Sessional Papers - 1940


Table of Contents

1. Daylight Saving

Report of the Daylight Saving Committee

2. Jurors

Jurors List for 1940

3. War Revenue

Report of the War Revenue Committee






No. 1940.








HONG KONG, 23rd January, 1940.


We were appointed under Government Notification 1171 of 12th December, 1939, to be members of a Committee to consider further the question of daylight saving.

2. Our terms of reference were as follows:---


Having regard to the facts that-

(1) the conservation of sterling exchange is very necessary to the suc-

cessful prosecution of the war with Germany;

(2) the coal used in the generation of the Colony's electric light supply is

largely purchased from countries outside the sterling group;

(3) the majority of the shops and many of the factories in Hong Kong are

open to a late hour of night;

to examine and report on the advisability of-

(a) adopting an official time for the Colony one hour, or part of one hour, in advance of the time of the 120th meridian East of Greenwich for the whole or for part of the year, and

(b) limiting by statute the number of hours per diem during which workers

in shops and factories may be employed."

3. Hong Kong has already, in fact, a measure of daylight saving standard time is twenty-three minutes in advance of local time. The Straits Settlements Daylight Saving Ordinance provides for an advance of only twenty minutes beyond the mean time of the 105th meridian. This standard time (the time of the 120th meridian East of Greenwich) was introduced to ensure the use of the same time by all the people in a large area, and this area or zone extends from Pakhoi to Korea and embraces the coast ports of China, Formosa, the Philippines and Western Australia. For Hong Kong to have a different time from these places would cause a certain inconvenience, which we do not regard as insuperable. We do, however, consider that no useful purpose would be served within our terms of reference by further extending daylight saving in Hong Kong for the simple reason that there is little or no daylight to save. The question of further time for recreation in the evening, besides not falling within our terms of reference, could be answered by an adjustment of office hours.

4. We append as Appendix I a memorandum and graphs prepared by Mr. Appendix I. B. D. Evans, who, as acting Director of the Royal Observatory, was a member of our Committee until Mr. Jeffries' return from leave. It will be seen that the latest time of sunrise is about 7 a.m. and that in comparison with, say, London there is comparatively little variation throughout the year. As a result local factories and workshops have established 7 a.m. as the opening hour; that is, work begins as soon as daylight permits.

His Excellency,






5. Normal factory hours are 7 a.m. to 12 noon, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., with over- time from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. These are based largely on the hours of daylight, so that no useful purpose would be served by altering the official time with a view to daylight saving.

6. We quote the following figures from the Hong Kong Trade and.Shipping Returns in respect of the imports of coal during 1938.

North China

French Indo-China

United Kingdom





South Africa

North China

French Indo-China


Neth. East Indies



















98,996 113,355



220 285,900







Approximately two thirds of the total is consumed by steamships coaling in the Colony's waters.


We are informed, however, by the Hong Kong Electric Company and the China Light and Power Company that all the coal used by them in the generation of the Colony's electricity supply is purchased from India and French Indo-China, so that the question of the conservation of exchange as a war measure by a reduction of coal imports based on decreased electric light requirements does not appear to arise.

8. Bye-law 8 made under the Factories and Workshops Ordinance of 1937 forbids night work by women and young persons. The Protector of Labour may in exceptional cases authorize the employment of any woman or young person of 16 years or over for not more than 60 days in any year between the hours of 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. Except as so provided, no woman or young person shall be employed in any industrial undertaking between the hours of 8 p.m. and 7 a.m. As many women are employed in factories, especially knitting factories, this automatically controls the hours per diem worked in such factories. In consideration of this and in view of the further fact that a number of factories are engaged in war work we have not thought it advisable in present circumstances to recommend the limitation by statute of hours of employment in factories.

9. In the case of shops, however, we are of opinion that the same considera- tions do not apply. Factory owners may allege that they have to compete with factories in places where hours are uncontrolled. We do not feel called upon to comment on this argument, beyond recording that it does not apply to shops in the same place which only compete one with another. We append a statement of the



normal working hours in shops in Hong Kong, and we recommend, largely as a Appendix social measure, that shops with certain exceptions should be closed for the purposes of retail trade or business at 8 o'clock every evening. In view of the strong views held on the subject by the Chinese members of our Committee we do not make any recommendation regarding half-day or whole-day closing on Sunday. Our Chinese members were also of opinion that for the majority of the population who live a hand-to-mouth existence the need to purchase foodstuffs ahead would cause hardship.

10. We have obtained from the electricity supply companies figures of the probable saving of coal: (a) if an hour's daylight saving were introduced and (b) if shops were compelled to extinguish their lights at 8 p.m. The estimated figures for (a) and (b) are respectively 10 tons and 7 tons per day. These are not large,

71⁄2 especially in the latter case, and as a result we have refrained from making any recommendation regarding the lights in shops.

11. We have, through our Chinese members and the Honourable. Secretary for Chinese Affairs sounded shopkeepers on the subject of closing at 8 p.m. and we understand that this will be acceptable to the majority, and that there is no danger either of appreciable loss of trade or of reduction in the wages of workers. The Honourable Commissioner of Police has represented to us that such regulation may be difficult to enforce, but we consider that its acceptability to the majority will cause shopkeepers themselves to see to its observance.

12. We would express our thanks to the Honourable Secretary for Chinese Affairs and the Honourable Commissioner of Police for their assistance. Valuable information was received from the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce and the Chinese Chamber of Commerce through their Secretaries who are members of our Committee, and we are grateful to the electricity supply companies for the information supplied by them through this channel.


13. We append a draft Bill entitled "The Shops (Hours of Closing) Ordin- Appendix ance, 1940", which contains our detailed recommendations in this matter.

We have the honour to be,


Your Excellency's most obedient servants,

(Sgd.) H. R. BUTTERS






H. Y. T'so



Appendix I.


From a daylight saving point of view the ideal is for all workers to rise with the sun and to retire as soon after the setting of the sun as is convenient. Under modern conditions this is impossible, it would entail altering work and meal hours almost daily, certainly weekly. The average time of sunrise is 6 a.m., and it has become customary for workers, and thus the majority of the people, to rise about that hour and commence the day's work soon afterwards.

In high latitudes this custom entails the majority of the people rising after the sun during the summer months. In England, for example, the sun rises before 6 a.m. from March 20th to October 1st, and, in mid-summer, rises as early as 3.35 a.m.

There is, therefore, much to be gained by advancing the clocks an hour during the summer months, so that the working day starts that much earlier after the rising of the sun. The benefits gained are a saving of coal and oil for artificial illumination, and an additional hour of daylight at the end of the working day for outdoor recreation.

The same argument does not apply to countries in low latitudes, where the hours of daylight, winter and summer, differ but slightly.

In Hong Kong, where Standard Time is 23 minutes in advance of Local Time, the sun rises before 6 a.m. from *April 20th to August 15th only, and does not rise earlier than 5.38 a.m. (Standard Time). A further advance of even half-an-hour would, therefore, entail the majority of the people rising before the sun all the year round. During the winter months many would be starting work in the dark, and there would be little, if any, saving of artificial illumination.

An extra half-hour for daylight recreation would benefit the community as a whole. In Hong Kong there are few open spaces and recreation grounds, and most of these are some distance from the centre of the city. It follows that only a small percentage of the people would benefit by outdoor recreation, and their gain would be at the expense of those forced to rise before the sun; the class least able to afford artificial illumination.

Zone, or Standard Time, was introduced to ensure that all the people in a large area use the same time. The adoption of a different time by any one community in a Zone is a retrograde step to the confusion that existed before Standard Time was internationally accepted. It would seem permissible only if that community were a large one, and the gain in daylight saving considerable. An alteration of less than one hour is at variance with the principles of Zone Time and should not be con- templated unless for very urgent considerations.

The use of a time by Hong Kong different from that of Canton, the Coast Ports, Shanghai and the Philippines would cause some inconvenience to transport corpora- tions, bankers, merchants, and the cable and wireless companies. If the alteration is made in perpetuity the inconvenience will not be of much moment. The incon- venience will be accentuated if the time is changed by less than one hour, and much accentuated if the change is made for a part of the year only.

Bamboo Goods



Appendix II.

Opening Hour

Closing Hour

Total Hours

of Business.


Bird nest

6.30 a.m. &

7.30 p.m.


13 12







Bird Shop

Building Contractor


Chinese banks
















Chinese Medicine




Chinese tailoring





Earthen wares






8.30 &
























Eating House
















Fruit (wholesale)




Fruit & Cigarettes














7.30 &









Haberdashery Hat Maker


Joss paper Leather


Majong Making Marine delicacy

Marine store































6 7






Misc. Articles





Money changer










Paper ...



















Piece Goods




7.30 7.30 9






6.30 2








Roast Meat




Salt fish




Secondhand clothes










Soy Stationery Tailor Teahouse

7.30 6



















Tea Shop










Watch maker










Appendix III.

Short title.

Interpreta- tion.

Closing hours.

Provisions as to trading elsewhere than in


Power to suspend

operation of


on special occasions.


1. 1940.


This Ordinance may be cited as the Shops (Hours of Closing) Ordinance,

2. In this Ordinance the expression "shop" includes any premises where any retail trade or business is carried on, but does not include clubs, hotels, public- houses, restaurants, eating-houses, tea-rooms, or premises open for the sale only of medicines, aerated waters, sweets, chocolates or other sugar confectionery or ice cream, tobacco or smokers' requisites.

The expression "retail trade or business" includes the business of a barber or hairdresser, but does not include the sale of petrol or newspapers, or the sale or distribution of milk, or the sale or programmes or refreshments at theatres and places of amusement.

3. Every shop shall, save as otherwise provided in this Ordinance, be closed for the serving of customers not later than eight o'clock in the evening on any day of the week.

4. It shall not be lawful to carry on in any place not being a shop retail trade or business at any time when it would be unlawful to keep a shop open for the purposes of such retail trade or business, and if any person carries on any trade or business in contravention of this section this Ordinance shall apply as if he were the occupier of a shop and the shop were being kept open in contravention of this Ordinance.

5. The Governor may by notification in the Gazette for such periods as he thinks fit suspend the operation of the provisions of this Ordinance in connexion with Chinese New Year or any other special occasion.

6. In the case of any contravention of or failure to comply with any of the provisions of this Ordinance the occupier of the shop shall be guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding (a) in the case of a first offence fifty dollars, (b) in the case of a second or subsequent offence five hundred dollars.

Where an offence for which the occupier of a shop is liable under this Ordinance has, in fact, been committed by some manager, agent, servant, or other person, the manager, agent, servant, or other person shall be liable to the like penalty as if he were the occupier.






JURY ORDINANCE, No. 6 of 1887.






• 1940


Alexander, Tom Graham.


Manager, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co... On premises.

Archbutt, Geoffrey Samuel. Fire Insurance Manager, Union

Auyang Manly

Bellamy, Leonard Charles


*Benson, Donovan

* Biggar, David MacDonald... Bitting, Samuel Tilden......

* Black, Colin Charteris ......

Braga, Noel

Brown, Charles Bernard Butlin, Strathmore Tatham. Camidge, Reginald Albert...

*Cassidy, Philip Stanley.

Champkin, Cyril. Chan, Kenneth

* Chau Shiu-ng

Cheng Shou Jen..... Choa Po-yew

Churn, Samuel Macomber... Clark, Douglas Edward..... Cock, Edward................ Compton, Albert Henry Croucher, Noel Victor Amor Drummond, David Dunbar, Lambert Eager, Oscar

Edgar, Aubrey Jacob. Edmondston, David Charles. Figueiredo, Guillerme de... Finnie, John

Fleming, John Geare, Iltyd Henry

Gee, Charles Mcqueen

Insurance Society of Canton, Ld................. Manager, Bank of Kwangtung

General Manager, H.K. Tramways, Ld... Manager, Mercantile Bank of India, Ld.... Manager, Chase Bank.... Manager, National City Bank of New


Manager, Furness (Far East), Ld. Secretary, China Light & Power Co., Ld. Chartered Accountant, Linstead & Davis. Chartered Accountant, Linstead & Davis. Manager, Chartered Bank of India,

Australia & China

Merchant, John D. Hutchison & Co. Exchange Broker......

Managing Director, Gande Price & Co.,


Compradore, Bank Belge pour l'Etranger

d'Extreme Orient, Societe Anonime... Bank of China, Ld. Compradore, Netherlands India

Commercial Bank Union Trading Co., Ld. Merchant, J. D. Humphreys & Son H.K. & Whampoa Dock Co., Ld. Manager, David Sassoon & Co., Ld.. Stock Broker, Chartered Bank Building.. Manager, Canadian Pacific S.S., Ld. Flour Broker, Dunbar & Co. Secretary, H.K. Land Investment &

Agency Co., Ld................ Broker, Ellis & Edgar Banker, H.K. & Shanghai Bank Engineer, Siemens China Co................. Manager, Taikoo Dockyard &

Engineering Co. of Hong Kong Lowe, Bingham & Matthews Assistant General Manager, Standard-

Vacuum Oil Co..... Manager, National Aniline & Chemical


401 The Peak.

91 Caine Road, 1st floor.

358 The Peak. 302 The Peak. Woodbury, Pokfulam.

408 The Peak. Honkong Club.

22 Braga Circuit, Kowloon. 176 The Peak. 506 The Peak.

17 Peak Road. 30 The Peak. Hongkong Club.

57 Cumberland Rd., Kowloon Tong.

37 Robinson Road.

On premises.

19 Seymour Road.

53 Conduit Road.

9 Aigburth Hall, May Road. On premises.

Longridge, Repulse Bay Road, P. & O. Building. 362 The Peak.

2 May Road.

5 Bowen Road.

1 Duddell Street.

356 The Peak.

3 Tak Shing Street, Kowloon.

On premises. 293 The Peak.

Peninsula Hotel.

Gloucester Hotel.

* Exempted for limited periods.





Gillespie, Ronald Dare

Hall, Frederick Charles... Hills, Herbert Stuart Ho Sai Wing Hughes, Arthur William

* Kadoorie, Lawrence

* Kan Tong-po

Landale, David Fortune..

Lee Tao-nan

Li Koon-chun

* Li Tse-fong..........

Lo, Horace

Lo Man-hin...

Lo Yuk-tong

Lock, Walter Heathcote Macgregor, John Farrar

* Mackichan, Alexander


Manners, Charles Manners

* Munton, Douglas William...

Ngan Shing-kwan

*Noronha, José Maria......

Ormiston, James Pearce, Thomas Ernest.... Pentreath, George Artis Perrin, Norman James Phillips, Alexander Roy

Henderson Priestley, Horace Hugh

Hepworth Raymond, Albert

Raymond, Edward Maurice

Remedios, Fernando

Eduardo d'Almada

Ritchie, Archibald .

Roza, Alfred William da Schultz, Henry Louis

Seth, John Hennessey. * Shewan, Ian Winchester

Silva, Frederico Leocadio


Silva, Renaldo Alberto da Sorby, Vincent Dare...

Stanton, William Telling-


Sturt, Herbert Rothsay.. Taggart, James Harper... Tang Man-yan Tang Shiu-kin

Wilkinson, Harry Vaughan. Williamson, Stuart Taylor... Wilson, Thomas Burlington. Wong Tak-kwong Wood, Gerald George Yung Tsze-ming

Managing Director, Imperial Chemical

Industries (China), Ld. Underwriter, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Exchange Broker, Layton & Co. Compradore, H.K. & Shanghai Bank Manager, Union Insurance Society of

Canton, Ld.

Financier, Sir Elly Kadoorie & Sons.... Bank of East Asia, Ld. .... Merchant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Manager, Bank of Communications Proprietor, Wo Fat Shing Shipping Co... Bank of East Asia, Ld.

Compradore, Jardine, Matheson & Co.,


Compradore, Jardine, Matheson & Co.,


Managing Director, Bakilly & Co., Ld.... Manager, Butterfield & Swire Manager, Caldbeck, Macgregor &

Co., L.

Leigh & Orange

Manager, H.K. & Kowloon Wharf &

Godown Co., Ld.

Manager, China Light & Power Co., Ld... Managing Director, China Motor Bus

Co., Lủ.

Secretary, Credit Foncier d'Extreme


Manager, Reiss, Bradley & Co., Ld. John D. Hutchison & Co. Manager, Pentreath & Co.. Manager, Thos. Cook & Son, Ld.

On premises. 507 The Peak.. 29 The Peak. 62 Bonham Road.

464 The Peak. Peninsula Hotel. On premises. 117 The Peak. On premises. 8 Kennedy Road. On premises.

3 Norfolk Road, Kowloon Tong.

62 Conduit Road.

19 Kennedy Road. On premises.

On premises.

On premises.

20 Humphreys Building. Kowloon. Ellyridge, Homuntin.

64 Kennedy Road.

27 Ashley Road, Kowloon. Hong Kong Club.

299 The Peak.

64 Dina House, Duddell Street. 162 The Peak.

Manager, Taikoo Sugar Refining Co., Ld.: Cornhill, Quarry Bay.

Merchant, Gloucester Building ..... Secretary, British War Organization Fund Financier-Director, St. John's Ambulance


Director, Union Trading Co., Ld. Chartered Accountant, Lowe, Bingham

& Matthews

Manager, Messrs. Roza Bros........... General Manager, Standard-Vacuum

Oil Co.

Incorporated Accountant Shewan, Tomes & Co...

Member Committee, H.K. Sharebrokers'


Merchant, The Colonial Trading Co...... Electrical Engineer, H.K. Electric Co.,


Exchange Broker.......... China Underwriters, Ld..... H.K. & Shanghai Hotels, Ld........ Manager, Bank of Canton Manager, Tang Tin Fuk Bank Partner, Mackinnon & Mackenzie Principal, Williamson & Co.


16 Macdonnell Road. R. B. L. 407.

Holland House, 1st floor.

6 Peace Avenue, Homuntin.

180 The Peak.

33 Kadoorie Avenue, Kowloon.

Altadena, 459 Barker Road. Repulse Bay Hotel. 4 Aighburth Hall, May Road.

18 Chatham Road, Kowloon. 67 Kimberley Road. Kowloon.

253 The Peak.

Tien Ping Shan, Fauling.

3 Abermor Court, May Road. On premises.

74-76 Macdonnell Road.

On premises.

On premises.

53 The Peak.

Manager, American President Lines, Ld.. 143 Waterloo Road, Kowloon.

Manager, Fung Tang Kee Co.... Leigh & Orange


92 Kennedy Road,

On premises.

45 Robinson Road.








Abbas, Abbib

Abbas, Abdul Aziz Abbas, Yakub..................

Abbott, Albert Stanley Abdulcader, Amir Abdulrahman, Aziz Rauf.

Abesser, Peter

Ablong, Alfred Ernest, Jr. Abloug, Alfred Ernest, Sr...

Ablong, Arthur John...................... Abraham, Edgar Shooker... Abraham, Ezra

Abraham, Jon Macoyer

* Abraham, Reuben Accouci, Úseo.....

* Ackber, John....

Adal, Mohammed Yaqub Adam, James

Adams, Josiah Logan Adams, William Balgowan

Adem, Mahomed Advani, Hashusing Awatsing Advani, Hiranand


Advani, Narain Advani, Ramchand


Agabeg, Leonardo Oscar Agafuroff, Burhan.... Agafuroff, Iskander

Agon, Carlos Manuel Ah Koong Ah Loy-chang

* Ahwee, George Emanuel

Ahwee, Henry William.. Akers, Hartford Larne

Clerk, Lowe, Bingham & Matthews Overseer, H.K. Electric Co., Ld. Godown Superintendent, Texas Co.,

(China), Ld.......

Manager, Kelly & Walsh, Ld. Manager, Tyeh & Co..... Assistant, Union Insurance Society

of Canton, Ld.

Accountant, Connell Bros. Co. Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld. Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.)


Overseer, H.K. Electric Co., Ld. Exchange Broker, 10 Ice House Street... Broker, Tester & Abraham... Foreman, Vibro Filing Co., Ltd.

Share Broker, Tester & Abraham Sculptor, A. Vannini & Co. Clerk, Insurance Co. of N. America Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld........... Shipwright, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., Lủ.

Civil Engineer, Butterfield & Swire... Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard & Engineer-

ing Co. of H.K., Ld. Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld............

Clerk, Utoomal & Assudamal Co. ...

Clerk, Utoomal & Assudamal Co. Clerk, Imperial Airways Far East, Ld...

Clerk, Utoomal & Assudamal Co. Clerk, Hong Kong Hotel Broker, S. E. Levy & Co. Broker, S. E. Levy & Co.

Clerk, Credit Foncier d'Extreme Orient. Clerk, Sworn Measurers' Office

Typist, Marsman H.K. China, Ld.... Farm Superintendent, Alwee Dairy

Delivery Superintendent, Ahwee Dairy. Manager, Palace Hotel

Alabaster, James Wilfred Assistant, Union Insurance Society

of Canton, Ld.

Alarakia, Ismail Mohamed. Clerk, Chartered Bank of India,

Alarcon, Edward Matthew. Alarcon, Francisco Maria...

Alexander, William Lodge.

Alferieff, Nicholas.. Aliwalia, Kashmira Singh.

Ali. Dawood Ali, Taufik Bin Allaye, Emmanuel

Allen, Douglas Geoffrey


Allen, Lawrence David... Almeida, Bernabe Antonio. Almeida, Carlos Eugene d'..

Australia & China

Clerk, Java-China-Japan Lijn Salesman, Andersen, Meyer & Co., Ld...

Chartered Accountant, Percy Smith,

Seth & Fleming... Assistant, Arnhold & Co., Ld. Salesman, Mamak & Co.... Clerk, Calif-Asia, Ld. Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld..

25 Johnston Road.

456 King's Road, Ground floor.

21 Kai Tack Bund.

On premises.

27 Wyndham Street.

On premises.

540 Nathan Road, Kowloon. On premises.

On premises.

454 King's Road, 3rd floor. 99 Waterloo Road, Kowloon Tong, 55 Granville Road, Kowloon. 17 Han Wong Road, 2nd floor,

Kowloon City.

38 Kimberley Road, Kowloon. 141 Electric Road.

17 Caroline Hill Road, 1st floor. 445 Hennessy Road, 3rd floor.

On premises. On premises.

Quarry Bay.

38 Tang Lung Street, 2nd floor.

19 Robinson Road, Top floor.

19 Robinson Road, Top floor. On premises.

19 Robinson Road, Top Hoor, 23 Mosque Street.

6 Village Road, 1st floor. 6 Village Road, 1st floor. 97 Taipo Road, 2nd floor. Ou premises.

452 Portland Street, Kowloon. c/o Kowloon Dairy Customs

Pass, Sai Kung Road. Sai Kung Road.

10 Hillwood Road, 2nd floor,


On premises.

8 Caine Road.

8 Salisbury Avenue, Kowloon. & Salisbury Road, Ground floor,


276 The Peak.

3-5 Kennedy Road.

38 Hankow Road, 2nd floor, K'loon.

47 Sharp Street East, Ground floor. 277 Lockhart Road, 3rd floor.

Assistant, Friesland Trading Co., Ld. 16 Cumberland Road, Kowloon

Analyst, Franklin Laboratory Clerk, Comptoir Anglo Continental, Ld.. Clerk, General Electric Co. of China, Ld. Manager, United Sales Association


25 Blue Pool Road.

140a Kennedy Road.

332 Ma Tau Wei Rd., To Kwa Wan. 194 Prince Edward Road, Top floor,








Almeida, José Maria d'......

Almeida, Julio Hyndman d'. Almeida, Patrick Edward d'.

Alonço, Deus-Dedit

Antonio Alvares, Alfred

Alvares, John Jacques Alvares, José Augusto

de Sousa

Alves, Alberto Maria Alves, Antonio Maria

Alves, Carlos Francisco


Alves, Darius Caesar Selavisa.... Alves, Eduardo

Alves, Edward Vincent.. Alves, Erasmus Ulysses


Alves, Frederick Danenberg

Alves, Henrique Alberto.... Alves, José Lourenço Aman, George Henry Anderson, David

Anderson, George

Anderson, George Thirkill.

Anderson, John Edgar Anderson, John Fraser

Anderson, Odd Sams.........

Andrews, Charles Frederick

Angeles, Godofredo San

Luis... Angus, George Ian

Annis, Paul Eicher

Auson, Yao... Antioquia, Jose Bunag

Antonio, José Ernesto

Antonio, Luiz Victor......... Antonov, Mishael Basil Aquino, Alfredo Maria d'...

Aquino Damasco

Loureiro d'

Aquino, Gaston d'

Aquino, José Goulartt d'... Archer, Charles Percy......

Accountant, Orient Tobacco Manu-


Assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co....... Assistant Engineer, China Light &

Power Co., Ld.

Assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co....... Assistant Architect, Credit Foncier

d'Extreme Orient

Joint Manager, Central Radio Service

582 Nathan Road, Kowloon. 11 Austin Avenue, Kowloon.

32 Tam Kung Road.

16 Observatory Road, Kowloon.

6 Gordon Terrace, Kowloon. 74 Waterloo Road, Kowloon.

Clerk, China Light & Power Co., Ld. ... 15 Homuntin Street, 2nd floor,

Director, J. M. Alves & Co., Ld. Clerk, Nederlandsch Indische

Handelsbank, N. V.

Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank

Assistant, China Underwriters, Ld. Director, J. M. Alves & Co., Ld. Clerk, Davie, Boag & Co., Ld.

Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld................... Assistant Installation Engineer, China

Light & Power Co., Ld. Assistant, John D. Hutchison & Co....... Assistant, Reiss Bradley & Co., Ld. Assistant, Ed. A. Keller & Co., Ld. Engineer, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., L.

Marine Surveyor, Anderson & Ashe Shipbuilder, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., Li.

Director, Anderson Music Co., Ld. Engineer, Taikoo Sugar Refining

Co., Lư.

Engineer, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., L.

Assistant, Dairy Farm, Ice and Cold

Storage Co., Ld.

Book-keeper, Thoresen & Co., Ld.... Maintenance Engineer, China Light &

Power Co., Ld.

Parts Manager, General Motors

China, Ld.

Secretary, Wing Ping Trading Co. Ltd. Assistant, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., Ld.

Assistant, H.K. & Shanghai Bank,


Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank Manager, Ilford Ld.

Traffic Clerk, Imperial Airways (Far

East) Ld.

Clerk, Chartered Bank of India

Australia & China.

Agent, West Coast Life Insurance Co.

of San Francisco...

Clerk, C. E. Warren & Co., Ld. Salesman, Bosco Radio Corporation....


302 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon.

8 Tung Cheong Building, Top floor,


1 Emma Avenue, Homuntin.

145 Waterloo Road, Kowloon Tong. 302 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon, 234 Nathan Road, Kowloon.

5 Grampian Road, Kowloon City.

23 Cameron Road, Kowloon. 145 Waterloo Road, Kowloon Tong. 8 Mosque Junction. On premises.

On premises.

3 Belfran Road, Kowloon.

On premises.

17 Humphreys Building, Kowloon.

11 Braemar Terrace, Quarry Bay.

On premises.

74 Nathan Road, Kowloon.

On premises.

Block 1, Staff Quarters, Hok Un.

Gloucester Hotel. On premises.

On premises.

11-13 Han Wong Road, 2nd floor,

Kowloon City.

Peninsula Hotel.

16 Hart Avenue, Kowloon.

On premises.


18a Canton Villas, Kimberley

Road, Kowloon.

3 Salisbury Avenue, Kowloon. 5 United Terrace, Homuntin. 79A Wongneichong Road.








Arculli, Obeidullab el, Jr.... Arculli, Omar el........... Arndt, Walter Ferdinand....

Arnold, George William

Arnulphy, Carlos Aroozoo, Donald David. Ashton, William John Assessorow, Wadim


Assumpção, Bernardino de

Senna Fernandes d'

Assumpção, Carlos

Augusto d'

Atkins, Albert Edward......

Au Chung-yu

Au Fong-yue

Âu Kim-foug

Au Lok-min Au Lum ..... Au Ping-ying Au Shiu-min Au Yeung Kimin Au Yeung-lai...........

Au Young-liang.....

Au Young-pang..

Avramow, Albert Jacques... Azedo, Alexander

Azedo, Caetano Maria Dias.

Azevedo, Alexandre Antonio d'

Azevedo, Antonio d' Azevedo, Victor Felix d'.

Azim, Rahmat Moosa

Azzolini, Umberto

Clerk, China Import Trading Co. Manager, A. F. Arculli & Sons Chief Clerk, American President Lines,


Advertising Assistant, Standard-Vacuum

Oil Co.

Manager, H.K. Canton Export Co., Ld.. Clerk, Marsman H.K. China, Ld. Assistant Secretary, Y.M.C.A.

Clerk of Works, H.K. Engineering &

Construction Co., Ld..............

Assistant, Dodwell & Co., Ld.

7 Village Road. 126 Kennedy Road.

6 Homuntin Hill, Homuntin.

6 Duke Street, Mongkoktsui. 300 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon, 367 Nathan Road, Kowloon. On premises.

19 Kimberley Road, Top floor,


14 Victory Avenue, Homuntin.

Assistant, Gibb, Livingston & Co., Ld... 9 Jordan Road, Kowloon.

Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co.,

(S.C.) Ld.

Clerk, C. M. Karaujia & Co...... Clerk, China Light & Power Co., Ld.

Dispenser, A. S. Watson & Co., Ld. Draughtsman, Malcolm & Co. Superintendent, Gloucester Hotel Business Manager, Grand Dispensary. Clerk, Holt's Wharf

Assistant, Ciba, (China) Ld. Clerk, Mansfield Trading Co...

Assistant, W. R. Loxley & Co.,

(China) Ld.

Assistant, W. R. Loxley & Co.,

(China) Ld.

On premises.

20 Fleming Road, 2nd floor. 174 Tung Choi Street, 1st floor,


14 Tsap Tseung Street.

19 Austin Road, Kowloon. On premises.

14 Tsap Tseung St., Top floor. 65 Woosung Street, Kowloon. 167 Nam Cheong Street, 3rd floor. 206 Sai Yeung Choi Street,

Ground floor, Mongkoktsui,

1 Kin Hung Terrace.

67 Shing Wo Road, Top floor.

Director, Thomas de la Rue & Co., Ld... Peninsula Hotel. Clerk, Optorg Co., (Malaya) Ld. Clerk, Chartered Bank of India,

Australia & China

Assistant, Nederlandsche Handels-

Maatschappij, N.V.

Clerk, Peninsula Hotel Accounts Clerk, Canadian Pacific

Steamships, Railway Ld.

Assistant, Union Insurance Society of

Canton, Ld.

Assistant, Lloyd Triestino

34 Hankow Road, Kowloon.

34 Hankow Road, Kowloon.

On premises.

On premises.

29 Jordan Road, Kowloon,

On premises.

347 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon.


Bachtin. Vladimir Anatolievitch

Bakar, Abdul Hamid..

Baker, Edward Francis

Stephen *Baker, Laurence Cecil

Baker, William Ernest

Baldwin, Berry Oakley...

Assistant, "Lido '

Accountant, Insurance Co. of North


Assistant, Lane,. Crawford, Ld. Assistant, Dodwell & Co., Ld. Electrical Engineer, H. K. Electric

Co.. Là.

Sub-Accountant, National City Bank

of New York

Repulse Bay Hotel.

200 Johnston Road, Top floor.

On premises.

25 Shouson Hill.

205 King's Road, Flat 4.

Flat B. I. East, Eu Gardens, Argyle

Street, Kowloon.







Baleros, Bernardino


Ball, Leslie Francis Ballantyne, Donald Lindsay Bank, Yip Kenneth Banker, Allan Samuel

Banker, Charles Burke


Baptista, Arthur Feliciano... Baptista, Cezar Antonio


Barber, Norman Charles Barclay, Thomas Charles

Barkat, Mohamed Aboo

Barker, John Webb

Barker, William Leander


Barkus, Roberto Leo

Barma, Hatam Tyebjee. Barnes, John Egerton


Barnes, William Frank Barr, Claude Irwin

Barradas, Duarte Augusto...

Barradas, José Angusto Barradas, Vasco Maria


Barretto, Antonio Conde Barretto, Carlos Augusto...

Barretto, Frederick

Assistant, American Bank Note Co.

Principal, Gibb, Livingston & Co., Ld... Assistant Manager, Chase Bank General Manager, Dover & Co. Storekeeper, Far East Flying Training

School, Ld.

Shift Engineer, China Light & Power

Co., Ld.

Assistant, Gibb, Livingston & Co., Ld...]

Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank Salesman, Lane, Crawford, Ld. Engineer, Taikoo Sugar Refining Co.,


Clerk, National Carbon Co. Fed. Inc.,


Electrical Engineer, China Light &

Power Co., Ld.

16 Nga Tsin Long Road, 2nd floor,

Kowloon City.

Lewknor, 364 The Peak. 2 Aigburth Hall, May Road. 17 Bonham Road,

11 Liberty Avenue, Homuntin.

41 Grampian Road, Kowloon. 2 Fort Street.


Alpha", Hart Avenue, Kowloon. Royal Court Hotel.

2 Braemar Terrace, Quarry Bay.

445 Hennessy Road.

Kowloon Tong Sub-Station.

Accountant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.... Gloucester Hotel. Draughtsman, H. K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., Lư.

Merchant, N. Mohamedally

Engineer, Innis & Riddle, (China) Ld. ... Supervisor, British Cigarette Co., Ld. General Agent, Canadian National Rail-


Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.)


Assistant, Dodwell & Co., Ld.

Clerk, Nederlandsch Indische Handels-

bank, N.V.

Clerk, Siemens China Co.

Clerk, Nederlandsch Indische Handels-

bank, N.V. ....

Assistant, Wallace, Harper & Co., Ld.... Barretto, Henrique Maria ... Assistant, Nederlandsche Handels-

Barretto, Octavio Alfonso,

Orlando Demee

Barron, James Forman

Barros, Antão Vasques Barros, Augusto Alberto ...

Barros, Carlos Eduardo......

Barros, Frederico Guilherme Barros, Henrique Alberto... Barros, Henrique Alberto Barros, Luiz Antonio.....

Barry, Frederick Charles Barton, William Maurice Bascombe, Hewett John.

Basto, Antonio

Hermenegildo Basto, Arthur José de Castro Basto, Carlos Pompeia .... Bateman, Robert William .

Maatschappij, N.V.

Store-keeper, Hong Kong Club ............. Electrical Engineer, H.K. Electric Co.,


Book-keeper, Reiss, Bradley & Co., Ld... Salesman, Andersen, Meyer & Co., Ld...

Clerk, Nederlandsch Indische Handels-

bank, N.V.

Assistant, China Underwriters, Ld. Assistant, Texas Co. (China), Ld............. Assistant, Swan, Culbertson & Fritz Clerk, Chartered Bank of India,

Australia & China

Secretary, H.K. & Shanghai Hotels, Ld. Merchant, Dodwell & Co., Ld. Assistant Engineer, China Light &

Power Co., Ld.

Architect, A. H. Basto Clerk, Orient Tobacco Manufactory Salesman, Far East Motors Marine Superintendent, Jardine,

Matheson & Co., Ld....

On premises.

5a Dragon Terrace.

Knutsford Hotel, Kowloon. 312 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon.

Peninsula Hotel.

On premises.

10 Jordan Road, Kowloon.

St. Joseph's Villa.

2 Granville Road, Kowloon.

2 Hanoi Road, Kowloon. 322 Hennessy Road.

On premises.

On premises.

H.E.C. Qrts., 2 Causeway Hill. 2 Granville Road, 1st floor, K'loon. 424 Prince Edward Road, Top floor,


4 Austin Avenue, Kowloon. 15 Soares Avenue, Homuntin. 5 Tak Shing Street, Kowloon. 2 Granville Road, Kowloon.

2 Granville Road, Kowloon. Repulse Bay Hotel. On premises.

Royal Court Hotel, Kowloon.

163 Waterloo Rd., Kowloon Tong. 5 Victory Avenue, Homuntin. 19 West Terrace, Kowloon Docks.

8 Lyeemoon Building, Kowloon.







Bau, Julius Wen...

Bauder, Robert

Bautista, David Baxamusa, Mota. Beattie, Thomas John


Beavan, Roger Channey

* Becher, Herbert Carl Henry

* Beck, Ernest Jacobsen

Bedell, Patrick Edwin

Beeken, David William......


Beemer, Halsey Lawrence. Begdon, Kieran Behrman, George William... Beisley, Harold William Bell, Paul Augustus Bell, Robert Barr

Beltrão, Nicolau Antonio

Benjamin, Simon. Benn, Lewin Arthur Bennett, Chester

Benuch, Leonid John......................

Beraha, Matheo

Berg, Sverre

Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.)


Assistant, Lane, Crawford, Ld. Clerk, H.K. Mines, Ld. Assistant, Abdoolally Ebrahim & Co....

Sugar Boiler, Taikoo Sugar Refining

Co., L

Assistant, Garage Department, H. K. &

Shanghai Hotels, Ld.... Assistant, Comptoir Anglo-Continental


Sugar Boiler, Taikoo Sugar Refining

Co., Lử.

Flying Instructor, Far East Flying

Training School, Ld. Draughtsman, Taikoo Dockyard &

Engineering Co. of H.K., Ld. Assistant, Singer Sewing Machine Co......... Secretary, H. K. Travel Association.......... Assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co....... Accountant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.... Clerk, General Motors China, Id. Assistant Manager, Taikoo Dockyard &

Engineering Co. of H.K., Ld. Clerk, Nederlandsch Indische Handels-

bank, N. V.

Clerk, S. E. Levy & Co.

Assistant, Dodwell & Co., Ld.

Assistant, W. R. Loxley & Co., (China)


Accountant, Twentieth Century Fox

Federal Inc., U.S.A. Merchant, M. Beraha

Managing Director, Berg & Co., Ld...................

Bernardo, Victor Emmanuel. Assistant, Nederlandsche Handels

Berruex, Marcel .............

Bertram, John William

Bian, Pierre Lucian Louis... Bidwell. Harold Denison Biesel, Robert Bigazzi, Raoul

Billimoria, Phiroz Jehangir..

Bird, Francis George...................

Bird, Godfrey Vernon

Bird, George Thomas

Bishop, Sidney Frank

Black, Alexander

Black, Charles

Blackmore, Ernest Wilfrid

Blair, Kenneth George Blair, Leslie

Blake, Charles Henry

Blakey, Frederick Bertram..

Bliss, Arthur Sydney...... Blum, Constantin

Maatschippij, N.V.

Assistant, Ullmann & Co. Acting Workshop Superintendent,

China Light & Power Co., Ld.. Proprietor, J. Lebou & Co.

Assistant, Gibb, Livingston & Co., Ld.... Staff, Chase Bank

Decorator, Raoul Bigazzi Assistant, C. M. Karanjia & Co. Engineer, H.K. Rope Manufacturing

Co., Lủ.

Architect, Palmer & Turner Watchman, Taikoo Dockyard &

Engineering Co. of H.K., Ld. ................ Chief Engineer, Green Island Cement

Co., Ld...

Clerk, Union Trading Co., Ld

Assistant, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co. Civil Engineer, Blackmore, Basto &

Shank, Ld.

Merchant, Blair & Co........

Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.)


Clerk, Holt's Wharf

Superintendent, Standard-Vacuum

Oil Co.

Clerk, H.K. & Whampoa Dock Co., Ld.. Representative, United States Rubber

Export Co., Ld.....

On premises.

108 Austin Road, Kowloon. 144 Temple Street, Yaumati. On premises.

3 Braemar Terrace, Quarry Bay.

3 Chon Fai Terrace, Tai Hang Road.

309 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon.

7 New Quarry Point.

1998 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon.

On premises. Gloucester Hotel. 6 Garden Terrace, 114 The Peak.

Gloucester Hotel.

5 Hankow Road, Kowloon.

On premises.

13 Tung Cheong Building, 1st floor,


37 Hillwood Road, Kowloon. 1 Babington Path.

Rutton Building.

241 Nathan Road, Kowloon. 287 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon. 11 Glenealy Road,

On premises.

6 Somerset Road, Kowloon Tong.

Block 1. Staff Quarters. Dina House, Duddell Street. 4 Conduit Road.

46 Stubb's Road.

26 Canal Road W. 52 Wyndham Street.

Taikoo Dockyard. 106 The Peak.

Quarry Bay.

Cement Works, Hok Un, Kowloon. 96 Fa Yuen Street, 1st floor,


On premises.

94 Waterloo Road, Kowloon.

12 Broadwood Road.

On premises.

5 Cameron Road, Kowloon.

Laichikok Installation. On premises.

Peninsula Hotel.






Blyth, Harry Henry Bolton, Andrew

Bompas, Eric Ainsley Bond, Charles Percy..... Bone, David Boyd


Bones, Leslie

Bonner, Horace William

Bonner, James Isaac

Bonnot, Raymond

Borinevitch, Valentin


Bossut, Pierre

Engineer, H.K. Electric Co., Ld. Assistant Engineer, China Light &

Power Co., Ld.

Banker, H. K. & Shanghai Bank. Inspector, Star Ferry Co., Ld.

Draughtsman, Taikoo Dockyard &

Engineering Co. of H.K., Ld. Wharfinger, H.K. & Kowloon Wharf &

Godown Co., Ld.

Assistant, Lane, Crawford, Ld. Sub-Manager, National City Bank of

New York...........

Assistant Chef, H.K. Hotel

Salesman, Office Appliance Co. Ld. Merchant, Groupe Chine......

Botcherley, William Clifton Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum

Botelho, Alberto Augusto...


Botelho, Alvaro Alberto Botelho, Carlos Alberto.....

* Botelho, Francisco Xavier...

Botelho, Henrique Alberto...

Botelho, Noé Ulysses Botelho, Peter Paul Botelho, Peter Vicente Jr.... Bottomley, Albert Harris on Bovaird, William Cuthbert..

Bow, Hanson................

Bowker, Arthur Cecil


Co., (S.C.) Lil.

Clerk, Gilman & Co., Ld. Assistant, Shewan, Tomes & Co. Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank Book-keeper, H.K., Canton & Macao

Steamboat Co., Ld Assistant, China Provident Loan and

Mortgage Co., Lt.

Assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co....... Merchant, A. G. Botelho & Co....... Merchant, A. G. Botelho & Co.... Salesman, Vogue

Clerk, Taikoo Dockyard & Engineering

Co. of Hong Kong, Ld. Assistant, Comptoir Anglo-Continental,


Merchant, Dodwell & Co., Ld.

Bradbury, Bertram Walter. Butchery Superintendent, Dairy Farm,

Braga, Anthony Manuel

Braga, Hugh....

Braga, James Braga, John Vincent..

Braga, Paul...... Braun, Arthur

Brazel, Edmund Hamilton

Brewin, Joseph Irwin Mark

Brezny, Ladislav

Britto, Frederico Maria Britto, Guilherme Maria Broadbridge, Frederick


Broadbridge, William


Broch, Karl..

Brodersen Ragnar.....

Ice & Cold Storage Co., Ld., & Local Printing Press, Ld....

Property Superintendent, H.K. Eng-

ineering & Construction Co., Ld. General Works Manager, H.K. Eng-

ineering & Construction Co., Ld. Assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co. Assistant Secretary, China Light &

Power Co., Ld.

Assistant, Gilman & Co., Ld. Printer, Ye Olde Printerie Assistant, Jardine Engineering

Corporation, Ld...................

Moulder, H.K. & Whampoa Dock Co.,


Manager, Bata Shoe Co.... Assistant, China Underwriters, Ld. Assistant, Gibb, Livingston & Co., Ld.

Mercantile Assistant, John D.

Hutchison & Co....

Assistant, Gilman & Co., Ld.

Manager, National Carbon Co. Fed. Inc.


Assistant, Thoresen & Co., Ld.

157 King's Road, Top floor.

Block 2, Staff Quarters, Hok Un. 353 The Peak.

8 Norfolk Road, Kowloon Tong.

Quarry Bay.

249 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon. 15A Canal Road West.

74 Macdonnell Road, Apartment 11. On premises.

2 King's Terrace, Top floor, Kowloon, On premises

On premises.

6 Austin Avenue, Kowloon. 6 Austin Avenue, Kowloon. 6 Austin Avenue, Kowloon.

26 Jordan Road, Kowloon.

167 Sai Yueng Choi Street, 1st floor,


19 Mosque Street.

7 Tung Cheong Building, Kowloon. 7 Tung Cheong Building, Kowloon. 96 Waterloo Road, Kowloon.

On premises.

318 Hennessy Road, 3rd floor.

On premises.

Vernon House, Braga Circuit,


12 Knutsford Terrace, Kowloon,

18 Braga Circuit, Kowloon. 12 Knutsford Terrace, Kowloon.

12 Knutsford Terrace, Kowloon. 4 Braga Circuit, Kowloon. 45 Village Road, 2nd floor.

1 Garden Terrace, 1st floor.

On premises.

1 Cornwall Road, Kowloon Tong. 34 Hillwood Road, Kowloon. 11 Hart Avenue, Kowloon.

1 Lock Road, Kowloon.

On premises.

55 Cumberland Rd., Kowloon Tong. Y. M. C. A.






Broekert, Anthony Willem


Brostedt, Augustus

Brown, Arthur James Brown, Courad

Brown, Frank Leader (Capt.) Brown, Frederic Leopold Brown, George

Brown, John Coghill........

Brown, Lord Roberts.. Brown, Patrick Brown, Robert Burns

Brown, Walter Herbert..... Brown, Walter Joseph.......

Brown, William Joseph......

Brownley, John

Bruce, Hew Dalrymple. Bruce, Ian Denholm

Bruce, John.

*Buchanan, David

Buchanan, William

Budagian, Leon


Civil Engineer, Marsman H.K. China,


Asiatic Traffic Manager, Canadian

National Railways

Clerk, Gibb, Livingston & Co., Ld. Traffic Inspector, H.K. Tramways, Ld. Engineer, H.K. Electric Co., Ld. Mechanic No. 1, Gilman & Co., Ld Assistant, W. R. Loxley & Co.

. (China), Ld.

Boilermaker, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., Lủ.

Director, China Construction Co., Ld, Partner, Union Motors

Butcher, Dairy Farm, Ice & Cold

Storage Co., Ld. Manager, Vogue...........

Office Assistant, China Light & Power

Co., Lil.

Chief Accountant, China Light & Power

Co., Lủ.

Sub-Accountant, National City Bank

of New York

Clerk, Douglas, Lapraik & Co. Tea Inspector, Jardine, Matheson &

Co., Ld.


Shift Engineer, China Light & Power

Co., Ld.

Clerk, American Express Co., Inc..... Assistant, Butterfield & Swire...

Clerk of Works, H. K. Engineering

& Construction Co., Ld.

Budington, Thomas Howard Assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.......

Buis, Jan Gerard

Bullock, Harry

Bundred, James Watson Bunnan Tong..

Burch, Reginald Thomas

Burling, William John

Bursley, Allan John

Burson, Herbert.....

Butcher, Eric Robert Butt, Abdula

Butt, Ghulam Mustapha Buttfield, Arthur George


Button, Rene

Bux, Hassan Adam.

Bux, Sheik Abdul Rahim... Bux, Sheik Elias

Bux, Sheik Hassain

Bux, Sheik Omar

Bux, Sherry

Assistant, Nederlandsch Indische

Handelsbank, N.V.

Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co.,

(S. C.) Ld.

Marine Surveyor, Goddard & Douglas Proprietor, A. Goeke & Co. (1935)


Manager, S. Moutrie & Co., Ld.


7 The Peak.

Repulse Bay Hotel.

17 Jordan Road, 1st floor, Kowloon. 1 Russell Street.

17 Bowen Road,

33 Taipo Road, 2nd floor, Kowloon.

16 Canarvon Road, Kowloon.

On premises.

5 La Salle Road, Kowloon. 14 Caroline Road.

43 Nathan Road, Kowloon. 96 Waterloo Road, Kowloon.

Y.M.C.A., Kowloon.

8 Cornwall Road, Kowloon Tong.

9 Branksome Towers. On premises.

354 The Peak.

Block 3 Staff Quarters, Hok Un. 17 Cameron Road, Kowloon. On premises.

961 Nathan Rood, Top floor,

Kowloon. Peninsula Hotel.

242 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon.

On premises.

On premises.

7 Lan Kwai Fong, 2nd floor.

227 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon.

Assistant, H.K. & Shanghai Hotels, Ld.. 11A Gap Road.

Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.)


Salesman, Lane, Crawford, Ld. Assistant, William Nodes Assistant Manager, Getz Bros & Co. Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld..................

Assistant, British-American Tobacco

Co. (China), Ld.

Clerk, Cie des Messageries Maritimes. Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld............. Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld. Clerk, National City Bank of New


Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld. Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld. Assistant, China Provident Loan and

Mortgage Co., Ld.

On premises.

99 Waterloo Road, Kowloon.

15 Gap Road.

43 Kennedy Road.

454 King's Road, 2nd floor.

28 Mody Road, Kowloon. 49B Peking Building, Kowloon. 2 Morrison Hill Road, 2nd floor. 16 Yee Wo Street, 2nd floor.

42 Yee Wo Street.

16 Yee Wo Street, 2nd floor. 16 Yee Wo Street, 1st floor.

12 Yuen Yuen St., Happy Valley.

58 -





Cairns, Marcus Alexander... Calder, William Graham.

Calderara, Paul Walter..... Calman, Alexander Milne...

*Cameron, John James


Campbell, Arthur James....

Campos, Henry Maria Campos, Leonardo dos Reis. Cario, Maurice

Carlos, Cesar Villa.........

Carman, William Floyd..

Carnac, Percival Sidney


Carneiro, Arthur....

Carneiro Carlos....... Carneiro, Carlos Eugenio... Carr, Cecil

Carr, George Wynfield Carroll, Anthony Henry Carroll, Ronald Anthony....

Carroll, Walter George

Carroll, William Joseph Carruthers, Michael George. Carson, Henry Laird Carvalho, Antonio Talone

Homen de. Carvalho, Eduardo

Henrique Cabral de.. Carvalho, Fernão Henrique


Carvalho. Leonel Augusto Carvalho, Marcus Antonio


Castilho, Lourenço


Castilho, Peter

Castleton, Reginald


Castro, Alberto Edward


Castro, Alberto José Castro, Antoine Piu Castro, Carlos Victor.... Castro, Egydio Maria Henrickson

Castro, Frederick Augustine

Castro, Henry Armando Castro, José Maria

D'Almada e..

Assistant, Dodwell & Co., Ld. Engineer, General Electric Co. of

China, Ld.

Assistant, Ed. A. Keller & Co., Ld. Shipbuilder, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., Ld.

Engineer, Green Island Cement Co., Ld... Representative, U.S. Treasury


Assistant, Dodwell & Co., Ld. Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank Broker, H.K. Stock Exchange


Clerk, Far East Oxygen & Acetylene

Co., Ld.

Merchant, Marsman H. K. China


Electrician, Green Island Cement Co.,


Musical Director, H.K. & Shanghai

Hotels, Ld.

Director, Bosco Radio Corporation Cashier, Swan, Culbertson & Fritz Assistant, Lane, Crawford, Ld.

254 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon.

12 Sai Chuk Yuen Road, Ground.

floor, Kowloon.

On premises.

On premises.

106 Austin Road, Kowlocn.

114 The Peak, Flat 1.

305 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon. 146 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon.

112 Waterloo Road, Kowloon.

1 Chung Ning Street, Top floor.

209 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon.

19 Hankow Road, Kowloou.

Peninsula Hotel.

9 Cameron Road, Kowloon. 9 Cameron Road, Kowloon. 76 Morrison Hill Road.

13 Macdonnell Road.

Mercantile Assistant, Dodwell & Co., Ld. 5 Gap Road. Broker, Alexandra Building Assistant, Carroll Bros.

Secretary, The Sino-British Engineering|

Corporation, Ld....

Principal, Carroll Bros.

Banker, H.K. & Shanghai Bank Assistant, Davie, Boag & Co., Ld.....

Salesman, H. K. Dairy Supply Co...

Assistant, Gilman & Co., Ld.

192 Prince Edward Road, 2nd floor.


40 Kennedy Road. 16 Bowen Road. 353 The Peak.

12 Observatory Road, Kowloon.

13 Hauwong Rd,, Kowloon City.

6 Liberty Avenue, Homuntin.

Assistant, Andersen, Meyer & Co., Ld.... 9 Hillwood Road, Ground

Assistant, Dodwell & Co., Ltd.........

Assistant, Swan, Culbertson & Fritz

Clerk, American Express Co., Inc Assistant, Dairy Farm, Ice & Cold

Storage Co., Ld.

Assistant, Butterfield & Swire

Assistant, Nederlandsche Handel-

Maatschappij, N.V.

Assistant, Gibb, Livingston & Co., Ld..| Assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co. Clerk, Mercantile Bank of India, Ld.

Assistant, H.K. Rope Manufacturing

Co., Ld.

Assistant, Union Insurance Society of

Canton, Ld.....

Assistant, W. R. Loxley & Co., Ld.

Assistant, Bank Line, Ld.

floor, Kowloon.

6 Humphreys Avenue, Kowloon.

10 Salisbury Avenue, Kowloon.

14 Fort Street, Ground floor.

19 Soares Avenue, Homuntin.

On premises.

On premises.

790 Nathan Road, Kowloon. 43 Nathan Road, Kowloon. 41 Hankow Road, Kowloon.

14 Knutsford Terrace, Kowloon.

On premises.

11B Belfran Road, Mongkoktsui.

12 Jordan Road, Top fl., Kowloon.






Caudron, Kleber Emile


Cautherley, George Hunter Cecil, Lloyd Finley

Cers, Hamilcar

Chai Kuan-liang

Chak Ping-lun

Chalmers, James Calder

Chan Ah Yoon

Chan, Campman, Chan, Carlos

* Chan Chee-kwong Chan Chi-gong

Chan Chi-man Chan Chi-pak... Chan Chi-wing

Chan Ching-shung.. Chan Chiu-nin

Chan Chow-hing Chan Chun-cheung Chan Chun-hung

Chan Chung-pak Chan, Clarence

Chan, Clement Leslie Chan Du-loy, Andrew


Chan Du Loy, Joseph Henri Chan Fai

Chan Fook-chor..

Chan Fung-yin

Chan Ge-kiang

Chan, George Watson Chan, Harold

Chan Haw-kin

Chan Heng-meng Chan Ho.. Chan Hon Chan Hon-keung

Chan Hung-ching

Chan Hung-cho ... Chan Hung-cho

Chan Hung-fei Chan Hung-fu Chan Hung-wai

Chan, Joseph

Chan Kai-him Chan Kai-hong


Merchant, Franco Eastern Trading Co.... Banker, H. K. & Shanghai Bank Travelling Mgr., American Express

Co. Inc.

Manufacturers Representative

Assistant, China National Aviation


47 Nathan Road, 1st floor, Kowloon. 10 The Peak.

23 Shonson Hill Road.

10 Humphreys Building, Kowloon.

214 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon.

Managing Partner, K. Y. Chak & Co.... 656 Shanghai Street, Top floor,

Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard & Engineer-

ing Co. of H.K., Ld. Book-keeper, Der A Wing & Co.

(1923), Ld.

Manager, Imperial Import & Export Co. Merchant, C. Chan & Co.

Clerk, Chma Light & Power Co., Ld. Assistant, Wallace, Harper & Co., Ld....)

Clerk, American Express Co., Inc. Clerk, Sworn Measurers' Office Salesman, Whiteaway, Laidlaw &

Co., Lủ.

Salesman, Bata Shoe Co. Assistant, China Underwriters, Ld.

Shop Manager, Bata Shoe Co. Salesman, Office Appliance Co., Ld. Correspondent, Bata Shoe Co.

Clerk, H.K. & China Gas Co., Ld. Civil Engineer, China Engineers, Ld. ... Superintendent, Thomas Cowan & Co.

Salesman, Victoria Radio Shoppe


Quarry Bay.

