Daily Information Bulletin - 1970s - 1972 - SEP - ENG

 PRH 7 4000091


Saturday, September 2, 1972



The Hong Kong Government has agreed to contribute US816,250(approx□ HKS90,700)to the Asian Institute for Economic Development and Planning for the five-year period beginning in 197^»

This is an increase of some 25 per cent over previous contributions to the Institute, established under the auspices of the United Nations1 Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (ECAFE).

The increase was recommended in the report of the Institute’s Governing Council to the ECAFE’s 28th Plenary Session held in Bangkok in March this yerr.

The money will be used to meet the expenses which the Institute will incur in catering to the rising demands of Asian countries for training programmes o

Since its formation in January, 19$^$ the Institute has offered a wide variety of courses on subjects related to development problems faced by member countries in the region.

In the past two years, Hong Kong has been awarded six fellowships which enabled middle and senior officers from the civil service to attend courses in f i pl da such as agricultural, industrial and social planning and development.

The Institute is to become a permanent body and its headquarters now being built in Singapore should be ready for use by the end of next year =

The Government’s continuing support for the Institute will enable many of Hong Kong’s planning personnel to take advantage of the expanding training facilities which the Institute will provide in future.

Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191

Saturday, September 2, 1972

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The question of wages in lieu of notice of termination of services and severance pay for ^30 workers of the Tung Hoi Textiles Company Limited, which is winding up its operations, has been settled through direct negotiation between the management and workers’ representatives.

During the negotiation, officers of the Labour Relations Service of the Labour Department visited the factory in Tsuen Wan and the company’s offices in the Central to advise the management on the provisions of the Employment Ordinance• .■ j •

”As a result of direct negotiation, the workers will receive ex-gratia payment of long service bonus and year-end bonus, in addition to the wages ? • - . , payable to them in lieu of notice,” a Labour Department spokesman said.


Saturday, September 2, 1972

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Four well-known HK-TVB personalities will be selling Government Lottery tickets at the Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club selling booth at the Star Ferry concourse on Monday (September between 1 p.m. and 1.J0 p.m.

They are Miss Pearl Au, Miss Gigi Wong, Mr. Fung Shui-fan and Mr. Leung Tin.

The lottery tickets now on sale are the 54th Government Lottery and the special lottery commemorating the 10th anniversary of the Government Lottery. The tickets are selling at $2 each.

The lucky draw for the special lottery will be held on September 23. The lucky draw for the 54th Government Lottery will be held on September 9 by the four HK-TVB artistes.

A total of 256,000 tickets for the 54 th Government Lotteries has been sold up to noon today.

Note to editors: You are cordially invited to send a

reporter and/or photographer to the Star Ferry selling booth on Monday to cover the event.

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Saturday, September 2, 1972

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There has been an increase of 718 establishments, 5,873 employees and 470 reported vacancies in the non-industrial sector since November last year*

This was revealed in a survey carried out in May by the Labour Department on certain selected trades and services in the sector. The total number of establishments recorded was 13,555 and these employed 257,495 people. The total reported number of vacancies was 2,850.

Commenting on the survey, the Commissioner of Labour, Mr. Paul Tsui, said that the response rate, which was 97 per cent, was encouraging.

The main increases in employment were in the import and export business, which registered a rise of over 37200 employees; and in the day schools, and restaurant and cafe businesses, each with an increase of over 1,200 workers.

Other businesses included in the survey were banks, hotels, hospitals, airfreight and travel agencies, transport and airline companies.

Women accounted for about 29 per cent of the labour force in the nonindustrial sector, compared with 48 per cent in the industrial sector.

Only about 4,300 young people under the age of 18 were employed in the establishments in the survey, a drop of over 300 from the figure of November, 1971* Mr. Tsui said that this survey, together with the survey of industrial employment carried out by the Labour- Department in June this year, covered some 870,000 workers in Hong Kong.

Saturday, September 2, 1972

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A revised explanatory booklet on the Rent Increases (Domestic Premises) Control Ordinance is now available to the public free of charge.

The booklet is written in both English and Chinese. It includes notes on the new legislation which extended the life of the Ordinance until May 31, 197^ and which provided for further increases in rent.

The Commissioner of Rating and Valuation said today that copies of the new booklet have been posted to some 50,000 owners and occupiers affected by rent increases under the Ordinance.

Free copies are obtainable from City District Offices, Tenancy Enquiry Bureaux, New Territories District Offices and Offices of the Rating & Valuation Department•

Note to Editors: Copies of the booklet are distributed

separately in the Press Boxes, G.I.S., this afternoon.



Saturday, September 2, 1972

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Note to Editors: Copies of the full text of a speech by the

Acting Governor, Sir Hugh Norman-Walker, at the centenary celebration of the True Light Middle Schools at the Hong Kong Football Club Stadium are distributed separately today as a supplement to the Daily Information Bulletin.

The text is embargoed and must not be used until delivery at about 6.15 p.m,


Release Time: 2.50 p«m.



Monday, September 4, 1972



The second and third stages of the Kwai Shing Low Cost Housing Estate in Kwai Chung will involve the construction of 10 multi-storey blocks housing some 371000 people.

The domestic units will be built to the scale of 35 square feet per adult, each with its individual kitchen and toilet facilities.

The estate will have its own commercial centre, complete with department stores, a separate two-storey restaurant building, modular market and cooked food stalls, accommodation for welfare agencies and group activities, recreational spaces and bus and public light bus terminals.

Due to the nature of the site, the estate is planned on three different levels. The commercial centre, situated in mid-level, is connected to the other levels by high capacity lifts.

With the implementation of the new post-primary education policy, two secondary school sites have been provided in the second and third stages. This, together with three estate schools and the four schools in Stage One, will provide for the educational needs of the residents.

Covered car parking spaces will be provided at the ratio of one space to 10 families on a chargeable basis.

Stage One of the Kwai Shing estate is due for completion at the end of this year, and work on the other stages is expected to begin in 1973• The estimated cost of the second and third stages is 882 million.



Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191

Monday, September 4, 1972

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The Hong Kong Family Welfare Society proposes to carry out a one-year experimental project on home-help service.

The pilot-project has the strong support of the Social Welfare Advisory Committee and a recurrent grant of $57,600 from the Lotteries Fund has been approved for the purpose.

The service is designed to provide domestic help such as cooking, washing and house-cleaning for the aged, the physically handicapped, the mentally-ill and the chronically-ill housewives.

It also takes care of children where mothers have to be away from home for short periods of time.

Assistance is provide in escorting the aged, handicapped or infirm to clinics and in visiting lonely people in hospitals and homes for the aged.

Help in the home enables needy individuals and families to live normal lives and may possibly reduce the demand for care in residential institutions, which is expensive to provide.

With further improvements in the Government’s Public Assistance Scheme, the Family Welfare Society is now beginning to move away from the field of relief services. The home-help service experiment could enable the Society to review its future activities and aims.



Monday, September 4, 1972

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The University of Cambridge will be holding the Lower Certificate in English Examination 1972 on December 12 and the Certificate of Proficiency in English Examination 1972 on December 15 and 14.

These examinations are open only to candidates above the age of 16

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and whose mother tongue is not English. •

Entry forms must be submitted on or before September 13 •

Candidates attending courses in schools should register their entries through their repsective schools.

Private candidates can obtain entry forms from September 8 from the Examination Division, Canton Road Government Offices, 393» Canton Road, 10th floor, Kowloon.

They are advised that all fees must be paid within three days of the submission of entry to the Accounts Office, Education Department, Lee Gardens, 4th floor, Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.

* • The Fee for the Lower Certificate in English Examination is $60. The Certificate of Proficiency in English Examination is 585, plus J35 if and when re-examination is required.


Monday, September 4, 1972



The Urban Council will present a concert on Thursday (September 7) to mark the centenary of the British composer Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958), when a number of his works in recorded music will be played.

Vaughan Williams was born at Down Ampney, Gloucestershire. He studied at the Royal College of Music in 1890, and two years later went to Cambridge University.

He began his extensive study and collection of English folk songs at around 1901, and turned back to the polyphonic music of the English Tudors.

He pointed out that music in England was not revealed in the numerous musical events and festivals, but rather it was latent in the people, as expressed in the fine folk-melodies that existed.

Vaughan Williams* principal works include nine symphonies, the first published in 1910 and the last in 1958; a number of orchestral suites; chamber music; and a book called ’’National Music”.

The concert will be held in the City Hall Concert Hall at 8 p.m. Tickets at §1 each are available daily at the City Hall Box Office.

The recorded music will be played through sophisticated equipment supplied by Mar ant z of the U.S.A.

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Monday, September 4, 1972

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Water supply to a number of premises in Wong Tai Sin will be interrupted for five hours starting from 1 a.m. on September 7 (Thursday)•

This temporary stoppage is to enable the Waterworks Office to carry out a leakage test in the area.

The area affected is bounded by Tung Tau Tsuen Road, Tung Lung Road, Tung Fat Road and Tai Shing Street, including Blocks 6 to 13 of the Tung Tau Tsuen Resettlement Estate.




Mr. P.G. Williams, has been appointed temporarily to the Executive Council with effect from 30th August 1972 during the absence of Sir Douglas Clague.


Release time: 6«3O

PRH 7 4000091


Tuesday, September 5i 1972



Pressure on parking spaces in Kowloon will be eased when an extension is built to the existing Yau Ma Tei multi-storey car park.

The 11-storey extension, to be sited adjacent to the present car park, will provide an additional *tO1 parking spaces on eight floors. Office accommodation is planned for the ground, mezzanine and the two uppermost floors.

The project forms Stage Two of the Yau Ma Tei multi-storey car park scheme. When completed Stage Two together with Stage One will form one single building providing a total of 821 parking spaces.

The existing car park, which is situated behind the Kowloon Government Offices, is nine storeys high, but the new project also includes the construction of an additional two storeys to be used as office space.

But the most unusual aspect of the scheme is the construction of an elevated roadway which will pass through the new 11-storey extension on the second and third floor levels.

The elevated road is planned as part of the West Kowloon Corridor Scheme and will pass over busy roads in Yau Ma Tei to provide through traffic flow between Gascoign Road and Tong Mi Road.

/As in ..........

Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191

Tuesday, September 5? 1972

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As in the existing car park, the eight floors for parking in the new section will be of a split level design with short ramps between the different levels*

The facilities provided in the present car park have been designed so that they can serve the extension without any additions or alterations.

The cost of the project, including office accomodation, air conditioning and the section of elevated road, is estimated at about $12.5 million.

It is expected that tenders for the project will be called early next year. Work is expected to start by mid—1973 and should be completed by the end of 1974.

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The Port Health Authority has imposed quarantine restrictions on people arriving from two ports in the Philippines because of cholera.

The ports affected are Cebu and Catbalogan.


Tuesday, September 5, 1972

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The first berth of Hong Kong’s 8500 million container complex at Kwai Chung was used for the first time today when the giant Tokyo Bay moored alongside.

The docking of the 59,000 ton container ship came just two years after initial construction work began on the 125 acre site, which is still being developed mainly on reclaimed land.

The number one berth, which came into operation today, is owned and operated by Modern Terminals Limited. It has an area of about 52 acres and is the first of three being phased into service during the next 12 months.

The three berths will have a total sea frontage of some 4,000 feet.

When the tenders for the three berths were awarded in 1970, a Government spokesman said "they will go a long way towards ensuring that Hong Kong will be able to maintain its position as a leading port in the era of containers which is now developing".

To enable the large container ships to reach the berths at Kwai Chung, the Government has dredged more than three million cubic yards of seabed material from the Rambler Channel.

The approach channel was dredged to a depth of -40 feet below chart datum — the minimum depth required for large container ships.

One-and-a-half miles of roads and a flyover are being built to provide easy access to the container terminal. The Kowloon Foothills Road Corridor,due for completion in 1975, will greatly improve traffic flow between Kwai Chung and industrial towns in Kowloon.

Two other container lots at Kwai Chung are being held in reserve by the Government and can be made available for future development when a clear need develops.

Tuesday, September 5* 1972

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Payments from the Community Relief Trust Fund to victims of the June rainstorm disasters are continuing, and outstanding claims are still being met.

At the end of August, 4,62? families, or 21,97^ individuals, had been registered with the Social Welfare Department as victims of the rainstorm.

The figures showed substantial increases compared with those at the end of July, which then stood at 3,894 families, or 19,050 individuals. The higher figures are the result of late registration.

Payments in such cases are not always immediate, because investigations are necessary, but when these are satisfactorily concluded, claimants receive all the cash assistance to which they are entitled as registered victims of the June rainstorms.

Mr. Tsau Tsor-yan, Senior Principal Social Welfare Officer and head of the Public Assistance Division, says it will take some time before registration lists are closed because it is present policy to accept all claims, subject to investigation.

In a reference to payments for victims of the Kotewall Road disaster, he says they have equal right to assistance from the Community Relief Trust Fund. There is no discrimination against them simply because the Mid-levels represent a more prosperous area than, for example, Sau Mau Ping.

/There .......

Tuesday, September 5, 1972

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There is recognition of the fact that the collapse of Kotewall Court did affect seriously the financial position of some of the survivors.

”For this reason,” says Mr. Tsau, ”all applications are investigated and considered on their merits. Some delay in payments has resulted from the long time it has taken to remove the dead from the debris.”

At the end of August, accounts showed that $17,138,640.57 had been donated to the Fund from members of the public. Expenditure amounted to $9,566,833, with $2 million held in reserve in rehabilitation and orphans’ funds, and $1,000,000 earmarked for use in delayed payments.

A rough balance of about 34.4 million may be available for ultimate disposal, and the Fund’s management committee is considering legislation to permit it to carry the money forward for use among victims of future disasters.

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About 100 residents of the Castle Peak Boys* Home moved into the Junk Bay Youth Camp today (September 5) for a three-day holiday.

The boys will take part in carnivals, variety shows, group discussions, barbecues, swimming and hiking. Highlights of the activities will be a Scout Parade and an Athletic Meet.

The camp is a part of the summer programme of the Castle Peak Boys’ Home, and is designed to explore the needs of the youths and to promote mutual understanding•

A Government spokesman said that these activities will help to ’’cultivate the social adjustment of the young delinquents.” ----------------------------------0--------- /6......................................................................

Tuesday, September 5, 1972

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A new piece of equipment to demonstrate the latest safety devices for industrial machinery is to be displayed by the Labour Department’s Industrial Safety Training Centre in Kowloon.

The new device, to be fitted to a paper - cutting guillotine, is worked by a photo-electric cell. The ones at present on display are fitted with simpler fixed guards or interlocking devices.

The Industrial Safety Training Officer, Mr. A.H. Carter, pointed out that the safety method to be demonstrated by the machine is suitable for large power presses and guillotines now in use in Hong Kong, and would contribute towards reducing accidents in industry.

One of the aims of the Industrial Safety Training Centre is the reduction of industrial accidents through the instruction of supervisors and foremen who will in turn teach their workers the rudiments of accident prevention.

The new machine, costing 327,500, is expected to arrive from Germany in about two months.


Tuesday, September 5, 1972

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Two recent labour disputes have been settled with advice and conciliation service given by the Labour Department.

One dispute involved the payment of wages in lieu of notice and the other concerned work procedure.

As a result of advice from officers of the Labour Relations Service, 15 coffee shop waiters of the Imperial Hotel were each given one month’s wages in lieu of notice for termination of employment in accordance with the provisions of the Employment Ordinance.

In the second dispute between hO female workers and the management of the South Sea Manufacturing Company in Quarry Bay over certain work procedure, a settlement was reached as a result of conciliation. The two parties signed an agreement in the presence of two officers of the Labour Relations Service.

In this dispute, officers of the Labour Department visited the parties concerned on September 1 and a joint meeting was held the following day in the Hong Kong Regional Office of the Labour Department at Queensway.

Release time: 6.30 p.m.


PRH 7 4000091


Wednesday, September 6, 1972



The head of the Fire Prevention Bureau, Mr. F. Jackson, today called on industrial managements to take urgent action to put a stop to the spiralling rise in serious fires in factories. .

He noted that since 19^5-66, industrial fire losses had jumped from S395 million to last year’s $72 million.

Mr. Jackson put the blame on ’’apathy, sheer neglect, carelessness and wilful disregard in respect of requirements.!’

Many industrial premises "flagrantly ignored requirements of the Building Authority, the Fire Services and the Labour Department, resulting in heavy losses," he said.

"There is at least one known case of plans not being submitted to any Department. The resultant total loss of these premises cost several million dollars."

Mr. Jackson also called on insurance officials to institute, wherever possible, more frequent inspections to ensure that once the policy is issued and the premium paid, its clauses are not "blatantly" ignored.

Minimum fire losses in Hong Kong, he said, were usually the outcome of good housekeeping and "with the Clean Hong Kong campaign under way at the moment, what better time to put premises in order?"

/He offered .....

Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191

Wednesday, September 6, 1972

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He offered the services of the Fire Prevention Bureau, which is on hand 24 hours a day to assist with enquiries.

"The Fire Prevention Inspection Officers," Mr. Jackson said, "will continue to carry out inspections to abate fire hazards no matter where they are found, but it is up to the responsible people in management to ensure that we do not have to serve a Fire Hazard Abatement Notice."

He said the use of staircases, corridors, gangways and any old corner for storing raw materials and finished goods presented untold hazards.

Electrical faults rank high among the causes of fire and it appeared that installation inspection and testing was not given a serious or even a second thought, Mr. Jackson said.

Unprotected conductors, overloading of installations, ageing installations and overloaded fuses, also gave rise to many fires.

Mr. Jackson said that late calls for assistance figured prominently amongst the large losses, indicating delays in calling the Fire Services.

"During the year, calls to fire both in urban areas and the New Territories were on the average attended well within the scheduled attendance time and water supplies at all incidents were more than adequate," he said.


Note to Editors: Copies of the full text of the statement

by Mr. Jackson are distributed separately in GIS press boxes this evening.


Wednesday, September 6, 1972

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More than #370,000 has been allocated from the Lotteries Fund to assist five voluntary agencies carrying out work in special education, family planning, ambulance service and youth activities.

The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups obtained a grant of #38,500 to purchase additional outdoor and sailing equipment for its training camp at Tai Mong Tsai and its youth hostel on Laima Island. ,

The facilities available at. present are insufficient to cope with the large number of young people using the camps.

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme has received a grant of #21,700 to help meet the cost of expedition equipment and 70 composite camping units to provide an adequate standard of training and assessment.

A total of #118,000 has been granted to the Ebenezer School and Home for the Blind to meet the cost of renovating its gymnasium.

The original grant for the renovation was #96,000. But due to an increase in building costs since the estimate last year, the Social Welfare Advisory Committee has recommended a further, grant of #22,000.

Also as a result of increased prices, the St. John Ambulance Association and Brigade has received a further grant of #31*i5OO to the original grant of #130,500 to purchase three replacement ambulances.

The Family Planning Association has.been granted #30,500 for the purchase of an additional mini-bus to carry staff, visitors and stocks to the outlying clinics in the New Territories.

At present the one mini-bus owned by the Association is inadequate for carrying staff as the clinics are scattered over a wide area.



Wednesday, September 6, 1972

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Figures released today by the Medical and Health Department show that during the fourth week of the current anti-measles vaccination campaign, only 1,631 doses were administered.

Of the total, 299 doses were administered to children on the Island, 831 in Kowloon, and 519 in the New Territories.

Since the beginning of the campaign on August 8, and despite widespread publicity, only 6,764 children have been immunised against the disease.

"This is not good at all," said Dr. J.K. Craig, Acting Director of Medical and Health Services, ’’and the relatively poor response suggests that despite the efforts of all concerned, the success hoped for is not being achieved.

"There are five more weeks to go, and I would like to urge parents with children between nine months and five years to heed our warning that measles could kill, and to have their offspring protected at the earliest possible moment."

He repeated the advice given several times during this campaign that measles was not "inevitable." It was not true that children had to suffer this disease as part of the ills of childhood. Measles could be avoided by vaccination.

"There are facilities in all the districts, both urban and rural, for speedy immunisation," Dr. Craig told parents. "Please have your children protected. It is in their interest, first and foremost. But you will also be helping Hong Kong as a whole, because your gesture could help prevent any future outbreak of the disease."



Wednesday, September 6, 1972



Motorists will soon find it more convenient to drive along Connaught Road Central.

The final road works on the section between Ice House Street and Murray Road will begin on Friday evening.

Work will be carried on throughout the night in an attempt to avoid traffic congestion.

A spokesman for the Transport Department said temporary traffic restrictions will be imposed to facilitate the road works and resurfacing^

With the completion of the work on September 24 Connaught Road Central will provide four lanes of traffic in each direction from Rumsey Street to Murray Road.


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Wednesday, September 6, 1972

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The Director of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Jack Cater, announced today that details of quantities available in each category under the special shipment scheme for exports of all cotton, man-made fibre and wool textiles to the U.S. will be announced in a notice to exporters tomorrow (September 7)•

Trade Associations and companies on the Commerce and Industry Department’s mailing list for Notice to Exporters, Series 2 (U.S.A.) will receive copies of the Notice shortly. However people who wish to seek advance notice of its contents are invited to obtain copies from the Department’s Textiles Licensing Office on 2nd Floor, Fire Brigade Building, Hong Kong tomorrow (Thursday) or contact the following officers of the Commerce and Industry Department

Mr. P.K.F. Chok - Assistant Trade Officer Tel. No. H-447888

Miss L.K.Y. Chui - Assistant Trade Officer

Tel. No. H-W7888

Mr. L. Chung - Industry Assistant Tel. No. H-448686

Mr. HtS. Fong - Industry Assistant Tel. No. H-239625 -------------------------0---------

Release time: 6.^0 p.m.

PRH 7 4000091


Thursday, September 7, 1972



Certain properties in the Conduit Road/Kotewall Road landslip area in the Mid-Levels will be resumed in order to allow large-scale engineering works to be carried out.

The Director of Public Works, Mr. A.S. Robertson, said today that these works were essential to make the area safe.

The properties to be resumed are Nos. 51 C and D Conduit Road. They will be resumed to enable the construction of a retaining slope from Conduit Road to Po Shan Road.

Mr. Robertson said he was satisfied that all possible short-term measures had been taken to make the disaster area safe from the effect of further rainfall.

”However the possibility of further landslips in the area could not be completely ruled out.”

”1 now propose to forge ahead with long-term measures to make the area safe,” he said.

”It is planned to begin these works in mid-October and to complete them before next summer’s rains.”

Wells have ••••••••

Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191

Thursday, September 7, 1972

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Wells have been sunk on the site of $1C and D Conduit Road to drain the waterlogged material immediately below the landslip. Engineers have cut and cleared drainage channels above and around the landslip to divert the flow of rainwater into safe watercourses.

The surface of the landslip face has been waterproofed and all loose materials are being removed from the slip face. Dangerous boulders above the slip are either being made safe or removed.

The Director of Public Works said it was now clear from the investigations carried out that some buildings in the area may have to remain closed until the permanent works have been substantially completed.

These buildings are:

No. 51» Conduit Road (Skyline Mansions)

No. 56, Kotewall Road (Emerald Gardens) *

No. 125, Robinson Road 4 Nca. 10 to 16, Po Shan Road

No. 21, Po Shan Road

Nos. 47, 53 and 53 Conduit Road

Skyline Mansions, Emerald Gardens and 125 Robinson Road were all damaged by the landslip. Investigations into the possibility of repairs to Skyline Mansions and Emerald Gardens will begin as soon as all debris has been removed.

Officers of the Buildings Ordinance Office are in touch with the architects who will have to satisfy the Buildings Authority that they can render £he buildings safe.

/Mr. Robertson

Thursday, September 7, 1972

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Mr. Robertson said that although the buildings themselves at

No. 21 and Nos. 10 to 16 Po Shan Road were not damaged by the landslip, they had to be closed because of the general condition of the area. Similarly Nos. 47, 53 and 55 Conduit Road were not damaged by the landslip but they have been closed, and must remain closed, until the risk to Nos. 10 to 16 and 21 Po Shan Road is removed.

