfield & Co., Ld., Singapore

Legge, G.G. E.,

Legge, B., manager,

partner, LeggeLegge&&Co.,Co.,Shanghai



Lehmann, J. K.,

H., chief

manager, motor traffic

Carlowitz inspector,

& Co., CantonHongkong Tramways, Ld., Hongkong

Lehman, S. W. G., attorney, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Manila

Leicester, W. S., medical officer, Kuantan, Pahang

Leijonhufvund, Baron C., counsellor, Swedish Legation,

Leijssius, Theo., secretary, F. A. Bartholomeusz, Ld., Singapore Peping


Leitao, Dr. A. N., medical practitioner, Macao

Leitch, M.

W. F.O.,R.,engineer-in-chief,

director, EdwardPeping-Mukden

Evans & Sons, Railway,

Ld., Shanghai


Leison, F. EL, assist, manager, Leison Bros. & Co., Canton

Leison, S. Kern, manager, Leison Bros. & Co., Canton

Lejeune, A., director, Moine Comte & Co., Ld., Singapore

Le Jeune, E.J. D.,

Lelchitsky, J., mgr.,


James D.CityLelchitsky

Bank of &New Co., York,


Lemaire, L. D., assist, accountant, Municipal Council, Shanghai


Lembeke,M., D. J.Societe des Ciments

B., charge Portland

de affaires, Peru Artificiels de ITndochine,

Legation, Japan and ChinaHaiphong

Lembich, M. S., proprietor, Harbin Zaria, Harbin

Lemke, W., Japan Representative, Krupp

Lemye, M., consul, Belgian Consulate, E. C. Sumatra (Fried) Aktiengesellschaft, Tokyo

Lenaer, B. J., partner, Raspe & Co., Kobe

Lennep, Jhr. L. R. Van, agent, Java-China Japan Lijn, Batavia

Lennie, J. C., manager, Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, Shanghai

Lennox, H. H., accountant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Shanghai

Lennox, J., partner, Lennox


Lens, and cargo

counsellor, Frenchsurveyor,

Embassy, Tsingtao


Leon, I. de, cashier-treasurer, Katubusan, Manila

Leonard, A., partner, Leonard & Veysseyre,' Shanghai


Leonard, R.,G., superintendant,

Haskins & Sells,Socfin ManilaCo., Ld., Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

Leonard, R. F. VV. , signs per pro.,

Leonard, T. A., aasstant, Standard-Vacuum Mansfield Oil & Co.,

Co.,Ld., Singapore



Leopoldt, W.C., S.,assist.,


Melchers &representative,

Co., HongkongShanghai

Lepervanche, N., sous-dir., Dennis Freres, Saigon

Lepicard, M., manager, Pathe-Orient, Saigon



consul-adjoint, French Tientsin

consul for France, Legation, Peping

Lepper, R. C., director, Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. (S.S.), Ld., Singapore

Lerman, I. N., manager of tannery, Gershevich Bros., Tientsin

Lerman, J. I., signs per pro., J. Beerbrayer, Dairen

Lermit, A. A., assist, superintendent, Survey Dept., Malacca

Lerosey, F., Cie Francais de Tramways, Shanghai

Leroux, agent, Messageries Maritimes, Saigon

Lesdos, L., agent, Cie. des Messageries Maritimes, Hongkong

Lester, J. J., Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld., Tsngtao

Leuenberger, A. M., manager, Nestle & Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co., Hongkong

Leuring, K., manager, Feld & Co., Ld., Canton

Leurquin, J., consul for France, Swatow


Leutsch, W. signs

H., signs perp.p.,


Mee-Yeh &Handels

Co., andCompagnie,

actg. consulShanghai

for Switzerland, S’pore

Leuven, F. G. van, signs per pro., Diethelm

Levedag, E., proprietor, Nichio Boyeki Shokai, Tokyo & Co., Bangkok


C. F.,

Levers,Daniel, director,

H.,consul Thabawleik

assist,formanager, TinCo.,Dredging,

CebuLtd., Perak

Levi, France,Menzi

Yunnanfu Inc.,

and Mengtsz

Levin, A., manager, Shainin & Go., Canton

Levine, H. M., vice-president, Bachrach Motor Co. Inc., Manila


Levinge, R. M., acting supt.. Trade & Customs, Selangor

Levison, H., exporter of Colonial Produce, Padang

Levy, E., Levy

Levy, H., HenryBlum, Levy,Inc.,



Levy, J., partner, Sennet

Levy, M., proprietor, M. Levy, Freres,Tientsin


Levy, M., manager, Oriental Purchasing Co., Kobe

Lewin, Major-General E.O., General Officer Commanding the Troops in Malaya, S’por&


Lewis, C. E.G.Day,

D., assist., Eitingon-Schild

superintendent, F.M.S. Co., TientsinKuala Lumpur, Selangor


Lewis, D. H., general manager, International Trade Corporation, Ld,, Peiping

Lewis, E.,

Lewis, representative,

G. G., signs per pro.,English ElectricLazarus

Huttenbach, Co., Ld.,& Tokyo

Sons, Ld., Singapore

Lewis, H., vice-consul for U.S.A., Singapore


ewis, H.

H. J., manager, George Town Dispensary, Penang Shanghai

F., senior assist, surveyor, Public Works Dept.,

Lewis, H. W., secy, and treasurer, Yisayan Stevedore-Transportation, Iloilo


Lewis, J.J. W.,

D., exchange broker,

senior district Osaka F.M.S, Railways, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor


Lewis, M., branch mgr., N. V. Handel Mij. Fraser & Neave, Batavia


Lewis, W. R., mang. dir,, R. C. A. VictorHume

R. B., branch manager, Singapore Co. ofPipe Co., Ld.,

China, Singapore


Lewis, W. E., assist, controller, Labour dept., Penang

Lewis, W. T., chief clerk, statistical dept., Imports and Exports Office, Hongkong,

Ley, Charles, managing director, Ley Ld., Tientsin

Leyh, S. G. H., assist, supt., Govt. Monopolies dept., Singapore ?


Leyshon, F.L.,H.,Soc.assist.,

des Ciments

Warner, Portland

Barnes &Artificiels de LTndochine, H phong.

Co., Ld., Iloilo

Lichnock, E., supt., Philippine Engineering, Co., Inc., Manila

Liddell, J. H., managing director, Liddell Bros. & Co., Ld., Shanghai


Liddelow,P. C.W.C.O.,W.,managing director, Penang

mining engineer, Liddell Bros: & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Liebetrau, W. E., director, Tobacco Products Corporation, Shanghai

Lienhard, P., manager, Diethelm & Co., Penang

Lieu, W., representative, British-American Tobacco Co., Shasi

Lightburn, W. B., installation manager, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Swatow

Bigot, C., Societes des Ciments Portland Artificiels de L’Indochine, Haiphong

Likoser, J. V., representative, Delacamp, Piper & Co., Kobe.

Lilburne, A. S.,assist,

Lilley, J. G., general


Asiatic Raub Australian

Petroleum Gold Mining

Co., (North China)Co.,



Lilliestrom, T. L., vice-consul, U.S.A. Consulate, Harbin

Lilly, A. W., surveyor, Survey Office, Penang

Limage, J., agent, Compagnie des Messageries Maritimes, Singapore

Limoges, E., signs per pro., S. A. Racine & Cie., Tientsin

Linaker, J., Official Measurer, Canton

Lind, P. S., secretary, Inspectorate of Salt Revenue, Yunnanfu

Lindberg, A. B., manager, American Chinese Co., Peiping

Lindenberg, O., accountant,

Lindner, J., signs Siemens-Schuckert

per pro., Carlowitz Denki Kabushiki Kaisha, Tokyo’

& Co., Shanghai

Lindon, N. L., supt., Police dept., Malacca

Lindquist, E., charge d’affaires, Swedish Legation, China

Lindsell, R.H. E.,

Lindsay, S., puisne

director,judge, SupremeLd.,Court,

Millington, Hongkong



Linehan, W., supt. of lands, Khota Bahru, Kelantan Dock Co., Ld., Hongkong

J. A., coppersmith, Hongkong and Whampoa

Linennen, F., assistant, Dairy Farm, Ice and Cold Storage Co., Ld., Hongkong


Linge, A.H.,J., assist, forestPalmer

assistant, mgr.,&Borneo


Ltd., The, Bangkok

Linglez, A., account., Banque Beige pour L’Efcranger, Tientsin

Linke, Otto, chemist, Tsingtao

Linke, R., chemist, Tsingtao

Linley, N., assist., Fred Wilson & Co., Inc., Manila


Linn, H. A., advert, mgr., Manila Daily Bulletin, Manila

Lino, B. P., assist., Dodwell & Co., Ld., Kobe


Linuker, J.,O. Sworn

E., Representative,

Measurer’s Office,International

Canton Harvester Co. of Philippines, Iloilo

Lintilhac, F. E., dist. manager, Imperial

Lintner, A. R., general agent, States Steamship ChemicalCo.,Industries

Kobe (China), Ld., Swatow


Lips, C., manager,H., assist., Carl Wolter

Strahler & Co.,Yokohama

& Co., Inc,, Mukden

Lipts, M., directeur adjoint, Ste. d’Exploit’n.des Etablissements, Rrossard-Mopin, Saigon


Lisske, A. E.,

G. A., engineer^Tientsin

proprietor, Public Works

HeatingDept., Hongkong

& Sanitary Works, Tientsin

Lister, H., manager, Strong & Co., Kobe

Litchfield, G., agent, Crown Life Insurance C®-, Shanghai

Liton, H., mgr. sales dept., Compagnie Franco-Asiatique des Petroles, Saigon

Littig, J., International Harvester Co., Manila

Little, Colbourne, architect and civil engr., Little, Adams & Wood, Hongkong

Little, jr., Ed. S,,:diy. manage,r, Imperial Chemical Industries (China), Ld., Shanghai

Little, H. M., managing director, Little & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Little, J, H., signs per pro., Butterfield & Swire, Hongkong

Little, L.W. K.,Eric,commissioner, Chinese Maritime Customs,' Canton

Littlejohn, N. K.,partner,

Little, engineer,Hair,PortLittle & Picornell,

Development Manila

Dept., Hongkong

Littler, Adj. H., editor, The Crusader, Salvation Army, Peiping

Litton, J. L-,H.Benjamin

Livingston, ifc Potts,

W., manager, Hongkong Oil Cq., Foochow


Livingstone, F. G., sqjicitor, Hansons, Shanghai

Livingstone, H. A., assist, mgr., New Eng. & Ship-bnilding Works, Ltd., Shanghai

Liwanag, V., proprietor, Liwanag Vicanjte, Manila


Llewellyn,M. R.J. R.,de los, minister,

North ChinaArgentine

Daily News Legation, TokyoShanghai

and Herald,


Lloyd, E. J., partner, E. J. Lloyd & Co., Shanghai Corpn., Foochow

C. J., assist., Hongkong & Shanghai Banking

Lloyd, G. T., editor, The Shipping Neriew, Shanghai

Lloyd, Capt. H. S. T., Customs dept., Batu Pahat, Johoie


Lloyd, J.L. R.,

M. manager,

S., AsiaticAmerican

PetroleumExpress Co., Manila

Co. (South China), Ld., Hongkong

Loach T. H., assist., Asiatic Petroleum Co., (North Chiiia), Ld., Hankow


Lobato, J.P.,F.,barrister-atdawy

partner, Fred WilsonMacao

Lobb, H: R. W., Wakeford & Lowndes, Singapore

Lobel, F., director, Hannibal k Co., Ltd., W. A., Hongkong

Lobenstine, E, C., general secretary, National Christian Council of China, Shanghai

Lobregat, Celso, secretary, Manila Trading & Supply Co., Manila

Loch, P. V. Z., representative, MacMillan Co. of New York, Shanghai


Lock, W. E.,managing


Dau & Co., Tsinan

Lock, J.R. G.,

R., manager, Transmutograph Wing On(Far



Shanghai Co^ Ld., Shanghai,

Lock, R., deputy secretary, Shanghai Waterworks Co., Ld., Shanghai

Locke, F. J. T., engineer, P.W.D., Hongkong

Lockerbie, C., assist, supt., Shanghai Waterworks, Fit tings'Co:, Ld;, Shanghai

Lockhart, H. L., senior inspector, Sanitary Dept., Hongkong

Lockwood, R. B., 2nd vice-pres., Atlantic, Gulf & Pacific Co. of Manila

Lockyer, A. E., manager, Mercantile Printing Co., Shanghai

Loco, E., chairman, Shameen Printing Press, Canton

Loechner, Dr. L., Doitsu Senryo Gomei Kasha, Kobe

LoefEler, H., dep sub-mgr., DeUtsch Asiatische Bank, Shanghai

Loemoet, P., proprietor, S. J. Judah & Co., Singapore


Logan, A., V., treasurerHarrisons


ifc Crosfield, Ld:, Sumatra Brokerage k Co. Inc., Manila

Logan, C. R., assist.,

Logan, E.G.,H.,proprietor, Hongkong




Co., Shanghai Ld., Hongkong

Dock Co., .■

Logan, Manila


Eogan, J. B., manager, NeW Zealand Insuranee Op,1, Ldi, Shanghai

Logan, J. E., Reuters, Ld., Shanghai


Logan, L.J. S.,G., senior wireless

secretary, operator,

Singapore radio branch,

Improvement 1 P.W.D., Hongkong

Trust, Singapore

Logan, Lt.jCpl. M. H., principal, Logan Amps, Hongkong

.Loiret, G., director, Establissements Jean Comte, Saigon

Lombard, Dr.,. China Exp. & Imp. & Bank Co., Ld.,' Shanghai

Lomhalt, H., engineer, Larsen & Trock, Shanghai

Lonborg, N. F. C., manager, Eastern Insurance Co., Shanghai

Lonborg, W. S., manager, Eastern Underwriters, Shanghai

Long, E A., secretary, Land Commission, Municipal Council, Shanghai

Long, E. R., consul for Sweden, Tientsin

Long, K. T., general manager, Automatic Electric Co., Shanghai

Longbottom, L. E., chief draughtsman, architectural branch, P.W.D., Hongkong



B., agent, localEmployer'

passpngers’ Liability

dept., RobertAssurance

DollarOpfpn., Ld., Singapore

Co:, Shanghai

Longfield, S., assist., Hongkong Efehtric Co., Ld., Hongkong

Longhurst, C. D., chief acct., Shanghai Telephone Co'., Ld., Shanghai"


Longmire,G.,K.mgr., de C,Pritchard


S. N.'Ld.,CO.,Ipoh,

Ld., Perak



Lonnox, J., partner, Lennox

Re acting harbour master, Chinese

Looman, J., manager, De J'avasche Bank, Tandj’ong'Balei, Sumatra

Lopa, M., mgr. & prop., Manila Auto Supply "Co., Manila

Lopato, A. A., director, A. Lopato, Sons,'Ld., Shanghai

Lopato, E. A., director, A. Lopato, Sdris, Ld., Harbin

Lopes, S. A., director, Lopes & Alves, Hongkong,

Lopez, F., manager, Elizalde y. Cia, Iloilo

Lord, E., manager, Kanto Branch Office, Tokyo

Lord, O., partner, Carlowitz & Co-,.Shanghai

Lord, S., secretary and general manager,. L. Moore Co., Ltd./Shanghai


Lorenz, Karl,A.,manager,

Compagnie Olivier,& Co;,

Schmidt and Olfvier-Olnne,

Shanghai Hankow

Lorenz-Meyer, A. L., director, N. V. Behn Meyer & Co., Shurabaya


Lorenzi, J.M.A.,A.,accountant,

vice-president, China Securities

Cie. Franeaise He Tramvyay Cp., s,Inc., Tientsin.


Lorimer, W. G., accountant, P. & 0. Banking Corporation, Let, Hongkong

Loring, G. M., president and general manager, Hoskyn & Co., Ihc., Iloilo

Lorntsen, A. L., manager, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Wanhsien, Chungking

Lorsignol, P. L., acct., Banque Franco-Chinoiye, Hongkong

Loseby, F. H.,

Lotz, J. H. W., solicitor,



pro., Reuter Bhockelmann & Co.,: Tientsin

Lotzer, M. L., administrateur-maire, Administration Municipale, Haiphong

Loucks, J. B., manager, Standard-Vacuum Oil Cbi,- Mukden

Lough, E. P., secretary, Universal Cars, Ld., Singapore

Louis, Geo, H., mgr. (wholesale; dept:),''Philippine Education Co., Inc.; Manila •

Louis, K. H., Kelly & Walsh, Ld., Hongkong

Loup, A., partner, Loup & Young, Tientsin

Loup, B., S. A. Loup Freres; and Vrard &-Co.,‘Tientsin

Loureiro, J. A. W., assist, accountant, Shanghai Waterworks Co:, Ld., Shanghai

Louveiro, V. H., accountant. Assurance Franco-Asiatkpue, Shanghai

Lovatt, W. H., bill and bullion broker, Shanghai

Lovat-Fraset, W. A., military

Love, H. H., University attache,Nanking

of Nanking, British Embassy, China

Love, J. S., assist, manager, Tobacco Products

Love, T. M., engineering assist., British Municipal Corporation, Shanghai

Council, Tientsin

Loveless, E. W., manager, Wilkinson, Heywood

Lovina, Primativo, mgr., real estate & loans dept., Philippine National Bank, Manila


Low, B. A.C.,agricultural

president, officer,


Low, G. A., assist., Shewan, Tomes & Co..> Hongkong.

Low, V. T., assist., Palmer & Turner, Hongkong


Lowder, H. G., assist, secretary, Chinese Maritime Customs, Ningpo


Lowe, C.C. E.,

F. D.,solicitor, Dennys

signs per & Co., Hongkong

pro, Liddell Bros. & Co., Ld., Hankow

Lowe, (1 P., director, Public Works and Railways dept., Sarawak

Lowe, G. H., health officer, Muar, Johore

Lowe, H. J. D., district manager, Imperial Chemical Industries (China), Ld., Canton

Lowe, J. S., manager, South China Christian Book Co., Canton

Lower, J. B., general manager, Oriental Consolidated Mining Co., Pukchin, Seoul

Lowick, B., director, Adel phi Hotel, Singapore

Lowick, H. C., executive engineer, architectural, Public Works department, Hongkong.

Lowrie, J., assistant, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co., Hongkong

Lowry, E. K., director, China Securities Company, Inc., Tientsin

Lowry, F. B., secretary, Perrin’s (China), Ld., Hongkong

Lowry, W., supt., shipping dept., Sibu, Sarawak

Lowson, W., manager, Wearne Bros, Ld., Selangor

Lowther, Dr. A. H., medical dept., Penang

Loyshore, F. H., agent, Warner Barnes & Co., Ltd., Manila

Lubcke, J.,

Lubeck, K., assist.,

manager, Bodiker

Jardine, & Co., Canton

Matheson & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Luca, del, commissioner, Chinese Maritime Customs, Tientsin

Lucas, J., prop., Lucas & Co., Inc., Manila

Lucey, A. E., advertising manager,

Lucker, H. A., manager, China-American Trading Shanghai EveningCo.,Po$t,&

TientsinMercury, Shanghai.

Ludden, R. P., vice-consul for America, Tsinan

Luebbert, E., general manager, Luebberts Pharmacy, Shanghai

Luebbert, H.,H.,representative,

Luellmann, manager, Robert Delacamp, Piper k Co., Tokyo

Blau, Singapore

Luer, H., assist., Waibel & Co., Hongkong

Luetchford, H. C., dir., Malayan Tobacco Distributors, Ld., Singapore

Luethge, O., assist., Winckler k Co., Yokohama


Luhring, secretary,Luhring


Smith, d’Extreme-Orient,

Hongkong Tientsin

Lukashik, I. T., manager, Lukashik & Sons, Tientsin


Luling,J.F.R.,B.,reporter, Hongkong Telegraph, Hongkong

agent, Manila

Lumley, A. C., manager,

Lumsden, Capt. W., marine National Analine & Chemical

supt., Butterfield Co., XT.S.A., Kobe

& Swire, Hankow

Lund, K., director, Perrin’s (China), Ld., Hongkong


Lundon, F. G., J., partner,

Hankow SwanChemical Laboratory,

k Maclaren, Hankow


Luneberg, R., secretary, Deutsche Konsulate, Hanoi

Lunge, J. F., assist, passenger agent, Robert Dollar & Co., Manila


Lunt, R. E., manager, Otis Elevator

ShanghaiCo., Shanghai

Lunn, C.,Ove,editor, China Digest,

consul-general for Denmark, Shanghai

Lunny, J. F., assistant, Hongkong Electric Co., Hongkong

(Luraschi, A.. Import Merchant, Tsingtao

Lurie, J., Kuenzle

Luscombe, & Streilf,

F. M., works Inc., Manila

manager, Ribeiro Co., Singapore

Luther, F., assistant, Pearce kComte

Lussy, J, de, manager, Moine & Co., Ld., Penang

Co., Kobe

Luthy, C., consulting engineer,

Luthy, P., Menzi k Co., Manila C. Luthy k Co., Shanghai

Luxon, G., dean of studies, Tientsin Anglo-Chinese College, Tientsin

Luz, A. N., director, Manila Hotel Co., Manila

Lyhne, J. E., asst, mgr., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (North China), Ltd., Hankow

Lyle, C. J., branch manager, Fraser k Neave, Malacca

Lyle, D., assist., Taikoo Dockyard and Engineering Co., Hongkong


Lyman,Wm.,G., surveyor, British Corporation

lawyer’s Co-operative Register

Publishing of Shipping & Aircraft, Shangha

Co., Manila

Lymbery, M., representative of Reckitt

Lynch, A. G., secretary, U.S. Legation, Bangkok k Sons; J. J. Colman; k Chiswick Polish Co., S’haL


Tiynch, T., Oriental Cbinsolidated Mining ’Co., Tongkol, Chosen

Lynch, W. L., U. :S. Consulate, Shanghai

Lynesen, F., Lampang agency, East Asiatic Co., Ld., Bangkok

Lynott, G. H., treas. & director. Crown China Co., Inc., Shanghai

Lynoch, T., Oriental Consolidated Mining Co., Seoul


Lyon, D.,

D., assistant,

Indo-ChinaChina S. N.Light


Power Co., Hongkong


Lyon-Mackenzie, G., accountant, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Kobe

Lyons, Rev. E. S., agent, Methodist Publishing House, Manila

Lyson, D., assist., Rising Sun Petroleum Co., Ld., Tokyo

Lysse, H., assist., Dodwell & Co., Shanghai


Maas, partner, Boustead

O., director, Casey

& Co., Tsingtao

Ld., Singapore

Mabanta, R., mgr., special assets dept., Philippine National Bank, Manila

Maben, J., engineer,

Macaraeg, J., districtsawmill,



BangkokWorks, Cebu

McAdams, L. V., acting accountant, National City Bank of New York, Shanghai

McArthur, A., assist., Taikoo Dockyard and Engineering Co.,Hongkong

Macarez, J. M. L., secretary, SocfinCo., Ld., Kuala Lumpur, Selangor


McArthur, W., N., Derrick

assist., Taikoo,Dockyard

& Co., Singapore and Engineering Co., Hongkong

Macarez, J. M. L., secretary, Socfih Co., Ld., Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

Macartney, T. L., manager, International Export Cq., Ld., Nanking

Macaskill, Dr. D. C., partner, Macaskill & Cameron, Selangor

Macaskill, K. R., assist., Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Co., Ld., Hongkong


Macaulay, G.A. C.,M.,accountant,

assist. Butterfield


c Bailey,Hankow



Macaulay, Dr. T. S., medical officer, NegriCo.,Sembilan

T. B., assist., Asiatic Petroleum (North China), Ld., Shanghai


McBain, E.D. B.,

G., assist.,

assist., Asiatic Petroleum

Geo. McBain, Co. (South China), Ld., Hongkong


McBain, George, Merchant, Shanghai

McBain, N. S., George McBain, Shanghai

McBain, W. R., director, Auto Palace Co., Ltd., Shanghai

Macbeth, J., Macbeth, Gray & Co., Shanghai


McCaig, H., engineer,

Indo-ChinaPost S.Development

N. Co., Ld., Department,

Shanghai Hongkong


McCann, R.M.,E.,managing

treasurer,director, Lendrum,

Frazar Fed., Ld., Kobe

Inc., U.S.A., Tientsin

McCarr, T. J., assist., Taikoo Dockyard and Engineering Co., Hongkong

McCarthy, G. J., passenger agent, Dollar S.S. Line, and American Mail Line, S’hai.

McCarthy, J. J., Mortimer-Reid & Slee, Shanghai


Macaskill, Dr.T. L., manager,

D. C., partner,International

Macaskill & Export


, Hankow


Macaulay, A.A. M., assist., Asiatic

N., assist., Butterfield

Petroleum, (S. S.) Ld., Malacca

McClelland, N.R.,0.,agent.

McClelland, generalStates

manager & vice-president;

Steamship Co:, Kobe Atkins, Kroll & Co., Inc., Manila

McClelland, W. A., assistant, The China Engineers, Ld., Shanghai

Macleod, N. J., director, Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd., Manila

McClintock, R. M., vice-consul for U. S. A., Kobe

McClure, A. L., assistant engineer, Publie Works Department, Selangor

McClure, D., vice-pres., Manila Gas Corpn., Manila

McClure, L.F.M.,

MacClure, A., office

Lingnan University,

manager, Canton

Fisk Tire Co. Inc. of the Philippines, Manila

McClure, R. W., treasurer, Fukien Christian LTniversity, Foochow

McClymont, J., director, Harper, Gilfillan & Co., Ltd., Selangor

MacClymont, Robert M., resident manager,

McColl, D., consul general for Norway, Batavia Boa Yista Hotel, Macao

McColtart, G., solicitor, Rodyk & Davidson, Singapore

McConaughy, W. P., vice-consul for U. S. A., Kobe

McConehy, F.M.G., state engineer, Public Works Department, Johore



McConnell, W. J., assistant, Hongkong&and

Wm., partner, Townsend Co.,Shanghai

ChemuipoBanking Corporation^ Singapore;

McCord, J. D.,

McCorkindale, president and manager, Blue Bar Coconut Co, ManilaBoard,: Newcriwang

McCormack, J.,assist,

assist.,engr. aridDockyard

Taikoo surveyor, and


River Consei.variey

Co., Hongkong

McCormick, A. F., assist, superintendent, Standard-Vacuum Oil Company, Canton

McCown, F. E., sub-acct,, National City Bank of New. Voik, Tientsin

McCoy, T. F., Oriental Consolidated Mining Co., Tabowie, Chosen

McCracker, J. C., St. John’s University, Shanghai

McCrea, A. G., surgeon, Veterinary Dept., Municipality, Renang ; :

McCrea, W. M., senr. exec, engr., Klang, Selangor

McCulloch Dick, R., editor and publisher, Fhilippims Free, Presto Mapila

McCutcheon, E.A., R.,secretary,

MacDermot, Manda Machinery

spec, representative, and Supply

Ransomes Co., Manila

k Rapipr^Ldi, Shanghai

McDermott, R. G., district manager, Texas Co., Tientsin

McDiarmid, D. I)., accountant, Sime, Darby & Cp., Ld,ffSingapore.. ;


McDonald, A.,A.,Jardine

acct., Raub Australian.Gold

Matheson & Co., Ltd.,Mining

Kobe Co., Ltd:, Bahang

McDonald, A., superintendent, Kailan

McDonald, A. G., warden of mines, Mines Department,Mining Administration,.

Tpph, PerakTientsin

Macdonald, B. A., assist, riommr., Canadian Govt. Trade Commission, Shanghai

McDonald, C.Rev.M., Fr\,

Macdonald, agent, Eastern

warden, RicciSmelting Co., Ld., Kuala

Hall, University, Lumpur, Selangor



MacDonald, I. D., manager, Strachan & Co., Ld., Kobe Customs, Kiukiang

E. A., acting commissioner, Chinese Maritiriie

Macdonald, I; D., 2nd. assist, commissioner of Police, Police Dept., Perak'

McDonald, J.J. H.R.,M.,signspartner,

Macdonald, D. Couper-Johnston

per pro., Butterfield & Swire, & Co., Bangkok


MacDonald, N. G., New Engimeering & Shipbuilding Works, Ld., Shanghai

Macdonald, R., acting auditor general, Audit Department, Selangor


MacDonald, R.,

R. G.,Ricketts, Turner & Dodwell

assist, manager, Co., Shanghai

& Co., Ld., Shanghai

MacDonald, R. G., barrister-at-law, Shanghai

McDonald, T., archivist, British Consulate, Nanking

Macdonald, T. R., Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld., Hongkong

MacDonald, W. E., Lingnan University, Canton

McDonald, W. G., district passenger agent, The Robert Dollar Co,,. Shanghai

McDonnell, A.,

McDougall, R. T.,assistant,


SkottK Co,& Gorman,

HongkongLtd., Hongkong


McDonough, C., dir., El Oriente. Fabrica deConstruction

A., assistant, Shanghai Electric Robacos, ManilaCo., Lcl,,, .Shanghai

MacDougall, A. G., assist, mechanical engineer, engineer’s dept,, Municipality, Singapore*

McDougall, J.E. R.,

McDougall, L., acting

assist., manager,

Jardine, Matheson

Singapore&ColdCo., Storage

Swatow.Co., Ld., ;Singapore

MacDougall, P. A., assist., Hongkong & Shanghai. Banking, Corpn-> Malacca

MacDougall, D. M., district officer South, Hongkong

McDowall, T., manager, Mercantile Bank of India, Ld., vSihgapore:

McEachran, A.J. S.,R., sub-agent,

McEachran, marine supt., Butterfield

Chartered Bankandof India,

Swire, Austr.

Hongkong «fc China, Hankow

McElney, Dr.

McElwaine, J.

Hon. H., Mr.medical

P. A., practitioner,

acting Macgown,

attorney-general, Andersonnk

Singapore- Durran,

. , Hongkong.

McEnelly, Thomas, consul for U.S.A., Singapore


MacEwan, statistical

A. W.,

K., director,secy..China

Statistical Dept.,


Well Drilling Maritime Customs^ Shanghai

Ltd;, Shanghai

MacEwen, I). assist., Mackinnon, & Co,, Hongkong


McEwan, J. D.,

officeassist., Butterfield & Swire, Hongkong

McEwen, W.,

W., manager, manager,

LiggettMalayan Collieries,

and Myers Ld. Co.,

Tobacco (BatuIno.,:

A rang),


Macey, L., Hongkong & Whampoa Dock Co.,, Ld., Hongkong

MacFadyen, Q. A. A., 2nd. magistrate.'Central Magistracy, Hofigkong'


McFarland, W. M.,proprietor,

secretary, McFarland

Manila Gas'Corporation; Matiila ■

Macfarlane, Y.A., B.,engineer, Dairy Farm, IceTypewriter-Co.,

and Cold Storage Bangkok

Co., Ld., Hongkong.


McFarlane, A , prospecting engr. Nurupi Koz'aii K., Seoul

MacFarlane,A.A. D.,D., assist.,

Macfarlane, Harrison & Crosfiela

Harrisons, (Borneo),

& UoEd,, Sandakan,

Selangor British; North .Borneo

Macfarlane, G. K., sub-accountant, P.Barker

& O. Banking , Ld.,

Corporation, Ld. Shanghai

McFarlane, J., assist., Union Insurance Society of Canton, Ld.,

Macfarlane, JEL, accountant, Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China, Selangor Hongkong

Macfarlane, R., workshop supervisor, Whangpoo Conservancy Board, Shanghai

MacFarlane, W., supt. engineer, Dairy Farm, Ice & Cold Storage Co., Hongkong

Mac Feat, P. D.,R.,chief

McFrederick, administrator,

manager, Kailan Mining

Squires Bingham Inc., Co.,Administration,

Manila Tientsin

McGann, E. J., assist.,

MacGavin, J.W.J.,F.,marshal, Robert Dollar

assist., treasurer, Co., Hongkong

Hanson,CourtOrth for


Stevenson, Manila


McGilchrist, L, Asiatic H.B.M., Supreme

Petroleum Co., Tsingtao Shanghai

McGlelland, R., assist, agent, States Steamship,Co., Kobe,

MoGolrick, Dr. L., Medical officer, Chinese Maritime Customs, Shanghai

McGonigal, J. C, partner, Butler and Webster, Bangkok

McGowan, H. E., technical adviser, Office of Inspectorate General, Customs, Shanghai

McGowan, L. A., assist, accountant, Federated Malay States Railway, Kuala Lumpur

McGowan, L.T., O.,

McGowan, mgr.,manager,

branch AmericanWhiteaway,

Chinese Co.,Laidlaw

Tientsin& Co., Ld., Taiping, PefkL

MacGown, IL, Robert Dollar Co., Shanghai

Macgown, Dr. J. C., medical practitioner, Macgown, Anderson & Durran, Hongkong


McGrath, A.N. S.,V., acct., American

vice-pres. & mgr.,Express



Shoe Co., Manila

McGrath, R. A., pres. & mgr., United States Shoe Co., Manila

McGrath, R. V., assist, mgr., United >States .Shoe Co., Manila

MacGregor, A. D. A., chief justice, Supreme Court, Hongkong

McGregor, A.D.M.,D.,superintendent,

MacGregor, sub-accountant, Shanghai

CharteredTelephone Co., Ld.,

Bank of India, Aus.Shanghai

& China, OShanghai

MacGregor, E. W. S., :

assist., Mackinnon, Mackenzie

Macgregor, I. C., mgr., Smith, Bell & Co.,, Ld., Cagayan, Manila ife.Cb., Hongkong ■

MacGregor, J. A., assist., Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, Selangor ,

Macgregor, J. F., resident director, Caldbeck, Macgregor.&:

McGregor, J. G., head cashier, F.M.S. Railways, Kuala Lumpur. Co., Ldi, Hongkong

McGregor, J. H., mgr., McGregor & Co., J. H., Shanghai


MacGregor, N.R. C.,B., director,

chief medicalCaldbeek

officer,Macgregor & Co,, Malacca

Medical Dept., Ld., Hongkong

Macgregor, R. H., sub-acct., Chartered Bank of India Australia & China, Hongkong

McGregor, R. j., McGregor Iron Works, Shanghai

Macgregor,J. W.

McGuire, H., director,

J., assist., Singapore

Imperial Chemical ColdIndustries

Storage Co., Ld., Ld.,

(China), Singapore

Shanghai: !

Machado, V. L., chief clerk, Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China;r. Kobe;

Machado, C. J., solicitor, Shanghai t

MacHorn, J., district accountant, Postal

McIIutchison, Dr. G. B., Physician and Surgeon, Perak Administration,. Tientsin

McHutchon, J. M., assist.,

Macias, J., manager, HelenaButterfield

Cigar Co,&Manila

Swire, iHongkong ! ,

Maclndoe, A., assist., Taikoo Dockyardr and Engippering Hongkppg


Mclnnes, I.,D.,assist.,


Little, AdamsSingapore

and Wood, Traction Qo., Let,.Singapore

Hongkong ‘ _

Macintosh, N. M., assist., Butterfield and Swire^Hbhgkohg

Macintyre, T. iS. R., Land & Estate Agency, Hansons, Shanghai


McIntyre, J.,

E., supt.,




surveyor,Bank, Pehahg

Public Works dept., Shanghai

McIntyre, F. S., engineer, Lahat Mines, Ld., Perak

MacIntyre, R., assist., Hongkong & Shanghai Bank, Tokyo

McIntyre, R., assist., Asiatic Petroleum Co. '(S.S.,) Ld., Penang

Mclver, A., assist., Kelly

Mackay, & Dockyard

Walsh, Ld.,andShanghai

McKay, H.C.,A.,assist., Taikooexamining

emigrant officer,Engineering;

Secretariat forCo.,Chinese

Hongkong ; Hongkong;


Mackay, H. R., manager, Sime, Darby & Co., Ld., Negri Sembilan

Mackay, H. S., assistant, Hongkong Electric Co., Hongkong '.



Mackay, J., Arnhold & Co., Ld., Chartered

I. C., sub-accountant, ChangchowBank of India, Australia & China, Hongkong

Mackay, J. E. L., assist., Butterfield and Swire, Tsingtao


Mackay, N. D., supt., Customs Dept.,Press

N. A. E., Hongkong Daily Ltd., Hongkong


Mackay, R. B., sub-accountant, National

Mackay, W. C., sub-accountant, Chartered Bank City Bank of NewAustralia

of India, York, Shanghai

& China, S’apore

Macke, F., partner, Meyer & Co., Tientsin

McKechnie, H., assist., Taikoo Sugar Refinery

Mackechnie, J., manager, Sternberg & Co., Singapore Co., Hongkong

McKee, Rose T., secretary & treasurer, Baltoc Mining Co., Manila

McKee, S., A.,secretary,

McKellar, Benguet Consolidated

assist., Mackinnon, Mackenzie Mining Co., Manila

& Co., Hongkong

McKelvie, J., assist., Hongkong

McKelvie, K., assistant

McKelvie, K.,St.Mustard secretary,

& Co.,Siam British

Shanghai American Tobacco Co., Ld., Shanghai

McKelway, Clair, editor, Free Press Co., Ld., Bangkok


McKenna, J., deputyA., manager,

assist,British BorneoandTimber

supt., Trade Customs,Co., Miri,

Ld., Sandakan,

Sarawak B. N. Borneo

McKenna, J. E., consul, American Consulate, Canton




Dairy FarmPoliceIceDept., Shanghai

and Cold Storage Co., Hongkong

Mackenzie, A., assist., Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Hongkong

Mackenzie, A. K., signs per pro., Harry Wicking & Co., Hongkong


Mackenzie, A.A. S.,N., chartered

assist, supt.accountant,

engineer, Hongkong

White, Page & Kowloon Godown Co., Ld., H’kong.

& Co., Manila

Mackenzie, D., partner, Patten, Mackenzie & Co., Kobe

Mackenzie, D., supt. engineer, Hongkong & Kowloon Wharf & Godown Co., Hongkong

Mackenzie, D. R., Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld., Tientsin

Mackenzie, G. L., actg. sab-mgr., Hongkong & S’hai Banking Corpn., Kobe

Mackenzie, .1.,

Mackenzie, H. marine

O., minister


Canadian PacificU.S.A.

Railway Legation, Bangkok

Co., Hongkong

McKenzie, J., Standard Trading Co. (Gochi Kaisha), Kobe

Mackenzie, K., actg. sub-acct., Hongkong & Shanghai Bank, Shanghai

Mackenzie, G. Lyon, manager, Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation, Harbin

McKenzie, R., consular agent'for Great Britain & mgr,, Wurui Shokwai, Shimonoseki


Mackenzie,S.MajorF., director,

W. J. E.,Caravan

colonialCommercial Co. (1923)Hongkong

veterinary surgeon, Ltd., Shanghai

McKenzie, W. L., secretary, Hongkong Telephone Co.,

Mackenzie, W. W, director, Alex. Ross & Co. (China), Ld., Hongkong Ld., Hongkong


McKerrow,Dr.R.A.W.,S., director,

Drs. Jamieson, Sharp

Paterson, & McKern,

Simons Penang

Mackichan, A. S., civil engineer, Leigh & Orange, Hongkong


Mackie, Hon.

A. S., Mr. C. G. Neill

partner, S., director, Hongkong

& Partner, SelangorTramways, Ltd., Hongkong

Mackie, D. D., consulting engineer and marine surveyor, Singapore

Mackie, J.,Dr.sub-accountant,

Mackie, J. M., Govt. Medical Chartered

Dept.,Bank of India, Australia & China. Selangor


Mackie, T., Warner Barnes & Co., Ld., Manila

Mackie, W. J., assist., Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Co., Ld., Hongkong

MacKinley, W. A., solicitor, Deacons, Hongkong

McKinnon, D., acting mgr,, United Engineers, Ld., Penang

McKinnon, Capfc. H., China Merchants Steam Navigation Co., Shanghai

Mackinnon, J. M., signs per pro., Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co., Hongkong

Mackintosh, A. D., Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China, Hongkong

Mackintosh, F. A., Mackintosh & Co., Ld., Hongkong


Me Knight,A.,A.,agent, Chartered

proprietor, Bank Sandwiche

California of India, etc., Iloilo Singapore



McLachlan, J., Mustard & Co., Ld., Hongkong

MacLachlan,D.L,M., assist,

cable town planning

engineer, superintendent,

Oriental Telephone Perak Co., Ld., Singapore

and Electric

MacLachlan, J. B., state engineer, P.W.D., Kelantan


McLaggan, J. O., assist., Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Co., Ld., Hongkong

Me Lane, P. V., assist: Canadian Government Trade Commissioner Service, Kobe

McLaren, J. D., sub-agent, Chartered Bank, and acting vice-consul for Gt. Britain, Zam.

Maclaren, J. S., assist, treasurer, Treasury, Hongkong

Maciaren, J. H., assistant to marine supt., Butterfield & Swire, Shanghai

McLaren, L. W. R., assist., Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corpn., Penang


McLaughlin, R., W. assist, shift engineer,

J., pro-consul for GreatShanghai


CantonCo., Shanghai

MacL'aughlin, W. H., assist, supt., Trade & Customs, Lower Perak

McLauglin, W. J., clerical officer, British Legation, Peiping

McLay, D. B., executive engineer, Municipality. Singapore

McLay, F. S., assist, shift charge engineer, Shanghai Power Co., Shanghai

McLay, R. M., mgr., The National City Bank of New York, Hongkong


Maclean,W.,H. assist., Shewan, Tomes

A., sub-accountant, & Co., Hongkong

Chartered Bank of India, Australia and, China, Kobe-

Maclean, H. J. H., assistant, Bowen & Co., Manila

Maclean, J. A. E., assist., Sime, Darby & Co., Selangor

MacLean, J. M. M., chief officer, Police Dept., Johore

McLellan, A., assistant, Mansfield ife Co., Ld., Singapore

McLellan, D., assist, master, King’s College, Hongkong

McLennan, A. M., assist., McAuliffe, Davis & Hope, Singapore

Maclennan, D. O., assistant, Indo-China S. N. Co., Ld., Shanghai

MacLennan, G. G., agent, Straits Trading Coo Ld., Seremban, Negri Sembilan

MacLennan, J., sub-accountant, Chartered Bank of India, Australia China, Manila

MacLennan, K., postmaster-general, Posts

McLennan, K. C., assistant, Taikoo Dockyard and Engineering Co., Hongkong


McLeod, J.,D. W., principal,

Guthrie & Co.,Raffles Institution, Ipoh, Perak

Ipoh, Perak

McLeod, J. D., assist., Jardine Engineering Corporation, Ld., Shanghai

Macleod, N. Q., assistant. Smith, Bell & Co., Ld., Manila

McLeod, R.E.J.,J.,assist,

McLernon, chief engineer,


Police Works dept., Malacca

Department, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

McLew, D., Shanghai Dock & Engineering Co., Ld., Shanghai

McLorn, J., account.. Directorate General of Post, Shanghai

McMahon, T.,

McMahon, J. E.,engineer,



Taiping, Perak

McMartin^ D., engineer, Reuters, Ld., Shanghai

McMeekin, H. W. P., managing director, Ilbert & Co,, Ld., Shanghai

McMichael, E. H., Realty Investment Co., Shanghai

McMicking, J., manager, Insular Life Assurance Co., Ld., Manila

MacMillan, L C., commander of Police, Kedah

MacMillan, R.R. S.,

MacMillan, C., director,

station supt.,

MalcolmElectricity SupplyShanghai

& Co., Ltd., Dept., Municipality, Penang


Macmorran, J. B., divisional sanitary inspector, Municipal Health Dept., Singapore

McMullan, D.R.F.G.,R.,director,

director,Siam Industries,

McMullan & Co.,Ld.,Ld.,Bangkok


MeMullan, J. C., director, McMullan & Co., Ld., Tsingtao

McMunn, J. F., accounting division, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Shanghai

McMyn, A. L., signs per pro., Anglo-Siam Corporation, Ltd., Bangkok


Macnab, A.,

A. C.,manager

surveyor"of general

of Ships’division, Wearne, Bros., Ld., Penang

Office, Singapore

Macnab, Dr. R. A., medical officer. Medical Dept., Kedah


McNair, R. P.,Brig.-

assist,Gen’l. E. B.,G.dir.,

manager, British-ALd.,

T. Fulford, merican Tobacco Co. (China), Ld., S’hai.


McNaughton, E. J., dir., Imperial Chemical Indust. (Malaya), Ld., Selangor


McNeary, H. G.H.J.,C.,manager,

Consul for Greece, Bank

American KobeNote Co., Canton

McNee, S. L., assist, acct., Mansfield & Co.. Ld., Penang

McNeice, T.W.P.O.F.,A.,protector

McNeice, partner, ofRawson,


Negri Sembilan

& Co., Shanghai

McMeill, J. director, Runnymedl Hotel, Ltd., Penang


McNeill, John, barrister, Hansons, Shanghai

McNeill, J. T., partner, Stark & McNeill, Penang


McNeish, W. H., assist., Mansfield A Co., TractionLd., Singapore

McNeur, A.,J., Robert

traffic inspector,

Dollar Co.;Singapore

Manila Co.,- Ld., Singapore


McNicoll, R. J., Jardine, Mathespn & Co., Ld., Shanghai



Edible Products,

Daily Press Ltd.,Ltd.,




Macphail, A. W., chief, accountant, Municipal CouncilVII, Shanghai

G., professor pf chemistry, King Edward Medical College, Singapore

Macphail, IL, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Macphail, L. R.J partner, Saunders & Macphail, Singapore

MacPhail, jN _, chief sanitary inspector, Sanitary Board, Selangor

MacPhersoii, A., assist, district officer, Lubok Antu, Sarawak

MacPherson, C. W., sub-acct., Chartered Bank of India, Aust. & China, Singapore '

MacPhersbn, J.Dr.C.,D.sub.

MacPherson, R., medical officer, Medical

acct., Chartered Bank ofDept.,

India,Negri Sembilan

Australia & China, Singapore. ,

MacPherson, J. S., district officer, Kuala Pilah, Negri Sembilan


McQueen, J.,W.,Harrisonschief inspector of Police,

& Crosfield, Ld., &Penang

vice consul for Gt. Britain, Sumatra

McQuilkin, J. A., mgr., Standard Vacuum Oil Co.,. Selangor

McRae, Chalmers, manager, Maynard ■&'Cp., Ld., Singapore


Macrae, Rev. D., United foi'

H., vioe^donsul Cnurch



Mission, Kongmoon

Macrae, H. A.,,eommercial secietary, British Embassy, Tokyo


MacSwan, D.Dr.M.,J.medical L., physician

officer, &Medical





McWhirter, D. L., veterinary surgeon, KeylockBank

E. M., sub-accountant, Chartered of India,

A Pratt, Australia & China, S’hai.


Maas, H. O., director, Boustead & Co., Ltd., Singapore

Mace, N., assist, supt. of surveys, 2nd Division, Sarawak

Macey, L., assist., Hongkong V Whampoa, Dock Co., Hongkong

Mack, A. C., Bush Mack & Co., Fed. Inc., Shanghai

Mack, A. M., assist., Hongkong'and Shanghai Banking Corporation, Shanghai

Mack, D. G., engr., F. M. S. Railways, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor



chief of Neill & liell.General

inspector, Selangor Motors (Japan), Ld., Osaka

Macon, G. W., mgr., Universal Leaf Tobacco Co.^Shanghai

Maconie, D. A. C,?: medical officer, Chihese Maritime Cus'tpms, Shanghai

Macoustra, D. J., accountant, Straits Trading Go., Ld., Penang

Madew, R. O., inspector] of mines, Mines Department, Perak

Madgwick, E., professor of physics, King Edward VII Medical College, Singapore


Madier, G.J.,H.,C.,,proby

partner, Madier,

partner, Madier, Ribet


Cie, .Canton


Madoc, asst, commissioner, Police Dept., Negri Sembilan

Madon, A. B., mgr. fe prop., Sino-Aryan Trading Co., iShanghai

Madrigal, A. V., manager, Philippine Credit Bureau, Manila


Madsen, K.,V.,assist.,

generalEast manager,


Co., Ld., drSingapore

Co., Manila,


Maenss, W.,A.,Consul-General

proprietor, Maendler,for Germany,A. Cafe.Singapore


Maestrini, Rev. Fr. N., Rosary Church, Kowloon


Maggs, C.E. E-,W.,signsassist.,perSmith,

pro., G.BellH. ifSlot

e Co.,&Ld.,

Co., Manila

Ld., Singapore .

Maggs, F. J. B., Russell & Co., J. A., Selangor

Magill, J. F., partner, Leuux & Magill, Tsingtao

Magtibay, A. F., accountant, Worton & Harrison Co., Manila


Mahajan, M. C., manager, G.The

R. Gregg & Co., Ld., Depot,

Kobe and Yokohama


Maher, D. D.V.,

F. W.,R.,assist.,


consul for America,





Co., Shanghai


Maher, J. D., assist., Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. (China), Ld., Shanghai


Maher, P., assist., British-American Tobacco Co. (China), Ld., Shanghai

Maher, W. J., director, Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Co., Ld., Hongkong

Mahon, E.J.,J.,assist,

Mahbny, mgr.,engineer,

National F.M.S.

City Bank of NewKuala

Railways, York,Lumpur,

Harbin Selangor

Mai, Dr. L. H., Deutsche Farben Handelgesellschaft Waibel & Co., Changsha

Mail lard, A., manager, Compagnie Optorg, Shanghai

Maillard, M., chef due Secretariat, Administration Municipale, Haiphong


Mailly, F., accountant,andSoc. Anonyme des Anciens Etablisements Arnoult, Tientsin

Main, G.P.,A.,engineer director,

acting vice-consul forLonkomay, Shanghai

Great Britain, Davao

Main, J. R., assistant, Imperial Chemical Industries (China), Ld., Shanghai

Main, S. Duncan, business sec. and treasurer, China Medical Association, Shanghai-


Main, T.T. G., chief clerk,

P., district supt.,Shanghai


Gas Co., Ld.,Co.,Shanghai

Ld., Shanghai

Main, W. A., director, Underwriters Savings Bank for the Far East Inc., Shanghai :

Mair, D., assist., Shanghai Dock and Engineering, Co., Ld-., Shanghai

Mair, J. D., supt., Waste Dept., Municipal Water Eept., Singapore

Maistre, L., manager, Behr & Mathew, Ld., Hankow

Maitland, A. J., Dunlop Rubber Co., (China), tLd., Shanghai

Maitland, A. L., assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Tientsin

Maitland, R. J., Oliveira and Sons, Shanghai

Maitland, T. 0., manager for Japan, Manufacturers Life Insurance Co., Tokyo'

Major, A. R. S., assist, supt. of Police, Hongkong


Major, G., mechanical

H. R., Import &engineer, Kailan Hongkong

Export Dept., Mining Administration, Tientsin

Major, J. M., accountant, Robert Dollar Co., Shanghai


Malcolm, A.A*, R.,


general director,

manager,Malcolm & Co.,Ld.,Shanghai

Borneo Co., Bangkok

Malcolm, G. A., justice, Supreme Court, Manila


Malcolm, H. R., assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld.,Ld.,Shanghai

E. W. G., acct., Mercantile Bank of India, Hongkong

Malcolm, J. K. S., director, Harrisons & Crosfield (Borneo), Ltd., Sandakan

Malcolm, W., health officer, physician to General Hospital, etc., Chefoo

Malig, V. M., secretary, Babcock & Templeton, Manila

Malim, T., district officer, Forest Dept., Perak


Mallal, B. A.,K.,editor,


for Czechoslovakia,

Law Journal,Shanghai


Mallard, F. A., architect, P. W. D., Johore

Mallari, R., secretary, Katubusan, Manila

Mallinson, R., manager, Straits & China Textile Co., Singapore

Mallon, W. J. A., signs per pro., Cumberbatch & Co., Selangor

Malone, G., assist, accountant, Hankow Light and Power Co,, Ld., Hankow

Maloof, J., manager, Macksoud Importing Co., Shanghai

Maltby, C. F., sub-agent, Chartered Bank of India, Australia

Manasseh, E. S., proprietor, Manasseh & Co., Singapore

Manby, H. B., headmaster, Bukit Zahrah iSchool, Jbhore Bahru, Johore "

Mancell, A. H., treasurer, Shanghai General Hospital, Shanghai

Manchester, H. L., deputy treasurer, Treasurer’s Dept., Municipality, Singapore

Mandel, A. E., president, China Fibre Container Co., Shanghai

Mandell, A. J., godown supt., Butterfield & Swire, Hankow

Mandy, J. K., signs per pro,, Mansergh & Tayler, Negri Sembilan

Manescau, controller, Banque de ITndo-chine, Saigon


Manhes,E.J. S.,A.,consul for America,Banque

sub-accountant, Taihoku, Formosa Shanghai

de ITndoehine,

Mamkin, J. M., assit. distribution, engr., Electric Supply dept., Penang

Manley, E. L., manager, Acme Code Co., Shanghai


Manley, G.J. G.,N., chief


Imperial Chemical

H.B.M.’s Works,Industries

Shanghai(China), Ld., Shanghai

Manley, W. T., auditor, Nanking-Shanghai Railway, Shanghai

Mann, A., Duro Motor Co., Ld., Hongkong

Mann, G., Imperial Chemical Industries, Shanghai

Mann, G. C., manager, Eastern & Philippines Shipping Agencies, Ld., Manila



Vlann, H. M.,.director, Arnold & Public

G. H., assistant engineer, Co., Ltd.,Works Dept., Shanghai


Mann, I. G. R., assist., Hongkong and

Maun, R., assist., Lowe, Bingham & Matthews, ShanghaiShanghai Bank, Hankow

Manners, C. M., assist, manager, Hongkong & Kowloon Wharf & Godown Co., Hongkong


Manning, John, director,

E., assist., JohnJohn Manners && Co.,

D. Hutchison Co*, Ld., Hongkong


Manning, F. C., overseer, P.W.D., Hongkong

Manning, G. J., manager, China Record Co., Ld., Shanghai

Manning, J. H., assist, manager, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Cebu

Manotok, Rutino, mgr., credit dept., Philippine National Bank, Manila

Mansel, F. L.,, assistant

Mansel-Smith, treasurer, Treasury, Sarawak

Mansfield, P. W.,W.,assist.,assistant,

S. J. Asiatic

David &Petroleum Co., Ld., Shanghai

Cp., Shanghai


Mansouk, W. R., branch

J., manager, mgr., Far Eastern Insurance Co., Ld., Singapore

Mansour, H., managingMansouk

director, &Teikoku

Co., J., Sanso


K. K., Kobe


Marasigin,C. B.,K.,president,

assist, works manager,

General China Printing

Investment & Finishing Co., Shanghai

Corpn., Manila

Marcadet, director of Franeo-Annamite Schools, Yunnanfu

Marcal, L. A., Benjamin and Potts, Shanghai


March, Manila Land

m. a., Hangchow and Water

Christian Transp.

College, Co., Inc., Manila


March, Dr. E. L., Sun Life Assurance Co. of

March, J. E., architect, Spence, Robinson & Partners, ShanghaiCanada, Shanghai


Marcheix, A.,Paul, signsmgr.,

general per pro., Hirsbrunner &desCo.,Charbonnages

Societe-Francaise Shanghai du Tonkin, .Hongkong

Marchman, W. R., sub-accountant, National City Bank of New York, Harbin

Marcks, Lothar, merchant & civil engineer, Mukden

Marco, M.

Marco, Jerome,V. L. director, MaxwellItalian

de, ambassador. & Co., Embassy,

Ltd., KobeChina

Marco, E., director, Philippine Trust Co., Manila


Maiden, M.G. L., E., managing

director, Autodirector,

PalaceOriental BillShanghai

Co., Ltd., Posting Co., Ld., Singapore

Marderfeld, M., agent, China Fur Trading Co.,

Mardulyn, P., sub-acct., B inque Beige Pour 1’Etranger, Tientsin Shanghai


Margerison, S.J., V.,manager,

secty., Ned.

Price Handel


Shanghaite Batavia, Batavia

Margoliouth, L. C., manager, South British Insurance Co., Singapore

Mari, A., manager,

Mariadoss, Kunst & Albers,

D. L., postmaster, HarbinTaiping, Perak

Post Office,

Mariani, L., counsellor, Italian Embassy, Tokyo

Marjoribanks, Dr. E. M., registrar of Births and Deaths Department, Sarawak

Marker, A. E., vice-consul for Norway, & director, Arnhold & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Markert, P. M., engineer-in-charge, Anderson, Meyer & Co., Canton

Markevitch, A., manager, Casey & Lyttle, Tsingtao


Markham, H., manager, Walker

R., managar, Huttenbach,


& Co., &Ld.,Sons, Ld., Singapore



Marks, A., revenue officer, Imports and Exports Office, Hongkong

Marks, J.F.,C.,secretary, German Consulate,

acct., Chartered Bank of India,HarbinAustralia and China, Harbin


Marler, R.H.H.E. E.,Sirchief inspector,Canadian

H., minister, Police Headquarters,

Legation, Tokyo Hongkong


Marr, A., Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, Kobe

Marr, J.N. L.,J., assistant

inst.-mgr.,(Tsurumi), Standard-Vacuum

Asiatic Petroleum Co., (NorthOilChina)

Co., Yokohama

Ld., Newchwang

Marr, S. S., wharf manager, Borneo Co., Ltd., The, Bangkok


Marschall, F. F., assist, general manager, Sarawak Oilfields, Ld., Sarawak

Marsh, E. L.,E.,medical

Behn Meyerofficer,& Sun

Co., Manila

Life Assurance Co. of Canada, Shanghai

Maj-sb, F., Grenier & Son, Ld., Negri Sembilan

Marsh, J. W. P., managing dir., Auto Palace Co., Ltd., Shanghai

Marsh, L. S., sub-acct., National City Bank of New York, Shanghai


Marshad-Marsh, Dr. A. V., medical practitioner, Shanghai

Marshall, A.A. G.,

Marshall, McE., chairman,

assist., McAlister &Ld.,Co.,Hongkong

Lane, Crawford, Singapore

Marshall, C. F., assist., Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Seoul

Marshall, D., assist, engineer, Hongkong and China Gas Co., Ld., Hongkong

Marshall, E., Keller & Oo., Ld., Manila


Marshall, E.F. L.,

L., director,

inst. supt.,James

Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Manila

Magill & Co., Shanghai

Marshall, G., manager, Singapore Traction Co., Ld., Singapore

Marshall, G. E., assist., Lowe, Bingham & Matthews,

Marshall, G. V. T., sub. mgr., S. J. David & Co., Hongkong Shanghai

Marshall, H. M., assist., Hongkong Electric Co., Ld., Hongkong

Marshall, J. H. W., assist., Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corpn., Kobe

Marshall, M., assist., Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, Shanghai


Marshall, R.M. Calder,

D., installation inspector,

mang. dir., Calder, Shanghai

Marshall &Power Co.,Shanghai

Co., Ld., Shanghai

Marshall, R. J., medical officer, Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada, Shanghai

Marshall, S. P., assist, manager, International Export Co., Ld., Tientsin


Marshall, W.

W. L.,McP., assist, general

assist., manager,

Asiatic PetroleumStandard-Vacuum Oil Co.,

Co. (North China), Ld.,Hongkong


Marsman, J., general manager, Itogon Mining Co., Manila

Marsoulies, A. Du Pac de, advocate, Shanghai

Martel, le Comte D. de, Minister, French Embassy, Tokyo

Martel, E., Consul for Belgium, Seoul

Martens, F. R., secretary, Ribeiro


Martin, A. P.,

V., Marthoud & Cie., Shanghai

assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Hongkong

Martin, A. J., consul for

Martin, A. J. J., Standard-VacuumGreat Britain

Oil and

Co., Denmark,


Martin, A. W., manager, D, Gestetner (Eastern) Ld., Hongkong

Martin, B. L., assist, manager, B. P. de Silva, Ld., Singapore

Martin, C., director, G. H. Slot & Co., Ld., Penang


Martin, Ch.,

C. D.,gen. mgr., Com.

protector, Franco-American

Protectorate, Jesselton,dAssurance,

B.N.B. Saigon

Martin, C. J., vice-president, Cebu Stevedoring Co., Inc., Cebu

Martin, C. L., assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld., Shanghai

Martin, Rev. E. W. L., warden, St. Stephen’s College, Hongkong

Martin, F. E., assistant,

Martin, Hugh, Dodwell

director, Noel, & Co.,Go.,Shanghai

Murray Ld., Shanghai

Martin, H. B., M. J. B, Co., Shidzuoka

Martin, H. E. M., forest manager, Anglo-Siam Corporation, Bangkok

Martin, H. S., assist, accountant, Treasury, Hongkong

Martin, H. T. J., divisional engineer, Rising Sun Petroleum Co., Ld., Tokyo

Martin, J., director, Slot & Co., Ld., Penang

Martin, J. H., Masters, Ld., Singapore

Martin, J. P., director, G. H. Slot & Co., Ld., Singapore

Martin, Dr. Paul, medical practitioner, Shanghai

Martin, T. A., acting manager, Caldbeck, Macgregor & Co., Ltd., Hongkong

Martin, W. B., assist., Guthrie & Co., Ld., Singapore

Martin, W. H., acting chairman, Malayan Collieries, Ld., Selangor

Martindell, Dr. E. W., Sanitary Board, Brunei


Martinella,T. A.C., M.,


manager,Borneo Co.,Trading

Italian Ld., Singapore

Co., Tientsin

Martinez, M. Guillermo, charge d’affaires, Legation of Peru, Tokyo


Marton, O.L. E.J., C.,secretary,


Deacons, Hongkong

Marx, Edwin, secretary, United Christian Missionary Society, Nanking

Mary, G., Baboud, Mary & Cie., Shanghai

Mascunana, R., manager and secretary, Roce$ & Co., Inc., Manila

Masefield, V. H., sub-manager, Warner Barnes tfc Co., Ltd., Manila

Masillon, L., chief electrician, Kailan Mining Administration, Tientsin

Maslinikoff, A, assistant, Bryner & Co., Dairen


Mason, Dr. C., assist, surgeon,

Mason, I., vice-pres., Royal Asiatic Medical Dept:,Shanghai

Society, Sarawak

Mason, J., inspector, Municipal Police, Shanghai

Mason, J., manager, Philippine Sugar Centrals Agency, Manila

Mason, Dr. J. B., medical officer, Pahang Consolidated,CP., Pahang


Mason, J.K. R.A.,H.,insurance

Philippine dept-,National

Jardine,Bank, Manila& Cq. Ld., Tientsin


Mason, M. J., assist, mgr., Claude Neon Lights Fed. Inc., Shanghai

Mason, P. F., manager, lower wharf, Asiatic Petroleum Co, (N.C.), Ld., Shanghai

Massa, A., J.,manager,

Massabot, directeur, Italian Marble

Societe Works,Indochinoise,

Havraise Tientsin Saigon

Masseboeuf, J., director, Chiffon, Ld., Hongkong


Massey, director, and

assist,, Hongkong Philips’ ChinaBanking

Shanghai Co., Shanghai

Corporation, Singapore

Massey, W. E. D.., 2nd archivist, British Embassy, Tokyo

Massi, Rev., bishop, St Joseph’s Church, Hankow

Massiac, M. H. de, directeur,

1 “Avenir Du Tonkin,” Hanoi


Master, R.J. F.R.,C.,signs per pro.,

solicitor, Butterfield

Platt, '&-Swire,

White-Cooper Hongkong

& Co.; and dir., Cultry Dairy Co,, S’hai.

Matchin, W. J., assist., Hongkong and Whampoa Dock & Co., Ld., Hongkong

Mateu, Jose L., Shipping dept., Fernandez Hermanos, Iric:, Manila


Mathew, C.C.L.,L.China P„ accountant, BorneoJardine,

Produce dept., Co., Ld.,Matheson

Penang.& Co.. Ld., Shanghai

Mathews, A. F.,

Mathews,F.,V.supt., senior

R„ accountant, assistant auditor,

Sime, Darby Audit Department,

& Co., Ld., Singapore

Matson, Eastern Extension, Australasia and Singapore

China Telegraph Co., Shanghai

Matteson, E. L., general-agentqAmeroian Mail Line,

Matthew, E. S., managing proprietor, Mathew & Co., Ld., Singapore Kobe


Matthews, A. F., senior

assist.,assist, auditor. External Banking

Audit Dept., Singapore

Matthews, A.C. H., B., assistant, Hongkong & Shanghai

Taikoo Sugar Corpn.,

Refining Co., Hongkong Singapore

Matthews, E. A., assist., Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corpn., Singapore

Matthews, F. de Cl, jr., National City Banh of New York, Singapore

Matthews, F N., c.a., partner, Lowe, Bingham and Matthews,' Shanghai

Matthews, Dr. H. D., Allan, Strahan fe Kirk, Hongkong

Matthews, J. B., manager, Straits Trading Co., Ld., Perak

Matthews, J. IL, surveyor, Lloyd’s Registerqf Shipping, Singapore

Matthias, Rev. Bro., dir., St. Joseph’s College, Hongkong

Mattox, E. L., bursar and secretary, Hangchow Christian College, Hangchow


Mauchan, E., C.,

consul for Italy, Singapore

Mauerer, K.,A. signs technical



Farben, H.Dock and Engineering

G. Waibel Works, Shanghai

& Co, Hankow’


Maughan,T.B.P.,E.,manager, Federated

chief clerk, Motors,Hongkong

Audit Office, Ltd., Singapore


Maunder, F.R., G.,minister,

charteredFrench Legation,

accouhtan't, Bangkok

Thomson & Co., Hongkong

Maurice, M. S„ assist., American Express Co., Inc!, Hongkong

Mavel, C., Descours et Cabaud, Saigon

Mavor, G.,C.resident

Mawson, G., manager, engineer,

managing Sandakah

director, Light and Power Co., Sandakah, B. N. Borneo

Max, Schibler, Astor HouseAlden’s



Maxey, W. E., general agent, Singer Machine Co., Manila

Maxted, H. W., manager in the Far East, "Wilkinson, Heywood & Clark, Shanghai

Maxwell, A. W., engineer, F.M.S. Railway, Kuala Judge,

Lumpur, Selangor

Maxwell, D.'

Maxwell, H., R.,’government'secretary,

agent, Yorkshire InsuranceHigh Co.,Court

Ltd., Osaka Sandakan, BlN.th

Maxwell, J.,H.,assist.,

Maxwell, managing director,

General MaxwellHongkong

Rost Office, & Co., Ltd., Kobe

Maxwell, J. J.,

Maxwell, J. L., Hon.assistant, Hongkong

editor;Mr.-Chiria-MMictiti Kowloon Wharf &- Godown Co., Ld., Hongkcng

-J&arndl, Shanghai.


May, E. A. G., manager, J., resident,TugAdministrative

Shanghai and Lighter Co.,dept.,Ld.,Sandakan,

ShanghaiB. N. Borneo


May, G. W., overseer, Public Works Department, Hongkong

May, L., signs per prd.,' Credit Foricier‘D’Extrertife^Orient, Homgkbng

May, O.,

May, O. D,,manager,

acting Bodiker

manager,&Getz Coj, Bros.


& Co., SingapQre

May, B. A., managing director, General Motors (Japab), Ld., Osaka

Maycock, J. H., assist., Hongkong Electric Co., Ld., Hongkong

Mayeda, L, General Motors (Japan'), Ld., Osaka

Mayell, D.G. W.,

Mayer, W., E. R.,Consul


U.S.A., Hongkong Fire Insurance Co., Ld., Harbin


Mayer, manager, Kunst tfe Albers, Hankow

Mayes, C. M., sale mgr., Eastern Trading Co., Yokohama

Mayes, C. T., managing-director, Eastern Trading Co., Yokohoma

Mayes, S. M., British American Tobacco Cb., Tsingtao


Maybew, F.J. J.W.,L.,assist.,

manager, Scotia Lubricating

Standard-Vacuum Oil : Co.,

Oil Co., Singapore-


.Maynard, L., consul for U.S. A. and Panama, Singapore


Mayne, G.R.E.W.O.,H.,manager,

clerk to the



PackingSupreme Court, Hongkong -

Co.> Shanghai

Maze, Sir F. W., inspector general, Chinese Maritime Customs, Nanking

Maziere, O., Cie. Franco Asiatique des Petroles, Yunnanfu

Mazieres, A., Cie Franco-Asiatique des Petroles, Haiphong

Mazieres, P., Cie Franco-Asiatique des Patmles, Haiphong

Mead, J. D., partner, Osborne & Chappel, Perak

Mead, J.L. P.,J., director

Mead, manager,ofStandard-Vacuum

forestry, F.M.S. Forest Oil Co.,dept., Kuala Lumpur, Selangor


Meade, J.F.,M.,

Meade, inspector, SecretariatEducation

superintendent, tor Chinese Affairs, Hongkong

Department, Johore

Meade, S. M., supt., Education Dept., Johore

Meade, W., director, Boustead & Co.,

Meadows, J. E., agent, L. Everett, Inc.; Iloilo, " Singapore


Meager, assist., DairyArnold

director, Farm. Ice andLtd.,

Storage Co., Ld., Hongkong

Mears, J. W., vice-pres., Philippine Advertising Corporation, Manila


Meehan, H.,W.secretary,

R., assist..Sun

Imperial Chemical Co.