346 Portland Street, Mongkok. On premises.

312 Nathan Road, Kowloon.

5 Kai Yee Road, Ground floor. 25 Peking Road, Top floor,


172 Hennessy Road. On premises.

80 Po Kwong Road 1st floor. 162 Queen's Road East. 35 Shek Kip Mei Street,


6 Arran Street, Kowloon.

145 Lai Chi Kok Road. 148 Fa Yuen Street, 2nd floor,


13 Lee Tung Street, 3rd floor. 69 Robinson Road.

39 Wyndham Street, Top floor.

13 Fook Wing Street, Ground floor

Manager, The Friesland Trading Co. Ld. 13 Fuk Wing Street. Assistant, J. Ullman & Co.

Clerk, China Light & Power Co., Ld.

Director, West River Transportation &

Trading Co., Ld.

Assistant, Otis Elevator Co. Salesman, Lane, Crawford, Ld. Merchant, Shun Yick & Co.

Clerk, H.K. Canton & Macao Steamboat

Co., L


Clerk, Lowe, Bingham & Matthews Dispenser, A. S. Watson & Co., Ld....... Director, Himly, Ld.

Clerk, National Carbon Co., Fed. Inc.


Assistant, Union Insurance Society of

Canton, L....

Clerk, Andersen, Meyer & Co., Ld. Salesman, Bata Shoe Co.

Book-keeper, B. J. Lacon

Secretary, Luk Hoi Tong Co., Ld. ... Assistant, W.R. Loxley & Co., (China),


Meter Inspector, China Light & Power

Co., Ltd.

Assistant, China Underwriters, Ld. Merchant, Conley Trading Co.

149 Thompson Road, 1st floor. 462 Nathan Road, 2nd floor,


18 Hing Hon Road.

14 Arbuthnot Road, Ground floor. 2 Tin Lok Lane.

97 High Street.

21 Des Voeux Road West, 2nd floor.

241 Lockhart Road, 2nd floor.

9 Lion Rock Road, 3rd floor. On premises.

84 Laichikok Road, 3rd floor,


On premises.

48 Wellington Street, Top floor.

7 Un Chau Street, 2nd floor,


115 Cheungshawan Road, Kowloon. 150 Connaught Road C.

133 Gloucester Road.

35 Ping Street, Ground floor,


2 Fung Wong Terrace. 6 Chancery Lane.





Chan Kai-mien


Chan Kai-sin

* Chan Kai-wah

Chan Kam.......

Chan Kam-moon, Albert Chan Kam-shing

Chan Kam-shing

Chan Kam-to

Chan Kam-to

Chan Kar-yau

Chan Keng

Chan Ki

Chan Kin-kung

Chan Kin-chuen...

Chan Kim-fai

Chan Kim-ying Chan Kin-ip Chan Kui

Chan Kungpo, Albert

Chan Kwai-hoi

Chan Kwai-ping.. Chan Kwai-pun

Chan Kwan-chiu

Chan Kwan-yuen

Chan Kwok-chiu

Chan Kwok-on Chan Kwok-ping Chan Kwok-yee Chan Kwong-yin

Chan Lun-ying

Chan Man-kai

Chan Man-sing

Chan Nai-wing Chan, Owen

Chan Pak-chung Chan Pak-luk..

Chan Ping Chan Ping-fai

Chan Ping-san Chan Ping-shu

Chan Ping-sum Chan Sai-yik

Chan Sau U Chan Shau-hok Chan Sheck-fong

Vice-Manager, Levee & Co. Clerk, Wallace Harper & Co., Ld. Assistant Manager, Calif.-Asia, Ld. ...... Clerk, International Transportation Co.

Agent, Sun Life Assurance Co., Ld....... Assistant, Mackinnon, Mackenzie &


Clerk, National Carbou Co., Fed. Inc.


Manager, Union Commercial Co. Clerk, Furness (Far East), Ld.


Chinese Y.M.C.A.

25 Peking Road, Kowloon.

452 Lockhart Rood, 2nd floor.

48 Shantung Street, Ground floor,


10 Wong Ma Kok Road. Stauley.

On premises.

6 Fuk Wing Street, 3rd floor,


161 Tam Kung Road, 3rd floor. 168 Ki Lung Street, Shamshuipo.

Clerk, China Light & Power Co., Ld. 175 Tai Nam Street. Assistant, Lane, Crawford, Ld..

Clerk, Taikoo Dockyard & Engineering

Co. of H.K., Ld.

Assistant, South British Ince. Co., Ld.... Assistant, A. Goeke & Co. (1935)


Book-keeper, Pacific American Trading


Clerk, China Insurance Co., Ld. Assistant, Union Motors.... Assistant Wharfinger, Holt's Wharf Secretary, I On Marine & Fire Ins.

Co., Ld.

Clerk, Taikoo Dockyard & Engineering

Co. of H.K., Ld. Accountant, Thomson & Co.............. Assistant, Union Insurance Society of

Canton, Ld..

Managing Director, Chi Min Entertain-

ment, Ld.....

Accountant, Úversea-Chinese Banking

Corporation, Ld.......

Draughtsman, Marsman Hong Kong

China, Ld. Clerk, Chau Yue Teng

Clerk, Lowe, Bingham & Matthews Assistant, Bank of Canton, Ld. Clerk, Imperial Chemical Industries

(China), Lal.

Clerk, American President Lines, Ld.

Clerk, China Light & Power Co., Ld.

Clerk, China Provident Loan & Mort-

gage Co., Ld.

Clerk, Texas Co. (China), Ld.

Clerk, John I. Thornycroft & Co., Ld.... Shroff, H. M. Hodges

Assistant Compradore, Harry Wicking

& Co., Ld.

Surveyor, Palmer & Turner

Clerk, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld... Clerk, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co....... Clerk, Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. General Manager, E. Fook Co. Technician, R.C.A. Manufacturing Co.,


Clerk, Kin Tye Lung

Clerk, American Express Co., Inc. Salesman, H. M. Hodges

69 Pokfulum Road.

On premises. On premises.

22 Staunton Street, 2nd floor.

22 Wyndham Street.

65 Cheung On Street, Ground floor. 165 Johnston Road, 3rd floor. 29 Fa Yuen Street, Mongkoktsui.

26 Bonham Strand West.

On premises.

77 Hennessy Road, 1st floor.

On premises.

21 Caine Road, Top floor.

165 Sai Yee Street, Ground floor,


5 Sugar Street, 2nd floor.

435 Queen's Road West, 3rd floor. 153 Waterloo Road, Kowloon. 7 Tungshan Terrace.

On premises.

33 Yik Yam Street, 2nd floor,


101 Fa Yuen Street, 3rd floor,


5 Po Tuck Street, Top floor. 268 Des Voeux Road. 11 Babington Path.

8 Mercer Street.

6 Seymour Terrace. 2 Mni Hing Street. 33 Cooke Street. On premises.

17 Caroline Hill Road, 2nd floor. 498 Hennessy Road, 3rd floor.

85 Fa Yuen Street, 1st floor,


11 Queen's Road W., 3rd floor. 27 Sugar Street.

23 King Kwong Street.







Chan Shiu

Chan Shiu-tsun

* Chan Shiu-wa

Chan Shu-lun... Chan Shui-kee Chan Shu-yin

Chan Sing-yan Chan Siu-nam.. Chan Sin-yuen

Chan Sui-lun Chan Sze-in

Chan Tak-chiu

Chan Tak-on Chan Tak-sang. Chan Tin-yau.. Chan Tong Chan Tsan-kan

Chan Tsze-hung.... Chan Tye Chan Tze-fong Chan Tze-yiu.. Chan Tze-yung Chan Wai Chan Wai-chuen

Chan Wai-chung

Chan Wai-wing

Chan Wing-fong

Chan Wing-pak

Chan Wing-tung

Chan Woon-fun, Frank.....

Chan Woon-lun Chan Yat-kai.

Chan Yau *Chan Yeung-chai

Chan Yew-ho Chan Yi-tsung Chan Yiu-hon * Chan Yiu-nam Chan Yu-huen

Chan Yuk-in Chang Chi-kung Chang Chia-chu

Chang, Henry

Chang Hsu, Konrad Chang Kon-yim

Chang-men, Harry.

Chang Man-cheng

Clerk, Texas Co. (China), Ld. Assistant, China Underwriters, Ld. Assistant, Sennet Freres

Salesman, Bosco Radio Corporation Assistant, Butterfield & Swire

Assistant, Mackinnon, Mackenzie &


Shop Manager, Bata Shoe Co.

218 Jaffé Road.

2 Fung Wong Terrace.

83 Jaffé Road.

117 Des Voeux Road Central.

On premises.

On premises.

60 Nam Cheong Street, Shamshuipo.

Book-keeper, China Construction Co., Ld. 27 Fook Wing Street, 2nd floor.

Clerk, Aruhold & Co., Ld...........

Assistant, A. S. Watson & Co., Ld. Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S. C.)


Assistant, China Underwriters, Ld.

Clerk, Lowe, Bingham & Matthews Clerk, Blackmore, Basto & Shank, Ld.... Broker, Optorg Co. (Malaya), Ld. Clerk, Texas Co.. (China) L‹i. Manager, Po Shing Shoe Co.

Sub-Manager, Batten & Co. Clerk, Ed. A. Keller & Co., Ld..... Assistant, Franklin Laboratory

Clerk, Shun Yick & Co............. Assistant, Franklin Laboratory Salesman, Bata Shoe Co. Manager, Hotel Cecil, Ld.

Assistant, Union Insurance Society of

Canton, Ld...............

Assistant, Mackinnon, Mackenzie &


Draughtsman, China Light & Power

Co., Ld.

Assistant, Indo China Trading Co. ..... Assistant, China Electric Co., Ld................

Director, H. K. & Canton Sanitary


Clerk, China Insurance Co., Ld.

Clerk, National City Bank of New York

Clerk, Sworn Measurers' Office Manager, Kin Tye Lung Clerk, Texas Co. (China), Ld..... Representative, Butler Bros. Typist, Franklin Laboratory Assistant, China Underwriters, Ld. Assistant, Union Insurance Society of

Canton, Ld.............

Assistant, Andersen, Meyer & Co., Ld... Banker, Manufacturers Bank of China.... General Manager, China Vegetable

Oil Corporation

Sub-Editor, H.K. News.... General Manager, Chan Hwa & Co. Stenographer, National City Bank of

New York

Director, Dak Lai Co., Ld...

Sales Manager, Organic Fertilizer Co.,


99 Fa Yuen Street, 2nd floor,


167 Electric Road, 2nd floor.

On premises.

436 Shanghai Street, 1st floor,


24 Pak Po Street, 2nd floor. 33 Po Kong Road, 1st floor. 173 Thomson Road.

99 Argyle Street, Mongkoktsui. 202 Cheung Sha Wan Road,


72 Argyle Street, Mongkoktsui. 339 Hennessy Road, 1st floor. 29 Eastern Street, 2nd floor. 97 High Street.

109 Jaffé Road, Ground floor.

152 Hollywood Road, Ground floor. On premises.

On premises.

On premises.

35 Fa Yuen Street, 2nd floor,


9 Ngan Mok Street, Top floor. 145 Fa Yuen Street, 2nd floor,


12 Prince's Terrace, 1st floor. 4 U Lam Terrace, 3rd floor. 41 Fa Ynen Street, 2nd floor,


On premises.

192 Hennessy Road.

57 Caine Road.

52 Bonham Roud.

316 Nathan Rd., Top fl., Kowloon. 458 Nathan Road, Kowloon,

On premises.

13 Hollywood Road, 2nd floor. 15 Hillwood Road, Kowloon.

254 Peak Road,

28 Robinson Road, Top floor. 23 Hing Hong Road.

Chinese Y.M.C.A., Kowloon. 11 Tung Cheong Bldg., 1st floor,


1 Wongneichong Road.






Changmine, Hugh Antonio.. Clerk, Pacific American Trading Co.

Chang Sen-lin

Chang Sze-chusn

Chang Tsun-hing

Chang Tsung-quen

Chang, William

Chang Zuh-zie

Supervisor, Tai Shan Insurance Co., Ld. Banker, Manufacturers Bank of China Assistant, Shewan, Tomes & Co. Clerk, S. E. Levy & Co.

Banker, Provincial Bank of Fukien

Photographer, Ilford, Ld.

Changyit, Cleveland Elroy. Clerk, Metropole Hotel

Chao Chi-chen

Chao, Robert Smith,..

Chao Shao-ye........................

Charlton, Geoffrey Philip...

Chau In-nin Chau Kiu-fan Chau Kwong-man Chau Lok-chow Chau Shing-tai * Chau Wan-gork Chau Yat-wa Chau Yu-tung Chau Yut-n Cheah Sin-phye Cheang Wye-sam Cheapjack, Yahyabhai

Abdulhusain Chen, Berlin Chen, Garnet

Chen Gee koon Chen, Ho-yeung.

Chen, James

Chen, John Augustine

Chen Kim-fon

Chen Kin-cho..

Chen King-shing

Chen Lung-fan

Chen Pak-kong Chen Peh-sieh

Chen Sam

Chen Tak-chan

Chen Ti-kong.... Chen Wai-foo Cheng Bew

Cheng Chee-cheung Cheng Chee-hwa Cheng Ching-wing Cheng Chong-kwan

Cheng Chung-choy Cheng Chung-leung

Cheng Hing-hung Cheng In-chung. Cheng Kam-to Cheng Kam-yau..

Cheng Kiat-lau, Robert.....

Manager, Central Trading Co. Assistant Manager, Underwriters

Savings Bank

Assistant, China National Aviation


Mercantile Assistant, Jardine,

Matheson & Co., Ld. Architect, Chau & Lee Clerk, Chase Bank

Clerk, Chase Bank

Assistant, Chase Bank Salesman, Jebsen & Co. Clerk, Yuen On Steamship Co., Ld. Asst. Manager, Richfield Trading Co.... Clerk, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co. Clerk, Yuen On Steamship Co., Ld. Clerk, G. Ramchand

Manager, Domestic Engineers, Ld.

Salesman, Tyeb & Co. Merchant, Dixon Co. Clerk, Metropole Hotel Clerk, Thomson & Co. Assistant, Imperial Chemical

Industries (China), Ld.. Assistant, Bank of Canton, Ld.

Clerk, National City Bank of New York.

Clerk, Tung Chang Co., (H.K.) Ld. Clerk, W. R. Loxley & Co., (China) Ld...| Assistant, W. R. Loxley & Co.,

(China) Ld.

Banker, Provincial Bank of Fukien

17 Nanking Street, Top floor,


On premises.

87 Bonham Road.

224 Hennessy Road.

17 Wing Hing Street, 3rd floor.

3 Hillside. Terrace, Ground floor,


45 Pottinger Street. On premises. On premises.

54 Fuk Wing Street, 2nd floor.

476 Nathan Road, Kowloon.

354 The Peak,

320 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon.

42 Elgin Street.

52 Hennessy Road.

6 On Hing Terrace.

14 Victory Avenue, Homuntin.

31 Elgin Street, 3rd floor. 14 Tsun Yuen Street. On premises.

66 Caine Road, 1st floor.

4 Canal Road West, 1st floor.

7 Prince's Terrace, Top floor.

27 Wyndham Street.

On premises.

On premises.

52 Fuk Wing Street, Top floor.

On premises.

201 Wanchai Road.

25 Poplar Street, 1st floor,


20 Hill Road, 3rd floor.

77 Pokfulam Road.

77 Pokfulam Road.

3 Hillside Terrace, Ground floor,


Manager, United China Syndicate, Ld.... 244 Jaffé Road, 1st floor.

Stock Clerk, Bata Shoe Co.

Clerk, Peking Syndicate, Ld. Assistant, China National Aviation


Clerk. International Transportation Co. Sub-Manager, Lee Chang Co., Ld. Clerk, Marsman H. K. China, Ld. Clerk, St. Francis Hotel

Assistant, Grand Dispensary, Ld. Clerk, H. K. Telephone Co., Ld. Assistant Manager, Tai Shan Insurance

Co., Ld.

Clerk, Furness (Far East), Ld.

Clerk, National City Bank of New York.

Clerk, China Light & Power Co., Ld.. Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S. C.) Ld. Draughtsman, Siu Ho Ming Clerk, Sworn Measurers' Office Clerk, China Insurance Co., Ld.

97 Fa Yuen Street, 2nd floor,


95 Leighton Hill Road.

7 Seen Keen Terrace, 3rd floor.

18 Toa Li Toi, Ground floor. 72 Village Road, 2nd floor.

114 Prince Edward Road, 2nd floor. On premises.

238 Temple Street, Yaumati.

6 Man Hing Lane, 2nd floor.

253 Hennessy Road, 3rd floor. 54 Des Voeux Road Central.

1 Cheung Sha Wan Road, 2nd floor,


428 Portland Street, 2nd floor. On premises.

446 Lockhart Road, 1st floor. On premises.

15 Hankow Road, Kowloon.






Cheng King-ming

Cheng Kwok-choi

Cheng Kwong Cheng Lok-sang Cheng Man-fat Cheng Ming-ki

Cheng Moon

Cheng Ping

Cheng Tsi-man

Cheng Wa-shih

Cheng Yuk-sing Cheong Kam-chuen Chessex, Paul Cheu Koma

Cheuk Kwai-chuen

Cheuk Yat-munn Cheung Bong-tat

Cheung Check-kwan.

Cheung Jack-fun Cheung K-chin Cheung Kin-wai

Cheung King-yuen Cheung Kit-sang Cheung Kung-chak Cheung, Paul

Cheung, Peter Cheung Pui-fan Cheung Shu-chun

Cheung Shung-hing Cheung Tat-chin

*Cheung Tin-lee

Cheung Tin-yau... Cheung U-pui...

Cheung Wa-sun

Cheung Wai-man Cheung Wing-din Cheung Wing-shing Cheung Yau

Cheung, Yau-kuen

Andrew.. Cheung Yeung

Cheung Yik-tak.... Cheung Yuen-chung

Cheverst, Percy Cheyne, Jorge

Assistant, W. R. Loxley & Co.,

(China) Ld.................... Assistant. W. R. Loxley & Co.,

(China) Ld.....

Assistant, Furness (Far East), Ld... Assistant, Harry Wicking & Co., Ld.. Clerk, Canadian National Railways Clerk, American Express Co., Inc.

Chief Clerk, Taikoo Sugar Refining Co.,


Assistant, United Publicity &

Advertising Co., Ld. Journalist, United Publicity &

Advertising Co., Ld.

Clerk, National Carbon Co., Fed. Inc.


Clerk, H. M. Siu, Architect

Clerk, E. D. Sassoon Banking Co.. Ld. Manager, Gloucester Hotel....

Clerk, National Carbon Co., Fed. Inc.


21 Nelson Street, Mongkok.

24 Graham Street.

54 Des Voeux Road Central. 480 Nathan Road, Kowloon. 215 Jaffé Road, 2nd floor. 34 Cheung Sha Wan Road,


2 Murray Place, Quarry Bay.

818 Kwangtung Road, Kowloon.

4 Haven Street.

213 Fa Yuen Street, 2nd floor,


35 Village Road, Ground floor. 20 Aplin Street. On premises.

103 Taipo Road, 3rd floor, Kowloon.

Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S. C.) Ld. On premises.

Clerk, T. O. Wong & Co., Ld. Clerk, Ed. A. Keller & Co., Ld...

Clerk, Otis Elevator Co..... Clerk, Utoomal & Assudamal Co. Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Accountant, Garage Dept., H. K. &

Shanghai Hotels, Ld. Book-keeper, Calif-Asia Co., Ld. Clerk, American Express Co., Inc. Clerk, Calif-Asia Co., Ld.

Typist, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld.

Manager, On Lok Yuen & Co., Ld.... Clerk, Arnhold Trading Co. Ltd. Clerk, Chartered Bank of India,

Australia and China Assistant, Chase Bank

Assistant, W. R. Loxley & Co., (China)


Manager, Colonial Electric Co.

Secretary, T. O. Wong & Co., Ld. Assistant Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co.,

(S.C.) Ld.

Clerk, Chartered Bank of India,

Australia and China

Clerk, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld... Clerk, Jones Wong (Furniture) Co.... Assistant, Asia Life Insurance Co., Inc.. Storekeeper, China Light & Power

Co., Ld.


Foreman, China Light & Power Co.,


Assistant, Bank of East Asia, Ld.... Service Manager, Office Appliance

Co., Ld.

Assistant, Butterfield & Swire

27 Parkin Street, 3rd floor.

201 Nam Cheong Street, 1st floor.


10 Chancery Lane, 1st floor. 59 Lee Garden Street, Top floor. 41 Yick Yam Street, Shamshuipo.

109 Second Street. 8 Wing Hing Street.

7 Nullah Road, Kowloon.

8 Wing Hing Street, Ground floor. 48 Yue Chow Street, 2nd floor,


11 Yuk Sau St., Happy Valley. 184 Tunglowan Road.

305 Jaffé Road.

36 Lockhart Road, 1st floor.

145 Lockhart Road.

13 Kwun Chung Street, 2nd floor,


368 Lockhart Road, Top floor.

On premises.

147 Thompson Road. 36 Apliu Street, Shamsuipo. 184 Nathan Road, Kowloon. 80 Tung Lo Wan Road.

177 Wu Hu Street, 1st floor.

9 Norfolk Road, Kowloon Tong.

95 Argyle Street, Mongkoktsui. On premises.

773 Nathan Road, Kowloon. On premises.

Shipping Clerk, Connell Bros. Co., Ld.... 74 High Street, 2nd floor.






Chi Ming-chang. Chi Yuen-feng

* Chia Peng-bong. Chiang Ki-sum

Chih Cheung-huang Chih Yan-tang Chii Poyan

Chik Wai-man Chik Yin-kai Childe, Edgar Ronald Chim, Edward Key Chim Ping-kong

Chin, George David Chin, John Daniel

Chin, Theodore Chin Wai-fong Ching Man-chee....

Ching Sik-wing Ching Tai-ming.. Chiu Hon-sang Chiu Keung-wa

Chiu Kwan-chee

Chiu Kwok-hing Chiu Liang-yung

Chiu Lun-yip Chiu Ming-yeung Chiu Siu-ting

Chin To-cheung..

Chiu Tse-ping

Chiu Tsun-yi

Cho Te

Choa Boon-chew Choa Hin-kee

Choa, James

Choa Po-min

Choa, Robert

Choa Yau-cheong

Choi Ping-sum Choi Tsi-chuen

Chong Mui-fatt Chong Ming-chow... Chow Cham-wing Chow Ching-wen Chow, George Luke Chow, George Luke *Chow Hon-shu

Chow Iu-wing

Chow Kim-sum Chow Kwok-huen

Sales Manager H. J. Moysey & Co. Salesman, Jardine Engineering Corpora-

tion, Ld.

Book-keeper, Reiss, Bradley & Co., Ld.. Clerk, Taikoo Dockyard & Engineering

Co. of H.K., Ld.

Sub-Manager, Bank of Kwangsi Clerk, Intercontinent Corporation Analyst, Franklin Laboratory Clerk, China Light & Power Co., Ld.. Assistant, A. S. Watson & Co., Ld. Secretary, China Underwriters, Ld. Clerk, Gilman & Co., Ld.

Assistant, H.K. Motor Accessory Co.,


Assistant, Java-China-Japan Line.............. Manager, South China Manufacturing

and Exporting Co....... Rep., Thomas Cowan & Co. (China)..

Manager, E. Hing & Co.

Clerk, American Express Co., Inc.

Accountant, Wm. Jack & Co., Ld....

Clerk, Java-China-Japan Line, N.V. Assistant Mgr., East Asiatic Trading Co.. Supervisor, West Coast Life Insurance

Co. of S.F.

Architect, K. C. Chin & Co. Clerk, C. A. L. Rickett

Assistant General Manager, China

Vegetable Oil Corporation.

Clerk, General Motors China, Ld. Assistant, En Tong Sen, Ld.. Assistant, H.K. & Whampoa Dock Co.,


Merchant, Manufacturers Trading


Clerk, National Aniline & Chemical Co.


Engineer, China Electric Co., Ld. Clerk, Sworn Measurers' Office.. Assistant, Banque Belge pour l'Etranger. Factory Supervisor, Davie, Boag & Co.,


Assistant Compradore, Nederlandsch

Indische Handelsbank, N.V.

Broker, Exchange Building Manager, Indo China Trading Co..... Sales Agent, National Cash Register


Engineer, Reiss, Bradley & Co., Ld.. Sales Agent, National Cash Register


Ajc. Clerk, Texas Co. (China), Ld. Clerk, Teh Shun Shing & Co. Clerk, National City Bank of New York. Journalist, Modern Critique Association. Clerk, National City Bank of New York. Rep. Confederation Life Association...... Clerk, Thomson & Co.

Typist, Taikoo Dockyard & Engineering

Co. of H.K.,


Clerk, Alex. Ross Motor Co. Clerk, Wing On Bank, Ld.

12 Wing Hing Street.

12 Prince Terrace, 1st floor. 69 Spring Garden Lane, 2nd floor.

On premises.

27 Wing Hing Street. On premises.

307 Lockhart Road, 2nd floor. 159 Sai Yee St., Shamsuipo. 22 Sai Woo Lane, 1st floor.

8 Carnarvon Building, Kowloon. 37 Ping Street, 1st floor, Kowloon.

88 Jaffé Road.

165 Sai Yee Street, Mongkoktsui.

116 Caine Road, Ground floor. 9 Arbuthnot Road.

66в Bonham Road, 2nd floor. 40 Koong Chang Street, 1st floor,


299 Hennessy Road, 2nd floor. 119 Gloucester Road. On premises.

21 Yuk Sau Street, Happy Valley. 79 Bonham Road.

60 Hollywood Road, 2nd floor.

20 Sam Kwong Road.

8 Stewart Road.

37 Leighton Hill Road, 2nd floor.

On premises.

On premises.

1 Mosque Street, Top floor.

25 Haven Street, 2nd floor.

On premises.

95 Robinson Road.

c/o. Davie, Boag & Co., Ld., Quarry


95 Robinson Road.

12 Macdonnell Road.

5 Broadwood Road.

5 Thompson Road.

9 Gordon Road.

14 Jordan Road. Kowloon. 58 Argyle Street, Mongkoktsui. On premises.

12 Hing Hon Road.

4 Temple Road, 1st floor, Yaumati. 757 Nathan Road, Kowloon. 75 Parkes Street, 2nd floor, Kowloon. 63 Sing Wo Road.

On premises. 20 Mosque Street. On premises.






Chow On-tseung

Chow Ping-man...

Chow Ping-un Chow Sau-yne

Chow Shiu-wan,

Chow Tse-ki

Chow Yat-kwong

Chow Yat-wah Chow Yau-leung Chow Yoh-shee Chow Yung


Chow Yuk-tin

Choy, Arthur ........

Choy Che-loong

Choy Chi-wing.

Choy Chung-tong

Choy Kam-po, William......

* Choy Ping-zan Choy Sai-piu

Choy, Tungsang James

Choy Wah-king.

Choy Wing-chin

Choy Woo-chung

Choy Yuen-shnek Christensen, Engelhardt

Christensen, Niels Orskov... Chu Fook-yin...

Chu Kai-yn Chu Kam-piu Chu Kar-chun Chu Sin-hung Chu Wah-fong

Chu Wei-ming

Chu Wei-sheng

Chu Yuen-chee

Chua Tech-hong

Chubb, Stanford Frank.. Chue Shing-yue................ Chue, Samuel.....

Chuen Yue-kee

Chuey, Lionel Bruce Chui, Charles-lam Chui Hong-fan Chui Jack-man

Chui To-cheung.....

Mechanic, World Pencil Co., Ld......

Assistant, W. R. Loxley & Co., (China)


Director, Yuen On S.S. Co., Ld. Assistant, W. A. Hannibal & Co., L... Assistant, M. Cario...... Representative, China Electric Co., Ld.. Sub-Manager, China Emporium,


Accountant, Bank of East Asia, Ld. Merchaut, China Emporium, Ld. Assistant Engineer, Palmer & Turner. Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S. C.)


Timekeeper, Taikoo Dockyard &

Engineering Co. of H.K., Ld. Secretary, Sincere Co. (Perfumery

Manufacturers), Ld.

Assistant, H.K. Motor Accessory

Co., Ltd.

Assistant Manager, Mansfield Trading


Assistant, Maison F. Mathieu S. A. Assistant Tester, China Light & Power

Co., Ltd.

Assistant, Swan, Culbertson & Fritz Assistant, China Underwriters, Ld.....................

Secretary, The Sun Co., Ld. Clerk, Chase Bank

Secretary, Star Taxicab Co., Ld.

Clerk, Whiteaway, Laidlaw & Co., Ld. Assistant, Butterfield & Swire Merchant, Christensen & Co. ...

Merchant, John Manners & Co., Ld....... Clerk, Taikoo Dockyard & Engineering

Co. of H.K., Ld. Sub-Manager, Ilford, Ld. Assistant, Shewan, Tomes & Co. Clerk, Arnhold Trading Co., Ld. Salesman, H. M. Hodges

Clerk, China Light & Power Co.,


Cashier, China Vegetable

Oil Corporation.

Banker, Provincial Bank of Fukien

Clerk, N. Mohamedally

Draughtsman, China Light & Power

Co., Lư.

Superintendent, Peak Tramways Co., Ld. Cashier, Chinese Chamber of Commerce. Chemist, Charles Lockhart & Co.........

216 Tung Choi Street, 1st floor,


22 Tung Choi Street, 2nd floor,


12 Hing Hon Road.

37 Old Bailey Street, 2nd floor. 203 Hennessy Road, Top floor.

1 Middle Road, 2nd floor, Kowloon.

41 Shouson Hill, On premises. 14 Kennedy Road. 137 Jaffé Road.

On premises.

On premises.

2 Park Road.

15 Thompson Road, 1st floor.

93 Caine Road, 1st floor.

5 Jordan Rd., Top fl., Kowloon,

165 Tam Kung Road.

2 Tai Hang Street.

210 Cheung Sha Wan Road, 2nd

floor, Shamsuipo.

2 Park Road.

226 Jaffé Road, 2nd floor, Wanchai. 12 Macdonnell Road.

100 Fook Wing Street, 1st floor. On premises.

Kimberley Villas, 3 Kimberley

Road, Kowloon.

26 Humphreys Building, Kowloon,

On premises.

4 Tsap Tsung Street, Happy Valley. 323 Hennessy Road.

19 Staunton Street. 52 Jordan Road, Kowloon.

53 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Ground

floor, Shamsuipo.

76 Village Road, 1st floor. 82 Thomson Road, 3rd floor,


4 Peking Road, Kowloon.

366 Nathan Road, Kowloon. 50в The Peak.

106 Jaffé Road.

Room 404, Bank of East Asia


Assistant, Kwangtung Provincial Bank.. 27 Caine Road, 2nd floor. Clerk, Raoul Bigazzi

District Manager, Asia Life Ins. Co. Assistant, China Underwriters, Ld. Chinese Asst. Manager, M. Beraha...

Merchant, Manufacturers Trading


27 Nam Chang Street.

6 Kent Road, Kowloon Tong. 186 Wanchai Road, 1st floor. 269 Cheung Sha Wan Road,


28 Kweilin Street, Kowloon.






Chun Kon-chee

Draughtsman, China Light & Power Co.,


Chun Lee, John Chun Shing-kwok

Chung Chi-hei Chung Chi-keung Chung Choi-chen

Chung Fook-cheang Chung Hung-wong Chung Kam-tong Chung King-sun.....

* Chung Kum-chuen.............

Chung Kwan-ting Chung Kwong-chiok.

Chung Leung-chuen Chung Pak-lee

*Chung Pack-cheung

Chung Pu Chung Shau-ki Chung Sui-on

Chung Wa-hi.............. Chung Wai-lam Chung Wai-man. Chung Wai-ting. Chung Wing-kan

Chung Yick-tong Chung Yuen-jin Churchwell, Gordon Lee Churn, Edwin Johnsford


Clague, James Wilton......


206 Sai Yeung Choi Street, 2nd fl..


Accountant, Tung Chang Co., (H.K.) Ld. 20 Hill Road, 3rd floor. Teacher, Chun Shing Institute of


Clerk, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co....... Supervisor, British Cigarette Co., Ld. Clerk, General Motors China, Ld.

Clerk, Texas Co., (China) L. Clerk, Intercontinent Corporation Manager, Wing Sang Hong

Yard Foreman, H.K. & China Gas Co.,


Clerk, H.K. & China Gas Co., Ld.. Merchant, China Emporium, Ld. Assistant, R.K.O. Radio Pictures of

China Inc.

Clerk, China Light & Power Co., Ld. Clerk, R.K.O. Radio Pictures of China


Clerk, Linstead & Davis

Assistant, Central Advertising Co...... Manager, Dennis & Co., Ld. Assistant, Union Insurance Society

of Canton, Ld. Clerk, Lane, Crawford, Ld,

Manager, Tai Ping Insurance Co., Ld. Clerk, Marsman H.K, China, Ld.......... Assistant, Ed. A. Keller & Co., Ld. ...... Draughtsman, E. W. Blackmore, Ld.....

Assistant, Kwangtung Provincial Bank.. Assistant, Luk Hoi Tong Co., Ld. Assistant, Texas Co., (China) Ld.

Assistant, China Provident Loan &

Mortgage Co., Ld.......... Passenger Agent, American

President Lines, Ld.

Clark, Richard Ferguson Engineer, Taikoo Sugar Refining Co., Ld

Clark, Janies Meldrum

Clarke, Charles Edward

Clayson, Herbert Sydney .

Clemo, Alfred Bertram


Engineer, Taikoo Sugar Refining

Co., Ld.

Engineer, Imperial Airways (Far

East), Ld.

Assistant, Hong Kong, Canton Export

Co., Ld.

Assistant Accountant, China Light &

Power Co., Ld.

Clemo, Frederick Charles ... Superintendent, China Light & Power

Clemow, Wilfred Percy......

Coates, Alfred Edward Cochran, Donald Coelho, Alvaro José Coelho, Carlos Eugene Coelho, Cezar Augusto

Cohen, Maurice

Cole, Richard Webster

Co., Ld.

Fitter, Taikoo Dockyard & Engi-

neering Co. of H. K. Ld.

Clerk, H.K. Tramways, Ld.

Agent, Everett Steamship Corporation Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld........... Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld............. Clerk, Nederlandsch Indische Handels-

bank, N.V....................... Resident, Hong Kong Hotel Station Superintendent, Imperial Airways (Far East), Ld.

On premises.

On premises.

231 Jaffé Road, 3rd floor. 15 Nanking Street, 3rd floor,


2 Ningpo Street, Yaumati. On premises.

17 Robinson Road, 1st floor.

363 Des Voeux Road West, 3rd floor. 293 Lockhart Road. 64B Bonham Road.

131 Johnston Road, 3rd floor. 146 Fa Yuen Street, Mongkoktsui.

6 Landale Street, 1st floor, Wanchai. 4 Babington Path, Ground floor. Stone Nullah Lane, Top floor. On premises.

On premises.

283 Lockhart Road.

772 Nathan Road, Kowloon. 25 Maple Street.

4 Thomson Road, Kowloon. 101 Apliu Street, 2nd floor,


27 Caine Road, 2nd floor. 67 Gloucester Road.

12 Junction Road, 2nd floor.

53 Conduit Road.

251 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon.

5 Braemar Terrace, Quarry Bay.

6 Braemar Terrace, Quarry Bay.

On premises.

452 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon.

Kowloon Tong Substation.

Flat D., China Light & Power,

Waterloo Road, Kowloon,

On premises.

4 Village Villas, Happy Valley. Gloucester Hotel.

420 Hennessy Road.

71 Chun Yeung Street, 1st floor.

85 Taipo Road, Kowloon. On premises.

On premises.






Coleman, Thomas

Collaço, Francis Joseph Collaço, Francisco Cecilio... Colls, John Baxter..... Conceição, José Maria de ..... Connolly, Francis

Conolly, Thomas Beresford


Blacksmith, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co.. Lư.

Clerk, H. K. Electric Co., Ld. Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank Assistant, Butterfield & Swire Clerk, J. P. Klink

On premises.

4 Liberty Avenue, Homuntin. 159 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon. On premises.

8 Tung Cheong Building, Kowloon.

Foreman, Taikoo Sugar Refining. Co., Ld.. 4 Braemar Terrace, Quarry Bay.

Merchant, Eurasia Universal

Commercial Corp., Ld.

Conolly, William Reginald. Assistant, H.K. Rope Manufacturing

Cooke, Stanley Jack,

Cooper, Hugh Glen

Cordeiro, Luiz Gonzaga

Cordeiro, Procopio Antonio Cork, Arthur Edward Corra, Henry

Correa, Antonio Manuel Correa, Charles Marcelino... Costa, Eusebio da

Costa, Frederico Güillelino

Meira da

Co., Ld.

Director, Securities, Ld..

Yard Manager, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., Ld.

Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank

Clerk, Palmer & Turner

Salesman, Davie, Boag & Co., Ld. Manager, L. Rondon & Co., Ld. Accountant, General Motors China, Ld. Accountant, Swan, Culbertson & Fritz Assistant, H.K. & Kowloon Wharf &

Godown Co., Ld.

Book-keeper, Jardine Engineering

Corporation, Ld.....................

Costa, Lourenço Antonio da Assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co....... Costa, Raul.........

Costello, George Edward

Cotton, John Thomas

Cotton, Joseph Albert Coull, David

Coulson, Ernest William

Cox, Albert Rowland

Craig, Robert Gilchrist


Cramer, Leigh Reverdy......

Crawford, Alexander

. Crawford, George William


Crawfurd, Stephen.......

Crestejo, Alfred Augusto Jr. * Crichton, William

Crofton, Christopher

Crommelin, Willem Constant

Crookdake, Jonathan.......

Cross, Albert

Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld.............

Passenger Agent, Canadian Pacific

Steamships, Ld.......

Manager, Central Radio Service

Engineer, John Manners & Co., Ld. Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard & Engi-

neering Co. of H. K. Ld. Assistant, Dairy Farm, Ice & Cold

Storage Co., Ld..........

Electrical Engineer, H.K. Electric

Co., Ld.

Chief Draughtsman, H.K. & Whampoa

Dock Co., Ld

Sub-Accountant, National City Bank of

New York

Supt. Engineer, Butterfield & Swire.

Electrical Engineer, H.K. Electric

Co., Ld.

Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.)


Clark, Everett Steainship Corporation Foreman, W. S. Bailey & Co., Ld. Assistant Station Superintendent, China

Light & Power Co., Ld. Assistant Manager, Java-China-Japan


Engineer, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., Ld.

Shift Engineer, China Light & Power

Co., L.

212 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon.

24 Tam Kung Road, 2nd floor.

10 Peak Mansions.

On premises.

1-3 Mallory Street, Kowloon. 29 Jordan Road, Kowloon.

3 Ningpo Road, 2nd floor, Yaumati. 45 Shouson Hill Road.

2 Liberty Avenue, Homuntin. 2 Liberty Avenue, Homuntin.

1 Ashley Road, 1st floor, Kowloon.

62 Waterloo Road, Top floor,


25 Kimberley Road, Kowloon. 22 Carnarvon Road, Ground floor,


Repulse Bay Hotel.

27 Kimberley Road, Ground floor,


26 West Terrace, Kowloon Docks.

On premises.

St. John's Apartments.

H.E.C. Quarters, 8 Causeway Hill.

On premises.

3 Thorpe Manor, May Road. On premises.

H.E.C. Quarters, 10 Causeway Hill.

On premises.

32 Tang Lung Street. 109 Leighton Hill Road.

247 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon.

58 The Peak.

On premises.

17 Homuntin Street, 1st floor,


Crowden, Sydney Claud.. Assistant, Butterfield & Swire......... On premises.






Cruickshank, William


Cruz, Arthur Richard

Cruz, Florencio Antonio Maria da......

Cruz, George Antonio

Cruz, Pedro Alexandrino

Accountant, Chartered Bank of India,

Australia & China, Clerk, Chartered Bank of India

Australia & China.

Foreman, Vibro Piling Co., Ld............. Clerk, Chartered Bank of India,

Australia & China.

Clerk, China Provident Loan & Mortgage

Co., Ld.

* Cruz, Saturnino Maria de, Jr. | Clerk, Nederlandische Indische Handels-

Cruz, Turibio José

Cuello, Ceferino

Cuevas, Octavio.... Cullen, Fred.

Cunha, Cezar Augusto Cunha, Frederico Nathalio...

Cunningham, Albert Laing Cunningham, William

Cunningham, William Leon.. Curreem, Abdul............ Currim, Mohamed Curtis, Eric Charles Frank...

Cutcher, Ernest Stanley

bank N.V.

Clerk, H. K. & Shanghai Bank Clerk, American President Lines, Ld. Director, Intercontinent Corporation...... Store-keeper, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co.. Là.

Assistant, Green Island Cement Co., Ld. Clerk, Chartered Bank of India,

Australia & China

Clerk, Canadian Pacific S.S., Ld. Fitter, Taikoo Dockyard &

Engineering Co. of H.K., Ld. Engineer, A. S. Watson & Co., Ld. Assistant, A. F. Arculli & Sons Assistant, Channel Trading Co., Ld. Butcher, Dairy Farm, Ice & Cold

Storage Co., Ld................... Butcher, Dairy Farm, Ice & Cold

Storage Co., Ld...

360 The Peak.

304 Nathan Road, Kowloon.

198 Ma Tau Chung Road, 1st floor.

19 Jordan Road, Top floor, Kowloon,

280 Electric Road.

3 Mosque Junction.

236 Tung Choi St., Mongkoktsui. Cosmopolitan House, Lock Road. On premises.

On premises.

35 Granville Road, Kowloon.

6 King's Terrace, Kowloon. 244 Nathan Road, Kowloon.

Quarry Bay.

24 Fort Street, 1st floor. 56 Kennedy Road.

346 Lockhart Road, Top floor.

78A Nathan Road, Kowloon.

12 Tai Hang Road.


D'Asis, Salvador Dabelstein, Lionel Arthur

Dallah, Abraham Rayman

Dallinga, Harmannus Danenberg, Reinaldo Carlos Darnley, Richard John


Davis, Donald Cater ... Davis, John Champneys

Davis, Lionel Ormandy

Davis, Thomas

Davis, William Henry


Davreux, George Maurice...

Deacon, Stuart

Deane, Barry O'Meara Decker, Harvey Leroy Dedeoglon, Hippocrate..

Delany, Philip Sheridan

Artist Photographer, D'Asis Studio ...... Factory Manager, Organic Fertilizer Co.,


Assistant, Union Insurance Society of

Canton, Ld...

Architect, Java-China-Japan Lijn, N.V. Assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.

Sub-Accountant, Chartered Bank of

India, Australia & China Banker, H. K. & Shanghai Bank Assistant, Texas Co., (China) Ld..... Merchant, Dunlop Rubber Co., (China)


Assistant Engineer, H.K. Telephone

Co., Ld.

Gloucester Arcade.


On premises.

Peninsula Hotel.

21 Cameron Road, Kowloon.

Empress Lodge, Kowloon. 356 The Peak.

Peninsula Hotel, Kowloon.

4 Conduit Road.

251 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon.

Salesman, Consolidated Trading Co., Ld. 43 Village Road. Estate Agent, Credit Foncier d'Extreme


Electrical Engineer, H.K. Electric

Co., Ld.

Assistant, Mercantile Bank of India, Ld. Assistant, Texas Co. (China), Ld. Merchant, Graeco Egyptian Coffee &

Tobacco Store

Representative, Pan American Airways


19 Homuntin Hill, Homuntin.

H.E.C. Quarters, 4 Causeway Hill. Watson's Apartment, Watson Road. 24 Broadwood Road.

5 Arbuthnot Road.

10 Aigburth Hall, May Road.






Delgado. Sotero Filomeno

Demee, Alfred

Demee, David Edward


Denison, William Ellery Dennis, Albert James Denton, Robert Alan Ede

Der Yuen, Frank..... Desai, Rustom Edalji Dew, Boon-seng

Diercks, Alfred Chihli

Diestal, Hans.

Dietrich, Max

Dietrich, Moses Benjamin

Dimond, Aubrey Kieran

Dinsdale, Herbert Suelson Ditta, Bhagwan Dixon, Philip Albert Doh Ki-sui

Donohue, Patrick Joseph Doo Fook-sang

Dorabjee, William Edward.. Dorman, Cecil...

Dow, Alexander Toohey Drake, Darell Dreyer, Holger Drummond, Ahmed

Dryburgh, John Clunie......

Dubois, Jean

Duckworth, Ferdinand


Duclos, Gordon

Duff, William Alfred


Duncan, Andrew

Duncan, George

Duncan, James Herbert


Duncan, Llewellin Arthur Robert

Dunn Yen-chuen Dunlop, Robert Paterson Dupuy, James Thomas... Dwyer, John Francis.

Stores Clerk, Imperial Airways (Far

East) Ld.

Assistant, H.K. Engineering &

Construction Co., Ld.

Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank Assistant, Chase Bank

Merchaat, Dodwell & Co., Ld. Engineer, Jardine Engineering Corpora-

tion, Ld.

Clerk, The Intercontinent Corporation... Merchant, R. E. Desai

Radio Engineer, General Electric Co.

of China. Ld.

Wharfinger, H.K. Yaumati Ferry Co.,


Manager, Comptoir Anglo Continental,


Parts Manager, General Motors, (China)


Engineer, H. K. & Whampoa Dock Co.,


Acting Manager, Peninsula Hotel, H.K.

& Shanghai Hotels, Ld............. Merchant, James H. Backhouse, Ld..... Merchant, Oriental American Agencics... Manufacturer's Representative Clerk, American Express Co., Inc. Gauger, Texas Co., (China) Lủ. Assistant, New Asiatic Chemical Works,


Assistant, Union Trading Co., Ld. Assistant, Whiteaway Laidlaw & Co.,


Assistant, Gibb, Livingston & Co., Ld... Journalist, Far East Digest

Import Manager, Shewan, Tomes & Co.. Engineer, Garage Dept., H.K. &

Shanghai Hotels, Ld. Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard & Engineer-

ing Co. of H.K., Ld.......... Assistant Manager, Sennet Fréres

Electrical Engineer, H.K. Electric

Co., Ld.

Agent, Singer Sewing Machine Co.

Vice-President, Underwriters

Bank for the Far East

Junior Engineer, China Light & Power

Co., Lữ.

Assistant, W. R. Loxley & Co., (China)


Charge Engineer, China Light & Power

Co., Là.

Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co.,

(S. C.) Ld.

Banker, Manufacturers Bank of China Test Engineer, H.K. Electric Co., Ld.... Banker, H. K. & Shanghai Bank

Salesman, Consolidated Trading Co., Ld

On premises.

19 Victory Avenue, Homuntin.

18 Victory Avenue, Homuntin.

Conduit Road.

1 Hankow Road, Kowloon.

Arlington Hotel. On premises.

35 Nathan Road, 2nd floor, Kowloon.

15 Bonham Road.

Jubilee Pier.

12 Bayview Mansions.

199 Prince Edward Road, 1st floor,


On premises.

Peninsula Hotel.

11 Tregunter Mansions, May Road. 80 Hennessy Road, 2nd floor. 220 Nathan Rd., 1st floor, Kowloon. 223 Jaffé Road, Top floor. 12 Junction Road, 2nd floor.

181 Kowloon City Road, 2nd floor,


St. Joseph's Building.

Empress Lodge, Kowloon. 11 Conduit Road.

6 King's Terrace, Kowloon. 1 Kent Road, Kowloon Tong.

353 Hennessy Road, 1st floor.

On premises. 3 Gap Road.

209 King's Road.

3 Tregunter Mansions.

Derrington, 24 Macdonnell Road.

135 Waterloo Road, Kowloon.

12 Taihang Road.

4 Duke Street, Mongkoktsui.

On premises. 11 Conduit Road. 207 King's Road. 10 The Peak. Gloucester Hotel.






Eastman, Alfred Leonard


Edgar, Joseph Jacob........ Edgar, Thomas Herbert.. Edwards, John Wheeler.

Elarte, Franklin Juliano Elarte, Leonardo Antonio... Elder, Peter James

Elenbaas, Pieter Marie...

Ellacott, Terence Charles ...

Elias, Edward Leopold... Elliott, Frank...... Elliott, Frederick Arthur


Ellis, Arthur Cecil.

Elms, Paul Andrew

Emmert, John Barrett

Encarnação, Charles


Eriksson, Theodorus


Esmail, Hajee Ahmed

Esmail, Abdul Rahman


Esmail, Usuf Hajee Eng Bunn-luke Eng Wah-sun..

Essig, Emile

Eu Yang Hoa-wan

Evans, James

Evans, Norman Leslie

Everett, Arthur George...... Everett, Leonard, Jr...... Excell, William Charles

Eymard, Emile

Assistant, H.K. & Kowloon Wharf &

Godown Co., Ld. Assistant, Ellis & Edgar Baker, Lane, Crawford, Ld. Assistant Manager, Calif-Asia Co.,


Clerk, Mercantile Bank of India, Ld........... Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank Assistant, Union Insurance Society of

Canton, Ld.

Civil Engineer, Netherlands Harbour Works, Co., Hong Kong Agency.. Assistant Engineer, H.K. & China Gas

Co., Lửa

Partner, L. Dunbar & Co. Clerk, S. J. David & Co.

Assistant, Butterfield & Swire................. Insurance Manager, New Zealand

Insurance Co., Ld.

Assistant, W. R. Loxley & Co., (China)


Assistant General Manager, Standard-

Vacuum Oil Co..............

94 Waterloo Road, Kowloon. 9 York Road, Kowloon Tong. 82 Morrison Hill Road.

The Tower, Queen's Building. 16 Fort Street, North Point. 16 Fort Street, North Point.

On premises.

8 Homuutin Hill Road, Homuntin.

Gas Works, West Point.

St. John's Apartment Flat 1. 26 Carnarvon Road, Kowloon.

On premises.

62 Macdonnell Road.

215 Wanchai Road.

9 Magazine Gap.

Broker, Encarnação, Hammond & Lo.... 27 Ventris Road, 2nd floor.

Assistant, Java-China-Japan Lijn Merchant, H.M.H. Esmail & Sons...

Merchant, A.R.H. Esmail

Merchant, H.M.H. Esmail & Sons..... Manager, Radio Electric Service Treasurer, Radio Electric Service Partner, Swan, Culbertson & Fritz Assistant, W. R. Loxley & Co.,

(China) Ld.

Engineer, H.K. Electric Co., Ld. Asst., Orient Paint, Colour & Varnish

Co. Ltd.

Engineer, H.K. Electric Co., Ld. Radio Engineer

Assistant Cargo Supt., H.K. & Kowloon

Wharf & Godown Co., Ld. Clerk, Texas Co. (China), Ld.

8 Conduit Road.

9 Village Road, Ground floor.

9 Village Road.

9 Village Road, Ground floor. 21 King Kwong Street, 2nd floor. 21 King Kwong Street, 2nd floor. Enidville, Repulse Bay.

169 Queen's Road East, 1st floor. 8 Lau Shing Street, Top floor.

On premises.

205 King's Road, Flat 6. Arlington Hotel.

On premises.

59 Kimberley Road, Kowloon.


Faggiano, Joseph Eugene... Secretary, H.K. Mines, Ld.

Fan Chia-shou

Fan Ho-yuen

Fan Kwai-chong Fan Kwai-wing Fancey, Jack

Fang, Edward

Fantham, Henry Harold

Faria, Francisco Xavier

Lobato de

Salesman, Omega Watch Co..... Assistant, Imperial Chemicals

Industries (China) Ld.

Clerk, Central Trading Co.... Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Clerk, China Light & Power Co.,


Assistant Manager, China Travel·


Wharfinger, H.K. & Kowloon Wharf &

Godown Co., Ld....

Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank

18 Kent Road, Kowloon Tong.

1 Yuk Sau Street, 1st floor.

On premises.

On premises.

51 Bulkeley Street.

186 Nathan Rd., 1st fl., K'loon.

On premises.

On premises.

25 Caroline Hill Road.






Faria, Saturnino Sergio

Lobato de.

Farmer, Clarence Leimpster

Farne, Francis Henry

Farnnd, Hassan Farquhar, John Wallace

Fattydad, Frank Fenton, George Lambert

Ferguson, Malcolm

Fergusson, Thomas......

Feris, Muhd

Fernand, Samuel

Fernandes, Antão Vasques

Fernandes, Eduardo Alberto. Fernandes, Felisberto An-

tonio Bernabe Carajota Fernandes, Francisco

Ernesto Carajota

Fernandes, Gil Vasco

Fernandes, Ignacio


Clerk, H. K. & Shanghai Bank Shipping Manager, Douglas Steamship

Co., L.

Assistant, Union Insurance Society of

Canton, Ld.....

Assistant, H.M.H. Nemazee Engineer, Taikoo Sugar Refining

Co., Ld.

Assistant, U. Spalinger & Co. S. A.... Director, West River Transportation &

Trading Co., Ld.

Electrician, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., Lủ.

Craft Supt., H.K. & Kowloon Wharf &

Godown Co., Ld.....

Clerk, National Carbon Co., Fed., Inc.,


Manager, Pacific American Trading Co.

Assistant Engineer, H. K. & Shanghai Hotels, Ld. Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Lil.

1 Emma Avenue, Homuntin.

5A Pratt Building, Kowloon.

On premises.

36 Macdonnell Road.

7 Braemar Terrace, Quarry Bay. 4 Wong Tak Street, 1st floor.

239 Nathan Road, Kowloon.

On premises.

109 Austin Road, Kowloon.

234 Gloucester Road. 460 Nathan Road, 2nd floor,


96 Parkes Street, Kowloon. 41 Nathan Road, 1st floor, Kowloon.

Clerk, American President Lines, Ld.. 8 Kwong Ming Street, 1st floor.

Book-keeper, American President

Lines, Ld.

Assistant, H.K. Brewery & Distillery,


Assistant, H. K. Brewery &

Distillery, Ld.

Fernandes, Leopoldo Dario. Stores Clerk, Imperial Airways, (Far

Ferrier, Vivian Edmund

Field, William Valentine....

Figueiredo, Charles


Figueiredo, Eduardo José

de, Jr.

Figueiredo, Ernesto


Figueiredo, Henrique

Alberto de

Fingalsen, Odd Erik

Finlayson, Peter Anton...... Fisher, Alfred Edward Fittinghoff, Daniel


Flanagan, Brian Thomas.... Fleming, William ... Fleming, William Nicholson Fletcher, Beey Peter Charr.

Floisand, Alfred..... Fok, Joe

Fok Kee-wai

Fok Nai-keung, Anthony Fok Wa-hoi

East) Ld.

Life Underwriter, Manufacturers Life

Insurance Co..

Harbour Representative, Peninsula


Instructor, School of Accountancy

& Commerce

Assistant, Hughes & Hough, Ld.

40 Fort Street.

277 To Kwa Wan Road, Kowloon.

277 To Kwa Wan Road,


On premises.

133 Keunedy Road.

57 Granville Road, Kowloon.

1 Peace Avenue, Homuntin.

2 York Road, Kowloon Tong.

Assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co....... 112 Argyle Street, Mongkokisui.

Assistant, China Underwriters, Ld. Draughtsman, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., L

Book-seiler, Kelly & Walsh, Ld....... Service Man, Central Radio Service

Service Manager, Wallace, Harper &

Cùng Lửa

Assistant, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co.. Wharfiuger, Holt's Wharf Engineer, Davie, Boag & Co., Ld......... Works Engineer National Carbon Co.

Fed. Inc. U.S A.

Assistant, Wallen & Co.

1 United Terrace, Homuntin.

On premises.

On premises.

116 Austin Road, Kowloon.

287 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon. On premises.

On premises. Cathay Hotel.

11B Belfran Road, Kowloon. Y.M.C.A.

Merchant, Richfield Trading Co....... 7 Hing Hon Road.

Clerk, Millington, Ld...

Clerk, Eastman Kodak Co....... Assistant, A. S. Watson & Co., Ld.