Major remedial works have to be carried out in the vicinity of these properties, and it may not be possible for them to be re-occupied until these works have been substantially completed by about May next year.

"Residents of al1 these premises will be informed, at the earliest possible moment, when it is considered safe for them to re-occupy their homes and the position will be frequently reviewed,"Mr. Robertson said.

On the longer term permanent remedial measures to be taken, the Director said it would be necessary to lay down a rock drainage blanket over the entire slipped area.

,fThe volume of the slip will have to be refilled with well-drained and compacted material, in a terraced slope up from Conduit Road. This includes the whole site of 51C and 51$, Conduit Road."

"It will also be necessary to cut off a substantial part of the overhanging hill which is endangering the area above the present slip."

"These extensive works cannot safely begin until the end of the rainy season and they should be substantially completed before next summer."



Thursday, September 7, 1972



Recent trends in marriage and fertility in Hong Kong indicate that the fertility rates among women in specific age groups will continue to decline for some years giving rise to a further lowering in the birth rate.

However, this decrease is expected to be somewhat slower than the rapid change experienced in the sixties.

A special review article in the latest edition of the Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics, published by the Census and Statistics Department, says that Hong Kong’s annual birth rate has dropped from 35 to 3^ births per one-thousand of the population in 1961 to 19«7 in 1971* This represents a fall of ^3 per cent over a 10-year period.

The reason for the decline in the birth-rate is attributed to a combination of four factors:

* a decrease in the number of women of child-bearing age;

* a decrease in the proportion of women who marry in the productive child-bearing years;

* the postponement of child-bearing;

* a fall in the fertility rate of married women

The article says that women in the older fertility age-groups in Hong Kong still prefer to have a large number of children. But once these women have passed the reproductive age in a few years and are replaced by younger women who now generally accept the practice of family planning, the fertility rate will drop substantially, r* »• • *


Thursday, September 7, 1972

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The facts put forward in the article are supported by statistics drawn from an analysis of the 1971 population census and should be of interest to those studying the population problems of Hong Kong.

The Digest is on sale today and is available at 34 a copy from the Government Publications Centre, Star Ferry Concourse, Hong Kong*



The Acting Governor, Sir Hugh Norman-Walker, today sent a message of sympathy to the Honorary Consul-General of Israel in Hong Kong, Mr. V.J. Zirinsky, over the killing of 11 members of the Israeli Olympic team in Munich.

Sir Hugh said he was ’’shocked” to learn of the slaughter and extended his ’’deepest sympathy in this appalling tragedy.”


Thursday, September 7, 1972



Electrical works on The 2,530 foot Hong Kong Airport runway extension are to start shortly.

The works, which form the.third and final stage of the runway extension project, will cost about S3 *5 million.

They include the supply and installation of airfield lighting fittings, lighting control equipment, electricity power supply plant as well as all the associated cabling.

It is expected that the works will take about 12 months, and on completion, the extension of the runway, additional taxiway and a by-pass/sequencing area will be available for xse by aircraft.

The Si"5 million extension - among the biggest projects in the Public Works programme - is designed by Seott Wilson Kirkpatrick and Partners, consulting civil engineers, who are supervising its construction.

The electrical aspect of the works has been designed in association with their sub-consultants, Proecu Carcew and Rider of Brighton, U.K.

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Thursday, September 7, 1972

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Do you keep a dog at home? If you do, has it been licensed and inoculated against rabies?

Under the provisions of the Dogs and Cats Ordinance, anyone keeping a dog over the age of three months without a licence is liable to a fine of 81,000 and to imprisonment for six months.

This is one of the many control measures taken by the Government to ensure that Hong Kong remains free from rabies.

Other measures include quarantine of all dogs and cats entering Hong Kong from abroad.

A descriptive booklet, drawing the public’s attention to the licensing requirement for dogs and giving an account of the control measures taken to prevent an outbreak of rabies, has been prepared by the Government Information Services in conjunction with the Agriculture and Fisheries Department.

Entitled "Rabies Prevention in Hong Kong", it tells the story of the fatal disease — its history, its incidences in Hong Kong before 1955* its symptoms in dogs and in man, its cause and transmission and its prevention.

Rabies, if it occurs, can be a very real menace to public health.

The potential danger may be reduced to a minimum by the whole-hearted co-operation of the community with the government in preventive measures.

The booklet urges all members of the public who are keeping dogs which have not been licensed, in other words, dogs which have not been inoculated against rabies either, to realise the serious nature of their offence.

Copies of the booklet, in both English and Chinese, are available at the Dog Licensing and Inoculation Centres of the Agriculture and Fisheries Department and at all City District Offices.

Thursday, September 7, 1972

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Another phase of the Kowloon Foothills Corridor project, this time consisting of an extension of Ching Cheung Road to Kwai Chung Road, has been approved by the Finance Committee.

The work will cost some $21 million and is expected to start early • " . • • • ; . next year for completion by 197^.

When it is completed, the recently built Kwai Chung Road will be brought into full use by connecting the container terminal to the Corridor, which runs across northern Kowloon to the industrial town of Kwun Tong.

Much of the present volume of goods and passenger traffic generated by Kwun Tong, Tsuen Wan and Kwai Chung will also be diverted away from congested roads on the Kowloon peninsula.

The proposed extension carries Ching Cheung Road, presently being widened to a dual two-lane carriageway, around Lai Chi Kok Bay to join Kwai Chung Road ' ’ 4 near the western end of the Lai Chi Kok Bay Bridge.

Part of the extension across the northern shore of Lai Chi Kok Bay will be raised on an overpass structure to provide headroom for traffic to Lai Chi Kok valley. The remainder of the road across the head of the Bay will be built on an embankment with a pedestrian subway underneath.

An interchange system will be built near the new Lai Chi Kok Hospital

where the extended road connects with Kwai Chung Road, t • •

A section of Kwai Chung Road itself will be widened to provide a collector-distributor road on each side.

This will permit traffic to weave to and from the Kwai Chung container terminal and the hospital, without interfering with the main traffic flow.

/To the east, .........

Thursday, September 7, 1972

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To the east, the existing grade-separated interchange joining Ching Cheung Road with Castle Peak Road will be modified to provide for all major traffic movements together with an uninterrupted flow of traffic along the two roads•

With the inclusion of this newest phase of work on the western-most end of the Kowloon Foothills Corridor, the project now comprises 12 work items. Nine are scheduled for completion in 197*+ and the remaining ones in 1975*




Water supply to a number of houses in Wong Tai Sin will be interrupted for five hours beginning from 1 a.m. on Saturday (September 9)•

The temporary stoppage is to enable the Waterworks Office to carry out a leakage test.

The area to be affected is bounded by Tsz Wan Shan Road, Wan Wah Street, Sheung Fung Street and Tsz Wan Shan Resettlement Estate Blocks 4 to 32.


Thursday, September 7, 1972

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Over 10,000 workers of foreman rank and below in the Urban Services and Resettlement Departments who are employed on obnoxious and unpleasant work are to receive a special allowance of $45 a month as from October 1.

A small number of staff in the Public Works and Urban Services Departments are already receiving this allowance but the new arrangements announced today will make many more workers eligible.

The main labour force in the Cleansing Division and in the Abattoir Section of the Abattoirs, Hawkers and Markets Division and the New Territories Division of the U.SOD. as well as in the Resettlement Department will now benefit from the allowance.

The award of the ’’dirty work” allowance is in addition to the recent 10 per cent pay increase and revised cost of living allowance awarded to workers paid on Model Scale I. The revised cost of living allowance automatically increases by 315 for every five point rise in the Modified Consumer Price Index for men and a proportionate increase for wcmen©

This means that there is a built-in arrangement for the cost of living allowance to rise should the cost of living go up.

The extra cost of meeting payments of the "dirty work” allowance will be about $6 million for a full year.

Some 7,000 workers in the U.S.D. and about 3,500 in the Resettlement Department will be eligible for the allowance. They include labourers, gangers, chargemen, and foremen engaged on street sweeping and estate cleansing, refuse collection duties, demolition work, disinfecting duty, grave digging, in cremation, burial and exhumation work and squatter clearance.

/The announcement ......

Thursday, September 7, 1972

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The announcement of the allowance scheme was welcomed by Mr* Wong Man-yui Assistant Director (Cleansing), Urban Services Department*

Mr. Wong said: ”1 am very happy to hear that workers involved in this unpleasant work will be compensated. This should help in recruiting staff for the Cleansing Division which will be fully engaged in the months ahead with the ’Clean Hong Kong Campaign1.”

Mr. J.N. Black, Assistant Commissioner (Administration/Operations), Resettlement Department, also welcomed the new arrangements. He said that among those who would benefit from the allowance were workers who carry out unpleasant and sometimes dangerous work, like the demolition of illegal structures. • • -------------------------------------o --------

Thursday, September 7, 1972

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A souvenir presentation ceremony to honour a group of volunteers who assisted in the summer youth programme will be held at the Mariners’ Club, Middle Road, Kowloon tomorrow (Friday) afternoon.

The volunteers will receive pennants from the Principal Assistant

Colonial Secretary (Social Services), Mr. P.B. Williams and Mrs. Williams.

* • •• A . . >•

Some 200 young people from various districts registered with

. • • •■ r.,-' ? :• the Association of Volunteers for Service this summer to help run such

activities as camps, service projects, study courses and recreation centres.

A co-ordinating committee was set up by the Association to deal with the recruitment and placement of volunteer workers.

The presentation will be followed by an entertainment programme including singing and dancing by members of the Boys* & Girls’ Club Association, the Heep Hong Club and students of Pelletier Hall.

Note to Editors: The presentation ceremony will be held at 6 p.m. at the Assembly Hall of the Mariners’ Club in Middle Road tomorrow (Friday). You are cordially invited to send a reporter and/or photographer to cover the event.



Thursday, September 7, 1972

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Three lots of crown land in Chai Wan and another at Red Hill on Hong Kong Island will be auctioned at the City Hall later this month.

All three Chai Wan Lots are for industrial and godown purposes.

The largest, consisting of an area of 14,200 square feet has an upset price of {1,710,000. The two other lots measuring 11,730 and 11,670 square feet have the same upset price of {1,400,000.

Rural building lot No. 941 at Red Hill off Tai Tam Road has an area of 65,000 square feet and is reserved for private residential purposes. Its upset price is {2,500,000.

The auction will be held on September 29 at 2.50 p.m.

Full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from and Sale Plans inspected at the Public Enquiry Sub-office, Central Government Offices (West Wing), ground floor, Hong Kong and at the Crown Lands and Survey Office, Kowloon Government Offices, 405 Nathan Road, 10th floor, Kowloon.

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Thursday, September 7, 1972

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The kitchen blocks of two buildings and a section of a third block all in Kowloon were declared dangerous today by the Building Authority.

The Principal Government Building Surveyor said that during a routine survey of the area it was found that the reinforced concrete columns to the kitchen blocks of 99 and 101 Fuk Wa Street, both four-storey pre-war buildings, were seriously spalled and the steel reinforcement badly corroded.

The condition is such that there is a risk of collapse.

The other building, also four-storey and pre-war, is at 23 Cedar Street. The chimney stack and brick work at the rear portion of the kitchen block are fractured and liable to collapse.

Notices of intention to apply for Closure Orders in the Kowloon District Court at 9*30 a.m. on September 28 for the Cedar Street kitchen block and on October 5 for the first, second and third floors of the kitchen blocks of 99 and 101 Fuk Wa Street were posted today.


lielease time:

2.J0 p.m.

PRH 7 4000091


Friday, September 8, 1972


The latest methods of quarrying and processing rocks are being introduced at the two government quarries at Diamond Hill and at Mount Butler.

The modernisation will enable workers to carry out their operation in safer working conditions and virtually eliminate the problem of dust discharging into the atmosphere during the mixing process. -

At the same time it will lead to an almost doubling in the output of asphalt and bitumen macadam which is essential if the needs of the road construction and maintenance programmes are to be met.

A spokesman for the Quarries Section of the Public Works Department said today: ’’Modernisation of the two quarries actually began some years ago and the whole process is estimated to be completed towards the end of next year.” ’’New stone crushers are being installed at Mount Butler Quarry and orders have been placed for similar crushing plants for the Diamond Hill Quarry.”

In order to tackle the dust problem, a modern dust filtration method using ’’bag” filters for the final stage of cleansing will be adopted.

About 99.9 per cent of the fine granite dust produced during the crushing and mixing process will be extracted by the ’’bags”, thus preventing it from escaping into the atmosphere.

/The fine ........

Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191

Friday, September 8, 1972

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The fine granite particles extracted will be used as ’’filler” to improve the durability of the asphalt produced by the mixing plant for road surfacing.

Two dust filtration plants adopting this new extracting process will be installed soon at the two quarries at a cost of nearly $1 million.

Apart from tackling the dust problem, the Quarry Section is also looking into the safety of the workers.

A quarrying practice, known as the ’’benching method,” is being adopted and private quarry operators have been informed that they will have to adopt the same method of quarrying by the end of this year.

Under this method, workers will not be permitted to operate at heights up to several hundred feet from ground level as is.the case now.

Rocks will be blasted from the hillside at varying heights but not more than 80 feet from one level to the other. In this.way, “benches” will be formed. «

The spokesman said that the height of the faces will thus be limited to not more than 80 feet and the risk of falling from a height will be minimised.

The whole modernisation project will cost more than jfj/s million.

Production by the quarries will be increased from the present 300,000 tons to 750,000 tons annually on the completion of the .scheme.

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/3 ........

Friday, September 8, 1972

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About 8,600 people will have new homes when another two domestic blocks are completed in the Pak Tin estate, Shum Shui Po.

The blocks, one 16 storeys high and the other seven storeys, will be built to the latest Mark VII design which is similar to the present government low cost housing projects.

A modular market providing places for 40 vegetable and fruit stalls, and 10 meat, fish and poultry stalls are included in the plans.

A spokesman for the Public Works Department said the total estimated cost will be about $16 million.

Tenders for the construction are now being called and the work is expected to begin some time next month and take two and a half years to complete.

Pak Tin estate is the first resettlement estate under the management of the Housing Authority as part of a pilot scheme.

It is also the reception estate for Shek Kip Mei which was the first resettlement estate built after the disastrous Shek Kip Mei fire in 1954. Some of the present tenants were among those made homeless in the fire.

A spokesman for the Resettlement Department said today that some 10,000 tenants of the old Shek Kip Mei estate involved in the first phase of the estate’s conversion scheme, will be offered the opportunity of applying for flats in some of the already completed blocks in the Pak Tin estate next month.

These tenants are now residing in six blocks which will be the first to be converted into self-contained units when the conversion scheme starts next year.

Details of the multi—million dollar scheme will be announced later.


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Friday, September 8, 1972

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The Government is to build a pavilion at the Chinese Manufacturers’ Association Exhibition at the Wan Chai reclamation this year.

The pavilion, occupying an area of 9t000 square feet, is circular in shape and consists of a walk around area with a series of three dimensional displays.

In the centre, there will be a permanent cinema showing films of general interest about Hong Kong.

Some y),000 people are expected to visit the pavilion daily and it has been designed in such a way to allow a ohe-way flow of people from entrance to exit.

The designer is Mr. Patrick Chung of the Graphic Atelier Limited.

The theme of the pavilion this year shows the outline of life in Hong Kong during the next few years.

Construction of the pavilion, which is estimated to cost 3260,000 including the interior decoration, is expected to begin next month to be completed in time for the opening of the C.M.A. Exhibition on December 7«

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Friday, September 8, 1972

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Construction of the New Lai Chi Kok General Hospital is well under—way, and today tenders are being called for the erection of staff quarters*

The general hospital, as distinct from the Second Mental Hospital to be set up in the same area of the Lai Chi Kok promontery, is expected to be opened in 1974.

It will function as an acute general hospital, with a 24-hour casualty and emergency service. For this reason, there must be an adequate number of resident medical, nursing and other staff whose work will require their attendance at the hospital on short notice at any hour*

The quarters are expected to be completed at the same time as the general hospital. They are to be set up in three blocks and will accommodate doctors, matrons, nurses, nursing auxiliaries, stewards, hospital secretaries, foremen and hospital orderlies.

A special feature of one of the blocks will be a 12,000 square foot training school for psychiatric nurses, and the idea is to have such staff trained in time for the opening of the Second Mental Hospital. This hospital with 1,300 beds forms part of the total development scheme proposed for the upper part of the Lai Chi Kok promontery site.

Construction of the approach road providing access to this portion of the site has already been completed.

Site formation for the staff quarters of the mental hospital will be constructed later, and will form a separate tender.

The Second Mental Hospital is expected to be ready in 1976.

.... -------0---------


Friday, September 8, 1972

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The Building Authority today (Friday) declared three pre-war buildings

• in"Wellington Street to be in a dangerous condition.

’Two other buildings in Tung Shing Lane and Wellington Street were declared liable to become dangerous and demolition was ordered.

The Principal Government Building Surveyor said that.this group of three-storey buildings — Nos. 148, 150, 152 and 154 Wellington Street and No. 1 Tung Shing Lane — had been under observation for some years.

However, recent inspections made following complaints .from occupants and the removal of portion of the wall covering, revealed fractures in the brickwork of both load bearing party walls of No. 152.

These had worsened to the point where there was a danger of collapse of the front main walls of Nos. 150, 152 and 154 Wellington Street.

In addition, there is a severe fracture in the rear wall of No. 150, which also forms part of No. 1 Tung Shing Lane at the rear.

Much of the structural timber work of the.floors and roofs of'all five buildings is in a decayed condition and beyond reasonable repair.

As it is considered that No. 148 Wellington Street and No. 1 Tung Shing Lane are liable to become dangerous during the demolition of Nos. 150, 152 and 154, Wellington Street, notices of intention to apply for closure-orders in Victoria District Court at 9.30 a.m. on October 20 were posted today.

In Kowloon, the verandah of a building in Shanghai Street was also declared dangerous by the Building Authority today.

/This four-storey.......

Friday, September 8, 1972

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This four-storey pre-war building, at No. 506 Shanghai Street, was inspected following a complaint from a tenant.

It was found that load-bearing brick piers in the verandah were seriously fractured with evidence of recent movement indicating that there is a risk of collapse.

Notice of intention to apply for a closure order in Kowloon District Court at 9*30 a.m. on September 26 was posted today.




The Commissioner of Rating and Valuation today announced that he has specified a revised Notice to Quit, Form RC11, under the Rent Increases (Domestic Premises) Control Ordinance.

Copies of the new form are now available at the offices of the Rating and Valuation Department, Public Enquiry Counters, Tenancy Inquiry Bureaux and District Offices of the New Territories Administration.

The change has been necessitated because it is now considered that certain provisions printed on the existing form are set out in a manner which does not adequately comply with the Ordinance.

The Commissioner added that in future only the new form should be used for serving a Notice to Quit under the ordinance as the previous form has been revoked.



Friday, September 8, 1972

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Two officers of the Government Information Services will be retiring shortly after a combined total service of more than 50 years with the Hong Kong Government.

They are Mr. David Willis, I.S.O., Chief Information Officer, and

Mr. Lee Kam-ching, Supplies Supervisor Cl. II.

To mark the occasion, the Acting Director of Information Services, Mr. David Ford, presented mementos to both officers on behalf of their colleagues at a farewell dinner party this (Friday) evening.

Mr. Willis first joined the Government in 1937 as a member of the Senior Clerical and Accounting Staff and served in a number of departments.

After the war he resigned from the Public Service and worked for many years with Reuters news agency.

He rejoined the Government in 1952 as an Assistant Press Officer in the Information Services Department. In 1959 he was promoted to Senior Information Officer and to his substantive post of Chief Information Officer in 19&3«

In October last year, Mr, Willis was appointed Royal Visit Press Officer to H.R.H. The Princess Anne during her visit here.

He was awarded the Companion of Imperial Service Order in the Queen’s Birthday Honours in June this year. Mr. Willis went on leave prior to retirement on September 1.

Mr. Lee joined the Government Supplies Department in June 19^ as Store Keeper Class III. He was promoted to Store Keeper Class II in April the following year.

In November 19591 Mr. Lee was transferred to the Information Services Department apd.has worked for the department since then. He will go on preretirement leave on September 19-

Friday, September 8, 1972

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The Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose, took time off from official meetings in London on Wednesday (September 6) to attend a reception given by the Chamber of Chinese Traders (U.K.) Limited.

The occasion, according to a telegram received in Hong Kong last night, marked the inauguration of the fifth term office bearers who had earlier been sworn in by Mr. A.M.J. Wright, Hong Kong Commissioner.

Sir Murray’s visit to the chamber was his first since he took office last year.

The Governor spent some 45 minutes at the reception chatting with Mr. Chan Sau-on, President of the chamber and members of the committee and their guests.

At the swearing in ceremony, Mr. Wright said: "We in the London Office look forward to another year of co-operation with your chamber in working for the Hong Kong community here.

"The range of community activities organised by Hong Kong people in Britain is increasing year by year and your chamber is playing an important part both in providing services and in encouraging Hong Kong people to take more interest in public affairs.

"I hope that more public spirited people will co-operate with your chamber during the coming year in this work.


/"The London .......

Friday, September 8, 1972

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’’The London office is always prepared to consider new schemes for joint action and I will be able to discuss any new proposals when I visit Hong Kong later this year.”

The Governor’s informality at the reception was the topic of discussion later among chamber members at a dinner party.

Mr. Chan commented, "the Governor’s visit is a clear indication of the Hong Kong Government’s interest in the welfare of Hong Kong people in Britain.”




Note to Editors: The Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose will return

to Hong Kong on Sunday afternoon after a holiday in Britain.

Lady MacLehose is remaining in Britain for a few more days.

Sir Murray will arrive at Kai Tak by

B.O.A.C. flight BA/802. The estimated time of arrival at the airport is 5.50 p.m.

The Governor will meet the Press briefly in the V.I.P. Press Room before going to Government House•

Press representatives covering his return should assemble in the Airport Press Room in the Terminal Building half an hour before the scheduled touchdown.



Friday, September 8, 1972

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Note to Editors: Mr. Geoffrey Rippon, Chancellor of the

Duchy of Lancaster, will arrive in Hong Kong on Sunday at 8.^0 p.m. by flight ML 568.

Mr. Rippon is here mainly on a private visit, but during his stay he will have talks with the Governor and with senior advisers of the Hong Kong Government on Britain’s accession to the European Economic Community and its effects on Hong Kong.

Mr. Rippon will meet the press briefly on arrival at Kai Tak.

Press representatives who wish to- meet Mr. Rippon are requested to assemble in the Airport Press Room half an hour before his arrival.

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Friday, September 8, 1972

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The Director of Commerce and Industry announced today that exports of restrained textiles to Canada must be licensed on or before next Friday (September 15) for shipment by the end of the month.

A special shipment scheme will be operated from September 18 to September 29•

Under the scheme, all quotas not licensed by September 15 will be made available to all applicants for shipment before the end of the month.

Full details are announced in Notice to exporters: Series 4 (Canada) No. 5/72 which was issued yesterday-

In a separate Notice to Exporters: Series 4 (Canada) No. 6/72 also issued yesterday, the Director announced details of control arrangements regarding exports of restrained textiles to Canada for the'year commencing October 1.

Trade Associations and companies on the Commerce and Industry Department’s mailing list for Notice to Exporters Series 4 will receive copies of the Notices shortly. Anyone wishing to seek further information is invited to contact the following officers of the Commerce and Industry Department:

Mr. H.W.K. Lai * Assistant Trade Officer

= .. . Tel. No. H-252858

Mr. C.K. Lai - Industry Assistant

Tel. No. H-445666



Friday, September 8, 1972

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Some 40 hawkers trading on the pavement along Lung Cheung Road in Ngau Chi Wan will be offered an alternative site when their present stalls are demolished on Tuesday for a major road project.

Others who are operating illegal trades there will be considered for a site if they can prove that they had held a hawker’s licence at one time or another.

A Government spokesman said today that ”no rice bowls will be broken” and no one will be made homeless in the clearance, which is connected with the Lung Cheung Road Extension Scheme.