Life Assurance Industries

qf. Canada (China),

(KatoLd., Shanehai

Branch Office), Tokyo

Mecklenburgb, H. L., British-American Tobacco Cb, (Clnna)) Ld., Changsha

Medel, D. C., secretary, Tionloc, Inc., Manila

Meeke, H. C., J.assist.,

Meerendonk, L. vanAndrew WeirPacket

den, Royal & Co., Navigation

Hongkong Co., Singapore

Meerwald, S. F., secretary, Sanitary Board, Perak

Meeu’s, Comte H. de, secretary, Belgian,! Legation, Peiping

Mehta, B. D., assist, veterinary surgeon, Veterinary Department, Penang .

Mehta, S.B. B.,

Mehta, P., partner,

director, S.Tata

B. Mehta D., Shanghai


Meier, H, signs the firm, Huygen, G. E., Canton

Meier, P., Warner Barnes & Co., Ld., Manila

Meijer, .!. D., manager, Holland Asiatic Trading Co., Kobe

Meiklejon, J. C, assist., Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, Shanghai

Meiklereid, E. W., vice-consul for Great Britain, Bangkok

Meinder, E., surveyor, Singkep Tin Maatschappy, Singapore

Meinich, H. T., assist, commissioner, Chinese Maritime Customs, Antung


Meister, O.,K.jmanager,




Shokwan, Tokyo

Melbye, A., assist., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (South China), Ld., Canton

Melcer, P. J., Crown China Co., Inc-, Shanghai

Melchers, O. A., sub-accountant, Nederlandsche Indisohe Handelsbank, Amqy ,

Melchers, C. G., partner, Melchers & Co., Hongkong

Melchers, H, consul

Melchior, H., chief news editor, Transocean

for Belgium, Kobe News Service, Shanghai

Melchior, J. E., acct., Stromwall, H., Shanghai

Melhuish, A., chairman, British Chamber of Commerce, Harbin

Melkay, Almo G., 1st secretary-interpreter, Italian Embassy, Tokyo


Mello, A. A., de. ageat, Hongkong,

Mellor, C. H., electrical engineer, Shanghai Canton &■ PowerMacao Steamboat Co., Ltd., Macao

Co., Shanghai


Mellor, W., surveyor-general

W., signs per pro., A. ofR. Ships,


& Sons, Shanghai

Mencarini, J. D., manager, International Correspondence Schools, Manila

Mende, F., agent,

Mendelson, MelchersBerrick

M., director, & Co.,& Hankow

Co., Yokohama

Mendoza, A., secy.-treas., Manila& Ahlip,

Mendis, Y. J., partner, Mendis MercantilePenang Co., Inc., Manila

Mendoza, Major J., military attache, Peruvian Legation, Tokyo

Mennie, D., managing director, A. S.

Menon, A. G., director’s secy., League of Nations Watson & Co.,Health


Organisation, Singapore

Mentzel, IN., Melchers &; Co., Hankow

Menzel, H., manager, Belm, Meyer & Co.,

Menzi, J., general manager, Menzi tfe Co., Inc., Manila Semarang

Menzies, I. D., assist, account., P. & O. Banking Corpn-, Singapore

Merecki, H., merchant, Osaka

Meredith A. C., actg. acct., Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corpn., SelangOr

Meredith, G. C., registrar, Vehicles Department, Singapore

Merie, A. L., manager, Madier, Ribet & Co., Yokohama




Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Singapore

ct Co., Ld., Singapore


Merriman, H.H.,W.,principal

acting, district

warder, mgr.,

Prison Confederation

Department. Life Association, Hongkong


Merriman, M. E., manager, American Express Co., Singapore

Merritt F. L., gen. manager and treasurer, Bailey Stevedoring

Merten, E., Arnhold & Co., Ld , Hankow

Mertens, Dr. A., assist., Bayer, Meister-Lucius Yokuhin Gomei Kaisha, Kobe


Mertirys, Dr.

N. H., agent,

G., dentist,Peacock

Shanghai Motion Picture Co;, Inc., Peiping

Meschak, P., consul for Latvia, Harbin

Mesny, Dr. J., medical practitioner, Hankow


Metcalf, F.E„P.,assist.,


Hegner &Canton

Co., Kobe

Metcalfe, M. A., engr. & mgr., Metcalfe’s Motors, Ld., Perak

Methven, L. M., sub.-acct.,

Metz, H., engineer CharteredFrench

chef du service, BankMunicipal

of India, Austr.

Council,& China,


Metzler, Ch., assistant manager, Reinsurance

Meurs, H. van, signs per pro., Hooglandt & Co., Singapore Co., Rossia of Copenhagen, Shanghai


Meusser, O.,J., signs


Rohde Portland Artificiels de LTndochine, Haiphong

& Co., Hankow

Meyer, B. L., manager, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Tientsin


Meyer, C.C. M.,

E., assist, general

manager, manager, Standard-Vacuum

Deutsch-Asiatische Bank, CantonOil Co., Shanghai

Meyer, J.F.,G.,assist

Meyer, mgr., Loxley

assistant, & Co.,& (China)

Mackintosh Co., Ld.,Ltd., W. R., Canton


Meyer, John, manager^ Muller & Phipps (Manila), Inc., Manila

Meyer, J. M., director, Adelphi Hotel, Singapore

Meyer, J.K.,W.,

Meyer, Cornes

assist., John



Meyer, L.Kurt, signs manager,

P., joint p. p., Carlowitz



Meyer, P. A., president, Alhambra Cigar & Cigarette Manufacturing Co., Manila

Meyer, P. E., Kuenzle & Streiff, Inc., Manila

Meyer, P. R., chief acct., Moody, Mark L., Shanghai


Meyer, R.V., M., director,andAdelphi

president generalHotel,


Andersen, Meyer & Co., Ld., Shanghai


Meyeringh, E. Ed.,

F., partner, Meyer

merchant, Diethelm& Co.,

& Ld.,andTientsin

Co., consul for Nether, and Sweden, Saigon


Meyling, E. assistant.

K., A., manager, East Fagan & Co.,

Asiatic Co., Ld.,



Meyn, H., partner, Bergmann


Meyrier, J., consul, French Consulate, Shanghai

Michael, A., broker, Shanghai


Michael, D. A. K„ partner,Resident’s

J., British France Import, HankowSernbilan

Office, Negri

Michael, W., E.,assist,

Michaelsen, townMelchers

partner, planningtksuperintendent,

Co., Shanghai Selangor, F.M.S.

Michaelsen, H. C. A., signs per pro., Erdman and Sielcken Sourabaya

Michaux, Pierre, manager, Socfin Co., Ld., Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

Michaux, R. M. E., director, Socfin Co., Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

Michel, M., agent, Olivier-Chine, Shanghai


Michelsen, W., manager, Michels Aug., Tientsinvaii Blaardena Michelsen, Medan, Sumatra

Michielsen,W.K.F.,W.dh\,J.,N.V. Assurantiekantoor

managing director, Java Bank, Batavia

Middleberg, D. G. E., vice-consul for Netherlands, Hongkong

Middleton, Hugh, Hugh Middleton & Co.,dept.,

Middlemas, N. A., supt., Land & Survey Sarawak


Middleton, H. E.. assist, accountant, Municipal Council, Shanghai

Middleton-Smith, J., mgr., International Underwriters, Shanghai

Middleton. W. B. O , director, Middleton

Midford, W. L., executive engineer, P. W. D., Pahang

Miedbrodt, F., representative, Quaker Gats Co., Osaka

Miesegaes, G. H.,Compagnie

Mihai, B., supt., partner, McNeill & Go.,

Francaise Semarang Shanghai

de Tramways,

Mikkelsen, H., mgr., East Asiatic Co,, Bangkok

Milbourne, H. L., consul for U.S.A., Hankow

Miles, A. H., director, Runnymede Hotel Ld.. Penang

Miles, B. J., mgr. dir., General Motors China, Inc., Shanghai


Miles, Charles V., partner, Rodyk

F. C., International & Davidson,

Harvester Co. Manila Singapore

Miles, W., assist., Dairy Farm, Ice & Cold Storage Co., Hongkong


Millar, D.J., M., actg. agent,

secretary, StraitsChartered

TradingBank of India, Australia & China, Batavia

Co.. Singapore

Millar, M. M., assist., Mansfield & Co., Ld., Singapore

Millar, T., director, Smith, Bell & Co., Ld.. Manila

Millar, W. P., manager, W. P. Millar &, Co.,Ld., Singapore

Millard, A. E., Thomson & Co., Tientsin

Millard, T. F., director, Chinacrown Co., InC., Shanghai


Miller, E.C.S. W.,

J., assist.,

D., manager, F.M.S. Railways, Kuala Lumpur,

Anglo-Siam Selangor

Miller, manager for Far East,Corporation,

Lilly Eli & Co.,Ld.,Shanghai


Miller, G. C., sales mgr., Dunlop Rubber Co. (Straits Settlements), Ld., Singapore

Miller, G. L., assist, sec., Federated Malay States Railways, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

Miller, G.

Miller, Hugh, S., manager,


British and& Co.,Foreign

Ld., Singapore

Bible Society, Seoul

Miller, H. P., commercial manager, China Electric Co., Shanghai

Miller, J., sub-acct., Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, Perak

Miller, J. D., signs per pro, Isaacs

Miller, J. F., superintendent, The Eastern Asbestos Co., Hongkong

Miller, J. H., Davies'& Brooke. Shanghai

Miller, J. S., signs per pro., Adamson, Gilfillan & Co, Ld., Singapore

Miller, N. F., mgr. of printing office, Inspectorate-General, Statistical dept:, Shanghai

Miller, Ranford

Miller, R. H, signs per pro.,general,

S., consul GuthrieAmerican

& Co., Ld., Singapore

Consulate-General, Seoul

Miller, Thos. N., mining engineer, Tientsin

Miller, Y. E., president and general manager,

Miller, W., assistant manager, Hike Shoe Palace, Manila Philippine Education Co., Inc., Manila

Miller, W. D. B., signs per pro., Butterfield & Swire, Amoy

Miller, W. L. E., works mgr., Chinese National Wireless Telegraph Co., Shanghai

Milles, J., sub-acct., Chartered Bank of India Australia & China, Singapore



signs perAsiatic Petroleum

pro., Guthrie & Co..Co.Singapore

(South China), Ld., Manila

Milligan, J. R., secretary, Ilbert & Co,, Ld., Shanghai


Millington, F. 0., managing director,

Millington, Hon. Mr. W. M., resident Councillor, Millington, Malacca

Ld., Shanghai

Mills, C., Banmon & Bailey, Selangor

Mills, E.E. S.,

Mills, W. manager,

P., consulStandard-Vacuum

for Great Britain, Oil Co., Changsha


Mills, H. A., chief accountant, General Post Office, Hongkong

Mills, H. W., instal. supt., Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Dairen


Mills, M.

P. W.E. H. F., G., assist.,rhgr.,Hongkong

acting and Shanghai

Oc'ean Accident BankingCorporation,

& Guarantee Corpn., Singapore

Ld., Singapore

Milne, G., assist, manager, Earnshaw Docks & Honolulu Iron Works, Manila

Milne, G., assistant secretary, Dairy

Milne, J. M., director, Guthrie & Co., Ld., Singapore Farm, Ice & Cold Storage Co,y Ld,, Hongkong

Milne, R. M., director, General Rubber Co., Singapore

Milne, W. J„D.partner,

Milne-Day, Rielley,

L., assist., Hongkong Simmons

and &Shanghai

Milne, Shanghai

Bank, Saigon

Milton, S. M., consul for U. S. A., Shangha

Miners, Capt. F., assist, wharf mgr., iHolt’s Wharf, (Shanghai

Milroy, W., traffic supt.,' Singapore Tractien Co., Ld., Singapore

Minnebo, F. J., manager, printing'dept., De Sumatra Post, Sumatra

Minny, C. E., sub-agent, D. Sassoon «fc Co., Ld., Hankow

Minobe, B., manager, Senda Co., Ld., Singapore :

Minutti, R., manager, Minutti k Cie, Shanghai

Miollis, C. R., local manager, Messageries Maritime, Shanghai

Miorini, Dr. Albert, medical practitioner, Shanghai

Mir, T. H.Dr.

Miranda, assistant manager,

A. A., juiz Wassiamall

de direito, Macao and Assomull & Co., Hongkong

Miranda, A. J. B. de, Governor of Macao


Miskin, S.G.,C.,director,


Petroleum Insurance SocietyChina),

Co. (North of Canton, Ld., Hongkong

Ld., Shanghai

Misselbrook, B. L., manager, Norwich Union Fire (Insurance Society, Singapore-

Missemer, Geo. W., sub-editor, China Weekly Review, Shanghai

Misso, E. C., secretary, Supreme Court, Penang

Missu, E., architect, Credit Foncier d’Extreme Orient, Tientsin



mgr., Phoenix Aerated


Kobe Co., Singapore

Mitchell, M., signsMitchell

per pro.,& Harrisons, Barker &, Co., Ld., Penang

Mitchell, A. G., sub-acct., Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China, Singapore

Mitchell, A.H., c a., chartered accountant, Fleming & Williamson, Manila

Mitchell, A. Me. G., assist., Furness (Far East), Ld., Hongkong

Mitchell, 0.,

Mitchell, A. S.,engineer,

assist., Shanghai

Union Insurance Society

Power Co., of Canton, Ld., Shanghai


Mitchell, C. W., manager. Eastern Import-Export

Mitchell, D. M., manager, Compagnie Franco Africaine, Co., Singapore

Ld., Shanghai

Mitchell, E. J. R., district manager,

Mitchell, G. N., assist., Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Manufacturers’ LifeCo.,

Insurance Co., Ld., Hongkong..

Ld., Hongkong

Mitchell, H. W., supt., Postal and Telegraph Dept., Penang

Mitchell, J.,

Mitchell, J., accountant,

assistant, Taikoo Sugar .Refining

Compagnie Co., Hongkong

Franco-Asiatique des Petroles, Haiphong

Mitchell, L. M., assist., Asiatic Petroleum Co, (North China),.Ld., Chungking

Mitchell, R. P., vice-consul for .U.S.A.,

Mitchell, T. A., director, W. R. Loxley k Co., HongkongHankow

Mitchell, T. L., Honigsberg & Son, Fed. Inc., U.S.A., Shanghai


Mix, W.,Dr.assist.,

W., Bohler

Winckler Keitei

& Co.,Goshi Kaisha, Tokyo


Mock, R., Mplchers & Co., Tsingtao


Modi, manager,

Mody, F. A. N., Mody &R. Co., K. Modi, Hongkong


Mody, F. H., bill and exchange broker, Hongkong

Moebius, E., assist., Winckler & Cq., Yokohama

Moelich, jr., Charles F., Wrigley Jr. Co., Wm., Manila

Moeller, L. E., manager, L. E. Moeller, & Co., Shanghai


Moffat, E. H., sub-accountant, Chartered Bank

Moffatfc, A. F., instal. supt., Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Penang of India, Australia & China, Ipoh, Perak

Moffatt, G. A.,

Mogabgab, W., general

agent, State Bankforof: China,

manager NorthSaydah

Borneo,and Jesselton

Saydah Inc., Shanghai

Mogul, M. A., merchant and commission agent, Singapore

Mohney, R. D., assist, agent, Singer Sewing Machine

Mohr, B., director, Siemens-Schuckert Denki Kabushiki Kaisha, Co., Osaka Tokyo

Mohr, E. G., attache, German Embassy, China

Moir, J. E., manager, P. & O. Banking Corporation Ld., Shanghai

Moir, J., engr-in-charge, Bumpyo Installation, Rising Sun Petroleum Co., Ld., Seoul


Moir, T.,

Dr.Haskins & Sells, health

W. J., principal Manilaofficer, Johore Bahru, Johore

Mojdara, M., proprietor, Mark’s Tyre Store, Bangkok

Mojzisek, O., manager, Raymond Antonin, architect, Tokyo

Moke, G. R., acting branch manager. Union Ins. Soc. of Canton, Ld., Canton

Molines, E., mgr. for S. China, Credit Foncier d’Extreme-Orient, Shanghai

Molives, E.,C. E.,

Molland, manager, Credit Foncier d’Extreme

deputy-commissioner, Post Office,Orient,


Molland, H. H., supt. of stamps, Directorate of Posts, Peiping

Moller, Eric,

Moller, Eric, Jr.,managing

assist., director,

Moller &Moller & Co., Shanghai

Co., Shanghai

Moller, J. A., Merchant, Shanghai

t Moller,Moller, R.K., B.,store dept,Moller

assist., supt, &Siam

Co., Electric

ShanghaiCorporation, Ld , Bangkok

Moller, Th., attache, Denmark Legation, Tokyo

I Molloy,Momber, F. G., Toyo Babcock Kabushiki, Kaisha, Yokohama

Monaghan,C. T.A.,C.,director §y.,

purchasing NewCanadian

agent, Engineering

Pacific& Shipbuilding Works, Ld., S’hai

S.S. Co., Hongkong

Moncrieff, R. L., sub-agent, Kloon

Monical, R. J., mgr., Texas Go., Changsha Sub-Agency, H’kong & S’hai Banking Corpn., H’kong


Monk, G.E. V.,

N., manager,

sub-manager, A. C.National

Monk & City Bank Shanghai

Co. (Inc.), of New York, Hongkong

Is: Monk,Monk, W.H. F., British adviser,

J., director, Slowe &Land

Co., Department,

Ld., ShanghaiKedah


, Monnin, F. H., accountant,

F., Societe des CimentsBritish

PortlandBorneo TimberdeCo.,

Artificiels Ld., B.N. Haiphong

LTndochine, Borneo

Monnot, R., Adet, Moss & Co., Yokohama

Montague Smith, R., assist., Imperial Chemical Industries (China), Ld., Shanghai

Montamat, M.

Montargis, H. E.,

J. B.,vice-consul





I Montgomery,

Montgomery, J., acct.. Mercantile Bank of India,Customs,

D. G. W., acting assistant supt., Kuala Negri

Lumpur, Sembilan


Montgomery, Dr. J. H., supt., Matilda Hospital, Hongkong

! Montgomery,

Montilla, C., M.

pres.,R., vice-consul

Isabela Sugar for


Inc., Britain,

Manila Hankow

Montilla, E., assistant manager, Isabela Sugar Co., Inc., Manila

j Montilla, Gil., vice pres. & manager, Isabela Sugar Co., Inc., Manila

Montor, A., partner, Weill & Montor, Singapore

;! Montt, Sergio, consul for Chile, Yokohama

i Monypenny, B. C. G., sales manager, Edible Products, Ltd., Hongkong


Moodie, J.R. R.,P., secretary, Sun Idfe Assurance

assistant, Hongkong and Shanghai Co. ofBanking


Shanghai Shanghai

i Moon,

Moody,E. Mark L., motor-car dealer, Shanghai

Moon, R., M., civil engineer,

vice-consul NavalBritain,

for Great Dockyard, Hongkong


! Mooney, P. C., manager, John D. Hutchison

Moor, R., Official Assignee & Registrar of Companies, & Co., Canton


i Moore, A. 0., assistant, Lowe, Bingham & Matthews, Shanghai

Moore, B.C. B.J. deW.,H.,commissioner,

assistant supt. engr.,Maritime

Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.C.), Ld., Hongkong

Moore, C. E., engineer, Public Works Department, HongkongWuchow

Moore, Chinese Customs,


Moore, C.E., J.assist..

de H.,Taikoo

purchasing department,

Dockyard Dunlop Rubber

and Engineering Co. (Far East), Ltd., Kobe

Co., Hongkong

Moore, F. C. J., director, Malayan (Tobacco) Distributors, Singapore



Moore, F. J., Mustard & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Moore, H., director, Midland Investment Co., Ld., Shanghai

Moore, J. H., assist., Mercantile Bank of India, Ld., Kuala, Lumpur Selangor


Moore. L. T., battery manager, Raub Australian Gold Mining Co., Tientsin

Ltd., Pahang

Moore, P.N. I.M.,M.,manager,




& Co., Inc.,Association,



Moore, L.,

R. S.,president. SugarPress

mgr., United NewsAssociation,

Co. and Sugar News Press, Manila


Moore, W. B.

Moorhead,M.S.N.M., A., deputy

J., Chinesemgr., director.

Maritime Medical

Customs, and Sanitary

Foochow Service, Hongkong


Moote, L. E., cir. mgr, Manila Daily bulletin, Manila Press, Ld., Perak

printing Dept., Times of Malaya

Morales, E., supt., Rozal’Cement Co., Manila

Morant, A.F.,A.accountant,

Morbini, C., manager,Italian

ChinaBank Industrial Corporation,

for China, Shanghai Hongkong

Morch, A.,J.vice-consul

Morcher, W., assist, for Denmark,Municipal

accountant, ShanghaiCouncil, Shanghai

More, G. R., Union Insurance Society of Canton', Ld., Shanghai

Moreau, L., assistant, Ogliastro et Cie., Louis, Haiphong



vice-president, de Commerce

Bank of the et dePhilippine

Navigation d’Extreme-Orient,

Islands, Manila Saigon


Morford,J. H.J., F.,

manager, MoreyChartered

accountant, k Co., Singapore

Bank of India, Australia and China, Hongkong


Morgan, C.Y.D.,M.,controller,

consul-general for Portugal,

Government CantonDepartment, Singapore



Morgan, G.,H., acting

assist., exec,

Lowe,engr., Public& Works

Bingham Matthews,Department,

ShanghaiLower Perak

Morgan, H. C., commissioner, Chinese Maritime Customs, Chinwangtao


Morgan, L.J. E.,G., chief

assist,inspector, Public Works

master. Queen’s College,Dept., Shanghai


Morgan, V.P. C.,

Morgan, C. N.,overseer, Pub’ic WorksPacific

supt., Commercial Dept.,Cable


Co., Manila


Morgan, W. W. A.,H., branch

accountant,manager, Frazar

National City& Co.,


of NewInc.,U.S.A., Dairen

York, Hongkong

Morgenstern, N. F., manager. General Film Exchange, Inc., Hongkong


Mori, S.,L.,managing O., representative, Jaffe & Sons, Ld., Shanghai

Moriez, fonde dedirector.


BanqueStar Co., TientsinSaigon

de ITndochine,

Morillean, R., Societe des Ciments Portland Artific. de L’Indo-ehine, H’phong

Morison, D., manager, Dodwell k Co., Ld., Shanghai


Morley, A.,O., editor,

third secretary,


Times, Embassy,


Morley, D. W., lecturer, mechanical

Morley, L. J., apothecary, Medical Dept., Hongkong engineering, University, Hongkong

Morosoff, B., manager, Chungking Import, S. A„ Chungking


Morphett, J. M., acting

J.W.,AY,resident, consul

assist, supt., for the

SurveyB.dept, Netherlands,

Perak Amoy

Morrell, E. Sandakan, N. Borneo

Morris, A. M. Scott, agent, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld., Foochow

Morris, I.Dr.T.,}[..official

Morris, Medical Practitioner,

receiver, Shanghai

Morris, J. H., merchant, SeoulH.B.M.’s Supreme Court for China, Shanghai


Morris, J. W., installation

assistant, Dollar Steamship Line, Hongkong

Morris, R.R. E.,

E. R., director, China engineer,


Co., Ld., Dept.,

ShanghaiMunicipality, Singapore

Morris, AAhn., British American Tobacco Co., Ld., Shanghai

Morris, W. J., overseer, Hongkong Land Investment


Morrison, E.C. L.,

B., assist.,

general Kermanager,

& Co., YorkManilaShipley Inc., Shanghai


Morrison, J. A. D., assist., HongkongCo.,andLdShanghai

E. R., assist., L. Moore.

Morrison, J. D., Boustead Y Co., Ld., Singapore

Morrison, K., treasurer, Erlanger & Galinger, Inc., Iloilo . ,


Morrison, K. S., director, Bradley & Co., Hongkong

Morrison, M., assist., Taikoo Dockyard and Engineering Co., Hongkong

Morrison, P., assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld., Hongkong

Morrison, R., assist., Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Co., Ld., Hongkong

Morrison, R. G., assist., Malcolm & Co., Shanghai

Morrison, T. S., surveyor, Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, Hongkong

Morrison, W. A., assist., Harrisons & Crosfield (Borneo) Ld., Sandakan, B. N. Borneo


Morriss, Gordon, partner,North

H.W.E., D.director. Lester,China



Morriss, Shanghai


Herald, Shanghai

Morrisson, F., sub-accountant, National City

Morrow, Dr. R. D., assist, med. officer, Medical Dept., Singapore of New York, Kobe

Morse, A., chief acct., Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corpn., Hongkong

Morse, F. S., surveyor, Kobe


Morten,L.F.K.,J., acting districtof officer,

1st director Mukah,

Education, S.S.Sarawak

Jr F. M. S., Singapore

Mortensen, Dr. Ralph, manager, Lutheran Book Concern, Hankow

Mortimer, J. F.,-secretary, J. Llewellyn & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Mortlock, D. W., assist., Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, Singapore


Morton, C.A. V.,B. S.,agent,

partner, Mansergh

L. Everett, Inc.,&Cebu

Taylor, NegriSembilan

Morton, G. A., director and works manager, Dunlop Rubber Co. (Far East), Ld., Kobe

Morton, H., assist., Hongkong and ’Whampoa Dock Co., Ld. Hongkong


Mosch, A.,J., signs

mgr., perHarrisons & Crosfield,

pro., Leybold Ld., Medan,

Sbokwan, Tokyo Sumatra

Moscicki, H. E. Michael, minister, Polish Legation, Tokyo

Mose, C., assistant, Dodwell & Co., Ld., Hongkong


Moseley, R.. lilies ,tsupt.,

Co., The

TokyoTexas Co., (China), Ld., Tientsin

Moser, G.W.A.,M.,representatiye, Employer’s Liability Assurance Corpn., Ld., Singapore

Moser, R., Henry Levy,

Moser, X., manager, Nestle Inc.,& Manila

Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co., Kobe

Moses, A. E., general Merchant, Shanghai

Moses, M. J., manager, E. D. Sassopn & Co., Shanghai

Mosher, J. S., vice-consul for America, Tientsin

Moss, A. W., Mustard & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Moss, B., China Underwriters, Ld., Sourabaya

Moss, C. H.,

Moss, G. Adet, Moss

C., station & Co.,

officer, Kobe Fire Brigade, Hongkong


Moss, G. C., assist., China Light Power Co., Hongkong

Moss, G. S., c.b.e., consuLgeneral for ; Great Britain, Hankow

Moss, J.J. W.,

Moss, E., signs

manager,per. pro.,

U. S. Strachan & Co., (Agencies),

Rubber Export Co., ShanghaiLd., Kobe

Moss, S.R. H.,

Moss, F., pres.,

partner,Japan Steel Product

Derrick Co., Ld., & Consul for, Paraguay, Yokohama,

Co., Singapore

Mossop, A. G., H.B.M. Crown Advocate for China, Shanghai

Mossop, H. S. V., solicitor, Johnson, Stokes & Master, Hongkong


Motley, E., secretary, Credit Foncier d’Extreme Orient, Tientsin

Mott, G.R.E.,Hunter, Commission

China ''representative, Agent, Yokohama

Maclaine Sugar Co., Ld., Shanghai

Mouat, J.J. R.L., Kay,

Mouat, Thos.professor

Cook & Spii, Ld., PeipingMedical College, Singapore

of physiology,


Mourin, A., chairman, Mourin & Co., Ltd.,Council,

J., accountant, British Municipal Arthur,Tientsin


Mousley, H., superintendent, Shanghai Telephone Co., Ld., Shanghai

Mouton, A., signs per pro., Olivier Chine, Shanghai

Moutrie, G. G., Hongkong & Shanghai Bank,

Mouttapa, S. D., Cie Franco-Asiatique des Petroles, HaiphongHongkong

Mowat, W. J., sub-accountant, Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, Penang

Mowbray, G. A. do C. de, distriot officer & supt. of Prisons, Perak

Mowll, W. R., manager, Reuter’s, Ld., Shanghai

Moxon, H. W., director, Harper, Gilfillan & Co., Ld., Singapore

Moyler, A. D., Moyler, Powell & Co., Peiping

Moysey, G. K., director, H. J. Moysey & Co., Ld., Shanghai



Moysey, H. J., director, Moysey & Co., Shanghai


Mozar, E.E. G.,

M., managing

secretary. director,

Master’s Ld., Singapore

Master’s Ld., Singapore

Muccio, J. J., consul for (J.S.A., Foochow

Muck, E. E., assist., Reuter, Brockelmann & Co., Hongkong-

Muckel, H., manager, N. V. Handel Mij. Gestetner, Soerabaya

Mudie, F. C., sub-acct., Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, Hongkong

Mudie, N. D., judge, Supreme Court. Seremban, Negri Sembilan

Mueller, A. H., Arnhold & Co., Ld., Tientsin

Mueller, Dr. C., Waibel & Co., Shanghai

Mueller, E., Kuenzle & Streiff, Inc., Manila

Mueller, H., Liebermann, Waelchli & Co., Osaka

Mueller, J. H., assistant mer., Philippine Dessicated Cocoanut Corpn., Zamboanga

Mueller-Funck, F.F., M.Deutsche

Mueller-Kaiser, Stickstoff Handelsgesellschaft,

E., Norddeutscher Lloyd, and MelchersFoochow

& Co., Tientsin


Muir, H.L.,M.,manager, John Manners

assist.. Mackinnon, & Co., Ltd.,Co.,Canton

Mackenzie& Shanghai


Muir, J.H. B.N„G.,supt., Shanghai

f.r.c.s., medicalElectric


Kailan Mining Co.,Administration,

Ld., Shanghai Tientsin


Mulder, master,

manager, Central British

Netherlands SellingSchool, Hongkong

Organisation, Dairen

Muldoon, A. G., assist, mgr., American Foreign Insurance Association, Shanghai

Mullaney, E. B., assist., Smith, Bell & Co., Ld., Manila

Mullard, R. F., assist, commr of Police, Coast, Selangor

Mullen, Nicholas E., president, Peoples Bank & Trust Co., Manila

Muller, J., director, Oriental Purchasing Co., Kobe

Muller, K. F., engineer, Mei Yah Trading Co., Shanghai

Muller, R.O. A.Paludan,

Muller, director,

Wolterbeek, headChristiani

agent N.V.& Nielsen, Bangkok

Heybroeck’s Groothandel, Batavia

Muller, W., assist., Warner, Barnes

Mullin, D. Me., acct., Asiatic Petroleum Co.,

Mullins, H. L., manager, Chartered Bank of India, Australia(Siam), Ld., Bangkok

and China, Kobe

Mumford, E. W., assist, commissioner of Police, Selangor

Mundell, A.,H. assist.,

Mundie, D., solicitor,

Bangkok Sisson

Times& Delay,

Press, Singapore


M undie, H.W. H.,H.,assist.,

Mundy, BangkokDodwell

Times &Press, Bangkok

Co., Ld., Hongkong


Munn, F.J. E.P., G.,manager, Banque

assistant, de ITndo-chine,

Butterfield Yupnanfu

& Swire, Shanghai

Munro, D., British American Tobacco Co., !Ld., Shanghai

Munro, D. H., assistant, Deacon & Co., Canton


Munro, E. J., mgr..Hongkong

Eastern Extension, Austr., & China Telegraph Co., Ltd., Labuan

Munro, .1.,

J. F.,assist.,

surveyor, Cornesand& Co., Shanghai

Yokohama Hotels, Ld., Shanghai

Munro, W. K., assistant, Harrisons & Crosfield, Ld., Sumatra


Munroe, D., P. H.,Taikoo

assist., assist, Dockyard

manager, Asiatic PetroleumCo.,

and Engineering Co.,Hongkong


Munton, D. W., manager, Sandakan Light Co., and China Light Co.,Honglong

Muraour, P. V., manager, Hotel Plaza, Shanghai

Murdoch, A., assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Hongkong


Murer, Fr.,D.vice A., consul

supervisor. Eastern Swatow

for Norway, Extension Telegraph Co., Ld., Penang

Muriel, H. E..

Murphy, E.D. O., sub-agent.

V., accountant, Hongkong

assist. Commissioner and Shanghai Banking Corporation, Penang

Murphy, Hongkongofand Police, Sarawak

Shanghai Hotels, Ld., Hongkong


Murphy, G.,E. J.,sales


manager,supt. of Schools,

Dunlop RubberIloilo

Co. (Far East), Ld., Kobe

Murphy, G. A., assist. & signs per pro., McAuliffe, Davis & Hope, Medan


Murphy, J.G. D.,P., assistant,

overseer, Public

CanadianWorks dept.,Railway

Pacific Hongkong

Co., Shanghai

Murphy, John H., manager, Houston Rubber Co., Manila

Murphy, L. N., acting sub-manager, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Hongkong


Murphy, T., assist, superintendent of Police, Hongkong

Murray, D., sub-acct., Chartered Bank of India, Bangkok

Murray, G. R., meter supt., China Light & Power Co. (1918), Ld., Hongkong

Murray, I. N., deputy manage}-, China Light and Power Co., Ld., Hongkong

Murray, J. M., Commercial Union Assurance Co.. Ld., Shanghai

Murray, M. A., agent, Hongkong

Murray, M. M., supt. engineer, Butterfield and Shanghai Banking

& Swire, Corpn., Sourabaya


Murray, R. H., agent, Douglas, Lapraik & Co., Amoy

Murray, W. C., accountant, Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation, Singapore

Murray, W. F., commandant, Far East Flying Training School, Ltd., The, Hongkong

Murrell, E. B.,

Murrell, G., medical officer,

A. S. General &Hospital, Singapore

Murrow, V.Lt.-Col. assistant,

H. L., managing Watson

editor, Co., Hongkong

Hongkong Daily Press, Ld., Hongkong

Murthy, M. N., manager, Times of Malaya Press, Ld., Perak

Muschamp, E. G. de,. Brickworks supt., Malayan Collieries, Ld., Selangor


Musgrove, I.F.O.,A.,assistant, National

chief inspector, City Bank

Shanghai of New York,

Waterworks Tokyo

Co., Ld., Shanghai


Mutoh, W. H. B.,

T. K., director, assist.,


Rubber Electric

Co., KobeCo., Ld., Hongkong

Muspratt-Williams, R. T., Imperial Chemical Industries, Shanghai

Mussabhoy, T. M.,

Musschenbroek, S. F.Mussabhoy

van, manager, & Co., Ld., KobeBank, Bengkalis, Sumatra

De Javasche

Musser, G., manager, Henry Musser, Manila

Musso,‘F. P., partner, Calatroni, PIsieh & Co., Shanghai


Mustard,Com. G. D., for

J., consul barrister, Musso,Kobe

Guatemala, Fischer. & Wilhelm, Shanghai

Mustaive, W. T., office manager, Libby, McNeill & Libby, Manila

Mustards, J., manager, Vendrell, Mustaros & Co., Kobe ,


Myers, service manager, LuzonFrazar, FederalCo.,Inc.,

Brokerage Inc.,Tientsin


Myers, Jay W., General Merchant, Tokyo

Myers, L. W., surveyor. Survey Office, Johore

Myers, W. R., commissioner, Chinese Maritime Customs, Hankow

Myles, J. B., chancellor, Peruvian Consulate, Singapore

Myles, J. B., signs per pro., Paterson, Simons & Co., Ld., Singapore

Mylo, W.,

Naef, A., assist,, Little, Adams and Wood,ofHongkong

Naether, A.,special

Poldirepresentative, Society

Steel Works, Shanghai Chemical Industry in Basle, Hongkong

Naftaly, H., manager, Beck, Inc., Manila (Hongkong), Ld., Hongkong

Naess, B., assistant, Karsten. Larsserf & Co.

Nahorg, Eugenio, assist, mgr., Public Service Credit Bureau, Manila

Nahorg, Juan (attorney), genl. mgr., Public Credit Service Bureau, Manila

Nair, V. K., manager, Brooke Bond India, Ld., Singapore

Naismith, W.

Nakhoda, F. H.C., M.,

partner, Ker & Co., F.Ltd.,

sole proprietor, Manila & Co., Singapore

M. Noordin

Nakhoda, H. A., manager, F. M. Noordin & Co., Singapore


Namazie, G. M. H., sole proprietor,

J., director, M. A. Namazie,

Amalgamated Theatres,Singapore

Ltd., Singapore

Nanayakara, M. W. J., merchant, Singapore

Nancollis, agent, Canadian Pacific Steamships, Ld., Yokohama


Nantz, L. E.,K.,vice-president,

executive engineer, P. W. D.,Brokerage

Internationa] SingaporeCo., Inc., Manila

Napier, W., manager, British Cigarette Co., Shanghai

Nardin, C. C., director, Thabawleik Tin Dredging, Ltd., Perak

Nash, Charles R., assist, manager, Aluminium, Ld., Shanghai


Nash, D. R., assist.,

E. D., supervisor,

Asia,ticEastern Extension

Petroleum Telegraph

Co., (North China)Co.,Ld.,Hongkong



Nash, E.

F. T.

E., E.,


and Public

Nash, Works

Hongkong Dept., Hongkong

Nash, G. C., partner, Saunders & Macphail, Singapore

Nash, G. H., chairman, Sanitary Board, Kinta, Perak

Nash, R., manager, Lovsted & Cbi,'Manila


Nash, W. B., assistant, Reiss,

Nathan, E. J., chief manager, Kailan MasseyMining

& Co., Administration,

Ld„ Shanghai Tientsin -

Nathan, E. M., general broker, Singapore


Nathan, J.R. S.,G.,partner,


& Co., Department,

Singapore Penang

Nathan, S. M., mgr., Tong Lam & Co., Singapore

Nathans, M., manager, Bell’s Asbestos Eastern Agency, Ld., Singapore


Nauman, W., director, Slowe Surgeon,

& Co., Ld.,Shanghai


Navij, M.,Dr. V. F.,chancellor,

acting Dental Netherlands Legation, Bangkok

Nazer, A. P., director, Millington, Ld., Shanghai

Neal, G. M., vice-president, Commercial Express & Storage Fed. Inc., (T.S.A., Shanghai

Neale, F.W.H,,J. F.,wireless

Neave, supt., Butterfield


Federated & Swire,

Engineering Co., Hongkong


Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

Neave, J. N.,

Nebulin, R., sub-mgr.,

assist, Treasury

Oriental Book&Store,




Neckelman,G.,K.,traffic dept.,

consul for Chi Tung and

Denmark Tobacco Co., Ltd.,

Northern Harbin Ld., Canton


Nedden, Waller zur, agent, Holstein & Co., Mukden

Nee, T. M., director, Magill


Needham, V., J.accountant,

E., deputyCornabe,

commissionerEckford & Co., Works,

of Public TsingtaoShanghai

Neidt, O., secretary, German Consulate, Hongkong

Neier, PL, signs the firm, G. E. Huygen, Canton

Neijhoff,1 A., assist, secy., Governor’s office, Medan, Sumatra

Neill, I . J., engineer, Green Island Cement Co., Hongkong


Nelson, C.L. B.,P. E., works and

surveyor manager, Shanghai

engineer, ManilaIce & Cold Storage Co., Ld., Shanghai

Nelson, C. C., mgr.-in-charge, Daily Farm Co., Ld., Canton


Nelson, E. W., attorney, Standard-Vacuum OilProducts

E. A., manager, Belting and Leather Association, Inc., Shanghai

Go., Saigon

Nelson, H. G., solicitor partner, Cowdy and Jones, Ipob, Perak

Nelson, R.R., S.,China

Nelson, Producedirector,

managing dept., Jardine,

Stanton Matheson

Nelson &



Nesbit, M., merchant, Hongkong

Nessim, G.J. R., accountant,

S., director, J. S.United


& Co., KobeLd., Singapore

Nessim. M. S., manager, J. S.

Netland, P. A., assist., American Express Nessim & Co.,Co.,Kobe

Inc., Hongkong

Neubourg, P. PL, proprietor and manager, Neubourg Motor Service Co., Shanghai

Neumann, J., manager, Oriental Hotel, Mukden

Neumann, M., “Sapt” Textile Products, Ld., Shanghai


Neville, D.

EdwinA., correspondent, The Boardforof United

L., counsellor, Embassy Underwriters

States ofof America,

New York,Tokyo


Neville, F. C., overseer, Public Works Dept., Hongkong


Neville, G. A., manager, Nickel & Lyons, Ld., Yokohama

New, J., H.accountant,

New, W.

J., H. J. Neville

R., mgr. for Dunlop

& Co.,

Far East,Rubber


Co., (FarCo.,East)

Dickinson Ld.,Ltd., Kobe.


Newbiggin, D. L., signs per pro., Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld., Hongkong

Newbill H. E., manager, F. R. Hailing Co., Tsingtao


Newbronner,W.C.H.,H.vice-consul for GreatPetroleum

T., assist., Asiatic Britain, Co.(Senggora), BangkokLd., Changsha

(North China),

Newcomb, A. C., manager, Central Agency,Ld., Shanghai

Newcomb, A. S., asst, acct., British American Tobacco Co. (China), Ld., H’kow

Newcomb, D. de R, sub-agent, Chartered Bank, Kuala Kangsar, Perak


Newell, F.R. T.P., S.,acct.,

partner, LyallCity

National & Evatt,

Bank Singapore

of New York, Singapore


Newill, E., executiveJ. engineer,

Lieut.-Comdr. Publicdeputy

B., n.s.o., r.n\, Worksharbour




Newman, K. E., solicitor, Teesdale, Newman & Co., Shanghai

Newson, C. C., secty,, British-American Tobacco Co., (China), Ld.,Co.,

Newmeyer, Wm. L., repres., Westinghouse International Electric Tokyo



Newton, A. W., woollen merchant (British Overseas Shippers, Ld.), Kobe

Newton, E. A. R., manager, Nestle Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co., Hongkong

Newton, L, medical oflicer, Civil Hospital, Hongkong

Newton, J. D., managing director, Radio Service Co. of Malaya Ld., Singapore

Neyer, W. S., supervisor, L. E. Hudec, Shanghai

Neyland, B., supt. of mails, General Post Office, Singapore


Nichell, Comm. L., Italian Municipal Council, Life Tientsin


managing manager,

partner,Manufacturers Insurance

B. P. Nicholas &, Sons, Co., Shanghai


Nicholas, H. T., state engineer, P.

Nicholas, Dr. W. A., health officer, Malacca W. D., Negri Sembilan

Nicholls, F. M., Jar dine Engineering Corp., Ld., The, Hongkong

Nicholls, G. A., assist.,, China Light & Power Co., Hongkong


Nicholson,H.J.D„G., vice-president,

director. Imperial Manila Cordage

Chemical Co., Manila

Industries (China), Ld., Shanghai

Nicholson, L. F., engr. (Kowloon Works), Hongkong and China Gas Co., Ld., Hongkong

Nicholson, O. D. engineer, General Electric Co., Ld., Tientsin

Nicol, A., engineer, Port Development Department, Hongkong

Nicol, C. 1L, assistant supt. of Police, Singapore



assist, &tide-surveyor .& harbour-master,

Spirits Merchant, Peiping Chinese Maritime Customs, Shasi

Nicolson, M., medical practitioner, Drs. Allan, Strahan and Kirk, Hongkong

Nielsen, A., import department, East Asiatic Co., Ld., Bangkok, Siam

Nielsen, PL,

Nielsen, B., engineer,

manager, Siam Cement Co.,

Oppenheimer CasingBangkok

Co., Ld., Tientsin

Nielsen, H., works manager, Siam Cement Co., Bangkok

Nielsen, L. H. Honigsberg & Son, Fed. Inc., U.S.A., Shanghai

Nielsen, O. C., Philco Sales Corporation, Shanghai

Nielsen, T., president and general manager, Pure Cane Molasses Co., (P.I.), Inm, Manila

Nielsen, T. H., works mgr., Siam Cement Co., Ltd., The, Bangkok

Nielson, L.,J.,proprietor,

Niemann, lilies & Co.,Nielson

TokyoSales Co., Manila

Nieuwenhuis, H., manager,Dollar

Nietman, L., claim agent, RoyalSteamship



Airways, Batavia


Nigel, J. A.

F. G.,W.,solicitor, J. W., actg.

Johnson, mgr., Jaya-China-Japan-Lijn,

Stokes & Master, Hongkong Batavia

Niggemann, proprietor, W. Niggemariri & Co., Chcfoo

Ninill T.B.J.,H.,assist,

Nijhoff, manager,

cashier, American

Netherlands Hardware

Trading andHongkong

Society, Plumbing Co., Manila

Nikkels, J., surveyor, Singkep Tin Maatschappy,'Singapore

Nilsson, F. L., partner, Robb and

Nimz, C., partner, Hugo Dau & Co., Tientsin Nilsson, Penang

Nipkow, P., signs per pro., Rudolph

Nisbet, G., assist., Taikoo Dockyard and Engineering Co.y Hongkong


Nisbet, J.W.,D.manager,

P., assist,Anglo


FrenchGreat Eastern

Trading Co.,Life


Penang Co., Ld., Singapore

Nish, fi., Sworn measurer, Hongkong


Nissen, C., V., actg. consul

manager, Loxleygeneral for Finland,

& Co., (China) Ld., WShanghai

.R., Canton

Nissim, A., partner, Moxon & Taylor, Hongkong

Nissim, E., Nissim & Co., Shanghai

Nissim, N. F., partner, Nissim & Co., N. F., Shanghai


Niven, C.N.A.,M.,director,


Nissim & &Co.,Co.,N.Ld.,

F., Shanghai


Nixon, F. A., postal commissioner, Post Office,

Nixon, F. H. B., assist., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (P.I.), CantonLd., Cebu

Nixon, W. C., professor of Obstetrics, Hongkong University, Hongkong

Noakes, F. M., president, Cebu Stevedoring Co., Inc., Cebu

Noakes,C.,J. sen.

Noble, L., surveyor, Survey

assist, supt., Dept.,Survey

Revenue SaraVvakBranch, Kinta, Perak

Nobhins, A. E., partner, Horne and Nobbins, Shanghai

Noble, A. H., general manager, Sarawak Oilfields, Ld., Sarawak

.Noble, F. H., attorney, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Manila


Noble, K. E.,

Noebel, Dr.F. W., assist., Canadian

counsellor, Government Trade Commissioner, Hongkong

Noelting, A. M., director,German

E. I. DuEmbassy, Tokyo

Pont de Nemours Co., Inc., Shanghai

Nolan, V. C., partner, Evatt & Co., Penang

Nolasco, Dr. Luis, Barrister-at-Law, Macao

Noll, G.Dr.F.A.,H.,partner,

Nolte, accountant,

Carlowitz Basel& &Co.,Frey, Peiping


Noltenius, C., signs per pro., Erdman & Sielcken, Sourabaya

Noordaa, J. van der, manager, Lindeteves-Stokvis, Ipoh, Perak

Nordmark, I., engineer, Gadelius & Co,, Tokyo

Nordstrom, E., commissioner, Post office, Canton

Nord, Dr. E., minister, German Legation, Bangkok

Normann, W. von, manager, The Ekman Foreign Agencies Ld., Shanghai

Norgaard, H., manager, Christiani L Nielsen (Siam), Ld., Bangkok


Norman, S., signs perTransmutograph,

pro., East AsiaticShanghai

Co., Ld., Singapore

Noronha, A. F., assist., Credit Foncier

Noronha, J. E., manager, Cinema, Ld., Hongkong d’Extreme-Orient, Hongkong


Norris, E. C., assist., General Electric Co. (of China), Ld., Orient,

J. M., signs per pro., Credit Foncier D’Extreme Hongkong Hongkong;

Norris, F. L., chaplain, British

North, P. A., British Legation, Peiping Embassy, China

North, W., manager, National City Bank of New York, Tientsin

Norton, J.J. W.,

Norton, D, A.,assist,


mgr., Sale & Co.,andLd.,Machinery,

Linotype Seoul Ld., Shanghai

Norton, W. R., assist., Harrisons & Crosfield, Ld., Sumatra

Nose, Y., manager, Kjellberg Kabushiki Kaisha, Osaka

Notley, Comdr.E. J.A.,T.proprietor,

Nottingham, B., MarineShanghai

Magistrate, Singapore

Times, Shanghai

Notton, J., Consul ae France, French Legation, Bangkok

Novelly, H. V., manager for China, Poldi

Nowacki, F. A., Netherlands Harbour Works Co., Mukden Steel Works, Shanghai

Nowers, W. A., assist., Asiatic Petroleum Co., Hongkong


Nugent,W.,C. signs per ofpro.,surveys,

E., supt. SocietySurvey

of Chemical

Office, Industry

Johore in Basle, Shanghai

Nuland, L. H., assist, general manager, Texas Co., Ld., Shanghai


Nunes, C., shipping manager, Klaasen Co.,Macao


Nunes, Dr.

A. H.,A. deputy

Correa, assist,


Trade and Customs, Kuching, Sarawak



Horace,R. manager,

L., director,Nutter

Public& Works

Co., MojiDept., Singapore

Nuttall, E. F., assist., Dodwell & Co., Hongkong

Nuttall, M., director, Chiffon, Ld., Hongkong

Nuzum, L. J., partner, Blad & McClure, Kobe

Nyborg, N., plant supt., San Miguel Brewery Inc., Manila

Nyholm, S. H., Naval Architect, Tokyo


O’Bolger,H.,R. assist., Thoresen

E., manager & Co., Eastman

for China, Ld., Hongkong

Kodak Co., Shanghai

O’Brien, lawyer, Harvey & O’Brien Lawyers, Manila


O’Claviez, manager, sales dept., Cie. Franco-AsiatiqueNorth

Dr. J. K., medical dept., Sandakan, British Borneo Saigon

des Petroles,

O’Connell, B. M., supt.,1 Prison Department, Trengganu

O’Connell, J., supt ., Trade & Customs, Selangor


O’Connor, E.K. T., K., mgr., Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer

partner, Drew & Napier, Singapore of Malaya, Singapore

O’Connor, M. G., assist, master,

O’Connor, M. P., medical officer, Selangor Queen’s College, Hongkong

O’Connor, R. J. P., general manager, Crystal, Ld., Tientsin

O’Driscoll, Dr. F. 0., medical officer, General Hospital, Singapore

O’Farrell, A. C., executive engineer, P. W. D., Penang

O’Flynn, proby. assist, commissioner, Police dept., Negri Sembilart

O’Gorman, T., secretary, Land Investment Co., Ld., Tientsin


O’Hara, F. M., res. secy. Royal Ins. Co., Ld., & L’pool, L’don

O’Harow, E. W., assist, trade commissioner, U.S. Dept, of Commerce, Shanghai & Globe Ins., Co., Tokyo

O’Keiff, D. A., assist, The Chase Bank, Hongkong

O’Neill, Dr. G., medical practitioner^ Tientsin

•O’Neill, H., manager, Cie. Franco-Asiatique des Petioles, Saigon

O’Neill, W., agent, Reuters, Ld., Shanghai

O’Reilly J. G., P.deputy

O’Shaughessy, commissioner,

J., medical Department

officer, General of Excise,

Hospital, Penang


O’Sullivan, T. A., inspector of schools, Education Department, Penang

O’Young, J., Palmer & Turner, Shanghai

Oakshott, E. J., agent, Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation, Haiphong

Oanca, D. T., Larsen & Trock, Shanghai

Oak, K. B., manager, A.C.K. Co., Shanghai

Oates, R. T., technical manager, Patons & Baldwins Ld., Shanghai


Oberlein, E.,C. F.,manager,

merchant, Noessler,

Kobe & Co., Shanghai

Oberlein, W., General Engineering

Oberwalder, A., manager, W. Koreska, Co., Shanghai


Obolsky, A. V., sales mgr., Skoda Works, Ld., Harbin

Ocampo, F., under-secy, of the Interior, Manila

Ockermueller, H. L., partner, Siemssen & Krohn, Shanghai

Ockerse, F. W. A., broker & commission agent, Batavia

Odaka, C., mang. director, Teikoku Sanso K. K., Kobe

Odell, A. E. managing director, Europe Hotel, Singapore

Odland, S., assist., Karsten Larssen & Co., Ld., Hongkong


Odlin,H.,W.secty., KoppellUniversity,

C., Lingnan Incorp., Manila


Oehmichen, E. M., A. & E. M. Oehmichen, Shanghai

Oene, G. T. van, manag. dir., Yraag & Aanbode, Sourabaya

Offersen, C., signsconsul

Ogden, A.G.N., per pro., JebsenBritain,

for Great & Co., Chefoo


Ogden, J. N., assist., Chinese Maritime

Ogilvie, C. B., engineer, Shanghai Waterworks Co., Customs, Shanghai

Ld., Shanghai

Ogle, R. W. S., forest manager, Borneo Co., Ld., Bangkok


Ohaus, M.,C., accountant,

partner, General BoticaBrokerage

Boie, Manila Co., Manila

Ohemans, W. J.,Messageries

Ohl, R., agent, sub. accountant, Ned. Hongkong

Maritimes, Ind. Hahdelsbank, Singapore

Ohlwein, Dr., acct., Orienrtal Trading & Engineering Co., Tientsin

Ohnick, B., secty, Hamilton Brown Shoe Store, Manila

Ohrt, E., consul-general

Ohrnberger, E. J.,mgr.,

deputy for Germany, KobeMaritime Customs, Harbin

Oien, G. O., asst, Westcomm.,


Life Insurance Co., & Columbia Casualty Co., S’hai.


Okecki,Harry, manager,

Zdislaw, Wearne,

minister, PolandBros.Legation,

Ltd., Penang


Old, G. F.,senior

Old, W., supervisor,

inspector,Eastern Extension

Sanitary Telegraph

Department, HongkongCo., Hongkong

Olbes, Manuel, secretary, Romar Publishing Co., Manila

Oldfield, A. D., assist., Brunner, Mond & Co., Ld., Kobe

Oldfield, R.L.J.,E.,assist.,

Oldridge, partner,Green Island CementandCo.,



Oliner, S., manager, EssoJenks, Percival

Co., Shanghai Yokohama

Oliphant, C. L., assist., Jardine, Matheson & Co., Shanghai

Oliphant, J. N., deputy director of forestry, F.M.S. Forest dept., K. Lumpur, Selangor

Oliphant, R. G. L., assistant, HongkongA’ Shanghai Banking Corporation, Harbin

Olive, E. A., assist, accountant, De Javasche Bank, M^dan, Sumatra


Oliver, Maj.


E P.,agent, W. D., eng.-in-chief,

accountant, MunicipalKwangtung River Conservancy Com., Canton

Council, Shanghai

Oliver, F., Ld., Peiping

Oliver, G. K., assist., Butterfield & Swire, Hongkong

Oliver, J. C., secretary, Y. M. C. A., Hangchow

Oliver, J. S. K, works manager, General Forge Products (1929), Ld., Shanghai


Oliver, M. B., acting agent, Chartered

Ollerdessen, A. F., manager, Fobes A C.o., BankLd.,ofShanghai

India, Australia & China, Ipbh, Perak

Ollerdessen, C. E. assistant, Fobes & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Olney, E. E., sub-aocountant, National City Bank of New York, Peiping

Olsen A. VY, secretary, Race Club, Shanghai

Olsen, A. S., assist., Lowe, Bingham and Matthews, Shanghai

Olsen, F. A., assist., Lowe, Bingham and Matthews, Shanghai

Olsen, Capt.manager,

Olsen, O., H., EastDick,Asiatic.



Ld., Kobe

Olson, C. W., Reuters, Ld., Shanghai

Ommen, W. van, director of Public Works, Municipality, Medan

Ongsiako, Dr. R. J., general manager, Katubusan, Manila

Onraet, R. H., acting inspector-general of Police, StraitsChina)


Openshaw, A. J.,D.,assist.,

Oostermeyer, factoryAsiatic



Shanghai Ld., Tientsin

Oppalfeus, chief mgr., Societe Anonym? pour L‘In dust, des Oeufs, Hankow

Oppel, G. J., manager,

Oppenheim, J., Descours Nederlandsch

et Cabaud,Indische Handelsbank, Sourabaya


Orchard, W. E., assist., Hongkong Electric Co., Ld., Hongkong

Orchin, A. C., manager, Import dept., Cornabe Eckford & Co., Tsingtao

Ordish, R. H., International Export Co., Ld., Tientsin

Ordung, M. B., Oriental Consolidated Mining Co., Taracbl, Chosen / -i


Orloff, E.,M.,pres.,

H. branchGerminal Incorp.,

manager, Manila Laidlaw & Co , Ld, Teluk Anson, Perak

Whiteaway, ;

Orlow, A. A., manager, Oriental Pharmacy, Tientsin)


Ormiston,R.,A.,Ciebullionde Commerce

and shareetbroker,

de Navigation


& Mactavish, Orient,



Ormston, J., mgr., signs per pro., engineering dept., Reiss, Massey & Co., Ld., Hongkong

Orr, J. F., F.acct.,

R., agent, Hongkong

Texas Co. (China),&Ld., Shanghai

Nanking Banking Cqrpn., Perak

Orr, R. B., assist., Carter Macey

Orr, W., assist., Dodwell & Co., Ld., Tokyo Tea & Coffee Co., Inc., Daitotei, Formosa


Ortigas,C. F.,

D., vice-president,

president., Hanson, SofOxOrthy Cia.,& Stevenson,

Manila Manila

Ortiz, Francisco, consul general, Argentine, Kobe


Orton, Carl,F., principal, Bornemann

manager (retail dept.),&Philippine

Co., HongkongEducation Co., Inc., Manila


Osborne, A.C. R.,

G., assist.,

rubber Taikoo

dept., Dockyard

Sime, Darby and& Co.,

Engineering Co., Hongkong

Ld., Singapore

Osborne-Jones, D. G., solicitor. Singapore

Oseroff, M., manager,

Ossa, Santiago, Anglo-Chinese

counsellor, Eastern Trading

Chilean Legation, Tokyo Co., Ld., Dairen

Ossorio, F., director, “Pilipinas Compania de Seguras/’ Manila


Ostrorog, J.S.,A.,le justice, SupremeLegation,

comte, French Court, Manila



Oswald, J. A.

L., S., signs

merchant, per pro.,

Bathgate Bryner

& Co.,&and& Co.,


for Gilman & Co., Ld.,Foochow

Oswald, W. R., assist., Taikoo Dockyard and Engineering Co., Hongkong


Ott, A., H.supt.,

T. W.,


& Frey,ofPeiping

labour, Labour Dept., Kedah


Ouchi, R., general manager, Ferrostaal A.ofG.,Nations


Oudin, Dr. T., deputy

J., signs director,

per pro., LeagueOptorg,

Compagnie Health Organisation, Singapore


Ouskouli, M. H. A., general merchant, Shanghai

Ousset, E., dipl. engineer, F. Hardivilliers, Shanghai


Ouwerkerk, L.M.,W.agricultural secty., International Famine Relief Commission, Peiping.


Ovens, A.L.R.,I.,Dr.consul-in-charge

director, M., China



for Great& Export Padang

Britain, Lumber

Kobe Co., Ltd,, Shanghai


Owen, H„ managing director, Wm. Powell, Ld., Hongkong

Owen, Alfred,

C. H., Blad local&manager,


bill cfc Metal




Owen, Sir H. Cunliffe, director, Enterprise Tobacco Co., Ltd., Shanghai



Owen, J. F., director., Jardine Engineering Corporation, Shanghai

Owen, Lt.

J. N.,Comdr.

Oodwell J. H.,& Co.,


Ld., Canton Marine Dept., Penang

Owen, W. H., engineer of Public Works Dept., Hongkong

Owens, A. R, manager, Du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc,, Tientsin


Owens, G.H. E.,T., Standard

treasurer, Vacuum



Moji Supply Co., Seoul

Ownens, M., assist.,Owston

Owston, director, Standard-Vacuum

& Co., Ltd., F.,OilYokohama

Co., Yokohama

Oxholm, Oscar de, Minister, Danish Legation, Peiping

Oyen, van W. G., accountant, Netherlands Trading Society, Hongkong

Ozorio, Dr. F. M. Graca, medical practitioner, Hongkong

Pabst, J. C., minister, Netherlands Legation, Tokyo

Pacis, V. A., Monday Mail, Manila

Padgett, G. T., assist, mains supt., Hongkong Electric Co., Hongkong

Paelz, P., proprietor, Paelz China Co., Shanghai

Paez, Jose, president, Manila Hotel Co., Manila

Page, Rev. Fr. D., Catholic Cathedral, Hongkong

Page, H. C., attorney, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Hongkong

Page, H., general manager, China General Edison Co., Inc., Shanghai

Page, H. W., supt., Dairy Farm, Ice & Cold Storage Co., Ld., Hongkong

Page, P. S., partner, White, Page

Page, Richard, director, Robinson ife Co., Ltd., Singapore

Page, R. B., International Export Co. (Tientsin), Ld., Tientsin

Pagh, M., East Asiatic Co., Ld., Shanghai

Pahl, A., assist., Doitsu Senryo Gomei Kaisha, Kobe


Pain, J.A.,C.,principal warder, Prison

Asiatic Petroleum Dept., Hongkong

Co., Hankow

Palad, M. R, accountant, Colgate-Palmolive

Palanca, A., secretary, La Tondena Inc., Manila Peet Co., Manila

Palanca, Carlos, president, La Tondena, Inc., Manila

Palfreeman, D. C., Sir Jacob Behrens & Sons, Shanghai

Pallister, R. A., Medical Officer, Perak


Palmer, A.A., J.,secretary to general

assist., Union manager,

Insurance Fed. ofMalay

Society States

Canton, Ld.,Railways,

HongkongK. Lumpur

Palmer, D. H., assist., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (F.M.S.), Ld., Perak

Palmer, E. J., assist., Lowe, Bingham & Matthews, Shanghai

Palmer, F. W., director, Kyle, Palmer &, Co., Ld., Selangor


Palmer, G,H. T., assist., Taikoo

T., assist., BradleyDockyard

& Co., Hongkong

and Engineering Co., Hongkong

Palmer, J., Jardine, Matheson & Co., 'Ld., Shanghai

Palmer, J. W., acting manager, Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society, Tokyo

Palmer, P. H., chartered accountant, Harold Bell, Taylor, Bird ik Co., Tokyo

Palmer, R. F., secretary, Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ld., Singapore


Palmer, T.R. L.,



per pro.,Union Assurance

Sandilands, Co., Ld.,

Buttery & Co.,Shanghai


Palmer, W. A. L., assist., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (North China), Ld., Shanghai

Palmer, W. R. B., assist., Butterfield & Swire,

Pangillinan, D., supt. Philippine Button Corporation, ManilaShanghai

Panizzi, J. V., manager, Whiteaway, Laidlaw & Co., Ltd., Hongkong

Pank, P. R., surveyor, architect’s dept., Municipality, Singapore

Pansing, P., manager, O. H. Anz & Co., Dairen

Pape, A. Le, Societe des Ciments Portland de L’Indochine, Haiphong

Pape, G. R., assist,

Papendieck, engineer, Getz

E. It., manager, PublicBros.

Works Dept,,

&. Co., Selangor


Pappadopoulo, A. E., merchant, Kobe

Paradissis,. G. E.,managing director, China Manufacturers Export Association, Chefoo

Paradissis, J. E., manager, The Oriental Book Store, Tientsin

Paramor, A. L., director, Hongkong Trust Corporation, Ltd., Hongkong

Paravicini, Dr., medical Practitioner, Yokohama

Parbury, L., manager, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Harbin

Parbury, Geb., director, Bruce Petrie, Ld., Singapore


Pardew, J. M., Thei- American Express Co., Manila

Pardo, B. P., manager, Acme Engraving Co,, Alanila

Pardo, Capt. D., Naval Attache, Italian Embassy, Tokyo

Pardoe, W. A. L., senior asst, engineer, Public Works Dept., Shanghai


Paris, Dr. A., medical Practitioner, Shanghai

Pariser,J.,L.,attache dAtnbassade,

signs per French

pro., C. Holstein &Legation,

Co., Harbin Peiping

Park, A., assistant, Taikoo Sugar Refining

Park, A. B., manager, American Asiatic Underwriters, Co., Ld., Hongkong


Park, Dr. C. L., director, League of Nations Health Organisation, Singapore

Park, M., Park and Francis, Selangor

Park, W., sub-accountant, Chartered Bank of India Aust. & China, Singapore _


Parker, A.H. M., generalHongkong

V., assist., agent, passenger dept.,Banking

& Shanghai CanadianCorporation,

Pacific Railway Co., Shanghai


Parker, J. A., controller, Government Monopolies dept., Singapore

Parker, M.

Parker, K. E., landJugra

G. S., officer,Land



Co., Pt. Swettenham

Parker, R. L., president, Engineering Equipment & Supply Co., Manila

Parker, R. S., assist., Jardine Engineering Corporation, Shanghai

Parker, W. L., vice-consul, American Consulate,. Canton

Parkes, G. H., G. H. Parkes & Oo., Shanghai

Parkin, J. C., agent, Crown Life Insurance Co., Shanghai

Parkin, W. J.G.,D.,engineer,

Parkinson, Hemmings &engineer,

assist, distribution Parkin Ltd.,


Light & Power Co., Hongkong:

Parkinson, H. E., manager, Yee Tsoong Tobacco Distributors Ld., Hankow

Parkinson, T., accountant, Harbour Department,

Parks, P. B., assist., Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Co., Ld.. HongkongHongkong

Parlett, H. H., assist., Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation, Dairen


Barren, E., treasurer, Treasury Department, Oil Sarawak

Parrish, J.E.L.,I., accountant,

manager, George Standard-Vacuum

Town Dispensary, Co.,Ld.,Singapore


Parrish, J. A., attorney, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Manila

Parrott, E. H., secretary, Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shanghai

Parrott, J., International

Parrott,H.,S. local

R., signs Harvester

per pro.,Harbour Co.,

Paterson, of the

Simons Philippines, Cebu

& Co., Ld., Singapore

Parry, chairman, Board, Penang


Parsons,J. D.E. St.

L , Leger,



Co. (South China),




Parsons, F. S., signs per pro., Butterfield

Parsons, G., Singer Sewing Machine Co., Kobe &, Swire, Harbin

Parsons, H., assistant, Reiss, Massey & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Parsons, W., president, Parsons Hardware Co., Inc., Manila

Pasquier J., Canton Overseas Trading Co., Canton

Parsons, J. W., manager, British-American Tobacco Co. (China), Ld., Nanking.


Parsons, R.T. R.,J., assistant,

manager, Imperial

HongkongChemical Industries

Hotel Garage, (China), Ld., Tientsin


Parsons, W., president, Parsons Hardware Co., Inc., Manila

Parsons, W. S. W., agent, Mercantile Bank of India, Singapore


Parton, Dr.L.,W.assist.,

S., medical officer, Chinese Maritime

Co., Ld., Customs,


Partridge,F. A., Newchwang TaikooPilot




Pastor, H., signs per pro., Windsor & Co.. Bangkok

Pastor, Alvaro,

Andres, manager, Basilan Lumber

secretary-treasurer, BasilanCo.,Lumber

Cebu Co., Zamboanga

Paterno, F.A.P.,A.manager, foreign dept., Philippine National Bank, Manila

Paterson, E. M., assist, acct., Mercantile Bank of &India,

Paterson, A., managing director, Macphail Co., Ld.,

Ld., Singapore



Paterson, H.

J., S., superintendent,

repres., Harper, Mines&Department,

Gilfillan Co., Ld., Kedah


Paterson, Hon. Mr.