82 Hollywood Road.

282 Lockhart Road, 1st floor.

105 Hollywood Road, 2nd floor.







Fok Wing-cho Foug Iu-ping Fong King-chew

Fong Shin-chuen

Fong Yuk-shan

Fonseca, José Carlos..... Fonseca, José Maria

Foo Ling-hwang, Richard...

Foo Ping-yuen

Fook Ha-yu Foon, George

Forbes, Donald

Forbes, Duncan Douglas Ford, William Falconer

Forder, George

Forster, John Jacob

Forsyth, William Rennie

Fouliard, Emile Fountain, Herbert John..

Fox, Henry Leslie...

Fox, William Alfred

Foy, Hago Eric

Franco, Eduardo Miguel Fraser, Sweton

Frenkel, Jacob

Frisque, Gordon Fu Sun

Fu Ting-yen

Fuertes, Domingo Pascual...

*Fung Chack-lau

Fung Chie-ping

Fung Chun-yin

Fung Ho-po Fung Hon-chu Fung Iu-kee Fung In-wai

Fung Kai-leung Fung Kim-cheung Fung Kim-wah Fung Kung-ha Fung Kwok-wa

Fung Ling-yee

Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld. Assistant Manager, F. L. Jones & Co.... Assistant Manager, Dodge & Seymour,

(China), Ld...

Assistant, Chase Bank Draughtsman, H. K. & Shanghai

Hotels, Ld.

Assistant, Dodwell & Co., Ld. Assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co....... Salesman, Jardine Engineering Corpora-

tion, Ld.

Assistant, China Provident Loan &

Mortgage Co., Ld.

Assistant, Marsman, H.K. China, Ld. Foreman, H.K. Land Investment &

Agency Co., Ld.

Director, Bank Line, Ld.

Manager, Andersen, Meyer & Co., Ld. Assistant, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., Ltd.

Manager, Whiteaway, Laidlaw &

Co., Lil.

Engineer, Taikoo Dockyard & Engineer-

ing Co. of H.K., Ld.

Time-keeper, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., Lư.

Merchant, Groupe Chine..

Assistant Manager, Anderson Music

Co.. Ld.

Assistant, Wallace Harper & Co., Ld. Secretary, H.K. & Kowloon Cinema

Co., Ld.

Banker, H.K. & Shanghai Bank Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank Assistant, Butterfield & Swire... Overseer, H.K. Engineering & Con-

struction Co., Ld. Manager, Eastman Kodak Co. Assistant, China Electric Co., Ld....

Chemist, China Vegetable Oil Corpora-


Assistant, British American Tobacco

Co. (China), Ld......................

Comp. Clerk, Green Island Cement

Co., Ld.

Assistant, Reiss, Bradley & Co., Ld..... Clerk, The Sino-British Engineering

Corporation, Ld.

A/c. Clerk, Texas Co. (China), Ld. Manager, Li & Fung, Ld.

Clerk, China Light & Power Co., Ld. Clerk, Dunlop Rubber Co., (China) Ld...

Clerk, Java-China-Japan Line Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld. Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld. Manager, Hung Tai & Fung Co....... Compradore, Green Island Cement

Co., L.

Artist, Kobza Art Studios, Ld.

On premises.

9 Queen's Road East, 2nd floor.

49 Shing Wo Road, 3rd floor,

Happy Valley.

137 Caine Road.

64 Hennessy Road.

14 Tung Cheong Building, Kowloon. 47A Robinson Road.

144 Gloucester Road, 3rd floor.

381 Lockhart Road, Top floor. 244 Jaffé Road.

Queen's Building.

6 Abermor Court, May Road. 4 Peak Mausions.

Hong Kong Office.

18 Dorset Crescent, Kowloon Tong.

On premises.

On premises.

507 Holland House.

Y. M. CA.

60 Nga Tsin Wai Road, Top floor.

63 Robinson Road.

10 The Peak.

2 Leighton Hill Road. On premises.

379 Nathan Road, 1st floor, K’loon. Dina House, Duddell Street. 147 Prince Edward Road, 2nd floor,


26 Morrison Hill Road, 1st floor,

49 Haiphong Road, Kowloon.

102 Gloucester Road, 2nd floor. 297 Hennessy Road.

6 Lee Tung Street, 1st floor. Lot 405, Kai Tack. On premises.

6 Lo Lung Hang Street, 2nd floor. 33 Haiphong Road, Ground floor,


141 Hollywood Road. On premises. On premises. On premises.

32 Fung Wing Street, Kowloon. 818 King's Rd., New Quarry


Compradore, Harry Wicking & Co., Ld.. 68 Pokfulam Road.

Fung Man-sui Fung Ping-fan

Secretary, Chinese Estates, Ld.

1 Park Road.






Fung Pui-ying

Fung Shiu-ming Fung Shan-pok Fung Shin-tsoi Fung Shin-chung Fung Shun-choy

Fung Tak-ming

Fung Tsun

Fung Yin-ho

Fung Yin-kwan

Fung Yin-lenng.

Fung Ying-sun

Fung Wai-sun

Funnell, William Edwin

Clerk, Jardine, Matheson & Co.,


Artist, Kobza Art Studio, Ld. Assistant, Arnhold Trading Co. Assistant, China Underwriters, Ld. Manager, Che San & Co. Clerk, H. K. Meat & Dairy

Produce Co.

Salesman, Eastman Kodak Co. Architect, G. G. Hewlitt & T. Fung...... Assistant, China Underwriters, Ld. Assistant, China Underwriters, Ld. Assistant, Shewan, Tomes & Co. Assistant, New Asiatic Chemical Works,


Chief Accountant, Bank of Canton, Ld. Assistant, H.K. Brewery & Distillery,


228 Third Street.

18 Arbuthnot Road, Ground floor. 6 Tin Lok Lane, 1st floor.

4 To Li Terrace, Kennedy Town. On premises.

56 Robinson Road.

21 Fung Fai Terrace.

1 Bowrington Road, 2nd floor. 11 Lan Kwai Fong.

299 Jaffé Road, 2nd floor. 502 Nathan Road, 1st floor, K'loon.

291 Hennessy Road, 1st floor. 216 Tung Choi Street, Mongkoktsui.

58 Canton Road, 1st floor, Kowloon.


Gaan, Carlos Alfredo........ Gaan, Marcus Alberto.....

Gaan, Martin José.............

Gaddi, Leopold Gafoor, Sheikh Abdool Gahagan, Cyril Edwin

Salesman, Andersen, Meyer & Co., Ld. . 32 Tam Kung Road, Ground floor. Clerk, National City Bank of

New York

Accountant, British-American Tobacco

Co. (China), Ld.

Chef, H.K. Hotel

Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld................ Electrial Engineer, H.K. Electric

Co., L.

Gairdner, Robert Campbell. Banker, H. K. & Shanghai Bank ........

Garch, Cheung

Garcia, Alexander Garcia, Flavio Maria....

Gardner, Aubrey George.

Gardner, Joseph Charles Gardner, Louis Gardner, Robert Anthony... Gardner, Walter

Gardner, William Austin

Garrard, Stamp Morgan

Gascon, Antonio Gavin, Max

Gehring, Charles Alfred Gellman, Boris Abraham Gerrard, George....

Gerzo, Samuel David Ghafur, Abdul Curreem Gibson, Adna Wallace Gibson, Lachlan Alexander

Gibson, Leonard...........

Gill, Andrew Vincent

Clerk, Percy Smith, Seth & Fleming Clerk, American President Lines, Ld. Clerk, Nederlandsch Indische Handels-

bank, N.V....

10 Observatory Villas, Kowloon.

10 Observatory Villas, Kowloon. On premises.

5 Hysan Avenue, 2nd floor.

H.E.C. Quarters, No. 9 Causeway


353 The Peak.

40 Yiu Wah Street.

12 Jordan Road, 3rd floor, Kowloon.

32 Granville Road, Kowloon.

Assistant, H. K. Electric Co., Ld..... 110 Austin Road, Top floor,

Accountant, C. M. Karanjia & Co. Sales Manager, Far East Motors Manager, Bosco Radio Corporation Assistant Dairy Farm, Ice & Cold

Storage Co., Ld.

Traffic Inspector, H. K. Tramways


Assistant, Union Insurance Society of

Canton, Ld.

Assistant, Wallace, Harper & Co., Ld. Assistant, U. Spalinger & Co., S.A. Civil Engineer, Alexandra Building Reception Clerk, Repulse Bay Hotel. Chief Clerk, Taikoo Dockyard &

Engineering Co. of H.K., Ld. Chief Clerk, Texas Co., (China) Ld. Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld.......... Assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co... Draughtsman, Taikoo Dockyard &

Engineering Co. of H.K., Ld. Electrical Engineer, H. K. Electric Co.,


Accountant, Imperial Airways

(Far East), Ld.


49 Wyndham Street.

131 Chan Ynen Street, North Point. 9 Cameron Road, Kowloon,

140 Kennedy Road.

9 Bay View Mansions.

On premises.

2 Caroline Road, 2nd floor.

ID Chun Fai Terrace, 2nd floor. 119 Waterloo Road, Kowloon. On premises.

Quarry Bay.

242 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon.. 443 Hennessy Road, 3rd floor. 114 The Peak.

On premises.

22 Carnarvon Road, 1st floor,


On premises.






Gill, David Joseph... Gill, Francisco Antonio.. Gill, John Cawthra

Gillies, Hamilton Oliver

Gilroy, James Boyd

Gingle, Edward Francis Gislon, Antonio

Glendinning, Lyall James


Go Shing-kiem Godkin, Boris.......... Gold, Martin

*Goldenberg, Charles

Archibald Goldin, Constantin.. Gomes, Augusto Conceição

Gomes, Antonio dos


Gomes, Arthur Ernest

Gomes, Francisco Xavier Gomes, John Rufus Gomes, José

Gomes, José Vicente.......

Gomes, Luiz Braz

Assistant, Far East Motors Clerk, Lowe, Bingham & Matthews Assistant, Dairy Farm, Ice & Cold

Storage Co., Ld............. Shipbuilder, Taikoo Dockyard &

Engineering Co. of H.K., Ld. Accountant, E. D. Sassoon Banking

Co., Lả.

Proprietor, Palace Hotel Sub-Manager, Peninsula Hotel

Assistant, Mackintosh's, Ld. Wing Ping Trading Co. Ltd. Assistant, S. E. Levy & Co. Broker, S. E. Levy & Co.

Assistant, Tyehong Co.

Manager, H.K. & Kowloon Cinema Co... Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.)


Clerk, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld.. Assistant. Standard-Vaccum Oil Co..................

Clerk, Banque de l'Indo-Chine

8 Granville Road, Kowloon. 11 Humphreys Avenue, Kowloon.

Equine Sports Club, Shatin,

On premises.

Gloucester Hotel. On premises. On premises.

90 Waterloo Roal, Kowloon. 20 Connaught Road Central. 7 East Point Terrace. Gloucester Hotel.

5 Cameron Road, Kowloon.

2 Minden Avenue, Kowloon.

On premises. 'st

3 Humphreys Avenue, Kowloon. 28 West Terrace, Kowloon


4 Fuk Lo Tsun Road, Kowloon City.

Clerk, Java-China-Japan Lijn, N. V. ... 70 Parkes Street, Kowloon, Assistant, E. D. Sassoon Banking

Co., L.

Storekeeper, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., Ltd.

Accountant, Phoebus Neon Light Co.,


Gomes, Maximiano Antonio Assistant, Shewan, Tomes & Co. Gomes, Romão

Gomeze, Albert Martin...... Gompertz.Geoffrey Hairland

Gonsalves, Afonso Augusto

da Costa

Gonsalves, Henrique


Gonsalves, João Baptista

Gonsalves, Julio Augusto

do Costa

Gonzales, Joseph Angel Goodman, Reginald James

Goodwin, Frank..... Gooey, Herbert Lau

Gordon, Vyner Reginald Gosano, Adelino Vitus Gosano, Bellarmino Thomas Gosby, Herbert Jaques

Gosamkee, Eric Eugene Roy Gow, David Graça, Henrique José

Graf, Johannes Grainger, Edwin John

* Grant, Charlie Pearson

Grant, Frederick Cecil

Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld.

Clerk, J. Ruttonjee & Son Mercantile Assistant, Jardine, Matheson

& Co., Ld.

5 Kent Road, Kowloon Tong.

On premises.

8 Humphreys Avenue, Kowloon.

7 Hankow Road, Kowloon.

5 Fuk Wing Street, 3rd floor,


42 Pottinger Street.

303 The Peak.

Assistant, Netherlands Trading Society. On premises.

Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank

Assistant, Green Island Cement Co., Ld.

Assistant, Maxim & Co.

Overscer, H.K. Electric Co., Ld. Head Storekeeper, H.K. & Whampoa

Dock Co., Ld.

Manager, H.K. & China Gas Co., Ld. Assistant, Union Insurance Society of

Canton, Ld......

Secretariat Asst., H.K. Tramways, Ld... Assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co. Clerk, H. K. & Shanghai Bank Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.C.)


Runner, American Express Co., Inc. Manager, Arthur & Co., (Export) Ld. ... Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank, (K'loon).

Cashier, Netherlands Trading Society Resident Engineer, H. K. & Shanghai


Assistant, H. K. & Kowloon Wharf &

Godown Co., Ld.

Assistant, Thomas Cook & Son, Ld.

25 Homuntin Street, Homuntin. 5 Soares Avenne, 1st floor,


25 Homuntin Street, Homuntin. 72 Johnston Road, 3rd floor.

On premises.

262 Prince Edward Road, K'loon.

On premises. 8 The Peak.

11 Soares Avenue, Homuntin. 11 Soares Avenue, Homuntiu.

North Point Installation, 35 Hennessy Road, 2nd floor. 67 Kadoorie Avenue, Kowloon. 12 Lochiel Terrace, Cameron Road,


On premises.

11th floor, on premises.

Claremont Hotel, Kowloon. 20 Austin Avenue, Kowloon.







Grawal, Naranjian Singh...

Gray, Richard Gordon Gray, Samuel..............

Graye, Henry.

Greaves, Alfred Philip Green, Samuel Ebenezer

Greenberg, Isaac Greenhalgh, William


Gregory, Cyril Leon

Gregory, Rowland

Frederick Gregory, Thomas Paul Greig, William

Grey, George Willis

Grimble, Eric George Norton Grimes, Thomas Edward Grimshaw, Rupert.............................

Grinter, Frederick

William John

Grivaud, Edmund Groome, Eric Leslie Grose, Frank

Grose, John Francis Grove, Stephen

Grover, George James

Groves, Frank

Groves, Walter Montgomerie

Guerci, Gracomo Guinniss, Alan Henry Guterres, Alvaro Maria...

Salesman, Mamak & Co.

Banker, H. K. & Shanghai Bank Engineer, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., Lủ.

Manager, Concrete Products, Ld. Broker

Assistant, Garage Dept. H. K. &

Shanghai Hotels, Ld.

Manager, Metro Goldwyn Mayer

Engineer, H. K. & Whampoa Dock Co.,


Assistant, Dairy Farm, Ice & Cold

Storage Co., Ld...

Assistant. H. K. Electric Co., Ld. Clerk, H. Ruttonjee & Son Shipwright, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co.. Ld.

Architect, H.K. Land Investment &

Agency Co., Ld... Merchant, Grimble & Co. Assistant, Butterfield & Swire Manager, Peking Syndicate, Ld.

Wireless Engineer Marconi International

Marine Comunication Co., Ld. Chef, Peninsula Hotel

Assistant, Gibb, Livingston & Co., Ld. Assistant, Palmer & Turner Sharebroker, J. F Grose & Co.

141 Kiukiang Street, 2nd floor,


353 The Peak.

On premises.

32 Dina House, Duddell Street. 67 Robinson Road,

78B Nathan Road, Kowloon. 10 Bayview Mansions, Top floor.

On premises.

6B Leighton Hill Road.

7 Causeway Hill

20 Village Road, 1st floor.

On premises.

Kingsville Hotel, Kowloon, No. 1. Bungalow.

On premises.

Flat 2B East Eu Garden, Argyle

Street, Kowloon.

28 Carnarvon Road, Kowloon. On premises.

108 The Peak.

3 Garden Terrace. 55 Conduit Koad.

Chartered Accountant, Thomson & Co.... Hong Kong Club.

Butcher, Dairy Farm, Ice & Cold

Storage Co., Ld....

General Manager, American Express

Co., Inc.

Assistant, H.K. & Kowloon Wharf &

Godown, Co., Ld.

Maitre d'Hotel, Hong Kong Hotel... Banker, H. K. & Shanghai Bank Assistant, China Provident Loan &

Mortgage Co., Ld...

Guterres, Antonio Alberto... Clerk, Nederlandsch Indische Handels-

Guterres, George Arthur Guterres, José Alberto Guterres, Luiz João .... Guterres, Mario Augusto *Gutierrez, Alexander


Gutierrez, Alvaro Eugenio

Gutierrez, Charles Ledbury. Gutierrez, Eduardo

Maria .......

Gutierrez, Gregorio Maria... Gutierrez, Luis Augustus ... Gutierrez, Marcus Bernardo. Gutierrez, Marcos Maria.

Gutierrez, Reinaldo Maria


bank, N.V.

Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) L. Clerk, Green Island Cement Co., Ld. Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank Assistant, Swan, Culbertson & Fritz.

Clerk, Lowe, Bingham & Matthews Assistant, H.K. & Whampoa Dock Co.,


Clerk, Mercantile Bank of India, Ld......

Clerk, China Light & Power Co., Ld.

Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld. Accountant, David Sassoon & Co., Ld. Clerk, China Light & Power Co., Ld. Assistant, Caldbeck Macgregor

& Co., Ld.

Assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.

215 Fa Yuen Street, 2nd floor,


Homesdale, Repulse Bay.

112 Boundary Street, Top floor,


On premises.

On premises, 8th floor.

14 Observatory Road, Kowloon.

9 Ashley Road, Kowloon. On premises.

10 Observatory Road, Kowloon. 9 Ashley Road, Kowloon.

167 Sai Yee Street, Mongkok tsui.

218B Nathan Road, Kowloon.

On premises.

218 Nathan Road, Kowloon.

19 Homuutin Street, 1st floor.


On premises.

3 Hart Avenue, Kowloon. 19 Homuntin Street, 1st floor.

35 Hankow Road, Kowloon.

11 Soares Avenue, Homuntin.






Hackney, James

Hailey, Guy

Hailstone, Brian

Hale, Frederick Montague

Halfter, Nicholas Andrew.. Hall, Alfred James

* Hall, Charles Mylius

Hail, Eric Silver

Hall, Frederick Ivan

Hall. George Albert Victor

Halligan, George Ham, Charles Chun Hamblin, Frederick

Hamid, Sheik Abdool Hamilton, Douglas Haig

Hammond, Herbert William Hamson, Arthur Bird Hamson, Edward Bird

Han Khiok-kwik

Hananeli, Samuel Hanlon, Edwin Marcus. Gray

Hansch, Eric Siegfried... Hanscomb, Eric Charles Hanson, Faung-Shou

Hwang Hardivilliers, François

Hardoon, Isaac Silas Hardwick, Douglas

William Harkins, Michael Joseph. Haroon, Isaac........... Harper, Andrew Wallace

Harrington, George

Thomas Harris, Eric Thomas

Harris, Frederic Thomas ..

Harris, Sidney Samuel Harris, William Francis


Harrop, Joseph Hart-Davis, John Authony


Hassan, Ali... Hassan, Ishaak

Hassan, Moos:L Hassan, Shek Hathiawala, Husani Shaikhadam

Hathiawala, Salehbhoy


Merchant Assistant, Imperial

Chemical Industries (China) Ld.. On premises. Electrical Engineer, H.K. Electric

Co., Lủ.

Assistant, Thomas Cook & Son, Ld.... Engineer, Andersen, Meyer & Co., Ld.

Electrical Engineer

Mercantile Assistant, Jardine, Matheson

& Co., Ll. Merchant

Accountant, Lowe, Bingham & Matthews. Salesman, Lane, Crawford, Ld. Architect, Way & Hall

H.E.C. Quarters, 3 North Point. 136 Argyle Street, Mongkoktsui. 39 Hillwood Road, Ground floor,


On premises.

4 Dorset Crescent, Kowloon Tong. Peninsula Hotel.

Cathay Hotel.

76 Morrison Hill Road, Bellemere, 10 Miles Castlepeak

Road, N. T.

Motor Mechanic, Far East Motors.... 14 Jordan Road, Kowloon. Assistant, B. J. Lacon

Electrical Engineer, China Light &

Power Co., L.

Clerk, L. Weill & Co. Sub-Accountant, Mercantile Bank of

India, Ld.

Traffic Supt., H.K. Tramways, Ld. Assistant, Lane, Crawford, Ld. Night Reception Clerk, Peninsula Hotel

Overseer, H.K. Engineering & Construc-

tion Co., Ld.

Principal, S. Hananeli. Engineer, Dairy Farm, Ice & Cold

Storage Co., Ld..... Merchant, Jebsen & Co....... Assistant, Thomas Cook & Son, Ld.

Manager, Commercial Press, Ld. Managing Director, François


Clerk, E. D. Sassoon Banking Co., Ld...

Clerk, Lowe, Bingham & Mathews.... Assistant, Arnhold Trading Co. Clerk, H. K. Electric Co., Ld. Managing Director, Wallace, Harper &

Co., Ld.

Banker, H. K. & Shanghai Bank Assistant, Colonial Dispensary

Wharfinger, H.K. & Kowloon Wharf &

Godown Co., Ld.

Chemist, Green Island Cement Co., Ld..

Assistant Manager, Furness (Far East),

Ld. ...

Merchant, James H. Backhouse, Ld.......

Engineer, General Electric Co. of

China, Ld.

Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld. Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld. Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld..... Clerk, H. K. Electric Co., Ld.

Clerk, Phielban & Co.

414 Lockhart Road, 2nd flour,

Kaú Púi Shek Substation. 7 Hysan Avenue, 2nd floor.

Watson's Apartment, Watson Road. 2 Fung Fai Terrace. Top floor. 3 York Road, Kowloon Tong. 60 Nga Tsin Wai Road, Top floor,

Kowloon City.

9 Dragon Terrace, 2nd floor. 28 Lock Road, Kowloon.

280 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon.

6 Lincoln Road, Kowloon. 167 Boundary Street, Kowloon.

On premises.

The Towers, Prince's Building. 18 Village Road, 1st floor.

2 Norfolk Road, Kowloon Tong. 74 Village Road, 2nd floor. 456 King's Road, 3rd floor.

26 Braga Circuit, Kowloon.

353 The Peak.

490 Prince Edward Road,


Hart Avenue, 1st floor, Kowloon.. 30 Kimberley Road, Kowloon.

Hong Kong Club, 17 Peak Mansions,

130 Argyle Street, Top floor,


439 Hennessy Road, 2nd floor. 353 Lockhart Road, 2nd floor. 353 Lockhart Road, 2nd floor. 314-316 Hennessy Rd., Top floor.

Assistant, Phielban & Co.

386-8 Hennessy Road.

386-8 Hennessy Road.






Hau Ching-to

Hau Kwok-yau

Hau Sun-hee Hausammann, Ernest Havelaar, Johannes

Havers, Arthur Vernon Havers, Gordon Vernon Haylitt, Li

Haymes, Maxwell Freeland


Haynes, Cecil William

Haynes, George.......

Hearther, Ernest Rea

Hedley, William Pattinson

Heiberg, Sigurd



Heidler, Edward Marques... Hellwig, William Henderson, George

Henderson, John Reid

Henderson, Reid

Heng, Arthur.. Henrys, Henri

Herridge, Frank Gordon

Herschend, Borge Hew Ah-lan Hewitt, William.. Heyningen, van Adolph..

Hickman, John Frederick... Higgins, James Joseph... Higgs, Henry Claxton

Highet, Ian Campbell

Hill, Frederick Arthur

Hill. William Roland...

Clerk, Chase Bank

Manager, T. O. Wong & Co., Ld.

Clerk, China Light & Power Co., Ld. Merchant, Ed. A. Keller & Co., Ld.... Manager, P. J. Klink

Assistant, Purity Drinking Water Co. Salesman, Lane, Crawford, Ld. Export Managar, Wayne & Haylitt Co.

Banker, H.K. & Shanghai Bank Assistant, L. R. Nielson & Co., Ld.

Sales Manager, National Cash Register


Assistant, American President

Lines, Ld.

Assistant, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., Lử.

Engineer, Goddard & Douglas Clerk, Peninsula Hotel Manager, W. M. Hodges.

Carpenter, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., Ld.

Assistant, H. K. & Kowloon Wharf &

Godown Co., Ld.

Wharf Manager, Holt's Wharf

Assistant, Dodwell & Co., Ld. Agent, Charbonnages du Tonkin Merchant, W. R. Loxley & Co., (China)


Merchant. John Manners & Co., Ld................. Secretary, China Motor Bus Co., Ld. Assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co....... Assistant, Java-China-Japan Lijn

N. V.

Tailor, Mackintosh's, La. Turner, S. Moutrie & Co., Ld. Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard & Engi-

neering Co. of H.K., Ld. Banker, H.K. & Shanghai Bank Engineer, H.K. Well Boring Co., Ld. Clerk, Peninsula Hotel

Hing Tong-suen, Charles... Manager, China Assurance Corpora-

Ho, Andrew

Ho Chow

Ho Chung-chow...

Ho Chung-hon

Ho, George Bak Hsie

Ho Ging-guey

Ho Hon

Ho Hong-kuen

Ho Hong-ping

Ho Hung-kwan

tion, Ld.

Secretary, Liu Raymond at 39 Leighton

Hill Road....

Manager, Wing On Life Assurance

Co.. Ld.

Clerk, National City Bank of New York Merchant, W. S. Sherley & Co.....

Assistant, National Cash Register

Assistant, H.K. Motor Accessory

Co., Ld.

Clerk, Sworn Measurers' Office

Clerk, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld... Assistant, H. K. & Shanghai Hotels,


Manager, H.K. Commercial Co.

149 Wongneichong Road, 1st fl. 13 King's Terrace, Top floor,


13 Percival Street, 2nd floor. Ou premises.

7 Bay View Mansions, Causeway


13 Dragon Terrace. 13 Dragon Terrace, 101 Jervois Street.

144 Argyle Street, Mongkoktsui. 24 Carnarvon Road, Ground floor.


H. K. Jockey Club.

On premises.

On premises.

1 Aigburth Hall, May Road. On premises.

24 Somerset Road, Kowloon Tong.

On premises.

Windsor Lodge, Austin Road,


Highland, Austin Avenue,


736 Nathan Road, Kowloon. 8 Conduit Road.

Peninsula Hotel.

10 Hart Avenue, Kowloon. 781 Nathan Road, Kowloon. 265 The Peak.

8 Conduit Road. Y. M. C. A.

172 Nathan Road, Kowloon.

On premises.

On premises, 7th floor. On premises.

13 King Kwong Street,

Happy Valley.

75 Hill Road.

35 Taipo Road, 2nd floor.

32-34 Tai Nam Street, 1st floor.

366 Hennessy Road, 2nd floor. On permises.

19 Tai Shek Street,

Shaukiwan West.

138 Yu Chau Street, 2nd floor.


On premises.

2 Arbuthnot Road.

144 Jaffé Road.

62 Bonham Road.






Ho Hung-pong Ho Iu-tim

Ho, Joseph....

Ho Kai-suey Ho Kam-fong. Ho Keng-po Ho Kong-leung Ho Kwan-yeung. Ho Man-ching Ho Oy-ng

Ho Pak-hung...

Ho Ping-nam

Ho Po-cheong Ho Quee-him

Ho Sang

Ho Shau-fook.

Ho Shiu-ka.. Ho Shiu-ping Ho Shiu-pui * Ho Shiu-que

Ho Shiu-tong Ho Shun hing. Ho Tim

Ho Tim-nam

Ho Ting-sui Ho To....... Ho Wai-man Ho Wai-mo........

Ho Wai-yum

Ho Wan-fong Ho Wing-hong Ho Woon-cheung Ho Yau-leung

Ho Yuen-kung

Ho Yuen-po

Hoare, Robert Edward

Assistant, H.K. Commercial Co. Assistant, Imperial Chemical Industries

(China), Ld.

Librarian, Y.M.C.A.

Secretary, Domestic Engineers, Ld. Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld. Clerk, Asia Company

Clerk, China Light & Power Co., Ld.. First Shroff, H.K. & Shanghai Bank Afc. Clerk, Texas Co., (China) Ld. Clerk, China Light & Power Co.,


Mechanic, Clipper Merchandising Co.

Senior Clerk, Marconi International

Marine Communication Co. Ld. Assistant, Lane, Crawford, Ld. Cashier, Oversea-Chinese Banking

Corporation, Ld....

Assistant, Shewan, Tomes & Co. Clerk, Sworn Measurers' Office Assistant, A. S. Watson & Co., Ld.

Clerk, China Light & Power Co., Ld. Assistant, Berg & Co., Ld. Assistant, Wallem & Co.

Clerk, Thomson & Co. Engineer, Shun Yick & Co. Superintendent of Chinese Staff,

Hong Kong Hotel

Assistant, Australian Sandalwood

Co., Ld.

Salesman, Bata Shoe Co., Ld. Clerk, Sworn Measurers' Office Clerk, Central Trading Co.

Clerk, Chinese Chamber of Commerce... T. T. Department, Kwangtung

Provincial Bank

Representative, Erdman & Sielsken Cashier, International Transportation Co. Typist, American Express Co., Inc. Salesman, Garage Dept., H. K. &

Shanghai Hotels, Ld. Assistant, Reiss, Bradley & Co., Ld.

Salesman, Whiteaway, Laidlaw & Co.,


Assistant, H.K. & Whampoa Dock Co.,


Hoffman, James Joseph.. Salesman, H. K. Electric Co., Ld.....

Hokson Wong

Holland, Alister Wilson Holm, Julius

Holm, William Henry

Hong Keng-chew

Hong Laye

Hong Sling, William.... Hong Sui-fai Hongkei Tong, Harley Honniball, Robert Gabriel...

Merchant, Manufacturers Trading.


Book-keeper, Furness (Far East), Ld. Assistant, Union Insurance Society of

Canton, Ld................

Clerk, Britania Aerated Water


Compradore, Holland China Trading

Co., Ld.

Clerk, National Carbon Co., Fed.,

Inc., U.S.A.

Assistant, Gilman & Co., Ld. Clerk, Texas Co., (China) Ld. Secretary, T. O. Wong & Co., Ld. Clerk, Linotype & Machinery, Ld...

62 Bonham Road.

Ou premises.

151 Woosung Street, 2nd floor,


456 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon. On premises.

40 Des Voeux Road Central. 34 Mongkok Road, Kowloon. 4-12 Stanley Street.

35 Western Street.

18 Ki Lung Street, 2nd floor.


8 Tung Choi Street, 2nd floor,


76 High Street, 1st floor. 22 Lockhart Road, 2nd floor.

135 Jaffé Road, 2nd floor. 29 Johnston Road, 1st floor. On premises.

267 Lockhart Road, 2nd floor.

18 Ki Lung Street, Taikoktsui.

9 Ching Fung Street.

14 Wongneichong Road.

147 Lockhart Road, 2nd floor. 488 Nathan Road, Top fl., K'loon.

On premises.

45 Square Street, 2nd floor. 234 Hollywood Road, 1st floor. On premises.

On premises.

4 Tsap Chang Street, 1st floor.

27 Caine Road, 2nd floor. 40 Lyndhurst Terrace. 71 Hill Road, 1st floor. 2 Haven Street, 1st floor.

5 Tin Lok Lane, 2nd floor. 111 Temple Street, 3rd floor,


11 Kat On Street, Ground floor.

On premises.

7 Kwong Hing St., Wanchai.

81 Wongneichong Road.

6 Minden Avenue, Kowloon,

298 Lockhart Road, Top floor.

On premises.

83 Lee Garden Street, 3rd floor.

9 Yuen Yuen Street.

On premises.

On premises.

4 Breezy Terrace.

42 King Kwong Street, 1st floor.






Hood, John Mair

*Hooi Yip-beng


Hooley, Frank Arthur

Hoosen, Mohamed Omar

Assistant Engineer, Green Island

Cement Co., Ld.

Manager, Oversea-Chinese Banking

Corporation, Ld.......

Fitter, Taikoo Dockyard & Engineering

Co., of H K., Ld.

Assistant, Union Insurance Society of

Canton, Ld.........

62B Nathan Road, Kowloon.

39 Nathan Road, 1st fl., Kowloon.

On premises.

Hoosen, Omar................

Hope, Edmund Carlyle


Hope, Stewart

Horne, Ngok Chau

Horridge, George Redvers...

Horton, Jack Eckert.

Hosie, Edward Lumsden

Hospes, Edward...........

Houston, William


*Howard, Frank Andrew Howard, William James

Howarth, Abraham Howell, John Stewart

Howie, James Herbert


Hsie, Wellingtou

Hsu Cho-ying...

Hsu, Hudson Hsu Ping-hsun Hu, William Huang, Chester

Huber, Theodorus

Huen En-djeh

Hufschmied, George Hughes, Donald Francis

Hui Chung-wan

Hui Sui-wing

Hui Wing-hing

Hum, James Peter.... Humble, John George


Hume, Donald William

Humphrey, Eric

Humphreys, Alfred David,


On premises.

Assistant, Union Insurance Society of

Canton, Ld...............

On premises.

On premises.

Engineer, Imperial Airways, (Far East)


Draughtsman, Taikoo Dockyard &

Engineering Co. of H.K., Ld. Manager, Associated Produce Co. Assistant, Imperial Chemical Industries,

(China) Ld.

Manager, R.C.A. Manufacturing

Co., Inc. .....

Secretary, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., Ld.

Agent, Passenger Department, Canadian

Pacific Steamships, Ld.. Shipbuilder, H. K. & Whampoa

Dock Co., Ld.

Cashier, Chase Bank

Freight Clerk, Canadian Pacific

Steamships Co.

Marine Engineer, Eastern Asbestos Co. Assistant, Dodwell & Co., Ld.

Engineer, Marsman Hong Kong

China, Ld.

Banker, Chu Hsin Chen Bank Limited

Assistant, China Vegetable Oil


Clerk, Imperial Import & Export Co. Engineer, China Electric Co., Ld. Salesman, Eastman Kodak Co. Banker, Shanghai Commercial &

Savings Bank, Ld... Assistant, Holland China Trading

Co., Ld.

Banker, National Commercial &

Savings Bank, Ld.

Merchant, Ed. A. Keller & Co., Ld.

Assistant. Asiatic Petroleum Co.,

(S. C.) Ld.

Quarry Bay.

69 Pokfulam Road, 2nd floor.

On premises.

156 Eu Gardens, Argyle Street,


On premises.

378 The Peak.

On premises.

46 Stubbs Road.

587 Nathan Road, Kowloon.

15 Cameron Road, Kowloon, 196 The Peak,

7 The Peak.

362 Prince Edward Road, 3rd floor,


76 Village Road, Ist floor. On premises.

12 Junction Road, 1st floor. 11 Hok Tze Terrace, 2nd floor.

On premises.


On premises. On premises.

On premises.

Clerk, H. K. & China Gas Co., Ld... 25 Cedar Street, 1st floor

Clerk, Pentreath & Co.

Clerk, Western Trading Co., Ld. Salesman, Andersen, Meyer & Co., Ld....

Engineer, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., Ld.

Chief Engineer, Taikoo Sugar Refining

Co., L.

Electrician, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., Ld.

Assistant. Dodwell & Co., Ld.


452 Lockhart Road, 3rd floor. 10 Wing Hing St.

9 Ching Fung Street.

On premises.

Woodside, Quarry Bay.

On premises.

Blue Pool Road.






Humphreys, John David

Hung, Archibald

Hung, Douglas

Hung Hing-tat

Hung Kai-chịu

Hung Ip-tam Hung Mo-cho

Hung Ping-yan

Hung, Sebastião Sarino Hung Sung-howe Hung Tang, James Hung Tsi-ming

Hung Ying-fai

Hunter, Frank


Huo Pao-tsai Hussan, Mohd

Hussain, Abdul Hussain


Hussain, Mohammed Hutchison, Alexander


Hutchison, James

Hutchison, Thomas Henry.

Huttemeier, Erik Edward...

Huygen, Wilfried

Hwang Ming-sbou..

Hyde, William

Merchant, J. D. Humphreys & Son Assistant, Chan & Lee Assistant Compradore, Jardine,

Matheson & Co., Ld.

Director, West River Transportation &

Trading Co., Ld.

Accountant, T. A. Martin & Co. Assistant, Shewan, Tomes & Co., Ld. Clerk, Union Trading Co., Ld. Telephone Operator, Java-China-Japan

Lijn, N.V.


Assistant, China Underwriters, Ld. Sub-Manager, Bank of Communications. Accountant, Williamson & Co. ... Laison Officer, Far East Flying Training

School, Ld.......

Assistant Manager, Tung Ming Radio


Assistant, Butterfield & Swire

Chief Manager, Bank of Canton, Ld. Bank Clerk, Chase Bank

Salesman, Tyeh & Co.

Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld...................

Clerk, Orient Paint Colour &

Varnish Co., Ld. Draughtsman, Taikoo Dockyard &

Engineering Co., Ld. Assistant, Guest Keen & Nettlefolds, Ld.

Acting Manager, Northern Feather

Works, Il........ Exporter, G. E. Huygen Assistant, China National Aviation


Clerk of Works, H.K. & Kowloon Wharf & Godown Co., Ld.

Hykes, Donald Mayberry Sub-Accountant, National City Bank

Hyndman, Albert Hercules

Hyndman, Henry

Hyndman, Raphael Emmanuel

of New York

Assistant, H. K. & Shanghai Hotels,


Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank

Hong Kong Club.

1 Shan Kwong Road, Ground floor.

1 Shan Kwong Road.

43 Queen's Road Central. 3 West End Terrace. 69 Caine Road.

11 College View.

200 Portland Street, Kowloon. 197 Fa Yuen Street, Mongkoktsui. On premises.

143 Lockhart Road.

30 Kai Tack Bund, Kowloon City.

114 Lockhart Road.

On premises. 82 Robinson Road.

383 Lockhart Road, 2nd floor.

27 Wyndham Street.

445 Hennessy Road, 2nd floor.

3 Pratt Building, Kowloon.

On premises. 180 Prince Edward Road, Ground

floor, Kowloon.

Luna Building, Kowloon. 25 Hillwood Road, Kowloon.

7 Seen Keen Terrace, 3rd floor.

223 Prince Edward Road, K'loon.

74-76 Macdonnell Road,

Apartment 22.

11 Homuntin St., Homuntin. 42 Wyndham Street.

Assistant, Thomas Cook & Son, Ld... 3 Hua Wong Road.

Ildefonso, Lucio Rivera.. Iles, William James

Clerk, American Express Co., Inc.... Janitor, Union Insurance Society of

Canton, Ld....

Ingram. Archibald William. Secretary, Y.M.C.A.

Ip Chai-man



Ip Fook-ling

Ip Iu-ting

Ip Kau-ko

Ip Kam-wing

Ip King-chung

Clerk, Texas Co., (China) Ld.

Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld. Clerk, Lane, Crawford, Ld...

Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld. Assistant, The Sino-British Engineering

Corporation Ld.

Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld.| Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co.,

(S. C.) Ld.

2 Salisbury Avenue, Kowloon.

On premises.

On premises.

219 Shanghai Street, Kowloon.. On premises.

10 On Wa Lane, 2nd floor. On premises.

8 Man Lam Street. On premises.

On premises.







Ip Kwai-chung Ip Kwan-ngok Ip Lam-shang Ip Man-hin Jp Pau-loi

Ip Ping-chun

Ip Ping-In Ip Shiu-choi Ip Tak-choi Ip Wing

Isack, Sakaria Mohamed Ismail, Abdul Hussain Ismail, Abdul Khalid Ismail, Sheik Adam

Ismail, Sheik Hassan. Israel, Bernard Jan

Itenson, Vladimir


Iu Tak-lam

Izatt, Samuel Boag

Attorney to Mr. Eug Aun Tong Salesman, Jebsen & Co. Broker, Heaply & Co.......


Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Clerk, China Light & Power Co., Ld.

Assistant General Manager, H.K.

Preserved Ginger Distributors, Ld. Principal, Whampoa Sam & Co. Clerk, H.K. Mines, Ld.

Clerk, Sworn Measurers' Office Draughtsman, G. G. Hewlitt & T.


Merchant, Isack & Co.

Overseer, H.K. Electric Co., Ld. Clerk, American Express Co., Inc. Engineer, Davie, Boag & Co., Ld. Clerk, National City Bank of New York Manager, Nederlandsche Indische

Handelsbank N.V.

Assistant, Gilman & Co. Ld. Architect, Iu Tak Lam


Salesman, Andersen, Meyer & Co., Ld...

2 Li Kwan Avenue, Tai Hang. 192 Ma Tau Chung Road, Kowloon.

430 Lockhart Road, 2nd floor.

24 Hollywood Road.

462 Nathan Road, 2nd floor,


17 Hing Hong Road.

60 Gloucester Road.

26 Sun Tsun, Tai Hang. On premises.

15 Haven Street.

11 Stewart Road, Wanchai.

74 Johnston Road, 2nd floor. 17 Tunglowan Road.

5 Tung Lo Wan Road.

10 King's Road, Ground floor.

8 Tregunter Mansions.

On premises.

7 Kotewall Road, Ground floor, 101 Boundary Street, Kowloon.


* Jackson, Peter Cyril.........

Jacobsen, Ernst Friedricb... Jaffer, Nicholas Abdul


Jagia Rijhumal Jeramdas... Jane Hing-keung Jang Yunn-ching Jannen, Mamur

Jason, Henry Frederick Jaw Feng-chi.................. Jeacock, Frederick John

Jen, Lemuel

Jernakoff, Boris Jessen, Uwe Jes...... Jesus, Arturo Gregorio de Jex, Starling

Jex, Thomas Carrick.

Jiricek, Alois

Joanilho, Faustino


Joffe, Eugene

Johannessen, Reidar Johnsford, Albert William

Johnson, Ivor George

Johnson, Johan

Assistant, Dairy Farm, Ice & Cold

Storage Co., Ld....

Merchant, Jebsen & Co.


Alandale, Pokfulam. 35 Hennessy Road.

19 Robinson Road.

98 Nam Cheong Street, 2nd floor. 53 Pokfulam Road, Ground floor.

Secretary, Thomas de la Rue & Co., Ld. 178 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon. Clerk, Utoomal & Assudamal Co. Stock Clerk, Bata Shoe Co., Ld. Clerk, China Insurance Co., Ld.... Manager, Export Department, Channel

Trading Co., Ld.

Stenographer, Williamson & Co.... Salesman, Teh Shun Hsing & Co..... Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard & Engineer-

ing Co. of H.K., Ld.

Contactman, Swan, Culbertson &


Engineer, Reiss, Bradley & Co., Ld... Manager, Jebsen & Co.

Clerk, American Express Co., Inc..... Secretary, Wallace Harper & Co., Ld. Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co.,

(S.C.) Ld.

Accountant, Bata Shoe Co., Ld.

Clerk, H. K. Electric Co., Ld.... Assistant Engineer, China Light &

Power Co., Ld.

Manager, Wallem & Co....... Assistant, China Provident Loan &

Mortgage Co., Ld.

Assistant, H. K. & Kowloon Wharf &

Godown Co., Ld.

Assistant, Thoresen & Co., Ld.

263 Lockhart Road, 2nd floor. 34 Ice House Street, 1st floor. On premises.

On premises.

6 Hankow Road, Kowloon. 7 Tak Shing Terrace, Kowloon. 10 Tak Shing Street, Kowloon. 765 Nathan Rd., Ground fl., K'loon. 15 Jordan Road, Kowloon.

On premises.

1 Cornwall Road, Kowloon Tong.

377 Nathan Road, Kowloon.

Flat 4. Block 1, Staff Quarters,

Hok Un.

175 Sassoon Road.

6 Hillwood Road, 2nd floor,


14c Hankow Road, Kowloon. 4c Luna Building, Kowloon.


- 82





Johnson, Noble

Johnston, Thomas Arthur Johnstone, Allan Colville... Jolendovsky Thadens Adam

Jones, Joel Russell Jones, Robert Frederick Jones, Thomas Allen. Jono, Mohamed Hussain. Jorge, Anthony


Jorge, William Augustin

Joseph, Harry Bernard Jospisul, Alois

Engineer, Garage Dept., H.K. &

Shanghai Hotels, Ld....... Assistant, Paper Co. Engineer, Colonial Motors Assistant Manager, Cathay Ceramics

(H. K.), Ld.

Manager, Connell Bros. Co. Clerk, Lowe, Bingham & Matthews Outfitter, William Powell, Ld. Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld...

Assistaut, Wallace Harper & Co.,


Assistant, Wallace Harper & Co.,


Broker, Joseph & Co.

Assistant Manager, Bata Shoe Co., Ld. Jowitt, Walter Harold.... Accountant, Mercantile Bank of

June, James Kim Fook......

June, Kwok Wai

India, Ld.

Assistant, H.K. & Kowloon Wharf &

Godown Co., Ld........

21 Russell Street, Top floor. 5 Broadwood Road. 186 Nathan Road, Top floor.

16 Hart Avenue, Kowloon. 11 Carnarvon Buildings, Kowloon. 1 Pang Lo Wan Road, Top floor. Kingsclere Hotel.

36 Tang Lung Street, 3rd floor.

186 Boundary St., 2nd floor.

79 Taipo Road, Top floor. 43A Conduit Road.

12 Victory Avenue, Homuntin.

50 The Peak.

30 South Wall Rd., Kowloon City.

Clerk, Java-China-Japan Lijn, N. V. 30 Southwall Street.


Kai Howe-zeaming

Kai Ying-li........

Kailey, William Charles ... Kaluzhny, Kirill Alexander. Kam Cheung-fai

Kam Kong, Edwin Kam Tong-wong Kan Chak-pan Kan Hoo-yu Kan King-chuen.. Kan Koam-tsing Kan Yuen-hang Kannan Tong.. Kant, Ramon

Kee Yau-nin

Keen Chen, Nathan Kelly, George...................

Kempton, John

Keng Chung

Keng Nee Yeh, Godfrey Kengelbacher, Fred John

Kennedy, Alexander

Malcolm ....

Kennedy, Frederick Patrick.

Keown, Richard McArthur.

Ker Young-liu Kerckhoff, Henri Johan

Salesmau, Whiteaway, Laidlaw & Co.,


Radio Engineer, International Radio

Sales & Services

Engineer, Wallace Harper & Co., Ld. Assistant, H.K. Hotel Assistant Compradore, Jardine,

Matheson & Co., Ld. Book-keeper, Marsman H. K. China Ld. Assistant, Shewan, Tomes & Co........ Clerk, Davies, Brooke & Gran. Clerk, Sworn Measurers' Office Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld. Banker, Bank of Communications Clerk, Davies, Brooke & Grau. Assistant, A Goeke & Co (1935), Export Agency Manager, Asia Life Insurance


Assistant, Union Insurance Society

of Canton, Ld.

Partner, Eastern Sales & Engineering Co. Stenographer, Freight Department,

Canadian Pacific Steamships, Ld................. Electrician, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., Ld.

Salesman, Jardine Engineering Corpora-

tion, Ld..

Building Contractor, Hsin Heng & Co.

Manager, François d'Hardivilliers

Banker, H. K. & Shanghai Bank Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.)


Draughtsman, Taikoo Dockyard &

Engineering Co. of H.K., Ld. Manager, Tung Chang Co., II. K. Ld. ... Assistant, Nederlandsch Indische

Handelsbank, N.V.

7 Hollywood Road.

Chinese Y.M.C.A.

19 Grampian Road, Kowloon City. Hong Kong Hotel.

11 Yuen Yuen Street. 5 Fuk Wa Street.

50 Ship Street.

On premises.

On premises.

On premises.

On premises.

On premises.

6 Lan Kwai Fong, 1st floor.

98 Hill Road.

On premises. 47 Pokfulam Road.

245 Lockhart Road.

On premises.

59 Hennessy Road. On premises.

110 Austin Road, 2nd floor,


353 The Peak.

North Point.

Quarry Bay.

8 Fort Street, Ground floor.

Courtland Hotel.






Kern, Ernest

Kew, Arthur James

Kew, Cecil

Kew. Henry

Kew, Henry Charles

Key Au

Key, Maurice Frederick Khan, Abbas

Khan, Juman

Khu Kaisu

Kiang Hin-cheong Kim Yao-gee King Chuan-li

King Li

King Jee-fan

King, Marion Bailey. Kinross, Andrew Robert

Kirby, Augustus Montillmon Kirby, William Edward Kitchell, Abdul Rahim Kitchell, Armin

* Kjaer Kaj Soeren

Klerk, Pieter Margarethus


Klimanek, Philip Harding

Knight, Thomas Leonard Knudsen, Kjeld Ko Kar-ming

Ko Ping-shan

Ko Yau-kong Kobza, Nagy Eugene

Alexander von

Koch, Ewin Ferdinand Koh Shu-koo

Komorsky, Anatole Kong Chi-wing

Kong Chi-woon

Kong Ko-woon

Kong Panl

Kong Tze-leung.

Kong Yuk-tong


*Koo Ioong Tsau

Koo Shui-ting Koodiaroff, Michael Alex Koon Yeung-tai

Kooter, Jacob Blauw Kopelman, Rudolf .... Koplezky, Joseph Kotwall, James Edulji


Merchant, Ed. A. Keller & Co., Ld. Assistant, Andersen, Meyer & Co., Ld.... Assistant, American Express Co., Inc.... Assistant, Dairy Farm, Ice & Cold

Storage Co., Ld.............

Assistant Store-keeper, Taikoo Dockyard

& Engineering Co., of H.K., Ld. Assayer, Marsman H.K. China, Ld. Secretary, Chamber of Commerce Assistant, A. F. Arculli & Sous... Assistant, H.K. & Kowloon Wharf &

Godown Co., Ld.

Clerk, Texas Co. (China), Ld. Secretary, Chinese Produce Shippers. Contactman, Swan, Culbertson & Fritz. Accountant, China Vegetable Oil Corpu. Representative, Confederated Life


Accountant, S. E. Levy & Co. Secretary, Dragon Motor Car Co., Ld. Assistant, Imperial Chemicals


Industries (China), Ld. Assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co. Secretary, China Coast Officers' Guild Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld. Stock Broker, O. Kitchell & Co. Merchant, East Asiatic Co., Ld.

Assistant, Holland China Trading

Co., Ld.

Mannger, Holland China Trading

Co., Ltd.

Manager, H.K. Motor Accessory Co., Ld. Assistant, Wallem & Co.............

Clerk, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld.. Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld.. Clerk, Java-China-Japan Line

Managing Director, Kobza Art Studios,


Attorney, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co. Engineer, General Electric Co. of China,


Clerk, Peninsula Hotel

Engineer, General Electric Co. of China,


Assistant, Him Cheong Co. Assistant, Union Insurance Society of

Canton, Ld.

Salesman, Dunlop Rubber Co. (China),


Assistant, W.R. Loxley & Co., (China)


Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld.. Assistant, Insurance Co. of North


Managing Proprietor, Shui Hing Co..... Steward, Peninsula Hotel

Storekeeper, China Light & Power

Co., Ld.

Merchant, John Manners & Co., Ld.. Broker, S. F. Levy & Co. Manager, A. Vago

Broker, E. D. Kotewall & Co.

On premises.

111 Waterloo Road, Kowloon. 50 Robinson Road.

7 King's Terrace, Kowloon.

On premises.

27 Wongneichcug Road. Rutton Building.

9 Larch Street, Kowloon.

1 & 3 Ashley Rd., 2nd A., K'loon. 43 Yik Yam Street.

11 D'Aguilar St.

7 Lock Road, Kowloon. 76 Village Road, 1st floor.

79 Pokfulam Road.

S Wing Hing Street.

5 Yuk Sau Street, Ground floor.

On premises.

5 Tregunter Mansions.

136 Argyle Street, Mongkoktsni. North Point.

34 Leighton Hill Road. 5 Peak Mansions.

2 Carnarvon Road, Kowloon.

10 Abermor Court, May Road. 8 Cumberland Rd., Kowloon Tong. 10 Hart Avenue, Kowloon. 138 Nathan Road, Kowloon. On premises.

29 Shelley Street.

818 King's Road, New Quarry Point. Gloucester Hotel.

St. John's Hall University. On premises.

55 Bonham Road, 3rd floor. 123 Robinson Road.

39 Lee Tung Street, 3rd floor,


65 Lee Garden Street.

10 Wing Hing Street. On premises.

14 Shan Kwong Road. 187-189 Des Voeux Road. On premises.

116 Po Kong Village.

4 Luna Building, Kowloon.

156 Argyle Street, Mongkoktsui. 37 Hillwood Road, Kowloon.

5 Queen's Road. Central.






Konznetzoff, Nicolai


Kozikis, Dimitry George..

Krilovsky, Alexander


Krivor, Matthew


Krofta, Jaroslav........ * Krogh-Moe, Joseph

Ku Siu-lu, Augustus... *Kuester, Theodore


Kui Wo-woon

Kung Chi-chiu Kung Kam-fai Kung Kam-hung Kuo Chin-chuen Kuo Feng-ting Kuo Hsu-sang... * Kwaan King-sing

Kwaan Yan-kwong Kwan Ching-tak

Kwan Mok-chung Kwan Sau-fung Kwan Shing-cho Kwan Sit-kwan Kwan Wing-hong Kwee Seong-lo Kwek Kiam-seng

Kwoh Che-choy.. Kwok Chuck-ming.. Kwok Ho-lun.....

Kwok Puichenng Kwok Sau-him

Kwok Shui-fai Kwok Wai-sum Kwok Yik-on...... * Kwok Yin-to

Kwok Yu-shu... Kwok Yu-kan Kwong Fook-hing Kwong Hok-ku Kwong Loong Kwong, Peter..


Laan, Jacobus Hendrick

Van der

Labrousse, Ernest Denys....

* Lacon, Bernard John..

Ladd, George Samuel

Supervisor, Dairy Farm, Ice & Cold'

Storage Co., Ld. Assistant, Dimson & Co.

Sub-Manager, Repulse Bay Hotel

Engineer, General Electric Co. of

China, Ld.

Manager, Bata Shoe Co., Ldl.................. Superintendent, Thoresen & Co., Ld...... Manager, Lee Chang Co., Ld.


20 Hillwood Road, Ground floor,


On premises.

Flat B. 269 Prince Edward Road,


12 Cornwall Road, Kowloon Tong. 5 Peak Mansions.

72 Village Road, 2nd floor.

Merchant, W. A. Hannibal & Co., Ld.. Arlington Hotel, Kowloon.

Storekeeper, General Electric Co. of

China Ld.

Assistant, Swan, Culbertson & Fritz Clerk, Bata Shoe Co.. Ld.

Shop Manager, Bata Shoe Co., Ld. Manager, Neco Neon Co. Clerk, Teh Shun Hsing & Co. Clerk, China Insurance Co., Ld.

Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld. Assistant, Sang Kee

Sales Manager, H.K. Motor Accessory


Assistant, F. A. Joseph Clerk, Hotel Cecil, Ld...

Clerk, China Insurance Co., Ld. Clerk, Canadian Pacific Steamships, Ld.. Architect, Davies, Brook & Gran. Branch Manager, En Tong Sen, Ld....... Accountant, Ipekdjian Bros., Ld.

Clerk, General Motors China, Ld.. Clerk, Sworn Measurers' Office. Assistant, Union Insurance Society of

Canton, Ld.

Assistant, Butterfield & Swire Book-keeper, E. D. Sassoon Banking

Co., Lil.

Clerk, Palace Hotel...

Assistant, Reiss, Bradley & Co., Ld.................| Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld. Book-keeper, Cathay Ceramics

(H. K.), Ld.

Clerk, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co................... Clerk, H. K. & China Gas Co., Ld.... Assistant, A Goeke & Co. (1935), Export Clerk, Oriental Drug Co. Clerk, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co. Assistant, American Lloyd, Ld..

Sub. Manager, Nederlandsche Handel

Maatschappij, N.V.