A $20 million flyover complex will be built across the site where the hawkers are presently trading.

The spokesman said that the project could not be delayed any further as tenders for the job have already been accepted.

These hawkers, he said, were first informed in December, 1971 and since that time various reminders have been issued.


Release Time: 7.00 p.m.

PRH 7 4000091


Saturday, September 9, 1972



The total number of active cases in the Public Assistance Scheme reached 16,207 at the end of August.

New applications received during the month numbered 94?, including 60 referred from voluntary agencies. A total of 110 cases was reactivated in August, and at the same time, 632 cases.were closed.

Cash payments during the month totalled 32,479,334 bringing to 323,736,883 the grand total spent so far since the expanded Scheme was implemented on .• t

April 1, 1971.

Commenting on these figures, Mr. Tsau Tsor-yan, Senior Principal Social Welfare Officer and head of the Public Assistance Division, says: "They suggest that the Scheme is widely known, and that people for whom it is intended are coming forward.

"If one takes into account the individuals who have been helped to stand on their own feet again, and who are accordingly no longer beneficiaries, the grand total is about 22,290."

To cope with these numbers, 13 field units have been set up in various districts, and the 16th, to serve the Castle Peak area, is being planned and is expected to be opened in October.



Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191

Saturday, September 9, 1972

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Nearly 700 tons of fuel oil have already been removed from the wreck of the "Seawise University" which sank on January 9 this year following a severe fire.

The oil removal operation is being carried out by the Fukada Salvage Co* Ltd., a leading Japanese salvage company.

The operation to remove the 3.070 tons of oil began on August 24 immediately after the salvage equipment arrived.

The team formed by the Japanese company is headed by a salvage master and three salvage engineers, • .f

Their equipment comprises one salvage tug, one hotel ship, two oil storage barges and several small working and diving boats.

The method being used for the removal of the oil is considered safe and is basically simple, r ■

A Marine Department spokesman said today: "The operation consists of the fixing of an outlet and an inlet valve to the vessel’s hull and holes are then drilled into the oil storage tanks.

"Seawater is pumped into the tank to float up the oil which is sucked from the vessel and into one of the storage barges’alongside."

Oil skimming work is carried out continuously and anti-pollution precautions are rigidly observed during the oil removal operation.

The whole project is expected to be completed by mid-December.


Saturday, September 9, 1972

3 -


The first prize of $426,000 for the 54th Government Lottery was

won by ticket No. 486933*

This and other winning numbers were drawn this morning at the City Hall Concert Hall by four HK-TVB personalities — Miss Pearl Au, Miss Gigi V/ong, Mr. Fung Shui-fan and Mr. Leung Tin.

The five second prizes of $28,400 each went to ticket Nos. 311850, 372560, 567493, 567619, 586795.

The three-digit number drawn for the special prize was 267.

Holders of 710 tickets ending with this number won $100 each.

Winning numbers for the 50 third prizes of $4,260 each are as follows: 755 3566 5284 27593 28315 29189 53765 65191 69496 71100 88382 94477 125011 143084 157954 187615 216364

222258 255199 286197 505655 305851 330079 557684

359615 584178 599756 415646 425253 450906 7 435531

441842 458642 475798 475846 479976 505214 503495

53W 560192 575915 618751 645943 647010 665014

665911 679597 680296 695475 704068

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Saturday, September % 1972

4 -



The new Central bus terminus, the biggest ever built by the Government, will come into operation from 6 a.m. on Monday (September 11).

The terminus occupies an area of 55,000 square feet on the . Central reclamation between the vehicular ferry pier and the new Connaught Centre building*

It replaces the existing terminus outside the vehicular ferry pier.

The Acting Commissioner for Transport, Mr. R. Butler, said that altogether there will be about 140 departures an hour from the new terminus.

With the opening on Monday, all traffic leaving the vehicular ferries will be directed to a new link road on the northern side of the new bus station and to the west of Connaught Centre for exit onto Connaught Road Central.

Appropriate traffic signs will be posted.

The bus services departing from the new terminus will be:

Route 5A (Felix Villas)

Route 4 (Wah Fu Estate)

Route 4 Express (Wah Fu Estate)

Route 6 (Stanley Prison)

Route 6A (Repulse Bay)

Route 7 (Aberdeen)

Route 7B (Wong Chuk Hang Estate)

Route 12 (Robinson Road)

Route 12A(Macdonnell Road)

Route 15 (Upper Peak Tram Station), and supplementary journeys on Route 101 via the Cross Harbour Tunnel to Kwun Tong.

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Saturday, September 9, 1972

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The Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose, paid a visit to the Hong Kong Students’ Centre in London on Thursday evening. He was accompanied by Mr. A.M.J. Wright, Commissioner for Hong Kong.

Sir Murray was met by the Warden, Mr. R. Irvine and the Chairman of the Members’ Committee, Mr. Tony Chan, who introduced him to other members of the committee.

About 50 residents and members of the Students’ Centre had gathered in the common room to greet the Governor who spent about an hour chatting informally with them.

Among those present were a number of government employees who are in Britain on postgraduate or training courses and former Hong Kong students who now work in London but still maintain their contact with the Students’ Centre.

After Sir Murray left, several students expressed their appreciation at the visit which was made at the end of a busy day of official talks.

It was Sir Murray’s second visit to the Students’ Centre - the first was shortly before he left to take up his appointment in Hong Kong.

* • * * *



Saturday, September 9, 1972

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Industrial workers will be able to enjoy one day’s holiday on September 23 (Saturday), the day following Mid-Autumn Festival.

The Commissioner of Labour, Mr. Paul Tsui, today reminded employers that it is one of the six statutory holidays to which workers are entitled under the Industrial Employment (Holiday with Pay and Sickness Allowance) Ordinance.

This applies to all industrial workers paid on a monthly, daily or piece-rate basis, and non-industrial workers in industrial undertakings earning not more than #700 a day.

To qualify for this paid holiday a worker must have worked at least 180 days during a period of 12 months, and at least 20 days in the 28 days preceding September 23 •

A worker who does not qualify must also be given a holiday but has no statutory entitlement to be paid although the employer may voluntarily agree to pay him.

An employer may grant a holiday on another day, provided it is within 60 days after September 23, and he must post a notice of his intention at least 48 hours in advance.

An employer who grants more than six paid holidays a year is still required to comply with the Ordinance but, by agreement with a worker, he is allowed to substitute one of the paid holidays for the statutory holidays.

Workers or employers who have doubts about their rights or obligations regarding statutory holidays may obtain the advice of the Senior Labour Inspector in charge of the Women and Young Persons Unit.

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Saturday, September 9, 1972


***** ***

The old fire station and post office in Old Main Street, Aberdeen, Hong Kong will be demolished.

The two-storey building is in a poor condition and beyond economical repair.

A utevommeni spokesman said today that the area will be better served by the demolition of the building as it will open up the approach to the Royal Hong Kong Police C.I.D. School. At present the school is located on a bad bend adjacent to the old building.

The demolition is expected to begin in October and the site should be cleared within about two months.



The supply of salt water to all premises in the Chai Wan area will be interrupted for seven hours beginning from 9 a.m. on Monday (September 11).

The temporary salt water stoppage is to enable the:Water^Qxk§~Q££^pe to repair a delivery valve for the No. 2 pumpset at the Chai Wan salt water pumping station.



Saturday, September 9. 1972

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Note to Editors: Mrs. G.T. Rowe, wife of the Director of Social

Welfare, will visit St. Christopher’s Home, 13/2 milestone, Tai Po Road, New Territories, on Monday (September 11) at about 11 a.m. She will be accompanied by Mrs* Evelyn Doe, Principal Social Welfare Officer. The home is run by the Church Body of the Chinese Anglican Church, and was founded in 1935* It was previously known as the Tai Po Rural Home and Orphanage until 1953 when the name was changed to St. Christopher’s-Home. .It takes in 3^0 children from birth up to the age of 18. The home is a Chinese diocesan orphanage, administered by a committee with the Bishop of Hong Kong as chairman. It is financially supported by the Hong Kong Government, the Christian Children’s Fund Incorporated, and voluntary donations. You are invited to have the visit covered, and your news team should arrive by 10:45 a.m.


Release time: 2e30


PRH 7 400009!


Sunday, September 10, 1972



The next phase of the Resettlement Department’s campaign to improve the environment of its estates begins tomorrow (Monday) when tenants will be asked to remove all illegal and dangerous flower pot racks and metal cages outside their verandahs.

A Resettlement Department spokesman said today that these illegal extensions, which could be seen in practically all estates, had been causing concern to the department for some time.

He said these racks and metal cages,apart from being'unsightly, are endangering the structural safety of the buildings. This is because the walls where the racks and cages are hung are not built to bear the weight of the extensions.

The spokesman added that another reason why ’’these eyesores” must go is that jthey .)&ve become receptacles for refuse and the ensuing health problems they create is a constant nuisance to other tenants.

Some tenants have also complained about the muddy water from flower pots dripping onto their washing.

Tenants will be notified individually and be given ample time to remove all unauthorised fixtures themselves and they are asked to cooperate by making sure that the removal is done well before the expiry of the time limit.

/If .......

Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191

Sunday, September 10, 1972

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If tenants fail to remove them within the specified period, the department will remove them without notice and the dismantled racks and cages will be confiscated.

As soon as one block of flats has been cleared of the racks and cagest staff of the Resettlement Department Works Division will move in to give the block a new coat of paint.

The face-lift operation has already started at Tung Tau Estate and it is hoped that it will cover all estates by the middle of next yeart

The spokesman said that the timing of this clean up operation is significant because it is taking place during the Keep Hong Kong Clean Campaign.

• ! ’-----------------------------o ---------

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Sunday, September 10, 1972

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The final Government Lottery for this year is now under way with tickets on sale at various centres throughout Hong Kong.

This lottery, along with the special 10th Anniversary Lottery, will be drawn on September 23*

The winning numbers for the 55th Government Lottery will be drawn by four Radio Hong Kong artistes. They are Miss Monita Mui, Miss Sheila Leung, Miss Kiramy Got and Miss Stella Chan.

They will help sell tickets tomorrow (Monday) at 12.45 p.m. at

Star Ferry concourse Jockey Club selling booth.

However, the names of the personalities who will draw the winning numbers of the special Lottery will -be announced at a later date.

As in the past, there will be 56 prizes plus a number of special prizes for the 55th lottery.

But there will be seven prizes for the special Anniversary Lottery.

There will one first prize making up 40 per cent of the total proceeds; one second prize representing 10 per cent and five third prizes making up two per cent of the total proceeds.

Note to Editors: You are cordially invited to send a reporter and/or photographer to cover the sale of tickets by the four Radio Hong Kong personalities.

The Government Lotteries Management Committee will hold a press conference at 1 p.m. on Monday, September 11 at the City Hall Restaurant when details of the 55th Government Lottery and the special 10th Anniversary Lottery will be announced. You are cordially invited to have the press conference covered.

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Sunday, September 10, 1972

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With effect from 10 a.m. on Tuesday(September 12) traffic in Cox’s Road between Austin Road and Jordan Road will be changed from two-way to one-way northbound.

This is intended to facilitate road reconstruction works in Cox’s Road and will last for approximately four months.

Southbound journeys on KMB Route 2C will be operated via Jordan Road and Nathan Road while the works proceed.

Appropriate traffic signs will be posted to guide motorists.

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Release time: 3-30 p.m.

PRH 7 4000091


Monday, September 11, 1972 ’ • i ■ • Lp



The Government is to appoint a firm of consulting engineers to undertake a detailed investigation into the environmental aspects of stream pollution in the New Territories.

The consultants appointed for the task, Binnie and Partners, are already engaged by the Water Authority on an investigation into the extent and causes of stream pollution in the Yuen Long District.

This investigation has confirmed the seriousness of the pollution problem and substantial sections of streams have been found tp be "grossly polluted" with a total absence of oxygen.

Their report, which will outline the measures necessary to enable a potable supply of water to be abstracted from the streams in the area during the summer months, will be submitted to the Water Authority within a month or so.

The Government, on the advice of the Advisory Committee On Environmental Pollution On Land and Water, has now decided that the consultants should carry out a full-scale investigation on stream pollution in the New Territories, including the islands, and prepare a comprehensive report with particular regard to five main points

*_The location and quantification of sources of pollution __.in th® New Territories?


Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191

Monday, September 11, 1972


* Details of present facilities for the collection and disposal of solid and liquid wastes in the area, and suggestions on their improvement;

* Carry out the necessary surveys to reach estimates of the quantities and nature of the solid and liquid wastes currently entering the streams;

* Consider alternative methods and make appropriate recommendations on improving the conditions of streams, with the object of eliminating unsightly solids and ensuring that the stream water will contain some dissolved oxygen;

* Advise on the possible consequences of permitting existing pollution of the streams to continue.

In preparing the report, consideration will be given to the Government’s current policy on land use; industrial and agricultural development; and the social, economical and administrative circumstances prevailing in Hong Kong.

The consultants will also make recommendations on the drafting of

regulations under the proposed new Bill for the Control and Treatment of Trade

Effluents in order to maintain the recommended improved standard, and to consider

the results which will arise from this Bill.

The proposed investigation is expected to begin within the next two

months, and the consultants hope to complete the report by July of next year.

The estimated cost of the project is 3500,000.


Monday, September 11, 1972

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Four cholera-positive samples were discovered by the Medical and Health Department’s Institute of Pathology during routine culture of nightsoil collected between last Thursday night and Friday morning.

The samples came from the Happy Valley and Wan Chai areas, and the germs were identified as eholera-positive specimens on Saturday.

Other samples of nightsoil in the same areas collected between Saturday night and Sunday morning were laboratory-tested earlier today, and two samples were found to contain cholera germs.

Further investigation is continuing.

”No cholera cases have occurred,” said Dr. J.K. Craig, Acting Director of Medical and Health Services, ”but this does highlight the need to maintain the strictest personal and environmental hygiene, especially during the cholera season.

”We will continue to keep the public informed whenever our routine examination of nightsoil turns up anything unusual.”

The latest cholera-positive samples are the third series to be discovered during routine examinations of nightsoil this summer. The earlier samples were found in June and July, and they came from nightsoil collected in the Shau Kei Wan area.

Dr. Craig repeated warnings about the need to protect food and water from contamination to prevent an outbreak of cholera during the remainder of the hot weather this year.



Monday, September 11, 1972

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Sixteen members of the public have appeared before the Commission of Inquiry into the June rainstorm disasters to give evidence on the Po Shan Road landslides.

In addition, 22 people have submitted statements to the Commission as exhibits.

The hearing on the Po Shan Road disaster began at the end of July.

The Counsel to the Commission, Mr. R.G. Penlington, has now written to these 38 people asking theu xi tney have anything further to add to their evidence or statements.

”We are most anxioas also to hear from any other members of the public who may have information of any sort connected with events before, during or after the lands3id.es at Po Shan Road,” he said.

They are invited to write or ring Mr. Penlington on H-95601.

Hearings of the Commission have been adjourned until October 4 to enable evidence to be prepared by overseas experts.


■ • 1. .


Monday, September 11, 1972

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The Assistant Commissioner of Labour, Mr„ David Lin Huo-fu today warned factory proprietors to be on their guard against people who claimed to be Labour Department officers and asked for money.

Mr. Lin said that groups of "unscrupulous people" had recently posed as inspectors of the department and sought money from factory managements »

in Kowloon, particularly in the Sham Shui Po and Cheung Sha Wan areas, for advertisements in publications allegedly produced by the department.

He added that the department was very concerned about this and believed that these people had managed to deceive a large number of factory > .«■ proprietors.

Mr. Lin said that in May this year a man was arrested and was ? • ” eventually sentenced to serve in a training centre of the Prisons Department.

In a second case of impersonation which occurred early last month, police officers were alerted and another man was arrested when he called at the factory for payment. He was subsequently sentenced to nine months imprisonment.

Last week a third case was reported to the department. However no arrest was made because the impersonator failed to show up.

e •• ,rNo Labour Department officer is authorised to solicit money for

any purpose whatsoever and no publication issued by the Labour Department carries any advertisements," Mr. Lin stressed.

/He reminded

Monday, September 11, 1972

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He reminded factory proprietors that every inspector of the department carried with him or her a warrant card which showed a photograph of the holder together with the holder’s name and signature. They should ascertain the identity of the visiting officer by asking for the warrant card. Mr. Lin urged any proprietor who is asked for money by anyone purporting to be a member of the Labour Department to report the matter immediately to the nearest police station or to the Senior Labour Officer (Industry), telephone number K-688842,


The Urban Services Department is to get eight more compaction refuse collecting vehicles.

The vans, costing about $125,000 each, are capable of holding hO subic yards of refuse.

The latest addition will bring to 118 the strength of the U.S.D. fleet of refuse vans.

Delivery of the vehicles is expected to take place some time next year.

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Monday, September 11, 1972


Palm trees are being planted along Waterfront Road on Hong Kong Island as part of the Urban Services Department’s plan to beautify the city*

The trees are being planted along the median strip on the section from Cotton Tree Drive to the Cross Harbour Tunnel.

An Urban Services Department spokesman said palm trees have been chosen because they are well suited to Hong Kong’s climate, and they also serve an ornamental purpose.

The planting is expected to be completed some time ’this week.

Palm trees are tropical plants rarely found in Hong Kong. The ones being planted have been brought from South China.

The trees have also been planted in Kowloon in the open area adjacent to the flyover spanning Gascoigne Road.

There are plans to plant them along Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kwun Tong Road, Gascoigne Road and at the junction o’f Argyle Street and Waterloo Road.



Monday, September 11, 1972

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A team from the Hong Kong Red Cross will tomorrow call at the Social Welfare Department’s Kwun Tong Hostel in response to a request from trainees resident there who want to donate blood. .

Trainees at the hostel go out to work in the daytime, but are required by the courts to live at the hostel under active SWD supervision for a certain time as a result of earlier contraventions ofrthe law. They are aged between 16 and 21.

Mr. Mak Wing-hong, Principal Social Welfare Officer (Correctional Institutions), says their decision to donate blood stems from a recent visit to the hostel by an official of the Hong Kong Red Cross Society.

He told the boys there was a serious shortage of blood in Hong Kong, and the Society was exploring every avenue to maintain its supply to hospitals, both government.and private, to help them meet emergency needs.

"The trainees reacted immediately with an offer to donate blood «

from among themselves,” Mr. Mak recalls. ”They asked that a collection unit call on them any evening after 8 o'clock, because they would .not be free earlier.

”1 think this is a very public-spirited gesture, and I hope it will be followed by similar contributions from other trainees.”

Members- of the staff of the hostel will also donate blood tomorrow night

Note to editors: You are invited to have the occasion covered. The donations will begin at the hostel assembly room in Kwun Tong at 8:^0 p.m. tomorrow.

Monday, September 11, 1972


Mrs. G.T. Rowe, wife of the Director of Social Welfare, spent

more than an hour this morning visiting the St. Christopher’s Home in

Tai Po

She was accompanied by Mrs. Evelyn Doe, Principal Social Welfare

Officer, West Kowloon District Office.

They were met by the Rev. Chiu Lin-chun, superintendent of the home, who introduced th'”” to members of the staff and showed them around

The home was founded in 1955* It was previously known as the Tai

Po Rural Home and Orphanage until 1953 when the name was changed to St. Christopher’s Home.

Located at the IjS/a milestone, Tai Po, it takes in ^40 children from birth up to 18.

Except for infants and toddlers who belong to the babies* section, which was opened in March 1963, the rest of the children are placed in individual ’’home units.” Basic primary education is available and there are also vocational training classes.

Both local and overseas adoptions are arranged for babies and young

children. Those reaching 18 years of age are helped into employment before they leave the home.

St. Christopher’s Home is a Chinese diocesan orphanage administered

by a committee with the Bishop of Hong Kong as chairman. It is financially supported by the Government, the Christian Children’s Fund Incorporated, and voluntary donations.


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Monday, September 11, 1972

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The Director of Commerce and Industry is advising exporters and manufacturers that the United Kingdom’s Trade Description Act 1972 will come into force at the end of this year.

The legislation requires conspicuous indications of the country of origin of all imported goods bearing a United Kingdom name or mark.

The Director said that exporters and manufacturers should, in their own interest, ensure that exports to the U.K. comply with thet new regulations.

The advice is contained in a special notice to exporters (Series 1 Britain No. 16/72) which is obtainable at the Commerce and Industry Department’s Textiles Licensing Office, 2nd floor, Fire Brigade Building.


Monday-,-September- 1'l4__1972

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Water supply to a number of premises in Happy Valley and Aberdeen on Hong Kong Island will be turned off for certain periods beginning late tomorrow and early on Wednesday,

The temporary stoppage in Happy Valley, which begins at 10 p.m. tomorrow and will last for eight hours, will enable the Waterworks Office to connect fresh water mains at the junction of Wong Nei Chong Road and Shan Kwong Road.

The area affected includes all premises in Po Shin Street, Fung Fai Terrace^ Village Terrace, Wang Tak Street, Nos. 1-7 Wong Nei Chong Road, Nos, 2 - 16C Shan Kwong Road, Nos. 2 - JO and 1 - 1JA Village Road.

In Aberdeen, the stoppage will last for five hours beginning from 1 a.m. on Wednesday (September 1J) while a leakage test for waste detection is carried out.

The area affected is bounded by Aberdeen Main Road from Aberdeen Technical School to Aberdeen Dock, including Old Main Street, Wu Nam Street, Wu Pak Street, Tung Sing Road, Chengtu Street, Sai On Street, Lok Yeung Street and Tsung Man Street.


Monday, September 11, 1972

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The rice import quota for the fourth quarter of 1972 has been provisionally fixed at 94,600 metric tons,7# per cent above the basic quota of 88,000 metric tons.

Commenting on the quota, a spokesman for the Commerce and Industry Department said today that rice consumption normally, increased in the last quarter with the advent of cooler weather. The size of the quota had been determined with this in mind. • .

"The department will keep developments in the rice trade under close review, and may issue a supplementary quota during the quarter , , should circumstances so warrant,” the spokesman said.

In the first eight months of this year Hong Kong imported 242,463 tons of rice. Of this Thailand supplied 65 per cent, China 28 per cent, and Australia 5 per cent. The remainder came mainly from Burma, the United States and North Vietnam.

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Monday, September 11, 1972

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Four Radio Hong Kong artistes today helped sell lottery tickets for the 55th Government Lottery and the special 10th Anniversary Government Lottery, at the Star Ferry concourse Jockey Club selling booth.

They were Miss Monita Miu, Miss Sheila Leung, Miss Kimray Got and Miss Stella Chan.

Later during a press conference, the Chairman of the Lotteries Management Committee, Mr. S.C. Wu urged members of the public to support the 55th Government Lottery, which is the last one to be held this year, and also the special anniversary lottery.

He pointed out that the special lottery will have seven winning numbers with bigger prizes than the ordinary lotteries.

The draw for both lotteries will be held on September 25•

After the draw, the Lung Cheung Troupe will perform a Chinese opera. Members of the public are welcome to attend. They can write to Radio Hong Kong, Kowloon P.O. Box 200 and ask for admission tickets, together with a self-addressed and stamped envelope.



Monday, September 11, 1972

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Statistics released today by the Medical and Health Department for the week ended on August 26, 1972 are as follows:-

Notifications of infectious cases (previous week’s figures in brackets) — total 222 (195); amoebiasis — nil (2); bacillary dysentery — 7 (7); tuberculosis — 199 (177); enteric fever (typhoid) — 10 (6);

leprosy — 3 (2); measles — 2 (nil) and ophthalmia neonatorum — 1 (1).

* Births — total registered 1,516; 385 on Hong Kong Island, 955 in Kowloon, and 196 in the New Territories.

* Deaths — 293 from all causes; 110 on the Island, 17^ in

Kowloon and 9 in the New Territories.

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Release Time: 7*00 P«m«

PRH 7 4000091


• •

Tuesday, September 12, 1972


The final section of the Cross Harbour Tunnel Connections Road project, the Marsh Road Flyover, “will be’open to traffic ‘at 10a.m. on Thursday (September 14).

