
Bing 搜尋:

Google 搜尋:
Google目前收錄本站大約 1/5 條目。


  • Google:使用 intitle 限制項目, 再加上搜尋關鍵字, 如 intitle:administrative "new territories", 即可尋找 Google 已編入索引、出現在 Administrative Reports 內與新界相關的項目
  • 內部搜尋:使用 title 限制限目, 再加上 body 搜尋關字, 如 title:administrative body:"new territories", 即可尋找站內所有出現在 Administrative Reports 內與新界相關的項目
  • 若搜尋專有名詞多於兩個字, 均建議加上 "" 
  • 如須尋找特定年份資料, 可以以 intitle/title 搜尋年份


This website is purely for personal sharing and does not involve commercial operations. If any copyright holder believes that this site infringes on your intellectual property rights, please email us at contact@histsyn.com, and we will remove the relevant content as soon as possible.

文本純以 OCR 產出,僅供快速參考搜尋之用,切勿作正規研究引用。

The text is purely generated by OCR, and is only for quick reference and search purposes. Do not use it for formal research citations.

如未能 buy us a coffee,點擊一下 Google 廣告,也能協助我們長遠維持伺服器運作,甚至升級效能!

If you can't buy us a coffee, click on the Google ad, which can also help us maintain the server operation in the long run, and even upgrade the performance!