Accountant, China Underwriters, Ld. Principal, B. J. Lacon....... Accountant, Nestle & Anglo-Swiss

Condensed Milk Co.

ID Austin Road, 1st floor, Kowloon. 24 Robinson Road.

59 High Street, 2nd floor. 59 High Street, 2nd floor. On premises.

On premises.

54 Connaught Road West, 2nd floor. On premises.

On premises.

2 Sai Yeung Choi Street, 2nd floor,


137 Thompson Road, Wanchai. On premises.

4 Lam On Street, 3rd floor. 13 Fuk Wah Street, Kowloon. 10 Homuutin Hill Road, Homuntin. 12 Tai Hang Road, Ground floor. 157 Sai Yeung Choi Street,


71 Wellington Street, 1st floor. On premises.

On premises.

On premises.

99 Hennessy Road. On premises.

81 Lockhart Road, 2nd floor, Ou premises.

31 Pokfulum Road, 2nd floor. On premises.

37 Po Tack Street.

41 Graham Street, 1st floor. 41 Connaught Road W. On premises.

8 Castle Road.

On premises.

Kingsville, Carnarvon Road, K'loon. Hong Kong Club.

13 Dragon Terrace.






Lafferty, Clarence Jay Lafleur, Franciscus Huber-

tus Joseph Alphonsus.

Lai Chaak-tin..

Lai Chick-sang

Lai Ching-hsing..

Lai Fung-kong Lai, George.. Lai Im-tong

Lai In-kou

Lai Kee Lai Kin

Lai Kwok-chiu

*Lai Pui-lam

Lai Sheung-shi

Lai Yau

Lai Ying-cheong Lai Yin-chi..... Lai Yuk-man Lai Yun-kow Laing Wen-fu.. Lam Ah-choong. Lam Chik-ho

Lam Chik-suen Lam Cho-chau

Lam Chung-ho

Lam, David Lam Hew-cho Lam Hing-san

* Lam Ho-kwan

* Lam Ho-yin

Lam Hoi-sheung Lam Ion-kwong

Lam Kai-chi Lam Kai-hop

Lam Kam-chiu

Lam Kwan

Lam Kwan-yuen

Lam Kwok-hing... Lam Kwok-kee Lam Kwok-tsoi Lam Kwok-tsoi

Lam Man-chi

Lam Ming-fan

Executive, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.

Assistant Manager, M. Beraha

Assistant, Central Advertising Co.

Gloucester Hotel.

Bay View, N.K.I.L. 63 Ngau

Chi-wan, Kai Tack.

800 Nathan Road, 2nd floor,


Draughtsman, Marsman H.K. China, Ld. 18 Yee Woo Street, 2nd floor.

Clerk, Globe Trading Co.

Assistant, Bank of Canton, Ld.. Assistant, A. S. Watson & Co., Ld. Manager, International Assurance Co.,


Manager, Levee & Co.

Salesman, Concrete Products, Ld..... Godown Keeper, West Point Station,

Texas Co. (China), Ld............. Assistant, H. K. Rubber Manufactory,


Assistant, Imperial Chemical Industries

(China), Ld.

Assistant, Franklin Laboratory

Clerk, Dunlop Rubber Co., (China) Ld. .

Assistant, China Underwriters, Ld....

Manager, Clipper Merchandising Co. Assistant, S. H. Langston

Book-keeper, H.K. Telephone Co., Ld. Manager, Mansfield Trading Co. Book-keeper, Swedish Match Co. Engineer & Builder, Lam Woo & Co. ...

Engineer & Builder, Lam Woo & Co. Clerk, Taikoo Dockyard & Engineering

Co. of H. K., Ld.

Clerk, Taikoo Dockyard & Engineering

Co. of H. K., Ld. Clerk, Oriental Drug Co. Assistant, Union Trading Co., Ld. Assistant, Union Insurance Society of

Canton, Ld.................

Clerk, H.K. Canton & Macao Steam-

boat Co., Ld.

Clerk, H.K. Canton & Macao Steamboat

Co., Ld.

Clerk, Sworn Measurers' Office Merchant, Commercial Trading Co.

Clerk, H.K. Tramways, Ld. Assistant Engineer, China Construction

Co., Ld.

Clerk, Taikoo Dockyard & Engineering

Co. of H. K., Ld.

Manager, China Paint Manufacturing

Co., Ld.

Assistant, Marconi International

Communication Co., Ld.

Stock Clerk, Bata Shoe Co., Ld. Assistant, Lloyd Triestino Assistant, Butterfield & Swire Storekeeper, Taikoo Sugar Refining

Co., Ltd.

Assistant, Union Insurance Society of

Canton, Ld.......

Secretary, Kowloon Motor Bus Co.

(1933), Ld......................

On premises.

205 Wanchai Road. 57 Lee Yuen Street.

13 Bay View Mansions.

3 Ying Fai Terrace, Caine Road. 28 Apliu Street, Shamsuipo.

167 Hennessy Road.

63 Ewo Hill Street, 2nd floor.

On premises.

39 Argyle Street, 2nd floor,


17 Argyle Street, 1st floor,


115 Tam Kung Road. 30 Woosung Street, Kowloon. 17 Star Street, 1st floor. Telephone Building, Kowloon. 18 Percival Street, 3rd floor. 138 Lockhart Road, 3rd floor. Apt. 32 St. Joan's Court,

76 Macdonnell Road. 42 Bonham Road.

On premises.

On premises.

5 Pottinger Street. 78 High Street.

On premises.

9 Jordan Road,


9 Jordan Road, Kowloon. On premises.

725 Nathan Road, Ist floor,


21 Western Street, 3rd floor.

48 Tai Street, Ground floor.

On premises.

On premises.

68 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon. 15 Warren Street, 1st floor.

50 Russell Street, Wanchai. On premises.

1 Murray Place.

On premises.

19 Kent Road, Kowloon Tong.







Lam Ngai-chuan

Lam On-pong...

Lam, Philip

Lam Pui-kwan Lam Sheung-chung

Lam Shing-leung Lam Shui-wan

Lam Shui-yip...

Lam Sui-kai Lam Tit-hong

Lam Wan-po

Lam Wing-kai Lam Woon-ki.. Lam Yuk-shan Lam Yuk-ying Lam Yun-ming

Lam Yurk-fung. Lamb, Francis Robert Lambert, William Robert...

Lammert, Alfred Herbert Lan-sun Ku

Landau, Arron Landau, Emile Landolt, Joseph Savage Lang, Iain Wilson

Langston, Arthur Golden ...

Langston, Selwyn Henry Lansdowne, Ernest...

Lao Djao-dzun Lao, Jackson Hsiung.. Larcina, Angelo Maria Large, Milford Henry Lasala, Robert Perez de Latta, James

Lau, Albert Lau Chan-fan

Lau Chan-kwok

Lau, David.... Lau Fook-ki

Lau, Hin-cheung Lau Hon Lau Hung-choa Lau Jack-kim....

Lau, Joseph Anthony

Accountant Clerk, Texas Co. (China),


Overseer, H. K. Engineering &

Construction Co., Ld.

Clerk, China Light & Power Co., Ld..

Clerk, Banque Belge pour l'Etranger.

Assistant, Far East Flying Training

School, Ld......

Clerk, Sworn Measurers' Office... Clerk, Gande, Price & Co., Ld.

Merchant, Central Importing &

Exporting Co.

Clerk, Franklin Laboratory Accountant, Sun Life Assurance Co. of


Assistant Compradore, American Express

Co., Inc.

Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld. Assistant, Thomas Cook & Son, Ld. Proof Reader, Ye Olde Printerie, Ld. Clerk, Java-China-Japan Line Clerk, H. K. Rope Manufacturing

Co., Ld.

Typist, American Express Co., Inc. Assistant, Butterfield & Swire

Manager, E. D. Sassoon Banking Co.,


Agent, Sun Life Ins. Co., of Canada Assistant, Andersen, Meyer & Co., Ld. Owner, Jimmy's Kitchen.

Manager, Jimmy's Kitchen Assistant, Canadian Pacific Steamships Passenger Agent, Canadian Pacific

Steamships, Ld.

Electrical Engineer, H.K. Electric Co.,


Merchaut, S. H. Langston

Manager, Jardine Engineering Corpora-

tion, Ld.

Assistant, Wallace Harper & Co., Ld. Clerk, A. W. V. Turner & Co. Accountant, Davie, Boag & Co., Ld. Inspector, Star Ferry Co., Ld. Merchant, John Manners & Co., Ld.... Merchaut, China National Aviation


Clerk, Davie, Boag & Co., Ld. Storekeeper, H.K. & Yaumati Ferry

Co., Ld.

Inspector, H.K. & Yaumati Ferry

Co., Ld.

Accountant, Tratman & Co., Ld. Salesman, General Electric Co. of

China, Ld.

Assistant, A. S. Watson & Co., Ld.

Clerk, General Electric Co. of China, Ld. Clerk, Blue Taxicabs, Ld.

96 Hak Po Road.

48 Cheong On Street, 1st floor. 51 Cheung Sha Wan Road, 1st floor,


44 Queen's Road Central.

521 Nathan Road, 3rd floor,


On premises.

31 Kai Tack Bund, 2nd floor,

Kowloon City.

Ou premises.

235 Gloucester Road, 2nd floor.

9A Morrison Hill Road, Top floor.

5 Chi Wo Street, Ground floor,


On premises.

9 Ching Fung Street, North Point. 228 Jaffé Road, 3rd floor. 253 Hennessy Road.

21 Western Street, Top floor. 516 Nathan Road, Kowloon. On premises.

7 La Salle Road, Kowloon. 22 Peak Mansions. Gloucester Hotel. Holland House, flat 1.

2 Blue Pool Road, Top floor. 14 Bayview Mansions.

On premises.

287 The Peak.

Abermor Court, May Road.

304 The Peak.

106 Boundary Street, Kowloon. 106 Boundary Street, Kowloon. 350 Prince Edward Road, K'loon. 1 Kimberley Villas, Kowloon.

1 Belfra Road, Kowloon.

Kai Tak Airport, Kowloon.

2 Maple Street, Shamshuipo.

On premises.

Jubilee Pier.

291 Lockhart Road.

7 Yick Kwan Avenue.

33 Fook Wing Street, 1st floor. 15 Thompson Road, 3rd floor. 319 Shanghai St., Kowloon.

Clerk, National City Bank of New York. 4 Maple Street, 3rd floor, Sham-

Assistant, Holland China Trading

Co., Ld.


10 Prince's Terrace, Top floor,







Lau Kau-leung Lau Kee......

Lau Kin-fun

Lau Kin-sang

Lau King-tsing Lau Kwan-po

Lau Kwong-cheung Lau Leung-tsung

Lau Fak-cheung Lau Ping-kau Lau Pui-ying Lau Sheung-lai Lau Sheung-po Lau Shiu-min

Lau Shui-ting

Lau Siu-ming..

* Lau Tak-po

Lau Tat-ting Lau Ting Lau Wan Lau Wing-sik. Lau Yau-chenng * Lau Yuk-wan

Lau Yun-ming Lau Yung-kwong

Laufer, Edgar Martin

Laurel, Leslie

Lavrov, Sergey Evans ...

Law Chung-ping

Law, Heungto Shopang......



Law, Khin-ling *Law Kwai-cheong

Law Kwong-cban Law Man-wai...... Law Thack-man Law; William Howard

Lawrence, Bayard Craig Lawrence, Edward Cecil Lawrence, Johu Henry Jr.

Lawrie, John Ferguson.. Lawson, James Wheeler

Lay, Alexander-Hyde Lay, William

Leask, Arthur James......


Assistant, Chase Bank Assistant, Kwangtung Provincial Bank.

Accountant, International

Transportation Co........ Assistant, Wallace Harper & Co., Ld.

Manager, Hoi Yeung Shipping Co. Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Assistant, The Sun Co., Ld.

Clerk, National Mutuai Life Association

of Australia, Ld.

Clerk, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co Manager, China Coast Traders Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld. Clerk, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co. Clerk, Mercantile Bank of India, Ld................ Supervisor, Cathay Ceramics

(H. K.), Ld.

Typist, Taikoo Dockyard & Engineering

Co. of H. K., Ld. Assistant, A. Goeke & Co., (1935)


Manager, The H.K. & Yaumati Ferry

Co., L.

Clerk, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co. Sub-manager, Kan Koam Tsing & Co. Salesman, Bata Shoe Co., Ld. Salesman, Bata Shoe Co., Ld. Assistant, Central Advertising Co. Assistant, Hong Nin Savings Bank, Ld. Assistant Manager, Hoo Cheong & Co.... Secretary, H.K. Preserved Ginger

Distributors, Ld.

Junior Chemist, China Light & Power

Co., Ld.

Reception Clerk, Hong Kong Hotel... Engineer, Marsman Hong Kong

China, Ld.

47 Pilkem Street, Yaumati. 28 Nathan Road, Ground floor,


57 Des Voeux Road, 1st floor. 38 Lai Chi Kok Road, 2nd floor,


On premises.

217 Jaffé Road.

48 Nullah Road, Mongkoktsui.

Tung Shun Li, Un Long. On premises.

27 Sharp Street E., 2nd floor. Ou premises.

On premises.

103 Jaffé Road, 2nd floor, Wanchai.

106 Boundary Street, Kowloon.

On premises.

15 Sai Street, 2nd floor, Mongkoktsui.

Jubilee Pier. On premises.

67 Leighton Hill Road, 1st floor. 368 Lai Chi Kok Road, Kowloon. 15 Sai Street, 2nd floor, Kowloon. 134 Kennedy Road.

29 Wongueichong Road, 2nd floor. 9 Tonnochy Road, 1st floor.

177 Tam Kung Road.

76B Nathan Road, Kowloon. On premises.

108 Austin Road, 2nd floor,


Book-keeper, American Express Co., Inc. 10 Mau Lam Street, Yaumati. Assistant Manager, General

Amusements, Ld.

Shorthand teacher, Shorthand and

Commercial Bureau

Assistant, Arnbold Trading Co., Ld....... Clerk, E. D. Sassoon Banking Co., Ld....

Clerk, The Central Trading Co. Clerk, China Light & Power Co., Ld. Assistant, Gibb, Livingston & Co., Ld... Assistant, British-American Tobacco

Co., (China) Ld.

District Manager, Texas Co., (China) Ld. Manager, H.K. Electric Co., Ld. Storekeeper, H. K. & Whampoa

Dock Co., Ld. Assistant, Butterfield & Swire. Engineer Superintendent, Jardine,

Matheson & Co., Ld.

217 Fa Yuen Street, Mongkoktsui.

248 Taipo Road, Kowloon. 332 Nathan Road, 1st floor, Kowloon. 205 Johnston Road, 3rd floor,


On premises.

150 Fa Yuen Street, Mongkoktsui. 25 Shelley Street.

260 Lockhart Road. 21 St. Joan's Court.

32 West Terrace, Kowloon Docks.

On premises. On premises.

233 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon.

Mercantile Assistant, Dodwell & Co., Ld. 514 The Peak.

Manager, H.K. Motor Accessory

Co., Ld.

Sub-Accountant, Chartered Bank of

India, Australia & China

349 Prince Edward Rd., Kowloon.

114 The Peak.






Leask, Eric

Fitter, Taikoo Dockyard & Engineering

Co., of H. K. Ld.

Lederhofer, Rudolf Victor...| Assistant, Shewan, Tomes & Co.

Lee Chan-kee

Lee Che-pok

Lee Chee-leung, Antonio


Lee Chen-che.

Lee Chenk-lam

Lee Chi-tsun

Lee, Conant

Lee, David

Lee, David

Lee, Edward

Lee, Edward Adolphus... Lee Fong-wah

Lee, Francis

Lee, Francis Xavier * Lee. Frank

Lee Fu-wing

Lee, George

Lee, George Albert Lee Gwok-ying

Lee Han-min

Lee Hau-shing

Lee Hin-leung Lee Hon-gee

Lee Iu-cheung

Lee Jick-ting Lee, Johnson

Lee, Johnson Peter Lee, Joseph Louis

Lee, Joseph William..

Lee Kai-dee Lee Kee, Paul

Lee Kuang-cho

Lee Kwang-yun...........

Lee Kwei-wing Lee Kwok-fai....

Lee, Louis

Lee Luk-kut

Lee Mui-chi

Lee Mun-kit

Lee Pak-chee.

* Lee, Paul

Lee, Peter Francis Lee, Phillip Sydney

Clerk, American President Lines, Ld. Clerk, United Publicity & Advertising

Co., Ld. ....

Clerk, Chase Bank

Clerk, China Insurance Co., Ld. Clerk, Y.M.C.A.

Assistant, Chase Bank

Engineer, Jardine Engineering Corpora-

tion, Ld.

Clerk, China Light & Power Co., Ld.

Salesman, Ed. A, Keller & Co., Ld. Banker, H. K. & Shanghai Commercial

& Savings Bank, Ld. Assistant, Gilman & Co. Ld. Assistant, H. K. Motor Accessory

Co., Lư.

Stenographer, Reiss, Bradley & Co., Ld.. Assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.. Harbour Representative, H.K. & Shang-

hai Hotels, Ld.

Manager, Eastman Kodak Co.

Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld. Assistant, Carroll Bros. Secretary, Jowson Co., Ld.

Clerk, Arnhold & Co., Ld.

Assistant, Union Insurance Society of

Canton, Ld......................

Manager, The Chuen Yee Hong

Artist, United Publicity & Advertising

Co., Lủ.

Merchant, Lee Yue Kee

Assistant, Shewan, Tomes & Co. Sub-Accountant, The Bank of Canton,


Mason, Joseph S. Lee & Co.

Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.), Ld. Clerk, Java-China-Japan Line Engineer, Arnhold & Co., Ld. Assistant, K.C. A. Manufacturing

Co., Inc.

Adviser, Marsman H.K. China, Ld. Accountant, Optorg Co. (Malaya)


Salesman, H. M. Hodges


Typist, laikoo Dockyard & Engineering

Co. of H. K., Ld.

Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.)


Book-keeper, Oversea-Chinese Banking

Corporation, Ld......................

Compradore, China Auction Rooms

Stenographer, Texas Co., (China) Ld Clerk, Davies, Brooke & Gran Assistant Manager, St. Francis Hotel Accountant, Friesland Trading Co., Ld.... Merchant, China Mercantile Co., (S.C.)


On premises.

25 Austin Avenue, Kowloon.

65 Hennessy Road.

234 Lockhart Road.

109 Queen's Road East.

4 Ning Yeung Terrace, 3rd floor. 10 Chancery Lane.

84 Morrison Hill Road.

11 Lau Li Street, 3rd floor. 119 Fa Yuen Street, 1st floor,


154 Belchers Street.

17 Stafford Road, Kowloon Tong. On premises.

556 Queen's Road West, 3rd floor. 25 Luard Road, 1st floor. 516A The Peak.

17 Cameron Road, Kowloon.

143 Prince Edward Road, 3rd floor,


On premises.

23-25 Parkes Street, Kowloon.` Golden Star Mansion, 105

Austin Road, Kowloon.

785 Nathan Road, Ground floor,


On premises.

9 Canal Road West, 2nd floor.

6 Shumchun Street. On premises.

32 Lee Tung Street, Wanchai.

5 Lee Yuen Street, Top floor. 10 Morrison Hill Road. 104 Gloucester Road.

4 Saifee Terrace, Kowloon. 28 Village Road, Ground floor.

390 Laichikok Road, 1st floor,


15 Homuutin Road, Kowloon.

432 Nathan Road, Kowloon. 70 Peel Street.

On premises.

On premises.

3 Tin Lok Lane, 3rd floor.

699 Nathan Road, 1st & 2nd floors,


18 Yik Yam Street, Shamshuipo.

On premises.

On premises.

2 Nam Kok Road, Kowloon City.

46 Cheung Sha Wan Road,

2nd floor, Shamshuipo.

- 89





Lee Ping-nam. Lee, Richard

Lee, Richard Edmund Lee, Robert Ernest............. Lee, Rodney

Lee Sha-yan

Lee Shao-yuen Lee Shiu-kai. Lee Shiu-kun Lee Shiu-ming Lee Shu-sing Lee Shui-cheong

Lee Shui-cheung Lee, Stauley

Lee Tat-Wing Lee Tse-yen Lee Wa-chue Lee Wah-seyle Lee Wai-cheung.. Lee Wai-hing Lee Wai-tong Lee Wan-choi

Lee Woon-foo..................

Lee Yan-to

Lee Yat-ngok

Lee Yee-chong Lee Yin-chuen Lee Yook-lum, Arthur

Lee Yook-tong

Lee Yue-luen

Lee Yue-wai

Lee Zie-cheun...... Leeuwen, van Henry

Leghorn, John Kenneth

Leiper, Gerald Andrew

Leitão, Eduardo Ignacio

Read Leitel, James Rea.....

Leighton, Bruce Gardner

Lemm, Herbert George...... Leon, Caesar Augusto Leon, Luiz Francisco... Leonard, Norman Lionel... Leonard, Stanley Lawrence.

Leong Chang-to.... Leong Ngai-pooi....

Clerk, Domestic Engineers, Ld.. Merchant, Manufacturers Trading


Architect, Chau & Lee

Accountant, Office Appliance Co., Ld. Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co.,(S.C.)

Assistant, China Electric Co., Ld.. Assistant, China Travel Service Merchant, R. H. Kotewall & Co. Clerk, General Motors China,. Ld.. Clerk, General Electric Co. of China, Ld. Assistant, Rudolf, Wolff & Kew, Ld...... Merchant, United Aircraft Exports


Merchant, Consolidated Trading Co., Ld. Mechanic, Imperial Airways (Far

East), Ld.

Clerk, Manufacturers Life Ins., Co. Assistant, Chase Bank

Assistant, Shewan, Tomes & Co. Assistant, Texas Co. (China), Ld. Clerk, John D. Humphreys & Co., Ld. Broker, Heaply & Co.

Secretary, The Swedish Trading Co....... Eng. Instructor, Far East Flying

Training School, Lil............. Clerk, Chase Bank

Salesman, Garage Dept., H. K. &

Shanghai Hotels, Ld... Managing Director, Local Printing

Press, Ld.

Assistant, Colonial Transport Co. Draughtsman, Davies, Brook & Gran. Assistant, Inspector, China Light &

Power Co, Ld.

Chinese Agent, Canadian Pacific S.S.,


Assistant, Wallace Harper & Co., Ld. ... Assistant, Imperial Chemical Industries,

(China), Ld.

Clerk, Whiteaway, Laidlaw & Co., Ld.... Assistant, Java-China-Japan Lijn


Workshop Superintendent, H.K. Tram-

ways, Ld.

Sub-Accountant, Chartered Bank of

India, Australia & China

Asst., China Underwriters, Ld...................... Draughtsman, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., L

Vice-President, The Intercontinent


Salesman, Texas Co. (China), Ld.. Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank Assistant, Optorg Co. (Malaya), Lil. Assistant, Dairy Farm, Ice & Cold

Storage Co., Ld.

Clerk, Dunlop Rubber Co. (China), Ld........] Attorney, Loke Yung Cheong

150 Fa Yuen Street, Mongkoktsui.

202 Tung Choi Street, Mongkok tsui. 22 Kai Tack Bund, Kowloon City. 1 Essex Crescent, Kowloon Tong.

On premises.

99 Tai Nam Street, 2nd floor. On premises.

7 Babington Path,

212 Jaffé Road, 2nd floor.

1 School Street, 1st floor, Taihang. 351 Des Voeux Road West, Top fl.

3 Chong Wing Street.

3 Chong Ming Street, Happy Valley.

On premises.

45 Bute St., 1st fl., Mongkoktsui. 67 Fook Wing Street.

498 Nathan Road, Kowloon.

1 Garden Terrace.

69 Caine Road, Top floor. 293 Hennessy Road, 1st floor. On premises.

120 Kennedy Road, Ground fi. 34 Un Chau Street, Top floor,


5 Tin Lok Lane, 2nd floor.

514 Nathan Road, Kowloon. On premises. On premises.

138 Ma Tau Chung Road.

138 Ma Tau Chung Road, Kowloon


15 d'Aguilar Street, 1st floor.

On premises.

20 Graham Street, 1st floor.

4 Conduit Road.

11 Broadwood Road.

2 Abermor Court, May Road.

124 Waterloo Rd., Kowloon Tong.

On premises.

On premises.

50 Upper Spring Garden Lane.

8 Austin Avenue, Kowloon.

8 Austin Avenue, Kowloon. 11 Kennedy Road.

41 Kennedy Road.

59 Bonham Road.

161 Sai Yeung Choi Street, 2nd

floor, Mongkoktsui.






Leong Sai-yin Leong Soo-mun Leong, Thomas

Leong, Victor Clarence

Leong Wah-knan

Leong Wai-yin

Leong Ying-swee

Clerk, Dunlop Rubber Co. (China), Ld... Assistant, Shewan, Tomes & Co., Ld Assistant, Shewan, Tomes & Co. Assistant Compradore, H.K. Land

Investment & Agency Co., Ld............

Assistant, Malcolm & Co., Ld. No. 1 Assistant, Y.M.C.A............. Clerk, St. Francis Hotel

Lessan, Francisco de la Page Foreman, Texas Co. (China), Ld.

Lessner, Max Leon

Representative, Pan American

Airways Co.

Leuenberger, Andre Marc... Merchant, Nestle & Anglo-Swiss

Leung Chak-man Leung Che-yau

Leung Chek-wan

Leung Chi-ling Leung Cho-tai Leung Cho-u Leung Chu-wing Leung Chuk-shum Leung Chaen Leung Fung

Leung Hauk-fong

Leung Haw-kwong Leung Hew-fung Leung Hing

Leung Hong-kiu Leung Iu-wing Leung Kam-fat Leung Kam-fatt.... Leung Kam-kwong Leung Kam-tong Leung Kam-yui Leung Kwok-yu.. Leung Lai-sang Leung Min-sze

Leung Pai-hung Leung Pik-hung..

Leung Ping-kwan

Leung Po-shan

Leung Pong-im

Leung Pui-kan

Leung Pui-yim

Leung Pui-yueu Leung Pun-san Leung Shiu-ying

Leung Shui-man. Leung Shui-tak Leung Shui-po Leung Sik-hong Leung Sik-kai

Leung Siu-hong Leung Tak-cheung Leung Ting-kau. Leung Tin-wai

Condensed Milk Co.

Shroff, Texas Co. (China), Ld. Assistant, New Asia Chemical

Works, Ld.

Plate Checker, Taikoo Dockyard &

Engineering Co. of H. K., Lą. Clerk, Everett S. S. Corporation Clerk, Holland China Trading Co., Ld.... Compradore, The Swedish Trading Co.... Assistant, Chase Bauk

Clerk, International Transportation Co... Assistant, Harry Wicking & Co., Ld. ... Assistant, H. K. Brewery &

Distillery Co., Ld. Timekeeper, Taikoo Dockyard &

Engineering Co. of I. K., Ld. ................ Assistant Manager, Peter Music Co. Clerk, Anderson & Ashe......

Assistant, A. S. Watson & Co., Ld. Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld.. Assistant, A. S. Watson & Co., Ld.. Superintendent, Repulse Bay Hotel.. Clerk, Calif Asia Co., Ld. Clerk, Lloyd Triestino

Assistant, Kwangtung Provincial Bank. Clerk, Che San & Co.....

1st Cashier, Java-China-Japan Line Clerk, Sworn Measurers' Office..... Clerk, Garage Dept., H. K. &

Shanghai Hotels, Ld.

Clerk, Sworn Measurers' Office Clerk, Palace Hotel

77B Hollywood Road, 1st floor. 45 Water Street.

24 Lockhart Road.

42 Cheung Sha Wan Road, 2nd

floor, Shamshuipo.

29 Hennessy Road, 2nd floor. On premises.

On premises.

765 Nathan Road, Kowloon.

18 Essex Crescent, Kowloon Tong.

Alandale. Pokfulam. 20 Amoy Street.

8 Wanchai Road, 2nd floor,

On premises.

125 Connaught Road Central. 79 Bonham Road, 2nd floor. On premises.

99 Jaffé Road, Ground fl., Wanchai. 298 Queen's Road Central. 21 Territory Street.

76 Queen's Rd. W., Top floor.

On premises.

On premises.

2 Peel Street, Ground floor.

2 Sai Yeung Choi St., Mongkoktsui. On premises.

526 Nathan Rd., 3rd fl., Kowloon. On premises.

15 Ching Fung Street.

28 Yik Yam Road.

13 Homuntin Road, Kowloon. 115 Caine Road, Ground floor.

27 Wongneichong Road. On premises.

415 Jaffé Road.

On premises.

44 Hankow Road, Ground floor.


Clerk, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld.. 90 Reclamation St., 1st floor.

Clerk, Lane, Crawford, Ld.

Clerk, W. A. Hannibal & Co., Ld. Assistant, A. S. Watson & Co., Ld. Assistant, A. S. Watson & Co., Ld.

Clerk, South British Insurance Co., Ld.. Manager, Banker & Co., Ld. .... Housekeeper, H. K. Jockey Club......

Clerk, General Motors, (China) Ld. Clerk, H.K. & China Gas Co., Ld. Clerk, Butterfield & Swire Assistant, A. S. Watson & Co., Ld. Assistant, Americau Asiatic Under-

writers, Fed. Inc., U.S.A. Accountant, Optorg Co. (Malaya), Ld. Clerk, Marsman, H. K. China, Ld. Shipping Clerk, Texas Co. (China), Ld. Clerk, American Express Co., Inc.

11 Fleming Road, 3rd floor.

37 Bute St., Gr. fl., Mougkoktsui. 141 Sai Yee Street, Mongkok tsui. 753 Nathan Road, 1st floor,


On premises. On premises.

10 Chak Chuen Street,

Happy Valley.

85 Parkes Street, Kowloon. 299 Jaffé Road, 1st floor.

On premises.

29 Tung Choi St., Mongkoktsui.

10 Russell Street, Top floor. 232 Jaffé Road.

I Gresson Street, 3rd floor, Wanchai. 129 Battery Street. 223 Jaffé Road, Top floor.





L- Continued.

Leung Tze-wa

Leung Wai-cheung

Leung, Wesley George Leung Wing Leung Wing-sik

Leung Yu

Leung Yuk-kwong

Leung Yuu-hung

Lew, Edmond.......

Lew Sin

Lewis, Edgar.

Lewis, Eric......

Lewis, Leslie Archibald

Lewis, William Laverne Li, Alfred

Li Chan-chau

Li Che-kong

Li Ching-fun Li Chin-lung Li Chung-ching Li Fook-cheong

Li Fook-shun Li Hing-wah Li Ho-chuen Li Hon-tuck

Li Ka-tit

Li Kai-ping. Li Kai-wah Li Koon-pak Li Kwan Li Kwan-hung

Li Kwok-choy

Li Lan-sang

Li Langseng

Li Man-hi

Li Man-ki Li Man-wai Li Moon

Li Pin-cheng Li Po-lan

Li Poi

Li Pui-fong Li, Raymond

Li Sia

Li Shiu-hing

Li Shu-fong Li Sui-wing Li Tsze-tsoi Li Wa-fan Li Wing-yip

Secretary, Tung Chang Co., (H.K.) Ld. Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld.. Assistant, A. S. Watson & Co., Ld. ...... Telephone Operator, Malcolm & Co., Ld. Assistant, Warner Bros.

Assistant, A. S. Watson & Co., Ld. Manager, Peter Music Co. Assistant, Chase Bank

Mechanic, Pan American Airways Co. Draughtsman, Davies, Brooke & Gran Exchange Broker, A. & S. Hancock...... Electric Engineer, Jardine Engineering

Corporation, Ld.

Merchant, United Aircraft Exports


Assistant, Nippon Yusen Kaisha Manager, H.K. Everybody's Service...... Merchant, Yuen Wing Foundry

Salesman, U. S. Rubber Export Co.,


Clerk, American Express Co., Inc. Clerk, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co. Civil Engineer, Kung Ming Hong.. Assistant, Union Insurance Society of

Canton, Ld.......

Accountant, L. Rondon Co., Ld. Clerk, Utoomal & Assudamal Co Clerk, Mercantile Bank of India, Ld. Salesman, Malcolm & Co., Ld. Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.)


Clerk, St. Francis Hotel

Manager, Lai To Construction Co. Assistant, Butterfield & Swire Salesman, Bata Shoe Co., Ld. Accountant, Chinese Estates, Ld. Clerk, National Carbon Co., Fed.,



Secretary, Wo Fat Sing, Ld. and other



Banker, H. K. & Shanghai Commercial

& Savings Bank, Ld. Clerk, Sworn Measurers' Office Storekeeper, Malcolm & Co., Ltd, Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld. No. 1 Clerk, Encarnação, Hammond & Lo. Assistant, Andersen, Meyer & Co., Ld.... Clerk, Taikoo Dockyard & Engineering

Co. of H. K., Ld. Merchant, Yuen Wing Foundry

Assistant, China Underwriters, Ld. Sub-Accountant, Bank of Canton,


Merchant, Yuen Wing Foundry...

Clerk, Taikoo Dockyard & Engineering

Co. of H. K., Ld.

Banker, The Wing On Bank, Ld...... Compradore, Davie, Boag & Co., Ld Clerk, Sworn Measurers' Office Assistant, Shewan, Tomes & Co. Salesmau, Bata Shoe Co., Ld.

10 Wing Hing Street, 1st floor. On premises.

4 Fort Street, 1st floor.

7 Gresson St., 3rd floor, Wanchai. 82 Hollywood Road, Top floor. 30 D'Aguilar Street. On premises.

124 Caine Road. On premises. On premises. 516 The Peak.

Arlington Ht toel.

517 The Peak.

250 Sassoon Road.

6 Clarence Terrace, 1st floor.

2 Yeung Tsung Street, Laichikok.


217A Hennessy Road. 10 Hart Street, 2nd floor. Ou premises.

41 Robinson Road.

On premises.

21 Graham Street.

32 Hillier Street.

112 Lockhart Road.

14 Burrows Street, 1st floor.

On premises.

On premises.

On premises.

On premises.

153 Tung Choi Street, Mongkok tsui.

11 Ngan Mok Street.

235 Aplin Street, Shamshuipo.

23 Seymour Road.

On premises.

On premises.

5, Canal Road, Wanchai, 1st floor. On premises.

582 Canton Road, Kowloon. 242 Jaffé Road.

On premises.

2 Yeung Tsung Street, Laichikok,


101 Ki Lung Street, 2nd floor.

41 Robinson Road.

2 Yeung Tsung Street, Laichikok,


Ou premises.

16 Wing Hing Street, Ground floor. 9 Ngan Mok Street.

On premises.

26 Yik Yam Street.

17 Bedford Road, Kowloon.






Li Yiu................

Li Yun-kuen Li Yung-sheung Liang Chi-hao

Liang Chi-shiu

Liang Chi-tai

Liang Chung-yu

Liang Men-jen Liang Tak-chuen

Liao Hung-ming

Liebenschutz, Piet Vincent

Constantijn Eduard

Lieu Jensen

Lieu Tsung-yao

Lik Sing-poon

Lim Cheng-joo

Lim Keng-teo.....

Lim Kim-chong

Lima, Luiz Gonzaga de................ Linaker, John.....

Lin Hoe-wah

Lin Yuen-yang Lin Yung-sheung Lindeman, Robert Noel......

Lindsay, Arthur James Ling Fook-on....

Ling Kam-hon

Ling Man-i......

Ling Siu-san

Lingenbrink, Victor Hert Linstead, John

Lippa, Edward

Litvin, Benjamin Samuel ...

Liu, David Liu Hung-chieu

Liu Kwan-Yuen.. Liu, Vincent :.

Liu Yu-chih Lloyd, Samuel Lewis..

Lo Chor-kin Lo Chung-wan

Lo Fung-I..

Merchant, Yuen Wing Foundry

Assistant, Southern Mercantile Co. Clerk, Mackinnon Mackenzie & Co. Managing Director, China Entertain-

ment & Land Investment Co., Ld. Manager, China Entertainment Land

Investment Co., Ld.

Clerk, H. M. H. Nemazee..

Secretary, China Vegetable Oil


Clerk, China Vegetable Oil Corporation. Assistant, A. Goeke & Co, (1935)


Manager, Strength & Co.

Assistant, Java-China-Japan Line, N.V. Assistant, Texas Co. (China), Ld........... Assistant Manager, China Assurance

Corporation, Ld. Clerk, Himly, Ld......................


Sub-Accountant, Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation, Ld.. Clerk, China Insurance Co., Ld.

Cashier, General Amusements, Ld. Assistant, Green Island Cement Co., Ld. Sworn Measurer, Sworn Measurers'


Clerk, T. A. Martin & Co...... Treasurer, Organic Fertilizer Co., Ld. Clerk, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co....... Asst, Cargo Supt., H.K. & Kowloon

Wharf & Godown Co., Ld.

Agent, Millington, Ld. Merchant, Yuen Wing Foundry.

Assistant, A. S. Watson & Co., Ld.


Sharebroker, Ling Man I & Co...

Salesman, Garage Dept., H. K. &

Shanghai Hotels, Ld. Manager, Palace Hotel

Station Superintendent, Imperial Airways Far East). Ld. Electric Engineer, China Light &

Power Co., Ld.

Junior Engineer, China Light & Power

Co.. Lử.

Contactman, Swan, Culbertson & Fritz... Sampler, Franklin Laboratory

Clerk, Conley Trading Co. .... Contactman, Swan, Culbertson &


Clerk, China Insurance Co., Ld. Assistant Manager, Asiatic Petroleum

Co., (S.C.) Ld. Assistant, Tratman & Co., Ld. Compradore, Nederlandsche Handel-

Maatschappij, N.V.

Typist, Taikoo Dockyard & Engineering

Co. of H. K., Ld.

2 Yeung Tsung Street, Laichikok,


68 Queen's Road West. On premises.

18 Victory Avenue, Homuntin.

18 Victory Avenue, Homuntin. 36 Nga Tsin Long Road,

Kowloon City.

26 Morrison Hill Road, 1st floor. 6 Jordan Road, 2nd floor, Kowloon.

399 Queen's Road, 3rd floor. 50 Haiphong Road, 3rd floor,


8 Homuntin Hill Road, Homuntin. 2 Bowrington Road.

73 Hill Road, 2nd floor. 74 Village Road, Ground floor.

Chinese Y.M.C.A., Kowloon, 759 Nathan Road, 2nd floor,


42 Village Road.

5 Nanking Street, 3rd fl., Yaumati.

Ou premises.

30 Percival Street, 2nd floor.

I Wongneichong Road.

On premises.

28 Mody Road, Kowloon.

24 Ashley Road, 2nd floor, Kowloon.

2 Yeng Tsung Street, Laichikok,


50 Tak Ku Ling Road,

Kowloon City.

3 Lan Sin Street, 1st floor, Cause-

way Bay.

6 Lee Tung Street, 1st floor. 159 Wanchai Road, 2nd floor.

On premises.

18 Chatham Road, Kowloon.

4 Homuutin Street, 2nd floor.


11 Tung Lo Wan Road. 50 Haiphong Road, Top floor,


24 Elgin Street, 1st floor.

Chinese Y.M.C.A., Kowloon. 168 Lockhart Road, 3rd floor.

On premises.

77 Pokfulam Road.

On premises.

Ou premises.






Lo Hay-yin Lo Hing-tong. Lo Ho-kee Lo Ho-pang Lo Ho-yeung Lo How-I

Lo Hung-nien Lo Hung-sui Lo Kai-hong Lo King-sun Lo Koon-kan

Lo Koon-ming Lo Kung-wing Lo Kwan-wai.... Lo Miu-nung Lo Pak-him Lo Pun-wai Lo Siu-ling

Lo Sha-yan.....

Lo Shun-lam Lo Suen-wing....

* Lo Tai-yau.

Lo Tak-chuen....

Lo Tam-lai Lo Wai-hing

Lo Wei-man

Lo Wing

Lo Ying-yuen. Lo Yiu-toug Lo Yiu-wab Lock, Andre Lock Kin-cheung Lock, Thomas

Lock Tsin-kee

Lodge, Cyril John Lob Changor

Loh Meng-choon

Lok Juh-kuin

Lok Ping-cho.

Lok Zan Liang, Henry Lomaev, George Andrew.

Lonborg, Niels Frederick


Loncraine, Desmond Long, William Garland.. Longfield, Stuart

Loo, Alex

Loo Jim Wei, Spencer.

Loo Kin-sang.

Loo Koon-hang

Loo San-chen

Loo Shim

Director, T. O. Wong & Co., Ld. Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld. Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld. Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld. Clerk, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Clerk, Taikoo Dockyard & Engineering

Co. of H. K., Ld.

Manager, Thomas de La Rue & Co., Ld Chemist, Taikoo Sugar Refining Co., Ld. Manager, Kai Hong Trading Co. Accountant, Bell & Howell.... Assistaut, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., Ld.

212 Electric Road, 2nd floor. On premises. On premises. Ou premises.

18 Eastern Street.

On premises.

63 Kadoorie Avenue, Kowloon.

Illumination Terrace.

77 Pokfulam Road. 97 Caine Road.

On premises.

Clerk, General Electric Co. of China, Ld. 60 Fook Wing Street.

Salesman, J. H. Ruttonjee & Son

Assistant, Lane, Crawford, Ld. Manager, Ying Cheong Hong Clerk, Reiss, Bradley & Co., Ld. Clerk, Lane, Crawford, Ld. Bookkeeper, W. H. Comstock &

Co., Ld.

Clerk, General Electric Co. of China, Ld.

Book-keeper, Tratman & Co., Ld. Compradore, Ed. A. Keller & Co., Ld.... Assistant, Union Insurance Society of

Canton, Ld....................

Mechanic, D. Gestetner (Eastern), Ld.

Draughtsman, Concrete Products, Ld. Clerk, Taikoo Dockyard & Engineering

Co. of H. K., Ld.

Manager, International Transportation


Book-keeper, Paper Co., Ld.............. Clerk, South British Insurance Co., Ld... Accountant, Tai Hang Rubber Factory Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld.. Clerk, Central Trading Co. Clerk, H. M. Hodges

Assistant, A. S. Watson & Co., Ld. Book-keeper, Friesland Trading Co., Ld. Salesman, Lane, Crawford. Ld.

District Manager, National Cash Register


Assistant Chemist, Taikoo Sugar

Refining Co., Ld.

Chemist, Arnhold Trading Co., Ld.

Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld.. Merchant, Far Eastern Export Co. Ticket Clerk, Canadian Pacific

Steamships, Ld.

Director, Britannic Termite Co. (H.K.) Manager, D. Gestetner (Eastern), Ld. Assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co....... Electrical Engineer, Hong Kong

Electric Co., Ld. Accountant, Securities, Ld.. Managing Partner, Loo Bros.. Broker, Optorg Co.. (Malaya) Ld.. Assistant, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., Ld,

Manager, China Vegetable Oil


11A Tung Lo Wan Road, 2nd floor. 222 Queen's Road East, 2nd floor. 79A Waterloo Road, Kowloon. 206 Lockhart Road, 1st floor. 222 Queen's Road East, 2nd floor.

57 Caine Road.

183 Nam Cheung Street, 3rd floor,


9 Kwong Ning Street, 1st floor. 20 Po Yee Street.

On premises.

24 Lee Dung Street, 2nd floor,


60 Main Street.

On premises.

19 Toa Li Toi, 1st floor.

93 Tai Po Road, Top floor. On premises.

1 Yen Chow Street. On premises.

On premises.

63 Cheung On Street. 11 Dragon Road.

327 Lockhart Road, 1st floor. 15 Gap Road.

8 Shan Kwong Road.

1 New Quarry Point.

36 Russell Street, 3rd floor. On premises.

4 Kennedy Terrace.

218 Pokfulam Road.

Apt. 31 Dina House, Duddell Street. 38 Kennedy Road.

2 Carnarvon Road, Kowloon.

H.E.C. Qrts., 1 Duddell Street. 121 Hennessy Road, 2nd floor. 11 Arbuthnot Road.

54 Des Voeux Road Central.

On premises.

6 Jordan Road, 2nd floor, Kowloon.

Clerk, H. K. Telephone Co., Ld........ 41 Graham Road.






Loo Tai-leung

Loong Tsun-ying.

Loos, de Pieter Anne....

Lopes, Arthur Anjos dos. Lopes, Americo Augusto Lopes, Carlos Augusto Lopes, Clementino

Leonardo Lopes, Dellano Vicente.. Lopes, Dinarte Ferrer Lopes, Fernão Henrique

Lopes, Secundino Antonio Lopp, Jack.... Lot Mok

Louey Sui-tak, William....

Louie, Edward Louie Fook-hong.

Louis Kai-hing

Loureiro, Francisco


Lovett, George Stanley. Low, Eli Ernest

Low, George Anthony Low, Victor Thomas Low, Yu-young

Lowe, Frederick Arthur.. * Lowe, Herbert John Denny.

Lowe, Thomas Loy Chong-chiu.. Lu Cheng-chil Lui Chung-foo Lui Chung-sun Lui Hing-ling...

Lui Hon-chuen Lui In-tso

Lui Sai-chee Luk Che-hing.. Luk Che-wah Luk Man-lok

Luk Ting-cheung Luk Oi Wan

Luke Ching-on

Luke Cho-ying

Luke Ho-hoi Luke, Wingay Lum, Joe

Lum, Matthew Maria

Lum, Wilkie

Clerk, Marsman Hong Kong China,


Mercantile Assistant, Arnhold Trading

Co., Ld.

Assistant, Java-China-Japan Lijn,

N. V.

Broker, Carroll Bros.

Clerk, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co. Assistant, Bank Line, Ld.

Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank Assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.......... Assistant, Chartered Bank of India,

Australia & China.. Manager, Jolop & Co....... Assistant, East Asiatic Co., Ld. Storekeeper, The Red Lion Inn

Manager, Kowloon Motor Bus Co. (1938).


Clerk, Dunlop Rubber Co. (China), Ld... Assistant, Kowloon Motor Bus Co.

(1933), Ld.

Clerk, Kelly & Walsh, Ld..

Clerk, China Light & Power Co., Ld.. Merchant, The Organic Fertilizer Co., Ld. Mercantile Assistant, Aruhold & Co.,


Assistant, Shewan, Tomes & Co. Engineer, Palmer & Turner

Clerk, National Carbon Co., Fed., Inc.,


Hotel Proprietor, Trocadero Hotel.... Assistant, Imperial Chemical

Industries (China), Ld. Clerk, Mansfield Trading Co...... Assistant, Arnhold Trading Co., Ld... Merchant, Tung Tsun Trading Co. Merchant, Consolidated Trading Co., Ld. Assistant, J. M. Alves & Co., Ld...................... Clerk, National Aniline & Chemical

Co., U.S.A......

Clerk, Lowe, Bingham & Matthews Merchant, National Aniline & Chemical

Co., U.S.A.....

Secretary, Tung Shan Hotel. Clerk, Kian Gwan Co. India, Ld. Clerk, China Light & Power Co., Ld.. Assistant, H.K. Land Investment &

Agency Co., Ld ........ Assistant, Butterfield & Swire Chinese Insurance Manager, New

Zealand Insurance Co., Ld.

Clerk, National Carbon Co., Fed., Inc.,


Clerk, Messrs. A. Denis Hazell & Co.

Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.C.) Ld. Assistant, Shewan, Tomes & Co. Salesman, The Intercontinent


Clerk, Wallace Harper & Co., Ld.

Merchant, Wing On Co., Ld...........

85 Argyle Street, Mongkoktsui.

36 Russell Street, 3rd floor.

37 Humphreys Building, Kowloon. 222 Prince Edward Rd., Kowloon. 7A Granville Road, Kowloon, 17 Soares Avenue, Homuntin.

21 Granville Road, Kowloon. 21 Granville Road, Kowloon. 21 Granville Road, Kowloon.

21 Granville Road, Kowloon.

12 Dorset Crescent, Kowloon Tong. 63 Pokfulam Road.

65 Electric Road, 2nd floor.

153 Castle Peak Road. 25 Lee Yuen Street.

112 Laichikok Road, Kowloon. On premises.

18 Observatory Road, Kowloon. 26 Shouson Hill Road.

296 Sai Yeung Choi Street,


253 Lockhart Road, 3rd floor. Moana, 14 Sau Chuk Yuan Road.

1 Peking Road, Kowloon. On premises.

On premises.

14 Shelley Street, Top floor. 112 Keelung Street, Kowloon. 23 Man Chung Fong, 3rd floor. 493 King's Road, 2nd floor. 5 Staunton Street, 2nd floor.

15 Po Yun Street, Top floor. 46 Lyndhurst Terrace, 1st floor.

72 Wellington Street, 1st floor. On premises.

226 Jaffé Road, 1st floor. 86 Tai Nan Street.

32 Elgin Street, 2nd floor. On premises.

14 Arbuthnot Road, 2nd floor.

5 Winslow Street, Top floor.

26 Laichikok Road, 1st floor,


On premises.

21 Babington Path.

On premises.

175 Sai Yeung Choi Street,

1st floor, Mongkoktsui. 8 O'Brien Road, Wanchai.







Lum Yuk-lin

Lung Tin-tong

*Lunny, James Francis Lunson, Thomas....

Luz, Arthur Francisco da... Luz, Francisco José da

Luz Frederico Gustavo de... Luz, Henrique Francisco da

Luz, José Alberto da.... Luz, Juan Victor da Luz, Luiz Assumpção Lyle, David Laird

Lyon, David

Lysaught, Edward

St. Ledger

Supervisor, British Cigarette Co., Ld. Assistant Cashier, Bank of East Asia,


Engineer, H.K. Electric Co., Ld. Stock Superintendent, Dairy Farm, Ice

& Cold Storage Co., Ld. Assistant, Netherlands Trading Society... Clerk, China Light & Power Co.,


Broker, L. Dunbar & Co. Secretary, H.K., Canton & Macao

Steamboat Co., Ld.

Assistant, Netherlands Trading Society. Clerk, Gibb, Livingston & Co., Ld....... Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank Engineer, Taikoo Dockyard &

Engineering Co. of H.K., Ld. Mercantile Assistant, Jardine, Matheson

* Co., Lư.

Manager, Kowloon Hotel

140 Gloucester Road, 1st floor.

On premises.

H.E.C. Qrs., 3 Causeway Hill.

Claymore, Pokfulam. On premises.

12 Soares Avenue, Homuntin. 14 Carnarvon Road, Kowloon.

64 Macdonnell Road. On premises.

14 Junction Road.

2 Peace Avenue, Homuntin.

Quarry Bay.

17 Humphreys Building, Kowloon.

On premises.


Ma Chee-hung

Ma Chung-man

Ma Kam-shing

Ma Kwok-hong Ma Lee, Henry

Ma Shum-ka

Ma Wai-lum

Ma Wing-fat

Ma Yue-man

* Maa, Maxwell

Maberly, Charles Robert

Mac Chung-man.. MacCabe, Patrick Farmer... Macaskill, Kenneth Roderick

Macdonald, Joseph........

Mace, Rupert Basil Macfarlane, Alexander

Macfarlane, William .....

MacGregor, David Duncan.

Machado, Francisco


MacIndoe, Andrew................

MacIntyre, Thomas John


Mack, Alastair MacDonald. Mackay, John Frederick


Clerk, Dover & Co.

Agent, West Coast Life Insurance Co. Clerk, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co....... Compradore, Chase Bank Sub-Manager, Sincere Insurance &

Investment Co., Ld. Compradore Assistant, Chase Bank Assistant, Davie, Boag & Co., Ld................... Clerk, China Emporium, Ld. Merchant, China Can Co., Ld.

Acting Secretary, Der A Wing & Co.,

(1923) Ld.

Draughtsman, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., Ld.

Agent, West Coast Life Insurance Co.... Assistant, Butterfield & Swire

Assistant, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., Ld.

Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.)


Representative, Swedish Match Co. Engineer, Dairy Farm, Ice & Cold

Storage Co., Ld...............

Engineer, Dairy Farm, Ice & Cold

Storage Co., Ld..... Sub-Accountant, Chartered Bank of

India, Australia & China

Assistaut, China Provident Loan &

Mortgage Co., Ld...

Assistant Manager, Taikoo Dockyard &

Engineering Co. of H.K., Ld.

Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard & Engineer-

ing Co., of H.K. Ld.

Assistant, H. K. & Shanghai Bank

Engineer, China Light & Power

Co., Lử.

41 Lee Garden Street, 3rd floor. 18 Yuk Yam Street. On premises.

5 Ning Yeung Terrace.

1 Duke Street, Mongkoktsui.

5 Ning Yeung Terrace.

50 Western Street, 2nd floor. 30 Leighton Hill Road. On premises.

2B Boundary Street, Kowloon.

On premises.

18 Yuk San Street. On premises.

On premises.

Taikoktsui Installation. 4 Garden Terrace.

Ice Works, East Point,

Ice Works, East Point.

161 The Peak,

23A Cameron Road, Kowloon.

Quarry Bay.

On premises.

On premises.

104 Boundary Street, Kowloon.






Mackenzie, Andrew Neilson

Mackenzie, David.......

Mackenzie, John Murdo

Mackintosh, Charles Edward

Mackintosh, Frederick


Assistant Engineer, H.K. & Kowloon

Wharf & Godown Co., Ld.

Superintendent Engineer, H.K. &

1 Pratt Avenue, Kowloon.

Kowloon Wharf & Godown Co., Ld... On premises.

Assistant, Freight Department,

Canadian Pacific S.S., Ld.

Assistant, Chartered Bank of India,

Australia & China

Manager, Mackintosh's, Ld.

MacNider, Charles Marion. Salesman, Andersen, Meyer &


Madar, Ahmed Husain

Madar, Mahmud Pillay

Madar, Thomas Andrew

Maher, Antonio Maria....

Maher, Antonio Paulo Maher, Bernard Augustine.

Maher, Francis William

Maher, Thomas Stephen Main, Robert

Mak Chiu-tim

Mak Kiu-fan

Mak Lai-yim Mak On-tai

Mak Shiu-ping

Mak U-mui......

Malcolm, Alexander Mamak, Victor Samuel Man Choy, Jack.... Man Hon-kwong

Man Tso-wah Man Wai-lee

Manalac, Roman Jesus Manning, Ernest... Mansfield, Philip Cecil....

Mansfield, William Robert..

Manson, Charles Joseph

Mansukhani, Atmaran


Mansukhani, Bhopatrai


Manton, Alfred Joseph

Mar, James

Marçal, Henrique Oscar....

Mardulyn, Pierre

Co., Lȧ.

Assistant, A. F. Arculli & Sons...

Assistant, A. F. Arculli & Sons....

Manager, Twentieth Century Fox

Federal Inc., U.S.A. Store-keeper, H. K. & Whampoa

Dock Co., Ld. Overseer, H.K. Electric Co., Ld. Assistant, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., Ld.

Shipwright Diver, H.K. & Whampoa

Dock Co., Ld.......... Clerk, H. K. Electric Co., Ld. Draughtsman, Taikoo Dockyard &

Engineering Co., of H.K. Ld. Clerk, National Carbon Co., Fed.,

Inc., U.S.A.

Clerk, Davie, Boag & Co., Ld.

Clerk, National City Bank of New York. Clerk, H.K. & China Gas Co., Ld.................

Accountant Clerk, Texas Co. (China),


Assistant, Union Insurance Society of

Canton, Ld......

Engineer, Malcolm & Co., Ld. Assistant, A. S. Watson & Co., Ld. Assistant, Lloyd Triestino Clerk, Wing On Bank, Ld. Salesman, Malcolm & Co., Ld. Shop Manager, Bata Shoe Co., Ld. Clerk, R. J. Manalac ........

Assistant, John D. Hutchison & Co....... Mercantile Assistant, Jardine,

Matheson & Co., Ld. Sub-Manager, Union Insurance Society

of Canton, Ld.

Salesman, Andersen, Meyer &

Co., Ld.

Accountant, The Standard Press, Ld.