Paterson, Lee,J.medical

J., managing Lester



Matheson & Go., Ltd., Hongkong:

Paterson, R.Dr.J.,J. signs per pro.,supt.,

Jardine, Matheson Shanghai

& Co., Ld., Shanghai

Paterson, R. S. W., technical secty. to D.P. W., Public Works Department, Hongkong


Paterson, T. G., partner, Anderson A Ashe, Hongkong

Paterson, W., assistant, A. S. Watson & Co., Hongkong

Paterson, W. B., acting editor, Penang Gazette Presx, Ld., Penang


Paterson, W. W. W-,J., assist., Palmerengineer,

distribution & Turner,GasShanghai

dept., Municipality, Singapore

Paton, J. R., manager, Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada, Hongkong

Patrick, Dr. H. C., Patrick & Aylward, Drs., Shanghai

Patrick, J. W., sub-accountant, National City Bank of New York, Shanghai

Patrick, W. M.,. electrical supt., Shanghai Power Co., Shanghai

Patrouilleau, J,, civil eng-, Establissements Brossa,rd Mopin S. E., Singapore


Paul, A. F.,V.,assistant,


Borneo Co., Ld., Penang

Electric Co., Hongkong

Paul, D., assist., Dairy Farm, Ice & Cold Storage Co., Hongkong

Paul, D. N., assistant, Rising Sun Petroleum Co., Ld., Tokyo

Paul, D. W. F. D., assist., Asiatic Petroleum Co, (P. I.), Ld., Manila

Paul, Henrichs, director, Carl Zeiss K. K., Tokyo

Pauldem, R. W., branch manager, North China Insurance Co., Ld., Peiping


Paulson,P.L.,E., manager,

Consul forFox Peru,Film


Corporation, Shanghai

Paulusz, H. A. R., barrister-at-law, Zehnder Bros., Singapore

Pautet, Dr. E., medical officer, Chinese Maritime Customs, Canton

Pavri, R. K., signs per pro., Pavri & Sons, K. S., Canton


Pawson,E.J.J.,R.deputy assist, Roneo,

E., manager, supt., Trade and Customs, Sibu, Sarawak

Ld., Penang

Payne, H., chairman, Taku Tug & Lighter Co., Ld., The, Tientsin

Payne, Harry, vice-president, American Bank Note Co., Shanghai


Payten,L.R.C.,A.,supervisor EasternJacks

assist., William Extension, AustralasiaLd.,& China

& Co., (Malaya), Telegraph Co., Penang;


Peace, L. J., general manager, Planters’ Stores

Peach, J. A. L., Cornhill Insurance Co., Ld., Shanghai & Agency Co., Ld., Selangor

Peacock, C. E., signs per pro., Arnhold & Co., Hankow

Peake, A. W., Jardine Engineering Corp., Ld., Shanghai

Peake, H. 0., director, Harrisons, Barker & Co., Ld., Singapore

Peake, S.H. C.,S., manager,

Peake, accountant,Bombay


Burmah Co., Trading

Ld., Shanghai

Corpn., Ld., Bangkok

Peall, R. H., assist., Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corporation, Ld., Singapore

Pearce, H. J., executive engineer, Public Works dept., Hongkong

Pearce, H. IT., vice-president and managing dir., Tokyo Electric Co., Ld., Yokohama


Pearce, L.J., H.,

tea assist,

inspector, Jardine, Matheson

commissioner of Police, &Selangor

Co., Ld., Foochow

Pearce, R. M., Stellar Advertising Co., The, Hongkong

Pearce, R. W., partner, Pearce & Co., and Consul in charge of Denmark, Kobe

Pearce, T. A., assisL, John D. Hutchison & Co., Hongkong


Pearce, T. E., director,storekeeper,


cfc Shanghai Banking Corpn., Hongkong

Pearl, F.W.H.E.,L.,state

partner, Couper-Johnston Perak

& Co., Bangkok




Purity Drinking


Pearse, F. P. H., controller, Government Monopolies Department, Singapore

Pearson, A. D., manager, Straits Steamship Co., Ld., Malacca

Pearson, A. E., assistant, Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Co., Ld., Hongkong


Pearson, C.A. D.,E.,engineer-in-chief,

Pearson & Co., Shanghai

Tokyo Waterworks Co., Ld., Shanghai

Pearson, C. G. G., secretary, Inspectorate of Salt Revenue, Shanghai

Pearson, Capt. C. H. C., supt., Armed Constabulary dept., Jesselton, B. N. Borneo'

Pearson, G., assist, manager, Thos. Cook & Son, Ld., Shanghai

Pearson, J.H. C.,A.,Atlantic

Pearson, manager,Gulf Swedish-Chinese

and Pacific Co.,ExportManila& Import Co., Ltd., Hongkong

Pearson, J. H., genl. mgr., Robinson Piano Co., Ld., Hankow

Pearson, J. M., assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co. (North China), Ld., Shanghai

Pearson, R. R., manager, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Wuchow

Pearson, T., assist., Mustard & Co., Ld., Shanghai


Pearson, T. C. G., Gracey & Pearson, Hankow

Pearson, T. S., manager, R. J. Wood

Pearson, W. A., assistant, Asiatic Petroleum & Co., Singapore

Co. (North China), Ld., Shanghai


Pecchioni, M., manager, Borneo-Motors, Ld.,Mission,

J. F., secretary, Methodist Episcopal Singapore

Negri Sembilan


Peck, H. E., supt., Municipal Police dept., Shanghai Co., Ld., Shanghai

H. C. B., supt., Shanghai Electric Construction


Peck, H.K. S.,H., manager,

Singer Sewing

Amoy Machine



Peck, VY. R., consul-general & councillor of Legation for America, Nanking

Peckson, D., deputy general manager, Philippine National Bank, Manila

Pecchioni, M. manager, Bornev Motors Ltd., Negri Sembilan




N., assist., James H. Backhouse, Ld., Customs,


Pedlow, deputyofficer,

publicChinese Maritime

prosecutor, Attorney General’s dept., Singapore

Peek, S. H., manager, Cornhill Insurance Co., Ld., Shanghai


Peeters, W. E., assist., Hongkong Electric Co., Ld., Hongkong

Peetz, J.,F.,East Tientsin

AsiaticTramways and Lighting Co., Ld., Tientsin

Co., Ld., Bangkok


Pegler, H. H., engineer, Public Works Department, Hongkong

Pegler, C.G. F.E.,J.,branch manager, Whiteaway,

officer-in-charge, Matu & Daro, Laidlaw & Co., Ld., Perak




sub-acct., National SiamCity


Bank of New Bank,York,

Ld., Bangkok


Pellas, F. R., Societe Nouvelle des Rizeries Meridonales, & Consul for Italy, Saigon

Pellas, S. V., managing director, Societe Nouvelle des Rizeries Meridonales, Saigon

Pellicer, M., pres., Manila Grafica Inc., Manila

Pelling, H. C., Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Pelstroff, L., manager, Lury Bros., Hakodate


Pelstrusof, Harbin

assist., Taikoo Dockyard and Engineering Co., Hongkong


Penlington, J. F., assist, auditor,Marshall

F. G., director, Calder, Audit Dept.,& Co.,Sandakan,

Ld., Shanghai


Penn, A.W.,H.,manager,

Penn, director,Sugar

BankNewsLine Press,



Pennarts, F., assist, mgr., N. Y. Heybroek’s Groothandel, Batavia

Pennefather, J. P., Chartered Surveyor, Singapore


Pennett, W W.,V., editor, Peking and Engineering

Tientsin Times, Tientsin Shanghai


Pennycuick, C.C. D., assistant,

J. imports


M., agent,dept., Jardine,

Eastern Matheson



& Co.,Ipoh,

Co., Ld., Ld.,Perak


Penrice, W., manager, Mansfield & Co., Ld., Singapore

Penson, E. C., manager/Dunlop Rubber Co. (Far East) Ltd. Nagoya


Pentreath,Capt. N., principal,

G. A., bar supt., Pentreath

Taku Tug and & Co.,Lighter Co., Ld., Taku



Peoples, D., assist., Taikoo Dockyard and Engineering Co.,Corporation,

F. H., agent, Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Hongkong Tientsin


Pepys, W.C. E., E., accountant,

undersecretary Hongkong Hotel

to Government, Garage, Hongkong

Federal Secretariat, F.M.S.


Perceval, J.G.,de,vice-consul


Cuba, Kobe

De Undo-Chine, Peiping

Percival, A. J., managing director, Inniss & Riddle (China), Ld., Shanghai


Perdue, C.J.G.,E.,director,


Jenks, Percival & Isitt,Hongkong

Intelligence, Tokyo

Perez, F., secy, of commerce & communication, Government, Manila


Perkins, S., manager, Getz Bros. & Co., Yokohama Oil Co., Manila

Perkins, E.C. A., H., representative,

lawyer, De Wett,Standard-Vacuum

Perkins & Ponce Enrile, Manila


Perkins, G.Mahlon

T. W.,F.,controller,

counsellor, Government

American MonopoliesPeiping

Legation, dept., Singapore

Perkins, T.

Perl,not,F. L., L.,

H. managingvice-consul,

L., partner,director,American

Couper-Johnson Legation, Tientsin

cfe Co., Bangkok

Per China Manufacturers Export Association Chefoo


Perret, Ch., import dept., Gie. de ('ornmeree et de Navigation, Haiphong

Ferret, L.,C.Descours

Perriam, B., engineer,et Cabaud,


Power Co., Shanghai

Perrian, A. R., supervisor of agent's, Gie Franco-Americaine d’Assur., Shanghai

Perrier, G., sub-manager, Cie. Prahcaise de Tramways et d'Eclairage Electr., Shanghai

Perrin, C. M., engineer, Shanghai Power Go., Shanghai

Perrin, N. J., manager, Thos. Cook & Son, Ld., Hongkong

Perros, Rt. Rev. R. Mi J., Bishop, Roman Catholic Mission, Bangkok

Perry, A. D., engineer, Automatic Electric Co., Shanghai


Perry, A.

A. E.,

W., traffic assist., Kowloon

superintendent, GeneralCanton Railway,

Post office, Hongkong


Perry, C'., Kodak Philippines, Ed., Manila


Perry, J.D. H.H.,P.,installation manager, Asiatic

Cie Franco-Asiatique Petroleum

des Petroles, Co. (South China) Ltd., Canton


Perry, L. J. C., Imperial Chemical Industries, Shanghai

Perry, S.S. W.

Perry, S., bill and exchange

P., assist., Hongkongbroker, Hongkong

& Shanghai Bank, Mukden

Persen, K: A., Manufacturers Lite Insurance Co., Shanghai

Posteel, J., manager, Wearne Brothers,

Pestonji, R., partner, Benjamin A Potts, Hongkong Ld., Perak

Peter, A., signs per pro., Ed. Keller & Co., Ld., Manila

Peterkin, W. D., assist., Mansfield & Co., Ld., Singapore

Peters, E.A. C.,

Peters, F., chairman,

manager, Sun LifeMunicipal

British Assce. Co. Council,

of Canada, Manila


Peters, H. K., Peters & Co., Shanghai

Peters, R., res. partner, Haskins & Sells, Manila

Peters, R. W., director, Automatic Electric Co., Shanghai

Peters^ W. H., Canadian. Pacific Steamships, Ld., Hongkong

Petersen, A. N., assist, manager, Far East Superintendence Co., Ld., Kobe

Petersen, C., manager. Bluff Hotel, Yokohama

Petersen, E., Chase Bank, The, Shanghai

Petersen, F.,

Petersen, H., assist.,

signs perSteger


Co., Hongkong

& Co., Tientsin

Petersen, V., supt., Chinese Telegraph

Peterson, A., deputy marshal, United States Administration, PeipingShanghai

Court for China,

Petherick, V., wharfinger, H’kong &: KToon Wharf & Godown Co., Ld., H’kong


Petiaux, H. L., H., attorney, Standard-

sub-accountant, BanqueYacuum Oil Co.,

Beige Pour Hongkong

I’Etranger, Shanghai

Petiot, P., attache de Chancellerie, French Consulate, Tientsin

Petrie, Bruce, director, Bruce Petrie, Ld., Singapore



N. J.,Davie, Boag Asiatic

attorney, & Co., Ld., Hongkong

Trading Corporation, Hankow

Pettus, Dr. W. B., president, College of Chinese Studies, Peiping

Petzschke, F., Deutsche-Asiatische Bank, Hankow

Peyer, R. C., treas., Philippine Manufacturing Co., Manila

Peyre, J. de F., Soc. des Cimeuits Portland Artificiels de L’Tndochine, H’phong;

Peyronnet, M., acting-consul,

Pezzini, P., managing partner,French



& Commission Agency, etc., T’sin

Pfanner, H., manager, Societe Anonyme Beige, Bangkok

Pfeifer, M., manager (Insurance dept,), C. Kelling, Inc., Manila

Pfister, Dr. M. O., physician and surgeon, Hongkong


Pharis, partner,

M., assist, gen. Bergmann & Co.,Power

mgr., Shanghai KobeCo., Shanghai


Phil, Dr. M. P., consul, German Legation, Bangkok Department, Singapore

H. W., assist, supt., Government Monopolies


Philipp,G.,Dr.manager, Pilots’ Association,

F. G., veterinary Shanghai

surgeon, Shanghai

Philipp, G., manager, H. J. Unkel, Canton


Philippidis, C.P. H.


merchant, Chungking

asst, mgr.,

Phillip, D., partner, Drummond &Fhilippidis Bros. Co., Ltd., Chungking

Co., Sandakan


Phillips, A. J., mining engineer, Penang Trading Co., Ld., Sandakan, B. N. Borneo

A. E. M., genl. mgr., North Borneo


Phillips, A. R. H., manager, Taikoo

Phillips, A. S., engineer, Shanghai Power SugarCo.,

Refining Co., Ld., Hongkong


Phillips, C. G. R., engineer, F.M.S. Railway, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

Phillips, E. J. L., director, Smith Bell & Co., Ld., Manila

Phillips, G. G., deputy secretary, Secretariat, Municipal Council, Shangha


Phillips, J.H.,

H. H., F.,consul general

assist., for Great Britain,. Canton

Phillips, assist. &Hongkong

signs per pro.,& Shanghai Banking

McAuliffe, DavisCorpn.,

& Hope,Hongkong


Phillips, R. P., Gande Price & Co., Ld., Singapore

Phillips, R. P,, partner, Brown, Phillips & Stewart, Penang

Phillips, R. P., manager, Gande, Price & Co., Ld., Hongkong

Phillips, R. T., agent, Perry & Co., Singapore

Phipps, C. E., attorney, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Singapore

Phipps, G. H., consul-general for Great Britain, Seoul.

Phipps, W. A., district engineer, Municipality, Singapore


Philippov,W.C.J.A.,E., sub-accountant,

medical officer, General


City BankSingapore

of New York, The, Harbin

Philp, W.

Philp, D., sub.-acct.,

assist, accountant,


Bank of Malay States Railways,

India, Australia & China,Kuala Lumpur


Phue, I. V., secretaire, French Consulate, Singapore

Pickett, J. T., president and general manager, Johnson-Pickett Rope Co., Manila

Pickford, C. H., Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corp., Kobe

Picornell, Santiago N., partner, Hair, Elliot & Picornell, Manila

Pickford, H. L., Hongkong, Shanghai Banking Corporation, Shanghai

Pidgeon, J. C., Maurice Jenks, Percival & Isitt, Tokyo


Pierce, H.,

A. assistant, JebsenManila

E., president, & Co., CantonGas Corporation, Manila

Piercy, A., signs per pro., Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Piercy, G. W., assist., Sime, Darby & Co., Ld., Singapore

Piercy, R. S., assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld., Tientsin


Piffaretti, D., manager, OrientalofTelephone

Consulate & Electric

Switzerland, Co., Singapore


Pigenel, A. C. J., signs per pro., S.

Pike, A. T. J., manager, Win. Jacks & Co., ShanghaiA. Racine &.Cie., Tientsin

Pike, D„P.,Hongkong

Pilaty, Societe desandCiments Shanghai Bank,Artificiels

Portland Shanghaide LTndochine, Haiphong

Pilbeam, F. W., stores accountant,

Pilcher, H. W., merchant, Shanghai Telephone Co., Ld., Shanghai

Pile, A. G., architect and surveyor, Hongkong

Pilgrams, A. E., assist., Thos. Cook & Son, Ld., Singapore .


Pirn, R.Y.L.,K.,controller,

State treasurer, PahangMonopolies Department, Singapore



Pinching, H. C., Kennedy, BurkillUnderwriters,

E. F., American-Asiatic Inc., Manila

& Co., Ld., Penang

Pinckard, W. H., managing director, Texas Co. (China), Ld., Shanghai


Pink, Mario de, consul general



Ld., Shanghai



L., signs

P. T., branch

per pro.,

acting consul


Taipeh, Formosa


International Rubber Co.,.Cebu

Pinson, A., director, Assurance Franco Asiatique, Shanghai

Pinto, J.Dr.A.Octavio,

Pinto, Abranches, consulArgentine

secretary, for Portugal, Tokyo Tokyo



Pinnock, F. W., director, Harrisons & CrosfieldShanghai

V., dir. & mgr., Pinto’s Finance Bank, (Borneo) Ltd., Sandakan


Pipe, J.K.E.,F.,A.sub.-accountant,

G., manager, Hongkong Hotel, Hongkong

Piper, Union InsuranceP.Society &

of Canton, HongkongLd., Shanghai

Piquemal, V., chief accountant, Cie. Franco-Asiatique

Pirenne, M., actg. manager, Banque Beige pour I’Etranger, des Betroles,


Piro, J. W. de, director, McAlister & Co., Ld., Singapore

Pirrie, A. B., sub-acct., Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China, Kobe


Pitcairn, R. A.C., G., manager,

manager, Skodaworks,

Hawaiian Ld., Shanghai

Philippine Co., Manila


Pitt, G. J.

Pitt-Hardacre,G., controller, Government Monopolies Department, Singapore

Pittendrigh, W.,C.,merchant,

assist, commissioner,

Hongkong Municipality, Sarawak

Pla, J. P., International Harvester Co., Iloilo

Pla, R., Smith, Bell & Co., Iloilo

Place, A. A., assist., store dept., Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Co., Ld., Hongkong

Plage, Dr. Jumusho, lawyer, Tokyo

Plaisant., P., consul for the Netherlands, Seoul


Plath, W.,

P. United

L. D., States





Platt, E. H. C., barrister-at-law, Platt & Co., Shanghai


Plattner, R., Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld., Shanghai Ld., Canton

J. W., mgr., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (South China)

Pleace, C.F.J.,A.,assist,

Pledger, electrical

director, Bousteadsupt.,& Co.,

Shanghai Power Co., Shanghai


Plessen, Baron L. von, counsellor, German Legation, Peiping

Plion, P„ premier secretaire, French Legation, Bangkok

Pluess, G., assist., Kuenzle & Streiff, Manila


Plummer,B.,J.principal warder,

A., director, UnionPrisoi> Department,

Insurance Society Hongkong

of Canton, Ltd., Hongkong

Plummer, J. A. H., Bradley & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Plunkett, J. O., executive engineer, Public Works Dept., Singapore

Poate, F. W., managing director, Mackenzie & Co., Hankow




director.& Continental

Surety Co., Manila

Trading Co., Shanghai


Pohl, R., Helm P. M.Brothers,

J., agent,Ld.,


YokohamaPaketvaart Maatschappij., Penang .

Poinsot, C.,R.,supt.,

Poirier, partner, The LittleFrancaise

Compagnie Shop, Hongkong

de Tramways, Shanghai

Poitevin, A., manager, Franco Eastern Trading Co., Singapore

Polain, M., chargd d’affaire, Belgian Legation, Bangkok

Polishvalas K. M., manager,

Pole, T. F. Anderson, director,Gobhai

Sime, Karaujia,

Darby & Co.,Ltd.,Ld.,


Polesello, Cav. C., agent, Lloyd Triestino, Shanghai

Poletti, F., commissioner.

Polishvala, K. M., mgr., GobhaiPost Office, Mukden

Karanjia, Ld., Kobe

Politi, M.F.E.,C.,Hongkong

Pollard, secretary, Manufacturers Life Insurance Co., Shanghai

Pollard, Thomas

Pollard, F. H., district officer, Baram,

H., consulting Sarawak

engineer, Bangkok

Polleri, C., import k export merchant, Tokyo


Pollock, A., E. V., assist, surveyor, Naval Dockyard, Hongkong

Pollock, F. A.,accountant, ShanghaiMatheson

director, Jardine, Electric Construction Co., Ld., Shanghai

& Co., Ld., Shanghai

Pollock, G., supt., Shanghai Electric

Pollock, Sir H. E., barrister-at-law, Hongkong Construction Co., Ld., Shanghai

Pollock, M., assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co. (Philippine Islands), Ld., Cebu

Poison, J. C., assist., Taikoo Dockyard and Engineering Co., Hongkong

Pomeroy, H. W., assist., Reiss Massy & Co., Ld., Hongkong

Pond, T. H.,J. C.Amos

Ponsford, Bird Co.,

S., assist., Shanghai

Asiatic Petroleum Co. (F.M.S.), Ld., Perak

Pool, J.F.C.,C.,vice-consul

Poole, for United

assist., Asiatic PetroleumStates,

Co. Hongkong

(North China), Ld., Nanking

Poole, H. A., assist, general manager, Socony Vacuum Corporation, Yokohama

Poole, W. F., wharfinger, Holt’s Wharf, Butterfield & Swire, Shanghai

Pope, F.D., dist. accountant, The Texas Company (China) Ltd., Hongkong

Pope, G. W., general

Pope, medicalmanager,

officer of Insular

health, Sanitary Board, Hongkong

Popple,H.A.,C.,assist., Kelly & Walsh, Ld.,Lumber

Hongkong Co., Manila

Portas, A.,Dr.sub-agent,

Portelly, J., HealthHercules


Johore Co., Manila

Porter, A. R., manager, Forbes, Munn & Co., Ld., Manila

Porter, C. W.9 secretary and general manager, Teleph. Co, Ld., Shanghai


Porter, E.

Porter, Geo. J., general manager,

W., auditor, Mayo'National

Philippine s Shoppe,Rank,


Porter, H., director, international Assurance Co., Ltd.,Manila


Porter, T. H. R., assist., Hongkong & Shanghai Ranking Corpn., Tsingtp,o


Post, H.




Chino, Daily News& Oil Co. «fc vice-consul

Herald, Shanghaifor .C.S.A., Bangkok

i'ostarnak, A. L., general mgr., Liaotimg Motor Company, Dairen

Poteat, J. K., supt., British Cigarette Co., Ld., Tsingtap

Potter,P.A.L. S.,Harepresentative,

Pott, was, president,RedSt. John’s University, Shanghai

Hand Compositions Co., Kobe

Potter, Eldon, barrister-at-law, Hongkong

Potter, J. E., Leigh & Orange, Hongkong

Potter, J.J. S.,

Potter, L., Asia

British-American Tobacco Co., Ld., Singapore

Realty Co., Shanghai

Potter, K. F. secretary of Legation, U.S.A. Embassy, Bangkok

Potter, S. C. principal, Remington Typewriter School, Shanghai

Pottinger, W. J., director, Pottinger & Co., Ltd., Tientsin

Potts, A. H., share and general broker, Hongkong


Pots, G.G. A.,

H., general


BenjaminSingapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd., Singapore

& Potts, Hongkong

Potts, P. C., partner, Bejamin & Potts,

Pouillore, consul for France and Portugal, Pakhoi Hongkong

Poulet, A.,H.manager,

Poullain, V., assist,Socony-Vacuum

director general,Corpn., and viceGeneral

Directorate consulofforPosts,

U.S.A., Saigon


Pow, G. E., sub agent, Gartered Bauk of India Australia L China, Taipinng, Perak

Powell, A. B., assist, manager, La Tondena Inc., Manila

Powell, A. T., officer in charge, Chinese Maritime Customs, Hokow

Powell, C. E., civil engineer, Shanghai

Powell, C. M., actg. pensions chief acet., Office of Inspectorate Gehl., Customs, Shanghai

Powell, E., Far Eastern administrator. Metal Box & Printing Industries, Shanghai

Powell, E., branch mgr., Spicers (Export), Ld., Shanghai

Powell, F., assistant, Jardine Engineering Corporation, Ld., Tientsin

Powell, H. A., manager, A-merican Foreign Insurance Assoc., Hankow

Powell, J. B., editor and publisher, China Weekly Review, Shanghai

Powell, N. A., American Foreign Insurance Association, Hankow. . .

Powell, S. H., Moyler, Powell & Co., Tientsin

Powell, S. J., civil engineer, Shanghai


Power,J.H.C., M., director,

gen. Hongkong Motor Accessory

supt. of plant, Oebu PortlandCo., Ltd.,Cement

Hongkoug Go., Manila

Power, P. S., assist., Jardine Engineering Corpn., Ld., Tientsin-

Powers, K., assistant, British-American Tobacco'Co. (Straits), Ld., Singapore

Praagh, H. B.A.,van,secretary,

Praasterink, Sandilauds,

JavaButtery & Co., Medan, Sumatra

bank, Batavia

Prager, M., Merchant, Singapore


Praly, A., C. F., building

assist., supt., The National City Bank of New York, H’kohg




Prata, W.,

H. J.,manager,

assist., &'&Co'Shanghai

., Hongkong

Prats, A., assist, mgr.,Hongkong

insular Guaranty Co.,Banking

Manila Corpn., Canton

Pratt, D. F., Malaya General Co., Johore

Pratt, F. L , finance editor, China Press

Pratt, G. S., manager, Drysdale & Co., N funking Inc., Shanghai

Pratt, R. S., consul for Great Britain, Swatow

Pratt, W. H., Engineer & Contractor, Negri Sembilan

Precourt, C. de, cashier, Banque de Tlndo-Chine, Hongkong

Prentis, J. B., solicitor, Hastings & Co., Hongkong

Prentis, S.R. A.,E., president,

Presby, managing American

director, Dupire

TradingMorrell, Ld., Singapore i.

Co., Manila

Prescott, S. L., mgr., Haskins and Sells, Manila

Preston, A. M., solicitor, Ellis & Hays, Shanghai

Preston, G. A. C., manager, Borneo Co,, Ld., Bangkok


Prettejohn, H. E., commissioner, Chinese Maritime Customs, Harbin



F., secretary


the High

Ld., Commissioner,

Kobe Singapore

Prevot, P. H., Land & Estate broker, Shanghai


Price, A.,

Dr. acting consul forpractitioner,

A. C., medical Great Britain, Chungking


Price, D. W. M., Mustard & Co., Ld., & director, Enterprise Tobacco Co., Ld., Shanghai


Price, E. R., assist, secty., Hongkong GeneralSwire,

E. G., signs per pro., Butterfield and ChamberAmoyof Commerce, Hongkong

Price, E. W., assist., mgr., Whiteaway, Laidiaw & Co.,China),

Price, E. Yf.j assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co. (North Ld., Hankow

Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

Price, J. F., director, Raven Trust Co., Shanghai

Price, J. P., acting-consul for Great Britain, Harbin

Price, J. R., assist., Japan Chronicle, Kobe

Price, N. 11., engineer, Produce Export Co., (Harbin), Ld., Harbin


Price, S.,

T. J.,branch mgr.,master,

assistant Sun LifeKing’s



of Canada,. Batavia

Price, W. A., manager, Hankow Press Packing Co., Shasi C'




Fox Film& Corporation,

Swire, CantonManila

Prideaux-Brune, H. I., consul for Great Britain, Nanking


Priest, A.W. T.,J., assist.,


AsiaticLd., Singapore

Petroleum Co., Ld., Shanghai


Priest wood, Victor, barrister-at-law; A.& Co.,

H. H. H., director, Arnhold Hongkong

G. Mosspp, Shanghai

Pringle,J. Dr.

Prior, L. D., Govt,

T., solicitor, medical&officer,

Wilkinson Grist, Hongkong


Prior, R., director, Bendixsens. Ld., Singapore

Prising, F. W., manager, Alhambra Cigar Store. Manila

Prismall, A., manager, Asiatic Petroleum Co. (South China), Ltd., Kongmoon

Pritchard, E.A. A.,

Pritchard, E., deputy

assist., Asiatic Petroleum

commissioner, Co. (Pul,

Chinese Ld., llodp

Maritime Customs, Swatow

Pritchard, H. W., puisne judge, Supreme Court, Singapore

Prockter, N- H., assist., Hongkong and Shanghai

Prockter, G. D., assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.S.), Ld., Bank, Manila


Pronk, A. J., director, Koninklijke Paketvaart Mij, Batavia

Pronk, R., sub-agent, Royal Packet Navigation Co., Singapore


Proseus, H.D. H., L., chartered accountant,

assist., Jardine Linsteadbfe

Engineering Davis, Hongkong

Corporation, Ld., Shanghai


Prossor, H.A.K.,de,manager,

consul forAsiatic

Italy, Petroleum

YokohamaGo., Amoy

Prouix, B. A., mgr., Paramount Films of China, Inc., Hongkong

Pro van, J. D., assist, engineer, Hongkong & Whampoa Dock Co., Ld., Hongkong

Provis, W.,

Pryde, IT., manager,

inspector Mercantile Bank Works

of works,- Public of India,dept.,


Kuala Lumpur, Selangor


Pryor, W., director, Yao Hua Mechanical Glass Co., Ltd.,Shanghai

H. T., engr., Shanghai Waterworks (Jo., Ld., Tientsin

Puckle, B. N., branch mgr., Jardine Engineering Corporation, Ld., Tientsin

Puder, P., manager,

Pugin, E., secretaire,Catholic Trade School,

French Municipal 'ManilaTientsin


Pulestan-Jones, W-, Health Officer, Johore

Pulvertaft, J. C. B., assisit., Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co., Ld., Kobe



signs perFarpro., CornesDistributors,

Eastern & Co., KobeManila


Purcell, G.R. H,,



per pro.,Liddell


Bros.& &Co.,Co.,Ld.,Ld.,Shanghai


Purcell, V. W. W. S., second dir. for Chinese Schools, Education Dept., Singapore

Purkill, A. W., director, Kelly & Walsh, Shanghai

Purpiss, A., manager, Orienltal Trading & Engineering’Co.,' Tientsin

Purry, P. S., sub-manager, International Export Co., Hankow


Purves, A.D. B., executive Indo-China

J., assistant, engineer, Public

S. N. Works

Co.. Ld.,department;

Shanghai Hongkong

Purvis, J. M., overseer, Public Works dept.; Hongkong.



Putley, P. B., manager, W.Hongkong &t eMonopolies

Hammer Co., Ld., Singapore

Pyper, J.A.R.,C.,controller,

sub-agent,Government Shanghai Hanking Corpn., Johore

dept., Singapore

Quack, R. E. A., installation manager, Asiatic Petroleum (Jo., (N.C.), Ld., Hankow

Quarez, F., manager, Banque Beige

Quark, F. VV., China Soap Co., Ltd., Hongkong pour 1’Etranger, Tientsin

Quelch, C. W., assistant, British-American Tobacco Co. (China), Ld., Shanghai

Quie, J. L., secretary, Peak Tramways Co., Ld., Hongkong

Quilliam, F. S., manager, property dept., Palmer

Quinche, A., Societe des Cements Portland Artilicieis de L’Indochine, H’phong


Quinones,E,A.assist., Lane,Liddell

M., assist., Crawford,

Bros.Ld.,& Co.,


Ld., Shanghai

Quist, M. J., consul for Netherlands, Hongkong


Rabadon,A.,M.,consulting engineer, Shanghai

cashier, Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, Cebu

Rabben, W., signs per pro., Arnhold k Co., Ld., Tientsin

Rabbetts, H. C., pro-consul for Great Britain, Tientsin


Rabe, J. H.G.E.,£>.,C.Cie. de Commerce et de Navigation

representative, d’Extreme Orient, Saigon

Rabjohn, S., director and Siemens

manager,ChinaSi me,Co.,


& Co., Ld., Malacca

Rabouin, G., representative, Far East Oxygen and Acetylene Co., Singapore

Raddon, F. G., manager, Dodwell & Co., Ld., Hankow

Radies, L., Cie. de Commerce et de Navigation d’Extreme Orient, Saigon


Radke, manager, GermanChi TungConsulate,

Tobacco Co., Tientsin

Ld., Harbin

Rae, Col. C., managing director, Macphail & Co. (Ipoh), Ld., Ipoh, Perak

Rae, D. C., architect, architect’s dept., M unicipality, Singapore

Rae, Jas., sub-acct., Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, Selangor

Rae, John, Rae’s Tea Set Factory, Kobe

Rae, W., Rae’s Tea Set Factory, Kobe )


Rae, W.

W. O.,W.,Oye RaeHongkong

assist., Trading Co., Kobe Banking Corporation, Singapore

& Shanghai

Raeburn, D. J., assist., British-American Tobacco Co. (China). Ld., Shanghai

Raeburn, F. C., mgr., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (North China) Ltd., Hankow

Raeburn, G. D., Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld., Shanghai


Raedler, A.,K.,chancellor,

assist., Jardine,

German Matheson

Consulate,& Co.,Singapore

Ld., Shanghai


Rafeek, P., Banque Franco-cbinoise, Peiping

Raffles, S.A. C.,E. deputy

M., manager, Rafeek

commissioner, c Co., Canton

&, Customs, Selangor

Ragi, R. H., Ragi it Co., Shanghai

Ragnsini, M. A., assist, manager, Far

Raider, H. A., general manager, Chinese Engineering East Mercantileand Co., Development

Hongkong Tsingtao>


Railton, M.C. A.,L., mgr.,

assist.,Anglo French

Jardine, & Hendixeus,

Matheson Ltd.,Hongkong

& Co., Ld., Malacca

Railton, H.

Railton, N. L.E.,H., assistant,director,

managing Jardine,Railton


& Co.,& Co.,



Rainey, M., assist, accountant, Cie.Kowloon

Francaise de Tramways, Shanghai

Rait, C. B., sub-acct., Chartered Bank of India, Australia andCo.,China,

J. A., assist., Hongkong it Wharf & Godown Ld., Hongkong


Raitt, A. G., superintendent engineer,

Raitt, F. H., partner, F. Howard Ford, Harbin Shanghai Tug & Lighter Co., Ld., Shanghai

Rakusen, M. N., Sennet Freres, Hongkong


Ralph, R.A. D.,E., resdt.

assist, seety., Manufacturers

British CigaretteLifeCo.,

supt.,Butteriield Insurance Co., Tokyo .

Ld., Tsingtao


Ralph, D. L., assist.,

L. P., assistant,Union Insurance& Swire, Shanghai

Society.of Canton, Ld., Manila


Ralston, J.,R., inspector

s rb-agent,ofChartered

schools, Education Department,

Bank of India, AustraliaHongkong

ife China, Iloilo

Rambert, M. P. A., Mercantile Bank of India, Ld., Sourabaya

Ramirez, Elias Marco y., genl. mgr., Monte de Piedad Savings Bk., Manila

Ramondt, A. J., agent, Java-China-Japan-Lijn, N. V., Amoy


Ramos, Simeon, director, Bureau of Lands, Manila

Rampony, F., Soc. des Cimenlts Artificiel de L’Indo-Chine, Haiphong

Ramsay, A., manager, engineering dept., Borneo t e Go., Perak

Ramsay, A. B., assist., Taikoo Dockyard and Engineering Co., Hongkong

Ramsay, A. B. C., official assignee. Bankruptcy Office, Penang


Ramsay, J.H.H.,E-,actingOfficial Sworn Measurer,

sub-accountant, Hankow

Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Shanghai

Ramsay, J. V., assistant, Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Co., Ld., Hongkong

Ramsay, P. W., assist., Taikoo Dockyard and Engineering Co., Hongkong

Ramsay, R. A., engineer, Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Co., Ld., Hongkong


Ramsden,T.,T. Williamson & Co., Hongkong

W., representative, Marshall Field & Co., Swatow


Ranc, J., general manager,director,

N. R., governing Societe Carr Ramsey

Anonyme des &Etains

Son, Ltd., SwatowPerak

de Kinta,

Randall, B.H. C.,W.,Benjamin

Randall, & Potts,

assist., Lane, Hongkong

Crawford, Ld., Hongkong

Randle, S., assist, supt. of mails, General Post Office, Hongkong

Ramdow, E. von, secretary, German Legation, Peiping


Rangel, T.,

Y. F.,solicitor,


G., Yokohama

Rankin, G.,

Rankin, C. E.,assist.,


Little.University, CantonHongkong

Adams & Wood,

Ransom, C. S., manager, National City Bank of New York, Singapore

Ransom, Dr. F. T., Medical officer, Chinese Maritime Customs, Shanghai

Rantaft, J. F., general manager, Nielsen & Walther, Ld., Tientsin


Raper, H. R., director,

H. W., Maynard &Great

managing-director, Co., Ltd., Singapore

Eastern Life Assce. Co., Ld., Singapore

Rapex, Cav. R., consul judge for China, Italian Consulate, Shanghai

Raphael, adviser, Banque

Raphael, R. K., merchant, Shanghai Franco-Chinoise pour le Commerce et LTndustrie, Peiping

Rapley, F. L., assist, accountant, Hongkong and China Gas Co., Ld., Hongkong

Rapoport, Plermann, signs per pro., Fur and Wool Trading Co., Ld., Tientsin

Rapoport, S., manager, Foreign Commission Agency, Tiemitsin

Rapp, E., Cie de Commerce et de Navigation d’Extreme Orient, Saigon


Rasch, M., Antonni

signs perLou, pro.,consul for Czechoslovakia,

John Land*hi, Inc., ManilaTokyo

Rash, J. 0., partner, Drew & Napier, Singapore

Raskin, J., manager, Fur and Wool Trading (Jo., Tientsin

Raskin, J. L., dir., T’sin Commercial Commerpebarik & Credit Corporation, Inc., T’sin.

Rasmussen, A. H., director, North China Wool Co,, Ltd., Tientsin

Rasmussen, A. Kann, engr., Christian & Nielsen, Bangkok

Rasmussen, B. R., Shewan, Tomes & Co., Canton

Rasmussen, O., assist., Dodwell & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Rasquin, P., asisst. accountant, Siam Electric Corporation, Ld., Bangkok

Rassart, K. G. E., assist, factory manager, Kailan Mining Administration, Tientsin

Ratcliff, J., manager, Borneo Motors Ld., Malacca

Rathsam, C. E,, Arnhold & Co., Ld., Canton

Ratinet, L., directeur, Descours & Cabaud, Haiphong


Ratjen, G.,M.Ratjen,

F., accountant,

Rud., Osaka Brossard Mopin Etablissements, Singapore


Ratjen, Rud, Merchant, Tokyo Rud Ratjen, Tokyo

Otto E,, signs per pro,


Rattray,W.J. J.,

M.,chief clerk, Nickel

secretary, Hongkong and Whampoa

& Lyons, Ld., Kobe Dock Co., Ld., Hongkong

Rauchholz, A., engineer, Telge & Schroeter, Shanghai

Raven, C. H., vice-president, Raven Trust Co., Shanghai


Raven, F.O. J.,B., director,

architectAsiaand Life

civil Insurance Co, Shanghai

engineer, Raven & Basto, Hongkong

Rawitz, W., signs per pro., Siemssen & Co., Shanghai

Rawlings, G. S., magistrate, Police Court, Malacca

Rawlinson, Rev. F., editor, Chinese Recorder, Shanghai

Rawnsley, W. A., manager, Muller, Phipps & Sellers, Ld., Tokyo


Haworth, A. B., dir. & branch manager, General Electric Co. of China; Ld., Hongkong


Rayman, L.L.,H.,financial


Eawson, McNieceJohore& Co., Shanghai

Raymond, A.,

Raymond, director,

Antonni Lou,Hongkong

Consul forLand Investment & Agency Co., Ltd., Hongkong


Raymond, E., Societe des Cimen'ts Portland Artificiels de L’Ltdochine, Tl’phong


Rayner, W.E.E.,M.,partner,

director, Hongkong

Derrick & Co., &Singapore

Shanghai Hotels, Ltd., Hongkong

Rayssac, Rev. Bishop A., Mission Catholique, S'watpw

Razon, B., manager, Rorox y Cia., Manila

Rea, G. Bronson, publisher Far Eastern Review, Shanghai

Read, A.L.S., assist., Davie Boag & Co., Ld., Hongkong


Read, E.D. C.,

H., assistant,



Alex. Campbell

Co., Ld.,&Newell

Co., Ld..vang


Read, J. H. C., assist, supt. of Surveys, Kedah

Read, J. T., engineer-in-chief, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Slianghai,



H., asst.China

& signsRecord Co., McAuliffe

per pro., Ld , Shanghai


Reason, H., chief burner. Green Island Cement Co., Hok’ Un, Hongkong

Reboul, secretariat, Messageries Maritimes, Saigon

Receveur, H. O., controleur principal, services civils, Hadong, Tonkin

Rechter, J., representative, American Merchandise Co., Kobe

Redfearn, E. K., accountant, Insular Life Insurance Co., Manila

Redfearn, W. W., proprietor, Redfearn's Horse Repository, Singapore

Redfern, R. J., assist-, Warner Barnes & Co., Ld., Cebu

Redinger, C. O., Alhambra Cigar & Cigareftte' Manufacturing Co., Manila

Redmond, F. A., prof, of civil & mechanical engr., University, Hongkong

Redmond, T. M. L., assist., Lane Crawford, Ld., Hongkong

Redway, C. B., managing dir., Kennedy, Burkill & Co., Ld., Penang

Reed, E. V., assist.-accountant, General Post Office, Hongkong

Reed, E. B., principal land surveyor, Public Works Department, Hongkong

Reed, F. L., attorney, Socony-Vacuum Corporation. Manila

Reed, F. O., acct., Hongkong Land Investment and Agency Co., Ld., Hongkong

Reed, H., accountant, Electrical Department, Selangor

Reed, H. H., chief accountant, Kailan Mining Administration, Tientsin

Reed, Dr. J. G., Eastern Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

Reed, R., assist, accountant, Yangtze Rapid Steamship Co., Ichang

Reeks, H. A., deputy commissioner, Post Office, Shanghai

Rees, A. H. H., manager, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (North China), Ld., Shanghai

Rees, H. P., assistant, Wm. Powell, Ld., Hongkong

Rees, R. D., secretary, National Christian Council of China, (Shanghai

Rees, S. T., branch manager, Huttenbach’s, Ld, Ipoh, Perak

Reese, J., president, Manila Trading k Supply Co., Manila

Reeve, G. W., headmaster, Wanchai English School, Hongkong

Reeves, C., engr. surveyor, Eisler, Reeves, Murphy & Lyle, Ld., Shanghai

Reeves, G. F., representative, United States Shoe Co., Manila

Reeves, J. P., vice-consul for Great Britain, Hankow

Refo, H. B., iLingnan University, Canton

Regine, L. S., director and acting manager, China Booksellers, Ld , Peiping .

Reguera, Fernando, Spanish Consul, Iloilo

Reich, J., supt., Findlay Miller Timber Co., Manila

Reichel, W., proprietor, Kiessling & Bader, Tientsin

Reid, A. H., art director, Advertising & Publicity Bureau Ltd., Singapore

Reid, D., sub-account., Chartered Bank of India, Australia k, China, Selangor

Reid, J. H., assist. & signs the firm, McAuliffe, Davis & Hope, Penang

Reid, J. S. W., treasury, Kelantam

Reid, N. T., director, Wise & Co., Inc., Manila

Reid, R. S., agent, Robert Dollar Co., Cebu

Reid, S., agent, Aall & Co., Kobe


Reid, T. A., executive engr., Public Works and Railways dept., Sarawak

Reiff, Richard, Merchant, Kobe

Reifsnider, J., special representative, Commercial Pacific Cable Co., Tokyo

Reijsenbach, F., manager, Netherlands Trading Society, Shanghai

Reilly, H. C., partner, Gattey & Bateman, Singapore

Reinecke, A., assist., Bornemann & Co., Hongkong

Reiners, W. E., assistant, Harrisons, King & Irwin, Hankow

Reis, W. B., Eldorado. Oil Works, Manila

Reiss, D., director, Reiss Massey

Reiss, Dr. Frederick, medical practitioner, Shanghai

Reiss, J. M., assist., Hongkong & Shanghai Bank, KToon Sub-Agency, H’kong:

Reissen, H., assist., iDoitsu Senryo Gomei Kaisha, Kobe

Reith, H., Kuenzle A Stre :ff, Iloilo

Remedio, J. M. d’Almada, solicitor, Hongkong

Remedies, A. A. dos, partner, H. Oliveira & Son, Shanghai

Remedies, F. E. A., signs per pro., Union Trading Co., Ltd., Hongkong

Remodios, S. V. dos, secretary, Danish Consulate, Osaka

Renard, M., accountant, Banque Beige pour FEtranger, Shanghai

Renaud, A., representative, General Motors Export Co., Manila

Rendle, H. C. R., aetg. assist, district officer, Lower Perak

Renet, E., Descours et Cabaud, Saigon

Renie, Ph., agent auxiliaire, Banque de 1’Indochine, Saigon

Renner, Dr. A., medical practitioner, Shanghai

Renner, Ch., vice-consul, French Consulate, Hongkong

Rennie, A. A., judge, Supreme Court, Kuching, Sarawak

Rennolds, W. H., president, Rennolds Co., Win. H., Manila

Rens, J., manager, De Javasche Bank, Koetarajda, Sumtra

Renton, R., director, Maynard & Co., Ld., Singapore

Reusch, 0. P., secretary, Norwegian Legation, Tokyo

Reutens, E. A., state treasurer, Negri Sembilan

Revelli, Y. A., chancelier, French Consulate, Singapore

Revie, J., assist., Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Co., Ld., Hongkong

Revilla, A., Philippine Land Improvement Co., Manila

Reyes, A., chief acct., Earoshaw Docks, Manila

Reyes, A., c.p.a., Henry Hunter, Bayne & Co., Manila

Reyes, Clemente, proprietor, Philippine Auto Supply Co., Manila

Reyes E., sales manager, Manila Supply Co., Manila

Reyes, F., proprietor, Reyes Electrical Works, Manila

Reyes, I. S., advt. mgr., Monday Mail, Manila

Reyes, J. N., assistant, Ker & Co., Manila

Reyes, P. F., chief clerk, Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China, Manil*

Reyes, R., Chilean consul, Singapore

Reyn and, L., consul for France and in charge of Belgian interests, Harbin

Reyners, H. A., agent, Culturer Mij der Vorstenlanden, Semarang '

Reynell, H., broker, Shanghai

Reynolds, A. F., Hongkong

Reynodds, A- I.,, president, Big Wedge Mining Co., Manila

Reynolds, J. C., assist., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.O.), Ld., Penang

Reyholds, L. N.,. commissioner of Police, Sarawak

Reynolds, Y. F., office secretary, Fette Rug Co., Fed. Inc., Peiping

Rharne, J. F., general manager, China Electric Co., Ld., Shanghai

Rhijn, M. van, assist, president, Deli en Serdang, Medan, Sumatra

Rhoades, O. R., vice-consul for America, Kobe


Rial, W.S. P.,

T., manager, Socfin &Shanghai

chief chemist, Co., Ld., Waterworks

Kuala Lumpur,Co.,Selangor

Ld., Shanghai

Ribet, A., partner, Madier, Ribet et Cie., Canton

Ribi, E. C., chancellor, Swiss Legation, Tokyo

Riby, F. A., manager, Sea View Hotel Ld., Singapore

Ricard, M. J. C., acting deputy Postal Commissioner, Changchun



Rice, W. B., assistant secretary,Seth,

T. J., chartered accountant, Tevener

Raven Trust

Co., Shanghai


Rice, W. R., director, West Coast Life Insurance Co., Shanghai

Rich, F. M., instal. supt., Socony-Vacuum Corporation, Manila

Richard, C., manager, E. O. Gammeter & Co., Singapore

Richard, G. P. B., secretary, Brossard Mopin Establissements, Singapore

Richard, J. J., manager, National United Co., Hongkong

Richards, A. F., governor and commander-in-chief, British North Borneo

Richards, A. P., mgr., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (North China), Ltd., Tientsin

Richards, C., manager, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Export Co., Manila

Richards, D. I., Tipper & Co., Tientsin

Richards, E. C., assist., Hongkong & Shanghai Bank, Manila

Richards, E. S., attorney, Socony-Vacuum Corporation, Iloilo

Richards, F. B., agent, Hanson, Orth & -Stevenson, Inc., Cebu

Richards, L., Anglo French & Bendixens, Ld., Singapore

Richards, L. H., assistant, Liddell Bros. & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Richards, T. J., inspector of works, Public Works department, Hongkong

Richardson, A. J., proprietor, A. J. Richardson & Co., Shanghai

Richardson, C. S., manager, Nai Lert, Bangkok

Richardson, G. F., secretary, International Underwriters, Shanghai

Richardson, J. D., surveyor, Revenue Survey Branch, Perak

Richardson, J. E., engineer P.W.D., Hongkong

Richardson, J. M., factory supt., Simmons Company (Chicago), Shanghai

Richardson, L., financial officer, F.M.S. Railway, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

Richardson, R. J. D., director, Thabawleik Tin Dredging, Ltd., Perak

Richardson, W. A., Whiteaway, Laidlaw & Co., Ld., Hankow

Ridhelmann, D., agent, Netherlands Trading Society, Singapore

Riches, E. J., director, McAlister &; Co., iLd., Singapore

Riches, H. G. G., Sime, Darby & Co., Ld., Singapore

Richmond, Dr. G. ID., medical practitioner, Yokohama

Riohmond, H., engineer, F.M.S. Railways, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

Richmond, J. F., assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Hongkong

Richmond, W. J., Lowe, Bingham & Matthews, Shanghai

Richter, Hans, assist., Baist & Co., Canton

Rickard, F. S., controller, Government Monopolies Department, Singapore

Rickards, Jose, director, Philippine Land Improvement Co., Manila

Ricketts, W. R., director, Ricketts, Turner & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Rickman, A. J., acct., Centrosojus (Eng.), Ld., Hankow

Riekmond, J. F., accountant, Socony-Vacuum Corporation, Haiphong

Ricks, H. L., sales manager, Shanghai Horse Bazaar, iShanghai

Riddle, E. R., supt., R. C. A. Communication, Inc., Manila

Riddell, J. A., manager, Robinson Piano Co., Ld., Selangor

Riddell, Dr. J. D., Evan-Jones & Riddell, Shanghai

Riddell, T. W., assist., Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Hongkong

Riddell-Carre, assist., Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Shanghai

Ride, L. T., professor of physiology, Hongkong University, Hongkong

Ridgway, Dr. J. W., dentist Shanghai

Ridgway, L. P., assist, engr.-in-chief, iShanghai-Nanking Railway, Shanghai

Ridley, J., assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co. (P.I.), Ld., Manila


Riech, H.,F. Carl

G., m«,r.,


& Co.,andChemulpo

Civil Engineer Dept., Harbour Board, Singapore

Riege, W., signs jointly, Jebsen & Co., Shanghai

Rieger, John, manager, Savoy Hotel, Shanghai

Rielly, P. C. partner, Rielley, Simmons & .Milne, Shanghai

Riem, C. G., mgr., Nederlandshe Indische Randelsbank, Shanghai

Riemer, E.J.,B.signs

Rienstra, C., dir.


pro., Imperial

Banque FrancoChemical Industries

Chinoise, Tientsin (China), Ld., Foochow

Rievera., M. Inglesias,

Rigby, R.W.E.,E.,secretary, consul-general for Peru, Hongkong

Rigby, assist, Hanson,

protectorOrth & Stevenson,

of Chinese, Inc., Protectorate,

Chinese Davao, P.I. Malacca


Riggio, L., signs per pro., Clerici, Bedoni & Co., S. A., Shanghai

Riggs, S. C., Sworn Measurer, Shanghai

Righini, G. F., general manager, Righini Co., Ld., Shanghai

Rignot, J., branch manager, Assurance Franco-Asiatique, Tientsin

Riis, R. G., asst, sales mgr., San Miguel Brewery Inc., Manila, P.I.

Riley, F. L., assist, commissioner of Police, [Lower Perak

Riloff, N. P., representative, Eitingon-Schild Co., Tientsin

Rimmer, W. G., assistant, Smith, Bell & Co., ILd., Manila

Rimsha, N. Y., attorney, Asiatic Trading Corporation, ILd., Hankow

Rinas, G., engineer, Asiatic Trading Corporation, Ld., The, Hankow

Rincon, M., manager, El. Hogar Filipino, Manila

Rind, G. M., Mercantile Bank of India, Ld., Kuala Lipis

Ringenbach, Dr. J. E., medical officer, Chinese Maritime Customs, Canton

Ringer, F. E. E., vice-consul for iSweden, Holme Ringer & Co., Nagasaki

Ringer, M. C. G., assist., Holme, Ringer & Co., Nagasaki

Ringer, S. A., vice-consul for Norway & Portugal, H. Ringer & Co., N’saki

Ringer, V., assist.,

Ringnalda, Holme, Ringer

G., manager, Asiatic& Co., NagasakiCo., Ld., Cebu


Ringwalt, A. R., consul, American Consulate, Yunnanfu

Ripken, Dr. G., vice-consul for Germany, Singapore

Riswold, L., International Harvester Co., Manila

Ritch, H., Kuenzle and Streiff Inc., Zamboanga

Ritchie, A., chartered accountant, Lowe, Bingham & Matthews, Hongkong

Ritchie, A. A., agent, Chartered Bank of India, etc., Medan, Sumatra

Ritchie, F. G., partner, Ritchie & Bisset, Singapore

Ritchie, J. A., partner, Palmer and Turner, Hongkong

Ritchie, J. S., sub-acct., The Mercantile Bank of India, Ld., Shanghai

Ritchie, W. W., secretary, Directorate General of Posts, Shanghai

Rittmueller, F., mgr., Deutsch-Asiatische Bank, Tientsin




d’Affaires, Chilean

Insular Legation,

Guaranty Co., Tokyo


Rivera, J. L., secretary, Zullig, Inc., Manila

Rivera, M. C., lawyer, Rivera, Pascual & Alba, Manila

Rivera, N., secretary, Mount Arayat Sugar Co., Manila

Rivero, J. A., Dodwell & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Rivers, E. G., assist., Ker & Co., Manila

Rix, H., signs per pro., Telge & Schroeter, Shanghai

Rix, H. Rodway, Maxwell & Kenion, Perak

Rizaeff, H. M. D., Real estate and Mortgage Broker, Shanghai

Robarts, R. M., asst., Jardine Engineering Corp., Ld., The, Hongkong

Robb, A. G., surveyor, Survey dept., F.M.S.

Robb, A. R., brandh manager, Fraser & Neave, Ld., Perak

Robb, D. S., chartered accountant, Lowe, Bingham & Matthews, Hongkong

Robb, G. A. L., assist., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (North China), Ld., Hankow

Robb, John C., pres., Romar Publishing Co., Manila

Robb, L. T. A., partner, Robb & Nilsson, Penang

Robb, W., editor & manager, American Chamber of Commerce, Manila


Robert, Dr. H. H., chairman,

E. L., medicalMalayan

officer, Collieries

Medical Ld.,


Johore Bahru, Johore

Roberton, W. R. S., assist., Central Agency, Ld., Shanghai

Roberts, A. H., proprietor, Victoria Printing Press, Hongkong

Roberts, Rev. B. C., Bishop, St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore

Roberts, C. C., signs per pro, Butterfield & Swire, Hongkong

Roberts, F. B., manager, Nestle & Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co., Selangor

Roberts, F. D., signs per pro., Butterfield & Swire, Swatow

Roberts, G. G., assist, auditor, Audit Department, Penang


Roberts, I.J. E.,C.,chartered accountant,and

assist., Hongkong Thomson & Co.,Bank,

Shanghai Hankow


Roberts, J. Duncan managing director, Duncan Roberts, ILd., Singapore

Roberts, J. H., senior executive engr., Public Works Dept., Kuala Kangsar, Perak


Roberts, J. V., director, Dunlop Rubber Co. (Straits Settlements), Ld., S’pore

Roberts, R., hotel manager, Wagons Lits Terminus Hotel, Hankow

Roberts, R. A., Yorkshire Insurance Co., Ld., Tokyo

Roberts, IJ, J., assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co. (N.O.), Ld., Shanghai

Roberts, R. W., mgr., Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China, Tientsin

Roberts, W. H., executive engr., Public Works dept., Kuala- Lumpur, [Selangor


Robertson,W. A.,

J. D.,director,

Asiatic Petroleum

John Little Co.,•&(South

Co., China), Ld., Hongkong

Ld., Singapore

Robertson/ A. jG., assistant, Neill &

Robertson, C. A., American Consulate, Shanghai Bell, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

Robertson, C. B., engineer, Public Works dept., Hongkong'

Robertson, C. M., service mgr., Honigsberg & Son, Shanghai

Robertson, E. T., jr., Robertson & Son, Edward T., Shanghai


Robertson, G,G., district



Pipe (Far B.East) Ld., Hongkong

N. Borneo

Robertson, H., assistant, Smith, Bell & Co,, Ld., Manila

Robertson, H. L. signs

Robertson, James, per pro.,

director, Ker && Co.,

Guthrie Co., Ltd.,


Robertson, J., Hongkong & Kowloon Wharf & Godown Oo., iLd., Hongkong


Robertson, J.,J. sub-accountant,

W., signs per Chartered Bank of India,

pro., Butterfield Australia

& Swire, ri China, Shanghai


Robertson, K. A., accountant, Mercantile Bank of India, Ld . Singapore

Robertson, K. S., engineer, Public Works dept., Hongkong

Robertson, (L. G., Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Hongkong

Robertson, P., manager, Henry

Robertson, R., professor of economic and political science, University, H’kong

Robertson, R. C., assist, commissioner, Municipal Health dept., iShanghai

Robertson, Dr. R. H., Keylock & Pratt, Shanghai

Robertson, T., supt., Municipal Police, Shanghai

Robin, Rene, Governor General of Indo-China, Hanoi

Robertson, W., accountant, American Express Co., Inc., Hongkong

Robertson, W. B., installation supt., Socony-Yacuum Corp., Shanghai

Robertson, W. G., manager, Pure Cane Molasses Co., Hongkong

Robertson, W. H., Singapore Free Press, Singapore

Robey, H. T. G., Yick & Co., Singapore

Robins, A. O., division engineer, Government Power Station, Bangkok

Robinson, A., actuary, Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., .Singapore

Robinson, A. G., senior executive engineer, Public Works dept., F.M.1S.

Robinson, A. P., partner, Drew & Napier, Singapore

Robinson, Capt. C. R. (Tokyo), naval attache, British Legation, Peiping

Robinson, C. IS., engr., International Engineering Co., Bangkok

Robinson, C. W., signs per pro., manager, Eastern and Oriental Hotel, Penang


Robinson,*E.E. C.,

C., dis.-acct.,

district mgr.,


Co., (China), Life

Ld., Insurance

Mukden Co., Tientsin

Robinson, F., Chase Bank, The, Shanghai

Robinson, F., legal adviser, Alor Star High Court, Kedah

Robinson, F. H., chief electrical engineer, Harbour Board, Singapore

Robinson, H. K., Huttenbach, Lazarus & Sons, Perak

Robinson, H G. F., architect, Spence, Robinson & Partners, Shanghai

Robinson, J., Bradley & Co., Ld., Swatow

Robinson, J. L, Far Eastern Drug Trading Co., Shanghai

Robinson, J. L., manager, A. C. Burgess & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Robinson, J. L., manager, Collier & Stephenson, iShanghai

Robinson, P.K. M.,

Robinson, H., Texas Co.,Malacca

Ld., Hongkong

Robinson, W. G.director, ElectricJardine,

C., insurance dept., Lighting,Matheson

Ltd., Malacca

& Co., Ld., Shanghai

Robinson, W, K., solicitor, Tso ifc Hodgson, Hongkong

Robison, H. D., U.S. Department of Commerce, Shanghai

Robitschek, P., sales manager, Bata Shoe Co., Ld., Singapore

Robson, A., publisher, La Vangardia, Manila


Robson, A. W., assist., Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Robson, C. G. W., director, Edible Products, Ltd., Shanghai

Robson, G. F., manager, dockyard dept., Singapore Harbour Board, Singapore

Robson, J., sales-manager (general division), Wearne, Bros., (Ld., Penang

Robson, J. H. M., managing director, Malay Mail, Selangor

Robson, T.W.E EL

Robson, ., Furness (Far East)

C., assist., Ltd., Hongkong

Hongkong & Whampoa Dock Co.,. Ld., Hongkong

Rocca, Jean, manager, Far East Oxygen & Acetylene Co., Ld., Shanghai

Roces, R. F., president, Roces & Co., Inc., Manila

Rocha, F. P., officer-in-charge, Eastern Extension Telegraph Co., Ld., Macao

Rocha, J. M. da, principal, J. M. da Rocha & Co. and Consul for Costa Rica, Hongkong

Roche, A. A., assist., Caldbeck, Macgregor & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Roche, L., chef du secretariat, French Railways, Hanoi

Rocke, L. L., attorney, Socony-Yacuum Corporation, Manila

Rocker, G., Government veterinary surgeon, Singapore

Rockhaltz, G. O., The! Texas Go. (China), Ld., Hongkong

Rockwell, J., vice-pres., Manila Electric Co., Manila


Rodatz, J.U.,de Manufacturers’

la, accountant, Banque de LTndochine,

representative, Bangkok


Rode, R. H., accountant, Hall & Holtz,

Rode, W. A., manager, Caxton Press, Perak Ld., Shanghai

Rodger, G. S., workshop supt., Hongkong Tramways, Ld., Hongkong

Rodger, H. D., attorney & counsellor-at-law, Rodger & Co., Shanghai

Roger, H. W., signs per pro., Butterfield & Swire (Japan) Ltd., Kobe

Rodger, J., actg. mgr., Central Agency. Ld., Hongkong

Rodger, R. K., signs per pro.. Butterfield & Swire, Tientsin

Rodger, W., town supt.. Sanitary Board, Selangor

Rodgers, H. K., local chairman, Singapore Harbour Board, Singapore'

Rodrigues, E., proprietor, Philippine Trading Co., Manila

Rodrigues, E. V., head of preventive service, Govt. Monopolies dept., Malaccas

Rodrigues, Fernandes, vice-consul for Italy and General Merchant, Macao

Rodrigues, M. G. M., secretary, Peruvian Legation, Peiping

Rodriguez, Mates. H., secretary, Guttridge & Chambers, Inc., Manila

Roe, R. E., managing proprietor, R. E. Roe & Co., Singapore

Roehr, O., International Harvester Co., Manila


Roelli, H.,G.,proprietor,

partner, Carlowitz

Roelli && Co.,

Co., Shanghai


Roeper, C., signs per pro., Fulford & Co., Ld., iSingapore

Roffey, M. H., Professor of Electrical Engineering, University, Hongkong

Roger-Smith, R., manager, Miller Rubber Export Co., Ld., Singapore

Rogers, B. S., assistant, Lane, Crawford, Ld., Hongkong

Rogers, C., assistant, Butterfield & iSwire, Shanghai

Rogers, F. Theo, business manager, Philippines Free Press, Manila

Rogers, O. H., secretary, Huttenbach, Lazarus & Sons, Ld., Singapore

Rogers, R., manager, Liggett & Meyers Tobacco Co., Inc , Manila

Rogers, T., engineer-in-chief, Electricity Supply dept., Municipality, Penang

Rogers, T., foreman, Fogden, Brisbane & Co., Ltd., Singapore

Rogers, Thomas, manager & engr., Penang Hill Govt. Railway, Penang

Rogers, W., engineer, Henggeler & Martin, Ld., Selangor

Rogge, C. H., manager, German China Co., Ld., Shanghai

Rogovin, L. M., manager, Far Eastern Drug Trading Co., Harbin

Rohd, W. C. A., traffic supt., Great Northern Telegraph Co., Shanghai

Rohm, V., manager, Broadcast Tract Press, Changsha

Rohr, Egon, signs per pro., Straits Java. Trading Go., N.Y., Singapore

Rohreke, G., partner, Carlowitz & Co., Shanghai



manager,Brockelmann & Co., Tientsin.Hongkong

Banque Franco-Chinoise,

Rollinson, W. A., manager, Australian Primary Producers Society, Singapore

Rollmann, A., manager, Columeta Oomptoir Metallurgique, Osaka

Romar, C. L., Great Northern Telegraph Co., Ld., Shanghai


Romanoff, T. P., accountant, Astor House Hotel, Tientsin

Rome, F. J. de, headmaster, Queen’s College, Hongkong

Rome, L. de, Hongkong Electric Co., Ld., Hongkong

Romero, F. L.,- proprietor, Romero Electric, Manila

Rommling, gen. mgr., Singkep Tin Exploitatic Maatschappy, Singapore


Rondom, Carlos

J., RonP.,donpublisher, Monday Mail, Manila

& Co., Mukden

Romdon, L., general director, L. Ron don & Co., Ld., Shanghai


Ronvaux, Dr. J., assist.,

A. L., ConsulBayer-Meister

for Belgium,Lucius Yakuhin Gomel Kaisha, Tokyo


Rooke, H. J. D., assistant, Berrick & Co., Ld., Yokohama

Rookledge, F. O., mgr., Singapore Slipway and Engineering Co., Ld., S’porfe

Roos, M. de, assist, manager, Singkep Tin Maatschappy, Singapore

Roos, Yv'. H. de, acting consul-general, Netherlands Consulate, Kobe

Rons, Anton, merchant, Medan, Sumatra

Roque, B., jr., Roque &; Roque, Manila

Roque, V., treasurer, Tionloc, Inc., Manila

Rosa, de la J., manager, Vere & Sons, Co., Manila

Rosa, P., president, Philippine Sugar Estates Development Co., Manila

Rosado, A., president, Philippine Cork & Insulation Co., Manila

Rosado, J., treasurer, Philippine Cork & Insulation Co., Manila

Rosado, II. M., proprietor, Philippine Cork & Insulation Co., Manila

Rosanoft, W. L. accountant, French Book Store, Peiping

Rosario, del J., circulation manager, Philippines Herald, Manila

Rosatsin, J. C., signs per pro., Shanghai Insurance Office, Tientsin


Roscoe, N.F., K.,



Chilian Co., Ld., ofShanghai

Nitrate Soda Propaganda, Tokyo

Rose, Anderson R., manager, Thoresen & Co., Bangkok

Rose, A., Arnhold & Go., Ld., Changsha

Rose, A. V., agent, David Sassoon & Co., Ld., Hankow

Rose, C. A. W., director, British-American Tobacco Co., Ld., Shanghai

Rose, H. H., overseer, Waterworks, P.W.D., Hongkong

Rosel, M. M., director, .Ecole des Mecanisiena Asiatiques, Saigon

Rosen, Dr. G.,Capt.

Rosenberg, secretary

J. W.,of Legation, China Yangtze Rapid S.S. Co., Shanghai

Marine supt.,


Rosenquist, A., sales manager, Hale Tokyo

K, dipl. ing., Holstein to Co., Shoe Co., Manila

Rosenstock, C. W., president, lac., Rosenstock & Co., Manila

Roseveare, R. E., assist, mgr., Goodrich International Rubber Co., Manila

Ross, A., agent, Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, Iloilo

Ross,. A. N., assist, secretary to resident, Resident’s Office, Perak

Ross, A. R., Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld., Tientsin

Ross, B. E., partner, Logan, Ross & Samuel, Penang

Ross, D. A., director, Alex Ross & Co., (China), Ld., Shanghai

Ross, D. E., agent, Canadian National Railways, Yokohama

Ross, D. M., manager, Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corpn., Kobe

Ross, E. C., president, Lime Kilns Inc., Manila

Ross, F. B., director, Wadleigh Commercial, Ld., Singapore

Ross, G. R., Lowe, Bingham & Matthew, Hongkong

Ross, James, lawyer, Ross, Lawrence

Ross, J., director, Port Lament Lumber Co., Manila

Ross, J. A., director, Kyle, Palmer & Co., Ld., Selangor

Ross, J. B., manager, Mercantile Bank of India, Ld., Hongkong

Ross, J. K., signs per pro., Alex. Ross & Go., (China), Ld., Hongkong

Ross, J. W., assist., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (North China), Ld., Shanghai


Ross, Leslie, principal,chartered

S. Hampden, Ross, Leslie,acct.,


Percy Smith, Seth & Fleming, H’kong


Ross-Jackson, G. M., assist, supt.,Company,

T. M. L., Standard-Vacuum Oil Moji Kedah

Survey dept.,

Rossel, L., East Asiatic Co., Bangkok


Rosselet, C. S., manager, Alhambra Theatre, Kowloon, Hongkong

Rossi, G., manager, Rossi & Co., Shanghai


Roth, E.,J. signs

Th. van,permanager, Netherlands

pro., Louis OgliastroTrading

&, Co..Society,


Roth, E., Directorate General of Posts, Shanghai


Rother, K., supt., Dr. E. Telephone

M., representative,

Co., Ld.,Nichizui Trading Co., Ltd., Tokyo


Rother, O., supt., Manila Gas Corporation, Manila

Rothkehl, H., assist., Reuter, Brockelmann Co., Tientsin


Rouban, M.M.,J.,manager, Rieser

assistant, & Co.,& Chefoo

iKelly Walsh, Ld., Hongkong

Rouch, E., mgr. & engr., Ste. Anon, des Anciens Etablissements Arnoult, T’tsin

Rouffaer, H., Java-China-Japan Lijn, N.Y., Shanghai

Rougni, J., French Legation, Bangkok


Rous, J.K.A.,K., assist.,


Whiteaway,National City &Bank

Laidlaw Co.,of Ld.,

New Penang

York, Hongkong

Rouse, Albert, director, McMullan & Co., Ld., Chefoo

Rouse, Arthur, secretary, McMullan & Co., Chefoo

Rouse, H. S., engineer-executive, general works, PAY.ID., Hongkong

Rouse, R., assist,

Rousseau, in-charge,

H., signs ChineseDenis,

per pro., Maritime Customs,

Freres, SaigonTengyueh

Roustan, J., manager, Grand Hotel de Pekin, Peiping

Roux, E., director, Soc. Havraise Indochinoise, Saigon


Rowan,P. A.,

do, manager,

mgr., China Banque de . Indochine,

Dispensary, Hongkong


Rowan, J. G., genl. mgr., Railway dept., Jesselton, British North Borneo

Rowe, C. H., supt., F.M.S. Railways, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

Rowe, O. S. Benbow, sharebroker, Shanghai

Rowland, E. M., supt., F.M.S. Railways, Kuala Lumpur, (Selangor

Rowland, E. V., assist., Dodwell & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Rowland, T. J., assistant, Ramsay & Co., Hankow

Rowson, FI. C., British American Tobacco; Co., Ld., Nanking

Rowswell, R. D., supt. of mails. Posts A Telegraphs, Penang

Roxburgh, A. J. H., Caldbeck. Macgregor. & Co.. Tientsin

Roxburgh, R. R., manager, John I. Thornycroft & Co., Ld., Hongkong

Roy, Fernand, consul for France, Spain, Belgium & Portugal, Amoy

Royan, P. A. V., supt. of Works, P. W. D., Kelautan

Royds, W. M., consul for Great Britain. Seoul

Royey, R., attache commercial, French'Embassy, Tokyo

Roza, A. W. da, prim. Roza Bros., Hongkong

Roza, C. A. da, director, Honekong Canton A Macao Steamboat Co.. Ltd., Hongkong

Roza, E. ID., chartered acct., Lowe, Bingham & Matthews, Hongkong


Rubant,E. J.Francis

M., accouW.,ntant, Texas Co.Tsinan

merchant, (China), Ltd., Canton

Rubenstein, M. H, manager, Sanitary (Steam Laundry Co., Manila

Rubin, P., cashier, National Shoe & Slipper Supply Co., Manila

Rubio', C. P., vice-president, Luzon Stevedoring Co., Inc., Manila

Ruchwaldy, F,, departmental supervisor, John Little Y Co., Ld., Singapore

Rudland, F. H., Lowe, Bingham & Matthews. Shanghai

Budland, T., assistant, Lowe, Bingham & Matthews,- Shanghai

Rudloff, F., signs per pro., Melchers & Co., Shanghai



K., assist.,partner,

Bayer,Koerting, & Co.,Yakuhin

Meister-Lucius Tokyo Comei Kaisha,, Kobe

Rudsit, W., factory-manager, Leather Products Manufacturing Co., Shanghai

Ruebain, B. M.. North China Daily New.* and Herald., Shanghai

Ruiz, Jimenez F., secretary, El. Hogar Filipino, Manila

Ruffiner, Capt. C. M., post exchange officer, American Legation, Peiping


Rule, M.R.T.K.,P., assist,



SurveyExtension .Telegraph

department, Co., Ld., Penang


Rumjahn, D., accountant, Gande, Price cfc Co., Hongkong


Rumjahn, U., principal, U. Rumjahn & Co., Hongkong

Runciman, T. McK., surveyor, Survey Office, Kluang, JohOre

Rupp, A., manager, Swiss Watch Import Co., Kobe

Ruppel, M. H., sales manager, San Miguel Brewery, Inc., Manila

Rushton, A. N., departmental supervisor, John Little & Co., Ld., Singapore

Rushton, G., Haskins & Sells. Manila

Rushworth, E. ID., assistant, Mansfield &: Co., Ld., Singapore

Russell, A., manager, Ournow & Co., Nagasaki

Russell, C., civil engineer, Manila


Russell, C.Dr.M., D.,assist., Ker & Co.,

assistant Iloilosupt., Mental Hospital, Singapore



Russell, Geo., managing director, J.& Co.