The 800-foot flyover, consisting of a’22-foot wide‘•carriageway, provides access to the future'de veloprfle nt oh the eastern‘part "of Wan Chai reclamation, *the Carga Handling Area afld the Royal. Hong Kong Yacht Club.

It begins at the junction of Lockhart Road and Marsh Road and spans Jaffe Road, Gloucester Road and Waterfront Road, ending at the Wan Chai reclamation. - - - - - ----

Constructed at a cost of $2.5 million, the flyover took just over two years to complete.

A spokesman for the Consultants Management Division of the Public Works Department recalled that during the construction of the foundation, restrictions due to the proximity of the buildings had to be overcome.

In some cases, he said, concrete piles of up to 80 feet long and weighing 12 tons had to be handled within inches of buildings.

With the opening of the Marsh Road Flyover, motorists are advised that the existing temporary connection between the Wan Chai Ferry Concourse and the road east of the concourse will be closed.

West bound traffic from the Cargo Handling Area and the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club areas should use the new flyover.



Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191

Tuesday, September 12, 1972

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The Acting Director of Commerce and Industry, Mr. J.D. McGregor, announced today that the export of man-made-fibre knit fabrics in Category 211 and other textile items to the United States, during the current textile year, can now be resumed•

This agreement was reached during discussions with the United States Government in Washington last week.

The Commerce and Industry Department is now in the process of informing the companies which have applied for export authorisations in respect of these items of the arrangements tender which the exports may be made*

Tuesday, September 12, 1972

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Four more playgrounds, totalling about 1.5 acres, have been built for residents in the Chai Wan Resettlement Estates, bringing to almost seven acres the amount of land developed there for recreation.

The new playgrounds consist of a mini-soccer pitch, three basketball courts, a badminton-cum-volleyball court, two children’s playgrounds and a rest garden.

The completion of the playgrounds is another step towards the Urban Council’s target of providing adequate recreational facilities in densely populated areas.

Other projects being planned for the Chai Wan District include the

.'1 ... -A * • O’

extension of the existing Chai Wan Park to incorporate the former "Boy Scout t .J , < **.’ : -

Hill” which will be turned into a contour park with pavilions and seating platforms.

It is also planned to build a group of four rest gardens along Chai Wan Road, adjacent to the bus terminus.

Meanwhile, the first public playground on Lamma Island has been completed.

The playground, measuring about 7,000 square feet, is situated near *■ -

the Yung Shue Wan Village. It consists of several terraces, each provided with park benches and items of playground equipment.



Tuesday, September 12, 1972

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Thirty-one disabled people were assisted by the Social Welfare Department’s Liaison and Placement Unit into commercially-competitive jobs during August.

The group included 17 crippled, eight deaf, two former mental patients, two cured tuberculosis patients, one blind and one mentally retarded.

They were accepted into ’’open” industry — as opposed to sheltered

■. . ■ r.. ' < 1

workshops — as unskilled and semi-skilled workers. The jobs ranged from employment in a garment factory to carpentry.

Topping the list of industrial organisations taking on disabled during the month was the Swiss Plating Corporation Limited, which accepted 13*

This large placement became possible when the management decided to divide the group into different shifts so that some could work in the morning, others in the afternoon and others at night. All entered the factory as general workers.

The Lever Garment Factory accepted a group of six, engaging them all as sewers.

The Commerce and Industry Department took on a blind person as a telephone operator, and the Urban Services Department employed a crippled man for cleansing duties.

Mr. Chan Shiu-wing, Acting Officer in charge of the Unit, says the August total, though only slightly better than July’s 28, was still satisfactory because students on holiday were still in the market competing for temporary jobs.

He expects the position to improve in September when schools and the universities re-open.



Tuesday, September 12, 1972

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Staff of the Resettlement Department this morning removed about 50 illegal hawker stalls situated on the pavement along Lung Cheung Road in Ngau Chi Wan to make way for a flyover.

About hO hawkers trading there have been given an alternative site in nearby Hammer Hill Bazaar,

All the hawkers removed their wares late last night and when Squatter Control Staff arrived this morning they found the illegal structures had already been vacated.

There was no opposition and the operation went off smoothly.

As soon as the demolition work was completed construction gangs moved in to begin work on the $20 million flyover complex which is connected with the Kowloon Foothills Corridor.

A government spokesman said work on the flyover project had to proceed immediately because tenders for the job had already been accepted.

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Water supply to certain premises in the midlevels will be turned off for eight hours beginning from 10 p.m. tomorrow (September 13)•

The temporary stoppage will enable the Waterworks Office to connect fresh water mains.

The area affected includes Nos. 6A - 6B Fairwind Manor in Seymour Road, Nos. 25A - 53 Seymour Road and Nos. 144 - 158 Caine Road.


Release Time: 6,50 p.m.

PRH 7 4000091


Wednesday, September 13, 1972


Additional facilities costing over 811 million are to be built at Hong Kong Airport as part of Stage IV of the Terminal Building Modifications.

The work involved in the project includes the construction of four "bus docks” at a cost of 88.7 million, and a number of additional airbridges•

With a forecast increase in the number of ”jumbos” and other wide-bodied aircraft, it is necessary to provide for greater numbers of passengers passing through the terminal building.

At present six airlines operating through Hong Kong are using Boeing 7^7 fs providing over 80 movements a week.

As more aircraft will now have to park at the outlying stands, it has been decided that four bus docks will be built in front of the main terminal building, on the parking apron, so that the passengers on these aircraft can board quickly.

Each dock will have a waiting area connected to the main departure lounge where passengers will be grouped immediately before departure.

When ready they will descend to the apron level by escalators where buses will take them to aircraft in outlying bays.

This method will reduce the number of buses, thus easing congestion on the parking apron, and also allow better use of the main departure lounge.

/The docks •••••••

Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191

Wednesday, September 13, 1972

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The docks will also enable arriving passengers to ascend to the arrival level in the terminal building.

A spokesman for the Civil Aviation Department said today: With the implementation of these more efficiently designed bus docks, it is hoped to reduce or eliminate delays to passengers which would otherwise have been inevitable as a result of constantly increasing air traffic during the course of the next few years."

It is also proposed that a second airbridge be installed at aircraft parking bays Nos. 3, 4 and 3» in addition to the ones already approved for each bay.

At present, bays 6 and 7 have three airbridges, and bay 8 two.

As a further step to aid in the docking of aircraft at these airbridges, automatic guidance equipment will be fitted in bays 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. f,This guidance equipment has been tried in bay 8 and was found to be successful,” the spokesman added.

The overall Stage IV project includes expansion of all public and passenger waiting areas, additional office accommodation, a multi-storey car park, an enlarged arrivals hall, a new mechanised outgoing baggage hand!ing system and an enlarged incoming baggage handling system.

The estimated cost of Phase I of this project will now be $35 million with the addition of the new bus docks and extra airbridges.

flThe whole of Stage IV will eventually allow the terminal building to provide a capability of handling passengers at the rate of 3,200 per hour,” the spokesman concluded.



Wednesday, September 15, 1972

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The Urban Services Department is requesting the courts to impose daily fines on operators of unlicensed food businesses as a deterrent against this public health hazard.

It is part of the department’s campaign to clamp down on these operators in the urban area.

A spokesman for the Urban Services Department explained today that in the past a small fixed penalty had not been effective because it was found that they simply carried on with their illegal business.

”In order to discourage the operation of the unlicensed food businesses,” he continued, ”it is necessary to impose fines which are really severe and really ’hurt the pockets’ of the offenders.”-

The Food Business By-Laws stipulate that anyone found guilty of an offence under these by-laws is liable to a maximum fine of $2,000 and three months imprisonment.

’’If the offence a continuous one, .the offender is liable, in addition to the fixed penalty, to a fine of $50 for each day during which the illegal business is .found operating,” the spokesman added.

Hew cited two recent cases in which the court imposed rather severe fines on two unlicensed food business, -operators.

/In one ......

Wednesday, September 13, 1972

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In one case, the proprietor of an unlicensed general restaurant in To Kwa Wan was fined $50 and in addition, the magistrate imposed a daily fine of $5 for 58 days. The other offender was prosecuted and convicted by the magistrate for operating an unlicensed food business in Queen's Road Central. He was fined $100 plus a daily fine of $10 for 43 days.

The spokesman warned: ”The Urban Services Department will continue to request the courts to impose daily fines on operators of illegal food business for the sake of public health.”



Mr. Cheung Chip, a postman, is retiring on Friday (September 15) after serving the Post Office for over 34 years.

He joined the Post Office in March, 1938 and has been delivering mail to residents of Prince Edward Road, Mong Kok, for nearly 25 years.

To mark his retirement, a souvenir contributed by colleagues will be presented to him on Friday.

The presentation will be made by Mr, Li Yun-gun, Senior Controller of Posts (Traffic) at the Kowloon Central Post Office at 1.55 p.m.

Note to Editors: You are cordially invited to have the presentation ceremony covered.



Wednesday, September 1J, 1972

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Another campaign to recruit more labourers to keep Hong Kong’s streets clean, in response to the ’’Clean Hong Kong” campaign, is to be launched by the Urban Services Department.

The first recruiting drive was held just over a week ago when 210 applicants turned up.

The new one will begin on September 20 and a temporary office will again operate in Kowloon Park to receive applications for the posts of labourer from 9.J0 a.m. to 5 p*m.

With a 10 per cent pay increase last month and a $45 "dirty work” allowance from next month, the job now pays $555 a month, plus cost of living allowances. Fringe benefits include free medical services, free uniforms, and free hostel accommodation for single workers.

About 700 vacancies for labourers exist in the Urban Services Department, including 400 in the Cleansing Division. Able-bodied men not over 45 years of age are welcome to apply for the job, the spokesman added.



Wednesday, September 13, 1972

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The Building Authority today declared dangerous a building in Central District known as both No. 8 Staveley Street and No. 8 Tung Shing Lane.

At the same time, it said that the building at both No. 6 Staveley Street and No. 6 Tung Shing Lane, and the building at No. 9 Tung Shing Lane were liable to become dangerous.

The Principal Government Building Surveyor said today that the two three-storey pre-war buildings which front both Staveley Street and Tung Shing Lane were examined during routine inspections. It was found that the brick piers in the front main wall of No. 8 were severely fractured at both first and second floor levels and there was a danger that the front wall would collapse.

The load-bearing brick party wall between Nos. 6 and 8 was also fractured at several places and it was considered that this could not be retained on the demolition of No. 8.

No. 9 Tung Shing Lane, which is also a three-storey pre-war building, was shored following the demolition under order of No. 7 Tung Shing Lane in 1967 and the old party wall between No. 9 and the vacant site of No. 7 is dependent on this shoring which will be removed on demolition of No. 8 Staveley Street.

Notices of intention to apply for closure orders in Victoria District Court at 9»3O a.m. on October 24 were posted today.



Wednesday, September 15, 1972

- 7 -



Water supply to certain premises in Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon will be turned off for five hours beginning from 1 a.m. on Friday (September 15)•

The temporary stoppage will enable the Waterworks Office to carry out a leakage test.

The area affected is bounded by Tai Hang Tung Road, Tong Yam Street, and Woh Chai Street, including Shek Kip Mei Resettlement Estate Blocks 1 to 8.




Six lots of Crown land, with a total area of over 110,000 square feet, will be offered for sale at a public auction at the City Hall on Friday (September 15)•

A seventh lot, which was originally scheduled to be put on sale at the auction, has been withdrawn.

The land is located in King Lam Street in Kowloon. It has an area of 30,750 square feet.

All six lots to be auctioned are- for non-industrial purposes. Four of them are on Hong Kong Island and the other two in Kowloon.



Wednesday, September 1J, 1972

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The Director of Commerce and Industry today advised exporters and manufacturers about the ’’swing” arrangements for the export of restrained textiles to Norway in the extended restraint period from July 1, 1972 to December JI, 1972.

Under the existing textiles agreement there is provision for a 10 per cent swing between categories. Six categories are inlcuded in this arrangement.

On the advice of the Textiles Advisory Board, the ’’swing” will be carried out in two phases. The first phase begins immediately and the second about October 16.

Trade associations and companies on the Commerce and Industry Department’s mailing list for notice to exporters Series 6 (Europe, other than Britain and the European Economic Community) will" receive copies soon.

People wishing to get advance copies are asked to contact either Miss M.P.L. To, Assistant Trade Officer, on H-229777 or Mr. A.R. Swinton, Industry Assistant on H-247J1J.


Release Time: 6.J0 p.m.

PRH 7 4000091


Thursday, September 14, 1972



Her Royal Highness Princess Alexandra will arrive in Hong Kong on October 21 on an official visit and will stay until October 26. .

The Princess will be accompanied by her husband, the Hon. Angus Ogilvy. They will be the guests of Sir Murray and Lady MacLehose.

During her stay here, Princess Alexandra will carry out a number of engagements in her capacity as Honorary Commandant-General of the Royal Hong Kong Police and the Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Police.

She will open a new polyclinic in Tsuen Wan and visit a number of social welfare institutions.

The Princess will also open the British Industrial Exhibition on October 2J.

Early in her visit, Princess Alexandra will drive through the crossharbour tunnel and unveil a plaque to mark her visit to the tunnel company.


Note to Editors: Full details of the programme for Tier

visit will be announced when they have been finalised.

Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191


Thursday, September 14, 1972

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The Government is considering new plans for a further extension of the mains water supply to remote areas of the New Territories.

The initial programme, a four-year scheme to connect 1 ages in the Tai Po and Yuen Long Districts, began in March 19&9 and is now nearing completion.

The provision of treated drinking water to the villages has become increasingly necessary over the years booaus-a* in many fcwadjJinnai.

sources of water from streams and wells are no longer adequate to cope with the increase in population.

These sources may also become contaminated through the changes in land usage from rice growing to animal farming and industrial and residential developments.

Under the existing four-year plan, some 53.000 villagers in five areas of the Tai Po District are receiving treated mains water, while in the Yuen Long area some 42,000 people will eventually benefit from the scheme*

This year no less than three major water schemes were completed to bring a reliable water supply to rural communities.

In May, 20,000 residents of Tai 0 on Lantau Island saw the inauguration of a new Si»5 million supply scheme which draws on the resources of the Shek Pik Reservoir.

/In April,

Thursday, September 14, 1972

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In April, a 321 million Tuen Mun water supply scheme was officially opened to provide fully treated water from the Tai Lam Chung Reservoir to people in the Castle Peak area.

Early in January, water from the Kowloon distribution system was brought to Sai Kung town with the inauguration of a 33*5 million water supply scheme*

The scheme not only benefits some 5,000 people in the town, it also brought clean mains water to a further 5,000 people in villages along the route of the pipeline from Kowloon.

-------0--------- >



Water supply to certain premises in Pokfulam will be turned off for five hours beginning from 1 a.m. on Saturday (September 16)

The temporary stoppage will enable the Waterworks Office to carry out a leakage test for waste detection.

The area affected is from No. 102 to 156 Pokfulam Road, including Queen Mary Hospital and all its quarters.



Thursday, September 14, 1972

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A detailed study of Hong Kong*s industrial employment for the third quarter of 1972, including the number of vacancies in industry, is now under way.

The Labour Department, which is carrying out the survey, has sent out printed forms to the managements of all registered and recorded industrial establishments asking them to provide the necessary information as the situation stands on September 15 (tomorrow).

The cards, printed in both English and Chinese, should be returned to the Department on or before next Wednesday (September 20)•

The number of people employed and vacancies in each of the main industries will be calculated from the information collected. These statistics provide useful information on trends of employment over the years.

A spokesman for the Labour Department said today that it was hoped all managements would ensure that the cards were completed accurately and promptly returned in the reply-paid envelopes provided.

He added that the co-operation received in the last survey resulted in an almost total coverage of larger industrial establishments. However, the previous overall response rate of 61 per cent could be improved if all r smaller establishments would respond promptly to the survey.

The information provided is kept strictly confidential and used only for compiling statistical information. The cards are not for the • • • • r • • • • enforcement of labour legislation, and will be destroyed under supervision when the relevant information has been extracted.

0 _______


Thursday, September 14, 1972

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Figures released by the Medical and Health Department today show that 1,611 doses of anti-measles vaccine were administered during the fifth week of the current nine-week campaign.

Of the total, 257 doses were administered to children on the Island, 799 in Kowloon, and 555 in the New Territories.

Since the campaign began on August 8, the number of children immunised now stands at 8,375-

"The figure is *'oor and nn+hing is gained by pretending that we are happy with the results achieved," said Dr. J.K. Craig, Acting Director of Medical and Health Services.

He estimated that of the 32+OiO<X) children in the nine-months-to-five-years age group, about 50 per cent are susceptible, having neither suffered from the disease nor beten immunised against it, and the message to have them protected is primarily addressed to their parents.

Unless these children are immunised, there is still the possibility of a measles epidemic.

"May I repeat once more that although measles is a common disease, it remains the last major childhood infectious disease that we have to bring under control in Hong Kong," Dr. Craig said. "We want to prevent it as far as possible to protect our young children from disability and possible death which may follow an attack of measles."

/He reminded ........

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He reminded mothers that for the remainder of the campaign period of four weeks, in addition to the maternal and child health centres offering anti-measles vaccine to children in the age group, 25 new fixed centres have been set up in resettlement estates, health offices, government clinics and dispensaries, as well as hospitals.

There are 21 mobile teams with 48 inoculators making door-to-door visits to residents in resettlement and housing estates*

In the New Territories, in addition to the fixed centres in town areas, mobile teams are visiting villages. The department’s two floating dispensaries, or clinic launches, are a1*? pr-ovid-’rr irrr-.misation for children in the outlying islands.

When the campaign is over, free anti-measles vaccine will continue to be routinely available at all maternal and child health centres.

Dr. Craig concluded: ”1 urge parents is Hong Kong to give us the support we require, and I appeal to their common sense”* ------------------------------------0----------


Note to Editors: A 10-day ECAFE meeting on Shippers’ Co-operation

will be held in Hong Kong next week. The meeting is being organised by ECAFE with the assistance of the Governments of Hong Kong and Norway and the Hong Kong Shippers’ Council.

The opening session will take place at the City

Hall Theatre at 10 a.m. on Monday, September 18. You are welcome to have it covered. Admission will be by means of press badges and these are now available for collection from the GIS Press Room.

- ■ . _ o .. ..--


Thursday, September 1^, 1972

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An exhibition entitled ”Foundations for Art and Design1' showing paintings and drawings by students of the University of Hong Kong Extramural Department opened this evening at the City Museum and Art Gallery.

On display are paintings, two- and three-dimensional work, drawings, prints and special projects by the students who are attending a Certificate Course in Fundamentals of Art and Design.

With the help of captions and explanatory notes, the exhibition illustrates the structure and philosophy of the course which provides a foundation training for all aspects of art and design, with equal emphasis on theoretical studies as well as practical studio work.

It has been organised by the University of Hong Kong and the Urban Council and will continue until October 8. Previous exhibitions of this kind have shown the works of students at the Chinese University’s Department of Extramural studies and the former Hong Kong Technical College now the Polytechnic.

The series of exhibitions reflects the fact that art and design, long neglected in Hong Kong, is gaining more and more attention.



Thursday, September I1*, 1972

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A special children’s competition run in conjunction with the Hong Kong Arts Festival 1972 proved so popular that similar ones are expected to be held in the future.

More than 1,800 children participated in the competition which was based on their powers of observation, logical thinking, imagination and written and pictorial expression.

It was the first of its kind and according to a spokesman for the City Museum and Art Gallery led many school children to a closer understanding of the contents of the collection in the museum.

A number of medals of merit and trophies are being awarded to individual winners and schools for their outstanding performance in the Children’s Museum Competition.



Thursday, September 14, 1972



Special church services will be held at St. John’s Anglican Cathedral, the Roman Catholic Cathedral, St. Teresa’s Church and All Saints’ Church to commemorate Education Sunday on September 17•

All teachers and pupils are welcome to attend these services which are held to encourage them in the tasks that lie ahead in the current school year. The services begin at 11:00 a.m.

The services at St. John’s Cathedral and St. Teresa’s Church will be conducted in English while the service at the Roman Catholic Cathedral will be in both Cantonese and English. The service at All Saints’ Church will be conducted in Cantonese only. Mr. Canning, the Director of Education, will attend the service at the Roman Catholic Cathedral.

At St. John’s Cathedral, the preacher will be Dr. B.M. Kotewall, Principal of St. Paul’s Co-Educational College.

Other Education Department representatives include Mr. C.J.G. Lowe, Deputy Director of Education (Administration), who will read a lesson at the service at St. John’s Cathedral; Mr. N.M. Ho, Deputy Director of Education (Professional), who will attend the service at St. Teresa’s Church and give a talk; and Mr. Raymond Huang, Principal, Queen’s College, who will be present at the service at All Saints’ Church, Kowloon.

Release Time: 6<30 p.m

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PRH 7 4000091


Friday, September 15f 1972



The report of the Committee of Inquiry into the closure of Chong Hing Mansion was made public today.

The first part of the report deals with the question of whether any further assistance should be given by the Government to those affected, in •• addition to the offer of resettlement.

. - 1 ‘.‘i

In a summary of its findings on this first term of reference, the Committee expressed the opinion that the public officers concerned at the tine of occupation acted ’’inadvisedly”. The Committee felt therefore that there was a ’’moral justification for helping those tenants to whose loss the Government’s action contributed”.

It went on to say that the Government had already met this in part by offering resettlement to domestic tenants.

However, the Committee felt that there was also moral justification for additional help to those carrying on businesses in shops, staircase shops, workshops or commercial undertakings if no further payments were made by the Liu Chong Hing Bank Limited.

/FIere .........

Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191

Friday, September 15, 1972

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Here the Committee again stressed that it regarded the company as ’’primarily responsible for the whole situation”. The Committee said, however, that the present Board of Directors of the Liu Chong Hing Bank had shown a fair degree of responsibility since the date on which the Chong Hing Mansion was declared dangerous. It also pointed out that the criticism of the bank only applied to the former management.

Commenting on the first part of the report a Government spokesman said.today that the principal owners of the building had already made ex-gratia payments and assisted tenants and small shop owners of the building, and this assistance had been accepted by all concerned.

The bank had also helped a number of non-domestic tenants with additional payments, credit facilities, loans at low interest rates or alternative accommodation.

The spokesman said that in view of this it had been decided that no further Government assistance was necessary.


In the second part of the report, the Committee reached three main con elusions

a. that the provisions of the Buildings Ordinance are adequate to ensure that a building is not occupied until an occupation permit has been issued. However, it found that the value of the permits in indicating that the building was safe largely depended on the reliance to be placed on the certificates of authorised architects and registered contractors ”as to which we (the Committee) have strong doubts”.

/b. The .........

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b. The administrative procedures and methods of inspection by the Public Works Department are adequate to ensure that the provisions of the Buildings Ordinance relating to the obtaining of occupation permits are properly enforced.

c. Because of a shortage of staff the procedures and methods are not adequate to cope with unauthorised changes of use after the issue of an occupation permit.

In the light of this, the Committee recommended that consideration be given to devising means of improving the reliability of certificates signed by authorised architects and registered contractors.

It also said that a Control and Enforcement Section of the Buildings Ordinance Office should be established and a programme of inspections devised so that unauthorised changes of use after the issue of an occupation permit could be detected and dealt with at an early stage.


The Government spokesman, commenting on the second part of the report, said that these recommendations had been accepted and "legislation is now being prepared which will enable: the Building Authority to order a person responsible for carrying out dangerous or potentially dangerous building works to remedy the situation^

"If the order is not complied with, the Building Authority will be able to remedy the situation and recover the cost from the developer.

"Steps are also being taken to raise substantially the penalties for certain serious offences, including the use of defective materials and deviation from approved plans. It is also proposed to consider the introduction of penalties for continuing offences under the Ordinance."

/The control ........