Clerk, Utoomal & Assudamal Co. Building Superintendent, National City

Bank of New York

Clerk, General Motors China, Ld. Clerk, Nederlandsche Indische

Commercial Bank, N.V. Accountant, Banque Belge pour

l'Etranger, (E.O.) S.A.


172-174 Sai Yeung Choi Street,


14 Jordan Road, Kowloon.

270 The Peak.

31 West Terrace, Kowloon Docks,


8 Fuk Kwan Avenue, Tai Hang Hill.

8 Fuk Kwan Avenue, Tai Hang Hill.

49A Kimberley Road, Kowloon.

On premises.

74 Johnston Road, Top floor.

On premises.

On premises.

74 Johnston Road, Top floor.

On premises.

5 Winglee Street.

8 Lung On Street, 2nd floor,


47 Belcher's St. West, 2nd floor. 130 Yu Chow Street, 2nd floor,


404 Portland Street, Kowloon.

On premises. On premises.

29A Nathan Road, Kowloon. 10E Ha Street.

On premises.

18 Hennessy Road, 3rd floor. 58 Ki Lung Street, Top floor. 14 Fort Street.

19 Babington Path.

9 Tregunter Mansions.

On premises.

3 St. Joseph's Terrace, Ground floor.

19 Robinson Road.

19 Robinson Road, Top floor.

2 Queen's Road Central. 151 Johnston Road.

793 Nathan Rd., 1st floor, K'loon.

7 St. John's Apartments.






Mark, Joseph Mark Kei-chan

Mark Sao-wha *Markar, Cassim Gafoor..

Markar, Ebrahim Rumjahn.

Marle, Karel Eduard Van...

Marques, Carlos Antonio

Marques, Carlos Vicente

Marques, Edmundo


Marques, José Daniel

Marques, Luiz Gonzaga Marques, Luiz Zeferino.

Marques, Roberto Maria Marriott, Henry

Marrs, Graham


Marshall, Adam.......

Marshall, George Vincent


Marshall, James Gray.... Martin, Alfred John James Martin, Lawrence Anthony

Martin, Thomas Archdale... Martland, Leslie......

Mason, Thomas

Master, Rustam Jehangir...

Mathias, Alfonso


Mathieu, Pierre Benjamin... Matthews, Eric Arthur

Matthews, William

Mattos, Antonio Agostinho


Mattos, Eduardo Augusto...

Maurice, Matthew Stephen Maxwell, John Jex

Maycock, John Henry Maycock, William George.. McAdam, David Marshall

McArthur, Andrew

McCormick, Charles

James McFerran, David

Clerk, Securities, Ld. Assistant, A. H. Potts

Assistant, Peking Syndicate, Ld. .... Clerk, Holland China Trading Co., Ld.... Assistant, Union Insurance Society of

Canton, Ld.........

Accountant, Nederlandsche Handels

Maatschappij, N.V.

33 Village Road.

109 Sai Yeung Choi Street,


16 Stanley Street.

2 Morrison Hill Road, 2nd floor.

On premises.

On premises.

Assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co. 14 Tung Cheong Building,

Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld..................

Assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co. Assistant, H.K. & Whampoa Dock Co.,


Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank Clerk, Chartered Bank of India,

Australia & China

Reception Clerk, H.K. Hotel Sergeant of Police, H.K. & Whampoa

Dock Co., Ld...................

Assistant, Union Insurance Society

of Canton, Ld.

Shipbuilder, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., Ld.

Manager, S. J. David & Co. Merchant....

Clerk, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co. Assistant, John D. Hutchison & Co.

Proprietor, T. A. Martin & Co. Shift Engineer, China Light &

Power Co., Ld.

Engineer, H. K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., Ld.

Electrical Engineer, China Light &

Power Co., Ld.

Foreman, Vibro Piling Co., Ld.

Manager, Optorg Company (Malaya), Ld. Banker, H.K. & Shanghai Bank

Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co.,

(S.C.) La.

Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld. Clerk, Utoomal & Assudamal Co.

Clerk, American Express Co., Inc. Assistant, H.K. & Kowloon Wharf &

Godown Co., Ld.

Engineer, H.K. Electric Co., Ld. Partner, A. Dransfield & Co. Assistant Wharf Manager, Holt's


Clerk, Taikoo Dockyard & Engineering

Co. of H.K., L‹l.

Clerk, Lowe, Bingham & Maththews Engineer, Dairy Farm, Ice & Cold

Storage Co., Ld........


9 Leighton Hill Road.

8 Lau Sin Street.

On premises.

306 Nathan Road, Kowloon.

11 Soares Avenue, Homuntin. On premises.

On premises.

On premises.

On premises.

Knutsford Hotel.

4 Hillwood Road, Kowloon. 36 Humphreys Building, Kowloon. 212 Sai Yeung Choi Street,


377 The Peak.

96 Waterloo Road, Kowloon.

On premises.

474 Nathan Road, Kowloon.

161 Sai Yee Street, 2nd floor,


196 Prince Edward Rd., Kowloon. 7th floor, H.K. & Shanghai Bank


Taikok tsui.

38 Wyndham Street, 1st floor. 171 Fa Yuen Street, 3rd floor,


3 Stuart Road.

5A & 7 Ashley Road, Kowloon. 21 Shouson Hill.

20 King Kwong Street.

Windsor Lodge, Austin Avenue,


Quarry Bay.

7 Cameron Road, Kowloon.

Lamma View, Pokfulam.






McIntyre, Kenneth

McKay, Alexander Smith...

McKay, Hugh Stewart

McKee, Elliott Roscoe McKellar, Alexander....

McKelvie, John....

McKenna, John Grey McKenzie, William Louis... McKibbin, Robert

McKie, William George...

McKinna, William James... McLaren, Harold William


McMaster, William Duncan

McMullen, Temple Edward.

McNeary, Henry George


McNeill, Robert James.

*McPherson, James

Medina, Frederick John Medina, Matthew Joseph Meek, David Lawrence

Meffan, Norman Dunn

Mehal, Haq Nawaz Mehal, Wali Mahomed Melrose, William

Mendes, Antonio José

Francisco Nogueira

Mendes, Francisco Xavier

de Nogueira

Mendonça, Marciano Fran- cisco Machado de Menhinick, James


Mercado, Luis

Meredith, Alexander Charles Merritt, Francis Neville

Miao Hsiao-wei

Milenko, Boris George

Miles, William Walter....

Miller, Charles Kugler Miller, Horace Morgan

Mills, Henry William

Asst. Supt. Engineer, Butterfield &


Assistant, Whiteaway, Laidlaw &

Co., Ltd.

On premises.

Arlington Hotel.

622 Gloucester Hotel.

Electrical Engineer, H.K. Electric Co., Ld. H.E.C. Quarters, 2 Causeway Hill. Merchant, Dodwell & Co., Ld. Assistant, Mackinnon, Mackenzie &

Co., L.

Boilermaker, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., L.

Assistant, H.K. Electric Co., Ld. Secretary H. K. Telephone Co., Ld...... Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard &

Engineering Co., of H.K. Ld. Clerk, Taikoo Dockyard & Engineer-

ing Co., Ld.

Assistant, Gibb, Livingston & Co., Ld..........

Asst. Distribution Superintendent,

H. K. & China Gas Co., Ld. Assistant, II.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., Ltd.

Assistant, Canadian Pacific Steamships,


Manager, South China American

Bank Note Co.

Assistant Engineer, China Light &

Power Co., Ld.

Coppersmith, H. K. & Whampoa

Dock Co., Ld.

Clerk, Colonial Trading Co. Clerk, H.K. Tramways, Ld. Merchant, George Falconer & Co.,

(H.K.) Ld.

Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard &

Engineering Co. of H.K., Ld. Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld. Clerk, Banque de l'Indo Chine Draughtsman, Taikoo Dockyard &

Engineering Co. of H.K., Ld.

Assistant, H.K. & Whampoa Dock Co.,


Clerk, Gibb, Livingston & Co., Ld.

On premises.

On premises.

7 Causeway Hill. Peninsula Hotel.

Ou premises.

On premises.

108 Waterloo Road, Kowloon.

97 Waterloo Road, Kowloon.

On premises.

34 Kennedy Road.

Peninsula Hotel.

Flat 1, Block 1, Hok Un.

On premises.

26 Johnston Road.

6 Carnarvon Road, Kowloon.

Dina House, Duddell Street.

Quarry Bay.

446 Nathan Rd., 2nd fl., Kowloon. 446 Nathan Road, Kowloon.

Quarry Bay.

On premises.

354 Prince Edward Rd., Kowloon.

Assistant, John D. Hutchison & Co....... 17 Soares Avenue, Homuntin.

Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co.,

(S. C.) Ld.

Book-keeper, Mayo's Shoppe.....

Banker, H.K. & Shanghai Bank Manager, British American Tobacco

Co., (China) Ld.

Assistant, China & South Sea Bank, Ld. Electrician, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., Ld.

Butcher, Dairy Farm, Ice & Cold

Storage Co., Ld. Agent, Intercontinent, Corporation Wharfinger, H.K. & Kowloon Wharf &

Godown Co., Ld..

North Point Installation. 24 Sai Yeung Choi Street,


9 The Peak.

250 The Peak.

1 Caroline Hil!.

On premises.

82 Morrison Hill Road. On premises.

12A Humphreys Building, Kowloon.

Assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co... Laichikok Installation.






Mills, Norman

Mills, William James. Milne, George

Min Chow

Minderhoud, Willem

Ming Liang-chang..... Ming Sin-kwei Minhinnett, John


Minoot. Alfred

Minshall, Sydney Whinston

Minu, Abdul Karim Minu, Abdul Rahim.. Mitchell, James George

Mitchell, Kenneth

Min Hung-kwan Miu Yu-lam

Mo Kung-ting

Mody, Felix Hurley

Moeller, Kyril Aero

Mohammed, Abdul Gunni.....|

Moir, Archibald Black

Moiseyev, Andre


Mok Ching-um Mok, Henry

Mok Hing-cheong Mok Hing-fun Mok Hing-buen Mok Hing-kong Mok Kam-chan. Mok Kim-kwong Mok Man-wal Mok Man-yu

Mok Man-yue...

Mok Shui-che.. Mok Sze-hei

Mok Ting-fang

Mok Wei-leung *Mok, William..

Mok Ying-ku Mok Ying-kwai Mok Yu-yan

Monaghan, Thomas


Montalto, Diniz Alecto

* Montalto, Joseph Edward...

Monteiro, Francisco

Xavier Moodie, James

Caretaker, Asiatic Petroleum Co.,

(S.C.) Ld.

Assistant Manager, Peninsula Hotel.. Assistant Secretary, Dairy Farm, Içe &

Cold Storage Co., Ld.

Accountant, Universal Pictures

Corporation of China Accountant, Nederlandsche Handel-

Maatschappij, N. V.

Manager, E Sun Trading Co....... Juur. Engineer, Reiss, Bradley & Co. Ld.

Inspector, Hong Kong & Yaumati

Ferry Co., Ld.

Accountant, Otis Elevator Co. Sworn Measurer, Sworn Measurers'


Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld. Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld... Foreman, Taikoo Sugar Refining Co.,


Assistant Manager, Hong Kong


Manager, Wing Fat Hong

Assistant, Grand Dispensary, Ld. Assistant, China Factors Exchange Broker

On premises. On premises.

Alandale, Pokfulam.

289 Hennessy Road.

On premises.

2 Prospect Place.

13 Hillwood Road, 2nd fl., Kowloon.

Jubilee Pier.

132 Argyle Street, 2nd fl., Kowloon

On premises.

314-6 Hennessy Road, 3rd floor. 314-316 Hennessy Road.

10 Braemar Terrace, Quarry Bay.

On premises.

748 Nathan Road, 1st floor, K'loon. 166 Hennessy Road, Top floor. 12 Prince's Terrace, Ground floor. 27 Pokfulam Road, 2nd floor.

Mechanic, Consolidated Trading Co., Ld.] 5 Hankow Road, 3rd floor, Kowloon.

Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld.

Assistant Manager, Taikoo Dock-

19 Fung Fai Terrace, Ground floor,


yard & Engineering Co. of H.K., Ld.. Quarry Bay.

Hairdresser, Andre's Beauty


Compradore, Holt's Wharf Typist, Jardine, Matheson & Co.,


Assistant, Butterfield & Swire Clerk, Sworn Measurers' Office Accountant, C. A. L. Rickett Assistant, Butterfield & Swire Clerk, Butterfield & Swire

Assistant Compradore, Holt's Wharf.. Assistant, The Sun Co.. Ld.

Clerk, Orient Paint Colour & Varnish

Co., Ld.

Clerk, Butterfield & Swire

Assistant, Marsman H.K. China, Ld.......... Clerk, National Carbon Co., Fed.,

Inc., U.S.A.

Broker, L. Dunbar & Co.

Clerk, Colonial Motors

Manager, The Red Lion Inn.

Broker, C. A. L. Rickett

28 Carnarvon Road, Kowloon. 33 Maple Street, Shamsuipo.

129 Sai Yee St., Shamsuipo. On premises.

On premises.

167 Lockhart Road, Top floor.

On premises.

On premises.

578 Nathan Road, Kowloon. 10 Ying Fai Terrace.

115 Chum Yung Street, North Point. On premises.

45 Waterloo Road, Kowloon.

97 Yu Chan Street, Kowloon.

34 King Kwong Street, Happy


113 Chung Yang Street.

26 Village Road.

22 Yuk San Street, Ground floor.

General Manager, The Chuen Yee Hong. On premises. Clerk, Butterfield & Swire .

Catering Supt., Canadian Pacific S.S., Ld. Clerk, American President Lines Ld. Assistant, Andersen, Meyer & Co.,


On premises.

54 The Peak.

74 Waterloo Road, Kowloon.

74 Waterloo Road, Kowloon.

Factory Manager, Q. B. Piggeries, Ld.. 22 Jordan Road, Kowloon. Assistant to Manager, H.K. & Kowloon

Wharf & Godown Co., Ld.

108 Waterloo Road, Kowloon.






Moon, Franklyn Worster

Moore, Deunis Riddell


Meore, Michael Moses

Moorjam, Lachmandas


Moorjani, Govindram


* Moors, Henry Leonard

Moosa, Sheik Moosabhoy, Abdulhusain


Moraes, John Sousa de... Morales, Luiz Gonzaga...... Morphew, Percy

Lawrence Morris, Walter James

Morrison, Peter

Morrison, Robert

Morrison, Robert

Morse, Arthur

Morton, Howard Peter

Mose, Carlo

Motta, Antonio José da...... Mouat, James Lawrence Mow Fung, Frederick

Charles Muenger, Arthur

Mullen, Johan Jacob von...

Mui Chak Sang.

Mui Ho-chong

Muller, Otto

Munro, Donald

Munro, Kenneth Andrew Munze, Albert

Murphy, Edward Owen.....

Murphy, John

Murray, Alexander

Dalrymple Stewart ..

Murray, Ian Norman

Murray, Robert

Musker, Leslie

Murto, John Savri

Assistant, Mackinnon, Mackenzie &

Co., Ltd.

Banker, H.K, & Shanghai Bank Engineer, Imperial Airways, (Far

East) Ld......

On premises.

353 The Peak.

On premises.

Salesman, Hassaram Gianchand...... On premises.

Salesman, Britannia Silk Store....... Engineer, H.K. & Whampoa Dock Co.,


Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld.........................

Accountant, N. Mohamedally. Architect, J. S. Moraes Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld.

Manager, Getz Bros & Co...... Overseer, H.K. Land Investment &

Agency Co., Ld................

Mercantile Assistant, Jardine, Matheson

& Co., Lử.

Assistant Supt. Eng., Holts Wharf Boilermaker, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., Lủ.

Banker, H.K. & Shanghai Bank Assistant, China Light & Power Co.,


Assistant, Lloyd Triestino

Assistant C.M. Karangia & Co....... Assistant, Thomas, Cook & Son, Ld.


Chef, Gloucester Hotel Accountant, Netherlands Trading


Assistant, U. Spalinger & Co. S.A. Secretary, Parkson & Co. Staff, Chase Bank

Draughtsman, Taikoo Dockyard &

Engineering Co. of H.K. Ld. Assistant, Gilman & Co., Ld.. Assistant, Anderson & Ashe Accountant, H.K. & Shanghai Hotels,


Wharfinger, H.K. Yaumati Ferry Co.,


Manager, Imperial Airways (Far

East), La.

Deputy Manager, China Light & Power

Co., Lủ.

Assistant, Williamson & Co.

Engineer, Taikoo Sugar Refining Co, Ld. Manager, Malayan Motors

8 Ying Fai Terrace.

On premises.

411 Hennessy Road, 2nd floor.

5A Dragon Terrace.

31 Kai Tak Bund.

21 Kwong Ming Street, 3rd floor.

On premises.

5 Yee Wo Street.

369 The Peak.

2 Observatory Road, Kowloon.

On premises.

On premises, 8th floor.

474 Nathan Road, Kowloon.

18 Kent Road, Kowloon Tong. 47c Robinson Road.

1 Chatham Path, Kowloon.

313 Prince Edward Road, 1st floor On premises.

On premises.

560 Nathan Road, 3rd fl., Kowloon. 238 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon, Queen's Building Flat,

The Tower.

On premises.

Un premises.

51 Fuk Wing Street.

18 Kennedy Terrace.

On premises.

On premises.

6 Rutland Quadrant, Kowloon Tong. H.K Hotel.

14 Braemar Terrace, Quarry Bay. 100 Gloucester Road.


Nabi, Michael Sydney

Naef, Walter

Assistant Accountant, H.K. Dairy

Supply Co., Ld. Agent, Ciba, (China) Ld.

20 Tung Hing Road.

Walvik Cottage, Ngau Chi Wan,

Kowloon City.






Naess, Birgir

Nam Sen-soo

Napoloff, Alexis... Nazarin, Razee Neckelman, Kay Aage

Needla, Victor Vander

Neill, Francis John

Nelson, Douglas Berkeley. Nelson, Kenneth Berkeley. Nemazee, Mohamed Nesteroff, Michael

Neumans, Rene Neves, Antonio Carlos Neves, Cyril Joseph

Neves, George Alberto Neves, João Maria dos

Neves, Martin Vicente de


Neves, Virgilio Antonio

Newbigging, David Locke Newhouse, Geoffrey

Newlin, Joseph Elwood......

Neyle, Victor John

Ng Chan-kwan

Ng Chan-wah.

Ng Cheung-fai

Ng Chung-chew. Ng Chi-ching * Ng Chi-mann

Ng Chiark-ting

Ng Ching-kong

Ng Frank. Ng Gam-hong Ng Hang-on Ng, Harvey

Ng Hock-ming Ng Hon-ping Ng Hon-ying

Ng Hong-hiin.. Ng Kam-chuen

Ng Kam-man

Ng Kam-shau

Ng Kang-ching Ng Kui-to Ng Leslie Ng Mann

Ng Pak-king

Clerk, Karsten, Larssen & Co.,

(H. K.) Ld.. Assistant, Shewan, Tomes & Co. ....

Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld. Accountant, Harry Wicking & Co. General Manager, Northern Feather

Works, Ld.

Representative, Confederation Life


Assistant Engineer, Green Island

Cement Co., Ld....... Clerk, Jardine Matheson & Co., Ld. - Clerk, Lowe, Bingham & Matthews Merchant, H. M. H. Nemazee Boiler House Engineer, China Light &

Power Co., Ld.

Sub-Manager, Optorg Co., (Malaya) Ld. Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank Butcher, Dairy Farm, Ice & Cold

Storage Co., Ld.

Overseer, H.K Electric Co., Ld. Clerk, Chartered Bank of India,

Australia & China...

Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., L'I. Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld.

Merchant, Jardine, Matheson & Co,, Ld. Engineer, H.K. & Whampoa Dock Co.,


Assistant Passenger Agent, American

President Lines, Ld.

Chief Engineer Instructor, Far East

Flying Training School, Ld... Chief Clerk, H.K. Telephone Co., Ld. Salesman, Texas Co. (China), Ld.. Representative of S.C. Moet Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld.. Merchant, Kwong Tat & Co. Clerk, Nestle & Anglo-Swiss Condensed

Milk Co.

Clerk, Y.M.C.A.

Assistant, South British Insurance Co.


Assistant, Swan, Culbertson & Fritz.. Assistant, Parlani Shipping Co..... Assistant, Shewan, Tomes & Co. Sales Agent, National Cash

Register Co.

Clerk, J. Ruttonjee & Son Salesman, Bata Shoe Co., Ld, Cashier, Marcel Cafe Assistant, Chase Bank

Clerk, United Publicity & Advertising.

Co., Ld.

Clerk, Chau Yue Teng

Assistant, Union Insurance Society

of Canton, Ld.

Assistant, Shewan, Tomes & Co. Clerk, Local Printing Press, Ld. Clerk, G. Ramchand

Managing Director, Far East Shipping

Co., Ld.

Assistant, South British Insurance Co.,


142 Argyle Street, Mongkok tsui. 76 Un Chau Street, 3rd floor,


On premises.

453 Lockhart Road.

11 Peak Mansions.

9 St. John's Apartments.

12 Carnarvon Road, Kowloon. 34 Humphreys Building, Kowloon. 34 Humphreys Building, Kowloon, 12 Peak Road.

184A Nathan Road, Kowloon. 3 Minden Avenue, Kowloon. 8 Glenealy.

14 Seymour Terrace.

16 South Lane, Top floor.

14 Jordan Road, Kowloon.

25 Lock Road, Kowloon, 58 Southwall Road, 2nd floor,


351 The Peak.

On premises.

162 Argyle Street, Mongkok tsui.

177 Boundary Road, Kowloon. Telephone Building, Kowloon. 428 Lockhart Road. 10 Babington Path. On premises.

1 Leong Fei Terrace, 2nd floor.

7 To Li Terrace, Kennedy Town. 42 Wai Ching Street, Kowloon.

On premises.

43 Cochrane Street.

106 Sai Kung Road, Kowloon City. 3 Old Bailey Street, 1st floor.

161 Laichikok Rond.

355 Laichikok Road, 1st floor. 414 Hennessy Road, 3rd floor.

29 Johnston Road.

17 Landale Street.

450 Hennessy Road.

7 To Lee Terrace.

On premises.

44 Russell Street.

3 Playingfield Road, Shamshaipo. 30 Fook Wing Street, 1st floor.

84 Morrison Hill Road.

On premises.






Ng Pun

Ng Shin-ying Ng Siu-cheong Ng Sui-cheong Ng Sze-yuk

Ng Tat-ming

Ng To-chia

Ng Tse-tat Ng Wa-man Ng Wai-keung Ng Wai-yen Ng Way-shew

Ng Wing-hong Ng Wing-hong Ng Yan-kee

Ng Yip-shing Ng Yuk-shang Ngan Fook

Ngan Hsuen-liao Nickson, Derek Nieh Tse-chung

Nielsen, Hans Egede Nimmo, James

Ning, William

Nisbet, George

Nish, Hugh....

Nodes, William Oliver Noronha, Anthony Francis

Noronha, Augusto Antonio.

Noronha, Eduardo Antonio. Noronha, Guilherme


Assistant, Ynen Wing Foundry. Clerk, China Insurance Co., Ld.. Compradore, Optorg Co., (Malaya) Ld.... Clerk, Java-China-Japan Lijn, N.V...... House Manager, Chi Min Entertainment


Clerk, Texas Co., (China) Ld. Assistant, Chase Bank

2 Yeung Tsung Street, Laichikok. 14 To Li Terrace, Ground floor. 18 Yick Yam Street. 39 Robinsou Road.

1 Mosque Street.

50 Jordan Road, 1st floor, Kowloon. 85 Lockhart Road, 1st floor.

Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld. On premises. Clerk, Eastman Kodak Co.

Assistant, China Underwriters, Ld... Clerk, American Express Co., Inc. Clerk, Oversea Chinese Banking

Corporation, Ld.

Assistant, A. S. Watson & Co., Ld. Manager, U. S. Treasury Department. Clerk, U. Spalinger & Co., S.Á.

Clerk, Insurance Co. of N. America Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld. Assistant, Union Insurance Society

of Canton, Ld.

Engineer, Babcock & Wilcox, Ld............. Sub-Manager, Hong Kong Hotel Sub-Manager, Tai Ping Insurance

Co., L.

Agent, The East Asiatic Co., Ld. Dockmaster, Taikoo Dockyard &

Engineering Co. of H.K. Ld. Sub-Accountant, S. E. Levy & Co. Clerk, Taikoo Dockyard & Engineering

Co. of H.K., Ll.

Sworn Measurer, Sworn Measurers'


Undertaker, Brown, Jones & Co. Assistant, Credit Foncier d'Extreme


Assistant, H.K. Canton & Macao

Steamboat Co, Ld.

Clerk, Green Island Cement Co., Ld......

Clerk, China Light & Power Co.,


Noronha, Henrique Antonio. Clerk, National City Bank of New

Noronha, José Eduardo...... Noronha, Ricardo Luiz


Norrie, Robert Brown


Norton, Francis Ambrose ...

Nother, Herman Fritz Otto. Novikov, Valentine Nunes, Carlos Francisco.. Nunes, Melchiades Tiago ...


Broker, L. Dunbar & Co.

Foreman, H.K. Engineering &

Construction Co., Ld......

Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard & Engineering Co., Ld. Head Tea Inspector, Jardine, Matheson

& Co., Ld.

Manager, Maison F. Mathieu S.A. Salesman, Gilman & Co., Ld................. Clerk, H. K. Electric Co., Ld. Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld.

7 To Li Terrace, Kennedy Town, 39 Bonham Road.

35 Shin On Street, Sai Wan Ho.

65 Gloucester Road. 165 Electric Road.

2 Wai Ching Street, Yaumati. 141 Lai Chi Kok Road, 1st floor,


388 Lockhart Road, 1st floor. On premises.

On premises.

90 Tung Lo Wan Road, 2nd floor. On premises.

7 Hankow Road, Kowloon.

5 Abermor Court, May Road.

On premises.

17 Wing Hing Street, 3rd floor.

On premises.

On premises.

On premises.

27 Ashley Road, Kowloon.

49 Kimberley Road, Kowloon. 49 Kimberley Road, Kowloon.

49 Kimberley Road, Kowloon.

93 Wongueichong Road.

5 Victory Avenue, Homuntin.

311 Nathan Road, 1st fl., Kowloon.

On premises.

354 The Peak.

345 Prince Edward Road. Kowloon. 35 Cumberland Road, Kowloon Tong. 2 Granville Road, Kowloon. 572 Nathan Road, Kowloon.

Offenberg, Adrianus


Offersen, Carl.....

Assistant Manager, Java-China-Japan

Lijn, N.V. Merchant, Jebsen & Co

2 Chatham Road, Kowloon. Respulse Bay Hotel.






Ogley, Wilfred Clarence Ogura, Hirokatu... Ohl, Rene

O'Hoy, Sheow Len

O'Hoy, Suey Len

Okada, Yasoji..... O'Kieffe, Donald

Olaes, Edward Cornelius

Oliveira, Eduardo d'

Oliveira, Marcus Antonio... Oliveira, Victor Henrique... Oliver, Gaston Henry

Olofinsky, Vsevolod.

Olsen, Alexander

Omar, Kassim Mahomed

Omar, Osman Mohammed... Omar, Rumjahn Mahomed... Omar, Usuff Mohomed Ong Choo-kim

Ong Tiang-jin

Ongstad, Lars...

Onnes, Michiel

Orchard, William Edwin Orlowitz, Willy Orr, William

Osborne, Alfred Richard

Osborne, Patrick William ...

Osmund, Alberto José Osmund, Alvaro Eugenio Osmund, Carlos Frederico... Osmund, Luiz Augusto................

O'Sullivan, John.....

Oswald, William Robert

Ott, Emile

Ouyang Bei-kuei

Ouyang Ming-kei

Overy, Hubert


Owens, Reginald Wilson Owens, Robert Andrew.....

Owens, William Waugh

Ozorio, Antonio de Padua... Ozorio, Edmundo Arthur

Ozorio, Fausto Maria....................

Ozorio, Gussy Maria Ozorio, José de Graça

Assistant, Lane, Crawford, Ld. Journalist, Far East Digest

Manager, Cie des Messageries Maritimes Assistant Compradore, American

President Lines L. Compradore, American President Lines


Manager, Tsurutani & Co., Ld. Banker, Chase Bank

Clerk, Jardine Engineering Corporation,


Clerk, Arnhold Trading Co., Ld.

Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank Manager, J. H. Oliveira & Son Assistant, Insurance Co. of North


Maitre d'Hotel, H.K. & Shanghai

Hotels, Ld.

Clerk, Lowe, Bingham & Matthews.....

Clerk, H.K, Electric Co., Ld.

Private Secretary, China Coast Traders. Assistant, Ellis & Edgar....

Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Hotels, Ld. Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.)


Assistant, Metro Goldwyn Mayer of


Assistant, Thoresen & Co., Ld. Manager, Paper Co., Ld. Assistant, H.K. Electric Co., Ld. Representative, 8 Des Voeux Road. Assistant, Dodwell & Co., Ld. Timekeeper, Taikoo Dockyard &

Engineering Co. of H.K., Ld. Attendant, Central Showroom, H.K. &

China Gas Co., Ld.

Assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co....... Accountant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.... Assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co....... Assistant, Union Insurance Society of

Canton, Ld........

Assistant, Dairy Farm, Ice & Cold

Storage Co., Ld............. Draughtsman, Taikoo Dockyard &

Engineering Co. of H.K., Ld.

Merchant, Groupe Chine....

Clerk, China Vegetable Oil Corporation Assistant, China National Aviation


Manager, Wm. Powell, Ld. Representative, Parke, Davis & Co. Electrical Engineer, H. K. Electric

Co., Ld.

Charge Engineer, China Light & Power

Co., L

Clerk, Texas Co., (China) Ld. Clerk, Chartered Bank of India

Australia & China

Assistant Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co.,

(S.C.) Ld.

Clerk, H.K. Tramways, Ld.

Assistant, H.K. & Whampoa Dock Co.,


381 Nathan Road, Kowloon. 7A Bowen Road.

39 Conduit Road.

2 Ching Fung Street, 2nd floor.

8 Tin Hou Temple Road, 3rd floor,

Causeway Bay.

17 Kennedy Road. 26 Conduit Road.

21 Mosque Junction.

6 Granville Road, 1st floor,


7 Torres Building, Kowloon. 30 Hillwood Road, Kowloon.

Camille Apartments, Kowloon Tong.

On premises.

216 Nathan Road, 2nd floor,


355 Hennessy Road, 2nd floor,


3 Hysan Avenue, Top floor. 376 Lockhart Road, 2nd floor. 207 Wanchai Road, Ground floor.

On premises.

14 Bonham Road, Ground floor, 21 Humphreys Building, Kowloon. 3 Kadoorie Avenue, Kowloon. Courtland Hotel.

12 Kennedy Terrace. 10 Abermor Court, May Road.

Quarry Bay.

13 Stafford Road, Kowloon Tong. 6 Jordan Road, Kowloon. 9 Peace Avenue, Homuntin. 10 Tung Cheong Building, Kowloon.

On premises.

12 Seymour Terrace.

Quarry Bay.

On premises.

26 Morrison Hill Road, 1st floor.

96 Wellington Road, 1st floor. 3 Minden Avenue, Kowloon. Gloucester Hotel.

H. E. C. Quarters, 5 Causeway Hill.

169 Boundary Street, Kowloon. 236 Tung Choi Street, 1st floor.

81 Parkes St., Kowloon.

On premises.

10 Tung Cheong Building, Kowloon.

On premises.






Ozorio, Leopoldo Augusto... Clerk, Nederlandsch Indische

Handelsbank, N.V.

Ozorio, Manuel Heliodoro Accountant, H. K. & Whampoa

Ozorio, Stephen



Dock Co., Ld.

File Clerk, Texas Co. (China) Ld.

St. Joseph's Building, Block A,

1st floor.

On premises.

236 Tung Choi St., Mongkoktsui.

Pak Sing-kwok

Palmer, Alfred James

Palmer, Walter Ronald


Pan Dze

Pan Quin, Willie Pan Sha-feng.

Pang Dick-noe

Pang Kok-sui..

Pang Pun-sang

Pang, Raymond Valentine... Pang Shiu-kwong

Pang Siu-ho.

Pang Wai-kam

Pang Yuk-chuen

Pao Hwa-chu.......

Park, George McKechnie...

Park, William

Parker, Robert Geoffrey Parks, Philip Barron.....

Parlani, Federico * Pasco, Boris

Passos, Eduardo


Paterson, George Wright

Paterson, Thomas Garner Pattara, Sotirios Pantazi

Pattinson, Frederick


Fau Man-lok

Pau Wen-chow

Paul, Alfred Frank...

Pavri, Jamshed Khurshedjee Pavri, Nari Manecksha Pavri, Pheroz Kawasji Pavri, Rustom Khurshedji

Pawley, Edward.............

Sub-Accountant, Bank of Canton, Ld. ... 9 To Li Terrace, 1st floor. Assistant, Union Insurance Society

of Canton, Ld.

Mercantile Assistant, Jardine, Matheson

& Co. Lủ.

Clerk, China Insurance Co., Ld........... Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld.. Clerk, Imperial Chemical Industries

(China), Ld.

Draughtsman, Davies, Brook & Gran. Ship Broker, George Grimble & Co. Assistant, South British Insurance Co.,


Clerk, Reiss, Bradley & Co., Ld. Assistant Manager, H.M. Hodges. Assistant, New Asiatic Chemical Works,


Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld. Assistant, Union Insurance Society

of Canton, Ld. Engineer, Chan Hwa & Co. Chief Engineer, Asiatic Petroleum Co.,

(S.C.) Ld

Sub-Accountant, Chartered Bank of

India, Australia & China Architect, Leigh & Orange.. Metallurgist, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., Ld.

Merchant, Parlani Shipping Co...... Bookseller, Harris Book Shop

Assistant, Nederlandsche Handel.

Maatschappij, N. V. Clerk, Taikoo Dockyard & Engineer-

ing Co., Ld.

Consulting Engineer, Anderson & Ashe. Assistant Cafe Manager, Lane, Craw-

ford, Ld...............

Assist. Manager, Taikoo Dockyard and

Engineering Co. of H.K., Ld. Clerk, Lane, Crawford, Ld. Engineer Salesman, Jardine Engineering

Corporation, Ld...

Electrical Engineer, H.K. Electric Co.,


Merchant, K. S. Pavri & Sons Merchant, K. S. Pavri & Sons K. S. Pavri & Sons

Merchant, K. S. Pavri & Sons Vice-President, Intercontinent Corpora-


Pawley, William Douglas... President, Intercontinent Corporation

Peacock, Serge

Confectioner, Lane, Crawford, Ld.....

On premises.

36 Granville Road, Kowloon.

4 Ning Yeung Terrace, 3rd floor. On premises.

On premises. On premises.

13 Man Chung Fong Terrace.

On premises.

57 Lee Garden Street, Top floor. 11 Canal Road West.

95 Jervois Street,' 3rd floor. On premises.

On premises.

491 King's Road.

On premises.

7 Tregunter Mansions. On premises.

Ou premises. Arlington Hotel.

1 East Point Terrace, Causeway


On premises.

On premises. 196 The Peak.

6в Hankow Road, Kowloon.

Quarry Bay.

2 Ladder Terrace.

46 Taipo Road, Kowloon.

H.E.C. Quarters, 1 Causeway Hill. On premises.

On premises.

32 Wyndham Street.

32 Wyndham Street.

On premises.

On premises.

57 Wongneichong Road.






Peake, Augustus, William... Sales Manager, Jardine, Matheson &

Pearne, George Henry


Pearne, John Reginald


Pearson, Alfred Edward......

Pearson John,


Pearson, Roy Ross...... Pecorini, David Louis Pedersen, Kai Westergaard

Pei Min-shen Pei Yu-ching

Pemble, Harold Victor......

Pendergast, William John...

Penn, Yuek Wing

Peoples, David

Pepperman, Lewis Edward

Pereira, Alfredo Augusto....

Pereira, Carlos Eduardo


Co., L

Manager, Victoria Radio Shoppe

Manager, Victoria Radio Shoppe

Draughtsman, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., Lử.

Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co.,

(S. C.) Ld.

Assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co... Merchant, Dodwell & Co., Ld. Assistant, Jebsen & Co.

Merchant, Great Hardware Co. Sub-Manager, Kwangtung Provincial


Office Gunner, Mackinnon, Mackenzie

& Co.

Boatswain, Taikoo Dockyard &

Engineering Co., of H.K., Ld.. Assistant, Canadian Pacific Steam-

ships, Ld.

Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard & Engineer-

ing Co. of H. K., La Ld District Manager, United Artists


Clerk, Nederlandsch-Indische Handels-

bank N.V.

Clerk, National City Bank of New York. Pereira, Carlos José Maria... Assistant, Caldbeck, MacGregor & Co.,

Pereira, Cornelio Charles ...

Pereira, Fernando Pedro Pereira, João Patricio Pereira, João Victor

Pereira, Joseph Anthony Pereira, Thomas Maria

Peres, Luiz Antonio

Perry, Samuel William


Pestonji, Rustom Peters, Franklin Allen Peters, William Henry

Petersen, Henry Petersen, James Petersen, Valdemar

Ienes Godfrey

Petherick, Vivian

Petit, Marc

Petrequin, Gaston

Petrov, Victor Porfiry

Pfister, Charles

Phillip, James Sherwood


Assistant Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co.,

(S.C.) Ld.

Clerk, American President Lines, Ld. Assistant, Shewan, Tomes & Co. Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.)


Clerk, Mercantile Bank of India, Ld................ Clerk, National City Bank of New York

Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld.

Banker, H.K. & Shanghai Bank Share Broker, Benjamin & Potts Accountant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co... Secretary to Oriental Manager, Canadian

Pacific S.S., Ld..


Assistant, Palace Hotel

Manager, Insurance Co. of N.


Wharfinger, H.K. & Kowloon Wharf

& Godown Co., Ld. Sub-Manager, Cie des Messageries


Manager, Optorg Co., (Malaya) Ld. Partner, Petropo Trading Co.... Pastry Chef, Peninsula Hotel Assistant Engineer, China Construction

Co., Lư.

Courtland Hotel.

13 Caine Road.

106 Waterloo Road, Ground floor,


On premises.

On premises.

5 Aigburth Hall, May Road. 31 Bay View, Causeway Bay. 4B King's Park Mansions, 23 Austin Avenue, Kowloon. 29 Hankow Road, Kowloon.

66 Marble Road, Top floor.

On premises.

On premises.

30 Yat Tock Road.

Quarry Bay.

166 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon.

3 St. Joseph's Terrace.

8 Tung Cheong Building, K'loou.

2 Rednaxella Terrace.

On premises.

26 Carnarvon Road, Kowloon. 18 Robinson Road.

On premises.

3 Carnarvon Road, Kowloon. 3 Saifee Terrace, Nathan Road, Ground floor, Kowloon.

165 Sai Yeung Choi Street,


10 The Peak.

8 Humphreys Building, Kowloon. Gloucester Hotel.

358 Prince Edward Rd., Kowloon. Royal Court Hotel. On premises.

Repulse Bay Hotel.

5 Humphreys Building, Kowloon.

128 Kennedy Road.

47 Kadoorie Avenue, Kowloon. 23 Cameron Road, Kowloon. On premises.

129 Parkes Street, 2nd floor,









Phillips, Hubert Francis

Phillips, Reginald Philip Phoon Chan-hoi..................... Phoon, George Ming-


Phoon, Hyim

Phoon To-hang


Pidcock, Frank Raymond... Piercy, George Harold ....

Pib Hao-ching

Banker, H.K. & Shanghai Bank,


Manager, Gande, Price & Co., Ld............. Clerk, Insurance Co. of North America...

Principal, School of Accountantcy &


Chinese Manager, Insurance Co. of

North America

Clerk, Thomas Le C. Kuen & Co.

Accountant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.... Mercantile Assistant, Jardine, Matheson

& Co., Ld.

Manager, Hoo Cheong & Co.

Ping Chung Poon, Henry... Clerk, H.K. Jockey Club Stables Ping Jen-cheu

Pinna, Alberto Ruy de

Pinna, Carlos Luis Petronilo

Pinna, Henrique Roldão de Pinna, José Mathias

Pinna, Luiz Gonzaga


Manager, Tai Shan Insurance Co., Ld. Clerk, China Light & Power Co., Ld. Clerk, Chartered Bank of India,

Australia & China

Secretary, Far East Aviation Co., Ld. Clerk, Chartered Bank of India,

Australia & China

Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co.,

(S. C.) Ld.

Pinna, Mario Francisco de... Accountant, H.K. Brewery & Distillery,

Pinto, Francisco Xavier

Pinto, João Vicente

Mariano Paulo

Pirenne, Maurice

Piry, George

Pissareusky, Gregory


Plummer, George Arthur


Po Lee-ping

Po On-wong

Po Shing-leung, James...... Poa Wen-pei Pogodin, Peter Eugene...

Poi Eng-poh Pok Shui-ming

Pokrovsky, Sergei

Nikolaevich Poliak, Alexander

Pollock, Samuel James.....

Pomeroy, Henry William ... Pong Bing-cheung....

Pong Chiu-chun

Pong King-cheong.

Poon Cho-fan Poon, Colin................

Poon Fook-ming


13 Observatory Road, Kowloon. 13A Hillwood Road, Kowloon. 156 Cheungshawan Road.

1 Middle Road, Kowloon.

156 Cheungshawan Road.

219 Cheung Sha Wan Road, 2nd

floor, Kowloon.

102 Waterloo Road, Kowloon.

29 The Peak.

20 Village Road, 1st floor.

31 King Kwong Street.

77 Fuk Wa Street, 2nd floor. 25 Kimberley Rd., 3rd fl., Kowloon.

29 Jordan Road, Kowloon. 27 Kimberley Road, Kowloon.

375 Nathan Rd., Top fl., Kowloon.

On premises.

72 Waterloo Rd., 1st fl., Kowloon.

Clerk, General Electric Co. of China Ld. 3A Ashley Road, Top floor, Kowloon.


Clerk, Mercantile Bank of India, Ld. Manager, Banque Belge pour l'Etranger. Assistant Store-keeper, Far East

Oxygen & Acetylene Co., L.

Representative, Dodge & Seymour

(China), Ld.

Assistant, Union Insurance Society

of Canton, Ld.

Accountant, China Can Co., Ld. Accountant, T. O. Wong & Co., Ld.

Clerk, Babcock & Wilcox Clerk, International Transportation Co. Underwriter, Manufacturers Life

Insurance Co.

Service Manager, Gilman & Co., Ld.............. Draftsman, China Light & Power

Co., Ld.

Clerk of Works, Concrete Products, Ld.. Electrical Engineer, China Engineers.


Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard &

Engineering Co. of H.K., Ld. Accountant, Far East Motors... Assistant, Union Insurance Society

of Canton, Ld.

Banker, National Commercial &

Savings Bank, Ld.

Kowloon Showroom Attendant, H.K. &

China Gas Co., Ld.

Assistant, Eastern Trading Co. Assistant Compradore, Ed. A. Keller &

Co., Ld.

Clerk, Taikoo Dockyard & Engineering

Co., of H.K. Ld............

3A Ashley Road, Kowloon. Gloucester Hotel.

348 Ma Tau Wei Rd., Ground fl.

37 Dina House, Duddell Street.

On premises. On premises.

Rhenish Mission Church,

Bonham Road.

21 Fung Fai Terrace, Ground floor. 5 Glenealy Street, Ground floor.

134 Argyle Street, Mongkoktsui. 12 Fort Street, 1st floor.

22 Baker Street, 1st floor.

10в Hankow Road, Kowloon.

On premises.

On premises.

79 Wongueichong Road.

On premises.

On premises.

475 Nathan Road, 1st fl., Kowloon. 8 Stafford Road, Kowloon Tong.

117 Leighton Hill Road.

On premises.






Poon, John

Poon Kai-yue

Poon Kei-yeung

*Poon Kwan-wui......

Poon Kwong-ho Poon Sai-fong Poon Shing-wing Poon Shou-shing Poon Wing-fook

Poonawalla Badar Potouloff, Sviatoslav


Potter, Alan Stanley Potts, Jack Yuan Hutton

Power, John Charles.. Pragnell, Charles Frederick

Prata, Fernando Augusto

Prata, Frederico............

* Prata, Mario Americo Prentice, Joseph................... Price, Eliezer Richard

Price, Eric Guard Provan, James Doig

Pun Chuck-hang Pun Chung-mok Pun Kwong-kuen

Pun Kwong-pui Pun Kwong-yin

Pun Shek-chun Pun Tat-ming Pun Yau-hung Pun Yun-hoi

Contractor, Shiu Tai & Co. Assistant, Oriental American Agencies... Assistant, H.K. Land Investment &

Agency Co., Ld......

Clerk, Paramount Films of China

Inc. H. K.

Clerk, Banque de L'Indo Chine Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld. Clerk, Sincere & Co., Ld.

Clerk, Thomas Le C. Kuen & Co...... Driver-in-charge, Garage Dept.,

H. K. & Shanghai Hotels, Ld..... Assistant, Abdoolally Ebrahim & Co.

Manager, Repulse Bay "Lido" Assistant, Dodwell & Co., Ld.

Sharebroker, Benjamin & Potts. Merchant, Dodwell & Co., Ld. Representative, Confederation Life

Association (of Canada) Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank

Electrician, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., Lả.

Receiving Clerk, Peninsula Hotel

305 Jaffé Road, Top floor. 40 Staunton Street, 2nd floor.

264 Chatham Road, Kowloon.

368 Lockhart Road.

10 Castle Road, Ground floor. On premises.

11 Salisbury Avenue, Kowloon. 129 Caine Road, 3rd floor.

100 Thompson Road. Ou premises.

Repulse Bay Hotel.

2 Bisney Villas, Victoria Road,

41 St. Joan Court, Macdonnell Road. 27 Kimberley Road, Kowloon.

31 Taipo Road, 1st floor, Kowloon. 2 Lochiel Terrace, Cameron Road,


On premises.

26 Cameron Road, Kowloon.

Supply Engineer, Bank Line (China) Ld. Hong Kong Club. Assistant Secretary, Chamber of


Assistant, Butterfield & Swire Engineer, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., L.

Clerk, Sworn Measurers' Office

Clerk, Imperial Airways (Far East) Ld. Sugar House Foreman, Taikoo Sugar

Refining Co., Lil....................

Clerk, Sworn Measurers' Office Clerk, Underwriters Savings Bank for

the Far East, Inc.

Assistant, Anatole Zaiteff & Co. Cashier, S. J. David & Co..... Merchant, Lee Yu Kee

Clerk, China Light & Power Co., Ld.


185 The Peak.

On premises.

On premises.

On premises.

On premises.

8 New Quarry Point.

On premises.

51 South Wall Road, 1st floor,

Kowloon City.

40 Staunton Street, 2nd floor.

8 Haven Street. Ist floor.

On premises.

115 Sai Yee Street, 2nd floor,



Quin, Alfred Elliott

Quinlan, Robert


Quinn, Alfred Maria Quon, Lyman

Merchant, C. H. Rolfe

Wharfinger, Taikoo Sugar Refining

Co.. Lả.

Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., L‹l.. Assistant, Canadian Pacific Steamships,


169 Boundary Street, Top floor,


4 New Quarry Point.

15A Granville Road, Kowloon.

333 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon.


Rachkovsky, Nicolas.........

Rafeck, Abdul Ermerun


Rafeek, Solomon

Boiler House Engineer, China Light &

Power Co., Ld.

Director, Tratman & Co., Ld............ Assistant, Tratman & Co., Ld.

Rahman, Sheik Abdul Latif Assistant Manager, Export Department

Channel Trading Co., Ld......

306 Nathan Road, Kowloon.

118 Caine Road.

118 Caine Road.

346 Lockhart Road, Top floor.






Rahumed, Abdul Kadir..... Rainey, James Arnold

Ram, Kache

Ramjahn, Jahn Mahomed


Ramos, Adolpho dos. Ramsay, Alfred William


Ramsay, Thomas Ramsey, William Lysaught.

Randall, Benjamin Cutler. Randall, Harold Victor Cross Randall, Herbert Wells...... Randle, Joseph Arthur

Bryant..... Rapley, William Lewis

Raptis, Andrew John

Rathour, Hakim Singh Rathour, Rainjit Singh Rathsam, Charles Edward...

Razack, Abdul Rahman..

Razack, Dawood Moosa

Abdool............ Razack, Ismail Moosa


Razack, Mohammed Izhaq.. Razack, Mohammed Usaf... Razack, Yusoph Abdool.. Razavet, George Raymond.

Rend, Alfred Leonard


Reason, Harry Reed, Arthur Augustus..

Reed, Francis Oswald ....

Reeves, James William......

Rehman, Slam Abdul Reicrsten, Ragnvald

Reis, José Manuel

Remedios, Alberto Maria


Remedios, Alfredo

Frederico dos ...... Remedios, Alvaro Antonio

de Souza

Remedios, Antonio


Remedios, Arthur Reginaldo

Remedios, Augusto

Antonio dos


Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld. Assistant, H. K. & Kowloon Wharf &

Godown Co., Ld. Clerk, Chase Bank

Assistant Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co.,

(S.C.) Ld.

Clerk, Lepack & Co.

Secretary, Steam Laundry Co.

Manager, Williamson & Co. Representative, Confederation Life

Association (of Canada)

Share-broker, Benjamin & Potts

336 Lockhart Road.

3 Ashley Road, 1st floor, Kowloon. 19 Ching Fung St., Ground floor.

On premises.

16 King's Road,

186 Prince Edward Road, 3rd floor,


Peninsula Hotel.

141 Waterloo Road, Kowloon.

167 Boundary Street, Kowloon.

Engineer, China Light & Power Co., Ld.| 474 Nathan Road, Kowloon. Assistant, Lane, Crawford, Ld.

Engineer H. K. Whampoa Dock Co., Ld. Assistant, Union Insurance Society of

Canton, Ld

Proprietor, British Bicycle Co. Proprietor, H. S. Rathour & Co.....

Manager, H. S. Rathour & Co. Mercantile Assistaut, John Manners &

Co., Ld.

Assistant, Union Insurance Society

of Canton, Ld.

Clerk, Gilman & Co., Ld.

Clerk, Chartered Bank of India,

Australia & China

Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld. Assistant, Gilman & Co., Ld................ Clerk, Kin Tye Lung Passenger Agent, Canadian Pacific

Steamships, Ld.

Assistant, Davie, Boag & Co., Ld. Burner, Green Island Cement Co., Ld.... Electric Engineer, China Light & Power

Co., Ld.

Assistant, H.K. Land Investment &*

Agency Co., Ld.

Meter Inspector, H.K. & China Gas

Co., Lử.

Merchant, Rehman's

Ship Assistant, Wallem. & Co.

Assistant, H. K. & Shanghai Bank.


Clerk, Alex Ross Motor Co.

Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank

Book-keeper, Ye Olde Printerie, Ld.......

Assistant, Pure Cane Molasses Co.

(H.K.), Ld....................

Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank

1 Prospect Place, Bonham Road.

On premises.

On premises.

16 Hennessy Road. On premises.

On premises.

11 Liberty Avenue, Homuntin.

On premises.

2 Fort Street, Ground floor.

2 Fort Street,

456 King's Road, 1st floor. On premises.

22 Caroline Road.

1 Chatham Path.

16 Somerset Road, Kowloon Tong. Hok Un Works, Kowloon.

8 Broadwood Road.

8 Broadwood Road.

9 Hok Sze Terrace, 1st floor. 65 Nathan Road, Kowloon. Jubilee Apartments, 7 Austin Road,


1 Gordon Terrace, Kowloon.

49A Peking Road, Kowloon.

13 Tung Cheong Building, K'loon.

41 Waterloo Road, Kowloon.

13 Knutsford Terrace, Kowloon. 34 Fort Street, 2nd floor.

Clerk, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld.. 2a Hillwood Road, Kowloon.

· 109





Remedios, Augusto Mario... Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank Remedios, Carlos Antonio

Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank


Remedios, Carlos Augusto


Remedios, Carlos Francisco


Remedios, Carlos Henrique


Remedios, Edmundo Alberto


Remedios, Eduardo Manuel


Remedios, Edward Albert


Remedios, Evaristo

Euzebio dos

Remedios. Fernando José


Remedios, Francisco Xavier


Remedios, Gustavo


Assistant, General Electric Co. of China,


Cashier, General Electric Co. of China


Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank

Accountant, Kelly & Walsh, Ld.

Assistant, H.K. & Whampoa Dock Co.,


Rec. Clerk, Repulse Bay Hotel............

Assistant, Karsten Larssen & Co.,

(H. K.) Ld.

Accountant, David Sassoon & Co., Ld.

Accountant, General Electric Co. of

China, Ld.

Clerk, Chartered Bank of India,

Australia & China

Remedios, Hector Cæsar dos. Clerk, Chartered Bank of India,

Remedios, Helder Augusto


Remedios, Hugo Marcus


Remedios, Jorge Augusto... Remedios, Jorge Maria

Ozorio dos

Australia & China .....

Assistant, Union Insurance Society of

Canton, Ld....

Assistant, James H. Backhouse, Ld....... Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank

Chief Clerk, Mercantile Bank of India,


Remedios, José Antonio dos. Assistant, Union Insurance Society of

Remedios, José Julita

Remedios, Joseph Augusto

* Remedios, Leonardo Maria.

Remedios, Leonardo Maria


Remedios, Leonel José

Remedios, Luiz Atanasio


Remedios, Luiz Antonio


Remedios, Luiz Gonzaga Remedios, Oscar Pedro dos. Revie, John

Riajansky, Asklitiogot

Ribeiro, Augelo Cecilio


Ribeiro, Antão Emmanuel...

Canton, Ld...................

Assistant Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co.,

(S.C.) Ld.

Salesman, Lane, Crawford, Ld

6 Humphreys Avenue, Kowloon.

43 Tai Street, 1st floor, Kowloon


300 Nathan Road, 2nd floor,


589 Nathan Road, Kowloon.

8 Mosque Junction.

On premises.

Ou premises.

On premises.

16 Junction Road.

29 Granville Road, Kowloon.

6 Peace Avenue, Homuntin.

13 Knutsford Terrace, Kowloon.

11 Hart Avenue, Kowloon.

On premises.

3 King's Terrace, Kowloon. 563 Nathan Road, 1st fl., Kowloon.

10 Jordan Rd., Top floor, Kowloon.

On premises.

On premises. 23 Tai Street.

Stenographer, Connell Bros. Co., Ld...... 571 Nathan Road, Kowloon,

Assistant, Union Insurance Society of

Canton, Ld......

Assistant, H. K. & Shanghai Bank,


Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank

Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank

Assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co....... Clerk, China Light & Power Co., Ld. Assistant, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., Ld.

Secretary, China Vegetable Oil Copora-


Clerk, Texas Co. (China), Ld. ...

On premises.

29 Granville Road, Kowloon.

356 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon,

9 Nanking Street, 3rd floor,


112 Argyle Street, Mongkoktsui. 9 Austin Avenue, Kowloon.

On premises.

76 Village Road, 1st floor.

39 Hankow Road, Kowloon. Assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.......] 4 Tak Shing Street, Kowloon.






Ribeiro, Augusto Illidio Ribeiro, Daniel

Ribeiro, Eduardo Augusto... Ribeiro, Francisco Xavier


Ribeiro, Gilberto Heurique


Ribeiro, Guilherme Alfredo Ribeiro, Henrique Augusto Ribeiro, Henrique Augusto


Ribeiro, João Francisco


Ribeiro, Jorge Alberto Vieira dr...... Ribeiro, Julio Carmo Vieira, Jr. Ribeiro, Lucio Maria


Ribeiro, Luiz Antonio


Ribeiro, Luiz Felipe Vieira Ribeiro, Luiz Gonzaga


Ribeiro, Oscar Francisco, Jr. Ribeiro, Richard Maria,


Ribeiro, Vicente Rogerio


Ricci-Pereira, Autonio

Padua Richardson, William


Richmond, John Fletcher... Riddell-Carre, Gervase


Riis, Knnt

Overseer, H.K. Electric Co., Ld...... Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld....