D. O., director, W. R. Loxley (China)& Ltd.,

Curnow Co., Hongkong ,

Ld., Yokohama

Russell, G. C. F., proprietor, Russell & Co., Tsingtao

Russell, H. G., assist., Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corpn., Shanghai

Russell, H.

Russell, H. S.,N. manager,

D., controller,


Darby & Co.Monopolies Department,

and Commissioner, Singapore Malacca-


Russell, H. W., assist, general manager, Texas Co., Manila

Russell, J. J., general broker, Russell & Co., and consul for Paraguay, Manila


Russell, R.R. E.,

C., general manager,

sub-account., J. A. City

National RussellBank

& Co.,

of NewSelangor

York, Canton

Russell, W.

Rust, J. W., E., manager. Wharf Dept.,

agent, Far East Superintendence Singapore Harbour

Co.,Legation, Board, Singapore

Ld., Yokohama

Rutgers, F., secretary-interpreter,

Ruttonjee, J. H., Ruttonjee & Son, Hongkong Netherlands Bangkok

Rutz, J., president, Nichizui Trading Co., Ld., Osaka


Ryan, B. .A,■manager,

G., gen. agent,Banque dTndochine,

Canadian Singapore Ld., Yokohama

Pacific Steamships,


Rycroft.L. E. N., agent, Canadian Pacific RailwayLd., Co.. Hongkong

Ryder, J.,A.engineer,

J., assist.,Singapore

Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld.,

Traction Co., Selangor


Ryder, R. R., assist., Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Singapore


Ryon, G.P. G.,L., assist.,


Nationaland CityShanghai

Bank of Banking

New York,Corporation,

Hankow Singapore



K., American

manager, Oriental

Ryssin &Finance

Co., Corpn., Canton


Ryssin, L., managing director, Ryssin & Co., Shanghai


Sabater, Dr.Dr. C.,M., vice-pres.

pres, and &gen.


mgr.,mgr., Sabater


& Co,, Manila


Sabelstrom, G. B„ assist., manager, Union Brewery Co., Shanghai

Sabot, C.,M.,agent,

Sachaii, ChienBanque de LTndo-Chine,

Hsin Engineering HaiphongLd., Shanghai

Co., G.m.b.H.,

Sachs, E. H. L. E., insurance representative, Fuhrmeister & Co., Shanghai

Sachse, R., architect, Hankow

iSadoc, A., signs per pro., Olivier-Chine, S. A., Shanghai

Saegert, H.,

Sainton, W. H.,manager, Medicon,

signs per Ld. (S.A,),

pro., Holme, Shanghai

Ringer & Co., Nagasaki

Sage, R. R., attorney and manager, Socony-Vacuum Corporation, Manila

Sage, W., assistant, Reiss, Massey & Co., Ld., Canton

Saint, Hubert, G. cTe, signs per pro., Credit Foncier d’Extreme Orient, T’sirr


Sainz, V.,W. manager,

H., signs perBank

pro., ofHolme, Ringer &rCb., Zamboanga

the Philinpines, Nagasaki


Sales, G. A., vice-consul for Germany. Hankow

Sales, G.R. R., assist,

C. M., secretary,

principal, SalesManila

& Co.,Trading

Hongkong and Supply Co., Manila


Salet, H., M.vice-presidnet,

M., managingErlanger

dirb'ctpr,andBalatoc Mining

Galinger, Co., Manila



Salmon, C. S., agent, Insular Life Insurance Co., Manila

Salter, A.H.,J.W.,


E., assistant,

manager, Dodwell


Sir Elly Kadoorie

Co., Ld.,&Hongkong

Pearson & Co.,&Yokohama

Sons, Shanghai

Salter, J., assist, engr., Government Monopolies Department, Singapore


Salter, iS. C'., assist., Dodwell & Co., Hongkong

Salter, W., Jenks, Percival & Isitt, Tokyo ■ '


Salvesen,B., A.


E., Bodiker & Co., Hongkong

engr.-in-chief, East Asiatic Telegraph’ Ce., Shanghai

Samarcq, L.. ragr., Societe Francaise de Navigation de Tongkou, Tientsin ’

Sammann, Paul E., merchant, Shanghai

Sammy, P., partner, Johannes & Sammy, Singapore

Sampedro, Jose, president, Hercules Lumber Co., Manila

Sampedro, P., manager, Philippine Net & Braid Manufacturing Co., Manila

Sampedro, T. M., mgr. & treas., Tuasow & Sampedro Inc.. Manila

Sample, J. C., assist., gen. mgr., Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Yokohama

Samson, A.R.H.,T.,managing

Sampson, factory manager,



Furnishing Cp.,Farm

& Dairy Shanghai

Go., Shanghai

Samson, V. K., proprietor, Lagespi Bookbinding Co., Manila •

Samuel, C. R., partner, Logan, Ross & Samuel, Penang

Sanborn, Henry F., manager, The Pleasanton, Kobe ,

Sanchez, A. M., attorney, Clarke *fe Larkin, Manila


Sanchez, P.H.,G.Goodrich International

Y., Pharmacist & prop!,Rubber Co., ManilaDrug. Store, Manila.

San Marcelihg

Sande, G. van der, passage dent., Royal

Sander, A., partner, Sander, Wider

Sander, R., signs per pro., Sander, Wider & Co., Hongkong

Sanders, H.C.W.,E.assistant.

Sanderson, Pritchard-&

R., solicitor, Russ & Co.,Cci.,Hongkong

Ld., Penang


Sanderson, W„ J., Inspector

R. P.,supt.

director, of Mines, Perak


House Hotel,

Sanderson, engineer, SteamLd-,Navigation

Tientsin Co., Ld., Hongkong

Sandes, C. L., Layton & Co., Hongkong

Sandlin, J. H., general service manager, General Motors (Japan), Osaka

Sandor, TL, vice-pres., American Oriental Finance Corporation, Shanghai

Sandor, H., sales dept., Asia Realty Co., Shanghai

Sandor, T„ managing

Sandreczki, director,

O., secretary, German Hugo, Reiss. &Bangkok

Legation, Co., Shanghai

Sands, F. C., mang. director, Malaya Publishing House, Singapore

Sands, G. E., lights dept., Chinese Maritime Customs, Amoy

Sands, P. C., asst. dist. ehgr., Municipality, Singapore

Sandstrom, C. E., accountant, Socony-Vacuum Corpn., Canton

Sandstrom, E. R., mgr., National City Bank of New York, Cebu

Sandt, P., Reuter Brockelmann & Co., Shanghai

Sandt, W., Reuter Brockelmann & Co., Shanghai

iSanft, J., Hirsh runner & Co., Shanghai

Sandys, D. J., mgr., British-American Tobacco Co. (Straits), Ld., Singapore, Selangor


Sanger, H., divisional manager, Imperial

Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.,Chemical Industries (China), Ld., Dairen


Sangon, F. M., attache, French Consulate, Singapore

Sanny, A. R., chief clerk, Banque de ITndochine, Tientsin

Sansom, G. B., commercial counsellor. British Embassy, Tokyo

Sanson, C.D.,H.,secty

Santiago, Commissioner

& mgr., P.ofB. Police,


Water Co.,, Manila

Santos, A., asst, manager, PaombongCo.,

Santiago, F., acct., Philippine Book ManilaCo., Manila



Santos, C. A. dos, assistant interpreter, Netherland Legation, Bangkok

Santos, J.F.,deassist,

Sousa,treas., Romar

Consul PublishingBangkok

for Portugal, Co., Manila

Santos, J. A., secy, of Justice, Government, Manila

Santos, Jesus J., secy. & treas., Cebu Portland: Cement Co., Manila

Santwico, A., assist,Shanghai

Sarda, F., lawyer, secty, Fidelity

Sarda, R., agent, Banquede

Sargeant, P. A , engineer, Shanghai LTndochine, Haiphong

Sargent, C. B. R,, headmaster, Diocesan, Boys’ School, Hongkong

Sargent, T. P., district engineer, F.M.S. Railways, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor


Sarkies, A., managing partner, Eastern and Oriental Hotel, Penang

Sarnoff, D., president. Radio Corporation of the Philippines, Manila


Sass, J., H., mgr., ifCredit

C. lilies Foncier d’Extreme Orient and consul for Belgium, Singapore

c Co., Tokyo

Sasson, C.SirH.,V.,deputy

Sassoon, director,commissioner of Police

E. D. Sassoon Perak

Banking Co., Ltd., Hongkong

Sator, A., merchant, Shanghai

Satterfield, F. M., acct., National

Sauer, A., merchant, Sauer & Co., Peiping City Bank of New York, Manila

Sauer, J., Societe des Cimemts Portland Artificiels 'de L’Indochine, H’phong

Sauer, M. J., Diethelm & Co., Saigon

Sauerbeck, H., assist, director. Cl ient Tobacco Manufactory, Hongkong

Saul, W. E. M., vice-president and assist, manager, Hoskyn & Co., Inc., Iloilo


Saunders, J.J. J..H.,Hogan

director,& Ivens,

Pritchard & Co., Ld. (Ipoh), Perak


Saunders, J. W. T., deputy Harbour master. Pennag

Saunders, W., assist., Asiatic PetroleumCo.,Co.Singapore

Saunders, T. W., assistant, Derrick & (South China) Ld., Foochow

Saunderson, M., Jardine Engineering Corp., Ld., Shanghai

Saunderson, T. P., assist., Hongkong Electric Co., Ld., Hongkong

Saussine, E., attache commercial, French Legation, Peiping

Sauvayre, J., Raw Silk Exporter, Shanghai

Savage, E. S., director,

Savage, Enterprise Tobacco Co.,, Ltd., Shanghai

Savage, E.G.,W., manager,general,

postmaster Federated Engineering

Johore Co., Ld., Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

Savage, O. F., architect, Swan & Maclaren, Singapore


Savi, Y.W.G., F.,chiefbranch

policemanager, Asia Life Insurance Co., Manila

officer, Singapore

Savul, F. D., manager, A. I. Savul & Co.,University,

Savio, Rev. A., s. j., chancellor, Aurora Shanghai Shanghai

Savul, A. R„ proprietor, A. I. Savul & Co., Shanghai


Sawyer, A. W.,H. R., vice-consulassist.,

installation for Great

AsiaticBritian, SeoulCo., Shanghai



Sawyer, J.J. B.,

C., vice-consul

Keller & Co.. for U.S.A.,

Manila Shanghai


Sayer, G.R.R.,F.,director

accountant. Nestle and

of Education, Anglo Dept.,

Education Swiss Hongkong

Condensed Milk Co.,'Singapore?

Sayers, E., assist., Netherlands India Commercial Bank, Singapore

Sayers, F. R., chief Health officer, Medical dept., Singapore

Sayers, M., merchant. Singapore

Sayers, W., overseer, Waterworks, Public Works dept., Hongkong

Sbath, J., manager, Azadian-Societe Anonyme, Shanghai


Scanlon, T.R.R.,Q.,general

architect, Hemmings


Sun Maid Raisin Hankow

Growers’ Association, Shanghai

Scarborough, F., secretary, Kennedy, Burkill

Schaal, W., signs p. p., Dr. Carlos Jahrling, Manila & Co., Ld., Penang

Schaare, E., dir., Yiegelman, Schroeder, & Co., Inc., Manila

Schaefer, K., secretary, German Consulate, Kobe

Schaefer, R.,

Schaefer, Kurt,representative,

manager, Kunst Siber& Hegner

Albers, Shanghai

& Co., Osaka


Schaik, Th.O.,

W. manager,

van., O.


manager, Osaka

Singkep Tin Maatschappij, Singapore

Schall, EL, manager, Singapore Rubber Works, Shanghai


Schalow, E. G. Bayer,

E., assist., J., assist,Meister-Lucius

manager, Royal PacketGomei

Yakuhin Navigation



Schalzmann, A., Kuenzle and Sfreiff Inc., Cebu

Scharff, Dr. J. W., medical dept.,' Penang

Scharffenberg, W.

Scharffenberg. P., chief chancellor,& German

A., Henderson Embassy, Peiping

Co., Tientsin

Scharnhorst, E. G., accts. dept., Arnhold k

Scharpf, O., signs per pro., C. A. Weber & Co., Shanghai Co., Shanghai

Schatzmann, A., Kuenzle & StreifF, Inc., Cebu

Schaub, W. A. L., manager, N.V. Straits Java Trading Co., Singapore


Scheeffer, E., assist., Deutsch-Asiatische Bank, Shanghai

Scheel, Dr. E., Doitsu Senryo G. K., Tokyo

School, Paul, counsellor, Danish Legation, Tokyo

Scheide, H., assistant,

Scheithauer, H., Schnabel,Melchers

Gaumer& Co.,

&■ Co'Shanghai

., Hankow

Scheie, A.

Schenitzki, D. van buren, procurator, Van NieMukden & Co., Medan

Schenk. P. A.,R., manager,

accountant, Lothar& Marcks,

Schmidt Co., Canton

Schenkel, E., Zullig, Inc.. Manila


Scherzer, E. A., A. I.,general

manager, L. Kosloff,

manager, Maaz Shanghai

(Robert) Import Co., Shanghai

Scheunig, W., treasurer, Manila Gas Corporation, Manila

Scheuten, A., American Trading Co., of Japan, Osaka

Schick, R., signs per pro., Schmidt it Co., Peiping

Sehicler, R., Dyes dept.. .1 ebsen & Co., Canton

Schiess, J., manager, Diethelm & Co., Ld., Penang

Schiesser, A. L„ director, Amalgamated Theatres, Ltd., Singapore


Schillemans, O., C.proprietor,

F., consulSchiffner & Co.,,Singapore,

for .Belgium Saigon



Schilling,' W ., Becker &

E. J.,International Co.,

signs per pro.,Osaka

The Chase

Schimitt, A., Harvester Co., Bank,


Schinazi, L. R., China Import & Export Lumber Co., Shanghai


Schindler, J.K.,P.,signs per pro.,Banque

manager, Schnabel, Gaumer & Co.,

de ITndo-Chine, Tientsin


Schindler, K., manager, W. Koreska, Shanghai

Schink, H.,

Schink, G., accountant

accountant, and Zais,public auditor,

Steinman &, Co.;Shanghai


Schippers, N. C., director. Rising Sun Petroleum Co., Ltd. The, Yokohama

Sehirmer, A., secretary, Skodaworks, Shanghai


Schirmer, F., H.,assist.,


Co., Dairen

Sehirmer, W. H., assist., lilies &.Co..'Kobe

Schirbaum, Paul, Carl Wolter & Co., Chemulpo

Schleipen, Frank, vice-president, Heticock &: Co., Manila

Schlemper, W., proprietor, Industury Trading Cq,, Shanghai

Schlee, R., J.,director,

Schlittler, Kuen?leAnderson

ifc Streiff&Inc.,

Co., Zamboanga

Ld., Shanghai


Schloemer, G., M., International

signs per pro., Harvester Co.', Manila and Bank Co., Tientsin

China ,Ex:port-Import

Schloss, G. S., treasurer, China Fibre.

Schlumbom, P. manager, Menzi ^ Co.,.Inc., Manila Container Co., Shangha


Schmaltz, W., vice-consul P. E., assist,, Doitsu Senryo

for Germany, Kobe Gbmei Kaisha, Kobe


Schmidt, C.E.F., A.,


partner, O.Melchers

H. Anz&&Co.,Co., & acting consul for Norway, Chefoo

Schmidt, assistant, Reuter, BrockelmannHongkong & Co., Tientsin


Schmidt, H., assistant, Melchers & Co.,&Hongkong

G. R., signs per pro., Ahrens Co., Nncbf H., Kobe

Schmidt, Dr. H., Physician & Surgeon, Tsingtao

Schmidt, H. G., assist., lilies & Co., Kobe


Schmidt, J.J., H., assistant, Melchers

Bethlehem Steel &Export

Co., Shanghai

Corporation, Manila

Schmidt, P.,

Schmidt, P., proprietor,

proprietor, Schmidt

Schmidt && Co.,

Co., Tokyo


Schmidt, R., signs surveyor,

Schmidt, Thomas, per pro., Carlowitz

Yokohama& Co., Hongkong

Schmidt, Dr.manager,

W., representative, Windsor & Co., Bangkok

Schmitz, P., Schmitz & Co., OsakaTraders Co;, Ld., Chefob

Schmitz, C., Shantung

Schmitt, A.H.,W.,manager,

Schmuser, assist, manager,

Edward Macleod

Evans & &.Co., CebuTientsin

Sons, Ld.,

Schnack, O., signs per pro., Carlowitz & Co., Mukden



Schneider, A.., assist., Mee-Yeh Handels Gornpagnie, Shanghai

Schneider, C. A., signs the firm, Oarlowitz & Co., Canton

Schneider, F., assist.,

Schneider, Fr., Berlipro.,Jucker

signs per Ahrens& Co.,


Schneider, G.,

Schneider, Chien Hsinof Engineering

G., secretary chancery, German Co-., Shanghai

Embassy, Tokyo

Schneider, O.,

Schneider, H., Melchers

assist., jebsen Co &, Shanghai

Co., Canton

Schneider, W., partner, Bergmann & Co., Kobe


Schnupp, W.,F. supt.,

K., manaeer,

Abuiay Schnitzler

PlantationSons, Manila

Co., Manila

Schnurmacher, L., consul for Czechoslovakia, Manila

Schoch, A.F.,F.,agent.

Schoene, Siemssen

New ckZealand

Co., Hankow

Insurance Co., Ld., Yokohama

Schoenfeld, C., assist., Doitsu Senryo Gomei Kaisha, Kobe


Schoeps, A., secretary, German Consulate,&Tientsin

H., signs the firm, Oarlowitz Co., & Consul for Finland, Tientsin

Schoevaart, J. J., accountant, Deli Railway Co., Medan, Sumatra

Schoff, A. L., manager, commercial car division. General Motors (Japan), Ld., Osaka

Schofield,H.W.,F., 1stmanager,

Scholtz, magistrate, Central Magistracy,

International EngineeringHongkongCo., Inc., Bangkok

Schont'en, Th. C., managing director, Trading Co. “ Holland,” Singapore

Schools, M., consul for Belgium, Sumatra

Schradieck, E., attorney, Socony-Yacuum Corpn., Manila

Schrameck, E., supt., Hale Shoe Co., Inc., Manila


Schramm, E.C. J.,G., branch

Paul Schramm

manager,&JardineCo., Yokohama

Engineering Corporation, Ld., Harbin

Schramm, E. W., Wm. Meyerink & Co., Shanghai

Schraube, R., partner, Sobbe, H., Hankow

Schreck, H„ general manager, Schoeller-Bleckmann Phoenix Seiko, K.K., Tokyo


Schreiner, F.,

H., manager,

signs per Singkep

pro., Ahrens Tin Maatschappy,

& Co., Tokyo Singapore

Schreven, M. J. van, charge d’affaires,Line,

Schrender, W. A., Java-China Japan Hongkong

Netherland Legation, Bangkok

Schrobitz, B., secretary, German Consulate, Osaka

Schroder, Fritz, secretary, German

Schroder, W., Yek Hua Trading Corporation, ManilaConsulate, Peiping


Schroeder, R.H. L.,C., assistant,

Wolff & Co., Manila Cigar and Cigarette Manufacturing Co., Man? a


Schroeder, W., Viegelmann, Schroeder & Co., Inc., Manila


Schruback, W.D. T., V., manager, Colgate-Palmolive-Peet

assist., Liebermann, Waelchli & Co., Co.,Kobe


Schubert. Paul v., manager, Deutsche-Stickstoff-H.-G., Krauch for

Schubert, A., partner, Reuter, Brockelmann & Co., and Consul Finland,

<& Co., Canton


Schuler, E., signs per pro., Leybold Shokwan,

Schuerman, J. H. H., agent, Nederlands Trading Society, Semarang Tokyo


Kchuhl, F. J.J.,G.,secretary

Melchersand& director,

Co., Tsingtao Crownchina Co., Inc., Shanghai

Schuldt, G., signs per pro., Melchers

Schult, E., Mee-Yeh Handels Compagnie, & Co., Hongkong



Schultz, C., O.,

mgr., treasurer,

Deutsches Zuellig, Inc.,

Bakteriolog Manila

Serolog Institute & Mee-Yeh Handels, STuiL

Schultz, G., signs per pro., Melchers & Co., Hongkong


Schultz, H.

H. E., general

L., assist., British

manager, Cigarette Co., ShanghaiOil Co., Hongkong


Schultz, J., treas., Laguna Sugar Corporation, Manila


Schulz, A.H.,W., chief of chancellor, German

Express Embassy, Tokyo

Schulz, M. H., cashier,

signs perAmerican

pro., Klingelnberg Co.,

Inc., Hongkong



Schulze, W.,Otto,Kohler,

gen. Schulz «fc Grossir,

merchant, Manila Shanghai

Schulze, W., manager, Schmidt it; Co., Tientsin

Schumacher, A. E., manager, and 2nd vice-president, Chase Bank, The, Shanghai


Schumacher, G., assist., Bayer, Meister-Lucius

Schumacher, O., manager, Adeiphi Hotel, Singapore Yokuhin Gomei Kaisha, Kobe

Schuman, A., Cie. Franco Asiatique des Petroles, Haiphong

Schumann, E., secretary, German Consulate, Yladivostock

Schuster, E., Manufacturers’ Agent, Shanghai


Schwartz, S., J.Heacock L., National

& Co.,Trading

Manila & Lumber Co., Kobe

Schwaa-tz, W. G., Taylor &; Co., Seoul

Schweizer, H., assistant, Diethelm & Co., Ld., Singapore

Scbwemer, K., Straits Java Trading Co., N.V., Singapore


Schweyer, A. E.H.,A.,manager,Manila International

Import Co., Manila

Harvester Co., Harbin

Schwob, R., branch manager,

Schwock, K., Menzi & Co.. Manila Siemens China Co., Hongkong

Schwulst, E., vice pres., Philippine National Bank, Manila

Schwyzer, F., vice-president, French Municipality, Shanghai


Scotcher,J. W.K., J.,assist., Shanghai

manager, (signsPower Co., Shanghai

per pro.), Reiss, Massey & Co., Canton

Scotehmer, L. A., Texas Co. (China), Ld., Shanghai

Scott, A. L., Chinese secretary, British Embassy, China


Scott, C.G., A.,Metropolitan-Vickers

overseer, Brossard Mopin Electrical Export Co., Ld.,

Etablissements, Tokyo


Scott, G. L. M., assistant. Smith, Bell & Co., Ld., Manila

Scott, H.G. S.,

Scott, B., assist.,

residentAsiatic Petroleum

secretary, Co., &Ld.,

Liverpool Shanghai

London & Globe Insurance Co., Ltd., S’hai


Scott, H. M., partner, Gilson, Anderson, Butler &&Co.,

H. H., mgr., engineering dept., Hongkong Whampoa

SelangorDock Co., Ld., Hongkong

Scott, H. T., British Consulate, Shanghai

Scott, H. W., electrical engineer, Shanghai Power Co., Shanghai

Scott, I. J. V., representative, Ilford, Ld., Shanghai

Scott, J. W., treas., Nippon Kokusan Kogyo K. K., Osaka

Scott, L. G.,

Scott, P.M. supt. engineer, Peak Tramways, Ld.,Banking


Scott, L.,D.,assist.,

assistant, Hongkong

McAuliffe, Davisand& Shanghai

Hope, Penang Corporation, Shanghai


Scott, R. H., acting consul for Great Britain, Canton Shanghai

R. F., assist., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (N. China), Ld.,

Scott, W. N., assist, secretary, Race Club, Shanghai

Scott-Morris, A. M., assist., Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Scott-R.am, H., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (F.M.S.), (Ld., Selangor

Scotten, W. E., vice-consul for America, Saigon

Scotto, L., secretaire adjoint, Chambre de Commerce, Saigon


Scully, C. G.,H.F.,inspector

S., manager, Malaysiam

of Water Works,Tin,P.W.D.

Ld., Perak


Scurr, Capt. Scurr, Tanner & Co., Shanghai

Seaborn, A., assist., British-American Tobacco Co. (China), Ld., Shanghai

Seabridge, G. W., editor,

Sear, D., manager, BarlowStraits

& Co.,Times, Singapore


Searer, H. J., assist, secretary. Miller Rubber Export Co., Ld., Singapore

Searle, E. V., assist., Jardine, Engineering Corpn., Ld., Hongkong


Seath, W.J. H., director, Kelly

P., assistant, Taikoo& Sugar


Ld., Shanghai

Co., Ld., Hongkong

Ses ward, J. A., manager, Guthrie & Co., Ld., Perak

Sebastian, J., assist, manager, L. A. Chee & Co., Manila

Seddon, A. E., barrister-at-law, Platt White-Cooper & Co., Shanghai

Sedwick, N. A., magistrate, Police Court, Johore


Sedgwick. R.C. G., E., commodore,

agent, Hongkong Naval&Establishment,

Shanghai Banking Hongkong

Corpn., Foochow

Seeberg, Ths., managing director, Aall & Co., Tokyo

Seeberger, G., Alhambra Cigar and Cigarette Manufacturing Co., Manila

Seegel, H., assist.,

Seegelken, Mee-Yeh

F., assist., Handels

Carlowitz & Co.,Cie., Shanghai


Segalen, Y., agent, Banque de ITndochine, Haiphong

Seiboth, J., assist, mgr., Asiatic Commercial Corporation, Manila



Seidel, C. A., Linfman University, Canton

Seide, M„ assist., East Asiatic Co., T,d., Harbin


Seifferb, W., signs E., assist, accountant,

per pro., Siam Electric

Griffith (1932), Corpn.,

Ld., T. E., Ld., Bangkok


Seimund, C. F., Registrar of Vehicles, Sanitary Board, Selangor


Seitz, 0.Dr.L..E.,J.director,

game warden, Selangor

Asia Medical

Life Insurance Co., Shanghai ,

Selby. A. R., Govt. Dept.. Hongkong.


vSelga, M., dir.. Weather Bureau, Manila Ld., Singapore

M. R, signs per pro.. Wm. Jacks & Co.,


Selig, G., jr., assist.,Winckler

Winckler& Co..&' Co..Yokohama


Selig, G.,

H., partner.

assist., Winckler & Co.. Yokohama

Selkirk, T. R., director, Forbes Munn & Co., Ld., Manil-l

Sellar, A. M„ director, Sime, Darby & Co., Malacca

Sellar, J. G. sub-acct.. Chartered Bank of India, Australia

Seller, A. M.. director, Huttenbach, Lazarus & Sons, Penang

Sellers, D., Pekin Syndicate, Ld., Shanghai

Sellers, E. G., managing-director, Muller & Phipps (Malaya), Ld., Singapore

Selles, J.H.W.,A.,manager,

Sellers, managingN\director, Muller, Semarang

Y. Velodrome, Phipps & Sellars, Ld., Osaka

Selles, J.. partner, Selles Hermanos, Kobe

Sellick, S. S., signs per nro., Arnhold & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Semper, G., assistant, Melchers & Co., Tsingtao


Sen, W. N.,Y., deputy


Singapore ColdMedical Storage Co., Ld., Singapore

Senda,Dr.M.,P. director, Senda Co., officer.

Ld.. Singapore dept., Pahang


Senf, K.. signs T. K.,permanager, China Amalgamated

pro., Carlowitz & Co., DairenNail and Wire Products Co., Shanghai

Sercey, C. M. R. de. acting deputy commissioner, Directorate General of Posts Shanghai

Serebrennikoff, A. J„ Serebrennikoff & Co., Tientsin

Sergeant, Dr. E. L., Chui’ch Missionary Society Hospital, Hangchow


Serrano,C.A.,S.,secsurveyor, Survey

y., General Office, Johore

Investment Corpn., Manila


Service, J. P.,

S., mgr., Kwangtung

vice-consul for Silk Agency,

United States, Canton


Seth, .1. H., incornorated accountant, Percy Smith, Seth & Fleming, Hongkong

Seth, K. A., barrister-at law, Sisson

Seth, S. A., director, Millington, Ld., Shanghai & Delay, Singapore


Seventer, A..1. van, van, Asiatic


Singkep Co., Tin Maatschappy.

(South China) Singapore

Ld., Hongkong

Severien, K., assist, mgr., Behn,

Sevilla, J., manager, Mercavilla Printing Co., Meyer i f c Co., Manila

H. Mij., Manila

Sewell, G. W., representative, Federation of British Industries, Hongkong ,

Seybold, J. E., vice-president. International Insurance Office, Shanghai

Sever, E. K., assist., Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.), Ld., Foochow

Seyfarth, O. O, treasurer and secretary, American Trading Co. of Japan, Ld., Kobe

Seymour, C. E., mgr.. Dollar Co., Tientsin

Seymour, E. F., partner, Theodor & Rawlins, Shanghai


Shabas, H.,F.manager,

L., assist..Karagheusian

British Cigarette American Co., Ld., Mukden

Corpn., Tientsin


Shackleton, J. C. B..


director, University.

Wattle & Canton

Co., Ld., Shanghai

Shaduri. V.E.,N.,auditor.

Shafer, F.A., traffic dept.. Chi Tung Tobacco Co., Ld., Harbin

Shainin, manager. 1.PacificShainin Commercial


Shanahan,S. W. F., J.,acct., Tientsin

assist.. Commercial

Harrisons, King &Commercebank

Irwin, Shanghai& Credit Corp., Inc., Tientsin

Shank, C. L.,C.manager,.

Shann, Rev. EasternHall.Mercantile

B., St. John’s University, ife Construction

Hongkong Co., Ld., Hongkong

Shannon, O. J., assist., Hongkong and Shanghai BankingManila

Shannon, J. W., assistant, Socony-Vacuum Corporation, Corpm, Hongkong ,

Shannon, P. J., inspector of Police, Penang :


Shannon, R., Inspector of Police, Hongkbng

Shannon, W., chief detective inspector, Police Headquarters, Hongkong

Shanton, J. R. L., Ohina Underwriters Ld., Hongkong

Shanvoir, J. S., Hogg & Co., Canton


Sharma, N., signsassist,

N. K., per pro., Bernstein

surgeon, MedicalSonsdept.,& Forman,

Johore Tientsin





Pblice, Shanghai

Sharp, A., asisst., Asia Realty Cb., Shanghai


Sharp, C. F., gen. ageht, States SteamshipTobacco Cb., Manila

Sharp, F.J. H.,

E., adviser,


Police dept., Malacca Cb., Tientsin

Sharp, J. M. C., mechanical engineer, Municipality, Penang


Sharpe,W.W.,J. engineer,

Curran, supt. of Posts

Singapore Cold& Telegraphs,

Storage Co.,Malacca

Ld., Singapore

Sharpe, W. B., Anderson Music Co., Ld.; Hongkbng

Sharpin, H. D., manager, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Singapore

Sharps, J. L., assist., China Soap Co., Ld., Shanghai


Shathin, M.,F. general

M., Huttenbach,

manager,; Lazarus and Sons, Penang

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Co., Ld., Tokyo

Shaw, A. L., Socony-Yacuum Corpn., Wuhu

Shaw, D. M., vice-president, American Electric Cb., Manila

Shaw, E. O’Neil, Bangkok Times Press, Ld., Bangkok

Shaw, F. H., assistant manager, General Electric Cb. (of China), Ld., Shanghai

Shaw, F.F. W.,

Shaw, Dr. L., headmaster, Victoria Institution, Education dept., Selangor

Shaw, G. I.,Geo.medical



charge, Wanchai Hospital, Hongkong

Shaw, G. L., merchant, Antung


Shaw, J.J., A.,

sub-editor, Hongkong

dept, manager, 1 'elegraph, Hongkong

Socony-Yacuum Corpn., Hongkong


Shaw, J. R., general agent, CanadianandPacific

J. H., assistant, China Light PowerSteamships,

Co., Ld., Hongkong

Ld., Manila

Shaw, L. W., assist, marine supt., Butterfield


Shaw, N.R. R.,

E., deputy


National City Bank ofChinese Maritime

New York, ManilaCustoms, Mukden

Shaw, R. P., engineer, Public Works department, Hongkong '


Shaw, T.S. G., assist.,

H. R., G, L. Shaw,

manager, Antung

Butterfield & Swire, Hongkong

Shaw, W., first class overseer, Port Development dept., Hongkong

Shaw, W. J., president, Philippine Aerial Taxi Co., Manila

Shaw, W. W., test audit inspr., Federated Malay States Railways, Kuala Lumpur

Shawyer, R. R., pro-consul, British Consulate, Hankow

Shea, E., Hongkong Excavation and Construction Co., Hongkong

Shea, F.F. N.,N.,president,

Shea, Truscon American

general manager, Steel Co. of’Japan, Yokohama

Trading Co., Tokyo

Shea, J. F.,A.,director,

Shea, W. assistant,Gande,


& Co.,& Co., Ld., Hongkong


Shearer, A., assistant, Hongkong and Shanghai 'Banking Corporation, Kobe


Shearn, E.A. D., A. F., Toyo Babcock

advocate Kabushiki

and solicitor, PooleyKaisha,

& Co., Yokohama


Shedden, T. C., assist., Harrisons & Crosfield, Ld., Sumatra

Shedden, W., accountant, Singapore Traction Co.,1 Ld., Singapore


Shefts, proprietor,

per pro., British Electro-Plating

Shefts Bros., Works, Singapore .

Inc., Tientsin.

Shefts, I. B., signs per pro., Shefts Bros., Inc., Tientsin

Sheldon, H. G., barrister-at-law, Hongkong


Shelley, C.L. E.,G.,engineer-in-charge,

Imperial Chemical BritishIndustries, Tientsin

Legation, Peiping

Shelley, R., mdeical officer, Health dept., Singapore Singapore

Shelley, Hon. Mr. M. B., treasurer, Colonial Treasury,

Shellshear, J. L., professor of Anatomy, Hongkong University, Hongkong


■ Shelly, R., inspector,Lazarus

E., Huttenbach, .Municipal Police.Penang

& Sons, Shanghai

■Shenton, Sir William, solicitor, Deacons, Hongkong . ■


Shepherd, D., manager, Commercial Electrotype Co., Manila


Shepherd, J.C. B.,R., sub-accountant, CharteredBank

assist., acct, Mercantile Bankof ofIndia,


Penang& China, Selangor

Sheppard, J. O., freight agent, Canadian Pacific Railway Co., Hongkong

Sheppard, M. C., district officer, Malacca

Sheridan, H. J., assist., Socony-Vacuum Corporation, Shanghai

Sheridan, J. G., assist., British-American Tobacco Co. (China), Ld., Shanghai

Sherlock, Hon. Mr. D. T. J., k.c., chief justice, High Court, Sandakan, B. N. Borneo


Sherriff, A.F.,P.,W.Office manager,

(compiler, Manila

“North Daily

China DeskBulletin, ManilaN. C. Daily News, Shanghai



Sherry, J. manager, Hongkong Telephone Co.,

Shervell, F. J., shipyard manager, Taikoo Dockyard and Engineering Co., Hongkong.

Sherwin, C. E., solicitor, Bailey & Perry, Hankow

Sherwood, J. B., assist., Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Nanking


Shewan, S.,I. J.W., K.,principal,


Asiatic Tomes

Petroleum Co.,Hongkong

& Co., Shanghai

Shewan, manager, Hongkong Import and Export Co., Hongkong

Shiddell, E. B., vice-president, Columbia Gramaphone Co. of Japan, Tokyo

Shield, A., supt., Survey Department, Negri Sembilan

Shields, A. L., director, Green Island Cement Co., Ld., Hongkong

Shields, P. R., supt. engineer, International Export Co., Nanking

Shields, R. T., m.d., dean, college of medicine, Shantung Christian University, Tsinan


Shim, R.,W.manager,

E., assist.,Underwriters



Co., for


the Far East, Inc., Hongkong

Shimada, Y., managing director, Oriental

Shimolin, N. A., gen. mgr., Caravan Tea Trading House, Hotel Ld., The,Harbin


Shinn, C. F., Mustard & Co., Ld., Hongkong

Shirazee, S. A. H., director, Amalgamated Theatres, Ld., Singapore


Shishkin,H.I. C.,H.,travelling

manager, representative,

Asia Export Co.,Canadian

TientsinNational Railways, Yokohama^

Shively, H. W., assist, managing director,

Shnidman, J. S., manager, China Traders Corporation, Goodyear Orient Co., Singapore


Shook, H. W., manager, Manufacturers’ Life Insurance Co., Singapore


Shorland,W.C. W., J. C.,asst,

Parke, Davis &of Co.,

controller Shanghai

Labour, Coast, Selangor

Short, Rev.

Short, C. H.,F.,assist,

London architect,

Mission,Public Works Dept., Singapore



Short, H. A., veterinary

P. G., sub.-acct,, Chartered Bank Perak

surgeon, South of India, Australia and China, Singapore-


Shrap, R.R.,H.,Lingnan University,

assist., Sun CantonCo., Shanghai

Life Assurance


Shroff, B. J.,R.Shroff,

D., secty.,

Son kImperial

Co., KobeChemical Industries (Malaya) Ld., Singapore

Shroff, J. A., Benjamin and Potts, Shanghai


Shrubshall, E. J., assist, conservator,S. Forest

J. P., partner, Mehta & Co., B., Kobedepartment, Negri Sembilan


Shrubsole, C. A. J., Nestles A Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co., Hongkong

Shuter, R. G.H.L.,C.,assist.,

manager, NestleDrakeford

Lindsay, k Anglo-Swiss Condensed

Davis, ShanghaiMilk Co., Singapore-

Shutes, R, F., inspector,

Shwamberg, K. A., merchant, Mukden Mines Department, Selangor

Sian, D. S., Sian k Garde, Manila

Sibiriakoff, I., engr. adviser, Socfin Co., Ld., Kuala Lumpur,. Selangor

Sickel, H., assist., Carlowitz & Co., Hankow

Siddell, A. C., Lingnan University, Canton

Siddons, G., assist., Smalley k Co., Singapore

Sidebottom, L., Smith, Bell k Co., Ld., Cebu

Sidebottom, R., assist., Ewo Cotton Mills, Ld., Shanghai

Sidler, A., consul for Switzerland, Manila

Sieber, B., Hugo Reiss k Co., Shanghai

Siebert, Fr., consul for Germany, Tsinan

Sigmund, F. W., general manager, Lyric Music House, Inc., Manila

Silley, M. L., officer in charge of Police, Raub, Pahang


■ Silva, A. H. de, manager, Silva Trading Co., Shanghai

Silva, B. T. de, manager, Silva, Ld., Singapore


Silva, J.H.R.,Nolasco da, propr., National

sub-accountant, Pharmacia,CityPopular;

Bank ofandNew Netherlands con.-gen’l., Macao

York, Manila

Silva, Dr. L. Nolasco da, barrister-at-law,

Silva, P. M. N. da, share & general broker, Hongkong Macao



B., merchant,


& Co., Chefoo& Co., Hongkong

Sim, John, surveyor, Lloyds Register of Shipping,Australia

Sim, G., sub-account., Chartered Bank of India, Dairen and China, Penang

Simcock, R. A., surveyor, Survey Office, Muar, Johore

Sime, Major

Sime, J. M., director, Sime, Darby

W. M., director, Co., Ld.,

Sime, Darby andMalacca

& Co., acting consul for Sweden, Singapore

Simmie, A. T., vice-pres., Luzon Stevedoring Co., Inc., Manila

Simmie, Geo., vice-pres., Luzon Stevedoring Co.,

Simmonds, E. W., assist, supt., (distribution dept.). H’kong Inc., Manila

& China Gas Co., Ld., H’kong

Simmonds, J. E., Tientsin Land Investment

Simmons, A. E., acct., Hall & Holtz, Ld., Shanghai Co., Ld., Tientsin

Simmons, A. W. J., senior inspector, P.W.D., Hongkong

Simmons, B. W., assist., Hongkong Telephone Co., Ld., Hongkong


Simmons, J.W.A.F.,L.,secretary,

assist, registrar

Hongkong of imports

Tramways,& exports, Dept, of Statistics, Singapore

Ld., Hongkong

Simmons, W. M., National City Bank of New York, Shanghai

Simoes, A. P., assist., Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Yokohama


Simoes, J.C. P.,P., assist.,

assistant, Jardine

Inniss Engineering

and Riddle, Corporation, Ld., Tientsin


Simon, C., assist., Waibel & Co., Hongkong

Simon, J., assist. Cie. Franco-Asiatique des Petroles, Saigon

Simon, L., Cie de Commerce et de Navigation d’Extreme Orient, Saigon

Simon, M., manager, Swan, Culbertson & Fritz, Hongkong


Simon, S.,P. A., vice-consul

secretary, ife Chancellier

French Municipal du Consulat

Council, Cantonfor France, Lungchow


Simonsen, R,, dipl. ing., Doitsu Seiko Kabushiki Kaisha, Osaka

Simper, A. F.,T., cashier*

assistant,Crown-China Co., Hongkong

Singapore Traction Co., Ld., Singapore

Simpson, assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.C.), Ld., North Point, Hongkong

•Simpson, Dr. A. B., physician and surgeon, Singapore

Simpson, A. M., manager, Earnshaw Docks & Honolulu Iron Works, Manila


Simpson, C.C. F.C., J.,partner,

AsiaticJohn G. Campbell

Petroleum & Co.,China),

Co., (South Singapore

Ld., Hongkong

Simpson, E. L., editor, JSivipson’s Agencies, Harbin

-Simpson, G., superintendent, Prison dept., Negri Sembilan

Simpson, J. D., assist., British Cigarette Co., Shanghai

Simpson, J.K. K.,

Simpson, H,assist, engineer*

signs per Shanghai

pro., Borneo Co.,Gas



Simpson, L. P. D., assist., Asiatic Petroleum Co., (,North China), Ld., Tsinan

-Simpson, O. G., Crittall Manufacturing

Simpson, P., partner, Presgrave & Matthews* Penang Co., Ld., Hongkong

■ Simpson, P. V., assist., British-American Tobacco Co. (China), Ld., Shanghai


Siebold, D.,R. assist.,

K. M., professor of English,Co.,Hongkong

Phoenix Chemical Tsingtao University, Hongkong

Siebold, H., proprietor, Phoenix Chemical Co., Tsingtao

Siefken, A., manager, Rosenstock & Co., Inc., Manila


Siem, W., assist., W., Standard

manager, Braid


and &Produce

Co.. Ld.,Co.,Bangkok


Siemens, D., Melchers & Co, Hongkong

Siemers, H., assistant, Behn, Meyer China

Siemssen, F.W., partner, Siemssen & Krohn, Shanghai Co., Ld., Hankow

Siemssen, G. Th., partner, Siemssen & Krohn, Shanghai

Siew, W. T., assistant master, Victoria Bridge School, Singapore

Sifton, J. E., acct., Patons k Baldwins Ld., Shanghai

Sigaut, E., director, International Assurance Co., Ld., Hongkong


Sikat, F. W., manager,

A., treasurer, RocesufeLyric

Co., Music House, Inc., Manila

Inc., Manila


Sikes, L. F. T., Government Monopolies

Sikkes, J. W. T. E., signs p. p., Cultuur Mij. department, Penang Semarang

der Yorstenlander,

Silberman, D., General Contracting Co., Singapore

Silby, R. D. K., assistant, Atkinson & Dallas, Ld., Shanghai


Simpson, R.A.A.E,J.,manager,

inspector,S. Moutrie

Sanitary&dept., Co., Ld., Hongkong


Simpson, R., sub-accountant, Chartered

Simpson, S., assist., Taikoo Dockyard & Engineering Bank of India,Co.,Australia

Hongkong & China, Ipoh Perak

Simpson, S. P., assist., Asiatic Petroleum Co., Shanghai


Simpson, W., A.,Newassist.,

Engineering &and Shipbuilding Works, Ld., Shanghai

Simpson, W. W. C., land bailiff, NestlePublicAnglo-Swiss

Works dept., Condensed

HongkongMilk Co., Hongkong

Simpson, W. F., Watson & Co., Tientsin

Simpson, W. G.,L.agent,

Simpson-Grey, Bradford

C., assist. LabourDyer’s Association,

controller, NegriLd., Shanghai


Sims, D. C., assist., Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Kiukiang


Sims, R., supt. of gaols, Municipal Police, Shanghai

Sin, C.W.M.,S.,manager,

proprietor, Sims && Co.,

Banker Co., Wuchow


Sinclair, A. A., depot manager, John Little & Co., Ld., Perak

Sinclair, A. C., Shanghai Telephone

Sinclair, D. B., assist., Union Insurance Co,, Society

Shanghaiof Canton, Ld., Shanghai


Sinclair, I). M., passenger agent, CanadianFinishing

D. J., director, China Printing & Co., Ld.,Co.,Shanghai

Pacific Railway Tokyo

Sinclair, G., assist, engineer, Public Works dept., Shanghai

Sinclair, G. W., director, Smith, Bell & Co.,

Sinclair, John, manager, George Town Dispensary, Ld., Perak Ld., Manila

Sinclair, R. F., assist, supt., 1st division, Trade and Customs, Sarawak

Sinclair, W. A.,

Sinclair, W. R., manager,

assistant, Redfearn’s

Brown, Phillipps Horse &,Repository, Singapore

Stewart, Penang

Singer, S., assist., American Engineering Corp. (China), Shanghai


Sinon, L.,V.,Societe

managing des engineer, Chien Hsien

Ciment Portland Engineering

Artificiels Co., Hongkong

de ITndochine, Haiphong


Sirtori, W.

Ing. A.,

L., assist., Sun

proprietor, Life Assurance

National Motors Co., of

Co., Canada,

Tientsin Shanghai

Sison, A. E., manager, Manila Tabaqueria, Manila

Sison, Bernado A., part. & secretary, Philippine Education Co., Inc., Manila


Sitina, L.D.N.,G.,passenger

assist., Atkins,

dept., Kroll

Chinese & Co., Inc., Railway,

Eastern ZamboangaTientsin


Sixt, O. A.,S. director,

H. van, local mgr., Keys

Shingming Trading and Co.,Dowdesdell,

Tientsin Selangor


Skeen, Dr.E.D.J.,T.,engineer, Marine officer,

senior medical dept., Singapore

Negri Sembilan


Skelchy,C. C.W.,R.,accountant, CanadianOffice,

British Resident’s PacificNegri Steamships,

SembilanLtd., Hongkong

Skerrett-Rogers, C., partner, Greig

Skey, W. G., store supt., General Rubber Co., Singapore M. W., Foochow


Skidmore, T.S. E., L., British

Consul American

for Portugal,TobaccoHarbinCo., Ld., Shanghai


Skinn, Dr.F. A.L.,J.,harbour

medicalmaster, MarineBlack,

practitioner, Department,

Balean &Perak

Skinn, Hongkong

Skinner, Dr. A. H., medical practitioner, Hankow


Skinner, C. G., assist., Rising Sun Petroleum Co., Tokyo

Skinner, E.F.H. J.,W.,





officer, Papar,it Co.,

Fraser & Neave,

B. N.Shanghai



Skinner, J., radiographer, medical dept.,

Skinner, L. C., assist., Brinkmann & Co., Singapore Hongkong


Skinner, L. D., assist.,Hongkong

Hongkong Shanghai

TelephoneBanking Co., Hongkong

Skiotis, N.O.,D.,assist.,

manager, Skiotis&Bros.,& Co., Peiping Corpn., Kobe


Skipton, P. D., manager, Skiotis Bros. ' & Co., Tientsin

Skoblin, D.G. S.,

S. Kennedy,

manager, assist, treasurer,

(engineering Treasury,

dept.), SkoblinHongkong


Skoblin, L. S., general manager, Skoblin & Co., Harbin

Skoblin, N. S., manager, Skoblin, Co., Harbin


Skoff, F., S.secretary,

F., general manager,

Austrian Skoblin,Tientsin

Consulate, Co., Harbin

Skou, L., vice-pres, Watson & Co., Manila

Skrine, W. V.Y. D.,

Skvortzoff, advocateChina

I., advisor, and public

Tradersnotary, Bannon Shanghai

Corporation, & Bailey, Selangor

Slack, Tom A., manager, British-American Tobacco Co., Ld., Bangkok


Slater, E.A. W.,

W., mgr.,

agentStrong •& Co.; Kobe

and attorney, Maritime Insurance, Co., Ld., Shanghai


Slater, C.G. D., director, McAlister

B., representative, Allen.& Co.,



Ld., Tokyo

Slattery, R. E., assist., Hongkong Electric Co., Ld., Hongkong

Slee, J., manager, Biljartfabriek “Emma,” Sourabaya


Slimon,A.,Dr.2ndJ. assist,

G., Tensecty.,

TonkColonial Secretariat,

Seng’s Hospital, E.M.S.


Sligh, J., director, Sligh & Co., Tientsin

Sloan, J. L, engineer, British Borneo Timber Co., Ld., Sandakan, B. N. Borneo .

Sloot, L.Dr.T.,J.assist.,

Eloper, Stark & McNeill,

S., consultant, Drs. RattrayPenang

& Sloper, Singapore


Slowe, L. E., director, Waugh Co., Penangcapt. of general staff, Polish Legation, Tokyo

Antoni, attache of legation,

Smakman, J. A., engineer, powerplant, Netherlands Harbour Works Co., Mukden

Small, A. O., sub-accountant, Chartered Bank of India, Austr. & China, Saigon

Small, A. S., acting deputy treasurer, Colonial Treasury, Singapore


Smalley, J.C.T.,H., senior

manager, Brooke

medical BondKowloon

officer, India, Ld., Singapore

Hospital, Hongkong

Smalley, O. C., accountant, Smalley & Co., Singapore

Smallfield, E. J., government purveyor, j^sselton, British North Borneo

Smallwood,. I. A. M., local manager., Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ld., Perak;

Smart, A,C.,’ G-Shanghai

Smart, H,, senior'health

and Eastern


Perak Ld., Shanghai

Smart, E. J., supervisor. ExtensionGo.,Telegraph Co., Ld., Penang

Smebye, Rev. E., supt;, Norwegian Missionary Society, Changsha

Smedley, J. F., factory manager, China Import & Export Lumber Co., Ld., Hongkong

Smedley, W. H., accountant, British-American Tobacco Co., Ld., Tsingtao


Smelt, J. W., manager, Rising Sun Petroleum Co.,B.N.B.

Ld., Formosa

Smit, Ir.W.H.A.J.G.,F.auditor, Auditmanager,

E., general dept., Sandakan,

Deli Railway Co., Medan, Sumatra

Smith, A. C., Nestle

Smith, A. G., signs per pro., Sandilands, Buttery & Co., Singapore

Smith, Alex.

Smith, A. E., E.,signs per pro.,

agent, Jardine

Jijtrdine, Engineering

Mathesbn Corp.,

& Co., Ld., Ld., Canton


Smith, A. J. V., assistant, China Light and.Power Co., Hongkong

Smith, A.A. V.,

Smith, M., trade

manager, Asiatic Petroleum

commisssiqner, Co., (North

United States Dept, China), Ld., Kiukiang

of Commerce, Shanghai -t,


Smith, B.A. H.,

Warren, station

assistant, sitph.Bingham

Lowe, Electric&Supply


Municipality, Penang


Smith, B.B. W.,

P., Oriental Consolidated

assist., Findlay Mining& Co.,

Richardson Taracol, Ld.,

Co. (Japan), Chosen


Smith, C., conservator, Forest Dept., Johore

Smith, C., manager, Middleton


Smith, C.C. A., manager, National

A. Middleton, professorAniline and Chemical

of mechanical Co., Tientsin

engineering, University, Hongkong

Smith, C.' E., assistant medical officer, Medical dept., Singapore

Smith, Cecil F., assist., Sime, Darby & Co., Malacca.

Smith, C. H. Chichester, director, Tozai Motors, Ld., Tokyo

Smith, C. H., partner, Donaldson & Burkinshaw, Singapore

Smith, C. J., assist., Burkill &, Sons, Shanghai


Smith, C.C. J.,

J., senior

director.professor of surgery, KJng

Motor Management and Edwaxxl

Finance VII,Go., Medical

ShanghaiCollege, Singapore

Smith, C. P., asst. British adviser, Trengganu


Smith, C.Clinton

W., electrical engineer,Ardath

W. P.,-manager,< Shanghai PowerCo.,Co.,Ld.,Shanghai

Tobacco Shanghai


Smith, D., supt. of mails, Post Office, Dept.,

Smith, D., supt., Posts & Telegraphs Perak Johore

Smith, D. M., assist., Imperial Chemical Industries, Harbin


Smith, E.E. B.D.,Heaton,

director,signs per pro.;

Malayan Gibb,Distributors,

Tobacco Livingston &Ld.,


Ld., Shanghai

Smith, E. G., acting deputy commissioner, Chinesei Maritime Customs, Tientsin


Smith, E.E. G.,

W., assistant, Dodwell

supt. of stores, & Co.,

Royal StateLd.,Railways


of Siam, Bangkok

Smith, F. B., assist., Imperial Chemical Industries (China), Ld., Shanghai

Smith, F. E., assist., Malay Mail, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

Smith, F. E., assist., Shanghai Tug and Lighter Co., Shanghai

Smith, F. H., merchant, Frank Smith & Co., Hongkong

Smith, F. J., manager, The Dispensary, Penang

Smith, F. L., commissioner, Post Office, Hangchow

Smith F. R., managing director, Boyd & Co., Ltd., Amoy

Smith, F. S. W., assist., Dodwell & Co., Ld., Hongkong

Smith, F. S. Whyte, land officer, Land Office, Hongkong


Smith, G.G.C.,T.,director,


Whiteaway, Laidlaw(Far East)& Ltd.,

Co., Hongkong

Ld., Shanghai

Smith, Horace, vice-consul for America, Canton

Smith, H., supt. of Hospitals, Health dept., Municipal Council, Shanghai

Smith, H., surveyor-general of Ship’s Office, Singapore


Smith, H.,H.doctor, Drs. Sloper &Fleming

A., accountant, Smith, Shanghai

Brothers, Perak

Smith, H. E., consul, American Consulate,

Smith, H. M., jr., secretary, Realty Investment Canton Co., Shanghai


Smith, H. T., assist., Butterfield & Swire,director,

H. Staples, consul for Norway & mng. Deacons & Co., Ld., Canton


Smith, J., assistant, Imperial Chemical Industries (China), Ld., Shanghai:

Smith, J., acting chief mechanical engr., Kowloon-Canton Railway, Hongkong

Smith, J. A., assist., Shanghai Electric Construction Co., Ld., Shanghai

Smith, J. C., engineer, China Printing and Finishing Co., Ld., Shanghai

Smith, J. E., Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld., Tientsin

Smith, Dr. J. E., medical practitioner, Boon Pharmacy, Penang


Smith,J.J.M.,M.,Kiangnan DockA.& P.Engineering

president, Munning Work & Co.,Shanghai


Smith, J. M., assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Kobe

Smith, J. S., partner, Luhring & Smith, Hongkong

Smith, J. T., chief traffic inspector, Canton-Kowloon Railway, Canton

Smith, L. A., assistant, Phoenix Assurance Co., Ltd., Shanghai

Smith, L. C., special representative, Sanderson Bros. & Newbould, Shanghai

Smith, Lionel F., signs per pro., Liddell Bros. & Co., Ltd., Tientsin

Smith, L. M., Socony-Vacuum Corporation, Yokohama

Smith, M. J., vice-pres., Hanson, Orth & Stevenson, Manila

Smith, N. L. secretary, Secretariat for Chinese Affairs Hongkong

Smith, O. B., branch manager, Borneo Motors, Ld., Selangor ;

Smith, O. H., assist., Robert Dollar Co., iShanghai

Smith, R.,

Smith, R. A.,factory

news mgr.,

editor,Ardalmetal Ld., Bulletin,

Manila Daily ShanghaiManila

Smith, R. D., assist., British Cigarette Co., Shanghai

Smith, R. F., assistant, McAlister & Co., Ld., Singapore

Smith, R. Gunter, acting manager, Nestle & Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co., Penang;

Smith, R. R., British American Tobacco Co., Ld., Shanghai

Smith, R. W., assist., Hongkong Electric Co., Hongkong

Smith, S. C., assist., Paulsen h Bayes-Davy, Shanghai

Smith, S. W., consul for Great Britain, Foochow

Smith, V., commissioner, Post Office, Hankow

Smith, V. M., signs per pro., Adamson, Gilfillan & Co., Ld., Penang

Smith, V. W. G., secretary, Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels, Ld., Shanghai

Smith, W., assist, mgr., New Engineering & Shipbuilding Works, Ld., S’hai;


Smith, W., chief draughtsman, Lands Office, Public Works dept., Hongkong

Smith, W., business manager, Straits Times, Singapore

Smith, W. A. S., Jugra Land k Carey Co., Pt. Swettenham

Smith, W. B., assist., Dollar Line, Ld., Yokohama

Smith, W. E. D., signs per pro., Jardine, Matheson k Co., Ld., Shanghai

Smith, W. F., chief engineer, Philippine Cold Stores, Manila.

Smith, W. F., general sales mgr., General Motors (Japan), Ld., Osaka

Smith, W. G., state storekeeper, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

Smith, W. G., general manager, Smith Navigation Co., Manila

Smith, W. J. Lockhart, assist. Crown Solicitor, Hongkong

Smith, W. K., vice-consul for Great Britain. Bangkok

Smith, W. K., manager, Kung Yik Mills, Jessfield, Shanghai

Smith, W. L., assist., J'ardine, Matheson k Co., Ld., Hankow

Smithers, F. A., financial officer, F.M.S. Railways, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

•Smits, R. E., sub-accountant, Netherlandsch Indisohe Handelsbank, Kobe

Smyth, G. C., supt. engineer, Royal State Railways of S’am, Bangkok

Smyth, Capt. H. M., Municipal Police. Shanghai

Smyth, P., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (North China), Ld., Shanghai

Snell, C. F., assessor, Assessment k Estates dept., Municipality, Singapore

Snell, J. A., president, Soochow Brick and Tile Co., Soochow

Snell, W. F. A., Genl. Accid., Fire k Life Assurance Corporation, Ld., S’hai

Snellen, J. P., secretary, Netherlands Legation, Tokyo

Snoad, J. B., assist., Thomson k Co., Shanghai

Snow, H. L. N., Robertson k Rosier, Tientsin

Snow, H. M., assist., Gibb, Livingston k Co., Ld., Shanghai

Snow, H. W., assist., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (North China), Ld., Shanghai

Snow, M. L., manager, M. L. Snow & Co., Tsingtao

Snow, T. M., counsellor, British Embassy, Tokyo

Snowie, H. L., director, British-American Tobacco Co., Ld., Singapore

Snyder, I. W., assist., Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Yokohama

Snyers, T., Belgian Consulate General, Tientsin

Soares, F. P. de V., secretary, Portuguese Consulate, Hongkong

Sobbe, H., Glen Line Eastern Agencies, Ld., Hankow

Sochon, W. L. P., assist, commissioner, Police Department, Sarawak

(Socorro, S., proprietor, Vicente’s Garage, Manila

Soenksen, O., signs jointly, Jebsen k Co., Shanghai

Sokobin, S., consul for America, Tsingtao

Sokol, N. J., assistant, Andersen, Meyc" & Co., Tientsin

Solberg, C. M., general manager, North American Trading k Import Co., Manila

Sole, F. S., assistant, Standard-Vacuum Mil Co., Singapore

Soler, W.J., chief

Sole, T., assist.,

engr., Socony-Vacuum Corporation, des

Compagnie Franco-Asiatique Shanghai

Petroles, Haiphong

Soliya, R., manager, Banque de Flndo-Chine, Singapore

Sollis, C. G. S., inspector of schools, Education dept., Selangor

Solodchin, G. P., vetery. surg. (Chaokochwang), Kailan Mining Admin., T’sin


Solomon, B.H.E..H.,accountant, Socony-Vacuum Corporation,

assist., British-American Tobacco Co. Haiphong

(China), iLd., Shanghai

Solomon, M. E., assistant, E. D. Sassoon k Co., Shanghai

Solovieff, S., mgr., American Asiatic Underwriters, Ine., Haiphong

Soltau, B.,-assistant, Bodiker k Co., Hongkong

Someren, H. C. A. van, manager, Netherland Insurance Co., Shanghai

Somers, R. (L., agent, Singer Sewing Machine Co., Manila

Somerset, B., director, G. W. Wilson & Co., Ld., Perak


Somerville,G.H.W..E.,Conservator of Forests,

Straits S.S. Kedah

Co., Singapore

Somerville, P., assist., Dickinson k Co., Ld., Singapore

Somervill, W., assist., John Little

Somm, A. F., signs per pro., Diethelm & Co., Ld., Bangkok

Scmmaruga, G., assist., Nestle k Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co., Saigon

Sommer, E. A., assistant, Hamburg-Amerika Linie, Shanghai


Sommer,.‘G.; Ghing, Export Import & B&nJj; .iQp., Dd;, liongkpng : •

Sommer, W., Ohien Hsin Engineering Co., Ld., Sjianighai

Sommerer, H. L., managing dir., Victor Talking Machine.Co.,

Sommerfelt, A., chartered accountant, Linstead & Davies, Hongkong : of Japan- Ld., Yokohama-

Sommers, iDr. H. F., dental surgeon, Hongkong


Sommerville, H. D. K., Adamson, Gilfillan

E., Singapore Harbour &Board,Co., Ld., Singapore :


Sonderhoff, Dr. R., lawyer, Tokyo '

Song, T. ;S., assist, mgr., Severance Wholesale Medical Supply ; Co., Seoul


Soper,V.E.K.,J.,director, WheelockF.M.S.

accountant, & Co., Railways,

Ld., ShanghaiKuala Lumpur, Selangor ,

Sopher, Arthur, Theodore Sopher & Co., Shanghai

Sopher, A. M., signs per pro., Joseph Brothers, Shanghai

Sopher, F., Theodore

Sorby, V., mains dept.,SopherHongkong

Electric Co., Ld., Hongkong

Soprani, E. F., agent, Lloyd Triestino Navigation Co., Hongkong,

Sorensen, A,, barrister-at-law, Shanghai

Sorensen, J. Ibsen, secretary, Great Northern Telegraph Co., i-Ld.,- Shanghai

Soriano, A., president,

Sorley, W., San MiguelCold

assist., Singapore Brewery, Inc.,Co.,Manila

Storage Ld., Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

Soskice, O., mining assist., Nurupi Kozan K. K., Seoul

Soucanton, Baron Girard de, Shanghai Telephone Co., Ld., Shanghai

Souhaite, M., admin., (Denis Freres, Saigon

Soul, D. B., assist., Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corpn., Harbin

Soul, S, N., sub-acct.,

Soulange-Teissier, 11., Mercantile Bank ofHongkong

cousul for France, India, Ld., Shanghai

'Soulevich, Morris I., Union: Steamship Agency, Shanghai

Soutar, F., assist., Taikoo Dockyard and Engineering Co., Hongkong

Soutendam, H. C., accountant, Nederlandseh Indische Handelsbank, (Shanghai

Souter, F. G., director, Wilde & Co., Selangor


South, J.W.T.,H.,



Pritchard & Co., Co.,

Cigarette Ld., Penang


Southall, C. L., assist, government analyst, Singapore

(Southam, W. C., partner, Jaeger & Co., Singapore

Southin, C. F., electrical engineer, Shanghai Power Co., Shanghai

Southorn. Hon. Sir Thomas, Colonial Secretary, Hongkong

Southwell, J. H., assist., British-Arnerican Tobacco Co. (China), Ld., H’chcw

Southwick, M. L., Socony-Vacuuin Corporation,. Hankow

Souza, Dr. B. de, medical Practitioner, Hongkong

Souza, H. E., C. M. P. e, ambassador, Brazilian-Embassy^ Tokyo


Souza, H.F.M.X.de,daproprietor, Souza &forCq.,Portugal,

Silva, consul H. M. de, Kobe


Souza, F. S., bon. consul for Portugal, Kobe

Souza, Y. de, signs per pro., Souza F. S., Robe

Soward, D., sub-accountant, Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China,. Kobe

Sowerby, A. le C., editor, The China Journal, Shanghai

Spada, Rev. Fr., rector, Rosary Church, Kowloon, Hongkong

Spain, G. B., assist., A. Cameron & Co., Ld., Kobe

Spalinger, U., director, U. Spalinger & Co., Canton

Spalke, W., assist., Carlowitz & Co., Shanghai

Spalwingk, Eugene, Japanese secretary, Embassy of the Soviet Union, Tokyo* -

Spamer, Carl O., consul for America, Nagasaki

Spark, F. E., assist., Dodwell & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Sparke, C. E., Insurance Agent, Shanghai

Sparke, N. L., manager, Shanghai Land investment, iSIianghai

Sparks, D, B., merchant, Shanghai : ,

Sparrow, VV. de B., assist, supt. of Police, Hongkong

Sparshott, T., assist., Asiatic Petroleum Go. ,(P. L), Ld., Manila

Spary, A.., overseer, Public Works dept., Hongkong

Speakman, T. P., supt., F.M.S. Railways, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor


Speck, ()., Biedermann & Co., Saigon

Spedding, T. A., assist;, Asiatic FetroleunJ Co? (North China), Ed., Shanghai'

Speedy, T. J. tL, surveyor general, Survey dept., Sandakan, British North B’heo

Speelman, R., signs per pro., Java-Chiha-Japan-Lijn, N. V., Kobe

Speeiman, M., director, International Savings Society, Shanghai

Speid, W. W., assist, and signs pgr pro., McAuliffe,

Speirs, D. C., assist., Taikoo Dockyard find Engineering Davis & Hope,Co.,



Spence, F. M., assist., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (P. I.), Ld., Cebu

Spence, H. M., architect, Spence, Robinson & Partners, Shanghai

Spence, J. R., assist, engr., Public A^orks Department Kedah

Spence, N., assist., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (P.I.), Ed., Manila

Spence, R.P. E.,

Spence, L., chartered

Cornes & Co., Kobe

Spencer, F. D., signs acct., Jenks,Anglo-Siam

per pro., Percival & Isitt, Maurice, Yokohama

Corporation, Ed., Bangkok

Spencer, F. Y., Jugra Land & Carey; Ed., Pt., Swettenham

Spencer, W. B., attorney-at-law, Yokohama

Spering, I. G., sub-acct., National City Bank of New York, Manila

Speyer, C. S., representative, Herbert & Whitworth, Ed., Shanghai


Spicer, W.H.,T.,assistant,

Aall & Co., Ld., Osaka

Butterfield & Swire, Yokohama

Spiegler, E. A., assistant, Palmer & Turner, .Shanghai

Spiegler, E., senior clerk-of-works, Public Works Department, Shanghai

Spiegler, M., assist,, Lowe, Bingham &. Matthews, Shanghai

Spielmam F. F„ president, E. W. Frazar Fed. Inc., Tientsin

Spiers, E. J., assist., Hongkong & Kowloon Wharf & Godown Co., Ld., H’lKong

Spiker, C. J., consul-general, American Consulate, Canton

Spink, C. V. F., assist., Thomson & Co., Shanghai

Spink, R. G., rural health officer, Medical department, Singapore

Spiridis, E., signs per pro, Oriental Coffee Co., Tientsin

Spirig, J. W„ John Spirig & Co., Zamboanga

Spit, H. M., agent, Java-China-Japan Lijn, Batavia

Spizzica, G., proprietor, G. Spizzioa & Co., Shanghai

Splittgerber, Hermann, iDoitsu Senryo Gomel Kaisha, Tokyo

Spooner, Major J. O. G., engr. for ways & works, F.M S. Railway, K. Lumpur

Spoor, A. Sv L., assistant resident, Governor’s office, M'edan, Sumatra

Sporleder, W., signs per in-d; Melchers & Co., Hongkong

SpottorilO, J., secretary, Spanish Eegation, Peiping

Spradberry, E. J., engineer, Hongkong Rope Manufacturing Co., Ld., H’Kong.