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The control and enforcement effort which would be necessary to prevent all unauthorised changes of use after the issue of an occupation permit would be very substantial. But the spokesman said that consideration was already being given to ways in which the Buildings Ordinance Office could best provide this.

Chong Hing Mansion, comprising 10 post-war houses, was ordered closed in May 1971 because the building was in an advanced state of deterioration and in danger of collapse.

The Committee was set up on March 17, 1971 under the chairmanship of

District Judge, Mr. P.F.X. Leonard. Its members were: • ... • r Mr. Lam Chik-ho, Building Contractor Mr. Jon A. Prescott, Architect

■ Mr. N.M. Gleeson, Assistant Registrar General (Land Office) Mr. P.B. Williams, Deputy Secretary for Home Affairs.

The report of the Committee into the first term of reference was made in May, 1971 and on the remaining matters in October 1971- Since this time, the matters raised in the report have had to be given detailed and thorough consideration by all departments concernedo » I *7 , • *

Building Inspections r.

Meanwhile, another aspect of the work of the Buildings Ordinance Office -the inspection of buildings during their construction - is tp be improved.

Approval in principle has been given by the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council to expand the inspection staff so that more frequent and systematic inspections of buildings under construction ar^ made, as a check that they are being erected in accordance with approved plans. .. *

/The Government ........

Friday, September 15, 1972

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The Government spokesman emphasised that it has always been the responsibility of the authorised architect and registered contractor to ensure that a building is being constructed safely and in accordance with the approved plans.

He said the expansion of the Buildings Ordinance Office staff would help to ensure that they were carrying out their duties and responsibilities properly, but it did not mean that the B.0.0. was usurping the functions of the architect or assuming his responsibilities.

Friday, September 15, 1972

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The Ko Chiu Road Government Low Cost Housing Estate at Yau Tong Bay, which contains some 4,000 low rent flats in 11 domestic blocks, is now nearing the end of its development.

On completion, it will have all the amenities of a small township, with 13 children’s play areas, mini parks, market facilities, clinics, restaurants, shops and a bus terminus.

The final phase of work involves the construction of roads, car parks, and recreation areas, ground- surfacing, and drainage work.

A bus terminus, to be paved with concrete, will also be built. It requires prior site clearance and the building of a retaining wall.

The work is estimated to cost almost S1 million and is expected to begin in November this year for completion six months later.

‘ * *Ih Addition, remedial work will be carried out on an embankment near blocks 9 and 10 which was damaged in the June rainstorms. It will include repairs to the broken surface water channels.

The work is to be finished about January next year.



Friday, September 15, 1972

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A section of the Murray Road temporary open-air car park in Central District is to be closed with effect from midnight on September 28.

The Transport Department announced today that the closure involves 168 parking spaces in the north-west corner of the car park which is bounded by Harcourt Road, Murray Road, Queensway and Cotton • • Tree Drive.

The land was bought at auction late last year by Hutchison International Limited and it is now required for the development of • • «-■ a 2^ storey office block. The project, costing about 860 million, win incorporate shopping arcades and display centres.

The loss of 168 parking spaces is more than compensated for by the provision of 500 spaces in the new ex—Naval Dockyard car park just across the road.

Another 900 spaces will be available when the Murray Road multistorey car park is opened next year. • • • -f f* • • •• •



Friday, September 15, 1972

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The Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose today received a scroll containing the Declaration of the Rehabilitation International from Mr. John Broinowski, President of the 1972 World Rehabilitation Congress.

The scroll was handed over to Sir Murray at a simple ceremony at

Government House. - .

Mr, Broinowski, is in Hong Kong on an official visit. Also present at the ceremony were Dr. Harry Fang, Executive Vice-President of Rehabilitation Internationale Mr, David Lo, the National Secretary of Rehabilitation International, Hong Kong, Mrs, Mary Wong, Chairman of the Hong Kong Council of Social. Service, Mr, L.B, MacQuarrie, Director of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, and Mr. P,B. Williams, Principal Assistant Colonial Secretary (Social Services).

Rehabilitation International, which has just ended its 1972 World Congress in Sydney, has declared the 1970s as the Decade of Rehabilitation.

The declaration urges all nations to guarantee the rights of the disabled.

The scroll presented to the Governor says in part: ”It is our hope and plea that, during this decade and forever after, there will be in every nation reasonable assurance that the rights of the disabled are protected and that each has a fair opportunity to realize his aspirations.”

Hong Kong is an affiliated member of the organisation and is represented by the Rehabilitation Division of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service.

New ideas and concepts in rehabilitation as well as details of research in this field are regularly exchanged between members.

/After ........

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After receiving the scroll the Governor said: "It gives me very much pleasure to accept this Declaration of the Decade of Rehabilitation# It is a symbol of the deep concern that exists in the world for disabled people#

”We in Hong Kong share this concern.

"In this field we have very substantial problems# We al Toady have extensive medical and educational facilities for the physically handicapped and mentally retarded, and other schemes including priority for housing and assistance and counselling for social adjustment - to name a few#

"But our services are still insufficient to cater for all those in

Hong Kong who need them, and we are addressing ourselves to the problem of an adequate expansion programme. In this programme the Government and the voluntary agencies will both have major parts to play.

"I am grateful for your visit which will be an encouragement to all working in this important field."


Friday, September 15, 1972

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Two new rest gardens - one covering about 78,000 square feet-* are to be provided by the Government on both sides of the harbour.

The larger one will be built to the north of the Wang Tau Hom Resettleqiemt Estate# Much of the site will be reserved for turfing and the planting of flower beds while park benches and footpaths will also be provided.

On Hong Kong Island, a new rest garden covering about 4,500 square feet and including a sitting-out area is to be built at Chung Hom Kok next to the Cheshire Home.

At the same time extra barbecue pits will be added to the existing facilities at the Old Gun Post on the southern tip of Chung Hom Kok>

The Wang Tau Hom project will begin at the end of October and is expected to be finished within four months, while that at Chung Hom Kok should start around November and be ready by next February.

In the mean time, the largest skating rink ever built by the Urban Council is now open to the public. It is in the Kowloon Tsai Park.

The rink was built at a cost of $120,000 and occupies an area of 9,000 square feet.


Friday, September 15, 1972

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TENDERS for resettlement shops and restaurants

The Government is again inviting tenders for the renting of some 23 resettlement shops and seven restaurants in estates situated on Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and the New Territories.

Tenancies will be for a term of three years in the case of shops and four years for restaurants. The tenancies are renewable subseot to re-negotiation and rental re-assessment.

Although part of the specified shop premises may be used for domestic purposes, there can be no sub-letting.

Each of the shops to be let has been designated for a particular trade to provide a balanced shopping centre for the estates.

Successful tenderers will not be allowed, under normal circumstances, to change their trades and in case of a breach of lease conditions, the the lease will be terminated.

A Resettlement Department spokesman said today that anyone who is over 21 years can tender for these shops and restaurants, but the final decision will rest with the Central Tender Board.

Deposits of 3500 for shop premises or $2,000 for restaurant premises tendered will be requiried as a pledge of the bona fides of the tenderer, but will be refunded if it is unsuccessful.

Anyone who wants further details may call personally at the Resettlement Department at 692, Prince Edward Road, San Po Kong Government Offices, 4th floor, Kowloon.

Friday, September 15, 1972



The Port Health Authority has imposed quarantine restrictions

on arrivals from three ports in Indonesia - Pakanbaru, Bana-Atjeh and Tjilatjap - because of cholera.

Similar restrictions have been imposed on arrivals from Nhatrang (port and airport) in South Vietnam because of both plague and cholera.

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Release Time: 7.00 p.m,

PRH ; 4000091


Saturday, September 16, 1972



The Director of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Jack Cater, will address the opening session of the IG-day ECAFE meeting on Shippers’ Co-operation in Hong Kong on Monday (September 18)•

The opening ceremony begins at 10 a.m. at the City .Hall Theatre and will be attended by ECAFE officials and delegates from 19 members and associate members of ECAFE.

The meeting proper will then move to the Colonial Secretariat for the lectures, discussions and presentation of reports on various problems related to shipping.

Hong Kong’s delegates to the meeting will be Mr. G.A. Milward, Acting Principal Marine Officer; Mr. Jonathan Ng, Acting Trade Officer, Department of Commerce and Industry; Mrs. S. Yuen, Secretary of the Hong Kong Shippers’ Council; Mr. J.P. Lee, Secretary General of the Chinese Manufacturers’ Association; and Mr. Chung Sze-leung, Manager, International Trade Department, Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce.

The meeting will be the third on shipping to be organised under the auspices of ECAFE.

The first, held in Bangkok in January 1970, was on shipping economics and administrative policy and the second, held in Singapore in May this year, was on the management of tramps, tankers and purpose-built tonnage.

/The present ......

Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191

Saturday, September 16, 1972

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The present meeting, organised by ECAFE with the assistance of the Norwegian and Hong Kong Governments and the Hong Kong Shippers’ Council, is designed to familiarise participants with specific aspects of the formation and effective operation of shippers’ organisation.

A Government spokesman recalled today that an ECAFE meeting held in Bangkok last December recognised that potential benefits for shippers could be gained from the establishment of well organised shippers’ councils.

He said: ’’One of the major requirements for the effective operation of these councils is the availability of trained personnel qualified in shipping and allied fields.”

That was why the ECAFE secretariat organised this regional meeting on shippers’ co-operation in Hong Kong, he added.

During the 10-day meeting, the participants will review, such subjects as methods of forming shippers’ organisations, freight rates, port efficiency and shippers’ co-operative action.

There will be lectures by speakers provided by the Norwegian Government, the Hong Kong Shippers’ Council and the ECAFE secretariat. Case studies will also be presented to the participants for discussion.

Next Wednesday (September 20),-the delegates will have a break from the meeting to visit the $500 million container complex at Kwai Chung. The first berth there was used for the first time last week when the 59,000-ton ”Tokyo Bay” moored alongside.

/The delegates

Saturday, September 16, 1972

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The delegates will also visit the Marine Department, the Hong Kong and Kowloon Wharf and Godown Co., Ltd., and Hong Kong Airport.

The meeting will end on September 27•

Note to Editors: For the duration of the meeting, there will be a documents office at the conference room on the first floor of the Colonial Secretariat. Press representatives are welcome to make use of it for information.


Saturday, September 16, 1972

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Temporary stalls for housing agricultural exhibits will soon be set up on the Sek Kong Airstrip — the site for this year’s Agricultural Show organised by the Agriculture and Fisheries Department.

The Show, to be held from December 8 to 11, aims at familiarising the public as well as local farmers with new developments and techniques in both crop and livestock husbandry.

It should also stimulate public interest in the farming industry and in the conservation of the countryside.

More than JO stalls will be set up for staging displays by government departments, in particular the Agriculture and Fisheries Department, and for exhibiting items submitted by fanners for competition.

A number of others will be set up by some JO commercial firms for showing their products and services.

An entertainment programme is also planned for visitors who are expected to reach 150,000 this year.



Saturday, September 16, 1972

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**♦'»♦* -

Note to Editors: Mrs. G.T. Rowe, wife of the Director of

Social Welfare, will visit Pelletier Hall, in Clear Water Bay Road, on Monday (September 18) at about 11 a.m. She will be accompanied by Mrs. Evelyn Doe, Principal Social Welfare Officer. The Hall is run by the Good Shepherd Sisters, who belong to a worldwide organisation founded in 1835 by Rose Virginia Pelletier. The work of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd is primarily the re-education and character formation of girls with maladjusted personalities or who are anti-social. The Sisters first came to Hong Kong in October 1951* In 1952, the/ provided residential care for girls in 11 Nissen huts at Hung Hom. Pelletier Hall was built-in 1955 with the help of a government grant and an interest-free loan. You are invited to have the visit covered, and your news team should arrive at the Hall, NKIL 3786, Clear Water Bay Road, Kowloon, telephone K-203884, at 10.45 a.m.



Saturday, September 16, 1972

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The Transport Department announced today that a section of Plantation Road on the Peak will be closed to traffic for about four months to enable remedial works to be carried out.

The section affected lies between the access road to House

No. 37 and the junction with Gough Hill Road.

Part of the road collapsed following a landslide during heavy rains in August.

At the same time, the department announced that from 10 a.m. on Monday (September 18) the section of Shan Kwong Road between King Kwong Street and Village Road will be re-routed from two-way to one-way southbound to facilitate drainage works.

Northbound traffic along Shan Kwong Road south of Village Road will be diverted westwards down Village Road. This arrangement will last for about months.

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Saturday, September 16, 1972



Hong Kong is to host the third annual meeting of Governing Board of the Regional Centre for Education in Science and Mathematics (RECSAM) which begins at the Lee Gardens Hotel, Causeway Bay, next Tuesday, September 19*

RECSAM is a project of the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organisation (SEAMEO) which has been established by the governments of Southeast Asian countries to promote regional co-operation in education.

The founding members of the SEAMEO are Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and the Republic of Vietnam.

The Director of Education, Mr. J. Canning, will officiate at the opening ceremony.

Among those taking part in the five-day meeting are delegates from the eight SEAMEO member countries, RECSAM officials, counsultants from Britainfthe United States and representatives from universities, the Polytechnic and Colleges of Education in Hong Kong.

RECSAM receives its funds from two main sources, namely, the Government of Malaysia with financial assistance from the United States Government up to 1975*

It is also receiving financial and/or technical assistance from the Dutch, British and Japanese governments and member states of SEAMEO and also international organisations, such as UNESCO.


Saturday, September 16, 1972

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One of its major functions is to conduct leadership training courses on curriculum development and evaluation for key teacher leaders, teacher educators and other key personnel concerned with the teaching of science and mathematics in the region.

It also assists and strengthens programmes and facilities in the teaching of science and mathematics in member states by the provision of consultant and special service.

Note to Editors:

Note to Editors:

You are cordially invited to send a report and/or photographer to cover the opening ceremony in the Banquet Hall, Lee Gardens Hotel, 22nd floor, Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay, on Tuesday, September 19j at 9 a.m.



Copies of a press article on the new anti-litter law in Chinese and English will be available for collection in the Press Room, G.I.S., tomorrow (Sunday) at 3 p.m. together with copies of a poster in both languages.


Saturday, September 16, 1972

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Artistes from four broadcasting stations in Hong Kong will help in the publicity work for the special 10th Anniversary Government Lottery.

They are Miss Landy Wong from Radio Hong Kong, Miss Wan Fong-ling from Commercial Radio, Miss Lisa Wang from HK-TVB and Miss Stella Chee from RTV.

They will sell lottery tickets next Monday in the Star Ferry concourse Jockey Club selling booth to arouse greater public interest in the special lottery.

Following this, they will attend a press conference in the City Hall Restaurant at 1 p.mt, and also draw the winning numbers at the lucky draw to be held on September 23, together with the lucky draw of the 55th Government Lottery.

The two draws will be held in the City Hall Concert Hall at 10 a.m.

Radio Hong Kong is sending four artistes — Miss Monita Mui, Miss Sheila Leung, Miss Kimmy Got and Miss Stella Chan — to draw the winning numbers for the 55th Government Lottery. Their Lung Cheung Troupe will perform a Cantonese opera after the draw.

Up till 12 noon today, a total of 244,000 tickets has been sold for the 10th Anniversary Government Lottery, and a total of 233,000 tickets has been sold for the 55th Government Lottery.

Note to Editors: You are cordially invited to send a representative to the press conference on Monday. The four artistes will be selling tickets at 12.45 p.m. You are welcome to send a reporter and/or photographer to cover the event.

w - w -0 -------

Release time: 2.30 P*n*

PRH 7 4000091


Tuesday, September 19 j 1972



The General Consumer Price Index rose to 142 points during August up four points on the July figure.

The increase was due mainly to a rise of six points in the index for food and an increase of four points in the index for miscellaneous goods.

Rises of two points each were recorded in the index for fuel and light and the index for clothing and footwear#

There were also increases of one point each in the index for durable goods and the index for transport and vehicles# Movements in the indexes for other sections of commodity and service were insignificant.

The prices of fresh vegetables went up as a result of a significant drop in local supplies and supplies from China.

Increases were also recorded in the average retail prices of fresh water fish, salt water fish, rice, beef and poultry, which led to some restaurants putting up their menu prices. On the other hand, the average retail price of fresh fruits dropped.

The Modified Consumer Price Index for August was 146, four points higher than that for the previous month, and five points higher than for the corresponding month in 1971•



Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191

Tuesday, September 19, 1972

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****«*««* * i

The Hong Kong Sea School is to be granted a piece of land at Shuen Wan in the New Territories and a capital subsidy of 81,176,000 for a new school.

When completed the school will be operated in conjunction with the existing subsidised Hong Kong Sea School at Stanley.

A building containing eight classrooms will be built on the Shuen Wan site. This will provide ample facilities to accommodate a total of 480 pupils in two daily sessions.

A spokesman for the Education Department said today that the proposed school will cater for boys aged 14 - 16 and the emphasis will be on preparing them for work at sea.

The school accommodation for which the grant was sought will foiro part of a larger complex which will provide boarding accommodation for all the pupils.

The boarding accommodation and ancillary facilities will be built with private funds, but the sponsors will apply for a social welfare subvention towards the recurrent expenses involved.


Tuesday, September 1% 1972

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The chief medical adviser to the Overseas Development Administration in Britain, Dr. P.W. Dill-Russell, will arrive in Hong Kong on a brief visit on Thursday (September 21)•

He will visit government hospitals and clinics on Friday and Saturday to see some of the recent developments in the fields of medical and health.

On Monday (September 25) he will leave for Guam, accompanied by Dr. Gerald Choa, Director of Medical and Health Services in Hong Kong.

Dr. Dill-Russell ana Dr. Choa will comprise the United Kingdom delegation at this year’s annual meeting of the World Health Organisation’s conference of the Western Pacific Region.

The conference is being held in Guam this year, and will continue from September 27 to October 5*




Water supply to certain premises in Wan Chai, Hong Kong will be turned off for five hours beginning from 1 a.m. on Thursday (September 21).

The temporary stoppage will enable the Waterworks Office to carry out a leakage test.

The area affected is bounded by Luard Road, Gloucester Road, Arsenal Street, Hennessy Road, including 55-57 Johnston Road, 1-51 Thomson Road and the Police Headquarters and Police Quarters in Arsenal Street.


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Tuesday, September 19i 1972

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Motor mechanic trainees of the Begonia Road Boys’ Home today received their own vehicle for instruction purposes.

The second-hand car which is in good working condition was presented to the trainees by the Asia Foundation.

Mr. T.S. Foo, Officer-in-charge of the Asia Foundation in Hong Kong, who made the presentation, later inspected the motor mechanic class and saw a demonstration of a home-made go-kart.

Mr. Mak Wing-hong. Principal Social Welfare Officer, described the donation as a ’’symbol of concern and encouragement down to our field work level”.

’’The car will add valuable training material to the existing facilities,” he added.

The motor mechanic class is one of three pre-vocational training classes at the Begonia Road Boys’ Home. It is run by a qualified instructor.

More than 600 boys have been taught in the class since it was established in 1963* A number of the boys have subsequently established themselves in the trade.



Tuesday, September 19, 1972

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The rainfall for August was about 50 per cent above normal, bringing the accumulated total since the beginning of the year to 2407•2 mm — 240 mm above the average annual rainfall.

The month began with showery weather and there were also some isolated thunderstorms during the first two days. Conditions improved on August 3 and remained generally fine until the 8th when showers again developed due to the approach of an active trough of low pressure from the northwest.

This trough remained almost stationary along the coast of south China for about a week and caused very unsettled weather in Hong Kong.

Thunderstorm and heavy rain warnings were continually issued by the Royal Observatory during the period August 8-13.

Early on August 10t a squatter boat in Kowloon Bay near Kwun Tong was struck by lightning. .A youth in the boat was killed and another seriously injured. Three aircraft were diverted on that day due to adverse weather conditions.

On August 9 Typhoon Betty developed over the Pacific near the Caroline Islands. It moved northwestwards and crossed the east China coast near Foochow on August 18. Betty then rapidly dissipated but its remnants continued to move westwards into central China and activated the southwest monsoon over south China.

Periods of heavy rain and scattered thunderstorms affected Hong Kong from August 19-21. The rain was heaviest on August 20 when 186.8 mm were recorded.

/During the •••••

Tuesday, September 19t 1972

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During the afternoon of August 25, Tropical Depression Cora developed over the South China Sea about 230 miles southeast of Hong Kong and the Stand By Signal No. 1, was hoisted at 11.00 p.m. Cora intensified to a tropical storm on August 26 and then to a severe tropical storm the next day.

Fresh winds and squally showers were experienced in Hong Kong as Cora moved on a west-northwesterly track to the south. The No. 1 signal * was lowered at 1.30 p.m. on August 28 when Cora was about 270 ml.es west—southwest of Hong Kong and continued to move further away. Cora landed over North Vietnam on August 29 and 'then dissipated.

The weather in Hong Kong improved and apart from a few showers, generally fine weather persisted over the last two days of the month.’

During August, Tropical Storm Winnie, Typhoon Alice, Typhoon Doris and Tropical Depression Elsie were also reported over the Pacific and the East and South China Seas.

Twenty-one thunderstorm and/or heavy rain warnings were issued.

The month’s figures and departures from normal were:

Sunshine 176.2 hours; 24.7 hours below normal

Rainfall 556.8 mm » 186.0 mm above normal

Cloudiness 69% 2% above normal

Relative Humidity 87% 5 3^ above normal

Mean Maximum Temperature J0.4°C ? normal

Mean Temperature 27.5°C ? 0;2°C below normal

Mean Minimum Temperature 25.6°C » 0.1°C above normal

Mean Dew Point 25.0°C 5 0.4°C above normal

Total Evaporation 159.3 ram 5 10.8 mm below normal

Maximum Temperature Of J3.2°C was recorded on August 3 and 17

Minimum Temperature of 23.8°C was recorded on August 20.

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Tuesday, September 19» 1972

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More than 750 new jurors may join some 28,000 others on the common jury list and in so doing have the chance to take part in the administration of justice.

A list of the new jurors will be posted in the Supreme Court from next Monday (September 25) for 14 days.

During this time, any person can apply by notice in writing to the Supreme Court Registrar asking that his name or the name of some other person be either posted or removed from the list for specific reasons.

The Registrar may at his discretion post or remove the name accordingly and alter the list.

The list will be displayed on the notice board near the lift inside the south-west entrance of the Supreme Court building.



Tuesday, September 19, 1972

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The Director of Education, Mr. J. Canning, today spoke about the newly approved policy on teacher education in Hong Kong.

The policy is designed to substantially increase the annual output of teachers, particularly for the lower secondary classes.

"Besides the provision of more trained teachers", he said, "there is the question of how best to update the knowledge of our existing trained teachers".

For this very purpose, courses of training have been provided by the inspectorate of the Education Department.

He added that it would probably become necessary "as time goes on" to increase the length of training of the teachers. At present non-specialist teachers undertake a two-year course and in certain subjects there is a third year course in the colleges of Education.

Mr. Canning was speaking at the opening of the Third Annual Meeting of the Governing Board of the Regional Centre for Education in Science and Mathematics (RECSAM) at Lee Gardens Hotel.

RECSAM is a project of the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organisation (SEAMEO) which has been established by the governments of Southeast Asian countries to promote regional co-operation in education.

Among those taking part in the five-day meeting are delegates from the eight SEAMEO member countries, RECSAM officials, consultants from Britain, the United States and representatives from universities, the Polytechnic and Colleges of Education in Hong Kong.

Note to Editors:

Copies of the full text of the speech are

available separately in the press boxes.



Tuesday, September 1% 1972

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Statistics released today by the Medical and Health Department for the week ended on September 2 are as follows

* Notifications of infectious cases (previous week’s figures in brackets) — total 146 (222)। bacillary dysentery — 13 (7); cerebrospinal meningitis and meningococcal infections — 1 (nil); tuberculosis — 116 (199); enteric fever (typhoid) — 11 (10); leprosy — 4 (3); measles — nil (2); ophthalmia neonatorum — nil (1); malaria — 1 (nil).