Typist, British Cigarette Co., Ld..........

Gen. Accountant, Texas Co. (China),


Assistant Engineer, China Light &

Power Co., Ld.

Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Clerk, Gibb, Livingston & Co., Ld.

Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld.

Mercantile Assistant, Maxim & Co.

Assistant, Maxim & Co.

Assistant, Maxim & Co.

43 Robinson Road, 1st floor. 35 Hankow Road, 3rd floor,


237 Nathan Road, Kowloon.

2 Carnarvon Road, Kowloon.

32 Hillwood Road, Kowloon. 13 Ashley Road, Kowloon. 24 Granville Road, Kowloon.

237 Nathan Road, Kowloon.

11 Hillwood Road, Kowloon.

13 Ashley Road, Kowloon.

1 Minden Avenue, Kowloon.

Assistant, Mercantile Bank of India, Ld. 171 Fa Yuen St., Mongkoktsui.

Merchant, Economical Trading Co. Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bauk

Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank Clerk, Lane, Crawford, Ld.

Clerk, H. K. Electric Co. Ld.

Assistant, Union Insurance Society of

Canton, Ld.

Clerk, Texas Oil Co., (China). Ld.......

Sub-Accountant, Chartered Bank of India Australia & China.............. Assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.......

Banker, H.K. & Shanghai Bank,


Engineer, H.K. & Whampoa Dock Co.,


Robarts, Roberto Maria...... Clerical Assistant, Jardine Engineering

Corporation, Ld

Roberts, Archibald Hynes... Manager, The Standard Press, Ld. Roberts Charles

Collingwood Robertson, Ernest Knibb Robertson, William Gordon.

Robinson, Albert Edwin

* Robinson, Jack Fraser

Robinson, John Lancaster... Robson, Thomas Edward

Rocha, Edward Lizola Rocha, Epiphanio Maria da

Rocha, Francisco Paula...

Rocha, José Estevão

Assistant Manager, Butterfield & Swire. Assistant, Marsman H.K. China Lu................. Director, Pure Cane Molasses Co.

(H.K.), Ld....

Engineer, Imperial Airways (Far East),


Assistant, Butterfield & Swire Proprietor, J. L. Robinson & Co. Engineer Superintendent, Farness (Far

East), Ld.

Salesman, Wallace Harper & Co., Ld. Assistant, China Provident Loan &

Mortgage Co., Ld................. Clerk, British American Tobacco

Co., (China) Ld.

Clerk, British-American Tobacco Co.,


8 Jordan Road, 3rd floor, Kowloon.

2 Carnarvon Road, Kowloon.

16 Carnarvon Road, Kowloon. 7 Hillwood Road, Kowloon.

14-16 Junction Road, 1st floor.


Ou premises.

49A Peking Road, Kowloon.

114 The Peak, 114 The Peak,

269 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon.

On premises.

21 Jordan Road, Kowloon. 96 Robinson Road.

On premises. Courtland Hotel.

173 The Peak,

On premises. On premises. Cathay Hotel.

349 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon 183 Sai Yee Street. Mongkoktsui.

222 Wanchai Road.

27 Granville Road, Kowloon.

27 Granville Road, Kowloon.






Rocha, José Gabriel Rocha, Louis Lizola

Rocha, Luiz Antonio da Rocha, Octavio Henrique Rocha, Ruy Marcos da Rocke, Lucien Loring * Rodger, George Sinclair

Rodrigues, Alberto Antonio


Rodrigues, Antonio Joseph.

Rodrigues, Carlos Henrique.

Rodrigues, Frederico João


Rolfe, Claude Hamilton, Rome, Louis de

Roper, William John


Rosa, Crispiniano Ignacio da Rosario, Adrião Patricus

Rosario, Lionel Everico

Rosario, Luiz Alberto ... Rosario, Luiz Gonzaga

Rosario, Pedro Manuel


Roscoe, Jack

Rose, John Stephenson ..

Ross, John

Ross, John Kennedy Ross, Sydney Hampden,

Rosselet, Charles Simon Kossum, Rudolf Van

Rouban, Michael John Roukens, Dirk

Rowland, Herbert Matthew

Roxburgh, Robert


Roza, Alvaro Antonio da Roza, Antonio Bras da

Roza, Carlos Vicente Ferrer


Roza, Cesar Augusto da Roza, Eduardo Bruno da. Roza, Edward Albert da

Roza, Henrique Arnaldo da. Roza, José Francisco da.]

Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank Bookkeeper, United States Rubber

Export Co., Ld.

Clerk, China Light & Power Co., Ld. Clerk, Mercantile Bank of India, Ld. Merchant, J. M. da Rocha & Co. Attorney, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co... Stock Supt., H. K. Tramways, Ld....

Assistant, Union Insurance Society of

Canton, Ld...................... Assistant Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co.,

(S.C.) Ld.

Clerk, Chartered Bank of India,

Australia & China

Clerk, Nederlandsch Indische

Handelsbank, N.V.

Merchant, C.H. Rolfe

Engineer, H.K. Electric Co., Ld. Wireless Superintendent, Butterfield

& Swire

Assistant, Dodwell & Co, Ld. Radio Serviceman, Andersen, Meyer &

Co., Ld.

Storekeeper, II. K. Engineering &

Construction Co., Ld...........

Assistant, Gibb, Livingston & Co., Ld... Claims Clerk, American President

Lines, Ld.

Assistant Engineer, China Light &

Power Co., Ld.

Electrical Engineer, H.K. Electric Co.,


Merchant, George Falconer & Co., (H.K.)


Assistant, Palace Hotel

Merchant, Alex. Ross Motor Co. Chartered Accountant, Percy Smith,

Seth & Fleming,

Manager, General Amusements, Ld. Secretary, Netherlands Harbour

Works Co.

Book-seller, Kelly & Walsh, Ld. Accountant, Nederlandsch Indische


Freight Assistant, American President

Lines, Ld.

Manager, John I. Thornycroft

* Co., Lả.

Attorney, A. A. R. Botelho Sub-Accountant, Chartered Bank of

India, Australia & China,...


Clerk, Chartered Bank of India,

Australia & China Clerk, Mercantile Bank of India, Ld. Broker, Secameg Trading Co.... Book-keeper, E. D. Sassoon Banking

Co., Ld.

Clerk, Mercantile Bank of India, Ld. Clerk, Chartered Bank of India

Australia & China

4 Prince's Terrace, Top floor.

1 Saifee Terrace, Top floor,

Nathan Road, Kowloon. 215 Prince Edward Rd., Kowloon. 10 Shing Wong Street. 215 Prince Edward Rd., Kowloon. 197 The Peak.

4 Broadwood Road.

On promises.

On premises.

St. Joseph's Villa.

St. Joseph's Villa. On premises.

205 King's Road, Flat 7.

On premises.

18 Jordan Road, Kowloon.

12 Robinson Road.

12 Robinson Road.

27 Jordan Road, Kowloon.

16 Victory Avenue, Homuntin.

12 Austin Avenue, Kowloon.

5 Causeway Hill.

6 Duke Street, Mongkok. On premises. 54 The Peak.

1 Bungalow, Shek-O.

24 Broadwood Road.

& Homuntin Hill Road, Homuntin. Ou premises.

68 Conduit Road.

162 Argyle Street, Mongkoktsui.

512 The Peak.

7 Liberty Avenue, Kowloon.

7 Ladder Street.

5 Homuntin Street, Homuutin. 39 Caine Road.

7 Liberty Avenue, Homuntin.

10 Somerset Road, Kowloon Tong. 39 Caine Road.

39, Caine Road.






Roza, Julio Henrique da

Roza, Leandro Maria....... Roza, Luiz Alvaro da Roza-Pereira, Francisco


Clerk, Chartered Bank of India,

Australia & China

Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank Clerk, H, K. & Shanghai Bank

Assistant, P. J. Klink

Roza-Pereira, Leonel Maria | Assistant, Far East Aviation Co. Ld.


Rozario, Antonio Joseph Rozario, Arthur Cornelio Rozario, Carlos Francisco do.! Rozario, Emerico Isidoro do. Rozario, George Maria

Rozario, Heliodoro


Rozario, Henrique Alberto. Rozario, José Maria

Rozario, Luiz Gonzaga .....

Rozario, Sergio Flaviano. Rull, Marcelino Joseph Rumianzelf, Vladimir

Dinitrievitch ́ ́. Rumjalin, Abdul Aziz Rumjahn, Abdul Mannan Rumjahn, Abdul Mannnb Rumjahu, Habibullah


Rumjahn, Omar

Rumjahn, Sheik Mohamed.. Rumjahn, Sirdar Ahmet ....

Rumjahn, Ukrum Ahmet Rush. James Patrick... Russell, John

Ruttonjee, Dhun Jehangir Ryan, Lionel Ernest


Clerk, Linotype & Machinery, Ld. Clerk, National City Bank of New York.. Clerk, Linstead & Davis Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank

Clerk, Chartered Bank of India, Australia

& China,

Office Assistant, H. K. Jockey Club...... Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank Assistant, China Provident Loan &

Mortgage Co., Ld.

Clerk, Nederlandsch Indische Handels-

bank, N.V.

Clerk, H. K. & Shanghai Bank Assistant, Mayo's Shoppe

558 Nathan Road, Kowloon. 39 Caine Road.

49 Peking Road, Kowloon.

8 Tung Cheong Building,


8 Tung Cheong Building, K'loon. 15 Gap Road, Top floor.

38 Hankow Road, Kowloon. 35 Granville Road, Kowloon, 68 Parkes Street, Yaumati.

35 Granville Road, Kowloon.

17 Ashley Road, Kowloon, 35 Granville Road, Kowloon.

35 Granville Road, Kowloon.

35 Granville Road, Kowloon.

12 Austin Avenue, Kowloon. 21 Jordan Road, Top floor, Kowloon.

Engineer, China Coustruction Co., Ld.... 130 Austin Road, Kowloon. Manager, Beaux Arts....

Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld.

4 Seymour Terrace.

355 Hennessy Road, 3rd floor.

Clerk, Manufacturers Life Insurance Co. 60 Caine Road.

Assistant, Holland China Trading

Co., L.

Stenographer, American Express

Co. Inc.

Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld..... Assistant Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co.,

(S.C.) Ld.

Clerk, H. K. Electric Co., Ld. Engineer, Taikoo Sugar Refining Co., Ld. Engineer, C. E. Warren & Co., Ld. Merchant, J. Ruttonjee & Son

Agent, Canadian Pacific S.S., Ld.........

235 Hennessy Road, Top floor.

12 Wing Hing Steet, Ground floor. 454 King's Road, Ground floor.

On premises.

2 Po Wah Street, 1st floor.

8 Braemar Terrace, Quarry Bay. Cathay Hotel.

11 Duddell Street,

Hong Kong Club.


Sabhan, Mohammed Sabnani, Khubchand


Sadarangani, Ramchand


Sadick, Omar Rumju....

Sadick, Osman

Sahmet, Ernest Manuel......

Sai, Enretsu

Sai Wong-chu

Sales, Reinaldo Camillo


Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld.

Assistant Manager, Hassaram


Clerk, Utoomal & Assudamal Co. .... Assistant, Union Insurance Society of

Canton, Ld..............

Assistant Secretary, Underwriters

Bank for Far East Inc.

Clerk, H.K. Engineering & Construction

Co., Ld.

Journalist, Far East Digest Assistant, China Handicraft Co..

Merchant, Arnhold Trading Co., Ld.......

453 Hennessy Road, 3rd floor.

On premises.

19 Pokfulam Road.

Ou premises.

52 Village Road, 1st floor.

795 Nathan Rd., 8th floor, K’loon. 7A Bowen Road.

11 Salisbury Road, Kowloon.

6 Granville Road, Kowloon.






Saliman, Khubchand


Salleh, Mohamed "Ali.................... Salleh, Rajab Salleh

Salter, Alfred Walter


Salter, Cedric Lawrence Sam Chin

Sammous, Eruest Percy Samy, Abdul Rhaman


Samy, Arthur..........

Samy, Felix Christian

Sandford, James Maclay

Sandhu, Karnail Singh Sando, Harry Sanger, Richard Sant, Cornelius Stephanus...

* Santos, Carlos Maria............ Santos, Delfino Eduardo dos Santos, Guilherme Faustino Santos, Hermilio Paulo Santos, Julio Andrew Santos, Vicente Paulo Sapooran Singh

Sasso, Innocent Maurice Sato, Takeshi..... Sau Pang-lee Scarpa, John

* Schmidt, William Herman


Schneider, Leo Israel Schouten, Klass

Scott, Christian James


Scott, Harry Hodge


Searle, Edward Valentine...

Seath, William Petrie

Seemin, Alfred Huzein Seng Shu-huai

Sequeira, Alfredo Jesus


Sequeira, Angusto Darius... Sequeira, Carlos Maria Sequeira, Feliz berto


Sequeira, Francisco Xavier. Sequeira, João Octavio Sequeira, Luiz Alberto

Sequeira, Luiz Romano.

Assistant Manager, Hassaram


Clerk, Ed. A. Keller & Co., Ld.

Assistant, Union Insurance Society of

Canton, Ld.......

Assistant, Dodwell & Co., Ld. Merchant, Dodwell & Co., Ld.

Assistant, Southern Mercantile Co. Manager, Palace Hotel

On premises.

419 Hennessy Road.

On premises.

125 Robinson Road.

125 Robinson Road.

3 Kin Hang Terrace.

213 Fa Yuen Street, Mongkoktsui.

Engineer, China Light & Power Co., Ld. 457 Lockhart Road. Assistant, China Motor Agencies & Sales


Merchant, China Motor Agencies &

Sales Co.........

Assistant, Mackinnon, Mackenzie &

Co., Ld.

Assistant, Oriental American Agencies... Clerk, H. K. & Shanghai Bank Manager, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co..... Sub-Manager, Netherlands Trading


Assistant, Netherlands Trading Society Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld. Clerk, Gibb, Livingston & Co., Ld. Rec. Clerk, Repulse Bay Hotel. Assistant, H.K. Electric Co., Ld. Clerk, Linstead & Davis Proprietor, Sapooran & Co. Maitre d'hotel, H.K. Hotel..... Journalist, Far East Digest Cashier, Marsman H.K. China, Ld. Agent, Lloyd Triestino

Hairdresser, Andre's Beauty


Secretary, W. S. Bailey & Co., Ld. Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co.,

(S.C.) Ld.

Mechanic, Imperial Airways, (Far

East) Ld.

Engineer Manager, H.K. & Whampoa

Dock Co., Ld.

Manager, Industrial Bank of China

Electrical Engineer, Jardine Engineer-

ing Corporation, Ld.

Foreman, Taikoo Sugar Refining Co.,


Assistant, Seemin & Lyon Clerk, Java-China-Japan Lijn, N.V.

Serviceman,, Central Radio Service

Assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co....... Assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.......

Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank Assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co..... Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank Assistant, Caldbeck, MacGregor & Co.,


Assistant, John D. Hutchison & Co.......

88 Bonham Road.

88 Bonhain Road.

On premises.

1 Electric Street, 3rd floor. 3 Basilea, Lyttelton Road. On premises.

On premises. On premises. On premises.

222 Wanchai Road.

On premises.

29 Caine Road, 1st flocr.

13 Mosque Junction.

374 Lockhart Road.

On premises.

7A Bowen Road.

179 Tung Choi Street, Mongkoktsui, 16 Homuntin Hill, Homuntin.

17 Mosque Junction.

96 Waterloo Road, Kowloon.

On premises.

On premises.

On premises.

47 Cheung Sha Wan Road, 3rd floor.


92 Waterloo Road, Kowloon.

15 Braemar Terrace, Quarry Bay. 9 Fook Wing Street. 77 Bonham Road.

12 Granville Road, 1st floor,


27 Stafford Road, Kowloon Tong. 9 Soares Avenue, Homuntin.

12 Granville Road, Kowloon. 9 Soares Avenue, Kowloon.

12 Granville Road, Kowloon.

12 Granville Road, 1st floor, K'loon. 9 Soares Avenue, Homuntin.







Sequeira, Secundino dos

Santos de Silva Sequeira, Vincent Antonio .

Sewell, George William Sham, Percy Samuel

Shao Yin-yeh, Warner

*Sharp, Eric William

Sharp, William Shaw, James Anderson.... Shaw, John Archibald Shaw, Joseph Hilton.....


Shea, Edward Francis

Shea, John Frederick Shea, William Albert Shek Suk-wuh Shewani, Dingamal


Shien Chung-fu Shing, Robert, Juur Shin Kee-yee

Shook, Victor Vladislav

Showpan, Timothy Shroff, Rusy Motabhoy... Shroff, Sammy Bejonjee Shu Chuan-liang Shui-hing-wong Shum Chak-hay.

Shum Hon-chuen Shum Siu-loon * Shum Tsze-chung Shum Wah......

Shun Wah, Reggie... Shun Wali, Roy.............

Shuster, Fritz Edward

Sai Ko-kiat.... Sid Chun-wing

Sie Hiem-koh..

Siew Tham-yuen

Sills, Cyril Albert · Silva, Alberto Augusto......

Silva, Alfred Maria da Silva, Alfredo Andrea


Silva, Antonio Padua Eça


Assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co...... Assistant, H.K. & Shanghai Bank,


Merchant, Robertson, Wilson & Co., Ld. Assistant, John D. Humphreys & Son,


Partner, Eastern Sales & Engineering


Depot Manager, Marconi International Marine Communication Co., Ld. Secretary, Manufacturers Life Ins. Co.... Clerk, Peninsula Hotel

Assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.. Stores Superintendent, China Light &

Power Co., Ld.

Head, Kwangsi Provincial Import &

Export Syndicate

Secretary to Passenger Agent, Canadian

Pacific Steamships, Ld.. Manager, Wallace Harper & Co., Ld.. Assistant, Shewan Tomes & Co... Clerk, General Motors China, Ld...

Manager. Utoomal & Assudamal Co...... Clerk, Linotype & Machinery, Ld.. Salesman, Neco Neon Co. Broker, S. E. Levy & Co. R.C.A. Manufacturing Co., Inc....

Analyst, Franklin Laboratory Cashier, J. Ruttonjee & Son. Salesman, Mamak & Co. Sub-Manager, E. Sun Trading Co. Assistant, W. T. Stanton

Clerk, United Publicity & Advertising

Co., Ll.

Assistant, Swan, Culbertson & Fritz..... Secretary, Associated Produce Co.... Merchant, Lee Yu Kee

Clerk, United Publicity & Advertising

Co., Ld.

Salesman, Gilman & Co., Ld. Salesman, Gilman & Co., Ld.

Assistant, H.K. Brewery & Distillery,


Audit Clerk, Thomson & Co. Clerk, National City Bank of

New York

Manager, Oversea Chinese Industrial

Corporation, Ld.

Stock Clerk, Texas Co. (China), Ld..

Assistant, Dodwell & Co., Ld. Assistant, Union Insurance Society of

Canton, Ld.........

Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld.|

Clerk, H. K. Rope Manufacturing

Co., Ld.

Clerk, H.K., Canton & Macao Steam-

boat Co., Ld.

16 Jordan Road, Kowloon.

34 Hankow Road, Kowloon. H.K. Club.

246 Taipo Road, Top fl., Kowloon.

33 Ewo Hill Street, Ground floor.

1 Tak Shing Street, Kowloon. 260 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon. 22 Wing Fung Street, 1st floor. 532 The Peak.

Generating Station.

10 Queen's Road Central.

354 Prince Edward Rd., Kowloon. 301 Prince Edward Rd., K'loon. 6 Village Villas, Happy Valley. 7 Leighton Hill Road, Ground floor.

212 Cheung Sha Wan Road. 42 King Kwong Street, 2nd floor. On premises.

16 Stafford Road, Kowloon Tong. 27 Hankow Road, 2nd floor,


34 Electric Road.

11 Duddell Street.

41 Peking Road, Kowloon. 21 Shouson Hill Road. 3 Thomson Road.

148 Jaffé Road.

16 Bridges Street, 1st floor.

11 Fook Wing Street, 2nd floor. On premises.

2 Wah Hing Lane.

368 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon. 402 Portland Street, Ground floor,


58 Canton Road, Kowloon. 95 Hennessy Road.

2 To Li Terrace, Kennedy Town.

288 Nathan Road, 3rd floor,


113 Sai Yee St. Ist floor,


1 Babington Path.

On premises. On premises.

10 Heard Street.

18c Hillwood Road, Kowloon.






Silva, Argymiro Maria

Vicente Gomes da.... Silva, Armando Maria.... Silva, Arthur Luiz

Silva, Carlos Maria Silva, Fortino Eça da Silva, Francisco Britto

Perez da

Clerk, Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank.. Clerk, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld.. Clerk, Chartered Bank of India,

Australia & China.

Assistant, China Light & Power Co., Ld. Accountaut, H.K. Dairy Supply Co., Ld.|

Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank

* Silva, Francisco Maria da... Secretary, Pure Cane Molasses Co.,

(H.K.) Ld.

* Silva, Francisco Xavier...... Assistant Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co.,

Silva, Francisco Xavier

Maria da

Silva, Frederico Eugenio Silva, George Honorio da... Silva, Henry Armend

Silva, Henry Edward Eça da Silva, João Maria da.........

Silva, José Sa

Silva, Ladislao Severino da. Silva, Leonardo José........ Silva, Lionel Clement Silva, Mario Maria......

Silva, Pedro Alberto Peres


Silva, Porphyrio Maria

Nolasco da Jr. Silva, Reginaldo Maria

Gomes da

(S.C.) Ld.

Assistant, Netherlands Trading Society... Assistant, Green Island Cement Co., Ld.. Engineer, H.K. Electric Co., Ld. Assistant, Dodwell & Co., Ld. Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Lid................ Clerk, China Provident Loan &

Mortgage Co., Ld.

Clerk, Chartered Bank of India,

Australia & China...... Clerk, Banque de L'Indo Chine.... Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank

Clerk, Mercantile Bank of India, Ld................! Assistant Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co.,

(S.C.) Ld.

Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank

Clerk, China Light & Power Co., Ld. ...

Clerk, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld.. Silva, Ricardo Crescencio da Assistant, H. M. H. Nemazee

Silva, Ricardo Domingos Silva, Roberto Maximo.. Silva, Roque Maria Silva, Sebastião Ruy da Silver, Daniel Oswald

Simmonds, Ernest William


Simmons, John Henry Simmons, William


Simões, Manuel Augusto Simpson, Sydney..............

Sin Hap-sang...

Sinclair, Duncan Bruce......

Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank Assistant, Dodwell & Co., Ld. Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bak Clerk, H. K. & Shanghai Bank Agent, Sun Life Assurance Co. of


Distribution Supt., H.K. & China

Gas Co., Ld.

Traffic Inspector, H.K. Tramways, Ld...

Secretary, H.K. Tramways, Ld...... Assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co. Chemist, Taikoo Dockyard & Engineer-

ing Co. of H.K., Ld.

Clerk, Sworn Measurers' Office Assistant, Uniou Insurance Society of

Canton, Ld........

Sindlinger, John Raymond Attorney, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.

Sing, Gilbert

Sing, Thomas..

Singh, Gurbux

Singh, Iqbal Mahan Singh, Mahan...... Sipitsky, Charles Isaac. Sit Kan-tsun

Mechanic, Far East Motors

Service Manager, Office Appliance Co.,


Overseer, H.K. Engineering &

Construction Co., Ld. Assistant, Mahan & Co. Money Lender, Mahan & Co. Salesman, S E. Levy & Co. Clerk, S. E. Levy & Co.

24 Granville Road, Kowloon. 23 Jordan Road, Kowloon..

13 Salisbury Avenue, Kowloon. 10 Austin Avenue, Kowloon. Y, M. C. A., Kowloon.

65 Peace Avenue, Homuntin.

7 Jordan Road, Kowloon.

On premises.

On premises.

243 Nathan Road, Kowloon. 29 Kimberley Rd., 2nd fl., Kowloon. 1 Fuk Lo Tsun Road,

18c Hillwood Road, Kowloon.

9 Tung Cheong Building, Kowloon.

798 Nathan Rd., 2nd fl., Kowloon. 13 Nanking Street, Kowloon. 13 Knutsford Terrace, Kowloon. 6 Granville Road, Kowloon.

On premises.

I Austin Avenue, Kowloon,

12 Victory Avenue, Top floor.

9 Liberty Avenue, Homuntin. 155 Sai Yeung Choi Street, 2nd

floor, Mongkoktsui.

150 Prince Edward Rd., Kowloon. 150 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon, 23 Jordan Road, Kowloon,

35 Robinson Road.

37 Hankow Road, 1st floor,


6 Felix Villas.

85 Leighton Hill Road.

15 Peak Mansions.

4 Saifee Terrace, Kowloon.

Quarry Bay.

On premises.

On premises.

Gloucester Hotel.

231 Nathan Road, Kowloon.

231 Nathan Road, 1st floor,


91 Lockhart Road, Top floor. 6 Mosque Junction. 6 Mosque Junction.

St John's Apartments, Flat 8. 159 Shanghai Street, Kowloon.






Siu Ho-ming

Sin Ping-kee

Siu Pui-huen Siuland, Jan

Skeet, Charles William

Skinn, Alfred Hugh


Skvorzor, Alexander


Slaschow, Jacob Lvovitch

Sleap, Sidney Alfred Sling, Harry Hong...... Sloan, John Kane Smeby, Nils Wennech Smirnoff, George


Smith, Albert James Victor

Smith, Arthur..........

Smith, Eric Grant.

Smith, Frank

Smith, Harley

Smith, Hugh

Smith, James Middleton Smith, Raymond Walter

So Kin-shun So King-man

So Kwing-yiu

so Ming-cho

So Wai-kenng

Soares, Alberto Carios

Soares, Edward Maria de


Soares, Francisco Xavier

Soares, Henrique Alvaro ... Soares, Joannes Alves de


Soares, Joaquim Rocque Soares, Luiz Antonio...... Soldinsky, Zygmund

Solina Soli, Rustom

Sommers, Hilmar Florenz...

Soo Beng-tan

Soo Pui-chen

Soo Wai-fook

Sook Yun Kimlim Tsui Soong Tack-kwong

Architect, Exchange Building Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.)


Salesman, Clipper Merchandising Co. Banker, National Commercial &

Savings Bank, Ld.

Accountant, Canadian Pacific Steam-

ships, Ld.....

Steel Mettalurgist, H. K. &

Whampoa Dock Co., Ld.

Structural Engineer, H. K. Engineer-

ing & Construction Co., Ld. Engineer, François d'Hardivilliers

Assistant, H.K. Jockey Club Manager, H. Hong Sling

Elec. Engineer, H.K. Electric Co., Ld.... Secretary, Thoresen & Co., Ld..

Architect, Marsman, H. K. China


Electrical Engineer, China Light &

Power Co., Ld.

Outside Overseer, China Light & Power

Co., Ld.

Assistant, Dodwell & Co., Ld. Clerk, The Intercontinent Corporation... Mechanic, Pan American Airways Co... Draughtsman, Taikoo Dockyard &

Engineering Co. of H.K. Ld. Shareholder, Ellis & Edgar Engineer, H.K. Electric Co., Ld.

Clerk, Sworn Measurers' Office Clerk, Texas Co. (China), Ld. Steno-typist, U. Spalinger &

Co. S. A.

Assistant, H. K. Motor Accessory Co.,


Clerk, Conley Trading Co.

Assistant, Chartered Bank of India,

Australia & China

Representative, Confederation Life


Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank

7 Essex Crescent, Kowloon Tong.

On premises.

50 Wyndham Street, 2nd floor.

On premises.

On premises.

On premises.

49 Kadoorie Avenue, Kowloon.

3 King's Terrace, Tak Shing Road,

1st floor, Kowloon, 268 The Peak.

R.B.L. 400, Repulse Bay Road. 1 Babington Path.

5 Suffolk Road, Kowloon Tong.

190 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon..

307 Prince Edward Rd., Kowloon..

N.K.I.L. 1756 Dist. I, Po Kong

Village. Peninsula Hotel. On premises.

18 Essex Crescent, Kowloon Tong.

On premises.

Watson's Apartments, North Point. H.E.C. Quarters, No. 1a Causeway


On premises.

21 Argyle Street, Mongkoktsui.

19 Wellington Street.

5 Canal Road West, Ground floor. 1 Wing Wah Terrace,

9 Nanking Street, Kowloon.

38 Stubbs Road,"

3 Homuntin Street, Homuntin.

Assistant, Gibb, Livingston & Co., Ld.. 9 Nanking Street, Kowloon.

Assistant, Roza Bros.

Clerk, Dodwell & Co., Ld.

Assistant, China Underwriters, Ld. Mechanic, China National Aviation


Merchant, I. R. Solina

Assistant, Swan, Culbertson & Fritz...... Secretary, Li & Fung Broker, Soo Pui Chen & Co. Salesman, Whiteaway, Laidlaw &

Co., Lul.

Assistant, Shewan, Tomes & Co., Ld. Assistant Inspector, Chemical

Industries (China), Ld.

2 Liberty Avenue, Homuntin, 20 Hillwood Road, Kowloon. 2 Liberty Avenue, Homuntin.

Kai Tak Airport, Kowloon. 33A Wongneichong Road.

1 Abermor Court, May Road. 184 Ma Tau Chung Road. 14 Prince's Terrace.

1087 Canton Road, Top floor,


I Illumination Terrace.

On premises.






Soong Tso-sang..

Soto, José Alejandro....................

Sou Zen-chang

Sousa, Antonio Eduardo

Botelho de

Sousa, Casimiro Marcelino


Sousa, Eduardo Valerio

Maria Botelho de Sousa, Frederico Eduardo de

Sousa, José Eduardo de.....,

Sousa, José Maria de..............

Sousa, Luiz Gonzaga.........

Sousa, Miguel Alberto de... Sousa, Sylvio Sylvester..... Sousa, Hermenegildo


Sousae, William Manuel Southwick, Melvin


Souza, Alberto Francisco de.

Souza, Antonio Maria Placé. Souza, Autonio Phillip Souza, Eduardo Augusto de

Sorza, Eduardo Paulo

Souza, Eric Anthony. Souza, George Allister

Souza, João

Souza, Jorge Carlos

Souza, José Francisco Souza, Leo Antonio

Souza, Lino Vicente de..

Souza, Louis Fernando de... Souza, Luiz Carlos de


Souza, Mancio Germano


Souza, Marcus Antonio


Souza, Satyro Estevão

Souza Sebastian

Maria de

Spence, Nathaniel

Spencer, William


Assistant, Imperial Chemical Industries,

(China) Ld.

Clerk, China Provident Loan &

Mortgage Co., Ld.

Manager, China South Sea Bank,


Assistant, China Auction Rooms

Clerk, Chartered Bank of India,

Australia & China

Assistant, China Auction Rooms Stenographer, Canadian Pacific Steam-

ships, Ld.

Superintendent, Lido Garden, Repulse


Assistant. Karsten, Larssen & Co.,

(H. K.) Ld.

Clerk, Chartered Bank of India,

Australia & China Assistant, Bank Line, Ld. Clerk, Mercantile Bank of India, Ld.

Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld. Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld..........

Assistant, Standard-Vacnum Oil Co. Assistant Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co.,

(S.C.) Ld.

Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank

Clerk, Mercantile Bank of India, Ld. Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld...

Clerk, Nederlandsch Indische

Handelsbank, N.V. Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld...

Clerk, General Electric Co. of China,


Clerk, China Light & Power Co., Ld.

Assistant, Shewan, Tomes & Co. Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank Electrical Engineer, China Light &

Power Co., Ld.

On premises.

62 Robinson Road.

237 Prince Edward Rd., Kowloon.

39 Granville Road, Kowloon.

159 Sai Yeung Choi Street,


39 Granville Road, Kowloon.

39 Granville Road, Kowloon.

39 Granville Road, Kowloon.

162 Ma Tau Chung Road.

181 Wuhu Street, Hunghom. 1 Hart Avenue, Kowloon. 92 Parkes Street, Yaumati.

22 Johnston Road, 1st floor. 20 Johnston Road, 1st floor.

Roadside, Mount Davis Road.

On premises.

29 Ashley Road, Kowloon. 3A Ashley Road, Kowloon, 181 Wuhu Street, 3rd floor,


732 Nathan Rd., 1st fl., Kowloon. 33A Wongneichong Rd., 1st floor. 33A Wongneichong Road, Ground.


155 Sai Yee Street, Top floor,


151 Sai Yee Street, Ground floor,


36 Ice House Street.

3 Saifee Terrace, Kowloon.

1 Yim Po Fong Street.

Clerk, Imperial Airways, (Far East) Ld. On premises.

Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank

Clerk, H. K. & Shanghai Bank

Assistant, Union Insurance Society of

Canton, Ld.............

Clerk, Nederlandsch Indische Handels-

bank, N.V. ...、、

14 Shan Kwong Road, Happy


29 Ashley Road, Kowloon.

On premises.

3 Saifee Terrace, Kowloon.

Assistant, Thomas Cook & Son Ld..... 453 King's Road, Top floor. Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.)


Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co.,

(S. C.) Ld.

On premises.

North Point Installation.







Spoov, Andrew

Engineer, Lee Yu Kee

Sprague, Charles


Sprinkle, William


On premises.

Assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co... 1 Bungalow, Repulse Bay.

Clerk, Manufacturers Life Insurance


Stafford, Alfred Ben...... Mercantile Asst., Jardine, Matheson

Stainton, Thomas Fletcher

Stakland, Sjur

Stalker, Archibald.

Stanek, Frantisek Stanesby, Sydney John


Stanton, John Reginald


Stark, Crawford Charles Stark, Charles Malloch *Starling, Edward Leonard...

Stein, Guenther Steinschneider, Paul

Stenersen, John Stephen, John Ramsey

Stewart, Gilbert Hugh

Stewart, Henry

Stewart, Hugh Grant Stone, Harold Edmund...

Stone, Yu-cheng..........

Stradmore, Norman Strauss, Emmanuel

Streatfield, Edward Philip Stride, Roland Albert Strong, Harry...

Strong, Robert

Suckling, Percy Herbert.

Suddin, Usaf Sham Sue Ing, William

Suffiad, Abdul Gaffoor

Suffiad, Abdul Rashid

Sullivan, Hector Francis Summers, Charles Henry

Sun Hem-lai

Sun Kwong-wong

Sun Tsze-ying Sun Yan-kit, George

Sung Cheung-ling

& Co., Ld.

Timekeeper, Taikoo Sugar Refining

Co., Ld.

Secretary, Karsten, Larssen & Co.,

(H. K.) Ld..........

Clerk, Taikoo Dockyard & Engineering

Co. of H.K. Ld.

Manager, Bata Shoe Co., Ld.....

Assistant, H.K. Electric Co., Ld. ................

Assistant, China Underwriters, Ld Managing Director, H.K. Mines, Ld. Assistant, L. R. Nielson & Co., Lal. Wharfinger, Holt's Wharf Journalist, China Air Mail Coppersmith, H. K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., Ld.

Manager, American Express Co., Inc. Assistaut, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.)


Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard & Engineer-

ing Co. of H.K., Ld. General Manager, Colonial Transport


Assistant, Texas Co. (China), Ld. General Manager, Hong Kong &

China Gas Co.

Assistant Accountant, Peking Syndi

cate, Ld.

Salesman, The Pharmacy

Merchant, China Import Trading Co. Banker, H. K. & Shanghai Bank Assistant, Lane, Crawford, Ld. Superintendent Engineer, Furuess, (Far

East), Ld.

Sub-Manager, Swan, Culbertson &


General Manager, H. K. & Shanghai

Hotels, Ld.

Clerk, Chase Bank

Architect, 8a Des Voeux Road Central...

Clerk, British-American Tobacco Co.

(China), Ld.

Clerk, China Provident Loan & Mortage

Co. Ld.

Engineer, A.S. Watson & Co. Ld.............. Clerk, Taikoo Dockyard & Engineering

Co. of H.K., Ld.......

Assistant, Texas Co., (China) Ld.... Assistant, Far East Flying Training

School, Ld.....

Clerk, William Jack & Co., Ld. Secretary, China Entertainment & Land

Investment Co., Ld.

Sub-Manager, China Insurance Co., Ld..

22 Fort Street, North Point.

303 The Peak.

9 Braemar Terrace, Quarry Bay.

19 Austin Avenue, Top floor,


On premises.

72 Cornwall Street, Kowloon Tong.

11 Felix Villas.

142 Argyle Street, Mongkoktsui. 274 The Peak. 274 The Peak. On premises. Repulse Bay Hotel.

On premises.

4 Bungalow, Repulse Bay.

On premises.

Quarry Bay.

On premises.

170 Boundary Street, Kowloon.

16 Peak Mansions.

3 Ming Yuen Street, West.

15 Wing Hing Street. 11 Duddell Street.

Cn premises, 11th floor. On premises.

Ou premises.

6 St. John's Apartments,

Garden Road.

Peninsula Hotel.

377 Hennessy Road, 1st floor. 100 Pei Ho Street, 1st floor.


32 Tin Ha Temple Road.

16 Leighton Hill Road.

3 Seen Keen Terrace.

Quarry Bay. Fort Street.

100 Pei Ho Street, 3rd floor,


3 Perfection Place, Tai Hang Road.

4 Babington Path.

4 Ning Yeung Terrace, 3rd floor.






Sung Hon-ting

Suug Kit-man.............

Sung Sau-tin Sung Sheungkwong Sutherland, Richard Findlater.

Swang O'Young

Sweeney, James Napier

Swing, Jorge Julio


Szeto, Albert

Szollosi, Etienne..

Assistant, Harry Wicking & Co., Ld. ...

Meter Inspector, China Light & Power

Co., L.

Clerk, Java-China-Japan Line Assistant, China Underwriters, Ld.

Assistant, Dairy Farm, Ice & Cold

Storage Co., Lı......

Managing Director, Dennis & Co.,


Shipbuilder, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., Lal.

Sales Manager, Bosco Radio Corporation. Merchant, John Manners & Co., Ld....... Agent, Baboud Mary & Co.

285 Laichikok Road, 1st floor,


181 Fa Yuen Street, Mongkokisui. 16 Hin Hon Road. 11 Castle Road.

1 Tak Shing Street, Kowloon.

On premises.

On premises.

21 Bonham Road, 2nd floor. 1 Belfran Road, Kowloon. French Bank Building.


Tai Fook-sing......... Tai Houg

Taipo, Mann Peter..

Talan, Moses Tam Chung-tit

Tam Hok-hung Tam Hung, Joseph

Tam, John Baptista

Tam, Joseph Charles Tam, Louis

Tam Man-chiu

Tam Man-yim

Tam Pak-fan

Tam Sheung-him Tam Sik-van Tam Tsung-hon Tam Wah-hon Tam Woon-tong... Tam Yue-fong Tan Chew-ing

Tan Chin-poo.. Tan Eng-hooi Tan Hong-lee.....

Tan Jat-miu *Tan Joo-lam

Tan Poh-keng

Tang Chan-po

Tang Che-cheong Tang Chung-luen Tang Kai-sui Tang Kin-chi ..........

Clerk, H.M. Hodges

Secretary, G. G. Hewlitt & T. Fung Manager, Paul E. Sammann & Co.,


Manager, American Lloyd Ld. Assistant, H.K. Motor Accessory

Co., L

Clerk, Robertson, Wilson & Co., Ld. Assistant, China Provident Loan &

Mortgage Co., Ld.

Clerk, Banque de L'Indo Chine

11 Canal Road W. 176 Tung Lo Wan Road.

97 High Street, Sai Ying Pun. 7 East Point Terrace, 8th floor.

68 Takuling Road, Ground floor. On premises.

461 Hennessy Road, Top floor. 4 St. Joseph's Terrace.

Clerk, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld.. 528 Nathan Road, Kowloon.

Clerk, Banque de l'Indo Chine Clerk, Tin Tsun Modern

Lithographers Offset Printers Clerk, National Aniline & Chemical

Co., U.S.A.

Clerk, China Light & Power Co., Ld.

Clerk, Bata Shoe Co., Ld...... Assistant, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co... Assistant, Chase Bank

Assistant, Thomas Cook & Son, Ld.... Clerk, National City Bank of New York. Clerk, China Light & Power Co., Ld.. Assistant, General Amusements,


Assistant, Gwan Lee Hong

Banker, Manufacturers Bank of China ... Assistant Manager, Kian Gwan Co.

India, Ld.

Chartered Accountant, Wong Tan & Co. Clerk, Seemin & Lyon

Assistant Manager, Oversea Chinese

Banking Corporation, Ld. Assistant, Imperial Chemical Industries

(China), Ld.

Clerk, Kian Gwan Co., India Ld. Clerk, International Transportation Co.... Clerk, Wing On Bank, Ld. Salesman, Texas Co. (China), Ld.

4 St. Joseph's Terrace.

On premises.

42 Mongkok Road, Top floor,


1 Cheung Ning Street, 1st floor,


93 Prince Edward Road. Kowloon. On premises.

36 Fook Wa Street.

6 Pilkem Street, Yaumati. 13 Hing Wan Street, 2nd floor. 21 Shantung St., Mongkoktsui.

49 Sing Woo Road, 2nd floor. 12 King Kwong Street, 1st floor. 6 Luna Building, Kowloon.

89 Leighton Hill Road. Ching Shan Po, Pokfulam Road. 21 Lee Garden Street.

17 Sharp Street, 2nd floor.

On premises.

363 Hennessy Road, 3rd floor. 4 Lock Road, 2nd floor. On premises.

97 Wanchai Road.






Tang King-man Tang Lok-sang Tang Man-chun Tang Man-ping Tang Pak-chnen Tang, Paul.............

Tang Pui-hee Tang Quen-u

Tang Tai-wa Tang, Thomas Tang Yang-sheung Tang Yau-ting Tang Yee-kan

Tang Yew-hung... Tang Ying-loong

Tanner, George.... Tansley, William Arthur Tarbuck, Alfred Peter Tate, George William

Tavares, Arthur Richard

Tavares, Augusto Maria

Tavares, Carlos Eugenio

Tavares, Fernando José

Tavares, Filomeno Maria Tavares, Joel Thomas Tavares, José Filipe Taye, George Bennett

Taylor, John Cameron Taylor, Lee...... Taylor, Robert

Taylor, Robert Blake

Tebbutt, Henry Jemson. Teo Sam-chong

Teng Tung

Terry, Charles Edward

Tesar, Vaclav....

Tetzel, Charles

Tham Khai-hong

Tharani, Thanwardas


Thawardas, Hathiramani


Theiler, Otto Leon....

Thom, Charles Stuart


Thompson, Edgar


Thompson Frank Mernick. Thompson, George Edward


Assistant, Shewan, Tomes & Co. Book-keeper, Marsman H.K. China, Ld. Merchant, Wingly & Co........ Manager, Tai Ping Insurance Co., Ld. Assistant, A. S. Watson & Co., Ld. Business Manager, China Insurance

Co., Ld.

Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld. Clerk, China Light & Power Co., Ld..

Assistant Manager, Tung Shan Hotel Assistant, Pacific American Trading Co.. Assistant, Getz Bros. & Co. Cashier, East Asiatic Co., Ld. Agent, Manfacturers Life

Insurance Co.

Clerk, H.K. & China Gas Co., Ld. Salesman, Whiteaway, Laidlaw &

Co., Ld.

Salesman, Lane, Crawford, Ld. Foreman, Reiss, Bradley & Co., Ld. Assistant, H.K. Electric Co., Ld. Works Manager, Taikoo Sugar Refining

Co., Ld.

Clerk, Dodwell & Co., Ld.

Assistant, Reiss, Bradley & Co., Ld. Accountant, H.K. Rope Manufacturing

Co., Ld.

Secretary, H.K. Rope Manufacturing

Co., Ld.

Clerk, Otis Elevator Co.

Clerk, Cathay Ceramics, (H.K.) Ld....... Accountant, Reiss, Bradley & Co., Ld.... Representative Confederation Life


Merchant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld Mechanic, China National Aviation Co... Works Manager, Green Island Cement

Co., Ld.

Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard &

Engineering Co. of H.K., Ld. Architect, Davies, Brooke & Gran.... Acting Manager, Ault & Wiborg Co.

(Far East)

Clerk, H. K. Mines, Ld.

Assistant, Manager, H.K. & Kowloon

Wharf & Godown Co., Ld. Manager, Canadian Trading Co.,

(China) Ld.

Clerk, National City Bank of New York. Assistant Manager, Kian Gwan Co.,

India Ld.

Assistant, G. Ramchand.....

Assistant, Watamal Boolchand Engineer, Jardine Engineering Corpora-

tion, Ld.

Assistant, H. K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., Ld.

Electrical Engineer, H.K. Electric

Co., Ld.

Banker, H.K, & Shanghai Bank

Accountant, H.K. & China Gas Co., Ld..

3 Wing Wah Lane.

90 Argyle Street, Mongkoktsui, 41 Caine Road.

66 Village Road, Ground floor. 1B Austin Road, Kowloon.

4 Hanoi Road, Kowloon. On premises.

1083 Cauton Road, 3rd floor,


On premises.

125 Hennessy Road.

85 Cheung Yeung Street, 1st floor. 5 Lan Kwai Fong.

238 Wanchai Road.

31 Queen's Road East, 2nd floor.

338 Canton Road, 2nd floor,


23 Gap Road.

20 Johnston Road, 2nd floor. 456 King's Road, 2nd floor.

Woodside, Quarry Bay.

3 Saifee Terrace, Kowloon. 4 Caine Road.

6 Caine Road.

10 Robinson Road.

5B Chancery Lane, 1st floor. 126 Lockhart Road.

14 Tung Cheong Building, Kowloon.

3 Haven Street. 192 The Peak.

Kai Tak Airport, Kowloon.

Cement Works, Hok Un, Kowloon.

Quarry Bay.

41 Humphreys Building, Kowloon.

6 Arbuthnot Road, 2nd floor. 7 Po Tuck Street, 2nd floor.

4c Hart Avenue, Kowloon.

22 Village Road. 7 Warren Street.

80 Caine Road.

1 Babbington Path.

20 On Lam Street.

7 Village Road.

On premises.

530 The Peak,

353 The Peak.

172 Nathan Road. Kowloon.






Thompson, William John...

Thomson, Basil William


Wireless Superintendent, Williamson

& Co.

Supt. Afloat, H.K. & Kowloon Wharf

& Godown Co., L‹.

Thomson, Frederick Sutter. Clerk, Taikoo Dockyard & Enginering

Thomson, George Bowman


Thomson, James Downie...

Thomson, John Butler

Thong, Pohing

Thoresen, Thorborn

Thornton, Joseph


Tien Renn-liang, Heury Tija Hie-an

Tillery, William Campbell,


Ting Chi-son

Ting Ka-choon

Ting Shui-ming

Ting Wen-hao Tinson, Arthur Cecil

Tjon, Edwin

To Kam-hung....

To, Lester

To On-wong

To Shing-chung...

Tobias, Lewis Albert.................... Tocher, Alexander Fraser

* Tock, Frank

Tom Shew-tong

Tong Che-cheong

Tong Che-leung Tong Ding-cheong Tong Kwok-kwong Tong Man-fu Tong, Richard

Tong Sik-ming

Tong Sing, Thomas

Tong Shin-wai

Co., of H. K. Ld.

Accountant, H.K. & Kowloon Wharf

& Godown Co., Ld.

Manager, Dairy Farm, Ice & Cold

Storage Co., Ld................

Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard &

Engineering Co., of H.K. Ld. General Assistant, H.K. Rubber Manu-

facturing Co., Ld.

Installation Manager, Pure Cane Molasses Co. H. K. Ld.

Assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co... Contractor, Hoy Yuen..... Engineer Director, Oversea Chinese ·

Industrial Corporation Ld.

Meters Superintendent, China Light &

Power Co., Ld.

Assistant, China National Aviation


Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld. Godown-keeper, Bata Shoe Co., Ld. Manager, Ching Fong Chong & Co. Electrical Engineer, China Light &

Power Co., Ld.

Technical Asst., Marconi International Marine Communication Co., Ld. Clerk, Jebsen & Co.

Central Showroom Attendant, H.K. &

China Gas Co., Ld.

Managing Director. T. C. Wong &

Co., L.

Accountant Store Clerk, H.K. Telephone

Co., Ld.

Optician, N. Lazarus

Draughtsman, Taikoo Dockyard &

Engineering Co., Ld. Assistant, Otis Elevator Co.

Assistant, Imperial Chemical Industries

(China) Ld.

Sub. Manager, International

Transportation Co....... Clerk, H. Ruttonjee & Son Banker, Bank of Kwangsi

Clerk, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co....... Salesman, U.S. Rubber Export Co., Ld Sub-Manager, Tai Ping Insurance

Co., Lử.

Assistant, Union Insurance Society of

Canton, Ld......

Accountant, National Cash Register Co... Clerk, Sworn Measurers' Office Clerk, Sworn Measurers' Office

Tong Shiu-ki

Tonnochy, Percy John

Clerk, J. Ruttonjee & Son

9 Bay View Mansions.

297 Prince Edward Road, K'loon.

On premises.

On premises.

Domun, Pokfulam.

On premises.

34 Hay Wong Terrace, 1st floor,

Kennedy Town.

Orme's Bungalow.

11 Miles New Territories.

409 The Peak. On premises.

228 Nathan Road, 3rd floor,


8 Tantallon Terrace, K'loon Docks.

19 Wongneichong Road. On premises.

43 High Street, 1st floor. 32 Blue Pool Road.

130 Argyle Street, Mongkoktsui.

105 Woosung Street, 1st floor. 432 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon.

16 Dragon Terrace,

47 Bonham Road, 2nd floor.

222 Jaffé Road, Ground floor. 6 Pedder Street.

On premises.

171 Sai Yeung Choi Street, Ist

floor, Mongkoktsui.

On premises.

298 Queen's Road, 3rd floor.

49A Elgin Street, Top floor. On premises.

On premises.

78 Macdonnell Road.

6 Breezy Terrace.

On premises.

19 Caroline Hill Road.

On premises.

On premises.

2 Fort Street, North Point, Top







Tonoff, Anatole Nicholas

Tonoff, Nicholas


Triggs, Clifton James Trong, Tran Van Tsai Tei-ching

Tsang Cheung-kwum.

Tsang Ching-hau

Tsang Chiu-yuen Tsang Hung-tim. Tsang Kam-chuen Tsang Kai-ng.

Tsang Kin-chuon Tsang Kwok-kuen Tsang, Paul

Tsang Shiu-tim Tsang Wah-shin.

Tsang Wai-lok Tsang Yat-sun

Tsang Yung-fuk

Tsao Chung-yan......

Tsau Ding-hau

Tse, Andrew Tse, Charles

Tse Chun-po Tse King-yuen Tse Koon-kee.


Tse Mee-tack...

Tse Po-wan

Tse Shau-ping

Tse Shúi-wing

Tse Siu-kee Tse Tim-chao..

Tseng Kuo-pao Tseng Teh-kien Tsenin, Eugene Alexis Tseung Ying-kong Tso Chak-chuen....

Tso Chak-kau

T'so Hok-yue

Tso Ming-on

Teo Pun-to


Tso Yin-kin

Tsoi Chiu

Tsoi Hon-ching Tsoi Ki-cheung

Assistant, Camera Exchange Service

Proprietor, Camera Exchange


Engineer, H.K. & Shanghai Hotels, Ld... Clerk, Banque de l'Indo Chine Accountant, Encarnação Hammond & Lo. Clerk, International Transportation Co....

Sub-Manager, Tai Ping Insurance

Co. Ld.

Broker, Payne & Co.

Merchant, Sui Heong Yuen Director, Banker & Co., Ld.

On premises.

1 Middle Road, Kowloon. Peninsula Hotel.

7 Dragon Terrace.

33 Hennessy Road, 2nd floor. 151 Sal Yee Street, 1st floor,


33 Fa Yuen Street, 2nd floor,


143 Thomson Road.

34 and 36 Hing Lung Street. On premises.

Draftsman, Jardine, Matheson & Co. Ld. 74 Cheung Sha Wan Road,

Assistant, S. E. Levy & Co.

Clerk, China Light & Power Co. Ld. Clerk, Australian Sandalwood

Co., Ld.

Merchant, Sui Heong Yuen Clerk, S. E. Levy & Co...... Clerk, Bank of Canton, Ld.

Clerk, Taikoo Dockyard & Engineering

Co. of H.K., Ld. Clerk, K.C. Chiu & Co.

Shipping Clerk, Jebsen & Co.

Assistant Compradore, Jebsen & Co.......

Assistant, Clover Flower Shop Merchant, Pedder Building, 2nd floor. Merchant, Reiss, Bradley & Co., Ld... Clerk, Sworn Measurers' Office Assistant, Harry Wicking & Co., Ld. Assistant, Mackinnon, Mackenzie

& Co.

Assistant, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co. Assistant, Union Insurance Society of

Canton, Ld.......

Clerk, Central Showroom, H.K. &

China Gas Co., Ld.

Clerk, International Transportation Co.... Bank Clerk, Oversea Chinese Banking

Corporation, Ld.....

Clerk, China Insurance Co., Ld.. Clerk, S. E. Levy & Co...... Assistant, Shewan, Tomes & Co. Ld. Assistunt, British Cigarette Co., Ld....... Acting Manager, Paramount Films of

China Inc. H.K........

Branch Manager, Warner Bros. First

National Pictures, Inc.

Secretary, Chinese Chamber of


Assistant, Union Insurance Society of

Canton, Ld.

Clerk. Utoomal & Assudamal Co. Assistant, Kincheng Banking Corporation Clerk, Sworn Measurers' Office Manager, E. Fook Co.

Clerk, Far East Oxygen & Acetylene

Co., Lu.


12 Babington Path.

318 Ma Tau Wei Road, Kowlocu.

55 Leighton Hill Road.

34 and 36 Hing Lung Street.

12 Babington Path.

12 Babington Path.

On premises.

125 Main Street, Shaukiwan East,

1st floor.

9 Cheung Sha Wan Road, 2nd floor,


5 Cheung Sha Wan Road, 1st floor,


3 Kotewall Road. 143 Wongueichong Road. 5 Hing Hon Road. On premises.

414 Hennessy Road.

On premises. On premises.

On premises.

85A Hennessy Road. 22 Ship Street, 2ud floor.

22 Ladder Terrace, Top floor. 492 Hennessy Road, 1st floor. 1 Sing Ping Street, 3rd floor. 23 Cameron Road, Kowloon. 83 Hill Road, 1st floor.

37 Tai Street, Kowloon City.

8 Breezy Terrace, Top floor,

Bonham Road.

32 Caine Road.

On premises.

41 d'Aguilar Street, 3rd floor. 140, Woosung Street, Yaumati. On premises.

25 Sai Po Road, 2nd floor, Kowloon.

278 Shanghai Street, 3rd floor,







Tsoi Pak-hang Tsoi San-fan Tsoi Wing-kai Tsoi Yat-hang

Tsok Shu-shum

Ten Ho-tseung Tsu Hoo-cheun

Tsu Hung-hok Tsui Keng-chau... Tsui Shang-quen Tsui Shu-hung Tsui Wah-chiu Tsui Wai-sun

Tsui Wing-chui

Tsung Po-tong Tu Tze-ying Tu Yuen-fu Tung Ming-king. Tung Wing-ki *Turner, Harry

Turner, William Tye, Albert Matthew Tyndall, Frederick..

Tyson, Frederic Hunter Tze Tsan-suen

Clerk, Marsman, H.K. China, Ld.. Clerk, Pentreath & Co. Clerk, Pentreath & Co.

Assistant, Union Insurance Society

of Canton, Ld. Salesman, Jardine, Engineering Corpora-

tion, Ld.

Clerk, Gande, Price & Co., Ld. Assistant, Ulderup & Co.

Draughtsman, J. S. Moraes...... Salesman, Texas Co., (China) Ld. Book-Keeper, Malcolm & Co., Ld.... Clerk, Thomson & Co.