Spraggett, C. J., Jardine Engineering Corporation, Shanghai

iSprague, W., Government surveyor, Harbour Office, Hongkong

Sprenger, H., Hugo Reiss & Co., Shanghai

Spreuengli, H., Kuenzle & Streiff Inc., Manila


Spring, John,

W. H.,proprietor,

pro-consulSpirig & Co.,Britain,

for Great John, Hankow


Springfield, M. O., deputy commissioner, Municipal Police, Shanghai


Squires,T. A.,

A. F.,Jardine,

signs pterMatheson

pro., Robinson

& Co.,& Ld.,

Coi, Ed,, Singapore


Squires, A. P. H., manager, Asiatic Petroleum Co. (North Chiha), Ed., Hangcho^v

Staargaard, Tr. W. F., director, De Javasche Bank, Batavia

Staats, W. A., Victor Co, of China, Shanghai

Stabb, G. W., assist., H’hong Shanghai Bkg, Corpp., K’loOn Branch, H’kong

Stablefdrd, C. H., architect, Public Works dept., Shanghai

Stack, L. P., representative, Dunlop Rubber Co., Ld., Saigori

Stadelmann, manager, Nabholz & Co., Yokohama

Stadt, N. E. van de, consul for Netherlands, Penang

Stafford-Smith, F., divisional mgr., British-American Tobacco Co., Ed., H’kong

iStahel, J. W., director, Ciedde Commerce iet de Navigation, Haiphong

Staines, E. A., controller of posts & telegraphs, Posts & Telegraphs Dept., Penang

Stainforth, R. W., exchaiige engr., Orienta! Telephone & Electric Co., S’pore

Stainton, T. F., assist., Taikoo Sugar Refining Co., Ld., Hongkong


Stal, J. H., assist, general mgr., Cie. Franoo-Asiatique des Petroles, Saigon

Staley, K., service manager, Reliance Motors, Shanghai


Stalker,D. A.,

A., acct.,


TaikooCity Bank of and

Dockyard hiew Engineering

York, The, Harbin

Co., Hongkong

Standage, H. E., acting consul for Norway, Yokohama

Standing, W., director, Scott, Harding & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Standish, R. D., manager, National City Bank of New York, Yokohama

Stanek, I. R., acting consul of Czechoslovakia, Netherlands India

Stanesby, S. J. C., assist., Hongkong Electric Co., Ld., Hongkong

Stanford, D. R., assist., Cebu Stevedoring Co., Inc., Cebu

Stanford, S. G., manager, Lane, Crawford & Co., Kobe

Stanley, F.F., V.,supt.director,

Stanley, of Excise, Malacca Tin Dredging, Ld,, Perak


Stanley, H. M., assistant, Socony-Yacuum Corporation, Shanghai

Stansfield, B. J., China Import and Export Lumber Co., Ld., Shanghai

Stanton, A. L., assistant, Socony-Vacuum Corporation, Yokohama

Stanton, Cyprian, partner, Stanton & Co., Yokohama

Stanton, E. A., director, Deacons & Co., Ld., Canton


Stanton,E.J.F.,R.consul for the United

L., assistant, ChinaStates, Hankow Ld., Hongkong


Stapel, H. B., general mgr., Serajoedal Stoomtram-Maatschappij, N. V., Semarang

Stapledon, C. E. C., surveyor of ships, Municipality, Singapore

Stapleton-Cotton, V. W., commissioner, Postal Administration Tientsin

Star, W. J. Van der, manager, Rising Sun Petroleum Co., Ld., Taikoku

Stark, O. 0., assist, general manager, fcocony-Vacuum Corporation, H’kong

Stark, C. T., Armour & Co., Manila

Stark, D., signs per pro, Drummond & Co., Sandakan, B. N. B.

Stark, D. K., assist., Secretariat for Chinese Affairs, Hongkong

iStark, P., secretary,. German Consulate, Shanghai

Starkey, C. Q., assist, acct., Mansfield

Starling, H. V., superintendent, Municipal Cemeteries, Shanghai

Starling, R. A., assistant engineer, Hongkong Electric Co., Hongkong

Starling, R. C., harbour master, Chinese Maritime Customs, Wuchow

Starling, S. B., Butterfield & Swire (Godowns and Wharves), Shanghai

Starr, C. V.,

Starr, N. president,

Van-der, American-Asiatic

director, Underwriters,

Asia Life Insurance Fed., Inc., U.S. A., Hangchow

Co., Shanghai

Starr, W. J. van der, manager, Rising Sun Petroleum Co., Taikoku, Formosa

-Starrett, J. V., sub-acct., National City Bank of New. York, The, Osaka

Staten, Y. G., vice-consul, American Consulate, Hankow

Stauffer, I. Y., assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Yokohama

Staur-enghi? |E., assist., Ed. Keller & Co., Ld., Manila

Staurenghi, R. P., acting consul for Italy, Manila

Stead, W., Arnhold & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Stedefeld, Dr. H., medical practitioner, Tokyo

Steed, P. H., assist., General Electric Co., (Ld., Singapore

Steed, R. H., executive engineer, Public Works department, Singapore

Steedman, L. B., manager, Fox Film Corporation (East), Ltd., Singapore

Steegstra, A. A., passage dept., Royal Packet Navigation Co., Singapore

Steel, P. iS., secretary, Kyle, Palmer & Co., Ld., Perak

Steel, W., manager, Eastern Bank, CLd., Singapore

Steele, F. H., Socony-Vacuum Corporation, Canton

Steele, N. W. C., assist, engr., F.M.S, Railways, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

Steele, T., partner, Stark & McNeill, Ipoh

Steele, W. H., supt. of transportion, Peiping-Liaoning Railways, Tientsin

Steen, O. G., director,

Steenwyns, Wheelock & Co.,Extraord.

Ltd., Shanghai

Stefani, F.,G.editor,

W. de vos van, Envoy

Singapore for the Netherlands, China

Free Press, Singapore

Stefenelli, F., acting consul-general for Belgium, Hankow

Stehling, J., assist., Chungking Import, S. A., Tientsin

JStehr, H., signs per pro., Siemssen & Co., Hongkong


Stehr, M., assistant, Reuter, Brockelmann & Co., Tientsin

Steiger, O., manager, Gmur, Inc., Otta, Manila

Steil, A., Deutsdh-Asiatisch Bank, Kobe

Steinberg, C. H., genl. mgr. & viee-pres., Torrejon, Jurika & Co., Zamboanga

Steinberg, H., assistant, Reuter Brockelmann & Co., Tsingtao .

Steinberg, J. G., mgr., Asiatic Importing & Exporting Co., Shanghai

Steincke, K. M., assist., East Asiatic Co., Ld., -Penang

Steiner, C., assistant, Steiner & Co., Shanghai

Steiner, H. W., Melchers, & Co., Shanghai

Steiner, J. A., manager, Far East Superintendence Co., Ed., Kobe

Steiner, K., assistant, Steiner & Co., Shanghai

Steiner, M. H., Steiner & Co., Shanghai

Steinfeld, H., managing director, K. K. Leybold Shokwan, Tokyo

Steinle, Fr., Steinle & Co., Shanghai

Steinman, M. Zais, vice president, Steinman & Co., Shanghai

Stemshorn, H. G., director, Victor Talking Machine Co., Japan, Ld., Yokohama

Stenhouse, J., assistant, Mackenzie & Co., Ld., Hankow

Stening, H. G. H., mgr., Gestetner (Eastern), L.d., Bangkok

Stephan, C. H., vice-consul, American Consulate, Nagoya

Stephan, J., Caldbeck, Maogregor & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Stephan, R., Whitsons, Ld., Shanghai

Stephanidis, iE'„ proprietor, Tsingtao Cafe,. Tsingtao


Stephen, A. C.,

M. manager,

M., TaikooBuckister

Dockyard& &Co.,Engr.


Co., Hongkong

Stephen, C. H., vice consul, American Consulate General, Seoul

Stephen, C. J., architect, Swan & Maclaren, Singapore

Stephen, D. M. D., merchant, Singapore

Stephen, G., assist, accnt., P. & O., Banking Corpn., Ld., Hongkong

Stephen, H., Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, Kobe

Stephen, R. ID., assistant, Paterson, Simon & Co., Singapore

Stephens, G. E., overseer, Public Works dept., Hongkong

Stephens, O. L., settlement manager, P. W. D., Labuan, B. N. B.

Stephensen, E., Shipping editor, Manila Daily Bulletin, Manila

Stephenson, K. G., director, Ilbert & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Sterelny, A. J., assist., New Engineering and Shipbuilding Works, Ld., S’hai

Sterguelle, Wm. J., assist., Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co., Tientsin

Sterling, A. W. F., assistant, Palmer and Turner, Shanghai

Sterling, W. A., manager, Italian Bank for China, Shanghai

Stern, J., proprietor, Oversea Trading Co., Yokohama

Stern, O., manager, Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada, Sourabaya

Sternberg, Max, managing proprietor, Sternberg & Co., Singapore

Stevenson, A. G., assistant, The Prudential Assurance Co., Ld., Singapore

Sternberg, Dr. H., H. G. Deutsche Stickstoff, Shanghai

Sternberg, M., assist, manager, Paul I. Fagan & Co., (Shanghai

Sterrey, C. A., Inniss & Riddle, Shanghai

Stetson, H. S., manager, National City Bank of New York, Osaka

Stevenot, J. E. H., vice-pres., Philippine Aerial Taxi Oo., Manila

Stevens, A., manager, Eastern Extension Telegraph, Ld., Saigon

Steyens, A. G., sworn measurer and weigher, Yokohama

Stevens, C. A. M., sec. to mgr., Dickinson & Co., Ld., Singapore

Stevens, E. A., partner, Allen & Gledhill, Johore

Stevens, E. H., manager, British-American Tobacco Co., Ld., Singapore

Stevens, F. A., accountant and office manager, John Little & Co., Ld., Penang

Stevens, G. E., overseer of Public Works dept., Hongkong

Stevens, H. E., consul for America, Tsinan

Stevens, H. E., supt., Municipal Fire Brigade, Singapore

Stevens, J. F., sales manager, Anderson & Ferroggiaro, Shanghai

Stevens, K. B. H., assist., Dunlop Rubber Co., Ld., Singapore

Stevens, K. R., manager, Caldbeck, Macgregor & Co., Singapore


Stevens, L. A. H., representative, Caldbeck Macgregor & Co., Ld., Singapore

Stevens, W. L., partner, Donaldson & Burkinshaw, Singapore

Stevens, W. R. M., assist., Lavers & Clark, Shanghai

Stevens-Burt, W. N., British-American Tobacco . Co., Ld,,. Singapore

Stevenson, A., manager, Dairy Farm, Ice and Cold Storage Co., Ld., H’kong

Stevenson, B. O., managing dir., Ford Motor (Qo. of Malaya, Ltd.,. Singapore

Stevenson, D. D., Lingnan University, Canton


Stevenson, H.J. J..B.,Y.assist.,

K., assistant, Jardine, Life

Great Eastern Matheson & Co.,Co',

Assurance Ld., Ld.,



Stevenson, J. R., assist., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.S.), Ld., Peiiang

Stevenson, D. M., assistant, Guthrie & Co., Ld., Singapore

Stevenson, W. G., vice-president, Baltoe Mining Co,, Manila

Stevenson, W. Li, acting manager, United Engineers, Ltd., Negri Sembilan

Stewart, A. C., assist., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (North China), Ld., Shanghai

Stewart, A. D., c.a., partner, White, Page & Co., Manila

Stewart, O., passage dept., Royal Packet Navigation'Co.,' Singapore

Stewart, C. E., assist., Butterfield & Swire, Hankow

Stewart, C. E., assist., Cosmopolitan Dock, Hongkong

Stewart, C. E., agent, Chartered Bk. of India, Aris.

Stewart, C. J. L., director, Wattie & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Stewart, E. A., accountant, United Engineers, Ld., Perak ' •

Stewart, E. G., principal, St. Paul’s College, Hongkong

Stewart, F. F., sub-accountant, P.. & 0. Banking Corporation, Ld., Singapore

Stewart, F. W., inspector, Vehicles Registration dept., Penang

Stewart, G. A., assist., Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation, Hongkong

Stewart, G. H., assist., Taikoo Dockyard and Engineering Co., Hongkong

Stewart, H. A., director, Dixon & Son, Ltd., H. C., 'Shanghai



G., sub-accountant,

J., Drs. Jamieson, Chartered

SharpBank of India, Australia

& McKern, Penang & China, Shanghai

Stewart, J. B., assist., Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corp., Singapore

Stewart, J. C., mgr., Yee Tsoong Tobacco Co., Ltd., Tientsin

Stewart, J. G., assist., W. Hammer & Co., Ld., Singapore

Stewart, J. H., assist., Taikoo Dockyard and Engineering Co.- Hbngkong :

Stewart, R. C., secretary, Wm. Jacks & Co. (Malaya) Ld., Singapore ••

Stewart, W., Brittannic Textiles, Ld., Shanghai

Stewart, W. A., managing director, Davie, Boag

Stewart, W. A., assist., Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corp Hongkong

Stewart, W. G., executive engineer, P.W.D., Cameron Highlands, Perak

Stewart, W. H., accountant, Hongkong & Shanghai Bank, Shanghai -

Stibbe, S. M., manager, Schnitzler & Col, Semarang

Stiebritz, A., signs per pro., Carlowitz & Co., Hankow

Stieger, R. E. supt., Claude Neon Lights, Shanghai :

Stiff, T. C., Govt: surveyor, Harbour Office, Hongkong

Stiff, W. J., manager British Malayan Petroleum Co., Brunei

Stigter, C., manager, Nederlandsch Indische Handelsbank, Hongkong

Still, E. M., accountant, Public Works department, Johore

Stilliard, R., assist., Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, Yokohama

Stillman, R. S., assist.,. National City Bank of New York, Tokyo

Stimpison, P. B., International Export Co., Hankow

Stimpson, W. E., manager, Sanitary Fur Co., Peiping

Stimson, G. A., inspector, Police Headquarters, Hongkong


Stirling, C.A. N.,

J., second

treasurer, Kyo BunBritish

secretary, Kwan,Legation,

Tokyo Peiping -

Stirling, E. M. E., assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co.,

Stirling, J., secretary, Directorate General of Posts', Shanghai Canton

Stirling, J., godown supt., Butterfield & Swire, Tientsin

Stirling, J. W. E., supt., China Fibre Container Co., Shanghai

Stirn, W. Guenther, manager, Melch.e.rs & Co., Ltd., Tientsin

Stock, A.,R. C..,

Stiven, Cie, Adamson, Gilfillandes& Petroles,

Franco-Asiatique, Co., Ld., Haiphong



Stock, B. L., manager, Asiatic Petroleum Co. (South China), Ld., Wuchow

Stock, G. M., assist., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (North China), Ld., Hankow

Stock, R., sub-manager, David Sassoon & Co., Ld., Hongkong


Stocker,F. G.C., agent.

St. M.,Mercantile Bank of India,

marine surveyor, Ltd., Pilotage

Swatow Kelantan Service, Swatow

Stocking, C., Heacock & Co., Manila

Stocks, A. W., assist., International Export Co., Ld.,' Nanking

Stocks, F. C., acet., Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China, Ld., Bangkok

Stockton, N., South, China 'Morning Post, Ld., Hongkong

Stockwell, C., manager and editor, Tsingtao Times, Tsingtao

Stoeri, Ernst, Bohler Keitei Gosha Kaishai; & Consul for Austria, Tokyo

Stoeri, Steffi, hon. chancellor, Austrian Consulate, Tokyo

Stoessel, G., manager, Sohmidt & Co., Harbin

Stokely, H. V., Parke, Davis & Co., Shanghai

Stoker, W., assist., Hongkong Electric Co., Ld., Hongkong

Stokes, A. H. J., Asiatic'Petroleum Co., Ld., 'Shanghai

Stokes, J. E., British-American Tobacco 'Co., Ld., Shanghai

Stokes, T. G., accountant, Police Headquarters Hongkong

Stokkink, A., manager, Netherlands Trading Society, Shanghai

S toller, W., consul for Germany, Hanoi

Stolz, Th. W., Horns & Nobbins, Shanghai

Stone, C. E„.Yee Tsoong Tobacco Distributors Ltd., Canton


Stohe, F.H.J. E,,‘engr.

H.; assistant, Cornesmgr.,

& genl. A Co.,Hongkong

Yokohamaand China GaA Co., Hongkong

Stone, J., treasurer, Treasury, Municipality, Singapore

Stone, L. E., Texas Co. (Chinai), Ld., Hongkong,

Stone, P. E- F„ assistant, Hongkong and Whampoa Dock; Co., Ld., Hongkong

Stone, T. H., partner, Fraser & Co., Singapore

Stoneham, H. F., assistant, Holt’s Wharf, Hongkong

Stoner, A. P., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (North China), iLd., Shanghai

Storch, David, managing director, Storch Bros., Ltd., Ipoh, Perak'


Storer, Isidore, managing

J., manager for director,

Japan, AStorch Bros.,& Ld,,

Balfour Co.,Selangor

Ld., Tokyo

Stormes, F., harbour master, Chinese Maritime Customs, Wuchow

.Storms, W., assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.,

Storrar, T., assistant, Warner, Barnes & Co., Ld., ManilaMukden



assistant; Eastern


Dairen Telegraph Co., Ld., Penang

Stowell, E. la M., supt. of education, Kedah

Straatemeier, E., dir., Koninklijke Paketvaart Mij., Batavia

Strachan, J., assist., Shanghai Dock & Engineering Co., Ld., Shanghai

Strachan, J. A. P., director, United Engineers, Ld., Singapore

Straohan, L. N., assistant, Boustead & Co., Ld., Singapore

Strachwitz, Graf R., secretary,' German Legation, Peiping

Straeten, H., van der, consul for Belgium, Canton

Straetraans, L., general manager, Baroque Beige pour 1’Etranger, Shanghai

Strafford, C., manager, China Light and Power Co., Ld., Hongkong

Strahan, J. H., medical officer, Teng Tock Seng’s Hospital, Singapore

Strahan, S. Seguin, medical practitioner, Drs. Allan, Strahan & Kirk, H’kong

Stranack, M.E.,W.,signs

Strandberg, director, AcmeEast

per pro., Foundry





.Strandvig, F. A., tide-surveyor & harbour-master, Maritime Custorns, Hoihow

Strang, Dr. T. S., medical officer, Klang, Selangor

Strange, C., inspector, Sanitary department, Hongkong

Strange, E. L., Colonial Secretariat, Hongkong

Strange, S. S., assist, supervisor. Botanical & Forestry dept., Hong Kong

■Stratton, W. M., engineer-in-chief, Canton Kowloon Railway, Canton

Strauss, H., Malabon Sugar Co., Manila

Strauss, M., assist., Healing & Co., Osaka

Strausser, H., merchant, Chefoo


Streatfield, E. P., assist., Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation, Yokohama

Streeck, H., Bergmann Co., Kobe

Street, H. B., manager, Strong & Co., Yokohama

Street, H. C., Sandilands Buttery & Co., Penang

Streib, U., merchant, Rohde & Co., Shanghai

Streiff, H. A., treasurer, Kuenzle & Streiff, Manila

Streit, P. M., Shangboi Telephone Co., Shanghai

Strellett, D. L., solicitor, Geo. K. Hall Brutton & Co., Hongkong

Strevens, W. A., manager, Robinson Piano Co., Ld., Singapore

Strickland, E., acting official censor for films, Singapore

Strickland, G. F., proprietor, Strickland & Co., Singapore


Strickler, H. J., manager, Wise & Co.,Cordage

Inc., Iloilo Manila

Striekler, H., P.,assistant,

president, Manila

Escher, Wyss & Co.,Co.,


Strike, H. W. assist., British Cigarette Co., Ld., Shanghai

Stringer, H., engr.-in-chief, Shanghai Waterworks

Stringfellow, G. F., acct., Hongkong &■ Shanghai Banking Co., Ld.,Corporation,

Shanghai Saigon

Strobe!, O., director, Henry Waugh & Co,, Ld., Penang

Strohm, K., assist., John Landahl, Inc., Manila


Stroud, E.H.,P.,general merchant,

director, Shanghai

Strachan & Co., Tokyo

Struct, M. I., director, Simplex Concrete Piles (Malaya), Ld., Singapore

Strum, H. M., managing dir., Oriental Chemical & Trading Co., Ld., Tokyo.

Strum, H. R. Yan, mang. dir., Oriental Chemical and Trading Co., Ld., Tokyo-

Struthers, J., adviser, Chilian Nitrate of Soda Propaganda, Tokyo

Strutt, G. E., assistant, British Cigarette Co., Shanghai

Stuart, E., assist., United Engineers, Ld., Singapore

Stuart, J., manager, Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China, Hongkong.

Stuart, J. M., acct., Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China, Bangkok

Stuart, J. V., local sales dept., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (North China), Ld., S’hai

Stuart, R. A., agent, Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation, Chefoo ,

Stub, K., assist., Great Northern Telegraph Co., Ld., Hongkong

Stubbe, M., assist., S. Moutrie & Co., Ltd., Shanghai

Stubbs, A. T., Dodwell & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Stubbs, A. W., assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld., Shanghai

Stubbs, G. C., surveyor, Survey dept., F.M.S. & S.S.

Stuckey, Dr. E. J., supt., Mackenzie Memorial Hospital, Tientsin


Stunock,J., D.,

manager, machinery

assistant, dept.,Nelson

Stanton, Nichizui& Trading Co., Ltd.. Tokyo

Co., Singapore

Stunzi, Dr. R., manager, Siber, Hegner & Co., Osaka

Sturgeon, J. B., assist., Hongkong & Whanapoa Dock Co., Ld., Hongkong

Sturges, F., assistant, United Engineers, Ld., Singapore

Sturm, Kurt, proprietor., Electric Pavo Real, Manila

Sturrock, Hon. Mr. A. J., British adviser, Trengganu

Sturrock, G., colonial engineer, Public Works dept., Singapore

Sturrock, W. H., director, James Hamilton, Ltd., Shanghai

Sturt, H. R., managing director, China Underwriters, Ld’., Hongkong

Stutz, E., assistant, Lieberman, Waelchli & Co., Osaka


Styrfim, Ir. A.P., Baron

manager,van,Holland ChinaDeli

secretary, Handelscompagnie, N. V„ Hongkong

Railway Co., Medan, Sumatra

Suckling, P. PL, genl. mgr., Hongkong & Shanghai Hotels, Ld., Hongkong:

iSudzuki, K., supply manager, General Motors (Japan),, Ld., Osaka


Suerte, D.,S. K., Texas Co.Sugar

Pampanga (China), Ld., Shanghai

Development Co., Manila

Suess, H., proprietor, General Export Trading Co., Kobe


Sueur, V., signs per pro., Schmidt Shoten, Tokyo ,

Sugars,Capt. R. E.assist.,

B. E., Le, secretary for Native

storekeeper Affairs,Works

of Public Sarawakdept., Hongkong

Suiter, J.


S. manager,

de, The

director, Pharmacy

Reiss, Massey(Fletcher

& Co., &, Co.,

Ltd., Ltd.),

Shanghai Hongkong

Sullivan, A. L, manager, Insurance Co. of North America, Hongkong


.Sullivan, F., Dunlop Rubber Co. (China(), Ld., Shanghai

Sullivan, I. G., acct., British-American Tobacco Co. (China), Ld., Hankow

Sullivan, J. M., Smith, Bell & Co., Manila

Sullivan, P. D., Shanghai Nanking Railway, Shanghai

Sullivan, T. A. O., inspr. of schools, Education Department, Penang

Sullivan, W. T.,Alhambra

Sulzer, H., Underwriters

CigarSavings Bank for theManufacturing

and Cigarette Far East Inc., Hongkong

Co., Manila

Summer, E. B., assistant, Richard Haworth & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Summers, C. H., assist., Taikoo Dockyard & Engineering Co., Hongkong

Summers, E. H., adviser, Summers Trading Co., Kobe

Summers, F., assist., Manufacturer Life Insurance Go., Peiping


Summers,Geo. R. repres.,

J. A., Goodrich

sub-acct.* International

Chartered Bank ofRubber

India, Co.,


and China, Canton

Summers, J. M., assistant, Whiteaway, Laidlaw & Co., Ld., Penang

Summers, R., assistant, Smith, Bell

Summers, R., consul for Liberia, Manila

Sun, J., manager, Sunlight Co., Port Edward, Weihaiwei

Sunderum, D., chief clerk to I.G.P., Police department, S.S.

Sundlo, J., wharfinger, China Merchants Steam Navigation Co., Shanghai

Sunger, M. H., H. Foox & Co., Tientsin

Suppiah, K. A., State Treasurer, Negri Sembilan

Surcouf, P., chef du secretariat, Chambre de Commerce, Saigon


Surman,W., E.signsJ.,perassistant

pro., Behn. Meyer &Jardine

manager, Co., Semarang

Engineering Corpn., Ld., Harbin

Surroca, P., manager, Delbourgo & Co., Ld., Kobe

Sutcliffe, E., head dyer, Patons & Baldwins Ltd., Shanghai

Sutcliffe, J., Mustard & Co., Ld , Shanghai

Sutcliffe, G. H., assist., Petroleum Co. (North China), Ld., Shanghai

Sutcliff, J. H., assist., Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corpn., Hongkong

Sutherland, G. A. P., sub-acct., Chartered Bank of India, Aust. & China, S’hai

Sutherland, Dr. W. B., medical officer, Kinta, Perak

Sutherland, W. J., assist, Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corpn., Tsingtao


Suttle, jr., treas., ChinaFinance

Finance Corpn.,Shanghai


Sutton, C., city editor,China China PressCorpn.,

Inc., Shanghai

Sutton, F., land surveyor, Public Works department, Hongkong

Svagr, J. J., A.rehitect & Consulting Engineer, Yokohama

Svendsen, L., signs per pro., Waibel & Co., Hongkong

Swaap, H., accountant, Gestetner (Eastern), Ld., Singapore

Swabey, M. H., assistant, Dodwell & Co., Ld., Shanghai

•Swales, J., R., assist, acct., Mercantile Bank of India, Ltd., Hongkong

Swallow, J. F. A., assistant, Brinkmann & Co., Singapore

Swallow, R. W., estate agent, Pekin Syndicate, Shanghai

Swan, G., assistant surveyor, Harbour dept., Hongkong

Swan, J. E., partner, Swan, Culbertson & Fritz. Shanghai


Swan,R.T.,C. M., assist.,Taikoo

assist., UnionDockyard

Insurance Society of Canton, Ld.,

and Engineering Co.,Hongkong



Swann, Rev. Dean A., St. John’s Cathedral, Hongkong Municipality, S’apore

Wm. H., assist., distribution engineer, Gas Department,

Swann, R. N., partner, Beck & Swann, Shanghai

Swanson, A., assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Yokohama

Swanson, G. R., assist., Jenks, Percival & Isitt, Yokohama


Swanson, H.J. D.,L.,sub-agent,


Pearson &Bk.Co.,

of India, Aus.


Swapp, Dr. G. H., Police Magistrate, Labuan, Borneo

Swayne, F. H. F., assist., Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corp., Singapore

Swearingen, R. V., manager, Marshall Field & Co., Shanghai

Sweeney, J. N., assist., Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Co., Ld., Hongkong

Sweet, J. B., assist., Jardine Engineering Corporation, Ld., Shanghai

Swettenham, Lt.-Col. J. P., director of Public Works, F.M.S.

.Swettenham, R. F. R., deputy commissioner, Trade & Customs, Selangor



Swift, J. A., st&tfe engineer, iNegri Oil

E. L„ assist., Standard-Vacuum Co., Yokohama


Swift, Dr. S. H., medical officer, district office, Perak

Swinton, R. S., treasurer, Babcock & Templeton, Manila

Swithinbank, W., resident officer, Liverpool & London & Globe'Tiis. Co., R(i,; S’^phre ... •

SwofEer, F. A., aviation dept., Arnhold & Co., Shanghai

Sworder, G. H., assistant supr,., Survey department, Perak

Sycip, A. Z., pres., Philippine Chinese General Chamber of Cdmth'eree, Manila


Syer, Dr. A.,Kennedy

F. N., partner, Alice Memorial

&, Co., Penang& Affiliated Hospitals^- Hohgkong '

Sykes, E. A., manager, S. J. David & Co., Shanghai

Sykes, G. B„ assist., Lane Crawford, Ld., Hongkong

SykeS, I.,G. sub-manager,

Sykes, R., acting prof,Chartered

of Chinese,BankChinese Secretariat,

of India, Austr. ife'Perak

Chiha, Shanghai

Sykes, N., assistant, Imperial Chemical Industries, Foochow

Sykora, F. H., general auditor, Texas Co. (China), Ld., Shanghai

Symon, V., secretary, Skoda Works, Ld., Harbin

Symons, Arthur, Brandit & Rogers, nd., Shanghai


Syms, C. E.V.,F.,assist.,

merchant, Shanghai Tobacco Co. (China), Ld., Shanghai

British-American ~ ,

Szabo, G., manager,

Szalatnay, Shainan

B., chancellor, & Co., PeipingLegation, Tokyo


Tabor, J. M., archivist, British Embassy, Tokyo

Tacchi, C. J., inspector of works, P.W.D., Hongkong


Taggart, J.H.,F.,managing

general mgr.,dir. &Honolulu Iron Works Co., Manila

Tainsh, J.,J. assistant, Harrisons, chairman,

Barker ct Co.,Hongkong

Selangorand Shanghai Hotels, Ld., H’koiig:

Tait, W. G., acting postmaster-general, Posts & Telegraphs Dept., Sarawak;

Talbot, A. El S., controller, Government Monopolies Department, SingapBre

Talbot, B. W,; accountant, Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, Shanghai

Talbot, C., Sime? Darby ifc Co., Ld., Singapore


Talbot, F.G.,H.,assist.,


William Jacks& &Co.,

Massey Co., (Malaya), Ld., Singapore

Talbot, Dr. H., medical practitioner, Black,Ld.,Balean


& Skinn, Hongkong

Talbot, R. G., assist, commissioner, Police Department, Saraw ak



M., commissioner,

consul for Chinese

United Maritime

States Customs,Kobe


Tallon, assist, revenue officer, Imports andof Exports

America, Office, Hongkong

Talou, J. E., acting agriculturist, Socfin Co., Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

Tamlyn, H. W., assistant, British Cigarette Co., Shanghai

Tanco, A. V., chief engineer, Philippine Engineering Co., Inc., Manila

Tandy, E. J., assist., Butterfield & Swire, Swatow


Tann, P. M.,Universal

agent, Chartered Bank of India,Singapore

Austr. & China,* Saigon <

Tanner,K.A.,H.,assist., Borneo Pictures Corporation,

Co., Ld., Bangkok

Tanner, A. D„ lawyer, Harvey & O’Brien, Manila

Tanner, C. R., assist., Shanghai Electric Construction Co., Ld., Shanghai


Tansley,B. F.W.,


assist., Reiss,Scuir,


- Co.,Hongkong


Tape, adviser, Sun Life&Assurance Co. of Canada, Hongkong


Taplin, R. W.,manager, Getz Bros. and

assist., Hongkong & Co.,Shanghai

Yokohama Bank, Hongkong


Tarbuck,M.,A. acct., Banque Hongkong

P., assistant, Franco-Chinoise



Commerce et ITndtisfrie, Hongkong


Tardy, R., assist., Butterfield L Swire, Shanghai

Tarleton,D.,W.Descours et Cabaud,

G.,'Chartered BankSaigon

of India, Australia and China, KobA ‘


Tarrive, J. A.,American

C., secretary,Asiatic

A. S. Watson & Co., Ld.,

Underwriters, Hongkong

Hanoi ’

Tasker, L. ()., agent, Chartered Bank of

Tasker, J., port captain, Robert Dollar cfc Co., Manila India, Australia & China; Semarang '

Tastel, F., assist;, Frithjof Hoehnke, Shanghai


Tata, B. D., director, Tata & Co., B. D., Shanghai.


Tate, G.G., W.,


assist, engineer,

manager, Shanghai

Taikoo SugarPowerRefining

Co,? Shanghai

Co., Ld., Hongkong

Tate, P. G., Shanghai Tug & Lighter Co., Shanghai

Tatham, C. L., assist., Palmer & Turner, Shanghai

Tatham, F. H. T., Jugra Land & Carey, Ld., Pt. Swettenham

Tatiri, F.,R.,general

Tatlock, assist.,manager.

CarlowitzFar& Co.,


Oxygen and Acetylene Co., Ld., Singapore

Tattum, J. O., general manager,

Tauber, A., assistant, Gordon & Co., Shanghai Dombey .& Son, Ld., Shanghai

Tauber, A. S., merchant, Harbin

Tauber, K., assist, Kofa American Drug Co., Shanghai



assistant engineer,et Electricity

G. Taupin Cie., Hanoidept., Municipality, Singapore

Tavella, U. M., general manager, Italian Bank for. China, Shanghai

Taverner, J. W., Commercial Union Assurance Co., Yokohama

Tavlin, M. E., inspector, Sanitary dept., Hongkong


Tay, C., proprietor& and

S., Malcolm Co., manager, Tay J ay Co., Manila

Ld., Shanghai

Tayler, A. L., director, Arts and

Tayler, V. A., partner, Mansergh & Tayler, Crafts, Ld.,Negri



Taylor, A. B., warehouse supervisor, Government Printing Offices, Singapore


Taylor, A. G., auditor, Audit Department, Sarawak Selangor

A. F., assistant, Guthrie & Co., Kuala Lumpur,

Taylor, A. H. vice-president, Visayan Stevedore Transportation, Iloilo

Taylor A. J., acting superintendent, Green. Island Cement Co:, Ltd., Macao

Taylor, A.A. J.K.,C.,senior'inspector,

Taylor, chief accountant,Sanitary

Kowloon Canton Railway,

department, Hongkong Hongkong

Taylor, A. W., partner, W. W. Tayor & Co., Seoul

Taylor, C., publisher, Manila Daily, Bulletin, Manila


Taylor, C.C. F.,S., assist., ShanghaiandElectric

vice-president generalConstruction Co,, Ld.,Power

manager, Shanghai Shanghai

Co., Shanghai

Taylor, C. W., sub-accountant,

Taylor, E., treasurer, Treasury, Hongkong Siam Commerical Bank, Ld., Bangkok


Taylor, E.H. R.,

A., manager,

monopolyEstate analyst.dept., Singapore

Imports HarbourOffice,

and, Exports Board,Hongkong


Taylor, H. J., Denbigh Co., Otaru


Taylor, J.H. C.$W.,signs

partner, Harold

per pro., Bell, Taylor,

Jairdine Bird &Corporation,

Engineering Co., Kobe and Ltd.,Tokyo


Taylor, J., Jardine Matheson & Co., Tientsin , .

Taylor, J., assistant, Wredford & Thornton, Penang

Taylor, J. Me. G., assist., Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation, Dairen

Taylor, J. P., medical officer, Medical department, Sandakan, Borneo


Taylor, L.,

L. K.,assistant,


Shanghai Tobacco Co., Ld., Bangkok

Taylor, N. \Y., Guthrie

Taylor, P.P., J.,assistant &

engineer.Co., Public

Ld., Medan, Perak

Taylor, senior engineer surveyor,Works dept.,Department,

Harbour, Shanghai Hongkong

Taylor, R., works manager. Green Island Cement Co., Hok-un, Hongkong

Taylor, R. A., chief acct., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (North China) Ltd,, Shanghai

Taylor, R. M., vice-consul for America, Hankow ,.

Taylor, R. W., assist., Shanghai Electric Construction Co., Shanghai

Taylor, W.,

Taylor, W. assistant

Wm.,C.,British engineer,

Cigarette China Light and Power Co., Ld.,•; • Hongkong .

Taylor, registrar, SupremeCo.,Court,


Penang .

Taylor, W. C. D., manager, British Cigarette & Co., Ltd.,' Tientsin

Taylor, W. H., installation mgr., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (North China),'Ld., Kiukiang;

Taylor, W.B. W.,

Tchurin, TaylorBritish


van, tk Co.,Cigarette

Seoul Co., Hankow*


Tear, 8. E., sub-accountant, Chartered& Co.,

E., Cumberbatch BankSelangor

of India,' Australia &: China, Kobe >

Teasdale, Y. C., assistant, Spicers (Export), Ld.. Singapore r

Teaze, S. J., assist., Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Yokohama


Tebbutt, C. L., Probst, Hanbury & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Tebbutt, H. J., architect, Palmer &■ Turner, Hongkong

Tebbutt, L. F., assist., Liggett & Myers


Tecson, S., Liggett

Tecson& Rice

MyersMillTobacco Co. (China), Ld., Hankow

Co., Manila

Tecson, V., manager, Tecson Rice Mill Co., Manila


Teissier, R.E.,S.,Chinese


for France,British Legation, Peiping


Telberg, G. G., proprietor, Telberg’s International Bookstore, Tsingtao

Telberg, V. G., partner, Telberg’s International Bookstore, Tsingtao

Tel far, R., manager, Cathay Hotel, Shanghai

Tellier, F., manager, Asia Life Insurance Co., Saigon

Tempany, H. A., director of agriculture, Agriculture dept., S.S. and F.M.S.


Templeton, F.T. V., H., mgr.,


MiamiPaterson, SimonsPenang

Beach Hotel, & Co., Ld., Selangor

Tenisson, P., assistant, Moller & Co., Shanghai


Terdre, D. R.,assist.,


Cornes & and

Co., Shanghai

Kobe Banking Corporation, Canton

Terlein, C.J. B.,

M., Singapore liubber Works, Singapore

Terrel, E. A., Liggett A Myers Tobacco Co. (China), Ld., Shanghai

Terrell, A. K., puisne


director, judge, Supreme

Liggett and

& MyersCourt, Singapore

Tobacco Co. (China), Ld., Shanghai

Terry, R. A., assist, supt., Survey dept., F.M.S. and S.andS. Godown Co., Ld., Hongkong

Terry, Hongkong Kowloon Wharf



consul forItalian Bank for

Germany, China,Sumatra

Medan, Tientsin

Tesdorpf, C. H., partner, Tesdorpf and Hannig & Co., Shanghai


Tessier, A. H.,R.,manager,

commissioner, Municipality,

Asia Life Insurance Singapore

Co., Shanghai

Testa, G. O., Union Insurance Society of Canton, Ld., Manila

Tester, P., director, Vit-Alexin (China) Ltd., Hongkong

Tetens, A. P., engineer, Tokyo


Teus, J. L., analyst.,

Valentin, Government Laboratory, Hongkong

Teverson, H. F.,manager

bullion andandshare



Azuarera & Del Norte, Manila

Mactavish, Kobe

Teyssier, J. L., assist., Tobacco Products Corporation,

Thach, G. T., manager, The National City Bank of New York, Dairen Shanghai

Thackrey, T. O., publisher, Shanghai Evening Post <6 Mercury, Shanghai

Thamsen, G. A., branch manager, Fraser & Neave, Ltd., Ipoh, Perak

Thayer, J., signs

Theen, Tb., assist.,perDeutsche

pro., Butterfield & Swire,& Co.,

Farben Waibel Ld., Chungking


Theile, Fr., assistant, Yali Import-Export Co., Ld., Mukden

Theiler, O., The Jardine Engineering Corporation, Ld., Shanghai

Theiss, W., signs

Thellefsen, E. S., per pro.,Schmidt

assist., Shoten,Telegraph

Great Northern Tokyo Co., Shanghai

Theodor, W., partner, Theodor and Rawlins, Shanghai


Thesmar, H.,general


Deutsche Farben, H. G.VeneerWaibel & Co., Hankow

Theuerkauf,P., H., signs per pro., exportGeneral

dept., MelchersFactory, Tientsin

& Co., Tientsin

Thibaud, M., assist., Louis Ogliastro k Co., Saigon


Thiele, L.,clerk

A.,H., manager,

of works,Philippines

German Agency

Embassy, Service,

China Manila

Thiel, E. vice-president, American

Thiele, F., assist., A. C. Henning k Co., Peiping Drug Co., Shanghai

Thiele, H., Melchers

Thiemann, W., Chien kHsin

Co., Engineering

Tientsin Co., Shanghai


Thieullet, E., W.,

H., Cie.Leyseco China

signsdeperMessageriesCo., Freres

pro., Denis Ld., Shanghai



Thirlwell, Maritimes, Shanghai Saigon

Thivy, Louis J. P., State Council, Perak and Engineering Co., Hongkong

J. T., assistant, Taikoo Dockyard

Thoering, A., C. lilies k Co., Tokyo

Tholance, A., secretaire-general, Chambre de Commerce, Saigon


Thom, N., assist., Malayan Tobacco Distributors Ld., Penang

Thomachot, J., Descours et Cabaud, Saigon

Thomann, Ch., secretaire general, Societe des Ciments Portland Artificiels, Haiphong

Thomann, P., secretaire-genl. adjoint, Societe des Ciments Portland Artiliciels, Haiphong.

Thomas, A., representative, Michel in & Co., Singapore

Thomas, A. C., merchant, Thomas Pavitt & Co., Shanghai

Thomas, A.A. J.,N., assist.,

Thomas, manager,Healing

Thomas, ife Co.,


& Co., Ld., Selangor

Thomas, A. O., assist, electrical engineer, Public Works dept., Singapore

Thomas, A. S., accountant, Haiho Conservancy

Thomas, C. M., district engineer, electricity dept., Commission, Tientsin

Municipality, Singapore

Thomas, E. R., branch mgr., Union Insurance Society of Canton, Manila

Thomas, F. G., assist., Ford Motor Car Co. of

Thomas, F. L,, Asiatic Petroleum Co. (P.I.), Ld., Iloilo Japan, Ld., Yokohama

Thomas, F. S., engineer for Orient, Westinghouse Air Brake Co., Tokyo

Thomas, His Excellency Sir Shenton, High Commissioner, F. M. S. & S. S.

Thomas, H. G., Texas Co., Shanghai

Thomas, H. M., b.e., undg. mgr., Raub Australian Gold Mining Co., Ld., Pahang

Thomas, J., gen. supt., Manila Electric Co., Manila

Thomas, J. Twyford, Twyford & Co., Tientsin

Thomas, L. H. Twyford, signs per pro., Central Insurance Co., Ld., Tientsin


Thomas, J.J. A.,

A. T.,vice-pres., Tayabas Coconut

jr., British-American Co., Manila

Tobacco Co. (China), Ld., Shanghai

Thomas, J. A. T., assist., American Oriental Finance Corpn., Shanghai

Thomas, J. H., assist., John Little & Co., Selangor

Thomas, L. A., deputy commissioner of Police, Selangor

Thomas, P., supt.. Methodist-Publishing House, Manila

Thomas, R. A., clerk-of-works, Public Works dept., Shanghai

Thomas, R. Y. assist., Mercantile Bank of India, Shanghai


Thompson,SirJ.Shenton, governor,

F., sub-agent, Straits Bank

Chartered Settlements

of India, Aus, & China, Sourabays

Thomas, Capt. W. H., port captain,

Thomason, Capt. J. W., American Legation, Dollar Steamship Line, Hongkong


Thomerson, G., assistant, Asiatic

Thomman, W., Manila Electric Co., Manila Petroleum Go. (South China), Ld., Foochow

Thommen, W. E, resident repres., Society of Chemical Industry in Bash;, Shanghai


Thompson, C., assist., Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld., TientsinShanghai

A. B., secretary, J. D. Hutchinson & Co., Ld.,

Thompson, C., assist., Socony-Vacuum Corporation, Shanghai

Thompson, C. A. J. S., acct., Harbour Board, Penang


Thompson, C.D.H.,J.,assist.-shipping master, Harbour

accountant, Fairchild & Co., Dept., Hongkong

Ld., Tientsin

Thompson, E., assist, mains supt., Hongkong Electric Co., Hongkong


Thompson, E.F., A., assistant, British

manufacturers’ repres.,Cigarette

Manila Co., Ld., Shanghai

Thompson, F. A., Oriental Consolidated Mining Co., Seoul

Thompson, F. C., general agent, Dollar Steamship Line, Yokohama


Thompson, F.F. D., manager, Firestone

G., assistant, Boustead “&TireCo.,andLd.,Rubber Co. (S.S.), Ld., Singapore


Thompson, F. H., Oriental Consolidated Mining Co., Taracol, Chosen

Thompson. G., Borneo Co., Ld., Kuala Lumpur, Selangor


Thompson, G.G. E.T., F.,assistant,

accountant, Hongkong

Harrisons &■and China Ld.,

Crosfield, Gas Sumatra

Co., Ld., Hongkong:

Thompson, G. W., sub-accountant,.National City Bank of New York, Osaka


Thompson, H. assist.,

R., engineer, BorneoAdvertisers,

& Co., Ld.,Shanghai


Thompson, J.,J. F., agent,Associated

Chartered Bank of India Australia & China, Sourabaya

Thompson, L M., med. practitioner, Galloway, Eider, Madver & Thompson, Singapore-

Thompson, M., Clark & Co., Manila

Thompson, O., assist., Shanghai Electric Construction Co., Ld., Shanghai

Thompson, S.R.,W.,

Thompson, manager, International

vice-pres., Export

Manila Trading (Tientsin),

Supply Ld., Tientsin

Co., Manila

Thompson, W. L., mgr. Nestle & Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co:, Canton


Thompson, W. P., assist, supt. .of Police, Hongkong


Thomson, J.A.,H.,signs


per pro.,& Co., Kobe Barker & Go., Ld., Singapore


Thomson, A., overseer, Waterworks, Public Works dept., Hongkong

Thomson, C. E. M., Manufacturers

Thomson, C. R. W., director, Carr Ramsey Life Ins,ikCo.,SonShanghai

Ld., Swatow

Thomson, C. T., director, Cooper Findlay & Co., Ld., Kobe

Thomson, D. J., assistant, Fairchild & Co., Tientsin

Thomson, E.D. S.,V. C.j

Thomson, Jugra Land R.& Carey,

director, Young Ld„ & Cb:,Pt.Ld.,


and vice-consul: for Denmark, Penang


Thomson, F.G., Syme,


Borneo Co.,Dodwell & Co.,Lumpur

Ld., Kuala Ld., Hongkong (bn‘leave)

Thomson, G. A., sub-aect., Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, Selangor


Thomson, G.G. B.G.,S.,assistant,•

acct., Hongkong KowloonCo.,

Hongkong Electric Wharf


e GodOwn Co., Ld., Hongkong

Thomson, G. G., assist.; Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation Hankow

Thomson, H.,.assist.,

Thomson, H., Fagan Co., Hanson,

Ltd.,Orth & Stevenson Co,; Iloilo


Thomson, J., assist., The Chase Bank, Hongkong


Thomson, J., electrical engineer,

manager,ofNaval Dockyard, Hongkong

Thomson, J.J. A., general

Claude, University forNanking,

Japan, Dodwell

Nanking & Co., Ld., Kobe

Thomson, J. D.,"secretary, Dairy Farm,

Thomson, Dr. J. E.y medical practitioner, Johore Ice and Cold Storage Cb., Ld., Hongkong

Thomson, J. F., asst., British American TohaOcb Co.,

Thomson, J. G., general manager, Peiping-Mukden Railway, Tientsin Ltd.' , Selangor

Thomson, J. L., milling assist., Nurupi Kozan K. K., Seoul :

Thomson, L., assistant, Tientsin Strawbraid & Export Co., Tientsin


Thomson, R.,

R., shift

assist.,engineer, Municipal and

New Engineering Electric Supply dept.,

Shipbuilding Penang

Works, Ld., Shanghai

Thomson, R. C., assist., Logan, Ross & Samuel, Penang


Thomson, W.,

W., assist.,

assist., Harrisons

Hongkong&& Crosfield,

ShanghaiLd., Bank,Sumatra


Thomson, W. M., chief clerk & 2nd magistrate, Magistrates’ Court, K’lpon, Hongkong

Thonissen, J. B., traffic supt., Deli Railway Cb., Sumatra

Thorbecke, H. E. W. J. R., minister, Netherlands Legation, Peiping

Thorbjprnsen, V., manager,

Thorburn, C., assist., Bernam

Shanghai and OilHongkew

Pams, Ld., Bangkok

Wharf Co., Ld., Shanghai

Thorburn, J. W.,

Thordsen, A., assist..Standard

partner, Union Insurance Society ofCo.,Canton,

Braid & Produce Kobe Ld., Shanghai

Thordsen, Th„M.,partner,

Thomson, C.W. Standard Braid and Produce Col of Japan, Kobe

Thomson, R. W.,1stassistant,

clerk,. Central Magistracy,

Sir Jacob Behrbns Hongkong

& Sons, Shanghai

Thoresen, A,, O. Thoresen

Thoresen, O., merchant

Thoresen, T., and steamship

harbour master, Chinese agent,

Maritime Shanghai

Customs, Samshui


Thorley, H. O.,S., assist.,

S. assist., Shanghai


Telephone Tobacco

Co., Co.Shanghai

Ld., (China), Ld., Shanghai

Thorn, L. H., assist., Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, Singapore"

Thorne, Wm. DuB., vice-consul for the United States, Medan, Sumatra

Thorne, W. H., judge, Supreme Court, Johore

Thornton, A.C., R.,assist.,

Thornton, barrister-at-law,

Guthrie & Co.,Wreford

Ld., Kuala & Thornton, Penang

Thornton, F. P., secy, and treasurer, Atlantic Gul Lumpur,'Selangor

f & Pacific Cp., Sfahila

Thornton, J. P., manager, Standard-Yacumn Qil Co., ,Amoy

Thornton, J. R., a.g.a., Henry Hunter Bayne & Cp., Manila

Thornton, R.W.L.,J.,acqountght,

Thorogood, protector ofNational

Labour,CityPenangBank of, New Y^ork, Yokohama

Thorougood, F., manager, Mercantile Bank of India, Ld., .Sliangbai

Thorpe, A. A., assist., Warner, Barnes & Co., Ld., Manila

Thorpe, E. F., assist,, British-American Tobacco, Co.• (China), Ld.v Shanghai

Thorpe, H. O., British Cigarette Co., Ld., Shanghai



Thorson, M. J., municipal engineer, engineering dept., Municipality, Penang

Thorup, R., R. Clark & Co., Manila

R., assistant, Commercial Pacific Cable Co., Manila


Thuemen, J. F., assist., Bayer-MeisterLd.,

A. E., Islay Kerr & Co., Penang

Lucius Yakuhin Gomei Kaisha, Kobe

Thun, J., partner, Roese, Gebrueder (Roese Bros.), Swatow



assist., manager

C. Ismer && secretary, Siam Cement Co., Bangkok

Co., Shanghai

Thurier, F., Thurier & Kohr, Hankow


Thurier, J.,

L., Thurier

Thurier && Kohr,

Kohr, Hankow


Thurnheer, Walter, minister,

Thurnher, F., assist., China Import Switzerland Legation,Lumber

and Export TokyoCo., Shanghai

Thursfield, A. J., maintenance engr., Oriental Telephone & Electric Co., Ld., Singapore;

Tiamco, C., Tiamco


Tidemann,J.K.,B., signs

a.c.a.,perHarold Bell, Taylor,

pro., Siemssen BirdTientsin

& Co., & Co., Kobe

Tidy, E. C., assist, commissioner of police, Ipoh, Perak


Tiencken,M.H.P.,V.,agent, Int. Keystone

director, Crediet-en-Handels.

Tobacco Co.,“Rotterdam,” Sourabaya

Ld., Shanghai

Tiferis, C. G., assist., Imperial Chemical Industries, Shanghai

Tigges, Al., consul general for Germany, Mukden

Tilburn, C., assist., E. D. Sassoon & Co., Ld., Shanghai


Tillery, W.J.,C.,manager,

engineer,paper dept., Getz

Hongkong Bros. Co., Shanghai

and Whampoa Dock Co., Ld., Hongkong


Tilley, A.J.,C.,Nurupi

CornhillKozan Kabushiki

Insurance Kaisha,

Co., Ld., Seoul


Tilley, C. H., Imperial Chemical Industries (Malayan), Ld., Selangor

Tilley, P., Architect & Surveyor, Shanghai




generalCo.,for Ld., Bangkok

Denmark, Shanghai

Tillman, A., Running

Tillman, D., news editor, China Press Inc.,

Tilly, A. Edgcome, Mine & Commercial Agent, Singapore Shanghai

Tily, E. J., acct., Kyle, Palmer & Co., Ld., Perak

Tim, C., assistant manager, The French Store, Hongkong

Timaeus, W., assist., Bayer-Meister Lucius Yakuhin Gomei Kaisha, Tokyo

Timann, W., consul general for Germany, Hankow


Times, A.W.C.,H.,mgr., assist.,Chartered

Bisset & Co.,BankShanghai

of India, Australia & China, Kobe

Timm, C. L., assist., Doitsu Senryo Gomei Kaisha, Kobe

Timme, P., director, Doitsu Seiko K.K., Tokyo

Timmerberg, C., assist., Alhambra Cigar and Cigarette Manufacturing Co., Manila

Timms, D., Federal Dispensary, Ld., Singapore

Tinant, F., manager, Ley Ld., Tientsin

Tindall, W.,

Tinker, A., engineer,

secretary, Shanghai

McAlisterPower& ;Cb.,Co.,



Tinling, Don, Robert Dollar Co., Shanghai

Tinson, A. C., assistant, China Light and Power Co., Ld., Hongkong

Tinson, G. G. N., solicitor & notary public, Johnson, Stokes & Master, Hongkong

Tin worth, W. L., assist, accountant, Federated Malay States Railways, Kuala Lumpur


Tipler, M.J.,W.,manager, Tionloc, Inc.,

acct., Chartered BankManila

of India, Aust. & China, Singapore

Tipper, A. E., Tipper & Co., Tientsin

Tipper, R. H., assistant, Ocean Accident & Guarantee Corp., , : Ld., Tientsin

Tipple, A., assist., Frost, Bland & Co., Shanghai

Tipple, L.E.,W.,

Tipson, service British

secretary, manager,& Foreign

Harper & Co., Society,

Ld., W., Singapore

Hongkong ,

Tirinnanzi, Dr. D., manager, CompagniaBibleItaliana d’Estremo Oriente,' Shanghai

Tischbein, J., Eduard Meyer & Co., Tientsin

Tiske, E., Asia Realty Co., Shanghai

Titcombe, F., assist, secy, to gen’l. mgr., Federated Malay States Railways, Kuala Lumpur

Titera, J., administrator, Skoda Works, Ld., Harbin


Titus, F. M., representative, American Locomouive Sales Corporation, Peiping


Tjebbes,F. J.W.,C.,signs the firm,

manager, Fuhrmeister

Singkep & Co.. Hankow

Tin Maatschappy, Singapore

Tkachenko, L. G., medical officer, Netherlands

Tobich, R., proprietor, Kiessling and Bader, Tientsin Harbour Works Co., Moukden

Tobler, G.J.,F.,Gadelius

Tobolla, Eastern&director,

Co., Ld.,John

KobeWanamaker, Kobe

Tod, C. T., Indo-China Steam

Tod, H. H., assistant, Jardine, Matheson Nav. Co., Ld.,

& Co.,Shanghai

Ld., Tsingtao


Todd, P., assist., Jardine, Matheson &, Co., Ld., Hongkong

Todd, O.C. C., BenjaminInternational

J., engineer, & Potts, Shanghai Famine Relief Commission, Peiping

Todd, R. R., assist., Secretariat for Chinese Affairs, Hongkong


Todrin, A.,




Mei-HwaFur FurTrading






hon. sec., ChinaMeiInternational

Hwa Fur Trading FamineCorporation, TientsinHankow

Relief Commission,

Tofield, L. R., secretary (signs per pro.) Huttenbach, Lazarus and Sons, Penang

Tofte, H., assistant, East Asiatic Co., Harbin

Toftmann, E. G., assist., Wise

Tokarjevsky, Z. K., manager, Skoda Works, Ld., Tientsin

Tolbecq, A., workshop supt., Siam Electric Corporation, Ld., Bangkok

Tolcke, A., assistant, Goeke & Co., Hongkong

Tolderland, H., assistant, Dodge

Tollan, D., engineer, Hongkong Telephone Co., Ld., Hongkong

Tolland, W. H., manager, Pacific Storage & Packing Corporation, Peiping

Tolle, C. A., directeur, Magasins Chaffanjbn, Hanoi


Tolle, F.,

G., assistant,

manager, Carlowitz

Carlowitz & Co.,Co.,Hongkong

Tollefsen, E., co-director general,& Directorate


• of Posts, Shanghai

Toller, W. S., consul for Great Britain, Tengyueh


Tolmie, G.K. W., sub-acct.,

R., assist., JohnChartered

Little & Bank of India,

Co., Ld., Australia and China, Manila


Tomaeff, S., dis. accountant, Post Office, Chungking

Tomas, E,Leon

Tomeye, manager,S. Tomeye

Manila Harness Co., Manila

Tomlinson, A., D., Tradingand

repres., Hetherington Co., Sons,


Tomlinson, G. assist., F.M.S. Railways, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

Tomkins, J. F., International Harvester Co., Manila

Toms, H.

Toms, H. J.W.,C.medical

K., assist., MansfieldBritish

attendant, & Co.,Legation,

Ld., Singapore


Toms, W. J., Union Trading Co., Kobe

Tonnochy, F. A., North China, Daily News and Herald, Shanghai

Tooms, I)., chief engineer, Malayan Collieries, Ld , Selangor

Tootill, F. M., China Printing and Finishing Co., Ld., Shanghai


Toppin, A. F., manager, RopeI.Times,

I. Tschurin & Co., Harbin

Tordy, J.J.,A.,Hongkong

assist., Straits Manufacturing

SingaporeCo., Ld., Hongkong

Torres, Tan, Lawyer, Manila

Torres, Jose L., Clarke and Larkin, Manila


Toscani, S.,A. administrative

W., assist., Gilmandeputy& Co.,commissioner,

Hongkong Chinese Maritime Customs, Canton

Tosswill, E.,

Tossane, J. T.,secretary, International

assist., Ford & Delamore, Savings Society,: Canton



Toussaint, P., Cie de Commerce

H., Toussaint et

Insurance de Navigation

Office, d’Extreme Orient, Saigon



Towers, A.,

A. C.directeur general.

J., proprietor, Comptors

Towers Generaux

Co., Perak de ITndochine, Saigon


Towns, J.A.T.,R.assist.,

M., assist., Towers&&Swire,

Butterfield Co., Perak


Townsend, R., assist., Arnhold

Townsend R. W., assist, supply manager, General Motors :(Japan), Ld., Osaka

Toy, E. J., engineer, United Engineers^ Ld., Singapore


Trachenberg, G., proprietor, Cantilena Music Store, Harbin

Trachenberg, W., signs per pro., Cantilena Music Store, Harbin


Tracy, Jacob, manager,

F. D.,H.,assist, Singer Sewing Machine Co., Harbin

Train, W. assist.,general



Co., Ld., ShanghaiOil Co., Hongkong

Transley, W., Reiss Massey & Co., Ld , Hongkong


Tratnik, O.R.,Petriew,

assist., Sime,


Siam &Steam Co., Ld., Malacca

Packet Co., Bangkok

Traut, Dr. H., consul for Germany,

Trautmann, O. P., ambassador, German Embassy, China Chungking

Travers, G., temp.-in-charge, Kowloon sub-agency of H’kong. & Shanghai Bank, H’kong.

Travers, N., chief appraiser, Statistical Department, Shanghai

Trawinski, J., attache, Polish Legation, Tokyo

Traynor, E. J., assistant, Probst, Hanbury & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Treadgold, T. G., partner,

Trebol, B., assistant, Hanson,FraserOrthCo.,& Stevenson

Singapore Co., Ld., Cebu

Trechman, B. A., acting Postmaster General, Sarawak

Tree, F. T., registrar of deeds, and Land Commissioner, Singapore

Trefurt, O., signs the firm, Melchers & Co., Hankow

Tregarthen, Dr. J. C. T., district surgeon, Beaufort, British North Borneo

Treichler, H., Siber, Hegner & Co., Tokyo

Tremain, A. G., senior engineer, Posts and Telegraphs, Penang

Tremenheere, H. L, district officer, Papar, British North Borneo

Tremewan, T. A., Thornycroft & Co., Ld., John, Shanghai

Tremml, H. F., supt., Deli Railway Co., Medan, Sumatra


Trendal,J. F.,R.,manager,

chief accountant,

Foreign Food Hankow Light Co.,

Products and Chefoo

Power Co., Hankow


Treppenhauer,R. A., revenue officer,

C., assist., C.Eastern Imports

Ismer Extension and Exports

Co., Shanghai Office, Hongkong

Tresidder, H., supervisor, Telegraph Co., Shanghai

Treskin, V., engineer, Kunst & Albers, Hongkong

Treskin, V. L, agent, Skodaworks, Ld., Hongkong


Trevor, I. B.,H.traffic

B., assist., Shanghai

manager, Power Co., Shanghai

Kowloon-Canton Railway, Hongkong

Triau, R., secretary for French Consulate, Shanghai

Tribe, K. W., consul for Great Britain, Tsingtao

Tribelhorn, W., assist., Lieberman, Waelchli & Co., Osaka


Trice, E.,

W. manager,

G., ExpenseGeneral Motors

a/c office, Naval Export Co., Manila

Dockyard, Hongkong

Trickett, C., assistant manager, Shanghai Dock

Tricon, J. G., assistant gen. mgr., Compagnie Franco-Asiatique and EngineeringdesCo.,Petroles,

Ld., Shanghai


Triebig, W., Anderson, Clayton

Trieture, B., Heacock & Co., Manila

Triggs, C. J., engineer, Hongkong & Shanghai Hotel, Ld., Hongkong


Trimmer, P. H.,C.manager, Boulevard Apartment Hotel,of Nanking,

Manila Nanking

Trimmer, Dr. G. W. A., S., chairman,

University hospital,

Singapore University

Harbour Board, Singapore

Trinidad, W., manager, Pampanga Sugar Development Co., Manila


Triplett,C.E.E.,D.,assist., J. Ullmann

director, Firestone& Tire Co., Shanghai

and Rubber Co., Shanghai


Trock, E.,directeur




i Troedsson,

Troeger, W.,Ivan P. E.Carlowitz

assist., E., managingifc Co.,director,

ShanghaiGadelius & Co., Ld., Tokyo



fondeRaffles Hotel Banque

de pouvoir, Ld., Singapore

de ITndo-chine, Saigon

1 Trouillet, J., assist, nigr., International Savings Society, Hankow

Trouwborst, P. W., assist., Diethelm & Co., Saigon

Trower, H. M., supt., Trade & Customs, F.M.S.

Trueman, E. N., assist, accountant, Shanghai Waterworks Co., Ld., Shanghai


Tschudy, A.,D. H., controller,

manager, Government

General MonopoliesCorporation,

Motors Acceptance Department,Osaka


Trumet, C., comptaole, Est Asiatique-Francais, Saigon


Trump, P., state engineer, Public Works department, Trengganu

Tryner, J., chief accountant, Singapore Harbour Board, Singapore

Tuan, T. I'., manager, Texas Co., Tsinan

Tuason, Manuel

Tuason, C., prop.,N.,Tuasondir. & E.treas.,


Inc., Manila

Land Improvement Co., Manila

Tubb, J., cypher officer, British Legation^ Peiping/

Table, J. II., works acct., Malayan Collieries, Ld., Selangor .

Tuck, Joseph, lawyer, Shanghai

Tucker, A. P., assistant, British-American Tobacco Co., Tientsin

Tucker, E. E., Slipway Engineer, Selangor

Tucker, II. L. D., assist, engineer, Public Wdi-ks dept., Singapore

Tucker, II. T. St. G., assist., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (l^orth'Chink), Ld., Shanghai

Tucker, T. A., assist., Andersen, Meye'f & Co., Tientfeiin


Tucker, Y.,

W. chief engineer

J., assist., andCigarette

British manager,Co.,Hankow Light & Powqr Co., Hankow

Ld., Tientsin

Tuebinger, E., assist., China Feather Co., Ld., Shanghai

Tufnell, R. S., controller. Government Monopolies .Department* Singapore

Tufo, M. R.,

Tulasne, V. del,jugedeputy controller,

assesseur, French Labour. Department,

Consulate, Shanghai Kuala Lumpur, Selangor ;

Tuohy, A., bus. manager, Manila Daily Bulletin, Manila


Turnhaill, W. E. W.,G., assist,,

assist, manager, AmericanCo.,

Asiatic Petroleum Foreign Insurance Association, Canton

Shanghai ,

Turnbull, G. J., deputy secretary,

Turnbull, R. E., British Resident, Brunei Municipal Health dept,, Shanghai

Turnbull, W. A., assistant, Geo. McBain, Shanghai

Turner, A. H., Whiteaway, Laidlaw & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Turner, A. J., director, Hamilton, Ld., James, Shanghai

Turner, Alex. J., retail manager, Medical,Hall, Ld,, Singapore


Turner, C.C. V.D. G.,

R., assist.,

supt., Constabulary

Asiatic Petroleum dept.,Co.Jesselton, British North

(North China), Borneo,

Ld., Tientsin

Turner, D., managing director, British Dispensary, Singapore

Turner, E., Shanghai Waterworks Co., Ld., Shanghai

Turner, E. F., assist., Mustard w Co., Ld., Shanghai

Turner, F. S., assist., Mackenzie & Co., Ld., Tientsin

Turner, G.

Turner, G. L., E., assist,

assist, traffic



Labour Department, Penang

Railway, Shanghai

Turner, H. M., assist., Mortimer-Reid Side, Shanghai

Turner-, J., managing director, .Eastern Engineering

Turner, J. A., chartered accountant, Seth, Turner & Co., Shanghai Works, Ld., Teintsin


Turner, J.L. IL,H., assist., Thos. Copk

headmaster, & Son,Kuei

Nieh Chili Shanghai

Public School, Shanghai

Turner, M., assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Tsurumi, Yokohama

Turner, M. H., partner. Deacons,

Turner, M. W., assist., Hongkong and Shanghai Hongkong . Banking Corporation, Hongkong

Turner, P. W., manager, General Electric

Turner, R. A., manager, Asiatic Petroleum Co. (F.M.S.),Co. of China, Ld.,Ld.,Dairen

Teluk Anson, Perak


Turner, W., signs per pro., Butterfield & Swire, Chefoo Ld., Kobe

T. A., outdoor assist., Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co.,


Turner, W.,W.,supt., chiefSocony-Yabuum Corporation, P.W.D.,

mspector, Waterworks, iSelangor : ■

Nhabe, Saigon


Turner, W. H., Eastern Extension Telegraph Go., Labuan

Turner, W.

W., P.supt. W., (Installation),

consul and accountant, BritishCorporation,

Socony-Vacmim Legation, Peiping


Turner, Wm. T., third secretary, U.S.A. Embassy, Tokyo - !