* Birth — total registered 1585; 593 on Hong Kong Island; 1006 in Kowloon, and 186 in the New Territories.

* Deaths —• 341 from all causes; 104 on the Island, 223 in Kowloon and 14 in the New Territories.


Release time; 7*00 p*m.

PRH 7 4000091


Wednesday, September 20, 1972



A foua>»year pilot scheme begun in 1968 to help women drug addicts has proved to be a viable project and plans for its expansion ore new being considered. r- '': '

This was disclosed by a spokesman fdr -the Society for the Aid and Rehabilitation of Drug Addicts, SARDA, 'which set up Hong Kong’s first treatment centre for women in Wan Chai.

”The pilot projectj small though it is,” the spokesman said, ’’suggests that the social factors which lead to addiction and therefore the style of effective treatment, differ from meii to women, even though there is no difference in the nature of the addiction and its overall effects on social functioning.’?

The guiding principle in the planning and Operation of the women’s treatment centre has been the ’’totality” of the institution, with care and after-care for the drug addict.

’’Staff of the centre have adopted -the unified approach to rehabilitate the addicts and have avoided separate emphasis on the medical and social realms. However serious new approaches have been adopted in medical and social treatment and co-operation has been bhe keynote,” he said.

Ahe spokesman-••••••

Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191

Wednesday, September 20, 1972


The spokesman stressed that there was still a lot to learn and there was a need to develop programmes which "encourage independence and creativity rather than conformity.”

The project was operated on a grant of over one million dollars. This sum consisted of a capital grant to cover the cost of purchasing and equipping five flats at Tak Wah Building in Hennessy Road and to meet four years’ recurrent expenses for the pilot project.

During the four years, there were 228 admissions, including 37 re-admissions. Most of the patients admitted were heroin addicts, and wore between 4j and 49 years of age.

The average length of their stay in the centre was a little over five months.

The spokesman said the scheme was essential for the strengthening of personal relationships as part of the treatment.

According to the report on the scheme, there are between 80,000 and 100,000 narcotic dependents in Hong Kong and three to five per cent of them are women.

Commenting on the pilot scheme, the Chairman of the Government Lotteries Management Committee, Mr. Alex S.C. Wu, said the reeult of the experiment has * * been very encouraging.

He said this is only one of the many social welfare projects financed

by the Lotteries Fund

Wednesday, September 20, 1972

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The Director of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Jack Cater, believes the plastics industry in Hong Kong has a very bright future.

Unlike the textile industry, it is relatively "untrammelled" by import restrictions in its major markets.

Mr. Cater was speaking this evening at a difiner marking the 15th anniversary of the formation of the Hong Kong Plastics Manufacturers Association Limited.

He pointed out that not only is world demand for plastic products increasing but also there is a gradual movement of demand towards better quality and design.

Mr. Cater said that Hong Kong’s industry is already well aware of this trend but competition for markets, both external and internal, is also increasing.

He warned that production and export growth in future is not going to be as easily achieved as in the past.

Manufacturers would do well if they improved their design, utility, engineering, safety, packaging and, perhaps most important of all, productivity.

Mr. Cater said good design is essential to saleability, but the question of health and safety standards is a very vital one for the plastics industry, particularly in the toys sector.

/"The .....

Wednesday, September 20, 1972

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’’The Hong Kong toy industry is, I believe, now the largest exporter of toys in the world, in terms of value* This is an astonishing record, but one which brings with it the obligation to protect the young from dangerous and unhygienic products.”

To this end, he said, the Commerce and Industry Department has done a great deal to reduce such complaints, but much of the responsibility lies with manufacturers.

Mr. Cater said that Hong Kong cannot afford justified complaints against its products on the basis that they are unhygienic or dangerous.

Note to Editors: Copies of the full text of the speech are available separately in the G.I.S. press boxes.



Wednesday, September 20, 1972

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A team of consulting engineers from the United Kingdom responsible for the design of the electrical and mechanical works for the proposed Mass Transit System has arrived in Hong Kong.

The engineers from the firm of Kennedy and Donkin are Mr. Geoffrey Kennedy, senior partner; Mr. J.A. Broughall, Mr. G.G. Kibblewhite and Mr. A.R. Cotton.

In association with Mr. C.R. Coulson of Freeman Fox and Partners (Far East), who are the consultants engaged by the Hong Kong Government for the project, the visiting engineers are having discussions with the Director of Mass Transit Studies, Mr. A.H. Wilkins.

Members of the team have brought with them a seven-foot model of the proposed rolling stock which they have designed for the mass transit railway.

The rolling stock has been designed specially to deal with the high density of traffic and difficult climatic conditions which exist in Hong Kong.

The model will be on display at the British Industrial Exhibition from October 23 to 3^•

Note to Editors: You are invited to send a reporter and/or

photographer to cover a press conference to be given by the team of engineers from Kennedy and Donkin in the East Room, 23rd floor of the Mandarin Hotel, at 10 a.m. tomorrow, Thursday, September 21.



Wednesday, September 20, 1972

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The Census and Statistics Department is organising training courses for importers and exporters to help them in the preparation of trade declarations and in solving any problems associated with these procedures.

The first class will be held in the lecture hall of the department in International Building on Friday (September 22) at 3 p.m.

Importers and exporters in Hong Kong are required by law to submit declarations covering all their transactions. This information is essential to the compilation of accurate statistics on overseas trade.

A spokesman for the Census and Statistics Department said: "It helps the Government, the community and the businessmen concerned by providing a clearer picture of economic progress upon which to base vital economic planning for the future."

‘Unfortunately," he continued, "many importers and exporters appear to be wasting their time and money on queries that could have been avoided if the forms were properly completed and on penalty fines for not submitting declarations within the time allowed."

The training courses are short and free of charge. They cover subjects such as the Import and Export Regulations, commodity and country classifications and code numbers.

The course will be held on a regular basis in the future and evening classes are also being contemplated.

Application forms for admission may be obtained by writing to the department or by calling H-455^11.



Wednesday, September 20, 1972


Nine workers were killed and 375 injured on building construction sites during August, according to reports received by the Labour Department. Four of the workers were believed to have been asphyxiated in a caisson.

Commenting on this case the Industrial Safety Training Officer, Mr. A.H. Carter, said today it was an accident which did not occur frequently, but unfortunately it was one which was very often accompanied by the death of more than one person.

’’The accident involving the four deaths followed the classical pattern, that is when one worker was overcome, his fellow workers went to his assistance and they in turn met the same fate,” he said.

Mr. Carter pointed out that the presence of unknown gases was always possible in wells or caissons. ’’They may be asphyxiating, toxic or explosive.”

He said safe and reliable methods to test for the presence of these gases were available and he urged managements to make use of the equipment and ensure the safety of their workers before sending them down a caisson or well.

Mr. Carter also emphasised that all workings of this nature should be thoroughly ventilated by mechanical means before work commenced, and this ventilation should be continued during work.

All workers should wear safety harnesses of a type which will enable them to be lifted vertically out in case of emergency. A harness should be attached to a life-line and an attendant on the surface should hold the free end of the line. A visual or sound system of signals should be employed.

Suitable resuscitating equipment for dealing with any person overcome by unknown gases should also be made readily available on sites where work involved caissons or wells.

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Wednesday, September 20, 1972

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A series of special traffic arrangements will be imposed in the Peak area during the Mid-Autumn Festival in view of the limited parking facilities.

Private car and motor cycle parking spaces at the upper and lower

Peak Tran terminus car parks will be suspended with effect from 10 a.m. on Thursday (September 21) until 2 a.m. on Monday (September 25)*

During this period, only buses, public light buses and taxis will be allowed to wait in these car parks.

At the same time only residents’ vehicles will be allowed to enter Mount Austin Road from Peak Road.

Traffic proceeding to and ft*om the Peak area will be diverted from Peak Road into the upper tram terminus car park as and when required by police officers.

The Transport Department also warned that traffic in Peak Road and Magazeine Gap Road may be diverted at any time during the Mid-Autumn Festival period.

Illegally parked vehicles may be removed by the police without prior notice.

The Department also announced today that the section of Severn Road between the junction with Plantation Road and the access road to House No. 8 will be re-opened to traffic on Friday. The road had been closed as a result of the June rainstorms.



Wednesday, September 20, 1972

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Officers from various divisions of the Social Welfare Department are taking part in the first conference of the Association of Volunteers for Service in the Lady Trench Training Centre on Saturday (September 2?)•

The Association is a voluntary body composed of members concerned with promoting the idea of volunteer service for the general well-being of the community.

The conference will be opened by Mr. Arthur Hinton, headmaster of the Northcote College of Education. About 80 people are expected to attend.

Participants, in addition to SWD officers, will include Association members such as teenagers, students, young adults, and social workers in the voluntary sector.

The conference, called "Meeting Point," has been designed to provide a venue for the discussion of various topics of direct interest to the Association and its membership.

These are to include consideration of ways in which parents and teachers can help to promote the idea of voluntary service, how to reach young workers besides students, whether the concept of volunteering for service is generally understood, and co-operation between volunteer and professional social workers.

Note to Editors: The Association of Volunteers for Service

invites the Press to cover the opening ceremony at the Lady Trench Training Centre, 44, Oi Kwan Road, Wan Chai, at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, September 2J. The conference will close at 4 p.m. on the same day.



Wednesday, September 20, 1972

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Figures released today by the Medical and Health Department show i

that during the sixth week of the current anti-measles campaign, 1,584 doses were administered.

Of the total, 303 doses were administered to children on the Island, 793 in Kowloon, and 488 in the New Territories.

Since the beginning of the campaign on August 8, a total of 9,059 children have been protected against the disease.

The campaign has another three weeks to go. Free vaccinations are available at all government hospitals and clinics, maternal and child health centres, and special vaccination points set up for service during the campaign.

After the nine weeks are up, routine anti-measles vaccine will continue to be available at all maternal and child health centres.




The Kowloon-Canton Railway will be running special passenger trains between Kowloon and the New Territories for the Mid-Autumn Festival on Friday and Saturday.

There will be six additional up trains in the morning and early afternoon on both days, and five down trains in the afternoon and evening.

The six special up trains will operate between Tsim Sha Tsui and Tai Po Market. Three of the down trains will cover the reverse trip, and there will be one from University and one from Lo Wu.

All trains will pick up passengers en route.

A KCR spokesman said that extra services will be provided in the late evenings if traffic warrants.


Release Time: 7»3Q p«m.

PRH 7 4000001


Thursday, September 21, 1972


The Acting Commissioner for Transport, Mr. R. Butler, today compared the difference between the Bay Area Rapid Transit system in the United States and the proposed Mass Transit system in Hong Kong.

Speaking at the Kowloon Rotary Club luncheon today, he said the attraction of BART is its speed.

Mr. Butler said: ’’The Rapid Transit has been reintroduced in America because the private car has failed to move people around at satisfactory speeds — particularly on the trip to and from school and the place of work.”

It has a maximum speed of 80 miles per hour and its service speeds are 4>-50 m.p.h.

Referring to Hong Kong’s proposed Mass Transit, he said, it is aimed at feeding a booming demand for public transport and enabling people who in the main are ”caj>-less to move.”

”With our short distances, the planned average speed of movement by the proposed mass transit is 20 miles an hour.”

Today four million or so passengers travel on public transport.

By mid 1980’s it is estimated that the number will have risen to 7/2 million.

/Mr. Butler ••••••

Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191

Thursday, September 21, 1972

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Mr. Butler said: ,fEngineers predicted that even if we were really beastly to the private motorists our roads could not cope with the predicted demand for purely public transport.”

This is why the Government has decided in principle to build the Mass Transit Railway.

Mr. Butler expressed the hope that the speed differential offered by the mass transit over the private car would provide some inducement to motorists to leave their cars at home in peak hours.

However, he emphasised that this is not the fundamental reason why consideration is being given to spending over 86,000 million on the scheme.

The mass transit system is primarily for ”the car—less majority.”

The Acting Commissioner said he was not ”gloomy” about Hong Kong’s transport future. In a compact urban area good transport was fairly easy to establish.

”But in the peak hours, at any rate, it has got to be public transport. This means that private transport has to be discriminately discouraged and public transport improved to a level which at least makes it a second-best to the private car.”

Mr• Butler said that for surface public transport improvements in speed and frequencies would come automatically as other traffic was constrained. At the moment, he added, bus speeds in many cases were down to five mi1es an hour in the ”glue pot” at peak hours.


Thursday, September 21, 1972

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Earlier today, a model of the proposed rolling stock for the mass transit system was shown at a press conference organised by the British consultants responsible for the design of the electrical and mechanical works.

Mr. Geoffrey Kennedy, a senior partner of the firm, said the trains proposed to meet the expected traffic requirements consisted of a maximum of eight coaches with a top speed of 50 miles an hour. • • • • •

They would have a capacity of more than 3,000 people, while the system was designed to move 60,000 people an hour in each direction at peak hours.

"The coaches are designed to provide the maximum space possible for the high density passenger traffic expected, and only side-seating is provided with adequate hand-rail support for standing passengers," Mr. Kennedy said.

The speed and stopping of the train would be automatically controlled throughout the journey.

Mr. Kennedy said he expected the Government to make a decision on the train design before the group leaves Hong Kong at the end of the week.


Thursday, September 21, 1972


The new hospital on the Lai Chi Kok promontory is to be known as the Princess Margaret Hospital following the receipt of royal approval for the new name.

Announcing this today, the Director of Medical and Health Services, Dr. G.H. Choa, said: ”It is a very happy choice indeed. The main government hospital on the Island has been known for many years as the Queen Mary Hospital, and the main government hospital in Kowloon as the Queen Elizabeth Hospital•

”It is therefore appropriate that the third major government hospital in Hong Kong is being named after a member of the Royal Family. Princess Margaret is well-known personally to the people of Hong Kong.”

She was here on an official visit with her husband, Lord Snowdon, in 1966. In 19^9, she passed through Hong Kong on her way home after an official visit to Japan.

The foundation stone of the Princess Margaret Hospital was laid by Princess Anne in October last year during a six-day visit to Hong Kong. Construction is now well advanced and the general wing of the hospital is expected to be opened in 197^•


Thursday, September 21, 1972

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The Princess Margaret Hospital will consist of two wings of 1,500 beds each - general and psychiatric. The latter is expected to be operative in 1976.

The site is on the Lai Chi Kok promontory between the densely-populated area of north-west Kowloon and the rapidly developing townships of Kwai Chung and Tsuen Wan. It is conveniently situated to both these areas, and will also be readily available for the admission of patients from the western New Territories.

Tenders were only recently railed for the construction of staff quarters, including a school for psychiatric nurses.




A new pest control office is to be built at Lin Shing Road in Chai Wan.

Costing about 3145,000, the project involves the construction of a single-storey concrete building of about 1,000 square feet. It will contain barrack accommodation for 10 anti-malarial officers of the Urban Services Department and storerooms for larvicide and various anti-malarial equipment•

Construction work will begin in early November and take about five months.



Thursday, September 21, 1972

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There were promising developments in the dispute at the Taikoo Dockyard this afternoon following a visit by the Labour Relations Service of the Labour Department.

Officers from the Service visited the workers shortly after lunch and established a dialogue with them. As a result, some of the workers later met with the management of the dockyard.

A spokesman for the Labour Department said that this is a most promising turn of events and it is hoped that the discussions between management and workers will continue and lead tQ a resumption of work.

The Service had offered assistance to both management and workers and will continue to keep in close touch with both parties.

-------0---------- • v

• •


Thursday, September 21, 1972



The police force is to have its own driving school within the site of the new Police Tactical Unit now being constructed at Lung Cheung Road.

The school consists of administrative offices, classrooms, a demonstration and practice room, dining and recreation spaces and facilities for the inspection and repairing of vehicles.

There will also be a driving area with a road network for exercises and a large parking space.

The need for the school arises from the much greater skill required of a driven of a police vehicle, which may be a land rover, a saracen or a motor cycle.

The driver, who is also a policeman, has to proceed on emergency calls and manoeuvre under various, sometimes extremely difficult, road conditions.

He also has to set a good example of safe driving to members of the public.

Site formation for the driving school is expected to start early in November and be completed by the end of May next year.



Thursday, September 21, 1972



The Post Office announced today that two special stamps to commemorate

the Silver Wedding anniversary (25 years) of the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh will be on sale at all post offices in November.

The stamps, in horizontal format, will be issued in the 10 cent and

50 cent denominations.

They feature a portrait of the Royal Couple in a green background for the 10-cent stamp and grey for the 50-cent one.

The stamp will go on sale on November 20 and further detail will be announced later.

Note to Editors; Copies of a photograph of the new

stamp are distibuted separately in the G.I.S. press boxes this evening.

- - 0 -


Thursday, September 21, 1972

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Work will begin soon on two new projects to provide additional recreational facilities for Lo Fu Ngam and Kwai Chung.

A rectangular park, measuring about 83,000 square feet, is to be built on top of the existing Lo Fu Ngam service reservoir at the southwestern side of Fu On Street.

It will consist of a rest garden with flower beds, park benches and paved footpaths. Because of the proximity of the radar station for the approach system to the airport runway, it has been decided not to include any space for active sports such as football.

At the same time a rest garden will be built between blocks 14 and 22 of the Kwai Chung Resettlement Estate.

The garden, covering an area of about 12,000 square feet, will include sitting out areas and flower beds.

Both parks should be completed in the early part of 1973-



Thursday, September 21, 1972

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About 260 young handicapped members of the Social Welfare Department’s clubs and centres for the physically and mentally disabled will spend three days at a camp in the Wu Kai Sha youth village beginning on Tuesday (September 26).

The group includes young people who are deaf, lame, retarded, spastic, or who have a speech defect. Forty-four staff members and volunteers will join the camp to look after them, in addition to two nurses, who will stay overnight.

As a precaution against any child becoming lost measures will be adopted for the easy identification of the participants. Staff and volunteers are being trained to keep a watch out for them during the outdoor activities and there will be special roll-calls.

A spokesman for the Rehabilitation Section says the camp has been designed to provide the youngsters with an opportunity for physical recreation, games, and creative work in an outdoor setting.

The three days and two nights they will spend at the Chinese YMCA site at Wu Kai Sha will give them some experience of sharing activities with others in games and living quarters.

"We have prepared a balanced programme," the spokesman says. "The programme will include activities for the whole camp, such as film shows and a barbecue, and activities for special groups, including Chinese billiards and ping pong. For the few who can only move with difficulty, there will be opportunities for observation and creative work."

Mrs. Rose Goodstadt, Acting Principal Social Welfare Officer (Rehabilitation) , will present prizes to winners of various competitions at a ceremony marking the close of the camp.

/foote to Editors .....

Thursday, September 21, 1972

- 11 -

Note to Editors: You are invited to have the camp outing

covered. It is an unusual event. A station wagon will be on hand at 12:30 p.m. on September 27 at the Kowloon City Ferry Pier to take reporters, broadcasters and TV cameramen to Ma Liu Shui. Mr. Ko Kwok Shue of the Kwun Tong Settlement for the Severely Disabled will accompany the Press to the camp.




The Commissioner for Transport announced today that starting from this Saturday (September 23), a speed limit will be imposed on a section of Castle Peak Road.

The section between Yuen Long Eastern Roundabout and Au Tau Cross Road will become restricted and no vehicles may drive on it at a speed above 30 miles an hour.

Release time: 7.00 P_«m.

PRH > 4000091


Fit.day, September 22, 1972


Work on the second and main section of the tunnel road under the— Hong Kong Airport is to begin shortly.

It consists mainly of the construction of a 2,580-foot tunnel and 28,000 square yards of aircraft pavements above and adjacent to the tunnel works. This section will be situated within the airport boundary and is estimated to cost $55 million.

The tunnel will be a reinforced concrete box section divided into two vehicular tubes and ventilation ducts. Each vehicular tube will accommodate a two-lane carriageway with a width of 22 feet and a vertical clearance of 16 feet 9 inches.

The construction of the tunnel is by the cut-and-cover method.

The work is so phased that airport operations can continue without interruption.

k government spokesman said it will be necessary to work at night but every effort will be made to keep the noise level down to a minimum. In fact, the contractor will be required to use sound-reduced equipment.

The tunnel forms an essential part of the North-East Kowloon Road Corridor.

/When completed........

Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191

Friday, September 22, 1972

- 2 -

When completed in 1975, it will not only relieve traffic congestion in the Kowloon City area, but will also serve as a main access route to the fast developing town of Kwun Tong.

Note to Editors: Copies of a diagram of a cross-section ,

of the tunnel road is attached to today’s Daily Information Bulletin.




More than 2,000 feet of water mains will soon be laid to help deliver water from the Shatin Treatment Works Extension to urban areas to meet the ever-increasing demand for treated water.

The twin mains, 60 inches in diameter, will link the Shatin Pumping Station and the Shatin Portal of the existing Lion Rock Tunnel.

When the second tunnel is completed the mains will be extended to

pass through the new tunnel to feed service reservoirs in Kowloon.

Work on the pipeline project, costing about S1.8 mill ion, is expected to begin in November and will take about eight months to complete.



Friday, September 22, 1972

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The University and Polytechnic Grants Committee will hold a short meeting in London on Tuesday (September 26) to consider a mid-term review of the present quadrennium plan of the two universities and general and financial matters of the Hong Kong Polytechnic.

It will be the first time the newly constituted Committee has held a meeting in London, although regular meetings were held previously by the University Grants Committee — the old name before its expansion to include the Polytechnic in May this year.

Three local members are scheduled to attend the meeting. They are Mr. Eric Udal, legal adviser of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, Mr. Oswald Cheung, member of the Legislative Council and Mr. Y.K. Pao of World-Wide Shipping Limited.

A full meeting of the Committee is expected to be held in Hong Kong in February next year.

A ......


Friday, September 22, 1972

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The section of Castle Peak Road between Kwai Chung Road and Texaco Road will be widened to provide easier access to Tsuen Wan and the western New Territories.

This 4-lane section of Castle Peak Road, which is about 4,000 feet in length, will be reconstructed to provide a 6-lane dual carriageway.

There will be two 33-foot wide carriageways with a six-foot central divider. Footpaths 14 feet wide will be provided on each side of the road.

Construction work is expected to begin in November and take about 15 months.

When this part of Castle Peak Road is widened, it will be able to cope with future traffic requirements in the area.


Friday, September 22, 1972

- 5 -



Forty needy fishing families of Cheung Chau will be provided with permanent homes when they move into the Self-Help Care Village on Monday (September 25).

The village is the result of the joint efforts of C.A.R.E. Inc., the Cheung Chau Rural Committee and the District Office, Islands.

To mark the opening of the village, a ribbon-cutting and plaque unveiling ceremony will be officiated jointly by the District Commissioner New Territories, Mr. D.C. Bray; the Commissioner for Canada Mr. R.L. Wales; and the Chief of the Refugee and Migration Unit of the American Consulate General, Mr. Richard Hart.

It is C.A.R.E.’s third village development on Cheung Chau Island. The project is aimed at providing needy families with permanent homes as a means of improving their economic, physical and social circumstances.

A donation of over $140,000 was made by Canada through C.A.R.E. Inc. for this project. The Cheung Chau Rural Committee, which represents the 40 fishing families, also made a donation of 8276,000 to meet construction costs — hence the name Self-Help Care Village.

The District Office, Islands granted 24,600 square feet of crown land at a nominal rental of one dollar a year. In addition, $60,000 was supplied by the local Public Works Fund for the construction of ancillary facilities.


Note to Editors: You are cordially invited to send a reporter

and/or photographer to cover the opening ceremony. The guest launch ’’Windy1’ will leave Queen’s Pier at 10 a.m. on Monday to take the Press to Cheung Chau. Refreshments will be provided.

Friday, September 22, 1972

- 6 -



A comprehensive road safety campaign is being organised for the Sau Mau Ping Resettlement Estate,

It lasts for five days, from October 2 to 6, and will involve some 3,000 youngsters in the area. The main aim of the campaign is to assist local schools in educating students about road safety.