A/c. Clerk, Texas Co., (China) Ld. Accountant, Warner Bros. First National

Pictures, Inc.

Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co.,

(S. C.) Ld.

2nd Compradore, H.K. & Shanghai Bank Clerk, Kian Gwan Co. India, Ld. Assistant, China Travel Service. Manager, China Insurance Co, Ld. Clerk, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co....... Mine Manager, H. K. Clays &

Kaolon Co., Ld.

Assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.. Clerk, American Express Co., Inc. Assistant Engineer, H.K. & China Gas

Co., Ld.

Attorney, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co. Engineer, H. J. Moysey & Co.

188 Wanchai Road, 2nd floor. 177 Hennessy Road, 3rd floor. 177 Hennessy Road, 3rd floor.

On premises.

1 Rutland Quadrant, Kowloon Tong. 355 Lockhart Road, 2nd floor.

24 Fook Wa Street, 2nd floor,


80 Takuling Road.

87 Leighton Hill Road.

101 Taipo Road, 2nd floor, Kowloon. 66 High Street, 1st floor.

65 Tak Ku Ling Rd., K'loon City.

74 High Street, 3rd floor.

On premises.

2 Ning Yeung Terrace.

1 Lock Road, Kowloon. On premises.

10 Peking Road, 1st floor, Kowloon. On premises.

10 Humphreys Building. Laichikok Installation. 11 Canal Road, Top floor.

Y.M.C.A., Kowloon.

8 Branksome Towers, May Road. 382 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon.

U Chu-wing

U Kiu-yin

U Shiu-ki

*U Tat-chee

U Wing-kee


Ubaghs, Marcel

Ue Kong Chung, Henry

Ue Sai-ling

Uen Shu-shum

Assistant, Butterfleld & Swire Advertising Manager, Chi Min Enter-

tainment, Ld.

Clerk, Davie, Boag, & Co., Ld........ Merchant, H. Connel & Co., Ld. Assistant, Lloyd Triestino

Accountant, Banque Belge pour ¡Etranger Compradore, Linstead & Davis. Manager, Asiatic American Co,.... Clerk, Jebsen & Co.

Ulderup, Johannes Petersen Proprietor, Ulderup & Co.

Un King-sang..

Clerk, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co.......

On premises.

35 Fook Wing Street, Shamshuipo. 49 Tung Choi Street, Mongkoktsui. 9 Fook Wing Street, 2nd floor. 18 Larch Street, 2nd floor. Peak Mansions.

19 Bonham Road.

24 Stubbs Road.

95A High Street, Ground floor. Hong Kong Club,

On premises.


Vagnone, Orazio... Vago, Aladar

Vaidya, Keshav Balkrishna. Vallessuk, William..... Van der Stegen, Henn... Van Wylick, Gabriel

Edouard Charles...

Vannini, Augusto Vargassoff, Nicolas

Engineer, Jebsen & Co. Manager, A Vago

Journalist, National Publishers, Ld. Radio Engineer, China Electric Co., Ld.. Manager, R. Maes

Architect, Credit Foncier d'Extreme


Contractor, A. Vanani & Co.

Electrical Engineer, H.K. Electric

Co., Lư.

Peninsula Hotel.

310 Prince Edward Rd., Kowloon. 30 Village Road.

4 Ashley Road, 3rd floor, Kowloon. Dina House, Duddell Street.

9 Peak Mansions.

141 Electric Road.

4 Fort Road, Ground floor.






Varn, Madison Howell Vas, George Augusto Vaswani, Assudamal


Vaswani, Dayaram


Vaz, Guilherme Tomas...

Veldhuijzen, Evert


Veliz, Luiz Mario

Veltman, Alfons Herman

Ven Kuo-pao

Venezia, Dominic

Assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co....... Assistant, Yokohama Specie Bank, Ld...

Proprietor, Utoomal & Assudamal Co.

Manager, G. Ramchand Clerk, Nederlandsche-Indische

Handelsbank, N.V.

Assistant, Nederlandsche Indische

Handelsbank, N.V. Salesman, Bosco Radio Corporation

Manager, Java-China-Japan

Lijn, N. V.

Shop Manager, Bata Shoe Co., Ld. Director, The Intercontinent Corporation.

Venshou, Alexander Caesar Foreman, Malcolm & Co., Ld.

Vessoona, Nowroji


Victor, Carlos de Monte


Videro, Edward Jersy

Vieira, Bernardino Senna

Vieira, Bomfilho Maria, Jr.. Vieira, Henrique Emilio Vincent, Henri

Volkoff, Nicolas.

Asssitant, C. M. Karangia & Co.

Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld. Supervisor, Dairy Farm, Ice & Cold

Storage Co., Ld.

Assistant, Dodwell & Co., Ld. Book-keeper, Millington, Ld. Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld. Chef, Peninsula Hotel

Gloucester Hotel. 761 Nathan Road, Kowloon.

17 Robinson Road.

1 Babington Path.

On premises.

8 Conduit Road.

300 Sai Yeung Choi Street, Top floor, Mongkok tsui.

264 The Peak.

97 Fa Yuen Street, Mongkoktsui. On premises.

41 Hankow Road, 2nd floor,


1 Sharp St., Leighton Hill Rd.

On premises.


21 Stafford Road, Kowloon Tong. 286 Lockhart Road, 2nd floor.

5 Chi Wo Street, 1st fl., Kowloon. On premises.

Engineer, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co....... 3 Humphreys Building, Kowloon.


Wade, Leland Walton

Wadhwa, Bassarmal,


Sub-Accountant, National City Bank of

New York

Assistant Manager, Hassaram


Wahab, Mohammed Abdul.. Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld..

Wai Kwong-ma

Wai Mai-lok

Wai Man-wei

Wai Pao-woo

Wai Suen-an

Waid, John......

Walch, Leon David Walkden, Alan Frank ....

Walker, Charles

Douglas Neville

Walker, George Findlay

Walker, John Erskine Jule Walker, John Michael

Walker, Robert John


Assistant Manager, Scientific Service Co. Clerk, H.K. Telephone Co., Ld. Clerk, H.K. Telephone Co., Id.

Clerk, National Carbon Co., Fed., Inc.,

U. S. A.

Asst. Mgr., H. K. Rubber

Manufactory, Ld.

Foreman, Taikoo Sugar Refining

Co., Ld.

Manager, J. Ullmann & Co. Assistant, Dodwell & Co., Ld.

Banker, Hong Kong & Shanghai


Chartered Accountant, Percy Smith,

Seth & Fleming

Assistant, Jockey Club Stables Accountant Clerk, Percy Smith, Seth &


Installation Manager, Asiatic

14 Peak Mansions.

4 Sun Wai Road.


On premises.

On premises.

486 Lockhart Road, 2nd floor. 29 Village Road, 2nd floor.

81 Robinson Road.

29 Leighton Hill Road.

16 Braemar Terrace, Quarry Bay. 19 Humphreys Building, Kowloon. 16 Humphreys Building,


353 The Peak.

Peninsula Hotel. On premises.

175 Sai Yeung Choi Street, 2nd

floor, Mongkoktsui.

Petroleum Co., (S. C.) Ld........ North Point Installation.






Walker, Vernon

Wallace, Robert Cooper......

Wallace, Robert James Walle, Izaak Jacobus


Waller, Horatio Annesley... Waller, Prosper Alestaire... Waller, Thomas

Walree, Eric Van Walther, Jan

Wan Ashue, Andrew.... Wan Chuen-kan.......

Wan Chung-pak

Wan Hung-kwan

Wan Kwong-yiu Wan Wai-in

Wan Yew-wong..

Wan Yun-yu

Wang Chi-hsin

Wang Shing-tet Wang Shou-ge Wang Shui-hung Wang Sing-kwan

Wang Yu-de

Chief Assistant Engineer, H.K. Tram-

ways, Ld......

Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard & Engineer-

ing Co. of H.K., Lď. Manager, Marcel Cafe......

Assistant, Marsman H. K. China, Ld. Secretary, Ruttonjee Estates, Ld. Clerk, Benjamin & Potts

Assistant Engineer, H. K. Tramways,


Assistant, Java-China-Japan Lijn., N.V. Agent, Sun Life Assurance Co. of


Book-keeper, M. Beraha

Secretary, Overzeeche Kali Export Mij.

Amsterdam (Naves)

Telephone Operator, H. K. Mines,


Clerk, Chase Bank

Clerk, Linstend & Davis Clerk, Chartered Bank of India,

Australia & China Merchant, Manufacturers Trading


Agency Manager, Wing On Life

Assurance Co., Ld. Translator, Advertising & Publicity

Bureau, Ld......................

Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld.. Clerk, China Vegetable Oil Corporation. Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld..| Salesman, Arnhold & Co., Ld.

Banker, Manufacturers Bank of China ... Wanklyn, Patrick Rawson. Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.C.)

Ward, Albert Stephen Warren, Eric John Truro

Warren, Leslie Beal Wat Hew-kúi..................

Wat Kwing-kay Wat Lok-hing Wat Lun

Watson, Arthur

Watson, James Alexander

Watson, Kenneth

Watt, Yiu Hung Waung, Thomas. Way, Harry

Way, William Kenneth.

*Webb, Robert Leslie


Webster, John Saunders

Wee Ghee-hoe

Wei Man-pao

Wei Sum-ming


Assistant, Netherlands Trading Society... Manager, Australian Sandalwood Co.,


Merchant, Warren & Co., Ld.......... Assistant, Eng. Instructor, Far East Flying Training School, Ld.. Clerk, South British Ins. Co., Ld.. Assistant, Y. M. C, A.

Clerk, South British Insurance Co., Ld.... Assistant, W. R. Loxley & Co., (China)


Clerk, Taikoo Dockyard & Engineering

Co. of H.K., Ld....

Shipwright, H. K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., Ld.

Clerk, Wing On Bank, Ld. Sub-Manager, The Bank of Canton, Ld.. Architect, Way & Hall

Manager, R.K.O. Radio Pictures

of China Inc.

Insurance Manager, Commercial Union

Assurance Co., Ld.

Mercantile Assistant, Davie, Boag &

Co., Ld.

Assistant, Kwangtung Provincial Bank...

359 The Peak.

Quarry Bay.

70A Nathan Road, Kowloon.

Y. M. C. A., Kowloon.

25 Wing Hing Street, 2nd floor. Diocesan Boys' School.

Cathay Hotel,

| 264 The Peak.

Arlington Hotel.

4 Kung Yuen Road.

5 Kiu Yan Lane, Tai Hang.

No. 3 Wai Tak Lee, 1st floor. 504 Shanghai Street, Yaumati. 199 Fa Yuen Street, Mongkoktsui.

50 Argyle Street, Mongkoktsui.

12 Lee Yuen Street, East.

19 Lee Garden Road, 2nd floor.

56 Gloucester Road. On premises.

205 King's Building. On premises.

1 King's Terrace, 2nd floor,


126 Un Chau Street, Shamsuipo.

North Point. On premises.

453 The Peak.

The Towers, 20 Broadwood Road.

372 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon. On premises.

3 Chee Woo Street. On premises.

7 Leighton Hill Road.

Quarry Bay.

On premises. On premises.

25 Wongneichong Road, 2nd floor. 37 Bonham Road, Top floor,

5 Village Villas, Happy Valley.

1c Carnarvon Building, Kowloon.

Kingsclere Private Hote!. 37 Hillwood Road, 1st floor,


Assistant, China Electric Co., Ld.......... 2 Ashley Road, 2nd floor, Kowloon.

Clerk, Garage Dept., H. K. & Shanghai

Hotels, Ld.

25 Bowrington Road, 1st floor.






Wei Tat

Weibin Tong Weill, Leo

Weill, Maurice Bernard Weir, Arnold ....

Weir, Douglas Churchill White, Claud Ellsworth White, Edmund Herbert


Assistant, Sang Kee

Manager, China Travel Service... Share-broker, L. Weill & Co. Share-broker, L. Weill & Co.. Mechanic, China National Aviation


Manager, China Engineers, Ld. Manager, Far East Motors

Assistant Accountant, H.K. & Shanghai

Hotels, Ld......

White, George Alexander... Meter Superintendent, China

White, John Paul

White, Norbert Leyburn. Whiteley, William Henry...

Whitham, James


Whyte, James Jardine

Wickerson, Reginald


Wiele, Hermann..

Wilcox, Alan Cyril Wild, Richard Henry Wilkins, Kurt....... Wilkinson, Frederick James

Wilkinson, Joseph Nelson...

Willey, Frederick John

Williams, Henry Fisher

Williams, Tiffany Bernard Williams, William George.

Williamson, Hugh Basil Williamson, Walter

Willy, David John........ Wilmer, Harry Bradlaugh... Wilson, Charles Robert...... Wilson, Walter George


Wilson, Walter James

Winter, Frank Bathie Witchell, George Bernard... Wolfe, Joseph

Wolosh, Constantine Mark.

Wong, Allen

Wong, Arthur Valentine Wong Bo-lan

Light & Power Co., Ld.

Assistant, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., Ld.

Assistant, Butterfield & Swire.... Manager, Der A Wing & Co., (1923)


Acting Branch Manager, Sun Life

Assurance Co. of Canada Timekeeper, Taikoo Dockyard & Engineering Co. of H.K., Ld.

Manager, China Provident Loan &

Mortgage Co., Ld.

Merchant, Jebsen & Co. ....


Accountant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Manager, South British Insurance Co. Assistant, East Asiatic Co., Ld. Assistant, Dairy Farm, Ice & Cold

Storage Co., Ld.....

Assistant, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., Ld.

Clerk, Taikoo Dockyard & Engineering

Co., Ld.

Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.)


Assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co. Travel Representative, American

Express Co., Inc.

Assistant, Butterfield & Swire Assistant, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., L.

44 Des Voeux Road Central. On premises.

R.B.L. 218, Pokfulam. R.B.L. 218, Pokfulam.

Kai Tak Airport, Kowloon. On premises.

27 Cameron Road, Kowloon.

300 Nathan Road, 1st fl., Kowloon,

Flat "C" Sub-station Building,

Kowloon Tong.

On premises. O premises.

16 Broadwood Road.

6 Shek-O.

Quarry Bay.

8 Braga Circuit, Kadoorie Avenue,


6 Conduit Road.

Peninsula Hotel.

On premises.

Harbour View Hotel.

10 Cumberland Road, Kowloon


On premises.

On premises.

On premises.

Apartment 42 St. Joan's Court,

373 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon. On premises.

On premises.

130 Tung Choi Street, Mongkoktsui.

Clerk, Alex, Ross Motor Co., Ld. Accountant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Courtland Hotel. Engineer, H.K. Electric Co., Ld.

Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.)


Marine Superintendent, American

President Lines, Ld. Banker, H.K. & Shanghai Bank Marine Engineer, Williamson & Co. Assistant, Dairy Farm, Ice & Cold

Storage Co., Ld.............

Merchant, Wolosh's Commercial Agency.

Clerk, Confederation Life Association Secretary, Local Printing Press, Ld....... Clerk, Taikoo Dockyard & Engineering

Co., of H.K., Ld.

H.E.C. Qrs., 11 Causeway Hill.

On premises.

Peninsula Hotel.

Ardsheal, 357 The Peak.

231 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon.

242 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon. 9 Salisbury Avenue, 1st floor,


35 Ashley Road, Kowloon. 9 Lau Li Street, 2nd floor.

On premises.






Wong Bor

Wong Chan-kuen

Wong Chang-ling, James Wong Chap-yin

Wong, Charles Pingui Wong Cheuk-tong.... Wong Chi-po....

Wong Chor-leung Wong Chung-ho Wong Dai-liang

Wong Fai-tong

Wong Fait-fone

Wong, Fred Victor

Wong, George

Wong, Haking

Wong, Harry

Wong, Hay... Wong, Henry

Wong, Herbert Charles Percival.......

Wong Ho-lan

Wong Hon-kai

Wong Hon-ming Wong Hon-ying.... Wong Hui-wan Wong Iu-sun

Wong, James Ning * Wong, Johnston...

Wong, Chung-kong Joseph. Wong Kam-cheong


Vong Kai-cho

Wong Kam-fan

Wong Kam-pui

Wong Kam-poon

Wong Kam-ying

Wong, Kenneth Wong Kie-kwong Wong Kim-wah Wong Kin-tsoi Wong King-fong Wong Kun-hoong Wong Kung-min

Wong Kwai-yin.....

Wong Kwok-ching.

Wong Kwok-king

Wong Kwok-yin, William...

Wong Long-chi....

Wong Long-ying

Manager, H. K. Sporting Arms Store 545 Nathan Road, 2nd floor,

Contactman, L. Dunbar & Co. Superintendent Engineer, Holt's Wharf Assistant, A. Goeke & Co. (1935)


Assistant, Butterfield & Swire Architect, Asia Life Building. Compradore, Mackinnon, Mackenzie &

Co., Ld.

Clerk, National City Bank of New York Clerk. Chinese Chamber of Commerce.... Assistant, Ilford, Ld.

Assistant Compradore, Holland-China

Trading Co., Ld..... Draughtsman, H.K. Engineering &

Construction Co., Ld...

Clerk, Thomson & Co....... Assistant, U.S. Life Insurance Co...... General Manager, H.K. Rubber Manu-

factory, Ld.

Assistant, Asia Life Insurance Co....... Clerk, Lepack & Co.

Stenographer, Marsman H. K. China Ld.

Assistant Maintenance Engineer, China

Light & Power Co., Ld. Accountant, Insurance Co. of North


Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld.. Accountant, China Emporium, Ld.... Clerk, Sworn Measurers' Office Merchant, Wong Hui Wan..... Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld.. Secretary, Gande, Price & Co., Ld....... Branch Manager, Columbia Films of

China, Ld.

Clerk, National City Bank of New York. Merchant, Queen's Dispensary Compradore, Holland-China Trading Co.,


Insurance Manager, International

Assurance Co., Ld.

Clerk, Bank of Canton, Ld. Assistant Compradore, Banque Belge pour l'Etranger (E.O.), S.A. Representative, Confederation Life


Clerk, U.S. Treasury Department. pp. Accountant, Bank of East Asia... Clerk, Bell & Howell Co. Assistant, A.S. Watson & Co. Ld. Assistant, A. S. Watson & Co., Ltd. Clerk, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co. Clerk, Java-China-Japan Lijn, N.V..


Clerk, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co. Cashier, The Red Lion Inn Clerk, H.K. Land Investment & Agency

Co. Lư.

Director, H.K. & Canton Sanitary


Accountant, National Aniline &

Chemical Co., U.S.A.

Clerk, China United Lamp Co.


9 Hillwood Road, Kowloon. 1 Flint Street, Kowloon.

14 Johnston Road, 2nd floor. On premises.

14 Queen's Road Central, 1st floor.

On premises.

18 Mongkok Road, Kowloon. On premises.

25 Sing Woo Road, 2nd floor.

10 Jordan Road, 1st floor, K'loon.

47 Fuk Wa Street, 1st floor,


11 Cumberland Road, Kowloon Tong. 129 Caine Road.

5 Hoi Ping Road, Caroline Hill. 24 Pak Po Street.

235 Jaffé Road.

568 Canton Road, Kowloon.

2 Austin Avenue,


28 Gage Street, 1st floor. On premises.

3 Chico Terrace, 2nd floor. On premises.

15 Tin Lok Lane, 2nd floor. On premises.

16 Essex Crescent, Kowloon Tong.

4 Leighton Hill Road. 10 Sampan Street. 223 Jaffé Road.

10 Jordan Rd., 1st floor, Kowloon.

28 Fort Street.

184 Ma Tau Chung Road.

6 Devon Road, Kowloon Tong.

271 Hennessy Road.

772 Nathan Road, Kowloon. On premises.

10 Ying Fai Terrace, Caine Rd. 22 Fort Street, Ground floor.

| 165 Electric Road, 3rd floor.

On premises.

3 Fook Wah Street, 1st floor,


On premises.

4 Lock Road, Top floor.

382 Hennessy Road, 1st floor.

5 Arbuthnot Road, 1st floor.

67 Peel Street, Top floor. 46 Elgin Terrace.







Wong Luen-fook Wong Man-keung Wong Man-kit

Wong Man-sheung.. Wong Moon-cheung Wong Nam-shau......



Wong, Parkin.... Wong, Peter Wong Shiu-chuen

Wong Shiu-kan Wong Shiu-wa Wong Shun-him.. Wong Shun-tak Wong Siew-kwan Wong Sik-chung

Wong Sik-kay Wong Sik-kuen

Wong Sik-kwai Wong Siu-woon Wong Sui-ki

Wong Suk-fan

Wong Sum Wong Sun-wing

Wong Sun-yee Wong Sung-ki

Wong Tai-cho

Wong Tak-kwong...

Wong Tak-wing Wong Tat Wong Tchek-sing.

Wong Theng-shan Wong, Thomas

Wong Ting-in

Wong Tsai-ming Wong Tsang-shau

Wong Tsao-ling Wong Tse-kwong *Wong Wah-ding

Wong Wan-kung Wong, William

Wong, William Richard

Wong Wing-kit... Wong Wing-yuet

On premises.

Proprietor, Tai Hung Printing Press. 45 Bute Street, 2nd floor. Merchant, W. S. Sherly & Co. Clerk, Chau Yue Teng Accountant, Y. M. C. A.

Clerk, Eastman Kodak Co........ Accountant, Insurance Co. of North


Assistant, China Light & Power

Co., L

Compradore, American Express Co., Inc. Assistant, A. S. Watson & Co., Ld. Storekeeper, Caldbeck, MacGregor & Co.,


Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld.. Merchant, Wing Wah Drug Co., Ld... Merchant, Khunglin & Co... Clerk, Hotel Cecil, Ld.

Director, S. K. Trust, Ld. Compradore, H.K. & Kowloon Wharf &

Godown Co., Ld. Compradore, Jebsen & Co. Assistant Compradore, H.K. & Kowloon

Wharf & Godown Co., Ld. Clerk, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co. Merchant,

Assistant, W. R. Loxley & Co., (China)


Assistant, A. Goeke & Co. (1935)


Cashier, Marcel's Cafe......

Assistant, H. K. Sporting Arms


Assistant, Shewan, Tomes & Co. Manager, U. Spalinger & Co., S.A.

Architect and Manager, Hing Yip

Amusement Co., Ld.

Assistant, Ciba (China), Ld.

Clerk, M. Beraha

Compradore, Swedish Match Co. Draughtsman, China Light & Power

Co., Ld.

Clerk, Manufacturers Life Ins. Co.... Assistant, W. R. Loxley & Co., (China)


Assistant, Union Insurance Society

of Canton, Ld.

Manager, Teh Shun Hsing & Co. Clerk, Insurance Co. of North America...

Proprietor, "Mode Elite"

Clerk, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co....... Assistant, H.K. Land Investment &

Agency Co., Ld....

Civil Engineer, H. M. Siū Assistant, National Carbon Co. Fed.

Inc. U. S. A.

Assistant Engineer, Kowloon Motor

Bus Co. (1933), Ld.

Assistant, Getz, Bros. & Co.

Assistant, Union Insurance Society

of Canton, Ld.

54 Tak Ku Ling Road, 1st floor. 141 Laichikok Road, Kowloon.

5 Gordon Road, Causeway Bay.

54 Queen's Road East.

364 Nathan Road, 3rd floor,


19 Peiho Street, Shamshuipo. 38B Bonham Road.

3 Bonham Road, 2nd floor. On premises.

481 Hennessy Road. 19 Yick Yam Street. On premises.

Stone Manor, Sassoon Road.

31 Granville Road, Kowloon. 27 Bonham Road.

1 Middle Road, 3rd floor, Kowloon. On premises.

271 Hennessy Road.

25 Cedar Street, Shamshuipo.

131 Hennessy Road.

119 Thomson Road, 2nd floor.

On premises.

1 Yen Wah Terrace.

6 Fook Kwan Avenue, Tai Hang


12 Fung Wong Terrace, 2nd floor,


369 Prince Edward Road, Ground

floor, Kowloon.

121 Argyle Street, Mongkok tsui. 97 High Street.

155 Fa Yuen Street, Mongkoktsui. 64 Tuk Wah Street, 1st floor.

39 Kai Yan Road, Kowloon City.

On premises. On premises.

227 Laichikok Road, 1st floor,


9 On Lan Street, Top floor. On premises.

406 Hennessy Road, 2nd floor. 15 Hing Hon Road, 2nd floor.

268 Chatham Road, Kowloon.

788 Nathan Road, 2nd floor,


10 Ying Fai Terrace.

On premises.






Wong Yat-hung.. Wong Yau-foo

Wong Yew-mun. Wong Ying-hang Wong Yiu-ki W ong Yiu-nam

Wong Yu-yeck

Wong Yue-kuen


Wong Wong Yuk-yne Wong Yuk-san Wong Zur-ming,..

Woo Chib-hung

Woo Kin-yin Woo Pui-kwan

Woo Ts-uyi, James.

Woo Tsung-kwei Woo Yuk-fan...

Woo Yun-tse

Woo Ziang-mae

Wood, Eric Thoresby

Wood, James Wood, John Bower

Woodier, George Arthur * Wright, Arthur

Wright, Robert

Wright, William Wu Chao-luen Wu, George-bong

Wu Moug-hang

Wu, Paul

Wu, Nie Chee, Richard...... Wu, Selwyn

Wu Siú-chee

Wu, Thomas

Wu Wong, Joseph...... Wylie, Lindsay Moncur...

Wyllie, Roy Leslie...................

Typist, Java-China-Japan Lijn, N. V. ... Assistant, Wallace Harper & Co., Ld.

Clerk, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co....... Assistant Manager, Central Trading Co.. Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld. Assistant Manager, China Motor Bus

Co., Ld.

Salesman, Texas Co., (China) Ld.. Clerk, Java-China-Japan Lijn, N.V.. Clerk, Marsman H. K. China, Ld. Accountant, Wayne & Haylitt Co..... Clerk, Palace Hotel

Assistant, New Asiatic Chemical Works,

Assistant, China National Aviation


Clerk, China Insurance Co., Ld.. Clerk, Arnhold & Co., Ld.

Clerk, National Carbon Co., Fed., Inc.,

U. S. A..

Engineer, Innis & Riddle, (China) Ld. Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld.. Assistant, China Travel Service Accountant, L. Dunbar & Co......... Overseer, H.K. Engineering & Construc-

tion Co., Ld.

Surveyor, Goddard & Douglas Shipwright, H.K. & Whampoa Dock

Co., Lử.

Salesman, Ed. A. Keller & Co., Ld. Engineer, Jardine Engineering

Corporation, Ld.

Clerk, Taikoo Dockyard & Engineering

Co. of H.K., Ld..........

Merchant, Dodwell & Co., Ld. Clerk, China Vegetable Oil Corporation. Salesman, D. Gestetner (Eastern),


Assistant Engineer, China Construction

Co., Lư.

Clerk, Banque Belge pour l' Etranger

(E.O.), S.A.

Clerk, Manufacturers Life Ins. Co. Clerk, Raoul Bigazzi

Clerk, National City Bank of New York. Manager, United China Syndicate, Ld....

Foreman, China Construction Co., Ld. Banker, Hong Kong & Shanghai



Manager, Charles Morgan & Co., Ld.

37 Tung Street.

26 Nanking Street, 1st floor,


On premises. On premises. On premises.

159 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon. 6 Breezy Point.

43 Shek Kep Mee Street.

128 Woosung Street, Kowloon. 101 Jervois Street.

278 Main Street.

181 Kowloon City Road, Ground


212 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon. 14 Seymour Terrace, Ground floor. 34 First Street, 2nd floor.

Chinese Y. M. C. A.

100 Robinson Road, 2nd floor. On premises.

On premises.

7 Hankow Rd., 1st floor, Kowloon.

4 Embankment Road, Kowloon. 95 Robinson Road.

On premises.

6 Fort Street.

66 Kimberley Road, Flat 2, Kowloon.

Quarry Bay.

On premises.

76 Village Road, 1st floor.

4 Leighton Hill Road.

10 Taipo Road, 1st floor, Kowloon,

37 Hennessy Road. 299 Hennessy Road. 65 Fuk Wa Street. 16 Stanley Street, 2nd floor. 277A Prince Edward Road,


139 Thomson Road, 2nd floor.

353 The Peak. 12 Kennedy Terrace.


Xavier, Alberto Carlos Xavier, Alberto Gustavo

Xavier, Arinando Maria Xavier, Antonio Maria Xavier, Bernado Maria Xavier, Carlos Eugenio......

Xavier, Carlos Maria.

Assistant, Netherlands Trading Society... Assistant, Union Insurance Society of

Canton, Ld.

Clerk, H.K. Electric Co., Ld.

Clerk, National City Bank of New York. Clerk, General Electric Co. of China, Ld. Assistant, H.K. & Shanghai Bank

On premises.

On premises.

43 Cumberland Road, K'loon Tong. 8 Tung Cheong Building, Kowloon. 19 Austin Rd., 1st floor, Kowloon. 481 Nathan Road, Top floor,


Assistant, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co....... 8 Tung Cheong Building, K’loon.







Xavier, Celestino Maria de Portaria-....

* Xavier, Cesario Maria

Xavier, Domingos

Xavier, Eduardo Maria..

Xavier, Eugenio Carlos..... Xavier, Francisco Maria Xavier, Gabriel Sarrazolla... Xavier, Hermenegildo


Xavier, Hymocrates Hermypo..

Xavier, Hypolito Maria


Xavier, Joaquim Bernado Xavier, Joaquim Pedro.. Xavier, José Hermenegildo Xavier, José Hilario Xavier, José Maria Xavier, José Maria de


* Xavier, Luis Augusto Xavier, Luiz Maria

Xavier, Michael Anthony Xavier, Miguel Abella Xavier, Paulo Maria

Xavier, Pedro


* Xavier, Pedro Nolasco

Xavier, Reginald Anthony. Xavier, Renaldo Gustavo

Xavier, Vasco de Gama


Xavier, Victor Maria.

Xavier, Viriato Maria

Clerk, Percy Smith, Seth & Fleming Assistant Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co.,

(S.C.) Ld.

20 Hillwood Road, Kowloon.

On premises.

Tallyman, American President Lines, Ld. 4 Mosque Junction. Assistant, Hong Kong Printing

Press, Ld.

Assistant, Britannic Termite Co. (H.K.). Clerk, National City Bank of New York. Clerk, Texas Co. (China), Ld.

Assistant, Hong Kong Printing

Press, Ld.

6 Cameron Road, Kowloon. 416 Hennessy Road.

10 Tung Cheong Building, K'loon. 763 Nathan Road, Kowloon.

Kowloon City.

Assistant, Marsman H.K. China, Ld.............. 42 Hankow Road, Kowloon.

Clerk, Chartered Bank of India,

Australia & China

Runner, American Express Co. Inc.. Clerk, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld.. Merchant, Xavier Bros., Ld Clerk, H.K. Tramways, Ld. Clerk, Imperial Airways, (Far East) Ld.

Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank Clerk, Arnhold & Co., Ld. Assistant, Nederlandsch Indische

Handelsbank, N.V.


Overseer, H.K. Electric Co., Ld. Clerk, C. E. Warren & Co., Ld..

Managing Director, H. K. Printing

Press, Ld.

Assistant, H.K. Rope Manufacturing

Co., Ld.

Clerk, H.K. & Shanghai Bank

Assistant, Hong Kong Printing

Press, Ld.

Clerk, H:K. & Shanghai Bank

Assistant Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co.,

(S.C.) Ld.

Assistant, J. Ullman & Co.....

2 Granville Road, Kowloon. 15 Wellington Street.

1 Liberty Avenue, Homuntin. 64 Macdonnell Road.

1 Broadwood Road. On premises.

40 King Kwong Street.

97 Tai Po Road, Shamshuipo.

10 Tung Cheong Building, 1st fl.,


64 Macdonnell Road.

23 Circular Pathway, Top floor. 5 United Terrace, Homuntin,


43 Cumberland Road, K'loon Tong.

18 Robinson Road.

17 Jordan Road, Kowloon.

12 Tung Cheong Building, Kowloon.

7 Homuntin Street, Homuntin.

On premises.

10 Tung Cheong Building,



Yam Man-lo

Yang Ching-toh....

Yang Yao-ling

Yang Yiu-ding Yao Tien-ming

Yatskin, Michael Constantin Yau Cheong-ko, George Yau Cheung-lau

Yau Foug-hou

Stock Broker, Encarnação, Hammond

& Lo.

Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.).


Assistant, China Vegetable Oil


Assistant, Arnhold Trading Co., Ed...... Banker, The Shanghai Commercial

& Savings Bank, Ld......................... Assistant, Marsman H .K. China, Ld................. Stenographer, Reiss, Bradley & Co., Ld. Contactman, Swan, Culbertson &


Works Manager, Tai Hang Rubber


117 Robinson Road.

On Fremises.

3 Seymour Terrace.

270 Des Voeux Road West, 1st floor.

On premises.

Marble Hall.

51 Elgin Street, 1st floor.

127 Caine Road.

1 Yen Chow Street, Shamshuipo.






Yau Fung-hon

Yau Kam-shing

Yau Pak-fei Yau Si-lim

Yau Tak-wing Yau Tat-fon Yau Yung-fai

Yee Choon-chan Yee Khin-seong. Yeh Cheng-sien Yeh, Philip Yeh Shit-ying

Yeh Yen-kun....

Yeung Chupoh Yeung Fook-lam Yeung Fook-ping

Yeung Koon-yuk

Yeung Kwan-sut Yeung Pak-tin

Yeung Sai-yue Yeung Shek-tin Yeung Shiu-chao Young Sui-lam Yeung Shun-hang Yeung Sing-choy Yeung Tse-fong Yeung Wing-sek

Yew Man-chiú * Yick Soy-kwan Yih Yao-hwa Yii Fook-sang Yik Tak-ting

Yim-chor Kwan

Ying Toi-gin Yip Chung-kay Yip Fui-sin.. Yip, Paul

Yip Sik-hung

Yip, Teddy..

Yoong Peter Edward

Young, Benjamin Alfred Young, Charles Young Chun-piu

Young Chung-mow

Young Chun-yuen

Young, James

Young Kee-hung

Young, Kenneth Philip Young Po-she....... Young Ting-sun Young Wa-bu... Young, Wilson

Younghusband, Percy

Manager, Wai Sun Tai

Assistant, A. S. Watson & Co., Ld.

Clerk, Wing On Bank, Ld. Assistant Manager, Tai Hang Rubber


Director, Grand Dispensary, Ld. Manager, Tai Hang Rubber Factory. Clerk, Levee & Co.

Clerk, Chase Bank

Assistant, Loke Yuen Lok... Clerk, National City Bank of N. Y. Engineer, Andersen, Meyer & Co., Ld.... Assistant, Insurance Co. of North


Clerk, National Carbon Co., Fed., Inc.,


Manager, G. P. Young Co. Shipping Clerk, Java-China-Japan Line.. Clerk, British American Tobacco Co.,

(China) Ld.

Timekeeper, Taikoo Dockyard &

Enginering Co., of H.K., Ld. Clerk, Colonial Transport Co. Assistant, Union Motors

Salesman, Ed. A. Keller & Co., Ld. Sub-Manager, Wing Nam Jewellery. Assistant, James Wong (Furniture) Co... Clerk, Palace Hotel. Clerk, Siu Ho Ming

Secretary, Western Trading Co., Ld...... Clerk, Java-China-Japan Lijn, N.V.. Clerk, British American Tobacco Co.,

(China) Ld.

Clerk, Texas Co. (China), Ld.

Assistant, Far East Shipping Co., Ld... Accountant, Getz Bros. & Co.

Assistant, Chit Kee Co. Accountant, Yeung Fat & Co.

71 Connaught Road.

123 Chun Yeung Street, Ground

floor. On premises.

71 Connaught Road. On premises.

1 Yen Chow Street, Shamshuipo. 25 Fuk Wah Street, Shamshuipo. 25 Sand Street.

15 Tai Cheung Street, 2nd floor. 340 Lockhart Road. Chinese Y.M.C.A.

14 Shen Kwong Road, Ground floor.

464 Castle Peak Road,

61 Wellington Street, 2nd floor. 103 Gloucester Road.

5 Cliff Road, 3rd floor.

Ou premises.

On premises.

25 Pei Ho Street, 2nd floor,


97 Nam Cheong Street, 2nd floor. 440 Prince Edward Rd., Kowloon 184 Nathan Road, Kowloon.

21 Austin Road, 3rd floor, Kowloon. 19 On Lan Street, 2nd floor. 10 Wing Hing Street, Ground floor. 103 Gloucester Road.

18 Pau Cheung Street.

3 Wing Wah Terrace.

12 Tung Choi Street, Mongkoktsui. 6 Kwong Hon Terrace.

Bank of China Building. 24 Baker Street, 2nd floor,

Hunghom, Kowloon.

Secretary-Accountant, Eu Tong Sen, Ld. On premises.

Clerk, F. A. Joseph

Assistant, Shewan, Tomes & Co.

Clerk, Marsman H.K. China, Ld. Inspector, H.K. & Yaumati Ferry

Co., Ld.

Assistant, Swan, Culbertson & Fritz Salesman, National Cash Register Co. Clerk, National City Bank of

New York

Assistant, J. M. Alves & Co., Ld. Caretaker, Gloucester Hotel

Factory Manager, Tai Hang Rubber


Clerk, Far East Oxygen &

Acetylene Co., Ld. Assistant, Imperial Chemicals

Industries, (China) Ld. Engineer, Taikoo Sugar Refining

Co., Ld.

Assistant, China Underwriters, Ld. Assistant, J. M. Alves & Co., Ld............. Manager, Bata Shoe Co., Ld.

Clerk, U.S. Spalinger & Co., S.A. Salesman, Marsinan H.K. Chiua, Ld... Merchant, Dixon & Co.

Sworn Measurer, Sworn Measurers'


15 Lungkai Terrace, Tai Hang. 245 Lockhart Road, 3rd floor.

228 Tung Choi Street, Mongkoktsui.

On premises.

42 Nga Tsin Long Road. 16 Tsap Tseung Street.

24 Lockhart Road.

30/32 Mongkok Road, Top floor. On premises.

1 Yen Chow Street, Shamshuipo.

25 Lee Yuen St. W., 1st floor.

On premises.

12 Braemar Terrace, Quarry Bay. 56 Haiphong Road, Kowloon. 22 Po Hing Fong, Top floor.

192 Queen's Road East, Top floor. 86 High Street, 3rd floor. 31 Lion Rock Road.

On premises.

On premises.






Yowkey, George Yu Chik-yin Yu Choi-leung Yu Chuen-lok

Yu Chun-chang

Yu Fook-chin.. Yu King-po Yu Ling-chang

Yu Tung-sing Yu Tze-hing

Yu Woon-man

Yuan Ching-tsai Yuan Foo-keung Yuan-Kai Yao

Yuau Tse-tsong Yue Der-yea Yue Ping-ka * Yue Ping-yin

Yue Yang-tsing Yue Wing-kam

* Yuen Cheung-wan. Yuen Ging-yuk

Yuen Kam-fan Yuen Kam-fui Yuen Kwok-ching Yuen Tak-kwong

Yuen Tat-ming Yuen Wei-yang Yung Chang-lei

Yung Chieh-chen

Yung Hin-shing

Yung Hok-ming.

Yung Kuanty Yung Nai-foon Yusuf, Samet

Yvanovich, Philipe Antonio Yvanovich, Vicente



Zaharoff, Victor

Zaiteff, Anatole

Zak, Michel

Zane, Paul

Zech, Peter Frank. Zee Zung

Zimmern, Andrew Zimmern, Archibald

Zimmern, Francis Richard Zulauf, Erich

Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld. Secretary, Lepack & Co......... Clerk, H. K. Telephone Co., Ld. Assistant, Wallace Harper & Co., Ld. Representative, General Motors

China, Ld.

Clerk, Lepack & Co.

Clerk, China Insurance Co, Ld............. Clerk. Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.)


Banker, Manufacturers Bank of China Clerk, H.K. Telephone Co., Ld.....

Clerk, Insurance Co. of North America.

Clerk, Marsman H.K. China Ltd. Clerk, Kowloon Motor Bus Co., Ld. Assistant, Universal Pictures Corp.

of China

Clerk, S. E. Levy & Co. Salesman, Eastman Kodak Co. Manager, Tan Man Hong Clerk, James H. Backhouse, Ld.

Engineer, Arnhold & Co., Ld.....

On premises.

22 Bonham Road, 1st floor. 21 Cheung Sha Wan Road. 63 Bonham Road.

155 Wanchai, Road, 2nd floor. 65 Caine Road.

4 Ning Yeung Terrace, 3rd floor.

On premises.

33 Yik Yam Street.

21 Cheung Sha Wan Road, 3rd floor,


13 Fa Yuen Street, 2nd floor,


49, Prince Edward Road, Kowloon. 63 Bonham Road.

6 Stewart Road.

17 Wing Hing Street, 3rd floor.

31 Sharp Street East.

On premises.

18 Pak Po Street, 2nd floor,


230 Wanchai Road, 1st floor. Assistant, Andersen, Meyer & Co., Ld.... 12 Tsap Tseung Street, 3rd floor,

Manager, Channel Trading Co. Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co.,

(S. C.,) Ld.

Clerk, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld.. Clerk, Holland China Trading Co., Ld........ Clerk, Java-China-Japan Line Shop Manager, Bata Shoe Co., Ld. Clerk, Chase Bank

Manager, China Can Co., Ld............. Assistant, U.S. Life Insurance Co.

Assistant Manager, Foong Yuan Co.................]

Assistant, Union Insurance Society of

Canton, Ld...

Assistant, Kian Gwan Co. India, Ld...... Clerk, Kian Gwan Co. India, Ld.. Assistant, U. Spalinger & Co., S.A.. Clerk, H. K. Electric Co., Ld. Assistant, John D. Hutchison & Co.......

Assistant, Dodwell & Co., Ld.......

Assistant, Gilman & Co., Ld.......... Merchant, Anatole Zaiteff & Co. Principal, Alaska Fur Co. Sales Agent, National Cash

Register Co.

Manager, Palace Hotel

Assistant, National Aviation Corporation. Assistant, Shi Yu Man

Assistant, National Carbon Co., Fed.

Inc., U.S.A.

Broker, Shi Yu Man

Assistant, U. Spalinger & Co., S. A.

Happy Valley.

109 Queen's Road East.

On premises.

18 Eastern Street.

160 Hennessy Road, Ground floor. 5 Tung Fong Street.

248 Queen's Road West.

149 Queen's Road West.

On premises.

729 Nathan Road, 2nd floor,


358 Tai Nam Street, 3rd floor,


On premises.

33 High Street, 1st floor. 18 Hennessy Road, 1st floor. 1 Breezy Terrace.

458 Lockhart Road, 2nd floor. 17 Soares Avenue, Homuntin.

4 Kimberley Villas, Kowloon.

On premises.

18 Broadwood Road.

8 Hart Avenue, 1st floor, Kowloon.

77 Lee Garden Street, 1st floor. On premises.

Room 312, Chinese Y.M.C.A. 1 Kennedy Road.

1 Kennedy Road.

1 Kennedy Road.

Y. M. C. A.

28th March, 1940.


Clerk of Councils.





.....Report of the Daylight Saving Committee

Jurors List for 1940..

.......Report of the War Revenue Committee......








No. 1940.








(Page 4) List of Members of the Committee.

(Page 5) Letter to His Excellency the Governor.

(Page 7) Report. Chapter I. Terms of Reference.


Details of Meetings, Procedure, etc.

III. Recommendations and Conclusion.

(Page 13) Appendix.




The Honourable Mr. C. G. Alabaster, o.B.E., K.C., Attorney General, Hong Kong. Member of the Executive and Legislative Councils, (Chairman).

*The Honourable Mr. S. Caine, Financial Secretary, Hong Kong. Member of the

Executive and Legislative Councils.

†The Honourable Mr. H. R. Butters, Financial Secretary, Hong Kong. Member of

the Executive and Legislative Councils.

The Honourable Mr. S. H. Dodwell, Managing Director, Dodwell and Co., Ltd.

Member of the Executive and Legislative Councils.

The Honourable Mr. M. K. Lo, Solicitor. Member of the Legislative Council.

The Honourable Mr. Leo D'Almada e Castro, Junior, Barrister-at-law. Member

of the Legislative Council.

The Honourable Mr. Li Tse-fong, Manager, The Bank of East Asia, Ltd. Member

of the Legislative Council.

The Honourable Mr. W. N. Thomas Tam, Barrister-at-law. Member of the

Legislative Council.

Sir V. M. Grayburn, Kt., Chief Manager, The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking


D. J. Sloss, Esquire, C.B.E., M.A., Vice-Chancellor, University of Hong Kong.

D. F. Landale, Esquire, Director, Jardine Matheson and Co., Ltd.

Professor R. Robertson, M.A., Professor of Economics and Political Science,

University of Hong Kong.

Lawrence Kadoorie, Esquire, Partner, Sir Elly Kadoorie & Sons.

E. M. Bryden, Esquire, Chartered Accountant. Partner, Messrs. Lowe, Bingham

and Matthews.

Ng Chak-wa, Esquire, Vice-Chairman, Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Hong


†T. Black, Esquire, Accountant-General. Hong Kong.

R. R. Todd, Esquire, Colonial Administrative Service, (Secretary).


Resigned from the Committee on departure from the Colony on 6th December, 1939. + Appointed to the Committee on 8th December, 1939.



HONG KONG, 14th February, 1940.


As Chairman of the War Revenue Committee appointed by Your Excellency on

the 18th October, 1939, I have the honour to submit the Report of the Committee


I have the honour to be,


Your Excellency's most obedient servant,



His Excellency







Chapter I.

Terms of Reference.

The Committee was originally appointed to examine and advise on the detailed provisions of a draft Income Tax Bill, based on the Ceylon Income Tax Ordin- ance of 1932, which had been prepared by Government after His Excellency the Governor's announcement in the Legislative Council on 12th October, 1939, that Government proposed to raise new revenue for war purposes by means of an Income Tax. Later, in view of the opposition to Government's proposal, which was voiced by the Unofficial Members at the meetings of the Legislative Council on the 9th and 16th November, 1939, and because it was felt that the principle of an Income Tax for this Colony and the possibility of raising additional revenue by alternative means were matters which should properly come within the purview of the Committee, the terms of reference were extended. The full terms of reference then became :- (1) To examine the draft Income Tax Bill and advise on the detailed provisions which would be desirable in such a measure if it were adopted, having regard to the special circumstances of this Colony; and

(2) to advise whether the best method of raising additional revenue for war purposes would be such an Income Tax or, alternatively, any other measure or measures of taxation of which the incidence would be on substantially the same classes of the community as an Income Tax and which could not be passed on to the poorer classes.

Chapter II.

Details of Meetings, Procedure, etc.

1. Eleven meetings of the full Committee were held between 3rd November, 1939, and 24th January, 1940, and in addition there were several sub-committee meet- ings. The Honourable Mr. S. Caine, Financial Secretary, resigned from the Committee on his departure from the Colony on 6th December, 1939. The Honourable Mr. H. R. Butters, Financial Secretary, and Mr. T. Black, Accountant-General, were appointed to the Committee on 8th December, 1939.

2. We examined in the first place the draft of an Income Tax Bill, which had been prepared by the Chairman and the Financial Secretary on the model of the Ceylon Income Tax Ordinance of 1932.

3. Early in our deliberations it became apparent that to impose an Income Tax on the profits, wherever made, of companies in this Colony would be unsatis- factory in that many shareholders of local companies reside in Great Britain or the Dominions and relief could be claimed by such shareholders in respect of Hong Kong Income Tax from their assessments to United Kingdom or Dominion Income Tax. The revenue which it is proposed to raise is for the purpose of a contribution by the Colony to the Imperial war effort and obviously such a purpose could not be fulfilled if part of this revenue were, in fact, to be contributed by the United Kingdom or Dominion Exchequers in the form of such relief to shareholders in respect of profits not earned from transactions in the Colony.

4. Before this examination of the draft Income Tax Bill was completed, however, our terms of reference were widened, as stated in Chapter I, and we therefore turned to the consideration of alternative taxes. We examined a great many suggestions including those put forward by the Honourable Sir Henry Pollock in his speech in the Legislative Council on 9th November, 1939, additional sugges- tions submitted by the Honourable Mr. W. N. Thomas Tam and an analysis of

proposals which have been put forward recently in the Press which was kindly prepared by Mr. Lawrence Kadoorie. We rejected, either unanimously or by substantial majorities, by far the greater number of these proposals because they either did not fulfil the conditions laid down by our terms of reference or would yield revenue too small to justify their imposition.

5. The conclusion to which we came was that the best alternative means of im- posing taxation of approximately the same degree of severity and having approxi- mately the same incidence as the proposed Income Tax appeared to be a combination of taxes on property, on salaries and analogous incomes and on corporation and professional and business profits made in the Colony assessed on bases and at rates calculated to impose very broadly the same degree of sacrifice on the several classes of persons affected. Such a combination of taxes would constitute a partial income tax, freed of many complications owing to its being limited in scope and only approximately adjusted to individual ability to pay. In particular much of the inquiry into personal circumstances which was apprehended from the administration of a full income tax would be avoided.

6. The following is a summary of the effect of the several taxes referred to in the preceding paragraph:-

(i) A Corporation Profits Tax on profits made in the Colony of companies registered in Hong Kong whether incorporated here or elsewhere. Exemption for corporations the whole of whose profits are liable to United Kingdom Income Tax and for corporations which are allowed to dispense with the word "Limited ", e.g., clubs, chambers of commerce, etc.

Rate proposed


(ii) A Business Profits Tax on profits made in the Colony of other businesses and of professions, the tax being levied on the business and not on individual partners, without any inquiry as to the ownership of the business and division of the profits and without any deduction for personal and family allowances.

Rate proposed:-

Up to $10,000 per annum

On excess over $10,000 up to $100,000

On excess over $100,000

Exempt 5%


(iii) A Salaries Tax on nearly all salaries and pensions derived from employment. in the Colony (other than salaries liable to United Kingdom Income Tax).

Rate proposed :-

The first $5,000 of the taxable income after deduction of personal and family allowances to be chargeable at 4%, thereafter a 10% rate to apply.

(iv) A Property Tax on the net annual value of all land and buildings in the Colony, at the rate of five per cent.

7. We have prepared a revised Bill providing for the imposition, assessment and collection of these taxes, entitled a War Revenue Bill, which is attached to this Report as an Appendix. That Bill incorporates our conclusions on many matters of detail which we do not propose to attempt to explain in this Report.

8. Under the suggested Bill profits tax will be applied only to profits made in the Colony, whereas income tax would have applied to all profits, wherever made, of resident persons, including companies registered here. Other income from abroad will not be taxed at all under the War Revenue Bill.

9. It was repeatedly emphasized by the official representatives on the Com- mittee that Government was not seeking to raise any particular sum of money, but to impose a reasonable burden of taxation as a war contribution from the Colony. We consider that the rates of tax proposed in the War Revenue Bill do impose such a reasonable burden.

so on.



Opposition to a full income tax is based mainly on apprehensions as to (a) Difficulties of administration, including:-

(i) the possibility of evasion and avoidance and consequent inequitable


(ii) the resentment of inquisitorial" investigation into details of

partnerships and personal and family affairs,

(iii) the cost of establishing a large new Government department (and consequential additions in salaries and pensions) to collect the tax and the impossibility of obtaining, during the present emergency, expert assistance for that purpose.

(b) Effects on the Colony, e.g., flight of capital and discouragement of

the influx of new capital.

11. In framing the War Revenue Bill it has been our aim to remove, as far as is possible, grounds for such apprehensions. The combination of taxes now proposed constitutes, it is true, a partial Income Tax. A full Income Tax Law which aims at extracting an amount from each individual strictly in accordance with his capacity to pay is ipso facto a complicated piece of legislation which requires a considerable and highly trained staff for its successful administration. By omitting some of the refinements of a full Income Tax Law and by sacrificing a certain amount of revenue, it is nevertheless possible to devise a measure of taxation approximately, but only approximately, adjusted to individual capacity to pay and avoid detailed inquiries into personal circumstances, particulars of partnerships and The Property Tax which we propose can easily be collected on the basis of the assessment made for the purposes of the Rating Ordinance. 1901. Similarly, the collection of the Salaries Tax involves no administrative difficulties since employers will be required to furnish returns of remuneration paid to their employees. Corporation Profits Tax will affect all companies in varying degree and in the case of those corporations whose business is confined to the Colony assessment should present no great difficulty. The main difficulty, admittedly, will arise in the collec- tion of Business Profits Tax, though on grounds of equity such a tax must be imposed if there is to be a Corporation Profits Tax; but in view of the purpose for which the four taxes will he used there should be no attempt at evasion. Difficulties will also arise in the case of companies trading in and outside the Colony, but these are not unsurmountable. As regards the possible effects of the proposed measures on the business prosperity of the Colony, we consider that, although the imposition of these taxes involves a new departure in fiscal policy the results of which cannot he foreseen, any possible ill effects will be largely safeguarded against by the condi- tions with which we qualify our recommendations.

Chapter III.

Recommendations and Conclusion.

1. For the reasons stated in Chapter II we recommend that Government should proceed with measures on the lines of the attached War Revenue Bill (Appendix).

2. We desire, however, to qualify our recommendation by the following conditions:-

(i) The measures of taxation provided for in the Bill should be confined to the period of the war, that is to say, no tax shall be collectable in respect of any year of assessment subsequent to the year of assessment in which the war is terminated.

(ii) The rates of taxation suggested in the draft War Revenue Bill are con- sidered reasonable; but it is essential, in order to allay apprehensions which might lead to the flight of capital or discouragement of the influx of new capital, that such rates should not be excessive and that, once the taxes have been imposed, those rates should not be increased. In this connexion it is noteworthy that the Taxation Committee

6 6


appointed in 1938 expressed the view that in respect of Income Tax it would probably be found that the maximum rate should eventually be put at 10%".

(iii) In order to avoid unnecessary expense and inconvenience to indivi- duals and firms who keep accounts in the Chinese language. Government should make it clear that the use of either the English or the Chinese language in the Returns furnishable under the provisions of a War Revenue Ordinance will be equally acceptable.

(iv) Any staff additional to the present establishment which is required for the administration of a War Revenue Ordinance should be engaged on a temporary basis so as not to add to the Colony's pensions commit-


3. Although it may be outside the scope of our terms of reference, we desire to place on record our opinion that the question whether substantial extra revenue for local needs, as opposed to temporary war needs, is actually necessary-vide qualification (a) of the Taxation Committee's report quoted below-cannot be answered until it has been ascertained whether the Government of the Colony is functioning on the most economical basis commensurate with efficiency. We view with much concern the continuous rise in the cost of Government, a rise which the Colony's pensions commitment is likely to accelerate more rapidly in the future than in the past. We view with still more concern the fact that the present heavy expenditure is insufficient to enable Government to meet its full responsibilities in the matter of public health, education and social services generally, for which purposes more money is likely to be wanted in the near future. Before fresh taxa- tion is imposed to meet this need, we recommend that a Commission (preferably a Royal Commission) be set up to investigate the whole organization of civil govern- ment in this Colony with a view to ascertaining whether it is possible to effect economies which would permit of a substantial increase in the programme of social services without undue increase of taxation.

4. If, after such a Commission, increased taxation is required and Income Tax or the methods of taxation advocated as a a war measure in this Report are proposed, we would invite attention to the qualifications attached to the conclu- sions in respect of Income Tax arrived at by the Taxation Committee appointed in 1938. These qualifications, with which we express general agreement, were :—



"We must not be taken as expressing the opinion that such substantial extra revenue is actually necessary; in so far as more revenue is needed owing to the growth of the Colony that very growth is likely automa- tically to increase the revenue, while it is outside our province to consider how far it may be needed to finance new or improved services".

"The possibility of the successful working of the tax should first be the subject of a detailed investigation with the assistance of an expert, preferably familiar with the collection of the tax in an Eastern country

(c) "The imposition of the tax involves a new departure in fiscal policy. We assume that it would not be passed through Council by the use of the official majority and that unofficial members of Council will expect to receive, before agreeing to the imposition, some indication of the heads of expenditure to which its yield will be applied".