Turmnidge, AY. A., chief inspector, Waterworks:, P.W.D., Perak

Turral, G. R., vice-consul, British Legation,^ Peiping


Turton, J.,C., resident

assist., Cie Franco-Asiatique

inspector, des PotrOles,Insurance

London. &Shanghai

Lancashire Saigon Co., Ld., Singapore

Tuttleman, H. M., workshop assistant, Power Co., Shanghai


Tweedie, A.S., C., dist. inspector.

secretary, Chinese&Government

China Printing Finishing Co.'Salt, Ld.,


Shanghai Foochow

I weg, H., manager, The Metropole Hotel Co., Ld., Singapore





superintendent, Botanical and Forestry dept.,

The Texas Co., (China) Ld., Tientsin. Hongkong


Twogood,D. N.,

F. J.,assist., AsiaticSocony-Yacuum

manager, Petroleum Co.Corpn.,


Ld., Perak

Twyford, T. J., Twyford & Co., Tientsin

Tyndall, F., assist., engineer, Hongkong & China Gas Co , Ld., Hongkong

Tyre, A. B., Philippine Cold Stores, Manila

Tyre, A.W.J.,F.,assist.,

Tyrer, SmithShanghai

assistant, Bell & Co., Ld., Manila

& Hongkew Wharf Co., Ld., Shanghai

Tyson, B. F., Pahang Consolidated Co., Pahang

Tyson, F. H., attorney, Standard-Vacuum

Tyte, S. G., A. C. Harper, Gilfillan & Co., Ld., SelangorOil Co., Hongkong


U’ren, E.G.W.,E. manager,

B., assist., Singapore

HopgkongCold and Shanghai

Storage Co.,Banking

Kuantan Corporation, Kobe

Ubaghs, M., accountant, Banque Beige pour PEtranger, Tientsin

Uff, C. R’.'G.,E.,assist.,

Ulanoff, Theodor


Ulbrick, W. naanager,

R., manager, Asiatic

Deutsche Corporation, Ld., Shanghai

Farben-Handelsgesellscbaft, Shanghai


Ulderup, J. P., proprietor, Ulderup & Co., Shanghai

P. W., Chinese Maritime Customs, Hongkong

Ullmann, Rene, diamond merchant, Singapore

Ulmer, E., assist., Carlowitz & Co., Shanghai


Ulrich, A.,

Dr. assist., Windsor

WT., medical & Co.,Chinese

officer, Bangkok

Maritime Customs, Mukden

Umbhau, H., assist., Ahrens & Co., Yokohama


Umnuss, K., insurance dept., Asia Realty Co., Shanghai

Umrigar, RB., C.,manager,

Umrigar China Export-Import

Brothers, Shanghaiand Bank Co., Hongkong

Umrigar, R.H. C.,

Umrigar, C., Umrigar

Umrigar Brothers,

Brothers, Shanghai


Umstad, IL, International

Unbehaun, C. H., general manager, HumeHarvester Co., Manila

Pipe Co.. Ld., Hongkong

Underdahl, E., superintendent, East Asiatic Co., Ld., Bangkok

Underhill, A. V., assistant, Borneo Co., tLd., Bangkok


Underwood, A.J. H., L., Manufacturers

accountant, Railway dept., Jesselton,

Life Insurance British North Borneo

Co.', Shanghai

Unjenin, F. S., acct.,.Palmer &■ Turner, Shanghai'

'Unjien, C. A. C'u, pres., Yek Tong Lin Fire & Marine Ins. Co., Ld., Manila


Unson, H.M.,J.,National

merchant, Shanghai Co., Manila


Upfill, F. L., assist., New

Upperton, F. A., sales division, ZealandFirestone

InsuranceTireCo.,& Rubber

Ld., Shanghai

Co., Singapore

Upsdell, G. E. S., headmaster, Central British.

Urbanek, F. F., general representative, Skodaworks, Shanghai School, Hongkong

Uriarte, M., assist., British Cigarette Co., Ld., Hankow

Urkin, F G., assistant, Lopato, Sons, Ld., Plarbin

Urmeneta, Damian de, vice pres., Central Azucarera De Bais, Manila


Urquhart, S.A., A.,assist.,

J. R., Jardine,

director, Matheson &&Co.,Co.,Ld.,

Hopkins, Ld.,Hongkong

Urquhart, assist, supt., PowerDunnStation, Municipality,Shanghai


Uselin, W., supt. engineer, Yangtsze Rapid S. S. Co., Ichang

Utne, Y., chief surveyor, Whangpoo Conservancy

Utter, Darwin H, Peacock Motion Picture Corporation, Shanghai Board, Shanghai

Uttley, Dr. K.W.,H„signs

Uytenbraek, Govt.perMedicAl Dept.,

pro, Jaya Sea,Hongkong

Fii-e Insurance Co., Shanghai

Yacherot, M., directeur, Soc. Iridustrielle

Vachez, P., sous-directeur, Banque de I’frtdbcfVine, et Copimercial

Saigond’Annam, Hanoi

Yachha, D. P.. manager ( Qobhai,

Vachier, J., Belgian consul, Nagasaki Karanjia, Ld., Shanghai .

Vaithilingam, K., partner, Seremban Tradirig Co., Negri Sepibilan

Vajda,,C., ipanageij. Continental Chemical & Drug Supplies, Ld:?Shahgha,i


Vaia(iier, C., chahceher, FrOn&h Legation, Bangkok


Valent, A., Shanghai Telephone Co., Shanghai


Valentine, L.,Dr.chief

D. J.,engineer,

medical Kailan Mining Administration, TientsinHongkong

Valentine, G., assist., L. Mooreofficer

& Co.,in Ld.,

charge, Tsan Yuk Hospital,



Valette, K., acting sub-manager,

engineer, Dodwell des

Societe Anonyme & Co., Hongkong

Etains de Kinta, Perak

Valle, H. de, sub-mgr., National City Bank of New York, Manila


Vallis, H„ manager, International SavingsSociety, Mukden

Valpy, J.L. H.,G., assist.,

commandant,British police



Ld., Shanghai

Valtorta, Rt. Rev. Bishop, Catholic Cathedral, Hongkong

Valvanne, H., minister, Finnish Legation, Tokyo

Van Amstel,

Van den BergD.v.W., S., shipping dept..Petroleum

R. P., Asiatic Royal Packet Navigation Co., Singapore

Co., Shanghai

Van Bochove, J.A.,Ph.general

VanBruchem, freight &genl,

N.duQuesne, transhipment dept..dept.,

freight & trans. RoyalRoyal



Nav. Co.,

Co,, S’pore,



Van Doom,

Dort, A,,J. S., assist.,

sub-treasurer, A. Cameron

District & Co.,

Office, Kobe

Kuala Pilah, Negri Sembilan

Van Eck, H. E., Asiatic Petroleum Co., Shanghai

Van Essel,

Van Essen, J.J. G..,M.,secretary,


Netherlands Guttaof Native States,

Percha Co.,Sumatra


Van Haute, J., consul general for Belgium, Shanghai


Van Lenning,

Omnen, P., director

W., providoring of dept.,Works

Public Royal (Medan),

Packet Navigation

Sumatra Co., Singapore

Van, P. G. accountant, China Import and Export

Van Sitteren, A. J., signs per pro., Java Sumatra Handelmaatschappij, Lumber Co., NankingSingapore

Van Strum, H.

Van Strum, H. R.,M., managing

managing director.

director, Oriental

Oriental Chemical

Chemical andand Trading

Trading Co.,

Co., Kobe


Van Syckee, G., Atkins, Kroll & Co., Inc., Zamboanga

Van, T. K., dean, University of Shanghai, Shanghai

Vanderburgh, R. M., president, Realty Investment Co.. Shanghai

Vanderlieb, E. J., commissioner in charge, Post Office, Tsingtao

Vanderput, L. T.,

Vanderstegen, H.,H.,assist.,

merchant, United Engineers, &Ld., Singapore

Vanderstraeten, consul forVanderstegen

Belgium, Hongkong Crooks, Hankow

Vane, S., manager, Cathay Lace Co., Shanghai

Vaner, K. A., Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ld., Shanghai

Vannini, Comdr.

Vanzini, A., manager, F., navalA. Vannini

attach^, &Italian

Co., Hongkong

Embassy, Tokyo

Vardy, Dr. E. C., District Hospital, Kuala Lumpur. Selangor


Varela, J., manager,

J., secty., Elmac Varekamp

Inc,, Manila& Co., Medan, Sumatra

Varela, Angel M., secretary, Metropolitan Theatre Oo., Manila

Varian, M. B., assist., Pacific Commercial Co., Cebu


Yarn, M.E„H.,assist.,

mgr., U.S.A. Commercial Oil

Standard-Vacuum Attach^, Shanghai

Co., Swatow


Vason, P.T. J.M.W.,

S., manager, N.

assistant, V. Fraser

Good Books, &Pictures


Works of Art, Ld., Singapore

Vasunia, F. P., Vasunia & Co., Kobe

Vasunia, H. P., Vasunia &

Vasunia, P. P., Vasunia & Co., Hongkong Co., Hongkong

Vasunia, R. P., Vasunia & Co., Hongkong

Vaterlaus, H., signs Baist

Vath, C., assistant, per pro.,

& Co.,Siber, Hegner & ( Co., Yokohama


Vaucher, J., signs per pro., Banque de ITndo-chine, Hankow


Vaughan, J.,

L., assist.,

mining Shanghai

engineer, Gas




Vaughan, R. A., repres., The Federated Engineering Co., Ld., Selangor

Vaughn, C.,S. MotorC. C., Asia Realty

Service Co., Shanghai

Co., Inc., Manila


Vaughtan, E. G., assist, installation engr., Electricity dept.,

Co., Ld.,Municipality,

Sandakan, Singapore

Vault, Chas.R.L.F.,de,accountant,

consul, UnitedBritishStates

Borneo Timber Yokohama

Consulate, B. N. Borneo


Vault, J. F. de, partner, De Vault 'Co., The, J. F., Peiping

Vaux, F. G., solicitor, Rodyk-Davidson, Singapore


Vaz, R. H., assist.,

Loe, auditor Bombay-Burraah

and accountant, TradingSocieties

Co-operative Corporation, Ld., Bangkok

dept., F.M.S.


Years, G. B.L., R.,assist.,


Dunlop Carbon,



Vedeniapine, P. A., assist., Olivier Chine, Tientsin


Vega, E.H.,H.Robert

van, head

Dollaragent, Koloniale Bank, Sourabaya

Co,, Manila


Veir, R. C., inspector, Shanghai& Waterworks

K., Schnabel, Gaumer Co., Hankow Co., Ld., Shanghai

Veit, P., inspector, Municipal Health department, Shanghai

Veit, R.,H.,assist.,

Veitch, Doitsu

Steiner & Co.,Senryo Gomei Kaisha, Kobe

F., Shanghai

Veith, J., assist., China Export-Import & Bank Co., Shanghai


Veliki, V.B.,H.,assist.,


LeighBagan Luar installation,

& Orange, Hongkong Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S. S.), Ld., Penang


Vellasco F., assist., Philippines AgencyCo.,Service,

P., vice-pres, Juyco Velilla & ManilaManila

Vellgath, R., La Commercial, Manila

Vellila, A.,A. secretary,

Veiling, 0., assist., Asiatic Commercial

Karagheusian, Corp.,Corporation,

American Manila Tientsin

Velliot, Dr. A., Municipality Francaise, Shanghai

Velten, E., vice-chairman, Societe Nouvelle des Rizeries Meridionales, Saigon

Venator, L. C., assist, trade commissioner, U. S. department of Commerce, Tientsin

Venn, W. M., wireless travelling inspector, Butterfield & Swire, Shanghai

Venshow, A., Malcolm & Co., Ld., Shainghai

Venters, J.Y.,M.,supt.,

Ventura, architect,

Pampanga Atkinson


Dallas, Ld., Shanghai


Venturi, F., provision & wine merchant,

Venturini, A., vice consul for Italy, Shanghai Shanghai

Ver, E., International General Electric Co., Manila

Vera, C. C. de, British Cigarette Co., Ld., Shanghai

Verbert, L., district manager, Credit Foncier d’Extreme Orient, Tientsin

Verdayne, Paul, manager, Paramount Film Service, Ld., Singapore

Verde, C.,M.,assist.,

Verdier, generalHankow Light

director, and Power

French Co., Ld., Hankow

Vere, J. C., manager, Vere *fc Sons Co.,Municipal

Manila Council, Shanghai

Vere, P., general

Vergani, manager,Italian

Vere & SonsforCo.,China,


Vergara, G., accountant,

R., manager, Port LamonBank Lumber Co., Manila

Vergette, R. G., assist, architect, Public Works dept, Singapore

Verhaeren, Rev. H., French Catholic Mission, Peiping


Verkouw, F., W.,signs





SteamLey, TientsinCo., Singapore


Verleysen, A., Verleysen, ife Co., Kobe


Vermeer, H.M.,H.,consul for Belgium,

manager, E. DunlopManila

& Co., Sumatra

Vermeulen, F. W., partner, Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. (S.S.). Ld., S’pore

Yernal, R. J., engineer, Public Works dept., Hongkong

Vernay, G., assist., Hongkong &, Shanghai Bank, Saigon

Vernett, J. F., wine & Spirit Merchant, Harbin

Veron, G., Banque Franco-Chinoise, Saigon

Vervloet, A., partner,

Verzosa, Capt. V., SmithVanNavigation


and Manila

Consul for France, Medan

Vetch, Henri, general manager, French Bookstore, Peiping

Veth, G., assist., Waibel

Veybel, C., installation manager, Cie. Franco-Asiatique des Petroles, Nhabe, Saigon

Veysin, P. G., Societe des Ciments Portland Artificiels de LTndochine, Haiphong

Veysseyre, P., partner, Leonard & Veysseyre, Shanghai

Vezey, H. Curtis, editor, Harbin Daily News, Harbin

Vialy, D., traffic supt., Compagnie Franeaise de Tramways, Shanghai


Viccajee, F., Viccajee & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Viccajee, R., Viccajee & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Yich, F. A., manager, Philipine Long Distame Telephone Co., Manila

Yick, V. R.,

Vickers, G. E.,managing director, V.Electrical

charge engineer, It. Vick &department,

Co., Singapore

Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

Vickers, W. J., Health officer, Sanitary Board, Selangor

Victal, A., assistant, Swan, Culbertson

Victal, P., assistant, Messsageries Maritime, Shanghai& Fritz,

1 Shanghai

Victor, J. A., signs per pro., Union Commerciale des Glaciers Beiges, Hongkong


Vidal, A., secretaire,Cie

E., assistant, Societe des Ciments

Francaise PortlandShanghai

de Tramways, Artificiels de ITndoehine, Haiphong

Vidal, G., controleur, Banque de ITndo-chine, Saigon

Vidal, J., vice-pres., Carrero Vidal & Co., Manila

Viegelmann, E., Viegelmann, Schroeder & Co., Manila

Vieron, Dr. L., French Consulate, Chungking



V., manager,Marcel

Chinese Darre, Shanghai

Eastern Railway Commercial Agency, Dairen

Villaflores, P., gen. vice-pres., Intel-national Marine Union of the Philippines, Manila .

Villanueva, F., acting manager, General

Villas, G., assistant, Platt White-Cooper & Co., ShanghaiInvestment Corporation, Manila

Villas, J. R., assistant, Shanghai Waterworks, Shanghai


Ville, administrateur

M. 1. de, surveyor, delegue,



Dept., Hongkong Francaise de ITndo-Chine, Saigon


Viloudaki, N. A., president, Viloudaki & Co., Shanghai Petroles, Saigon

M. de, assistant, Cie. Franco-Asiatique des

Viloudaki, R. G., vice-pres., Viloudaki & Co., Shanghai


Vinall,H.,G.manager, Asia Life

H., secretary, BritishInsurance

& ForeignCo., Bible


Society, Kobe

Vincens, J., cashier, Banque de ITndo-China, Canton


Vincent, E.F. E.,

G., manager,

assist, manager,

American Whiteway,

Foreign Laidlaw

Insurance& Co., ShanghaiShanghai


Vincent, H. F., assistant, Cornes & Co., Yokohama

Vincent, J. C., 2nd sec. of Legation and consul for U.S.A., Nanking




of Landroom,

H., British-American Govt.Sandakan,

Revenue. Printing Office, Singapore

Vines, H., Tobacco Co., ShanghaiBritish North Borneo

Vinet, R., assistant, Cie Franco-Asia tique des Petroles, Saigon

Vint, D. I., assistant, British American Tobacco Co., Bangkok

Viola, L., Tipper & Co., and Ocean Accident and Guarantee Insurance, Tientsin

Violot, G.R., M.,

Violet, agent,

fonde Robert

de pouviors, Dollar

Descours Co., etZamboanga

Cabaud, Saigon

Viorol, P. M., assist., Borneo Co., Ld., Bangkok

Visser, D., surveyor, Singkep Tin Maatschappy, Singapore

Vissers, P., C.Tientsin

Vissoring, Tramways

E., director, Reuter.andBrockelmann

Lighting Co.,& Ld., Co., Tientsin


Vitan, F., Umion Insurance Society of Canton, Ld., Manila

Vittaly, M. E., gen’l manager, Claude Neon Lights, Shanghai

Vivian, J. G. P.,V.,naval

Vizeuzinovich, attache,Spanish

chancellor, British Consulate,

Embassy, Tokyo Shanghai

Vleeschouwer, E. de, secty., Belgian Chamber of Commeroe, Shanghai

Vliegers, M. de, attache to the Belgian Consulate, Tientsin

Vlieland, C. A., district officer, Kuala Selangor, Selangor

Vliet, C. D. van, lawyer, Knappert & Co., Semarang

Vliet, S. C. van, manager,

Voelcker, Co.,L. E.Tokyo


Voelker, R.W.,F.,C.director,

lilies & Miller Rubber Export Co., Ld., Singapore

Vogel, Dr.

Vogel, H., Ahrens & Co., Nachf

W. R., lawyer, Shanghai H., Kobe

Vogelsang; H., assist., Bayer, Meister Lucius, Y.G.K., Kobe


Vogler, K., signs per &pro.,Co.,Diethelrn

Vognel, R., E., assist.,


China Merchants Shanghai

Pongee Association, Shanghai


Vogt, G., assist., Schnabel, Gaumer & Co., Hankow

Vogt, Dr.

Vogt, H., assist.,

K., lawyer Doitsu

andSenrya Gomei toKaisha,

legal adviser GermanKobeErnbassy, Tokyo

Vogue, Robert de, dir., Compagnie de Comm, et de Navigation & Extreme Orient, Sai.

Voigt, R., accountant, Standard Braid and Produce Co., Kobe

Volegoff, P. A., manager, Chinese Eastern Railway, Tientsin

Volker, Dr. T., secy., Immigrants’ Asylum, Medan, Sumatra

Volkert, R., signs

Vollenweider, F.. the firm,Inc.,

Zullig, Schnabel,

ManilaGaumer & Co., Hankow

Vollmers, H., mgr., Honwan Trading

Vollrath, F., assist., Melchers & Co., Shanghai Co., Canton

Volny, Antonin, chancellor. Legation of Czechoslovakia, Tokyo


Vongehr, H.O. H.E., E„McKesson

assist., Barlow k Co.,Hankow

k Robbins, Shanghai

Voogd, N. A. J. de, interpreter, Netherlands Consulate, Kobe

Voorhees, E. M. van, managing director, Genera! Motors (Japan), Ld., Osaka

Voretzsch, Dr. E. A., Ambassador for Germany* Tokyo

Vorlaender, H., assist., Doitsu Senryo Gomei Kaisha, Kobe

Vorlaender, G. A., Bayer, Meister Lucius, Y.G.K., Kobe

Vomer, J. A., representative, Ditmar, Brunner Bros., Ld., Shanghai

Vos, Robert de, general representative, Nederlandsch Syndicaat Voor China, Tsingtao

Voskamp, J. H.,J„signs

Vosbein, Capt. EastperAsiatic

pro!, Co.,


Ld., Bangkok Bank, Shanghai

Voss, W., assistant, Carlowitz & Co.. Tientsin

Voskamp, Dr. H., vice-consul for Germany, Canton

Vosmaer, G. A., lawyer, Knappert & Co., Semarang

Vospar, R. J., inspector, Shanghai Waterworks Co., Ld., Shanghai


Voss, C. de,H.partner,

Dr. Waite & Co., Tientsin

G.,G., secretary,

Vouillemont, Societe desGerman



Artificiels de ITndochine, Haiphong

Voiite, A. M„ jr., manager, De Javasche

Vroom, W. A J., shipping dept., Roval Packet Bank, Bengkalis,


Co., Singapore


Vyrenbroek, W., signs per pro., Blom & Van derFranco-Asiatique

C. V., general manager, Comnagnie Aa, Shanghai des Petroles, Saigon

Waal, J. de, manager, N. V. Handel Mij. Gestetner* Batavia, Java

Waanders, J. L.. surveyor, Singkep Tin Maatschappy, Singapore



manager, for France, Pakhoi

Schoeller, Bleckmann Phoenix Seike G. K., Osaka

Wachter, Max, repres., Buchandlung Gustav Fock, Tokyo

Wachtler, R. A., assist, to managing director. General Motors (Japan), Ld., Osaka

Wacker, C. F., secretary, German Consulate, Tsingtao

Waddell, C.G.,J.,assist.,

Waddell, engineer,


& Co.,Hongkong

Ld., Singapore

Waddell, J., assist., Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, Shanghai


Waddell, J. E.,

C., assist., Universal Leaf Tobacco Co., Shanghai

Waddell, J. M., principal, North ChinaCo.,American

J. Anderson, Clayton & Shanghai School, Peiping

Waddell, J. S., shipping clerk, British Consulate, Kobe

Waddington, W. J., manager. P. & O. Banking Corporation, Ld., Hongkong


Wade, F. W., assist, architect. Public Works dept., dept.,

R. A., assist, district engineer, electricity KedahMunicipality, Singapore-

Wade, J. L., assist., Probst, Hanbury & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Wade, L.L. W.,

Wade, H., assist.,

secretary,Baboud, MaryConsulate,

American & Cie., Shanghai


Wade, L. W., pro-mgr., National City Bank of New York, Hankow


Wade, T. S. D., assist., British-American Tobacco Banking

R. H. D., assist., Hongkong'and Shanghai Co. (NorthCorporation,

China), Ld.,Amoy


Wadeson, R. A., solicitor, Deacons, Hongkong

WadleigH, W. L., director, Wadleigh Commercial, Ld., Singapore

Wadmore, A. J., overseer, P.W.D., Hongkong

Wadsworth, B., assistant, McAuliffe, Davis & Hope, Penang

Wadsworth, S., assistant manager, George Town Dispensary, Ld., Penang



Waelchli, J. L., consul for Czechoslovakia,

Waelti, E., assist., Siber, Hegner, <& Co,;, Shanghai Osaka

Waetcke, H. M. W.,

Waetjen, R.W.,E.,assistant, signs ppr pro.,

China representative, leh^en

Erdmancf e CQ.,,Shanghai

Waggott, Thos. Cook & Son, Ld., &Kobe,

Sielcken, Shanghai

iVagman, 0., rep res., ^Nathan Wagman, Tientsin

Wagner, A., China Export-Import & Bank Co., Shanghai


Wagner, A.E. M., A. S.,manager,






Wagner, H., merchant. Kobe

Wagner, J., overseer, Brossard Mopin Etablissements, Singapore

Wagner, R. W., manager, Javgsche Bank, Padang

Wagner, S., Larsen & Trock, Shanghai

Wagner, W., assist., Eickhoff & Co., Shanghai


Wagner, W= Dr. B.,W.,assistaht,

consul general for Germany,

Carlowitz & Co., Hankow Osaka

Waid, J., assist., Taikoo Sugar Refining Co., Ld., Hongkong

Wailey, E. V., British Cigarette Co., Shanghai America, Nanking

Wailes, E. T„ vice consul for United States of

Wailey, W., British Cigarette Cbj-,, Shanghai


Waint, P. P.,S.,manager,

H., general manager, Kyo Bun Kwan, Tokyo

Wainwright, Major F. L.,Fukien assist,Construction

commissioner,Bureau, Foochow

Municipal Police, Shanghai

Wait, P. R., acct., Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and China, Penang

Waite, G.G. W.,

Waite, W., assistant,

statisticalNew Engineering

department, and Maritime

Chinese Shipbuilding Works,Shanghai

Customs, Ld., Shanghai

Waite, W. E., assistant, Jardine Engineering Corporation,

Waittaker, W. H., assist, supt. of Mails, General Post Office, Hong Kong Ld., Shanghai

Wake, E. J.,F.assistant,

Wakefield, Whiteaway,

W., Butterfield Laidlaw

& Swire, Tientsin & Co., Ld., Penang

Wakeford, L. T., chartered electrical engineer, Wakeford & Lowndes, Singapore

Wakeford, H.,R. G.managing

Wakelam, L, mechanical

director,engineer, Wakeford

City Realty & Lowndes, Singapore

Co., Shanghai

Wakeham, IP. O. G., Palmer & Turner, Shanghai

Wal, J. M., van der, treasurer, Municipality, Padang


Walch, E., R.,

partner, Inhelder Walch


Co., Manila

Walch, E.L. D., chartered

mamager, J.acct.,

Ullmann & Matthews, Hongkong

Co., Hongkong

Walden, H. M., British Cigarette Co., Ld., Shanghai

Waldron, F. A. S., mgr., Pure Cane Molasses Co. (P. I.) Inc., Iloilo

Walek, F., Waibel & Co., Shanghai

Wales, C. A., assistant, British Borneo Timber Co., Samdakan


Wales, C-C.D.,R.,branch manager,engr.,

mechanical UnionP.W.D.,

InsuranceLowerSociety of Canton, Ld., Kobe


Walford, A. S., assist., British Cigarette Co.., Shanghai

Walford, Guy. vice-consul for Gt. Britain, & mgr., Smith Bell & C6., Ld., Cebu ;

Walkden, A. F., assist., Dodwell & Co., Ld., Hongkong

Walker, A. F., manager, Texas Co. (P.L), Inc., The, Manila

Walker, D., chemist, The Pharmacy, Hongkong

Walker, E., Waugh & Co., Ld., Henry, Penang

Walker, E.E. G.,

Walker, P., general manager,engineer,

chief electrical Singer United

Sewing Engineers,

Machine Co.,Ld.,Kobe



Walker, E.

F. H.,

A., manager,

architect, Otis

Cie. Elevator Co.,

Franco-Asiatique Manilades Petroles, Saigon

Walker, F. B., partner, A. L. Anderson & Co., Shanghai

Walker, F. V., director, Clifford-Wilkinson Tansan Mineral Water Co., Ld., Kobe

Walker; F. W., assistant, B.oustead & Co., Kuala Lumpur, Selangor


Walker, G.G. C., assist.,

assist., Hanson, Orth &supt.,

Stevenson Inc.. Manila

Walker, G.

Walker, G. E.,

F., accountant,



assist., McAuliffe,



Davis &Seth




Fleming, Hongkong

Walker, H. B., gejmiral:broker, Cebu •. j,


Walker, H. Hopson, advocate and solicitor, Selangor

Walker, J., assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co. (North China), Ld., Shanghai

Wlalker, J., acct., Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation, Manila

Walker, J. C., assistant, Boustead & Co., Ld., Port Swettenham, Selangor

Walker, John C., manager, Thos. Cook & Son, Ld., Singapore

Walker, J. R., Shanghai Dock & Engineering Co., Ld., (Shanghai


r J. S., assist., Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Nagasaki


alker, R.,

M. P„art treasurer, St. John’sdepartment,

supt., Educational University, Singapore


Walker, R., jr., R. N. Walker & Cb., Nagasaki

Walker, R. D., manager & chief engineer, Kowloon-Canton

Walker, R. G.’, assist., Standard-Vacuum Oil Cb., Taipeh, Formosa Railway, Hongkong

Walker, R. J. K., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (South China), Ld., Hongkong

Walker, R. P., deputy accountant, Federated Malay States Railways, Kuala Lumpur

Walker, R. P. S., principal, King Edward VII School, Perak

Walker, S., assistant, Robert Dollar Co., Shanghai

Walker, V., chief assist, engineer, Hongkong Tramways, Ld., Hongkong

Walker, W. C., assist., Shanghai Power Co., Shanghai

Walker, W. G., assistant, Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd., Manila

Walker, W. L., Dr.

Walkingshaw, overseer, Publicofficer,

R., medical WorksMedical

dept., Hongkong

dept., Lower Perak

Wall, A. C. M., chief policelofficer, Pahang

Wallace, A. M. D., assistant, Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation,; Shanghai

Wallace, C., general mgr., Central Agency, Ld., Shanghai

Wallace, D. F. A., manager, Asiatic Petroleum Co. (North China), Ld., Mukden

Wallace, F., 3rd; assist, commissioner, Police Department, POrak


Wallace, Dr.G., assist.,

H., assist., MackenziePower &'Cb., Co.,



Wallace, H. B. C..Shanghai

medical and health officer, Medical dept.,; Penang

Wallace, J. E., supt., Government Printing dept., F.M.S,

Wallace, J. G., assist., Asia Realty Co., Shanghai


Wallace, Dr.L. S.,11.assist., Brown,officer,

B., medical Phillips k Stewart,

Malayan Penang

Amereian Plantation, Penang


Wallace, R.R. C.,

H., assistant,

Robert DollarTaikooCo.,Dockyard

Shanghaiand. Engineering Cp-, Hongkong

Wallace, Wm., Smith, Bell & Co., Manila


Wallas, signs commissioner,

per pro., Elbrook, Incorporated,

Chinese Maritime Tientsin

Customs, Hunchun

Wallden, F., Gadelius

Walle, J., Ehlers & Co., E., Shanghai

Wallem, H. J., Wallem & Co., Shanghai

Waller, A. J., director, Kelly & Walsh, Ld., Shanghai

Waller, G., assistant, Platt White-Cooper i Co:, Shanghai


Waller, G.H. G.,

A., Hongkong

supt. of works, and Shanghai


BrewersCorporation, Kob Hongkong

& Distillers Ld.,

Waller, P. A., assist., Benjamin and Potts, Hongkong


Wallington,R. N.,

H. assist.,

G., assist,Straits Times,

master, Singapore

Queen’s College, Hongkong

Wallis, F. A., consul for Great Britain, Hankow

Wallis, G. C., assistant, Hall & Holtz,

Wallis, P. R. M., divisional manager, ConfederationLd., Tientsin Life Association, Hongkong

Wallis, T. C., assist, engineer, Federated Malay States Rail ways, K. Lumpur, Selangor

Wallmueller, H., assist., Kofa American DrugCo;,Co..Ld.,

Wallis, W. E., director, Harrisons, Barker k Fed.,(Kuala

Inc., Lumpur), Singapore

U.S.A., Shanghai

Wallwork, E. E., manager, Monotype CorpOjration, Ld., Shanghai

Walmsley, G. C., assist, engineer, Federated Malay States Railways, K. Lumpur, Selangor

Walravens, P., engineer-in-charge, Kailan Mining Administration, Tientsin

Walsemann, R., Reuter, Brockelmann & Co., Tientsin

Walravens, P., mgr., Linsi colliery, Kailan Mining Administration, Tientsin


Walser, J.,E. assistant,

van, assist.,Forbes,


Munir & Co.; Lijn, Kobe

Ld., Manila

Walsh, E., managing partner, Inhelder, Waleh Co., Ld., Manda



Walsh, G., O.S.S. Co., Ld., accountant, Butterlield & Swire, Shanghai

Walsh, H.

Walsh, W. F.J., C.,harbour

vice-consul for Marine

master, Great Britain, Bangkok

Office, Negri Sembilan

Walter, E. A., assist., Butterfield & Swire, Hankow

Walter, H., assistant, Melchers & Co., Hankow

Walter, H., Kienhuize & Co., Shanghai

Walter, J. B., Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation, Kobe

Walter, P. E. H., assist., Asiatic Petroleum Co,, Shanghai

Walter, W.,

Walter, W. R.,assist.. ExportWaterworks

secretary, and ImportCo.,Co.,Ld.,


Saigon _

Walters, D. K., partner, Allen & Gledhill, Johore

Walters, E. C., 2nd vice-president, Hanson, Orth & Stevenson, Inc., Manila

Walters, F. A., assist., Socony Vacuum Corporation, Shanghai

Walters, G.S. K.,

Walters, J. D.,manager,

assist, district


& Co.,(Bau & Lundu), Sarawak



Walton, A. B., assist, forest conservator, ForestShanghai

E.. assist., Kofa American Drug Co., dept., Rawang, Selangor



signs per pro., Volkart

Dodwell Bros., Shanghai

& Co.. Shanghai


Warburton, E.W.,F.,assist.,

inspector, Sanitary

Hongkong anddept., Hongkong

Shanghai Banking Corporation, Shanghai

Ward, A. K., accountant, Shanghai Power Co., Shanghai

Ward, A. S., assist., Netherlands Trading Society, Hongkong

Ward, C. H., executive engr., P.W.D., Raub, PaJiang

Ward, F. D., Government architect, Public Works dept., Singapore

Ward, E. H. H., manager, ReuteWs, Ld., Tientsin

Ward, H. B., director, Adamson, Gilfillan & Co., Ld., Singapore

Ward, H. L., barrister-at-law, Platt White-Cooper & Co., Shanghai

Ward, H. L., assist, supt., Revenue Survey Branch, Perak

Ward, J., Reuters, Ld., Shanghai

Ward, J., tidesurveyor and harbour master, Chinese Maritime Customs, Kiukiang


Ward, J.J. P.,

M., treasurer,


National Brown

City Bank


New and


Mukden Inc., Manila

Ward, N., commissioner, Land Office, Kota Tinggi, Johore

Ward, R. S., consul for America, Tientsin


Ward, W.,

W., assist., imports

revenue officer, dept.,


and Mathespn


Office, Ld., Shanghai


Ward, W. A., district officer, Larut, Perak

Ward, W. J., manager, Whiteaway, Laidlaw & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Ward-Smith, D., manager, Foster, McClellan


Warden, W.,F. A.,signs




Comte& Co.,

& Co.,Selangor.

Ld., Singapore

Wardhaugh, J. W., assist., Cook & Son, Ld., Singapore


Ware, C. R.,

Dr. T.E. W., sub-accountant,

second PortRobinsonMercantile

health officer Bank of India, ofShanghai

Wareham, T., assistant, Piano and

Co., inspector

Ld., SingaporeEmigrants, Hongkong

Waring, D. T., director, Henggeler & Martin, Ltd., Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

Warmsley, T. H., broker, Doney & Co., Tientsin


Warnecke,M., Manilaassist.,

Instalment Co., ManilaShanghai

Warneken, L.E.,H.,signs KunstMelchers

per pro., & Albers,

& Co., Shanghai

Warner, G., vice-consul for America, Mukden

Warner, J. C., engr., International Engineering Co., Bangkok


arner, S. A., chief-accountant, Philippine National Bank, Manila

Warning, J. H., agent, Java-China Japan-Lijn, Batavia

Warrls, H.,W.assistant

Warnock, O., assist., TaikopManila

treasurer, DockyardGasand Engineering

Corporation, Co., Hongkong



Warren, C. W„

C. C., harbour

assistant, officer, Customs,Union

Commercial Shanghai

Assurance Co., Ld., Singapore


Warren, E. J.charge

H., T„ manager,

engineer, Australian

Shanghai Sandalwood

Power Co., Co., Ld., Hongkong


Warren, J. J., commissioner, Department of Excise, Singapore

Warren, L., Imperial Cheniical Industries, Tientsin


Warren, L. B., managing director, C. E. Wkrren'Co., Ld., Hongkong


Warren, M.

O. C.,C., assist.,'

signs perStdrcR

pro., Brothers,

MacNeill Ld.,& Co.,Ipoh,



Warrington, F..W., assist., Ja^dine, J Matheson

r & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Warsoe, F: :4:., assist., GhOat N'ortherh Telegraph Co., Hongkong

Wasem, Jr., L., manager, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Penang


Waser, H.H.,O.,mgr.,

general Handel M^atscliappij

manager,'Sea yiew v/h


Ld., Export Gesellschaft, Singapore


Wash brook, A. G., district de puty coni m i ssioper, Post Office, Nanking

Washington, S. W., 3rd secy., U.iS.A. Embassy, Tokyo


Water, W.L.Tol, P., assist.,

managing partner, Wassard

Netherkiiids Trading &Society,

Co., .Vladivostock


Waterford, L. M., surveyor,"Survey department, Perak


Waters, D. R., partner, Waters & Watson, Singapore Singapore

F. L., director, Fred Waterhouse Co., Ld.,

Waters, J. L., branch manager, Moutrie & Co., Ld., Penang

Waters, R. A. S., district manager, China Electric Co:, Ld., Mukden

Waters, T.V. F.P.,R.,A. manager,

Waters, S. WatsonAsiatic

& Co., Petroleum

Canton Co. (North China) Ld., Hangchow


Watherton,D.D.W.,C.,inspector of wireless

assist, district officer,and telegraph,

Kuala Kangsar,P.W.D.,


Watkins, H., assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Hongkong

Watkins, O. F. J., assistant enginee’r, Posts & Telegraphs, Penang

Watkins, R. G., district officer, Fire Brigade, Shanghai

Watkins, S. J.T .assistant, Harrisons & Crosfieldy Ld., Sumatra


Watkinson,D.V. P.O.,

C.,F.,sunt., Customs

Bradley department,

Swatow Co,,Muar,

& Co.,Petroleum Johore

Watling, assist., Asiatic Ld., Shanghai

Watson, A. J., assistant, Rose, Downs 4 Thompson (Far Hast), Ld., Shanghai

Watson, B. H., Swan,jCulbeytson;& Fritz, Shanghai

Watson, C., Service mgr., Malayan. Motors, iLd., Singapore

Watson, C. E., proprietor,. Brewers Bookshop, Hongkong

Watson, C.D. J,,J., assist,,

Watson, assistant,Keptfc

Shanghai land Hongkew Wharf Co., Ld., Shanghai

Co., Manila

Watson, E., tariff export, Office of Inspectorate General, Customs Shanghai

Watson, E. C., partner, Waters & Watson, Singapore

Watson, F., district attorney, U. S. Court for China, Shanghai

Watson, G.G. C.,

Watson, E., assistant,

sub-acct., Islay, Kerr Bank

Chartered & Co.,ofPenang

India, Australia 4 China, Saigon

Watson, H., assist., Henry Waugh 4 Co., Ld., Singapore

Watson, H. C., assist., Dairy Farm, Ice and Cold Storage Co., Ld., Hongkong

Watson, J., agronomist, China Agricultural Development Co., Hongkong

Watson, J., assist., Gully Dairy Co., Ld.? iShanghai 1


Watson, J., Asiatic Petroleum

J., deputy Co. (North China),

registrar, Registration of BirthsLd.,andHankow

Deaths, Hongkong

Watson, J. A., assistant, Taikob Dockyard and Engineering Co., Hongkong

Watson, J. B„ assist, engineer, Public Werks dept., Shanghai


Watson, J.J. E., assistant.,& Watson,

P., Watson Caldbeck,Manila

Macgregor & Co., Ld,, Shanghai

Watson, J.J. R.,

Watson, P., manager,



Bank ofCo.,India,

ManilaAustr. & China, Tsingtao

Watson, J. S., mng. director, Manchurian Co , Ld., Harbin

Watson, K. F. C., manager, Fu Chung Corporation, Tientsin

Watson, M. M., solicitor and notary public; Johnson, Stokes

Watson, N.

Watson, M. W.,

W., assist.,

Dodge Nestle

and Seymour Ld., Shanghai

:& Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co., Hongkong


Watson, T., assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co-Branch*

O., assist, supt., Revenue Survey (StraitsLarut, Perak Ld., Perak


Watson, W., sub-accountant, Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China, Canton.

Watson, W.

Watson, W.,.accountant, North^China

S., managing-director, Daily Nevis.and

S. Moutrie 4 Qo., Ld.,Herald, Shanghai.


Watt, A., charge engineer, Shanghai JPower Co., Shanghai

Watt, Charletl assist;, Lean 4 Co., Penang


Watt, E., surveyor of ships, Surveyor-General Office, Singapore

Watt, G. A., The Japan

Watt, Times, Yokohama

Watt, I.H.,W.,manager,


I. H. Home

Watt &and Co.,Missions

Hongkongto Seanen,' Hongkong_ 7 '

Watt, J. D., senior assist, architect, Public Works dept., Municipality, Shanghai

Watt, M. J. B., partner, Lean & Co., Penang

Watt, T. C-, signs per pro., Hung Cheong & Co., Hongkong

Watt, W. Dr.

Watters, M., H.signs

S., per

Wuhu pro.,General

McAlister A Co., Wuhu

Hospital, Ld., Singapore

Watts, A., broker, Watts & Frisk, Tientsin

Watts, G., assist., Borneo Co., Ld.. Bangkok

Watts, C. H., partner, Fonghin and Watts, Singapore

Watts, E. H., assist., Lane, Crawford, Ld., Hongkong

Watts, T. E., manager, Watts & Co., Tientsin


Waugh, L.H.T.,G.,sub-accountant,

Henry Waugh Chartered

& Co., Ld., Bank of India, Australia and China, Manila.


Waugh, P. J. R., planting adviser, Guthrie & Co., Ld., Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

Waugh, W. L., Waugh & Co., (Ld., Henry, Penang

Waughan, W. D., manager, Cathay, Laundry, Ltd., Shanghai

Waveren, J. van, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Manila

Waveren, J. C. van, agent, Java Bank, Semarang


Way, C. H.W.S.,L.,assist.,

assist.,Texas Co.Bros.

Liddell, (China), Ld.,Tientsin

& Co., Shanghai

Way, H., architect, Hall and Hall, Hongkong

Way, H. C. B., Union Insurance Society of Canton, Ld., Hongkong

Way, J., assist., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.C.), Ld., Hongkong

Way, J. P., Manufacturers Life Insurance Co., Hongkong


Way, J.W.R.,H.,assistant, Hongkong

assist., Jardine Electric Co.,

Engineering Ld., Hongkong

Corporation, Ld., Shanghai

Way, W. K., manager, Peacock Motion Picture Co., Inc., Hongkong

Way, W. S., assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Seoul

Way, W. T. L., secretary, Taku Tug and Lighter Co., Ld., Tientsin

Wayman, F. S., executive engineer, P.W.D., Johore Bahru, Johore

Weall, T. G., director, Shanghai Tug & Lighter Go., Ltd., Shanghai

Wear, D., Executive engineer, Tampin, Negri Sembilan

Wearne, W. J., manager, Malayan Motors, Ld,, Singapore


Weaver, J.,

G., inspector, municipal

supt., Liggett and MyershealthTobacco

dept., Shanghai

Co., Manila

Webb, B. M., dir., Arnhold & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Webb, C. R., chief engineer, Shanghai Power Co., Shanghai


Webb, D., engineering staff, Shanghai Waterworks Co., Ld., Shanghai

Webb, E.H.,A.,assist.,

operator (Sibu),

Eastern Telegraph

Extension and Telephones

Telegraph Co., Ld., dept.,


Webb, H. W., Butterfield & Swire, Canton

Webb, O. S., senior executive engineer, Public Works dept., Municipality, _ Singapore^

Webb, R. C., manager Dunlop Rubber Cp. (China), Ld., Hongkong

Webb, R. L. S., local manager, Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ld., Hongkong

Webb, S.,

Webb, S., assist.,Shanghai

Lyall & Evatt, Singapore

Webb, T. J.supt., Telephone Co., Ld., Shanghai

t assist., International Export Co., Ld., Nanking

Webb, W. F., Alex Ross & Co., Kowloon, Hongkong

Webber, B. M., agent, Bendixen & Co., Sitiawan, Perak

Webber, H. E., assistant, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co., Shanghai

Webber, L., consul for America, Chefoo

Webber, M. L., assist. Conservator of Forests, Kuala Kangsar,'Perak

Weber, A., secty. Fishers, Ld., Singapore

Weber, A., partner, Sun Life Oil Mill Co., Ld., Tientsin

Webet; O! A., Silk merchant, Shanghai

Weber, G. E., genera! manager, Compania General de Tabacos de Philipihas, lilanila.

Weber, H., partner, H. Sobbe, Hankow

Weber, H. E., manager, Nhabd installation, Cie. Franco-Asiatique, Saigon


Weber, P., Deseours et Cabau-d, Saigon

'Weber, R. C., General Motors (Japan); Ld., Osaka

Weber, W., Deutsche Farben-Haiidelsgesellschaft Waibel & Co., Shanghai

Weble, W. IS., British Cigarette Co., Ld. Shanghai

Webster, A., assist., Hongkong Electric Co., Hongkong

Webster, A.A., P.,assist.,

Webster, assist.,Oppenheimer & Cie., &Ld..Fritz,

Swan, Culbertson KobeShanghai

Webster, E. C., Atlantic Gulf (^'Pacific Co., Manila

Webster, G. J., assist., F.M.S. l^ailWaiys, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

Webster, T. G. C., branch manager, Fraser & Heave, Ltd., Malacca

Webster. W., partner, Butler

Weckert, H., Carlowitz & Co., Canton

Wedderburn, R. W., managing director, Kelly & Walsh, Shanghai

Wedekind, A. Y., Amhold & Co., iLd., Tientsin

Wedellsborg, G. W., assistant. East Asiatic Co., Ld., Bangkok


Weeda, A. C.,A.assistant,

T., assist.,Harrisons


Co., Ld., Ld.,



Weekes, E. A., harbour-master, Chinese

Weeks, J. R., assistant manager, Dodwell & Co., Ld.,Maritime Customs, Chinwangtao


Weeks, P. D., Pearce & Garriock, Hankow

Weeraratne, G. D. P., proprietory Stationer’s Hall, Bangkok

Weerekoon, Dr. A. C., proprietor and consultant, Central Pharmacy, Singapore

Wegelin, L., merchant, Shanghai

Wegener, H. O., assist., Texas Co., (China), Ld., The, Shanghai


Wehrli, W.,W. assist.,

F., assist., F.M.S. Railways,

Diethelm Co., Saigon Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

Weibel, A.,H.,assist.,

Weibner, Siber Hegner

Liebermann Waelchi& &Co..,Co,,'Shanghai


Weidauer, H., supt. engineer, Government Power Station, Bangkok

Weidinger, L., assist., Hackmack & Co., Peiping

• Weidmann, W., Consul for Switzerland, Medan, Sumatra


Weigall, G.H. S.,S.,partner,

director,Wheelock '& Co., Ld.,

Tozai Motors, Shanghai


Weight, J.

Weight,J. W. R., Jugra Land

A., assist., & Carey,

Thos.General Ld,,


Cook Motors Swettenham


Weik, E.,.sales manager, Ld., Osaka

Weillschott, L., Councellor, Italian Embassy, Tokyo ;

Weinberg, I., manager, Tipper & Co., Peiping

Weingart, P.,W.,manager,

Weinmann, director,Astor HouseSheet

Asbestos Hotel,Factory

Ld., Tientsin


Weinstein, V. S., manager, China Fur Trading Co.. Harbin

Weinzheimer, L., general manager, Calamba Sugar Estate, Manila


Weir, T.Dr.R.,E.Eastern

M., Tengmanager,

Hock Seng’s Hospital,

Siamese SingaporeLd., Bangkok

Tin Syndicate,

Weir, W., assist., Taikoo Dockyard and Engineering. Co., Hongkong

Weisberg, H., 1st. assist, secty., Federal Secretariat, F.M.S.


Weisman, C., Dr.chief

P., physician

engineer,and Surgeon,

Macao Electric Tsingtao-

Co., Macao

Weiss, A., Carlowitz & Co., Canton

Weiss, C. B., manager, U.S. Steel Products Cdi; Shanghai


Weiss, G.,

J. B.,manager,

Registrar,depot installation,

Supreme Court, Cie.

J choreFranco-Asiatique, Saigon

Weiss, K., manager. Bata Shoe Co., Ld., Hongkong

Weitz, F., mgr., Deutsch Stickstoff Handels, Krauch & Co., Tsingtao



B., assist.,Osaka

Gadelius & Co., Ld., Osaka

Welch, A. J., director, A. J. Wattie & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Welch, R. H., Kailan Mining Administration, Tientsiii

Welch, P., Benjaminand Potts, Shanghai

Welch, R. V., Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ld., Singapore

Weldon, Capt. H. A., mariiie supt., Straits S.S. Co,, Ld., Singapore

Wellbelove, E., assistant, S. Moutrie & Co., Ld., Shanghai


Weller, H. R., special representative, Manufacturers Life Insurance Go., Penang

Weller, J. E., Cook & son (Bankers), (Ld., Tiios.,. Singapore

Welling, L., assist., Tel & Go’s. Trading Society, Singapore


Wells, A. C., Dr. A. R., director,

manager, Medical andTelegraph

Eastern Extension SanitaryGo.,Services,

PenangHongkong ; -

Wells, G. D., manager, Alexander Clark Go.,

Wells, H. C., accountant, Sarawak Oilfields, Ed.,'Sarawak Snangliai

Wells, H. R., National Mutual Life Association, Hongkong

Wells, James, assist, to general agent, Robert Dollar Co., Manila

Wells, J. W., overseer, P.W.D., Hongkong


Wells, M. E. H., assist.,

R.R. W.,

Smith, Shanghai

Bell &Malcolm Dock and Manila

Co., Ld.,&(Legaspi), Engineering Go., Ld., Shanghai

Wells, director, Co., Ld., Shanghai

Wells, T. E., assist., F.M.S. Railway, Kuala Luippur, Selangor ,

Wells, W. R., workshop

Wells-Henderson, W. N.,supt, ElectricalDodweil

accountant, Tramways

P Go.,dept.,

Ld., Penang


Welsby, A., assistant, The General Electric Go. of China Ld., Shanghai

Welsford, G. C., assist., Evans «k Sons, Ld.,

Welsing, E., assistant, Meyerink & Co., Wm., Hongkong Shanghai

Wemyss, G. A. F., sub-agent, Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, Hankow


Wenman,H.L.H.A.,H., assistant,F.M.S.


assist., Islay, Kerr & KualaCo., Penang

Lumpur t

Wendt, AthleticRailways,

Supply Co., Manila

Wendt, H., Alhambra Cigar and Cigarette Manufacturing Cp., Manila

Wennubst, H. M. P., Behn, Meyer & Co., Sourabaya

Wente, F. G., assist, manager, Singkep Tin Maatschappij, Singapore

Wentworth, C. M., Wentworth & Andrews, Shanghai

Werckmeister, G., signs per pro., Winckler & Co., Kobe

Were, C. S.,T., chief

Wergeni, East operator,

Asiatic Co.,Telegraph and Telephones dept., Sarawak

Ld., Bangkok

Werken, H. E., attorney, Socony-Vacuum

Wermuth, W., agent, N. V. Heybroek’s Groothandel, Corpn., Hongkong



Werner, A.,

agent, acct., Pampanga

Messageries Sugar

Maritimes,Mills, Manila


Werner, L., signs per pro., R. Johnson & Co., Canton

Werner, O., assist., Winckler & Co., Yokohama


Wernli, A., F.assistant,

G., sub-acct., Chartered

Hooglandt & Co.,Bank of India Australia & China, Hongkong


Wesselink, G. M., burgomaster, Municipality, Medan


West, H.,H.assist,C., Electrical

supt., CrownEngineer,


Office, P.W.D., Hongkong


West, J.

J. S.,

V., acting executive

assistant, Asiatic engineer,

Petroleum Ulu


Ld., Co., Selangor-


West, R. A., acct., Asam Kumbang Tin Dredging Perak

West, T. M., pres., West & Whitakers, Manila

Westbrook, E. T., Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld., Kiukiahg

Westbrook, T. C., British Cigarette Co., Ld., Shanghai

Westcombe, R. A. E., Shanghai Telephone Co., Shanghai

Wester, J. D., assist, manager. International Engineering Co., Bangkok

Weston, Capt. W. C., marine & general surveyor, Hongkong


Westphal, W., H., assist.,

assist., Universal Trading&Corpn.,

Bremen Colonial Tientsin.Co., Tientsin

China Trading

Westphalen, F., assist., Waibel & Co., Hankow

Westphalen, W., Winckler

Westwood, E., secy., Culty Dairy Co., Ld., Shanghai

Westwood, N., general manager. Universal Pictures Corpn. of China, Shanghai


Wetton, W.,manager.

assist., Carlowitt tk Co., Hongkong


Wetzel, A.,G. assist.,

E., bookingBishop


Lacey, & Co., Tientsin

Wetzel, H. B., manager, Becker ;& Co., Tokyo

Wevill, G. F., partner, Harold Bell, Taylor, Bird & Co., Tokyo ,

Wey, Y. S., manager, Gaiety Theatre. Tientsin


Weytingh, Ch. R., Netherlands Trading Society, Singapore

Whaley, A., assist, supt., Shanghai Waterworks Co., Ld., Shanghai

Whaley, J. P. B., assist., Sandilands, Buttery & Co., Penang

Whatmore, A. H., treasurer, Treasury Depurtment, Sandaban


Wheeler, headmaster, Batu&Road

Thos. Cook Son, School, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

Ld., Hongkong-

Wheeler, A. C., assist, architect, Public Works dept., Shanghai


Wheeler, A.D. H.M.,L.,assist.,

controller. Govt.

Imperial Monopolies

Chemical dept., Ld.,

Industries, Singapore


Wheen, A. F., director, Ed. Wheen & Sons, Ld.. Hongkong


Wheen, L. R., director, Ed. Wheen & Sons, Ld., Hongkong(China), Ld.; Tsinan

E. L. L., div. mgr., Imperial Chemical Industries,

Wheldon, D., assist., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (Forth China), Ld., Shanghai


Whipps, L.S.,A.,president, Hall & Co.,&Inc.,

assist., Butterfield Swire,Manila


Whitacre, H. S., McCullough Printing Co., Manila

Whitaker, C. H., assistant, Asiatic Petroleum

Whitaker, G. C. F., Kailan Mining Administration, Co., Ld., Shanghai


Whitaker, S., secretary and treasurer, Whst ife Whitaker, Manila

Whitaker, T. G., assist., British Cigarette Co:, Shanghai

Whitamore, C. E., consul for Great Britain, Canton


Whitamore, R.F. A.,H.,Whitamore

Donnell ,&&Bielfield, Tientsin

Co., Tientsin

Whitchurch, C. A., assist., Harper, Gilfillan '& Co., Ld., Selangor

White, A. A., Jardime, Matheson & Co., Ld., Shanghai


White, A.A. R.R., J.,supt. of surveys,

assistant, Survey

Jardine, dept., Negri

Matheson & Co.,Senibilan

Ld., Hongkong

White, A. V., broker, White & Co., and managing director, Whitsons, Ld., Shanghai

White, A. W. T., inspector, Sanitary dept.,

White, G. O., Shanghai Waterworks Co., Ld., Shanghai Hongkong

White, C. P., partner, White, Page & Co., Manila

White, D. P., veterinary surgeon, Viterinary Department, Penang

White, D. W., assist., New Zealand Insurance Co., Ld., Shanghai


White, E.E. E.,

H. P.,acct.,bookkeeper,

National City Bank of Shanghai

Hongkong New York,Hotels,

TientsinLd., Hongkong


White, F. E., assist., Hall & Holtz,. Ld., Shanghai Nanking

E. S., International Export Co. (Kiangsu), Ld.,

White, E.,

White, G. A.,

acting assist., China Light

accountant, and Power

National Co., Hongkong

City Bank of New York, Manila

White, G. H., assist., Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Co., Ld., Hongkong

White, G. H., tidesurveyor & harbour master,

White, Goldie, office manager, Burroughs Inc., Manila Kongmoon

White, G. T. F., executive engineer, Public Works department, Selangor


White, H.

H. A.,



White National ,Wireless Telegraph Co., Peiping

Co.., Shanghai

White, H. F., assist, manager, Arts,& Crafts, Ld., Shanghai

White, H. G.,

White, H. O., assist,

broker,treasurer, Treasurer’s

White & Co., Shanghaidept., Municipality, Singapore

White, H. M., agent, Socony Vacuum Corporation, Semarang

White, J. B., assist., Ewo Cold Storage Co., Jardine,, Matheson & Co., Ld., Shanghai ,


White, J.J. H.,

C. Si,assist,,


secretary, Secretariat,

& Co. Ld., HankowMunicipality, Singapore


White, J. W., managing director, WestinghouseDock

J. P., assist., Hongkong and Whampoa Co., Co.

Electric Ld.,ofHongkong

Japan, Tokyo

White, N., inspector, Municipal Police, Shanghai

White, O. E., senior wireless operator, Public Works dept., Hongkong


White, O.,

R. H., consul-general for GreatBarker

assistant, Harrisons, Britain,& Osaka

Co., Ld., Selangor

White, S. C., Shahmoon & Co., S. E., Shanghai

White, W. B., manager, Chartered Bank of India,Shanghai

White, W. A., director, Probst, Han bury & Co., Australia & China, Shanghai

White, W. S., assist., Pemberton and Penn, Inc., Shanghai

White, V. H., Union Insurance Society of Canton, Ld., Hongkong


Whiteacre, H. S., McCullough Printing Co.,-.Matii]a

Whitemore, N. G., a.c.a., Bell (Harold), Taylor, Bird & Co., Tok^o .


Whitfield, F.H.,C.,senior acct.excutive

& partner, Hope Co.,

engineer, .Apaoy dept., Malacca



Whitehaker,P. T.S., J.,director,

BritishBoyd ifc Co.,Co.,

Cigarette Ld.,L<1„



Whitehead, C. C., engineering dept., Scott, Harding & Cp., Ed., Shanghai

Whitehead, R. J., assistant, Ilbert & Co., Ld., Shanghai .

Whitehead, W. H., assist., British Cigarette Co., Shanghai

Whitehouse, B. R., supt., Prison Department, Penang


Whiteley, de B., Teluk Anson Rubber Estate,

Asiatic Teluk Anson, Perak •


Whiteside, F.G.,J.,manager,

assistant,City Press,Petroleum

Adamson, Manila Co. (S.C.),'Ld., Hongkong

Gilrillan ck Co., Ld, Singapore ' ,,


Whitewright, H. S., director, Newton Co., Ld., Singapore

Whitfield, F. C,J. A., manager,

partner, The Standard

Hope Co., Trading

Amoy Co., Tientsin

Whitfield, L. .!)., inspector of Malay Schools,

Whiting, W., superintendent, Municipal Policy//Shanghai Muar-District, Johore

Whitley, Major X. H. P., acting

Whitlow, R., Soochow University, Soochow depy. public prosecutor. Attorney Gent deph-, Singapore

Whitman, G., assist., Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., Osaka

Whitmarsh, H. B., president, The Benguet Exploration Syndicate, Maitii’ui,

Whitmore, G. R., assist., Whitsons, Ld., Shanghai

Whitmore, N. G., chartered acct., Harold Reil, Tayloy, Bird & Co., Tokyo

Whitmore, R., Claude Neon Lights, Shanghai


Whitney, E., Manila

J.J. S., Tradingdept.,

distribution and Supply

Shanghai Co.,GasManila

Whitrow, A., assist., British Cigarette

Whitney, R. C., Texas Co.. (China), Ld., Shanghai Co., Ld.,Co., Ld;, Shanghai


Whitney, W. H„ Central Auto Supply Co., Manila

Whittaker, H., McGregors, Ld., Shanghai


Whittaker, L.R. A., H., Kessler & Co., Ld.,Shanghai

assist, secretary, ShanghaiPower Co., Shanghai


Whittall, W.C.,H.,manager,


Sanitary dept., Hongkong

Whittall, L. H., vice-consul for Great Britain,Co.Seoul

IT. Petroleum (P.I.), Ld., Manila


Whitter, J. F., assist, supt., Shanghai WaterworksofCo.,

N. C., Christian Literature Society Korea,



Whitteridge, G. C , vice consul for Great Britain, Bangkok

Whittey, N. A. P„ puisne judge; Supreme Court,

Whitting, G. A., resident naval officer, British Consulate, ShanghaiSingapore

Whitting, P., assist.,

Whittington, British Cigarette

R., vice-consul for Great Co., Shanghai

Britain, Bangkok


Whitton, M. M., inspector, Police dept., Malacca

Whitty, R., assistant, British Cigarette Co., ShanghaiCourts, Singapore

C. H., 4th. magistrate, District and Police

Whyte, J., manager, Wm. Jacks

Whyte, J. J., assist.,

Whyte-Smith, Taikoosolicitor,

T. S., crown DockyardSupreme

and Engineering Co., Hongkong

Court, Hongkbng


Wiberg,Paul P., manager, Fukien Construction Bureau, Foochow


H. von.,Native

mgr., City Water

Surgical Works, Tientsin

Instruments dept., C. Kellii.ig, Inc., Manila

Wichdorff, H., assist, manager, Model

Wichers, Dr. C. G. van B., president, Java Bank, A Co., ManilaBatavia

Wichers, J. V.assist.,

Wick, C. C., C. R.,Macondray

agent, Java,& China,

Coglnc.,Japan Lijrf, Semarang


Wicken, Th. V., assist., Doitsu Senryo Gomoi KaRha, Kobe'

Wickerson, R. A., Tientsin Land Investment, Co.,Tientsin

Widder, S., service manager, Auto Castle, Shanghai

Widdup, P. S., managing dir., Office Appliance Co., Ld-, Shanghai

Widenfelt, J., interpreter, Swedish Legation, Tokyo

Widmann, A., partner, Melchers & Co., Shanghai


Widmer, A., assistant, Diethelm & Go., Saigon

Widmer, E. A., Kuenzle & Streiff, Inc., Manila

Widmer, H. J., assistant, Alhambra. Cigar and Cigarette Manufacturing Co., Manila


Wiedermann, E., assist., SiemensShanghai

F., Merchant, China Co., Tientsin


Wielding, Dr. F., J.,technical

H. St. dept., Windsor

commissioner, Chinese&Maritime

Co., Bangkok

Customs, Santuao

Wiele, H., signs per pro., Jebsen & Co., Hongkong

Wiemans, L. G., manager, De Javasche Bank, Medan. Sumatra

Wienberg, H. N., Manufacturers Life Insurance Co., Shanghai

Wiener, F. F., Everseal Manufacturing Co., Shanghai

Wiener, M., attorney & counsellor-at-law, Rodger & Co., Shanghai


Wiersum,J.K.J., signs p.p., Holland

F., director, China& Trading

Wiersum Co., Ld.,Co.M.&S.,consul for the Netherlands, Canton


Wiersum, M. S., managing-dir., Wiersum & Co. & consul for the Netherlands, Yokohama

Wigand, P., C. lilies & Co., Tokyo


Wiggs,W.J. R., B,, assistant,

secretary and Mansfield & Co.,Harbour

treasurer, Ld., Singapore

Board, Singapore

Wight, G. J., inspector, Police dept., Malacca

Wightman, C. A., manager, Clark &, Co., Manila

Wilbraham, P., engineer, Government Monopolies Department, Singapoi’e

Wilckens, C., Weinberger & Co., Kobe

Wilcoxson, W. J., Singapore Improvement Trust, Singapore


Wild, C.J., H.director,

,D.j assist.,

ChinaRising Sun &Petroleum

Printing FinishingCo., Co.,Ld.,




Wilde, R. H., manager, South British Insurance Co., Ld., Hongkong

Wilde, A.L. R.,F., passenger

shipyard manager, Thornycroft

agent, Canadian Pacific(Singapore),




Wilden, M., envoy^ extraordinaire et ministre plenipotentiaire, French Legation, China

Wildes, W. H., vice-president, Manila Gas Corp., Manila

Wilding, A., manager, Burt, Myrtle & Co., Semarang


Wilhelm, Dr. F., N. A., electrical engineer,

barrister-at-law, Musso,Shanghai

Fischer &Power Co., Shanghai

Wilhelm, Shanghai

Wiliamson, J., secty., Sanitary

Wilkens, C., Weinberger & Co., C., Kobo Steam Laundry Co., Manila

Wilken, E., accountant, Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation, Bangkok

Wilkie, A. K., engineer, Sime, Darby & Co., Ltd., Ipoh, Perak

Wilkie, J.C.W.A. J.,K., assistant,

Wilkie, Asiatic

assist, stores supt.,Petroleum Co., Ld., Shanghai

Posts & Telegraphs, Penang

Wilkie, R. D., assist., Malayan Tobacco Distributors, Singapore

Wilkins, A. E., assistant, Robinson Piano Co., Ld., Singapore


Wilkins, D. C.,R., store

General Motors (Japan), Ld., Osaka

Wilkins, F.Ford, assoc,officer,


ManilaDockyard, Hongkong

Daily Bulletin, Manila

Wilkins, H. G., managing director, Barrow, Brown & Co., Bangkok

Wilkinson, A. B., Shanghai Telephone Co., Shanghai

Wilkinson, A. C., assist., Lane, Crawford, Ld., Hongkong

Wilkinson, B., director, Wilkinson Process Rubber Co., Ld., Selangor

Wilkinson, E., manager, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (North China), Ld., Nanking

Wilkinson, E. G., branch manager, Jardine Engineering Corpn., Ld., Hongkong

Wilkinson, E. S., chartered accountant, Thomson & Co., Shanghai

Wilkinson, F. J., assistant, Dairy Farm, Ice and Cold Storage Co., Ld., Hongkong

Wilkinson, G.. conservator of Forests, Kedah


Wilkinson, H.H.,V.,chair. & vice-pres.,

chairman, Shanghai Earnshaw

Dock &Docks & Honolululron

Engineering Co., Ltd.,Works, The, Manila



Wilkinson, J., assistant, Islay Kerr & Co., Penang

Wilkinson, L.P., A., president,

director, T. M. Wilkinson

Wilkinson, & Co., Foochow

Clifford, Tansan Mineral Water Co., Kobe

Wilkinson, R. R., Haworth Co., Shanghai

Will, E., assistant, Reuter, Brockelmann & Col, Tientsin

Will, J. H. B., solicitor, Gibb & Co., Perak

Willame, D., secretary, Credit Foticier d’ Extreme Orient, Tientsin

Willametz, T., assist., Cie. Franco-Asiatique des Petioles, Saigon


Willan, H. C., Supreme Court, Malacca ,

Willan, H.J.,B.,assistant,

Willcox, agent, Hongkong

Dunlop Rubber

Co., Tientsin

Willder, G. H., assist., Butterfield it Swire, Shanghai

Willemetz, T., Cie Franco-Asiatique des Pet roles, H aipliqng -

Widens, B., Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada, Slianghai ;

Willgress, R. E., analyst, Municipal Health dept.,.Singapore


William, Supreme Court,

charge engineer. MalaccaSingapore


Williams, A., American Engineering Corporation, Shanghai

Williams, A.A. A.,

Williams, D., accountant, North China

director of Bureau Daily

of Public NewsManila

Works, and //eru/t/, Shanghai.

Williams, A. J., mill mgr., Bombay Burmah Trading Corph., Ltd., Bangkok

Williams, C. A. S., commsr., Chinese Maritime Customs, Lungchow

Williams, C. H., health officer, Lower Perak


Williams, C.C. J.,H., assist.,

U.S. Consulate, ShanghaiCo. (North,Cliina),

Asiatic Petroleum ' Lii., Shanghai

Williams, C. J., managing director, Japan Export

Williams, C. L., assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld„ Shanghai Co.,'Kobe

Williams, C. L. L., assistant, Shanghai Waterworks Co., Ld., Shanghai

Williams, C. O., assist, supt. of Excise, Lower Perak, Perak

Williams,' C. T., Malaya General Co., Johore

Williams, C. V., supervisor, Eastern Extension Telegraph'Co., Hongkong

Williams, E., assistant,

Williams, E., accountant,BritishBritishBorneo




Co:, Ld., Sandakan, B. N. Borneo

Williams, E., assist., Socony-Yacuum Corporation, Shanghai

Williams, E.,

Williams, E.E. H.,assist.,

B., legal Tobacco Products Corpn., Shanghai

Williams, Chinaadviser,


EdisonCouncil, Selangor

Co., Shanghai''

Williams, E.E. H.,

Williams, R. C.,assistant




office, Perak, . : '


Williams, E.F. T.,

G., acting

assist., commissioner,

British-American Ghinese

TobaccoMaritime' Custom'Ld.,

Co. (China), s; Fooehd¥


YTlliams, F. H., assist., Barlow & Co., Selangor

Williams, F. L., assist., Secretariat for Chinese Affairs, F.M.S.

Williams, F. S., commercial attache, U.S.A. Legation, Bangkok;,


Williams, F. S., trade commissioner registrar, U.S, dept, of Cbriimer(;e,‘ Shanghai

Williams, G.H.,A.,assist.,


BritishK Turner,

Cigarette Cd., Shanghai



Williams, H.H. G.,F., Dodwelb&

Dodwell cfe Co.;Co.,Ld.,



Williams, Capt. H. H., assist., Hongkong

Williams, H. N., assist, master, QueeiPs College, & Whampoa Dock Co., Ld.y Hongkbng


Williams, H. S., representative dir.. Cooper, Findlay & Co., Ltd., Kobe


Williams, J. C., assist, general manager, Texas Co., Ld., HongkongSingapore :

Williams, L.L. C.,

A., assist.,



Prudential Assurance

Mackenzie & Co.,Co.,Ld.,Ld.,Shanghai


Williams, L.L. L., manager, Henggeler

T., director, Singapore &Investment

Martin, Ld.,Trust, Singapore



Williams, L. Trevor, partner, Gibb & Co., Perak

Williams, M.