The opening ceremony will be held at the Sau Mau Ping Safety Town where there are "child-size” crossings, pavements, traffic lights and miniature cars.

A road safety training programme will be held in the Safety Town, while a number of competitions will be held at the Sau Mau Ping (South) Estate Welfare Building. These include speech and colouring competitions and a quiz on traffic and road safety.

The winning entries together with pictures and charts illustrating the importance of road safety will be displayed in the Welfare Building.

The organisers are the Sau Mau Ping (South)Estate Community Work Office, the Royal Hong Kong Police and the Hong Kong Road Safety Association.



Friday, September 22, 1972

" 7 "



The Urban Services Department is stepping up its efforts to •urb all unlicensed food businesses in the interests of public health.

The spokesman said that the seriousness of the offence was receiving wider attention and more severe punishment for those convicted.

He cited one recent case in which the court imposed a fine of $750 on an operator of an unlicensed food stall in Pei Ho Street, Kowloon.

The spokesman said: ,fWe will continue to request the courts to impose daily fines and severe punishment on these operators as a deterrent against this public health hazard."



Friday, September 22, 1972

- 8 -



Five eases of measles were reported during August, according to monthly health statistics released today by the Medical and Health Department.

A spokesman said this rate of incidence of the disease was considered “very low” and could be attributable, in part, to the current anti-measles campaign.

In August last year, 64 cases of measles were notified, and the five-year monthly average between 1967 and 1971 was 54.

The spokesman said that during August this year, a total of.785'cases of infectious diseases was notified, and the number of deaths from these diseases was 127.

Compared with July, no appreciable variation in the incidence of the diseases was observed.

There was one fatal case of cerebro-meningitis, and one of bacillary dysentery.

There were no cases of diphtheria, poliomyelitis, or puerperal fever.

Hong Kong remained free from cholera or other quarantinable diseases.

Friday, September 22, 1972

" 9 "


Note to Editors: Dr. P.W. Dill-Russell, chief medical adviser

to the Overseas Development Administration in Britain, arrived in Hong Kong yesterday.

He is spending two days visiting government hospitals and clinics to note developments in the fields of medical and health.

On Monday (September 25), he will meet the Press in the "Golden Pen" at the Peninsula ’ Hotel before leaving to attend the World Health Organisation’s conference of the Western Pacific Region in Guam.

The Press Conference will start at 10 a.m.

Also attending the conference will be the Director of Medical and Health Services in Hong Kong, Dr. G.H. Choa; the Deputy Director of Medical and Health Services (Health), Dr. J.K. Craig; and the Principal Medical and Health Officer, Dr. H.S. Chan.

You are invited to have this conference covered. Dr. Dill-Russell will not have time to meet the Press at Kai Tak.

- - 0 - -


Friday, September 22, 1972

- 10 -



The Hong Kong Government accounts for the month of July., show a surplus of 581.08 million compared with a surplus of $7.76 million in July last year.

This has resulted in a total deficit of $2.24 million for the first four months of this financial year. In the past three years, the accounts have been in surplus at the end of the first four months.

Total revenue for the month at $353.06;,million was $89.21 million more than in July 1971. Expenditure amounted to $271.99 million, an increase of $15.9O million over the same month last year., • ------------------------------------0---------

Release Time: 7.00 p.m.

Headroom 16 ft. 9in.

Reinfaced concrete

Ground level


Traffic light

Carriageway 22 ft


M 4-It * M : ** ** *

/ \water proof membrane & protection

\Ventdation duct.

A *L * A

Telephone booth & fire extinguisher s. at 200 ft intervals

PRH 7 4000091


‘ Saturday, September 23, 1972•



The lucky draws for the. last two Government Lotteries for 1972 were held this morning in the City Hall Concert Hall.

The winning numbers for the 55th Government Lottery were drawn by four artistes from Radio Hong Kong — Miss Monita Mui, Miss Sheila Leung, Miss Kimmy Got and Miss Stella Chan.

The first prize of 5364,200 was won by ticket number 212244. The five second prizes of 524,280 each went to ticket Nos. 208943, 352801, 491850,

426096, 460426.

Winning Numbers for the 50 third prizes of 83,642 each are as follows:

9973 26041 36125 83144 85475 93619 128149 135988 167694

180429 189204 203356 207195 229323 231949 245676 246380

252305 269531 276525 280241 281203 287415 298217 327347 334518

350004 362443 375073 379806 386326 397937 419361 420532 422687

426723 430892 5P3578 506659 506863 510138 513884 521879 522672

540902 549793 The three-digit 554010 557880 572125 575917 number drawn for the special prize was 349- Holders

of tickets ending with the three digits won 8100 each.

The winning numbers of the special anniversary lottery were drawn by Miss Wan Fong-ling from Commercial Radio, Miss Landy Wong from Radio Hong Kong, Miss Lisa Wang from HK-TVB and Miss Stella Chee from RTV.


Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191

Saturday, September 23, 1972

- 2 -

The first prize of 3314,400 went to the holder of ticket No. 3^1939 and the second prize of 378,600 was won by ticket No. 186919-

Five third prizes of 315,720 each was won by ticket Nos. 243214, 314554, 116128, 98967 and 168802.


PRH 7 4000091



Monday, September 25, 1972


Work will start in the near future on Stage I construction of the

second Lion Rock tunnel which will increase road capacity to meet expected traffic growth between Kowloon and Sha Tin.

Stage I works involve the driving of the tunnel, concrete lining, portal works, formation of approacn roads and the associated main drainage.

The tunnel, in fact, will be an enlarged waterworks tunnel required for the multi-million-dollar High Island Water Scheme.

When the Scheme starts gradual operation as planned by 1976, the tunnel will convey increased water output from Sha Tin to the urban areas.

In addition, the tunnel, which will be about one mile long, will provide two lanes to cope with anticipated traffic increase.

It is a duplication of the existing Lion Rock tunnel. When it is completed, each two-lane tube will carry traffic in one direction, the same system as in the cross-harbour tunnel.

Two major development projects will mainly be responsible for increasing

the traffic density between Kowloon and Sha Tin. They are the construction of

Sha Tin New Town and a second race course.


Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191

Monday, September 25j 1972

- 2 -

About 100 acres of formed land, including 47 acres reclaimed ftom the sea, will be available for the phase one Stage I development of the new town. It is estimated that 53»OOO people will be living in the new town by 1975»

A government low cost housing estate, private residential buildings, shops and factories will be built, and ample space has been reserved for schools, clinics and other community services.

Late last year, the Governor-in-Council approved in principle the decision to allow a race course to be built at Sha Tin by the Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club.

* A study on traffic growth has shown that if the race course is completed as planned by 1976, and no additional road capacity is provided by then, traffic delays on race days between Kowloon and Sha Tin will be intolerable.

The second Lion Rock tunnel is estimated to cost about $53 million, and is expected to be finished by early 1976. Stage II of the project which involves the construction of road and ancillary works is now in its planning stage.


Monday, September 25, 1972

- 3 -



The District Commissioner, New Territories, Mr. D.C. Bray, disclosed today that plans were now being drawn up for the first of the rural government housing estates.

Earlier this year it was announced that seven estates would be built initially to provide government housing for rural New Territories people.

Mr. Bray made his remarks today at the handing over ceremony of the Self-Help Village on Cheung Chau.

As part of the scheme the Government hopes to house some 5,000 people on Cheung Chau over the next few years. But, Mr. Bray said, the ’’willingness of the people to contribute towards improving their own living conditions together with the assistance given by generous donors, both in Hong Kong and abroad, will certainly ease the Government’s work and will give new homes to these people years before any public housing is ready.”

He congratulated the 40 fishing families who were moving into the village for ’’their genuine effort in self-help”.

During the handing over ceremony, the Commissioner for Canada, Mr. R.L. Wales, presented the keys to Mr. Law Chun-wah, a village representative.

Later Mr. Bray joined with Mr. Wales and the Chief of the Refugee and Migration Unit of the American Consulate General, Mr. Richard Hart, in performing the ribbon cutting and plaque unveiling ceremony.

The village was made available with donations from Canada through C.A.R.E. Inc., the Cheung Chau Rural Committee and the local Public Works Fund.

Monday, September 25, 1972

- 4 -


Meat merchants in Tsuen Wan have agreed to have their pigs slaughtered in the private slaughterhouse in Yuen Long with immediate effect.

This follows a lengthy meeting at the Tsuen Wan District Office today between eight representatives of meat merchants and officers of government departments concerned, Mr. Augustine Chui, Assistant Director, Urban Services (Abattoirs, Hawkers and Markets), Mr. David Lan, Assistant Director, Urban Services (New Territories) and Mr. H.H. T. Barma„ District Officer, Tsuen Wan.

Pigs from Tsuen Wan were until today slaughtered in the government abattoir in Cheung Sha Wan. This has become impossible due to the closure from today of one of the two dressing lines for renovation and the i nstal1atinn of an additional dressing line.

As a result pigs from Tsuen Wan have to be slaughtered in Yuen Long. The meat merchants were informed of this and asked to make preparations for the change several weeks ago.

The new arrangement is intended to improve meat supply both to Kowloon and Tsuen Wan.

At today’s meeting, meat merchants complained that they could not make immediate arrangements for the change as required.

As an interim measure, Mr. Chui agreed to provide them with workers for carrying out the slaughtering work in Yuen Long for three days beginning today.

However, the meat merchants have to bear the usual slaughtering charge of 86 per head.

/It wee


Monday, September 25, 1972

- 5 -

It was explained to the meat merchants that as the agreement made with the Yuen Long private slaughterhouse provides for pig slaughtering at 4.50 a.m.,two and a half hours earlier than at the Cheung Sha Wan Abattoir,pork can in effect be available in Tsuen Wan earlier than what can be achieved at the present moment.

Besides, the slaughtering charge at Yuen Long is fixed at 34.10 per head, about 32 cheaper than at Cheung Sha Wan.

The transfer of pigs to Yuen Long for slaughter might lead to an increase in cost in the region of 35 per head due to the increase in transport costs.

It was agreed that even if this is to be shifted wholly onto* the consumer, assuming the average weight of a pig to be 100 catties, the increase in cost, about five cents per catty, is therefore marginal and unlikely to be disturbing*

The meat merchants were also informed that the government is considering the possibility of setting up a slaughterhouse in Tsuen Wan and that the construction was expected to be completed in two years;

When ‘it is completed, the meat merchants in Tsuen Wan may transfer their pigs for slaughtering locally. If the abattoir is not constructed and completed in two years they may have their pigs slaughtered in Cheung Sha Wan instead of Yuen Long.

It’ was' agreed that by that time Tsuen Wan’s quota of pigs for early morning slaughter should be increased to 400 instead of 320 at present.



Monday, September 25, 1972

- 6 -



Two new roads will be built in Quarry Bay and in Stanley on Hong Kong Island to serve residential building developments taking place in these areas.

Associated drainage works will be carried out at the same time.

The 750 foot long road to be constructed in Quarry Bay will be 32 feet wide with an eight-foot-wide footpath on either side.

It will branch out from King’s Road near its junction with Mount Parker Road and to the east of a large building development site there •

The new road in Stanley is planned to serve the residential building development area west of Chung Hom Kok Road.

It will branch off Chung Hom Kok Road near R.B^Ls. 854 and 856 and will be about 700 feet long.

The roadway, 24 feet wide with a six-foot-wide footpath on either side, will be constructed with flexible bituminous material.

Work on both schemes is expected to begin in November and be completed in about five months.

-------0 -


Monday, September 25, 1972

- 7 -



The Urban Services Department has again appealed for public co-operation in helping to prevent the breeding of mosquitoes.

This can be done by ensuring that all possible water containers are either constantly emptied or properly protected.

A USD spokesman said the Government has been active in its efforts to control large-scale breeding places such as streams, pools, and vacant blocks of land.

f,The control of small breeding places in and around domestic premises is left to constant checking by the public,” the spokesman added.

Recently a construction company was fined 3500 in the North Kowloon Magistracy after an Anti-Mosquito Gang of the Urban Services Department found mosquito larvae in a pool of water on the first floor of a building under construction in Waterloo Road.

The discovery was made during a routine survey of the site.

The maximum penalty for allowing the breeding of mosquitoes is 31,000.



Monday, September 25, 1972- *

- 8 -



Note to Editors: The District Commissioner, New Territories,

Mr. D.C. Bray will be visiting several districts on Lantau Island this Wednesday (September 27) to carry out on-the-spot examinations of local problems.

He will visit the Tai 0, Tung Chung, South Lantau and Mui Wo Rural Committees, and hold informal discussions with rural leaders and village representatives.

Mr. Bray will be accompanied by the District Officer, Islands, Mr. Mayer Ng.

Since the visit covers a large area, the District Commissioner will be travelling by helicopter and car. Because of this press coverage has to be limited to the Mui Wo Rural Committee office, and you are welcome to send a reporter and/or photographer to cover the event.

The launch "Sir Cecil Clementi" will leave Kowloon Public Pier at 1.45 p.m. to take the Press to Mui Wo. The launch will return to Hong Kong at about 5-50 p.m.




Mr. Lee Quo-wei has been appointed temporarily to the Executive Council with effect from today during the absence of Sir Yuet-keung Kan.

At the same time Mr. R.H. Lobo ceased to be a member of the Executive Council following the return to Hong Kong of Sir Sydney Gordon.


Release time: 7«00 p.m

PRH 7 4000091


Tuesday, September 26, 1972



Hong Kong has joined the Asian Centre for Development Administration in Kuala Lumpur to provide more opportunities for local officers to receive advanced management training abroad.

The Asian Centre was set up at the 28th Session of ECAFE in March, 1972, and offers training, research and consultancy for senior civil servants, businessmen and managers of public corporations who work at a policy-making level.

The major value of the Centre for Hong Kong is its specialist training courses and seminars. The courses will last from one to eight weeks accordingly, and aims at increasing the knowledge and skills of senior managers in both public and private sectors.

Hong Kong will gain training fellowships which total about 15 man weeks a year. These fellowships include passages, subsistence, and other allowances and course fees.

The Centre expects to make extensive use of the staff of universities and other institutions in Singapore and Malaysia so as to maintain a high standard of training.

The main users of the Centre will be senior civil servants, but officers from franchised public utility companies may also find the training courses valuable.

/As an.......

Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191

Tuesday, September 2.6, 1972

- 2 -

As an associate member of ECAFE, Hong Kong will pay a sum of $56,000 a year for five years, beginning in 1972-73, to cover the operating cost of the centre, which is estimated at about US$5 million a year for the first five years.

The operating cost is to be met from three sources: special contributions in cash by the host country, Malaysia; funds allotted from the United Nations Development Programme; and the rest to be contributed by members of the ECAFE region based on per capita income.

Five countries - the Philippines, Ceylon, Singapore, Thailand and New Zealand - will also contribute to the centre.




Mr. P.G. Williams, an Unofficial Member of the Legislative Council, has ceased to be a temporary member of the Executive Council, following the return to Hong Kong of Sir Douglas Clague.



Tuesday, September 26, 1972

- 5 -• i


******** %

The Building Authority approved 78 new building plans' of all types in August and certified 57 completed buildings for occupation.

Of the plans approved, 42 were on Hong Kong Island, 14 in Kowloon, 6 in New Kowloon and 16 in the New Territories.

They include plans for a 21-storey apartment-commercial building at 468-470 Des Voeux Road West; a 24-storey building at 51-33 King’s Road and a 20-storey apartment block at 574-588 Reclamation Street.

Buildings certified for occupation included 17 for domestic use, 15 for non-domestic use and 25 for combined domestic and non-domestic purposes.

In addition, the Building Authority approved the demolition of 40 buildings.. Of these, 18 are on Hong Kong Island, eight in Kowloon, 11 in New Kowloon and three in the New Territories.

Lists giving brief particulars of all buildings concerned may be inspected at the Public Enquiry Service on the ground floor of the Central Government Offices, West Wing.

■ . r -------o---------


Tuesday, September 26, 1972

- 4 -



Thirty-nine members of the Social Welfare Department’s Princess Al exandrn Community Centre in Tsuen Wan will receive bronze awards in the Duke of Edinburgh’s award scheme at a ceremony in the Mariner’s Club on • • • • • e . -Thursday (September 28).

This is the first presentation in connection with the scheme since the Social Welfare Department became operating authority in February this year.

The department began the scheme with two working committees chaired by award supervisors in the Group and Community Work and the Probation and Corrections divisions. Their work was later co-ordinated by the departmental representative.

As a result of the smooth launching of the scheme, most departmental community youth, and social centres, and homes and institutions have been able to work on the scheme or start plans for the recruitment of members.

The Duke of Edinburgh award scheme is intended to help the young and others who take an interest in their welfare. It is designed to help give some constructive purpose to leisure-time activities, and is a challenge to the individual for personal achievement.

The scheme serves as a guide to people and organisations concerned with the development of future citizens.

/Mr. Thomas..........

Tuesday, September 26, 1972

- 5 -

Mr. Thomas C.Y. Lee, Deputy Director of Social Welfare, will address the gathering at the presentation ceremony on Thursday, and Mr. Wilson T. S. Wang, Chairman of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Committee, will present certificates to the 39 winners of the bronze award.

Note to Editors; You are invited to have the ceremony covered. The Mariner’s Club is in Middle Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, and the ceremony will be held in the ballroom, beginning at 5-JO p.m.




Note to Editors: The Hong Kong Housing Authority will hold its

Annual Public Meeting at the Urban Council Chamber, Central Government Offices, West Wing, 12th floor, Hong Kong at 2.30 p.m. on Thursday (September 28).

Members of the public who wish to attend are requested to be in their seats before 2.20 p.m.

Representatives of the press, radio and television are invited to cover the meeting.



Tuesday, September 26, 1972

- 6 -


The government is to set up a small irrigation sprinkler system at Lau Shui Heung near Fanling in a further move to encourage farmers to replace the traditional "bucket and sump" method of irrigating crops.

The sprinkler system will serve as a demonstration unit for vegetable farmers in the area.

A government spokesman said that from this demonstration the farmers will learn how the improved irrigation facilities reduce production, •osts and increase efficiency.

Over 150 sprinkler units have been established in the New Territories by the Agriculture and Fisheries Department with thousands more installed by the farmers themselves.

Tuesday, September 26, 1972



Mr. B.C. Allen, a senior estate surveyor of the Public Works Department, is to retire soon after serving the Government for more than 11/2 years.

Mr. Allen joined the Public Works Department in March 19^1 as an estate surveyor and was promoted to his present post in January 1969* He is currently Acting Chief Estate Surveyor of the Resumption Division.

To mark his retirement, a souvenir contributed by his colleagues will be presented to Mr. Allen on Thursday (September 28).

The presentation will be made by the Director of Lands and Survey, Mr. W.L.T. Crunden. * ♦ *>* ♦ ♦♦ *

Note to Editors: The presentation ceremony will be held

at 4.45 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Public Works Department Headquarters located on the 21st floor Murray Building. You are cordially invited to send a reporter and/or photographer to cover the occasion.

Release Time: 6.^0 p.m

- - 0 -

PRH 7 4000091


Wednesday, September 27, 1972



More than 1.1. million feet of land will be put on sale in Hong Kong in the next six months.

This is roughly the same area that was auctioned during the preceding six months.

? . • •• : .... ....

Announcing details of the land sales forecast today, the Director of Lands and Survey said that a total of 68 lots on Hong Kong Island,

• • - • t - 1 % , in Kowloon and New Kowloon will be sold in the period from October 1, 1972 to March 51» 1975.

Of the 68 lots, 12 have been reserved for industrial sites, 19 for nor^industrial, 55 for residential and four have been set aside for commercial development.

Just over half the residential lots are in the Kowloon Tong area with 14 of them in ’broadcasting city.”

One of the biggest lots to be offered, covering 57,000 square feet, has been reserved for a supermarket on Junction Road near the entrance to Broadcast Drive

The only lot in the Central District of Hong Kong Island for auction is an area of land measuring 6,000 square feet on Cotton Tree Drive near the ex-Naval Dockyard. This site will be available for office accommodation.

/The sice.......

Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191

Wednesday, September 27, 1972 - 2 -

The size of the industrial lots, half of which are in Yau Tong, range from 4,600 to 26,000 square feet.

The sale dates for each lot will be notified in the Government

Gazette and advertised in the press.

Particulars of the land sale forecast together with plans showing the location of the lots to be offered for sale may be inspected at the Crown Lands and Survey Offices in Murray Building and the Kowloon Government Offices; the Public Enquiry Bureau, Central Government Offices, West Wing; all City District Offices; the office of the District Commissioner, New Territories, North Kowloon Magistracy; and in the Commerce and Industry Department, Fire Brigade Building, 46 Connaught Road Central, Hong Kong. ♦ •

Copies of the forecast may be obtained free of charge by cal 1ing at any of the above offices or by written request to the Crown Lands and Survey Offices.



Wednesday, September 271 1972

- 3 -



In the process of developing the Tsuen Wan-Kwai Chung area into a self-contained town, tremendous progress has been made in public housing, land development and the expansion of the Kwai Chung Container Port.

In the past 12 months, over 8,300 residential units, housing 42,000 people, have been provided in the Kwai Hing, Kwai Fong and Lei Muk Shue Government Low Cost Housing Estates.

Seven small government estates have also been included in the proposals for the Public Works Programme on the recommendation of the Housing Board.

Due to the rapid development in the area, there is an acute shortage of land for both residential-commercial and industrial use.

It is anticipated that the shortage in industrial land will be alleviated towards the end of this year on the completion of new sites. But no further residential-commercial lots are expected to be available until 1973-74.

There have been applications to convert some of the existing industrial land into residential-commercial land, but these were turned down because they conflicted with the Tsuen Wan and District Outline Development Plan.

As a result of reclamation work connected with the container port, large areas of land have been formed on Tsing Yi Island and the Lai Chi Kok peninsula, and will soon become available.

A local consortium has begun constructing a bridge across Rambler Channel to Tsing Yi Island, and when completed this will be handed over to the Government free of costs.

/The first ........

Wednesday, September 27, 1972

- 4 -

The first lot of the Kwai Chung Container Port was opened this month. Piling and reclamation work for the second and third lots are nearing completion, and contracts will soon be let for top surfacing and the construction of offices.

It is expected that the second and third lots will be opened early next year.




Special traffic arrangements will be introduced in Western District on Hong Kong Island to facilitate the construction of a one-way flyover at the junction of Pokfulam Road and Bonham Road.

From next Monday (October 2) traffic will be prohibited from turning right from Bonham Road into Lower Pokfulam Road, Hill Road and Third Street.

Westbound traffic from Bonham Road should ruse High Street to gain access to these three streets.

Appropriate traffic signs will be erected to guide motorists.

Wednesday, September 27, 1972

x - 5 -



A site at the junction of Ting Kok Road and Tai Po Road has been earmarked for the construction of a government office building for Tai Po.

The proposed seven-storey building will provide accommodation for a post office, a birth and marriage registry, part of the Tai Po District Office and various other offices on the ground floor.

The office space on the upper floors has been allocated to various government departments.

Store rooms, quarters and covered parking spaces will also be provided.

In the light of planned development in the Tai Po District, it is estimated that a total of 60,000 square feet of office space will be required by 197$•

The new Tai Po government building will provide a total floor area of 70,000 square feet, with provision for future development.

The estimated cost of the building is 310.5 million.



Wednesday, September 27, 1972



A new ocean-going launch the "Jim Hogan" has joined the fleet of the Outward Bound School after it was launched today by Lady MacLehose at the American Marine Shipyard.

The launch has been modified into a training vessel to provide the students with a general knowledge of safety practice at sea. It will also be used in other activities connected with the school.

The need for a new boat followed an inspection by the Marine Department which found that the school *s former vessel was in an unsatisfactory condition.

The Lotteries Board of the Social Welfare Department then approved that a sum of over $j40,000 be allocated from the Lotteries Fund for the purchase of a new craft and additional training facilities.

The boat is fitted with twin 108 horsepower diesel engines, and equipped with life jackets and other safety gear. It can also keep in touch with the Marine Department via V.H.F. radio.