(d) "We feel that it would be unwise to impose a tax of this nature until a substantial body of opinion in the Colony believes that the tax can be levied fairly and efficiently ".

(e) "The imposition of Income Tax should to some extent be compensated

for by the remission of other forms of taxation ".

In conclusion we should like to express our indebtedness to Mr. S. Caine whose judgment and experience were of invaluable assistance in our deliberations


and to Mr. R. R. Todd who as Secretary to the Committee has kept full minutes of our meetings and who is largely responsible for the manner in which our Report is presented.

(Signed) C. G, ALABASTER (Chairman).



M. K. Lo.


(subject to the attached Reservation)


W. N. T. TAM:


D. J. SLOSs.




(subject to the attached Reservation)




(subject to the attached Reservation)

14th February, 1940.

Reservation by the Honourable Mr. Leo D'Almada e Castro, Jur.

It is not without some misgiving that I am a signatory to this Report. Having been convinced that a full income tax would have endangered the Colony's prosperity, wherefore, in common with other Unofficial Members of the Legislative Council, I opposed its introduction, I am doubtful whether the taxes now proposed will not have a somewhat similar effect, at least in so far as they will be a deterrent to the introduction of fresh capital into Hong Kong.

14th February, 1940.


Reservation by Mr. Lawrence Kadoorie.


While recognizing the force of the argument that on grounds of equity such a tax must be imposed if there is to be a Corporation Profits Tax ", it still remains, in my opinion, a tax of such inquisitorial effect and of such widespread and complex application and difficulty of administration that it should be left out of the Bill.


On the other hand, I consider that--as distinct from Business Profits Tax- Property Tax and Corporation Profits Tax, which incidentally are the only forms of taxation in the War Revenue Bill by which my firm will be affected. are justifiable for the duration of the war.

14th February, 1940.

(Sd.) LAWRENCE Kadoorie.


Reservation by Mr. T. Black.

I have signed this Report because of my adherence to the principle that this Colony should contribute to His Majesty's Government's endeavours to defeat the chemy. I am, however, unable to subscribe to the views expressed or implied in paragraph 11 of Chapter II that the taxation measure now recommended by the Committee removes the grounds for the apprehensions described in paragraph 10.

Inequitable incidence is inherent in the Bill itself apart from what may arise in the course of its administration.

In my judgment the provisions for Corporation Profits Tax and Business Profits Tax present opportunities for widespread evasion and avoidance which would be impossible under a general income tax ordinance.

The scheme to tax only profits "made in the Colony as opposed to the general income tax plan with its provisions for relief in cases of double taxation can only be productive of inminense administrative difficulties and a mass of litigation.

14th February, 1940.

(Sd.) T. BLACK.



to the

Report of the War Revenue Committee.



[No. 48/39-25.1.40.-5.]

An Ordinance to impose war taxes and to regulate the

Collection thereof.

BE it enacted by the Governor of Hong Kong, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:-



1. This Ordinance may be cited as the War Revenue Short title. Ordinance, 1940.

2. In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise Interpreta- requires-

active partner", in relation to a partnership, means a partner who takes an active part in the control, management, or conduct of the trade or business of such partnership;



agent in relation to a non-resident person or to a partnership in which any partner is a non-resident person, includes-

(a) the agent, attorney, factor, receiver, or manager in the Colony of such person or partnership, and

(b) any person in the Colony through whom such person or partnership is in receipt of any profits or income arising in or derived from the Colony;

"Assistant Commissioner


means an Assistant Commis- sioner of Inland Revenue appointed under this Ordinance;


authorized representative

means an individual

authorized in writing by any person to act on his behalf for the purposes of this Ordinance who is-

(a) in any case—

(i) an accountant approved by the Commissioner, (ii) a solicitor, or counsel instructed by a solicitor, (iii) an employee regularly employed by the person concerned, or

(iv) any other person approved by the Commissioner; (b) in the case of an individual, a relative;

(c) in the case of a company, a director or the secretary;


Ordinance No. 39 of 1932.


(d) in the case of a partnership, a partner;

(e) in the case of a body of persons, a member;

"body of persons" includes any partnership, any body corporate or collegiate, any fraternity, fellowship, association, or society of persons, whether corporate on a business, and any family t'ong, but does not include a company;

"business" includes agricultural undertaking and poultry and pig rearing;

"Commissioner" includes the Commissioner of Inland Revenue appointed under this Ordinance, and the Deputy Commissioner, and an Assistant Commissioner specially authorized by the Commissioner either generally or for some specific purpose to act on behalf of the Commissioner;


corporation" means any company which is either incorporated or registered under the Companies Ordinance, 1932;


Deputy Commissioner means the Deputy Commis- sioner of Inland Revenue appointed under this Ordinance;

"Examiner means an Examiner appointed under this



CC executor means any executor, administrator, or other person administering the estate of a deceased person, and includes a trustee acting under a trust created by the last will of the author of the trust;

incapacitated person

or person of unsound mind;

means any minor, lunatic, idiot,

Ordinance" includes any Ordinance amending or sub- stituted for the Ordinance referred to, and any rules, regula- tions, or by-laws under any of such Ordinances;

owner, "in relation to land and improvements thereon. includes a person who holds such land and improvements subject to a ground rent or other annual charge;



person includes a company or body of persons;


precedent partner means the partner who, of the active partners resident in the Colony-

(a) is first named in the agreement of partnership; or

(b) if there is no agreement, is specified by name or initials singly or with precedence to the other partners in the usual name of the partnership; or

(e) is first named in any statutory statement of the names of the partners;



this Ordinance;


means prescribed by or in pursuance of

"profits means the net profits for any period calculated in accordance with the provisions of Chapter IV of this Ordinance;

"receiver" includes any receiver or liquidator, and any assignee, trustee, or other person having the possession or control of the property of any person by reason of insolvency or bankruptcy;

66 tax means any tax imposed by this Ordinance; "trade" includes every trade and manufacture, and every adventure and concern in the nature of trade;


>> trustee includes any trustee, guardian, curater, manager, or other person having the direction, control, or management of any property on behalf of any person, but does not include an executor;

"United Kingdom


means the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland;

Written-down value" means the residue of the cost to the owner thereof of any plant, machinery or fixtures after deducting a sum representing the total depreciation which has occurred in such plant, machinery or fixtures since the date of purchase by him;


year of assessment

means the period of twelve months commencing on the first day of April, nineteen hundred and forty, or any subsequent period of twelve months commencing on the first day of April;

year preceding a year of assessment

means the period

of twelve months ending on the thirty-first day of March immediately prior to such year of assessment;


3.-(1) (a) There shall be a Beard of Inland Revenue Board of composed of the Financial Secretary and four other members Revenue. appointed by the Governor, of whom not more than one shall be an official in the employment of the Government. A member so appointed shall hold office until he shall resign or be removed from office by the Governor.

(b) Three members of the Board of Inland Revenue shall form a quorum for the transaction of business and when the Financial Secretary is present he shall be the Chairman.

(c) All matters coming before the Board of Inland Revenue shall be decided by a majority of votes, and in the case of an equality of votes the Chairman or presiding member shall have a second or a casting vote.

(2) For the purposes of this Ordinance, the Governor may appoint a Commissioner, a Deputy Commissioner, Assistant Commissioners, and Examiners.

(3) An assistant Commissioner exercising or performing any power, duty, or function of the Commissioner under this Ordinance shall be deemed for all purposes to be authorized to exercise or perform the same until the contrary is proved.

(4) All powers conferred upon an Examiner by this Ordinance may be exercised by an Assistant Commissioner.


4.-(1) Except in the performance of his duties under official this Ordinance, every person who has been appointed under secrecy. or who is or has been employed in carrying out or in assisting any person to carry out the provisions of this Ordinance shall preserve and aid in preserving secrecy with regard to all matters relating to the affairs of any person that may come to his knowledge in the performance of his duties under this Ordinance, and shall not communicate any such matter to any person other than the person to whom such matter relates or his authorized representative, nor suffer or permit any person to have access to any records in the possession, custody or control of the Commissioner.



(2) Every person appointed under or employed in carry- ing out the provisions of this Ordinance, shall before acting under this Ordinance take and subscribe before a Justice of the Peace an oath of secrecy in the prescribed form.

(3) No person appointed under or employed in carrying out the provisions of this Ordinance shall be required to produce in any court any return, document, or assessment, or to divulge or communicate to any court any matter or thing coming under his notice in the performance of his duties under this Ordinance, except as may be necessary for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of this Ordin--


(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in this section, the Commissioner or any officer of the Inland Revenue Depart- ment authorized by the Commissioner in that behalf may communicate any matter which comes to his knowledge-

(a) to the Collector of Stamp Revenue, or to the Estate Duty Commissioner, or

(b) to the Income Tax Authority of any part of His Majesty's dominions or of any place under His Majesty's protection or suzerainty to such an extent as the Commis- sioner may deem necessary to enable the correct relief to be given from income tax in that part or place in respect of the payment of tax under this Ordinance.

(5) Notwithstanding anything contained in this section, the Commissioner may permit the Auditor or any officer of the Department of the Auditor duly authorized by him in that behalf to have such access to any records or documents as- may be necessary for the performance of his official duties. The Auditor or any other authorized by him under this sub- section shall be deemed to be a person employed in carrying out the provisions of this Ordinance for the purpose of sub-- section (2).





5. Property tax shall be charged on the owner of any of Property land and/or buildings wherever situate in the Colony at the Iate of five per cent. per annum on the net annual value of such land and/or buildings as assessed for rating purposes under the Rating Ordinance, 1901: Provided that where no assessment has been made under that Ordinance, the annual value shall be the rent which a tenant may reasonably be expected, taking one year with another, to pay for such land and/or buildings.


No. 5 of 1901.

Property Tax by whom payable.

6. Property tax shall be payable in the first place by the person, whether owner, agent or occupier, who normally pays the assessed rates in respect of the land and/or buildings taxed. Where such payment is made by any person other than the owner of the property then the amount so paid by way of property tax shall be a debt due from the owner and recoverable as such from any rates or other moneys due to him.


case of

7. A proportionate refund of property tax may be made Refund in whenever any land and/or buildings is proved to the satis- unoccupied faction of the Commissioner to have been unoccupied during property. one or more entire months of any year of assessment.



of Salaries

8. Salaries tax shall be charged at the rates provided for Imposition in section 12 and subject to the allowances provided for in Tax. section 11 on all income received from-

(a) any office or employment of profit held or exercised within the Colony; and

(b) any pension or annuity payable in respect of any such office or employment:

Provided that the following shall be exempt—

(i) the official emoluments of the Governor;

(ii) the official emoluments of consuls, vice-consuls and persons employed on the staff of any consulate, who are subjects or citizens of the States which they represent;

(iii) the income of any individual whose total income from the sources referred to in this Section does not exceed four thousand eight hundred dollars;

(iv) any income which is liable to Income Tax in the United Kingdom or in any other part of the British Empire.

9.-(1) Income from any office or employment in- Definition of cludes-

(i) any wages, salary, fee, pension, commission, bonus, gratuity, or perquisite, whether derived from the employer or others, except the value of any holiday warrant, passage, or other form of free conveyance granted by an employer to an employee, or any allowance for the purchase of any such conveyance in so far as it is expended for such purpose;

(ii) the rental value of any place of residence provided rent-free by the employer;

(iii) where a place of residence is provided by an employer at a rent less than the rental value, the excess of the rental value over such rent.

(2) The rental value of any place of residence shall be the net annual value arrived at in accordance with section 5: Provided that for the purposes of sub-section 1 (ii) and (iii), any excess of rental value over one-sixth of the income. described in sub-section (1) (i) shall be disregarded.

income from employment.

ment of

10. The assessable income chargeable to salaries tax in Ascertain- any year of assessment shall be the income of the recipient assessable as defined in section 9 for the year preceding that year of income.



Propor- tionate allowances.

Proof of claims.


11. (1) There shall be deducted from the assessable income chargeable to salaries tax of any individual before arriving at the net chargeable income-

(a) an allowance of three thousand dollars;

(b) an allowance of two thousand dollars, if, at any time during the year preceding the year of assessment, he had a wife;

(c) an allowance of one thousand dollars, if he had living at any time during the year preceding the year of assessment an unmarried child who was either under the age of eighteen years or who, if over the age of eighteen years and under the age of twenty-five years, was receiving full time instruc- tion at a university, college, school, or other educational establishment, and where he had more than one such child an allowance of one thousand dollars for each such child in excess of one:

Provided that-

no such allowance shall be made in respect of a child whose income from any source for the year preceding the year of assessment exceeded one thousand dollars:

(ii) no such allowance shall be made in respect of a child who carried on or exercised during the year preceding the year of assessment a trade, business, profession, vocation, or employment; and

(iii) the total allowances under paragraphs (b) and (c) shall not exceed six thousand dollars.

(2) For the purposes of this section-


(a) wife," means the lawful wife of any person married to him by a Christian marriage or its civil equivalent, or in the case of Chinese or any other Asiatic the principal spouse, but it does not include a wife who is living apart from her husband under the decrce of a competent court or a duly executed deed of separation.

(b) "child" of an individual includes a child by his wife or by a former wife and a step-child. It includes also an adopted child and, in the case of Asiatics, a child by his concubine if such child is recognized by him and his family as a member of his family.

(3) An individual who is liable to tax under this Chapter for a part only of a year of assessment shall be entitled for that year to the same proportion only of the allowances under this section as the number of days during which he is liable bears to the number of days in that year of assessment.

(4) Every individual who claims an allowance under this Section shall make his claim on the prescribed form. Such allowance shall be granted if the claim contains such particulars and is supported by such proof as the Commis- sioner may require.



12.-(1) Salaries tax shall be charged for each year of Rates of assessment upon the net chargeable income for that year Tax. calculated as provided by sections 9, 10 and 11 at the following rates:-

(a) upon the first five thousand dollars at four per cent.

(b) upon the remainder at ten per cent.

Provided that where an individual is liable to tax under this Chapter for a part only of any year of assessment, the said sum of five thousand dollars shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of days during which he is so liable bears to the number of days in that year of assess-


(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-section (1) the tax payable for any year of assessment by an individual who is liable to tax throughout such year shall not be more than the amount by which his assessable income for that year exceeds four thousand eight hundred dollars.




13. Corporation Profits Tax shall be charged on every imposition corporation carrying on trade or business in the Colony on tion Proits of Corpora- the full amount of the profits of such trade or business Tax. which are made from transactions in the Colony of such trade or business, ascertained in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter, at the rate of ten per cent.

of Business

14. Business Profits Tax shall be charged on every Imposition person or firm other than a corporation carrying on trade, Profits Tax. profession or business in the Colony on the full amount of the profits of such trade, profession or business made from transactions in the Colony, ascertained in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter, at the following rates:-

On profits exceeding $10,000 and not exceeding $100,000-five per cent. of the profits in excess of $10,000.

On profits in excess of $100,000-ten per cent. on the


Provided that no tax shall be paid on any profits not exceeding $10,000.

liable to

15. The profits of any person shall be exempt from Exemption Hong Kong Profits Tax if the whole income of such person is of profits liable to Income Tax in the United Kingdom or in any other Empire part of the British Empire.

Income Tax.

allowed h

16. There shall be deducted, for the purpose of ascer- Deductions taining profits under this Chapter, all outgoings and expenses ascertaining incurred in the production thereof including--

(a) an allowance for the depreciation by wear and tear of plant, machinery, and fixtures arising out of their use by the owner thereof in a trade or business carried on in the Colony such sum being calculated at such fixed rates as may




Deductions not allowed.


be prescribed for specified classes of machinery, etc., or, where no such rates have been prescribed, at such rates as the Commissioner in his discretion considers reasonable.

(b) where any plant, machinery, or fixtures used in producing the profits of any trade or business have been sold or discarded without the said trade or business ceasing, the loss attributable to the excess of the written-down value over the sum, if any, realized or likely to be realized by the sale thereof.

Provided that--

(i) any corresponding profit shall be treated as a receipt of the trade or business, and

(ii) where such plant, machinery or fixtures were only partly used or employed in such trade or business the deduc- tion or addition under this sub-section shall be proportionately reduced;

(c) any sum expended for the repair (but not renewal) of plant, machinery, or fixtures employed in producing the profits or for the renewal or repair of any premises, imple- ment, utensils, or article so employed:

Provided that any person may claim as regards his plant, machinery, or fixtures that the cost of renewal be deducted in place of the depreciation and loss mentioned in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this sub-section, and his claim shall be allowed on such conditions as the Commissioner may prescribe;

(d) such sum as the Commissioner in his discretion considers reasonable for bad debts incurred in any trade or business, which have become bad during the period of which the profits are being ascertained, and for doubtful debts to the extent that they are estimated to have become bad during the said period, notwithstanding that such bad or doubtful debts were due and payable prior to the commencement of the said period:

Provided that all sums recovered during the said period on account of amounts previously written off or allowed in respect of bad or doubtful debts shall for the purposes of this Ordinance be treated as receipts of the trade or business for that period,

(e) interest paid or payable.

17. (1) For the purpose of ascertaining profits no deduction shall be allowed in respect of-

(a) domestic or private expenses, including the cost of travelling between residence and place of business;

(b) any disbursements or expenses not being money expended for the purpose of producing the profits;

(c) any expenditure of a capital nature or any loss of capital;

(d) the cost of any improvements;

(e) any sum recoverable under an insurance or contract of indemnity;

(f) rent of, or expenses in connexion with, any premises or part of premises not occupied or used for the purpose of producing the profits;



(g) any tax paid or payable under this Chapter.

(2) In computing the profits or losses of a partnership, nothing shall be deducted for salaries or other remuneration of partners or for interest on partners' capital.

18.--(1) The profits derived from any trade, profession Basis for or business carried on in the Colony for each year of assess computing

profits. ment shall be the full amount of the profits which arose or accrued from transactions within the Colony of such trade, profession or business during the year preceding the year of


Where the Commissioner is satisfied that the accounts of a trade, profession or business carried on or exercised in the Colony are usually made up to some day other than the thirty-first day of March, he may direct that the profits from that source be computed on the amount of the profits of the year ending on that day in the year preceding the year of assessment. Where, however, the profits of any trade, profession or business have been computed by refer- ence to an account made up to a certain day, and no account is made up to the corresponding day in the year following, the profits from that source both of the year of assessment in which such failure occurs and of the two years of assess- ment following shall be computed on such basis as the Commissioner in his discretion thinks fit.


(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 45 a claim made under this section to an adjustment of any assessment by reference to the profits for any period other than the year preceding the year of assessment shall be entertained if it is made within the period of twelve months next succeeding that year of assessment. A claim so made shall be regarded as an appeal for the purposes of Chapter VII.

(4) Where in the case of any trade, profession or business it is necessary in order to arrive at the profits or losses of any year of assessment or other period to divide and apportion to specific periods the profits or losses for any period for which accounts have been made up, or to aggregate any such profits or losses or any apportioned parts thereof, it shall be lawful to make such a division and apportionment or aggre- gation, and any apportionment under this section shall be made in proportion to the number of days in the respective period.

19.-(1) For the purposes of this section--

Liability of certain

(a) a person is closely connected with another person non-resident where the Commissioner in his discretion considers that such persons. persons are substantially identical or that the ultimate con- trolling interest of each is owned or deemed under this section to be owned by the same person or persons;

(b) the controlling interest of a company shall be deemed to be owned by the beneficial owners of its shares, whether held directly or through nominees, and shares in one company held by or on behalf of another company shall be deemed to be held by the shareholders of the last-mentioned company.


Profits of

certain busi-

nesses to be computed on

a percentage

of the turnover.


of partner- ships.


behalf of a


(2) Where a non-resident person carried on business with a resident person with whom he is closely connected and the course of such business is so arranged that it produces to the resident person either no profits or less than the ordinary profits which might be expected to arise, the business done by the non-resident person in pursuance of his connexion with the resident person shall be deemed to be carried on in the Colony, and such non-resident person shall be assessable and chargeable with tax in respect of his profits from such business in the name of the resident person as if the resident person were his agent, and all the provisions of this Ordinance shall apply accordingly.

20. Where the Commissioner in his discretion considers that the true amount of the profits of a non-resident person in respect of a trade, profession or business carried on in the Colony cannot be readily ascertained, such profits may be computed on a fair percentage of the turnover of that trade or business in the Colony:

Provided that the amount of such percentage shall be subject to appeal in accordance with the provision of Chapter VII.

21.-(1) Where a trade, profession or business is carried on by two or more persons jointly, the tax in respect thereof shall be computed and stated jointly in one sum and a joint assessment shall be made in the partnership name.

(2) The precedent partner shall make and deliver a statement of the profits or losses of such trade, profession or business, on behalf of the partnership ascertained in accord- ance with the provisions of this Chapter relating to the ascertainment of profits.

Where no active partner is resident in the Colony the return shall be furnished by the manager or agent of the partnership in the Colony.

(3) Tax upon the partnership shall be recoverable by all means provided in this Ordinance out of the assets of the partnership, or from any partner, or from any agent of the partnership in the Colony.

(4) Where under this section profits have been assessed in the name of a partnership, and a change occurs in such partnership by reason of retirement or death, or the dissolu- tion of the partnership as to one or more of the partners, or the admission of a new partner, in such circumstances that one or more of the persons who were joint owners of the assets of such partnership continues to be owner or joint owner of such assets, the person or partnership becoming owner of such assets in consequence of such change shall be charged with the said tax or any part of it which remains unpaid, and the provisions of Chapter VIII shall apply to such person or partnership accordingly.

22.-(1) A non-resident person shall be assessable assessable on either directly or in the name of his agent in respect of all non-resident his profits made from transactions in the Colony of any trade, profession or business carried on in the Colony, whether such agent has the receipt of the profits or not, and the tax so assessed whether directly or in the name



of the agent shall be recoverable by all means provided in this Ordinance out of the assets of the non-resident person or from the agent. Where there are more agents than one they may be assessed jointly or severally in respect of the profits of the non-resident person and shall be jointly and severally liable for tax thereon.

(2) Every person chargeable with tax as agent, or from whom tax is recoverable in respect of the profits of another person, may retain out of any assets coming into his possession or control on behalf of such other person or in his capacity as agent so much thereof as shall be sufficient to produce the amount of such tax, and he shall be and is hereby indemnified against any person whomsoever in respect of his retention of such assets.

(3) Where a person chargeable with tax or from whom tax is recoverable in respect of the profits of another person has paid such tax, and no assets of such other person come into his possession or control out of which he could retain the tax so paid, such tax shall be a debt due to him from such other person.

23.—(1) The profits of a company, whether mutual or Ascertain- proprietary, from the business of life insurance shall be the ment of

profits of investment income of the Life Insurance Fund less the insurance management expenses (including commission) attributable to companies. that business:

Provided that where such a company transacts life insur- ance business both in the Colony, whether directly or through an agent, and elsewhere, the profits from business in the Colony shall be deemed to be the same proportion of the total investment income of the Life Insurance Fund of the company as the premiums from life insurance business in the Colony bear to the total life insurance premiums received by it, subject to a deduction of agency expenses in the Colony (including commission) and a fair proportion of the expenses of the head office of the company, due account being taken in each case by set-off against such expenses of any income or profits other than life insurance premiums or investment income.

(2) The profits of a company, whether mutual or pro- prietary, from the business of insurance (other than life insurance) shall be ascertained by taking the gross premiums from insurance business in the Colony (less any premiums returned to the insured and premiums paid on re-insurance) and deducting therefrom a reserve for unexpired risks at the percentage adopted by the company in relation to its opera- tions as a whole for such risks at the end of the period of which the profits are being ascertained, and adding thereto a reserve similarly calculated for unexpired risks outstanding at the commencement of such period, and from the net amount so arrived at deducting the actual losses (less the amount recovered in respect thereof under re-insurance), the agency expenses in the Colony, and a fair proportion of the expenses of the head office of the company, due account being taken in each case by set-off against such expenses of any income or profits other than premiums.


ment of income of clubs, trade associations,



Tax from


(3) Where the Commissioner is satisfied that by reason of the limited extent of the business transacted in the Colony by a non-resident insurance company it would be unreason- able to require the company to furnish the particulars necessary for the application of sub-sections (1) and (2), he may, notwithstanding the provisions of those sub-sections, permit the profits of the company to be ascertained by reference to the proportion of the total profits and income of the company corresponding to the proportion which its premiums from insurance business in the Colony bear to its total premiums, or on any other basis which appears to him to be equitable.

(4) For the purposes of this section "investment income of the Life Insurance Fund" means, in the case of a com- pany whose sole business is life insurance, the whole of its income from investments, and, in the case of any other company, such part of its income from investments as appears fairly attributable to its life insurance business.

24. (1) Where a body of persons, whether corporate or unincorporate, carries on a club or similar institution and receives from its members not less than three-fourths of its gross receipts on revenue account (including entrance fees and subscriptions), it shall not be deemed to carry on a business; but where less than three-fourths of its gross receipts are received from members, the whole of the income from transactions both with members and others (including entrance fees and subscriptions) shall be deemed to be receipts from a business, and the body of persons shall be chargeable in respect of the profits therefrom.

(2) Where a body of persons, whether corporate or unincorporate, carries on a trade association, chamber of commerce, or similar institution in such circumstances that more than half its receipts by way of entrance fees and subscriptions are from persons who claim or would be entitled to claim that such sums were allowable deductions for the purposes of section 16, such body of persons shall be deemed to carry on a business, and the whole of its income from transactions both with members and ethers (including entrance fees and subscriptions) shall be deemed to be receipts from a business, and the body of persons shall be chargeable in respect of the profits therefrom.

(3) In this section, "members", in relation to a body of persons, means those persons who are entitled to vote at a general meeting of the body at which effective control is exercised over its affairs.

25. There shall be deducted from any profits tax payable of Property under this Chapter in respect of any trade, profession or business the amount of any property tax payable under Chapter II of this Ordinance in respect of any land and/or buildings owned by such trade, profession or business.

Profits Tax.

Certain dividends excluded from

assessment of profits.

26. For the purposes of assessment the dividends of a corporation, which is subject to tax under this Chapter, shall not be included in the profits of any other person for the purposes of taxation under this Ordinance.





27.—(1) An Examiner may give notice in writing to Returns and any person requiring him within a reasonable time stated to be in such notice to furnish a return of any sum assessable furnished. to Property Tax, Salaries Tax or Profits Tax under Chapters II, III and IV of this Ordinance, containing such particulars and in such form as may be prescribed.

(2) Every person chargeable with tax for any year of assessment who has not been required within a period of three months after the commencement of such year of assess- ment to make a return of any income assessable to such tax for that year as provided in sub-section (1) shall within fourteen days after the expiration of such period give notice to the Commissioner that he is so chargeable.

(3) An Examiner may give notice in writing to any person when and as often as he thinks necessary requiring him within a reasonable time stated in such notice to furnish fuller or further returns respecting any matter of which a return is required or prescribed by this Ordinance.

(4) For the purpose of obtaining full information in respect of any person's income which is assessable to tax under this Ordinance-

(a) an Examiner may give notice in writing to such person requiring him within a reasonable time stated in such notice to produce for examination any deeds, plans, instru- ments, books, accounts, trade lists, stock lists, or documents which the Examiner may deem necessary;

(b) an Assistant Commissioner may give notice in writing to such person or to any other person whom he may deem able to furnish information in respect of such income, requiring him to attend at a time and place to be named by the Assistant Commissioner for the purpose of being examined respecting such income or any transactions or matters affect- ing the same.

(5) A return, statement, or form purporting to be furnished under this Ordinance by or on behalf of any person shall for all purposes be deemed to have been furnished by that person or by his authority, as the case may be, unless the contrary is proved, and any person signing any such return, statement, or form shall be deemed to be cognizant of all matters therein.

(6) For the purposes of making an assessment under section 36 the Examiner may serve a notice upon any person requiring him to furnish within such time, not being less than seven days, as may be specified in the notice, a return in the same form and verified in the same manner as a return under sub-section (1) setting forth (along with such other particulars as may be provided for in the notice) his income asssessable to Property Tax, Salaries Tax or Profits Tax under Chapters II, III and IV of this Ordinance for each of the completed previous years comprised in the period first referred to in section 36 (1) and his estimated assessable income throughout the period from the expiry of the last of such completed previous years to the probable date of his departure.

Information to be

officials and



(7) Any person discontinuing a business, profession or employment or the ownership of property shall give to the Commissioner notice of such discontinuance within fifteen days thereof.

28. (1) The Commissioner may give notice in writing furnished by to any officer in the employment of the Government or of any public body requiring him within a reasonable time stated in such notice to furnish any particulars which he may require for the purposes of this Ordinance which may be in the possession of such officer:

Occupiers to furnish returns of rent payable.

Who may act for in- capacitated

or non-



Precedent partner

to act on behalf of a partnership.

Provided that no such officer shall by virtue of this section be obliged to disclose any particulars as to which he is under any express statutory obligation to observe secrecy.

(2) Every person who is an employer shall, when required to do so by notice in writing given by an Examiner. furnish within a reasonable time stated in such notice a return containing the names and places of residence and the full amount of the remuneration, whether in cash or otherwise, for the period specified in the notice, of

(a) all persons employed by him in receipt of remunera- tion in excess of a minimum figure to be fixed by the Examiner; and

(b) any other person employed by him named by the Examiner.

(3) Any director of a company, or person engaged in the management of a company, shall be deemed to be a person employed by the company.

29. An Examiner may give notice in writing to any person who is the occupier of any land and improvements thereon requiring him within a reasonable time stated in such notice to furnish a return containing-

(a) the name and address of the owner of such land and improvements; and

(b) a true and correct statement of the rent payable and any other consideration passing therefor.

30. An act or thing required by or under this Ordinance to be done by any person shall, if such person is an in- capacitated or non-resident person, be deemed to be required to be done by the trustee of such incapacitated person or by the agent of such non-resident person, as the case may be.

31. (1) Wherever two or more persons in partnership act in the capacity of trustees or executors, or as agents, or are employers, or are persons in receipt of profits or act in any other capacity whatever, either on behalf of themselves or of any other person, the precedent partner of such part- nership shall be answerable for doing all such acts, matters, and things as would be required to be done under the provisions of this Ordinance by an individual acting in such capacity:


Provided that any person to whom a notice has been given under the provisions of this Ordinance as precedent partner of a partnership shall be deemed to be the precedent partner thereof unless he proves that he is not a partner in such partnership, or that some other person resident in the Colony is the precedent partner thereof.

(2) Where two or more persons who are not in partner- ship act jointly in any capacity mentioned in sub-section (1), they shall be jointly and severally answerable for doing all such acts, matters, and things as would be required to be done under the provisions of this Ordinance by an individual acting in such capacity.

officer to act

on behalf of

32. The secretary, manager, or other principal officer of Principal every company or body of persons corporate or unincorporate shall be answerable for doing all such acts, matters, or things a company as are required to be done under the provisions of this Ordin- or body of ance by such company or body of persons:

Provided that any person to whom a notice has been given under the provisions of this Ordinance on behalf of a company or body of persons shall be deemed to be the prin- cipal officer thereof unless he proves that he has no connexion with the company or body of persons, or that some other person resident in the Colony is the principal officer thereof.


of notices.

33.—(1) Every notice to be given by the Commissioner, Signature an Assistant Commissioner, or an Examiner under this Ordin- and service ance shall bear the name of the Commissioner or Assistant Commissioner or Examiner, as the case may be, and every such notice shall be valid if the name of the Commissioner, Assistant Commissioner, or Examiner is duly printed or signed thereon.

(2) Every notice given by virtue of this Ordinance may be served on a person either personally or by being delivered at, or sent by post to, his last known place of abode or any place at which he is, or was during the year to which the notice relates, carrying on business :

Provided that a notice of assessment under section 38 shall be served personally or by being sent by registered post to any such place as aforesaid.

(3) Any notice sent by post shall be deemed to have been served on the day succeeding the day on which it would have been received in the ordinary course by post.

(4) In proving service by post it shall be sufficient to prove that the letter containing the notice was duly addressed and posted.

(5) Every name printed or signed on any notice or signed on any certificate given or issued for the purposes of this Ordinance which purports to be the name of the person authorized to give or issue the same shall be judicially noticed.



Examiner to make


Additional assessments.


34.-(1) Every person who is in the opinion of an Examiner chargeable with tax under this Ordinance shall be assessed by him as soon as may be after the expiration of the time limited by the notice requiring him to furnish a return under section 27 (1).

Provided that the Examiner may assess any person at any time if he is of opinion that such person is about to leave the Colony; or that for any other reason it is expedient to do so.

(2) Where a person has furnished a return of income. liable to assessment the Examiner may either--

(a) accept the return and make an assessment accord- ingly; or

(b) if he does not accept the return, estimate the amount of the assessable income of such person and assess him accordingly:

Provided that if the Examiner accepts the return as substantially correct, but considers it necessary to make further inquiries on any matter, he may make immediately a provisional assessment in the amount of the return which until amended shall be a valid assessment for all purposes.

(3) Where a person has not furnished a return and the Examiner is of the opinion that such person is chargeable with tax, he may estimate the amount of the assessable income of such person and assess him accordingly, but such assessment shall not affect the liability of such person to a penalty by reason of his failure or neglect to deliver a return.

(4) In the case of profits from a trade or business, if accounts of such trade or business have not been kept in a form satisfactory to the Examiner, he may assess the profits or income of such trade or business on the basis of the usual rate of net profit on the turnover of such trade or business; and the Board of Inland Revenue may prescribe the amounts of such usual rates of profit in particular classes of trade or business.

35. Where it appears to an Examiner that a provisional assessment made under sub-section (2) of Section 34 should be increased or that for any year of assessment any person chargeable with tax has not been assessed or has been assessed at less than the proper amount, the Examiner may, within the year of assessment or within three years after the expiration thereof, assess such person at the amount or additional amount at which according to his judgment such person ought to have been assessed, and the provisions of this Ordinance as to notice of assessment, appeal and other proceedings shall apply to such assessment or additional assessment and to the tax charged thereunder :

Provided that, where the non-assessment or under assess- ment of any person for any year of assessment is due to fraud or wilful evasion, such assessment or additional assessment may be made at any time within six years after the expiration of that year of assessment.


from Colony

36.-(1) When it appears to the Examiner that any Departure person may leave Hong Kong during the current year of and dis- assessment or shortly after its expiry and that he had no continuance. present intention of returning, the Examiner may assess such person for the period from the expiry of the last previous year for which he has been assessed to the probable date of his departure from Hong Kong. For each completed pre- vious year included in this period of assessment, an assess- ment shall be made on such person at the rate at which he would have been charged had he been fully assessed and for the period from the expiry of the last of such previous years to the probable date of departure, the Examiner shall estimate the income liable to tax under this Ordinance of such person and assess it at the rate in force for the year of assessment in which such assessment is made.

(2) Where any business, profession, employment, or ownership of property is discontinued in any year an assess- ment may be made in that year on the basis of the income assessable under this Ordinance for the period between the end of the previous year and the date of such discontinuance in addition to the assessment, if any, in respect of the previous


issued by

37.-(1) An Assistant Commissioner shall give a notice Notice to be of assessment to each person who has been assessed stating Assistant the amount assessed and the amount of tax charged.

(2) Where the assessment is a provisional assessment made under section 34 (2) the person assessed shall be notified accordingly; and he shall further be notified in due course if such provisional assessment is confirmed, provided that the confirmation of a provisional assessment shall not preclude the making of an additional assessment subsequently under section 35.

(3) Where by reason of an amendment of the law it is necessary to vary the amount of tax charged in any notice of assessment the Assistant Commissioner may give such notification as may be necessary to the person assessed in that notice of assessment; and any notification so given shall, as regards any particulars of the assessment contained in the notification which have not been included in the notice of assessment, have effect as if the notification were a notice of assessment.

Commis- sioner.



38.—(1) No notice, assessment, certificate, or other Validity of proceeding purporting to be in accordance with the provisions at of this Ordinance shall be quashed, or deemed to be void or voidable, for want of form, or be affected by reason of a mistake, defect, or omission therein, if the same is in substance and effect in conformity with or according to the intent and meaning of this Ordinance, and if the person assessed or intended to be assessed or affected thereby is designated therein according to common intent and under- standing.

(2) Without prejudice to the generality of sub-section (1) an assessment shall not be impeached or affected—

(a) by reason of a mistake therein as to the name or surname of the person chargeable, the amount of income assessed, or the amount of tax charged; or


(b) by reason of any variance between the assessment and the notice thereof:

Provided that a notice of such assessment is duly served on the person intended to be charged and contains in sub- stance and effect the particulars mentioned in paragraph (a) of this sub-section.



Procedure on appeals

to the Com- missioner.

Appeals to the Commissioner.

39.-(1) Any person aggrieved by the amount of an assessment made under this Ordinance may within twenty-one days from the date of the notice of such assessment appeal to the Commissioner by notice of objection in writing to review and revise such assessment. Any person so appealing (hereinafter referred to as the appellant) shall state precisely in his notice the grounds of his objection and the notice shall not be valid unless it contains such grounds and is made within the period above mentioned:

Provided that the Commissioner, upon being satisfied that owing to absence from the Colony, sickness, or other reasonable cause the appellant was prevented from giving notice of objection within such period, shall grant an extension thereof:

Provided further that, where the assessement appealed against has been made in the absence of a return of income by the appellant, no notice of objection shall be valid unless and until such return has been duly made.

(2) On receipt of a valid notice of objection under sub- section (1), the Commissioner may cause further inquiry to be made by an Examiner, and if in the course of such inquiry an agreement is reached as to the amount at which the appellant is liable to be assessed, any necessary adjustment of the assessment shall be made.

(3) Where no agreement is reached between the appellant and the Examiner in the manner provided in sub-section (2), the Commissioner shall, subject to the provisions of section 43 fix a time and place for the hearing of the appeal.

(4) Every appellant shall attend before the Commissioner at the time and place fixed for the hearing of the appeal. The appellant may attend the hearing of the appeal in person or by an authorized representative. The Commissioner may, if he thinks fit, from time to time adjourn the hearing of an appeal for such time and place as he may fix for the purpose. In any case in which an authorized representative attends on behalf of the appellant, the Commissioner may adjourn the hearing of the appeal and may, if he considers that the personal attendance of the appellant is necessary for the determination of the appeal, require that the appellant shall attend in person at the time and place fixed for the


adjourned hearing of the appeal. If the appellant or his authorized representative fails to attend at the time and place fixed for the hearing or any adjourned hearing of the appeal, or if the appellant fails to attend in person when required so to attend by the Commissioner, the Commissioner may dismiss the appeal:

Provided that if the appellant shall within a reasonable. time after the dismissal of an appeal satisfy the Commissioner that he or his representative was prevented from due attend- ance at the hearing or at any adjourned hearing of such appeal by absence from the Colony, sickness, or other unavoidable cause, the Commissioner may vacate the order of dismissal and fix a time and place for hearing of the appeal.

(5) The Commissioner shall have power to summon any person whom he may consider able to give evidence respect- ing the appeal to attend before him at the hearing and may examine such person on oath or otherwise. Any person so attending may be allowed by the Commissioner any reasonable expenses necessarily incurred by such person in so attending.

(6) In disposing of an appeal the Commissioner may confirm, reduce, increase, or annul the assessment, and shall record his determination in writing and announce it orally.

Where the Commissioner authorizes an Assistant Commissioner to hear appeals, such authority shall not empower such Assistant Commissioner to hear an appeal against an assessment which he has himself signed and allowed or against a penalty which he has himself imposed.

Appeals to the Board of Review.

of the Board

40.-(1) For the purpose of hearing appeals in the Constitution manner hereinafter provided, there shall be a panel for a of Review. Board of Review consisting of not more than twenty members who shall be appointed from time to time by the Governor. The members of the panel shall hold office for a term of three years but shall be eligible for reappointment.

(2) There shall be a Clerk to the Board of Review (here- inafter referred to as the Board) who shall be appointed by the Governor.

(3) There shall be a Legal Adviser to the Beard who shall be appointed by the Board.


(4) Three or more members of the panel, one of whom shall be nominated as chairman, shall be nominated by the Colonial Secretary and summoned by the Clerk to attend meetings of the Board at which appeals are to be heard. any such a meeting a quorum shall consist of two members. All matters coming before the Board shall be decided by a majority of votes and in the case of an equality of votes the chairman shall have a second or casting vote.

(5) At the request of the Colonial Secretary, the Clerk to the Board shall summon a meeting of the Board consisting of all the members of the panel available in the Colony. At such a meeting a quorum shall consist of five members.

(6) The remuneration (if any) of the members of the Board, the Clerk, and the Legal Adviser shall be fixed by the Governor.

Right of appeal to the Board

of Review.

Commis- sioner may

to the Board


41.-(1) Any appellant, or the authorized representative of any appellant, who is dissatisfied with the determination by the Commissioner of an appeal under section 39 may declare his dissatisfaction with that determination. Such declaration shall be made orally immediately after the announcement by the Commissioner of his determination or shall be com- municated in writing to the Commissioner within one week from the date of such announcement.

(2) Where the appellant has declared or communicated his dissatisfaction in accordance with sub-section (1), the Commissioner shall, within one month of the determination of the appeal, transmit in writing to the appellant or his authorized representative his determination and therefor.


(3) Within one month of the transmission of such written determination and reasons by the Commissioner, the appellant may give notice of appeal to the Board. Such notice shall not be entertained unless it is given in writing to the Clerk to the Board and is accompanied by a copy of the Commis- sioner's written determination, together with a statement of the grounds of appeal therefrom.

(4) Save with the consent of the Board and on such terms as the Board may determine the appellant may not at the hearing by the Board rely on any grounds of appeal other than the grounds stated in accordance with sub-section (3), and may not adduce any evidence other than evidence adduced at the hearing of the appeal before the Commissioner.

42. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 39 where the Commissioner is of opinion that no useful purpose would refer appeals be served by his hearing an appeal, he may refer it to the Board of Review, and the Board shall hear and determine such appeal and the provisions of section 43 shall apply accordingly.

of Review.

Hearing and disposal of appeals to the Board of Review.

43.—(1) As soon as may be after the receipt of a notice of appeal, the Clerk to the Board shall fix a time and place for the hearing of the appeal, and shall give fourteen clear days' notice thereof both to the appellant and to the Commissioner.

(2) Every appellant shall attend at the meeting of the Board at which the appeal is heard in person or by an authorized representative :

Provided always that the Board may postpone the hearing of the appeal for such time as it thinks necessary for the attendance of the appellant.

(3) The Examiner who made the assessment appealed against or some other person authorized by the Commissioner shall attend such meeting of the Board in support of the


(4) The onus of proving that the assessment as deter- mined by the Commissioner on appeal, or as referred by him under section 42, as the case may be, is excessive shall be on the appellant.

(5) All appeals shall be heard in camera.



(6) The Board shall have power to summon to attend at the hearing any person whom it may consider able to give evidence respecting the appeal and may examine him as a witness either cn oath or otherwise. Any person so attend- ing may be allowed by the Board any reasonable expenses necessarily incurred by him in so attending.

(7) At the hearing of the appeal the Board may, subject to the provisions of section 41 (4), admit or reject any evidence adduced, whether oral or documentary, and the provisions of the Evidence Ordinance, 1899, relating to the Ordinance admissibility of evidence shall not apply.

(8) After hearing the appeal, the Board shall confirm, reduce, increase, or annul the assessment as determined by the Commissioner on appeal, or as referred by him under section 42, as the case may be, or may remit the case to the Commissioner with the opinion of the Board thereon. Where a case is so remitted by the Board, the Commissioner shall revise the assessment as the opinion of the Board may require.

(9) Where under sub-section (8) the Board does not reduce or annul such assessment, the Board may order the appellant to pay as costs of the Board a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, which shall be added to the tax charged and recovered therewith.

Appeals to the Supreme Court.

No. 2 of


Appeal on a question of

law to the


44. (1) The decision of the Board shall be final: Provided that either the appellant or the Commissioner may make an application requiring the Board to state a case Court. on a question of law for the opinion of the Supreme Court. Such application shall not be entertained unless it is made in writing and delivered to the Clerk to the Board, together with a fee of fifty dollars, within one month of the date of the Board's decision. If the decision of the Board shall be notified to the Commissioner or to the appellant in writing, the date of the decision, for the purposes of determining the period within which either of such persons may require a case to be stated, shall be the date of the communication by which the decision is notified to him.

(2) The stated case shall set forth the facts and the decision of the Board, and the party requiring it shall transmit the case, when stated and signed, to the Supreme Court within fourteen days after receiving the same.

(3) At or before the time when he transmits the stated case to the Supreme Court, the party requiring it shall send to the other party notice in writing of the fact that the case has been stated on his application and shall supply him with a copy of the stated case.

(4) Any Judge of the Supreme Court may cause a stated case to be sent back for amendment and thereupon the case shall be amended accordingly.

(5) Any Judge of the Supreme Court shall hear and determine any question of law arising on the stated case and may in accordance with the decision of the court upon such question confirm, reduce, increase, or annul the assessment


or amended assessments

to be final.


determined by the Board, or may remit the case to the Board with the opinion of the court thereon. Where a case is so remitted by the court, the Board shall revise the assessment as the opinion of the court may require.

(6) In any proceedings before the Supreme Court under this section, the court may make such order in regard to costs in the Supreme Court and in regard to the sum paid under sub-section (1) as to the court may seem fit.


45. Where no valid objection or appeal has been lodged within the time limited by this Chapter against an assessment as regards the amount of the assessable income assessed thereby, or where the amount of the assessable income has been agreed to under section 39 (2), or where the amount of such assessable income has been determined on objection or appeal, the assessment as made or agreed to or determined on appeal, as the case may be, shall be final and conclusive for all purposes of this Ordinance as regards the amount of such assessable income:

Provided that nothing in this Chapter shall prevent an Examiner from making an assessment or additional assessment for any year of assessment which does not involve re-opening any matter which has been determined on appeal for the year.


Provisions regarding payment of tax.


46.-(1) The tax charged by any assessment shall be paid in the manner directed in the notice of assessment on or before a date specified in such notice. Any tax not so paid shall be deemed to be in default, and the person by whom such tax is payable or, where any tax is payable by more than one person or by a partnership, then each of such persons and each partner in the partnership, shall be deemed to be a defaulter, for the purposes of this Ordinance.

(2) Tax shall be paid notwithstanding any notice of objection or appeal, unless the Commissioner orders that payment of tax or any part thereof be held over pending the result of such objection or appeal.

(3) Where the Commissioner is of opinion either that the tax or any part thereof held over under sub-section (2) is likely to become irrecoverable, or that the appellant is unreasonably delaying the prosecution of his appeal, he may cancel any order made under that sub-section and make such fresh order as the case may appear to him to require.

(4) Where, upon the final determination of an appeal under Chapter VII, or upon any order made by the Commis- sioner, any tax which has been held over under sub-section (2) becomes payable or the tax charged by the original


assessment is increased, the Commissioner shall give to the appellant a notice in writing fixing a date on or before which any tax or balance of tax shall be paid. Any tax not so paid shall be deemed to be in default.

(5) Where any tax is in default, the Commissioner may in his discretion order that a sum or sums not exceeding five per centum in all of the amount in default shall be added to the tax and recovered therewith.

> Tax to


47. In the succeeding sections of this Chapter, tax includes any sum or sums added under section 46 (5) by fines, etc. reason of default, together with any fines, penalties, fees, or costs incurred.

48.-(1) Save as provided in sub-section (2), tax in Tax to be a default shall be a first charge upon all the assets of the first charge. defaulter:

Provided that--

(i) such charge shall not extend to or affect any assets sold by the defaulter to a bonâ fide purchaser for value prior to the seizure of the same in accordance with the provisions. of section 49;

(ii) as regards immovable property, the tax shall not rank in priority to any lease or encumbrance created bonâ fide for value and registered prior to the date of such seizure; and

(iii) as regards movable property, where tax for more than one year of assessment is in default, the tax for one year only, to be selected by the Commissioner, shall rank in priority to any lien or encumbrance created bonâ fide for value prior to the date of default.

(2) A receiver shall pay out of the assets under his control the tax charged or chargeable for one complete year of assessment prior to the date of the insolvency, bankruptcy, or liquidation, to be selected by the Commissioner, as a first charge on such assets and any other tax charged or chargeable for periods prior to such date shall be an unsecured debt:

Provided that where the receiver proves to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that any tax to which this sub-section applies is excessive, the Commissioner may, notwithstanding the provisions of section 45, review the assessment in respect of which the tax is charged and make such adjustment as he may in his discretion think reasonable.

49.--(1) The Commissioner may appoint persons to be Recovery Collectors.

(2)–(a) Where any tax is in default, the Commissioner may issue a certificate to any Collector or bailiff containing particulars of such tax and the name of the defaulter, and the officer to whom such certificate is issued shall be empowered and is hereby required to cause the tax to be recovered from the defaulter named in the certificate by seizure and sale of his movable property.

of tax by seizure and sale.

Recovery of

tax from


leaving the Colony.

Use of more than one means of



(b) The said seizure shall be effected in such manner as the said officer shall deem most expedient in that behalf, and any property so seized shall be kept for five days at the costs and charges of the defaulter. If the defaulter does not pay the tax in default together with the costs and charges within the said five days, the Collector or bailiff shall cause the said property to be sold by public auction.

(c) The sum realized by the sale shall be applied-

(i) firstly, in payment of the costs and charges of seizing, keeping, and selling the property, and

(ii) secondly, in satisfaction of the tax in default, and any balance shall be restored to the owner of the property seized.

(3) Whenever the Commissioner issues a certificate under this section, he shall at the same time issue to the defaulter a notification thereof by personal service, registered post, or telegraph; but the non-receipt of such notification by the defaulter shall not invalidate proceedings under this section.

50.—(1) Where the Commissioner is of opinion that any person is about to or likely to leave the Colony without paying all tax assessed upon him, he may issue a certificate contain- ing particulars of such tax and the name of such person to a Magistrate, who shall on receipt thereof issue a direction to the Commissioner of Police to take such measures as may be necessary to prevent such person from leaving the Colony without paying the tax or furnishing security to the satis- faction of the Commissioner for payment thereof.

(2) At the time of issue of his certificate to the Magistrate, the Commissioner shall issue to such person a notification thereof by personal service, or registered post; but the non-receipt of any such notification by such person shall not invalidate proceedings under this section.

(3) Production of a certificate signed by the Commis- sioner, Deputy Commissioner, or an Assistant Commissioner stating that the tax has been paid or that security has been furnished for payment of the tax to a police officer in charge of a police station, shall be sufficient authority for allowing such person to leave the Colony.

51. Where the Commissioner is of opinion that applica- tion of any of the provisions of this Chapter has failed or is likely to fail to secure payment of the whole of the tax due from any person it shall be lawful for him to proceed to recover any sum remaining unpaid by any other means of recovery provided in this Chapter.




52.-(1) If it is proved to the satisfaction of the Com- Tax paid in missioner by claim duly made in writing within three years of excess to be the end of a year of assessment that any person has paid tax refunded. in excess of the amount with which he was properly chargeable for the year, such person shall be entitled to have refunded the amount so paid in excess:

Provided that nothing in this section shall operate to extend or reduce any time limit for appeal or repayment specified in any other section or to validate any objection or appeal which is otherwise invalid, or to authorize the revision of any assessment or other matter which has become final and conclusive.

(2) Where through death, incapacity, bankruptcy, liqui- dation, or other cause a person who would but for such cause have been entitled to make a claim under sub-section (1) is unable to do so, his executor, trustee, or receiver, as the case may be, shall be entitled to have refunded to him for the benefit of such person or his estate any tax paid in excess within the meaning of sub-section (1).



53.-(1) Every person who without reasonable excuse-


(a) fails to comply with the requirements of a notice for failure given to him under any of the following sections or sub- to make sections-21 (2), 27 (1), 27 (3), 27 (4) (a), 28 (1), 28 (2), making or 29, or

(b) fails to attend in answer to a notice or summons issued under sections 27 (4) (b), 39 (5), or 43 (6), or having attended fails without sufficient cause to answer any questions lawfully put to him; or

(c) fails to comply with the requirements of sections 27 (2), 27 (7), or 48 (2),

shall be guilty of an offence and shall for such offence be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars.

(2) Every person who without reasonable excuse-

(a) makes an incorrect return by omitting or understating any income of which he is required by this Ordinance to make return, either on his own behalf or on behalf of another person or a partnership; or

(b) makes an incorrect statement in connexion with a claim for any deduction or allowance under this Ordinance; or

(c) gives any incorrect information in relation to any matter or thing affecting his own liability to tax or the liability of any other person or of a partnership,


incorrect returns, etc.

Breach of

secrecy and other

matters to be offences.

Penal provisions relating to fraud, etc.

38 =

shall be guilty of an offence and shall for such offence be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding the total of five hundred dollars and the amount of tax which has been undercharged in consequence of such incorrect return, statement, or information, or would have been so undercharged if the return, statement, or information had been accepted as correct.

(3) No person shall be liable to any penalty under this section unless the complaint concerning such offence was made in the year of assessment in respect of or during which the offence was committed or within three years after the expiration thereof.

(4) The Commissioner may compound any offence under this section and may before judgment stay or compound any proceedings thereunder.

54. Every person who-

(1) acts under this Ordinance without taking an oath of secrecy as required by section 4 (2); or

(2) acts contrary to the provisions of section 4 (1) or to an oath taken under section 4 (2); or

(3) aids, abets, or incites any other person to act con- trary to the provisions of this Ordinance,

shall be guilty of an offence, and shall for each such offence be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars.

55.—(1) Any person who wilfully with intent to evade or to assist any other person to evade tax--

(a) omits from a return made under this Ordinance any income which should be included; or

(b) make any false statement or entry in any return made under this Ordinance; or

(c) make any false statement in connexion with a claim for any deduction or allowance under this Ordinance; or

(d) signs any statement or return furnished under this Ordinance without reasonable grounds for believing the same to be true; or

(e) gives any false answer whether verbally or in writing to any question or request for information asked or made in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance; or

(f) prepares or maintains or authorizes the preparation or maintenance of any false books of account or other records or falsifies or authorizes the falsification of any books of accounts or records; or

(g) makes use of any fraud, art, or contrivance, what- soever or authorizes the use of any such fraud, art, or con- trivance,

shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be liable (a) on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars and treble the amount of tax for which he is liable under this Ordinance for the year of assessment in respect of or during which the offence was committed, and to


imprisonment for any term not exceeding six months and (b) if convicted on indictment to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars and treble the amount of the tax and to imprisonment for any term not exceeding three years.

(2) The Commissioner may compound any offence under this section and may before judgment stay or compound any proceedings thereunder.

56. The institution of proceedings for, or the imposition Tax to be of, a penalty, fine, or term of imprisonment under this withstanding Chapter shall not relieve any person from liability to assess- any proceed- ment, or payment of any tax for which he is or may

ings for


be penalties,


57. No prosecution in respect of an offence under section Prosecutions 53 or section 55 may be commenced except at the instance of or with the sanction of the Commissioner.

to be with the sanction of the Com- missioner.



make rules.

58.-(1) The Board of Inland Revenue may from time Power to to time make rules generally for carrying out the provisions of this Ordinance and for the ascertainment and determination of any class of income.

(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power such rules may-

(a) prescribe the procedure to be followed on application for refunds and reliefs;

(b) provide for any matter which by this Ordinance is to be or may be prescribed.

(3) Such rules may prescribe fines recoverable on sum- mary conviction for any contravention thereof or failure to comply therewith not exceeding in each case a sum of two hundred dollars.

(4) All such rules made by the Board of Inland Revenue shall be submitted to the Governor, and shall be subject to the approval of the Legislative Council.


59. The Board of Inland Revenue may prescribe any Board forms which may be necessary for carrying this Ordinance Revenue

into effect.


to prescribe



60. No tax shall be collectable in respect of any year not to be of assessment subsequent to the year of assessment in which collectable the war which began on the 3rd September, 1939, is in respect terminated.

of years of assessment subsequent to termina- tion of the War.


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