M. J.,O., assist,

Soochow storekeeper,


SoochowGas : Cb., Ld., Shanghai

Williams, P., manager, Hanovia Quartz

Williams, P. J., Town Planning superintendent, Perak Lamp Co., Hongkong


Williams, P. S., district officer, Kuala Kangsar, Perak

Williams, R.R.R. A.,

- Williams, S.,


M.,assist., forengineer,

consul Standard-Vacuum British Alunicipal Council, Tientsin

Peru, Singapore Oil Shanghai

Co., Moji

Williams, S, E., assist., British Cigarette Go.,


Williams, S.S. E.,

J., assist., Municipal Council,

clerk, Commercial Finance dept.,

Office, American Shanghai

Consulate, Shanghai

Williams, S. E., U. S. Consulate, Shanghai

Williams, T. B., attorney, Standard-Vacuum Oil Cb., Hongkong

Williams, W., Scotia Lubricating Oil Ob-, Shanghai


Williams, W. E., assist., F.M.S. Railways, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

Williams, W. E., Thos. Cook & Son; Hongkong


Williams, W. W. G.H.,(travel


Legation, AmericanPeipingExpress Co., Inc., Hongkong


Williams, W. H., assist., Asiatic Petroleum Co.,



William, W. W. J.,N.,director,

pro consul Electrical

for GreatDept.,Britain, NankingSelangor


Williams, W. W., R.,Texasactg.Co.,assist,

(P.I.),gen.Inc.,mgr., Texas Co. (P.I.) Inc., Manila



Williamson, A., assist.,

A. A., RobertProcter

manager, Dollarand Co.,Gamble

Hongkong Trading Co., Cebu

Williamson, A. M., charge engineer, Electricity dept., Municipality, Singapore


Williamson, J. C., manager, R. Young & Co., Ld., Singapore& Co., Ld. Shanghai

A. R., acting marine supt., Jardine, Matheson


Williamson, J.K. W., Palmer andof Turner,

B., professor biology, Shanghai

Medical College, Singapore

Williamson, Richard, partner, Drew & Napier, Singapore

Williamson, S. T., principal, Douglas, Lapraik & Co., Hongkong

Willie, B. S., deputy assist, district

Willing, A., sales repr., General Motors Export officer, Labuk,Co.,British

ManilaNorth Borneo


Willis, A. J., assistant, Caldbeck, MacGregor & Co., Ld.,GoldShanghai

C. M., mining engineer, Raub Australian Mining Co., Ld., Pahang

Willis, I. D., assist., Borneo Co., Ld., Bangkok


Willis, L.W. R.,A., assist., Asiatic.

engineer, Petroleum

Shanghai Co. (F.M.S.),

Waterworks Ld.,Shanghai

Co., Ld., Selangor

Willmott, W. H., assistant, Peterson, Simons & Co., Ld., Singapore

Willock, R. P., Air Attache, British Embassy,

Wills, G. M,, assist., British Cigarette Co., Ld., Shanghai China

Wills, W.C.R.,C.assistant,

Willson, AsiaticChartered

PetroleumBank Co.of(Philippine Islands),& China,

Ld., Manila

Willson, W. P.,W., sub-acct.,

manager for China, Arkell India, Australia

ife Douglas, Inc., Shanghai .Hongkong

Willy, Haenssgen, assistant, Carl Zeiss K.K., Tokyo

Wilmer, A.,H. assist.,

Wilson, B., assist., Jardine

F.M.S. Engineering

Railways, Corporation,

Kuala Lumpur, Ld., Shanghai


Wilson, A., Dick, Bruhn & Co., Kobe


Wilson, A.A. C.,

O., assist,

assist, engineer,

auditor, Audit P. W. Office,

D., PerakSelangor

Wilson, A.Capt.

Wilson, R. D.,A. O., secretary,

assistant, Union British Consulate,

Insurance SocietyHarbin

of Canton, Ld., Shanghai


Wilson, B. G., assistant, Holt’s Wharf, Pootung,Singapore

A. T., assistant, Mansfield & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Wilson, B. P., govt, surveyor, Survey dept., Jesselton, British North Borneo ,

Wilson, C.C. C.L. W.,

Wilson, Crawhall,


per pro.,Bank Borneo Co.:, Ltd.,

of India, The, Bangkok

Australia and China, Shanghai


Wilson, C. R., assistant, Hongkong Electric Co., Hongkong States

Dr. C. J., principal medical officer, Federated Malay

Wilson, D., United States Shoe Co., Manila

Wilson, D.,

Wilson, D., assistant, A. S. Watson

supt., slaughter houses. &Municipal

Co., HongkongHealth dept., Singapore

Wilson, D. A., treasurer, China Inland Motors, Hankow

Wilson, D. C., manager, China Mail and

Wilson, D. G., assist., Lowe, Bingham & Matthews, Hongkong Newspaper Enterprise, Ld., Hongkong

Wilson, D. H., Crosse & Blackwell Ld., Singapore

Wilson, D. K., Hike Shoe Factory, Manila

Wilson, E., assist., Taikoo Dockyard and Engineering Co., Hongkong

Wilson, E. B., assist., Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Export Co., Ld., Tokyo

Wilson, E. H., headmaster, Govt. English School, Kedah

Wilson, E. O., chief analyst, Public Health Department, Shanghai

Wilson, E. P. B., chemist, Shanghai Power Co., Shanghai

Wilson, F. E., supervisor, Eastern Extension Telegraph Co., Ld., Penang

Wilson, F. K., 1st magistrate, Magistrates’ Court, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

Wilson, F. N., assist., British-American Tobacco Co., Hongkong

Wilson, G. C., agent, Straits Trading Co., Ld., Kuala Kubii, Selangor


Wilson, G. G., deputy accountant, Singapore Traction Co., Ld., Singapore

Wilson, G. Gordon, supt., Government Monopolies, Singapore


Wilson, G.G. H.,

G. C.,director,

assist., Robertson,

Straits Trading

WilsonCo.,& Co.,

Ld., Ld.,


Wilson, G. L., partner, Palmer & Turner, Shanghai

Wilson, G. P., building material dept., Sime, Darby & Co., Ld., Singapore

Wilson, H., consulting mining engineer, Singapore

Wilson, H. E., assist., Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ld., Singapore

Wilson, H.

Wilson, H. G.,L., assist.,


China RecordExport Co.,Shanghai

Co., Ld., Hankow

Wilson, H. W., engineer, Earnshaw Docks, Manila

Wilson, I. R., secretary, The American Chamber of Commerce, Manila

Wilson, J.J., B.partner,

Wilson, Fraser && Co.,

M., Presgrave Singapore

Matthews, Penang

Wilson, J. G., assistant, Shanghai Power Co., Shanghai

Wilson, J. G. P., manager, Dodwell Co., Ld., Foochow

Wilson, J. H., pro mgr., National City Bank of New York, Kobe

Wilson, J. IL, assist., Shanghai Telephone Co., Shanghai


Wilson, J.,1. J.,O., engineer, Wilson’sGuthrie

branch manager, Engineering

& Co.,Works, Zamboanga

Ld., Malacca

Wilson, K. G., assist., Bangkok Dock Co., Ld., Bangkok

Wilson, M. C., engineer, Wilson’s Engineering Works, Zamboanga

Wilson, N. R., signs per pro., Guthrie & Co., Ld., Singapore

Wilson, N. W., representative, Cameron & Co., Ltd., Tokyo


Wilson, P.,

P., machinery

assistant, Wallem inspector,

& CoVehicles dept., Municipality, Singapore


Wilson, P. D., executive engineer, (Drainage), Public Works department, Hongkong

Wilson, P. T., manager, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (North China), Ltd., Soochow

Wilson, R.,

Wilson, R., surveyor,

timber dept., British

Survey Borneo

Office, NegriTimber

Sembilan Co., Ld., British North Borneo

Wilson, R. A., director, treas. and secretary, General Motors (Japan), Ld., Osaka

Wilson. R. D., assist., Storch Brothers, Selangor

Wilson, R.R. E.,

Wilson, G., district officer, Kuantau,

assist., United Engineers,Pahang

Ld., Singapore


Wilson, S. J., local manager, NestleBank

R. S., sub-acct., Chartered of India, Australia

& Anglo-Swiss CondensedandMilk


Op., Shanghai


Wilson, S. J., president, Asiatic Commercial Corpn.,

Wilson, S. R., assistant, Tobacco Products Corporation Shanghai Manila

Wilson, S. S., assistant electrical engineer, Municipality, Singapore

Wilson, T., Health Officer, Negri Sembilan


Wilson, T.T. B., director, Hongkong &Revenue



& Godown Co., Ltd., Hongkong


T T. E.,

W. inspector, Municipal

R., assist, land surveyor, Public Works dept., Municipality, Shangha

W ilson, V. B., managing director, Dunlop Rubber Go. (Far East), Ld., Kobe

Wilson, W. A., editor, Malaya Tribune, Singapore

Wilson, W. D. F., agent, Jardine, Matheson & Go., Ltd., Nanking

Wilson, W. E., cotton mills dept., Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Wilson, W. H., assist., Alexandra Brick-Works, Singapore

Wilson, W. J., supt.

Wilton, engineer,

supt,,Robert Dollar

dept., Co.,



assistantSingapore Survey

Cold Storage S. Singapore

Ld.,. S. S.


Winckel, P. G., assist.,

L. J., secretary, Harrisbns & Crosfield,


Medan, Sumatra Sumatra


Windle, C. T.G.,R.si^ns A., partner,


PaterSOn, Simons

Windle, V.C.B,,H.,assist.,

Windsor, DollarWindsor

proprietor, Steamship Lines,

Bros., Ld., Singapore


Windsor, J. A., Windsor & Co., Hongkong


Winkel, J. v. d.,H.assist,


& CO., HorlgkOng

Singkep Tin Maatschappy, Singapore

Winkler, W., assist., Escher, Wyss & Co., Tokyo

Winn, S., agent, Asa Lees &, Co., Shanghai

Winning, W. H., partner, Oornabe, Eckford & Winning, Dairen


Winram, S. B., assistant, Socony-Yacuum Corporation, Cebu

Winship, D. S., president, Eastern Isles Import Co., Manila .


Winstanley,V. H.,H. senior engineer,Harrisons,

W., manager, Post andKing Telegraph dept.,

& Irwin, Ld.,Penang


Winstedt, Dr. S., medical officer, General

Winston, K„ treasurer, Anderson A Ferroggiaro, Shanghai Hospital, Singapore

Winston, S., manager, Marcus, Harris & Lewis, Kobe

Winter, E., acting manager, Dodwell & Co., Ld., Tientsin


Winter, F.J. B.,

B., engr.,

sub-manager, Hongkong k Shanghai

Green Island'Cement Co., Hok Bank, Shanghai

Un, Hongkong

Winterbottom, A., Rising Sun Petroleum Co., Ltd., Gensau

Winther, A. engineer, A. Corrit, Shanghai

Winton, S. N. de, assistant, British Cigarette Co., Mukden



H., branch manager, Pathe Thai-Binh,

Orient, Ld.,Tonkin


Witsche, R. E., British Cigarette Co.,

Wise, E. S., assist., Robert Dollar Co., Shanghai Shanghai

Wise, N. S.,A.,manager

Wiseman, Philippinesfor Malaya, National

Cold Stores, Manila Employers Mutual Insce. Co., Singapore'

Wiseman, G. E., assist., Boustead.& Co., Ld., Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

Wishard, J., chief sanitary inspector, Health & Medical dept., Negri Sembilan


Wishart, I.J. J.,B., supt.,

EasternEastern Extension,

Extension TelegraphAust.Co.,andLd.,

China Telegraph Co., Manila


Wisher, J., British Legation, Peiping


Wit, C. de,Dr. H., assist.,Trading

Escher Wyss“ Holland,”

Engineering Works, Ld., Tokyo

Mi team p, A.,manager,

acct., Java ChinaCo.,Japan Singapore

Lijn, Hongkong


Witchell, G.R. G.,

B., harbour



S. BaileySecretariat,

& Co., Ld., Hongkong


Withers, A. S., manufacturers’ representative, Shanghai

Withers, J., storekeeper, Shanghai

Witschi, R. E., British Cigarette Co., ShanghaiPower Co., Shanghai


Witt, A.,

Clyde assistant,

A. De, Melchers

lawyer, De& Witt,

Co., Shanghai

Perkins & Brady, Manila

Witt, E. de, lawyer, De Witt, Perkins & Ponce Enrile, Manila

Witt, L. A., partner,

Witt, W. de, assist., Glathe

Dodwell & Witt, Shanghai

& Co., Ld., &Kobe

Wittenbecher, W., assist., Klingelnberg Wieda, Shanghai

Witting, Dr. P., Deutsch Asiatische

Wlassow, N., engineer assistant, Amoy Bank, Shanghai Co., Amoy


Wobser, H., chancellor, German Embassy, China


Woelcken, L. D.,Yehbranch manager,

Handels Union Insurance Society of Canton, Tientsin

Co., Shanghai

Woessner, G., acting mgr.,Ed. A. Keller & Co., Manila


Wohlers, L.,H., assist.,


Bergmann & Co., Kobe

Meister-Lucius Yokuhin Gomei Kaisha, Kobe

Woidt, H. H., secty., A.E.G. China Electric Co., Shanghai

Woitsch, V., brewing adviser, Hongkong Brewers & Distillers, Ld., Hongkong


Wolf, A. J.,R. assist.,

D., co-district inspector, Kuala

F.M.S. Railways, DistrictLumpur,

Inspectorate of Salt Revenue, Canton


Wolf, E., assist., Keller, Kern & Co., Ld.,

Wolf, E. H. K., manager, Garrels, Borner & Co., ChangshaHongkong

Wolf, G.E. M.

Wolf, M. K.,

D. D.,assistant,

AsiaticRieser & Co.,Co.,Inc.,(S.Chefoo

Petroleum C,), Ld., Hongkong

Wolfe, A., manager, Java Sea & FireLd.,

Wolf, R., assistant, Helm Brothers, Yokohama

Insurance Co,, Singapore

Wolfe, C. C., accountant, Carl Crow, Inc., Shanghai


Wolfe, S.F., W.,

assist., The manager,

general Texas Co.,G.Shanghai

T. Fulford Co., Ld., Shanghai

Wolff, E., assist., Deutsch-Asiatische Bank, Tientsin

Wolfe, J., assist., Dairy Farm, Ice & Cold Storage Co,, Ld,, Hongkong

Wolff, J. P., Nestle & Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co., Manila

Wolff, T. J., president, Wolff

Wolflisberg, H., assist., Nestle & Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co., Manila


Wolfson, J. A., lawyer, Manila


Wollny, A.,J. secretary,

N., lawyer,German

Manila Consulate, Vladivostock

Wolnizer, W., Health dept., Municipality, Shanghai


Wolsiher, J.C. K., cashier, American

F., director, ExpressTobacco

British-American Co., Inc.,Co.,Peiping

Ld., Shanghai


Wolter, J.,J.manager,

B., asst, gen’l

Carl mgr.,


& Co.,Co.Mudken

(China) Ld., The, Shanghai


Womack, J., vice-president,

Public WorksAmerican

dept., Asiatic

Hongkong Underwriters, Shanghai

Womack, R. R., representative, Jardine Engineering Corporation, Shanghai

Wonn, Z. Z., manager, International Insurance Office, Shanghai

Wood, A. J., assistant, Nielsen & Malcolm, Hankow


Wood, C.C. H.,

F., assist,

Swatowengr., ChinaService,

Pilotage Light &Swatow

Power Co., Hongkong

Wood, C. S., sec., China National Aviation

Wood, D. E., hospital supervisor, Prison, department, Corp., Shanghai Hongkong

Wood, E. A. P., engineer, Shanghai Water works Co., Ld., Shanghai


Wood, F.F. W.,

H., Oriental


Public WorksMiningdept., Co., Tabowie, Chosen



Wood, G.G. F.,

G., assist.,


Leigh&&Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co., Manila

Orange, Hongkong

Wood, H. C., sub-mgr., Tabaqueria Filipina, Hongkong

Wood, J. H., assist., McAlister & Co.,

Wood, L. B., director, Deacon & Co., Ld., Canton Ld., Penang

Wood, L. D., manager, Straits Trading Co., Ld., Penang


Wood, L.M. F.,W,assistant, Maitland && Shanghai

agent, Hongkong Co., Ld., Shanghai

Banking Corpn., Mukden

Wood, R. B., assist., Colonial Secretariat,Corp.,

Wood, N. G., assist., Socony Vacuum Shanghai


Wood, R.R. M.,

Wood, engineer,

R., senior Public Sanitary

inspector, Works dept.,



Wood, T.T. H.,

Wood, W., Distribution

assist, generalDept.,

supt.,Shanghai Gas Co., Railway,

Peiping-Mukden Ld., Shanghai


Wood, T. Y., accountant, Shanghai Ice & Cold Storage Co., Shanghai

Wood, W. C., assist., International Export Co., Hankow

Wood, W. H.,W.district

Woodcock, officer,

G., assist., NegriChemical

Imperial SembilanIndustries (China), Ld., Hankow

Woodfield, Wm. C., river police supt., Foreign Harbour Office, Shanghai


Woodford, R. W., port captain, Bobert Dollar Co.,&Manila

Woodford, E.H. S.,P., wharf

assist.,supt., Jardine,Mission,

Portuguese Matheson Co., Ld., Boys’

St. Anthony’s Shanghai

School, Singapore

Woodhead, H. G. W., editor, China Year Book, Shanghai

Woodhead, R. G., senior clerk, Shanghai Power Co., Shanghai

Woodhouse, H. F., assist., China General Edison Co., Shanghai


Woodhouse, K. L., Crittall

P. L., New Scudai, Ld., JohoreCo.,Bahru,

Manufacturing Johore



Woodin, L.G.W.,S.,manager,

assist, surgeon,



ManilaJohore Bahru, Johore


Woodman,W.,R. manager, AsiaticP.W.D.,

H., engineer, Petroleum Co., Swatow


Woodroffe,C.J. L.,D. British

Woodruff, A., assist., BorneoofCo.,Commerce,

Chamber Ld., Bangkok



Woods, L. C.R.,T.,United

acct., Exporters

Chi Tung Tobacco

Ld., Co:, Harbin


Woods, John L., barrister-at-law, Cowdy & Jones, Perak

Woods, R.L. R.,

Woods, assist., Asiatic

T., assist., United Petroleum

Exporters, Co.,Ld.,Canton


Woodward, C. O. P., Sime, Darby &

Woodward, W., assist., Dunlop Rubber Co., Ld., Co., Ld., Singapore



Woodyard, W,

G. engineer,

D., manager, Public Works

American dept.,

Trading Hongkong

& Co., Tientsin


Wooley, K. S.R„J.assist.,

A., assistant,

Asiatic Public Works

Petroleum Co.dept.,


China), Ld., Shanghai


'Woolger, R. A., assist., Maurice Jenks, Percival & Isitt, Kobe

Woolhouse, C., managing

Woollen, J. J., assist., Asiatic Petroleum

director, Woollen,Co.Vosy

(North China),

& Co., Ld., Ld., Chungking


Wooller, E. S., proprietor, Wooller & Co., E. S., Tientsin

Woollertan, E. N. C., assist, representative, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld., Singapore

Woollett, G. F. C., assist, commissioner of Excise, Jesselton, B.N. Borneo


Woolley, G.H. C., High CourtSanitary

J., inspector, judge, and acting

dept., resident, Sandakan, British North Borneo


Woolley, H. W., conservator of Forests,

Woolley, K. R., assist., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (N.C.),Negri SembilanLd., Shanghai

Woolley, W. J., assistant, Lowe, Bingham & Matthews, Hongkong

Woolston, C., assist., Pritchard & Co., Ld., Penang

Worasetr, K. Ayuthia, agent, Siam Steam Packet Co., Bangkok

Worby, Geo,F.assist.,

Worcester, British-American

L., vice-pres. Tobacco

and assist, mgr., Co, (China),

Philippine Ld., Shanghai

D. Coconut Corpn., Zamboanga

Worcester, G. R. G., assist, river inspector, Chinese Maritime Customs, Kinkiaeg

Workman, H. R., assist., Price’s (China), Ld., Shanghai

Worrall, G. C., Asiatic Petroleum Co., (South China) Ld., Hongkong

Worsoe, F. E. A., Great Northern Telegraph Co., Ld., Hongkong


Worton, E. C.,W.chief Radio Electrician,

A., Language AmericanLegation,

officer, American Legation,Peiping


Wotherspoon, J.J., W.,

Wotherspoon, assist.,

act. China PrintingandandTrust

mgr., Estate Finishing


Ld., Shanghai

Ld., Singapore

Wotherspoon, N. S., assist , Wise & Co., Inc., Iloilo

Woumald, John, Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, Singapore

Wricke, Gustav,

Wright, A., Jardine manager and signsCorporation,

Engineering per pro., Metropolitan

Ld., ShanghaiTrading Co,, Shanghai

Wright, A. H., assist., British-American Tobacco Go. (Straits), Ld. Singapore


Wright, A.B. J.,

J., assist.,

Shanghai Telephone

Ocean AccidentCo.,andShanghai

Guarantee Corporation, Ld., Singapore

Wright, C. A., assist., Imperial Chemical Industries, Canton

Wright, C. N., manager, Mercantile Bank of India, Ld., Bangkok


Wright, E. G.B., Smith,

pro. manager, perNationalE. City Bank of& New York, Mukden:,

Wright, E.Francis, signsCross

solicitor, pro.,

& Wright,D. Sassoon Co., Shanghai

Negri Sembilan


Wright, F.F. J.,

H., Forest

works ranger,

supt., Singapore

Sarawak Rubber Works, Singapore

Wright, G. H., solicitor, Hansons, Shanghai

Wright, G. J., wharf eng., Harbour Board, Penang

Wright, H.,

Wright, H. E.,manager,

A., Smallwood Mackenzie

& Co., &Peiping

Co., Ld., Hankow

Wright, H. manager, Yorkshire Insurance Co., Ld., Shanghai

Wright, H. G., secretary and treasurer, Shanghai Power Co., Shanghai


Wright, I.,H. resdt.

M., assist.,engr.,Palmer

Mackay& Turner,

Radio &Shanghai

Telegraph Co., Manila

Wright, W. M., assist, supt. engineer,& Butterfield

Wright, I. M., assistant, Butterfield Swire, Hankow

Wright, J., assist., F.M.S. Railways, Kuala Lumpur


Wright, J.,

J. B.,sanitary

Ewo Cold dept.,Storage


Co., Engineering

Shanghai Co., Ld., Kuala Lumpur, Selangor


Wright, J. C., signs per pro., Guthrie & C > Ld., Singapore

Wright, L., assistant, Eagle and Globe Steel Co., Ld., Shanghai

Wright, M. P., engr., Fogden Brisbane & Co., Ltd., Singapore


Wright, R. A., Shanghai Telephone Co, Shanghai Co., Hongkong

Wright, R.,

W., assist.,

asst, sales Taikoo Dockyard

manager, & Engineering

National Carbon'Co., Shanghai

Wright, W., sales manager, Andersen, Meyer & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Wright, W., assist, sub-mgr., Dodwell & Co., Ld., Hongkong


Wright, W.

W. C.J.,J.,P.,Theassist., F.M.S.

manager, Whiteaway,Railways, Kuala& Co.,

Laidlaw Lumpur, Selangor

Ld., Co.,


Wuefsberg, Swedish-Chinese Export and Import, Ld., Shanghai

Wuest, A., assist., Waibel & Co., Hongkong

Wulfsohn, L., manager, Wulfsohn, Inc., Tientsin

Wuilleumier, G. A., assist., Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, Shanghai


Wunderlich, J. C., vice-pres., El Oriente Fabrica Re Tabacos Inc., Manila

Wurster, E., assist., Siber Hegner


Wussow, C. E.,secretary,

Fritz, director,German

Straits Consulate, Co., Ltd., Singaporb :

Steamship Harbin

Wutz, J., iigns

Wutzrich, F. F.,per-pro, Carlowitz


Netherlands India Commercial Rank, Hongkong

Wyatt, H, managing director, James Magill & Cb., Shanghai


Wyatt, J. R. G., boarding officer, Harbour dept.,of Hongkong

H. F. C., assist, acct., Mercantile Bank India, Ld., Singapore

Wyatt, S. J., Whang Boo Tug & Lighter Co;, Ld., Shanghai


Wyatt, Smith, deputyS., consulsupt.,

for Great Britain,Printing

ChangshaOffice, Singapore

Wychgel,W.W„H.,Behn, Meyer &Government

Co., Sourabaya

Wyckoff, F. T., iira'nager, American Foreign Insurance Association, Singapore .

Wyja, G., assist,chief

Wyiick,G.van, Anglo-Siam

architect &Corporation,

acting manager,Bangkok Cred. Fonc. d’Extreme-Orient, H’kong..

Wylie, B., director & general manager, South China Morning Post Hongkong 1

Wylie, L. M., Hongkong & Shanghai Bank, Malacca

Wyllie, A.H. D.,

Wyllie, M., assist.,

director,Dairy farm,Successor

Aldens’ Ice and(Eastern),

Cold StorageLd., Co., Hongkong


Wyllie, J., manager,

Wylly, H., LuzonAsiatic

representative, Sugar Co., ManilaGo., Ld., Singapore


Wymer, W A., manager, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Export Co., Shanghai

Wynne, M. Le, chief police officer, Police Department, Perak

Wynne, M. U., acting commissioner, Johore


Wyon, Smith, E. L, 2nd magistrate, Central Magistracy^ Hongkong

Wysocki, W E.Supt. of Stores,

F., assist., RoyalMaritime

Chinese State Railways,

Customs,Siam Mengtsz

Wyss, B. A., Kuenzle & Streiff, Inc., Manila

Wyss, O., assist., Warner, Barnes & Co., Ltd., Iloilo

Xavier, F. A., vice-consul for Brazil, Hongkong


Xavier, L. G., manager, Bishop &Texas


Xavier, N,P. A.,F., principal,

district manager,

Hongkong Printing (China),

Press, Ld.,



Yakooninikoff, N. N., vice-pres. & dir., Underwriters Sav. Bank for Far East; Inc, S’hai

Yamzon, Joaquin, Clarke & Larkin, Manila

Yannoulatos, E.N. P.,

Yannoulatos, P., director,

per Yannoulatos

signsNorth pro, YannoulatosBros.,Bros.,


Yanowitch, O., assist., China Produce Corporation, Tientsin . ,


Yates, V., assist.,safeDuncan

cabinet& dept.,

Co., Shanghai


Yates, G., Glen Line Eastern Agencies Ld., Shanghai


Yates, H.

T. M.,P., supt., F.M.S. Railways,

sharebroker, Shanghai Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

Yearns, K. J., vice-consul for Underwriters,

Yates, W. C., assist., Eastern America, Nanking Ld., Shanghai

Yeates, C. B.,

Feates, S.,B. Britishassist., United

Municipal Engineers,

Council, Ld., Singapore

Yeaton, J., treasurer, General MotorsTientsin

(Japan), Ld., Osaka

Yeatts, Lieut. G. A., instructor, Sarawak Rangers, Sarawak


Yoerg,S. N.,A., sub-accountant,

Firestone Tire and RubberCity

National Co. Bank

(S. S.),of Ld.,


York, Harbin

York, A. D., postmaster, Post Office, Labuan, B.N.B.

Young, H. M., director, North China Motors Corporation, Tientsin .

Young, W., consul for U.S.A., Tientsin . ;

Young, W. A., sub-acct., Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China, Penang

Yorke, R. H., inspector, Police Department, Penang


Yormark, R. W„ supt., Police&dept., Municipality,


Young, A. A.C.,E.,AsiaticHeacock CheekCo.,

Petroleum Co.,Hongkong

Young, A. Morgan, editor, Japan Chronicle, Kobe

Young, A. S. M., sub.-acct., Chartered Bank of India, Austr.

Young, C., general manager, Macondray & C6., Manila


Young, C. C., assist., Imperial Chemical Industries, Shanghai

Young, C. K., president, American Engineering Corporation (China), Shanghai


Young, C.C. R.P., M.,

manager, C. P &Young

Butterfield Swire,&Shanghai

Co., Hongkong

Young, C. S., director & mgr., Chinese National Engineering & Mfg., Co., Shanghai


Young, D. D., G.,assist., Taikoodirector,

managing DockyardJapan

and Engineering

Chronicle, Kobe Co., Hongkong


Young, E. C., Loup & Young, architects and engineers, cTientsin

D. M., mng. dir., Far East Advertising Agency cf vice-consul for Greece, Kobe

Young, F., assistant, David Sassoon & Co., Ld., Shanghai

Young, F,, assist., S. Moutrie & Co., Ld., Shanghai


Young, F.F. C., C., assist.,


& Co.,Rubber

Kobe Co. (China), Ld., Shanghai

Young, F. H., assist., Philips

Young, F. M., electrical engineer, ShanghaiChina Co., Shanghai

Power Co., Shanghai

Young, H. J., Robert Dollar Co., Shanghai

Young, J., assistant, Amos Bird Co., Shanghai

Young, J.,

Young, J., assistant,

sub.-acct., China



Power Co., Hongkong Chingwantao

Young, John G., University of Nanking, Nanking

Young, J. R., manager, Trans-Pacific Advertising & Service Bureau, Tokyo


Young, K.J. L., W.,American

assist., Palmer & Turner,

Engineering ShanghaiShanghai


Young, L., accountant, North China Daily News & Herald, Shanghai

Young, M. C., assist., Far East Superintendence Co., Ld., Kobe

Young, N. Y., assistant, China Finance Corporation, Shanghai

Young, P.P. C.,

Young, c.b.e.,

K. B., generalengineer,

chemical manager,Forbes

KailanCo.,Mining Administration, Tientsin

Ld., Tientsin

Young, R., accountant, Asiatic Petroleum Co. (South China), Ld., Hongkong


Young, R.R. A., assist., Canadian

C., building surveyor,Pacific

PublicRailway Co., Shanghai

Works dept., Municipality, Shanghai

Young, R. E., Luneta Motor Co., Manila

Young, R. M., headmaster, Govt. English School, Alor Star, Kedah

Young, E. V., assist., British Cigarette Co., Shangiiai

Young, T., assist, engineer, China Light and Power Co., Hongkong


Young, T.,Y. C.,assist., TaikooNorth

assistant, Dockyard

Chinaand Engineering

Daily Co., Hongkong

News, Shanghai

Young, W., consul for U.S.A., Tientsin

Young, Dr. W., supt. of vacination, Malacca

Young, W.

Young, W. A., A., sub-accountant, Chartered

assist., Harvie, Cooke & Co.,Bank of India, Aust. and China, Penang


Young, W. A., Mukden Medical College, Mukden

Young, W. A., professor of bacteriology, King Edward VII Medical College, Singapore

Young, W. H., sub-accountant, National City Bank of New York, Dairen


Young, W. W. J.,J.,local


manager,Asiatic Petroleum Co.,Petroleum

British-Malayan Ld., Shanghai

Co., Ld., Kuala Belait, Brunei


Young, Y.W. S.,K. assist.,

M., "assist., Wise & Co., Inc.,Leaf

American-Oriental Iloilo

Tobacco Co., Shanghai

Younger, J. R., assist., Gibb, Livingston


Youngson, A., assist.. P., Sworn Measurer,

Imperial KobeIndustries (China), Ld., Shanghai


Youtman, A. W., assist., Harper, Gilfillan

Yule, K. G., assist., Ritchie & Bisset, Singapore

Yule, Tom, chartered

Yulo, Jose,M.,director, accountant,

Philippine White, Bank,&Manila

Page Co., Manila

Yussim, assist., Thomas CookNational

& Son, Kobe

Yvernat, R., assist., Messageries Maritimes, Shanghai

Yvonnou, J., vice-consul, French Consulate, Tientsin


.Zacharias, E.H. G.,A. assist,

K., chiefmanager,




The,State Railways of Siam, Bangkok


Zais, H., pres., Zais, Steinman & Co., Shanghai

Zalazar,L., J.,John

Zapf, gen.Landahl

pres., International

Inc., Manila Marine Union of Philippines

-Zaragoza, L, Araneta De Joya, Zaragoza & Araneta, Manila


Zaragoza, S., vice pres., Philippine

Zeemam, P.R.,, Ned. Handel Mij. Factorij Land Improvement Co., Manila

te Eatavia, Batavia


Zehender, P.,K.,assist.,

C. liliesJohn& Landahl

Co., TokyoInc., Cebu r


Zehnder, W. F., commissioner, Municipality, Malacca

Zehnder, H. R. S., barrister-at-law, Zehnder Bros., Singapore


Zeilinga,R. H.,

M., Nederlandsch


Delacamp, Piper & Co.,Kobe:-

Handelsbank, KobemN dl;

Zeitlen, W., repres., Muller Maclean ik Co., Manila

Zeller,S.M.,J., mng.

Zenn, merchant, Shanghai

dir., Tientsin Commercial Commercebank & Credit Corpn., Inc., Tientsin

Zentgraaiij H. C., editdry

Zentner, D., assist., American Soerbawsch

OrientalHandelsblad, Sourabava

Finance Corpn.-, Shanghai •.

Ziegfeld, F. F. C., signs p.p.-, Erdmau & Sielcken, Semarang Agency, Shanghai

Zephyroff, N. S., manager, Chinese Eastern Railway Commercial

Ziegler, J., surveyor, Singkep Tin Maatschappy, Singapore ■. ■

Ziegler, Th.,Arnhold

Ziegler, L., technical& Co.,


Tientsin& Co., Bangkok , . - :

Zieler, I., accountant,

Ziesel, Wilhelm, EastSiemens

manager, Asiatic Co.,



Zimmermann, M. A., signs per pro., S.& Zimmermann,

Zimmerman, V. R., Harrisons, King Irwin, ShanghaiTsingtaot


Zimmern, E. T.S.,A.,Import assist.,&Whitsons,

Export Merchant,

Ld., Shanghai Tsingtao '

Zindel, R., Arnhold & Co., Ld., Hankow

Zingg, G., sales mgr., Atkins, Kroll

Zobel, E., Ayala & Co., Manila

Zobel, E.,A. treasurer,

Zoboli, Metropolitan

MiguelTheatre'Co., Manila-

Zorrilla, F.,C.,Consumers’

secretary, San

Plantation Brewery

Co., ManilaInc., Manila

Zuber, F. W,,

Zuber, M., vice-consul

Singer Sewingfor Switzerland;

Machine Shanghai

Co., Seoul


Zuerrez, F., pres., Zuellig, Inc., Manila

Zug, K., H., merchant,

assist., ChungkingSiber,Import

HegnerS. &A.,Co.Tientsin

(Zurich), Yokohama



assist, superintendent,

Henry HunterHaiho BayneConservancy Commission/ Tieribsin

& Co., Manila

Zumsteg, E., assist., General Motors, Shanghai . :

Zurack, N., mgr., Inter-Provincial Transportation Co.v Manila

Zuzarte, A. P., assistant, Jardine

Zwanek, O., assist., Moeller & Co., Shanghai Engineering Corporation, Ld., Shanghai '




pong pong §;itb f itss, Jtk

11, Ice House Street, Hong Kong


53, Fleet Street, London E.C. 4.

Buyer's Guide



A Good Company


Sound Protection

U nexcel led Service

Prompt Settlements



(Incorporated in Chinal



Head Office:


40, Ningpo Eoad

Hong Kong Branch:

6, Queen’s Road Central

Branches & Agencies at most

Important Cities in







• : Brands:-

Lo H Y s”

“SpeeiAt Lohys”

Medium Resistance” |

„ • S TA L LOY, ‘


London: 168 Regent stw. BILSTON,

E hi GLAND,,


Manufacturers and Exporters of


LIMITED, Lead, Chromium, Cobalt, Cop=

CresswelL per, Manganese, etc.


Stoke-on-Trent:, Cornish Stone, Whiting Flint,

EiWL&lW* COLOURS, Quartz, Fluorspar, Cryolite, etc.

Telephone No. :— .. . . GLAZES, ENAMELS,

Blythe Bridge 101 & ]n2. Etc.—For the Pottery, Glass,

Telegrams :— Brick and Enamelled Iron In-


“Blyco, Cress well.’! ,-. .v . Contractors to War Office and

(Established 18.70.') ;• Crown Agents for the Colonies.




For All Mechanical Purposes



Gardiner House, 10,.12. and14, Charterhouse Street, LONDON, E.C. l.





105, Cambridge Street GLASGOW SCOTLAND

“TAM O’SHANTER” Hones for sharpening Joiners’ Tools, Razors, Penknives, Sheep

Shears, Axes and Hedge knives. Curriers’ and Tanners’ Sharpening Stones. Also

Blocks for Polishing, Lithographers’ Blocks, Brass, Zinc, and Silver Plate. Copper

Plates and Boilers, Marble, etc. The Finest Sharpening and Polishing Stones in the

Market. Received hon. mention Paris Exhibition, 1878; Gold Medals, London Interna-

tional Exhibitions 1885 and 1890.



At last! A reliable instrument with which to measure*the humidity of the

air. As easy to read as a clock.

Mat black celluloid finish, 25s.; chromium plated 28s.

Also apparatus for production of and control of humidity.

From your dealer, or


40-44, Holborn Viaduct, E.C. 1.







Established GEORGE TRACEY, Established

1600 1600





IFbr&s:—Bell Isle, York Rpad, Kino’s Cross.

Tel./Add: “Traceygut, Smith.” Telephone No. 5558 (Clerkenwell.)



Latest Development in

Ore Separation

(Prov. Pat.)





The Rapid Magnetting Co., Ltd.






Manufacturers of Printers’ Machinery.

Head Office; 9, Kingsway, London. Works; Altrincham, England.

Branch Offices in:

China: 160, Avenue Edward VII, Shanghai; 20, Ice House Street, Hongkong;

M. Genfer, 43, Diagonalnaya Street, Harbin.

Straits Settlements: 128, Robinson Road, Singapore.

Netherlands East Indies: Thibaultweg 1, Batavia-C.


JOSHUA HEAP & Co., 12 inches, and Single and

Ltd., Oldham Road Eng- Multiple Head Bolt Screw-

ineers’ Tool Works, Ashton- ing and Nut Tapping

under-Lyne, England. Tele- Machines with Chaser and

grams: “Heap Ltd, Ashton- Tangential Dies up to 4

under - Lyne.” Telephone inches diam. Stocks and

Nos. 1868 and 1869 (2 Dies, Pipe Cutters, Pipe

lines). Pipe Screwing

Machines, all sizes up to Wrenches, Taps, etc





Telegbams: Hilwalco, London.

Telephone • Mansion House 5807-5808.







Mincing Lane House, 59, EASTCHEAP, LONDON, E.C.3.





Absorbent Cotton Wool Aircraft Refuelling Equipment


Street, Great Moor, Stockpokt, and Bradley Engineering Works, Bilston,

Marriott Street Mills, Stockport (Pro- Staffs. Telepli.: Bilston 41264.

prietors of The Cynta Manufacturing

Co.)—Telegrams: Alloys and Metals

port. Telephone :“Undisputed’'

3006/7 Great Stock-


Also Manufacturers of all other

of Surgical Dressings, and “ Cynta ”kinds

Hygienic Specialities for Ladies and D ELTA

Children. — (Illustrated Booklet on DELTOID

request.) D IXTRU DO

D I X T A Ml R O.

East Greenwich, LONDON, S.E. 10.

Accounting, Posting & Book-keeping And at BIRMINGHAM.

Machines Aluminium Producers


Co., Ltd., Office: Adelaide House, King William

; 223 to 226, Tottenham Ct. Road, W. 1. Street,London,E.C. 4. Cables: “Cryolite,

London.” A.B.C., Bentley’s, Western

Tel. Add: “Nacareco’’ Union (5 letter). Aluminium Ingots,

Telephone No. Museum 9811 (9 Lines) Sheets, Tube, Bar, Rod,. Sections, Wire,

Cable, Alloys, etc.

. f . Shanghai: Enquiries to:—


Accounting, Posting &, Book-keeping 26, Canton Road (P. 0. Box 253.)

Machines. Anti-Fouling Composition

Aerated Water Machinery PEACOCK & BUCHAN, LTD.

BARNETT & FOSTER, Ltd., Niagara Estd.—Southampton—1848.

Works, London, N. 1. Tel. Add:“Drinks,

London. 44 s

A^ 1 * * for Iron


and Compositions

Steel Ships,

Aerated Water Machinery “ Copper ” Paint for Wood-bottomed

Manufacturers Vessels. Ready-mixed Paints especi-

ally suitable for Tropical Climates.

HAYWARD- TYLER & Co., Ltd., Estd. 1848

Engineers, Luton, Beds., England. Cable: “ Peabuch, Southampton.”

Telegrams: Hay ward tyler, London;..


Anti-Fouiing Composition Balance and Weights


POSITION Co., Ltd., The, Offices andCOM- L. OERTLING, LTD.

Works at Anchor and Hope Lane, Charl- 65, Holborn Viaduct.

ton, London, S.E. 7. Moravanti, Wol-




Ltd., Rochdale. Co.,

Ad: “Turners,

Rochdale.” Spinners, Weavers and

Manufacturers of Asbestos Goods, in-


Proofed Fibre,

Goods Yarn, Packings,

(Sheeting, TapeCloth,



for Tubing,

electrical Webbing,

purposes, Fine Listing Instruments for


locating Oil and Minerals.

London, E.C. 1.

Paper, Compressed Asbestos Fibre Tel. Ad: “ Oertling, Cent., London.”

Jointing (“ C.A.F.”), Non-Conducting


Lagging. Mattresses, Fibre Rope Belting

Asbestos Manufacturers


“Lascar” Works, Hounslow, Middlesex,




ATT WATER & SONS, Preston, England.

Manufacturers of Highest Qualities for

Electrical Insulation. Manufacturers JAMES DAWSON & SON LIMITED,

to British Admiralty. LINCOLN, ENGLAND.

Baking Powder “Lincona” Balata Belting

“ Weltona ” Hair Belting

BORWICK GEO. & SONS, Ltd., Baking “Dorsona” Leather Belting

Dawson’s “F.S.R.” Rubber Belting.


London, Manufacturers,

E.C. 1. Teleph.1,National

Bunhill Row,

3073. ' “ Speedona ” Endless Moulded “ V ”


Ball and Pebble Mills Manufacturers for export.

Enquiries invited.

STEELE & COWLISHAW, Engineers, Cable Add: Dawsons, Lincoln.

Cooper Street, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent.

Telegrams:. Steelshaw2100Phone

Trent. Telephone: Stoke-on- TURNER BROTHERS ASBESTOS Co.,

Hanley. Ltd., Rochdale. Tel. Ad: “Turners,


types. Textile Beltings of all


TAUNTON JOHN & JOSEPH, Ltd., Billiard Tables

Sherbourne Road, Balsall Heath,

Birmingham. Brass,Furniture,

Mattresses, Hearth Iron and Wood,

Brass- THOS. PADMORE & SONS, 118,

foundry, Shop Fittings, etc. Edmund Street, Birmingham. Tables-

all sizes, Cushions, Cues, all accessories.


Billiard Table Manufacturers Brush Makers (Wholesale Toilet)


Soho Square, London, Ltd., 19, HINDES,

W. 1, England. “Matik” Ltd.and (makers

“ Very.” ofPatentees

the newof

Cables: Burroughes, Rath, London. Body Hinde’sFriction

Hair Wavers

Brush), 60, ParkerTinglow”

and the “ Street,

Code: A.B.C. 1906. Kingsway, London, W.C. 2. Works

Bromsgrove Street, Birmingham.

Biscuit Machinery Manufacturers

VICARS, Ltd., T. & T., Earlestowh, Bye-product Plant

Newton-le-Willows; England. Tel. Ad: G. A. HARVEY & Co. (London), Ltd,

“ Vicars, Earlestown.” Greenwich Metal Works, Woolwich

Road, London, S. E. 7.

Bookbinders’ Cloth


Ltd., (THE), 12, Newton Street,


Camera Manufacturers

Bowling Green Bowls CAMERAS, LTD,Slough.

185, Liverpool Road,

TAYLOR-ROLPH Co., Ltd. The Fitz- 929. Cables: Trading Estate, Teleph. Slough

gerald Works, Mortlake, London, facturers of“Cameras, Slough”.—Manu-

“ Dekko ” Amateur Cine

S.W. 14. Cameras and Projectors.

Box Carrier Tricycle Manufacturers Canvas and Sailcloth

53. Aston


Cross, Birmingham. Teleph.Works.

East M.Holm

C. THOMSON & CO, LTD, 98/100

0416. “Ivy” Tradesman’s Carrier Works, Arbroath, Street, Glasgow, Scotland.

Tricycles. Cables: “Ivy, Birmingham.” Scotland.

Carbon Brushes for Dynamos,

Brick and Tile Machinery Electric Motors, etc.


MORGAN Co, Ltd, (The),

Hercules Engineering Works, Char- S.W. 11. Works, Church Road, London,

Telephone, Battersea 2250.

mouth Street, Leeds.

Cement Colours and Waterproofers

Brick, Tile and Pipe Machinery


Brick, Tile and Pipe-making Machinery, Ltd, Wandsworth, London, S.W. 18,


England.Works, Syke“ Brictile.”

Tel. Ad: Street, Preston, England. Sole Manufac-

turers of “Cementone”

Bridge Builders Colours '& Waterproofers

for Cement, Brick, Stone,

BROWNLIE & MURRAY, Ltd. (Struc- etc.

tural Engineers), 59-60, Gracechurch

Street, London, E.C. 3. Tel. Ad: Ceramic Colours and Chemical

“ Sequence, Bilgate, London.”


Briquette Machinery WENGERS, Ltd, Etruria, Stoke-on-

HERBERT ALEXANDER & Co, Ltd, Minerals and MaterialsColours,

Trent. Chemicals, Glazes,

for the Pottery,

Hercules . Engineering Works, Char- Tile, Brick, Glass and Vitreous Enamels

mouth Street, Leeds. on Metal Industries.


Chain Belting China Clay


We are actual Makers of every description CHINA CLAY

of detachable Chains, including Ewart’s COLLOIDAL KAOLIft

Type, (British and American Patterns)

Grays Style, Steel Bushed and Riveted All consuming Industries catered for

Pintle Chains, Sprocket Wheels and and Shipments to any part of the

Elevator Buckets. World,

We guarantee interchangeability with the : * BUY FROM THE WQRLPS

chains you may now have in use. LARGEST PRODUCERS


Climax Malleable Works, & CO., LTD.

Garket Road, Leeds. • ST. AUSTELL, CORNWALL

Telephone 75414 (2 lines).

Cables & Telegrams: “Malleable Leeds.” Cobalt Oxide and Salts


Trent. Tel.Ltd.,Ad: “ Etruria,

Wengers.” Stoke-on-


Chalk (Precipitated) Chemicals, Glazes, Minerals and Mater-

LEYERMORE, A., & Co., Ltd., 110, Can- ials for the Pottery, Tile, Glazed

non Street, London, E.C. 4. (And all Glass and Vitreous Enamels on Brick, Metal

other Chalks and Crayons). Industries.

Colour Manufacturers

Changkols HAWLEY, W., & SON, Ltd. (Indian,

THE CHILLINGTONEngland.TOOL Co.,Cables: Turkey

Ltd., Red Oxides, and Venetian

Ochres, Reds, Purple

Umbers, and



“Chillington, Wolverhampton.” “Cro- Stone, Rouge, etc.),. Colour Works,

Duffield, Derby, England.

codile” Brand.

Chemicals Constructional Iron and Steel Work


BUSH, BEACH & GENT, Ltd., Marlow BROWNLIE & MURRAY, Ltd., Possil

House, Lloyd’s Avenue, London, E.C. 3. Iron Works, Glasgow and at 59-60

Tel. Ad: Beafredma, London. Gracechurch Street, London, E. C. 3..


Bridges of Iron

and Roofs,Tel.

Girders. Iron


“ Livadia,

WHIFFEN & SONS, Ltd. Cafleine, London. Glasgow” and “Sequence, Bilgate,,

Strychnine, Emetine, Iodides, Clove

Oil, etc. S.W.Oarnwath

London, 6. Road, Fulham,

Corrugated Paper Machinery and

Container Plant

Chemical Apparatus Manufacturers KELLER H. & Co., 10 Colonial

THERMAL SYNDICATE Ltd., The, Aguilon London. E. C. 3. Cables:

Avenue, Minories,


Vitreosil ”Works,

Pure fusedWallsend-on-Tyne.

Quartz or Silica.

London Office and Depot: Thermal CottonCotton Spinners and Doublers

Spinners and Doublers of all


New Old Pye Street, S.W. 1. and at Classes—American and Egyptian Yarns.


Chucks (Union Mills Dept.) Cumberland Street,.


Ltd., Birmingham England. Chucks Mills at Halifax and Oldham.

for ail purposes. “ Selfactor” Manchester.—Blackfriars 8131


Cricket Bats Dredging and Reclamation

Cricket Bats—William Gunn “ Auto- KALIS K. L. SONS & Co., Ltd., Con-

tractors, Stone House, Bishopsgate,

graph,” “Cannon,” “ Superb Driver,” London, E.C. 2. Tel. Ad: “Soundings,

Etc. London.” Teleph. No. Bishopsgate 4207.

GUNN & MOORE, Ltd.,, Codes; Bentley’s Complete Phrase,

Manufacturers,"Nottingham, England. . Bentley’s Second, A.B.C. (5th Edition).

Crucible Manufacturers Drugs


Battersea Works, Church Road, London,

S.W. 11. Sole Manufacturers of Mor- and powdered in AND


gan’s and Salamander Crucibles and bags, cases, packets,

Melting Pots, Battersea Clay Crucibles cartons, tins, etc. Write for our list.

and Morgan’s Plumbago. Cable Ad- L. A. HORNER & SONS,

dress: “Crucible, London.”' 12, South Tenter Street, London, E. 1.

Cycle and Motor Cycle Saddlery Dryers


Road, N. Sparkbrook, Birmingham, Hercules Engineering Works, Char-

England, mouth Street, Leeds.


Deodorising Compound “Edge Tools”

VIOFLOR WILLS A. W. & SON, Ltd., Park Mills,

(Registered) Wolverhampton, England.

SPECIAL pEODO RISING Cables: “ Hoe, Wolverhamp-

COmpound toU.” Axes, Hatchets, Adzes,

Permanently counteracts the odour of Cane knives.

Turpentine Substitutes, Paints Distem-

pers, Inks, Solvents, Polishes, etc-, etc. Elastic Fabrics


15, Cooper’s Row, London, E.C. 3.

Grams : “ Povorian, Fen London.”

’Phone r Royal. 2107.



Hercules Engineering Works, Char-

mouth Street, Leeds. Makers of. Celebrated Satin Cloth Webs

and all.,filler kinds of Elastic Webs.

Diving Apparatus Webs bearing this brand are reliable and

■SIEBE, GORMAN & Co., Ltd., 187, guaranteed of British Manufacture.

1, Wharf Street, Leicester,

Westminster Bridge Road, London,



Electric Furnaces Enamel Manufacturers



mouth Engineering

Leeds. Works, Char- S.Ltd.,E. Macks Road, Bermondsey, London,.

Protective Paints and Enamels

“Electric Switchgear” specially prepared to resist Tropical


STATTER J. G. & Co., Ltd., 16, Great


S.W.l. Street,Ad:Westminster, London,

“Switchonia, London.” Engineers


Electrical Engineers 66, Victoria Street, Westminster, Lon-

KNIVETON CABLE WORKS, Ltd., don, S.W. 1. .Works: Dens Iron Works,

ueensway, Ponders End, Middlesex, Arbroath, Scotland. Agents wanted..

andlectric Cables,

Aerials, etc. Leads, Wires, Flexibles

Electrical Wires and Cables Engraving & Etching Machines

GLOVER,W.T.«fe Co., Ltd., Manufacturers TAYLOR, Stoughton


Street Works, Leicester.


Electrical Wires and(Teleph.

Manchester. Cables. Trafford

Trafford Teleph: 20134. Tel. Add: “Lenses,

Park 2141). Telegrams: “Cables, Man- Leices ter ’’—Engraving Machines for

chester.” Engraving Lettering and Designs,

including a New and Larger Machine.

Endorsing Inks & Stamp Pads Electrical Etching Machine and other

Etching Devices for Etching Names

and Designs •? on Finished Metal


Envelope and Circular Addressers

A Welch,

ADDRESSINGLtd.),Registered Co. (Smith, Dalby-

Office: Gresham.


STENCILS. Broad St.,


Works: 2;11

“E.M.R.” Brass Interchangeable POSTAL and 12,

Locking Stencils. _ PUBLICITY EXPERTS. Ha If moon


‘E, M. R.” ZINC ALPHABET & o- AndofOwning

Investorsthe ofRegister

the ^11, Passage,

u... A Id ers-

FIGURE SETS. United Kingdom. gate St.,

‘‘E.M.R.” Stencil Inks & Stencil Brashes. E.C.

West l



The “E.M.R.” 102, Gower


Tel. Add: “Septimus, Stock, London;”

OUTFIT. Mm2 Teleph. No. National 6891 (5 lines);.

j A GOOD SELLING LINE, Largest Envelope Addressing Business

in the Kingdom.




Ij E.Contractors

3VT. RICKFORO, Ltd. Envelopes

to H. M. _ Government,

India & The Colonies, &c-,

8-9, SNOW HILL, LONDON. Westbromwich. London House, 22

St. Andrew Street, Holborn Circus,.

—LISTSEstablished 1878.

ON APPLICATION. E.C. 4. High Grade Envelopes for every

business purpose and in all sizes.


Essences for Aerated Waters, Syrups, Filters

Confectionery, etc. FULHAM


Co.. Ltd. (THE), Fulham,

dard Works, Southwark Street, London, of Cheavin’s S.W. 6. Sole Manufacturers

S.E, 1. Manufacturers of “Red Ball” “ Saludor ” Filters.

Brand Essences.

“Distiller, London.”All Codes. Tel. Ad: Fire Bricks

Essences for Aerated Waters GIBBONS (DUDLEY). Ltd, Dibdale

Fireclay Works, near Dudley, England.

BARNETT & FOSTER, Ltd., Niagara Fire Engineers

Works,London,N. 1. Tel. Add: “Drinks,


Exhaust Fans Greenwich Road,


and 63, Long Acre, W.C. 2. Cables:

WOODS OF COLCHESTER (M.W. “Merywether, London.”



DenmarkWindifansStreet, Fish

Colchester. Telephone, Colchester 2264 THE NATIONAL FISH CURING Co,

Expanded Metal for Building Ltd, Poynernook Road, Aberdeen.

Purposes Telegrams:

parts. “Natfish.” Teleph. 992. All


Ltd., 302, Fazeley Street, METAL Co.,


Teleph: Victoria 1941. Tel. Add.: SYNTHITE, Formaldehyde Manufacturers


Exmetcon, Birmingham. ”—Expanded Bromwich, Ltd, Ryders

England. Green, Westof


for Building Construction Pur- Formaldehyde and Paraformaldehyde.

poses, Works Partitions, Screens,

Stores, Enclosures. Expanded Metal Tel. Ad: “Synthite, W.B.”

Fencing, Belt and Pulley Guards. Fountain Pens

Perfection “ C ” Lathing. The Perfect

Bond for all Ceiling Work. WILLIAM

Barr Street,L. MARRIAN, Ltd, 248,

Hockley, Birmingham,

England. Manufacturers

variety of Gold Nibs. Enquiries of everyso-

F licited from Manufacturers of Fountain

Pen Holders.

Fancy Cottons and Unions

TURNER, SAMUEL & Co, Ltd, Manu- Fractional Horse-power Motors A.C.


and Spotland, Rochdale,

56, Basinghall and 552. WOODS OF COLCHESTER (M.W.

Poplins, Fancies, Street,



Flan- WOODS,




nelettes, Unions and Tussores. Colchester. Telephone, Colchester 2264

Fans Fractional Horse-power Motors D.O.


Manchester,& England.



the design, WOODS, Ltd.),Telegrams,



of Fans for construction and application

every conceivable purpose. Colchester.

Colchester. Telephone, Colchester 2264


Felts of every description for Floor Co-

verings, Saddlery and HarnessMakers,

Motor Builders, Ammunition Trade, G

Engineers, etc.


Co, Ltd. SIEBE, GORMAN & Co, Ltd, 187,

Hudcar Mills, Bury, Lancashire. Westminster Bridge Road, London, S.E.


Gauge Glasses Helmets


J. Birmingham.. OWEN

Royal Works, Goutts& Co.


Bow, Ltd.,


don, E. 3. Manufacturers of Cork and

Rubber, Pith,

Glass Colours, Chemicals and Liquid and Felt Helmets. Patentees Compositions, Gossamer

Gold of

“Comfortilet”to “His

HomeMajesty” Helmets.

WENGERS, Ltd., Etruria, Stoke-on- Contractors Crown Agents. .

Government and

Trent, England.

Glaziers’ Diamonds and Diamond THE WATER Hones and Oilstones



’105, Cambridge" HONEStreet.,

WORKS, Ltd.,

, Glasgow,

ANTILL, T. E., 15, Spencer Street, Lon-

don, E.C. 1. Price lists on application. Scotland. Polishing and Sharpening

Telephone: Clerkenwell 2778. Stones of all descriptions.

Gloves (Rubber) Horse Shoes and Horse Shoe Nails




Co., Ltd., 43, SHOE


Ltd., Trading Estate. Want exclusive Tower Street, London, E,C- 3.

importers in The Straits Settlements,

India and China and Japan for their Hose, Canvas and Fire Appliances

surgical gloves. McGREGOR & Co., Scott Street Works,

Gold Nibs ^g'STe:/^ Dundee. Sole Manufacturers

WILLIAM L. MARRIAN, Ltd., 248, " of the famous “Rob Roy”

Barr Street, Hockley, Birmingham, \ Hand-woven Canvas Hose,

England. Manufacturers of every i used in the largest Fire


Pens. of Gold Nibs for Fountain Brigades everywhere. Also

Fire Appliances of all kinds.

Guns, Rifles, Revolvers, Etc.


W. GREENER,Makers Ltd., ofSt. Guns,


Row, I

Airguns and Cartridges. Teleph. No.

4033 Cent. , Telegrams: “ Greener.”

Codes: A.B.C. 4th k 5th edns., Bentleys. Import and Export

Guns, Rifles, Revolvers and HERST, NORBERT

Ammunition Import k Export of Leather.

World Representative for :—


J. ADGER, 97, Peter’s Hill, Belfast,

Cables: “ Adgey, Peter’s Hill, Yici Kid—Robt. H. Foerderer, Inc.

Belfast.” Codes: A.B.C. 5th k 6th Corona Patent—Lucius Philadelphia, U.S.A.

Edition. Government Surplus Rifles Beebe A Sons, Inc.

and Ammunition. British .303. German 13, Market Boston, U.S.A.

Street, LONDON. S.E. 1.

and Austrian 7.9 m/m.

Tel. HOP 0391/2.

Cables: Herstnorb, London.

H Insulating Material Manufacturers


Hammers for Engineers, Etc. ATTWATER & SONS, Preston, England.



LEY, Ltd., Saltley Mill, Birming- Insulating Material4045-6.

Telephone : Preston Electrical

ham, England. Mica Importers and Cutters.Manufacturers.


Insulator Manufacturers Leather Belts


Frederick Street, CrichtonEngland.



don, S.W.House,

1. Vincent Square, Lon- for Manufacturers

all markets.of Speciality:—Belts

Men’s Leather Belts


Insulators (Telenduron) for Telegraph natives, Lelts.

Sporting and “Expando” Spring

Tel. Ad: “Advantage” Walsall,

and Telephone Line Transmission England. Teleph. No.. Walsall 2639.

DE LA RUE, THOMAS' &■ Co, Ltd, Life Buoys


Walthamstow,Works,London,Shcrnhail Street, FOSBERY & Co,

E. 17. Teleph. Barking Wharf, Bar-

No. Walthamstow 2900. king, Essex, England.

India Rubber Manufacturers Life Jackets


& Co, Barking Wharf, Bar-

Essex, England.

and General

London Office:Offices: Backing, Street,

29, Gresham Essex.

E.C. 2. Contractors to principal En- Loose Leaf Books

glish and Foreign Railways. Manu- BENSONS

facturers of India Rubber for all

purposes. Manufacturers and Patentees of

Loose Leaf Metals and Devices.

All Sizes, all tvpes.

J Special Metals made to customer’s own

samples and specifications. Chromium,

Gilt and N ickel Finishes. Special Metals

Jewellery (Fancy) and Novelties Guaranteed impervious to Rain, Damp,.

Sea Water or Tropical Atmospheres.


manbury, London, E.C. 2. Tel. Ad: 24, Alder- Catalogues andpriees from-.—

“Gobaith, Cent. London.” Teleph. No. BENSON’S Soho Road,

Metropolitan 1656. Code: A.B.C. 5th Ed. Birmingham, 21, England.

’Phone: 1104, Northern.


TUCK & Co/, Ltd, 61, St. Mary Axe,

London, E. C. 3, “ Tuckite ” Jointing. M

L Machine Tools


Lawn Mowers CO, LTD.

10, Victoria Street, London, S.W. 1.


66, Victoria

don, S.W. 1. Street,

Works:Westminster, Lon-

Dens IronWorks, Cranes, Foundry Equipment.

Arbroath, Scotland. Agents wanted. Machines for Engraving Metals

Leather TAYLOR,


Street &Works,



Leather and Leather Pieces of all kinds— Teleph.: 20134. Tel. Add: “Lenses, Lei-

Import and Export. cester”. EngravingandMachines

LEADING LEATHERIES; Ltd. graving Lettering Designs, for En-


. 13, Market Street, London, S.E. 1. ing a N ew and Larger Machine. Elec-

Tel. HOP 0391/92. trical Etching Machine and other Etch-

Cables: Leaderius, London. ing Devices for Etching Names and

Designs on Finished Metal Products.


Magnetic Equipment—All Types Motor Electrical Equipment and

ELECTROMAGNETS, Ltd., 2, Church Accessories

Street, Birmingham 3, Cen. 1858.

Telegrams: “Boxmag,” Birmingham, JOSEPH LUCAS Ltd, Head Offices and


Lucas “King ofStreet,

Gt. King Birmingham

the Road” 19.


Manufacturers of Fine Quality Hats teries, Lighting, Starting and Ignition; Bat-

Magnetos, CoilLucas



BATTERSBY & Co, Ltd, 21, Nicholl Direction Indicators,

ping Reflectors, Horns, Windscreen


Square, London,

National 8781. E. C. 1. Telephone: Wipers, Mirrors, “Girder” Wrenches,

Offerton Works, Stockport. and other “ Motoralities,” etc. _ Tele-

Telephone: Stockport 4844. grams

ham.” and Cables: “Lucas, Birming-

Measuring Tape and Rule Makers


Bow Works, Pomona Street,& Sheffield.

Co, Ltd,

Telegraphic Address: “Chesterman Nib Exporters


Marine Oil Engines, &c. NIBS (1929), Ltd, Westmeads Works,

Whitstable, Kent. Wholesale

only—Tel. Add: & Export

“Nibs, Whitstahle”

Electric Generating Plant Telephone No. 309


Office Furniture (Steel)


A. HARVEY Metal& Co.Works,

(London), Ltd,


Road, London, S.E. 7.

Oil Engine Manufacturers

Mechanical Stokers SHANKS, ALEXANDER & SON, Ltd,



S.W. 1. Street,

Works:Westminster, Lon-

Dens Iron Works,

Hulton, Bolton. Arbroath, Scotland. . Agents wanted.

Metallurgists Oil Fuel Burning



Road Works, Manufacturers of Boilers 1 Land

Liverpool. Machinery j- or

Tel. Add: BlackwellNo.

Tel. GarstonManu-

Liverpool. 980. Installations, etc. J Marine

facturers of all Alloys, Metals and J. SAMUEL WHITE & CO, LTD,

Minerals. Contractors to British and

Foreign Governments. East Q^wes,

Meters Isle of Wight, England.


The, Manufacturers: METER Co,

Positive Oil Storage Tanks

Wafer Meters, Tipping Street, Ardwick, G.Greenwich


Manchester. (Teleph. Ardwick 3730.)

Telegrams: “ Watermeter,” Manchester. Metal& Co.Works,

(London), Ltd,


Road, London, S.E. 7.


Oil of Sandalwood Packings and Jointings




(Flax, Asbestos and Cotton)

And all Engine Room Stores.



Contractors—British, Kussign, French and

Italian Admiralties.

Distilled from Santalum Album,

Linn, at the

MYSORE GOVERNMENT Paint Mixing Machinery


Cooper Street, Engineers,

Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent.

Mysore, South India. Guaranteed gen- Telegrams: Steelshaw Phone Stoke-on-

uine, B.P. 1932. London Office: TRADE Trent. Telephone: 2100 Hanley.


London, Grand Buildings, Trafalgar Sq.

London, W.C. 2. SAMUEL JONES & Co., Ltd., Bridewell

Tel. No.: Whitehall 8888. Place, London,

Tropical GummedE.C. Paper.4. Coated



of every description.

Ox and Buffalo Horns




11, Jewry Street, London, E.C. 3. London, E.l. Ltd., Mansell Street,

Ox and Buffalo. Horns, Tips and Paper Makers

Hollows, Cattle Hoofs and Bones PORTALS, Limited,

and Sheep Horns.

Tel. Add: “Amanorn, London.” Whitchurch, Hants. Laverstoke Mills,.

Teleph. No. Royal 3315. Parangs


Wolverhampton, England. Cables:

“Chillington, Wolverhampton.” “King

P of Spades ” Brand.

Pavement Light Manufacturers

Packings (Steam and Hydraulic) LUXFER, Ltd., 16, Hill Street, Finsbury,

London, E. C. Telegraphic Address:

TUCK & Co., Limited •“ Luxfer,” London.

61, St. Mary Axe, Perforated Metals

London, E.C. 3.

Patentees of Tack'

Packing,of Tuck’s s Original

and “LAMBETH.”


turers in Zinc, Steel, Copper, Brass, &c.,

Packings for High Pressures. F. BRAB Y & CO., LTD., 352 to 364,

Euston Road, London, N.W.I.

Packings, Jointing and Mech, (Established 1839).

Rubber Goods G. A. HARVEY & Co.Works,

(London), Ltd.,

TUCK & Co., Ltd., 61, St. Mary Axe, Greenwich Metal Woolwich

London, E.C.3. Road, London, S.E. 7.

Pipe Fittings (Malleable & Soft Plant for Galvanizing



CRANE, Ltd., 45-51, Leman Street, England. Tel. House, Aldvvych, W. C. 2.

London, E. 1. No. Holborn 2368.

Pitch Products (Swedish, Archangel Potters’ and Vitreous Enamellers’

and Pine) Materials

THE WHITE SEA & BALTIC CO. P. WENGERS, Trent. Tel Ltd., Etruria, Stoke-on-

Ad: “Wengers.” Colours,

& I. DANISCHEWSKY, Ltd., Con- Chemicals, Glazes, Minerals and Mater-

cordia Works, Managers Street, Poplar,. ials for the Pottery, Tile, Brick, Glass

London, E. 14. Cable Ad: Rusturptar, and Vitreous Enamels on Metal Indus-

tries. '

- London.

“ Corona,” “ Cordelia,” Baltar,” and Printing Machinery

“Dapid” brands. HARRIED &Machinery

SONS, andLtd.,Equipment


Printing Inks for the ofPrinting

Makers and Allied Trades,

Fleet Works, Norwich Street, Fetter

Lane, London, E.C. 4.,

PRINTING INKS, Pure Sugar Colourings for Beers, Etc.



PRINTERS’ VARNISHES, The Broadway, Stratford, London, E. 15.



Etc., Etc., Etc.

Railway Switches and Crossings

Of Finest Quality and in Grades to

suit the Climate and Conditions of THOMAS SUMMERSON & SONS, Ltd.,

Albert Hill Foundry, Darlington.

the Market, are manufactured by:—

Reptiles (Skins)


10 & 11, Wine Office Court, Fleet All Classes REPTILES

Street, LONDON, England Indian, Java; Brazilian, Etc.,

10, Fenchurch Avenue, London, E, C.

AGENTS: Rice Mill Cloth


Prince’s Buildings, Hongkong. Greenwich : Metal& Co.Works,

(London), Ltd.,


Messrs. GEORGE ROBINSON & Co., Road, London, S.E. ‘

(China), Ltd., , Roller Leather Manufacturers

149, Szechuen Road, Shanghai,.China.

Messrs. A. R. SALEHBHAI & Qo., HAYNES WILLIAM, Ashworth Street,

Bury New Road, Manchester.

Rajawongse Road, Bangkok, Siam.

Messrs. The BORNEO Co., Ltd., Rolling Shutters

Singapore, DENNISON KETT & Co., Ltd.,

Straits Settlements,., etc. “Kenoval. House” 226/230,, Farmer’s

Road, London, S.E. 5.


RUBBER STAMPS Spanners for Engineers and Others


8 &' 9’, Sno'w. ftii, London. I SALTLEY,

ham, England.

Ltd., Saltley Mill, Birming-

Solder Manufacturers


her and

Stampall (Silver Solder), 2-3, St. Paul’s Sq.,

Making Birmingham, England.

Supplies for the Stamp Trade.