In an address to the guests before the actual launching, Lady MacLehose said that "Jim Hogan" will expand the scope of training faoilities at the Outward Bound School, and at the same time provide "better standards of safety and comfort."

She also expressed the hope that the school would expand its experimental courses for handicapped children.

/The following

Wednesday, September 27, 1972

The following is rhe lull rext of Lady MacLehose’s speech:

"May I say thank you very much for inviting ne along today to

launch this magnificent ocean-going craft.

"This launch is a marvellous example of what can be achieved here when time is short. The Marine Department recently inspected, and were not too happy about the state of the School’s old boat, but how and where to replace it? The Lotteries Board of S.W.D. have risen to the occasion with a substantial grant and American Marine have used their endless ingenuity in producing a tailor made or should I say custom built vessel keeping a close watch on the funds available in what must surely be a record time.

"I understand that the Marine Police will now be hailed in friendly gesture and not by an S.O.S. signal.

”1 am sure that this launch is going to be a tremendous asset to the School. Along with further new craft the scope of training facilities can be greatly extended with better standards of safety and comfort.

1’There may even be possibilities to expand the experimental

courses which the School run for the handicapped, junior children and in leadership.

”1 should hate to delay use of this boat any longer by talking,

but I should like to wish her and the School all success in their sea-going ventures. Perhaps we could have a marine rendezvous with The Lady Maurine at grid ref. 270,860.

’’And now thinking of the first Principal of an Outward Bound

School, I have much pleasure in naming you The Jim Hogan - I wish you and all who sail in you every good fortune.”



Wednesday, September 27, 1972

- 8 -



The Assistant Director (Social Work) of the Social Welfare Department, Miss Annie Chan, said today Hong Kong had made a ’’positive contribution” to the discussions in Australia in connection with the recent 12th World Congress of Rehabilitation International.

Hong Kong was represented by a delegation of 64, and Miss Chan headed a Social Welfare Department contingent of four. They were joined in Sydney by more than 2,000 delegates from all over the world.

The Departmental representatives attended two pre-conference seminars, in Brisbane and Adelaide, where small groups of about 100 delegates spent a week discussing intensively specialised subjects such as social planning and vocational training.

Miss Chan took part in the Brisbane talks, acting as chairman of a discussion group. The seminars went into their topics ’’exhaustively,” and Hong Kong gained a lot from the four hours of discussion daily.

There were ’’lively exchanges” between the developed and the developing countries, and Hong Kong made a positive contribution to the useful flow of ideas because it was ’’uniquely placed to be able to appreciate the views of either side.”

Miss Chan said she was impressed by the mass of information on rehabilitation gleaned from the conference, and she had no doubt some of it would influence future local attitudes and work.

Wednesday, September 27» 1972

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Statistics released today by the Medical and Health Department show that only 703 children were immunised against measles during the seventh week of the current anti-measles campaign.

Of the total, 137 doses were administered on the Island, 362 in Kowloon, and 204 in the New Territories.

Since the beginning of the campaign on August 8, the overall number of doses administered is now 10,662.

The campaign has two more weeks to go. After that, anti-measles vaccine will be routinely available at all government maternal and child health centres.




The Port Health Authority announced today that quarantine

restrictions have been imposed against people arriving from Djambi Port in

Indonesia because of cholera.


Release Time: 7<00 p«m.

PRH 7 4000091


Thursday, September 28, 1972


******** r

The Government expects to grant 10 more sites to non-profit-making secondary schools during the current financial year.

The move is in line with the government’s aim to expand educational facilities through the aided sector.

This policy is contained in the White Paper on Education Policy 19$5» As a result, the Government gives free sites, grants and interest-free loans towards the capital costs of new school buildings and equipment to selected non-profit-making organisations in order to achieve the approved targets in the primary and secondary fieldse

In addition, grants and subsidies are given to meet or help to meet the recurrent costs in these schools.

Commenting on land grants and financial assistance to selected non-profit-making schools, a spokesman for the Education Department said that during the past five years a total of 56 sites for secondary schools were granted.

Last year, six sites were granted to secondary schools providing a total of 080 places. • Z ' -

/These schools ••••••••

Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191

Thursday, September 28, 1972

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These schools were also given either capital subsidies or interest-free loans, or both, totalling 8l4,595iO42 and 82,725,100 respectively#

The spokesman said that the area to be granted was normally based at the ratio of 1,000 square feet per classroom for a primary school and 2,000 square feet per classroom for a secondary school#

The degree of financial assistance applicable, he said, depends on the type of project*

Capital subsidy is normally granted to fully-aided projects and interest-free loans to private non-profit-making projects# The interest-free loans are repayable over 15 years for a primary school and 21 years for a secondary school.

Referring to the six sites granted last year, the spokesman said: “The new schools will provide extra places to meet the target aimed at providing by 1976 three years of assisted post-primary education for 50 per cent of the 12-14 age group, and five years of assisted post-primary education for 18-20 per cent of the 12-16 age group,”

Thursday, September 28, 1972

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Hong Kong’s domestic exports last month were valued at 31,417 million, a rise of 8.5 per cent or Sill million over the figure for August 1971, according to provisional trade figures issued today by the Census and Statistics Department.

At the same time, imports jumped by 18.9 per cent or 3501 million to 31,895 million. Re-exports also increased substantially over those of August last year and were worth 3370 million — an increase of 33»3 per cent or 893 million.

A spokesman for the Commerce and Industry Department said today that during the three-month period from June to August this year, domestic exports totalled 84,052 million, imports 35,680 million and re-exports 31,096 million.

Compared with the corresponding period in 1971, these figures represented increases of 7*7 per cent, 11.5 per cent and 26.7 per cent respectively.

Figures for the eight-month period from January to August show increases over the same period last year of 8.7 per cent for domestic exports, 5-2 per cent for imports and 18.6 per cent for re-exports.


Thursday, September 28, 1972

Details of the provisional figures for August are:-

MERCHANDISE: Domestic Exports: 31,41? million 31,895 million 3 370 million

Imports Re-exports 1


August August Increase or

1972 1971 decrease

3 Mn. 3 Mn. S Mn. %

Domestic Exports 1.417 1,306 + 111 + 8.5

Imports 1,895 1,594 +501 + 18.9

Re-exports 370 278 +93 + 33.3

June-Aug. June-Aug. Increase or

1972 1971 decrease

5 Mn. 8 Mn. 8 Mn. %

Domestic Exports 4,052 3,764 + 288 + 7.7

Imports 5,680 5,096 + 584 + 11.5

Re-exports 1,096 865 +251 + 26.7

Janc-Aug Jan.-Aug. Increase or

1972 1971 decrease

3 Mn. S Mn. 8 Mn. %

Domestic Exports 9,715 8,938 + 777 + 8.7

Imports 14,065 13,363 + 700 + 5.2

Re-exports 2,561 2,158 + 402 + 18.6

0 - — _ —

Thursday, September 28, 1972

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The multi-million dollar contract for the construction of the main dams for the High Island Water Scheme will be signed tomorrow,Friday (September 29)*

The document will be signed by the Director of Water Supplies, Mr. A.S. Robertson and Mr. Marco Possenti, an engineer of the Italian civil engineering construction company, Vianini - Societa per Azioni of Rome.

Another engineer of the construction firm, Mr. Ezio D’Attomo, will also attend the function to be held at the Public Works Department Headquarters, Murray Building.

The contract is worth just over 5460 million and work will begin next month. It includes the construction of two rockfill dams rising 210 feet above sea level and 3^0 feet above the foundation level. One dam will be about 2,500 feet long while the other 1,500 feet.

The contract also includes the construction of two smaller rockfill dams to seal neighbouring valleys against overflow, and the formation of-roads, cofferdams as well as other ancillary works.

Late last year, the Government signed two other contracts under the High Island Scheme with a consortium comprising Gammon (Hong Kong) Ltd* and several international firms from Sweden, Germany and France, to build three main tunnels, a number of branch tunnels and their associated stream intakes and shafts.

/The two •••••••

Thursday, September 28, 1972

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The two contracts were worth another $298 million.

It is expected water storage within the reservoir will begin in 1976, but construction will not be completed until early 1979*

At top water level, the reservoir will be "5k miles long and 2 miles wide. It will hold 60,000 million gallons of water — the total storage capacity of all reservoirs in Hong Kong at present.

Note to Editors: The contract signing ceremony will be held at 11 a.m. in the Conference Room of the Public Works Department Headquarters located on the 21st floor, Murray Building. You are cordially invited to send a reporter and/or photographer to cover the occasion.


Thursday, September 28, 1972

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Preparations for this year’s Agricultural Show, the biggest to be held in Hong Kong, are now well under way.

The show, to be held on the Sek Kong Airstrip in the New Territories from December 8 to 11, will be officially opened by the Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose.

It again promises to provide plenty of entertainment as well as information for both farmers and city-dwellers.

For the farmer, there is an opportunity to learn the latest developments in crop and animal husbandry and to participate in some 150 competitions for the best livestock, vegetables, fruits, flowers or pot plants.

For the family on a country outing, there will be a ’children’s corner’, where in addition to pets and playthings, live mules will be used to take children for rides.

A series of cookery demonstrations by well-known chefs, with a different vegetable for each recipe, should prove popular with housewives. The more serious-minded will be interested in the numerous display stalls to be set up by government departments, the army, public organisations, and commercial firms.

Entertainment programmes, including demonstrations by a police dog team and army horse-riders, are being arrangedt and the Education Department is planning a drawing competition among school children, with the best pictures to be exhibited at the Show.

/The organisers ........

Thursday, September 28, 1972

The organisers — the Agriculture and Fisheries Department — will

have its own special stall. Displays there will illustrate the various aspects of good agricultural management.

There will be different sections with separate emphasis on four subjects —

land and water management (irrigation), conservation of land and forestry, livestock, and crop husbandry.

Other government departments and commercial firms which will be setting

up stalls will also provide services to farmers and residents of rural areas.

Admission is free and it is hoped to arrange for extra buses and trains during the four-day Show. There will also be a large parking area.

- - 0 - ’■


Thursday, September 28, 1972

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Tlie first group of lots in the new six monthly land sales forecast will be auctioned on Friday, October 27, in the City Hall -

Of the lots being offered, five are for residential purposes and the sixth for non-industrial use.

Three of them are in Watford Road on the Peak. The areas range from 17,000 square feet to 29,000 square feet, and upset prices from 3800,000 to 81,600,000.

In Kowloon, two lots in the "Broadcasting City" area are being offered for sale. One in Broadcast Drive has an area of about 16,000 square feet and an upset price of 34,400,000, while the second lot at the junction of Marconi Road and Broadcast Drive, covering 17,000 square feet, has an upset price of 35,000,000.

The only lot to be used for non-industrial purposes is at Tsung Man Street in Aberdeen. It has an area of about 7,410 square feet and an upset price of 33,000,000.

Those who want to have the full particulars and conditions of sale and inspect the sale plans may go to the Public Enquiry Sub-office on the ground floor of the Central Government Offices (West Wing).

They may also call at the Crown Lands and Survey Office, on the 10th floor of the Kowloon Government Offices, at 405, Nathan Road.


Thursday, September 28, 1972




The Deputy Director of Social Welfare, Mr. Thomas C.Y. Lee, said today the Government’s interest in youth work could be seen from the fact that about two-fifths of current subventions to voluntary agencies went to those doing welfare work among the young.

He was speaking at a ceremony in the Mariner’s Club when 39 members of the Social Welfare Department’s Princess Alexandra Community Centre received bronze awards in the Duke of Edinburgh’s award scheme.

Subventions for the current financial year total approximately S20 million, and two-fifths would be about S8 million.

Mr. Lee congratulated the award winners, and urged them to strive for further achievements. The scheme was a challenge to them, and to other young people. It promoted the development of self-confidence.

He referred to the department’s participation in the scheme from February this year as one of the operating authorities, but the SWD had been interested in the scheme since it was begun in 1961.

He recalled that the department maintained direct youth services through a complex of community centres, youth centres, and social centres. In addition, it helped voluntary agencies in their efforts to promote youth work in Hong Kong. The extent of the subventions was the best proof of this.

The bronze awards were distributed by Mr. Wilson T.S. Wang, Legislative Councillor and chairman of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Committee.

Mr. Wang urged the 39 young recipients to aim for still higher awards by exerting the four ”E’s” — effort, energy, enthusiasm and endurance.

”If you have got these,” he said, ’’the Duke’s Award is yours.”

0 - -

Thursday, September 28, 1972

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The head of the Department of Commerce and Management Studies

of the Technical College, Mr. Chung Wah-leung, will be retiring

on Saturday (September 30) after serving in the department for over 19 years.

Mr. Woolfenden, Acting Principal, Technical College will

present a retirement gift to Mr. Chung at a farewell party to be held

in the Polytechnic.

Mr. Chung joined the department as an Assistant Education

Officer in 1953i and was transferred to the Hong Kong Technical College in 1957.

In 1958, he was promoted to Education Officer, and was further promoted to Organiser (Technical) and Head of the Department of Commerce and Management Studies in 1966.

Mr. Chung played an important part in organising the various

ad hoc advisory panels which recommended the type of courses to be run

by the Hong Kong Polytechnic, which has replaced the Technical College.

He was also the President of the Hong Kong Chinese Civil Servants

Association from 19&7 to 1970.

Note to Editors: You are cordially invited to send a reporter and/or photographer to attend the farewell party. It will be held in the Polytechnic at 4 p.m. on September 29 (Friday).


Release time: 7*00 p.m.

PRH 7 4000091


Friday, September 29, 1972



Another 550 taxi licences are to be issued by the Government for operation on Hong Kong Island and in Kowloon. This will bring the total number of taxis on the roads to 5»75&«

Tenders for the new licences are being called in today’s Gazette.

Commenting on the decision to issue more licences, the Acting Commissioner for Transport, Mr. R. Butler, said there are clear indications that the number of taxis on the roads are not enough to meet the current demand.

"Surveys conducted to assess the waiting time for taxis at the more popular taxi stands at peak periods show that this can at times be unduly protracted," he said.

It is hoped tha*c cae situation could be improved with the issue of the new taxi licences.

An applicant can tender for one or more taxis but he has to deposit with the Accountant General a sum of $2,500 for each of the taxis included in the tender. The deposits will be returned to unsuccessful tenderers.

/Tenderers .......

Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191

Friday, September 29, 1972

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Tenderers will be required to indicate whether the taxis for which they are applying are intended for use on Hong Kong Island or in Kowloon. The exact numbers of taxis allocated for each side of the harbour will depend on the analysis of the tenders received.

Applicants should send in their tender forms in duplicate and in sealed envelopes to the Secretary of the Tender Board.

Further tenders for taxi licences may be invited early next year, if the effects of the opening of the cross-harbour tunnel show this to be necessary.

"Thereafter taxi licences may be issued on a different basis," Mr. Butler added.



Friday, September 29, 1972

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Legislation is to be introduced shortly to extend the time limit for the approval of building plans from the present 28 days to 60 days.

The measures are being introduced to protect the public, as building plans are now so complicated that they require very detailed consideration.

The Principal Government Building Surveyor, Mr. J.G. Stean, said today there is no practical or safe way to simplify the checking of submissions.

’•This is particularly true in the structural field, where checking is already restricted to points of principle and spot checks of calculations," he said.

To enable the proposed legislation to be brought in, the Governor in Council has made regulations extending for another three months the operation of the Buildings (Amendment) Ordinance 1972.

The effect of these regulations is to continue in force the legislation introduced last July which suspended the statutory time limits for occupation permits, consents to commence work and approval of plans which are contained in the Buildings Ordinance.

This was done when staff of the Building Ordinance Office was diverted to emergency duties connected with the June rainstorms.

Although most of the staff have returned to normal duties, there is an accumulated backlog of applications for approval of plans which cannot be dealt with in the period of 28 days stated in the Ordinance.

/However, .......

Friday, September 29, 1972

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However, Mr. Stean, gave an assurance that all applications for occupation permits will be processed within 14 days — the period stipulated in the Ordinance.

"At the same time*1, he said, "priority will be given to applications for consent to commence work and these should be cleared within the 28-day period."

The requirement that the Building Authority process applications for occupation permits within 14 days will be re-established when the bill, which also incorporates further amendments to the Buildings Ordinance, is introduced • %



A temporary mobile post office which has been serving residents in

■ •>

the Clearwater Bay area will be withdrawn as from tomorrow (Saturday)• Announcing this today, the Postmaster General explained that a three month trial period for the service had shown a very limited need for the facilities with "few customers each day".

■ : . • •

The main business transacted was the sale of postage stamps which are already available from licensed stamp vendors in the area.

* ■ 1 ■ 1 ' . ?

These vendors are at Taipo Tsai, Sheung Yeung, Ho Chung, Hang Hau, Pak Sha Wan and Tai Chung Hau Village.



Friday, September 29, 1972

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Two quarries at Cha Kwo Ling in Kowloon will be combined to enable efficient production using the most modern application of safe working methods.

Situated behind Cha Kwo Ling Village near the eastern approaches to the harbour, these two quarries have a total area of 83 acres.

The present contracts under which they operate will expire on June JO, 197^« After this, the new contract will take in the whole area and the quarry will be operated as a single unit.

This combination is in line with the government’s policy of providing large-scale, modern quarries with proper control over working conditions•

The new contract will enable the successful contractor to continue working until all reserves of granite in the hill have been removed to the agreed boundaries of quarry working for the area. It also provides for the landscaping of the area as extraction of stone is completed.

It is estimated that over one million cubic yards of stone can be quarried each year, and the whole operation is expected to take at least 10 years to complete.

However, the operation period may be reduced if there is a large increase in the demand for building material.

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Friday, September 29, 1972



A two-storey columbarium providing 5,970 niches and a pavilion will soon be built in the Cape Collinson crematorium to meet the growing demand for columbarium spaces.

The design of the new structure will follow the character of the original columbarium which contains a cloister-type wall into which niches are set. It will be connected to the east end of the crematorium complex by the pavilion.

The new columbarium will be built over a bank in the Garden of Remembrance overlooking the Lei Yue Mun Channel.

When the Cape Collinson crematorium was completed in 19^2, there was provision for 4^0 niches.

With the growth in the use of the crematorium, an additional 800 niches were provided in an extension to the columbarium in 19^5, and a further 2,600 in 1968.

In view of the still growing demand for columbarium spaces, this third stage of the expansion was planned.

Construction of the new columbarium will commence in December, and take about one year to complete.

Friday, September 29, 1972

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The Crown Land Ordinance 1972 will come into effect on Sunday (October 1).

Under the legislation, the authorities will be empowered to serve notices requiring unlawful occupation of Crown land to cease within a specified period.

If the notice is not complied with, the authorities may remove trespassers from the land and take possession of any property on it.

Failure to comply with such a notice will be an offence and on conviction, a person is liable to a fine of $10,000 and to six months’ imprisonment.

The ordinance also deals with the control of excavations in unleased Crown land and the revesting of certain private streets in the Crown.

One important change from the old law is that mere unlawful occupation of Crown land will no longer be a criminal offence.



Friday, September 295 1972

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The International Coffee Council lias announced that imports of coffee by member countries of the International Coffee Agreement from non-member countries will continue to be subject to quota control in the "coffee year" commencing on Sunday (October 1).

A spokesman of the Commerce and Industry Department said today that Hong Kong’s quota for imports of non-member coffee has been fixed at approximately 1.6 million pounds.

The Department is now prepared to consider applications to import coffee from non-member countries for local consumption.

Applications will be considered on production of evidence of intended purchase until the entire quota is committed. Coffe imported for local consumption may not subsequently be re-exported. Applications to import non-member coffee for re-export will not at present be considered, the spokesman said.

In respect of coffee imported from member countries, import licences will continue to be issued on the production of Certificates of Origin with Coffee Export Stamps affixed to them or Certificates of Re-export.

• < % X


Release Time: 7«QQ P>m«



Saturday, September 30, 1972



A number of parking meters in Wan Chai and Mong Kok will be working up to midnight as from tomorrow (October 1).

These will be the first batch of meters to be converted to the extended operating times, and changes will be made progressively beginning in the areas where the demand for short-term parking in the evening is greatest.

The work involved in the conversion covers the fixing of a new description plate on the meter to show the operating times and the various charges.

For this reason, the Acting Commissioner for Transport, Mr. Richard Butler, today advised motorists to check the time of operation shown on the parking meter, before leaving their vehicles in a metered space.

The extended hours for meter operation follows a statement by the

Financial Secretary, Mr. C.P. Haddon-Cave, in the Legislative Council earlier • •. . • . * this year.

In his speech, he said that not only would metered time be extended to midnight in certain areas, but would also include Sundays and public holidays.

•’The reason for this is that the demand for parking in many areas is very often just-as high, or even higher, during these periods as during daylight hours on weekdays,” the Financial Secretary said.

- - 0 -


Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191

Saturday, September 30, 1972

- 2



The water supply to North Point, Quarry Bay, Shau Kei Wan, and Chai Wan, is to be improved with the laying of a new large diameter fresh water main from the cross-harbour supply system.

A spokesman for the Waterworks Office described the work as the second step in a big project to improve supplies and cater for increasing demand in these areas.

Recently the capacity of the Shau Kei Wan service reservoir was increased by an additional 5*7 million gallons as a first step to the project.

While the water mains are being laid, the opportunity will be taken H

to put down a new large diameter sewer to serve development in the Quarry Bay area and improve facilities in North Point.

The total length of mains to be laid will be about 20,000 feet, with the diameter ranging from 24 to 36 inches.

Construction work is expected to begin in November, and will take about 18 months to complete. The estimated cost of the project is S4.5 mil15 on.


Saturday, September 30, 1972

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The Government will be carrying out studies on the feasibility of building another typhoon shelter within the south-western approaches to the harbour.

The possible locations to be investigated include Cheung Chau, Peng Chau, Penny’s Bay, Shah Long and Tai Pak.

A shelter at one of these sites may be able to accommodate fishing boats based on Cheung Chau, and those unable to reach Hong Kong harbour or Aberdeen on the approach of a typhoon.

It will also reduce the demand for shelter space within the harbour, enabling the port to stay open for a longer period before the approach of a typhoon and to become operational more quickly after the danger has passed.

The fishing fleet too can similarly benefit from having a shelter closer to its base.

The proposed shelter is expected to cover about 50 acres, depending on the site to be chosen.



Saturday, September 30, 1972


Note to Editors; Mrs. G.T. Rowe, wife of the Director of

Social Welfare, will visit the St. James’ Settlement, 98A Kennedy Road, Wan Chai, on Monday, October 2 at 10 a.m. She will be accompanied by Mrs. Evelyn Doe, Principal Social Welfare Officer. The Settlement is run by the Church Body of the Chinese Anglican Church. It was inaugurated at the end of 19^9 to provide recreational, literacy, and practical training facilities for children in the Wanchai district. From a small beginning, it was extended as the need arose and the funds became available. The workshops were completed in 19^1, the main building in 19&3, and the Stone Nullah Centre in 19$9« The Settlement has been receiving a Government subvention for many years. You are invited to have the visit covered, and your news team should arrive at the Settlement by 9«^5 a.m.


Saturday, September 30, 1972

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Statistics released today by the Medical and Health Department for the week ending on September 16, 1972 are as follows:-

* Notifications of infectious cases (previous week’s figures in brackets) — total 170 (179); bacillary dysentery — 11 (11); chickenpox — 1 (nil); tuberculosis 147 (157); enteric fever (typhoid) — 8 (9); measles — 1 (1); ophthalmia neonatorum — 2 (nil); and poliomyelitis — nil (1)*

* Births — total registered 1,58?; 4j6 on Hong Kong Island, 926 in Kowloon, and 221 in the New Territories.

Deaths — 416 from all causes; 131 on the Island, 272 in Kowloon

and 1J in the New Territories.

--------0 --------



Note to Editors; There will be an issue of the Daily

Information Bulletin tomorrow (October 1). At the same time copies of an article written for the Clean Hong Kong campaign with photographs will also be available for collection at 3 p.m.


Release Time: 2*00 p.m.


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