Contractors to H. M. Government. Sports Goods


ball, Tennis, Hockey and Badminton

Goods Makers. Carrington Street

and Castle Boulevard, Nottingham,

England. Tel. Ad : “Autograph.”

A.B.C. Code 5tji etln.

Safety and Ambulance Sports Goods Manufacturers

HANLEY. A., 473, C. V. Queens Road,

Sheffield, England. SAFEST Belts, UBEROI LIMITED,

used at 46 Trades, — Mines, Electric,

Chemic, Gas Works, etc. SIALKOT CITY INDIA

FLEXIBLE STRETCHERS for bad cases. Largest Manufacturers of Sports

Goods in the East. 1

Separators Founders of the Sports Industry in


NETIC), 2, Church Street, Colmore Exporters & Importers of High-Class

Row, Birmingham, 3. Teleph. CENtral SPORTS GOODS.

1858. Tel. Add: “Boxmag Birmingham.”

—Designers, Manufacturers and Paten- Cables: Qodes: A.

“ Uberoi, Sialkoti”

B. C. 5th and 6th edns. and

tees of “Boxmag” “Rotaflux” Pulleys, Bentley’s.


shaken Drums, Vibratory,

and Stationary Chutes. Jig- Ore


Brakes andLifting

SpecialMagnets, Clutches,

Electro-Magnetic Springs

Devices, meeting all requirements. TONES, JOHN & Co., Central Spring

and Steel Works, Furnace Hill,

Shipping, Forwarding and Baggage Sheffield, 3.


HEWETT J. D. & Co., Ltd., 98, Springs, Temples and Accessories for


11, Lower Street,


Street, E.C. 3. & Weaving and Spinning Machinery


S.W. LUPTON BROS., Ltd., Grange Iron

ter. 1.,General

and at Liverpool

ForwardinganflandManches-Freight Works,Send Accrington,, Lanps., England.

for illustrated lists.


Passenger Insurance

Agents. Brokers,

Telephone: and


(7 lines) Avenue; Telegrams: Hewett, Stationery

Ben. London.


Smoke Helmets Westbromwich. London House, 22 St.

SIEBE, GORMAN & Co., Ltd,,' 'l87, Andrew Street, Holborn Circus, E. C. 4.

Westminster Bridge Road, London, S.E. Printers, Manufacturers of High Grade

Business Stationery for all purposes.


Steam Engine Manufacturers Surgical Dressings, Cotton Wool,

SHANKS, ALEXANDER & SON, Ltd., Lint, Gauze, Etc.

66, Victoria Street, Westminster, Lon-

don, S.W. 1. Works: Dens IronWorks, ROBERT BAILEY & SON Ltd., Dysari

Arbroath, Scotland. Agents wanted. Street, Great Moor, Stockport, and

Marriott Street Mills, Stockport.

Steam Packings Surveying and Drawing Instrument

TUCK & Co., Ltd., 61, St. Mary Axe, Manufacturers

London, E.C. 3. Cables: “Tucks, Stock, STANLEY, W. F. & Co., Ltd. 286, High

London.” Holborn, London, W. C. 1. Teleph.:

Manufacturers of all kinds of Steam Holborn 5006 and 5007. Cables: “Turn-

Packings. stile, London.” Manufacturers of Bino-

culars, Drawing Instruments, Drawing

Office Equipment,

TUCK & Co., Ltd., 61, St. Mary Axe, Rules, Hydrometers, Lenses, Field Glasses, Fuller-


London, E.C. 3. Works: Albert Embank- tical Instruments, Meteorological Instru-

ment S.E. 1. Teleph. No. Avenue

Tel. Ad: “Tucks, Stock, London.” 6375. ments, Microscopes, Nautical Instru-


ments, Planimeters, Scientific Instru-

Surveying Instruments, Tele-

Steel scopes,

meters, Industrial. Clinical; Thermo-



Atlas and Norfolk Works, Sheffield.

Teleph.: Sheffieldand20081.

“Firth, Sheffield” “Atlas,Tel. Adds.:


—Firth Brown Special Steels, Forgings,

Castings, Hardened Steel Rolls, Dredger

Parts, Nitralloy Steel, Engineers’ Tools, Tape Measures


Alloy Saws,for“Millenicut” Files, and

Aircraft, Automobiles,


25/37, Hackney Road, London, E. 2.

Steel Manufacturers Tar Products (Coal Tar, Creosote,

PYR AMID STEEL Co., 55, Queen Street, Carbolic)

Mark Sheffield. Steel Manu- JAMES

facturers and Mer- 68, Gordon Street, GREEN SHIELDS & Co.,C.Ltd.1.,..

chants. Steel of all des- Glasgow,

^criptions for all pur- Scotland. Cable Coal

Glasgow.” Pitch, Address:

Tar, “Bitumen,


poses. Tel. Address: Carbolic and Cresylic Acid, Pyridine,

PYRA “Rill, Sheffield.” Disinfectants, Wood Preservatives,

Teleph. No. 22434. Wood Tar.

Marine Glue

Steel Office Furniture Aniline O i 1

Aniline Salt


A. HARVEYMetal &, Co.Works,

(London), Ltd.,


Road, London, S.E. 7. Tar Products (Stockholm, Archangel

and Pine)

Steel Scaffolding Fittings THE WHITE SEA & BALTIC CO. P.


SCAFFOLDING Co., Ltd., Iddlesleigh Works, Managers Street, Poplar,.

House, Caxton Street, London, S.W. 1. London, E, 14. Cable Ad: Rusturptar,,

Teleph. London, Victoria 6483.—Steel London.

Scaffolding Fittings, Bathing Pool “Corona,” “Cordelia,” “Baltar,” and

Equipments. “ Dapid ” brands.


Tar and Tar Products (All Kinds)


53, Waterloo Street, Glasgow, C. 2.

“ Monsoon ” Brand (regd).

Tea Lead Manufacturers Vitreous Enamels for Iron, Copper

and Jewellery

ISLAND LEAD MILLS, Ltd., Lime- WENGERS, Ltd., Etruria, Stoke-on-


all London,

substances England. Tea Lead of Teent, England.

Japan Markets.forTel.India,

Ad : “Ceylon and


Step, London.” W

Time Recorders

NATIONAL TIME Water Softening Tanks

Ltd., Aquihas' Street,RECORDER Co., G. A. HARVEY

Stamford Street, & Co., (London), Ltd.,

S.E.J. Waterloo 6641/2. Natrecord. Road, London,Metal

Greenwich S.E. 7.Works, Woolwich

Tinfoil and Goldfoil Paper

MARIN, J. & J., Ltd., 171, Queen Victoria AIN S LIE Whisky Distillers


Street, E.C.4. Central 3412. Nikam. LERS), Ltd., 64, Waterloo Street,

5th Ed. Glasgow, (Scotland. Tel. Ad: “Ainslie.”

Tinfoil Paper Manufacturers Tel. No. Central 1631.

MARIN J. & J. Ltd., Wallhead Mills, RINAHANS L. L., WHISRY

Milnrow Road, Rochdale, England. Bagots, Hutton & Rinahan, Ltd.,

Tools (Edge) Bagot’s Buildings, Dublin, Ireland.

WILLS A. W. & SON Ltd., Park Mills, BARNARDS, Wire Netting

Ltd., Norfolk Iron and Wire

Wolverhampton, England. Works, Norwich, England. Inventors

Cables: “Hoe Wolverhamp- and Original Manufacturers of Gal-

ton.” Axes, Hatchets, Adzes, vanized Wire - Netting and Patent

Machine-made mixed Mesh Netting.

Cane knives Tea Withering Trays and Pig Netting

Toy Manufacturers Specialities.

JBRITAINS, LTD., Metal Toy Soldiers, Woven Wire Cloth

All Parts Guns, Model Farms, Ritchen G.Greenwich A. HARVEY & Co.Works, (London), Ltd.,

Sets, Zoo Models, Miniature Gardening, Road, London,Metal S.E. 7.


etc. 28 to 40, Lambton Road, Hornsey

Rise, N 19. Wrenches, Adjustable

Tracing Cloth THOMAS SMITH & SONS of SALT-


Ltd., (THE), 12,BOOR Co., England. Saltley Mill, Birmingham,



LEY, Ltd.,


Turpentine Z

THE WHITE SEA & BALTIC CO. P. Zipp Fasteners


cordia Works, Managers Street, Poplar, “ZIPP” FASTENERS.

London, E. 14. Cable Ad: Rusturptar, ‘FLIT’ (ZIP) SLIDERCourt.


London. 7h, Maidenhead E.C. 1. Tel.

“Pidoil,” “Alpid,” “Supin,” “Pentarco” National 9721. Tyrallas. All Codes.

and “ Corona ” brands. British Manufacture.





f 6:35, 7M5, 380, 9 'm/m long Manufacturer:

^7.63 Mauser, 38 &' 45 Colt; ' BONIFACIO ECHEVERRIA,

Eibae, Spain.





(j^idbiis/ied 1563)







Agricultural, Horticultural and

Forestry Machines and GEBRUDER GOTZ. Machine Makers

Implements and Iron Founders. Lauter 1. Saxony,

(Land, garten-u. forstwirtschaftliche Germany. Established ISOS

Maschinen und Gerate)


Wuppertal-Barmkn, Germany. N. 68" ACTIEN GESELLSCHAFT

Foe 57 years Manufacturers of Lawn BRAU, Munich, Germany. HACKER-

Mowers for Hand and Motor Power, Hackerbrau, Munich. Codes:Telegrams:

Garden Rollers, Motor Rollers, Lawn A.B.C. 5th and 6th edns., Lieber’s,,


Sprinklers. Code.

Air-Pumps BAVARIA BRAUEREI, Hamburg,

Germany. Established 1897. Tel. Ad:

PROGRESS-WERK OBERKIRCH A-G., Bavariabeer. Export Beer, Pilsener and

' Stadelhofen 4 (Baden), Munich Type, Light and Dark, Lion

Germany. Air and Motor- Brand Malt Extract Beer. Export all

Tyre over

Pumps for Bicycles, the World.

cycles, Automobiles and

Footballs. Blast Furnace Plants

Rudolf Mosse Code & Supplement,

A.B.C. 5th Edip DEMAG


(Germany).. See our Advertise-

ment under ^Engineering Sectionn

Aluminium -Foil page B70.

ROBERT VICTOR NEHER, Ltd,, Booksellers (Export)

Krettzlingen, Switzerland.

CONRAD BEHRE,' Overseas Bookseller

of Medical Works and Text Books.

Artificial Flower and Leaves, Tools (Established 1862)

and Machinery Hamburg 1.—Dornbusch

Telephones: 3343-31-32. 3312, 60Germany.

94. Ex-

JOHA'iTN JACOBI, Sebnitz, Saxony, porter of Books,

Germany. and Educational Journals,

Works. Music Scores


Boot and Shoe Making Machinery Cable and Rubber


Works, Berlin-Charlottenburg

Frankfurt a.Main. Germany.

Braiding Machinery of1, Insulated

all kinds. Electric Cables and Wires

OSTERMANN, W. & M„ Barmen, Cameras

Germany. Making

Bootlace Makers ofMachinery,

Lace MakingCable


Machinery. CAMERAS

Braiding Machines “ Exakta ”


Germany.HORN, Berlin-Weissensee

Speciality VIII,

high speed Braid-

ing Machines for Spindle Cords of

particular durability.

Brush Making Machinery


(Black Forest)

Zahoransky, Germany.

Todtnau. SpecialTelegrams


ture of all Machines required by brush THE only reflecting camera for V,P.

makers and brush board- makers in the

most reliable styles and first-class work- sec. + Size. Speeds from 1/1000 to 12'

Delayed action releaseaperture

+ Inter-+

manship. changeable lenses of super

No parallax -F Double Exposure Im-

Brushes for all Industrial Purposes possible.

Write for illustrated prospectus !


Striesen 435

..... (Germany.)

Circular Brushes,Special

Roller Brushes

Brushes, forSteel Carbonic Acid Gas. Steel Cylinders


Industrial Purposes. G.m.b.H., Berlin W 8. Germany; Manu-

HEINRICH BLUCHER, facturers of liqu. Carbonic Acid and

“ Arbor”—Valves.

Spremberg—L. Germany.

Manufacturer of Industrial Brushes. Carpets and Rugs



[WIFj Wurzen (Saxony), Germa-NY.

Cable Machines Mechanical Woven Carpets, Rugs, Stair-

carpetings, and Body-ware.

GUIDO HORN, Berlin-Weissensee VIII,


ing machinesSpeciality high speed

for covering with braid-

braid Celluloid Waste

electrical conductors,

with all sorts of yarnscables

and andmetallic

tubes LARRY GERING, INC., 243-51 Park-

threads. hurst Street, Newark, N. J., U. S. A.

Tel. Ad: “Gering.”


Cheese Manufacturers Confectionery and Chocolates


“WHEELBARROW” Brand. Vienna-Austria, Argentinierstr, 48.

Highest Award Paris 1926-Antwerp 1930. Established 1846. Manufacturers of

First Class Sweets, Chocolates and

Brussels 1935.

Turnover 17,000,000 Kgs. Biscuits. viz: WrappedJellies,


Fondants. Peppermints, Cho-

Chemical Factories colate Confections, Fancy Boxes with


cuits, Wafers,Bon-Bons,

etc., all kinds of Bis-



Gesellschaft f. Elektrochem. Industrie,

G.m.b.H., Coral, Cameo and Tortoise-Shell

MUNCHEN I. (Deutschland). Manufacturers & Exporters

Tel. Add: Wackerchemie.

Codes: Rud. Mosse, A.B.C. 5th edn Giov. ASCIONE & Figlio, Torre Del

Bentley’s, Birchwood. Greco, Italy.


THOMAS ERNST HALLER G.m.b.H., Cord Making Machinery

Uhrentabriken, Schwen- GUIDO HORN, Berlin-Weissensee VIII,

ning'en a. N., Germany. Germany. Speciality high speed braid-

Established 1903. Tel.

HALLER Ad: “Hallerernst.” Manu- ing machines for curtain cords, sash

facturers of Alarms, Midget, Wall, cords cords

and other cords, for clothes lines,,

for sailing, fish cords and square-

Bracket and Kitchen Clocks.

ments, Pocket Watches, Wristlets. Move-




W. BARTH, Maschinenfabrik, Eisen- Cranes of all Kinds

Ludwigsburg 382, (Germany). DEMAG AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT,

Coffee-Roasters Duisburg (Germany). See our Adver-

G. W. BARTH, Maschinenfabrik, Eisen- tisement page B70.

under “ Engineering Section ”

giesserei Ludwigsburg 382, (Germany).

Collapsible Tubes

(Tuben, Blei und Zinn—Tubes Cycle Accessories

d’emballage, fabr. de) FICHTEL & SACHS A. G., Schwein-

K A U F M A N N ifc S O H N furt Main, Germany.

Metal Works, Bamberg, Germany. Torpedo


Coaster Hubs

Especially collapsible metallic tubes, (over 40 Millions in Use)

sprinkler corks, capsules. Two speed Torpedo Coaster Hubs

Comb Manufacturers Three

Kometspeed Torpedo

Coaster Hubs Coaster Hubs


Clausner, Comb Manufacturers.

Niirnberg 13, Fritz

Abholfach, Rotax Coaster Hubs

Germany. F. & S. Front and Rear Hubs

F. & S. Cogs

Compressed Air Plants Motor Departmentfor Bicycles and


(Compressors and Pneumatical Tools) Motor-cycles


F.F. && S.S.Stationary

Brake HubsMo

Duisburg (Germany). See our Adver- Gear-Boxes


page B70. under “ Engineering Section ” Sachs Boat Motors


Cyclometers and Counter Factory Door Springs

AS BECK & NELLINO1,’ AlfccrtYoerde,

CYCLOMETERS Westphalia, Germany. SpringfHinges,

and Counters for

all purposes Door Springs,

ERNST and •Hydraiil'fe

HARDTMANN Door a Checks

Counter Factory, brand “A. B.C

Markusstr. 3, etc.

Berlin 07 27



D Electric Hoisting Appliances



(Germany). See our Ad-

Diamond Cutters—and Exporters vertisement under “Engineering

GON SENHEIMER Section” Page B70.

Diamond Trading Co. Essences

BRILLIANTS, ROSES and Harmless Colours^,

EIGHTFACETS for all Food purposes.Fruit Flavours,

Essential Oils,

DIAMONDS for INDUSTRIAL Perfume Compounds, Flowers Oils.1


12, Tulpstreet, G.M.B.H.,

Amsterdam C., Holland. Dortmund (Germany.)

Essential Oils

Diamond and Precious Stones SCHIMMEL & Co., Meltitz^ Leipzig.

Merchants Germany.

BASZANGER, rue du Rhbne 6, Geneva, Export and Import

Switzerland. Exporter ofandrough

monds for all mechanical dia-

WOSTAG West-Osteuropaisfehe


purposes. Carbons and Boarts for Dia- Warenaystausch-A.-G.

mond drills.

Tools and Points. Rock boring.

Diamond Diamond


for Berlin, N.W. 7.

Wire-drawing purposes. Diamond Schiffbauerdamm 19. Export u. Import.

ders for polishing and drilling. Branches in:—

Sole Address: Hamburg, Urga, Kalgan, Hankow,

BASZANGER, Geneva, Shanghai, Tientstn.

Switzerland. Exporters

Diamonds for Industrial Purposes GEORG WESTENDORF, Hamburg,

SMIT, Established 19.00

1888), J.66, K.Sarphati


Street, (Established

Amsterdam, Export & Import China, Japan

ct U.S.A.

Holland. All kinds of Diamonds for


purposes. Drilling and

Brazilian other Industrial

Carbons and

Boarts, Round Stones,

Teh Ad: “Carbonsmit.” Flats, Points, etc. MARKT & Co., Chilehaus, Hamburg 1,



Exporters and Importers


many,WITZ Burchard & Co>,Str.Hamburg, Ger-

17. Branches

in China. Telegrams: “ Rostowitz.” H

Exports and Imports.

Hat Manufacturers


& Co., A. G., Luckenwalde, Near Berlin

Fastener (Sliding) Manufacturers (Germany). Manufacturers of Bodies,




A.-G, I

Reichs-Aachen Germany..

Fire Arms

WILL Importer—Dealer—Commission

(Thiir),& Germany.



Merchant—Manufacturers’ Agent

Fire Arms, Pistols, Sporting

Guns and Appliances. Stocks in ArmyGuns, Air

and Police Arms, Mauser Rifles and Cable Address:—“ WoHensoa-Basres ”

Pistols, Machine-Guns.

Codes:—All Standard Codes.


Gelatine importer—Dealer— Commission

CHEMISCHE FABRIK KALBE Merchant—Manufacturers’ £gent


m. b. H.,W. 9.125, Potsdamer Strasse,

247 DEFENSA 247

General Merchandise BUENOS AIRES


Hamburg 1, Germany. General Mer- Alsterdamm,

chandise shipped to Java,' Straits, HEAVY CHEMICALS


America, SouthJapan, Africa. China, South DRY CEMENT COLOURS

Glasses for Chemical and Surgical GUMS SHELLAC

Purposes BUILDING and


Richard Bock, G.m.b.H., Specialising in Raw Material for

ILMENAU I. THUR, GERMANY. Paint and Colour Works

Laboratory Supplies: Glasses for

Technical and Clinical Purposes; Glass Liquidation of rejected merchandise

Tubing and Rods. effected

Grinding Mills Sole representations undertaken


Works, Katzhdtte, Germany. Est. 1563. (SPANISH ENGLISH GERMAN FRENCH)

Grinding and Mixing Mills.


Incandescent Gas Mantle Italian Art and Craft



Sveavagen, 33, “ E. N. A. P.i ”

Stockholm, Sweden. (Italian Institute for Handicrafts and

Small Industries)

11, Piazza Venezia, Rome, Italy.

Alabaster, Terracotta, Art Pottery, Mur-

ano Glass, Typical Straw-plaited Work,

Wooden Boxes, Metal Work, Special

Textile Fabrics, Frames,

Work, Jewellery, Coral and Filigree


Indoor Games Work, Onyx, Wood Sculpture, Dolls

and Toys of Wood in National Costume,

SPEAR, A SOHNE, J. W., Nurnberg, dery, Women’sAntique,

Fancy andWork,Modern

Lace, Embroi-


Germany. Manufacturers of Indoor- for Interior Decorations, Furniture,

Games and Kindergarten Pastimes. Wrought Iron Work, Carpets.



Installations for Mines, Quarries

Tunnel Drivings Jewellery

D E M A G A KTIEN GESELLSC H AFT, STOCKERT & Cie., 10, Kaiser Friedrich

Duisburg (Germany). See our Adver- Str., Pforzheim 34, Germany. Manu-

tisement under “Engineering Section” facturers

Jewellery. ofHigh Rolled-gold

Class FancyChains and


page B70.

Iron and Steel

Ij DOBBERTIN & CQ-, Kattrepel,

burg I, Germany. 2, Ham-in

Represented Lacquer Varnishes and Nitrocellulose

f Shanghai by Mr. Hermann Glagow- Paints

I] ski, 209, Yuen Ming Yuen Road. WATERPROOF ABRASIVE PAPER

| CONTINENTAL IRON & STEEL, “ Hermes ” Brand

| Bars,

Wire Joists, Hoops, Wire

Plates and Sheets,

il| Netting,of allTubes

Kinds,(black, Nails, Wire

galvanised, In Sheets, Endless Bands and Discs.


| boiler), Rivets, Bolts, and Nuts.


Acids: Citric, Formic, Nitric, Oxalic, Altona-Lurup. Luruper Haupstr. 112.

Sulphuric, Tartaric. Germany.

Ammonia-Salts: Carbonate, Chloride

Potash-Salts: Bichromate, Carbonate, Lead Pencil and Penholder

Caustic, Chlorate. Installations

Sodium-Salts: Bichromate, Hyposul- NURNBERG (Germany),. Friedrich Ein-

phite, Fluosilicate. hard t, Nurnberg, Spenglerstrasse 11,

Bone-Glue, Gelatine,

taline, Lithopone, Naph-

Zincchloride. Germany. Manufacturer of Complete

Installations for lead pencils, penholders,

round rods, slide-rules and rules Fac-

Cresol-Crude, Formaldehyde tories.


Leather Tanning Machinery Marble Workers—Art

Marmi, lavorati artistici-Marbreries

Maschinenfahrik artistiques


Frankfurt a-M., GERMANY. (THE), P.O. Box 7,COMPANY, Ltd.

Carrara, Italy.

Church Work : Altars,

and Statues. Cemetery Memorials. Pulpits, Fonts

Light Railway Cars & Materials Special toattention

ments given Cables

all parts. to indents. Ship-

: Chignell,

Carrara: Codes: A.B.C. 5th and 6th edns.



I HUM ^ 1 i Berlin,

Lindenstr.S W80-81.

68, Marble Merchants—Export

Telegrams: “Kruppbalxn.” Sole Univer- Marmi, negoz. di d’esp. Marbre negoc.

en p. Pexportation.

sal Right of Sale for all Light Railway

Materials made by Fried. Krupp A-G. ITALIAN (THE), P.O. MARBLEBox 107,COMPANY, Ltd.

Carrara, Italy.

Essen. Sawn Slabs; Rough Blocks: Flooring


stand Staircases, etc. Tablepanels,

tops, Switchboard and Wash-


Special attention given to indents.

ments to all parts. Cables : Chignell, Ship-

Carrara: Codes: A.B.C. 5th and 6th edns.

Light Railway cars Metal Outfit Manufacturers

For all purposed and designs. J. & W. MULLER, Metal Goods Fac-

tories, Bergisch Gladbach, Cologne,

Germany. Specialities :

M Breathing

Asthma. Apparatus

Mineral Water for theApparatus

relief of

for Mineral Water Installations,

Machines (Sewing)

VESTA Milling Machines


Dietrich, MACHINE

Altenburg WORKS,


Germany. “Vesta” the Sewing Machine ING

for all trades. Makers.MACHINES.

ARNO KREBS, MachineLeipzig-


Manufacturers and Exporters of Mockau 11, Germany.

Cork Products Musical Instrument Strings

J. GARCIA PEREZ FICKER, J. G. & SOHN, Marknoukirchen,

Calle Bosque Germany. Founded 1790. World re-

SEVILLA Spain nowned Musical factory

Strings,for allCatgut,

sorts ofDial-lines,


Telegrams: racket strings, Musical Instrument

“Garciperez.” Exporters.

Manufacturers and Exporters of all Musical Instruments

Cork Rr-oducts


Steinach 33 (Thur. THEODOR, Wald.),KDT.-GES.,


Best Spanish Corkwood Manufacturer of Drums for Military

Ask for offers Music,etc.Scholars and Children Tambour-


Pencil and Penholder Making |



Germany. Established 1853. Manu-

Name Tapes facturing for-OandverEquipments

Installations 70 Years. forComplete


WOVEN LABELS Penholder, Pencil - Stick Factories,!

and Shirt Initials Manufacturer. Stamping Presses for any purposes and!

Round Rods, Rules


Apparatus andandGrinding

Slide-rules. Dip-


; CARL NEISS, Krefeld. for Industry.


P.O. Box 387 Phonograph Needles

SIMON SEMLER, Pilsen, C-S.R. Needles

P Manufacturer.

Photo Apparatus

Paint and Colour Mills First Class Cameras, Tripods, Lenses,

Singlft Roller Refining Machines, Cone necessities.Glasses

Prismatic and all Photographic

Catalogues and Price Lists

ifc Flat Disc Grinding Mills, New triple- sent on request.

barred Patent-Mill

thrice (mixing, sifting &


& Kneadingby one single operation).

Machines, Combined WAUCKOSIN A CO.,

Frankfurt a/Main. Germany.

Mixing & Refining Plants, High Speed

Mixers & Emusifiers,

Drum-Mixing Pebble-Mills

- Machines and


as sole specialities since 1871 by: Photographic Apparatus and Material


Engineering Works, B AL D A-WERK

Mannheim 99 (Germany). MaxJ Baldeweg

Specialist inPrinting


the Paint, G.m.b.H.


Chemical Industry. and Dresden-A 21, Wilischstr, 1. Manufac-

turers of Photographical Cameras,

Paper Exporters Plateworkmen,

, 600 Holders 3andfactories.

Requisites. About

HERMAN SCHULTZ, Oslo, Norway Photographic Lenses

Lille Strandgate I. SCHNEIDER & Co. JOS., OPTICAL

Telegraphic Add: WORKS, Kreuznach, Germany.

“Agpap,” Codes: Manufacturers

CinematographicofLenses Photographic and

of every kind.

A.B.C. 5th & 6th,

Bentley’s, Private

Strom wall. Piano Manufacturers

Exporters of all kinds of Paper and Pulp. DALIBOR PIANO FACTORY, Zakolany

Czechoslovakia. Exporters. Teleph.

Penholder and Pencil Installations Kralupy 18.


Ehrhardt, (Germany),

Niirnberg, Friedrich

Spenglerstrasse Pins

11, Germany.

plete Manufacturer

Installations for Lead ofPencil,


Penholder, Iserlohn, Germany. ;

and Rules. Round

Factories.Rods, Slide - rules Pins for Badges and. Favours.


Pins and Needles

SEMLER, S., PILSEN, Czechoslovakia, R

©Manufacturer of all kinds of Pins

and Needles.Needles,

graphic Steel Wires, Phono-


Spokes for Cycles and Motor Cars

and Rickshaws, etc. G. W.. BARTH, Maschinenfahrik, Eisen-

giesserei Ludwigsburg 382, (Germany).

Pipe and Cigarette Holder

Manufacturers Rolling Mill Plants


turers of all kinds of Pipes, Cigar and Duisburg (Germany). See our Adver-

Cigarette Holders. tisement under “Engineering Section”

Latest Novelties for all Countries. page B70.

Vienna VII. Hermanngasse

17, AttstkiA.

Preserved Provisions


land, AN.at& Rotterdam.

Branch DROS., Leiden, Hol-

Manufac- Sewing Machines

turers and Exporters of Preserved L. O. DIETRICH, VESTA

Provisions of every description. Sewing Machine Works

Altenburg (Thiir),

Press Boards and Hard Boards Germany. VESTA the

AUGUST KREMPEL, Soehne, Stuttgart, Sewing Trades

Machine for all

Germany. Tel. Ad: “PapierkrempeT.”

Printers’ Roller Composition Sewing Machine Parts



FELIX of recognised first-class workmanship,

for machines of all makes.

Look for-this Trade-Mark

LEIPZIG-Ot.27 • only- ———


Printing Inks NAEHMASCHINEN-TEILE A.-G., Dres-

den—N. 23, P. O. Box 7, Germany.

HARTMANN, GEBR., Ammendorp near

/ \ Halle (Saale). Every kind Sheet Metal Working Machines

of High-class Printing Ink.

11 * ' Specialities : “ C O N C E N - GEBRUDER GOTZ. Machine Makers

TRA” Offset, Litho; and Iron Founders. Lauter 1. Saxony,

“BATHYCHROM” Roto- Germany. .

gravure. Most Modern German Works. Established 1898.

Pump Manufacturers Shipyard Installations


Pumpenfabrik A.-G., Duisburg under

(Germany). See ourSection”


Radolfzell (Germany) tisement “Engineering

Specialists in Wing Pumps page B70.


Shellac Soldering Wires and Tools


Mainz (Germany)



White Shellac inGold

Garnetlac, flakesOrange

for hot Climates,

Shellac. (patented) permits

Bentleys Code; Tel. Ad: “ Weisslack.”- Soldering without


Shoe and Leather Manufacturers


Berlin-Niedersohonhausen 162.

■ Germany. ’


Bata Shoe Co. Ltd, Singapore Str. Settl. Spinning Machines

CHINA Dept. Shanghai, Hong-Kong

Bata Shoe Co. Ltd. Calcutta, INDIA . GUIDO H OR N, Berlin-Weissensee

VIII, Germany. Speciality high speed

Bata S. A. Strasbourg, Saigon. Hanoi. | braiding machines for spindle cords of

N. V. N. I. Schoenhandel particular durability.

Mij. Bata, Batavia




BERG, Germany, Spenglerstrasse 11.

Manufacturer of Complete Installations

for Lead Pencil, Penholder, Rules, Slide-

rules.and Round-rod. Factories.

Soap-Making Machines Starches, Gums and Glues


WEBER & WORKS, Ltd., Groningen, Holland.

SEELANDER, Sizing and Finishing Materials for the

Textile Industry, Starches for the Paper

Helmstedt 6, Industry, etc., Adhesives soluble in Gold

(Germany). Water, . Gums,. Glues, Paper-hangers-.

Estabd, 1893. Paste, Painters Sizes, .etc.

are Manufacturers of Steel

Machinery for

the, entire ,. COUTINHO, CARO & Co., Hamburg 1,

SOAP 9NDUSTRY Steinstrasse 10.

of the highest Germany.

technical perfection. STEEL MERCHANTS

Stamping Presses for all Purposes Steelworks Plants



Spenglerstrasse 11. D Duisburg



for lead pencils,of penholders,

Complete Installations

rules, slide- tisement under(Germany). See our Adver-

rules and round rods Factories. “Engineering Section”’

page B70.


Surgical Instruments


Weissenfels Tanning Machinery


l£ii3!pA.rabe!eu.Co. Germany. MASCHINENFABRIK MOENUS A.G.,

Frankfurt a.Main. Germany.

Telephone Batteries

Surgical Needles The WATERBURY BATTERY Co.,

Waterbcjry, Conn., U.S.A.

Acufirm Tobacco

A. HEINEN, Masch. Varel. i. O. 30,

Surgical Needles. Germany. Cutting Machines, Stem

Hteel, Y 2 A Krupp Steel, Berylco. Flattening

Sifting and Machines, Drying Machines,

Cooling Machines.

Hypodermic Needles. Tobacco Machines

of Steel, Y 2 A-Krupp steel, nickel,

chrome-steel, Chroman, Berylco, TOBACCO

Contracid, Platinum.

Seamless Tubes. MACHINES

of 0,3—0,8 mm diam. of pure nickel

and all metals, for technical Tobacco Cutting Machines

purposes. and all other Machines

ERNST KRATZ for working

Frankfurt - Main - No. 14. Tobacco

Complete Installations

Syringe Manufacturers


(Svritzenfabriken—Seringues, ENGINEERING WORKS

fabr. de.) COLOGNE — SULZ 17 (GERMANY)

Tungsten and Molybdenum





Eisenbahnstrasse 73 Germany.

We are manufacturers of:

Tungsten and Molybdenum

Metal Powder, Rods, Sheets, Discs,

Tubes, Wire and Tungsten Carbide,

Molybdenum Carbide.

Speciality: Tungsten Contacts.


Tube Bending Machines





- - O. m.A b.NIEMEYER

Engineering H.Works

Stader■ Ageijts/Wanted/

Ch'aussee 21/22


always afford advantages, whether for

individual bends or mass production. Watches


5 JGerman and Foreign Patents. 8 GEBRUDER THIEL, G.m.r.H.,


in/m (12") types

dia. for pipes Up to 300 "Watch Factoiifes

Masehinenrund Ruhla, Germajmy.

HILGERS BauanstaltDENKIRCHENm. b.Apparate-


RO- The Wgrid’s Most Reliable

Low-priced Watch.

u Wire-Drawing Machinery

BASZANGER, rue du Rhone 6,.

Upholstery Nails and Drawing Pins GENEVA, Switzerland. Manufacturer

and exporter ofdrawing

drawplates diamondhardest

dies andmetals.


Umbrella Tips Upholstery Nails, All sizes inforstock. Finest qualities at

Furniture Nails, lowest prices. Supplier of dies to the

Drawing Pins, most important wire-mills all over the


Leather Nails, Apply for price-lists.

First Class Quality.

Prompt Delivery. Worsted Yarn Spinners

A. & E. KELLER, ADOLPH MAAS & Co., Reichsbank-

Giro-Konto, Postscheckkonto : Berlin.

Manufacturers, Nr.


Knittingwools9, “Germany.


Neheim (Ruhr), Germany. brand.”



THE J. e. C©.


Manufacturers of


Cable Address: “FORDCCV Wyandotte, Mich.” Western Union &

Bentley Codes



Market at Montgomery

San Francisco, California. U. S. A.

Cable Address: “WELLS”

F. L. LIPMAN, Chairman of the Rpard ,

- K. B. MOTHERWELL, President

Capital ... U’ i ... ... ... ... #9,000,000

Surplus ... ...,, ... . 5,000,PQP

Undivided’Profits ... ... ... ... ... ... 3,421,284.85




Cling-surface is a quality belt treatment. It can be used for all kinds

of belts. Will keep them pliable, waterproof and preserved. Used for

40 years all over the world.


Buffalo, N. Y., U. S. A.

Shanghai: jardine Engineering Cprp. Ltd.

Singapore: United Engineers Ltd.

BatavIa: Lindeteves-Stbkvis.

Manila: Shurdut Mill Supply Co.






Chemical Distillation Equipment.

. Complete Chemical Plants.

Complete Oil Refining Distillation Equipment "

Topping Units

Pressure Distillate Units

Atmospheric or Vacuum Lubricating Oil Units

Bubble 'Powers Absorbers

Pipe Stills and other Refinery Equipment

Expansion Joints for Pipe Lines




352 Western Ave.



Cable Address: “INTEBCO,'Boston.” Western Tlpion Code.



No. 307, Michigan Ave., CHICAGO, ILL., U.S.A.


SAN FRANCISCO, and Twenty-one other Industrrat Centers.

{ PRODUCTS:and Air Compressors,

Electric; Rock Air

Drills,SteelLift, Pumps,

Portable Hoipts, Prospecting Core Dry

Air.and Electric; Drills,Vacuum

Coal Pumps,

Mining Machinery, Air

Drill Steel Shar-


crete Machines,& Clay


Spaders.Heating Furnaces, Coal Cutter Bit Sharpeners, ■ ' Pneumatic

• Cpn-




SYDNEY, France. (Compagnie

Australia. Sulliyap)

Cable Address Cafcjje Address : .‘.‘.SULLIMACO,” PARIS.


EIDORB,’’ Sydney. JOHANNESBURG, So. Africa.


Madrid; Manila; Antofagasta,

Oslo, Norway; Chile;

Port Lima,

of Peru;

Spain, Calcutta;

Trinidad; San Havana;

Juan, PortoHonolulu; Iquigue, Turin;

Ricoj Shanghai; Chile;

Wellington, New Zealand; Buenos Aires, Argentine; Panama; Medellin, Colombia.


CABLE Address:

CHICAGO. codegeneral.

WU s-Letter,

Bentleys.ABC 5th and

Liebers. Acme.6th,





Manufacturers of


In Galvanized Iron and Brass. Ship Telegraphs and Port Lights

WireComidqte Line ofandYacht

Rope'Fittings and MotorSupplies

Contractors’ Boat Fittings

j for Mines, , .

Quarries, Logging and Railroad Construction

Cable AdobBss : “ TOMLAF ” Western .Union ’ Code


^.isro "V^AI_.EISrTt3



Endorsed, and recpnvnended by members, of the Medical

in all parts of the world. , ■ Profession


(Established 1871)

K,Ta^^OJfp>, 'V:XH,C3;IDTIA-i ■ TJ.S.A.




O, grade for oils, and G. grade for gasoline, large sizes, also.

Distributors wanted in all parts of the '^V’orld.







Manufacturers of



Cable Address : ABC 5tH, Bentleys and

CHALLCO, Grand Haven.’’ Western Union Codes.




1827, Reed Street,


Manufacturers of


Railway Motor, Hand, Push, Rail and Velocipede Cars, Track Drills, Cattle

Guards, Electric Crossing Gates, Pressed, Steel Wheels,, Tractors,

Cable Address: Codes—Western Union

‘ VELOCIPEDE, Kalamazoo?5 Universal and 5 letter Edns.,

Bentley and ABC 5th Edn.



728, So. Hill St., Los Angeles, Calif., U.S.A.


Specializing in Selected Scrap Tires and Inner Tubes.

Cable Address “MULOS—LOSANGELES” Acme Code Used.



Manufacturers of


Sinkers, etc., for

Knitting Machines


Cable Address: “ IVESIfEEDLE Water Street



ROOEKOTER —A Liquid Roof Maintenance Paint

T O (j OSE AL—A Plastic Roofing Cement for quick roof repair.

TROPELITE—A Synthetic,Clear Varnish used very successfully in many

Rubber Estates for finishing interiors of latex Rubber Steel

Storage Tanks.


1246 W. 70th St., CLEVELAND, OHIO, U.S.A.





Balances Die Casting Machinery


PANY, 2145-47- Lexington Street,

Lake City, Utah, U.S.A. Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.

C Drafting and Surveying Supplies


Celluloid Waste INC., 218E., 23rd Street, New York,

LARRY GERING, INC., 243-51 Park- N.Y., U.S.A.


Ad: Street, Newark, N.J., U.S.A. Tel.

Chamois Skins E


Export Departments-.— Electric Arc Welders

291, Church Street, New York; (P. & H-Hansen)

24, California Street, San Francisco. HA RNISCHFEGE R CORPORATION,

Main Office-.St. Louis, Mo., U.S.A. 4460, W. National Avenue, Milwaukee,

Wisconsin, U.S.A.




Louis, Mo., U..S.A., Tel.COMPANY,

Address: Electrical Porcelain, Knobs Tubes

“ Monsanto.” Cleats, Sockets, Plugs, etc.

Complete Catalog 600 Devices.

Cigarette and Tobacco Machinery KNOX PORCELAIN CORPORATION,


Co., Salem, Va., U.S.A.

Clothing Buttons Exporters and Importers



Portsmouth,Co.,New865,Hampshire, Street, Street, New York, U.S.A. Tel. Ad:

Islington U.S.A.

1 “Vivifico.”



Filter Cloth Gas—Gasoline—Diesel Oil Engines


Press Sacks and Gravity Bags. Made Buffalo, New York, U.S.A.



and forCanvas

All Purposes.

Gaskets. Cotton


Cotton and Asbestos Filter. Filter

Cloth for Oils, Sugar and Chemicals. Gilsonite


357, Broadway, New York, N.Y., CORPORATION, Broadway and Vesey

U. S. A.

Street, New York, U.S.A.

Fishing Tackle

HORRO^KS! - IBBOlSON * Co., Utica,

New York, U.S.A. H

Fishing Tackle, Rods, Etc.

Horrocks- Bbboison Hose—Flexible Metal


Utica, N. Y., U.S.A. 500, Frelinghuysen Avenue, Newark,

Manufacturers of Fishing N. J., U.S.A.

Rods, Reels. Lines, Hooks,

Baits, Etc.

Popular priced'niems a specialty. L

Full Circle Retreaders and Miller

Vulcanising Equipment Lifting Jacks



Full TireRetfeaders,


Camelback The DUFF-NORTON MFG. Co., Box

and Repair Materials,, 555, North Side, Pittsburgh, Pa.,


Anderson, Indiana, U.S.A.





50 Pound to 50 Ton Electric Arc Miller Full Circle Retieaders,

Furnaces for Melting and Refining Vulcanizing Equipment, Tire

Irons, Steels, etc. Spreaders, Camelback and

Foot of 32nd§t., Pittsburgh, Pa„,U.S.A. Repair Materials


4295, Richelieu St., Montreal, Quebec, CHAS. E. MILLER CORP., Anderson,

CANADA. Indiana, U.S.A.


Motor Trucks Rubber Goods


Buffalo, New Yof1,Aj.S.A. Tel. Ad: FACTURING DIVISION, Passaic,

Stewartruk Buffalo. New Jersey, U.S.A.


Nails (Horse Shoe)


Sponges :-^All varieties. Direct from

Zhc Capewell Iborsc Mail Co., all sources.

Hartford (Conn.) U.S.A. | Export De/Kirtmerits

Exporters to 50 countries 291, Church Street, New York;

24, California;, §treet? ,S-^ Francisco.

Largest manufacturers Horse Nails in the World Main Office:—

St. Louis, Mo., U.S.A.

Steam and Liquid Joint

P Manufacturers


Power Shovels (Gasoline, Diesel or FILLERS



4460, West National Avenue, Milwau- Louisville, Ky., U.S.A.

kee, Wisconsin, U.S.A. Write for Catalogue.

Stapling Machinery for Fruit and

Vegetable Packages


Joseph, Michigan, U.S.A.

Rails, New and Second-hand

M. K. FRANK, 480, Lexington Ave., Stereotype Dry Mats

New York, U.S.A. The MORLEY BUTTON MFG. Co., 865,

Islington Street, Portsmouth, New

Hampshire, U.S.A.

Road Machinery Manufacturers



U.S.A. Cable Ad: “Awco,” Aurora. Trenton, N. J., U.S.A.



Textile Machinery Upper and Sole Leather, Remnants

and Oifal


With Interchangeable Points and The C. G. FLYNN LEATHER Co.,


With Swedged Points.

Boston*. Mas&achussets, US. A.

Manufactured and Sdld by . Cable Address : “ Flyleather”

SOUTHERN TEXTILE MACHINERY Codes: Tanners Council, Western Union,

Company, Inc., . , Lieber’s, A.B.tXAth edn.

“Sotco Park,” 3rd and Norton Street,

Paducah, U.SiA., Kentucky.

Tobacco Leaf oo 03 (

DIBRELL BROS. INC., Danville, VA., W


Tubing—Flexible Metal WaU Boards


500, Frelinghuysen Avenue, Newark, Co., 196, Philadelphia Avenue, Buffalo,

N. J., U.S.A. New York, U.S.A

TO l98»ia





— J


The following arrived too late for classification.

Duplicate copies of these entries are to be found in the

pocket inside the back cover. Get your clerk to cut

them out and paste them in the correct places.


On Page 297 On Page 321

Birnie Leonard, Export and Import Cdstom House—Hagoromo-machi

Commission Merchant — 99, Harima-

machi (2nd floor); Teleph. 1282 San- Director—S. Fukuchi

nomiya; Cable Ad: Leonard; Codes: Chief

Chief Inspector—T.

Appraiser—C. Shinoda


A.B.C. 6th, Bentley’s, Acme Commodity Chief Accountant—A. Koike

Code Chief Plants Quar. Off.—K. Tanaka

Agencies: —

Enclosed are duplicate copies

of entries received after the

directory was in print.

Get your clerk to cut these out

and paste them in the proper




The following arrived too late for classification.

Duplicate copies of these entries are to be found in the

pocket inside the back cover. Get your clerk to cut

them out and paste them in the correct places.


On Page 297 On Page 321. BB

Birnie Leonard, Export and Import Custom House—Hagoromo-machi

Commission Merchant — 99, Hariraa- Director—S. Fukuchi

machi (2nd floor); Telepb. 1282 San- Chief Inspector—T. Shinoda

nomiya; Cable Ad: Leonard; Codes: Chief Appraiser—C. Miyake

A.B.C. 6th, Bentley’s, Acme Commodity Chief Accountant—A. Koike

Code Chief Plants Quar. Off.—K. Tanaka

Agencies: —

J. K. Mooney & Co., Ltd., New Zea-

land. Wool, Hides, Sheep-skins, j TAIHOKU

Rabbit-skins, Tallow, etc.

The Feldman Rug Co., Inc , New York

The Oriental Consolidated Mining Co. On Page 326

The Seoul Mining Co. Carter Macy Tea and Coffee Co.,

Inc., Tea Merchants. and Shipping

Agents — 24-26, Eiraku-cho, 1-chome,

On Page 306 Taihoku; P. O. Box 59; Cable Ad:

Java-China-Japan Lijn, N.V. — Meikai Macy tea

Building, 32* Akashi-machi; Telephs. Geo. S. Beebe, special agent

Sannomiya 155, 2805 & 5102 ; P. O. Box R. B. Orr

336 ; Cable Ads: Javalyn and Hoaline H. L. Keen | J. M. Boyol

A. L. W. van Dobben, agent Agencies:

L. Speelman, p.p.

J. R. van Waltree American Pioneer Line

F. Cochius (Passage Dept.) Barber Wilhelmsen Line

J. C. Zwan (Accounting Dept.) Ellermaun “London” Line

T. Teshima Java-China-Japan-Lijn, N. Y.


Holland-East-Asia Line (H.O.A.L.) KEIJO, KOREA

“ Nederland Line” Royal Dutch Mail


“Rotterdam Lloyd ” Royal Dutch Mail On Page 335


Royal Packet Navigation Co. (K.P.M.) Texas Co. (China), Ltd., The, Petroleum

Products—Nikka Sumei Building, 5

Holland America Line (N.A.S.M.) Chome No. 1; Nandaimon Dori; Teleph.

Royal Dutch Airways (K. L. M.) Hon. 3968; Cable Ad: Texaco

Royal Dutch Indian Airways (K.N.I. E. C. Robinson, district acct. & mgr.

L.M.) R. Ohashi

hfcyjjffi^o ro-n[• ^.r.JO.i'] M■ -':. ■• ;' ; fiiiqfiii' jiOfjxk q.iM.T aiX/iixl

: ,^0 -3 (! ;;d:.'i'i7k1 !.i.7iX7ig@ntU' J

'filttyHuir*- .T—3oii! ) ? j ,tl' | [’ ;{-H tsfoj

: ?,tji >orv ) ; !'. : b.A ^i\i k‘.> :-Kyjjviliii



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aYfiw'jiA nfii’liifl ifo.iy11 ijivo-fl


PEIPING General Managers: “Defag”

Deutsche Farben- Handelsgesellschaft

On Page A36 Waibel & Co.

Henri Vetch-Publisher at the French

Bookstore, Peiping, of “Monumenta TAKU

Serica,” Semi-Annual Journal of

Oriental Studies On Page A91

On Page A38 Taku Club—

Hon. Sec.—R. Heaps

“Monumenta Serica”—Journal of Orien-

tal Studies of the Catholic University

of Peking (Semi-Annual) H 1RBIN'

F. X. Biallas, s.v.ix, editor

Baron A. von Stael Holstein, Gustav On Page Alll

Ecke, Ernst Schierlitz, Ch’en

Yuan, Shen Kien-shi, Chang Polish Chamber of Commerce — 5,

Hing-lang, Ying Ts’ien-li and Glukhaya Street

Henri Vetch, associate editors Chairman—W. Radwan

Secretary^-A. Zalewski


On Page A108

On Page A69 Polish Consulate—5 Gloukhaja

Consul—A. Kwiatkowski

Italian Marble Works—3, Italian Bund; Vice-Consul—Fr. Zaleski

Teleph. 40421; Cable Ad: Massa St. Szalay

Jan Jaworski

On Page A48 Ada Kaczkowska

St. Andrew’s Society A. Hajwos

President—J. A. Andrew A. Powierza

Hon. Secretary—E. S. Kendall K. Kuchcianka

Tchen Tao-tsi, interpreter

On Page A84

W & » * A ± ffii TSINGTAO

Teh shih hu hou yiu hung sze

Texas Co. (China), Ltd., The, Petroleum On Page Al43

Products (Kerosene, Gasoline, Lubricat- Chartered Bank of India, Australia

ing Oils, Paraffine Wax, Roofing, Asphalt, and China—Cable Ad: Tenacity

etc.) — Banque Beige pour 1’Etranger J. R. Watson, agent

Building, 90 Victoria Road; Telephs. A. McKechnie, sub accountant

30340 & 33436; Cable Ad: Texaco A. M. Gonsalves

R. R. Harrison, district manager L. T. Chang, compradore

F. G. Keefe

E. H. Fendlason, district accountant

On Page A148

G. A. Flynn

E. Katz 1 Liu Feng Tsai % £ 'ife A 1& ± fi

Kuo You Tan | B. J. Stepanoff Teh shih ku huo yiu kung szu

Installation: Texas Co. (China), Ltd., The, Petroleum

W. P. Irwin, terminal superin- Products (Kerosene, Gasoline, Lub-

tendent ricating Oils, Paraffine Wax, Roofing,

L. G. Bowers Asphalt, etc.) — 3, Monchwang Road;

L. A. Chupin | L. U. Joukoff Teleph. 3203; Cable Ad: Texaco

G. H. Burdick, district manager

On Page A85 G. H. McLachlan, district accountant

H. D. Dennis

m & % Sr m D. F. Lee 1 D. H. Shu (Chefoo)

Guang feng hua hsiau tschang M. I. Popoff | D. S. Chao (Tsinan)

Tientsin Chemical Co.—8, Rue Courbet Installation:

K. Kuehn, partner R. C. Whitney, terminal supt.

R. Walter, techn. dept. W. Pflug | B. V. Booriakin


!3 C

“gfileG :8'i9^p,nnM l/noneO DKl‘11' I

^julyglleasgsIebmiH aydu/i orloaduaG

.o’J A IsdijiW 88A ag^G nO

xionaiY add dR lariairdtrG-hothY xaraH

JJIAT | RduamixnoM ” 20 (gnxqiafl teiod8i[oo9

lo Iku'xxxoT, ixixxxixiA-ixnoS '',x»na8

aeibadB Ixsdnoi'iO

IGA egfiG nO

—sujO tjxaT 8£A agisG nO

gqjsaH .a—.098 .noli -narxO do IrotixoT, —"AOiaa8 ATxawtxyioM11

^dieiavinU oifoddsO axid do aaibnd.8 b;d

VAUSli H ([jsxmnA-rxna8) gnidad do

'iddibq t.a.Y.a ?ajgIlRi9 .Z .2

IflA agj/I rxO vRdaiJx) (fxiadgb . i leRdB nov .A xxo’udi

rxa'xlO .sdifiaxiloS damG .adoG

,5 — aoaif/woO ao 'aaaMAHO uaijo1! gnjsdO ,ida-nai>i nadH (xtxujY

dooidS jB^jsddmO briR il-nai'aT gniY (gnR[-gnxH

riiiV/Iiidl .W—nioirdfidO siodiba adRxooaajs tdodaY nxiaH

hlawalfiS , /. - ^'uiioToaS


601A opXl nQ

xi^ddnoID c—axAJUgPioO Hauoa G9A agfid n O

idawodcf.Biwl] .A—[uano )

HaaijsS .Ai- lugnoO-ooiY ;bfw9 xiRibsdl ,8—aaaoYf ajaHAjZ. kam/tI

YrI'BsB ?8 rS8rM :bA ©IdjsO : I5;t0i> .dqalaT

iilg'iowisL xirI.

RjlawojJsoRji sbA 8i A agiid xx O

sow [AH .A ythiooS g’v/H si uviA ,t8

8S*I9XVXOri .A wa-ibriA .A .1.—ddabiao'xG

RjfnRiodoxxa .2 lijjbnoH .8 .2--^rxRi8'io98 .noH

TOte'iq'iedffli jgi-ojsT nadoT

i-8A egjid xx 0

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SS8 Mi\? UoA s\k\E iWV

StlA x)§r T xx© xrnxgfo-ide'T ,anT f.arrJ .(AKmO) .oO saxhT


■{dioRnaT :JbA aldxiO—avtihO ia ,dIi;xfqaA .gxiiiood tx«W andlj; ir 1 tali() gnx

dnagR ,xio-! ]r // .j! .X> i9gnRHd3'I -moq egfatl enpnisS — (.ode

dnjsinx/ooojs dxxa ,aindo92oM .A .sxiqeleT ;bj?o/J xihodoiY OG fgmbiitx9

aevlRgnoO ,M .A oorxoT :bA ofdfiO ^98d 88 A OtSOS

aioIrR'iqmoo t^xusdO .T ,J i9gB.nRrn doiidaib (XioeiriBH .H ,H

addaiS f ) . i

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xin^ri .A .0

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XX([J9loTl9Cr ,5UlT ..(l ivi dAXIH')) .oO BAXaT : iioidjjILedgrxI

-di J , axix Iorx>0 t9a9ao'xa2) gjoxiboAi -iii'iaqua Ixuixansd ,niw'il .9 .Y/

,B'ixiooH tyalf anxfiR,iRcI dxO gnidROi’i dnabnad

jiusoH gimwiloxxoM ,8 -— (.oda tdlRx[qaA 8*I9W09 .0 ,J

oojsxaT :bA aldAO ; 80S8 .xiqaloT liodxxoT, .U .J niqudO .A J

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ainnaG .(I H

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ded-xuoO axxjj ,8—.00 jaoimhhO >

.dqxxa iRixinnad ^andxxlW .0 .2 ijandiRq ,xixloti)

iiiiiAnooS .Y .9 | guft‘I .W .dqab .xxdoad taJUV/ .




On Page A164 Brokers—45, Kiukiang Road; Telephs.

# # 0# si 10026 & 17731; Cable Ad : Lalcaca

B. P. Lalcaca, partner

Abraham, Katz & Co. — 316, Kiangse N. B. Karanjia, do.

Hoad; Teleph. 13361; Cable Ad; Abkatz E. D. Damri, do.

M. Katz D. K. Mistry

L. Katz | T. Wong

On Page A307

On Page A215

Pan & Co., C. C., Export and Import Mer-

Automobile Club of China—17, The chants—83/2, Thibet Road; P.O. Box

Bund; Teleph. 10704; P.O. Box 1049; 1818

Cable Ad: Moorob

President—Gen. Wu Teh-cher On Page A197

Chairman—H. Tiefenbacher

Secretaries—Beck & Swann Polish Chamber of Commerce—26, Rte


On Page Al85 Chairman—W. K. Peltz

Vice-Chairman—J. Chudzynski

Beck & Swann—17, The Bund; Teleph. Vice-Chairman—A. Rodkin

10704; P.O. Box 1049; Cable Ad: Moorob B. Sienkiewicz

B.. N. Swann, f.l.a.a. M. Steinman

Miss A. Anderson St. Dembinski, secretary

Y. C. Chu I Z. L. Chow

K. T. Doo I K. L. Chwang On Page 221

On Page A207 Polish Legation—83, Rte Pichon

Envoy Extraordinary and Minister

HJ U K tt H + » Plenipotentiary — J. Barthel de

China Reconstruction & Engineering Weyden thal

Review, Monthly Review of Engi- Counsellor of Legation — Dr. J.

neering, Industry, Railways, Aviation, Krysinski

Radio, etc.—53, Foochow Road; Teleph. Attach^—Jan Wurcel

14231 Chancellor—Piotr Mroz

E. H. Chu, managing editor Secretary-Typist—Janina Lubanska

A. Deacon Interpreter—D. Y. Hsu

Chinese Typist—S. M. Kou

On Page A219

Consular Section (Attached to Polish On Page Al74

Legation)—26, Rte Delastre Shanghai Fire Insurance Association

Acting Consul General—Dr. Jan — 17, The Bund; Teleph. 10704; P.O.

Krysinski Box 1049; Cable Ad: Moorob

Committee—G. H. Piercy (chairman),

On Page Al73 A, H. Atkins, W. C. Bond, W. G.

Dove, G. F. Dumbarton, A. R.

# sa m ± i Harris, L. J. Kleijn, A. B. Park,

Employers’ Federation — North China H. B. Scott and H. E. Wright

Building, 17, The Bund; Teleph. 10704;

P.O. Box 1049; Cable Ad: Moorob On Page A197

Chairman—C. D. Pearson Shanghai General Chamber of Com-

Secretaries—Beck & Swann merce—North China Building, 17, The

Bund; Teleph. 10704; P.O. Box 1049;

On Page Al73 Cable Ad; Moorob

Exporters’ Association of Shanghai— Chairman—H. W. P. McMeekin

17, The Bund; Teleph. 10704; P.O. Box Secretaries—Beck & Swann

1049; Cable Ad: Moorob

Chairman—W. E. D. Smith On Page A174

Secretaries—Beck & Swann Shanghai Marine Underwriters As-

sociation—17, The Bund; Teleph. 10704;

On Page A266 P.O. Box 1049; Cable Ad: Moorob

Karanjia, N. B., Exchange Broker—45, Chairman—W. G. Dove

Kiukiang Road; Teleph. 17731 Secretaries—Beck & Swann


On Page A174 Hankow Terminal:

Shanghai Metal Merchants’ Associa- G. D. Beaty, terminal supt.

tion—North China Building, 17, The A. Inch, assistant terminal supt.

Bund; Teleph. 10704; P.O. Box 1049; F. E. Schmitt

Cable Ad: Moorob Changsha Station:

Chairman—H. Tiefenbacher W, L. Butt | Lo Chia Hsuan

Secretaries—Beck and Swann Chungking Station:

J. W. Powell

On Page A357

On Page A398

jpg Foh Ping

Thomson & Co., Chartered Accountants—

White & Co., Ltd., W. A., Merchants, Union Buildings, S. A, D. No. 3; Teleph.

Commission, Land & Estate Agents — 21307; Cable Ad: Scrutiny t

81, Jinkee Load ; Teleph. 11549; Cable E. S. Wilkinson, A c.a. (Shanghai)

Ad: Whitecold L. T. Beddow, a.c.a. (Tientsin)

W. A. White, director G. A. Buyers, c.a. (Shanghai)

John L. Wade, director B. O. Blaker, A.c A. (Shanghai)

A. A. Sequeira I. E. Roberts, a.c.a. (Hankow)

B. J. Marinitch I Lau Tsat Yue W. J. Cole, a.c.a. S. K. Wong

Hanpin Y. Chow | Chuck Men Tu M. N. Speyer | K. H. Lo .

Yang Tuck Chong | Sung Y uen Ding L. J. Panoff S. Liang

Chow Tsze San Loh Kiu Kao W. Broderick | P. S. Wong

Giant Han | Wong Ying Kwei P. C. Shien I W. Y. Lee

S. K. Au C. D. Pao



On Page A 372

On Page A436

^ S 'ift A ■£ ± H

Teh sze ku huo yu hung sze ^1 & 'ift i/c ± li

Teh se ku huo yu kung sze

Texas Co. (China), Ltd., The, Petroleum Texas Co. (China), Ltd., The, Petroleum

Products—L3, Chung Shan Road; Cable Products, Kerosene, Gasoline, Lub-

Ad: Texaco ricating Oils, Paraffine Wax, Roofing

J. M. Hansen, district manager Material and Asphalt—7, Huang Sung

J. F. Orr, district accountant Pao Street, Natai; Teleph. 2942; Cable

T. F. Schields I C. F. Lui Ad: Texaco

S. T. Tai | S. P. Chen H. K. Chang


On Page A443

On Page A397

•& ± H

3/c 1& ± H Tax tze ku

Teh szu ku ho yu hung sze Texas Co. (China), Ltd., The, Petroleum

Texas Company (China), Ltd., The, Pe- Products—Hongkong & Shanghai Bank

troleum and its Products—N.K.K. Bldg., Building; Cable Ad: Texaco

The Bund and Kiang Han Road; Te- • Lei Shi Seng

lephs.: Manager 821, General 823,

Manager’s Residence 1520, Installation SWATOW

2837; Cable Ad: Texaco

Administration: On Page A451

L. M. Carson, district manager

Miss J. C. Wood ■£ ± IS

Marketing Division: Tax tze ku

H. G. Stewart Texas Co. (China), Ltd., The, Petroleum

G. A. Flynn | Chang Shao Tang and its Products-6, Koo Peng Road;

Accounting Department: Teleph. 266; Cable Ad: Texaco

S. K. Svensen, district acct. Ko Man Tat

Chang Foh Hwa Chew Huan Check

(WOTAW8 A YOMA tW0HD00'S ,.KAtt t0KI3VTAZ ..lAH'A) A0^300A nxx

: [fiainnsT woslnifH tTlA nO

.jqaa liu(iffnei .y.jjioS .(I .0 -AiooaaA 'gTHAHoaaM jatsM iahohahS

.iqua litfifirna-i ctuKiaxsaa ,flonI ./. adT Ct-I .gaibliuH xinid'J ddxoZ—vtoit

3dxmrfo8 . 'J ,ri ;G^OI xoa .0.4 jJ^OTOI .xlqelaT ;bnuS

:noiiiii8 Jsria^nJidO doxooM :bA sldxsO

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:noii,f^8 'gnii^rwriO xntx5'.v8 bii« doaS—aansdoiooS

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TgSA 9gxj4 aO

868A agjAI nO x\g4. g|; ^

—aixrjstorjoooA boiai'WJilO t.oO zL woaMonT

.rfqelsT -8 .oY ,

yniimo8 : I>A yldxiO ;YO€I£ — ad flag A adiidaS 7 bflx;J[ .noiaahmaoO

(iiulgf RfiS) .a.o a ,noarirj}[iW .8 .51 aldfiO ^6^611 ..dqoiaT ; bxsoH aaxFrjxL ,18

(jaiadnaiT) .a.o.a (wobbb9 T I FxIooadidV/ :bA

(rjSf{gtwj:4®) .a.o ,8,i9yo8 A .0 xodoaxib radid77 .A .77

(iedgriArfS) .A o.A /so/bib! .0 ,f! 'lodoexib ,oi)Xi77 .J ndol

(v/oifrusH) .a.o.a t8ii9cfoH .3 .1 xnbifjpaS .A..A

gri )'// 73 .8 I .a.o.a fOloO .1. .7/ auY dxiaT xjbJ j rbjuihfd/ .1. df

. oJ .H 71 J xoyaqf; Z .Tiff xxT xiaM doxidO | v/oriO .Y nxqnxjH

gfusLl .8 i ‘ftonxAJ .1. .J gaiOL jxsxf / gxi.08 | gnoxlO dooT giixtY

gnoYff .8 .4 j Tohabo'iH . ff obTI ui /l do.l 0.168 axaT wodO

aaJ1 .Y .W n‘)iii8 .0 .4 xaw3 gniY g0oY7 j iibH dxuiii)

os ! .Q .0 I uA .8



STS A ygxAI 11O

c>£tA ogi<4 ri()

» ± A A « « B

ftf ± A A I# « R asa wvuri i\\x oxvA vrX asj

5S8 g.fU?T 0 ’' j\ mA as Af'T

mif8lo'ida4 tanT ,.aTj TakihO) ioO sA.xaT inualoxdaH tanT ..-itJ t(akihO) .oO aAxaT

-cfuJ feniIo?«fli) f9«9aoi9H ,a^oubo-j4. aldfiO ;b6o}i 06x18 gnxjxIO ,£J—adoobox4

gnftooH fxjsW 9rifilinx;4 ,alx0 gniixsoi-i oaJBxaT : bA

■gaxj8. gajsuH ,T—d bulqaA brix: biixadxilff •xagxmBffl dohdaib .naaxxxsH .17 .X,

sldfiO .HqalaT ;(d9‘»'i*8 oxi4 .dn6dfiuoo‘j6 dohdaib ,nO .3 .L

oojsxaT : F>A hrj .3 .0 I ablaidoS .3 .T

gnBxlO ;iH .H nariO .4 .8 x«T .T .8


K i l A yg u4 nO

TG8A agB4 aO

± TV

s§Js II ± * A * « B

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odbxqT :bA eftWO jgniblruS r.gbtU .S7T.Z- —sdofjbo,x4. adi bnA xmialoxd

gao8 ii!8 ioJ • -aT ; b^oll xij?I4 gruuTI bn6 bn08 adT

{S28 IfixanaO ,128 xagiin^M :.adqa[

WOTAW8 xioidjxlljsdaal ,0251 aonaijiaa/l >.'i9y

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jfojsoJT gxxaT ooTI ,9 - adoxiboiT sdi i)/ix5 gafiT 06x38 gxi^db | nnyI3 A .O

oobxoT :bA aldfiO ;992 .ilqoIaT lixiaxndxxiqaCt gnxdxiuoooA

difiT n/>M o>I .doofi xondaib ,noanav8 .TI .8

ioexlO ixaxj H v/yil'J awH rib3 gnxiiJ'J




^NDA (HONGKQl^G^ SjAIP)^' AG^ SAIG^)^ & SELCT^/OR) f xxm

HONGKONG Jnstallation:

]fi BBH3U

W. L. Worden, terminal superinten-

On Page A651 dent

Pittenduigh Wilson & Co., Import and A. M. Claeys y

Export Merchants—18, Queen’s Road

Central; Teleph. 20370; P.O. Box 2;

Cable Ad: Pitchfork SELANGOR

W. Pittendrigh, manager

W. K. Tung

On Page A651 On Page Cl36

Po Kwong Studio—130, Queen’s Road Anglo-Oriental (Malaya) Limited,

Central; Teleph. 23854 Incorporated in the F.M.S., Eastern

Representatives of: Anglo-Oriental

On Page A651 Mining^ Corporation Ltd., London.

Po Man & Co., Dealers in Typewriters (Capital: Authorised—£100,000; Is-

and Accessories—9, Gage Street; Teleph; sued £7,000)—2-8, Java St.,. Kuala

25434 Lumpur; Teleph. 3136; Cable Ad:


On Page A651 Directors—A. A. Henggeler (chair-

Mif-e @ man), H. A. Coates. L. T. Wil-

liams and Doutlas T. Waring

Po On Yueng Min Kap Fore Ghook

Po Him Rung Sze Secretary—B. M. Cameron

Po On Marine and Fire Insurance General Managers.—

and Godown Co., Ltd.—Head Office: Ampat Tin Dredging, Ltd.

157, Wing1 Lok Street; Teleph. 20106; Anglo-Malayan Tin, Ltd.

Cable Ad : Poon Anglo-Siamese Tin Syndicate,

Directors—Un Chi Oi, Chu Shu Nam, Ltd.

Un Lan Soon, Au Kwong Yu, Ho Jelapang Tin Dredging, Ltd.

Tse Hung and Lo Hon Wing Kampong Lanjut Tin Dredging,

Un Man Cliuen, secretary Ltd.

Kramat Tin Dredging, Ltd.

HAIPHONG Kuala Kampar Tin Fields, Ltd.

Kundang Tin Dredging, Ltd.

Larat Tin Fields, Ltd.

On Page Bl21 London Tin Corporation, Ltd.,

Texas Co. (China), Ltd., The, Petroleum Siput Mine

Products—21, Rue Jules Ferry; Cable Lower Perak Tin Dredging, Ltd

Ad: Texaco Malim Nawar Tin, Ltd.

C. J. Livingston, marketing asst. Rawang Concessions, Ltd.

P. L. Boutron I Miss A. Graham Rawang Tin Fields, Ltd.

Miss E. Agier | Lau Chi Cheung Southern Kinta Consolidated,


SAIGON Talerng Tin Dredging, Ltd.

Technical Managers—

On Page B155 Kamunting Tin Dredging, Ltd.

Texas Company (China), Ltd., The, Kuchai Tin, Ltd.

Petroleum Products—1, Rue Georges Lingui Tin, Ltd.

Guynemer; Cable Ad: Texaco Pangnga River Tin Concessions?

N. M. Draper, manager Ltd.

W. H. Smith, district accountant Semenyih Tin Dredging, Ltd.

C. L. Cauvin I E. S. Lacour Talerng Tin Dredging, Ltd.

C. M. Cropley | P. Laugie Eastern Managers—

H. L. Dupuoy Miss P. Peterson

Miss A. Faustin | O. Peterson Malayan Tin Fields, Ltd.

Miss E. H. H. Rozario Southern Siamese Tin Dredging,

Fondacci | D. Spielmann Ltd.

r -

If you are interested in

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If you can't buy us a coffee, click on the Google ad, which can also help us maintain the server operation in the long run, and even upgrade the performance!